m 1 8V Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN , IBD WORKS PUBLISHED ST ith a Supplement of upwards of 4600 New Words and Meanings. WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. NOTE. The only authorized Editions of this* Dictionary are those here described : no others published in England contain the Derivations and Etymological Notes of Dr. Mahn, who devoted several years to this portion of the Work. See page 4. WEBSTER'S GUINEA DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Thoroughly revised and im- proved by CHATJNCEY A. GOODBICH, D.D., LL.D., and NOAH POETEE, D.D., of Yale College. The peculiar features of this volume, which render it perhaps the most useful Dictionary for general reference extant, as it is undoubtedly one of the cheapest books ever published, are as follows c 1. Completeness. It con tains 114,000 words more by 10,000 than any other Dictionary; and these are, for the most part, unusual or technical terms, for the explanation of which a Dictionary Is most wanttd. 2. Accuracy of Definition. In this department the labours of Dr. Webster were most valuable, In correcting the faulty and redundant definitions of Dr. Johnson, which had previously been almost univer- sally adopted. In the present edition all the definitions have been carefully and methodically analysed by W. G. Webster, Esq., the Rev. Chauncey Goodrich, Prof. Lyman, Prof. Whitney, and Prof. Gilman, with the assistance and under the super- intendence of Prof. Goodrich. 5. The Orthography is based as far as possible on Fixed Principles. In oil cases of doubt an alternative spelling is given. 6. Pronunciation. This has been en- trusted to Mr. W. G. WEBSTEB and Mr. WHEELER, assisted by other scholars. The pronunciation of each word is indicated bj typographical signs, which are explained by reference to a Kz? printed at the bottom of each page. 7. The Illustrative Citations. No labour has been spared to embody such quotations from standard authors as may throw light on the definitions, or pos- sess any special Interest of thought or language. 3. Scientific and Technics?! Terms. In order to secure the ntraoet completeness and accuracy of definition, this department has been subdivided among eminent Scholars and Experts, including Prof .Dana, Prof. Lyman, &c. 4. Etymology. The eminent philo- logist, Dr. C. F. MAHK, has devoted five yean to perfecting this department. The Volume contains 1628 pages, more than 3000 Illustrations, and is sold for One Guinea. It will be found, on comparison, to be one of the cheapest Volumes erer issued. Cloth, 21s. ; half-bound in calf, 30s. ; calf or half-russia, 31. 6J. ; russia, 2. To be obtained through all Booksellers. 8. The Synonyms. These are sub- joined to the words to which they belong, and are very complete. 9. The Illustrations, which exceed 3000, are inserted, not for the sake of ornament, but to elucidate the meaning of words which cannot be satisfactorily explained without pictorial aid. GEORGE BELL & SONS. New Edition, with, a New Biographical Supplement of upwards of 8700 Names. WEBSTER'S COMPLETE DICTIONARY OP THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND GENERAL BOOK OF LITERARY REFERENCE. With 3000 Illustrations. Tho- roughly revised and improved by CHAUNCEY A. GOODBICH, D.D., LL.D., and NOAH POBTEB, D.D., of Yale College. In One Volume, Quarto, strongly bound in cloth, 1919 pages, price l lit. 6cJ.; half-calf, 2 ; calf or half-russia, 2 2s. ; russia, 2 10s. Besides the matter comprised ia the WEBSTER'S GUINEA DICTIONARY, this volume contains the following Appendices, which will show that no pains have been spared to make it a complete Literary Reference-book : A Brief History of the English Lan- guage. By Professor JAMES HAPLEY. This Work shows the Philological Rela- tions of the English Language, and traces the progress and influence of the causes which have brought it to its present con- dition. Pronunciation. Principles of Pronunciation. By Professor GOODRICH and W. A. WHEKUEB, M.A. Including a Synopsis of Words differently pronounced by different au- thorities. A Short Treatise on Orthography. By AKTHTJB W. WEIGHT. Including a Complete List of Words that are spelt in two or more ways. An Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the Names of Ntited Fic- titious Persons and Places, Sec. By W. A. WHEELXB, M. A. This Work includes not only persons and places noted in Fiction, whether narrative, poetical, or dramatic, but Mythological and Mythical names, names referring to the Angelology and De- monology of various races, and those found in the romance writers; Pseu- donyms, Nick-names of eminent pereoms and parties, &c., &c. In fact, it is best described as explaining every name which is not strictly historical. A. reference is given to the originator of each name, and where the origin is unknown a quotation is given to some well-known writer in which the word occurs. Thi* valuable Work inay alto be had teparately, post 8w., 6*. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Scrip- ture Proper Names. B>" W. A. WHEELER, M.A, Including a List of the Variations that occur in the Douay version of the Bible. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Greek and Latin Proper Names. By Professor THACHER. of Yale College. An Etymological Vocabulary of Mo- dern Geographical Names. By the Rev. C. H. WHEELEB. Containing :i. A List of Prefixes, Terminations, and Formative Syllables in various Languages, with their meaning and derivation ; IL A brief List of Geographical Names (not explained by the foregoing List), with their derivation and signification, all doubtful and obscure derivations being excluded. Pronouncing Vocabularies of Modern Geographical and Biographical Names. By J. THOMAS. M.D. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Com- mon English Christian Names, with their derivations, signification, and diminutives (or nick-names), and their equivalents in several other languages, A Dictionary of Quotations. Selected and translated by WILLIAM G. WKBSTEB. Containing all Words, Phrases, Proverbs, and Colloquial Kxpresslons from the Greek, Latin, and Modern Foreign Lan- guages, which are frequently met with In literature and conversation. A New Biographical Dictionary of upwards 9700 Naajw-s of Noted Persons, Ancient and Modern, Including many now living -Riving the Name, Pronunciation, Nationality, I'rofession, and Date of Birth and Death. A List of Abbreviations, Contrac- tions, and Arbitrary Signs used in Writing and Printing. A Classified Selection of Pictorial Illustrations (70 pages). With references to the text. " The cheapest Dictionary ever published, as it Is confessedly one cf the best. The intro- duction of small woodcut illustrations of technical and scientific terns adds greatly to the utility of the Dictionary." Churchman. To le obtained through aU Booksellers, STANDARD WOEKS PUBLISHED WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. From the QTJABTEBLY KEVIEW, Oct. 1873. " Seventy years passed before JOHNSON was followed by Webster, an American writer, who faced the task of the English Dictionary with a full appreciation of its requirements, leading to better practical results." i . " His laborious comparison of twenty languages, though never pub- lished, bore fruit hi his own mind, and his training placed him both in knowledge and judgment far in advance of Johnson as a philologist. Webster's ' American Dictionary of the English Language ' was pub- lished in 1828, and of course appeared at once in England, where successive re-editing has as yet kept it in the highest place as a practical Dictionary." " The acceptance of an American Dictionary in England has itself had immense effect in keeping up the community of speech, to break which would be a grievous harm, not to English-speaking nations alone, but to mankind. The result of this has been that the common Dictionary must suit both sides of the Atlantic." .... " The good average business-like character of Webster's Dictionary, both in style and matter, made it as distinctly suited as Johnson's was distinctly unsuited to be expanded and re-edited by other hands. Professor Goodrich's edition of 1847 is not much more than enlarged and amended, but other revisions since have so much novelty of plan as to be described as distinct works." .... " The American revised Webster's Dictionary of 1864, published in America and England, is of an altogether higher order than these last [The London Imperial and Student's]. It bears on its title-page the names of Drs. Goodrich and Porter, but inasmuch as its especial im- provement is in the etymological department, the care of which waa committed to Dr. MAHN, of Berlin, we prefer to describe it in short as the Webster-Mahn Dictionary. Many other literary men, among them Professors Whitney and Dana, aided in the task of compilation and revision. On consideration it seems that the editors and contributors have gone far toward improving Webster to the utmost that he will bear improvement. The vocabulary has become almost complete, as regards usual words, while the definitions keep throughout to Webster's simple careful style, and the derivations are assigned with the aid of good modern authorities." " On the whole, the Webster-Mahn Dictionary as it stands, is most respectable, and CERTAINLY THE BEST PRACTICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY EXTANT." LONDON: GEORGE BELL ft SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. GEOBGE BELL & SONS. SPECIAL DICTIONARIES AND WORKS OF REFERENCE. Dr. Richardson's Philological Dictionary of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Combining Explanation with Etymology, and copiously illustrated by Quotations from the Best Authorities. New Edition, with a Supplement containing additional Words and further Illustrations. In 2 vols. 4to. 4 14. 6d. Half-bound in Russia, 5 15s. 6d. Russia, 6 12. The Words, with those of the same family, are traced to their origin. The Explanations are deduced from the primitive meaning through the various usages. The Quotations are arranged chrono- logically, from the earliest period to the present time. The Supplement separately. 4to. 12. An 8vo. edition, without the Quotations, 15. Half-russia, 20. Russia, 24s. Synonyms and Antonyms of the English Language. Collected and Contrasted. By the late Ven. C. J. SMITH, M.A. Post 8vo. 5s. Synonyms Discriminated. A Catalogue of Synonymous Words in the English Language, with their various Shades of Mean- ing, &c. Illustrated by Quotations from Standard Writers. By the late Ven. C. J. SMITH, M.A. Demy 8vo. 16s. A Biographical Dictionary. By THOMPSON OOOPKB, F.S.A., Editor of " Men of the Time," and Joint Editor of " Athense Canta- brigienses." 1 vol. 8vo. 12. This volume is not a mere repetition of the contents of previous works, but embodies the results of many years' laborious research in rare publica- tions and unpublished documents. Any note of omission which may be sent to the Publishers will be duly considered. " It is an important original contribution to the literature of ita class by a painstaking scholar it seems in every way admirable, and fully to justify the claims on its behalf put forth by its editor." British Quarterly Review. " The mass of information which it contains, especially as regards a number of authors more or less obscure, is simply astonishing." Spectator. " Comprises in 1210 pages, printed very closely in double columns, an enormous amount of information." Examiner. " Mr. Cooper takes credit to himself, and is, we think, Justified in doing so, for the great care bestowed upon the work to insure accuracy as to facts and dates; and he is right perhaps in saying that his dictionary is the most comprehensive work of ita kind in the English language." /*ofl MaM Gazette. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. With a List of Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks. By MICHAEL BBYAN. Enlarged Edition, thoroughly revised. [J?i the press.} A Supplement of Recent and Living Painters. By HENKT OTTLEY. 12. The Cottage Gardener's Dictionary. With a Supple- ment, containing all the new plants and varieties to the year 1869. Edited by GEORGE W. JOHNSON. Post 8vo. Cloth. 6. 6d. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN 5 STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE ALDINE SERIES OF THE BRITISH POETS. CHEAP EDITION. In Fifty-two Volumes, Bound in Oloth, at Eighteenpence each Volume, Akenside, with Memoir by the Eev. A. 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Parnell, with Memoir by the Eev. J. MlTFOBD. If. 6d. j Pope, with Memoir by the Rev. A. l>rcB. 3 vols. 4. 64. Prior, with Memoir by the Eev. Jf. 2 vols. 3t. Shakespeare, with Memoir by the Rev. A. DTCB. it. 6d. Spenser, edited, with Memoir, by J. PAYNE COLLIER. 6 vols. 7t. 6ii. Surrey, edited, with Memoir, by JAMBS YEOWELL. It. 64. Swift, with Memoir by the Rev. J. MITFORD. 3 vols. 4t . 6d. Thomson, with Memoir by Sir H. NICOLAS. Annotated by PETKB CnmnNG- HAM, F.S.A., and additional Poems, care- fully revised. 2 vols. at. Wyatt, edited, with Memoir, by JAMES YEOWELL. It. (3d. Young, with Memoir by the Rev. J. MITFORD, and additional Poems. 2 voU. 3t. Complete sets may be obtained, bound In half-morocco. 9 9t. N.B. Copies of li* Fine Paper Edittcn, witi Portraite, may still be had, price M. per volume (except Collins, St. 64.). LONDON : GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, CO VENT GARDEN. 6 GEORGE SELL & SONS. THE ALDINE EDITION OF THE BRITISH POETS. SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES. THE fifty-two volumes which have hitherto formed the well-known Aldine Series, embody the works of nearly all the more popular English poetical writers, whether lyric, epic, or satiric, up to the end of the eighteenth century. But since that time the wonderful fertility of English literature has produced many writers equal, and in some cases far superior, to the majority of their predecessors ; and the widely augmented roll of acknowledged English poets now contains many names not represented in the series of " Aldine Poets." With a view of providing for this want, and of making a series which has long held a high place in public estimation a more adequate represen- tation of the whole body of English poetry, the Publishers have deter- mined to issue a second series, which will contain some of the older poets, and the works of recent writers, so far as may be practicable by arrange- ment with the representatives of the poets whose works are still copyright. One volume, or more, at a time will be issued at short intervals ; they will be uniform in binding and style with the last fine-paper edition of the Aldine Poets, in fcap. 8vo. size, printed at the Chiswick Press. Price 5s. per volume. Each volume will be edited with notes where necessary for elucidation of the text ; a memoir will be prefixed, and a portrait, where an authentic one is accessible. The following are already published : THE POEMS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. With Memoir by W. M. Rossetti, and portrait by Jeens. THE POEMS OP SAMUEL ROGEBS. With Memoir by Edward Bell, and portrait by Jeens. THE POEMS OF THOMAS CHATTEBTON. 2 vols. Edited by the Bev. W. Skeat, with Memoir by Edward Bell. THE POEMS OF SIB WALTEB RALEIGH, SIB HUGH COTTON, and Selec- tions from other Courtly Poets. With Introduction by the Bev. Dr. Hannah, and portrait of tSir W. Raleigh. THE POEMS OF THOMAS CAMPBELL. With Memoir by W. Allingham, and portrait by Jeens. THH POEMS OF GEOBGE HEBBERT. (Complete Edition.) With Memoir by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, and portrait. THE POEMS OF JOHN KEATS. With Memoir by Lord Houghton, and portrait by Jeens. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, 1 I STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY In Ten Volumes, price 2s. 6d. each ; in half-morocco, 2 10*. the set. CHEAP ALDINE EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE'S DEAMATIC WORKS, EDITED BY S. W. SINGEE. Uniform with the Cheap Edition of the Aldine Poets. r THE formation of numerous Shakespeare Reading Societies has created a demand for a cheap portable edition, with LEGIBLE TYPE, that shall pro- vide a sound text with such notes as may help to elucidate the meaning and assist in the better understanding of the author. The Publishers therefore determined to reprint Mr. Singer's well-known Edition, published in 10 vols., small 8vo., for some time out of print, and issue it in a cheap form, uniform with the well-known Aldine Edition of British Poets. CONTENTS. Vol. L The Life of Shakespeare. The Tempest. 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A few copies of this Work have been primea 10 range with the fine-paper Edition of the Aldine Poets. The price for the Eleven Volumes (not sold separately) is 2 16. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 8 GEORGE BELL & SONS. POCKET VOLUMES. A SERIES of Select Works of Favourite Authors, adapted for general reading, moderate Is price, compact and elegant in form, and executed in a style fitting them to be perma- nently preserved. Imperial 32mo., cloth. from Nature. Masterman. Gatty's Parables 2 vols. 6s. Captain Marryat's Ready, 2s. 6d. Lamb's Elia. Eliana and Last Essay with Memoir, by BABBT CORNWALL. 2 vols. 5s. Bacon's Essays. 2s. Qd. Burns's Poems. 3s. Songs. 3s. Coleridge's Poems. 3s. C. Dibdin a Sea Songs and Ballads. And others. 3s. Midshipman, The. Autobiographical Sketches of his own early Career, by Cap- tain BASIL HAIL, R.N., FJV.S. 3s. 6d. Lieutenant and Commander. By Captain BASH, HALL, R.N., F.R.S. 3t. 6d. George Herbert's Poems. 2s. 6d. Eemains. 2s. 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They are printed at the Chiswick Press, on fine paper, with wide margins, and issued ia * neat 'loth binding. Longfellow's Evangeline, Voices, Sea-side and Fire-side. 4s. 64. Wit/i Portrait. Hiawatha, and The Golden Legend, -is. 6d. Wayside Inn, Miles Standish, Spanish Student 4s. 60. Burns's Poetical Works. 4. 6rf. With Portrait. Songs and Ballads. 4s. Gd. Thete Edition* contain att the copyright piece* published in the Aldine Edition. Cowper's Poetical Works. 2 vols., each 4*. 6d. With, Portrait. Coleridge's Poems. 4s. 6cf. With Portrait. living's Sketch Book. 5s. With Portrait. Tales of a Traveller. 5s. Milton's Paradise Lost. 4s. 6d. Wi'ft Portrait. Begained. 4s. Gd. Shakspeare's Flays and Poems. Carefully edited by THOMAS KEIGUTLKT. In seven volumes. 5s. each. Southey's Life of Nelson. 4s. 6d. With Portrait of NELSON. Walton's Angler. 4s. 6d. With a Frontispiece. Lives of Donne, Hooker, Herbert, &c. 6*. WiOi Portrait. 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With Memoir of the Author by THOMAS ROSCOE, and 20 Plates by GEORGE CBUIKSHANK. Medium 8vo. 14*. Fielding. The Novels separately. With Memoir by THOMAS ROSCOE, and Plates by GEORGE CKUIKSHANK. Medium 8vo. 7s. 6d. Swift. Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Containing interesting and valuable passages not hitherto published. With Memoir of the Author by THOMAS ROSCOE. 2 vols. Medium 8vo. 24. Smollett. Miscellaneous Works of Tobias Smollett. Complete In 1 vol. With Memoir of the Author by THOMAS ROSCOE. 21 Plates by GEOBGE CBUIKSHAKK. Medium 8vo. 14s. Lamb. The Works of Charles Lamb. With a Memoir by Sir THOMAS NOON TALFOURD. Imp. 8vo. 10. 6d. Goldsmith's Poems. Illustrated. 16mo. 2*. 6d. Wordsworth's White Doe of Rylstone ; or, the Fate of THE NORTONS. Illustrated. 16mo. 3*. 6 noon's repast ; the afternoon. Cumb. See Arndern. AANE, s. (A.-S.) The beard of barley or other grain, the awn. And that we call the aane, which grpweth out of the eare, like a long pricke or a dart, whereby the eare is defended from the danger of birds. Googe's Husbandry, 1577. AAR, prep. (A.-S. or}. Ere, he- fore. This form occurs in the Romance of Kyng Alisaunder. AARM, *. (A.-S.) The arm. Wy- cliffe, Bodl. MS. Aarmed, for armed, occurs in Wyclyffe's ver- sion of the Testament. AARON, s. (A.-S.) The herb wake- robin. Cotgrave. AAS, *. (A.-N.) Aces. AAT, s. (A.-S.) Fine oatmeal, used for thickening pottage. AATA, prep. After. Stiff. AATH, s. (A.-S.) An oath. Yorks. AB ABA AB, a. (A.-S.?) The sap of a tree Yet diverse haveassaied to deale with out okes to that end, but not with s good successe as they h;ive hoped, bi cause the ab or juice will not so soone b removed and cleane drawne out, wliic some attribute to want of time in th salt water. Harrison's Description of Enyland ABACK, adv. Backwards. North They drew aback, as half with sham confound. Spens. Shep. Sal. June. 63 ABACK-A-BEHI.NT, adv. Behind in the rear. North. ABACTED, part. p. (Lat. abactus) Driven away by violence. ABACTOR, s. (Lat.) One that drives away herds of cattle by stealth or violence. ABADE,(l)jas< t. of abiden (A.-S.). Abode ; remained. (2) s. Delay. In MSS. of 14th Cent. For soonc aftir that he was made, He fel withouten lenger abade. ABAFELLED, part. p. Baffled; treated scornfully. ABAISED. "1 ,,. ABAIST, [Prt.p.(fromA.-N- - Asham- And unboxome y-be, Noulit abaisstd to agulte God and alle good men. Piers PL, p. 518. The sodcyn caas tlie man astoneyd tho, That reed lie wax, abaischt, and al quakyng. Chaucer, C. T., bl ( J2. I was abaischite, be cure Lorde, Of our beste berues. Morte Arthure. ABAKWARD, adv. Backwards. ABALIENATE, v. (Lat.) To alien- ate ; to transfer property from one to another. ABANDE, . To abandon; forsake. And Vortigern enforst the kingdom to aband. Spenser. Let us therefore both cruelty abande, And prudent seeke both gods and nieu to please. Mirourfor Magistrates. ABANDON, adv. (A.-N. a bandon, at discretion). Liberally; at dis- cretion ; freely, fully exposed. Aftir this swift gift tis but reason He give his gode too in abandon. Bam. of the Ease, 2312. His ribbes and scholder fel adoun, Men might se the liver abandoun. Arthour and Merlin, p. 223. ABAXDUNE, v. (A.-N.) To subject ; to abandon. Skelton. ABARCY, s. (Med. Lat. abartia.) Insatiableness. ABA RE, v. (A.-S. abarian). To make bare. ABARRE, v. (from A.-N. abarrer). To prevent. Reducyngeto reraembrauncetheprysed memoryes and perpetuall renowned fades of the famouse princes of Israel, which did not only abarre ydolatrye and other ungodlynesse, but utterly abo- lished all occasyons of the same. Monastic Letters, p. 209. ABARSTICK, *. Insatiableness. ABARSTIR, adj. More downcast. Myglit no man be abarstir. Towneley Hysterics. ABASE, v. (A.-N. abaisser). To cast down ; to humble. Spenser. Among illiterate persons, it is still used in the sense of debase. "I wouldn't abase myself by descending to hold any conversation w'ith him." Oliver Twist, iii, 134. ABASHMENT, *. (A.-N.) The state of being abashed. ABAST, part. p. Downcast. See Abaised. ABASTARDIZE, v. (A.-N. abastar- der). To render illegitimate or base. ABASURE, *. (A.-N.) Abasement. ABASTICK, adj. Insatiable. ABATAYLMENT,*. (A.-N.) Battle- ment. Sir Gawayne, p. 30. ABATE, v. (A.-N.) (I) To subtract. Abatyn, subtraho. Prompt. Pan. It was the technical term for the operation in arithmetic. (2) To beat down, or overthrow. Blount. (3) To cast down, or depress the mind. Shakesp. (4) To cease. Ys continaunce abated eny bost to make. Political Songs, p. 216. ABA ABB (5) To contract, or cut short. Skakesp. (6) To lower, applied to banners. Common in this sense in the metrical romances. Alle the baners that Crysten founde They were abatyde. Octovian Imp., 1743. (7) To flutter, or beat with the wings. A hawking term. An hawke that traveyleth upon the teyne, a man may knowe if he take hede, for suche is her maner that she wolde pante for abatyng then another doth, tor in and if she shold fle a litell while almoste she wolde lose her breth, whether she be high or lowe. Kellq. Aatiq., i, 300. (8) To reduce to a lower temper, applied to metal. (9) To disable a writ. A law term. ABATEMENT, s. (A.-N.) (1) "A mark added or annexed to a coat [of arms] by reason of some dishonourable act, whereby the dignity of the coat is abased." Holme's Academy of Armory. (2) A diversion or amusement. North. ABATY, . (A.-N.) To abate. Glouc. And that he for ys nevew wolde, for to abaty stryf, Do hey amendment, sawve lyme and lyf. Hob. Glouc. A.BA.vr,prep. About. North. ~] v. (from A.-N. abaubir ABAWE, | or abaudir.) To asto- ABAUE, }> nish, to confound, used ABATE, I by Chaucer, and writers J of his time. For, aoche another, as I gesse, Aforne ne was, ne more vermaile ; I was abawed for merveile. Bom. of the Rose, 3644. My mirth and melis is fasting, My countenance is nicete, And al abaiced where so I be. The Dreme, 614. Many men of his kynde sauh liim so nbaued. Lang toft's Citron., p. 210. (2) (A.-S.) To bow ; to bend. Alle the knyghtes of Walls londe, Ho made abaicc to his lioude. Cambridge MS. ofiotk Cent. ABAWT, prep. Without. Staffordsh. ABATE, v. (from A.-N. abayer.) To bark. ABAY, s. (A.-N.) The barking of dogs ; at abay, at bay. And this donn. every man stond abrod and lilowe the deeth, and make a short abay for to rewarde the houndes, and every man have a smal rodde yn his hond to holde of the houndes that thei shul the better abaye. MS. liudl. 546. Thus the forest they fraye, The hertis bade at abaye. Sir Degrecantt, Line. MS. ABAY, . To suffer a heavy pe- nalty ; to abie. This form is given by Skinner. See Abie. ABAYSCHID, If""//;. Abashed; ABAYSSHEPTE, f ^ hte " ed ' SM J Abaissed. ABAYST, part. p. (A.-N.) Disap pointed. And tliat when that they were travyst, And of herborow were abayst. Brit. Kbl., iv, 83. ABB, s. (from A.-S. ab.~) The yarn of a weaver's warp. ABBARAYED,/>as t. Started. And aftyr that he knonnyngly abbarayed, And to the kyng evyn thus lie sayd. Lydgate's Minor Poems, p. 4. ABBAS, *. An abbess. ABBAY, . (A.-N. abbayer.) To bay; to bark. See Abay. ABBEX, . To have. Glouc. Dif- ferent parts of the verb in this form are found in Robert of Gloucester. Arture, Uter sone, of wan we tolde byvore, Ye abbyth y-hurd hou he was bygete and y-bore. ABBESS, s. According to Grose, this is a vulgar name for the mistress of a disreputable esta> blishment. ABBEY,*. (A.-N.) The great white poplar, a variety of the populut alba. Weslm. York*. ABB ABE ABBEY-LUBBER, s. A term of re- proach for idle persons. Somer- set. Yorks. It is found in most of the early dictionaries. "Neither was I much unlike those abbey- Jnbbers in my life, though farre unlike them in belief, who laboured till they were cold." Lylij's Euphues. The most of that which they did bestow was on the riche, and not the poore in dede, as halt, lame, blinde, sicke, or im- potent, but lither lubbers that might worke and would not. In so much that it came into a commen proverbe to call him an abbay-lubber, that was idle, wel fed, a Ions; lewd litlier loiterer, that might worke and would not. The Durnynge of Faults Church, 1563. ABBIGGET, v. To expiate: make amends for. See Abie. ABBOD, *. (A.-S.) An abbot. Rob. of Glouc. ABBREVIATE, part. p. (Lai.) De- creased ; shortened. ABBROCHMENT, s. (A.-N.) Ingross- ing of wares to sell by retail. Cock. ABBROCHE, v. (A.-N.) To broach a barrel. Prompt. Pare. ABBUT, conj. Aye but. YorJcs. ABBYT, s. A habit. And chanones gode he dede therinne, Unther the abbyt of seynte Austynne. Wright's St. Patrick's Purgatory, p. 66. ABCE, s. The alphabet. A not un- common word in the 16th Cent. ABDEVENHAM, s. An astrological term for the head of the twelfth house, in a schem of the heavens. ABDUCE, v. (Lat. abduco.) To lead away. From the whych opinion I colde not abduce them witli al my endevor. State Papers, temp. Hen. VIII. ABEAR, v. (from A.-S. abera.) To deport ; to conduct. So did the faerie knight himselfe abeare, And stouped oft his head from shame to shield. Spenser. Good abearing, or abearance, the proper and peaceful carriage of a loyal subject. A law phras^ Whereof eche one was pledge ind luretie for others' good abearinif. Lambarde's Peramb. of Kent, 1596. Abearance is still the technical word, in law, for such behaviour as the lawdeems unexceptionable. (2) To bear ; to tolerate. A vul- garism. ABECE, s. The alphabet ; and, from this, the elements of a sci- ence. Found in writers of the 14th and 15th Cents. Clerc he was god ynou, and yut, as me telleth me, He was more than ten yer old ar he couthe ys abece. Rob. Glouc., p. 266. A place, as man may se, Quan a ehyld to scole xal set be, A bok hym is browt, Naylyd on a brede of tre, That men callyt an abece, Pratylych i-wrout. Reliq. Antiq., i, 63. Whan that the wise man acompteth Aftir the formel propirtg Of algorismes abece. Gower, MS. Soc. Ant. i. e. the abc, or elements, of arithmetic. ABECEDARIAN, s. (Lat. abeceda- rius.} One who teaches flf learns the alphabet. Minsheu. ABECEDARY, adj. Alphabetical. ABECHED, part. p. (A.-N.) Fed; satisfied. jit schulde I sum delle been abeched, And for the tyme wel refreched. Goieer, US. Soc. Ant. ABED, adv. In bed. Var. dial. ABEDE, v. (A.-S.) To bid; to offer. In MSS. of 14th Cent. It also occurs as the past tense of abide. ABEER, v. To bear with ; tolerate. Northampt. ABEGGE. See Abie. In the MS. of Gower, belonging to the Society of Antiquaries, we have abege, used as though the g were soft. He wolde don his sacrilege, That many a man it schulde abege. So in Urry, a passage from Chau- cer's Cant. T. is printed There durst no wight hand on him ledge, But he ne swore be shold abedge. ABEISAUNCE.S. (A.-N.) Obedience, ABE ABEI.DE, v. (A.-S.) To become bold. Thes folk of Perce rep. Above. Devon. ABEYE, v. (1) See Abie. (2) To bow ; to obey. ABEYDE, v. To abide. J ABI ABEYTED, part. p. (A.-S.) En- snared. In MSS. of 15lh Cent Hys flesslie on here was so aleyted, That thylke womman hu coveyteyd. ABEYJEDOUN, past t. pi. They obeyed. A form found in MSS". of the 15th Cent. ABGREGATE, v. (Lat.) To lead out of the flock. Minsheu. ABHOMINABLE. A pedantic form of the word, prevalent in the 16th Cent., and arising from an erroneous notion that it was de- rived from ab and homo. Shake- speare ridicules it in Love's La- bour Lost, v, 1. ABHOR, v. (Lat.~) To protest against, or reject formally. A term of canon law. ABHORRANT, s. A person who abhors. Minsheu gives this word in his Guide into Tongues, 1627. ABID. Used as the past tense of abide, in writers of the 16th and 17th centuries. ABIDANCE, s. Dwelling ; tarrying. ABIDDEN, part. p. Endured. ABIDE, v. (from A.-S. abidan.) (1) To persevere ; to endure ; to suffer. Pegge gives the phrase, " You must grin and abide it," applied in cases where resistance is in vain. It is used by Lydgate in the sense of to forbear ; and it still occurs provincially in the sense of to tolerate. (2) It occurs sometimes as an- other form of Abie. ABIE, ^ v. (from A.-S. abic- ABIGGEN, gan.~) To expiate; ABE, atone for; make ABEGGE, amends ; pay for. A ABEYE, ^-word of very common ABYCHE, occurrence in early ABITE, MSS., and in a great ABUY, variety of forms of ABUYJE, j orthography. Here he had the destenee That the povre man xulde ale. Reli'i. Antiq., i, 63, ABI ABJ Therdurste no wight hand upon him legge, That he ne swor anon he schuld abegge. Chaucer, C. T. 3935. Therefore I rede, keepe the at home; 1'or thou shall abtye tor that is done. Hartskorne, Met. T. 225. Ther start in Sander Sydebreche, And swere,he his fader sowle, he schulde aJkyche. Hunting of the Hare, 179. We, yei, that shal thou sore atite. Totmeley Mysteries, p. 15. Thi ryot thou schalt now atuyye. Poems of W. Mapcs, p. 345. ABIDING, (1) *. An abode; per- severance; suffering; sojourning. These four senses of the word are found in Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. (2) adj. Patient. And bold and abiJynye Bismares to sulfre. Piert PL, p. 413. (3) In MS. of the 15th cent., abidyngely is used adverbially, for remaining. And in niyn housolde ben abiJyngely. ABIGGEDE, v. (A.-S.~) To suffer. The wiche schal it abiggede. Legend. Cathol., p. 206. ABILIMENT, ABILMENT, *. (1) Ha- biliment. A common ortho- graphy of the 16th and begin- ning of the 17th centuries. (2) Ability. Never liv'd gentleman of greater merit, Hope, or abiliment to steer a kingdom. Ford, Broken Heart. ABILL, v. To make able. See Able. ABILLERE, adj. Stronger; more able. Abillere thane ever was Syr Ector of Troye. Morte Arthure. ABIME, s. (A.-N.) An abyss. ABINTESTATE, adj. (Lot.) Intes- tate. Minsheu. ABISHERIXG, s. (A.-N.) "To be quit of amerciaments before whomsoever of transgression." Rastall, quoted by Cowell. Rider, in his Dictionarie, translates it \jyfaco non reditus. ABIT, (1) pres. t. 3d pers. sing, of Abide. Abideth. Common in Chaucer, and the early writers. (2) *. A habit; clothing. Rob. Glouc. Out of ys abyt anon Vortiger hym drow, And clothes, as to kyng bicome, dude on him faire y-iiowj. (3) . A habit or custom. (4) s. An obit, or service for the dead. Apology for the Lollards, p. 103. ABITACLE, s. (Lot.) A habitation, or dwelling. In whom also be ,e bildid togidre into the abitacle of God in the Hooli Goost. Wickliffe. ABITE. (1)*. A habitation ; a dwell- ing-place. To leve his abite, and gon his waie. Bom. of the Rose, 491*. (2) s.(A.-N.) A habit. Also wymraen in coverable aiite with schamefastnesse and sobrencsse araignje hemsilff. Wickliffe's New Testament, 1 Tyra. ii. (3) v. See Abie. (4) p. (from A.-S. abitan.) To bite. ABITED, adj. Mildewed. Kent. ABITEN, part. p. Bitten ; devoured. A thousent shep ich habbe abiten, And mo, jef hy weren i-writen. fieliq. Atttiq., ii, 276. ABITION, *. (Lot.') Going away; dying. Cockeram. ABITTE, pr. tense, s. from abiden. Abideth. ABJECT, (La/.) (1) *. A base, des- picable person. I deemed it better so to die, Than at my t'oeman's feet an abject lie. ttirrourfor Magistrates, p. 30. (2) . To reject ; to cast away. ABJECTION, *. (Lot.) (I) Baseness, vileness. (2) An objection. For they must take in hande To prech, and to witUstande All uianer of abjections. SkeUon, i, 345. ABJ ABL ABJECTS, s. (from the Lat. abjecti.) Castaways; persons abjected. Shakespeare's Richard III. ABLACTATION, s. (Lat.) A par- ticular method of grafting, where the cyon is as it were weaned hy degrees from its maternal stock, but not wholly cut off, till it is firmly united to the stock on which it is grafted. See the Dictionarium Rusticum. 8vo. Lond. 1726. A.BL\T$D,part.p. (A.-S.) Blinded. The walmes ban the abland. Setyn Sages, 2462. , s. (Lat.} The practice of opening the ground about the roots of trees, for the admission of air and water. ABLASTE, s. (A.-N.) A cross-how. Prompt. Part. The correspond- ing Latin word balista in the Prompt. Para, does not give a very definite explanation. It is said to be synonymous with the cross-bow; but in a passage in Hall, a distinction seems to be made between them. The arb- last was doubtless, like the cross- bow, a weapon used for the pro- jection of arrows, but perhaps of a more formidable character, for from Hall it would appear that there was a difference of some kind. ABLASTE, past t. Blasted. It oc- curs in the MS. of Gower in the Soc. Ant. Library. Venyra and fyre togedir he caste, That he Jason so sore allaste. ABLE, v. (A.-N.) (1) To make able, or to give power for any purpose. And life by this (Christ's) death ablei, shall controll Death, whom thy death slew. Donne's Divine Poems. (2) To warrant, or answer for; to undertake for any one. Xone does offend, none ; I say none ; Nl able 'em. Lear, iv, 6. Admitted ! aye, into her heart, I'll able it. Widow's Tears, 0. P., vi, 164. Constable I'll able him ; if he do come to be a justice afterward, let him thank the keeper. Changeling, Anc. Dr., iv, 240. To sell away all the powder in the kingdom, To prevent blowing up. That's safe, He able it. JI'ulJl. Game at Chesse. (3) To make fit or suitable for. God tokeneth and assygneth the times, ablynge hem to ther propre offyces. The 1st lioke of Boetius. Wherfore what tyme a man dooth what he may in ablynge hym to grace, hit Bufficith to him, for God askith not of a man that lie seeth impossible to hym. Caxton's Divers Fruytful Ghostly Maters. (4) adj. Fit; proper. A monk ther was, a fair for the maistrie. An out-rydere, that loved venerye ; A muuly man, to ben an abbot able. Chaucer's Canterb. Tales, 165. (5) Wealthy. Herefordsh. North. An able man, i. e. a rich man. ABLECTICK, adj. (from Lat. ab and lego.) Set out for sale. Cockeram. ABNEGATION, s. (Lat.) A dismis- sion ; a dispersion. ABLEMENTES, 8. Habiliments. See Abiliments. ABLENDE, v. (A.-S. ablendan.) To blind ; to dazzle. ABLENESS, s. Power ; strength. ABLENT, part. p. Blinded; de- ceived. ABLEPSV, s. (Gr. afi\ttyia.) Blind- ness. ABLESS, adj. Careless and negli- gent ; untidy ; slovenly in per- son. Lincolns/t. ABLET, s. (A.-N. able.) The bleak, a small fresh-water fish. It is said by Ash in his Dictionary, 1795, to be "a local word;" but ablette is given by Cotgrave as the French word for the same fish. It is still used in West- moreland. ABLEWK, past t. Blew upon. ABL ABO ABLICHE, adv. Ably. MSS. of 15th cent. 4.BLIGURY, s. (From Lat. abligu- rio.) " Spending in belly cheere." Minsheu. ABLIXDEN, v. (from A.-S. ablin- dan.) To blind ; to dazzle. Why menestow thi mood for a mote In tlii brotheres eighe, Sithen a heem in thyu owene Ablyudcth thiselve. Piers Ploughman, p. 189. ABT.INS, adv. Perhaps; possibly. North. Aiblins is used in Lincolnsh. ; when a person has been taunted by another, and wishes to reply contemptuously to an inquiry whether he is about to do such and such a thing, he will say, " aiblins I may, aiblins I may'nt." ABLOCATE, v. (Lat.) To set, or let out to hire. This is the ex- planation of the word in Cocke- ram's English Dictionarie, 1639. ABLODE, adz;. Bloody; with blood; bleeding. We read in an Oxford MS. 14th cent., Olubrious s;it and byheld How liere lymes ronne ablode. Thou se liyne hyder and thyder y-cached Fram Pylate to Herode, So me bi:te hys bare flesche, That hyjt arne all ablode. W. de Shoreham. ABLOY, interj. (A.-N. ablo!) An exclamation used in hunting, and equivalent to On ! On ! ABLUDE, v. (Lat. abludo.) To dif- fer ; to be unlike. ABLUSION, s. (Lat.) A chemical term, for the cleansing of medi- cines from drugs or impurities. Chaucer. ABNEGATION, s. (Lat.) Self-denial. O let me imitate so blessed example, and by the merits of thy obedience, let me obtain the grace of humility, and abnegation of all my own desires in the clearest renunciation of my will. Taylor's Great Exemplar. ABNORME, v. (from Lat. abnormis.) To disfigure : disguise. Chaucer. ABOADE, part. p. of abide. Suf. fered; endured. For all her maydens much did feare, If Oberon had clianc'd to heare That Mab his Queene should have beene there, He would not have aboade it. Drayton. ABOARD, v. (from the Fr. aborder.) To approach the shore. (2) In some games, this phrase signifies that the person or side in the game, which was previ- ously either none or few, has now got to be as many as the other. Dyche. ABOBBED, adj. (from A.-N. aboby, astonished.) Astonished. The messangers were abobbed tho, Thai nisten what thai mighten do. Arthour and Merlin, p. 7-1. ABOCCHEMENT, 1 cre^e' Prompt. ABOCCHYNGE, \ p arv ABODE, v. (A.-S.) To bode ; to fore- bode. The word occurs in Shake- speare. Abodement, s., is also used in the sense of an omen or prognostication. (2) s. Delay. (3) Past tense of abide. Waited for. ABOFE, s. A dwelling ; an abode. Wolde God, for his modurs luf, Bryng me onys at myne abofe, I were out of theire eye. Cambridge MS., 15th cent. ABOFFE,j0rep. Above. Be Jhesu Cryst that is aboffe. Cokeinolds Daunce, 217. ABOGEN, part. p. Bowed. ABOHTE, past tense, sing., of Abie. Atoned for. Aboghten occurs as the pi. Murie he ther wrohte, Ah Bymenild hit abohtt. Kyng Horn, 1402. ABOLETE, adj. (Lat. abolitus.) An- tiquated ; obsolete. Skelton speaks of " abolete sciens." ABO 10 ABO ABONE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To make good or seasonable ; to ripen ; to dispatch quickly. (2) prep. Above. (3) adv. Well. And a good swerde, that wolde byte alone. Sir Gawayne, p. 217. ABOOD, past tense of abide. Waited ; expected ; remained. And Cornclie abood hem with hise cosyns smd necessarie frendis that weren clepid togidre. Wickliffe's New Testament, Acts x. ABOON, prep. Above ; overhead. North. ABOORD, adv. From the bank. As men in summer fearles passe the Coord, Which is in winter lord of all the plaine, And with his tumbling streames doth bcare aboard The ploughmans hope and shepheards labour vaine. Spenser's Rvines of Rome, 1591. ABOOT, part. p. Beaten down. Skinner. ABOOVE, pret. Above. West. ABOv.v,part.p. Born. Somersetsh. ABORMENT, s. An abortion. Top- sell's History of Four-Footed Beasts, 1607. We have abors- ment in Higins' Nomenclator, and abort in Florio, ed. 1611. ABORT, v. (Lat.) To bring forth before the time. ABORTIVE, *. (A.-N.) An abor- tion. ABOSTE, v. (A.-N.) To assault. A Breton e, a braggere, Abosted Piers als. Piers PL, p. 126. ABOTE. (1) part. p. Beaten down. Chaucer. (2) pret. About. They cum the towne abate. Reliq. Antiq., ii, 21. ABOTHE, prep. Ab ove. Arthour and Merlin, p. 18. ABOUGHT, (1) the past tense of abie. Atoned for. (2) Bought. (3) An incorrect form of ahout. ABOUGHWED, part. p. Bowed; obeyed. ABOUX, prep. Above. They said that songe was this to sey, To God aboun be joy and blysse ! Tundale's Visions, p. 158. ABOUNDE, part. Abounding. Ry3t so this mayde, of grace most abonnde, Lydyate. ABOURE, s. (A.-N.) The same as avoure ; a patron. By God and Sevnte Mary, myn atioure. MS. of lath cent. ABOUT, adv. (1) In a circle. It is used by Shakespeare in the sense of to work ! as in Hamlet, ii, 2, " about, my brains !" i. e. " brains, go to work." (2) prep. Near, in the dialect of the Eastern Counties, where they say " worth nothing about twenty pounds." ABOUTEN, adv. About. Chaucer. Still used in Sussex. ABOUT-SLEDGE, s. A smith's great forging hammer. ABOUT-WARD, adv. Near. ABOUYE, v. (A.-S.) To bow, Rob. Glouc. ABOV^TK, part, past of able. Or it schalle sone been abou^te. MS. Gower. ABOVEN, prep. Above. ABOWE, v. (A.-S. abogan.) (1) To bow. (2) v. To avow ; tc maintain. In blood lie stode. ich it abowe, Of horse >md man into the anclowe. Elite's Romances, ed. 1811, i, 279. (3) prep. Above. ABOWED, part. p. Daunted ; ashamed. Cockeram. ABOWEN,j0rq0. Above. ABOWES, s. (A.-N.) Probably for aboures, or avoures, patron saints. God and Seinte Mary, and Sein Denis also, And alle the abowes of this churche, in was ore ich am i-do. Rob. Glouc., p. 475. ABOWGHT,jrep. About. ABOWTYNE, adv. About. ABO^EDE, past t. Bowed. st t. Bought. ABR ABRAD, part. p. (from A -S. abreo- dan.) Killed ; destroyed. The gode burgeis on a dai. His yinpe thrivende he sai, Fair i-\voxe and fair i-sprad, But the olde tre was a brad. Secyn Sages, 610. ABRADE, v. (Lat. abrado.) To rub, or scrape off. ABRAHAM-COLOUR, ABRAHAM-CO- LOURED. Supposed to be auburn. "A goodly, long, thick, Abraham- colour'd beard," occurs in Blurt Master Constable, 1602. See Abram-coloured. Where is the eldest son of Priam, That Abraham-colour' d Trojan. Soliman and Perseda, 1599. ABRAHAM-MEN. The slang name of a class of beggars in the six- teenth century. Nares thinks the phrase " to sham Abraham " has some connection with it. An Abraham-man is he that walketh bare-armed, and bare-legged, and fayn- eth hymself mad, and caryeth a packe of wool, or a stycke with baken on it, or such lyke toye, and naroeth himself poore Tom. Fratemitye of Vacdbondes, 1575. His helpe extends farre and neere to fugitive raga-muffins, under the signe of impotent soldiers, or wandring Abra- ham-men: but his helpe proves the maintenance of their function, because it proves his owne, by occasion : for being received as a secretary to the counsell of vagrants, hee couceales much idle property, in advantage of himselfe and countrymen, not of the common- wealth. Stephens's Essays and Characters, 1615. ABRAHAM'S BALM, s. An old name for a species of willow. Bullo- kar, English Expositor, 1641. Cockeram explains it as " a wil- low in Italy that brings forth agnus castus like pepper." ABRAIDE, v. (from A.-S. abradian.) (1) To awaken; to start up. Ipomydon with that stroke abrayde, And to the kynge thus he sayde. Ipomydon, 1149. When he espied the 'squire, therewith Le abrayed and break himself loose, and took his sword in his baud, and ran to have slai:i that 'squire. MMvry, Hist, of K. Arthur, i, 419. 11 ABR Whan all to all Shall come, he shall, I trust from vyce abrayed. The New Notborune Mayd, Tho sche herd the angel voice, Sche bigan to abrayd. Legend ofSeynt Mergrete, p. 115. (2) To upbraid. Bochas present felly gan abrayde To Messaline, and even thus he sayde. Bochas, b. vii, c. 4. Atreus after with a full brode chere, And of envye full dead in hys visage, Unto John Bochas he gan approche nere, Liche as he had befallen in a rage, And furiously abrayde in his language. Id., b. i, fol. xxii. (3) To draw a sword from its scabbard. (4) To apply one's self briskly to a thing. I abrayde, I inforce me to do a thynge. Palgrave. (5) To rise on the stomach with a feeling of nausea. North. (6) To excite ; stir up. ABRAM. Naked. A cant word. "Abram cove" is an expression used amongst thieves, signifying a poor man, and also a strong thief. " Abram cove, naked or poor man." Coles' English Dic- tionary, 1677. See also Mid- dleton's Works, iii. 32. ABRAM-COLOURED. This phrase is used by Shakespeare in Corio- lanus, ii. 3 : " Our heads are some brown, some black, some abram, some bald, but that our wits are so diversly coloured." The folio of 1685 alters abram to auburn. See Abraham-coloured. ABRASE, v. (Lat.) To shave. This word occurs in Cockeram's Eng- lish Dictionarie, 1639. (2) Part. p. Smoothed; shaved. The fourth, in white, is Apheleia, a nymph as pure and simple as the soul, or as an abrase table, and is therefore called Simplicity. Ben Jonson, ii,366. ABREAD, adj. Unconfined ; spread out; exposed. North. A BRED, part. p. Brought up. Somerset. ABR 12 ABS ABREDE, (1) v. To wander. How Troilus nere out of his witte abrfde, And wept full sore, with visage pale of hewe. The Testament of Creseide, 45. (2) adv. In breadth. North. (3) adv. Abroad. Yorks. It occurs in Chaucer. ABREGGE, "1 v. (A.-N.) To abridge; ABREGE, Jto shorten. ABREKE, v. (A.-S. abrecan.) To break in. ABRENOUNCE, v. (Lat. abrenuntio.} To renounce utterly. ABREPT, v. (Lat.) To take away by violence. ABREYDK. See Abraide. ABRIC, s. Sulphur. Coles. ABRICOCK, 1 s. (from Fr. abricot.) ABRICOT, J An apricot. In Ge- rard's Herbal it is spelt abre- cock. The form abricock is still in use in Somersetshire. " An abricot fruite, malum armenium." Baret's Alvearie, 1580. Whose golden gardens seeme th' Hesperides to mock : Nor there the damzon wants, nor daintie abricock. Drayton's Polyolbion, song 18. A BRIDGE, v, (A.-N.~) To diminish. Whose chilling cold had bound her bowels so, As in no wise she could abridge his wo. Turbercitte's Tragicati Tales, 1587. ABRIDGEMENT, *. The word was used in Shakespere's time (see Mids. N. D., v, 1) to signify a dramatic performance ; perhaps from the prevalence of the histo- rical drama, in which the events of years were so abridged as to be brought within the compass of a play. In Hamlet, ii, 2, " Look where my abridgement comes," the sense is doubtful. But in a subsequent passage Hamlet calls the players "the abstract, and brief chronicles of the time." ABRIGGE, v. (1) To abridge. (2) To shield off. AUe myscheffes from him to alritj/je. Lydgate. ABRIPTED, part. p. (Lat.) Ra- vished; stolen away, t'ockeram. ABROACH, 10. (from A.-S. abree- ABROCHK J can.) To tap; to set flowing. Chaucer and Lydgate. And rushing in amongst his foes, so hote a skirmish made, That every blowe sets blood abroach. Warner's AWioiCs England, 1592. Call all my servants, lay down all my meat to the fire, set all my hogsheads abroach. Shadwell, Bury fair, 16S9. "") (1) adj. Broad. Min- . | sheu. ABROAD, ! (2) a. (Lat. accire.) To in- cite ; also, to summon, or call. Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV, and Tit. And. We be all by the condycyon egall, now acyted for to appere "unto suche and Boo mervHvlous jugement. The Ordynarye ofCrysten Men, p. 320. ACC 15 ACC ACCLIVE, "1 (Lat. acclivis.) Slo- ACCLIVOUS, J ping ; rising ; steep. Ac CLOY, v. (1) (A.-N.) To cram ; clog; overload; cloy. Gorbo, my comfort is accloyd with care, A new mishap my wonted joyes hath crost : Then mervaile not although my musicke jarre, When she the author of her mirth hath lost. Elphin is dead, and in his grave is laid, &c. Dray ton, Shepherd's Garland, 1593. (2) (from the Fr. enclouer.) To drive a nail in shoeing a horse. Hence, accloyd, s., a wound given to a horse in shoeing, by driving the nail into the quick. ACCOAST, v. To sail by the coast; to fly near the ground. Ne is there hawk that mantleth her on perche, Whether high towering or accounting low. Speiuer's Faerie Queene. ACCOIL, v. (A.-N.) To be in a coil, or bustle of business. About the cauldron many cookes accoyld With hooks aud ladles. Spenser's F. Q., II, is, 30. ACCOLE, \ v. (A.-N. accoler.) To ACOLE, J embrace round the neck. Hence, accolade, the ceremony of embracing, at the creation of knights. Then acoles he the kuyjt, and kysses hym thryes, As saveily and sadly as he hem sette couthe. Syr Gainayne, p. 71. ACCQLDED, part. p. Become cold; suffering from cold. When this knyght that was accolded, and hit was grete troste, and he saw the fyre, he descendide of his horse, and yede to the fyre, and warmide him. Gcita Romanorum. ACCOMBEROCS, adj. Cumbersome; troublesome. ACCOMBRE, 1^-SOToencum. ACUMBRE f l>er, perplex, or de- J stroy. Gii of \Varwike mi name is; Ivel id) am acttmbred y-wis. Gy of Wia-idke, p. 217. Happlye there may be five less in the same nombre ; For their sakes I trust thu wilt not the rest accombre. Old Play, i, 20. ACCOMMODATE, v. (from the Ital. accommodare.) This word it was fashionable in Shakespeare's time to introduce, properly or improperly, on all occasions. Ben Jonson calls it one of " the perfumed terms of the time." The indefinite use of it is well ridiculed by Bardolph's vain at- tempt to define it : Accommodated; that is, when a man is, as they say, accommodated : or when a man is, being, whereby, he may be thought to be, accommodated; which is an excellent thing. 2 Hen. IV, iii, 2. Hostess, accommodate us with another bedstaff The woman does not understand the words of action. B. Jon., Ev. If. in H., i, 5. Will you present and accommodate it to the gentleman. Id., Poetaster, iii, 4. ACCOMPLISH, . (A.-N.) To fur- nish ; to perform. Shakesp. Merch. Yen. and Tarn. Shrew. ACCOMPTE, v. (A.-N.) To tell ; to recount. Skelton. ACCONFERMENT, s.(A.-N.) A con- firmation. Hob. Glouc. ACCORAGE, . To encourage. Spen- ser. ACCORATH-EARTH, 8. A field; green arable earth. North. ACCORD,! . (A.-N.) An agree- ACORD, J ment ; a decision. Shakespeare uses this word in the sense of agreement in As You Like It ; as a verb, to agree, in Romeo and Juliet; and ac- cordant, agreeable, in Much Ado about Not/iino. Thou opene mvne lyppen, Lord, Let felthe of senue out wende, And my mouthe wyth wel god acord Schel thyne worschypyng sende. William de Shoreham. Sire knight, quoth he, maister and my lord, Now draweth cut, for that is myn acord. Chapter's Canterbury Talet, 8?9. ACC 16 ACE ACCORDATJNT, part. a. Agreeing. Suche thynge whereof a man may lere, That to vertu is acordawit. Gower, MS. The printed edition of Gower has the word acordend. Nowe myght thou here next sewend Whiche to this vyce is acordend. Gower, ed. 1532, f. 36. ACCORDING, part. a. Granting. Spenser. ACCORT, adj. (A.~N. accort.) Wary; prudent. Minsheu. ACCOST, v. (A.-N.) To address one's self to a person or thing ; to approach ; to attempt, or try. ACCOUNSAYL, v. To counsel with ; s. counsel. ACCOUNT, v. (A.-N.) To reckon. Long worke it were Here to account the endlesse progeny Of all the weeds that bud and blossome Spenser's Faerie Qtteene, III, vi, SO. ACCOUNTANT, adj. Accountable. And, I dare think, he'll prove to Desdemona A most dear husband. Now, 1 do love her too, Not out of absolute lust, though, perad- venture, 1 stand accountant for as great a sin. Othello, ii, 1. ACCOUPLE, v. (A.-N.) To couple, or join together. Acopled is used in the Plumpton Corr., p. 50, for coupled. ACCOURAGE, v. To encourage. ACCOURTING, part. a. Courting. Spenser. ACCOY, v. (A.-N. accoyer.) To appease; extinguish; to render shy or coy ; to pacify. Thou foolish swain that thus art overjoy'd, How soon may here thy courage be accoy'd. f tele's Eglogue Gratulatorie, 1589. ACCOYNTED, part. p. Acquainted. ACCRASE, v. (Fr.) To crush ; to destroy. Tynding my youth myspent, my sub- stance ympayred, my credvth accraied, my taknt hydden, my follyes laughed att, my rewyne unpytted, and my trewth unemployed. Queen's Progresses, i, 21. ACCREASE, v. (from Lat. accresco.) To increase : to augment. ACCREW, v. (Fr.) To increase ; to accrue. Spenser. But sight and talke accrete to love, the eubstance must be had. Warner's Albion's England, 1592. ACCROCHE, r. (Fr.) To gather; to catch hold of; to increase; to encroach. ACCRUMENT, s. (from Fr. accruer.) Addition ; increase. ACCUB, *. The footmark of any animal. Cockeram. ACCURSE, ACURSE, To curse. Which is lif that onre Lord In alle lawes acurseth. Piers PL, p. 375. ACCUSE, v. (A.-N.) To discover or hetray. The entrees of the yerde acciisetk To him that in the watir museth. Rom. of the Rose, 1591. (2) . Accusation. Shakespeare. ACCUSEMENT, s. An accusation. We do apperceyve by the relation of vour graces commissioners Mr. doctour Legh and Mr. Williams, that diverse and sondrye accusementes have ben made upon us unto your liijrhnes. Monastic Lttters, p 154. ACE OF SPADES. A widow. This slang word is given in the Lexi- con Balatronicum, 8vo, Lond., 1811. ACELE, v. To seal. Rob. Glouc. ACENTEN, v. To assent. ACERBATE, v. (Lat.) To make sour or sharpen. ACEROTE, s. Brown hread. Min- sheu. ACERSECOMICK, s. One whose hair was never cut. Cockeram's Eng- lish Dictionarie, 1639. ACERTAINED, part. p. Informed certainly; confirmed in opinion. ACERVATE, v. (Lot.) To heap up. ACESCENT, adj. (Lot.) Sour. ACE 17 ACK ACSSE, e. (A.-N.) To cease; to cause to cease. ACETARRE, s. (Fr.) A salad of small herbs. Cockeram, 1639. ACETH. A form of aseth. See Aseth. Aceth for trespas, satisfaetio. Prompt. Pan., ed. 1499. ACH, s. Smallage; water-parsley; opium. ACHARNE, . (from Fr. acharnir.) To set on; to aggravate against. ACHAT, s. (A.-N.) (I) A contract; a bargain. Chaucer. (2) Bargaining. Coemption is to saie, comen achate or buying together, that were established upon the peple by soclie a maner im- posicion, as who so bought a bushell of corne, he must yeven tlie kyng tlie fiveth parte. Cluiucer's ISoethius. ACHATES, s. (A.-N.) An agate. ACHATOUR, s. (A.-N.} The person who had the charge of the acatry ; the purveyor. A gentil inaunciple was ther of a temple, Of which achatours mighteu take exemple. Chaucer, C. T., 569. ACHAUFE, v. (Fr.) To warm ; to heat. ACHAUNGED, part. p. Changed. ACHE, s. An ash tree. Plumpton Correspondence, p. 188. ACHE-BONE, s. The hip-bone. ACHELOR, s. Ashlar, or hewn stone. This form occurs in a Yorkshire document, temp. Hen. VIII. ACHES, pi. Was frequently used as a dissyllable. See Hudibras, III, ii, 407. ACHESOUN, v. (A.-N. achaison.) Reason ; cause. ACHETYN, v. To escheat. Prompt. Parv. ACHEVE, v. (A.-N.) To accomplish. Chaucer. ACHOKED, part. p. Choked. ACHOR, s. A scab on the head of children. ACHORX, s. An acorn. Cheshire. ACISE. For assise. ACITE, v. (A.-N.) To cite; sum mon. See Accite. ACK, v. To mind; to regard, North. ACKER, "1 s. (apparently from A.-S. ABLER, j eyor, the flowing of the sea.) This word is explained in the early lexicographers by the Latin impetus maris, and is stated to be that which pre- cedes the "flood or flowing." Eager, and Higer, are variations of the same term. The follow- ing extract from MS. Cott. Titus A., xxiii, f. 49, further explains the meaning of the word : Wei know they the reume yf it aryse, An alter is it clept, I understonde, Wlios myght there may no shippe or wynd wytstonde. This reume in thoccian of propre kynde, Wytoute wynde hathe his commotioun ; Tlie maryneer therof may not be blynde, But when and where in every regioun It regnethe, he moste have inspectioun ; For in viage it may bothe haste and tury, And, unavised thereof, al myscary. It appears that the word acker is still applied on the Trent to a dangerous kind of eddying twirl which occurs on the river when it is flooded. In the dialect of Craven, a ripple on the surface of the water is termed an acker. (2) s. (A.-S. cecer.) An acre; a field. Yorksh. (3) Fine mould. North. ACKERN, s. An acorn. A Northern word, used principally in West- moreland and Cumberland. ACKERSPRIT,. (A.-S.) Wilbraham explains this word as being said of potatoes when the roots have germinated before the time of gathering them. Corn, and par- ticularly barley, which has ger- minated before it is malted, is said, in the East of England, to be acrespired. ACKERSPYRE. A word in use ACK 18 amongst masons and stone-get- ters (or delvers) in the neigh- bourhood of Huddersfield, &c., in reference to stone which is not of a free workable quality, but, on the contrary, is of a very hard, flinty, or metallic quality, and difficult to work. ACKETOUN, . (A.-N.) A jacket of quilted leather, worn under the mail armour; it is sometimes used for the armour itself. Ac KNOW, v. (A.-S.) To acknow- ledge. North. It occurs not unfrequently in the Elizabethan writers. ACKSEN, *. (A.-S.) Ashes. Wilts. ACKWARDS, adv. Applied to a beast when it lies backwards, and cannot rise. ACLIT, adj. Adhered together. Devon. ACUTE, adv. Awry. North. ACLOYE. See Accloy. ACLBMSID, part. p. (A.-S.) Be- numbed with cold. ACME, . (from Gr. aKfirj.) Mature age. Jonson. ACOATHED, adj. Rotten or diseased in the liver, as sheep. Dorset. ACOLD, adj. (from the A.-S. aco- lian.) Cold. Late come to an abbey Syx men other seven, And lat theron aske gode For Godd love of heven, He schal stond theroute Anhungred and acM. W. de Shoreham. ACOLASTIC, adj. (from the Gr. dicoXnoTiicoe.) Intemperate; riot- ous ; prodigal : lascivious. Min- sheu gives these meanings of the word in his Guide into Tongues, 1627. ACOLATE, adj. (Gr.) Froward; peevish. So explained in Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. ACOLDING, part. a. (from the A^-S. See Acold.) Getting cold. ACOLEN. See Accole. ACO ACOMBRE, v. (A.-S.) To encumber ; to trouble. The feend with prede acomtrtth ons, With wrethe aud with envie. W. de Skoreham. ACOMELYD, part. p. Enervated with cold. Prompt. Pare. ACOMPLIN, adj. Limping. Lane. ACONICK, adj. (from aconite.) Poi- sonous. Rider. ACOP, adv. (from the A.-S. cop.) On end ; conically. Marry sh" is not in fashion yet ; she wears a hood, but it stands acop. Ben Jonson, iii, 60. ACORE 1 V ' ( fr m A " S " ceorian > ACORYE f tolament -) To sorrow; ' J to grieve. At Gloucestre lie deide, ac eir nadde he non; That acorede al this loud, and ys men echon. Rob. Glouc. Bu a pcyre of a marc, other thou ssalt hit acorye sore. Ib. ACORSE, v. (A.-S.) To curse. Callede hem caytyves Acorscd for evere. Piers PI., p. 375. ACORSY, v. (from the A.-N. cors, a body.) To bury. " For to acorsy here brother body." Oxf. MS. ACOST, adv. (from A.-N. a coste.) On the side ; near. Forth thai passeth this lond acosl. Artliour and Merlin. ACODNTRE 1 V - (^- A '0 An en - iivUU-NllvlS. I -trcici f ACTJNTRE Counter. MSS. of RE> j 14 th cent. ACOUPE, v. (from A.-N. acoulper.) To blame ; accuse ; inculpate. Me aconpede horn harde inou, and sethtlie atte last, As theves and traitors, in strong prison me horn caste. Bob. of Glouc., p. 544. ACOUPEMENT, s. An accusation. ACOUPING, COUPJI ING, 1 ING,}*' An onset. At the aconpynrj the knijtes [speres] cither brak on otlier. W. and the ft'crw., p. 134. ACOVERD,/XZS/. t. Recovered. Acow, adv. Crooked; awry. North. ACO ACOYNTE,. (from A.-N. acointer.) To make acquaintance. Heo acoyntede hym anon, and bicomen frendes gode, Bothe for here prowes, and for heo were of on blode. Sob. of Glouc., p. 15. ACOYSYNG, s. Accusing. A mere corrupt spelling. Kyng Alisaun- der, 3973. AcauAiNT, s. An acquaintance. mine old acquaint is she, And one whom 1 lia^e us'u in that degree. Lisle's Ristorie of Ilehodorus, 1C38. ACQUAINTABLE. Easy to be ac- quainted with. Minsheu's Guide into Tongues, 1627. ACQUEYNT, adj. (from A.-S. ac- wencan.) Quenched. so that me thynketh, My tliurst shall never be acqiteynt. Gower. ACQUILL, v. (A.-N.) A term in hunting. It \vas applied to the buck and doe, the male and the female fox, and all vermin, and is nearly synonymous with the more modern word imprime. Syr huutere, how many bestis acqmll? Syr, the buk and the doo, the male fox and the female, and alle othir vermyn, as many as be put in the book. And lion- many braches ? Sire, alle that -be acguilez. Reliq. Ant., i, 151. ACQUISE, v. (A.-N.) To acquire. ACQUIST 1 *' (d-'N.) An acqui- ' i- sition ; something ' J acquired or gained. (Hs servants he with new acqnist Of true experience from this great event With peace and consolation hath dismist. Samson Agonistes, v, 1755. Mud, reposed near the ostea of rivers, ninkes continual additions to the land, thereby excluding the sea, and preserv- ing these shells as trophies and signs of its new acquests and encroachments. Woodward. Skinner has it as a verb, to ac- quire. ACQUIT, part. p. (A.-N.) Acquitted. Spenser. ACGUITE, v. To requite. ACQUITTANCE, s. (A.-N.) (1) Ac- quaintance. Skinner. 19 ACR (2) Requital. Othello, iv, 2. (3) A discharge, or release : for merly in general use for what is now called a receipt ; and it is still so in the northern counties. ACRASED. Crazed. ACRE, s. (from the A.-S. tecer.) A field. Originally not a deter- mined quantity of land, but any open ground. (2) A duel fought by single com- batants, English and Scotch, be- tween the frontiers of the two kingdoms, with sword and lance. Coweil. ACRE-DALE, s. (A.-S.) Lands in a common field, in which different proprietors hold portions of greater or less extent. North. ACREME, s. Ten acres of land. A law term. ACREMAN, s. (A.-S.) A husband- man. The foules up, and song on bough, And acremen yede to the plough. Lay le Freine, 176. ACRESHOT, s. A kind of local land- tax. ACRESTAFF, "I Called a plough- AKERSTAFF, J staff in Huloet. An instrument to cleanse the plough- culter. See Kersey's English Dictionary, 1715. ACRILOGY, *. (from Lett, acer, and Gr. Xoyoe.) Bitter speaking. Minsheu gives this word iu his Guide into Tongues, 1627. ACROKE, ado. Crooked. ACROOK'D, adj. Crooked; awry. Yorksh. ACROSPYRE, "1 v. (from Gr. O.KQOQ, AKERSPIRE, j the extremity, or end, and viriipa, a curling shoot.) To sprout. When un- housed grain, exposed to wet weather, sprouts at both ends, it is said to acrospyre. Pota- toes, sprouting prematurely, are ACR 20 ACY said to be ackerspritted. See Ackersprit. For want of turning, when the malt is spread on the floor, it comes and sprouts at both ends, which is called to aero- spyre; and then it is fit only for swine. Mortimer's Husbandry. In a Scottish act of parliament, anent malt-makers, it is said they " let their malt akerspire, and shule out all the thrift and substance at baith the ends, quhare it sou Id come at ane end only." Regiam Majestatem, p. 293. ACROSS. A kind of exclamation when a sally of wit miscarried. Said to be taken from the lan- guage used in jousting. See Shakesp. Alfs Well that Ends Well, ii, 1. ACROSTIC, adj. Crossed on the breast. "Acrostic arms." Middle- ton. It may be regarded as a punning use of the word. ACROTCH, v. (from Fr. acrocher.") To take up ; to seize. ACSEDE, pret. p. Asked. A rather unusual form. The kyng Alesandre acsede Hwan sail that be. Reliq. Antig., i, 30. ACT, v. To behave ; to conduct. Essex. ACT OF PARLIAMENT. A military term for small beer, five pints of which, by an act of parliament, a landlord was formerly obliged to give to each soldier gratis. ACTE, s. ( Gr. O.KTT).) The sea- shore. Phillips. ACTIFS, s. pi. An order of monks, who, according to Skinner, fed on nothing but roots and herbs. ACTILLY, ado. Actually. Lancash. ACTIOUS, adj. Active. With divers here not catalogd, and for a cheefest take All actions Candish, and of these eternall pen- \vorke make. Albion's England, ed. 1612. AOTIT TION, *. (Lot.) Frequent action. ACTIVE CITIZEN, s. A louse. This cant term is given in the Lexicon Balalronicum,a.r\d. is too piquant to be omitted. ACTON, s. (A.-N.) A jacket or tunic, worn under a coat of mail. See Acketoun. His acton it was all of blaeke, His hewberke and his sheelde. Sir Cauline, in Percy's Bel. ACTOURES, #. (A.-N.) Governors ; keepers. Wycklyffe. ACTUATE, v. (from Ital. attudre.) To put into action ; to produce. ACTURE, s. (Lot.) Action. All my offences, that abroad you see, Are errors of the blood, none of the mind; I/ove made them not; with acture they may be, Where neither party is nor true nor kind. Shakes. Lover's Complaint. ACUATE, v. (from Lat. acuo.) Sharpened. Gryndyng withvynegar tylll was fatygate, And also with a qnantyt of spyces acitate. Ashmole's Theat' Cliem. Brit., p. 191. In the following example, the word is erroneously altered to actuate in the reprint by the Shakespeare Society : The Lacedemonians trusting the oracle, receved the champion, and fearing the government of a stranger, made him ther citizen ; which once done and he obteiniug the dukdome, he assended the theater, and ther very learnedly wyshing them to forget theyr folly, and to thiuke on victory, they being acuate by his eloquence, waging battail won the field. Lodge's Defence of Plays, 1579. Acuis, s.pl.. Agues. MS. of 14th cent. ACUMINATE, v. (from Lat.acumina- tus.) To whet. Rider's Diction- arie, 1640. ACURE, adj. A chemical term, ap- plied to a druK, the power of which is increased by the addition of some other. ACURSEN. See Acorsen. ACYDENANDVS, adv. Aside ; ob- liquely. Prompt. Parv. Appa- rently a coiTUpt spelling of aside' nands. ACY 21 ADA Af-fROLOGicALL, adj. (from Gr. a.Kvpo\ojia, impropriety of ex- pression.) Improper speaking. This word occurs in Rider's Dictionarie^ 1640. ACYSE, *. (A.-N.) Custom ; law. And of these berdede bukkes also, Wyth hemself thy moche mysdo, That leve CrysU-u mennys acyse, And liannte al the newe gvse. Bodl. MS. of \Wicent. AD. Hath. Adde. Had, occurs in Rob. Glouc. ADACTED, part. p. (Lat. adacius.) Driven in by force. Minsheu. ADAD, adv. Indeed ; truly. I see you wonder at my changes ; what, would you never have a man learn breeding, adai? Shadwdl, Squire of Alsatia, 1688. They are all deep, they are very deep and sharp; sharp as needles, adad; the wittiest men in England. Ib . ADEQUATE, part. p. (Lat. adtequa- tus.) Equal to. Why did the Lord from Adam, Eve create? Because with him she should not b" ade- quate. Had she been made of earth, she would have deem'd Her self his sister, and his equal seem'd. Owen's Epigrams, 1677. ADAM. A serjeanl, or bailiff, was jocularly so called. See Shakesp. Comedy of Errors, iv, 3. ADAM-AND-EVE. The bulbs of orchis maculata, which have a fancied resemblance to the human figure. Craven. ADAM-TILER, s. A pickpocket's associate, who receives the stolen goods, and runs off with them. ADAMANT, *. (A.-N.) The magnet. As true to thee as steel to adamant. Green's Tu Quoqve. As iron, touch't by the adamant's effect, To the north pole doth ever point direct. Syh. Du liartas, p. 64. The mutual repulsion of two magnets, which takes place in some situations, is alluded to in the following extract ; away; We'll be as differing as two adamants The one shall shun the other. White Devil, 0. PL, vi, 315. ADAMANTINE, adj. Very hard. This word occurs in Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. AD A MATE, v. (from Lat. adamare.) To love dearly. Minsheu. ADAMITES, s.pl. A sect of enthiu siasts who were said to imitate the nakedness of Adam in their pub- lie assemblies. ADAM'S-ALE, s. Water. Var. dial. ADAM'S-APPLE, *. (1) A kind of citron. Gerard. (2) The nob in a man's throat, so called, because, it is said, when Eve swallowed her apple with ease, and gave another to Adam, his conscience so rebelled against it, that it never got farther than his throat. ADAM'S-FLANNEL, s. White mul- lein ; perhaps from the soft white hairs with which the leaves are covered on both sides. Craven. ADARNECH, s. Colour like gold. Howell. ADARNED, adj. Ashamed. Coles. AD ARRIS, s. The flower of sea- water. Howell. ADASED, "I adj. (A.-N.) Dazzled ; ADASSID, jputoutof countenance. The glittring tlierof wold have made every man's eyes so adased, that no man should have spied his falshed. Sir T. More. ADAUDS, adv. In pieces. Yorksh. ADAUNT 1 v " (A - N ^ Totame 5 to NT ' i- reduce; to daunt, miti- ADANT, f J gate. ADAUNTRELEY. Another form of avaunllay, which see. AD\w,v.(A.-N.) (1) Tobedaunted. Therewith her wrathful courage gan appall, And haughty spirits meekly to adaw. Spenser, F. Q., IV, vi, 26. As one adaw'd and half confused stood. /*., V, v, 45. (2) To awake. This seems to be a figurative sense, for Pals- ADA 22 ADD grave says, " I adawe or adawne, as the daye dothe in the morn- ynge whan the sonne draweth towardes his rysyng;" and, " I adawe one out of a swounde." Him to rewakin she did all her pain ; And at the last he gan his breth to drawe, And of his swough sone after that adawe. Trail, and Cres., iii, 1124. (3) To kill ; to execute. Some wolde have liym adawe, And some savde it was not lawe. Rom. of Richard C. de L., 973. - ^ the daytime. I ryse soner than you do adaycs : ie me descouche plus tostgue nous tout les iours. Palsgrate. ADAYS, adv. Now-a-days. East Anglia. ADAZ, . An addice. Kennett. ADCORPORATE, v. (Lat.) To in- corporate. Minsheu's Guide into Tongues, 1627. ADDECIMATE, v. (Lot.) To take tithes. Mimheu's Guide into Tongues, 1627. ADDEEM, v. (A.-S.} To think ; to judge; to determine. Spenser. ADDER-BOLT, s. The dragon fly. Far. dial. ADDER-SAY. I dare say. Yorksli. ADDER'S-GRASS, s. The name in Gerard for the cynosorchis. ADDER'S-TONGUE, s. A plant ; the ophisglossum. ADDER-WORT, s. The bistort or snake-weed. ADDICE, s. (A.-S.~) An adze. I had thought I had rode upon addices between this and Canterbury. Lyly's Mother Bombii, 1594. An addis, or little axe. Baret's Alvearie, 1580. (2) An addled egg. Huloet. ADDICT, part. p. For addicted. To studies good addict of comely grace. Mirr.for Mag. ADDICTION, s. (Lat.) The state of being addicted to anything. Since hit addiction was to courses vain. ShAlcesp. Henry V, i, 1. ADDITION, s. (Lat.} A title given tnaman over and ahovehis Chris- tian and surname, showing his rank, occupation, &c., or alluding to some exploit or achievement. ADDIWISSEN. Had I known it. North. A corruption of hady- wissen, or hadiwist, which see. Adywyst occurs in MSS. as old as the loth cent. ADDLE, v. (from the A.-S. cedlean, a reward.) So pronounced in Yorkshire ; in Staffordshire it is a-dle ; in Cumberland, ettle ; and in Cheshire, yeddle. To earn by working. With goodmen's hogs, or corn, or hay, I addle my uinepence every day. Richard of Dalton Dale. In the Eastern counties it is ap- plied to the growth of corn ; as, "that crop addles," t. e. thrives. Forty. In which sense it is used by Tusser Where ivy embraccth the tree very sore, Kill ivy, else tree will addle 110 more. It occurs in the Townley Myste- ries, p. 195. See Adyld. "To addle his shoon " is said in the North of a horse that falls upon his back, and rolls from one side to the other. In Sussex, when a horse does so, he is said to " earn a gallon of oats." (2) Labourers' wages. Yorksh. (3) s. A swelling with matter in it. Somerset. (4) s. The headland of a field ; same as adland. Northampt. (5) s. Lees or dregs. (6) adj. Empty. ADDLED, adj. Having corruption. Used in this sense in Somerset- shire. Hence addled egg, said of an egg in a state of putrefaction, according to Grose and Jennings ; but more usually applied to an egg forsaken by the hen after her sitting. " Urinum ovum, gene- rationi ineptum, quod fit incuba- ADD 23 ADI Hone derelicta, an addle egge, a winde egge." Rider's Latin Dic- tionarie, 1640. ADDLE-HEADED, adj. Stupid; thoughtless. Var. dial. ADDLE-PATE, s. A foolish person. Kent. ADDLE-PLOT, s. A* person who spoils any amusement. South. ADDLE-POOL, s. A pool, or puddle, near to a dunghill, for receiving the liquid that oor.es from the dunghill ; in which liquid it is not uncommon, in Sussex, to see large quantities of mould or earth, taken from the commons, thrown to be saturated with it. ADDLINGS, s. The wages received for labourers' work. Yorkshire. See Addle. ADDOLORATE, v. (taken apparently from the Ital. dolorare.) To grieve. ADDRESS, v. (Fr.) To prepare for anything; to get ready. ADDS. s. An addice. ADE, s. To cut a deep gutter across ploughed land. Shropsh. ADEC, s. Vinegar milk. Howell. ADELANTADO, s. (a Spanish word.) A lord president or deputy of a country ; a commander. Invincible adcla.nta.do over the armado of pimpled laces. Massinger, Virg. Mart., ii, 1. Open no door ; if the adalanlado of Spain were here he should nut enter. B. Jon., En. M. out of H., v, 4. ADEMAND, s. The loadstone. See Adamant. ADENT, v. To fasten. Minsheu. ADEPTION, s. (Lot.) An acquire- ment. A portion of time wherein, to my un- derstanding, there hath hin the rarest varieties, that in like number of suc- cessions of any hereditary monarchy hath bin knowne : for it beginneth with the mixt adeption of a crowue, by armes and title. Bacon, Adt. of Learn., b. ii, p. 114. ADEQ.UATE, v. (Lai.) To make even or equal. ADERCOP, s. (A.-S.) A spider. See Alter cop. ADES, s. An addice. Kennett. ADESPOTIC, adj.(Gr.) Not despotic. ADEWEN, v. (from A.-S. deawian, to bedew.) To moisten ; to be- dew. Thy gracious shourys lat reyne in habund- auuce, Upon myn herte t' adewen every veyne. Lydgate's Minor Poems, p. 251. ADFILIATE, v. (Lat.} To adopt for a son. Minsheus Guide into Tongues, 1627. ADGE, s. An addice. North. ADHERE, v. (Lat.) To suit; to fit. I would have sworn his disposition would have gone to the truth of his words ; but they do no more adhere and keep pace together, than the hundredth psalm to the tune of Greene Sleeves. Merry Wives oj Windsor, ii, 1. ADHIB, s. A name of the herb eye- bright. ADHIBITE, v. (Lat.) To admit. ADHORT, v. (Lat.) To advise, or exhort. ADIAPHORICY, s. (from Gr. adia- 0op/ce, indifference.) Indifference. Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. ADIGHT, part. p. (A.-S.) Adorned. Thanne sawe they yn a park A castell stout and stark That ryally was adytjht. Lybeaus Dtsconus, 711. ADIHTEN, v. (from A.-S. adihtan.) To order; arrange ; adorn ; as he adihteth him, i. e, fits himself with. Adihteth him a gay wenche of the newe jet. Political &i0*,p.329: AD IN, prep. Within. Sussex. ADIR, pron. Either. A local form. ADI 24 ADM ADIT, s. (Lat.~) A sough or level in a mine, for tlie purpose of drawing off water. Derbysh. ADITE, v. (A.-N.) To indite ; to write. Kyng Kychard dcde a lettre wryte, A iioblu clerk it gan adyte. Rich. Coer de Lion, 117*. ADITION, s. (Lot.) An entrance or approach to. ADJOYXATE, part. p. Joined. T\vo semely princes, together adjoynate. Hardyng's Chronicle. ADJOYNAUNT, part. a. Adjoining. Truth it is, that lie (Carelicus) wyth hys Britons were dryven into Cambrya, or Wales : yet he left not continuallye to make reyses and assutes uppou the Saxons.next to him adjoytiaunte. Fabian's Lhron., p. v, f. 105. ADJOYXAUNTES, . Those who are contiguous. Sought and practised waies and meancs Low to joine himself with forein princes, and to greve and hurte his neighbors and adjoynauntes of the realme of Ensr- land. Hall, Hen. VI, f. 53. ADJOYNT, adj. A person joined with another; a companion or attendant. here with these grave adjoynts, (These learned maisters) they were taught to see Themselves, to read the world, and keep their points. Daniel 't Civ. Wars, iv, 69. ADJOURN, . (from the A.-N. adjourner.") To cite or sum- mon any one to appear before a judge. ADJUMENT, . (Lot. adjumentum.') Help ; succour. Miege. ADJUNCT, part. p. (Lai. adjunctus.) United with ; immediately con- sequent. ACJUTE, v. (Lot. adjuto.) To assist ; to help. Jonson. ADJUTORIES, *. The arm bones are so called in the old English trans- lation of Vigors Book of Chirur- gerie. ADJUVANT, part. a. (Lat.) Assist- ing. Which meeting with convenient matter and adjutant causes, doe proceed to the generation of severall species, accord- ing to the nature of the efficient and aptnesse of the matter. Aubrey's li'ilts. ADLANDS, s. The butts in a ploughed field which lie at right angles to the general direction of the others ; the part close against the hedges. Shropsh., North- ampt., and Leicestersh. ADLE, adj. Unsound; unwell. East. See Addle. ADMEASUREMENT, s. (Fr.) A law term, denned by Cowell to be "a writ which lyeth for the bringing of those to a mediocrity, that usurp more than their part." ADMINICULARY, adj. (Lot.) Col- lateral; indirect. That lie should never help, aid, supply, succour, or grant them any subven- titious furtherance, auxiliary suffrage, or adminiculary assistance. Kuhelais, iii, 34. ADMIRAL, "") s. This word, which ADMERAL, is very varied in its ADMYROLD, orthography, is a AMIRALD, ^-mere corruption of AMERAL, I the Arab emir. Ac- AMRAYL, I cording to some, AMYRALE, J the word is from emir-alma, or emir of the water. It is used especially in the me- dieval romances, where it signi- fies a Saracen commander, or sometimes a king. According to Kennett, the term admiral was not introduced, in its present sense, before the latter end of the reign of Edward I. He sende aftur lordyngys, 1'yftene admerallys and kyngys, And armyd them to ryght Cambridge 3 fit. And be the cytees and be the towirs ben amyralles,l\tat han the governance of the peple. Manndemlr's Travels. A launce in hys hand he helde, He smot an amyrale in the schclde. Richard Coer de Lion, 5042 ADM 25 ADP Tlio spec on admyrold, Of uordes lie wes swytlie hold. Kyng Horn. ADMIRABLIST, adj. Most acltni- rable. Accented on the ante- penult. Yorksh. ADMIRAL OF THE BLUE. A publi- can. This cant word is given by Grose, who informs us that the blue aprons formerly worn by publicans gave rise to the name. ADMIRATIVE, adj. Minsheu applies the term admirative point to the note of interrogation (?). ADMIRE, s. Admiration. \Vhen Archidamus didbeliold witli wonder, Man's imitation of Jove's dreadful! tlrander, He thus rondndeshil censure with admire. Rowland's Knave of Hearts, 1613. ADMITTANCE, s. Used by Shake- speare in the sense of a custom or power of being admitted into the presence of great personages. Ford calls Falstaff a gentleman " of great admittance." Merry Wives, ii,2. ADMITTIBLE, adj. Admissible. Many disputable opinions may be had of warre, without the praysinj: of it as only admiltible by inforced necessitie, and to be used onely for peace sake. Harrison's Desc. of Britain. ADMONEST, v. (from the A.-N. ad- monester.) To admonish ; to advise. ADMONISHMENT, s. Admonition. Shakesp. ADMOVE, v. (from Lat. admoveo.) To move to. ADNICHELL, v. To annihilate. Skel'on. ADNIHILATE, v. (Lat.) To annihi- late. This word is given by Minsheu in his Guide into Tongues, 1627. ADNOTE, . (Lat. adnoto.) To note ; to observe. ADNUL, v. (Lat.) To annuL ADO, v. (1) To do. I wol that thei togithir go, And done al that thei han ado. Bomaunt of the Base, 5080. (2) part. p. Done; finished. So- mersetsh. ADONNET, s. A devil. North. ADOORS, adv. At the door. But what, sir, I beseech, ye, was that paper, Your lordship was so studiously imployed in, When ye came out adoors ? Woman, Pleased, iv, 1. ADOPTious,a$. Adoptive. Shakesp. ADORAT, s. A weight of foui pounds, a chemical term. ADORE, v. To adorn. Spenser. And those true tears, falling on your pure crystals, Should turn to armlets for great Queens to adore. Beaumont and Fletcher. ADORNATION, s. (Lat.) Adorning. Minsheu' s Guide into Tongues, 1627. ADORN E, (1) v. To adore. (2) s. An ornament ; adorning. Spenser. ADOTE, v. To doat. He wax neijh out of wit for wratli that time, And for dol adoteth and doth Mm to hire chaumber. William and the Werwolf, p. 74. ADOUBED, part. p. (A.-N.) Armed ; accoutred. "I v. (from A.-N. adoul- ADOULCE, I cer.) To mitigate with ADULCE, [sweetness ; sweeten. J Minsheu's G. T., 1627. Not knowing this, that Jove decrees Some mirth, t' adulce man's miseries. HerricVs Works, ii, 47. ADOUN, adv. Below. Whan Phebus duelt her in this erthe adovn, As olde bookes maken mencionn. Chaucer, C. T., 17,037. And when the gospel ys y-done, Ajayn thou myjth knele adown. Constitutions of Masonry, p. 35. A.DOvTEn,part.p. (A.-N.) .Feared; redoubted. ADPOYNTEJZ;. To appoint. Monastic Letters, p. 194. ADR 26 ADU ADAAD, 1 part. p. (from A.-S. ADRED, J adrcedan.) Frightened; afraid. I am adrad, by saynt Thomas, It stondetk nat aright with Nicholas. Chaucer's C. T., 1, 3425. Seeing the ugly monster passing by, Upon him set, of peril naught adrad. Spenser's F. Q. The sight whereof the lady sore adrad. III. ADRAMING, adj. Churlish. ADRAWE, v. (1) To draw away ; to withdraw. Awey fro hem he wold adratoe, Yf tluit he myght. Octorian, 357. (2) To draw forth. . The geant, tho he sey hym come, began ys mace adrawe. Rob. Glouc. ADREAMT. (1) I was adreamt, for I dreamed. Wilt thou believe me, sweeting? by this light / was adreamt on thee too. 0. PL, vi, 351. I was adreamt last night of Francis there. City N. Cap, O. PI., xi, 335. I was even now adream'd that you could see with either of your eyes, in so much as I waked tor joy, and I hope to find it true. Wits, FMes, and Fancies, 1595, p. 94. (2) Dosing. Oxfordsh. ADREDE, v. (A.-S. adrcedan.) To dread. Ganhardin seighe that sight, And sore him gan adrede. Sir Trislrem. &DKEi?iT,part.p.(A.-S.) Drowned. Al dame, he saide. ich was asschreint, Ich wende thou haddest ben adreint. The Setyn Sages, I486. ADRELWURT, *. The herb federfew. ADRENCHEN, v. (from A.-S. adren- can.) To drown. Adrente, past t. Adreint, part. p. The see the shal adrenche, Ne shal hit us of-thenche. Kyng Horn, 109. And ladde hem out of Egypt bi the liverede see, And the kyng adrenle and alle hys, that he ne com never age. Kob. Glouc. ADRESSID, part. p. Dressed; clothed. Cower. ADREST, part.p. Dressed; adorned Somerset. When spreng, adrest, in tutties, Culls all tlia birds abroad. Jennings, f. 128. Aside; behind. The kingcs doughtei', which this sigh, i'or pure abassae drewe her adriqh. Gainer's Confessio Amantis, ed. 1532, f. 70. ADRINK, adj. Drunk. ADROGH, \ past. t. Drew away. ADROWE, J Rob. of Glouc. ADRONUUE, part. p. Drowned. Kyng Horn, 988. ADROP, s. A species of aurichalc, mentioned by Jonson in the Alchemist, ii, 1. ADROWED, adj. Dried. Devon. ADRY, ad). Dry ; thirsty. " Doth a man that is adry. desire to drink in gold ?" Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, p. 329. It is still retained in various dialects. How pleasant 'tis to drink when a man's adry ! The rest is all but dully sippinsr on. Behn, The City Heiress, 1682. ADRYE, v. (from the A.-S. adreO' gan.) To bear ; to suffer. ADULABLE, adj. (Lot.) Easy to be flattered. Minsheu. 4 ADUB, "1 To dub a knight. I "CharlemayneodoK*. ADOUBE, S. a - kn ht> , A ov >) Palsgrave, f. 138 ADULTERATE, adj. (Lot.) Adulte- rous; also false, in a general sense. Th' adulterate Hastings, Rivers, Vaughan, Grey. Kick. JH,\\, 4. Aye, that incestuous, that adulterate beast. Shakesp. Ham., i, 5. ADULTERINE, adj. Adulterous. . Mir. for Mag., p. 85. ADUMBRATION, *. (Lot.) Accord. ing to Huloet, the " light de- scription of a house side or front, where the lyne do answer to tht compasse and centrye of everye parte." Abcedarium, 1552. ADU 27 ADV ADUN, adv. Down. ADUNATION, s. (Lat.) Union. ADUNCITY, s. (Lat.) Crookedness. ADIIRE, v. (Lat. aduro.) To burn. Bacon. ADUST, part. p. (Lat. adustus.") Burnt ; parched. Drye and adust, and a gret wastour. Lydyate's Minor Poems, p. 197, ADUTANTE, adj. Astonishing. With tlier copnentante They loke aduttmte. SkcUon, World, ii, 429. ADVANCE, v. To grace; to give lustre to. Shakesp., Timon of A t hens, i, 2. ADVANCERS, s.pl. The second branchesof abuck's horn. Howett. See Avanters. ADVANTAGE, v. To give advantage to another. Thus Venus first, to help love's pollicie, Advantag'd him with opportunity. And now as lovers wont, their times espie, This lover can his taske tull well applie, And strives to court his mistres cunninglie. Tale oj Troy, 1589. ADVAUNT, s. (A.-N.) A boast. ADVAUNTOUR, s. A boaster. ADVAYLE, s. (A.-N.) Profit ; ad- vantage. In any wise to do, For lucre or adrayle, Ageynst thyr kyng to rayle. SJcelton. ADVENTAYLE, s. (A.-N.) The open and moveable portion of the hel- met which covered the mouth, for the purpose of respiration. ADVENTURERS. It was common in the reign of Queen Elizabeth for young volunteers to go out in naval enterprises in hopes to make their fortunes, by disco- veries, conquests, or some other means. These adventurers, pro- bably \naking amorous conquests a part of their scheme, vied with each other in the richness and elegance of their dresses. Sir Francis Drake, in his expedition against Hispaniola, had two thou sand such volunteers in his fleet. To this Ben Jonson alludes under the name of the Island Voyage : " I had as fair a gold jerkin on that day, as any worn in the island voyage, or at Cadiz." Epic., i, 4. ( Nares.) ADVENTURERS UPON RETURN. Those travellers who lent money before they went, upon condition of receivirrg more on their return from a hazardous journey. ADVERSANT, part. p. Contrary to. Minsheu's Guide into Tongues, 1G27. ADVERSATION, *. (A.-N.) Oppo- sition. Desyringe so a castell in to dwell, Hym and his men to kepe fronie all adcer- sacyon. Hardyng's Chronicle. ADVERSE, . (A.-N.) To be un- propitious. ADVERSER, s. (A.-N.) An adver- sary. Myn adversers and false wytnes berars agaynste me. Archeologia, xxiii, 46. ADVERSION, s. (Lat.) Attention ; animadversion. The soul bestoweth her adversion On something else. So though the soul, the time she doth ad- vert, The bodies passions takes herself to die; Yet death now flnish'd, she can well convert Herself to other thoughts. And if the eye Of her adversion were fast fix'd on high, In midst of death 'twere no more fear nor pain Than 'twas unto Elias to let flie His uselesse mantle to that Hebrewe swain, While he rode up to heaven in a bright fiery wain. Mart's Philosophical Poems, p. 294. ADVERTASH'D, jjar^.p. Advertised. North. ADVERTATION, s. Information. Digby Mysteries, p. 106. ADVERTENCE,*. Attention. Chart- ADV 28 ADV ADVERTISE, v. (A.-N.) To inform oneself. This word formerly had the accent on the middle syl- lable. hut I do bend tny speech To one that can my part in him advertise. Measure for Met^ure, i, 1. ADVERTISEMENT, . (1) Informa- tion. (2) Admonition. ADVEST, v. (A.-N.) To put a per- son in possession. ADVICE,*, (from A.-N. advis.) Con- sideration ; reflection. Fair sir, you are well overtaken : My lord Bassanio, upon more advice, Hiith sent you here this ring; and doth entreat Your company at dinner. Merchant of Venice, iv, 2. ADVIGILATE, v. (Lot.) To watch. ADVISE, v. (from A.-N. adviser.) To consider. But, if through inward griefe or wilfull scorne Of life, it be ; then better doe advise. Spenser" i Faerie Queene, IV.viii, 15. But when they came again the next day and viewed it likewyse, the kepers of the said castell, suspectyng some fraude to lurcke in their lokyng, de- maundedof theini what was their entent, and wliy they vewed and advised so the castel. Hall, Henry VII, f. 48. ADVISED, part. p. Acquainted. "I am not advised of it." Used in the North, and, according to Grose, in Norfolk. Shakespeare uses it in the sense of acting with sufficient deliberation. My liege, I am advised what I say; Neither disturbed with the effect of wine, Nor heady -rash, provok'd with raging ire, Albeit, my wrongs might make one wiser mad. Comedy of Errors, v, 1. ADVISEMENT, . Resolution ; ob- servation ; consultation ; advice. St. Augustine noteth how he saw the tooth of a man, wherof he took good advisement, and pronounced in the ende, that it would have made 100 of his owne, or any other man's that lyved iu his tyrae. 'Harriton's Descript. of Brit. Hani soil qvi mat. y feme, quoth he, Wherewith upon advizement, tJ.ough the cause Were small, his pleasure and his purpose was T' 'dvaunce that garter and to institute. Honor of the Garter, 1593. ADVISION, *. (A.-N.) A vision ; a dream. ADVITE, adj. Adult. Fyrste such persones, beyng nowe ad- viie, that is to saye, passed their chyile- hode, as wel in rnaners as in yeres. Sir Tho. Elyot's Governor, p. 85. ADVOCACIES, *. pi. (A.-N.) Law- suits. Be ye not aware, howe that false Puliphete Is now about eftsoiiis for to plete, And briugin ou you advocacies neu' ? Trail, and Cres., 1, 1467. ADVOCAS, s. (A.-N.) Lawyers ; advocates. As shameful deth as herte can devise, Come to thise juges and hir advocas. Chaucer, Cant. T., 12,225. ADVOCATION, *. (Lot. advocatio.) Pleading. In Scotland, advoca- tion signifies the same as a writ of certiorari in England. Alas! thrice gentle Cassio, My adcocatioit is not now in time. Othello, Hi, 2. ADVOCATRICE, s. A female advo- cate. Elyot. ADVOID. v. To avoid ; to leave ; to quit. ADVOUCH, v. To avouch. ADVOUTRESS, s. An adultress. Revealing Sir Thomas Overlmries words to the countess of Essex, lord Roches- ter's advoutress, she was much enraged at it, and from that moment resolved on revenge. Bib. Topog., vi, 5. ADVOUTRIE, "I s. (from A.-N. ad- AVOUTRIE, ^voulrie, avoutrie.) ADVOWTRY, J Adultery. We giffe nojte oure bodyse to lecherye ; we do nane advovctrye, ne we do na synne wharefore us sulde nede to do }>enaunce. Lincoln MS. And so the good sely man spake and made the pese betwene them both, yea and farther he gave them a gallon of wyne : addynge to his wives advoutry the losse oi his wine. Talet and Qtiicke Answert. ADV 29 AFA This staff was made to knock down sin. I'll look There shall be no ndvowtry in my ward But what is honest. 0. PL, x, 299. At home, because duke Humfrey aye re- pined, Calling this match adcoutrie, as it was. Mirror for Mag., p. 342. ADVOWE, v. (A.N. advouer.) To avow; to plead. ADVOYDE, v. To avoid. And so he, -n-~niche ought and whose duet ie was to \meadtoydedantlip\it from me the injuries of all other persoucs. Hull's r>iio,1548. Hen. IV, f. 27. ADWARD, s. and v. Award ; judg- ment ; sentence. Spenser. ADWAYTHE, v To wait for. Monast. Letters, p. 202. ADYLD, part. p. Earned. Towne- ley Mysteries, p. 195. See Addle. ADYT, s. (from Gr. advrov.) The innermost part of a temple ; the place where the oracles were pro- nounced. Behold, amidst the adyts of onr gods. Greene's Works, i, 114 AE, adj. (A.-S.) One; one of several ; each. North. ./EXGAGEANTS, s. (Fr.} A sort of ruffs. " JEngageants, are double ruffles that fall over the wrists." Lady's Dictionary, 1694. AER, *. An ear. East. AEREMANCY, *. (Gr.) Divination by the air. AERIE, j #. (from A.-S. (Eg, an AIRIE, I egg.) The nest of an AYERY, f eagle, hawk, or other EYERIE, J bird of prey, but some- times also the brood of the young in the nest. One aerie, witli proportion, ne'er dis- closes The eagle and the wren. Matsbu/er's Maid of Honour, i, 2. I found the pheasant that the hawk doth fear, Seeking for safety bred his ayery there. Dray ton, The Owl, iv, 1312 For as an eyerie from their seeses wood, Led o'er the plains and taught"to get their food. Browne, lirit. Past., ii, 4. On his snowie crest The tow'ring falcon whilouie built, and kings Strove for that eirie. Ib., i, 1. There is a grant, in which the "harts and hinds, wild boars and their kinds, and all aries of hawks," are reserved. Hutchin- fon'sHist.ofCumb.,\,523. And a petit serjeantry was held in Cumberland, " by keeping the king's aeries of goshawks." Blount's Joe. Ten., p. 165. (2) . To build its nest. And where the phoenix airies. Drayton. ^ESTIVALL, adj. (Lai.) Apper- taining to summer. Rider's Dic- tionarie, 1640. ^ESTIVATE, v. (Lot.) To remain in a place during the summer. jEsnvE, adj. (Lat.) Of summer. JTITES. A pebble, sometimes called the eagle-stone. The an- cients believed that it was found in the eagle's nest, and that the eggs could not be hatched with- out its assistance. According to Lupton, it is a charm to be used by women in childbirth, and brings love between man and wife. A singular account of its virtues may be seen in Cooper's edition of Elyot's Dictionarie, 1559, Sig. Civ. AEWAAS, adv. Always. North. AEY, adv. Yes. Var. dial. AFA.TEN, AFFAYTBN It afaittth the flessh Fram folies ful mauve. Piers PL, p. 291. He hadde a clergon yonge of age, Whom he hath in his chamber affalted. Gower The jonge whelpe whiche is affayfed. ftl AFA 30 AFF As sone as somer come, to Trlond he gan wende, Vbr to afayty that lond, and to wynne ech ende. Rob. Glouc., p. 179. AFALLE, part . p. Fallen. AFARE, s. (A.-N.) Affairs ; busi- ness; ado. AFARNE, adv. (A.-S.) Afar off. AFATEMENT, *. (A.-N.) Be- haviour; manners. AFAYLE v. (A.-N.) To fail. AFEARED, \ AFFEARD, *>part.p.(A.-S.) Afraid. AFERT, J For be he lewed man or elles lered, He not how sone that he shal ben afered. The Doctoures Tale. Ich am afert, Lo wbet ich se, Me thinketh hit beth develes thre. MS. Arund., 83. AFERE, \ v. (A.-S. afeeran.) To AFFEAR, J terrify. The flora the soudan nam, Richard for to affere. Langtoft's Chron., p. 187. And it afereth the fend, For swich is the myghte. Piers PL, p. 395. Each trembling leafe and whistling wind they heare, As ghastly bug, does greatly them affeare. Spenser's Faerie Qiteene. II, iii, 20. AFEDE,r.(^.-5.) To feed. Chaucer. AFEFE, v. {A.-N.) To feof ; to give fiefs. AFELD, "1 adv. (A.-S.) In the AFELDE, / field ; in fight. Ant hou he sloh afelde Him that is fader aquelde. Horn, 997. AFELLE, v. (A.-S.) To fell; to cut down. That lond destmd and men aqneld. And Cristcndom thai lian michel afeJd. Gy of Wanoike, p. 96. AFENGE, v. (A.-S.) To receive; to take. A lady, whyt as flowr, That hyghte la dame ifamore, Afeng hym fayr and well. Lybeaus Disconus, 1401. AFEORME, v. (A.-N.) To confirm ; to make fast. Have who so the maistry may, Afearmed faste is this deray. Kyng Alisaundtr, 7356. AFER, s. (A.-N.) A horse. The word is now used generally for a common hack, or cart-horse. According to Spelman, it was current in his time in Northum- berland. AFERD, part. p. (A.-N.) In- structed. -- 5 - Afraid - Sche that is afcrrc lette her flee. RiUon, Anc. Songs, p. 77. AFETID, part. p. (A.-N.) Well- shaped, or featured, applied to deer. AFFABROUS, adj. (Lat. affabre.) Perfect. , AFFADIL, s. (A.-N.) A daffodil. A form of the word common in the 15th and 16th centuries. AFFAIED, part. p. (d.-N.) Af- frighted j affected. Langt&ft. AFFAIES, *. (A.-N.) Burdens. Langtoft. A.fFA.iwi>,part.p.(A.-N.) Feigned. AFFAMISH, v. (A.-N.) (1) To fa- mish with hunger. Spenser. (2) To die of want. There is a curious clause in one of the Romish Casuists concerning the keep- ing of Lent, viz , that beggars which are ready to affamish for want, may in Lent time eat what they can get. Ball's Triumphs of Rome, p. 123. AFFABTJLATION, *. The moral of a fable. AFFECT, v. (Fr.) To love. Who make it their taske to disparage what they affect not. Ashmolf's Theatr. Chem., p. 461. AFFECT, i*. Affections; passions; AFFECTS, 1 love. For every man with his affects is bom. Lore's Labours Lost, i, 1. Is't possible, I should be dead so soon In her affects ? - Marston's What You Will, iii, 1. All overcome with infinite affect For his exceeding courtesy. Spenser. It shall be so. Grime, gramercie, Shut up thy daughter, bridle her affects, Let me not miss her when 1 make return. Greene's Pinner of WaTcefield, 1599. AFF 31 AFF So her chief care, as carelesse how to please Her own affect, was care of peoples ease. Jfytoufj Eliza, Mirr. M., p. 853. AFFECTATED, part. p. (Lot.) Af- fected. " A stile or oration to much affe.ctated wyth strange, words." Baret. AFFECTATION, s. (Lat.} A curious desire of a thing which nature hath not given. Rider. AFFECTEOUSLY, adv. Affection- ately. AFFECTION, v. (/'.) (1) To love. " But can you affection the 'oman ?". Merry Wives of Wind- sor, i, 1. (2) $. Affectation. (3) Sympathy. AFFECTIONATED, part. p. (Lat.} Attached. AFFECTIONED, part. p. Affected ; having affections. AFFECTIVE, adj. Touching ; affect- ing ; painful. AFFECTUALL, adj. (Fr.) Effectual. 1 adv. Passion- AFFECTUALLY, I atel affection . AFFECTUOUSLY, J So that my writinge rather provokithe vou to disple.isur than it forderithe me in any poynt concernyng your favour, whiche I most affectually coveyte. Archteologia, xxv, 89. I have sought hym affecluosly. Reliq. Antiq., ii, 157. AFFECTUOSITY, s. The vehemence of passion. AFFEEBLED, adj. Enfeebled. AFFEER, v. (A.-N.) To settle ; to assess ; to reduce to a certainty. All amerciaments that is, judge- ments of any court of justice, upon a presentment or other proceeding, that a party shall be amerced are by Magna Charta to be affeered by lawful men, sworn to be impartial. This was the ordinary practice of a Court Leet. Thy title is affcer'd ! Fare tK3e well, lord. Macbeth, iv, 3. AFFEERERS, s. Persons who, in courts leet, are appointed upon oath, to settle and moderate the fines and amerciaments imposed upon those who have committed faults, or offences, for which no precise penalty is provided by statute ; and they are likewise, occasionally, so employed in couits baron. AFFENDE, v. To offend. AFFERAUNT,*.^.-^.) The haunch of a hart. AFFERE, (I) v. (A.-N. offerer.) To belong. (2) s. Countenance ; demeanour. AFFERME, v. (A.-N.) To confirm. Among the goddes hye it is affermed. Chaucer, Cant. T., 2351, A?FESED,part.p. (A.-N.) Fright- ened. She for a while was well sore affesed. Browne?* Sheplicard's Fife, Eel. i. AFF IE, ~] AFFY, I v. (A.-N.qffier.) (1) To AFYE, J trust ; to rely in. AFYGHE, J For to shewe by experience That she is Fortune verilie, In whom no man ne should affie, Nor in her yeftis have liaunce. Eomaunt of the Rose, 5480. Bid none affie in friends, for say, his children wrought his wracke. Warner's Albion's England, 1592. Pors afyed in his streynthe. K. Alisaunder, 7351. Who that hath trewe amye, Joliflich he may hym in her afyghe. 'Ib., 4753. (2) To betroth in marriage. And wedded be thou to the hags of hell, For daring to affy a mighty lord Unto the daughter of a worthless king, Having neither subject, wealth, nor diailem. 2 Henry 71, iv, 1. AFFINAGE, *. (A.-N.) The refining of metals. Skinner. AFFINE, (1) s. (Lat. affinis.) A relative. (2) v. (A.-N.) To refine. Skinner, AFF 82 AFF AFFINED, adj. Connected by re- lationship or otherwise. Now, sir, he judge yourself, Whether I in any just term am affin'd To love the Moor. Othello, i, 1. AFFIRE, adv. On fire. Lydgate. AFFIRMABLY, adv. With cer- tainty. AFFLIGHT, #. Flight. AFFLIGIT, adj. (A.-N.) Afflicted. AFFLUENCY, s. (Lat. affluentia.) Abundance. You may justly wonder at this vast affluency of indulgences. Brecint's Saul, j-c., p. 253. AFFODELL, s. (A.-N.) The daf- fodil. AFFORCE.P.^.-.ZV.) To strengthen; to compel. See Aforce, (the more common form.) AFFORE, v. (A.-N.) To make effective. Heete and moysture directytli ther pas- sages. With greene fervence fafforeyongcorages. Lydgate's Minor P., p. 244. AFFOREST, v. (A.-N.) To turn ground into forest. This term is used in the Carta de Foresta, 9 Hen. III. AFFORME, v. (Lat.) To conform. AFFORST, adv. Thirsty. See Afurst. Not halffe ynowh therof lie hadde. Oft he was ajforst. Frere and Boy. AFFRAYE, v. (A.-N.) To frighten. And whenne kynge Edwardes hooste had knowlege that sere Perys le Brasille with the Scottesmen were comynge, thei remevcd from the sege and were affrayed. Warkworth's Chronicle, p. 2. AFFRAIE, AFRAYE, Fear. But yet I am in grete affraie. Rom. of the Rose, 4397. His herte was in grete afraye. Syr Tryamoure, 1382. AFFRAY, . A disturbance. Who lyved ever in such delyt a day, That him ne meved eyther'his conscience, Or ire, or talent, or som maner affray. Chaucer, Cant. T., 5555. AFFRAYNE, v. (A.-S.) To ques- tion ; to ask; to know by asking. I affrayned hym first Fram whennes he come. Piers Pl.,\>. 347. AFFRAYOR, *. (A.-N.) The actor in an affray. Every private man being present be- fore, or in and during the time of an affray, ought to stay the affmyor, and to part them, and to put them in sunder, but may not hurt them, if they resist him; neither may he imprison them (for that he is but a private man). Dalton's Country Justice, 1629. AFFRAMYNGE, s. (A.-N.) Profit; gain. Prompt. Parv., p. 176. AFFRAP, v. (A.-N.) To encounter ; to strike down. They bene y-niett, both ready to affrnp. dpeiuer. AFFREN!>, v. (A.-S.) To make friends ; to reconcile. And deadly foes so faithfully affrended. Spenser. AFFRET, *. (Fr.) An assault; an attack. And, passing forth with furious affret. Spenser. AFFRICAN, s. A name for a species of marigold. AFFRICTION, s. Friction. AFFRIGHTMENT, s. A frightning. I have heard you say that drcames and visions were fabulous; and yet one time I dreamt fowle water ran through the floore, and the next day the house was on fire. You us'd to say hobgoblins, fairies, and the like, were nothing but our owne affrightmeuts, and yet o' my troth, cuz, I once dream'd of a young batchelour, and was ridd with a night- mare. But come, so my conscience be cleere, I never care how fowle my drcames are. The Vow-Breaker, 1636. AFFRODILE, s. A daffodil. Chesh. AFFRONT, (1) v. (/J.-N. affronter.) To confront ; to salute. These are the direct meanings of the word ; but it is also often used to denote encountering, opposing, attack- ing, and most generally, to offend and insult avowedly and with design. For we have closely sen t for Hamlet hither, That he, as 'twere" by accident, may here Affront Ophelia. Hamlet, iii, 1, AFF 33 AFO (2) *. A salutation. Only, sir, this I must caution you of, in your affront, or salute, never to move your l>at. Green's Tu Quoquc. This day thou shall have ingots, and to- morrow- Give lords th' affront. Jonson, Alch., ii, 2. (3) adv. In face of. All mortal warres afront the gate. Phaer's Virgil, p. 124. Afront the towne. Jb., p. 168. .... and on the shore afront them tends. tt., p. 221. AFFROXTEDNESS, s. Great impu- dence. AFFUND, v. (Lot.) To pour upon. AFFYAUNCE, s. (A.-N.) Trust. AFGODNESS, s. (A.-S.) Idolatry. Skinner. AFIELD, adv. Gone to the fields ; out in the fields. Northamp- tonsh. AFILE, lt>. (A.-N.) (1) To AFFILE, j polish. For wel wy st he, whan that song was soiige, He moste preche, and wel affyle liis tunge. Chaucer, Cant. T., 714. (2) To defile. Alas, heo saide, y nere y-spilled ! Jfor men me cleputh queue afiled. Kynfj Alisaunder, 1064. AFINDE, v. (A.-S.) To discover. And tha the Sarsens afounde Her lord was slayn. Octotian, i, 1659. AFINE, adv. The same as Afyn. AFINGRED, adj. A-hungred ; hun- gry. See Afurst. . And after many mauer metes His niawe is af'yngred. Piers PL, p. 133. A vox gon out of the wode go, Afingret so, that him wes wo. Beliq. Antiq., ii, 272. AFIT, adv. On foot. North. AFIVE, adv. Into five pieces. That his spere brast afve. Gy of WarvATce, p. 395. AFLAMING, adj. Flaming. AFLAT, adj. Flat. AFLAUNT, adj. Showily dressed. A) iflaunt now vaunt it ; Brave wench, cast away care. Promos and Cassandra, i, 2. AFLED, part. Escaped. " He thought hym well qfled." Sir T. More. AFLIGHTE,W.(^.-A T .) Tobe uneasy. AFLORE, adv. On the floor. AFO, v. (A.-S.) To take ; to re- ceive ; to undertake. Ac he therof nold afo, 1'or nothing that he might do. Gy of Warwike, p. 94. AFOAT, adj. On foot. Var. dial. AFOILE, v. (A.-N.) To foil ; to cast down. AFONDE, v. (A.-S. afandian.) To prove ; to try. And nys non ned wyth foule handlynge Other other afondeth. W. de Shoreham. AFONGE, v. (d.-S.) To take; to receive. Nou God that ous soule jaf, ous lete hire her so rede, That seint Michel ous mote afonge and to- fore him lede ! Middle-Age Treatises on Science, p. HO. AFORCE, 1 v. (A.-N. afforcer.) AFroRCE, J (1) To force; to com- pel. To aforce oneself, to labour to do a thing. And doth hit turne in yerdis leynthe, And aforced hit by streynthe. K. Alisaunder, 788. And heo aforcede horn the more the hethene awey to dryve. Bob. Glove. (2) To violate a female. He hath me of vilanie bisought ; Me to aforce is in his thought. Arth. and Mer., p. 88 AFORE, 1 (J) fl vemence ; disad- ArTERDELE, J ^^ ' Tlie kynge and the duke were before put to great afterdeale ; by reason of reformatioun of that ille they gat daily upon their enemyes. Fabian, ii, 145. Thus the battle was great, aud often- times that one party was at a foredele, and anon at an afterdele, which endured long. Malory, H. ofK. Arthur, &c., b. i, p. 169. AFTER-EYE, v. To keep a person in view ; to follow him. Thou should'st have made him As little as a crow, or less, ere left To after-eye him. Cymbeline, i, 4. AFTERFEED, s. The grass after the first crop has been mown, which is fed off, not left for an after- math. Oxford. AFTER-GAME, s. The " after-game at Irish" is mentioned in the Devil's Law-Case, 1623. It is described in the Compleat Game- ster, 1709. What cursed -accident wns this? what mischievous stars have the managing of my fortune ? Here's a turn with all my heart like an after-game at Irish. Etherege, Comical Itereiige, 1 669. AFTER-KINDRED, s. Remote kin- dred. Chaucer. AFTER-LOVE, s. A second or later love. See the Two Gentlemen of l-'erona, iii, 1, and Richard II, v, 3. AFTERMATH, s. A second crop of grass. Var. dial. ArTER-PARTE.The behind. Prompt. Pare. AFT 35 AGA AFTER-SAILS, *. The sails that belong to the main and mizen masts, and keep the ship to the wind. AFTERINGS, s. The last milk taken from a cow. This word is used in the Midland Counties. " Dunna mix the afterinysvii'totherinilk." Do not mix the last drawn milk with the other milk. AFTERLEYS, s. Aftermaths. Berks. AFTER-LOXGE, adv. Long after- wards. And after -longe lie lyved withouten stryfe. Reliq. Antiq., i,"47. AFTERWARDS. " I must leave that for old afterwards," i. e., I must do it at some future time. AFTER-YERNE, v. (A.-S.) To long after. AFT-MEAL, s. A late meal. At aft-meales who shall pave for the wine ? Thynne's Debate, p. 49. AFURE, adv. On fire. Rob. Glouc. AFURST, adv. Thirsty. The two forms a-fyngred and a-furst, ap- pear to be characteristic of the dialect of the counties in the West of England, and occur often in Piers Ploughman, and in manu- scripts probably written in that part of the country. "Affurst corrupte pro athirst, sitiens, siti- culosus." MS. Glouc. Gloss. AFURT, adj. Sullen. Somerset. AFWORE, prep. Before. Var. dial. AFYGHTE, v. (A.-S. afeohtan.} To tame ; reduce to subjection. AFYX, \ v. (A -N. a fin.) In fine ; AFYNE, J in the end ; at last. Mete and drynk they hadde afyn, Pyemeut, clare, aud Reynysch wyn. Launjal, 343. Ac, v. To cut with a stroke. North. AGAAN, arfp. Against; again. North. AGADRED, part. p. Gathered. Skinner. AGAH, s. The ague. North. Prep. (A.-S.) Against; I near to ; towards. AGAINST, J And preyeth hir for to ride agein the queene, The honour of his regne to susteene. Chaucer, Cant. T., 4812, Til it were ageyn evyn. Songs and Carols, \. (2) adv. Used expletively. This citie lieth between the rivers Don and Dee, wherein is the greatest store of salmons, that is to be found again within the compasse of Albion. Descr. of Scotl., Holinshed, p. 7. They have, in this country, suclie plenty of foules bothe wilde and tame as the lyke number agayne is not to be found in Britaine. 16., p. 14. AGAINBYE, "1 v. (A.-S.) To re- AGHENBIE, j deem. AGAYNBYER, s. A redeemer. "Agaynbyer or a raunsomere, re- demptor." MS. Harl., 221, fol. 3. AGEYN - BYINGE, s. Redemption. Prompt. Parv. AGAYNE-COMMYNGE, s. Return. AGAIN-RISING, s. The resurreetion. AGAYNSAY, "I *. (A.-S.) Con- AGAYNSAYYNG, J tradiction. Sure it is that lie tooke lande peaceably wythout any agaynsw/ or interrupcion. 'Hall's Union, 1548. AGAINSTANDE, v. (A.-S. agenstan- dan.) To resist ; to oppose. Lorde, thou byddist sufferen both wronges and strokes withouten ar/ein- stondinge. .. For suffering norissheth love and ageinstondeth debate. Prayer oj the Plowman, Harl. Misc., vi, 97 For cause he came not forth with all his might The tyrant fell to ayaynstand as lie Light. Hardyng's Chron., fol. 48. With castelles strong and towres for the nones, At eche myles ende toagaynstandeMe the foonys. " /*., fol. 53. AGAYNEWARDE, "I adv. (A.-S.) On AYENWARDE, > the contrary, on AGEYNWARDE, J the other hand. But agaynewarde the wretcheth dis- posycion of the body distourbeth the soule. Trnisa, lib.'ii, cap. iii, fol. 61. And ayenwarde, yf they bey unevyn in Eroporcyon, and infecte, theiine hee redyth evyl and syknesse. Jiurthol., by Traisa, lib. iv, p. 61. AGA 36 AGE AGAITARDS, adv. (A.-S.) " To gang agaitwards," to accompany. A Yorkshire word. AGAINTH, prep. Against. North. AGAME, adv. In game. Chaucer. AGAN, part. p. Gone. AGAPE, adv. On the gape. Milton. AGAR, s. A sea monster ; perhaps a personification of the Higre, or bore of the tide. Hee [Neptune] sendeth a monster called the agar, against whose coming the waters roare, the fowles flie an ay, and the cattel in the field for terrour shunne the baukes. Lilly's Gallathea, act i. s. 1 . AGAR. An exclamation. Devon. AGARE. An exclamation, equiva- lent to be on your guard, or, look out. With you again, Beaugard. Agare, ho ! Otway, The Atheist, 1684. AGARICK, s. (Lot.) The fungus on the larch. Gerard. Minsheu calls it " a white and soft mush- room." It is also given as the name of an Assyrian herb. AGARIFIED, adj. Having the ague. Suffolk. AGAS-DAY. St. Agatha's Day. AGASED, \part. p. Astonished; AGAZED, J aghast. The French exclaim'd, "the devil was in arms !" All the whole army stood agaz'd on him. 1 Henry VI, i, 1. The were so sore agased. Chester Flays, ii, 85. AGAST, part. p. Terrified. Still used in the North. For which so sore agast was Emelie, That she was wel neigh mad, and gan to crie. The Knightes Tale, 2343. AGASTE, v. To frighten. Spenser. AGATE, adv. (A.-S.) Agoing, ado- ing. I pray you, memory, set him agate again. 0. P., v, 180. To get agate, to make a be- ginning of any work or thing; to be agate, to be on the road, ap- proaching towards the end. (2) s. A very diminutive person. Said to be a metaphor from the small figures cut in agate for rings. AGATE-WARDS, adv. To go agate- wards with any one.to accompany him part of his way home, which was formerly the last office of hospitality towards a guest, fre- quently necessary even now for guidance and protection in some parts of the country. In Lincoln- shire it is pronounced agatehouse, and in the North generally aga- terds. AGATHRID, part. p. Gathered. AGE, s. (A.-S. cEce.) Ake ; pain. Thei feelen myche age and grevaunce. Medical MS. lath cent. AGE, v. (A.-N.} To grow old. " My daam ages fast," i. e., she looks older in a short space of time. It is sometimes used in Yorkshire in the sense of affecting with concern and amazement, hecause those passions, when violent and long indulged, are supposed to bring on gray hairs and premature old age. The verb agyn oc- curs in Prompt. Pan., p. 8, and Pals- grave has, " 1 aye or wexe olde." AGE, adv. (from A.-S. agen.) Against, towards. As the kyng Guourguont from Denemarke wende age Hider toward Engolond. Bob. Glove., p. 39. So gret tempest ther com that drof hem here and there, So that the nieste del adreynt were in the se, And to other londes some y drive, and ne come uer age. lb., p. 96. AGEE, adv. Awry; obliquely; askew. North. It is sometimes used for " wrong," and occasionally a cor- ruption of " ajar," as applied to a door. AGEEAN, prep. Against; again. North. AGEINS, prep. Towards. AGEYNUs,/>rep. Against. Also hyt were a^ryntts good reson, To take liys hure, as hys felows don. Constit. of Masonry, 167. AGE 37 AGH Sad; sullen. Minsheu, Guide into Tongues, 1627. AGELT, (1) v. (from A.-S. agildan.) Forfeited ; repaid. (2) Offends. For agilt. AGEN, adv. (A.-S.} Again ; against ; contiguous. Slial have a souper at your aller cost, Here in this place, sitting by this post, Wliaii that ye comen agen "from Canterbury. Chaucer, Cant. Tales, 8CK5. AGENFRIE, s. (A.-S. agenfrige.} The true lord or owner of any thing. Skinner. AGENHINE, s. (A.-S.) A guest at a house, who, after three nights' stay, was reckoned one of the family. Cowell. AGEN-RISING, s. (A.-S.) The resur- rection. " This is the firste ajera- risyng, blessid, and hooli is he that hath part in the firste ajew- risyng." Wyckliffe's New Testa- ment, Apoc., xx. AGERDOWS, adj. (A.-N.) Eager; keen ; severe. Skelton. AGEST, adj. Greatly alarmed. Some- times used to express such great terror, as if a ghost had appeared. Used in Exmoor, and according to Grose, in the North. AGETHE, pres. t. Goeth. AGG, (1) v. (A.-S. eggian.) To incite ; to provoke. Exmoor. Agging, murmuring, raising a quarrel. Devon. (2) s. A grudge ; a spite. Nor- thumb. (3) v. To hack ; to cut clumsily. watt AGGENERATION, s. (Lot.) A grow- ing together. AGGERATE, *. (Lot.} To heap up. Rider. AGGESTED, s. (Lat.) Heaped up. Coles. AGGIE, v. (A.-S.) To dispute ; to murmur. AGGLATED. Adorned with aglets. Hall, Henry VIII, f. 162. AGGLE, v. To cut uneven. North- amptonsh. AGGRACE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To favour. And, that which all faire workes doth most aggrace. Spenser. (2) s. Favour. Of kindnesse and of courteous ay/trace. Spenser. AGGRATE, v. (1) (A.-N.) To please or gratify. From whom whatever thing is goodly thought Doth borrow grace, the fancy to agqrale. Spens., Tears of Muses. (2) To irritate. Far. dial. AGGREDE, v. To aggravate. Coles. AGGREEVANCE, "1 s. (A.-N.) A AGGREVAUNS, J grievance; injury. AGGREGE, ~] v. (A.-N. agreger.} AGREGGE, 1 To augment ; to ag- AGGREYGE,J gravate. And some tonges venemous of nature, Whan they perceyve that a prince is meved, To agreg hys yre do their busy cure. Bochas, b. iii, c. 20. AGGRESTEYNE, s. (A.-N.) A sick- ness incident to hawks. AGGROUP, v. To group. Dryden. AGGUISE, 1 (1) s. (from guise.} AGUISE, /Dress. The glory of the court, their fashions And brave agguize, with all their princely state. if ore's Philos. Poems, p. 7. (2) v. To dress ; to put on. Spenser. AGHE, pres. t. Ought. AGHEN, adj. (A.-S.) Own. AGHENDOF.E, *. An old Lancashire measure,containing eight pounds. See Aighendale. Did covenant with the said Anne, that if she would hurt neither of them, she should yearely have one aqhendole of meale. Pott's Discov. of W'itches, 1 613. AGHFUL, 1 adj. (A.-S.) Fearful ; AGHLICH, J dreadful. AGHT, (1) pres. t. (from the A.-S. ay an.) Owes ; ought. (2) pres. t. Possesses. (3) . Possessions ; property. AGH 38 AGL (4) *. Anything. Whan aght was do ajens hys wylle, He cursed Goddvs name wvth ylle. 'MS. Uarl.] 1701, f. 33. (5) adj. (A.-S.) Eight. (6) #. The eighth. AGHTAND, adj. The eighth. AGHTELE, v. (A.-S.) ' To intend. The knight said, May I traist in the For to tel my prevete That I have aghteld for to do. Sevyn Sages (Weber), 3053. AGHTEXE, adj. Eight. AGILITE, adj. Agile. If it be, as I have sayd, moderately taken after some weightie businesse, to make one more freshe and agilite to prosecute his good and godly affaires, and lawfull businesse, I saye to you aeaine, he maye lawfullye doe it. Korthbrooke's Treat, against Dicing, p. 53. AGILTE }* (*~S. agMa*.) To |TE> Ue guilty ; to offend ; to AGULTE 'Jsin He agilte her nere in othir case, So here all wholly his trespasse. Bom. of tlie Rose, 5832. Thay were ful glad to excuse hem ful blvye Of thing, that thay never agilte in her lyve. Chaucer, Cant. T., 5974. AGIN, (1) con/. As if. Yorksh. (2) prep. Against. East. (3) adv. Again, far. dial. AGINATE, v. (from Low Lat. agi- nare.) To retail small wares. Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. AGIXATOUR, s. A hayker of small wares. This word is given by Skinner, who says he had met with it but once. It occurs in Cockeram's English Dictionarie, 1639. AGIPE, *. A coat full of plaits. Coles. AGIST, v. (from Medieval Lat. agis- tare, supposed to be from Fr. gesir.) To take in cattle to de- pasture in a forest, or elsewhere, at a stipulated price ; to put in cattle to feed; also called, in the North, jising, gisdng, or foisting cattle. Cattle so taken in are called gisements. According to Coweli, it is a law term, signifying to take in and feed the cattle of strangers in the king's forest, and to gather the money due for the same for the king's use. AGISTMENT, s. (1 ) The feeding of cattle in a common pasture, for a stipulated price. For, it is to be noted, that agislment is in two sortes, that is to say, the a/fist- ment of the herbage of woods, landes and pastures, and also the ayistment of the woods, which is the nuist of the woods, which by a more proper worde, for difference, is called the puwnaste. Manwoofs Forest Laics, 1598. (2) An embankment ; earth heaped up. AGISTOR, s. An intendant of the royal forests. AGITABLE, adj. Easily agitated. AGLEEDE, v. (A.-S.) To glide forth ? When the body ded ryse, a grymly gos agleed. Lydgate'i Minor P., p. 116 AGLER, *. (A.-N.) A needle-case. AGLET, 1 *. (A.-N.) The tag of AIGULET, J a lace, or of the points formerly used in dress; a spangle ; a little plate of metal. Aglet, " a jewel in one's cap." Barefs Alvearie. Which all above besprinkeled was through- out, With golden aygulets that glistered bright, Like twinkling stars. Spenser, F. Q., II, iii. All in a woodman's jacket he was clad Of Lincolne greeue, belay'd with silver lace; And on his head a hood with aglets sprad. It., VI, ii. AGLET-BABY, s. A diminutive being, not exceeding in size the tag of a point. Shakesp. AGLETS. The catkins of the hazel. Gerard. AGLOTYE.f. (from A.-N.gloutoyer.) To glut ; to satisfy. To maken with papelotes To aglotye with here gurles That greden aftur fode. Piers PI., p. 629. AGL 39 AGR AGJLUTTYD, part. p. Choked. Book of St. Albans. AGNAYLES, j s. A hang-nail. ANGNAYLES, J This word is, pro- bably, the same as angnails (pro- nounced in Yorkshire nangnails), which Grose gives as a provincial word used in Cumberland, to signify corns on the toes. Pals- grave has " agnayle upon one's too." "An agnaile, or corne grow- ing upon the toes." Rider's Dic- tionarie, 1640. Minsheu explains it as the " sore hetweene the finger and the naile." It is used in some places to denote pieces of skin, above, or hanging over, the naiis, which are often painful and troublesome. These in Stafford- shire are called back-friends; and in Yorkshire, step-mother's It is good, dronken in wyne, against scorpiones, and for agnayles. Turner's Herbal. With the shell of a pomegarned, they purge away angnaylles, and such hard swellinges/fcc. Turner's Herbal. AGNATION, s. (Lot. agnatio.) Kin- dred by the father's side. Minsk, AGNITION, s. (Lat. agnitio.) An acknowledgment. Miege. AGNIZE, v. To acknowledge; to confess ; to know. AGNOMINATE, v. (Lat.) To name from any meritorious action. Ag- nomination, according to Min- sheu, is a " surname that one obtaineth for any act, also the name of an house that a man commeth of." AGO, j v. (A.-S.) To go; to AGON, > pass away. The part. p. AGONNE, J is still used in some parts of the country; a while agone, some time ago. Be the 4ef, other be the loth, This worldes wele al aijoth. Beliq. Antlq., i, 160. Al tliilk trespas is ago. Pol. Songs, p. 197. And I tolde them lie was ago. Cocke Lorelles Bate, p. 14, Tyll the thyrd dey be agone. MS. of loth cent. Uppon thai other syde Palamon, Whan he wiste that Arcite was agoon, Such sorwe maketh. Chaucer, Cant. T., 1277. A-GOD-CHEELD. God shield you ! Pegge. AGONIOUS, adj. Full of agony. AGONIST,*. (Or.) A champion; a prize-fighter. Rider. AGONIZE, v. To fight in the ring. Minsheu. AGOO, part. p. Gone ; ago ; since. Dorset, and Somerset. AGOOD, adv. In good earnest ; heartily. AGRADE, v. (A-N.) To be pleased with. AGRAME, "1 . (A.-S.) To dis- AGREME, Iplease; to vex; to AGROME,J anger. And if a man be falsely famed, And wol ymnke purgacyoun, Than wol the ollicers be agramed. Plowman's Tale, 1. 2281 Lybeauus was sore aschamed, And yn hys herte agramede, For he hadde y-lore hys sworde. Lybeaus Discomts, 1916. A.GRA.STE,pret. t. Agraced ; showed grace and favour. Spenser. AGRAUNTE, v. (A.-N. agreaunter.) To please; to satisfy. AGRAYDE, v. (A.-N.) To arrange ; to decorate. Thyn halle agrayde, and hele the walle With clodes and wyth ryche palles. Launfal, 904. AGRE, adv. (A.-N. a gre.) In good part ; kindly. Whom I ne founde froward, ne fell, But toke ogre all whole my plaie. Bom. of the Mosc,44!9. AGRE, v. To please. If harme ogre me, wherto plaine I thenne. Troilus and Creseide, i, 410. AGREABILITE.S. Easinessof temper; equanimity. AGR 40 AGU ACREAGE, v. To allege. AGREAT, adv. Altogether. To take a work agreat, to take it altogether at a price. AGREEABLE, adj. Willing to agree. " I am quite agreeable to any- thing you likes best." A com- mon provincialism, though given by Forby as peculiar to East Anglia. AGREEABLY, adv. Uniform ; per- fectly alike. Spenser speaks of two knights "armed boih agree- ably." AGREEANCE.S. (A.-N.) Accommo- dation ; accordance ; reconcilia- tion ; agreement. AGREF, 1 adv. (A.-N.) In grief. AGREVE, I To take agref is a common phrase in the old writers. And, nece mine, ne take it nat agrefe. Troilus and Creseide, Hi, 864. AGREMED. See Agrame. AGRESSE, v. (from Lot.) To ap- proach. AGRESTICAL, adj. (Lat.) Rural. Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. AGRET, adv. (A.-S.) In sorrow. AGRETHE, v. (A.-S.) To dress ; to prepare. AGREVE, v. (A.-N. agrever.) To grieve a person-; to vex; to in- jure. And now fully porposide withowte oc- casyon of greyff to be playntyffe agaynste me, whom I never agretyde in no case. Monastic Letters, p. 188. Synne offeiidyth God in his face, And agretyth cure Lorde ffnlle ylle. Ludits Cotentrite, p. 41. AGRIOT, *. (Fr.) A tart cherry. Howell. AGRISE 1 *' ( A " S - a ff risan ^ To } be terrified ; to dread ; ZE ' J to terrify .; to disfigure. Yet not the colour of the troubled deep, Those spots supposed, nor the fogs that rise From the dull earth, me any whit agrize. Drayt., Man in the Moon, To hide the terrour of her uncouth hew, From mortal eyes that should be sore agrized. Spenser, F. Q., VII, vii. Suche rulers mowen of God agrlse. The Plowman's Tale, 1. 2300. Who so take ordirs othirwise I trowe, that they shall sore agrise. Ib., 2780. The gode knyght up aros, Of Homes wordts him airos. Kyng Ham, 1. 1326. And in his herte he sodainly agrose, And pale he wexte, &c. Legends of Thisle, 1.125. AGROMED. Angered. SeeAgrame. AGROPE, v. To grope ; to search out. AGROS. See Agrise. AUROSE, s. (Lot.) A person who has much land. Cockeram's Eng- lish Dictionarie, 1639. AGROTEN, v. (A.-S.) To cloy ; to surfeit with meat or drink. This word is given in Rider's Diction- arie, 1640. It is generally ap- plied to surfeits. Gorges agroteied enbosscd tlieir entrayle. Bochas, b. v, c. 20. AGROUND, adv. To the ground. And howshefel flat downe before his feete aground. Eomeus and Juliet, 1562. AGRUDGE, v. (A.-N.) To be grieved at. AGRUM, s. A disease of hawks. AGRYM, *. Arithmetic. See Al- grim. AGUE, (1) adv. Awry ; obliquely ; askew. North. (2) s. (A.-N. from aigu, sharp.) Swelling and inflammation from taking cold. East. AGUED, part. p. Chilly ; cold ; shivering. All hurt behind, backs red, and faces pale With fright and agued fear. Coriolanus, i, 5. AGUE-OINTMENT, s. An unguent made of the leaves of elder, held in Norfolk to be of sovereign ef- ficacy in curing agues in the face. AGUE-PROOF, adj. Proof against an ague. AGU 41 AIE Go to, they are not men of their words ; they told me I was everything ; 'tis a lie, 'I am not ague-proof. King Lear, iv. 6. AGUE-TREE, s. The sassafras. Gerard. AGUKRRY, v. (Fr.) To discipline and make warlike. AGUIL"KR, s. (A.-N. aguillier.) A needle-case. A silvir nedil forth I drowe, Out otayuilerqneint i-nowe, And gau this nedill tlirede anone. Bom. of the Rose, 98. AGUISE. See Agguise. AGULTE, . To be guilty; to offend. The form of the word which oc- curs in Piers Ploughman, Robert of Gloucester, and other early writers. See Agilte. AGWAIX. Going. Agwon, gone. Somerset. AGYE, (1) v. To guide ; to govern. See Gie. (2) adv. Aside; askew. North. AGYNNE, v. (A.-S.) To begin. Thou wendest that ich wrohte That y ner ne thohte, By Rymenild forte lygge, Y-wys icli hit withsugge, Ke slial ich ner ayynne Er ich Sudenne wymie. "Kyng Horn, 1285. AH. (1) I. Yorksh. (2) Yes. Derby sh. A-HANG, part. p. Hanged ; been hanged. Rob. Glouc. AH BUT. Equivalent to nay but, frequently used in the country. It appears to be generally a sneering dissent to an assertion of an uncomplimentary character. And ase lie hengc, levedy, four ous, Aheye oppon tlie hullr, I-scheld ous wane we deade ben, That we ne hougy in helle. W. de Shoreliam. And owt of the lond no myghte schyp go, Bole bytweone roches two, So ahyyh so any mon myghte seone. Kyng Alismunder, 6236. A-HEIGHT, adv. On high. Shakesp. AHENT, adv. Behind. Midland Counties. AHINT, adv. Behind. North. A hind, Leicest. AHOH, adv. (A.-S. awoh.) All on one side. Northamptonsh. A-HOIGHT, adv. Elevated ; in good spirits. A-HOLD, adv. To lay a ship a-hold, to stay her or place her so that she may hold or keep to the wind. AHORSE.atfo. On horseback. North. AHTE, (1) s. Possessions ; property. Ah ! feyre thinges, freoly bore ! When me on woweth, beth war bifore Whuch is worldes ahte. Lyric Poetry, p. 46. (2) pret. t. Ought. (3) Eight. And sethe he reignede her Ahte ant tuenti folle yer. Chronicle of England, 416. AHUH, adv. Awry; aslant. Far. dial. A-HUNGRY. Hungry. Shakesp. AHJE, *. (A.-S. cege.) Fear. Ai, adv. (A.-S.') Always ; ever. AID, *. In Staffordshire, a vein of ore going downwards out of the perpendicular line; in Shrop- shire, a deep gutter cut across ploughed land, as well as a reach in the river, are so called. AIDER, s. A helper. What men should scale the walles of the cytie of Worcestre, and who should kepe the passages for lettyng of res- kewes and aiders. Hall, Henry VII, f. 4. AIDLE,W. To addle; to earn. North. AIE, *. (A.-S.) An egg. And for the tithing of a ducke, Or of an apple, or an aie. Urry's Chaucer, p. 185. AIEL, s. (A.-N.) A forefather. To gyve from youre heires That youre aielt yow lefte. fiers Ploughman, p. 814 AIESE, . Ease ; pleasure ; recrea- tion. AIG 42 AIR AIG, (1) s. (yf.-S.) A haw. Lane. (2) s. (A.-X.) Sourness. North. AIGHENDALE. A measure in Lan- cashire containing seven quarts. Ash. See Aghendole. AIGHS, s. An axe. Lane. AiGHT,jrW. Ought; owed. Yorksh. AiGHTEDEN,a<#.(x/.-S.)Theeighth. AIGLE, s. A 'Spangle ; the gold or silver tinsel ornamenting the dress of a showman or rope- dancer. Shropsh. See Aglet. (2) *. An icicle. Midi. Counties. AIGRE, adj. (A.-X.) Sour; acid. Yorksh. See Egre. AIGREEN, s. The house-leek. Ker- sey. AIGULET, s. The clasp of a buckle. " Aiguelet to fasten a clasp in." Palsgrave. See Aglet. AIK, s. An oak. North. AIKER, s. Glory. Cornw. AIL, v. (A.-S. aidlian.) To be in- disposed. Var. dial. (2) s. An indisposition. AILE, (1) *. A writ that lieth where the grandfather, or great- grandfather was seised in his demaines as of fee, of any land or tenement in fee simple, the day that he died, and a stranger abateth or entreth the same day anddispossesseththe heir. Coivell. (2) *. (A.-N.) A wing, or part of a building flanking another. AILETTES, s. (A.-N.) Small plates of steel placed on the shoulders in ancient armour, introduced under Edward I. AILS, s. (A.-S.) Beards of corn. Essex. " The eile.s or beard upon the eare of come." Hollyband. AIM, v. (A.-N.) (1) To intend; to conjecture. Yorksh. Shake- speare has it as a substantive in the same sense in the Two Gent, of Verona, in, 1. like Cassius, Sits sadly dumping, aiming Cresar's death. Greene's Orlando turioso, 1594. (2) To aim at. (3) "To give aim," to stand within a convenient distance from the butts, for the purpose of in- forming the archers how near their arrows fell to the mark. Metaphorically, to direct. (4) " To cry aim," in archery, to encourage the archers by crying out aim, when they were about to shoot. Hence, to applaud, to encourage, in a general sense. (5) To attempt. Yorksh. AIM-CRIER, s. A stander-by, who encouraged the archers by ex- clamations. Hence used for an abettor or encourager. While her own creatures, like aim-triers, beheld her mischance with nothing but lip-pity. ni/lisk Arcadia. AIN, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Own. North. then bespy'd her ain dear lord, As he cam owre the see, &c. Percy's Seliqves. (2) s. pi. (A.-S.) Eyes. AINCE, adv. Once. North. AIXOGE, adv. Anew. Rob. Clone. AINT, v. To anoint. Figuratively, to beat. Suffolk. AIR, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Early. 1 griev'd you never in all my life, Neither by late or air. Robin Hood. (2) *. (A.-N.) An heir. e Sarazyns smyte of myn hed, He ys myn ayr after my ded. MS. Ashmole, xxxiii, f. 46. The right aire of that cuntre' Es cumuli, with alle his knightes fre. Minot's Poems, p. 14. (3) Appearance. AIR-DEW, s. An old name for manna. AIR-DRAWX, adj. Drawn in the air; a creature of the imagina- tion. This is the very painting of your fear; This is the air-drawn dagger, which said Led you to Duncan. Macbeth, iii, 4. AIRG. s. An aerie of hawks. See Aerie. AIR 43 AIS AIREX, *. pi. (A.-S.} Eggs. AIRLES, s. (A.N.; earles in Craven ; yearles in Westmoreland ; and in Scotland, airle-penny.) Money advanced, or given, to confirm a bargain. See Aries. AIRLIXG, adj. A light airy person ; a coxcomb. Some more there be, slight airlings, will be won With dogs and horses. Jotison's Catiline, i, 3. AIRMS, *. pi. Arms. A Yorkshire word. Hur neeaked aims teea she lik'd te show, E'en when t' cawd bitter wind did blaw. The Yorkshire Dialect, 1839, p. 13. AIRX, (1) s. Iron. Maundevile's Travels. (2) . To earn. Wilts. (3) Either of them (e'er a one). Northamptonsh. AIRSTOXES, s. pi. Stones fallen from the air ; meteoric stones. They talk of divers prodigies, as well in these parts as in Holland, but specially mrstoncs ; the bell in his house doth often ring out two or three hours to- gether when nobody is near it, and when it is expressly watched; and the grates and bars of his windows are con- tinually hammered and battered, as if there were a smith's forge, which hath almost put him out of his wits. Letter, dated 1608. AIRT, s. (answering the Germ, art.) A point of the compass. North. AIRTH, adj. Afraid. Airthful, fearful. Xortfi. AIRY. An eagle's nest ; also used for the brood of young in the nest. See Aerie. AISE, s. (A.-\.~) (1) Ease. (2) The plant axweed. Skinner. AISH, s. Stubble ; as wheat, or oat aish, i. e. wheat or oat stub- ble. Grose gives this as a Hampshire word. AISIELICHE, adv. Easily. AISIL, j s. (4-.S. aisil or eisil.) AYSEL L' Vinegar; or at least a ASEL, J sort of vinegar. In two receipts in the Forme of Cury, " wyne, vynegar ay sell, other alegar," and "vynegar other aysell," are mentioned as ingre- dients. There was, perhaps, there- fore, a difference between what was ordinarily called vinegar and aisel; and it has been supposed that aysell may have been what has since been called verjuice; that is, an acid obtained from the expressed juice of crab-apples, or wildings. Agnus Castus soden with fenell in asell is good to destroy the dropsy Also a playster made wyth thys herbe (cher- vill) tempered with aysell, destroyeth wylde fyre. Poor Man's Herbal. She was like thing for hungir ded, That lad her hie only by bred Enedin with eisel strong and egre, And thereto she was lene and megre. Chaucer, Horn, of the Base, 1. 217. AISLICHE, adj. (A.-S. egeslice.) Fearfully. There I auntrede me in, And aiiliche 1 seyde. Piers PI., p. 471. AISNECIA, s. (from A.-N. aisne.) Primogeniture. Skinner. AIST. Thou wilt. Line. AISTER-EAL, s. Easter-ale, an extra-allowance given to labour- ers at that season. Northampt. AISTRE, \s. (A.-N. aistre, or, as it ESTRE, J is very commonly written, estre.) A house ; the parts or con- ditions of a house; its apartments; also, condition, life. The old French phrase, savoir Vaistre, which is interpreted connaitre tous les reduits d'une maison, will help to explain its application in some of the English extracts. It is still in common use in Staf- fordshire, Shropshire, and, pro- bably, in most of the Midland Counties, for the fire-place ; the back of the fire ; or the fire itself. In the early writers the form estre is the more common. AIT 44 AKE Al peynted was the wal in length and hreede, Like to the estres of the grisly place That hight the gret tempul of Mars in Trace. Chaucer, Knights T., 1. 1972. This Johan stert-up as fast as ever he might, And grasped by the walles to and fro To fyude a staf, and sclie start up also, And knewe the estres bet than dede Jon. neve's Tale, 1. 4290. His portes and his estres were fui even aunte Of tresour and of lordschyp Hist, of Beryn., 1.105. Fyrst by hys subtyll compassyng He gan espie the estres of the place. Bochas's loll of Princes, f. ?* AIT, *. (A.-S.) A little island in a river. AITCH, s. (A.-S.) An ach.orpain; a paroxysm in an intermitting disorder. Var. dial. AITCH-BONE *. The edge-bone (ps innominatuni). Var. dial. AITCHORNING,*. Gathering acorns; acorning. Chesh. AITH, s. (A.-S. a$.) An oath. North. AITHE, #. Swearing. AITHER, (1) pron. (A.-S.) Either. North. (2) Each. "Aw so three greet hee fellows cummin up t' loanin, an' aither o' them had a great big stick iv 'is hand." West- moreland and Cumberland Dia- lects, p. 323. (3) . (A.-S.) A ploughing. North. AITS, s. Oats. North. AIXES, *. (A.-S.) An ague. Grose gives this as a Northumberland word, and Brockett explains it, "a fit or paroxysm of an ague." AIYAH, *. The fat about the kid- ney of veal or mutton. Suffolk. AJAR, adv. This word is some- times figuratively used for con- fusing, clashing, or shaking. Its usual meaning is applied to a door partly opened. AJAX. Pronounced Ajax (with the along.) Sir John Harrington, in 1596, published a celebrated tract, called "The Metamor- phosis of Ajax" by which he meant the improvement of a jakes, or privy, by forming it into what we now call a water-closet, of which Sir John was clearly the inventor. The book was an of- fence to delicacy, for which Queen Elizabeth kept him for some time in disgrace. Probably from this circumstance, the writers of the Shakespearian age were conti- nually playing on this name, by taking it in the sense given to it by Harrington. A stool were better, sir, of Sir Ajax his invention. S. Jon., Epic., iv, 5. But, for his wit no matter much it wakes, Whether he sits at the boord, or on Ajax. Duties, Scourge of Fully, 1611. Adoring Stercutio for a god, no lesse unwoorthily then shamfully consti- tuting him a patron and protector of Ajax and his commodities. Hosp. of Incnrab. Fooles, p. 6. Inquire, if you understand it not, of Cloacina's chaplains, or such as are well read in Ajax. Camden, Remains, p. 117. AJEE, adv. Awry ; uneven. Var. dial. AJUGGEDE, part. p. Adjudged; judged. AK, conj. (A.-S. ac.) But. AKALE, adj. Cold. See Acale. AKARD, adv. Awkward. North. AKCORN, s. An acorn. AKE, s. (A.-S. , As women wont, but with deepe sighes and singull's few. faerie Queene, V, vi. ALE-WIFE, *. A woman who keeps an ale-house. ALEXANDER, *. (A.-N.) The name of a plant, great parsley. ALEXANDER'S-FOOT, s. The plant pellitory. Skinner. ALEXANDRIA, adj. Cloth or em- broidery of some kind, brought from Alexandria. ALEYE, . (A.-N.) An alley. That in an aleye had a privee place. Chaucer, Coat. T. ALEYX, adv. Alone. ALEYXE, r. (A.-N.) To alienate. In case they dyde eyther selle or aleyne the same or ony parte therof, that the same Edwarde shulde have yt before any other man. Monastic Letters, p. 86. And leyde on hem lordschipe, aleynt uppon other. Deposition of Richard II, p. 12. ALF, s. (A.-S.) An elf; a devil. ALFAREZ, "1 *. (Spanish.) An en- ALFERES, j sign. The word was in use in our army during the civil wars of Charles I. And then your thoroughfare, Jug here, his alfarez. Ben Jonson's Kev> Inn, iii, 1. Commended to me from some noble friends I'or my alferts. B. and Fl. Rule a If., i, 1. The heliotropeurn or sunflower, it is said, is the true alferes, bearing up the standard of Flo** mbl., to the larth. Sodalitie, p. 49. AL-FAVOURITE, s. A term applied to a fashion of wearing the hair. Al-fatourites, a sort of modish Jocks hung dangling on the temples. Ladies' Dictionary, 1694. ALFEYNLY, adv. Slothf ully ; slug- gishly. Prompt. Pare. ALFRIDARIA, . An astrological term, explained by Kersey to sig- nify " a temporary power which the planets have over the life of a person." I'll find the cusp and alfridaria, And know what planet is in cazimi. Albumazar, ii, 5. The alphyns ought to be made and formed in manner of judges sitting in a chair, with a book open before their eyes; and that is because that some causes be criminal, and some civil. Caxton, Game of Chess. (2) *. (A.-S.) A lubberly fellow (equivalent to elvish); a slug- gard. Now certez, sais syr TVawayne, Myclie wondyre have I That syclie ah aljyiie as thow Dare speke syche wordez. Morte Arthure. ALGAROT, s. A chemical prepara- tion, made of butter of antimony, diluted in warm water, till it turn to a white powder. -. con/, adv. (A.-S. al- ALGATE, '. N ., v >yeats.) Always; every ' ES ' J way ; by all" means. Still used in the North. So entirely me meveth, that I must algate recorde the same, and therein be no flatterer. Ashmole's Theatr. Chem., p. 109. All merciles he will that it be doe, That we algal? shall dye both two. Bochas, b. i, f. 39. Algate by sleighte or by violence Tro ver to yer I wynne my despence. Chaucer, C. T.,7013 Also that the said Katherine shall take and have dower in our realm of England, as queens of England hiiherward (hitherto) were wont to take and have. That is to say, to the sum of forty thou- sand crowns by the year, of the which ALG 52 ALT twain algates shall be worth a noble, English money. Letter of King Henry T, 1420. And therefore would I should be algates slain ; For while I live his right is in suspense. Fair/. T., iv, 60. ALGATE-HOLE,*. A small recess in the wall within the chimney near the fire, in which is deposited the tinder-box, matches, brushes, &c. Sometimes it is the receptacle for salves, ointments, and other such articles. Norf. ALOE, adv. (A.-S.) Altogether. ALGERE, s. (4.-S.) A spear used in fishing. ALGID, adj. (Lat.) Cold. ALGIFE, con/. Although ; literally, all if. ALGIFIC, adj. (Lat.} Making cold. ALGOSE, adj. Very cold. ALGRADE, s. A kind of Spanish wine, mentioned in the earlier writers. Both algrade, and respice eke. Squyr of Lowe Degre, 756. ALGRIM, 1 ^ contraction of IM> f algorism.) Arithmetic. AWGRIM, J The name of this craft is in Latyn algorsimus, and in Enjrlis ah/rim ; and it is namid off alt/us, that is to say, craft, and risinus, that is, nounbre; and for this skille it is culled craft of nounbringe. MS. quoted by Halliwell. Methought nothing my state could more disgrace, Than to beare name, and in effect to be A cypher in algrim, as all men might see. Mirr.for Mag., p. 338. Than satte summe, as siphre doth in aieyrym. Deposit. ofRic. II, p, 29. AL-HAL-DAY, "| s. All-hallows ALHALWE-MESSE, > day, the 1st ALHALWEN-TYD, J of November. ALHIDADE, . An astrological term. A rule on the back of the as- trolabe, to . measure heights, breadths, and depths. ALIANT, s. An alien. Rider. ALICANT, . A Spanish wine, for- merly much esteemed ; said to be made near Alicunt, in Valencia, and of mulberries. You'll blood three pottles of AJicant, by this light, if you follow them. 0. PI., iii, 252. Your brats, got out of Alicant. B. and Ft., Chances, i, 9. i.e., "your children, the conse- quence of drunkenness." ALIE, v. (A.-S.) To anoint. ALIEN, v. (A.-N.) To alienate. A-LIFE, adv. As my life; exces- sively. I love a ballad in print a-life. Shaksp., Wint. T.,iv,3. Thou lov'st a-life Their perfum'd judgement. B. Jonson. A clean instep. And that I love a-life. S. and FL, Mons. Th., ii, 2. ALIFE, v. To allow. Skinner. ALIGANT, s. Wine of Alicant. ALIGGE, v. (A.-S.) To lie down. ALIGHTE, v. (A.-S.) (1) To light; to descend; to pitch. (2) To light ; to kindle. Surrey. ALYNE, v. (A.-N.) To anoint (?). The children atte cherche dore So beth y-primisined; And that h"i beethe eke atte fount Mid oylle aud creyme alyned. W. de Shoreham. ALIMENTARY, s. (Lat.) " An ali- mentarie," says Minsheu, " is he to whom a man giveth his meat and drinke by his last will." ALINLAZ, s. An anlace. This sin- gular form occurs in the Romance ofHavelok, 2554. ALIRY, adv. (A.-S.) Across. Somme leide hir legges aliry, As swiche losels konneth. Piers PI., p. 124. ALISAUNDRE, s. (4.-N.) The herb alexander. With alisaundre thare-to, ache ant anys. Lyric Poetry, p. 26. ALISE, v. (A.-S. alynan.) To release. Alisedness, releasing, ransom, re- demption. "Ac alys us from yfle." ALI 53 ALL Old Translation of the Lord's Prayer, in Camd. Item., p. 24. ALI WAYS, s. Aloes. Lincolnsh. ALKAKENGY, s. The plant persi- caria. Prompt. Parv. ALKANET, s. The wild buglos. Gerard. ALKANI, s. Tin. Howell. ALKE. A broad form of ilk ; each. ALKEKEXG, s. The winter-cherry. ALKENAMYE, s. Alchemy. Experimentz of alkenamye The peple to deccyve. Piers PL, p. 186. ALKER, s. A sort of custard. For to make rys alter. Tak fisys, and raysons, and do awey the kernetis, and a god party of applys, and do awey the paryng of the apphs and the kernelis, and bray hem wel in a morter; and temper hem up with almandemylk, and menge liem wyth iiowr of rys, tliat yt be wel chariaunt, and strew therupon powder of galyntralc, and serve yt fortli. 'Cookery Receipts, 1381. ALKE, s. An elk. As for the plowing with ures, which I suppose to be unlikelie. because they are in mine opinion untameable, and alkes, a tiling commonlie used in the east countries. Harrison, Descr. of England, p. 226. ALKIN, ALKI] ALKYMISTRE, s. An alchemist. Chaucer. ALL, adv. (A.-S.) (1) Although ; exactly. And those two froward sisters, their faire loves, Came with them eke, all they were won- drous loth. Spenser's Faerie Q^lcene, II, ii, 34. (2) Entirely. A common pro- vincialism. And see, yon workhouse, on that village green, Where husbands, all without their wives, are seen. Poetry attributed to WaUey, 1842. (3) "For all" is a common ex- pression, meaning " in spite of," and is constantly used by country people. ^. g \adj.(A.-S.} All kinds. (4) " All that," until that. Kyng Alisaunder, 2145. (5) " For good and all," en- tirely. North. (6) Each. Prompt. Pare. (7) All and some. One and all; every one ; every thing ; entirely. Thou who wilt not love do this, Learn of me what woman is ; Something made of thread and thrumme, A mere botch of all and some. Herrick, p. 8. In armour eke the souldiers all and some, With all the force that might so soon be had. Mirrourfor Magistrates, p. 91. We are betrayd and y-nome ! Horse and harness, lords, all and some ! Richard Coerde Lion, 2284. (8) This word is frequently, in popular language, joined with others toform an adverbial phrase, as in the following examples : all-a-bits, All in pieces (North.}; ail-about, " To get all about in one's head," to become light- headed (Herefordsh.) ; " That's all about it," that is the whole of the matter ; ail-abroad, squeez- ed quite flat (Somerset) ; all-a- hoh, all on one side ( Wilts.) ; ail-along, constantly, " ail-along of," or "ail-along on," owing to ; att-amang, mingled, as when two flocks of sheep are driven to- gether (Wilts.}; all-as-is, "all as is to me is this," all I have to say about it ( Herefordsh.) ; all-a-taunt-o, fully rigged, with masts, yards, &c. (a sea termj ; all-b'ease, gently, quietly (He- refordsh.) ; all-i-bits, all in pieces (North.) ; all-in-a-charm, talking aloud ( Wilts.} ; all-in-all, every- thing, all in all with, very inti- mate or familiar with ; all-in-a- muggle, all in a litter (Wilts.) ; all-in-one, at the same time; all-of-a-hugh, all on one side (Suffolk) ; all-on-end, eager, im- patient (Somerset) ; all-out, en- tirely, quite, to drink all out, ALL 54 ALL used of a carouse ; all-to-nought, completely ; all-to-smash, smash- ed to pieces ; all-yfere, altogether. ALLANE, adj. Alone. ALLAY, v. (A.-N.) (1) To mix, to put water to wine. The velvet breeches for him aunswered, And for strength of his drinke excused him, For he allayed them, both white and red, And oft with water made them small and thinne. Debate between Pride and iotcJiM,p.59. (2) To allay a pheasant, to cut or carve it up at table. Kersey. (3) s. The set of hounds which were ahead after the beast was dislodged. A hunting term. ALLAYMENT, s. That which has the power of allaying or abating the force of something else. ALL-BEDENE, adv. Forthwith. See Albidene. ALL-BE-THOUGH, adv. Albeit, din- ner. ALLE, (1) ado. All (omnino). (2)s. Ale. Ther was plentfi of alle To theym that were in halle. The Feest, st. v. ALLEBLASTER, s. A not uncommon form of alabaster. In the chappell next to the priours chamber. Item ij. olde masse bookes. Itm ij. imagees of \vhytealleeblaster. It m one deske, one snkering bell. MotMSt., iv, 542. ALLECT, v. (Lat.) To allure; to bring together; to collect. ALLECTATION, *. (Lat.) An allure- ment. ALLECTIVE, s. An attraction ; al- lurement. ALLECTUARY. An electuary. Skelton. ALLEGATE, v. (Lat.) To allege. Why, belike he is some nmnagate, that will not show his name : All, why should I this alleffate ? he is of noble fame. Peele's Works, iii, p. 68. ALLEGE, v. (A.-N.) To quote ; to cite. ALLEGEAUNCE,*. (1) Citation; the act of quoting. (2) Relief. Herof we habbeth tokene gode, Wanne we fangeth peuaunce ; Tor sennes that we habbeth i-done To pyne allegaunce. W. de Shoreham. ALLEGEMENT, s. (A.-N.} An ease; relief. Quod sche, "Geve I schal the telle, Mercery e I have to selle; In boystes soote oynementis Therewith to don alltgementls To ffolkes whiche be not glade. The Pylgrim, MS. Cotton. Tib. A., viii. ALLELUYA, s. The plant wood- sorrel. It is found in the index to Gerard's Herball, ed. 1633. "Alleluya, an herbe called wood- sorrell or cuckowes meat, which cuckowes delight in." Minsheu's Guide into Tongues, 1627. ALLEMASH-DAY, s. Allumage-day, the day on which the Canterbury silk-weavers began to work by candle-light. Kent. Grose. ALLEN,*. Grassland recently broken up; unenclosed land that has been tilled and left to run to feed for sheep. Suffolk. ALLER, (1) s. (A.-S.) An alder- tree. A common form of the word in the Western counties. The alder tree, which is alsoe called an aller-tree, is named in Greek elethrn, in Latin aluus, and in Duche ein Erlen- baum Turner's Herbal, 1551. (2) yen. pi. of al. Prefixed to adjective. See Alder. Adam was oure alter fader. Piers PL, p. 342. ALLERBURY, s. A plantation of alders. Devon. ALLER-FLOAT, s. A species of large trout, frequenting the deep holes of retired and shady brooks, under the roots of the alter, or alder-tree ; also called the aller- trout. North. ALLERNBATCH, s. A kind of botch or old sore. Exmoor. ALL 55 ALL ALLERS, *. An acute kind of boil or carbuncle. Devon. ALLES, the gen. s. of all used ad- verbially. Altogether ; all. Tlio Corincus was alia wroth, so grete strokes lie gaf. Rob. Glouc. ALLESAD, part. p. Lost. ALLE-SOLYXE-DAY. All Souls' Day. See MS. Harl., 2391, quoted m Hampson's Kalendarium, ii, 11. ALLEVE, adj. Eleven. Alleventhe, The eleventh. ALLEY,*. (1) The conclusion of a game at football, when the ball has passed the bounds. Yorksh. (2) A marble, for boys' play. ALLEYE, v. To allege. ALL-FLOWER-WATER, s. The urine of cows. Lane. ALL-FOURS, s. A game at cards. A traditional epitaph describes an enthusiast : Here lies the hody of All Fours, Who spent his money and pawned his clothes : And if you wish to know his name, It is hiyh, low, Jack, and yame. ALL-GOOD, s. The herb good Henry. Gerard. ALLHALLOWN-SUMMER, s. A late summer. ALL-HEAL, s. The herb panax. Gerard. ALL-HID, s. A name, according to Nares, for the game of hide-and- seek ; but Cotgrave seems to make it synonymous with Hood- man-blind. ALL-HOLLAND'S-DAY,S. TheHamp- shire name for All Saints' (or All Hallows) Day, when plum- cakes are made and called Al Holland cakes. ALLHOOVE, s. G round ivy. Minsheu. ALLHOSE, s. The herb horsehoof. A.LLICIATE, v. (Lat.) To attract. ALLICIENCY, s. Attraction. ALLIENY, s. An alley ; a passage in a building. ALLIGANT. A corruption oiAlicant, the name of a Spanish wine. ALLIGARTA, s. (from Spanish /a- ffarto.) The alligator, or croco- dile. The urine of this creature was supposed to render any herb poisonous on which it was shed. And who can tell, if before the gathering and making up thereof, the alligarta hath not piss'd thereon? B. Jons., Bart. F., ii, 6. ALLINE, s. An ally. Middleton. ALLINGE, 1 adv. (A.-S. eallinga.) ALLINGES, /Altogether; totally. For hire faired and hire chere, Ich hire boujte aUinge so dere. Ftor. and Blanch., 674. In that lond growen trees that beren mele, wherof men maken gode bred atd white, and of gode savour; and it semethe as it were of whele, but it is not allinges of suche savour. Maundevile, p. 189. ALL-IN-THE-WELL. A game prac- tised at Newcastle. Boys make a circle about eight inches in diameter, termed the well, and place in the centre of it a wooden peg, four inches long, with a button balanced on the top. Buttons, marbles, or any- thing else, according to agree- ment, are given for the privilege of throwing a short stick at the peg. If the button fly out of the ring, the player is entitled to double the stipulated value of what he gives for the stick. The game is also practised at races, and other places of amusement, with three pegs, which are put into three circular holes, made in the ground, about two feet apart, and forming a triangle. In this case each hole contains a peg, about nine inches long, upon which aredeposited either a small knife or some copper. ALLISON, s. The wood-rose. See Alysson. ALL-MANNER-A-WOT, *. Indiscri- minate abuse. Suffolk. ALL 56 ALM ALL-OF-A-ROW, . A child's game. Suffolk. ALLOLIDA, *. The plant cuckoo- bread. ALLONGE. All of us. Somerset. ALI.ONELY, adv. Exclusively. See Alonely. ALLoauv, s. (Lai.) The act of addressing a prrson. ALLOTTERY, *. An allotment. Allow me such exercises as may become a gentleman, or give me the poor allot- tenj my father left me by testament. M i'ou Like It, \, 1. ALLOUS. All of us. Somerset. ALL-OVERISH, adj. Neither sick nor well. Far. dial. ALLOWANCE, *. Approbation. A stirring dwarf we do allowance give Before a sleeping giant. Troilus and Cressida, ii, 3. ALLOWED. Licensed. An " allowed fool." Shakesp., Twelfth Night, i, 5. " An allowed cart or cha- riot." Hollyband"s Diet., 1593. ALL-FLAISTER.J. Alablaster. Yorks. ALLS,*. Earnest money. North. See Aries. ALL-SALES, adv. (A.-S. from seel, a time.) At all times. Suffolk. ALL-SEED, *. The orach. Skinner. ALL-SEER, s. One who sees every- thing. ALL-SIDES. Every one. South. ALL-THE-BIRDS- ~| Two names of IN-THE-AIR, I games pecu- ALL-THE-FISHES- [liar to Suf- IN-THE-SEA, J folk. ALL-THE-WORLD-OVER, adv. On every occasion. This common familiar phrase is ancient, being found in Brome's Queen and Concubine, 1659, p. 96. ALLUBESCENCY, *. (Lot.) Willing- ness ; facility in yielding. ALLUSIVELY, adv. (Lot.) With al- lusion to something. I thought him also in the late times a little too nice, and tender of his credit ; and somewhat too profuse of his logick and rhetorick; who being to preach upon that of the Acts; Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee : Whenever he had named his text, desired the people, in all hast, to take the words not litterally, but allusively, for that he had good store of money chinking in his pockets ; besides what he left at home in his coders. Eacliard's Observations, 1671, p. 63. ALLUTERLY, adv. Altogether ; wholly. ALLUVION, *. (Lot.) A washing away. ALL-WATERS. " I am for all wa- ters," i. e., I can turn my hand to anything. Shakesp. ALLY, s. The aisle of a church. Var. dial. ALMAIN, "I ALEMAIN, fff-(l) A German. ALLEMAI6NE, J (2) A kind of solemn music. It was also the name of several dances, the new allemaigne, the old, the queen's allemaigne, all of which are mentioned in early books of dance tunes. ALMAIN-LEAP, s. In dancing, a kind of jig. Skip with a rhyme on the table from New- Nothing, And take his almain-leap into a custard. Joiuon, Devil it an Ass, i, 1. ALMAIN-UUARREL, *. A causeless, unnecessary quarrel. D. John. I met before Don Ferdinand's house a serving man who thrusts me, by design, upon an almain-qttarrel. Tod. That's very true, but somewhat unwillingly, like a coward as he is. Daienant, The Man's the Matter. ALMAIN-RIVETS, *. Moveable ri- vets. The term was applied to a light kind of armour, used originally in Germany. ALMAINY, "j ALMANY, *t. Germany. ALEMAYNE, J I'll cry flounders else, And walk, with my petticoat tuck'd up, like A long maid of Almainy. 0. P., via, 438. ALM 57 ALM Now Pulko comes, that to his brother gave His land in Italy, which was not small, And dwelt in Almatiy. Jlarringtoti's Ariosto, 1591, p. 19. Upon the londe of Alemayne. Goicer. AI.MAN, s. A kind of hawk. AI.MANDIXE, adj. Made of almond. ALMAXDRE, s. An almond-tree. And of almandru grete plente", 1'iggis, and luaiiy a diite tre. Som. of the Rose, 1363. AI.MARIE, *. (A.-N.) A cupboard; a pantry. See Ambrie. Tiier avarice hatli almaria, And vreu bouudeu cofres. Piers PI., p. 288. ALMARIOL, *. (A.-N.) A closet, or cupboard, in which the ecclesias- tical habits were kept. ALMATOUR, . An almoner. After him spak Ualrnadaj, A riche almatottr he was. Kyng Aliiaunder, 3042. ALME, *. An elm. Northampt. Almen, made of elm. ALM EES, s. pi. Alms. East Sussex. ALMES-DISH, *. The dish in the old baronial hall, in which was put the bread set aside for the poor. ALMKSFUL, adj. Charitable. ALMF.S-ROW, *. A row of houses inhabited by paupers. Also whenne eny pore man or womman is dec! in \}\eal>/iyt-retae, the seyd prysts to be redy to brynge the coors to churche, and there to aliyde til liit be buryed. Stratford 1/SS., tern. H. VI. ALMESSE, s. (A.-N.) Alms. ALMEST, adv. Almost. And as he priked North and Est, I tel it vow hym had almest Bityd a'sory care. Chaucer, Tale of Sire Thopas. ALMICANTARATH, *. An astrologi- cal term, applied to a circle drawn parallel to the horizon. Meanwhile, with scioferical instrument, By way of azimuth and almicantaratk. Albumazar i, 7- ALMODZA, *. An alchemical term for tin. ALMOND-FOR-A-PARROT. Some tri- fle to amuse a silly person. A proverbial expression, which oc curs in Skelton and the writers of the Elizabethan age. ALMOND-BUTTER, #. The following is given as a receipt "to make almond-butter ," Blanch your almonds, and beat them aa fine as you can with fair water two or three hours, then strain them through a linnen cloth, boil them with rose-water, whole mace, and annise seeds, till the substance be thick, spread it upon a fair cloth, draining the whey from it, after kt it hang in the same cloth some few hours, then strain it and season it with rose-water and sugar. True Gentlewoman' t Delight, 1676. ALMOND-CUSTARD, *. Was made as follows : Take two pound of almonds, blauch and beat them very fine with rosewater, theu strain them with some two quarts of cream, twenty whites of eggs, and a pound of double refined sugar ; make the paste as aforesaid, and bake it in a mild oven fine and white, garnish it a* before, and scrape fine sugar over all. The Queen's Royal Cookery, 1713. ALMOND-FURNACE, s. At the silver mills in Cardiganshire, they have, or had, a particular furnace in which they melt the slags, or refuseof the lithurge not stamped, with charcoal only, which they call the almond furnace. Kennett. ALMOND-MILK, *. Almonds ground and mixed with milk, broth, or water. The devil take me, I love you so, that I could be content to abjure wine for ever, and drink nothing but almond- milk for your sake. Shadwell, Epsom-WeUs, 1673. ALMONESRYE, *. The almonry. ALMOSE, s. pi. Alms. ALMOYN, s. pi. (A.-N.) Alms. ALMS-DRINK, s. Liquor of another's share which his companion drinks to ease him. Shakesp. ALMSMAN, *. A person who lives on alms ; also, a charitable per- son. ALM 58 ALMURY, *. The upright part of an astrolabe. ALMUSLES, adj. Without alms. Tor thef is reve, the loud is penyles ; For pride hath sieve, the lond is almusles. Pol. Songs, p. 255. ALMUTE, s. A governing planet. An astrological term. Emanguly. ere his popular applause could hatch his ruine, upon conference with a witch that hee saw (by the altuu- ten of his nativity) short life attended Mm, growes fearfull of his syres incon- stancy. Herbert's Travels, 1638. Without a sign masculine? Dem. Sir, you mistake me : You are not yet initiate. The almutes Of the ascendent is not elevated Above the almutes of the filial house : Venus is free, and Jove not yet combust. Bandolph's Jealous lavers, 1G46. ALMIFLUENT, *. (Lat.) Beneficent ; abounding in alms. ALMYGHT, adj. A not uncommon form of almighty. ALNATH, s. The first star in the horns of Aries, from which the first mansion of the moon is named. Chaucer. ALNEGEOR, s. One of the king's officers, says Cowell, who under- took the care of the assize of woolen cloth. Rider, in his Dictionarie, 1640, explains it by the Latin word " ulniger." ALNER, s. (A.-N.) A purse, or bag to hold money. I wyll the yeve an alner, 1-niad of sylk and of gold cler, Wyth fayre ymages Hire. Launfal, 1. 319. ALNEWAY, adv. (A.-S.) Always. And therby heth he alneivay the herte ine peyse, and the body governeth by the wylle of God. Aytnbiie oflmcit, MS. Arundtl, 57, f. 25. ALNIL, adv. And only. (?) Sertis, sire, not ic nojt; Ic ete sage ulail gras, More harm ne did ic no^t. Pel. Songs,?. 201, ALOES, #. An olio, or savoury dish, composed of meat, herbs, eggs, and other ingredients, something ALO similar to the modern dish of olives. See the Good House- wife's Jev-el, 1596. ALOFE, . (A.-N.} To praise. Morte Arthur e. See Alowe. A-LOFTE, adv. (A.-S.) On high. Leve thow nevere that yon light Hem alofte brynge, Ke have hem out of helle. tiers PL, p. 378. ALOGE, v. (A.-S.) To lodge; to pitch a tent. I am aloggit, thought he, best, howsoerur it goon. Chaucer, ed. Urry, p. 597. ALOGH, adv. (A.-S.) Below. Lewed men many tymes llaistres thei apposen, Why Adam ne hik-d noght first His'mouth that eet the appul, Bather than his likanie alogk. Piers PI., p. 242. ALOGY, *. (Gr. aXoyio.) An ab- surdity. ALOMBA, s. Tin. Howell. ALOND, adv. On land, Ah, the manshift is so ibroded, Thah no preost ahnde nere, A wrecche neotheles tliu were. Owl and Nightingale, 1. 1301. And taketh his leave, and homeward saileth hee, And in au ile, amidde the wilde see ..... He made his shippe aloud for to sette. Chaucer, Leg. Good Women, 1. 2164. ALONE, adj. (A.-S.) One ; single. Now, Jeshu, for thy h bow; to pay obeisance. ALUTE, J Piers PL, p. 495. Ho that passeth the bregge, Hys armes he mot legge. And to the geaunt alowte. Lybeaus Disconus, 1. 1254. That child that was so wilde and wlong, To me alute lowe. Retiq. Antiq., i, 101. ALOWE, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Low down. (2) v. To humble. ALOWE, \ v. (A.-N. allouer.) To ALLOWE, / praise ; to approve. Cursyd be he that thy werk alowe ! Richard Coer de Lion, 4662. For he hathe no knowen congregacion to reprove him or allowe him. Sir T. More's Works, p. 524. ALOYNE, t;. (A.-N. aloigner.) To delay. ALOYSE. (1) Alas! (2) A kind of precious stone. Book of St. Albans, sig. F, i. ALPE, s. (1) (A.-S.) A bull-finch. Ficedula, an alpe. MS. Sodl., 604, f. 31. There was many a birde singing, Thoroughout the yerde all thringing : In many placis nightingales, And alpes, and finches, and wodewales. Rom. of the Rose, 658. (2) (A.-S. eJp.) An elephant. ALPES-BON, s. (A.-S. elpen-lan.) Ivory. ALPHABET, . The index or list of contents to a book was formerly so called. ALPI, adj. (A.-S.) Single. A, quod the vox, ich wille the telle, On alpi word ich lie nelle. Reliq. Antiq., ii, 275. ALPICKE, . A kind of earth. Cotgrave, v, Chercee. ALPURTH, s. A halfpenny-worth. Monast. Angl., i, 198. ALRE, gen. pi. (A.-S.) Of all. Bidde we ure lavedi, Swetest dire thinge, That heo ure erende beore To then heoven kinge. MS. Colt., Califf., A. ix, f. 244 v. ALS, (1) conj. (A.-S.) Also; as; likewise ; in like manner. ALS ALY (2) A?s, a contracted form of all this. Dorset. ALSATIA. A jocular name for the Whitefriars, in London, which was formerly an asylum for in- solvent debtors, and all such as had offended against the laws. ALSAUME, 1 , ... ., ALSAMK, }fr- Altogether. ALSE, (1). The name Alice. (2) adv. (A.-S.) Also. The fowrthe povnt techyth us ulse, That no mon to liys craft be false. Const, of Masonry, p. 23. ALSENE, *. (A.-S.) An awl. Elsin is still used in the North of Eng- land in the same sense. ALSO, (1) conj. (A.-S. alswa.) As. (2) All save; all but. Midland Counties. ALSONE, conj. As soon ; imme- diately. Alsone as that childe y-borne is, It hath wytt or har i-wys, And may speken to his dame. K. Alisaunder, 1. 5024. ALSTITE, adv. (A.-S.) Quickly. Unto the porter speke he tlioe, Sayd, To thi lord myn erude thou go, Hasteli and ul.ttiie. Babson's Romances, p. 50. AJLSUITHE, conj. (A.-S.) As soon as ; as quickly as. ALSWA, conj. (A.-S.) Also. ALTAMEL, s. A verbal or lump account, without particulars, such as is commonly produced at spunging-houses. A slang word. ALTEMETRYE, *. The measuring of altitudes. ALTERAGE, *. A fine or tax to the altar; one of the amends for offences short of murder. ALTERATE, v. (Lat.) To alter; to change ; part. p. altered. ALTERCAND,j0ar. a. (A.-N.) Con- tending. AI.TERN, adv. Alternately. Millon. ALTHAM, s. A slang term. In the Fraternitye of Vacabondes, 1575, the wife of a " curtail " is said to be called his althnm. ALTHER, gen. pi. of al. Prefixed to adjectives. See Alder. ALTRICATE, v. (Lat.) To contend. ALUDELS, s. (A.-N.) Subliming- pots without bottoms, which fitted into each other, without luting. An alchemical term. ALUFFE, adv. (A.-S.) Aloof; more nearly to the wind. ALURE, \s. (A.-N.) A gutter or ALOUR, J channel behind the bat- tlements, which served to carry off the rain-water; sometimes, an alley, or passage from one part of a building to another; the parapet-wall itself. Up the alurs of the castles the laydes thaune stode, And byhuld thy s noble ?ame, and whyrhe knyjies were gode. Bob. Glouc., p. 192. Alisaunder rometh in his toun, For to wissen his masons, The towns to take, and the torellis, Vawtes, alourii, and tlie corneris Kyny Alisaunder, 1. 7210. ALUTATION, *. (Lat.) Tanning of leather. ALTJTE, v. To bow. See Aloute. ALVISCH, adj. (A.-S.) Elfish ; hav- ing supernatural power. ALWAY, adv. (A.-S.) Always. Thereby a rhristall strearae did gently play, Which from a sacred fountaine welled forth ulicny. Spenser's Faerie Queene, I, i, 34. ALWAYS, adv. However ; neverthe- less. North. ALWELDAND, "I adj. (A.-S. tel- ALWELDING, J wolda.) All-ruling; omnipotent. I prai to grete God alwcldand, That thai have noght the heglier hand. 1'tcaine and Gavin, 1. 2199. ALWES, s. pi. Hallows ; saints. ALY, r. (A.-N.) Go. My ! he saide, aly blyve ! Kyng Misaunder, 1. 4370 ALYCHE, adj. Alike. ALYE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To mix. See Alay. (2) . Kindred; allies. ALY 61 AMA If I myght of myn alye ony ther fynde, It wold be grett joye onto me. Coventry Mysteries, p. 145. ALYES. (A.-S.) Always. A-LYGHTELY, adv. Lightly. ALYKENES, s. Similarity. A-LYKE-WYSE,arfi>. In like manner. ALYN, s. A kind of oil. Skinner, ALY, "1*. A tent made of canvas. ALKY, J See Hale. ALYSSON, s. (A.-N.) The herb mad- wort. Said by Iluloet to be a cure for the bite of a mad dog. ALYZ, adj. A term applied to some kind of cloth. A " gown of green alyz cloth of gold, with wide leeves," occurs in a will of the date of 1439. Test. Vetust., p. 240. AM, pron. Them. Than sal he speke to tliatn in his wreth, And to-dreve am sal he in his hreth. Ps. ii, 5, MS. Colt., Vesp., D. vii. AMABLE, adj. (A.-N.) Lovely. AMACKILY, adv. Partly; in some degree. North. A-MAD, adj. Mad. Heo wendeth bokes un-brad, Ant maketh men a nioneth amad. Pol. Songs, p. 156. AMADETTO, Is. A kind of pear. AMADOT, / Skinner. AMAIL, s. Mail; armour. AMAIMOX,*. In astrology, the name of a king of the East, one of the principal devils whose influence was to be guarded against from the third hour till noon, and from the ninth hour till evening. " The chief whose dominion is on the north part of the infernal gulf." Holme, AMAIN, adv. (1) With might; mightily ; plentifully. He said, and from his eyes the trickling teares ran dnwne amain. Phaer's Virgil, p. 300. (2) Immediately; forthwith; for- wards. Shakesp.,3HenryIV,iv,9. (3) All at once. A sea term. AMAISTER, v. (A.-N.) To teach. Shropsh. AMAISTREN, v. (A.-N.} To over- come ; to be master of. Ac the Holi Gost is the guode leclie thct amaysireth his ziknesse and chnngt'tli his humours. Ayenbi'.e of Itiwit. And how I myghte amaistren hem, And make hem to werche. Piers PI., p. 129. AMALGAMING, *. Mixing quick- silver with any metal. An alche- mical term. AMALL, s. Enamel. See Amell. AM AND. (1) v. (Lai.) To send away; to remove. Wherefore we do amand Duke Humphrey's guest, For their provision truly is o" tli' least : A dog doth fare much better with his bones Than those whose table, meat, and drink are stones. Gayton, Art of Longevity, 1659. (2) s. (Fr.) A fine; penalty. AMANDATION, s. (Lat.) A message. AMANG, prep. (A.-S.) Among. North. The lyejere is anumg the men ase the valse peny amang the gnode, ase the chef amang the corn. Ai/enbite ofJmrit. AMANG-HANDS,am, breath, va- pour.) The spirit ; breath. Elin that giern it sochte, And til ur note nu havis it brohte, Sco delte it wislic als sco wilde, That alle this werde it is fulnlde Of the ame, and of the smelle ; Torthi es gode thai- of to telle. Edinburgh US. quoted by Soiicfier. AMEE, *. (A.-N.) The herb ameos. Gerard. AMEKED, part. p. Pacified; lite- rally, made meek. AMEL, *. (A.-N.) Enamel. Heav'ns richest diamonds, set in amel white. Fletch., Purple Isl., x, 33. The aminell is so faire and fresh of hew, As to this day it seemeth to be new. An ouldfacioned love, by J. T., 1594. AME 64 AME He seems a full student, for he is a great desirer of controversies; he argues sharply, and carries his conclusion in his scalibiird, in the first refilling of man- kind this was the gold, his actions are his aniiiii'1, his allay (for else you cannot work him perfectfy), continual duties, heavy and weary marches, lodgings as full of need as cold diseases. Oterbury's Characters. Jfener mine eies in pleasant Spring behold The azure flax, the (jildeu marigold, The violet's purple, the sweet rose's stammrll, The lillic's snowe, and pansey's various uiumfll. Sylvester's J>u Bartas. AMEL-CORN, . (A.-S.) A kind of corn, " of a middle size betwixt wheat and barlie, unlike alto- gether unto winter wheat whereof we last spake, but of a sort and facultie like unto spelt." Mark- ham's Countrey Farme, 1616. Gerard calls it the starch-corn, a species of spelt. AMELL.jwep. Between ; as " amett one and two o'clock." Boucher gives the phrase amell-duirs, which signifies the passage be- tween two doors in a Cumber- land farm-house, built according to the old style. AMELYD, part. p. Enamelled. AMENAGE, v. (A.-N.) To manage; to direct by force. Spenser. AMENANCE, s. (A.-N.) Behaviour; courtesy. Soone after did the brethren three advance, In brave aray, and goodly amenance. Spenser, F, Q., IV, iii, 5. And with grave speech and grateful amenance Himself, his state, his spouse, to them commended,. neither'* Fwp. It., xi, 9. AMKNDABI.E, adj. (perhaps for atne- natile.) Pleasant. AMENDEN, adv. A sort of oath, equivalent to a plague, or a more gross word now disused. "Where amenden ar yeaw a goen ?" A Suffolk word. AMENDMENT, . Dung or compost laid on land. Kent. AMENDS, s. (A.-N.) An addition put into the scale of a balance, to make just weight. AMENE, adj. (Lot. amtenus.) Plea- sant ; consenting. AMENNE, v. To amend. As we be wont, erborowe we crave, Your life to amenne Christ it save. Bom. o] tht Rose, 7496. AMENSE, *. Amends. Skelton. AMENT.S. (Lat. amentum.) A thong; a string. This word occurs in Cockeram's English Dictionarie, 1639. AMENUSE, v. (A.-N. amenuser.) To diminish. The fame amenuse of so noble a knight. Bocliajs, f. 29. His mercy is surmounting of foysoii, Ever encreaseth without amenusing. ib., f. 67. AMEOS,*. (A.- N.) Theherbbishop's- weed. AMERAL. See Admiral. AMERAWD, s. An emerald. AMERAWDES, *. The hemorrhoids. AMERCE, "I v. (A.-N. amercier.) AMERCY, J To punish with a pe- cuniary penalty ; to inflict a fine or forfeiture ; to punish, in gene- ral. And though ye mowe amerey hem, Lat mercy be taxour. Piers fl., p. 119. But I'll amerce you with so strong a fine, That you shall all repent. Romeo and Juliet, iii, 3. AMERCIAMENT, s. (A.-N.) An arbitrary mulct. To the archbishop belonged the amerria- ment of bloudshed, from such tyme as they cease to say alleluja at the church service, till the octaves of Easter. Lambarde's Peramb. of Keut. AMERE,a vessel for holding oint- AMPLE, J ment, holy-water, &c. A bolle and a bagge He bar by his syde, An hundred of (imp idles Oil his hat seten. Piers PL, p. 109. AMSEL, *. A blackbird. Var. dial. AMSEUEY, s. (a corrupt form.) A consistory court. AMTY, \ adj. (A.-S. eemti, cemtiff.) AMPTY, /Empty. Amty place he made aboute, and folc fleti hymlaste. Bob. Gluuc., p. 17. ANA AMURCE, s. (Lat. amurca.) Dregs or lees of oil. AMURCOSITY, s. The quality of having lees. AMUSE, v. To amuse, according to the cant dictionaries, is to fling dust or snuff into the eyes of the person intended to be robbed. AMWAST, adv. Almost. Northampt. AMWOAST, adv. Almost. Wilts. AMY, s. (A.-N.) in the feminine amye, amie, ameye. One beloved ; a lover, or a mistiess ; a friend. He roidud the chaumbre of many uchon, For he saide, in that nyght, Auirnon Scholde come to tlieo lady, And beon hire leof amy. K. Alisannder, 1. 520. He askid what hire greved so ? Scheo saide heo was ameye To Ammon the god of pleve. '16., 1. 376. AN, (1) v. To have. Lane. Well Mr Cunstable, sed Justice, Whot an ye brought me neaw? Tim Bobbin. (2) s. (A.-S., from innan, to dwell.) A dwelling ; a house. Nou beth therinne that riche tonre Four and twenty maidenes boure, So wele were that ilke man, That niijte woimen in that an. Flor. and Blanchf. (3) One. North. (4) A. See A. (5) prep. (A.-S.) On. (6) con;. Than. North and East. It is found in the Cursor Mundi, a poem written in a very broad Northern dialect ; but there it has the form and. (7) If. (8) And. (9) Of. Norlhampt. "I yerd nothing an it," I heard nothing of it. AN? What? Whether? Devon. ANACK, s. A provincial name for some kind of fine oaten bread. Also with this small meale, oatemeale, is made m divers countries sixe severall kindes of very good and wholesome bread, every one liner then other, aa your anacks, janacks, and such like. 3ldri/iaiu't English Home-wife, 1619, p. 240, ANA AXB ANADEM, *. (Gr.) A chaplet; a garland. Upon this joyfull day, some dainty chaplets twine : Some others chosen out, with fingers neat and fine, Brave anadcms doe make : some bauldricks up do bind: Some, garlands : and to some, the nosegaies were assign'd. Drayton's PolyoUion, tony 15. ANADESM, s. (Gr.) A hand to tie up wounds. Minsheu. ANAGNOSTIAN, *. (Gr.) "A curate that serveth onely to reade, or a clarke or scoller that read- eth to a writer or his master." Minsheu. ANAGOGICAL, adj. (Gr.) Pertain- ing to the Scriptures. This word is given by Minsheu, in his Guide into Tongues, 1627. ANAIRMIT, adj. Armed. Gawayne. ANALEM, s. (Gr.) An instrument for finding the course and eleva- tion of the sun. Minsheu. AN-ALL, adv. Also. ANAMELD, adj. Enamelled. ANAMET, *. A luncheon. Hamps. ANAMORPHOSIS,*. (Gr.) A change of form. ANAMOURD, adj. Enamoured. MSS. of Uth and 15M cent. ANAN, adv. (1) How? What did you say ? It has been observed that twit? unnan, in Anglo-Saxon, means " with permission " and unnan is, to yield as a favour; so that anan (more properly annan) seems to he an elliptic expression, like the French "Plait-il?" meaning " may I ask the favour of your saying it again ?" (2) A corruption of anon, imme- diately. ANANGER, v. To incense. And when the eraperoure harde this, he was greatly amoved, and sore an- angered. Virginia, ed. Thomt, p. 13. ANANTRES, ~) ANAUNTERS, ANAUNTRINS, I ANANTER, > ENANTER \ INANTER, J l Anger nould let him sneak to the tree, Etiaunter his rage migiit cooled be. Spenser's Shepherd's Calendar. For longe durst he nut altyde, Jnannter if men woll seyne, That he his sister hath 1'orleyne. Gincer de Conf. Am., f. 48. ANAPES, s. Cloth ; apparently some fine kind of fustian, which word is usually joined with it. His dooblet sleevez of black woorsted ; upon them a payr of povnets of ta'iiy chaniblet, liiced along the wreast wyth blu thretden points; a wealt toward the hand of fustian anaves. Laneham's Account of the Queen's Enter- tainment at KiUingKorth Castle. Vestis heteromalla lanea, erepoMaAAos fo&fft. Be tripe, de chamois veloute. A garment of fustion anapes, of vellure, of tuft mockado. Nomendator, 1585. ANARWE, v. (A.-S.) To narrow, or constrain ; to render timid. He makith heom way with scharpe launce , Thy men ananeith thy continaunce. Syny 4lisauder, 1. 3346. ANATHEMATISM, s. (Gr.) A curse. In the primitive church though in their councils they were not backward to pass anathcniatisms on everything that they judged heresies. Jfcc. Bitrnet's Hist, of Reformation, fol., p. 23. ANATOMY, *. A skeleton. ANAUNTRINS, adv. Perhaps ; if so be. North. See Anantres. ANBERRY, \s. (d.-S. ampre.) (1) ANBURY, J A disease in turnips. It is a large excrescence, which, forming itself below the apple of the turnip, grows sometimes to the size of both the bands; and, as soon as the hard weather sets in, or it is, by its own nature, brought to maturity, it becomes putrid, and smells very offen- sively. (2) A kind of spongy wart, full of blood, growing upon any part of a horse's bodv. AND 69 ANC ANBLERE, *. (for amblere.) An ambling nag. The meyr stod, as ye may here, And saw hym come ride up anblere. Launfal, 92. ANBY, adv. Some time hence ; in the evening. Somerset. ANCAR, s. A hermit. See Anchor. ANCEANDE, adv. Anciently. For men may oppen and se thrugh this kay, Wat has been ancetatde, and sail be aye. Claris Scieiitice, p. 3. ANCESSOUR, *. An ancestor. ANCHAISUN, *. (A.-N.) Reason ; cause. See Encheson. ANCHANTEOR, s. An enchanter. ANCHILATION, *. Frustration. ANCHOR, (1) s. An abbreviation of anchoret, a hermit. To desperation turn my trust and hope, An anchor's cheer in prison be my scope. Shakesp., Haml., Hi, 2. Sit seven yeares pining in an anchor's cheyre. Hall, Sat., b. iv, s. 2. (2) s. A Dutch liquid measure, or cask, often used by smugglers to carry their brandy on horse- back. See the notes of the com- mentators on Merry Wives of Windsor, i, 3. See Anker. (3) v. To hold like an anchor. (4) *. The chape of a buckle. North. It is also in use in Glou- cester sh. ANCHOR-FROST, . Ice found far below the surface of the water in a running stream. Leicest. AXCHORIDGE, s. The porch of a church, particularly that belong- ing to the cathedral of Durham. ANCHUSE, *. (Lot.) The name of a plant ; ox-tongue. ANC i AN, adj. Aged. ANCIENT, "I s. (1) (A.-N. ancien, AUNCIENT, J ancient.) An elder. (2) (Fr. ensigns, an ensign, or banner.) The flag or ensign of a regiment or of a ship. I am appointed to fight against a snail, And Wilkin Wren the ancient shall beare. Hatekins's 0. P., i, 201. Ten times more dishonourably ragged than an old fac'd ancient. 1 Henry If, iv, 3. Full of holes, like a shot ancient. The Puritan, i, 2. It was a spectacle extremely delightful to behold the jacks, the pendants, and the ancients sporting in the wind. Don Quixote, ed. 1687, p. 569. (3) The standard-bearer. Please vour grace, my ancient; A man he is of honesty and trust. Othello, i, 9. 'Tis one lago, ancient to the general. /4.,ii, 4. ANCIENTY, "Is. Antiquity. In AUNCIENTY, J writers of the 16th century. ANCILLE, s. (Lett.) A maid-servant. So fortunate, that Imyhte of rihte Do trewe servyce, as ancille ever in sihte. Lydya/e's Minor Poems, p. 37. ANCLE-BONE, s. A name given by sailors to the prickly lobster. Kennett. ANCLE-JACKS,*. Pieces of leather put round the ancle a little above the shoe, tying in front. Norfolk. In Derbyshire this name is ap- plied to a rough sort of shoes which tie above the ancle. ANCLERS, *. Ancles. Shropsh. ANCLET, *. (1) The ancle. North. (2) A gaiter. ANCLIFF, s. The ancle. North. ANCLOWE, s. (A.-S. ancleow.) The ancle. ANCOME, "I *. (A.-S.) A small ul- ONCOME, I cerous swelling, form- UNCOME.J ed unexpectedly. See Uncome. I have seen a little prick no bigger than a pin's he:id, swelling bigger and bigger, till it came to an anconie. 0. P., iv, 238. ANCONY, . A term in the iron works for a bloom, wrought into the figure of a flat iron bar, about three feet in length, with a square rough knob on eacli end. Kennett. In Staffordshire, one ANC 70 ANE of these knobs is called the an- cony-end, the other the mocket- head. AXCRE, s. (A.-N.) An anchor. ANCRESSE, 1 ( ^ ^ A female ES> f anchoret or hermit. ANCHRES, J And asking why she must be kept a slave, Or how she hath deserv'd so strict a doome, To be so young put in her marble grave, (For whats a prison, but a living toombe?) Or for what cause she may no husband have, But live an ancresse in so strict a roome, Knowing herselfe a princesse ripe and fit, Wrougd (as she thinkes) not to be married yet. Great Sritaines Troye, 1609. AXCYLE, s. A kind of javelin or dart, or the leather thong with which it is thrown. Phillips. AND, con/. If. AN i- AW, con/. And all; as well; likewise. North. Somerset. Wi' crackin, and jwokin, and hraggin, And fratchin, and teightin and av; ; Sec glorious tun and divarsion Was ne'er seen in castle or haw." Anderson's Cumberland Ballads, p. 91. ANDE, s. (said to be derived from the Danish.) Breath. See Aande. Thai rested than a litel stouiul, For to tak thair ande tham till. Ywaine and Gaicin, 3555. ANDELONG, adv. (A.-S.) Length- ways. ANDERSMAS, s. The mass or festi- val of St. Andrew. Ybrksh. ANDERSMEAT, . An afternoon's luncheon. ANDESITH, adv. (A.-S.) Previ- ously. ANDIRONS, 1 *. (A.-S.) The or- AUNDIRONS, V namental irons on AUNDEIRYS, J each side of the hearth in old houses, which were accompanied with small rests for the ends of the logs. AXDULEES, *. (Fr. andouillea.) Puddings made of hog's guts and spice. ANDUR, con;. (Dan.} Either. ANDERS, 1 ANDYRS, {pron. (A.-S.) Other. ENDERS, J As I me went this andyrs day, Fast on my way making uiy mone, In a mery morn vug of May, Be Huitley bankcs mvself alone. Ballad a/True Thomas. ANE, (1) *. (A.-S.) The beard of corn. See Aane. Flaxen wheate hath a yelow eare and bare without anys. Polard whete hatli no anis. White whete hath anys. Red wheate hath a flat eare fill of auit. English wheate hath few any* or none. Ktzkerbert's Husbandry, f. 20. (2) adj. (A.-S.) One. That es made als a quarner stane, For to make tuin folk is ane. Cursor Jfundi, MS. Cokwold no man I wyll repreve, For I ame ane, and aske no leve, For all my rent and londys. Coktoold's Daunce. (3) adv. Alone. "Bihymeane," by himself alone. (4) A. Alas! thou seli Fraunce, for the may thunche shome, That one fewe fulhiris maketh ou so tome. Political Songs, p. 194. (5) adj. Own. North. (6) v. To aim at. Somerset. (7) prep. On. (8) . To dwell. MS. of 15M . cent. ANEAOUST, prep. Near to; almost. Heref. ANEAR, (I) prep. Near. Somerset. (2) v. (A.-S.) To approach. ANEARST, ) prep. (A.-S.) Near. ANEAST, J Exmoor. ANEATH, prep. Beneath. North. ANEBAK, adv. Aback. Gawayne. ANEDE, part. p. of anne, to unite. United ; made one. ANEDEL, *. (A.-S.) One part. Tlo he thestede was opon, He gave anedel of his fon. Arthour and Merlin, 1. 4022. ANE-END, "1 adv. (A.-S.) On one ANIND, * end; upright; rearing ANNEND, J applied to afour-footed ANE 71 ANE animal ; perpetually, evermore, in Cheshire. Aneend is used simply for on end, in Northampt. AXEHEDE, s. (A.-S.) Unity. AXELACE, 1 s. (Med. Lot. ane- AXLACE, > latins.) A kind of ANLAS, J knife or dagger, worn at the girdle. An anlas and a gipser al of silk Heng at his gerdul, whit as morne mylk. Chaucer, Cant. T.,359. AXELAVE, 0. To gape. ANELE, 1 v. (A.-S. an and ele, EXELE, >oil.) To anoint, or give AXOYLE, J extreme unction. Cristendom, and bisschoppynge, Feiiauns, and eke spousinge, Godes body ine forme of bred, Ordre, and aneliiage, Thes sevene Heth holi cherche sacremens, Tliat beth toktnen of hevene. Jniliam de Skorckam. So when lie was houseled and aneled, and had all that a Christian man ou;rlit to liave. Mart d' Arthur, p. iii, c. 175. The extreme unction or anelynge, and confirmation, lie sayed be 110 sacra- ments of the church. Sir Tkos. Morn's Worts, p. 345. The byshop sendeth it to the curates> because they should therwith annoynt Die sick, iii the sacrament ofanoylinq. Ib., p. 431. Also children were christen'd, and men houseld and annoylfd thorough all the land. Holinsh., vol. ii, u. 6. (2) (A.-S. analan.) To temper in the fire. (3) (A.-S. neatecean.) To ap- proach. Bothe wyth bullez and berez, and borez otherquyle, And etaynez, that hym anelede, of the beje felle. Syr Guicayne, p. 28. AXELING, *. (1) One that brings forth one young at a time. Their ewes also are so full of increase, that some dos usuallie bring fourth two, three, or foure lambes at once, whereby they account our anelings, which are such as bring foorth but one at once, rather barren than to be kept for anie gaiue. Harrison's Detc. of tirit., p. 42. (2) The sacrament of anointing. See Anek (1). "! adj. (A.-S. anlic, antic.} AXLY, J Alone ; solitary. Ane- lynes, solitariness. ANEMAS, 1 conj. (supposed to be ANEMIS, J derived from the Scan- dinavian dialects.) Lest; for fear; as, " shut that window anemas it should rain ;" " spar the door anemis he come," shut the door lest he come in. Norfolk. It appears to be now obsolete. AN-END, adv. Onwards ; towards the end ; " to go an-end," to go forward ; " to go right an-end," i. e., to go straight forward. ANEXS, *. Chains or fetters. Now er his aliens wrouht of silvere wele over gilt ; Dayet that therof rouht, his was alle the gilt. Peter Lanytoft, p. 167. ANEMPST, ") prep. Against ; over ANENST, j against ; opposite to. ANENT, ^(Inasecondarysense) ANENTIS, j concerning ; with re- AXENDS, J spect to. In the MS. Household Book of Henry Lord Clifford, 1510, there is mention made of an action " anends the dean of York." And wee humbly beseech your highnes wee may knowe your Graces pleasure howe wee shall order ourselves anempst your graces sayd cytie and castell, for our discharge. State Papers, ii, 204. And right anerut him a dog snarling-fr. B. Jon., Alchem., act ii. The king shall sitt anempst hyra, face to face, in a chair prepared as to his high estate accordeth. Rutland Papers, p. 14. As it was borne towards the place, when the bearers came aneynst the sepulchre of her husband, king Malcolm, they were not able to remove the re- Ivkes any further. Solinshed, Hist, of Scot. ; Alexander, 287. Foure times the brazen horse, entring, stuck fast Aiunit the ruin'd guirdle of the towne. Hcyitood's Troja Sritannica, p. 394. Anenst this partition there was greecei and stayres, down to the place of tourn- age, for messengers, &c. Lclaud's Cott. v,357. ANE 72 ANG Of tlia( doun-castwe may hi chaunce Ancnt this world get cov'eraunce. Cursor Mundi,MS. Cantab., (. 141. ANEOUST,j9rep. Near; almost. Far. dial. ANERDE, v. (A.-S.) To adhere; dwell with. ANERRE, v. (A.-S.) To draw near to ; to approach. ANERTHE, adv. On the earth. To briny anerthe, to bury, to inter. So that it was thoru Lyre wyth gret honour y-bore To the housof Waltam, and y-brojtanu Bartas, p. 83. ANGLE, *. (A.-N.) (1) A corner. (2) An astrological term. ANGLE-BERRY,*. A sore under the claw or hoof of an animal. North. See Anberry. ANGLE-BOWING. A method of fenc- ing the grounds wherein sheep are kept by fixing rods like bows with both ends in the ground, or in a dead hedge, where they make angles with each other. Devon. ANGLEDOG, . A large earthworm. Devon. ANGLE-LEGS, *. Bent legs. This heard, sir, play stil in her eyes, And be a dying, lives, like flyes Caught by their angle-legs, and whom The torch laughs peece-meale to consu-ne. Lovelaces Lucaste, 1649. ANGLE-TWITCH "1 . (from Fr. ANGLE-TWACHE, > anguille, an ANGLE-TOUCH, J eel.) An earth- ANG 74 ANI worm. They are mentioned as being troublesome to sick hawks by Lady Juliana Berners, and called unyuelles. ANGI.KR, *. One who begs in the daytime, observing what he can steal at night. A cant word. ANGLET, . (Fr.) A little corner. ANGNAIL, s. A com on the toe. Cumberl. See Agnail. AXGOBER, s. A sort of large and long pear. Diet. Rust. ANGORAS, s. An anchorite. AXGROME, v. (A.-S., from an and gremian.) To grieve ; to torment. ANGRY, adj. Painful ; inflamed ; troublesome. ANGRY-BOYS, s. A set of wild young men who delighted tocommitout- rages, and pick up quarrels. They are often mentioned by the dra- matists of the time of James I. Sir, not so young, but 1 have heard some- speech Of the angry boys, and seen 'em take tobacco. Sen Jon., Mchem., iii, 4. Get thee another nose, that will be pull'd Off by the angry boys, for thy conversion. B. / F ., ticortif. Lady, iv, 1. This is no angry, nor no roaring boy, but a blustering boy. Green's Tu. Qu., 0. PL, vii, 25. ANGRY-WATER. A liquid of an in- flammatory nature arising from a sore, as in blisters from chafing, the skin not being broke. Nor- folk. ANGUELLE,s.(Fr.) Akindofworm, mentioned by early writers, as being troublesome to sick hawks. ANGUISHOUS, 1 adj. (A.-N.) In ANGUISOUS, j anguish ; in pain. I was bothe anguishovs and trouble, For the perill that I sawe double. Bom. of the Base, 1755. And fortlierover, contricioun schulde be wounder sorwful and anyttisschous, and therfore givith him God pleiiily his mercy. Chaucer, Persones T. A.N6UYOUSLY, adv. (A.-N.) Pain- fullv. My wordes to here, That bought hym uere, On crosse auyuyuusly. ~ ANGUSSE, s. Anguish. ANHANGE. 1 / > o\ T< i Y v. (A.-S.) To hang. ANHONGE, J I-nonie for theofthe and i-demd Anhongc hi were tliere. And aithonge on the rode As thu were Jliesu also. MS. Earl., 2277, f. 14. O, swete levedy, wat the was wo, Tho thy cliyld was anhonge, I-tached to the harde tre Wyth nayles gret and longe. H'. de tlioreham. ANHANSE, ~] v. (A.-S.} To raise ; ANHANSY, > to exalt ; to ad- ANHAUNSE, J vance. Hye nou to unkansy us alle, and y nelle nojt be byhynde. Rub. Glouc., p. 198. AN-HEH, i d Q h; , j d AN-HEIJE, J Ther stont up a jeolumen, jejeth with a ^erde, Ant hat out an-heh tliat al the hyrt herde. Pol. Smgt, p. 158. And told hem this vilauie, And seyd he wold horn int-heighe. Arthour and Merlin, p. 88. ANHITTE, . (A.-S.) To hit ; to strike. Tlio kyng Arture ajen 1he brest ys fclawe vorst anhytte. Bob. Glouc., p. 185. AN-HOND, adv. In hand, i. e., in his power. Me to wreken ye schnl go Of a treytour that is mi to, Thiit is y-come up mi loud, AVer he theuketh to brhi"; me an-kond. Gy of H'anrite, p. 43. ANHOVE, v. (A-5.) To hover. Skinner. ANIENTE, v. (A.-N.) To destroy; to annihilate. That wikkedliche and wilfulliche "Wolde mercy anieiue. Piert PI., p. 365. AN-IF, con;'. If. ANIGU, prep. Near. Shropsh. ANIGHT, adv. In the night. Tristrem to Ysoude wan, Anight with hir to play. Sir Tristrem, p. 23i ANI 75 ANN ANILE, adj. (Lat. anilis.) Imbecile from old age. ANIMABLE, adj. (Lat.) That may be endowed with life. ANIMATE, adj. (Lat. animatus.) En- couraged. I am animate to importune your goode lordship with moste harty desyres to contynue my goode lorde in augmenting the tinges goode estimacion of me. Monastic Letters, p. 141. ANIME s. A white gum or resin brought out of the West Indies. Bullnkar. ANIMOSITE, s. (Lat.) Bravery. Skelton. ANIND, adv. On end; upright. " Mr. Jones's hos reared anind, bout uprit." A Shropshire word. Moor gives it as a Suffolk word. ANIOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Wearisome ; fatiguing. AN-IRED, adj. (A.-N.) Angry. He sauh Richard aii-ired, and liis mykelle myght. Peter Lanytoft, p. 151. ANJURDOGS, s. Kitchen utensils for the spit to run on. /. of Wight. ANKER, *. A measure of liquid. See Anchor. We'll drink it out of the anker, my boys. The Barley-Mow Song, n. d. ANKER, *. (A.-S.) An anchoret ; a hermit. See Anchor. ANKERAS, s. A female hermit. See Ancresse. ANKLEY, s. An ankle. West Sussex. See Anclow. He stod, and totede in at a bord, Her he spak anilepi word Havelok, 2107. Ane es fornicacion, a fleschl*; synne Betwene an anelepy man and an anelepy woman. MS. Harl., 1022, f. 73. On ich half thai smiten him to, And he ogain to hem also ; Never no was anlepy knight, That so muni stond might. Gy of Warwike, p. 139. ' That hy ne take hiis for no man, Bote onelepy sythe. William de Shoreham, ANLAS. See Anelace. ANLET, s. An annulet ; a small ring; a tag, or piece of metal attached to the end of laces or points. Yorksh. ANLETH, s. (A.-S. anwlit, andwlit.) The face ; the countenance. To the mi hert saide the soght face mine, I sal seke laverd to face thine ; Ne turne thine anleth me fra, Ne helde in wrath fra thi bine swa. MS. Cott., Tesp., D vii, f. 16 b. ANLICNE, v. (A.-S.) To liken ; to compare. Thuervore hi byeth anlicnedtn the tayle of the voxe, be hare barat, and vor hare bezuykinge. MS. Anmdel, 57, i. 17 b. 1 *. (A.-S.,anlicnes.) ANLICNES, I ^ ; ANI - ICNESSE 'J semblance. Tlierefter wendeth onto ure lavedi an- licnesse and cneolith mit five Avees; alast to the other images and to the relikes luteth other cneoleth. MS. Cott., Cleopatra, C vi, f. 9. ANLY, adj. (A.-S.) Solitary. See Anely. ANLIFEN, *. (A.-S.) Livelihood ; substance. Verstegan. , ANLOTE, . (A.-S.) To pay a share of charges, according to the cus- tom of the place. Minsheu. ANNAMELYD, part. p. Enamelled. For the wyche thyng schynis of dyverS fold, Schynand full bryght of fyn gold, They hongyd full fhycke on vlke a party, An annamelyd wonder rychely. Tundale, p. 64. ANNARY, s. (Med. Lat. annarius.) A yearly description. Fuller. . T . (A.-S. unnan, annan.) UNNE Ul) To give; to yield; to NE ' I consent. Kohant that was thare, To Mark his tale bigan ; " Wist ye whit Tristrem ware, , Miche gode ye wold him an; Your owhen soster him bare." Sir Tristrem, f. i, st. 71. ANN 76 ANO Ich unne hire wel, ant heo me wo, Ychiim Lire firnd, ant heo my fo, Me thuncheth min herte wol breke atwo, For sorewe aut s\ ke. Lyric Poetry, p. 40. Ich an wel! cwath the nijtingale, Ah, wrantie. nawt for thire tale. Hule and Xy$tingale, \. 1728! (2) To wish well to. Tristrem speke bigan, " Sir king, God 'loke the, As y the love and an, And thou hast served to me." Sir Tristrem. f. i, st. 77. ANNE, pron. One. The objective case of an. ANNEAL, v. (A.-S.) (1) To heat anything in such a manner as to give it a proper temper. This word is chiefly used by the blowers and workers in glass. " He that doth aneale pottes or other vessels, inustor." Baret's Alvearie, 1580. Item, a myter for a bishop at St. Nicholas tide, garnyshed with sylver, and anelyd with perle, and counterfeyt stone. Churchwardens' Accompli, p. 114. (2) To anoint. See Anele. ANNENTISE, ANNENTISSCHE, . - J late ; to destroy. The whiche thre thinges ye have nought annentissched or destroyed, neyther in youre self ne in youre counseiloures, as yeoughte. Chaucer, T. of Melibetts. ANNEX, *. (A.-N.) The common gull. North*mb. ANNETT, *. First-fruits ? The L.Governour.as touching the workes to be taken in hand, uoe municion to be lookt for. with some occurances of the English and Spanish fleets ; for the coming up of Capt. Case, and touching Sir John Selby's meadow, Townsdale's annelt. Arclueologia, xxx, 169. ANNEXMENT, *. Anything annexed, or subjoined. A.yK\HiL'ED,part.p. Destroyed. Which els had been long since annihiled, With all other living things beside. Loves Owle, 1595. AN xi VERSE, . (Fr.) An anniver- sary. Shall an annitfrse B kept with ostentation to reherse A mortal princes birth-day. Contemplations Moral and Dirint, 1676. ANNOY. 1 *. (A.-N.) An annoy- ANNYE, f ance. For Helen's rape the city to destroy, Threat'niug cloud-kissing Ilion with annoy. Shale., Rape of Lttcrece, p. 551. When his fair flocks he fed upon the downs, The poorest shepherd suffered not annoy. Drayt., Eel, 6, p. 1414. How many ills do follow one annoy ! Now merrily sail our gallant Grcekes to Troy. Peele's Farewell, 1589. Ther nys lyves mon noon so slygh That he neo tholcth ofte mony anaye. Alisaunder, 1. 10. ANOYFUL, adj. Hurtful; annoying. ANOIING, s. Harm. No might do with hir wicheing In Inglond non anoiing. Arlhour and Merlin, p. 166. ANOIOUS, adj. Fatiguing; weari- some; unpleasant. When driven with wordlie winds, his anoiuus business waxetli without mea- sure. Chaucer's Boethius, 360. ANNOTE, *. A note. In annote is hire nome, nempneth hit non Whose ryht redeth ronne to Johon. Lyric Poetry, p. 26. ANNUARY, adj. (Lat.) Annual. ANNUELER. A priest employed for the purpose of singing anni- versary masses for the dead. It is spelt annivolor in Skelton, ii, 440. In Londoun was a prest, an annueler, That therm dwelled hadde many a ver. Chaucer, Cant. 'T., 12940. ANNUNCIATE, adj. (Lat.) Foretold. Lo Sampson, whiche that was annunciate By thaugel, long er his nativite. Chaucer, Cant. T., 15501. ANNY, adv. Only. Northampt. ANNYLE, *. Anise seed. Huloet. ANO, con/. Also. North. AXODER, adj. Another. "A pyx of sylver, anoder of laten." Invent., MS. Ibthcent. ANOYLE, v. To anoint. See Anele. ANO The bysliop sendetn it to the curates, because they should therwith annoynt the sick in the sacrament of anoyling. Sir Thomas Hare's Workes, p. 431. ANOYNTE, v. To flatter ; to deceive. A figurative sense, as we should say to grease a person. "I anoynte, Idisceyvebyflatterynge^'eoy^ns." Palsgrave, verb. ANOINTED, adj. Chief; principal. "An anointed scamp." West. ANOISAUNCE, s. A nuisance. ANGLE, adv. Too; also. Yorksh. ANOMINATION, s. (Lot.) An opinion contrary to law. He that adornes his whole oration with no other trope hut a sweet subjection or an anoint nation, may be thought a trim man in the ears of the multitude, but in the judgement of the elegant orators, lie shall be known as rude in his art of rhetorick, as the butcher that scalded the calt'e was in his craft of butchery. Brit. Sibl., ii, 441. ANOMY, s. (Gr.) Lawlessness. ANON, adv. (1) What do you say? Yorksh. See Anan. (2) Instantly ; immediately. Now surely, brother, said the fox anon. Mother Hubberd's Tale, f. vi. All which shall appere anon. Lambarde's Peramb. of Kent, p. 108. (3) Onwards. The kyng of Northumberlonde kyng was, ich understonde, Of ill tho londe bijonde Hombre anon into Scotlonde. Rob. of Glow., p. 6. (4) Anon, sir, is equivalent to the modern " coming, sir," the phrase used by waiters in inns. An under-skinker, who never spake other English in his life, than anon, anon, sir. 1 Henry IV, ii, 7- ANONDER, adv. (A.-S.) Under. Ten schypmcn to londe yede Tose the yie yn lengthe and brede, Aud fette water as hem was nede The roche anondyr. Octonian Imperator, 1. 650. ANONE, "J adv. At one time ; in ANONEN, [the first place. AN ONER, adv. Under. North. ANONRIGHTES, 1 adv. (A.~S.) IDT ANANRIHT, /mediately. Efter evesong anonriht siargeth ower placebo everiche niht hwon je beoth eise. MS. Cott., Nero, A xiv, f. 5. Scheo liette marchal and knyghtis Greythen heom to ryde anonryghtis. K. Al'aatmder, \. 170. He liadde in toun v. hundred knightes, He hem ofsent anonrightcs. Arthour and Merlin, p. 88. ANONT, prep. Against; opposite. Wilts. ANONXCION, s. (for anunction.) Anointing. Hardyng. ANONYWAR, adv. At unawares. Tho the Brvtons come myd the prisons thar, The Romeyns come ajen hem al anonywar. Bob. Glouc., p. 212. ANOTH, adv. Enough. Anoth, dameseile ! quath Blauncheflour, To scorne me is litcl honour. tlorice and Blaunchefl. ANOTHER, adv. (A.-S.) Otherwise ; differently. Al that therinne were, Al thai made glade chere, And ete and dronke echon wij other, Ac Florice thoujte al another; Ete ne drinke mijte he noujt ; On Blauncheflour was al his thoujt. Florice and Slaunchefl. Me je, quath the kyng, tho another we ssolde do, That he ath y-nome wyth treson we ssolde with maystrie. Bob. of Glouc., p. 447. ANOTHER-GAINES, adv. Another sort of. ANOTHER-GATES, adv. (A.-S.) A different kind; another sort. Lane. And his bringing up another-gales mar- riage than such a minion. Lyly's Mother Bombie, act 1. When Hudibras, about to enter Upon another-gates adventure, To Balpho calf d aloud to arm, Not dreaming of apuro-.iching storm. Hudibras, I, iii, 428. ANOTHER-GUESS, adv. Another sort of. A word in common use ANO 78 ANS in the latter half of the 17th cent. H" as been a student in the Temple tliis three years, another-ghess iellow than tliis, I assure you. Durfey, Madam Tickle, 1682. ANOUGH, adv. Enough. West. Thai wemle have joie anough, Certcs it nas nought so, Her wening was al wough, Untroveand til hem to. Sir Tristrem, F. II, st. Ivi. ANOUR, *. (A.-N. anor.) Honour. After him thou best emperour, God hath the don gret anour. Gy of Warwicke, p. 149. ANOURE, v. (A.-N. anorer.) To honour. Thou ne anourcst najt God aryjt, Ac dest is onderlynges. Bylef thou in no wychecraft, Ne ine none teliinge. tniliam de Shoreham. ANOUREMENT, ANOURNEMENT, *. (A.- If.) Adornment. I am tormentide with this blew fyre on my hede, for my lecherouse anourcment of myne heere, ande other array ther one. Gesta Romanorum, p. 431. ANOTTRNE, v. (A.-N.) To adorn. ANOW, adv. Enough. West. He kest the bor doun hawes anowe, And com himsell doun bi a bowe. Sevyn Sagei, 921. ANOWARD, adv. Upward ; upon. Hearne explains it, "thorough, onward." And anovjard his rug fur y-maked, And doth from ?ere to lere. MS. Hart., 2277, f- 47. The hors hem lay anowtard, Tliat hem thought chaunce hard. Arthaur and Merlin, p. 123. ANOYLE, v. To anoint. ANOYMENTIS, . The translation of limates in an early gloss., in Reliq. Antiq., i, 8. ANOYNTMENT, #. An ointment. ANOYT, s. Trouble ? That other branche ful mt goyt To the lytil fynzere, without anoyt. Reliq. Antit., i, 190. ANPARSE. The character &. The expression and per se, and, to signify the contraction &, and substituted for that conjunction, is often found in nursery books, more especially in alphabets, such as the one commencing, " A, apple-pie." Sometimes spelt anpassy, and anpasty. ANPYRE, s. Empire. ANREDNESSE, . (A.-S.anrcednesse.) Unity of purpose. AN'S-AFE. I am afraid. Yorfoh. ANSAMPLE, *. An example. ANSEL, s. A corrupt orthography for hansel. ANSHUM-SCRANCHUM. When a number of persons are assembled at a table where the provision is scanty, and each one is almost obliged to scramble for what he can get, it will often be observed by some one of the party, that they never in all their life saw such anshum-scranchum work. Line. ANSINE, "Is. (A.-S. ansyn.) Ap- ONSINE, j pearance ; figure. Not no mon so mucliel of pine, As povre wif that falleth in ansine. Dame Siritk. Vor nis of ow non so ketie Tim!; durre abide mine onsenc. Tlie Ilule and the Ny^tingale, 1. 1694. ANSLACHT, Is. (Germ.) A sud- ANSLAIGHT, I'dfin attack; a sur- prise. I do remember yet, th&t amlaight, thou wast beaten, And fledst before the bntler. Beaum. and Fl., Mons. Thomas, ii, 2. ANSLET, v. (Fr. ?) An article of dress in the latter part of the 14th cent. Some MSS. of Chau- cer read hanselines. Upon that other syde, to speke of the horrible disordinat scantnes ot clotliins;, as ben these cuttid sloppis or anslets^ that tliurgh her schortnes ne covcreth not the schamful membre of man, to wickid entent. Chaucer, Persones T. ANS 79 ANT .l*. , / o/ 15/A and beginning oflGth cent. ANSTOXD, . To withstand. Rob. Glouc. ANSVRER, s. An answerer. ANSWER, (1) v. To encounter at a tournament. (2) To answer a door, to open it when any one knocks. (3) s. Retaliation ; requital. Shakesp. ANT. (1) Am not. Devon. (2) cow/. And. Common in MSS. of the reign of Edward II. The lylie lossum is ant long, AVith'riche rose ant rode among. Lyric Poetry, p. 33. AXTEM, *. (1) A church. A cant word. An antem-morte, " a wyfe mariecl at the churche, and they he as chaste as a cow." Brit. Bibl., ii, 520. (2) An anthem. ANTEPAST, *. (Lai.) A tasting be- fore. ANTEPHNE, *. An antiphon. ANTEPONE, v. (Lot.) To prefer ; to set before. ANTER. See Aunter. ANTERS, (1) con;'. In case that. North. (2) #. Adventures. North. See Aunter. ANTE-TKME, s. A text or motto placed at the head of a theme or discourse. Sitelton. ANTEVERT, v. (Lat.) To avert. ANTGATE, *. An occasion. Sfanner. AXTH. And the. \orth. ANTHONY-NUT, *. The bladder-nut, staphylodendron. ANTHONY-PIG, *. The favourite or smallest pig of the litter. Kent. " To follow like a tantony pig," to follow close. The friars of certain convents of St. Anthony, in England and France, are said to have enjoyed the privilege of having their swine feeding in the streets. These would follow any one for food; and it was con- sidered an act of charity and religion to feed them. St. An- thony was invoked for the pig. ANTHONY'S-FIRE, #. A kind of erysipelas. ANTHROPOMANCY, *. (Gr.) Divi- nation by the entrails of men. ANTHROPOPHAGINIAX, adj. A high-sounding word put by Shakespeare in the mouth of a swaggerer. Merry Wives of Windsor, iv, 5. ANTICIPATELY, adv. By anticipa- tion. What our Lord did intend to bestow on all pastors, that he did anticipate!;/ pro- mise to him. Barrow, Of the Popa Supremacy. ANTICK, (1) adj. Old. (2) An antimasque. Ford's Works, i, 440. ANTICKLY, adv. In an antick man- ner. Go antici;ly, and show an outward hideous- ness. Mvch Ado about Nothing, v, L ANTICKS, *. (1) Odd imagery and devices. AH bar'd with golden bendes, which were entayld With curious antickes, and full fayre auuiavid. Sp., F. Q., II, iii, 27. (2) Actors are sometimes termed anticks. ' ANTIKE, adj. Grotesque. | A foule deform'd, a brutish cursed crew, ' In body like to antike work devised ' Of monstrous shape, and of an ugly hew. Hair., Ariost., vi, 61. ANTICOR, "I *. A swelling on a ANTOCOW, J horse's breast, oppo- site to the heart. ANTIDOTARY, adj. Having the qualities of an antidote. i ANTIENTS, s. Ancestors. ANTit.LoauiE, . (Lat.) A preface; proem. I Therefore I will rehearse to this antillogsit, But only the cognisaunce which appeareth verament. ffolntet'i Fall of Rebellion, p. 7. ANT ANT ANTIMASQUE, *. A contrast to the principal masque, a ridiculous interlude, dividing the parts of the more serious masque. It appears to have been distinguish- ed by extravagance, and was usually performed by actors hired from the theatres ; whereas the masque itself was more usually acted by ladies and gentlemen. It resembled the exodia of the Romans. Let anti-matin not be long, they have been commonly of fools, satyrs, baboons, wild meii, antiques, beasts, spirits, witches, Ethiops, pigmies, turquets, nymphs, rustics, cupids, statuas moving, and the like. As for angels, it is not comical enough to put them in anti- meals ; and any thing that is hideous, as devils, giants, is on the other side as unfit. But chiefly let the musick of tli em be recreative, and with strange changes. Some sweet odours suddenly coming forth, without any drops falling, are in such a company, as there is steam and heat, things of great pleasure and refreshment. Bacon, Essay 37. Thest. What are yon studying of Jocastus, ha? Jo. A rare device, a masque to entertaine His grace of Fairy with. Thest. A masque ? what i'st ? Jo. An aali-masque of fleas, which I have taught To dance curftntos on a spider's thread. JUop. An anti-matgue of fleas? brother, me thinks A masque of birds were better, that could dance The morice in the ayre, wrens and rob- bin -redbreasts, Linnets, and titmice. Randolph's Amintas, 1640. ANTINOMIES, s. Rules or laws op- posite to some other rules or laws deemed false and having no authority. ANTIOCHE, *. A kind of wine, per- haps brought, or supposed to be brought, from Antioch. AiUioche and bastarde, Pymeiit also, and garnarde, Squyr of Lov>e Degrf, 757. ANTIPERISTASIS, . (Gr.) Ex- plained as " the opposition of a contrary quality, by which the quality it opposes becomes height, ened or intended." Used by Ben Jonson. ANTIPHONER, *. (A.-N.) A kind of psalm-book, containing the usual church music, with the notes marked, and so called from the alternate repetitions and re- sponses. ANTIPHONS, *. (Gr.) Alternate singing. In antiphons thus tune we female plaints. O. PL, vii, 497. ANTICIUARY, adj. Old ; ancient ; antique. Instructed by the antiquary time, He must, he is, he cannot hut be wise. Troilus and Cressida, ii, 3. ANTIUUE, adj. Ancient. Accented on the first syllable. Show me your image in some antique book. Shakesp., Soun., 59. Not that great champion of the dntigue world. Speu., I, xi, -7. ANTKIUITY, s. Old age. ANTLE-BEER, adv. Crosswise ; irre- gular. Exmoor. ANTLING. A corruption of Anto- nine, a saint to whom one of the churches in London is dedicated, which is often called St. Ant- ling's by the older writers. ANTO. If thou. Yorksh. ANTPAT, adj. Opportune ; apropos. Warw. ANFRE, (1) . (Lot. antrum.) A cavern, or den. Wherein of antres vast and desarts idle, Rouu'h quarries, rocks, and hills whose heads touch heaven, It was my hint to speak. Shakesp., Othello, i, 3. (2) v. To adventure. See hunter. AxTRESSE,/>re*/. t. He adventures. ANTRUMS. Affected airs ; whims. "A's in as antrums this morn- ing." Suffolk and Chesh. The more usual expression is tan- trums. ANTUL. An thou wilt; if thou wilt. Yorksh. ANT ANY ANT-WART, s. A sort of wart, de- scribed in the Nomenclator(\ 585) as being deep-rooted, broad be- low, and little above. ANTWHII.E, adv. Some time ago. Warwicksh. ANTY-TUMP, *. An ant-hill. Heref. AN UAL, s. (Lot.) A chronicle. Ri- der, AXUDDER, adj. Another. North. ANUEL, s. (A.-N.) An annuity; particularly one paid to a priest for keeping an anniversary. And henten, git" I mighte, An anuel for myne owen use, To helpcn to clothe. Piers PL, p. 475. ANUNDER. "I prep. (A.-S.) Beneath. ANOXDER, J Cumb. To keep any one at anunder, to keep them in a subordinate or dependent position. Ten schypmen to londeyede, To se the yle yn lengthe and brede, And fette water as hem was nede The roche anondyr. Octotian Imperator, 550. ANUNT, prep. Opposite ; against.' This old word exists in Lowland Scotch, and is current in the dialects of Yorkshire, Cheshire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Wilt- shire, and Worcestershire. AN COST. Near to. West. See Jennings, p. 185. ANUR, v. To honour. ANURTHE, adv. On the earth. ANUY, *. (A.-N.) Annoyance; vex- ation. And to the contri that 56 heoth of, Sutlie ^e schulle wende, Al eselich withoute a my, And there youre lyf ende. JUS. Harl., 2277, f. 46 b. v. (A.-N.) To annoy ; to trouble ; to vex. ANUYE, ANYE, ANUWE, Moch me unneth That mi drivil druith. Relit/. Antiq., ii, 210. Tho was alle the court anyrd. lijb. of Gloucester, p. 53. Ac mi loverd witeth mi soule wel, That thu liire nojt ne spille, For thu ne mijt mid al thi mi3te Anuye hire north a fille. MS. Harl., 2277, f. 86 b For thai hadde tlie conntr6 anuwed, And with robberie destrwed. Sevyn Sages, 2613. Alisaundre annied was ; Over the table lie gon stoupe, And smot Litias with the coupe, Tliat he feol duun in the flette. Kyng Alisaunder, 1102. ANVELT, "I . (d.-S.) An anvil. ANVILD, J See Anfeeld. Upon his anvelt up and downe, Tlierof he toke the tirste sowne. Dreine of Chaucer, 1165. And in eche liande a srreate lianicr, and therwith they smyte unon a an- tilde. 'Viryilius, p. 26. ANVEMPNE, v. To envenome. Coventry Mysteries, p. 75. ANVIL, *. (1) The handle or hilt of a sword. Shakesp. (2) A narrow flag at the end o a lance. Meyrick. ANWARPE, v. To warp. Minsheu. ANWEALD, *. (A.-S.) Power ; au- thority. Skinner. ANWORD, s. (A.-S.) An answer ; a reply. Verstegan. ANXIFEROUS, adj. (Lett.) Causing anxiety. ANY, adj. Either; one of two, or of more. ANYNGE, "I . (A.-S.) Union. See ONYNGE, j Ane. ANYSOT, s. A fool. Prompt. Pare. ANYTHINK. Anything. " Like anythink agen," exceedingly. Leic. ANYWHEN, adv. At any time. " I can come anywhen after this week." ANYWHILE, adv. At any time. ANYWHITHER, adv. To any place. Dor. Do you forbid his coming, or I go. Aunt. Go? whither? Dor. Anywhither, madness ne're want! a place. Mountfort, Greenwich Park, 1691, AOU 82 APE AOCRNED, part. p. Adorned. So that he that tofore wente clothed in clothes of golde and of sylke, and aourned wyth precyous stones in the cyt6. Vita Fatrum, f. 86. AOY, adv. High. Glouc. APAYE, "I v. (A.-N.) To pay, sa- APPAY, / tisfy, or content. " Well apaid, glad ; ill apaid, sorie." Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. Therwith was Perkyn apayed, And preised hem fasti-. Fieri Ploughman, p. 123. Till thou have to my trusty ear Committed what doth thee so ill apay. Spens., Daphnaida, 69. So only can high justice rest appald. Milton, P. I., xii, 401. Th' unwelcome newes seeme welcome to his cares, And yet he wishes they awhile had staide ; That the vil'd deed is done, he glad ap- peares, Yet in his gladnes, he seemes ill apaid. Great Sritaines Troye, 1609. APAISE, adv. In peace. Tho thai were at at aise, Ich went to his in apaite. Arthour and Merlin, p. 87. APAUD, part. p. Depressed ; dis- couraged ; appalled. APALLED, part. p. Wearisome; nauseous. Thanne cometh undevocioun thurgli which a man is so blunt, and as saith seint Bernard, he hath such a langour in soule, that he may neytiier rede ne svne in holy chirche, ne heere ne thuike on devocioun in holy chirche, ne travayk' with his hondes in no good werk, that nys to him unsavory and nl apalled. Chaucer, Persones T. APAN, prep. Upon. APARINE, s. (Fr.) The name of a plant ; clivers. APARSEIVE, v. To perceive. The burgeis aparseired of his wive, Tele nightes was gon him fram, And in the dawiying ayen sche cam. The Seri/n Sages, 1. 1434. APARTI, adv. Partly. APARTLIE, adv. (A.-N.) Openly. Monastic Letters, p. 179. APAYERE, v. (A.-N.) To impair. Skelton. . APE, (1) v. To attempt? And that sche nere so michel ape That sche hir laid doun to slape. Arthour and Merlin, p. 32. (2) *. A fool. To put an ape into a person's hood or cap, or, to put on his head an ape, to make a fool of him. Tyrwhitt con- siders " win of ape," in Chaucer, to be what the French called vin de singe. Halm ! felaws, be war for such a jape. The monk put in the manncs hood an ape, And in his wyves eek, by Seint Austvn. Chaucer, Cant. T., 14850. - Thus was the ape By their fair handling put into Malberco's cape. Spenser, F. Q., Ill, be, 31. And thus sche maketh Absolon hir ape, And al his ernest torneth to a jape. Chaucer, Cant. T., 3389. To lead apes in hell, said of a woman who lives and dies single. I must dance barefoot on her wedding-day, And, for your love to her, lead apis in hell. Shakesp., Taming of Shrew, ii, 1. But 'tis an old proverb, and you know it well, That women, dying maids, lead apes in hell. London Prodigal, i, 2. Not to know an ape from an apple, to be very ignorant. Calculated according to art for the meridian of England ; and may, without sensible error, serve for any other coun- try besides, where they do understand an ape from an apple, or a B from a bat- tledore. Poor Robin, 1707. To say an ape's paternoster, to chatter with cold. APECE, a corruption of abece. The alphabet. Prompt. Parv. APECHED, part. p. Impeached. And asone as he came, he was arestcd and apeched of bye treysone, that he schuld helpe the trie of Oxenl'orde. Warkvcorth 's Chronicle, p. 25. APEIRE, v. (A.-N.) To impair. See And thanne yonre neghebores next In none wise apeire. Piers PI., p. 11. APE 83 APO APEL, s. {A -N.) An old term in hunting music, consisting of three long moots. APELYT, part. p. Called ; named. APENDE, v. (A.-N.) To append ; to appertain ; to belong. Thus the pore peple is ransounde, They say suche parte t'em should apende. Plowman's Tale, 1. 2605. APENIONE, *. Opinion. APERE, v. To appear. APEREMENT, s. An injury; a mis- chief. " Aperement, pejoracio," Prompt. Parv., MS. Harl., 221. APERN, s. An apron. Apparn is still the form in Shropshire, ap- peron or appren in the Northern Counties. APERNER, s. One who wears an apron ; a drawer at an inn. We have no wine here, methinks ; Where's this aperner ? Chapman's May Day, 1611. A-PER-SE. See A. APERT, adj. (A.-N.} (1) Open; manifest. (2) Bold ; free ; pert. APERTE, s. (A.-N. aperte.) Conduct in action. For whiche the kyng hym had ay after in cherte, Coiisyderyngwell his knightly aperte. Hardyng's Chronicle, f. 198. APERTELICHE.J, A N . Q , APERTLY, j V APERTION, s. (Lat.) A passage; an aperture. APERTNESS, s. Frankness; open- ness. APERY, *. An ape-house. . And vow to ply thy b oke as nimbly as ever thou didst tliy master's apery, or the hauty vauliing liorsc. Apollo Shromng, 1627, p. 93. APESEN, v. (A.-N.) To appease. APETITBLY, adv. With an ap- petite. APE-WARD, . A keeper of apes. Nor I, quod an ape-ward, By HUght that 1 kan knowe. Piers PI., p, 115. APEYRE, v. (Lat.) To open. APEYREMENT, s. (A.-N.) Injury. APEYRINGES, *. Losses. A-PICKPACK, adv. Astride on the back. See A-pigga-back. Tliere's a speech for you, shou'd you make sucli a one in the senate house, we should have you brought home a-pickpack in triumph. Flora's Vagaries, 1670. APIECE, adv. To each. North. APIECES, adv. To pieces. Suff. Nay, if we faint or fall apieces now, We're fools. Seaum. and Fl., Island Princess, v, 1. APIES, s. Opiates. As he shall slepe as long as er the leste, The nai-cotikes and apies ben so strong. Chaucer, Leg. of Hypermnestra, 109. A-PIGGA-BACK, adv. Carrying a child on one's back, with his legs under ttie arms, and his arms round the neck. Var. dial. APIS, s. A kind of apple-tree, in- troduced about the year 1670. Skinner.- APISHNESS,S. Playfulness ; game- someness. APISTILLE, ?. An epistle. A-PISTY-POLL, adv. Carrying a child with his legs on the shoul- ders, and arms round the head. Dorset. A-PLACE, adv. In place. Gower. A-PLAT, adv. Flat down. APLIGHT, adv. (A.-S.) Certainly; truly ; entirely. Hidur thei come be mone-lijt, liete therof wel aplijt. K. Edward and the Shepherd. Nou is Edward of Carnarvan, King of Engeloud al aplyht. Political Songs, p. 249. The child yede to bedde anight, Aud ros arliche amorewen aplight. Sevyn Sages (Weber), 203. APLUSTRE, s. (Lat.) The small flag of a ship. APLYN, s. pi. (A.-S.) Apples. APOCK, s. A small red pimple. Somerset. APODYTERY, s. (Gr.) A vestry. APO 84 APP APOINT, adv. At point. APOISOX, v. To poison. APOLLO, *. A name for a ban- queting room. We moved slowly towards the sult:ni's pallace, all the way passing through a ranck or file of archers and musqueuers on either side doubled, and being alighted, usherd him into his Apulia, where upon rich carpets was plac'd a neat and costly banquet. Herbert's Travels, 1638. ApOLOGETiK,*.(Gr.a7roXoyjri)c6g.) An apology. APOX, prep. Upon. APOXTED, adj. Tainted. Dorset. APOPUAK, *. A kind of herb, men- tioned in the ArchoRol, xxx, 404. APORET, part. p. (A.-N.} Made poor ; reduced to poverty. APOSEX, v. To demand. This word occurs in Skinner's Etymolo- gion, 1671. APOSTATA, s. (Lat.~) An apostate. APOSTEM, *. (Gr.) An abscess. A joyful casual violence may break A dangerous apostem in thy breast. Donne's Progress of the Soul, ii, 479. A medicine or salve that maketh an aposteme, or draweth a swelling to mat- ter. Nomenclator, 1585. APOSTEMATION, *. An impos- thume. APOSTHUME, . An imposthume. Prompt. Parv. APOSTILHEED, *. Apostleship. Wycliffe. APOSTILLE, *. (Lot.) A marginal observation. APOSTLE-SPOONS,*. Spoons of sil- ver gilt, the handle of each termi- nating in the figure of an apostle. They were the usual present of sponsors at christenings ; rich sponsors gave the whole twelve ; those in middling circumstances gave four ; while the poorer sort often contented themselves with the gift of one, which bore the figure of some saint in honour of whom the child received its name. It is in allusion to this custom, that, when Cranmer pro- fesses to be unworthy of being sponsor to the young princess, the king replies, "Come, come, my lord, you'd spare yeur spoons." Shakesp., Hen. VIII, v, 2. And all this for the hope of two apostl* spoons, to suffer! and a cup to eat a caudle in! for that will be thy legacy. . Jons., Earth. Fair, i, 3. APOSTOLIONE, . An ingredient, apparently a herb, mentioned in an old medical MS. In another there is a long recipe to make an apostolicone, composed of frank- incense, alum, &c. APOSTROFATION, . Apostrophe. Stelton. APOZEME, s. (Gr. cnro^f^a, a de- coction.) A drink made with water and divers spices and herbs, used instead of syrup. Bullokar. APPAIRE, 1. (A.-N.) (1) To APPEYRE, J impair, make worse, or bring to decay. His neygheboures ful of envy, his feyned freendes that seniede recoun- siled, and his flatereres, maden sem- blaunt of wepyng, and appaired and aggregged moche of this matiere, in preisyng gretly Melil>6 of might, of power, of riches, and of frendes. de- spisinge the power of his adversaries. Chaucer, T. of Melibeia. What mendeth it you though that we both apaire .' Chaucer, Tr. $ Cr., lib. ii, 1. 329. So well it maye with rethorike termes fayred, Whiche by my simplenes I would not wer appaired. Hardiny's Chron., f. 51. Gentlewomen, which fcare neither sonne, nor winde, 1'or appairing their beautie. Sir Thomas Elyot's Governor, p. 61. But if I should so presume, I might apayr it; lor it was right wel and cunnyngly made, and translatyd into ryght good and fayr Englishe. 'Caxton. Himself goes patched like some bare cot- tyer, Lest he might ought the future stock appeyre. Up. Hall's Sal., iv, 2. (2) To be brought to decay. APP 85 APP All that lyvetli appavrelh faste. Jftnettm't OU Plays, i, 38. He was of honest conrersacion and pure integritie, no knower of evil, and a keper of all goodnes, a dispiser of al thynges whych were wonte to cause the niyndes of mortal) incline to slyrtc or affaire. Hall, Edward IV, fol/34. APPALE, \ v. To turn anything to APPALLE, J a pale colour. Hire liste not appalled for to be, Kor on the tnorwe unfestliclie for to sec. Chaucer, Cant. T., 10679. APPALLE, v.(A.-N.~) To discourage; to terrify ; to appease : it is also used as a neuter verb, to be terrified ; to grow mild ; to be- come weak ; to fail. This discomfiture so amazed the wittes, and appalled the liartes of the meane Gascons, that tliei offered many tounes to the French part. Hall's Chron., Henry VI, f. 79. - her misshaped parts did them appall, A loathly, wrinkled hag. Spenser, F. Q., I, viii, 46. And to the cuppe ay took I heede and cure lor that the drynke appalle sholde nosrht. Hucclete. Wliiclie never shall appallen in my mimic, But always fresh been in myiie memorie. Prologue to Sturie of Thebes. APPALEMENT, *. Consternation. APPARAILE, v. (A.-N.) To equip ; to furnish. APPARANCIE, s. (A.-N.} Appear- ance. Whose fained gestures doe entrap our youth With au apparancie of simple trutli. Browne's Brit. Past., i, song 2. APPARATE, *. Apparatus. APPARATOR, s. (Lot.) A Serjeant; a beadle. Bailiffs, promoters, jailors, and apparalors. The Pluses Looking-glass, i, 1. ^.-.^.) A word which Skinner inserts in his glossary of law terms, with the following explanation : " Integra rationum subductio, item summa totius debiti, quae rationibus subscribi solet." The sum at the bottom of an account, which is still due. APPAREMKNTES, s.pl. Ornaments. APPARENCE,*. (A.-N.) An appeal ance. That is to sayn, to make illusion By swiche au apparence or joglerie. Chaucer, Cant. T., 11577. APPARENTED, part. p. Made appa- rent. Holinshed. APPARIBLYNGE, *. A symbolical meaning ; an allegory. To thys ordre croune bet Ys an apparyblynge, Thet hys in holy cherche y-cleped wel Tlie furste scherynge Of clerke ; Clerke hys to segge an Englysch, Eyr ot Godes werke. W. de Shoreham. APPARYSSHANDE, adj. Apparent ; brilliant. Caxton. APPARITIONS, s. (A.-N.) Appear- ances. Applied especially to the appearance, or supposed appear- ance, after death, of departed spirits; yet sometimes, as in Shakespeare, understood literally. As this wicked people were strangers to their God in their conversation, so was God grown a stranger to them in his apparitions. Bishop HalCs Contemplations, p 3. I have mark'd A thousand blushing apparitions To start into her face. Much Ado about Nothing, iv, 2. APPASE, adv. Apace ; in pace. An actuarie, Clarke or scribe, that wri- leth ones wordes appase as they are spoken. Komenclator, 1585. APPASSIONATE,. To have a passion for. APPASSIONATED, adj. Violently stedfast; obstinate. The said Gower remained appassionated in the opinion of the Pope's supremacy. Letter in Strype's Annals, iii, 135. APPEACH, v. (A.-N. apescher.) To impeach ; to accuse. Bifore this yonge prophete this preost go appere, And he him apeched sone, with chekes wel pale. Susan, st. xxiv. Now, bv mine honour, by my life, my troth, I will appeach the villain. K. Richard II, T, 2. APP George Ariastronge was pardoned to the ende he shoulde appeache the residue, which he did. Holinshed's Hist, of Scotland, p. 441. APPEARANCE, s. An apparition ; a vision. The word in this sense occurs in Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. APPECEMENTES, s. Impeachments. APPEYRE. See Appaire. APPEIREMENT, s. (A.-N.) An im- pairing; diminution. To the grete appeirement of his most royalle estate, and enpoverisshyng of liym and alle his true commons and subjettis, and only to the enrichynge of themself. MS. Ashm'., 1160. APPEL-LEAF, . (A.-S. ceppel-leaf.) The violet. APPELYE, adr>. Haply. 86 APP - the mnappelen the tree bereth, the more sche bowetli to the folk. Romance of the Monlc, MS., fol. 2 b. APPELLACION, s. (A.-N.) An ap- peal from an inferior to a supe- rior court. This sentence shall never be repelled, ne it may not be appelled, for the appellacyon shall never be receyved. Golden Legend, fol. 5. APPELUNS,*. A dish made of apples and other ingredients. See a receipt for making it in Warner, Antiq. Culin., p. 89. APPENDE, v. (A.-N.) To belong ; to appertain to. See Apende. Tel me to whom, madame, That tresour appendelh. Piers PI., p. 17. APPKNE, v. To happen. Work- worth's Chron., p. 2. APPENNAGE, *. (f>.) That which is set apart by princes for the support of their younger children. Skinner. APPERCEIVE, v. (A.-N.) To per- ceive. See Aperceive. APPERCEIVING, *. Perception. Chaucer. APPERE, v. (A.-N.) To deck out { to apparel. See Appaire. APPERIL, s. Peril. Middleton and Ben Jonson. Let me stay at thine apperil. Timon of likens, i, 2. APPERTAINMENT, s. The circum- stance of appertaining to. AppERTiNAUNT.juar^. a. Belonging to. An astrological term. APPERTYCES, s. (A.-N.) Dexteri- ties. Grete strokes were smyten on botlie sydes, many men overthrowen, hurte, and slayn, and grete ralyaunces, prow- esses and appertyces of werre were that day shewed, whiclie were over long to recounte the noble feates of every man. Morte Arthur, i, ]45. APPESE, v. (A.-N.) To pacify. To appese one's self, to become paci- fied. And Tullius saith : Ther is no thing so comendable in a srrct lord, as whan lie is debonaire and meeke, and nppesith him lightly. Chaucer, T. ofMelibeus. APPETENCE, s. (Lot. uppetentia.) Desire. APPETITE, v. To desire ; to covet. As matire appelilith forme alwuie, And from forme into forme it piissin maie. Hypsipyle and Jfedea, 215. APPETITION, s. (Lat. appetif.io.) Desire for anything. APPETIZE, v. To provoke an appe- tite for food. North. APPETY, *. Appetite ; desire. APPIERT, adj. Open ; pul>lic. See Apert. APPIGNORATE, v. (Lat. appignoro.) To put in pawn ; to pledge. Such bibliopolists are much to blame, When a good author's dead, t" abuse his name ; These tricks they play, and act without controul, For money they'll appiijnorate their soul. Saiyricall Poems, 1698. APPLE, v. To bottom, or root firmly, in the ground " The turnips do not apple." APPLE-BEE, s. A vrasp. Cornw. APPLE-BIRD, s. A chaffinch. Cornw. APP 87 APP APELL-BYER, *. A dealer in apples. Here is Glyed Wolby of Gylforde squyere, Andrewe of Habyngedon apell-byer. Code Lorelles Bate. APPLE-DRONE, *. A wasp. West. APPLE-GRAY, adj. Dapple grey. His head was troubled in such a bad plight, As though his eyes were apple-gray. Hiii// and a Poors Korlherne Man, 1G40. APPLE-HOGLIN, s. An apple turn- over. Suffolk. It is made by folding sliced apples with sugar in a coarse crust, and baking them without a pan. APPLE-JACK, s. An apple turnover. APPLE-JOHN, s. An apple, which will keep two years, and conse- quently becomes very withered. I am witlier'd like an old apple-John. 2 Hen. IV, iii, 3. Tis better than the pome-water or apple- John. 0. 1'ortun. Anc. Dr., iii, 192. Nor John-apple, whose witlier'd rind, en- treuch'd By many a furrow, aptly represents Decrepid age. Phillips, Cider, b. i. APPLE-MOISE, *. (1) Cider. (2) A dish composed of apples. See Appulmoy. APPLEN, *. pi. Apples. APPLE-PEAR, s. A kind of pear, perhaps the tankard pear. APPLE-PIE-BED. A common trick in schools. The bed is arranged somewhat in the fashion of an apple-turnover, the sheets being doubled so as to prevent any one from getting at his length be- tween them. APPLE-PIE-ORDER, s. Anything in very great order. APPLE-PIPS, s. Divination by apple- yips : To ascertain whether her pretended lovers really love her or not, the maiden takes an apple pip, and naming one of her fol- lowers, puts the pip in the fire; if it cracks in bursting from the heat, it is a proof of love, but if it is consumed without noise, she real regard in that person towards her. Davy's MS. APPLEPLEX, s. The apoplexy. De- von. APPLES-OF-LOVE, s. The fruit of a foreign species of nightshade, said to be an aphrodisiac. AppLE-sauiRE, *. This very popu- lar word was evidently used in more than one sense. An apple- squire was sometimes a kept gallant ; at others, a person who waited on a woman of bad cha- racter. The name was also applied to the person who fetched in the wine. Its most common signifi- cation appears to have been a pimp. Boyes which do attende upon commune harlottes, called apple-squires. Huloet's Abccedarium, 1552. Is Cupid fit to be an aple-squire, Of filthy lust to take the loathsome hyre? The Newe Metamorphosis, MS. temp., J ac. I. Is lechery wax'd scarce, is bawdry scant, Is there of wliores or cuckolds any want? Are whore-masters decai'd, are all bawds dead? Are panders, pimps, and apple-squires, all fled? Taylor's Works, 1630. Each bush, each bank, and each base apple- squire Can serve to sate their beastly lewd desire. Hall's Satires, i, 2. Aquariolus, festo, impudicarum mulie- rum sordidus assecla, opi-oSid/coi-o?, Macquereau, rutieu. A rutliuly knave : an apple-squire: a lilt hie and bawdie knave attending upon whores : a wit tall that keepcth the doore whiles his wife is occupied. Nomendator, 1585. His little lackey, a proper yong apple- tauire, called Pandarus, whiehe carneth the keye of his chamber with hyni. Sullien's Dialoyue, 1573. APPLE-STUCKLIN, s. An apple- turnover. Hampsh. APPLE-TERRE, *. An apple orchard. Formerly used in Sussex, now obsolete. APPLE-TWELIN, *. An apple-turn- 1 over. Norfolk. ' APPLE-YARD, . An apple orchard. APP 88 APP APPLIABLE, adj. Capable of being applied. APPLIANCE, . An application. APPLIMENT, s. Application. APPLOT, 0. To plot ; to contrive, APPLY, v. (A.-N.) To take a course towards ; to ply to ; to apply to. A nautical term. APPO, *. An apple. Chesh. APPOAST, v. (Fr.) To suborn. Minsheu. APPOINT, v. To impute. APPOINTMENT, s. Preparation. Here art thou in appointment fresh and fair. Anticipating time with starting courage. Troilus and C/essida, iv, 5. APPONE, v. (Lot. appono.') To dis- pute with ; to oppose in ar- gument. APPOSAYLE, . (A.-N.) Question ; enquiry. Whan lie went out his enmies to assayle, Made unto her this uncouth apposayle. Bochas, b. v, c. 22. APPOSE, v. (A.-N.) To raise ques- tions ; to object; to dispute with; to examine. Tlio the poeple hym apposede With a peuy in tlie temple. Piers PI., p. 18. APPOSITION, s. (Lot.) Annexation of substantives. A grammatical term. But this yonge cliildryne that gone to tlie scole have in here Dunete this questioue, how many thinges fallen to opposition ? Ande it is answeride, that case alle only that is afalle. Gesta Somunorum, p. 472. APPOSITEES, s. Opposites ; anti- podes. Maundevile, APPREHENSION, *. (Lot.) Catch- ing ; laying hold of. APPREHENSIVE, adj. (Lot.) Of quick conception. Yon are too quick, too apprehensive. Every Man out of his Humour. Thou art a mad apprehensive knave. 0. P., iv, 343. APPREIFFK, . (Fr.) Contrivance. APPRENTICE-AT-LAW, *. A coun- sellor, the next in rank under a Serjeant. APPRKST, *. (Fr.) Preparation. All the winter following Vespasian Isie at Yorke, making his apprests against the next spring to go against the Scots and Picts. Holinshed, Hist. Scot., p. 48. APPRINZE, *. (Fr.) Capture. I mean not now th" apprinze of Pucell Jone. Mirrourfor Magistrates, ed. 1610. APPRISE, s. (A.-N.) Learning. APPROACHER, *. One who ap- proaches or draws near. APPROBATE, part. p. (Lat. appro- batus.) Approved ; approved of. Havyng perfect confidence, and sure hope in the approbate fidelitie and constaunt integritie whiche I have ever experimented. Hall, Edward IV, fol. 60. He utterly refused to receyve the crowne, except the law established by his father Kenneth for the succession therof were first confirmed and ap- probate. Holinshefs Historie of Scotland, p. 227. Thomas carle of Lancaster was hanged and decollate, With sixteene barrens moe in Edward the Second's dales ; The filthy demeanor that then was ap- probate, I abhor to recite, they tooke such naught ie waves. Holmes' s Fall of Rebellion, p. 8. APPROBATION, *. (1) Approval ; proof. (2) A noviciate. APPROCHEMBNT, . Approach. APPROMPT, v. To prompt. Bacon. APPROOF, s. Approbation. So his approof lives not in 's epitaph, ,As in your royal speech. AlVs Veil that Ends Well, i, 2. A man so absolute in my approof, That nature hath reserv'd small dignity, That he enjoys not. Cynthia's Herds. APPROPINQUATE, 1 v. (Lat.) To APPROPINQUE, J approach ; to come near. APPROPRE, 1 v. (A.-N. appro- APPROPER, j prier.) To appropri- ate. The fyrst name is the sone of God, and these names ben appropryd to hym. Golden Legend, f. 7. APP 89 APT The Evangelystes dyd applye and approper that pronhane word Ecclesia to signify the whole coiupanv of christen peple. " Sir T. More's Works, p. 428. APPROVE, s. (Fr.) To justify ; to make good ; to bring proof of. Matahrua in likewise eudevored her on the other syde to approve the s;iid injury hi lur coiuiuised and pnr- pensed. Heylas, p. 27. APPROVER, s. (A.-N.) An in- former. A person who had the letting of the king's demesnes in small manors to the best advan- tage was termed an approver. APPUGNANT, adj. (Lat.) Quar- relsome. APPULLE, s. An apple. APPULMOY, | s, (A.-S.) A dish in APPULMOCE, ^cookery, of which APPULMOS, | apples were the principal ingredient, "Appulmos, dishmete, pomacium." Prompt. Pan., ed. 1499. jfppiilmoy. Take apples and seeth hem in water. Drawe hem thurgh a stynnor. Take almande inylke, and hony, and floerot'rvs, siifrpn, and powdor-fort, and salt ; and seetli it stondy tig. Ferine ofCury, 1390. For to make appulmos. Nym appelyn. and setli hem. and lat hem kele, and make hem thorw a clothe; and on lli-sch dayes kast thereto god fat breyt of bef, and god wyte grees. and sujjar, and safron, and almande mylk ; on fysrh dayes oyle de olyve, and gode pow- ders ; and serve it. forthe. Cookery Receipts, 1381. A.PPWED,part.p. (Fr.) Supported. Skinner. APRAINE, s. An apron. Item, if any common woman were any apraine, she shal t'orfait hit, and make a fine after the custume of the manor, &c. Regulations of Ike Slews, lath cent. APRAYSUT, part. p. Praised. Rob- son's Romances, p. 14. APRES, *. Cloth of Ypres in Flan- ders, famous for its woollen manu- facture, "j. cover of apres lynyd with lynen clothe." Sir Jo/m Fastolfe's Inventory, ArcheEoloyia, xxi, 263. APRICATE, v. (Lat. aprico.) To bask in the sun. APRICATION, s. Basking in the sun. APRICITY,*. (Lat. apricitas.) The warmth of the sun. APRICOCK, *. An apricot. West. See Abricock. Hop in his walks, and gambol in his eyes ; Feed him with apricocks and dewberries. Shakesp., Sfids. N. 1)., iii, 1 APRIL-GOWK, *. An April fool. North. APRILLED, adj. Applied to beer or milk which has turned, or is beginning to turn, sour: also to a person whose temper has been disturbed. Devon. APRINE, *. (Lat.) A poison which was said to come from swine when maris appetentes. APRISE, s. (A.-N.) (1) Learning. (2) An enterprise ; an adventure. On that other half is Darie, y-wis, Wroth and grim, and alle his, For Alisaunders gret uprise. K. Alisaunder, 1. 3529. Than sayd Lybeaus, Be seynt Jame, To save thys mayde fro schame, Hyt wer a fayr apryse. Lyb. Discon., 1. 594. APRON, *. (1) A hog's caul. East. (2) The fat skinny covering of the belly of a duck or goose. APRON-MAN, . A waiter. We had the salute of welcome, gentle- men, presently: Wilt please ye see a chamber? It was our pleasure, as we answered the apron-man, to see, or be very neare the roome where all that noise was. Rowley's Search for Money, 1609. APROVE, 0. To prove. See Ap- prove. APS, . (A.-S. asps.) The asp or aspen tree. A word used in Warwickshire, and also in the South and West of England. APSEN, (adj.) Of, or belonging to the asp tree. APT, v. (Lat. apto.) To adapt; to tit to; to render fit for anything. APT 90 AQU The symbols used, are not, neither ought to be, simply hieroglyphics, em- blems, or impreses, but a mixed cha- racter, partaking somewhat of all, and peculiarly apied to these more magnifi- cent inventions. Ben Jotison. And some one apteth to be trusted then, Though never after. B. Jon., Forest. Ep., xii. And here occasion apteth. that we cata- logue awhile. Warner's Attions Engl. APTES, s.jjl. Aptitudes. Thei han as well divers aptes, and divers nianer usynges, and thilk aptes niowen iu will ben cleped affeccions. Chaucer, ed. Urry, p. 517. APT-TINDING, adj. Having a ten- dency to ignite. If th' exhalation hot and oily prove, And yet (as feeble) giveth place above To tli' airy regions ever-lasting frost, Incessantly th' apt-tinding fume is tost Till it inflame : then like a squib it falls, Or fire-wing'd shaft, or sulp'hry powder- balls. Sylvester's >u Bartai. APURT, adj. Impertinent. Somer- set. Sullen, disdainfully silent. Exmoor. APYES, s.pl. Apes. AauA-ACUTA, *. (Lot.) A compo- sition of tartaric and other acids, formerly used, for cleaning ar- mour. AauABOB, *. An icicle. Kent. AauAKE.r. To tremble. AauAL, adj. Equal. North. AauAPATis, . A kind of pottage. Aqvapatys. Pil garlec, and cast it in a pot with water and oile, and seeth it. Do thereto safron, salt, and powder- fort, and dresse it forth liool. forme of Cury, 1390. AdUAT, adv. Sitting on the houghs. Somerset. AauATiL, adj. (Lot.) Inhabiting the water. AGUATORIES, s. (Lot.) Watery places. An astrological term. AauA-viT.*, *. (Lat.) A general term for ardent spirits. Irish aqua-vitae was usquebaugh. MAX, *. A seller of drams. Sell the dole beer to agtia-riU men. lien Joiis., Alch., i, 1. A.WEiGHT,pret.t. ofaquake, (from (d.-S. queccan.) Shook; trem- bled. The gleumen uscden her tunge ; The wode aqueifihtte so hy sunge. Kyng Alisuuniier, 5257. AQ.UEINT, (1) part. p. of aquenche. Quenched with water; destroyed. (2) Acquainted. Heo desirith nothyng more, Than to beo to you aqwfynt. Kyng Alisaunder, "59\ AQ.UEINTABLE, adj. Easy to be ac- quainted with. AUUELLEN, v. (.4.-S. acwellan.) To kill ; to destroy ; to vanquish. And her gref anon hem teld, Ilou Fortiger her kin;: ague!*!. Arthtmr and. Merlin, p. 16. And gif y schal be thus atjiield, Thurch strong liete in tlie feld, It were ogaiu the skille. Gy of IKirwike, p. 323. AQUENCHE, v. (A.-S. acwencan.) To quench ; to destroy.' Nothing he ne founde in al the nijte, Wer-mide his honger aquenche mi;tte. Reiiq. Antiq., ii, 274. AauEToxs, s. Acquittance. Boke of Curtasye, p. 2o. AauiTE,. (A.-N. ) (1) To acquit. (2) To requite. He wole aqicyte us ryth wele cure mede. Coventry Mysteries, p. 335. (3) To pay for. Or if his winning be so lite, That his labour will not aquite Sufficiauntly al his living, Yet may he'go his brede begging. Romaunt of the Rose, 6742. AauoixTE, part. p. Acquainted. Rob. Glouc., p. 465. Aauox, adj. Cloyed ; weary with eating. Devon. Aauov, adv. Coyly ; shyly. With that she knit her browg, And looking all aqnoy. George Barnwttt, 2d pt AR ATtB AR, (1) *. (A.-S.) A scar; a pock- mark. North. It is found in MSS- of the 15th cent. (2) *. (A.-S. ar.) An oar. (3) eon;'. Or. (4) prep. (A.-S. ar, or.) Before. Abonte mydnyght, ar the day. Kyng Alisaunder, 544. ARACE, v. (A.-N.) To draw away by force. And in hir swough so sadly holdith sehe Hir cliildren tuo, whan sche gan hem tembrace, That with gret sleight and gret difficulte' The children from her arm they gonne arace. Chaucer, Cant. T., 8979. So that the remembraunce of theire pestylent errours were araced out of Englishe mennes heartes. Sir T. Mora's WorTcs, p. 355. ARACH, j The herb orach. ARAGE, \ ARADDE, pret. t. of arede. Ex- plained. ARAFE, s. Some kind of precious stone. Hir paytrelle was of a rialle fyne, Hir cropur was of arafe. MS. Cantab., 14th cent. ARAFTE, pret. t. Struck ; smote. ARAGED, adj. Enraged. ARAINE, "1 s. (A.-N.) A spider. ARRAX, J Notts, and Northampt. Sweep th' arrans down, till all be clean, neer lin, Els he'l leauk all agye when he comes in. Yorkshire Dialogue, 1697. ARAISE. 1 AREYSE,} ARAXEE, ARAXKE, adv. In a row. ARAPE, adv. (Lot.) Quickly. Over theo table he leop arape. Kyng Alisaunder, 4239. ARAS, (1) pret. of arise. Arose. (2) s. pi. Arrows. ARATE, v. (A.-S.) To rate ; to scold. And foule v-rebuked, And aratei of riche men That rathe is to here. Piers PL, p. 288. Tliyng that al the world woot, Wherfore sholdestow spare To reden it in retorik To aratc dedly synne ? Piers PI., p. 208. ARAUGHT, pret. of areche. (1) Seized ; took away by force. In that forest woned an herd That of bestes loked an sterd. O best him was araught ; Wide-war he hit hadde i-sought. Seityn Sages, 1. 895. (2) Struck, or seized by the weapon. Eight bifor the doukes fet Gij araught him with a staf gret. GH of Wartoikc, p. 225. He araught no man with a ryght strook but he bare him doun to the erth. Jason, MS. (3) Reached. Florice the ring here arau^t, And he him a;en hit breaujt. Florice and Blancheflour. ARAWE, adv. In a row. ^-^l Order. To dress. (2) Equipage. (3) Clothing. (4) Condition, or situation. All these different meanings of the word are found in Chaucer. ARAYE, ARRAYE, TJp ryst this jolyf lover Absolon, And him arrayeth gay at poynt dervs. Chaucer, Cant. T., 689. (2) To dispose; to afflict. (3) To defile. " I fyle or araye, je salis." Palsgrave. " I fyle or araye with myer, je emboue." Ib. ARAYNED, part. p. Tied up by the reins. ARAYNYE, s. (A.-N.) Sand. ARAYSING, part. a. Advancing; raising. ARBER, (1) *. (A.-N.) An arbour; a grove of trees. And in the garden, as I wene, Was an arber fayre and grene, And in the arber was a tre, A t'ayrer in the wot Id might none i. Squyr of Lowe Degrt. ARB 92 ARC (2) To make the arber, or arlour, \ a phrase in hunting, to disem- bowel the animal. The dogs are then rewarded with such parts of the entrails as are con- sidered to be offal. It is applied metaphorically to the embowel- ling of a traitor. Hubert. Not here, my lord. Let them be broken up upon a scaffold. T will shew the better when their arbour's made. Jieainn. and Fl. ARBERIE, s. (A.-N.) Wood. ARBESET, *. (A.-N.) A strawberry tree. Thou schalt fynde trowes two : Seyntes and holy they buth bo. Hvgher than in othir'contray all; Arbeset men heom callith. Synff Alisaunder, 6765. ARBITRATE, v. (Lot.) To deter- mine. Shakesp. ARBITRIE, *. (A.-N.) Judgment. Chaucer. ARBITREMENT, . Arbitration. At length came certaine English, Scots, and Dutch, Who hearing their contention grow so much, Would take upon them an arbitlerment, To make all friends: so unto cups they went. Rowlands, Knaves ofSp. $ D., 1613. Plod. Suppose one woman be indebted to another, what would you tlien determine? Breakb. Why, in that case, let her that. is fairest and most beloved of men in commiseration forgive t'other. Clet. An arbitrament of love, you'll end it, kiiight Hotcard, Man of Newmarket, 1678. ARBLAST, s. (A.-N.) An arbalest. But rise up your mangonel, And cast to their tree-castel, And shout to them with arblasl. Richard Coer de Lion, 1867. ARBLASTIR, s. (A.-N.} (1) An arbalest, or cross-bow. (2) One who shoots with an arbalest. Erles, barons and squyers, Bowmen and arblastirs. Richard Coer de Lion, 1810. ARBORET, . A shrub. ARBOUR. See Arber (2). ARBOUSES, *. The dark hard cherry. Ilou-ell. ARBUSTED, adj. Filled with straw- berry trees. What pleasures poets f;ime of after death, In the Elizean arbnited proves. Cyprian Academy, 1647. ARC, s. A cirrhns, or cloud in the form of a streak crossing the sky. Herefordsh. See Ark. ARCANE, adj. (Lat.) Secret. Have I been disobedient to thy words ? Have I bewray'd tliy arcane secrecy ? Lucrine, v, 5. ARCF.L, s. Liverwort. Skinner. ARCH. (1) A chief; a master. The noble duke, my master, My worthy arch and patron, comes to- night. King Lear, \i, 1. (2) A piece of ground left un- woiked. A term in mining. ARCHAL, *. Liverwort. Phillips. ARCHANGEL, s. (1) The dead net- tle. (2) A kind of bird. Rom. of the Rose, 915, where the origina; French is mesange, a titmouse. ARCHARDE, . An acorn. Prompt. Parv. ARCH-DEAN, s. Used by Gascoigne for archdeacon. For bishops, prelates, aich-deans, deans, and pviestes. Steel. Glaf. Clialm. Poets, ii, 5 58, a. ARCHDIACRE, s. (A-N.) Anarch- deacon. ARCHER, s. The bishop at chess was formerly so called. ARCHET, s. An orchard. Wilts. ARCHEWIVES, *. Wives of a su- perior order. Ye arche-wynes, stondith at defens, Syu ye beu strons as is a greet clianiayle, Ne suffre not that OMB vow dou offens. C/ut'ucer, Cant. T., 9071. ARCHIDECLIXE. The name given to the master of the feast at the marriage in Cana. ARC 93 ARE ARCHIMASTRYE, s. A term applied to chemistry, as the most im- portant of all sciences. Ash- mule's Theat. Chem. Brit., p. 13. ARCHITECT, s. Architecture. To finde an house y -built for holy deed, With goodly architect ;md cloisters wide. Browne's Brit. Pastorals, 1625. ARCHITEMPLES, s. Chief temples. Rob. Glouc., p. 74. ARCHMASTRIE, *. Arithmetic. ARCH-PIPE, s. The throat. This word occurs in Florio's New World of Words, 1611, p. 36. ARCUBALISTER, s. (Lat.) An arba- lester. Holinshed. ARD, 1 adj. (1) High: used AIRD, J chiefly in the names of places. In Cumberland the term is used to describe the quality of a place, a country, or a field ; thus, ard land means a dry, parched, arid soil ; apparently a secondary sense, such lands being dry, parched, &c., only because they lie high. (2)' Hard. Rob. Glouc. ARDELION, s. (Lot. ardelio.) A busy-body, a meddler. Ardelions, busie-bodies, as we are, it were much fitter for us to be quiet, sit still, and tike our ease. Burton, Anal, of Mel., i, 250. ARDEN, s. Fallow quarter. Cumb. See Arders. ARDENE, s. An ordinance ; a com- mand. ARDENTNESSE, *. Earnestness. ARDER, . A kind of fish. Vergtegan, in Ellis' s Literary Letters, p. 108. ARDEHS, 1 .(^.-S.)Fallowingsor ARDOURS, J ploughings of ground. And being in the towne, let him not goe to see any man therein, except it be in winter, or at such time as when his harvest is in, mid his scede time mid first arder be dispatclit, to the end, that by one and the same nieanes he may attend upon his causes in con- trovcrsie, and goe about the getting in of his debts. Markham, The Countrie Farme, p. 27, ed. 16UO. ARDI, adj. Hardy. Ardiliche, hardily. ARDURE, *. (A.-N.) Burning. ARE. (1) s. An oar. His maister than thai fand A bot and an are. Sir Tristrem, p. 153. (2) *. A hare. (3) adv. Before. Ne seije y never are So wilde best y-wrought. Sir Tristrem, . I, st. xlii. (4) v. To plough. Kersey gives this as a provincial form of the word. See Ere. (5) *. An heir. (6) a. (A.-S.) Honour ; dignity. ilame, he seyde, be Goddys are, Haste any money tliou woldyst ware? Ritson's Pop. Poet., p. 70. (7) s. A note in music, the lowest but one in Guido's scale. (8) *. (A.-S.) Mercy. Swete Ysoude, thin are, Thou preye the king for me. Sir Tristrem, p. 241. (9) *. An hour. Lane. AREAD, 1 (A.-S. arcedan.) To AREED, f dec ] are . to explain . AREDE, J Therefore more plain aread this doubtful case. Spenser, Daphnaida, 1. 182. And many perils doth to us areed In that whereof we seriously entreat. Drayt., Moses B., ii, p. 1584. F. Sad swain aread, if that a maid may ask? What cause so great effects of grief hath wrought? Brit. Pastorals. AREADINESS, s. Readiness. Aready, ready. AREAR, adv. Upright. Kent. AREARAGE, s. (A.-N.) The re- mainder of an unpaid account; money unpaid at the time when due. Cowell says, " it signifieth the remain of an account, or a sum of money remaining in the hands of an accountant." AREARE, \ adv. (A.-N.) Behind ; ARREAR, J in default. ARE 94 ARE To tilt and turney, wrestle in the sand, To leave wit, speed Atlanta in arrear. Fairf. T., ii, 40. But when his force pan faile, his pace gan wex areare. Sp., F. Q., Ill, vii, 24. AREAUT, \ adv. Out of doors. RE AWT, J Yorksh. and Lane. ARECHE, v. (1) (A.-S. arecan, to declare.) To utter; to declare. But as sone as Beryn had pleyne know- leche That his eyen were y-lost, unneth he mycht arechc word for pure anguyshe. Hist, of Beryn, 1. 2999. (2) (A.-S. areccan, to explain.) Crist and Seint Stcvene, Quoth Horn, areche thy snevene. K. Horn, 1. 668. (3) (A.-S. areecan, to reach to.) To reach ; to attain. He that wyle further streche Than hys schetyn wyl areche, In the strau he chal hys feet feche. Hart. MS., No. 3362, fol. 4, r. On foot he was, and he on lavde ; Manye under hys hand ther duyde, Al that hys ax areche mysrbt, Hors and man he slowgh dounryght. Richard^. 7039. ARECKELLY, adv. Directly. /. cf Wight. AREDDE, v. (A.-S. ahreddan.) To free. AKEDE, v. (A.-S. oration.} (1) To guess; to explain or interpret. See Aread. a thousand bugles of Ynde, And two thousand oxen, als I fynde ; Withouten horses, withouten steden, Of whiche no man ne coutlie areden The nombre, hot the hevene kyng, That woot the sothe of al thing. K. Alisaunder, 1. 5115. To gease and arede upon his dark ridles. Sir T. More' s Works, p. 615 (2) To advise ; to give counsel to ; to apprize ; to give warning of. Peculiar to Spenser. Therefore to me, my trusty friend, arede Thy counsel : two is better than one head. Mother Hubberd's Tale,?. 5. Aread, said he, which way did he make ? f. Q., V, i, 19. AREDGE, s. The sharp edge of the angle. North. AREDILY, adv. Easily; readily. AREDY, adj. Ready. And that we hys mote aredy have, Lord, her at oure nede. William de Shoreham. AREDYNES, s. Readiness. AREED, *. Counsel ; advice. AREHTHE, *. (A.-S. yrh$.) Fear. Ah neotheles, in one felde, Mid belde worde, an mid ilete, Deth his i-vo for arehthe swete. Htile and Syghtingale, 1. 1704. AREIGHT, pret. of areche. Struck. AREISE, . To raise. Ful wroth than that werwolf wax of that sijt, And bremly his bristeles he san tho areise. William and the WcncolJ, p. 156. ARE-LUMES,*. Heir-looms. North. ARELY, adv. Early ; soon. AREN, prest. t.pl. of le. Are. ARENDE, s. (A.-S. asrend.~) An er- rand ; a message. ARENGE, 1 adv. (A.-N.) On a row ; ARENK, J in a series. " Arenge, or arowe. Seriatim." Prompt. Pan. And ladde him and his mouekei Into a wel fair halle, And sette heni adoun arenlc, And wosclie here fet alle. St. lirandan, p. 12. ARENULOUS, adj. (Lat.) Full of fine sand. ARERAGE, . (A.-N.) Arrear. "The remain of an account, or a sum of money remaining in the hands of an accountant." Cowell. ARERE, "1 . (A.-S. ar&ran.) To A REAR, J raise; to rear, as a horse. And yeve us grace goodnesse to lere Of ham that before us were, Crysteudom how they gonne arere. Octotian, 1. 21. ARERE, adv. (A.-N.) (1) Back- wards; behind. My blaspheming now have I bought ful dere, All yerthly joie and mirthe I set arere. Testament of Creseide, 355. ARE 95 ARG (2) Back. A term in hare-hunt- ing, used when the hounds were let loose. Ihat all maye h ym here, he shall saye arere. Book of St. Albans. (3) v. To retreat. ARESE, . (from A.-S. areosian, to fall down, perish.) To totter. TUourgh the mouht the fom was wight, The tusches in the tre he smit ; The tre aresede as hit wold falle, The herd was sori adrad withalle. Sevyn Sages, 1. 915. ARESON, v. (A.-N. aresoner, to in- terrogate, to reason.) To inter- rogate; to reason, or debate, with. Ther foure at Rome were, to aresoa the pape, The right for to declare, and for the parties to schape. Langtoft, p. 314. Sir, he seyd, we han gon mis, Sche hath aresoun cms hiforn, Legend ofSeynt Katerine, p. 181. As the kyng rod with duykes and eorlis, He mette with two olde cheorlis. To the navel theo berd heng : Thus aresoned heom the kyng. Sey me now, ye olde hore ! (Mony day is seotlie ye weore bore,) Wite ye egliwar by my weyes, Any merveilles by this wayes. Alisaunder,\. 6751. AREST, (1) s. (A.-N.} Arrest; con- straint ; delay. (2) pres. t. of arede. Relatest. Palmer, ryghtly thou arest Alle the maner. Darst thou ryde upon tliys best To the ryvere, And water" liym that thou ne falle? Octovian Intperator, 1425. (3) adj. Rancid. Prompt. Parv. ARESTE, v. (A.-N.) To stop. And ther cure host bigan his hors areste, And seyde, Lordus, herkeneth if yow lesie. Chaucer, Cant. T., 839. ARESTNESSE, s. Rancidity. "Arest- nesseofflesshe. Rancor. Rancitas." Prompt. Parv. See Reasty. ARESTQGIE, s. Apparently the name ofanherh. ^rcA#o%z'a,xxx,404. ARETHEDE, *. (A.-S.) Honour. ARETIK, s. Arthritica. " Gowte aretik." Medical MS. \4lfi cent. ARETTE, \ v. (A.-N.) (1) To im- ARETE, J pute ; to attribute, allot, or decree. A person was arretted who was " covenanted before a judge, and charged with a crime." Cow ell, Interpreter, 1658. And yf there be ony thyng wreton or sayd to her playsir, y shall thynke my labour well employed ; and were as ther is defawte, that she arette hyt to the symplenes of my connynge, whiche is ful smalle in this behalve, and requyre and praye alle them that shall rede this same werke to correct hyt, and hold me excusid. Caxton, in Herbert's Ames, i, 6. As keepers of the church, judges, and right sovereign bishops, which do arete the arms of the church and of the whole world unto their proper glory. Philpot's Works, p. 350. (2) To value, to esteem. AREVANT, adv. Back again. The meyn shalle ye nebylle, And I shalle syug the trebille, drevant the deville, Tille alle this hole rowte. Towneley Mysteries, p. 319. AREW, adv. (A.-S.) In a row. AREWE, v. (A.-S.) (1) To pity. Jhesu Christ arew hem sore, Ant seide he wolde v ace he hem tiiore. Harrowing of Hell, p. 15. (2) To make to repent ; to grieve. The mayster mason moste be ful securly Bothe stedefast, trusty, and trwe, Hyt shal hym never tnenne arewe. Const, of Masonry, p. 15. ~ N S. Arrows. AREWEN, AREWES, AREYNE, v. (A.-N.) To arrest. ARFE, adj. (A.-S.) Afraid ; back- ward. North. See Argh. Whaugh, mother, how she rowts ! Ise varra arfe, Shee'l put and rive my good prunella scarfe. Yorkshire Dialogue, p. 35. ARG, v. (1) To argue. West. (2) To quarrel. Northampt. (3) To grumble. Sussex. ARGABUSHE,S. A harquebuss. ARGAILE, s. (A.-N.) Potter's earth. See Argoil. ARC 96 ARG Ay, I know you have arsenic, Vitriol, sal-tartar, argaile, alkali. Ben Jonson's Alchemist, i, 1. ARGAL. (1) "Hard lees sticking to the sides of wine vessels, and otherwise called tartar." Kersey. See Argoil. (2) Used by Shakespeare as a vulgar corruption of ergo. ARGEMONE, *. (Lot.) The wild tansy. ARGENT, s. (A.-N.) Silver. ARGENTIL, *. (A.-N.) The herb percepiere, according to Gerard. ARGENTINA, s. (Lat.) The wild tansy. ARGENTINE, adj. (Lat.) Silver-like; composed of silver; silver. ARGENT-VIVE, *. (Fr.) Quicksilver. ARGH, \ adj. (A.-S. earg.) Timid; ARWE, / fearful ; indolent. Now thow seist lie is the beste knyght, That may beore armes in fyght. Thou saist sotli, hardy, and hard, And thou art as anoe coward. K. Alisamider, 1. 3340. Frensche men arn anoe, and feynte, And Sarezynys be war and queyiite ; And of her dedes engynous : The Frensche men be covavtous. Richard, 1. 3821. jif he i-sith that thu nart arfj, He wile of bote wrchen barej. Hide and Ny^liugale, 1. 407. ARGHE, "I v. (A.-S. eargian.) To AR;E, /wax timid. Antenor arghet with oustere wordes, Ii;ide doute of the duke and of his dethe ferde, Lest the tyrand in his tene hade turnyt hym to sle. Siege of Troy, MS., f. 33. ARGHNES.J S1 ishness . ARWNES, J Arghnfs also me thinke is hard, For that niase a man a coward ; That mai be cald litilhede Of troste of helpe in goode dede. Ifassyngton's Myrrour, MS. Hunt, f. 29 b. ARGIKII. The old form of Algiers. ARGIN, *. (Ital. argine.) An em- bankment ; a rampart. It must have high argins and cover'd ways, To keep the bulwark fronts from battery. Marloice's Works, i, 128. ARGISOME, adj. Quarrelsome. Northampt. ARGOILE, s. (Fr. argille ?) An article used in alchemical opera- tions, the exact character of which seems to be doubtful. It has been taken as signifying potter's earth ; but it seems to be more properly the impure salt de- posited from wine ; which, when purified, is called bitartrate ol potash, or cream of tartar. ARGOLETS, \ s.pl. (Fr.) Light ARGOLETIERS, J horsemen. ARGOLOGY, s. (Gr. dpyoXoyi'a.) Idle speaking. ARGOS, #. (Fr.) The small false toes at the back of the foot, ap- plied to animals. ARGOSIE, s. (supposed to be de- rived from the name of the ship Argo.) A large ship, either for merchandise or war. Who sits him like a full-sail'd argosie Danc'd with a lofty billow. Chapm. Byron's Consp. That golden traffic love, Is scantier far than gold ; one mine of that More worth than twenty argosies Of the world's richest treasure. Rowley's New Wonder, Anc. Dr., v, 236. My instance is a mighty argosie, That in it bears, besides th' artillery Of fourscore pieces of a mighty bore, A thousand soldiers. Dray ton, Noah's Flood, iv, p. 1539. ARGUE, v. (Fr. arguer, to reprove.) To find fault with. The false Matabrune began to caste an eye on her, and repreved her of the faute that her selfe had made, arguing her without a cause, and saide, O unhappi and miserable woman. Helyas, p. 28. ARGUFY, "1 v. To argue. Far. dial. ARGIFY, J The country people in the Midland Counties often say " what argifies ?" in the sense of, " what signifies it ? ARGUMENT, (1) . (Fr.) To argue. (2) s. Conversation. (3) A given arch, whereby an- other is determined proportionaj to the first. ARC 97 ARM As ben his centris, and his argument, Aud liis proporcionels convenientis. Chaucer, Cant. T., 11589. ARGV, s. An argument ; an asser- tion. Shorpsh. Also, a person who is not only contentious, but per- tinacious in managing an argu- ment. ARICHES. s. pi. The ends of joists. Howell. ARIDE. See Arride. ARIEREBAX, *. (A.-N.) A general summons from the king to all his vassals to appear in arms. Skinner. ARIETATE, v. (Lot.) To butt like a ram. ARIETATIOX, . Butting. ARIETE, *. Aries, one of the signs in the zodiac. ARIGHT. Apparently the pret. of areche, and used in the sense of reached, effected, did, or per- formed. ARIPE, *. A kind of bird. He chasid aripes, briddes of Archadie. MS. Digty, 230. ARISIXGE, s. (A.-S.) Resurrection. Ich y-leve ine the Holy Gost, holy cherclie adv. In a row, suc- AROWE, > cessively. See Arew. This day and yesterday I told aroiae, That six and thirty they had y-slowe. Richard Cceur de L., 1. 1787. My master and his man are both broke loose, Beaten the maids arow, and bound the doctor. ShaJcesp. Com. of E., v, 1. Thabot present him a sehip Ther that muni stode arottwe. Legend of Pope Grey., p. 31. AROWZE, v. (Fr. arroser.) To be- dew, to water anything. The blissful dew of heaven does arotcze yon. Beaum. and Fl., Tito Nob. Kinsm., v, 4. ARPENT, *. (Fr.} An acre. " Halfe an arpent, that is, nine hundreth foote of ground." Hollyband's Dictionarie, 1593. ARPEYS, . A sort of resin, com- posed of tallow and tar. Archceo- loffia, xxx, 404. ARPIES, *. Harpies ; furies. ARPINE, s. (Fr.) An acre. If he be master Of poor ten arpines of land forty hours longer. Webster's Works, ii, 82. ARPIT, adj. Quick ; ready ; pre- cocious in learning. Shropsh. ARR, (1) s. A mark or seam, made by a flesh-wound ; a pock or scar. North. (2) v. To incite ; to egg on ; to quarrel. Northampt. ARRA, |(1) pron. Either. North- ARR, J ampt. (2) adv. Ever. Northampt. Arra-one, or arrun, either one, ever a one. ARRABLE, adj. Horrible. ARKABYS, *. Arabian horses. Elfaydes and arrabys, And olyfaunlez noble. Morte Arthure. ARRACIES, s. (A.-N.) A term ap- plied to the smaller animals of the chase, which were skinned, similarly to the process now used for hares and rabbits, in opposition to flayed. ARRAGE, (1) s. (A.-N. arage.) Vas- sal service in ploughing the lord's land. (2) v. (A.-N. arraaer.) To go about furiously. ARRAHIND, adv. Around. Staff. ARRAIGN, v. To arrange. Webster. ARRALS, s. Pimples ; pocks. Cumb. ARRAND, 1 An err and. ARRANT, J ARRANT, (1) part. a. (A.-N.) Er- rant; wandering. (2) adj. Notorious ; as an arrant rogue. ARRAS, s. A kind of powder, sup- posed to be made of the root of the orris. It is mentioned as a material used in brewing, and also as a powder for sprinkling the hair. ARR 101 ARR ARRACGHT, pret. of arreach. Reached ; seized by violence. Spenser. ARK.AUGHTE, r. (from Fr. ar- racher.) To snatch. ARRAYE, v. (1) (A.-N. arrayer.) To prepare ; to arrange. i'or whoso will make a feste to ony of his frendes, there beu certeyn inues in every gode toune, and he that wil make the feste, wil stye to the hostellere, arraye for me to morwe a srode dyner, for so many folk. Maundecile's Travels, ed. 1839, p. 214. (2) To dirty; to defile; to be- ray. Palsgrave. Also, to spot anything. Ib. See Araye. ARRAWIG, s. An earwig. North- ampt. ARRAWIGGLE, s. An earwig. Suff. ARRAYERS, *. Officers who had the care of the soldiers' armour. ARRE, v. To snarl. ARREAR, adv. (A.-N.) Behind. To leave with speed Atlanta in arrear Fairf. Tcaso, ii, 40. Ne ever did her eye sight turn arere. Spetuer, Virgins Gnat., v, 468. AKRECHE, "1 v. To reach. See ARREACH, / Areche. Conferred them, and the letters ad- dressed to the kinges majeste" oute of Ireland, togithers; whiche we have waved, debated, and considered, as farre as our poure wyttes can arreche. State Pagers, i, 671. ARRECT, v. (Lat.) (1) To impute. Therfore he arrectetk no blame of theyr dedes unto them. Sir Thomas Hare's TTortes, p. 271. (2) To refer. Arrectinge unto your vrvse examination How all that 1 do is under refformation. Slcelton's Works, i,37S. (3) To direct. "I arecte, I adresse a thyng in the ryght wave, jadresse ; Be nat afrayde if thou be out of the wave thou shake be arrected, Nates poynt de paour tti tu eg ftors du chemyn tu gerag adresse." Palsyrave. (4) To erect or set up anything. /*. ARREDY, v. To make ready. ARREISE, "I . To raise. See AREYSE, / Araise. A.RRER, adv. Rather. Northampt. ARRERE, "1 v. (A.-S.) To rear ; ta ARREAR, J raise. See Arere. And out of Surrye, and out of Turkye, and out of other contrees that he holt, he may arrere mo than 50,000. itaundetile's Travels, p. 33. And in the west parte of the saide walle he arrered a fayre and stronse gate, and commanded it to be called Luddy s Gate, whiche at this day is cleped Luddegate. Fabian's Chronicle, f. 32. ARRERE, adj. Strange ; wonderful. Cornw. ARRERE-SUPPER, *. (Fr.) A rere- supper ; a collation served up in the bed-room, after the first supper. ARRESOXD. Reasoned with. See Areson. Of the customes of Sarasines, and of hire lawe ; and how the Soudan arresond me, auctour of this book. Maundetile's Travels, p. 131. ARRET, v. (Fr. arreter.) To de- cree, or appoint. Spenser. ARRETTED. " Is he," says Cowell, "that is covenanted before a judge, and charged with a crime." See his Interpreter, fol., Lond., 1658. It is translated by " ad rectum vocatus," in Rider's Dic- tionarie, 1640. ARRIDE, v. (Lat. arrideo.) To please; to amuse. 'Fore heav'ns his humour arridir* me ex- ceedingly. Every Man out of his Humour, ii, 1. Her form answers my affection, it arrides me exceedingly. The Antiquary, O. P., x, 32. This is a good, pretty, apish, docible fellow; really he might have made a very pretty barber surgeon, if he had been put out in time ; but it arrides me extreamly to think how he will be bob'd. Shadmett, The Humorists, 1771. ARRIDGE, g. The edge of anything that is liable to hurt or cause an arr. North. ARR 102 ARS ARUIERE, s. (Fr.) The hinder part ; the rear. ARRISHES,*. The Devonshire term for stubble or eddish. ARRIVANCE, s. (A.-N.) (1) The arrival of company. For every minute is expectancy Of more arricance. Othello, ii, 1. (2) Original abode of a family. " I say, mate, which parish do you belong to ?" " I can't justly say, but father's arrivance was fram Sheperd's-well." (Sibberts- wold.) Kent. ARRIVE, s. Arrival. Whose forests, hills, and floods, then long for her arrive From Lancashire. Drayt., Polyolb., Song, 28. These novice lovers at their first arrive Are bashful! both. Sylvester's Du Bartas, 212. So small a number can no warre pretend, Therefore their strange amve they ueede not feare, As farre as doth their hemisphere extend, Thc-y view the sea, but see no shipping neare. Great Britaine's Troy, 1609. The verb arrive is sometimes used in an active form, without the preposition. But ere we could arrive the point propos'd, Caesar cried, Help me, Cassius, or 1 sink. Shakesp. Jul. C., i, 2. Milton has adopted this form : Ere lie arrive The happy isle. Par. Lost, ii. ARRODE, v. (Lat.) To gnaw. ARROGATION, . (Lot.) Arrogance. More. ARRONLY, adv. Exceedingly. Lane. ARROSE, v. (Fr. arroser.) To wet ; to bedew. your day is lengthen'd, and The blissful dew of heaven does arrow you. Ii i- an in. and Fl. His navye greate, witli many soudyoures, To sayle anone into this Britayn made, In Thamis arrose, wher he had ful sliarpe shoures. Hardyng's Chron., ed. Ellis, p. 76. ARROW, adj. (A.-S.) Fearful. Ri- der. See Argh. ARROW-HEADERS,*. Manufacttr. ers of arrow-heads. Lanterners, stryngers, grynders, Arowe-heders, maltemen, and corne- mongers." Codec Lorelles Sole, p. 10. ARRY, adj. Any. Somerset. ARRYN, . To seize. Coventry Mysteries, p. 316. ARS, s. (A.-N.) Art ; science. Gregorii coutlie not wel his pars, And wele iiid and songe in lawe, And understode wele liis ars. Legend of Pope Gregory, p. 25. The seven arts, or sciences, of the schools were Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy, Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic; and these were the arts, par ex- cellence, understood in the aca- demical degrees, and in ancient scholastic education. A " master of arts " meant a proficient in these seven arts. They are enu- merated in the following lines : Throjh hye grace of Crist yn lieven, He commeused yn the syens seven ; Gramatica ys the furste syens y-wysse, Dialetica the secunde so have y blysse, Retliorica the thrydde, withoute nay, Musica ys the fowrthe, as y 3o\v say, Astromia ys the v. by my smnvte, Arsmetica the vi. withoute dowte, Gemetria the seventhe maketh an ende, For he vs bothe meke and hende. MS. Bib. Reg., 17 A I, fol. 23. ARSARD, "1 adj. Unwilling ; per- ARSET, J verse. Var. dial. ARSBAWST, s. A fall on the back. Staff. ARSBOORD, . The hinder board of a cart. Staff. ARSEDINE, "") ASSADEN, | s. A kind of orna- ASSADY, )>mental tinsel. See ORSADY, | Assad. ORSDEN, J Are you puffed up with the pride of your wares ? your arstdine ? Barth. Fair, ii, 2. A London vintner's signe, thick jagged and round fringed, with thearning arsaditie. Noah's Lenten Stuff. ARSEFOOTE. A small water-fowl; ARS 103 ART given as the translation of" mer- gulus " in Higins's Juniwt, ed. 1585, p. 60. ARSELIXG-POLE, s. The pole with which bakers spread the hot embers to all parts of the oven. East. ARSELIXS, adv. Backwards. Norf. ARSEXICK, s. The water-pepper. "Water-pepper, or arsenicke : some call it kill-ridge, or cule- rage." Nomenclator, 1585. ARSEPUSH, *. A fall on the back. Howell. ARSESMART, *. The persicaria, or water-pepper, called in old French outrage. See Arsenick. ARSEVERSE, *. " A pretended spell, written upon the door of an house to keep it from burn- ing." Blouiit's Glossoyraphia, ed. 1681. ARSEWARD,a ASCHAPE, J ASCAR, s. A person who asks. Wy- cliffe. ASCAT, adj. Broken like an egg. Somerset. ASCAUXCB. ASCANCE, Qb- ASKAUNS, At this question Rosader, turning his head ascance, and bending his browes as it anger there had ploughed the fur- rowes of her wrath, with his eyes full of fire, hee made this replie. Euphucs Golden Legacie. (2) As if. And wroot the names alway, as he itood, Of alle folk that gaf hem eny good, Ascaimce that he wolde for hem preye. Chaucer, Cant. T., 7325. (3) Scarcely. Atkawu she may nat to the lettres sey nay. Lydffate's Minor Poems, "p. 35. ASCAUNT, prep. Across. There is a willow grows ascaunt the brook That shews his hoar leaves in the glassy stream. Hamlet, iv, 7. (early 4tos.) ASCENDANT, s. A term in judicial astrology, denoting that degree of the ecliptic, which is rising in the eastern part of the horizon at the time of any person's birth : supposed to have the greatest influence over his fortune. Com- monly used metaphorically for influence in general, or effect. 'Tis well that servant's gone ; I shall the easier Wind up his master to my purposes; A good ascendant. 0. PL, vii, 137. ASCENT, *. See Assent. ASCH-CAKE, *. A cake baked under ashes. ASCHE, v. To ask. This form oc- curs chiefly in MSS. of the 14th cent. The word bad soft forms in A.-S., ahsian. See Ass. ASCHES, *. Ashes. See Ass. ASCHEWELE, v. (A.-S. ascalian, to send away). To drive away. An hwanne heo habeth me ofslahe, Heo hongeth me on heore hahe ; Thar ich ascheicele pie and crowe From than the thar is i-sowe. Rule and. Nyghtinyale, 1. 1601. ASCHONNE, . To shun ; to avoid. They myjte not aschonne the sorowe they liuJ served. Deposition of Richard II, p. 14. ASCHORE, adv. (A.-S. on cyrre.) Aside. A moneth after mon myghtte horn a ffond, Lyand styll on the grownd, Thei myght noder ryde ne goo. Ever after the dogges wer so starke, Thei stode atchore when tht-i schuld barke ; Her feytt tliei drew horn goo. Hunttyng of the Hare, 1. 256. ASC 106 ASH ASCHREXCHE, v. (A.-S ascrencaii.) To shrink ; to make to shrink. That deth that hi mistondeth 1101151. Ac ech othren aschrencheth, William de Shorcham. ASCILL, *. Vinegar. Chester Plays, ii, 75. See Aisel. ASCITE, v. To summon; to call. AscLANDERD,/>artf.^>. Slandered. ASCON, v. To ask. Rob. Glouc. ASCRIDE, 1 , ASKRED *' Across; astnde. Nif he'd a pumple-voot bezide An a brumstick vor'ii to zit ascride, 0' wizards a mid be thawt tlia pride, Amangst a kit o' twenty. Jennings' Observations, 1825, p. 118. ASCRY, v. (A.-N. escrier.) (1.) To cry ; to proclaim. (2) To assail with a shout. (3; To betray. (4) To descry, to discover. Pals- grave. ASCRYVE, v. To ascribe; to impute. ASE, (1) s. Ashes. North. (2) conj. As. ASELE, v. (A.-S.} To seal. That brought hym lettres speciele, Aselyd with the barouns sele, That tolden hym, liys brotliir Jhon Wolde do corowne hym anon. Richard 'Comr de L. \. 6472. ASELY, v. (A.-N.) To assoil, give absolution. The Englysse al the nyjt byvore vaste bygon to synge, And spende al the nyjt in glotonye and in drvngynge. The Normans ne dude nojt so, ac hii crj-ede on God vaste, And ssryve hem ech after other, the wule the nyjt y-laste, And amorwe hem lete astly wyth mylde Lerte ynou. Rob. Glouc., p. 360. ASENE, part. p. Seen. ASERE, v. (4.-S. asearian.) To be- come dry. Nou ben hise bowes awai i-sschore, And mochel of hise beaute 1 forlore Tharfore that olde tre les his pride, And tuered bi that o side. Secyn Sayes, 1. 606. ASERVE, v. (1) To deserve. (2) To serve. ASESSE, v. To cause to cease ; to stop. But lie bethoughte hym, aftyr thenne, Tlint he wolde leve tfier al liys menne, And, with his pryvy meynfi, Into Yngeloiul tlienne wolde be, And asesse the werre anon Betwyxe hym and hys brother Jhon. " Richard Caur de L., 1. 6311. ASETH, *. Satisfaction for an injury. We may not be assoyled of tho trespus, Bot if we make aselh in that at we may. MS. Hurl., 1022, f. 68 b. ASETNES, *. (A.-S. asetnys.} A re- gulation. This ilke abbot at Ramsai Asetnes set in his abbai, That in this servis for to stand Ai quilis that alibai he lastand. MS. Med.. cited in Boucher. ASEWE, 1 rj f , s * To follow. ASIWE, J Alisaundre wente ageyn Quyk asiweth him ai his men. K. Alisaunder, \. 2494. ASEW, adv. Applied to a cow when drained of her milk, at the sea- son of calving. Somerset. ASEWRE, adj. Azure. ASEWRYD, part. p. Assured. ASEYNT, part. p. (A.-S.) Lost. Al here atyl and tresour was nl-so aseynt. Rob. Glouc., p. 51. AS-FAST, adv. Anon ; immediately. ASGAL, *. A newt. Shropsh. ASH. (1) Stubble. South. "Le tressel, asche of corn." Walter de Bibblesworth. (2) To ask. Lane. See Ass. ASH-BIN, s. A receptacle for ashes and other dirt. Line. ASH-CANDLES, *. The seed pod of the ash-tree. Dorset. ASHELT, adv. Probably ; perhaps. Lane. It is usually pronounced as two words. ASHEX, *. Ashes. North. ASHERLAND, s. "Assarts, or wood- land grub'd and ploughed up." Kennett. ASH 107 ASK ASHIED, part. p. Made white, as with wood ashes. Old Winter, clad in high furres, showers of raine, Appearing in his eyes, who still doth goe In a ruz gowne.iukied with flakes of snow. Heywood's Marriage Triumphs, 1613. ASHISH, adv. Sideways. Somerset. ASH-KEYS, s. The fruit of the ash. The failure of a crop of ash-keys is helieved in some parts to por- tend a death in the royal family. How to make a quick-set-hedge. Then the berries of the white or haw-thorne, acorrres, ash-keyes mixed together, and these wrought or wound up in a rope of straw, will serve, but that they wil bf somewhat longer in growing. Norden's Surveyor's Dialogue, 1610. ASHLAR, "I TT ASCHELER,h Hewn or squared ACHILER, 'J "tone, for building. ASHLAR-WALL,*. A wall, the stones of which are hewn in regular course and size. "An ashler wall, free-stone hewed with a mason's ax into smoothness, q. axtler." Thoresby's Letter to Ray, 1703. "A flight of arrows, that harmed an ashlar-wall as little as many hailstones." The Abbot. ASHORE, adj. (A.-S.) Aside. West. It is used in the sense of ajar, applied to a door. See Aschore. ASH-PAN, s. A pan fitted to the under part of the grate, to receive the ashes from the fire. Line. ASH-TRUG,S. A coal-scuttle. North. ASHUNCHE, v. To repent? Mid shuppirg ne mey hit me ashunche, Nes y never wycche ne wyle ; Yen am a maide, that me ot-thunche, Luef me were gome boute gyle. Lyric Poetry, p. 38. ASIDEN, adv. On one side; aslant. West. Rider has asidenam in his Dictionarie, 1640, in the same sense. VSILE, *. (Lat.) An asylum. six, adj. Made of ashen wood. My deare Warwik, if your honor and my desir could accord with the los of the *' water newt, or lizard. nidefuls fingar I kipe, God helpe me so in my most nide as I wold gladly lis that one joint fore your safe abode with me, but sins I can not that 1 wold, I wil do that I may, and wil rather drinke in an asm cup t'han you or yours slmde not, be soccerd both by sea and land, yea and that with all spede possible, and let this my scribling hand witnes it to them all. 'Yours as my own, Elizabeth E. ASINARY, adj. Asinine. ASINDE, part. p. Assigned. Hey~ wood, 1556. ASINEGO. See Assinego. ASINGS, s. Easings. Shropsh. ASIT, v. To sit against, so as to receive the hlow without being unhorsed. No man ne myghte with strengthe asytte Hys sworde's draught. Octoman, 1665. ASK, ^ ASKER, ASKARD, [ j ARSKE. J Snakes and nederes thar he fand, And gret blac tades gangand, And arskes and other wormes felle, That I can noht on Inglis telle. MS.Med., Utkcent. ASK. adj. Applied to the weather, meaning damp. " The weather is so ask." Yorksh. ASKAUNCE, adv. Aside; sideways. Nearly the same meaning as as- kew, and given as the same word in Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. See Ascaunce. ASKE, v. (A.-S.) To ask; to require. Ho so hit tempreth by power, So hit askith in suche maner. Kyng Alisaimder, 1. 6219. ASKEFISE, *. (A.-S.) A fire blower. The word is translated by cintfto in the Prompt. Parv. " Ciniflo, a fyre blowere, an yryn hetere, an askefyce." MS. Medulla. In the Prompt. Parv. we find the following entry, " Askefise, ci- niflo." Tt seems that askefise was used in a contemptuous sense to signify a man who re ASK 108 ASO mained snug at home while others went out to exercise their courage. ASKEN, *. pi. Ashes. ASKER, s. (1) A scab. (2) A land or water newt. far. dial. ASKES, *. Ashes. See Ass. ASKEW, ado. Awry. Baret'g Alve- arie, 1580. ASKILE, adv. Aslant; obliquely; aside. \\1iat tho' the scornful waiter looks aildle, And pouts and frowns and cursetk tliee the while. Bp. Hall, Sat., v, 2. ASKINGS, *. The publication of marriage by banns. Yorksh. ASKOF, adv. Deridingly ; -in scoff. Alisaunder lokid askof, As he no gef nought therof. Alisaunder, I. 87*. ASKOWSE, . To excuse. Bot thow can askowte the, Thow schalt abey, y till the. Frere and the Boy, St. xxxv. ASKRYE, s. A shriek ; a shout. ASKUSE, v. To accuse. Owre Lord gan appose them of ther grete delyte, Botke to calcine hem of ther synful blame. Ludia Coventrite, p. 2. ASKY, (1) adj. Dry; parched. North. (2) v. (A.-S. ascian.) To ask. To tuti that never no wes, It is a Ible askeing. Sir Tristrem,f. 209. ASLAKE, v. (A.-S. aslacian.) To slacken, or mitigate. Her herte to ease And the flesshe to please Sorowes to aitake. TheJiuke of May d Emlyn. ASLASH, adv. Aslant; crosswise. Line. ASLAT, adj. Cracked, as an eai then vessel. Devon. A-SLAWE, part. p. Slain. For y-slawe f in this and similar cases of verbs, a- prefixed merely re- presents the usual y- or i-. ASLEN, adv. Aslope. Somerset. ASLEPED, part. p. Sleepy. And Vernngu, at that cas, So sore asleped was, He no might fight no more. Itoitlaitd and Vcrnagit, p. 21. As LET, adv. Obliquely. Acyde or sicydenaudys, or aslet or asloute: Oblique vel a 'latere. Prompt. Pan. Aslet or aslowte : Oblique. /*. ASLEW, adv. Aslant. Sussex. ASLIDE, v. To slide away; to de- part. A-SLOX,joar/.j. Slain. ASLOPE, adv. Sloping. AsLOPEX,/>arrf.j>. Asleep. An un- usual form, used by Middleton the dramatist apparently for the mere purpose of rhyme. AstosH,a adv. Roughly. ASPERLV, J ASPERNATION, *. (Lot.) Neglect^ disregard. ASPERNE, v. (Lot.) To disregard. ASPERSION, *. (Lat.) A sprinkling. ASPHODIL, *. A daffodil. ASPICK, *. ( 1 ) A species of serpent, an asp. So Pharaohs rat yer he begin the fray 'Gainst the blinde aspick, with a cleaving clay Upon his coat he wraps an earthen cake, Which afterward the suns hot beams doo bake. Sylvester's Du Barlas. (2) The name of a piece of ord- nance, which carried a twelve pound shot. ASPIE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To espie; to discover. Sche hath at scole and dies wlicr him sought, Til fynally sche gan of hem aspye, That he was last seyn in the Jewerie. Chaucer, Cant. T.,\. 15001. (2) *. A spy. ASPILL, s. A rude or silly clown. Yorksh. ASPIOUR,*. A spy; a scout. ASPYRE, v. (Lat.) (1) To inspire. God allowed, assysted, and aspyred them by his grace therein. Sir T. More's Works, p. 927. (2) To breathe ; to blow. The word occurs with this explanation in Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. It is used by Shakespeare as a verb active, to ascend, without the particle which now usually ac- companies this word. Until our bodies turn to elements, And both our souls aspire celestial thrones. Marlowe's Tamburlaine, 1590. ASPIREMENT, s. Breathing. ASPORTATION, *. {Lat.) A carrying away. ASPRE, ~\ ASPER, ASPERE, And makest fortune wrath and asper by thine impacience. Clumcer's Soethius, p. 366, col. 1. ( adj. (A.-N.) I bitter. ' J ASP 110 ASS He saith that the waytoheavenisstraite and aspre and painful. Sir T. Mare's Worts, p. 74. ASPREAD, part. p. Spread out. West. ASPRELY, ado. Roughly. ASPREXESSE, s. Roughness. ASPROXG, pret. t. Sprung. ASPROUS, adj. Bitter ; angry ; in- clement. Leic. They say, "It's a very asp'rous day." AsouAP,ad. Sittingon the houghs. Somerset. AsauARE, "I adv. On the square; ASWARE, J at a safe distance. And swore by seyut Amyas, that he shuld abigge With stroks hard and sore, even oppon the rigge ; Yf he hym myght fynd, he nothing wold hym spare. Tha't herd the pardoner wele, and held hym better asqitare. Prol. to Hist. ofSeryn, 1. 591. ASQ.TJINT, adv. Awry. Ass, ASE, ASCHES, ASCHEN, ASHEN, ASKEN, ASKES, _ s. pi. (A.-S.asce, cesce.) Ashes. Pronounced ess in Staffordshire, Cheshire, and Derby- shire. It occurs in the singular, " Aske or asshe: cinis vel ciner." Prompt. Parv. The wynde of thilke belyes scholde never poudre ne aschen abyde, that is dedleche man, whicli is seid that aschen and poudre and dong is. Romance of the Monk, MS., f. 56 b. And brend til asken al bidene. Hatelok, 1. 2841. Thynk man, he says, askes ertow now, And into askes agayn turn sallow. MS. Cott., Galba, E ix, f. 75. Thenrilh the fuyr of jelousye npsterte Withinne his brest, and heut him by the herte So wodly, that lik was he to byholde The box-tree, or the asschen deed and colde. Chaucer, Cant. T., \. 1301. Their heresies be burned up, and fal as tlatte to ashen. Sir T. Mare's Works, p. 446. Y wolde suche damsellys yn fyre were brent, That the asikei with the wynde awey myght fly. Reliq. Antiq., i, 29. Ass,. To ask; to command. Cumb. and Lane. This form occurs in MSS. of the 14th and 15tli centuries. ASSADY, ^ s. Gold tinsel. See ASSADYN, j Arsadine and Assi- ARSEDYKE, ^ due. There is a ARSEDYNE, f charge of 2d. for ORSADY, j '' assady and redde ORSEDEX, J wax" in the ac- counts of the expences for a play at Coventry in 1472, published in Sharp's Dissertation, p. 193. The word is spelt with many variations, and in the one series of accounts just mentioned it oc- curs in the following different forms : Expens. ayenst midsomer nyght; Imprimis, assady to the crests . vj. d. 1477. Item, for assadyn, silver papur, and gold papur, gold foyle, and grene foyle . . . ij. s. ij. d. 1478. Item, for assaden for the harnes x. d. 1494. Item, payd for a paper of arse- dyke .... xij. d. ASSAIES, *. " At all assaies," i. e., in all points. Shorten thou these wicked daies; Thinke on thine oath at all assaies. Dray ton's Harmonic of the Church, 1591. ASSAIL, *. An attack. Mv parts had power to charm a sacred sun, Who, disciplin'd and dieted m grace, Believ'd her eyes when I th" assail begun. Shakesp., Lover's Complaint. ASSALVE, v. To salve ;"to allay. ASSART, *. (A.-N.) Assart lands, parts of forests cleared of wood, and put into cultivation, forwhich rents were paid, termed assart rents. It is used also as a verb. ASSASSINATE, s. Assassination. What hast thou done, To make this barbarous base assassinate Vpon the person of a prince? Daniel's Civil Jf'ars, Hi, 78. ASSATION, *. (I,at.) Roasting. ASSAULT, 1 adv. Maris appetens, ASSAUT, j said of a bitch or other female of animals, and sometimes ASS 111 ASS in a contemptuous sense of a woman. Catulire dicitur canis, 17 KVUV (ricvav, quando in Venerem prurit. Demander le masle. To goe assaut or proud, as a bitch doth. Komenclator, 1585. And whanne the fixene be assaut, and goith yn hure love, and sclie secheth the dogge fox, she cryeth with an hoos vovs. as a wood hound doith. MS. Bodl., 546. If any man withinne the lordshipe holde any sicke tliat goetli assault withinne the same lordshipe, he shal make a fine for hir unto the lord of 3*. U. Regulations of the Stews, 15th cent. ASSAUT, "1*. (A.-N.) An assault. ASSAWTE, / Still used in Shrop- shire. And by assant he wan the cit6 aftur, And rente doun bothe wal and sparre, and raftnr. Chaucer, Cant. T., 991. And at the lond-gnte, kyng Ilichard Held his assawte like hard. Richard Coer de Lion, 1900. ASSAUTABLE, adj. Capable of being taken. ASSAVE, v. To save. ASSAY, . (A.-N.) (1) Essay ; trial. After asay, then may je wette ; "Why blame $e me w'ithoute oifence ? Ritson's Ancient Songs, p. 103. (2) An examination of weights and measures, by the clerk of the market; also of silver in the Mint. (3) The process of drawing a knife along the belly of a deer, beginning at the brisket, to try bow fat he is; it was called, taking assay, or say. Gedered the srettest of gres that ther were, and didden hem derely undo, as the dede askez ; serched hem at the asay Bunirne that ther were, two fyn seres thay fonde of the lowlest of alle. Gawyn and the Gr.Kn., \. 2397. (4) The point at which the kni^e of the hunter was inserted ia the breast of the buck, for the pur- pose of ascertaining his fatness. At the assay kitte him, that lordei may see. Anon fat or lene, whether that he bee ; At the chaules to begyn, soone as ye may, And slit him downe to the assay, And fro the assay, even down to the bely shal ye slyt. Soot of St. Albans, chap. "Haw y shall breke an Hart." (5) The most frequent use of the term in former times, was in matters relating to the office of praelibator, or taster, in palaces, and the houses of barons, where there was an officer, who was called the assayer. The sewer most commonly took the assaie} but the other officers also some- times did the same ; such as the panter, who tasted the contents of the trenchers ; the yeoman of the ewrie, who drank of the water with which the lord was to wash his hands ; the marshall saluted the towel, with which he was to wipe his hands, by way of assaie; and the cup-bearer was to swallow a small portion of the liquor which he presented, as an assaie. In short, so great were the apprehensions of poison and danger in untried food, that no viands were served up at the tables of the great, without being first assaied. Kyng Rychardsate downe to dyner, and was served without curtesie -or assaye ; he niuche mervaylyng at the sodavne mutacion of the thvng, demaunded of the esquier why he dyd not his duety. Hall, Henry 17, {. 14. (6) Metaphorically, the attempt, the moment of doing a thing. And ryght as he was at assaye, Hys lykyng vanyscht all awaye. Le Bone Florence of Rome, 1. 1500. (7) Experience. Shorte wytted men and lyttell of assay t, saye that Paradyse is longe saylly nge out of the erthe that men dwelle inne, and also departeth frome the erthe, and is as hyghe as the mone. Quotation in Notes to Morte d' Arthur, p. 472. ASS 112 ASS 4ssAYE, v. (A.-N.) To try; to prove ; to taste. "Certes," quod Prudence, "if ye wil wirche by my counsel!, ye schul not assaye fortune by uo maner way, ne schul not lene ue'bowe unto hire, after the wordofSenec." Chaucer, T. ofMeliteus. Hereupon the companie assayed to convey it to St. Augustines. Lambarde's Perambulation, p. 116. Contynewynge which feaste, twoo noble and yonge knightis amonge other hap- pened to assey eyther other in wrast- lynge. Tretisa, f. 3i. ASSAYED, part. p. Satisfied. Phil- pot's Works, p. 376. ASSAYING,*. "An assaying,or flour- ishing with a weapon before one begins to play." Rider's Dic- tionarie, 1640. "Assaying, a terra us'd by musicians, for a flourish before they begin to play." Kersey's English Dic- tionary, 1715. ASSAYNE, s. A term in hare hunt- ing. B. of St. Albans, sig. D, iv. ASSBUURD, s. A box for ashes. North. ASSCHREINT. See Asshreint. ASSE. In the following passage at asse seems to mean prepared. And fond our men alle at asse, That the Faiens no might passe. Arthour and Merlin, p. 278. ASSEASE, v. (low Lot.) To cease. Rider. ASSECURE, v. (1) To make sure of ; to make safe. And so hath Henrie asteair'd that side, Aud therewithal! his state of Gasconie. Daniel's Ciril Wars, iv, 9. (2) To give assurance. ASSECURANCE, "1 ASSECURATION, J ** ASSECUTION, s. (Lot.) Acquire- ment ; the act of obtaining. ASSE-EARE, s. The herb comfrey. Nomenclator, 1585, p. 137. ASSEER, v. To assure. Yorksh. ASSEGE, s. (A.-N.) A siege. Assurance. Swiche wondring was ther on this hors of bras, That sin the gret assege of Troye was, Ther as men wondred on an hors also, Ne was ther swiche a wondring, as was tho. Chaucer, Cant. T., (Tync.) 1. 10620. Moreover his ordre of asserjes, plantyng of canipes, settyng of battailes, are left behind at this day to our instruction. Institacion, of a Gentleman, 1568. ASSELE, v. To seal. ASSEMBLABLE, s. Likeness. Every thinge that berithe lyfe desyreth to be conjoynyd to his assembleable ; and every man shall be assocyate to his owne symylitude. Dial, of Creatures Moralised, p. 96. ASSEMBLAUNCE, *. Resemblance. Skinner. ASSEMBLEMENT, s. A gathering. ASSEMYLE, . To assemble. ASSENE, s.pl. Asses. ASSENEL, *. Arsenic. Prompt. P. ASSENT, (A.-N.) (1) adj. Consent- ing ; agreeing. (2) s. Consent ; agreement. The vryfes of ful highe prudence Have of assent made ther avow. Lydgate'i Minor Poems, p. 134. (3) part. p. Sent. ASSENTATION, *. (Lot.) Flattery. ASSENTATOR, s. A flatterer. ASSENTION, s. Consent. Herrick. ASSENYCKE, s. Arsenic. Palsgrave. ASSEPERSELIE, s. The plant cher- vil. Nomenclator, 1585, p. 131. ASSES-FOOT, s. The herb coltsfoot. ASSETH, adv. (A.-N.} Sufficiently ; enough. See Aseth. Nevir shall make his richesse Asseth unto his gredinesse. Botn. of the Rose, 5600. ASSETTE, v. To assail. ASSHE, v. To ask. See Ass. ASSHEAD, *. A blockhead ; a fool. ASS-HEARD, s. A keeper of asses. ASS-HOLE, s. A receptacle for ashes. North. ASSHREINT, "1 part. p. (from ASSCHREINT, J A.-S. screncan, to deceive.) Deceived. The infini- tive of the verb would be assh- renche. ASS 113 ASS A ! dame, he saide, ich was assckrfint, Ich wende thou haddest ben adreint. Seryn Sages, 1. 1485. Thegyoures loveden the kyn:r nonghth, And woldeu liave him bycaaphtk. Hy leddeu hym therfore, als I fyiide, lu the straungest peryl of Ynde. Ac, so ich fyiide in life book, Hy were asshreynt in her crook. K. Alisaunder, 1. 4819. ASSIDUAL, adj. (Lot.} Constant. As bv the sun we set pur dyals, so (Madam) we set our pietys by ycm ; Without whose light, we shud in dark- ness be, And nothing truely good nor vertuous see. You in the Temple so assiduaJ are, Your whole life seems but one continued prayer. Flechioe's Epigrams, 1670. ASSIDUALLY, adv. Constantly. ASSIDUATE, adj. Constant ; un- remitting ; daily. By the assidtiate laboure of hys wyfe Ethelburga, &c. fabian, f. 146. ASSIDUE, *. A word used in Hal- lamshire, a district of the county of York, to describe a species of yellow tinsel much used by the mummers at Christmas, and by the rustics who accompany the plough on Plough Monday in its rounds through the parish, as part of their fantastic decoration. It occurs in an old shop-bill, as synonymous with horse-gold. See Arsedine and Assady. ASSIEGE, v. (Fr.) To besiege. Rider s Dictionarie, 1640. ASSIL-TOOTH.S. A grinder. North. ASSIL-TREE, s. An axle-tree. North. ASSIMULATION, s. (Lot.) Assimi- lation. Besides these three several operations of digestion, there is a fourfold order of concoction : mastication, or chewing in the mouth; chylification of this so chewed meat in the stomach ; the third ts in the liver, to turn this chvlus into blood, called sanguification ; the last is assimulatwn, vhich is in every part. ' Burton, An. of Mel, v. i, 29. ASSIMULE, v. To assimilate ; to compare. ASSINDE, part. p. Assigned. ASSINEGO, | *. A Portuguese word, ASINEGO, J meaning a young ass : used generally for a silly fellow ; a fool. Thou hast no more brains than I have in my elbows; an atsinego may tutor thee. Tro. and Cres., ii, 1. When in the interim they apparell'd me as you see, Made a fool, or an asinigo of me, &c. O. PI., x, 109. All this would be forsworn, and I again an asintgo, as your sister left me. B. and Fl., Scortif. Lady. B. Jonson has a pun against Inigo Jones, on this word : Or are vou so ambitious 'bove your peers, You'd be an ass inir/o by your years. Epigrams, vol. vi, p. 290. ASSISE, *. (A.-N.) (1) Place; si- tuation. There ne was not a point truely, That it has in his right assist. Rom. of the Rose, \237. (2) A statute. Sire, he said, bi God in heven, Thise boilouns that boilen seven, Bitocnen thine seven wise, That han i-wrowt ayen the assise. Setyn Sages, 1. 2490. (3) A judgement. The kyng he sende word ajeyn, that he ha dities. ASS 114 ASS Wlian ther comes marchaundise, With corn, wyu, and steil, othir other assise, To heore lond any schip, To house they wollith anon skyppe. K. Alitaunder, 1. 7074. (7) The long assise, a term of chess. Xou bothe her wedde lys, And play thai higinne ; And sett he hath the long asise, And endred belli therinne -. The play biginneth to arise, Tristrem deleth atuinne. Sir Tristrem. (8) Measure. In the romance of Sir Tryamour (MS. in the Cambridge Public Library), after the hero has cut off the legs of a giant, he tells him that they are both " at oon assyse,'' i. e. of the same length. (9) v. To settle ; to confirm ; to choose. ASSISH, adj. Foolish. "Asindggine, assishnesse, blockishnesse." Flor. ASSKES, *. Ashes. See Ass. ASS-MANURE, s. Manure of ashes. North. ASSMAYHED, part. p. Dismayed. ASS-MIDDEN, s. A heap of ashes ; a mixen. North. ' ASSNOOK, adv. Under the grate. Yorksh. ASSOBRE, v. To render calm. And thus I rede thou assotre Tliyn herte, in hope of such a grace. Gower's Confessio Amantis, b. vi. ASSOCIATE, v. (Lat.) To accom- pany. Going to find a bare-foot brother out, One of our order, to associate me. Romeo and Juliet, v, 2. ASSOIL, v. To soil. ASSOILE, I v. (A.-N.} (1) To ab- ASSOILLE, > solve; acquit; set at ASOYLE, J liberty. And so to ben assoilled, And siththen ben houseled. Piers PI., p. 419. I at my own tribunal am assoil'd, Yet fearing others censure am cmbroil'd. 0. PI., xii, 64. Here he his subjects all, in general, Assoyles, and quites of oath and fealtie. Dan. Cic. Wars, ii, 111. Pray devoutly for the soule, whom God assoyle, of one of the most worshipful knights in his dayes. Epitaph, in Catndrn's Sem. Those that labour to assoyle the Prophet from sinne in this his disobedience, what dp they else but cover a naked body with fig-leaves, &c. King on Jonah, p. 566. But, if we live in an age of iudevotiou. we think ourselves well assoil'd, if we be warmer than their ice. Taylor's Great Exemplar, p. 68. (2) To solve; to answer. "I assoyle a hard question: Je souls." Palsgrave. Caym, come fforthe and answere me, Asoyle my qwestyon anon-ryght. Coventry Mysteries, p. 38. (3) To decide. In th' other hand A pair of waights, with which he did as- soyle Both more and lesse, where it in doubt did stand. On 3futab., canto vii, 38. ASSOILE, s. Confession. When we speake by way of riddle (enig- ma) of which the senec. can hardly be picked out, but by the parties owne assoile. Puttenh., iii, p. 157, repr. ASSOINE, (1) s. (A.'N.) Excuse ; delay. See Essoine. Therfore hit hijte Babiloyne, That abend tbinsr is witbouten assoyne. Cursor Miindi, MS. Trin. Cantab., f. 15. At Venyse com up Alisaunder ; Pes meii blewe and no loud sclaunder. His lettres he sent, witbouten assoyne, Anon into Grace-Boloyne. 4lisaudcr, 1. 1443. (2) v. To excuse ; to delay. The scholde no weder me nssoine. t lor. and Blanch., 67. ASSOMON, v. To summon. ASSORTE, *. (A.-N.) An assembly. " By one assorte," in one com- pany. ASSOTE, \v. (A.-N.} (1) To besot, ASSOT, /or infatuate; used by Spenser, who also employs it for the participle assotted. Willye, I ween thou be assot. Ed. March., v, 25. ASS 115 1ST (2) To dote on ; to be infatuated ; used especially by Gower. This wyfe, whiche in her lustes grene Was fayre and fresslie and tender of age, She may not let the courage Of hvm, that wol on her assote. Gower, ed. 1532, f. 12. ASSOWE, adv. In a swoon. ASS-PLUM, s. A sort of plum, men- tioned by Florio. ASS-RIDDLIN.S. A superstitious cus- tom practised in the North of England upon the eve of St. Mark, when ashes are sifted or riddled on the hearth. It is be- lieved that if any of the family shall die within the year, the shoe of the fated individual will leave an impression on the ashes. ASSUBJUGATE, r. To subjugate. ASSUE, "1 adv. A term applied to a AZEW, J cow when drained of her milk at the season of calving. Somerset. Dorset. ASSUMEXT, s. (Lot. assumentum.') A patch or piece set on. AssrMP. part. p. (Lot. assumptus.') Raised. It occurs in Hall, Henry VI, f. 61, and should perhaps be assumpt. ASSUMPSIT, s. A promise. It is properly a law term, but in the following passage it is used in a general sense. The king, whom now a doubted hope of protered helpe trade glad, Made promise of two milk white steedes as chiefrst gemmes he had. Brave Hercules, whose veutrous heart did onely hunt for fame. Accepts th' assumpfit, and prepares the fiendlike fish to tame. Warner's Alb'wn'3 England, 1592. ASSUMPT, v. (Fr.) To take up from a low place to a high place. ASSURAXCE, s. Affiance; betroth- ing for marriage. Pembroke's Arcadia, p. 1 7. AssuRDE,0.(from Fr.sourdre.) To break forth. Skellon, Workt, i, 374. ASSURE, v. (l~) To confide. (2) To affiance; to betroth. Shakespeare. There lovely Amoret, that was assur'd To lusty Perigot, bleeds out her life. Beaumont and Fl., ii, 107. (3) s. Assurance. Chaucer, ed. Urry, p. 432. ASSWYTHE, adv. Quickly. Tnay lajed and made hem blythe Wyth lotez that were to lowe; To soper they jede amcythe Wyth dayntes nwe innowe. Gavcayn and the Green K., 1. 252S. ASSYGGE, s. A hunting term. Pei haps for assiege, or a siege. Ye shnll say, illtosqne, illeosgne, alwey whan they fynde wele of hym. and then ye shul keste out assygi/e al abowte the feld for to se where he be go out of the pasture, or ellis to his foorme. Reliq. Antiq., i, 153. ASSYXE, v. To join. Svns they be so loth to be atsyned. Playe called the foitre PP. ASSYXG, v. To assign. AST. Asked. Xorth. The same form occurs in MSS. of the 14th and 15th cent. ASTA. Hast thou. Yorfcsh. ASTAAT, 1 AST AT, y. (A.-N.) State. ASTATE, J Thanne is accidie enemy to every aslant of man. Chaucer, Persmies T Whan he is set in his astat, Thre thevys be brout of synful gyse. Coventry Mysteries, p. 12. The ky n g ' a y in the palois of York, and kept his astate solemply. MS. 'Coll. Arm., L. i*. ASTABILISHE, v. To establish. ASTABLE, v. To confirm. ASTAXTE, r. To stand by. The might him se aslant the by. Rembrun, p. 479. ASTAUXCHE, v. To satisfy ; to stanch. And castethe one to chese to hir delite That may better astaunche hir appetite. Lydgate's Minor Poems, p. 30. ASTE, conj. As if; although. ASTEER, adv. Active; bustling stirring abroad; astir. North. AST 116 AST ASTELY, adv. Hastily. Or els, Jesu, y aske the reyd, Astely that y wer deyd ; Therto "God helpe me then ! Sir Amadas, 1. 396. ASTENTE, pret. t. of astinte. (A.-S.) Stopped. ASTER, . Easter. North and Shropsh. ASTERDE, v. (A.-S.) To escape. ASTERISM.S. (Gr.) A constellation. ASTERTK, v. (A.-S.) (1) To escape. For man was maad of swich a matere, He may noght wel asterte, That ne som tyme hym bitit To folwen his kynde. Piers PI., p. 225. And so began there a quarele Betwene love and her owne herte, Fro wliiche she couthe not aiterte. Sower's Conf. Am., ed. 1532, f. 70. (2) To release. And smale tythers thay were fouly schent, It eny persoun wold upon hem pleyne, Ther might astert him no pecunial peyne. Chaucer, Cant. T., 6894. (3) To alarm ; to take unawares. No danger there the shepherd can astert. Spent., Ed. AOP..V. 187. (4) To trouble; to disturb. Asterte or astered, troubled, dis- turbed. ASTEYNTE, part. p. Attainted? What dostow here, umrrast gome ? For thyn harm thou art hider y-come ! He ! fyle asteynte horesone ! K. Alisaitnder, 1. 880. ASTIGK, v. (A.-S.) To ascend ; to mount upwards. Astiegung, as- cension. Verstegan. ASTIXTE, ASTENTE, And whan sche drow to his chaumber sche dede ful sone Here maydenes and other meyne' mekeli astente. William and the Werwolf, p. 56. ASTIPULATE, v. (Lot.) To bargain ; to stipulate. ASTIPULATION, *. (Lat.) An agree- ment ; a bargain. ASTIRE, s. The hearth. See Astre and Aislre. Bad her take the pot that sod over the fire, And set it aboove upon the astire. Utterson's Pop. Poet., ii, 78. ASTIRTE, pret. t. Started ; leapt. ASTITE, I adv. (A.-S.) Anon; ASTYT, I quickly. Kersey, in his ALSTYTE. J English Dictionary, 1715, gives astite as a North country word with the explana- tions, " as soon, anon," taken probably from Ray's Collection, 1674, p" 2. God nioroun, sir Gawayn, Sayde that fayr lady, je ar sleper un-slyje, Mon may slyde hider; Now ar je tan astyt, Bot true us may schape. Gawayn and the Green A'., 1. 1282. He dyde on hvs clothys astyte, And to seynt 5hon he wrote a skryte. MS. Earl., 1701, f. 46 b. Ful richeliche he gan him schrede, And lepe astite opon a stede ; For nothing lie nold abide. Amis and Amiloim, 1. 1046. Bot so he wend have passed quite, That fel the tother bit'or ahtyte. 1'icaiM and Gawin, 1. 686. ASTIUNE, s. A kind of precious stone. Ther is saphir, and nniune, Carbuncle and asliune, Smaragde, lugre, and prassiune. Poem on Cocaygne. ASTOD, pret. t. of astonde. Stood. A-STOGG'D, part. p. Having one's feet fast in clay or dirt. Dorset. ASTOXDE, v. (A.-S.) To withstand. ASTONED, 1 part. p. Stunned. ASTONIED, J Rob. GIOUC. ASTONIED, ^ ASTOUNIED, ASTOUND, ASTOUNDED, ASTONAYD, ASTONED, f.t. an dpart. STONYED, Were wonderfully thereat astonyed. Stanihursl'a Ireland, p. AST 117 AST Adam, soon as he heard Tlie fatal trespass done by Eve, amaz'd, Aslonied stood and blank. Milton, P. L., b. ix, 1. 888. Sho was astonayd in that stownde, For in hys face sho saw a wonde. I'icaine and Gawiii, 1. 1719. And with hys hew mase of stele There he gaff the kyng hys dete, That hys helme al forove, And hyra over liys sadell drove; And hys styropes he forbare : Such a stroke had he never are. He was so stonyed of that dente That nygh he had hvs lyff rente. 'K. Richard, 1. 421. The sodeyn caas the man astoueyd tho, That reed he wax, abaischt, and al quakyng He stood, uunethe sayd lie wordcs mo. Chaucer, Cant. T., 8192. Sonderliche his man astoned In his owene niende, Wanne he note never wannes he comthe, Ne wider he schel wende. William de Shoreham. So one of his felowes sayde, go nowe speake to her. But he stode styll all astonyed. Tales and Quicke Answers. Th* elfe therewith astown'd Upstarted lightly from his looser make. Spent., P. Q., I, vii, 7. Aston'd he stood, and up his heare did hove. Ib., I, ii, 31. Their horses backs break under them; The knights were both as ton' d; To void their horses they made haste, To light upon the ground. Ballad of King Arthur. Astoind with him Achates was, for joy they would have lept Te joyne their hands, but feare againe them held and close y-kept. Phaer's Virgil, 1600. ASTONISH, v. To stun with a blow. Enough, captain : you have astonished him. Shakesp., Henry V, v, 1. ASTONNE, v. (A.-N.) To confound. ASTOXY, v. (A.-N.) To astonish. Florio's New World of Words, 1611, p. 15. ASTOODED, part. p. Sunk fast in the ground, as a waggon. Dorset. ASTOOR, adv. Shortly; very quickly. Berks. ASTOPARD, . An animal, but of what kind is uncertain. Of Ethiope he was y-bore, Of the kind of astopards; He had tuskes like a boar, An head like a libbard. Ellis't Met. Rom., ii, 390. ASTORE, v. To store ; to replenish ; to restore. At cit6, borwe, and castel, Thai were astored swithe wel. Arthour and Merlin, p. 90. ASTOUND, . (A.-N.) To astonish greatly. ASTOYNYN, 0. To shake ; to bruise. Prompt. Parv. ASTRADDLE, v. To straddle. ASTRAGALS, *. (Gr. dorpayaXot.) A game, somewhat like cockall. " Astragalize, to play at dice, huckle-bones, or tables." Blount, Glossographia, p. 59. ASTRAL, adj. (Lat.) Starry. A STRANGLED, part. p. Strangled; j choked. ' For neigh hy weren bothe for thurst ^.strangled, and. ek for-orest. K. Alisaunder, 5099. ASTRAUGHT, part. p. Terrified; distracted. ASTRAUNGED, part. p. Estranged. ASTRAY,*. Astray animal. Prompt. Parv. ASTRAYLY, adv. Astray. Prompt. Parv. ASTRE, s. (1) (Lat.) A star; a planet. (2) A hearth. See Estre. ASTRELABRE, *. An astrolabe. ASTRENGTHY, V. (d.-S.) To strengthen. ASTRETCHE, v. (A.-S.} To reach. ASTREYNYD, part. p. Constrained. ASTREYT, adv. Straight. ASTRICK, v. To restrict. State Papers, temp. Hen. VIII. ASTRICTED. part. p. Restricted. ASTRID, adv. Inclined. Suffolk. ASTRIDGE, s. An ostrich. For es- tridge. AsTRiDLANDS.aefo. Astride. North. ASTRINGE, v. (Lot.) To bind; to compel. AST 118 AST ASTRINGER, "I s. (A.-N.) A fal- ATJSTRINGER, > coner. In All's OSTREGIER, J Well that Ends Well, act v, sc. 1, the stage di- rection says, "Enter a gentle astringer." We usually call a falconer who keeps that kind of hawks, an austringer. Cowell's Law Diet. ASTRIPOTENT, s. (Lot.) Having power over the stars. ASTROD, adv. Straddling. Somerset. ASTRODDLING, adj. Astride. Leic. ASTROIE, v. To destroy. ASTROIT, s. A sort of stone, some- times called the star-stone, of which Brome, Travels over Eng- land, p. 12, mentions finding many at Lassington, in Glou- cestershire, and gives a particular account of them. ASTROLOGY, *. A herb mentioned by Palsgrave, and perhaps the same as the aristologie. ASTROMIEX, s. (A.-W.) An astro- nomer, or astrologer. Of srold he made a table, Al fill of steorren, saun fable, And thougte to seyn, amonges men, That he is an astromyen. Alisaunder, 1. 136. ASTRONOMER, s. An astrologer. ASTRONOMER'S GAME. s. Gentlemen, to solace their wearied miudes by honest pastimes, playe at chesse, the astronomer'} game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no body in the meane season. Liipton's Too Good to be True. ASTROPHEL, s. A bitter herb; probably stanvort. My little flock, whom earst I lov'd so well, And wont to feed with finest grasse that grew, Feede ye henceforth on bitter astrofell, And stinking smallage an/1 unsaverie nae. Spt*x., Daphn., 344. ASTROSE, adj. (Lat.) Horn under an evil star. ASTROTE, adv. (1) In a swelling manner. "Astrut or strowtingljr. Turgide." Prompt. Pare. The maryner, that wolde have layne hur by, Hys yen stode owte astrote fortliy, Hys Ivmmes were roton liym fro. Le Bone Florence, 1. 2329. He gafe hym swylke a clowte, That bothe his eglme stude one strowte. Sir Isumbras, Lincoln 3IS. What good can the great gloton do with his bely standing astrote like a taber, and his noil toty with drink, but balk up his brewes in the middes of his matters, or lye down and slepe like a swine ? Sir Thomas More's Wurks, p. 97. (2) Standing out stiff, in a pro- jecting posture. Godds sowle schal be swore, The knyf sclial stond aslrout, Thow his botes be al tn-tore ^at he wol make it stout. ASTRYLABE, s. An astrolabe. His almagest, and bookes gret and smale, His astrylabe, longyng for his art, His augrym stoones, leyen faire apart On schelves couched at his beddes heed. Chaucer's Cant. T., 3208. ASTRYWD, part, p. Distracted. Beryn and his company stood all astryryd. History ofJieryn, 2429. ASTON, v. (A.-S.) To stuii. He frust doun at o dent, That hors and man attuned lay. Arthour and Merlin, p. 233. Who with the thundring noise of his swift courser's feet Astun'd the earth. Dray. Pol., xviii. ASTTJNTE, pret. t. (from A.-S. astandan.) Remained ; stood. At Lewes the kingbigan mid is poer abide, The barons astunte withoute toun biside. Bob. Glouc., p. 546. ASTUTE, adj. (Lat.) Crafty. ASTY, adv. Rather ; as soon as. North. ASTYE, v. (A.-S.) To ascend. Rob. Glouc. ASTYFLKD, part. p. Lamed in the leg ; said of a dog. ASTYLI.E, s. (A.-N.) A shingle; a thin board of wood. "Astylle, a ASU 119 AT schyyd. Teda. Astula. Cadia." Prompt. Pare. ASUXDERLY, adv. Separately. ASUXDRI, \ adv. (A.-S.) Apart ; ASYXDRE, J separately. In this world, bi Seyn Jon, So wise a man is ther non, Asundri scliuld hem knawe. Amis and Amiloun, 1. 2052. And therfore comytli the tliyrde towche, that one thynge seme not tweyne, that sholde falle yf eyther eye asyndrc sawe his owne yniage. Trerisa'i Bartholom., sig. g v. ASWARE, adv. On one side ; out of the way of anything. See Asquare. Hyrn had bin beter to have goon more asicarc. Chaucer, ed. Urry, p. 599. ASWASH, adv. Slanting. Ckamarre, a loose and light gowne, that may be worue aswash or skarfewise. Co/grave. ASWELT, . (A.-S.) To become ex- tinguished. Ac sot and snow cometh out of holes, And brennyug fuyr, and glowyng coles ; That theo snow lor the fuyr no melt, No the fuyr for theo snow attcelt. K. Aliiaunder, 6639. AswEVED,/Hzr/. />. Stupified, as in a dream. For so astonied and asicevrd Was every virtue in me heved. House of Fame, ii, 41. Aswix, adv. Obliquely. North. ASWOGH, , r * c-\ t ASWOUNE, Asvoyh lie fell adonn An hys hyuder arsoun. Lybeaui Disconus, 1171. The kinz binethen, the stede above, For sothe sir Arthour was usicoice. Arthour and Merlin, p. 123. ASYDEXHANDE, adv. On one side. But he toke nat his ground so even in the front afore them as he wold have don yf he might bettar have sene them, butt somewhate atydenhande, where he disposed all his people in good arraye all that nyght. Arrival of King Ed. IP p. 18. ASYGHE, r>. To essay. Now let seo gef ony is so hardy That durste hit him asyghe. yng Atisaunder, 3S79. ASYXED, part. p. Assigned. AT, (1) prep. To; prefixed to the verb, as at say, for, to say ; at do, for, to do. Common in MSS. of the 14th cent. Bred they pard and schare, Ynough thei hadde at ete. Sir Triitrem, st. 50. (2) To ; before substantives, as, to do at a thing, instead of to it. Here's at ye, what 1 drink won't fat ye. Dary's MS. (3) In. For certes, al the sorwe that a man myght make fro the begynnynge of the world, nys but a litel thing, at regard of the sorwe of lieiie. Chaucer, Persones T. (4) Of. North. He tuke his leve at the daye At Mildor the fake maye. Sir Dcgrnante. (5) For. At this cause the knyjt comlyche hade In the more half of his schel'de hir ymage deparnted. Syr Gaicayne, p. 25. (6) cony. That. Thou ert a fole, at thou ne had are Tald me of this ferly fare. Ficaine and Gawin, 1. 461 . Still used in the North of Eng- land. It leet weel at the podditch wur naw scawding. Tim Bobbin, p. 32. (7) pron. Who, or which. Also he to, at lawborys thewyus shoold ken and wnderstond tbe w'yd qwych shoolde beyr fruyt. Sheparft Calender, sig. F, 7. We may not be assoyled of the trespas, Bot if we make aseth in that at we may. MS. Hart., 1022, f. 68 b. (8) Pret. t. of ete, to eat. No hadde thai no wines wat, No ale that was old, No no gode mete thai at, Thai hadden al that thai wold. Sir Trittrem p. C69. ATA 120 ATE (9) At after, after. Still used in the North. But I pray the what betokned that wounderful comete and sterre which apperyd upon this londe the yere of our lorde MCCCCII, from the Epiphany til two wekes at after Ester? Dines and Pauper, sig. d, 5 b. A. TAB A L, *. A kind of tabor used by the Moors. Dryden. ATAK.E, v. (A.-S.) To overtake. And to the castel gat he ran ; In al the court was tl.er no man That him might atukt. Amis and Amiloun, 1. 2070. AT-ALLE, adv. Entirely; alto- gether. Lydgate and Chaucer. ATAME, v. (A.-S.) To tame. ATANUNE, adv. Afternoon. Suff. ATARXE, v. {A.-S.} To run away ; escape. Manie flowe to churche, and the constable unnethe Atarnde alive, and manie were i-brojt to dethe. Bob. Glouc., p. 539. ATASTE, v. To taste. ATAUNT, adv. (A.-N.) So much. ATAVITE, adj. (Lot.) Ancestral. But trulie tliis boldnes, not myne owne nature, hath taught mee, out your nature, generositie prognate, and come from your atavile progenitours. Ellis'* Literary Letters, p. 75. ATAXY, *. (. 271. ATSTONDE, v. (A.-S.) To with- stand. Rob. Glouc. ATTACH, v. (Fr.} To join. Ten masts attach'd make not the altitude Which thou hast perpendicularly fallen. Skakesp., "Lear, iv, 6. ATTACHE, (1) s. (Fr.) A term in dress. An attache, is as much as to say, vulgarly, tack'd or fasten'd together, or one thing fasten'd to another. Ladies' Dictionary, 1694. (2) v. (A.-N.) To attach; to indite. And comaunded a constable, That com at the firste, To altachen tho tyrauntz. Piers PL, p. 40. I gave oute a commission to certaine good worshyppefull folke at Brystow to attache Richard Webbe. Sir T. More's Works, p. 727. ATTAINT, *. (1) A taint ; anything hurtful. I will not poison thce with my attaint, Nor fold my fault in cleanly coin'd excuses. Shakesp., Liicrece. (2) A term in jousting. See (3). The kyng was that daye hyghly to be praysed, for he brake xxiij. speres, besyde attayntes, and bare doune to ground a man of armes and hys horse. Hail, Henry VIII, f. 55. (3) . To hit or touch anything, as to strike a blow on a helmet. Palsgrave. ATTAL-SARESIN, s. Aterm formerly applied by the inhabitants of Cornwall to an old mine that is abandoned. ATTAME, v. (1) (A.-N. entamer.) To commence ; to begin ; to make a cut into ; to broach a vessel of liquor. I pray ye, syr emperoure, shewe me thy mynde, whether is more accordynge, to attame tliys fysshe here preasente, fyrste at the heade, or at the tayle. The emperoure answered shortlye, and sayde, at the head the fysshe' shall be fyrste attained. Fabian's Chron. f. 178, Yes, ooste, quoth he, soo mote I ryde or goo, But I be mery, I wis I wol be blamed : And right anon his tale he hath atamed, And thus he said unto us everichon. Chaucer, Nonnes Priest's Tale, ed. Urry. ATT 124 ATT For sithin tliat payne was first named, Was ner more wofull payne attamcd. Chaucer's Dreame, 596. (2) (A.-N. atainer.) To hurt ; to injure. Probably, when the word occurs in this sense, it is a misreading of the MS.,and ought, according to the derivation, to be attaine. In the following passage, given under this head by Mr. Halliwell, the meaning probably is that of (1). Of his scholder the swerd glod doun, That botlie plates and hauberjoun He carf atuo y plight, Al to the naked hide y-wis ; And nought of flesche atauied is Thurch piace of God Almight. Gy of Warwkc, p. 325. (3) To tame. Which made the King change face and olode, And specially his pride gan attame, Whan he wist Pandosia was the name. Bochas, p. 108. ATTAMINATE, v. (Lat. attamino.) To corrupt ; to spoil. ATTAN. See Atle. ATTANIS, adv. (A.-S.) At once. ATTAR, prep. After. Shropsh. AiTASK.'D,part.p. Blamed. ATTASTE, . To taste. ATTE, "I prep. (A.-S. at \>an, at ATTEN, I the, softened first into ATTAN, J attan, then into a/ten, and finally into atte.) At the. And bad hir lyght it atte fyer. Cox ton, Reynart, sig. B 6, b. Atte prestes hows. Ib., sig. B 7. Before a word beginning with a vowel, the final n 'was often re- tained. So that atten ende Mabyle hyru ansuerede. R. Ghnic., p. 431. Sometimes, in this case, the n was thrown to the next word. And thanne seten somme, And songen atte nale. Piers PI., p. 124. ATTE-FEOME, adv. (A.-S. at fru- man.) At the beginning; im- mediately. ATTELAX, s. (Lat. atellanus.) A drollery; a satirical piece. All our feasts almost, masques, mum- mings, banquets, merry meetings, wed- dings, pleasing songs, fine tunes, poems, love-stories, playes, comcedies, attelans, jigs, fescenines, elegies, odes, 8cc. pro- ceed hence. Burton, An. of Mel.,i\, 341. ATTELE, v. (A.-S.) To aim ; to design ; to conjecture ; to go towards; to approach. A form of ettle. ATTEMPERAUNCE, s. (A.-N.) Tem- perance. The felawes of abstinence ben attempe- raunce, that holdith the mene in alle thinges ; eek schame, that eschiewith al rtishonestfi. Chaucer, Persones T. And it bihoveth a man putte such attemperancc in his defence, that men have no cause lie matiere to repreven him, that delendith him, of excesse and outrage. Chaucer, T. of Melilcus. ATTEMPEREL, adj. (A.-N.) Mo- derate ; temperate. Certes, wel I wot, attemperel wepyng is nothing defended to him that sorwful is, amonges folk in gorwe, but it is rather graunted him to wcpe. The apostel Poule unto the Romayns writeth, A man schal rejoyce with hem that maken joye, and wepe with such folk as wepen. But though attemperel wepyng be graunted, outrageous wep- ynge certes is defended. Chaucer, T. of Melibeus. ATTEMPERELLY, 1 ^ ( ^^ } A1TEMPERALLY 'f Temperately. ATTEMPRELY, J Man schulde love his wyf by discres- cioun, paciently and atlemperelly, and thanne is sche as it were his suster. Chaucer, Persones T. ATTEMPRE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Tern, perate. Sometimes written at- tempred. Sche schulde eek serve him in al honeste, and ben atttmpre of hir array. Chaucer, Persona T. (2) v. To make temperate. ATTEMPTATE, s. (A.-N.) (1) An attempt. (2) An encroachment or assault ATTEND, v. (Fr.) To wait. ATT 125 ATT Sundry of hig srreatest friends resolving to attend the receipt of some comfort to beseut from him. Bowes Correspondence, 1582. ATTENDABLE, adj. Attentive. ATTEXDABLY, adv. Attentively. ATTENDER, s. One who attends; a companion, or comrade. ATTENT, adj. Attentive. Shakesp. ATTEXTATES, s. pi. (Lat. atten- tata.) Proceedings in a court of judicature, pending suit, and after an inhibition is decreed and gone out. ATTENTLY, adv. Attentively. ATTER, *. (1 ) (A.-S. after.) Poison. Of uych a werm that alter bereth, Other it stingetli, other it terutli. Conybeare's Oetatiaa, p. 57. (2) Corrupt matter issuing from an ulcer. Attyr fyltli. Sanies. Prompt. Parv. Still used in this sense in some of the dialects. The sore is full of matter or alter. Ulcus est pnrulenlwn. llormanni Bulgaria, sig. I 6. (3) An otter. Take heare cuttes, dogges too, Alter and foxe, flllie, mare alsoe. Chester Plays, i, 51. (4) An abbreviation of at their. And ase tlier mot alter spousynge Be ry^t asent of bothe, Of man, and of ther wymman eke, Yn love and naujt y-lotlie. W. de Shoreham. (b) prep. After. Northampt. (6) Attire ; array. iTTERCOPPE, "1 s. (A.-S. atter-cop- ADERCOP, j pa.) (1) A spider. Perhaps it signified originally some insect of a more hurtful cha- racter ; the atter-coppas figured in MS. Cotton, Vitel., c. iii, do not resemble modern spiders. Ac wat etestu, that thu ne lije, Bute attercoppe an tule vli^e ? Hule and Nyghtingale, 1. 600. And though there be no gret venemous beestes in that londe, yet ben there attercoppes venemous that ben called ipalangia in that londe. Tretisa't Polichron., f. 32. In the towne of Sclirowysbury, selan tlire men togedur, and as they seton talkyng, an atturcoppe com owte of the wowj, and bote hem by the nekkus alle thre. Pref. to Rob. de Brunne, p. cc. (2) A spider's web. North. (3) A peevish, ill-natured person. North. ATTERLOTHE, s. (A.-S.) Night. shade. Explained by morella in list of plants in MS. Harl., 978. ATTERLY, adv. Utterly. Skinner. ATTERMITE, s. An ill-natured per- son. North. ATTERN, adj. (from A.-S. attern.) Fierce, snarling, ill-natured, cruel. Glouc. ATTERR, v. (Fr. atterrer.) Knowing this that your renown alone (As tli' adamant, and as the amber drawes: That, hardest steel; this, easie-yeelding strawes) Atterrs the stubborn.and attracts the prone. Sylvesters Sann. to E. of Essex, p. 74. ATTERRATE, s. (Lat.) To become dry. ATTERRATION, s. (Lat.) An old word for alluvial ground on the coast. ATTERING, adj. Venomous. ATTERY, adj. Purulent. East. Iras- cible ; choleric. West. See Attry. ATTEST, s. Attestation ; testimony. ATTEYNANT, adj. Appertaining ; attainable. ATTEYNT, part. p. (A.-N.) Con- victed. ATTICE, s. An adze. Somerset. ATTIGUOUS, adj. (Lat.) Very near ; close by. ATTINCTURE, s. (A.-N.) Attainder. ATTINGE, v. (Lat.) To touch lightly or gently. ATTIRES, s. The horns of a stag. ATTISE, v. To entice. Servauntes, avoyde the company Of them that playe at cardes or dyse; For yf thut ye them haunte, truely To thefte shall they you soone atlyse. Anc. Poetical Tracts, p. 11. ATTITLE, . To entitle ; to name. ATT 126 ATW ATTLE. s. Rubbish, refuse of stony matter. A mining terra. ATTOM'D, adj. Filled with small particles ; thick. Drayton. ATTONE, adv. Altogether. And his fresh blood did frieze with fearfull cold, That all his senses seem'd bereft attone. Spens., F. Q., II, i, 42. ATTONES, "1 adv. Once for all ; at ATTOXCE, /once. And all attonce her beastly body rais'd With double forces high above the srround. Ib.,'l,\, 18. And thenne they alyght sodenly, and sette their handes upon hym all dtiones, and toke hym prysoner, and soo ledde hym unto the castel. Morted' Arthur, i, 319. ATTORNE, or ATTURNE, v. (A.-N.} To perform service. They plainly told him that they would not atturne to him, nor be under his jurisdiction. Hol'mgsh., Rich. II, 481. ATTORNEY, s. (A.-N.) A deputy ; one who does service for another. ATTOUR, (1) *. (A.-N.) A head- dress. (2)prep. (A.-N. entour.) Around. (3) prep. Besides. Hence the Scottish phrase, by and atiour. ATTOUF.NE, v. To return. ATTOURNEMENT, *. (A.-N.) A yielding of a tenant unto a new lord. Minsheu. A law term. Wheruppon dyverse tenauntes have openly attorned unto the kynges grace. Monastic Letters, p. 88. ATTRACT, s. An attraction. For then their late attracts decline, And turn as eager as prick'd wine. Hudibras, III, i, 695. ATTRAITS,*.^/. Flattery. Skinner. ATTRAPE, v. (Fr.) To entrap. And lying and placing thother vj c. men in H secret place nygh in the mydd way betwen Warke and the sayd towne of Myllerstayenes, aswell for the ruleyse of the said wawcuriores, as to attrape the enemyes, yf they unadvisedly wold pursewe or coine to the said fyer or fray. MS. Colt., Calig., B v, f. 23 v. And he that hath hyd a snare to attrap aii other with, hath hym selfe ben taken therin. Tales and Qui ATTRECTATIOX, s. (Lot.) Frequent handling. ATTRIBUTION, s. Commendation. Shakesj}., 1 Henry IV, iv, 1. ATTRiD,j0arJ. p. Poisoned. ATTRIED, part. p. Tried. ATTRITE, adj. (Lat.) Worn. ATTRITION, *. (Lat.) Grief for sin, arising only from the fear of punishment. He, the whyche hath not playne con- trycyon, but all onely attr : tryon, the wnyche is a maner of contrycyon un- parfyte and unsuffycyent for to have the grace of God. Institution of a Christian Man, p. 162. ATTROKIEN, v. (A.-S.) To fail; to weary. ATTRY, adj. (A.-S.) Venomous; poisonous; filthy. And gulcheth al ut somed thet theattri heorte sent up to the tunge. MS. Cott., Nfro, A xiv, f. 21. Thanne Cometh of ire attry anger, whan a man is scharply amouested ill his schrilte to forlete synne, thanne wol he be angry, and answere hokerly and angrily, to defenden or excuscu his synne by unstedefastnesse of his fleiseh. Chaucer, Personei T. ATTWEEN, prep. Between, far. dial. ATUNDERE, adv. (A.-S.) In sub- jection. ATVORE, adv. (A.-S. eetforan.) Be- fore. Rob. Glouc. ATWAIN, adv. In two ; asunder. ATWA.PEO,part.p. (A.-S.) Escaped. What wylde so at-ieaptd wyjes that gchotten. Syr Gaicaytie, p. 44. ATWEE, adv. In two. North. ATWEEL, adv. Very well. North. ATWEEN, prep. Between, far. dial. ATWENDE, v. (A.-S. ceticindan.) To turn away from ; to escape. Heo mai hire gult atvende, A rihte weie, thurth cliirche bende. Hule and Nyghting., 1. 1415. ATWIN, adv. Asunder ; in two. Chaucer. The word occurs in this sense in Rider's Dictionaries ATW 127 AUG 1640, and according to Moor, is still used in Suffolk. ATWIXXE, v. (A.-S.) To part asunder. ATWIRCHE, v. (A.-S.) To work against ; to do evil work to. Al tliat trowe on Jbesu Crist, Thai fond atwircke ful wo. Seynt Meryrete, p. 103. ATWIST, (1) . Disagreement. North, (2) part. p. Twisted. Somerset. ATWIST, pret. t. (A.-S.~) Knew. Also, part, p., known. Another dai Clarice arist, And Blauucheflour atwist \\lii In made so longe dtmoere. Hartskorne's Met. Tales, p. 105. ATWITK, v. (A.-S. atwitan, to re- proach.) To twit ; to upbraid. That eni man beo falle in odwite, \Vi schal he me his sotatwite? Hide and Nyghting., 1. 1222. This word dude much sonve this seli olde kyng, That ahryteile liym and ys stat, that iie nadde hym self nothing. Rob. ofGlouc., p. S3. He was wroth, ye schul here wite, For Merlin liadde him attcite. Artliour and Merlin, p. 341. ATWIXE, "1 ATWIXT, *>prep. Between. ATWIXEN. J A.TWO, "") ATUO, | adv. (A.-S. on tu-a, on ATWAE, }-twagen.) Intwo;asun- ATWAIX, der. ATWYX, J ATWOT, pret. t. ofatwite. Twitted ; upbraided. AT-YAXCE, adv. At once. North. ATYME, adv. On a time. ATYR, s. Attire. Au, adj. Ail. North. AUBADE, 8. (Fr.) A serenade. AUBERGE, s. (Fr.) An inn. AUBETEOI, s. One of the male sex at the age when verging upon manhood. A hobbledehoy. Glou- cestemh. AUCHT, is used in the dialect of East Anglia as the preterite of the verb to owe. AUCTE, s. (A.-S. ahte.) Property. To-movwen shal maken the fre, And aucte the yeven, and riche make. Hateht, 531. AUCTIVE, adj. (Lat.) Of an increas- ing quality. AUCTORITE, *. (Lat.) A text of Scripture, or of some writer ac- knowledged as authority. AUCTOUR, s. (A.-N.) An author. AUCUPATION, s. (Lat.) Fowling; hunting after anything. AUD, adj. Old. Var. dial. Says t' and man tit oak tree, Young and lusty was I when I kenn'd thee. Nursery Rhyme. AUDACIOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Bold; courageous. AUD-FARAND, adj. (A.-S.) A term applied to forward children, who imitate the manners of elderly people. North. See Auldfar'd. AUDIEXCE, s. A hearing. Chaucer. AUDITION, *. (Lat.) Hearing. AUDITIVE, adj. (Fr. audifif.) Hav- ing the power of hearing. AUD-PEG, *. An inferior cheese, made of skimmed milk. North. AUDRIE. " Seynt Audries lace, cordon." Palsgrave. See Awdrie. AUEX, adj. Own. AUPF, s. An elf. This word occurs in A New English Dictionary, 1691. Skinner explains it, " stul- tus, ineptus," a fool. See Awf. AUFIX, \s. The bishop at chess. AWFIN, / See Alfin. The tract De f-'etula (published under the name of Ovid) gives the following Latin or Latinized names of the chessmen. Miles et alpinus, roccus, rex, virgo, pe- desque. AUGEXT, adj. August ; noble. Hayle, cumly kyngis aitqentl Sltarp'i Con. Myst., p. 10L AUG 128 AUM AUGGERE, s. An ague. A man that is here yliunge and lyght, Tho never so stalworthe and whight, And comly of shape, lovely and fayr, Auggeres and ruelies will soon apayr. Humpole, p. 5. AUGHENE, adj. Own. See Aghen. AUGHT, 1 AU JT, > pret. t.of owe. ( 1 ) Ought. AUHT, j Floure of hevene, ladi and quene, As sche auit wel to bene. MS. Addit., 10036, f. 62. (2) Owed. (3) s. Possessions ; property. (4) adj. High. Rob. Glouc. (5) adj. Eight; the eighth. (6) s. (A.-S. awiht.) Anything; at all. (7) adv. In any manner ; by any means. He is ful joconde also dare I leye ; Can he auoht tell a ruery tale or tweie, With which he gladen may this compare ? Chaucer, C. T., 10UG5. AUGHTAND, adj. The eighth. AUGHTED, pret. t. Cost. Bevis did on his acquetoun, That had avijhted many a town. Ellis's Met. Rom., ii, 111. AUHTEND. adj. Eighteenth. AUGHTENE, adj. The eighth. AUGHTS. (1) Any considerable quantity. North. (2) s. (corrupted from arts.) Bro- ken victuals ; fragments of eat- ables. Heref. and Sussex. AUGHTWHERE, adv. Anywhere. AUGLB, v. To ogle. North. AUGRIM, \s. Arithmetic. See AWGRIM, J Algrim. He medletli not muche with augrim to se to what suimne the nomber of men ariscth tliat is multiplied by an c. Sir T. Mora's Works, p. 300. AUGRIM-STONES, s. Counters for- merly used in arithmetic. AUGURATION, s. (Lot.) Conjectur- ing. This word occurs in Rider's Dictionarie, 1640. AUGCJRIOUS, adj. Predicting. AUGURINE, *. A fortune-teller. AUGUSTA, s. A cant term for the mistress of a house of ill-fame. AUK, \adf. (1) Angry, ill-natured, ACK, j unpropitious.Prow^.Partf. Still used in this sense in the North of England. (2) Inverted ; confused. The old signal of alarm was ringing the bells backwards, or, as it was often termed, aukward, or ack- ward. " I rynge aukeward, je sonne abransle." Palsgrave. In the East of England, bells are still " rung auk," to give alarm of fire. (3) s. A stupid or clumsy person. North. AUKERT, adj. Awkward. Var.dial. ACL, s. An alder. Herefordsh. AULD, adj. (1) Old. Var. dial. (2) Great. North. (3) The first or best, a phrase used in games. AULD-ANE, *. The devil. North. AULDFAR'D, adj. Old-fashioned ; antique. Thus vearst in legendary teale, This aiildfar'd chronicle cud tell Tilings that yaen's varra lugs wad geale, Of what to this and that befell. Slagg's Cumberland Poems, p. 66. AULD-THRIFT, s. Wealth accumu- lated by the successive frugality of ancestors. North. AULEN, adj. Of alder. Herefordsh. AULN, s. (Fr.) A French measure of 5 ft. 7 in. ; an ell. AUM, s. (1) An aim. Palsgrave. (2) The elm tree. Nor thumb. (3) Allum. North. (4) A Dutch measure for liquids. AUMA, *. A sort of pancake. Here- fordsh. AUMAYL, (1) s. (A.-N.) Enamel. As growe grene as the gres, And grener hit senied Then grene amnayl on golde. Gatcayn $ the Gr. Kit., 1. 429. (2) v. To variegate ; to figure. AUMAYL'D, adj. Enamelled or em- broidered. AUM 129 AUN In gilden buskins of costly cordwayne All bard with golden bendes, which were entayld With curious autickes, and full fayre a- mayl'd. Spms., F. Q., II, iii, 27. AUMAIST, adv. Almost. North. AUMB, s. Alms distributed to the poor at Christmas were formerly so called in Devon. AUMBE, *. A measure of lime, con- taining three bushels. Norfolk Records, earlier part oflQth cent. AUMBES-AS. See Ambes-as. AUMBLE, s. An ambling pace. AUMBRE-STONE, s. Amber. Pals- grave. AUMBRY, 1 , . ,, N . I * ( A - N -) A cupboard; ' is. (A.-N.) A purse. '"> J AUMELET, *. An omelet. Skinner. AUMENER, AUMERE, Than of his aumener he drough A little keie fetise i-nough. Rom. of the Rose, 2087. Were streighte glovis with aumere Of silke, aud alway with gode chere. /*., 2271. AUMENERE, s. An almoner. AUMER, v. (A.-N.) To shadow ; to cast a shadow over. Yorksh. AUMERD, s. (A.-N.) A shadow. Craven. AUMONE, s. (A.-N.) Alms. AUMOUS, s. Quantity. When a labourer has filled a cart with manure, corn, &c., he will say to the carter, " Haven't ya got your aumous." Line. AUMPEROUR, s. An emperor. AuMPH,acfo. Awry ; aslant. Shropsh. AUMRS, s. A cupboard. North. AUMRY-SOAL, *. A hole at the bottom of the cupboard. A word formerly used in Yorkshire. AUMS-ASE. See Ambes-as. AUM us, \ AWMOSS, J AUNCEL, s A sort of scale or ma- chine for weighing, prohibited by statute on account of its uncer- tainty. "Awncell weight as I Alms. North. have been informed, is a kind of weight with scales hanging, or hooks fastened at each end of a staff, which a man lifteth up upon his forefinger or hand, and so discerneth the equality or diffe- rence between the weight and the thing weighed." Cornell, In- terpreter, 1658. In Piers PI. we find auncer. Ac the pound that she paied by Peised a quatron moore Than myu owene auncer, Who so weyed truthe. Pien PI., p. 90. AUNCESTREL, s. (A.-N.) A homage which is rendered from genera- tion to generation. AUNCETRE.S. (A.-N.) An ancestor. Skelton has auncetryfoi ancestry. AUNCIAN, adj. (A.-N.) Ancient. The olde avncian wyf Hejest ho svttej. Gatcayn fr'the Gr. Kn., 1. 1806. AUNCIENTE. AUN'D, part. p. Fated. Northumb. Supposed to be derived from the Islandis andas, to die. Brockett. AUNDER, *. Afternoon; evening. Apparently the same as undern. Cotgrave uses aunders-meat to signify an afternoon's refresh- ment. AUNDYRN, *. See Andiron. AUNT, . (1) A cant term for a woman of bad character, either prostitute or procuress. Often used by Shakespeare. To call you one o' mine aunts, sister, were as good as to call you arrant whore. 0. P., iii. 260. And was it not then better bestowed upon his uncle, than upon one of his aunts? I need not say bawd, for every one knows what aunt stands for in the last translation. Middleton's Trick to catch the Old One, ii, 1 . It still exists in this sense in Newcastle, as we learn from Brockett. AUN 130 AUR (2) The customary appellation addressed by a jester or fool, to a female of matronly appearance ; as uncle was to a man. AUNTE, adv. (A.-N.) Together. Heo gederede up here n?< H/S here ost about e wyde, And destruyde hire londes eyther in his syde. Bob. Glouc., p. 37. AUNTELERE, s. An antler. AUNTERS, 1 *. pi. Needless scru- ANTERS, J pies ; mischances. Ray mentions it as a Northern pro- vincialism, used in the first of these senses ; as, " he is troubled with aunters." Tbo this kynge hadde go aboute in such sorwful cas, At the laste he com to Caric, there ys dojter was, He bilevede withoute the tonne, and in wel grete fere, He sende the quene ys dojter worde, \vuche ys antres were. Bob. Glouc., p. 35. 1st 1 ding thy hams out, thou base mukky sow, Thou raak's sic anters, thou'll mistetchmy tow. Yorkshire Dialogue, p. 36. AUNTER, ~\ AVENTURE, AN AUNTER, IN AUNTRE, J Ac arenture, for the fyght, This victorie is the y-dyght. K. Alisuunder, 1. 3922. So I seid, anaunter whanne my enemys be to glade over me. Psalms and Prayers .- MS. Hunt., f. 88, v. To do anaunter, to put in danger. Thy love ych abbe wel deve abojt, and my lyve anaunter y-do. Bob. Glouc., p. 311. -adv. Perchance. How l[udes] for her lele luf Hor lyvej han auntered, Endured for her drury Dulful stoundez. Gavayn and the Gr. Kn., 1. 2737. I wol arise and aunlre it, in good faith. Chaucer, C. T., 4207. AUNTER, (A.-N.} (1) . An adven- ture ; a hap, or chance. In aunter, for fear. North. Forthi an aunter in erde I attle to shawe. Warton's Hist. E. P., i, 187 I conjure the neverthelese be God and thy nobley, that thou take it unto none ydyotis, in atintyr that they by tlier unkunning myght werk noy to ony man that is yeven unto the comenne profile. MS. 14/A cent. (2)s. An altar. Probably a mere clerical error. Be-forn his aunter he knelyd adoun. Songs and Carols, st. xi. AUNTEROUS, I adj. Bold ; daring ; AUNTROSE, V adventurous ; for- AUNTRUS, J midable; sometimes, doubtful. I wot, Sir, ye are wight, And a wegh nobille, Aunterous iu armes, And able of person. Destruction of Troy, MS., f. 10 v. AUNTERS, adv. Peradventure ; in case that ; lest ; probably. North. AUNTERSOME, adj. Bold ; daring. Craven. AUNTRE, adv. On the contrary ; on the other hand. Auntre, they swore hym hool oth To be hys men that wer there. B. Coer de Lion, 3878. AUNTREOUSLICHE, adv. Boldly ; daringly. Al auntreousliche ther he comen wes. Gy of Warwike, p. 83. AUNTY, (1) adj. Frisky and fresh, generally applied to horses. Leic. Northampt. (2) *. An aunt. Var. dial. AU-OUT, adv. Entirely. North. AUP, (1) . A wayward child. North. Pronounced aups in Craven. (2) prep. Up. West. AUPY, adj. Apeish; imitative; pert. Yorkshire. AUR, conj. Or. AURATE, . A sort of pear. AURE, prep. Over. AUREAT, adj. (Lot.} (1) Golden; gilt. (2) Good ; excellent. AUR 131 AUV ACRE-HIET, pret. t. Overtook. He prekut oute prestely, And aure-hiet him radly. Bobson'i Met. fom., p. AURIFIED, part. p. (Lot.) Made pure as gold. AURIGATION, s. (Lat.) The prac- tice of driving carriages. AURRUST, *. Harvest. Wore. AURSELS, pron. Ourselves. North. AURUM-MULICUM, *. A compo- sition mentioned in some early documents relating to the arts. AURUM-POTABILE, s. A medicine said to have possessed great powers. And then the golden oyle called aurum- potabile, A medicine most mervelous to preserve mans health. Ashmole's Tkeat. Chem., p. 422. AUSE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To try; to promise favorably. See Aunt. (2) conj. Also. AUSIER, *. An osier. Suffolk. AUSNEY, v. To anticipate bad news. Somerset. AUSPICATE, adj. (Lat.} Auspicious. AUSPICIOUS, adj. Joyful. AUST, v. To attempt; to dare. Leic. and Warw. Also used as a substantive. AUSTERNE, 1 ,. c,, AUSTRINE.H- Stern; severe " But who is yond, thou ladye faire, That looketh with sic an austerne face? Percy's JReliques, p. 75. To ansuere the alyenes Wyth austerene wordes. Morte Arthure. AUSTRIDGE, *. (A.-N.) An ostrich. AUT, (1) pret. p. Ought. (2) adv. Out. North. (3) All the. North. AUTEM, 8. A church, in the cant- ing language. Autem-mort, a married woman ; autem-divers, pickpockets who practise in churches, &c. AUTENTICKE, adj. Authentic. t., adj. Authentic. AUTEOSE, s. The name of a flower. The flowre is of a gode lose, That men calletli nutcase. Reliq. Antiq., i, 195. AUTER, . An altar. He lies at Wynchestre, beside an autere. Langtoft, p. 20. AUTHENTIC, adj., " seems to have been the proper epithet for a physician regularly bred or li censed. The diploma of a licenti. ate runs authentice licentiatug." To be relinquished of Galen and Para- celsus And all the learned and authentic fellows. Shakesp., All's W. that Ends W., ii, 3. Or any other nutriment that by tUe judgment of the most authentical phy- sicians, where I travel, shall be thought dangerous Jouson, Every Man out ofH. t iv, 4. AUTHER, adj. Either. AUTOLOGY, s. (Gr.~) A soliloquy. AUTOMEDON, *. The charioteer of Achilles ; hence the early drama- tists applied the name generally to a coachman. AUTONOMY, *. (Gr.) Liberty to live after one's own laws. This word occurs in Cockeram's Eng- lish Dictionarie, 1639. AUTOPON ! interj. Out upon ! North. AUTORITY, . Authority. North. AUTOUR, \s. (A.-N.) (1) An au- AUCTOUR, J thor. (2) An ancestor. AUTREMITE, s. Explained by Skinner, another attire. Tyrwhitt reads vitremite. And she that helmid was in starke stouris, And wan by force tounis strong and touris, Shall on her liedde now werin'aa/rnt/. Chaucer, ed. Urry, p. 1 AUTURGY, . (Gr. avTovpyia.) Work done by one's self; the work of one's own hand. AUVE, s. The helve or handle of an axe. Shropsh. AUVERDRO, v. To overthrow. West. AUVERGIT, v. To overtake. West. AUV 132 AVA AUVERLOOK, e. To overlook ; to look upon with the evil eye ; to bewitch. West. AUVERRIGHT. Across. A West Country word. Iz vather in a little cot Liv'd, auterright tha moor, An thaw a kipt a vlock o' geese, A war a thoughted poor. Jennings' Dialects, p. 109. AUVISE, . Counsel; advice. For avise. Au WARDS, adv. Awkward; athwart. North. Sheep are said to be auwards, when they lie backward so as to be unable to rise. AVA', adv. At all. North. AVACH, v. To avouch. Beds. AVAGE, *. A rent or duty which every tenant of the manor of Writtel, in Essex, paid to the lord on St. Leonard's day, for the liberty of feeding his hogs in the woods. Phillips. AVAIL, s. (A.-N.) Value ; profit ; advantage; produce. The arail of the marriage cannot be craved but at the perfect yeares of the apparent heir, because he cannot pay the arail, but by giving security of his landes. Hope's Minor Practicks, 48. Quoth he, " Fayre maye, yet I you pray, Tims much at my desyer Vouchsafe to doo, as goe him too, And save, an Austen fryar Woulde with him speake, and materi breake For his atayle certaine." A Ifery Jest of a Sergeaunt. Howe'er, I charge thee, As heaven shall work in me for thine avail, To tell me truly. Shakes?., AWs W. that Ends W., i, 3. AVAITE, v. (A.-N.) To watch. The which ordeynede for a law, that what tynie there was any fyre in that cit6, there shulde be a bidelle y-or dcined for to avalte hit, and to make an highe proclamacione in the cite. Gesta Rom., p. 52. A.VALE, "1 v. (A.-N.avaler.) (1) To AVAIL, J descend ; to fall down ; to sink. And often it hathe befallen, that summe of the Jewes han eon up the moun- taynes, and aealed down to the valeves ; but gret nonibre of folk ne may not do so. Manndtmle, p. 266, But when they came in sight, And from their sweaty coursers did male. Spens., F. Q., II, ix, 10. (2) To lower; to let down. Sometimes abridged to vale, as in the phrase " to vale the bonnet," to lower the bonnet, or take off the bat. He wold aiale nowther hood ne hat, Ne abvde no man for his curtesye. Chaucer, C. T., 3124. (3) To assault. Skinner. AVAN, adj. Filthy; squalid. North- amp t. AVANCE, (A.-N.) (1) v. To advance; to profit. See Avaunce. (2) *. Advancement. AVANCE, 1 s. (A.-N.) The herb A VANS, > barefoot, which was AVENS, J formerly much used in cookery. Costmarie and avens are verie pleasant hearbes to give a savour like spice in pottage and salads. Markham, Countrie Tame, ed. 1616 . AVANCEMENT, *. Advancement. AVANG, *. A strap, or stay to which the girt is buckled ; a whang ; the iron strap under the lap of the saddle to which the ' stirrup-leather is fastened. Devon. AVANSE, v. To escape from. For any cas that may betyde, Schall non therof aransc. Cokwold's Daunce, 165. AVANTAGE, *. Advantage. AVANT-CURRIERS, *. pi. Winds from the east, so named by the sailors. Etesii, windes blowing very stiffely for fortie daies together from the east, just about the dog-daies, called of mariners the avant-curriers. Florio. AVANTERS, s. pi. Portions of the numbles of a deer, near the neck. AVANTMURE, *. (Fr.) The fore- wall of a town. AVA 133 AVE AVANT-PEACH, a. Aii early kind of peach. AVAN-TWARDE, s. (A.-N.) The van- ward of an army. AVARDE, adj. Afraid. AVAROUS, adj. (Lot.) Avaricious. For it bireveth him the love that men to him owen, and turnith it bakward agayns al resoun, and makith that the atarous man hath more hope in his catel than in J hesu Crist And ther- fore saith seint Poule, ad Ephes. that an attroits man is in the thraldom of ydolatrie. Chaucer, Persona T. Avarouser, more avaricious. Are no men avarotiser than hii, Whan thei ben avaunced. Piers Ploughman, p. 26. AVAST, interj. A sea term, mean- ing stop, hold, enough. AVAUNCE, v. (A.-N.) To advance. On Filip Valas fast cri thai, Thare for to dwell and him avaunce. Minot's Poems, p. 4. And as the world hath sent you thes three, So he sendth me, Woorshypp, to avatcnce your degre. Play of Wit and Science, p. 34. AVAUNCERS, *. (A.-N.) The horns of a buck. Two braunches fyrste pawmyd he must hare: And foure arauncers the soth yf ye woll save. Book of St. Allans, ed. 1910, sig. u ii. AVAUXCY, v. To advance; to raise. AVAUNT, (1) v. (A.-N.) To hrag ; to boast. And by the way he chaunced to espy One silting idle on a sunny bank, To whom ataunting in great bravery. Spenser, I. Q., H, iii, 6. (2) 8. A boast. (S)prpp. Before. The morow came, and forth rid this marchaunt To Flaunders ward, his prentis him at aunt, Till he to Bruges came full merily. Chaucer, ed. Urry, p. 140. (4) adv. Forward. And with that worde came Drede araunt, Whiche was abashed and in grete fere. Bom. of the Rote, 3958. (5) . Dismissal. " To give her the avaunt." Henry VIII, ii, 3. AVAUNTANCE, s. Boasting. AVACNTLAY, *. (A.-N.) In the an- cient system of hunting, one or two couples of hounds were sent with a man to several points where the game was expected to pass. On the approach of the deer, these hounds were uncou- pled. The term relay was applied to any of these sets of hounds ; but those which, when a hart was unharboured, were a-head of him, were the avauntrelay, or, more usually, avauntlay. AVACNTOUR, . A boaster. Avauntour, is he that bosteth of the harm or of the bounte that he hath don. Chaucer, Persones T. AVAUNTRIE, AVE, (1) v. To have. Aved, he had. Aveden, they had. This form is of constant occurrence in early writings. (2) s. Evening. For eve. The king ther stode with his racing On a palmesonnes ate. Arthour and Merlin, p. 200. AVEARD, adj. Afraid. West. AVEAUNT, adj. Graceful; becom- ing. AVE-BLOT, s. A reckoning ; a pay- ment. Minsheu. AVE-BOORDS, . "Aubes, the short boords which are set into th' outside of a water-mills wheele ; we call them ladles, or ave- boords." Cotgrave. AVEER, *. Property. See Aver. AvEisfi, adj. Careful; wary. For avise. AVEL, (1) *. The awn or beard of barley. Norf. and Suff. (2) v. (Lot. avello.) To tear away. AVELONG, adj. Elliptical ; oval ; oblong. " Avelong, oblongus." Prompt. P. It is still used in Suffolk, according to Moor, who AVE 134 AVE says that "workmen reapers or mowers approaching the side of a field not perpendicular or parallel to their line of work, will have an unequal portion to do, the excess or deficiency is called avellong work." AVKLY, adj. Corn is said to be avety when a portion of the awns adhere to the grains, after it is dressed for the market. East. AVEN, s. Promise ; appearance. Shropsh. AVENAGE, *. (A.-N.) Tribute, or homage, consisting of oats, paid to the lord of the manor. AVENANT, (1) s. (A.-N.) Agree- ment ; condition. (2) adj. (A.-N.} Becoming; graceful; agreeable. Madame, sho said, had we that knysilif . That es so curtais and anenant. Ywaine and Gavin, 1. 3885. (3) adj. valiant. Accomplished ; able ; No dosyper nas so avenaunt To stonde hys strok. Octovian, 923. AVENANTLI, "1 adv. Suit- AVENAUNTLICHE, J ably ; well; becomingly. Armed at alle pointes And avrnantli horsed. WiU, and the Went)., p. 136. Of erbes, and of erberi, so atenaunlliche i-diht. Pistill of Susan, St. 1. A.VENCE, . (A.-N.) The feast of Advent. AVENE, (1) *. An ear of corn. Pr. Pare. (2) adv. In the evening. Per- haps a misprint for an-eve. Hi sul him and elde folow, Both atene and eke a-morw. Reliq. Antiq., i, 194. AVENG, pret. t. of avonge, for afonge. (A.-S.) Took ; received. He aneng dethes wounde, and wonder nas yt none. Sob. Glove., p. 223. AVENIMEU, part. p. Envenomed. AVENOR, s. (A.-N.) The person who, in the household of the king, and of great barons, had the care of the provender for the horses. His duties are described in the Book of Curtasye as fol- lows : The aveyner sclialle ordeyn provande good won, For tho lordys horsis everychon ; Thay scliyn have two cast of hay, A pek of provande on a day ; Every horse schalle so niuche have At racke and manger that standes with stave ; A maystur of horsys a squver ther is, Aveyner and ferour undur liym i-wys. Those jomen that olde sadels schyn have, That scliyn be last for knyjt and knave, For yche a hors that ferroure schalle scho, An halpeny on day he takes hym to : Undur ben gromes and pages mony one, That ben at wage everychone ; Som at two pons on a day, And som at iij. ob. I jou say; Mony of hem fotemeu ther ben, That rennen by the brydels of ladys schene. AVENS, s. The plant herb benet. AVENSONG, *. Evening. AVENT, interj. Avaunt ! AVENTAILE, s. (A.-N.) The move- able front to a helmet, but some- times applied generally to the whole front of the helmet. AVENTE, v. (A.-N.) To open the aventaile for the purpose of breathing ; to admit air to. And let hym bayte hym on the ground, And aventid hym in that stound. Torrent of Portugal, i, 1567. AVENTERS, *. Chance. See Aun- ters. AVENTOUR, (1) v. To venture. See Aunter. (2) s. An adventurer. AVENTRE, v. (Ital.) To throw a spear. Thenne this one knyght aventryd a grete spere, and one of the x. knyghtes encountred with hym, but this wofnl knyght smote hym so hard that he felle over his hors taylle. Morte d' Arthur, i, 177. AVENTROUS, *. An adventurer. As dooth an heraud of armes Whan acentrous cometh to iustei. Piers PI., p. S70, AVE 135 AVE AVENTCRE, (1) *. Accident causing death. A law term. It is the generic term for chance in early writers. See Aunter. (2) adv. Perchanc^ See hunter. AVENTCRLY, adv. Boldly. AVER, *. (d.-N.) (1) A man's per- sonal property. (2) g. A work-horse, or other beast employed in farming. (3) adj. (conjectured to be the Ice- landic apr.) Peevish. Northumb. AVERAGE, 1 *. (A.-N.) Manley, AVERISH, Jin his additions to Cowell, says that in the North of England this word is used for the stubble or remainder of straw and grass left in corn- fields after the harvest is carried in. Boucher gives it as a York- shire word, meaning a course of ploughing in rotation. Carr ex- plains it " winter eatage." AVER-CAKE, . An oat-cake. AVERCORX, *. (1) Corn drawn to the granary of the lord of the manor by the working cattle, or avers, of the tenants. (2) A reserved rent in corn, paid by farmers and tenants to religious houses. AVERE, s. Property. See Aver. AVERIL, *. (A.-N.) April. A North Country word. See the Popular Rhymes, 6/c., of Scotland, by R. Chambers, 8vo, Edinb., 1842, p. 39, where the same form of the word occurs in a rhyme popular in Stirlingshire. It is also an archaism. Jtcril is meory, and hwgith the day ; Ladies loven solas and play : Swaynes, justes; knvghtis, turnay ; Svngith the nyghtyngale, jfredeththeojay. JT. Miiaunder, 1. 139. AVERING, *. " When a begging boy strips himself and goes naked into a town with a fals story of being cold, and stript, to move compassion and get better cloaths, this is call'd avering, and to goe a avering." Kennett, MS. Lansd. AVERISH, *. The stubble and grass left in corn fields after harvest. North. See Average. In these mouthes after the cornne bee innede, it is meete to putt draughte horsses and oxen into the anerish, and so lonnge to continue there as the roeate sufficeth, which will ease the other pastures they went in before. 'Archaologia, xiii, 879. AVERLAND, s. Land ploughed by the tenants, with their cattle, or avers, for the use of a monastery, or of the lord of the soil. Cowell. AVERODS, adj. Avaricious. Wick- liffe renders Prov. i, 19, " of the averous man that is gredy of gain." See Avarous. AVEROYNE, *. (A.-N.) The herb southernwood. AVERPENY, s. Average penny. This word occurs in Rider's Die- tionarie, 1640. According to Cowell, it is money contributed towards the king's averages ; and Rastall gives the same explana- tion. AVERRAY, v. To aver ; to instruct. AVERROXCATE, v.(Lat. averrunco.} To root out, or extirpate; to avert. AVERRCNCATION, *. Extirpation. AVERSATION, *. (Lot.) Aversion, great dislike to. This almost universal atersation of the people had a natural influence upon the representative, the Parliament. WvUon'i Jama 1, 1653. AVERSILVER, s. A custom or rent so called, originating from the cattle, or avers, of the tenants. AVERST, adv. At the first. AVERTY, adj. (A.-N. avertin.) Mad; fiery. The respons were redy that Philip did thani here. A knyght fulle overly gaf tham this an- suere. Peter langtoft, p. 260, AVE 136 AVO AVEKY, (1) s. The place of stand- ing for draught and work-horses. This is Boucher's explanation of the terra, which is frequently met with in old writers. The author of A New English Dic- tionary, 1691, explains it, "the place where oats are put for horses," which is probably more correct, haver being the term for oats in the North of England. (2) Every. AVE-SCOT, *. A reckoning; an account. Minsheu. AVET, *. Weight. And ys avet more bi six and thritti leed pund'e, that beeth to hundred and sex- tene wexpunde. Beliq. Antiq,, i, 70. AVETROL, *. (A.-N.) A bastard. Thou aretrol, thon foule wreche, Here thou hast thyn endyng feched ! JT. Alisaunder, 1. 2693. AVEYDE. Perhaps an error for aneyde. Taketh and eteth, thys hiis my body, Of sothe he ham ateyde. William from the axe-like AXWORT, J shape of its pods. AXI 143 AYE And we neede not make any douht of it, but that even good and kinue ground, when it should not bring forth any tliuig but mustard seede, blew bottles, axfetch, or sucli other like unprofitable weedes. The Countrie Farme, p. 666. AXIL-NAILS, s. Nails or bolts to attach the axle-tree to the cart. AXING, *. A request. AXIOMANCY, s. Divination by hatchets. Cockeram. AXLE-TOOTH, s. A grinder. North. To dreame of eagles flying over our heads, to dreame of marriages, danc- ing, and banquetting, foretells some of our kinsfolkes are departed ; to dreame of silver, if thou hast it given to thy- selfe, sorrow; of gold, good fortune; to lose an axle-toth or an eye, the death of some friend ; to dream of bloody teeth, the death of the dreamer. Country-mans Counsellor, 1633. AX-PEDLAR, s. A dealer in ashes ; a person who hawks about wood- ashes. West. AXSEED, s. The axfetch. Minsheu. AXSY, 0. (A.-S. acsian.) To ask. Ho that wyll there axsy Justus, To kepe hys armes fro the rustus, In turnement other fyght. Launfal, 1027. AXTREE, *. The axle-tree. AXUNGER, s. (Lat. axungia.) Soft fat ; grease. The powder of earth-wormes, and axun- ger, addeth further, grounswell, and the tender toppes of the boxe-tree, with olibanum ; all these, being made up and tempered together to make an emplaster, he counselleth to bee ap- plyed to sinnewes that are layed ooen. Topsell, Ilislory of Serpents, p. 311. AXWORT, s. Axfetch. Minsheu. AY, *. (A.-S. ceg.) (1) An egg. Ayren,pl. (A.-S. cegru.) Eggs. Afterward a flok of bryddis, And a faucon heoiu amyddes. And ay he laide, so he fteygh, That feol the kyng Phelip nygh, That to-brac, y yow telle A dragon crep out of the schelle. The bryght snnne so hole hit sclion, That tlie ay al to -coon. The dragon lay in the strete, Myghte he nought dure for hete; He fondith to creope, as y ow telle, Ageyn in to the ay-schelle. K. Alisaunder, 11. 566577. Ayrcn they leggith, as a griffon ; Ac they beon more feor aroun. Ib., 1. 6602 (2) con;. Yes. (3) adv. Always ; ever. (4) inter/. Ah ! Ay ! be-sherewe yow be my fay. Ritson's Ancient Songs, p. 101. Of non the had ay to stint ne hold tham Stille. Langtoft's Chron., p. 220. Thi men er biseged hard in Dunbar with grete aye. Ib., p. 275. AYANCE, prep. Against. AYDER, eon/. Either. AYE, "1 AYEN, I adv. (A.-S.) Again ; AYENE, \prep. against. AYAYNE, } Ye mote abide and thole me, Till eftsone y come aye. K. Alisaunder, 1. 66. AYEL, s. (A.-N.) A grandfather. For kyng Cyrus would not, in hys live, Suffre hys ayel of very gentilnesse That men should fynallie him deprive Of kingly honour. Bochas, ii, 60. ' AYENBIER, *. (A.-S.) A redeemer. AYENBYTE, s. (A.-S.) Remorse. This hoc is dan Michelis of Northgate, y-write an Englis of his ojene baud, thet hatte ayenbyte of inwyt, and is of th( bochouse of saynt Austines of Canteiberi. MS. Arundel, 57, f. 2. AYENRISING, 1 *. (A.-S.) Resur- AjENRISYNG, J TCCtion. AYENSAY, T AYENSAYING, J AYENSEYE, . *. Denial. AYENST, prep. Against. AYE 144 AZZ AYKRE, s. (1) Breed. Many fawcouns and faire, Hawkis of nobille ayere. Syr Degretantc. (2) An heir. (3) Air; breath. (4) v. (A.-N.) To go out on an expedition, or any business. There awes none alyenes To ayere appone nyglittys. Morte Arthurs. AYFET, . To covet. Rob: Gloue. AYFULL, adj. Awful ; high ; proud. AYGHE, *. (A.-S.) Terror ; fear. Sum for gret ayghe and dout, To other kinges flowen about. Arthour and. Merlin, p. 18. AYGRE, adj. (A.-N.) Sour. AYGREEN, *. The houseleek. AYGCLET, *. An aglet. Spenser. AYILD, r. To yield. AYL, adv. Always. Skinner. AYLASTANDE, adj. Everlasting. AYLASTANDLY, adv. Everlastingly. AYLE, v. To possess. Hir aylede no pryde. Sir Perceval 160. AYLIS, s. pi. Sparks from hot iron. AYMANT, . (A.-N.) A diamond. AY-MEE. A lamentation ; from crying ah me, or ay me! I can hold off, and by my chyrnick pow'r Draw sonnets from the melting lover's brain, Aymees, and elegies. Beaum. $ Fl., Woman Hater. Hero of hie-hoes, admiral of ay-me's, aud Monsieur of mutton lac'd. Heytoood's Love's Mistreat. AYMERS, . pi. (A.-S.) Embers. Take chickes and wry hem in ashes all nyjt, other lay hem in hoot ay men. Forme of Cury . AYND, s. Breath ; life. See Ande. AYN, s.pl. Eyes. AYOH, adv. Awry ; aslant. Shropsh. AYONT, prep. Beyond. North. E, adv. Everywhere. Ay-quere naylet ful uwe For that note ryched. Syr Gavayne, p. 24. AY RE, (1) *. An heir. (2) adj. Ready ; yare. (3) prep. Ere; before. (4) *. Air. AYRELY, adv. Early. AYREN, *. pi. Eggs. See Ay. AYRY, (1) v. To make an aerie. (2) adj. Joyful : in good spirits. AYSCHETTE, pret. t. Asked. Mercy mekel^che of hym he ayschette. Chron. Vilodun., p. 25. AYSCHIS, s. pi Ashes. AYSE, s. (A.-N.) Ease. (2) v. To make at ease. I made it not for to be praysed, Bot at the lewed mene were aysed. Warton'i Hist. Engl. Poet., \, 68. AYSELLE, *. Vinegar. See Aisell. AYSHWEED, . A herb mentioned by Minsheu; perhaps the gout- wort. AYTHIR, adj. Either. AYTTENE, adj. Eighteen. AYWHERE, adv. Everywhere. AJE, }( l )P re P- Against. (2) adv. Again. AZEROLE, s. (Fr.) A diminutive kind of medlar tree. A.-zET,part. p. Set ;planted. Dor- set. AZOCK, . The mercury of metal, an alchemical term. AZOON, adv. Anon ; presently. Ex- moor. AZURE-BYSE, . A colour. jif thou wilt prove azure-byse, whether it be good or bade, take a pensei or a penne, and drawe smalle rewles upon blewe lettres with that ceruse, and jif thi ceruse be nojt clere white bote dede fade, theu is the blewe nojt fyne. MS. Sloane, 2584, p. 3. AZZARD, \s. A puny child; an AZZY, J insignificant fellow. North. AZZARDLY, adj. Poor ; ill thriven. AZZLE-TOOTH,*. Agrinder. Craven. AZZLED, adj. Chapped. Leic. A person's hands are said to be azzled. A5E 145 BAB . Against. Mikil more if he pronounce without iiiimritg or lif contrariously ayntiis the Lurdis wille. Apology for the Lollards, p. 8. AJKNWORD, adv. On the other hand. A5ER, adv. Yearly. Heo wol rather bi-leve here truage, that je hem bereth ajer. Sob. Glouc., p. 100. AJEYNUS, prep. Against. A'LEZ, adj. Fearless. A*T, | (1) adj. (A.-S.) Noble; AHT, / honourable. As he wolde sometyme to Engelond wende, Al that a^t was in Engelond he let somony in ech ende. Rot. Gtouc., p. 377. For other hit is of tuani tliinge, (Ne mai that thridde no man bringe ;) Utliar the laverd is wel a/it, Other a swunde an nis naht. jef he is wurthful, an aht man, Is ele no man that wisdom can Hure of is wive do him shame. Tor jif aht man is hire bedde, Thu mijt wene that the mistide, Waune thu list bi hire side. Rule and the Nyghtingale, 1. 1467. (2) pret. t. Ought. (3) adj. Eight. faTE,pret. t. Possessed. B BA. (1) adj. (A.-S.) Both. (2) v. To kiss. Chaucer. (3) *. A kiss. (4)*. A ball. BAAD, (1) v. To bathe. Craven. (2) pret. t. Continued. Yorksh. (3) #. A disreputable woman. Cumb. See Bad (7). BAA-LAMB, . A childish term for a lamb. BAAL-HILLS, *. Hillocks on the moors, on which fires are said to have been formerly lighted. Yorlcsh. BAAN, *. A bone. North. B A AX-CART, *. The body. Craven. BAANT. Am not; are not. Far. dial. " I baant agoing." BAAR, v. To bear. Maundevite. BAARD, . A sort of sea-ressel, 01 transport ship. BA-ARGE, . A fat, heavy person. Devon. BAAS, adj. (A.-N.) Base ; low. Wherfor empostume off blode and ther ofl engendred is callyd fflegmon; em- postume sprungen off flewme is callyd baas, that is to say law, empostume; of rede, coleryk. MS. 14/A cent. Baas daunces, were dances very slow in their movements. And then came downe the 1. prince and the lady Cecill, and daunced two baas daunces and departed up againe, the 1. prince to the king and the lady Cecill to the queene. Earl. 3IS. t No. 69. BAASTE, (I) v. To sew; to baste. (2) *. Bastardy. Prompt. Pare. BAATH, adj. Both. North. BAB, (1) v. To bob down. North. (2) v. To fish, by throwing into the water a bait on a line, with a small piece of lead to sink it. (3) s. A baby ; a child. BABBART, ,?. A familiar name for a hare. Reliq. Antiq., i, 133. BABBLE, (1) r. Hounds were said to babble, " if too busie after they have found good scent." Gent. Rec., p. 78. (2) v. To talk boisterously, or without measure. (3) *. An idle story. BABBLEMENT, 1 s. Idle discourse ; BABBLING, /much speaking. BABBY, . (1) A baby. (2) A sheet or small book of prints for children. North. BABE, *. "A child's maumet." Gonddman. See Baby. BABKLARY, . A foolish tale. Sir T. More. BABELAVANTE, . A babbler. Chester Plays, ii, 34. BABELE, v. n. To totter; to waver. " Babelyn or waveryn : librillo." Prompt. Pare. BABERLUPPED, adj. Thick-lipped. Pier* PI. " Babyrlyppyd : la- brosus." Prompt. Part. BAB 146 BAC Childish finery. BABBITRY, s. An architectural or- nament. Al was of stone of berile, Both the castell and the toure, And eke the halle, and every boure, Without peeces or joynings, But many subtell compassings ; As babeuries and pinnacles, Imageries and tabernacles. Chaucer, House of P., Hi, 99. BABEWYNE, "1 BABION, J- BABISH, adj. Childish. BABLATIVE, adj. Talkative. BABLE, BABULLE, A bahoon. A fool's bauble. Mean while, my Mall, think thou it's honourable To be my foole, and I to be thy bable. Harring. Epig., ii, 96. BABLES, s. (Fr.) The glass or metal ornaments of the person. Their ears are long, made longer by ponderous babies they hang there, some using links of brasse, of iron, others have glasse-beads, chains, blew stones, bullets, or oyster-shells. Herbert's Travels, 1638. They suppose them most brave, most courtly, who can teare or dilacerate their eares widest, which they effect by many ponderous babies they hang there. Ib BABY, s. A child's toy, especially a doll. In the North the word is still used to signify a child's picture. Oscilla, pro imagunculis quse infantibus puerisque ad lusum prsebentur. Puppits or babia for children to play withall. Nomenclafor, 1585. Babies doe children please, and shadowes fooles ; Shewes have deceiv'd the wisest many a time. Griffin's Fidessa, 1596. But to raise a dayry For other men's adulteries, consume my- self in caudles, And scouring work, in nurses, bells, and babies, Only for charity. Filliers, The Chances, 1692. Baby-clouts, was a name given to puppets made of rags. Cot- grave translates muguet, " a cu- riously dressed babie of clowts." Babies-heads. A kind of toys for children are called babies'-heads in the Book of Rates, 1675. To look babies in the eyes, is a phrase common among our old poets to characterise the amor- ous gazing of lovers upon eacb other. In addition to many ex- amples which have been quoted, we may add the following : She clung about his neck, gave him ten kisses, Toy'd with his locks, look'd tables in his eyes. Heywood's Lace's Mistress, p. 8. Look babies in your eyes, my pretty sweet one, There's a fine sport. The Loyal Subject, ii, 4. We will ga to the dawnes, and slubber up a sillibub, and I will look babies in your eyes. Philoclts and Doriclea, 1640. Clev. How like you one anothers faces now' Pass. Hast ne're a baby in thy eye ex- traordinary, Maldi iu ? or do'st see one in mine? Howard, Man of Newmarket, 1678. BABYSHED, part. p. Deceived with childish tales. BACCARE. An exclamation, sup- posed to be a corruption of back there, and found not unfre- quently in our early dramatists. BACCATED, adj. (Lat. baccatus.) Garnished with pearls. BACCHAR, s. The herb ladies' glove. BACCHES, s. Bitches; or, perhaps, a mere clerical error for racches. The bacches that hym scholde knowe, For sone mosten heo blowe pris. App. to Walter Mapes, p 345. BACCHUS-FEAST, s. A rural festi- val ; an ale. BACCIFEROUS, adj. (Lat.) That bears berries. BACCIVOROUS, adj. (Lat.) That eats berries. BACE, (1) s. (A.-N.) A kind of BAG 147 BAG fish, supposed to be the basse, or sea-perch. (2) An incorrect orthography of base. (3) v. To beat. Devon. BACE CHAUMBER, *. A room on the lower floor. " Bace cham- byr : Bassaria, vel camera bassa- ria, sive camera bassa." Prompt. Pare. BACHELER, *. (A.-N.) A young man who has not yet arrived at knighthood. BACHELERYE, *. (A.-N.) (1) The condition or grade previous and introductory to knighthood; and, generally, that period in the life of a young man before he has entered on a determinate footing in the world. There were knights bachelors, or young knights. (2) The qualification of this age, courage and strength. (3) A party of bachelors. BACHELOR'S BUTTONS, "1 *. The BRASSELTY BUTTONS, / campion flower. It was an ancient custom amongst country fellows to carry the flowers of this plant in their pockets, to know whether they should succeed with their sweet- hearts. Hence arose the phrase, "to wear bachelor's buttons," for being unmarried. In some parts, still, the flower-heads of the common burdock, and the wild scabious, are thus named. Gerarde mentions two or three plants, of which this was the trivial name. He wears bachelor} buttons, does he not ? Heyic., Fair Maid of the ITett. BACINE, . A bason. BACK, *. (1) A bat. (2) In mining, the back of a (ode is the part of it nearest the surface ; and the back of a level is that part of the lode extending above it to within a short dis- tance of the level above. (3) A back and breast, a cuirass, (4) . To mount on the back. "To back a horse." (5) e. To endorse ; as, to back a bill. BACK-ALONG, adv. Backward. Somerset. BACK AND EDGE. Completely, en- tirely. In Yorkshire they say, " I can make back nor edge of him ;" I can make nothing of him. BACK A RACK. See Backrag. BACKARDS-WAY, adv. Backwards. Yorksh. BACKAS, *. The back-house, or wash-house; sometimes the bake- house. BACK-BAND, *. That part of the harness which, going over the back of the horse that draws, keeps up the shafts of the cart or carriage. BACKBAR, *. The bar in a chimney by which any vessel is suspended over the fire. BACKBERAND, s. The bearing of any stolen goods, especially deer, on the back, or open indisputable theft. A law term. BACK-BOARD, #. More commonly called back-breyd. The baking- board, or baker's-board, is a thin board about 18 or 20 inches wide each way, but the corners and end held next to the body of the baker rounded off a little. It is eut cross-wise with shallow kerfs of a handsaw, about an inch asunder, over the faoe of it in form of net-work. When used, some dry oatmeal is spread upon it, and a small wooden ladle full of the oatmeal dough [which by being elted is previously made to about the consistency of thick cream] is poured in a heap upon it. The baker then, by a pecu- liar kind of circular motion of the board, slightly elevating and depressing the sides alternately BAG 148 BAC during the working of it, con- trives to spread out the dough into a broad thin cake, rarely more but often less than one eighth of an inch in thickness. The cake is then slid off the back-breyd upon another thin board of lesser dimensions with a short handle on called the baking-spittle, and by a peculiar cast of the baker is spread out still thinner upon the hot bake- stone, where in a few minutes' time, being turned over once or twice in the interval, it is tho- roughly baked. Servants used to be required to know how to bake oatmeal, but this custom is rapidly becoming obsolete. BACKBRON, *. A large log of wood put at the back of the fire. Dorset. BACKBY, adv. Behind ; a little way off. North. BACKCARRY, . To carry on the the back. BACK-CAST, *. The failure in an effort ; a relapse. North. BACK - CAUTER, s. " Cautere dor- sal, the backe-cauter, somewhat like a knife, or having a back like a knife, and searing onely on the other side." Cotgrave. BACKEN, . To retard. BACK-END, . The latter end; autumn. Yorksh. Sometimes, the latter end of the year. BACKENING, s. Relapse ; hin- drance. Yorksh. BACKER, adj. Further back. West. BACKERD, adv. Backward. Var. dial. BACKERLY, adj. Late, applied; to crops. BACKERTS, adv. Backwards. BACKERTER, "1 adj. More back- BACKIRMORE, J wards. BACK-FRIEND, . (1) A secret enemy. (2) A term for an angnail. North. BACK-O'-BEYOND, adv. Of an un known distance. North. BACK-OUT, *. A back-yard. Kent. BACK-PIECE, s. The piece of ar- mour covering the back. BACKRAG, i s. A kind of wine, BACHARACH, I made at Bacharach BAGRAG, J in Germany. I'm for no tongues but dry'd ones, such as will Give a fine relish to my backray. Oltt'Pl., ix, 282. BACKSET, *. " To make a backset, to make a stand to receive a chased deer, and to cast fresh hounds upon him at the latter end of the course." Holme. BACKSEVORE, adv. The hind part before. Devon. BACKSIDE, s. The hind part of anything, generally. But this word was used in several par- ticular senses, of which the fol- lowing are chiefly to be noticed : (1) The yard behind a house. Nicholas Ward, unfortunately smoor'd to death, in sinking for a draw well in his fathers backside, 10 feb. 1716. Parish. Register, Hartlepool. (Chron. Mirab.) No innkeeper, alehouse keeper, victual- ler, or tippler, shall admit or suffer any person or persons in his house or back- side to eat, drink, or play at cards. Grindal's Remains, p. 138. (2) The back part of the house itself. Onely heare nice: I have a certaine parlo'ur in the backside, in the further- most part of my house, in thither was a bed carried and covered with clothes. Terence in English, 1641. The backside of the kitchen. Durfey, Fond Husband, 1685. (3) A farm-yard. Hampsh. (4) A man's posteriors. In the following passage it is applied to the ant, because the latter, as in a fable, is spoken of as a human being. A poor ' ant carries a grain of corn, climbing up a wall with her head down- wards, and her backside upwards. Addiitm. BAC 149 BAD (5) The side of a letter on which the address was written. Come, wrap it (the letter) up now, whilst I go fetch wax and a candle ; and write oil the backtide, "for Mr. Homer." Wycherley, Country Wife, 1688. BACKSTAFF, *. An instrument used for taking the sun's alti- tude at sea ; so named because the back of the observer was turned towards the sun when using it. BACKSTAND, s. Resistance. BACKSTER, *. A baker. North. BACKSTERS, . Wide flat pieces of board strapped on the feet, to walk over loose beach on the sea coast. South. BACK-STOCK, *. A log of wood. BACKSTONE, *. An iron for baking cakes, generally hung over the fire. A person is said to go "like a cat upon a hot back- stone," when treading cau- tiously and with apparent fear and uneasiness. BACKSTRIKINO, s. A mode of ploughing, in which the earth, after being turned, is turned back again. Suffolk. BACKSUNDED, adj. Shady. Dorset. BACK-SWANKED, adj. Lean in the flank, applied to a horse. BACKSWORD, *. The game of single-stick. Wilts. BACKWARD, v. To keep back ; to hinder. BACKWARD, . (1) The state of things past. Shakesp. (2) A Jakes. BACKWORD, . An answer to put off an engagement. North. BACK-WORM, *. A disease in hawks ; also called the filander. BACKWORT, *. The name of a herb, apparently the same as the comfrey. BACKWOUND, . To wound se- cretly, or from behind. BACON, *. A clown. Shakesp. BACON-BEE, *. A small insect of the beetle kind, which blows bacon. Leicest. BACTILE. (Lat.) A candlestick. BACULOMETRY, *. (Lot.) The art of measuring altitudes or distances by means of a staff. BACUN, part. p. Baked. BACYN, . A light kind of helmet More correctly, basyn. . Some he hytte on the bacyn, That he cleff hym to the chyn. K. Richard, 1. 2557. BAD, (I) adj. Sick; ill. (2) adj. Poor. Var. dial. (3) Offered; invited. (4) pret. t. of bidde. Asked ; entreated. (5) v. To shell walnuts. West. (6) *. A rural game, played with a bad-stick, formerly used in Yorkshire. (7) . A bad person or thing. That of two badds for betters choyse he backe agayne did goe. Warner's Albion's England, 1592. BADDELICHE, adv. Badly. Rob. Glouc. BADDER, ad). Comp.ofbad. Worse. Chaucer. BADE> 1(1)*. Delay. BADDE, J v (2) pret. t. of bide. Abode; remained. (3) pret. t. of bidde. Prayed. (4) Commanded. Chaucer. (5) a. (A.-S.) A pledge ; a surety. (6) . To bathe. Wane. BADELYNGE, *. A flock or com- pany of ducks. BADGE, v. To cut and tie up beans in shocks or sheaves. Leicest. BADGER, (1) 8. A pedlar; a corn- factor ; a person who buys eggs, butter, &c., at the farm-houses, to sell again at market. (2) v. To beat down in a bar- gain. (3) . To tease ; to annoy. BAD 150 BAG BADGER-THE-BEAR, s. A game, in which the boy who personates the bear places himself upon his hands and knees, and another boy, as his keeper, defends him from the attacks of the others. BADGET, *. (1) A badger. East. (2) A cart-horse. BADLING, *. A worthless person. North. BADLY, adj. Ill ; sickly. BADS, s. The husks of walnuts. West. BAEL, s. (A.-S.) Sorrow ; bale. BAELYS, *, Rods. Tundale. BAFFE, v. To yell as hounds. li'iffrn as houndes : Baulo, baffo, latro. Baffyn as houndes after their pray : Kuto. Baffinge or bawlinge of houndes : Bnu- latus, vel baffatus. Prompt. Pan. BAFFERS, *. Barkers ; yellers. BAFFET, v. To baffle. BAFFLE, 1 . (Fr.) To treat with BAFFUL, J indignity ; to expose. Properly speaking, to baffle or bafful a person was to reverse a picture of him in an ignominious manner. Safulling is a great disgrace among the Scots, and it is used when a man is openly perjured, and then they make an image of him painted, reversed, with his heels upwards, with his name, woondering, crying, and blowing out of him with horns. Hoiinshed. And after all, for greater infamie, He by the heels him hung upon a tree, And baffiil'd so, that all which passed by The picture of his punishment might see. Spenser, F. Q., B. VI, vii, 27. I am disgrac'd, iropeach'd, and baffledhtre, Pierc'd to the soul with slander's venom'd spear. K. Richard II, i, 1. (2) v. To cheat, or make a fool of; to manage capriciously or wantonly; to twist irregularly together. East. (3) In Suffolk they term baffled, corn which is knocked down by the wind. (4) 0. To twist or entangle. Northampt. BAFFLING, s. Opprobrium ; affront. BAFT, adv. Abaft. Chaucer. BAFTYS, adv. (A-.S.) Afterwards. Cov. Myst. BAG, (1) . The udder of a cow. Far. dial. (2) v. To cut peas with an in- strument like the common reap- ing-hook. West. (3) v. To cut wheat stubble, generally with an old scythe. Oxfordsh. (4) s. The stomach. Hence eat- ing is called familiarly bagging. (5)0. To move; to shake; to jog. (6) v. To breed, to become preg- nant. Well, Venus shortly bagged, and ere long was Cupid bred. Alb. Engl., vi, p. 148. (7) i. In some dialects, turf. The upper sod cut into squares and dried for fuel. (8) *. A name for the long-tailed titmouse. Northampt. (9) Among the popular phrases in which this word enters, are to get the bag, or be dismissed ; to give the bag, or leave. The lat- ter phrase is also used in the sense of, to deceive. You shall have those curses which be- longs unto your craft ; you shall be light-footed to travel farre, light witted upon every small occasion to give your masters the bag. Green's Quip, j-c. Bag and bottle, a schoolboy's provisions. An ill contriving rascal, that in his vounger years should choose to lug the bag and the bottle a mile or two to school ; and to bring home only a small bit of Greek or Latin most magisterially construed. Eachard's Observations, 8vo, 1671, p. 31. Bag and baggage, everything a person possesses. And counsel'd you forthwith to pack To Grsecia, bag and baggage, back. Homer A-la-Mode, p. 79. Bag. of -moonshine, an illusor) de- ception ; a foolish tale. BAG 151 BAI BAGATINE, *. An Italian coin, worth about the third of a far- thing. BAGAVEL, s. (A.-S. ?) A tribute granted to the citizens of Exeter by a charter from Edward the First, empowering them to levy a duty upon all wares brought to that city for the purpose of sale, the produce of which was to be employed in paving the streets, repairing the walls, and the ge- neral maintenance of the town. Jacobs' Law Dictionary. BAGE, \s. A badge. Prompt. BAGGE, I Pare. BAGEARD, s. A badger. BAGELLE,*. (A.-N.} Rings; jewels. BAGET, s. A sort of tulip. BAG-POX,*. A fox that has been unearthed, and kept a time for sport. Blome. BAGGABONE, *. A vagabond. BAGGAGE, s. (perhaps from Fr. ba- gasse.) A worthless or pert woman. BAGGAGED, "I part. p. Bewitched; BYGAGED, / mad. Exmoor. BAGGAGELY, adj. Worthless. THSS. BAGGE, v. To swell with arrogance. Chaucer. Tyrwhitt conjectures that it means to squint. BAGGERMENT, s. A corn-field full of weeds and rubbish is said to be full of bagqerment. It may he questioned whether this is genu- ine Lincolnshire, and it has been suspected that it has been intro- duced by some sailors ; the only word like it being Bogamante, a common lobster, and such a word it is possible may have been corrupted and used meta- phorically for rubbish, or that which is good for nothing. Lincolnsh. BAGGIE, *. The belly. Northumb. FAGGIN, *. Food. Cumb. Baggin- iime, or bagging-time, baiting- time. Lane. Here ample rows of tents are stretch'd, The gurse green common bigg'd on ; And baygin reddy cuck'd is fetch'd Frae Peerith, Carle, an Wigtou. Stagg's Cumberland Poems. BAGGING, s. (1) The act of cut- ting up the haum or wheat stub- ble for the purpose of thatching or burning. Oxfordsh. (2) Becoming pregnant. BAGGING-BILL, "1*. A curved BAGGING-HOOK, J ironinstrument for agricultural purposes. BAGGINGLY, adv. Squintingly. BAG-HARVEST, *. A harvest in which the men provide their own victuals, which is commonly car- ried by them in bags for their daily support. Norf. BAGHEL, s. Jewellery. See Ba- gelle. In toun herd I telle, The baghel and the belle Beu filched and fled. Political Songs, p. 307. BAGINET, s. A bayonet. BAGLE, s. An impudent and dis- reputable woman. Shakesp. BAGPIPES, s. A popular name for a flail. Northampt. BAG-PUDDING, *. A rustic dish, of which we have no very clear description, but it was probably like our rolly-polly puddings. A big bag-pudding then 1 must commend, For Tie is full, and holds out to the end ; Sildome with men is found so sound a friend. Dames, Scourge of Folly, 1611. True love is not like to a ba/j -pudding ; a bag-pudding hath two ends, but true love hath never an end. Poor BoKn, 1757. BAGWALETOUB, *. A carrier of BAGY, s. A badge. Berners. BAHN,/>ar/. . Going. Yorksh. BAIBERY, s. A bay-berry. Mr. Dyce suspects an error here for bribery. But see Bay berry. I wept and sighed, and thumped and thumped, and raved and randed and railed, and told him how mv wife was now grown as common as balbery. Aort/acard Hoe, 1607- BAI 152 B> ICH, . A. slip of land. A. batch or languet of land. Bay's Travels, p. 280. BAICS, t. Chidings ; reproofs. If lazar so loathsome in cheese be espied, Let bates ameud Cisiy. or shift her aside. Tusser's Husbandry. BAIGNE, v. (Fr.) To dip in liquid; to drench ; to soak. BAIL, (1). (A.-S.) A beacon; a bonfire. North. (2) The handle of a pail, or the bow of a scythe. Suff. BAILE, . A wooden canopy, formed of bows. BAILES, *. pi. (A.-S.) Blazes; flames. Staffordsh. BAILEY, s. (A.-N.) Each of the enclosures round the keep of a castle, so named because its de- fence was intrusted, or bailie, to a portion of the garrison, inde- pendent of the others. Four toures ay hit has, and kernels fair, Ture baillitcs al aboute, that may nojt apair; Nouther hert may wele thinke ne tung may wel telle Al the bountfi and the bewte" of this ilk rastelle. Seven barbicans are sette so sekirly aboute, That no maner of shoting may greve fro withoute. The Castle of Lute. BAILIWICK, *. Stewardship. BAILLIE, . (A.-N.) Custody ; go- vernment. BAILS, s. Hoops to bear up the tilt of a boat. BAILY, *. (A.-N.} A bailiff; a steward ; a sheriff's officer. An honeste husbande man, that chaunsed to fynde the savde bodget, brought it to the baily of Ware, ac- cordynge to the crye, and required his xx. ii. for his labour, as it was pro- clay med. Tales and Quicice Answers. BAIN, adj. (1) Near ; ready, easy. North. (2) Pliant, limber. Eatt. (3) Obedient, willing. Water thai asked swithe, Cloth and bord was drain : With mete and drink lithe, And serjauuce that were bayn, To serve Tristrem swithe, And sir Bohaut ful fayn. Sir Tristrem, i, 65. I saw this wild beste was ful bayn For my luf himselfe have slayne. Ftcaitte and Gatcin, 1. 2097. BAINE, (1) *. (Fr.) A bath. As the noble emperour Augustus on a time cam in to a bayne, he behelde an plde man that hadde done good sen ice in the warres, frotte himselfe agaynste a marble pyller for lacke of one to helpe to wasshe him. Tales and Quicke Answers. Balneator, Cic. /3ayuevs. Maistre des bains ou estuves. The maister of the baines, staves, or hothouse. Nomenclator, 1585. (2) v. To bathe. To bailie themselves in my distilling blood. F. Lodge, Wounds of Civil War. BAINED, adj. (A.-S.) Fated. Used in Somersetshire by farmerswhen the sheep are affected with liver complaints, from which they hardly ever recover. BAINER. Nearer. North. BAINES, *. pi. Bans, particularly applied to the announcement or introduction to a play or mystery, as in the Chester Plays. "To the players of Grimsby when they spake thair bayn of thair play." Lincobish. Records. BAINGE, v. To bask in the sun ; to sweat as in a bath. Glouc. BAI RE, adj. Fit ; convenient. Dur. BAIRN, *. (A.-S.) A child. North. BAIRNELIE, adj. Childish. North. BAIRN -TEAM, . (A.-S.) A progeny of children. BAIRNWORT,*. The daisy. Yorksh. BAISEMAINS,*. (Fr.) Salutations; compliments. Spenser. BAISKB, adj. (A.-S.) Sour. Bath hew doune and caste in the fire, For the froite of itt is soure, And baiske and bittere ot odoure. MS. Colt., twt., B. vi, f. 123 v. BAI 153 BAL BAIST, v. To beat. North. See Baste. BAISTE, adj. Abashed. Bees noghte baiste of jone boyes, Ne ot thaire bryghte wedis. Morte Arthure. BAIT, (A.-S.) (1) 8. A luncheon. (2) v. To refresh; to stop to feed. (3) *. Food; pasture. North. (4) v. To flutter. A hawking term. (5) v. To teaze, or worry. BAiTAND,jarf. In great haste. BAITEL, . To thrash. North, BAITH, adj. Both. North. BAIT-POKE, *. A bag for provi- sions. North. BAJARDOUR, *. (A.-N.) A carter; the bearer of any weight or bur- den. Kersey. BAK, *. A bat. See Back. BAKED, part. p. Incrusted. Far. dial. BAK'D-MEAT, *. A meat pie, or perhaps any other pie ; pastry. BAKEN, part. p. Baked. BAKERLEGGED, adj. A person whose legs bend outwards. BAKER-KNEE'D, adj. One whose knees knock together in walking, as if kneading dough. Baker- feet, twisted feet. BAKER'S-DOZEN, s. Thirteen. A baker's dozen, was formerly called the devil's dozen, and it was the number who sat down at a table in the pretended sabbaths of the witches. Hence arose the idea of ill-luck which is still popularly connected with it. Nais, Minthe, Metra, Phrine, Messalina, Abrotonion, Lenaea, Affranea, Laurentia, Citheris, Chione, and lascivious Licaste, Make a baker's dozen with Astimisse. Danes, Scourge of lolly, 1611. The refuge of that chaos of the earth, Able to give the world a second birth, Ail rick, avaunt ! Thy trifling monsters jtlitnce Bui cheeps-eyed to this penal ignorance. That all the prodigies brought forth before Are but dame Nature's blush left on the score. This strings the baker's dozen, christens all The cross-leg'd hours of time since Adam's fall. Rump Songs. BAKESTER, . A female baker. Derbysh. BAKHALFE, *. The hinder part. BAK HOUSE, s. A bakehouse. North. BAKIN, s. The quantity of bread baked at one time. Yorksh. BAKING-DRAUGHT, s. Part of the hinder quarter of an ox. BAKKE, s. A cheek. Than brayde he brayn wod, And alle his balckes rente, His berde and his brijt fax For bale he totwijt. William the Werw., p. 76. BAKPANER, *. A kind of basket ; apparently a pannier carried on the back. Other habyllementes of werre: First xii. c. paveyses: cc. fyre pannes and xxv. other fyre pannes .... Item vc. bakpaners al garnished, cc. lanternes. Caxton'i Vegeciui, sig. I v, b. BAKSTALE, adv. Backwards. Prompt. P. BAL, (1) *. (^.-S.) A flame. The following lines occur in an early poem which contains a description of the fifteen signs that are to precede the destruc- tion of the earth, and the day of judgement. Than sal the raynbow decend, In hew of gall it sal be kend; And wit the windes it sal mel, Drit t haini doun into the hell, And dunt the develes theder in In thair bal al for to brin ; And sal aim bidd to hald thaim thar, Abon erthe to com no mar. The term is comen haf ye sal, The incom to be in your bal. Than sal tai bijdn to cri and calle, Laverd fader ! God of alle ! Cursor Mundi : MS. Edinb., f . 7 v (2) s. A mine. West. BALAAM. This is the cant term in a newspaper office for asinine paragraphs about monstrous pro- ductions of nature and the like. BAL 154 BAL kept standing in type to be used whenever the news of the day leave an awkward space that must he filled up somehow. See Lock- hart's Life of Scott, vi, 294. BALADE-ROYAL, *. A poem writ- ten in stanzas of eight lines. BALANCE, (1) *. Balances. STiakesp. (2) Doubt; uncertainty. "To lay in balance," to wager. Chaucer. In old French we have, estre en balance, to doubt. BALANCERS, *. Makers of ba- lances. BALASE, v. To balance. Baret. " Balassen, saburro." BALASTRE, s. A cross-bow. BALATE, v. (Lot.) To bleat ; to bellow. Salop. BALAYN, . Whalebone ? Afftyr come, whyt as the snow, Fyffty thousand on a rowe, Ther among was ser Saladyn, And his nevewe Myrayn-Momelyn. Her baner whyt, witliouten fable, With thre Sarezynes hedes off sable, That wer schapen noble and large, Of balayn, both scheeld and targe. Richard, \. 2982. BALAYS, . (A.-N.} A kind of ruby. BALBUCINATK, v. (Lot.) To stam- mer. BALCH, (1) v. To sink flower-pots in the mould in a garden, level with the surface. (2) . Stout cord, used for the head lines of fishing-nets. Cornw. BALCHE, v. To belch. Huloet. BALCHERS.S. Very young salmons. BALCHING, #. An unfledged bird. Var. dial. Frequently used with the prefix blind. Wane. BALCOON, \s. (Fr. balcon.) A BALCONE, J balcony. Howell. This preparation begot expectation, and that filled all the windows, balcones, and streets of Paris as they passed with a multitude of spectators, sis trum- peters, and two marshals. Wilson's James 1, 1653. BALD, adj. (1) Bold. Baldore, bolder. rf Gentile Johan of Doucaster Did a tul balde dede. Minot's Poems. (2) adj. Eager ; swift. (3) v. To make bald. BALDAR-HERBE, *. The amaran- thus. Huloet. BALDCHICK, *. A callow un- fledged bird. Leic. Synonymous with Balchin, which see. BALDCOOT, *. The water-hen. Drayton. BALDE, . (A.-S.) To encourage. BALDELICHE.J BALDELY, J BALDEMOYNE, . Gentian. Prompt. Pare. BALDER, v. To speak coarsely. East. BALDERDASH, (1) *. Hodge-podge: a mixture of rubbish ; filth; filthy language ; bad liquor. It is found in the latter sense in the early dramatists. (2) v. To mix or adulterate liquor. BALDFACED, adj. White-faced. Yorksh. BALD-KITE, . A buzzard. BALDOCK, *. A kind of tool. BALDORE, adj. Bolder. Rob. Glouc. BALDRIB, . A portion cut lower down than the spare-rib, and devoid of fat. BALDRICK, ~| *. (A.-N.) A belt, BAULDRICK, I girdle, or sash; BAUDERIK, I sometimes a sword- BAUDRIKE, J belt. In some in- stances it seems to have been merely a collar round the neck, but it was more usually passed round one side of the neck, and under the opposite arm. (2) Some subsidiary part of a church bell, perhaps resembling a belt, though it is not certain what it was. It is often mentioned ii old churchwarden's accounts un- der such forms as bawdryk, baw- dryck, bawdrick, bawdrikke, bal- BAL 155 BAL drege, bowdreg, bawdryg. Bailey (Diet.) says it meant a belt, strap, thong, or cord, fastened by a buckle, with which the clapper of a bell is suspended. The buckle is mentioned in some accounts. In the vestry-books of St. Peter's, Ruthin, Denbighshire, there are entries in 1683, and many sub- sequent years, in the church- warden's account, of wooden bal- drocks, from time to time sup- plied new to the parish. Also hyt ys agreed the same tjrme, the clarke have all the vauntage of the 4 belles, and he to fynde both bawdryckes and ropes for the 4 seyd belles. Strait's Horda Angel-Cynnan, iii, 172. (3) A kind of cake, made pro- bably in the shape of a belt. BALDUCTUM, s. A term, apparently burlesque, applied by writers of the 16th cent, to affected ex- pressions in writing. BALDWEIN, s. The plant gentian. BALE, (1) *. (A.-S. beal.) Mis- chief; sorrow. Therwhile, sire, that I tolde this tale, Tlii sone mighte tholie dethes bale; Thanne were mi tale forlore ! Ac, of-sende thi sone therfore, And yif him respit of his bale. Sevyn Sages, Weber, \. 701. Let now your bliss be turned into tale. Spens., Daphnaida, 320. (2) . Destruction. (3) s. (A.-S. balew.) Evil. My graunserwith greme gird [hem] unto, And sloghe all our sitcsyns and our sad pepull, Brittoned to bale dethe and there blode shed. Destruction of Troy, f. 36 v. MS. (4) (A.-S. ba>lig.) The belly. Pronounced bale. In a curious description of cutting up the deer after a chase, are the following lines : Sythen rytte thay the foure lymmes, And rent of the hyde ; Then brek thay the batt, The balej out token. Gawayn $ the Gr. Kn., 1.4607. (5) s. (A.-S.) The scrotum. (6) s. Basil wood. Skinner. (7) Ten reams of paper. Kennett. (S) s. A bale of dice. A pair of dice. For exercise of arms, a bale of dice, Or two or three packs of cards to shew the cheat, And nimbleness of hand. jB. Jon., Neto Inn, i, 3. A pox upon these dice, give's a fresh bale. Green's Tu Qtioque. O. PL, vii, 50. (9) v. (Fr. bailler.) To empty water out with buckets or other small vessels. (10) s. The bowed handle of a bucket or kettle. (11) A bar or rail to separate horses in a stable. BALEFUL, adj. Evil ; baneful. BALE-HILLS,*. Hillocks upon the moors upon which have formerly been those fires called bale-fires. See Baal-hills. BALEIS, *. (A.-N.) A large rod. BALEISE, v. To beat with a rod ; to scourge. Piers PI. Still in use in Shropshire. BALENA, s. (Lot.) A whale. The huge leviathan is but a shrimpe Compar'd with our balena on the land. Tragedy of Hoffman, 163L BALEW, s. (A.-S. balew.) Evil. BALEYNE, s. (Fr.) Whalebone. Skinner. BALE;, *. Bowels. BALHEW, adj. Plain; smooth. Prompt. P. BALIAGE, s. The office of a bailiff. BALIN, s. The name of a plant. Nor wonder if such force in hearbs re- maine, What cannot juice of devine simples brnisd? The dragon finding his young serpent slaine, Having th'herbe balin in his wounds infus'd, Restores his life and makes him whole againe. Who taught the heart how dettany is used Who being pierced through the bones and marrow, Can with that hearbe expell th'offensive arrow. Great Britaines Troye, 1609 BAL 156 BAL BALIS r, g. (A.-N.) An engine for projecting stones in besieging a town. BALISTAR, *. A crossbow-man. BALK, *. (A.-S. bale.} (1) A ridge of greensward left by the plough in ploughing. " A balke or banke of earth raysed or standing up betweene twoo furrowes." Ba- ret's Alvearie. (2) A beam in a cottage. A pair of couples or strong supports is placed between each pair of gables, and the balk is the strong beam, running horizontally, that unites those below. The balk was used to hang various articles on, such as flitches of bacon, &c. Balk ende whych appeareth under the eaves of a house, procer. Huloet. (3) v. To heap up in a ridge or hillock. (4) " Balk the way," get out of the way. (5) *. A contrivance in the dairy districts of Suffolk, into which the cow's head is put while she is milked, is called a balk or dawk. (6) Balks, straight young trees after they are felled. Var. dial. (7) " To be thrown ourt' balk" to be published in the church. " To hing ourt' balk" marriage deferred after publication. Yorksh. (8) A division of lands in an open field. (9) To balk a hare, to pass one on her form or seat without seeing her. Norf. Leam'd and judicious Lord, if I should bailee Thyne honor'd name, it being in my way, My muse unworthy were of such a walke, Where honor's branches make it ever May. Daties, Scourge of 'Folly, 1611. BALKE. (1) To leave a balk in ploughing. But so wel halte no man the plogh, That be ne baltetk otherwile. Gotter, MS. Soc. Jntiy. (2) (A.-S.) To belch. Ballcyng, sum is smoki and hoot, and sum is sour ; the firste cometh of lieate and of hole humours that ben in the stomak, the secounde is of coold hu- mours either of feble heate of the stomak. Medical MS. of the loth. cent. (3) To be angry. Reyn. the Foxe. BALKER, s. (1) A little piece of wood by which the mo wers smooth the edges of their scythes after the whetstone has been used. It is commonly fastened to the end of the sneyde by a pin. Devon. (2) A great beam. East. B ALKERS, *. Persons who stand on elevations near the sea-coast, at the season of herring fishing, to make signs to the fishermen which way the shoals pass. Blount. BALKING, . A ridge of earth. BALK-PLOUGHING, . A mode of ploughing, in which ridges arc left at intervals. East. BALKS, s. The bay-loft. Chesh. Sometimes, the hen-roost. BALK-STAFF, s. A quarter-staff. BALL, (I) adj. Bald. Somerset. (2) s. The pupil of the eye. "Ball, or apple of the eye." Huloet, 1552. (3) *. Cry ; lamentation. Son after, wen he was halle, Then began to slak livr balle. Guy of Warwick, Middlehill MS. (4) s. The palm of the hand- Yorksh. (5) 8. The round part at the bot- tom of a horse's foot. See Florio, in v. Cdllo. (6) *. The body of a tree. Lane. (7) v. To cohere, as snow to the feet. Northampt. (8) v. To beat a person with a stout stick, or with the hand. Cornw. BALLACE, . (supposed to be from A.-S. behlastan, to load a ship.) To stuff. BAL 157 BAL With some gall'd trunk, ballac'd with straw and stone, Left for the pawn of his provision. Bp. Hall's Satires, iv, 5. BALLAD, . To sing or compose ballads. BALLADER, *. A maker of ballads. BALLADIN, *. (Fr.) A kind of dance. BALLADKY, *. The subject or style of ballads. BALLANCE, . (A.-N.) This word was formerly regarded as a plural. A pair of ballance. Barckley's Summum Bonum, p. 431 . Are there balance here, to weigh The flesh? M. of Venice, iv, 1. BALLANT, s. A ballad. North. BALLARD, *. A castrated ram. Devon. BALLART, s. A name for the hare. Reliq. Antiq., i, 133. BALLAST, *. A ruby. See Balays. BALLAT, *. A ballad. North. BALLATRON, s. (Lat. ballatro.) A rascal ; a thief. Minsheu. BALLATROUGH,*. Afoolish prating fellow. Dev. BALLATRY, s. (Hal.) A song, or jig. Milton. BALLK, (1) *. The head. Chaucer. (2) v. ' To howl. " I balle as a curre dogge dothe, je hurle." Palsgr. BALLED, adj. Bald. BALLEDXESSE, 8. Baldness. BALLENGER, \s.(A.-N.) A small BALLINGER, / sailing vessel used in ancient times. BALLERAG, \ v. To banter; to BULLIRAG, / abuse; to scold. Var. dial. BALLESSE, *. Ballast. Huloet. Ballesse or lastage for shippes, saburra. Huloet. BALLIARDS, *. The game of bil- liards. BALL-MONEY,*. "Money demanded of a marriage company, and given to prevent their being maltreated. In the North it is customary for a party to attend at the church gates, after a wedding, to enforce this claim. The gift has re- ceived this denomination, as being originally designed for the purchaseofa foot-ball." Broekett. Ball-mony, given by a new bride to her old play-fellows. Ladies' Dictionary, 1694 BALLOCK-GRASS,*. Theherb dogs'- stones. Gerarde. BALLOCKS, I s. (A.-N.) Testiculi. BALLOKS, ^The word occurs fre- BALLOXS. J quently in early medi- cal receipts. Sometimes called ballot-stones. " Hie testiculus, a balok ston. Hie piga, a balok kod." Nominate, MS.,l5th cent. Tt appears from Palsgrave's Aco- lastus, 1540, that battocke-stones was a term of endearment. Also take an erbe that growith in wodes, and is lick an nettle, and it is the lengthe of a cubite ether ther aboute, and hath as it were ballot sloones aboute the roote. Medical MS. of the lath cent. BALLOC BROTH, "1 *. A kind of BALOK-BROTHE, / broth described in the following receipt : Ballot broth. Take eelys, and hild hem, and kerve hem to pecys, and do hem to seeth in water and wyne, sotliat it be a litel over-stepid. Do thereto sawge and oothir erbis, with ft w oynons y-mynced. Whan the eelis bulb, soden ynowj, do hem in a vessel; take a pyke, and kerve it to gobettes, and teeth hym in the same broth ; do thereto powdor gynger, galyngale, canel, and pcper; salt it, and cast the eelys there- to, and messe it forth. Forme ofCnry, p. 12. BAI.I.OK-KNYF, . A knife hung from the girdle. Piers PL BALLOON, "1 . (Fr.) A large in- BALOON, J flated ball of strong leather, used in a game of the same name, introduced from France, and thus described in a book entitled Country Content*: " A strong and moveing sport in BAL 158 BAL the open fields, with a great ball of double leather filled with wind, and driven to and fro with the strength of a man's arm, armed with a bracer of wood." While others have been at the balloon, I Lave been at my books. Ben Jon., Fox, ii, 2. Minsheu, under Bracer, speaks of a wooden bracer worn on the arm by baloon players, " which noblemen and princes use to play." In the play of Eastward Hoe, Sir Petronel Flash says, " We had a match at baloon too with my Lord Whackum, for four crowns ;" and adds, " sweet lady, 'tis a strong play with the arm."' O. PL, iv, 211. Faith, from those bums, which she through lightnesse setts (For ballone-balls) to hire, to all that play, Who must in time quite volley them away. Davits, Scourge of lolly, 1611. BALLOP, "1 . The front or flap of BALLUP, J smallclothes. Northumb. BALLOW, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Gaunt; bony ; thin. Whereas the tallow nag outstrips the winds in chase. Dray ton, Polyolbion, song iii. (2) v. To select or bespeak ; used by boys at play, when they select a goal or a companion of their game. North. (3) . A pole ; a cudgel. North. "A bailer, malleus ligneus quo glebae franguntur." Huloet. BALL-STELL, . A geometrical quadrant, called in Latinized form balla-stella. Nomenclator, 1585. BALL-STONE, *. A local name in Shropshire for a measure of iron- stone which lies near the sur- face ; a kind of limestone found near Wenlock. BALL-THISTLE, . A species of thistle. Gerard. BALLU, s. (A.-S.) Mischief; sor- row. See Bale. Bellows. BALLUM-RANCUM, *. A licentious dancing party. An old slaug term. He makes a very good odd-man at tallum-rancum, or so ; that is, when the rest of the company is coupled, will take care to see there's <:ood attendance paid. Otway, The Atheist, 1684. BALLUP. See Ballop. BALLY, (1) s. A litter of pigs. North. (2)0. To swell or grow distended. Shropsh. (3) adj. Comfortable. Wet. BALLYS, "1 BALYWS, j *' BAI.MER, *. If not a corruption, this word, in the Chester Plays, i, 172, seems to designate some kind of coloured cloth. " Bar- rones in balmer and byse." BALNKAL, adj. (Lot.) Refreshing. BALNY, s. (Lat. balneum.) A bath. BALO, s. A beam in buildings ; any piece of squared timber. East. BALON, s. (Fr.) Whalebone. BALOTADE, *. (Fr.) An attempt made by a horse to kick. BALOURGLY, *. A sort of broth. For to make a balourgly broth. Tak pikys, and spred hem abord. and helys ^if tliou hast, fle hem, and ket hem In gobbettys, and seth hem in alf wyn and half in water. Tak up the pykys and elys, and hold hem hote. and draw the broth thorwe a clothe; do powder of gyngever, peper, and galyngale, and canel, into the broth, and boyle yt; and do yt on the pykys and on the elys, aud serve yt forth. Warner, Antiq. Culin., p. 49. BALOUJT, (A.-S.) prep. About. BALOW. (1) A nursery term. North. (2) s. (A.-S.) A spirit ; properly, an evil spirit. BALOW-BROTH, s. Probably the same as ballock-broth. BALOYNGE, *. Eyther arm an elne lon Here.) Abroad belt BANDILERO, J of leather, worn by a musqueteer, over the left shoulder, to which were hung, besides other implements, ten or twelve small cylindrical boxes, each containing a charge of pow- der. The charge-boxes were also called bandekers. Sylvester calls the zodiac a bandeleer : What shall I say of that bright bandeleer Which twice six signs uo richly garnish here? DuSart. P. iv, Day 2, Week 2. BANDELET, s. A band, or fillet ; a narrow scarf. " Cidrpa, any kind of scarfe or bandelet." Florio. BANDERS, *. Associators; con- spirators. BAXDISH, . A bandage. North. BAND-KITT, s. A large wooden vessel, with a cover to it. In Yorkshire it is said to be known by the name of bow-kitt ; and in Lincolnshire, of ben-kit. DANDLE, e. To bind round; to encircle with a scarf. BANDO, s. A proclamation. Shirley. BANDOG, *. A fierce kind of dog, conjectured by some to have been thus named because it was always kept tied up on account of his fierceness. Bewick describes it as a cross breed between the mastiff and bulldog. But, Grazus, if thy sole repute bee bralling : A bandoggc is thy better, by his balling. Daties, Scourge oj Folly, 1611. BANDON, . (A.-N.) Dominion; subjection; disposal. Merci, queth, ich me yelde Eecreaunt to the in this felde, So harde the smitest upon me krown. Ich do me alle in thy bandoun. Seres oj Hamtoun, p. 42. BANDORE, s. (Ital. pandura.) A musical instrument, very similar in form to a guitar, but whether strung with wires like that, or with catgut, like the lute, we are not told. BANDORF, *. A penon banner. Holme. BANDOW, s. (Fr. bandeau.) A band round the head, worn especially by widows. BANDROLL, s. (Fr.) A small ban- ner, or pennon, fixed near the point of a lance. BANDS, *. (1) The hinges of a door. North. (2) The rings of a hinge. They speak of " hooks and bands," Leicest. BANDSTERS, *. Those who bind the sheaves in reaping. North. BANDSTRING, s. The string or tas- sell appendant to the band or neckcloth. They were to stand mannerly forsooth, one hand at their bandstring, the other behind the breech. Aubrey. BANDSTRING-TWIST, *. A kind of hard twist made of bleached thread thrice laid, used in making laces for females. BANDSTROT, *. A charm. BANDY, (1) s. A game played with sticks called bandies, bent and round at one end, and a small wooden ball. (2) v. To toss a ball, a term at tennis. (3) v. To join in a faction. (4) adj. Flexible ; without sub- stance ; applied to bad cloth. (5) s A hare. East. (6) *. The small fish called a stickleback. Northampt. BANDY-HEWIT, *. A little bandy legged dog ; a turnspit. BAN 101 BAN B \NDY-HOSHOE, s. A game at ball, common in Norfolk. BANDYLAN,S. A bad woman. North. BANDY-WICKET, s. The game of cricket, played with a bandy in- stead of a bat. East. BANE, (1) v. (4.-S. ban.) A bone. North. (2) v. To poison. (3) s. (A.-S. bana.} A murderer. (4) *. (A.-S.) Destruction. (5) adj. Courteous; friendly. North. (6) Near; convenient. North. (7) s. In Somersetshire and the adjacent counties this is the name given to the disease in sheep, commonly called rottenness. (8)v. To afflict with a bad disease. West. This term is not applied exclusively to animals. (9) s. (A.-N.) A proclamation by sound of trumpet. Herkenes nowe, hende sires, je lian herde ofte Wieli a cri has be cried Thurth cuutres fele, Tburth liest of tliemperour That hath Kome to kepe, That what man upon molde Mijt onwar linde Tuo breme wite bares, The lane is so maked He sclioltl whine his wareson To weld for evere. William and the Werwolf, p. 81. Dec. No, I forbid The banes of death : you shall live man and wife, Your scorn is now sufficiently reveng'd. The Slighted Maid, p. 88. " bane of a play, or marriage : Banna, preludium." Prompt. Parv. In Somerset they still call the banns of matrimony banes. See Bains. BANEBERRY, s. The herb Christo- pher ; the winter cherry. BANED, adj. Age-stricken. BANEHOUND, v. To make believe ; to intend ; to suspect. Somerset. BANERER. The bearer of a banner. BANES. "Few banes;" no difficulty, quickly dispatched. Northumb. BANEWORT, s. The plant night- shade. BANG, (1) v. To strike; to shut with violence. (2) To go with rapidity. Cumb. (3) s. A blow. (4) *. A stick ; a club. North, (5) v. To surpass, to beat. (6) " In a bang," in a hurry. North. (7) *. A hard cheese made of milk several times skimmed. Suffolk. BANG-A-BONK, v. To lie lazily on a bank. Staffordsh. BANG-BEGGAR, s. (1) A beadle. Derbysh. (2) A vagabond, a term of re- proach. BANGE, s. Light rain. Essex. BANGER, s. (1) A large person. (2) A hard blow. Shropsh. (3) A great falsehood. BANGING, adj. Unusually large ; as a banginy child. BANGLE, (1) v. To spend one's money foolishly. Lane. (2) *. A large rough stick. (3) v. The edge of a hat is said to tangle when it droops or hangs down. Norf. BANGLED, part. p. Corn or young shoots, when beaten about by the rain or wind, are bangled. East. BANGLE-EARED, adj. Having loose and hanging ears. BANGSTRAW, *. A nick-name for a thresher, but applied to all the servants of a farmer. BANG-UP,*. A substitute for yeast. Staffordsh. BANGY, adj. Dull; gloomy. Essex. BANIS, s. (A.-S.) Destruction. BANISH, v. To look smooth and bright. Sussex. BANK, (\}v. To beat. Devon. (2) v. To coast along a bank. (3) A term in several old games. (4) s. A piece of unslit fir-wood. BAN 162 BAN from four to ten inches square, and of any length. Bailey. (5) s. A dark thick cloud behind which the sun goes down. BANKAFALET, *. An old game at cards mentioned in " Games most in Use," Lond. 1701. BANKAGE, s. A duty for making banks. BANKER, s. (1) (A.-N.) A carpet, or covering of tapestry for a form, bench, or seat ; any kind of small coverlet. The king to souper is set, served in halle, Under a siller of silke, dayntyly dight ; With all worshipp and wele, mewitu the walle ; Briddes branden, and brad, in bankers bright. Gawan and Galalon, ii, 1. (2) . A stonemason's bench. Northampt. (3) An excavator. Line. BANKER, "1 *. A pile of stones raised SINKER, J by masons for the pur- pose of placing upon it the stone they may be working. Line. BANKET, s. A banquet. BANK-HOOK, s. A large fish-hook, baited, and attached by a line to the bank. Sfiropsh. BANK-JUG, s. The name of a bird ; according to some, the nettle- creeper ; according to others, the chiff-chaff. The name is also applied to the hay-bird. Leicest. BANKROUT, 1(1) s. (Fr.) A BANQUEROUT, J bankrupt. Nor shall I e'er believe or think thee dead, Though mist, until our banlcrout stage be sped. Leon. Diggcs. Prolog, to Sh. Of whom, I think, it may be truly said, That hee'll prove banguerout in ev'ry trade. Hon. Ghost, p. 4. And to be briefe, I doe conjecture that in this yeare will happen too many dis- honest practises by banlcrowts, worthy the halter for a reward. Almanack, 1615. (2) . Bankruptcy. An unhappy master is he, that is made cunning by many, ghipwracks ; a mise- rable merchant, that is neither rich nor wise, out auer some bankrouts. Aschaxi, Scholem., p. 59. (3) . To become bankrupt. He that wins empire with the loss of faith^. Out-buies it, and will bankrout. Thorpe, Byron's Conspiracy. BANKS, s. The seat on which the rowers of a boat sit ; the sides of a vessel. BANKSMAN, *. One who superin- tends the business of the coal pit. Derby sh. BANK-UP, v . To heap up. Devon. BANKY, (1) adj. Having banks. A banky piece, a field with banks in it. Heref. (2) v. To bank. " I dont banky," i. e., I dont keep accounts with a banker. Somerset. BANLES, adj. Without bones. BANNE, v. (A.-N.) To ban; to curse ; to banish. BANNER, . {A.-N.} A body of armed men, varying from twenty to eighty. BANNERELL, s. (A.-N.) A little streamer or flag. BANNERER, s. A standard-bearer. BANNERING, s. An annual peram- bulation of the bounds of a parish. Shropsh. BANNEROL,*. The same as bandrol. BANNET-HAY.S. Arick-yard. Wilts. BANNEY, *. St. Barnabas. /. Wight. BANNIAN, s. A sort of dressing gown, used in the last century. BANNICK, v. To beat ; to thrash. Sussex. BANNIKIN, s. A small drinking cup. BANNIN, s. That which is used for shutting or stopping. Somerset. BANNIS, *. A stickleback. Wilts. BANNITION.S. The act of expulsion. BANNISTERS, *. Persons (with passes ) who received money from the mayor to enable them to de- part out of the limits of his juris- diction. BANNOCK, 1 A thick round cake BANNACK, /of bread, made of oat- meal, kneaded with water only, with the addition sometimes of BAN 163 BAR treacle, and baked in the embers. A kind of hard ship biscuit some- times goes under this name. Their bread and drinke I had almost forgotten; indeed it was not ruske as the" Spaniards use, or oaten-cakes, or bannacks, as in North Britaine, nor bisket as Englishmen eate. Taylor's Works, 1630. BANNUT, s. A. walnut. West. BANNIOWR, "| *. A banner-bearer. BANNIER, J Bannyowr or banner berer: Vexillarius. Prompt. Parv. BANQ.UET, s. (1) What we now call a dessert, was in earlier times often termed a banquet ; and was usually placed in a separate room, to which the guests removed when they had dined. The com- mon place of banqueting, or eat- ing the dessert, was the garden- house or arbour, with which almost every dwelling was fur- nished. We'll dine in the great room, but let the musick And banquet be prepared here. Massing., Unnat. Comb. The dishes were raised one upon another As woodmongers do billets, for the first, The second, and third course; and most of the shops Of the best confectioners in London ran- sack'd To furnish out a banquet. Mass., City Madam, ii, 1. Oh, easy and pleasant way to glory ! From our bed to our glass; from our glass to our board ; from our dinner to our pipe ; from our pipe to a visit. ; from a visit to a supper ; from a supper to a play; from a play to a banquet; from a banquet to our bed. Up. Hall's Works. (2) Part of the branch of a horse's bit. BANQUETER, s. (1) A feaster; one who lives deliciously. (2) A banker. Huloet. BAN RENT, \ s. A banneret; a BANRET, J noble. BANSHEN, v. To banish. Pr. P. BANSEL,, v. To beat ; to punish. Staf- BANSTICKLE, s. The stickleback. Asperagus (quaedam piscis) a banstykyll. Ortus Vocab. ID Wiltshire it is called a banticle. BANTAMWORK, s. A showy kind of painted or carved work. Ash. BANWORT, s. (A.-S.) The violet. BANY, adj. Bony. North. BANYAN-DAY, s. A sea term, for those days on which no meat is allowed to the sailors. BANING, *. A name for some, kind of bird. BANZELL, s. A long lazy fellow. North. BAON, s. See Baivn. BAP, s. A piece of baker's bread, of the value of from one penny to twopence. North. BAPTEME, s. Baptism. BAPTISTS, s. Baptism. BAR, (1) s. (A.-S.) A boar. (2) s. A baron. Rob. Glouc. (3) adj. Bare ; naked. North. (4)pret. t. of bere. Bore. (5) s. A joke. North. (6) v. To shut ; to close. North. (7) v. To bar a die, a phrase used amongst gamblers. (8) v. To make choice of (a term used by boys at play). (9) s. A feather in a hawk's wing. Berners. (10) *. A horseway up a hill. Derbysh. BARA-PICKLET, *. Bread made of fine flour, leavened, and made into small round cakes. BARATHRUM, s. (Lot.) (1) An abyss. (2) An insatiate eater. BARATOUR, s. (A.-N.} A quarrel- some person. Sarratoure : Pugnax, rixosus, jurgosus. Prompt. Pare BARATOUS, adj. Contentious. BARAYNE, *. A barren hind. BARB, v. (A.-N.) (1) To shave, or to dress the hair and beard. To barb money, to clip it; to barb a lobster, to cut it up. BAR 164 BAR (2) Metaphorically, to mow. The stooping scythe-man, that doth barb the field T Uou mak'st wink-sure. Marst. Malcontent, iv, 63. (3) *. A kind of hood or muffler, which covered the lower part of the face and shoulders. Accord- ing to Strutt, it was a piece of white plaited linen, and belonged properly to mourning, being ge- nerally worn under the chin. (4) Florio has " Barboncelli, the barbes or little teates in the mouth of some horses." (5) The armour for horses. (6) The feathers under the beak of a hawk were called the barb feathers. (7) The edge of an axe. Gawayne. (8) The points of arrows are called barbez, in Sir Gawayne. B BARBARY,} S - ABarbaryhorse. BARBALOT, s. (1) A puffin. (2) The barbel. BARBARIN.S. The barberry. Pr.P. BARBED, adj. Caparisoned with military trappings and armour. Spoken of war-horses. BARBED-CAT, s. A warlike engine. For to make a werrely holde, that men calle a barbed cattc, and a bewfray that slial have ix. fadome of lengtlie and two fadome of brede, and the said catte six fadome of lengthe and two of brede, slial be ordeyned all squarre wode for the same aboute foure hondred fadom, ft thousand of horde, xxiiij. rolles, and a grete quautvtd of smalle wode. taxioris Veijenus, sig. I, 6. BARBEL, . (A.-N.) A small piece of armour protecting part of the bassinet. BARBER, v. To shave or trim the beard. Shakesp. BARBER-MONGER, s. A fool. BARBICAN, "| s. When the siege BARBECAN, > of a castle was an- BARBACAN, J ticipated, the de- fenders erected wooden pal- ing and other timber work in advance of the entrance gateway, assuming often the form of a small fortress, where they could hold the enemy at bay for some time before it was necessary to defend the gate itself ; and they also placed wood-work before the windows, which protected those who were shooting out of them. Either of these was called a barbican, a word which, and therefore probably the practice, was derived from the Arabic. The advanced work covering the gateway was afterwards made of stone, and thus became per- manent. When the old system of defending fortresses went out of use, the original meaning of the word was forgotten, and the way in which the word was used in the older writers led to some confusion. It is explained by Spelman : " A fort, hold, or munition placed in the front of a castle, or an out-work. Also a hole in the wall of a city or cas- tle, through which arrows or darts were cast; also a watch- tower." The temporary wooden defences on the top of the walls and towers were called bre- tasches. BARBLES, s. Small vesicular tin- gling pimples, such as those caused by nettles. East. The term was also applied to knots in the mouth of a horse. See Barb (4). BARBORANNE, *. The barberry. Gawayne. BARBORERY, s. A barber's shop. Prompt. Pare. BARBS, *. Military trappings. BARBWIG, s. A kind of periwig. BARCARY, *. (A.-N.) A sheep- cote ; a sheep-walk. BARCE, s. A stickleback. Yorksh. BARCELET, *. A species of bow. Gaw. ? A hound. See Barslet. BAR 165 BAR BARD, s. (A.-N.) (1) The warlike trapping of a horse. The bards consisted of the following pieces : the chamfron, chamfrein, or shaf- fron ; the crinieres or main facre ; the poitrenal, poitral or breast- plate; and the croupiere or but- tock piece. (2) adj. Tough. Rob. Glouc. (3) part. p. Barred; fastened. BARDASH, s. (Fr.) An unnatural paramour. BAR'D CATER-TRA, or more pro- perly, barr'd quatre trois. The name for a sort of false dice, so constructed that the quatre and trois shall very seldom come up. Where fullam high and low men bore great sway With the quicke helpe of a lard cater trey. Taylor's Trail. 0/12 pence, p. 73. Such be also call'd bard cater treas, be- cause commonly the longer end will of his own sway drawe downewards, and turne up to the eie sice, sincke, deuce, or ace. The principal use of them is at novum, for so long a paire of bard cater treas be walking on the bourd, so long can ye not cast five nor nine unless it be by a great chance. Art of Juggling, 1612. C, 4 BAEDED, pret. p. Equipped with military trappings or ornaments, applied to horses. For at all alarmes lie was the first man armed, and that at all points, and his horse ever barded. Comints Hist, by Danet, 1596. BARDELLO, *. (Ital.) The quilted saddle wherewith colts are backed. BARDOLF, s. An ancient dish in cookery. Bardolf. Take almond mylk, and draw hit up thik with vernage, and let hit boyle, and braune of capons braied, and put therto; and cast therto sugre, clowes, maces, pynes, and ginger, mynced ; and take chekyns parboyled, and chopped, and pul of the skyn, and boyle al ensemble, and in the settynge doune from the fire put therto a lytel vynegur alaied with pouder of ginger, and a lytel water of everose, and make the potage hanginge, and serve hit forthe. Warner, Aiitig. Culin., p. 84. BARDOUS, adj. (Lat. bardus.) Sim- ple; foolish. BARDS, s. Strips of bacon used in larding. BARE, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Mere. (2) adv. Barely. (3) v. To shave. Shakesp. (4) adj. Bareheaded. (5) s. A mixture of molten iron and sand, lying at the bottom of a furnace. Shropsh. (6) . A piece of wood which a labourer is sometimes allowed to carry home. Suffolk. (7) A boar. See Bar. (8) A bier. (9) A place without grass, made level for bowling. BAREAHOND, >. To assist. North. BARE-BARLEY, s. Naked barley, whose ear is shaped like barley, but its grain like wheat without any husk. An old Staffordshire term. BARE-BUBS, *. A boyish term for the unfledged young of birds. Lincolnsh. BARE-BUCK, s. A buck of six years old. Northampt. BAREGNAWN, adj. Eaten bare. BAREHIDES, s. A kind of covering for carts, used in the 16th cent. BARELLE, s. (? Fr.) A bundle. BARELY, adv. Unconditionally ; undoubtedly. BAREN, (1) pret. t. pi. of bere. They bore. (2) v. To bark. BARENHOND, . To intimate. Somerset. BA'RE-PUMP, s. A small piece of hollow wood or metal to pump liquid out of a cask. BARES, s. Those parts of an image which represent the bare flesh. BARET, s. (4.-N.~) (1) Strife,- con- test. (2) Trouble; sorrow. BAREYNTL-, *. Barrenness Pr. P. BAKF, *. A hill. Yorksh. BAR 166 BAR BARFHAME, *. The neck-collar of a horse. Durham. BARFRAY, s. A tower. See Berfrey. BARFUL, adj. Full of bars or im- pediments. Shakesp. BARGAIN, *. (A.-N.) (1) An in- definite number or quantity of anything, as a load of a waggon. East. (2) It's a bargains, it's no con- sequence. Line. (3) A small farm. /. Wight and Northampt. (4) A tenement, so called in the county of Cornwall, which usually consisted of about sixty acres of ploughed land, if the land were good, or more if barren. See Carlisle's Ace. of Charities,^. 288. (5) An unexpected reply, tend- ing to obscenity. To sell a bar- gain,to make indelicate repartees. No maid at court is less asham'd, Howe'er for selling bargains fam'd. Swift. BARGAINE, *. Contention ; strife. BARGAINER, s. One who makes a bargain. BARGAIN-WORK, *. Work by the piece, not by the day. Leicest. Northampt. BARGANDER, *. A brant-goose. Baret. BARGANT, *. A bargain. Pr. P. BARGARET, "1 s. (A.-N.) A kind BAKGINET, J of song or ballad, perhaps of a pastoral kind, from bergere. BARGE, (1) *. A fat, heavy person ; a term of contempt. Exmoor. A blow-maunger barge, a flat, blob-cheeked person, one who puffs and blows while he is eat- ing, or like a hog that feeds on whey and grains, stuffs himself with whitepot and flummery. (2) A highway up a steep hill. Kennet. BARGE-BOARD, . The front or facing of a barge-course, to con- ceal the barge couples, laths, tiles, &c. BARGE -COUPLE, s. One beam framed into another to strengthen the building. BARGE-COURSE, *. A part of the tiling or thatching of a roof, projecting over the gable. BARGE-DAY, . Ascension-day. Newcastle. BARGER, s. The manager of a barge. BARGET, *. (Fr.) A little barge. BARGH, *. (1) A horseway up a hill. North. (2) A barrow hog. OrtusVocab. BARGH-MASTER, s. See Bar- master. BARGH-MOTE, s. (A.-S.) The court for cases connected with the mining district. See Bar-master. BARGOOD, *. Yeast. Far. d. BARGUEST, s. A goblin, armed with teeth and claws, believed in by the peasantry of the North of England. BARHOLM,*. " Collars for horses to drawe by, called in some coun- treyes barholmes. Tomices." Huloet, 1552. BARIAN, . (A.-N.) A rampart. BAR- IRE, *. A crow-bar. Devon. BARK, (1) s. The tartar deposited by bottled wine or other liquor encrusting the bottle. East. (2) s. The hard outside of dressed or undressed meat. Northampt. (3) . A cylindrical receptacle for candles; a candle-box. North. (4) Between the bark and the wood, a well-adjusted bargain, where neither party has the ad- vantage. Suffolk. (5) *. A cough. Far. dial. (6) v. To cough. Sussex. (7) v. To knock the skin off the legs by kicking or bruising them. Shropsh. BARKARY, . A tan-house. BAR 167 BAR D \ adj. BARKEXED, J dirt. North. BARKEN, s. The yard of a house ; a farm-yard. South. For barton. BARKER, *. (1) A tanner. What craftsman art them, said the king, I praye tliee, tell me trowe: I am a barker, sir, by my trade ; Nowe telle me, what art thou? K. Ed. IV and Tanner, Percy. Sorter : Cerdo, frunio. Barkares barte- vcater: Nantes. Sarte powder for lethyr: Frunium. Sartinge of lethyr or ledyr : Frunices. Barke lethyr : Fruuio, tanno. Prompt. Pan. (2) A fault-finder. (3) The slang name for a pistol. (4) A marsh bird with a long bill. Ray. (5) A whetstone ; a rubber. Deconsh. BARKFAT, s. A tanner's vat. BARKHAM, *. A horse's collar. North. See Barkholm. DARKLED, s. Encrusted with dirt, applied particularly to the human skin. North. BARKMAN, s. A boatman. Kersey. BAKKSELE, *. The time of strip- ping bark. BARKWATER, s. Foul water in which hides have been tanned. BARK-WAX, s. Bark occasionally found in the body of a tree. East. BARLAY, interj. Supposed to be a corruption of the French par loi. BARLEEG,*. An old dish in cookery. Barlteg. Take creme of almondes, and alay hit with flour of rys, and cast thereto sugre, and let h'it boyle, and stere hit wel, and colour hit with saffron and sauuders, and make hit stomlynge, and dresse hit up on leches in disshes, and serve hit forthe. Warner, Antiq. Cnlin., p. 83. BARLEP, *. A basket for barley. Prompt. P. BARLEY, . To bespeak ; to claim. North. BARLEY-BIG, *. A kind of barley, cultivated in the fenny districts of Norfolk and in the Isle of Ely. " Beere corne, barley -bygye, or mon<*orne.^cAt7/'as." Huloet, 1552. BARLEY-BIRD, s. The siskin. It is also called the cuckoo's mate, which see. Its first name is taken from the season of its ap- pearance, or rather of its being first heard; which is in barley- seed time, or early in April. Its chirp is monotonous, tweet, tweet, tweet. The first notes of the nightingale are expected soon to follow, then those of iht. cuckoo. Moore's Suffolk MS. BARLEY-BOTTLES,*. Little bundles of barley in the straw, given to farm-horses. BARLEY-BREAK, s. .An ancient rural game, played by six people, three of each sex, coupled by lot. A piece of ground, was divided into three compartments.ofwhich the middle one was called hell. The couple condemned to this division were to catch the others, who advanced from the two ex- tremities; when this had been effected, a change of situation took place, and hell was filled by the couple who were excluded by pre-occupation from the other places. By the regulations of the game, the middle couple were not to separate before they had succeeded, while the others might break hands whenever they found themselves hard pressed. When all had been taken in turn, the last couple were said to be in hell, and the game ended. Jamieson, in barla-breikis, barley bracks, says, ' This innocent sport seems to be almost entirely forgotten in the South of Scot- land. It is also falling into desuetude in the North." He describes it thus : " A game ge- nerally played by young people in a corn yard. Hence called barla-bracks, about the stacks. BAR 168 BAR One stack is fixed on as the dule or goal ; and one person is ap- pointed to catch the rest of the company, who run out from the dule. He does not leave it till they are all out of his sight. Then he sets out to catch them. Any one who is taken, cannot run out again with his former associates, being accounted a prisoner ; but is obliged to assist his captor in pursuing the rest. When all are taken, the game is finished; and he who is first taken is bound to act as catcher in the next game." BARLEY-BREE, T s. Familiar and BARLEY-BROTH, I jocular names SIR JOHN BAR- j for ale, which LEY-CORN, J is made of bar- ley. Barley-bree is, literally, bar- ley broth. BARLEY-BUN, *. A barley bunne gentleman, "a gent, (although rich) yet lives with barley bread, and otherwise barely and hardly." Minsheu. BARLEY-CORN,*. Aleorbeer. BARLEY-HAILES,*. The spears of barley. South. BARLEY-MUNG, *. (from A.-S. mencgan, to mix.) Barley meal mixed with water or milk, to fatten fowls or pigs. East. BARLEY-OYLES, . The beard or awning of barley. Berks. BARLEY-PLUM, *. A dark purple plum. West. BARLEY-SEED-BIRD, *. The yellow water-wagtail. Yorfah. BARLEY-SELE, s. (A.-S.) The sea- son of sowing barley. BARLICHE, s. Barley. BARLICHOOD, *. The state of being ill-tempered from intoxi- cation. North. BARLING, s. A lamprey. North. BARLINGS, s. Firepoles. Norf. BARM, s. (1) (A.-S. bearm.) The lap or bosom. And laide his heved on hire tarme, AVitlioute doj'iig of ony harme. .. Alisaunder, 1. 555. (2) Yeast. BAR-MASTER, s. (A.-S.) An officer in the mining districts; whose title is written berghmaster by Manlove in a passage cited from his poem on the Customs of the Mines, in the Craven Gloss., which brings it nearer to a word used in Germany for a like officer, bergmeister. He is an agent of the lord of minerals, who grants mines and fixes the boundaries; the term is in use in Derby- shire, where an ancient code of laws or customs regulating mines, &c., still prevails ; and in Yorkshire. BARME-CLOTH, . An apron. BARM-FEL, #. A leathern apron. BARM-HATRE, s. Bosom attire, the garments covering the bosom. BARMOTE, #. A bergmote. Derb. BARMSKIN, Is. A leather apron. BASINSKIN, J The skin of a sheep with the wool scraped or shavei? off. There is a proverbial phrase, " Her smock's as dirty and greasy as a barmskin." To rightly ap- preciate this elegant simile, you must view a barmskin in the tanner's yard. Line. BARN. (1) (A.-S.) A child. Still used in the North. See Bairn. (2) *. A man. (3) s. A baron. (4) s. A garner. WicTcliffe. (5) v. To lay up in a barn. East. (6) part. a. Going. Yorksh. (7) v. To close or shut up. Oxf. BARNABAS, s. A kind of thistle. BARNABY, *. In Suffolk they cal a lady-bird " Bishop Barnaby." BARNABY-BRIGHT, *. The trivial name for St. Barnabas' day, June llth. BARNACLES, s. A popular term for spectacles. BAR 169 BAR BARNACLE-BIND, *. The tree pro- ducing the barnacles. BARNAGE,S. (4.-N.) The baronage. BARND, part. p. Burnt. BARN-DOOR-SAVAGE, s. A clod- hopper. Shropsh. BARNE, *. (1) A sort of flower, mentioned in Hollyband's Diet., 1593. (2) A baron. BARNHED, . Childhood. BARNKIN, "Is. The outermost BARNEKYNCH, / ward of a castle, in which the barn's, stables, cow- houses, &c., were placed. EARNE-LAIKINS, *. (A.-S.) Chil- dren's playthings. BARNESS, j. To grow fat. Lei- BARNISH, J cest. BARNGUN, . A breaking out in small pimples or pustules in the skin. Devon, BARNISH, (1) adj. Childish. North. (2) v. To increase in strength or vigour; to fatten. Some use to breake off the toppes of the hoppes when they ar growne a xi or xii foote high, bicause thereby they barnisk and stocke exceedingly. S. Scot's Platforme of a Hop-Garden. BARK-MOUSE, *. A bat. BARN-SCOOP, *. A wooden shovel used in barns. BARN-TEME,s.(/4.-S.) (I) A brood of children. Antenowre was of that barn-trme, And was fownder of Jerusalem, That was wyght withowtyn wene. Le boiu Florence of Rome, L 10. (2) A child. Jacob Alpine larne-teme Was firste biscop of Jerusalem ; Rightwise to him was eal man wone, And was ure levedi sister sone. Cursor Mundi. BARNYARD,*. A straw-yard. East. BARNYSKYN, . A leather apron. Pr. P. See Barmskin. BARON, *. (1) A child. For tarn. (2) The back part of a cow. BARONAGE, . (A.-N.) An assem- bly of barons. BARONER, *. (1) Aharon. (2) Some officer in a monastery; perhaps the school-master, or master of the barns or children. Bury Wills, p. 105. BARR, (1) v. To choose. Shropsh. (2) *. Part of a stag's horn. (3) #. The gate of a city. (4) v. To debar. BARRA, s. A gelt pig. Exmoor. ' See Barrow. BARRACAN,*. (Fr.) A sort of stuff, a strong thick kind of camelot. BARRA-HORSE, s. A Barbary horse. B ARRAS, s. A coarse kind of cloth sack-cloth. BARRE, (1) v. To move violently. (2) *. The ornament of a girdle. (3) A pig in bar, was an ancient dish in cookery. Pygge in barre. Take a pigge, and farse hym, and roste hym, and in the rostynge endorse hym ; and when he is rested lay orethw'art him over one barre of sil- ver foile, and another of golde, and serve hym forthe so al hole to the borde for a lorde. Warner, Antq. CuUtt., p. 80. BARRED, part. p. Striped. BARREL, #. A bucket. BARREL-FEVER, *. Sickness occa- sioned by intemperance. North. BARREN, (1) *. Cattle not gravid. (2) *. A company of mules. (3) *. The vagina of an animal. Line. (4) adj. Stupid ; ignorant. Shot. BARRENER, *. A barren cow or ewe. South. BARREN-IVY, . Creeping ivy. BARREN-SPRINGS, #. Springs im- pregnated with mineral, and con- sidered hurtful to the land. BARRENWORT, t. A plant (epi- medium). BARRESSE, s. pi. The bars. BARRICOAT, . A child's coat Northumo. BAR BAR BARRIE, 1 adj. Fit; convenient. BAIRE, {Durham. BARRIERS, *. The paling in a tour- nament. To fight at barriers, to fight within lists. And so if men shall run at tilt, just, or fight at barriers together by the kings commandement, and one of them doth kill another, in these former cases and the like, it is misadventure, and no felony of death. Country Justice, 1620. BARRIHAM, *. A horse's collar. North. See Barholm. BARRIKET, "1 s. A small firkin. BARRILET, / Cotffrave. BARRING, part. Except. Var.dial. BARRING-OUT, s. An old custom at schools, when the boys, a few days before the holidays, barri- cade the school-room from the master, and stipulate for the dis- cipline of the next half year. BARROW, . (A.-S.) (1) A mound of earth ; a sepulchral tumulus. (2) A grove. (3) A way up a hill. North. (4) The conical baskets wherein they put the salt to let the water drain from, at Nantwich and Droitwich. (5) A castrated boar. BARRS, *. The upper parts of the gums of a horse. Diet. Rust. BARRY, v. To thrash corn. Nor- thumb. BARS, *. The game of prisoner's- base. BARSALE, *. The time of strip- ping bark. East. See Barksele. BARSE, . A perch. Westm. BARSLETS, s. Hounds. BARSON,*. A horse's collar. Yorksh. BARST, pret. t. Burst ; broke. BARTE, v. To beat with the fists. Warw. BARTH, 1 . A shelter for cattle. BARSH, J Var. dial. BARTHOLOMEW-PIG, a. Roasted pigs were formerly among the chief attractions of Bartholomew Fair ; they were sold piping hot, in booths and stalls, and osten. tatiously displayed to excite the appetite of passengers. Hence a Bartholomew pig became a com- mon subject of allusion ; the puritan railed against it : For the very calling it a Bartholomew pig, and to eat it so, is a spice of idola- try. B. Jons., Bart. Fair, i, 6. BARTHOLOMEW-BABY, *. A gawdy doll, such as were sold in the fair. By the eighth house you may know to an inch, how many moths will eat an alderman's gown ; by it also, and the help of the bill of mortality, a man may kiiow how many people die in London every week : it also tells farmers what manner of wife they should chuse, not one trickt up with ribbands and knots, like a Bartholomew-baby ; for such a one will prove a holiday wife, all play and no work. Poor Robin,'l74Q. BARTHOLOMEW-GENTLEMAN, . A person who is unworthy of trust. After him comes another Bartholomew gentleman, with a huge hamper of pro- mises ; and he falls a trading with his promises, and applying of promises, and resting upon promises, that we can hear of nothing but promises: which trade of promises lie so engross'd to himself, and those of his own congrega- tion, that in the late times he would not so much as let his neer kinsmen, the presbyterians, to have any dealing with the promises. Eachard's Observations, 1671. BARTHU-DAY, *. St. Bartholo- mew's day. BARTIZAN, *. The small turret pro- jecting from the angle on the top of a tower, or from the parapet or other parts of a building. BARTLE, . (1) "At nine-pins or ten-banes they have one larger bone set about a yard before the rest call'd the bartle, and to knock down the bartle gives for five in the game." Kennett. (2) St. Bartholomew. BARTON, . (A.-S.) (1) The de- mesne lands of a manor ; the manor-house itself; the outhouses and yards. BAR 171 BAS (2) A coop for poultry. BARTRAM, s. (corrupted from Lot. pyrethntm.) The pellitory. BARTYNiT,/>ar/./?. Struck; beaten with the fist. Gaw, See Barte. BAKU, s. A barrow or gelt boar. Rob. Glouc. BARVEL, *. A short leathern apron worn by Mrasherwomen ; a slab- bering bib. Kent. BARVOT, adj. Bare-foot. BARW, adj. (A.-S.) Protected. BARWAY, *. A passage into a field made of bars which take out of the posts. BARYTONE, *. The name of a viol- shaped musical instrument, made by the celebrated Joachim Fielke in the year 1687. BAS, (1) 'v. (Fr.) To kiss. (2) *. A kiss. Nay. syr, as for bassys, From hence none passys, But as in gage Of maryage. Play of Wit and Science, p. 13. BAS AM, *. The red heath broom. Devon. BASCLES, *. A sort of robbers or highwaymen. Lanytoft, Chron., p. 242." BASCON, s. A kind of lace, con- sisting of five bows. BASE, (1) adj. (A.-N.} Low. (2) . To sing or play the base part in music. Shakesp. (3) *. Matting. East. (4) *. A perch. Cumb. (5) *. The drapery thrown over a horse, and sometimes drawn tight over its armour. See Bases. (6) A small kind of ordnance. BASE, "1 *. Prison-base, or prison- BACE, / bars. A rustic game, often alluded to in the old writers. Lads more like to run The country base, than to commit such slaughter. Shakesp., Cym., v, 3. So ran they all as they had been at bace, They being chased that did others chace. Spent. F. Q., V, viii, 6. To bid a base, to run fast, chak lenging another to pursue. To bid the wind a base he now prepares. Shakesp., Venus and Ad. BASE-BALL, #. A country game. Suffolk. BASEBROOM,*. The herb woodwax. BASE-COURT,*. The outer, or lower court. BASE-DANCE, g. A grave, sober, and solemn mode of dancing, somewhat, it is supposed, in the minuet style ; and so called, per- haps, in contradistinction to the vaulting kind of dances, in which there was a greater display of agility. BASEL, . A coin abolished by Henry II in 1158. BASELARD, s. See Baslard. BASELER, *. A person who takes care of neat cattle. North. BASEL-POT, s. A sort of earthen vessel. Which head she plasht within a lasellpot, Well covered all with harden sovle aloft. Turbenille's Tragical Tales, 1587. BASEN, adj. Extended as with astonishment. A.nd stare on him with big looks basen wide, Wond'ring what mister wight he was, and whence. Spent., Moth. Hubb. Tale, 1. 670 BASE-RING, #. The ring of a can- non next behind the touch-hole. BASEROCKET, s. A plant (the bur- dock). BASES, s. pi. A kind of embroi- dered mantle which hung down from the middle to about the knees, or lower, worn by knights on horseback. All heroick persons are pictured in bases and buskins. Gay ton, Fest. Notes, p. 218. Bases were also worn on other occasions, and are thus described in a stage direction to a play by Jasper Maine. Here six Mores dance, after the ancient /Ethiopian manner. Erect arrowei stuck round their heads in their curled BAS 172 BAS hair instead of quivers. Their bowes in their hands. Their upper parts naked. Their nether, from the wast to their knees, covered with bases of blew satin, edged with a deep silver fringe," &C. Amorous Warre, iii, 2. The colour of her bases was almost Like to the falling whitish leaves and drie, With cipresse trunks embroder'd and ern- bost. Harr. Ar., xxxii, 47- (2) An apron. Butler has used it in Hudibras to express the butcher's apron. BASH, (1) v. (probably from A.-N. baisser.) To lose flesh ; become lean. A pig is said to bash, when it " goes back" in flesh in conse- quence of being taken from good food to bad. Leic. Northampt. (2) . To beat fruit down from the trees with a pole. Beds. (3) v. To be bashful. (4) s. The mass of roots of a tree before they separate; the front of a bull's or pig's head. Heref. BASHMENT, . Abashment. BASHRONE, *. A kettle. BASHY, adj. (1) Fat ; swollen. North. (2) Dark ; gloomy ; sloppy ; said of the weather. Northampt, BASIL, s. (1) When the edge of a joiner's tool is ground away to an angle, it is called a basil. (2) The skin of a sheep tanned. BASILEZ, *. A low bow. Decker. BASIL-HAMPERS, s. A diminutive person who takes short steps, and proceeds slowly; a girl whose clothes hang awkwardly about her feet. Line. BASILIARD, s. A baslard. BASILICOK, s. A basilisk. BASIUNDA, *. The play called Questions and Commands ; the choosing of King and Queen, as on Twelfth Night. ss:^*"-" BASINET, s. The herb crowfoot. BASING, "Is. The rind or outer HAZING, / coat of a cheese. Mid- land Counties. BASINSKIN, . See Barmskin. BASK, (1) adj. Sharp, hard, acid. Westmor. (2) v. To nestle in the dust like birds. Leic. BASKEFYSYKE, s. Fututio. Cok- wolds Daunce, 1. 116. BASKET, s. An exclamation fre- quently made use of in cockpits, where persons, unable to pay their losings, are adjudged to be put into a basket suspended over the pit, there to remain till the sport is concluded. Grose. BASKET-SWORD, s. A sword with a basket hilt. BASKING, *. (1) A thrashing. East. (2) A drenching in a shower. East. BASLARD, s. (A.-N.) A long dag- ger, usually suspended from the girdle. In 1403 it was ordained that no person should use a bas- lard, decorated with silver, unless he be possessed of the yearly in- come of 201. BASNET,*. (1) A cap. Skelton. (2) A bassenet. BASON, *. A badger. Cotgrave. See Bawson. BASONING-FURNACE, s. A furnace used in the manufacture of hats. Holme. BASS, (1) s. A kind of perch. (2) s. A church hassock. North. (3) A collar for cart-horses made of flags. (4) Dried rushes. Cumb. (5) The inner rind of a tree. North. (6) A slaty piece of coal. Shropsh. (7) A twopenny loaf. North. (8) A thing to wind about grafted trees before they be clayed, and after. Holme. BAS 173 BAS BASSA, BASSADO, s. A bashaw. BASSATE, BASSAM, s. Heath. Devon. BASSE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To kiss. (2) s. A kiss. (3) s. A hollow place. Hol- lyband. (4) s. Apparently, the elder swine. Topsell's Foure Footed Beasts, p. 661. (5) v. To ornament with bases. BASSEL-BOWLS, s. Bowling balls. Northampt. BASSENKT, s. A light helmet worn sometimes with a moveable front. BASSET, s. (1) An earth-dog. Markham. (2) A mineral term where the strata rise upwards. Derbysh. (3) An embassy. Past. Lett., i, 158. BASSETT, *. A game at cards, fashionable in the latter part of the seventeenth century, said to have been invented at Venice. BASSEYNYS, s. Basons. BASSINATE, s. A kind of fish, supposed to be like men in shape. BASSOCK, s. A hassock. Bailey. BAST, (1) s. Matting; straw. North. (2) s. Boast. (3) s. A bastard. (4) part. p. Assured. (5) v. To pack up. North. BASTA. Properly an Italian word, signifying it is enough, or let it sitffice,b\it not uncommon in the works of our ancient dramatists. BASTARD, *. A sort of sweet Spa- nish wine, which approached the muscadel wine in flavour ; there were two sorts, white and brown. It was perhaps made from a bas- tard species of muscadine grape; but the term seems to have been applied, in more ancient times, to all mixed and sweetened wines. Spaine hringeth forth wines of a whitt colour, but much hotter and stronger, as sacke, rumney, and bastard. Cughan's Haven of Health, p. 239. I was drunk with bastard, Whose nature is to form things, like itself, Heady and monstrous. B. $ Fl., Tamer Tam'd, ii, 1. (2) s. A gelding. (3) v. To render illegitimate. BASTAT, *. A bat. North. BASTE, (1)0. (A.-N.) To mark sheep. North. (2) v. To sew slightly. (3) s. A blow. North. (4) 0. To flog. Basting, a severe castigation. (5) s. Bastardy. (6) (A.-S.) A rope. BASTELER, s. (A.*N.) A person who bastes meat. BASTEL-HOUSE, s. See Bastile. BASTEL-ROOFS, s. Turreted or cas- tellated roofs. B ASTER, (1) s. A heavy blow. North. (2) A bastard. The 15. Octob. A. All. delivered before her tyme of a man child. This yere was a quiet yere, but that the discour- tasi of A. All. troblud me often, and the baster. Forman's Diary. BASTERLY-GULLION,*. A bastard's bastard. Lane. BASTIAN, *. St. Sebastian. BASTICK, s. A basket. West. BASTILE, *. (A.-N.) A temporary wooden tower, used formerly in military and naval warfare ; some- times, any tower or fortification. They had also towres of tymber goyiig on wheles that we clepe bastiles or somercastelles, and shortly alle thinges that nedfulle was in eny maner kyude of werres, the legion had it. Vegecius, by Trenisa, MS. Reg. Item the xxviijti of Marche Roger Witherington and Thomas Carlell, of this towne of Barwyke, rode into Lam- mermore to a place called Hou slit-lull, xvj myle from Barwyke, and ther wan a bastell-howse, and gote the man ot the same, whiche offred to gyve them for his raunsome xl marks. MS. Cott. whicll Wasll- BATSTAFF, | ers beat their BATTING-STAFF, J coarse clothes. BATLETON, *. A batler. Shropsh. BATLING, s. A kind of fish. BATLINS, s. Loppings of trees, tied up into faggots. Suff. BAT 176 BAT BATNER, s. An ox. BATOON, *. (Fr.) A cudgel. BATOUB, *. Batter. Warner. BATS, *. (1) The short furrows of an irregular field. South. (2) *. The game of cricket. Dev. (3) *. A beating. Yorksh. (4) *. The slaty part of coal after it is burnt white. Coal deterio- rated by the presence of this slaty matter is said to be batty. Northampt. In Shropshire it is called baas, and in Yorkshire plate. BAT-SWAIN, s. (A.-S.) A sailor. BATT, v. (1) To beat gently. Shropsh. (2) To wink or move the eyelids up and down. Chesh. BATTABLE, adj. Capable of culti- vation. BATTAILANT, s. (A.-N.) A com- batant. BATTAILE, *. (A.-N.) A battalion of an army. BATTALIA, . (Fr.) (1) The order of battle. (2) The main body of an army in array. BATTED, part. p. Stone worked off with a tool instead of being rubbed smooth. A stonemason's term. BATTEN, (1) v. (A.-S.) To thrive; to grow fat. North. (2) *. A rail from three to six inches broad, and one or more thick. (3) s. The straw of two sheaves folded together. North. See Bat. BATTEN-BOARD, s. A thatcher's tool for beating down thatch. BATTEN-FENCE, s. A fence made by nailing two or three rails to upright posts. BATTER, (1) . (perhaps from A.-N. abattre.) An abatement; a wall which diminishes upwards is said to batter. Sussex. (2) *. Dirt. North. (3) v. To tight one's way. Mid- land C. (4) v. To wear out. South. BATTERO, . A bat. BATTICLE, *. A moveable wooden cross-bar to which the traces of husbandry horses are secured. Northampt. BATTID, adj. Covered with strips of wood, as walls are previously to their being plastered. BATTIL, "1 v. (A.-S.) To grow fat. BATTEL, /Also, to fatten others. For sleep, they said, would make her battil better. Sp., F. Q., VI, viii, 38. Ashes are a marvellous improvement to battle barren land. Ray's Prov., 238. BATTING, *. A bottle of straw. Northampt. BATTING-STOCK, s. A beating stock. Kennett. BATTLE, (1) v. To dry in ointment or moisture upon the flesh by rubbing that part of the body while exposed to the fire. (2) adj. Fruitful, fertile, applied to land. (3) v. To render ground fertile by applying manure. (4) v. To go about a room with wet and dirty shoes. Northampt. (5) v. To bespatter with mud. Battled, splashed or bespattered with mud. (6) v. To take up commons at a college, without immediately paying for them. Skinner de- rives it from the Dutch betaalen, to pay, a term which appears to have been formed from the an- cient manner of keeping accounts by tallies, or tale. Eat my commons with a good stomach, and battled with discretion. Puritan, ii, p. 543. BATTLED, part. p. E mbattled. BATTLEDORE, s. (1) A hornbook, and hence no doubt arose the phrase " to know a B from a battledoor," implying a very BAT 177 slight degree of learning, or the being hardly able to distinguish one thing from another. It is sometimes found in early printed works, as if it should be thus written, " to know A. B. from a battledoor." You shall not neede to buy bookes ; no, scorne to distinguish a B.from a. battle- doore; onely looke that your eares be long enough to reach our rudiments, and you are made for ever. Guls Horne-booke, 1609, p. 3. (2) A flat wooden implement, with a slit at one end for the hand, used in mending thatch, to push the ends of the new straw under the old thatch. Northampt. BATTLEDORE-BARLEY, s. A kind of barley, said to be so called " from the flatness of the ear." Aubrey's Wilts. BATTLER, s. (1) A small bat to play at ball. (2) An Oxford student ; properly one who pays for nothing but what he calls for, answering nearly to a sizar at Cambridge. BATTLE-ROYAL, s. A fight between several cocks, where the one that stands longest is the victor. BATTLES, s. Commons or board. Cumberl. BATTLET, "1 s. A kind of BATLING-STAFF, I flat wooden BEETLE, J mallet used to beat linen with, in order to whiten it. See Bailer. BATTLETWIG, s. An earwig. Mid- land Counties and North. BATTLING-STOXE, s. A large smooth-faced stone, set in a slop- ing position by the side of a stream, on which washerwomen beat their linen. North. BATTOLOGIST, s. (Gr.) One who constantly repeats the same thing. BATTOLOGIZE, v. To repeat con- tinually the same thing. BATTOLCGY, *. (Gr. The frequent repetition of the same thing. BATTOM, s. A narrow board, the full breadth of the tree from which it is sawn. North. BATTON, *. (Fr.) (1) A club or weapon. (2) Strong, broad, fencing rails. Norf. (3) Doors made by the boards being nailed to rails or bars are called datton-doors, in contradis- tinction to such as are panelled. (4) Narrow deals with which the best floors are laid. BATTRIL, s. A bathing-staff. Lane. BATTRY, *. A copper or brass wide-mouthed vessel, not riveted together, as plates of metal are in larger vessels, but hammered or batter'd into union, as tea- kettles, &c., are. BATTS, 9. (1) Low, flat grounds adjoining rivers ; sometimes, islands in rivers. North. (2) Short ridges. Wight. BATTY, adj. (1) Belonging to a bat ; in the manner of bats. (2) A term applied to coal. See Bats. BATWELL, . A wicker strainer to put over the spigot in the mash r vat, to prevent the grains from passing through. Leic. BATYN, v. To make debate. Pr. P. BAUBEE, . A copper coin, of about the value of a halfpenny. BAUBERY, *. A squabble ; a brawl. Var. dial. See Bobbery. BAUD, (1) s. (A.-N.) A procurer, procuress, or keeper of a brothel, or any one employed in bad ser- vices in this line, whether male or female. (2) *. A badger. (3) adj. Bold. BAUDE, adj. (A -N.) Joyous. BAUDERIE, s. Pimping. BAUDKIN, s. (A.-N. baudequin.) A rich and precious sort of stuff. BAU 178 BAW said to have been composed of silk, interwoven with threads of gold in a most sumptuous manner. For cloth of gold, or tinsel figurie, For baudkin, uroydrie outworks, or conceits, He set the shippes of merchantmen on worke. Gascoigne, Steele-Glasse, v. 786. See BaldricJc. BAUDRICK, \ BAUDBY, / BAUDRY, . Bad language. Skelton. BAUDY, adj. (A.-N.) Dirty. BAUDY-BASKET, s. A cant term for a profligate woman. BAUFFE, v. To belch. BAUFUEY, s. A beam. BAUF-WEEK, . Among the pitmen of Durham seems to mean the week in which they are not paid, they being paid fortnightly. Hone's Table Book, i, 654. BAUGER, adj. Bald; barbarous; bad. Than brought he forth another byll, conteyning the said sentence; and tUat also he redde in his tauger Latine. Bale, Sir J. Oldcastell. BAUGH, (1) s. A pudding made with milk and flour only. Chesh. (2) v. To bark. BAUGHLING, s. Wrangling. Cumb. BAULCHIN, s. An unfledged bird. Warw. BAULK, v. To overlook or pass by a hare in her form without see- ing her. BAULKY, adj. A term applied to earth which digs up in clots. North. BAULME-MINT, s. Water mint. BAULTKR, . To curl. BAUN-COCK, . A game cock. Durham. BAUNSEY, s. A badger. Prompt. P. BAURGHWAN, . A horse-collar. Yorksh. BAUSE, v. To kiss. See Base. BAUSON, adj. Swelled ; pendant. Sltropsh. BAUSON, BAUSIN, BAWZON, BAWSTONE, YS. A badger. BAWSONE, J BAUSTON, BOUSON, J BAUTERT, adj. Encrusted with dirt. North. BAUX-HOUND, s. A kind of hunt- ing dog. BAVAROY, s. (Fr.) A kind of cloak or surtout. Let the loop'd bararoy the fop embrace, Or his deep cloke be spatter'd o'er with lace. Gay. BAVEN, 1 . A brush faggot, pro- BAVIN, J perly bound with only one withe, a faggot being bound with two. Bavins will have their flashes, and youth their fancies, the one as soon quenched as the other is burnt. Mother Bombie, 159-1. With coals and with bavins, and a good warm chair. Old Song. The skipping king, he ambled up and down With shallow jesters and rash bavin wits Soon kindled and soon burnt. 1 Hen. IV, iii, 2. (2) s. A bundle of small wood. Berks. BAVENS, s. A kind of cake. BAVERE, s. Bavaria. BAVIAN, s. A baboon, or monkey ; an occasional, but not a regular character in the old Morris dance. BAVIER, s. (A.-N.} The beaver of a helmet. BAVIN, s. Impure limestone. BAVISENESSE, s. (A.-N.) Mockery. BAVISH, v. To drive away. East. BAW. (1) An interjection of con- tempt. (2) s. A boy. East. (3) s. A bail. North. (4) s. A dumpling. Lane. (5) v. To bark. See Baugh. (6) v. Alvum levare. Lane. BAWATY, s. Lindsey-wolsey. North. BAW 179 BAY BAWCOCK, . (conjectured to be a corruption of the Fr. beau cog.) A burlesque word of endearment. Why that's my baiecoclc. What lias sruutcL'd thy nose ? Sluikesp., W. Tale, i, 2. At a later period the word baw- cock was used to signify a rogue. BAWD, (1) s. The outer covering of a walnut. Somerset. See Bad. (2) pret. t. Bawled. Yorksh. (3) s. A hare. A word used chiefly in Scotland. BAWDER, v. To scold grumblingly. Suffolk. BAWE, . A species of worm for- merly used as a bait for fishing. BAWE-MNE, s. The bowling of a sail ; that rope which is fastened to the middle part of the outside of a sail. BAWER, s. A maker of balls. Staf- fordsh. BAWK, (1) v. To relinquish. How? let her go? by no means, sir. It shall never be read in chronicle, that sir Arther Addel (my renowned friend) bawk'd a mistress for fear of rivals. Caryl, Sir Salomon, 1691. (2) s. A balk in ploughing. (3) s. A beam. Bawk-hei't, the height of the beam. Cumb. BAW, s. A bow. BAWKER, s. A sort of sand-stone used for whetting scythes. So- merset. See Balker. BAWKS, 8. A hay-loft. Cumb. BAWLIN, adj. Big; large. BAWM, v. To daub. " He bawmed and slawmed it all over mortar and wash." BAWME, ],,., / . >,\ -n, Ml) (A.-N.) Balm. BAUME. J ^ ' ^ (2) v. To embalm. (3) v. To address ; to adorn. North. BAWMYN, . Balsam. Prompt. P. BAWN, (1) *. An inclosed yard, especially of a small castle. These round hills and square bamis, which you see so strongly trenched and thrown up. were at first ordained that people might assemble themselves therein. Speuser's Stale of Ireland. (2) adj. Ready ; going. North. BAWND, adj. Swollen. East. BAWNDOXLY, adv. (A.-N.) Cheer- fully. BAWRELL, s. (A.-N.) A kind of hawk. The male bird was called a bawret. BAWSE, v. To scream. BAWSEN, adj. Burst. Derbysh. BAWSHERE, . A corruption of beau-sire. BAWSIN, "1(1) s. An imperious BAWSON, j noisy fellow. North. Peace, you fat bawson, peace. Lingua, 0. PI., v. 232. (2) adj. Great; large; unwieldy; swelled. Coles has " a great bawsin, ventrosus." (3) s. A badger. See Bauson. BAWSAND, \ adj. Streaked with BAWSONT, j white upon the face: a term applied only to horses and cattle. BAWSTONE,*. Abadger. Prompt. P. BAWT, (\) prep. Without. Yorksh. (2) v. To roar; to cry. North. BAWY, s. A boy. BAXTER, s. (1) A baker. See backster. (2) An implement for baking cakes, common in old houses. North. BAY, (1) *. A berry. (2) A high pond-head to keep in the water, for driving the wheels of the furnace or hammer belonging to an iron mill. Blount. In Dorsetshire, any bank across a stream is called a bay. Cotgrave mentions " a bay of land." (3) s. The space between the main beams in a barn. Nor- thampt. (4; . A principal compartment or division in the architectural BAY 180. BEA arrangement of abuilding, marked either by the buttresses on the walls, by the disposition of the main ribs of the vaulting of the interior, by the main arches and pillars, the principals of the roof, or by any other leading features that separate it into correspond- ing portions. The word is some- times used for the space be- tween the mullions of a window. Houses were estimated by the number of bays : If this law bold in Vienna ten years, I'll rent the fairest house in it, after three-pence a Jay. Meas.for M., ii, 1. Of one baye's breadth, God wot, a silly coate Whose thatched spars are furr'd with sluttish soote. Hall, Sat., v, 1. As a term among builders, it also signified every space left in the wall, whether for door, win- dow, or chimney. (5) s. A pole ; a stake. (6) . To bathe. Spenser. (7) *. A boy. (8) adj. Round. Gaw. (9) v. (A.-S. bugan.) To bend. Cumberl. (10) 0. To bark. Miege. (11) v. To open the mouth entreatingly for food, like a young child. Hollyband. (12) s. The nest of a squirrel. East. (13) s. A hole in a breast-work to receive the mouth of a cannon. (14) v. To unlodge a martern. Blome. (15) v. To bleat. BAYARD, s. (A.-N.) Properly a bay horse, but often applied to a horse in general. " As bold as blind bayard," is an old proverb. BAY-BERRY, s. The fruit of the laurel. Bacca lanri. SafyvoKoxicos, Pelagonio. Grain de lauricr. A bay berry. Hoaunclator, 15S5. BAY-DUCK, s. A shell-duck. East. BAYE, adj. (A.-S.) Both. Into the chaumber go we baye, Among the maidens for to playe. Gy of JTaricilce, p. 108. BAYEN, v. To bay ; to bark ; to bait. BAYES, s. Baize. BAYLE, . A bailiff. BAYLES, s. A bucket. BAYLY, s. (A.-N.) Authority; any- thing given in charge to a bailiff or guard. BAYLYD, part. p. Boiled. BAYN, *. (A.-S. bana.) A mur- derer. BAYNYD, part. p. Shelled for table, as beans, &c. Prompt. P. BAYTE, v. (A.-S.) To avail; to be useful ; to apply to any use. BAYTHE, . To grant. Gaw. BAYTING, s. A chastisement. BAY-WINDOW, . A large window ; supposed to derive this name from its occupying the whole bay. It usually projected out- wards, in a rectangular or poly- gonal form, or sometimes semi- circular, from whence the cor- rupted form bow-window arose. BAY-YARN, *. Another name for woollen-yarn. BAYYD, adj. Of a bay colour. Prompt. P. BAZANS, s. A sort of leather boots, mentioned by Mat. Paris. BAZE, v. To alarm. North. BE, (I) prep. (A.-S.) By. (2) part. p. Been. In the prov. dialects, be is often used as the pres. t. of the verb. (3) Be, bi, or by, is used as a common prefix to verbs, generally conveying an intensative power. (t)s.(A.-S.) A jewel or ring. See Beigh. BKACE, *. (1) Cattle. North. (2) A cow-stall. Yorksh. BEACHED, adj. Exposed to the waves. BEA 181 BEA BEAD, "1 * (A.-S.) A prayer, from BEDE, J bid, to pray. A paire of bedis eke she here Upon a lace al of white threde, On which that she her bedis bede. Romaunt of the Rose, 1. 7372. Bring the holy water hither, Let us wasli and pray together : When our beads are thus united, Then the foe will fly affrighted. Herrick, p. 385. Small round balls, stringed to- gether, and hung from the neck, assisted the Romish devotees in counting the number of prayers, or paternosters, they said, and consisted of thirty.or twice thirty, single beads. Next to every tenth bead was one larger, and more embellished, than the rest ; these were called gaudes, and are men- tioned by Chaucer : Of smal coral aboute hire artne sche haar, A peire of bedes, gaudid al with grene. Cant. T., 1. 158. From this practice originated the name of beads as applied to per- sonal ornaments. BEAD-CUFFS, s. Small ruffles. Miege. BEAD-FARING, s. Pilgrimage. BEAD-HOUSE, s. A dwelling-place for poor religious persons, who were to pray for the soul of the founder. BEADLE, s. (A.-S. baedal, bydel.) A crier or messenger of a court ; the keeper of a prison or house of correction ; an under-bailiff. BEAD-ROLL, "1 . Originally a list of BED-ROLL, J the benefactors to a monastery, whose names were to be mentioned in the prayers; more generally, a list of prayers and church services, and such priests as were to perform them ; also, an inventory. And bel!ow forth against the gods them- selves A bed-roll of outrageous blasphemies. Old PL, ii, 251. Or tedious lead-rolls of descended blood, From fa'^er Japhet since Deucalion's flood. Bp. Hall, Sat., iv, 3. Then Wakefield battle next we in ont bedroul bring. Drayton, Polyolb., 22. "Tis a dead world, no stirring, he hath crosses, Kehearseth up a bead-rowie of his losses. Rowlands, Knave of Harts, 1613. BEADSMAN, . One who prays for another; and hence, being used as a common compliment from one person to another, it was at length used almost in the sense of servant. BEADSWOMAN, s. A woman who prays for another person. BEAK, (1) v. To bask in the heat. North. (2) . An iron over the fire, in which boilers are hung. Yorksh. (3) v. To wipe the beak, a term in hawking. (4) v. A term in cockfighting. (5) s. The nose of a horse. (6) s. The point of a shoe, in the costume of the 14th cent. BEAK ER, . ( Germ, becher.) A large drinking vessel ; a tumbler- glass. Another bowle, I doe not like this cup. You slave, what linneu hast thou brought us here ? Fill me a beaker, looke it be good beere. Rowlands, Knave of Harts, 1613. BEAKIRON,S. An instrument of iron used by blacksmiths. BEAKMENT, s. A measure of about the quarter of a peck. Newcastle. BEAL, (1) v. To roar out (for bawl). North. (2) v. (A.-S.) To suppurate. Durham. (3) *. (A.-S.) A boil, or hot in- flamed tumour. BEALDE,fl.(-4.-) To grow in years. Jne stat that sacrament ine man, Wanne je ine Gode byaldeth. William de Shoreham. SEALING, . Big with child. BEALTE, . (A-N.) Beauty. BEAM, (1) s. (A.-S.) Misfortune, Rob. Glouc. (2) v. To put water in a tub, to stop the leaking by swelling the wood. North. BEA 182 BEA (3) 8. A band of straw. Devon. (4) i. The shaft of a chariot. Holinsh., Hist. ofEng., p. 26. (5) s. A kind of wax-candle. (6) *. The third and fourth branches of a stag's horn were called the beams, or beam- antlers. (7) s. A part of a plough. The team is perpendicularly above the spit, and connected with it; first, by the plough handle, or by the lower part of that piece of timber which terminates in the handle. The size of this piece is equal to the beam at that end of it, and both the beam and the spit are strongly morticed into it. Above the beam it is continued in a sweep the length of 5 feet from the bottom ; the highest part of the sweep being 3 feet from the ground line, or bottom of the spit. (8) s. (^.-5.) A trumpet. (9) *. The rafter of a roof. Beame of a rouffe, not beyns* inbowed or fretted. Laquear. Huloct. BEAM ' 1 Bohemia. BEME. / BEAMELING, . A small ray of light. BEAM-FEATHERS, s. The long fea- thers in the wings or tail of a hawk. BEAMFUL,^. Luminous. Drayton. BEAMING-KNIFE, s. A tanner's in- strument, mentioned by Pals- grave. BEAM-RINGLE, s. A moveable iron ring on the beam of a wheel- plough, by which the plough is regulated. Norfolk. BEAMY, adj. Built with beams. BEAN, .v. The old method of choos- ing king and queen on Twelfth Day, was by having a bean and a pea mixed up in the composi- tion of the cake. They who found these in their portion of cake, were constituted king and queen for the evening. " Three blue beam in a blue bladder" is an old phrase, the meaning of which is not very clear. F. Hark does't rattle? S. Yes, like three blue beans in a Hut bladder, rattle, bladder, rattle. Old Fortunatiis, Anc. Dr., iii, p. 128. They say- That putting all his words together, 'Tis three blue leans in one blue bladder. Prior, Alma, Cant. I, v. 25. BEAN-BELLIES, s. An old nick-name for the natives of Leicestershire. BEAN-COD, s. A small fishing vessel. BEANE, adj. Obedient. BEANED, adj. A beaned horse, one that has a pebble put under its lame foot, to make it appear sound and firm. BEANHELM, s. The stalks of beans. West. BEAR, (1) *. A kind of barley. (2) s. A noise. See Bere. (3) *. A tool used to cut sedge and rushes in the fens. Norf. (4) The v. bear is used in several curious old phrases. To bear a bob, to make one among many, to lend a helping hand. To bear in or on hand, to persuade, to keep in expectation, to accuse. She knowynge that perjurye was no greatter o&ence than advoutry, with wepynge and swerynge defended her honestie; and bare her husbande on hands, that they feyned those tales for envye that they hadde to se them lyve so quietly. Tales $ Quicke Answers. To bear a brain, to exert atten- tion, ingenuity, or memory. But still take you heed, have a vigilant eye Well, sir, let me alone, I'll bear a brain. All Fools, 0. PL, iv, 177. To bear low, to behave oneself humbly. Palsgrave. " I beare one wronge in hande, ie louche." Ibid. To bear out a man, to defend one. Ibid. Bear one company, i.e., keep one company. Ibid. Beare one bold, i. e., to set at defiance. "Theyknowe well they do agaynst the lawe, but they beare them boldeoi theirelordeand mayster." Ibid. To play the bear with, to BEA 183 BEA lar*.j0. Puzzled. Essex. BEATWORLD.arft?. Beyond controul. East. BEAU, adj. (Fr.) Fair ; good. BEAUFET, *. (A.-N.) A cupboard or niche, with a canopy, at the end of a hall; a cupboard, where glasses, bowls, &c., are put away. BEAU-PERE, *. (1) (A.-N.) A friar, or priest. (2) A companion. Spens. Now leading him into a secret shade From his beau-peres, and from bright hea- ven's view, Where him to sleep she gently would persuade Or bath him in a fountain by some covert glade. F. Q., Ill, i, 35. BEAUPERS, s. Apparently some kind of cloth. Book of Ratet, p. 26, BEA 185 EEC BEAUPLEADER, s. A writ that lies where the sheriff or bailiff takes a fine of a party that he may not plead fairly. BEAUTIFIED, adj. Beautiful. Shak. Polonius calls it a vile phrase, but it was a common one in those times, particularly in the ad- dresses of letters. " To the most beautified lady, the Lady Eliza- beth Carey," is the address of a dedication by Nash. " To the most beautified lady, the Lady Anne Glemham," R. L. inscribes his " Diella," consisting of poems and sonnets, 1596. BEAUTIFUL, adj. Delicious. BEAU-TRAPS, s. Loose pavements in the footway, under which dirt and water collects, liable to splash any one that treads on them. Norf. BEAUTY-SPOT, s. The patches which ladies put on their faces, as fashionable ornaments. BEAUTY-WATER, s. A liquid for- merly used by ladies to restore their complexions. BEAVER, (1) . (A.-N.~) That part of the helmet which was moved up and down to enable the wearer to drink, leaving part of the face exposed when up. (2) *. The bushes or underwood growing out on the ditchless side of a single hedge. Dorset. BEAVER, "1 *. (A-N.) A name BEVER, > formerly given to the BEVERAGE, J afternoon collation, and still in use in Essex, Nor- thamptonshire, and other parts. See Sever. Drinkinge betwene dinner and supper, called beaver. Antecamum. Huloet. Betimes in the morning they break their fast ; at noon they dine; when the day is far spent they take their beaver; late at night they slip. Gate of Languages, 1568. Certes it is not supposed meete that we tlwuld now contente oureselves with breakfast and supper only, as our elder* have done before us, nor enough that we have added our dinners unto then foresaid meales, but we must have thereto our beverages and reare-suppers, so that small time is spared, wherein to occupy ourselves unto any godly exer- cise. Description of &'otlnd\ p. 20. BEAVERAGE, . (^.-A'.) Cider made after the first squeezing Devon. BEAVERET, s. A half-beaver hat. BEAWTE, prep. Without. Lane. BEAZLED, adj. Fatigued. Sussex. BEB, v. (Lat. bibo.) To sip; to drink. North. A bebber, an im- moderate drinker. See Bib. BEBASTE, v. To beat. BEBATHE, . To bathe all over. The bulls meanwhile each other wounds do lend, And gore each others sides, whose blond spurts out, And head and shoulders all bebathes about Whose bloudy blows the echoing wood resound. ' Virgil, by Vicars, 1632 BEBERIED, part. p. Buried. BEBLAST, part. p. Blasted. BEBLED, part. p. Covered with blood. BEBLINDE, v. To make blind. BEBLOT, . To stain. BEBOB, . To bob ; to bother, or mock. See Bob. BEBIDDE, v. To command. BECALLE, v. (A.-S.) (1) To ac- cuse; to challenge. (2) To abuse ; to censure. West (3) To require. Gaw. BECASSE, s. (Fr.) A woodcock. BECCO, *. (Ital. becco.) A cuckold. Duke, thou art a becco, a cornuto. P. How? M. Thou art a cuckold. Malcontent, 0. PL, iv, 30 BECHATTED, part. p. Bewitched Line. BECHE, . (A.-S.) A beech-tree. BECKER, s. (A.-S.) A betrayer. Love is becher and les, And lef tor to tele. MS. Digby, 86. BECK, (1) #. (A.-S. becc.) A rivu- let or small brook. EEC 180 BED (2) s. A constable. (3) v. To nod ; to beckon. This here I vow, By my beloved brothers Stygian slow, Bv all those pichy flouds and banks most black. Whereat he beclct, and with a thunder- crack Olympus totall frame extreamly trembled. Virgil, by Vicars, 1632. (4). A bow, a salutation. A beck was a bend of the knee as well as a nod of the head. (5) The beak of a bird. " Sho with a longe becke, soulier apou- laine." Palsgrave. I'm none of these same cringing things that stoops, Just like a tumbler when lie vaults through hoops, Or daw or magpy, when at first it pecks, Alternately their tails above their becks. Flechwe's Epigrams, 1670- BECKER, *. A wooden dish. Nor- thumb. BECKET, s. (1) A spade used in dig- ging turf. East. (2) A mantelpiece. Northampt. BECKETS, s. A kind of fastening ; a place of security for any kind of tackle on board a ship. BECK-STANS, s. Literally, brook- stones; the strand of a rapid river. North. BECLAPPE, v. (A.-S.) To catch. BECLARTED, adj. Besmeared ; be- daubed. North. BECUPPE, v. (1) To curdle. Maun- devile. (2) To embrace. BECOMES, s. Best clothes. East. BECOUGHT, part. p. (A.-S.) Seized; caught. BECRIKE, s. A kind of oath. North. BECRIPPLE, . To make lame. BECCRL, p. (1) To bend in a curve. (2) To curl all over. BKD, (1) v. A roe is said to bed when she lodges in a particular place. Diet. Rust. (2) *. A horizontal vein of ore in a mine. Derbysh. (3) v. To go to bed with. (4) part. p. of bidde. Offered , prayed; commanded. Lanytoft. (5) s. A fleshy piece of beef cut from the upper part (A the leg and bottom of the belly. East. (6) *. The uterus of an animal. (7) Getting out the wrong side of the bed, a phrase applied to a person who is peevish and ill- tempered. (8) A bed of snakes is a knot of young ones. (9) * The under side of a wrought stone, in masonry. (10) *. The horizontal base of stone inserted in a wall. (11) *. The body of a cart or waggon. Northampt. BEDAFFE, v. (A.-S.) To make a fool of. Then are you blind, dull-witted, and bedaft, North's Plut., p. 105. BEDAGLE, v. To dirty. BED-ALE, s. Groaning ale. brewed for a christening. Devon. BEDARE, v. To dare ; to defy. BEDASSHED, part. p. Covered ; adorned. BEDAWE, v. To ridicule. Skelton. BEDDE, (1) *. A bedfellow, hus- band or wife. (2) . To bed ; to put to bed. BEDDER, "I . The under-stone BEDETTER, J of an oil-mill. BEDDER, U An uphol8terer . BEDDINER. J BEDDERN, *. A refectory. BEDDY, adj. Greedy ; officious. North. BEDE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To pray. That thou wolt save thi moder and me, Thi preyere now I graunte the Of that thou bede before. Kyng of Tart, 1. 246. (2) To proffer. A ring Ysonde him bede To tokening at that tide : He fleighe forth in gret drede, In wode him for to h'-Ie. Sir Trutrem, Hi, 2& BED 187 BED (3) . To order ; to bid. (4) s. A prayer. (5) *. A commandment. (6) s. Prohibition. (7) pret. t. of bide. Dwelt ; continued. BEDEADED, pret. p. Slain; made dead ; deadened. BEDEET, part. p. Dirtied. North. BEDEHOUSE, *. See Bead. BEDEL, *. A servitor: a bailiff. See Beadle. BEDELRY, *. The jurisdiction of a beadle. BEDENE, adv. (A.-S.) Immedi- ately ; at once ; continuously ; forthwith. BEDERKE, v. To darken. BEDEVIL, v. To spoil. South. BEDEVILED, part. p. Rendered like a devil; become very wicked. BEDEW, v. To wet. BED-FAGGOT, s. A contemptuous term for a bedfellow. East. BEDFERE, 1 s. (A.-S.) A bed- BEDPHEERE, J fellow. BEDGATT, s. Command ? Morte Arthure. BEDIGHT, part. p. Decked out ; adorned. Her weapons are the javelin, and the bow, Her garments angell like, of virgin-white, Aud tuckt aloft, her falling skirt below Her buskin meetes: buckled with silver bright : Her haire behind her, like a cloake doth flow, Some tuckt in roules, some loose with flowers bedight: Her silken vailes play round about her slacke. Her golden quiver fals athwart her backe. Great Bntaines Troye, 1609. BEDIZEN, v. To dress out. No; here's Diana, who as I shall be- dizen, shall pass for as substantial an alderman's heiress as ever fell into wicked hands. Mrs. Behn, City Heiress, 1682. BED-JOINTS, s. Joints in the beds of rocks. Derbysh. BEDLAM COWSLIP, *. The paigle, or larger cowslip. Northampt. BEDLAMITE, s. A person who, having been put into Bethlehem as insane, had, after a due time of trial, been discharged though not perfectly cured. Not being mischievous or dangerous, they were afterwards suffered to go at large ; and the public took much interest in their wild and extra- vagant sayings and deeds. Male bedlamites wer all Toms, and Poor Toms; and the females Bettys and Bess ; and all, in addi- tion to lunacy, were afflicted with loathsome bodily diseases. It was one of the most popular plans of vagrant mendicity; and the coun- try was filled with bedlams and bedlamites, or Tom of Bedlams, as they were indifferently called. Every drunkard is so farre estranged from himselfe, that as one in an extasie of mind, or rather, in a playne phrtuzy, he may not be said to be sui animi compos, or a man of sounde wit, but rather, a very bedlem, or much worse. Stubbes's Anatomic of Abuses, p. 123. Alas ! thou vaunt'st thy sober sense in vain. In these poor Bedlamites thy self survey, Thy self, less innocently mad than they. Fitzgerald's Poems, 1'781. Till the breaking out of the civill warres, Tom o' Bedlams did travel about the country. They had been once distracted men that had been put into Bedlam, where recovering to some sobernesse, they were lieentiated to goe a begging. They had on their left arm an arnnlla of tin, about four inches long : they could not get it off. They wore about their necks a great horn of an ox in a string or bawdrick, which when they came to a house for alms they did wind ; and they did put the drinke given them into this horn ; whereto they did put a stop- ple. Since the warres I doe not remem- ber to have seen any one of them. Aubrey, Nat. Hist, of Wlltf. BEDLAWYR, s. A bed-ridden per- son. Prompt. Part. BEDMATE, s. A bedfellow. BED-MINION, s. A bardash. BEDOLED, part. p. Stupified with pain. Devon. BEDOLVE, v. To dig. BED 188 BEE BEDONE, part. p. Wrought ; made up. BEDOTB, v. To make to dote ; to deceive. BEDOUTE, part. p. Redoubted. BED-PHERE, *. Bedfellow. And I must have mine ears banquetted with pleasant and witty conferences, pretty girls, scoffs, and dalliance, in her that I mean to chuse for my bed-pheere. B. Jons., Eficaene, ii, 5. BEDPRESSER, . A dull heavy fellow. BEDRABYLED, part. p. Dirtied; wet. BEDRED, par*. />. (1) Dreaded. (2) Bedridden. BEDREINTE, part. p. Drenched; drowned. BEDREPES, *. Days of work per- formed in harvest time by the customary tenants, at the bidding of their lords. BED-ROLL, *. A catalogue. See Bead-roU. BEDROP, . To sprinkle ; to spot. BEDS, *. The game of hop-scotch. North. BEDS-FOOT, . The plant mastic. BEDSTETTLE, . A bedstead. Essex. BEDSTAFF, *. A wooden pin stuck formerly on the sides of the bed- stead to keep the clothes from slipping on either side. BED-SCSTER, *. One who shares the bed of the husband; the con- cubine of a married man in re- lation to the legitimate wife. Rob. Glouc. BEDSWERVER, . An adultress. Shakesp. BED-TYE, *. Bed-tick. West. BEDUELE, v. (A.-S. edwelian.) To deceive. Our angels ells thai him lete Our Godis sune ells thai him helde For he cuthe make the men teduelde. Cursor Mundi, MS. tdinb., f. 129. BEDUSK, v. To smudge, darken the colour of. BEDWARD, adv. Towards bed. BEDWARF, v. To make little. BEDWEN, a. A birch tree. BEDYNER, s. An officer. Lyare wes mi latymer, Sleuthe ant slep mi bedyner. Lyric Poetry, p. 49. BEE. To have dees in the head, to be choleric ; to be restless. Bat, Wyll, my maister hath bees in his head, If he find mee heare pratinge, I am but deade. Damon and Pith , 0. PI., i, 180. If he meet but a carman in the street, and I find him not talk to keep him off on him, he will whistle him and all bis tunes at overnight in his sleep! he hovre men in a stret clepyd linnelys lane, and hulpe beythyn and jrarclmcyn a place in Wykyn in susty- n.-iunce of the foreseyd howsyng of povre men. Found. Stat. of Saffron Walden Alnuh., liCO. BEGUILE, v. To cover with guile. So beguil'd With outward honesty, but yet defil'd With imvaiil vice. Sh., Rape of Lucr. BEGUL, r. To make a gull of; to cheat. He hath not left a penny in my purse : Five shillings, not a farthing more, I had, And thus bcytild, doth make me almost mad. Rowlands, Knave of Clubbs, 1611 BEGUTH, pres. t. Began. That hliced hodi to wind thai wald, And I beguthe it withald, Suilk strif hitwix us was tare. Cursor J/Har/.jo. (1) Tired; lag- ging behind. (2) Dirtied ; wetted. BELAM, . To beat. BELAMOUR, s. (Fr.) (1) A lover. Spenser. (2) The name of a flower. BEL- AMY, . (A.-N.) Fair friend. BELAFPE, v. To lap round; to surround. BELAST, part. p. Bound. BELATED, part. p. (1) Benighted. Milton. (2) Retarded. BEL 193 BEL BKLAVE, v. (A.-S.) To remain. BELAY, v. (1) To fasten. A sea term. (2) To flog. Northampt. BELAYED.joarf .p. Covered. Spenser. BELCH, (1) s. Small beer. Yorlcsh. (2) v. To remove the indurated dung from sheep's tails. Somerset. BELCHE, v. To decorate. Pr. P. BELCOXE, *. A balcony. BELDAME, *. (A.-N.) (1) A grand- mother. (2) A fair lady. Spenser. BELDE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To protect. This Frein thrived fram yer to yer : The abbesse nece men wend it were. The abbesse her gan teclie and telde. Lay le Freine, 1. 231. (2) *. Protection ; refuge. His em answer he veld, That litel he wald wene, Of hot sche was him beld, That Morauut soster had bene. Sir Tristram, ii, 19. (3) adj. Bold. (4) *. Build ; strength. She blissid here, and from him ran, Intil here chamber anon she cam, That was so stronse of belde. Syr'Gotoghtcr, L 81. Bi a childe of litil ieW Overcomen I am in myn elde. Cursor Mundi, MS. (5) v. To build. (6) v. To inhabit. BELDER, v. To roar; to hellow. North. BELE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Fair; good. (2) s. (A.-S. deal.) Bad conduct. Line. The signification of this word, as far as can be gathered, appears to be, bad course, or con- duct, or censurable proceeding of improvident or ill-disposed cha- racters. " He'll ne'er bate bele whawl hes spend evry hawp'ny" is said of a spendthrift. BELEAKINS. By the Lady kin ! North. BELE-CHERE, *. (W.-A".) Good com- pany. BELECHOSE, *. (A.-N.) Pudendum f. Chaucer. Belchos, in MS. Addit. Brit. Mus., No. 12,195, f. 158. BELEDDY. By our Lady ! Leie. BELEE, v. To shelter. Shakesp. BELEEKE, adv. Belike ; probably. As Hector had unhorst Patroclus tho, Dispoyling him in field, alas tor woe, Unwares to wreeke thisdeedeof \\isbeleeke He slayes a peereles Troyan for a Greeke. Peele'i Farewell, 1589. BELEPERED, adj. Infected with leprosy. BELEVE, (1) v. (A.-S. belijan.) To remain ; to be alive. (2) v. To leave. (3) *. Belief. BELEVENESSE, s. Faith. Pr. P. BELE WING, . The belling of the hart. BELEYN,j>ar/.p. ofbelye. Besieged. BELFER, . A sort of framework of wood or other material sup- ported by pillars of brick, iron, &c., on which a stack of corn is raised. At the top of each pil- lar is placed a projecting coping stone, and on these stones are laid the cross beams: the inten- tion of the broad stone is to prevent vermin getting up into the stack. The proper term for this erection is a brandreth ; but many of the common people call it a belfer, confounding it probably with the word belfry, mentioned below. Lincoln. BELFRY, *. (1) A temporary shed for a cart or waggon in the fields or by the roadside. Line. (2) s. Part of a woman's dress. Lydaate's Minor Poems, p. 201. BELG, p. To bellow. Somerset. BELGARDS, . (Fr.) Fair looks. BELGRANDFATHEH, s. A great great grandfather. BELIER, adv. Just now. Somerset. BELIKE, "I adv. Certainly ; per- BELIKELY, j haps ; probably. BELIME, v. To ensnare. Dent. BEL 194 BEL BELING, *. (1) Suppuration. "In- sanies. Belyng." MS., Vocab. 15*A cent. (2) The noise a chicken makes when first breaking the shell. " You can hear them beling sir, afore they comes out." Somerset. BELITTER,. To bring forth a child. BELIVE, adv. (1) (A.-S.) Quiddy; immediately ; presently. (2) In the evening. North. BELKE, v. (1) To belch. North. (2) To lounge at length. Line. BELL, (1) *. A roupie at the tip of the nose. Pakyr. (2) *. The cry of the hart at rutting time. (3) v. To swell. (4) To bear the bell, to win the prize at a race, where a bell was the usual prize. Among the Romans it [ahorse race] was an Olympic exercise, and the prize was a garland, but now they beare the bell aicay. Saltoiutall, Char. 3. To lose the bell, to be worsted. But when in single fight he lost the bell. Fair/., Tasso, xvii, 69. BELLAKIN, part. a. Bellowing. North. BELLAND, s. (1) Ore, when re- duce to powder. North. (2) Its pernicious effects, when imbibed in small particles. North. BELLARMINE, *. A sort of stout earthen bottle, ornamented with the figure of a bearded face, and said to have received its name from Cardinal Bellarmine, whom this face represented. To dispute with Bellarmine, to empty the bottle. Cos. There's no great need of souldiers; their camp's No larger than a ginger-bread office. Pan. And the men little bigger. Phil. What half heretick Book tels you that? Bho. The greatest sort they say Are like stone-pots with beards that do reach down Unto their knees. CarttcrigM, Lady Errant, 1651. Tis dark, we'll have one bellarmine there, and then bonus nocius, I must to my mistress. Shadicell, Epsom WelU, 1673. BELLART, s. A bear-leader. Chest. BELLE, (1) *. A mantle? See Wright's Anecd. Lit., p. 12. (2) v. (A.-S.) To roar. (3) *. A clock. Cov. Myst. (4) *. A bonfire ; for baal. Gaw. BELLE, v. To swell. BELLE-BLOME, . (A.-N.) The daffodil. BELLE-CHERE, . (A.-N.) Good cheer. BELLEJETER, *. A bell-founder. Prompt. Pare. BELL-FLOWER, . The daffodil. BELL-GATE, "I *. The circuit or li- BELL-GAIT, J berty in which a beg- gar was formerly allowed to beg, so named from the bell which he tinkled to attract the notice of the charitable. BELLIBONE, *. (Fr.) A fair maid. Pan may be proud that ever he begot Such a bellibone. Spcn., Shep. Kal., Apr. 91. BELLIBORIOX, s. A kind of apple. East. BELLICAL, adj. (Lat.) Warlike. BELLICHE, adv. (A.-N.) Fairly. 1! 1:1.1. ICON, s. One devoted to good cheer. North. BELLICOUS, adj. (Lat.) Warlike. BELLIFY, . To beautify. Hay. nalde's Byrth of Mankynde. BELLIN, v. To roar; to bellow. North. BELLITUDE, s. (Lat.} Fairness. BELL-KITE, s. A protuberant body. North. BELLMAN, *. A watchman. Part of his office was originally to bless the sleepers whose door he passed. Thus Herrick : The Selman. From noise of scaretires rest ye free, From murders, benedicite. BEL 195 BEL From all mischances, that may fright Your pleasing slumbers in the night; Mercie secure ye all, and keep The goblin from ye, while ye sleep. Past one o'clock and almost two, My masters all, good day to you. Hesp., p. 139. So Milton, Penseroso : The bclman's drowsy charm To bless the doors from nightly harm. Hence our Bellman's verses. BELLOCK, v. To bellow. Far. dial. BELLONED.ad)'. Asthmatic. North. BELLOSE, adj. (Lai.) Warlike. BELLOWFARMER, *. A person who had the care of organs, regals, &c. BELI.PEARE, s. A sort of pear. Pirnm cucurhitinum, Plin. ab oblonga cucurbit figura. Poire de sarteau, ou de campane. A bell peare, or gourd peare ; so called of his hkenesse. Nomenclator, 1585. BELLRAG, v. To scold. Heref. See Ballirag. BELLRAGGES, *. A sort of water- cresses. BELLS, s. pi. The ears of oats. Northamp. A crop of oats is said to have bell'd well, when it pro- mises to be heavy. BELL-SOLLER, *. The loft in a church on which the ringers stand. North. BELLWEATHER, s. A cross and blubbering child. North. BELLY, s. The widest part of the vein of a mine. North. BELLYATERE, s. A bellfounder. Prompt. Parv. BELLY-BAND, s. A girth to a cart- saddle. North. BELLYCHEAT, *. An apron. Ash. BELLYCHEER, s. Good living. A sptnder of his patrimony and goods in bellycheere, and unthriftie companie : a spend-all .- a waste-good. Nomenclator, 1585. Gluttonie mounted on a greedie beare, To belly-rheere and banquets lends his care. Rowlands, Knaves of Spades, $~c , 1613. BELLY-CLAPPER, *. A word equi- valent, according to Florio, to certain senses of the Italian words lattaglio and battifilk. It has been conjectured to be some instrument for announcing dinner. BELLY-FRIEND, s. A sycophant. BELLY-GOD, s. A glutton, or epi- cure. BELLY-HARM, *. The cholic. BELLY-HOLDING, s. A crying out in labour. Devon. BELLY-NAKED,*^'. Entirely naked. A very common expression in our earlier writers. BELLY-PIECE, s. (1) The apron, or covering of the belly. If tliou shoulds cry, it would make streaks down thy face; as the tears of the tankard do upon my fat hosts belli/- pieces. Shadwell, Bury Fair, 1689. (2) A thin part of a carcase near the belly. North. BELLYS, 1 ,. Bellows . BELYES, J BELLY-SHOT, adj. A term applied to cattle, " when in the winter, for want of warmth and good feeding, they have their guts shrunk up." Kennett. BELLY-TIMBER, *. Food. Var. dial. BELLY-VENGEANCE, s. Small beer. BELLY -WANT, s. A belly-band. Hampsh. BELLY-WARK,*.(^.-5.) The cholic. North. BELOKE, part. p. Locked. BELOKED, jar/. p. Beheld. BELON, *. (Fr.) A distemper com- mon to cattle in some parts of the North of England. It is sup- posed to be caused by the water they drink being impregnated with lead. BELONGINGS, s. Endowments. BELOOK, v. To weep. Beds. BELOUKB, . To fasten ; to lock up. BELOWT, v. To abuse roughly. Cumb - BELSCH, v. (A.-N.) To adorn ; to decorate. BEL 196 BEN BELSH.S. Rubbish; sad stuff. Line. BKL-SHANGLES, . A cant term. Head-master of morrice-dauncers, high head-borough of heiglis, and onely tricker of your trill-lilies, and best bel- stuinylcs betweene Sion and mount Surrey. Kemp, Nine Dales Wonder, 1600. ,*.^.-^.) A grandfather; an ancestor. BELSIZE, adj. Bulky; large. East. BEL-SWAGGER, s. A swaggerer ; a bully ; a whoremaster. BELT, (1) v. To suppurate. What godly reason can any man alyve alledge why Mother Joaue of Stowe, speaking these wordes, asd neyther more nor lesse, " Our Lord was the fyrst man That ever thorne prick't upon : It never blysted nor it never belled. And I pray God, nor this not may," should cure either beastes, or men and women, from diseases ? L. Northampton's Defetisatvce against the Poyson of supposed Prophecies, 1583. (2) v. To beat. Shropsh. (3) v. To shear the buttocks and tails of sheep. Midland C. (4) *. An axe. Pr. P. (5) *. A course of stones pro- jecting from a wall. (6) Pricking at the belt, a cheat- ing game, also called fast and loose, as old as the age of Shake- speare. BELTAN,*. The first of May. North. BELTER, *. A prostitute. North. BELUTED, adj. (Lot.) Covered with mud. Sterne. BELVE, v. (1) To drink greedily. North. (2) To bellow ; to roar. Somerset. BELVERING, adj. Noisy; blustering. Northampt. BELWE, v. (A.-S.) To bellow. BELWORT, . The name of a plant. BELYE, v. (A.-S. belicgan.) To sur- round ; to beleaguer. The kyng and heie men of the lond, mid strengtlie and mid ginne, iud bclayc the castel longe, ar hii him mijte i-wiime. Bob. Glouc., p. 519. BELYMMED, part. p. Disfigured. Skelton. BEM, s. A beam ; a pillar. BEMANGLE, v. To mutilate. BEM, 1 s. (A.-S. bema.) A trum- BEME, J pet. Thau sal be herd the blast of bem, The demster sal cum to dem. Cursor Hundi, MS. Trompors gunne heire bemer blowe, The knihtes riden out on a rowe, On stedes white and blake. Kyng of Tars, 1. 499. BEME, s. Bohemia. BEMENE, v. (A.-S. bemaenan.) To lament for. The kyng of Tars out of his sadel fel, The blod out of his wounde wel, Mony mon hit bement. Kyng of Tars, 1. 1088. BEMETE, . (A.-S.) To measure. BEMOIL, . To bemire, or be- draggle. Thou should'st have heard, in how miry a place ; how she was bemoild. Shakcsp., Tam.ofShr., iv, 1. BEMOISTEX, . To moisten. BEMOLE, s. A term iu music, B molle. soft or flat. BEMONSTER, v. To make mon- strous. Shakesp. BEMOOKED, adj. Dirtied, defiled ; literally, bemucked. Palsgrave. BEMUSED, adj. Dreaming ; intoxi- cated. BEMY, . A term in music ; per- haps B my, or middle, between flat and sharp. BEN, (1) v. (A.-S. ben.) To be. (2) adj. Prompt ; ready. Gaw. (3)s.pl. (A.-S.) Bees. (4) #. pi. (A.-N.) Goods. (5) adv. (A.-N.) Well ; good. (6) prep. In ; into. Yorfak. (7) s. (A.-N.) The truth. Devon. (S) The " true ben," the utmost stretch or bend. Exmoor. (9) *. A figure set on the top of the last load of the harvest, im- mediately in front, dressed up with ribbons, &c. Norf. BEN 197 BEN (10) 9. Oil of ben (benzoin), an ointment formerly in great repute. BENAR, adj. Better. A cant term. BENATURE, s. (A.-N.) A vessel con- taining the holy water. BENCH, s. The shelf of a rock run- ning to a main joint. A term among quarry-men in Northamp- tonshire. (2) s. A widow's bench, a share of the husband's estate which a woman enjoys besides her join- ture. Sussex. BENCHCLOTH, s. A carpet to cover a bench. " Benchclothe or carpet cloth, tapes." Huloet. BENCHED, adj. Furnished with benches. BENCHER, s. An idler; one who spends his time on the benches of alehouses. BENCH-FLOOR, *. In the coal mines of Wednesbury in Staffordshire, the sixth parting or laming in the body of the coal. BENCH-HOLE, s. The hole in a bench, ad levandum alvum. BENCH-TABLE, s. A low stone seat round the inside of the walls of a building. BENCH-WHISTLER, s. An idler, who spends his time chiefly on the alehouse bench. BEND, *. (1) (A.-S.) A bond; any- thing which binds. Mi lord the douke, he seyd anon, For schame lete the levedis gon, That er bothe gode and hende ! For ich am comen liider to-day For to saven hem, yive y may, And bring hem out ol bende. Amis and Amiloun, 1. 1233. (2) A band of men. (3) A band; anything bound round another ; a tie. (4) A turn of a forest. A herd of deer was in the bend, All feeding before his face : Now the best of you I'll have to my dinner, And that in a little space. Robin Hood and hit Cousin Scarlet. (5) Strong ox leather, tanned with bark and other ingredients, which give it a blue cast. North. (6) Indurated clay. North. (7) The border of a woman's cap. North. (8) A piece of bent plate-iron, which went over the back of the last horse at plough. Leic. (9) (A.-N.) A band or bandage; a horizontal stripe. BENDED, part. p. Bound. Maun- devile. BENDEL, *. (A.-N.) A band, or stripe ; a bendlet. BENDiNG,/>ar/. a. Striping ; band- ing. BEND-LEATHER, s. Sole-leather. BENDSFULL, *. Bands-full ; bun- dles. BENDWARE, s. Hardware. Staff. BEND WITH, s. The name of a plant. BENE, (1) v. To be. (2) s. Bane ; destruction. (3) *. A bean. (4) s. (A.-S.) A prayer ; a re- quest. (5) adv. (A.-N.) Well; fair; good. Gaw. BENEAPED, part. p. (A.-S. ) Left aground by the ebb of the spring tides. South. BENEDAY, s. A prayer-day. BENEDICITE. (Lat.) An exclama- tion equivalent to Bless us ! BKNEDICTION-POSSET, *. The sack- posset taken on the evening of the wedding day, just before the company retired. BENEFICE, s. (A.-N.) A benefit. BENEFIT, . A living ; a benefice. North. BENEME, v. (A.-S.) To take away; to take from. jee jyven hem all jowre powere, and forte jyve hem jee benemen me, and nevere the lattere y myghte nevere have so muche power as jow. Romance of the Monk, MS., f. 14 BEN 198 BEG BEVEMERENT, adj. (Lat.) Well deserving. BENEMPT,/;ar/. p. Named ; called. BENERTH, s. The service which the tenant owed the landlord by plough and cart in Kent. Lani- barde. BENETHE, v. To begin. Cov. Myst. BENETOIRE, "1 *. A cavity or small BENATCRE, J hole in the wall of a church, generally near the door, for the vessel that contained the holj water. BENEVOLENCE,*. A voluntary gra- tuity given by the subjects to the king. BENEVOLERS, s. Well wish ers.Po*/. Lett., ii, 336. BENEWITH, s. The woodbine. Pr.P. BENGE, v. To drink deeply. So- merset. BENGER, s. A chest for corn. Pr. P. BEXGY, adj. Cloudy; overcast. Essex. BENIGNE, adj. (Lot.) Kind. BENIME, v. To take away. See Beneme. BENISON, *. (A.-N.) A blessing. BEN-JOLTRAM, s. Brown bread soaked in skimmed milk; the usual breakfast of ploughboys. East. BENK, *. (A.-S.) A bench. BEN-KIT, s. A wooden vessel with a cover to it. Line. BENNET, *. The bent grass, or bents. Somerset. BENNICK, s. A minnow. Somerset. EE.xoiAE,part.p.ofbeneme. Taken away. BENOTHiNGED.parf.p. Annihilated. BENOW, adv. By this time. North. BENSE, *. A cow-stall. North. BENSIL, v. To thrash; to beat. North. BENT, (1) s. A plain ; a common ; a field ; a moor ; a common term in early English poetry. (2) . The declivity of a hill. (3) *. A. kind of grass, more usually known as bents. (4) *. A chimney. North. (5) #. Form; shape. (6) adj. Ready. BENTS, *. pi. Different kinds of hard, dry, coarse grasses, reeds, and rushes ; the grounds, or pas- tures, on which they grow. Lif- ferent writers apply the term to the juncus bulbosus; the star- wort; the arundo arenaria; the alopecurus geniculatus ; and the aarostis. His spear a tent both stiff and strong, And well near of two inches long. Dray ton' sNymphidia, ii, -166. Next to that is the musk-rose ; then the strawberry leaves dying, with a most excellent cordial smell ; then the flower of the vines ; it is a little dust, likr the dust of a bent. Lord Bacon's Essays. June is drawn in a mantle of dark prrass green ; upon his bead, a garland of bents, king-cups, and maiden-hair. Peacham, p. 419. BENTERS, s. Debentures. BENTLES, s. Dry sandy pastures near the sea covered chiefly with bent-grass. East. BENWYTTRE, . The woodbine. Pr.P. BENZAMYNE, "I *. Benzoin, a kind BENZWINE, J of resin. BEO, (1) v. (A-.S.) To be (2) prep. By. BEODE, (1) v. To pray; to offer. See Bede. (2) #. A prayer. BEORYNG, s. (1) Burying; a fu- neral. (2) Birth ; i. e., child-bearing. BEON, v. (^.-S.) To be. And tellen we schulen of Ysay, That us tolde trewely A child ther is i-boren to us, And a sone i-;ivcn us Wlios nome sclial i-uempned beon Wonderful, as me may i-seon. Vernon MS., B< dleian Library. BEOTH, prest. t. of beon. Be; are ; is. BEO 199 BER BEOUTEN, prg>>. (A.-S.) Without. BEPINCH, . To pinch all over. Amongst the rest, was a good fellow devill, fro cal'd in kinds, cause be did no evill, Knowne by the name of Robin (as we lieare) And that his eyes as broad as sawcers were : Who came anights, and would make kitchins cleane, And in the bed bepinck a lazie queane. Rowlands, Knavct of Spades, 3fC., 1613. BECIOARRE, . B sharp. An old musical term. BER, (2) s. A berry. (3) i. A bier. Now frendschip, suld je fan fle Of sir Philip jowre fere, To bring ^ow out of band, Or je be broght on here. Minot's Poems, p. 24. (4) part. p. Carried. (5) *. The space a person runs in order to leap with impetus. North. BERAFRYNDE, s. A drinking term. King Edward and the Shepherd, Hartshome, p. 48. BERAND, part. a. (1) Rushing; roaring. (2) Bearing. BERANDYLES, s. Thenameofadish in ancient cookery. For to make berandyles. Nym hennys, and seth hem wyth god buf, and whan hi ben sodyn, nym the hennyn, and do awey the bonys, and bray smal yn a mortar, and temper yt wyth ihe broth, and seth yt tliorw a culdore, and cast thereto powder of gyngevyr, and sugar, and graynys of powmys-gernatys, and boyle yt, and dresse yt in dysches ; and cast above clowys, gylofres, and maces, aud god powder; serve yt forth. Warner, Antiq. Culin., p. 40. BERASCAL, . To abuse like a rascal. BERATE, v. To scold. BERATTLE, v. To rattle. BERAYED, part. p. (1) Arrayed; dressed. (2) Dirtied. BERAIXE, . To wet with rain ; to moisten. BERBER, . The barberry. BERBINE, s. The verbena. Kent, BERCEL, ~| BERSEEL, s. (A.-N. bersault.) BERTEL, y A mark to shoot at. BYSSELLE, j Prompt. Parv. BERSELL, J BERCELETS, s. pi. Hounds. See Barslet. BERCEN, s. The barton of a house. Wiltsh. BERCHE, adj. Made of iron. BERD, s. A beard. BERDASH, s. A neck-cloth ? I have prepared a treatise against tha cravat and berdash, which I am told is not ill done. Guardian, No. 10. BERDE, s. (1) Margin; brink. Pr. P. (2) A lady. See Bird. BERK, (1) *. (A.-S.) A noise ; a roar ; a cry. (2) v. (A.-S.) To make a noise. (3) s. A pillow-case. See Pillow- bere. (4) v. To bear ; to carry. (5) v. To bear ; to produce (6) s. A bear. (7) v. To bear upon ; to accuse. BERE-BAG, s. One who bears a bag. BEREDE, v. (4.-S.) To advise. BERE-FRANKE, s. A wooden cage to keep a bear or boar in. Mo- nastic Letters, p. 269. BEREN, . To bear. See Bere. BERENT, v. To rent ; to tear. BERETTA, *. A kind of hood worn by priests. Hall, Satires, iv, 7. BERFREY, s. A moveable tower. BERGER, *. (Fr.) A term in hair- dressing. A berger, is a little lock, plain, with a puff turning up like the ancient fashion used by shepherdesses. Lady's Dictionary, 1694. BERGERET, *. (A.-N.) A sort of song. Chaucer. BERGH, *. A hill. Yorksh. BERGOMASK, s. A name for a rustic dance, taken from Bergamasco, BER 200 BER the people of which were ri- diculed for being more clownish than any other people in Italy ; they were on this account made the types of all the Italian buf- foons. BEKHEGOR, *. Beer-aigre. BERIALLES, *. Beryls. BERIE, s. A grove ; a shady place. The cell a chappell had on th" easterne side, Upon the wester side a grove or berie. Orl. Fur., xli, 57. BERIEL, *. (1) A burial. (2) A tomb ; a grave. BERING, s. The lap. Al so he lay in slepe by nyght, Him thoughte a goshauk with gret flyght Steleth on his be>yng, And yenith,and sprad abrod his wyngyn. K. Alisaunder, 1. 484. BERING-CASE, s. A portable casket. BERING E-LEPE, s. A basket. Pr. P. BERISPE, v. To disturb. BERKE. v. To bark. BERLIN, s. The name of a kind of coach in use at the beginning of the eighteenth century, so called from being first used in the Prus- sian capital. Beware of Latin authors all ! Nor think your verses sterling, Though with golden pen you scrawl, And scribble in a berlin. ' Swift. BERLINA, *. A pillory. B. Jonson. BERLY, adj. Barry, an heraldic term. BERME, (1) v. (4.-S.) To foam. (2) s. Foam ; froth. (3) s. Yeast ; barm. BERMEN, s. Bar-men ; porters to a kitchen. Two dayes ther fastinde he yede, That non forhiswerkwolde'hira fede; The thridde day herde he calle ; "Bcrmen, bermen, hider forth alle!" Savclolc, 1. 868. BERMOOTHES, . The Bermudas. Shakesp. BERMUDAS, s. A cant term for certain obscure and intricate alleys in London, in which per. sons lodged who had occasion to live cheap or concealed; called also the Streights. They are supposed to have been the nar- row passages north of the Strand, near Covent-garden. Meercraft. Engine, when did you see My cousin Everhill? keeps he still your quarter In the Bermudas. Eng. Yes, sir, he was writing This morning very hard. B. Jons., Devil an Ass, ii. 7. Bermudas also denoted a species of tobacco; probably brought thence. Where being furnished with tinder, match, and a portion of decayed Bar- mood&s, they smoake it most terribly, Clitus's Whimz., p. 135. BERN, (1) s. (A.-S. beam.) A man ; a knight ; a noble. (2) s. (4..S.) A child. (3) s. A barn. BERNACLK, s. A gag for a horse. BERNERS, s. Men who stood with relays in hunting ; the men who fed the hounds. BEROWE, "1 BEHWB,}*- A shadow. Pr. P. BEROWNE, adj. Round about. BERRIER, s. A thrasher. North. BERRY, (1) s. A gooseberry. North. (2) v. To thrash corn. North. (3) *. A rabbit-burrow. A manie schollers went to steale conies, and by the way they warn'd a novice among them to make no noise for feare of skarring the conies away. At last he espying some, said aloud in Latiue: " Ecee cuniculi multi ;" and with that the conies ranne into their berries. Wherewith his fellowes offended and chyding him therefore, he said, "Who (the devill) would have thought that conies understood Latine." Copley's Wits, Fits, and Fancies, 1614. (4) *. A herd of conies. (5) *. A flood. Croscia d'dtqne, a suddaine showre, a storme, a tempesi, a blustring, a berry or flaw of many windes or stormes to- gether, bringing violent showres of water. Florid. BER 201 BBS (6) *. A borough. BERSEEL, s. A mark to shoot at. See Bercel. BERSELET, s. A kind of bow ? BERST, (1) prest. t. of bere. Bearest. (2) pret. t. of breke. Broke. (3) s. (A.-S.) Injury. The levedi, sore adrad withaile, Ladde Beves into the halle, And of everiche sonde, That him com to honde, A dide hire ete altherferst, That she ne dede him no berst; And drinke ferst of the win, That no poisoun was tlierin. Beves of Hamtoun, p. 75. BERT, (1) v. To perspire. North. (2) adj. Bright. BERUFFIANISE, v. To abuse like a ruffian. BERUNGE, s. A burial. BERWE, s. A shadow. See Berowe. BERWHAM, s. A horse-collar. Pr. P. BERYLL, s. Apparently some rope belonging to a ship. Cocke Lorel- les Bate, p. 12. BERYNE.S. A child. MorteArthure. BERYSE, a. Berries. BERYJT, pres. t. oilere. Beareth. BERJE, s. A mount; a hill. BES,pres. t. of be. BESAGE, s. (A.-N.) A bed carried by horses, called besage horses. BESAGUY, s. (A.-N.} A two-edged axe. BESANT, s. A gold coin, so called because first coined at Byzan- tium. Its value seems to have varied from ten to twenty sols. BESCATTER, v. To scatter over. BESCHADE, v. To shadow. BESCORNED, adj. Despised. BESCRATCHE, v. To scratch. BESCRO, v. To beshrew. BESCUMMER, T v. To scatter or- BESCUMBBU, f dure. Which working strongly with The conceit of the patient, would make tliera bcscummcr To th' height of a mighty purgation. B. $ Fl., Fair Maid of the Inu, iv. A critic that all the world bescumbers With satirical humours and lyrical num- bers. Jons., Poetaster, act v. BESE, v. To see; to behold; to see to ; to take care. BESEEK, v. To beseech. BESEEME, v. To seem ; to appear, BESENE, part. p. Clad ; adorned. BESENYS, *. Business. BESET, part. p. Placed ; employed ; bestowed. BESHAKE, v. To shake roughly. The country fellow by the fist did take him, And in plaiue rusticke manner did beshake him. Rowlands, Knave of Spades, 1613. BESHARP, v. To make haste. Var. dial. BESHET, part. p. Shut up. BESHINE, v. To give light to. BESHOTE, part. p. Dirtied. Lane. BESHRADDE, part. p. Cut into shreds. BESHREWE, v. (A.-S.) To curse. BESIDE, prep. By the side of. BESIDERY, s. A kind of baking- pear. Kersey. BESIEGED, part. p. An astrologi- cal term applied to a planet when between the bodies of two male- volents. BESIEN, v. To busy ; to trouble. BESIGHT, s. (A.-S.) Scandal ; of- fence. BESISHIP, *. Activity. BESIT, 0. To suit; to become. Spens. BESKYFTE, part. p. Thrust off; shifted off. BESLABBER, "1 v. To slobber one- BESLOBBER, J Self. BESLOMERED, part. p. Dirtied. Piers PI. BESLURRY, v. To smear; to de- file. Drayton. BESME, . A besom. Pr. P. BBS 202 BESMIRCH, v. To soil ; to daub ; to smear. Shakesp. BESMOTERED, part. p. Smudged. But he ne was nought gay, Of fustyau he wered a gepoun, All bysinoterud, with his haburgeoun. Chaucer, C. T., 1. 76. BESMUDGE, . To soil or blacken with dirt or soot. BESMUT, v. (A.-S. besmytan.) To soil, or blacken with smut. BESNOW, v. (A.-S. bemiwan.) To scatter over like snow; to whiten. BESO, conj. So be it. Maundevile. BESOFTE, pret. t. Besought. BESOGNIO, s. (Ital.) A beggar. BESORE, t>. To vex; to annoy. BESORT, (1) . To suit ; to fit. (2) s. Attendance; society. Shakesp. BESPARAGE, . To disparage. Yet ani 1 not against it, that these men by their mechanical 1 trades should come to besparage gentlemen and chuff-headed burghorn asters. Nosh's Pierce Pennilesse, 1592. BESPAUL, v. To daub with spittle. Milton. BESPELT,/zrf.j0. Bewitched; mis- chievous, without being vicious. BESPEKEN, v. To speak to ; to address. BESPERPLED, part. p. Sprinkled. BE-SPOKE, part. p. Bewitched. BESPRENGED, 1 part. p. Besprin- BE8PRENT, J kled. And found the springing grass with blood besprent. Fairfax's Tasso, p. 191. BESPURT, . To spurt; to cast forth. BESQUITE, *. Biscuit. BESSEN, v. (A.-N. baisser.) To stoop Leic. BESSOMB, v. (A.-S. beswimman.) To swim ; to sail. BESSY, s. A female bedlamite. See Bedlamite. BEST, *. (A.-N.) An animal; a beast. BESTAB, v. To stab all over. BET With all my heart I'le spend a crowne or tn-aine To meete the rascall in my dish againe : I would bestab his skin like double cuts. Rowlands, Knave of Clubbs, 1611. BESTAD, s. (A.-S.) Circumstanced; beset; provided. Sum soujte thayre rnaysturs, sum hit thaym that day, Sum ran here and there, like men that were madde, Sum were rysht hevyand harde bestadde, Ryght besy'in thayre wittes away to goo, AlTwas for the best, oure Lorde wold it, shulde be so ! MS. Sibl. Reg., 17 D, xv. BESTARRED, part. p. Covered with stars. BESTIAL, *. (A.-N.) Cattle. BESTIALLY, adv. Beastly. BESTIATE, v. To make like a beast. BESTLY, adv. Belonging to a beast. Chaucer. BESTOE, 1 R ece ption. BESTOW, J They find as bad bestoe as is their portage beggerly. 'Warner's Attions E>igland, 159& BESTOW, v. (1) To lay up ; to stow away. East. (2) To commit suicide. Line. (3) To deliver a woman. BESTRACT, "1 adj. Mad ; dis BESTRAUGHT, J tracted. BESTUD, v. To ornament with studs. BESWIKE, v. (A.-S. beswican.) To betray ; to deceive ; to cheat. BESY, adj. Busy. BESYTTYN. To set in order. Pr. P. BET, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Better. (2) part. p. Beaten. (3) part. p. Bettered ; improved. (4) pret. t. for behet. Promised. (5) Go bet, go along, an old hunting cry, often used in a more general sense. BETAKE, v. (A.-S.) To give; to intrust to. See Beteche. BETALK, v. To tell ; to give an account. Drayton. BETARS, s. A word used in the accounts of the proctors of the BET 203 BET church of St. Giles, Oxford, for an article used at the festival of that saint, which has been a subject of some discussion, and is supposed to mean bitters, or bitter herbs dried. In the earlier half of the 16th cent, there is a regular charge in the parish accounts of Id, for a pound of betars or bet- ters. One of these items seems to throw some light on the sub- ject: "Comp. 1540. It. for a pound of Judas betars Id." Ano- ther item occurs occasionally, not only in these accounts, but in those of other churches, " for a pound of betars for Judas light." This item, coupled with others, for " wax for the dedication day, 20d." " for a pound of wax at dedication day" " for 4 pound of wax at S. Gyles tyde 2s. 6d." " It. for gress (grease) at the dedication day," &c., has led to the supposition that the betars were mixed with combustible matter, to cause a smell in burn- ing. See, however, Betyng- candle. BETATTERED, adj. Dressed in rag- ged clothes. BETAUGHTE, pret. p. of beteche. Gave to. BETAYNB, *. (A.-N.) The herb betony. BETAWDER, v. To dress gaudily. Go, get ye home, and trick and betawder yourself up like a right city lady. Mrs Behn, City Heiress, 1628. BETE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To amend ; to heal ; to abate. " Bete my bale," bring me relief from my misfor- tune. (2) To light or kindle a fire ; to administer fuel. (3) (A.-S.) To prepare ; to make ready. (4) *. Help ; assistance. Skinner. (5) t. (A.-S.) To beat. (6) w. To walk up and down. (7) part. p. Bit. (8) *. A black-beetle. Devon. BETECHE, v. (A.-S. betecan.) To give ; to intrust to ; to deliver up. BETEEM, v. To bestow ; afford ; al- low ; deign. Yek could he not bcteeme The shape of any other bird than eagle for to seeme. Golding's Chid Metamph. And poore heart (were not wishing in vaine) I could beteeme her a better match, than thus to see a diamond buried in sencoale-ashes. Case is alter'd, Dram. Dialogue, 1635. Therefore the Cretan people much esteemed him, And cal'd him God on earth for his rare wit; Much honor he receiv'dwhich tkeybeteem'd him, And in their populer judgements held it fit To burne him mirrhe and insence, for they deem'd him Worthy alone amongst the Gods to sit. Hey wood's Great Britaines Troy, 1609. BETEL, #. A hammer. BETELLE, v. (A.-S.) To deceive; to mislead. BETEN, part. p. Beaten ; worked ; embroidered. BETENDING, prep. Concerning; relating to. Yorksh. BETH, pres. t. of ben. Be; are. BETHE, T ,. ,, >adj. Both. BETHEN, J J BETHEKYS, prep. Betwixt. BETHINK, (1) v. (A.-S.) To grudge. Somerset. (2) To recollect. North. BETHRAL, v. To enthral. BETHUIXT, prep. Betwixt. The prest taketh that ilke child In his hondcn bythuixte, And sui th, Ich ne cristin thei iiimjt, jef thou ert i-cristned. William de Shoreham. BETHWINE, *. The wild clematis. Wight. BETIDE, v. (A.-S.) To happen. BETINED, adj. Hedged about. Per- stegan. BETLE, adj.Soft ; fitted for cultiva- tion ; applied to land. North. BET 204 BEV 1 v r A ,. N \ , k^ HE, J To be- BETOATLED, adj. Imbecile ; stupid. Devon. BvTOKE,pret.t.pl. ofbeteche. Gave. BETOSSED, adj. Troubled. BETOUSE, v. To drag about. BETRAITOR, . To call one traitor. BETRAPPE, v. To entrap; to en- snare. BETRASH, BETRAISE, BITRAISSHE, BETRAX, s. A bretesche, or bat- tlement. Pr. P. BETRAYS/JOT/. t. Betrayed De- ceived. BETRAYSSHE, v. To go about the streets of a town. Palsgrave. BETRED, j0ar. p. Prevailed; con- quered. BETREINT, part. p. Sprinkled. BETRIM, v. To adorn ; to deck. BETSO, *. The smallest coin cur- rent in Venice, worth about a farthing. And what must I give you ? Bra. At a word thirty livres, I'll not bate you a betso. Antiquary, 0. PI., x. 47. BETT, v. To pare the turf with a breast-plough. Herefordsh. BETTAXE, s. A pickaxe. Devon. BETTE, adj. (I) Good. Herefordsh. (2) Better. BETTEE, s. An instrument used by thieves to wrench doors open. BETTELYNGES, s. Battlings ; bat- tles. Latimer. BETTER, adj. More. Far. dial. " Shee has now gotten the better way of him," i. e., beat him in running. BETTER-CHEAP, s. A better bar- gain; cheaper. BETTERMOST, superl. of better. Warw. BETTERNESS, . Superior. North. BETTY-TIT, 8. The titmouse. Suf- folk. BETWAN, s. An open wicker bot- tle or strainer, put over the vent- hole in brewing to pi-event the grains of malt passing through. North. BETWATTLED, adj. Confounded ; stupified ; troubled in mind. BETWIT, v. To taunt ; to upbraid. BETWIXEN, prep. Between. BETYNG-CANDLE, s. A candle made of resin and pitch. Sharp's Cov. Myst., p. 187. BETYNGE, *. A rod, any instrument of runishment. Pr. P. BEUFE,a$. Buff. BEVEL* (I) s. A sloped surface in masonry. (2) v. To cut an an tie. (3) *. (A.-N.) A violent push or stroke. North. (4) s. A kind of square used by masons and carpenters. Cot- grave. BEVER, (1) s. (A.-N.) An inter- mediate refreshment between breakfast and dinner ; any re- freshment taken between the re- gular meals. See Beaver. Appetitus. Your gallants never sup, breakfast, nor bever without me. Lingua, 0. PI, v. 148. He is none of those same ordinary eaters, that will devour three break- fasts, and as many dinners, without any prejudice to their besers, drinkiugs, or suppers. B. $ Fl., Worn. Hater, i, 3. (2) v. (perhaps from A.-S. bifian.) To tremble ; to quiver. North. BEVERACHE, s. (A.-N.) Drink ; liquor. BEVERAGE,*. (A.-N.) (1) The same as bever. (2) Reward ; consequence. Rob. Glouc. (3) A composition of cider, wa- ter, and spice. Devon. See Beaverage. BEVER-KEN, s. A cant term for a drinking house. Is the top of the shire, Of the bever ken, A man among men. Wits Recreations, 1645. BEVISH, v. To fall headlong. North. BEV 205 BEZ BEVY, . (A.-N.) A company; a term properly applied to dif- ferent sorts of game, as roebucks, quails, and pheasants. An old MS., perhaps out of compli- ment, speaks of " a bevey of ladies." BEWAILE, v. To cause, or compass. As when a ship that flyes fayre under sayle An hidden rocke escaped hath unwares, That lay in waite her wrack for to bewaile. Spens., F. Q., I, vi, 1. BEWAPED, part. p. Astonished. See Awhape. BEWARED, part. p. Expended. BEWE, (1) v. To bow; to obey. (2) *. Drink ; liquor. BEWED, v. To wed. BEWELD, "1 v. (A.-S.) To wield ; BEWIELD, / to possess ; to govern, or sway. The whiche shulde seme to be true, for so much as this Eadwalyn was of lawful age to beicelde his lande when his father dyed. Fabian's Chronicle, p. 124. BEWEXDED,/?ar/.^. Turned about. BEWEPE, v. To weep for; to lament. BEWES, s. Boughs. BE WET, adj. Wet ; moist. BEWETE, . Beauty. BEWGLE, s. A bull. Hampsh. BEWHISPER, v. To whisper. BEWITS, s. The leathers with which the bells were fastened to the legs of a hawk. BEWIVER, v. To bewilder. Devon. BEWLY, adj. Shining ; having a lustre. Warw. BzwoyD,part.p.(A.-S.) Imposed upon ; embarrassed. BEWORD, v. (A.-S.) To become. Wee mused all what would hereof beicord. Thynrufi Debate, p. 61. BEWRAP, v. To wrap up. BEWRAY, ^ BEWREY, (1) V. (A.-S.) TO BEWRIE, ) betray; to disco- BEWRIGHE, ver. BKWRYE, (2) v. To defile with ordure. BEWRECKT, part. p. Wrecked, ruined. BEWROUGHT, part. p. Wrought ; worked. BEWTESE, . Civilities; cere- monies. BEX, *, The beak of a bird. Norf. BEY, (I) s. (A.-S.) An ornament of the person. See Beigh. (2) pret. t. Bowed. The wolf bey adoun his hrest, And gon to siken Imrde and stronge. Beliq. Antiq . ii, 276. (3) #. An ox. And as concernyng leys, all ffate leys, excepte a very ffewe for the bowse, be sold, and mycb of the stuf of howshold is conveyd awey. Monastic Letters, p. 151. (4) . A boy. Pr. Pan. BEYE, (1) v. To aby ; to atone for. (2) v. To buy. (3) adj. Both. (4) . A bee. For the flyes that are abonte the water of Egipte, and for the beyes in the Asirians londe. Coverdale's Bible, Esay, ch. vii. BEYETE, (1) v. To beget; pro- create. Ye sire, heo seide, be seint Katerin, Yif halvendel the child were thyn, Then miht ye gladnes seo. Dame, he seide, now is that ? Nis hit not myn that ich beyat ? No, sire, i-wis, seith heo. fy tig of Tars, 1.786. (2) s. An obtaining ; gaining ; accomplishment. (3) part. p. Begotten. BEYGHED, part. p. Bowed. BEYKE, . (1) To beek; to warm. (2) To stretch. Pr. P. BEYN, adj. Pliant, flexible. Pr. P. BEYNE, adv. Quickly ; readily. BEYNESSE, adj. Lively; quick. Pr. P. BEYTE, s. (I) A sharper. North. (2) A bait ; a snare. BEZ. Be; is. BEZANTLER, s. The second antler of a stag. BEZ 206 BIB BEZONIAN, "Is. (from Ital. be- BEssoGNi;, j sogno, or besognoso.) A beggar. Shakesp. What Btzonian is that? Middlctun's Blurt Mailer Constable. Beat the bessognes that lie hid in the carriages. Srome, Con. Gard. weeded, act v, sc. 3. BEZZLE, "I . (^.-JV.) To drink to BIZLE, /excess. 'Sfoot, I wonder how the inside of a tavern looks now. Oh! when shall I bizle, bizle ? Honest Whore, part ii. That divine part is soakt away in sinne, In sensual lust, and midnight bezeling. Marston, Scourge of V., Lit. ii, Sat. 7. BEZZLE, s. The slanting side of the edge of an edged tool. Norf. (2) s. A drunkard. Oh me! what odds there seemeth 'twixt their cheer And the swoln bezzle at an alehouse fire. Hall's Satires, v, 2. BEZZLED, adj. Turned, blunted, as the edge of a tool. Suffolk. Bi, . (A.-S. by, bye.) A town or village. Balder bern was non in 6t, His name was hoten sir Gii. Gy of Warwike, p. 267. BIACON-WEED, *. The plant goose- foot. Dorset. BIALACOIL, s. (A.-N.) Courteous reception. BIAS, "1(1) adv. (Fr. biais.) In BIAZ, J a sloping manner. (2) *. A slope, "byas of an hose, bias." (3) s. \ garter. BIAT, (1) s. (Fr. biaut.) A leather strap over the shoulders, used by miners to draw the produce to the shaft. (2) " A kind of British course garment or jacket worne loose over other apparrell." Cotgrave. BIB, 1(1) v. (from Lot. bibo.) BIBBE, j To drink ; to tipple. There goeth a pretie jeast of a notable , drunkard of Syracusa, whose manner was, when he went into the taverue to drinke, for to laye certaine egges in the earth; and cover them witli mould: and he would not rise, nor give over bib- bing, till the whole wer hatched. Holland's Pliny, i, 299. The muses bacely begge, or bible, or both. Warner's Albions England., 1592. (2) s. A fish, gadus barbatus. (3) *. A child's pinafore. (4) s. A piece of cloth attached to an apron to protect the upper part of a dress. BIBBED, adj. Drunk. Chaucer. BIBBELER, s. One who drinks often. I perceive you are no great bybler (i. e., reader of the bible), Pasiphilo. Pas. Yes, sir, an excellent good bib- beler, 'specially in a bottle. Gas'coigne's Works, sign. C, 1. BIBBER, (1) *. A drinker. (2) v. To tremble. Kent. BIBBLE, v. (1) To drink ; to tipple. (2) v. To eat like a duck, gather- ing its food from water, and taking up both together. BIBBLE-BABBLE, s. Idle talk. BIBERIDGE, *. A forfeit or fee in drinking. He is a passionate lover of morning- draughts, which he generally continues till dinner-time ; a rigid exacterof num- groats and collector-general of foys and bibcridge. He admires the prudence of that apothegm, " Jets drink first :" and would rather sell 20 per cent, to loss than make a dry bargain. England's Jests, 1687. BIBLE, s. Any great book. The most remarkable superstition con- nected with the Bible, is the method of divination by Bible and key, described in the Athe- nian Oracle, i, 425, as follows: A Bible having a key fastened in the middle, and being held between the two forefingers of two persons, will turn round after some words said : as, if one desires to find out a thief, a certain verse taken out of a psalm is to be re- peated, and those who are suspected nominated, and if they are guilty, the book and key will turn, else not. BIB 207 BID It is still practised in Lancashire by young women who want to learn who will be their husbands. BIBLER-CATCH.S. (A corruption of bilboquet.} The game of cup and ball. Northampt. BIBLE-CLERKSHIP, s. An ancient scholarship in the Universities, for a student who was to read the Bible at meal-times. BIBLIN, s. A young bird nearly fledged. Leicest. BICACHE, v. (A.-S.} To deceive. Pret. t. and part, p., bicaught, deceived. BICANE, s. A poor kind of grape. BI-CAS, adv. By chance. EicuARRio,part.p. (A.-S.) Over- turned ; deceived. BICHAUNTE, v. To enchant. BICHE, s. A kind of fur, the skin of the female deer. BICHEU-BONES, s. Dice. Chaucer, BICHE-SONE, s. Son of a bitch. A term of reproach. BICK, s. A wooden bottle or cask to carry beer to the harvest fields. Norf. ' BICKER, (1) v. (A.-S.) To fight; to quarrel. (2) v. To clatter; to hasten. North. (3) s. A short race. North. (4) s. A small wooden dish made of staves and hoops like a tub. North. (5) *. A beaker or tumbler glass, BICKERMENT, s. A conflict. BICKORN, s. An anvil with a bickern, or beak-iron. BICLEPT, part. p. Embraced. BICLIPPE, \ v. (A.-S.) To era- BICLUPPE, /brace. BICLOSE, v. To enclose. BICOLLE, v. To blacken. BICORNED, adj. Double-horned. BID, 1 v. (A.-S. biddan} (1) To BIDDE, J invite. See Matthew, xxii, 9, "as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage." Still used in the North, especially with re- ference to an invitation to a funeral, which is termed a bid- ding. Two or four people, called bidders, are sent about to invite the friends, and distribute the mourning. (2) To pray. North. To bid the beads, originally, to say pray- ers ; afterwards, merely to count the beads of the rosary; each bead dropped passing for a prayer. (3) To entreat. (4) adj. Both. Skinner. BID-ALE, *. The invitation of friends to drink at the house of some poor man, in hope of a charitable distribution for his re- lief; sometimes with a view of making a collection for a portion- less bride. BIDAWE, v. (A.-S.} To dawn. BIDCOCK, s. The water-rail. Dray- ton. BIDDABLE, adj. Obedient; trac- table. North. BIDDER, s. A petitioner. BIDDIES-NIE, s. A term of en- dearment. Jella, why frown'st thou? Say, sweet biddits-nie, Hast hurt thy foote with treading late awry ? Davits, Scourge of Folly, 1611. BIDDING PRAYER, s. The prayer for the souls of benefactors in popish times. BIDDY, *. (1) A louse. North. (2) A chicken. BIDDY-BASE, s. Prisoner's base. Line. BIDDY'S-EYES, . The pansy. So- merset. BIDE, v. (A.-S bidan) (1) To dwell; to abide. (2) To wait ; to endure. (3) For bidde. To require. North. BIDELVE, v. (A.-S.) To bury. BIDENE, adv. Immediately. See Bedena. BID 208 BIG BIDE-OWE, i\ To be punished, or suffer punishment. Kennett. An old Norfolk word. BIDET, *. (Fr.) A small horse. BID-HOOK, s. A hook belonging to a boat. BIDOWE, s. (A.-N.) A weapon carried by the side, supposed to be a sort of lance. A bidowe or a baselard He berith be his side. Piers Ploughman, p. 540. BlDRAVELEN, V. (A.-S.) To Slob- ber ; to slaver. BID-STAND, s. A highwayman. Jonson. BIE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To suffer; to abide. See Abeye, (2) prep. With. (3) s. A bracelet. See Beigh. BIEL, #. Shelter. North. BIELDE, v. To dwell; to inhabit. See Belde. BIENFAIT, *. (A.-N.) A benefit. BIENVENU, s. (A.-N.) A welcome. BIER, . The Redeemer. See Ay- enbier. BIER-BALK, a. The church road for burials, along which the corpse was carried. BIERD, s. A lady. See Bird. BIERNE, s. A man ; a noble. See Barn. BIEST, . A small protuberance, especially on the stem of trees. Suffolk. BIFFEAD, . A blockhead. Leic. BIFFIN, . A sort of apple, pecu- liar to Norfolk, sometimes called beaufin ; but beefin is said to be the true name, from its resem- blance to a piece of raw beef. BIFOLD, part. p. Folded. BIFOLE, v. To make a fool of. BIFOREN, prep. (A.-S.) Before. BIFORMED, adj. (Lot.) Double formed. BIG, (1) v. (A.-S.) To build. Neverthelesse some chronicles reporte That Irelamall their capitayn had to name, By whom it was so biggfd. Hardyiu/'s Chronicle, f. xxx. (2) v. To remain ; to continue. (3) *. A kind of barley. (4) Big-and-big, very large, full big. Somerset. BIG-END, s. The greater part. BIGERNYN. (A.-S.) To ensnare. BIG-FRESH, adj. Very tipsy. North. BIGGAYNE, s. A nun. Paisg. BIGGE, (1) v. To buy. Weber. (2) *. A pap ; a teat. Essex. Usually applied to a cow. (3) s. A name for the hare. Reliq. Antiq., i, 133. BIGGEN, v. (1) To enlarge. (2) v. To begin. (3) v. To rise after an accouche- ment. North. (4) s. A kind of close cap, which bound the forehead strongly, used for new-born children to assist nature in closing the sutures of the skull. Shakespeare seems to use the word for any coarse kind of night-cap. A biggen, or biggin, appears to have been part of the dress of barristers-at-law. Ken- nett describes it as " a cap with two long ears worn by young children and girls." Upon his head he wore a filthy course biggin, and next it a garnish of night- caps, with a sage butten cap of the forme of a cowsheard, overspred verie ' orderly. Nash, Pierce Penniless. Ah sir (said he, turning towards the gentleman) will you perswade me then I could shew any kindnesse to this old biggin 'd ape ? Don't you see she has nothing in her but what's capable to strangle love and ingender hate ? History of Francion, 1655. BIGGER, s. (A.-S.) A builder. BIGHES, . Jewels. East. " She is all in her bighes to-day," i. e. t best humour, best graces, &c. See Beigh. BIG 209 BIL , *. (A.-S.) A bend, the hend of the elbow ; a bend in a river, &c. Anything folded or doubled. Still used in Cheshire. In the by$t of the arrae also Anojyr hys that mot be undo. Reliq. Antiq. i. 190. BIGING, *. A building. jowre biainges sail men brenne, Aud breke jowre walks obout. Minot's Poctns, p. 23. BIGIRDLE, s. A girdle worn round the loins ; a purse. BIGIRT, adj. Girded. BIGLY, adj. (1) Loudly; deeply; boldly ; strongly. A sweete youth, no doubt, for he hath two roses 'on his shoes, to qualifie the heat ot his feete ; he looketh very bigly, and commeth prauncing in. The Man in the Moon, 1609. (2) adj. Agreeable; delightful. BIGNING, s. Enlarging. BIGOLD,S. Chrysanthemum. Gerard. BIGONNE, part. p. Gone; de- parted. BIGRADDE, pret. t. (A.-S.) La- mented. BiGRAVE,/?ar. p. (1) Engraved. (2) Buried. BIGRYPE, v. To seize ; to include. BIHALVE. v. (A.-S.) To divide into two parts. BIHELVE, s. Behalf. BIHEST, v. (A.-S.) To promise. Bihight, promised. BIHEWE, v. To hew to pieces. BIHOTE, v. (A.-S.) To promise. BIJEN, adv. Truly. Yorksh. BIKE, *. A nest, especially of wild bees or wasps. BIKECHE, v. (A.-S.) To deceive. EiKED,pret. t. Fought. BIKENNEN, v. (A.-S.} To commit to. See Bekenne. BIKERE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To skir- mish ; to fight ; to quarrel. (2) s. A quarrel. BIKNOWEN, v. (A.-S.) To know ; to recognize ; to acknowledge. BIL, s. A fish of the cod kind. Ash. BILAD, part. p. of bilede. Brought. BILANDER, s. A small ship, of about eighty tons burthen. BILAPPED, part. p. Wrapped up ; enveloped. BILASH, v. To flog. BILAVE, v. (for bileve.) To remain. BILAYE, v. To besiege. BILBERRIES, s. The vaccinium myrtillus, or vitis idasa. In Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Che- shire, and most of the Northern counties, they are called whortle- berries; elsewhere hurtle-berries, black-worts, and wind-berries ; but, in Cumberland, Westmore- land, and Lancashire, they retain the older name of blae- or blea- berries, from the colour of their berries, which are livid, or a bluish black. Perhaps bil is a mere corruption of blea. BILBO, s. A Spanish sword, so named from Bilboa, where choice swords were made. A swords- man was sometimes termed a bilbo-man. BILBOCATCH, s. A bilboquct. The toy generally known as cup and ball. East. BILBOES, s. Stocks used at sea for the purpose of punishing of- fenders. BILCOCK, *. The water-rail. North. BILD, s. (A.-S.) A building; a house. BILDER, *. (1) A long-handled mallet for breaking clods. North. (2) *. A builder. BILDERS, s. A kind of water- cresses. BILE.S. (1) (A.-S.) Aboil. (2) Guile. BILEDE, v. To lead about. BILEF, adv. Quickly ; suddenly. BIL 210 BIL BILET, . A willow plantation. Shropsh. BILEVE, v. (A.-S.) (1) To remain; to stay. I know what is the peyne of deth, therbv, Which harm I felt, for he ne mighte byleve. Chaucer, Cant. T., 1. 10,895. (2) To leave ; to quit. The smale addren, of whiche we spaake, Weren bileved ait a lake. K. Alitaunder, 1. 5310. BILGE, v. To indent. Somers. BILIBRE. s. (Lai.) Two pounds. BiLin,ffTER, s. The water-rail. North. BILYVE, *. (A.-S.) Food. BIM-BOM, (l)s. The sound of bells. (2) s. Cobwebs. Somerset. BIMEBY, adv. By and by. Somerset. BIMELDE, v. (A.-S.) To speak of a thing. Dame, God the forjelde, Bote ou that thou me nout bimelde. Wright's Anecd. Lit., p. 3. BIMENE, v. (A.-S. demcenan.) To lament; to pity; to bemoan. Part, p., biment, bemoaned. Fret, t., biminde, mourned, la- mented. BIN. (1) Been. (2) adv. Being, in the sense of because. "Why dessunt stand up ?" " Bin ez cant." Devon. BIND, s. (1) Any indurated argilla- ceous substance. A mining term. (2) A certain number of eels ; according to Kennett, two hun- dred and fifty. (3) A hop-stalk. South. (4) Anything that binds. East. BIND-CORN, *. Buck-wheat. BIND-DAYS, s. Days on which ten- ants were bound to reap their lord's corn at harvest-time. BINDING, *. (1) A hazel rod or thorn, used for binding the hedge- tops. North. (2) The tiring of a hawk. BINDING-BAND, s. A girdle. Ceinlure. A girdle, or binding-band: a girth. Nomenclutor, 1585. BINDING-BEAN-TREE,S. The black- thorn. BINDING-COURSE, s. The top course of hay before it is bound on the cart with a rope. North. BINDING-DAY, \s. The se- BINDING-TUESDAY, JCOnd TuCS- day after Easter. BIND-WEED, s. The wild convol- vulus. BINE, \s. The stalk ofthehop- BYNE, /plant. See Bind. In Cam- bridgeshire, according to Cam- den's Britannia, malt was called byne. BINETHEN, prep. Beneath. BING, (1) v. To begin to turn sour, said of milk. Chesh. (2) adv. Away. Decker. (3) v. To go. A cant term. (4) s. A superior kind of lead. (5) s. A bin. BINGE, v. To soak a vessel in water to prevent its leaking. Line. Leic. It is also used in the sense of to soak, generally. BINGER, adj. Tipsy. Line. BING-STEAD, s. The place where ore is deposited in the furnace. It was also termed bing-ptace, and bingJiole. BINIME, v. (d.-S.) To take away. BINK,*. A bench. North. " The link of a coal-pit," the subterraneous vault in a mine. BINNE, adv. {A.-S.binnan.} Within. BINNICK, s. A minnow. Somers. BINSTEAD, s. A bay in a barn for housing corn. Northam.pt. BIPARTED, \ adj. (Lat. biparti- BIPARTITED, J tus.) Parted in two. Of Quintus Ramista his father's third son. As if one tree bare two boughs, noiio be- side; So thou dost all things in two parts divide. If all thing else should biparlited be, What of thy fathers goods would come 1o thee? Owen's Epigrams, 1677. BIQ.UASSHEN, v. (A.-S.) To crush to pieces. BIRAFTE, ] pret. t. ofbireve. Be- BIRAUJTE, J reft. BIRCHING-LANE. " To send a per- son to birching-lane" a proverbial phrase for ordering him to be whipped. BIR 212 BIS BIRD, "j *. (A.-S.) A lady. A very BURD, y common word in early BRID, J English poetry. BIRD, (1) s. The pupil of the eye. fast. (2) *. Any pet animal. Kent. (3) s. Bread. Exmoor. BIRD-BATTING, *. A method of catching birds at night with a net and light. BIRD-BOLT, *. (1) A short thick arrow with a broad flat end, used to kill birds without piercing. (2) The burbot. BIRD-BOY, s. A boy who drives birds from the corn. BIRD-CALL, s. A small whistle used to imitate the call of birds. BIRDER, s. (I) A bird-catcher. South. (2) The wild cat. BIRD-EYED, adj. Near-sighted. ' BIRDING, 8. Bird-catching. BIRD-KNAPPING, *. Frightening away birds from corn by noise. Devon. It is termed bird-keeping in Northamptonshire. BIRD'S-EYE, (!) Germanderspeed- well. (2) Some kind of cloth. 1665, May 14. To church, it being Whit- Sunday; my wife very fine in a new yellow bird's-eye hood, as the fashion is now. Pepys' Diary. BIRDS'-MEAT, s. Haws. Somerset. BIRDSNIES, 8. A term of endear- ment. Dont talk to a body so ; I cannot hold out if thou dost, my eyes will run over, poor fool, poor birJsnies, poor lambkin ! Ottcay, Soldier's Fortune, 1681. BIRD-TENTING, . Watching the birds to drive them away from the corn. EIRE, 8. (A.-S.) A stall; a cow- house. BIREDI (1) v. (A.-S.) To counsel. (2) part. p. Buried. BIRELAY, 8. (A.-N.) A virelay. Perhaps a mere clerical error. BIREPE, v. To bind. BIREVE, v. To bereave. BIREWE, v. (A.-S.) To rue. BIRFUL, adj. Roaring. BIRGAND, Is. A sort of wild BIRGANDER, J gOOSC. BIRGE, s. A bridge. Northampt. BIRIEL, s. Burial; also, a grave. BIRK., s. A birch-tree. North. BIRL, s. A rattling noise. North. BIRLADY. By our Lady. North. BIRLE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To pour out; to draw wine. (2) To powder; to spangle. BIRLER, *. The master of the reveli at a bidding-wedding in Cumber- land, one of whose duties is to superintend the refreshments. BIRLET, s. (Fr. bourlet.) A band for a lady's head. BIRNY, s. (A.-S.) A cuirass, or coat of mail. BIRR, s. (A.-S.) Force; impetus; a rapid whirling motion. North. BIRRET, s. A hood. Skinner. BIRSE, s. A bristle. North. BIRSEL, v. To roast, or to broil. North. BIRT, s. A kind of turbot. " Byrte fyshe, rhombus." Huloet. BIRTH, s. A place ; a station. BIRTHDOM, s. Birthright. BIRTH-WORT, s. The aristolochia. The English and Greek names have the same signification (the latter from dpiora rac. ^ox' i. e., good for women in child- birth). BIRTLE, (1) adj. Brittle. East. (2) s. A summer apple. Yorksh. BIRYE, s. (A.-S.) A city, or town. Bis, *. (1) (A.-N.) A silk of fine texture, generally described with the epithet purple. " Purple and bis " are sometimes mentioned separately, but the former is then probably used as the name of a stuff. Girt TVindsore Castle rounde. Anon I saw Under a canapie of crymsou bysse, BIS 213 BIS Spangled with gold and set with silver bels, That sweetlie chimed, and luld me halfe a- leepe. Ptele's Honor of the Garter, 1593. (2) A black or dark grey colour. BISAYE, "1 v. (A.-S.) To see fit; BYSEIGHE, J think fit. BISCAN, s. A finger-glove. Devon. BISCHEDE, v. To overflow. BISCHET, jar#. p. Shut up. BISCHYNE, v. To shine upon. BISCORE, adv. Immediately. BISCOT, *. (A.-S.) A fine imposed on the owners of marsh lands for not keeping them in repair. BISCOTIN, s. (Fr.) A confection made of flour, sugar, marmalade, eggs, and other ingredients. BISCUIT, s. A plain cake as distin- guished from a richerone. Sussex. BISE, v. (A.-S.) To look about. BISEGGEN, v. (A.-S.) To reproach. BISEKEN, "1 v. (A.-S.) To be- BISECHEN, J seech. BISELET, s. A carpenter's tool. BISEMEN, v. (A.-S.) To appear. BISEN, adj. Blind. See Bisne. BISENDE, v. (A.-S.) To send to. BISETTEN, v. To place; to set. BISGEE, *. A short-handled mat- tock, to serve for a pickaxe and axe. West. BISHREWE, 0. (A.-S.) To curse. BlSHETTB, V. To Shut Up. BISHOP, (1) *. A kind of punch made of roasted oranges, lemons, and wine. The name is said to have been derived from a custom in old times of regaling bishops with spiced wine, when they visited the University. Its cha- racter is given in the following lines : Three cups of this a prudent man may take ; The first of these fur constitution's sake, The second to the lass he loves the best, The third and last to lull him to his rest. (2) . A popular name for a lady- bird. (3) r. To make artificial marks on a horse's tooth, in order to deceive buyers as to its age. (4) v. To confirm. Bishopping, confirmation. Wanue the bisschop bisschopcth the, Tokene of marke he set to the. William de Shorehan, (5) s. A pinafore or bib. Warw. (6) v. To water the balls, a term among printers. (7) *. " That firy round in a burning candle called the bishop." Florio. BISHOP'D MILK, s. Milk that if burned in the boiling, whence it acquires a particular taste. In Staffordshire it is called griev'd or grew'd milk. In many parts, especially in Shropshire and Che- shire, when milk is burned, in- stead of saying " it is bishop 1 d" the phrase is, " the bishop has set his foot in it." Blesse Cisley, good mistriss, that bushop doth ban, For bui uing the milk of her cheese to the pan. Tusser's Husbandry. When a thinge speadeth not well, we borowe speach and saye, The bysshope hath blessed it, because that nothinge speadeth well that they medyll withall. if the podeche be burned to, or the meate over rosled, we saye, The bysshope hath put his fote in the potte, or The bysshope playd the coke, because the byshopes burn who thei lust and who- soever displeaseth them. Tyndale, Obedience of a Christen Man, 1535. BISHOP'S-FINGER, s. A guide-post. BISHOPSWORT, s. (A.-S.) A plant, a species of carum. BISIE, adj. (A.-S.) Busy. BISILKE, s. Some kind of silk. " Bisilke the groce conteyning xii. dossen peces, x.s." Rates of Custome House, 1545. BISITTEN, v. To beset. BISK, (1) . A term at tennis, a stroke allowed to the weaker party to equalise the players. Car. I am for you at tennis. Priffff. I'll give'you a bisk at Longs for ten pound. Shadwell, True Widow, 167. BIS 214 BIT (2) v. To erase. This was at length complained off: and lie was forced to beg pardon upon his knees at the council table, and send them [the books] back again to the king's kitchen to be bisfd, as 1 think the word is ; that is, to be rub'd over witU u iuky brush. Calamy, Account of Ministers ejected. (3) *. Broth made by mixing several kinds of flesh. BlSKY> 1*. A biscuit. West. BISCAKE, J BISMARE, \s. (A.-S. bismer.) In- BISMERE, / famy ; disgrace ; con- tumely. Of chidynge and of chalangyuge Was his chief liflode, With bakbitynge and bismere, Andberyuge offals wituesse. Piers PL, 1. 2649. BISME, s. (A.-N.) An abyss ; a pit. BISNE, (l)s. (A.-S. bisen.) A blind person. (2) s. (A.-S. bym.) An example. BISNEWID, part. p. Covered with snow. BISNIXG, *. Beestings. BISOGNIO. See Bezonian. BISOKNE, . Delay; sloth. Rob. Glouc. BISON, s. A bull. BISPEKE, v. (1) To speak, to ac- cuse. (2) To counsel. BISPEL, *. (1) (A.-S.) A term of reproach. Cumb. (2) A natural child. BISPEREN, v. (A.-S.) To lock up. BISPRENGDE, part. p. Sprinkled. Biss, *. (A.-N.) A hind. BISHADEWE, v. To shade over. BISSEN. Art not. West. BISSYN, "I v. To lull children to BYSJYNE, J sleep. Prompt. P. BIST. Thou art ; art thou ? West. BISTANDE, v. (A.-S.) To stand by or near. BISTERE, v. To bestir. BISTOCKTE, *. A stock of provi- sions laid by. BISTRETE, ndj. Scattered. BISWIXKEX, v. To labour hard. BISYHED, s. (A.-S.) Business; trouble. BIT, (l)pres. t. Biddeth. (2) s. The lower end of a poker. It is also used as a verb, to put a new end to a poker. West. (3) *. The nick of time. North. BITAISTE, pret. t. otbitake. Gave. BITAKE, v. (A.-S.) To give ; to commit to. BITCH,*. (1) A term of reproach, given more especially to the female companion of a vagrant. The term " byche-clowte" is applied to a worthless woman, in the Cov. Myst., p. 218. (2) A miner's tool for boring. North. BITCH-DACGHTER, s. The night, mare. Yorksh. BITE. (1) To bite the ear, was once an expression of endearment. Ben Jonson has biting the nose in a similar sense. To bite the thumb at a person, was an in- sult; the thumb in this action represented A fig, and the whole was equivalent to giving the fico, a relic of an obscene gesture. Dags and pistols ! To bite his thumb at me ! Wear I a sword To see men bite their thumbs .' Randolph, Muses' L. Glass, O. PI., ij, 220. 'Tis no less disrespectful to lite the nail of your thumb, by way of scorn and disdain, and drawing your nail from. between your teeth, to'tell them you value not this what they can do. Rules of Civility, 1678. (2) v. (A.-S.) To drink. Was therinne no page so lite, That evere wolde ale bite. Havelot, 1731. (3) *. The hold which the short end of a lever has upon the thing to be lifted. (4) v. To smart. '5) To cheat. BIT 215 BLA. A merchant hearing that great preacher, Smith, Preach against usury, that art of biting. Loyal Garland, 1686 BITEL, s. A large wooden hammer used in splitting wood. Berks. BlTHENKE, V. (A.-S.) TO COH- trive. Pret. t., bithought. BlTORE ' \s. (A.-N.) A bittern. BITTOR, J v BITRENT, adj. Twisted. BITT, s. An instrument used in blasting in mines. North. BITTE, (1) s. The steel part of an axe. (2) pret. t. of Mdde. Bad. BITTERBUMP, s. The bittern. Lane. BITTERMENT, s. Arbitrement. Hey- u-ood, 1556. BITTER-SWEET, ~1. A sort of BITTER-SWEETING, J apple. For al suche tyme of love is lore, And like unto the bitter-swete ; For though it thinke a man fyrst swete, He shal wel felen, at laste, Tliatit is sower, and maie not laste. Gower, ed. 1554, f. 174. Thy wit is a very bitter-sweetinfl ; it is a most sharp sauce. Shakesp., Rom., ii,4. What in displeasure gone ! And left me such a bitter-sweet to gnaw upon ? fair Em., 1631. BITTER-SWEET,*. The wood night- shade. Gerard. BiTTERFUL,arf;'. Sorrowful. Chauc. BITTLIN, s. A milk-bowl. BITTON, s. A bittern. Stuck with ostrige, cranes, parrots, bittons, cockes, and capons feathers. Dial, between the Cap $ the Ilat, 1565. BITTRE, adv. (A.-S.) Bitterly. BITTYWELP, adv. Headlong. Bedf. BIVE, *. A twin lainl). Twin lambs are still called bive lambs on the borders of Sussex and Kent. BIWAKE, v. To watch ; to guard. BIWARE, v. To warn. BIWENTE, pret. t. Turned about. BIWEVE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To cover. (2) To weave ; to work. BIWICCHE, v. To bewitch. BIWINNE, v. (A.-S.) To win ; to gain. BIWITE, v. (A.-S.) To know. BIWOPE, part. p. Full of tears; bewept. BIWORPE, v. (A -S.) To cast. BIWREYE, v. To betray. BIYETE, v. To beget. BIZON, s. A term of reproach. North. Bizz, v. To buzz. North. BIZZEN-BLIND, adj. Purblind. Northampt. BI?E, . To buy. Bi ETE, s. (A.-S.) Gain. BI-JUNDE, prep. Beyond. BLAA, s. Blue. Still used in Yorkshire. BLAANED,^'. Half-dried. Yorksh. BLAAT, v. To bleat. Northampt. BLAB, s. An indiscreet chatterer. Cacqueteur, babillard, baquenaudier, bavard. Ablab, a longtongue: one that telleth whatsoever he hcareth. Nomenclator, 1585. Th' Ayre's daughter Eccho, haunting woods among. A blab that will not (cannot) keep her tongue, Who never asks, but pnely answers all, Who lets not any her iu vain to call. Du Bartas. BLABBER, v. (1) To talk idly. (2) To loll out the tongue. Tomocke anybody by blabboring out the tongue is the part ot waghalters and lewd boyes, not of well mannered children. Schoole of Good Manners, 1629. (3) To whistle to a horse. BLABBKR-LIPPED, adj. Having thick lips. See Blabber and Blub. BLACK, adj. Mischievous; malig- nant ; unpropitious. BLACK-ALMAIN, s. A kind of dance. BLACKAMOOR, *. (1) A negro. The Moore soe pleas'd this new-made em- press" eie, That she consented to him secretive For to abuse her husband's marriage bed : Aud soe in time, a blackamore she bred. Percy, Relij[es,i, 223. BLA 216 BLA (2) The bull-rush when in full bloom. Wight. BLACKAMOOR'S BEATTTY, s. The sweet scabious. Somerset. BLACK AND BLUE. The common phrase for a bruise of the flesh. But the miller's meu did so baste his bones, and so soundly betliwack'd him, that they made him hothSfczc/t and blue with their strokes. Eabelais, i, 294. BLACK AND WHITE. Writing or print. Careful I ! I let nothing passe without good black and white. Jacke Drum's Entertainment, a. 1. BLACK-A-VIZED, adj. Dark in com- plexion. North. BLACK-BASS, s. A measure of coal lying upon the flatstone. Shropsh. BLACKBERRIES, *. Black-currants. Cumb. BLACKBERRY-SUMMER, . Fine weather experienced at the end of September and beginning of October, when the blackberries ripen. Hamps. BLACK-BESS, *. A beetle. Shropsh. In Berkshire, a black -bob ; in Yorkshire, a black-clock; and in Cornwall, a black-worm. BLACK-BITCH, *. A gun. North. BLACK-BLEGS, s. Bramble-berries. Yorksh. BLACKBOWWOWERS, s. Blackber- ries. North. On Michaelmas- day, the devil puts his foot on the blackberries, according to the general belief of the common people. In truth, after this day they are seldom to be found good. BLACKBROWN, adj. Brunette. BLACK-BUG, . A hobgoblin. BLACK-BURIED, adj. In infer num missus. Skinner. BLACK-BURNIXG SHAME, and a " burning shame," are everyday expressions. Northampt. BLACK CAP, . The loiiapyrrhula, or bulfinch.anc. InCumberlaud, this name is given to the mota- cilla salicaria, sedge bird, reed fauvette, English mock-bird, or lesser reed sparrow ; in Nor- thamptonshire, to the greater titmouse. BLACK-CATTLE, s. Horned cattle, including oxen, bulls, and cows. BLACK-CLOCK, *. The cockroach (blatta orientalis}. BLACK-COAT, s. A familiar term for a clergyman, as a red-coat is for a soldier. BLACK-CROSS-DAY, s. St. Mark's day, April 25. BLACKEYED-SUSAN, s. A well pud- ding, with plums in it. Sussex. BLACK-FASTIXG, *. Rigid fasting. North. It is believed among the peasantry in Northumberland to be dangerous to meet a witch in a morning " black-fasting." BLACK FEATHERS. Large black feathers were fashionablein men's hats about 1596. But he doth seriously bethinke him whether Of the gul'd people he bee more esteem'd, For his long cloake or for his great frlacfa feather. Sir J. Davis, Epigr. 47. BLACK-FOOT,S.(!) Onewho attends on a courting expedition, to bribe the servant, make friends with the sister, or put any friend off his guard. North. (2) The name of a bird. Melampus, Ovid. Elaclcefoote. s, nigripes. Nomenclator, 1585. BLACK-FROST, s. Frost without rime. BLACK-GRASS,*. The fox-tail grass. BLACK-GUARD, s. Originally a jocular name given to the lowest menials of the court, the carriers of coals and wood, turnspits, and labourers in the scullery, who all followed the court in its pro- gresses. Hence arose the modern acceptation 01 the word. BLA 217 BLA Her majesty, by some meaties I know not, was lodged at his house, Ewston, farre unmeet for her highnes, but fitter for the blacke f/ardf. , IJtdge's Illustrations, ii, 188. Will you know the companions of my journey ? I was alone amonge a coach- full of women, and those of the electors dutchesse chamber forsooth, which you would have said to have been of the blacke guard. Morison's Itinerary, Though some of them are inferior to those of their own ranke, as the blacke guard in a prince's court. Burton, Anatomy of Mel. BLACKHEAD, *. A boil. West. BLACK-HEADED-PEGGY, s. The reed-bunting. Leic. BLACKING, s. A kind of pudding, perhaps a blood-pudding, men- tioned in the 17th cent, as made in Derbyshire. BLACK-JACK, s. (1) A large lea- ther can, used for beer. There's a Dead-sea of drink i'th" cellar, in which goodly vessels liewreck'd; and in the middle of this deluge, appear the tops of flagons and black jacks, like churches drowu'di' th" marshes. eaum.andF.,i,32S. Honour is a slippery thing, yet some persons will come to great preferment : as to reign sole King of the Pots mid flack-Jacks, Prince of Ihe Spigot, Count Palatine of clean Straw and Provant, and Lord High Regent of Rashers of the Coals. Poor Robin, 1716, (2) A small black caterpillar which feeds on turnips. (3) Sulphuret of zinc, as found in the mines. Derbysh. BLACK-JACK, "Is. A kind of BLACK-JERU- I greens. North- SALKMS, J ampt. BLACK-LAD-MONDAY, *. Easter Monday, so called from a custom on that day at Ashton-under- Lyne, termed riding the black lad. BLACKMACK, *. A blackbird. BLACK-OUSEL, s. A blackbird. BLACK-MEN, *. Fictitious men, enumerated in mustering an army, or in demanding coin and livery. BLACK-MONDAY, . (1) Easter Monday; so called from the se- verity o'f that day, April 14, 1360, when many of Edward Ill's sol- diers, then before Paris, died of the cold. (2) The schoolboy's term for the first Monday after the holidays. BLACK-MONEY, s. Money taken by the servants, with their mas- ter's knowledge, for abstaining from enforcing coin and livery in certain places, to the prej udice of others. BLACK-MOUTHED PRESBYTERIAN, . A man who condemns every- thing and accuses everybody, cutting 'off the most innocent indulgence, as Presbyterians are supposed to have done. North. BLACK-NEB, s. The carrion-crow. BLACK ox. The black ox has trod on his foot, a proverbial phrase, meaning worn with age, and sometimes with care. She was a pretie wench, when Juno was a young wife, now crowes foote is on her eye, and the black oxe hath trod on her foot. Lyly, Sappho $r Ph., iv, 1. The blade oxe had not trod on his or her foote. Heyic. on Totenham. BLACK-POLES, s. Poles in a copse which have remained after one or two falls of underwood. Heref. BLACK-POT, *. Blackpudding. So- merset. BLACKS, *. Mourning. BLACK'S YOUR EYE. They shall not say black is your eye that is, they shall not find any accu- sation against you. Wanley, Vox Dei, 1658, p. 85, speaking of St. Paul's having said " that he was, touching the righteousnesse which is in the law, blamelesse," observes upon it, " No man could say (as the proverb hath it) black was his eye." ELA 218 BLA I can say black's your eye, though it be grey; I have conniv'd at this your friend, and you. B. and Fl., Love's Cure, iii, 1. He is the very justice o' peace of the play, and can commit whom he will, and what he will, error, absurdity, as the toy takes him, and no man say Hack is his eye, but lau?h at him. B. Jons., Staple of News, 1st interm. BLACK-SANCTUS, s. A burlesque hymn performed with discordant and strange noises ; any extreme or horrible din. Thither wee came, whereat the entrie wee heare a confused noise (like a blacke sanctus, or a house haunted with spirits), such hollowing, shouting, dauucing, and clinking of pots, that sure now wee suppos'd wee had found, for all this revelling could not be with- out Mouusieur Mony had beene on of the crew. Bowley, Search for Money, 1609. And upon this there was a generall mourning through all Rome : the cardi- nals wept, the abbots howled, the monks rored, the fryers cried, the nuns puled, the curtizans lamented, the bels rang, and the tapers were lighted, that such a blacke sanctus was not seeue a long time afore in Rome. Tarlton, Neva out ofPurg., 1630. BLACKSAP, . The jaundice in an advanced stage. East. BLACK-SATURDAY, s.,(l) The first Saturday after the old Twelfth day, when a fair is annually held at Skipton. Yorksh. (2) In Northamptonshire, when a labourer has anticipated his wages, and has none to receive at the end of the week, they call it a black Saturday. BLACK-SCULLS, s. Soldiers with skullcaps on their heads. BLACK-SHOES, s. Shoe-blacks, or men who formerly attended in the streets for the purpose of blacking the shoes or boots of any passengers who required it. This was a common practice in London at the commencement of the present century. BLACK-SPICE, s. Blackberries. Yorksh. BLACK-SUNDAY, s. Passion Sunday. BLACKTHORN, s. The sloe tree. Spinus A blacke thorne tree: a sloe tree: a snag tree. Nomenclator, 1585 BLACKTHORN-CHATS, s. The young shoots of blackthorn, when they have been cut down to the root. BLACKTHORN-WINTER, *. Cold weather experienced at the end of April and beginning of May, when the blackthorn is in blos- som. BLACK-TIN, s. Tin ore ready for smelting. BLACK-WAD, s. Manganese in its natural state. Derbysh. BLACK-WATER, s. Phlegm or black bile on the stomach, a disease in sheep. Yorksh. BLACK-WITCH, *. A maleficent witch. According to the vulgar conceit, dis- tinction is usually made between the white and the black witch; the good and the bad witch. The bad witch they are wont to call him or her that workes malefice or mischiefe to the bodies of men or beasts; the good witch they count him or her that helps to reveale, prevent, or remove the same. Guide. BLACK WORM, s. The black beetle. Cornw. BLACKSAUNT, . (corrupted from black sanctus.) Any confused or hideous noise. BLADDER-HEADED, adj. Stupid. BLADDERS, s. (1) (A.-S. blaedra.) Little rising blisters of the skin. (2) The air bubbles in bread. ' Petite vescie du pain. A bladder or little swelling bump rising in the crust of a lofe of bread. Nomfnclator, 1585. (3) The kernels of wheat affected Lj the smut. East. BLADE, (1) . To trim plants or hedges. Shropsh. It is an old word, for it occurs in the Prompt. Parv., " blaclyne herbys, or take away the bladys, detirno." BLA 219 BLA (2) *. A brisk, mettlesome, sharp, keen, and active young man. In 1667, Samuel Carrett.son to Donald, a villan belowe the burne, buried 25th of May, mv godson (and a stout blade) yet died, Samuel Robinson being then minister. Feltham's Tour to the I. of Man. And as he came to Nottingham, A tinker he did meet, And seeing him a lusty blade, He did him kindly greet. Robin Rood, ii, 39. (3) v. To blade it, to play the blade, to go about vauntingly. BLADED-LEEK, * A kind of leek. Petit porreau, porrette, civette. The unset leeke : maiden leekes : bladed leekes. Nomenclator, 1585. BLADES, s. (1) The principal raft- ers of a roof. (2) The shafts of a cart. South. (3) " Blades or yarne wyndles, an instrumente of huswyfery, girgillus." Huloet. BLADESMITH, . A maker of swords. BLADGE, s. A low woman. Line. BLADIER, *. An engrosser of com. BLAK-BERRY, s. The bilberry. AfertfA. BL.EC, *. (4.-S.) The grease taken off the cart-wheels or ends of the axle-tree, kept till dry, and then made in balls, with which the tailors rub and blacken their thread. Given by Kennett as a Yorkshire word. BLAFFOORDE. A person with any defect in his speech. Pr. P. BLAIN, (\)v. (A.-N.) To blanch; to whiten. North. (2) *. (A.-S.) A boil ; an erup- tion. " Blayne or whealke. Pa- pula." Huloet. BLAKE, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Bleak; cold ; naked. North. (2) v. To cry till out of breath, or burst with laughter ; to faint ; to turn black in the face. Devon. (3) adj. (A.-S.) Yellow. (4) v. (A.-S.) To bleach; to fade. To make his brows blake, or turn pale, was a common po- etical phrase, equivalent to, to vanquish him. And as he neghet hi a noke, The king sturenly him stroke, That bothe lu's brees con bloke; His maistry he mekes Robson's Metr. Rom., p. 64. BLAKED, adj. Blackened. Chaucer. BLAKELING, *. The yellow bunt- ing. North. BLAKES, s. Cow-dung dried for fuel. BLAKNE, v. (A.-S.) To turn black in the face ; to grow angry. BLAME, adj. Blameworthy. The phrase " too blame " occurs not unfrequently in the old drama- tists. Y' are too blame, And, Besse, you make me angry The girle was much too blame. T. Heywood, Engl. Trav., sign. G. I were too blame if I should not tell thee anie thing. Menechmus, 0. PI., i, 152. BLAMEPLDM. (A.-N.) White-lead. BLAJ(,pret. t. (A.-S.) Ceased. BLANC, 1 (in the fern. g. blanche BLAUNC, J and blaunche,) adj. (A.-N.) White. It is used in several terms and phrases, of which the following are the principal : BLANCHE BREWET, s. A sort of pottage. Tor to make blanche brewet de Alyngyn. Nym kedys and chekenys, and hew hem in morsellys, and seth hem in al- mand mylk, or in kyne mylke. Grynd gyngyver, galingale, and cast thereto ; and boyle it, and serve it forthe. Warner's 4ntiq. Culin., p. 39. BLANC DE SORE, ~] *. A dish BLANK DESSORRE, | in COokery, BLANK DESIRE Vfor making BLANK DE SURY, | which the BLAUNDESORE, J following IS one of the receipts : Slant dcssorre. Take aimandes blanched, grynde hem, and temper hem up with whvte wyne, or fleissh day with broth, and cast thereinne floer of rys, other BLA 220 BLA amydmn; and lye it therewith. Take brawn of capons y-ground; take sugar and salt, and cast thereto, and florish it with aneys whyte. Take a vessel y- holes, and put in safron, and serve it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 10. BLANCHE-FEVERE, *. " The agues wherwith maidens that have the greene-sicknesse are troubled." Cotgrave. BLANC-MANGE, "I . A dish in BLANCMANGER, J Cookery. Blank-many. Take capons, and seeth hem, thenne take hem up. Take al- nwndes blanched, grynd hem, and alay hem up with the same broth. Cast the mylk in a pot ; waisshe rys, and do thereto, and lat it seeth. Thanue take brawn of capouns, teere it smalle and do thereto. Take white greece, sugar, and salt, and cast thereinne. Lat it seeth. Then messe it forth, and florish it with aneys in confyt, rede other whyte, and with almandes fryed in oyle, and serve it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 10. BLANC-PLUMB. *. White-lead. BLANCHE-PORRE, s. A dish in cookery. Slaunche porrf. Take the qwyte of lekes, and parboyle horn, and new horn smalle; and take onyons, and mynse horn therewith, and do horn in a pot, and put thereto gode broth, and let hit boyle, and do therto smale briddes, and seth horn therewyth, and colour hit wyth saffron, and do therto pouder marchant, and serve hit forth. Warner, Antiq. Culin., p. 51. BLANCH, (1) *. Ore when inti- mately mixed with other mate- rials. (2) . To whiten; to change colour. (3) v. To peel anything. (4) v. To shift off; to evade. BLANCHER, s. Anything set round a wood to keep the deer in it. Men were sometimes employed for this purpose. BLANCH-FARM, . An annual rent paid to the lord of the manor. Yorksh. BLANDAMENT, "Is. Blandishment; BLANDYMENTE, / flattery. BLANDE, (1) adj. Blended ; mixed. (2) v. To flatter. BLANDISE, v. (A.-N.) To flatter. BLANDRELL, ~[s. (Fr. blan- BLAUNDERELLE, J duredU.) A kind of apple. BLANK, s. (Fr.) (1) The white mark in the centre of a butt, at which the arrow was aimed ; the mark, the aim, a term in gunnery. (2) A small coin, struck by Henry V in France, worth about four pence. (3) The name of a game at dice. BLANKER, . (1) A spark of fire. West. (2) A white garment. BLANKKT-PUDDING, *. A long round pudding, with jam spread over the paste, and then rolled up. Sussex. BLANKETT, 1 Akindofbird< BLONKETT, J BLANK-MATINS, 8. Matins sung over night. BLANKNESS, s. Paleness. BLANKS-AND-PRIZES, s. Beans and boiled bacon chopped up and mixed together, the beans being considered blank, and the meat the prize. Shropsh. BLANK-SORRY, *. See Blanc-de- sore. BLANPEYN, s. (A.-N.) Oxford white-loaves. BLANSCCE, *. A misfortune; an unexpected accident. Somerset. BLARE, v. (1) To put out the tongue. Yorksh. A mocke with the tong, by putting it out; a blaring as a dog doth that is thirstie and dry. Nomenclator, 1585. (2) To roar ; to bellow ; to bleat ; to cry. Var. dial. The following has been given us as a genuine sample of Norfolk dialect : " Lor mor dont s'n blarin o' that ne ;" which means, literally, "There, girl, do not stand crying in that way." BLA 221 BLE (3) To talk loud. Sussex. BLART, v. To bleat. Northamp. and Leic. BLASE, v. To blazon arms. See Blaze. BLASH, (1) v. To splash; to paint. North. (2) *. Nonsense ; rubbish. Line. Weak liquor is popularly called blashment, and is said to be blashy. BLASHY, adj. (1) Thin, poor, spo- ken of liquor. Northamp. (2) Wet and windy. BLASOUR, s. A flatterer. BLASS, s. The motion of the stars. BLASSEN, v. To illumine. BLAST, (1) v. (A.-S.) To boast. (2) v. To miss fire. Devon. (3) 0. To raise the eyes in astonishment. Devon. (4) s. An inflammation or wound, attributed often to the action of witchcraft. Somerset. (5) s. The blight. Sussex. BLASTED, adj. Beaten down by the wind, applied to hay. North. BLASTEN, part. p. Blown. BLASTMENT, s. A sudden stroke of infection. BLAST, 0. To blazon ; set forth. Skelton. BLATANT, adj.(Lat.} (1) Bellowing. A word perpetuated by Spenser in his term of the "blatant beast." (2) Prattling. BLATCH, v. To smear or dirty. Glouc. BLATE, (1)0. To bellow. North. (2) adj. Bashful ; timid. North. (3) adj. Cold ; bleak. BLATBROON, s. A babbler. BLATHER, v. To talk nonsense; to talk up. There's nothing gain'd by being witty ; fame Gathers but wind to blather up a name. lieaumatit and Fletcher, i, li. BLATTER, s. A puddle. North. BLAUN, adj. (4.-N.) White. BLAUNCH, s. A blain ; a patch of large pustules blended in one. BLAUNCHETTE, *. (A.-N.) Fine wheaten flour. BLAUNCHMER, s. (A.-N.) A kind of fur. Syr Degore, 701. BLAUNCH-PERREYE,S. SeeBlanche- BLAUNDESORE,S. See.fi/arte-de-sore. BLAUNER, *. A kind of fur, perhaps the same as blaunchmer. BLAUTCH, *. A great noise. North. BLAUTHY, adj. Bloated. East. BLAVER, (1) v. To prattle ; to prate. Paston Lett., iv, 22. (2) s. The corn blue-bottle. North. BLAW, 0. To cry loud. Sitssex. BLAWE, v. (1) To blow. (2) To put to the horn, or ex- communicate. And nevertheles in him was more cause of cursing than in sum that to-day are blawun in the kirk. Apology for the Lollards, p. 24. BLAWING, s. A swelling. North. BLAWNYNG, s. White-lead. BLAWORT, s. The corn blue-bottle. BLAWZE, s. A blossom. Yorksh. BLAY, (1) s. A blaze. Essex. (2) 0. To bleat. BLAZE, (1) s. A yule-log. (2) 0. To spear salmon. North. (3) s. A pimple. Yorksh. (4) 0. To blazon. I beare the badge within my brest, Wherin are blazde your colours brave. Turbenille, Epig. and Sonnettes, 1569. BLAZED, (1) adj. A term applied to a horse when it has a white mark. (2) To a tree when marked for sale. BLEA, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Yellow. North. (2) High ; exposed, in situation. Northamp. (3) s. The part of the sub-stem of a tree between the bark and the hard wood. BLE 222 BLE BLEACHY, adj. Brackish. Somerset. BLEAD, . Fruit. Verstegan. BLEAK, (1) v. To bleach. (2) adj. (A.-S. blac.) Pale with cold ; pallid, sickly. Palle, et blesme. A bltake, pale, or somewhat yellowish colour. Nomenclator, 1585. (3) adj. Sheepish. East. BLEART, p. To scold ; to make a noise. BLEASE, s. (A.-S. blase.) A blaze. Northamp. BLEAT, adj. Cold ; bleak. Kent. BLEATER, s. A cant term for mut- ton. BLEATHER, *. A bladder. North. BLEAUT, *| . ' 'A.-N. bkaus, bli- BLIAUT, I aux.) A kind of robe BLIHAUT, I which fitted close to BLIHAUD.J the body. The editors of early English poetry have commonly turned the u into an n, and printed bliant instead of bliaut, and it has even been cor- rupted into bleaunt. BLEB, (1) s. A drop of water; a bubble. North. (2) v. To drink. North. (3) s. A blister. BLECH, s. Bleach ; water in which hides have been tanned. BLECHE, adj. (A.-N.) White. See Bleak. BLECKEN, v. To make black. BLEDDER, (1) s. A blister. How mey that be? wo dar theroppe steije, For double of fotes bleddre. William de Slioreham. (2) v. To cry. North. BI.EDE, s. Blood. BLEDEN, v. (A.-S.) To bleed. BLEDEWORT, s. The wild poppy. BLEE, *. (A.-S. bleo.) (1) Colour; complexion. " Bright of blee" is not an uncommon epithet of a lady. (2) In a secondary sense, counte- nance, feature. t.t.of frileven. Re- BLEECH, s. The bleaching-ground. East. BLEED, v. To yield abundantly. Corn is said to bleed well when it is productive on being thrashed. BLEEDING-BOIST, s. A cupping- glass. BLEEDING-HEART, s. The wall- flower. West. BLEEP, BLEFEDE, BLEFT, J BLEFF, adj. Turbulent ; noisy. East. BLEFFIN, *. A block or wedge. Lane. BLEIKE, v. (A.-S.) To turn pale. BLEINE, s. (A.-S.) A pustule. BLEIT, j flrf . Bashful. North. BLATE, J BLEKE, (1) adj. Black. Prompt. P. BLELY, adv. Blithely. BLEME, adj. Powerful. Morte Arth. BLEMISH, v . A hunting term, when the hounds, finding where the chase has been, offer to enter, but return. BLEMMERE, s. A plumber. BLEMMLE, v. To mix anything with a fluid, as flour with water, by moving. North. BLENCH, (1) v. (A.-S.) To start, or fly off; to draw back. (2) s. A start or deviation. (3) s. A glimpse. Warw. (4)0. To wink, to glance. Shakefp. (5) v. To impeach; to betray. Staff. (6) s. A fault. North. BLENCHER, s. Anything that fright- ens, or causes to start. BLENCORN, s. Wheat mixed with rye. Horksh. BLEND, v. To pollute or confound. And all these storms that now his beauty blend, Shall turn to calms, and timely clear away. Spenser, Sonn., 62. BLENDE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To blind. (2) adj. Blind. BLENDIGO, adj. Cloudy. BLE 223 BLI BLENDINGS, s. Peas and beans mixed together. BLEND-WATER, s. An inflammatory disease to which black cattle are liable. North. BLENE, v. (A.-S.) To blister. (2) To arise, to bubble up. BLENGE, v. To hinder. Tusser. BLENKARD, s. A person near- sighted, or almost blind. North. BLENKER, s. A fighting-cock with only one eye. BLENKE, v. (1) To glance at; to wink. (2) To appear; to shine. (3) To wince. BLENKEE, v. Mingere perparce. BLENKS, s. Ashes. West. BLENS, *. A fish, the gadus bar- balus. BLENSCHEN, v. To darken ; to ble- mish. BLENT. The pret. t. and part. p. of blend, blende, and blenke. BLEREN, v. (A.-S.) To blear; to make a person's sight dim. To " blere one's eye," to impose upon a person. BLESCHEN, v. To extinguish a fire. Prompt. P. BLESE, s. A blaze. Prompt. P. BLESS, v. (1) To wave or brandish a sword. Spenser. (2) (Fr.) To wound. BLESSING-THK-FIRE-OUT. An ope- ration performed generally, I be- lieve always, by a female. She wets her forefinger with spittle, and moves it in a circular slow manner over and round the part that may have been burnt or scalded, at the same time mutter- ing inandibly a suitable incanta- tion or blessing, in the mysteries of which I am not initiated. This I have often seen done, and have, indeed, not unfrequently experi- enced the benefits, be they what they may, of the process. Moor's Suffolk MS. BLESSEDLOCURRE, adj. Blessedly. BLESSING-FIRES, *. Midsummer Fires. West. Neddy, that was wont to make Such great feasting at the wake, Aid the blessing fire. Browne's Shepherd's Fife, 1772. BLESSING-WITCH, s. The white or good witch. BLETCH, s. Black, greasy matter ; the grease of wheel-axles. Staff. BLETHELICHE, adv. Blithely; free- ly; joyfully. BLETHER, s. A bladder. BLETHER-HEAD, s. A blockhead. Leic. BLETINGE, adj. (A.-S.) Flaming. BLEVE, "1 v. To stay ; to remain. BLEWE, / See Bileve. BLEW-BLOW, s. The corn-flower. Gerard. BLEWING, s. Blue paint. BLEWIT, s. A kind of fungus. North. BLEXTER, *. A person who blacks. BLEYE, adj. Blue. BLEYME, s. An inflammation in the foot of a horse. BL-EYNASSE, s. Blindness. BLEYSTER, s. A bleacher. BLIAKE, s. A bar of wood with holes to take the soles of a hurdle while being wreathed. Dors. BLICE, s. Lice. North. BLICKENT, adj. Bright; shining. West. BLIDS, s. Wretches. Devon. BLIGH, adj. Lonely ; dull. Kent. BLIGHTED, adj. Stifled. " Blighted with the heat." Oxfd. BLIKEN, v. (1) (A.-S.) To quiver. (2) (A.-S.) To shine. BLIM, v. To gladden. Prompt. P. BLINCH, v. (1) To keep off. (2) To catch a sight of a thing or person. Cornw. BLIND, (1) adj. Obscure. (2) Abortive, applied to flowers and herbs. Var. dial. (3) *. A fence for skouts and sentinels, made of bundles of BLI 224 BLO reeds, canes, or osiers, to hide them from being seen by the enemy; an old military term. BLIND-IS-THE-CAT, *. An old Christmas game, perhaps blind- man's buff. BLIND-ALEHOUSE, *. Is the tidier at band that us'd to ply at the blind-alehouse ? Etherege, Comical Revenge, 1669. BLIND-BALL, s. A fungus. BLIND-BUCKY-DAVY, . Blind- man's buff. Somerset and Glouc. BLIND-BUZZARD, *. A cockchafer. BLIND-DAYS, s. The first three days of March, which were formerly considered as unlucky, and upon which no farmer would sow any seed. Devon. BLIND-EYES, *. The corn-poppy. Northampt. BLIND-HOB, *. Blind-man's buff. BLIND-HOOKY, . A game at cards. BLIND-MAN'S-BUFF, s. (1) A well- known children's game. (2) A kind of puff-ball. BLIND-MAN'S-HOLYDAY, *. Twi- light. BLIND-MARES, . Nonsense. Devon. BLIND-NETTLK, . Wild hemp. Devon. BLIND-SIM, . Blind-man's buff. East. BLIND-THARM, *. The bowel-gut. Durham. BLIND-WORM, s. The slow-worm. BUNDERS, *. Blinkers. North. BLINDING-BRIDLE, *. A bridle with blinkers. BLINDFELLENE, v. To blindfold. Pr. Parv. BLINDING-BOARD, . An instru- ment to restrain an unruly cow. Florio. BLINDS, *. A term for a black fluor about the vein in a mine. BLINK, *. A kind of wood. Skinner. BLINK. (I) s. A spark of fire, glim- mering or intermittent light. tFest. (2) t>. To evade; to avoid the sight of. North. (3) v. To smile. North. (4) . To wink. (5) Blinking the malt, is putting it to work too hot. Cambridge. BLINKARD, s. One who sees badly. BLINKED, adj. Stale or sharp, ap- plied to beer. BLINKER, *. A term of contempt. North. BLINKS, s. An old hunter's term. Sriseet, boughes rent by hunters from trees, and left in the view of a deere, or cast overthwart the way wherein he is likely to passe, thereby to hinder his running, and to recover him the better ; our wood-men call them blinkes. Cotgrate. BLINNE, v. (1) (A.-S. blinnan.) To cease. (2) To stop, to delay. BLIRT, v. To cry. North. BLISFUL, adj. Joyful ; blessed. BLISH-BLASH, s. Sloppy dirt. North. BLISSE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To bless. (2) (Fr.) To wound. BLISSENE, gen. pi. Of joys. BLISSEY, s. A blaze. Wilts. BLISSOM, adj. (1) Blithesome. (2) Maris appelens, applied to the ewe. (3) v. To copulate, said of sheep. BLIST, pret. t. of bllsse. Blessed. BLIT, adj. Blighty. Dorset. BLITH, *. Face ; visage. Kennett. Probably a corruption of blee. BLITHE, *. Blight. BLIVE, adj. and adv. Quick ; ready. A contraction of bilive. BLIZZY, *. (A.-S. blysa.) A blaze. Northamp. BLO, adj. Blue ; livid. BLOA, adj. Cold ; raw. Line. BLOACH, s. A tumour. Skinner. BLOACHER, *. Any large animal. North. To BLOAT, or BLOTE, v. To dry by smoke, applied especially to her- rings. A Bloat -herring, or, as BLO 225 BLO we now call it, a Hauler, a her- ring so dried. Lay you an old court ier on the coals, like a sausage or a bloat -herring. B. Jon., Masq. ofMer., v. 429. Make a meal of a bloat -herring, water it with four shillings beer, and then swear we have dined as well as ray lord mayor. Match at Midn., O. PI., vii, 343. I have four dozen of fine firebrands in my belly, I have more smoke in my mouth than would adj. Blew. BI.UB, (1). To swell, (2) adj. Swollen, plump, round. Odd ! She has a delicate lip, such a lip, so red, so hard, so plump, so blub. Oticay, Soldier's Fortune, 1C91. You have a pretty pouting about the mouth like me, and fine little blub lips. Shadwett, True Widow, 1679. Buceo, bur.culentus, Plauto, cui tunii Uiores guilt buccte, aut os granduis BLU 228 BLU yvd8u>v. Joufflu, ou geullard, qui a la bouche grande. That hath his cheeks, or a great and large mouth : blub checked : sparrow mouthed. Nomenclator, 1585. BLUBBER, (1) *. A bubble. Far. dial. (2) To bubble, as water. (3) . To cry; to weep till the tears stand in bubbles. (4) *. The name given by sailors to the sea nettle. BLUBBER-GRASS, a. Different spe- cies of bromus, so-called from their soft inflated glumes. East. BLUCK, v. " So the true men shall be hunted and blucked." The Festyvall, fol. xxvi, r. BLUE, (1) 8. Bloom. Devon. (2) s. Ale. Somerset. (3) v. To " look blue," to look disconcerted ; to be mortified or disappointed. BLUE-BOTTLE, s. (1) A term for a servant or beadle, from the colour formerly used for their dresses. (2) A large blue fly. BLUE-BOTTLES, s. The blue flowers which grow among wheat. Oxfd. BLUE-CAPS,*. (l)Meadow scabious. Yorksh. (2) The corn blue bottles. North- ampt. BLUE-INKLE, s. Some substance which burnt with a strong offen- sive smell. Ah me! help, help my lady! cut her lace, cut her lace ! get some area foetida, blew inkle, or partridge feathers, and burn under her nose. Shadwcll, Amorous Bigolte, 1690. Gad take me! hold the gentlewoman, bring some cold water, and flower, burn some blew inkle and partridge feathers, 'tis my ladies medicine. ShadvicU, The Scourers, 1691. BLUE-ISAAC,*. The hedge-sparrow. Glouc BLUE-JOHN,*. Fluorspar. Derbysh. BLUE-MILK, . Skimmed milk. BLUE-MOON, g. He won't do it for a blue mbon, i. e., never. BLUE-ROCK, *. The wild pigeon. Northampt. BLUE-STOCKING, . A woman who addicts herself to study or author- ship. BLUE-TAIL,*. The fieldfare. North- ampt. BLUE-VINNIED, adj. Covered with blue mould. South. BLUFF, (1) adj. Churlish; surly. South. (2) adj. Big and puffed up, as it were with wind. (3) v. To blindfold. North. (4) *. A tin tube through which boys blow peas. Suffolk. (5) *. The blinker of a horse. Line, and Leic. BLUFFER, *. A landlord of an inn. BLUFFIN,. To bluster; to swagger. Staff. BLUFTED, adj. Hoodwinked. Line. BLUFTER, *. A horse's blinker. Line., Leic. Bluffed, having blinkers on. BLUNDER, (1) *. Confusion; trouble. (2) v. To disturb. (3) v. To blunder water, to stir or puddle, to make it thick and muddy. BLUNDERBUSS, *. A stupid fellow. North. BLUNGE, v. To break or blend whilst in a state of maceration ; a potter's term. A long flat wooden instrument, called a blun- ger, is used for this purpose. BLUNK, (1) adj. Squally ; tempes- tuous. East. (2) v. To snow, to emit sparks. (3) *. Any light flaky body. (4) *. A fit of stormy weather. BLUNKET, (1) . A white stuff, probably woollen. (2) . A light blue colour. BLUNT, (1) *. The slang term fot money. (2) *. A pointless rapier, or foil to fence with. " Batre le fer, BLU 229 BOB to play at blunt, or at foyles." Cot grave. BLUR, *. A blot. North. BLURRY, *. A mistake, a blunder. BLURT, (1) An interjection of con- tempt. "Blurt, master constable," a fig for the constable, seems to have been a proverbial phrase. (2) v. To blurt at, to hold in contempt. "Boccheggiare,to make mouths, or blurt with ones lips." Florio. BLUSH, *. Resemblance ; look. At the first blush, at the first sight. BLUSH E, v. To look. BLUSHET, s. One who blushes ; used by Ben Jonson for a young modest girl. BLUST,*. Erysipelous inflammation. Yorksh. BLUSTER-WOOD, s. The shoots of fruit trees or shrubs which require to be pruned out. East. BLUSTRE,. To stray along without. any particular aim. But blustredcn forth as beestes Over baukes and hilles. Piers PI., p. 108. BLUSTROUS, adj. Blustering. BLUTER, (1) adj. Dirty. (2) v. To blot, to dirty, to blub- ber. North. BLUTTER, v. To speak nonsensi- cally. BLUV, v. To believe. East. BLUZZED, adj. Darkened; blinded, Northamp. ELY, s. (1) Likeness ; resemblance. East. See blee. (2) A transient view. East. BLYCAND, adj. (A.-S.) Glittering ; shining. BLYFE, adv. Quickly. See Relive. BLYKKED, pret. t. Shone. Bo, (1) adj. Both. (2) . A hobgoblin. North. BOALLING, *. Drinking, i. e., bowl- ing, or emptying the bowl. BOAR, . A clown, for boor. BOAR -CAT, *. A tom-cat. Kent. The word occurs in Wycherley, Plain-dealer, 1677. BOARD, (1) v. (A.-N. aborder.') To address ; to accost. (2) s. An old cant term for a shilling. (3)*. A kind of excavation. North. (4) " Set him a clear board in the world," i. e., put him in a good position as to pecuniary matters. BOARDER, adj. Made of board. West. BOARDING-BRIDGE,*. A plank laid across a running stream. West. BOAR-NECKED, adj. A term applied in some parts to sheep, when affected with a disease which causes their necks to be bowed. BOAR-SEG, . A pig kept for three or four years as a brawn. Shrops. BOAR-STAG, s. A gelded boar. BOAR-THISTLE, s. The carduus lan- ceolatus, Lin. BOATION, *. (Lot.) An uproar. BOAT-WHISTLES, *. Little bottles which grow on the sea shore, which the boys cut a hole in and make whistles of, and blow in imitation of the boatswain's whistle; properly, the bottle ore. BOB, s. (A.-N. bobe.~] (1) A joke; a pleasantry. A dry bob, a dry joke. To give the bob was a phrase equivalent to that of giving the dor, or imposing upon a person. He that a fool doth very wisely hit, Doth very foolishly, altho' he smart, Isot to seem senseless of the bob. At you lite it, ii, 7. I have drawn blood at one's bra: ns with a bitter bob. Alex, and, Campaspe, O. PI , ii, 113. C. I guess the business. S. It can be no other But go glte me the bob, that being a matter Of main importance. Massing , Maid of Honour, iv, 5. So, ladies, I thank you for the tricks you have put upon me ; but, madam. I am even with you for your London tricks, I have given you such a bob. 'Shadwell, Epsom Well*, 1673. BOB 230 BOB (2) 0. To cheat ; to outwit. There binding both, and bobbing them, then trembling at her yre. Warner's Jlbions England, 1592. Let him be boVd that bobs will have ; But who by means of wisdom hie Hath sav'd his charge ? It is even I. Pembr. Arcad., Lib. ii, p. 203. Imagining that all the wit in plays con- sisted in bringing two persons upon the stage to break jests, and to bob one another, which they call repartie. Shadwell, Sullen Lovers, 1670. No, I am no statesman, but you may please to remember who was bob'd at Ostend, ha, ha ! Id., ib. (3) v. To disappoint. North. (4) *. A blow. (5) s. A bunch. North. (6) s, A ball. Yorksh. (7) s. The burthen of a song. To bear a bob, to join in chorus ; also, to take a part in some foolish prank. (8) To fish. North. (9) To " bear a bob," to be brisk. East. (10) s. The pear-shaped piece of lead attached to the line of a carpenter's level. East. (11) 0. To swing backwards and forwards sitting on a rope. (12) s. A ringing of bells. (13) v. To bob up the hair, to twist it in papers. (14) 8. A louse, or any small in- sect. Hants. " Spiders, bobbs, and lice," are mentioned in MS., Addit. 11812, f. 16. (15) *. A short wig. (16)0. To strike ; to beat. (17) v. To cut. (18) 0. To pass in or out. (19) 8. A term applied to a par- ticular method of taking eels. (20)*. The engine beam. North. (21) adj. Pleasant; agreeable. Dyche. (22) s. A slang word for a shilling. BOBAN, "1 *. (A.-N.) Pride; va- BOBANCE, / nity. So prout he is, and of so gret boban. Gy of Warwikc, p. 95. For certeynly, I say for no bobauncf, Yit was I never withouten purveyaunce Of mariage, ne of no thinges eeke. Chaucer, C. T., 6151. BOB-AND-HIT, s. Blind-man's-buff. Cotgrave. BOBBANT, adj. Romping. Wilts. Ye thoght ye had a full gode game, When ye my sone with buffettes bobbydd. Cambr. MS., latk cent. BOBBEROUS, adj. Saucy ; forward. West. BOBBERY, *. A squabble; an uproar. BOBBIN, 8. A small fagot. Kent. BOBBIN-AND-JOAN, s. The flowers of the arum maculatum. North- amp. BOBBING-BLOCK, *. A thing that may be struck with impunity ; an unresisting fool. Became a foole, yea more then that, an asse, A bobbiiig-bloclee, a beating stocke, an owle. Gascoigne's Denises, p. 337. BOBBISH, adj. A trivial word, used in different senses, such as, pretty well in health; not quite sober; somewhat clever. BOBBLE, s. A pebble. Cornw. BOBBLE-COCK, *. A turkey-cock. North. BOBBS, *. Pieces of clay used by potters to support their ware before it is baked. Staff. BOBBY, adj. Smart ; neat. North. BOBBY-WREN,*. The common wren. East. BOB-CHERRY, . A children's game. BOBET, s. A buffet or stroke. BOBETTS, *. Thick pieces ; gobbets. BOBOLYNE, *. A fool. Be we not bobolynes, Sutch lesinges to beleve. Stelton, ii, 445. BOBRELLK, s. The nymphs pu- dendi. " Haec caturda, Anglice a BOB 231 BOD bobrelle." Nominate, MS. Iblh cent. BOBTAIL, (1) . To cut off the tail. (2) s. The steel of an arrow which is small-breasted, and big towards the head. Kersey. BOBY, . Cheese. West. Boc, *. (A.-S.) A book. Boc-house, a library. BOCASIN, s. A sort of buckram. BOCCONE, s. (Ital.) A morsel. BOCE (1). To emboss. Palsgrave. (2) *. A boss, or lump. Alas! som men of hem schewen the schap and the boce of the horrible swollen membres, that semeth like to the male- aies of hirnia, in the wrapping of here hose. Ckancer, ttrsones T. BOCES, *. Sardines. BOCHANT, *. A forward girl. Wilts. Boc HE, s. A boss or swelling; a boil. BOCHER, s. (1) A butcher. Bochery, butchery, butchers' meat. (2) The name of a fish. BOCK, *. Fear. Devon. BOCKE, (1) A verb to which Pals- grave gives the different mean- ings, to belch ; to look upon any one disdainfully ; to make a noise like that of a toad. (2) v. To flow out. (3) *. A book. BOCKEREL, \ s. A long-winged BOCKERET, J hawk. BOCKNE, v. To teach ; to press upon. BOCTAIL, s. A bad woman. Coles. BOD, P. To take the husks off wal- nuts. Wilts. BODDI.E, s. A small iron tool used for peeling trees. North. BODDUM, s. Principle. North. BODE. (1) . (4.-S.) A stay or delay. (2) s. A command. (3) *. A message ; an offer. (4) s. An omen. (5) . To forbode. (6) *. (4.-S. beod.) Board, living. East. (7) The pret. t. and sometimei the part. p. of bidde. (8) The pret. t. of bide. BODE-CLOTH,*. A table-cloth. East. BODED, adj. Overlooked ; fitted : infatuated. Devon. BODER, s. A messenger. BODERING, *. The lining of the skirt of a woman's petticoat. BODGE. (1) *. A patch. (2) v. To patch clumsily. (3) To boggle, to fail. (4) A kind of measure, probably half a peck. BODGET, s. A budget. Of the marchaunt that lost his bodgelte betwene Ware and London : A certayne marchant betwene Ware and London lost his bodget, and a c. 11. therein, wherfore he caused to proclayme in dyvers market townes, who so ever that fonnde the sayde bodyct, and wolile bryng it asrayue, shulde have xx. li. for his labour. Tales and Qu. Answ. BODILY, adv. Entirely, all at once. North. BODKIN, s. (1) (4.-S.) A dagger. Was noon so hardy walkyng by the weye, That with hir dorste rage or elles pleye, But if he wold be slnyn of Symekyn, With panade, or witfi knvf, or boydfkyn. Chaucer, C.T.,3955 Know I am for thee, from the cannon shot Unto the smallest bodkin can be got. Name any weapon whatsoe're thou wilt. Rowlands, Knave of Clubbs, 1611 (2) A sort of ri h cloth, a cor ruption of baudkin. BODKIN-WORK, *. A sort of trim ming worn on the gown. BODLE, s. A small coin, worth about the third part of a half penny. North. BODRAKE, I *. Depredation; a bor- BODRAGE, J der excursion. By meanes wherof the said castelles be not for our defence agaynst ther stelthe and bodrates, according as they were fyrst ordeyned, but rather take part of g"uche Ixityes as comeyth by them to- wardes the Irysherj-, to kepe the thyng secrete. State Papers, ii, 480. BOD 232 EOI No wayling there nor wretchedness is heard No nightly bodrags, nor no hue and cries. Spent., Colin CL, v. 315. "BODWORD, *. (A.-S.} A message; a commandment. BODY-CLOUT, *. A piece of iron adjoining the body of a tumbrel, and its wheels. BODY-HORSE, *. The second horse of a team of four. BODY-STAFF, . A stake or rod of withy, &c., used in making the body of a waggon. Warw. BOF, s. Quicklime. Howell. BoFFLE,t>. (1) To change; to vary: to stammer through irritation. East. (2) To thwart ; to impede. Mid- land C. BOFFLERS, *. The legs of old worsted stockings, or twisted haybands, put round the legs to keep off snow. BOFFY, v. To swell; to puff. Boo, (1)*. Sturdy; self-sufficient; petulant. The cuckooe, seeing him so bog, waxt also wondrous wrothe. Warner's Albions England, 1592. (2) v. To boast. (3) v. To move off. BOG-BEAN, s. Marsh trefoil, or buckbean. Yorksh. BOGETT, *. A budget. BODGARD, 8. A Jakes. " Boggarde or drawght. Loke in Siege." Huloet. BOGGART, . A ghost, or goblin. North. BOGGARTY, adj. Apt to start aside, applied to a horse. BOGGE, *. A bug-bear. HOGGISH, adj. Swelling. Pr. P. BOGGLE-ABOUT-THE-STACKS, S. A child's game in the North. BOGGLE, v. To do anything in an awkward or unskilful manner. East. BOGGLER, 8. A vicious woman. You havj been a boggier ever. ShaJcesp., Ant. and Ci., in, 11. BOGGY, adj. Bumptious : an old Norwich school-word. BOGGY-BO, *. A goblin. North. BOG-HOUSE, s. A jakes. This is an old term. EDGING, adj. Sneaking. Beds. BOGTROTTER, s. An Irish robber. BOG-VIOLET, *. The butterwort. Yorksh. BOGY, s. (1) Budge fur; lamb's fur. Dean Colet, by his will, in 1519, bequeathed his "best coat of chamlet, furred with black bogys." Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV. (2) s. A hobgoblin, or spectre ; sometimes called a bogle. BOH, con/'. But. Lane. BO-HACKY, s. A donkey. Yorksh. BOHEMIAN-TARTAR, s. Perhaps a gipsy ; or a mere wild appel- lation, designed to ridicule the appearance of Simple in the Merry W. of Windsor, iv, 5. BOIDER, s. A basket. North. BOIE, s. (A.-N.} An executioner. He hot mani a wikfce boie. His sone lede toward the hanggina. Sevyn Sages, 960 BOIER, s. A bever. Bare? s Alvearie, 1580. For boire. BOILARY, *. A place where salt is deposited. North. BOILING, . (1) A quantity of things or persons. " The whole bailing of them." (2) A discovery. An old cant term. BOILOUNS, s. (1) Bubbles in boil- ing water. (2) Projecting knobs. BOINARD, s. (A-N.) A low person. A term of reproach. BOINE, *. A swelling. Essex. Bois, *. (A..N.) Wood. BOIST, s. (1) A threat. See Bosfa (2) A swelling. East. (3) (. To give security; to bail; to borrow. BOS 241 DOT (5) v. (^.-5.) To save , to guard. Bos,s. A game, mentioned in Moor's Suffolk Words. BOSARDE, s. (1) A buzzard; a worthless hawk. (2) A worthless or useless fellow. Bosc, *. (4.-N.) A bush. BOSCAGK, (1) *. (A.-N.) A wood. (2) The food which wood and trees yield to cattle. (3) Boscage, or leaf-work, in carving. BOSCHAILE, s. (A.-N.) A thicket ; a wood. BOSCHES, s. Bushes. BOSE, (1) pres. t. It behoves. (2) s. A hollow. BOSEN, s. A badger. North. BOSH, (1). A dash, or show. East. (2) s. Nonsense. A word derived from the Turkish. BOSHES, s. " The bottom of the furnace in which they melt their iron ore, the sides of which fur- nace descend obliquely like the hopper of a mill." Kennett. BOSHOLDEK, s. The chief person in an ancient tithing of ten families. Lambarde. BOSKE, s. A bush. BOSKED. See Buske. BOSKY, adj. (1) Drunken. From Boose. (2) Bushy. BOSOM, (1) v. To eddy. Yorksh. (2) s. A desire ; a wish. Shak, BOSON, s. A boatswain. Boss, (1) *. A protuberance. (2) v. To emboss; to stud. (3) s. A stone placed at the in- tersection of the ribs of a vault. (4) s. A head or reservoir of water. (5) v. To throw. Sussex. (6) 8. A hassock. North. (7) s. A hood for mortar. East. (8) s. A large marble. Warw. (9) *. A master, or he who can beat and overcome another. Norf. BOSSAGE, s. The projecting work in building. BOSSOCK, (1) adj. Large ; coarse ; fat. (2) v. To tumble clumsily. BOSSOCKING, adj. The same as Bossock. BOSS-OUT, s. A game at marbles, also called boss and span. BOSSY, adj. (1) Thickset; corpu- lent. North. (2) Convex. BOSSY-CALF, s. A spoilt child. Dorset. BOST, (I) s. Boast ; pride. (2)pret. t. Burst. West. (3) adj. Embossed. BOSTAL. See Borstal. BOSTANCE, s. Boasting; bragging. BOSTE, v. To menace. And that he was threatened and basted with proud words given by the Colvills. Somes Correspondence, 1584. BOSTEN, v. (A.-S.) To boast. BOSTLYE, adv. Boasting. Gaw. BOSTUS, adj. Boastful ; arrogant. BOSVEL, s. A species of crowfoot. BOSWELL, s. Some part of a fire- grate. Suffolk. Box, (1) s. A boat. (2) s. A but. (3)pret. t. Bit. (4)pret. t. Bought. Devon. (5) conj. Unless. (6) adj. Both. (7) s. A botcher. Yorksh. (8) s. A sword ; a knife. BOTANO, *. A kind of blue linen. BOTARGE, "1 s. A kind of salt cake, BOTARGO, J orrathersausage,made of the hard roe of the sea mullet, eaten with oil and vinegar, but chiefly used to promote drinking. Because he was naturally flegtnatic, lie began his meal with some dozens of ga Mimous, dried neats' tongues, botargos, sausages, and such other forerunners of wine. Habelais, B. i, ch. 21. BOTCH, s. (1) A thump. (2) An inflamed tumour. North. EOT 242 EOT (3) A badly done patch. BOTCHERY, *. Patchwork ; a clumsy addition to a work. BOTCHET, s. Small beer mead. North. BOTCHMENT, *. An addition. BOTE, (1) pret. t. of bite. Bit; wounded ; ate. (2)g.(A.-S.) Help; remedy ; sal- vation. (3) v. To help. (4) adj. Better. BOTELER, I A but]en BOTILER, J BOTEMAY, s. Bitumen. BOTENE, v. To button. BOTENYNG, s. (A.-S.) Help ; assist- ance. BOTE-RAIL, s. A horizontal rail. North. bOTESCARL, s. A boatswain. BOTEWS, s. A sort of large boot, reaching up to or above the knee. BOT-FORKE, s. A crooked stick. Mou in the mone stond ant strit, On is bol-forke is burthen he bereth. Lyric Poetry, p. 110. BOTHAN, s. A tumour. Devon. BOTHE, s. A booth; a shop where wares are sold. BOTHEM, s. A watercourse. BOTHER, U. Nonsense; tire- BOTHERS, f some talk. BOTHERATION, J BOTHER, (1 ) v. To teaze ; to annoy. (2) gen. pi. Of both. BOTHERING, s. A great scolding. East. BO-THRUSH, s. The squalling thrush. Wight. BOTHUL, . The name of a flower. Pr. Pan. BOTHUM, . (1) Bottom. (2) (A..N.) A bud. BOTING, *. (1) (A.-S.) Assistance. (2) " Encrese yn byynge." Pr. Parv. BOTME, s. Bottom. Pr. Parv. BOTON, s. A button. BOTOR, *. (A.-N.) A bustard. Ther was vemsoun of hert and bore, Swannes, pecokes, and botors. Arthour and Merlin, p. 116. He brojt a heron with a poplere, Curlews, boturs, bothe in I'ere. MS. Cantab., i'i. v, 48, f. 49. BOTRACES, *. A sort of frogs, said to be venomous. BOTRASEN, v. To make buttresses. BOTRE, s. A buttery. BOTS, *. Small worms which breed in the entrails of horses ; a term applied by gardeners in some parts to all underground worms. BOTTA, adj. Proud, pert ; assuming consequential airs. A'or/". BOTTE, (1) pret. t. of bite. Bit. (2) s. A bat ; a club. BOTTLE, s. (1) A small cask, used for carrying liquor to the fields. (2) (Fr. botel, boteau.) A bundle, more especially of hay or straw. Bottles, little bundles. Leic. (3) A bubble. Somerset. (4) A round moulding. (5) (A.-S. botl.} A seat, or chief mansion house. (6) A pumpion. Devon. (7) The dug of a cow. East. BOTTLE-BIRD, s. An apple rolled up and baked in paste. East. BOTTLE-BUMP,*. The bittern. East. BOTTLE-FLOWER,*. The blue-bottle, a flower growing among wheat. BOTTLE-HEAD, . A fool. BOTTLE- JUG, s. The long-tailed titmouse. Leic. BOTTLE-NOSE, s. A porpoise. East. BOTTLE-NOSED, *. Having a large nose. BOTTLE-TIT, *. The long-tailed tit- mouse. Northamp. BOTTLE-UP, 0. To preserve in one's memory ; to keep secret. BOTTOM, (1) s. A hall of thread. (2) s. A vessel of burden. (3) *. The posteriors. BOTTOMF.R, *. The man who con- veys the produce of a mine from the first deposit to the shaft. BOX 243 BOU BOTTOMING-TOOL, s. A narrow concave shovel used by drainers. Shropsh. BOTTOM-WIND, s. A particular mo- tion of the water observed in Derwentwater. BOTTRY, adj. Short, stunty, applied to trees. Northamp. BOTTRY-TREE, *. An elder tree. North. BOTTY, adj. Proud. Suffolk. BOTY, s. A butty ; a partner. Pals- grave. BOUCE-JANE, s. (A.-N.) An ancient dish in cookery. Bouce Jane. Take gode cowe mylk, and put hit in a pot, and sethe hit, and take sage, parsel, ysope, and savory, and other gode herbes, and sethe horn and hew horn smalle, and doliom in the pot; then take hennes, or capons, or chekyns ; when thai byn lialf rested, take horn of the spit, and smyte horn on peces, and do therto, and put tlierto pynes and raysynges of corance, and let hit boyle, and serve hit forthe. Warner, Antiq. Culm., p. 56. BOITCHART, s. A name for a hare. BOUCHET, s. (Fr.) A kind of pear. BOUDE, v. (Fr.) To pout. BOUDGE, v. To budge; to move. BOUDS, I ,,, }-s. Weevils. BOWDS, J BOUEY, s. A louse. Wore. BOUFFE, *. Belching. Skinner. BOUGE, s. (1) A cask. The term is applied to the round swelling part of a cask, in Sussex. (2) (Fr.) An allowance of meat or drink to an attendant in the court, termed indiscriminately touch, bouge, or bowge, of court. "Bowge of courte, whyche was a liverye of meate and dryncke, Sortella." Huloet. In the ordi- nances made at Eltham, in the 17th of Henry VIII, under the title louche of court, the queen's maids of honour were to have, " for theire bouch in the morning, one chet lofe, one manchet, two gallons of ale, dim' pitcher of wine." " Avoir bouche a court, to eat and drink scot-free, to have budge-a-court, to be in ordinary at court." Cotgrave, v. bouche. What is your business? N. To fetch boudffe of court, a parcel of invisible bread, &c. B. Jon., Masq. of Augurs. They had bouch of court (to wit, meat and drink) and great wages of sixpence by the day. Stone's Survey of London. (3) r. To project. Leic. (4) " To make a bouge," to com- mit a gross blunder, to get a heavy fall. (5) v. To bulge, to swell out. East. (6) v. To prepare a ship for the purpose of sinking it. (7) s. A small beetle. Leic. BOUGERON, s. (fr.) Abardash. BOUGET, *. A budget. BOUGH-HOUSES, s. Private houses allowed to be open during fairs for the sale of liquor. BOUGHRELJ., s. A kind of hawk. BOUGHT, s. (A.-S.) A bend; joint; applied particularly to the curve of a sling where the missile was placed. BOUGHT-BREAD, s. Bakers' bread. North. BOUGILL, s. A bugle-horn. BOUGOUR, s. (Fr.) A bardash. BOUGY, *. (Fr.) A small candle. BOUKE, (1) *. (A.-S.) The bulk; the body; the interior of a building. (2) v. (A.-S.) To buck or wash clothes. (3) s. A pail. North. (4) . The box of a wheel. Shropsh. (5) *. A bolt. North. BOUKED, adj. Crooked. BOUL, s. An iron hoop. Line- BOULDER HEAD, s. A work of small wooden stakes made again the sea. Sussex. BOU 244 BOU BOULTE, v. (A.-S.) To sift. BOULTED-BREAD, s. Bread made of wheat and rye. BOULTER, s. (1) A person who sifts. (2) A sieve for meal. " A meale sive : a boulter : a sense." Nomen- clator. BOULTING-CLOTH, 8. A cloth for straining. " Estamine. A strainer of hairy cloth : a boulting cloth." Nomenclator. BOULTING-HUTCH, . The wooden receptacle into which the meal was sifted. BOUMET, adj. Embalmed. BOUN, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Ready; going. (2) v. To dress; to make ready; to prepare. (3) *. A woman's garment. BOUNCE, . The larger dogfish. BOUNCHING, adj. Bending or swelling. BOUNCING, adj. Large. BOUND, (1) adj. Sure; confident. (2) adj. Apprenticed. (3) s. A boundary mark. BOUNCE, *. (A.-S.) A husband. BOUNDER, . A boundary; a limit. BOUNDING, *. Perambulating the bounds of the parish. BOUND-STONE,*. A boundary stone. The term occurs in a chaiter relating to Poole, co. Dorset, temp. Hen. VIII. BOUNG, *. A purse. An old slang word. BOUNTE, *. (A.-N.) Goodness. BOUNTEVOUS, BOUNT1OUS, Bountiful. Mine, quoth the one, is of a bountious sprite, And in the taverne will be drunke all night Spending most lavishly he knowes not what Butolands, Knave of Spades, 1613 BOUNTY-DAYS,*. Holidays on which provision was given to the poor. North. fiouR, *. (A.-S.) A bower; a chamber. SOURAM, s. A sink. Yorksh. BOURDE, (1) a. (A.-N.) A game ; a joke. (2) . To jest; to jape; to de- ceive. Where words may win good wil, And boldnesse beare no blame, Why should there want a face of brasse To bourd the bravest dame ? Turbtrtille, Epig. and Sonnettes, 1569. BOURDER, *. A jester. BOURDINGLY, adv. In sport. BOURDON, s. (A.-N.) A staff. BOURDONASSE, *. (Fr.) A sort of ornamented staff. Their men of armes were all bardedand furnished with brave plumes, and goodly bourdonasses. Danct's Transl. of Ph. de Comines. BOURDOUR, . (1) A pensioner. (2) A circlet round a helmet. BOURGEON, v. (A.-N.) To bud; to sprout. BOURHOLM, s. The burdock. BOURMAIDNE, s. (A.-S.) A cham- bermaid. Hail be je, nonnes of seint Mari house, Goddes bourmaidnes and his owen spouse. Reliq. Antiq., ii, 175. BOURN, s. (1) (A.-S.) A brook; a rivulet. (2) A boundary, or limit. (3) Yeast. Exmoor. BOURNEDE, adj. Burnished. BOURT, v. To offer; to pretend. North. Bous, *. A box ; a chest. Yorksh. BOUSE, *. Ore as drawn from the mines. Small ore, as washed by the sieve, is called bouse-nmithen. Yorksh. BOUSE, 1 TQ drink An , d BOUZE ' \ cant term. BOWSE, J Bossus will bowse, and bragges he can ore- beare (Or make them deadly drake) an hoast of men ; Wlien he is foxt he plaies the bull and beare, And makes all men and women feare him then. Daiies , Scourge of Folly, 1611 BOU 245 BOW BOUSTOCS, adj. Impetuous. BOUT, (1) s. A batch. (2) *. A turn ; a go ; a set-to at anything. (3) con;. But. (4) prey. Without ; except. BOUTEFEU, s. (Fr.) An incendiary. BOUT-HAMMER. The heavy two- handed hammer used by black- smiths. East. BOUT-HOUSE, adv. On the ground; anywhere. Wight. BOUTISALB, *. A sale at a cheap rate. BOUZING-CAN, s. A drinking can. BOVATE, s. As much land as one yoke of oxen can reasonably cul- tivate in a year. BOVE, prep. Above. BOVERT, s. (A.-N.) A young ox. BOVOLI, *. (Ital.) A kind of snails or periwinkles, used as deli- cacies. Bow, (1) s. A yoke for oxen. (2)s. A nosegay. AT. .S. Yorksh. (3) s. A bow's length. (4) #. A boy. (5) *. A small arched bridge. Somerset. (6) t. An arch or gateway. BOW-BELL, 8. One born within the sound of Bow bells. BOW-BOY, *. A scarecrow. Kent. BOWCER, . The bursar. BOWDIKITE, *. A contemptuous name for a mischievous child ; an insignificant or corpulent person. North. BOWDLED, adj. Swelled out; ruffled with rage. BOWE, (1) v. To bend ; to bow. (2) s. A bough ; a branch. BOWELL-HOLE, s. A small aper- ture in the wall of a barn for giving light and air. North. Bow EN, s. (1) A narrative. (2) Early or half-cured sprats are called boteen sprats. BOWER, t, (d.-S.) A chamber. BOWERINGE, *. The part of a tree consisting of the boughs. BOWERLY, adj. Tall; handsome. West. BOWERS, 1 *. Young hawks, be- BOWETS, 1 fore they are branch- BOWESSES, J ers. BOWETY, s. Linsey-wolsey. North. BOW-HAND, s. The left hand. To be too much of the bow-hand, to fail in a design. BOWHAWLER, s. A man who draws barges along the Severn. BOWIE-FRAME, *. A phrase ap- plied to toads when together. Fairfax, Bulk and Selvedge of the World, 1674, p. 130. BOWIT, *, A lanthorn. North. BOWK, (1) adj. Crooked. North. (2) . An article used in the shaft of a coalpit. BOWK-IRON, *. The circular piece of iron lining the interior of a wheel. West. BOW-KITT, *. A sort of large can with a cover. Yorksh. BOW-KNOT, *. A large, loose knot. BOWL-ALLEY, *. A covered space for the game of bowls, instead of a bowling green. BOWLING-MATCH, #. A game with stone bowls, played on the high- way from village to village. North. BOWLTELL, s. A kind of cloth. BOWN, adj. Swelled. Norf. BOWNDYN, adj. Ready ; prepared. BOWNE, 8. Hoicne, buttell, or merestafe, or stone, Amiliarnu. Huloet. BOW-NET, . A sort of net for catching fish, made of twigs bowed together. BOW-POT, "I s. A flower-pot for BOUGH-POT, J a window. West. BOWRE, v. To lodge. Spens. BOWRES, s. A dish in old cookery. BOWSING, *. A term in hawking, an insatiable desire for drink. BOWSOM, adj. Buxom ; obedient. Bowsomnes, obedience. BOW 246 BRA BOWSSEN, 0. To dip in water, to drench or soak. BOWSTAVES, s. Staves for bows ? BOWSY, adj. (1) Bloated by drinking. (2) Large; bulky. Berks. BOWT, *. (1) (Fr.j The tip of the nose. (2) Part of an angler's ap- paratus. BOWTEL, s. A convex moulding. BOW-WEED, s. Knapweed. Bow-wow, s. A servile attendant. Poore unbegotten wether beaten Qualto, an hub-hansom man, God wot, and a bow- tcOw to his lady and mistresse, serving a lady in Italy as a Tom drudge of the pudding house. Philotimus, 1583. BOWYER, s. (1) A maker of bows. (2) A small ship. Box, (1) *. A blow. (2) v. To strike. (3) s. A benevolent club, the anniversary dinner of which is called a box-dinner. North. (4) To " box the fox," to rob an orchard. West. (5) Box of a cow. A peculiar meaning, apparently the wicket of the belly. Yorkshire Ale, p. 93. (6) To be boxed about, to be much discussed and talked of. Pray be pleas'd to send me your mind about this sermon: for Goodman Staidman's child is to be cliristcn'd next Friday, and there it will be box'd about; and I am in a great quandary about it. Dame Huddle's Letter, 1710. BOX-AND-DICE, a. A game of hazard. BOX-BAKROW, *. A hand-barrow. Shropsh. BOX-HARRY, v. To be careful after having been extravagant. Line. BOXING, adj. Buxom. Line. BOXING-DAY, s. The day after Christmas day, when people ask for Christmas-boxes. BOX-IRON,*. Aflat-iron. East. An iron incloseJ in a heater. BOY-BLIND, adj. Undiscerning, like a boy. BOYDEKIN, . A dagger. See Bodkin. BOYE, s. (A.-S.) A lad servant. B'OYE. Be wi' ye. BOYKIN, s. A term of endearment; a little boy. BOYLES, s. Lice. Line. BOYLUM, *. A kind of iron ore. BOYLY, adv. Boyishly. BOYS, s. (A.-N.) A wood. BOYSHE, s. A bush. BOYSID, adj. Swelled. BOYS'-LOVE, s. Southernwood. West. BOYSTIXG MILK, s. Beestings ; the first milk a cow gives after calving. BOYSTONE, v. To cup. Pr. Pan. BOYT, adj. Both. BOZZUM, *. The yellow ox-eye. BOZZUM -CHUCKED, adj. Red- cheeked. West. BOJE, v. To move; to rise, or go. BRAA, s. An acclivity. North. BRAB, *. A spike-nail. Yorksh. BRABAND, s. Cloth of Brabant. BRABBLE, . To quarrel; to wrangle. BRABBLEMENT, *. A quarrel. BRACCO, adj. Diligent ; laborious. Chesh. BRACE, (1) *. (A.-N.) Armour for the arms. (2) v. To embrace. (3) s. (A.-N.) An arm of the sea. (4) . To brave a person ; to swagger. (5) s. The clasp of a buckle. (6) (Fr.) A piece of timber with a bevil joint, to keep the parts of a building together. (7) x. Warlike preparation. BRACER, "1 s. (1) (A.-N.) Armour ERASER, /for the arms. (2) (Fr. Brassart.) A piece of wood worn on the arm in playing at ball or balloon. BRACK, s. (A.-N.) A kind of small BRA 247 BRA scenting hound. "Catellus, a very littell hounde or brache, a whelpe." Elyot. The word seems at a late period to have been used generally for a bitch. Brath was the ancient Cornish name of the mastiff dog. There are in England and Scotland two kinds of huniing-dogs, and no where else in the world: the first kind is called ane rache (Scotch), and this is a foot- scenting creature, both of wild beasts, birds, and fishes also, which lie hid among the rocks : the female thereof in England is called a brache. A brack is a mannerly name for all hound-hitches. Gentleman's Recreation, p. 27. Brack Merriman, the poor cur is iiuhost And couple Clowder with the deep-mouth'd brack. Shatesp., Tarn. Shr. induct. Ha' ye any braches to spade. B. and Fl., Beggar's Bush, iii, 1. BRACHICOURT, s. A horse with its fore-legs bent naturally. BRACHYGRAPHY-MAN, *. (Gr.) A short-hand writer. BRACING, *. Cool, applied to the weather. BRACING-GIRDLE,*. A kind of belt. Huloet. BRACK, (1) s. A break, or crack; a flaw. Having a tongue as nimble as his needle, with servile patches of glavering flattery, to stitch up the bracts, &c. Antonio and Mellida, 1602. (2) *. A piece. Kennett. (3) #. Salt water ; brine ; some- times, river-water. Suffolke a siiiine halfe risen from the brack, Korlolke a Triton on a dolphins bac-ke. Drayiun's Poems, p. 20. Where, in clear rivers beautified with flowers, The silver Naiades bathe them in the brack. Dray ton, Man in the Moon. (4) s. A sort of harrow. North. (5) v. To mount ordnance. (6) *. A cliff or crag. BRACK-BREED, adj. Tasted. North. BRACKEN,*. Fern. North. BRACKEN-CLOCK, *. A small brown beetle found on fern. BRAKET-RULES, . A trivet for holding toast before the fire. Leic. BRACKLE, v. To break ; to crumble to pieces. Northampt. BRACKLY, adj. Brittle. Staff. BRACKWORT, s. A small portion of beer in one of its early stages, kept by itself till it turned yellow, when it was added to the rest. Harrison's Descr. of Engl. BRACONIER, . (Fr.) The berner. or man that held the hounds. At present the term braconnier is applied in France to a poacher. BRAD, adj. (1) Spread out; ex- tended. North. (2) (A.-S.) Roasted. (3) Hot ; inflamed. North. (4) *. A small nail without a head. BRADDER, adj. Broader. BRADDLE, 1 ,. /-, , , ,, BRADDLED, I**' Comfortably BRADLED, J Warmed ' LtCeSt - BRADE, (I) v. (A.-S.) To pretend. (2) v. To bray ; to cry. (3) adj. Broad ; large. BRADES, *. Necklaces, or hanging ornaments. BRADOW, v. To spread ; to cover. Chesh. BRADS, . (1) Small nails. (2) Money. Essex. BRAFL, *. The back part of a hawk. BRAFFAM. See Barfhame. BRAG, (1) adj. (from the Fr. v. braguer.} Brisk; spirited; proud. It brought the spiders againe, brag and bold. Heywood's Spider and Flic, 1556. I was (the more foole I) so proud and brat/, I sent to you against St. James hisfaire A tierce of claret-wine, a <:reat fat stag, &c. Harringt., Ep., ii, 51. (2) . A ghost or goblin. North. (3) s. An old game at cards. BRAGANCE, adj. Bragging. Towne- ley Mijst. BRAGET, "1 *. A sort of beverage BRAGGAT, L formerly esteemed in BRAGOT, J Wales and the West of England. BRA 248 BRA By me that knows not neck-beef from a pheasant, Nor cannot relish braqoat from ambrosia. B. and'Fl., Little Thief, act 1. To make Bragotte. Take to x galons o: ale, iij potell of fyne worte, and lij quartis of hony, and putt therto canell 3. iiij, peper schorl or Jong, j. iiij., iialin- gale, 3. j. ( and clowys, j.j., andtfingiver, j. ij. MS. 14rthamp. BULLFINCHERS, s. A cant term applied to double rows of posts, with a quickset in the middle. BULLHEAD, s. (1) A tadpole. Chesh. (2) A small fish, called also a millers-thumb. BULLHEADS,, a. Curled tufts of hair on a woman's forehead. BULLIES,*. Round pebbles. South. BULLIMONG, s. A mixture of oats, peas, and vetches. Tusser, and still in use in Essex. BULLING, part. a. Boiling. Bttllyny, bollynge, or bubblyng of water out of a spryrige. Ebullitio. Huloet. BULLION, s. (Fr. billon.) Base coin. And those, which eld's strict doom did disallow, And damn for bullion, go for current now. Syh.,Du Bartas, week 2, day 2. ': Wi,dp,u msi l,r g . sloes. BULLIES, BULLIONS,*. (1) Hooks used for fastening the dress ; buttons ; embossed oinaments. (2) A pair of hose or doublets ornamented with bullions. BULL-JUB, "1 s. The fish called BUI.L-KNOB, J a miller's thumb. Derby. BULL-JUMPINGS, a. A kind of por- ridge. North. BULLOCK, v. To bully. North. BULLOT-STONES, *. Balls of stone. The arrowes flewe from side to side, The bultot-stones did waike. Turberville's Tragical Talts, 1587. BULL-PATED, adj. A heavy crop of grass driven by wind or rain into an eddy, is said to be bull-pated. Northamp. BULLS, *. (1) The stems of hedge- thorns. (2) Transverse bars of wood into which the heads of harrows are set. BULLS-AND-COWS, *. The flower of the arum maculatum. BULL-SEG,*. A gelded bull. North. BULLS-EYES, *. A sort of coarse sweetmeat. BULL'S-FEATHBR. Tosticka bull's- feather in the cap, to make one a cuckold. BULL'S-FOREHEAD, a. The turfy air-grass. North. BULL'S-NECK, . To bear one a bull's neck, f. e., to bear a grudge against, or to be provoked at the sight of a person. Devon. BULL'S-NOON, *. Midnight. East. BULL'S-PINK,S. Achaffinch. North. BULL-STAG, a. A bull gelt after he is full grown. Glouc. BULL-STANG, *. (1) A dragon-fly. North. (2) An upright stake in a hedge. BULL-STONE, .v. A kind of sand- stone. Yorksh. BULL-TROUT, s. A large species of trout, found in Northumberland. BULL-WARD, ~) adj. A cow mad BULL-WOOD, I for the bull. A sow BULLAD, i is said to be boar- BURRAD, j wood, and a mare horsewood, under similar circum- stances. The word is sometimes applied opprobriously to a woman. BULL-WEEK, a. A name given to the week before Christmas at Sheffield. BULL-WORKS, s. Boisterous be- haviour. West. BULLY, (1) *. A familiar term for a companion. (2) a. A parlour, or small room. East. (3) v. (A.-N.) To boil. (4) v. To frighten. (5)*. A riot. "To make a bully," to kick up a riot. BULLY-BEGGAR, *. A scare-crow. BULLYRAG, v. To rail or use op- probrious language. Leic. BULLY-ROCK, ,v. An impudent swaggerer. The word was much BUL 268 BUM used in the latter half of the 17th century. If they spy a gentle squier making faci-s, he poor soul must be hector'd till he likes 'em, while the more stubborn tully-rock damm's and is safe. ShadwM, Sullen Lovers, 1670, Prrf. Oh! dear bully-rock, that wheadlewont pass. Shadwell, Sullen Lovers, 1670. Upon honour, in a short time not a bully- rode of 'em H!! can come near thee lor gallantry. iHirfey, Madame FJckle,l68i. BULSE, *. A bunch. North. BULT, (1) g. A silting cloth. (2) v. To sift. "Bult, raunge, or syeve tneale. Succemo." Hulo'et. BULTKR, #. A bag for fine meal. " Bultre, or bultyng poke for fyne meale. Cribra." Huloet. BULTINGARKE, . A tub or chest for sifting. BULTLE, *. Bran. North. BULVER, v. To increase in bulk. East. BULVERHEAD, . A Stupid fellow. East. BULVERING,/W/. a. A tree or bush whose branches extend over the road, is said to Hang bulveriny over. Any part of dress, as of a gown or coat made large and full, so as to stick out, is said to be bulvering. BULWARK, *. A rampart. BULWORKS,*. Part of the armour, used to prevent the thighs of the wearer from being chafed by the pieces that terminated just above the knee. BUM, (1) 0. To strike; to beat. North. (2) v. To spin a top. North. (3) v. To rush with a humming sound. (4) t>. To dun. (5) . To drink ; to taste. (6) . A bum-bailiff. BUM, 1 *. The posteriors. This BUMME, > word was in common BOMME, j use with the Elizabethan writers, and with those of the century following. It appears to have been originally synonymous with buttock. Florio has, "A'a- tiche, the buttocks or bummes." Pliryne is light, and yet she hath two bummes, Like a tul payre (at least) ofmountanetts. Danes, Scourge of Fully, 1611. But when the priest had done his part, and that thuy homeward come, The bride, for Battus, might salute the pavement with her bomme. Warner' i Alb'wns England, 1592. The female sex each new moone defying pale fac'd Cynthia by turning up their bummes, imagining her the cause of their distemper. Herbert's Travels, 1638. Round all the roome were placed tucite Mirzaes, Chawns, Sultans, and Begler- begs, above threescore; who like so many inanimate statues sat crosse- legg'd , and joyiu-d their bumms to the ground, their backs to the wall, their eyes to a constant object; not dariiigto speak one to another. Ib. BUMB, *. The game of bandy. BUMBARD, v. Futuere. North. BUMBARREL, s. The long-tailed tit. BUMBASTE, v. To beat, or flog. BUMBE, v. To hum. Prompt. P. BUMBLE, (1) v. (.4.-S.) To make a humming noise. (2) v. To muffle a bell. East. (3) v. To start off quickly. East. (4) . A confused heap. North. (5) *. A small round stone. West. BUMBLE-BEE, . The humble bee. BUMBLE-BROTH, #. Suds? The olde woman to her payne In such a bumble-broth had layne. The Unlnc:.ic Firmentie, Engl. Dr., iii, 139. For laundresses are testy and full of wroth, When they are lathering in their bumble- broth. Taylor's Jl'orkes, 1630. BUMBLE-FOOT, *. A thick heavy foot. East. BUMBLEKITES, . Blackberries. North. BUMBLE-PUPPY, 8. The game of nine-holes. BUMBLER, s. (1) A humble bee. North. (2) A bungler. Glow;. BUM 269 BUN (3) A wencher. BUMBLES, s. (1) Rushes. Line. (2) A sort of blinkers. North. BUMBLE-STAFF, s. A stout stick. North. BUM-BOAT, *. A boat which waits upon ships coming into harbour, to sell greens, spirits, &c. BUMBRUSHER, s. A schoolmaster, from the punishment he is in the habit of indicting. BUMBY. (1) By and bye. far. dial. (2)*. A place for lumber ; any collection of filth. East. BUM-CARD, \s. A card used by BUN-CARD, J dishonest gamesters. " Rinterzdta cdrta, a bun-card." Florio. To tliose exployts he ever stands prepar'd; A villaine excellent at a bum-curd. Rowlands' Human Ordinarie. BUMCLOCK, s. A beetle. North. BUMFEG, v. To beat ; to belabour. BCMFIDDLE, (1) S. PodeX. (2) v. To take in ; to cheat. Havel Known wenches thus long, all the ways of wenches, Their snares and subtilties? have I read over All their school-learning, div'd into their quiddits? And am I now tumfidhd with a bastard. 7mm, The Chances, 1692. BCMFIDLER, *. A busy-body; a fidgety person. Kate still exclaimes aeainst great medlers, A busie-body hardly she abides; Yet she's well pleas'd with all tvm-fdlers, And hir owne body stirring still besides. Daviei, Scourge of Folly, 1C11. BUMKIX, 1 . A rude country BUMPKIN, /fellow; a ploughman. Of which bee that hath not heard some- thing, I count him but a countrey bum ten. Sir Thomas Urotcae, JtS. Sloaiie, 1900. BUMMELL, (1) A bramble. Curnb. (2) The ball of the foot near the toes. Leic. BUMMKB, *. A rumbling carriage. North. BUMMLE, v. To blunder. North. BUMP, (1) v. To beat. (2) *. A blow (3) v. To ride rough. East. (4) *. The noise made by a bit- tern with its bill. (5) v. To make such a noise. BUMPING, adj. Large. West. BUMPSY, adj. Tipsy. BUMPTIOUS, adj. Proud ; arrogant. BUMPY, adj. Uneven. BUM-ROLLS, *. Stuffed cushions, used by women to make their petticoats swell out, instead of the more expensive farthingales. Nor you nor your house were so much as spoken of, before I disbased myself from my hood and my farthingal, to these bum-rowli, and your whalebone bodice. B. Jon., Poetast., ii, 1. Those virtues [of a bawd] rais'd her from the flat petticoat and kercher, to the gorget and turn-roll. Parson's Wedding, 0. PL, xi, 460. BUM-RUFFIAN, . An outrageous ruffian. Give a drunkard that hath learned tc' reele of the tap-spinning Mearmaide. and a divell bomme-riiffian, the will, in any case; for the one needes it, the other in right should have wall on all sides of him, viz. Newgate. Lome's Polydoron, 1C31. BUM-TROTH. An abbreviation of by my troth. Bum ladie, by my lady. BUN, (1) *. The tail of a hare. North. (2) *. A dry stalk, especially the stubble of beans. (3) *. A familiar name for a rabbit. (4) . A term of endearment. (b)part.p. Bound. North. (6) *. TO aicolov. Devon. BUNCH, (1) v. To beat ; to strike ; to push. " I bounche or pusshe one, ie pousse." Palsgrave. (2) v. To bend or bow out- wards. (3) . The act of a calf when BUN 270 BUN sucking, in pushing its head forci- bly against the cow's udder, to cause the milk to come more freely. Norf. (4) a. A worthless woman. East. (5) s. A company of teal. (6) s. A pack of cards. (7) *. The horn of a young stag, BUNCH- BACKED, adj. Hunch- backed. This term occurs in Copley's Wits, Fits, and Fancies, 1614, p. 186. BUNCH-BERRIES, s. The fruit of the rubus saxatilis. Craven. BUNCH-CLOD, s. A clown. Term is no sooner out but in comes Valentine to trade in sweethearts, then the maids look out sharp if possible to Lave him for a valentine whom they could inwardly incline to chuse for a husband; and as for those who are govern'd by lump love, if Valentine's day will not do for them, here is Pan- cake day a coming;, one to please the fancy, and the other the appetite ; for there are a great many bunch-clods in the world that had rather have a belly full of victuals than a handsome sweet- heart: not that I would encourage anybody to neglect their victuals for the sake of a woman, much less to go to plays or masquerades to seek a handsom woman, where you have a better chance to meet with beauty than virtue. Poor Robin, 1737. BUN-CROW, *. A grey bird which commitsdepredationson thecorn. Kent. BUNCUS, s. A donkey. Line. BUNDATIQN, s. Abundance. West. BUNDLE, (1) *. A term for a low woman. (2) v. To go away in n hurry. BUNDLING, s. A custom in Wales of courting in bed with the clothes on. It is still continued, and often has rather disastrous results. An action for seduction on this custom was tried at Car- narvon, July, 1846. BUNDS, *. A species of scabious. BUNE, adv. Promptly. BUNG, (1) *. A pickpocket. A i cant word, also used for a pocket, and a purse. (2) s. A heap or bunch. North. BUNG-DOCK, *. A curtail. East. BUNGER, \ v. To do anything awk- BUNJER, J wardly. Suss. BUNGERSOME, adj. Clumsy. Berks. BUNGIE, adj. Short and squat. Somerset. The tree is not high nor bungle ; the branches spread to a great length, and beare many cods (not unlike the Indian beanes) arm'd with many sharp prickles. Herbert's Travels, 1638. Cross-leg'd hee sat : his shash or turbant was white and bungie; his waist was girded with a thong of lather. Herbert's Travels. BUNGY, adj. Intoxicated. Beds. BUN-HEDGE, s. A hedge of twisted sticks. Lane. BUNHILL, s. A bunyon. Northamp. BUNHORNS, s. Briars bored and used by woollen-weavers to wind yarn on. Lane. BUNKAS, *. A number of people collected together. East. BUNKING, adj. Fat. Yorksh. BUNKS, s. The wild succory. East. BUNNED, adj. Shrunk. Dorset. BUNNEL, *. A dried hemp-stalk. Cumb. BUNNY, . (1) A small swelling. East. " Bownche or bunnye, Gibba." Huloet. (2) A sort of drain. Hants. BUNNY-BACK'D, adj. High and round shouldered. Devon. BUNNY-MOUTH, s. The snap-dra- gon. Surrey. BUNT, (1) v. To push with the head. West. ft)v. To rear. Oxf. (3) v. To run like a rabbit. North. (4) v. To sift, or to boult meal. West. (5) s. Smut in corn. (6) s. The part of a sail which is inflated by the wind. (7) *. A puff-ball. Northamp. BUN 271 BUR BUNTER, s. (1) A collector of rags. (2) A prostitute. East, BUNTING, (1) adj. Mean; shabby; untidy. East. (2) s. A large piece of timber. North, (3) s. A shrimp. Kent. ^4) *. A boys' game, played with sticks and a small piece of wood. Line. (5) *. The wood-lark. (6) s. A term of endearment. Where is ray little bunting ? Why, how now, bird ? what, in a pctt ? N. Tate, Cuckold's Haven, 1685. (7) *. A sort of fine linen of which searches or sarsers are made (crilra pollinarid). BUR, (1) *. A blow; force, or violence. (2) s. The halo round the moon. (3) s. A stop for a wheel. (4) s. A whetstone for scythes. (5) s. Sweet-bread of a calf. (6) s. A rabbit burrow. Dorset. (7) conj. But. Yorksh. BURATO, s. A sort of woollen cloth. BURBLE, 1 To bubble . BURBLY, J BURBLE, \s. A bubble on the BURBYL, J water. BURBLE, s. A small pimple. East. BURCOT, s. A load. Somerset. BURDELAIS, s. A sort of grapes. BURDEN-BAND, s. A hay-band. North, BURDIS, s. (A.-N.) A tournament. BURDISE, v. (A.-N.) To joust at a tournament. BURDON, s. (A.-N.) A staff. BURDOUN, s. (A.-N.) The base in music. BURE, s. (A.-S.) A chamber. BUREDKLY, adv. Forcibly ; swiftly. BURBLE, 8. The spoke of a wheel. BURET, s. A drinking vessel. BUREWE, r. (A.-S.) To protect. BURGANET, 1 / ,/ r BURGONET, BURGE, s. A bridge. Oxf. BURGEN, \v. (1) To bud. See BURGEON, J Bourgeon. (2) *. A bud; a sprout. BURGH, s. (1) Part of a spear. I'll try one speare , though it prove too short by the burgh. Roaring Girl, 0. PI., vi, 33. (2) The projecting rim of a deer's horn, close to the head. BURGHE, s. (A.-S.) (1) A hillock or barrow. (2) A town or borough. (3) A barrow hog. BURGMOTE, s. (A.-S.) A borough court. BURGOIN, s. (Fr.) A part of the head-dress. A burgoign, is that part of the head- dress that covers the hair, being the first part of the dress. Dunlon's Lady's Diet., 1694. BURGON, s. A burganet, or helmet. Tytan encounters Jove, Jove him defies, And from his steely burgpn beates out fire. Great Britaines Troye, 1609. BURGOOD, *. Yeast. Norf. BURGULLIAN, s. A braggadocio. BURJONEN,P. To bud. SeeBurgen. BURK, v. To warm by fondling; to nuzzle. Northamp. BURKE, v. To bark. West. BURLACE, s. A kind of grapes. BURLE, (1) v. To welter. (2) s. A knot or bump. (3) v. To take away the knots or impure parts from cloth. " Burle cloth, desquamare pan- num." Huloet. (4) s. The horn of a young stag. BURLED, part. p. Armed. BURLER, s. (1) One who buries cloth. (2) A resolver of doubts. BURLET, . A hood, or head-dress. " Calantica, a tyre, burlet or coyfe, a kerchief, or a hood for a woman." Elyot. BURLEY, *. The butt end of tha lance. BUR' 272 BUR BURLEY-MAN, a. An officer in court-leets, assistant to the con- stable. Kennett. BURLIBOUND, adj. Rough; un- wieldy. BURLINESS, . Bulk. BURLING, s. A young ox. Line. BURLING-IRON, s. An instrument for burling cloth. BURLINGS, *. Pieces of dirty wool. BURLY, adj. (1) Big; stout. (2) Red and pimpled. Somerset. BURMAIDEN, s. A chamber-maid. BURN, (1) *. (A.-S.) A man. (2) s. (A.-S.) A brook. North. (3) s. A load or burden. North. (4) v. To waste, applied espe- cially to time, as to burn time. (5) To burn daylight, to light candles before it is dark. BURN-BEKING,S. Densheringland, or burning turf for improving it. BURN-COW, *. A kind of beetle. BURNED, adv. (A.-N.) Burnished. BURNEL, s. (A.-N.) A name for an ass, from its colour. BURNET, . (1) (A.-N.) Brown woollen cloth. (2) A hood. (3) The plant pimpernel. BURXEUX, . A sauce, made of butter, pepper, salt, &c. BURNIE-BEE, *. The lady-bird. Norf. BURNING, . Lues venerea. Item that no stueholder kepe noo worn- man withynne his hows that hath any sikenes of brennynge, but that she be putte out. Regulation of the Stews, 15th cent. No heretics burn'd, but wenches' suitors. S/ialcesp., Lear, iii, 2. BURNING-CANDLE, *. The ignis fatuus. The lowest meteor in the air is the burning candl*, or, as some call it., i.'iiis fatuus Willsford, nature's Secrets, 1658. BCRNING-OF-THE-HILL, 8. A me- tuod of punishing a thief, for- merly practised by miners on the Mendip hills. BURNING-SWEAT, s. A plague which occurred in the reign of Henry VII. BURNISH, . To smooth or flatten. North. BURN-STICK, *. A crooked stick, on which a piece of coal is daily carried home by eacli working collier for his own private use. North. BURN-THE-BISCUIT, s. A child's game. BURN-TROUT,*. A trout. "Trocta. A bumtrout : a trowt." Nomen- clator. BURNT-WINE, *. Brandy. See Brand. Vinum igni eliquatum,Tini latex. Eau de vie, eau ardente. Burnt wine, or aqua vite. Nomcnclator, 1584. BURNWIN, *. A blacksmith. North. BURR, s. (1) The broad iron ring fixed on the tilting lance just below the gripe, to prevent the hand slipping back. (2) The knot at the bottom of a hart's horn. (3) The flower of the hop. (4) The burdock; applied more especially to the prickly calyx of the plant. (5) The lap of the ear. BURRATINE, *. Some sort of clothing. Ben Jonson. BURRISH, adj. Rough ; prickly. BURROW, s. Sheltered from the wind. Somerset. BURRS, s. Upright pieces of armour in front of the thighs. BURR-STONES, *. Rough unhewn stones. BURSE, s. (Fr.) An exchange for merchants. BURSEU, "I A dish in cookery. BURSEWS, J Surseit. Take the whyte of lekes, slype hem, and shrede hem small. Take noumbles of swyue, and parboyle hem BUR 273 BUS in broth and wyne Take hym up, and Uresse hym. and do the leke iii the broth. 5>ee'h and do the noumhles thereto ; make a Ivor of brode, blode, and vynegre, and do thereto powder-fort ; seeth oynouns, mynce hem, and do thereto. The self wise make of pigges. Forme of Cvry, p. o. Bursews. Take pork, seeth it, and grynde it smale with sodden ayren. Do thereto gode powdors, and Iio'le spices, and salt, with sugar. Make thereof smalle billes and ent liem in a bat or of ayren, and wete hem in floer; and frye hem in grece as frytors, and serve hem forth. Forme of Cury, p. 32. BURSEX-BEJ.LIED, adj. Ruptured. BURST, v. To break. BURSTE,*. (A.-S.) Loss; adversity. BURSYD, part. p. Bruised. BCRT, (1) v. To press or indent anything. Somerset. (2) *. A small flat fish. BuRTH,jres. t. Behoves. BURTHEX, (1) *. A quarter of ale. (2) v. To press earnestly. East. BURTHEXSOME, s. Productive. North. BUR-THISTLE, s. The spear-thistle. North. BURTLE, s. A sweeting apple. North. BUR-TREE. *. The elder-tree. BURTYME, *. Birthtime. R. Glouc. BURWALL,*. A wall leaning against a hank. Yorksh. BURWE, v. (A.-S.) To defend. BCRWHE, s. A circle. Pr. Pan. BURY, *. (1) (A.-S.) A house or castle. (2) A rabbit's burrow. South. (3) A place sunk in the ground to protect potatoes, &c., from frost. Northampt. BURYIXG-A-WIFE, s. A feast given by an apprentice at the expira- tion of his articles. Bus,/?re.9. t. Behoves; must. BUSCAGE.S. (Fr. ) A kind of cloth. BUSCAYLE, *. (A.-N.} A bush. BUSH, (1) s. The sign of a tavern, usually an ivy-bush. Cotgrave gives the proverb, " Good wine draws customers without any help of an ivy-bush." The term was afterwards continued to the wooden frame of the sign, on which the bush was placed. What claret's this ? the very worst in towne : Your Interne-bush deserves a pulling downe. Rowlands, Knate of Harts, 1613. (Entrr Lechiel abate in a balcony.) I found this ladder of ropes upon a shelf, but dare not venture down yet, for fear some prying rascal shall snap me be- tween earth and heav'n 'sdeatli, I'll creep into this bush, it may be this may secure me. (Gets upon the tattrn bush.) Hah! upon honour I grow cliearful; this is so inodist a device, that I've great hopes of good success. Dttrfey, Madam Fickle, 1682. (2) To go about the bush, to approach with ceremony or cau- tion. (3) v. To butt with the head; to push. West. (4) *. The inner circle of a wheel, en losing the axle-tree. (b) v. To retreat from. South. (6) s. A form of the beard. BUSHET, ~[s. A small shoot from BUSKET, / a bush. BUSHETIXG, *. Sprouting out at the roots. Glouc. BUSHLOCK,*. A bushy tuft of hair. At nyght Mr. Banyster cauled me up to se a comet, but y't was Venus with a great fyery haze lyke a tushlock about hir. ' MS. 4ddit., 5008. BUSHMEXT, s. (A.-N.) (1) An am- bush. (2) A thicket of bushes. BUSHSITHE, s. A bill-hook. Huloet. BUSHY-BARXABEE, *. The lady- bird. Suffolk. BUSINE, v. (Fr.) To trouble with business. BUSIXESS, s. (1) Trouble. (2) A term used affectedly, for what is now^ called an affair of honour, a duel. To make a mas- ter of the duel, a carrier of the differences, Ben Jonson puts, BUS 274 BUT among other ingredients, " a drachm of the business," and adds For that's the word of tincture, the business. Let me alone with the busi- ness. I vrill carry the business. I do understand the business. I do find an affront in the business. Masque of Mercury, S/-C. Could Caranza himself Carry a business better. S.j-Fl, Love's Pilgrim, v. BUSK, s. (1) A sort of linen cloth. (2) A rod of whalebone, or sometimes of steel, in the front of the stays to keep them straight. Her long slit sleeves, stiffe busie, puffe verdingall, Is all that makes her thus angelical. Marstoti, Ssourge, II, vii. (3) A flock of sheep. East. (4) (A.-N.) A bush. North. (5) v. To lie in the sun. Essex. BUSKE.P. (A.-S.) To busk; to go; to array, prepare, make ready. BUSKET, s. (Fr. bosquet.) A small bush, or branch. Youth's folk now flocken in every where To gather H&y-busicets and smelling breere. Spens., hcl. May, 9. BUSKING, adj. (1) Bushy. (2) Provoking. Exmoor. BUSKLE, v. To bustle about. BUSK-POINT, s. The lace, with its tag, which secured the end of the busk. Whether a kick will raise it. Pray go fetch him Some aqua vitae ; for the thought of steel Has put him iu a swound : nothing revive you? Then will I keep thy sword and hang it up Amongst my busk-points, pins, and curling- irons, Bodkins, and vardingals, a perpetual tro- phey. Randolph, Jealous Lovers, 1646. BUSKY, adj. \Voody; bushy. BUSMEK. See Bismare. Buss. (1) A young bullock. Devon. (2) v. To kiss. (3) . To butt with the head. (4) s. A large pitcher. Devon. BUSSARD, s. A great drinker. BUSSE, (1) *. (Out.} A kind of fishing-boat. (2) v. To lie in ambush. BUSSES, *. Hoops for the top of a wagon. North. BUSSING, *. ^A r hispering ? Without the blind bussings of a Papist, may no sin be solved. Male's linage of both Churches. BUSSOCK, s. (1) A thick, fat per- son. Wane. (2) A young donkey. Leic. BUST, *. A tar mark on sheep. North. BUSTER, *. (1) A loaf. (2) A heavy blow. BUSTIAN, *. A sort of coarse cloth. BUSTOUS. See Boistous. BUSY, v. (A.-N.) To be active. BUSY-GOOD,*. A meddling person. West. BUT, (1) s. A cast; a throw. (2) pret. t. Contended ; strug- gled with each other. Havelok. (3) s. A flounder, or plaice. (4) *. A small piece of ground. (5) *. The thick or fleshy root of a plant. A potato or turnip is said to be large in the but. (6) s. A conical basket used for catching salmon in the river Parret. (7) v. To grow or swell out. North. (8) *. A buttock of beef. West. (9) s. A shoemaker's knife. North. (10) s. Strong leather. North. (11) " But and ben," the outer and inner apartment, where there are only two rooms in a house. North. (12) *. A hassock. Devon. (13) *. A bee-hive, commonly called a bee-but. Exmoor. (14) s. A kind of cap. North. (15) adj. Rough; ragged. North. (16) v. To baiter. Craven. BUT 275 BUT (I") prep. Without. (18) conj. Unless. (19) . To abut. (20) adv. Suddenly. Devon. BUT-BOLT, s. The peculiar arrow used in shooting at the butt. BUTCHE, v. To kill. North. BUTCHER'S-BROOM, s. A kind of rush (ruscus). BUTCHER'S-CLEAVER.S. The name given in Northamptonshire to the constellation of the Pleiades. BUTE, s. Help ; remedy ; for bate. BUT-GAP, s. A hedge of turf. Devon. BUTH, (1) pres. t. pi. of buen. (A.-S.) Be; are. (2) s. A situation. Essex. BUTLANDS, s. Waste ground. East. BUT-SHOT, s. A bow-shot. BUTT, s. (l\ A boat. (2) A cart. Devon. BUTTAD, *. (Fr. boutade.) A burst of passion. This brigand had certain violent and suddain buttads of furious cruelty, and maxims drawn from the very bowels of vengeance it self; for if he were never so little offended by another, or sus- Eected another to be offended with him, e presently commanded such to be massacred. Helium Tartaricum, 1654. BUTTAL, *. (1) A bittern. South. (2) A corner of ground. North. BUTTEN, v. To push. BUTTER-AND-EGGS, s. The daffodil. Jl'est. BUTTER-BIT, s. The small strainer in which each pound of butter is wrapped when packed for market. Northampt. BUTTER-BOX, s. A cant term for a Dutchman. BUTTER-BUMP, s. A bittern. North. BUTTER-CUP, s. The wild ranuncu- lus. BUTTER-DAISY, s. The white ox- eye. BUTTERED-ALE, s. Ale boiled with sugar, butter, and spice. Shropsh. BUTTER-FINGERED, adj. Slippery. BUTTER-HAM,*. Bread and butter. BUTTER-MIT, s. A tub in which the butter is washed. West. BUTTER-PENCE, s. The farmer's wife's perquisite money gained from the sale of her butter. And when the father on the earth did live, To his sonues faucie he such way did give ; For at no season he the plow must hold, The summer was too hot, the winter cold ; He robs bis mother of her butter-pence, Within the aJehouse serves him for expence. Taylor's Workes, 1630. BUTTER-PRINT. A bastard child. BUTTER-PUMPS, s. The ovary of the yellow water-lily. Dorset. BUTTER-SHAG, *. A slice of bread ' and butter. North. BUTTER-TART, *. A tart made as follows : First you must beat a little green citron, a little salt, cinnamon, two mackrooms, a piece of butter that is fresh and good, with the yolks of four raw eggs ; beat all this well together, and put this into a pan, sheeted with fine paste, and bard it over with long slices of paste, and when it is baked, put to it some orange flowers, and suuar in serving it away. The Queen's Boyal Cookery. BUTTER-TEETH, *. The two in- cisors in front of the upper jaw. BUTTER-WHORE, *. A woman who carries butter about, a class who were set down in the same cate- gory as the fish-women of Bil- lingsgate. BUTTERY-BAR, Is. A half- BUTTERY-HATCH, j door between the buttery or kitchen and the hall, in old mansions, through which provisions were passed. BUTTILLARY, *. A buttery. BUTTING-IRON, . An instrument for peeling bark. North. BUTTOCK, s. A common strumpet. I'll kiss yon, you jade, I'll ravish you, you butt'ucTc, I am a justice of the pe'ace, sirrah ! Oticay, Soldier's Fortune, 1681. The bawds and the iu^ecfathat liv"d there around, Came flocking then thither. Poor Robin, 1694. BUTTOCK-STRAP, . A strap at- BUT 276 BYE tached to the back of cart-har- ness, which assists to hold the trace up. East. BUTTON, (1) s. A bud. (2) *. The chrysalis of an insect. West. (3) *. A small cake. East. (4) v. To shut up. Oxon. But- toned-up, closed up, shut. " See how her little mouth is buttoned- up." (5) *. A small mushroom. BUTTON-NAILS, *. Roundheaded nails. BUTTON-POUND, s. Money. North- ampt. BUTTONS, (1) *. Sheep's dung. Devon. To make buttons, cacare, and hence to be in great fear. (2) s. In Devonshire, burs are called beggar's buttons, and cuc- kold's buttons. BUTTRICE, *. A tool used to pare ttie hoofs in shoeing horses. BUTT-SHAFT, s. A sort of arrow ; a butt-bolt. BUTTY, (1) s. A companion or partner. (2)t>. To work in company. Leic. BUTURE, s. The bittern. North. BUTYNE, *. (Fr.) Booty. BUVER, s. A gnat. North. BUVIDLY, adv. Stout made. North. BUXOM, adj. (A.-S.) Obedient ; and hence, meek, or humble. Buzz, v. To empty a bottle of wine in carousing ; to drink. BUZZARD, *. (1) A coward. (2) A sort of large moth that is seen in great abundance in the meadows, hovering over certain flowers in a summer evening. Devon. The word is also used in Craven, and is supposed to be the origin of the proverb, " As blind as a buzzard.'' BUZZOM-CHUCK'D, adj. Blowsy, or with cheeks of a deep red. Ermoor BCZZY, s. A familiar term of en- dearment. Northampt. BY, (1) prep. By is often used by old writers in the sense of in, as, " by his life," in his lifetime ; and sometimes in those of for, with, or of. " By and by," distinctly, in order one after the other. (2) s. A by-place. " Burella, a by or darke corner." Florio. (3) s. A bracelet. See Beigh. (4) . A bee. (5) v. To buy. (6) v. To abide. (7) v. To abie. See Abeye. (8) A terra in gambling. " Mas- sdre, to play or cast at the by, at hazard or gresco." Florio. (9) adv. Besides. Northumb. BYAR, s. A cow-house. North. BYBBEY, s. Some kind of herb. Chester Plays, i, 119. BY-I,OW, s. A bastard. In such a ladies lappe, at sucli a slipperie by-blow, That iu a world so wide could not be found such a wilie Lad ; in an age so old, could not be found such an old lad. Barnefield's Affectionate Shepherd, 1594. Sal. Thou speak'st not like a subject-, what's thy name ? Fil. My name is Draco. Sal. Of the Athenian Draco's ? Fil. No, of the English Drakes, great Cap- tain Drake (That sail'd the world round) left in Spain a by-blotc, Of whom I come. The Slighted Maid, p. 27. BYCALLE, v. (4.-S.) To accuse. BYCLAGGE, v. To besmear. BYCOKET, s. Some ornament for the head. BYDAGGE, v. To splash. Weber. BYDE, s. (A.-S.) Abode ; dwelling. BYDRYVEN, v. To commit evil. Caxton. BYDWONGEN, part. p. Compelled. BYEBE, s. A dwelling. Ash. BYE-BOOTINGS, *. The finest sort of bran. North. BYET, s. Work not finished. North. BYF 277 BYT BY-FAR, adv. Much. BYFOUNDE. Found out. Hearne. BY-FRUITS, s. " Those wens or humid bubbles which insects raise upon vegetables, wherein they lodge their egge and produce their young, are call'd by -fruits." Kennett. BYGAGED, adj. Mad ; bewitched. Ejcmoor. BYGATES, *. Spoil ; plunder. BY-GOLD, *. Tinsel. BYGORN, *. A goblin. North. BYHEFDE, v. To behead. BYHETER, s. A surety. Wickliffe. BYHORE, v. To commit adultery against ; to cornute. BY-HOURS, s. Extra hours at work. Northamp. BYHOVE, v. To advantage. Chaucer. BYLAND,S. A peninsula. BYLE, s. A boil ; an ulcer. BYLE'ER, adv. Just now; a little before. Somerset. BY-LEMAN, *. A second lover, or gallant. BYLIE, v. To be'ong. BYLLERNE, s. A kind of water- plant. Pr. P. BYLLYNE, v. To use a spade or mattock. Pr. P. BY-LOU, part. p. Laughed at. BY-LYE, v. (4.-S.) To lie with a woman. BY-MATTERS, s. Irrelevant circum- stances. BYMOLEN, v. (A.-S.) To spot; to stain. BYMOWE, v. To mock. BYX, prep. Within. BYNAME, v. To nick-name. BYNDERES,S. Binders; robbers who bind. Havelok. BYNE, s. Malt. BYNNY, s. A kind of pepper. Br-Now, adv. A short time ago. West. BYNTE, pres. t. of binde. Binds. BYON, s. A quinsy. North. BY-PAST, ado. Past by. " With order that all faults by-past should be forgiven." Bowes Correspondence, 1582. BY-PLOT, s. A plot of ground out of the public way. BYUUIDE, s. Bequest. Rob. Glouc. BYRDE, pret. t. Must ; it behoved. BYRDING, " BYRE, s. (1) The stump of a tree. North. (2) A cow-house. Cumb. BYRKYN,*. Breaking. Town.Myst. BYRLAKIN. A diminutive of by our Lady. BYRLET, s. See Burlet. " Byrlet, or tyrynge for women. Calantica." Huloet. BYRONNE, v. To run over. BYRYNE, v. To bury. BYSMALOW, s. The hollyhock. BYSOM, adj. Blind. See Bisen. BYSPEL, s. (^.-5.) A proverb. BYSPITTE, v. To spit all over. And yit is it tormentid by impatience of adversitfi, and bysplt by servage and subjeccioun of synne, and atte last it is slayn finally. Chaucer, Persona T. BYSPYNG, . Confirmation. An abbreviation of bishopping. BYSSI, adv. Quickly. BYSSINE, s. Fine silk. Wickliffe. BYST,pres.t.ofbidde. Prayest. BYSTE, *. A temporary bed used by hop-driers and maltsters. Sussex. BYSYSCHYPPE, *. Activity. BYTACK, s. A farm taken by a tenant who resides on another farm. Heref. BY-TAIL, s. The right handle of a plough. BYTE, (1) v. (A.-S.} To cut with a sword, or any instrument. (2) *. A morsel ; a bit. BY-THE-WALI.S. Unburied. East. BY TIMES, adv. At times; occa- sionally. Northamp. BYTRAYSiD,/?ar. p. Betrayed. Curtis sinful manues soule is bi/traysid BYT 278 CAD of the devel, by coveitise of temporal rosperit6 ; and scorned by discey t, whan e cheseth fleischly delyfes. Chaucer, Personet T. BYTTE,*. A bottle; a flagon. Warw. BYVONDE, part. p. Found; con- trived. BYVORE, adv. Before. BYWAIT, v . To be patient. BY-WASH, s. The outlet from a dam. North. BY-WIPE, s. An indirect sarcasm. North. BYWORD, s. (A.-S.) A proverb. BYWRYE, v. To let out ; to betray counsel. And tlierfore vow is better hyde youre counseil in youre herte, than 'prayen him to whom ye have bywrycd youre counseil, that he wol kepe it clos and stille. Chaucer, T. ofJUeiibeus. BYZANT, *. A besom. Dorset. BYJT, *. A bend. See Bight. C. CA, v. To drive. North. CAAD, *. Cold. North. CAAS, *. (for cas.} A chance, or case. CAB, *. (1) A number of persons secretly leagued together. Sussex. (2) Any glutinous substance. Dec. CABBAGE, (1) *. The part of a deer's head on which the horns are set. (2) v. To grow to a head, ap- plied to the horns of a deer. (3) *. A part of a lady's head- dress. See Chotuc. Behind the noddle every baggage, Wears rowls, in English call'd a cabbage. London Ladies Dressing Boom, 1705. (4) v. To steal slily ; now used merely of tailors. CABANE, *. (Fr.) A cabin. CABARET, s. (Fr.) A tavern. CABBY, adj. Sticky; clammy. Devon. CABES, *. A cabbage. CABLE-HATBAND, s. A fashion supposed to have been intro- duced at the very close of the 16th century, consisting of a twisted cord of gold, silver, or silk, worn round the hat. I had on a gold ca.Ue-haiba.nd, then new come up, which 1 wore about a murrey French hat I had, cuts my Imtband, and yet it was massie goldsmith's work, &c. S. Jons., EC. Man out ofH., iv, 6. CABLISH, s. Brushwood. CABOB, *. A leg of mutton, stuffed with white herrings and sweet herbs. CABOBBLE, v. To puzzle. East. CABOCHE, v. (A.-N.) To bend. CABRIOLES, s. A lady's head-dress. CABRITO, s. (Span.) A kid. CACCHEX, v. (A.-S.) To catch ; to take. Kachone. Const.Freem., 380. CACHE, r. (1) To go. (2) To couch or lay down. CACHERE, s. (A.-N.) A hunter. CACHERELE, s. A catchpcle. CACK, v. Cacare. CACKLE, . To babble. CACKLING-CHEAT, s. A cock or capon. An old cant term. CACKMAG, s. Idle talk. East. CACORNE, s. The windpipe. Devon. CAD, *. (1) A very small pig. East. (2) The person who guards the door of an omnibus, and keeps on the look out for passengers. It is also a low term of abuse. (3) A low fellow who hangs about the college to provide the Etonians with anything necessary to assist their sports. (4) A familiar spirit. (5) A blinker. Leic. CADAR, s. A wooden frame placed over a scythe to preserve and lay the corn more even in the swathe. Staff, CADATORS, . Beggars who make circuits round the kingdom, as- suming the characters of decayed gentlemen. CAD 279 CAG CADDEE, s. A servant employed under another servant. CADDEI.,(!)*. Cow parsnip. Devon. (2) adv. In a hurry ; confusedly. Berks. CADDIS, s. Worsted ribbon ; also, a woollen stuff. CADDLE, (1) v. To scold ; to hurry ; to attend officiously. West. (2) *. A dispute ; a noisy con. t'ention. Var.dial. (3) v. To tease. West. (4) v. To coax ; to spoil. North. (5) v. To squander money. Warw. (6) adj. Nice in appetite. Leic. CADDLING, part. a. (1) Dawdling. Somerset. (2) Tale-telling. CADDOW, s. A jackdaw. East. CADDY, (1) s. A ghost or bugbear. North. (2) *. The caddis-worm. (3 1 * adv. Well ; hearty. North. CADE, s. (1) A barrel containing six hundred herrings. (2) In Kent, a cade of beef is any quantity of pieces under a whole quarter. (3) A small cask. (4) 0. To pet; to indulge. (5) *. The testicle. Still used in the North. Telle scliul wives tuelve, jif ani child may be made Withouten knoweing of niannes cade. Arikuur unit Merlin, p. 36. CADE-LAMB. . A pet lamb. CADENT, adj. (Lat.} Falling. CADER, *. A small wooden frame en which the fisherman keeps his line. South. CADES, s. Sheep-dung. Var. dial. CADESSE.S. A jackdaw. CADEW, s. The straw-worm. CADGE, (1) v. To bind. "I cadge a garment, I set lystes in the lynyng to kepe the plyghtes in order." Palsg. (2) . A circular piece of wood, on which hawks are carried when exposed for sale. (3) v. To stuff, or fill. North. Cadge-belly, a full fat belly. (4) v. To carry. North. (5) v. To beg. Leic. (6) v. To talk incessantly. Leic. CADGER, s. (1) A packman or itinerant huckster. (2) A butcher, miller, or carrier of any other load. Kennett. CADGY, adj. Cheerful. North. CADILLECK, *. A kind of pear. CADLE, v. To fondle. Northamp. CADLING, adj. False; insincere. West. CADLOCK, "| s. The name of a CALLOCK, > plant ; rough cad- CHARLOCK, J lock, the wild mus- tard; smooth cadlock, the wild rape. North. CADMA, *. The least pig of a litter. Var. dial. CADNAT, s. (4.-N.) A canopy. CADOCK, *. A bludgeon. Somerset. CADUKE, adj. (Lot.) Frail; pe- rishing. But follow the cadute pleasures of this world. Sisltop Fisher. Every thing in this world is cadulce, transitory, and momentary. Id. CADY, adj. Foolish; addled. Shropsh. CECITY, s. (Lot.) Blindness. CAFART, *. (Fr.) A hypocrite. CAFF, (1) s. Chaff. North. "Full of kaff." Apol. Lollards, p. 56. (2) s. A gardener's hoe. North. (3) v. To run off a bargain ; to abandon anything. Craven. CAFFA, s. A kind of rich stuff, perhaps taffata. CAFFLE, . (1) To cavil ; to quarrel. Ah if I now put in some caffling clause, 1 shall be call'd unconstant nil my days. Harr. Ar., xlv, 97. (2) To entangle. Somerset. CAFT, adj. Intimidated. Yorksh. CAG, (1) s. A stump. West. CAG 280 CAL (2) v. To crawl about. Leic. CAGEL, v. To harrow ground. North. CAGG, v. To make a vow or re- solution not to get drunk for a certain time ; or, as the term is, till the cagg is out. " I have cagged myself for six months." CAGMAG, (l)s. Coarse bad food of any kind, properly an old goose; a small inferior breed of sheep. (2) . To quarrel. Wore. C > ; }, A ,,,.. CAIFE, s. An iron cap. Grafton. CAILES, s. Nine-pins. GAINED, adj. Motbery. North. CAINGEL, *. A crabbed fellow. North. CAINGY, adj. Peevish ; ill-tem- pered. North. CAIRO, s. A tinker. Northumb. CAISAR, *. (A.-N.) A king, or emperor. CAITCHE, *. The game of tennis. CAITIF, s. (A.-N.) (1) A captive. (2) A wretch. (3) A cripple. CAITIFTEE, s. Captivity. Wickliffe. CAKE, (1) v. To cackle. North. (2) s. A foolish fellow. Var. di. (3) " My cake is dough," I am entirely disappointed, my hope is gone. Notwithstanding all tliese traverses, we are confident here that the match will take, otherwise my calce is dough. Howell's Letters, I, 3, 1, 12 CAKE-BREAD, s. Rolls, or manchet. CAKE-CREEL, s. A rack for drying oat-cakes. North. CAKE-HOUSE, *. A confectioner's. Others not so concern'd, walk in the fields, To give their longing wives what cake-house yields. Satyr against Hypocrites, 16b9. CAKE-NIGHT, . A term for the eve of All Saints, at Ripon in Yorkshire, when a cake is made for every member of the family. CAKER, v. To bind with iron. North. CAKE-SPRITTLE, s. A thin board used for turning the oat-cakes over the oven. Yorksh. CALABASS, *. A sort of small gun. CALABER, s. A kind of fur. CALABS. (Gr. \a\v4/.} Steel. CALAMANCE, s. Calamanco, a sort of woollen stuff. CALANDER, *. (A.-N.) A kind of lark. CALANGY, v. (A.-N. calanger.) To challenge. Rob. Gl. CALASH, *. (Fr. caleche.) An open coach. CALASSES, s. Alms-houses. Grose. CALCAR, ~[s. An astrologer. See CALKER, J Calke. CALCULE, v. (A.-N.) To cal- culate. CALDESE, v. To cheat, or de- ceive, chiefly by fortune-telling. Butler. CALE, (1) *. Colewort. (2) Pottage. (3) A turn. North. (4) v. To throw; to gambol. East. CALEEVER, v. To gambol. North. CALENDER, ^1) v. To give the gloss to woollen cloths; (2) A kind of wood. (3) A guide, or director. CALENTURE, s. A hot fever. Fear may call Friends to partake of palsies, anger strives To fire each neighbouring bosome, envie thrives By being transplanted ; but a lovers pure Flames, though converted to a calenture, Unwillingly with the least flame will part, Although to thaw anothers frozen heart. Chamberlaync'i Pharonnida, 1659. CALES. The city of Cadiz. CALEWEIS, *. (A.-N.) A kind of pear. CALF, s. A hart in its first year. CALF-LICK, 1 *. A tuft of hair on COW-LICK, /the forehead which cannot be made to lie smooth. CALF'S-SKIN, s. Fools kept for diversion in great families were often distinguished by coats of CAL 281 CAL calf-skin, with buttons down the back. See Sh., K. John, iii. 1. His caffs-skin jests from hence are clear exil'd. Prol. to Wily Beguiled. CALF-STAGES, s. Places for holding calves. Glouc. CALF-TRUNDLE, *. (1) The entrails of a calf. (2) The ruffle of a shirt, or flounces of a gown. CALF-YARD. . The dwelling-place of our infancy. North. CALIMAXCO-CAT, *. A tortoise- shell cat. Norf. CALIS, s. A chalice. L'ALIVKR, s. (Fr.) A large pistol or blunderbuss. CALKE, 0. (1) To calculate. (2) To cast a figure or nativity. CALKINS, I *. The parts of a CAWKINS, > horse-shoe turned up CALKERS, I and sharpened to pre- vent slipping. CALL, (1) v. To scold. North. (2) v. To proclaim by public crier. (3) v. A term in hunting: when hounds are first cast off, and find game, they are said to call on. (4) *. The outlet of water from a dam. North. (5) s. Occasion ; necessity. GALLANT, *. A lad. North. CALLAR, adj. Fresh ; cold. Cumb. CALLARDS, s. Leaves and shoots of cabbages. Wight. CALL-BACK, s. A wear. North. CALLE, (1) *. A sort of cap or network worn on the head ; a coif. (2) v. To invite. CALLED-HOME, part. p. Asked in the church. CALLER, (1) adj. Fresh ; cool. North. (2)t>. To jump ; to caper. Wight. CALLET, (1) s. A scold ; a drab; a strumpet. (2) v. To rail. Or to hear her in her spleen Collet like a bntter-quean. Ellis's Specimens, vol. iii, p. 84. CALLIERD, s. (A.-N.) A hard stone. North. CALLING-BAND, #. A leading- string. North. CALLOT, "I s. (Fr. calotte.) A plain CALLET, J coif or skull-cap. CALLOW, (1) a. (A.-S.) Smooth; bare ; unfledged ; applied chiefly to birds. (2) adj. Smooth, applied to an even wood. Suss. (3) *. The stratum of vegetable earth lying above gravel, sand, limestone, &c. East. CALLOW-DOCTOR, s. A quack. CALLS, s. Pieces of tape. North. CALLYMOOCHER, #. A term of re- proach. I do, thou upstart callymoocher. I do ; "T-as well known to the parish I have been Twice ale-cunner. Mayor of Quinb., 0. PI., xi, p. 132 CALLYVAN, *. A sort of pyramidal trap for birds. Somerset. CALM, s. Scum of liquor. East. CALMES, *. (1) The cogs of a wheel. North. (2) The frames of a window, Harrison's Desc. ofEngl., p. 187. CALMEWE, . 1 * A kind of sea CALDMAWE, J bird. CALMY, adj. Mothery. East. CALSEY, s. A causeway. CALSONS, "I *. (Fr. cofefon.) CALSOUNDS, V Close linen trousers CALZOONS, J for men. CALTROP, (1) s. (A.-N.) An im- plement with four spikes, so con- trived that, in whatever direction it is thrown, one of the spikes always stands upwards. It was used against cavalry in war. (2) A kind of thistle. CALTS, s. Quoits. Shropsh. CALUZ, adj. (A.-N.~) Bald. Weber CALVER, v. To prepare salmon, 01 other fish, in a peculiar way. CAL 232 LAM Cohered salmon was a dainty celebrated by our old dramatists. CA-VES-HENGE, *. A calf's pluck. Somerset. CALVES-MUGGET, s. A pie made of the entrails of calves. CALVES-SNOWT, s. A plant. " Ana- gallis silvestris. Huron violet. 1'ceil du gat. Calves snowt." Hul. CALYON, s. (Fr.) A stone or flint. Palsgr. CAM, (1) s. A ridge, or old earthen mound. North. (2) adj. Crooked. To doe a thing cleane kamme, out of order, the wrong way Cotgraxe. (3) adv. Awry. North. (4) pret. t. Came. CAMACA, . A sort of rich silk cloth. CAMAIL, *. (1) (A.-N.) A camel. (2) A neckguard ; the thickest part of the armour near the neck. CAMALION, #. The camel-leopard. CAMARADE, s. (Fr.) A comrade. CAMBER, s. A harbour. South. CAMBER-NOSE, *. An aquiline nose. GAMBLE, v. To prate saucily. Yorksh. CAMBRIL, s. (1) The hock of an animal. (2) The curved piece of wood on which butchers suspend the slaughtered animal. See Gambril. CAMBUCK, s. (1) The dry stalks of dead plants. Fast. (2) A game at ball. CAMBURE. adj. Hooked. CAMED, adj. Covered. North. CAMELINE, s. (A -N.) (1) A stuff made of camel's hair. (2) A kind of sauce. CAMELS, *. A nick-name for the natives of Cambridgeshire. CAMERIKE, *. Cambrick. CAMIL, s. Chamomile. Somerset. CAMIS, s. (A.-N.) A thin transpa- rent dress or robe. CAMISADO, s. (Ital.) A whitr shirt or smock frock, which was often worn by soldiers to know each other in a night attack. " To give a camisado, viz. to wear a white shirt over their armes, that they may know one another in the dark." Howell. CAMLE, *. A camelion. Maur.Jec. CAMMED, adj. (1) Crooked. (2) Cross; illnatured. North. (3) Short nosed. CAMMICK, s. The plant restharrow. CAMMISH. adj. Awkward. South. CAM MOCK, s. (1) A crooked tree or beam. (2) Timber prepared for the knee of a ship. Though the cammoclc the more it is bowed the better it is, yet the bow, the more it is bent and occupied, the weaker it waxeth. Lilly's nphuct. Bitter the blossom when the fruit is sour, And early crook'd that will a camock he. Drayt. Eel, 7. CAMOISE, "] adj. (A.-N. camus.) CAMUSE, I Crooked ; flat ; ap- CAMUSED, J plied to a nose. CAMOOCH, s. A term of contempt. CAMOROCHE, s. The wild tansy. CAMP, (1) v. (A.-S. cempan.) To contend. Get campers a call, To camp therewithal!. Tuster, p. 56. (2) . A game of ball, formerly practised in the Eastern counties. (3) v. To talk of anything. Lane. (4) . A hoard of potatoes, tur- nips, &c. North. CAMPABLE, adj. Able to do. North. CAMPANE, adj. Consisting of fields. CAMPERKNOWS, *. Ale-pottage, made with sugar, spices, &c. . Grose. CAMPESON, *. The gambison. CAMPESTRIALL, adj. (Lot.) Be- longing to the fields. CAMPLE, . To talk, or argue ; to contend. Var. dial. CAM 283 CAN CAMPLETES, . A kind of wine. CAMPT, part. p. Encamped. CAMSTEERIE, adj. Crazy. North- umberland. CAN, (1) the pret. t. of canne. Knows. (2) v. To be able. (3) Began to ; used as an auxi- liary before verbs in the infinitive to express a past tense. See Can. CAXACIN, *. The plague. Bailey. CAXAKIN, s. A small drinking can. CANARIES, s. (Fr.) A quick and lively dance, in which the dancer sometimes used castanets. CANARY, (1) *. A kind of s\veet wine, much used in the earlier part of the 17th cent. Canarie-winc, which beareth the name of the islands from whence it is brought, is of some termed a sacke, with this adjunct sweete; but yet very impro- perly, for it differeth not only from sacke in sweetnesse and pleasantness of taste, but also in colour and consistence, for it is not so white in colour as sack, nor so thin in substance ; wherefore it is more nutritive than sack, and less penetrative. Venneri Via. recta ad Fit. longam, 1622. (2) v. To dance; to frolic. (3) s. A sovereign. (4) s. A kept mistress. North. CAN-BOTTLE, s. The long-tailed titmouse. Shropsh. CANCARDE, adj. Cankered. CANCELEER, \s. (Fr. chanceller.) CANCELIER, J The turn of a light- flown hawk upon the wing to recover herself, when she misses her aim in the stoop. The fierce and eager hawks down thrilling from the skies, Make sundry canceleers ere they the fowl can reach. Drayt. Polyolb., xx. (2) To turn in flight. The partridge sprung, He makes his stoop ; but wanting breath, is forced To eancelier; then with such speed, as if He carried li^ht'niugiiihis wings, he strikes The trembling bird. Mass. Guard., i, 1. CANCER, s. A plant of some kind. Who taught the poore beast having poison tasted, To seeke th' hearbe cancer, and by that to cure him ? Who taught the bore finding his spirits wasted To seeke a branch of ivy to assure him ? Great Britaines Troye, 1609. CANCH, s. A word used in the Eastern and Midland counties, and used to signify a small quan- tity of corn in the straw put into the corner of a barn ; a short turn or spell at anything; a trench, cut sloping to a very narrow bottom; a certain breadth in digging or treading land, or in turning over a dung-hill. CANCRO. (Ital.) A sort of impre- cation. CANDLE, s. The pupil of the eye. West. CANDLE-BARK, *. A round cylin- drical box for candles. North. CANDLE-BEAM, s. A chandelier. " Candle-beame, suche as hangeth in gentlemens halles, with sock- ettes, to set candels upon, lacu- nar." Huloet, 1552. CANDLE-CAP, s. An old brimless hat, with a candle in front, used by butchers. North. CANDLEGOSTES, s. Goose-grass. Gerard. CANDLE-SHEARS, *. Snuffers. CANDLING, s. A supper given by landlords of alehouses to their customers on Candlemas-eve. CANDOCK, . A water-plant. CANE, *. A small animal of the weasel kind. CANED, adj. Mothery. Yorksh. CANEL, s. (A.-N.) (1) A channel. (2) The faucet of a barrel. So* mers. (3) (A.-N.) Cinnamon. (4) A lot. Apol. Loll, p. 93. CANE-TOBACCO, *. Tobacco made up in a particular form, highly esteemed, and dear. CAN 284 CAN The nostrils of his chimnies are still stufPd With smoke more chargeable than cane- tobacco. Merry Devil, 0. PI., v, 257. My boy once lighted A pipe of cane-tobncco, with a piece Of a vile ballad. All Fools, O. PI , iv, 187. Then of tobacco he a pype doth lack Of Triuidade in cane, in leaf, or ball. Hurringt. Epig., iv, 3i. CAXGE, v. To whine. North. CAXGLE, v. To entangle. North- ampt. CANGY, adj. Cross ; ill-tempered. Cumb. CAXIFFLE, v. To dissemble ; to flatter. Devon. CAXIOXS, s. Rolls at the bottom of the breeches just below the knee, sometimes indented like a screw. CAXK, (1) v. To talk ; to cackle. (2) s. A gossip. (3) v. To persevere ; to over- come. Wilts. (4) v. To be infested with can- kers. Northampt. (5) adj. Dumb. Yorksh. CANKER, s. (1) The common red field-poppy. East. (2) The dog-rose. (3) A toadstool. West. (4) A caterpillar. South. CANKERFRET, s. (1) Copperas. (2) A sore or blister in the mouth. East. CANKERWEED, s. The ragwort. CANKE, v. To whine. Derbysh. CANKY, adj. Rotten, applied to stone. Northampt. CANNEL, . The collar, neck. CANNEL-BONE, \ s. The collar- CHANNEL-BONE, f bone. CAXXINESS, *. Caution ; good con- duct. North. CANXIS,. To toss about carelessly from place to place. Cornw. CAXXY, (1) adj. Pretty; good ; neat. North. Canny -hinny,& sly person. (2) v. To coax. Northamp. CANOX, s. A portion of a deceased man's goods exacted by the priest. CAXOXS, *. The first feathers of a hawk after she has mewed. CANSH,S. (1) A small mow of corn. (2) A small pile of faggots, &c. East. (3) A strain. Shropsh. CAXSTICK, s. A candlestick. CANT, (1) adj. Strong; hearty; courageous. (2) v. To recover, or mend. (3) v. To throw ; to upset. Kent. (4) s. An auction. North. (5) v. To let fall. Sussex. (6) *. A corner or division of a field. (7) s. A small bundle of hay. Hampsh. (8) s. A niche. The first and principal person in tKe temple was Irene, or Peace; she was placed aloft in a cant. Jons., Coronation Entertainm. Directly under her, in a cant by herself, was Arete inthruned. Decker, Enter t. of James I. (9) v. To humour, caress. Leic. (10)r. To backbite. Herefordsh. (11) v. To whine, or play the hypocrite. (12) v. To set upon edge. East. (13) s. A company, or crowd. North. (14) . A canter, or vagabond. (15) v. To divide. Tusser. CANTABAxaui, s. (Ital.) Ballad- singers. CAXTAXKEROUS, adj. Contentious. CANT-DOG, s. A handspike with a hook. North. CANTEL, "1 . (A.-N.) A corner or CAXTLE, / angle ; a small piece or portion of anything. CANTELED. Different pieces of cloth worked together. Hall, Henry IV. CAXTELIXG, *. A stake or pole. North. CAXTER, *. (1) One who cants, a vagrant or beggar. CAN 285 CAP A rogue, A very canter I, sir, one that maunds Upon the pad. B. Jon., Staple of News, act ii. Hey day! turn'd canter? this becomes thee worse than fine dress and youthful cloths an old woman. There's scarce a nun will talk thus through a grate. The Reformation, 1673. (2) A pint jug. Northamp. CANTERBURY, s. A horse's canter. CANTING-CALLER. An auctioneer. North. CANTLE, s. (1) The head. North. (2) The leg of an animal. North. CANTLE-PIECE, *. The part of a cask into which the tap is driven. Northumb. CANTLY, adv. Strongly. Minot. CANTON, v. To notch. CANT-RAIL, s. A triangular rail. East. CANTRAP, s. A magic spell. North. CANTRED, . A term used in Wales and Ireland for a certain division of territory. Sur. Two knights fees make one cantred, which after" the first computation, amounteth to 3640 acres. Six cantreds 11-26 maketh a barony, 25600 acres, whose reliefe is 100 marks. One barony $ make an earldome 38400 acres whose reliefe is 100 pound. Norden'a Surveyors Dialogue, 1610. CANT-WINDOW, s. A bow-window. CANTY, adj. Cheerful; talkative. North. CANVAS, *. To receive the canvas, i. e., to be dismissed. The phrase is taken from the practice of journeymen mechanics who tra- vel in quest of work with the implements of their profession. When they are discharged by their masters, they are said to receive the canvas or the bag, because in this their tools and necessaries are packed up prepa- ratory to their removal. I ha' prorois'd him As much as marriage conies to, and I lose My houor, if tlie don receives the canvas. Shirley, Brothers, act ii, p. 14. CANTSPAR, s. A fire-pole. CANTY. adj. Merry; cheerful. North, CANVASADO, s. A move in fencing. CAP, (1) v. To complete; to finish. (2) v. To overcome in argument ; to puzzle any one. (3)s. A challenge to competition. (4; s. A master or head. Cumb. (5) v. To arrest. (6) v. To mend shoes at the toe. (7) A shepherd's dog. /. Wight. (8) A man's cap was said to ake, when he was tipsy. To walke and see a friend they both in- tended, Some two mile out of towne, and merne make So frolique, till the husbands cap did ate. Good Newes and Bad Newet, 1622- CAP-OF-MAINTEXANCE, s. A pecu- liar cap carried before a high dignitary on state occasions. About x. of the cloke afore none, the king come into the parlement chamber in his parlement robes, and on his hed a cap of mayntenaunce, and sat in his most royall majest6. MS. Cotton., Jul. C., vi, fol. 255, r. CAPABLE, adj. (Lot.) Comprehen- sive. CAPADOS, . (A.-N.) A hood. GAP-CASE, *. A small travelling case, or band-box. " A bag : a wallet : a port-manteau : a cap- case." Nomenclator. CAPE, s. (1) The coping of a wall. North. (2) The sleeve of a coat. CAPE-CLOAK, s. A Spanish cloak. CAPEL, s. The horn joint connecting the two parts of a flail. Devon. CAPELLINE,*. A skull-cap of steel. CAPER-COUSINS, s. Great friends. Lane. CAPERDEWSIE,*. The stocks. But- ler. CAPERLASH, s. Abusive language. North. CAPES, . Ears of corn broken off in thrashing. North. CAPHA, s. A kind of damask cloth. CAP 286 CAR CAPILOME, s. The circumstance of one set of reapers being so far in advance of the other as to be out of sight by the intervention of a hill or rise. North. CAPIROTADE, . Stewed mince- meat. CAPITAINE, s. (A.-N.) A captain. CAPITLE, s. (Lat ) A chapter or summary. CAPLE, s. A horse. See Capul. CAPLING, .?. The cap of a flail. CAP-MONEY, *. Money gathered for the huntsman at the death of the fox. CAPOCCHIA, *. (Hal.) A fool; an innocent. CAPON, s. (1) A letter. Shak. (2) A red-herring. Kent. CAPON-BELL, *. The passing-bell. CAPONET, s. A small capon. CAPON'S-FEATHER, s. The colum- bine. CAPOCCH, CAPPADOCHIO, s. A cant term for a prison. CAP-PAPER, s. A coarse sort of brownish paper. CAPPE, s. A cope. Pr. Parv. CAPPEL, v. To mend or top shoes. Craven. CAPPER, (1) v. To chop the hands. East. (2) v. To coagulate ; to wrinkle. (3) s. A cap-maker. CAPPY-HOLE, *. A kind of game. CAPRIFOLE, *. The honeysuckle. CAPRIOLE, *. A lady's head-dress. CAPRICK, s. A sort of wine. CAPS, s. (1) All sorts of fungi. East. (2) Hoodsheaves of corn-shocks. North. CAP-SCREED, s. The rim of a cap. North. CAPSIZE, v. To turn over. CAPTAIN, adj. Chief; more excel- lent. Shak. CAPUCCIO, *. A hood. Spenser. CAPUL, "I CAPEL, V*. (A.-N.) A horse. CAPLE, J CAPUL, s. A domestic hen. CAR, (1) *. (A.-S.) A rock. (2) *. A wood or grove on a moist soil, generally of alders. (3) s. Any hollow place or marsh. (4) v. To carry. South. (5) *. A botile or keg of one or two gallons. Leic. (6) s. A gutter. Line. CARABINS.S. A sort of light cavalry, in the 16th cent., armed with carabines. CARACOL, s. The half turn which a horseman makes on either side. CARACTES, Is. (A.-N.) Charac- CARECTIS, / ters ; figures ; applied especially to characters for magi- cal purposes. GARAGE, s. (A.-N.) Measure ; quality. CARAING, ~| *. (A.-N.) A carcase. CARF.YNE, i Caronyes, carcases. CAROING, J Rob. GIOUC. CARAVEL, ] s. (Fr. caravelle.) A CARVEL, i. light round ship, with CARVEIL, J a square poop, rigged and fitted out like a galley. CARAWAYES, *. Comfits made with caraway seeds. CARBERRY, s. A gooseberry. North. CARBOKUL, *. A carbuncle. CARBONADO, (1) s. A steak cut crossways for broiling. (2) v. To broil. CARCANET. See Carkanet. CARCELAGE, s. Prison fees. CARD, (1) adj. Crooked. North. (2) *. A chart. (3) . The mariner's compass. We're all like sea cards, All our endeavours and our motions, As they do to the north, still point at beauty. B. $ Fl., Chances, i, 11. (4) v. To mix bad and good together. CAR 287 CAR And these; for that by themselves they will not utter, to mingle and to card with the apostles' doctrines, &.C., that at the least yet he may so vent them. Sermon'atSt. Giles, 1592. You card your beer, if you see your guests begiii to be drunk, half small, half strong. Greene's Quip for an Upst. Courtier, 1620. (5) To speak by the card, to speak with great exactness. CARDER, . (1) A card player. (2) A jackdaw. Suffolk. CARDEW, *. An alderkar. CARDIACLE, *. (Gr.) A disease af- fecting the heart. CARDICUE, *. (corrupted from Fr. quart d'ccu.) The fourth part of a French crown, about fifteen- pence. The other is the spelling of the time. Did I not yester-morning Bring you in a cardecu there from the pea- sant, Whose ass I'd driven aside? Ji. $ Fl., Bloody Brother, iv, 2. CARDINAL, (1) s. A liquor drunk in the University, made like bishop, except that claret is substituted for port wine. (2) *. A kind of cloak, in fashion about 1760. CARDINAL-TRILOST, s. A Cornish fish, the three-tailed ray. Borlase. CARE, s. (1) Grief; vexation. (2) The mountain-ash. Devon. CARE-AWAYES, s. Carauays. Yet, if a storme should rise (by night or day), Of sugar-suowes, and haile of care-a-wayes. Davits. Scourge of Folly, 1611. CARE-CAKE, s. A pancake. North. CARE-CLOTH, s. A square cloth formerly held over the head of a bride by four men. CARECRIN, aissert. onDumplitty. GARY, . A sort of coarse cloth. CARYE, v. To go. CARYSTYE, s. (Lot.) Scarcity. CAS, s. (1) (A.-N.) Chance; hazard. (2) A case. CASARDLY, adv. Unlucky. North. CASBALD, #. A term of contempt. CASCADE, v. To vomit. CASE, (1) v. To skin an animal: to strip. (2) s. A kind of fish, somewhat like a char, but not so much esteemed. Nicolson and Burn's West, and Cumb., i, 185. CASEHNGS, s. The skins of beasts that die by accident. Chesh. CASELTY, adj. Uncertain ; casual. West. CASEMUND, *. A casement. Hey- wood, 1556. CASE-WORM, s. The caddis. East. CASHE, v. To cashier. CASIERS, a. Broad wide sleeves. Devon. CASINGS, s. Dried cow-dung used for fuel. North. CAS 290 CAS CASKE, adj. Strong. CASKET, s. A stalk, or stem. North. CASPERE, *. The plant cardiac. CASSABULLY, *. The winter cress. South. CASSE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To discharge; to cashier ; to disband. (2) . An earthworm. Florio. CASSIASISTRE, s. A plant, the cassia fistula. Gerard. CASSOCK \s. (Fr.) Alooseout- CASSAauE, J ward coat. CASSON, s. Beef. Dekker. CASSYDONYS, s. The calcedony. CAST, (1) v. To speak ; to address. (2) v. To intend. (3) v. To contrive. (4) v. To consider; to de- termine. (5) s. Chance; opportunity. North. (6) v. To bring forth prema- turely, said of beasts. Shropsh. (7) v. To vomit.' (8) v. To empty. (9) part. p. Thwarted; de- feated. Shropsh. (10) part. p. Warped. North. (11) v. To choke one's self with eating too fast. North. (12) v. To yield; to produce. Norf. (13) v. To add up a sum ; to reckon. (14) v. To think; to cogitate. Baret. (15) s. A second swarm of bees from one hive. (16) s. A brace or couple. (17) part. p. Cast off ; thrown aside. (IS) part. p. Plotted; devised. (19) . (A.-S.) A stratagem ; a contrivance. (20) s. A flight of hawks. (21) v. To set a hawk on a perch. (22) 0. To purge a hawk. (23) \A r hen hounds check, and the huntsman tries to recover the scent by taking the hounds round about the spot, he is said to cast them. (24) v. To rectify or correct a compass. Palsg. (25) v. To arrange or dispose. Pr.P. (26) To cast up, to upbraid. North. Also, to forsake. To cast afore, to forecast. " 1 cast my peny worthes, jepourjecte ; whan I have all caste mypenyworthes, I maye put my wynnyng in myn eye." Palsgrave. To cast be- yond the moon, to attempt im-. possibilities ; also, to indulge in wild thoughts and conjectures. To cast water,to find out diseases by the inspection of urine. (27) v. To groan. Warw. (28) s. (A.-S.) Strife; con- tention. (29) v. To condemn. (30) *. A small portion of bread. CASTELET, s, (A.-N.) A turret. CASTELLE, s. (A.-N.) A large cis- tern. CASTER, s. (1 ) A cloak. Dekker. (2) A cow that casts her calf. (3) To come the caster, futuere. Abating that expression, I should have sworn that thou and I should have - A sort of skull-cap. CELATURE, s. (A.-N.) The under- surface of a vault ; the ceiling. CELE, (1) adj. Happy. See Sele. (2) s. (A.-N.) A canopy. (3) *. Time ; season. See Sele. (4) v. A term in falconry. " I cele a hauke or a pigyon or any other foule or byrde, whan I sowe up their eyes for caryage or other- wyse." Palsgrave. CELEBRIOUS, s. (A.-N.) Famous. CELED, part. p. (1) Decorated by sculpture or painting. (2) Wainscoted. CELEE, adj. Strange; wonderful. CELERER, *. (Lat) The officer in a monastery who had the care of the provisions. CELESTINE, s. A kind of plunket or coloured cloth, with broad lists. CELLAR, s. (A.-N.) A canopy, especially of a bed. " Cellar for a bedde, del de lit." Palsgrave. CELLE, s. (Lat.) A religious house. CELSITUDE, s. (Lat.) Highness. CELWYLLY, adj. Unruly. Pr. P. CEME, *. A quarter of corn. Pr. P. See Seam. CEMMED, adj. Folded; twisted. CEMY, adj. Subtle. Pr. Pare. CENCLEFFE, s. The daffodil. CENDAL, s. (A.-N. sendal.) A sort of rich silken stuff, which was much prized. CENE, s. (1) A sort of sauce. CEN 294 CHA (2) An assembly. Palsgrave. CEXS, s. Incense. To cense, to sprinkle with incense. CENSER.S. An incense pot; abottlc for sprinkling perfumes. CENSURE, (1) s. (Lai.) Judgment ; opinion. Truly, madam, lie suffer* in my censure equal with your ladyships, and I think him to be a bundle of vanity, otherwise called a fop in extraordinary JJnrfty, Foul tiirit'd Critick. (2) v. To judge; to give an opinion. They doffe their upper garments: each begins Unto her milke-white linnen smocke to bare her, Small difference twist their white smocks and their skins, And hard it were to censure which were fairer. Great Srttalnes Troye, 1609. CENT, *. A game at cards, supposed to have resembled picquet, and so called because 100 was the game. CEXTEXER, s. An officer command- ing a hundred men. CENTO, s. (Lot.) A patchwork. CENTRY-GARTH.S. The cemetery of a monastery. I at cards play'd with a girl, Hose by name, a dainty pearl: At centy-foot I oft'n moved Her to love me, whom I loved. Drunlcen Banuiby. CEOUT, t. To bark. Shropsh. CEP, . To catch a ball. North. CEPE, *. A hedge. CFPHEX, . The male, or young drone. CEP.ADENE,. A fresh-water muscle. North. CERCLE, v. (A.-N.) To surround. CEREMONIES,*. Prodigies. Shakesp. CERGE, s. (A.-N.) A wax taper. CERKE, s. A shist. See Sark. CERN, . To concern. Shakesp. CERNOYLE, *. Honeysuckle. CERSE, v. To cease. North. CERTACION, . Assurance. CERTAIN, adv. Certainly. Chaucer. CERTED, adj. Certain ; firm. CERTES, adv. (A.-N.) Certainly. CERT-MONEY, *. Head money or common fine, paid yearly by the residents of several manors to the lords thereof. Blottnt. CERUSE, s. Ceruse or white-lead, used by ladies for painting. CERVE, *. A circlet. CERVEJ.LE, s. (A.-N.) The brain. CESS, (1) v. To spill water about. (2) s. (A.-N.) Measure ; estima- tion. " Out of all cess,' exces- sively. (3) v. To call dogs to eat. South. (4) . A layer or stratum. East. CESSE, v. (1) (A.-N.) To cease. (2) (A.-N.) To give seizin or possession. CESSER, *. An assessor. CEST, part. p. (A.-N.) Ceased. CESTON.S.^.-.N'.) A studded girdle. CETE, *. A company of badgers. CETERACH, s. (Fr.) The stone- fern. CETYWALL, *. See Setewale. CHACE, *. The groove for the arrow in a crossbow. CHACEABLE, adj. Fit to be hunted. CHACECHIENS, s. (A.-N.) Berners. CHACKLE, v. To chatter. Somerset. CHACKSTONE, *. A small flint. North. CHACOON, . (Span.) A dance like the saraband, brought from Spain. CHAD, *. A small trench for drain- ing land. Midi. C. CHADAN, *. The inwards of a calf. Dorset. CHADDE, v. To shed. CHADFARTHING, s. A farthing paid formerly for the purpose of hal- lowing the font for christenings. CHADLE, v. To make a small groove in which to drive a wedge to split stones. Northampt. CHADS, *. Dry husky fragments found amongst food. East. CHAFE, v. (A.-N.) To grow angry. CHA 296 CHA CHAFEGALL, *. A boil caused by the friction of the legs. Entretail, escorchure et peau par es- chauffement, souillure. A gall with sweating: a cTwfegall: a nightgall: a mem-gall, which may come by going and riding in a sweat. Nomenclator. CHAFER,S.(!) The May -bug. South. (2) (A.-N.) A saucepan. "A caudorne, kettle, skellet, or chaf- fer to heate water in." Nomen- clator. CHAFER-HOUSE, s. An alehouse. North. CHAFERY, s. (A.-N.) A furnace. Derbysh. CHAFEWEED, s. An old name for the plant cudwort. Nomenclat. CHAFF-BONE, 1 *. The jaw-bone. CHAFTE-BAN, J Chaff-fallen, low- spirited. North. CHAFFERE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To deal, exchange, or barter. (2) s. Merchandise. CHAFFLE, v. To haggle. Nvth. CHAFF-NETS, *. Nets for catching small birds. CHAFFO, . To chew. Lane. CHAFFRON, s. A chamfron, or head- piece for a horse with a projecting spike. CHAFLET, *. (A.-N.) A small scaf- fold. CHAFTY, adj. Talkative. Yorksh. CHAIERE, *. (A.-N.) A chair, or pulpit. CHAIN,*. A weaver's warp. Somer- set. CHAIR-HOLE, s. A recess made in the upper part of a rick in which a person stands to receive the corn or hay to convey it higher for completing the rick. East. CHAISEL, s. (A.-N.) An upper garment. (2) A sort of fine linen, of which smocks were often made. CHAITY, adj. Careful; delicate. Somerset. CHALANDE, s. A chanter. CHALDER, v. To crumble. East. CHALDRON, "I *. (A.-N.) A sort CHAWDUEN, J of SaUCC. CHALK, v. To mark up debts with chalk in an alehouse. Where I drank, and took my common In a tao-hoi\se with my woman : While I had it, there I paid it, Till long chalkitig broke my credit. Drunken Barnaby. CHALL, *. The jaw. Leie. CHALLENGE,. A terrain hunting; when hounds or beagles first find the scent and cry. CHALM, t>. To nibble into minute particles. Northamp. CHALON, *. A coverlet. Chaucer. CH ALTERED, part. p. Overcome with heat. Leic. CHAM, (1) adv. Awry. North. (2) v. To chew or champ. CHAMBERDEKINS, s. Irish beggars. Blount. CHAMBERER, s. A wanton person. CHAMBERERE, s. (A.-N.) A cham- ber-maid. CHAMBER-FELLOW, s. A chum; one who occupies the same cham- bers with another. CHAMBERINGS, . The furniture of a bed or bed-room. CHAMBER-LIE, s. Urine. ShaJcesp. CHAMBERLIN, "I *. An attendant CHAMBERLAIN, J in an inn, equi- valent to the head waiter or upper chambermaid, or both, and some- times male, sometimes female. Milton says that Death acted to Hobson the carrier, ^n the kind office of a chambtrlin, bhow'd him his room where he must lodge that night, Pull'd off his boots, and took away the light. On the Univ. Carrier, 1. 14. I had even as live the chambcrlaine of the White Horse had called me up to bed. Peele's Old Wives Tale, i, 1. CHAMBER-PIECE, s. A gun which, instead of receiving its charge at the muzzle, had an opening or chamber near the opposite extre- mity, in which the powder and CHA 297 CHA , . . LET, 1 , . , rx LET, V \ A {-^1 ELOT,/ ^ted stuff. ball, properly secured, were de- posited. CHAMBERS,*. Small cannon, with- out carriages, used chiefly on festive occasions. CHAMBLE, v. To chew. CHAMBLET, CHAMLET, CHAMELOT, CHAMBLINGS, s. Husks of corn. Eat. CHAMBRE-FORENE, s. (A.-N.) A jakes. Rob. Glouc. CHAMBREL,*. The joint or bending of the upper part of the hind legs of a horse. CHAMFER, s. (1) The plain slope made by paring off the hedge of anything; a rabbet. (2) A hollow channel or gutter; a furrow. " Chamfred brows," furrowed brows. Spenser. As for the malleoli, a kind of darts, shaped they be on this fashion : There is an arrow made of a cane, betwixt the head and the steile, joined and couched close with an yron Cull of chamfers and teeth. Ammiantu Marcellinus, 1609. CHAMFRON, *. (A.-N.~) Armour for a horse's nose and cheeks. CHAMMER, *. A richly ornamented gown, worn by persons of rank in Henry VIU's time. CHAMP, (1) adj. Hard; firm. Sussex. (2) v. To bite, or chew. (3) . To tread heavily. Warw. (4) . A scuffle. Exmoor, CHAM AINE, "1 adj. (A.-N.) Plain; CHAMPION, J flat; open; applied to country. Out of this street lies a way up into a fair thampatijn heath, where the walks are so pleasant, and the air so sweet. liror/te's Travels over England,. CHAMPARTIE, s. (A.-N.) A share of land; a partnership in power. As a law term, a maintenance of any one in his suit on condition of having a share of the thing recovered iu case of success. CHAMPE, *. (A.-N.) The field or ground in which carving is placed. CHAMPERS, s. Hounds. CHAMPEYNE, s. A sort of fine cloth. CHAMPIGNON, *. (Fr.) A mush- room. CHAMPION, v. To challenge; to provoke. CHANCE, s. The game of hazard. CHANCE-BAIRN, s. A bastard. borth. CHANCE-BONE, *. The huckle- bone. East. CHANDRY, s. The place where can- dles were kept. CHAVE, pref. t. (A.-N.) Fell. CHANFROUS, adj. Very fierce. North. CHANGK, s. A shift. CHANGEABLE, adj. Variegated. CHANGEL, s. The herb bugloss. CHANGELING, *. A child changed by the fairies. CHANGERWIFE, s. A female huck- ster. North. CHANGINGLY, adv. Alternately. North. CHANKE, *. An old dish in cookery. CHANKER, s. A chink. Dorset. CHANKS, *. The under part of a pig's head. South. CHANNEL, s. The windpipe. CHANNER, v. To scold. North. CHANNEST, v. To exchange. Ex- moor. CHANT, v. To mumble ; to chatter, as birds do. CHANTER, . Part of a bagpipe. North. CHANTREL, s. A decoy partridge. CHAP, (1) s. (from A.-S. ceqpian.) A purchaser. (2) A familiar term for a com- panion. (3) A chink. (4) A knock. (5) The lower jaw of a pig. (6) v. To crack. CHA 298 CHA CHAP-BOOK, s. A small book sold by hawkers. CHAPCHURCH, s. A parish clerk. North. CHAPE, *. (1) The hook or metal part at the top of a scabbard. I'll make him eat the sword you speak of; nay, not only the sword, but the hilt, the knot, the scabbard, the chape, the belt, and the buckles. Durfey, Marriage-hater JfatcVd. (2) The end of a fox's tail. North. CHAPEL, s. A printing-house, said to be so named from having been originally held in the chajiel at Westminster. CHAPELLE, s. (Lot.) A chaplain. CHAPERON, s. A French hood. CHAPETREL, s. (A.-N.) The capital of a column. CHAPIN, s. See Chopping. CHAPITLE, s. (A.-N.) A chapter. CHAPMAN, s. (A.-S. ceapman.) A merchant, or buyer. CHAP-MONEY, *. Money abated or given back by the seller. CHAPPELLET, s. (A.-N.) A small chapel. CHAPPED, part. p. Chopt. CHAPPY, adj. Cleft; gaping open. CHAPS, *. Wrinkles. Craven. CHAPYDE, pret. t. (for eschapyde.) Escaped. CHAR, (1) s. A species of trout, caught in the lakes of West- moreland. (2) v. To char a laughter, to raise a mock laugh. North. (3) adv. Ajar. North. (4) v. To hew stones. \s. A , J They CHARE, J ey still use the word in the North, where they would say, " That char is charred," that work is done. Char-woman, a woman hired by the day for general work. To blush and to make honors, and (if need) To pule and weepe at every idle toy, As women use, next to prepare his weed, And his soft hand to chare-icoriccs to imploy : He profits in his practise (heaven him speed) And of his shape assumed grauut him joy. Great Untunes Troye, 1609. And look that the hangings in the matted room be brusht down, and the chare-woman rub the rest of the rooms. Revet, The TOKU Shifts, 1671. CHARACTERY, s. Writing ; ex- pression. CHARBOKTJL, s. (A.-N.) A car- buncle. CHARE, (1) s. (A.-N.) A chariot. (2) v. To hinder. Pr. Pan. (3) v. To stop, or turn back. North. (4) v. To drive away. (5) . To separate chaff from corn. South. (6) v. To counterfeit. North. (1) s. A narrow street. Newc. (8) s. A wall-flower. CHARELY, adj. Careful ; chary. CHARE-THURSDAY, s. Maundy Thursday. CHARKTS, *. Chariots. CHARGE, v. (A.-N.) To weigh, or incline on account of weight ; to weigh in one's mind. CHARGEANT, adj. (A.-N.) Bur- thensome. CHARGED, art}'. Ornamented ; bor- dered. CHARGE-HOUSE, s. A paid school ? Bo you not educate youth at the charge- house ou the top of the mountain ? Shakesp., L. L. Lost, v. 1. CHARGEOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Trou- blesome. CHARGER, . A large dish. CHARINESS, s. Caution. CHARITOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Cha- ritable. CHARK, (1) v. To chop, or crack. Craven. (2) s. A crack. North. (3) v. To creak. North. (4) v. To make charcoal. Wett. CHA 299 CHA (5) r. To expose new aie in an open vessel until it acquiresacidity, and becomes clearer and sourer, when it is fit for drinking. Line. (6) s. Small beer. Yorksh. CHARK-COAL, s. Charcoal. CHARLES'S-WAIN, *. The constel- lation Ursa Major. CHARLET, s. (A.-N.) A dish in cookery. Charlet. Take pork, and seeth it wel. He\ve it smale. Cast it in a panne. Breke ajrenn, and do thereto, and svryng it wel togyder. Put thereto cowe mylke and safroun, and boile it togyder. Salt it, and messe it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 10. CHARLOCK, . The mustard plant. West. CHARM, (1) v. (A.-N.) To utter musical sounds. Here we our slender pipes may safely charm. Spens. Shep. Kal., October, v. 118. O what songs will I charm out, in praise of those valiantly strong -stinking breaths. Decker, Guls Hornb. Proaem. (2) s. A hum, or low murmuring noise. " With charm of earliest birds." Milton, Par. L., iv, 641. Hence, as birds charm together, it was used to mean a company of birds, as a charm of gold- finches, i. e., a flock of them. (3) v. To silence. CHARMED-MILK, "1 s. Sour milk. CHARME M1LKE, ] North. CHARMER, s. (A.-N.) A magician. CHARN-CURDLE, s. A churn-staff. North. CHARNECO, "1 . A sort of sweet CHARNICO, J wine, made near Lisbon. Come my inestimable bullies, we'll talk of your noble acts in sparkling charnico. Puritan, act 4, Suppl. to Sh., ii, 616. CHARNEL, *. The crest of a helmet. CHARRE, v. To return. CHARRED-DRINK, s. Drink turned sour in consequence of being put into the barrel before it is cold. Kent. CHARRET, (1) . (A.-N.} A cart, or chariot. (2) adj. Dear ; precious. North. CHARTAL, *. (Lot. chartula.) A small document. CHARTEL, *. (Fr.) A challenge. CHARTERER.*. Afreeholder. Chesh. CHARTER-MASTER, *. A man who, having undertaken to get coals or iron-stone at a certain price, employs men under him. CHARTER-PARTY, *. A bill of lading. CHARTHOUS, *. (A.-N.) Carthu- sian monks. CHARWORT. See Brackwort. CHARY, adj. Careful ; cautious. CHASE, (1) s. (Fr.) A term in the game of tennis, the spot where a ball falls. (2) . A wood, or forest. (3) v. To enchase. Cov. Myst. (4) v. To pretend a laugh. North. CHASING. An amusement at school of pressing two snail-shells to- gether till the weaker was broken. The strongest is called the chaser. CHASING-SPERE, . A hunting- spear. CHASOUR, *. (A.-N.) A hunter. CHASSE, *. The common poppy. CHASTE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To chastise, or correct. (2) s. (A.-N.) Chastity. (3) Trained, applied to hounds. CHASTELAIN, *. (A.-N.) The lord of a castle. CHASTEY, s. (A.-N.) The chesnut. CHASTHEDE, *. Chastity. CHA.STIV,V.(A.-N.) (1) Tochastise. (2) To chasten. CHASTILET, . (A.-N.) A small castle. CHASTISE, v. To accuse ; to ques- tion closely. West. CHAT, *. (1) (^.-A^.) A cat, or kitten. (2) A child. Devon. (3) A tell-tale. Devon. CIIA 300 CHA (4) A small twig; a fragment of anything. JJ'est. (5) The wheatear. Northampt. CHATE, s. (1) A feast ; a treat. Essex. (2) A sort of waistcoat. CHATES, s. The gallows. Harmon. CHATEUS, s. (A.-N.) Chattels. CHATS, s. (1) Catkins of trees. Maundevile. (2) Small refuse potatoes. Var.di. (3) Small hits of dried wood. The gathering of them is called chatting. Northampt. CHATSOME, adj. Talkative. Kent. CHATTER, v. To tear ; to bruise. North. CHATTER-BASKET,"! . An inces- CHATTER-BOX, J sant talker. CHATTERNOUL, s. A lubber. North. CHATTER-PIE, *. A magpie. CHATTER-WATER, . Tea. CHATTERY, adj. Stony, or pebbly. Craven. CHATTOCKS, *. Refuse wood from faggots. Glouc. CHAUCER'S-JESTS, *. Licentious- ness ; obscenity. CHAUDERN, s. A sauce, or gravy. The chaudem for swans was made of the giblets boiled and seasoned with spices. Warner, Antiq. Cul., p. &5. CHAUDRON, s. Part of the entrails of an animal. CHACFE, v. (A.-N.) To warm ; to heat. CHAUFERE, *. (A.-N.) A basin for hot water. Hurre thonjt that hurre chaufere the whjche was of ledde y-made. Chrun. niodun., p. 54. CHAUFRAIN, *. The head-piece of a horse. See Chamfron. CHAULE, " CHAW, Of an asse he caught the chaule bone. Boe/uu, 33. Bought also and redeemed out of the wolves chaws. Pref. to Bvllinger'i Sermons, p. 2. (2) v. To scold, or, as we say in trivial language, to jaw. CHAUMBRE, v. To curb, or restrain, applied to the tongue. Tor Critias manaced and threteiied hym. that onelcssc he ckavm)recd his tongue in season, ther should ere long bee one oxe the fewer for liyni. Apopthegmii of Erasmus, 1542. CHAUMPE-BATAILE, *. Battle in the field. CHAUNCELY, adv. (A.-N.) Acci- dentally. CHAUNCEMELE, "1 s. A sort of CHAUNSEMLE, J shoe. Othere spices ther ben of pride whiche men and women ben Ibunden inne, and it encresith fro (lay to day, of dyvers atire about the bo'di: as ofte streyte clothes and schorte dasrgid hodis, chaun- semltes disgised and ieyde op strayt in v. or vi. siedis : women with schorte clothis unnethe to the hipes, booses and lokettes about the heed, and vile styn- kend homes longe and brode. and other dyvers atire, that I can nought when ne discryen of sun-lie thinges. veri man and woman be his ownejuge and loke WCL! if it be nought thus. MS. 'Cantab., loth cent. CHAUNCEPF,, s. (A.-N.} A shoeing horn. Pr. Pare. (For chaucepe.) CHAUNDLER, *. (A.-N.) A candle- stick. CHAUNE, v. (fr.) To gape, or open. Chaun, a gape or chasm. Chaum is still used in the same sense in Warwickshire. CHAUXTEMENT, s. Enchantment. CHAUNTRE, *. (A.-N.) A singer. CHAVEL, *. A jaw. See Chaule. CHAVISH, (1) *. A chattering, or murmuring noise, especially of many birds or persons together. South. (2) adj. Peevish ; fretful. Kent. CHAVLE, v. To chew. Yorksh. CHAW, v. (1) To be sulky. South. (2) To chew in an awkward manner. CHAW-BACON, s. A country clown. CHAWCERS, *. (A.-N.) Shoes. CHAWDPYS, ~[ s. (A.-N.) Thestran- CHAUDPIS, J gury. CHA 301 CHE CHEADLE-DOCK, s. The Senecio Jacobsea. CHEANCE, s.(A.-N.) Chance; turn; fall. CHEAP, (1) s. (A-S. ceap.) A purchase ; a bargain ; a sale. Good cheap, a good bargain. See Chepe. (2) Cheapside, in London. (3) . To ask the price of any- thing. Cheapen is still used in this sense in Shropshire. CHEAPS, s. Number. Weber. CHEAR. See Chere. CHEASIL, s. Bran. CHEAT, s. (I) The second sort of wheaten bread, ranking next to manchet. (2) A linen collar, and shirt- front appended, to cheat the spectator into a belief of the presence of a clean shirt. CHEATER, s. An escheator. CHEATERS, s. False dice. Dekker. CHEATRY, *. Fraud. North. CHECK, (1) v. To reproach. East. (2) v. When a hawk forsakes her proper game, and flies at crows, pies, or the like, she was said to check. (3) When a hound loses scent and stops, he is said to check. (4) " Boccheegiare, to play or checke with the mouth as some ill horses doe." Florio. (5) adv. On the same footing. CHECKED, adj. Chapped. Suffolk. CHECKER, *. (A.-N.) A chess- board. CHECKLATON. See Ciclatoun. CHECKROLL, s. A roll of the names of the servants in a large man- sion. To put out of checkroll, to dismiss. CHF.CKSTONE, s. A game played by children with round pebbles. CHEE, . A hen-roost. South. CHEEK, (1) v. To accuse. Line. (2) v. To face a person ; to have courage. Leic. (3) s. Courage ; impudence. CHEEK-BALLS, s. The round parts of the cheeks. North. CHEEKS,*. Uoor posts ; side posts in general. " The cheekes or side postes of a crane or windbeame." Nomenclator. The iron plates inside a grate to reduce its size are also called cheeks. CHEEKS AND EARS. A kind of head-dress, in fashion early in the 17th cent. Fr. O then thou can'st tell how to help me to cheeks and ears. L. Yes, mistress, very well. Ft. S. Cheeks and ears ! why, mistress Frances, want you cheeks and ears? in. 'thinks you lia've very fair ones. Fr. Thou art a fool indeed. Tom, thou knowest what I mean. Civ. Ay, ay, Kester ; 'tis such as they wear a'" their heads. London Prod., iv, 3. CHEEK-TOOTH, s. A grinder. North. CHEEN, adj. Sprouted. Devon. CHEEP, v. To chirp. North. CHEER, . To feast or welcome friends. North. CHEERING, s. A merry-making. CHEERLY, (1) adj. Pleasant; well- looking. (2) adv. Courageously. Cheerely, prince Otho, ther's such a war like sight That would stirre up a leaden heart to fisrht. Tragedy of Hoffman, 1631. CHEESE, *. A bag of pommace from the cider-wring. CHEESE AND CHEESE. A term ap- plied in some parts to two fe- males riding on one horse, or kissing each other. CHEESE-BRIGS, 1 *. Two poles of CHEESE-LADDER, J WOOd, CrOSSed by two shorter ones, placed over a large pan of cream, to support the skimming bowl after it has been used, so that it may drip into the liquid below. Line. CHEESECAKE-GRASS, *. Trefoil. North. CHEESE-CRUSHER, *. An instru- ment for crushing chf ese. Leic. CHE 302 CHE CHEESE-FATT, s. A vessel in which the whey is passed from the curd in cheese making. CHEESE-FORD, s. The mould in which cheese is made. CHEESE-LATE, s. A loft or floor to dry cheese on. CHEESELOPE, s. Rennet. North. CHEESER, s. The yellowhammer. Northampt. CHEESE-RUNNING, *. Ladv's-bed- straw. South. CHEESES, *. (1) The seeds of the mallow. (2) Making cheeses, a game among girls, turning round seve- ral times, and suddenly curtsey- ing low, when their clothes spread in a large circle round them. CHEESTE, s. See Chests. CHEEVING-BOLT, s. A linch-pin. CHEFE, (1) v. See Cheve. (2) s. A sheaf. CHEFFERY, s. A rent due to the lord of a district. CHEFTANCE, s. (A.-N.} Chieftains. CHEFTS, s. Chops of meat. North. CHEG, v. To gnaw. Northumb. CHEGE, . A frolic. Kent. CHEGGLE, v. To chew or gnaw. North. CHEHO, v. To sneeze. CHEISEL, s. (A.-N.) A sort of stuff. Of v. t hinges hebitau^t hem werk, As to hem wald bifalle, Of flex, of silk, of chtisel, Of porpre and of palle. Legend of Joachim j- Anne, p. 152. CHEITIF, s. (A.-N.) A caitiff. CHEK, *. Ill fortune. CHEKE, (1) part. p. Choked. (2) Checked, in chess ; and hence used metaphorically. (3) s. A person, or fellow. Line. CHEKELATOUN. See Ciclatoun. CHEKENE, v. To choke. CHEKERE, s. (1) The exchequer. (2) The game of chess. CHEKKEFULLE, *. Quite full. Morte Arthurs. CHEKLEW, \ adj. Choking; CHOKELEW, J strangling. CHELAUNDRE, s. (A.-N.) A gold- finch. CHELD, adj. (A.-S.) Cold. CHELDEZ, *. Shields of a hoar. CHELE, s. (A.-S.) Cold ; chill. CHELINGE, s. The cod-fish. Pr. P. CHELP, v. To chirp. Northampt. CHELTERED, adj. Clotted ; coagu- lated. North. CHEM, s. A team of horses. West: CHEMISE, s. A wall which lines a work of sandy or loose earth. CHENE, s. A chain. CHENILE, s. (A.-N.) The henbane. CHEORL, s. (A.-S.) A churl. CHEP, s. The part of a plough on which the share is placed. CHEPE, (1) v. (A.-S. ceapian.) To buy ; to cheapen ; to trade. (2) s. A market. (3) s. Cheapness. (4) s. A bargain. See Cheap. But the sack that tliou hast drunk me would have bought me lights as good cheap, at the dearest chandler's in Europe. Sliakesp., 1 Hen. IV, Hi, 3. Perhaps thou may'st agree letter cheap now. Anon. Play of Hen. V. CHEPER, s. A seller. CHEPING, s. (A.-S.) Market; sale: a market place. CHEPSTER, s. A starling. North. CHEQ.UER-TREE, s. The service tree. The fruit is called chequers. Sussex. CHEQUIN, s. See Cecchin. CHERALLY, s. A sort of liquor. By your leave, sir, I'll tend my master, and instantly be wiih you for a cup of cherally this hot weather. B. $ Fl., Fair M. of Inn, ii, 2. CHERCHER, s. A kerchef. CHERCOCK, s. The mistletoe thrush. Yorksh. CHERE, (1) s. (A.-N.) Counte- nance; behaviour; entertainment. (2) s. A chair. (3) adj. (A.-N.) Dear. CHE 303 CHE CHEREL, s. A churl; a peasant. CHERETE, 1 s. (A.-N.) Dearness ; CHERTE, /affection. CHERICE, v. (A.-N.) To cherish. Cherisance, comfort. CHERKE, v. To creak. Pr. P. CHERRY, adj. Rich and dry, ap- plied to cheese. Northampt. CHERLICH, adv. (A.-N.) Richly. CHERLISH, adj. (A.-S.) Illiberal. CHERLYS-TRYACLE, s. Garlic. CHERRILET, *. A little cherry. CHERRY, adj. Ruddy. Devon. CHERRY-COBS, . Cherry-stones. West. CHERRY-CURD-MILK, s. Beast- lings. Oxford. CHERRY-CURDS, s. A custard made of beastlings and milk boiled together and sweetened. North- ampt. CHERRY-FAIR, s. Cherry fairs, often referred to in the early writers, especially as typical of the transitoriness of human life, are still held in Worcestershire and some other parts, on Sunday evenings, in the cherry orchards. Thys worlde hyt ys fulle fekylle and frele, Alle df.y be day hyt wylle enpayre ; And so sone thys worldys weele, Hyt farytli but as a chery feyre. MS. Cantab., loth cent. CHERRY-FEAST, s. A cherry fair. Sumtyme I drawe into mcnioyre Ho\v sorow may not ever laste, And so coineth hope in at laste, Whan I non other foode knowe ; And that endureth but a tlirowe, Ryjt as it were a chery-feste. Gower, JUS. Soc. Antiq., f. 182 b. CHEPRY-PIT, s. A child's game, consisting of pitching cherry- stones or nuts into a small hole. I have loved a witch ever since I play'd cherry-fit. Witch of Edmonton. His ill favoured visage was almost eaten through with pock-holes, so that halfe a parish of children might easily have played at cherry-fit in his fuce. Fenner's Compleri Com. W. in Cens. Lit., x, 301. CHEK.SID, part. p. Christened. CHERVEN, v. To writhe, or turn about. Pr. P. CHESE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To choose. (2) pret. t. Saw. " Even til the hegh hord he chese." Syr Gowghter. CHESEBOI.LE, "1 > s. A popov. CHESBOKE, J ^*" CHESLE-MONEY, s. The name given by the country people to Roman brass coins found in some places in Gloucestershire. CHESLIP, *. A woodlouse. CHESOUN,*. Reason. SeeAchesoun, which is the correct form of the word. CHESS, v. (1) To crack. Line. (2) To pile up. Yorlcsh. Three ches chamber, three chambers over each other. Towneley Myst., p. 27. CHESSIL, s. (A.-S.) Gravel or peb- bles on the shore ; a bank of sand. CHESSNER, s. A chess-player. CHESSOM, s. A kind of sandy and clayey earth. CHEST, (1) s. (Lat.} A coffin. (2) v. To place a corpse in a coffin. " Chest a dead corps with spyce and swete oyntmentes in a close coffyn. Pollincio," Huloet. (3) The game of chess. "The game at draughts or dames : some take it for the playe at chests." Nomencl. (4) part. p. Chased ; pursued. (5) adj. Chaste. CHESTE, s. (A.-S. ceast.) Strife; debate. CHESTEINE, \s. (A.-N.) The CHESTAYNE, J CheSIlUt. CHESTER, s. One who embalms or places corpses in coffins. CHEST-TRAP, s. A sort of trap for taking pole-cats, &c. CHET, s. A kitten. South. CHETE, v. (1) To cut. (2) To escheat. Pr. Parv. CHEURE,*;. Towoikorchar. Wilts, CHE 304 CHEVACHIE, s. (A.-N.) An expe- dition with cavalry. CHEVE, v (A.-N. chevir.) To suc- ceed; to compass a thing; to thrive ; to obtain, adopt. Cheving, success, completion. Howsomever that it cheve, The knyght takis his leve. Sir Degrevant, Lincoln MS. Scripture saith heritage holdyn wrongfully Schal never cheve, ne with the thred heyr remayne. MS. \5th cenr. CHEVELURE, s. (Fr.) A peruke. CHEVEN, *. A blockhead. North. CHEVENTEYN, s. (A.-N.) A chief- tain. CHEVER,*. (A.-N.) " Cheville. The pin of the trukle : the chever, or axe." Nomencl. CHEVERE, v. To shiver or shake. CHEVERIL, s. (Fr.) (1) A kid. A sentence in but a cheveril glove to a good wit ; how quickly the wrong side may be turned outward ! Shakesp., Twel. N., iii, 1. (2) Kid's leather, which being of a very yielding nature, a flexible conscience was often called a cheveril conscience. CHEVERON, s. (Fr.) A kind of lace. CHEVESAILE, s. (A.-N.) A neck- lace. CHEVICE, v. (A.-N.) To bear up. CHEVISANCE, s. (A.-N.) Treaty ; agreement ; a bargain. CHEVISH, v. (A.-N.) To bargain; to provide. CHKVORELL, s. The herb chervil. CHEWEN, v. To eschew. CHEWER, s. A narrow passage or road between two houses. " Go and sweep that chewer." West. CHEWET, s. A sort of pie. Chcwetes on flesshe day. Take the lire of pork, and kerve it al to pecys, and hennes therewith; and do it in a panne, and Irye it, and make a coffyn as to a pye, smale, and do thereinne, and do thereuppon jolkes of ayren, harde, pow- dor of gynger, and salt. Cover it, and frye it in grece, other bake it wel, and serve it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 32. CHI CHEWRE, s. (a corrupt form of chare.) A task, or business. It is still used in Devon. Here's two chewres chewr'd; when wisdom is employed 'Tis ever thus. B. $ Fl., Love's Cure, iii, 2. CHEWREE-RING, v. To assist ser- vants. Wilts. CHEYLE, s. Cold. For chele. For many a way y have y-goo, In hungur, thurste, cheyle, and woo. MS. Cantab., Ff. ii, 38. CHEZ, v. To choose. North. CHIBBALS, s. (A.-N.) Small onions. CHIBBLE, v. To chip, or break off in small pieces. Northam.pt. CHIBE, *. A kind of onion. North. CHICE, s. A small portion. Essex. CHICHE, (l)adj. (A.-N.) Niggardly; sparing. Chiche-faced, lean faced. (2) s. (A.-N.) A dwarf pea or vetch. " Pease chiches, or chich- peason." Nomenclat. CHICHELINGS, s. Vetches. North. CHICK, (1) v. To germinate. (2) v. To crack. (3) . A crack, or flaw. East. CHICKELL.S. Thewheatear. Devon. CHICKENCHOW, s. A swing. North. CHICKEN'S-MEAT, s. A name ap- plied to chick-weed, to the en- dive, and to dross corn. CHICKERING, s. The cry of the cricket. CHICK-PEAS, s. Chiches. CHIDDLENS, s. Chitterlings. Wilts. CHIDE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To wrangle; to quarrel. (2) To make an incessant noise. CHIDERESSE, 1 . ,. , , , > s. A female scold. CHIDESTER, J CHIDHAM-WHITE, s. A species of corn much cultivated in Sussex. CHID-LAMB, s. A female lamb. CHIEI,, s. A young fellow. North. CHIERTEE, s. See Cherete. CHIEVE, (1) v. See Cheve. (2) " Apex, stamen, the chieve or litle threds of flowers, as in gillo- fers, lillies." Nomencl. CHI 305 CHI CHIFE, s. A fragment. Suffolk. CHIG, (1) v. To chew. North. (2) s. A quid of tobacco. CHIKE, s. (A.-S.) A chicken. CHILBLADDER, s. A chilblain. South. CHILD, . (1) (A.-S.) A youth trained to arms ; a knight. (2) A girl. Devon. So Shakesp., Winter's Tale, iii, 3, " A boy or a child, I wonder. 1 ' CHILDAGE, s. Childhood. East. CHILDE, v. (A.-S.) To be delivered of a child. CHILDKRMAS, s. Innocents' day. CHILD-GERED, adj. (A.-S.) Of childish mariners. CHILDING, (1) s. Bringing forth a child. Childing-woman, a breed- ing woman. (2) adj. Productive. CHILDLY, adj. Childish. CHILDNESS, s. Childishness. Shak. CHILD-OF-THE-PEOPLE, s. A bas- tard. CHILDRE, plur. of child. (A.-S.) Children. CHILD'S-PART, *. A child's portion. Not so sick, sir, but I hope to have a child's part by your last will and testa- ment. Hist, 'of Thomas Stutely, 1605. CHILDWIT, s. A fine paid to the Saxon lord when his bondwoman was unlawfully got with child. CHILE, s. A blade of grass. Leic. CHILL, (1) *. A cold. Dorset. A cold shaking fit. East. (2) v. To take the chill off liquor. CHII.LERY, adj. Chilly. Kent. CHII.VF.R, s. (1) An ewe-sheep. West. (2)Tue mutton of a maiden sheep. Glouc. CHIMBE, s. (A.-S.) The prominent part of the staves beyond the head of a barrel. CHIMBLE, p. To gnaw. Chimblings, bits gnawed oflF. Bucks. CHIMER, v. (A.-S.) To shiver. CHIMICKE, s. A chemist. Florio. CHIMING, *. A kind of light we perceive when we wake in the night or rise suddenly. CHIMINGNESS, s. Melodiousness. CHIMLEY, s. A chimney. CHIMNEY, s. (A.-N.) A fire-place. CHIMNEY-SWEEPS, s. The black heads of the plantago lanceolata. Northampt. CHIMP, s. A young shoot. Dorset. CHIMPINGS, s. Grits. North. CHIMY, *. (from Fr. chemise.) A shift. CHIN-BAND, s. A lace to fasten the hat or cap under the chin. CHINBOWDASH, s. The tie of the cravat. Dorset. CHINCHE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Miserly. (2) *. A miser. Chyncherde. Skelton. CHINCHEL, s. A small hammer. Craven. CHIXCHERIE, s. Niggardness. CHINCHONE, s. The herb groundsel. CHIN-CLOUT, *. A sort of muffler. CHIN-COUGH, s. The hooping- cough. CHINE, (1) s. A chink or cleft. (2) *. A kind of salmon. (3) *. Same as chimbe. Chine- hoop, the extreme hoop which keeps the ends of the staves to- gether. Cni*RD,part.p. Broken in the back. CHINGLE, s. Gravel ; shingle. East. CHINK, (1) s. A chaffinch. West. (2) s. Money. (3) . To cut into small pieces. (4) v. To loosen or separate earth for planting. (5) s. A sprain on the back. East. CHIOPPINE. See Choppine. CHIP, (1) v. To break, or crack, as an egg, when the young bird cracks the shell. North. (2) v. To cut bread into slices. ChippincfS, fragments of bread ; chipping -knife, a knife to cut bread with ; chipper, the person who cuts bread. CHI 306 CHI (3) v. To trip. North. (4) . The cry of the bat. (5) Chip in porridge, a thing of no avail, neither good nor bad. CHIPPER, v. To chirp. East. CHIP-UP, v. To recover. East. CHIRCHE, *. (A.-S.) A church. CHIRE, (1) v. To feast, or make cheer. What tho' he dares on pure manchet crowne, While kind client grinds on black or browne. Hall, Satires, book ii. (2) #. A blade of grass or of any plant. CHIRISTANE, *. A cherry-stone. CHIRK, v. (A.-S.) To chirp. CHIRME, s. (1) A charm, or noise. Heywood, 1556. (2) The melancholy under-tone of a bird previous to a storm. North. CHIRRE, v. (4.-S. ceorian.) To chirp. Herrick. Cms,pret. t. of chese. Chose. CHISAN, Is. A dish in old CHYSANNE, J cookery. Chisan. Take holeroches, andtenchys, or plays, but choppe horn on peces, and frie horn in oyle ; and take crustes of bredde, and draw horn with wyn and vynegur, and bray fygges, and drawe hora tlierwith ; and mynce ouyons, and frie horn, and do therto, and blauuched almondes fried, and raisinges of corance, and pouder of clowes, and of ginger, and of canelle, and let hit boyle, then do thi fissh in a faire vesselle. and poure thi sewe above, and serve hit fortlie colde. Warner, Antlq. Culin., p. 70. CHISE, ,v. A small quantity. " I wish I had put a chise more salt into the links," was said by a . Bury housewife. Suffolk. CHISEL, . Bran ; coarse flour. CHISELLY, adj. Brittle; chippy. Northampt. CHISKET, s. Cheese-cake. Leic. CHISSOM, v. To germinate. West. CHISTE, . (Lot.) A chest. CHIT, (1) v. To germinate. (2) *. The first sprouts of any- thing. (3) s. A forward child. (4) adj. Diminutive. (5) " Chyts in the face lyke unto wartes." Huloet, 1552. CHITE, v. (A.-N.) To scold. CHITRE, v. To chirp. CHITSFACE, s. A baby-face. See Chiche. Now, now, vou little witch, now you clutsface. Otway, Soldier's Fortune, 1681. CHITT, *. A kind of bird. CHITTER, (1) v. To shiver, or tremble. (2) v. To chirp. Palsgrave. (3) adj. Thin, folded up, applied to a thin and furrowed face. Cornw. CHITTERLINGS, s. (1) The small entrails. (2) The frills at the breast of a shirt ; any ornamental fringe. (3) The intestines of a pig linked in knots and boiled. A haggise : some call it a chitterling : some a hogs harslet. Nomencl., 1 5b5. (4) Sprouts from the stems of coleworts. Northampt. CHITTERS.S. Part of the giblets or entrails of a goose. North. CHITTYFACED, adj. Baby-faced ; lean-faced. CHIVAL, . (Fr.) A horse. CHIVEL, *. A small slit or rent. Leic. CHIVERS, *. The small fibres at the roots of plants. CHIVES, (1) s. (Fr.) Chits of grass. Leic. (2) The threads or filaments rising in flowers, with seeds at the end. CHIVING-BAG, *. A horseman's wallet. CHIVY, v. To pursue. CBIZEN, v. To munch. Line. CHIZZLY, adj. Hard; harsh and dry. East. CHO 307 CHO CHOAKIXG-PIE, s. A trick played on a sluggish sleeper, by hold- ing a piece of lighted cotton to his nose. CHOAK-PEAR, s. A cant term fora small piece of copper money. CHO AXE, s. A small fracture. CHOATY, adj. Chubby. Kent. CHOBBIXS, s. Grains of unripened wheat left in the chaff. CHOCK, (1) s. A part of a neck of veal. (2) s. A piece of wood. North. CHOCKLIXG, *. Scolding. Exmoor. CHOCK.LV,adj. Choky; dry. Sussex. CHOCKON, . To jingle the glasses together in drinking. Come, nephew, all of us chockon, choclcon, to an absent friend, ha, 1mm ; you know no more to be said. (They doth their glasses.} Skadicfll, The Scourers, 1691. CHOCKY, adj. Ridgy ; full of holes; uneven. Northampt. CHODE, pret. t. of chide. CHOFF, adj. Stern ; morose. Kent. CHOFFE, *. A churl. See Chuffe. CHOGS, *. The cuttings of hop plants in spring. South. CHOILE, v. To overreach. Yorksh. CHOKES, s. The throat. Northumb. CHOKKE, v. (A.-N.) To push through. CHOL, s. (A.-S.) The jole; jaws ; properly, that part extending from beneath the chin and throat from ear to ear. CHOLER,*. Soot. North. CHOLICKY, adj. Choleric. East. CHOLLER, s. A double chin. North. CHOLT-HEADED, adj. Stupid. CHOMP, 0. To chew; to crush. North. CHOX, v. To break. CHOXCE, . To cheat. Devon. CHOXGY, v. (A.-S.) To change. CHOOXER, v. To grumble. Lane. CHOORE, #. Thirty bushels of flour or meal. Liber Niger Edw. IV. CHOORY, v. To work, or char. CHOOSIXG-STICK, *. A divining- rod. Somerset. CHOP, (1) v. (A.-S.) To exchange, or barter. "Choppe and chaunge. Mercor." Huloet. (2) To flog. Essex. (3; To meet accidentally. North. (4) To put in. North. CHOPCHERRY, s. A garde with cherries. CHOPCHURCHES, s. Secular priests who exchanged their benefices for gain. CHOP-LOGGERHEAD, *. A great blockhead. East. CHOP-LOGICK, s. A person who is very argumentative. CHOPPER, *. (1) A cheek of bacon. Hampsh. (2) A sharp fellow. Devon. CHOPPINE, ~] s.(\)(Span.chapin.') CHIOPPINE, I A high clog or clog CHAPIN, [patten, of cork or CHOPEEX, J light framework, covered with leather or metal, and worn under the shoe. They were commonly used in Spain and in Venice, but in England only in masquerades. By'r lady, your ladyship is nearer to heaven than when I saw you last, by the altitude of a chioppine. Shakesp., Haml., ii, 2. The Italian in her high chopeene. Heytc., Challenge of Beauty, act 5 I am dull some music Take my chapins off. So, a lusty strain. XIassinger, Renegade, i, 2 (2) (Fr.) A quart measure. North CHOPPING, adj. Large; lusty. CHOPSE, v. To abuse. Northampt. CHORE, . A narrow passage be- tween two houses. See Chewer. CHORK. adj. Saturated with water. Northumb. CHORLE, s. A churl. CHORTOX, s. Tripe made from the calf s stomach. Leic. CHOSES, s. Excuses. Plumjilon Corr., p. 198. CHO 308 CHU CHOSLINGES, *. Chosen people. CHOULE,S. (1) A jaw. North. See Choi. (2) The crop of a bird. CHOTJNTING, *. Quarrelling. Exm. CHOUNTISH, adj. Surly. Devon. CHOUPS, s. Hips, the fruit of briars. North. CHOUSE, 1 (1) Tocheat . CHOWSE, J v ' (2) s. The act of cheating. (3) s. A person easily cheated. CHOUSLE, v. To munch. Line. CHOUT, s. A frolic, or merry- making. East. CHOUX, s. (Fr.) A part of a lady's head-dress. See Cabbage. A fhoiix is the round boss behind the head, resembling a cabbage, and the French accordingly so name it. Ladies' Dictionary, 1694. CHOVE, v. (A.-N.) To sweep. CHOVELINGS, s. Husks or refuse from rats or mice. Leic. CHOVY, s. A small beetle. East. CHOW, v. To grumble. North. CHOWDER, s. A fish-seller. Devon. CHOWFINGED, *. A stupid fellow. Lane. CHOWRE, v. To grumble or mut- ttr. Still used in Somerset. But when the crabbed nurce Beginnes to chide and chowrt. 2'MriCTt/e'*Ori children were anoint- CRISME, J ed when baptized. CHRIST-CROSS, s. The alphabet; because, in the old horn-books for teaching it to children, the letters of the alphabet were pre- ceded by a cross. Sometimes called Christ-cross-row. CHRISTENDOM,*. A Christian name. Shakesp. CHRISTIAN-HORSES, . Sedan chairmen. Newc. CHRISTING-DAY, . Christening day. I thinke if the midwife were put to her oath, I was wrapt in hers o' th' christ- iitgday. Ifine, Seere, Me, and Tobacco, contending for Superiority, 1630. CHRISTLIXGS, *. A small sort of plum. Devon. CHRISTMAS, s. Holly, with which houses are decorated at Christ- mas. CHRISTMAS-BOXES, s. Boxes car- ried by poor men at Christmas to solicit money, whence the modern use of the word. CHRISTMAS-LORD, s. The lord of misrule. CHRIST-TIDE, s. Christmas. CHUB, s. A rough country clown. CHUBBY, adj. (1) Fat. (2) Surly ; angry. East. CHUCK, (1) v. To toss; to throw. (2) s. A hen. Craven. (3) s. A term of endearment. (4) s. A sea-shell. North. CHU 309 CHU (5) s. A great chip. Sussex. CHUCKER, adv. Cosily. Sussex. CHUCKERS, s. Potions of ardent spirits. North. CHUCKFARTHING, s. A game played with money. CHUCK-FULL, 1 adj. Quite full. CHOKE-FULL, J Jf'arw. CHUCKLE, v. To exult inwardly. CHUCKLE-HEAD, s. A fool. Var.di. CHUCKS,*. (1) The cheeks. Devon. (2) Grains pinched in the husk. Dorset. (3) Large chips of wood. Suss. CHUD, v. To champ or chew. CHUET, s. Minced meat. See Chewet. CHUFF, (1) adj. Sullen ; churlish ; surly. (2) s. A cheek. Cotgrave. (3) adj. Conceited; childishly pleased. Leic. CHUFFE, s. A term of reproach or contempt, usually applied to miserly fellows. And now the lustfull chuffe was come to single out his game. Warner's AlVums England, 1592. A fat chuffe it was (I remember), with a grey beard cut short to the stumps, as though it were grymde, and a huge worme-eaten nose, like H cluster of grapes, hanging downwards. Nash, Pierce Penilesse, 1593. Troth, sister, I heard jou were married to a very rich chuff. Honest WTi., O. PI., iii, 256. CHUFFY, adj. (1) Fat and fleshy. (2) Blunt ; surly. CHULLE, v. To handy ahout; used . in MSS. of the 14th cent. CHUM, (\) s. A bedfellow. (2) v. To chew tobacco. Miege. CHUMMING-UP, s. A ceremony practised in prisons on the arri- val of a new comer, who is wel- comed with the music of old swords and staves, for which he is expected to pay his admission to their company. CHUMP, *. A log of wood. CHUMPY, adj. Small ; stunted. CHUMS, s. The smallest fragments of brick used by masons. CHUN, s. A profligate woman. West. CRUNCH, adj. Sulky. Line. CHUNK, *. (1) A log of wood. Kent. (2) A trunk of a tree. North- ampt. (3) v. To chuck one under the chin. Kent. CHUNKINGS, s. The stump of a tree left in the ground after the tree is cut down. Leic. CHUNTER, ~) , , . CHUNNER, r - To complain; to CHURCH-ALE, *. A feast in com- memoration of the dedication of a church. CHURCH-CLERK, s. A parish-clerk. East. CHURCH E-GANG, s. Church-going. CHURCHHAW, Is. (4.-S.) A CHYRCHE-HAYE, J church-yard. CHURCHING, s. The church-ser- vice. East. CHURCH-LITTEN, s. A church-yard, or burial ground. " When he come into that chirche-lyttoun tho." Chron. Vilodun. Still used in West Sussex. CHURCH-MASTERS, s. Church- wardens. North. CHURCH-REVE,S. (4.-S.) A church- warden. CHURCH-SCOT, *. Payment or con- tribution to the church. CHURCH-STILE, s. A pulpit. North. CHURCH-TOWN, s. A village near the church. South. CHURCHWARDEN, s. A cormorant. Sou/h. CHURCHWORT, s. Pennyroyal. CHURER, s. An occasional work- woman. Cornw. CHURL, s. The wallflower. Shropsh. CHURL'S-TREACLE, . Garlic. CHURLY, adj. (1) Rough, applied to weather. Yorksh. CHU 310 CIP (2) Stiff; cloddy; applied to soil. Leic. CHURN-DASH, *. The staff of a churn. North. CHURNEL, *. An enlargement of the glands of the neck. North. CHURN-GOTTING, s. A. harvest- supper. North. CHURN -MILK, *. Buttermilk. East. CHURN-SUPPER, *. In some parts of the country it is customary for the farmers to give an entertain- ment to their men at the close of the hay-harvest ; this is called the churn-supper. At these sup- pers the masters and their fami- lies attend and share in the mirth. The men mask them- selves, dress in a grotesque man- ner, and are allowed the privilege of playing jokes on their em- ployers, &c. CHURRE, *. A kind of bird. Arch., xiii, 350. CHURRING, . The noise made by a partridge in rising. CHURTY, *. Rocky soil. Kent. CHUSE, v. (A.- A 7 .) To reprehend ; to find fault; to accuse. CHUSE-BUT, v. To avoid. North- umb. CHUSEREL, s. A debauched fellow. South. CHUTE, . A hilly road. Wight. CHUTE-LAMB, *. A fat lamb. Suss. CHWOT, adj. Dressed. Somerset. CHYMBE, . (A.-S.) A cymbal. CHYMMER, *. A gown cut down the middle, formerly used by persons of rank. CHYMOL, s. A hinge. CHYN, *. The chine, or back. Weber. CHYPPE, v. To carp at. CHYVELEN, v. To become shri- velled. CICELY, *. Cow parsley. North. CICHLING, *. Vetches. North. CICILIA, . The name of a dance. CICLATOUN, I s. (A.-N. sigla- CHECLATON, \ ton.) A rich CHEKELATOUN, J Stuff brought from the East ; the name is Ara- bic. In the 16th cent, the name appears to have been given to a sort of gilt leather. Lef on me aut be my wife, ful wel the niai spede; Auntioge ant Asie scaltou han to mede ; Ciclatoiin ant purpel pal scaltou have to wede; Wid alle the metes of my lend ful wel I seal the fede. Legend of St. Margaret. But in a jacket, quilted richly rare, Upon chcMaton. he was strangely dight. Sfens., F. Q., Vl/vii, 43. CIDDLE, v. To tickle. Kent. CIDE, v. To decide. South. CIDERAGE, *. The herb arsmart. CIDERKIN, *. The liquor made from the apples after the cider is pressed out. CIERGES, s. (A.-N.) Wax tapers. CIMBICK, s. (A.-N.) A miserly fel- low. CIMICE, s. (ftal.) A wall-louse. CIMISS, *. (Lat. cimex.) A bug. CINCATER, *. (Fr.) A man in his fiftieth year. CINDER-WENCHBS, s. Girls who collected or carried cinders and ashes from houses. CINGLET, s. A waistcoat. North. CINGULAR, 8. A wild boar in his fifth year. CINOPER, s. Cinnabar. CiNauE-pACE, *. A dance, the steps of which were regulated by the number five. We had not measured three cinqve- paces, but we met with one that cauie a far greater pace towards us. Rowley, Search for Money, 1609. CmauE-poRT, s. (Fr.) A sort of fishing-net, with five entrances. CiNdUETALE, *. A quintal. CIPE, *. A large basket. Berks. CIPPUS, s. The stocks or pillory. CIPRESS, s. A sort of fine gauze or crape, tor wearing round a wo- man's neck. CIR 311 CLA CIRCLING-BOY, s. A roaring boy. Jonson. CIRCOT, *. A surcoat. CIRCUDRIE, *. See Surquidrie. CIRCUIT, s. A circle or crown. CIRCUMBENDIBUS, *. A circuitous roundabout way. CIRCUMCIDE, v. (Lot.} To cut off. CIRCUMSTANCE,*. Conduct; de- tail. Shakes]}. CIRNE, *. The lote-tree. CIST, #. (1) A chest. (2) A cess-pool. South. CITEE, g. (A.-N.) A city. CITIZEN, adj. Town-bred ; delicate. Shakesp. CITOLE, s. (A.-N.} A stringed mu- sical instrument. Citolers, per- sons \vho played on citoles. ClTTE, t>. (A.-S.) To CUt. CITTERN, *. A musical instrument, like a guitar, used much by bar- bers. Cittern-headed, ugly. For grant the most barbers can play on the cittern. B. Jon., Vision of Delight, vol. vi, p. 22. CIVE, 0. (A.-N.) To result. See Cttere. CIVIT, adj. Perfumed. Yea, this same silken, golden, cynt wliore, Is roguish, ragged, and most pockey poore. Rowlands, Knave of Harts, 1613. CIVERV, *. A partition or compart- ment in a vaulted ceiling. CIVIL, adj. Sober ; grave. CIVITY, *. (Lot. civitas.) A city. CLAAS, adj. Close; tight. Yorksh. CLABBY, adj. Worm-eaten, applied to carrots. Northampt. CLACX, (1) . The clapper of a mill. (2) *. The sucker of a pump. (3) v. To snap with the fingers. (4) s. A kind of small windmill placed on the top of a pole, which turns with the wind, and makes a clapping noise, to frighten birds away. (5) *. A contemptuous name for a woman's tongue. (6) *. A tale-bearer. (7) v. To cut the sheep's mark from wool, which made it weigh less, and thus diminished the duty. CLACK-BOX, *. The mouth. East. CLACK-DISH, 1*. A dish or box CLAP-DISH, /with amoveablelid, formerly carried by beggars to attract notice, and bring people to their doors, by the noise it made. CLACKER, \s. A rattle to drive CLACKET, J birds from the corn. CLADDE, adj. Armed. Sir Tris~ trem. GLADDER, s. A general lover, one who wanders from one object to another. A. Two inns of court men. B. Yes, what then ? A. Known cladders, Through all the town. B. Cladders! A. Yes, catholic lovers, From country madams to your glover's wife, Or laundress. City Match, O. P., ix, 298. CLAFE, part. p. Cleft. CLAG, v. To stick, or adhere. Cloggy, sticky. North. Women's petticoats, when dirtied with walking, are said in Northamp- tonshire to be clagtfd. CLAGGER, s. A well-timed remark. North. CLAGGUM, "I Treacle made CLAG-CANDY, J hard with boil- ing. North. CLAG-LOCKS, *. Locks of wool matted together. East. CLAGS, . Bogs. North. CLAIKET, s. A puddle-hole. Oxfd. CLAIM, v. (Lot. clamare.) To cry out. Stryke them, also, with madnes, blynd- nes, and woodnes of myude, that thay may palpe and clayme, also handle aa blv'ude men dothe in darknes. State Papers, ii, 218. CLAIM-UP, part. p. Overloaded, applied to a mill ; pasted up, as a placard against the wall. North. CLA 312 CLA CLAIRG, 0. To bedaub. North. CLAITY, adj. Dirty. Cumb. CLAKE, 0. To scratch. North. CLAM, (1) v. To emaciate; to be starved. East. Jfow barkes the wolfe against the full cheekt moone, Now Irons halfe-rfamW entrals roare for food. >"ow croaks the toad, and night crowes screech aloud, Fluttering "bout casements of departing soules !N'o\v gapes the graves, and through their yan-iies let loose Iniprison'd spirits to revisit earth. Second Part of Antonio and Mellida, 1633. (2) v. To pinch. North. (3) v. To choke with thirst. (4) v. To clog up. West. (5) 0. To stick to. (6) s. Clamminess. East. (7) s. Any adhesive, viscous mat- ter. (8) *. A slut. East. (9) v. To snatch ; to shut. Line. (10) v. To rumple. Devon. (11) v. To muffle a bell; to ring irregularly or out of tune. (12) *. A rat-trap. South. (13) s. A kind of shell-fish. (14) s. A stick placed across a stream. West. (15) v. To castrate a bull or ram by compression. North. (16) v. To daub ; to glue. North. CLAM, 1 pret. t. Climbed ; pi. CLAMB, ] clamben. CLAMBER, j p . To climb . CLAMMER, \ CLAMBERSCULL,*. Very strong ale. East. CLAME, (1) v. To attach with glu- tinous matter ; to spread butter upon bread. North. (2) v. (Lat.) To call. (3; . A call. (4) *. An iron hook, to bind stonework together horizontally. (5) 0. (A.-N.) To challenge. CLAMMAS, (1) v. To climb. North. (2) i. A clamour. North CLAMMERSOME, adj. Clamorous; greedy. North. CLAMP, (1) v. To tread heavily. (2) v. To fit a piece of board at right angles to the end of another piece. (3) s. A large fire of underwood. North. (4) *. A pit or mound lined with straw to keep potatoes, &c., through the winter. East. (5) s. A rude sort of brick-kiln. East. CLAMPS, *. Andirons. North. CLAMS, s. (1) A pincer for pulling up thistles and weeds. North. (2) A rat-trap, made like a man- trap. Suss. CLANCH, v. To snatch at. Line. CLANCULAR, adj. (Lot.) Clandes- tine. CLANG, v. To eat voraciously. Northampt. CLANK, . A set, or series. Leic. CLANKER, *. A severe beating. North. CLANLICHE, adj. (A.-S.) Cleanly. Clannes, purity, chastity. CLANS, s. Cows' afterbirth. Leic. CLANSY, v. (A.-S. clcensian.) To purify. CLANT, v. To claw. North. CLAP, 0. (1) To place to. or apply. (2) v. To strike. (3) s. A blow. (4) v. To fondle, to pat. North. ITmwhile the cliilde sowked hir pappe ; kysse and JUS. Line. Umwhile ganue thay kysse and c/ajjpe. ., i. 101. (5) 0. To sit down. (6) s. The lip, or tongue. West. (7) adj. Low ; marshy. East. (8) *. The lower part of the beak of a hawk. CLAP-BOARD, ~[s. Board cut for CLAPHOLT, f making casks. CLAP-BREAD, 1 *. Cake made of CLAP-CAKE, ] oatmeal, rolled thin and baked hard. CLAP-DISH, s. See Clack-dish. CLA 313 CLA CLAP-DOOR, s. The lower half of a door divided in the middle. CLAPER, v. To chatter. Oxon. CLAPERED, part. p. Splashed with mud. CLAP-GATE, s. A small horse-gate. East. CLAPPE, (1)0. (A.-S.) To talk fast. (2) s. Talk. CLAPPER, s. (1) The tongue. (2) (A.-N.) A rabbit burrow. (3) A child's plaything. "Gew- gawes for children to playe and make sport withall, as rattels, clappers, Sic." Nomenclator. (4) A door-knocker. Minsheu. (5) A plank laid across a stream to serve as a bridge. Var. di. CLAPPER-CLAW, v. To beat roughly. CLAPPER-DUDGEON, 1 . A cant CLAPPER- DOUGKON, J term for a beggar, probably derived from the custom of clapping a dish. See in their rags then, dancing for your sports, Our clapper-dudgeons, and their walking morts. Jut'tnl Crew, O. P., x, 372. CLAPPING-POST, *. The gate-post against which the gate closes. East. CLAPSE, v. To clasp. CLAP-STILE, s. A stile, the hori- zontal ledges of which are move- able. CLARANER, s. A clarinet. CLARENT, adj. Smooth. Devon. CLARET. See Clarry. CLAR.ETEE, s. (A.-N.) Brightness. CLARICORD, ~| . (A.-N.) A musi- CLAKICOL, leal instrument in CLARISHOE, [form of a spinet, CLARICO, J containing from thirty-five to seventy strings. CLARION, *. (A.-N.) A sort of small-mouthed and shrill-sound- ing trumpet. CLARRY, 1 s. (A.-N. clarre, dare.) CLARRE, > Wine made with grapes, CLARET, J honey, and aromatic spices. The name was afterwards given to wine mixed with honey and spices, and strained. CLART, (1) v. To spread, or smear. Clarty, muddy, dirtj. Clarty- paps, a dirty sloven. (2) s. A daub. CLARY, v. To make a loud shrill noise ; to play on the clarion. CLARYNE, v. To clear, or clarify. CLASH, v. (1) To bang anything about. North. (2) To gossip. North. Clashme- saunter, a tiresome teller of stories. CLASHY, adj. Foul ; rainy. North. CLASPER, s. A tendril. Oxon. CLASPS AND KEEPERS. Fastenings for the shoes of children, and for other purposes. CLAT, (I) s. A clod of earth. (2) v. To break the clods or spread dung on a field. West. (3) 0. To cut the dirty locks of wool off sheep. South. (4) s. Cow-dung. West. (5) v. To tattle. (6) s. A dish in ancient cookery. CLATCH, *. A brood of chickens. Lane. CLATE, *. (1) A wedge belonging to a plough. Chesfi. (2) A practice among school and other boys before the com- mencement of a game in which two parties are interested, to decide which party is to begin or have the first innings. CLATHERS, s. Clothes. West. CLATS, s. Slops ; spoon victuals. Line. CLATTER, (1) *. Noise; idle talk. (2) v. To let out secrets. CLATTERFERT, s. A tale-teller. " Clatterer, or clatterfart, which wyl disclose anye light secreate, Loquax." Huloet. CLATTY, adj. Dirty ; slovenly. Line. CLAUCH, v. To claw. Yorksh. CLAUCKS, v. To snatch. Line. 314 CLE CLAUD, . A ditch, or fence. North. CLAUDICATE, 9. (Lot.) To limp; to go lame. CLAUGHT, pret. t. Snatched at. Northumb. CLAUM, v. To scrape together. Line. CLAUNCH, v. To walk lazily. East. CLAUSE, . (A.-N.~) A conclusion. CLAUSTER, . (Lai.) A cloister. CLAUT, (1) v. To scratch, or tear. North. (2) s. The marsh ranunculus. Wilts. CLAVE, s. The part of small ba- lances by which they are lifted up. CLAVEL, "1 *. A mantel-piece. CLAVY, J West. Clavel-tack, the shelf over the mantel-piece. CLAVER, (1) v. To climb. North. (2)v. To cajole by talking. North. (3) s.(A.-S. clafer.) Clover-grass. North. CLAVERS, *. Noisy talking. North. CLAVY-TACK, *. A key. Exmoor. CLAW, (1) v. To snatch ; to take away violently. North. (2) v, To curry favour. North. (3) *. A fourth part of a cow- gait in common pastures. North. CLAW-BACK, (1) . A flatterer. The overweening of thy wits doth make thy foes to smile, Thy friends to weepe, and clawbaclcs thee with sooth ings to begile. Warner's Albions England, 1 592. Claicbacks more do not assail me, Than are beggars swarming daily. Drunken Barnaby. And this mischievous or deadly vice, which in others sometime abateth and waxeth cooler, in him, as age came upon him, grew the hoter, whiles a company of claw-tacke flatterers egged him forward in his purposed course. Atnmianus Marcellinus, 1609. (2) v. To flatter. CLAWE, v. (A.-S.) To stroke. CLAW-ILL, *. An ulcer in the feet of cattle. Devon. CLAW-OFF, v. To reprove. North. CLAY, v. To shiver. Devon. CLAY-DAUBIX, s. A custom in Cumberland, for the neighbours and friends of a newly-married couple to assemble, and erect them a rough cottage. CLAY-SALVE, s The common ce- rate. East. CLAYT, *. Clay or mire. Kent. CLEA > Is. A claw. Warw. CLEY, J To save her from the seize Of vulture death, and those relentless cleys. B. Jon., Undene., vol. vii, 29. CLEACH, v. To clutch. Shropsh. CLEACHING-NET. s. A hand net, used by fishermen on the Severn. CLEAD, . To clothe or clad. East. CLEAR, v. To snatch. North. CLEAM, v. To glue together. See Clam. GLEAMED, adj. Leaned ; inclined North. CLEAN, (1) adv. Entirely. (2) adj. Clear in complexion. (3)0. To wash, dress, and arrange one's toilet. CLEANING, "1 *. The after-birth CLEANSING, J of a COW. CLEANSER, s. A large kind of gun- picker. CLEAR. (1) Pure; innocent. Skak. (2) Clear and shear, totally, com- pletely. "He's thick i' the clear," said of a dull stupid fellow. CLEAT, (1) s. A piece of iron worn on shoes by country people. (2) v. To strengthen with iron. CLEAT-BOARDS, s. Flat pieces of wood fastened to the shoes to enable a person to walk on the mud. CLEAVER, *. A sucker, or piece of soaked leather to which a string is attached, used by schoolboys. North. CLEAVERS, s. Tufts of grass. East. CLKCHE, v. To snatch, or seize. CLECK, v. To hatch. North. CLECKIN, *. A chicken. North. CLE 315 CLE CHECKING, adj. Said of a fox maris appetens. Craven. CLECKINGS, s. A shuttlecock. Cumb. CLECKS, s. Refuse of oatmeal. Line. CLED, part. p. Clad ; clothed. CJLEDEN, s. Goosegrass. Dorset. CLEDGY, adj. Stiff, clayey. Kent. CLEE, *. A claw. North. See Clea. The term is especially applied to the two parts of the foot of cloven-footed animals. CLEEK, s. A hook; a harb. North. CLEERTE, s. (A.-N.) Brightness. CLEET, s. (1) The hoof. North. (2) A stay or support. CLEEVES, s. Cliffs. CLEFFE, pret. t. Cleaved. CLEFT, s. (1) Black slate. North. (2) Timher fit for cooper's ware, spokes, &c. Yorlcsh. (3) A piece of wood split for burning. Northampt. CLEG, (1) *. The gad-fly. Still used in the North. (2) s. A fish, gadus barbatus. (3) v. To cling, or adhere. North. (4) s. A clever person. Lane. CLEGGER, v. To cling. Cumb. CLEKE, v. To snatch, or strike. CLEM, (1) v. To starve. See Clam. Clemmed is still in use in Shrop- shire for starved. Hard is the choice, when the valiant must eat their arms, or clem. B. Jons., Every Man out of H., iii, 6. I cannot eat stones and turfs, say. What, will he clem me and my follow- ers? Ask him an he will clem me; do, go. /*., Poetaster, i, 2. Uow lions' half-clem 'd entrails roar for food. Antonio and Mellida. (2) St. Clement. South. In the Isle of Wight it is, or was till lately, the custom for black- smiths to invite their friends and neighbours to a feast on St. Cle- ment's day. This was called keeping clem. (3) v. To climb. CLEMEYN, *. A claim. CLEMYD, part. p. Fastened. CLENCHE, t>. (Ai.-S.) To cling together. CLENCHPOOPE, *. See Clinchpope. CLENCY, adj. Miry ; dirty. Line. CLENE, adj. (A.-S.) Pure ; clean. Clenenesse, purity. CLENGE, v. (1) To contract or shrink. (2) To strain at. CLENT, v. To become hard, applied to grain. West. CLEPE, v. (1) (A.-S. clypian.) To call. They clepe us drunkards, and with swinish phrase Tax our addition. Shakes?., Haml., i, 4. (2) (A.-S.) To clip, or embrace. CLEPS, s. An implement for pulling weeds out of corn. Cumb. CLER, "1 adj. (A.-N.) Polished; CI.ERE, J resplendent. Clerenesse, glory. Clerte, brightness. CLERE, *. A sort of kerchief. On their heades square honettes of damaske golde, rolled wyth lose gold that did hange doune at their backes, with kerchiefes or cleres of fyne cypres. Hall, Henry FIU, f. 83. CLERETE. (A.-N.) Purity. CLERGIB, *. (A.-N.) Science; learning. Clergically, learnedly. CLERGION, s. (A.-N.) A young clerk. CLERGY, . An assembly of clerks. CLERK, s. (A.-N.) A scholar. CLERLICHE, adv. (A.-N.) Purely. CLERMATYN, s. (A.-N.) A kind of fine bread. CLERYFY, v. To make clear. CLESTE, v. To cleave in two North. The word occurs in Huloet. CLETCH, . A brood of chickens. North. CLETE, . A piece of wood fastened on the yardarms of a ship to hinder the ropes from slipping off. In Sussex, the term is ap- plied to a piece of wood to prevent a door or gate from swinging. CLE 316 CLI CLETHE, v. To clothe. North. CLETT, s. Gleet. MS. Med. 15th cent. CLEVE, s. (1) (A.-S.) A dwelling. (2) A cliff. CLEVEL, *. A grain of corn. Kent. CLEVKN, (l)s.(A.-S.~) Rocks; cliffs. (2) v. (A.-S.) To split ; to burst. CLEVE-PINK, s. A species of car- nation found on the Chedder cliffs. CLEVER, (1)0. To scramble up. North. (2) adj. Good-looking. East. Kennett says, " nimble, neat, dextrous." Lusty; very well. Lane. (3) adj. Affable. South. (4) adv. Clearly ; fully. Kent. (5) . A tuft of coarse grass turned up by the plough. East. CLEVER-BOOTS, 1 . A satirical CLEVER-CLUMSY, j term for a per- son who is awkward. CLEVER-THROUGH, prep. Straight through. Leic. CLEVES, *. Cloves. CLEVVY, *. A sort of draft iron for a plough. North. CLEW, (1) s. (A.-S.) A rock. " Bothe the clewez and the cly- fez." Morte Arthure. (2) *. A ring at the head of a scythe which fastens it to the sned. (3) pret. t. Clawed ; scratched. CLEWE, v. To cleave, or ad- here to. CLEWKIN, . Strong twine. North. CLEW3THE,/?ar^. p. Coiled. CLEY, *. A hurdle for sheep. CLEYMAN, g. A dauber. Pr. Pan. CLEYMEN, v. (A.-N.) To claim. CLEYNT, part. p. Clung. CLEYSTAFFE, s. A pastoral staff. Pr. Parv. CLIBBY, adj. Adhesive. Devon. CLICK, (1) v. To snatch. (2} s. A blow. East. (3) v. To tick as a clock. (4) " To click or flurt wivh ones fingers as moresco dancers." Florio. "To clicke with ones knuckles." Ib. (5) *. (Fr.) A door-latch. (6) s. A nail or peg for hanging articles upon. North. (7) v. To catch ; to seize. CLICKER, s. A servant who stood before the shop-door to invite people to buy. CLICKET, (1) v. To fasten as with a link over a staple. Shropsh. (2) *. (A.-N.) A latch-key. (3) . A clap-dish, or anything that makes a rattling noise. Cot grate. (4) v. To chatter. Tusscr. (5) *. The tongue. (6) *. A term applied to a fox when maris appetens. Anciently, a common term for a fox, as in the following lines, describing the properties of a good horse: Heded of an ox, Tabled as fox, Coraly as a kyn. To join or fasten timber or stone in building. (2) adj. Swaggering; pert; brisk. (3) Cocket bread was the second kind of best bread. (4) #. A docquet. COCKEY, *. A sewer. Norf. COCK-EYE, s. A squinting eye. COCK-FARTHING, #. A term of en- dearment used to a little boy. COCK-FEATHER, *. The feather which stood upon the arrow when it was rightly placed upon the string, perpendicularly above the notch. COCK-GRASS, *. Darnel. COCK-HANNELL, #. A hoilSC-COck. " Cock-hannett, or house cocke. Callus." Huloet. COCKHEAD, *. The part of a mill which is fixed into a stave of the ladder on which the hopper rests. COCKHEADS,*. Meadow knobweed. North. COCK-HEDGE, "1 s. A hedge with- COCK-FENCE, j out stake, the ends of the bushes being stuck into the bank. COCK-HOOP, t. A bullfinch. COCK-HORSB, (1) v. To ride a cock- horse, a term applied to children. (2) adj. Proud ; upstart. CocKiNG,/>or/. a.(l) Cock-fighting. (2) Wantoning. I nuirvcll then Sardinius is so old, When he is cockiny still with every trull. Dories, Scourge of fully, 1611. COCK-IRON, *. A part of a plough COG 326 COC immediately before the breast, to support the share, and prevent roots I'rom getting in between the breast and the share. COCKISH, adj. Wanton. North. COCKLE, (1) s. The agrostemma githago of Linnaeus. (2) v. To cry like a cock. Cumb. (3) s. A stove used for dryiug hops. Kent. (4) v. To wrinkle. Far. dial. (5) To "cry cockles," to be hanged. (6). Now, although he says in his preface, that he would not much boast of con- vincing the world, how much I was mis- taken, in what I undertook ; yet, I am confident of it, that this contrivance of his did inwardly as much rejoyco the cockles of his heart, as he phansies that what I writ did sometimes much tickle my spleen. Eachard's Obsercat., 1671. COCKLEART, 1 TA u 1 n } s. Dav-break.Z)7on. COCK-LEET, J COCKLED, part. p. Enclosed in a shell. Shakesp. COCKLER, s. A sejler of cockles. COCKLE-SHELL, *. The badge of a pilgrim, worn in the front of the hat, and implying that the bearer had been at sea. COCKLE-STAIRS,*. Winding stairs. COCKLETV, adj. Unsteady. North. COCKLING, adj. Cheerful. North. COCKLOACH. (Fr.) A silly coxcomb. " A couple of cockloches." Shir- ley's Witty Fair One, it, 2. COCKLOFT, . A garret. COCKMARALL, s. A little fussy per- son. Line. Co c KM ATE, s. A companion. They must be courteous in their beha- viour, lowlie in their speech, not dis- daining their coclcmatts, or refraining their companie. Lilly, Euphues, Q 4. But the greatest thing is yet behinde, whether that those are to be admitted, as cockmales, with children. It. COCKNELL, *. A young cock. COCKNEY, . (1) A young cock. (2) A spoilt or effeminate boy. (3) One born and bred in Lon- don, and very ignorant of rural matters. (4) A lean chicken. (5) An imaginary country, filled with luxuries of every kind. (6) A person who sold fruit and greens. Pr. P. COCK-PENNY, s. A present made to the schoolmaster at. Shrove- tide by the boys, in some schools in the North. COCK-PIT, s. (1) A place for cock- fighting. (2) The original name of the pit in our theatres ; which seems to imply that cock-fighting had been their first destination. Let but Beatrice And Benedict be seen ; lo! in a trice, The cock-fit, galleries, boxes, all are full. Leon. Digges., Sh. Suppl., i, 71. , *. (Fr.) (1) A beggar or cheat. (2) A female cuckold. Queene Juno, not a little wroth against her husbands crime, By whome shee was a cocJequeanc made. Warner's Albions England, 1592. COCK-ROACH, . A black-beetle. COCKS, s. Cockles. Devon. COCK'S-FOOT,*. Columbine. Gerard. COCK'S -HEADLING, *. A game among boys. COCKS'-HEADS,*. The seeds of rib- grass. COCK-SHUT, . (1) A large net stretched across a glade, and so suspended upon poles as to be easily drawn together, employed to catch woodcocks. These nets were chiefly used in the twilight of the evening, when woodcocks go out to feed, whence cockshu time, and cockshut light, \ver=: used to express twilight. If thou (to catch a woodcocke) snare me so lie flutter in thy cocke-shoole till I go. Dacies, Scourge of Folly, 1611. coc 327 COE Thomas the earl of Surry, and himself, Much about cockihut time, went thro' the army. SluJcesp., Richard III, v, 3. Mistress, this is only spite; For you would not yesternight Kiss him in the cockshut light. B. Join., Matq. of Satyrs. (2) A winding road through a wood. COCK'S-NKCKLING, adv. To come down cock's neckling, i. e., head foremost. Wilts. COCKSPUR, s. The name of a small shell-fish. CocK-sauoiLiNG, s. Throwing at cocks with sticks. Wilts. COCK-STRIDE, *. A short space. Country folks say at Twelfth- day, " The days are now a cock- stride longer." COCKSURE, s. Quite certain. COCKWARD, . A cuckold. COCKWEB, s. A cob-web. North. COCK-WEED,*. The cockle. "Cock- wede. Gythago." Huloet. "Herbe du cocq, ou de la poivrette. Pepper woort : coclce*weede: Span- ish pepper : dittander." Nomen- clalor. COCKY, adj. Pert ; saucy. COCKYBABY, s. The arum. Wight. COCKYGEE, *. A sour apple. West. C'OCOWORT, . Shepherd's-purse. COCTYN, adj. Scarlet, or crimson. COD. . (1) (A.-S.) A bag. (2) A pod. (3) The bag of the testicle. Swelling of the rod and of his stoones rometh eilherwhiles of humours that fallen adoun into the cod and into the stoones. Medical MS. of Ike 15{/i cent. (4) A pillow or cushion. North. (5) The bag at the end of a net, in which a stone is placed to sink it. (6) A seed-basket. Oxfordsh. COD-BAIT, *. The caddis worm. COD-BERE, s. A pillow-case. CODDER, *. A pea-gatherer. Midx. CODDLE, v. (1) To parboil. (2) To indulge; to take to* much care of. CODDY, adj. Small. North. CODE, * Cobbler's wax. Digl>y Myst., p. 35. CODGE, v. To do a thing clumsily. Leic. CODGER, s. A miser; a quoer old fellow. CODGER'S-END, *. The end of a shoemaker's thread. CODGERY, *. A strange mixture. COD-GLOVE, s. A thick hedge-glove, without fingers. Devon. CODINAC, *. A sort of conserve. CODLINGS, s. Green peas. CODLING-CREAM, s. To make a codling cream. After your codlings be throughly cooled and yield- ed, put them into a silver dish, and till the dish almost half with rose-water, and half a pound of sugar, boil all these liquors together until half be consumed, and keep it stirring till it be ready, then fill up your disk with sweet cream, and stir it till it be well mingled, and whru it hath boiled round about the dish, take it up, sweeten it with sugar, and serve it cold. A True Gentlewoman's Delight, 1670. CODLINS, *. Partially burnt lime- stones. North. CODPIECE, *. A protuberance to the breeches, sufficiently ex- plained by its name, and pecu- liar to the costume of the 16th cent. It appears to have been often used as a pincushion. The name was also given to a simi- larly formed article worn by wo- men about the breast. Yet all is chang'd : there is great alteration. Slice is as stale as breech with cuJj : fashion, Whereof no tailor can avouch the troth, Without he prove it with old painted cloth. , Jiuu-lands, Knate oj Harts, 1613. CODS, *. Bellows. North. CODS-HEAD, . A fool. North. COD-WARK, s. Pulse. Tusser. COE, . (1) An odd fellow. Norf. (2) A small house near a mina used by the workmen. North. COF 323 COI COF, (A.-S.) (I) adj. Keen ; eager. (2) ado. Quickly. COFE, s. (A.-S.) A cave. COFERER, . A chest-maker. COFF, v. To change. Oxon. COFFE, *. (A.-S.) A cutf. COFFIN, *. (1) The raised crust of a pie. (2) A conical paper for holding spices. (3) A basket or chest. (4) A shell or rind. COFRE, s. (A.-N.) A chest. COFRENE, v. To put in a coffer. CoTT,part.p. Bought. Northumb. COG, (1) v. To lie or cheat ; to load a die. " A cogger, un pipeur. To coyge,yiper." The French Schoole- master, 1636. If his page, Mockso, gibe at your ill manners, it is to make you menu them ; andifhee himselfe, the principall, cu'- teth you to the qnicke. know that hee is no cogging chirurgion. Man in He Moon, 1609. (2) v. To entice. Sussex. (3) . To suit or agree. East. (4) . A wooden dish, or pail. North. (5) s. The short handle of a scythe. COG-BELL, s. An icicle. Kent. COGER, s. A luncheon. South. COGFOIST, *. A sharper. COGGE. s. (A.-S.) A cock-boat. COGGERIE, s. Falsehood ; cheating. COGGLE, (1) s. A cock-boat. North. (2) v. To be shaky. (3) #. A small round stone. Line. (4) r. To harrow. North. COGHEK, COGMEN, *. Dealers in coarse cloth. COGNITION, *. (Lot.) Knowledge. COGUE, (1) s. A dram. (2) v. To drink drams. COG-WARE, . A sort of coarse worsted cloth. COHERE, v. (Lat.) To agree with. That trimming: 'oo, with your favour, i very disagreeable, and does not cohere with your complexion at all. Stuutteetl, True Jf'idotc, 1679. COHIBITOR, *. (Lot.) A hindcrer. COHORTED, part. p. Exhorted. COIGNE, . (A.-N.) The corner- stone at the external angle of a house. COIL, (1) s. A bustle, tumult, or noise. Yon will not believe what a coil I had t'other day, to compound a business between a kiit tern-pear woman and him, about snatching. B. Jons., Sart. Fair, i, 4. They talk of wit, and this and that, and keep a coyl and a pother about \vir, there's nothing at all in't. Shadtcell, True Widw, 1679. (2) s. A hen-coop. North. (3) . A lump, or swelling. North. (4) v. To beat. COILE, v. (A.-N.) (1) To choose, or select. (2) To strain through a cloth. COILERS, *. The part of a cart- horse's harness put over his rump and round his haunches to hold back the cart when going down-hill. COILET, *. (A.-N.) A stallion. COILONS, *. (A.-N.) The testicles. COINE, . (A.-N.) A quince. COINT, *. (A.-N.) Neat ; curious ; cunning. Cointese, a stratagem. COISE, adj. Chief; master. Cumb. COISTER, adj. Ill-tempered. North. COISTERED, part. p. (Fr.) Incon- venienced. COISTREL.S. (A.-N.) (1) An inferior groom ; one who carried the knight's arms. (2) A coward ; a runawav. COISTY, adj. Dainty. North. COIST, adj. Excellent ; choice. COIT, v. (1) To throw. (2) To to&s the head. East. CoiTING-STONE, S. A qUOJt. COITDRE, . (Lot.) Coition. COK 329 COL In failure she doth conceive ; one sonne is borne nnd slay IK-.. ll'arner's Albions England, 1592. COK, 1 COKE,}* COKAGRYS, s. A dish in cookery, made of an old cock. Warner, Ant. Cul, p. 66. COKK, (1) v. To pry about. Sussex. (2) 0. To cry peccavi. North. (3) . An old name for mineral coal. COKEDRIL, "1 COKODRILLE,}*- A crocodile. COKEN, v. To choak. North. COKER, (1) s. A reaper. Originally a charcoal maker who came out at harvest time. Warw. (2) v. To sell by auction. South. COKERS, s. Iron rims round clogs. Cumb. COKES, (1) s. A fool ; a simpleton. Why we will make a cokes of this wise master, We will, my mistress, an absolute fine cokes. B. Jon., Detil an Ass, ii, 2. He slioweth himself herein, ye see, so very a c oxe, The cat was not so madly alnred by the foxe. 0. PI., \\, 72. Go, you're a brainless coax, a toy, a fop. B. $ Tl., Wit at sen. We'ap., iii, 1. (2) v. To coax ; to make a fool of. Princes may give a pood poet such con- venient countenauucc and also beneh'te, as are due to an excellent artificer, though they neither kisse nor cokrs them. Art of Poet ne, I, viii, p. 15. COKET, s. A sort of fine bread. COKEWOLD, s. (A.-N.*) A cuckold. COKIN, s. (A.-N.) A rascal. COKYRMETK, *. Clay. Pr. P. COKYSSE, s. A female cook. COL, (1) *. (A.-S.) Coal ; charcoal. (2) v. To strain. North. COLANDER, . A cullender, or strainer. " Crible. A strayncr, colander, or sive." Nomencl. COLBERTINE, s. A sort of lace. COLD, (1) pret. t. of can, and of kenne. Could ; knew. (2) adj. Serious ; sober. (3) Cold-rost, i. that now you can no more get him near that book, than a colt to a mind- mill. Ettchard's Observation, 1671. COLTEE, v. To he skittish. Devon.. COLT-EVIL, s. The strangury. COLT-IN, v. To fall in, as the side of a pit or quarry. Glouc. COLTTNG, s. Foot-ale. Warw. COLT-PIXY, . A fairy. West. COLUMBINE, adj. (Lai.) Dove-like. COLUMBUCK, *. An aromatic wood. A columbuck, a piece of wood of a very pleasant scent, used in their chambers to keep out unwholesom aires. Dimton't Ladies Dictionary, 1694. COLTER, adj. Delicious. North. COLVERE, *. (A.-S.) A dove. COM, pret. t. Came. COMADE, . A mixture. COMADORE, *. A table delicacy in ancient cookery, formed of fruits. COMB, (1) *. (^.-5.) A valley. (2) . A balk of land. Devon. (3) *. A sharp ridge. North. (4) s. A brewing-vat. Chesh. (5) 9. The window-stool of a casement. Glouc. (6) . A mallet. Devon. (7) v. To acrospiie. West. (8) To cut a person's comb, to disable him. COMBACY, *. Fighting. And did conclude by combacy to winne or loose the game. Wanier'i Albivni England, 1502. COM 332 COM '"OMBATANCY, s. Fighting. t'OMB-BROACH, s. The tooth of a wool-comb. Somerset. .IOMBERE, v. To trouble. Combe- rere, a trouble. Combersome, troublesome, difficult of access. SOMBRE-WORLD, *. An incum- brance to the world. JOMBURMENT, *. Incumbrance. JOMBUST, adj. (Lat.~) Burnt. 'COMBUSTIONS, adj. Blustering. ")f late when Boreas' blustriug blasts Lad blowne Down miglity trees, and chimnies tops ore- thrown, In tli* interim of this fierce combustions weather. Rowlands, Knaves of /. # D., 1613. COME, (1) *. (A.-S.) Arrival. (2) pret. t. pi. Came. (3) v. To go. (4) v. To become. (5) v. To succumb ; to yield. (6) . To overflow, or flood. West. (7) v. To be ripe. Dorset. (8) adj. Ripe. Dorset. (9) *. A comfit. North. COME-BACK, s. A guinea-fowl, so named from its peculiar note. COME-BY, v. To procure. COMED, pret. t. Came. A common vulgarism. CO-MEDLED, adj. Well mixed. COME-IN, . To surrender. COMELING, ~[s. A stranger; a CUMLYNG, JglieSt. COMEN, . To commune. COME-OFF, v. (1) To execute any business. (2) To alter ; to change. COME-ON, v. To grow; to encroach; to succeed. COME-OVER, v. To cajole. COMER AWN CE, s. Vexation ; grief. COMEROUS, adj. Troublesome. COMESTIBLE, adj. (Lot.) Eatable. COMFORTABLK, g. A covered pas- sage-boat used on the Tyne. COMFORTABLE-BREAD, s. Spiced gingerbread. COMIC, s. A comedian, or actor. My chief business here this evening was to speak to my Iriends in behalf of honest Cave Underbill, who has been a comic for three generations. Steele, Taller, No. 22. COMICAL, adj. Ill-tempered. West. COMINE, v. (Lat.) To threaten. COMING, part. a. A word used to denote the equal germination of all the grains in the same parcel of malt. COMINS, s. Commonage. Midi. C. COMISE, v. (A.-N.) To commit. COMIT, pres. t. s. (A.-S.) Comes. COMITY, s. (Lat.) Courtesy. COMI.AND, *. (A.-N.) A covenant. COMLYLY, adv. Courteously. COMMANDER, s. A wooden rammer for driving piles into the ground. COMMANDMENTS, s. The nails of the ten fingers. COMMEDDLE, v. (Fr.) To mix. COMMENCE, s. (1) Any affair. South. (2) An awkward event. EXM. COMMENDS, *. Regards; compli- ments. COMMENSAL, s. (Lat.) A compa- nion at table. COMMENT, v. To invent ; to devise. COMMENTY, *. The community. COMMEVE, v. To move. COMMIST, part. p. (Lat.} Joined together. COMMIT, . To be guilty of incon- tinence. Commit not with man's sworn spouse. Lear, iii, 4. Though she accus'd Me even in dream, where thoughts commit by chance. Wits, O. PI., viii, 425. COMMITTER, . A person guilty of incontinence. If all committers stood in a rank, They'd make a lane, in which your shame might dwell. Deck. Hon. Wh. COMMITTED, part. p. Accounted ; considered. COMMODE, #. A lady's head-dress, of considerable bulk, fashionable COM 333 COM at the beginning of the last cen- tury. Very good, there's an impatient rogue too, he has an ignorant raw skittish head, with a fluinng coaiode on. Durfry, Marriage-hater Xatch'd. Yet least these prove too great a load, They 'rail rompriz'd in one commode; Pins tip't with dimnond point and head, By which the mrlcs :ire t'astned. London Ladies Dressing Boom, 1705. I wash'd and patch'd to make me look pro- vokinsr, Snares that they told me wou'd catch the men; And on my head a huge commode sat cock- IIIL'. Which made me shew as tall agen. Old Song. COMMODITY, *. (1) Interest ; ad- vantage. (2) Wares taken in payment hy needy persons who borrowed money of usurers. (3) An interlude. Shakesp. (4) A prostitute. (5) Pudendum f. COMMONER, *. A common lawyer. COMMONEYS, *. A boy's term for a choice sort of marble. COMMON-PITCH, s. A term applied to a roof in which the length of the rafters is about three fourths of the entire span. COMMONS, *. Provisions. COMMORANT, part. a. (Lot.) Re- maining at a place with another. COMMORSE, . Compassion ; pity. And this is sure, though his offense he such, Yet doth calamitie attract eommorte. Laniel, Cic. Wars, i, 46. COMMORTH, *. A subsidy, a contri- bution, for a special occasion. COMMOTHER, *. A godmother. ftfertt. CoMMOTivE,c$.(Z,a/.) Disturbing. For, tli' Eternal), knowing The seas eommotne and inconstant flowing, Thus curbed her ; and 'gainst her envious nige. 1'or ever ferif't our flowry-niantled stage. Da Barlas. COMMUNE, (1) . (A.-N.) The com- monalty. (2) v. To distribute. COMMUNES,;. The common people. COMMUNICATE, r. (Lot.) To share in. COMMY, v. To come. Skelton. COMNANT, *. A covenant. COMOUN, . (A.-N.) A town, or township. COMPACE, v. To encompass. COMPAIGNABLK, adj. (A.-N.) So- ciable. COMPAIGNE-WIG, *. A wig of an expensive description. Aug. ye 4, 1711, a compaigne-*igg, 91. Old Bill of Expenditure. COMPAINE, *. (A.-N.) A com- panion. COMPANABLE, adj. Sociable. COMPANAGE, *. (A.'N.) Food ; sustenance. COMPANION, *. A fellow of bad character, because " companies" were generally of rogues and vagabonds. COMPANY, r. To accompany. To company with a \\onmn, fufaere. Palsy. COMPANY-KEEPER, . (1) A com- panion. It is a pretty soft thing this same lore, an excellent company keeper, full of gentlenesse.] ssayes by Coruicallyet, 1632. (2) A lover. East COMPARE, . Comparison. Whence you, and your illustrious sister are Each in their several kind without cum- pare ; Y'ou for a matchless virgin, she a wife ; The great examples of a vertuous life. Fltcknoe's Epigrams, 1670. COMPARATIVE,*. A rival. Shakesp. COMPARISONS, s. Caparisons. COMPARITY, *. Comparison. COMPAS, *. (1) (A-N.) Form; stature. (2) A circle. (3) An outline. East. (4) Compost. Tusser. COM 334 CON COMPASMENT, 1 S. (A.-N.) Con- COMPASSING, J trivance. COMPASSED, adj. Circular. A bay window, or oriel window, was called a compassed window. COMPEL, v. To extort. COMPENSE, v. To recompense. COMPERE, s. (A.-N.) A gossip; a companion. But wote ye what I do here? To seke youth, my compere: Fayne of hym I \volde have a sight, But my lippes hauge in my lyglit. Mnterlitde of foulh. COMPERSOME, adj. Frolicsome. Derbysh. COMPERTE, #. (Lot. cotnpertum.) An ascertained fact. Monastic Letters, pp. 50, 85. COMPEST, 0. To compost land. COMPLAIN, v. {A.-N.) To lament for. COMPLE, (1) v. To taunt, or bully. North. (2) adj. Angry. Yorksh. COMPLEMENT, s. Anything orna- mental. COMPLIN, adj. Impertinent. Far. d. COMPLINE, s. (A.-N.) The last ser- vice of the day in the Catholic church. COMPLISH, v. To accomplish. COMPLORE, v. (Lot.) To weep to- gether. COMPLOT, . To plot together. COMPON-COVERT, s. A sort of lace. COMPONE, v. (Lot.) To compose. COMPOSITES, *. Numbers more than ten and not multiples of it. An old arithmetical term. COMPOSTURE, #. Compost. COMPOSURE, s. Composition. COMPOUNST, part. p. Compelled. Peace, dawpates, while I tell a tiling now rejounst In my head, which to utter I am com- pomist. Heywoofs Spider $ File, 1556. COMPRISE, v. To draw a conclu- clusion. COMPROBATE, part. p. (Lat.) Proved. COMPROMIT, v. (Lat.) To submit to arbitration. COMPT, adj. (Lat.) Neat ; spruce. COMPTE, s. (A.-N.) Account. COMRAGUE, "1 > *. A comrade. COMROGUE, J COMSEN, v. (A.-S.) To begin ; to endeavour. Comsing, beginning, commencement. COMUNALTE, S. (A.-N.) Coill- munity ; the commons. COMYN, (I) adj. (A.-N.) Common. (2) *. (A.-N.) The commons. (3) s. An assembly. (4) s. Cummin. (5) s. Litharge of lead. COMYNER, s. (Lai.) A partaker. COMYNTE, *. Community. CON, (1) v. (A.-S.) To learn ; to know. Still used in the North. To con thanks, to study expres- sions of gratitude, to acknow- ledge an obligation. I con tliee thanke to whom thy dogges he deare. Pe/nh. Arc., ]>. 22 1. What me ? whongh, how friendly you are to them that comics you no thank. Terence in English, 1G41. (2) pres. t. Can ; is able. (3) v. To calculate; to consider; to meditate upon. (4) v. To search whether a hen is with egg. North. (5) v. To fillip. North. (6) *. A squirrel. Cumb. CON ABLE,a$. (A.-N.) (1) Suitable. (2) Famous. CoNANDLY.arfp. Knowingly; wisely. CONANT, s. A covenant. CONCABELL, s. An icicle. Devon. CONCEALMENT, s. A hidden part of a person. What are such she objects, to a man that can with more gnyness behold liia brown mares buttocks than the finest of their concealments. Howard, Man of Newmarlet, 1678. CONCEIT, (1) s. An ingenious de- vice. (2) v. To suppose ; to suspect. CON (3) i. An opinion. West (4) * (A.-N.) Conception; appre- hension. CONCEITED, adj. (1) Fanciful; in- genious. (2) Merry ; given to jesting. Your lordship is conceited. B. Jon., Sej., act i. CONCEIVED, adj. Behaved. Weber. CONCENT, s. (Lai.) Harmony. CONCERN, (1) s. An estate. (2) s. A business. (3) v. To meddle with. CONCINNATE, adj. (Lat.) Fit; be- coming. CONCLUDE, v. (Lat.) To include. CONCLUSION, s. An experiment. And, like the famous ape, To try conclusions, in the basket creep, And break your neck down. Shakesp., Haml., iii. 4. COXCOMITATE, i;. (Lat.) (1) To accompany with. They (the fishes) were glad of our com- pany many hundred miles, cuncomitatlng aud frisking about us. Herbert's Travels, 1638. (2) Futuere. Tlie women are Gods creatures, but have adulterated his, holy stanipe, by not only deforming their face and body, hut by that vile luhricitie their soules are spotted with. Impudence goes here unmasked; it is no noveltie for them to open the sack they goe in, and intice a stranger to concomitate. Herbert's Travels, 1638. CONCREW, v. To grow together. CONCUBIT, v. (Lat.) To sleep with. Of Alanus, grown old. His cubit with's wives cubit measuring, Alanus said, sweet concubiting. Owen's Epiyrams, 1677. CONCUPY, *. Concupiscence. He'll tickle it for his concupy Tro. $ Cress. CONCUSSION, s. (Lat.) Extortion. And then eonciission, rapine, pilleries, Their catalogue of accusations till. Dan. Civ. Wars, iv, 75 COXCURBIT, s. (Lat.) Asubliming- vessel. CONCYB, *. A kind of sauce. Capons in coneys. Take capons, and rost hem right hoot that they be not half ynouhg, and hewe them to gobettes, and cast hem in a pot ; do thereto clene broth, seeth hem that they be tendrt-. Take brede and the self broth, and drawe it up yferes. Take strong powdur and safroun and salt and cast thereto. Take ayrenn, and seeth them liarde; take out the jolkes, and hewe the whyte thereinne; take the pot fro the fyre, and cast the whyte thereinne. Messe the disshe therewith, and lay the jolkes hool, and floer it with clowes. Forme ofCury, p. 8. COND, v. To conduct. Chaucer. CONDE, part. p. (A.-S.) Known ; perused. CONDECORATE, v. (Lat.) To adorn. Many choice and fragrant gardens also condecorate her, which together make a combined beauty, though seemingly se- parate. Herbert's Trawls, 163S. CONDER, s. (1) A man who from an eminence gives notice to the fishers of the direction the her- ring-shoals take. (2) A corner. Devon. CoNDERSATE,/7arf. p. Congealed. CONDESCEND, v. (Lat.) (1) To agree. (2) To yield. CONDETHE, . Safe conduct. CONDIDDLE, v. To filch away ; to convey anything away by trickery. Cornw. 8f Devon. CONDIE, v. (A.-N.) To conduct. CONDISE, s. (A.-N.) Conduits. CONDITION, s. Disposition; temper. CONDOCITY, s. Docility. Leic. CONDON, adj. Knowing. CONDRAK, s. A sort of lace. CONDUCT, (1) . A conductor. (2) part, p (Lat.) Hired. CONDUCTION,*. Conduct; charge. CONDUCT-MONEY, *. Money paid to soldiers and sailors to carry them to their ships. CONDUL, s. (A.-S.) A candle; pi. condlen. CONE, s. A clog. North. CONE-WHEAT, s. Bearded- wheat. Kent. CON 336 CON CONEY, s. A bee-hive. Tusser. CONFECT, (1) s. A sweetmeat; a comfit. (2) v. To prepare as sweetmeats. CoNFECTED,part.p. Pliable. North. CONFECTURK, s. (A.-N.) Compo- sition. CONFEDER, v. To confederate. CONFEIT, . A sweetmeat. CONFER, . (Lot.) To compare. CONFERY, s. (A.-N.) The daisy. CONFIDANT,*. (Fr.) " A confidant, is a small curl next the ear." Ladies' Diet., 1694. CONFINE, . To expel. CoNFiNED,jar.jo. Engaged to one master for a year. Line. CONFINELESS, adj. Boundless. CONFINER, s. (A.-N.) A borderer. CONFISKE, v. (A.-N.) To confiscate. CONFITEOR, s. A confessor. Touchinge wordes by liim spokene in matters of religion, of creepinge to the erosse, holly watere, &c., and nanily of a newe soarte of confiteors. Arckaologia, xviii, 128. CONFIXING, *. A sweetmeat. CoNFLATE,j9ar#.j. (Lat.) Troubled. CONFLOPSHUN,*. Confusion. North. CONFOUND, t>. To destroy. Shak. CONFRARY, s. (A.-N.) A brother- hood. CONFUSE, adj. (A.-N.) Confounded. CONFY, g. A confection. CONGE, . (1) To bow. East. (2) (A.-N.) To send away; to expel. CONGEE, *. (1) Leave. (2) A bow. A tyler and a gnrgion met together : Whose congees past, and salutations don, The tyler's further speach lie thus begun. Rowlands, Knaves of Sp. $ 1).. 1613. CONGELATE, part. p. (Lat.) Con- gealed. CONGEON, s. A dwarf. Minsheu. CONGER, s. A cucumber. North- ampt. CONGERDOUST, . A dried conger. CONGRECE, 8. (A.-N.) A suit of servants. CONGREE, r. To agree togetber. CONGRUELY, adv. Fitly. CONGRUENT, adj. Fit. Congruence, fitness. CONIFFLE, v. To embezzle. Somer- set. CONIG, *. A rabbit. See Cony. CONIGAR, ~) s. A rabbet-warren. CONIGARTH, | " Coniffare, or cony CONIGRE, Dearth, or clapper CONYNGERY, | for conies. Viva- CONIGREEN, J rium." Huloet. In Wiltshire, Somersetshire, and other counties in the west of England, this word, variously spelt, conigree, connygar, &c., is often met with as the name of a field, and sometimes of a street, as in the town of Trowbiidge. CONISANCE, s.(A.-N.) Understand- ing. CONJECT, (1) v. To conjecture. (2) part. p. Thrown into. (3) v. To project. CONJECTURE, v. (A.-N.) To judge. CONJOUN, s. (A.-N.) A coward. CONJURATOR, s. (Lat.) A conspi- rator. CONJURE, v. (A.-N.) To adjure. CONJURISON, s. (A.-N.) Conjura- tion. CONKERS, s. Snail-shells. East. CONNATES, s. (A.-N.) A sort of marmalade of quinces. Connates. Take counes, and pare hem ; pyke out the best, and do hem in a pot ot erthe. Do thereto wliyte grece, that he stewethereinne, andlvehem up with hony clarified, and with rawe 5<>lk;-~. and with a lytell almaund mylke, and do thereiiine powder-fort and safrcjun ; and ioke that it be y-leeshed. Forme o/Cury, p. 7. CONNATIVE, adj. (Lat.) Born at the same time with. At this rare eopie of connatire love, Which in's affection this reply did move ; I promise and protest, all said and done, Is highly worthy sucli an honour'd sonne Virgil by Ficars, 16o2 CONNE, (1) *. (A.-N.) A quince. CON 337 CON (2) v. (A. S.) To know; to be able. CONNER,*. A reader. Yortcsh. CONN EX, v. (Lat.) To join together. CONNIGARS, *. A beast's kidneys. North. CONNING, s. (A.-S.) Learning; knowledge. CONNY, adj. Handsome ; pretty. North. CONOIJB, s. A small outlet for water. CoNauiNATE, v. (Lat.) To pollute. CON.REY, s. (A.-N.) A company ; a cortege ; an entertainment. CONSCIENCE, s. Estimation. North. CONSECUTE, v. (Lat.) To attain. CDNSKIL, s. (A.-N.) Counsel. CONSERVE,??. (A.-N.) To preserve. CONSERVES, s. (Fr.) Preserves. It is hia morning's draught, when he riseth; his conserves or cates, when lie liiitli well dined; his afternoones nun- cions ; and when he goeth to bedde, his posset suioaking-hote. Man in the Moone, 1G09. Conservisc, or any thynge whyche is condite, or conserved, as grapes, bar- beries, fygges, pearles, Sic. Saltjama. lluloet. CONSERVISE, s. A conservatory. CONSEYLY, v. (A.-N.) To advise. CONSHRIVE, 0. To shrive, confess. What a devil, he won't conshrivc her him- self? Flora's Vagaries, 1670. CONSIDERABLE, adj. Important; grand ; applied to a person. CONSIST, v. (Lat. consistere, to agree.) To exist at the same time with ; to be compatible. To this we answered, that there was no repugnancy betwixt these two asser- tions, viz. that our desires were agreea- ble to the fundamental laws, nnd yet that we craved that the acts which were repugnant to the conclusions of the assembly should be repealed; for both could very well consist : because, as it was competent to the parliament .to make laws and statutes for the good of the church and state, so it was proper for them to repeal all laws contrary tliereuuto. llushworth, sub an. 1639. CONS KITE, CONSKITT, CONSORT, (1) s. A band of mu- sicians. (2) v. To associate with. CONSOCD, s. (A.-N.) The lesser daisy. CONSPIRATION, s. (Lat.) A con- spiracy. CONSPIREMENT, n. Conspiracy. CONSTABLERIE, *. (A.-N.) A ward of a castle, under charge of a constable. CONSTELL, v. (Lat.) To forebode ; to procure by prognostication ? Oh, could sen vcn planets and twelve signes constell one such unrest. Warner's Albions England, 1592. CONSTERY, "1 *. A consistory CONSTORY, J COUrt. CONSTER, t>. To construe. CONSTILLE, v. To distil. CONSTOBLB, \s. A great coat. CONSLOPER, J East. CONSUETE, adj. (Lat.) Usual ; accustomed. CONSUMMATE, adj. (Lat.) Perfect. lormerly an eminent merchant in Lon- don, whom the author had the happi- ness to accompany in these travels, is now again revised to make it the more consummate and inviting. Srome's Travels over England, CONTAIN, v. To abstain; to re- strain. CONTEK, "1 s. (A.-S.) Debate; CONTAKE, J quarrelling. Conto- kour, a person who quarrels. CONTEL, v. To foretel. 7Ymer. CONTENANCE, s. Appearance ; be- haviour. CONTENTATION, *. Content. CONTIGNAT, adv. (Lat.) Suc- cessively. Hearne. CONTINENT, (1) s. That which contains, Shakesp. (2) adv. Immediately. For in- continent. CONTINUANCE, s. Duration. CON 333 CON It is true: this kind of wood is of greater continuance in watry places, ihen any other timber: for it is ob- served, that iu these places it seldom e or never rots. Norden's Surveyors Dialogue. CONTINUE, s. (Fr.) Contents. CONTOURBE, v. To disturb. CONTRAIRE, adj. (A.-N.) Contrary; opposite. CONTRAPTION,*. (1) Construction. Hampsh. (2) Contrivance. West. CONTRARIE, (1) V. (A.-N.) TogO against ; to oppose. (2) v. To vex. (3) adj. Obnoxious. CONTRARIOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Dif- ferent. CONTRAVERSE, adj. Contrary to. CONTRETH, s. Country. CONTREVORE, *. A contrivance; CONTRIBUTE, v. To take tribute of. CONTRIVE, v. (1) (Lot.) To wear out, pass away. (2) To confound, used as an imprecation. "Contrive the pig !" Leic. CONTROVE, v. (A.-N.) To invent. CONTUBERNIAL, adj. (Lat.) Fa- miliar. CONTUND, v. (Lot.) To beat down. CONTUNE, v. To continue. CONTURBATION, S. (Lat.) DiS- turbance. CONVAIL, . To recover. CONVALE, . (Lat. convallis.) A valley. CONVENABLE, adj. Fitting. CONVENE, s. (A.-N.) Arrangement. CONVENT, v. To summon ; to convene. CONVENTIONARY-RENTS, S. The reserved rents of life-leases. CONVENT-LOAF, s. Fine manchet. CONVERSE, s. A point in conversa- tion. 'Tis very pleasant to hear him talk of the advantages of this reformation. Ms lectines of repartes, converse, regales, and an hundred more unintelligible fop- perit*. Tke l&formalion, 1073. CONVERTITE, s. A convert. CONVEY, . Conveyance. CONVEYANCE, s. Stealing. CONVICIOUS, . (Lat.) Abusive. CONVINCE, v. (Lat.) To conquer; to convict ; to overcome. CONVIVE, v. To feast together. CONVOY, s. A clog for the wheel of a wagon. North. CONY, s. (1) (A.-S.) A rabbit. (2) Rabbit-skin. CONY-CATCH, v. To deceive ; to cheat; to trick. He will omit no villanie he can cleanly commit ; he will cheat his father, cosen his mother, and cony-catch his owne sister. Man in the Moone, 1609. Thence to Hodsdon, where stood watching Cheats who liv'd by cony-catching: False cards brought me, with them play'd t, Dear for their acquaintance paid 1. Drunken Sarnaby. CONY-CATCHER, *. A sharper, or cheat. A conie-catcher, a name given to de- ceivers, by a metaphor, taken from those that rob warrens, and come- grounds, using all means, sleights, anil cunning to deceive them, as pitching of haies before their holes, fetching thtm in by tumblers, &c. Minsheu. CONY-CLAPPER, . A rabbit-war- ren. Monastic Letters, p. 76. CONY-KISH, s. The loach. CONY-FOGLE, v. To lay plots. Line. CONYGARTHE, *. A rabbit-warren. See Conigar. The He of Thanet, and those eastern e partes are the grayner; the Weald was the wood ; Rumney Marsh is the medow plot; the Nortlidownes, towards the Thamvse be the conygarthe, or warreine. Lambarde's Peramb. of Kent, 1596. CONY-GREEN, . A rabbit-warren. CONY-HOLE, s. A rabbit-burrow. Here's one of Sir Ralph Nonsuch hit rabbet-catchers: there's scarce a ferret sees further into a coney-hole. Howard, Man of Newmarket, 1678. COINY-LAND, s. Land so light and sandy as to be fit for nothing but rabbits. East, CON 339 COP CONYNGE, (1) *. (A.-N.) A rabbit. (2) adj. Learned. Konyngeste, Most learned, or clever. Coo, (1) v. To call. Cumb. (2) . A jackdaw. Pr. P. (3) s. Fear. North. COOCH-HANDED, adj. Left-handed. Devon. COOK, v. (1) To throw ; to chuck. (2) To disappoint ; to punish. North. COOK-EEL, . A cross-bun. East. COOKLE, s. A pair of prongs through which the mealed spit is thrust. East. COOLER, s. A large open tub. COOLING CARD. Something to damp or overwhelm the hopes of an expectant. A phrase supposed by some to be borrowed from some game in which money was staked upon a card, and to have been originally applied to a card so decisive as to cool the courage of the adversary. These hot youths I fear will find :i cooling' card. B. and 1 1., Island Pr.,i,Z. COOLSTOCK, *. Colewort. COOL-TANKARD, s. The plant bo- rage, used as one of the ingre- dients in a favorite beverage of the same name. Northampt. COOM, s. Dust ; dirt; soot. North. COOMS, s. Ridges. East. COOP, (1) *. A closed cart. North. (2) *. A hollow vessel made of twigs, used for taking fish in the Humber. (3) An abbreviation of come up! COOPLE, v. To crowd. North. COORE, v. To cower. Yorksh. COOSCOT, *. The wood-pigeon. North. COOSE, v. To loiter. Devon. COOT, s. (1) The water-hen. (2) The ancle, or foot. North. COOTTOX, *. A dolt. COP, (1) 8. (A.-S.) The top, or summit; the head, or crest. (2) . A pinnacle ; the rising part of a battlement. (3) *. A mound ; a heap. North. (4) x. An inclosure with a ditch round it. (5) . A round piece of wood at the top of a bee-hive. (6) s. A fence. North. (7) *. The part of a wagon which hangs over the thiller-horse. (8) s. The beam placed between a pair of drawing oxen. (9) *. A cop of peas, fifteen sheaves in the field, and sixteen in the barn. (10) *. A lump of yarn. North. (11) v. To throw underhand. COPART, v. To join in ; to share. COPATAIN, 1 *. A hat, in the COPPIDTANKE, I form of a sugar COPPINTANK, J loaf. See Copped. COP-BONE, *. The knee-pan. So- merset. COPE, (1) . To top a wall. (2) v. (A.-S.) To exchange mer- chandise. (3) v. (A.-S.) To buy. Leic. (4) (A.-N.) A cloak, or covering. (5) v. To comply? To request you, sir, that by any means you would hinder our chiefs, Mr. Swiftspur and Mr. Trainstedy, from coping with any such delights. Howard, 'Man of Newmarket, 1678. (6) . A tribute paid to the lord of the manor in the Derbyshire lead mines for smelting lead at his mill. (7) . To give way, to fall in, as a bank or wall. Warw. (8) v. To fasten; to muzzle. East. (9) *. A large quantity. Kant. (10) v. To pare a hawk's beak. (11) v. Futuere. Shakesp., Oihel., iv, 1. COPEMAN, *. (A.-S.) A chapman, or merchant. COPERXICER, t. COP 340 COP Or if eombattansie not please, the land is rich and large. And they conernicers may live, and us of death discharge. Warner's Albions England, 1592. COPERONE, s. A pinnacle. Pr. P. COPESMATE, s. A friend; a com- panion ; a fellow. Klse my conclusion is. If not for wort'i, l>y force perforce to winne her from you all, Yea though our banisht copcsmate could his Urittish succours call. Warner's Atbions England, 1590. Her honest husband is her hobie-horse at home, and abroad, her foole ; amongst her copesmatts, wanton wenches game amongst themselves, and wagges sport to point at with two fingers. Man in the Moone, 1609. This eopesmate will bring men that have lost some of their wit quite beside them- selves. Terence in English, 1641. COPE-HORSE-DEALERS, s. Petty dealers in horses. Leic, COP-HALFPENNY, *. The game of chuck-farthing. COP-HEAD, s. A tuft of feathers or hair on the head of an animal. COPIE, s. (Lat. copia.} Plenty. COPINER, s. (A.-S.) A lover. COPIOUS, adj. (Lat.) Plentiful. COPLAND, s. A piece of land which terminates in an acute angle. COPLOFT, s. A toploft. Also in the coploftes two little wheeles, apples, some wooll, with other thinges there. MS. Inventory, 1658. COPPE, s. (A.-N.) A cup. COPPED, 1 adj. (1) Peaked, refer- COPT, > ring to the fashion of COUPED, J the long-peaked shoe, or to the peaked hat, worn at a later period, also called a coppid tank hat. This word appears in various forms. With high-eopl hats, and feathers flaunt a flaunt. Gascoigne, Hearbei, p. 216. Chapeau d'Albanois. A suger loafe hat : a coppid tanke hat. Nomenclator. Qui a la teste airue, ou pointue. One that bath a heade wit li a sharpe crowne. or fashioned like a sugerlofe : a copid tunke. Ib. Upon their heads they ware felt hats, copple-tankcd, a quarter of an ell hixli, or more. Comines, by Da.net, B 5, b. Then should come in the doctours of Loven, [Louvain] with their great ecu- pin-tankes, and doctours hattes. See-hite of Rom. Ch., I 7, b. A coptankt hat, made on a Flemish block. Gate, Worlces, > 8, b. (2) Crested. "Accreste. Crested, copped ; having a great creast." Cotgrave. Were they as copped and high-crested as niarish whoops. Rabelais, Ozell, B. II, ch. xii. (3) Proud ; insulting. North. COPPEL, *. (Fr.) A small cup. COPPER-CLOUTS, *. Spatterdashes. Devon. COPPERFINCH, s. The chaffinch. Wat. COPPER-ROSE, s. The red field- poppy. COPPIE, s. A dram. North. COPPIN, s. A piece of yarn taken from the spindle. North. COPPING, s. A fence. North. COPPLE-CROWN, s. A high head, rising up ; hair standing up on the crown of the head ; a tuft of feathers on a bird's head. And what's their feather? Like the copple crown The lapwing has. Randolph, Amynt., ii, 3. COPPLING, adj. Unsteady. East. COPPROUS, s. A syllabub. COPPY, *. (1) A coppice. West. (2) A foot-stool. COPS,*. (1) A connecting crook of a harrow. J~~est. (2) Balls of yarn. Lane. (3) A contrivance ? It is a great matter, saith Tertulian, to see the vanitie of women in these daies, who are so trinid and trickt, that yow would rather say they beare great forests on their necks, then modest and civill furnitures: Tut, answers Fa- ihion, it keepes their faces in com- passe ; to weare wiers and great ruffes, is a comely cops to hide a Ion wrincktrd face in. Boulsters for crookt shoulders, who but Fashions first sold them in Veuice? Lodge's fTitiMiserit, 15U6. COP 341 COR COPSAL, s. The iron which termi- nates the front of a plough. COPSE, v. To cut brushwood, &c. Dorset. COPSE-LAUREL, . Spurge laurel. COPSES, s. The moveahle rails attached to the side of a cart or wagon, by which the width may he extended. Northampt. COPSOX, s. A fence on the top of a dam laid across a ditch. South. COPT, adj. (1) Convex. North. (2) Pollarded. Northampt. COPT-KNOW, s. The top of a coni- cal hill. North. COP-UP, v. To relinquish. East. COPY, v. To close in. COPY, s. (Lat. copia.~) Plenty. COQUET, j s. (Fr. coquette.') A COCQ.UET, j harlot. Cocquetish, amorous; cocquetry, lust. This is the older use of these words in English. CORAGE, s. (A.-N.) Heart; in- clination. CORALLE,S. (A.-N.) Dross; refuse. CORANCE,*. Currants. CoR\yr,part. a. (A.-N.) Running. CORANTO, s. A sort of dance, with rapid and lively movements. CORASKY, s. Vexation. CORASIVE, v. To grieve. See Cor- sive. As ravens, sehrich owles, bulls and beares, We'll bill and baxvle our parts, Till yerksome noyce have cloy'd your cares, And corasit'd your bearts. Webster's Dutchesse ofMalfy, 1623. CORAT, s. A dish in cookery. Corat. Take the noumbles of calf, EM yne, or of shepe ; parboile hem, and skerne hem to dyce; cast hem in ^ode broth, and do thereto hcrbes. Grynde chyballs smalle y-hevre. Seeth it tendre, and Jye it with jolkes of eyrenn. Do thereto verjous, safronn, powdor-douce, and suit, and serve it forth. Forme ofCury, p. 6. CORBEAU, s. The miller's thumb. Kent. CORBETTES, S. GobbetS. CORBIN-BON'E,*. The bone between the anus and bladder. CORBO, *. A thick-hafted knife. CORBY, *. A carrion crow ; a raven. North. CORCE, (1) 0. To exchange. (2) s. The body ; for corse. CORD, s. (1) A cord of wood, a piece 8 ft. by 4 ft. and 4 ft. thick. (2) A stack of wood. Cordwood, wood, &c., stacked. CORDE, v. (A.-N.) To accord. CORDELLES, s. Twisted cords, or tassels. COR- 'AN, "Is. Spanish lea- CORDE -A YNE, / ther, from Cor- dova, formerly celebrated for its manufacture. Cordevan leather was manufactured in England from goat-skin. CORDINER, s. A shoemaker. CORDLY, s. A tunny. CORDONS, s. An honorary reward given to a successful combatant. CORDY, adj. Of cord ; like cord. CORE, (1) part. p. Chosen. A strong kny^t and a wel i-core Was he withuute lye. MS. Ashmolc S3, f. 24. (2) s. The middle of a rick when the outside has been cut away. (3) s. A disease in sheep. Devon. (4) t;. To sweep a chimney. CORESED, adj. (A.-N.) Harnessed. CORESUR, *. (A.-N.) A courier. CORETTE, v. To correct. CORF, *. A large basket. CORFOUR, *. The curfew. CORFY, v. To rub. North. CORIANDER SEED, s. A jocular term for money. CORINTH, s. A brothel. Shakesp. CORINTHIAN, s. A wencher. CORKE, s. The core of fruit. CORKED, part. p. Offended. Corker, a scolding. CORKS, s. (1) Bristles. (2) Cinders. Lane. CORLE, v. To tap, or pat. COR M2 COR Conr.ET-SHOES, . Raised cork- shoes. CORLU, . A curlew. CORMARYE, *. A dish in ancient cookery. Cormarye. Take colyandre, caraway, smale grounden, powdor of peper, and earlec y-grounde in rede wyne. Medle a'le th'ise togyder, and salt it. Take loynes of pork, rawe, and fle of the skyn, and pry k it wellewith a knyf, and lay it in the sawse. Roost thereof what thou wilt, and keep that that fallith therefrom in the resting, and seeth it in a possy- net, with faire broth, and serve it forth with the roost anoon. Forme of Cvry, p. 12. CORME, *. (A.-N.) The service- tree. CORMORANT,*. A servant. Jonson. CORN, (1) s. A grain of salt, &c. Corned-beef, salted beef. (2) #. Oats. North. (fy part, p. Chosen, See Core. CORNAGE, *. (A.-N.) A tenure by giving notice of an invasion by blowing a horn. CORNALL, *. (1) The head of a tilting lance. s'2) A coronal, or crown. CORNALINE, *. Cornelian. CORN-BIND, . Wild convolvolns. CORN-BOTTLE, *. The blue-bottle flower. Northampt. CORN-COCKLE, *. Corn campion. CORN-CRAKE, . The land-rail. CORNDER, s. A receding angle. Devon. CORNED, adj. (1) Peaked; pointed. (2) Supplied with grain. North. (3) Intoxicated. Shropsh. CORNEL, s. (1) A corner. West. (2) An embrasure on the walls of a castle. See Kernel. (3) A kernel. (4) A frontal. Pr. Pan. CORNELIUS-TUB, *. A sweating- tub, prescribed by Cornelius for the cure of syphilis. CORNEMUSE, *. (Fr.) An instru- ment of music, closely resembling the bagpipe, if not identical with it. Drayton calls it corna- mute Even from the shrillest shawn, unto the cornamute. Some blow the bagpipe up, that plays the country round. Polyolb., iv, p. 736. CORNER, s. A point at whist. CORNER-CREEPER, *. A sly fellow. CORNER-TILE, *. A gutter-tile. CORNET, *. A conical piece of bread. CORNICHON, s. (Fr.) A game like quoits. CORNISH, *. The ring at the mouth of a cannon. CORNIWILLEN, s. A lapwing. Cornw. CORNLAITERS, s. Newly married peasants who beg corn to sow their first crop with. CORN-PINK, *. The corn-cockle. Northampt. CORN-ROSE, *. The wild poppy. CORNUB, v. To strike with the knuckles. CORNY, adj. (1) Abounding in corn. East. (2) Tasting strong of malt, as corny ale. (3) Tipsy. CORODY,*. (Med.Lat. corrodium.) An allowance of money or food and clothing by an abbot, out of a monastery, to the king for the maintenance of any one of his servants. COROLLARY, s. Something added, or superfluous. Bring a corollary Rather than want. Shakesp., Temp., iv, 1. CORONAL, *. A crown, or garland. Now no more shall these smooth brows be girt With youthful coronals, and lead the dance Fl.,Falthf.Sheph.,i,l CORONEL, . The original Spanish word for colonel. Hence tlu modern pronunciation, curnel. COR 343 COR Afterwards their coroiull, named Don Sebastian, came forth to iutreat that they might part with their armes like tou'lcliers. Spenser, State of Ireland. He brought the name of coronet to town, as some did formerly to the sub- urbs that of lieutenant or captain. Flechtoe's Knigm. Characters. COROUN, *. (A.-N.) A crown. COROUNMENT, . Coronation. COROCR, s. (A.-N.) A courser. CORP, . A corpse. North. CORPHUN, *. A herring. CORPORAL, *. (1) The officer who guarded and arranged the shot or arms of the soldiers on the field of battle. (2) A corporal oath, an oath taken on the consecrated bread. CORPORAS, *. The cloth placed beneath the consecrated element* in the sacrament. CORPORATURE, . A man's body. CORPS, s.(l) (Fr.) The body. Hipocrates hath taught thee the one kinde; Apollo and the muse the other part : And botli so well, that thouwith both dost please: The minde, with pleasure; and the corps, with ease. Daries, Scourge of Folly* 1611. (2) A lease for lives, of which one or more lives have fallen in. CORPSE-CANDLE. *. (1) A thick candle used formerly at lake- wakes. (2) A sort of apparition, de- scribed by Aubrey, Miscellanies. CORRADY, . What we should now term a man's board. See'Corody. CORRETIER, . A horse-dealer. CORRID-HONEY, . Candied honey. CORRIES, *. Apparently, a cuirass. The term occurs in an old do- cument printed in Burgon's Gresham, i, 320. CORRIGE, v. (A.-N.) To correct. CORRIN, (A.-N.) A crown. CORRIVAL, . A partner in affec- tion ; a rival. This proportion was assured clear* before the losse of Constantinople, which to Rome it self, if not considered M a corrivall, was a deep blow. Slant's Voyage in the Levant, 1650. CORROSY, *. A grudge. Devon. CORRUMPABLE, adj. Corruptible. CORRUMPE, v. (A.-N.) To corrupt. CORRUPTED, adj. Ruptured. Suffolk. CORRYNE-POWDKR, *. FillC gUIl- powder. CORS, *. (A.-N.) (1) The body. (2) A course. CORSAINT, . (A.-N.) A holy body ; a saint. Knowestow aught a corsaint That men calle Truthe? fieri PI, p. 109. CORSARY, g. (Fr.) A pirate. CORSE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To curse. (2) . The body of a chariot. " Corse of a chariot or hors lytter covered wyth bayles or bordes. Tympanum." Huloet. (3) . Silk riband woven or braided. " Corse of a gyrdell, tissu." Palsgrave. CORSERE, *. (1) A horseman. (2) A war-horse. (3) A horse-dealer. CORSEY, I f. (a corruption of eor- CORSIVE, erosive.) Anything that CORZIE, J grieves, that corrodes the heart. And that same bitter corsive which did eat Her lender heart, and made relraine from meat. Spent., F. Q., IV, ix, li. This WM a corsive to old Edward's days, And without ceasing fed upon his bones. Drayt., Ltg. of P. Gat., p. 571. The discontent You seem to entertain, is merely cause- less ; And therefore, good my lord, discover it, That we may take the spleen and corsry from it. Chapman' t If on*. D" Olive, Anc. Dr., iii, 348_ CORSICK, adj. Grieved ; embittered. Alas ! poore infants borne to wofull fates, What corticke hart such harmelesse soult-s can greeve. Great Britainet Troye, 16U9. CORSING, *. Horse-dealing. CORSIVE, adj. Corrosive. COR COT CORSPRESANT, s. (/>.) A mortuary. CORSY, adj. Fat ; unwieldy. CORTEISE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Cour- teous. (2) *. Courtesy. CORTER, *. A cloth. CORTINE, s. (A.-N.) A curtain. CORTS, . Carrots. Somerset. CORUNE, *. (A.-N.) A crown. CORVE, s. (1) The eighth part of a ton of coals. (2) A box used in coal mines. ComvEN,part. p. Carved. CORVISOR, s. A shoemaker. CORWE, adj. Sharp. CORY, s. A shepherd's cot. Pr. Parv. CORYE, . To curry. CORYXALLE, *. See Cornall. Cos, s. A kiss. COSCINOMANCY, *. (Gr.) Divina- tion by a sieve. COSEY, . Snug; comfortable. COSH, (1) adj. Quiet ; still. Shropsh. (2) *. A cottage, or hovel. Pr. P. (3) s. The husk of corn. East. COSIER, *. A cobbler. COSIN, . (A.-N.) A cousin, or kins- man. Cosinage, kindred. COSP, s. (1) The cross bar at the top of a spade. (2) The fastening of a door. COSSET, (1)*. A pet lamb. Spenser. (2) v. To fondle. COSSOLETIS, . " A cossoletis, a perfuming pot or censer." Dun- ton's Ladies Dictionary, 1694. COSSICAL, adj. Algebraical. An old term in science. COST, s. (1) (Lat. cotla.) A rib. (2) (A.-N.) A side, or region. This bethe the wordes of cristninge, Bi lliyse Englissche cottcs. William de Shoreham. (3) A dead body. Devon. (4) Loss, or risk. North. (5) Manner, quality, or business. (6) The plant mantagreta. (1) " Nedes cost," a phrase eqni- yalent to positively. Chaucer, "it will not quite cost" it will not answer. Almanack, 1615. COSTAGE, *. (A.-N.) Cost ; expense. COSTARD, s. (1) A sort of large apple. (2) A flask. (3) The head. COSTARD-MONGER, \s. A seller of COSTERMOSGER, J apples ; and, generally, one who kept a stall. They seem even in Ben Jonson's time to have been frequently Irish. Her father was an Irish costarmonger. B.Jons., Alch., iv, 1. And then he'll rail, like a rude coster- monger, That school-boys had couzened of his apples, As loud and senseless. B. $ Fl., Scornf. Lady, iv, 1. COSTE, v. (1) To tempt. Costniny, temptation. Verstegan. (2) To ornament richly. (3) To cast. CosTEiANT,jwar. a. (A.-N.) Coast- ing. COSTERING, (1) adj. Blustering; swaggering. Shropsh. (2) *. A carpet. COSTKRS, *. Pieces of tapestry placed on the sides of tables, beds, &c. COSTIOUS, adj. Costly COSTLEWE, adj. Expensive ; costly. COSTLY, adj. Costive. East. COSTLY-COLOURS, s. A game at cards. COSTMOUS, adj. Costly. COSTREL, "I . (A.-N.) A closed CDSTRET, J portable vessel or flask of earth or of wood, having pro- jections on either side, with holes, through which a cord or leathern strap passed, for the purpose of suspending it from the neck of the person who carried it. COSTY, adj. Costly. COSTYFHED s. Costiveness. COSY, . A pod, or shell. Beds. COT, . (1) (A.-N.) A coat. COT 345 COT (1 1 A pen for cattle. (3) A small bed, or cradle. (4) A finger-stall. East. (5) The cross-bar of a spade. (6) A man who interferes in the kitchen. North. (7) Refuse wool. North. COTAGRE, *. An old dish in cookery. Cotwires. Take and make the self fars (as for pomes dorri/l) ; but do thereto pynes and sugar. Take an hole rowsted cbk. Pulle liym, ami hylde hyrn al togyder, save t'he legges. Take a pigg, aiiii liilde hym from the middes doiin- ward. Fylle him ful of the fars, and sowe hym fast togyder. Do hym in a panne, and seeth livm wel; and whan tliei bene i-sode. do hem on a spyt, and rost it wele Color it with jolkes of ayren and safroii. Lay thereon foyles of gold aud silver, and serve hit forth forme o/Cury, p. 81. COTCHED, pret. t. of catch. A popular vulgarism. COTCHEL, *. A sack partly full. South. COTE, (1) . (Fr.) To coast, to pass by, or keep alongside ; to overtake. We rated them on the way, and hither they are coming. Shakesp., Huml., ii, 2. Tlie buck broke gallantly; my great swift being disadvantaged in his slip was at first behind ; marry, presently cotfd and outstripped them. Ret. from Pant. Orig. of Dr., iii, p. 238. "When each man run his horse with fixed eyes, and notes Which dog first turns the hare, which first the other coals. l)raylon, Polyolt., xxiii. (2) *. A pass ; a go-by. But when he cannot rench hr r, This, giving him a coat, about again o'oih fetch her. Draytt.n. (3) A term in hunting, when the greyhound goes endways by his fellow, and gives the hare a turn. (4) *. (A.-S.) A coat or tunic. (5) (A.-S.) A couage. (6) The third swarm of bees from the same hive. (7) A salt-pit. COTED, part. p. Braided. COTE-HARDY, *. (A.-N.) A close, fitting bodv garment, buttoned down the front, and reaching to the middle of the thigh. COTERELLE, *. A cottager. Pr. P. COTERET, s. A faggot. COTGARE, . Refuse wool. Blottnt. COTH , *. ( 4.-S.) A disease. COTHE, v. To faint. East. COTHY, "1 Faint ; sickly; morose. COTHISH, J East. COTIDIAI., adj. (Lot ) Daily. COTIDIANLICH, s. (A -N.) Daily. COT-LAMB, s. A pet-lamb. Suffolk. COTLAND, s. Land held by a cot- tager in soccage or villenr.ge. COT-Q.UEAN, s. An idle fellow ; one who interferes with women's business. COTTE, part. p. Caught. COTTED, adj. (1) Matted; entan- gled. Line. (2) Cut. COTTER, r. (1) To fasten. Leic. (2) To mend or patch. S/iropsh. (3) To be bewildered. West. (4) To entangle. Line. (5) s. An iron pin to fasten a window-shutter. Northampt. (6) . To repair old clothes. Northampt. (7) *. A miscellaneous collection. Northampt. (8) p. To crouch over ; to keep close to. (9) v. To grapple ; to contend. Leic. COTTERALDGG, . A bar across the chimney for the pothook. Berks. CoTTEiiiL, *. (1) An iron wedge to secure a bolt, &c. Called also a cotter. (2) The leather which keeps the mop together. Line. (3) A pole to hang a pot over the tire ; a hook to hang spits on. South. COTTERILS,*. Money. North. COTTERLIN, s. A pet lamb. East. COT 34G COU COT, a. To fold sheep in a barn. Heref. COTTON, v. (1) To succeed : to go on prosperously. " It will not cot ten," Almanac ft, 1615. SU11 mistress Dorothy! This geer will cotton. S. / Fl., Hons. The,, iv, 8. It eotteni well, it cannot choose but beare A pretty napp. Family of Love, D 3, b. Styles and I cannot cotten. Hist. ofCapt. Stately, B 2, b. What means this ? doth he dote so much of this strange harlot indeed? now I perceive how this geare cottetu. Terence in English, 1641. (2) To beat. " I'll cotton your jacket for you." Warw. COTTYER, *. A cottager. COTYING, *. The ordure of a rabbit. COUCH, (1). A bed of barley when germinating for malt. (2) 8. The roots of grass collected by the harrow in pasture-fields. Glow. (3) *. A den ; a small chamber. (4) v. To squat, said of animals. (5) adj. Left-handed. East. COUCHE, v. (A.-N.) To place, or lay. COUCHER, s. (1) A setter. (2) A book in which the trans- actions of a corporation were registered. COUCH-GRASS, s. A. coarse bad grass which grows in arable land. COUD, (1) pret. t. of kenne, of can, and, in the Northern dialects, of call. (2) adj. Cold. North. COUFLB, . A tub. Rob. Gl. COUGH-OCT, . To discover. COUL, (1) . Cole, or cabbage. Somerset, (2) s. An abscess. Yorksh. (3) v. To pull down. North. (4) . A large wooden tub ; any kind of cup or vessel. (5) v. To scrape earth together. North. COULING-AXE, . An instrument used to stock up earth. Shropih. COULPE, s. (A.-N.) A fault. COULPENED, part. p. {A.-N.) Carved ; engraved. COUL-RAKE, s. A scraper. North. COULTER, *. A plough-share. COUNDUTE, s. (A.-N.) A song. COUNGB, (1) *. A large lump. North. (2) p. To beat. Northumb. COUNGE, s. (A.-N.) Permission. COUNGER, v. (1) To shrink. (2) To conjure. COUNSEL, (1) s. A secret ; silence. (2) v. To gain the affections. North. COUNT, v. To account. COUNTENANCE,*. (1) Importance ; account. (2) What was necessary for the support of a person according to his rank. (3) Custom. COUNTER, (1) v. To sing an ex- temporaneous part upon the plain chant. (2) A coverlet for a bed. COUNTER-BAR, *. A bar for shop windows. COUNTER, *. An arithmetician. COUNTERFEIT, s. A portrait, or statue. COUNTERPAINE, s. The counterpart of a deed. COUNTERPASE,*. (A.-N.) Counter- poise. COUNTERPOINT, . A counterpane. COUNTERWAITE, V. (A.-N.) To watch against. COUNTISE, s. (A.-N.) Art; cunning. COUNTOUR, s. (1) (A.-N.) Acompt- ing-house. Chaucer. (2) (A.-N.) A treasurer. COUNTRE, v. To encounter. COUNTRETAILLE, s. (A.-N.) A tally answering to another. COUNTRIES, . The underground works in mines. COUNTRY-TOM,*. ABedlam-teggar. cou 3-1 : cou COUNTY, s. A count; a nobleman. COUP, v. (1) To empty, or overset. North. (2) To bark, or yelp. Shropsh. (3) To tip, or tilt. Northampt. COUPABLE, adj. (A.-N.) Culpable. COUPAGE, s. (A.-N.) A carving, or cutting up. COUP-CART, 1 *. A long cart. COUPE-WAINE, / North. COUPCREELS, *. A summerset. Cumb. COUPE, (1) *. (A.-N.) A cup ; a vat. (2) *. A basket. (3) *. A coop for poultry. (4) v. To cut. (5) *. A piece cut off. (6) v. (A.-N.) To blame. COUPE-GORGE, s. (Fr.) A cut- throat. COUPING, s. An encounter. COUPIS, . Coping. COUPRAISE, s. A lever. North. COURAKE, . A plant, caulicnlus. COURSE, (1) v. (Fr.) To bend, or stoop. (2) adj. Curved ; bent. Hire nekke is scborte, hire schnldris courle, Tliat uiyjte a mannis luste destourbe. Cover, 3tS. Sac 4ntiq., 134, f. 49. COURBTILY. See Cuiroouly. COURCHEF. See Kerchef. COURDEL, *. A small cord. Shropsh. COURE, (1) . (A.-N.) Heart ; cou- rage. (2) v. (A.-N.) To crouch down. (3) v. To creep up. Morte Arth. COURL, v. To rumble. North. COURSE-A-PARK, *. The name of an old country game. COURSER-MAN, *. A groom. COURT, s. (1) The principal house in a village. (2) A yard to a house. COURT-CHIMNEY, *. A small or portable fireplace ? They use no rost, but for themselves und their houshold; nor no fire, but a little court chimnie in their owne cham- ber. Green'* Quif, frc. COURT-CUP, s. An ashen dish. Let it dry in an ashen dish, otherwise call'd a court-tup, and let it stand in the dish till it be dry, and it will be like a saucer. True Gentlewoman't DcKgM, 1676. COURT-CUPBOARD, . A kind of moveable closet or buffet, to dis- play plate and other articles of luxury. Here shall stand my court-cupboard, with ii a furniture of plate. Mom. ITOlite, Anc. Dr., iii, 394. With a lean visage, like a carved face On a court-cupboard. Corbet, Jter Soreale, p. 2. COURT-DISH, . A sort of drinking- cup. COURTELAGE, *. (A.-N.) A court- yard. COURTKPY, *. (A.-N.) A short cloak. COURT-FOLD, #. A farm-yard. Wore. COURT-HOLY-WATER. Insincere compliment ; flattery ; words without deeds. O nuncle, court koly-vtater in a dry house is better than this rain-water out o' door. Shutetf., Lear, iii, 2. COURTINE, *. A curtain. CODRT-KEEPER, *. The master at a game of racket, or ball. COURTLAX, "I *. A short crooked CURTLAX, > sword ; a corrup- CURTLE-AXE,J tion from the French coutelas. COURT-LODGE, *. A manor-house. Kent. COURT-NOLL, *. A contemptuous name for a courtier. COURT-OF-LODGINGS, . The prin- cipal quadrangle in a palace or large house. COURTSHIP, . Courtly behaviour. Cous, *. A kex. Lane. COUSE, r. (1) To change. (2) To change the teeth. Wane. COUSHOT, *. A wild pigeon. "A ring- dove : a woodculver, or coushot." Nomenclator. COUSLOP, . A cowslip. cou 343 COW COCTELAS, *. (Fr.) A cutlass. COLTERE, s. A piece of armour which covered the elbow. COUTH, (l)s.(A.-S.) Acquaintance; kindred. (2) pret. t. Knew ; could. Often used before an infinitive in the sense of began. So couth he sin: his layes among them all And tune his pype unto the waters fall. Peek'i Farewell, 1589. COUTHE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To make known ; to publish. (2) part. p. Known. (3) adj. (A.-S.) Affable ; kind. COUTH ER, v. To comfort. North. COUTHLY, *. Familiarity. COUVER, s. A domestic connected with the kitchen, in a great mansion. COUWE, adj. Cold. Hearne. COUWEE, adj. (Fr.) Having a tail. COVE, s. (1) A cave. (2) A low building with shelving roof. COVEITE, v. (A.-N.) To covet. COVEITISE, s. Covetousness. COVEL, 8. A kind of coat. COVENABLE, adj. Convenient ; suit- able. COVENAUNT, adj. Becoming. COVENOCSLY, adv. By collusion. See Covine. Also, if any have covenously, fraudu- lently, or undue] y obtained the freedonie of this city. Calthrop's Efforts, 1670. COVENT, g. (1) (A.-N.) A convent. (2) A covenant. (3) An assembly of people. To know the cause why in that triumph he Of all that cotcnt fouiiil the time to be With thoughtful cares alone. Chamberlaync'i Pharonnida, 1659. COVENTRY-BELLS, s. A kind of violet; a mariet. COVERAUNCE, s. Recovery. COVERCHIEF, s. (A.-N.) A head- cloth. COVERCLE, s. (A.-N.) A pot-lid. COVKRE, . To recover. COVERLYGHT, 8. A COVCrlet. COVERSLUT, s. (1) A sort of short mantle. (2) A clean apron over a dirty dress. Northampt. COVERT, s. (1) A covering. (2) A cover for game. (3) (A.-N.) Secresy. (4) A sort of lace. COVERT-FEATHERS,*. The feathers close to the sarcels of a hawk. COVERTINE, I AcQveri COVERTURE, J COVERTON, s. A lid or cover. COVERYE, v. (A.-N.) To take care of. COVEY, (1) *. A cover for game. (2) v. (Fr.) To sit, said of a bird. (3) *. A pantry. COVINE, (1) *. (A.-N.) Intrigue; deceit; secret contrivance. In law, a deceitful compact between two or more to prejudice a third party. (2) 0. To deceive. Cow, (1) f. To frighten. (2) s. The moveable wooden top of a malt-kin, hop-house, &c. (3) v. To scrape. Craven. COW-BABY, s. A coward. Somerset. Peace,lo\vin!r cotr-iai,lubberly hobberd\ - hoy. Dames, Scourge of Folly, 1611. COW-BERRIES, *. Red whortle- berries. COW-BLAKES, *. Dried cow-dung used for fuel. COW-CAP, s. A metal knob put on the tip of a cow's horn. West. COW-CLAP, *. Cow-dung. To light in a cow-clap, i. e., to fall into poverty or misfortune, to mis- manage anything. COW-CLATTING, part. a. Spreading manure on the fields. COWCUMBER, s. A common old spelling of cucumber. COWDE, (1) 8. A gobbet of meat. (2) adj. Obstinate. West. COWDY, (1) adj. Pert; frolicsome. North. cow 349 COY (2) *. A small cow. North. COWED, adj. Timid. North. COWEY, } adj. Club-footed. COW-FOOTED, J North. COW-FAT, s. The red valerian. COWFLOP, *. The foxglove. Devon, COWGELL, . A cudgel. Huloet. COW-GRASS, s. The trifolium me- dium. Northampt. COW-GRIPE, s. A gutter in a cow- stall. COW-HEARTED, adj. Wanting cou- rage. COWISH, adj. Timid. COW-JOCKEY, s. A beast-dealer. North. COWK, s. A cow's hoof. Devon. COWK, 1 m * To strain to vomit. COWKER. COWL, (1) v. To cower down. North. (2) *. A poultry coop. Pr. P. " Francke, cowle, or place wher- in anything is fedde to be fatte." Huloet. COWL, 1 cow,/*' Atub< Essex - COW-LADY, s. The lady-bird. COWLAY, s. A pasture. COWLICK, *. A stiff tuft of hair on a cow. COWLSTAFF, s. (1) A staff for carry- ing a tub or basket which has two ears. (2) A stupid fellow ; a clown. Why thou unconscionable hobnail, tliou country coicl-itaff. thou absolute piece ol thy own dry'd dirt. Ottcay, The Atheist, 1684. COWI.TES, s. Quilts. COW-MIG, *. The drainage of a cow- house or dung-hill. North. COW-MUMBLE, s. The cow-parsnip. COWNANT, *. A covenant COWNDER, n Confusion ; trouble. North. COW-PAR, g. A straw -yard. I'qrf. COW-PAWKD, adj. Left-handed. Northampt. COWPIN, *. The last word. North. COW-PLAT, "I*. A circle of cov,- COW-DASY, J dung. COW-PRISE, *. A wood-pigeon. North. COW-GUAKE, s. The plant spurry. Eatt. COWRING, s. A term in falconry, when young hawks quiver and shake their wings, in token of obedience to the parents. Cows, s. Slime ore. North. COWS-AND-CALVES, s. The flower of the arum maculatum. COWSE, v. (1) To pursue animals. (2) To walk about idly. West. COWSHARD, "I COWSHARN, I Cow . d COWSCARN, COWS'-EASINGS, J A faire woman tooke an yll-fac'd man to husband, and her beauty still more and more increased. A pleasant gentleman noting it said : That he never in all his life sawe an apple in a cowshare con- tinue so long unrotten. Copley's Wits, Fits, and Fancies, 16H. COWSHUT, *. A wood-pigeon. North. COW-STRIPLING, "1 s. A cowslip. COW-STROPPLE, J North. COWTHERED, part. p. Recovered. North. COWTHWORT, s. Motherwort. COW-TIE, *. A rope to hold the cow's hind legs while milking. COW-TONGUED, adj. Having a tongue like a cow, smooth one way and rough the other, and hence one who gives fair or foul language as may suit his purpose. COW-WHEAT, s. The horse-flower. COXON, *. A cockswain. COXY, adj. Conceited. Warw. COXY-ROXY, adj. Merrily and fan- tastically tipsy. North. COYE, (1) v. (J.-N.) To decoy ; to flatter ; to stroke with the hand ; to soothe. Come, sit thee down upon this flowery bed, While 1 thy amiable cheeks do anj. Shai-esf.. Mids. X. hr., iv, L COY 350 CRA (2) s. A decoy. To try a conclusion, I have most fortu- nately made tiieir pages our coyci, by the influence of a white powder. Lady Alimony, act 3 (3) adj. Rare or curious. Drayt. (4) g. A coop for lobsters. East. (5) v. To stir in anything. COYEA. Quoth you. Yorksh. COYNTELICHE, adv. Cunningly. COYSE, *. Choice ? And prively, withoute noyse, He bryngeth this foule gret coyse. Gover, MS. Soc. Antiq., 134, f. 49. COYSELL, s. A consul, or judge. COZE, r. ( Ar. causer.) To converse familiarly with. South. COZIER, *. (Span, coser, to sow.) One who sows ; a tailor, or a cohler. CRA, . (A.-S.) A crow. East. CRAB, (1) s. The potato apple. Lane. (2) *. An iron trivet to set over a fire. Chesh. (3) v. To bruise, or break. North. CRABAT, s. A cravat; or rather a gorget, or riding-band. CRABBAT, *. Good looking. CRABBUN, s. A dunghill fowl. CRABE, r. A term in falconry, to fight together. CRABER, *. The water-rat. CRAB-LANTHORN,*. (1) An apple- jack. (2) A cross child. CRAB-LOUSE, s. " Pediculus ingui- nalis, quod pubera et inguina in- festet. Morpion. A crablowse." Nomenclator. CRAB-STOCK, *. A crab-tree. CRAB-VERJUICE, *. Viuegar made from crabs. CRAB-WINDLASS, s. A windlass employed on a barge. CRACCHE, v. (4.-S.) To scratch. CRACHED, adj. (Fr.) Infirm. CUACHES, s. Chickweed. CKACHY, adj. Infirm. Var. di. CRACK, (1) *. A boast. (2) v. To boast ; to challenge (3) v. To converse. Norf. (4) s. Chat; news. Norf. (5) Chief; excellent. (6) v. To strike, or throw. (7) . A blow. (8) " In a crack," quickly. (9) *. Crepitus ventris. (10) s. A charge for a cannon. (11)*. A prostitute. North. (12) s. A pert, lively boy. I saw him break Skogan's head at the court gate, when he was but a crack, not thus high. Shalcesf., 2 Hen. IT, iii, 2. It is a rogue, a wag, his name is Jack, A notable dissembling lad, a oracle. Four Prentices, O. PI., vi, 654. (13) v. To creak. Palsgrave. (14) r. To restrain. North. (15) v. To curdle. Craven. CRACK-BRAINED, adj. Flighty. CRACKED, part. p. Cloven. CRACKED-PIECE,*. A girl no longer a virgin; sometimes said to be cracked in the ring. CRACKEL, s. A cricket. North. CRACKER, *. (1) A small baking dish. (2) A small water-biscuit. North. CRACKET, *. A low stool. North. CRACKHALTER, ] CRACK-HEMP, I An ill-disposed CRACK-ROPE, J feI1 W - CRACKLING,! ,,,. . CRACKNEL, r-W ^ CHSp Cake. (2) The brittle skin of roasted pork. CRACKING-WHOLE, s. A slicken- slide. RACKMAN, s. A hedge. RACKNUT, s. A nut-cracker. Then for that pretty trifle, that sweet fool* Just wean'd frora's bread and butter and the school; 'raclcnuts and hobbihorse, and the quaint jackdaw, ?o wear a tiling with a plush scabberd-law. Fletcher's Poems, p. 244. CRACKOWES, *. Shoes with long CRA 351 CRA points turned up in a curve, said to be named from Cracow in Poland. CRACOKE, "I CRACONUM, V. Refuse of tallow. CRAKANE, J CRACUS, *. A sort of tobacco. CRADDANTLY, adv. Cowardly. North. CRADDIN, . A mischievous trick. North. CRADELINGS, s. Domestic fowls of a particular colour. Leic. CRADGE, . To mend banks of rivers for the purpose of protect- ing the adjoining fields from flood. Northampt. CRADLE, . A framed wooden fence for a young tree. CRADLE-SCALE, s. A scale in a mill for weighing sacks of corn. Leic. CRADLE-SCYTHE, s. Asort of scythe having a frame to lay the corn smooth in cutting. CRAFF, *. A sparrow. Cumb. CRAFFLE, v. To hobble. Derbysh. CRAFTE, v. To deal cunningly. CRAFTIMAN, s. (A.-S.) An artificer. CRAFTLY, adv. (A.-S.) Prudently. CRAFTY, adj. (4.-S.) Well made. CRAG, *. (1) The neck, or throat. (2> The craw. East. (3) A small beer-vessel. CRAG, Is. A large quantity. CROG, J Northampt. CRAGGED, adj. Crammed. North- ampt. See Croayed. CRAIER, s. A sort of small ship. CRAIM, *. A booth at a fair. North. CRAISEY, s. The butter-cup. Wilts. CRAITH, *. A scar. West. CRAKE, (1) v. To boast. She was bred and nnrst On Cynthus hill, whence she her name did take; Then is she mortal home, howso ye crake. Sf., F. Q., VII, vii, oU. (2) s. A brag or boast. Great crates hatli beene made that all should be well, but, when all came to all, little or nothing was done. La timer, Serm., fol. 28 b. (3) v. To speak, or divulge. West. (4) v. To shout, or cry. (5) v. To creak. (6) v. To quaver hoarsely in sing- ing. (7) *. A crow. North. (8) *. The land-rail. East. (9) v. To crack ; to break. CRAKE-BERRY, s. The crow-berry. North. CRAKE-FEET, . The orchis. North. CRAKE-NEEDLES, s. Shepherds'- needles. CRAKER, s. A boaster. CRAKERS, "1 *. Picked English KREEKARS, J soldiers employed in France under Henry VIII. CRALLIT, part. p. Engraven. CRAM, (1) v. To tumble or disar- range. Line. (2) v. To lie. (3) s. A lump of food. North. (4) v. To intrude. Leic. CRAMBLE, v. To hobble; to creep. Crambly, lame. North. CR AMBLES, s. Large boughs of trees. CRAMBO, s. A game or pastime in which one gave a word, to which another must find a rhyme. CRAMBO-CREE, s. Pudendum f. CRAME,. (1) To mend by joining together. North. (2) To bend. Lane. CRAMER, . A tinker. North. CRAMMELY, adv. Awkwardly. North. CRAMMER, s. A falsehood. Var. d. CRAMMOCK, v. To hobble. Yorkxh. CRAMOSIN, . (A.-N.) Crimson. CRAMP-BONE, s. The patella of a sheep, employed as a charm for the cramp. CRAMPER, s. A cramp-iron. CRAMPISH, v. (A.-N.) To contract violently. CRA 352 CRA CRAMPLED, adj. Stiff in the joints. CRAMPON, *. (Fr.) The border of a ring which holds a stone. CRAMP-RINGS, *. Fetters. CRAMSINE, . To claw. CRANCH, v. To grind or crush be- tween the teeth. CRANE, s. (1) (Fr.) The criniere. Cranet, a small crane. (2) A pastime at harvest-home festivities. Northampt. (3) A heron. Leic. CRANE-GUTTED, adj. Very thin. East. CRANET, s. A small red worm. Cumb. CRANGLE, v. To waddle. North. CRANION, (1) s. The skull. (2) adj. Small ; spider-like. Jons. CRANK, (1) adj. Brisk; jolly; merry. A lasse once favoured or at least did seerae to favour it. And fosterd up my frollick heart with many pleasing bit. Slie lodg'd him neere her bower, whence he loved not to gad, But waxed cranke, for why? no heart a sweeter layer had. Warner's Attions England, 1592. (2) adj. Sick. Leic. (3) adj. Over-masted, said of a ship. (4) v. To creak. North. (5) e. To wind, said of a river. (6) *. The bend of a river ; any winding passage. (7) *. The wheel of a well to draw water. Pr. P. (8) s. A reel for winding thread. Ibid. (9) *. An impostor. CRANKIES, *. Pitmen. North. CRANKLE, (1) v. To run in and out in bends. Crankling, winding. (2) v. To break into angles or unequal surfaces. (3) *. Angular prominences, in- equalities. ^4) adj. Weak. North. CRANKS,*. (1) Pains ; aches. Cra- ven. (2) Offices. South. (3) A toaster. North. CRANKY, adj. (1) Merry ; cheerful. (2) Ailing; sickly. (3) Chequered. North. CRANNY, adj. Giddy ; thoughtless. GRANTS,*. Garlands. Shakesp.. CRANY, s. A crumb. Devon. CRAP, (1) pret. t. Crept. North. (2) v. To snap ; to crack. So~ merset. (3) *. The back of the neck. (4) s. A bunch. West. (5) s. Darnel, or buck-wheat. (6) s. The coarse part of beef joining the ribs. (7) *. Money. North. (8) s. Assurance. J~ilts. (9) s. Dregs of matt liquor. CRAFAUTE, s. (Fr.) The toad-stone. CRAPER, s. (A.-N.) A rope. CRAP-FULL. Quite full. Devon. CRAPISH, adj. Those poor devils that call themselves virtues, and are very scandalous and crapish, I swear. Otway, SolJier's Fortanf, 1CS1 . CRAPLE, s. A claw. Spenser. CRAPON, s. (A.-N.) A loadstone. CRAPPELY.arf/. Lan.e; infirm. Line. CRAPPINS, s. Where the coal crops out. Shropsh. CRAPPY, v. To snap. Somerset. CRAPS, s. (1) The chaff of corn. West. (2) The refuse of lard burnt be- fore a fire. North. CRAPSICK, adj. Sick from over- eating or drinking. South. CHARE, ~\ , . ., \ GRAYER, V V'-"' Cr. To curl, as a dog's tail. CROMSTER, *. (Dut.) A vessel with a crooked prow. CRONE, *. (1) An old ewe. (2) An old woman, used generally in an opprobrious sense. CRONE-BERRIES, s. Whortle-ber- ries. CRONELL, *. A coronal. CRONESANKE, s. The persicaria. CRONET, s. The hair which grows on the top of a horse's hoof. CRONGE, *. A hilt, or handle. CRONK, v. (1) To prate. North. (2) To perch. Yorksh. (3) To exult insultingly. C RONNY, adj. Merry; chetrfi.1. Dero. CRO 358 CRO CRONY, s. An old and intimate acquaintance. CROO, s. A crib for cattle. Lane. CROOULE, v. (1) To cower; to shrink. (2) To feel cold. (3) To coax ; to fawn. CROOK, (1)*. A bend, or curvature. (2) The crick in the neck. (3) A chain in a chimney to sus- pend boilers. North. (4) The devil. Somerset. CROOKED-STOCKINGS. To have crooked stockings, i. e., to be drunk. Northampt. CROOKEL, v. To coo. North. CROOK-LUG, s. A hooked pole for pulling down dead branches of trees. Glouc. CROOKS, s. (1) Pieces of timber to support burdens on horses. Devon. (2) Hinges. North. CROOL, "10. To mutter ; to grum- CROOT, J ble. CROOM, s. A small portion. Somers. CROON, v. (1) To roar. North. (2) To murmur softly. CROONCH, v. To encroach. East. CROOP, v. To scrape together. Dev. CROOPBACK, s. A hump-back. CROOPY, (1) v. To creep. Dorset. (2) adj. Hoarse. North. CROOSE, s. The assistant to the banker at basset. CROP, *. (1) (A.-S.) The top. (2) The head or top of a tree, the extreme shoot. Any shoot, or sprig, particularly the growth of one season. (3) The spare-rib. (4) The gorge of a bird. CROPE, (\}pret. t. (A.-S.) Crept; pi. cropen and croppen. (2) v. To creep slowly. East. (3) s. The crupper. (4) adj. Crooked. (5) s. (A.-N.) A band, or fillet. CIIOPIERS, s. The housings on a horse's back. GROPING, s. The surface of coal. CROPONE, s. (A.-N.) The buttock or haunch. CROP-OUT, v. To appear above the surface, said of a stratum of coal or other minerals. CROPPEN, (1) part. p. Crept. North. (2) v. To eat, said of birds. (3) s. The crop of a hen. Cumb. CROPPER, v. To cramp. Leic. CROP-RASH, *. The loose stone above the solid vein. Jf'arw. CROP-ROCK, *. Loose, soft stone, that lies above the solid vein. The surface or uppermost rock. Warw. CROP-WEED, s. The black matfellon. CROSE, s. A crosier. CROSHABELL, *. A harlot. Kent. CROSS, (1) s. A piece of money, so named from the cross which was usually placed on the reverse of old English coins. He did reply, Faith Tiot a crosse To blesse me in this case ; 1 must goe seeke to mend my selfe, lu some more wholsome place. Rowlands, Knave of Clubs, 1611. (2) . The horizontal piece near the top of a dagger. (3) v. To cashier. (4) v. To dislodge a roe-deer. Also, to double in a chase. (5) v. To cleave the back-bone of the deer, a term in hunting. CROSS-AND-PILE, s. The game now called heads-and-tails. Bil. That ever friends should fall out about trifles ! (They drop their swords, end embrace.) 'Prithee let's discourse the business quietly, between ourselves ; and since 'tis gone so far as to be taken notice of in tlie town, cross and file between us, who shall wear his arm in a scarf. T. T. Agreed. But hold the devil v cross have I. Bil. Or I. Then knots and flats, r, ... swords shall serve; this, knots that, flats. -I cry, knots. The Cheats, 1662. Prithee let's throw up cross and pile then whether it shall be a match or no. Howard, English Mounsievr, 1674. CRO 359 CRO All our wisdom and judgment is perfect chance, cross or pile, even or odd, we take all upnn trust, are bore away by custom and number, and run headlong like sheep because we are led, and never stop to ask the reason why ? And at the rehearsal of a fresh story tho" true or false, we are whistled together as thick as swarms of bees at the tinkling of a brass warming pan. The Mobbs Catechism, 1703. CROSS-BARS, s. A juvenile game. CROSS-BATED, adj. Chequered. CROSS-BITE, (1) . To swindle; to cheat ; to deceive. Cross-bite, and cross-biter, a swindler. " Fur- bare, to play the cheater, the cunnie-catcher or crosse biter." Florio. Who, when he speaks, grunts like a hog, and looks Like one that is employ'd in catzerie And crosbiting. 0. PI., viii, 37-t. Here's young Maggot, and Selfish, why they don't know how to bet at a horse- race, or make a good match at tennis, and are cross-bitten at bowls. S/tadwell, True jndoic, 1679. I challeng'd him; he dar'd not meet; but by cross-biting made Jack here, little Jack, and me meet, and fall out. Shadvicll, Bury Fair, 1689. Was ever man so cross-bit and con- founded by an asse ? Caryl, Sir Salomon, 1691. (2) *. A trick. What a cross-bite have I scaped? this gham was well carried on madam. Did you hear, old fool ? Shadicell, True Widov, 1679. CROSS-BRIDGE, s. The frame he- hind a wagon into which the side pieces are tenanted. North- ampt, CROSS-CLOTH, *. " Plagnla. Vela- men capitis lineum minus, quo nostrates feminae fere capita in- tegunt. A crosse cloth, or knit kercher." Nomenclator. CROSS-DAYS, *. The three days preceding the Ascension. CROSSED.*. (A.-N. croise.) Having taken the cross ; a cru-ader. CROSSELET, *. (A.-N.) A crucible. CROSS-GARTER'D, adj. A fashion prevailed at the end of Eliza- beth's reign of wearing the gnr- ters crossed on the leg, which appears to have heen considered as characteristic of a coxcomb. CROSS-GRAINED, adj. Peevish; difficult to please. CROSS-HOPPLED, adj. Ill-tempered. Northampt. CROSS-LAY, *. A cheating wager. CROSSLET, s. A frontlet. CROSS-MORGANED, adj. Peevish. North. CROSS-PATCH, I s>Aishchi!d CROSS-POT, J CROSS-PURPOSES, *. A child's game. CROSS-ROW, s. The alphabet. Of all the letters in the crostrow a w. is the worst and ill pronounced, for it is u dissemblers and a knaves epitheton. Dane's Polydoron, 1631. CROSS-RI'FF, s. An old game at cards CROSS-THE-BUCKLE, . A peculiar step in rustic dancing. CROSS-TOLL, *. A passage toll. CROSS-TRIP, *. In wrestling, when the legs are crossed one within the other. CROSS-WAMPING, . Wrangling; contradicting. Norttiampt. CROSS-WEEK, *. Rogation week. CROSSWIXD, v. To twist; to warp. CROSTELL, s. A wine-pot. CROSWORT, s. Herba Crimatica, hot. CROTCH,*. (1) A post with a forked top. (2) The place where the tail of an animal commences. CROTCH-BOOTS, . Water-boots. East. CROTCH-BOUND, ad'. Lazy. East. CROTCH ED, adj. (1) Hooked. North. (2) Cross in temper. Eaut. CROTCH-ROOM, s. Length of the legs. CROTCH-STICK, *. A crutch. East. CROTCH-T.UI, *. A. kite. Essex. CRO SCO CRO CROTE, s. A clod of earth. CROTELS, ~| s. (Fr.) The ordure CROTEYS, J of the hare, rahbit, &c. CROTEY, *. (A.-N.) Pottage. CROTON, s. A dish in cookery. See Crayton. Croton. Take the offal of capons other of other hriddes. Make hem clene, and parboile hem. Take hem up and dyce hem. Take swete cowe mylke, and cast thereinne, and lat it hoile. Take payn- demayn, and of the self mylke, and draine thurgh a cloth, and cast it in a pot, and lat it seeth. Take ayren y-sode, liewe the whyte, and cast thereto; and alye the sewewith pikes of ayren rawe. Color it witli safron. Take the jolkes, and frye hem, and florish hem therewith, and with powdor-douce. Forme of Cury, p. 13. CROTTE, s. (A.-N.) A hole ; a cor- ner. CROTTLES, . Crumhs. North. CROTTLIXG, adj. Friahle. North. CROU, a. A sty. Devon. CROUCH, *. A tumble; a wrinkle. OJCOH. CROUCHE, (1) s. (A.-S.) A cross. We the byddeth, Jhesu Cryst, Codes sone alyve, Sete on rrouclte, pyne and passyonn, And thy dethe that hys ryve. W. de Shoreham. (2) v. To sign with the cross. (3) s. A coin. See Cross. CROUCHEN, part. p. Perched. North. CROUCHMAS,*. Christmas. Tusser. CROUD, (l)s. A fiddle. See Crowd. (2) s. The crypt of a church. (3) *. An apple pasty. fFilts. (4) v. To coo. North. CROUDEWAIN, s. A cart, or a kind of harrow. CROUKE, (1) s. (A.-S.) An earthen pitcher. (2) v. (A.-S.) To bend. CROUME, adj. (A.-N.) Sharp ; cut- ting. CROUNCORN, *. A rustic pipe. CROUP, (1) s. The craw; the belly. (2) s. The buttock, or haunch. (3) s. (A.-N.) The ridge of th back. (4) v. To stoop ; to crouch. Cumb. (5) v. To croak. North. CROUPY-CRAW,S. Theraven. North. CROUS, adj. (1) Merry; lively. (2) Saucy ; malapert. North. (3) v. To provoke. East. CROUSLEY, v. To court. Devon. CROUTH, s. A fiddle ; a crowd. CROUWEPIL, s. The herb crane-bill. CROW, (1) s. A cattle-crib. Lane. (2) *. An iron gavelock. North. (3) v. To claim. Somerset. (4) s. A pigsty. Devon. (5) s. The pig's fut which is fried with the liver. Northamjjt. (6) To give the crow a pudding, to die. Shakesp. CROW-BELL, s. A plant peculiar to \Vilts. Aubrey. CROW-BERRY, s. Empetrum ni- ffrum, Lin. CROWCH, s. (1) A crutch. (2) A stilt. "Stilts: skatches: crowches." Nomenclator. CROW-COAL,*. Inferior coal. Cumb. CROWD, (1) s. A fiddle; croivder, a fiddler. (2) s. A crypt in a church. Cryptoporticus, Plin. Jun. Porticus snbterranea, aut loco depressiore po- sita, cujusmodi structum est porticuum in antiqui operis moiiiisteriis. icpvjrn/. A secret walke or vault under the grounde, as tlie crowdes or s/irotcdes of Paules, called S. Faithes church. Nomenclator (3) v. To make a grating noise. (4) v. To wheel about. Norf. (5) *. Congealed milk. North. CROWD-BARROW,"! s. A wheel- CROWDING, J barrow. Norf. CROWDLING, adj. Timid ; sickly. West. CROWDY, *. A mess of oatmeal mixed with milk. North. And tnere'll he pies and spice dumplings, And there'll be bacon and pease; Besides a great lump of beef boiled, And they may get crowdiet who p'?Rse. OU &jrui. CRO 3G1 CRU CROWDY-KIT, s. A small fiddle. West. CROWDY-MAIN, . A riotous as- sembly ; a cock-fight. North. CROWDY-MUTTON, . A fiddler. CROVVDY-PIE, s. An apple-turnover. West. CROW-FEET, *. The wrinkles at the outer corners of the eye. CROWFLOWER, *. The crow-foot. North. CROWFOOT, s. A caltrop. CROWISH, adj. Pert. North. CKOWLANDE, part. a. Exulting; hoasting. CROWLE, v. To grumble in the stomach. CROW-LEEK, *. The hyacinth. CROWX, v. To hold an inquest. North. CROWXED-CUP, . A bumper. CROW-XEEDLKS, *. The plant shep- herd's needle. Northampt. CROWNING, adj. Slightly arched. East. CROW-PARSNIP, s. The dandelion. CROW-PIE, s. Nasal dirt. CROW-PIGHTLE, *. The butter-cup. Northampt. CROWSE, adj. Sprightly, merry, or alert. North. Such one them art, as is the little fly, Who is so crowse and gamesome willi the flume. limy ton, Eel. 7. CROWSHELL, *. The fresh-water muscle. CROWS-NEST, *. Wild parsley. CROWSOPE, *. The plant saponaria. CROW-STONES, 1 s. Fossil shells ; CROW-POT- >gryphites. North- STONES, J ampt. CROWT, v. To pucker up. CROW-TOE, *. The wild ranun- culus. CROW-TOED, adj. Wheat irregu- larly beaten down. Northampt. CROYDON-SANGUINE, s. A sallow colour. CROYN, v. To cry, like deer in rutting time. CROZZILS, #. Half-burnt coals. Yorksh. CRUB, *. A crust, or rind. Grubby, crusty bread. Devon. CRUBBIN, *. Food. West. CRIIBS, .. The wooden supporters of panniers on a horse. West. CRUCCHEN, v. (A.-S.) To crouch. CRUCE, *. (Fr. cruche.) A jug. Tliey had sacked such a juce Cut of the good ale cruce. The \jn\uck\e Firmentit. CRTJCHR, . A bishop's crosier. CRUCHET, *. A wood-pigeon. North. CRUCIAR, . Acrucifier. WickUffe. CRUCIATE, v. (Lot.*) Totorment. Hee hath kneeled oftener in tlie honoar of his sweeteheurt tlieu his Saviour : hee eruciateth himself with the thought of her, and wearielh al his friends with talking on her. Man in theMoone, 1609. CRUCKLE, v. To bend; to stoop. East. CRU D, part. p. Carted ; conveyed. CRUD, \v. To coagulate; to CRUDDLE, J curdle. GRUDGE, v. To crush ; to crowd upon. Northampt. CRUDLY, adj. Crumbling. Shropsh. CRUDS, s. (A.-S.) Curds. CRUEI>, (1) adj. Keen; valiant. (2) adj. Sad. Ejcmoor. (3) adj. Very. (4) s. Fine worsted. (5) . A cowslip. Devon. CRUELS, *. The shingles. Yorksft. CRUEL-WISE, adj. Inclined to cruelty. CRUIVES, . Spaces in a dam or weir for taking salmon. North. CRUKE, *. (A.-S.) A crook. CRULE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To curl. (2) To shiver with cold. CRUM, v. To stuff. North. Phormio, the whole charge is )aie; bake it wel, and serve it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 32. DARK, (1) v. To make dark. (2) adj. Blind. Var. d. (3) *. A dark night. South. (4) v. To lie hid, BAR 373 DAU (5) 0. To eavesdrop ; to watch an opportunity of injuring others. DARKENING, s. Twilight. North. DARK-HOUR, s. Twilight. DARK-HOUSE, s. The old name for a madhouse. DARKLING, adv. Involved in dark- ness. DARKMAN, s. The night. A cant term. Dekker. DARKS, s. Nights on which the moon does not shine. DARKSOME, adj. Very dark. DARNAK, s. A thick hedge-glove. Suff. DARNEL, *. The lolium perenne. DARNEX,,?. A coarse sort of damask, originally made at Tournay, called in Flemish, Dornick. DARNICK,S. Linsey-wolsey. North. DARNS, s. Door-posts. Devon. DAROUS, adj. Daring. Devon. DARRAIGNE, v. (A.-N.) (1) To pre- pare for battle. (2) To fight a battle. DARRAK, s. A day's work. Cumb. DARRAYNE, v. To change ; to trans- mute. DARREIX, adj. The last. DARRIKY, adj. Rotten. Glouc. DARRILSK, s. Damask cloth. DARSTS, s. Dregs ; refuse. North. See Drast. DARTE, *. (A.-N.) The date-tree. DARTER, adj. Active. Cumb. DART- GRASS, *. The Holcus lana- tus. North. DASEWENESSE.S. (A.-S.) Dimness. DASH, (1) v. To destroy; to spoil. (2) v. To abash. East. (3) v. To splash with dirt. (4) v. To dash one in the teeth, to upbraid. (5) *. A tavern drawer. (6) 0. To dilute. DASH-BOARDS, s. Moveable sides to a cart; the beaters in a barrel churn. DASHEL, *. A thistle. Devon. DASHEN, 0. To make a great show ; to make a sudden attack of move. DASHER-ON, *. A piece of boiling beef. DASHIN, *. The vessel in which oatmeal is prepared. Derb. DASIBERDE, *. A simpleton; a fool. DASING, *. Blindness. Becon. DASNE, 0. (A.-S.) To grow dim. DASSE, *. A badger. Caxton. DASTARD, *. A simpleton. DATELESS, adj. Crazy; in one's dotage. North. DATES, *. Writings ; evidences. DATHEiT,jDar./>. (A.-N.) Cursed; generally used as an impre- cation. DATHER, v. To tremble. Kent. DATION, *. (Lat.) A gift. DAUB, (1) *. Clay. Lane. (2) 0. To bribe. A cant term. DAUBER, s. A builder of mud walls; a plasterer. DAUBING, adj. Wet and dirty, ap- plied to weather. Leic. DAUBY, (1) adj. Clammy; sticky. Norf. (2) s. A fool. Northumb. DAUDER, 0. To ill-treat. North. DAUDLE, 0. (1) To trifle away time. (2) To swing perpendicularly. (3) *. A slattern. Yorksh. DAUDS, s. Fragments. North. DAUGHTER-IN-BASE, s. A bastard- daughter. DAUK, 0. To incise with a jerk ; to give a quick stab. Wilts. DAUNCH, adj. Fastidious ; squeam- ish ; seedy. Daunche, fastidi- ousness. DAUNDRIN, g. Same as Bever (1). DADNGE, s. A narrow passage. DAUNT, 0. (1) (d.-N.) To con- quer. (2) To knock down. (3) To dare; to defy. (4) To frighten; to' fear. (5) To frisk about. (6) To tame ; to nourish. DAU 374 DAY DAURE,. To dazzle; to confound. Eost. DAURG, *. A day's work. North. DAUSEY-HEADED, adj. Giddy; thoughtless. DAUT, s. A speck. Craven. DAVE, v. (1) To thaw. Somerset. (2) To assuage, or relieve. North. DAVER, v. (1) To droop ; to fade. West. Lord ! all things bud, and shall I favour Without the sunshine of thy favour ? Cudmore's Prayer Song, 1655. (2) To stun ; to stupify. North. DAVID'S-STAFF, . A sort of quad- rant, formerly used in navigation. DAVING, s. A partition of boards. Went. DAVISON, s. A large wild plum. DAVY, (1) . To raise marl from cliffs by means of a wince. Norf. (2) s. An affidavit. DAVY-JONES, s. The name given by sailors to a sea-devil. DAW, (1) v. To dawn ; to awaken. North. (2) v. To rouse ; to resuscitate. Yet was this man well fearder than, Lest lie the frier had slaine ; Till with good rappes, and hevy clappes, He dawed him up againe. A Mery Jest of a Sergeant. (3) . To daunt, or frighten. (4) s. A fool ; a sluggard. (5)0. To thrive; to mend. North. (6) v. To dawdle ; to idle. Ther is no man that doth well knowe mee that will beeleeve that 1 would, if I had not been distempered by surfett and drinke, ryde lobbinge and dawinye to rayle at your lordship. Ellis'i Literary Letters, p. 92. (7)s. (4.-S.) Dough. (8) *. A beetle or dor. East. DAW-COCK, s. A jackdaw. DAWDY, . A slattern. North. DAWE, (1) s. (4.-S.) Dawn. (2) *. (A.-S.) A day ; life. (3) adv. Down. DAWENING, s. (A.-S.) Day-break. DAWGOS, *. A slattern. North. DAWGY, adj. Soft ; flabby. Yoricsh. DAWIE, v. To awake. See Daw. D AWING, s. Day-break. DAWKIN, *. (1) A foolish, self-con. ceited person. North. (2) A slut. North. DAWKES, s. A slattern. Glouc. DAWKS, s. Fine clothes put on slovenly. Line. DAWL, v'. (1) To dash. Devon. (2) To tire; to fatigue. (3) To loathe, or nauseate. DAWNE, . To revive a person. DAWNS, s. A kind of lace. DAWNTLE, v. To fondle. North. DAWNY, adj. Damp; soft. West. DAWPATE, s. A simpleton. Hey- wood, 1556. DAWSEL, v. To stupify. Suffolk. DAWSY, adj. Sticky; adhesive. Northampt. T)AWTET,part.p. Caressed. Cumb. DAWZE, v. To use the bent hazel rod, for the discovery of ore. Somerset. DAY, (1) v. (A.-S.) To dawn. (2) s. (A.-S.) Day; the dawn; time. (3) P. To fix a day. The moste part of my debtters have ho- nestly payed, And they that were not redy I have gently dayed. Wager's Cruell Detter, 1566. (4) v. To procrastinate. (5) 8. A league of amity. (6) *. The surface of ore. (7) 8. A bay of a window. DAY-BED, s. A couch, or sofa. Calling my officers about me, in my branch'd velvet gown ; having come from a day-led, where I have left Olivia sleeping. Shakesp., Twel. N., ii, 6. Above there are day-beds, and such tempt- ations I dare not trust, sir. . j- Fl., Rule a Wife, j-c., i, 6. 31. Is the great couch up, The Duke of Medina sent ? A. "Tis up, and ready. M. And day-beds in all chambers ? A. In all, lady. /t.,actiii,l. DAY 375 DEA DAYE, v. (A.-S.) To die. DAYEGH,*. Dough. Yorksh. DAY-HOUSK, \s. A dairy; a place DEY-HOUSE, /for making cheese. DAYING, s. Arbitration. DAYLE, v. (1) To blot out. (2) To dally, or tarry. DAY-LIGHTS, s. The eyes. North. DAYLIGHT'S-GATE, s. Twilight. DAY-NET, s. A net for taking small birds. DAY-NETTLE, *. Dead nettle. DAYNLY, adv. (A.-N.) Disdain- fully. DAYXTEL, s. A dainty. DAYNTEVOUS, adj. Choice; dainty. Danetyvousely, daintily. DAYSMAN, s. An arbitrator, or umpire. If one man sinne against another, daise- men may make his peace, but if a man sinne against the Lord, who can be his dayesman ? TindaFs Bible, 1 Sam. 2. If neighbours were at variance, they ran not streight to law, Daicsmcn took up the matter, and cost them not a straw. New Custome, O. PI., i, 260. Simus and Crito, my neighbours, are at controversie here about their lands, and they have made me umpire and dales- man betwixt tin-in. Terence in English,l6ll. DAYS-MATH, s. (I) An acre, the quantity mown by a man in one day. West. (2) Any small portion of ground. DAYTALE, s. Day time. DAYTALEMAN, *. A chance-la- bourer, one employed only from day to day. Daytale-pace, a slow pace. DAY-WORK, . (1) Work done by the day. (2) Three roods of land. "Four perches make a day worke ; ten day works make a roode or quar- ter." Twysden MSS. DAZE, v. To dazzle. Spens. DAZED, adj. (1) Dull; sickly. (2) Confused. (3) Spoilt, as in cooking. (4) Of a dun colour. DAZEG, s. A daisy. Cumb. DE, (1) s. (A.-N.) God. (2) The. DEA. Do. Westm. DEAD, (1) v. To deaden. North. (2) v. To kill. (3) s. Death. Sujf. (4) part. p. Fainted. West, (5) adv. Exceedingly ; com- pletely. North. DEAD-BOOT, s. (A.-S.) Church ser- vices done for the dead; penance. DEAD-COAL, s. A cinder. North. DEAD-DOING, adj. Destructive. Spenser. DEAD-HEDGE, s. A hedge made of dead thorns, &c., wattled with- out any live wood. DEAD-HORSE. To pull the dead horse, to work for wages already paid. DEAD-HOUSE, *. A place for the reception of drowned persons. DEAD-LIFT, s. The moving of a motionless body. Hence, a situ- ation of difficulty. DEADLY, (1) adv. Very; exceed- ingly. (2) adj. Sharp ; active. DEAD-MAN, s. (1) Old works in a mine. (2) A scarecrow. West. (3) When the soil rises higher on one side of a wall than on the other, or when there is a descent of two or three steps into a house, the part of the wall below the surface of the higher soil is called dead-man. A T orthamj}(. DEAD-MAN'S-THUMB, s. An old name for a meadow flower, which was of a blue colour. DEAD-MATE, s. A stale-mate in chess. DEAD-MEN, . Empty ale-pots. DEAD-MEN'S-FINGERS, s. The small portions of a crab which are unlit for food. DEA 376 DEC DEAD-NIP, s. A blue mark on the body, ascribed to witchcraft. North. DEAD-PAT, s. The continued pay of soldiers actually dead, which dishonest officers appropriated illegally. Most of them [captains] know arithmetic so well, That in a muster, to preserve dead-pays, They'll make twelve stand for twenty. Webster's Appius, v, i, Anc. Dr., v, 4&7. DEADS, *. The under-stratum. Dev. DEADST, s. The height. DekJcer. DEAF, (1) adj. Decayed; tasteless; applied to nuts, corn, &c. (2) . To deafen. DEAFLY, \adj. Lonely; soli- DEAVELIE, J tary. DEAF-EARS, s. The valves of a beef's heart. Northampt. DEAF-NETTLE,*. The dead nettle. DEAIL-HEAD, *. A narrow plat of ground in a field. Cumb. DEAK, (1) s. A ditch. Kent. (2) . To fight. North. DEAL, (A.-S.) (1) v. To divide; to distribute. See Dele. (2) s. A dole. DEALBATE, v. (Lot.) To whiten. DEAL-TREE,*. The fir-tree. Deal- apples, fir apples. East. DEAM, adj. Lonely ; solitary. North. DEAN, (1) s. (A.-S.) A valley. (2) s. A din ; a noise. Essex. (3) v. To do. Yorksh. DEA-NETTLE, s. Wild hemp. North. DEAR. See Dere. DEARED, part. p. Frightened ; con- founded. Exmoor. DEARLY, adv. Extremely. Far. d. DEARN, (1) adj. Lonely. North. (2) s. A dooi or gate post. A'or/A. DEARNFUL, adj. Melancholy. Spenser. DEATH, adj. Deaf. Suffolk. DEATHING, s. Decease. DEATH'S-HERB, s. Nightshade. DKATH'S-MAN, . An executioner. DEATHSMEAR, "1 s. A rap : dly fatal DE'.M, /disease incident to children. DEAURAT, adj. (Laf.) Gilded. DEAVE, v. To deafen. North. DEAZED, adj. Dry; raw. North. DEBACCHATE, v. (Lot.) To act in a rage ; to rave furiously. DEBARK, adj. Bare. Drayt. DEBASHED, adj. Abashed. DEBATE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To fight. Debatement, contention. (2) #. Combat. DEBAUSHMENT, s. A debauching. DEBELL, v. (Lat.) To conquer by war. Debellation, conquest. "Who at the debellation of Jerusalem by Nabuchadnezer." Huloet. DEBELLISH, v. To embellish. DEBEOF, s. A sort of spear. DEBERRIES,*. Gooseberries. Devon. DEBII.E, adj. (Lot.) Weak; infirm. DEBITE, s. A deputy. DEBLE, *. (A.-N.) The devil. DEBOIST, adj. Debauched. DEBOXAIRE, adj. (A.-N.) Cour- teous ; well-bred. DEBOXERTK, s. (A.-N.} Gentle- ness ; goodness. DEBORAINE, adj. Honest. DEBORD, v. (Fr.) To run into licence. DEBOSH, v. To debauch. DEBOSHEE, s. A debauched person. DEBREIDE, v. To tear. DEBRUSE, "1 v. To crush; to DEBRYSE, J bruise. DEBUT,*. Company; retinue. DECANTATE, . (Lat.) To chant. DECARD, v. To discard. DECAS, *. (A.-N.) Ruin ; dilapi- dation. DECEIVABLE, adj. Deceitful. DECEPTURE, s. Deceit ; fraud. DECKED, adj. Foul ; rusty. Jl'arw. DECIPE, v. (Lat.) To deceive. DECK, (l)s. A pack of cards; aheap of anything. Deck the board, lay down the stakes. Sweep the deck, clear the stakes. DEC 377 DEF (2) v. To put anything in order. (3) v. To tip the haft of any implement with any work; to trim. DECLARE, . To blazon arms. DECLAREMENT, s. A declaration. DECLINE, v. (1) To incline; to bow down. (2) To undervalue. DECLOSE, v. To disclose. DECOLLATION, *. (Lat.) A be- heading. DECOPID. See Copped. DECORE, v. (A.-N.) To decorate. DECOURREN, v. (A.-N.) To dis- cover. DECREW, v. To decrease. Spenser. T)ECT\~D,part.p. Decked; adorned. Kynge Johan, p. 18. DECURT, v. (Lai.) To shorten. DECYPHER, v. To overcome. DEDE, (1) s. (A.-S.) Death. (2) v. (A.-S.) To grow dead. (3) pret. t. of do. Did. (4) s. Deed; battle. DEDEFUL, adj. Operative. " This vertue is dedefull to all Chrysten people." The Festyvall,i s. A long pistol. E > J (2) s. Behaviour. DEMEANS, s. Means. DEMEMBRE,V.(/T.) To dismember DEMENCY, s. (Lat.) Madness. DEMENE, v. (A.-N.) To manage. Demening, l>ehaviour. DEMENTED, adj. (Lat.) Mad. DEMER, s. (A.-S.) A judge. DEMERE, "1 (1) . (A.-N.) To DEMOERE, J tarry. (2) s. Delay. DEMERITS, s. Merits. Shalcesp. DEMI-CULVERIN, s. A cannon of four inches bore. DEMIGREYNE, *. (A.-N.) The me- grim. DEMIHAO, DEMIHAKE And where ye declare by your seid letters, that the same erle shulde have one cannon, with suclie other munityon as mought here be sparred; there is here no cannon, but one demy-cannon, which we will sende with hym, and one sacre, and ij. fawcons, with sliott and powdre, and fiftie detnihakcs. State tapers, iii, 536. DEMILANCE, s. (Fr.) A light horse- man carrying a lance. DEM-IN, v. To collect, as clouds do. North. DEMING, s. (A.-S.) Judgment. DEMIREP, s. A woman of loose character. DEMISS, adj. (Lat.) Humble. DEMONSTER, v. (Lat.) To show. DEMORANCE, s. (A.-N.) Delay. DEMPLE, . To wrangle. DEMPTION, s. " Colysion, abjection, contraction, or demption of a vowel, as this, thayre for the ayre, thadvice, for the advice. Sympho- nesis." Huloet. DEMSTER, *. A judge. DEMUKE, v. To look demurely. DEMYCENT, s. The metal part of a girdle in front. DEMYE, s. A kind of close jacket. DEN, (I) s. A grave. (2) s. A sandy tract near the sea. (3) " Good den," good evening. DENAY, (1) . To deny. A villaiue, worse then he that Christ be- tray 'd, His maister, for God's son, he ne'er denay'd, But did confesse him just ant innocent. Rowlands, Kn. ofSf. $ DL, Ibl3. (2) s. Denial. DENCH, adj. Dainty. North. DENE, s. (1) A valley. North. (2) A din. East. (3) (A.-N.) A dean. DENERE, s. (Fr.) A penny. DENGE, v. To ding down. DENIAL, s. Injury; drawback. West. DENK, v. To think. DENNE, v. To din ; to make a noise. DENNY, s. A plum which was ripe on the 6th of August. DENOMINATE, part. p. (Lat.) Called. DENOTATE, v. (Lat.) To denote. DENSHERING, (from Denshire, as Devonshire was formerly called.) See Burn-beting. DENT, (I) s. A blow, as a clap of thunder. (2) v. The worst of anything. Suff. (3) part. p. Indented. North. DENTETHUS, s. Dainties. DENTIE, adj. Scarce. DENTOR, s. An indenture. DENTY, adj. Tolerable; fine. North. DENUDE, v. (A.-N.) To untie a knot ; to disengage. DENUL, v. To annul. DENY, . To refuse ; to reject. DENYTE, v. To deny. DEOL, s. (A.-S.) Dole ; grief. Deol- ful, doleful. DEORKHEDE, s. (A.-S.) Darkness. DEPARDUS. An oath, De par Dieu. DEPART, v. (1) (A.-N.) To distri- bute ; to divide ; to separate. De- partadle, divisible. Right worshipfull, understanding how like Scilirus the Scythians fagot you are all so tied togither with the brotherly bond of amitie, that no division or dis- Sfcution can depart you. Lodge, Wits Miserie, 1596. (2) To disband a body of people. DEP 381 DER DGPARTER, s. A refiner of metals. DEPASTURE, v. To pasture. The goats climb rocks, and promontories steep, The lower ground depasture flocks of sheep. Owen's Epigrams, 1677. DEPE, adj. Low. DEPECHE, v. (Fr.) To despatch. DEPEINTE, v. (A.-N.} To paint. I sawe depeynted upon a wall From est to west fill many a I'ayre ymasre, Of sondry lovers, lyke as they were of age, I-set in order after they were true. Lydf/ate's Temple of Glas. DEPELL, v. (Lat.) To drive away. DEPEXDANCE, *. Aterm used by our earlier dramatists for the subject of a dispute likely to end in a duel. Masters of dependencies were bravoes, who undertook to regulate the grounds of a quarrel. The bastinado! a most proper and suffi- cient dependaiice, warranted by the great Caranza. Ji. Jon., Every M. in his II,, \, 5. Your high offers, Taught by Hie masters of dependencies, That by compounding differences 'tween others, Supply their own necessities, with me Will never carry'c. B. $ Fl., Eld. Bro., v, 1. DEPEXING, s. The nets used by the Yarmouth herring busses were made in breadths of six feet. The necessary depth was obtained by sewing together successive breadths, and each breadth was called a deepening. DEPLIKE, adv. (A.-S.) Deeply. DKPOSE, s. A deposit. DEPPER, adj. (A.-S.) Deeper. DEPRAVE, v. To traduce. Ifeivfordc, have with thee: nay, I cannot have Tliat which thouhast: for, thou hast mirth and ease : I say not sloutli, lest I should thee deprave. Duuics, Scourge of Folly, 1611. DEPRESE, v. (A.-N.) To press do\\n. DEPURF., v. To purify. DKPUTE. part. p. Dcpr.ted. DtauACE, v. (Lot.) To crush. DERACINATE, v. (Lat.) To root up. DERAINE, v. To quarrel; to con- test. See Darraigne. DERATE, (1) s. (A.-N.) Confusion ; noise. (2) v. To act as a madman. DERE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To injure. (2) v. To hurry, or frighten a child. Exmoor. (3) *. (A.-S.) Wild animals. " Rattes and myse and such srual dere." Bevis of Hampton. But mice and rats, and such small deer, Have beeu Tom's food for seven long year. Shakesp., Lear, lii, 4. (4) adj. (A.-S.) Dear ; precious. (5) adj. Noble ; honorable. (6) v. To dare. . (7) s. Dearth. (8) adj. Dire ; sad. East. DEREIGNE, v. (A.-N.) To justify ; to prove. DERELICHE, adv. Joyfully. DERELING, s. (A.-S.) Darling. DERELY, adv. Direly ; extremely. East. DERENES, s. (A.-S.) Attachment. DEREWORTHE, adj. (A.-S.) Pre- cious ; honorable. Derworthy- nesse, honour. DEREYNE, (1) s. (A.-N.) Agree- ment ; arbitration. (2) v. To derange, or disorder. DERFE, adj. Strong; fierce. Morte Arthurs. DERGY, adj. Short and thick-set. West. DERIVATE, v. (Lat.) " Derivate, as to take from one, and lay it to anothers charge. Derivo." Hu- loet. DERK, adj. (A.-S.) Dark. Derkhede, darkness. DERL, v. To scold. Yorksh. DERLILY, adv. (A.-S.) Dearly. DERNE, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Secret. Dernelike, secretly. Who, wounded with report of beauties pride, Unable to restraine his derne desire. Trag. of Wu.n of Cyrtu. DER 3S2 DBS (2) v. To hide ; to skulk. But look how soon they heard of Holo- ferne Their courage quail'd, and they began to derne. Hudson, in Engl. Parn. DERNERE, *. A threshold. DERNFUL, adj. Dismal; sad. Spens. DERNLY, adv. Mournfully; severely. DEROGATE, part. p. Degraded. DEROY, s. (I) (Fr.) A sort of cloth. (2) A company. North. DERRE, adj. (A.-S.) Dearer. DERREST, adj. Noblest. Gawayne. DERRICK, s. (1) A spar arranged to form an extempore crane. (2) (A.-S. dweorg.) A fairy, or pixy. Devon. DERRING-DO, *. Warlike enterprise (daring deed). Derring-doers, heroes. For ever, who in derring-do were dread, The lofty verse of hem was loved aye. Spcns., Skep. Sal., Sept., 65. DERSE, (1) s. Havock. (2) v. To dirty ; to spread dung. (3) v. To cleanse ; to beat. Cra- ven. DERTHYNE.r. To make dear. Pr.P. DERTRE, s. (A.-N.) A tetter. DERYE, s. (A.-S.) Hurt ; harm. DESCANT, s. Variation in music. DESCENSORIE, s. A vessel used in alchemy to extract oils. DESCES, s. Decease ; death. DESCEYVANCE, s. (A.-N.) Deceit. DESCHARGE, . To deprive of a charge. DESCIDE, v. (Lot.) To cut in two. DESCLAUNDER, s. Blame. DESCRIE, v. To give notice of; to discover. DESCRIVE, v. (A.-N.) To describe. DESCURE, 1 v. (A.-N.) To dis- DESCUVER, J cover. DESESPERAUNCE, *. (A.-N.) De- spair. DESERIE, v. (Fr.) To disinherit. DESERVE, v. To earn. DESESE, s. (4.-N.) Inconvenience. DESEVY, v. (A.-N.) To deceive. DESGELI, adv. (A.-N.) Secretly. DESIDERY, s. (Lat.) Desire. DESIGHT, s. An unsightly object. Wilts. DESIGN, v. (Lai.} To point out. DESIRE, v. To invite. DESIREE, adj. (A.-N.) Desirable. DESIRITE, part. p. (A.-N.) Ruined. DESIROUS, adj. (A.-N.) Eager. DESLAVIE, adj. (A.-N.) Impure. DESLAYE, v. (A.-N.) To deny ; to blame. DESFARPLE, v. To disperse. DESPEED, v. To despatch. DESPENDE, v. To consume. DESPEXS, s. (A.-N.) Expense. DESPERATE, adv. Very ; great. DESPITE, s. (A.-N.) Malice ; spite. Despitom, very angry. DESPOILE, v. (A.-N.) To undress. DESS, v. (1) To lay carefully to- gether. Cumo. (2) To cut hay from a stack. North. DESSABLE,ar7. Constantly. North. DESSE, s. A desk. DESSMENT, s. Stagnation. North. DESSORRE. See Blanc. T)EST,pret. t. Didst. Rob. Clone. DESTAUNCE, s. (A.-N.) Pride ; dis- cord. DESTE, part. p. Dashed. DESTEiGNED,^ar/.p. Stained ; dis- figured. DESTENE, ~]s. (A.-S.) Des- DESTENYNG, J tiny. DESTINABLE, adj. (Lat.~) Destined. DESTINATE, v. (Lat.) To destine. DESTITUABLE, adj. (Fr.) Destitute. DESTOUR, s. (A.-N.) A disturb- ance. DESTRE, s. (A.-N.) A turning. DESTREINE, v. (A.-N.) To con- strain ; to vex. DESTRERE, s. (A.-N.) A war- horse. DESTRUIE, v. (A.-N.) To destroy. DESTRYNGE, v. To divide. DES 383 DEV DESTUTED, adj. Destitute; wanting. DESUETE, adj. (Lat.) Out of use. DESUME, v. (Lot.) To take away. DESWARRE, adv. Doubtlessly. DETACTE, v. To backbite. DETECT, v. To accuse. Shakesp. DETERMINATION. JB. (Lot.) Fixed. DETERMINE, v. (Lot.) To termi- nate. DETERMISSION, s. Determination ; distinction. Chaucer. DETESTANT, s. One who detests; a term used by Bishop Andrews, tetnp. Jac. I. DETHE, adj. Deaf. See Death, DETHWAKD, s. The approach of death. DETRACT, v. (Lat.) To avoid. DETRAE, v. (Lat.) To thrust down. DETRIMENT, s. A small sum of money paid annually by barristers for the repairs of their inns of court. DETTE, s. (A.-N.) A debt. DEUCE, *. The devil. Var. dial. Deucid, very, much. DEUK, v. To bend down. Bedf. DEULE, s. The devil. DECS, adj. (A.-N.) Sweet. DEUSAN, s. A sort of apple ; any hard fruit. DEDSEWYNS.S. Twopence. Dekker. DEUTERY, Is. A plant having the DEWTRY, j same quality as night- shade. Oh ladies, have pity on me, I believe some rogue, that had a mind to marry me, gave me deutery last night, and I \vas disguis'd and lost the key too, and my lady has discharged me, to beg in my old age. Shadwett, The Scovirers, 1691. DEUTYRAUNS, s. Some kind of wild beasts. K. Alisaunder, 5416. DEVALD, v. To cease. North. DEVANT, 8. (Fr.) An apron. DEVE, v. To dive ; to dip. East. DEVELiNG,jar<.e. Dorset. DIBBEN, s. A fillet of veal. Devon. DIBBITY, s. A pancake. Var. d. DIBBLE, "Is. A setting stick. Var. DIBBER, j dial. DIBBLE-DABBLE, s. Rubbish. North. DIBBLER, s. A pewter plate. Cumb. DIBLES, *. Difficulties. East. DIBS, s. (1) The small bones in the knees of a sheep, uniting the bones above and below the joint. DIB 385 DIP (2) A game played with sheep bones. (3) Money. DIBSTONE, s. Tossing pebbles. A child's game. DICACIOUS, adj. (Lai.) Talkative. DICARE, s. A digger. DICE, s. A piece. Yorksh. DICHE, v. (A.-S.) To dig. Dicker, a digger. DICHT. See Dight. DICK, (1) s. A leather apron and bib, worn by poor children in the North. (2)0. To deck, or adorn. North. (3) *. The bank of a ditch. Norf. (4) s. A sort of hard cheese. Sujf. DICK-A-DILVER, s. The periwinkle. East. DICKASS, s. A jack-ass. North. DICK-A-TUESDAY, s. Asortofhob- goblin. "Ghosts, hobgoblins, Will with a wis,p,or.De/{re-a- Tuesday" The Vow-breaker, 1636, ii, 1. DICK-DANDIPRAT, s. Three-half- pence. DICKEN, s. The devil. DICKER, (perhaps from Lot. decas.) The quantity of ten, of any com- modity ; as a dicker of hides. Behold, Siiid Pas, a whole dicker of wit. Pembr. Arc., p. 393. DICK-HOLL, s. A ditch. Norf. DICK-POT,*. A brown earthen pot, sometimes pierced with holes, and filled with bright coals or wood embers, placed by women under their petticoatstokeeptheir feet and legs warm. Northampt. DICKY, s. (1) A common leather apron. (2) A woman's under-petticoat. (3) The top of a hill. West. (4) A donkey. (5) It is all dickey with him, it is all over with him. See Dicken. DICKY-BIRD, s. A louse. DICT, s. (Lot.) A saying. DICTITATE, v. (Lai.) To - oten. 2 DICTOUR, s. (A.-N.) A judge. DID, v. To hide. Craven. DIDAL, (1) s. A triangular spade. East. (2) v. To clean a ditch or river. DIDAPPER, s. The little diver. DD ' > s. A cow's teat. Var. d. DIDDY, J DIDDER, v. To shiver. North. DIDDLE, (1) v. To cajole. (2) v. To dawdle. East. (3) v. To hum a tune. North. (4) s. A contrivance for taking salmon. West. DIDDLECOME. Sorely vexed. West. DIDDLES,*. (1) Young ducks. East. (2) Sucking pigs. Northampt. DIDEN, pret t. pi. of do. DIDO, s. A trick, or trifle. DIERE, s. (A.-S.) A wild beast. DIERN, adj. Severe ; stern. West. DIET, s. To take diet, to be put under a regimen for the lues venerea. DIET, 1 s. (A.-N.) Daily food. DIETE, / Diet-bread, a daily allow- ance of bread. Diet-house, a boarding house. DIFFADE, v. (A.-N.) To damage, or destroy. DIFFAME, (1). (A.-N.) Bad repu- tation. (2) v. To disgrace. (3) v. To spread abroad the fame of any one. DlFFIBULATE, V. (Lat.) To Ull- button. DIFFICILE, adj. (A.-N.) Difficult. DIFFICILITATE, v. (Lat.) To mako difficult. DIFFICULT, adj. Peevish ; fretful. North. DIFFIDE, v. (Lat.) To distrust. DIFFIGURE, v. (Fr.) To disfigure. DIFFIND, v. (Lat.) To cleave. iNE.fl. (A.-N.) To determine. . To define. DIFFODED, part. p. Digged. DIFFP- -:.->"< niti. (Lat.) Flying di- DIP 386 DIL DIFFUSE, adj. Difficult. DIFFUSED, adj. Wild; irregular; confused ; negligently dressed. Diffusedly, irregularly. Think upon love, which makes all creatures handsome, Sreraly for eye-sight ; go not so diffitsedly, There are great ladies purpose, sir, to visit you. B. $ Fl., Nice Valour, act iii. DIG, (1) s. A duck. Chesh. Dig- brid, a young duck. Lane. (2) s. A mattock, or spade. Yorksh. (3) v. To bury in the ground. (4) v. To spur ; to stab. (5) v. To munch. DIGGABLE, adj. Capable of being digged. DIGGING,*. A spit in depth. North. DIGGINGS, s. Proceedings. Devon. DIGHLE, adj. (A.-S.) Secret. DIGHT, v. (1) (A.-S.) To dispose; to array. Now wote we thanne stonde To fijte ; The feend, that flesche, and eke the wordle, Ajeins ous beth i-dMe. William de Shoreham. (2) To ordain. In water ich wel the cristny her, As Gode himself hyt difte. William de Shoreham. (3) To deck, dress, or prepare ; to put on. Soon after them, all danncing in a row, The comely virgins came, with girlands diffht. ' Spetu., F. Q., I, xii, 6. But ere he could his armour on him diffht, Or get his shield. Ib., I, vii, 8. (4) To prepare, or clean. North. (5) To foul, or dirty. Ray. DIGHTINGS, s. Deckings. DIGNE, adj. (A.-N.) (1) Worthy. Digneliche, deservedly. (2) Proud ; disdainful". DIGNOSTICK, s. (Gr.) An indica- tion. DIGRAVE. See Dike-reve. DIGRESS, . To deviate. DIKE, (1) *. (A.-S.) A ditch. (2) . (A.-S.) To dig ; to make ditches. Diker, a hedger or ditcher. (3) s. A crack or breach in a strata of rock. (4) s. A small pond, or river. Yorksh. (5) *. A dry hedge. Cumb. DIKE-CAM, s. A ditch bank. North. DIKE-REVE, "1 *. An officer who DIGRAVE, / superintends the dikes and drains in marshes. DIKESMOWLER,*. The hedge-spar- row. DIKE-STOUR, *. A hedge-stake. Cumb. DILANIATE, v. (Lot.) To tear in pieces. DILATORY, s. (Lot.) A delay. DILDE, v. (A.-N.) To protect. DILDOE, s. Men tula factitia. Cot- grave in Godemiche. DILDRAMS, s. Improbable tales. West. DILE, s. The devil. DILECTION, *. (Lot.) Love. DILL, s. (1) Hedge parsley. Var. dial. (2) Two-seeded tare. Glouc. (3) A cant word for a wench. Dekker. DILLAR, *. The shaft-horse. Wills. DILLE, (1) v. To soothe; to calm. (2) v. To dull, or prevent. (3) adj. Dull; foolish. Dn.LTS.D,part.p. Completed. Cvmb. DILLING, *. A darling, or favorite ; the youngest of a brood. Whilst the birds billing Each one with his dilUng The thickets still filling With amorous notes. Drayt., Kymphal., 3. Of such account were Titus delicise humani generis, and, which Aurelius Victor hath of Vespasian, the dilling of his time, as Edgar Etheling was in Eng- land, for his excellent virtues. Burton's Anat. of Mel. DILLS, *. The paps of a sow. East. DILLY, *. (1) A small public car- riage. DIL 337 (2) A sort of light cart, formed by a hurdle placed on an axle- tree and wheels. Somerset. (3) A game, played with pieces of lead. Norf. DILNOTE, s. The plant cidamum. DILT, v. To stop up. North. DILVE, v. To cleanse ore. Cornw. DILVEKED, adj. Tired; confused; drowsy; nervous. East. DIM, s. (A.-S.) Dimness. DIMBER, adj. Pretty. Wore. DIMBLE, s. A dingle. DIMHEDE, s. (A.-S.) Dimness. DIMINIT, v. (Lat.~) To diminish. DIMINUTE, adj. (Lat.) Imperfect. DIMME, adj. (A.-S.) (1) Dark. (2) Difficult to understand. DI.MMET, s. Twilight. Devon. DIMMING, s. (A.-S.} The dawn of day. DIMP, v. To dimple. Northampt. DIMPSE, s. Twilight. Somerset. DIMPSEY, adj. Neat; smart. North- ampl. DIMSEL, s. A large piece of stag- nant water. Sussex. DINCH, adj. Deaf. Somerset. DINCH-PICK, s. A dung-fork. Glouc. DINDER, s. Thunder. Exmoor. Dinderex, a thunderbolt. DINDERS,S. The popular name for the small Roman coins found at Wroxeter. Shropsh. DINDLE,(I)#. To tremble, or shake. (2) v. To stagger. North. (3) v. To tingle. (4) s. The sowthistle. Norf. DlNE-DOPPING, lie is worse then an otter-hound for a dine-doppiiig ale-house-keeper : and hunts him out unreasonably from his element of liquor ; and yet lie may seeme reasonable honest, for he hearkens readily to a composition. Stephens'! Essays and Ckaracter3,16l5. DING, v. (I) To strike violently down ; to dash. This while our noble king. His broad sword brandishing, Dowii the French host did ding. Drayt., ttallad vf Agine. (2) To bluster. Wore. (3) To reprove. Wet. (4) To surpass. Chesh. (5) To reiterate, or importune. Devon. (6) To ding on the nose, to taunt. Northampt. DING-DING, s. An old term of endearment. DING-DONG, adv. In good earnest. DING-DOSSEL,S. Adung-pot. Devon. DINGDOULERS, s. Finery in dress. East. DING-FUZ,S. A pet; anger. North- ampt. DINGHY, s. A jolly-boat. North. DINGING, s. (A.-S.) A blow. DINGLE, (1) v. To drizzle. " Dew it rain ? No ta ded dingle just now." Norf. (2) On the dingle, on trust. Northampt. DINGNER, adj. More worthy. DING-THRIFT, s. A spendthrift. DINGY, adj. Foul ; dirty. Somerset. DINMAN, *. A two-year sheep. North. DINNEL, v. To stagger; to tingle from cold, &c. North. DINNICK, s. The Devonshire name of a small bird said to follow and feed the cuckoo. DINSPICK, s. A three-pronged fork. Wartv, DINT, . (A.-S.) A stroke. DINTLE, (1)0. To indent. North. (2) s. An inferior sort of leather. DIOL, *. (A.-S.) Dole. DIP, (1) v. To go downward, as a vein of mineral. (2) s. Butter, sugar, or any sauce eaten with pudding. North. (3) *. Salt. Dorset. (4) adj. Cunning; deep. West. DIPLOIS, *. (Gr.) A cloak. DIPPER, (1) *. A bird, the cinclus aquations. (2) adj. Deeper. DIPPINGS, *. The grease, &c., col- lected bv the cook. DIP 338 DIS DIPPIN-NET, s. A small net attached to two round sticks for sides, and a long pole for a handle, used for dipping salmon and some other fish, as the shad, out of the wa- ter. Somerset. DIPTATIVE, s. A terra in alchemy. DIRD, s. Thread. Somerset DIRDAM, s. An uproar. DIREMPT, part. p. Divided. DIRGE-ALE, s. A funeral wake. DIRITY, s. (Lot.} Direness. DIRK, . To darken. DIRKE, v. To injure. Spenser. DIRL, (1) v. To move quickly. Yorksh. Dirler, an active person. (2) v. To shudder. (3) *. A thrill of pain. North. DIRSH, . A thrush. Somerset. DIRT, s. Rain. North. DIRT-BIRD, s. The woodpecker. North. DIRTEN, adj. Made of dirt. West. DIRTMENT, *. Rubbish. North. DIRT- PIES, . Earth made into paste. I will learn to ride, fence, vault, and make fortifications in dirt-pyes. Oticay, The MIieist,lG&l. DIRT-WEED, s. The chenopodium viride, Lin. DIRUTER, *. (Lai.) A destroyer. DISABLE, (1) v. To disparage. (2) adj. Unable. DISACTLY, adv. Exactly. Lane. DISADMONISH, v. To dissuade. DISAFFIRM,*. To deny. DISALLOW, r. (A.-N.) To dis- approve. DISANNUL, v. To contradict; to dispossess ; to remove ; to injure; to inconvenience. Var.dial. DISAPPOINTED, part. p. Unarmed. DISAR, ~1. An actor. Generally DISAR.D, / applied to the clown. " A dizzard or common vice and jester counterfeiting the gestures of any man, and moving his body as him list." Nomen- clator. " Disard in an enterlude. Pantomimus." Huloet. DISARRAY, s. (A.-N.) Disorder. DISAVAIL, v. To prejudice any one in the world. DISAVAUNCE, v. (A.-N.) To drive back. DISAVENTURE, s. (A.-N.) Mis- fortune. DiSBEAUTiFY, v. To deface any- thing. DISBLAME, v. (A.-N.) To clear from blame. DISCANDY, v. To dissolve. Shakes/). DISCARD, v. To put one or more cards out of the pack. DISCASE, v. To undress. DISCEYVANCE, *. (A.-N.) Deceit. DISCHAITE, s. (A.-N.) Ambush. DISCHARGE, v. To pay one's reckoning. Jacke seeing he no more would pay, Unto his maister went, And told him there was one within That had much victualls spent, And woiild not see the house discJtargd. Rowlands, Knave of Clubs, Ibll. DISCHENELY, adv. (A.-N.) Se- cretly. DISCIPLE, v. To discipline. DISCIPLINE, s. Church reforma- tion. DISCLAUNDERER, *. A caluinni- ator. " To stone hym (Stephen) to deth as for a dyssclaunderer." The Festyvall, fol. Ixx. DISCLOSE, v. To hatch. DISCOLOURED, adj. Variegated. DISCOMFORT, (1) *. (A.-N.) Dis- pleasure. (2) v. To discourage. DISCOMFRONTLE, v. To ruffle any one. East. DISCOMMODITY, s. Inconvenience. To seeke his own commoditie, even by the discommoditie of another? Terence in English, 1641. DISCONVENIEXCE, s.(A.-N.) Mis- fortune. DISCORDABLE, adj. Disagreeing. DIS 3S9 DIS .JISCORDE, 0. (A.-N.) Todisagree. DISCOURSE, (1) s. Reason. (2) v. (Lai.) To run about. DISCOVER, v. (A.-N.) To uncover. DISCRESEN, v. (A.-N.) To decrease. DISCRIVEN, v. (A.-N.) To describe. DISCRYE, v. (A.-N.) To describe. DISCRYGHE, v. To descry ; to un- derstand. DISCURE, 0. (1) To discover. (2) To betray. Discusr,jwar/./>. (1) Determined. Drayton. (2) Shaken off. Spenser. DISE, 10. To put flax on a dis- DYSYN, jtaff. DISEASE, (1) v. To trouble, or annoy. (2) s. Uneasiness DISEMBOGUE, 0. (A.-N.) To dis- charge. That hierarchy of handicrafts begun? Those new Exchange men of religion ? Sure they're the aiitick heads, which plac'd without The church, do grape and disembogue a spout : Like them above the Commons House have been So long without, now both are gotten in. Cleavcland's Poems, 1651. DISEMOL, adj. (A.-S.) Unfor- tunate. DISEXCRESE, (1) 0. (A.-N.) To decrease. (2) s. Diminution. DISERT, adj. (Lot.) Eloquent. DISESPERANCE.S. (A.-N.) Despair. DISFETIRLY, adv. (A.-N.) De- formedly. DISFIGURE, (1) s. (A.-N.) De- formity. (2) 0. To carve a peacock. DISGKST, 0. To digest. DISGRADE, 0. To degrade. DISGRATIOUS, adj. (Lot.) De- graded. DISGRUNTLED, part. p. Discom- posed. Glouc. DISGUISE, 0. To dress up in mas- querade. Disguising, a sort of dramatic representation. DISH A BIT, 0. To remove from its habitation. Dishabited, uninha- bited. DISHAUNT, v. To leave. DISHBILLE, s. Disorder. Kent. DISH-CRADLE, s. A rack for dishes. North. DISHED, part. p. Ruined. DISHEL, s. Eggs, grated bread, saffron, and sage, boiled to- gether. DISHELE, s. (A.-N.) Unbappiness. DISHER, s. A maker of dishes. DISHERITESON, *. (A.-N.) Disin- heritance. DISH-FACED, adj. Hollow-faced. North. DISH-MEAT, s. Spoon-meat. Kent. DISHONEST, 0. To vilify. DISHWASHER, s. (1) A scullery maid. (2) The water-wagtail. DISIGE, adj. Foolish. Verstegan. DISJECTED, part. p. (Lat.) Scat- tered. DISJOINT, s. (A.-N.) A difficult situation. DISLEAL, adj. Disloyal. Spenser. DISLIKE, 0. To displease. DISLIMN. 0. (Lat.) To obliterate. DISLOIGNED, jiw. p. (A.-N.) Se- cluded. DISLOYAL, adj. Unchaste. DISMALE, *. (A.-N.) Ruin ; de- struction. DISMALS, s. Melancholy feelings. DISME, s. (A.-N.) A tenth ; a tithe. DISMEMBRE, 0. (A.-N.) To vilify. DISNATURED, adj. Deprived of natural affection. I am not so disnalnred a man, Or so ill borne to disesteem her love. Daniel's Hymen's Triumph, Works, G g 8. DISOBEISANT, part. a. (A.-N.) Disobedient. DISOBLIGE, v. (1) To stain. East. (2) To incommode ; to rumple, or soil. Northampt. DISORDEINED, adj. (A.-N.) Dis- orderly. DIS 390 DIS DlSORDINATE. (1} (Lat.) DlS- orderly. (2) Excessive ; illegal. Disordi- naunce, irregularity. For the whiehe the peple of the londe were gretely displesyd; and evereafter- warde the erle of Worcestre was gretely behatede emonee the peple, for ther dysordinate dethe that he used, cou- trarye to the lawe of the londe. Warlcworth'i Chronicle. DISOUR, . (1) (A.-N.) A teller of tales. (2) (A.-N.) A player at dice. DispACARLED,/>arf./>. Scattered. DISPAR, (1) (Lat.) Unequal. (2) A share. North. DISPARABLE, . Unequalled. DISPARAGE, (1) *. A disparage- ment. (2) v. (A.-N.) To disable. DISPARCLE, "1 v. To disperse, or DISPERCLE, J scatter. Then all his (Darius) men for feare dis- parcled. Breiidc's Quintus Curtius. The brute of this act incontinently was disparklcd almost throughout the re- gion of Italy. Palace of Pleasure, vol. ii, S 1. DISPARENT, adj. (Lat.) Varie- gated. DISPARLE, v. To destroy. DISPARPLE, 1 To disperse . DISPERPLE, J They leave traiterously the flocke to the woulfe, to be disperplcd abrode and tome in pieces. Erasmus, 10 John, p. 76, b. DISPART, (1) . To divide. (2) *. The peg at the mouth of a piece for taking the level. DISPEED, v. To despatch. DISPENCE, s. (A.-N.) Expense. D [SPENDE, v. To expend ; to waste. Bispendious, costly. Dispendere, a steward. DISPEHAUNCE.S. (A.-N.) Despair. DISPITK, v. (A.-N.) To be angry, or spiteful ; to defy. DISPITOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Exces- sively angry. DISPLAY, v. To carve a crane. DISPLE, v. To discipline. DISPLESAUNS, *. (A.-N.) Dis- pleasure. DISPLESURE, v. To displease. DISPOIXT, v. (A.-N.) To dis- appoint. DISPONE, v. (Lat.) To dispose. DISPONSATE, adj. Set in order. DISPORT, *. (A.-N.) Sport. DISPOSE, s. Disposal. And, with repentant thoughts for what is past, Bests humbly at your majesty's dispose. Weakest goeth to the JTa,A4, b. DISPOSED, adj. Inclined to mirth and jesting. L. You're disposed, sir. V. Yes, marry am I, widow. B.j-Fl., JTtttc.3I.,v,4. Chi. Wondrous merry ladies. Luc. The wenches are dispos'd ; pray keep your way, sir. B. frFl., Valentin., ii, 4. DISPOURVEYED, part. p. (A.-N) Unprovided. DISPREDDE, 0. To spread out. DISPREISE, v. (A.-N.) To un- dervalue. DISPUNGE.P. To sprinkle. Shakesp. DISPCNISHABLE, adj. Unpunish- able. DISPUTESOUN, *, (A.-N.) A dis- pute. DISPYTE, *. Anger ; revenge. DISQUIET, v. To disturb. Amidst their cheare the solemne feast the ccntaures did disqueat; Whom by no meanes the nobles there to patience might iutreat. Warner's AlbionsEngland,\W2. DISRANK, . (A.-N.) To degrade. DISRAY, (1) *. (A.-N.) Clamour. (2) v. To put out of order. DISRULILY, adv. Irregularly. BISSAU, s. A scoffer; a fool. DISSEAT, v. To unseat. DISSEILE, v. (A.-N.) To deceive. DissEMBLABLE,arff. Unlike; dissi- milar. DISSENTIENT. (Lat.) Disagreeing. DIS 391 DIV DISSEYVAUNT, adj. (A.-N.) De- ceitful. DissHROwED,/?arf. p. Published. DISSIMULARY, v. To dissimulate. DISSIMULE, p. To dissemble. DISSOLVE, r. (Lot.) To solve. DISSOXED, adj. Dissonant. DISSURY, s. (Gr.) The strangury. DISTAINE, v. (1) To discolour; to take away the colour. (2) (A.-N.) To calm, or pacify. DISTANCE, s. (A.-N.) Discord ; debate. DISTASTE, *. An insult. DISTEMPERATE, adv. Immoderate. DISTEMPERATURE, s. Disorder. DISTEMPERED, adj. Intoxicated. DISTEMPRE, v. (A.-N.) To mix. DISTEXCE, *. (A.-N.) The descent of a hill. DISTINCT, v. (Lot.) To distinguish. DISTINCTION, *. (Fr.) A comma. DISTINGUE, v. (Fr.) To distinguish. DISTOR, s. Distress. North. DISTOURBLE, v. (A.-N.) To dis- turb. DISTRACTIONS, s. Detachments. DISTRAIN, . To strain; to catch; to afflict. DISTRAUGHT, part. p. (A.-N.) Dis- tracted. DISTRAYING,*.(^.-^V.) Distraction. DISTREITE, s. (A.-N.) Strait. DISTRENE, v. (A.-N.) To constrain. DISTRET, #. (A.-N.) A superior officer in a monastery. DISTRICATE, v. (Lot.) To dis- entangle. DISTRIE, v. To destroy. DISTROUBE, "| v. (A.-N.) To dis- DISTROUBLE, y turl) ; to trouble; DISTURBLE, J to dispute. Disfro- belar, a disturber. Pr. P. DISTRUSS, v. (Fr.) To overthrow. DISTURB,*. A disturbance. DlSTURBELAUNCE, S. (A.-N.) A disturbance. DISTURNE, v. (A.-N.) To turn aside. DISVELOPE, v. To disclose. DISVOUCH, v. To discredit. DlSWARY, DISWORSHIP, s. Discredit. DIT, v. (A.-S.) To stop up; to closa DITCH, (1) s. A fence. North. (2) v. To make a ditch. (3) *. Grimy dirt. (4) . To stick to. Var. d. DITCH-BACK, s. A fence. North. DITE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To dictate ; to indite. Ditement,an indictment. (2) v. To winnow. (3) *. (A.-N.) A saying ; a ditty. DITHER, (1) v. To tremble; to shiver; to confuse. (2) s. A bother. DITHING, s. A trembling motion of the eye. Chesh. DITING, . (1) (A.-N.) A saying, or report. (2) Whispering. North. DITION, s. (Lot.) Power. DITLESS, s. A wooden stopper for the mouth of an oveu. DITOUR, s. (A.-N.) A tale-teller. DITT, *. A ditty. Spenser. DITTED, adj. (1) Begrimed. Line. (2) Stopped or clogged with dirt. Northampt. DITTEN, s. Mortar or clay to stop up an oven. DITTER, *. A boy's game, called also Touch-and-Run. DITTI.E, *. The block placed at the mouth of a large old-fashioned country oven. DIURNAL-WOMEN, s. Women who formerly cried the daily papers about the streets. DIV, v. To do. North. DIVARICATE, r. (Lat.) To stride. DIVE-DAPPER, s. A small bird, cal- led also a dabchick, or didapper. This dandiprat. this dire-dapper. Middleton, Anc. Dr., iv, p. 372. DIVER, s. A cant term for a pick- pocket. DIVERB, a. (Lat.) A proverb. DIVEROUS, adj. (A.-N.) Wayward, DIV 392 DOD DIVERSE, adj. Different. DIVERSORY, s. (Lot.) An inn. DIVERT, v. (Lat.) To turn aside. DIVERTIVE, adj. Amusing. Pray, forward, sir, ruethiiiks 'tis very dinerlice. Durfey, The Fond Husband, 1685. DIVEST, v. (A.-N.} To undress. DIVET. s. A tnrf, or sod. North. DIVIDABLE, adj. Divided ; distant. Shakesp. DIVIDANT, adj. Divisable. Shakexp. DIVIDE, v. To make divisions in music. DIVILIN, s. A brick-kiln. Line. DIVINACLE, *. A riddle. DIVINE, . Divinity. Divinistre, a divine. DIVISE, v. To divide. DIVULGATE, v. To divulge. After that thies newes afforesaide ware dytulgate in the citie here. Letter temp. Hen. VIII inliyner. DIVVY-DUCK,*. Adabcbick. West. DiZEN,0. To adorn in a conceited manner. North. DIZZARDLY, adj. Foolish. Do, (1) v. To cause. I do make, I cause to make, or be made ; to do one right, or reason, to pledge in drinking; to do for, to provide for; to do for one, to ruin him; to do to death, to do to die, to kill or slay ; to do t\. know, to inform ; to do out, to extin- guish, or obliterate ; to do forth, to proceed with ; to do on or off, to put on or off. (2) The part. p. of do. (3) conj. Though ; then. Kent. (4) s. Deed; contest. (5) . A fete, or entertainment. North. DOAGE, adj. Rather damp. Lane. DOALD, adj. Fatigued. Craven. DOAN.S. Wet, damp bread. Devon. DOAND, part. a. (A.-S.~) Doing. DOATFD, adj. Beginning to decay. Kafft. DOATTEE, v. To nod the head from sleepiness. Exm. DOBBIN, s. (1) An old horse. (2) Sea gravel and sand. Susse.r. DOUBLE, v. To daub. East. DOBBY, s. (1) A kind of spirit, like the browny. North. (3) A fool. DOBE, v. To dub. DOBY, v. (A.-N.) To beat. DOCCY, s. A doxy. "No man playe doccy.'' Hycke Scorner. DOCIBLE, adj. Docile. North. DOCITY, s. Docility. Glouc. DOCK, (1) v. To cut off. Var. dial. (2) s. The fleshy part of a boar's chine; the stump of a beast's tail ; the broad nether end of a felled tree, or of any body. (3) *. The crupper of a saddle. Devon. (4) v. Futuere. A cant word often used in old writers. (5) s. The common mallow. (6) In dock out nettle, a pro- verbial phrase expressive of in- constancy. DOCKAN, s. The dock. North. DOCKERER, . Fur made of weasel skin. DOCKET, s. (1) (A.-S.} A piece. (2) A woodman's bill. O.rford. DOCKEY, s. A meal taken by field labourers about ten o'clock in the forenoon. East. DOCKSPITTKR, #. A tool for cut- ting down docks. Dorset. DOCKSY, s. Podex. East. DOCTORATE, *. Doctorship. DOCTRINABLE, artj. Containing doctrine. If the question be for your own use and learning;, whether it be better to have it set down as it shold be, or as it was ; then certainly is more doctrinable the fained Cyrus in Xenoplion, than the true Cyrus in Justin. Sidney on Poesie. DOCTRINE, v. To teach. DOCUMENTIZE. . To oreacli. DOJJ, (1) v. To cut off; to lop. DOD 393 DOG (2) a. A rag of cloth. Cuml>. (3) *. The fox-tail reed. North. (4) s. A shell. Suffolk. (5) s. A bog, or quagmire. Nor t /tamp t. Doddy, boggy. DODDART, s. A game played with a ball and a bent stick, which latter is called the dod.iart. DODDER, (1) v. To shake, or tremble. North. (2) s. A plant ; the woodbine. DODDEREL, *. A pollard. Jf'arw. DODDERING-DICKIES, s. The heads of quaking grass. North. DODDINGS, s. The fore-parts of a fleece of wool. North. DODDLE, v. (1) To totter. North. (2) To idle; to trifle. Dev. DODDLEISH, adj. Feeble. Sussex. DODDY, adj. Small. East. DODDYPATE, s. A blockhead. DODGE, (1) s. A cunning trick. To dodge, to cheat. (2) v. To follow in the track of a person or animal. (3) v. To jog; to incite. North. (4) v. To drag on slowly. North. (5) s. A squirrel's nest. South. (6) s. A small lump of an\ thing moist and thick. East. DODGER, s. (1) A miser. Howell. (2) A night-cap. Kent. DODIPOLL, s. A blockhead. But some will say, our curate is naught, au asse-liead, a dodipoll, a lack-latin. Lutimer's &'//., 'JS, b. DODKIN, s. A small Dutch coin, the eighth part of a stiver. Well, without lialfpenie, all my wit is not worth a dodkin. Lyly's Mother Bombie, ii, 2. DODMAN, s. A snail ; a snail-shell. Norfolk. It has been said that the only difference between a Norfolk and a Suffolk man is, that one calls a snail dodman, the other hodmandod. DODO, *. (Fr.) A lullaby. DOE, v. To live on little food. C'/iesA. DOELE, s. Dole ; grief. Doelfuil dolefully. DOER, s. An agent ; a factor. DOER BODY, s. The body of a frock. DOFF, v. (1) To do off ; to undress. (2) To remove ; to delay. DOFTYR, s. A daughter. DOG, (1) v. To follow or dodge one. " Folow the fote or steppes of one, properly to dogge one." Ifuloet. (2) s. A toaster made in the shape of a dog. North. (3) s. A small pitcher. Craven. (4) s. A band of iron, employed to fasten walls outside old houses, support wood, &c. DOG-BEE, s. A drone, or male bee. DOGBOLT, s. (1) A term of re- proach. I'll not be made a prey unto the marshal!, For ne'er a snarling dogbolt of you both. H. Jons., Ale., i, 1. ye dogbolts I That fear no hell but Dunkirk. Beaum. $ Fl., Hon. M. Fort., v, 1. Doffbolt ! to blast the honour of my mistress ! Shadwell, Amorous Blgotte, 1690. (2) Refuse or fusty meal. DOGCHEAP, adj. Excessively cheap. DOGCOLE, *. The plant dogbane. DOG-DAISY, s. The field daisy. North. DOG-DRAVE, s. A kind of sea-fish. DOG-FENNEL, s. Corn camomile. Warw. DOGFLAWS, s. Gusts of rage. DOGGED, adj. Very; excessive. DOGGKNEL, s. An eagle. Cumb. DOGGER, s. A small fishing ship. DOG-HANGING, s. A wedding feast, where money used to be collected for the bride. DOGHOOKS, s. Strong hooks for separating iron boring rods. DOGHY, adj. Dark; cloudy; re- served. Chesh. DOG-KILLER, s. This seems to have been formerly a common office iti the hot months. DOG 394 DOL Would take you now the habit of a porter, now of a carman, now of the dog-killer, in this month of August, and in the winter of a seller of tinderboxes. B. Jon., Bart. Fair, ii. 1. And last, the dog-tillers great games abounds For brayning brawling currs, and foisting hounds. These are the grave trades, that doe get and save, Whose gravity brings many to their grave. Taylor's Workes, 1630. DOG-LATIN, . Barbarous Latin. DOG-LEACH, . (1) A dog doctor. (2) An ignorant practiser in medicine. DOG-LOPE, . A narrow slip of ground between two houses, the right to which is question- able. North. DOG-LOUSE,*. A term of reproach. Craven. DOGNOPER, s. The headle. Yortcsh. DOGONE, *. (A.-N.) A term of contempt. DOG-PIG, *. A sucking pig ? I'll be sworn, Mr. Carter, she be- witched Gammer Washbowl's sow, to cast her pigs a day before she would have famed; yet they were sent up to London, and sold for as good West- minster dog-pigs at Bartholomew fair, as ever great-belly'd ale-wife longed for. Witch of Edmonton. DOG-ROSE, *. The common hedge rose. DOGS, *. The dew. Essex. DOGS-EARS, *. The turned corners of leaves of a book. DOG'S-GRASS, s. The cynosurus cristatus, Lin. DOG'S-HEAD, s. Some kind of bird. DOG'S-NOSE, *. A drink composed of warm porter, moist sugar, gin, and nutmeg. DOG'S-STONES, *. Gilt buttons. North. DOG-STANDARD, s. Ragwort. North. DOG-TREE, *. The alder. North. DOG-TRICK, *. A fool's bauble. I could have soyled a greater volume than this with a deale of emptie and trivial! stuffe : as puling sonets, whining elegies, the dog-tricks of love, toyss U mocke apes, and transforme men into asses. Taylor's Wortccs, 1630. DOG-TYKE,S. Adog-louse. "Dogge- tyke or louse. Ricinus." Huloet. DOG-WHIPPER, s. A headle. North. DOIL, (1) s. Nonsense. West. (2) v. To wander idly. DOIT, *. A Dutch coin, of the value of half a farthing. See Dodkin. DOITED, part. p. Superannuated. DOKE, (1) s. A furrow or hollow. See Dalk. (2) A small brook. Essex. (3) A bruise. Essex. (4) A duck. Dokeling, a young duck. (5) When a dog turns round before lying down they say he is making his doke. Wight. DOLABRE, s. (Lat.) An axe. Cax- ton. DOLARD, *. A pollard. Oxfordsh. DOLATE, v. To tolerate. Line. DOLCE, *. A gift. DOLD, DOLT, DOLE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To distribute ; to divide. (2) s. A share ; a lot. (3) s. A lump. Line. (4) . (A.-N.) Grief; sorrow. (5) s. A balk or slip of un- ploughed ground. (6) s. A boundary mark. East. (7) s. A piece of common on which only one person has a right to cut fuel. Norf. (8) s. A low flat place. West. (9) s. The bowels, blood, and feet of a deer, doled to the hounds after the hunt. (10) s. Bread distributed on cer- tain occasions. DOLE-AX, *. A tool used for di. viding slats for wattle gates. Kent. DOLEIXG, part. a. Almsgiving. Kent. ' r \adj. (4.-S.) Stupid. DOL 395 DON DOLE-MEADOW, s. A meadow in which several persons have shares. DOLEMOOR, s. A large uninclosed common. Somerset. DOLENT, adj. (A.-N.) Sorrowful. DOLE-STONE, *. A landmark. Kent. DOLEY, adj. (1) Gloomy; solitary. Northumb. (2) Soft, applied to the weather; easy ; without energy. Line. DOLING, s. A fishing boat with two masts, each carrying a sprit- sail. Suss. DOLL, s. A child's hand. North. DOLLING, s. The smallest of a litter or brood. Suss. DOLLOP, (1) s. A lump. East. (2) v. To beat. (3) v. To handle clumsily. DOLLOUR, v. To abate in violence. Kent. DOLLURS. (Fr.) Bad spirits. Wight. DOLLY, (1) adj. Sad; sorrowful. JJ'arw. (2) . A sloven. Far. dial. (3) s. A prostitute. North. (4) p. To beat linen. West. (5) s. A washing tub, or a wash- ing beetle ; a churn-staff. (6) s. A passing staff, with legs. North. DOLLYD, part. p. Heated ; luke- warm. Pr. P. DOLLY-DOUCET, *. A child's doll. Wore. DOLOUR, *. (A.-N.) Grief ; pain. DOLOURING, s. A mournful noise. Essex. DOLVE, part. p. of delve. Digged; buried. DOLVER, s. Reclaimed fen-ground. East. DOLY, adj. Doleful. DOM, s. A door case. Wilts. DOMAGE, s. (A.-N.) Hurt; damage. DOMAGEABLE, j Injurious . DOMAGEOU3, J J J DOMBE, adj. (A.-S.) Dumb. DOMBER, v. To smoulder. North- ampt. DOMK, *. (1) (A.-S.) Judgment. Dome-house, the judgment-hall. (2) Down of rabbits, &c. East. DOM EL, adj. Stupid. Glouc. DOMELOTJS, adj. Wicked, applied especially to a betrayer of the fair sex. Line. DOMENT,*. A merry-making. North- amp t. DOMESCART, s. (A.-S.) The hang- man's cart. DOMESMAN, s. (A.-S.) A judge. DOMINATIONS, *. One of the sup- posed orders of angels. DOMINEER, v. To bluster. DOMINO, *. (1) A kind of hood. (2) A mask used in masquerades. DOMMEL, s. A drum. North. DOMMELHEED, *. Pudendum f. Cumb. DOMMERARS, S. BeggBTS who pfC- tended to be dumb. DOMP, v. To tumble. North. DIJN, (1) . To put on ; to dress. Some shirts of mail, some coats of plate put on, Some donn'd a cuirass, some a corslet bright. .Fair/., Toss., i, 72. And, wlien he did his rich apparel don, Put he no widow, nor an orphan on. Sp. Corbet's Poems, p. 39. (2) adj. Clever ; active. North. (3) s. (Span.) A superior ; one who sets himself above others. (4) *. A gay young fellow. Line. DONATIVE, *. (Lot.) A reward. DONCH. See Daunch. DONCY, . Dandyism. North. DONDER, s. Thunder. DON-DINNER, . The afternoon. Yorksh. DONDON, *. (Jr.) A coarse fat wo- man. DONE, (1) v. To do; pret. t., did. (2) part. p. (A.-S.) Put ; placed. (3) part. p. Exhausted. (4) *. (A.-S.) A down, or plain. (5) v. (A.-S.) To din ; to sound. DON sro DOR DONEKE, v. (A.-N.) To fondle. DONKT. s. A grammar, from the name of the author of the popular Latin grammar of the Middle Aeres, Donatus. DONEY, s. A hedge-sparrow. Nortk- ampt. DONGE, s. A mattress. Pr. P. DOXGENE, part. p. of ding. Struck down ; beaten. DONGESTEK, s. A dungfork. DONGON, *. One who looks stupid, but is really clever. West. See Dungeon. DONICK, s. The same game as doddart. DONJEON, "] s. (A.-N.) The prin- DONJON, vcipal or keep tower DUNGEON, J of a Norman castle. DONK, 1 adj. (A.-S.) Damp ; DONKEY, J humid. North. DONKE, v. (A.-S.) To thank. DONKS, s. A boy's term, at marbles. He who knocks out all the mar- bles he has put in, at hussel-cap, is said to have got his donks. DONNAT, *. A devil ; a wretch. North. DONNE, (1) adj. Of a dun colour. (2)s. Deeds. Before the ships ; where Ajax in a heate, 1'or that the stomach of the man was great, l,ayes open to the Greekes his former donne In their affaires since first this warre be- gonne. G. Peele. DONNINETHELL, s. Wild hemp. Gerard. DONNINGS, *. Clothes. West. DONNUT, s. A dough pancake. Herts. DONNY, (1) adj. Out of sorts; poorly. Lane. (2) s. A small fishing-net. Line. (3)*. A profligate woman. West. BONSEL, s. (A.-N.) A youth of family not yet knighted. DONYE, v. (A.-S.) To resound. DOOD, part. p. Done. Devon. DOODLE, s. An idler. DOODLE-SACK,*. A bagpipe Kent DOOKE. Do you. Wilts. DOOLK, s. (A.-S.) A small conical heap of earth, to mark the bounds of farms or parishes on the downs Sussex. DOOLS, s. Slips of pasture. Essex. DOOM, s. (A.-S.) Judgment. DOOMAN, s. A woman. Var. dial. DOON, (1) v. (A.-S.) To do. (2) s. A village prison. Line. DOOR, s. The fish doree. DOOR-CHEEKS, s. Door-posts. DOORDERN.S. A door-frame. Line. DOOR-KEEPER, s. A whore. Dekker. DOORN, s. A door-frame. Wilts. DOOR-PIECE, s. A piece of tapestry hung before an open door. DOOR-SILL, DOOR-STAANS, j. The threshold DOOR-STEAD, DOOR-STALL. A door-post. East. DOORY, adj. Diminutive. Yorksh. DOOSE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Soft to the touch. Line. (2) adj. Thrifty. North. (3) s. A slap. North. DOOSENLOOP, s. Pudendum f. Cumb. DOOSEY-CAP, s. A childish punish- ment. North. DOOTE, s. A fool. See Dote. DOOTLE, s. A notch in a wall to receive a beam. North. DO-OUT, v. To clean out. Suffolk. DOP, s. (for dip.) A low curtsey. East. The Venetian dop, this. B. Jon., Ci/itt/tia's Rev., v, 1. DOP-A-LOW, adj. Very short. East. DOPCHICKEN, s. The dabchick. Line. DOPE, s. A simpleton. Cumb. DOPEY, *. A beggar's trull. DOPPER-BIRD, s. The dabchick. DOPPERS, s. Dippers, the Anabap- tists. DOPT, v. To adopt. DOR, (l)s. A drone; a cockchafer. What should I care what ev'rydor doth buz In credulous ears ? Ji. Jon., Cynthia's Revels, Hi, 3. DOR 397 DOR Uncertaine wheare to finde them, with the egle or the dorr. Warner's Albions England, 1592. (2) 8. A fool. (3) To dor, or to give the door, to make a fool of a person. There oft to rivals lends the gentle dor, Oft takes (Ids mistress by) the bitter bob. Fletch., Purp. M., vii, 25. You will see, I shall now give kirn the gentle dor presently, he forgetting to shift the colours which are now changed with alteration ot the mistress. Ib., v, 4. (4) v. To frighten. JJ'est. (5) To obtain a dor, to get leave to sleep. A schoolboy's phrase. DORADO, s. (Span.) Anything gild- ed ; a smooth-faced rascal. DORALLE. See Dariol. DORBELISH, adj. Very clumsy. Line. DORCAS, *. Benevolent societies which furnish poor with clothing gratuitously, or at a cheap rate. Line. DORCASED, adj. Finely decked out. DORDE, s. A kind of sauce. DORE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To dare. (2) v. To stare. North. (3) adv. There. DORE-APPLE, s. A winter apple of a bright yellow colour. East. DOREE, s. (A.-N.) Pastry. DOREX, s. pi. (A.-S.) Doors. DORESTOTHES, s. Door-posts. DORE-TREE, s. The bar of a door. DORFER, s. An impudent fellow. North. DORGE, *. A kind of lace. DORISHMENT, *. Hardship. North. DOR-LINES, s. Mackerel lines. North. DORI.OT, s. (A.-N.) An ornament of a woman's dress. DORM, s. A dose. North. DORMANT, adj. The large beam across a room, sometimes called a dormer. Anything fixed was said to be dormant ; darmant- ialhs, in distinction from those consisting of a board laid on trestles, are often mentioned. As if hee only had beene borne to un- cloud whatsoever is included in their spacious orbs, he holds a dormant coun- cel-table in his own princely breast. The Cyprian Academic, 1647. DORMEDORY, s. A heavy, sleepy person. Heref. DORMIT, s. An attic window pro- jecting from the roof. Heref. DORMITIVE, 1 adj. (Lat.) Causing DORMATIVE, J sleep. There are (sayes he) two dormUitc great <;ates, Tii' one made of horn (as fame to ns re- lates) By which true spirits have a passage right : Th' other of elephantine ivorie bright. Virgil by Hears, 1632. DORMOXD.S. A part of the clothing of a bed. DORN, s. A door-post. Devon. DORNTON, s. A small repast taken between breakfast and dinner. North. DORP, s. (A.-S.) A hamlet. DORRE, (1)0. To deafen. Somerset. (2)pret. t. Durst. DORREL, s. A pollard. Warw. DORRER, s. A sleepy, lazy person. DORRY, "1 adj. Endorsed, or sea- DORRYI.E, J soned, a term in cook- ery. " Sowpes dorry." Forme of Cury, p. 17. " Pomes dorre." Warner, p. 89. " To make pomes dorryle, and other thynges." Forme of Cury, p. 31. DORSEL, 1 s. A pack-saddle; a pan- DORSER. / nier in which things are carried on horseback. Sussex. See Dosser. DORSERS, s. (A.-N. dorsal.) Hang- ings ; tapestry. DORSTODE, *. (A.-S.) A door-post. DORTED, adj. Stupified. Cumb. DORTH, prep. Through. DORTOUR, s.(A.-N.) A dormitory, or sleeping apartment. DoRTf,adj. Saucy; nice. Northumb. DORY, s. A drone bee. Philpot. DOS 398 DOU Dos, *. A master. North. DOSAYN, s. (d.'N.) A dozen. DOSEBERDE, "j DASIBERDE, > . A simpleton. DOSSIBERDE, J DOSEL, s. (A.-N.) A dorser. DOSELLE, s. (A.-N.) The faucet of a barrel. DOSENED, adj. Benumbed. North. DOSENS, *. Straight clothes manu- factured in Devonshire, under Hen. V. DOSION, *. A vessel for preparing oatmeal. See Dashin. DOSK, adj. Dark. Craven. DOSXELL, adj. Clownish. DOSOME, adj. Healthy. North. Do&s, (1) v. To sit down roughly. Kent. (2) s. A hassock. East. (3) v. To attack with the horns. East. DOSSAL, s. (A.-N.) A rich cloak worn by people of high rank. DOSSEL, s. A wisp of hay or straw to stop up an aperture in a barn ; a plug ; the rose at the end of a water-pipe. North. See Doselle. DOSSER, \ s. A pannier for carry - DORSER, J ing on the back. He fell to discoursing within an odde manner of love-making, when beginning very low, marking her new shod feet hanging over her dossers, heganne with this commendation. Pasquil's Jests, 1G29. file milkmaids' cuts shall turn the wenches off, And lay tlieir dossers tnmbliDgm the dnst. Merry Dec. of Edm., O. PI., v, 265. By this some farmer's dairy-maid I may meet her, Riding from market one day 'twixt her dorters. B. $ Fl., Night-waiter, i, 1. Cos. They're carri'd to the wars then As chickens are to market, all in dorsers, Some thirty couple on a horse. Cartteright's Lady Errant, 1651. DOSSERS, *. A motion of the head in children, caused by affections of the brain. East. DOSSET, *. A small quantity. Kent. DOSSIL, s. (Fr.} A lump of lint to lay on a sore. DOSSITY, (1) s. Ability. West. (2) adj. Ailing; infirm. Leic. Dossus, s. A weasel. DOSTER, s. A. daughter. Pr. P. DOSY, adj. (A.-N.) Dizzy, or giddy. DOTANCE, s. (A.-N.} Fear. DOTANT, s. A dotard. Shakesp. DOTK, *. (A.-S.) A fool. DOTED, adj. Foolish. DOTE-FIG, s. A fig. Devon. Properly, a fig newly gathered from a tree, not a preserved fig. DOTES, s. (Lat.) Endowments; qualities. DOTH. (A.-S.) Do ye. DOTHER, v. To totter. North. DOTOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Doubtful. DOTS, s. Gingerbread nuts. East. DOTTARD, s. A dwarf tree. DOTTEL, s. See Doselle. DOTTEREL, s. A silly fellow; a dupe. DOUBLE, (1) v. To shut or fold up ; to clench the fists. Far. dial. (2) s. The duplicate of a writing. (3) s. A letter patent. Cowell. (4) A hare is said to double, when she turns about to deceive the hounds. (5) s. A sort of stone. (6) v. To vary in telling a tale twice over. DOUBLE-BEER, s. Strong ale. DOUBLE-CLOAK, *. A cloak which may be turned to serve as a dis- guise. DOUBLE-COUPLE, s. Twin lambs. East. DOUBLE-DOUBLE, s. A double hedge with a ditch on each side. North- ampt. DOUBLER, *. A large dish, or bowl. North. DOUBLE-READER, s. A member of an inn ot court whose turn it was To read a second time. DOUBLE-RIBBED, adj. Pregnant. Nor i A. DOU 399 DOU DOUBLE-RUFF, s. A game at cards. DOUBLES-PRONGED, adj. A term applied to potatoes, when they have lain in the ground till the new crop shoots out fresh bulbs. DOUBLET, s. (A.-N.) (1) Amilitary garment covering the body from the neck to the waist. (2) A false stone composed of two pieces joined together. DOUBLE-TOM,*. A double-breasted plough. East. DOUBLE-TONGUE, . The plant horsetongue. DOUBLETS, a. A game resembling backgammon. DOUBTSOME, adj. Doubtful. North. DOUCE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Sweet; pleasant. (2) *. A slap, especially in the face. (3) v. To duck in water. Craven. (4) adj. Sober ; prudent. North. (5) adj. Snug; comfortable. North. (6) s. Chaff. Devon. (7) s. The back of the hand. Line. DOUCE-AME, s. A dish in cookery. Douce ame. Take gode cowe mylke. and do it in a pot. Take parse), sa\vs;e, vsop<;, savray, and oother gode herbes, hewe hem, and do hem in the mylke, and seeth hem. Take capons halt' y- rosted, and smyte hem on pecys, and do thereto pynes and hony clarified. Salt it, and color it with sal'ron, and serve it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 14. DOUCET, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Sweet. (2) A custard. Fresh cheese and dowtcts, curds, and clout- ed cream. Drayt., Eel., 9. Heer's dousetsaadi flappjacks, and I ken not what. The King and a Poore Norlhernc Man, 1640. (3) *. The name of a musical instrument. DOUCET-PIE, s. A sweet-herb pie. Devon. DOUCETS, *. The testicles of a deer. DOUCH, v. To bathe. Somerset. DOUCKER, s. A didapper. Kennetl DOUFFE, s. A dove. DOUGH, s. (1) A little cake. (2) The stomach. Shropsh. DOUGH-BAKED, adj. Imperfectly baked. DOUGH-CAKE, \s. An idiot. De- DOUGH-COCK, j von. A fool. DOUGH-FIG, *. A Turkey fig. Somer. DOUGHT, v. To do aught. DOUGHTER, s. (A.-S.) A daughter. DOUGH-UP, v. To stick. East. DOUGHY, adj. Foolish. Derby. DOUGLE, v. To wash thoroughly. Yorksh. DOUK, v. (1) To bow. (2) To dive, or bathe. North. DOUKY, adj. Damp. North. DOUL, (1) s. Down. Shropsh. See Dowle. (2) s. A nail or pin sharpened at each end. (3) adj. (A.-N.') Thick ; dense. DOUNDRIX, s. An afternoon drink- ing. Derb. DOUNS, s. An idle girl. North. DO-UP, v. To fasten. Var. d. DOUP, *. (1) The buttocks. North. ' (2) An egg-shell. DOUR, adj. Sullen ; sour. North. DOURE, v. (1) To endure. (2) (A.-N.) To dower, or endow. DOUSHER, *. A rash person ; a madcap. Line. DOUSSING, s. (Lat.) The weasel. DOUT, v. To do out ; to extinguish. Doitter, an extinguisher, DOUTABLE, adv. In uncertainty. DOUTANCE,*. (A.-N.) Doubt; fear. DOUTE, *. Fear. DOUTEOUSE, adj. (A.-N.) Fearful. DOUTHE, (from A.-S. ditgan.) (1) pret. t. Was sufficient; availed. (2) *. People ; nobles. Gawayne. DOUTIF, adj. (A.-N.) Mistrustful. DOUTOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Doubtful. DOUTREMERE, adj. (A.-N.) From beyond the sea. DOUVE, v. To sink. North. DOU 400 DOUWED. Endowed. DOUZZY, adj. Stupid. Chesh. DOUJTILI, adv. (A.-S.) Bravely. DOVANE, s. (Fr.) A custom-house. DOVE, v. To thaw. Exmoor. DOVENING, s. A slumber. North. DOVRB., (1) v. A piece of sandy ground near the sea. South. (2) v. To be in a doze. North. DOVE'S-FOOT, s. The columbine. Dow, (1) v. To thrive ; to be good for anything. North. " Atrophe, in a consumption, one with whom his meat dowes not, or to whom it does no good." Cotgrave. (2) adj. Good. Westmorel. (3) *. A dove. Var. d. (4) s. A little cake. North. DOWAIRE, s. (A.-N.) A dower. DO-WAY, imperat. of v. Cease. DOWBALL, *. A turnip. Line. DOWBLET, s. A doubler. DOWBOY, s. A hard dumpling. East. DOWCE-EGYR, *. An ancient dish in cookery. See Eyre-douce. DOWCER, s. A sugar-plum. West DOWD, (1) adj. Flat ; dead. Lane. (2) *. A night-cap. Devon. DOWDY, adj. (1) Dark and dull of colour. Northampt. (2) Shabbily dressed. Var.d. DOWDY-COW, s. The lady-bird. Yorksh. DOWE, a. Day. DOWELS, s. Low marshes. Kent. DOWEN, 0. (A.-N.) To endow. DOWER, . A rabbit's burrow. Pr. P. DOWF, s. A dove. DOW-HOUSE, s. A dove-cote. East. Down?, * Dough ; paste. DOWIE, adj. Worn out with grief. North. DOWING, adj. Healthful. Lane. DO-WITHALL. I cannot do withall, I cannot help it. DOWKE, . To hang down slo- venly. DOWL, *. The devil. Exmoor. DOWLAS, s. Coarse linen, imported from Brittany. DOWLD, adj. Dead; flat. Yorksh. DOWLE, *. The down in a feather, or any other object. Such trees as have a certain wool or dowle upon them, as the small cotton. History of Manual Arts, 1661, p. 93. There is a certain sliell-fish iti the sea, called pinna, that bears a mossy dowl or wool. Ibid. flis hat (though blacke) lookes like a med- ley hat ; For, black 'a the ground which sparingly appeares ; Then heer 's a dowle, and thare a dabb of fat, Which as nnhansome hangs about ln's eares. Duvies, Scourge of Fully, 1611. DOWLER, s. A coarse dumpling. East. DOWLY, adj. (1) doleful. Yorksh. (2) Lonely; melancholy. North. (3) Dingy. North. DOWN, (1) "*. (A.-3.) A hill. (2) s. (A.-N.) A bank of sand. (3) v. To knock down ; to fall. North. (4) adj. Cast down ; discon- solate. (5) adj. Sickly ; poorly. Craven. (6) s. A company of hares. DOWN-ALONG, (1) s. A little hill. Devon. (2) adv. Downwards. West. DOWNARG, v. To browbeat in arguing. West. DOWN-BOUT, s. A hard set-to at anything. East. DOWNCOME, s. (1) A downfall. (2) A piece of luck. North. DOWNDAISHOUS, adj. Audacious. Dorset. DOWNDAP, v. To dive down. Devon. DOWN-DONE, adj. Too much cooked. Line. DOWNFALLY, adj. Out of repair. East. DOWNGATE, s. (A.-S.} A descent. ENE,/;ar.jy. ofding.(A.-S.) Beaten. DOW 401 DOWN-HOUSE,*. The back-kitchen. North. DOWN-HILL, s. A descent, or fall. Tli' inchanting force of their sweet eloquence Hurls headlong down their tender audience, Ay (childe-like) sliding, in a foolish strife, On tli' icie down-hills of this slippery life. Du Bartas. DOWN-LYING, s. An accouche- ment. DOWXO-CANNOT. When one has the power, but wants the will to do anything. Cumb. DOWN-PINS,*. Persons quite drunk. East. DOWNSELLA,*. (Ital. donzella). An old dance. DOWNY, adj. Low-spirited. East. Dowp, s. The carrion crow. North. DOWPAR, s. The dabchick. Pr. P. DOWPY, s. The last-hatched of a breed of birds. North. DOWRYBBE, s. An implement for scraping the kneading trough. Pr.P. DOWSE, (l)s. A strumpet. (2) v. To beat. Var. d. (3) v. To rain heavily. North. (4) To put under water. Berks. DOWT, *. A ditch, or drain. Line. DOWTTOUSE, adj. Doughty. DOWVE, *. A dove. DOXY, s. (1) A mistress; a strumpet. (2) A sweetheart, in an innocent sense. North. (3) A vixen. DOYLE, v. To squint. Glouc. DOYT, pres. t. Doth. DOYTCH-BACK, *. A fence. North. DOZAND, \ adj. Spiritless; im- DOZENED, J potent. DOZEN, v. To slumber. DOZEPER, \ s. A nobleman; one DOSYPER, /of the Douze-Pairs of France. IO/KY. adj. Unsound; decaying. DOZZINS, s. Corn shaken out in carrying home the sheaves. North. DOZZLE, s. (1) A small quantity. (2) A paste flower on a pie- cover. North. DOZZLED, adj. Stupid ; heavy. East. DRAANT, s. A drawl. Suffolk. DRAB, (!) v. To associate with loose women. (2; v. To beat ; to drub. Kent. (3) *. A small debt. North. DRAB-AND-NORR, s. A game in the North, something like tip- cat. DRABBET, s. An angry expression. Berks. DRABBLE, . To draggle. Drabble- tail, a slattern. DRACKSTOOL, *. The threshold. Devon. Dv.A.D,part .p. Feared. DRAF, s. (A.-S.) Dregs ; refuse. Draf-sak, a sack of draf. DRAFFIT, s. A tub for hog-wash. Wet*. DRAFFY, adj. Coarse and bad. DRAFTY, adj. Worthless. DRAG, *. (] ) A harrow for breaking clods. (2) A fence across running water, formed by a sort of hurdle which swings from a horizontal pole. West. (3) An implement for moving heavy weights. (4) A malkin for an oven. North. (5) A skid-pan. (6) A raft. (7) A dung-fork. North. (8) v. To drawl in speaking. West. DRAGANS, "I *. (A.-N.) The herb DRAGANCE, J serpentine. DRAGE, s. (A.-N.) A sort of spice. DRAGEE, s. (A.-N.) A small comfit. DRAGENALL, s. A ve^'el to hoiJ comfits. DRA DRA DRAGGING-TIME, s. The evening of a fair-day, when the lads pull the wenches about. East. DRAGGLE-TAIL, s. A slut. DRAGHT, s. (1) A sort of small cart. (2) (A.-N.) A pawn, in chess. (3) Result; consequence. DRAGON, . A sort of carbine. DRAGONS-FEMALE, *. Water-dra- gons. Gerard. DRAGON-WATER, 8. A sort of spe- cific. Whilst beazer stone, and mighty mith- ridate, To all degrees are great in estimate, And triacles power is wonderously exprest, And dragon mater in most hieh request. Taylor's Workes, 1630. DRAIL, s. A toothed iron pro- jecting from the beam of the plough to hitch the horses. West. DRAINS, *. Grains from the mash- tub. East. DRAINTED, part. p. Ingrained. Wilts. DRAIT, (1) *. A team of horses. North. (2) v. To drawl. Derlysh. DRAKE, . (1) (A.-S.) A dragon. (2) A small piece of artillery. (3^ A sort of curl, in which the ends of the hair only turn up, and all the rest hangs smooth. (4) Darnel. Eatt. (5) To shoot a drake, to give a fillip on the nose. DRAKES, *. A slop ; a jakes. West. DRALE, v. To drawl. North. DRAMMOCK, s. A mixture of oat- meal and cold water. North. DRANE, s. (A.-S.) A drone. "Drane or dorre, which is the unprofit- able bee havynge no stynge. Cephenes." Huloet. DRANG, s. A narrow lane. West. DRANGOLL, s. A sort of wine. DRANK, s. Darnel grass. North. DRANT, *. The plant rocket. DRAP-DE-LAYNE,S.(^.-A'.) \Vool- leu cloth. DRAPE, (1). A barren cow or ewe. Drape sheep, the refuse sheep of a flock. Var. di. (2) v. To drain the last drops from a cow in milking. DRAPERY,*. (1) Carving or paint- ing resembling cloth or foliage. (2) New drapery is manufac- tured worsted for stuffs ; and old drapery is that cloth which has undergone the operation of the fulling mill. Anthony Munday wrote the Triumphs of Old Drapery, 1614. DRAPET, *. A table-cloth. Spenser. DRAPLYD, adj. Bedrabbled. Pr. P. DRAPS, s. Unripe fruit when fallen. East. DRASH, v. To thresh. Somerset. DRASHEL, s. (1) A threshold. (2) A flail. West. DRASTES, *. (A.-S.) Dregs; refuse; lees of wine. DRAT. (1) An imprecation. An abbreviation of God rot ! (2) pres. t. Dreadeth. DRATCHELL, s. A dirty, slovenly person. Wane. DRATE, v. To drawl. North. DRAUGHT, . (1) A jakes. (2) A team of cattle. North. (3) A sort of hound. (4) A spider's web ; a snare. (5) Sixty-one pounds weight of wool. (6) A pawn, in chess. DRAUGHT-CHAMBER, s. A with- drawing room. DRAUGHTS, s. Forceps for extract- ing teeth. DRAUN, v. (A.-S.) To draw on ; to approach to. DRAUP, v. To drawl. North. DRAVELE, . To slumber fitfully. DRAVY, arf;'. Thick; muddy. North. DRAW, (1). To throw; to stretch. (2) s. A hollow tuck in a cap. Line. (3) v. To strain. DRA 403 DRE (4) . A sort of sledge. West. (5) *. A drawer. (6) v. To build a nest, said of hawks. (7) s. The distance an arrow will fly from a bow. (8) v. To follow the track or scent in hunting. (9) *. A stratagem, or artifice. Sussex. (10) v. To remove the entrails of a bird. Far. dial. (11) To draw amiss, to follow the scent in a wrong direction. To draw together, to assemble. To draw a furrow, to plough. East. DRAWBREECH,S. A slattern. Devon. DRAWCANSIR, s. A boaster; a bully. DRAWER, s. A tapster, or waiter. DRAW-GLOVES, s. An old game played with the fingers. At draw-gloves wee'l play, And pretliee let's lay A waiter, and let it be this : Who first to the sunime Of twenty doth come, Shall have for his winning a kisse. Pleasant Grove of New Fancies, 1657. DRAWING-BOXES, s. Drawers. DRAWK, (1) v . To soak with water. North. (2) s. A weed resembling darnel. East. DRAWLATCH, *. (1) A thief. (2) A lazy person. DRAwx-ouT,juar.^. Finely dressed. Northampt. DRAWT, s. The throat. Somerset. DRAWTSR, *. A term among lace- makers for the long slip of parch- ment or cloth which they draw over their lace to keep it clean in making. DRAW-THE-WELL-DRV. s. A child- ish game at cards, resembling heggar-my-neighbour. DRAT, (1) *. A sledge without wheels. (2) *. A great noise. (3) v. To act like a madman. (4) s. A squirrel's nest. DRAYNE,^ar/./>. Drawn. DRAZEL, s. A slut. Swsex. DRAJT, s. A draw-bridge. Gawayne. DREADFUL, adj. Fearful; timorous. DREAM, v. (1) (4.-S.) To be glad (2) To sing. DREAM-HOLES, s. Openings left in walls to admit light. Gloitc. DREAN, (1) v. To drawl. Somerset. (2) s. A small stream. DREAP, v. To drench. North. DREARE, v. To annoy. Drearing, sorrow. Than were no wowershym norhis wyte to dreare. Barclay's Fyfte SfflOff. DRECCHE, (1) v. (A.-S.') To vex ; to oppress. (2) s. A subject of sorrow. (3) v. To linger ; to delay. DRECEN, v. To threaten. North. DRECK-STOOL, s. A door-sill. Dev. DREDE, (1) v. (J.-S.) To fear. (2) *. Fear; doubt. Dredeful, timorous. DREDELES, adv. Without doubt. DREDEN, v. (A.-S.) To make afraid. DREDGE, s. (1) Oats and barley mixed together. (2) A bush-harrow. South. DREDGER, "Is. A small tin box DREDGE-BOX, J for holding flour. DREDGERY.arfp. Cautiously; gently. Leic. DREDGE-SALT, *. Seasoned salt. " Dredge salt, such as was tem- pered with spices and seedes of sweete savour for belly cheere sake, &c." Nomenclator. DREDINGFUL, adj. Full of dread. DREDY, adj. Reverent. Wickliffe. DREE, (1) v. (A.-S. drigan.) To suffer ; to endure. (2) adj. Long; tedious. Dreely, slowly, tediously. North. (3) adj. Continuously; steadily. Line. (4) v. To journey to a place. North. DRE 404 DRI (5) *. A cart without wheels drawn by one horse. North. (6) . A hard bargainer. Yorksh. DREED, s. (A.-S.driht.) The Lord. DREEDFUL, adj. (A.-S.) Reveren- tial. DRKEX, v. To drain dry. Suffolk. D*EERY, adj. Fearful. DREF, pret. t. Drove. DREFEXE, part. p. Driven. DREFULLY, adv. (A.-S.) Sorrow- fully. Dv.EGw,pret. t. Suffered. \)REGHE, adj. Long. On dreghe, at a distance. I)REGISTER, s. A druggist. Suffolk. DREINT, part. p. (A.-S.) Drowned. DREMEL, *. (A.-S.) A dream. DREME-REDARE, s. (A.-S.) Aa ea- pounder of dreams. DREMES, *. Jewels. DREXCH, 1 A ,. , . , ' } s. A potion ; drmk. DREXG, J DREXCHE, v. (A.-S.) To drown; to be drowned. DREXCHIXG-HORN, *. A horn for pouring physic down an animal's throat. DRENGES, *. A class of men who held a rank between the baron and thane. Havelok. DREXGY, adj. Thick; muddy. North. DRKNKLED, part. p. Drowned. DREPE, v. (1) To drip ; to drop. (2) (A.-S.) To kill, or slay. DREPEE, s. A dish in cookery. Drepce. Take blanched almandes, grynde hem, and temper hem up with gode broth; take oynouns a grete quannte, perhoyle hem, and frye hem, and do thereto. Take snialle bryddes, perboyle hem, and do thereto pellydore, and salt, and a iytcl grece. Fornie ofCury, p. 7. DRERE, . Sorrow. Spenser. Drery, sorrowful. DRERIMEXT, 1 DRERINESSE, I*: Sorrow ; afflic- DRERYHEAD, J 10D ' DBESH, o. To thrash. Var. d. DRESSE, . (A.-N.) To address ; to prepare ; to apply. DRESSEL, s. A cottage dresser.' West. DRESSER, s. An axe used in coal- pits. DRESSIXG-BOARD, s. A dresser. DRESSIXG-KXIFE, s. A knife used for dressing or pruning anything, apparently meaning a cook's. DRESTALL, s. A scarecrow. Devon. DRESTE, v. (A.-N.) To prepare. DRESTIS, s. (A.-S.) Dregs ; lees. Dresty, full of dregs. DRETCHE, v. To be disturbed by dreams. DRETCHING, s. (1) Trouble; vexa- tion. (2) (A.-S.) Delay. DREUL, (1) . A lazy fellow. (2) v. To fritter away one's time. Dreuler, a driveller. Devon. DREURY, s. Love. See Druery. DREVE, v. To pursue. U'est. DREVEDE, part. p. Confounded. DREVELEN, v. (A.-S.) To drivel. DREVIL, s. A drudge. DREVY, adj. Dirty ; muddy. North. DREWE, *. (A.-N.) Love ; friend- ship. DREWRIES, DREWSENS, . Dregs ; refuse. Dev. Dv.EvriE,pret. t. Drew ; reached. DREYDE, pret. t. Dried. DREJE, v. To suffer. See Dree. DRIB, (1) v. To shoot at short paces. An old term in archery. (2) *. A small quantity. Sussex. (3) v. To chop off. Dekker. DRIBBLE, (1) *. A drudge; a ser- vant. North. (2) s. An iron pin. (3) v. To drizzle. West. (4) v. To deal out in small quan- tities. Northampt. DRIBLET, s. Anything small. DRIDGE, v. To sprinkle. Lane. DRIDLE, s. An instrument used for hollowing wooden bowls DRI 405 DRI -S.) To suffer; to Religion was i-maked Penance for to drye, Now it is mych i-turned To pryde and srlotonye. William de Shereham. DRIEN, v. (A.-S.) To be dry, or thirsty. DRIFE, v. (A.-S.) To drive ; to ap- proach. DRIFLE, v. To drink deeply. North. DRIFT, s. (1) A drove, or flock. North. (2) Drift of the forest, an exact view or examination what cattle are in the forest, to know whether it be overcharged, &c. lilount. (3) Road-sand. Glouc. (4) A sort of sleeve, made usually of silk. 17 th cent. (5) A green lane. Leic. (6) Diarrhoea. Somerset. DRIFTER, s. A sheep overlaid in a drift of snow. North. DRIFTS, *. Dregs. DRIFTWAY, *. A road chiefly used for driving cattle. Northampt. DRIGGLE-DRAGGLE. A slut. Florio. DRIGH, adj. Tedious. See Dree. DRIGHT, *. (A.-S.) The Lord. DRIGHTUPS, s. A boy's breeches. North. DRIKE, v. (A.-S.) To repent. DRILE, r. To waste time. West. DRILL, (1) *. A large ape, or ba- boon. A diurnal-maker is the antimark [anti- mask] of an historian, he differs from him us a drtl from a man. Clevel., Char, of a Diurnal-mater. And as well match'd as any three ba- boons in Europe, why, madam, I would aa soon marry a drill us any one of them. SkadwcU, The Huntoriits, 1671. (2) v. To decoy ; to flatter. Dev. (3)9. To twirl, or whirl. Devon. (4) To drill along, to slide away. Kent. (5) *. A small draught of liquor. DRIMBLE, v. To loiter. Dorset. DRIMMEL, v. To suffer pain. Somer- set. DRINDLE, (1) v. To dawdle. Svf- folk. (2) s. A small drain. East. DaiNGE, v. (1) To drizzle. East. (2) To drink. He no may sitt no stonde, No unnethe draweu his onde. Best no take slepeinge, Mete ete, no drinke dringe. Gy of IParicilte, p. 8 DRINGETT, s. A crowd. Devon. DRINGING, adj. Miserly. Devon. DRINGLE, v. To dawdle. West. DRINK, (1) v. To absorb. East. (2) s. A draught of liquor. (3) *. Small beer. West. (4) v. To smoke tobacco. Jon- son. (5) . To abie, or suffer. Coty. DRINKHAIL, (A.-S., literally, drink health.} The pledge in drinking, corresponding to wassaile. DRINKING, . A collation between dinner and supper, in use in the beginning of the 17th cent. DRINKING-TOWEL, *. A doily, for dessert. DRINKLE, v. To drown. Pr. P. DRINK-MEAT, . Boiled ale thick- ened with oatmeal and bread. Shropsh. DRINK-PENNY, . Earnest money. DRINKSHANKERE, s. (A.-S.) A cup-bearer. DRINKY, adj. Drunk. Var. d. DRIP, s. Anything that falls in drops. North. DRIPPER, s. A shallow tub. West. DRIPPING-HORSE, s. A wooden frame to hang wet clothes on. DRIPPINGS, *. The last milk af- forded by a cow. Shropsh DRIPPLE, adj. Weak; rare. Wore. DRISH, *. A thrush. Devon. DRISS, v. To cleanse; to beat.. North. DRISTER, . A daughter. Craven. DRI 406 DRO DRITE, (1) s. (A.-S.) Dirt; dung. (2) v. To speak thickly. North. DRITH, *. Drought. " Drynes or dryth, Ariditas." Huloet. DRIVE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To follow. (2).. To propel. West. (3) v. To advance very quickly. (4) v. To procrastinate. Yorksh. (5) s. Force ; speed. (6) v. To drizzle ; to snow. North. (7) To drive forth, to pass on. To drive adrift, to accomplish any purpose. To drive pigs, to snore. DRIVE-KNOR, s. A bandy-ball. North. DRIVEL, v. To beslaver. Then hee flingeth the glosses against the wals, as if they cost nothing, and daunceth a round about a can, as if it were a May-pole : then he doth drivell his hostesse, and will dallie with any that weareth a erosse-cloth. Man in the Moon, 1609. DRIVELARD, *. A driveller. DRIZZLE, (1)*. Small rain. "Driz- ling or mizling raine." Nomencl. (2) v. To rain small. (3) . A diminutive salt ling. North. DROATUPS,*. A leather strap under the lower part of a horse-collar. South. DROBLY, adj. Muddy. Pr. P. DROBYL, v. To trouble. DROCK, (1) *. A water course. Wilts. (2) v. To drain with stone gutters underground. Glouc. DRODDUM, *. The breech. North. DROFF, ( I) pret. t. of drive. Drove. (2) pret. t. of throwe. (3) *. Dregs. North. DROFMAN, s. A herdsman. DROGHE, pret. t. of draws. DROGHTE, *. (A.-S.) A drought. DROIE, *. A drudge, or servant. DROIGHT, s. A team of horses. North. DROIL, *. A drudge. " Belitre, co- quin digne d'estre fouette. A knave, a slave : a droyle or drudge subject to stripes." Nomenclator. DROITS, s. (A.-N.) Rights ; dues. Kent. DROKK, s. A filmy weed common in stagnant water. Kent. DROLL, (1)*. "A good-fellow, boon companion, merry grig ; one that cares not how the world goes.' r Ladies' Dictionary, 1694. (2) v. To put off with excuses. East. DROLLERY, *. A puppet-show. DROLLING, adj. Witty ; joking. DROMBESLADE, s. A drummer. DROMON, "I *. (A.-N.) A ship of DROMOND, J war. DROMOCNDAY, s. (A.-N.) A war- horse. DRONE, (1) v. To drawl. North. (2) *. A drum. DROXG, s. A narrow path. West. DRONING, s. (1) (A.-S.) An afflic- tion. (2) A lazy way of doing any- thing. DRONKE,joar/.^?. (A.-S.) Drowned. DROXKELEWE, adj. (sl.-S.) Drunk- en. "And is noght dronklewe ne dedeynous." Piers PI. They were counted barbarous and cruel), dronlceletee, and wilde people. Humfrey's Nobles or of fiobilitye, 1563. DRONKENAND, adj. (A.-S.) Intoxi- cating. DROXKLE, v. To drown. DRONNY, s. A drone. Skelton, DROOL, v. To drivel. Var. d. DROOPER, s. A moody fellow. West. DROOT, s. A stutterer. Pr. P. DROP-BOX,*. A money-box. Cra- ven. DROP-DRY, (1) adj. Water-tight. North. (2) t>. To do anything by con- traries. DROP-DUMPLINGS,*. Small dump- lings made each by a spoonful of batter dropt into the hot water. East. DRO 407 DRO DROPE, (1) s. A crow. Yorksh. (2) . To run down. East. (3) v. To baste meat. DROPES, s. Ornaments on the dresses worn by mummers. DROP-GALLOWS, *. One who is foul- mouthed. East. DROP-IN, v. To beat. Wight. DROPMELE, adv. (A.-S.) By drops. " The strangurie, which is when one maketh water by dropmeale very hardely, and with great paine." Nomenclator. DROP-OUT, v. To quarrel. West. DROPPERS,*. Persons employed to drop seed into the holes made by the dribbles. DROPPING, ~| ,. . DROPPY, '}& Rny; wet. DROPPINGS, s. (1) The dung of birds. (2) An early apple. Yorksh. DROPPING-THE-LETTER, *. A boy's game. DROP-VIE, s. An old term in gam- bling. DROPWORT, s. The plant filipen- dula. DROPYK, *. The dropsy. DRORE, s. A dish in cookery. Drore to potage. Take vele or mohin, and smyte it on gobettes, and put it in a pot with watur, and let it sethe ; and take onyons, and mynce honi, and do thereto, and parsel, sauge, ysope, savery, and hewe horn smale, and do hit in the pot, and culi mre hit with saffron, and do thereto powder of pepur, and of clowes, and of maces, and nlaye hit wyth yolkes of rawe egsius and verjus; but let hit not sethe after, and serve hit forthe. Warner, Antiq. Cul., p. 54. DROSE, "1 *. To gutter, as a can- DROSLE, J die. Drosings, dregs of tallow. Kent. DROSITY, adj. Weary; languid from fatigue. Northampt. DROSSELL, *. A slut. DROSS-WHEAT, s. Inferior wheat left after dressing. Suffolk. DROSTY, adj. Full of dross. Warnv. Daosv, adj. Very brittle. Devon. DROT. See Drat. DROTCHELL, *. A dirty, untidy woman. Northampt. DROTYNE, v. To stammer; to speak indistinctly. Pr. Parv. DROU, v. To dry. Exmoor. DROUCHED, part. p. Drenched. Suffolk. DROUGE, s. A strong carriage or truck for conveying military stores. DROUGH, 1 pret. t. o{drawe.(A.-S.) DROUH, /Drew. DROUGHT, s. (1) A passage. West. (2) A team of horses. North. DROUGHTY, adj. Thirsty. Heref. DROUK, 0. To drench. North. DROUKENING. 1 DROUPNYNGE,} 5 ' A slumber - DROUMY, adj. Dirty. Devon. DROUNSLATE, s. A drummer. DROUNT, v. To drawl. Northumb. DROUPEN, (1) v. To droop; to look sickly. Shropsh. (2) to lie hid secretly. Pr. P. DROUTH, *. Thirst. Drouthy, thirsty. DROVE, (1) part. p. Driven. (2) *. A road, especially an un- inclosed one. West. (3) v. (A.-S.} To pursue; to tease. Drovyng, vexation. DROVY, adj. (A.-S.) Dirty in person. DROW, . (1) To dry. (2) To throw. West. DROWBULLY, adj. Troubled. DROWE, "1 pret. t. Drew. Drowen, DROWJ, /Driven. DROWKING, adj. Faint with thirst. North. DROWNED-LAND, *. Marshes. DROWNING-BRIDGE, s. A sluice- gate. Wilts. DROWSE.I;. To gutter. SeeJ9ro*e. DROWSEN, adj. Made of tallow. Kent. DROWSYHED, *. Drowsiness. Spenser. DROWTY, adj. D^- dusty. Deri* DRO 408 DRY DROWY, v. To dry. Somerset. DROXY, adj. Rotten. West. DROY, (1) s. A thunderbolt. Old Wilts. (2) v. To wipe clean. Lane. DROZE, 0. To beat severely. East. DROZEN,arf/'. Fond ; doating. North. DRUB, v. (1) To throb. (2) To beat. DRUBBY, adj. Muddy. Northumb. DRUBS, s. Slates among cinders. North. DRUCK, v. To thrust down. So- merset. DRUCKEN, adj. Tipsy. North. DRUDGE, (1) s. A large rake. (2) v. To harrow. West. To harrow with bushes. Suss. DRUE, adj. Dry. North. DRUERY. (d.-N.) Courtship; love; gallantry. DRUFFEN, adj. Drunk. North. DRUG, (1) adj. Damp. Wight, (2) v. To dry slightly. Sussex. (3) s. A heavy timber-carriage. DRUGEOUS, adj. Huge. Devon. DRUGGE, v. (4.-S.) To drag. DRUGGED, adj. Half-dried, applied to linen. Sussex. DRUGGER, 1 d DRUGSTER, J DRUID'S-HAIR,S. Longmoss. Wilts. DRUIVY, adj. Overcast ; muddy. Cumb. DRUM, (1) v. To heat severely. West. (2) s. The cylindrical part of anything. DRUMBELO, s, A dull fellow. Exm. DRUMBLE, v. To be sluggish, or confused ; to mumble. West. D RUMBLE-BEE, s. A humble-bee. D RUMBLED, adj. Made muddy. North. DRUMBLE-DRONE, s. A drone. West. DRUMBLES. He dreams drumbles, he is half asleep. Norf. DRUMBOW, "1 s. A dingle, or ra- DRUMBLE, J vine. Chesh. DRUMLER, s. A small vessel of war ; a dromon. DRUMLEY,(1)<7/. Muddy ; confused. (2) adv. Slowly ; lazily. North. DRUMMING. Palpitating. DRUMMOCK, s. A mixture of meal and water. North. DRUMSLADE, s. A drum. 16th cent. Drumslager, Drumsted, a drummer. DRUMSTICK, s. (1) The leg bone of a fowl. (2) The calix and stalk of knap- weed. Northampt. DRUN,S. A narrow passage. Wilts. DRUNGE, s. A crowd. Wilts. DRUNK, s. Darnel grass. North. DRUNKESCHIPE, s. Drunkenness. DRUNKWORT, s. Tobacco. Minsheu. DRUNT, s. A bad humour. North. DRUPY, adj. Drooping. DRURIES, s. See Drewries. DRURY, adj. Dreary. DRUSS, s. A slight slope. Wight. DRW, part. p. Driven. Var.d. DRUVE, s. A muddy river. Cnmb. DRUVY, adj. Thick ; dirty. North. DRUYE, adj. (A.-S.) Dry. DRY, (1) ?'. To suffer. See Dree. (2) part. p. Disappointed ; cast down. North. (3) adj. Thirsty. (4) v. To wipe dry. (5) adj. Crafty; subtle. (6) adj. Genuine; unadulterated. North. (7) v. To cease milking a cow, in consequence of her giving little milk. North. DRY-BOB, *. A joke. Cotgrave. DRYCHE, v. To frighten. DRY-COMMUNION, s. A nick-name for the Nicene Creed. DRY-CRUST, s. A miser. DRYFAT, *. A box, or packing-case; a large basket. DRYFE, v. To drive. DRY-FOOT, v. To follow the game by the scent of the foot. A hunting term. DRY 409 DUG DRYGHE, v. To suffer. See Dree. DRYGHTEN, s. (A.-S.) The Lord. DRYHE. On dryhe, backwards. DRY-HEDGE, . A bank of earth. DRY-MEAT, . Hay. DRYNCHE, t. To drench. DRYNG, v. (A.-S.) To drink. DRYNGE, v. (A.-S.) To throng. DRYP, v. To beat. Shropsh. DRY-SALTER, s. A person dealing in various articles for dyeing. DRY-SCAB, s. The ring-worm. Palsy. DRYSSE, v. (A.-S.) To subdue. Danmarke lie dryssede alle, By drede of hyniselvyne, 1'ra Swynne untoSwetherwyke With his swredc kene. Morte Arthure. DRY-WALL, s. A wall without lime. DRYJE, adj. Patient ; enduring. DUABLE, adj. Proper ; convenient. Leic. DUARY, s. A dowry. Pr. P. DUB, (1) s. A blow. (2) v. One who drank a large potion on his knees to the health of his mistress was said to be dubbed a knight. (3) v. To dress flies for fishing. (4) v. To raise the flock or nap of cloth by striking it with teasels. Glouc. (5) v. To cut off the comb and wattles of a cock. (6) s. A pool of water; a deep piece of smooth water in a rapid river. North. DUBBED, part.p.(\) Clothed; orna- mented. (2) (A.-S.) Created a knight. (3) Blunt ; not pointed. South. DUBBERS. Trimmers or binders of books. Dames' York Records. DUBBING, s. (1) A paste made of flour and water boiled, used by cotton weavers. (2) A mixture of oil and tallow to make leather waterproof. North. (3) The first coat or covering of clay laid on the splents and riz- zors. Norf. (4) Suet. Somerset. (5) A mug of beer. Wilts. DUBBIN-PIN, *. The pin used by lacemakers to fix the pattern parchment on the lace pillow. DUBBY, adj. Dumpy. West. DUBEROUS, adj. Doubtful. Var. d. DUBLI, v. (A.-S.) To double. DUBS, s. (1) Doublets at marbles. (2) Money. DUB-SKELPER, *. A bog-trotter. North. Due, *. A duke, or leader. DUCHERY, s. (A.-N.) A dukedom. DUCK, (1) v. To stoop, or dip. (2) v. To bow. Smile in men's faces, smooth, deceive, and cog, Duct with Trench nods, and apish courtesy. Kick. Ill, \ , 3. Still more duclnng, Be there any saints that understand by signs only ? B. $ FL, Pilgrim, i, 2. (3) s. A bow ; a reverence. As it is also their generall custome scarcely to salute any man, yet may they neither omitte crosse, nor carved statue, without a religious duck Discov. of New World, p. 128. Be ready with your napkin, a lower dcruke, maid. li. lirome, New Ac., i, p. 19. (4) v. To dive in the water. (5) v. To support, or earn 7 . West. DUCK-AND-DRAKE, S. A Well- known game. DUCKER, s. A sort of fighting. cock. DUCKET, s. A dove-cot. North. DUCK-FRIAR, s. Leap-frog. DUCK-FROST, s. A slight frost. Northampt. DUCKING-STOOL, s. An incorrect name for a cucking-stool. DUCKISH, s. Twilight. Devon. DUCKLEGGED, adj. Having short legs. DUC 410 DUL DOCK-OIL, A. Water; moisture. A Warwickshire mason calling to his labourer, who was making mortar, said, " Put a little more elbow grease in, and not so much duck-oil" i. e., more labour, and less water. DUCK-SHOWER, s. A hasty shower. DUCKS-MEAT, . "A kinde of weades hovering above the water in pondes." ffuloet, 1552. DUCKSTONE, s. A boy's game. DUCK-WHEAT, . Red wheat. Cotgrave. DUCKY, *. A woman's breast. North. DUCTOR, *. The leader of a band of music, a court officer. DUD, (1) pret. t. Did ; put. (2) s. A coarse wrapper formerly worn by poor people. (3) *. A rag. North. Duddy, rag- ged; duddles, filthy rags; dudman, a scarecrow or ragged fellow. DUDDER, 0. (1) To shiver. Suffolk. (2) To confuse; to confound with noise. Wilts. (3) . One who carries goods for sale from door to door in a town, differing in this from a hawker, who goes from town to town. DUDDERY, *. A place in a town where rags and old clothes are sold. DUDDLE, (1) c. To wrap up too < warmly ; to cuddle. East. (2). To make lukewarm. North. (3) . A child's penis. Var. d. J)vDE,part.p. Done. Somerset. DUDGE, *. A barrel. Wilts. DUDGEON, . (1) The root of box, of which handles for daggers were usually made, whence the term isoften applied to the handle itself,and sometimes to thedagger. (2) Anger; resentment. Yet neverthelesse I take the matter in as great a dudgin. Terence in Englith, NJil. DUDGY, adj. Thickened by shrink- ing. Northampt. DUDMAN, *. A scarecrow. DUDS, s. Rags ; dirty clothes. It was the cant term for clothes. DUDYN, pret. t. pi. Did. DUELLE, v. To dwell ; to remain. DUELLO, s. (Ital.) Duelling. DUEN, v. (A.-N.) To endue. DUERE, adj. Dear. DUFF, (1) v. To strike. (2) s. A blow. Devon. C3) v. To daunt. South. (4) v. To fall heavily ; to sink. West. (5) a. Coal dust. North. ( e ^ s. A dark-coloured clay. Lent. DUFFEL, *. A strong shaggy cloth. DUFFER, s. A pedlar who sells women's clothes. South. DUFFIT, s. A sod. North. DUFFLE, v. Futuere. Urquhart's Rabelais. DUFFY-DOWS, s. Dove-cot pigeons. East. DUG, (1) *. A woman's breast. (2) v. To stoop. Devon. (3) v. To dress ; to prepare. North. (4) v. To gird, or tuck up. Exmoof. DUGGED, adj. Draggletailed. Devon. DUGGLE, v. To cuddle. Suffolk. DUGH, v. To be able. North. DUKE, s. A captain. See Due. DULBAR, \s. A blockhead. DULBERHEAD, J North. DULCE, adj. (Lot.) Sweet. DULCIMELL, y. A dulcimer. DULE, (1) *. The devil. North. (2) *. An instrument for sepa- rating or cleaning wool. North. (3) adj. (A.-N.) Double ; thick. (4) *. A flock of doves. DULE-CROOK, . (1) An evil-dis- posed person. North. (2) A kind of fly, the March brown. Craven. DULKIN. . A dell. Glouc. DUL 411 DUN DULL, (1) s. (A.-S.} Sorrow; dole. (2) adj. Hard of hearing. (3) . The dead of night. (4) v. To stun. North. DULLAR, s. A stunning noise; con- fusion. Essex. DULLARD, s. A blockhead. DULLE, v. (A.-S.) To make, or grow dull. DULLER, v. (A.-N.) To sorrow with pain. Suffolk. DULLING,*. A silly person. West. DULLIVE, s. A remnant. Line. DULLOR, s. A dull moaning noise. East. DULLYTRIPE.S. A slattern. Warw. DULSOME, adj. Dull; heavy. DULWILLY, s. A species of plover. East. DUM, s. The down or fur of an animal. Suffolk. A housemaid sweeping a room negligently, would be blamed for the dum left in it, the downy produce of carpets and feather-beds. DUMB, v. To make dumb. Shakesp. DUMBFOUND, v. To perplex. DUMBLE, (I) adj. Very dull. Wilts. (2) v. To muffle up. Suffolk. (3) s. A wooded dingle. DUMBLE-BEE, s. A drone. DUMBLEDORE, s. (1) A humble- bee. Devon. (2) A cockchafer. South. (3) A stupid fellow. Somerset. DUMBLE-HOLE, s. A piece of stag- nant water in a wood or dell. Shropsh. DUMBMULL, s. A stupid fellow. Glouc. DUMB-WIFE, s. A fortune-teller. Cumb. DUM-CRAMBO, *. A child's game. Su/. DUMMEL, (1) s. A heavy, stupid fellow. Leic. (2) adj. Dull, inactive, applied to animals; damp, applied to hay or corn. Berts. DUMMEKKL, *. A silent person. DUMMERHEAD, s. A blockhead. South. DUMMIL, s. A slow jade. Shropsh. DUMMUCK, s. A blow. East. DUMMY, s. A silent person. DUMP, ^1) s. A meditation. (2) v. To meditate. (3) s. A melancholy strain in music. (4) *. The name of an old dance. (5) *. Astonishment. (6) *. A deep hole of water, sup* posed to be bottomless. Grose. (7) v. To knock heavily; to stump. Devon. (8) s. A medal of lead. East. DUMPISH, adj. Torpid; stupid. Devon. DUMPS, *. (1) To be in the dumps, to be out of spirits. To put one to the dumps, to drive him to bis wit's ends. Strange it was, and struck me in some dumpes, but considering his gentle ac- tiou and gravity I a little revived. Man in the Moone, 1609. (2) Twilight. Somerset. (3) A boy's game, by throwing pieces of lead in the shape of buttons at a small leaden figure of a cock. DUMPTY, adj. Ashort person. West. DUMPY, adj. (1) Sullen; discon- tented. North. (2) Short and thick. DUNBIRD, *. A bird mentioned in Harrison's Descr. of Engl. DuNCH,(l)a<#' Deaf; dull. Dunch passage, a blind passage. (2) v. To give a nudge. Cumb. DUNCH-DUMPLING, s. A plain pud- ding made of flour and water. West. DUNCUS, s. A kind of weed. Line. DUNDER, *. Thunder, or tempest. West. DUNDERHEAD, DUNDERPATE DUN 412 DUR DUXDERSTOXES, s. Thunderbolts. DUXDUCKITYMUR, s. A dull iiide- scribable colour. Suffolk. DUXDY, adj. Dull in colour. East. DUXELM-OF-CRAB, s. A dish of an epicurean description. North. DUNG, part. p. (1) Struck down. Shropsh. (2) Overcome. North. (3) Reflected upon. Craven. DUXGAL, adj. Very noisy. North. DUXGEON, s. A shrewd fellow ; a scold. North. DUXGEVIL.S. A dung-fork. Shropsh. DUNGFARMER, s. A jakes-cleanser. North. DUNG-GATE, s. A sewer. East. DUNGHILL. To die dunghill, to give up. DUNGHILL-QUEAN. A slut. Florio. DUXG-MERES, s. Pits where dung and weeds rot for manure. DUNGOW-DASH, 8. Filth; dung. Chesh. DUNG-PIKE, *. A dung-fork. Lane. DUNG-POT, *. A cart for carrying dung. Wight. DUNGY, adj. Cowardly. Wilts. DUNK, adj. Little, fat, short, and thick, applied generally to a pig. Line. DUNK-HORN, . A blunt horn. Dunk-horned, sneaking or shabby. East. DUNKIRKS, s. Dunkirk privateers. DUNLING, s. A kind of snipe. Line. DUNNER, s. Thunder. DUNNOCK, s. The hedge-sparrow. DUNNY, adj. (1) Dull; stupid. Gloue. (2) Deaf. Berks. DUNPICKLE, s. The moor buzzard. North. DUNSEPOLL, . A loggerhead. Devon. DUNSERY, s. Stupidity. D UNSET, s. A small hill. Skinner. DUNSH, *. Paste of oatmeal and treacle. Yorksh. DUNSICALL, 1 . gt ^ DUNSTICAL, J DUNT, (I) s. A stroke, or blow. (2) adj. Stupid; dizzy. (3) v. To stupify. Essex. DuNTED.jsar/.;;. Beaten. Northumb. DUNTER, s. A porpoise. North. DUXT-SHEEP, s. A sheep which is suffering under a disorder in the head, that makes it look dM.East. DUXTY, adj. (1) Stupid; confused. Kent. (2) Stunted; dwarfish. DUNVALIE, adj. (A.-S.} Tawny. DUP, v. (1) To do up, or fasten. (2) To do up, or open the door. Gates and doors were often opened by lifting up. What devell iche weene the porters are drunk, will they not dup the gate to day. 0. PL, i, 217. DUPLICATE, s. A copy of a docu- ment. DUPPE, adj. Deep. DUR, (1) *. (A.-S.) A door. (2) pret. t. of dare. Durst. DURANCE, s. (1) Duration. (2) A sort of durable stuff, of thread or silk. It is often punned upon by the old dramatists. (3) Imprisonment; prison. DURC, adj. (A.-S.) Dark. Durc- hede, darkness. DURE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Hard; se- vere. (2) v. (A.-N.) To endure. Dure- ful, lasting. DURESSE, *. (A.-N.) Hardship; severity; harm; imprisonment. DURET, *. A dance. The knights take their ladies, to dance with them galliards, durets, corantocs, &c. Heauiiumt, Afasq. at Gray's Inn. DURETTO, DURETTY, The people are cole hlack, have great heads, big lips, are flat nos'd, sharp chind, huge limbd, affecting Adam's garb, a few plantaine leaves girding their wasts, vailing their modest parts; cut and pinckt in severall works, upon their duretto skins, face, armes, and thighs, striving to exceed each other for variety. Herbert's TrweU, 1638. ' L adj. Hard ; durable. DUR 413 D\VE DURGAX, s. (A.-S.) A dwarf. West. DURGAN-WHEAT,*. Bearded wheat. Kent. DURKE, v. To laugh. Northumb. DURN,S. Agate-post; a door- frame. DURNE, v. To dare. Pr. P. DURRE, (1) prcs. and pret. t. of dare ; durst. (2) s. A door. Durre-barre, a door-bar. DURRYDE, s. A pasty of onions, chickens, and spice. DURSE, v. To dress. North. DURST, v. To dare. Far. d. .DURWE, s. (A.-S.) A dwarf. DURZE, v. Corn when so ripe that the grains fall out, is said to durze out. BUSCLE, s. The solalrum nigrum. DUSH, v. To push violently. North. DVSKE, v. (A.-S.) To grow dark. DUSSET, s. A blow. West. DUSSIPERE, s. See Dosepere. DUST, *. (1) Tumult ; uproar. (2) Pounded spice. Palsgrave. (3) To dust one's jacket, to beat a person severely. Down with your dust, pay your money. He heard at London, that they were without Christ, ami he came on purpose to bring tliera Christ, and what a great deal of money he was offered upon tlie road for Christ, but he was resolved to part with Christ to no body, till the beloved that he was preaching to, had had the refusal of him; and if they did intend to trade with him, they must dotrti trit/i their dust instantly; for to his knowledg, the Papists did offer a very vast sum of mouey for Englands Christ. Eachard's Observations, 1671. DUST-POINT, s. A boy's game, in which the points were placed in a heap, and they threw at them with a stone. Down go our hooks and scrips, and we to nine holes fall, At dust-point, or at quoits, else we are at it hard, All false and cheating games we shepherds are debarr'd. Druijt,, Nymyhul. DUST-WHOPPER, s. A carpet- beater. DUSTYFATS, *. Pedlars. DUSTYPOLL,S. A name for a miller. OUT, *. (A.-S.) A tusk. DUTCH, *. (1) "White tlover. Dor~ set. (2) She talks Dutch, i. e., she uses fine and affected words. Dutch concert, a great noise. DUTCH-CLOAK, s. A short cloak worn in Elizabeth's time. DUTCH-GLEEK, s. A jocular term for drinking. DUTCH-MORGAN, s. The horse- daisy. Wight. DUTCH-WIDOW, s. A courtezan. DUTE, s. (A.-N.) Pleasure. DUTFIN, . The bridle in cart- harness. East. DUTTE, (i)pret. t. Doubted; feared. Gaw. (2) An abbreviation of do it. And whan the mayden came with her present, she founde the abbot syttyn at dyner, to whom she sayd : Moch good dutte the, my lorde. Ha ! welcome, may- deu, quod he. Tales and Quicice Answers. DUTTEN, v. To shut; to fasten. DUTTY, s. A sort of fine cloth. Duv, pret t. Dug. Leic. DUYSTRE, s. A leader. DUYSTRY, v. To destroy. Audelay* DUZZY, adj. Slow ; heavy. Chesh. DUJTY, adj. Doughty. DWAIN, (1) adj. Faint ; sickly. East. (2) s. A fainting fit. DWALE, *. (A.-S.) (1) The plant night-shade. (2) A lethargic disease. (3) A sleeping potion. DWALLOWED, adj. Withered. Cumb. DWARFS-MONEY, s. The name given locally to ancient coins found oil parts of the Kentish coast. DWAULE, v. To yield to reveries. DWEEZLE, v. To dwindle away. Northampt. DWELLE, v. (A.-S.) To remain. Dwelling, delay. DWERE, . Doubt. DWERUGH, s. (A.-S.) A dwait DWI 414 EAR DWILE, (1) s. Refuse wool; a mop made of this material, or any coarse rubbing rag. East. (2) r. To drivel. Northampt. DWINDLE, s. A poor sickly child. Kent. DWINDLER, s. A swindler. Nor Ik. DWINE, v. (1) To pine ; to waste away ; to faint. (2) To pull even. South. DwiNGELiNG,a$. Shrivelled; poor. Leic. DWINGLE, 0. To shrivel. DWIZENED, part. p. Withered. Northampt. DWYRD, part. p. (A.-N.) Taught; instructed. DYDLE, *. A kind of mud-drag. Norf. DYE, *. Dried cow-dung collected for fuel. Cambridge. DYE-HOCSB, *. A dairy. Glouc. DYEXTELY, adv. Daintily. Skelton. DYFFAFE, v. (A.-N.) To deceive. DYK, *. (A.-S.) A ditch. DYKKE, adj. Thick. DYLDE, v. To reward ; to yield. DYLFE, *. The devil. DYLFULLE, s. Doleful. DYLL, s. A part. DYMES, s. (A.-N.) Tithes. Dyma- ble, subject to tithes. See Dirme. DTMOX, *. A sturdy combatant. East. DYMYSENT, *. (A.-N.) A girdle. See Demy cent. DYNGE-THRIFT, . The name of an old game. DYNTAND, part. a. Riding. DYRE, adj. Dear. DYREN, v. To endure. T)YSE,v.(A.-N.) To break, or bruise. DYSON, s. The flax on adistaff. West. DYTARE, s. One who prepares. Pr.P. DYZE-MAN'S-DAY, "1 s. Childermas. DYZEMAS-DAY, J Var. d. DY?E, v. (A.-S.) To die. E. E, . An eye. EA. (1) In; and; yes. North. (2) s. (A.-S.) Water; a river on the sands by the sea shore. (3) adj. One ; each. North. EACE, s. A worm. Wight. EAGER, (1) s. A peculiar violence of the tide in some rivers. Seey/cfer. (2) adj. (Fr.) Sour ; sharp. Ea- gerness, acidity. (3) adj. Angry ; furious. North. EAGERSPIRED. See Ackersprit. EAGLESS, s. A female eagle. EAGLE-STONE, s. The common name of theaetite. EAK, *. An oak. North. EALAND, s. An island. Craven. EALD, *. Old. North. EALDREN, adj. Elderly. North. BALE, v. To reproach. Devon. BALING, s. A lean-to. North. EAM, (1) s. An uncle. North. See Erne. (2) v. To spare time. Chesh. EAMBY, adv. Close by. Chesh. EAMER, adj. Nearer. Staff. EAMOUTH, s. The aftermath. Norf. BAN, v. (A.-S.) To bring forth, applied especially to ewes. EANCE, adv. Once. E AND, . Breath. North. See And. EANLIVGS, s. New-born lambs. Shakesp. EAPNS, *. A handful. Yorksh. EAR, (1) v. (A.-S.) To plough. Bumble, arable. See Ere. He teacheth men (untaught before) to tare tlie lusly land. Warner's Alblons England, 1592. (2) v. To give ear to. But if Thou knew'st my mistress breath'd on me, and that I ear'd her language, liv'd in her eyes. FUtek., Tico Xoble K., hi, 1. (3) *. Honour. Verstegan. (4) *. The handle of a pot. "A pot or jugge with handles or EAR 415 EAT sares : a woodden mazer, dish or booll, with a handle." Nomencl, (5) s. A place where hatches prevent the influx of the tide. Somerset. (6) s. An animal's kidney. East. (7) To go together by the ears, to quarrel. To send one away with a flea in his ear, in anger or disgrace. To be up to the ears, to be fully occupied. To go in at one car and out at the other, not to be remembered. EAR-BREED, *. The prominent part at the end of a cart. North. EARD, s. Earth. North. EARFE, adj. Timorous. North. EAR-FINGER, s. The little finger. EARIKE, s. A tax for ploughing. EARING-BAG-SKIN, *. A calf's sto- mach, from which rennet is made. North. EAR-KECKERS, s. The tonsils of the throat. Somerset. EAR-LAP, s. (A.-S.) The tip of the ear. EARLES-PENNY. See Aries. EAR-MARK, s. A token, or signal. North. EARN, (1) v. To run. (2) v. To curdle milk. North. (3) s. Some article of dress. (4) v. To glean. North. EARNDER, s. The forenoon ; a fore- noon drinking. Yorksh. EARNE, v. To yearn. EARNEST, (1) *. Deposit money to bind a bargain. "Arra. An earnest penie, or a Gods penie, which is given to continue and assure a bargaine." Nomenclator. (2) v. To use in earnest. EARNING, s. Cheese-rennet. North. EARSH, s. A stubble-field. South. EART, adv. Sometimes. Exmoor. EARTH, (1) s. A day's ploughing. (2) v. To turn up the ground, as a mole. EARTH-CHESNUT, s. A kipper-nut. Gerard. EARTHEOWAVE, s. (A.-S.) An earthquake. EARTH-FLAX, s. A kind of talc. "A stone like to roch allum, or stone allum, whereof matches or candle weekes be made, which being fiered, never goe out, so long as the oyle lasteth : earth flax : Salamanders haire." No- menclator. EARTHGALL, . The larger centaury. West. EARTHLY, adj. Austere; rough. Yorksh. EARTH-TABLE,*. The lowest course of stone in a building, level with the earth. EARTH-TURF, *. A kind of mush- room. Tuberes, Plin. v&va. Mushroms : tad- stooles: earlhturfes : earthpuffes. Nomenclator. EARWIKE, "1 s. An earwig. Somer- EARWRIG, J set. EARY, adj. Every. Yorksh. EASEFUL, adj. Easy. East. EASEMENT, s. Ease ; relief. South. EASEN, ~[s. The eaves. Easing- EASING, ) drops, drops of water from the eaves after rain. North. EASIFUL, adj. Indolent. North. EASILY, adv. Slowly. Yorkxh. EASINGS, s. Dung. North. EASING-SPARROW, s. The house- sparrow. Shropgh. EASLES, #. Hot embers. Essex. EASTER, s. The back of a chimney. See Estre. EASTERLING, . A native of the Hanse towns, or of the East of Germany. EASTER-EGGS. See Pasch-eggs. EASTER-PRICE, s. At Easter price, i. e., at a cheap rate ; flesh being formerly then at a discount. EASY-BEEF, s. Lean cattle. North. EASY-END, adj. Cheap. Craven. EAT, v. To eat one's word.?, to re- tract what one has said. To hart EAT 416 EDE eaten up all the hire, to feel under no obligation. "Me tliinke," seyd the hermyte, "thou art a stoute syre, I have ete up all the hyre." MS. Ashmole, 61, xv. cent. EATALL, . A glutton. " Pampha- gus.Ovid. iranayo. Omnivorus. Eatall, or ravener." Nomencl. EAT-BEE, s. An old name for the woodpecker. Merops, apiaster, & devorandis apilms. (le'poJ/. Guespier. A wood-pecker or eatebee. Sumencl. EAT-CORN, "Is. A name for a EAT-WHEAT, J kind of pigeon. "A kinde of pigeon called an eate- corne, or eatewheate." Nomencl. EATERS, *. Servants. Jonson. EATH, (1) adj. (A.-S. ea%.) Easy. North. Eathly, easily. For wliy, by proofe the field is eath to win. Gascoigne's Works, a 8. Who thinks him most secure, is eathest sliam'd. Fair/., Tasso, x, 42. (2)s. Earth. Wilts. EATHS, adv. Easily ; commonly. These are vain thoughts or melancholy shews That wont to haunt and trace by cloister'd tombs: Which talks appear in sad and strange disguises To pensive minds, deceived with their shadows. Cornelia, O. PI., ii, 262. EAT-OUT, r. To undermine by false insinuations. North. EAVE, v. To thaw. Devon. EAVELONG. See Avelona. EAVER,*. A quarter of the heavens. North. KAVINGS, . The eaves. EAZED, adj. Decayed; rotten. Yorksh. EBB, adv. Near the surface. West. EBB-CBUSE, #. A pot very nearly empty. EBBE, adj. (A.-S.) Shallow. EBBLE, *. The asp tree. East. EBENE, s. Ebony wood. ECCLES. To build ecclcx in the air is a Northamptonshire phrase, equivalent to building castles in the air. ECCLESIAST, s. An ecclesiastic. ECCLES-TREE, s. An axle-tree. East. ECHADELL, adv. The whole. ECHE, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Each one. (2) v. (A.-S.) To add to ; to eke. (3) s. Increase. The wordes scholle be i-sed VTitheoute wane and tclie, And onderstand hi more bi-sed In alle nianere speche. jniliam de ShoreJiam. ECHE-HOOK,*. A hook attached to the forbuck of a wagon or cart, through which a rope passes to bind on a load. Northarnpt. ECHELLES, *. (Fr.) "An echel/es, is a stomacher lac'd or riboned in the form of the steps of a lad- der, lately very much in request." Ladies' Dictionary, 1694. ECHESE, v. To choose. ECKLE, (1) v. To aim ; to intend. North. (2) s. A woodpecker. Var. d. ECKLES, s. The crest of a cock. Northamjtf. ECTASY, s. Madness. S/iakesp. EDDER, * (A.-S.) (1) A serpent, or adder ; pi. eddren. (2) A fish like a mackerel. (3) The binding at the top of stakes in making hedges, some- times called eddering. North. In lopping and felling save eddermid stake, Thine hedges as needeth to mend, or to make. Tusser. EDDERCOP, s. A spider. Craven. EDDERWORT, *. Dragonwort. EDDIGE, ~) EDDISH, J *. The aftermath ; ETCH, }>sometimes the stubble ERSH, | in corn or grass. EEGRASS, j EDDLE, *. Putrid water. Northumt. EDDY, s. An idiot. Chesh. Ej)E,pret. t. (A.-S.) Went EDER, s. A hedge. Chesh. EDERLYNG, s. (A -S.) Relations. EDG 417 EGG EDGE, (1) *. The ridge of a bill. North. (2) v. To set on edge. (3) v. To stand aside. North. (4) 0. To harrow. North. EDGE-LEAMS, s. Edge tools. North. EDGEY, adj. Eager. Northampt. EDGLING, adv. On an end. Warw. EDGREW, s. Aftermath. Chesh. EDIFVE, v. (A.-N.) To build. EDNE, v. (A.-S.) To renovate. EDWARD-SHOVELBOARDS,*. Broad shillings of Edward VI, so named because they were much used in playing at shovelboard. EDWYTE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To re- proach ; to blame. (2) s. Reproach. EE, (1) s. The eye. (2) s. Evening. (3) s. A spout. North. (4) v. (A.-S.) To love, or respect. North. (5) s. The top of a cup. EECLE, s. An icicle. Shropsh. EEF, adj. Easy. EE-GRASS, s. Aftermath. Dorset. EEK, v. To itch. Yorksh. EEL, v. (1) To cover in. See Hele. (2) To season an oven when first erected. Chesh. EELEATOR, s. A young eel. North. EELFARE, s. A brood of eels. EEL-SHEAR, s. An iron implement with three or four points for catching eels. South. EEL-THING, s. St. Anthony's fire. Essex. EEM, (1) s. Leisure. (2) adv. Almost. Warw. EEMIN, s. Ti.c evening. Yorksh. ELX, (1) s. The eyes. North. (2) conj. To ; but ; except. So- merset. EEND, s. End. " Most an eend" is a common expression for mostly, generally. West. EENY, adj. Full of holes. Yorksh. EERIE, adj. Frightened. Norlhumb. EERNYS, s. (A.-S.) Attention. 2 E EES. Yes. Far. d. EE-SCAR, *. An unpleasant object. North. EEVER, s. (1) Ray-grass. Devon. (2) A quarter of the heavens. Cumb. EFFECT, s. (1) Substance. (2) An intention. Shakesp. EFFECTUOUS, adj. Effectual. EFFERE, \ (Lot.) Wild; strange. EFFEROUS, J The fox is called ''an efferous beast" in Vitis Palatina. 1614. EFFET, s. A newt. Far. d. EFFETE, adj. (Lot.) Barren. EFFII, s. A likeness. Suffolk. EFFLATED, part. p. Puffed up. EFFRENATE, adj. (Lot.) Ungovern- able. EFFUND, v. (Lot.) To pour forth. EFFUSION, s. Confusion. EFRENGE, *. Fringe. EFT, adv. (A.-S.) Again. EFTER, prep. After. North. EFTEST, adv. Quickest ; readiest. EFTIR-TEMSIN-BREOD. Bread made of coarse flour or refuse from the sieve. Yorksh. EFT-siTHEs,arfy. Oft-times. Nort n EFTSONES, adv. (A.-S.) Imme- diately. EFTURES, s. Passages. EGAL, adj. (Fr.) Equal. Egallij, equally. Egalness, equality. Ega- lit&, equality. Wherefore, king, I speake as one for all, Sith all as one do beare you egall faith. Ferrex $ Porrex, O. PI., i, 113. EGAR, v. (Fr.) To put aside. EGERS, s. Spring tulips. EGESTIOUS, adj. Belonging to di- gestion. EGG. To have eggs on the spit, to be actively employed. To have eggs for one's money, to be over- awed into doing anything, to be made a tool of. O rogue, rogue, I shall have eggs for my money ; 1 must hang myself. JUalc/i at Midn., O. PL, vii, 43^ EGG 4 IS EKE Who, notwithstanding his high promises, having also the king's power, is yet con- tent to take eggesfor his money, and to bring him in at. leisure. Slew's Annuls. EGG-BERRY, s. The birdcherry. North. EGGE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To incite. Eggement, incitement. (2) s. An edge. (3) adj. Edged; sharp. (4) s. Age. EGG-FEAST, Is. The Satur- EGG-SATURDAY, J day preceding Shrove Tuesday. Ojfd. EGG-FISH, *. The echinus. EGGLER, s. One who goes about the country collecting eggs for sale. North. EGG-PIE, s. A custard. " These tarts be cold, and the egge-pies also. Ces tartes sont froides, et ces flans aussi." The French Schoolemaster, 1636. EGGS-ANE-BACON, s. Bird's-foot trefoil. Northampt. EGGS-AND-COLLOPS, . (1) Toad- flax. North. (2) Fried eggs and bacon. EGG-WIFE-TROT, s. An easy trot. EGHE, s. (A.-S.) An eye. Eghne, eyes. Thow salle hym se with eghe, And come to Cristetlii frende. MS. Lincoln, A, i, 17, f. 222. EGHTE, *. (A.-S.) Possessions; property. EGHWAR, adv Ever. Weber. EGIR, s. A sort of precious stone. EGLANTINE, s. (1) Sweet briar. (2) Sometimes the wild rose. EGLEHORNE, s. A species of hawk. EGLENTERE, s. Eglantine. EGLING, s. A perch, two years old. EGRE, adj. (Fr.) Courageous. EGREDOUCE, s. (Fr.) A sort of sauce piquant. " Egurdouce of fysshe," fish in sauce piquant. We have also, " Boor in egre- dotcce." Egurdouce. Take conynges or kydele, and smyte hem on pecvs riiwe, and frye hem in white grece. Take raysons of coraunce, aud fry hem, take oynouns, parboile hem, and liewe liem smajle, and fry hem. Take rede wyne, sugar, with powdor of pepor, of gynger, oi canel. salt, and cast thereto ; and lat it seeth with a gode quantite of white grece, and serve it forth. Forme of Cury. p. 7. EGRELICHE, adv. (A.-N.) Sourly; bitterly. EGREMOINE, "Is. (A.-N.) Agn- EGREMOUNDE, J mony. EGREMONY, s. (Lat.) Sorrow. EGRESSION, s. Departure. Huloet. EGRET, s. (Fr.) A bird of the heron kind. EGRIOT, s. (Fr.) A kind of sour cherry. EGRITUDE, s. (Lat.) Sickness. EGYPTIAN, s. A gipsy. EGYPTIAN-FROG, s. A toad. Wight. EGYTMENT, s. An agistment. South. EHGNE, s. Eyes. EIGH, (1) Aye; yes. North. (2) s. (A.-S.) The eye. EIGHE-SENE, s. (A.-S.) The eye- sight. EIGHT, s. (A.-S.) An island. EIGH-WYE, cow/'. Yes, yes. North. EIGNE, adj. (A.-N.) The eldest born. EIKE-TREE, s. An oak. Yorksh. EILD, (l)v. To be sickly. (2) v. To yield. (3) s. Old age. North. EILE, v. To he sickly. EILEBER, s. The herb alliaria. EILET-HOLES, s. A term in semp- stresy; very small holes. Nortli. EIM, adj. Even; equal. North. EINATTER, s. A serpent. Cutnb. EINE, s. Eyes. EIR, s. The air. EIRIE. See Aerie. EiKY,adj. Light; unearthly. No-'fk. EISEL, *. (A.-S.) Vinegar. See Aisf.l. EIYT, s. A newt. EKE, (1) cow/'. Also. EKE 419 ELL (2) v. To ease ; to kill; to rid. Hearne. (3) *. An addition to a bee-hive. North. (4) v. To divide sparingly. Essex. EKKR, s. (A.-S.) Water-cresses. EKKENE, v. (A.-S.) To prolong; to eke. EKYN, . To itch ; to ache. Pr. P. ELA, s. The highest note in the scale of music. ELAGERE, s. (A.-S.) Strength ; power. ELAXATE, v. (Lot.) To unloose. ELBORYN, s. A kind of wine. ELBOW, s. A promontory. ELBOW-GREASE, s. Exercise of the arms. ELBOWSHAKER, s. A gamester; a sharper. ELCONE, adj. Each one. Cumb. ELD, s. (A.-S.) Old age ; old people. ELDE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To make, or grow old. (2) To linger; to delay. ELDED, (1) adj. Ailed. (2) pret. t. Held. Shropsh. ELDEN, s. Rubbish ; fuel. North. ELDER, (1) s. (A.-S.) An ancestor. (2) s. A justice of peace. (3) adj. Rather ; somewhat big- ger. North. (I) s. A cow's udder. ELDERLY-MAN,S. A chief, or prin- cipal. Cumb. ELDERMAN, *. (A.-S.) A noble- man. ELDERN, (1) s. The elder. East. (2) adj. Made of the elder. ELDERNE, *. (A.-S.) Ancestors. ELDER-ROB, *. A conserve made of the juice of the elderberry. Line. ELDERYNGES, s. (A.-S.) Parents; ancestors. The feste heste scheweth the That thye senne schal slethe, jyf tliou rewardest tliyne cldrynges nau;t A-lyve and eke a-dethe. William de Shoreham. ELD-FATHER, . A grandfather. North. ELD-MOTHER, s. A step-mother. North. ELDRITCH, adj. Ghastly. Nortli- umb. ELE, s. Help. Skinner. ELECH, adv. (A.-S.) Equally. ELECTION, s. Option. In election, likely. ELEMEN, adj. Made of elm. Dorset. ELEMENT, s. The sky, or heavens. North. ELENGE, adj. (A.-S.) (1) Painful ; sorrowful. Among many divynacions divynours nieane that crowes token reyne with gredynge and cryengc, as this verse nicaneth, " Kunc "plena cornix pluriam vocat improba vocc :" that is to under- stpnde, " Nowe tlie crowe calleth reyiie with an eleyngc voyce." Bartholomaus, De Propr (2) Solitary ; lonely. Elinglich mai lii go, Whar ther wonith men no mo. Land of Cockaigne ELEOTS, s. Cider apples. ELEPHANT, s. A kind of scabious. ELET, s. Fuel ; ollit. Wilts. ELEVENER, s. A luncheon. Suss. ELF, (1) v. To entangle hair in knots. Elf-locks, entangled hair. (2) s. A term frequently applied to persons, in an ill sense ; a mis- chievous person. A grumbling, growling, greedy elf, Begrudg'd what went besides himself. Collins' Miscellanies, 1762, p. 11. ELF-ARROWS, s. A popular name in the North for ancient stone arrow-heads. ELFE, *. (A.-S.) A witch, or fairy. ELF-UUENE, s. The queen of fairies. ELGER, *. An eel-spear. Pr. Pare. ELICOMPANIE.S. A tomtit. Cornw. ELIK, adj. Alike. North. ELINGLICH, adv. (A.-S.) Wretch- edly. ELiT,'adj. (Fr.) Elect. ELK, s. (1) A kind of yew used for bows. (2) A wild swan. North. ELL 420 EMB ELL, s. An ell-wand. ELLAR, s. The elder. Sussex. E LLARNE, *. (A.-S.) The elder tree. ELL-DOCKENS,*. Colt's-foot. North. ELLEED, adv. Together. Line. ELLEN, 9. pi. Ells. ELLENCH, adv. Afar off. Kent. ELLEN-TREE, s. The elder tree. Yorksh. ELLER, s. The alder tree. North. ELLERD, adj. Swoln with felon. North. ELLES, adv. (A.-S.) Else; other- wise. ELLET, *. The elder tree. Sussex. ELLOCK-RAKE, s. A small rake for breaking up ant-hills. Shropsh. ELL-RAKE, s. A very large rake, called also, in different parts, a hell-rake or a heel-rake. ELLY, s. The bound in playing at foot-ball. North. ELM, s. An ell in length. North. ELM EN, adj. Made of elm. West. ELMESSE, s. Alms. Pr. P. ELMOTHER, s. A step-mother. North. ELNE, s. An ell. ELNORNE, s. The eHer tree. Pr. P. ELNJERDE, *. An ell-yard. ELOINE, ~[v. (A.-N.) (1) To re- ELOIGNE, J move, or banish. I'll tell thee now (dear love) what thou sbalt do To anger destiny, as she doth us. How I shall stay, though she eloigne me thus, And how posterity shall know it too. Donne's Poems, p. 23. (2) To abscond. ELONG, adv. Slanting. Exmoor. ELPHAMY, s. Bryony. North. ELREN, . The elder tree. North. ELRICHE, adj. Dreadful. Durh. ELSE, (1) adv. Already; before. (2) adj. Others. ELSEDOCK, *. The enula campana. ELSEWHAT, adj. Other things. When talking; of the dainty flesh and else, what as they eate. Warner's Albions England, 1592. ELSEWHEX, adv. At another tima We shulde make a docket* of the names of suche men of nobylytie here, as we thought mete and couvenyent to serve his highnes, in case his graces will were, this preasent yeare, or ellet-iehen, to use ther servyce in any other foreyn couii- trey. State Papers, iii, 552 ELSH, adj. Uncouth. Devon. ELSIN, "I s. (A.-S.) A shoemaker's ELSEX, J awl. ELSWHITHER, adv. Elsewhere. North. ELT, (1; v. To knead dough. Var. d. (2) s. A young sow. West. ELTH, s. Old age. ELTING-MOULDS, s. The soft ridges of fresh-ploughed lands. ELTROT. s. The stalk of wild pars- ley. West. ELUTRIATE, v. (Lot.) To strain liquid from one vessel into an- other ; to decant. ELVFN, *. An elm. Var. d. ELVENE, s. pi. Elves. ELVERS, s. Young eels. West. ELVES, s. Young cattle. Tusser. ELVISH, adj. (A.-S.) Irritable; peevish ; spiteful ; intractable. Thou art too eltisk, faith thou art, too elvish and too coy. Warner 's' Albions England. 1592. . Them. Var. d. w. Among. EMBARMEXT. *. An embargo. EMBASE, v. To make base. Spenser. EMBASSADE, s. (Fr.) An embassy. EMBAY, v. (1) To bathe. (2) To delight ; to charm. EMBAYLE, v. To inclose. EmbailJ, bound up. EMBELISE, v. (A.-N.) To beautify. EMBESY, v. To busy. Skelton. EMBLEMEXTS, *. Profits of land, as grass, fruit, &c. Blount. EMBOLDE, v. (A.-N.) To make bold. EMBOLLED, jar.^7. Vaulted. The west wall answers the other, with an emtol'd roof finely fretted and plius- ter'd, with a pendant iu the middle : ou EMB 421 EilP the boss of which, are the prince's arms crown'd as before, with caps of feathers graven in stone. Journey thro' England, 1724. EMBOLIFE, adj. Oblique. Chaucer, EMBOLNEDE, port. p. Swelled. EMBOSSED, part. p. A hunting term. When the hart is foamy at the mouth, we say, that he is emboss'd. TurberMle on. Hunt., p. 242. O he is more mad Than Telamon for his shield : the boar of Thessaly Was never so embossed. Shakesp., Ant. $ Cl, iv, 11. Which once a day wiUl his embossed froth The sea shall cover. Tim. of A., v, 3. EMBOWELT.ED, adj. Said of a hawk, when her gorge was void, and her bowels stiff. EMBOWiNG,jar^. a. Arching. Lyd- gate. EMBOYSSEMENT, s. An ambush. EMBRAID, v. To upbraid. EMBRANGLEMENT, s. Embroil- ment. EMBRASURES, s.Embraces.-Sfla&esp. EMBREWED, adj. Soiled ; dirtied. EMBROCADO, s. A pass in fencing. EMBROUDE, v. (A.-N.) To em- broider. EMBRUE, v. To strain, or distil. EME, (1) s. An uncle. (2) *. Heed; consideration. North. (3) prep. Near. Shropsh. EMELE, *. A female roe. EMELLE, prep. Among ; amidst. EMENDALS, s. A term in old ac- counts, the sum total in stock. EMENISCHE, v. To diminish. EMER, (1) s. One who succours from a great difficulty. Line. (2) adj. Nearer. Shropsh. EMERAUDES, s. (A.-N.) The he- morrhoids. EMERLON, . A merlin, or hawk. EMFORTH.^rep. (A.-S.) Even with. EMMERS, s. Embers,. Somerset. EMMET-BATCH, 1 *. An ant-hill. EMMET-BUT, J Somerset. EMMOISED, part. p. Comforted. Skinner. EMMOVE, . To move. Spenser. EMMUT, s. Force ; impetus. Devon, EMNENUSTE, part. p. (A.-N.) Di- minished. EMOLHD, adj. (Lat.) Soft; tender. EMOTE, *. An emmet, or ant. EMPAIR, *. Impairment. EMPECHE, v. (Fr.) (1) To hinder. (2) To attack. EMPEIRE, v. (A.-N.) To impair. EMFERALES, s. Imperials, a coin. EMPERICE, s. (A.-N.) An empress. EMPERISH, v. (A.-N.) To impair. EMPEROR,*. The large bone at the end of a sirloin of beef. North- ampt. EMPERY, s. (A.-N.) Empire. EMPESHE, v. (A.-N.) To hinder. EttpiGUT,part.p. Fixed ; fastened. EMPLIASTER, s. A plaster. EMPLIE, v. (A.-N.) To infold; to involve. EMPLOYMENTS, *. Implements; engines. My stay hath been prolong'd With hunting obscure nooks for these em- ployments. JFidow's Tears. EMPLOYTURE,*. Employment ; en- gagement. EMPOISONE, v. (A.-N.) To poison. EMPRESA, s. A device, or motto. EMPRESSE, v. To crowd. EMPRIDE, v. To make proud. EMPRIME, v. To separate a deer from the rest of the herd. EMPRISE, s. (A.-N.) An under- taking. Sundry werkis of mervelous emprise, By carpentrye to forge and dyvise. Lydgate. je rny^t telle hit for a gret emprys, Tliat this morne for yowre sake, Soo mekulle I thinke one yowre serwyse, That when I sleps I may not wake. Porkington MS. Ajax Oeleus was of smaller size, Of milder temper, curteous, blacke his haire, His colour fresh, himselfe of faire empr':e, And a great part among the princes bare. Great Britainei Troye, 1CI.D BMP 422 END , s. An epicure's choice. Line. EMPT, v. To empty. Far. d. EMFTION, s. (Lat.) A purchase. EMROD, s. An emerald. EMUCID, adj. (Lat.) Mouldy. EMULE, v. To emulate. Spenser. EMULSION, *. (Lat.) A draining out. Were it not for the emulsion to flesh and blood in being of a publick factious spirit, I might pitty your infirmity. Howard, Man of Newmarket, 1678. EN, conj. And; also; if; him. It seemstome3inin,mSirI)eorevant, 1061. ENABLEMENT, s. Assistance; quali- fication. ENACTURE, s. Action, or effect. ENAMET, s. A luncheon. Hants. ExANTYR.^rqo. Against. ENARMEDE, part. p. (1) Armed. (2) Larded. In old cookery. E NARRATION, *. (Lat.) A naiTa- tive. ENAUNTER, prep. In case ; for fear that. ENBANE, v. To poison. ENBASTE, v. To steep in. ENBATE, v. (A.-N.) To pounce upon. ENBATTELLED.^arf. p. Indented, like a battlement. ENBELYSE, adj. Parted per bend. Holme. ENBLAUNCHEN, v. (A.-N.) To whiten. ENBLAWUN, part. p. Puffed up. ENBOCE, . (A.-N.) To fill out. EN-BOLLE, v. To swell. ENBOSSED, part. p. (A.-N.) Raised. ENBOWE, v. To bow down. ENBRACE, v. (A.-N.} To take hold of. EN BREAM, adj. Sharp ; powerful ; strong. ENBUSCHE, v. To place in ambus- cade. Enbuschement, an ambush. ENBUSY, . To busy one's self, ENBYBED, part. p. Made wet. Skelton. ENCAVE, v. To hide, as in a cave. ENCENSE, v. (1) To inform, or in- struct. North. (2) (A.-N.) To burn incense. EXCERCHE, v. To search. ENCHACE, (1) . (A.-N.) To drive away. (2) s. Hunting. ENCHARGE, v. To charge with any- thing. ENCHAUFE, v. To warm ; to anger. Enchanting, heat. ENCHEDE. (A.-N.) Vanquished. ENCHEINED, adj. Chained together. ENCHESON, (1) (A.-N.) Occasion; cause ; reason. Thou railest on right without reason. And blamest hem much for small enclieason. Spens., Shep. K., May, 146. (2) v. To reason with. ENCHEVE, v. (A.-N.) To achieve. ENCKE, s. Ink. ENCLENSE, v. To make clean. ENCLINE, *. (A.-N.) A bow, or salutation. ENCLOWE, v. (A.-N.) To nail; to rivet. ENCLOYDE, part. p. Hurt in the foot, applied to a horse. ENCOMBREMENT, s. (A.-N.) In- cumbrance. ENCOROWNMENT, s. Coronation. ENCORPORE, e. (A.-N.) To incor- porate. ENCRESTED, adj. Increased. Not doubting but, if the same may be contvnued emonges theym, they shall so therby be encrested in welth, that thev wold not gladly be pulled therfro. State Papers, iii, 269. ENCROCHE, v. To obtain possession of. ENCUMBRANCE, s. Family. Var. d. ENCURTYNEP, part. p. Inclosec 1 with curtains. END, (1) v. To finish ; to kill. North. (2) s. A number of anything North. END 423 ENF (3) *. A portion, or division. Northampt. (4) s. Pleasure, or delight. North. (5) v. To erect, or set upright. (6) s. The stem of a plant. East. (7) s. Rate, or price. Yorksh. ENDAMAGE, v. To damage. ENDAYS, adv. Endwise ; forward. North. ENDE, s. (1) End; part; country. (2) (A.-S.) Seat ; corner. (3) A blue colour. Line. ENDEAVOUR, v. To exert one's self. ENDELONG, adv. (A.-S.) Along ; lengthwise. ENDENTID, part. p. Fixed in. ENDER, adj. (A.-S.) Past ; gone by. " This ender dai," the other day. ENDEW, . To digest. A term in hawking. ENDIAPRED, pret. t. Variegated in colour. END-IRONS,*. Two moveable plates of iron to contract the fire-place. North. ENDITE, v. (I) (A.-N.) To dictate ; to relate. (2) To put to death. Gawayne. ENDLANDE.O^. Straight-forwards; along. ENDLEFTE, adj. The eleventh. ENDLESS, s. The blind gut. East. ENDLEVE, adj. Eleven ; eleventh. ENDLONG, adv. Straight along forwards. ENDMETE, #. Lenticnla. Pr. P. ENDOCTRINE, v. (Lat.) To teach. ENDOOST, part. p. (A.-N.) En- dowed. ENDOBEDE, adj. Made shiny, as pie-crust with the yolk of egg, &c. A term in cookery. ENDOSE, s. (A.-N.) Indolence. ENDOSS, v. To endorse. ENDOUTE, v. To doubt ; to fear. ENDRAITE, s. (A.-N.) Quality; the turn of the scale given by butchers. ENDREYDE,/?V. p. Dried up. ENDRIE, v. (A.-S.) To suffer. ENDRLSSE, v. To multiply. ENDUCE, v. (Lat.) To adduce. ENDURATE, adj. (Lat.) Obstinate. ENDURE, . (Lat.) To make hard. ENDWARE, *. A small hamlet. Line. ENDWAYS, adv. Straight-forward. North. EXDYD, part. p. Yeaned. ENE, adj. Alone ; only ; once. ENEDE, s. (A.-S.) A duck. ENELE, . To anoint. Pr. Pare. ENEMIS, (l)s. A common term for the devil. (2) s. An insect. Shropsh. (3) cow/. Lest. East. (4) In the sixteenth century, it was often customary to speak of the gout, par excellence, as the enemy. ExENST,^rQO. Opposite to. North. ENES, adv. Once. ENEWED, part. p. (A.-N.) Trou- bled ; vexed. ENFAMINED, adj. (A.-N.) Hungry. ENFARCED, adj. Stuffed. ENFAUNCE, s. (Fr.) Infancy. ENFELAUSHIPPE.P. To accompany. ENFEOFF, v. To grant as a feoff. ENFELONKD, adj. (Fr.) Full of fierceness. Spens. ENFERMI, v. To inclose, or lock up. ENFIRE, v. To set fire to. It glads Lira now to note how tli' orb of flame, Which girts this globe, doth not ertfre tti frame. Du liartas. ENFLAUMEDE, part. p. Burnt up. ENFLAUNCE, v. To inflame. ENFORCE, v. (A.-N.) To strengthen. ENFORCEMENT, s. Effort. Erasmus' Enchiridion, 1533. ENFORME, r. (^.-,V.) To teach ; to instruct. ENFORSE, v. To season. A term in cookery. ENFOUBLED, part. p. Wrapt up. ENFOULDRED, adj. Thick; misty, Spenser. EJIFRAY, . An affray. ENG 424 EXO ENGAGE, v. To lay to pawn. EXGAOL, r. To imprison. ENGENDURE, *. (A.-N.) Genera- tion. EyGEYi,KD,part.p.(A.-N.) Frozen; congealed. EXGEYXE, . To enjoin. Audelay, EXGHLE, (1) . To coax, or cajole. (2) s. A gull. Jonson. ENGIN, *. (Lot.) Wit ; contrivance. EXGIXED, v. (A.-N.) To rack ; to torture. EXGIXOUS, adj. Inventive. EXGLAMED, adj. (A.-N.) Slimy. ENGLOSED, part. p. Painted. EXGLUTE, . To stop with clay. ENGOUTED, adj. Having black spots on the feathers. A hawking term. ENGRAFTED, part. p. Depraved. Suffolk. ENGRAILED, part. p. (Fr.) Varie- gated. ENGRAVE, v. To bury. EXGREASE, v. (Fr.) To become fat. Riches, wherewithal they are fatted and rngrcascd like swine. Foxe's Acts and Monuments. EXGREGGE, v. (A.-N.) To aggra- vate. ENGRELYDE, part. p. Interspersed. See Engrailde. EXGREVE, U^^ Toaffict . ENGRIEVE, J v ExGREYNED,j0ar/.p. (A.-N.) Pow- dered. ENGROSS, v. (1) (A.-N.) To fatten ; to make large. (2) To collect ; to heap together. Engrossments, accumulations, heaps of wealth. For this they have engrossed and pil'd up The canker''d heaps of stranee-atchieved gold. nge-: Skatesp. 2 Hen. IV, iv, 4 ExGUERE,j0ar/./>. (A.-N.) Formed; made. ENGYNE, v. (A.-N.) To deceive. Engyneful, crafty, cunning. ENGYSTE, v. (A.-N.) To constrain. ENHABITE, v. (A.-N.) To accustom. EXHA.LSE, r. To embrace. EXHARPIT, part. p. Hooked ; edged. ENHASTED, part. p. Hastened. ENHAUNSE, v. (A.-N.) To raise. ENHERITE, v. To endow any one with an inheritance. ENHIEDE, part. p. Raised ; exalted. ENHONY, v. To sweeten. EXHORT, v. (A.-N.) To exhort. Exis, adv. Once. EXIXED, part. p. (Lot.) Brought forth. EXJOINE, v. To join in battle. ENJOYANCE, s. Enjoyment. EXJUBARDE, v. To jeopard ; to risk. EXKERLY, adv. Eagerly. EXLACED, part. p. (A.-N.) En- tangled. ENLAKE, v. To overflow. Florio. ENLARGISSED, part. p. (A.-N.) Enlarged. ENLEGEAXCE, s. Allegiance. EXLEVE, adj. Eleven. ExLEVED.^ar/. p. Inlaid. Maun- devile. EXLIMN, v. To illuminate a book. ENLONGE, adj. Oblong. ENLUMIXE, v. (A.-N.) To en- lighten. EXMESH, v. To entangle in a net. EXMOISED, part. p. Encouraged. EXMURE, v. To inclose. ENNE, s. One. The obj. case. jet eret peryl hy nndergothe, That cristneth twyes enne, Otlier to ^eve asent therto, Other for love of kenne. William de Shoreham. EXNESURE, s. (A.-N.) Game ; sport. ENNEWE, v. To paint ; to put on the last and most brilliant co- lours. ENNOSE, . (A.-N.) To conceal. ENOiNT.joar/./?. (A.-N.) Anointed. Exoo, adv. By and by. North. EXORME, adj. (A.-N.) Enormous. To beware, henceforth, of these deed enorme. Heyicood't Spider and Hie, Hot ENO 425 ENT ENOUMBRE, v. To join in anything. ENOURNE, v. To adorn. ENOW, 1 ,. , - Enousb - ENPAREL, s. Apparel. EN-PAYRE, r. To impair. ENPECHE, v. To impeach; to accuse. ExpiGHT,part.p. Pitched. ENPOYSONE, s. Poison. ENPRICE, *. (A.-N.) Fashion. ENPROPRED, part. p. (A.-N.) Be- longing. ENPROWED, part. p. Profited of. ENQUEST, s. (A.-N.) Inquiry. ENQUEYNTANCE, s. Acquaintance. ENQUIRANCE, s. Inquiry. ENRACE, v. (A.-N.) To implant. ENRESONE, v. To reason with. ENSAME, (1) *. The grease of a hawk. (2) v. To cleanse, or purge a hawk of glut and grease. ENSAMPLE, s. (A.-N.) An exam- ple. ENSCONCE, v. To fortify. ENSEAMED, adj. Greasy. Sha&esp. ENSEAR, v. To dry up. Shakenp. ENSEGGE, *. A siege. ENSELED, joar/. p. Sealed up; kept secret. ENSEMBLE,(!)S. (A.-N.) Company. (2) adv. (Fr.) Together. ENSEMLE, v. To assemble. ENSENSE, v. To anoint with incense. ENSENT, s. (A.-N.) Advice; wish. ENSESE, v. To take possession. ENSIGN-BEARER, s. A drunkard. Grose, ENSIGNEMENT, s. (Fr.) Instruc- tion ; information. " And whan all the people come so togyder at this ensignement." The Festyvall, fol. cliv. ENSILE, v. To pass a thread under the beak and through the eyelid, so as to hinder the sight. ENSINEMENT, *. Perseverance. ENSISE, s. Quality. Skinner. ENSLOMBRE, . (A.-N.) Tc make sleepy. ENSNARLE, . To insnare. ENSOINE, s. (A.-N.) An excuse. ENSPERE, v. (A.-S.) To inquire. ENSTATE, v . To invest. ENSTORE, v. (Lat.) To renew. " Enstore, Instauro." Huloet. ENSURE, v. To assure. .j. (A.-N.) Spotted. Of elephantis tethe were the palace gatis, Enlosenged with ninny goodly platis Ol golde, mtachid wiili many a preryons stone. Stellon, WorJces, \, 380. ENTAILE, (1) . (A.-N.) To cut, or carve. (2) *. Sculpture, or carving. (3) *. Cut ; shape ; a fashion. ENTAILS, #. Ends of land. North. ENTALENTE, v. (A.-N.) To excite. ENTAME, v. To subdue. ENTECCHES, *. (A.-N.) Spots ; stains. ENTEND, v. (A.-N.) To attend. Entendance, attention. ENTENDEMENT, . (A.-N.) Un- derstanding. ENTENTE, (1) . (A.-N.) Under- standing. (2) s. Intention. (3) v. To attack. ENTENTIF, adj. (A.-N.) Attentive. ENTER, v. To commence training a hawk to kill game. ENTERCI.OSE, *. A passage between two rooms in a house. ENTERCORRE, v. (Lat.) To in- terfere. ENTERDEALE, *. Intercourse. For he is practiz'd well in policy, And thereto doth his courting most apply, To learn the enterdeale of princes strange, To mark th' intent of counsels. &c. Sp.Moth.Hubb. T.,783. ENTERLACE, s. " Enterlace, com- munication with them whych be already talkynge. In alienum semnonem insinuare." Huloet. ENTERLACE, *. (Fr.) A kind of verse. ENTERMETE, e. (1) (A.-N.) To interpose. ENT 425 EFII (2) To intermeddle. Thouje I may not do soo, $it foitlii With helpe of God the sentence schal I save To Chanser, that is floure of rethorike In En. To interlace. Pr. Pan. ENUCLEATE, v. To solve. ENUNiEo,^ar. p. United. ENUNTY, prep. Directly opposite. Glouc. ENUS, adv. Once. Audelay. ENVENIME, v. (A.-N.) To poison. Envenemus, venomous; poisonous. ENVIE, v. (A.-N.) To content. Exviv.iB,part.p. Environed. ENVIRON, (l)prep. (A.-N.) About; around. (2)0. To surround; to go round. ENVIVE, v. To enliven. ENVOLUPED, part. p. (A.-N.) Wrapt up. ENVOY, v. To send. ENVY, s. Hatred ; spite. ENVYNED, part. p. Stored with wine. ~EovE,pret. t. Went. EORNE, 0. (A.-S.) To run. Eow. Yes. Var.dial. EOWER, pron. Your. Shropsh. EOWTE, *. A dish in cookery. Eowles of flessh. Take borage, cool, langdebef, persel, betes, orat:e, avance, violet, sawray, and fenkel, and when they buth soden, presse hem wel smale, cas't hem in gode broth, and seeth hem, and serve hem forth. Forme ofCury, p. 6. EPHESIAX, *. A jovial companion. Shakesp. EPI 427 ERS EPICURIALL, adj. Epicurean. EPISTOLER,*. (A.-N.) The priest at raass who chanted the epistle. EPS, *. The asp tree. Kent. EauAL, adj. Just; impartial. EauATE, v. To make equal. EamrENDY, s. A plumb-line. EauiPOLENTE, adj. Equivalent. Equipolence, an equivalent. EauiPOLLE, v. (A.-N.) To be equal. ER, adv. Before ; former ; early. ERAYNE, s. A spider. Nominate. ERBER, s. (1) (A.-S.) An arhour. (2) A field, pasture, garden ; an lierbary. (2) The conduit leading to the stomach. An old hunting term. ERBOLAT, s. A confection of herbs, eggs, &c. Erlolates. Take parsel, myntes, saverey, and saujre, tansey, vervayn, clarry, rewe, ditayn, 1'cnel, southrenwode ; hewehem, and grinde hem smale ; medle hem up with ayren. Do butter in a trape, and do the Cars thereto, and bake, and messe it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 30. ERBOWLE, *. An article of cookery. JZrbmcle. Take bolas, and scald hem with wyne, and drawe hem with a styomor. Do hem in a pot. Clarify hony, and do thereto, with powdor fort, and floer of rys. Salt it, and florish with whyte aneys, and serve it forth. Forme of Cury, p. 19. ERCHDEKENE, s. (A.-N.) An arch- deacon. ERCHEBYSSCHOPE, "I *. An arch- ERCHEVESQK, J bishop. ERCLE, s. A blister. Shropsh. ERD.S. (A.-S.) The earth. Erdyn, earthen. ERDE, v. (A.-S.) To inhabit. ERDEZ, s. Lands. ERDON, s. An errand. Cov. Myst. ERD-SHREW, s. A shrew-mouse. ERE, \ v. (A.-S.) To plough. Ere- ERIE, f able, arable. ERE, (1) adv. Before; previously. Eror, former. Eroust, first. (2) s. (A.-S.) An ear. (3) pres. t. pi. of lie. Are. EREAR, . To raise up. That other love infects the soul of man j this cleanse th; that depresseth, this ereari. Burton' a Aunt. Mel. ERE-LAPPE, s. (A.-S.) The lower part of the ear. EREMITE, #. A hermit. ERENYE, *. Sand. Pr. P. ERE-ROWNER, s. A secret whis- perer. ERGE, v. To tease, or vex. West. ERIE, v. (A.-S.) To honour; to revere. ERIGE, s. Straw, or stubble. Line. " Erige holme or thacke." Huloet. ERKE, adj. (A.-S.) Weary; sick. ERME, v. (A.-S.) To grieve; to lament. E RMYTE, s. (A.-S.) Poverty; misery. ERN, (1) s. (A.-S.) An eagle. (2) v. To glean. ERNDE, s. (A.-S.) An errand. ERNE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To run ; to flow. (2) To yearn. ERNEMORWE, adv. Early in the morning. ERN EN, v. To earn ; to obtain. ERNES, s. The loose scattered ears of corn left on the ground. ERNEST,*. (A.-S.) Zeal. Ernesiful, serious, zealous. ERNESTONE, *. The eagle-stone. ERNFULL, adj. Lamentable. Sussex. ERRANDE, 1 (A.-N.) Wandering; ERRAUNT, J strolling. ERRATES, *. Faults. Hall. ERRATIKE, adj. (A.-N.) Wan- dering. ERRE, (1) *. (A.-S.) A sore ; a pock- mark. (2) v. (A.-N.) To wander. ERRIN, s. Urine. Devon. ERRISH > Is. Wheat stubble. Kent. ERSH, J ERRIWIGGLE, s. An ear-wig. East. ERROTJR, *. (A.-N.) A course ; running. ERS, . (A.-S.) Podex. ERS 428 ESP Also make poudir of ysope, of cala- mynte, and origane, eitlier of lier floures, aud do that poudir in his ers. Medical MS. of the lath cent. ERSDEKNE, *. An archdeacon. ERSMERT, s. The plant culerage. ERST, adv. (A.-S.~) First; formerly. At erst, for the first time. E RSWORT, s. The plant mouse-ear. ERTE, (1) pres. s. 2 pers. Art. Somerset. (2) v. (A.-N.) To compel; to constrain. ERTHEDOUNE, *. (A.-S.) An earth- quake. ERTHE-GALLE, . The plant cen- taury. ERTHEMOVINGE, s. (A.-S.) An earthquake. ERTHEN, adv. (A.-S.) Previously. ERTHESMOK, s. The plant fu- mitory. ERTHGRINE, "Is. (A.-S.) An ERTHGRYTHE, J earthquake. ERTHING, *. Burial. ERTHSTANE, s. (A.-S.) The hearth- stone. ERTINE, v. To irritate. ERTOU. Art thou ? ERVE, s. (A.-S ) An inheritance. Hit werketh wonderliche, And ernes giveth sikerlich. MS. Harl.,lW2. ERY, adj. Every. Var. dial. ERYDAY, adv. Every day. Pr. Parv. ERYN, s. Iron. ERYS, s. (1) Ears. (2) Years. ERZELL, pron. Herself. Somerset. ESBATEMENT, s. (A.-N.) Pastime. ESCAPE, s. A transgression. Shale. ESCHAR, s. A newt. North. EscHAUFE.0. (A.-N.) To make hot. ESCHAUNGE, s. (A.-N.) Exchange. ESCHE, s. An ach-tree. Eschen, made of ash. ESCHEKERE, s. (1) A clicss-board. (2) The exchequer. ESCHELE, *. (A.-N.) Troop ; com- pany. ESCHETES, s. (A.-N.) Escheats. ESCHEWE, v. To move; to go. ESCHIVE, v. (A.-N.) To eschew; to shun. ESCLAUNDER, *. (A.-N.) Slander; reproach. ESCORCHES, *. Animals that were flayed. An old hunting term. EscoTED,/?ar#.j0. Paid; supported, ESCOUT, s. (Fr.) A spy, or scout. ESCRIED, part. p. Descried. ESCRITE, s. (A.-N.) A writing. ESCUAGE, s. (A.-N.) Service. ESCULPED, part. p. Sculptured. Hall. ESE, (1) s. (A.-N.) Ease; pleasure. Esement, relief. (2) v. To accommodate ; to be pleased. (3) s. Bait for fishes. ESENDROPPER, s. An eavesdropper. ESH, *. (1) Stubble; aftermath. Surrey. (2) An ash tree. North. ESHIN, s. A pail. North. ESHINTLE, s. A pailful. Chesh. ESHUK., s. A hook at the extremity of a wagon-horse's traces, in the form of an S. West. ESIE, adj. Gentle ; light. Esilich, gently. ESK, s. A lizard. North. ESKING, *. The pentice. Line. ESKIP, ESLE, v. To ask. Hearne. ESLOYNE, v. To remove. Spenser. ESMAYE, v. (A.-N.) To astonish. ' North - ESPECE, s. (A.-N.) A small por- tion ; a bit. ESPERANCE, s. (A.-N.) Hope; ex pectation. ESPEYRE, Is. (A.-N.) Expecta- ESPOIRE, J tion ; hope. ESPIAILLE, s. (A.-N.) Spying; watching by stealth. ESPIAL, s. (A.-N.) A spy. E SPICE, v. To look ; to observe. ESP 429 ETH ESPICERIE, s. (A.-N.) Spices. ESPIE, s. An overlooker. EspiiuTUELL, adj. (A.-N.) Spi- ritual. ESPLOIT, *. (A.-N.) Advantage. ESPOUSE, *. Spouse. ESPRINGOLD, s. (A.-N.) An engine used for throwing large stones in sieges. ESPRYSED, part.p. (A.-N.) Taken. EsauAYMous, adj. Difficult to please. Ess, s. Ashes. North. ESSE, v. To ask. ESSES, s. Large worms. Kent. ESSEX-STILE, s. A ditch. Grose. ESSHE, v. To ask. ESSHOLE, s. An ash-bin. North. ESSOINE, s. (A.-N.) An excuse. ESSYSE, #. Habit. R. de Brunne. EST, (1) *. (A.-S.) Love; munifi- cence. (2) s. A host. (3) 2pers.pres. s. Eatest. ESTABLIE, s. (A.-N.) A guard. ESTAFET, s. (Span.) A footman. ESTAMIN, adj. Surprising; won- derful. East. ESTANDART, s. (Fr.) A standard. ESTASION, *. (A.-N.) A shop, or stall. ESTATE,*. (A.-N.) State; condition. Estatelich, stately. ESTATUTE, s. A statute. Hall. ESTEAD, prep. Instead. North. ESTELLACIOUN, s. Astrology. ESTER, s. The back of the fireplace. Leic. ESTIMATE, s. Estimation. ESTITE, conj. As well. North. ESTOC, s. A small stabbing sword. ESTRADIOTS, s. A sort of dragoons employed in France. Accompanied with crosse-bowe men on horsebacke, eslradiots, and footmen. Comings, by Danet, f 3. ESTRAINGER, s. (Fr.) A stranger. ESTRE, *. (A.-N.) (1) State; con- dition. (2) A court, or street. Estres, the interior parts of a building; the chambers ; the passages in a garden. (3) A circumstance. ESTRETE, s. A street. ESTRICH-BOARDS, #. Dcal-boards- ESTRICHE, "1 A ... ESTRIDGE,}*' AnOStnCh - And in. birds, as estriches, vultures, cranes, and passe-flemingoes, whose feathers (equalizing the birds of para- dise) are rich crimson and pure white BO amiably commixed, that above others it iuticed my pains to present it you. Herbert's Travel's, 1638. To be furious, Is to be frighted out of tear ; and in that mood The dove will peck the estridge. Skakesp., Ant. $ Cl., in, 11. ESTRICHE, adj. (A.-N.) Reserved ; haughty. ESTRICH-FALCON, 8. A Species of large falcon. ESTROITS, s. (Fr.) Narrow cloths. ESTUF, s. Stuff; household goods. ESTUIFE, s. (Fr.) A pocket-case. ESUE, v. (A.-N.) To escape. ESYNE, v. Stercoro. Pr. P. ETCH, (1) *. Stubble. Tusser. See Eddish. (2) v. To eke ; to augment Kent. ETE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To eat. (2) prep. At; to. North. ETEN, -. #. (A.-S. eoien, eten.) A ETAYN, [giant. "An eten in ich a ETTIN, J fight." Sir Tristrem. Fy, he said, thou foule ! Ihou ctayne! AUe my knyghtes thou garte be slayne. MS. Lincoln, A, i, 17, f. l->8. For they say the king of Portugal cannot sit at his meat, but the giants and the ettiui will come and snatch it from him. B. $ Fl., Knight ofB. P., i, 1. And, whether thou with doughty knight, Arm'd or unarm'd, shall enter fight; N;iy, with a gyant or an ettin, Thou shalt be ever sure to beat him. Cotton, Scoffer Scoft. ETERNAL, adj. Damned. East. ETERNE, adj. (Lot.) Everlasting. ETH, s. Earth ; a hearth. West. ETH 430 EVE ETHE, (I) adv. (A.-S.) Easy: easily. (2) To ask. Gawayne. ETHER, (1) . To bind hedges with flexible rods called ethers, or etherings. (2) s. (A.-S.) A hedge. (3) (A.-S.) Either; each. (4) s. An adder. North. (5} s. The air, or sky. Nominal?. ETHSCH APE,. To escape. Hampole. ETH\NDEL,S. Half a bushel. Pr. P. ETOW, adv. In two. North. ETRAATH, adv. Truly. Craven. ETTICK, adj. (Fr.) Hectic. Ettick fever, the ague. ETTLE. (1) v. (A.-S.) To intend; to attempt ; to contrive. Still used in the North. (2> v. To prepare; to set in order. (3) v. To 2arn. See Addle. (4) . To deal out sparingly. North. (5) s. A nettle. West. ETTLEMENT, s. Intention. North. ETTLINGS, . Earnings; wages. North. ETTWEE, s. (Fr. etui.) A sheath, or case. ETTYS, pres. s. 3 pers. Eats. ETYK, s. A fever. Lydgate. EUGHT, pret. t. Owed. North. EUPHUISM, s. An affected style of speaking and writing which pre- vailed at the close of the six- teenth century, and received its name from works by Lilly, en- titled, Euphues, or the Anatomy of Wit, and Euphues and his England, which set the fashion of such writing. EURE, s. Use. See Ure. EUROSE, s. (Fr.) Rose water. EUTRIR, v. To pour out. Devon. Ev. Have. North. EVANGELETT-VATS, s. Cheese-vats which were charged with images of the saints to he imprinted on the cheeses. Suffolk. EVANGILES, t. (A.-N.) TheGospels. EVANS, *. A she-cat, said to be named from a witch. EVE, (1)0. To become damp. West. (2) s. A hen-roost. Somerset. EVE-BOARDS, s. The rails of a cart. EVECK, s. A goat. EVELING, *. The evening. Devon. KVELLES, adj. (A.-S.) Without evil. EVELOXG, adv. Oblong. EVEMEN, s. Evening. Dorset. EVEN, (1) adj. Equal. (2) v. To equal, or make equal. (3) v. To compare. West. EVKN-AND-OOD, s. A game by tossing up money. " Even or odde, a game much used now a dayes amonge chyldren." Huloet. EVEN-CRISTEN, s. A feilow-Chris- tian. EVEN-DOWN, adv. Downright. EVENE, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Evenly; equally. (2) s. An ear of corn. Mid. C. E vENE-FORTH,arft>. (A.-S.) Equally. EVENELICHE. (A.-S.) Evenly ; equally. EVENE-LONGE, adv. All along. One the upper syde make holys etcne- louye, as mauy as thou wylt. Porkington MS. EVENES, *. Equity ; equality. " Scenes of paisse or wayght. Equilibrium." Huloet. EVEN-FLAVOURED, s. Unmixed ; uniform. Suffolk. EVEN-FORWARD, adv. Directly for- ward; in continued succession. North. EVENHEDE, s. (A.-S.) Equality; equity. EVENINE, adj. (A.-S.) Equitable. E VENLESTEN, s. The plant mercury. EVENLIGHT, s. Twilight. EVENLIKE, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Equal. (2) adv. Equally. EVENLINESS, s. Equality. EVENOLDE, adj. (A.-S'.) Of the same age. EVEN-WHILE, s. Even-time. EVENYNG, adj. (A.-S.) Equal; jut. EVE 431 EXC EVEII, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Always. (2) adv. At any time. Far. d. (Z) s. A drop stile, lifted up to pass through. Glouc. (4) s. Rye-grass. Devon. EVER-EITHER, adj. Both. EVERFERNE,*. Wall fern. Gerard. EVERICH, adj. (A.-S.) Every one. EVERIDEL, s. (A.-S.) Every part. EVERLASTING, s. (1) A sort of strong cloth formerly worn by sergeants. (2) American cudweed. EVERNE, adv. Ever ; however. EVERROSE, s. (A.-N.) Rose water. EVERY, (1) Every each, alternate; every foot anon, every whips while, every like, every now and then ; every hand's while, often ; every whip and again, ever and anon. (2) s. Ivory. The towres slial be of every, Clene corveue by and by. Portington MS. (3) s. A species of grass. West. EVERYCHONE, adj. (A.-S.) Every one. EVESE, s. (A.-S.} The eaves. " Evesynge, or eves settynge or trimmynge, imlricium, sulgrun- datio." Huloet. EVESED, adj. Afraid. Lydgate. EVET, s. A newt. West. EVICTED, part. p. (Lot.) Dispos- sessed. EVID, adj. Made heavy. EVIL, s. A fork, as a hay-fork, &c. West. EVITE, v. (/>.) To avoid. EVOUR, s. Ivory. Lydgate. EVYL, (1) v. To fall ill, or sick. (2) *. A disease ; a fit of mad- ness. EVYLY, adv. Heavily; sorrowfully. Ew ' Is. (A.-S.) Yew. EWGH, J EWAGE, s. Some kind of stone, or amulet. Piers PI., p. 29. EWARE, s. A waier-bearer. Pr.P. EWE, (1) s. (A.-N.) Water. Ac water is kendeliche cheld, Tliaj hit be warmd of fere; Tlier-fore me niey cristni ther-inne, In wliaut time' falthe a jere Of yse ; So mey me naujt in ewe ardaunt, That netli no wnteris wyse. William He Shore/tarn, (2) part. p. Owed. Suffolk. EWE-GOWAN, s. The daisy. North. EWER, s. An udder. North. EWERY, s. The place where the ewers were kept. EWFRAS, s. The name of a plant. EWLE, *. Yule ; Christmas. At ewle we wonten gambole, daunce, to carrole, and to sing, To have gud spiced sewe, aud roste, and plum-pies for a. king. Warner's Albions England, 1592. EWN, s. An oven. North. EWTE, (1) v. To pour water. Ex- moor. (2) *. A newt. Ex, (1) s. An axle. West. (2) v. To ask. West. EXAGITATION, s. (Lat.) A violent agitation or shaking. And with such vigour strook The scepter on the long liv'dlamp.it shook Its chrystal wals to dust, not thunder* strong Exagitations, when it roars among Heaps of congested elements, a sound More dreadful makes. Chumbcrlay tie's Plutronnida, 16o9. EXAKERLY, adv. Exactly. Far. d. EXALTATE, adj. (Lat.) Exalted. EXAMETRON, s. Hexameter verse. EXAMPLER, s. A sampler. Palsy. EXAN, s. Crosswort. Gerard. EXBURSE, v. To disburse. EXCALIBOUR, *. The name of King Arthur's sword. EXCEPTION, s. A ground of quarrel. Faith, I'm of your mind, yet I have known some unconscionable ladies make their servants wait as long for a just excfjil'niu, and almost as impatiently, as they did for the first favour. Sedley, '1'he Mulberry Garden, 1G6& EXCHEVK, v. (A.-N.) To eschew. EXC 432 EXT EXCISE, . To overcharge. Far. d. EXCLAIM, s. An exclamation. Shak. EXCOMMENGE, V. (A.-N.) To CX- communicate. EXCOUBSB, s. (Lot.) An expedi- tion. EXCREMENT, *. Anything that grows from the human body, as hair, nails, &c. EXCUSATION, *. (Lot.) An excuse. EXCUSEMENT, s. An excuse. EXE, *. An axe. East. EXECUTION, *. The sacking of a town. EXECUTOUK, g. (A.-N.) An execu- tioner. EXEMPLAIRE, adj. (A.-N.) Exem- plary. EXEN, *. Oxen. North. EXEQUY, . (Lat.) A funeral. EXERPED, part. p. Drawn out. EXHALE, v. To drag out. Shakesp. EXHAUST, v. (Lat.) To draw out. Did I not despise thee for thy want of wit and breeding, these barbarous con- tumelies would exhaust tears from my eyes. ShadiceU, Bury Fair, 1689. EXHERIDATE, v. (1) To disinherit. (2) To detest. " Exheredate. Aoominor." Huloet. EXHIBITION, #. Stipend; allow- ance. EXIDEMIC, s. An epidemic. Hall. EXIGENT, *. (1) Exigence. (2) A writ which lies where the defendant cannot be found. EXILE, adj. (Lat.) Poor; lean. EXLE, *. An axle. EXORCISATIONS, s. (A.-N.) Ex- orcisms. EXOTIC, adj. Rare ; out of the com- mon way. I am the son of a squirrel, if this was not mighty pretty and exotic. Skadwell, The Humorists, 1671. EXPANS-YERES, *. Single years, with the motions of the hea- venly bodies answering to them. EXPECT, (1) v. To wait; to tarry. (2) s. Expectation. (3) v. To suppose; to conclude: applied to things past, not future. "I expect he went to town yes- terday." EXPECTAUNT, part. Waiting. EXPECTION, s. Expectation. EXPEDIENCE, *. (1) Expedition. (2) An enterprise ; an under- taking. EXPEDIENT, adj. Quick. EXPEDITIOR, s. (Lat.) Despatch. EXPENDUNTUR, s. An account of the things expended. EXPERTFUL, adj. Expert. EXPIATE, part.p. Expired. Shakesp. EXPIRE, #. To exhaust, or wear out. EXPLATE, v. To explain ; to unfold. EXPLEITE,"! v. (1) (A.-N.) Toper- EXPLOIT, j form ; to complete. (2) To assist. (3) To apply one's self to any. thing. Palsgrave. EXPOSTULATE, v. (Lat.) To in- quire. EXPOSTURE, s. Exposure. Shakesp. EXPOUNE, v. (A.-N.) To expound ; to explain. EXPULSE, v. (Lat.) To expel. EXPURGE, v. (Lat.) To cleanse out. EXQUIRE, v. To inquire. EXSUFFLICATE, adj. (Lat.) Con- temptible. EXTABLE, adj. Acceptable. EXTEND, v. (A law term.) To value the property of any one who has forfeited his bond ; to seize. But when This manor is ertenilfd to my use, You'll speak in humbler key. Mass., New Way to P. 0. D., v, 1. Labienus (this is stiff news) Hath with his Parthian force extended Asia. Skakesp.,4nt.j-Cl^\,%. (2) To praise. Shakesp. EXTENDOUR, s. A surveyor ; one who appraises property. EXTENT, s. (1) A seizure. Make an extent upon his house and lands. Shalcesp., As You L. It, iii, L (2) A violent attack. EXT EXTERMINION, s. Extermination. EXTERNE, adj. External ; outward. EXTIRP, v. (Lat.) To extirpate. EXTRAITGHT, part. p. Extracted. EXTRAVAGANT, *. A vagabond. Therefore returne if yee be wise, you fall into the ditch els, and enter 'the cittie againe, for if there hee he not, lie is a verie extravagant, and has no ahidi ng. Rowley, Search fur Money, 1600. EX-TRE, s. Anaxletree. "Ex-treof a carte. Axis." Huloet. EXTREAT, s. (Fr.) Extraction. EXTRESS, v. To draw out. EXTRUCTIOX, s. Destruction. Heywood. EXULATE, part. p. {Lat.) Banished; become an exile. EXUPERATE, v. To overbalance. Exus, s.pl. Axes. EY, (1) s. (A.-S.) An egg. (2) Aye ; yes. (3) Ah! EYAS, s. A young hawk new from the nest. EYASMUSKET, s. (1) A young male sparrow-hawk. (2) A boy. EYCAKE, s. A cake composed with eggs. Pr.P. EYDENT, *. Diligent. North. EYE, (1) s. (4.-S.) Water. Somerset. (2) s. (A.-S.) Awe; fear; power. (3) s. The mouth of a pit. North. (4) s. An outlet for wfcter from a drain. East. (5) v. To observe minutely. Essex. (6) s. A small tint of colour. (7) s. A brood of pheasants. EYKABLE, adj. Sightly. North. EYE-BITE, v. To bewitch with the evil eye. North. EYE-BREEN, s. The eyebrows. Lane. EYE-BREKES, . Eyelids. North. EYE-GRASS,*. Old pasture, which has been long without being eaten. Glouc. EYES, *. (A.-S.) Eyes. 433 EYS EYER, s. (1) An heir. (2) Air. EYERIE. See Aerie. EYES, . Ice. EYE-SORE, s. A blemish ; any dis- agreeable object. EYET, s. A small island. EYEVANG, s. A strap or stay ta which the girt of the saddle buckled. Devon. EYEY, adj. Specky ; full of eyes. EYGHE, s. Fear. EYGHTE, s. (A.-S.) Possessions. EYH, s. An eye. EYHE, s. A handle, or haft. EYL, s. An ear of corn. EYLDE, v. To yield ; to return. EYLDYNGE, *. Fuel. Pr. Parv. EYLE, (1) s. An island. North. (2) v. (A.-S.) To ail ; to grieve. The inscription on a medieval ring found in Suffolk was: Me eyht, me eylet, me eylet, That hope behotet and failet. EYLIADS, s. (Fr.) Ogles : wanton looks. EYLSUM, adj. Wholesome. EYLYKE, adv. Elsewhere. Lydg. EYLYNE, v. To withstand. Pr. P. EYMANENT, adv. Directly oppo- site. West. EVMERY, s. Ashes. Pr. Parv. EYNKE, s. Ink. EY-CIW'YT, s. (A.-S.) The white of egg. EYRAR, *. A brood of swans. EYRE, (1) s. Grace. (2) v. To plough. (3) v. To go ; to move. (4) *. Haste ; speed. (5) s. An heir. (6)*. Air. (7) v. To breed, as hawks. EYREN ' \,.pL Eggs. EYRONE, / * EYRISH, adj. Aerial. Chaucer. EYRONDE, part. p. Erected. EYRUS, s. Years. EYSE, s. (1) An ice or glaze for the outside of a pie. EYS 434 FAD To make a fyne white fyse. Take n quantity of rose ater and a peece of fine iiitfar, and boil yt in a porenger on a dialing-dish of coles, and so indore anything after yt is baked, as march- iiane, florendin," kecsbo, or any such like foresayd dish, and put yt presently in the oven agaiue, mid yt will be a white eyse; bnt you must not let yt tarry too long in the oven, for then yt will loose the colour and shrincke. MS. Cookery Receipts, beg. 0/16M cent. (2) Ease. Eysementes, conve- niences. EYSTER, *. An oyster. EYTE, s. Eight. Eytende, the eighth. EYTENDELE, *. Half a bushel, or the eighth part of a coomb. Pr. P. Compare aghendole. EYTH, adv. (A.-S.) Easy ; easily. EJENEN, s. Eyes. EJEVER, adv. Ever. Audelay. F. FA, (1) . A foe. (2) adv. Very fast. North. (3) adj. Few. FABBiN,/?ar/. a. Flattering. North. FABLE, *. (A.-N.) Idle talk. FABRICATURE, s. (Lot.) Making. FABRICK-LANDS, s. Lands given for the building, or repair, of churches. FABURDEN, adj. High sounding. He condemneth all mens knowledge but his owne, raising up a method of experience with (mirabile, miraculoso, stnpendo and suchfaburthcn words, as Fierovanti doth) above all the learned Galienists of Italie, or Europe. Lodge's mtslliserie, 1596. FACCHE, v. To fetch. FACE, (1) v. To brag ; to rail at any one ; to browbeat. (2) 8. Harm ; consequence. (3) t>. A term at primero, to stand boldly upon a card. Hence the phrase to face it with a card often, to face anything out by mere impudence. FACED-CARD.S. A court-card. JJ'est. FACER, s. (1) An impudent fellow; a boaster. (2) A bumper of wine. FACETE, adj. (Lot.) Choice; fine. FACHON, *. A falchion, or sword. FACHUR, v. To grow like in fea- ture. Wett. FACES. By my faith ! Devon. FACONDE, \ adj. (A.-N.) Elo- FACONDIOUS, / quent. FACRERE, *. Dissimulation. Gower. FACULTE, . (Lat.) Quickness. FAD, (1) *. A truss of straw. Var. d. (2) *. A whim. Warw. Faddy, frivolous. West. Finniking. Leic. (3) . To be busy with trifles. Line. (4) #. One who is difficult to please in trifles. (5) adj. Fashioned. North. (6) *. A coloured ball. Line. FADDLE, (1) v. To cherish ; to dan- dle. Faddler, a fondler, one who spoils children. (2) . A pack, or bundle. West. FADE, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Sorrowful ; sad. (2) adj. (A..N.) Dirty; dis- gusting. (3) adj. The decayed part of cheese. Chesh. (4) adj. Powerful; strong. (5) v . To vanish. Shake*j). FADED, part. p. Decayed. North. FADGE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To fare; to fit; to agree; to succeed. "It will notfadae." Almanack, 1615. I will be plaine, he wait too prowd, anil plotted higher drifts Than fitt him or fudged well. Warner's Mbions England, 159:2. Though now, if gold but lacke in graines, the wedding fadgelh not. 16. Well, sir, how fadges the new desiirn - have you not the luck ot all your brother projectors, to deceive only your self at last. Wycherley, Cotix'try Wife, 1688. (2) s. A small flat loaf, or thick cake. (3) . To beat, or thrash. FAD 435 FAI (4) #. A bundle ; a fagot. North. (5) *. An irregular pace. North. (6) *. A sack, or pack-sheet, loosely filled. Midi. C. FADGEE, v. To fag. Devon. FADGY, adj. Corpulent. North. FADING, s. The burthen of an Irish song, and the name of a dance ; often used as a general term for a burthen for a song. George, I will have liim dance fading ; fading is a line jig, I'll assure you, gen- tlemen. B. $ Fl., Knight of B. Pestle, iv, 1. Not one amongst a hundred will fall, But uuder her coats the ball will be found, With -A. fading, &c. Bird in a Cage, 0. PI., viii, 262. A fathom. FADME ' \s. ( FADOM, J FADOODLE, v. Futuere. Dekker. FAED, part. p. Faded. Towneley Myst. FAEGANG, s. A gang of beggars. North. See Faw. FAERIE, s. (A.-N.) The work or country of fairies ; enchantment. FAFF, v. To move violently. North. "Faffyna \\ordes," violent, strong language. Document of 29 Hen. VIII. FAFFLE, v. (1) To stammer. (2) To saunter, or trifle ; to fumble. FAFT, part. p. Fought. FAG, (1) v. To beat, or thrash. (2) s. A knot in doth. (3) s. A sheep-tick. Line. (4)*. The paunch. East. "Fatte fagge. Frossula." Huloet. (5) *. Long coarse grass. North- ampt. A field in which it grows is said to befaggy. (6) v. To ravel or fringe out. Northampt. FAGARY, *. A vagary. Hall. FAGE, (1) v.(A.-S.) "To deceive by flattery or falsehood. (2) *. Deceit, flattery. (3) *. A fable ; a merry tale. FAGGING, . Reaping the stubble with a short scythe. West. FAGGS, adv. Gladly. Kent. Y\GH,pret. t. Fought. Weber. FAGIOLI, s. (Ital.) French beans. FAGOT, (1) v. To cut, or tie up fagots. (2) s. A contemptuous term for a woman. FAIGH, s. Refuse soil, or stones. North. FAIGHTEST, adj. (A.-S.) Most happy. FAIL, (i)s. Failure ; fault. Shakesp. (2) v. To come to an end. (3) v. (A.-N.) To deceive. (4) . A woman's upper garment. FAIN, (1) (A.-S.fagn.) adj. Glad; earnest. (2) adv. Gladly. "(3) v. To be willing, or ready. (4) v. To be obliged to do any- thing. FAINE, v. (A.-N.) To feign. FAINT, . To fade. Var. d. FAINTY, adj. Languid. Glouc. FAIR, (1) . (A.-S.) Fairness; beauty. The lovely lillie, that faire flower for beaut ie past, compare. Whom w inter's coldkeene breath hath kill'd, and blasted all her faire. Mirror for Mag., Ind. to Winter'} N. Some well I wot, and of that some full many, ^"isht or my faire, or their desire wero Jesse. Lodge's Glaucia $ Silla. (2) v. To make fair. Shakesp. (3) adj. Level, or parallel, said of a wall, &c. Line. (4) A fairing. North. "A day after the faire," too late. (5) adv. Evidently; manifestly. North. (G) v. To give symptoms of. Hall. (7) adj. Soft or slow. Westm. (8) *. A great roe-buck. Blome. FAIR-DEATH, . A natural dvatL. East. FAIREHEDE, s. (A.-S.) Beauty. FAI 436 FAL FAIRFALLEN, adj. Good, honest. North. FAIRISH, adj. Tolerably good. FAIRLY, adv. Softly. North. FAIR-MAID, s. A dried pilchard. Devon. FAIRRE, adj. More fair. Will. Werw. FAIR-TRO-DAYS,*. Daylight. North. FAIRY, s. A weasel. Devon. FAIRY-BUTTER, s. (1) A fungous excrescence, found about the roots of old trees. (2) A species of tremella found on furze and broom. FAIRY-DART, s. A popular name for ancient flint arrow-heads, which weresupposed to be thrown by fairies. FAIRY-GROATS, s. An old country word for ancient coins. FAIRY-LOAVES, FAIRY-FACES, FAIRY-MONEY, s. Found treasure. FAIRY-PIPES, s. Small old tobacco- pipes, frequently found in dif- ferent parts of England. FAIRY-SPARKS. Phosphoric light seen in the nighttime. FAITEN, v. (A.-N.) To flatter; to deceive ; to idle ; to beg. Faiterie, flattery, deception. FAITH, v. To give credit to. FAITHLY, adv. Truly ; properly. FAITOTJR, *. (A.-N.) A deceiver ; a flatterer ; a vagrant ; an idle lazy fellow ; a scoundrel. PAKE, . To thrust ginger into a horse's tail to make him sprightly. East. FALBELOE, s. An article of dress. A street there is thro' Britain's isle re- nowii'd, In upper llolborn, near St. Giles's pound, To which unhappy Monmouth guve his name, The darling once of victory and fame: Ten thousand habits here 'attract the eyes. Garments of ev'ry colour, sort, and size; The rags of peasants, and the spoils of beaus, Mix'dwith hoop-petticoats and falbi-lots ; Here Damon's birth night suit to view dis- play 'd. Fills with new grief the taylor yet unpaid j There Cloe's niantua Jiangs, of winds the sport, In which ten winters since she grac'd the court. Here, on one hook, I oftentimes have seen The warrior's scarlet, and the footman'i green ; And near a broken gamester's old ro- qu'laure, The tatter'd pawn of some ill-fated whore ; Hats, bonnets, scarves, sad arguments of woe, Beavroys and riding-hoods make up the show. Kew Crazy Tales, 1783, p. 25. FALCON, "I s. A cannon of 2 inch FAKEN, j bore.carrying a shot 21b. weight. FALD, *. A handspike. Coles. FALDAGE, s. A right reserved by the lord to set up folds for his sheep in the fields of his tenants. /'aW t /ee,acompositionpaidbyth tenants in lieu of this service. FALDE, v. To fold ; to embrace. FALDERED, adj. Fatigued. Line. FALDING, s. A sort of rough cloth. FALDORE, *. A trap-door. FALDSTOOL, s. A portable seat like a camp-stool. FALE, (1) s. A pustule, or sore. North. (2) Wet marshy land. Line. FALEWEDEN, pret. t. Fallowed. FALK.Y, adj. Long-stemmed. Cornw. FALL, (1) . To strike down, or make to fall. East. (2) part. p. Fallen. (3) s. A falling-band, or Vandyke. (4) s. Yeaning of lambs. North. (5) *. The time of cutting tim- ber. Sussex. (6) v. To befall ; to happen. (7) To try a fail, to wrestle. Fall back, fall edge, at all adven- tures. To fall in hand, to meet with or meddle. To fall out, or by the ears, to quarrel. To fall through, to be abandoned. Fall of the year, autumn. FALLAL, adj. Meretricious. Shropth. FAL 437 FAM f ALLAts, *. Gay ornaments ; pro- perly, the falling ruffs of a wo- man's dress. FALLAND-EVYL, s. The falling sickness. PALLAS, *. (A.-N.} Deceit ; fallacy. FALLB, s. A mouse-trap. Pr. P. FALLEN, part. p. Slaked. Craven. FALLEN-WOOL, s. Wool of a sheep killed by accident or disease. North. FALLERA,*. A disease in hawks, in which their claws turn white. FALL-GATE, s. A gate across a public road. Norf. FALLING-BAND, \ s. A neck-band FALL, /falling on the shoulders, and separated before ; afterwards called a vandyke. So, poke my ruff now. My gown, my sown ! have I my fall, whcre's my fall, Koger? 0. PI., iii, 281. Nay, lie doth weare an embleme 'bout his neck ; For under that fayre ruffe so sprucely set Appears a fall, a fal/i ng-band, forsooth ! Marston, Sat. iii, p. 148. FALLING-DOWN, . The epilepsy. FALLOW-FIELD, s. A common. Glouc. FALLOWFORTH, s. A waterfall. Line. FALLOW-HAY, s. Hay grown upon a fallow. North. FALLOWS, s. The strakes of a cart. West. "Fallowes or straikes of a carte. Viclus." Huloet. FALLOW-SMILDE, s. The whestern. Northampt. FALLOW-SMITER,*. The clotbird or arling. Warw. FALLS, s. The divisions of a large arable field attached to a village. North. FALOWE, "1 v. (A.-S.) To turn pale FALWE, J or yellow. FALSARY, . (Lat.) A liar. FALSDOM, s. (A.-S.) Falsehood. FALSE, (1) adj. Obstinate ; wanting spirit. (2) adj. Sly; cunning; deceitful. (3) adj. Forsworn; perjured. (4) v. To falsify ; to deceive. (5) v. To wheedle ; to flatter. FALSE-BLOWS, s. The male blossoms of the melon and encumber. East. FALSE-BRAY, *. (Fr.) A counter- breastwork. FALSEHED, s. (A.-S.) Falsehood. FALSE-POINT, s. A stratagem. FALSE-auARTERS, s. A soreness inside the hoofs of horses. FALSER, adj. False. Jonson. FALSOR, s. A deceiver. FALSTE, s. (A.-N.) Falseness. FALTER, v. To thrash barley in the chaff. Faltering -irons, a barley- chopper. Line. FALTERED, part. p. Dishevelled. North. FALWE, adj. Yellow. FALWES, *. (1) Fallow lands. (2) New-ploughed fields. Pr. P. FALX, *. A term in wrestling. Or by the girdles graspt, they practise with the hip, The forward, backward, falx, the mare, the turne, the trip. Drayton, Polyolbion, Song \. FALYF, adj. Fallow. FAM. Upon my fam, upon my faith. FAMATION, s. Defamation. FAMBLE, v. To stutter, or murmur inarticulately. Line. FAMBLE-CROP, s. The first stomach in ruminating animals. East. FAMBLES, s. Hands. An old cant term. FAME, (1) s. (A.-S.) Foam. (2) v. To defame. (3) s. A surgeon's lancet. Line. FAMELICK, adj. Domestic. Why thou lookst as like a married-man already, wit.li as grave a fatherly fame- lick countenance as ever I saw. Ottcay, The Atheist, 1684. FAMEK, (1) *. (A.-S.) Foes; foe- men. (2) v. To famish. FAMILE, v. To be famished. Warw. FAMILIAR, a. The spirit attendant upon a witch or conjurer. FAM 138 FAR FVMILOUS, adj. Domestic. North. FAMOSE, v. To celebrate. Shakesp. The Cliyna monarch is that same great cam wliich M. P. Venctus and Maude- Tile afore him \\&\t fnmausrd. Herbert's Travels, 1638. FAMULAR, adj. (Lat.) Domestic. FAN, (1) . To tease, or banter ; to beat. Sussex. (2) v. To winnow corn. Var. d. (3) r. To stir about briskly. Line. (4) part. p. Found ; felt. Cumb. FANCICAL, adj. Fanciful. West. ^ FANCIES, s. Light ballads, or airs. Shatcesp. FANCY, (1) Love. Fancy-free, free from love. Fair Helena in fancy following me. Shakesp, Midi. N. l>., iv, 1. (2) . A riband, the prize for dancers. Cumb. V\t.D,pret. t. Found. FANDE, t>. To try. See Fonde. FANE, #. (1) A weathercock; a vane. (2) (A.-S.) A banner. A fane of a ship, was probably the banner or vane at the head of the mast. (3) The white flower-de-luce. Gerard. (4) Foes ; enemies. FANER, *. A winnower. Lydg. FANFECKLED, adj. Freckled. North. FANG, (1) *. A tin. East. A claw. North. (2) . To grasp, or clench. (3) v. To be godfather or god- mother to a child. Somerset. (4) v. To bind; to strangle. Wilts. FANGAST, adj. Fit for marriage. An old N jrfolk word. FANGE, v. (A.-S.) To catch, or take hold of. Fanger, a receiver. FANGLE, v. (A.-S.) To trifle, or toy. Fangled, trifling. A hatred to fangles and the French fooleries of his time. Wood's Athena, coL II, 456. A hook? O rare (me! Be not, us is our fangled world, a garment Nobler than that it covers. Sh., Cymb., v, 4. FANGS,*. The roots of a tree. Line. FANNAND, jar/. a. Flowing. Ga- wayne. FANNEL, \ s. (A.-N.) A priest's FANON, J maniple. FANOM-WATER, s. The discharge from the sores of cattle. Warw. FANSET, *. A faucet. Suffolk. FANSOME, adj. Kind; fondling. Cumb. FANTASIE, *. (A.-N.) Fancy. FANTASTICO, s. (Ital.) A coxcomb. FANTEAGUE, *. (1) A hustle. (2) Ill-humour. Var. d. FANTICKLES, *. Freckles. Yorksh. FANTODDS, s. Indisposition. Leic. FANTOME, (1) adj. Faint; weak. Fantome-flesh, flesh that hanys loosely on the bone. Faniome- corn, light corn. (2) Vanity. FANTOMYSLICHE, adj. Visionary. Chron. Vil. FANTONY, adj. (A.-N.) Deceitful. FANTYSE, s. Deceit. See Fayntise. FAP, adj. Drunk ; tipsy. Shakesp. FAPES, *. Gooseberries. East. FAR, adv. Farther. North. I'll be far if I do, I will not. FARAND, part. a. Going; faring. Farand-man, a traveller or itine- rant merchant. Ill-farand, bad- looking. Faranily, orderly, comely, good-natured, neat. North. FAR-AWAY, adv. By far. North. FAR-BY, prep. Compared with. North. FARCE, v. (1) (Fr.) To stuff; to fill. Farcing his letter witli like fustian, call- ing his own court our most happy ant' shining port, a port of retnge for the world. Sandys' Travels, p. 47. (2) To paint. FARCION, s. The farcy. FARD, (1) v. (Fr.) To paint the face. FAR FAR (2) s. A colour. (3) adj. Afraid. FAR-DEATH,*. Natural death. East. FARDEL, (1) *. A burthen. (2) v. To pack up. FARDINGAL, s. See Farlhingale. FARDIXGALE. *. The fourth part of an acre. Wills. The old form is farding-deal. FARDREDEAL, *. (Fr.) An impedi- ment. FARE, (1) . (A.-S.} To go; to cause to go. Fam, gone. (2) . (A.-S.) A journey ; course. (3) v. To approach. North. (4) v. To eat ; to live. North. (5) *. Unusual display; enter- tainment. (6) *. Adventure; onset. (7) s. Business. (8) v. To appear; to seem. Suff. (9) r. To resemble, or act like another. (10)*. Conduct, or behaviour; countenance, or face. North. (11)*. A litter of pigs; the trace of a hare. (12) . A game with dice. (13) v. To ache, or throb. North. (14) . A boast. Faremakere, a boaster. Pr. P. FAREINGS, *. Feelings ; symptoms. East. FAREWEEL, *. A relish. North. FAR-FET, part. p. Far-fetched. Somerset. FAR-FORTHE, adv. (A.-S.) Far in advance. FARISH-ON, adj. (1) Advanced in years. (2) Nearly intoxicated. North. FARL, *. An oat-cake. Nor'humb. FARLEY, adv. Fairly ; plainly. FARLIES, . Wonders. North. See Ferly. FARI.OOPER, *. An interloper. Wet. FARM, v. (A.-S.) To cleanse out. West. FARME, *. {A.-S.} Food ; a meal. FARMER, *. The eldest son of the occupier of a farm. Suffolk. FARMERS'-DAV, . The day of St. Matthias, in some parts of the country. FARMERY, *. An infirmary. FARN-GEARE, *. Last year. North- umb. FARNTICKLES, . Freckles. North. FARR, v. To ache North. FARRAND, (1) adj. Cunning. Line. (2) *. Manners; humour. North. FARREL, *. The fourth part of a circular oat -cake, divided by a cross. North. FARREN, *. Half an acre. West. FARRENDINE, . A sort of stuff. If I were your wife, I must board half a Tear with a friend in the country, tum- ble about the other half in most vil- lainous hickneys, lye two pair of stairs high, and wear blacL farrendine the whole year about. Sedley, The Mulberry Garden, 1668. FARROLL, *. The cover of a book. Devon. FARRISEES, *. Fairies. East. FARROW, . A litter of pigs. East. FARROW-COW, *. A barren cow. North. FARRUPS, *. The devil. Yorkth. PARSE, v. To stuff; to fill. See Farce. Pars, stuffing. FARSET, *. A coffer. FARST, adj. Farthest. Craven. FARSURE, *. Stuffing. FART,*. A Portugal fig. "Fortes, of Portingale, or other like swete conceites. Collyria.'" fluloet. FARTHELL, . See Fardel. FARTHING,*. Thirty acres. Cornw. FARTHINGALE, *. A hoop to swell out the petticoat or gown. Shak. She seems a medley of all ages, VHi]in\tugefarthinaaletosvc\\ her fustian stuff, A new commode, a topknot, and a ruff. Sicift. FARTHING-BOUND, adj. Costive. East. FARTHINGS, *. Flattened peas. West. FAR FAU FAR-WELTERED, adj. Cast, as a sheep. Line. FAS, i. A porridge-pot. Line. FASCINATE, adj. (Lot.) Charmed. FAKE, s. Foes. FASGUNTIDE,*. Shrove-tide. Norf. FASH, (1) s. (/V.) Trouble; anxiety; weariness. North. Fashious, troublesome. (2) v. (Fr.) To trouble; to annoy. (3) *. (A.-S.) A fringe. (4) . The tops of turnips, &c. Lane. (5) adj. Rough, applied to metal. North. FASHERY, . Over-niceness. Cumb. FASHION, (1) *. State of health. (2) v. To presume. (3) s. The farcy in horses. Wilts. FASHOUS, adj. Shameful. Chesh. FASIL, v. (1) To ravel, as silk. (2) To dawdle. Line. FASSIDE, part. p. Stuffed. PASSINGS, s. Hanging fibres of roots. Lane. FASSIS, . Tassels. Hall. FASSY, s. The farcy. " Farsye or fassye, which is a sore upon a beast or horse. Petimen." Huloet. FAST, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Sure; firm. (2) adj. Very near; intimate. Line. (3) s. A dish in ancient cookery, composed of eggs, pigeons, and onions. (4) adj. Full; busy. North. (5) adv. Liberally. (6) 8. The understratum. West. (,7) adj. In use; nut to be had. East. FAST-AND-LOOSE,*. (1) A cheating game, played with a stick and a belt or string. (2) The game of prison-bars. Norf. FAST-BY, adv. Very near. PASTE, v. (A.-S.)' To fasten; to marry. FASTEN, v. To seize; to detain. Fastening -penny, earnest money. North. FASTENS, . Shrove-Tuesdar.; called also Fastens-Tuesday. FASTIDIOUS, adj. (Lat.) Lofty ; proud. Ilnge temples of idolatry, the mines of above a hundred (once lofty in fastidiotu turrets) to this day renmiiiins. Herbert's Travels, 1638. , ShrOVetlde ' FASTINGONGE, 1 FASTGONGE, J* FASTNER, *. A warrant. Grose. FASYL, . A flaw in cloth. FAT, (1) . (A.-S. feet.) A vat ; a vessel in general. (2) . Eight bushe's of grain. (3) v. To fetch. Var. d (4) v. To fatten. Line. PATCH, *. Thatch ; vetches. West. PATCHED, adj. Perplexed. North. FATHEADED, adj. Stupid. FAT-HEX, *. The wild orache. FATHER-JOHNSON, s. A schoolboy's term for the finis or end of a book. FATHER-LONGLEGS, *. The insect otherwise called Harry. longlegs. FATHOM, s. Full growth. East. FATIDICAL, adj. (Lat.) Prophetic. FATIGATE, adj. (Lat.) Fatigued. FATNESS, s. Marrow ; grease. Line. FAT-SAGG, adj. Hanging with fat. Huloet. FAT-SHAG, s. Bacon. East. PATTERS, 8. Tatters. Craven. FATTIN, s. A small quantity. North. FATTLE, s. A schoolboy's term, for a beat to jump from. Line. FAUCHON, "1 s. (A.-N.) Asword.or FAUCON, J falchion. FAUD, *. A fold. North. FAUF, 8. Fallow land. North. FAUGHT, (1) v. To want, or fail. North. (2) part. p. Fetched. West. FAU K UN -RAM AGE, s. A ramagc hawk. PAUL, *. A farm-yard. Cumb. FAULKNING, . Hawking. Florio. FAULT, (1). Misfortune. Shakesp. (2) v. To see, smell, or scent. East. FAU 441 FEA FACN, (1) *. (A.-X.) A floodgate. (2) part. p. Fallen. Var. d. FAUNGE, v. To take. See Fange. FAUNTE, *. (A.-N.) A child, or in- fant. Fauntvkyn, a small child. Faunteltee, childishness. FAURED.jaar/./?. Favoured. North. PAUSE. The North-country form of false. FAUSEN, (1) adj. False; sly. (2) s. A large eel. "An eele. Apnd eosdem praegrandis, afausen eele, minima, a grigge, media, a scaf- fling dicitur." Nomenclator. FAUSONED, part. p. Fashioned. Gower. FAUT, . To find out. East. FAUTE, *. (A.-N.) Fault; want. FAUTOR, s. (Lat.^ An aider ; a sup- porter. FAUTY, adj. Decayed. North. FAVEL, (1) s. (A.-N.) Cajolery; flattery ; deceit. (2) adj. (A.-N.) Fallow, or dun coloured. FAVEREL, s. An onion. Line. FAVEROLE, *. The plant water- dragon. FAVEROUS, adj. Beautiful. FAVOUR, (1) s. Look ; countenance. Favourable, beautiful. (2) v. To resemble in counte- nance. FAVOURS, s. Love-locks. FAW, (1) s. An itinerant tinker, potter, &c. Faw-gang, a gang of faws. Cumb. (2)0. To take, or receive. North. FAWCHYJ., v. To cut with a sword. FAWD, s. A bundle of straw. Cumb. FAWDYNE, s. A notary. FA WE, (1) adj. (^.-S.)'Glad; gladly. (2) adj. (A.-S.) Variegated. (3) *. Enmity. FAWN,(!). " A bucke the first yeare is afawne." Returnejrom Par- nassus, 1606. (2) part. p. Fallen. North. FAWNE, adj. Fain ; glad. Pr, P. FAWNEY, s. A ring. Grose PAWS, s. A fox. North. FAWTER, v. To thrash barley. North. FAX, s. (A.-S.) The hair. Faxed. hairy. And here hondea bowudea at her bakke 1'ulle bittyrly tlmniie, And schovcii of her fax And alle her fayre brrdes. MS. Cutt., Califf., A, ii. FAXED-STAR, . A comet. Cumb. FAXWAX, *. The tendon of the neck. FAY, (1) . (A.-N.) A fairy. (2) *. (A.-N.) Faith ; truth. (3) adj. (A.-S.) Doomed or fated to die. (4) v. To prosper ; to succeed ; to work or act well. South. (5) v. To cleanse. East. PAYER, adj. Fair. FAYLE, v. (A.-S.) To lose; to want. FAYLES,*. An old game resembling backgammon. FAYLLARD, adj. (A.-N.) Deceitful. FAYLY, (1) v. \A.-N.) To fail. (2) . (A.-N.) A traitor. FAYNE, (1) v. To sing. SkeUon. (2) s. A vein. FAYNER, s. A flatterer. PAYNES, . Gladness. FAYNTYSE, *. (A.-N.) Deceit ; treachery. FAYRY, s. (A.-N.) Magic; illusion. FAYssED,/?ar/./>. Feasted. Monas- tic Letters, p. 157. FAYTE, (1) v. (A.-N.) To deceive; to betray. (2) s. A fact ; a deed. FAYTHKLY, "1 adv. Certainly; truly; FAJLICHE, J in faith. FAYTOR, #. A fortune-teller. FAYTOURS-GREES, *. The plant spurge. Pr. P. FAZOUN, . Fasliion. FEABERRIES, "1 . Gooseberries; FEAPBERRIES, _| still called feabet in Suffolk. FEACIGATE, adj. Impudent. North. FEA 442 PEA' FEAGE, v. To whip, or beat. West. \ FEAGUE, (1) v. To beat; to whip; to drive. You hell-cat, with yonr hogs face, I'le tofeayue you with tins faggot-stick. Revet, The Tuicu Shifts,I67l. I love to be merry sometimes ; but when a knotty poiut comes, I lay my head close to it, with a snuff box in my hand, and theii Ifegue it away, i' faith. T/ie'Rcheartal, 1675. Heark ye, ye currs, keep off from snap- ping at my' heels, or I shall sofeagueye. &tway, Soldier's Fortune, 1681. (2) . To l)e perplexed. Line. (3) *. A sluttish person. North. PEAK, (I) s. A sharp twitch, or pull. West. (2) v. To fidget; to be busied about trifles. Yorksh. (3) *. A flutter. Line. (4) v. To wipe the beak after feeding, a terra in hawking. (5) *. A curl or lock of the hair ? Can set his face, and with his eye can speake, And dally with his mistres' dangling fedke, And wish that he were it, to kisse her eye, And flare about her beauties deitie. Martton, Sat., 1, repr., p. 138. FEAI., (1) adj. (A.-N.) Faithful; loyal. (2 ) . To hide. North. FKALD, part. p. Denied. FKAM, #. A horse-load. East. FKAMALITY, x. Effeminacy. Taylor. FEANT, *. A fool. North. FEAR, . (1) To terrify. (2) To feel ; to seem. Eatt. FEARD, adj. Afraid. FBARE-BABES, s. A bugbear, to terrify children; a vain terror. As for their shewes anil words, they are \iatfeare-tabej, not worthy once to move a worthy man's conceit. Pcmbr. Are., p. 299. FEARFUL, adj. Dreadful ; causing fear. FKARLE, *. A prize ? By just descent these two my parents were, M' which t lie one of knighthood bare the fearle, Of womanhood the other was the pearle. Uirr.for Mag., p. 273. FEARLOT, s. The eighth part of a bushel. FEARN, . A windlass. Line. FEARS, adj. Fierce. Heywood, 1556. FEART-SPRANK, s. A large parcel. Berks. FEASETRAW, *. A pin used to point at the letters, in teaching children to read. Fiona. FEASILS, s. Kidney beans. West. FEASTING-PKNNY, s. Earnest money. North. FEASTINGS-EVEN, s. Shrove Tues- day evening. The castle of Roxburgh was taken by Sir James Dnwglas on Feastings-tren. Holinsh., ilist. of Scoll./nr-n. \j 5. FEAT, ( I ) adj. Neat; clever. Feat- ish, neat, propej. West. Featly, neatly, dexterously. North. Feat- ness, dexterity. Featous, ele- gant. (2) v. To make neat. (3) adj. Large in quantity. Line. (4) adj. Nasty tasteil. Berks. FEATHER, (1) v. To bring a hedge or stack gradually to a summit. West. (2) s. Hair. Far. dial. (3) v. To tread, as a cock. FEATHER-BOG, *. A quagmire. Cornw. FEATHER EDGED, adj. A stone thicker at one edge than the other. North. FEATHERFOLD, "Is. The plant FEATHERFOWL, j feverfew. West. FEATHERHEELED.arf;'. Liglitheeled; gay- FEATHER-PIE, s. An arrangement of feathers on the ground to scare birds. East. FEATLET, *. Four pounds of butter. Cumb. FEAUSAN, . Taste, or moisture. Feausanfuzzen, a very strong taste. North. FEAUTB, (A.-N.} Fealty ; fidelity. FEAZK, (1) . (Fr. falser.) To cause. FED 443 PEG Those eager impes whom food-want ftaz'd to %ht aiuaiiie. Mirror for ifagist., p. 480. (2) v. To settle, or finish a person. Well! has given me my guietus cst; I felt him In my small guts; Tm sure 'hnsfrrz'd me. Villiers, The Ckavcer, 1692. (3) v. To harass ; to teaze ; to loiter. West. (4) r. To sneeze. Line. (5) 8. The short run hefore leap- ing. " To fetch his race, orfeese, to leape the better." Hollyband's Dictionarie, 1593. (6) v. To untwist the end of a rope. FEBLE, adj. (A.-N.) Weak ; poor. Feblesse, weakness. FECCHE, r. (A.-S.) To fetch FECH, s. Vetches. FECK, (1) v. To kick, or plunge. North. (2) *. Might ; activity. Feckful, strong, active. Feckless, weak, feeble. North. (3)*. Many; plenty; the greatest part. Feckly, mostly. North. (4) *. A piece of iron used by miners in blasting. FECKINS. By my feckins, by my faith. FEDBED, *. A featherbed. Line. FKDDE, pret. t. Fought. FF.DE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To feed. (2) *. Sport ; play. Line. FEDEMK, #. (A.-S.) A fathom. FEDEBARY, *. An accomplice. FEDERYNE, v. To fetter. Pr. P. Fedryd, fettered. FEDEW, . A feather. FEDRUS, *. Fetters. FEDYLE, v. To fiddle. FEE, (1) 8. (A.-S.) Property; money; fee. (2) 8. An annual salary, or re- ward. rwo liveries will I ive thee every year, And forty crowns shall be ibjfce. George a Greene, O. PI., iii, 47. (3) . To winnow corn. North. FEEAG, v. To encumber. Cvmb. FEEAL, . Woe ; sorrow. Norlh.^ FEEBLE, . To enfeeble. Palsgrave FEE-BUCK, *. None come to see and to be seen ; non heares, My lords fccJntcJe closet h lx>th eyes and eares. CartKright't Poeau, 1651. FEED, (1) *. Food. (2) v. To grow fat, or corpulent. (3) v. To give suck. (4) v. To amuse with talking or reading. FEEDER, . A servant. ShaJtesp. FEEDERS, *. Fatting cattle. North. FEEDING, . Pasture ; grazing land. FEEDING-STORM, . A constant snow. North. FEEDING-TIME, . Genial weather. North. FEED-THE-DOVE, s. A Christmas game. Young men and maidens, now. At "feed the dote" (witk laurel leaf in mouth) Or "blind-man's huff" or "hunt the slip- per " play, Replete with glee. Some, haply, cards adopt. Christmas, a form, 1795. FEEL, . To perceive. North. FEELOY, adj. Grassy. H'ictsliffe. FEELTH, . Feeling. JJ'arw. PEER, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Fierce. (2)*. Fire. (3) To take a feer, to run a little way back for the better ad- vantage of leaping. FEERyuNS-EEN,.Shrovetide.iawe. FEESE. See Feaze. FEET, *. (A.-N.) A deed, or fact. FEFF, v. To obtrude, or overreach in buying or selling. Essex. FEFFE, 'v. (A.-N.) To enfeoff ; to present. Feffemtnt. enfcoffment. FEFT, ( 1 ) e. To put off or dispose of wares. Essex. (2) part. p. Urged on or en- couraged to fight. FEG, (1) adj. Fair; clean. North. (2) v. To flag ; to tire. North. (3) *. Bough dead grass. West. PEG 444 FEL FEGARY, s. A vagary. East. PEGGER, adj. Fairer. Lane. FEGS, interj. In faith! South. FKH, . (A.-S.) Property; money. FKIDE, a. Feud. FEIGH, v. To level rubbish ; to spread dung ; to dig foundations ; to clean. Yorksh. FEINE, v. To sing with a low voice. FEINTISE, *. (1) (4.-N.) Dissimu- lation. (2) Weakness ; faintness. FEIRE, *. (A.-N.) A fair. FEIRSCHIPE, *. Beauty. Lydg. FEIST, s. A puff-ball. Suff. FEISTY, adj. Fusty. East. FEIT, *. A paddock, or field. Line. FEIZE, v. (1) To drive away. West. (2) See Feage and Feague. FEL, (1) adj. (A.-S.) Cniel; fierce. (2) pret. t. Felt. FELAWREDE, \s. (A.-S.) Fellow- FELAWSHIPE, J ship ; company. FELCH, s. A tame animal. Line. FELDE, (1) . (A.-S.) A field. . (2) v. To fold ; to embrace. (3) v. To become weak or ill. Line. (4) pret. t. offele. Felt ; folded. (5) pret. t. offelle. Felled. FELDHASSER, s. (A.-S.) A wild ass. FELDMAN-WIFE, *. A female rustic. FELDWOD, a. The plant baldmony. ?EiR,(l)adj.(A.-S.) Many. Feler, more. (2) v. (A.-S.) To feel ; to perceive. "And whan the people felte the smell therof." The Festytall, fol. c. (3). To fulfil. (4) v. To hide. See Feal. FELEABLE, adj. Social. Pr. P. FELED, pret. t. offele. Felt. VELKFOLDZD, part. p. (A.-S.) Mul- tiplied. FKLETTE, . The fillet. At the turnyng that tyine The traytours liym hilie In thnruwe ihe ftlettes, And in the flawnke aftyre. M'orte Arthvrt. FELF, s. The spoke of a wheel. Line. FELFARE, *. A fieldfare. West. FELKS, "1*. Felloes of a wheel. FELLICKS, J North. FELL, (1) s. A hill, or mountain; a moor; a wild uninclosed space. (2) *. Low copse. Drayton. (3) adj. Keen ; cruel. North. (4) adj. Sharp; clever; crafty. Nonth. (^5) s. (A.-S.~) A skin, or hide. (6) v. Tohemtlie inside of a seam. (7) v. To finish the weaving of a piece of cloth. Yorksh. (8) v. To come round periodi- cally. Essex. (9) *. A mouse-trap. Pr. P. FELLE, v. (A.-S.) To fell; to kill. FELLERE, adj. (A.-S.) Purple. FELLET, s. A portion of wood cut annually in a forejt. Glouc. FELLiCH,atf. (A.-S.) Felly; cruelly. FELLISH, adj. Fierce. Never was wild boar more fellisk, Though the wine did smally relish. Drunken Harnaby. FELLMONGER, *. A dealer in skins. FELLON,(l)arf/. Sharp; keen. North. (2) s. A disease in cows ; a cuta- neous eruption. North. FELLON-WOOD, *. Bitter-sweet. FELLOW, s. A companion ; a friend. FELLOWSHIP, s. A tete-a-tete. Line. FELLY, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Fiercely. (2) . To break up a fallow. MM**. FELON, t. A sore, or whitlow. FELONIE, *. (A.-N.) Wickedness. FELOTJV, 1 adj. (A.-N.) Wicked ; FELON, | cruel. Felonous, wicked. Felonliche, wickedly. FELS, . Felloes of a wheel. North. FELSH, v. To renovate a hat. Line. FELT, (1) . A hat. "We soone turnd our backes on this place, and had as soone espied many haberdashers that had felts of many fashions, but none that would fit thii foresaid bare-headed tall man : marry, for Mounsieur Mony, if he came him- telfe, (for so they answered ui t Ui PEL 445 FER nqniry after him) he should have choise of Hiiy fells of what fashion or blocke it wight be his pleasure to weiire. Rowley, Search for Money, 1609. (2) s. A hide; a coarse cloth. Craven. (3) part. p. Concealed. North. (4) s. A thick matted growth of weeds. East. FELTER, v. To entangle. North. FELTRIKE, . The small ceutaury. Pr.P. FELWET, s. Velvet. FEL-WISDOME, s. Craftiness. FELWORT, s. The herb haldmony. FELYOLE, "Is. A finial, or small FYLYOLE, j pinnacle ? Your curtaines of camaca, all in folde, \omfclyolts all of golde. Squyr of Lowe Degre, 836. FEMALE-HEMS, s. Wild hemp. Line. FEME, v. To foam. FEMEI., s. (1) A female. (2) (A.-N.) A young family. FEMER, adj. Slender. North. FEMEREL, s. A sort of turret on the roof of a hall or kitchen, which allowed the smoke to escape without admitting the rain. FEMINE, adj. Female. Brome. FEMINITE, s. (A.-N.) Womanhood. FEN, (1) *. (A.-S.) Mud ; mire. (2) v. To do anything cleverly. North. FENAUNCE, s. {A.-N.) Forfeiture. FEN-BERRY, . The cranberry. North. FENCE, (1) v. To keep out any- thing. East. (2) s. Offence. (3l s. Defence. (4) 5. Armour, or anything de- fensive. FENCE-MONTH, *. The month in which deer fawn. FEN-CRICKET, ,?. A kind of small beetle. Line. FEND, (1) s. (A.-S.) A fiend; the devil. Fendliche, devilish, (2) v. To defend. (3) v. To provide for or support. generally to do so with difficulty. " He must fend for himself a* well as he can." (4) s. A livelihood. FENDABLE, adj. Industrious. Line. FENDER, s. One who defends, or protects. FENDY, adj. Thrifty. Cuml. FENEBOILES, s. A sort of pottage. FENECEL, FENEKELE, \ S. Fennel. FENKELLE, FENESTRAL, *. (A.-N.) A small window. FENESTRE, s. (A.-N.) A window. To nfeneslre than Gy is go; Biheid the castel, the tour also. Gy of Warwike, p. 13. FENG, pret. t. offange. Caught. FBN-NIGHTINGALE, s. A frog. East. FENNY, adj. (A.-S.fennig.) Mouldy. FENOWED, adj. Mouldy. FENSABLE, s. Defensible. FENSOME.arf/'. Neat; adroit. North. FENSURE, . A fence. " Fence or fensure, Vallum." Huloet. PENT, (1) s. Fear ; faintness. Cumb. (2) v. To bind cloth. (3) . The binding of any part of the dress. Line. (4) s. A crack, or flaw ; a rem- nant, or odd piece. North. (5) ,. ,A pet. North. FEN-THRUSH, s. The missel thrush. FENVERN, s. Sage. Gerard. FEO, *. (A.-S.) Fee ; inheritance. FEODARY, #. One who held under tenure of feudal service. FEOFE, 1 *. (A.-N.) To enfeoff ; to FEOFFE, J entail. For slie that fayl'd to doe him right, did fcofe on him th'e wronir. Warner's Albions England, 1592. FEORNE, adj. (A.-S.) Far ; distant. FEORT, v. To fight. Devon. FEORTHE, adj. (A.-S.) The fourth. FER, (1) adj. Fair. (2) adj. Fierce. (3) adj. Far. Ferrere, further. Ferrest, furthest. FER 446 FER (4) s. A fire. (5) v. To throw. Somerset. (6) v. To free pastures. Craven. FERAUNT, s. (A.-N.) An African or Barbary horse ; a word not uncommon in (he early romances. FERCHE, adj. (A.-N.) Fierce. FERD, (1) pret. t. of fare. Went. (2) part. p. Terrified ; afraid. (3) . (A.-S.) A host, or army ; a company. (4) s. Power ; force. (b) adj. (A.-S.) The fourth. FERDEGEWS, s. Some kinds of rich or ornamental stuff. " In our trickeferdrgews." Roist. Doist. FERDELAYKE, s. (A.-S.) Fear. FERDNESS, *. (A.-S.) Fright. FERDY, adj. Afraid. FKRE, (1) s. (A.-S.) A companion, or wife. In fere, in company. Feren, companions. Warwicke and Mowntegew were slayn in fere, Knyjtea and gentilmen, and other men moo, In alle thynses, good Lorde, every tliy wille be doo ! MS. Bibl, Reg.,\l 1)., xv. (2) v. (A.-S.) To frighten. (3) adj. (A.-N.) Proud ; fierce ; bold. (4)adv. Direct; downright. Lane. FEREDE, . Company. See Ferd. FERES, adj. Fierce. FERETORY, s. (Lot.) A tomb, or shrine. FERIAGE, s. Boat or ferry hire. FERIDGE, s. A common sort of gingerbread usually bought at fairs. Norf. FERIE, *. (Lot.} A holyday, a week- day. FERISHER, s. A fairy. Suffolk. FERKE, v. (1) To proceed; to hasten. (2) To fear. FERLY, (1) *. A wonder. (2) adj. Wonderful ; strange. (3) *. A fault. North. FF.RLYKE, s. A wonder. FERMACIE, T. (A.-N.) A medicine. FERMAIL, s. (A.-N.) A clasp, or brooch. FERME, (1) s. (A.-N.} A farm. (2) v. To strengthen. (3) adv. Firmly. (4) v. To cl anse ; to empty out. (5) *. A lodging bouse. FERMEALD, s. (A.-S.) A farm. FERMERERE, s. (Lat.) The officer who had charge of the infirmary. FERMORYE, s. An infirmary. FERMYSONES, . A hunting term, the time in which the male deer were closed, or not allowed to be killed. FERNE, adv. (1) (A.-S.) Before; formerly. Femyere, in former times. (2) Far; distant. FERN-FRECKLED, adj. Freckled. FERN-OWL, s. The goatsucker. Glouc. FERN-WEB, *. A small beetle, in- jurious to young apples. JFett. FERRAY, s. A foray. FERRE, (1) adj. Fair. (2) adv. (A -S.) Further. (3) *. A sort of caudle. FERRE-DAYE, adv. (A.-S.) Late in the day. FERREL, s. The frame of a slate. See Parrel. FERREN, adj. (A.-S.) Distant ; foreign. FERRER, *. (1) A farrier. North. (2) A barrel hooped with iron. FERRIER, s. A fairy. Suffolk. FERROM, adj. Distant ; foreign. " We folowede o ferrome." Morte Arthure. We followed afar. FERRY, s. A litter of pigs. FERRY-WHISK, *. Great bustle; haste. Yorksh. FERS, (1) adj. Fierce. (2) *. The queen at chess. FERSSE, adj. Fresh. FERSTED. Thirsted. See Afirst. FERTHE, adj. (A.-S.) The fourth. FERTHYNG, s. A farthing; any- thing very small. FER 447 FET FERTRB, s. (A.-N.) A bier; a shrine. FERULARY, adj. (Lat.) Pertaining to a rod The difficulties winch I have here set downe, were by my pfculiar affection to this author, at last all overcome. 1 liave not herein hound myselle with a feru- larie superstition. Persius' Satyres, 1035, Pref. FERYNGES, adv. Sudden. Hearne. FESCUE, *. (Lat. fcstuca.) A wire, stick, or straw, chiefly used for pointing to the letters, in teach- ing children to read. Nay then his Hodge shall leave the plough and wnine, And buy a booke and go to sclioole againe. Why mought not he as well as others done, Rise from his fescue to his Littleton. Hall's Sat., IV, 2. The fescue of the dial is upon the Christ- cross of noon. Puritan, iv, 2, Suppl. ii, 607. And spell iu Fraunce with feskttes made of pikes. Peele's Honor of the Garter, 1593. FESE, v. To frighten. FESELS, s. A kind of base grain. FESS, (1) v. To confess. North. (2) v. To obtrude anything. East. (3) s. A small fagot. Somerset. (4)s. A light blue colour. Somers. (5) adj. Smart; conceited. West. FEST, (1) v. To fasten, or bind. (2) s. A fastening. Line. (3) s. A fist. (4) *. A feast. (5) v. To put out to grass. North. FESTANCE, s. (A.-N.) Fidelity. FESTEYING, s. Feasting. FESTINATE, adj. (La/.) Hasty. FESTINATION, adj. (Lat.) Haste. FESTING-PENNY,*. Earnest money. Line. FESTIVAL-EXCEEDINGS, *. An ad- ditional dish to t he regular dinner. FESTLICH, adj. Used to feasts. FESTNEN, v. (A.-S.) To fasten. FESTU,(!) (A.-N.) A mote in the eye. (2) A fescue. FESTUCOUS, adj. (Lot.) Made of straw. FET, (1) . (A.-S.) To fetch. Fet, part, p., fetched. Abonte a fyre they were set, And good ale was there fet, And therwith thev their monthes wet, And soonc souped they. The Jljlner ofAbyngdon. (2) . A foot. (3) adj. Fast ; secure. Line. (4) v. To be a match for one. North. (5) #. A piece. Spenser. FETCH, (1) v. To recover after an illness. Var. d. (2) s. The apparition of a living person. FETCHE, *. A vetch. FETCHEL, . To seize. Leic. FETCH-LIGHTS, . Corpse-candles. FETE, (1) g. Work. (2) adj. (A.N.) Neat; well-made. (3) *. A large puddle. Line. (4) adj. Middling; tolerable. Berks. FETERIS, . Features. FETISE, "I adj. (A.-N.') Neat ; KETUOUS, j elegant. FETLED, part. p. Joined. FETTE, (1) v. (A.-S. fetian.) To fetch. (2) g. A fetch ; a contrivance. FETTEL, s. A cord used to a pan- nier. Line. FETTERFOE, s. The plant feverfew. FETTLE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To set about anything ; to prepare ; to dress ; to put in order ; to manage, or accomplish; to repair; to beat. North. (2) *. Order ; good condition ; proper repair. FETTULENT, adj. Stinking. And straightway then her corpes became in parte as blacke as pitche, Replenished with filthy scurffe, as (almost) none is such : And other dregges most fettulent issued from her then, Which modestie and reason eke commaundi me uot to peaue. Stubbes' Examples, 1581. FET 448 FEY FETTYNE, part. p. Fetched. FETURES, s. (A.-N.) Births ; pro- ductions. FEUD, v. (1) To contend. North. (2) To live well. FEUDJOR, s. A bonfire. Craven. FEUSOME, adj. Handsome. North. FEUTH, s. Fill ; plenty. Craven. FEUTRE, (1) *. (A.-N.) The rest for a spear. A faire floreschte spere "Lnfewtyre he castes. Morte Arthurs. (2) t>. To fix it in the rest. His speare hefeutred, and at him it bore. Spenser, F. Q., IV, iv, 45. FEUTRED, adj. Featured. FEVER, (1) *. (A.-N.) A black- smith. (2) s. A perplexity. Var. d. FEVEREFOX, . The feverfew. -^ Februar. FEVERET, s. A slight fever. FEVER-LURDEN, Is. The disease of FEVER-LURG AN, J idleness. "You have the fever-lurgan two stomachs to eat and not one to work," is still a Warwickshire phrase, and is used also in the West of England. And for the printers, there is such gaping amongst them for the copy of my lord of Essex voyage, and the liallet of threscore and foiu-e knights, thut though my lord marquesse wrote a second parte of his ftver-lurden or idl. nesse, or Churchyard enlarg'd his Chips, saying they were the very same which Christ in Carpenters' Hall ispaynted gathering up, as Joseph, his father, strewes hewing a piece of timber, and Mary, liis mother, sats spinning by, yet would they not give for them the price of a proclamation out of date, or, which is the contemptiblest summe that may be, (worse than a scute or a dandiiinit) the price of all Harvey's works bound up together. Letter dated 1 596. FEVEROUS, adj. Feverish. FEW, (1) s. A small number; a little. In few, in short. In few, the warrcs are full of woes. U'amer's dlbians England, 1592. I tell of things done long agoe, of many things in few. Ib. (2) s. A number, or quantity. Var. d. A good few, a consider- able number. Line. (3) pret. t. Flew. Chesh. (4) v. To change. North. FEWILLER, s. One who supplies fuel. FEWMETS, \s. The dung of FEWMISHINGS, J" the deer. FEWTE, s. (A.-N.) Fealty. FEWTE, *. Track ; vestige. Pr. P. FEWTERER, s. (corrupted from Fr. vautrier.) A dog-keeper ; o:ie, who holds the dogs and lets them loose in the chase; a term of the chase. Orperhaps stumble upon a yeoman/i. FIGURETTO, s. (Ital.) A figured silk. FIKE, (1) s. A fig. (2) . To be very fidgety ; to move about without object. (3) s. A sore on the foot. Line. FIKEL, s. (4.-S.) Deceitful. FILACE, 8. A file, or thread, on which the records of the courts of justice were strung. FILANDER, s. The back-worm in hawks. Fi LANDS, 8. Tracks of unenclosed arable lands. 2Sast. FILCH, *. A staff with a hole for a hook. FILDE, s. A field. Fildman. a rustic. FILDORE, s. (A.-N.) Gold thread. FILE, (1) v. To defile. (2) . (/i.-N.) A girl, or woman. (5) s. A term of contempt for a worthless person, either male or female; a coward, &c. (4) v. To polish, applied to lan- guage, &c. (5) . A catalogue ; number. FILEWORT, s. Small cudweed. FILGHE, v. (A.-S.) To follow. FILGRAINED, adj. Filigraned, or filigreed. "A filgrain'd, is a dressing-box, a basket, or what- ever else is made of silver-work in w> er." Dunton's Ladies' Dic- tionary, 1694. FILIGRAKE, adj. Filigreed. FILL, s. (1) A field. Essex. (2) Uestharrow. Gerard. FILL-BELLS, s. The chain-tuss to the collar of a cart-horse. Eatt. FILLER, (1) *. The shaft-horse. (2) v. To go behind ; to draw back. FILLIP, v. To fillip a toad, to spaughen it. East. FILLY, (1) . A loose woman ; a wanton girl. I believe no body will be very fond of a Hide Park ftty for a wife ; nor an old boy that looks like a pedlar's pack for it lather-in-law. Isedley'i Mulberry Garden. 166N (2) v. To foal, as a mare. FILLY-TAILS, s. Long white clouds. The following is a North-country proverb : Henscrats Make lofty ships wear low sails. FILMOT, 8. A polecat? There are several noxious animals, sach as badgers, foxes, otters, filnwtt, hedge- hogs, snakes, toads, &c. As also, several birds, sucli as the woodpecker, tlie .jar, Ike. J Journey thro' England, 17-*. FIL 451 FIN FILOURE, a. (1) A steel for sharp- ening knives, &c. (2) A curtain-rod. FILOZELLO, s. (Hal.} Flowered silk. FILSTAR, *. A pestle and mortar. Line. FILTCHMAN. A beggar's staff, or truncheon. An old cant term. FILTEREDE, part. p. Entangled. North. His fax and his foretoppe Vi-Asflterede tosrcders, And o\vte of his lace feme Ane halfe fote large. Morte Arthure. FILTH, *. A slut. West. FILTHEDE, s. (A.-S.) Filthiness. FILTHISH, s. Filthy. FILTHY, adj. Covered with weeds. West. FILTRY,*. Filth; rubbish. Somerset. FIMASHINGS, *. The dung of wild beasts. A hunting term. FIMBLE, (1) . To fumble. (2) *. Thistle, or female-hemp. East. (3) . A wattled chimney. West. (4) . To touch lightly. Essex. Fi MURIATE, r. (Lot.) To hem ; to fringe. FiMMAKiNG,ar#. Trifling; loitering. FIN, (1) *. (A.-N.} An end. (2) e. To end. (3) . To find ; to feel. Cumb. (4) s. The herb restharrow. Midi. C. (5) s. A finger. Far. dial. (6) The broad part of a plough- share. FINAUNCE, 8. Fine; forfeiture. FINCH. To pull a finch, to cheat any one out of money. Chaucer. FINCH-BACKED, s. White on the back, applied to cattle. North. FIND, (1) . To supply, especially with provisions. (2) 8. A fiend. Lydoate. (3) v. To stand sponsor to a child. West. FINDINGS, s. Inventions. FINE, (1) . (A.-N.) To end ; to finish. And he shall repne in every wighles sight In the house of Jacobbe eternally by lyne, Wliose kyngdorae ever shall kste, and never fyne. Lydgute. (2) s. An end. Fineless, endless. That levest and regnest wyth the Fader, Ther never nys no pyne. And also wyth the Holy Gost, Evere wy'thoute/yne. W. de Shorthorn. (3) . To purify ; to adorn. As golde in fyTeisfynid by assay. Lydgate. (4) adj. Perfect ; pure. By fine force, by absolute power. Of fine force, of necessity. FINEGUE, p. To evade. West. FINE-LEAF, s. The violet. Line. FINELY, adv. Nicely ; quite well. FINENESS, s. Subtlety. FINENEY, v. To be very ceremo nious. Devon. FINER, s. A refiner. FINEW, *. Mouldiness. See Fe- nowed. FINGERER, s. A thief. FINGER-FERN, s. A plant. In fnner-ftrn : which, being given to swine, It makes their milts to melt away in tine, With ragged tooth choosing the same so right Of all their tripes to serve it's appetite. Du Bartas. FINGERKYNS, s. A term of endear- ment. Palsgrave, 1540. FINGERLING, "1 s. A cover for a FINGERSTALL, / finger or thumb. FINGERMETE, s. A finger's breadth. And than I lokcd on him that y saw first in payii, and saw the colers and the gay girdels and bawderikes brennyng, and the fendes draying hem bi two fngermcte and more" withthynue here flessh al bryuneiug as fire. MS. Beg., 17 B, xliii. FINGERS, (1) #. Mr. Halliwell has given from a MS. of the loth cent, the following rhyming list of popular names of the fingers. In Norfolk the fingers are called popularly, Tom-thumb- kin, Will-wilkin, Long-gracious, Betty-bodkin, Little-tit. FIN 452 FIR like a fynad. Plut. Lices, by A'&., p. 1016, A, FITTEN, . A pretence, or feint. West. FITTER, v. (1) To kick the feet about. (2) To be in a passion. North. FITTERS, s. (1) Men who vend and load coals. North. (2) Pieces ; fragments. FITTILY, adv. Nicely; cleverly. Devon. FITTLE, (1) v. To tattle ; to blab. Somerset. (2) adj. " Fittle or runninge wilted. Fuiilis." Huloet. (3) v. To clean. Oxfd. (4) *. Victuals. Wore. FlTTLED-ALE, #. Ale Iliixcd with spirits, and warmed and sweet- ened. Yorksfi. FITTY, (1) adj. Neat; proper. South. (2) Lands left by the sea. Line. FIVE-FINGERS,*. (1) Oxlips. East. (2) A wart on a horse, called also an anberry. FIVE-LEAF, s. Cinquefoil. FIVE-PENNY-MORRIS, *. The game of merrils, called by Shakespeare nine men's morris. FIVES, s. Avives, a disease in horses. Fix, s. A lamb yeaned dead. Wett. FIXATIOUN, *. (Lat.) Fixing. FIXE, adj. Fixed. FIXEN, *. A vixen. North. FIXENE, *. The bitch fox. FIX-FAX, *. Faxwax. FIXURE, *. A fixed position. Fiz, . A flash ; a hissing. FIZGIG, s. See Fisgig. FIZMER, v. To fidget. Svff. FIZZLE, v. (1) To fiest. FLA FLA (2) To nestle. Cumb. (3) To do anything; slily. Cumb. FLA, v. To terrify. Yorksh. FLAAT, adj. Scolded. Craven. FLABBERGAST, v. To confound. Var. d. FLABBERKIN, adj. Flabby. FLABELL, #. (Lai.) A fan. " Fanne or flable, wherwyth wynde is made. Ventilabrum." Huloet. FLABERGULLION, s. A clown. FLACK, (1) v. To palpitate. (2) v. To hang loosely. Far. d. (3) *. A blow. East. ' (4) v. To beat by flapping. FLACKER, v. To flutter. North, FLACKERED, part. p. Rejoiced. Cumb. FLACKET, (1) s. A flask. (2) v. To flap about. East. FLACKING-COMB, s. A wide-toothed comb. FLACKv.arf;. Hanging loosely. East. FF.AFFER, v. To flutter. FLAG, (1) *. A tradesman's apron. Norf. (2) . Turf, or sod. East. (3) a. A flake of snow. North. (4) v. To pave with stones. West. (5) v. To flap; to wave. Devon. (6) Our old play-houses exhibited flags on their roofs when there were performances at them. When the players were out of employment, they were said to be flag '-fallen. The hair about the hat is as good as a flag upon the pole at a common play- house, to waft company. Mad World, O. P)., v, 364-. Four or five flag-faint plaiers, poore harmlesse merrie knaves, that were neither lords nor ladies, but honestly wore their owne clothes. Rowley, Search for Money, 1609. FLAG-CHAIRS, s. Rush-seated chairs. FLAGEIN, . Lying; flattering. North. FLAGELL, . (1) (Lot.) A scourge; terror. (2) (A.-N.) A flageolet. FLAGELUTE, s. A rent in a gar- merit. East. FLAGETTE, s. A flagon. FLAG-FEATHERS, s. The feathers of a hawk's wings next the body. FLAGGE, s. A groat. FLAGGING, *. A stone pavement. West. FLAGGY, adj. (1) Flabby. Somerset. (2) Too luxuriant, applied to corn. Northampt. FLAGITATE, v. (Lat.) To desire earnestly. FLAGRANT, adj. Fragrant. FLAGRATE, v. (Lat.) To burn. FLAID, adj. Afraid. North. FLAIK, s. (1) A space of stall. (2) A wooden frame for oat- cakes. North. FLAILS, s. pi. A contrivance in common use in Norfolk for taking yelra of straw up the ladder to the thatcher, by means of two sticks fastened together. FLAINE, (1) part. p. Rayed; burned. Lydgate. (2) #. " Flayne. Versus." Huloet. (3) pret. t. pi. Fled. (4) s. The ray-fish. North. FLAIRE, . The scate. FLAITCH, v. To be persuasive. Cumb. FLAITE, v. To scare. North. FLAKE, . (1) A paling, or hurdle ; a temporary gate. North. (2) A scale, or covering mem- brane. Pr. Paro. (3) A piece, or fragment. Line. FLAM, (1) a. A low marshy place. Oxjd. (2) s. A falsehood ; a deceit. (3) v. To deceive, or cheat. Kent. (4) s. A heavy stroke, or falL North. FLAMBE, FLA 456 FLA In fine, madam, were there not hopes of seeing once more your angelical self, and receiving some benediction from the fiambos of your eyes, I could presently resolve to "commence blindness; and were it not for the oriental perfumes that come from your breath, it should not be long before I should put a period to my own. Packard's Observations, 1671, p. 178. FLAMED, >ar./?. Inflamed. Spenser. FLAME-FEW, s. The bright reflec- tion of the moon in the water. FLAMMAKIN, s. A blowsy slatternly wench. Devon. FLAMME, 0. To flame ; to glitter. FLAM-NEW, adj. Quite new. Cornw. FLAMPOYNTES, "Is. A sort of pork FLAUMPEYNS, J piCS. Flampoyntes. Take gode enturlarded porke, and setlie hit, aud hewe hit, and grinde it smalle ; and do therto gode fat cliese grated, and sugur, and gode pou- der ; then take and make coffyns of thre ynche depe, and do al this therm; and nmke a thynne Ibyle of paste, and cut oute thereof smalu poyntes, and trie horn in grese, and stike horn in the farse, and bake hit, and serve hit forthe. Warner, Ant. Cul, p. 66. FLAN, (1) adj. Broad and large. North. (2) adj. Shallow. Cumb. (3) *. A small round net, placed over a hole, to catch a rabbit. Northampt. FLANCANTERKIN, . The white rot. Somerset. FLANCARDES, *. Coverings for the flanks of horses. FLANCH, *. A projection. North. FLANDAN, *. "A kind of a pinner join'd with a cornet." Ladies Dictionary, 1694. FLANDERKIN, *. A native of Flan- ders. I find him to be a man of more bulk than brain, in short, a swagbelly'd flan- derkin. Durfey, Marriage-hater match' d. PLANE, v. (A.-S.} To flay. FLANG, v. To slam a door. Suff. FLANGE, v. To project out. Var. d. FLANGY, adj. Shallow. Var. d. FLANKER, (1) v. To throw out sparks. (2) s. A spark of fire. West. FLANNEN, s. Flannel. Var d. FLANT, v. To flaunt. And I shall flant it in the park with my grey Flanders, crowd the walk with my equipage, and he the envy of all the butterfly es in town. Sliadwell, True Widow,\&i%. FLANTUM, adj. Flabby. Leic. FLAP, (1) v. To strike; to slap. Alle the flesche of the flanke lleflappts in sondyre. Morte Arthnrf. Eascall Aostflappe me in the mouth with tailer ; And tell'st thou me of haberdasher's ware ? Rowlands, Knave of Harts, 1613. (2) s. A stroke, or touch. (3) To turn a pancake over by a shake of the pan. East. (4) s. Anything that flaps. (5) s. A gadding woman. Durh. Fr,AP-DOCK, s. Foxglove. Devon. FLAPDOODLE, s. The pretended nourishment of fools. West. FLAP-DRAGON, s. (1) Raisins, &c., taken out of flaming spirits and swallowed. An old Christmas amusement for children. (2) The lues venerea. FLAPE, v. To make a noise whou sipping liquids with a spoon. Northampt. FLAP-JACK,*. (1) A pancake; an apple-puff. And 'tis in request among gentlemen's daughters to devour their cheese-cakes, apple-pies, cream and custards, fmp- jacks, and pan-puddings. Jovial Craw, 0. PI., x, 333. (2) The lapwing. Suffolk. (3) A flat thin piece of meat. East. FLAPPER, s. A young duck which has just taken wing. FLAPPE-SAWCE, s. A glutton. Nowehathe this glutton, i. this flappe- sawce, the thyng that he may plen- tuously swallowc downe hole. Palsgrave's Acolastu*, 16+0. FLAPPY, s. Wild; unsteady. North. FLA 457 FLA , s. Broad mushrooms. East. FLAPSE, (1) v. To speak flippantly. (2) *. An impertinent fellow. Beds. FLAPSY, adj. Flabby. Beds. FLARE, *. (1) Fat round a pig's kidney. Var. d. (2) Spittle. Somerset. FLARNECK, v. To flaunt vulgarly. East. FLARRANCE, s. A bustle, or hurry. Norf. FLASH, (1) v. To dash. (2) *. A perriwig. North. (3) *. A sheaf of arrows. (4) v. To trim a hedge. East. (5) s. A pool. See Flosche. (6) To make a flash, to let boats down through a lock. West. To cut a flash, to make a show for a short time. FLASHES, *. The hot stages of a fever. South. FLASHY, adj. (1) Showy; gay. (2) Loose ; insipid. FLASKER, v. (1) To flutter. North. (2) To choke, or stifle. FLASKET, s. A clothes-basket ; a shallow washing-tub. FLASKIN, *. A small cask for carry- ing liquor to the field. Yorksh. FLAT, (1) s. A blow, or flap. (2) #. A smooth level place ; a field. (3) *. A hollow in a field. Gloue. (4) adj. Sorrowful; out of spirits. (5) *. A simpleton. (6) adv. Entirely. (7) *. A shallow basket, made of peeled osiers. Northampt. FLAT-BACK, s. A knife. North. FLAT-CAPS, s. A nick-name for the citizens of London, who wore fiat caps ; a cockney. Shew us (I pray) some reason how it haps, That we are ever hound to ve&re flat-caps, As though we had un!o a citie's trade Bin preutises, and so were free-i.ien made. Rowlands, Knave of Harts, 1613. FLATCHET, s. The stomach. Devon. FLATH, s. Filth; ordure. West. FLATHE, s. The ray. Pr. P. FLAT-IRON, . An iron without a box. FLATTVE, adj. Flatulent. FLATLING, \ adv. Flat. To strike FLATLONG, j flailing, to strike with the flat side. FLATLINS, adv. Peremptory. North. FLAT-MILK, *. Skimmed milk. Line. FLATOUR, s. (A.-N.~) A flatterer. FLAT-RHAN, s. Stratas of coal. Staff. FLATS, *. (1) A general term for small fresh-water fish. Suffolk. (2) The slightly burnt bricks on the top of a kiln. East. FLAT-STONE, *. A measure of iron- stone. FLATTEN, v. (A.-N.~) To slap. FLATTER-DOCK, s. Pond weed. Chesh. FLAUGH, (1) v. To flay. Flaw/her, a flayer. See Flawe. Well, well, go in and noint yonr hack, neighbour, you have been finely fiAngh'd, ha, ha, ha; sir, you are an excellent fiavffher, ha, ha, ha. Batenscroft, London Cuckolds, 1682. (2) pret. t. Flew ; fled. FLAUGHTEK, (1) v. To frighten. Yorksh. (2) *. Thin turf. North. FLAUMPEYNS. See Flampoyntes. FLAUN, *. A sort of baked custard. Fill oven full of fauns, Ginny pass not for sleep, To-morrow thy father his wake-day will keep. fiuser. With green cheese, clouted cream, with flmcw and custards stor'd, Whig, cyder, and with whey, I domineer a lord. Drayt., Nymphal., C. This quarter is welcome to young lads and lasses ; for now comes in a whole Spring tide of cherries, gooseberries, rasberries, genitins, peascods, custards, cheese-cakes, faiom, and fools. Poor Robin, 1738. FLATCH, v. To flatter. North. j FLAUNTS, . Fineries. Shakesp. FLA FLE FI.AUT, s. A roll of wool ready for spinning. North. FLAYER, *. Froth ; foam. Line. FLAW, s. (1) A violent storm of wind. AVIiat flaws, and whirles of weather, Or rather storms, have been aloft these three days. B. $ Fl., Pili/rim, iii, 6. (2) A quarrel. (3) A thick cake of ice. FLAWCH, v. (1) To spread the mouth affectedly, like a country bumpkin. East. (2) To dress showily FLAWE, (1) v. To flay. Pr. P. Still in use in Sussex. Compare tan-flawing. To bark timber. Kent. (2) *. A spark. Tille the flames of fyre Flawmes one theire helmes. Morte Artliure. (3) adj. Yellow. (4) *. A square piece of heath- turf, dried for fuel. Yorksh. FLAWGHT, s. A flake of snow. FLAWPS, *. An awkward, slovenly person. North. FLAXEN, r. To beat, or thrash. Northampt. FLAXEN-EGG, *. An abortive egg. Devon. FLAX-WIFE, . A woman who spins. FLAY, (1) v. To mix. An old term in cookery. (2) To take the chill off liquor. (3) v. To pare turf from meadow- land with a breast-plough. West. (4) To frighten. Flaysome, fright- ful. North. FLAY-BOGGARD, *. A hobgoblin. MM**. FLAY-CRAW, . A scarecrow. Cra- ven. FLAYRE, *. Smell ; odour. FLAZE, (1) v. To blaze. (2) *. A smoky flame. FLAZZ, adj. Newly fledged. Kent. FLAZZARD, *. A stout flaunting woman. East. FLEA, v. (1) To flay. North. (2) To send one away with a flea in his ear, to dismiss him with a rebuke. A very old phrase. FLEA-BITE, s. A trifling hurt. FLEA-BITTEN, adj. Of a dark speckled colour. FLEACHES,*. The pieces into which timber is divided by the saw. East. FLEAD, (1). Lard. Kent and Suss. (2) pret. t. Stood. Cumb. FLEA-DOCK, s. The butter-burr. FLEAK, (1)*. A small lock, thread, or twist. (2) s. A little insignificant person. (3) v. To tire, or exhaust. North. (4) *. A flounder. Northumb. (5) s. A variegated snail-shell. Line. (6) s. A sort of hurdle. (7) *. A rack for bacon. North. FLEAKING, *. Small spreading branches put as a first layer over the rafters in thatching. East. FLEAKY, adj. Flabby. North. FLEAM, s. A water-course. North. FLEAMY, adj. Clotted with blood. Line. J>LE.AVi,part.p. Flayed. FLEASH, s. The substance under the rind of herbs. FLEBLED, part. p. (A.-N.} Enfee- bled. FLEBRING, *. Slander. Skinner. FLECCHE, v. To separate from ; to quit. FLECK, (1) v. (A.-S.) To spot. Piers PI. We'll /e our white steeds in your Chris- tian blood. Four Prentices, 0. PI., x, 533. And full of gergon as is bflecken pye. The Ordinary, 0. Pi., x, 233. (2) s. A crack, or defect ; a spot. North. (3) v. To fly. Chesh. (4) *. A flitch. Northumb. (5) *. Lightning. East. (6) v. To comb. Hence flecken- comb, a comb with large teeth. South. FLE 459 FLE (7) v. To rob of. East. (8) . A sore place in the flesh where the skin is ruhbed off. Line. Also, the flesh itself. (9) 8. The down of animals. East. fi.ECKKT>,part.p.(A.-N.') Arched; vaulted. FLECKSTONE, "I *. A small stone FLEEKSTONE, J used in spinning. FI.ECT, v. To allure. Hall. FLECTEX, v. To abound. Skinner. FLED, adj. Damaged by the fly, or wet weather. Shropsh. PLEDGERS. Same as Flappers. FLEE, (1) v. To fly. (2) s. A fly. North. FLEE-BY-THE-SKY, s. A flighty per- son. North. FLEECH, (1) s. A turn. Nash. (2) v. To wheedle. North. FLEE-FLOWNS, s. Fly-blows in meat. Dorset. FLEEING-EATHEK, s. The dragon- fly. North. FLEEK, s. A flitch. North. FLEEN, s. pi. Fleas. FLEENURT, s. A yellow field flower. Lane. FLEER, (1) v. To laugh, or sneer. " \fleere, I make an yvell coun- tenaunce with the mouthe by uncoveryng of the tethe." Pals- grave. A crafty fellow I feare, he is so full of courtesie, anil some cousoning com- panion, he hath such afleariny counte- nance ; now he eieth you, sir, his head is bare. Man in the Moone, 1G09. A sniooth-tongu'd fellow of our citty fashion, That with What lack yon? gives his salu- tation, AnA fleering fawnes, and fawning flatters all, Cluim'd quaiutance of a country-man at's stall. Rowlands, Kn. of Sp.^- Di. (2) s. A sneer; a contemptuous look. Do but encave yourself, And mark ihe fleers, the gibes, and notable scorns That dwell in ev'ry region of his face. Shakes., Oth'.ll, iv, 1. FI.EET, (1) v. To float. South. (2) *. A salt-water tide creek. (3) s. Any stream ; water. (4) v. To skim milk, or any other liquor. Fleet-milk, skim- med milk. Fleetings, curds. Fleeting-dish, a shallow dish for skimming off' the cream. North. (5) adj. Shallow. Pr. P. Still used in several dialects. (6) s. The windward side. Somer- set. (7) v. To gutter, as a candle. Glouc. FLEETING, s. A perquisite. Line. FLEGE, s. Sedge grass. MS. Ibth cent. FLEGEL, s. (A.-N.) A flagelet. FLEGG, s. A fly. Northumb. FLEGGE, adj. (A.-N.) Severe; terrible. FLEGGED, adj. (1) Fledged. East. (2) Parted ; shaped. FLEIH, part. p. Flew ; fled. FLEINGALL, s. A kestrel hawk. FI.EINGE, adj. Flying about. In the begininse of Feb. 1587 anil in nil that raoneth, ther was many lies ami fleinge talles, mid strange newes anil rumours, verie many like to make nn uprore, which made many folkes almost c at their wites end to hear tlierof. MS. Ashm., 384, tbl. 156. FLEITER, v. To prop the bank of a brook damaged by a flood. Derb. FLEKED, part. p. Bent. FLEKRAND. Smiling. B. de Brunrtc. FLEM, . A farrier's lancet. FLEME, (1) . (A.-N.) A river, or stream. 2) *. A large trench cut for draining. West. (3) v. (A.-S.) To banish. Flemer, a banisher. FI.KMKD, part. p. Burnt. FLEMNOUS, s. A phlegmatic person. FLEN, . pi. Fleas. FLENE, v. (A.-S.) To fly. FLEOTEN, r. (A.-S.) To float; to sail. FLEPPER, (1) *. The under lip. FLE 460 FLI (2) r. To hang the lip. North. FLERYE, v. To fleer. FLESCHELYHEDE, . (/.-.) Flesh- liness ; carnality. FLESH, (1) r. To "fatten. (2) To strengthen ; to incite. (3) Flesh and fell, muscle and skin. FLESH-AXE, s. A cleaver. FLESHING-BEAM, "I *. A wooden in- FLESH-BEAM, J strument used by tanners to suspend the hides to be dressed. FLESHLY, adj. Flexible. FLESHMENT, *. Pride, encouraged by success. FLESSHAMYLS, *. Shambles. FLET, *. (A.-S.) A floor; a cham- ber ; a field. FLETCH, *. A plank. Northampt. FLET-CHEESK, *. Cheese made of skimmed milk. East. FLETCHER, s. (A.-N.) An arrow- maker. FLETCHERED, adj. (1) Having variegated feathers, applied to poultry. (2) Red, applied to a horse. Sujf. FLETCHES, . Green pods of peas. East. FLETE, (1) . To float. The order of the fyldes and medows belungynpe to Shotterey, and how many acres the farmer sliowd have lyeng and fletyng. Stratford MS. (2) pret . t. Flew. Gawayne. FLETERE, v. To flitter. Lydg. FLETMITTE, #. Skimmed milk. North. FLETSHER, *. A young peas-cod. East. FLETT, (1) . A fliting, or scolding. (2) pret. t. Flitted. FLEUKS, *. Vermin in the livers of diseased sheep. Far. d. FLEW, (1) adj. Shallow. "Fleweor not deape, but as one maye wade. Brevia." Huloet. Still used in this sense in Somerset. (2) adj. Washy ; tender. North. (3) s. The do\vn of animals. Var. d. (4) s. A sort of fishing-net. (5) s. A lancet. Midi. C. (6) #. The chap of a hound. Flewed, having large hanging chaps. (7) adj. Weak ; delicate. Berks. FLEWKE, "1 *. A kind of fish ; a FLOKE, /species of plaice; the tunney. FLEWORT, s. The name of a plant. FLEXS, I T, , > s. Flesh. FLEYCH, J FLEXY, v. To fly. FLEY, pret. t. Fled. FLEYER, s. A kidney. MS. Ibth cent. FLEYNE, part. p. Banished. Hob. Glouc. FLEYS, *. (1) Fleas; flies. (2) A fleece. FLIBBERGIBBE, s. A sycophant. And when these flatterers and flibbfr- gibbes another day shall come and flaw you hy the back, your grace may answer them thus. Latimer, Sermons, fol. 39. FLIBBERGIBBER, . A lying knave. FLITTERTIGIIIBET, *. The name of a fiend. FLICK, (1) . A flitch of bacon. (2) s. The fatty membrane in the stomach of animals. West. (3) *. A slight blow. (4) v. To give a jerk. (5) *. A trial. South. (6) . To lap up. South. (7)s. The down of animals. East. FLICKER, v. (1) (4.-S.) To flutter. (2) To embrace. FLICKER-MOUSE, . A bat. FLICKETS, s. Blushes. Devon. FLICK-TOOTH-COMB. Acoarsecomb. Somerset. FLIDDER, s. A limpet. North. VnG,adj. Fledged. Palsgrave. Still used in Cheshire. FLIGGARD, s. A kite of a diamond form. Yorksh. FLIGG-DUST, s. The dust left in the FLI 461 FLI nest after the young birds are flown. Northampt. FLIGGED, adj. (1) Fledged. Var.d. (2) Entangled. Line. FLIGGER, v. To flutter. Var. d. FLIGGERS, (1) s. A plant ; the com- mon flag. East. (2) Young birds, ready to fly. FLIGHER, s. A ship's mast. FLIGHT, (1) v. To dispute; to contend. (2) s. A scolding match. North. (3) s. A light arrow. (4) *. Alight fall of snow. Oxfd. ( 5) *. The chaff of oats. East. (6) s. The first swarm of bees. (7) *. A second swarm of bees. East. (8) s. Sea-fowl shooting. South. (9) *. The flight of an arrow, about a fifth part of a mile, called also a flight-shot. FLIGH.TEN, v. To scold. North. FLIGHTER, *. A spark; an ember. North. FLIGHTS, (l)s. Turf cut into squares for fuel. Lane. (2) The chaff of corn. FLIG-ME-GAIREY, s. A gaudily dressed, but untidy girl. North. FLIGNESS, s. Plumage. Palsg. FLIM-FLAM, (1) s. A lie; nonsense. (2) adj. False ; nonsensical. FLINDGR-MOUSE, s. A bat. South. FLINDERS, s. Fragments. North. FLINE, part. p. Flown. FLING, (1) v. To kick ; to resent. Devon. (2) v. To baffle, or disappoint. North. (3) v. To dance, by throwing out the legs. North. (4) *. A finch. Line. FLINGING-TREE, s. A piece of tim- ber hung as a partition in a stall. North. FLINKET, s. A long narrow slip of land. Northampt. ELINTS, *. Refuse barley in malting. FLIP, (1) v. To fillip; to jerk. So* merset. To flip up, to turn up the sleeves. (2)s. A slight blow. East. (3) s. A drink made of beer, gin, and coarse sugar. Suffolk. This same/ipp and punch are rare drinks. Shidwell, TheScowrers, 1691. (4) adj. FAppant ; nimble. Devon, FLIPE, (1) v. To pull off. North. (2) *. The brim of a hat. (3) s. A flake of snow. FLIPPANT, adj. Lively; gay. I just met my doctor, and lie has giv'n me the rarest cordial methiiiks I am so flippant! Now, my little mouse, how do you ? Shall we walk in ? The Cheats, 1602. FLIPPER-DE-FLAPPER, s. Noise and confusion caused by show. Sussex. FLIPPERING, . Weeping. North. FLIPPITY-FLOP, adj. Awkward in fine clothes. Warw. FLIRE, v. To fleer. FLIRK, v. To jerk, or flip about. Wilts. FLIRT, v. To move nimbly ; to speak lightly or sarcastically. FLIRT-GILL, "Is. A forward FLIRT-GILLIAN, ^ and unconstant FLIRTIGIG, J girl; a woman of light behaviour. You heard him take me up like a flirt -gill. E.f-FL, Kn. ofS. Pestle, iv, 1. Thou took'st me up at every word I spoke As 1 had been a maukin, nflurt-ffillian. B. ff, Chances, iii, 1. FLIRTIGIG, (1) s. A wanton girl. (2) s. A pet ; a passion. FLISH, adj. Fledged. Devon. FLISK, (1) v. To skip, to flirt about ; to wince. North. Were fannes, and flappes of feathers fond, to flit away H\ejtiski>ig flies, As t;\ile of mare that hangs on ground, when heat of summer doth arrise, The wit of women we might praise 1'or finding out so great (in ease. Gossan's Pleasant Quippes, 1596. (2) v. To flick, as with a whip. Line. FLl 402 FLO (3) . A coarse comb. West. (4)*. A bundle of white rods to brush away cobwebs and dust. Glouc. FLIT, (1) r. To fly ; to escape. Spenser. (2) v. To remove ; to change one's residence. (3) v. To leave work unfinished. West. (4) adj. Shallow ; thin. Sussex. (5) v. To tether. FLITCH, (1) v. To move from place to place. Norf. (2) adj. Officious ; lively. Wilts. FLITCHEN, s. A flitch of bacon. West. Fower flitchlm of hacon and Martlemas beef. Inventory, Stratford on Avon MSS. FLITB, v. (A.-S.) (1) To scold; to brawl. Still used in the North. (2) To flit ; to fly. FLITER, *. A scold. North. FUTTEN, v. To remove a horse into fresh pasture. Oxfordsh. FLITTER, (1) v. To droop. Line. (2) v. To scatter in pieces. FLITTERING, adj. ( 1 ) Floating. (2) Sleety. Dorset. FLITTER-MOUSE. See Flinder- mouse. FLITTERS, . (1) PJeccs; rags. Somerset. (2) Small pancakes. South. (3) The residue of the leaf of a fig, in making lard. Northampt. FLIX, *. (1) The flux. (2) The fur of a hare Kent. FLIZ, . A splinter. North. Fliz- zoms, flying particles; sediment of flour. East. FLIZZEN, . To laugh sarcastically. North. FLYTTEBYNGE, pret. a. "Lyght- nynge, and nolflytterynge." The FestyvaU, 1528, fol. xliv. FLO, (1) s. (A.-S.) An arrow. (2) v. To flay. FLOAT, (1) s. (A.-S.) Flood. 2 j A kind of raft. North. (3) v. To irrigate land. West. (4) v. To pare off the sward. Floating-shovel, a shovel for cut- ting turf. Shropsh. (5) pret. t. Chid, or scolded. Yorksh. FLOAT-GRASS,*. Grass growing in swampy ground. Devon. FLOATING, *. Hemorrhage. So- merset. FLOATS, s. The wooden frames that hang over the sides of a w-aggon. East. FLOAT-WHEY, s. Curds made from whey. Northumb. FLOATY,*. Rank, as herbage. Devon. FLOBBER, (1) . Loose flabby flesh. Norlhampt. (2) v. To hang loose. FLOCCIPEND, v. (Lat.) To despise; to make no account of. FI.OCK, s. A hurdle. Devon. FLOCKET, "1*. A loose garment FLOKKARD, j with large sleeves, worn at the beginning of the 16ih cent. Skeltea, ii, 161). FLOCKLY, adv. In ambush ; in a heap. " Flocklye, or in a bushe- ment. Confertim." Huloet. FLOCK-LET, s. A mark on sheep reaching from the hip to the bucket joint. East. FLOCKMEL, adv. (A.-S.) In a flock. FLOCK-POWDER, *. A powder ap- plied to cloih, to make it appear thick. If his cloth be xvii. yeards long, he will set him on a rack, and stretch him > ut with ropes, and racke him till the sinewes shrinke againe, whiles he hsith brought him to xviii. yeards. When tlu-y have brought him to that perfection, they have a pretie feate to thickc him againe. He makes me a powder lor it, and plaies the poticarie, they call it focke-powder, they do so incorporate it to the cloth, that it is wonderfuh to consider, truly a ^ood invention. Oh that so goodly wits should be so ill applied ! they may wel deceive the peo- ple, but they cannot deceive God. Latimer'i Sermoni. FLOCKS, a. (1) Inferior wool. FLO 463 FLO (2) Sediment ; Defuse. FCOCKY, adj. Over-ripe: woolly. Suffolk. FLODDERED,ie competently as wolle serve jow. Ib. (3) v. To be diluted. To make rede water; takebrasylle that flotyn, and put hit into an erthyne notte, wiih ly made of lynie, that lilt be wesshe, and selhe hit to the halven- dele. Jb. (4) 8. Dew. Surrey. (5) s. A sort of rough boat, use/-' formerly on the Severn. FLO 464 FLU () part.p. Grieved. FLUTED, adj. Flooded ; watery. FLOTEN, adj. Distant. FLOTER, j ( ^_ 5) To float> FLOTTERE, J x ' FLOTHERY, arff. Slovenly, and showy. Far. rf. FLOTHRE, *. Flakes of snow. FLOTIS, s. (A.-S.) The froth from boiling. FLOTSAM, s. Goods floating on the sea. FLOTTE, t?. To flow. FLOTTEN-MTLK. See Fletmitte. PLOUGH, (1) adj. Bleak; windy. North. (2) *. A flea. Ckesh. FI.OUGHTER, v. To terrify. North. FLOUNDAB, s. A flounder. Suffolk. FLOUNDERS, s. Animals found in the livers of rotten sheep. Sussex. FLOUNT, v. To strut about in gaudy dress. Var. d. FLOUR, #. Soft thread or silk hang- ing loosely, as on a tassel. FLOURETTE, s. (Fr.) A small flower. FLOURISH, (1) v. To ornament. (2) s. A blossom. North. FI.OURON, s. (Fr.) A border of flower-work. FLOUT, (1) s. A boy's whistle. So- merset. (2) *. A truss, or bundle. Warw. sr Besyde my bed thou must goe And take up nfloute of strawe. MS. Ashmole 61, xv. cent (3) v. To express anger by ges- tures. Berks. FLOUTERSOME, adj. Frolicksome. North. FLOW, adj. Untractable. North. FLOWCH, s. An old term of re- proach. FLOWER-TABBY, adj. A silk ? 1668, March 26th. "To the duke of York's house to see the new play, called 'The Man is the Master;' when the house was (for the hour), it being not cue o'clock, very full. My wile extra- ordinary fine in her floicer-tabby suit, and every body in love with it ; and indeed she is very handsome in it." Pcpys. FLOWER, r. (A.-N.) To foam. FLOWERY, adj. Florid. North. FLOWISH, adj. Immodest. North. FLOWR, s. A flaw or imperfection. Heywood, 1556. FLOWT, s. (A.-S.) Flood ; a wave. FLOWTING, *. Carding wool to spin in the mixture. North. FLOYGENE, ~| FLOYNE, V s. A sort of ship. FLEYNE, J FLOYTE, 1 . fl , t FLU, adj. Sickly looking. Kent. FLUBSY-FACED, adj. Plump-faced. North. FLUCE, v. (1) To plunge. (2) To warm the legs by means of a dick-pot. ~Northam.pt. FLUE, (1) adj. Shallow. East. (2) s. The coping of a gable or end of a house. East. (3) *. The nap or down of anything. (4) Same as F'em, and Doul(l). FLUE-FULL, adj. Brimful. Yor/cs/i. FLUELUN, s. The plant veronica. FLUFF, (4.-S.) Same as Flue (3). FLUGGAN, s. A coarse fat woman. North. FLUISH, adj. Washy ; weak ; loose in morals. North. FLUIT, *. To flnits, horse-coursers, sellers, and to buyers, To prisoners, to night-farmers and to Imiome-men, To all estates ol forrai fool up, to practise any folly to excess. FOOL-BEGGED, adj. Absurd. Shakesp. FOOLEN, s. A narrow strip of land between the embankment of a river and the ditch on the land side. Suffolk. FOOL-HAPPY, adj. Fortunate. Spens. FOOL-PLOUGH, s. A pageant of sword-dancers dragging a plough. Still practised in the North of England. FOOLS'-PARADISE, *. Deceptive good fortune or joy. To bring into a fools' paradise, to make a fool of. Of trust of this arte riseth joyes nice, 1'or lewde hope isfooles Paradice. Ashmolc's Theat. Chem., \f>:>*. Nos opinantet ducimurfalso gavdio. He brings us silly ones into a foolts jiarn- dite. " Tertnce in English, 10-H. FOOR, s. (1) A furrow. North. (2) A ford. Yor/csh. (3) A strong scent. Line. FOORZES,*. S&measBever(l).East. FOOSEN, *. Generosity. North. FOOT, s. The burden of a song. FOOT-ALE, s. Beer given by a work- man on entering a new place. FOOT-BOAT, . A boat for foot pas sengers only. West. FOOT-BRIG, *. A plank across brook. Northampt. FOOT-BROAD, *.The breadth of a foot FOO 469 FOO FOOT-CLOTH, *. Housings of cloth, hanging down on every side of a horse, sometimes used for state, and at others as a mark of gen- tility. There is one sir Bounteous Progress newly alighted from his foot-cloth, and his mare waits at door, as the fashion is. Mad W. my Mast., O. PI., v. 349. I am a gentleman, With as much sense of honour as the proudest Don that doth ride on's foot-cloth, and can drop Gold to the numerous minutes of his age. Shirley's Brothers, i, 1. FOOTER, (1) v. To idle. (2) *. An idle, worthless fellow. South. FOOTERY, adj. False ; deceitful ; slippery. Berks. FOOTE-SAUNTE, s. A game at cards, practised in the 16th century. FOOT-HEDGE, Is. A slight, dry FOOT-SET, J hedge of thorns, to protect a newly planted hedge. FOOTING. " To pay footing," is to pay a fine or forfeit on first doing anything, and foot-ale is the fine spent in beer on a workman's first entering a new place of employ- ment. Colling is used in a similar sense. FOOTINGS, s. The first courses in the foundation of a building. FOOTING-TIME, *. The time when a woman gets up after child- birth. Norf. FOOTLING, #. (1) A small foot. (2) Anything no bigger than one's foot. (3) Footmarks. Leic. FOOT-LOCKS, *. Corn or hay col- lected on the feet of mowers during work. Var.d. FOOT-MAIDEN, . A waiting maid. FOOTMAN, . A foot-soldier. FOOTMAN'S-INN,*. A mean lodging. Which at the heeles so hants his frighted ghost, That he at last, in footman' s-i^ne must host, Some cas;le dolorous comp^s'd of stone, Like (let me see) Jiewsrate is sucli a or.e. Rowlands, Knave of Harts, 1613. FOOT-MANTLE, *. A garment wrap- ped round the lower parts of a lady on horseback. Uppon an amhlere esely sche sat, Wymplid ful wel, and on hire heed an hat As brood as is a bocler or a targe ; A foot-mantel aboute hire hupes large, And on hire feet a paire of spores scharpe Chaucer, Cant. T.,471. FOOTMEN, . Thin slight shoes. FOOT-PACE, s. The raised floor at the upper end of a dining-hall ; a landing-place on a staircase ; a hearthstone. Gaule, in his ' Mag- astromancers posed andpuzzel'd,' mentions, among other vain ob- servations and superstitious omi- nations thereupon, " the crickets chirping behind the chimney stock, or creeping upon the foot- pace." FOOT-PLOUGH, . A sort of plough. Qu. When did wheel-ploughes come into use? I think but about 1630. They serve best iu stony land. Foot- ploughes are somewhat later. Aubrey's Wilt* FOOT-POST, *. A letter-carrier who went on foot. He takes away the relation betwixt a lawyer and his client; and makes it generally extend to the clearks in offices; vender whose safegard hee hath his li- cence seal'd to travaile : a. foot-post and hee differ in the discharge of their packet, and the payment -. for the in- former is content 'to tarry the next tearme (perhaps) till a judgement. Slephens's Essays and Characters, 161 5 FOOT-PRODS, s. Large nails, usually three in number, fixed to the bottoms of shoes to prevent slip- ping, &c. East. FOOT-RILLS, *. Coalworks open to the air. Staff. FOOT-SHEETS, s. Sheets used at the bottom of a bed. Wardrobe Ace. Edw. IV. FOOTSOM,*. Neat's foot oil. Shrojjsh. FOOT-SPORE, *. A foot-mark. FOO 470 FOR FOOT -STALL, . The foot or base of a pillar. Nomenclator, 1585. FOOT-STOOL, . A sort of stirrup or support for the feet of a woman riding on a pillion. FOOT-TRAP, s. The stocks. "Cippus. Un cep. The stocks, or foote- trap." Nomenclator, 1585. FOOT-TRENCHES, *. Superficial drains a foot wide. North. foOTY t adj. Trifling; mean. Var.d. Fooz, s. The plant sempervivum teucrium FOP, (1) . A conceited fool. (2) e. To act foolishly. FOPDOODLE,. A sillyfellow; a dupe. Come, come, you brace otfopdoodles. ShadweU, Bury Fair, 1689 FOPPET, s. A foolish person. FOPPY, adj. Light, puffy, moorish, applied to land. East. POPSTER, s. A cutpurse. Dekker. FOR, as a prefix to verbs, gives in- tensity or a destructive significa- tion, as from bete, to beat, for- bete, to beat to pieces, to beat to death. It answers to the modern German ver-. It is only neces- sary to give the examples inwhich the original meaning of the word has undergone any particular modification. FORACRE, s. The headland of an arable field. Kent. FORAGE, s. (Fr.) Fodder ; food. FOR-AND. And also. FOR-BARRE, v. To hinder ; to pre- vent ; to interpose. FORBEAR, . To give way to another. FOR-BECAUSE. Because. FORBKLO, s. A furbelow. Wild. To see a lady in disabilee, with her night cloatha pleated about her fare, like a fortification at a pastry-cooks, and another forbelo'd from top to toe, like a Friesland lieu Why, we gaze in- deed, because .Nature's brought to bed of a monster. Vice Reclaim' d, 1703. FOR-BERE, v. (A.-S.) To abstain. FORBETE, *. The plant devil's-bit. FORBISNE, "1 *. (A.-S.} An exam- FORBYSENE, J pie ; a parable. FOR-BITEN, v. To bite to pieces. 'FoR-BLEDE, . To bleed copiously. For-bledd, covered with blood. FOR-BLOWE, v. (1) To blow about. (2) To swell ; to blow or puff up. FOR-BODE, \s. A denial; a pro- FOR-BOTT, / hibition. FORBORER, s. A furbisher. FORBOWS, *. The breast of an animal. Craven. FOR-BREKE, r. To break in pieces ; to destroy. FOR-BRISSUTE, part. p. Broken ; bruised. FOR-BROIDE, adj. Very great ; im- measurable ; overgrown. FOR-BURTHE, . (1) Birth-right ; first birth. (2) The first-born. FOR-BUT, s. The top rail at the front of a cart or wagon. Northampt. FoRBY,prq. (A.-S.) (1) Past; near. (2) Besides; in addition to. Cumb. FOR-BYE, v. (A.-S.) To ransom ; to redeem. For-bought, re- deemed. FORBYER, s. (A.-S.) The Redeemer. FOR-CARVB, v. To cut in pieces ; to cut through. FORCE, (1) v. To regard, or care for. Thus he in office plaste, Puft up with princely might, Not/orri<7 Aretafila His mother-law a whit, Nor any of his blood. Turbenilk's Tragicall Tales, 1587- (2) v. To strive. Howbeit in the ende, perceiving those men did more fiercely force to gette up the MIL North's Plutarch. (3) . To urge in argument. Shakesp. (4) v. To stuff, whence force, 1 meat, still used for stuffing. To what form, but that he is, should wi 7 larded with malice and malice forced with wit turn him ? Shakesp., Tro. $ Cr. v. 1. (5) v. To exaggerate. FOR 471 FOR With fables vaine my historic to fill, Forcing my good, excusing of my ill. Mirror for Magist., p. 62. (6) v. To fatten animals. East. (7) v. To clip, shear, or shave. (8) v. To clip off the upper and more hairy part of wool. (9) adj. Strong. (10) s. A waterfall. North. (11) Offeree, necessarily. "Then of force shee must be worth the fetching." Heywood's Iron Age, 1632. No force, no matter. / do or give no force. I care not. Syr (quod the felowe), I truste ye wyll beare me recorde that I have hit nat. Ko by the masse quod lie, thou were on the pyllorie the whyle. Than no force quod the felow and wente his waye. Tales and Quiclce Answeres, i, p. 97. FORCER, *. (A.^N.) A chest; a coffer, or casket. FORCETIS, *. Forceps ; shears. Caxton. PORCHES, *. (Fr.) (1) The spot where two roads branch off from one. Devon. (2) The haunches of a deer. FOR-CHOSEN, part. p. Chosen pre- viously. FORCIPATION, s. (from Lot. for- ceps") Tearing with pincers. FOR-CLOSE, v. To shut up. FOR-COME, v. To prevent. FOR-CRASED, adj. Crazy ; mad. FOR-CUTTE, v. (A.-S.) To cut through. FORD, v. To afford; to sell. FoR-DARKE.fl.^.-S'.) Tomakedark. FORDBOH, s. The plant dodder. FOR-DEDE, *. A former deed. FORDELE, *. Aii advantage. See Afterdeale. FORDEME, (A.-S.) v. To condemn. FORDER, v. To further, or promote. FOR-DEWE, , To wet with dew. FORDIT. Shut up. W. Afapes,p. 345. FOR- DO, v. To undo; to ruin; to destroy. FOR-DREDE, v. To terrify greatly. FOR-DREINT, part. p. Drowned. FOR-DRIVE, v. To drive away; to drift. FOR-DRONING, s. Trouble ; dis- turbance. FOR-DRONKEN, part. p. (1) Drowned. (2) Very drunk. FOR-DRY, adj. Very dry. FOR-DULLE, (1) v. To be stupified. (2) adj. Very dull. FOR-DWINE, v. To waste away. FORDYNG, s. (A.-S.) Destruction. FORE, (1) pret. t. Went; fared. (2) *. Faring; going. (3) part. p. Before ; having any- thing forthcoming. (4) s. A ford. North. (5) s. A furrow. FOREBIT, . The plant devil's-bit. Cotgrave. FOREDALE, . The pudding of a cow towards the throat. Shropsh. FORE-DAYS, (1) s. Towards noon. Oxford. (2) To wards evening. Northumb. FORE-ELDERS,*. Ancestors. North. FORE-FAMILY, s. The ancestors of a family. East. FOREFENG, *. The first taking of a thing. West. FORE-FLANK, s. A projection of fat on the ribs of a sheep. North. FORE-FLAP, *. Bands. FORE-FRONT,*. The forehead. Pals. FOREGANGER, *. A forerunner. FOREHAMMER, . The large ham. mer which strikes before the smaller ones. FOREHAND-SHAFT, *. An arrow specially formed for shooting straight forward. Shakesp. FOREHEAD, *. An earth-ridge. FOREHEAD-CLOTH, *. A bandage formerly used by ladies to pre- vent wrinkles. FORE-HEET, (1) v. To forbid. (2) v. To predetermine. (3) . Forethought. North. FoRE-HENT,jar./?. Seized before. hand. FOR 472 FUR POREHEVEDE, s. (A.-S.) The fore- head. FOREIGNER, . A stranger to a lo- cality. In some parts of Kent all born in another parish are still called foreigners. FOREINE, *. (A.-N.) (1) A jakes ; a cesspool ; a drain. (2) A stranger ; a foreigner. FORELL, . (1) (Lot.} A bag, or purse. (2) A cover of a book. (3) A kind of parchment, much used for covers of books. FORELONG. The same as Foolen. FORELOW, adj. Slanting ; very low. East. FOREMAN, s. An ancestor. FOREMEN, s. An old cant term for geese. FOREMEST, adj. Earliest. FORE-MILK, s. The first milk after calving. North. FORENENST, prep. Opposite to; towards. FORENESS, *. A promontory. FORE-PAST, part. p. Past by. FOREPRTZE, v. To except; to ex- clude. FORE-READ, s. A preface. FORE-RIGHT, (1) adj. Straight-for- ward ; obstinate ; headstrong ; abrupt ; foolish. South. (2) *. The coarsest sort of wheaten bread. FORESAY, v. To foretell, or decree. FORE-SET, part. p. Previously or- dained. FORESHIP, *. The forecastle. FORESHOUTS, *. The double ropes which fasten the main-sail of a ship. FORESIGN, s. Divination. FORESLACK, v. To relax ; to neg- lect, or delay. Spenser. FORESLOW, 0. To delay ; to loiter. FORESPEAK. r. (1) To predict. (2) See For-speak. FORE-SPUR, . The fore-leg of poi k. Vest. FORESTEAD, #. A ford. Craven. FORESTER-OF-THE-FEE, S. One \vl)0 had a perpetual right of hunting in a forest on paying to the crown a certain rent for the same. FORE-STOOLS, s. The fore part of a cart, which projects over the horse. East. FORESTOWE, v. To waste. This summer must not be lost, nor any minute of time forestoved, to reduce them of Scotland, lest, by protraction here they gain time and advantage to frame their parties with foreign states. Speech in Parliament, 1640 (Rushtrorth). FOREST-WHITES, *. A sort of cloths. FORE-SUMMERS, s. A sort of plat- form projecting over the shafts of a cart. East. FORE-TOKEN, *. A warning. FORETOP, *. (lj The forehead. " His fax and his foretoppe." Morte Arthurs. (2) An erect tuft of hair on the head. Suff. Used in this sense by Ben Jonson. For with far lesser danger you mav read Trithemius charms, or view the Gorgon's head. Nor must we now forget the children too, Who with their fore-tops gay stand up i' th" pew, Brought there to play at church, and to lie chid, And for discourse at meals what children did. Satyr against Hypocrites, 16b'J. FORE- WARDEN, part. p. Destroyed. North. FOREWARE, v. To indemnify. Som. FORE-WATCH, v. To watch inces- santly. FORE-WAY, *. A high road. North. FORE-WETING.S. (A.-S.} Foreknow- ledge. FOR-FAGHTE, "1 part. p. Weary FOR-FOGHTEN, J with fighting. FORFAITE, r. (A.-N.) To niisdo; to offend. FOR-FARE, v. To go to ruin ; to perish. FOR-FERE, . To terrify exceed- ingly. FOR-FLYTE, v. To scold much. FOR 473 FOR FOR-FOR, conj. Wherefore. Hearne. FOR-FRETEN, v. (A.-S.) To eat to pieces. ~FoR-TFROK.il, part. p. Frozen. Caxt. FOR-GABBEN, v. (A.-N.) To mock. FORGAIT, . The start. North. FORGATHER, v. To encounter. North. FORGE, v. To invent. Forgetive, inventive. FORGETILSCHIP, s. Forgetfulness. FOR-GIME, v. To transgress. FORGIVE, . To begin to thaw. Var. d. FOR-GLUTTEN, V. (A.-S.) To de- vour, or swallow up. FOR- GO, v. (1) To lose; to spare. (2) To forsake. FOR-GOER, *. One who goes before. FOR-GRAITHED, part. p. (A.-S.) Quite prepared. FOR-GROWEN, part. p. Overgrown. FOR-GULTE, v. (A.-S.) To recom- pense. FOR-HALE, v. To harass ; to plague. FOR-HEDE, v. To behead. FOR-HELE, v. (A.-S.) To conceal. For-hole, concealed. FOR-HEWE, v. (A.-S.) To despise. FOR-HILE, v. (A.-S.) To protect. For-hiler, a protector. FOR-HORYD, part. p. Very hoary. FOR-HUNGRED, part. p. (A.-S.) Famished. FOR-JUGED, part. p. Wrongfully judged. FOR-JUSTE, v. To joust with at a tournament. FORK, *. (1) The lower half of the body. (2) A haunch of a deer. FORK-DUST, . The dust made in grinding forks. Sheffield. FORKED, *. The fourchure. Devon. FORKED-CAP, s. The mitre. FORKELYD, adj. Wrinkled with age. FOR-KERVE, V. (A.-S.) TO CUt through. FORKET, . (Fr.fourchette.) A little fork. FORKIN-ROBIN,*. An earwig. A'or^A- ampt. FORKS,*. (1) The gallows. (2) Parcels of wood. Lane. FOR-LADDER,*. The moveable rails at the front of a cart or wagon for extending the length. North- amp t. FOR-LADEN, part. p. Overladen. FOR-LAFE, \ part. p. Left off en- FOR-LAFT, J tirely ; dismissed. FOR-LAINE, part. p. Rechased. FOR-LANCE, V. To CUt off. FOR-LAYNE. See For-lye. FOR-LEDE, v. (A.-S.) To mislead. FOR-LEND, v. To give up. FOR-LESE, v. (A.-S.) To lose en- tirely. FOR-LETE, v. To abandon ; to lose ; to forsake ; to leave desolate. FOR-LITHE, v. (A.-S.) To force a woman, or ravish. FOR-LORE, part. p. (A.-S.) Utterly lost. FOR-LORN, adj. (1) Worthless; re- probate. East. (2) Thin ; diminutive. Shakesp. FORLORN-HOPE, *. A party of sol- diers sent in advance to skirmish. FORLOYNE, . A term in hunting. A chase in which some of the hounds have tailed, and the huntsman is a-head of some and following others; also, when a hound going before the rest of the cry, meets chase, and goes away with it. FORLUKE, FORLOKE, i. Providence. For I hade thre hundrythe powunde of rente, I spcndest two in that entente. Of suche/or/ofo was I. Sir Amadace. FOR-LYE, v. (A.-S.) (1) To lie with a woman; futuere. Often witli the implication of force. That thurch forth hir cliaumberlain Wald Lave liir/or lain. Arthour $- Merlin, p. 53 (2) To overlay and kill a child. FOR 474 FOR FORM, (I) s. The seat of a hare. (2) . To squat down as a hare. FORMAL, adj. Sober; in a right form ; in one's right senses. FORMALLY, ado. In the form of another ; in a certain form. The very devil assum'd tbee formally, That face, that voice, that gesture, that attire. A Jfad World, O. PI., v, 376. FORMAR, adj. First ; highest. FORMAST, adj. (A.-S.) Earliest ; foremost. FORMAT, . To bespeak. North. FORMAYLLE, *. The female of birds, but especially of a hawk. FORME, (1) adj. (A.-S.) First; former. (2) v. To teach ; to inform. FORMER, (1) *. A gouge. (2) *. An implement for holding pieces of a table together. (3) . The Creator. (4) adj. First. FORMERWARDE, s. The vanguard. FORMFADER,S.(^..S.) A forefather. FORMICA, s. A disease in hawks. FORMOSITY, s. (Lat.) Beauty. FORMOUS, adj. (Lat.) Beautiful. FORM-PIECES, s. An old term for the stones of the tracery of windows. FORN, adv. (A.-S.) Before. FORNE, adj. First, former, or fore. FORNE-CAST, adj. Premeditated. FORNESSE, s. A furnace. FOR-NIGH, adv. Very near. North. FOR-NODGBT, adv. Easily. FORNPECKLES, s. Freckles. Lane. FOR-OLDED, adj. Worn out with age. South. FORORD, part. p. Furred. FOR-OUTIN, prep: Without. FOROW, *. (A.-S.) A furrow. Take and put a welowe stoke in zforowc v-niade in the ertlie Rr the nonys, and lett hym growe then above. PorJdngton MS. Rachis rennyn one every syde, luforrous thei lioppe me tofynd; Honteris takythe there horse and ryde, And cast tlie couttray by the wynd. Ib. FOR-PINCHE. v. To pinch to pieces. FOR-PINE, v. To pine or starve to death ; to waste away. For -pined, niggardly. FOR-POSSE, v. To push violently. FORRAD, adv. Forward. Var. d. FoR-RAKYD,jt?arf./>. Overdone with walking. FORRAYSE, v. To foray, or lay waste. FoRRED,/?ar#.;. (A.-S.) Debilitated. FORREL, *. (1) (A.-N.) The cover of a book. (2) The border of a handker- chief. West. FORREOUR, s. (A.-N.) A scout, or forager. FORRESS-LAND,S. Assart land. Suss. FoR-RiGHT,arf7. Headstrong. South. FOR-SAKE, v. (A.-S.) To leave ; to omit ; to desist from ; to refuse, or deny. FoR-scAPTE,juar.;. Driven or ban- ished from. Chester PI., i, 44. FOR-SCHAPE, v. (A.-S.) To trans- form. FOR-SCYPPER, s. One who skipped over the Psalms in chanting. FORSE, v. To gnaw. FOR-SE, 1 v. To neglect ; to de- FOR-SEGH, J Spise. FORS-ELY, adj. Strong ; powerful. FOR-SETTE, v. (A.-S.) To shut close- in. FOR-SHAPEN, part. p. (I) Mis- shaped; transformed. (2) Unmade. FOR-SHRONKE, part. p. Shrunk up. FOR-SLEUTHE, V. (A.-S.) To lose through lying idle. FoR-st,ocKOND,/>ar/.j. Overdone. " For-slockond with ale." Reliq. Antiq., i, 84. FoR-SLONGEN,joar#. p. Devoured. FOR-SLYNGRED, part. p. Beat se- verely. FORSNES, *. Strength. Gawayne. FOR-SNEYE, v. To do evil slily. FOR-SONGEN, part. p. Weary of singing. FOR-SPEAK, v. (1) To bewitch. (2) To forbid. FOR 475 FOR-SPENT, part. p. Worn away. FORSPREAK, s. An advocate. FOR-SPREDE, v. To spread wide. FORST, *. Frost. FOR-STALLE, v. (A.-S.) To hinder; to forestall. FORSTER, s. A forester. FOR-STORMED, part. p. Beaten by storms. FOR-STRAUGHT, part. p. (A.-S.) Distracted. FoR-swAT,part.p. Covered with sweat. FOR-SWELTE, part. p. Killed. FOR-SWEREN, v. To swear falsely. FOR-SWINKE, v. To weary one's self with labour. FORSY, v. To stuff, or season, a dish. See Force. FORT, (1) adj. (A.-N.) Strong; powerful. (2) prep. Before. (3) prep. Till; until. (4) adj. Tipsy. FOR-TAXED, part. p. Overladen with taxes. FOR-TEACH, v. To unteach. Spens. FORTELACE, s. (A.-N.) A fortress. FORTELETTE, s. A little fort. FORTER, v. To thrash corn. North. FoRTEYN.p. (A.-N.) (1) To happen. (2) To prosper. FORTH, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Forwards. (2) v. To distrust ; to despair. (3) s. Theft. ' (4) adj. Out of temper. Devon. FOR-THAN, conj. (A.-S.) Therefore. FOR-THAT, conj. Because. FORTH-BY, adv. (A.-S.) Forward by. FORTHE, (1) v. (A.-S.) To forward, or bring forward. (2) s. A sort of liquor. Ne niedc, neforthe, no other licour That chaungeth wateres kende. William de Shoreham. FORTHE-DAYES, adv. The close of the day. FORTHE-GATE.S. (A.-S.) AjOUmCV. FORTHELY, adv. Readily. FORTHER-FETE, . The fore-feet. FORT&ERLY, adv. Forward ; early. North. FoRTH-HELDE,t). (A.-S.) To retain. FOR-THI, conj. (A.-S.) Therefore ; because. FOR-THINKE, V. (A.-S.) (1) To TC- pent. (2) To suspect ; to foresee. East. FORTH -ON, adv. For an indefinite period. Var. d. FORTH-RIGHT, . A straight path. FORTHWAR, adv. (A.-S.) Forthwith. , FORTH-WARDE, adv. Forward. FORTH-WERPE, v. To reject. FORTH-WORD, s. A bargain. FORTHY, adj. Forward ; pert. Cornw. FORT-MAYNE, s. (A.-N.) Main force. FOR-TO, prep. Till; until. FOR-TORNE, v. (A.-S.) To root up. FOR-TREDE, v. (A.-S.) To tread down. FORTRESSE, v. To fortify. FORTUIT, adj. (Lat.~\ Accidental. FORTUNE, v. (1) To happen. (2) To make fortunate ; to give fortune. FORTUNOUS, adj. Fortunate. FOR-WAKE, v. To be overcome with want of sleep. FOR-WANDRED, part. p. (A.-S.) Weary with wandering. FOR-WANYE, v. (A.-S.) To spoil. FORWARD, (1) . (A.-S.) An agree- ment, or covenant ; a promise. (2) *. (A.-S.) Destruction. (3) Half tipsy. Var. d. FoR-WAYE,t>.(^.-5.)Tolosetheway. FORWE, s. A furrow. FOR-WEARIED, part. p. Worn out. FoRWEEND,'arf/'. Humorsome; ca- pricious. Somerset. 1?OR-vrELK.Kn,part.p.(A.-S.) Much wrinkled. FOR-WEPT, part. p. Worn out with weeping. FOR-WHY, adj. Wherefore. FORWIT, . Prescience ; fore. thought. FOR-WONDRED, part. p. Over. whelmed with wonder. FOR 476 FOU FOR-WORN, joar/. p. Worn out. FOR-WORTHE, v. (A.-S.) Toperish. FOR-WRAPPE, v. To wrap up. FOR-WROGHT, joar/. p. Over-worked. FOR-WYTTYNG, s. Reproach. FOR-YAF, pret. t. Forgave. FOR-YAT, pret. t. Forgot. FOR-YELDE,. v. To repay; to re- quite. FOR-JEDE, v. To forego ; to lose ; to omit. FOR-JETYLLE, part. p. Forgetful. Pr. P. Foss, s. A waterfall. Craven. FOSSET, *. (A.-N.) A faucet. FOSS-FOOT, s. The impression of a horse's foot. Northampl. FOSSICK, , A troublesome person. Fossicking, troublesome. Warw. FOSSPLE, s. The impression of a horse's foot on soft ground. Cumb. FOSTAL, . A paddock to a farm- house, or a way leading to it. Sussex. FOSTALE, s. The track of a hare. FOSTER, *. A forester. To a lierte he let renne ; xij. fosters dyscryed hym then. ' JUS. 15M cent. And love as well ttiefosttr can, As can the mighty nobleman. Ballad 17th cent. FOSTRE, "I s. (A.-S.) Food; FOSTRING, J nourishment. For, v. To fetch. West. FOTE-HOT, adv. On the instant; immediately. FOTE-SETE, . A footstool. FOTEZ, s. pi. Feet. Gawayne. FOTH, . A fragment. Somerset. FOTHER, s. (A.-S.) A great quan- tity ; a burthen. FOTHERAM, s. An open space be- hind the rack, where the hay is placed ready to supply it. FOTIVE, adj. (Lot.) Nourishing. FOT-LAME, adj. Lame in the foot. Fou, adj. Tipsy ; full ; few. North. FOUCH, v. To quarter a buck. A hunting term. FOUCHE, v. To vouch. FOUDERSOME, adj. Cumbersome. Cumb. FOUDRE, s. (A.-N.) Lightning. FOUDREL, s. Apparently a sort of spice. FOUGADE, *. (Fr.). A sort of fire- work. FOUGHT, part. p. Fetched. Somers. FOUGHTY, adj. Musty. Line. FOUL, *. An ulcer in a cow's foot ; any disease that produces ulcers. North. FOULDAGE, s. The liberty of penning sheep by night. Norf. FOULDER, *. (A.-N.) Lightning. Foultring, flashing like lightning. FOULE, adv. Greatly. " Than was Kynge Herode foule astonyed of theyr wordes." The Festival, fol. Ixxv, 1528. FOULEN, v. (A.-S.) To defile. FOULER, *. A kind of ordnance. FOULMART, *. A polecat. North. FOUL'S-MARE, *. An old name for the gallows. FOULYNG, s. A wretch. FOUND, (1) v. To intend ; to de- sign. Westmorel. See Fonde. (2) v. To confound. See Greene's Works, ii, 200. (3) v. To mix; to dissolve. (4) Supplied with food. FOUNDAY, s. A space of six days. A term used by iron-workers to express the time in which they make eight tuns. FOUNDE, v. (A.-S.) To go towards ; to go. FOUNDER, v. To fall down; to cause to fall ; to give way. FOURBOUR, s. A furbisher. T?WRCHKD,part.p.(A.-N.) Forked. FOUR DAYS. A person is said to be four days in a week, who has not quite the use of his reason ; an idiot. Line. POURINGS, s. An afternoon meal taken at 4 o'clock in harvest-time. Norf. FOU 477 FOX FOURMEL, v. To do according to rule. FOUR-O'CLOCK, s. A meal taken by harvest labourers at that hour. Northampt, FOUR-RELEET, s. The crossing of two roads. Suffolk. FOURRIER, . (Fr.~) A harbinger. FOUR-SQUARE, adj. Quadrangular. Suffolk. FOURTE, adj. Fourteen. FOURTE-DELE, *. The fourth part. FOURTNET, s. A fortnight. FOUSE, (1) s. A fox. Craven. (2) adj. (4.-S.) Ready; wil- ling. FOUST, (1) adj. Soiled; mouldy; tumbled ; particularly applied to hay which from damp smokes and stinks when opened and taken abroad. West. (2) *. A labourer's beer-bottle. Line. FOUSTY, adj. Thirsty. Glouc. Four, *. A spoilt child. North. FOUTER, (1) adj. (Fr.) A term of contempt. North. (2) v. To thrash grain. North. FOUTH, s. Plenty. Northumb. FOUTNART, s. A foulmart. FOUTRA. (Fr.) A foutra for you, an expression of contempt. FOUTRY, adj. Mean ; paltry. East. FOUTY, (1) adj. Not fresh ; fusty. North. (2) *. (Fr.) A mean fellow ; a scoundrel. FOUWELE,-] ( ^ s FOWEL, J Fow, (1) adj. Foul. (2) s. Fur. FOWAYLE, s. Fuel ; provisions. FOWE. To cleanse out. " Fowe, or dense, or make cleane. Erudero." IMoet. Beter become the i-liche, For to fowen an old diche, Thanne for to be dobbed knight, Te gon among maidenes bright. Sates of Hamtoun, p. 45. FOWELERS, . (1) Small pieces of ordnance, carrying stone-shot, many of which were distinguished by the names of birds. (2) Stone-bullets. POWER, (l)s. A fainting fit. North. (2) See Fueler. FOWING, *. Fodder. North. FOWK, s. Folk ; people. Yorksh. FOWKEN, s. A falcon. FOWKIN, s. Crepitus ventris. FOWLE, (1) v. To catch birds. (2) *. A spoilt child. FOWNCE, v. To indent. FOWNDYNOE, s. Trial. See Fonde. FOWTE, v. Fault ; want. Fox, (1) v. To make drunk. Your Dutchman, when he's fait, is like i fox, For when he 's sunk in drink, quite earth to a man's thinking, 'Tis full exchange time with him, then he's subtlest. S. $ Fl., Fair Maid of tie Inn, Act ii, p. 363. Wei man'd, wel ship'd, wel victual'd, we! appointed, Weil in good health, well timbred and wel joynted : All wholly well, and yet not halfe fox'd well, Twixt Kent and Essex, we to Gravesend fell. Taylor's Workes, 1630. No sooner was he below, but his friend arrests him at Mr. Fox's suit, and by all means would make him pay his groat for being drunk. The Merry Exploits of Poor Rooiu, the Saddler of W'aUen, n. d. Then such as had but little coin Laid up in store to purchase wine, Must drink fair water, cyder, perry, Or mead instead of sack and sherry : Or have their throats with brandy drencli'd, Which makes men fox'd e'er thirst is quench'd. Poor Robin, 173. (2) *, The old English broad- sword. (3) v. To steal. FOXED, adj. Timber when it be- comes discoloured by incipient decay. Warw. FOXERIE, s. Foxish manners; knavishness. FOX-IN-THE-HOLE, g. An old game among boys, who hopped on ona leg, and beat one another wiiL FOX 478 FRA gloves or pieces of leather tied at the end of strings. " A kinde of playe wherein boyes lift up one leg, and hop on the other ; it is called fox-in-thy-hole." Nomen- clator, 1585. FOX-TAIL, . One, of the badges of a fool. To give one a flap with a fox-tail, to deceive or make a fool of him. FOXY, adj. A. terra for beer which has not fermented properly. Line. FOY, *. (A.-N.) Faith ; allegiance. (2) A merry-making given on particular occasions, as at parting. FOY-BOAT, s. An assistant boat used in piloting a vessel. FOYLE, (1) s. (A.-N.) Paste, or crust, for pies, &c. (2) v. To fallow land. (3) v. To defile. FOYLINGS, *. The marks left on grass by deer. FOYNE, s. A heap, or abundance. FoYNED,jpar.j. Kicked. Gawayne. FOYS, . A sort of tartlet. FOYTERERS, s. Vagabonds; va- grants. FOZY, (1) adj. Spongy ; insipid ; woolly. Var. d. (2) s. A choice delicacy. Devon. FRA, prep. (A.-S.) From. FRACCHYNE, v . To creak. Pr. P. FRACCYON, s. (Lat.) Breaking. " When he was at masse, and had made the fraccyon, he sawe that blode dropped." The Festi- val, fol. li, recto. FRACK, (1) adj. Forward. North. (2) v. To abound, or swarm. East. (3) *. A bole in a garment. Suff. (4). To fill to excess. Northampt. FRACTABLE, s. The wrought stones that run up the gable ends. FRACTED, part. p. (Lat.) Broken. FRACTIOUS, adj. Peevish. FRAG, s. (1) Akindofrye. Somers. (2) Low, vulgar people. Middx. FRAHDLE,. To talk foolishly. Cumb. FRAID, *. Fear. FRAIGHT, adj. Fraught. FRAIL, (\)v. To wearoutcloth. East. (2) adj. Weak-minded. Line- FRAILE, \s.(A.-N.frayel.) Abas- FRAYEL, J ket, made of rushes, or matting, used for fruit, as figs and raisins. " You have pickt a raisou out of zfraile of figges." Lilly's Mother Bombie, 1632. " 1636, pd. mending frayles, Id." MS. Account Book Line. Cathed. 70 Ib are given as the weight of a frail of raisins, or figs. Three /raits of sprats carried from mart to mart, Are as much meat as these, to more use travell'd. B. / Fl., Queen of Corinth, ii, 4. Great guns fourteen, three hundred pipes of wine, Two hundred fralles of figs and raisons fine. Mirror for Mag., p. 482. FRAiNE,0.(^.-)Toask;to inquire. FRAiNKLEY,arf;. Comfortable. Staff. FRAISE, t>. (A.-S.) To interrogate. FRAISTE, v. (1) To try ; to prove. (2) To inquire ; to seek. FRAIT, s. A bundle of straw, or hay. East. FRAKE, s. A man. See Freke. FRAKNES, *. (A.-S.) Spots; freckles. FRAMABLE, adj. Pliable. FRAMAI..S. Aband with which cattle are tied to their stalls. Lane. FRAMATION, s. (1) Contrivance; cunning. (2) A beginning. North. FRAME, (1) part. p. (A.-S.) Ef- fected ; finished. (2) *. (A.-S.) Profit ; advantage. (3) v. To speak or behave affect- edly. In frame, very stiff, or formal. Frame-person, a visitor whom it is thought requisite to receive ceremoniously. East. (4) v. To set about a thing; to attempt ; to begin. North. FRAMPOLD, "1 adj. (1) Cross; ill- FRAMPEL, I tempered. East. FRAMPUL, j (2) Fiery ; nettle- FRAMPARED, J some ; saucy ; vex- atious. FRA 479 FRA FRAMPOLE-FENCES, s. Such fences as a tenant in the manor of \Vrittle, in Essex, has against the lord's demesnes, whereby he has the wood growing on the fence, and as many trees or poles as he can reach from the top of the ditch with the helve of his axe towards the repair of his fences. Frampoles seem to mean poles to be reached from or from the hedge. Kennett. FRAMPUT, (1) s. An iron ring to fasten cows in their stalls. (2) v. To dispute. Lane. FRAM-WARD, adv. In an opposite direction ; back. FRAMYNGE, s. Gain ; profit. Pr. P. FRANCE, s. Frankincense. FRANCEIS, s. Frenchmen. FRANCH, v. To scrunch with the teeth. FRANCHE-BOTRAS, s. A buttress placed diagonally against the cor- ner of a wall. FRANCHEMOLE,S. A dish in ancient cookery, composed chiefly of eggs and sheep's fat. FRANCHISE, . (A.-N.) Frankness ; generosity. FRANCOLEYN. See FranJcelein. FRAND, v. To be restless. Oxfd. FRANDISH, adj. Passionate; ob- stinate. North. FRANGY, adj. Irritable; ill-tem- pered ; fretful. Line. FRANION, s. (A.-N.) A wencher; a gay idle fellow. FRANK, (1) s. A small inclosure in which animals were fed to fatten. (2) adj. Luxuriant ; thriving. Northampt. (3) s. The common heron. Suff. (4)s. A broad iron fork. Shropsh. FRANK-CHASE,*. A wood, or park, uninclosed, but having similar privileges. FRANKE, s. Frankincense. FRANKED, adj. (1) Fattened. (2) Large; huge. FRANKELEIN, "1 s. (A.-N.) A free- FRANKLIN, J holder ; properly, the son or descendant of a vilein who had become rich ; the term was applied generally to small landholders. FRANKLINE, *. (Span.) The bird godwit. FRANK- POSTS, #. The piles of a bridge, &c. Line. FRANNEL, adj. Succulent ; plenti- ful. Kent. FRANT, v. To be careful. Somerset. FRANY, adj. Very ill-tempered. West. FRAP, (1) v. (A.-N.) To strike. (2) s. Tumult ; disturbance. (3) v. To brag, or boast. North. (4) v. To fall in a passion. Lane. (5) s. A violent gust of rage. FRAPE, (1) g. A company ; a crowd. (2) v. To scold. Kent. (3) v. To draw tight. Devon. FRAPLE, v. To bluster. FRAPPING, adj. Fretful. Somerset. FRAPPISH, adj. Capricious. FRAPS, s. (1) Noise; tumult. Craven. (2) A person who boasts much. FRARY, s. (1) (A.-N.) A fraternity. Frary clerk, a member of a cleri- cal brotherhood. Edmund shall souffer mj frary dark of London and Middx. to have a key, as well to the said utter gate as of the inner gate of the said Pardon Chapell, for none other caus but for this caus only, that he and other our frary clarks may come to and fro the said cliapell yatde, for to bury in the said chapell yarde there, as ther seme place convenient, the bodyes of all dede people, by aucto- rite of the pope's prevelege, after the usance and custom of our frary, as often as cause shall require in that behalf, during the lyfte of the said Edmond. Grant, 1514. (2) A fairy. East. FRASCHED, adj. (A.-N.) Crushed. FRASE, (1). A froize, or pancake. For fritters, pancakes, and forfrayaes, For venison pasties, and minst pies. How to C/ioosea Good Wife, 1634. (2) v. To quarrel. Cumb. (3) v. To break. Norf, FRA 480 FRE FRASH, . An alehouse bush, or sign. FRASHEN, v. To creak. FRASLING, *. The perch. Chesh. FRAST. See Fraiste. TR\T,pret. t. offrete. Gnawed. FRATCH, (1) v. To scold ; to quarrel. Fratcher, a scold, a boaster. North. (2) e. To sport, or frolic. (3) *. A quarrel, or brawl. (4) s. A playful child. (5) g. A rude quarrelsome fellow. FRATCHED, adj. Restive, vicious, as a horse. FRATER, *. One who begged under pretext of seeking alms for a hospital. ?RATER-HOUSE, *. The refectory or hall in a monastery. FRATISHED, adj. Benumbed with cold. North. FRATOUR, *. The frater-house. FRAUD, v. To defraud. FRAUGHTE, . (A.-S.) To freight a ship. FRAUNGE, (1) . To fling ; to wince. (2) *. A merry frolic. Craven. FRAUZY, adj. Frisky; pettish. Line. FRAWL, . To ravel silk, &c. Suff. FRAWN, part. p. Frozen. East. FRAY, (1) v. To frighten; to ter- rify. North, (2) . Fright. (3) . To attack ; to quarrel. (4) s. An attack or affray. North. (5) v. To crack, or break. Norf. (6) A deer was said to fray her head, when she rubbed it against a tree to cause the pills, or fray- ings, of her new horns to come off. FRAYMENT, *. A fright. FRAYTHELY, adv. Quickly. FRAZE, s. Half a quarter of a sheet of paper. North. FRAZLE, v. To unravel or rend cloth. East. FRAZY, adj. Miserly. Line. FPE, adj. (A.-S.) Liberal ; noble. FRAGK, s. A freak ? Or do but lieare how love-bang Kate In pantry darke (orfrcage of mate With edge of steele the square wood shapes. And Dido to it chaiints or scrapes. Lovelace's Lucasta, 1649. FREAM, (1) s. Ploughed land too much worked. (2) v. To grunt as a boar. FREAMING, s. The noise a boar makes at rutting time. FREAT, (1) v. To scold? SeeFrete. Some others whilestdisorderedly at him They f rent and foyne, are crowded on by those that hindmost be. Warner's Alblom England. 1592. (2) v. To be irritated, as the skin. " Freatynge or galoynge. Intertrigo." Huloet. (3) . A weak place in a bow or arrow. Weak places, which are likely to give way. Freatcs be in a shaft as well as in a bowe, and they be much like a canker, creepinge and encreasinjje in those places in a bowe, which be much weaker than other. Ascham, Toxof A., p. 156. (4) s. Damage ; decay. Craven. (5) g. A recipe. Line. FREATHE, v. To wattle. Devon. FREATS, s. The iron hoops about the nave of a cart-wheel. North. FRECKEN, *. A freckle. FREDDE, jar. ;. Freed. FREDE, v. (A.-S.) To feel. We seye hit wel ine oure fey, A.udfredeth hit at nede. William de Shoreham. FREDOM, s. (A.-S.) Generosity. FREEDOM, s. A term among boys at tops ; one being pegged out of the ring, its owner gives one spin as a chance to his adversaries, which is called A freedom. FREED-STOOL, *. (A.-S.friS-stol.') A seat or chair near the altar in churches, to which offenders fled for sanctuary. FREEHOLDANDE, s. A freeholder. FREELEGE, *. Freedom. North. FREELI-FRAILY, s. Anything urv substantial or frivolous. East. FREELNES, *. Frailty. FRE 481 FRE FREEM, adj. Handsome. Yorksh. FREE-MARTIN, *. The female calf of twins, when the other is a male. FREEMEN-SONG, *. A ballad of a lively description. FREENDESSE, *. A female friend. FRKENDFULLE, adv. Friendly. FREES, adj. Frail; brittle. Pr. P. FK.EESPOKEN, adj. Affable. Var. d. FREET, (1) s. A spectre, or frightful object. North. (2) pret. t. Devoured. FREISER, s. (A.-N.) The strawberry plant. FREIST, . (1) (A.-S.) To freeze; to cool. (2) To seek. FREISTES, *. Fraughts. FREITUR,*. The frater-house. FREK, (1) adv. (A.-S.) Quick; eager; hasty. (2) adj. Firm ; powerful ; brave. FREKE, *. (A.-S.) A man ; a fellow. FRELE, adj. (A.-N.) Frail. Frelete, frelnes, frailty. FRELICHE, "1 ,. , > o\ XT ui ' } adj. (A.-S.) Noble. FRELY, J FREM, "1 adj. (A.-S.) Strange ; FREMEDE, ^ foreign ; unknown. PREMMED, J Fremedly, as a stran- ger. Fremedly the Tranche tung Fey es belefede. Morte Arthitre. FREM,a$. (1) Luxuriant. SeeFriwi. (2) Fresh ; plump. Glouc. FREME, v. To perform. FREMEL, adj. Frail? Furewel thi frenschype, tin kechyne is cold ! Ofremel flech, ful oft I have the told. PorkinglonMS. FREN, s. A low vile woman. FRENCH, (1) . The name of a dish described in Forme of Cury, p. 40. (2) *. An old term for the lues venerea. (3) adj. Very bad ; in great trou- ble. East. FRENCH-BRUSH, *. A brush for rubbing horses. 2 i FRENCH-CROWN, s. The baldness produced by the lues venerea. FRENCH-CRUST,*. The lues venerea. FRENCH-HOOD, s. An article of dress in use temp. Hen. VIII. For by their injunction the husband is their head under God, and they sub- jects to their husbands. But this power that some ol them have, is dis- guised geare and strange fashions. They must weare french-hoods, and I canuo't tell you, I, what to call it. And when they make them readie and come to the covering of their heads, they will call and say, give me my freac/i-kood, and . give me my bouet, or' my cup, and so forth. Latimer's Sermoiis. FRENCHIFIED, adj. Having the lues venerea. FRENCH-MAGPIE,*. The longtailed tomtit. FRENCH-NUT, s. A walnut. West. FRENCH-PIE, s. Meat stewed be- tween two dishes. FRENCH-RUSSET, *. A sort of stuff. His band is starch'd with grease, french- russet cleare ; His beard, for want of combing, full ot mange. Daties, Scourge of Fully, 1611. FREND, part. p. Asked. Gawayne. TRENDED, adj. Having friends. This woman was born in London, wor- shipfully frended, honestly brought up, and very wel maryed, saving SOIIIH hut to sonc; her husbande an honest citezen, youg and goodly, and of good substance. More's Life of Richard III. FRENDREDE, s. Friendship. FRENETIKE, adj. (A.-N.) Frantic. FRENNE, s. A stranger. " An aliene, a forraine, a frenne." Florio. See Frem. FRENSEIE, *. (A.-N.) A frenzy. FRENZY, adj. Frolicsome. Leic. FREQUENCE, s. (Fr.) Frequency. FREQUENT, adj. (Lot.) Currently reported. FRERE, *. (A.-N.) A friar; lite, rally, a brother. FRES, s. A question, or doubt. FRESCADES, s. (Fr.) Cool places refreshments. FRESEE s. A dish in ancient cookery made of pork, chickens.andspices. FRE 482 FRI FRESH, (1) s. An overflow or swelling of a river; a flood; a thaw. North. (2) s. A little stream or river nigh the sea. (3 ) adj. Brisk ; vigorous ; quick. Var. rf. (4) adj. Rainy. North. (5) adj. Unripe. Somerset. (6) adj. Handsome ; beautiful. (7) adj. Gay in dress. Oxfd. (8) adj. Intoxicated. Var. d. (9) Sober. Wight. (10) adj. Rather fat. Var. d. ' FRESH- DRINK, s. Small beer. Var.d. FRESHE, v. To refresh; to take refreshment. FRESHEN, v. To enlarge in the udder, &c., previous to calving. North. FRESHER, s. A small frog. East. FRESHET, s. A stream of fresh water. FRESHEUR, s. (Fr.) Freshness. FRESH-FORCE, * An old municipal law term in London, equivalent to Novel Desseizen. Calthrop's Reports, 1670. FRESH-LIGIUOR, s. Unsalted hog's fat. West. FRESLILY, adv. Fiercely. FRESONE, *. A Friesland horse. Morte Arthure. FRESSE, adj. Fresh ; quick. FRESTE, (1) v. To lend, or trust. (2) To delay, or linger. (3) *. A loan. FRET, (1) v. (A.-S.) To adorn. (2) s. Ornamental work of va- rious kinds and in many different senses, especially raised or em- bossed work. (3) *. (Lat.f return.} A narrow strait of the sea. An island parted from the finne land with a little fret of the sea. Knolles'3 Hist, of the Turls, 462. (4) v. To ferment, as cider. West. .(5) v. To rub. Ferramenta, qua: axi immissa prohibent Bttritum ejus. Peeces of iron, which being driven into the axelltree, doe keepe it from fretting out : soaie call them tackes. ffomenclator, 1585. (6) part. p. Tore up. (7) s. A wicker basket. Somerset.. (8) . To graze. West. (9) v. To thaw. Northampt. FRETCHETY, adj. Fretful; fidgety; old ; brittle. West. FRETCHIT, adj. Peevish. FRETE, v. (1) (A.-S.) To eat, or devour ; to corrode. (2) To rub. See Fret (6). (3) To blame, or scold. YRETEHT,part.p. Frightened. Cumb. FRETISHING, s. A pain and stiff- ness in the limbs from cold.* FRETROTS, s. A religious sect, re- sembling the Adamites. FRETS, s. The points at which a string is to be stopped in a lute or guitar. Howell. FRETTEN, adj. Spotted. FRETTING, s. A griping, or writhing. FREV, prep. From. Used when the next word begins with a vowel. North. FRE VERB, v. (A.-S.) To comfort ; to solace. Mamie, wanne thyt takest ase other mete, Into thy wombe hyjt sedlythj Ac ne defith nau^t ase thv mete, Wyth thyne flesch medlyth, Ac kevereth Al other wyse, and so thy body And thy saule hyjtfrevcrcln. William dt Sf.ircham. God wescht, and marketh, And for jefth, and joy neth men an wyves, And frenereth thorwe his body mau, Aud grace sent, and lyves. Ib. FREWER, *. A sirreverence when spread out by a kind of ferment- ation. Norf. FREYN, *. (1) (A.-S.) An ash tree. (2) (A.-N.) A bridle. (3) An old term for the ordure of the boar or wolf. FREYN E, v. (A.-S.) To ask. FRIARS'-FLIES, s.(l) Idlers. North' brooke's Treatise, 1577. (2) Daddy-longlegs. Somerset. FRI 483 FRI FRIARS'-KNOTS, s. A kind of tassels used in embroidery, temp. Hen. VIII. FRIARS'-LOAVES, s. Fossil echini. Suff. FRIARS'-PIECE, *. The piece of fat in a leg of mutton, called also the pope's eye. FRIBBLE, (l)s. An idler; a coxcomb. A company of fribbles, enough to dis- credit any honest house in the world. No, I'd have you to know, I am for none of your skip-jacks; no, give me your persons of quality, there's somewhat to be got by them. The Cheats, 1662. (2) v. To mock. FRIBBLING, adj. Captious. FRICACE, s. A sort of ointment for a sore plac";. FRICHE, adj Brisk; nimble. Oxfd. FRICKLE, s. A basket for fruit hold- ing about a bushel. FRIDDLE, v. To waste time in trifles. Northampt. FRIDGE, . (1) To rub so as to in- jure ; to fret, or fray. Var. d. (2) To dance about. FRIDLEYS, #. A name applied to certain small rents formerly paid to the lord of the great manor of Sheffield by the inhabitants of the Frith of Hawksworth for liberty of common. Hunter. FRIE, *. A very young pike. FRIEND-BACK,*. A hang-nail. JVor;. FRIEZE,*. A coarse narrow cloth. FRIGGE, (1)0. To warm. (2) v. To meddle officiously. (3) v. To wriggle. (4) *. The rump of beef or mut- ton. Warw. FRIGGLE, v. To trifle ; to be tedious. Northampt. FRIGHTEN, v. To astonish. West. FRILL, (1) v. To shiver, as hawks; to tremble with cold. (2) *. The cry of an eagle. (3) . To turn back in plaits. FRIM, adj. (A.-S. freom, strong. ~) Vigorous; thriving. The term is now in the provinces chiefly applied to plants or trees in a vigorous and growing state, and its meaning in such cases is kind and thriving. It also signifies well fed, as applied to cattle. Through the frim pastures, freely ;it his leisures. Dray ton's Moses, p. 1576. (2) The same as Frem. Frim- folks, strangers. FRIMICATE, . To give one's self airs. East. FRIMZY, adj. Slight ; soft. Kent. FRINE, v. To whimper. Ndtth. FRINJEL, s. That part of a flail which falls on the corn. Suffolk. FRINNISHY, adj. Over-nice. Devon. FRINNY, v. To neigh. Lane. FRIPERER, 1 s. A cleaner of old FRIPLER, V apparel for sale; a FRIPPER, J seller of old clothes and rags. FRIPPERY, *. An old clothes shop. Florio. FRISE. Friesland. FRISKET, #. That part of the press whereon the paper is laid to be put under the spindle in print- ing. FRISKIN, s. A gay lively person. FRISLET, s. A sort of small ruffle. FRISSURE, s. A dish in old cookery, composed chiefly of hare. FRIST, v. (1) To give respite for a debt ; to trust for a time, or for- bear. North. (2) To put off. See Freste. FRISTELE, *. (A.-N.) A flute. FRIT, s. A sort of pancake. Line. FRITCH, adj. Free ; sociable. West. FRITFUL, adj. Timorous. Warw. FRITH, (1)*. (A -S.) A hedge; a coppice ; a high wood. It is still used in the provinces for ground overgrown with bushes, or under- wood; and for fields which have been taken from woods. (2) v. To plash a hedge. Devon. FRITHE, s. (A.-S.) Peace. FRITTERS, s. Small pancakes, with apples in them. Suffolk. FRI 484 FRO FairriNG, s. Fitting and fastening tlie felloes of a wheel. Kennett. FKITTISH, adj. Cold. Cumb. FRIZ, part. p. Frozen. FRIZADE, s. Frieze cloth. FRIZZLE, s. A fry. Northampt. FRO, prep. (A.-S.) From. FROATING, (1) part. a. Mending; repairing. Middleton. (2) s. Great industry. Cumb. FROBICHKR, s. A fmbisher. FROBLY-MOBLY, adv. Indifferently well! Sussex. FROCK, *. A frog. FKOD, s. Floating lumps of ice passing in large masses down the Severn. FRODMORTELL, s. (A.-S.) A free pardon for manslaughter. FROES. See Fraw. FROG, s. (1) A frock. (2) Part of a horse's foot. Wore. (3) Frog in the middle, a child's game. Frog over an old dog, leap-frog. As naked as a frog, stark naked. He was afraid of every dog, When he wns out of town ; Almost as naked as a frog, With grief lie sat him down. The Welch Traveller, n. d. FROG-CHEESE, s. Boleti; growing on decayed wood. Northampt. FROGGAM, s. A slattern. Yorksh. FROGON, #. (A.-N.) A poker. FROG-SKAT, s. A toadstool. North- ampt. FROG-SPIT, s. Cuckoo-spit. FROICE, s. A frock. FROISE, (1) s. A large thick pan- cake, of the full size of the frying- pan, sometimes containing small pieces of bacon mixed with the batter. East. The ancient froise was like a pancake in form, but composed of different materials. (2) v. To spread thin. Suffolk. FROKIN,*. A little frow, or woman. FROME, adv. First. Atte frame, at the first, immediately, above all things. See Atte-frome. FROMMARD, #. An iron instrument to split laths. West. FROMMET, adv. From. Shropsh. FROMONDE, s. Apparently a part of the armour of the head. Tulle butt in the frunt The fromonde he hittez, That the hurnyscht blade To the brayne rynnez. Morte Arthur e. FROM-WARD, adv. Back. To-ward andfrom-ward, thither and back. FRONST, adj. (A.-N.) Wrinkled. FRONT, (1) *. (A.-N.) The forehead. (2) v. To face. The father fronted with a guile. Warner's AWions England, 1592. And whom so many Romaine peers, grand- captaines of such might, Of whom nine emperours themselves in persons here did fight, Could hardly foyle, were fronted now even of a barbarous foe. Ib. (3) v. To butt, as rams. (4) To front up, to bind the hair with a fillet. FRONTAL, s. (A.-N.) A piece of ar- mour for the forehead of a horse. FRONTAL, \s. A hanging for the FRONTIER, J front of an altar. FRONTIERS, s. (Fr.) (1) The front of a building. (2) A front, or border. FRONTLET,S. (Fr.) A forehead-band. Torsoth, women have many lettes, And they be masked in many nettes; As frontlets, fyllets, paillettes, &.C. Four Ps, 0. PI., i,6t. Hoods, frontlets, wires, cauls, curling irons, periu igs, &c. Lyly's Jlydas. FRONSTEAD, s. Afarm-yard. Yorksh. FROOM,$. Strong; healthy. Glouc. See Frim. FROPISH, 1 adj. Cross; out of FROPPISH,/ temper; peevish. Oh, my dear, dear bud, welcome home; why dost thou look so fropish, who has nanger'd tliee? Wycherley, Counlrey Wife, 1688. FRORE, adj. Frozen. Frory, frosty. FRORixG,s.(y/.-5.)Help;assistance. FRORT, adv. Forward. Chesh. FRO 485 FRU FROSH, FROSK, FROSCHE, s. A froc FROSSE, J FROSLIXG, *. Anything nipped by frost. Suffolk. FROST, v. To turn down the hinder part of horses' shoes in frosts, to prevent their slipping. East. FROST-CETCHEN, adj. Frost-bitten. Shropsh. FROSTS.D, adj. Frozen. Devon. FROST-NAILS, s. Nails put in horses' shoes in frosty weather. Var. d. FROTE, v. (A.-N.) To rub. Froterer, one who rubs. FROTH, adj. Tender. Tusser. FROTHER, v. To feed. Line. FROUGH, \ adj. (1) Loose; spongy; FROW, J tender. (2) Sliort ; crisp ; brittle. FROUNCE, (1) v. To wrinkle; to knit the brow ; to frown. With that schefrmiHceth up the brow, This covenaunt y wille alowe. Gower. (2) s. A frown, or wrinkle. (3) v. To curl, or twist. Some frounce their curled heare in courtly guise, Some prancke their ruffes. Spent., F. Q., I, iv, 14. With dressing, braiding, frouncing, flow'r- ing. Drayt., Nymph., ii. (4) s. A wrinkled ornament on a cup. Pr. P. (5) s. A flounce, in dress. (6) s. A disease in hawks, which hinders them from closing the beak. FROUNTELLE, s. A frontlet. FROUNTY,ar//.Verypassionate.Ztnc. FROUSE, v. To rumple. South. FROUST, s. A musty smell. Var. d. FROUT, adj. Frightened. Hampsh. FROUZE, v. To curl. Florio. FROUZY, adj. (1) Froward; peevish; crusty. (2) Offensive to the eye or smell. Kent. (3) Seedy, from dissipation. I look/roMzy this morning, 'ad, I must leave oft this drinking, it will kill me else. Mountfort, Greenwich Park, 1691 . FROVER, v. (A.-S.) To comfort ; to solace. See Frevere. FROW, (1) s. (Dutch.) A woman; pi. froes. (2) s. A dirty woman ; a slattern ; a lusty woman. North. (3) adj. Hasty. (4) adv. Hiistily. (5) adj. Brittle ; crisp. Berks. (6) v. To pine. Northampt. FROWARD, (1) adv. Back. (2) adj. (A.-S.) Averse. FROWDIE,*. A dirty woman. North. FROWER. Same as Frommard, q. v. FROWRINGE, adj. Froward. FROWY, adj. Stale ; not sweet. East. Spenser applies it to grass. But if they (the sheep) with thy goats should yede, They soon might be corrupted; Or like not of the/rowy fede, Or with the weeds be glutted. Spent., Sfiep. Kal., July, 109. FROWYTK,-) FROYTE, J FRUB, v. To rub, or furbish. Florio. FRUCE, s. Fruit. Pr.P. FRUCTUOUS, adj. (A.-N.) Fruitful. FRUE, adj. True ; faithful. Line. FRUFF, adj. Brittle; cross-grained. FRUGAL, adj. Relaxed. Norfolk, FRUGGAN, . (1) (Fr. fourgon.) A curved iron scraper to stir ashes in an oven. North. (2) A slovenly woman. North. FRUIT, s. Apples. Heref. FRUITESTERE, s. A female seller of fruit. FRUM, adj. (1) Early. Frum po- tatoes, or fruit, Shropsh. (2). Full ; fat. Frumness, reple- tion. See Frim. (3) Numerous; thick; rank; overgrown. West. FRUMENTY, "1 s. Hulled wheat FRUMETY, > boiled in milk, and FURMETY,] seasoned. A favorite dish in the North. A person in a FRU 486 FUD dilemma is said to be t'n a fru- menty sweat. FRUMP, (1) v. To mock, or treat contemptuously. "To frump one, to take one up hastily, to speak short." Kennett. Hee fawneth upon them his master fa- voureth, and frumpeth those his mis- tresse frownes on. Man in the Moone, 1609. (2) s. A sarcastic taunt ; a flout. Lucilla, not ashamed to confesse her follie, answered him with tkisfmmpe. Euphues. Then how may thy holdnes scape a fine frumpe, Warres land is matter for the brazen trumpe. Peek's Eglogue, 1589. These are a kind of witty frumps of mine like selling of bargains ; I'll come off well enough. Datenant, The Man's the Master, 1669. (3) s. A toss under the chin. (4) *. A lie. (5) v. To complain without cause. (6) s. A cross old woman ; a gossip. Var. d. (7) . To trump up ; to invent. (8) s. A person whose clothes are ill-made and carelessly put on. Sussex. FRUMPERY, *. A gibe; a mock. FRUMPISH, \adj. Scornful; pee- FRUMPY, J vish. Since vou are so frumpish, a pin for you ! ttatenscroft, Careless Loners, 1673. FRUMPLE, v. To crumple ; to ruffle. FRUNDELE, *. Two pecks. North. FRUNT, v. To affront. Somerset. FRUS, s. Fruit. Somerset. FRUSH, v. (1) To bruise, or crush ; to break. Hector assayled Achilles, and gave him BO many strokes, that he al \n-fnisht and brake his helme. Caxton's Destr. of Troy. High cedars arefrushed with tempests, when lower shrubs are not touched with the wind. Hinde's Flioslo Libidinoso, 1606. (2) To rush violently. (3) To rub, or scrub. Line. (4) To J rusk a chicken, to break up or carve a chicken. Jofnish the feathers of an arrow, to set them upright, which was done to prepare them for use, probably to make them fly steadily. Lord, how hastely the soldiers buckled their liealmes, howe quickly the archers bente their bowes, and frushed their feathers, how readily the bihnen shoke their billes, and proved their staves. Holinsh.. vol. ii. FRUSTICAL, adj. Festive. Beds. FRUTiNON,ad0. Nowandthen. East. FRUTOUR, *. A fritter. FRUTTACE, s. A fritter. Yorksh. FRU WARD, adv. Forward. Percy. FRY, (1) adj. Free; noble. (2) s. Young children ; seed, or progeny. (3) *. The pluck of a calf. North. (4) *. A drain. Wilts. (5) s. A sort of sieve. FRYCE, s. Frieze cloth. FRYKF..(l)atf/. Fresh ; iusty; active. (2) v. To move hastily. FRYSOUN, s. A Frieslander. FRYSTE, adj. New ; smart. North- ampt. FRYTE, . Fruit. FUANTS, *. The dung of the fox, and other wild animals. FUB, (1) v. To put off; to deceive. (2) At marbles, a mode of pro- jecting the taw by an effort of the whole hand, instead of the thumb only. (3) s. A chubby child. North. Fucus, s. (Lot.) Paint for the com- plexion, formerly used by ladies. 'Till you preferred me to your aunt, the lady, I knew no ivory teeth, no caps of hair, No Mercury water, fuctis, or perfumes. Ram Alley, O. PI., v, 412. With all his waters, powders, fucusei, To make thv lovelv corps sophisticate. &. /- Fl., Woman Hater, iii, 3. Fun, (I) s. A hare's tail. North. (2) v. To kick the feet about. Fuddin, a kick. Craven. FUDDAH, adv. Further. East. FUD 487 FUL FUDDER, s. A fother, the load of a two-horse cart. North. FUDDLE, v. To indulge in drink. Fuddle-cap, a drunkard. Fud- dling-bout, a debauch. FUDDLED, part.p. Bothered. Dorset. FUDK, 8. (I) A man. See Fade. (2) Food. FUDGE, (1) s. Nonsense. (2) . To poke. Still used in Suffolk. (3) v. To swindle. (4) v. To walk with difficulty. (5) *. A little fat person. North. (6) v. A schoolboy's term at mar- bles, delivering the marble with a jerk of the hand, which is con- sidered unlawful. FUDGEE.W. To contrive to do. Devon. FUDGEL.S. An awkward child. Cumb. FUE, v. To make an attempt. North. FUEL, s. Garden-stuff. Heref. FUELER, s. The servant who made the fires. But I'll avoid those vapours, whose swoln {tight, And foaming poyson, would put out this light. Vain fuellers ! they think (who doth not know it) Their light's above 't, because their walk's below it. Wilson's Life of James I, 1653. FUF, (1) adj. Five. (2) v. To puff; to blow. North. FUFFY, adj. Soft; spongy. North. FUGATION, *. (Lat.) A hunting. ground ; a chase. FUGE, v. (Lat.) To take flight. FUGER, 8. Figure. FUGLEMAN, *. A person who directs the cheering of a crowd or mob. FUKES, s. Locks of hair. North. FULBOLSY, adv. Violently. Beds. FULCH, v. (1) To push, or beat; to gore ; to squeeze. Devon. (2) A boy's term at marbles, to edge on unfairly. FvLDV,part.p. Destroyed. Hearne. FULDRIVE, part. p. Fully driven ; completed. Chaucer. FULE, *. (1) A fowl. North. (2) Gold-foil. FULFIL, . To fill up. FUL-FREMED, adj. (A.-S.) Quite perfect. FULGUR, s. (Lat.} Brightness. Who (as Caesar told Metellus) could by the fulgur of his eye dart them dead, sooner than speak the word to have them killed. Herbert's Travels, 1638. FULHED, *. Fulness. FUHKE. adv. (A.-S.} Foully. FULK, (1) v. A phrase at marbles. See Fulche. (2) *. A hollow place. FULKER, 3. A pawnbroker, or usurer. FULL, (1) adv. Quite; entirely. (2) adj. Dark; cloudy. Devon. (3) adj. Intoxicated. Craven. (4) prep. For; because; on ac- count of. North. FULLAMS, s. False dice. FULLARING, s. The groove in a horse's shoe into which the nails are inserted. Shropah. FULLE, (1) s. Fill; sufficiency. (2) v. To cleanse. Line. (3) v. (A.-S.) To baptize. Fullynge, baptizing. FULL-FLOPPER, s. A bird suffi- ciently feathered to leave the nest. East. FULL-FROTH, adv. A cow is in full- froth, when she gives the greatest quantity of milk. Suffolk. FULLING-STOCKS, s. A machine in a mill for fulling cloth. Walton errone- FULTHMARD, ! , .. >ouslv makes it a FULMER, 1 ,. .. . FULIMART dlStmCt a " lmal i-unMART, f polecat. FULLYMART, J And whan they have broughte forthe theyr byrdes, to see that they be well kepte from the gleyd, crowes, fully- martes, and other vermynne. FHzhcrbert's Husbandry. With jfins to betray the very vermin of the earth. As namely, the fitcliet, the fulimart, the ferret, the polecat, &c. Walton's Angl., p. i, ch. 1. FUL FUR FULLOCK, (1) v. To jerk the hand, at marhles. (2) s. A sudden heavy fall. Deri. (3) v. To kick, or knock. Leic. FULL-ONYD, adj. Agreeing; being of one mind. FULL-PITCH, adv. Ploughing the full depth of the soil is called taking it up a. full-pitch. Norf. FULLSOME, adj. Nasty ; indelicate. North. FULL-SPOUT, adv. Copiously and dashingly. So when mine host does money lack, He money gives among; this pack, And then it runs full-spout. Buckingham's Poems, p. 100. FULL-STATED, adj. A term applied to a leasehold estate held under three lives. Var. d. FUL-MADE, part. p. Finished. FULSUME, v. To aid. FULSUMLI, adv. Plenteously. Ful- sumnesse, satiety. FULTH, adj. Full-grown. North. FULTHHEDE, s. Filthincss. FUL-TRUST, adj. Trussed full. FUMBLE-FISTED, adj. Awkward in handling. Suffolk. FUME, *. (1) (A.-N.) Smoke. (2)v. To become inflamed. Shrops. (3) s. A rage. To be in a fume, to be angry. FwtwoMse, angry, furious. FUMET, s. The ordure of the hart. FUMETERE, s. The plant fumitory. FUMETTE, s. High flavour in game. FUMIE, adj. Smoky. FUMING-BOX, *. A pastile-burner. ! FUMISH, adj. Angry ; fractious. Suffolk. FUMOSITE, *. (A.-N.) Steam; smoke. FUMP, 8. (1) A blow. Devon. (2) The gist of a joke or story. Exmoor. ^ FUMY-BALL, s. A puff-ball. FUN, (1) part. p. Found. (2) v. To cheat. Somerset. (3) v. To joke. (4) *. A small pitcher. Exmoor. PUNCH, v. To push. Wight. FUNDE, v. To go. FUNDEMENT, s. (A.-N.) A founda- tion. FUNDIED, adj. Injured. Turner'* Herbal, 1562. FUNDLESS, Anything accidentally discovered. Warw. FUNE, v. To foin, or thrust. FUNGE,*. (1) (A.-N.) A mushroom. (2) A fool; a blockhead. FUNK, (1) *. A little fire. Pr. P. (2) s. Touch-wood. Suffolk. (3) v. To smoke. (4) o. To cause a bad smell. North. (5) s. Great fear. (6) adj. Cross; ill-temperpd. Oxfd. (7) A horse is saidto/&, when it throws up its hind quarters without lashing. (8) s. A stinking vapour. FUNNEL, s. (1) A finial, in archi- tecture. (2) A mare mule produced by an ass covered by a horse. Line. FUN-STON, s. A font. FUR, (I) s. Fire. (2) s. The indurated sediment sometimes found in tea-kettles. Suffolk. (3) v. To throw. Somerset. (4) s. A furrow. North. FURBELOW, s. Ornamental fringe on female dress. Women, whose pride and vanity brougM them to poverty, and who retain so mm h of the French air to the last, that you shall see them in a tatter'd silk gown. H high head, a daggel'd tai!, a pair of old lac'd shooes, a darn'd fvrbflow'd scarf, and ne'er a smock; anil this they'll linve tho' they dine on scraps for a fortnight : these I relieve with my charity. The Ladles' Catechism, 1703. They'n as much drapery on their barks as would make a vino-sheet, and as mony furbelows and ribbons, as would make housings and toppings for the best team in Wiggan -parish. But 1 thank you, my wife is none of those, she mmils no pride ; a straw-hat and a woonstie- petiycoat serve her turn; she can feed on hung beef and a barley pudding, without the help of French kickshaw*. 'fke Country Farmer's Catechism, 1703 FUR 489 FUS FURCHURE, *. (A.-N.) The part where the thighs separate from the body ; the legs themselves. FURCUM, *. The bottom ; the whole. Somerset. FUIDE, />re#. /. Tarried. Hearne. FuRDLE,0. To contract ; to draw up. FURDST, adj. The farthest. Shropsh. FURE, (1) pret. t. Fared; went. Gawayne. (2) v. To go. Cumb. (3) s. Fire. FUREL, s. A furnace. Somerset. FUREXDEL, s. The fourth part of a bushel of corn. PURER, s. An officer whose duty it was to burn false measures. FURETTE, s. A ferret. FUR-FORD, pret. t. (A.-S.) Perished. From for -fare. FURGEON, s. (Fr.) A prop. Yorksh. FURGON. See Fruggan. FUR-HEADS, s. Headlands of a field. Devon. FURIAL. adj. (A.-N.) Raging. FURIBOXD, adj. (Lat.) Mad; out- rageous. FUR-IRE, s. A fire-iron. FURL, v. To hurl. Wight. FURLEV, adj. Wondrous. See Ferley. FURLONG, s. The line of direction of ploughed lands; a division of an uninclosed corn-field. FURMETY. See Frumenty. By the course of the heavens, Christmas will not, at present, fall in this month, whatever it may do a thousand yearis hence ; yet those thut are rich, and have a mind to it. may, notwithstanding, feed ou mince-pye xn&furmiti/. Poor Robin, 1746. FURNACE, (1)*. A boiler. Somerset. (2) v. To smoke like a furnace. Shakesp. FURNAGE, s. A fee paid for baking. FURXER, . A malkin for an oven. Line. FURXEY, s. A furnace. FURNEYE, v. To furnisb. FURXIMEXT, s. Furniture. FURNITADE, s. Furniture. Essex. FURNITURE, s. Any sort of movea. hie property ; provisions ; stores. Secondly, that he had neither money for his expenses, nor furniture meet for his journey. Bcnces Correspondence, 1582. FURNOUR, *. (Lat.) A baker. FURNY-CARD, *. (Fr.~) A coat card. I have a furny-carde in a place, That will hear a turne besides the ace. Interlude of Lusty Jutentiu. FUROLE, s. A kind of meteor. FURRED-UP, part. p. Entangled. South. FURRIDGE, v. To search ; to hunt. Northampt. FURROUR, s. A fur, -or skin. FURRY-DAY, s. A dancing festival and merry-making on the 8th of May, at Helston, co. Cornw. FURSTI, adj. Thirsty. See Afurst. FURWE, *. (A.-S.) A furrow. FURZE-BREAK, *. Land which has been covered with furze, but is broken up. South. FURZE-CHIRPER, "1 s. The moun- FURZE-CHUCKER, J tain finch. FURZE-MAN-PIO, s. A hedgehog. Glouc. FURZEN, . Furze. Tusser. FURZE-OWL, s. A cockchafer. Som. FUSBALL, *. A puff-ball. FUSE, \s. The track of a beast of FUCE, J chase in the grass. FUSEL, s. (Fr.) A spindle. FUSIN, I poison; plenty. FUSOUN, I FUSKY, adj. Dusky. Speake gentle shepheard, have I not (now hene as good as my word with thee?) and is not this (thinkest thou) the still cell where heavie sleepe re- maineth, and th Jreadfall lodge of the f aside daughters of blacke night ? Tofle, part ii, p. 44. FUSOME, adj. Neat; handsome. Fuss. In a fuss, hurried, bustled. Fussy, over-busy. FUSSLE, Is. A slight confu- FUSSMENT, J sion. Suffolk. FUSSOCKING, adj. (1) Large and fat. North. 2 i* FUS 490 FYY V 2) Irritating; annoying. North- amp '(. POST, (1) *. The fist. (2) s. (Fr.) A. vessel for wine, &c. (3) v. To become mouldy. (4) *. (A.-N.) Wood. FUSTERER, s. A maker of pack- saddles. FUSTIAN, adj. Low; vulgar. Fustian language, unintelligible jargon. FUSTTKE, s. A kind of wood used by dyers. FDSTILARIAN, s. A stinking fellow. Shakesp. FOSTILUGS, *. A fusty fellow. Still used in Devon to signify a big- boned-person, a fat gross woman. Exmoor. You may daily see snchfiistihigs walk- ing in the streets, like so many tuns, each moving upou two pottlepots. Jmiiits, 1639. What's that to you, nincumpoop ? What has your wry neck to sny to Mrs. Rosa- bella here? or you, Mr.fuitilvgs, with your franaim and bancum. Baeenscrofl, English Lawyer, 1678. FCSTLE, . A bustle. Warw. FUSTY, adj. (1) Musty; mouldy; ill- smelling. Hector shall have a great catch if he knock out either of your brains ; "a were as good crack a fusty nut with no kernel. Shakesp., Tro. $ Cr., ii, 1. Where the dull tribunes, That with the fusty plebeians hate thine honours. Coriol , i, 9. True is the proverbe, though fustie to fine wits. Man in the Moone, 1609. (2) Thirsty. Wilts. FUSUM, adj. Handsome. North. FUTNON, adv. Now and then. East. FUTRE. See Foutra. FUTRIT, *. A horizontal shaft or way used near Ironbridge. Sftropsh. FUWTING, *. Favouring. FUXOL, *. A fowl, or bird. FUYLE, v. (1) To defile. (2) To fail. FUYR, . Fire. FUYSON, .. Foison ; plenty. Skelton. Fuz, v. To steal marbles at play. PUZZLE. Another form of fuddle. FUZZY, adj. (1) Light and spongy. North. (2) Rough ; shaggy. East. FWALCHON, s. A term of reproach. FYCKER, s. A vicar. FYE, s. (A.- N.) Boldness; defiance. Thynge whiche is litille worth withinne, He sayeth in op en f 'ye to synne. Gower. FYEN, v. (1) To purge ; to clear. (2) To drive; to banish. (3) To digest. See Defle. FYGERE, *. (A.-N. ) A fig-tree. FYGEY, Is. A dish composed of FYGE, J almonds, fiis, raisins, gin- ger, and honey. Forme of Cury, p. 18. FYKE, (1) r. To shrink; to be troubled. (2) s. Trifling care. Northumb. FYLAND, adj. Defiling. See File. FYLE, adj. Vile. FYLEGH, v. To follow. FYLLE, (1) v. To fulfil. (2) *. A file. FYLLETORY-GUTTERS, s. Gutters for conveying water from the walls of buildings. FYN, adj. (A.-N.) Fine ; clever. FYNDLY, adj. Fiend-like; terrible. FYXELICHE, adv. Finely ; nicely. FYNGIRMELL, s. (A.-S.} A finger's breadth. FYNISMENT, *. End; finish. FYNLY, adv. Goodly. FYOLL, s. A cup, or pot. FYRMETE, *. Infirmity. FYRRYS, s. Furze. Pr. P. FYS, s. A winding stair. A cor- ruption of vice. FYSCHERE, s. A fisher. FYVETHE, adj. The fifth. FYYRE, *. The star-thistle. Pr. P. FYYST, *. See Fiest. COMPLETE CATALOGUE OB 1 BOHN'S LIBBABIES, CONTAINING STANDARD WORKS OP EUROPEAN LITERATURE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ON BISTORT, BIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, ARCHEOLOGY, THEOLOGY, ANTIQUITIES, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, NATURAL HISTORY, POETRY, ART, FICTION, WITH DICTIONARIES, AND OTHER BOOKS OF REFERENCE. THE SERIES COMPRISES TRANSLATIONS FROM THE FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, SCANDINAVIAN, ANGLO-SAXON, LATIN, AND GREEK. PRICE 3s. Gd. OR 5. PER VOLUME (WITH EXCEPTIONS). A COMPLETE SET IN 627 VOLUMES, PRICE 140 2s. Catalogues sent Post-free on Application. LONDON : GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1881. May, 1881. COMPLETE CATALOGUE 07 BOHN'S LIBRARIES. STANDARD LIBRARY. 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