flb5 L_n_n-. REESE LIBRARY or in) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. f a ^ccc^ion No. / 4^ 7 tf Deceived i8t)J. CATALOGUE 1713 STARS, FOR THE EQUINOX 1885-0. FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, DURING THE YEARS 1879 TO 1885: UNDER THE DIRECTION OF DAVID GTLL, LL.D. (ABD. & EDIN.), F.R.S., HON. F.R.S. ED., &c., HER MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER AT THE CAPE. WITH APPENDICES:- L-CATALOGUE OF 104 SOUTHEffl CIRCUMPOLAfi STAKS. II.-3EPABATE OBSERVATIONS OF ft - & -, CEflTAURI. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, IN OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTY'S COMMAND. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DARLING & SOX, LTD., 1, 2, 3, i 6, GREAT Si. THOMAS APOSTLE, E.C. 1894. ERRATA, Star No. 5. Mean Date, for 81-52 read 81-46: No. of Obs., for 12 read 10: Mean Dec., for 3. n'. 2o"-i5 3. n'. ig'-gi. Star No. 44. Secular Variation in E.A., for 3' -056 read + 3* '056. Star No. 922. Secular Variation in R.A.,/or + o' - 33i read + of'o^i. Star Xos. 1002-3. Annual Proper Motions, for o"'4795 read o'4847, for + o" - 789 read + o"736. Star No. 1340. Cape Catalogue 1880, for 1043 read 10433. INDEX. PAGE Errata . . ... ... ... .., ... ... ... ... ... ii General Plan of Catalogue v Explanation of the Separate Columns of the Printed Catalogue ... ... ... ... vi RIGHT ASCENSIONS. Formation of the Right Ascensions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x Personal Equation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x Origin of Use of Reversing Prism ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xi Resulting Personal Equation depending on Apparent Direction of Motion ... ... xiii Personal Equation depending on Magnitude ... ... ... .;. ... ... xiv Reflex, and Direct observations * * xiv DECLINATIONS. Division-Errors ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xr Errors of the Micrometer-Screw ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xv Basis of the Annual Catalogues ... ... ... ... ... ... xvi Horizontal Flexure xvi Results for R D xvii Discussion of the question whether observations should be reduced to the Mean of R and D observations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xvii Table of Corrections applicable to Reflex. N.P.D's. of Annual Catalogues to reduce them to the system of N.P.D. observed Direct ... ... ... ... ... xxii Discussion of Corrections to the Colatitude adopted in the Annual Catalogues on the assumption that the Tables of the Tabulce Regiomontance require no correction ... xxii Table of Corrections to N.P.D. (Direct) of Annual Catalogues for combined effect of Flexure and Error of Colatitude ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xxiv Discussion of Flexure depending on cos Z.D. ... ... x *v Discussion of effect of corrections depending on R D. ... ... ... xxviii Discussion of Errors of the Refraction Tables by combining observations at Greenwich and the Cape ... ... ... ... ... ... xxx Formation of Equations of Condition xxxv T? 4- T) The Reduction to System s shown to be objectionable xxxvii CAPB OBSEKVATIONS. A 119076001/93 Wt 183 D & S. * 2 INDEX. PAGE Corrections applicable to the Greenwich. Catalogue 18 SO, and to the present Catalogue according to the different solutions ... ... ... .., .. ... ... xl Representation of the Various Solutions for Determining the Errors depending on Latitude and Refraction ... ... ... ... ... .,. ... ... ... xli Proof of existence of large Systematic Errors in both Greenwich and Cape observations .. xlii Excess of Internal over External Temperature, the probable chief cause of the Systematic Errors ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xlii Independent Control on Cape Latitude by Zenith Telescope observations xlv General Conclusions .., ... xlviii APPENDIX I. FUNDAMENTAL OBSERVATIONS OF SOUTHERN CIRCUMPOLAR STARS. Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xlix APPENDIX II. MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OP AND /3 CENTAURI. Introduction xlix TABLE OP SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS WHICH SHOULD BE APPLIED TO THE PLACES PRINTED IN THIS CATALOGUE CATALOGUE OF 1713 STARS RESULTS OF FUNDAMENTAL OBSERVATIONS OF SOUTHERN CIRCUMPOLAR STARS 1881-1888 101 RESULTS OF MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF a AND /> CENTAURI 105 CAPE GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, INTRODUCTION. The results given in the following Catalogue are based upon observations made with the Cape Transit-Circle from 187!) June 1, to 1885 February 8. They represent the Mean Right Ascensions and Declinations of the Stars at the Mean Epoch of observation, reduced without Proper Motion to the Equinox 1885'0. The necessity which had arisen for repolishing the object-glass of the Transit- Circle, and of replacing the easily worn gun-metal screws of the micrometer- microscopes by steel screws, compelled the interruption of meridian observations in February 1885. As the programme for the observation of the Fundamental Stars of Schonfeld's Durchmusterung was completed, it seemed desirable to prepare the Catalogue for the use of Astronomers, particularly as the whole work would then depend upon observations with the instrument in an unaltered condition. The MSS. of the Catalogue has been for some time ready, and was only withheld from press in the hope that the question of change of Astronomical Latitude would be sufficiently settled to permit the application of definitive corrections for the elimination of its effect, and that the Leiden observations would be ready for discussion of the Refraction. These matters, however, seemed to ripen slowly, so that it was at last decided to publish the Catalogue in its original form rather than impair its usefulness by farther delay. The working list for this Catalogue was formed originally of the following classes of Stars : Fundamental Stars for the meridian observation of the Stars of Schonfeld's Durchmusterung. VI Stars suitable for determining the errors of the Refraction Tables by observations at Greenwich, Leiden, and the Cape. Southern Circumpolar Stars. Stars employed in connection with Heliometer observations for scale-value and Stellar Parallax. Special observations of a and /3 Centauri. To this list there were subsequently added : Stars employed in the Longitude operations connecting Aden and the Cape. Stars employed in the Latitude and Longitude operations connected with the Geodetic Survey of South Africa. Comparison Stars employed in the observations of Comets and Minor Planets. Stars whose occultations by the Moon had been observed. In 1884 a new working list was prepared containing, in addition to Stars of the above-mentioned classes, all Stars of the 4th Magnitude or brighter which could be observed at the Cape, and any Stars additional to these that were to be found, or of which more accurate places were required for future use, in any of the National Ephemerides. Observations of Stars of the latter classes are necessarily very incomplete in consequence of the interruption of the work in February 1885. Complete series of observations of all these Stars wilr be found in the next Cape General Catalogue, in which it is proposed to include the results of the Cape meridian observations from March 1885 to 1895. EXPLANATION OF THE SEPARATE COLUMNS OF THE CATALOGUE. Left-ffand 1'nijc. ; 'No." is the rotation number. An asterisk (*) attached to this number signifies that the Star is one of the Fundamental Stars for the zones of Schonfeld's Durch- mustencny (Ast. Nach. 2890-91) ; a dagger (f), that the Star is one of the Fundamental Stars for subsequent meridian observation of the zones of the Cape Durchmusterung, between 20 and 80 of South Declination. (Auwers Monthly Notices R.A.S., Vol. XLVIL, pp. 455-473.) When the Star belongs to both these lists the asterisk only is affixed, and the note " Fundamental Star for Southern Zones " is printed at the bottom of the page, .. Vll " Bradley or Lacaille." This column gives the corresponding number in Auwers' " Neue Reduction tier Bradleyschen Beobachtungen," or that in the British Association Catalogue of Lacaille's observations ''''Catalogue of 9766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere." When the Star is in one of these Catalogues only, the numeration alone is sufficiently distinctive, when it is in both Catalogues the Bradley Number is given with an asterisk attached. " Piazzi." This column gives the Hour and Number in Piazzi's Catalogue (Edition of 1814). " B.A.C." The number in the British Association Catalogue of 8377 Stars. " Star's Name." For Stars contained in Auwers' Bradley the nomenclature of that work has been retained, only substituting Argus or Puppis for Navis. For Stars not in Auwers' Bradley the nomenclature of the Fundamental list (Ast. Nach. 2890) was adopted. For all other Stars between the South Pole and Declination 23 the nomenclature of the Argentine General Catalogue was employed, and for Stars North of Declination 23 that of the British Association Catalogue. The only exceptions to these rules are a very few close Circumpolar Stars which are designated by letters long in use at the Cape. For otherwise unnamed Stars the Catalogue number is referred to in the following order of preference : (1.) Auwers' Bradley, referred to as Bradley. (2.) British Association Catalogue of Lacaille's observations, referred to as Lacaille. (3.) The Hour and Number in Piazzi's Catalogue (Edition of 1814). (4.) Lalande's Catalogue, published by the British Association. (5.) The Hour and Number in Weisse's Catalogues of the Stars in Bessel's zones, the zones 15 to +15 being referred to as W.B., and the zones + 15 to +45 as W.B. (2). (6.) The Argentine General Catalogue referred to as A.G.C.* * I regret now the use of these letters for this purpose ; C.Gt.A. would be preferable, as A.G.O. has been used for some time to denote the Astronomische Gesellschaft Catalogue. VI 11 (7.) The Cape Catalogue of 12,441 Stars referred to as Cape (1880). (8.) The Hour and Number in the Argentine Zone Catalogue referred to as C.Z. (9.) The Banner Durchmusteruny referred to as B.D. All notes respecting the " name " are given on this page. " Magnitude." For Stars North of Declination - 30 the magnitudes (unmarked) are taken from " Harvard Photometry," and South of that Declination from the Argentine General and Zone Catalogues. Those magnitudes which are marked with an asterisk are taken from the Banner Durchmusterumj. all others are marked with a dagger, and the authority is given in the notes on the right-hand page. The particulars respecting Variable Stars are from Chandler's Catalogue (Astron. Journal, Nos. 179 & 180), unless otherwise stated. " Mean Date."- -The mean epoch of observation expressed in years from 1800. " No. of Obs." The number of observations of R.A. "Mean R.A. 1885'0." -The formation of the Right Ascension is explained, pp. x to xv, the results here given refer to the mean epoch of observation and the Equinox 1885'0. " Annual Precession 1885'0." - The Precession in R.A. was computed from the formula 3 8 -0724 + l*-3369 [log. = 0-12610] sin a tan S by the use of Mr. Stone's Tables (Appendix to Cape Observations 1874). " Secular Variation." For Stars between O c and (J0 Declination the Secular Variations were taken from MSS. tables specially prepared. For the other Stars the values have been computed by the formula A + BtanS + C'tan 2 8 where A = O s '00190 + O e -00650 sin 2 a B = - 6 '00057 sin a + 8 '02987 cos C = + 0"-01300 sin 2 a with the aid of Folie's Tables. IX " Annual Proper Motion."- -The Proper Motions taken from Auwers' list of " Funda- mental Stars (Ast. Nach. 2890)," from his " Neiie Reduction der Bradleyschen Beobachtungen" or his Catalogues of Fundamental Stars (Pub. der Ast. Gesellschaft), are printed without mark or note. Those taken from the Cape Catalogue 1880, are marked with an asterisk ; and for the few proper motions from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars, the Bonn Observations, Vol. VII., and other sources, the authority is mentioned in the notes on the right-hand page. " Correction for M a to 1885-0." For the convenience of Astronomers who may desire to compare this Catalogue with others reduced to the Epoch and Equinox 1885*0, this column gives the correction to be applied on account of Proper Motion to the R.A. of the present Catalogue, to reduce the Catalogue place to the Epoch 1885-0. Right-Hand Page. No." An asterisk (*) attached to the number on this page signifies that there is a foot-note referring to the star. " Mean Date." " No. of Obs."- -These columns have the same significance as the similar columns on the left-hand page. " Mean Dec. 1885'0."- -The formation of this column is explained on pp. xv to xxv. " Annual Precession 1885'0."- -The Precession in Declination was computed by the use of Mr. Stone's Tables (Appendix to Cape Observations 1874) from the formula 20"-0534 cos a. " Secular Variation." The formula employed was A 1 + B 1 tan S where A 1 = - 0"-0086 cos a - 0"-4480 sin a B 1 = - 0"-1950 sin 2 a . " Annual Proper Motion." " Correction for us" These columns are constructed on the same basis as the corresponding columns on the left-hand page. " Fallows and Henderson." Numbers printed in ordinary type refer to Fallows') those in italics to Henderson's Catalogue. An asterisk attached signifies that the Star occurs in both Catalogues, the number in Fallows' being given. " A.G.C. 1875." The Argentine General Catalogue. Gould. " Melbourne 1870 & 1880." Numbers printed in ordinary type refer to the Melbourne Catalogue for 1870 ; those in italics to the Catalogue for 1880. An asterisk attached signifies that the Star occurs in both Catalogues, the number in 1870 being given. The other columns of reference are sufficiently explained by their respective headings. A 11907. CAPE OBSEBVATIONS. * RIGHT ASCENSIONS. The Clock- Stars employed are those of the Fundamental Catalog fur die Zonen Beobachtungen am Nordlichen Himmel, which are situated between the limits of + 10 and 10 of Declination. The Right Ascensions of Clock- Stars are not included as determinations unless at least five observations of Clock- Stars have been obtained on the same night. The Right Ascensions of Stars within 10 of the Pole have not been included as determinations unless either the Star has been observed both at upper and lower culminations, or the Azimuth has been otherwise strongly determined on the same night, that is to say, by double transits of other circumpolars, or by transits of at least four Circumpolar Stars whose places have been recently determined fundamentally. The observations have been entirely made by the method of " Eye and Ear." Personal Equation. The ordinary corrections for Personal Equation applicable to the determinations of Clock-Error need not be here given in detail ; the results as determined from time to time will be found in the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1879-81, p. xxvi., and 1882-85, p. xxv. The Clock-Rates from day to day are corrected for Personal Equation, but the Clock-Error as determined by the observer at the mean epoch of each set of observations has invariably been employed in the reduction of all observations of that set. The Right Ascensions are, therefore, practically unaffected by Personal Equation, unless that equation varies for Stars different in Magnitude and Declination from the Clock- Stars. In order to determine the variation of Personal Equation for Stars of different Declinations, a long series of observations was made in 1879. A list of Stars was prepared, divided into zones of Declination ; two observers were on duty at the same time, and each observed the transit of the same Star over several wires, changing places at the eyepiece at the middle of the transit. Thus one observer, G, would observe the first three wires, the other, F, the last three wires for the first Star, and vice versa for the second. Then putting Clock slow (true) = Clock slow (as observed by G-) + G- = (as observed by F) + F with similar notation for the other observers, and adopting G + F + M + P + I = O s -000 a number of equations was obtained, from which the following values of G, F, M, &c. were found. Observer Facing Zone. Declination. G. On Great Circle. F. On Great Circle. M. On Great Circle. P. On Great Circle. I. On Great Circle. o o n i 3 8 i 8 N I. + 15 to 15 o-o6r 0-061 0-048 o 048 +0-113 +O'II2 O-Ogi o-ogo +0-087 +0-086 N II. 15 30 0-078 0-072 0-066 0-061 +o- 104 +0-096 0-095 0-088 +0-134 +0-124 S III. 3 45 0-015 O-OI2 0-081 0-064 +0-067 +0-053 0-082 -0-065 +o- no +0-087 S IV. 45 ,, 60 +'35 +0-021 0-122 0-074 +0-117 +0-071 O-I4O ^-0*085 +0-109 +0-066 S V. 60 75 +O-I2O +o 046 0-115 0-044 +OT34 +0-05I 0-I82 0-070 +0-043 +O'Ol6 S VI. 75 85 +0-350 -(-0-061 0-170 0-030 +0-227 +0-039 0-217 0-038 -0-189 0-033 The sudden variation in these results at the Zenith at once led to the suspicion that there must be a considerable personality dependent on the apparent direction of motion of the Star across the field of view. To test this point a list of Stars culminating near the Zenith was selected. The observer, facing North, noted the times of transit over the first three wires, and then, facing South, noted the times of transit of the same Star over the last three wires, and vice versd for the next Star. The results for the various observers were G N - G s = - h 8 '076. F N - F a = - F -079. M N - M s = - r- -122. IN ~ PS = h -015. IN - Is = - h -066. Thus all the observers have a systematic error, similar in character, depending on the apparent direction of motion across the field of view. It is perhaps worthy of remark that the observer P, whose systematic error in this respect is smallest, and almost insensible, is ambidextrous, as he handles tools, &c. with equal facility with either hand. In consequence of this result I had a reversing prism mounted between the eyepiece and the observer's eye.* * The adjustment of the reversing prism ia a delicate operation requiring the greatest care and nicety. The prism may not be made too large, otherwise the observer's eye is too far removed from the eye-lens and the field of view becomes too limited. On the other hand, when the prism is of the proper size, unless its neutral axis is rigorously parallel to and coincident with the optical axis of the eyepiece, a part of the emergent pencil is cut off, and a non-symmetrical image of the Star is the result. The only satisfactory test is to examine the emergent pencil with a lens or dynamometer (in the manner usually employed to measure the magnifying power of a telescope) and so ascertain whether the full image of the object-glass can be seen in full illumination in all positions of the prism's rotation. A 11907. b 2 Xll This prism is capable of rotation about its axis, and consequently of reversing the apparent direction of the Star's motion across the field of view. To prevent any confusion on part of the observer in the use of the prism, the following simple device was employed to define its position. The prism itself is mounted on a brass disc, Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. shewn in plan and section in the accompanying Figures 1 and 2. This disc can be rotated by the observer with the greatest ease, without disturbing the focal adjustment of the eyepiece ; the prism, as shewn in Figure 2, is mounted on this disc. xirt A portion of this disc is filed away to form a flat a b, Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The line a b is at right angles to the plane of the base of the reversing prism, therefore when this line is placed vertically, as in Figures 3 and 4, the apparent motion in Eight Ascension is not changed, but when the line a b is placed horizontally, as in Figs. 5 and 6, the apparent direction of motion is reversed. These positions of the prism are denoted in the observer's book by the letters V and H respectively. . After November 1880 in every transit-observation the first three wires were observed with the prism in position H, and then a like number with the prism in position V, or vice versa ; thus, when the separate wires are reduced to the middle wire, the mean result is free from personal error depending on the direction of motion. Almost all the Stars observed before the adoption of the reversing prism were within 30 of the Equator, hence practically the same correction would have to be applied to the Clock- Stars as to the Stars observed for place, therefore no correction for the V H discordance has been applied to the results 1879 to November 1880. In all observations subsequent to the latter date the error depending on the direction of apparent motion has been systematically eliminated by use of the reversing prism as above described. After the reversing prism had been some time in use, the following results were obtained from a discussion of the observations, by reducing the observed times in the positions V and H to the middle wire. Equatorial Stars. V H. No. of Obs. Polar Stars. (V H) cos S. No. of Obs. F 0-068 51 ' M 0-038 646 + 0-036 150 P + 0-004 633 0-012 205 C + o-ooi 212 O'OO2 39 I 0-072 318 + 0-016 81 Now position V gives for Equatorial Stars the same apparent direction of motion with reference to the observer's right or left hand that position H does for Stars South of the Zenith ; thus the above results for F, M, P and I agree in sign, and (with the exception of M) in amount, with those derived from the observation of transits of Zenith Stars in reversed positions of the observer with reference to North and South. The agreement of the values of V H (except in the case of observer I) for Polar Stars reduced to the great circle, is very close. For slow moving Stars the observer I had always a considerable and rather variable Personal Equation (Cape Observations 1871-75, p. ix.), and his observations seldom enter into the determinations of the Right Ascensions of Circumpolar Stars. XIV It seems probable therefore, that, with the systematic use of the reversing prism, the effect of Personal Equation depending upon Declination is to a great extent eliminated. In connection with the discussion of the Meridian Observations of the Mars Comparison Stars in 1877 it appeared that observations by " Eye and Ear " were not, in the mean, affected by magnitude (Memoirs, R.A.S., Vol. XLVL, p. 80). On this account no special steps were taken to determine the Personal Equation depending upon magnitude till the Meridian Observations of the Victoria and Sappho Comparison Stars were under discussion by Professor Auwers, when, at his request, special observations were made for the purpose. The Right Ascensions of the Victoria and Sappho Stars were observed by the " Chronographic " method ; the results were communicated to Professor Auwers, and will be published in his discussion of the Meridian Observations of these Stars. At the same time (1890 March to June) observations were made to determine the personality depending on magnitude for "Eye and Ear" Observations, and, contrary to expectation, the correction was found to be very marked.* The work of preparing the Catalogue was then too far advanced to permit the corrections to be applied without undue labour to the individual results, but the corrections applicable to the different observers are so similar that the following means may be adopted as applicable to all the Catalogue places. CORRECTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS. Argument, Star's Magnitude. Magnitude. Correction. Magnitude. Correction. Magnitude. Correction. 8 8 I + O-O3O 4 O'OOO 7 0-034 2 + 0-020 5 0-013 8 0-043 3 + 0-OI2 6 0-024 9 0-050 Observations of Right Ascension by Reflexion. Observations of Right Ascension by Reflexion were commenced in 1884. A comparison of the Clock-Errors deduced from the Direct and Reflex observations for the three observers M, P and C (there was not sufficient material in the case of ' The method adopted was to observe the transit of the first star over the first three wires, and then cover the object-glass with a wire gauze screen and observe the transit of the same star (but of diminished brightness) over the last three wires ; and vice versa for the next star. XV observer R) shewed that the following corrections should be applied to the Reflex observations to make them produce the same Clock-Error as the Direct observations. M = + 8 -054 ; P = + 6 -008 ; C = + O s -<345. No correction, however, has been applied in the Journals to the observations of Right Ascension made by Reflexion, so that such observations are reduced on their own merits, and with a Clock-Error derived solely from the Direct observations, A comparison was then made between the results Reflex and Direct for the Stars in the 1884 Annual Catalogue, with the following results for D R. N.P.D. D R. X.P.D. D R. Aa. Aa CO8 (". Weight. A. Aa COS (' . Weight. o o 8 o o 1 1 66 70 + 0-028 + 0'026 31 106 no O'PII o-oio Si 71 75 + 0-029 + 0-028 53 133137 + 0-015 + O'OII 60 76 80 + 0-O26 + 0-025 59 138142 o-ooo o-ooo 47 81 85 + 0-O2I + 0-021 74 143147 O'OOO o-ooo 42 86 90 + 0-O2O + O-O2O 81 148152 + 0-051 + 0-026 34 91 95 + O'OII + O'OII 49 153157 + 0-036 + 0-009 29 96 100 + 0-028 + 0-028 65 158162 + 0-047 + 0-016 18 101 105 + 0-017 + 0-017 5 163 169 + 0-041 + o-oio 18 No correction has been applied to the Reflex observations when combining them with Direct observations to form the place given in the General Catalogue. DECLINATIONS. The reader is referred to the Introduction of the Cape Meridian Observations 1879-81 (pp. xiii-xxiv) for an account of the methods by which the errors of graduation of the Circle were determined for each single degree of the Circle. These corrections have been rigorously applied to the results given in the Annual Catalogues. In the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1882-85 will be found an investigation of the errors of the screws of the Circle-Microscopes, and of the effects of their progressive wear since 1879. These results, as applicable to the Runs at various epochs, are given in Table M 1? p. xviii., and, as applicable to the Circle-Microscope readings, in Table M 2 , pp. xviii-xxi ; the corrections depending on the reading of the eyepiece micrometer-screw are given in Table N, p. xxi loc. cii. The published results of Cape Meridian Observations 1882-85 are corrected for these errors of the screws, but those of 1879-81 are not so corrected, because the fact of rapid wear of the screws XVI had not been established when these observations were printed. The necessary corrections for the Screw-errors previous to 1882 have however been since computed and applied to the separate observations by the methods described, p. xvii. loc. cit. t so that the positions of Stars given in the present Catalogue are free from the errors in question. The results for N.P.D. given in the annual Catalogues are formed on the assumptions, 1. That the results are unaffected by instrumental Flexure. 2. That the Refractions of Bessel's Tabulae Regiomontance are rigorously applicable. 3. That the Latitude is -- 33 56' 3"-20. Flexure. By observations of opposite horizontal Collimators, the half sum of the Horizontal Flexures to North and South was determined seven times in January 1881 and eleven times in February 1885, with the result that the upper semi-circle is measured = 180 0' 0"-924, or that the correction for Mean Horizontal Flexure is = - 0"'462 ; Probable Error 0"'020. The separate results are given in the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1882-85, p. xxviii. The negative sign indicates that the Instrumental Zenith Distances require a negative correction, in other words the eye-end of the telescope bends or falls more than the object-glass end.* In preparing the Declinations of the present Catalogue the Flexure is assumed to be OM6 sin Z.D. In 1 884 a large number of observations was made by reflexion. The results are given in the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1882-85, p. xxx. In the preparation of this Table the correction for the Latitude of the mercurial trough was erroneously applied to the values of R D from the formula 0"'08 sin Z.D. The proper correction is 0"'16 sin Z.D. * The reader is requested to correct a mistake on p. xxix of the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1882-85, where the erroneous conclusion is drawn that the excess of the Instrumental Z.D. is due to greater bending of the object-glass end than of the eye end. XV11 ie corrected results are, TABLE I. Mean. Group. N.P.D. Mean Z.D. No. of Stars in Group. Number of Observations. N.P.D. Probable Error. Weight. N.P.D. R D uncorrected for Flexure. R D corrected for Flexure. D. R. / / * H I. 66 59 5 6 57 15 54 34 0-28 + o- 151 u-o 1-05 II. 7i 37 52 '9 20 102 68 0-42 - 94 28-3 i'"5 III. 76 33 47 23 29 136 "4 + 0-09 + 0-090 30-9 0-59 IV. 8 1 40 - 42 16 35 218 '39 -f- O-2I 0-084 35H 0-41 V. 86 29 37 27 32 191 114 + 0-39 0-077 42-2 0-17 VI. 91 17 32 39 20 123 85 + - 24 + 0-070 50-9 0-26 VII. 96 50 - 27 6 22 140 "5 + - i3 0-063 63-0 0-29 VIII. 100 46 23 10 21 124 114 + O'OI 0-074 45-6 0-35 IX. 106 21 i? 35 31 192 185 + 0-28 + 0-056 79-6 o-oo X. in 37 i: 19 23 "4 96 -f O'OI 0-073 46-9 0-19 XI. 133 6 + 9 10 10 37 35 '39 0-180 T7 0-24 XII. 136 27 + 12 31 3 146 127 0-03 0-062 65-1 + 0-17 XIII. 141 27 + 17 3i 15 80 68 + 0-09 0-086 33-8 + 0-37 XIV. 146 36 + 22 40 20 94 71 + 0-15 + 0-096 27-1 + 0-50 XV. I5 1 49 + 27 53 15 59 59 + 0-26 + 0-127 ID'? + '&9 XVI. 156 29 + 32 33 H 54 55 0-05 + 0-096 27-1 + '44 XVII. 160 38 + 36 42 9 37 27 0-21 + o- i 14 19-2 + - 34 XVIII. 167 24 + 43 28 H 86 35 + 0-I 3 0-082 37'2 + 0-76 XIX. 171 48 + 47 52 10 62 24 + 0-36 + o- 127 I5-4 + 1-04 The figures in column 9 of Table I. are obtained on the assumption that the true Flexure correction is - 0"'46 sin The resulting values of R D resemble the corresponding values for the Greenwich Observations. It is therefore important to decide whether the Reflex observations should be reduced to the Direct observations (after the latter have been corrected for Flexure), or whether both sets of observations should be reduced to the mean system - . At Greenwich it has always been the practice first to apply the correction for Flexure on the assumption that the true value of the Flexure-Constant is derived from the observations of the Horizontal Collirnators, and that the Flexure varies as the sine A 11907. CAPE OBSERVATIONS. ' xvm of the Zenith Distance. This done, the values of R D are obtained, and an expression is found to represent these values of the form a + b sin or, a + b sin cos 2 and corresponding corrections are applied to reduce both the R and D observations to R + D the system - . m This system of reduction obviously implies that the corrections first applied represent the true Instrumental Flexure, and that the R D discordance has some other origin than true Instrumental Flexure. The practice is based on a Memoir by Sir George Airy (Memoirs R.A.S., Vol. XXXII., pp. 9-17), in which its distinguished author comes to the conclusions 1. That "the origin of the discordance expressed by R D lies in some con- " formation of the warmer and cooler strata of the atmosphere in the " immediate neighbourhood of the circle." 2. That " the means of the R and D results are more reliable as absolute " measurements of Zenith Distance than those of R or D only," and that " no Colatitude of an observatory where direct observations alone " are used is certain to a quarter of a second." With the first of these conclusions one can readily concur. The second, however, is hardly tenable in face of the first ; for it implies that the law of Refraction will be better represented by the mean direction of two rays, one of which has traversed a much longer space of air (admitted to be irregularly heated by radiation from the walls and pier of the instrument) than by the direction of a single ray entering the object- glass between the vertical shutters, where there is, or should be, a free draught of outside air.* The proof given by Sir George Airy in favour of his view is that, in the mean of the R and D observations, the observed Latitude of the Greenwich Circle is found to be the same, within narrow limits, during the three epochs 1836-41, 1842-48, and 1851-60; whereas, if the Latitude is deduced from the D observations only, the resulting Latitudes of the first and last of these periods differ from that of the middle period by 0* - 26 and + 0"'28 respectively. ' In the Greenwich and Cape Instruments the observer and the mercury trough occupy a pit or well, and the latter, except for observations at considerable Zenith Distance, is below the level of the floor. XIX But it is not difficult to find other reasons for these discrepancies. In those days there were no investigations of the errors of the Screws of the Micrometer-Microscopes, which, as has already been shewn at Greenwich, might alone readily account for the discordances in question ; nor in the case of the Mural Circles employed in the first two periods was there any effective determination of the division-errors. For these two periods also the Zenith- Point was determined from observations of Stars D and K, and all these determinations were assumed to be common to all Stars, and in computing the D results the instrument was assumed to be free from Flexure for, indeed, there were no independent means of determining it by Collimators. For the last group of observations, 1851-60, the Transit-Circle was employed, the Zenith-Point was determined by Nadir Observations, combined with D and R observations of Stars, and in forming the D results the Flexure determined by the Horizontal Collimators was applied ; but this determination (upon which the calcukted amount of the R ]) correction entirely depends) is apparently based upon the results of only five Flexure determinations, which range in value from + 0"'20 to + 0"'88. The observations in the mean of the two positions R and D do eliminate not only the term of the Instrumental Flexure depending upon sin , but also errors of the Nadir-Point, and diminish to some extent the effects of errors of division and errors of the Micrometer- Screws. But if the R D discordance has the physical explanation which Sir George Airy has given to it, then it is quite clear that the R results (however much they may have the effect of smoothing mean values of the Latitude) are in reality erroneous, unless they are reduced with a different law of Refraction, applicable to the mean or special condition of temperature of the irregularly heated air within the Observatory itself. Mr. Christie, in his paper " On the systematic errors of the Greenwich North Polar Distances'" (Memoirs H.A.S., Vol. XLV.) apparently takes the opposite view, for at page 154 he argues as follows : " The change in the R D and Flexure corrections on the piercing of the cube: " (subsequently to the date of the Astronomer Royal's paper) was not accompanied " by any change in the shutter openings, or in the general meteorological conditions " of the room. There was, on the other hand, a change in the mechanical state v of the ' instrument, and in the method of making the Flexure determination. For the latter il the observation of one Collimator by the other was made after 1866 through the " pierced cube instead of with the Transit-Circle raised." These words imply that the origin of the R D discordance is, in Mr. Christie's opinion, due to instrumental causes, because, with the instrumental changes, and without any change in the shutter openings, the signs of the Flexure and of the R D discordance were changed. A 11907. e 2 XX As a matter of fact, however, this change of sign is only apparent, not real. If, for sake of simplicity, we take the epochs during which the corrections for R D were assumed of the form x + y sin we have the following : Epoch. Mean Expression for R D.* Adopted Flexure. 1851-56 inclusive 1857-61 1881-86 r I + crc>4 0-42 sin 5 + o p o8 o'68 sin J o-oo + I 14 sin J -+- O'5o sin J + 0-56 sin 2 O'oo sin t The actual corrections which should be applied to the Direct observations are R-D f or practically for 1851-56 1857-61 1881-86 There is thus no change D observations. The increase + Flexure x sin of sign Corrections applied to D. + 0"'29 sin + 0"'22 sin + 0"'57 sin in the correction applicable to the last in the constant of the correction in the result may appear to be due to the piercing of the cube, but having regard to the fact that the flanges of the tubes are bolted near to the margins of the cube, the mechanical conditions are against such a theory. The wider range of Reflex obser- vations, after the new Collimators were mounted, combined with the employment of a formula not truly representing the physical facts**, is apparently the cause of the small apparent increase. Be that as it may, the unquestionable fact remains, that the true Flexure of the Greenwich Transit-Circle follows practically the same law from, first to last. Professor Simon Newcomb calls attention to this fact in his paper on the North Polar Distances of the Greenwich Transit-Circle (Astronomical Papers of the American Ephemeris, Yol. II., pp. 414418), and asks the pertinent question, " How is it possible " that a change in the Astronomical Flexure should have occurred without any change " in the Zenith Distances measured with the instrument ? " * Taken for 1851-61 from Mr. Christie's paper, p. 156, loc. cit., where, however, the values have to be doubled and corrected for inclination of the vertical at the surface of the mercury the results are then as here given. ** The true law of E D discordance, apart from Flexure, does certainly not follow the law of sin { ; the proof is a reductio ad alisurdum, viz., that if Reflex observations could be continued to the horizon, the calculated effect of R D would reach a maximum at the time when the Reflex and Direct rays coincide. XXI The true explanation appears to be that suggested by Newcomb loc. aV., viz., that since the Collimators were viewed through the triangular openings in the central cube, the determinations of Flexure are erroneous. This view is confirmed by the results given in Professor Turner's paper (Month/;/ Notices, Vol. LII. p. 146) " On observations for coincidence of the Collimntors ' throuqh the cube of the Transit- Circle at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich." This investigation shews that considerable systematic errors are produced in the coincidence of the Collimators u by viewing the South Collimator with the North one through ' ; 8 holes of sector form cut in the central cube of the Transit-Circle." Unfortunately in Professor Turner's paper the investigation is restricted to the effect on Collimation, and is not extended to the effect on Flexure, but the systematic error produced in the coincidence of the Collimators is quite sufficient to form a possible vera causa for the apparent change of Flexure. It is much to be desired that a long series of observations should be made to determine the Flexure of the Greenwich Transit-Circle both on the old plan and on the new. In the case of the Cape Observations I am convinced by many considerations, and in part by the results of an unfinished investigation in which I have been for some time occupied, that Airy's explanation of the R D discordance, originally suggested by Faye, is the true one. Although the vertical shutters of the Transit-Circle Room are always opened from three o'clock in the afternoon, the thick outer walls of the Observatory heated as they are by the strong sunshine at the Cape never acquire during the night the temperature of the outer air. Thus for Reflex observations the rays from Stars enter strata of air very irregularly heated. On the other hand the Direct observations are made in the air-space between the open shutters, where (as the observations arc always made with both the vertical and horizontal shutters fully opened) there is a free draught of air, and the temperature is less different from that of the outer air, than it is below the level of the axis of the Transit-Circle. For these reasons, and having regard to the fact that the errors of the Micrometer- Screws and of the Circle-divisions have been thoroughly investigated and the corresponding corrections applied, I am fully convinced that the Direct observations corrected for Flexure represent the true Zenith Distances far more accurately than do the mean, of the Reflex and Direct observations. In the Annual Catalogues the results are given without corrections for Flexure or R D, and the Reflex results are not corrected for the position of the mercury-trough. Taking the mean values of D R before the application of the correction 0"'16 sin , XX11 and sweeping a curve through the results, we obtain the following corrections to reduce the Reflex N.P.D. 's of the Annual Catalogues to the system of those observed Direct. TABLE II. CORRECTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE REFLEX N.P.D.'s OF THE ANNUAL CATALOGUES TO REDUCE THEM TO THE SYSTEM OF THOSE OBSERVED DlliECT. N.P.D. Correction. N.P.D. Correction. o 65 + 0-36 O '35 + 0-16 70 + -i7 140 0-05 75 + '3 '45 0-14 80 0-18 150 0-17 85 0-27 155 0-14 90 0-30 1 60 o-io 95 0-26 165 0-05 IOO 0-19 170 O-OO i5 O'll 175 O'OO no 0-03 1 80 O'OO The Reflex observations having been thus reduced to the system of the Direct obsertations, all the N.P.D. 's were corrected for Flexure by the formula - 0"-46 sin where is reckoned + when South. After these corrections were applied, the D observations of Circumpolar Stars for Latitude were as follows : OBSERVATIONS OF CIRCUMPOLAR STARS FOR LATITUDE. n N.P.D. No. of Obs. Below .9 Pole. 3 *5 Above Pole. Below. o S * Pole. s -0 '3 Above Pole. Below. 0> ' 3 35'' 2 I 12 6 0*09 4-0 1492 168 12' 39^85 40-08 ii 15 + 0-23 6-4 840 167 34 52-66 52-77 '9 9 + o- 1 1 6-1 1680 169 25 47-25 47 '19 7 IO 0-06 4"i 864 168 40 24*97 2" '12 13 q + '35 - i 914 167 50 10-03 10-17 22 8 + 0-14 5'9 IIII 167 41 7-40 7-65 7 6 + 0-25 3'2 165 1 60. 1132 168 24 11-30 12 -IO 6 2 + 0-80 1'5 1144 168 38 9-54 9-67 8 7 + 0-13 3 - 7 226 162 21 4-65 5'53 4 4 + 0-88 2'C 1157 167 16 24-82 24-60 g 6 0-22 3'4 273 164 35 28-54 27-17 3 6 i '37 2-0 "77 166 i 44-40 43-66 5 6 '74 2-7 829 164 35 21-35 20-73 3 5 0-62 1-9 1433 167 27 36-34 37-01 9 4 + 0-67 5'5 1298 161 31 27-06 27-27 3 2 + O'2I i '5 The range of 1'olar Distance is quite insufficient to allow an independent discussion of the Refraction., and, therefore, we assume in the first place that thi" adopted Tabular Refractions (those of Bessel's Tabulas Pet/iomontance) require no correction. On this assumption, having regard to the weights, we obtain : Correction to the assumed Colatitude = + 0"'lo. The following Table III. gives the combined effect of the corrections for Colatitude and Flexure : TABLE III. COMBINED CORRECTION TO X. P.D. FOR FLEXURE AND ERROR OF ADOPTED COLATITUDK. N.P.D. Correction. N.P.D. Correction. N.P.D. S.P. Correction. o 45 -)- 0-60 O "5 + 0-22 5 + 0-59 120 + 0-18 55 + 0-58 125 + 0-14 60 + '57 13 + o- 10 65 + 0'55 135 -f 0-06 7 + 0-52 140 + 0-02 75 + 0-5 145 O'O2 80 + 0-47 15 0-05 O g B$ + '44 '55 O-O9 '55 + o-3i 90 + 0-41 160 0'12 1 60 + '3 95 + - 37 165 0-15 165 + 0-29 IOO + 0'34 170 0-18 170 + '27 i5 + 0-30 175 O'2I "75 + 0-25 IIO + o-:6 1 80 O-23 1 80 [+ 0-23] XXV In forming the N.P.D.'s for the General Catalogue the Reflex observations of N.P.D. were first reduced to the system of Direct observations by the corresponding corrections taken from Table II. The mean of the observations R and D so corrected was then taken, having regard to the number of observations of each, and the result was corrected for Flexure and Error of Colatitude by Table III. The N.P.D.'s thus found were transformed into the Declinations which are printed in the present Catalogue. D The Catalogue as it stands therefore represents the Declinations which would result from the following conditions : 1. That the true Zenith Distances are obtained from the Direct observations corrected for Flexure by the formula - 0"-46 sin K. 2. That the Refractions of Bessel's Tabulae Regiomontancc represent the true Astronomical Refractions at the Cape. The resulting Latitude is -33 56' 3"'35. It remains for discussion whether subsequent data obtained at the Cape and comparison with the Greenwich observations shew that the Declinations of the Catalogue require further systematic corrections. Discussion of Flexure depending on cos . The general law of Flexure may, from mechanical considerations, be expressed with considerable certainty by a sin + b cos . Observations with the Horizontal Collimators give directly the values of 2a, but there are no data to determine b unless it be assumed that the irregular Meteorological conditions in the interior of the Observatory which give rise to the discordance R D are symmetrical North and South of the Zenith, and the accuracy of the discussion in this way is also vitiated by the uncertainty as to the law of the R D discordance. In order to obtain an entirely independent value of b a number of pairs of Stars were observed in 1887-90, both with the Transit -Circle and the Zenith-Telescope. The Stars were selected in pairs like those employed for determining Latitudes by A 11907. CAPE OBSERVATIONS. d XXVI Talcott's method, the components of each pair having a small difference of opposite Zenith-Distance, and differing sufficiently in Right Ascension to be both capable of observation with the Transit- Circle on the same night. Unfortunately, owing to the pressure of other work, it was not possible to make the observations simultaneously with both instruments ; but in every case only those Transit- Circle observations have been used in which both components of the pair were observed on the same night. To eliminate as far as possible the inaccuracy which might arise from difference in the epochs at which the observations were made with the two instruments, the corrections for Proper Motion have, where possible, been determined and applied, and corrections have also been applied to the results for change of Latitude according to Chandler's formula}. The adopted value of a in the expression for the Flexure depends upon the following results, which represent the means of the weekly determinations of Flexure made with the Horizontal Collimators during the period over which the observations extend : MEAN VALUE OF THE HORIZONTAL FLEXURE-CORRECTION. Year. //. Difference from Mean. 1887 0-328 0-025 1888 0-304 o-ooi 1889 0-285 + 0-018 1890 0-286 + 0-017 iSgi 0-314 o-ou Mean 0-303 The following are the MEAN VALUES FOR EACH MONTH. Temperature F. Mean Rainfall. a. Temperature F. Mean Rainfall. it. Janu ary 71 in. O' 7 t July O 56 in. 3'5 0-323 70 O' 7 57 3'I 0-350 March 69 0-8 O'2^d. September 59 2'I 0-361 65 I ' 7 . , O'26^ 63 1-6 0-361 May .. 60 v6 68 I -O 0-263 J.-6 7 0-6 0-261 X.XV11 There is ;i distinctly marked tendency to periodic change throughout the year,, for we have a May to October (cold and wet) - 0"'340. November to April. (warm and dry) 0"'26(>. It seems probable that this small change is the result of a sagging of the horizontal web, produced by the great increase of moisture in the winter months, rather than of a change in the rigidity of the metallic parts of the instrument, due to temperature. The mean value of a is quit? constant within the limits of the probable error of its determination, but differs markedly and persistently from the values of Horizontal Flexure found for the period 1881-85. In 1885, however, after the observations of the present Catalogue were finished, a good many instrumental changes were made. The object-glass was sent home and re-polished, new steel screws were made to replace the easily worn gun-metal screws of the Circle -Microscopes, a new screw was also made for the eyepiece- micrometer, and the latter was thoroughly overhauled and put in order. The finder telescope was also removed (as it interfered with the symmetry of the instrument and was practically never used), and the counterpoising of the instrument was correspondingly re-adjusted. These mechanical changes sufficiently account for the change of Flexure. For these reasons the observations made previous to 1885 February 6 are reduced with the Flexure Correction 0"'462 sin , those subsequent to that date with - 0"'303 sin . The results of the comparisons of the Zenith-Distances as measured with the Transit-Circle and with the Zenith-Telescope are given in the following Table. The observations in question were all made before the Zenith-Telescope was placed in Messrs. Repsold's hands for extensive alteration ; the results since obtained are very much more accurate. But the faults of construction, which were detected and have been remedied, were of a kind only to produce accidental and not systematic errors. A 11907. * 2 XXV1H COMPARISON OF ZENITH-DISTANCES OBSERVED WITH TRANSIT-CIRCLE AND ZENITH-TELESCOPE. No. of Pair. Stars. Mean Z.D. 2 cos No. of Obs. Excess of Z.D. (.North South). Correction applicable to Transit-Circle Result. T.C. Z.T. Transit- Circle. Zenith- Telescope. Without Chandler's Corrections. With Chandler's Corrections. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. Stone 247, 0. A. 425 O 1 n 32 3 7 2 32 39 3i 13 36 3 H 13 48 28 8 3 23 32 27 27 14 I 20 7 43 32 22 25 42 8 19 '3 7 21 II 2 56 i ii 3 3 50 52 4 16 3 39 8 17 1-96 2'OO 2-00 I'54 I'94 2 'CO I'94 I- 7 6 2-00 1-69 I'77 2-00 I-gS I-6 9 I -80 1-97 I'95 1-86 2-00 2'OO 2-00 1-26 I'99 2-00 I-98. ii 9 12 12 12 12 17 12 12 12 12 13 12 12 15 9 12 12 10 12 12 17 12 12 IO 5 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 (> 6 / M + 8 39-52 3 49 - i9 + 4 20-33 + I 36-90 2 31-40 + 4 40-55 + 5 42-21 + 2 15-97 4 46-71 o 30-03 o 26-94 12 9-51 I 56-78 5 35-oo 10 38-13 + 6 3-36 5 40-85 + 6 3-05 o 6-01 + i 34-67 + i 39-83 + 2 47-54 + 3 57-25 + 6 18-85 + 6 15-61 + 8 40-51 3 48-33 + 4 20-45 + i 37-31 2 30-97 + 4 40-78 + 5 42-51 + 2 15-00 4 46-29 o 30-58 o 27-25 12 9-31 I 56-9I 5 35-03 10 38-42 + 6 3' IS 5 40-34 + 6 2-97 5-74 + i 35-35 + i 39-i6 + 2 46-82 + 3 57-43 + 6 18-40 + 6 15-44 +0-99 +0-86 +0-12 +0-41 +0-43 +0-23 +0-30 0-97 +0-42 0-55 0-31 + 0-20 0-13 0-03 0-29 0-18 +0-51 0-08 +0-27 +0-68 0-67 0-72 +0-I8 0-45 0-17 +0-75 +0-68 +0-06 +0-19 +0-13 +0-03 +0-20 0-95 +0-48 0-37 0-09 +0-26 0-25 0-og 0-29 o- 14 +0-35 O'I2 +0-29 + 0-50 0-73 0-72 +0-04 0-49 0-Og Stone 599, Stone 647 Stone 1556 Stone 1615 Stone 2015, B. D. + 5 728 Stone 2482, U A 45-58 IT. A. 34-51, Stone 2700 Stone 3215, U. A. 41-87 ... . TJ. A. 55-129, Stone 3649 Stone 4147, U. A. 28-281 B. D. i 2130, Stone 4723... Stone 5048, TJ. A. 40-159 Stone 6039, U. A. 40-261 B. D. i 2151, Stone 6424... Stone 7099 U A 50-99 Stone 7467, U. A. 40-357 Stone 8002, U A 4318 Stone 8490, U. A. 43-107 Stone QOsC U A 30 + 0"-50 adopted 1850-56. 1852 Dec. 23 + 0'20 ) 1857 Jan. 5 + 0'4G ) 1860 Aug.23 + 0-92 1860 Sent 1 + 0'67 I Taken with special precaution, described as superior ( to any of the others. 1864 Sept. 7 + 0*76 Mean ... +0"-62 In addition to the proofs already quoted that the subsequent apparent change of sign of the Flexure has been produced solely by viewing one Collimator by the other through the 8 holes of sector-form cut through the tube of the Transit-Circle, Professor Bakhuyzen's paper on "Variations of Latitude deduced from the observations of Polaris made at Greenwich 1852-89 " (Monthly Notices, Vol. LI., p. 286 etseq.*) may be regarded as conclusive, for he shows beyond doubt, loc. cit. " that the piercing of the cube in 1865 had no appreciable influence on the results." XXX11 For the period covered by the Ten- Year Catalogue, and apart from small constant quantities applied in different years, which in the mean are nearly zero, the corrections depending on sin , in the name of R D, were (1880 Catalogue, p. 12) + 1"'225 sin . This corresponds in effect to a Flexure correction expressed by + 0"'613 sin which agrees almost exactly with the mean of the only known reliable Flexure deter- minations, viz., those of 1850-64, quoted on p. xxxi, which give + 0*-62 sin ?. Thus, whether the Greenwich observations are reduced to the system ^ (neglecting the departure of the true E, D curve from the law of sin ), or whether they are reduced by the best independently known value of the Flexure, the results are practically the same. The Greenwich N.P.D. observations are therefore taken as they stand from the Greenwich Ten-Year Catalogue. TABLE A. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS OF CIRCUMPOLARS. N.P.D. Lower minn* Upper Culmination. Rotation No. Mean N.P.D. Zenith Distance. N.P.D. Lower Upper. Weight. Upper. Lower. O 1 O 1 O / , i 5 5 32 41 44 21 + 'i5 156 2 10 47 27 44 49 18 + 0'12 132 3 15 7 23 24 53 38 0-22 144 4 18 27 20 4 56 58 0"I2 132 5 21 17 17 14 59 48 ? 25 I 10 6 23 22 15 9 61 53 0-15 121 7 25 13 13 is 63 44 O'lO no 8 27 9 II 22 65 40 + '-4 100 9 28 49 9 42 67 20 4- O'2O IOO 10 30 44 7 47 69 15 + 0-66 81 II 33 36 4 55 72 7 + 0'37 72 12 36 36 1 55 75 7 + 0-51 49 13 4O 12 i 41 78 43 + 0-29 30 The weights have been reduced to correspond with the system of the Cape weights. XXX111 TABLE B. CAPE CIRCUMPOLAR OBSERVATIONS. N.P.D. Lower minus Upper Culmination. Rotation No. Mean N.P.D. Zenith Distance. N.P.D. Lower minus Upper. Weight. Upper. Lower. I. II. H O ' 177 30 O ' 53 34 O / 5 34 * o-io r 0-98 137 15 172 30 48 34 63 34 + 0-24 0-63 174 16 167 30 43 34 68 34 0-23 I'og no 17 162 30 38 34 73 34 Q'55 i'39 7 TABLE C. STARS COMMON TO GREENWICH AND CAPE. N.P.D. Greenwich minus Cape. Rotation No. Mean N.P.D. Zenith Distance. N.P.D. Greenwich minut Cape. Weight. Greenwich. Cape. I. II. O ' O O ' t x 18 47 30 9 76 26 + i '45 + 1-85 S 2 19 52 30 H 71 26 + 0-72 + I-2I 117 20 57 30 19 66 26 + 0-39 + 0'77 77 21 62 30 24 61 26 + 0-41 + 0'77 156 'J -7 67 30 29 56 26 + 0-60 . + Q-94 149 23 72 30 34 51 26 + 0-38 + 0-69 231 24 77 30 39 46 26. + 0-52 + 0-81 243 25 82 30 44 41 26 + 0-67 + 0-93 376 26 8? 3 49 36 26 + 0-35 + 0-58 324 27 92 30 54 31 26 + 0-47 + 0-66 286 28 97 30 59 26 26 + 0-56 + '72 372 29 102 30 64 21 26 + o-So + 0-92 213 3 107 30 69 16 26 + 0-67 + 0-75 357 31 112 30 74 II 26 + 0-79 + 0-83 210 32 117 30 79 6 26 + 0-82 + 0-82 144 2 In Tables B and C the figures in Column I. represent for the Cape the unchanged N.P.D.'s of the present Catalogue. The figures in Column II. are' formed on the ff i T\ assumption that the Cape N.P.D.'s should be reduced to the system - , that ; s to say, the further correction + 0"'05 + 0"-47 sin has been applied to the Cape N.P.D. 's of the present Catalogue. . A 11907. CAPE OBSBEVATIONS. XXXIV Before forming the definite equations, however, it seemed desirable to examine the question of the Tabular Refraction. . The Refraction Tables employed at Greenwich are those of Bessel's Tabulae Regiomontance^ which are based on the Refractions of his Fundamenta. The theory of the latter is essentially that of Laplace, but the constant of Refraction employed by Laplace was increased by Bessel in the Tabulae Regiomontanoe in the ratio of 1 : 1*003282, in accordance with the result of his discussion of Bradley 's observations. Below 85 Z.D. the Refractions of the Fundamenta (increased as above) were found to be too great, and were empirically reduced in the Tabulae Regiomontance to make them correspond with the results of observations of Stars at low altitudes made by Argelander at Abo. . The theory of Refraction has been more completely developed on various hypotheses since the days of Bessel. Radau in his " Recherches sur la theorie des Refractions " Astronomiques " (Annales de T Observatoire de Paris, Memoires Tome XVI.) shews (p. B 64) that the best modern Tables, though based on very different theories, are in close accord for Zenith- Distances less than 80. Radau also shews (loc. cit.} that, within the same limit of Zenith-Distances, the Refractions according to his own theory are practically independent of At (the decrease of temperature per 1000 metres), at least within the most reasonable and probable limits of At. He also shews that, if in his theory At be assumed = 5 Cent., his Tabular Refractions agree for all Zenith-Distances with those of Gylden. The Pulkowa " Tabidai Refractionum " are based on Gylden's " Untersuchungen uber die Constitution der Atmosphdre und die Constitution der Atmosphdre und die Strahlen- brechung in derselben, St. Petersburg 1866 ?" but Gylden's original Refractions have been diminished in the proportion of 1 - 0'00124 : 1. It seems therefore desirable 1. To confine the investigation, as we have done, to Zenith Distances not exceeding 80 ; and then, if the results of both observatories can be satisfactorily reconciled by reasonable corrections to the constant of Refraction, to use the corrected places as common points of reference for the discussion of Refractions at greater Zenith Distances. 2. To compare the observations, with the Pulkowa Tables as well as with the Tabulae Regiomontance. For the latter purpose a comparison between the two Tables has been made with the following results, and the absolute terms of the equations are given both for the Tabulae Regiomontance and the Pulkowa Tables : XXXV COMPARISON OF REFRACTIONS OF THE TABULJE REGIOMONTAN^; .WITH THE PULKOWA REFRACTION TABLES (EDITION OF 1870). (Barometer 30 in '00. Temperature 50 F.) Z.D. Mean Refraction. Pulkowa mirmt Tab. Reg. f f O'OO 10 10 O'O2 20 21 o~o6 3 33 0-09 40 49 0-13 5 69 o - ig 55 83 * 0-23 60 101 0-28 65 124 0-33 70 159 0-41 75 214 0-51 80 319 O'6i It will be observed that the difference between the two Tables cannot be rigorously represented by a simple multiple of the Refraction. The absolute terms of the equations are thus given under four columns, viz. I. Refractions from Tabulae Regiomontanae : Cape Observations not corrected for R - D. II. Refractions from Tabulae Regiomontanaj : but Cape Observations corrected for R - D. III. Pulkowa Refractions : Cape Observations not corrected for R D. IV. : but Cape Observations corrected for R D. EQUATIONS RESULTING FROM OBSERVATIONS OF N.P.D. AT GREENWICH AND THE CAPE. TYPE A. GREENWICH CIRCUMPOLARS. I . II. III. IV. Weig] // II II // (1) 2 X + 94 Y = + 15 + 0-15 - 0-11 - 0-11 15G (2) 2 X + 98 Y = + 12 + 0-12 - 0-14 - 0-14 132 (3) 2 X + 1 04 Y = - 22 - 0-22 - 0-50 - 0-50 144 (4) 2 X + 1 10 Y = - 12 - 0-12 - 0-43 - 0-43 132 ( 5 ) 2 X + 1 18 Y = - 25 - 0-25 - 0-57 - 0-57 110 1907. e 2 XXXVI TYPE A. GREENWICH CIRCUMPOLARS continued. I. II. III. IV. Weight. (6) (8) 2X 2 X 2X + 1 + 1 + 1 25 Y 31 Y 40 Y = - 0-15 - 0-10 + 0-24 - 0-15 - - o-io - + 0-24 - 0-49 0-46 0-13 0-49 0-46 0-13 121 110 100 (9) 2 X + 1 49 Y = + 0-20 + 0-20 - 0-18 0-18 100 (10) 2 X + 1 61 Y = + 0-66 + 0-66 + 0-25 + 0-25 81 (11) 2 X + 1 84 Y = + 0-37 + 0-37 - o-io o-io 72 (12) 2X + 2 18 Y = + 0-51 + 0-51 o-oo o-oo 49 (13) . 2X + 2 85 Y = + 0-29 + 0-29 - 0-30 0-30 30 TYPE B. CAPE CIRCUMPOLARS. (14) 2x 1 73 y IB - o-io - 0-98 + 0-38 0-50 137 (15) 2x 1 82 y = + 0-24 - 0-63 + 0-74 0-13 174 (16) 2x - 2 02 y = - 0-23 1-09 + 0-30 0-56 110 (17) 2x - 2 40 y = - 0-55 - 1-39 + 0-05 0-79 7 TYPE C. STARS COMMON TO GREENWICH AND CAPE. (18) x - X + 2-38 y + 0-09 Y = + T45 + 1-85 + 0-89 + 1-29 52 (19) x - X + 1-77 y + 0-14 Y = + 0-72 + 1-21 + 0-24 + 0-73 117 (20) x -- X + 1-33 y + 0-20 Y = + 0-39 + 0-77 - 0-02 + 0-36 77 (21) x - X + 1-08 y + 0-26 Y = + 0-41 + 0-77 + 0-05 + 0-41 156 (22) x - X + 0-88 y + 0-32 Y + 0-60 + 0-94 + 0-26 + 0-60 149 (23) x - X + 0-72 y + 0-40 Y = + 0-38 + 0-69 + 0-07 + 0-38 231 (24) x - X + 0-62 y + 0-48 Y = + 0-52 + 0-81 + 0-21 + 0-50 243 (25) x - X + 0-52 y + 0-56 Y = + 0-67 + 0-93 + 0-36 + 0-62 376 (26) x - X + 0-42 y + 0-66 Y = + 0-35 + 0-58 + 0-05 + 0-28 324 (27) x - X + 0-36 y + 0-80 Y = + 0-47 + 0-66 + 0-15 + 0-34 286 (28) x - X + 0-28 y + 0-96 Y = + 0-56 + 0-72 + 0-21 + 0-37 372 (29) x - X + 0-22 y + 1-19 Y + 0-80 + 0-92 + 0-42 + 0-54 213 (30) x - X + 0-18 y + 1-50 Y = + 0-67 + 0-75 + 0-22 + 0-30 357 (31) x - X + 0-12 y + 2-01 Y = + 0'79 + 0'83 + 0'26 + 0'30 210 (32) x - X + 0-06 y + 2'97 Y = + 0'82 + 0'82 + 0-21 + 0'21 144 XXX Vll Having regard to the weights the Normal Equations are I. II. III. IV. + 5023 x + 146 y -- 3308 X + 2986 Y = + 1954 + 1913 + 1101 + 1100 + 146 x + 3031 y - 1733 X + 895 Y = + 1061 + 2271 + 7 + 1218 - 3308 x - 1733 y + 8663 X + 506 Y = - 1773 -- 2479 - 1401 - 2147 + 2986 x + 895 y + 506 X + 6605 Y = + 2132 + 2536 + 234 + 638 Whence I. II. III. IV. Weight. x = + 0-186 + 0-114 + 0-157 + 0-096 ... 1830 y = + 0-218 + 0-585 0'065 + 0-303 ... 2086 X = 0-103 0-141 0-114 0-152 ... 3765 Y = + 0-217 + 0-264 0-018 + 0'024 ... 3103 Thus, according to solutions I. and III. The Refractions of the Tabulce Reyiomontance yn.t Greenwich by (1 Q'00217) require to be multiplied 5 at the Cape by (1 0*00218) The Refractions of the Pulkowa Tables } at Greenwich by (1 + 0-00018) require to be multiplied j at the Cape by (1 + 0*00065) On the other hand, according to solutions II. and IV. The Refractions of the Tabula Reyiomontance \ at Greenwich by (1 0*00264) require to be multiplied 5 at the Cape by (1 0'00585) The Refractions of the Pulkowa Tables 7 at Greenwich by (1 - 0'00024) require to be multiplied ^ at the Cape by (1 0*00303) But as the density of the air is measured by Mercurial Barometers, and as the effect of gravity on the mercurial column varies with the Latitude, it is necessary in comparing the corrections of the same Refraction Tables obtained at different observatories to take this variation of gravity into account. Professor Cleveland Abbe has drawn attention to this (Ast. NacK. 2761), and he gives a convenient table for the value of g at different ktitudes. XXXV111 Taking the value of g at Pulkowa as unity we derive for o / Greenwich = + 51 2S'6 ; g = 0'99928 Cape ^ = - 33 56'1 ; g = 0'99775 Let r be the mean Tabular Refraction computed from the readings of a Mercurial Barometer at any observatory. E the Mean Tabular Refraction computed from the readings of an Aneroid Barometer, which, if compared at Pulkowa, would be without error. Then, if the Pulkowa Tabular Refractions are correct, the true Mean Refraction at any other observatory will be r = Rg, that is to say For Greenwich, r = R (1 - O00072). For the Cape, r = R (I - 0-00225). According to solution III. the above Refractions have to be increased, so that the true Refractions become For Greenwich, r (1 + O'OOOIS) = E (1 - 0'00054). For the Cape, r (1 + O'OOOGo) = R (1 - 0-00160). Similarly, according to solution IV., the true Refractions are For Greenwich, r (1 - 0'00024) = R (1 - 0'00096). For the Cape, r (1 - 0'00303) = R (I - 0'00528). Thus, if solution IV. were correct the Refractions of the Pulkowa Tables require to be diminished -j-^ - part to represent the Refractions at Greenwich, and ^-J- T part to represent the Refractions at the Cape. This most improbable result is due to the employment of the correction - Z applied experimentally to test' the legitimacy of the process. On the other hand, when the Cape observations are reduced so that (by the results of a curve drawn through the values of D R) the R observations are corrected to D, and the latter are then corrected for Flexure as determined by the collimators, XXX IX we obtain corrections to the Pulkowa Tables for the Refractions at Greenwich and the Cape which agree with each other within limits that may be explained by local causes, such as the difference of the mean excess of the temperature of each observatory over that of the outer air. But the reasons for rejecting the method of reducing the observations to the mean of the II and D results do not rest alone on the result of this discussion. For the Cape observations the Flexure correction is 0"'46 sin R D the conventional - - correction is + 0"'0o + 0"'47 sin The sum of these corrections is + 0"'05 + 0"''01 sin In other words, the reduction by the Greenwich method corresponds for the Cape Transit- Circle with an assumption that its true Horizontal Flexure is zero, whereas it is shewn by the collimators to be 0"'46 0"'02. In the Cape Transit- Circle the collimators view each other through a clear aperture in the cube, so that the instrumental result for Horizontal Flexure is unquestionably correct within insignificant limits. At Greenwich the correction - - sin (when the Flexure is assumed zero) corresponds exactly with the mean of the only existing unobjectionable determinations of Flexure, although there is also a true *R D correction of a persistent mean character which, as Professor Turner has shewn (Monthly Notices R.A.S., LIL, pp. 374-78), has also a periodic variation depending on the season of the year. This variation points still more clearly to the true origin of the R - D discordance, viz. : the arrangement of the layers of air of different temperatures within the Transit- Room. The far greater, amount of the R D discordance at the Cape seems to be due' to several causes : 1. The shutter openings are only 2 feet wide, instead of 3 feet as at Greenwich. 2. The walls are much thicker, and thus probably retain heat much longer. 3. The walls and roof are more heated by sunshine, which is far stronger and more persistent than at Greenwich. xl It should be mentioned, however, that the residuals of the four solutions are very nearly the same, as will be seen from the following Tables : The corrections applicable to the N.P.D. 's of the Catalogues under discussion are, according to the different solutions, Corrections to N.P.D. of Greenwich Ten- Year Catalogue for 1880. Corrections to N.P.D. of Cape Catalogue for 1885. N.P.D. I. II. III. IV. N.P.D. I. II. III. IV. t f rf f O t * f _ 45 0-93 I II 0-48 0-64 45 +0-82 + 1-39 +0-56 +1-15 4 0-50 0-60 0-42 0-50 5 +0-62 +0-88 +0-52 +0-7-1 35 0-32 0-37 '33 0-38 55 +0-51 +0-60 +0'45 +0-55 30 O'22 0-25 0-24 0-26 60 +0-44 +0-43 +0-40 +0-40 25 0-15 0-17 o-iS 0-19 65 +0-40 +0-32 +Q-37 +0-30 20 O-IO O'll 0-13 o- 14 70 +0-36 +0-2; +0-33 +0-23 15 0-07 0-07 0-09 0-09 75 +0-33 +O'2O +0-19 +0-18 10 0-04 0-03 0-05 0-04 80 +0-31 +0-17 +0-27 +0-14 5 O'O2 O'OO 0-03 O'OI 85 +0-29 +0-14 +0-26 +0-12 o o-oo 0-02 o-oo O'O2 90 +0-27 +0-13 +0-24 + 0-II + 5 O'O2 0-04 -Lo-02 0-04 95 +0-26 +0-12 +0-23 +0-II + 10 0-03 O'o6 0-04 0-06 100 +0-24 +0-12 +0-21 + O' IO + 15 o'o; 0-07 0-05 0-08 105 +0-23 +0-13 -J-O-2O + 0-II + 20 o'o6 0-09 0-07 o-io no +0-22 +0-13 +0-19 +0-12 + 25 0-07 O-IO 0-09 O'I2 5 +0-21 +0-14 +OT7 +O-I2 + 30 0-08 O'I2 o-io 0-13 1 20 +0-20 +0-16 +0-I6 +0-14 + 35 0-09 0-13 O'll 0-14 125 +0'l8 +0-17 +0'l6 +0-15 + 4 o-ii 0-14 0'12 0-16 130 +0-17 +0-18 +0-15 +0-17 + 45 0- 12 o- 16 0'12 0-16 135 +0-16 +0-19 +0-14 +0'l8 + 50 0-13 0-17 0-14 0-18 140 +0-15 + O'2O +0-13 +0-19 + 55 0-14 0-19 o'i6 O'2O HS +0-14 +0-2O +O-JI +0-19 + 60 0-15 0-2O 0-17 0-22 150 +0'I2 +0-21 +O-II +0-19 + 65 0-17 0-22 0-19 0-24 155 +0'II +O-20 +0-09 +0-19 + 7o 0-18 0-24 O'2O O'26 1 60 +0-09 +0-20 +0-07 +0-19 + 75 0-20 O'2& O"22 0-28 165 +0-07 +0-18 +0-05 +0-10 + 80 O'2I 0-28 0-25 0-30 170 +0-05 +0-15 +0-03 +0-13 + 85 0-24 0-30 0-27 '34 175 +0-03 +0-II O'OO +0-09 + 9 0-26 0-33 0-30 _0'37 1 80 o-oo + 0-05 0-03 +0-07 + 95 0-29 0-37 0-34 0-41 185 +0-04 +0-04 +0-07 +0-05 + 100 Q'34 0-42 0-39 0-47 190 +O'IO + 0-17 + O' IO +0-16 + 105 0-39 0-49 0-44 0-53 195 +0-18 +0-37 +0-16 +0-35 + 110 0-48 '59 0-51 0-62 200 +0-32 -fo-73 + 0-22 +0-63 + "5 O-62 0-77 0-60 0-74 + 1 20 0-91 I-I2 0-70 0-89 xli REPRESENTATION OF THE VARIOUS SOLUTIONS FOR DETERMINING THE ERRORS DEPENDING ON LATITUDE AND REFRACTION IN THE GREENWICH CATALOGUE FOR 1880 AND THE CAPE CATALOGUE FOR 1885. I. II. III. IV. Equation. Weights. C. C. C. C. GREENWICH CIRCUMPOLARS. CO + 0-15 + 0-18 + 0-14 + 0-17 156 (2) + O'll + 0-14 + o- it + 0-14 132 (3) 0-24 O-2I 0-25 0'23 144 (4) 0-15 0-13 0-18 0-15 132 (5) 0-30 0-28 0-32 0-29 no (6) O'22 0-20 0-24 O'22 131 (7) o-iS 0-16 0-21 0-19 no (8) + 0-14 + 0-15 + OT2 + 0-14 IOO (9) + 0-08 + 0-09 + 0-08 + o-og IOO (10) + 0-52 + 0'52 + 0-51 + 0-52 81 C") + 0-18 + 0-17 + 0-16 + 0-16 72 (12) + 'H + 0-22 + 0-27 + 0-25 49 03) O'I2 0-18 o-o: o - o6 30 CAPE CIRCUMPOLARS. (14) 0-08 o-ig 0-05 0-17 137 (15) + 0-26 + 0-20 + 0-31 + 0-23 174 (16) 0-17 0-15 0-15 0-14 no (17) 0-40 0-22 0-4-' 0-25 7 GREENWICH AND CAPE. (18) + 0-62 + 0-18 + 0-78 + 0-32 52 (19) + O'OI 0-12 + o-og 0-06 ii7 (20) 0-23 0-32 O-2O 0-30 77 (21) 0-17 o-ig 0-15 0-17 156 (22) + 0-05 + 0-09 + 0-05 + 0-08 H9 O3) 0-15 o-og . 0-15 o- 10 231 (24) O'OI + 0-06 O'OI + '5 243 OS) + 0-15 + 0-22 + 0-13 + 0-20 376 (26) . 0-17 o-io 0-18 o-ii 324 (27) '0-07 0-02 0-08 0-04 286 (28) O'OO + - 5 0-03 + O'OI 372 (29) -|- O-2O + 0-22 + 0-18 + 0-20 213 (30) + O'O2 O'OI O'oi 0-04 357 (30 + 0-04 0-03 + 0-03 0-03 210 (32) o- 13 0-25 O'OO 0-13 144 A 111107. CAPE OBSERVATIONS. xlii From these residuals we have : I. II. III. IV. -27 3-02 -">-~ fi 4-78 Probable Error of one ) observation of weight V 1"'53 l"-49 1"'60 l"-4(i ) Now weight unity was computed to correspond with an estimated probable error of O y '50, whereas the value comes out in all cases about three times as great. This points clearly to large systematic errors of which no account has been taken ; indeed, apart from such errors, very few of the residuals ought to exceed 0"'10, as the theoretical probable error of most of the equations, derived from the agreement of the results inter se, is less than 0"'05. Having regard to the accuracy with which the division-errors of the circles have been determined both at Greenwich and the Cape, it is impossible to explain the origin of the change of sign in the absolute terms of the equations from No. 3 onwards to No. 7, and the succeeding change of sign at; No. 8 in the Greenwich observations of Circumpolars, or the change of sign of No. 15 in the Cape observations of Circurn- polars by any unknown error of graduation. A far more probable origin of these discrepancies is to be found in the effect of the heated air in the interior of the Observatory. At Greenwich, for example, the rays of most Stars of the two first groups enter the Transit-Room by the horizontal shutters ; for groups 3 to 7 the rays at upper transit enter the horizontal shutters, but at lower transit the vertical shutter ; from group 8 onwards, the rays at lower transit enter the vertical shutter below the level of the brick walls, where the interior air is probably warmer than that included between the sloping part of the roof. At the Cape the rays of Stars included in group 14 enter the horizontal shutters both ut upper and lower transit, whilst in group 15 the rays from Stars at upper transit enter the horizontal shutters, and at lower transit the vertical shutter. If, therefore, the temperature of the air inside the Observatory be different from that of the external air, we have, in the different angles of incidence into this heated medium, a sufficient explanation of the systematic errors in question. xliii To enable the reader to judge of the relevancy of these remarks the following discussion of the Cape Thermometer readings may be useful : During the directorate of Sir Thomas Maclear and Mr. Stone, the thermometer used for the computation of Refraction was placed in a crib fixed outside the S.W. window of the Transit-Room, so that it could be read through the window. By comparison with thermometers in a properly ventilated screen placed on the lawn at the height of the pivots of the Transit- Circle, and 65 feet to the South of the Southern Transit opening, it was found that, in consequence of radiation from the walls of the Observatory, the thermometer readings of the window-crib were, on the average, 1 0> too high at 10 p.m. (See Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteoro- hxjical Society for October 1882, and Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1879-81, p. xxix.) The thermometers, both in the window-crib and screen, were regularly recorded in order to ascertain their systematic differences. In May 1884 a thermometer was mounted to the South-west of the Observatory building on a site where a still more perfect circulation of the air could be secured (at the Cape the winds are almost invariably either S.E. or N.W.). In September 1884 thermometers were also suspended at points in a plane 2 feet East of that described by the col limation- axis of the Transit-Circle, and at the same distance and altitude from the axis as the object-gla.ss when the instrument is directed to 70 Z.D. North, to 70 Z.D. South, and to the Zenith. These thermometers are subsequently described as North, South, and Top, respectively. The separate readings of the thermometers will be found in the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1882-85, pp. 84-135, for the whole period covered by the N.P.D. observations of the present Catalogue, viz., 1880 March 31, to 1885 February 3. To render the discussion more complete, the thermometer readings 1886-88 have been included, and the results are given below. All observations made by day are excluded, because the Catalogue places depend almost entirely on observations made by night, and the relation of external to internal temperature is reversed by day. The Barometer is fixed to the south wall of the Transit-Room, the bulb of its attached thermometer is plunged in the mercury-cistern of the Barometer, and is 4 feet west of the centre of the transit-opening, and 2 feet below the level of the transit-axis. A 11907. 2 xliv TABLE SHEWING THE MEAN EXCESS OF THE VARIOUS THERMOMETER-READINGS OVER THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EXTERNAL AIR AS DETERMINED BY A THERMOMETER IN A STEVENSON- SCREEN NEAR THE S.W. CORNER OF THE OBSERVATORY BUILDING. (From observations at night only.) Thermometers inside Transit-Room. Window- Crib. Lawn. Attached. Xorth. Top. South. January + 3 ? 8 F. + 4' + 3-5 + 3-2 + 3'5 + 2'9 + 2-9 + 2-6 + 2-8 + 4-1 + 3-5 + 3'7 + 2 6 F. + 2-5 + 2'4 + 2-3 + 2-6 + 2-4 + 2-4 + 2'I + 2-0 + 3'0 + 2-4 + 2-6 + 2- 4 F. + 2-4 + 2'2 + 2-1 + 2-4 + 2'2 + 2-1 + 1-8 + 1-8 + 2-9 + 2-2 + 2'4 + 23F. + 2-6 + 2'I + i'9 + 2-1 + i'7 + i-7 + i-5 + 1-6 + 2-2 + i-9 + 2-0 + o?F. + 0-7 + 0-8 + 'I + "2 + '4 + 'I + 'I + 0-9 + i-o + 0-9 + 0-7 o i F. + 0-7 0-4 o-o 0-6 O"2 0'2 CTI O' 2 + O'l February March April May .. June July .. August September October Noyember December Means + 3-38 + 2-44 + 2-2 4 + I'97 + 0-97 O' IO These results are all corrected for the index-errors of the thermometers employed. It is evident from the above 1. That for observations at night the temperatures recorded in the window-crib are in the mean too high by 1'0, in consequence of radiation of heat from the walls of the building. 2. That the temperature of the air in the immediate neighbourhood of the object- glass, notwithstanding the free draught of air in the room, is on the average, for night observations, about 2'2 higher than that of the external air. 3. That this excess of internal temperature is rather greater towards the North than towards the South, probably because the North wall is exposed to the direct rays of the Sun, and it thus absorbs more heat during the day than the South wall. 4. That below the level of the bottom of the vertical shutter opening, the internal temperature (as shewn by the attached thermometer) is on the average 3'4 higher at night than the external temperature. 5. That there is no practical difference between the temperature of the air at night, as shewn by the external thermometer, whether it is mounted on the lawn or at the South- West corner of the Observatory. xlv That somewhat similar conditions exist at Greenwich is shewn by Table III. of Professor Turner's paper, On the distribution of Temperature in the, Transit-Circle Room at the Royal Observatory Greenwich (Monthly Notices, Vol. LIL, p. 426). Having regard to these facts it is not difficult to assign a probable source of the systematic eiTors in the observations both at Greenwich and at the Cape on the grounds already stated. To this source of error may be added the possibility of small errors of Flexure of the tube and circle which do not follow the adopted law of sin , and for the detection or elimination of which no means exist at either observatory. Rejecting, therefore, the system of correction to 4- D , and adopting as definitive the results of solution L, and dividing the results according to Right Ascension as well as Declination, we get for the Stars observed both at Greenwich and the Cape the following results, which do not exhibit any well marked periodic character in the Refraction depending on the seasons : REPRESENTATION OF SOLUTION I. FOR STARS OBSERVED BOTH AT GREENWICH AND THE CAPE. N.P.D. Greenwich minus Cape. H.P.D. h li o 3 h li 3-6 h li 6-9 li h 9 12 11 b 1215 h b 15 18 b li 1821 h li 21 o o ,, a 455 + 0-65 + 0'77 0-65 + OM4 + I -06 + 1-05 5055 0-30 + O' IO 0-17 + - 32 + 0-25 0'33 + 0-25 5560 1-53 1-05 + '49 + 0-41 0-40 OT7 DM? 0-67 60 65 0-72 + 0-24 + 0-23 + 0-46 0'12 0-27 0-41 0'37 6570 + 0-14 0-20 + 0-58 + 0-19 ... 0-82 o'i6 0-64 7075 0-66 0'39 + O'O2 + 0-13 0'35 0-35 + 0-28 + OT3 7580 0-29 O'O2 + O'll + O-IO O'OO o-io o-oo + O'OI 8085 + 0-25 + 0-30 + O'OI + 0-14 0-35 : 0-07 + 0-17 + '34 8590 0-17 . + 0-30 + o- 10 O'2g 0-28 : 0-21 0-04 0-26 go95 + 0'20 + 0'08 0-26 0-30 0-18 0-16 O'OI o'O4 95 100 + O'OI + 0-3I + 0-19 O'22 0'2I + O'OI O' IO 0-04 100 105 + 0-39 + 0'55 + O'jl + 0-30 O'OO 0-15 0-15 + 0-22 105, no + 0-18 + 0-50 + 0-17 + o-io O'24 0-15 + 0-25 O'll no 115 + 0-32 + O-O? + 0'37 0-15 + 0-02 0-24 O'3fi + 0-49 115 120 + 0-38 0-03 + '04 0-18 + 0-54 '74 0-25 + '24 As an independent control on the system of Declinations a number of pairs of Stars was selected for observation with the Zenith-Telescope, and a list of these pairs was forwarded to Dr. Otto Struve with a request that the Northern Stars of the list should be observed at Pulkowa, either by referring them to the Pulkowa Standard Stars with the Transit-Circle, or observing them fundamentally with the Vertical-Circle. xlvi Dr. Struve expressed the opinion that for such work he considered the Vertical Circle should be employed, that Dr. Nyren was unable to undertake observations of the complete list with the Vertical Circle, but had promised to observe a list of 22 Stars of special importance, and he hoped that Dr. Romberg would be able to observe the others with the Transit-Circle. These 22 Northern Stars were selected in such a way that for each of eleven Southern Circurnpolars there should be one Northern Star forming a Talcott-Latitude pair with it at upper and another at lower culmination. The 22 Talcott pairs * thus formed were observed with the Zenith- Telescope at the Cape, and the 22 Northern Stars were observed by Dr. Nyren with the Vertical- Circle at Pulkowa. The results of Dr. NyreVs observations were kindly communicated by him on the 9th March 1889, and are also published in the Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 2904. In the mean of two Latitude pairs, in one of which the South component is a Cir- cumpolar Star at upper transit and in the other pair the Southern Star is the same circumpolar at lower transit, it is clear that the mean Declination of the South Stars (apart from change of Latitude between the observation of the two pairs) must be rigorously = 90. The deduced Latitude from pairs thus combined will therefore rest entirely on the Pulkowa Declinations, and be independent of errors in the assumed places of the Southern Circunipolars. The following are the mean results ; they are based on four observations of each Northern Star at Pulkowa, and on 10 to 12 observations of each pair with the Zenith- Telescope at the Cape. The Cape Observations extend from 1886 to 1891, and the effect of change of Latitude is practical ly eliminated, as is shewn by the results with and without Chandler's corrections for change of Latitude : LATITUDE OF THE CAPE ZENITH-TELESCOPE, DETERMINED BY TALCOTT OBSERVATIONS.* South Star. North Star. Excess of North Z.D. 1887-0. Resulting Latitude. Without Chandler's Corrections. With Chandler's Corrections. Brisbane 4091 S P Pulk (185^) 115 + 229-04 j 501-03 1 + 345'3o) + 5I7-07 ) O in 33 56 3-58 33 56 3-36 3'57 3'34 Brisbane 4091 Pulk (1855) 1829 . . Stone 7461 SP W i h '758-6o Stone 7461 Pulk (1855) 1927 * The Zenith-Telescope is mounted in a detached observatory (a light framework covered by a single sheet of painted canvas) 200 feet West of, and exactly in the same geodetic latitude as, the Transit-Circle. xlvii LATITUDE OF THE CAPE ZENITH-TELESCOPE, DETERMINED BY TALCOTT OBSERVATIONS continued. South Star. Xorth Star. Excess of North Z.D. 1887-0. Resulting Latitude. Without Chandler's Corrections. With Chandler's Corrections. Lacaille 1848 Pulk. (1855) 475 50-76I 383-19) + 503-25 1 254-21 ) 207-^2 I O ' H 33 56 3-62 33 56 3-63 33 56 4'' 33 56 3-74 33 56 3'8i 33 56 3-45 33 56 3-46 33 56 3'79 33 56 3-86 * 3-63 3'6i 4-01 3-72 3-82 3'43 3'45 3-76 3-83 Lacaille 1848 S.P Pulk. (1855) 2202 Stone 92738? Arm,. 573 Stone 9^73 Pulk (1855) 2483 Lacaille 1839 Pulk (1855) 732 . .. Laeaille 1839 S P Pulk (1855)2417 9-06 ) + 264-89 I + 67-07! 201-22 I + 423-58 f 492-94 ) - 48-63 f 9f5l) + 279-08 ) 3I3-33 ) I27-62 ) + 118-21 1 80-61 ) Stone ^901 Pulk (1855) 1052 Stone 2901 SP Pnlk (1855) 2603 n Ootantis S P Pulk (1855) 1148 a Octantis Pulk (1855) 2706 A Octantis Pulk (1855) 1196 A Octantis S P Lalande 37406 7 r Octantis S P .. . . Arm 1259 T Octantis Arm,. 3116 Lacaille 4578 W 10^*1118 Lacaille 4578 S P Arm 3084 . .. . Stone 6404 Pulk (1855) 1719 Stone 6404 SP Pulk (1855) 3403 .. . . Mean ... Probable Error 33 56 3'66 0-04 3-65 0-04 The Latitude resulting from the Meridian Observations : o / // Solution I. is - 33 56 3'54 Probable error 0-04 xlviii This discordance of 0"'ll between the Latitudes of the Cape deduced on the one hand by Zenith-Telescope observations at the Cape, combined with Vertical Circle observations at Pulkowa, and on the other hand from Transit-Circle observations at Greenwich and the Cape, may be due in great part to the accidental errors of the various operations involved. But as the Pulkowa observations extend over a short period of time, it is possible that the results may, to a sensible extent, be affected, even in the mean, by change of Latitude. It is also possible, having regard to the considerable systematic errors exhibited by the residuals in the circumpolar observations, both at Greenwich and the Cape, that the mean values of the Latitudes of both Observatories may be sensibly affected by the systematic difference between the external and internal temperature, and by the irregular distribution of temperature within the Observatory itself. The general conclusions which result from this discussion are : 1. That no results of the highest refinement, either in Right Ascension or Decimation, can be obtained with a non-reversible instrument. 2. That if the errors of the micrometer-screws and the division-errors of circles are accurately known, the employment of Reflex observations tends to increase the systematic errors of the resulting Declinations, unless the external and internal temperatures are perfectly equalized. 3. That even Direct observations are materially affected by the difference between internal and external temperature, for in no other way can the outstanding errors of the Greenwich and Cape Circumpolar observations be explained. 4. That to minimize such errors the construction of the observatory should be perfectly symmetrical with the instrument, that is to say, the roof should be a semi- cylinder whose axis is concentric with that of the Transit-Circle. The roof and walls of the observatory should be made of double sheets of iron, with a well ventilated air-space between the sheets, and the whole should be protected from direct sunshine by louvres (say of sheet-iron, painted white). The observing opening should be as large as can be conveniently employed. The observatory should be raised by pillars a few feet from the ground to allow free circulation of air underneath, and the floor be made of thin ribbed iron plate, such as is used in the engine-rooms of steam ships. Several of these conclusions have been already anticipated in the Introduction to the Cape Meridian Observations 1879-81, p. xxx. The systematic corrections contained in the Tables facing page 1 should be applied to the Catalogue, but except for the discussion of Refractions at low altitudes, it is not desirable to use the Catalogue places North of Declination + 40. xlix INTRODUCTION TO APPENDIX I. (p. 101). Results of Fundamental Observations of Southern Circumpolars. In the Southern Hemisphere the nearest Star to the Pole which can be observed in daylight at lower transit is ft Hydri, and its Polar Distance of 12 is much greater than is desirable for the accurate determination of fundamental Azimuths It is therefore necessary, during the winter months, to begin observing Circumpolar Stars us early as possible in the evening twilight, and again to observe the same Stars at opposite culmination in the early morning. This was done in the years 1881, 1882, 1884, 1886 and 1887. Except for a Octantis it was not found possible to obtain double transits of close Circumpolars between o h - to 7 h - of R.A. and between 17 h - and 19 h - of R.A. In 1888 observations were made to determine the positions of the outstanding Circumpolars by single transits, the Azimuth of the Transit-Circle being derived from observations of four Circumpolar Stars on each night (two above and two below pole) whose places had been fundamentally determined in the immediately preceding years. The results of all the Fundamental observations of Circumpolar Stars thus obtained are given in this Appendix, and they have been employed as the basis of the Azimuths of the Meridian Observations for the Cape General Catalogue 1890. In general, the N.P.D.'s of this Catalogue are independent of error of Latitude, because they rest on an equal number of observations at upper and lower transit (in some cases on three or more consecutive transits). When theN.P.D. does not rest exclusively on consecutive upper and lower transits, the result is given to one place of decimals only and the Mean Date is included in brackets, and is merely taken from the General Catalogue. INTRODUCTION TO APPENDIX II. (p. 105). Meridian Observations of a and ft Centauri. These observations were made solely for the purpose of providing data to determine the motions of a. 2 and ^ Centauri relative to /3 Centauri. The observations have simply been abstracted from the journals and reduced to 1885'0 without corrections for Orbital Motion, Proper Motion, Parallax, Flexure, or error of Latitude. DAVID GILL. Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1894 July 1. A 119U7. CA.TIL OBSERVATIONS. SYSTEMATIC CORRECTIONS WHICH SHOULD BE APPLIED TO THE CAPE CATALOGUE FOR 1885U CORRECTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS. Argument, " Star's Jfa i ^ndromedix? a Lacaille 9745 B D + 9 No 3 B.D. + 10 No. 4 ii 12 I3t 14 9742 ... II B.D. + 11 No. 3 ... AG C 47 9'4* 8J 3'8 8-9* 82-81 80-47 84-83 82-82 3 5 3 o 3 0-640 o 3 8 i 30 o 3 34-280 o 3 34'79 + 3-0760 + 3-0602 + 3-0506 +3-0767 +0-008 0-017 0-029 +0-008 +0-008* +0-017 Phoenicia .. . ..t B.D. + 11 No. 5 .... 15 ... B.D. + 11 No. 6 .... 9-5* 82-86 3 o 3 56-100 + 3-0769 +0-008 ... 16 B.D. + 10 No. 7 .... 8-4* 82-80 3 o 3 57-I30 +3-0768 +0-008 17 ... B.I). + 1 2 No. 7 .... 9'5* 82-84 2 o 4 44-210 + 3-0784 +0-009 18 19 20 9756 ... 19 B.D. + i2'No. 8 .... Octantis y 3 8-5* 3-6 9-5* 82-74 83-31 82-83 3 23 3 o 4 45-390 o 4 48-023 4 49-420 + 3-0786 +2-8487 + 3-0780 +0-009 O'2O2 + 0-008 0-014* 0-024 B.D. + 11 No. ii ... 21 B.D. + 12 No 10... 9-0* 82-70 i o 59- 090 +3-0794 +0-OO9 ... 22 ... B.D. + 10 No. 10... 9-5* 82-87 i o 5 23-710 +3-0781 +0-008 23 ... ... B.D. + 12 No. ii ... 9-2* 82-89 2 o 5 24-780 + 3-0793 + 0-009 ... ... 24 25t 26 9758 0.6 23 B.D. + 10 No. 9 ... Sculptoris ic* 9-3* 5'5 9'5* 82-81 81-05 82-76 3 23 3 o 5 26-640 o 5 43-983 o 5 45-460 + 3-0786 + 3-0543 + 3-0793 + O-OO8 0-OI4 + 0-009 ... B.D. + 11 No. 14 ... 27 28 29 i 0-9 26 B.D. + 11 No. 16 ... 88 Pegasi y 9-3' 3'0 8-0* 82-73 80-84 84-80 4 18 3 o 7 3-850 o 7 18-844 o 7 22-260 +3-0811 + 3-o834 +3-0586 + 0-009 +0-010 0-007 0-0007 0-003 B.D. 17 No. 17 ... 3 3i* 32 33 34 35 4 0.15 33 B.D. + 12 No. 13 ... 7 Ceti 8-4* 4-6 9-3* 8-3* 9'5* 8-0* 82-72 80-57 82-76 82-72 82-84 82-83 3 19 3 3 2 6 o 8 16-150 o 8 47-896 o 9 5-530 o 9 36-860 o 9 38-220 o 10 44-440 + 3-0835 + 3-0542 + 3-0852 + 3-0851 +3-0844 + 3-0849 +0-009 0-008 +0-010 +0-009 +0-009 +0-008 0-0033 O-OIj B.D. + 13 No. 25 ... Lalande 198 . .. B.D. + 11 No. 23... W B 146 . .. 25, B.A.C. gives no letter. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE No. Mean Date. 1 800 4- No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. K. Corr. for pgto 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 18751 Melbourne. 1870 arid 1880. 1 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 ID 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 4 25* 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 82-72 82-79 82-75 82-76 81-52 82-77 82-50 82-59 82-86 82-80 82-81 80-47 84-83 82-82 82-86 82-80 82-84 82-74 83-62 82-83 82-70 82-78 82-89 82-81 82-14 82-76 82-73 82-50 84-80 82-72 81-86 82-76 82-72 82-82 82-83 3 4 3 3 12 3 16 13 3 3 3 -> 5 3 3 3 2 3 26 3 2 2 2 3 13 3 4 18 3 3 13 3 3 3 6 O / a + 9 13 20-14 + 9 25 39H3 + 10 4 28-03 + 10 38 0-34 3 ii 20-15 + 10 31 0-03 + 28 27 19-93 86 40 45-18 + 9 39 26-86 +11 6 29-67 + I' 21 33-44 33 4 36-9 46 22 55' 18 + u 44 26-68 + n u 25-65 + 10 46 37-28 + 12 I? 24-03 + 12 34 58-0; 82 51 48-51 + II 20 3-26 + 13 6 44-07 + 10 17 22-50 + 12 25 2-93 + ii 3 6-17 28 26 25-24 + ii 39 31-76 + ii 55 19-15 + 14 32 39'oS 17 49 29-84 + 12 54 46-46 - 19 34 H'99 + 13 35 21-23 + 12 46 48-84 + 12 4 23-67 + ii 18 1-95 + 20-054 +20-054 + 20-053 + 20-053 + 20-053 +20-053 +20-053 +20-052 +20-052 +20-052 + 20-052 + 20-052 +20-051 + 20-051 + 20-051 +20-051 + 20-049 + 20-041) + 20-049 +20-049 + 20-048 +20-048 + 20-048 + 20-048 + 20-047 + 20 047 + 20-044 + 20-044 + 20-044 + 20-041 + 20-039 + 20-038 + 20-036 + 20-036 + 20-03I O'OI o-oi o-oi o-oi o-oi o-oi O'OI o-oi o-oi O'OI O-O2 O'O2 0-02 0-02 - O'O2 O'O2 0-02 0-02 O'02 O'O2 O'O2 O'O2 0'O2 O-O2 0-02 0-02 0-02 0-02 0-02 0-02 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 u + 0-026 0-156 0-19* 0-05* 0-013 0-062 u 1211 +0-09 i ... 22 0-39 I 4 i 19 20 38 3* 47 57 4 0-03 2 I 4 8 2 27 6 r 0-07 8 2 5 12 3 37 78 I : 43 91 0-03 i,',,', 7 18 4 56 9* 0-19 22 70 142 // i.l i', ... A 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Ma?. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. Ma. Corr. for /* a to 1885-0. *6 g O ^7 4.8 37 Piscium 7-:* 82-70 6 h in s O IO 4.Q'77O + 5-0873 s +O'OIO s +0*0026 s +o * 006 17 W.B 0. 150 9'3* O IO fm") +3-0874 +O'OIO ^8 Lalande 242 7'S* 82-86 6 oil 6 * 640 + 3-0835 +0-008 39 40 ... B.D. + 12 No. 15 ... B.D. + 12 No. 16 ... WB O 167 9-3* 8-9* Q.O* 82-79 82-90 82 -90 3 2 I II l6'O$O o ii 42-100 o ii 4">'25O +3-0870 +3-0874 + 5-0806 +0-009 +0-009 +0*010 ... ... li Piazzi 31 6*6 81-87 o ii 4^ 5 10 +3-0480 o 008 W B 168 8-0* 8->-87 6 o ii 43*860 +3-0862 +0-008 260 71 Octantis o 7 * ^ 82-67 I i o 12 45 P 008 i * 1903 3-056 +O-OI2* +O*O28 45 4.6 ... B.D. + 13 No. 31 ... A.GC 214 9-5* 71 82-68 83-86 I 1 1 12 51-650 o 1 1 5^ -380 + 3-0908 +2-0178 +0-010 0*053 4.7 W.B 194 8-2* 82-77 3 o 13 20*400 +3-0909 +0*010 48 4.0* 4.2 62 B.D. + 13 No. 35 ... 8 Ceti i 9-0* v6 82-79 80-76 J.7 o 13 29-910 + 3-0909 + 3 *O^Q2 +0*010 0*002 0*0032 O'OI4 iot AO 64 Toucani ? 84." 2 3 O 14. 4.-02 1 ; + 2 "8920 0*055 +O*273 +0* 2IO 51 52 16 4; 66 B.D. + 14 No. 30... B.D. + 14 No. 31 ... 9-5* 9-5* :-6 82'78 82-90 8^ 'OQ I I o 14 5'6io o 14 28*600 O 14. 4.O*8Q2 + 3-0935 +3 '0939 + vo8?7 + 0*011 +O*OII +0*007 o oo i 3 O * OO2 54 Lalande 386 7'8* 84-85 015 3 * 460 + 3-0395 0*008 55 56 57 -.8 O 5O 72 B.D. + 1 4 No. 34... B.D. + 14 Xo. 35 - B.D. + 15 No. 50 ... 9-5' 9-5* 9-5* 82-77 82-83 82-82 80- 14 3 4 2 I ^ o 15 6-300 o 15 14*980 o 15 23-550 o 15 44 '368 +3-0952 + 3-0962 + 3-0968 + 3 'O2O3 +0-OII +0-011 +0*OII 0-014 ... ... in AGC 271 8-0 83-88 o 16 8*650 +2-8^13 0-057 60 61 ... ... B.D. + 14 No. 37 ... \V B 2 O ' * + 13 16 39-48 + 13 22 8-21 + 9 45 0-25 + 12 29 40-66 + 12 21 40-64 + M 9 53-83 19 41 22-23 + n 24 13-04 89 o 8-20 + 13 49 48-80 64 6 52-63 + '3 24 58-63 + 13 13 33-90 9 27 41-31 65 33 3-39 + 14 26 12-18 + 14 17 17-83 + 7 33 5-78 20 34 4-72 + 14 30 52-97 + 15 I 5-84 + 15 13 49-02 29 37 2-44 66 56 31-91 + 14 35 27-70 + 14 46 0-76 + 15 17 28-00 12 50 57-89 33 3 I6-I7 + 15 23 o-oi + i 18 9-90 + H 55 30-40 77 54 7-42 + 15 2 42-60 44 r 9 5-26 + :o-03i + 20-031 +20-030 +20-029 + 20-027 + 20-027 +20-027 +20-027 +20-023 +20-022 + 20-022 + 20-019 + 20-019 + 20-018 + 20-016 + 20-016 + 20-013 + 20-012 + 20-011 + 2O'OIO + 20-009 + 20-008 + 20-006 + 2O-OO4 + 20-003 + 20-002 + 20-001 + 19-999 + I9-993 + 19-987 + 19-982 + 19-981 + 19-980 + 19-979 + I9-973 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 o-oo 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-05 0-05 0-04 0-05 0-05 o-oo o-oo* 0-032 + 1-16 + 0-019 + 0-063 O'OII + 0-307 o-oo 194 lf> i,S* o-oo ^? 5 i? 39 9 100 222 2I 4 0-09 +0-89 3 3 4 14 35 36 7 IOI 107 223 233 fg 19- +0-04 15 8 ... 16 40 118 121 263 271 <9 +0-19 42 I2j 284 302 JO o-oi 20 23 +0-48 -* 3 6 21 47 n I 4 6 336 24* ... 7 22 48 153 351 26 50. Proper Motion from Gill & Elkin's " Parallax of Southern Stars." 68. Proper Motion from Xewcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. GENEKAL .CATALOGUE OF STAUS FOK 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille Fiazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo. of Obs. Mean E.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*. Corr. for A*to 1885-0. 7it 72 73* 74 75 76* 77* 78 79 So 81 82 83* 84 85 86 87 88f 89 90* 91 92 | 93 94 95 96 97* 9 St 99 IOO* 101 IO2 103 104 105 87 38 106 119 120 5 53 55 =6 57 177 70 7i 248 78 5 89 235 93 i3 101 -59 265 268 106 0.69 0.83 0.8g O.gi 0. 117 0. 12; 0.133 0.134 0.136 0. 146 0.159 0.163 0. 182 O. 192 O. 201 0.213 0.23; 0.232 0.249 94 107 112 "5 127 128 H5 155 163 164 1 66 174 183 196 200 215 i -> ^ 233 236 242 260 259 26; 271 2-4 9-1* 6-4 9-5* 8-0 6-2 5-2 9-0* 4'3 4'7 5'3 4'4 6-9 4-6 3'4 9-0 6-3 4'7 I0 4t 2- I 4'9 7-0 4"4 9t 9-0 4-6 5'3 5-6 5' 5'6 3'9 6-9 71 9-0 5'8 84-65 82-79 80-72 82-79 80-87 80-90 82-87 82-72 84-78 84-85 81-83 84-00 80-49 84-82 84-00 80-47 82-52 84-77 84-83 So -08 82-84 82-84 84-00 84-80 80-48 82-47 80-47 83-08 82-16 So-45 82-07 83-92 84-82 84-85 81-82 6 4 16 4 I 52 12 12 6 4 6 3 19 3 4 2 6 6 23 6 21 2 34 24 iS 7 30 15 5 2 3 14 h m s o 20 35--S45 O 21 40-700 22 35-031 22 53-840 o 23 36-910 o 24 10-192 o 24 37-593 o 25 1-870 o 26 16-100 o 26 16-728 o 29 19-590 o 30 44-360 o 32 H-77I o 32 28-780 o 33 10-750 o 34 47-180 o 34 5I-053 o 35 53'29 37 9-550 o 37 48-886 o 38 23-275 o 39 46-859 o 41 14-710 o 41 26-000 o 42 5-220 o 42 42-959 o 44 22-050 o 44 35-805 o 47 7-856 o 50 I5-479 o 50 22-305 o 50 47-230 o 52 32-110 o 52 55-700 o 52 58-356 8 + 2-9608 + 3-I070 + 3-0220 + 3-I086 + 3-0625 + 3-06II + 3-0073 + 3-II30 + 2-7645 + 2-7642 + 3-0598 + 3-I889 + 3-0687 + 3-I758 + 3-I848 + 2-9402 + 3-0547 + 2-85IO + 2-9529 + 2-9984 + 3-028I O-529I + 3-I77I + 2-g28l + 2-9I34 + 3' IO26 + 3-0212 + 2 '0691 + 3-0640 + 3-OII2 + 3-2992 + 2-6707 + 2-6709 + 2-6753 + 3-0073 s 0-023 + 0-012 O'OOS + 0-OII +0-001 +0-001 O'OIO +0-012 o 044 0-044 +0-001 +0-024 +0-003 + O'O2I + 0-022 0-OI4 +0-001 0-023 O'OII 0-006 0-002 + 0-622 +0-018 O-OI2 0-013 +0'Oo8 O'OOI 0-035 +0-004 O'OOI +0-031 0-025 0-024 0-023 O'OOI s +0-O22* O'OIO4 0-0003 0-0035 +0-0265 0-0004 O-OO56 0-0184 +0-0100 o-ooo* +0-0147 0-0027 o 009 i +0-0035 0-0178 OO2 2 0-0045 +0-0141 o 0046 s +0-008 0-045 o-ooi 0-007 +0-084 o-ooo 0-025 0-003 +0-010 o-ooo +0-072 0-006 0-009 +0-009 0-081 0-006 0-02O +0-041 0-015 B.D. + 15 No. 60... Lalande 628 B.D. -f- 15 Xo. 65 ... Piazzi 83 12 Ceti . Piazzi 0. 91 WB 384 Toucani jS 1 13 Ceti 15 Ceti AGC GII Phoenicia ^ 16 Ceti /3 17 Ceti 34 Andromedie AGC 728 19 Ceti Hydri . . .. X 20 Ceti 22 Ceti 23 Ceti 77. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. The name in Ast. \iu-li. 2.S<)O is retained here. 9 1 - 1 Ceti in B.A.C. 97. i/i- Ceti in B.A.C. 100. f' Ceti in B.A.C. 105. <>]) IIol'K. No. ICean Date. 1800+ No. of Oba. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /T. Corr. for /V*o 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1870 and iS.So. 1840. 1850. 1860. I.SSo. 1 06 107 1 08 109* no in 112 H3 "4 "5 116 117 118 119 120 121* 122 1-3 I2 4 125 126 1:7 128 129 IJO 131 132 133 134 135 136 '37 138* 139 140 83-06 83-I5 84-16 84-82 83-88 83-86 81-82 82-26 80-49 84-79 8i-8g 82-62 81-00 84-86 84-82 82-38 81-88 80-50 80-92 80-49 84-84 84-72 84-00 81-88 84-83 81-89 84-81 82-12 81-89 84-81 84-86 80-86 84-00 84-86 it 12 4 3 5 5 45 13 2 5 18 13 3 5 " 13 -7 5 6 2 2 2 2 26 5 12 3 O ' 20 15 12-90 29 58 44-98 51 53 I-'-2I 33 43 30-44 51 8 43-55 50 16 23-36 + 7 16 14-67 + o 45 0-63 10 27 (20) 32 28 10-15 47 20 6-32 10 24 3-16 10 47 31-29 + 35 39-o6 55 51 39-33 37 46 6'37 + 29 28 43-23 2 51 43-70 32 ii i -Co 3 6 21-13 32 o 53-59 69 29 13-69 +30 30-99 + 26 39 32-34 i 6 46-75 39 5* 8-34 +48 12-40 41 4 33-90 8 46 36-81 13 39 I4-75 4' 4 5I-29 - 43 54 28-01 22 13 27-91 + M 45 9-73 49 40 14-74 I + I9-5I9 + 19-518 + I9-507 + I9-499 + I9-477 + I9-437 + I9-437 + I9-4I7 + 19-363 + I9-357 + I9-349 + 19-3-':- + I9-305 + 19-294 + 19-287 + 19-263 + I9-244 + 19-231 + 19-176 + 19-105 + ig-oSS + 19-076 + 19-076 + 19-041 + 19-019 + 19-007 + 18-939 + 18-93 + 18-896 + 18-808 + 18-794 + 18-742 + 18-719 + 18-680 + 18-644 // o-ii o-n o-io o-ii o-io o-io 0- 12 0- 12 0- 12 0-12 o-ii 0-13 O- 12 0-14 O'll 0- 12 OT4 0-I 4 0-13 0-14 0-13 o- 10 0-15 o- 16 0-15 0-13 0-16 0-14 o- 16 o- 16 0-14 0-14 o- 16 0-18 - 0-14 II 0-044 + o-03g 0-033 + O-O20 + O'OII o- 124 0-084 0-012 0-014 0-060 + 0-07* c-oig 0-003 + O'OO2 o- 196 + O'OII -0-24' O'OI 0-003 + 0-14* // 0-09 -> 67* 68* f>3 7- 66 67 78 71 86 92* 97 go ?9* too 16 18 73 130 26 378 38l go2 911 93i 954 loog 1018 I02J. 1044 1056 io6g 1104 1141 11*7 "99 1210 1241 "54 1326 1370 137" 141: 14:1 141-2 387 401 400 +O" 12 o-og ... 76 '37 27 149 426 +0-03 o"3o 0-34 17 19 20 82 151 '53 158 29 430 438 444 447 45 18 21 88 1 60 32 0-03 0-04 167 459 0-24 i So +0-01 o-oi o-oo + O"OI 99 IS 4 37 496 1 89 507 0-56 +0-03 20* 22 105 199 208 39 543 564 0-03 0-04 O'OO +0-02 22* 24 25 26 I 12 114 nr, 211 213 218 44 46 47 S8o 584 5"4 600 109. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 121. Magnitude from Cape Observations. CAPE OBSERVATIONS. 10 GKNKKAI, CATALOGUE OF STARS FOK 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean K.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*<. Corr. for II. tO 'a 1885-0. 141 142' 143 144 I45t 146 147 148* 149 150 151* 152* 153 I54t 155 i=6 157 , .0* I 5 8 159 t6o 161 162 163 i6 4 t 165 i66t 167 168* i fig 170)- 171 172 173 '74* i?5 213 212 2I 4 55 484 228 233 232 5U 523 634 243 247 249 , 2 5' 252 606 559 267* 575 271 273 605 637 277 281 287 I. 125 I. 124 I. 126 I. 150 I. 163 I. 164 I. 167 I. 1 68 I. 185 I. 192 I. 196 I. 2OI I. 202 I. 218 I. 226 I. 2 3 2 I. 238 I. 247 I. 253 485 487 488 512 507 5i8 536 537 539 54i 550 584 56i 55 573 574 577 59i 582 594 596 6i5 618 623 638 625 639 648 A G C 1477 7i 5'5 3'7 5-6 6-3 i-o 9t 4'7 3-6 4'4 5'7 5'3 9-0 5'4 8J 6-1 5-8 3'9 4'4t 4'7 95 2-8 6-1 4-8 5'2 3'9 5-8 3'8 8! 2-9 6'3 3'7t 5'9 6-0 2-0 81-89 80-79 81-31 84-81 83-I4 84-00 84-85 80-58 82-67 80-75 81-82 81-22 84-84 84-77 84-86 83-11 82-61 81-27 84-87 80-25 84-84 79-83 83-20 84-87 83-19 84-83 82-93 80-41 84-84 84-90 83-45 84-75 79-97 82-33 80-72 6 35 ii 7 21 16 2 43 17 49 17 12 I 3 I 28 9 24 I 45 i 12 20 I 12 6 9 23 2 17 5 19 18 18 h m s I 27 3-420 I 30 22-437 I 30 56-182 I 31 0-173 I 32 54-159 I 33 25-808 i 35 13-240 I 35 26-803 i 38 43-760 i 39 19-248 i 40 12-925 i 40 15-479 i 41 33-060 i 41 43-130 I 42 44 '-So I 44 8-576 I 44 45-892 I 45 47-018 i 47 13-170 i 47 36-131 i 47 48-730 i 48 17-221 i 48 52-731 i 49 1-780 i 51 17-062 I 51 28-860 i 54 10-233 i 54 35-130 i 54 50-290 i 55 8-490 i 56 3-600 i 56 5-728 i 57 52-891 i 57 54-953 2 41-387 !* + 2-8962 + 2-9252 + 3-647I + 3-I78I + 0-3376 + 2-2300 + 2-5I39 + 3-II88 + 2-9066 + 3-I57I + 3-0098 + 2-8007 + 2-4464 + 2-2793 + 2-4I06 4T422 + 3-I8I5 + 2-9577 + 3-2768 + 3-IOOI + 2-3706 + 3-2968 0-6806 + 2-4I88 + 2-8064 + 2-2673 + 3-I008 + 2-8I82 + 2-2878 + I-855I 0-2363 + 3-0974 + 3-OI88 + 3-0622 + 3-3565 i O'O02 O'OOI + 0-048 +O-OI2 + 0-II9 0-013 o-oii +0-009 O'OOO +0-011 +0-004 0-004 O'OIO o-oio O'OIO +1-230 +0-012 +O-002 +0-017 +0-008 0-009 +0-018 +0-244 0-009 O'O02 0-009 +0-008 O'OOI 0-008 O'OO2 +0-163 +0-008 +0-005 +0-007 + O-O2O s 0-0006 +0-0045 0-0064 0-007* +0-0028 0-0034 0-1223 +0-0029 o 0004 +0-0094 0-0062 +O-OOO3 +0-0035 +0-OOO4 +0-0050 0-OI5* +0-OO29 +0-067* +0-0141 +0-0065 +0-034* +O'OOl6 +0-0038 +0-0127 B O-OO3 + 0-017 o-ooi 0-013 +0-003 0-015 -0-285 +0-012 o-ooi + 0-036 O-OI, +0-001 o-ooo + 0-OO2 +0-026 O-O02 +0-005 +0-OII +0-029 +0-030 +0-003 o-ooo +0-010 +0-054 102 Piscium TT 5 2 Ceti T no Piscium . o Piazzi I 167 Sculptoris AGC 1731 Eridani if AGC 1755 ;4. Ceti . 55 Ceti L, 5 Arietis (X. Star) ...y in Piscium C Z I 1233 6 Arietis /3 Hydri r - Phoenicis \^ 56 Ceti 112 Piscium AG C 1971 Hydri a 113 Piscium a Lalande 3811 61 Ceti 143. 51 Andromedfe in B.A.C. 152. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 163. B.A.C. pives no letter. 164. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1 68. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 171. B.A.C. gives no letter. FROM OBSKKVATIONS AT THE ROYAL nHSKHVATORY, CAPK OF (iool) HOPE. 11 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No, of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. Pft COIT. for /v 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, i87oand 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 141 142 H3* 144 145 146* 147* 148 149 150 IS' 152' '53 '54 '55 156 157 I5 159* 1 60 161 162 163* 164* 165 1 66 167 168* 169 170 171* 172* 173 174 175 81-89 80-94 81-31 84-81 83M4 84-00 84-85 81-47 82-67 81-76 82-64 82-99 84-84 84-77 84-86 83-36 81-92 82-52 84-87 81-00 84-84 81-25 83-20 84-87 81-89 84-83 81-93 81-51 84-84 84-90 83-40 84-75 82-88 81-12 82-59 y 13 ii 7 21 18 2 19 17 21 12 is i 3 23 2 IS i 16 i 12 20 I 2 6 2 15 } 2 I? 5 12 II 17 Q 1 II 19 34 4'77 15 59 20-01 +48 2 45-52 + ii 33 10-32 79 5 18-66 57 49 I5-47 45 59 9'73 + 4 54 18-88 16 32 38-18 + 8 34 43-05 6 18 32-50 -5 37 39'I3 47 31 17-26 54 5 58-56 48 47 56-23 85 20 59-92 + 10 28 24-42 10 54 12-64 + 18 43 53-71 + 2 37 9-87 49 ii 17-67 + 20 14 43-98 - 80 44 40-71 46 51 58-06 23 5 19-04 52 10 54-44 + 2 32 48-95 21 38 7-46 5 42 3'93 62 7 45-38 78 54 37-88 + 2 12 28-26 4 39 I7-73 o 53 31-80 + 22 55 6-02 n + 18-624 + 18-514 + 18-496 + 18-494 + 18-429 + 18-410 + 18-348 + 18-339 + 18-221 + 18-200 + 18-167 + 18-165 +18-117 + 18-111 + 18-072 + 18-019 + I7-995 + I7-955 + 17-899 + 17-883 + I7-S75 + I7-857 + 17-832 + 17-827 + I7-735 + 17-728 + 17-615 + I7-599 + 17-589 + I7-576 + I7-536 + I7-535 + 17-459 + I7-458 + 17-337 a 0-16 0-17 0-21 o- 19 0-03 0-I 4 o- 16 o- 19 o-iS 0'2O o- 19 0-18 o- 16 0-15 o- 16 + 0-26 O'2I O'2O O 1 22 O 1 21 0-16 0-23 + 0-04 0-17 0-20 ' I () O" 22 0-21 0-17 0-14 + O'OI 0-23 O" 22 0-22 0-25 // + 0-016 o- in + 0-054 - 0-13* 0-048 + 0-005 + 0-857 + 0-058 0-024 0-033 0-031 0-028 0'102 + 0-020 O- IO2 -0-15* 0-030 + 0-25* 0-250 0-018 + o-oi* 0-009 0-058 0-134 '477 1540 #7 S?6> 102* 103' +0-06 0-41 +0-01 0'2O 0-05 124 228 630 50 51 645 650 1586 1594 -, - * 2 D 27 133 132 240 239 +O-O2 + 2-00 +0-19 0'06 0-07 27 28 -') 3 2S 29 134 142 143 M4 242 252 253 254 255 52 53 54 55 665 685 688 695 696 1688 1709 1713 1731 1737 '755 1800 104* 9f> 97 98 99 113* 146 258 56 703 270 61 725 o- 10 0-07 o-oi +0-08 3i* 31 157 158 266 59 60 734 1805 . i i, 114* 0-38 O'02 o 09 + 0-04 O-?? 0-06 159 62 1,5* 111 117 32 33 [66 162 165 167 275 272 76 277 63 66 67 755 734 763 765 1869 1864 1895 1905 S3 I?' 286 790 1965 1971 1981 2004 2036 2037 II.!, 120' /if, . .V 125* o-oo o-oo 33* 36 173 181 290 298 2QI 69 795 804 ;;co 0-23 0-32 2Q7 830 184 301 75 146. Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. 147. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 159. Magnitude from Strnve s Mrnninc Mierometriea 172. Magnitude from !~ntn,'in-tria .Yora Oxonienxix. B 2 12 (iKXKKAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR J.885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. Corr. for Fa to 1885-0. 176 177* 178* 179 i8of 181 182 183* 184 i85t 186* 187 188* 1891 190* 191 192 I93t 194 195' 196 197 198 199* 200 201* 2O2 203t 204 205 206* 207 208 209 210 290 295 306 666 709 321 320 693 329 712 747 343 347 753 356 783 362 368 367 372 375 831 383 1029 388 387 1884 I. 260 1.265 II. 16 II. 28 II. 47 II. 49 II. 56 II. 73 II. 87 II. 94 II. 113 II. 122 11.125 11. 138 II. 136 II. 144 II. 149 II. 159 II. 161 II. 170 II. 167 1 656 660 684 688 "II 704 707 717 720 737 756 754 760 763 781 790 794 807 808 Sii 815 832 837 847 845 4 Trianguli /3 6-2 7-1 4'5 5'4 9-0 6-7 5'5 3'5 Var. 9-0 5'4 4'9 9i 4'4 4-2 9* 4'7 4-8 4'9 5'7 5'4 5-0 4'2 3 'Of 7i 4'3 4'4 9it 6-3* 7J 81-38 81-24 81-90 83-82 81-54 84-74 81-73 80-32 84-87 84-86 79-96 84-86 81-58 84-76 80-50 84-74 83-45 84-80 84-86 81-92 80-27 84-86 83-47 80-06 83-60 80-59 84-87 84-86 80-21 82-86 81-14 82-22 84-74 82-41 82-88 16 30 12 19 15 2 IO 32 2 2 45 i 29 2 27 2 II 3 i 25 II 2 12 12 5 39 i i 29 27 15 9 2 7 9 ii in .-. 2 2 42-061 2 3 I8-478 2 3 20-133 2 6 54-293 2 7 50-498 2 8 35-470 2 10 22-385 2 II 14-809 2 II 43-730 2 12 23-970 2 13 32-245 2 Ij 18-430 2 I? 16-739 2 19 42-240 2 20 23-665 2 21 30-870 2 22 2-68O 2 22 46-067 2 24 40-290 2 26 38-196 2 28 48-504 2 29 45-020 2 29 50-391 2 31 54-210 2 32 17-140 2 33 35-28I 2 33 59-970 2 36 7-700 2 37 20-583 2 37 54-514 2 38 38-923 2 38 43-503 2 41 22-72O 2 42 25-366 2 43 7-006 + 3-540I + 2-8455 + 3-I75I 4- 2-6426 + 2-1:76 0-0880 + 2-9841 + 2-1363 + 3-02/4 + 2-0583 + 2-7314 + 1-0592 + 2-8976 + 1-9377 + 3-1808 + 2-1994 + 1-9072 + 2-8473 + 2-6291 + 1-8293 + 3-0164 + 3-0700 + 2-8900 + 2-3571 + 3-1131 9-8I34 + 2-8542 + 3-2172 + 1-7054 + 2-8724 42-1226 + 0-030 o-ooo + 0-006 4- 0-012 0-003 0-005 4- 0-126 + 0-005 4- 0-018 0-004 4- 0-006 0-003 o-ooi 4- 0-029 + 0-003 o-ooi + 0-012 0-003 o-ooo + 0-003 o-ooi -f 0-002 + o-oio + 0-007 + 0-019 -f- 0-008 + 0-004 O'OO2 + 0-009 + 2-596 + 0-003 + 0-013 + 0-005 + 0-004 +33-295 +0-0118 0-0036 0-0062 0-0032 O'OOII +0-0036 o 002 3 O-OO22 +0-0154 0-0029 + 0-OOII 0-0062 0-0051 +0-OO22 o * oo 1 9 +0-0004 +0-0081 0-0114 0-0028 +0-0164 +0-043 0-014 0-019 0-004 0-004 +0-017 o-ooo O'OII +0-053 0-013 +0-OO2 0-019 o 008 +o-oir 0-003 4-O-002 4-o-oor -0-055 O'OII +0-046 Lalaiide 3979 62 Ceti .. 65 Ceti ' AG C 2254 Lacaille 709 67 Ceti 22 Arietis Q Eridani 68 Ceti o CZ. II 394 ... Fornacis K Hydri l> HOPE. No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. *ft Corr. for fyto i8S;-o. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne. 1870 and i88c. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 176 177 178 82-13 81-58 81-90 16 II 12 O / '/ + 34 26 33-91 18 19 27-56 2 52 34-13 + 17-248 + 17-220 + 17-219 0-27 0*22 o-: 4 0-033 0-069 0-033 o 09 0-24 o- 10 i.-.'i 133 2144 2143 306 44 179 84-28 10 + 8 18 24-61 + 17-057 0-25 O'OOI O'OO 34 191 3H 77 872 180 181 182 8l'S4 84-74 82-37 ID 2 10 31 15 4 136 0-23 206 336 942 2433 189 84-76 2 69 10 jS-8S + 16-442 o- 10 39 41 210 346 84 960 2498 134 190 191 192 80-92 84-74 84-00 12 2 9 12 48 34-60 55 42 0-20 + 7 56 38-60 + 16-407 + 16-350 + 16-323 0-25 0-17 0-28 + 0-003 O'OOI +O"OI 40 345 968 2509 2539 I'K' 135* O'OO 211 347 85 973 193 84-80 3 48 13 12-97 + 16-287 o- 19 40 42 213 349 86 978 2556 137 194 195 84-86 80-90 I 12 55 53 47-53 15 44 59 '7 + 16-189 + 16-087 0-17 0-26 o- 108 /,'/,; 0-44 42 43 221 359 88 1009 2642 196* 82-35 12 28 44 17-27 + I5-972 0-24 223 363 1024 2693 197* 198 84-86 81-95 2 56 49 24-62 + 5 5 27-22 + I5-923 + 15-919 0-17 0-29 0-028 0-09 225 366 1034 199 83-23 12 3 53 4"22 + 15-808 0-28 0-028 0-05 371 1047 2765 1A-, l(,(l /// 0-04 0-07 0'2O 0-72 50 52 265 416 1164 3034 5'* 53 429 1204 3146 216 83-75 31 75 32 ii-93 + I4-7I2 + 0-04 284 437 ... I2II 3i7i 217* 84-89 3 + 20 52 47-34 + I4-629 0-35 0-006 O'OI ... 277 105 ... <7 A 218 219 220 81-94 84-86 82-62 3 I 32 + 8 26 55-92 59 21 56-22 + 3 38 16-73 + I4-574 + I4-505 + 14-409 0-33 o- 16 0-32 0-006 0-073 O'02 ... 281 439 154* 0-17 52* 291 451 107 I2JO 221* 222* 22J* 224* 225 226 82-68 82-88 81-91 84-00 81-95 84-63 12 16 2 2 2 9 24 4 32-81 + 38 23 38-22 83 4-111 + 4 30 42-5 - 6 32 3-82 72 21 5-13 + I4-345 + I4-3I4 + I4-265 + I4T38 + I4-I26 + I4-55 0-28 0-40 0-31 0-41 0-31 O'OI 0-037 0-088 + 0-009 + O'OIO o-oo* O'Og o- 19 +0-03 +0-01 53 56 294 454 ... I2 5 S 3284 177 1 60* ... 57 299 458 1262 3305 3346 3375 o-oo 58 34 467 109 1286 22? 84-00 7 + 19 17 27-33. + 13-864 0-37 + 0-005 +0-01 306 469 no 1295 162* 228 81-40 13 I 37 36-11 + I3-747 0-33 0-073 0-26 471 I3II 3455 if,'.'! 229* 230 231 81-60 84-78 83'44 13 5 12 29 26 29-68 + 20 37 2-78 44 51 4-98 + I3-729 + I3-658 + I3-652 0-27 0-37 0-23 + 0-656 0-070 +2-23 0'02 55 59 308 473 III 112 1317 1328 3462 3487 is' 6 312 477 232 80-93 I 9 ii 47-98 + I3-552 0-32 0-06 0-24 480 1341 3517 233 234 235 236 82-16 S3-33 81-96 8i-94 10 19 5 3 9 14 50-95 79 25 31-21 88 37 45-09 22 55 55-48 + I3-532 + I3-452 + I3-344 + I3-335 0-32 + 0-24 + 4'20 0-29 + 0-042 + 0-008 + 0-12 60 481 493 113 1345 1359 1396 1371 3523 3568 3715 3:88 187 171* + O'O2 322 491 237 82-92 '7 22 10 37-26 + I3-262 0-30 + 0-037 + 0-08 56 61 324 495 1377 3607 189 238* 83-64 H 43 30 38-06 + I3-20I 0-24 + 0-75 + I'02 62 327 499 "5 1384 3623 1 66 239 240 241 82-50 82-05 8f47 12 19 + 49 27 5-78 24 2 54-19 + 8 37 24-80 + I3-I49 + I3-I32 + I2-98I 0-47 0-29 0-36 0-033 0-068 0-08 /;/ 326 498 503 57 116 1392 1395 1407 3641 167* 1<)3 0-24 242 84-65 7 77 48 28-14 + 12-967 + 0-18 + 0-05* +O-02 337 509 118 1412 3704 243 84-75 6 + 9 19 51-41 + I2-828 0-37 - 0-049 O'OI 333 ... ... 1425 244 83-42 12 42 2 25-89 + I2-750 0-25 338 514 1433 3757 i<)5 245* 36 4 (54) + 12-681 0-27 ... ... 339 515 1440 3778 ... 217. Close double Star observed as one mass. Magnitudes, in the Mi'tixunr Mirrnm"frii i rf, fro and 5-7. 222. Limits of magnitude, 3-4-4-2 : Period 33' 1 according to Suhmidt. but Schrinfeld thinks the var. irregular. 224. Limits of magnitude 2-33-5 : Period about 3 d - 238. Proper Motion from Gill & Elkin. '-Parallax of Southern Stars." 1 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR ISSo'O, No. Bradley or Lacaille Piazzi. B.A.C Star's Name. Mag-. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /v Corr. for fa to 1885-0. 246* 247 248* 249* 250J 251* 252 253 2 54 fj - - * OD 256 257 258* 259 260 261 262 263 264* 265 266 267 268 269 270! 271* 272 273t 274 275 276 277 278 279* 280 486 487 493 495 498 1222 55 515 59 IigS 5'7 1212 J2I 1221 1223 53* 532* 1231 1^34 1414 1248 538 543* 1322 "75 539 54- 1299 54 6 III. 77 III. 80 III. 89 III. 95 III. 101 III. 116 III. 123 III. 134 III. 130 III. 149 III. 143 III. 152 III. 168 III. 173 III. 176 III. 189 III. 191 III. 198 III. 202 III. K/> III. 201 III. 216 III. 210 1087 1090 IIOO 1104 "IS 1134 1138 1148 1147 "59 "53 1166 1181 1191 1194 1201 1212 1217 1230 I22O I2ig 122K I2 3 6 1234 Lalande 6476 5'7 4'3 4-8 3'7 4-2 5'3 71 5'5 4-0 3'7 3'8 4'8 5'i 7-2 3'o Si 71 74 4'3 4-8 6-8 5'7 9-0 8J 4"i 5'4 4'7 3'2 5'3 6-1 3' 4'' 7-0 3"i 5-8 80-71 83-50 81-26 81-42 82-67 80-54 83-34 81-85 84-62 8i-55 84-67 84-86 81 -09 83-03 82-48 84-86 83-95 83-94 81-09 83-93 83-91 83-03 84-86 82-81 84-70 80-98 83-02 84-00 84-63 82-23 81-58 84-00 83-02 80-00 82-35 16 4 1.4 50 10 17 26 7 i 18 7 i J9 2 19 i 5 4 16 5 5 2 I 18 3 23 3 9 3 9 5 2 3 15 ii h in s 3 24 10-090 3 24 31-483 3 24 54-670 3 27 30-985 3 28 42-439 3 31 3-014 3 31 27-856 3 34 56-766 3 37 6-390 3 37 44-384 3 38 2-831 3 38 34-I50 3 38 40-065 3 39 54-290 3 40 38-965 3 41 28-740 3 4i 49-ioo 3 41 51-ofio 3 41 54-036 3 42 42-970 3 43 9-630 3 43 17-290 3 44 37-33 3 45 1-019 3 45 9-ooo 3 47 0-834 3 48 49-070 3 49 I-9I3 3 49 16-030 3 49 51-703 3 50 8-336 3 5i 30-260 3 52 22-3,"o 3 52 39-829 3 53 12-362 + 2-8311 +3-3040 + 2-9726 + 2-8898 +2-6453 + 2-7297 1-9440 + 2-9670 +3-7486 + 2-8776 + 3-55I4 +2-2304 + 3-0433 +2-1967 + 3-5552 +0-8356 +2-542I +2-5539 + 2-59I4 + 2-5754 + 2-5168 + 2-4205 +0-8435 9-8788 +2-2480 +2-9607 + 2-5495 1-0079 + 2-2824 +2-8238 +4-0080 + 3-8788 + 2-1436 + 2-7926 + 2-957 +0-005 +0-013 +0-007 +0-005 +0-003 +0-004 +0-203 +0-007 +0-023 +0-006 +0-018 +0-O02 +o 008 + 0-002 + 0-018 + 0-025 + 0-003 + 0-003 + O-OO3 + 0-003 +0-003 + 0-003 + 0-024 + I"449 + 0-003 + 0-006 + O-OO3 + 0-107 + 0-OO3 + 0-005 + O-029 +0-025 +0-003 +0-005 +0-006 s 0-0024 O - OOO2 o 0006 O-O675 + 0-OOI4 o-oooi 0-0027 0-0016 0-0081 o-oooi 0-006* 0-0015 o 0004 0-0127 +0-0014 0-OO22 +0-0012 + O-OI2* +0-0004 o - 0006 +0-0029 s O'OIO o-ooo * 0-002 0-242 +0-003 O'OOO 0-009 O'OOI 0-028 o-ooo o-ooi o 006 O'OOI 0-050 +0-001 0-009 + 0-002 +0-012 +0-OO2 o-ooi +0-015 5 Tauri . ... / 17 Eridani 1 8 Eridani f i g Eridani r 5 20 Eridani Lacaille 1222 22 Eridani . 38 Persei o 2 "> Eridani $ 17 Tauri . Eridani // Lacaille 121^ AGO 4183 Lacaille 1221 Lacaille 1223 27 Eridani r'' 28 Eridani . r' Lacaille 1^31 Fornacis p CZ III 1347 Lacaille 1414 Eridani tj 30 Eridani 33 Eridani r s Hydri y Eridani /' Lalande 7273 . 34 Eridani y Lalande 7384 248. ii Eridani in A.G.C. 257. u 1 Erida:ii in B.A.C. : this letter is affixed to No. 309. 264. Fundamental Stars for Southern Zones. 267. B.A.C. nt-signs this Star to Eridanus. 270. (/- Eridani in B.A.C. 274. v* Eridani in B.A.C. FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT TIIK HOYAI, OliSKUVATOKY, CAPE OF Cool) HO Xo. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo. of Obs. M.'iui Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /\l Corr. for 1*3 to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne. 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 246 247 81-54 84-00 12 3 / tl 13 4 I7-I5 + 12 32 30-44 + 12- 609 + I2-585 n 0-33 0-38 it + O-O2O + O'OII +0-07 +0-01 3805 1<)^ 57 ... 342 518 1450 248* 82-53 12 5 28 12-45 + 12-557 0-34 + O'002 o-oo 58 63 519 1453 3818 K)8 249 82-1: 26 9 5o 53-52 + 12-379 0-33 + o-oii +0-03 ... 64 348 524 ... 1467 3872 200 250 83-I5 5 22 I 9-39 + 12-298 0-31 0-040 0-07 59 "5 35i 526 1471 3897 251 252 253 254 255 81-30 83-5 81-66 84-62 82-32 12 22 3 I 17 17 50 54-41 78 o 15-76 5 34 57-62 + 31 55 21-32 10 9 13-82 + 12-135 + 12-106 + 11-862 + 11-709 + 11-664 0-32 + 0-22 0-35 0-45 0-34 o-ooi + 0-009 O'OIO + 0-758 355 533 1490 1496 1524 3958 3979 4037 20,', +0-03 o-oo +2-03 C42 62 68 367 548 1548 4100 20$ 256 84-67 7 + 23 45 2-73 + 11-642 0-43 0-036 O'OI 365 547 123 I55i 2V<) 257* 84-86 i 37 4 37-05 + 11-605 0-27 0-09* O'OI 70 37i 553 125 1557 4121 258 259 260 261 262 263 264* 81 -go 83-00 84-86 83-95 83-95 82-49 12 18 I 5 5 14 i 3i 35-92 - 38 39 05) + 23 44 54-89 63 48 38-81 25 42 56-22 25 12 47-41 23 35 22-61 + 11-598 + 11-509 + 11-456 + 11-396 + 11-372 + 11-369 + 11-366 0-37 0-27 0-43 o-u 0-31 0-31 0-31 + 0-003 0-040 0-530 +0-01 55i '558 1566 I57i 4120 4145 4183 4188 4190 4191 210 184' 185 213 0-08 155 372 555 128 1589 1590 1591 1-33 64 72 375 56i 265 266 267* 268 269 270* 83-93 83-91 84-86 82-80 84-70 5 5 i i? 3 24 13 53-51 26 40 59-87 30 30 (52) 63 31 7-97 85 5 38-09 36 32 56-40 + 11-307 + 11-274 + 11-266 + 11-169 + 11-140 + 11-130 0-3I 0-31 0-30 o-u + 1-19 0-28 + 0-049 +0-05 73 378 565 1598 1600 1601 4208 4214 4219 ... 379 567 1630 1616 4304 4256 191* ... ... 76 384 573 134 271 81-41 12 5 42 ig-79 + 10-994 0-36 0-007 0-03 577 1641 4303 Sir 272 ... ... 24 57 (13) + 10-862 0-32 0-006 386 58i 135 1649 4336 273 84-00 9 74 35 27-58 + 10-846 + 0-12 + 0-12* +0-12 68* 79 393 590 138 1656 4353 194* 274* 275 276 277 278 84-63 82-05 82-38 84-00 3 4 13 2 35 4 22-74 12 26 9-27 + 39 40 35-57 + 35 27 34-22 39 i? (45) + 10-829 + 10-785 + 10-765 + 10-664 + 10-600 0-28 0-35 0-50 0-48 0-27 0-016 0-013 ... 78 388 583 136 1655 4346 4357 4404 218 0-04 o-oi 387 ... ... 396 595 1681 279 280 82-12 82-28 I? 4 13 50 10-70 5 47 37-8: + 10-577 + 10-538 0-35 0-37 o- 106 0-31 69" 80 395 594 139 1683 4407 4416 195* CAPE OBSEKVATIONS. 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 18S5'0, No. Bradley or ..acaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag-. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual ['recession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. fa. Corr. for u. to "a 1885-0. 281 282* 283* 284 285 286* 287 288* 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296* 297 298 299* 300 301 302 303 304 305 3 o6f 307* 308 309 310 3" 312* 313 3'4* 315 548 553 1592 568 M44 574 573 578 1393 583 59* 1409 1424 594 602 1438 609 1455 615 1579 624 636* 630 637 642 647 i839 III. 218 III. 228 IV. n IV. 26 IV. 23 IV. 29 IV. 39 IV. 50 IV. 65 IV. 57 IV. 72 rv. 81 IV. 87 IV. 94 IV. 1 10 IV. 130 IV. 12; IV. 133 IV. 140 IV. 150 1241 ISJI 1290 1319 I33 1304 1309 I32S 1333 1334 1348 I34 6 1360 1368 1376 1386 1426 1403 1422 1420 1429 H35 1441 35 Tauri X Var 4-0 6-7 6'5 5'9 4'l 6-8 4'9 4"3 4'5 6'3 3'9 3'3 6-1 6'3 5'3 5'8 4-0 5'3 6-7 3'7 91 7-0 5'6 8-0 5'8 4'9 5-8 4'4 I'O 8it 4' 1 5'3 3'9 81 82-50 8i-35 81-14 83-11 83-73 81-38 82-70 81-17 82-32 83-70 83-05 82-57 84-86 82-53 83-59 80-38 83-06 82-00 80-86 83-06 82-14 84-86 83-06 82-27 84-86 84-64 80-96 82-26 80-84 82-86 84-97 80-81 82-29 81-62 81-89 4 66 14 28 u 26 16 12 IO 16 3 7 I 2 11 13 3 I H 3 7 I 3 12 I 5 22 9 12 14 2 15 8 13 16 U in s 3 54 I8-493 3 57 2-344 4 i 27-654 4 3 54-458 4 5 I5-433 4 6 15-124 4 7 53-9 6 8 4 8 55-443 4 9 I7-398 4 9 58-926 4 10 52-000 4 13 14-956 4 '3 32-41 4 '3 42-525 4 15 0-070 4 '5 37-998 4 15 38-270 4 16 18-060 4 i? 57-294 4 18 54-560 4 21 54-087 4 21 54-900 4 22 7-780 4 22 35-492 4 24 49-830 4 25 46-924 4 25 59-687 4 28 41-402 4 28 59-885 4 29 19-281 4 29 34-590 4 3 34-374 4 31 48-838 4 32 54-804 4 33 25-486 s +3-3184 +3-1865 +2-6867 12-1205 +2-8841 +2-9252 2-9654 +2-8522 +3-2516 +2-9093 +2-5552 +3-4002 +2-2638 +2-5587 +2-9354 + 2-6135 + 1-8907 +3-4463 +2-9878 + 2-2OOI + 3-4895 +0-3409 + 2-2798 + 3-0963 +0-3I58 4-2375 + 3-0662 + 2-8727 + 2-3606 + 3-4326 + 0-2528 + 2-9949 + 3-0139 + 2-7506 I7-375I A +O-OI2 + O-009 + O-OO4 + 1-688 +0-005 +0-006 +O-220 +0-005 +0-009 +0-006 +0-003 + 0-OII +0-003 +0-004 +0-006 +0-004 +0-004 + 0-012 +0-006 +0-003 + O-OI2 +0-030 +0-003 +0-007 +0-029 +0-278 +0-007 +0-005 +0-003 + 0-OII +0-030 +0-006 +0-006 +o 004 +2-247 s 0-0014 +0-0001 +0-0019 0-0006 0-0025 0-0003 O* 1442 I o 004 O'OOO +0-007 O'O02 O'OIO o-ooi 0-332 +0-018 0'OOI + 0-O02 +0-020 0-020 +O'O2O + 0-001 o 005 O-042 + 0-007 O'OIO +0-007 0-026 38 Tauri v Lacaille 1592 Lalande 7819 38 Eridani o 1 Lacaille 1444 . 39 Eridani A 40 Tauri .. ..u +0-0073 O-OOO5 +0-OOO4 +o 0066 0-0048 +0-0070 + 0-0002 0-OOI3 O'OIOI + 0-0035 0-0023 +0-OO26 0-0077 :j. Tauri . y 41 Eridani r 1 Lacaille 1409 . Lalande 8154 Lalande 8^05 Lacaille 1424 61 Tauri IS 42 Eridani Lacaille 1438 74 Tauri t AGC 4087 ... Lacaille 1455 4 Eridani A.G.C. 5045 Mensai T 45 Eridani WB. IV. 585 50 Eridani <>' 87 Tauri 48 Eridani v 51 Eridani c 53 Eridani Lacaille 1839 290. d Eridani in B.F. 293. X Eridani in A.G.C.. i/ 4 in B.A.C. and Auwers' Bradley. Auwers does not use u 2 , vide No. 270. 296. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 298. c 1 Tauri in B.A.C. 309. Eridani in B.A.C. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT Til K ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 19 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. ..f Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ***. Corr. for /v 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. 1 Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 281* 282 283 284* 28; 286 287 288 289 290* 291 292 293* 294 295 296* 297 298* 299 300 301 302 303 304 35 306 307 308 309" 31 311* 312 ::: I*, 84-00 81-72 82-17 83-37 83-73 82-19 83-04 82-39 82-04 83-70 84-00 84-86 82-53 83H4 83-05 82-16 85-08 84-86 82-03 84-86 84-64 81-69 82-31 82-52 83-35 84 - 97 82-53 82-33 82-56 81-91 I 28 12 26 II 16 15 12 3 16 i i 2 12 12 '4 I i 4 I 5 13 4 12 20 2 15 4 13 II o / * + 12 9 52-06 + 5 40 10-00 18 21 38-71 85 35 59-n 9 7 I3-77 7 8 17-97 78 56 25-82 10 32 32-92 + 8 36 12-88 7 49 53-09 23 31 (34) + 15 20 55-75 34 4 46-49 23 15 4-43 6 31 13-48 20 54 52-86 44 32 (37) + 17 16(18) 4 o 43-91 35 48 (47) + 18 55 27-97 65 59 50-60 33 4 (35) + i 7 30-79 66 4 9-57 80 28 55-00 o 17 29-52 9 12 28-23 29 59 58-05 + 16 16 37-67 66 21 30-57 3 35 18-46 2 42 14-80 14 31 45'97 86 31 20-44 * + 10-454 + 10-251 + 9-9I5 + 9-729 + 9-626 + 9-549 + 9-422 + 9-343 + 9-3I5 + 9-261 + 9T92 + 9-007 + 8-984 + 8-971 + 8-870 + 8-820 + 8-820 + 8-767 + 8-637 + 8-562 + 8-324 + 8-323 + 8-305 + 8-270 + 8-090 + 8-014 + 7-996 + 7-7So + 7-755 + 7-729 + 7-708 + 7-628 + 7-527 + 7-438 + 7-397 0-42 0-40 0-34 + 1-54 0-37 0-38 + 0-38 0-37 0-42 0-38 o-34 0-45 0-30 0-34 0-39 0-34 0-25 0-45 0-40 0-29 0-47 0-05 0-31 0-41 0-05 + 0-56 0-41 0-39 0-32 0-47 0-04 0-41 0-41 0-38 + 2-35 t 0-009 0-009 0-031 + 0-085 0-160 O-OI2 3-442 0-030 + o-oi + 0-050 0-025 0-044 0-028 0-031 0-017 0-259 0-184 + 0-009 0-071 0-162 o-oi 0-03 0-09 ... ... 596 ... 1703 4591 4672 4653 4668 4723 4725 475' 4772 4821 4822 4849 4858 4859 S2A 227 230 203* 232 234 236 214 237 220' 223 225* 2 bo 2J,2 22 7 * 8M stf 1768 +0-24 75 85 420 616 628 145 1774 1785 1789 1793 1801 1806 1819 1822 1824 -0-42 0-04 7-92 86 620 '47 ... 87 ... 623 0-03 o-oo 79 89 421 423 631 634 633 151 +0-10 ... ... 430 427 639 154 1840 O'I2 436 439 645 646 650 161 1855 1863 1884 4903 4926 4987 4983 1893 0-09 5045 5090 5059 5129 5137 0-06 457 671 658 163 1929 1924 0-64 0-30 87* ... 455 454 669 668 165 164 '959 1962 +0-02 0-19 0-40 ... 98 101 673 676 680 167 1979 1984 '993 2006 5172 5199 5226 5292 281. Limits of magnitude 3-44-2 ; Period (3 d - 22''- 5:"'- i: s -o) subject to marked inequalities. 284. Double. 311. Magnitude from Cape Observations. C2 20 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STABS FOB 1885*0, No. Bradley or jacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean B.A. 1885-0. Annual 'recession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. I'-a. Corr. for Ha to 1885-0. 316 317* 3i8 319 3:0 321* 322 323 324 325* 326' 327 328 329* 330 331 332 333 334 335 336* 337 338 339 34 34i 342* 343 344* 345 346* 347 348 349 35 648 653 1707 1561 656 657 664 1601 663 673 670 1622 675 680 677 689 1648 690 693 699 698 1686 702 1752 713 7ii 715 720 719 724 1738 727 IV. 159 IV. 1 66 IV. 178 IV. 183 IV. 198 IV. 210 IV. 201 IV. 215 IV. 213 IV. 226 IV. 232 IV. 235 IV. 250 IV. 256 IV. 262 IV. 272 IV. 274 IV. 285 IV. 289 IV. 286 IV. 303 IV. 304 IV. 312 IV. 323 IV. 324 V. 7 V. ii 1449 H5i 1481 1465 1469 1484 1488 1486 1498 H95 1508 i5H 1520 1529 i53i 1540 1541 '545 i55i 1553 J559 1557 1587 '575 1584 1588 1597 1602 1604 1608 94 Tauri .. ...r 4*4 4'5 6-9 6-8 5'7 4'3 5-8 6-7 3'3 5-2 4-0 7'3 5'7 3'9 9t 2-7 5'4 6-4 Var. 4-0 Var. 4'7 5"! 5"i 4'7 6-0 3'3 5'4 2-9 8i 4'4 4'9 5'9 6-5 4'7 82-00 81-07 84-45 83-06 82-09 81-38 81-92 83-06 84-12 83-22 81-76 83-06 81-35 81-26 84-97 82-17 82-24 83-06 84-00 80-00 81-25 82-00 84-86 81-47 84-12 82-06 81-40 82-62 81-19 82-10 82-41 84-00 82-05 82-08 81-77 t 17 2 3 6 5 8 3 I 12 16 3 3 38 2 12 IO 3 I 2 23 I 2 16 i 12 15 7 36 3 13 i I 3 7 h in s 4 35 20-580 4 35 24-649 4 36 18-440 4 38 6-540 4 38 33-830 4 39 45-I30 4 42 26-353 4 43 20-390 4 43 35-850 4 45 "573 4 45 4-869 4 46 31-780 4 47 22-960 4 48 15-677 4 49 15-765 4 49 30-347 4 50 44-404 4 50 47-790 4 53 43-ooo 4 54 3C-330 4 54 35-II4 4 56 13-270 4 56 26-210 4 57 29-158 4 57 59-76o 4 58 30-006 5 o 35-538 5 i 37-247 5 2 11-799 5 3 8 -200 5 3 38-568 5 5 33-520 5 60- 800 5 6 4-230 5 6 55-974 S + 3-5948 + 2-6212 7-3163 +2-0997 +2-8802 + 2-9963 +2-6834 +2-3366 + 3-2221 + 2-6993 + 3-1923 + 2-0537 +3-1238 + 3-1224 +0-0679 + 3-8994 + 2-9528 + 2-4523 +4-2949 +4-I837 + 2-7831 + 3-5768 +2-5988 +2-4323 + 3-4235 1-7768 + 2-5364 +3-2623 + 2-9537 +2-3502 + 2-8693 +4-1003 + 2-7962 +2-4368 + 2-7956 H + 0-012 + 0-004 + 0-522 + 0-004 + 0-005 +0-005 + O-OO4 + 0-003 + 0-00? + O-OO4 + O-O07 + 0-004 + O-OO6 + 0-OO6 +0-028 + 0-014 +0-005 + 0-003 + 0-020 + 0-OI8 + 0-CO4 + O-009 +0-003 +0-003 + 0-008 + 0-007 +0-C03 +o 006 +0-004 +0-003 +0-004 +0-014 +0-004 +0-003 +o 004 ! O'OOIO o-ooco 0-0017 O-OOO2 +0-0081 +0-0298 +0-0022 O'OOII o oooo o 0004 +0-0006 O'OOIO 0-0016 o 0005 +0-0003 +0-0040 +0-005" 0-OOO2 +0-0004 +0-0013 0-0066 O-OO02 o 0047 +0-0003 + O-OOO2 O ' CO ^ 54 Eridani O'OCO 0-005 O'COI +0-025 +0-026 +0-004 0-004 O'OCO o-cci + O-CO2 0-003 O'C02 o 003 +0-001 +0-012 +0-018 O'COO + 0-CCI +Q-C03 0-025 Lacaille 1707 56 Eridani Caili J I Orionis 7r 3 62 Eridani . . ../y Lacaille 1648 102 Tauri ~..i Piazzi IV 285 Lacaille 1686 14 Orionis / 67 Eridani . /3 A.G.C 5880 0-005 + O'COI + Q-COI Bradley 724 Lacaille 1738 313. B.A.C. gives no letter. 324. ir 1 Oriiris in P.A.C. 326. ir 3 Orionis in B.A.C. 341. B A.C. gives no letter. 34.2. Fundamental Star fjr Southern Zones. FKO.M OBSERVATIONS AT TUK lioVAL OB8EBVATORY, CAl'K OF GOOD HoI'K. 21 Xo. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo. of Obs. M'.-an Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. PA Corr. for l l g to 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. 1 Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne. i87oandi8So. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 3i6 3I7 313 319 320 321 322 323' 324* 325 326' 327 328 329 33* 331 332 333 334* 335 336* 337 338 339 340 341* 342* 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 35 81-97 84'45 82-08 81-89 81-70 84-12 83-16 82-41 81-04 81-78 84-97 81-92 82-05 84-00 82-08 81-72 84-86 82-15 84-1: 82-48 82-46 82-10 8i-45 82-10 82-21 84-00 82-08 81-41 12 3 27 3 I II 12 I 18 > 12 4 I 12 12 12 I II 13 4 20 3 12 I 3 3 O t It + 22 44 (7) '9 53 34-04 83 8 44-06 37 49 (56) 8 43 8-56 3 27 58-60 17 8 45-06 30 13 (40) + 6 45 34-44 16 25 4-27 + 5 24 27-16 38 45 (37) + 2 19 2-48 + 2 15 5-77 67 I 30-74 + 32 58 57-81 5 21 15-29 - 25 54 (46) + 43 39 7'33 + 4 54 25-35 12 42 27-16 + 21 25 (28) 20 13 I2'8l 26 26 19-78 + '5 M 33-66 75 6 47-38 22 31 34-06 + 8 20 51-45 5 '4 9-3i 29 7 40-73 8 54 8-70 + 38 20 50-18 " 59 (37) 26 3 14-91 12 O 28-98 + 7-240 + 7-2J4 + 7-162 + 7-014 + 6-976 + 6-879 + 6-659 + 6-584 + 6-562 + 6-44; + 6-439 + 6-319 + 6-248 + 6-175 + 6-091 + 6-072 + 5-969 + 5-963 + 5-7I9 + 5-659 + 5-645 + 5-509 + 5-49I + 5-403 + 5-359 + 5-3I7 + 5-I39 + 5-051 + 5-004 + 4-925 + 4-881 + 4-7I8 + 4-680 + 4-676 + 4-602 // 0-49 0-36 + 0-99 0-29 0-40 0-42 0-37 0-33 0-45 0-37 0-44 0-29 0-43 0-44 o-oi 0-54 0-41 0-34 0-60 0-59 0-39 0-50 0-37 0-34 0-48 + 0-25 0-36 0-46 0-42 0-33 0-41 0-58 0-40 0-35 0-40 0-009 o-ose + O'OOI O-OO2 + 0-178 -4- 0-016 + 0-060 0-002 0-014 0-007 0-003 + o-on 0-014 0-008 0-095 0-040 o-io* 0-031 0-068 0-046 0-065 + O'OOI 0-071 + 0-084 O'002 n 0-26 102 465 467 487 683 685 702 170 2007 2009 2019 2031 2033 2047 2072 2081 2082 2090 2093 2113 5272 531 5315 532i 5341 5405 5431 5462 5508 a ;v *9 236* .'.;/ 353 255 256 o-oo o-oi +0-59 +O-QI +O-II O'OI 105 483 486 692 695 704 706 ... 489 708 ... o-oS 0'O2 2128 259 O'OI +0-03 ... 495 720 721 176 2138 2143 2145 5601 5604 239* o-oi 0-O2 0-31 ... 500 joi 304 726 728 730 734 733 746 74' 180 181 2172 2190 2197 5689 5736 5755 e6s 0-29 0-03 508 182 186 2210 2225 5787 5816 242 243* 0-17 0-13 0-23 ... 109 5H III ... 747 22J4 5848 5880 5888 a-jk ir~ O'OO 0-07 98 112 753 22 4 8 757 2263 2264 2275 5948 5950 5968 O'OI H3 761 1 330. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 334. Limits of magnitude 3-0 and 4'$ ; Period irregular. 336. Gould's S Eridani ; Limits of magnitude 4]-5l ; Sawyer's observations do not indicate variability. 22 GENEKAL CATALOGUE OF STABS FOR 1SS5'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /V Corr. for /* to 1885-0. 35i 352 353' 354 355 356f 357" 358 359 360* 36i 362 363 "364* 36S 366 367 368 369 37* 37' 372 373 374* 375* 3?6f 377 378 379 3ot 38i 382 383* 384 385* 722 736 1763 1921 742 75i 765 763 761 756 781 779 2066 787 789 796 792 794 803 806 809 1948 1911 814 819 1938 822 1955 837 1986 843 V. 6 V. 18 V. 40 V. 60 V. 81 V. 78 V. 80 V. 72 V. 113 V. 112 V. 126 V. 130 V. 139 V. 138 V. 141 V. 149 V. 151 V. 1 60 V. 177 V. 172 V. 1 88 V. 196 V. 194 V. 205 V. 219 V. 230 1613 1623 1675 1638 1660 1684 1685 1687 1681 1715 1717 173 1731 1741 1748 '749 1759 1762 1765 1791 1783 1780 "794 1802 1806 1809 1823 1842 1840 0'2 6-5 0-3 7-0 9t 5-8 3'7 5'9 4'7 3'5 4-6 1-9 1-9 3'0 6-0 Var. 6-8 Var. 4'7 2-7 4'4 4't 4-6 3-0 1-8 3'9 5'7 3'7 2-0* 2'5 5'3 6-6 3'8 71 3'7 80-00 82-07 80-52 82-09 84-97 82-08 81-35 82-06 81-70 81-02 81-64 84-00 82-23 81-70 82-10 84-16 81-81 81-14 81-81 82-25 84-16 84-12 8i-99 82-00 81-28 84-14 83-05 81-54 84-15 83-60 81-55 83-05 81-91 83-05 82-09 3 3 21 3 2 10 30 3 8 16 7 I 13 13 7 2 II 29 7 12 I I 7 ii H 2 3 13 2 5 II 3 22 3 H h m i 5 8 11-670 5 8 45-840 5 9 0-613 5 9 51-010 5 10 5-750 5 ii 59-925 5 12 1-353 5 13 43-520 5 15 53-461 5 18 41-722 5 18 46-671 5 18 57-790 5 19 1-363 5 23 19-038 5 23 39-800 5 23 53-570 5 25 0-207 5 26 7-881 5 26 22-084 5 27 39-458 5 28 30-340 5 28 48-150 5 29 42-771 5 29 48-464 5 30 22-728 5 32 37-660 5 32 43-920 5 32 58-359 5 34 57-335 5 35 29-096 5 36 31-787 5 37 14-510 5 39 40-165 5 41 36-320 5 41 44-678 a +4-4I59 + 2-7294 + 2-8813 + 2-4263 0-1596 7-0266 + 2-9I25 + 2-6404 + 3-0610 + 3-OI49 + 3-II24 + 3-2164 + 3-7870 + 2-5697 + 2-9907 + 3-045I 9-47I7 + 3-0635 + 2-9009 + 2-6447 + 3-29I9 + 3-3025 + 2-9584 + 2-9334 + 3-0429 +0-5I54 + 2-3684 + 3-0105 + 3-0259 + 2-I7I2 + 3-1053 + 2-1933 + 2-52I2 + 1-9793 + 2-7186 I +0-017 +0-004 +0-004 +0-003 +0-024 +0-276 +0-004 +0-003 +0-004 +0-004 +0-004 +0-005 +o-coS +0-003 +0-004 +0-004 +0-318 +o 004 +0-003 +0-003 +0-004 +0-004 +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 +0-009 +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 + O-002 + 0-003 + 0-003 8 +0-0079 O-OOI2 0-OO24 o 0009 0-OOI5 O-OO26 0-0019 +0-0013 0-0015 0-0017 0-0014 0-OOO2 O'OOII 0-0018 0-0015 0-0013 0-0007 0-0018 0-0018 0-0008 +0-0014 0-0050 0-0230 0-0018 s +0-040 0-005 o 009 0-003 o 006 O'OOg O OO2 + 0-OO4 O-OOj O'OOI 0-005 o-ooi 0-003 0'OO2 O'OOI 0-004 0-002 0-O07 0-006 o-ooi +0-007 0-002 O-07I 0-OO5 Lalande 9832 19 Orionis {3 Lacaille 1763 Lalande 9986 24 Orionis y 112 Tauri /3 Lalande 10325 31 Orionis 36 Orionis v 39 Orionis X 46 Orionis e Doradus ft 50 Orionis ^ Lacaille 1955 Lacaille 1896 356. B.A.C. frivea no letter 361. ^' Orionis in B.A.C. 373. c Orionis in B.A.C. 377. B.A.C. gives no lettor. 383. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. FROM OI5SKKVATIONS AT THE HOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD IIol'K. 23 No. BCettD Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. *l. Corr. for fa to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1 1 870 and 1880. 1 1840. 1850. 1860. l88o. 3 ' II ff /; ff // 3ji 352 353 354 355* 356* 82-17 82-07 82-89 82-09 84-97 82-55 12 3 36 3 2 12 + 45 52 50-20 14 44 29-43 8 20 7-34 26 20 23-48 68 o 25-28 82 37 18-53 + 4-494 + 4'447 + 4-424 + 4-355 + 4-332 + 4-169 0-63 0-39 0-4! 0-35 + O'O2 + I'OO 0-424 + 0-005 1-20 l(t<} =26 762 ... 2285 6002 6026 245* 247* +0-01 99* 116 529 769 189 2292 2301 548 794 2330 6105 249* 357 358 359 81-66 82-06 81-46 14 3 5 6 58 10-04 18 15 12-46 - o 29 48-81 + 4-168 + 4-022 + 3-836 0-42 0-38 0-44 0-003 + 0-009 3-01 too 117 ... 774 2319 6066 6109 6147 296 + 0-03 ... 539 786 193 2352 3 So 30i* 362 353 81-97 81-08 84-00 82-17 14 3 2 12 2 30 13-64 + I 44 24-47 + 6 14 40-70 + 28 30 33-82 + 3-594 + 3-587 + 3-57I + 3-567 0-43 0-45 0-46 0-55 + o-oio 0-009 0-015 0-180 + 0-03 O-04 0-02 0-5I 102 119 800 2378 6217 303 133 161 2381 2382 ... 252* ... 546 798 196 364 3*35 366* 3 r >7 368* 82-28 82-09 84-16 82-25 82-24 10 3 > II 17 - 20 51 6-43 3 32 21-01 I II I -08 S3 59 11-52 o 23 6-97 + 3-196 + 3-166 + 3-146 + 3-05I + 2-953 0-37 0-43 0-44 + I-36 0-44 0-079 0-017 0-005 0-21 104 I2O ... 8i5 2428 6344 635 6359 6422 6401 306 261* 256* O'OI 121 817 2436 2452 2454 O'OI 105* 122 559 823 200 369 81-40 3 7 23 I4-39 + 2-932 0- 4 2 0-006 O'02 123 824 2458 6407 370 371 372* 373* 83-08 84-I5 84-12 81-59 13 2 I *> i? 54 I9'42 + 9 24 38-83 + 9 51 22-83 4 54 54-1 + 2-821 + 2-745 + 2-722 + 2-642 -0- 3 8 0-48 0-48 0-43 + o-oio O'OO2 O'OlS + O'OlS +0-O2 o-oo 0-02 +0'06 107* "5 =64 829 2O2 2466 2473 2477 6436 260* ... 126 840 2489 6483 ... 374 82-50 12 5 59 10-28 + 2-635 0-42 + O-OO? +O-O2 ... 127 843 2493 6486 Sib 375 82-40 10 i 16 34-88 + 2-584 0'44 -f- 0-006 +O-O2 no* 128 573 845 20J 2495 6501 266* 376 84-14 2 62 33 53-58 + 2-389 0-08 131 584 862 20j 2516 6561 268 377* 27 36 (21) + 2-380 0-34 ... ... ... 580 855 ... 2515 6555 378 81-45 7 2 40 2-47 + 2-360 0-44 + 0-009 +0-03 Ill 129 853 ... 251- 6558 379* 84-15 2 2 O 15-20 + 2-188 0-44 + O'OIO +O'OI 113* 132 ... 863 2539 6614 380* 38i 382 84-00 81-07 6 6 34 8 9-54 + i 25 4-85 - 33 27 (29) + 2-141 + 2-050 + 1-989 0-32 0'45 0-32 0-045 O'OII 0-04 0-04 114* 133 586 866 2O6 2547 6633 2 7 0* ... ... 588 869 2562 6676 320 33* 384 35 82-47 82-45 19 H 22 29 IO-20 39 21 (35) 14 51 56-12 + 1-777 + 1-607 + 1-595 0-36 0-29 0-40 0-366 + 0-009 0-93 134 ... 876 883 881 2582 2595 2596 6733 6776 6778 331 32jf + O'O2 135 598 355. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 366. Limits of magnitude in Uranamftria Argentina 4f-6. 368. Limits of magnitude 2-2-2-7; Auwers found period i6 cl - ; Schonfeld slight variation but no period; Chandler and Sawyer find no fluctuation. 372. Magnitude from Struve's IHentyrir Micrometrirtr. 379. Double, companion 9-4 in B.D. 380. Proper motion from New-comb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. <;I:.\I:UAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOK 1885-0, No. Bradley or Lacaille Piazzi. B.A.C Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. l l a. Corr. for /* to 1885-0. 386* 387 388 389 39 391* 392 393 394* 395 396 397* 39t 399 40of 401 402* 43 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416* 417 418 419 420* 844 1998 202 1 2138 858 860 859 866 2296 2099 22IO 885 2124 887 2128 898 2148 2178 909 92O 2512 22O6 927 V.234 V.239 V. 261 V. 268 V. 269 V. 281 V.3I5 V.322 V.332 V. 34 2 V.349 VI. 22 VI. 35 VI. 56 1843 1851 1859 1861 1898 1871 1883 1895 1901 1960 1933 1969 1945 1958 1965 1973 1994 1996 2O02 2OI5 2085 2O27 2030 53 Orionis K 2'2 5-7 7-2 3-9 5-8 4-0 Var. 2'I 3'7 9t 6-1 4'7 4-0 8-0* -5 '5 9'5* 5'7 8-8* 91 8-3* 5-8 4'4 9'3* 5"4 5'5 7-0 8-0* 5-o 6-9 Var. 4-0 n 6-8 7} 6-5 82-06 82-11 83-04 84-17 81-94 81-58 81-84 82-17 83-17 81-80 81-61 84-16 83-I3 82-09 83-15 8i-53 83-I3 83-12 83-14 83-05 84-00 83-12 8i-35 84-14 83-05 83-11 81-35 83-04 82-00 82-05 81-62 82-40 83-04 81-51 17 6 3 I II 13 44 J3 i 29 12 4 2 II 2 20 3 3 2 4 3 2 8 5 4 3 8 4 18 '9 12 6 4 15 h in s 5 42 18-106 5 43 42-51 5 44 7-680 5 44 33-740 5 46 20-503 5 46 22-470 5 48 56-733 5 5i (6) 5 51 10-017 5 51 12-890 5 52 29-745 5 54 18-141 5 55 37-668 5 57 21-420 5 58 2-823 5 58 20-490 5 58 53-788 5 59 29-920 5 59 48-530 5 59 50-140 60 3 640 6 i 0-420 6 i 2 760 6 i 44-385 6 2 41-578 6 3 0-560 6 4 50-620 6 6 16-015 6 6 25-240 6 7 56-208 6 9 14-813 6 9 57-020 6 10 6-285 6 ii 31-460 6 12 10-786 s + 2-8443 + 3-3036 + 2-1907 4- 1-4188 4-9500 + 2-5630 + 3-2455 + 4-4053 + 2-7346 + 2-7233 11-7216 + 3-0005 + I-8336 + 2-5234 4-0575 + 2-6121 + 3-1697 + 2-6049 + 2-6055 + 2-5994 + 2-2314 + 3-4252 + 2-5876 + 2-5022 + 2-6081 + 1-9018 + 2-5731 + 2-9195 + 2-1438 + 3-6270 + 2-9263 -43-5227 15-6922 + 2-3092 + 2-8205 s +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 +0-004 +0-051 +O-OO2 +0-003 +0-004 +O-OO2 + 0-002 + 0-102 + 0-002 + 0-003 + 0-002 +0-010 + 0-002 + O-O02 +0-002 + 0-OO2 + 0'OO2 + 0-002 + O-OO2 + 0-002 + O-002 +0-002 + 0-O02 + 0-002 + 0-OO2 +O'OO2 +0-001 +O-OO2 I-305 0-198 + 0-002 +0-001 s O-OOI7 o-ooo* o-ooo* +0-034* +0-0158 +0-0008 0-0065 o 0044 0-0017 O'CO26 0-0003 0-0015 0-0050 o-coio o 0039 s 0-005 o-ooo o-ooo +0-104 +0-054 +0-003 O'OI2 0-006 o-cog O'COO o-ooi 0-015 0-003 0-014 Piazzi V. 239 .... Lacaille 1998 Pictoris y3 Mensze TT 15 Leporis f 58 Orionis a 34 Auriga? j3 id Leporis q Lacaille 2296 Lalande 11382 Columbae ; Lalande 11503 MenscO K B.D. 19 No. 1335 66 Orionis B.D. 19 No. 1341 AG.C. 7224 B.D. 19 No. 1345 Lacaille 2124 67 Oriouis v B.D. 1 9 No. 1349 Lacaille 2128 Lacaille 2148 Lalande 1 177- Lalande 11805 Lacaille 2178 7 Geminorum jj 5 Monocerotis Cape (1880)2901 Lacaille 2512 Lacaille 2206 6 Monocerotis 390. B.A.C. gives no letter. 391. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 398. B.A.C. assigns this star to Puppis. 400. B.A.C. gives no letter. oi;si-;i;vATio.\s AT '|':IK IJOVAI. OHSKKVATOKY, CATK or <;ooi> HUIM-:. 25 So. Mean Date. 1800+ X.>. of Obs. M, an l)i-r. 1885-0. Annual Prooi -<.-; on. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /Y. Con. for H, tO 1 < I8S5-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1870 and iSSo. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 386 37 388 389 390* 39i* 392* 393 394 395* 396 397 398' 399 400* 401 402 403 404 40; 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 4U 4'4 415' 416 417 418 419 420 81-93 81-91 84-17 83-13 8*'43 82-8; 82-92 8* -68 83-17 83-53 Si -88 84-16 S3-I3 82-28 83-I5 81-85 83-I3 83-12 83-14 84-00 83-12 81-09 84-14 83-11 Sl-IO 82-21 82-71 81-86 82-67 82-05 '5 5 13 13 33 12 14 1 16 4 4 2 IO - 16 3 3 2 3 j 6 5 3 6 19 18 12 5 H / W 9 42 40-79 + 9 50 5'4 - 33 28 (9) 51 6 29-94 U + f547 + f425 + I-387 + i'349 + i -J95 + 1-191 + 0-966 + 0-779 + 0-77.; + 0-768 + 0-659 + 0-499 + 0-383 + 0-230 + 0-171 + 0-144 4- 0-096 + 0-044 -4- 0-016 + 0-015 0-005 0-088 0-090 0-152 0-235 0-264 0-423 0-548 0-561 0-694 0-809 0-870 0-884 1-007 1-065 * 0-42 0-48 0-32 0-21 + 0-72 0-38 0-47 0-64 0-40 0-40 + 1-71 0-44 0-27 - 0-38 + 0-59 0-38 0-46 0-38 0-38 0-38 0-33 0-50 0-38 0-36 0-38 0-28 - 0-37 0-43 0-31 0-53 0-42 + 6-34 + 2-29 0-34 0-41 II + 0-004 + 0-06* + o-io* + 0-93' 0-654 + 0-024 O'OII + 0-146 0-078 0-013 0-013 + 0-094 0-003 0-033 0-012 I +0-01 117* '37 ... 884 2&OI 6788 jJt 888 890 907 896 899 908 210 219 216 2022 2628 2653 2646 2672 2694 2696 6835 6848 6907 6884 6992 278* 330 280* 333 .13 Jf +0-08 +2-63 1-68 +0-05 O-02 + 0-34 120* 138 141 607 622 6n 618 > s 33 I7'58 20 53 20-38 + 7 23 4-53 + 44 56 5-69 14 Ii 22- 35 14 38 46-67 84 50 19-89 3 4 4 23 21 9'68 17 53 58-74 + 4 39 i'20 52 36 20-99 82 o 17-84 52 37 59H4 + 20 18 39-38 4 4i 3fio 52 35 4'8i + 7 24 58-32 36 5i (35) 22 52 27-56 33 55 (10) + 16 29 46-64 19 9 29-99 43 5 44-o8 + 10 o 3-83 37 53 (35) 17 ii 21-33 + o 36 5-78 15 53 if?' + 25 14 38-28 26 44 28-72 + 13 i 7-86 + 25 25 (n) 27 28 34-40 16 33 32-09 + 2 32 13-69 i? 23 i 12 26 56 32-41 H K226 1-239 1-339 1-390 1-399 1-502 I-54I 1-544 I'M I-783 1-869 1-928 I-946 2-057 2-330 2-409 2-638 2-664 2-710 2-762 2-984 3-020 3-028 3-048 3-065 3-209 3-210 3-36o 3-382 3-4I4 3-424 3-489 3-643 3-697 3-795 // 0-36 - 0-42 0-36 0-33 0-53 0-36 0-38 0-46 o- 19 + 0-93 0-19 0-52 0-43 0-19 0-47 0-30 0-36 0-31 0-50 0-38 0-26 0-48 0-29 0-38 0-44 0-39 0-53 0-35 0-48 0-35 0-34 + 0-38 0-45 0-38 0-34 H + 0-OO9 + 0-012 o-ioi + 0-003 + o-oio o-oo* + 0-014 + 0-004 + 0-031 0-035 0-041 O'OOO -f- 0-006 0-005 0-195 1-199 0-012 // 302' ssh 304* 339 363 366 3i3* 314 369 3~3 316* 3~5 + 0-03 982 2905 7628 7663 7681 +0-03 o-io +0-OI +0-03 126* 153 149 680 677 988 983 234 233 2924 2923 127* 150 686 994 2940 7719 2956 2985 2992 7764 7845 7843 o-oo 128' 152 697 1016 238 +0-03 ... ... 1015 2997 3012 3033 3051 3076 3082 3087 3094 3"4 7856 7901 8004 8065 8077 8101 8181 +0-02 +0-08 0-04 0-03 o-oo 243 246 130 132* 154 155 156 7'7 727 730 742 1042 1052 i55 1054 1062 1072 1073 3129 8197 8201 +0-01 8261 O'OI 743 1075 247 ... 0-39 3165 3171 3172 3176 3194 8327 8329 8348 8425 8460 2-79 0-03 133* 157 755 1085 249 426. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 442. Limits of magnitude 4 -9-5 4: Period doubtful. 446. Companion gj *./. 448. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 452. Reductions to centre of gravity of the system Auwers, Ast. Xafh. 3085 : .}a = + o'i46. Ao = + 2'-2j. 28 <;KNKUAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOP. 1SS.VO, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Xame. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean K.A. Annual I Precession. 1885-0. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ''a. Cone. for /',< to 1885-0. 456 457 458 459t 4 6of 4 6it 462 463* 464 465t 466 467* 468 469 470* 47it 472 473 474 475 476 477 47* 479 480 481 482* 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 49=>t 2490 1003 1008* 252; 2505 2523 IOII 2648 2542 1018 = 574 1023* 2585 2566 1027* 1026 1024 1029* 1028 2613 2600 2621 1030 2625 1042* VI. 248 VI. 259 VI. 274 VI. 287 VI. 33 VI. 304 VI. 320 VI. 315 VI. 312 VI. 323 VI. 325 VI. 327 VI. 333 VII. 2 2250 2237 2246 2260 2256 2264 2290 2272 2291 2293 2309 2307 2305 2318 2319 2324 2325 233 2335 2345 Lacaille 2490 6-3 3'7 8-i 4-0 3'5 3'2 ::; 4-2 8i 5-8 Si 4'5 9t 8-0 5'4 i'S 71 7'5* 5'9 6-9 S-3* 3'5 4-8 Var. 9-0 3'I 4 4 > 8i 6-8 6-4 5' 5-6 6-5 8-i* 1-9 83-17 82-40 82-16 4-3i 84-15 84-17 83-I7 81-57 83-10 82-16 83-I3 81-29 83-05 83-16 81-76 82-81 83-I3 81-69 84-98 83-07 83-12 83-58 81-36 84-00 83-05 84-17 Si -73 83-16 83-07 83-15 81-52 83-11 83-07 85-02 82-66 10 IO 12 6 I 4 5 21 3 18 5 12 3 5 15 21 5 2 2 3 1 4 16 I 3 8 15 5 3 10 7 3 3 2 2O h m s 6 45 4-180 6 45 12-519 6 45 I3-590 6 45 32-730 6 47 0-440 6 47 5-010 6 47 50-350 6 48 50-878 6 49 26-810 6 49 36-009 6 50 5-480 6 50 38-193 6 51 48-910 6 53 48-890 6 53 53-169 6 54 6-349 6 54 23-510 6 55 16-650 6 55 43-I30 6 55 45-740 6 56 24-310 6 57 8-235 6 57 12-232 6 57 17-390 6 57 38-970 6 58 13-360 6 58 33-344 6 58 41-800 6 58 41-910 6 59 18-120 7 i 16-703 7 i 46-330 7 2 5-350 7 2 31-880 7 3 42-894 8 + I-I709 + 3-9600 + 2-699O + 2-24I4 + 0'6295 + I-4S60 + IT502 + 2-7972 + 2-3892 4-8933 + i- 1106 +2-5979 + 2-3828 + i 0846 + 2-4589 + 2-3573 + 1-0391 + 3-6924 + 3-4322 + 2-2934 +3-6910 +2-3902 + 2-9801 + 3-5629 + 2-3700 + 2-5053 +2-7I45 +0-9842 + 1-8563 +0-9402 + 2-8190 + 3-4447 +2-0585 + 3-432I + 2-4396 s 0-002 O-OO? +0-001 +0-001 o 006 O'OOO 0-002 o-ooo +0-001 0-161 o 003 + O'OOI +0-001 0-003 +0-001 +0-001 0-004 o 006 0-004 +0-001 0-006 +0-001 o oo i 0-005 +0-001 +0-001 O'OOO 0-005 +0-001 o 005 o-ooo 0-004 +0-001 0-004 +0-001 S O-CO02 O-OO32 o-oio" 0-0105 +0-0023 O OOO2 O'OOII 0-0023 O-OOI4 O'OOII 0-0016 0-0018 0-0016 0-0015 8 o-ooi 0-OO2 o 009 0-036 + O-OO9 o-oor O'OO2 0-003 0-005 o-ooi o-ooi o 006 O'OOJ 0-004 A.G.C. 8507 13 Canis Majoris . .. K Argus r Lacaille 2523 14 Canis Majoris . .. . 9 AGO 8633 Mens:i3 ^ Lacaille 2542 Lacaille 2574 Piazzi VI. 303 21 Canis Majoris t Lacaille 2585 ... Lalande 13554 Lalande 13581 WB VI 1648 22 Canis Majorw 43 Geminorum A.G C 886^ 23 Canis Majoris y Lacaille 2613 Lacaille 2600 Lacaille 262 1 Lalande 13811 45 Geminorum Lacaille 2625 B.D. + 1 5 No. 1482 25 Canis Majoris c 456. CarinEB in B.A.C. 470. Fundamental Star for Southern Zone-. Referred to in A.G.C. as LaeaUle 2538, but A.G.C. 87oj seems to be 2538. 477. a Canis Majoris in A.G.C. FKuM oKSKIiVATMNS AT Till: ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAl'E OF GOOD JIOPK. 29 No. Mein Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mivni Deu. 1885-0. Annual Prooesition. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. *v. OOTT. for /',- to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne. 1 8 70 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 456* 457 45 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468* 469 470* 471 472 473 474 475 476 477* 478 479* 480 481 482 483 484 485 486. 487 488 489 490 3T7 82-36 82-16 84-31 84-15 84-17 83-I7 82-37 83-10 82-52 83-I3 82-07 83-05 83-16 82-02 83-28 83-13 81-94 84-98 83-12 83-22 81-97 84-00 S3-05 84-17 82-00 83-16 83-I5 Si'lo 83-11 85-02 82-79 10 ii 12 6 I 4 5 19 3 15 4 12 3 5 13 32 5 4 2 I 5 12 I 3 15 5 to 4 3 2 22 O / " 55 -4 45 '12 + 34 5 55-70 13 53 51-66 - 32 22 34-4I 61 49 4-64 50 2S 40-39 55 4>> 4'io - it 53 43' 1 1 27 37 2-27 80 41 26-89 56 21 54-43 19 59 26-27 27 53 21-58 56 48 37-94 25 i ; 31-21 28 4 S 58-29 57 25 3-82 + 25 3t 43-19 + '5 29 59-14 - 3 ;s GS) + 25 30 12-40 - 27 4'' 14' -3 4 4 23-93 + 20 44 16-63 2S 2.S 40-55 - 23 39 57-02 15 27 50 -X I 5* 13 43-35 - 4? 14 (") - 5* 4 f > 4I-7I ii 7 3-65 + 16 6 48-03 38 12 (23) + 15 3 f J 43-97 26 12 40-14 3-918 3-93I 3-932 3-959 4-085 - 4-092 - 4-155 4-242 - 4-293 4-306 4-348 4-394 4-495 4-666 4-672 4-689 4-7I4 4-790 4-827 4-832 4-884 4-948 4-953 4-960 4-99I 5-039 5-068 5-080 5-080 5-I3I 5-299 5-339 5-366 5-404 5-503 // 0-17 0-56 - 0-38 0-32 0-09 0-21 0-16 0-40 0-34 + 0-70 o- 16 0-37 0-34 0-15 0-35 0-33 0-15 0-52 0-48 0-32 0-52 0-34 0-42 0-50 0-33 0-35 0-38 0-14 0-26 0-13 0-39 0-48 0-29 0-48 - o-34 II 0-032 + 0-053 + 0-18* 0-003 + 0-035 + 0-035 + 0-017 0-012 + 0-028 + o-ooi + 0-018 0-003 0-104 + 0-007 II 0-08 768 1107 3229 8511 8507 8518 857 8568 8588 8614 8633 8667 8653 8658 320 322 321 379 323* 3g4 +0-04 +0-15 155 158 161 '59 7'>7 778 774 1106 1114 mi 252 254 3234 3253 3-'52 3262 3270 o-oi 1 60 ... 1116 ... 790 "33 257 3290 3289 3292 4-0-10 ... ... ... II2I ... 3325 3324 3331 8749 8747 8752 8765 3ff4 324* -f-o-io +0-03 138* 164 77 "34 H35 25* 335' 8798 ... 0-02 + 0-08 o-oo 139 165 793 1146 "44 "43 260 3370 3372 8839 8838 8862 8873 8880 8892 8889 8907 8957 Sgft 327* +0-01 o-oi 140 1 66 167 798 "51 "52 262 3383 33S5 3389 3386 3394 ... 800 80 1 "54 "55 ... 0-20 1161 3423 8980 ... +0-02 J43 168 817 1167 265 3438 9021 .J'J.t 468. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 479. Limits of magnitude 3 '7-4' 5 : Period to' 1 - 3 1 "- 4i-"5. 30 <,I:\I:KAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885-0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. "a Corr. for /*a to 1885-0. 491 492* 493 494 495 496 497 498 499t 500 501 502* S3 504 505* 506 507 5ot 59 510 5" 512* 513 514 515 516 5'7 518 5i9 520* 521 = 22 523* 524 525* 1032 1041 1036 2647 10,3* 2746 1058 2697 2720 1062 1067* 1069* 1072 107; 1081* 1079 2802 1078 2832 2837 1088 3274 1091 1087 28=5 2849 1 102 1106 VI. 338 VII. 4 VI. 346 VII. 31 VII. 50 VII. 59 VII. 68 VII. 57 VII. 71 VII. 72 VII. 8 1 VII. 85 VII. 90 VII. 94 VII. 104 VII. 1 06 VII. 113 VII. 105 VII. 1 16 VII. 130 VII. 135 VII. 126 VII. 131 VII. 128 VII. 148 VII. 147 VII. 162 VII. 1 68 2338 2348 2347 2368 2400 2398 2405 2414 2410 2417 2418 2433 2442 2451 2458 2462 2466 2464 2470 2479 2482 2480 2486 2485 2497 2513 2522 63 Aurigae 5'2 5"i 7-3* 5'4 6-5 4'5 3-6 4'9 2-7 3'7 6-8* 4-8 4'3 7-0* 6-2 4-0 S'o 2-4 3'i 7-0 4'2 5-8 5'9 3'5 5'i 6-7 5-0 1-7* 8-8* 4'5 7* 6| 5'i 71 0-5 82-82 81-31 85-03 83-07 81-64 84-17 81-94 81-80 84-21 84-00 84-98 82-42 81-85 8f54 81-47 82-29 81-52 84-17 84-00 83-10 84-00 81-25 83-10 84-16 81-11 82-35 83-11 84-00 84-98 81-77 83-10 82-11 82-82 83-10 8i-95 16 15 2 3 6 8 71 6 4 7 2 12 14 15 13 18 13 4 13 3 I 19 3 7 6 36 2 5 2 13 3 12 2O 3 48 h m s 7 3 44-653 7 4 30-971 7 4 42-77 7 5 42-120 7 7 29-885 7 943-195 7 ii 29-037 7 ii 58-333 7 13 4-870 7 13 I5-340 7 13 33-850 7 13 53-123 7 13 56-366 7 16 9-390 7 16 31-150 7 18 35-014 7 19 21-751 7 19 32-850 7 20 54-838 7 21 18-090 7 21 42-750 7 22 27-261 7 25 6-850 7 25 34-959 7 26 7-520 7 26 55-890 7 27 2-710 7 27 15-660 7 27 16-780 7 29 7-813 7 29 15-880 7 29 27-042 7 3i 33-634 7 33 13-280 7 33 16-988 8 + 4-I324 + 2-98I3 + 3-4290 + 2-4I04 + 2-4553 0-4924 + 3-4553 + 2-4054 + 2-II95 + 3-5902 + 3-4207 + 2-4986 + 2-488I + 3-08II + 2-8777 + 3-7426 + 3-2829 + 2-3733 + 3-2603 + 2-3038 + 3-8556 + 2-8218 + 2-0788 + 1-9088 + 3-II93 19-4202 + 3-4302 + 3-8522 + 3-4069 + 2-5714 + 2-4059 + 2-5419 + 2-9894 + 2-1751 + 3-1911 s 0-013 O'OOI 0-005 +0-001 + 0'OOI 0-033 0-006 +0-001 + O'OOI 0-007 0-005 +0-001 +0-001 0-002 O'OOI O'OIO 0-004 + 0-001 o 004 +0-001 O-OI3 O'OOO +0-001 +0-001 0-003 2-727 0-007 0-013 0-006 +O-QOI +0-001 +0-001 O'OO2 +0-001 0-004 8 + O-OO3O O'OOO3 + 0-0027 0-OOI3 0-0039 0-OO25 o ocoS 0-0018 0-0005 0-0097 0-0024 O-OO2O 0-0042 +0-0093 0-0103 O'OII* 0-0024 0-0023 0-0151 0-0034 o 0060 0-0474 s +0-006 o-ooi o-ooo o 004 0-012 0-003 0-002 o 006 0'OO2 0-026 0-008 0-002 0-004 +0-009 0-039 o 009 0-009 0-004 0-015 O'OII 0-013 0-145 20 Monocerotis Bradley 1036 Lacaille 2647 26 Canis Majoris 54 Geminorum \ Lacaille 2697 Argus TT 55 Geminoruin o W.B. (2) VII. 358 ... 29 Canis Majoris . .. . Piazzi VII 81 Piazzi VII 85 31 Canis Majoris ij 3 Canis Minoris ft Lacaille 2802 62 Geminorum p Piazzi VII 116 Purmis . v 7 Canis Minoris o' Lacaille 3274 66 Geminor. (2ndstar)a B.D. + 1 5 No. 1601 Lalande 14810 Puppis (ist star) n AGO. 9852 10 Canis Minoris a 502. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 503. r Canis Majoris in A.G.C. 520. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. FROM OIJSKKYATIoNS AT TIIK ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAl'K OF CiOol) IIOl'K. 31 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Deo. [885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. l\\ Corr. for p s to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 JOO 501 502' 503* 504 55 506 507 508 509 510 5" 5'2 5'3 5H 515 5'6 5i7 5i8 5i9 5:0* 551 5 5-3 5=4 5-'5' 82-56 81-82 83-03 81-17 84-17 82-25 81-46 84-21 83-88 84-98 82-42 82-13 81-16 81-88 82-41 81-09 84-17 84-00 84-00 81-48 84-16 Si- n 82-85 83-11 84-00 84-98 82-09 82-11 82-68 82-95 19 12 2 3 8 30 3 4 8 12 12 6 12 17 3 4 12 I 12 7 6 2 ** 2 5 2 12 12 18 5 = O / n + 39 3 -5' 71! Y, CAl'K OF (ii)Ol) Hol'K. Xo. .Mean Date. 1800+ No. Mom Deo. Annual cpf Prece*sion. Obs. 1x85-0. 1^85-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /',-. Corr. tot /V to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1 8 70 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 526 527 528* 529 53 53i' 532 533 534 535 536 537* 538* 539 54 541 542* 543* 544 545* 546 547 548 549 55 55i* 552 553 554 - - - * 533 556 557 558 559 560* 83-11 83-10 82-69 84-00 82-12 81 -90 84-00 81-30 Si-iG 84-97 83-11 84-00 81-64 84-17 84-20 Sl'II 84-19 81-24 84-19 84-17 81-44 83-10 84-98 84-21 84-00 82-41 81-13 83-12 84-16 84-97 81-13 82-68 2 19 6 17 12 6 12 4 2 - 9 12 g 8 6 8 12 II 7 ii 3 4 3 13 6 7 6 25 ' H + H 28 35-29 30 15 17-53 9 17 0-75 + 24 40 22-31 + 28 18 11-30 28 40 49-66 + 33 41 48-74 14 17 5-9I 25 39 8-29 + M 58 52-83 + 15 7 2-i 24 34 17-77 13 35 36-IO + 27 3 45-45 40 16 46-37 + 9 10 2-36 47 48 '97 22 34 25-86 52 40 26-89 + 25 42 24-35 3 22 1-35 22 59 (55) 3 3 38-94 + 14 40 37-43 + 2 38 58-25 + 28 6 56-28 Si 17 48-33 + 10 15 49-01 36 57 (53) 30 38 41-18 39 40 46-60 + 14 34 40-72 o 14 45-82 33 14 (27) -3 58 23-93 H 8-122 8-128 8-137 8-276 8-339 8-410 8-482 8-526 - 8-736 8-750 8-794 8-826 8-983 8-984 9-125 9-204 9-254 9-408 9-557 9-566 9-567 9-581 9-621 9-635 9-744 9-757 9-774 9-795 9-83 9-972 9-993 10-001 10-023 10-125 10-227 a o-45 0-31 0-38 0-48 0-49 0-32 0-51 0-36 0-32 o-44 0-44 0-33 0-36 0-48 0-26 0-42 0-22 0-33 0'ig 0-46 0-38 0-33 0-30 0-43 0-39 0-47 + 0-58 0-41 0-28 0-30 0-26 0-42 0-38 0-29 0-32 0-024 0-055 0-051 o-oi 0-006 + 0-013 + 0-024 0-339 0-028 + 0-028 + 0-013 + O'OII + 0-020 + 0-123 0-039 + 0-061 0-06 0-06 0-15 0-03 o-oi +0-05 lf>0 179 1 80 ...* 914 916 922 1284 1291 1294 1299 283 284 285 379' 3823 3831 9933 10033 AsA 363* 364 938 1309 1326 289 3854 3895 10093 10182 Jtsi8 .'/.y_? /f33 ,'l35 +0-O2 1-14 0-02 ... 182 "83 185 943 948 957 1332 1347 1342 1355 291 294 3917 3945 10225 10289 3965 i343 380 +0-II +0-01 +0-04 156* 187 1 88 965 970 1361 1365 1373 298 301 398i 3997 4017 10392 10450 10507 34 Asg 389 ... 1370 1372 300 4018 4021 10500 10512 388* + 0-10 0-04 4050 4068 10637 391* 973 985 304 1384 ... 4071 10626 157* 189 982 1398 305 497 10691 396 AsA 398* 10701 10728 10763 1404 1408 308 4107 4127 +0-14 9V 190 98? 555. Magnitude from Cape Observations. CAPK OBSERVATION*. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STABS FOE 1 8S5'0, No. Bradley or Laoaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. i Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. l\c. Corr. for to ' a 1885-0. 561 562 563 564 565 566 567t 568* 569 570 571* 573 573 574 575 57G 577* 578 579t 580 58i - 582 583 584 585t 586f 587 588 589* 590 591 592 593 594* 595 1168 39" H75 "77 3185 "79 1180 1189 "97 3327 3326 3435 3384 1207 1212 3537 VII. 316 VIII. 5 VIII. ii VIII. 1 8 VIII. 28 VIII. 55 VIII. 69 VIII. 83 VIII. 88 VIII. 95 VIII. 98 VIII. I0 9 2725 2878 2744 2750 2755 2769 2778 2807 2825 2832 2846 2870 2863 2855 2862 2868 2872 2893 2928 4'5 7-9" 71 91 5-ot 4-6 3-0 5'i 3-8 6-5* G-o 9t 9-5* 6-7 6-5* 7-5* 3'9 6-7 2' I 8-0* 7-7* 6-5 7'7* 7-0 4'7 3'9 G-o 5'5 5'4 7'8* 6-8* 9 -i 8-0* 5'7 6-2 Si'33 84-97 81-87 83-11 84-19 81-86 84-17 82-72 82-35 81-26 81-99 83-11 84-97 82-03 83-16 83-21 81-89 81-81 84-21 83-22 83-25 81-18 83-18 83-I7 83-20 84-19 84-24 83-80 81-41 85-02 83-I4 85-00 85-03 81-11 83-28 6 2 23 2 6 7 8 20 69 3 13 3 2 12 5 5 53 6 2 5 5 6 5 5 21 9 4 5 17 2 2 2 13 22 h in 9 8 2 48-83; 8 3 39-5IO 8 3 46-553 8 4 0-540 8 5 36-990 8 5 52-557 8 5 59-300 8 8 2-830 8 10 16-715 8 ii 44-940 8 12 56-401 8 13 35-820 8 16 28-570 8 17 22-500 8 19 37-350 8 19 51-220 8 19 54-870 8 20 3-490 8 20 9-250 8 21 35-090 8 22 2O-300 8 23 0-800 8 23 14-940 8 23 38-840 8 24 4-462 8 24 28-957 8 25 26-350 8 26 3-458 8 26 20-861 8 27 13-260 8 27 22-810 8 27 55-130 8 29 47-525 8 29 51 -454 8 31 6-388 ! a + 3-0192 + 3-3765 41-6732 + 2-3940 + 3-4430 + 2-8178 + 1-8500 + 2-7593 + 3-2617 + 3-3949 + 2-8298 + 2-4182 + 3-3518 + 2-8239 + 3-1201 + 3-1096 + 3-0048 + 2-9071 + 1-2405 + 3-0953 + 3-0842 +2-5490 + 3-0740 + 3-0614 I-6537 +0-6747 + 3-9261 + 3-4812 + 2-6988 + 3-33SI + 3-3322 + 3-3402 + 3-3405 + 2-9311 3-2670 s 0-003 0-009 16-85 + o-ooi o-oio o-ooi O'OOO O'OOO 0-007 O'OIO o-ooi + 0-002 0-009 o-ooi 0-005 0-005 0-003 O-OO2 0*009 0-005 0-004 + 0-002 0-004 0-004 0-162 0-025 0-026 0-013 o-ooo o-oio o-cog o-oio o-oio O-002 -;45 I O-0027 0-014* +0-0033 0-0031 O-C020 0-CO44 + 0-0163 0-0034 0-0058 O-OO5* 0-050* o-ooo* O'OIJI 0-C039 +0-0016 o 0040 9 o o i o 0-044 +0-003 o-oio 0-005 O-OI2 + 0-049 o o i o O'OlS o 004 0-090 0-007 O'OII 0-005 +0-006 0-016 CZ VIII 275 1 6 Cancri 17 Cancri /3 W.B. (2) VIII. 211... B.D. + 14 No. 1882 Lalande 16^34 Lalande 16546 Bradley 1 197 W.B. VIII. 4^6 Lalande 16613 Lacaille 3326 WB VIII 565 , Piazzi VIII. 83 Lalande 16704 Piazzi VIII. 95 W.B VIII 653 Piazzi VIII 98 W.B. VIII. 667 Lalande 16889 Bradley 1^12 Lacaille 3537 1 563. The letter A having been in use f jr man}' years at the Cape is re:aine.l. 594. 3 Hydra; in B.A.C. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE RuYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 35 Xo. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo. of Ota. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. '\\ Corr. for /V 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1 8 70 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 561 562 563* 564 565* 566 567 568 569 570 57i 572* 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 583 583 584 585 586 587 588 =89 590 59i 592 593 594* 595 81-35 84-97 82-02 83-11 84-19 81-64 84-17 82-71 82-81 81-26 81-99 83-11 84-97 82-03 83-16 83-21 82-22 81-51 84-21 83-22 83-25 81-20 83-18 83-17 83-28 84-19 84-24 84-00 81-57 85-02 83-14 85-00 85-03 81-26 83-37 5 2 H 2 6 4 8 22 26 3 '3 3 2 12 5 5 27 3 2 4 5 4 5 5 23 9 4 4 13 2 2 -) 2 13 25 / 2 38 59-54 + 14 50 52-05 88 31 56-37 30 37 34'29 + I? 59 37-57 12 35 12-22 46 59 52-94 15 26 32-56 + 9 32 21-23 + 16 2 1-88 12 14 32-74 30 22 41-90 + 14 9 58-04 12 4! 8-23 + 2 28 33-08 + I 36 59-10 3 31 55-24 8 34 56-31 59 8 22-78 + i 12 17-37 + o 37 26-82 25 45 9 68 + o 4 52-54 o 34 39-30 77 6 46-32 65 45 10-48 + 38 24 36-33 + 20 49 52-52 19 ii 22-31 + 13 56 31-50 + 13 38 58-80 + 14 4 40-21 + 14 10 26-70 7 35 13'4 6 So 32 10-05 a 10-240 10-303 10-315 10-330 10-449 10-469 10-477 10-630 10-796 10-904 10-990 11-039 11-249 11-314 11-475 11-492 11-496 ii -506 11-513 ii -616 ii -669 11-717 11-734 11-763 n-793 11-821 11-888 11-932 H'953 12-014 12-025 12-063 12-194 12-198 12-284 0-37 0-42 + 5-22 0-29 0-42 0-35 0-23 0-34 0-40 0-41 0-34 0-29 0-40 0-34 0-37 0-37 0-35 0-34 0-14 0-36 0-36 0-30 0-36 0-36 + O'2O 0-07 0-46 0-40 0-3I - 0-38 0-38 0-38 0-38 0-34 + 0-38 H + 0-018 + 0-02* 0-104 + 0-022 O'OOg 0-041 0-998 0-O25 + O-OO? + 0-03* + o-oi* 0-12* O-208 0-047 + O'OII + 0-034 // +0-07 1407 307 4128 10764 ... +0-06 S 1061 ... 324 4191 11013 408* 0-08 +0-07 0'O2 0-09 158* 192 193 995 1418 1422 1430 3H 312 315 4159 4i63 4200 4226 10863 10925 402 Jftg M* 3-00 11070 A88 0-07 ... 1456 321 4298 1 1 200 ... +O-02 1027 1467 ... 4333 II266 1 1 274 11285 496 411* +O-O2 1 60* 196 1031 1472 323 4336 1480 ... 4367 11363 414 4376 4389 4398 11373 11405 11407 419* 418 +O-O2 o-io 0-16 0-05 +0-04 162 200 199 1047 1042 1498 1492 330 328 ... 1040 1044 1496 329 4418 11445 421* 506 +0-13 ... ... 1510 1525 4468 4486 "543 11598 so8 425* 565. Magnitude from Strove'* Mrniurtp Hicrumilriar. 572. Magnitude from Cape Observations. E 2 36 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS KOI,' 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. <" Corr. for /' to 1885-0. 596 597 598 599 600* 60 1 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 6n 612* 613* 6i 4 f 615 6i6 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 6j 5 t 626 627' 628 629 630 1217 1221 1229 345 1230 347 342 1238 1236 1^39 1243 1244 3532 1249 J256 1255 1261 1260 1269 3626 1272 3636 VIII. 1 14 VIII. 123 VIII. 138 VIII. 140 VIII. 142 VIII. 155 VIII. 152 VIII. 150 VIII. 158 VIII. 164 VIII. 166 VIII. 167 VIII. 177 VIII. 189 VIII. 192 VIII. 210 VIII. 212 VIII. 322 VIII. 227 VIII. 230 2901 2911 2939 2932 2937 2947 2950 2954 2953 2963 2971 2975 2976 2979 2987 3011 3016 3032 3048 305; 3064 3065 3075 3082 O A (s) 8763 9t 4'i 8* 4'4 5'* 4'9 9-0* 4-8 4'i 4-0 4-8 4'3 8-7* 4-2' 3-6 4'4 5'I 6-5 *) 2 5'i 5'5 8J 5'5 ioJt 3'3 6-6 3'2 9i 4'3 4-0 9-0* 5'9 9i 3-7 6-4 83-12 82-87 83-12 84-18 81-43 81-46 84-97 84-00 84-20 84-22 81-78 84-25 84-97 84-00 82-47 81-72 82-17 82-18 84-21 81-97 81-45 83-18 84-18 85-00 82-05 81-69 82-00 83-I9 84-00 84-20 84-97 81-18 83-20 82-00 81-18 i 23 6 15 12 2 6 IO 5 8 4 2 2 46 6 12 12 IO 12 12 2 7 2 38 6 12 2 9 5 2 12 2 6 6 It Ml K 8 31 21-830 8 31 34-081 8 31 39-960 8 32 44-768 8 34 34-570 8 34 56-114 8 35 57-230 8 36 37-830 8 36 48-676 8 36 59-998 8 38 I-5I5 8 38 8-938 8 39 38-270 8 39 44-240 8 40 41 190 8 40 56-525 8 41 25-284 8 41 31-000 8 41 3I-756 8 43 35-023 8 45 55-353 8 46 58-010 8 47 13-600 8 49 14-340 8 49 18-894 8 51 13-765 8 51 19-960 8 51 55-970 8 52 11-8:3 8 52 26-470 8 52 37-890 8 53 20-055 8 53 31-480 8 55 46-200 8 56 12- 120 I + 2-4757 + 3-1852 + 2-4722 + 3'I4I2 + 2-8491 + 2-4907 + 3-3274 + 3-4888 + i 9906 + 1-7225 + 2-9490 + 3-4189 + 3-3222 + 3-6449 +3-I949 + 2-8344 + 3-0461 +2-7349 + I-6558 + 3-0191 + 2-9539 +2-5187 + 3-67I5 +3-3084 + 3-1830 + --7862 +4-1802 + 2-5383 + 3-2855 + 1-3677 + 3-3050 + 2-7991 + 2-5508 +4-1270 + 2-5993 s + 0-OO2 0-007 + 0-002 0-O06 O ' OO I + O-OO2 o-oio O-OI4 + 0-OO2 O'OOI 0-002 O'OI2 O'OIO O'Oig O-OO7 O'OOO 0-004 +0-001 O-OO2 O-O03 0-002 +0-003 O-02I o-oio O-OO? O'OOO 0-045 +0-003 o-oio 0-008 o-oio o-ooo +0-003 0-043 +0-003 0-0065 V" 0-0038 0-0077 0-0087 0-0017 0-0026 0-0016 0-0135 +0-0005 0-0036 +0-0036 o-ooo* 0-0036 0-0047 +O-OO2O O-O075 0-0441 +0-0010 + 0-O20O O-OO36 0-014 0-003 0-027 0-009 0-005 o 002 0-O02 0-034 +O-O02 O'OIO +0-010 o-coo O'OII 0-017 +0-002 0-O22 0-133 +0-001 +0-076 o -on 4 Hvdrse <" A G- C ii 594 6 Hvdra; Pyxidis Lalande 17130 ... 43 Cancri y Velorum '/ 47 Cancri c W B VIII 979 48 Cancri i 1 1 Hydra} t 12 Hydra; Piazzi VIII 167 Lalande 17333 Ar^u3 c 14 Hydra? . I y Hy dne AG C 12041 1 6 Hydros ... Lalande 17646 C Z VIII 4180 W.B. VIII. 1314 Piazzi VIII 227 CZ. VIII 4304 Lacaille 3636 601. f Mali in B.A.C. 606. B.A.C. assigns this Star to Hydra. KRo.M (HisKUVATIoxs AT THE ROYAL OBSEKVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD Hol'K. 37 No. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo. of Ob?. .Mran Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. 'T Con. for PS to 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. 1 Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne. 1 i87oandi88o.| 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 596* 597 598 599 600 6oi 602 603 604 605 606* 607 608 609 610 6n 612 6lJ 614 615 616 617 618 619* 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 83-12 83-39 83-12 84-18 81-70 81-46 84-97 84-00 84-20 84-22 81-22 84-25 84-97 84-00 82-40 81-25 82-15 82-18 84-21 81-97 81-56 83-18 84-18 85-00 82-25 81-43 82-00 83-19 84-00 84-20 84-97 81-21 83-20 81-82 81-21 I 15 6 12 12 2 7 10 5 3 4 2 2 3 3 II 12 10 12 [I 2 7 2 28 4 12 9 5 12 2 13 4 / // 2i3 4621 167* 206 1086 I5 r >3 1570 I5S3 343 345 348 4627 4660 4688 0'O2 +0-04 4724 0-74 #70 ... 1103 1601 ... ... 0-02 1 68 1108 1113 1606 1611 351 4752 4755 + 0-87 1612 353 4765 0-22 1622 ... 4789 i 596. Magnitude from Oe'.tzen's Argelander. 619. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 38 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1S85'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /'. Corr. for l l a to 1885-0. 631 632* 633t 634 635 636* 637 638' 639 640 641 642 643t 644 645 6 4 6f 647 648 649* 650 65 if [652 653' 654 655 656 657* 6$8f 659 660 66 1 662* 663 664 665 1287 1292 3699 3738 1303 3753 1308 1303 3791 1309 3953 3792 1312 3793 3804 3816 1326 1330 1334 1341 3885 1340 3910 398i 1344 VIII. 255 VIII. 264 IX. i IX. 13 IX. 18 IX. 32 IX. 29 IX. 42 IX. 48 IX. 63 IX, 75 IX. 77 IX. 89 IX. 94 IX. no IX. 116 IX. in IX. 123 3111 3120 3126 3133 3M9 3146 3152 3161 3162 3177 3171 3211 3186 3178 3195 3207 3213 3216 3223 3237 3253 3257 3261 3269 3279 3271 5-0 5'5 2'5 9-0* 7-2* 5'7 3'8 3'9 4'3 9t 5'5 4-of 2-0 6-6 5'7 2'5 3'4 8. - * S 4'9 4'9 2-7 5'8 2'O 8} 5-0* 8-8* 4-6 3'7 9-2* 4'7 3'2 5'2 5'8 5'7 8. - * 3 82-77 80-56 84-21 84-97 81-18 81-66 84-21 82-o6 : 84-22 83-21 81-89 84-22 84-40 84-00 82-35 84-00 84-00 84-97 80-79 81-79 84-17 81-71 82-47 83'I7 81-71 84-98 81-33 84-20 85-00 84-00 84-20 81-81 82-40 81-65 83-10 22 12 12 2 6 II 8 55 7 2 6 2 4 6 46 7 3 2 12 12 14 6 64 3 6 2 15 6 2 3 ii 12 13 7 2 h m s 9 I 31-082 9 3 4-520 9 3 46-020 9 4 31-010 9 6 12-420 9 6 42-687 9 7 56-321 9 8 22-828 9 8 39-930 9 9 13-830 9 ii 3-330 9 ii 41-180 9 n 56-125 9 12 33-790 9 13 11-067 9 14 0-643 9 14 2-850 9 14 42-010 9 16 24-025 9 18 13-604 9 18 33-164 9 19 39'025 9 21 56-185 9 23 18-540 9 23 18-690 9 24 51-370 9 26 7-163 9 26 IO-220 9 26 25-075 9 27 10-600 9 27 43-656 9 27 54-754 9 27 56-800 9 28 48-376 9 32 20-950 s +3-2572 +2-9392 + 2-2064 +3-2867 +3-1421 +2-7516 +1-5843 +3-1169 +1-3740 + 2-6120 +2-9418 +3-7546 +0-7114 +3-3656 7-5204 + I 6098 +3-6897 +3-2672 +2-6553 + 2-6046 +1-8577 +3-0028 +2-9504 +2-6642 +3-0390 +3-2560 +3-0626 +2-3756 +3-2526 +3-6934 +1-8257 +2-7628 1-7390 +2-9949 +3-0590 s o 009 O - C02 + 0-004 o-oio o 006 + 0-002 0-003 0-006 0-008 +0-003 O'O02 0-029 0-035 0-013 1-566 0-OO2 O-027 o-oio +0-003 +0-004 +0-003 0-003 O'OOI +0-004 0-004 o-oio o 004 +0-007 O'OIO 0-029 +0-003 +0-003 0-296 O'OO2 0-004 0-0028 0-OO23 o 004* 0-0031 +0-0078 -0-015' 0-0028 0-0031 0-032* 0-0090 o 080* o 0090 0-02O2 0-OOI5 0-0033 0-OOig +0-0079 O-OOI5 0-Oig* +O-OO08 +O-OOI8 0-O6O* 0-OOI5 s 0-006 o-oio o 003 O'OIO +0-023 O-OI2 o 009 0-002 0-Oig O'OOg 0-212 O'CCg 0-02O 0-CO6 O'OII 0-OO5 +O-026 o-co6 o -015 +Q-COI +0-006 0-156 0-005 1 9 Hydra! Ar^fts \ B.D. + 13 No. 2050 Piazzi IX 13 22 Hydras . 9 Carina; / AGC 12569 24 Hydras 38 Lyncis (2nd star) ... Argvis . ft 83 Cancri Octantis . W B IX. 263 Pyxidis Pyxidis X 28 Hydras CZ. IX. 1830 3 1 Hydra; r 1 WB IX 492 WB IX 533 . . 10 Leonis Miuoris Lalande 18817 ?3 Hydra A WB. IX. 682 647. a Lyncis in B.A.C. 649. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones ; /< Mali in B.A.C. 652. A Hydra in B.A.C. In Amvers' Bradley this letter is assigned to No. 664. 662. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 664. Vide 65 J. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD Hol'K. 39 Xo. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Moan Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ***. Corr. for /ijto 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. / II it // ti a 631 83-10 20 +117 49-37 I4-273 0-33 + 0-009 +0-O2 171 359 4839 333 632 80-64 12 8 7 30-52 14-368 0-30 + 0-002 +0-01 1636 4851 12417 SSJt 633 C34 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642* 643 84-21 84-97 81-20 81-78 84-21 82-18 84-22 83-21 81-53 84-22 84-40 12 2 12 8 28 7 2 3 2 4 4-' 5 7-15 + 13 I 21-72 + 4 :o 16-35 19 16 41 -33 58 29 45-83 + 2 47 56-91 61 50 42-72 26 55 26-37 8 15 55-69 + 37 17 18-83 69 14 36-25 14-411 14-457 I4-558 14-389 14-662 14-689 14-706 14-740 14-847 14-884 14-899 0-22 0-33 0-31 0-27 O-I, 0-30 0-13 0-25 0-28 0-36 0-06 + o-oi* + 0-054 0-309 o-oo* + 0-025 0-114 + 0-09* +0-01 172* 214 1131 1640 363 4860 12438 457 535 +0-17 -0-87 o-oo 12505 12535 557 12569 12611 536 459 338 460 216 1138 1652 4898 4904 4910 ... 217 1140 1654 368 +0-09 0-09 +0-05 ... ... 1663 369 4937 174* 218 1151 1672 373 4949 12636 464* 644 84-00 5 + IS II 32-72 14-936 0-32 0-139 0-14 ... 1148 372 49;6 463* 6-J5 82-94 22 83 '2 3-31 14-973 + 0-74 + 0-02* +0-04 ... 1165 1695 377 4967 12688 467* 646* 647* 648 649' 84-00 84-00 84-97 80-81 7 3 2 IO 58 47 34-38 + 34 52 42-49 + 12 26 44-45 25 28 35-00 15-020 15-022 15-060 15-158 0.15 0-35 0-31 0-25 + 0-028 + 0-027 + 0-048 +0-03 +0-03 175* 219 1154 1677 374 4968 12672 466* +O'2O 176 220 1156 1685 376 4996 12728 468* 650 81-79 12 28 20 33-41 15-262 0-24 ... H59 1691 5012 12775 ... 65i 84-17 14 54 3i il-ii 15-280 0-17 177* 221 1161 1696 378 5018 12788 469 652* 81-23 3 4 37 20-17 I5-342 0-28 + O-OO? +0-03 ... ... 1699 ... 5029 12815 653 654 655 656 657 82-92 83-I7 81-21 84-98 81-62 53 3 3 2 12 8 9 38-61 25 47 49-73 2 16 0-85 + 12 21 47-53 o 40 41 -oi I5-470 15-547 I5-547 15-631 15-700 0-27 0-24 0-27 0-29 0-27 + 0-052 0-004 0-013 +0-II 178* 222 1166 1704 379 555 12862 47i* 550 0-O2 ... 1712 ... 575 12897 0-04 1722 5i*i 12981 553 658 659 660 66 1 662* 663 84-20 85-00 84-00 84-20 81-81 82-66 6 2 3 II 12 15 39 57 48-94 + 12 14 32-00 + 3(> 54 27-14 56 31 3'S-o? 20 36 25-60 80 17 23-05 15-703 15-717 I5-758 15-788 15-798 15-800 0-21 0-29 0-33 0-16 0-24 + 0-16 o-oo* o-oio + 0-039 + o-o8 o-oo 224 1181 1725 38i 5124 12989 477 O'OI + 0-12 + 0-19 225 1186 1734 3S2 5H3 13030 13031 13048 479 555 .. 1191 1740 383 5146 664* 665 81-46 83-10 4 5 24 8-n o 57 29-42 15-846 16-034 0-26 0-26 0-027 O'lO ... 1735 5150 13050 642. Magnitude from Struve's Mrnxvra- Mirramrtrictr. 646. Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. 40 UENEKAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Ma-. Mean Date. 1800+ No of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. .\7iuual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. f'a Corr. for / to 1885-0. 666 ]3=2 IX no 32Q^ 2 Sextantis 4-8 81-61 7 h ni s 9 32 27-384 -|-3 - 1450 s o * 007 * 0*0120 s O ' O4 I 667t ^nr 2 13OO Velorum M 4.'0 84' 20 10 912 42'6'*6 4-2- njS +0*007 668 I acfi IX 144 llO^ 4*2 84-18 9 33 59" O 38 + 3-0638 o * 004 +0*0015 +O'OOI 66o I 362 IX 1U T. ?I I 38 Hydrse K 4.-Q 80-66 12 q 34 47* 88 + 8778 +0*001 o * co 1 7 o * 007 670 671 1360 IX 151 3312 B.D. + 1 2 No. 2076 14 Leonis <> 8-8* 3-8 84-97 82-71 2 14 9 34 58-530 9 35 '75 +3-2417 + 3-2177 o-oio o 009 0-0104 * 0-024 672 404-8 3334 G'hamaeleontis 83-44 31 Q 37 J 3 " 860 I " ^ 10 o' 292 673f 399 ' IX 1 66 3332 Aiitl ire 9 4'9 81-30 8 9 39 4-560 + 2-6753 +0-00=; 674 1368 IX 164 3331 17 Leonis t 3' ' 82-42 19 9 39 19-366 + 3-4202 0-018 0-0043 O * 1 1 67; 1376 IX 178 1140 6-8 8i'55 6 Q 42 20'QOO + 2-9836 o - oo i O'O04Q 0-017 676 IX. 184 3356 Fiazzi IX. 184 7-8* 84-97 2 9 43 40-530 + 3-2268 O'OIO 677 4051 3365 jl 84-24 12 9 44 13-677 + 1 ",047 0-004 O'OOO* o-ooo 678 679* 1-185 IX 193 3368 B.D. o No. 2256... 6 Sextantis 8-0' 5-9 83-12 82-74 2 29 9 44 32-37 9 45 26-307 +3-0609 + 3-0244 0-004 0-003 + O*OOO5 +Q-COI 680 1384 TV IQ4 H7I 4' I 84-00 4 9 46 13*330 + 3-4405 0'O2O O*Ol85 0*019 68 1 AGO. 13480 71 82-27 I 9 47 I "39 6-2074 1*595 682 4169 Lacaille 4169 .. 7' i 82-11 19 9 47 14-335 6- 1927 i "593 683 684 ... ... B.D. + n No! 2120 Lalande 19423 9-1* 6-3 84-99 83-13 2 1 9 47 17-190 9 49 ii -950 + 3-2214 + 2-7813 o-oio +0-004 ... 685* 5'3 81-80 12 9 49 26-777 + 2-8316 +0-003 0-OO2I 0-007 686 Lalande 19499 8'2* 83-22 2 9 51 ii- 340 + 2-8030 +0-004 687 \VB IX 1068 . 9-0* 81-55 3 9 51 21 -823 +3-1871 0-008 688 1396 IX. 218 3407 Bradley 1396 6-4 82-23 3 9 52 2-070 + 3-1828 o 008 0-0003 O'OOI 68gf 4093 3410 Argfts ^ 3'9 84-22 20 9 52 49-540 + 2-IO22 +0-009 -690 4092 3414 6J 84-37 I 9 53 18-030 + 2-2964 +0-010 691 WB IX mo 9-0* 82-24 3 9 53 22-060 + 3-I833 0-008 602* IX 223 ^4.12 6-7 80-73 12 9 53 45' 190 + 3-I2C5 o 006 0-0063 0-027 693 Lalande 19559 6-4* 83-24 2 9 53 54-23 + 2-8206 +0-004 . 6Q4 139& IX 225 241 1 5 * 83-03 34 9 54 8-166 + 3-I779 0-008 0-0040 o-co8 695 696 697 698 B.D. 20 No. 3066 B.D. 20 No. 3071 B.D. 1 8 No. 2827 Lalande 19641 9-0* 9-1* 8-6* 6-7 83-25 83-I3 83-22 83-24 I I 2 2 9 54 20-460 9 55 3I-570 9 55 54-450 9 57 11-630 + 2-8047 + 2-8094 + 2-8335 + 2-8257 +0-004 +0-004 +0-004 +0-004 699 1400 IX. 238 3436 6-5 81-21 14 9 58 10-992 + 3'll69 0-005 0-0059 0-O22 700* 1402 1X241 a44i 4 ' 7 81-58 12 9 59 31 -483 + 2-9236 + 0*002 0-0034 0-012 Klio.M iii;SI-:i;VATI<>NS AT TMK IJ( >Y.\ I. < HJSKKVATi >U V, CAl'K OF <;O HOPE. 41 So. 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 68 1 682 683 684 68; 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 Mi>:\!i No. Date. of Ohs. 1800+ Mi- t'i l)r -. Annml Preeession. 1885-0. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual C'oi-r. Proper for .Morion. /< , i<> ' i /<; 1885-0. Fallows and Hondo n-.m. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. iS/5- Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 81-43 84-30 84-20 80-66 84-97 83-22 83-45 81-70 82-42 81-48 84-97 84-24 83-12 82-54 84-00 82-02 81-96 84-99 83-I3 81-80 83-22 Si'55 82-23 84-22 84-36 (82-24 80-91 83-24 83-50 83-25 83-I3 83-22 83-24 81-67 81-52 4 10 4 12 9 32 6 19 3 12 ? 25 4 12 t I 12 3 3 20 2 3 2 2 ^ I I 1 1 13 II / + 5 10 5-ig 48 50 23-43 o 37 16-04 13 4 8 39-7I + 12 5 7-33 + 10 24 54-36 80 25 27-08 27 14 36-30 + 24 18 11-76 6 4- 44-12 + II 38 37-17 64 32 19-31 o 53 9-41 3 42 17-40 + 26 32 53-71 85 29 2-37 85 29 1-59 + ii 30 29-36 21 56 40-72 18 27 53-54 20 42 31-35 +99 '2-89 + 8 51 44-49 54 i H-oo 47-5I 56-60 + 8 59 4-08 + 3 56 2-05 19 48 24-90 + 8 35 44-03 21 o 42-73 20 50 32-71 19 7 17-61 19 52 7-94 + 3 45 37-67 12 30 26-84 // 16-039 I6-052 16-119 16-161 16-171 16-173 16-287 16-380 I6-393 ' 6 -55i 16-610 16-636 16-651 16-695 16-733 16-771 16-783 16-784 16-874 16-887 16-968 16-977 17-008 17-045 17-066 17-069 17-087 17-093 17-104 17-114 17-168 17-185 17-243 17-287 I7-346 0-27 0-18 0-26 0-24 0-27 0-27 + 0-14 0'22 0-28 0-24 O-26 O- 12 0-24 0-24 0-27 + 0-50 + 0-50 0-25 0-21 0-22 0-21 0-24 0-24 0-15 0-17 0-24 0-23 O'2I 0-24 O-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-2J 0-21 0-033 0-063 + 0-013 0-018 0-008 0-005 o-oi* 0-014 0-045 0-064 0-015 + 0-025 O'OII 0-086 + 0-038 0- 12 0-05 +0-06 227 228 1197 1745 1748 1753 5203 5216 5225 I3I45 13164 13184 13246 13265 13342 3389 I34I2 13480 13486 13500 13506 13593 13607 13617 13692 13743 SS9 a6n 486* 487' 490* -,()<) -.70 572 37 A J * 't 496 578 497* 5g3 3-03 0'O2 -O"O2 180 tr,(i I2OI I2II 1208 1207 1754 1764 1763 1762 1770 385 388 389 5227 5252 5261 5263 5293 o-oi 181* 230 1219 1778 394 5311 -0-0 3 0-05 1780 5324 5332 5346 5351 ... ... ... O'2O 0-04 232 1233 1803 1805 397 5400 547 +0-10 O'O2 182 1235 1807 398 5411 0-29 +0-13 1820 5462 CAPE OBSERVATIONS. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS TOR 18S.VO. No. Brarllcy or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proprr Motion. /v Corr. for Pa* 1885*0. 701 1403 IX. 24; -M ; i 30 Leonis j; v6 84-00 10 h m s -4-T * ->7Q2 s -0-OI3 ft i 702 1405 IX. 248 3457 31 Leonis A 4-6 8 1 -70 6 IO I 4.8 'OQ^ + 3" 1953 o - 009 o * 008 "> o * 02 7 703 1406 IX. 2; i 1 1 cq 32 Leonis a 81 -Q; 46 10 ^ 14*87"* + 3-2184 0*010 o * o 1 8 * o*o-;6 704 705 4232 3480 Cliamajleontis p Lalande 19797 6-0 6-Q 83-3I 8;* IQ 22 > 10 3 45-196 10 3 45-710 1*3566 +2*8667 ^337 +0-004 706* 1412 X. 2 473 41 Hydra? X 8V2'' 3? IO 4. ^8'Q^I + 2*9382 +o oo i 0*0148 0*026 707 Lalande 19840 -. .* 82 2i > IO s 2^'^8o + 2*8842 + 0*003 708 709 B.D. 17 No. 3082 Lalande 19846 8. Q* O 7'7* 83-24 83 * 10 2 10 5 41-950 10 5 46*780 +2-8717 +2-8762 +0*004 + 0*004 710 711 1420 X. 17 3492 B.D. 17 No. 3083 21 Sextantis 9-0* 71 83-26 81 '50 2 7 10 5 50-840 10 8 24-537 +2-8683 +2-9909 +0*004 0*000 o 0040 0*014 712 1425 X. 2; 3-i08 -,-rt 7 10 10 17*610 + 3-3464 0-017 o - oooo O'OOO 713 Lalande 19967 7-5* 8 v 3 10 10 42-840 + 2-9014 +0-003 714 7i$t 4243 3516 B.D. 1 6 No. 3008 Argus w 8'2* 7-6 83-15 8l'2? 3 IO 10 10 52-780 IO II O-I2O +2-8943 + 1 -4380 +0-004 o 007 716* 1428 X. v. 3517 2 2 Sextantis 13 10 ii 55-015 + 2*9925 o-ooo * O I 2 I o * 049 717 4249 3-126 Carinjc q 84. >; 1 1 IO I ^ I-i* "14.8 + 1*9998 + 0-OI2 718 8-0* 10 13 22*280 + 3-1.835 o - 009 719 720 7-11 722 723* 1432 1434 1443 X. 38 X. 45 X. 59 3523 3533 3551 41 Leonis (ist star) ...y B.D. 15 No. 3030 34 Ursa; Majoris ft B.D. 13 No. 3101 25 Sextantis 2 'Of 8-0* 3'i 9-6* -Q 84-00 83-26 82-00 83-24 80-62 8 7 2 16 10 13 37*960 10 15 2" 140 10 15 28-480 10 16 22-590 10 17 37-785 +3-2952 +2-9054 +3-6040 + 2-9280 + 3-0371 0-015 +0-004 0-036 +0*003 0*002 + O*O2O8 0*0083 o * 0049 +0*021 0-025 O'O2I 724 W.B X. 282 8 '7* 8vi*> 1 10 18 24-470 + 2-9391 +o*oo-( 725 726 ... B.D. 12 No. 3161 - . - * / 3 7* -I* 83-24 83*->6 2 > 10 19 48-620 10 "*o 13*390 +2-9502 + 2 -9469 +0*OO2 +O*OO3 ... 727* 1451 X. 74 3568 42 Hydraj // 8'*oo 1 1 IO 20 31*735 +2-9085 +0*004 o * 0098 O-O2I 728 Lalande 20259 8-;* 8v24 i 10 20 43*230 + -9583 + 0*002 7-9 1448 X. 72 1-^72 31 Leonis Minoris .. 84-00 3 IO 21 13*900 + 3-4979 O*030 0'OII2 O'OI I 730 W B X u; - Q-I* 85-00 2 10 21 37*990 + 3* 1752 o * 008 73if 4298 X. 82 3578 Antluc a A' A 81*61 13 IO 21 53'436 + 2-7457 +0-010 0-0087 0-029 732t 43 19 3585 Carina) I 84-16 I IO 22 6-590 + 1*2092 O-022 733 Lalande 20312 8-7* 84 -QQ I 10 22 5f630 + 3*1709 0-008 734 Lalande 20341 7-8* 8V24. 2 10 23 27-500 + 2*9577 +0-OO2 735 '457 X. 86 359 29 Sextantis 81-36 6 10 23 38-305 + 3-0519 O-002 0*0046 0-017 729. ft Leonis ] Hinori* ii i B.A.C FKO.\[ OI5SEUVATIONS AT THE KOYAI, OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD Hul'E. No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. **. Corr. for 1*3 to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1 8 70 and 1 880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. -or 702 73 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 7H 715 716 717 718 719* 720 721 722 723 7H 725 726 727 728 729* 730 731 732 733 734 735 84-00 81-86 82-13 83-55 83-19 83-27 83-24 83-24 83-10 83-26 81-50 84-00 83-25 83-15 84-26 81-07 84-23 84-99 83-45 83-26 81-90 83-24 80-44 83-12 83-24 83-20 83-02 83-24 84-00 85-00 81-61 84-16 85-02 83-24 82-21 10 3 3i 24 t 3 ) I 3 7 3 2 II 12 II II 2 14 2 12 2 2 4 t ~I " 2 4 13 I 2 2 2 / " + 17 19 23-29 + 1 33 38-52 + 12 31 43-82 81 39 28-29 17 34 29-60 'I 47 9-34 16 21 55-13 17 25 33-66 17 4 9-54 17 43 16-67 7 25 23-11 + 23 59 24-05 15 34 11-64 16 12 12-14 69 28 0-91 7 29 41-79 60 45 27-89 + 10 29 48-19 + 20 25 22-45 15 46 21-12 + 42 4 39-88 13 53 16-13 3 29 35-4 13 5 6-70 12 10 45-17 12 3= 59-57 16 14 57-94 ii 29 32-39 + 37 17 46-59 + 10 27 51-86 30 28 57-09 73 26 47-21 + 10 9 12-14 ii 50 49-65 2 9 2-38 // 17-413 I7-445 17-465 17-529 17-529 17-580 I7-599 17-611 17-614 17-616 17-723 17-800 17-816 17-823 17-828 17-864 17-917 17-922 I7-932 17-987 18-004 18-038 18-086 18-115 18-167 18-182 18-194 18-201 18-220 18-234 18-244 18-252 18-279 18-300 18-307 // 0-23 0-22 0-22 + o-io O-2O 0'2O O'2O O'lQ o- 19 0-ig O-2O 0-22 o- 19 o- 19 O-O9 O-I9 O-I2 0-20 0-21 0-18 0-22 0-18 0-18 0-18 0-17 0-17 0-17 0-17 0'2I 0-18 0-16 0-07 0-18 0-17 0-17 // -4- 0-OO2 0-038 + 0-018 0-065 + 0-OO9 + O-OI? 0-016 0-136 + 0-034 + 0-004 0-061 0-077 o-ooi 0-018 t O'OO 0-12 +0-05 ... 1243 400 ... ... ... 184* ... 1246 1251 1829 1841 401 43 5490 55oi 13840 13828 13855 499* 502* 3gg O'll 233 ... 1836 5515 5(?9 +0-03 +O-02 ... ... 1846 45 556o 13936 ... 0-06 235 236 1261 1268 1859 1860 1864 407 409 5593 5607 5617 14008 14031 14054 508 s9-'f 512 395 513* 0-21 ... 1263 1863 408 5620 +0-II ... 1272 597 +0-O2 1876 5666 14163 600 0- 12 239 1283 1886 415 5697 14236 603 0-08 o-oo 240 241 1284 1286 1892 1895 417 419 5714 5717 14266 14276 521* 522 0-05 ... ... 1898 ... 5728 14302 719. Magnitude from Struve's Mcniura Jfitroattrle*. 44 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOIl 18S5'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. Pa. Corr. for <" to 1885-0. 736 737* 738 739 740 741* 742 743 744 745 746 747* 748 749* 750 751 752 755 754 755 756 757t 75 759 760 761 762 7&3t 764 765 766 767* 768 769 770* 1462 1467 4351 1471 4436 H74 4373 1479 1482 1485 4510 4440 4447 1491 1490 4466 4457 4461 1500 1504 4509 1505 X. 94 X. 102 X. in X. 118 X. 127 X. 134 X. 139 X. 147 X. 145 X. 162 X. 167 X. 169 3603 3609 3620 3632 3635 3646 3663 3671 3681 3686 3684 368; 3695 3702 378 3715 3723 37i8 W B X 408 8-3* 6-4 7-0* 4-0 8 5 '4 84 7-8' 6-6 6-2 5'3 5-2 9'3* 6-2 7-3* 7-6* 9'3* 5' l 6-9 5'7 9-2* 2-9 6-5* 5'4 7 Var. iof 2-9 9'3* 8-2* 5'3 3'3 6-2 7-8* 5-8 83-24 82-13 83-25 8i-93 84-22 81-84 81-83 83-26 82-05 83-25 84-22 80-38 85-00 82-46 83-26 83-25 85-04 84-24 82-69 84-20 85-03 84-23 81-42 84-22 83-29 84-00 85-06 84-25 85-05 85-03 8i-43 82-69 84-44 83-26 81-07 i 12 I 66 13 12 I 2 6 j it ii 2 25 2 I I 8 31 2 2 8 7 5 2 I 2 15 -) 2 28 27 i 2 13 h m s 10 24 38-620 10 25 I3-372 10 26 19-260 10 26 45-333 10 27 36-619 10 2S 32-749 10 29 59-540 10 30 19-410 10 30 39-793 10 30 48-830 10 31 10-323 10 32 58-778 10 34 23-135 10 35 33-190 10 36 6-160 10 36 6-240 10 36 48-060 10 37 9-760 10 37 39-767 10 38 9-395 10 38 22-680 10 38 51-345 10 39 13-891 10 39 28-140 10 39 58-650 10 40 36-020 10 40 45-210 10 41 49-460 10 41 56-470 10 42 43-200 10 43 12-752 10 43 56-998 10 44 9-700 10 44 12-410 10 44 31-919 s + 2-9620 + 3-0060 + 2-9707 + 3-1647 + 1-8302 + 2-8503 1-5691 + 2-9704 + 2-9291 + 2-9682 + 2-2954 + 2-9277 + 3-I54I + 3-0628 + 3-0098 + 3-0223 + 3-1500 + 3-2808 2-8925 + 2-1198 + 3-I504 + 2-1306 + 3-0973 + 3-352I + i;38i6 +2-3145 + 3-1453 +2-5612 + 3-1429 + 3-1411 + 3-I59I + 2-9509 +0-6433 + 3-0201 + 3-0094 + O'OO2 O'OOO + 0-002 o 008 +0-010 +0-007 0-517 +0-003 +0-004 +0-003 +0-018 +0-005 0-007 O'OO2 +0-001 o-ooo o 007 0-017 1-023 + 0-02O 0-007 + O'O2O o 004 0-023 0-012 +0-022 O-OO7 + 0-019 o 007 0-007 0-008 +0-005 0-093 +0-001 + 0-002 & 0-0050 O-OOI2 0-00:6 0-0043 + 0-0153 o 0099 0'OI2O O-OlO, O'COO* 0-0053 0'OO36 O'OO2O o co 1 5 +0-0049 O'OOII o -0:4 o 004 o 008 0-013 +0-027 o 046 0-030 o 008 o-ooo 0-019 o 003 0'002 O-OO5 + 0-OII o 004 Bradley 1462 Lalande 20416 . ... Lacaille 4351 44 H vdra? Lacaille 4436 .. W.B. X. 511 Bradley 1474 WB X 520 Carinse r HvdrjB ... (t> B.D. + 9 No. 2384.. 33 Sextantis ... W B X 6^0 Lalande 20659 B.D. + 9 No. 2395.. 41 Leonis Minorls Lacaille 4510 ... W.B. X. 657 Argus 9 36 Sextantis Ar"fis tj Arerus ... ...u B.D. + 9 No. 2409 .. Lalande 20821 ^ 3 Leonis 7 Hydrse v Chamajleontis o 1 Lalande 20861 4 1 Sextantis 741. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 744. - Hydra: in B.A.C. 747. 0' Hydno in B.A.C. 753. B.A.C. aisigns to Leo. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROVAL OBSERVATORV, CAPE OF GOOD IIOVK. Ho. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual PropiT Motion. w. Corr. for n to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875 Melbourne. 1 1 870 and iS8o.| 1840. 1850. 1860.' 1880. 736 737 738 739 740 74'* 742 743 744* 745* 746 747* 748 749 75 751 752 753* 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761* 762* 763 764 76j 766 767 768 769 770 83-24 82-14 83-25 82-02 84-22 81-85 83-26 81-86 83-25 184-22 80-45 85-00 82-32 83-26 83-25 85-04 84-24 82-82 84-20 85-03 84-23 81-60 84-22 83-29 84-00 85-06 84-25 85-05 85-03 83-05 82-69 84-44 83-26 81-07 I 12 I 45 13 12 2 3 I II 12 2 23 2 I 2 8 15 2 2 8 3 5 2 I 2 13 2 '3 27 I 2 13 O i It II 32 38-35 7 2 52-69 10 49 56-26 + 9 53 53-29 (.7 6 40-80 23 9 10-02 - 83 45 (33) II 18 36-04 15 44 56-84 II 36 47-41 56 57 44-46 16 16 47-55 + 9 30 15-65 i 8 13-87 7 27 17-09 5 58 26-86 + 9 16 47-48 + 23 47 25-03 85 29 39-24 63 51 52-81 + 9 30 20-28 63 47 31-39 + 3 5 30-51 + 3i i? I5-73 74 5i 39-34 59 4 4 s '30 +97 59-96 4 s 4 s 45 ' r H + 8 57 50-25 + x 49 39-92 +119 12-14 15 35 31-62 79 51 43-54 6 52 23-26 8 17 19-44 /; 18-342 I8-363 18-401 18-416 18-446 -18-478 18-526 -18-538 18-549 18-555 18-566 18-626 18-671 18-708 18-724 18-724 18-746 18-758 18-773 18-788 18-795 18-809 18-821 18-828 -18-843 18-862 18-866 18-898 18-902 18-924 18-938 18-960 18-966 18-967 18-976 // o- 17 0-17 0-16 o- 17 o-io 0-15 + o-io 0-16 0-16 0-16 0-12 0-15 o- 16 0-15 0-15 0-15 0-16 0-16 + 0-16 o-io 0-15 o-io 0-15 0-16 0-06 O'll 0-15 O'I2 0-14 0-14 o- 14 0-13 O'O2 0-13 o- 14 4- 0-016 + O'OII + 0-030 + 0-019 - 0-582 -f 0-041 0-104 + 0-026 0-02* + O'OOd 0-017 O-OO4 0-020 + 0-215 0-06* 0-008 +0-05 1906 575i 14336 606 6vf? 525* 6n 616 616 (>Jo ()21 tea 535 538 539* 540 54i* 6*9 542 631 +0-03 1294 1909 422 5763 5776 5786 5804 14386 14403 H457 +0-09 1304 1918 +0-06 i -02 +0-19 1924 5807 H453 H463 14478 14522 14589 14661 14653 14667 14709 14720 I475I 14802 14817 14816 244 1309 1314 1925 1931 5816 5842 0-28 ... ... 1941 5879 + 0-02 246 1345 1337 i95i 428 59" 59H 0-02 + 0-02 o-oi 192* 247 1338 1952 429 5920 5935 5938 o-oo '94* =48 1343 1957 43i 195* 249 1964 433 5957 0-04 +0-50 0-03 25 1349 1350 1354 1972 1978 434 435 5974 5986 5991 0-O3 ... 1974 5992 745. Proper Motion from Bonn Observations, Vol. VII. 761. Limits of magnitude >i 7-4 : period irregular. Proper Motion from Xewcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. 762. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR ISSo'O, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag-. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. l*a. Corr. for t*a to 1885-0. 77if 772 773 774 775 776* 777 778 779 780 781 782* 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791' 792 793 794 795 796* 797 798 799* 800 801 802 803 804 805 45I3 4578 1509 1513 1520 4564 1525 1526 1530 1535 4643 4620 4603 1544* 1542 1545 1546 1548 1551 1557 1558 4724 X. 181 X. 183 X. 198 X. 209 X. 210 X. 218 X. 236 X. 248 X. 256 X. 253 XL 6 XL 10 XL 13 XI. 23 XI. 38 XL 42 XL 44 XL 48 3724 3728 3733 3752 3766 3768 3775 3788 3803 3804 3815 3812 3826 3834 3838 3848 3859 3862 3867 3863 3871 Chaniceleontis i- 4'9 8-3* 8i 3'9 8-0 5'2 8-0* 9-2* 6-6 4'i 5-0 5-0 9'5* 4'7 6'3 9-0* 7-0 51 5'4 3'i 4'4 2-8 3'5 9-4* 9-1* 4'5 9-5* 8-5* 3'9 9-0* 4'i 6-6 7'5* 7-5* 8-8* 83-48 85-02 82-38 84-21 83-26 81-07 81-72 85-02 83-29 83-82 84-00 80-61 85-05 83-02 83-63 85-04 83-29 82-07 81-44 82-34 84-00 84-00 85-05 85-04 81-27 85-04 80-43 83 - 45 85-05 81-85 83-29 85-06 85-06 85-04 22 I 27 8 2 '4 6 I 2 37 10 28 i 47 27 2 I 6 9 30 9 13 i 2 12 2 2 29 I 61 2 2 I 2 h m s 10 44 41-570 10 46 25-120 10 46 48-464 10 46 52-670 10 47 2-470 ro 47 51-945 10 50 16-655 10 50 39-960 10 53 59-640 10 54 10-340 10 54 37-280 10 55 57-711 10 58 31-660 10 59 5-122 ii o 5-235 ii o 9-500 ii i 17-010 ii i (58) ii 3 10-162 it 3 11-740 ii 6 0-148 " 7 59-488 ii 8 12-272 II 8 44-170 II 9 16-040 ii 10 48-955 ii ii 40-010 ii 12 52-360 ii 13 35-482 ii 13 41-640 ii 15 12-412 ii 15 28-260 ii 15 32-320 n 17 18-550 ii 17 28-190 s +0-6423 +3-1379 3-4066 +3-3642 +3-0269 +2-9257 +3-0797 +3-1335 +1-7043 +2-9516 +3-1003 +3-0604 +3-1250 +3-1215 0-2006 +3-1206 + 1-8480 +2-7706 + 2-9019 +3-4018 +2-9450 +3-1887 +3-1586 +3-1115 +3-1119 +3-0574 +3-1098 +3-1266 +3-0046 +3-1077 +3-1027 + 2-1400 +3-1053 +3-1037 +3-1026 i o 004 0-007 1-408 0-026 +0-001 +0-007 o 006 +0-010 +0-007 o 004 O'OOI 0-006 0-006 0-311 0-005 + 0-O2O + O'O2O + 0-012 0-037 +0-010 0-013 O'OIO 0-005 0-005 +0-001 0-005 0-007 +0-006 0-005 0-004 +0-041 0-004 o 004 0-004 +0-0053 +0-0038 +0-0005 0-0343 o oo i 8 +O-OO02 0-0255 0-0065 0-0070 0-0018 +O-OI02 0-0059 0-0083 0-0106 0-0071 O'OII* I +0-004 +0-015 + O-OO2 0-O4O O'OO2 +0-001 O'OJO O'Oig 0-025 0-005 +O-QIO 0-006 0-031 0-016 0-022 O'Oig B.D. + 8 No. 2423 Lacaille 4578 46 Leonis Minoris Lalande 20945 .. Hydra? V 57 Leonis B.D. + 8 No. 2436 Lacaille 4564 7 Crateris 38 Leonis... . d 61 Leonis .p* B.D. + 8 No. 2454 63 Leonis ^ Octantis rj B.D. + 8 No. 2456 Lacaille 4620 Lacaille 4603 Bradley 1544 52 Ursae Majoris \b n Crateris /3 68 Leonis c 70 Leonis ... 9 B.D. + 7 No. 2427 B.D. + 7 No. 2429 B.D. + 7 No. 2434 Lalande 21570 12 Crateris $ W.B. XL 197 77 Leonis rr Fiazzi XL 44 Fiazzi XI 48 Lalande 21685 776 *' Hydra; in B.A.C. and A.G.C. 782. p l Leonis in B.A.C. 791. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. KKOM OHSKKVATloXS AT TIIK UOYAI, OBSEEVATOBY, CAPE OK uool) Ilul'K. 47 Xo. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mr;iu 1 >i-<-. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /','. Corr. for P S to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1 8 70 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 771 772 773 774 775. 776' 777 778 779 780 78 1 782' 783 784 783 786 787 788 789 790 791' 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 80 1 802 803 804 805 83-56 85-03 83-25 84-21 83-26 80-91 81-47 85-03 8y9 83-96 84-00 80-34 85-05 83-64 83-61 85-04 83-29 84-36 81-90 82-02 82-41 84-00 84-00 83-05 85-04 81-28 85-04 80-42 83-48 85-05 81-79 83-29 85-06 85-06 85-04 21 2 16 8 > II 4 j 34 10 22 2 25 29 2 I I 3 16 27 9 13 1 12 2 3 31 2 34 2 2 I 2 O ' " 79 56 0-97 + 8 49 24-83 86 17 37-07 + 34 jo 5'97 <> 1 2 IT33 19 31 I0'4<) + I 2 46-96 + 8 43 22-30 74 -') 4-67 17 41 11-68 + 4 "4 4'93 I 51 56-43 + 8 26 25-15 + 7 57 27-79 85 58 30-57 + 7 -,(> 43-22 74 32 3-I4 42 I 4-65 27 27 27-19 + 45 7 21-59 22 II 53-08 + 21 9 13-82 + 16 3 28-74 + 7 30 43-97 + 7 39 45-73 3 I 22-85 + 7 36 37-69 + ii '3 31-88 14 9 22-76 + 7 29 48-55 + (> 39 34-53 74 30 46-94 + 7 15 53-28 + 7 13 1-27 + 6 58 38-28 f 18-981 19-029 19-040 19-041 19-046 19-068 19-132 I9-I43 19-227 19-2.;-' 19-243 19-276 I9-337 I9-350 19-372 I9-374 I9-399 19-414 19-440 19-441 19-499 19-539 I9-543 I9-554 19-564 I9-593 19-609 19-631 19-644 19-645 19-672 19-676 19-677 19-707 19-709 t O-02 0-14 + 0-16 0-15 0-13 0-13 0-13 o- 13 0-06 o-ii 0-12 o-ii o-ii o-ii + 0-02 O'll 0-O6 0-Og o- 10 o-ii 0-09 o- 10 0-09 0-09 0-09 0-08 0-09 0-08 0-08 0-08 0-08 0-05 0-08 0-08 0-08 0-246 0-216 O'OI + 0-157 0-012 O'OIO O-022 + 0-033 0-036 0-088 O-IIj 0-063 0-024 + 0-209 o-ooo 0-05* 251 1355 1979 436 5994 14829 543* 6s4 635 637 Mo 64* 55i* 552* 6A7 6J,g 619 555* 652 557* 656 657 * 6011 14883 o- 19 14859 14884 0-88 0-04 ... 1356 1983 6021 +0-16 o-oi 0-05 196 253 1370 1368 1995 1996 2OOI 439 6071 6072 6077 6095 15028 15027 15075 0-03 199 ... 1378 1387 2005 2015 442 445 6126 6146 15189 6156 6169 6180 15211 15224 15253 +0-10 o- ii 0-23 0- 12 0-06 ... 255 1384 1388 20l6 2021 ... 201 /.;/ 256 1395 1398 2029 448 6205 6228 I53I7 0-09 257 ... 2039 451 15429 +0-32 106 258 1407 2045 452 6298 15488 o-oo 0-09 203 1410 1413 2047 2050 453 6312 6316 15532 48 (.KNEKAL CATALOGUE OF STAIiS FOR 1S8.TU, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /V Corr. for ^a to 1885-0. 806 807 808 809* 810 8n 812* 813 814 8i5 816* 817 818 8l 9 f 820 82lf 822* 823 8j 4 t 825 826 827 828 829 830 831* 832 833t 834 835 836* 37* 838 839 -8M 1560 1562 1564 1569 1570 4784 1576 4782 1580* 4804 1585 1586 4831 4865 4866 1598 1600 4883 1602 1605 1606 1615 4974 XI. 54 XI. $6 XI. 62 XI. 72 XI. 76 XI, 89 XI. 98 XI. 103 XI. 114 XI. 116 XI. i 50 XI. 152 XI. 158 XI. 163 XI. 1 66 XI. 193 XI. 205 3877 3879 3883 3897 3900 3916 3925 3928 3941 3943 3946 3957 3972 3978 398i 3984 3989 3995 4002 4035 4048 78 Leonis (ist star) ...i 79 Leonis 3'9t 5'5 9'5* 4-2 9-2* iof 5'8 5-0* 9-5* 71 5'i 6-4 6-6 3'7 9-0* 3'4 4'7 4"5 6-2 8-8* 6-2 7-J 8-7* 6-8 8-9* 4'9 3'9 3'8 5'2 2-2 3'7 $' 9-0' 8-3* 5-0 84-30 82-25 85-06 83-06 85-06 85-06 81-07 84-00 85-04 83-03 81-09 82-13 84-46 82-14 85-04 84-23 82-16 83-25 83-14 85-04 82-09 82-76 85-05 82-90 85-05 82-79 82-01 84-25 81-32 82-50 82-08 80-65 85-04 85-05 83-66 i? 6 i 34 2 14 12 I 1 t 15 6 i 20 I 12 28 24 19 I 6 22 2 6 2 5 IO 5 6 20 54 21 2 I 33 h in s ii 17 55-7I5 n 18 8-250 ii 18 16-610 ii 19 8-217 ii 19 27-260 ii 19 53-020 ii 21 21-986 II 22 1-375 II 22 48-230 II 23 4I-05I II 24 26-374 II 26 56-818 II 27 13-360 II 2? 20-835 II 28 9-920 II 3O 28-830 II 30 50-926 II 31 3'64I II 32 31-628 ii 33 5-990 n 34 1-883 ii 34 48-130 ii 36 32-670 ii 37 10-600 ii 38 24-580 ii 38 56-033 II 39 58-518 ii 40 10-962 ii 42 0-410 ii 43 11-726 ii 44 42-128 II 50 9-343 II 52 26-030 II 52 36-870 ii 53 55-764 > + 3-1206 + 3-0811 + 3-0984 + 2-9997 + 3-1002 + 3-1016 + 3-0258 + 3-0859 + 3-0986 +0-9505 + 3-0638 + 3-0481 + 2-6377 + 2-9573 +3-3937 + 2-7442 + 3-0450 +3-0718 + 2-4649 + 3-0900 +3-0352 + 1-4447 + 3-0871 + 2-5900 + 3-0858 + 3-0332 + 3-2038 +2-8122 + 3-0888 + 3-0990 + 3-0762 + 3-0554 +3-0764 + 3-0762 + 2-9113 s o 006 0-OO2 o 004 + 0-008 O-004 O-004 + O-O05 O-O02 0-O04 0-II3 +0-001 +0-004 +0-049 +0-017 0-003 +0-045 +0-005 o-ooo +0-069 0-003 +0-008 0-018 0-003 +0-075 O'OO2 +0-010 0-036 +0-057 0-004 o 007 o-ooo +0-010 o-ooi O'COI +0-123 s +0-0085 0-0034 0-0092 0-009 I o-ooio 0-0005 0-0166 O'OOO* 0-0058 0-0018 +0-0010 0-0145 0-0048 0-0356 +0-0481 o 0060 0-021* 1 +o'oo6 o 009 0-018 0-036 o-ooi O-OO2 0-047 o-ooo 0-016 0-003 + 0-002 0-043 0-018 0-089 +0-140 0-026 0-028 B.D. + 6 No. 2445 15 Crateris y W.B. XI. 276 1 6 Crateris K B.D. + 7 No. 2451 87 Leonis e Piazzi XI 98 Lacaille 4782 Hydrffi WB. XI.453 Centauri \ 91 Leonis v Lalande 22079 Lalande 22102 Lacaille 4865 . , .. B.D. + 6 No. 2485... Lacaille 4866 B.D. + 6 So. 2490... 27 Crateris 63 Ursa? Majoria \ Musc5 566 567* O'OO 262 2076 458 0-07 263 1445 2080 461 O'OO +0-03 +0-06 209 2IO 264 265 1453 1456 1462 2089 2090 464 465 6452 6454 6462 6481 15848 15851 15861 15898 570 6jo 57'* i593i 15959 573* 6513 ... 1472 2104 ... 6543 16018 O'O2 +0-08 +0-07 0-23 0-67 +0-07 266 1478 1482 1485 2109 2113 6555 6563 6567 16053 160^5 67 r> 576 211* >!>* ... 1491 '495 I5M 2120 2124 2143 470 47i 6;93 6605 6649 .6284 580* f>~9 f>(,'-i 6&'.-f 588 0-09 268 1526 2153 475 6684 16382 806. Magnitude from Struve's Menmrce Jfifwmetrirte. 811. Magnitude from Cape Observations. CAPE OBSERVATIONS, 50 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Laoaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. Pa. Corr. for u to 'a 1885-0. 841 842* 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851* 852 85 3t 854 855 856 857* 858 859 860 86if 862* 863 86 4 f 865 866* 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 74t 875* 1618 4991 1623 5028 533 1627 1626 555 1635 5075 1638 5085 1647 1659* 1664 5148 5162 XI. 211 XI. 228 XI. 230 XI. 249 XL 248 XII. 13 XII. 24 XII. 44 XII 54 XII. 64 XII. 79 xir. 91 4052 4058 4072 4077 4082 4087 4096 4097 4103 4114 4120 4124 4131 4145 4157 4173 4188 4187 4197 4200 W.B. XL 903 8-8* 5'5 4'4 9'5* 9-1* 6-6 8-8* 7'7* 4'3 9-5* 6-4 5-8 2-8 8-7* 9-2* 5'7 3'i 4'5 8-0* 5'8 3'4 2-8 6-2 4-6 9-3* 4'i 9'3* 5'4 5'9 9'3* 5'3 1} 9-0* 4'3 S'7 85-04 80-68 84-00 85-06 85-05 83-25 85-04 81-02 84-00 85-05 80-64 82-45 84-22 85-04 85-05 82-14 82-00 84-30 85-04 82-13 84-21 82-94 81-77 82-68 85-04 82-10 85-05 81-28 81-36 85-05 84-22 84-00 85-04 84-28 80-71 2 19 16 2 I 30 I 3 18 2 2O 4 20 I 2 6 26 9 i 6 9 39 7 19 2 70 I 12 6 2 8 10 i 5 19 h m s II 54 21-910 H 54 50-353 II 54 58-770 II 56 21-590 II 56 32-170 n 56 36-668 ii 57 0-240 ii 58 25-493 ii 59 21-023 ii 59 50-990 12 o 6-517 12 I 47-040 12 2 24-II5 12 2 25-OOO 12 2 34-080 12 4 11-817 12 4 12-670 12 5 38-688 12 6 37-470 12 7 34-570 12 9 2-568 12 9 53-55I 12 II 7-503 12 II 37-392 12 12 11-780 12 14 I-35I 12 14 22-420 12 14 59-450 12 I? 22-060 12 17 38-000 12 2O IO-870 12 20 12-460 12 21 6-550 12 21 49-452 12 21 57-566 s +3-0754 +3-0672 + 3-0761 +3-0742 +3-0741 +2-8472 +3-0739 +3-0733 +3-0730 +3-0725 +3-0724 +3-1105 +3-0891 +3-0713 +3-0712 +3-0696 +3-0823 +3-1142 +3-0697 +3-0639 +3-1572 +3-0899 +3-0911 +3-4106 +3-0684 +3-0724 +3-0670 +3-0924 +3-1179 +3-0661 +2-9749 +3-2983 +3-0653 +3-2217 +3-0813 s o-ooi +0-007 O-002 o-ooi o-ooi +0-293 o-ooi O'OOI 0-003 o-ooi +0-003 +0-114 +0-038 o-ooo o-ooo o-ooi +0-014 +0-041 o-ooo 0-003 +0-053 + 0-OII + O-OII +0-184 +0-001 +0-003 +0-001 +0-010 +0-016 +0-001 0-O2O +0-068 +0-001 +0-042 +0-005 s +0-0033 0-0028 0-0159 0-0035 o-ooo* 0-0125 0-0059 0-0076 o-ooo* 0-0123 0-0451 0-0056 0-0015 0-0027 0-0079 0-0234 0-0059 s +0-014 0-003 0-016 0-015 o-ooo 0-036 0-018 0-O22 o-ooo O-O25 O-IOj 0-016 0-006 o-oio o - 006 0-023 0-025 Lalande 22585 B.D. + 5 No. 2573... W.B. XI. 940 Lacaille 4991 WB. XL 951 Lalande 22678 9Virerinis ... ...o B.D. + 4 No. 2572... Lacaille 5028 .. Lalande 22771 B.D. + 4 No. 2577-. WB XII 68 .. . Crucis <5 4 Corvi y Lalande 23006 Chamseleontis /3 B.D. + 3 No. 2625... B.D. + 3 No. 2632... B.D. + 3 No. 2638 6 Canum Venaticftm... Crucis (ist star) ...a B.D. + 3 No. 2645... Centauri o M. 510 852. X Chamseleontis in B.A.C. ; A.G.C. assigns this star to Musa, but contains no \ Chamaeleontis. 857. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0 Annual Proper Motion. PS. Corr. for V 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogue!. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 841 842 843 844 84; 846 847 848 849 850 851 852* 853 854 855 856 857* 858 859 860 861 862 863 864* 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872* 873 874 875 85-04 80-30 84-00 85-06 85-05 83-47 85-04 81-02 84-00 85-05 80-35 82-45 84-22 85-04 85-05 82-28 82-18 84-30 85-04 82-28 84-21 82-94 82-32 82-89 85-04 82-58 85-05 81-20 82-25 85-05 84-22 84-00 85-04 84-28 80-33 2 12 15 I 27 3 15 2 14 4 20 2 a 5 28 9 2 3 9 39 3 23 2 46 2 12 I 2 8 II i 5 12 / fl + 5 16 23-81 9 47 24-16 + 7 '5 I9'95 + 4 54 52-85 + 4 51 37-88 84 59 29-32 + 4 47 11-26 + 5 34 22-31 + 9 22 18-65 + 4 44 6-72 2 29 26-I7 74 43 38-38 50 4 54-46 + 4 I? 53-4 8 + 4 31 54-07 + 6 26 47-42 21 58 48-24 51 43 40-50 + 4 2 34-85 + 10 54 7-88 58 6 32-91 16 54 11-85 16 3 16-46 78 40 25-10 + 3 13 28-26 o i 39-31 + 3 41 58-i8 12 55 39-69 24 12 7-37 + 3 29 28-06 + 39 39 26-02 62 27 40-97 + 3 18 32-26 49 35 36-54 3 58 43-92 n 20-047 20-048 20-049 2O-O5I 2O-O5I 2O-O5I 20-052 20-053 20-053 20-053 20-053 20-053 20-053 20-053 2O-052 20-050 20-050 20-047 20-045 20-042 20-038 20-035 20-030 20-028 2O-O25 2O-OI6 2O-OI4 2O-OII 19-996 19-994 19-976 19-976 19-969 19-963 19-961 H o-oo o-oo O'OO o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo + o-oi + o-oi + o-oi + o-oi + O'OI + o-oi + o-oi + o-oi + O-O2 -f 0-O2 + O-02 + 0-02 + 0-02 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-04 + 0-04 + 0-04 + 0-04 + 0-04 + 0-05 + 0-05 + 0-05 + 0-05 + 0-05 n 0-498 0-017 + 0-049 0-023 o-oi* * + 0-039 + 0-021 0-OO4 0-05* + 0-034 + 0-043 O-O22 + 0-O2O 0-016 0-023 0-O4I 0-03I // 2'34 O'O2 16402 6g5 686 ... ... 1528 2154 477 6692 ... ... ... 1533 2157 ... 6703 16438 590* +0-05 ... ... 1540 2165 ... 6736 ... ... o- ii o-oi 217* 270 1547 1551 2169 2172 2176 481 6760 6766 16517 16560 16572 689 595* +0-11 +0-06 272 273 1558 1563 2184 2188 484 6778 6793 16615 16652 598* 599 O'OI 0-04 +0-07 218* 219* 274 275 1567 1573 1577 2196 485 6824 6828 16736 16744 16752 16766 601 696 603* +0-09 220 276 1581 ... 486 6836 0-05 Ml ... 1588 2205 488 6852 ... 605* +0-08 0-04 ... ... ... 2211 2221 ... 6885 16830 16887 699 O-O2 O-O4 223' 279 1601 2229 489 6908 16942 6n* O-I4 ... 280 1609 2233 2235 ... 6922 16976 16984 6i3 7oA 864, 872. Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stan. GKNKHAL CATALOGUE <>F STAIiS FOR i88.rO. No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Rate. 18004- No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /V Corr. for /x a to 1885-0. 876* 877 8 7 8f 879t 880 88 1 882* 883 884 885 886 887 888 889* Sgof 891 892 893 8 94 t 895 8g6f 897* 898 899 900 901* 902" 903 904 95 f 906 907 908* 909 910 1675 1676 5180 5184 1685 1688 5213 5222 3225 5 = 21 1694 5243 1698 1701 5235 = 267 1704 5277 5268 1715 1721 1723 1725 1729 5349 5325 J735 XII. 101 XII. 102 XII. in XII. 123 XII. 127 XII. 133 -XII. 140 XII. 146 XII. 157 XII. 1 60 XII. 172 XII. 183 XII. 196 XII. 200 XII. 214 XII. 223 XII. 226 XII. 337 XII. 249 XII. 262 4211 4212 4215 4224 4225 4234 4238 4242 4245 4251 4253 4257 4264 4268 4271 4280 4286 4289 4294 4293 43" 4315 4330 4340 4346 4352 4353 4367 4382 7 Corvi (2nd Star)... 20 Coma; 3-0* 5'7 2-0 4-0 6-5 9-5* 2-8 7-1* 4'7t 2-9 4'4 5'5 6-7 4'7 2-4. 3'ot 5'i 71 3'4 5 "4 1-7 6-1 6-0 6-7 5-0 5'0 3'7 3-2t 5'9 3'7 7i 3-0 5'6 8-0* 8 82-64 84-00 84-27 84-27 81-37 85-05 82-55 8i-43 84-00 84-24 84-32 8i-37 82-45 80-92 84-21 84-00 82-36 83-23 84-32 82-32 84-26 8o-33 83-20 82-39 84-18 80-90 82-09 82-78 81-44 84-30 83-19 82-46 80-82 81-08 81-42 36 2 9 4 6 2 27 6 it 6 it '3 3 '4 16 2 6 22 16 6 12 14 21 6 8 ij 82 18 6 15 24 48 19 3 8 h 111 s 12 23 54-873 12 23 56-520 12 24 47-508 12 2J 36-720 12 25 43-940 12 27 I'OIO 12 28 20-804 12 28 39-850 12 29 21-598 12 30 20-I50 12 31 25-OOO 12 31 36-418 12 31 53-020 12 33 18-695 12 35 10-680 12 35 50-000 12 36 3-830 12 36 12-115 12 39 14-245 12 39 48-500 12 4 I 0-434 12 41 36-830 12 43 0-480 12 45 23-770 12 46 5-760 12 48 22-415 12 49 48-721 12 50 38-872 12 53 44-100 12 54 22-531 12 55 10-327 12 56 27-169 12 57 36-571 12 58 44-777 13 o 22-930 s + 3-II20 + 3-OI74 + 3-2903 + 3-5I80 + 3-0840 + 3-0640 + 3-I4I6 + 3-0479 + 3-OI35 + 3-5203 + 3-2747 + 3-1640 + 3-75I9 + 3-0974 + 3-302I + 3-0754 4- 3-0322 + I7-549I + 3-6219 + 3-0387 + 3-4694 + 3-0964 + 5-6606 + 3-II74 + 2-9294 + 3-1163 + 3-052I + 2-8356 + 3-0897 4- 3-98" 4- 9-0366 4 3-0056 -f 3-1932 4- 3-0731 4- 3-1612 8 + O-OI2 O'OOS + 0-054 + 0-II8 + 0'OO6 4- 0-002 4- 0-016 o-ooi 0-006 4- OMOI 4- 0-041 + 0-019 + 0-160 4- 0-008 4- 0-042 4- 0-004 O-O02 4-21-17 + o- ioo O'OOO 4- 0-066 4- 0-007 4- 0-821 4- 0-009 o-oio 4- 0-009 4- 0-003 0-015 4- 0-007 + 0-138 4- 2-652 o-ooi -f 0-016 -f- 0-005 4- 0-013 > 0-0154 4-0-0033 O'OOO* O"OO2I o 0009 0-0069 0-0385 4-0-0033 0-088* 0-0094 0-009* O-OO20 0-0027 0-0035 0-0336 0-O220 0-0036 4-0-042* 0-OI92 4-O-OO85 s 0-036 4-0-003 O'OOO 0-005 o-ooi 0-028 0-039 4-0-009 0-156 0-025 0-007 0-009 O-OO2 0-014 0-098 0-049 0-013 4-0-029 -0-049 40-036 Crucis y Musca; y Piazzi XII. in B.D. + 3 No. 2663... 9 Corvi /3 Piazzi XII i '7 24 Comfe (2nd star) ... Centauri .... T Lacaille 5221 26 Virginis v Centauri y 29 Virginia (ist star) y 30 Virginis p Lacaille 5235 32 Virginis d- Crucis /3 M. 522 Piazzi XII 196 31 Comae 43 Virginis c 12 Canum Venaticum... 44 Virginis k Muscat c Lacaille 5325 47 Virginis t Lalande 24277 Lalande 24306 Piazzi XII. 262 882. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 903. a Canum Venaticum in B.A.C. OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOl) fiOPE, No. Mean Date. 18004- No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885*0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. Corr. for Px to 1885*0. Fallows and I Henderson. 1 Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne. 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. i860. 1880. o / ii n 876 877 878 82-67 84-00 84*27 36 9 15 52 29-88 4- 21 31 58-92 56 28 8-39 I9-944 19*936 4- 0-05 4- 0-05 4- 0-06 0*146 0*017 0*30* 0-34 0*02 O-22 224* 281 ... 2240 6943 17030 7o6 616 225* 282 1612 6947 17048 879 880 88 1 882* 883 884* 885 84-27 82-64 84-00 84-24 4 i 2 3 ii 6 7i 29 51-04 4 25 3*74 + 3 3 0-02 22 45 37-75 4- 8 22 13-51 4- 19 o 37-19 68 30 6- ii 19*928 19-927 I9-9I5 19*900 19*889 19*878 4- 0-07 + 0-06 4- 0-06 4-0-06 4- 0-06 4- 0-06 4- 0-08 0-052 4- 0-031 283 1616 2245 6958 17072 17077 617 O-I2 227' 285 1620 2249 493 6982 17129 618" +0-03 286 1623 2254 6992 17156 620 886 84-31 10 47 54 28-30 19-866 4- 0-07 287 1624 2256 6998 17180 622 887 81-52 14 26 30 10-16 19-863 4- 0-07 ... 1626 2258 7000 17185 623 888 82-45 3 74 44 15*63 19-860 4- 0-08 1625 ... 7002 17191 889 81-09 12 7 21 44*76 19-842 4- 0-07 O-O2I 0-08 ... 2261 498 17223 7/o 890 84-21 16 48 19 40*75 19*818 + 0*08 ... 229* 288 1633 2266 7022 17269 628 891* 893 84-00 82*35 83-17 3 25 o 49 4-22 4- 10 52 10-89 89 10 4-53 19*809 19*806 19*804 4- 0*08 4- 0-08 4- 0-41 4- 0-015 0-088 o-oo* 4-0-02 0-23 o-oo 230 289 1637 2268 499 7027 7030 7017 17291 17241 629* 7// 2253 497 894 896 82-30 84-26 16 3 12 67 28 41*36 4- 8 18 8*94 59 3 34-74 19*760 I9-752 19-733 4- o- 10 -i- Q ' 08 4- o* 10 4- 0*003 0*03* 4-0*01 0*02 290 1646 2278 505 7053 17374 634 231* 291 1650 506 7062 17411 635 897 8o-33 14 5 40 19*66 19*724 4- 0-09 0*029 0-14 2282 17422 7/6 898 83-53 25 84 29 53*91 19*702 4- 0-16 ... ... 1652 2281 507 7073 17440 637* 899 900 901 82-41 84-18 80-97 3 8 12 9 42 40-46 4- 28 10 0*33 8 54 50*37 19-661 19*649 19*609 4- o-io 4- 0-09 4- 0*10 0*018 0*017 o-oi 0-07 ... 1660 2290 ... 7094 17485 17557 721 1674 2301 5U 902 82-41 49 4- 4 i 21*69 19*582 4- 0*10 0-047 0-12 ... 1679 2307 5H 7123 ... 722 903* 82-76 21 + 38 56 23*19 19*566 4- 0*10 4- 0*066 4-0-15 l(t~ 1682 515 7132 ... 647* 904 82-30 2 3 ii 28*67 19-505 4- 0*11 4- 0*010 4-0-03 ... 2311 516 17683 7S4 905 906 907 908 909 910 82-51 80-46 81-08 82-03 16 21 35 12 3 3 70 55 41-48 86 56 27-62 4- II 34 39-28 19 57 56-03 o 6 37*32 14 i 8 1*47 19*492 19-475 19*448 19*424 I9-399 19-362 4- 0*14 4- 0*32 4- 0*12 4- O' 12 4- 0*12 4- 0*13 O'OO* -f- 0*029 4- 0*027 o-oo 294 1684 2312 517 7160 7167 7178 17693 17696 17763 649 725 727 7*8 4-0-07 +O-I2 ... ... ... 1698 2331 ... 17833 882. Suspected variable. 884, 891, 903. Magnitude from Struve's Mensurce Mierometr'ica. 54 GENERAL CATALOGtE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*. Corr. for ^a w 1885-0. 911 912 913* 914 915* 916 917 9 i8f 919 920 921* 9 22f 923 924 925 926* 927 928 929* 9JO* 931 9J2* 933 934 935t 936 937* 93 939 940 941 942f 943 944* 945 1744 1747 5406 1752 1755 1754 5466 1761 1765 1764 5491 1768 5452 1773 1774 5482 1780 1782 1783 1786 1789 1793 5618 1796 1805 5633 1810 5683 5684 1815 1811 XII. 274 XII. 276 XII. 281 XIII. 9 XIII. 15 XIII. 17 XIII. 31 XIII. 38 XIII. 48 XIII. 45 XIII. 53 XIII. 73 XIII. 75 XIII. 90 XIII. 10 1 XIII. in XIII. 118 XIII. 128 XIII. 136 XIII. 142 XIII. 162 XIII. 1 86 XIII. 199 XIII. 197 XIII. 198 XIII. 209 XIII. 204 4395 4401 4398 4418 4421 4428 4437 4442 44=1 445 4458 4462 4460 4478 4480 4483 4499 4508 4514 4521 4532 4536 4546 4549 4559 4565 4585 4597 4601 4602 4607 4608 Piazzi XII 274 . 74 5'i 4'4 6-3 5'J 4'4 6} 5'7 6-9 4'7 3'4 3-0 7'3* 7-0 5-8 1-2 5'7 5'2 6-1 6-0 5'5 3'5 5-0 7-0* 2-6 5-6 5'3 6-0 6-6 4'5 3'7 3'4 2'O 5'2 6-4* 82-41 81-05 82-44 83-77 81-12 84-00 81-43 80-67 81-44 80-00 83-18 84-28 81-43 81-36 81-45 83-00 83-36 82-20 80-72 81-04 81-49 81-84 84-00 81-45 84-33 82-20 82-24 81-44 83-14 84-00 84-35 84 - 45 80-62 82-05 82-20 2 II 50 32 12 8 7 13 6 6 45 8 7 I 9 52 40 3 19 13 7 70 8 6 26 3 39 12 25 15 8 4 13 34 3 ll 111 S 13 2 28-7IO 13 2 51-684 13 3 59-759 13 4 45-537 13 5 56-370 13 6 30-400 13 7 18-030 13 10 29-965 13 ii 25-730 13 12 23-HO 13 12 40-233 13 14 8-070 13 I 4 45-320 13 I? 36-470 13 18 33-980 13 19 8-in 13 22 3I-47I 13 22 48-360 13 24 25-746 13 25 50-802 13 26 54-660 13 28 50-053 13 29 39-700 13 31 33-740 13 32 36-392 13 33 54-380 13 35 34-611 13 39 47-710 13 41 3-801 13 41 47-851 13 42 36-570 13 42 41-400 13 43 0-521 13 43 37-438 13 44 38-240 S +3'M + 3-2224 + 3-1042 +4-8019 + 3-1781 +2-8651 +3-1997 +3-3146 + 3-I443 + 2-7091 + 3-2456 +3-3823 +3-0317 +8-3925 + 3-1083 +3-1568 +8-6731 + 2-9511 + 3-1220 + 3-2326 + 3-1559 + 3-0725 +2-6773 + 3-1389 +3-7669 +2-9657 + 3-1497 + 3-1908 + 7-1824 + 2-8854 + 3-5776 +3-592I +2-3828 +3-2572 + 3-0097 +0-018 +0-018 +0-008 +0-287 +0-014 0-008 +0-016 +0-025 +0-011 0-013 +0-019 +0-331 +0-003 +1-509 +0-008 +O-OI2 + I-550 o-ooo +0-009 +0-016 +O-OII +0-007 0-009 +0-010 +0-059 +O-O02 +0-011 +0-013 +0-720 O'OOI +0-038 +0-039 o-oio +0-016 +0-004 g 0-0042 0-0043 0-004* +0-0039 0-0605 0-0059 o 007 5 0-0129 +0-0031 0-003 +0-0087 0-0044 0-052* 0-0180 +0-0009 0-0091 0-0044 0-0205 +0-0043 0-0030 o-ooo* 0-0085 0-0028 0-0346 +0-001* 0-0115 0-0087 3 O-OI? o-oi i 0-005 +0-015 0-061 0-O2I 0-027 0-065 +0-006 O'OII +0-031 0-009 0-085 0-050 +0-004 0-036 0-015 -0-065 +0-004 O'OII O'OOO 0-023 o-oio 0-035 +0-001 0-050 0-026 45 Hydrae ;// 51 Virginia .9 Lacaille 5406 53 Virginia 43 Comae 54 Virginia Centauri r 20 Canum Venaticum... 46 Hydra; y Centauri i Bradley 1768 . Lacaille 5452 66 Virginia Octantis ic 72 Virginis 76 Virginis A 79 Virginia ? Piazzi XIII. 136 81 Virginis Centauri e Lalande 25224 82 Virginis m 86 Virginis Lacaille =1633 Centauri v Centauri u 85 Ursae Majoris / 89 Virginis Lalande 25485 916. /3 Coma in B.A.C. 918. B.A.C. gives no letter, 9i. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 929. I 1 Virginia in B.A.C. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 55 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*& Corr. for ft,* 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Jonnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 911 912 82-41 81-13 2 II Q 1 II 22 29 25-79 22 30 9-49 /* I9-3I3 19-304 U + 0-13 + 0-13 H 0-040 I 17881 17889 0-15 234 296 1703 2337 524 7224 9i3 82-56 34 4 55 28-86 19-277 + 0-13 0-037 0-09 297 1707 2341 525 7228 17912 655* 914 83-71 35 77 50 10-15 -19-258 + 0-20 0-08* O'lO 1705 7233 17922 ... 915 916* 9i7 918* 81-12 84-00 81-44 80-67 12 8 I 13 15 34 39"7 + 28 27 40-12 18 12 49-09 3 53 49-I5 19-230 19-215 19-195 19-112 + 0-14 + 0-13 + 0-14 + 0-15 0-279 + 0-897 0-005 I -08 +0-90 O-O2 298 1715 1721 2350 527 17955 732 2355 17987 18060 1728 2362 7280 919 920 921* 82-00 80-91 83-18 3 II 45 9 56 23-51 + 41 10 42-64 22 33 51-75 19-087 19-062 19-054 + 0-15 + 0-13 + 0-15 + 0-032 -)- O-O2I 0-033 +O'IO +0-09 0'06 2366 530 18088 735 2368 18121 922 923 924 925 84-28 81-95 82-00 8 3 3 36 6 18-71 + 5 25 50-62 - 85 13 (43) 4 33 45'44 19-013 18-996 18-915 18-887 + 0-16 + 0-15 + 0-41 + 0-16 + 0-020 O'O22 O-06 235* 301 1732 2371 7306 18149 668 669 2373 2384 531 534 7336 18212 18255 O-O? 926 83-I4 65 10 33 38-43 18-870 + 0-16 O'OlS O-O3 237* 302 1742 2386 535 7352 18262 672* 927 928 929* 83-67 82-20 80-39 3i 3 13 85 ri 43-51 + 14 23 37-8o 5 52 34-85 18-767 18-759 18-709 + 0-45 + 0-16 + 0-17 0-05* 0-569 + O-02I O-O7 1-59 +0-10 ... 1741 2388 536 7387 18321 673* 7&0 2401 539 ... 18379 930 . 81-04 13 18 8 8-32 18-663 + 0-18 O-OO? 0-03 I75i 2404 18413 74< 93i 81-44 I 9 34 18-97 18-629 + 0-18 0-023 0-08 2410 543 ... i8445 932 933 934* 82-51 84-00 81-46 35 8 3 oo 26-89 + 37 4 6 r 9'36 7 17 5-84 18-566 18-538 18-474 + 0-18 + 0-16 + 0-18 + 0-056 O-OO? 0-04 +0-14 o-oi 0-14 1760 2416 545 744i ... 68 1* ... 2423 546 18535-6 935 936 937 84-33 82-20 82-52 26 3 29 52 52 51-67 + ii 19 5I-46 87 20-07 18-439 18-394 18-335 + O-22 + 0-18 + 0-19 0-02* + 0-046 o-oi 239* 305 1771 547 7478 18559 683 7M +O-II 1777 2432 548 75o6 18613 938 939 940 941 82-37 83-49 84-00 84-35 3 24 15 8 ii 50 58-92 82 5 42-58 + 18 i 49-53 41 6 50-36 18-182 18-135 18-108 18-077 + 0-20 + 0-46 + 0-19 + 0-23 + 0-013 + 0-040 +0-03 1784 2445 552 7546 7553 7562 18711 18722 18772 7M 7^9 689 +0-04 30? 1791 2453 942 943 944 945 84-45 80-80 82-14 82-20 4 15 27 3 41 54 0-49 + 49 53 18-64 17 33 38-45 + 6 4 6-68 18-073 18-061 18-038 17-999 + 0-23 + 0-16 + O'2I + 0-20 o-oo* 0-014 0-033 o-oo 0-06 0-09 308 1792 2454 554 556 557 7563 18773 18793 691 750 751 1794 2456 934. Double, 8.J and 8{ magnitude. 56 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*. Corr. for u. to ' a 1885-0. 9 4 6f 947* 948 949t 950 951 952* 953 954 955 956 957* 958 959t 9 6of 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970* 971 972 973 974 975 976* 977 978 979* 980 5737 1819 1821 5768 577 1825* 5766 5757 5784 1829 1830 1832* 1831* 1834 58i5 i835 1839 1842 1843 5802 1846 1847 XIII. 231 XIII. 237 XIII. 240 XIII. 246 XIII. 249 XIII. 253 XIII. 275 XIII. 282 XIII. 295 XIII. 293 XIII. 299 XIII. 311 XIII. 317 XIV. 2 XIV. 8 XIV. 14 XIV. 19 XIV. 28 XIV. 32 4638 4645 4648 4653 4654 4657 4655 4660 4669 4672 4675 4685 4686 4690 4698 4700 4702 4706 4716 4720 4705 4727 4729 Centauri 2-7 5'3 2-9 4' 4-2 8-4* 5'i 7-0 7* Var. I -2 4'4 6-1 3'5 2 ' 2 5-7 6-6 7-0* 8-5* 8-2* 6-9 9'3* 8i 9-1 5'3 H 8-0* 4-8 9-0* 9-2* 4'3 6-7 4'7 4'2 O'O 84-31 80-82 83-92 84-25 84-43 80-43 81-12 81-16 82-74 84-26 82-72 82-16 84-00 82-57 84-30 81-47 81-15 82-20 82-21 82-22 81-48 80-48 82-61 80-48 81-45 80-47 82-21 84-00 80-49 80-50 81-87 82-20 83-54 82-00 82-12 25 i? 12 2 9 4 18 3 13 6 41 65 20 8 6 4 3 3 3 6 1 21 12 3 3 8 J 2 53 3 30 28 33 h m s 13 48 22-174 13 48 47-848 13 49 12-512 13 51 17-000 13 5i 34-758 13 5i 37-330 13 52 4-057 13 52 9-250 13 53 50-423 13 54 9-283 13 55 42-954 13 55 47-640 '3 55 57-640 13 59 49-383 13 59 55'05o 14 o 37-920 14 o 50-350 14 i 57-100 14 2 3-900 14 2 13-010 14 2 52-970 14 3 58-540 14 3 58-554 14 4 30-880 14 4 33-680 14 4 57-740 14 5 1-820 14 5 9-210 14 5 25-340 14 6 24-280 14 6 45-684 14 8 22-020 14 8 36-643 14 9 59-036 14 10 25-179 s + 3-7190 + 3-0824 + 2-8615 + 3-6252 + 3-6816 + 3-1868 + 3-3574 + 4-2024 + 4-1626 + 5-6811 + 4-1843 + 3-0487 + 2-7287 + 3-3998 + 3-5543 + 3-1759 + 4-1800 + 3-0666 + 3-1222 + 3-0783 + 3-I902 + 3-2036 + 37-3579 + 3-2079 + 3:2676 + 3-2I23 + 3-0982 + 2-7392 + 3-2120 + 3-2139 + 3-I929 + 3-1397 + 8-9850 + 3-I409 + 2-8133 s + 0-047 + 0-008 o-ooi + 0-039 + 0-043 + O-OI2 + O-02I + 0-089 + 0-084 + 0-295 + 0-084 + O-OO? 0-003 + 0-023 + 0-032 + 0-OI2 + 0-08O + O-OO? -4- 0-009 + 0-008 + O-OI2 + 0-013 +29-74 + 0-013 + 0-016 + 0-013 + 0-009 O'OO2 + 0-013 + 0-013 + 0-012 + O'OIO + 1-024 + O'OIO o-ooo B 0-008* 0-0068 0-0049 0-0050 0-0103 0-0005 0-0069 +0-0019 o 0442 O-OI22 O-OOO? +0-0005 0-OO20 o 0004 0-0217 0-053* 0-003I 0-0799 s o 006 0-028 0-005 0-019 0-023 o-ooi 0-007 +0-005 0-031 0-043 0-OO2 +0-OO2 0-O02 o-ooi 0-061 0-077 0-009 0-230 90 Virginia p Centauri Centauri v l WB XIII 856 47 Hydrae A G C 1 90 1 1 Apodis 9 95 Virginis r II Bootis 49 Hydra; TT 5 Centauri . . 9 95 Virginis Lacaille 5815 ... Lalande 25912 Lalande 25914 W.B. XIII. 1072 96 Virginia B.D. 10 No. 3836 A.GC. 19098 W.B. XIV 33 .... Piazzi XIV 2 Lalande 25991 12 Bootis f? W.B XIV 46 B.D. 1 1 No. 3687 98 Virginis K Bradlev 1843 Octantis o 99 Virginis i 1 6 Bootis 952 Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 956. The separate observations are printed with those of a 1 and a- Centauri in Appendix IT. FROM OBSERVATION'S AT THE KOVAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 57 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. .Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. f-t. Corr. for /*,? to 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. 1 Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C 1875. Melbourne, 1 8 70 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 946 947 948 949 95 951 952* 953 954 955 956* 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 84-31 80-58 84-00 84-25 84-43 80-43 81-27 81-16 82-68 84-26 83-63 82-44 84-00 82-57 84-30 82-11 81-16 82-20 82-21 82-22 81-54 80-48 83-22 80-48 81-45 80-47 82-21 84-00 80-49 80-50 82-40 82-20 83-70 82-60 83-I7 26 12 II 2 9 4 ii 5 12 6 66 43 2 2O s 3 5 3 3 3 i i i? ^ 12 3 3 8 t 30 3 29 25 53 / // 46 43 I7-37 o 56 12-04 + 18 58 29-65 41 3^ 17-46 44 14 29-67 10 21 45-06 24 24 36-62 60 55 i 2 60 59 4' 57-88 76 14 26-69 59 49 2-20 + 2 6 5-71 + 27 56 32-49 26 7 39-13 35 48 12-19 8 45 51-93 - 58 43 42-68 + o 29 30-38 4 II 52-96 o 30 i -02 9 47 20-09 1 47 39-88 88 50 59-71 II 5 37-59 15 45 29-16 ii 24 29-09 2 7 53-55 + 25 38 13-35 II 20 59-42 n 25 11-29 9 44 16-44 5 24 44-25 83 8 20-95 5 27 3-44 + 19 46 56-79 -I7-853 -17-836 17-819 I7-735 17-724 17-722 17-704 17-700 17-630 17-617 I7-55I 17-548 17-540 I7-375 I7-370 I7-339 I7-330 17-281 i7--'75 17-269 17-239 17-191 17-191 17-166 17-163 I7-I45 I7-I43 I7-I37 17-125 17-080 17-063 16-989 I6-979 16-914 16-894 a + 0-25 + 0-21 + O-2O + 0-25 + 0-26 + O-22 + 0-23 + 0-30 + 0-30 + 0-40 + 0-30 + 0-22 + 0-20 + 0-25 + 0-27 + 0-24 + 0-3! + 0-23 + 0-24 + 0-24 + 0-24 + 0-25 + 2-81 + 0-25 + 0-25 + 0-25 + 0-24 + 0-21 + 0-25 + 0-25 + 0-25 + 0-25 + 0-70 + 0-25 + 0-23 n 0-05* ' O'OI2 0-344 0-030 0-053 0-033 + 0-018 0-I70 0-613 + 0-015 + 0-Oig O-OO5 o-oSi + 0-141 + 0-09 O'O2* 0-417 1-977 n 0-03 0-05 0-34 240* H9 312 313 314 1808 1812 1813 1815 1816 2474 2479 2481 2484 2485 558 559 7623 7638 7655 7661 18897 18910 18960 18968 695 ISA 697* 699 700 o-n 2487 2486 7669 7670 18981 18979 19011 19014 19043 75ft 702* 703* 704* 2489 2496 560 562 563 7679 7691 7692 0-07 0-08 + 0-02 0-41 0-43 +0-04 243* 3i5 1818 245* 318 317 1825 1826 2507 2508 2511 565 77i8 7719 19128 19129 19152 I9I55 712 7728 +0-07 2^16 19191 7731 19098 7 6Jt O'O2 2517 2518 566 19222 19233 76s O'08 +0-37 +0-2J 0-03 I'OO -3-62 321 1843 2528 2531 568 777i 19272 19301 19284 19324 766 718' 768 722* // 150 319 322 1836 1847 1848 2521 2533 2534 567 57i 7780 7795 955. Limits of magnitude 5i-6{ in Uratinmrti-ia Anjnitina. 956. Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. CAPE OBSERVATIONS. H 58 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular 'Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ^c. Corr. for /x a to 1885-0. 981 9 82f 983 984 985 986* 987 988 989 990 991 992* 993 994 99= 996 997 998 999t 1000* 1001 IOO2 1003 1004 1005 1006 ioo7f 1008 loogt IOIO ion ion 1013 1014 1015* 1852 5881 1850 1858 1860 5928 1864 1865 5973 1869 1871 5993 5997 6017 6014 5823 6012 598o 6023 6034 1875 1876 1880 XIV. 41 XIV. 33 XIV. 37 XIV. 59 XIV. 64 XIV. 73 XIV. 66 XIV. 86 XIV. 85 XIV. 90 XIV. 112 XIV. 117 XIV. 109 XIV. 116 XIV. 137 XIV. 147 XIV. 152 XIV. 158 474' 4734 4743 4762 4765 4773 4768 4785 4787 4792 4808 4812 4811 4814 4832 4831 4837 4790 4835 4833 4839 4847 4849 4855 19 Bootis... \ 4'3 3'8 4-6 7-0* 6-7 6-3 7! 5'i 5'3 5'4 6-8 4'9 6-3* 8 7-0 3-6 3'i 7-2* 2-5 6-4 6-9 i 3i 6-9 6-8 3J 4-0 8 2-6 7'3* 4'9t 8-0* 3'8 7} 3'9 81-30 84-38 83-57 82-20 81-44 80-42 82-75 81-47 84-44 84-00 82-20 81-67 81-48 82-84 82-79 82-55 84-00 82-20 84-33 81-64 83-00 82-96 81-42 82-14 82-95 84-41 84-19 83-33 84-29 82-20 84-00 82-21 84-31 82-72 81-71 10 8 26 3 6 13 13 6 5 ii 3 87 6 12 15 2O 7 3 7 12 12 31 8 6 30 8 I 12 IO 3 3 I 15 55 h m s 14 12 0-721 14 12 2-766 14 12 53-232 14 15 24-080 14 16 2-990 14 17 14-360 14 18 22-834 14 18 27-980 14 18 45-508 14 21 6-350 14 21 31-250 14 22 16-673 14 25 O-O7O 14 25 14-987 14 26 42-582 14 26 52-460 14 27 26-840 14 2J 42-370 14 28 12-480 14 28 22-480 14 30 28-320 14 31 48-732 I 4 31 49-256 14 32 49-547 H 33 2-075 H 33 I3-495 14 33 37-800 14 34 6-443 14 34 17-083 14 34 57-180 14 35 19-360 14 35 22-650 H 35 39-48 14 36 4-901 14 36 59-974 + 2-3019 + 3-8I43 + 3-2394 + 3-2016 + 3-0915 + 3-2214 + 4-3996 + 2-9880 + 3-8253 + 2-7953 + 3-2489 + 3-0956 + 2-9993 + 4-4600 + 4-4286 + 2-5945 + 2-4273 + 3-3075 + 3-7890 + 3-3648 + 4-4114 + 4-5I72 + 4-5I76 + 3-219 +23-4738 + 4-8078 + 7-I75I + 4-6198 + 3'9629 + 3-3676 + 2-8175 + 3-3477 + 2-8596 + 4-5929 + 3-1488 s 0-005 +0-045 +0-014 +0-013 +0-009 +0-013 +0-087 +0-005 +0-044 +0-001 +0-014 +0-009 +0-006 +0-088 +0-084 0-002 0-003 +0-016 +0-039 +0-018 +0-080 +0-088 +0-088 +0-013 +8-255 +O-II2 +0-431 +0-095 +0-047 +0-018 +O-OO2 +0-017 +0-003 +0-091 +0-010 s 0-0191 0-0025 0-0073 0-0031 0-0057 O-OIO2 0-0085 0-0106 +0-0014 0-4795 0-4795 0-160* o 0008 +0-0019 +0-0056 s 0-071 o 004 0-026 0-014 0-006 0-034 O-O2I O'OII +0-005 0-978 I-7I7 0-328 O'OOI +0-001 +0-018 Lupi ( W.B. XIV 238 .. .. 103 Virginia 2 Libra A.G.C. 19504 Piazzi XIV 73 Lupi T I 22 Bootis / Piazzi XIV 85 105 Virginis Lalande 26492 A.G.C. 19668 Lacaille 5973 25 Bootis p Lalande 26543' Centauri tj M 575 .. Lacaille 5997 Centauri a 1 Piazzi XIV 137 Circini a Lacaille 6023 Lalande 26719 29 Bootis ( ist star) ...IT Lalande 26730 .. 30 Bootis AGC 19913 107 Virginis p 985. if Virjrinis in B.A.C. 1002, 1003. a- is now the first star. The separate observations are printed, with those of /3 Centauri, in Appendix II. 1005. The letter having been in use for many years at the Cape is retained. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. P-S. Corr. for u to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, i870andi88o. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 981 982 983 984 985* 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002* 1003* 1004 1005* 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 ion* IOI2 1013 1014 1015 81-50 84-40 84-16 82-20 82-15 80-42 82-75 82-15 84-44 84-00 82-20 82-51 82-15 82-84 82-60 82-55 84-00 82-20 84-33 82-34 82-97 82-83 82-17 82-46 83-45 84-41 84-19 83-33 84-29 82-20 84-00 82-21 84-31 82-54 82-20 12 9 21 3 3 13 13 3 5 ii 3 40 3 12 17 20 7 3 7 12 13 104 31 3 25 8 I 12 10 3 2 3 I 17 26 O ' " + 46 37 2-01 45 3i 35"34 12 50 27-65 9 50 35-86 i 27 42-94 n n 16-83 60 13 56-19 + 6 20 33-07 44 42 1-94 + 19 44 40-28 12 50 29-47 I 42 42-48 + 5 i? 3-84 60 17 31-41 59 30 30-04 + 30 52 36-02 + 38 48 43-22 16 18 45-95 41 39 6'54 19 56 2-76 58 38 15-63 60 21 32-50 60 21 42-67 10 3 26-58 8? 4 35-75 64 28 23-76 78 33 I7-94 61 42 48-42 46 53 36-69 19 26 0-56 + 16 54 42-97 18 10 34-88 + 14 13 I9-I7 61 i 54-59 59 26-22 * 16-817 16-816 16-776 16-654 16-624 16-565 16-507 16-503 16-489 16-372 16-350 16-311 16-172 16-159 16-083 16-075 16-044 16-031 16-004 15-996 15-884 15-811 15-810 I5-758 I5-747 I5-736 15-714 15-688 15-678 15-642 15-622 15-619 15-604 15-580 15-529 + 0-19 + 0-31 + 0-2? + 0-27 + 0-26 + 0-27 + 0-37 + 0-25 + 0-32 + 0-24 + 0-28 + 0-27 + 0-27 + o-39 + f39 + 0-23 + 0-22 + 0-3 + 0-34 + 0-30 + 0-40 + 0-41 + 0-41 + 0-30 + 2-13 + '44 + 0-66 + 0-43 + 0-37 + 0-31 + 0-26 + o-3i + 0-27 + o-43 + 0-29 + OT5I + 0-029 0-007 0-059 -4- 0-029 O-O02 + 0-125 + 0-153 + O'OII + 0-789 + 0-789 0-05* 0-006 o-oio 0-305 U +0-53 + O-O2 246 323 324 1850 1853 2536 254 573 7806 7815 19354 19372 723 O'O2 0-27 1864 2552 2556 19449 19475 19504 773 +0-03 328 1867 2559 574 7864 7882 19514 19579 19591 729 77 'A 775 734* 2570 2573 ... O'OO 33 19668 19703 7923 7928 +0-31 +0-15 577 1888 +0-03 248* 332 1887 1889 2584 2586 578 7935 7955 7964 7965 7960 7975 7979 7985 7986 19737 19744 19796 19825 19826 19845 19776 19849 19851 19866 19873 736* 7&S 741* 742* 737* 744 743 745 788 789 794 +1-71 +2-23 249* 336 335 1899 1898 2595 2594 2599 2571 2597 2596 580 579 576 0-08 6 327 334 1869 1901 1896 250* 337 1904 2601 ... O'OI o-oi 19913 19941 0-85 ... 340 1912 2610 8013 1002, 1003. The Proper Motion given is for the centre of gravity, and is taken from Elkin's Ueber die Parallaxe vim a Centavri. ion. Magnitude from Struve's Mi'itmirrp Jlienniiftricte. H 2 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STAES FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /v Corr. for M tO ^a 1885-0. 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020* 102 1 1022 1023 IO24 1025 IO26 1027* 1028 JO29 1030 IO3I 1032 I33 i34t 1035 1036 i37 1038* 1039 1040 1041 1042 i43t 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1890 1889 6091 1892* 6114 1893 1894 1899* 6146 6162 1903 6160 6170 XIV. 1 66 XIV. 175 XIV. 174 XIV. 184 XIV. 185 XIV. 186 XIV. 187 XIV. 199 XIV. 204 XIV. 214 XIV. 221 XIV. 211 XIV. 216 4867 4876 4878 4891 4892 4894 4895 4883 4913 4916 4922 4926 4924 4928 A G.C. IQQ^Q 8 6-8 7-8* 3'ot 3'7 7*4 8| 5-o 71 5'o 5*3 3-0 8Jt 7'i 5'9 8 8J 5'7 5-8 9 8if 6-3 5-8 8-2" 9 8-2* 5'7 2-8 9-0 8-7* 8i 3'3 9 9 9i 83-18 82-20 82-21 84-00 82-16 82-55 82-27 81-48 83-18 84-31 82-68 82-76 82-22 82-20 83-87 82-30 82-22 81-50 84-56 82-43 82-49 82-20 80-91 80-41 82-22 80-46 83-96 84-36 82-24 80-46 82-50 84-35 82-30 82-21 82-23 12 3 3 6 33 2 4 6 10 5 12 33 3 3 30 3 3 6 2 3 3 3 16 3 3 3 12 12 I 3 4 2 3 3 3 h in s 14 38 6-650 14 39 39-610 H 39 54-390 14 39 57-800 14 40 26-114 14 42 34-990 14 43 17-100 14 43 32-270 14 44 6-002 14 44 8-094 M 44 19-588 14 44 31-016 14 44 33-880 14 44 36-720 14 44 52'536 14 45 56-630 14 47 12-730 H 47 39-430 14 48 41-350 14 50 3-660 14 50 5- 120 14 50 21-980 14 50 31-684 14 50 34-980 14 50 39'45o 14 50 42-850 14 50 47-524 14 51 0-125 14 51 3-410 14 51 14-240 14 51 28-430 14 51 40-870 14 52 51-120 14 52 57-670 14 54 15-220 s +4-5689 + 3-3963 + 3-4180 + 2-6240 + 3-0366 +4 6088 +3-4568 +3-5275 +4-6152 + 3-8937 +3-3164 +3-3I73 +3-4709 + 3-4528 +9-8329 + 3-4850 + 3-5I2I + 3-4732 + 3-6640 + 3-5698 + 3-5395 + 3-5676 + 3-2475 +3-3295 +3-5459 + 3-333I +2-8310 + 3-9089 + 3-5706 + 3-3320 + 3-5559 +3-8819 +3-6001 + 3-5990 +3-5867 s +0-088 +0-019 +0-019 o-ooo +0-007 +0-088 + O-O2I + 0-023 + 0-087 + O-040 + 0'0l6 +0-OI6 +O-02I + O-020 + 0-936 +0-O2I +0-O22 + O-021 +0-028 +0-024 +0-023 +0-O24 + 0-013 +0-016 +0-023 +0-016 +0-004 +0-039 +0-024 +0-016 +0-024 +0-037 +0-025 +0-025 +0-024 s 0-0043 o 0090 0-0195 0-0098 ^3-0093 0-0014 0-0019 0-0014 0-008* o-ooo* 8 0-OO4 O-O26 O-O69 0-023 O'O2I 0-OO5 0-OOS o-ooi 0-OO5 o-ooo Piazzi XIV. 166 Lalande 26875 36 Bootis (2nd star) ...E Lacaille 6091 Lalande 26968 58 Hydras A G.C 20107 8 Librae Lalande 27003 . . Octantis ir z A.Cr.C. 20144 C Z XIV 2965 1 2 Librae Lacaille 6146 CZ. XIV. 3136 . Lacaille 6162 15 Librae Lalande 27179 C.Z. XIV. 3171 .. . Lalande 27189 Piazzi XIV. 221 Lupi . . . 3 C.Z. XIV. 3201 Lalande 27206 C.Z. XIV. 3235 Centauri K C.Z. XIV. 3318 ... A. G.C. 20324 C.Z. XIV. 3417 1030. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1038. f- Libra in B.A.C. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD FIOPE. 61 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Deo. 1885-0 Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. AV:. Corr. for fj. f to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. i 'ape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, i87oandl88o. 1840. I8j0. i860. 1880. 1016 1017 1018 1019* IO20 102 I IO22 1023 1024 1025 1026 IO27 1028* 1029 1030* 1031 1032 1033 1034 i35 1036* 1037 1038* 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 83-18 82-20 82-21 84-00 82-37 82-55 82-27 81-54 83-26 84-28 82-68 82-76 82-22 82-20 83-83 82-30 82-22 82-15 84-56 82-43 82-49 82-20 80-81 80-41 82-22 80-46 84-00 84-34 82-24 80-46 82-50 84-35 82-30 82-21 82-23 12 3 3 6 26 4 1 9 5 12 33 3 3 31 3 3 3 j 4 3 3 12 3 3 3 II II I 3 4 2 3 3 3 O / " 60 22 46-50 2O 41 14-09 21 55 4"55 + 27 33 35-13 + 2 22 41-56 60 27 24-23 23 44 28-11 27 28 50-16 60 22 8'79 43 5 54-05 15 31 5-59 15 33 47-18 24 22 29-31 23 22 56-33 82 34 28-94 24 58 38-93 26 15 40-16 24 io 16-08 33 23 I5-99 28 50 1-29 27 20 11-30 28 41 30-06 io 56 41-50 15 50 47-66 27 35 30-04 16 3 0-81 + H 54 42-05 42 40 10-67 28 45 51-05 15 56 49-85 27 59 37-20 41 38 30-41 29 57 29-77 29 53 54-37 29 io 16-77 a 15-468 -15-382 I5-367 '5-363 I5-337 15 -216 I5T75 15-161 15-129 15-127 -IJ-II5 15-105 15- 101 15-099 15-084 15-022 I4-949 14-923 14-862 14-781 I4-779 14-763 H'755 14-750 14-746 14-742 I4-738 14-726 14-724 I4-7I4 14-696 14-685 14-614 14-608 I4-530 // + 0-43 + 0-32 + 0-33 + 0-25 + 0-29 + 0-44 + 0-34 + 0-34 + 0-45 + 0-38 + 0-32 + 0-32 + 0-34 + 0-34 + 0-95 + 0-34 + 0-35 + 0-34 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-32 + 0-33 + 0-36 + 0-33 + 0-29 + 0-39 + 0-36 + o-33 + 0-36 + o-39 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-36 H + O'OOI 0-026 0-056 0-090 0-072 0-037 + 0-006 + O-02O 0-03* O'OO* 19959 2OOIO 79A 2617 o-oo 0-07 13g 1925 IQ27 2621 583 8039 730* 796 754 755' 756' 8063 2OO72 20093 2OIOO 2OIO7 2OIO9 20II7 2OII9 o- 19 34i 1939 2632 ... 8074 8076 8078 8084 O'2I o- 16 loA 251* 342 343 1940 1942 1943 2633 2634 2635 588 20123 20104 20144 goo 752* 2626 587 8083 o-ii 1951 1954 2646 2649 500 591 8116 8121 20184 20203 8136 8137 20247 20249 #0.? +0-03 345 1964 2653 + O-O2 O-O2 64 344 1963 2654 593 8143 20263 762 o-oo 6s 346 1966 2657 594 8152 20286 764 20324 ... 1019. Magnitude from Struve's Jfemum MienniX'trleie. 1028, 1036. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 62 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual 'recession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. Mo. Corr. for ^ to 1885-0. 1051* 1052 1053 1054 i55 io56f 1057* 1058 i59 1060 1061 1062 io6jt 1064* 1065 1066 1067 io68f 1069 1070* 1071 1072 1073 1074 io75t 1076 1077 1078* 1079 1 080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1911 1915 6201 1913* 1918 1922 1919 6246 6245 1927 6255 1932 1934 1931* 6303 6290 1937 6326 6333 6216 '945 1950 '948 XIV. 238 XIV. 246 XIV. 253 XIV. 242 XIV. 2; i XIV. 259 XIV. 270 XIV. 267 XV. 3 XV. 20 XV. 26 XV. 22 XV. 23 XV. 33 XV. 31 XV. 35 XV. 58 XV. 73 XV. 69 4939 4947 4951 4948 49=0 4958 4969 4970 4986 4987 4995 55 5024 534 5032 5035 547 5046 5056 537 5073 508-) 5oS5 19 Libra; $ Var. 8-6* 8-9' 8 4-6 4'3 3'3 8f 3-6 4'5 5'4 41 3-6 4'9 8-6* 7-5* 7-0* 3'i 5'4 2-7 4'7 6-2 7i 5-1 3'7 31 5*9 6-1 8-7* 9'7* 4'4 9-1* 5'5 9'4* I0f 81-48 80-43 80-45 80-48 8i-45 84-38 82-51 82-20 82-33 84-00 81-45 84-38 84-50 80-90 80-47 80-48 80-50 84-42 82-68 82-34 82-22 84-59 81-50 84-29 84-44 83-55 81-28 80-44 80-50 84-00 80-44 84-38 8o-59 80-51 12 2 3 3 6 25 20 3 6 3 8 21 6 18 3 3 3 5 12 70 12 4 6 3 12 33 13 3 3 4 3 13 3 I h m s 14 54 49-703 14 54 58-190 14 55 3-370 14 56 38-720 14 57 5-420 14 57 17-460 14 57 20-400 H 57 32-39 H 57 36-797 14 59 31-030 15 o 12-750 15 3 56-552 15 4 1-680 15 5 40-014 15 6 31-820 15 7 25-960 15 7 57-040 15 8 11-244 15 9 28-335 15 10 49-147 15 10 50-076 15 II 24-050 15 12 (17) 15 13 26-460 15 13 49-600 ID H 52-470 15 16 56-116 15 17 47-995 15 19 50-330 15 19 50-460 15 20 8-760 15 20 I5-350 I 5 20 27-373 15 20 40-940 15 21 IO-350 8 + 3-2032 + 3-3450 + 3-3477 + 3-3604 + 3-0309 + 4-0602 + 3-5047 + 3-6018 + 2-2636 + 2-5835 + 3-3403 + 4-I5I5 + 4-2886 + 3-4126 + 3-30I9 + 3-3082 + 3-3I2I + 5'5254 + 2-9800 + 3-2283 + 3-637I + 3-9I49 + 5-2849 + 3-034 + 3-9189 + 4-0519 + 12-8342 + 3-0832 + 3-3970 + 3-4002 + 2-2781 + 3-3975 + 2-7815 + 3-3999 + 3-4012 s + o-oii + 0-016 + 0-016 + 0-016 + 0-007 + 0-045 -f 0-021 + O-O24 o-ooo + o-ooi + 0-015 + 0-048 + 0-055 + 0-017 + 0-014 + 0-014 + 0-014 + 0-140 + 0-007 + O-OI2 + 0-024 + 0-034 + 0-116 + 0-008 + 0-034 + 0-039 + 1-387 -f 0-008 + 0-016 + 0-016 + O-OO2 + 0-015 + 0-004 + 0-015 + 0-015 3 O-OO64 O-0050 o-ooo* 0-0070 0-0048 0-0145 0-0052 0-012* 0-0037 0-018* 0-002O O-OO79 O-OO25 +0-0238 + 0-070* +0-0044 O-OI43 O-O039 a O-O23 O-OI8 o-ooo 0-017 0-013 0-015 0-018 0-007 0-015 o-oio 0-005 O-02I 0-007 +0-083 +0-102 +0-016 0-014 O-OO2 B.D. 1 6 No. 3986... B.D. 16 No. 3987... Piazzi XIV. 246 no Virginia Lupi if I H. Scorpii y C.Z. XIV. 3620 42 Bootis /3 21 Libra? v Lupi 24 Libra; t B.D. 13 No. 4105... Lalande 27713 Lalande 27729 Trianguli Aust'. y 27 Libra; ft 2 Lupi f Lupi t Octantis {> B.D. 17 No. 4330... B.D. i7No. 4331... 51 Bootis fj B.D. 17 No. 4335... B.D. 17 No. 4337- 1057. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones : 20 Libra; in B.A.C. : a Libra; in 1061. v 1 Libra; in B.A.C. 1071. $ Lupi in Auwers' Bradley : /Lupi in A.G.C. : No. 1075 is named S Lup A.G.C. 10 in B A C A G C , and M 54. i l Libra; in B.A.C. it My .\ at ices, Vol. xlvii. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 63 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. n. Corr. for PS to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourue. i87oandi88o. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1051* 1052 i53 1054 1055 1056 1057* 1058 i59 1060 1061* 1062 1063 1064* 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071* 1072 1073 1074 1073 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085* 82-19 80-43 80-45 80-48 82-72 84-38 82-61 82-20 82-27 84-00 82-00 84'39 84-50 80-77 80-47 80-48 80-50 84-42 83-24 82-70 82-40 84-59 82-89 8f54 84-33 84-44 83-72 8i-43 80-44 80-50 84-00 80-44 84-38 8o-59 80-51 12 2 3 3 5 25 21 3 II 3 4 20 6 13 3 3 3 5 9 47 12 4 I I 2 12 30 12 3 3 4 3 13 3 I O i n 8 3 42-5I 16 25 47-65 16 34 37-00 17 10 42-66 + 2 32 36-77 46 35 59 '99 24 49 44-68 29 30 45-29 + 40 50 41-62 + 27 23 48-64 15 48 35-97 48 17 57-54 5i 39 36-94 19 21 20-09 13 I? 17-40 13 35 29-10 13 46 42-52 68 15 11-13 + 5 22 1-38 8 57 28-07 29 43 29-45 40 21 56-55 65 47 35-35 + 2 12 4-83 4 13 47-97 44 16 29-17 84 4 41-25 o 36 41-08 17 35 43-67 17 45 23-66 + 37 46 52-10 17 35 4I-I9 + 15 49 59-52 i? 41 34-56 i? 43 4I-95 a 14-496 14-488 14-483 14-386 14-360 14-347 14-344 14-331 i.' -326 1 -2IO 14-166 I3-935 I3-928 I3-825 I3-770 I3-7I3 I3-679 13-665 I3-583 I3-495 I3-494 I3-457 13-400 I3-325 I3-299 I3-23I 13-096 I3-037 12-goi 12-900 12-880 12-873 12-860 12-844 12-812 + o-33 + 0-34 + 0-34 + 0-35 + 0-31 + 0-42 + 0-36 + o-37 + 0-24 + 0-27 + o-35 + o-44 + 0-45 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-60 + 0-32 + 0-35 + 0-40 + 0-43 + 0-58 + 0-34 + 0-43 + 0-45 + 1-42 + 0-35 + 0-38 + 0-39 + 0-26 + 0-39 + 0-32 + 0-39 + o-39 0-009 + o-oio 0-04* 0-033 0-036 0-008 0-030 0-07* 0-042 0-06* + 0-003 0-017 0-028 0-528 + 0-03* 0-020 + 0-084 + 0-005 0-03 347 1971 2662 20363 go4 2667 596 20416 + O-O2 O'O2 0-08 252 348 349 1976 1973 1975 2668 2669 597 598 8191 8192 20428 20431 766 S'v3 o-io O'OI 0-09 0-04 0-18 1979 6>o 6 768* 77i 772 S 599 60 1 603 604 8212 8251 8253 8261 20498 20570 20572 20601 352 351 1983 1991 1990 1996 2678 2690 2691 2695 0-03 +0-01 0-04 0-07 253* 353 1999 606 8280 20657 776* 254* 357 356 2009 2008 2010 2725 2724 2 7 26 610 609 8313 8312 8317 8323 20723 20721 20731 20743 780* -1-83 +0-04 0-07 358 361 2OI7 2O23 2OO7 2737 2744 2727 2753 612 611 8340 8352 8363 20779 20806 20818 20864 781 785 784* $17 +0-08 8402 o-oo 1051. Limits of magnitude. 5-0-6-2 : Period 2 a - 7 h - 5i'"-22 s -8. 1085. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 64 GENERAL CATALOGUE OK STARS FOR LSSS'O, No. Bradley or Lacaille Piazzi. B.A.C Star's Name. Mag. Mean Xo. Date. of Obs. 1800+ Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*. Corr. for /* t0 1885-0. 1086* 1087 1088 loSgf 1090* 1091 1092 i93 i94t 1095 1096* 1097 1098 1099 iroo IIOI* 1 102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 nog* i no mi III2 1113 nut 1115* 1116 1117 1118 1 119 II2O 1949 1955 1953 6422 1960 ig68 1964 1973 1966* 1975 6464 ig82 3242 igSi 1985 iggi ig8g iggo 1996 2O02 2001 6484 2003 6533 200; 2007 XV. 75 XV. 86 XV. 84 XV. 98 XV. 106 XV. 115 XV. in XV. 121 XV. 116 XV. 133 XV. 134 XV. 147 XV. 152 XV. 145 XV. 157 XV. 162 XV. 1 60 XV. 163 XV. 170 XV. 182 XV. 178 XV. 184 XV. 187 XV. igo 5o8g 5098 5100 5118 5125 5i3i 5134 5H3 3138 5161 5163 5168 5178 5176 519 5192 5I94 5196 5216 5234 523 3238 5233 524= 5251 32 Libra? 6'2 3-8 5'8 3' 2 4'9 4'3 4-0 2-4 3'9 7-2* 5*7 5'2 5-4 4'it 5'o 5'5 4'2 5'6 2'7 7-6* 3-8 7-5* 4'3 3'5 8-1* 6-7 8J 5'2 3'i 3'7 9 Si 8J S'o 9 82-52 84-00 8i-49 84-24 80-81 84-43 83-I7 81-47 84-50 80-50 80 -go 84-45 81-33 84-36 81-46 81-26 84-40 81-48 82-10 80-53 84-46 80-52 84-00 81-92 80-53 82-27 80-53 81-58 84-42 82-41 80-57 80-53 8o-53 81-71 80-53 29 6 6 6 18 7 24 15 4 3 ID 6 12 6 6 12 7 6 60 2 10 2 3 25 2 15 3 6 5 27 2 2 4 9 3 h m s 15 21 46-285 15 23 5-270 15 24 II-I30 15 27 28-740 15 27 53-493 15 28 17-500 15 29 5-593 15 2g 4g-i2i 15 30 2-590 15 32 9-170 15 32 I7-374 ij 33 I7-235 15 33 41-807 15 35 2-800 15 35 19-260 15 37 36-275 15 37 54-880 15 38 14-790 15 38 36-184 15 40 40-470 15 40 52-848 15 42 58-620 15 43 33-630 ij 43 37-I42 15 43 48-770 15 43 56-343 15 44 6-670 15 44 29-150 15 45 1-096 15 45 5-003 15 45 14-50 15 45 25-250 15 45 42-030 15 46 39-532 15 47 6-660 + 3-374I + 2-4864 +3-3747 + 3-9795 +3-2518 + 2-4199 + 3-3440 + 2-5299 +3-6306 +3-4048 + 3-4388 +4- 1 1 80 +2-1480 + 2-2595 + 3-4505 +3-3699 +2-5261 + 3-OI75 +2-g426 + 3-474I + 2-7620 + 3-4839 +2-7021 +3-I3I9 +3-4865 +8-1486 +3-5825 + 3-0230 + 5-2611 + 2-g786 + 3-5824 + 3-5829 + 3-584 +3-4750 + 3-59I5 s +0-015 +O-OO2 + 0-OIJ + 0-033 +0-012 +0-O02 +0-014 + 0-OO2 + 0-021 +0-015 +0-016 +0-037 + 0-002 +0-002 + O-OI6 + 0-OI4 +O-OO3 +0-007 +0-006 +0-016 +0-004 +0-016 +0-004 +0-009 +0-016 +0-336 +0-018 +0-007 +0-087 +0-007 +0-018 +0-018 +0-018 +0-015 +0-018 s O'OOIO 0-0134 0-0006 +0-0178 0-0055 +0-0037 +0-0085 0-0035 +0-0057 0-016* +0-0052 0-0022 0-0046 0-0045 0-0082 0-0063 + 0-0079 + 0-0034 0-0039 O-OO77 + 0-003I 0-027* +0-0068 0-OO26 B O-OO2 0-013 O-OO2 +0-075 0-003 +0-007 +0-030 0-OO2 +0-023 o 009 +0-019 O'OOI 0-016 0-017 0-005 0-022 +0-023 +O-OO2 0-004 0-024 + 0-OII 0-016 +0-018 0-009 3 Corona? Bor /3 34 Libra? .. . . Lupi . , ...v 37 Librae 38 Libra? y 3 H Scorpii Lalande 28453 41 Libra? 54 Bootis ^ 7 Coronas Bor.(2nd^:)J 43 Libra? K 24 Serpentis a Lalande 28724 .. B.D. 20 No. 4332 35 Serpentis K 32 Serpentis ft Lalande 287g5 Lacaille 6484 CZ XV 3061 34 Serpentis w Trianyuli Aust. ...j3 37 Serpentis . C Z XV 3143 C Z. XV 1,1*4 .. A.G.C. 21500 45 Libra? X C.Z. XV. 3260 1086. y Libra- in B.A.C. 1088. ? Libra? in B.A.C. 1094. 39 Libra in B.A.C. : v Libra: in A.G.C. 1097. B.A.C. gives no letter. AT TIIK ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF flOOD Xo. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Meau Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Seoulir Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ***. Corr. for ^ * 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne. 1 870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1086* 1087 1088* 1089 1090 109 1 1092 1093 1094* 1095 1096 1097* 1098 1099' IIOO IIOI 1 102 1103 1104 HO, 1106 1107 1108 nog IIIO mi Till ll'3 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 82-68 84-00 82-1; 84-24 80-48 84-43 83-29 81-69 84-50 80-50 80-76 84-45 Si'33 84-36 81-56 81-26 84-40 82-21 82-31 80-53 84-46 80-52 84-00 82-39 80-53 82-43 80-53 82-25 84-42 82-59 80-57 80-53 80-53 82-21 80-53 25 6 3 6 12 7 23 16 4 3 12 6 12 6 i 12 7 3 32 2 IO 2 3 18 1 13 3 6 5 22 >> 2 4 3 3 o / // 16 18 52-80 + 29 30 10-21 if) 12 50-38 40 46 44-07 9 40 8-61 + 31 44 52-67 14 24 18-29 + 27 6 9-02 27 45 i i -06 17 i? 10-72 18 55 i9 - 23 44 16 44-60 + 40 43 44-08 + 37 o 36-01 19 18 18-09 15 18 I9'I4 + 26 39 38-78 + 2 53 4-64 + 6 47 17-41 20 6 26-66 + 15 46 56-03 20 25 29-44 + 18 29 50-82 3 4 38-80 20 29 47-58 77 41 7-52 24 42 30-06 + 2 32 54-32 63 4 26-30 + 4 49 28-46 24 37 38-84 24 38 18-26 24 40 9-04 19 49 20-15 24 53 48-65 12-771 12-682 12-608 12-382 12-354 12-327 I 2 2 70 12-221 12 '2O6 I2-058 12-049 11-979 11-949 -11-854 -11-835 11-674 II-G5I II-627 II -6O2 H'454 11-439 11-288 11-245 II-242 11-227 II-2I9 11-207 II-I79 II- 140 11-135 II ' 123 II- II I 1 1 -Ogo I I -021 10-987 + 0-39 + 0-29 + o'3'j + 0-46 + 0-38 + 0-28 + 0-39 + 0-30 + 0-42 + 0-4 + - 40 + 0-49 + 0-26 + 0-27 + 0-41 + 0-40 -f 0-31 + 0-36 + 0-36 + 0-42 + 0-34 + 0-42 f 0-33 + 0-38 + 0-43 + 0-99 + 0-44 + 0-37 + 0-64 + 0-36 + 0-44 + 0-44 + 0-44 + 0-43 + 0-44 0-046 + 0-074 0-0:0 0-235 O-O2 + O'Olg 0-094 + O-OO2 0-078 0-29* + 0-052 o-ooi 0-097 0-063 + 0-034 0-145 + 0-056 0-035 0-083 0-013 0-055 0-43* + 0-059 0-013 o-n +o 07 0-03 I -06 O'OI +0-03 0-31 O-03 ... 2036 2762 615 8414 20960 s>/9 255* 3f>3 364 2040 2046 2768 2781 2786 618 623 8464 21014 21084 21096 789 g2o iSJ 365 366 2050 2056 2055 2791 2797 2793 627 625 8483 8484 21127 21146 $32 790* 0-33 -0-16 +0-19 O'OO 0-33 0-24 +O-O2 0-40 +0-15 2060 2061 2808 2811 631 8513 2 1 2O2 21226 f?J,'t 368 369 2066 2072 2821 2827 633 636 8532 21276 21327 82b 13.!, 2074 2830 637 8557 794* O'O2 0-08 0-03 372 2856 ... 8604 21457 8^9 SSoi 'I i f ; 0-15 0-25 +0-14 2j(S 3/" 1 2088 2858 645 8612 8617 21484 798 t>31 2IiOO 0-04 375 2098 2867 646 21520 1099. Magnitude from Struve's Memurte Micrometrlca. CAPE OBSERVATIONS. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*. Corr. for p a to 1885-0. II2I 1122* 1123 1124 1125 1126* 1127 1128 1129* 1130* II3I 1132 "33 "34 "35 1136 1137* 1138 1139 "4t 1141* 1142 "43t "44t "45 1146 "47* 1148 "49 1150* "5't 1152 "53* "54 "55 2023 2O2 2 2O20* 6619 2029 2O24 2O30 2033 2034 2042 6623 2052* 2055 2065 2O67 6764 2073 2077* 6727 2086 2084 2082 6545 2088 2091* 6859 6866 2094 2097 2100 XV. 219 XV. 218 XV. 216 XV. 2 17 XV. 229 XV. 225 XV. 231 XV. 245 XV. 251 XV. 268 XVI. 2 XVI. 4 XVI. 2 1 XVI. 26 XVI. 4 1 XVI. 50 XVI. 73 XVI. 66 XVI. 64 XVI. 80 XVI. 84 XVI. 92 XVI. 93 XVI. 94 XVI. 100 XVI. 103 5284 5290 5289 5292 5302 533 5306 5324 5329 5351 5339 538i 5382 54H 5420 5425 5437 5447 5439 5463 5466 5467 5412 5489 5498 5508 5513 5516 5520 5525 4-0 4-8 J'l 3! 4"i 2'5 5-6 4'l 2 -Of 5-6 7-0* 5'2 6-9 8> 4'7 41 2-8 5'7 8 4-6 3'4 6-5 3-0 3'9 3'9 3-8 4-6 6-2 5' !! 4-6 6-5 4'4 4 -o 2-8 84-37 80-99 84-58 82-85 84-00 82-45 81-49 81-49 82-27 81-03 80-53 84-55 80-48 84-58 81-57 81-58 81-90 8f55 84-58 84-48 81-97 81-55 82-76 83-04 81-88 84-00 81-21 82-25 81-55 82-72 84-56 80-54 81-39 81-98 84-00 13 13 4 7 3 23 7 7 26 14 3 12 4 3 9 3 58 6 3 15 41 6 21 15 8 12 12 34 7 29 6 3 12 40 6 h m s 15 51 8-454 '5 5i 44-949 15 51 53-690 15 52 30-200 15 52 49-580 15 53 32-018 15 54 35-I50 15 58 2-680 15 58 45-007 16 i 13-250 16 I 29-540 16 3 11-947 16 3 17-950 16 3 38-520 16 5 13-230 16 5 18-670 16 8 19-161 16 9 22-200 16 10 6-440 16 ii 14-269 16 12 14-169 16 12 30-850 16 14 "-895 16 15 50-914 16 16 17-056 16 16 50-845 16 17 22-444 16 18 17-297 16 20 21-560 16 22 21-376 16 23 52-090 16 24 19-330 16 24 33-417 16 25 6-797 16 25 16-565 s + 2-7473 + 3-3538 + 3-6I99 + 3-9615 + 2-4881 + 3-5392 + 3-2346 + 3-2975 + 3-4809 + 3-3285 + 3-4484 + 8-7595 + 3-4525 + 3-9578 + 3-6862 + 3-4800 + 3-1425 + 3-2402 + 3-9815 + 4-4831 + 3-1643 + 3-3829 + 3-6386 + 9-0495 + 1-8015 + 2-6479 + 3-5055 + 20-9846 + 3-4709 + 3-6708 + 3-9101 + 3-6760 + 3-43I3 + 3-0:46 + 2-5841 8 + 0-004 + 0-012 + 0-018 + 0-027 + 0-003 + 0-016 + o-oio + o-oii + 0-014 + o-oii + 0-013 + 0-339 + 0-013 + 0-024 + 0-018 + 0-013 + 0-008 + 0-009 + 0-023 + 0-038 + 0-008 + o-oii + 0-015 + 0-323 + 0-005 + 0-004 + 0-013 + 2-408 + O-OI2 + 0-015 + 0-Oig + 0-015 4- o-oii + 0-006 + 0-004 R + 0-0194 0-OO28 0-0034 o -0074 0-0018 0-0025 0-0065 0-0026 0-0050 +O-OOO2 O-O028 0-0049 +0-OII2 0-OlS* + O-OO4O 0-O022 0-045* 0-005 o 0049 0-0028 o ooo* 0-0038 O-OO22 o-ooo* o 005 i 0-0027 0-0090 8 +O-OI2 o-oii O'OOI O-OO? O-005 O'OOg 0-023 O-OO7 -O-O20 +0-001 O'OIO O-OI5 +0-039 O'OOg +0-OI2 O-OO5 0-088 0-016 0-005 o-oii o-ooo 0-013 0-005 o-ooo 0-018 0-008 0-009 Lurji . .... 7) 13 Coronje Bor t 50 Libra; Scorpii 8 Scorpii (ist star)...|3 Lalande 29338 Apodis ' C.Z. XVI. 232 13 Scorpii ^ l 14 Scorpii v 18 Scorpii AG.C 22054 Norms; y 2 Lalande 29689 22 Herculis T 20 Herculis y i Ophiuchi . , .. -J/ Lacaille 6545 7 Ophiuchi Y 21 Scorpii a Scorpii N Lacaille 6866 8 Ophiuchi ' 8* 2122 2903 655 8696 21685 806* 1127 82*21 3 8 5 6-02 10-434 + 0-41 0*012 0-03 ... ... 2125 2906 ... ... 21711 ... 1 128* 82-16 3 " 3 17-75 10-174 + 0-42 0*019 0-05 ... 383 ... 2916 ... ... 21786 ... 1129* 82-41 2? 19 29 22-39 10-121 + 0*44 0*027 0*07 260* 385 2133 2920 660 8743 21805 811* 1130 "31 1132 "33 "35* 81-01 80-53 80-49 82-16 II 12 3 3 3 12 26 6-13 17 55 48-62 78 24 11-62 18 2 3-41 37 9 28-50 27 37 36-85 9-914 9-783 9-776 9-629 + 0-42 + 0-44 + 1-12 + 0-44 + 0-51 + 0-48 0*033 O-O22 0*13 2934 21863 639 ... ... ... 2136 2927 663 8784 21881 21906 814* 0-06 ... 390 2149 2957 ... 8807 21949 818 "36 81-58 3 19 9 38-75 9-621 + 0-45 0*013 0-04 262 39i 2152 2959 667 8809 21954 819 "37 82-08 26 3 23 49-80 9-390 + 0-41 0*137 0-40 263* 393 ... 2981 671 8838 22017 821* 1138 1140 81-85 84-58 84-48 3 15 8 3 49-16 37 27 57-15 49 52 18-76 9-309 9-252 9-164 + 0-42 + 0*52 0*5I4 O-Oj* 1-62 ... 394 ... 2984 ... ... 22036 22054 22075 823 0-03 ... 396 2162 2989 673 8859 1141 1142 "43 82-15 82-22 82-75 26 3 23 4 24 40-41 25 18 56-10 9-086 9-064 - 8-932 + 0*42 + "44 + 0-48 + 0-034 0-007 +0-10 ... 398 2997 ... 2:111 22122 22158 *? 0*02 ... 399 2174 3005 679 8887 "44 "45 1146 "47 83-33 82-25 84-00 81-49 16 12 12 12 78 38 9-53 + 46 35 17-81 + 19 25 25-95 19 46 1-29 8-803 8-683 + 1-19 "f~ o * 24 + 0*35 + 0*46 0-16* + 0-036 0-048 0-062 0*27 +0*10 0*05 O-22 ... 397 2165 2181 2999 677 8896 22I7O 827 gig -,,. 22219 265 400 2179 3015 681 1148 83-35 21 86 8 36-99 8-611 + 2*77 0-04* 0*07 388 2153 2980 674 8914 22I8O 825* "49 81-85 3 18 ii 39-70 8-446 + 0*46 0-018 0-06 402 ... 3032 ... ... 2228O ... 1150 83-04 53 26 10 32-26 8-288 + 0*49 0-028 0-05 267* 404 2187 3037 684 8954 22314 832* "5i* "52 "53 "54 84-56 80-54 81-82 82-03 84-00 6 12 6 34 27 9-42 26 17 9-81 16 21 39-19 -+- 2 14 1 1 ' 80 + 21 44 27-06 8-167 8-131 8-112 8-067 + 0-52 + '49 + 0-46 + 0*41 + o-35 0*02* 0*028 0*063 O*OI5 o-oi 45 2193 3042 3044 3045 685 686 8963 8964 8971 22347 22353 22358 g ! 6 0-09 0*19 0*02 268 406 2194 1128. Companion n.f. 7f magnitude. 1129. Magnitude from Struve's Mensurte Micrometricie. 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS. FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Ma ? . Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0 Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*. Corr. for M to ' a 1885-0. 1156 "S7t 1158 59t ii 60 1161* 1162 1163* 1164* 1165* Ii66f 1167 ii'68 1169 1170 ii7if 1172 H73t 1174* 75t 1176 1177 1178 Ii79t Ii8j 1181 1182 iiJt 1184* 1185 ii86f 1187 1188 1189* 1190 6817 2101 2103* 2108 2113 2IO9 2114 2120 6911 2127 2133 2126* 6936 2132* 2138 7006 7009 6948 70l6 7025 2144 2146 7034 2148 7036 75 2156 2159 2161 XVI. 108 XVI. 113 XVI. 121 XVI. 132 XVI. 123 XVI. 143 XVI. 155 XVI. 165 XVI. 173 XVI. 168 XVI. 184 XVI. 191 XVI. 189 XVI. 193 XVI. 198 XVI. 206 XVI. 223 XVI. 227 XVI. 234 XVI. 244 XVI. 252 XVI. 263 XVI. 272 55io 553i 5539 5547 5552 5548' 5579 559 1 5578 5604 5617 5614 5609 5632 5637 5638 5640 5651 566: 5674 5688 5683 5698 5691 5697 5708 5724 5731 AGO 22396 8 4"5 5'5 2-9 8i 5'8 4'3 2-8 5"2 5'9 2 "2 3'I 9t 3'7 7 3'8 7i 2'3 4*7 3-6 3'9 6-8 5-8 3'6 6-4 8 5-6 3'2 5-6 7-2 4-2 6-5 3'4 5' 4-0 84-60 82-59 8i-55 83-63 83-50 81-14 80-67 82-86 81-17 81-07 84-00 84-00 83-51 84-00 8i-55 84-55 84-60 84-46 80-93 84-57 84-58 82-35 84-49 84-47 84-00 84-63 81-58 84-57 81-20 83-48 84-53 81-63 81-80 81-09 84-00 17 7 12 2 12 3 3 12 12 12 6 2 3 7 ii > 6 20 6 3 ii 5 4 6 3 9 6 12 I 7 6 55 15 6 h m s 16 25 59-690 16 26 41-107 16 26 56-130 16 28 43-400 16 29 44-210 i 6 30 18-898 16 30 23-667 16 30 49-547 16 34 55-293 16 35 53-100 16 36 29-720 16 36 57-040 16 38 52-020 16 38 57-230 16 39 48-910 16 39 51-504 16 40 54-340 16 42 42-970 16 43 28-286 16 44 4-900 16 44 32-800 16 45 6-737 16 45 52-980 16 46 29-540 16 46 50-765 16 48 24-930 16 48 26-910 16 49 6-307 16 49 51-897 16 49 52-960 16 50.25-214 16 52 9-140 16 52 I3-559 16 54 59-819 16 55 53-41 8 +4-0009 + 8-5080 + 2-9484 + 3-7270 + 5-2927 + 3-II72 + I-9328 + 3-2979 + 3-4657 + 3-04I9 + 6-2953 + 2-2970 + 5-2672 + 2-05I6 + 3-6666 +5-I49I +4-0219 +3-9260 + 3-3083 +4-0548 +4-0544 +8-1618 +4-2206 +4-2213 +2-7283 +4-0311 + 3-2053 +4-9468 +3-6126 + 5-2065 +4-7643 + 3-4077 +2-8571 + 3-1633 +2-2974 + 0-021 + 0-242 + 0-006 + 0-015 + 0-056 + 0-007 + 0-004 + 0-009 + O'OIO + 0-006 + 0-090 + 0-003 + 0-049 + 0-004 + 0-013 + 0-045 + 0-018 + 0-016 + 0-008 + 0-018 + 0-018 + 0-170 + O'O2O + 0-O20 + 0-004 + O-OI? + O-OO? + 0-034 + O'OII + 0-041 + 0-030 + 0-008 + 0-004 + 0-006 + 0-003 s 0-105* 0-0005 -0-OO22 +0-0254 O-0020 o 0007 0-O027 0-0096 o-oooo 0-0356 + 0-OO28 +O-OOI9 O-O5OI +0-0046 -O'Olg* +0-0003 o 0044 O'OOO* 0-0009 0-0212 O-OO5I 0-0047 s 0-253 0-002 0-O03 + 0-098 O'OOg O'OOI o-oio 0-038 o-ooo 0-036 +0-003 +0-007 0-027 +0-019 o-oio o-ooo 0-015 o-ooo 0-003 0-068 O-O2O 0-005 28 Herculis n A.UC 22467 12 Ophiuchi 13 Ophiuchi Trianguli Aust. ...a 40 Herculis A G- C 22693 26 Scorpii ; Scorpii fa 1 Scorpii ' Scorpii ....* AGO ->28g3 23 Ophiuchi 24 Ophiuchi Lacaille 7036 ... Arse t 1 Piazzi XVI 244 27 Ophiuchi . K 30 Ophiuchi 58 Herculis e 1164. B.A.C. assigns this Star to Ophiuchus. 1184. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. iTROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE BOYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 69 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ^. Corr. for p t + 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. 1 Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1156 H57 1158 ii=9 n6o 1161 1162 1163 1164* 1165 1166* 1167 1 1 68' 1169 1170 1171 1172 U73 1 174 "75 1176 "77 1178 "79 1180 n8i 1182 "83 1184* "85 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 84-60 82-50 82-15 83-51 83-5 81-70 81-67 82-86 81-17 8i-39 84-00 84-00 83-51 84-00 82-15 84-55 84-60 84-46 80-51 84'fr 84-58 82-67 84-49 84-47 84-00 84-63 82-15 84'57 81-20 83-48 84-53 82-28 82-30 81-29 84-00 2 16 3 '4 2 12 12 28 12 12 12 6 2 3 3 II 2 6 12 6 3 it 5 4 6 3 3 6 12 I 7 3 27 12 6 o / '/ 37 8 9-96 77 16 24-99 + 5 45 59-69 27 58 34-64 60 55 31-34 2 4 40-09 + 42 40 29-29 1 19 59-49 17 31 6-32 + i 24 6-21 68 48 51-59 + 31 48 42-65 60 15 30-18 + 39 8 30-30 25 19 4-53 58 50 3-06 37 2 30-42 34 4 58-70 10 34 42-4I 37 50 54-98 37 49 "'67 76 I 43-98 42 10 9-44 42 9 46-21 + 15 10 4-63 37 o 1-50 5 57 53-19 55 48 24-03 22 57 59-07 59 8 47-95 52 58 54-99 14 41 26-44 + 9 33 16-97 4 2 56-41 + 31 5 47-48 7-996 7-94I 7-921 7-778 7-696 7-649 7-642 7-607 7-275 7-196 7-146 7-109 6-952 6-945 6-874 6-870 - 6-785 - 6-635 6-573 6-522 6-483 - 6-436 6-373 6-323 6-292 6-162 6-159 6-105 6-041 6-039 5-995 5-85I 5-845 5-611 5-537 // + 0-54 + 1-14 + 0-40 + 0-50 + 0-72 + 0-43 + 0-26 + o-45 + 0-48 + 0-42 + 0-86 + 0-32 + 0-72 + 0-28 + 0-50 + o-7i + o-55 + 0-54 + 0-46 + 0-56 + 0-56 + i-i3 + 0-59 + 0-59 + 0-38 + 0-56 + 0-45 + 0-69 + 0-50 + 0-73 + 0-67 + 0-48 + 0-40 + 0-44 + 0-32 - 0-34* o-ooi 0-023 0-309 -f 0-026 + 0-035 + 0-018 + 0-043 0-057 + 0-410 0-077 0-03 0-271 0-075 -0-25* o-ooi 0-05 0-07* 0-018 + 0-015 0-071 + 0-032 n 22396 22393 &S& 836* 0-85 O'OO 0-03 ... 2190 3043 687 8984 269 409 2203 3056 690 8999 22451 22467 22479 839 862 1-02 +0-09 +0-07 +0-07 +0-16 O'O6 +0- 4 I 271 410 4" 413 2208 2216 3O6l 9011 3062 3087 692 9015 9060 22491 22588 86s 866 86s 847* 848* 270* 412 2213 3086 693 696 9070 9074 22607 0-08 O-Og ... 414 2225 2224 2222 3108 3104 699 697 9106 9105 22675 22672 22693 22731 22751 22761 22778 22770 22812 22832 850 869 870 871 0-15 0-34 272* 73 7* 415 4'7 416 418 2226 2231 2232 2233 3"4 3118 3"9 3121 701 703 9"3 9132 9141 9145 9160 9170 0-13 o-oo ... ... 2236 22J9 3129 3136 704 705 22893 22901 22916 22935 22930 22941 22991 23051 855* 87* 856 857* 877 0-14 0-03 0-07 ... 420 419 2244 3158 3154 3166 3161 3165 706 707 9209 9215 9214 9220 ... 421 2246 +0-04 0-26 +0-03 708 713 9236 9269 ... ... ... 3184 1166. Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. 1168. Magnitude from Cape Observation* 70 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag-. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mt-au R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. K ' n. Corr. for ^to 1885-0. 1191 1192 H93 "94 1195 1196 1197 1198* iiggt I2OO I2OI- 1202 1203 I2O4 1205 1206 1207 1208* 1209 I2IO 1 211 I2I2f 1213 I2I 4 f HIS 12l6 I2I7f 11X8 1219* I22Of 1221 1222 I223t 1224 1225* 2165 2167 2171 7155 7i65 2178 2183 7088 2185 2184 2187 2186 2188* 2189* 7233 7237 2198* 7271 2206 2205* 7301 2209* XVI. 280 XVI. 277 XVI. 293 XVI. 306 XVI. 302 XVI. 3" XVII. 1 6 XVII. 29 XVII. 35 XVII. 34 XVII. 39 XVII. 47 XVII. 51 XVII. 53 XVII. 76 XVII. 83 XVII. 99 XVII. 103 XVII. 1 06 XVII. 115 5747 5748 5765 578i 5778 579 5802 5821 5794 3828 5830 534 5844 5846 5851 5850 5852 5866 5876 5890 5877 5893 59i 5899 597 5'3 8* 7J 8 8* 4'y 6-2 2-6 3-6 6-5 7-0 9it 5'5 Var. 9t 6-4 3'3 5' 3'4 4'5 6-8 3'4 3'6 2-8 8 6-4 4'5 9it 4-6 3'7 4'4 3'2 2-9 8J 4'9 84-52 81-54 81-48 84-62 84-49 8i-79 81-90 83-59 81-58 80-51 84-62 8i-59 84-00 84-64 82-19 84-00 80-98 84-00 81-04 84-31 82-50 84-51 84-56 84-68 81-48 84-54 84-66 81-09 84-60 84-00 84-63 84-52 84-68 8roi 6 6 10 2 II 6 29 9 8 3 2 7 12 3 II 7 14 2 13 i 16 9 8 2 6 8 2 12 I 8 2 8 2 14 ll Ml S 16 57 21-670 16 58 (9) 16 58 11-070 16 58 28-694 16 58 37-270 17 o 2-755 i? o 55-133 17 3 46-960 i? 3 55-I26 17 4 16-690 17 5 1-620 J7 5 22-530 17 7 2-540 17 9 24-240 i? 9 45-940 17 9 58-886 17 10 18-471 17 10 42-466 17 II 2-390 17 14 6-652 17 14 38-34 17 14 56-824 i? 15 42-917 J 7 15 44'4 6 o 17 16 57-920 17 17 49-450 17 19 20-774 17 20 18-250 17 20 31-810 17 20 43-40 17 20 48'5 6 3 I? 22 56-710 I? 22 57-I56 I? 24 23-350 17 24 23-920 s + 2-2127 + 28-9332 + 3-3212 + 30-I575 + 4-0418 + 2-7766 + 3-1062 + 3-4340 + 4-2856 + 3-3614 + 3-7312 + 4-0410 + 2-8259 + 2-7345 + 4-0420 + 11-0852 + 2-4643 + 3-0796 + 2 ' OgOO + 3-5750 + 3-6778 + 3-6805 + 5-0373 + 4-9758 + 4-0390 + 3-5858 + 3-6602 + 4-0380 + 3-I872 + 5-409 + 2-9747 + 4-074I + 4-6329 + 4-0346 + 3-6569 s +0-003 +2-844 +0-007 +3-094 +0-014 -(-0-004 +0-005 +0-007 +0-017 +0-007 +0-010 +0-013 +0-004 +0-004 +O-OI2 +0-248 +0-003 +0-005 +0-003 +O-OO7 +0-008 +0-008 +0-023 -f-O'022 +O'OIO + O-007 + 0-007 +0-010 +0-005 +0-026 +0-004 +O'OIO +0-015 +0-009 +0-007 s 0-0014 +0-0030 +0-0003 o-ooi* 0-0015 0-0019 0-008* 0-0028 o 004 i 0-0035 +0-0165 0-0071 0-0024 O'OOO* +0-003* 0-0028 0-0072 0-009* 0-0017 0-0038 0-005* 0-0023 8 o-ooi +0-OO2 +0-001 o-ooi 0-005 0-OO2 0-O22 O-OO3 0-016 0-004 + 0-065 0-005 0-006 o-ooo +0-001 o-ooi 0-028 0-004 0-OO2 O'OOI O-OO2 0-009 A GC. 23025 .. .., . Piazzi XVI. 277 AG C 23027 A.G.C. 23128 Lalande 31109... . 35 Ophiuchi tj Lacaille 7165 37 Ophiuchi 64 Herculis (ist star)..a Lacaille 7088 65 Herculis d 67 Herculis IT 40 Ophiuchi Bradley 2188 42 Ophiuchi 9 Ara . . /3 C.Z. XVII. 1104 Piazzi XVII 76 ... . 27 H. Ophiuchi Arse a C.Z XVII 1613 210. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 1217. b Ophiuchi in B.A.C. and A.G.C. 1225. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones, c 1 Ophiuchi in B.A.C., c in A.G.C. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 71 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annu al Proper Motion. ***. Corr. for r*jj ^ 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1 8 70 and 1 880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1191 1192 "93 1194 "95 1196 "97 1198 "99 1200 I2OI 1202* 1203 1204* I2O5* 1206 1207 1208 I20g 1210* I2II 1212 1213 I2I 4 1215 1216 1217* 1218* 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225* 84-52 85-08 82-06 81-36 84-62 84-49 82-53 82-00 83-83 82-21 80-51 84-62 82-21 84-00 84-64 82-55 84-00 81-13 84-00 81-32 84-31 82-50 84-51 84-56 84-68 82-22 84-54 84-66 81-39 84-60 84-00 84-63 84-52 84-68 81-25 6 r 4 7 2 II 3 24 8 3 3 3 12 3 II 6 12 12 I 16 9 8 2 3 8 > 12 I 8 8 f) 12 o / * + 33 44 7'33 87 8 50-99 1 55 33-14 87 16 30-97 36 56 22-48 + 12 53 58-80 i 30 0-42 15 34 53-30 43 5 9-52 12 33 14-55 26 53 49-32 36 42 20-43 + 10 43 31-67 + 14 31 20-16 36 36 48-02 80 44 54-32 + 24 58 32-10 o 18 51-50 + 36 56 21-34 20 59 16-77 24 47 18-76 24 53 0-25 56 16 3-08 55 25 9'39 36 21 1-03 21 19 58-62 24 4 6 -02 36 14 59-25 4 59 i-53 60 35 9-05 + 4 14 28-64 37 12 9-18 49 46 59-43 36 4 22-64 23 52 20-77 5-4I3 5-346 5-343 5-320 5'3 5-186 5'"3 4-870 4'859 -4-827 4-765 4-735 4-592 4-391 4-362 4-342 4-3I5 4-281 4-251 3-988 3-944 3-9i6 3-850 3-847 3-745 3 '670 3 538 3-456 3-436 3-42' 3-4I4 3-228 3-228 3T04 3-102 + 0-31 + 4-07 + 0-47 + 4-24 + 0-57 + 0-39 + 0-44 + 0-48 + 0-61 + 0-48 + 0-53 + 0-58 + 0-40 + 0-39 + 0-58 + i-58 + 0-35 + 0-44 + 0-30 + 0-51 + 0-53 + 0-53 + 0-72 + 0-71 + 0-58 + 0-52 + 0-53 + 0-58 + 0-46 + 0-78 + 0-43 + 0-59 + 0-67 + 0-58 + 0-53 + 0-008 O'OO2 + 0-097 0-30 O-O26 + 0-030 0-06* 0-161 0-064 + 0-005 O-2OI 0-039 0-035 o-oo* 0-04* 0-120 0-045 0-Og* + O-OI, 0-028 0-Og* 0-012 O'OO 9270 9294 9273 23025 23122 23027 23128 $7$ ... 2264 3499 o-oo 23175 23251 23250 23262 23272 #&3 863 +0-29 0-35 276* 61 425 424 2272 2270 3220 3218 721 720 9344 9345 3224 722 9355 0-07 +0-03 i.!,(> 2286 3248 /.?/ 9396 868' 0-15 o- 16 0-25 +0-01 0-74 0-03 0-09 o-oo O'O2 427 2274 2292 3228 724 9393 23360 866* 3255 234H 886 278* b2 428 432 429 430 2296 2301 2298 2299 3265 3267 3271 3270 3272 737 738 739 9445 9452 9457 9459 23481 23490 2350 23515 23516 887 872 873* 874 875 877 3283 3291 744 953 23577 23614 O'o6 2312 0-16 0-04 +0-O2 O'OI 0-04 434 2313 3302 3293 746 95" 9513 9517 9532 953 23641 23636 23698 23694 89 879 891 881 279* 437 436 2326 2324 339 3308 75i 750 0-05 438 2331 33U 9544 23739 894 1202. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 1204. Limits of magnitude, 3'i-3'9 : Period irregular. 1205, 1218. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 72 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Jacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Mo:ion. /v Corr. for u to 'a 1885-0. 1226 I227t I228f 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233* 1234* "35 I2 3 6t I237t 1238 1239' 1240 1241 1242 1243* I244t 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 "5*1 1253* 1254 1255 1256 "57 1258 1259 1260 7078 22IO* 7351 2215 2218 7184 2217 222O 7364 7393 2225 2233 2229 7425 223? 7449 2236 7001 XVII. 121 XVII. 138 XVII. 150 XVII. 153 XVII. 157 XVII. 161 XVII. 174 XVII. 184 XVII. 193 XVII. 211 XVII. 202 XVII. 209 XVII. 210 XVII. 222 XVII. 226 XVII. 230 XVII. 233 XVII. 235 XVII. 244 XVII. 229 XVII. 239 XVII. 261 5915 5935 594 5941 5949 5953 5963 597 5976 5985 599 5996 6004 6012 6021 6018 6020 5936 Lacaille 7078 6-4 2-O 2'I 6-7* 9i 2-2 8 3'7 4'7 9 3-8 2-6 rtt 4'4 6-5* 3'9 6-6 2-9 3'3 7-8* 7-8* 7-7* t 7-z* 84* 3'5 3'4 3-8 7J 6-8' 6-6 9 9 5-8 9 81-65 84-56 84-56 81-61 84-65 82-43 81-85 82-76 81-49 84-65 84-55 84-55 84-68 81-68 82-63 80-54 81-64 81-79 84-58 82-61 82-64 82-65 84-65 82-59 82-65 82-35 84-60 82-78 84-65 82-63 81-64 80-56 80-61 81-86 84-70 10 6 ii 7 2 21 9 20 13 2 9 4 2 12 17 'J 7 62 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 17 4 27 I 16 7 3 3 26 i h in s 17 25 19-635 17 25 47-990 17 29 3-330 17 29 9-030 17 29 25-670 17 29 35-732 I? 30 23-192 17 31 0-081 i? 31 35-647 17 33 3-270 17 34 26-752 17 34 31-990 i? 34 34-440 i? 34 57-083 '7 35 55-900 17 36 13-140 i? 37 34' f '3 i? 37 47-493 i? 39 32-540 '7 39 55-540 17 40 19-150 17 40 32-800 17 40 34-500 17 41 3-I90 17 41 24-150 17 41 57-5" 17 42 1-710 i? 4^ 7-595 17 44 9-240 17 45 25-54 17 46 2-770 17 46 22-440 17 46 23-790 17 47 10-256 17 47 58-240 s + 18-6920 + 4-0693 + 4-3045 + 2-8468 + 4-0383 + 2-7751 + 14-1710 + 3-4358 + 3-2600 + 4-0326 + 5-8789 + 4-1472 + 4-0286 + 3-3746 + 2-9239 + 1-6921 + 3-2364 + 2-9650 + 4-1930 + 2-9380 + 2-9385 + 2-9393 + 4-0224 + 2-9366 +.2-9385 + 2-3700 + 4-0769 + 3-0083 + 4-0179 + 2-9495 + 3-1005 + 3-8069 + 3'8"7 + 35-7462 + 3-78i8 s +0-591 +0-009 +0-010 +0-003 +0-008 +0-003 +0-264 +0-005 +0-004 +0-007 +0-022 +0-007 +0-006 +O-O04 +0-003 +0-004 +0-004 +0-003 +O-OO& +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 +0-005 +0-003 +0-003 +0-003 +0-005 +0-003 +0-005 +0-003 +0-003 +0-004 +0-004 +0-900 +0-003 0-0013 0-004 +0-0066 0-0050 0-0031 o-ooo* 0-0063 0-0004 o 004 i 0-0244 +0-006* 0-0037 s o-ooi 0-014 +0-017 o-oii o-oii o-ooo O-O2I O-OO2 0-013 0-065 +O-002 O-OO8 35 Scorpii X AGO. 23852 55 Ophiuchi a Lacaille7i84 ^7 Oohiuclii . ...ii CZ XVII 2208 Piazzi XVII. 193 ... 85 Herculis t Piazzi XVII. 202 ... Piaazi XVII. 222 ... Piazzi XVII. 226 ... Piazzi XVII. 230 ... Piazzi XVII. 233 ... Piazzi XVII. 235 ... 86 Herculis u Scorpii (j Piazzi XVII. 261 ... Lalande 32633 C.Z. XVII. 3092 C.Z. XVII. 3094 C.Z. XVII. 3206 1252, 1259. B.A.C. gives[no letter. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOi'AL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 73 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. M^an Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Seoular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1*9. Corr. for //.to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Jobnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, i8?oand 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1226 1227 1128 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 "35 1236 "37 1238* 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 "45 1246 1247 1248* 1249 1250 1251 1252' 1253 1254 1255 1256 "57 1258 1259 1260 82-14 84-56 84-56 8i'93 B+-6S 83-12 82-21 82-76 82-02 84-65 84-55 34-55 84-68 82-27 82-63 82-28 82-26 : 82-31 84-58 82-61 82-64 82-65 84-65 82-59 82-65 82-35 84-60 82-91 84-65 82-63 82-09 80-56 80-61 82-09 84-70 15 6 ti 3 2 26 9 20 12 2 9 4 2 12 17 II 3 29 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 17 4 24 I 16 4 3 3 '5 I o / 85 9 49-40 37 I 6-16 42 55 23-23 + 9 39 5V4 r > 36 5 21-04 + 12 38 40-63 ^3 ii 17-17 15 19 29-79 82 50-92 35 52 29-03 64 39 59-38 38 58 8-61 35 44 27-92 12 48 44-69 + 6 22 21-23 + 46 4 5-89 7 i 3f39 + 4 36 8-11 40 4 51-78 + 5 45 51-17 f 5 44 30-52 + 5 42 18-56 35 29 38-21 + 5 49 10-28 + 5 44 9-65 4- 27 47 21-40 37 o 18-09 + 2 45 5-82 35 19 56-32 + 5 15 40-05 I 12 22-24 28 49 31-89 28 59 3-49 87 39 38-05 27 58 58-47 f 3-024 2-982 2-700 2-692 2-667 - 2-653 2-584 2-531 2-479 2-351 2-231 2-224 2-221 2-188 2-102 2-077 I-958 I-94I 1-788 1-755 1-720 1-704 1-700 1-656 1-626 f576 i-57o 1-562 1-386 1-275 i -220 1-192 1-193 I-I22 I-O52 / + 2-70 + 0-59 + 0-62 + 0-41 + 0-58 + 0-40 + 2-05 + 0-50 + 0-47 + 0-59 + 0-85 + 0-60 + 0-59 + 0-49 + 0-43 + 0-25 + 0-47 + 0-43 + 0-61 + 0-43 + o-43 + 0-43 + 0-59 + o-43 + 0-43 + o-35 + 0-59 .+ 0-44 + 0-59 -f 0-43 + o-45 + 0-55 + 0-55 + 5-20 + 0-55 * 0-048 0-015 0-217 0-047 0-006 0-03* 0-036 + 0-005 + 0-167 o-745 + 0-03' 0-056 t 9538 9562 9586 23696 23778 23849 #9 895 886 O'O2 O-O5 280* 281* 439 440 2334 2341 3320 3333 754 757 23852 23843 23879 23892 888* S"97 899 0-41 O- II 0*02 l&i 282 441 442 2344 2347 3335 3340 3342 760 762 9591 9588 9601 O'OI 283' 443 444 2350 2352 3351 3359 767 9628 9632 23958 23966 889 890 o- 10 ... 445 3355 3362 769 9637 23983 2 6060 6082 6078 6084 6092 6097 6105 6111 6115 6125 6142 6143 6140 6150 6165 6168 6186 6213 6209 6220 6229 6233. 6240 6247 6251 6263 6279 6307 M 703 6-5 4-0 3'5 3'9 6-0 4-0 5'4 6-5 9'3* 3'9 6-5 2-8 8-5* 7! 6-7 8-2* 4-8 3'9 5-2 4-0 7J 4'i 3'3 6-3* 5'7 2-8 6-5 3'4 2'2 3'5 4'9 3-9 3'i 4'7 6-3 81-12 84-00 81-98 84-61 81-65 82-32 81-63 81-86 So'55 84-54 81-61 82-67 80-59 80-61 So -66 80-63 81-67 81-78 84-55 84-00 80-55 81-84 84-52 81-51 8'i 50 S'2-79 80-57 81-72 SV58 84-59 81-62 84-00 84-00 81-07 81-61 12 6 52 4 6 19 7 13 I 10 6 i? 2 I 2 3 6 55 10 4 3 26 6 6 6 16 3 29 5 6 12 5 4 15 7 h lu s 17 49 g-lto 17 52 18-520 17 52 41-705 i? 53 I7-770 i? 53 30-430 i? 54 53-101 17 55 48-240 i? 5 r > 4-Q55 i? 57 29-750 17 57 40-734 17 58 7-31-0 17 58 25-176 17 58 35-310 i? 59 57-030 18 -o 17-480 18 o 27-140 1 8 i 48-400 18 I 53-860 18 2 41-545 18 3 3-430 1 8 6 3-430 iS 6 53-13-2 18 9 50-740 18 10 18-470 18 13 35-880 18 13 37-859 18 14 43-460 18 15 21-689 18 16 3.2-280 iS 18 26-703 18 18 30-064 18 18 47-812 18 20 52-400 18 22 38-561 18 26 0-700 s + 3-5=65 + 2-0557 + 3-3022 + 2-3237 + 3-1848 + 3-0038 + 3-6754 + 16-7566 + 3-5932 + 4-6712 + 3-6789 + 3-8-575- + 3-5896 + 3-5^94 + 3-5978 + 3-59I3 + 2-8674 + 2-8475 + 4-4554 + 2-3391 + 3-6437 + 3-5877 + 4-0714 + 3-0178 + 2-9034 + 3-839- + 3-7962 + 3-1406 + 3-9867 + 4-4538 + 3-5733 + 2-5417 + 3-7070 + 3-4I99 + 3-0975 s + 0-003 + 0-003 + 0-003 + O'OO2- + 0-O02 + 0-O02 + 0-002 + 0-048 + O'OO2 + 0-002 + 0-O02 + 0-002 + 0-002 + O'OO2 + 0-002 + O-002 + O'OO2 + 0-002 + o-ooi + O-OO2 + o-ooi + o-ooi O'OOI + O'OOI + o-ooi o-ooi o-ooi + o-ooi O-002 0-004 O'OOI -f- O-OO2 o-ooi o-ooo o-ooo 3 o 0008 0-0018 0-0019 +0-006 0-0003 0-0029 0-002* 0-0054 o ooi 6 0-0056 0-0007 0-0014 O'OIO* +0-0014 0-0400 0-0043 o-ooo* o-ooig +0-0131 0-0052 +0-0002 0-0007 s 0-003 0-OO2 0-006 +0-OO2 o-ooi O'OIO o-ooi 0-013 0-005 0-018 o-ooi 0-004 0-005 +0-003 0-131 0-O02 o-ooo 0-006 +0-013 0-005 +0-001 O-OO2 91 Herculis .... . Q 64 Ophiuchi r 92 Herculis... Piazzi XVII 307 67 Ophiuchi XVII. 321 XVII. 3^2 XVII. 343 XVII. 356 XVII. 373 XVII. 374 XVII. 361 XVII. 388 XVIII. 7 XVIII. 17 XVIII. 32 XVIII. 48 XVIII. 46 XVIII. 50 XVIII. 58 XVIII. 64 XVIII. 66 XVIII. 104 Lacaille 7348 B.D. 21 No. 4836 Arse 6 Piazzi XVII. 342 B.D. 21 No. 4842 Lalande 33147 Piazzi XVII 356 . Lalande 33171 71 Ophiuchi Telescopii 12 Sa^ittarii 13 Sa^ittarii ft Sa "! ttarii i\ B.D. + 7 No. 3629... 19 Sa.'Mttarii o LacaiHe 7682 2 1 Sa^ittarii 2 H Scuti 1266. v Ophiuchi in Axf. \ach. 2890, tee No. 1263. 1272. y 2 Sagittarii in B.A.C. 1282. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. FP.OM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 75 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. FecuUvr Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ffc Corr. for W to 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. I Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1 870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1261 1262 1263 I2(">4 1265 1266* 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272* 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282* 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 81-51 84-00 82-24 84-61 82-24 82-35 81-92 82-54 80-55 84-54 ^2-27 82-67 So- 59 80-61 80-66 80-63 82-27 82-07 84-55 84-00 So- 55 82-10 84-52 82-20 82-27 82-79 80-57 81-92 84-57 84-57 82-19 84-00 84-20 81-11 82-23 12 6 29 4 3 17 3 17 I 10 3 17 2 I 1 3 3 28 10 4 3 20 6 3 3 16 3 2 4 4 5 12 5 5 12 3 / ft IS 46 50-44 + 37 16 0-51 9 45 29-72 + 29 15 39-41 4 48 29-98 + 2 56 16-94 24 :6 48-37 84 25 14-64 21 16 58-59 50 5 49-67 24 24 10-71 3 25 25-95 21 8 51-62 21 30 53-70 21 27 15-80 21 12 44-20 + 8 43 12-67 + 9 32 54-18 45 58 21-52 + 28 44 50-03 23 8 37-46 21 5 15-70 36 47 41-21 + 2 20 2-9-77 + 7 12 51-31 29 52 32-49 28 28 52-26 2 55 37-37 34 26 14-88 46 I 48-40 20 36 7-03 + 21 43 5-39 25 29 2-23 14 38 16-58 i 5 0-29 a 0-949 0-672 0-639 0-586 0-569 0- 44 S 0-367 0-343 0-219 0-203 o 1 64 0-139 0-123 o 004 +0-026 +0-039 +0-158 +0-166 +0-235 +0-267 +0-529 +0-602 +0-862 +0-901 +1-190 +1-192 +1-287 + 1-344 + 1-445 + 1-613 + 1-617 + I-643 + 1-823 + 1-979 + 2-272 a + 0-51 + o-;o + 0-48 + 0-34 + 0-46 + 0-44 + 0-54 + 2-44 + 0-52 + 0-68 + 0-54 + 0-56 + 0-52 + 0-52 + 0-52 + 0'52 + 0-42 + 0-42 + 0-65 + 0-34 + 0-53 + 0-52 + 0-59 + 0-44 + 0-42 + 0-56 + 0-55 + 0-45 + 0-58 + 0-65 + 0-52 + 0-37 + 0-54 + 0-50 + 0-45 a 0-014 + 0-024 o- 105 0-02S 0-OO5 O-OO4 o-oi* 0'2II + 0-033 + 0-089 + 0-003 + o-ooi 0-04* 0-029 0-677 0-149 0-06* 0-004 0-257 0-198 + 0-003 o-ooo 0-05 + O'O2 O'OI ... 3422 ... ... 24337 9Q8 9i2 913 909 1)13 9*6 , 916 920* 925 927* 92.1 931 933 936* 9~'6 285 452 3437 ... 9802 24436 24460 o-oi o-oi 2398 3+47 - 9820 9817 24526 24468 24574 24587 24596 o-oo 287 454 2403 3455 3459" 3462 794 797 9836 9845 9852 0-49 ... 457 2406 24634 24638 24703 24788 24812 24888 24987 25013 25031 25060 25105 25108 25171 25230 25327 +0-09 +0-26 o-oo ... 2409 3469 ... 459 24U 3479 9889 3496 349 35" 803 808 9932 9962 o-oo 0-02 288* 460 461 2418 2422 0-06 462 2426 3532 354 3546 3543 355' 3554 811 815 SiG 9992 10002 10008 100-15 10029 2-cg o 06 0-03 o-oi 0-26 0-16 +0-01 o-oo 290' 291 463 464 : 465 2432 2436 2435 ... 467 470 2440 2445 2453 3565 358o 3604 821 829 10049 10072 76 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Laoaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag". Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obi. Mean E.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /'a Corr. for /*a. to 1885-0. 1296' 1297 I2 9 8f "99* 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308* 1309 1310 1311* I3"t 1313 1314* 1315 1316 1317 1318 3?9t 1320 1321* 1322 1323 1324 1325 IJ26* 37t 1328 1329 '33 2329 2330 7736 2333* 7808 2335 2341 6295 2343 2344* 2351 235 7841 2J53 2369 7903 2364* 2365* 2376 2373 2390 3392 2384* 2391 7751 2393 XVIII. 114 XVIII. 115 XVIII. 129 XVIII. 131 XVIII. 143 XVIII. 157 xvm. 159 XVIII. 181 XVIII. 177 XVIII. 196 XVIII. 215 xvm. 2n XVIII. 218 XVIII. 236 XVIII. 233 XVIII. 262 XVIII. 266 XVIII. 260 XVIII. 257 XVIII. 265 XVIII. 278 6324 6325 63.15 6343 6345 6347 6355 5959 636? 6371 6387 6388 6383 6407 6429 6422 6434 6440 6460 6461 6487 6491 6488 6489 6492 6507 Bradley 2329 5-3 4-0 4-2 5'8 7* 6-0 O-2 9t 5'8 9t 8t 9t $' 3-3 4-3 4'4 4'3 8-t 6-1 Var. 7i 5* 9t 2-3 8i 4-0* 3'5 6-6 4'i 3'3 6-4 3-1 4-0 SJ 3-9 81-44 84-55 84-48 82-29 81-31 81-99 83-07 80-65 81-29 82-49 80-65 80-64 81-27 84-52 84-00 81-26 84-56 80-60 81-32 &2- 44 80-58 81-67 84-71 83-00 80-68 81-73 84-60 81-29 84-00 84-00 81-65 82-89 84-60 81-90 84-51 iz 10' 10 12 3 H 15 2 21 7 a 2 12 4 10 17 7 3 13 18 3 7 2 16 3 53 4 3 5 i 12 14 7 19 3 b IB 18 28 38-857 18 28 56-885 18 29 35-533 iS 31 31-002 1 8- 31 58-713 18 32 1-958 18 33 2-671 i* 33 4-550 18 33 30-140 18 34 9-061 18 34 lo-ioo 18 34 22-860 18 37 I5-493 i& }8 28-250 18 40 42-710 18 41 4-381 18 41 33-490 18 43 6-010 18 43 55-7I9 18 45 50-044 18 45 54-930 18 47 i3-55 18 47 13-850 r8 48 7-978 18 50 17-430 18 50 30-137 18 50 51-110 18 51 29-113 18 54 24-172 18 54 38-570 18 54 S9-I83 18 55 17-625 18 55 32-381 18 56 3-543 18 57 47-450 6 + 3-33I8 + 3-2664 + 7'0403 + 3-C5IO' + 3-7847 + 3-5845 + 2-0133 + 3-7768 + I07-II47 + 3-7748 + 3-7773 + 3-7769 + 3-2669 + 3-747I + 2-582I + 3-I845 + 5'5790 + 3-7926 + 3-6I05 + 2-2I4O + 3-7660 + 3-6:48 + 3-7675 + 3-7226 +. 3-7547 + 2-9799 + 3-5797 + 3-6I7I + 2-7263 + 2-2437 + 3-43I2 + 3-8233 + 3-2065 + I7-6548 + 3-593I > O'OOO o-ooo 0-043 0-002 0-003 0-OO2 + O-OO2 O-OO4 -23-56 0-O04 O-OO4 0-004 o-ooi 0-004 + o-ooi o-ooi 0-028 0-005 0-004 + O'OOI 0-005 0-004 0-006 0-005 0-006 o-ooo 0-004 0-005 o-ooo + O'OOI 0-004 0-008 0-O02 0-860 0-005 t +0-0016 0-0029 0-004* 0-0024 0-0076 +0-0173 +0-1646 o 0004 +0-0014 0-0030 0-0024 o 0060 0-0007 0-0028 0-OOI2 +o-oo;o 0-0005 o 0049 0-0018 o-oooi 0-0040 0-0048 +0-0029 B + 0-006 o-ooi 0-002 O-OO? 0-023 + 0-033 + 0-6II o-ooi +0-001 3 H. Scuti Pavonig ... Bradley 2 3 1 3 . . Lacaille 7808 Bradley 2335 5 H Scuti 6 H. Scuti o 009 0-O22 0-OO2 0-OOg 0-002 +0-003 o-ooo 0-OO5 O-OO2 O'OOO O'OOS O-002 +0-001 Pavonis v \ 10 Lyrse(ist star) ft Lacaille 7903 Lalande 55255 37 Sa^ittarii a A.G.C. 25,944 Piazzi XVIII. 260 ... 12 Acfuiloc 39 Sagittarii o 1297. i Acruilsi in B.A.C. 1299. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 1308. 3 Aquilze in B.A.C. 1311. 6 Aquilas in B.A.C. 1314. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAt OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 77 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. PA Corr. for p s to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1296 1297* 1298 "99* 1300 1301 1302 1303* 1304* 1305* 1306* 1307* 1308* I39 1310 1311* 1312 1313* 1314* 1315* 1316 1317 1318* 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 81-86 84-55 84-48 82-29 81-31 82-79 83-64 80-65 81-50 82-45 80-65 80-64 81-86 84-52 84-00 81-29 84-56 80-60 81-80 82-35 80-58 82-14 84-71 83-00 80-68 82-24 84-60 81-29 84-00 84-00 82-15 82-89 84-60 82-30 84-51 12 10 10 12 3 13 28 2 16 6 3 2 12 4 10 12 7 J 12 17 3 2 2 16 3 25 4 3 5 i 12 '4 7 15 3 / '/ ii 3 56-52 8 19 24-29 71 31 26-91 23 36 6-07 28 16 46-77 21 8 44-31 + 38 4 37-64 28 I 53-83 89 16 16-99 27 58 43-45 28 3 46-44 28 3 21-41 8 2J 15-30 27 6 18-09 + 20 26 13-72 41 52 10-99 62 19 1-84 28 44 14-79 22 17 J2'74 + 33 13 47-79 27 53 40-08 22 53 6-25 27 58 27-61 26 26 17-30 27 36 12-35 4- 4 3 17-34 21 15 23-78 22 40 55-22 + M 54 46-14 + 32 31 56-97 15 26 37-01 30 2 35-44 5 53 59-49 84 55 0-76 21 54 32-28 I + 2-500 4- 2-526 4- 2-583 + 2-749 + 2-789 + 2-794 + 2-882 + 2-883 + 2-919 + 2-977 + 2-979 + i'997 + 3-246 + 3-350 + 3-544 + 3-574 + 3-617 + 3-749 + 3-821 4- 3-984 + 3'99f + 4-I04 + 4-104 + 4-l8r + 4-365 4- 4-383 4- 4-4I4 + 4-467 + 4-7I5 + 4-735 4- 4-765 + 4-792 + 4-812 4- 4-857 + 5-003 4- 0-48 + 0-47 + 1-02 + 0-52 + 0-55 + 0-52 + 0-29 + 0-54 + 15-46 4- 0-54 + 0-54 + 0-54 + 0-47 + 0-54 + 0-37 + 0-45 + 0-80 + 0-54 + 0-52 4- 0-31 4- 0'54 4- 0-52 + 0-54 + 0-53 + 0-53 4- 0-42 + 0-51 + 0-51 + 0-38 + 0-32 4- o-49 + 0-54 4- 0-45 + 2-50 + 0-51 r 0-003 0-307 -0-13* O'OOg 0-15 + 0-295 0-021 4- 0-034 0-019 0-348 0-017 0-028 + 0-017 0-019 0-067 4- 0-042 0-006 0-080 + 0-005 + O-OO2 + 0-009 0-018 0-057 it O'OI 0-14 0-07 0-02 295 472 2455 2462 3616 3617 3611 3632 3634 3636 3642 832 835 837 IOI22 IOI45 IOI49 10163 25379 25382 25383 25435 25449 25455 929 944 932 947* 0-33 4-0-40 166 2463 2468 0-07 275' 423 2302 3348 784 10085 25049 922* 4-o-n o-oi 0-35 0-06 298 475 2474 3650 3654 843 IOI93 IO204 35583 25614 936 951* . 476 2477 3667 3663 845 IO227 25690 25692 938 952 0-09 +0-05 i6A ... 2487 3678 3691 3697 852 I027O 10268 10278 25767 25826 25853 9Ao 957* 960* 9M 9As 9^7 0-05 ... 477 2489 0-13 300* 478 2491 3703 853 IO284 25874 25915 25927 25944 4-0-12 o-oo 10303 IO3O8 - 480- 37i8 859 0-o8 4-0-01 +0-01 +O-02 o-or 10337 301 481 Z503 3729 3730 3732 861 10349 10343 10365 26035 26041 26048 25992 26102 9*9 963* 9M o-oj 482 2509 3742 ... 1303. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 1304. Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogne of 1098 Standard Stars. 1305, 1306, 1307, 1313. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 131$. Limits of magnitude, 3'4-4'S : Period about 12" 22"- 1318. Magnitude from Cape Observations. 78 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STABS FOR 188.VO, No. Bradley or Lacaille Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. A nnual Proper Motion. Kfc Corr. for ("a to 1885-0. 1331 1332 1333* 1334 1335 1336 1337* 1338 1339 1340* 1341* 1342 1343 1344 '345 1346* I347t 1348 1349* 135 1351 1352 1353* 1354 1355 1356 J3S7 1358 1359* 1360* I3 r n I3 r >2 I3 r >3 !3 r H 1365* 2399 2405 2401 8005 2406 2410 2415 2423 2432 8075 8079 2434 2437 8087 H5I 2455 2467 2465 2473 2481 8i54 2478* 2482 2492 8094 2499 2501 2504 XVIII. 289 XVIII. 303 XVIII. 298 XVIII. 315 XVIII. 321 XIX. 1 6 XIX. 35 XIX. 57 XIX. 54 XIX. 62 XIX. 69 XIX. 71 XIX. 68 XIX. 113 XIX. 118 XIX. 148 XIX. 145 XIX. 161 XIX. 175 XIX. 159 XIX. 174 XIX. 187 XIX. 215 XIX. 229 XIX. 242 XIX. 249 6518 6528 6526 6532 6548 6552 6564 6584 6595 6608 6610 6619 6621 6622 6646 6653 6674 6679 6690 6697 6694 6706 6713 6729 6708 6744 6749 6760 15 Aquila^ h 5'6 3'I 3'6 7-2 7'7 8* 3'i 81 5'3 5'3 4'9 5'i 4 4'4 3'9 4'7 4-0 H 3-5 8J 4'8 4'7 5-2 3-0* 3'9 6-9 8* 7J 4-6 4'9 5- 6-9 4'4 5'4 5'i 81-68 82-24 81-88 81-31 82-01 8i'34 83-13 81-33 81-60 81-38 82-35 83-55 84-72 84-64 84-62 81-27 84-64 80-64 81-91 84-71 81-70 84-57 81-19 84-00 81-71 81-72 84-72 84-73 81-88 82-63 81-65 82-71 84-5 81-84 81-88 5 17 41 3 3 3 21 3 7 12 3 9 2 3 8 13 3 3 53 2 6 8 13 3 7 6 2 I 16 19 6 21 9 7 13 h m s 18 58 53-34 J9 7-457 19 o 8-758 19 o 59-567 19 I 2-380 19 2 45-490 19 2 55-437 19 3 10-240 19 3 21-960 19 6 26-417 19 10 54-328 Ig 12 25-109 19 14 22-065 19 H 54-S23 19 15 0-174 19 15 8-428 19 15 55-000 19 19 37-2IO ig 19 41-957 19 19 52-630 19 20 38-150 19 23 55-190 19 24 38-973 19 26 5-010 19 26 48-310 19 27 37-360 19 28 51-980 19 29 14-540 19 29 42-479 19 30 42-271 19 33 31-110 19 34 46-384 19 35 52-986 19 37 9-38i rg 39 39-203 s + 3-1674 + 2-7578 + 3-1866 + 3' 7300 + 3-7302 + 3-7234 + 3-57I7 + 3-7I74 + 2-9397 + 3-2554 + 3-5I48 + 2-8164 + 4-3252 + 4-3392 + 3-4853 + 3-4394 + 4-I649 + 3-7004 + 3-0090 + 3-7843 + 3-0700 + 2-5053 + 3-I383 + 2-4189 + i;5"6 + 3-6275 + 3-7562 + 3-756o + 3-6523 + 3-2300 + 2-9621 + 11-3971 + 2-6940 + 2-8232 + 3-5I46 s O-OO2 O-OOO O-OO2 0-007 O-OO? 0-008 0-006 0-008 o-ooi 0-003 0-006 O'OOO O-02O O-O2O 0-006 0-006 0-017 O'OIO O OO2 O'OII 0-002 +0-001 0-003 +0-001 0-OO2 o-oio O'OI2 0-012 0'CIO 0-004 O OO2 0-530 o-ooo o-ooi o 009 3 o 0008 0-0026 0-O038 0-0022 O ' OO2 I 0-0018 o 0024 0-0014 0-003* +0-004* 0-0033 0-0013 +0-0153 o 0009 0-0108 0-0015 0-0017 + O-OO22 +0'00l6 O'OOIO 0-0018 o-ooo* 0-0008 0-0018 0-0114 s 0-003 0-007 0-012 o 004 0-OO7 O-OO? 0-006 o 002 o-ooi +0-001 o-ooi 0-005 +0-047 0-003 0-005 0-006 0-002 + O-OO7 + 0-005 O OO2 o 006 o-ooo O'OOO o 006 0-036 17 Aquite 1 6 Aquilre .. \ Lalande 35703 .. A.G-.C. 26220 41 Sagittarii TT A.G.C. 26233 19 Aquil;e 20 Aquilas 43 Sagittarii d 25 Aquile <* Sa"-ittarii /3' Sagittarii /P 44 Sagittarii ,...p Sagittarii a A.G.C. 26615 30 Aquila3 $ AGO 26626 32 Aquilfu ...* 36 Aquilas e 6 Cygni f) Lacaille 8154 Lalands 3701 1 52 Sagittarii h 39 Aquilie K 44 Aquilae a Lacuille 8094 6 Sa"ittec ft 47 Aquilaj ^ 56 Sagittarii / 1337. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 1352. a Vulpeculao in B.A.C. 1359. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. A* Sagittarii in J r.A., B A C and 1 1345. p' Sagittarii in B.A.C. 1355- '* Oygni in B.A.C. L.G.C. 1365. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. PROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORT, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 79 Ko. Mean Date. 1800+ Xo. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. ^. Corr. for P f to 1885-0. Fallow* ami Henderson. Johnson. CUpe Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1870 anil 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1331 1332 '333 1334 1335 1336 1337* 1338 1339 1340 I34 1342 1343 1344 1345* 1346 1347 1348 '349 135 1351 1352* 1353 1354 1355* 1356 1357 1358 1359* 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365* 82-15 82-25 82-05 Si -31 82-01 Si-34 8Vi3 81-32 81-64 81-88 82-42 84-00 84-72 84-64 84-62 81-72 84-64 80-64 82-00 84-71 82-29 84-59 81-55 84-00 82-18 Si'73 84-72 84-73 Si -88 82-85 82-30 83-01 84-48 82-30 . 81-88 2 16 21 3 3 3 22 3 2 12 23 8 2 3 8 12 3 3 34 2 3 6 12 3 II I 2 I 1 6 18 3 20 8 3 13 O ' * 4 12 3-08 + 13 41 36-23 5 3 I3-97 27 o 46-09 27 i 10-99 26 49 53-42 21 12 ig'OO 26 37 42-93 + 5 53 36-13 8 7 50-03 19 9 23-14 + ii 23 19-72 44 40 24-43 45 o 52-78 18 3 45-57 16 10 10-85 4 49 5I-07 26 32 42-78 + 2 53 10-91 29 32 3-73 +06 37-11 + 24 25 58-27 3 I 39-27 + 27 43 8-19 + 51 29 11-16 24 6 24-67 28 55 10-56 28 55 36-19 25 8 10-43 7 16 56-03 + 5 8 11-41 81 38 3'79 + i? 12 37-87 + ii 33 23-09 20 2 If 16 + 5-096 + 5-200 + 5'203 + 5-273 + 5-278 + 5-423 + 5-436 + 5-457 + 5-474 + 5-732 + 6-105 + 6-232 + 6-394 + 6-438 + 6-446 + 6-457 + 6-522 + 6-827 + 6-834 + 6-849 + 6-911 + 7-180 + 7-240 + 7-357 + 7-4I5 + 7-48I + 7-583 + 7-6I3 + 7-650 + 7-73I + 7-956 + 8-059 + 8-147 + 8-248 + 8-447 f + o-4(. + 0-39 + 0-45 + 0-52 + 0-52 + 0-52 + 0-50 + o-52 + 0-41 + 0-45 + 0-48 + 0-39 + 0-60 + 0-60 + 0-48 + 0-47 + 0-57 + Q'5 1 + 0-42 + 0-52 + 0-42 + 0-34 + 0-42 + 0-33 + 0-20 + 0-49 + 0-50 + 0-50 + 0-49 + 0-43 + o-39 + i-52 + 0-36 + o-37 + 0-46 0-007 0-089 o-oSo 0-034 0-064 + 0-007 0-004 + 0-025 0-02* o-og* + 0-026 0-009 + 0-091 + 0-024 0-102 + 0-004 0-013 + 0-I2I O'OIO + 0-007 + O-OO4 + 0-04* 0-044 + 0-017 0-078 O"O2 0-24 0-24 17^0 26133 26159 26174 26176 26220 26225 26233 97* 953 ysJf 1*3 303* 486 2515 3757 3756 3759 869 10385 10384 10393 376o ... 0-06 3<>4 4^ 2520 3773 873 10411 0-22 + 0-02 O'OI +0-03 o-oi 0-03 +0-01 0-03 305 306 308 310 490 491 492 493 494 2530 2532 2536 3783 3794 3808 3811 3Si7 3819 3820 876 878 879 880 881 1043 10458 10466 10486 10491 I04g3 10498 26317 26414 26485 26500 26508 26510 26527 2661-, 955 957 980* 981 982 960 984 +0-27 311* = 543 3834 885 10522 26626 988* 96s +0-07 0-04 +0-01 o-oi +0-34 10545 2673? 2550 3849 3860 ... 10569 26802 26825 26832 26843 26865 26g2g 994* 966 995* . 0-03 ' +O'O2 +0-01 . +0-08 0-02 +0-05 0-24 315 497 498 2556 3867 3871 894 10584 10590 10609 10611 3869 896 ... 3889 902 27075 969 80 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STABS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Laoaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Oba. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual 'recession. 1885-0. Seoular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /'. Corr. for /*a to 1885-0. 1366 1357 1368 1369 1370* I37i 1372 1373* I374t '375 1376 1377 1378* I379t 1380* l'|lt 1382 1383* 1384 1383 1386* 138? 1388 1389* 1390 1391* 1392 1393* >394 I395t 1396 '397 J39S IS99 1400 2509 2511 2516 2515 2519 2524 2526 8219 2538 2550 2551 2549* 8325 8295 2564 2576 2577 2603 2591 2593 2595 2606 3639 1257 8416 2624 8360 XIX. 258 XIX. 264 XIX. 279 XIX. 273 XIX. 286 XIX. 294 XIX. 303 XIX. 324 XIX. 352 XIX. 360 XIX. 355 XIX. 369 XIX. 386 XX. 4 XX. 10 XX. 16 XX. 62 XX. 53 XX. 54 XX. 58 XX. 70 XX. 83 XX. 124 6767 6772 6783 6785 6796 6802 6811 6801 6833 6858 6871 6870 6878 6873 6893 6934 6938 6965 6971 6972 6974 6979 6995 7004 7014 7022 6993 49 Aquilre v 5-8 2-8 3'7 6-3 5'6 I-O 8 Var. 4-0 4-0 3'7 7-0* 5'9 4'7 6-4 3'5 5-6 7-0 8J 6-5 3'4 6-0 3'8 6-0 4'5 3-8 5'5 3'4 7-0 2'I 5'4 8-o 2'3 6'5 9'4* 81-71 82-08 84-00 82-37 82-02 81-71 84-73 81-61 84-59 81-52 84-00 80-67 81-50 82-66 81-72 84-67 83-20 81-34 80-66 80-70 82-03 8f88 82-14 82-12 82-96 82-43 84-62 82-55 81-94 84-00 81-69 83-67 81-60 83-33 83-71 7 27 6 12 12 H I 26 5 39 5 3 12 13 12 6 13 II 3 3 35 6 7 II 18 19 i 12 24 12 6 3 15 23 3 h m s 19 40 4-280 19 40 47-526 19 42 15-580 19 42 41-698 19 44 27-141 19 45 10-187 19 46 21-690 19 46 36-877 19 47 16-392 19 49 39'842 19 53 38-628 19 53 48-74 19 55 32-008 19 55 35-095 '9 56 55-345 59 57 25-787 19 58 31-283 20 I 58-122 20 3 32-660 20 4 55-880 20 5 22-258 20 6 1-388 20 10 0-623 20 II 15-942 20 II 16-353 20 II 40-378 20 II 51-760 20 14 32-877 20 H 59-922 20 16 32-563 20 I? 28'820 20 I? 42-750 20 18 6-036 20 18 46-807 20 19 6'820 i + 2-9164 + 2-8518 + 2-6747 + 3-3100 + 3-3069 + 2-8919 + 3-6878 + 3-0576 + 7-0272 + 2-9451 + 2-6634 + 3-5042 + 3-3633 + 3-6955 + 3-5656 + 5-7488 + 2-9306 + 3-2157 + 3-6138 + 3-257J + 3-0956 + 3-3346 + 1-8887 + 3-530I f 3-3Z90 + 3-3295 + 2-5655 + 3 J 3737 + 15-2732 + 4-7830 + 2-9763 + 3-3426 + 2-1518 + 10-5840 + 3-34I2 s 0-002 o-ooi O'OOO 0-006 0-006 o-ooi 0-013 0-003 0-165 O'OO2 O'OOO O'OIO 0-008 0-015 0-OI2 0-097 O'OO2 0-006 O-OI4 O-OO? 0-004 0-O08 o-ooo 0-013 0-008 0-009 +0-001 O'OIO 1-638 0-060 0-003 0-009 +0-002 0-692 0-009 8 +O-O027 O-OOO5 0-O008 + 0-003 0-0038 + 0-035I 0-OOI7 o-ooo* +0-0007 +0-0030 + O-OOO2 + O-OOO4 0-0053 +0-193* +0-0003 0-0029 o-oooi +0-0108 0-0004 O-OOO2 0-0008 +0-OO22 +0-0004 +O-OOO8 +0-0037 o-oooi I +0-009 o-coi o-ooi +0-008 o-oii +0-115 0-006 o-ooo + 0-002 +0-003 + 0-001 +0-001 0-017 +0-064 +0-001 o-oii o-ooo +0-034 o-ooi o-ooi O'OO2 +0-006 o-ooo +O-OO2 +0-004 o-ooo 7 Sagittaj Bradley 2515 AGO 27218 Pavonis 60 Aquilas /3 Lalande 38096 63 Sagittarii M 811 Lalande 38458 ; Lalande 38517 31 Cygni (2nd star) ...o' 24 Vulpeculre Lacaille 8257 Lalande 39176 W.B XX. 387 37 Cvgni y Lacaille 8360 B.D. 1 3 No. 5667 1380. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. 1387. J 1 Capricorni in B.A.C. 1388. o* Cygni in B.A.C. 1389. Fundamental Star for Southern Zones. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 81 No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dee. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Sooulir Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. *i. Corr. for *a* 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. 1 Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, I 1870 and 1880. 1 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 I37i J372 1373* '374 "375 1376 1377 1378 '379 1380* 1381 1382 I33 1384 1385 I3S6 1387* 1388* 1389* 1390 39i 1392 1393 '394 1395* 1396 J397 1398 1399 1400 81-69 82-35 84-00 82-37 82-25 83-59 84-73 82 oo 84-59 81-67 84-00 80-67 81-93 82-67 81-71 84-67 83-82 81-67 80-66 80-70 82-20 82-32 82-50 82-16 83-39 82-48 84-62 82-55 82-18 84-00 82-31 83-67 81-60 83-38 83-71 i 20 5 12 12 34 I 15 5 27 5 3 12 I* 12 6 10 II 3 3 30 3 12 12 20 19 I 12 '4 15 3 3 15 26 3 / H 4- 7 20 5-84 + 10 20 1-70 + 18 15 4-82 ii 9 20-35 ii 3 15-66 + 8 33 54-79 27 14 18-64 + o 42 40-93 73 12 42-06 +67 14-80 + 19 10 50-35 20 10 13-65 13 57 16-90 - 28 I 42-65 22 55 2-22 66 28 22-63 + 6 57 15-32 7 5 35-oo 25 15 42-01 9 10 54-76 i 9 42-32 12 57 12-04 + 46 23 35-5I 22 9 50-96 12 51 45-82 12 54 f32 + 24 19 2-39 15 8 37-18 84 47 37-9I 57 6 7-42 + 4 58 34-58 13 45 56-70 + 39 53 21-07 81 40 29-10 '3 45 21-59 + 8-480 + 8-538 + 8-654 + 8-68$ + 8-826 + 8-883 + 8-977 + 8-996 -f 9'47 + 9-234 + 9-542 + 9-555 + 9-686 + 9-690 + 9-792 + 9-830 + 9-9I4 + 10-175 + 10-293 + 10-397 + 10-431 + 10-479 + 10-776 + 10-868 + 10-868 + 10-897 + 10-912 + i 1-108 . + 11-140 + 11-254 + 11-321 + II-338 + 11-366 + 11-415 + H-439 IT + 0-38 + 0-37 + 0-35 + 0-43 + 0'43 + 0-37 + 0-48 + 0-39 + 0-91 + 0-38 + 0-34 + 0-44 + o-43 + o-47 + o-45 + 0-73 + 0-37 + 0-40 + 0-45 + 0-40 + 0-38 + 0-41 + 0-23 + 0-43 + 0-40 + 0-40 + 0-31 + 0-40 + 1-85 + 0-57 + 0-35 + 0-40 + 0-25 + 1-26 + 0-4 it 0-003 + O'oo8 + 0-031 + 0-008 + 0-057 + 0-384 0-003 O'i3* 0-473 + 0-037 + 0-025 + 0-024 + 0-030 - 1-23* + 0-036 + 0-006 + 0-014 0-180 + 0-OO2 0-027 + 0-026 + 0-017 0-032 + O-O22 O-Ogi + 0-020 tt o-oi +0-02 +0-03 +0-02 +0-I6 +0'54 1003* 973 1001* 975 IO02* 1008* 9$* 1010* 98s 1012 986 988 992 1029* 1030* 998 1033* 1035* 318' 2571 3893 905 10650 320' ... 2580 3902 3909 39U 909 10682 27U4 27177 27218 27225 o-oi 0-05 -1-58 +0-04 10690 10694 10712 322* 5oi 2576 2587 39'2 393' 910 9'5 +0-08 +0-06 + O'IO 0-41 +0-04 +O-O2 323 505 504 2591 2592 2595 3947 3946 3952 3949 921 924 10762 10773 10776 2743" 27430 27461 27468 27565 27633 27648 27670 +0-04 0-48 +O'OI 0-08 +0-04 +o-oj o-oi +0-05 325 108 326' 507 $08 509 2608 2609 2610 3986 3988 ... 10825 4005 4006 4007 941 942 10861 10864 27794 27796 27800 328 5 2612 4018 946 10888 10885 10899 27880 27838 27918 0-09 329* 5'2 2613 4020 948 +0-07 ... 2616 4017 953 10907. 27956 1373. Limits of magnitude, 3-5-4'? : Period 7 d - 4 h - I4 m - 1395. Proper Motion from Nesrcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stare. CAPE OBSEBVATONS. 82 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean E.A. 1885-0. Annual ?recession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. P*. Corr. for u. to 'a 1885-0. 1401 1402 H3 1404 1405* 1406 1407 1408 1409* 1410 4"t 1412* 1413 1414 1415 1416* 1417 I 4 i8t 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423* 1424 1425 1426 1427 I 4 28f 1429! H30 H3i* H32 H33t 1434 H35* 2623 2626 2627 8461 2642 8494 2649 2656 2652 2657 2663 8500 2679 2678 2686 2681 2692 2690* 8584 2696 2700 2709 8570 2723 XX. 131 XX. 142 XX. 144 XX. 174 XX. 191 XX. 212 XX. 227 XX. 225 XX. 229 XX. 233 XX. 242 XX. 285 XX. 281 XX. 304 XX. 299 XX. 323 XX. 328 XX. 345 XX. 362 XX. 379 XX. 386 XX. 414 7031 7042 744 7063 7066 7080 7088 7096 7109 7121 7127 7U4 7141 7129 7171 7173 7200 7196 7213 7227 7228 7239 7249 7256 7250 7263 7284 B.D. 14 No. 5738 B.D. 14 No. 5742 8-5* 8-3* 5'2 8-5* 5-0 7 6-2 4'9 5-6 4'i 3'i 5'3 3'7 5'3 8i 5'3 5'l 3'3 i"5 6-8' 4-6 4'of 3-8 8-5* 8-0* 4-6 9-1* 4'4 3'7 4-8 6-0 5'J 5-6 6-0 6-3 83-68 83-71 84-59 83-70 81-56 8o-59 81-65 84-74 81-84 81-64 84-73 81-68 84-00 80-73 82-01 82-06 84-62 84-53 81-33 81-66 84-71 84-71 81-42 80-76 81-38 84-00 80-68 81-07 84-65 84-67 81-08 84-00 83-01 81-73 80-81 3 4 4 5 27 i 6 3 12 45 4 12 6 3 3 16 2 3 9 6 8 3 57 2 3 2 I H 5 8 18 5 22 6 21 h in s 20 19 14-620 2O 19 52-610 2O 2O 44-270 20 20 49-550 20 22 iS-OOI 2O 22 26-590 20 24 37-660 20 26 3-020 2O 26 6-043 20 27 43'HO 20 29 28-470 20 30 44-290 20 32 9-373 20 32 50-400 20 33 6-853 20 33 30-142 20 33 32-560 20 34 34 '793 20 37 30-643 20 37 57-090 20 38 5-365 20 41 19-250 20 41 26-998 2O 42 17-960 20 42 3S-937 20 42 55-750 20 43 lo-no 20 44 57-395 20 45 48-802 20 46 27-005 20 48 17-919 20 49 39-520 20 50 44-610 20 51 14-280 20 54 30-447 a + 3-3449 + 3-3440 + 3-4399 + 3-3432 + 3-4298 + 3-4309 + 3-3707 + 5-0083 + 3-2666 + 2-8663 +4-2398 + 3-1269 + 2-8060 + 3-3609 + 3-36II + 3-4240 + 2-8936 + 5-487I + 2-0437 + 2-9826 + 2-8026 + 2-7857 + 3-2505 + 3-463I + 3-4628 + 2-3345 + 3-4615 + 3-5924 +4-7326 + 3-2381 + 3-4017 + 2-5560 + 7-4906 + 3-3624 +3' 1600 s +0-009 0-009 O-OI2 0-009 O-OI2 O'OII O'OIO 0-077 O-OO8 o-ooi 0-040 0-005 o-ooo o-oii o-oii O-OI2 0-002 o- 116 + 0-002 0-003 o-ooo O'OOO 0-008 0-014 0-014 +0-003 0-014 0-018 0-074 0-008 0-013 +0-003 0-359 0-012 0-007 s O-OOOg O-OO26 0-OOI3 +0-0199 0-O006 o-ooo* 0-0003 +0-0057 0-OOI2 0-0034 +0-0197 0-OOg* 0-0003 O-OO25 0-0034 O'OOO 2 o-ooi i 0-0027 +0-OOO8 O-0058 0-0016 O'OOI* +0-0046 +0-OO2I 8 o-ooo 0-009 0-006 +0-063 0-OO2 o-ooo o-ooi +0-006 0-005 O'OIO +0-007 0-004 o-ooi o-ooi o-ooi o-ooi o-ooi o-oii O'OOO 0-023 0-002 O-OO2 +0-015 +0-009 Lalande 39303 Bradley 2627 .. .. AGO 28i->2 Pavonis 1 M. 842 2 Delph.ini e Indi a 6 Delphini /3 14 Capricorn! r Piazzi XX 229 7 Delphini K co Cvffni ... ...a B.D. 21 No. 5839 B.D. 21 No. 5840 B.D. 21 No. 5843 Indi /3 Piazzi XX. 386 1414. r 1 Capricorni in B.A.C. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. 1*9. Corr. for ii, to r o 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C* 1875. Melbourne, 1 870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414* 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422* 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 H32 H33 H34* 1435 83-68 83-7I 84-59 83-70 81-60 80-59 82-33 84-74 81-84 81-88 84-73 81-68 84-00 80-73 82-01 82-38 84-62 84-53 81-42 82-30 84-70 84-71 81-84 80-76 81-38 84-00 80-68 81-69 84-65 84-67 81-19 84-00 83-3 82-32 81-06 3 4 4 5 20 i 3 3 12 26 4 12 6 3 3 15 2 3 12 3 7 3 26 2 3 2 I II 5 8 12 5 24 3 16 (3111 13 56 33-74 i3 55 30-09 18 35 I5-99 13 55 15-08 18 ii 34-78 18 15 5-57 15 26 22-19 60 58 3-67 10 14 41-63 + 10 54 46-98 47 41 28-87 2 56 50-90 + H ii 43-8? 15 21 25-38 15 22 42-98 18 32 33-62 + 9 40 54-80 66 36 53-39 + 44 52 12-61 + 4 5 37-4I + H 39 45'H + 15 42 37-08 9 54 57-48 21 2 32-77 21 2 55-15 + 36 4 5'8i 21 I 46-44 27 20 54-39 58 53 12-25 9 24 51-31 18 21 29-09 + 27 37 14-62 77 27 36-68 16 28 22-92 5 10 24-91 + ii'449 + "'494 + "555 + 11-562 +H-66G + 11-676 + 11-832 +11-932 + II-935 + 12-049 + 12-171 + 12-259 + 12-357 + 12-404 + 12-423 +12-449 +12-453 + 12-524 +12-723 + 12-753 +12-761 + 12-978 + 12-987 +13-044 + 13-064 + 13-086 +13-101 + 13-219 + 13-276 + I3-3I7 + I3-438 +13-526 +13-596 +13-627 + 13-836 + 0-39 + 0-39 + 0-41 + 0-39 + 0-40 + 0-40 + 0-39 + 0-58 + 0-38 + 0-33 + 0-49 + 0-36 + 0-32 + 0-38 + 0-38 + 0-39 + 0-33 + 0-62 + 0-22 + 0-33 + 0-31 + 0-31 + 0-36 + 0-38 + 0-38 + 0-25 + 0-38 + 0-39 + 0-51 + 0-35 + 0-36 + 0-27 + 0-80 + 0-35 + 0-33 + 0-012 0-007 O'I2 + 0-095 0-022 + 0-04* + 0-003 0-031 0-012 + 0-013 + O'OI2 0-06' + 0-003 0-036 0-196 0-027 + 0-018 + 0-003 0-03I O-OO3 O-OO2 0-40* O-O29 0-140 << +O'OO 330 513 2617 4037 ... ... 28036 O'O2 0-53 331 5H 4045 4047 459 4061 4072 959 10934 10952 10970 10981 28073 ' 28080 28122 28140 28149 28213 28248 1038' 1039 1011 1012 1046 1016 +0-30 0-07 +0-01 +0-01 0-03 0-05 ... ... 2627 335* 5i6 2630 4079 4085 968 ... ... ... 4096 972 ... 28298 28309 28317 101"! +0-03 O'OO 0-03 +O'OI ... 520 2635 4101 974 ... 338' 168 518 2634 2640 4098 4118 975 981 II02I II042 28338 1049* 1055* O'OI 0-06 0-09 341 522 4133 IIO&6 28511 103A +0-02 ... 2649 +0-01 o-oi o-oi o-oo 0-68 0-08 0-55 344 525 526 2651 2653 4148 4149 4158 4165 986 987 990 994 II093 II097 III07 III3I t35 28598 28615 28640 28675 28706 28725 28795 1060 1026 1063* 1062* 1033 ... '... 2654 4166 4170 4180 1422. Magnitude from Struve'a jUensurce Micromctricte. 1434. Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. L 2 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Laoaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. *. Corr. for M to "a 1885-0. 1436 1437 1438 H39 1440 1441* 1442 H43 1444 '445 1446 1447 1448* 1449 145 H5I* 1452 H53 '454t 1455 1456 H57 1458* I4S9 1460* 1461 14&2f <463 1464* 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 2729 2733 2746 2744 2747 2753* 2760 2761 2764 2767 2771 2780 8778 2778 6460 2785* *797 MM ssi? 2802' 2806 2808 2818 8798 XX. 436 XX. 451 XX. 472 XX. 475 XX. 485 XXI. 12 XXI. 35 XXI. 38 XXI. 47 XXI. 54 XXI. 81 XXI. 100 XXL 99 XXI. 118 XXI. 145 XXI. 162 XXI. 161 XXI. 1 88 XXI. 197 XXI. 209 XXI. 222 735 7322 7333 7336 7344 7357 7368 7372 738o 7385 7404 7418 7409 7425 7020 7445 7463 7478 7479 7481 7500 7506 7514 7521 7498 22 Capricorn! ij 5-2 4'3 3'7 5-0 8-3* 4-6 8-7* 5'7 3'5 8-7* 8-8* 4-6 4'l 3'9 9-5* 5'9 4'3 8-5* 4'5 5-6 6-7 9-6* 3'8 6-6 3'l 6'5 3-8 5-8 4'5 8-3* 7-7* 4-8 5'i 5'7 6-3 81-69 84-00 80-13 84-00 84-81 81-98 84-80 81-72 81-21 80-72 84-80 84-71 81-05 84-69 84-81 80-92 82-88 84-72 84-70 80-42 8^-57 84-81 82-22 81-71 81-51 81-76 84-70 81-82 82-69 80-70 80-75 82-87 84-00 82-93 80-75 6 ii 8 4 3 38 2 6 19 3 4 6 46 2 2 '5 It 2 6 12 18 2 17 6 67 6 4 7 12 3 3 18 3 26 3 h in s 20 57 51-550 20 59 28-897 21 44-900 21 I 44-240 21 2 20-I70 21 3 I9-7I7 21 3 53-220 21 6 28-040 21 8 2-527 21 8 10-060 21 8 41-130 21 8 52-695 21 10 4-484 21 10 ll-ggo 21 13 19-670 21 15 2-533 21 16 46-051 21 16 52-050 21 16 55-210 21 J7 J8-226 21 18 42-332 21 20 4-800 21 20 6-021 21 23 32-260 21 25 30-261 21 25 55-630 21 28 38-343 21 29 30-764 21 JO 38-370 21 JI 0-510 21 3' 7-53 21 31 37-742 21 32 20-440 21 33 9-663 21 33 17-260 s + 3-4255 + 3-3746 4- 2-1792 + 2-334 6 + 3-398I + 3-2676 + 3-39IO + 3-5625 + 2-5513 + 3-3IOI + 3-3779 + 2-9198 + 2-9970 + 2-3786 + 3-3652 + 3' ^502 + 2-7662 + 3-3932 + 5-0230 + 3-4122 +83-3973 + 3-3376 + 3-4354 + 3-3736 + 3-1612 + 3-4624 + 6-8977 + 3-4826 + 3-3672 + 3-1909 + 3-2439 + 3'i9'o + 2 -4010 + 9-8202 + 3-2290 9 O-OI4 " 0-013 + O-004 + O-OO4 O-OI4 o-oio 0-OI4 O'O2O + 0-004 O'OII 0-014 o-ooi 0-003 + 0-005 0-013 0-007 + O-002 O-OI5 0-120 O-OI5 II2-87 0-013 O-OI? 0-014 0-OO7 0-018 0-390 O-O2O 0-015 O'OOS O'OIO O-O08 + 0-007 1-097 o-oio s 0-0050 +0-0040 +0-0006 +0-3444 +0-0043 +0-0061 0-0015 +O-OOI2 +O-CO2I +0-0121 0-00.3I +0-0064 + O-OI9* 0-0032 O-I3O* 0-0013 O-OOO6 +0-006I O-OOOg +O-O058 o-ooio o-ooo* B O-OI? + O-004 + 0-003 +0-344 +0-013 +O-O2O 0-006 O"OOO +0-008 +0-004 0-013 +0-014 +0-006 0-015 0-316 0-004 O-OO2 +O-OI9 O-OO2 +0-012 o-ooi o-ooo 23 Capricorn!.. .. 9 62 Cvjrni .. ... 61 Cygni (ist star) B. D. 19 No. 6028 B. D. 19 No. 6038 3 Piscis Australia ... . 64 Cygni Lalande 41168 B. D. 18 No. 5893 7 Equulei I 8 E:|uulei a B. D. 18 No. 5910 16 A(]uarii I Pegasi Lalande 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875. Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 1471 1472 1473 H74 1475 1476 '477* 1478 H79 1480 1481 1482* 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 H99* 1500 1501 1502 1503* 1504 1505 82-80 82-43 84-83 80-74 82-19 82-68 83-06 84-71 82-49 82-99 82-70 82-44 83-72 83-04 82-68 84-76 84-66 82-86 81-19 84-81 82-70 83-46 84-74 83-79 84-83 84-83 82-69 82-68 82-31 82-71 82-51 84-83 84-07 84-83 82-58 16 3 3 43 7 3 6 12 18 6 3 12 3 5 4 7 7 15 5 26 4 6 I I 26 7 12 3 12 I 19 2 2 o / u 17 10 52-56 23 46 55-7I 15 51 26-12 17 54 43-01 + 9 20 53-99 47 55 53-o8 9 36 35-26 + 25 7 0-79 it 53 44-11 16 38 53-93 47 49 32-55 +29 17-12 57 52 24-01 19 9 30-17 47 22 19-19 37 54 18-97 14 5 33-20 + 25 23 4-16 4 48 53-44 -4- 8 IO 9-22 47 I 23-79 78 12 39-96 55 32 18-65 57 i5 5'8o + 6 41 2-21 + 6 41 50-77 + 3 36 41-78 46 53 29-31 21 43 51-84 + 3 38 33-34 29 o 17-90 + 6 20 16-38 57 15 24-56 + 5 46 38-87 + 4 12 18-11 + 16-105 + 16-196 + 16-246 + 16-282 + I6-353 + 16-365 + 16-370 + 16-398 + 16-445 + 16-462 + 16-466 + 16-497 + 16-661 + 16-689 + 16-720 + 16-769 + 16-771 + 16-810 + 16-827 + 16-831 + 16-887 + 16-904 + 16-917 + 16-920 + 16-932 + 16-949 + 16-993 + 17-009 + 17-021 + 17-067 + 17-109 + 17-122 + 17-122 + I7-I4+ +I7T55 + 0-28 + 0-29 + 0-27 + 0-28 + 0-24 + 0-33 + 0-26 + 0-22 + 0-26 + 0-27 + 0-32 + 0-25 + 0-34 + 0-26 + 0-31 + 0-29 + 0-25 + 0-21 + 0-24 + 0-23 + 0-30 + 0-50 + 0-32 + 0-32 + 0-23 + 0-23 + 0-23 + 0-29 + 0-25 + O'22 + O-26 + 0-22 + 0-31 + 0-22 + 0-22 0-013 0-106 + O'OII + 0-020 + o-oio 0-013 0-297 o-oio O'O2* + 0-013 O'OO2 0-096 O'OI* + 0-005 + 0-017 2-60 0-03 0-27 359 538 539 2718 4329 4339 1044 11441 "454 29656 29692 1095* +0-03 43$ 2723 435 1049 11474 H475 29748 29752 1098* +0-04 o-oo 0-03 0-60 0-03 ... ... 4352 364 542 2728 2726 4357 436o 4358 1050 11484 11486 29774 29788 29785 io6A 1065 11509 11522 11527 11528 11530 29885 29903 29916 29935 29938 29957 1104 1107* 1068 4373 ... o-oo O'OO o-oo 0-37 365* 544 545 2733 4375 4378 1053 i54 1055 ... ... 4384 11540 11542 "544 11548 29987 29985 29999 30001 1108 o-oo 546 2734 2737 4382 4387 1056 1070 10J2 "559 30049 30055 +0-01 2741 4397 +0-04 ... ... 4402 1058 "575 30101 30105 1113*- 2-42 2742 4401 11576 1503. Proper Motion from Gill and Elkin's Parallax of Southern Stars. 88 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 18S5'0, Annual Corr. Bradley Mean No. Mean R.A. Annual Secular Proper for No. or Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Date. of Precession. Variation. Motion. u. to LaeaiUe. i Obs. a 1800+ 1885-0. 1885-0. 1885-0. /v 1885*0. h m & 8 s s 1506 ... ... B.D. + 4 No. 4784... 9-2* 82-74 3 21 55 27-980 + 3-02I8 O-OO2 I ^O7 2870 XXI. 363 7664 20 Pe^asi 5-6 84. -70 g 21 55 29-180 + 2-9I83 +O-QOI 4-0*0032 +0*001 * j*-*/ 1508 mtrfy / "*-"t B.D. + 4 No. 4785... J v 9'5* "T 1 / v 82-75 2 21 55 48-140 + 3-OI07 O-OO2 I COO* XXI. 361 766; M 91 1 6*4 SO'?! 17 21 ^ C.I-9&O + 3 3024 O-OI4 +0*0052 +0*022 J y I5IO i vuj B.D. + 4 No. 4787... T. 9-0* 82-65 I j j j ? 21 56 5-230 + 3'oi?5 0-002 I CTI Lalriii-de 42949 8-1* 82-63 3 21 56 14*850 + 3-0254 O'OO2 J mis 8990 Lacaille 8999 * J 7! 82-68 j c 21 56 19*830 + 3-8008 o 044 j * 1313 v yyy ... ... B.D. + 3 No. 4651... / 2 9-5* 82-82 J 2 21 56 34-280 + 3-0288 O-002 ... ... 1514 ... ... B.D. + 3 No. 4653... 9'5* 82-76 2 21 56 59-I40 + 3-0247 O-O02 .. ... 1515 ... ... B.D. -f 4 No. 4790... 9-4* 82-77 3 21 57 2I-2OO + 3-0210 0-002 ... .... 1516 Lalande 43002 7-3* 82-67 3 21 57 38-180 + 3-0142 O-002 1517 IjjilttTide 43004 .. .. 8-0* "/ 82'^t; A 21 57 47-390 + 3-0268 O-OO2 1518 ... ... ... B.D. + 4 No. 4793- 8-5* o j 82-65 T 2 21 57 5I-730 + 3-0199 0-OO2 ... 1519 ... ... B.D. + 4No. 4795- 9-1' 82-78 3 21 58 lO'IIO + 3-0162 0-002 ... 1520 ... ... B.D. + 5No. 4940... 9-4* 82-80 3 21 58 14-500 + 3-0012 o-ooi ... ... 1521 B.D. + 4 No. 4796... 9-5* 82-79 3 21 58 I8-590 + 3-0157 0-OO2 ... 1522 ... ... ... B.D. + 5 No. 4941... 9-5* 82-84 I 21 58 43-I20 + 3 - oio7 o-ooi 1523 ... B.D. + 3 Xo, 4658... 93* 82-84 2 21 59 47-920 + 3 '0243 0-O02 ... 1524 A GC 30218 gi 8V72 12 21 59 50-660 + 4'H93 O-072 1525* 2890 XXI. 387 7688 34 Aquarii a U 2 V2 " j i * 8l'47 tn 21 59 52-638 + 3-0827 O-OO4 0*0008 0*003 1526 XXI. 390 Piazzi XXI 390 o 7-c* w ^/ 82-80 T3 3 21 59 55-520 + 3-0091 O'OOI 1527 ... B.D. + 5 No. 4946... / J 9-5* 82-72 2 21 59 57-050 + 3-0055 o-ooi 1528 XXI. 391 Piazzi XXI. 391 8-5' 82-63 2 22 O 5-240 + 3-0075 O'OOl ... ... 1529 ... ... ... B.D. + 5 No. 4949 9'O* 82-67 2 22 O 13-170 + 3-0047 o-ooi ... 1530* 2889 XXI. 389 7691 33 Aquarii t A' 7 81-76 21 22 O 13-502 + 3-2441 O'OIl 0*0000 o-ooo 1531 B.D. + 5 No. 4951... T J 9-5* "* / v 82-80 3 22 O 41-300 + 3-0099 o-ooi 1532 XXI. 395 Piazzi XXI. 395 7-5' 82-60 3 22 O 46-220 + 3-oi85 O-OO2 ... '533t 9021 7692 I "Q 84. n 1C 22 58-852 + 3'797o 0-046 +0*0112 +0-010 1534 ... B.D. + 4 No. 4806... y 9-5* ~T^ O 82-8I * j 3 22 i 16-610 + 3-0156 0-OO2 ... ... 1535 2899 XXI. 402 7706 4."O 84-83 i 22 I 39-480 + 2-7676 +0-006 +0*O2O9 +0-004 1536 B.D. + 6 No. 4965... ij. 9-3* "t " J 82-84 i 22 2 46-490 + 3-0029 o-ooi 1537 ... ... B.D. + 6 No. 4966... 9-5' ... ... 22 2 (47) + 2-9563 o-ooi ... 1538 ... ... B.D. + 5 No. 4955... 9-4* 82-75 3 22 3 I4-79 + 3-0024 o-ooi ... ... 1539 ... ... ... B.D. + 6 No. 4969... 9-5* 82-77 3 22 3 22-820 -f 3-0002 o-ooi ... 1540 ... B.D. + 4 No. 4810... 9-5* 82-79 2 22 3 41-380 + 3-0158 o-ooi > FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 89 No. Mean Hate. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Deo. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. fl Corr. for /*,- to 1885-0. Fallows and Henderson. Johnson. Cape Catalogues. A.G.C. iS75. Melbourne. 1 1 870 and 1880. 1 1840. 1850. 1860. 1883. 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 I5U 1514 'SIS 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 15^3 1524 1525 1526 1527 15=8 1529 153 I53i 1532 1533* 1534 J535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 82-74 84-70 82-72 82-49 82-64 82-63 82-68 82-82 82-76 82-77 82-67 82-55 82-65 82-78 82-80 82-79 82-84 82-84 83-72 82-00 82-80 82-72 82-63 82-66 82-76 82-80 82-60 84-12 82-81 84-83 82-66 82-75 82-75 82-77 82-79 3 8 3 II 3 3 5 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 3 3 2 2 IJ U 4 2 2 3 17 3 3 '7 3 I 5 2 3 3 2 O / II + 4 n 5-41 + 12 34 9'74 + 5 6 46-38 18 27 17-43 + 4 33 32-8o + 3 54 56-52 46 40 50-72 + 3 3S 12-61 + 3 59 37-oo + 4 18 47-78 + 4 53 8-07 + 3 50 13-91 + 4 25 0-22 + 4 44 38-8o + S 59 56-9I + 4 47 30-95 + 5 U 7-28 +46 38-78 57 24 37'oS o 52 40-63 + 5 24 27-06 + 5 42 41-21 + 5 33 3-23 + 5 47 41-46 14 25 37-81 + 5 22 2O' IO + 4 38 5-15 47 31 1-83 + 4 54 0-36 + 24 47 l'34 + 6 9 46-27 + 6 38 6-53 +67 32-87 + 6 19 21-54 + 4 58 34-3I H + 17-165 + 17-166 + 1 7 I So + 17-183 + I7-I93 + 17-200 + 17-204 + 17-215 + I7-233 + 17-250 + 17-262 + 17-269 + I7-273 + 17-286 + 17-289 + I7-293 + 17-311 + I7-358 + 17-361 + 17-361 + 17-363 + 17-365 + 17-370 + 17-376 + I7-377 + 17-397 + 17-400 + 17-409 + I7-423 + i7'439 + 17-487 + 17-488 + 17-507 + I7-5I3 + 17-526 // + 0-22 + 0-21 + 0-22 + 0-24 + 0-22 + O'22 + 0-28 + 0-22 + 0-22 + 0-22 + 0-22 + 0-22 + 0-22 + 0-22 + O-2I + 0-22 + 0-21 + O-2I + 0-29 + 0-22 + 0-21 + 0-21 + O-2I + 0-21 + 0-23 + O'2I + 0'2I + 0-27 + 0-21 + 0-19 + 0-21 + 0-21 + 0-21 + 0-21 + O-2I H 0-050 0-078 + 0-OO2 0-049 0-172 + O-O2O a 0-O2 0-20 4403 30141 1015 585 30148 ... toil 30218 30221 1117* * +0-01 367' 550 2749 4420 1060 11608 o-H 368 551 275 4422 1061 11609 30229 >79 0-15 369* 552 2752 4423 1062 11617 30241 1119* o-oo 11625 '533- Proper Motion from Newcomb's Catalogue of 1098 Standard Stars. CAPE OIJSEBVATIOUS. 90 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Bradley or Jacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C. Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. **. Corr. for i% to 1885-0. 1541 1542 '543* 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 155 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 '557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 I5 6 3 I 5 6 4 t 1565* 1566 1567 1568 1569 J57o I57i 1572 1573 1574 1575 2915 2914 2909 2917 944 2920 2924 2923 8924 9074 2929 XXII. 3 XXII. i XXI. 420 XXII. 6 XXII. 17 XXII. 22 XXII. 44 7721 7723 7722 7731 7728 7744. ... 7752 7751 7713 7767 7773 27 Pegasi 5'7 9-3* 3'8 5'4 4'4 74 9-2* 9'3* 8-3* 6'3 9-2* 9-0* 9-j* 9-0* 9-0* 7'3* 8-6* 5'5 7-9* 7'5 9'5* 6-4 9-0' 2-8 4'3 9'5* 8-2* 8-9* 8-7* 9-2* 9'4* 9-0* 9'3* 8-7* 8-5* 84-80 82-78 80-38 81-78 84-00 83-80 82-71 82-73 82-70 83-7I 82-70 82-63 82-58 83-77 82-63 83-74 83-75 81-81 82-57 82-68 82-71 82-74 82-71 84-74 80-97 82-72 82-65 82-63 82-72 82-58 82-74 82-70 82-72 84-85 80-73 4 2 37 7 5 ii 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 7 6 3 3 48 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 h in s 22 4 7-950 22 4 11-930 22 4 23-847 22 4 28-490 22 4 52-850 22 5 15-080 22 5 30-160 22 5 33-880 22 6 40-860 22 6 44-460 22 6 53-760 22 6 56-680 22 7 24-750 22 7 37-230 22 7 50-450 22 7 52-100 22 7 54-520 22 7 56-840 22 8 0-I30 22 8 45-210 22 8 55-680 22 9 18-846 22 9 40-620 22 10 36-761 22 10 45-852 22 IO 55-320 22 II 22-640 22 II 39'44 22 12 6-82O 22 12 32-800 22 12 50-450 22 13 4-73 22 14 4-850 22 14 I5-570 22 14 18-830 6 + 2-658I + 2-9995 + 3-0087 + 3-2II2 + 2-6605 4- 4-0424 + 2-9975 + 3-0059 + 2-9950 + 3-I3II + 2-9965 + 2-9997 4- 2-9927 + 3-1289 + 2-9913 + 3-1276 + 3-1297 + 3-3216 + 2-9937 4- 2-9913 + 2-9933 + I3-3725 + 2-9923 + 4''?27 + 3-1625 + 2-9903 + 2-9888 + 2-9912 + 2-9903 + 2-9899 + 2-9890 + 2-9879 4- 2-9884 + 3-0495 + 3-2333 a +0-009 o oo i o-ooi O'OIO +0-009 0-069 O'OOI o-ooi O'OOO 0-006 o-ooo o-ooi o-ooo 0-006 o-ooo 0-006 0-006 0-016 o-ooo o-ooo o-ooo 3-390 o-ooo 0-086 0-007 o-ooo o-ooo O'OOO o-ooo o-ooo o-ooo o-ooo O'OOO O-002 O'OII 8 O-OO5O +0-0177 +0-OO08 O OO2O 0-O047 + O-OO&5 0-0015 0-035* 0-007* + 0-0057 e o-ooi +0-082 +0-003 O-OO2 0-OO6 +0-008 0-O05 0-079 O-OO2 + 0-023 B.D. + 6 No. 4972... 26 Pegasi 9 38 Aquarii .... r 29 Pegasi TT B.D. + 6 No. 4979... B.D. + 5 No. 4964... B.D. + 6 No. 4982... Bradley 2920 B.D. + 6 No. 4983... B.D. + 6 No. 4985... W. B. XXII. 102 B.D. 5 No. 5735- W B XXII 1 10 Bradley 2924 B.D. 5 No. 5739- Lalande 43361 Lalancle 43392 B.D. + 7]S*o. 4830... Octantis v \V B XXII 154 Toucani a 43 Aquarii B.D. + 7 No. 4835- Lalande 43503 W B XXII 206 W. B. XXII. 212 B.D. + 7 No. 4841... B.D. + 7 No. 4843... B.D. + 7 No. 4849... Lalande 43572 Lalande 43567 1541. ir 1 Pegasi in B.A.C. 1544. e* Aquarii in B.A.C. 1545. -IT- Pegasi in B.A.C. 1562. Usually named C Octantis at the Cap*. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPK. 91 . No. Mean Date. 180:1+ No. of Obs. Mean Dee. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Seou'ar Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /** Corr. for M| to 1885-0. Fallows and 1 Henderson. Johnson. Cap3 Catalogues. A.G.C. 1875- Melbourne, 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1880. 154'* 1542 '543 1544* 1545' 1546 '547 1548 '549 1550 I55i '552 '553 1554 1555 1556 '557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562* 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 '571 1572 1573 1574 '575 84-80 82-74 80-86 83-04 84-00 83-80 82-68 82-72 82-70 S3-7I 82-70 82-63 82-58 83-77 82-63 83-74 83-75 83-10 82-57 82-68 82-71 83-47 82-71 84-74 82-44 82-72 82-65 82-63 82-72 82-59 82-70 82-70 82-72 84-85 80-73 4 3 '4 3 5 ii 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 6 3 3 27 3 7 18 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 3 2 3 / " + r- 36 38-43 + 6 .'5 25-67 + 5 37 57-o6 '-! 7 47-75 + 32 36 5f37 5<) 3 40-93 + 6 40 14-36 + 5 55 45-93 + 6 57 4-61 5 17 14-61 -f- 6 50 8-26 + 6 33 14-16 + 7 '2 4-75 5 7 44-42 + 7 21 15-70 5 I 12-81 5 '2 49-36 21 38 44-67 +7 45-13 + 7 24 22-94 + 7 14 27-01 86 33 2-50 + 7 22 30-84 60 49 56-12 8 21 19-64 + 7 37 54-22 + 7 48 4'68 + 7 35 57-01 + 7 42 43-6o + 7 46 41-32 + 7 52 26-82 +80 6-48 + 8 i 22-26 + 2 12 21-57 '5 7 53-4I n + I7-544 + I7-548 + I7-556 + I7-559 + I7-576 + I7-592 + 17-602 + 17-605 + 17-652 + 17-654 + 17-661 + 17-663 + 17-682 + 17-690 + 17-699 + 17-701 + 17-702 + 17-704 + 17-706 + I7-737 + I7-744 + 17-760 + 17-774 + 17-812 + 17-818 + 17-825 + 17-843 + I7-855 + 17-872 + 17-890 + 17-901 + 17-911 + 17-950 + I7-956 + 17-959 i + o-iS + O'2O + 0-21 + 0-22 + 0-18 + 0-28 + 0-20 + 0-20 + 0-20 + 0-21 + 0-20 + 0-20 + O'2O + O'2I + O'2O + 0-21 + O'2I + O-22 + 0-20 + O-20 + O-2O + 0-gO + O'2O + 0-27 + O-2I + 0-ig + 0-'9 + 0-ig + 0-19 + 0-19 + 0-19 + 0-19 + 0-19 + 0-19 + 0-20 I! 0-061 + 0-036 + o-oio 0-005 O-O22 o-og + 0-068 + 0-08* 0-04* 0-019 // O'OI 40f?3 iogA 1123* 1128 1129* 10gg 1089 +0-15 +0-O2 O'OI 11637 30315 ... 4440 4444 ... 11644 30332 0-03 ... ... ... 445' ... 30366 o-ii ... ... ... 4457 ... ... +0-13 ... ... 4456 ... ... 30385 +0-12 7 549 2753 ... 1064 11665 30380 O'OI 0-05 374* 376 555 556 2762 2764 4462 4467 1071 1073 11679 11682 30422 30430 ... M a 92 GENERAL CATALOGUE uF STABS FOR 18S5'0, No. Bradley or Lacaille. Piazzi. B.A.C Star's Name. Mag. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean R.A. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*. Corr. for p a to 1885-0. 1576 1577*- 1578 1579 1580 1581* 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587* 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 >593t 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598* '599 i6cx>t 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608* 1609 1610* 2940 2943 2944 2949 2952 9138 9140 2960 2966 953 2975 2976 2979 XXI[. 67 XXII. 73 XXII. 72 XXII. 74 XXII. 86 XXII. 90 XXII. 104 XXII. 108 XXII. in XXII. 112 XXII. 1 31 XXII. 133 XXII. 141 XXH. 143 XXII. 145 XXII. 151 7790 7795 7796 7806 7814 7828 7830 7832 7840 7841 7855 7864 7865 7868 B.I). + 8 No. 4846... 9-2* 5'4 8-0* 8-7* 8-2' 4"l 5-1 8-9* 9'2 9-2* 8- 7 6-0 9-0" 9-5* 4-6 9-2* 8-6* 4'2 7-5* 9-i 4'4 4} 4-8 7-8* 5'5 7-7' 9'2* 8 7-8* 3'9 9-0' 8-0' 5'2 7 4'2 82-65 80-62 80-77 82-76 82-67 81-29 84-74 82-66 82-69 82-84 82-56 80-09 84-85 82-69 83-27 82-62 84-85 84-71 82-61 82-71 84-84 84-63 81-36 82-61 84-81 82-67 82-67 82-72 82-67 79-67 82-63 82-72 80-69 84-87 81-36 4 12 3 3 2 56 7 2 5 3 5 14 i 4 12 5 i 6 7 2 2 4 26 6 5 6 4 6 6 3 3 6 20 I 28 h m B 22 14 42-950 22 15 15-662 22 15 22-720 22 Ij 26-650 22 15 36-370 22 15 42-929 22 15 5I-464 22 16 42-420 22 17 42-220 22 17 44-210 22 I? 48-060 22 18 17-401 22 18 57-690 22 19 8-OIO 22 19 24-250 22 19 42-180 22 21 57-470 22 22 23-565 22 22 25-450 22 22 26-540 22 22 52-940 22 22 54'570 22 24 33-598 22 24 43-200 22 25 I2-782 22 25 25-310 22 25 34-090 22 26 I-375 22 26 2-290 22 26 33-277 22 28 6-860 22 28 12-680 22 28 24-071 22 28 43-010 22 29 26-793 E + 2-9868 + 3-3128 + 3-2307 + 2-9885 + 2-9893 + 3-0926 + 2-9517 + 2-9865 +2-9858 + 2-9853 + 2 ' 9840 + 3-2I67 + 3-0518 + 2-9891 + 3-0645 + 2-9877 + 3-0620 + 3-6074 + 2-9584 + 2-9891 + 3-6095 + 3-0782 + 3-I80I + 2-9763 + 4-1077 + 2-990I + 2-9922 + 3-207I + 2-9768 + 2-4475 + 2-9929 + 2-9935 + 3-2752 + 3-0723 + 3-0788 6 O'OOO 0-016 O'OII o-ooo O'OOO 0-004 + O-OO2 +0-001 +0-001 +0-001 +0-001 O'OII 0'OO2 +0-001 0-003 +0-001 0-003 0-039 +O-002 +0-001 0-039 0-003 0-009 + 0-002 0-092 +0-001 +0-001 O'OJO +O-OO2 +0-017 +0-001 +0-001 0-015 0-003 0-003 e 0-0034 +0-0068 0-0013 +0-0015 O-O012 0-004* + 0-OIIO O'OOII +0-0133 +0-0140 +0-0042 B 0-015 + 0-025 O'OOO +0-007 0-002 O'OOI +0-004 0-004 +0-071 +0-006 +0-015 W B. XXII. 274 Piazzi XXII. 73 31 Pe Aqnarii in B A.C. 1631. B.A.C. gives no letter. 1634. r* Aquarii in B.A.C. FKOM OBSERVATIONS AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Mean Date. 1800+ No. of Obs. Mean Dec. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Secular Variation. 1885-0. Annual Proper Motion. /*- 01 ' 33 42 56-021 23 4f 18-5^0 23 45 19-241 23 45 24-920 23 45 47-263 23 46 0-510 23 4 6 4-5; 23 4 6 38-274 23 48 53'4 S 23 49 41-830 23 51 12-352 . 23 52 47-147 23 53 S-HO 23 53 24-3^7 23 53 55-8 8 23 54 43-680 23 55 26-500 23 55 26-630 23 55 51-960 23 55 55-SI3 23 56 0-270 23 56 16-170 23 56 i9'37o 23 56 47-020 23 56 48-050 23 57 5T70 23 57 10-570 23 57 50-864 23 59 18-980 23 59 25-160 23 59 26-915 s + 3-II59 +4-2869 + 3-1270 + 3-0896 + r7367 + 3-1026 + 3-OI35 + 3-0665 +3-0692 + 3-0463 +3-0730 + 3-0642 + 3-47S4 + 3-0755 +3-0671 +3-0682 +3-I527 + 3-0679 +3-0683 + 3-0688 + 3-0686 + 3-0739 +3-0692 +3-0693 + 3-0693 + 3-0699 + 3-0690 + 3-0696 +3-0702 +3-0765 + 3-0717 +3-0719 + 3-0728 s O'OIO 3-553 >-oi6 0-005 0-331 O'OIO +0-003 +0-003 + 0'OO2 + O'OII +0-001 +0-005 0-298 o-ooi +0-005 +0-005 0-070 +o 006 +0-006 +0-006 +0-006 O'OOO +0-006 +0-006 +0-006 +0-006 +0-007 +0-006 +0-006 0-008 +0-007 +0-006 O'OOI s +o 0006 +0-0036 +0-0083 0-030* o 0006 o oooo 0-0033 0-017* o 0050 +0-0087 0-OOO2 o-oooi 0-0019 s +0-001 +0-016 +0-040 0-033 0-003 o ooo 0-003 0-018 0-023 +0-033 O'OOO o-ooo o-ooo Sculptoris S M (jV-i Octautis y 1 io3 Aquarii i- L ilaude 46737 . Lilancle 46742.., 22 Piscium... 81 Pegasi Piazzi XXIII 227.... O^tantis .,.y 2 27 PlSC'UHl B.D. + 7 No. 5108... 28 Pisciuni M B.D. + 7 No. 5157... B.D. + 8 No. 5159... B.D. + 7 No. 5117... W.B. XXIII. IH2.... 29 Piscium BD. + 7 No. 5118... B.D. + 7 No. 5119... W.B. XXIII. H2I.... B.D + 7 No. 5122... W.B. XXIII. 1139.... B.D +8 No. 5165... Lalande 47160 2 Ceti W.B. XXIII. 1187.... B.D. + 8 No. 5170... 33 Piscium j686. B A.C. gives no letter : ?" in A,G.C. FUO.M oi;s;-;iJVATH>N'o AT TIIK IIOI'AI, OB8EEVATOET, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. No. Moan Date. 1800+ Xo of Obs. Mean Deo. 1885-0. Annual Precession. 1885-0. Wt'o-.ilar Variation. 1885-0. null Proper Motion. /'r. Corr. for "o to 1885-0. Fallows and Ho-nderson. Johnson. Cajie Catalogues. A.G.C. 18/5. Melbourn'', 1870 and 1880. 1840. 1850. 1860. iSSo. 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686* 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 84-41 83-24 82-07 82-32 84-05 82-47 80-81 80-80 83-12 84-00 81-85 82-79 84-03 82-07 8s-73 81-67 84-81 82-82 82-85 82-76 82-73 83-09 82-76 82-83 82-79 82-85 82-82 82-83 82-75 82-58 82-79 82-83 84-75 6 -5 15 12 33 II 3 3 3 5 40 35 12 3 18 4 4 4 3 12 3 4 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 8 Q r II 18 54 54-92 84 30 5'44 28 45 58-29 10 36 58-09 82 39 28-16 19 32 54-98 +43 27-12 +46 19-60 -)- 2 17 28-00 + IS 28 54-23 o 31 48-22 + 7 44 25-65 82 48 33-50 4 II 38-08 + 7 27 21-27 + 6 13 36-31 65 13 0-26 + 8 31 20-12 + 8 43 50-79 + 7 45 13-07 + 8 59 0-27 3 40 3-58 + 7 5? 29-75 +87 13-96 + 8 2O 20-22 + 7 34 19-60 + 10 16 I -.-7 +99 16-61 + 7 37 54-77 i? 58 34-26 + 9 47 4J-82 + 8 32 27-44 6 21 3-68 tt + 19-963 + I9-977 + 19-998 +20-006 + 20-012 + 20-013 + 20-015 +20-016 + 20-017 + 20-019 + 20-030 + 20-033 + 20-039 + 20-043 + 20-044 + 20-045 + 20-047 + 20-048 + 20-049 + 20-049 + 2O-O5O + 2O-O5O + 2O-O5O + 20-05I + 20-05I + 2O-O52 + 2O-O52 + 20-052 + 20-052 + 20-053 + 20-053 + 20-053 + 20-053 /; + 0-03 + O-O, + 0-03 + 0-02 + 0-03 + 0-02 + O'O2 + 0-02 + O'O2 + 0-02 + o-oi + o-oi + o-oi + o-oi + O'OI O'OO o-oo o-oo O'OO o-oo o-oo o-oo O'OO O'OO O'OO O'OO o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oo o-oi O'OI o-oi o-oii 0-097 + 0-090 0-03* + O-002 O'OII 0-042 0-03* 0-057 0-108 O'OO2 + 0-005 + 0-096 // o-oi 415 596 ... 4746 12263 12:72 12297 12306 12313 32076 32098 32161 32188 32200 32204 I 2 10* //9/ 1212* 4/94 0-28 +0-24 0-03 +0-01 417 / 597 598 2876 2879 2880 4756 4759 47^3 4764 1145 "47 0-02 0-04 1148 ... ... 4773 3:262 i,()(J 1217* 1202 0-03 0-17 418* 419 599 60 1 1883 2885 4776 4781 "5i "53 I23&C 1237: 32303 32330 0-36 420 602 2886 2887 4785 "54 "55 12380 12381 32347 1221* 1222 1206 o-oo 421 603 4791 1156 12406 32379 .-; ... +0-01 42-2 605 2890 4798 12416 32405 1209 +0-02 424 606 2891 4805 1158 I243I 32431 APPENDIX I. A CATALOGUE OF SOUTHERN CIRCUMPOLAR STARS FOR 1885'0, FKOM OBSERVATIONS MADE Al THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. DURING THE YEARS 1881-88. 102 CATALOGUE OF SOUTHERN CIRCUMPOLAR STARS FOR 1885'0, No. Star's Name. Mag. R.A. uncorrected for Proper Motion. Mean Date. No. of Obs. N.P.D. uncorrected for Proper Motion. Mean Date. No. of Obs. i Lacai lie 9 74 5 7! h in s O 2 34 '/I 1800 -j- 87-10 20 ' // 176 40 45 "?8 1800+ 87-46 14 2 5-6 O 4. 4.7*07 84-87 23 172 51 48 * 1 1 85-23 16 7* 3 O 12 4.4 ' 8 4 86-40 i > 179 o 8*41 87-26 IO 3 Hydri ... 2*7 o 19 41*81 85-40 24 167 54 6*37 c Lacaille 248 ....^ 7 O TO 47 "^4 8q-8; 12 176 IQ ;2 4 q8 85-85 12 6 X Hydri . . .. 5-6 O 44. ^'82 8c 'OQ 1^ 165 -52 58-81 86-53 6 7 Lacaille 505 6'3 i 32 53*99 86-20 24 169 5 19-02 86-20 24 8 Lacaille 634 6-1 I 44 8 '64 86-21 22 J7C 2O ^Q'Q2 86-14 20 r* Hydri *.... 6-1 I 48 ^2 "84 86-12 86-10 18 IO 6-3 i ^6 V7I 85-76 q 168 54 38-29 8 6-7 85*12 86-57 8 12 7i 84. '78 2O i?6 13 34*48 85-44 14 I ^ v Hydri 5"i 2 HI IV 48 2Q 165 32 i'i'78 85-58 -4 61 7 TT 2Q"O^ 8^*Q2 12 l6 50-42 3 M 42-93 50-24 7 F 43-12 50-29 ... 8 P 43-03 50-42 9 M 50-10 ... 10 G 42-83 50-I8 ii P 42-95 50-37 12 F 42-85 ... 50-32 17 F 43-Qi ... 50-32 J9 F 42-89 50-12 ... 21 P ... ... 50-33 23 F 42-94 50-13 ... 24 G 43-19 25 P 50-33 ... 26 F 42-99 50-3I 28 M 42-98 50-37 31 M 42-79 50-26 -'. August i F 43-04 50-23 ... 2 I 42-94 50-31 ... 4 F 42-96 ... 50-36 6 P ... 50-23 7 M ... ... 50-50 8 P 43 - 03 50-27 ... II I 43'i4 ... 12 F 42-84 ... 13 P 43-07 ... 50-3I 14 F 43-20 50-34 ... IS M 42-95 50'H 16 P 43-02 50-20 AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. ior Date. Observer. R.A. Declination. 0. a.,. Of 0. V 1 (3- ' r ,. 0. r a,. 11 111 h m h m I / o / 1880. '3 55 14 31 14 31 - 59 49 60 21 60 21 October 7 I 43-13 .'.. 1-89 8 M 42-84 49-72 1-86 34-48 40-63 9 P 43-01 ... 49-71 1-99 33-57 41-40 13 M 42-99 ... 49-5I I'73 34-7I 41-40 M I 42-62 ... 49-13 1-05 35-52 41-58 15 P 42-80 49-67 1-22 34-5I 41-10 19 M 42-87 49-69 22 I 42-98 49-74 ... 2-f, 4 35-82 42-76 23 M 43-01 ... 49-58 2-93 35-62 41-43 25 P 42-95 ... 2-75 ... ... 26 P 43-29 ... 49-58 1-31 35-57 41-79 27 I ... ... 49-83 33-62 41-48 28 P 42-99 ... 1-03 ... 2 9 P ... 49-63 ... 34T3 39-63 31 M 49-44 ... 2-26 36-63 ... November i I 43-28 49-93 0-70 34-53 41-49 2 P 43-03 ... 49-55 1-83 34-67 40-91 4 I 42-99 ... 50-12 2-04 34-30 41-78 10 M 42-91 ... 49-70 1-78 35-10 41-51 12 P 42-92 49-82 ... 2-84 35-i6 41-63 15 P 42-99 ... 3-66 ... ... 17 I 43-o8 49-68 2-23 34-92 41-97 18 P 43-03 ... 49-80 2-62 34-27 40-46 19 M 42-89 49 '77 0-48 36-11 42-27 21 M 42-73 49-42 I -01 36-71 43-08 23 I 42-93 ... 49-65 1-61 33-00 40-63 24 M 42-76 49-68 1-53 35-01 40-25 25 P 42-92 49-67 ... 1-39 34-17 40-95 29 I 42-76 49-47 ... 1-70 3+'9i 41-86 30 P 42-74 ... ... ... December 3 P 42-94 49-48 1-59 34-87 41-94 7 F 42-90 49-64 ... 1-62 34-75 39-97 8 P 42-82 49-66 ... 1-69 33-8o 41-81 12 M 42-64 49-59 1-81 35-67 42-20 H P 42-90 49-49 2-91 34-88 42-55 15 M 42-76 49-43 ... 3-n 36-20 42-02 16 F 42-70 ... 49-37 2-07 35-58 41-10 22 P 42-86 49-68 ... 1-92 35-49 41-85 30 M 43-12 49-57 ... ... ... MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF /3 AND a CENTAURI, to R.A. Declination. 1 o ft. Oy a,. I -, a,. h in h in h m O / O / O / i88i. 13 55 14 31 H 3i - 59 49 60 21 60 21 January 7 p 42-94 49-60 ' * 3-n H 37-66 f 43-93 II P 42-87 49-46 2-40 35-29 41-91 12 p 42-91 49-63 ... 2-39 35-03 41-31 19 p 42-92 49-58 2-51 34-92 4-2-31 2O P 42-91 ... 49-48 2-36 34-93 41-88 21 F 42-83 49-62 ... ... ... ... February I P 42-66 49-43 3-25 36-10 43-34 6 P 42-89 49-51 2-52 35-57 43-24 9 P 43-02 49-52 2-71 35-65 43-07 13 P 42-94 49-50 3-52 35-28 44-08 18 M 42-87 49-7I 5-72 35-13 42-44 23 M 42-79 ... 49-60 2-58 36-61 43-83 24 P 42-89 49 - 43 3-74 33-8? 42-47 27 P 42-69 ... 49'S 1 ... ... ... March i M 43-21 49-32 4-39 35-50 41-95 3 P 42-88 ... ... ... ... 6 M 43-08 - 49-52 2-96 34 - 62 42-91 1882. June 20 C * 48-92 ... ... 34-41 ... 26 C 43-04 ... 2-18 ... July 10 C ... 48-91' 33-63 12 C ... 49-05 ... ... 32-05 ... August 8 M ... 48-83 ... ... 33-88 ... 1883. May 28 P 43-16 ... ... 2-21 ... ... 30 M 43-25 ... ... 1-62 ... ... June 8 M 43-16 2-63 ... 18 R ... 4 8- 4 I ... ... 34-I7 ... 21 R 42-81 4 ... 3'2I ... ... 28 P 43-16 ... ... 2-93 ... ... 29 M 43-00 ... ... 4-38 ... ... AT THE KOYAI, OBSERVATORY, CAl'K OF G001> JIOl'K. 11., ti R.A. declination. Date. E 1 ja O ft- .. a,. ft- . . h ni h in h III ' / 1883. *3 55 J 4 3 1 H 3 1 - 59 49 - 6O 21 60 21 1 8 B * B July 4 M 42-85 ... 3-37 ... 9 M 42-95 ... ... 3-69 ... II P 43-13 ... ... 1-59 ... . 12 M 42-98 ... ... 2-32 14 P 42-91 48-47 ... 2-90 33-o6 20 P 48-62 ... ... 31-60 ... 21 R 48-44 ... 30-99 ... 23 R ... 48-46 ... ... 32-07 . . 25 M ... 48-55 ... 32-86 28 M ... 48-54 ... 32-69 August 7 P ... 48-42 ... . 31-70 ... h m b m b 111 / O / O / 1884. J 3 55 H 3 1 H 3i - 59 49 ' 60 21 60 21 8 R B f * February 26 M ... 48-2O ... ... 30-24 ... March 3 C 42-93 1-51 21 C 48-3I ... 30-98 ... 24 R 42-95 ... ... 1-90 ... ... 27 C 43-11 ... 2 'O2 ... ... April 3 M 42-92 ... ... I- 7 6 ... ... May 26 C ... 48-OI ... ... 32-16 ... June 30 M 42-80 ... ... 2-79 ... July 3 P 43-14 2-46 9 P 48-OI ... ... 30-59 ... CAPE OBSEBVATIONS. 114 MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS OF /3 AND a CENTAUR1, OBSERVATIONS BY REFLECTION WITHOUT CORRESPONDING DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. , R.A. Declination. D f > uate. \ O A a, a,. 1*