Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN articles IN FAVORLANG-FORMOSAN CM NATIVE FORMOSAN SEAL. THE ARTICLES OF Christian Instruction IN FAVORLANG-FORMOSAN DUTCH AND ENGLISH FROM VERTRECHT'S MANUSCRIPT OF 1650 WITH PSALMANAZAR'S DIALOGUE BETWEEN EDITED BY REV. WM. CAMPBELL, M.R.A.S. ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN MISSION TAINANFU LONDON : KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. LTD PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD -> MDCCCXCVI Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, Printers to Her Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press PREFACE [HE main object of this book is to call attention to the need for missionary effort among the non-Chinese-speaking aborigines of Formosa. Two hundred and fifty years ago they were in full possession there, although many of their villages ac- knowledged allegiance to a colony of Dutch traders who established themselves in the neighbouring little island of Tayoan. That was a prosperous time with the natives of Formosa, for not only did the recently opened trade bring many material advantages, but quite a new world began to unfold itself before them under the influence of those Dutch pastors who came to labour for their intellectual and spiritual good. At least three of the local dialects were reduced to writing, chapels and school-houses were erected in every village under Dutch control, and very marked improvement of the public manners was followed by thousands of the people being welcomed into the membership of the Christian Church. The circumstances which led to the arrest of this hopeful movement cannot be fully stated here. Suffice it to say, that while prosperity was thus flowing in upon Formosa, changes of a very different kind were taking place 2000589 vi PREFACE place on the opposite mainland of China. Invaders from the north had entered that unhappy country, overthrowing its own Ming dynasty, and setting up the present Manchu- Tartar dynasty in its place. Koxinga, a chieftain of Fokien, was foremost in withstanding the Manchus. He directed the military operations of his followers on land ; and when vanquished there, took command of a large fleet of war-junks, which swept the seas, and in every possible way tried to break the power of the hated usurpers. At length, however, all efforts were seen to be in vain ; the result being that this daring leader was compelled either to tender his submission or to save his life by flight. No sooner was this latter alternative decided upon than the fleet was ordered to make a descent on Formosa, where it did succeed in expelling the Dutch, and where Koxinga proclaimed himself king over the Chinese refugees and adventurers who now flocked in thousands to his standard. But the monarchy was a very short-lived one; for in 1683 Koxinga's grandson was tightly hemmed in by the great Manchu power, and made unconditional surrender ; thus clearing the way for that Imperial administration of western Formosa which continued down till the spring of last year. Of course, missionary work had been stopped at the time of Koxinga's conquest, and terrible were the suffer- ings which both pastors and people endured under the process of stamping out every trace of Christianity from the island. There can be no doubt that many of the native brethren escaped a cruel death by retreating into those mountain fastnesses which are still little known PREFACE vii known to Europeans, and only very partially to the Chinese themselves. The long night of heathenism lasted till 1865, when the Presbyterian Church of England broke ground in the south-western capital of Tainanfu ; the only other Protestant Mission in Formosa being one from the Pres- byterian Church of Canada, which was begun at the northern port of Tamsui during the opening months of 1872. They both minister to the now largely increased Chinese population, and to those civilised aborigines called Pi-po-hoan who follow the language and customs of the Chinese, who were content to live under Mandarin rule, and whose hamlets are chiefly to be found about twenty miles inland from the western coast-line. Neither of the Missions has attempted work among the non-Chinese-speaking aborigines, nor is there the least likelihood that they will ever be able to do so. Moreover, the Polynesian character of the language spoken by those aborigines, with the fact of their territory being mostly on the farther side of a lofty range of mountains, renders it necessary that teachers coming amongst them should settle down in the region itself, and be given a somewhat free hand in the management of affairs. In other words, eastern Formosa can never be advantageously worked as a sub-centre from Tainanfu or Tamsui, but would require to be occupied by some other Mission specially appointed thereto. Several years ago a reprint of Gravius's Formosan version of St. Matthew awakened much interest in Holland, and many were led to hope that, in the person of I viii PREFACE of one or two of her missionary representatives, the Church there would return to a land consecrated by the sufferings of men like Winsem, Mus, and Anthonius Hambroek ; but beyond a good deal of enthusiasm shown at the Amsterdam Missionary Conference of 1890, no definite action was taken, the great work which that Church is bravely carrying on throughout Netherlands- India leaving no opportunity for outside extension. And yet, who knows but the recent cession of Formosa to Japan may turn out to be God's own way of work- ing out a much grander development ? Whenever the victorious troops had taken possession of the island, two Japanese ordained Commissioners were sent by their Presbyterian Synod to ascertain its increased responsi- bilities ; and those friends were rilled with grateful surprise to see the field already occupied by two vigorous Missions having more than one hundred congregations connected with them ; whereupon they gave something like an assurance to the resident missionaries that any aggressive work the Synod might enter upon would be confined to immigrants from Japan, and to districts where no other brethren were labouring. Surely action like this is fitted to cheer the heart and to open another c door of hope ' for people still sitting in the region and shadow of death. So far as mere Government measures are concerned, a change will doubtless be made on the old Chinese policy of doing little more than attempting to exterminate the aborigines; because the Japanese are shrewd enough to know that something of a parental attitude towards them will PREFACE ix will not only bring the practice of head-hunting to an end, and thus gain six thousand square miles of very valuable land, but strengthen their own hands by the creation of many loyal and most useful fellow-subjects. In view of all this, it is impossible to forget the Japanese expedition to Formosa of 1874. The punitive nature of that expedition will be remembered, but the self- restraint with which the members of it acted is less generally known. Bun-kiet, second son of chief Tok- i-tok, once told the writer that the native tribes were very sorry when the time came for the Japanese soldiers to leave, and it is quite possible the name of General Saigo continues to be mentioned with feelings of respect in the villages east from Long-Kiau. May a like firm, yet generous, course be followed in the present much larger undertaking ! One important question which emerges here is that of the extent of the non-Chinese-speaking population. As few inland villages have been visited by Europeans, the information on this point must be very defective, but the Peking Gazette of 26th June 1887 contains a statement which is worthy of notice. It is in the form of a Report from the late Governor, Liu Ming Chuan. After several months' employment of a force which was operating against the independent tribes, he was able to inform his Imperial master that no fewer than 478 villages, containing 88,000 persons, had been brought within the exercise of Chinese law. From the phrase- ology made use of, it would seem that the latter number includes fighting men only, to the exclusion of elderly people, x PREFACE people, women, and children ; while nothing whatever is said of other villages and other tribes never reached by this vigorous crusade. In any case, however, eastern Formosa is quite as worthy of attention as many South Sea islands which are now rejoicing in the possession of Christian privileges, and it has other inducements besides mere extent of population to stir the heart of those who feel burdened with the command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. With regard to the ethnography, language, customs, present condition and capabilities, of the Formosan tribes, there is also much need for fuller and more definite information than we now possess. The problem which these questions present will be better understood on con- sidering the beginnings of population in various parts of the island. For example, storms and strong currents are known to have drifted thither boat-loads of people who were permitted to land and form little communities of their own. Then, the southern Tipuns began their tribal history when several families came from some northern island, with the express purpose of settling down, the place of debarkation being still pointed out, and made the scene of an annual religious offering to the spirits of their ancestors. It is easy to see how such occurrences should have influenced the manners and speech of people connected with two or three settlements on the eastern seaboard; and, as a matter of fact, the villagers there spend their lives in constant oscillation between loyalty to traditions which have come across the sea and efforts to adapt themselves to their present surroundings. PREFACE xi surroundings. 1 Mr. Dodd (ut supra] brings all this out while writing about the aborigines of the northern end of Formosa, and Mr. Taylor renders a similar service in his notes on the narrow Heng-Chun region of the extreme south; although it must not be forgotten that the great central and eastern regions of Formosa remain a terra incognita^ and that, apart from the collection of several short word-lists, no European of the present generation has studied on the spot any one branch of the aboriginal philology. Let it be noted, therefore, that it is in these circum- stances the Sinkang-Formosan St. Matthew, with the present 1 In investigating the subjects referred to in this paragraph, it is well to distin- guish between second-hand statements and the writings of those who were eye- witnesses of the things they describe. Of the latter class the following may be consulted with advantage : R. Swinhoe (British Consul), Notes on the Ethnography of Formosa, in Report of the Brit. Assoc. for 1 863 ; T. L. Bullock (British Consul), A 'Trip into the Interior of Formosa, in Proceed, of Royal Geogr. Soc. for July 1877 J C. W. Le Gendre (U. S. Consul), Account of a Visit to the Southern Tribes, in Report of Commercial Relations for 1868 and 1869 ; M. Guerin (French Vice- Consul), Les Aborigines de File de Formose, in Bullet. Soc. Geogr. for June 1868 ; E. C. Taintor (Chinese Customs Service), The Aborigines of North Formosa, in Jour, of North China Royal Asiatic Soc. for 1875; G. Taylor (Chinese Customs Service), Characteristic Traits of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Formosa, in Proceed, of Royal Geogr. Soc. for April 1889; Dr. C. Collingwood (English Naturalist), Visit to the Kibalan Village of Saw-o, on the North-East Coast of Formosa, in Trans, of Ethnol. Soc. for 1 868 ; Prof. J. B. Steere (American Naturalist), The Aborigines of Formosa, in Jour, of American Geogr. Soc. for 1876; J. Thomson (Photographer), Notes of a Journey in South Formosa, in Jour, of Royal Geogr. Soc. for 1873 ; J. Dodd (Merchant), The Aborigines of Formosa, in Report of Brit. Assoc. for 1895. The works of the early Dutch annalists, Van Rechteren, Valentyn, Nieuhof, Montanus, Dapper, Struyss, and Van Braam, also contain a large amount of curious and still useful information. xii PREFACE present Favorlang-Formosan volume, now exhibit the full grammatical structure of two dialects once spoken by the non-Chinese-speaking aborigines. The dialects themselves suggest one or two general remarks. I. It is even probable that, with slight modification, both of them may still represent the speech of tribes in the interior. The complete data in support of this statement include such facts as : (a) The flight eastward of per- secuted converts at the time of the Dutch surrender ; (b) the favour shown by Koxinga towards all non-Christian people in villages where churches had been established; (c) the fact that certain title-deeds of land and other documents have been found, which were written at the beginning of the present century, in Roman letters, and in dialects reduced to writing by the early missionaries. 2. It may be taken for granted that some knowledge of the Sinkang and Favorlang vernaculars would greatly facilitate an acquaintance with cognate dialects now in use among the whole of the Malay-Polynesian inhabit- ants of Formosa. 3. According to recent advance in philology, these linguistic remains are valuable for determining the exact ethnological place of the Formosan tribes, and in helping to disprove statements which have been made as to their being incapable of civilisation. 4. This and the Sinkang volume afford glimpses of a chapter in the history of the Church which is still inspiring, and they come before her now with dumb appeal on behalf of those who cannot plead their own cause. Doubtless it will be said that all this is pure sentiment, and we admit it ; but sentiment has a potent place PREFACE xiii place in the arena of human affairs. Had it been possible, sentiment would have brought our beloved Dutch brethren back again to Formosa six years ago, and that would have been a good thing, even although Gravius's version of St. Matthew had turned out to be utterly unintelligible. Sentiment carefully preserves the martyr's grave on the lonely moorland, and we venture to think that the present exercise of it is more elevating by far than that which parts with 100 for some old curio or rare kind of postage-stamp. What- ever else may be said about the Sinkang and Favorlang dialects, it is beyond all question that they were once used by the Spirit of God for enlightening and com- forting those who now ' serve Him day and night in His temple.' It is hard to be denied some little room for our Christian antiquities. The writer has often been in danger and has often met with kindness in the mountain regions of Formosa, and his colleagues share with him the burden of living near an interesting race for whom they can do nothing. Impending changes in the island will also bring in- crease of opportunity from the missionary point of view, while one cannot cease thinking of that glorious Lord, and of His world-wide Church against which even the gates of hell could not prevail. Surely, then, this volume may go forth to fulfil its humblest func- tion of ' beckoning to our partners in the other ship that they should come and help us.' We rejoice to think of what God is doing for Japan, and nothing would gladden our hearts so much as to have it said that xiv PREFACE that some of her own earnest, capable sons ' divided the spoil ' with us in this best and highest sense of the word. Only a few more introductory remarks are needed. The ' Christian Instruction * of the following pages is from an old manuscript preserved in the archives of the Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences. On application through Mr. J. A. Grothe (esteemed editor of the Ar chief voor de Geschiedenis der Oude Hollandscbe Zending) , the Directors courteously allowed it to be copied, Dr. J. Brandes rendering valuable help in the work of collation. After this, further scrutiny was made to eliminate mis- takes which may have arisen from displacement of the old unpaged sheets, the sentences were numbered to facilitate reference, and all accents filled in as they occur in the original manuscript. 1 It was also thought best that the Dutch version given here should be in black letter, to correspond with Gravius's Gospel of St. Matthew, and that the value of the work would be still more enhanced by the addition of an English translation which, by the way, owes much to the scholarly pen of Mr. H. J. Millard of Utrecht. The Batavian manuscript was written by ' Jac. Ver- trecht,' 1 As much may depend on the somewhat peculiar use made of those accents, the following is a copy of the author's own note on the subject : * Waar boven de syllabe een schuinsche linie (') staat, dat die hard en lang moet uitgcsprook- ken werden; desgeliks boven de g een liggende linie, aldus (g) wyst aan die hard tegen de syde van de strot word uitgesprookken ; en waar onder s op dese wyse een comma staat (?) geeft te kennen, dat d'selve fast en light word uitgesprookken als een c.' PREFACE xv trecht,' one of the Dutch pastors who laboured in Formosa between 1647 and 1651. He is thus referred to in a still extant letter from the Consistory of Tayoan to the committee on Indian Affairs of the Amsterdam Classis : * Mr. Vertrecht has made great progress in the language, not only translating several small pieces into the Favorlang tongue, with some sermons and a dialogue (in .which the rejection of the heathen gods and their service is advocated), but surprising us even more by repeatedly preaching in that language. . . . He has most faithfully served the Indian churches for seven- teen years ; and, whilst burdened with work pertaining to his office, and meeting with many and various troubles, he has not considered his life or his health, that he might proclaim the kingdom of God's grace to the heathen of various races.' As can be seen from its opening title, the contents of the manuscript at Batavia were prepared for the use of people living in the Favorlang district. Now, the early records show that, as in the case of Tamsui, the name was applied to two districts, one to the south of Castle Zeelandia, where the Rev. Hans Olof laboured, and the other to the north of Tilosen, Tsu-lo-san, or Ka-gi, where the Rev. Simon van Breen began work. How far Favorlang lay to the north of Tilosen can only be inferred, but it must have been some distance, for several letters make mention of a proposal that both north Tamsui and Kelang should be included in that curacy. Some authors have been a little misled about the position of north Favorlang by failing to distinguish between Gilbertus xvi PREFACE Gilbertus Happart and "Johannes Happart, and by suppos- ing that it lay not far from Sakam; whereas (i) Sakam was the village in which the early Dutch colonists built Fort Provintia ; (2) all the heavy lower sub-structures of that fort still exist in situ within the Great West Gate of what is now the city of Tainanfu ; and (3) the writer has only too good reason to know that the central town of Tilosen or Ka-gi lies forty miles to the north of Tainanfu. By keeping these distinctions in view, it is possible to correct what has been written about Gilbertus Happart having been c directed to prepare a Dictionary of the Sakam or Favorlang dialect of the Formosan language,' and the Vocabulary of J. Happart as being already in print. In short, it is safe to conclude that Vertrecht's Favorlang or, Vovorollang, as it is sometimes written very much coincides with the Chiang-hoa region of to-day. Of course, the Batavia manuscript is written in Roman letters, and this might have been taken for granted without remark were it not that, several years ago, the late Professor Delacouperie gave wide-spread currency to his belief that Psalmanazar's Formosan characters were not fictitious after all, as there really did exist a native writing in Formosa which was neither Chinese nor European in its origin. The Professor thus expressed himself : ' Psalmanazar, the author of the well-known fictitious Description of Formosa in 1704, has given in that work an alphabet of sixteen letters, composed of twenty- one characters. It has been generally and wrongly supposed that these were nothing more than another freak PREFACE xvii freak of his imagination, like the palaces, altars, costumes, and moneys which figure in his book. But he must be acquitted of that accusation, as we shall see presently.' * The evidence which follows, however, can hardly be said to advance matters, for Dr. Delacouperie has to acknowledge that Auer's Formosan Paternoster was very likely copied from the Description itself, while it is mere speculation to write as he does about Le Gendre's docu- ments and those Amiah ones which Mr. Taylor never saw. In this inquiry one cannot forget that Psalmanazar made confession of deliberate forgery, that early notices all agree in representing the Formosans as being wholly ignorant of the art of writing, 2 and that present-day missionaries keenly interested, and with unrivalled op- portunities for obtaining information have never yet come across a single sheet written in native characters. They have often been informed of the existence of certain writings throughout the island ; but in every case these have turned out to be old Romanised script in the dialects first taken in hand by Candi- dius, Gravius, Happart, and their colleagues, the paper handed to Consul Le Gendre by Dr. Maxwell forming no exception to this ; as, indeed, any one can see from the Consul's own official report. 3 Before leaving this subject, attention may be called to a seal which will be found represented on the fly-leaf of the present volume. The seal itself was formerly used by 1 Vide his Formosa Notes, 21, and Academy for pth April 1887. 2 Ogilby's Atlas Cbinensis, p. 1 5. 3 Vide U.S. Commercial Relations for 1869, Ex. Doc. No. 18, p. 107. xviii PREFACE by the Thong-su, or local aboriginal officer, in the town- ship of Oan-li, some thirteen miles to the north-east of Tainanfu. Its horizontal and two upright columns of Chinese characters present no difficulty. What about the four symbols forming the middle upright column ? After a number of attempts, the problem they offer still remains unsolved, and they have been reproduced here in the hope that some satisfactory and interesting explanation may be suggested. And now, with regard to the following reprint of Psalmanazar's e Dialogue,' and Gilbertus Happart's ' Favorlang Vocabulary.' It was decided to include the former because of (i) its brevity; (2) its rarity; (3) its usefulness in proving that, while Vertrecht's work has also a Dialogue, the coincidence ends there; (4) its interest at a time when the Japanese are brought, unex- pectedly and in a very real sense, face to face with the hill tribes of Formosa. The raison d'etre for this reproduction of the Vocabulary cannot be stated so briefly. As already hinted, Happart was one of the early Dutch pastors, and the manuscript of his Favorlang Vocabulary lay hidden out of sight at Batavia till 1839, when it was discovered by Dr. van Hoevell. In 1840, a small Favorlang-English edition of it was issued by Rev. W. H. Medhurst, while two years later, a Favorlang-Dutch edition appeared in the Transactions of the Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences, the Formosan text of which is practically the same as Medhurst's. They are both made up of,jffinf, the main list of words ; and, second, of a selection of nominatives taken PREFACE xix taken from it and printed at the end ; but which second list also contains a number of words not included in the former larger one ; another confusing thing being that almost every page of the entire work presents instances of words occurring out of their proper place. Further, the following significant sentence occurs at the close of Medhurst's second list of words : 4 The remarks which here follow are the result of a second perusal and careful comparison of the preceding sheets. By this reperusal, many faults have been discovered and obscurities cleared up. The friendly reader will kindly excuse this, as the manuscript was originally written in a very antique and rather illegible hand, and the language of which it treats was at first wholly unknown to the translator/ The corrections he then gives cover more than twenty pages. These have all been noted here, and the second list has been dispensed with by bringing every word into its right place under one alphabetic arrangement. Hap- part's Favorlang dialect differs in many respects from that used by Vertrecht, but, on that very account, it is hoped that this specimen will give a completeness to the present volume which it could not otherwise possess. WOODVILLE, HELENSBURGH, August, 1896. CONTENTS I. THE ARTICLES OF CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTION IN THE FAVORLANG DIALECT OF FORMOSA : PACT 1. The Lord's Prayer, . . . . i 2. The Christian Creed, . . . . .2 3. The Ten Commandments, .... 3 4. The Morning Prayer, . . . . .5 5. The Evening Prayer, . . . . .7 6. Prayer before Meals, ..... 8 7. Prayer after Meals, . . . . .9 8. Prayer before Religious Instruction, . . .II 9. Prayer after Religious Instruction, . . .II 10. Dialogue between a Favorlanger and a Dutchman, 12 11. Christian Maxims, . . . . -33 12. Questions on the Lord's Prayer, . . . -38 13. Questions on the Christian Creed, . . 4 1 14. Catechism for those about to receive Christian Baptism, . 68 15. First Sermon. Isaiah Ixvi. 7, . . . 75 1 6. Second Sermon. I Timothy ii. 5, . 79 17. Third Sermon. Hebrews xi. 6, . . . . 86 1 8. Fourth Sermon. John xvii. 3, . . . 91 19. Fifth Sermon. John xvi. 23, . . . .98 II. SPECIMEN OF THE DIALECT NOW USED BY THE SEK-HOAN ABORIGINES AT TOA-SIA, . . .102 III. Dialogue between a Japonese and a Formosan. By George Psalmanazar, . .103 IV. HAPPART'S FAVORLANG VOCABULARY, . 122 Christian Instruction LEER- STUKKEN TEN GEBRNIKKE DER SCHOOLEN VAN 'T FAVOR- LANGS' DISTRICT. I. 'T Gebed onses Heeren Jesu Christi. NSE cBaner Me tnoe fjemelen 0po, laat ffe= pt*0en toeroen (Btoen 3laat (Ktoe Ijeergdjappi* toe- feomem 3Uat QUtoen toille actjtecfcolfft toeroen, gelpk tn&en fjenwl, algoo op Dec aarden oofu (Beeft ong fjeten ong genoe-- gtfaam brooo* Cnoe togeeft on0 onge tredtnpn, pl^k top ook lien liie on0 quaafc Doem Haat on0 ntet fcertfodjt tien entie berlo^t on0 tan Den (El 10 oe ^eerjsc!) apple, entie tie fecacljt, enoe tie lof, altpo en altoo0, ^[men. Het TUJPONO ATIL INOIPATTIL LALLUM ATILLAIJAN O TERNERN. I. Ai-acfio ma-achachimit ja Torro ta Jesus Christus. Amoa tamau tamasea paga de boesum, ipa- dassa joa naan. Ipasaija joa chachimit o ai. Ipa-i-jorr'o oa airab maibas de boesum, masini de ta channumma. Epe-e namono piadai torro uppo ma-atsikap. So-o abo-e namo tataap o kakossi namoa, maibas channumma namo mabo tamasea parapies i namo. Hai pasabas i namo, so-o bar- ras'i namo innai rapies ai. Inau joa micho chachimit o ai, so-o barr'o ai, so-o adas ai, taulau- lan, Amen. Autat ARTICLES OF FAITH FOR THE USE OF THE SCHOOLS IN THE DISTRICT OF FAVORLANG. I. THE PRAYER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Our Father which art in Heaven, let Thy Name be praised. Let Thy dominion come. Let Thy will be done, as in Heaven, so also upon earth. Give us this day suffi- cient bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we also forgive them that do us evil. Let us not be tempted, and deliver us from evil. For Thine is the dominion, and the power, and the praise, for ever and ever, Amen. A Christian Het Christelikke Geloove. y I& plootoe in d)epper De# fjemelg enDe tier aarDen ; (EnDe in 31e0um Cfjrigftum fepnen eengeboren &oone, ongen leere, Die onttoanpn 10 ban tien teinen #Dem C50D0, tien ^* d5ee0t, pboren uit De toec= loofDe mapt Sparta* 2Dte pleDen Ijeeft onDer tien Etcttec pontiug ^ilatug, te pnaplt aan Ijet crut'0, p0- torfoen, begratien, pDaalt in Den poel de0 tiec0, tiat i0 tie tjelle* 'flTen Dettien tiage opp0taan ban tien tiootien. jaDpphlommen ten Ijftnel, git- tentie ter rectec^anD Han Daar ^p toetierfeomen om te ricjjten tie lebenDe en tie tiootiem 31k ploote in tien reinen #&em (BoHjJ, Den ty. (Beegt. 3fe ffeloote een terpDecinge to an. een Cj)Ci0ten rein ofte Ijeiliff toolfe, Die toan ouD0 ptoeegt 10, nu i0, en gteeDg blptoen 0al 2De meDeDeel, Dat i0, gemein- 0cljap Der ^eilipn. 2De toerptoinp Der 0onDen 2De ii. Autat o Christan. 17" A na-a poetautat inni Deos o ^Tamau, Airien o boesum, a ta kamabarr'ija tapos o ai ; So-o inni ta Jesus Christus choa sjiem nattasar o binodda ma-acha- chimit ja torro, tamasea karinab innaide Auchar o Deos o ma- achimit, ta Spirito Santo, kabin- odd'o patomammali ta Maria. Minachote o ai de rapo ma- achachalt ta Pontius Pilatus, tsinil- tillan i sasakimotto, minacha, chinap o ta, sinoss'i chauch o chau, micho- sar a pattite, gehenna. Ka natorroa da zijsja minaseas a macha. Tsinnummagach i boesum, airo- ossen i kallamas o choa Tamau kamabarr'ija tapos o ai j Innaide icho sasai pacheoach, alia merien o chachalt o cho mo- rich-a so-o machada ai. Ka na-a poetautat inni ta Auchar o Deos o ma-achimit, ta Spirito Santo. Na-a pittau o aigarrorro-no cho Christan o ma-achimit, o ai pinaga ani-aicho, paga pia so-o kapapoet- autachsar. Rorrono-ad'o chono ma-achimit ai. Abono tataap o kakossi ai. Aseas II. THE CHRISTIAN BELIEF. I believe in God the Father, the Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth : and in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the pure breath of God, the Holy Ghost, born of the betrothed virgin Mary, who suffered under the judge Pontius Pilate, was nailed to the cross, who died, was buried, and descended into the pool of fire, that is Hell ; the third day He arose from the dead ; ascended to Heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of His Father, the Almighty ; from whence He shall return to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the pure breath of God, the Holy Ghost ; I believe in 'a com- munion of a pure or holy Christian people, that has been of times of old, is now, and always Instruction 2De opgftanDinge Deg tlee-- altoogDuerenDe een let en, #men + in. De Thien Geboden des Heeren. gprafc alle Dege tooor-- 31 fe ben tie 3eere utoe (KoD, tiie u ffeleiD ijebbe uit fjet land CEffipten, tf)ui0 Deg Diengte^. 1. (S5p en smlt pen anDere pDen fjebben boor mpn ∠e0ic5te, 2. (Bp en 0ult u geen gegneDen beelD maken of eenige gelpfe-- feenigge, geenging ban ieDg Daar boten in Den Ijemel: ffeengiingf tan ieti0 beneDen op Der aarden: pen0in0 ban (etig tntie toateren ontier tier aartien: ffp en 0ult boor fjaar niet netierbuig;en ? enDe gp en 0ult t^ar niet tiienen, \nant tk oe ^eere utoe C0oD, ben een pberiff!) (Boti, die De boo^eiD Der taDeren 0oefefee in Den fein- Deren tot $n DerDe, enDe bierDe ge0lac^te, Die nip |aten ; enDe Doe barm^ertig^eiD aan beel DuigenDen Die mp lieffj^bben, enDe Aseas o bo'ai. So-o moricho o ma-achonsar ai, Amen. ill. Tschiet o Attillono ta Jehova. HpA Decs ma-cho tapos o atite o * minisar : Ka-ina paga ta Jehova oa Deosoe, tamasea pina-i-jor ijo innai ta Egip- ten, don o aran ai. 1. Alii papaga ijonoe Decs a roman katinnaamona-amorra-dech. 2. Alii mamerien ijonoe a oa boa o isas a ginaat ja charri o tatschier ; | pagaga chaddai innai charri o ai < lallum boesum de babo : pagaga , chaddai innai charri o ai babo ta de rapo : pagaga chaddai innai 1 charri o ai lallum to de rapo ta : alii papadachum ijonoe katinnaam o decho, so-o alii allecho aran o decho, inau ka-ina ta Jehova oa Deosoe, Decs maddobor a tsjes, tamasea summad'o arapies o tamau- no inni sisjiem pana natorroa, so-o kanaspat a tupponodon, tamasea masasso ina ; so-o kamabo ina o mapan manna-achpil a tschiet eis, tamasea shall remain ; in the communion that is, the communion of Saints ; the forgiveness of sins ; the resurrection of the flesh ; and in life everlasting. Amen. III. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD. God spake all these words : I am the Lord Thy God, who hast led thee out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage. 1. Thou shall have no other Gods before me. 2. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness, of anything above in Heaven, of anything here below on earth ; or of anything in the waters under the earth ; thou shall not bow down thyself to them, and thou shall not serve them ; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of Ihem that hate me ; and showing mercy to many thousands that love me and keep my commandments. Christian enDe mpne geboDen acljtertiol- 3. d5p en 0ult met pDelik ne< men ofte fooeren Den naam De0 ^eeren utoe0 d5oD0, toant d5oD 0al Den genen met foer-- 0c])oonen Die 0jwen naam fooert* 4- OPeDenfet De0 Daad)0, Dat gp Dien ofte fjeiltfft, >e0 Dapn 0ult gp acbeiDen, enDe al u toercfc a-- Doen i enDe tic 0efoenDe Dag: i0 tie >abbatf), dat 10 te 0eg;0;en, tie ru0te De0 i^eeren utoe0(BoD0: gp en 0ult op tien 0elten seen toerk Doen, ffp niet, utoe 0oone met, utoe tiocljter met, utoe tiienstknecljt ofte Dien0tntaa0;t met, utoen toecfeo00e niet, utoe forem&elinff niet, Die in u lanD i0, Voant in 0e0 Daffen tyttt De ^eere tjoleinDigt Ijemel, aarDe enDe jee, enDe alle0 Dat Daar in i0, enDe ^p ru0te Den 0etenDen Dag, Daaront ^eeft De i^eece Doen tjieren Den >abbat^Dacl), enDe Den 0elten 0djaatmjafti0;, ofte ie0:en0 utoen foaDer enDe moeDer, op Dat utoe Dagen becmeerDect toerDen inDen lanDe, Dat De l^eere utoe (I5oD0 u geeft* 6. (Bp tamasea maukat o ina, so-o um- mior o na-a atillo. 3. Alii mamarach o baak o naan o Jehova oa Deos-ech, inau ta Jehova alii mamabono chono ai, kamarach o baak o choa naan. 4. Tuppana o zijsj'o Sabbath-ai, all'ijo pachimit o aicho. Nataap a rummies tatummaap ijonoe, so-o a-ummoob o tapos oa tataap ; so-o naitoa zijsja paga Sabbath, micho- sar a pattite, aissassen o Jehova oa Deos-ech : paga tatummaap ijo de ailo charri o ai, pa ijo, pa oa sjiem badda, pa oa sjiem mammali, pa oa aran o badda, ja mammali pa oa loan o tummaap, pa oa azjies- ech de oa ta ; inau lallum nataap a zijsja ta Jehova inummoob o boe- sum, o ta, a abas, so-o tapos o ai de lallum ailoe, so-o kanaitoa zijsja pissassen icho, inau decho ta Jehova pinarab o zijsj'o Sabbath ai, so-o pinachimit o micho. 5. A-aricha oa tamau so-o oa tanai, alia moab o zijsja de ta-ech, ta Jehova oa Deos pe'o ijo. 6. Alii 3. Thou shalt not idly pronounce or use the name of the Lord thy God, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it pure or holy. Six days shalt thou labour and finish all thy work ; but the seventh day is the Sabbath, that is, the resting time of the Lord thy God ; on that day thou shalt not do any work, neither thyself nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy ox, nor thy stranger that dwelleth in thy land ; for in six days the Lord finished creating Heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is, and He rested the seventh day, therefore the Lord commands to celebrate the Sabbath day, and to keep it holy. 5. Be modest or respectful to thy father and mother, that thy days be prolonged in the land, that the Lord thy God giveth thee. Instruction 6. (Bp en gult met doodglaan* 7. (Bp en gult niet ecfjtbrefcen, 8. tecfet alle leecacen utoe0 tooordg, en betel^ebberen (Eltoe0 tolfe0 ^roo^t alle tertolffde per0oonen, ende mi0tcoo0tig;e 0telen, om iltoe0 geliefden ^>oon0 3]e0u Cljn0ti toille, toelfefee on0 betuigt ^eeft, dat alle0 toat to? in >?nen j^aam beperen, (B? on0 0eueclik pten 0ult, ende daarom on0 betolen tjeeft alssoo te bidden: <3Dn0e (Eader, etc* Het o tapos assaban oa adas ; masinisar alia torro tummassin o a-olli-eul torroa tapos o tataap innai joa ma-adaldal a rima ma-akamun- chisar. 0-0 alia namo marach o bono mini innai ijo, erabbana mabo 1 namo, kamaibas o al'o joa ranied, o tapos torroa kakossi, inau ma- chote o ma-achimit, so-o sasa-6d o tagg'o torroa ma-achachimit a ma- azinado ta Jesus Christus ; inau machia ja torroa tsjes aicho-ies. Iparara channumm'o torroa tsjes, alia namo, kaitis o tapos o tataap o odum, maibas o sisjiem o rara tummalpon o bao a morich, alia mababat inni tapos o babisse o ta Deos. Ipachipp'oa a-olli-eul chan- numma, ino akaukauan so-o ipab'oa ranied de tapos o ta. Ipaurtatach'o tapos o tataap o ta Saitan. Ipa- barra o tapos ma-atil o joa ranied, so-o ta ma-achachimit o joa chosar. Talattala o tapos liollioon a cho, so-o tsiannanni a tsjes, inau oa aukattan a sjiem badda ta Jesus Christus, tamasea minaunis o al'i namo, alia tapos o ai torro meach'- inni choa naan, gagil oa pape'i namo, so-o inau micho pinattillo torro meach'o masini : Namoa Tamau, etc. Ai-actfo expect from Thy bounteous hand alone the assistance required in all our labours. And in order we may obtain this mercy from Thee, forgive us, according to the testimony of Thy word, our transgressions, only and alone for the sufferings of our Lord and Mediator, who shed His blood for us ; and because we repent of our sins. Enlighten also our souls, so that after abandoning all the works of darkness, we may as the children of light enter upon a new life, and walk in the righteous paths of God. Give also Thy assistance in the work of proclaiming Thy word, and making it known in all parts of the world. Disperse all the works of Satan. Strengthen all teachers of Thy Word, and all the chiefs of Thy people. Instruction V. Het Avond Gebed. T> Slrmljertip d5oU 'i eeutofg lictt ttoelfc 0cl)jmt tnde tmi'0- terni00e, tiie d5p fcerdrpft lien nacfjt tier boomer toerkfcen, entie Ijet blinoe gemoefc: aanffe0ten pne pbodenende >pne reciten, ende d'in0ettinpn >pne0 tooord0, die ife u lietien fjeden pbiede. mel0cl)e ilader*: top loten 511 oter alle Utoe toeldaden, Hie top 0tede0 onttanpn tan flltoe mildeljand, dat Ijet fllltoen (25odde: lifeken toille i0 on0 te ondeD touden in Hit betgankkelikk* leten, ende ongf te ffeben alless toat top tan nootien Sebben: int bp^ontier, dat C5p on0 toeDecge-- bocen tjebt tot He Ijope tan een betec leten, ttoelk (Bp on0 fjebt te feennen ppten Hoor Ijet 0ui* tece tooortJ (Etoe^ Cijanpliumg. Bacmtjerttp (BoH enHe tmaHec*: top bidden 911, Hat (H5p niet toe en laat dat on0e gielen ^iec louden blpten aankletwx de terpnkke-- liftfee pederen op deger aarden: Haerentegeti laat on0 pHuecic^ optoaart0 0ien na Hen ftemd, om tan daar te tectoac^ten on^en (Eeclo00er 3]e0um Cfcritftum, tot dat ^p ter0ctpnen 0al inde toolfefeen tot on0er terlogtfinp, Gebed Jehova, oa Deossar, kailau ijo pa ummior o choa atillo, a choa bisse- bisse, a sasirau choa ranied, o ai na-a pattillo imoa piadai. Ma-achachimit ta Decs Tamau de boesum, madas, ijo namo inau tapos joa tataap o rio, torro talloch- on marach innai joa ma-adaldal a rima, alia paga oa airab o Deossar porich torro boa inni morich o ma- auribal o mini, so-o pe'i torro tapos o ai masabb'ija namo : kamaunionis, all'ijo pinodd'o tattaul'i namo ka tattassin o maso mario a morich, o ai pinab'i namo ijonoe inni oa ma- achimit o ranied o Evangelium. Decs o Tamau ma-abo a tsjes, meach'ijo namo, depa kummono ijo alia mamachonsar torroa tsjes insini mikkap o ma-auribal a bal- lach de ta mini : kasjabaan ipadau- koa torro tallochon pana boesum, all'innaide tummassin torroa ma- ababarras ta Jesus Christus, ate tatummoach icho lallum rabbo pana torroa babarras, Amen. AI- God, and that ye neglect not to keep His commandments and His statutes, as well as the institutions of His Word, which I have (given) commanded you this day. Almighty Ruler, God our Heavenly Father, we praise Thee for all Thy benefits, which we are continually receiving from Thy bountiful hand ; that it is Thy divine will we should be sustained by Thee in this transitory life ; and that Thou dost give us all that we require ; above all things, that Thou hast begotten us unto the hope of a better life, which Thou hast made known unto us through the pure word of Thy Gospel. Merciful God and Father ! we pray Thee, that Thou wilt not suffer our souls to cleave unto the perishable possessions of this world ; let us on the contrary continually look up to heaven, whence we expect our Saviour Jesus Christ, till He shall appear in the clouds to deliver us. Amen. Instruction II VIII. Gebed voor de Onderwy- singe. \\7 1 aan laat on0 (Bod aldu0 vv bidden: (Bod 3miel0cl) evader 1 : (lltoen naam begtnd op te gaan oter on0,- ende top 0pn bp Den am decen te 0amen, om aanteljooren ende te leecen (Hto tooord: opend on0e doofce ooren, entie be0traalt on0e dut0tm fjerten, op tiat top ter dep foaten, fcer0taan, ende otodenfcfeen mogen tltoe leere, om 3)e0u Cfjngt tien feoon0 toille, VIII. IX. Gebed na de Onderwysinge. rj C'-emtiitfjt^ebbentiete leeren, ^^feompt, laat on0 (Bod aldusf lolien en prp0en (Bod &lmad)ti'ffe (Hader*: top Ijebben getjoort dat (Bp on0e 511ader 0pd, dat (Bp alle men-- 0c^en focmeert,0pp0t ende onder= Ijoud* Mp lofoen Utoen jl-laam, om Ai-acha katinnaam Atil. A Ssanman-a torro meach'o Deos- ^*sar masini : Deos o Tamau de boesum, ka- pesasa tummoach i namo joa naan : so-o marorro ja namo, alia masini so-o pattil o joa ranied. Tsikakk'i torroa chorrien a charrina, so-o ipatillagg'o torroa ma-audum a tsjes, alia marach ja namo, maba, so-o tump'o gagil oa atil inau ta Jesus Christus oa sjiem badd'au- kattan, Amen. IX. Ai-acha a-i-jor a Atil. 17"Aposisi pattil o pia annum- * mannumma torroa mamadas i ta Deos masini. Deoso Tamau kamabarr'ija tapos o ai, kaminasini ja namo, alia paga ijonoe namoa Tamau, all'ijo me- riensar, paan so-o porichsar o tapos o cho. Madas namoa joa naan. VIII. PRAYER BEFORE RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. Come, let us thus pray to God : O God our heavenly Father ! Thy Name is beginning to shed its light upon us, and we are now gathered together to listen to Thy Word, and to be instructed therein : Open our deaf ears, and illumine our dark understandings, in order that we may fully comprehend, understand, and ponder on Thy doctrine, for the sake of Jesus Christ Thy beloved Son. Amen. IX. PRAYER AFTER RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. Come, let us praise and laud our God, now that we have been instructed in His Word. O God, Almighty Father ! we have heard that Thou art our Father, that Thou Greatest, feedest, and sustainest all men. We praise Thy Name, because Thou hast pity upon us, and Christian om dat d5p Wi onger ontfermt, ende on0 feompt roepen, om te gpn Wi efgen tolfe, en fetnderen (25odg* C5eet liat top ong mopn terblpden, en mettec fjecten citer-- denken degfe fllltoe groote genade, ten etnde top tien ouden mengclje toejdoen, entie alg meutoe men- 0cl)en natolgen Ijet leten clltoeg feioong 3|e0u C&rteti, tote ong geleern ^eeft aldu0 te bifctien: QUaDec, etc. X. Tsamen-gesprek tusschen een Favorlanger en Hol- lander Vreemdeling. jfatorlanffer. ^ou tjremdel-- , tan toaac 10 de komgfte ^ier ? ^EJremtieling:* 3ife ben ffekomen tan tecce, tan't etntie tan't toegten. 2. jf at, atllat 0^je dorf) * 0pd je met moede tan 000 tercen te ffaan ? ^re, 'k (En fjebbe niet '& ^ebbe 0:e0eten in een gcoot 0cl)tp pa00ecende otec 0ee ate een togeU 3- fat. naan, inau mabo ijonoe a torro boa, so-o mai malod namono, alia paga oa maunis a cho, so-o sisjiem Deos. Epe-e maukat namo, so-o tump'i tsjes matoto oa bono minisar, alia namo tummis o raras a cho, so-o maibas o bao a cho tsimichier o morich oa sjiem badda ta Jesus Christus, tamasea pinattil 1 namo meach'o masini : Namoa Tamau, etc. X. Karri-atite tuppach o sjam Ternern, so-o ta Holland? - azjies. 1. Ternern. Azjies au innainum- m'ijo kamai insini ? Azjies. Kaminai ja ina innai maro, innai sies o tsipan-ech. 2. Ter. Tanaas ! ja alii orachan o mababat talcho a maro a tar- ran ? Azj. Paga minababat ina ; ka minero-os ja ina de don o mato pasji tarran o abas, maibas o mam- 3. Tar. didst come to call us, to be Thine own peculiar people and children of God. Grant that we may rejoice, and ponder in our hearts on this Thy great mercy, so that we may put off the old man, and as new men follow in the steps of Thy Son Jesus Christ, who has taught us thus to pray : Our Father, etc. X. DIALOGUE BETWEEN A FAVORLANGER AND A DUTCH STRANGER. 1. Favorlanger. Well, stranger, from whence do you come? Stranger. I come from a great distance, from the extreme part of the west. 2. Fav. You don't say so ! Are you not tired of having walked such a long distance? Str. I have not walked ; I was sitting in a large ship, that passed over the sea like a bird. Instruction 3. jfaiu flfliat igt moffelife*: >pDje lang; onDertoeeff ffetoeegt ? (Ere. 31 a: al langer alg een fjalf jaar* 4- jfafc. (Lftlat fcompt gp Ijfer ma= ken? lanprg begoefefcen. 5. jfafc. l&omt p 0lecl)0 om te be0oefefcen ? : niet alleen om te 6. c|)epper tan l, aarfce, entie ^e, noem ife ii. fat* Bp fealt, t'00er een tan tjemel en aar&e? flLtre* >eker jaa't* 12. fat* Qfllat 10 0^n naam ? fee* >pn etffen naam t'0 Jeijota, fnber tremtien tale S)eo0 13. fat* Ifllat 10 liat te 0eg:ffen, Je^ota? gen, em altpti HeJjota, Dat 10 te toe0en of pergoon tie t'0 ft enlie 14- fat* flfljp en Vueten tan met; feunti ff^ toel betoken batter een (Boti 0?* (EJre* 3 a: ffe featu 15- fat, (Ifllaac uit bet)^0t ff? tiat? cUre* 3fe bet)^0e tiat uit De 0eec poote feenni00e ende mac^t 16. fat* ^aar bet^oont (Boti 0^n teeltoutiige mac^t, enDe feenm'00e ? 10. TVr. Nachanumma : tomm'ijo pattonan ta Decs ? Azj. Na-a pattonan o Airien o boesum, o ta, a abas, ta Deos. 11. Ter. Ijo mauranies : ja paga Airien o boesum a ta ? Azj. Gagil paga. 12. Ter. Naan onumm'icho ? y/z/. Choa maunis naan paga ta Jehova, inni atite o azjies, ta Deos. 1 3. Ter. Numma micho a pattite, Jehova ? A-zj. Jehova, micho a pattite, nattada ga ja boa tamasea pinaga, paga, so-o machonsar taulaulan. 14. Ter. Mautsiri i ta Deos ja namo ; ja mab'o pait'ijonoe alia paga ta Deos ? Azj. Hena : maba. 15. Ter. Innainumm'ijo pait'o ail- oe ? Azj. Na-a pait'o micho innai aba so-o barr'o Deos talcho a mato. 1 6. Ter. Dema ta Deos pait'o choa barro, so-o aba matoto ? Azj. 10. Fav. Str. 11. Fav. Str. 12. Fav. Sir. 13. Fav. Str. remain. 14. Fav. God? Str. 15. Fav. Str. 1 6. Fav. I don't know. Whom do you call God ? The Creator of heaven, of the earth and of the sea : Him I call God. You talk nonsense ! Is there a Creator of heaven and earth ? Certainly, there is. What is his name ? His own name is Jehovah ; in foreign languages, it is Deos. What does Jehovah signify? Jehovah signifies a being or person who has always been, is, and always will We do not know anything about God. Can you indeed prove that there is a Yes, I can. How do you prove that ? I prove that from the great wisdom and power of God. In what things does God prove His manifold power and wisdom ? Instruction tire. 3Jn 0pn eijyen toerk- ken. 17. fat. ftfliat Voerkken ? tire. >eer macljtige, en&e tjeerlikke toerkken. 18. fat. (Beeft tie0e toerkken te kennen ? (Ere. 2Den fjemel, aar&bo&em, jee, 0onne, mane, poore, kletne 0terren,toolkken, bittern, Donlier, aarDbetinffe. 19. fat. >pn liit altemaal d5oti0 eiffen toerkken ? tire* ^et 0pn 20. fat. ^oe bet?p0t gp tiat ? tire. Ik betop0'et altiu0: of toe tentel aarfce, ^ee, 0pn altoo0 get)ee0t, ofte 0?n tan een ander ffemaakt. 21. fat. 9i00cl)ien t'0 tien l)t^ mel met gemaakt tan een anlier, maac tan 0elff0 altoo0 ge- (Ere. (B' Ijebt 2Dat He kernel tan gemaakt, bet)?0e cieraati. 22. fat. ftHat 10 Ijemel0 ? een tk anfcer uit cieraati De0 /. Inni choa maunis o ta- taap. 1 7. 7Vr. Tataap onumma ? Azj. Tataap mauchus a ma- abarra, ma-atasso. 1 8. Ter. Ipab'o tataap o mini ? Azj. Boesum, tapos o ta, abas, zijsja, idas, baboan, aisennas, rabbo, lalka, bioa, sasio. 19. Ter. Ja mini tapos ai paga maunis a tataap o Decs ? Azj. Pagana. 20. Ter. Moed'ijo pait'o micho ? Azj. Na-a paita masini j ja pinaga taulaulan boesum, a ta, so-o abas, ja inerien, innai de roman- ech. 21. Ter. Matalam alii inerien in- nai de roman-ech, kamaunis pin- aga boesum taulaulan ? Azj. Ijo poelakies. All'in- erien ja boesum innaide roman, na-a pait'innai cho'a-la. 22. Ter. Numm'ija sum ? a-la o boe- Azj. Sir. In His own works. 17. Fav. What works? Sir. Very mighty and glorious works. 1 8. Fav. What may these works be ? Sir. Heaven, the earth, the sea, sun, moon, large and small stars, the clouds, lightning, thunder, earthquakes. 19. Fav. Are these all God's own works ? Str. They are. 20. Fav. How do you prove that ? Str. I prove it in this way : either heaven, earth, and the sea have always existed, or some one has made them. 21. Fav. Perhaps heaven has not been made by some one, but has always existed of itself. Str. You err. That the heaven has been made by another, is proved by its glory. 22. Fav. What is the glory of heaven ? i6 Christian 25 2Dat Ijp ront, &ant0 toorlucljticl), en in 0pn ommetang; tan binnen tele listen 0pm 2 3- Jfat* 30 ten fjemel tan een antec cierlife gemaafet, of 0pn ciecaat gepten ? (lire* %eft Hen ijemel 0elff0 0pn lidjaam cierltfe pmaafct ? 24. fat. 9i00cl)ten^ tire. (Been0in0 < : 3fat. afliaarom? (Ere* 2Daar i0 ffeen leten, tet*0tant, of ienm'00e in geljeele ligljaam. 2Daac uit indt'en ten ^emel 0pn cie-- raad 0p ppten tan antec, tat Ijp ook pmaafct 0p tat) een anter. 2Die ten Ijemel cterlik ffemaakt Ijeeft, fjeeft ook ten kernel gemaafet* 26. fat. 'k (Bete u ffetyfe. tut bet)p0t ffp meet tat te kernel 0^ pmaakt tan een anter ? QUre. flDm tat te tjemel, te 0onne, mane, ent'al 0pn listen ffe^oor0aam 0pn t1jeer0cl)appie tan een antec, tie t'0elte tien0t^ baar maafet, en gebiet tien0t te toen aan te men0c^en, t'aarte, fecuiten en 't ptoa0. 27. jfat. Azj. Alia mogarinigini, mach- allo-challo o auchos aicho-ech so-o mapan rara inni choa baan o lallum. 23. Ter. Ja inaal-la innai de roman boesum aioe ? Azj. Ja boesum maunis min- all'o cho'achieb ? 24. 7>r. Matalam ! Azj. Pagaga chaddai ! 25. Ter. Inaunumma ? Azj. Pa morichsar, pa saan ja aba ini choa tapos achieb : innai- numma ummior, sja inaal-la innai de roman boesum ai, all-ineriensar channumma innai de roman-ech : tamasea pinaal-la o boesum kamau- nis minerien o boesum chan- numma. 26. Ter. Ka ummior ina. Innai- numm'ijo paita taulan all'ineriensar innai de roman boesum-ech ? Azj. Inau boesum, zijsja, idas, so-o tapos choa rara ummior o chachimit o roman-ech, tamasea pauloan aicho-ies, so-o pattillo aran o cho, o ta, o baziep, o inochan. 27. Ter. Str. That it is round like a globe, quite transparent, and that in its whole circumference there are many lights. 23. Fav. Has heaven been made and adorned by another being ? Str. Has heaven itself adorned its structure? 24. Fav. Perhaps ! Str. By no means ! 25. Fav. Why? Str. There is neither life, nor understanding, nor knowledge in its whole structure. Hence it follows, that if heaven has been adorned by some one else, it has also been made by some one else. He who has adorned heaven, has also created heaven. 26. Fav. You are in the right. What other evidence have you that heaven has been created by some one ? Str. Because heaven, the sun, moon and all its lights, are subservient to the dominion of a being who makes them subservient to Him, and who commands them to serve man, the earth, the herbs, and the fruits of the field. Instruction I 27. Ter. Mai numma, ja boesum, zijsja, idas, aran o cho, o ta, o baziep, o inochan ? Azj. Ka-aran gagilna. 28. Ter. Ipait'o ailo. Azj. Boesum tallochon ma- garieb innai baijan pana tsipan, so-o madaap pacheoach pana bajan. Zijsja-da idas inni boesum alii poe- lakies o tummoach a meodup. Ka- tummoach zijsja-da alia parar'o tapos o ta, alia pattadach so-o pautas o inochan, o baziep, o baron, alia chummo-o, summoos, so-o poa. 29. Ter. Moeda idas aran o cho, o inochan, o baziep ? Azj. Katumoach idas, so-o rummodsi o zijsja-da, alia odum o bi-ini, so-o pakaqua o choa tach tadach o zijsja, pa macha inochan ja baziep. 30. Ter. Gagil mato a chachimit pauloan so-o pattillono talcho a mato achieb, all'aicho tallochon aran o ta mini rapo, o baziep, o inochan o cho. Azj. 27. jfab* flfllel tnat, doen de ty- mel, gonne, mane dtengt aan tie mengcljen, d'aarde, fcrutden, en 't getoag ? flUre* ^pdoentoaarlifedfengt* 28. fab* Betopgf dat+ Ctr* 2Den tjemel loopt gedue-- ng ban't oogten na 'ttoegten, en 0poed 0tcl) toeder te feeeren na Ijet oogten* 2De 0onne, mane tnden Ijemel mi'00en noili op entie ontier te ffaan* 2De 0onne ffaat op om Hen aarobooem te tierlithten, te fcectoarmen, en Den regen te bren-- gen otec tet ptoagf, feruioen, entie boomen, oat D^elte uitgprtuten, toa00en, enoe truest ptem 29- jfatu a^at Dien0t tioet De mane aan de men0c|jen T 't ffetoagf, enDe krut'Den ? 2De mane ffaat op, en ter= de 0onne, om te fcerdrpten de donfeec^etd deg nacijt0, en met Ijaac tocljtiffljeid te temperen de tttte dec 0onne, dat fjet ptoagf en ferutden ntet en berdottem 30. fab. ln 10 toaarltk em groote J^r^c!) apple diengft&aar te gtel-- len m te ffefafeden gulfefce fftoote Itffc^amen, dat d^elbe geduen'ff gftaan ten dtengfte ban de aatde ^ier beneden, bande fcrutden, en leeftocftt degf mengfcfjen. (lire. 27. Fav. Indeed! do heaven, sun, and moon, serve man, the earth, herbs, and fruits of the field? Sir. They indeed serve them. 28. Fav. Prove this. Str. Heaven moves continually from east to west, and hastens to return again to the east. The sun and the moon in heaven never fail to rise and to set. The sun rises in order to illuminate the earth, to warm it, and to bring rain over the fruits of the field, the herbs, and the trees ; so that they may bud, grow, and bring forth fruit. 29. Fav. What service does the moon render to man, to the fruits of the field, and to the herbs? Str. The moon rises and takes the place of the sun, in order to dispel the darkness of night ; and through means of her moisture, she tempers the heat of the sun, so that the fruits of the field and the herbs may not wither. 30. Fav. The power must indeed be great that can command such immense bodies, and make them subservient to Him, so that they are constantly serving the earth here below, the herbs, and the fruits of the field, destined for the food of man. i8 Christian (Ere. >oo tot: en tiaar uit tolfft, gelpk ik toil betoken, tiat tie Ijemel, gonne, en mane tan een anfcer gemaakt 0pn ; om toat#e niet antierjs ate Diengft-- kneel) ten tie Ijeergel) apple en Ijet betel acljtertolpn. 31. jfat. 3k gtemmet ook toe. SDie Den fjemel met al gfpn lief) ten. befjeergft en tiiengtbaar maakt, 10 toaarlik tie stepper De0 fjemete, gelpek gp nu betoegen Ijebt. (Site. flxlieet ook, Oat tie >d)epper tieg Ijemete in&ertiaat maefjtiff, milDadiel), en ffoedaar- tiia; igf, oetoelkke getiueriel) tier mensdjen seoenkt, tie gonne opffaan enDe repnen laat, en grig; ongfer g>eer ontfermt. 32. jfat. ^u tergftaan ikket : certein, 000 't niet en repntie, nodj tie sttnne opffing, De boo- men, feruitien, koepen, paarDen, Ijertebeegften en men0c|)en 0ou^ oen altemaal kontmen te 0terten. 2LIre. ^ te nu betoe0en, tiat tien Ijemel en 0pn ffanwc^e lief)-- ten tan een anuer 0pn ffemaakt, 33. fat. (Mtl ff'en en Ijebt niet betoetfen, Dat tie ^emel, aarDe, gee, gfpn D'ei^en toerkken tan 3Jel)ota, plpk ffp tlu0j'e0 gfeidet. (Eire. Azj. Gagilna : so-o innai decho ummior maibas merab o paita ina, alia boesum, zijsja, idas ineriensar innai de roman-ech, inau aicho mai- bas o aran ummior o chachimit so-o atillo. 31. Ter. Na-a ummior channum- ma, tamasea pauloan so-o chummi- mit o boesum, o tapos choa rara, gagil paga airien o boesum, maibas o pia pinait'ija. Azj. Aba channumma, all'ai- rien o boesum gagil mabarra, ma- al-al, so-o mano a tsjes, tamasea tallochon tump'o babosa, patoach o zijsja, pautas, so-o kamabo mauchus torro boa. 32. Ter. Ka mab'o pia : oedan, sja alii moetas, alii tummoach a zijsja, kamamacha tapos o baron, baziep, binnan, loan, a babosa. Azj. Ka inipait'o pia, alia boe- sum so-o tapos choa rara ka-ineri- ensar innai de roman-ech, maibas o ta channumma, so-o abas. 33. Ter. Mai, acho ijo pinaita, alia boesum, a ta, a abas paga maunis a taap o Jehova ja Deos, maibas ijo pala naassa-da. Azj. Sir. So it is : and hence it follows, as I wished to prove, that heaven and earth, the sun and moon, have been created by some Being, so that they may be nothing else but the servants of His power, and obey His command. 31. Fav. I also agree to this. He who has dominion over heaven and all its lights, and causes them to serve Him, is surely the Creator of heaven, as you now have proved. Sir. Know, too, that the Creator of heaven is indeed powerful, bountiful, and kind ; He constantly remembers man, causes the sun to rise, and also gives rain, and has pity upon us. 32. Fav. Now I understand the matter. Certainly, if it did not rain, if the sun did not rise, all things would perish ; trees, herbs, cows, horses, deer, and men, would all die. Str. Now it is proved that heaven and all its lights have been made by some Being, as also the earth and the sea. 33. Fav. Well, you have not yet proved that heaven, earth, and the sea, are Jehovah's own works, as you just now declared. Instruction (Ere. atllat, gpn't (BoDg efpn toerfefeen met, toieng button s#n fiet tian? Bonnen Die Dtnpn De mengcfjen Doen ? 34- fab. 91t00cl)ien teeft fcatbog Hit allegf ffemaafet ? fEre. ^ouD gp fjaibog boor Den fecfjepper tan fjemel, aartie, gee? 35- fab. ^fc IjouDe. (Ere. >oo 0al Dan fjatbog toare C5oD gfjw ? 36. jfab. ^i0#cl)ien fjp igt. flllre. Bonti ff? Dat betoken, of laat ffp *t u 0lecl)t0 tmnfefcen ? 37- fab, 3Jk bolp fjet ploof ban m^n booroufcerg ban ober beel aren. HHre. 2Dat 10 een pDel gebo= elen of geloof. 38. jfab. ^oe betopgft %% Dat ? (lire. (E boorouDergf en ljeb= ben Den toaren C5oD niet pfeent 39. jfab. (LQlaarom? fllTre, fee 0pn onfeunDtg: -- toeegt ban tiet be0cl)reben 40. fab. aoiel toat, teger een ba^cljreben tooorD d5oD0 ? (Ere. 3]aa't. 41- fab. Azj. Oedan ! sja alii maunis a. taap o Decs, tomm'ija tataap paga micho, ja babosa mab'o merien aicho-ies ? 34. Ter. Matalam ta haibos min- erien o mini tapos ai. Azj. Ja poetat o haibos airien o boesum, o ta, a abas ijonoe ? 35. Ter. Na-a poetatsar. Azj. Masini papaga Deos o gagil ta haibos ? 36. Ter. Matalam paga. Azj. Ja mab'o pait'o ailoe, ja poetat o baaksar ? 37. Ter. Na-a ummior o autat na-a boeboeno anibaas. Azj. Autat o baak ja micho. 38. Ter. Moed'ijo pait'o aicho ? Azj. Oa boeboe-no minaut- siri o gagil o Deos. 39. Ter. Inaunumma ? Azj. Minautsiri o ranied o Deos kabinidoan dechonoe. 40. Ter. Mai numma, ja paga kabinidoan ranied o Deos ? Azj. Pagana. 41. Ter. Str. What ! are they not God's own works ? Whose works are they then ? Can man do those things ? 34. Fav. May it not be that haibos has made them all ? Str. Do you think haibos is the creator of heaven, the earth, and the sea ? 35. Fav. I think so. Str. That, therefore, haibos is the true God ? 36. Fav. Perhaps he is. Str. Can you prove that, or do you only imagine this ? 37. Fav. I follow the ancient belief of my forefathers. Str. That is a very foolish idea or belief. 38. Fav. How do you prove that ? Str. Your forefathers have not known the true God. 39. Fav. Why? Str. They have been ignorant of the written Word of God. 40. Fav. Well, then, is there a written Word of God ? Str. Yes, there is. 20 Christian 41. fab. Mlat 10 a at boor ten begfcljreben toooro ? dire, dm tooorto &e0 (I5otit>e-- Itfefeen 0ejjg;en0 ban >pn eigen toegfen of pergoon. 42. fab. %eeft C5o& >pn etgen person 0elff0 te feennen ue= pben ? tire. la ty. 43. flfllanneer? tire, 3Dber lang, ban lien be-- gtnne af, oat alle tunjyen ffe- maafet 0pm 44- fab. #n toat bolfe Ijeeft (Boo fe^n tooorn re feennen gegeben ? ^re. ^antiet 31oon0c^ebolk, en D'cec^tbeertiip prop^cten die ban oud getoee^t 0pn, al0 ^Ibra- tjam, 3Iacob, S^o0e0, >amud, iSDabiti, loelcfee De (KodDelifetie lce ontfangen fjebben, ten einde 0p al0 ber0tant)ige leer= mee0tec0 jjet gemeene bolk 45- fab. (tfliaarom 10 (BoU 000 erngticj) om Ijem 0elben te be- tuipn en t'openbacen ? 2Ure flDm Dat on0 ber^tanli blooti en pdel 10 ban &e feenm00e 46. fab* (En feennen top ban ong 0elben Den toaren d5oU met ? tire. 41. Ter. Numma kabinidoan ra- nied ja micho ? Azj. Atite o al'o Deos innai choa micho ga ja boa. 42. Ter. Ja maunis pinab'o choa boa ta Deos ? Azj. Hena. 43. Ter. Aninumma ? Azj. Ani milip, innai aisas'o inerien o mini tapos ai. 44. Ter. Tomma-da cho pinab'o choa ranied ta Deos ? Azj. Chono i Judea, so-o ta ma-aijaab ma-abisse-bisse tsjes ani- baas, ta Abraham, ta Jacob, ta Moses, ta Samuel, ta David, tama- sea minarach o atil o Deos, alia maibas o ma-atil o mabada tsjes allecho pattil o chono baak decho- noe. 45. Ter. Annumma maddobor maunis-o-ala so-o pab'o choa boa ta Deos ? Azj. Inau marotul o ab'o Deos torroa saan. 46. Ter. Ja torro alii madarram o Deos o gagil innai autat torroa micho ? Azj. 41. Fav. What kind of written Word is that ? Sir. A Word, or divine declaration, in which God speaks of His own being or person. 42. Fav. Has God Himself made His own person known ? Sir. Yes, He has. 43. Fav. When? Str. Long ago, from the beginning, when all things were made. 44. Fav. To which people did God reveal His Word ? Str. To the Jewish people, and to the righteous prophets, who have been of old, as Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, David ; who received the divine doctrine, so that they, as intelligent teachers, might instruct the common people. 45. Fav, Why does God so earnestly desire to declare and reveal Himself? Str. Because our understanding is void, and bereft of the knowledge of God. 46. Fav. And do we not of ourselves know the true God? Instruction of0cl)oon dtt pnt0clje gebouto tan boten tot beneden 0pnen fecfjepper aam top0t, natter een 0efcer per0oon ofte (Bee0t 0p, tie alderter0tan-- dict)0te, de aldermacljttgtfte, die alle de0e dingen gemaafct, en fjaar cieraad gegeten tjeeft , of al 0cfjoon 0pn top01jeid ende madjt ge0ien toerd, 000 i0t noct) 0;eengin0 fcenbaar, trie de0en >cfjepper 0p. 2D* >cljepper 0ottde gantgdjelife terljolen blp-- ten, 000 d5od 0pn dflloord ntet fjadde toegetoefft, 000 in 0pn 6e0cljreten tooord tan oter teel I'aren IJP ntet afpmaalt Ijadde een ffeipfcfeenm'00e tan 47- fat. ^Lfllaarom blpft (Bod 0oo ffant0 terborpn ? r.Numma,jarapiesta haibos? Azj. Oedan, ja oa boeboe-no anibaas, Str. No. Although this entire structure from top to bottom testifies of its Creator, and proves that there is a certain Person or Spirit, the most intelligent, the most powerful, who has made and adorned all these things ; though His wisdom and power are seen, still we can by no means see who this Creator is. The Creator would remain quite hidden, if God had not added His Word given to us so many years ago, and if He had not given us an image of His own person in His written Word. 47. Fav. Why does God remain so completely hidden ? Str. He is quite a spiritual Being, whom we cannot see nor handle, as we can our bodies ; God has no bones, sinews, blood or flesh, nor has He a body. 48. Fav. Is haibos also a spirit ? Str. You do not know haibos, nor his malignity. 49. Fav. What ! is haibos wicked ? Str. Certainly. Have not your forefathers, who lived many years ago, and do you not 22 Christian tooroutier0 tan oter teel jaren, en ffp 0elff0, morn en fenord gp met gedueriff op l)aibQ0, felaagt ffp-met dat tP u 0laat en feranfe maafct, noempt #p Ijem met lien boo0en Ijaibo0 ? 50. fab* 9$t00c|)ten Ijebben top mt'0ter0tand. (Ere. (25een0in0: Ijp 10 cet- tetn boo0, en ge^eel boo0aardig. ^terom toord taibo0 ffenaamt Hen boo0en, dat t0 te 0effpn, een belfjamec tan toeder0panm'cl)etd ende boo0toicfct ? 51- fat, Ofllp noemen fiem oofe Uen jyoeden Ijatbo^. Uce. CLfllat t'0 |jatbo0 quaati, en 10 tjp peti oofe? 31 n tiien fjj quaaD t'0, tnaarom prp0t gp Den boogrtnicljt ? 3)0 Ijp peti, rom knoru en klaagt $$ oter 52. fat. J3D*n >c!)epper tan ^e-- mel, aarae, 0ee,^ebt gp te tooren ppre0en Voegen 0pn mtlDljeiti enDe toeldatien. (Ere. 2Dat i# retljt en melik Dat top Hen >cjepper 0en. Hie De men0c^en 000 &mt en eten 0taaff on0er ge= Denfet, de 0onne Doet oppan, Jet akfeertoerk beregent, en faarlfr Ijet ffetoa0 truc^tbaar maafet* 53- lief anibaas, so-o ijo channumma alii makarrichi tallochon i haibos, alii poddodo inau simioch so-o pach'ijo madig, alii pattonan ja icho rapies haibos ? 50. Ter. Matalam poelakies ja namo. Azj. Maini : paga gagil ara- pies icho, so-o o auchos rapies tsjes. Inau micho attonannan ta haibos rapies ai, micho a pattite, ma-aka- kossi a ma-arapies ? 51. Ter. Torro pattonan icho channumma mario haibos. Azj. Numma, ja rapies haibos, so-o mario channumma ta haibos, sja rapies haibos, inaunumma sum- mo-al o rapies ai ? Sja mario hai- bos, inaunumma makarrichi so-o poddodo o cho'arapies ? 52. Ter. Ani tinnaam ijo sum- moal o Airien o boesum, o ta, a abas inau cho'al-al a tataap a rio. Azj. Mabisse micho, so-o mak- kesjap alia namo madas i Airien o ai-oe, tamasea masini maukat o babosa, tallochon tump'i namoa, patoach o zijsja, pautas o tsinaap, so-o pabo'o inochan atatta baas. 53. Ter. yourselves, murmur and grumble about haibos ? Do you not complain that he beats you and makes you ill ? Do you not call him the wicked haibos ? 50. Fav. Perhaps we make a mistake. Sir. Not at all ; he is decidedly wicked and malignant. Therefore haibos is called the wicked one ; that is to say, he is a ringleader in rebellion, and the evil-doer. 51. Fav. We call him also the good haibos. Sir. What ! is haibos bad, and is he good too ? If he is bad, why do you praise the evil-doer ? If he is good, why do you murmur and complain about his malignity ? 52. Fav. You have just now praised the Creator of heaven, of the earth and sea, for His bountifulness. Str. It is but right and proper that we should praise the Creator, who loves man so dearly, and who constantly thinks of us ; who causes the sun to rise, who sends down rain upon the fields, and every year causes the fruits thereof to be abundant. Instruction 53. fat, &l0oo prpgen top fjau bog oofc, en noemen fym den peden ijaibogL (Ere* (Bp 0pd 0eer buyten de toeg ; eten of ffp 0toart toit noemdet* 2De0en naam pa0t (Bod alleen. #ldu0 0ctot 5? de eere, Die (Bod eipn i0 Jaibo0 toe, Door ontoetenljeid, en dat gy noctj niet en fcend lie toeldaden (Bod0. 54. fat* ^et laat ijem aangien tolpn0 u betop0, dat b.et ploof aan baibo0, aan ^loam, pdel, en befcroij tan taibo0 0p. (lire. 2Dat 10 toaar : ifc feenne 0pn beoroff, gelpkkerto^ m den begtnne, al0 alle dinpn ge^clja^ pen toaren, ty den eergten die ^tdam gtnaamt bedropn Ijetft, mtt0g;ader0 alle 0pne nafeomelingen al0 daar 0pn alle andere tremdelingen op den aardbodem, al0po Ijeeft $y oofc toor de0en mi'sletd tttoe fooor- ouder0 tan oter teel j'aren, ende tare nakomelinpn, eben alle intooonBeren de0e0 e(land0, dat0e gelooten de tpoorDen tan een outoe leupnactitiffetotebelle, dat0e ploote 0tellen in $zt g:e-. 0ang tan een fcleen toplfeen, 't totlh den naam toerd tan&dam, al0 ongen eer0ten toortader, 55- fat. 53. Ter. Masini namo summoal i haibos channumma, so-o pattonan ja mario haibos. Azj. Mauchus poelakies imoa ; maibas moa pattonan o ma-orum, ma-ausi. Naan o mini makkesjap ta Deos ma-akammichisar. Masini inau otsiri, so-o inau acho madar- ram o tataap o rio o Deos, imo pe'o adas, kamaunis a Deos, ta haibos-ech. 54. Ter. Matalam maibas pait'ijo autat inni ta haibos, inni Adam, paga baak, so-o sasall'o haibos-ech. Azj. Gagil micho. Mab'o in'o choa sasalla, maibas inni aisas'o inerien o mini tapos ai, icho pinau- lakies o babos'o pesasa tamasea naan ta Adam, so-o choa sjiem o sjiem, tapos roman azjies de babo ta, masini channumm'ani milip icho pinaulakies oa boeboe-no ani- baas, so-o choa sjiem, tapos o cho de borroch o ta mini, alia decho poetat inni ranied o masini ma-at- tattosik, alia poetat inni babo o kotsi mampa-dech, o ai marach o naan ta Adam, maibas o torro boe- boe-no pesasa. 55 . Ter. 53. Fav. We praise haibos in the same way, and call him the good haibos. Str. You are quite wrong ; just as if you were to say black is white. This name be- longs to God alone. In that way, and in your ignorance, you ascribe to haibos the honour which is due to God ; and because the blessings of God are not known to you. 54. Fav. According to your declaration, the belief in haibos and in Adam is vain, and a deception of haibos. Str. That is true. I know his deceitfulness, for just as in the beginning, when all things were created, he deceived the first man called Adam, as well as all his posterity, and many more of our sojourners in the world, so, also, has he in former years deceived your forefathers and their posterity, just as he has deceived all the inhabitants of this island, whereby they now believe the words of a lying old slut, and put their confidence in the song of a little bird, bearing, as our first forefather did, the name of Adam. Christian 55- jfab. 2Den jjaibo0 fjeeft ge- 0egt, tiat fjp 0elff0 #dam doet 0inpn en boowgpm dUre. ty liegt. 2De boplen 0inpn0onderbe0cljeid. 310 dan 0oo em feleen boplken gaibog prophet? 9i00ciien fjeeft fjp 0elf0 't pgan ban tiit boplfcen nageaapt, om die ban ^ernern en antiere intooonder0 tian dtt eilanu te faedn'epn. 56. fab. {tot toat einde Ijeeft aibo0 tiit boplken den naam ppben ban #dam ? Wlw. 2Daarmede be0pot tien boogtoigt Den eer0ten men0cfte, toelfcfcen ty op ten dooltoeff je* brac^t Ijeett, 57- jfab. Jntiien Ijatbo0 De to are d5oti niet m 10, toat t'0 fjp tan? (Ere, i^eeft ^atbo0 !jem 0el- ben niet te fcennen gepben ? 58. fab* ^afbo0 0efft dat tP tie men0c|)en formeect, de 0onne doet oppan, repn peft, en 't ffetoa0 bructtbaar maaUt, SUre* ^lltemaal UitgtmH SLI-- 0oo betffiftifft de men0cljen die oude 0lanp. (Kp aapt en bot0t (Bod na, en bednegt de men- 55. 7>r. Ka pinala ta haibos all'- icho pabo so-o meapab'i ta Adam. /. Tummosik icho. Mampa po baaksar. Ja kotsi mampa ma- sini paga ma-aijaab o haibos ? Matalam icho maunis tsinimichier o babo o kotsi mampa mini, alia summall'i Ternern, so-o roman azjies de borroch o ta mini. 56. 7>r. Inonumma ta haibos pina- tonan o kotsi mampa mini Adam ? Azj. Masini rapies a man- nach'o babos'o pesasa, o ai pinau- labies icho. 57. Ter. Sja pagaga Deos o gagil ta haibos, numm'ija icho ? Azj. Ja alii pinab'o choa boa ta haibos ? 58. Ter. Macho ta haibos all'icho merien o babosa, patoach o zijsja, pautas, so-o pabo'o inochan. Azj. Tapos ja tattosik ! Ma- sini raras a ibien aicho sumbach o babosa. Pazigal'i ta Deos, so-o summall'o cho, alia poetat icho Deos 55. Fav. Haibos has declared that he makes even Adam to sing and to prophesy. Str. He lies. The birds sing without discrimination. Is, now, such a little bird the prophet of haibos ? Perhaps he has even imitated the singing of this little bird in order to deceive the people of Ternern and other inhabitants of this island. 56. Fav. What has been the object of haibos in giving the name of Adam to this little bird ? Str. That by thus mocking the first man the villain might lead him into the path of error. 57. Fav. If haibos is not the true God, what is he, then ? Str. Has haibos not told you who he is ? 58. Fav. Haibos says that he has formed man, that he causes the sun to rise, and that he fertilises the fruits of the fields. Str. All lies ! Just so the old serpent poisons man. Like an ape he imitates God and deceives men, so that they may believe that he is the true God, that they may fear him and sacrifice to him. Instruction 0cfjen, ten ein&e 0p tfoutien ge* looben, feat l)P tie toare (Bob 0p, fjem bree0en, en offerljantie doen. 59. jfatu faiiel, 0oud g;p toel feon-- nen 0erjpn toat fjattio0 toor een feenti re* la: ife fcam 60. f afc faUaar uit I) em? re* (Bod 1)eeftin0pnt)e0cl): reten Vooord tien t)atbo0 afge-- 0cljtldert, en ffetupfft ban 0pne boo0i)etd, ten etnde top on0 0ou- den toacljten fcoor 0pn bedrock 61. 5fab, !^oe Doc^ ? (Beeft'et te kennem re. ^lltiugf t'ntien befftnne, al0 tien ^emel tolein&ifft toa0, ^eeft (0oti teel Duigent onligfja^ melifefee tiienaren gemaafet, 0eer 0ubtpl, beerdtg:, sterfe, rec^tbeer- Diff en fjare tooonplaat0e gegitelt intien kernel, op Dat^e 0pn ijeer- 0cf)appie aan0cljoutDen, en 0pn beteien ut'tncfjten 0outien 2Den naam De0er tuenaarg 10 5lng;elu0, tiat i0 te 0effgen boden en tJten0t= ftarip ffeesiten d5oti0* >p en eten, brinkken^ 0lapen, nocljte genereren met gelpk tie mem 0t^en, 0pn tele, ja ontelbaar in mennigte, letjen altoo0 0onDer te Decs o gagil, alia me'il so-o paan icho. 59. Ter. Mai, ja mab'o pattite i-jono-e numm'i-ja haibos ? Azj. Mabana. 60. Ter. Innainumm'i-jo mab'o icho-ech ? Azj. Ta Decs pinattas o hai- bos inni choa ranied kabinidoan, so-o tummassal o cho'arapies, alia torro mame-il o choa sasalla. 61. Ter. Moedasar ? Ipabana. Azj. Masinisar : ani pesasa, ka-inoob o boesum, ta Deos mine- rien o aran ma-arotul o bog, mapan mama-achpil a tschiet eis, mauchus ma-acheerna, ma-aamgach, ma- abarra, ma-abisse a tsjes ; so-o pinasos' inni boesum-ech dechonoe, alia mit'o choa chachimit so-o um- moob o cho'attilo. Naan o aran o mini paga ta Angelus, michosar a pattite, aran o Deos baak o tsjes. Alii man, micham, summarra, alii pausjiem decho maibas o babosa, kamatasasna, pa tochen inau mauchus matasas, machonsar mo- rich, alii mach'ija, choa airab a aulcat 59. Fav. Well, could you now say what kind of being haibos is ? Str. Yes, I can. 60. Fav. By what means do you know him ? Sir. God has depicted haibos in His written Word, and tells us how wicked he is, so that we may be on our guard against his deceitfulness. 61. Fav. How so? I wish to know. Str. Well, then, in the beginning, when heaven was finally completed, God created many thousands of incorporeal servitors who were very volatile, quick, strong, and just, giving them a dwelling in heaven, so that they might behold His dominion, and receive His commands. The name of these servitors is Angelus, that is, servants and serving spirits of God. They neither eat, nor drink, nor do they sleep ; they have no offspring as man in general has ; they are many in number, yea, they are innumerable ; they live on for ever, and D Christian te 0tertiem !aren tonlle en ter- maafe 10 d5oti te lofoen en ptiue- tiff 0pn tooorti ffel)oor0aam te 0pm Iatbo0 10 toan te toren oofe een ffoefcen engel, en fceertu'ffen dienaar (S5oti0 tiocl) 0p en foele 0pner metffe- 0ellen0pn natier^and d5otiel)aren Stepper toetiec0panntff ptoor= lien. fe>p benp&ne 0pn groote |jeer0cl)appie, entie madjt 0ton- tien na tie ffelpfefjeid d5oti0, en 0octten een etpn lj^t:0cl)appie op te rec^ten, om te bolffen Ijaren eigenen tm'lle, <3Dp De0e fjeeft tait)o0 en alle 0ellen mi0tiaan t'nDen en blpten 0teeti0 quaatiaactiig; en 62. jfafo* ^ebben0e ffeen berouto foan ijare toetier0panni0:|)eiU ? (lire. JReen, 0e terljarlien 0elben, en fjaar boo0f)etD alt^ti meec&er* 63. jfaib* ^eeft (Boti tare toefcer-- berptien ? (0een0in0. W? 0traft 64. jfat. ^oeliantpr to^0e ? tire* cEan toeffen Der toor0aam|)etD f0 |atbo0 en alle 0pn metffe0ellen uit Den Ijemel 65. aukat paga madas i ta Deos, soo ummior tallochon o cho'atite. Ta haibos ani tinnaam channumma mario Angelus, so-o aran o Deos mabisse a tsjes, kasagha icho, so-o ma-atasas choa ara pesas'o kum- mossi i ta Deos choa Airien, ma- sannan o choa chachimit matoto dechonoe, pazigal'i ta Deos, so-o summad'o maunis a chachimit, all'- ummior o maunis choa airab. Ma- sini ta haibos so-o tapos choa ara pinarapies ani pesasa, so-o machon- sar rapies a ma-akakossi. 62. Ter. Ja alii machi'o kakossi choa tsjes-oe ? Azj. Maini, kamoddon o tsjes dechonoe, so-o moab tallochon cho'arapies. 63. Ter. Ja ta Deos minabono choa kakossi ? Azj. Pagaga chaddai. Ka- mauchus chummote i dechonoe. 64. Ter. Masanno? Azj. Inau kakossi initis innai boesum ta haibos so-o tapos choa ara. 65. Ter. will never die. To praise God is their desire and delight, so also to obey His word. Haibos was formerly also a good angel, and a just servant of God ; but afterwards, he, and many of his fellows, rebelled against God. They envied His vast power and dominion, they desired to become equal with God, endeavoured to establish a dominion of their own, and to follow their own will. It is in this way that haibos and all his followers sinned in the begin- ning, and still remain malicious and rebellious. 62. Fav. Do they not repent of their rebellion ? Sir. No, they persist in their rebellion and wickedness, which are continually increasing. 63. Fav, Has God forgiven them their rebellion ? Sir. By no means ; He will punish it terribly. 64. Fav. In what way ? Str. On account of his disobedience, haibos and all his fellows have been cast out of heaven. Instruction 65. fafc ^a dat Die boo0e die- naar0 toaren tutptoorpen, 0jw0e toort brp platen ? (Ere* $leen: 0e toorden alle pfoanpn pljouden om eeutofp; life p0traft te toorden inden feuil de0 bier0, pnaamt (Betjenna* 66. jfafc. 2Dretgt (Bod toaarltfc Ijaibo0 al0oo te 0traffen ? fi^re* flfllaarltk fa* 67. fatu flD 0cl)rtfc < : 2fllee ijat-- bo0 en 0pn metp^ellen*: (lire* >e 0cfjrifefcen 0eerfcoor 0oo ffetoelatffen t^oocrt en betien, 68. jfati. aoiaaromentjetjredigen 0p niet met (Bod ? (lire, (Bod toet'prt Ijacec p-- nadiff te 0pn 69. jfat. d^aacom? tire, ^>e 0pn fjatetacn'cl), en tare boo0^eid 10 te poot. 70. jfatj* laiat t'0 fjare boo0!jeid ? (Ere. (Bod onptoo^aam te 0^n, ende men0c^en quaad te doem 71. fab* &Hat 0egie': drapn0e oofe tpand0cljap en npd tepn de r. Ka ochal itis rapies aran ai, ja binarrasan dechonoe ? Maini : kakoemen ja pa- tapos, inochote-in taulaulan lallum chauch o chau, o ai attonannan gehenna. 66. Ter. Ja gagil ta Decs lummal- lak o pachote i ta haibos masini ? Azj. Gagilna. 67. Ter. Tanaas ! Anana i hai- bos, so-o choa arada ! Azj. Decho mauchus me-il o rais talc ho a mato, so-o matirtir. 68. Ter. Talla alii maborr'i ta Deos dechonoe ? Azj. Madaddo mabono decho ta Deos. 69. Ter. Inaunumma ? Azj. Decho maraas a tsjes, so-o mauchus mato cho'arapies. 70. Ter. Numm'ija cho'arapies ? Azj. Kummossi i ta Deos, so-o parapies o babosa. 71. Ter. Tanaas ! ja kamazjies so-o masannan o babosa channum- ma dechonoe ? Azj. Hena : inau kamazjies i ta Deos choa tsjes-oe, decho masan- nan torro babosa maukat i ta Deos, so-o ummior o cho'atillo. 72. Ter. 65. Fav. After those wicked servants had been cast out, have they been set at liberty? Str. No, they are all kept in bonds, in order to be eternally punished in the pit of fire, called Gehenna. 66. Fav. Does God really threaten to punish haibos in that manner ? Str. Yes, certainly. 67. Fav. Oh, frightful ! Woe unto haibos and his fellows ! Str. They are sorely afraid of such frightful anger, and tremble. 68. Fav. Why do they not appease God ? Str. God refuses to be merciful unto them. 69. Fav. Why? Str. They are stiff-necked, and their wickedness is too great. 70. Fav. In what does their wickedness consist ? Str. In disobeying God and doing evil to men. 71. Fav. Is that so ? Do they harbour enmity and envy against men ? Str. Yes, because they feel enmity against God, they also feel envy that we men love God and obey His commands. Christian 72- jfath Sli00cf)ien toilDen0e toel, Hat ty enDe toplut'D en tea- men tegen C5oD op0tonDen ? pnen recl)ten naam 10 >atana0, Dat 10 te 0egg:en een bpanD en e0u0 C&n'0tu0 De noemt ^aibo0, een men0cl)enmoocDer, en tiaDer Dec luegenem 't J0 ljai= bo0 Den beltjamer Der toeDec= 0pannidjetD, Die De men0c^e tot \3)eDer0panni^eiD fcerletD fjeeft* eer0te tJOorouDer0 toaren peD enDe d5oD maafct ttoee per^oonen, man enDe itopff, De naam De0 man0 toa0 ^Dam, De naam Der forou-- toen toa0 Ctia* (Ean De0e ttoee 0^n toortg:e0ptoten alle mem 0cljen, en 0:e0lao;ten Der aarDe. 2Doen0e eer0t 0:e0ct)apen toaren, feenDen0e noc^ gem quaaD, tot0= ten 72. Ter. Matalam choa airab alia decho so-o torro babosa karri-ka- kossi i ta Deos ? Azj. Hena mauchus merab o micho dechonoe. 73. Ter. Katumpa ina, ijo poddo- do ani naassada, so-o makarrichi i haibos inau icho pinaulakies i ta Adam babos'o pesasa : moeda mi- cho ? Azj. Ta haibos mauchus pina- rapies o babos'ani pesasa, so-o ma- chonsar parapies. Choa naan o gagil paga ta Saitan, michosar a pattite, azjies-in so-o ma-assannan. Sjiem badd'o Deos ta Jesus Christ- us pattonan o haibos, azjies-in ma- ach'o cho, so-o tamau o tattosik. Ta haibos ma-akakossi ai, tamasea linummal'i kakossi o babosa. Ka- ineriensar o auchos mario, ma- abisse a tsjes torroa boeboe-no pesasa. Ta Deos minerien decho narroa chosar, sjam a sini, naan o sjam paga Adam, naan o sini, Eva. Innai choa boa tsinummoach tapos o cho, so-o tupponodon de ta. Ka bao ineriensar dechonoe, acho mab'o arapies, acho mab'o kummossi, maukat choa tsjes i ta Deos, mau- kat o tataap o babisse, so-o um- mior o atillono Deos. Ta haibos, inau mit'o aukat so-o aborra tup- pach 72. Fav. Perhaps they would much like that he and we should jointly rise against God ? Sir. Yes, they would very much like that. 73. Fav. I think that you complained a short time ago of haibos, and accused him that he led Adam, the first man, into error. How is that ? Str, From the very beginning, haibos has done much harm, and he does so still. His real name is Satan, which means an enemy, one filled with envy. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, calls haibos an enemy, a murderer, and the father of lies. It is haibos, the rebellious ringleader, who has induced man to rebel against Him. Our first forefathers were perfect and righteous. God had made two persons, a man and a woman ; the name of the man was Adam, the name of the woman was Eve. From these two persons all men and generations of the earth have sprung. When they first were created, they knew no evil ; they did not Instruction ten met ongeljoorgaam te f) are 0iele Ratine d$oti lief, Iu0t recljt en toel te tioen, om C5oti0 ffeboti te acfjtetfjolffem iatb00 0tentje tie lief&e en bretie tu00cijen(Boti entie tie men0cl)en, toag 0eer nptiid), quant ongfe eer0te tooroutierg #dam entie Cfea ter0oefcken, tergifttcpe fjare ffemoederen al0 een 0lange, en betirooff Ijaar met 0pne leugeng, t>at0e tnt 0poor ttaDen tan 0pne ongeljocirgaamtieitu 74- jfatj. fallel, 0pn oofe tie men-- gcljen (Boti onp!)oor0aam ge-- toordm ? en (Eta mi0leiD en tot 75- jfab. ^n oofe ^are nafeome^ linden fn otertretiinp getallen? 2Ure. 31 a, alle mengfcjenfetn'- Deren Ij^ben t'ntien befftnne in jatiam entie CEta otjergetcetien, enDe tolpn ^are onp1jocit#aam= tjeiti na, gelpkfeertDpgf al0 nagetolfft tjebben 0aamt)etD ban fjaibog. 76. jfat* ^oe*: fepn 0cljen boo0tioentier0, men= alle en Ijebben alle ffetreden, en toortien ffeboren in 77. pach o Decs a babosa, mauchus masannan, sai lummall'i ta Eva, so-o Adam torroa micho boeboeno pesasa, maibas ibien sumbach o choa tsjes-oe, so-o summall'i decho o choa tattosik, alia tsimichier o kakossi o haibos dechonoe. 74. Ter. Mai numma, ja babosa channumma kinummossi i ta Decs ? Azj. Hena. Ta haibos pinau- lakies i ta Adam a Eva, so-o pina- kossi o choa boa. 75. Ter. Ja choa sjiem o sjiem kinummossi channumma ? A%j. Hena, tapos sisjiem o babosa kinummossi ani pesasa inni ta Adam a Eva, so-o tsimichier o choa kakossi, maibas tsinimichier o Kakossi o haibos dechonoe. 1 76. Ter. Oedan ! Ja ma-arapies a ma-akakossi tapos o babosa ? A%j. Kinummossi ja patapos, so-o ausjimen inni arapies. 77 . Ter. know what disobedience was ; they loved God ; they were desirous to do what was right and proper, and to obey God's commands. Haibos, on witnessing the love and peace exist- ing between God and man, became very jealous ; he came to tempt our first forefathers ; he poisoned their minds like a serpent, and deceived them with his lies, so that they followed in the steps of his disobedience. 74. Fav. Well, has man also disobeyed God ? Str. Yes. Haibos has deceived Adam and Eve, and led them to disobey. 75- Fav. Did their posterity also transgress ? Str. Yes, all the children of men have in the beginning transgressed in Adam and Eve, and have imitated their disobedience, just as they imitated the disobedience of haibos. 76. Fav. What ! are all the children of men evil-doers and trespassers ? Str. They have all transgressed, and are born in sin. Christian 77- jfafc, ^oud fjaibog not!) al aan om tie mengcljen tot onp* l)oot#aam!)eid te brengen, en tot boogljeid te fcerleiden ? 3Ure. 3a: fjp loopt ging en toeer gelpk een glanp, om ong te teffiftigem % ontgteefet int Ijerte quade gedacijten ; blu0cl)t tut tie fcreege od ; fcecbmert Ijet gemoed, tiat Ijet ttopffelt, en met pdele toreege inpnomen toord ; dat'et gelooft aan fjaibog, aan 0pn bedrog, en teuffenac^tiffe 0uper0tttiem ^p tomfc alle tie- toir aan, Dat tjermeecdere U'on-- toetenljeiD C5oti0, ijet Dut0tere tier- 0tann, , , , diefcene, pnpljoor^aemljeiti, 0tacncl)etD, en alle boogljefo* 78. fat, flDf B# al 0cljoon afratien, 000 0pn top noc^ tan ou&g tot ^aibo0 ptoenti, ende onge 01ele felceft Ijem 0eer aan* (Eire. (Bp en ^eb teiti niet gekent. 79- JF atJ 2Llree0en fjem te toerpen, Dat Ijp niet miggcljien toornig en toortie, ende on0 quaad doe* (Eire. >oo ffp |jaibo0 toilt 77. J/?r. Ja ta haibos machonsar o pakossi o babosa, so-o lummal'i arapies ? Hena : pallidollido mai- bos o ibien, alia sumbach i namo. Pisor inni tsjes o tattuppau rapies. Potup o ikkil o Decs, o aba, o autat inni ta Deos. Paulakies o tsjes, alia mar mi mi a mikkil o baak ; alia poetat inni haibos, inni choa sasalla, choa arien o ma-atattosik. Maddobor ja icho alia moab otsiri o ta Deos, ma-audum a tsjes, arab, ach'o cho, chachod, sannan, sasalla, tattosik, achab, kakossi, ma-araas a tsjes, so-o tapos o arapies. 78. Ter. Pagatomm'ijonoe mach- onsar o ummaddo ; ani milip torro madarram i ta haibos, so-o mauchus mikkap icho torroa tsjes-oe. Azj. Minautsiri o cho'arapies imonoe. 79. Ter. Torro mikkil o tummis icho, depa makabol sai parapies i namo. Azj. Sja merab o ummior o haibos, 77. Fav. Does haibos rather persevere in leading men to disobey God and to tempt them to commit wickedness ? Str. Yes, he goes to and fro, like a serpent, to poison us. He causes evil thoughts to arise in the heart, extinguishes the fear of God, as also knowledge of and faith in God, harasses the mind, so that it is rilled with doubt and vain fears ; thus it believes in haibos, in his deceitfulness, and lying superstitions. He does all he possibly can to increase man's ignorance concerning God, drunkenness, murder, adultery, envy, deceit, lies, theft, disobedi- ence, obstinacy, and every wickedness. 78. Fav. However much you may continue to dissuade us, our souls entirely cleave to haibos, because we are long accustomed to him. Str. You have not known his wickedness. 79. Fav. We fear to reject him ; perhaps he will be angry with us, and do us harm. Instruction natolgen, 000 ter0aafet (Bod, ende 0pd fjem tpand. 80. jfat* fl&iel maar, top tree0en te 0eer de fframgdjap tan Ijatbo0, 2to, Cn tree0t gp met teel meer de ffram0ct)ap (Bod0? Jjndien gp lieden (Bod 0ult na- tolpn, % 0al dm f)atbo0 onder utoe toeten temeden, ende u in 0jm betoaringe nemem 3p en teeft gem mactjt om de mem 0cljen quaad te doen, ten 0p dat tet (Bod ijem toelate, 't 30 ffenoecf) Ijem ptjree0t en ffe0pp-- 0offert, tlied tjan ^aibo0 al0 tan een tergiftige 0lanffe* Cfllee alle de gene die !jail)o0 blpten aan^anpn, toant den toorn (Bod0, en de 0tcaffe de0 Ijetecjjm tier0, tolgt taar ffe-- duerig; acljtec de Ijtelen na* flDm een einde tan 0prefeen te mafeen, toel aan, betoaact de dtnffen die o;e0e5t 0pn in u Ijerte, en ontljoud de0e drie 0tukfeen: 3Jnden eer0ten beb ikbetoesfen, dat Ijemel, aacde, 0ee, niet altpd of eeutotg en 0pn o;e\iiee0t tan Ijaar 0elten ; 0e 0pn gemaakt tan een ander. 2Dit betop0e ife uit tet cieraet de0 Ijemel0, al0 mede om dat de fjemel, haibos, imo lummido i ta Deos, so-o kamazjies icho. 80. Ter. Oedan, mauchus torro me-il o rais o ta haibos. A%j. ]a. alii maso mikkil o rais o Deos ? Sja a-ummior i ta Deos, tatummallas o haibos icho de rap 6 oa asiel, so-o mamaladik imoa. Alii mabarra ja icho parapies o ba- bosa, sja alii pauss'icho ta Deos. Chauge mikkil, chauge paan icho ; obea innai ta haibos, maibas innai ibien o boesum. Anana i tapes chono ai ka ma- chonsar o mikkap i ta haibos, inau rais o ta Deos, so-o chachalt o chau Gehenna taulaulan marior i decho. Alia na-a posisi o pattite, assan- man-a, aladikk'o ranied i tsjes, so-o tuppa natorroa da tuppono mini : Ka pesasa, pinaita ina alia boe- sum, o ta, a abas alii pinaga maunis o taulalan ; ka ineriensar innai-de roman aicho-ech. Na-a pait'o mini innai a-la o boesum, so-o channumma, inau boesum Sir. If ye will continue to follow haibos, ye forsake God, and become His enemy. 80. Fav. Yes, but we fear too much the wrath of haibos. Str. And do ye not fear the wrath of God much more ? If ye will follow after God, He will trample haibos under your feet, and take you under His own care. Without God's per- mission haibos has no power to harm men. Ye have feared and sacrificed to him enough ; flee from haibos as a poisonous serpent. Woe unto all who adhere to haibos, for the wrath of God and the punishment of hell-fire continually threaten to overtake them. To conclude our conversation, take heed to bear in mind the things that have been said to you, and remember these three things : In the first place, I have proved that heaven, earth, and the sea, have not always, or from all eternity, existed of themselves ; they have been made by some being or other. In proof, I have spoken of the adornment of heaven, and I have also said that heaven, with all Christian fcemel, mitgpderg alle gpn ten een anderg fjeergcljappie ffe= fjgottfaam 0pti; die de gelte diengtbaar maafet, en gebied diengt te doen aan de aarde, aan 't getoag der mengcfien, en tie beegten deg telt& ^en ttoeeden, fjrt ffe te feennen jyepten, tiat 31e1jota ofte 2Deo0, i0 tie >d)epper tan Ijemel, aarde, ende gee, Die dit alleg gemaafet, en met cieraat befeleed Ijeeft, toaar uit tolfft dat Jjp alleen &$ de toare (Boti, ^en tiertien, ^eb ife openplefft Ijet bedcog: tan 5ail)o0, die de toare (Bod na-aapt, en utoe toor= oudecgf tian oud0 migleid Ijeeft, dat^e geloofden aan fjaibog, aan Hdam, en toaarnamen de den tan een oud topf, prop^ete00e tan toelhfee die tan ^ernecn, en andere intooondecen de0e0 ei- landgf ffeleerd Ijeeft pdele 0uper-- gtitien na te toljen, op dat $$ namaalg toor 0pn bedrog u toac^tet, en gelootet de tooorden de0 \xiaarac5tigen (Bod0; den toelfcfcen eiffen t0 alle fjeeD 0c^appie, ende mat^t, ende lof, altpd en altoo0, intern Cinde de0't0amen-0;e0prefe^ Christelikke boesum a tapos choa rara ummior o chachimit o roman-ech j tamasea pauloan aicho-ies, so-o pattillo aran o ta mini, o inochan o cho, o bin- nan de bonna. Ka narroa, na-a pinaba, alia ta Jehova ja Deos paga airien o boe- sum, o ta, a abas, tamasea mine- rien so-o pinaal-la o mini tapos ai, innai-numma ummior all'icho ma- kammichi gagil o Deos. Ka natorroa, na-a innummillag o sasall'o haibos-ech, tamasea pazi- gal'i ta Deos o gagil, so-o pinaula- kies oa boeboeno anibaas, alia pinoe- tat dechonoe inni haibos, inni Adam, so-o tump'o ranied o ma- si ni ma-atattosik, o ai pinaga ma- aijaab o haibos, so-o pinattil i Ter- nern, a roman azjies de borroch o ta mini ummior o arien o baak, alia rummi-es mame-il o choa sasalla, so-o poetautat inni ranied o Deos o gagil, maunis o ai chachimit o tapos, a barra, so-o adas, taulaulan, Amen. Sisi o karri-atite. Atlte its lights, is subservient to the dominion of another Being, who commands them to render their services to the earth, to the fruits of the field belonging to man, and to the beasts of the field. Secondly, I have explained that Jehovah, or Deos, is the Creator of heaven, earth, and the sea ; that it is He who has made and adorned all things. From hence it follows that He alone is the true God. Thirdly, I have laid bare to you the deceit of haibos, who simulates the true God, and who has misled your forefathers from the beginning, so that they believed in haibos, in Adam, and have listened to the words of lying old women, the prophetesses of haibos, who have taught these inhabitants of Ternern, and other inhabitants of this island, to follow after vain supersti- tions, in order to put you hereafter on your guard against his deceit, and make you believe the words of the true God, to whom belong all dominion, and power, and praise, for ever and ever. Amen. END OF THE DIALOGUE. Instruction 33 xr. Christelikke Leerspreukken. 1. (Bo D 10 ffefjeel een (Bee0n 2De 0iele in Den mensctje 10 fcereenigt met jjet ligftaam. (BoD i0 onligftamelifu 2. 3De eerste toorouDer0 tan ijet menacljeltfcfce gc0laffte 0pn Aidant en Cba. (BoD tjeeft in Den beginne Den men0clje goeD en rectjtfceerDijj gemaakt, 3aibo0 |eeft Den tnengdje ter- leiD tot onpt)oor0aaml)eiD. 3. #Dam en Cba 0pn in Den beffinne (I5oD onpljoor0aam ffe- toee0t mit0gaDer0 alle tiace na^ bomelingen. SDaac en 10 ffeen men0c^e reel) tteerD iff 0p tiebben alle gesonDtfft, en VoorDen geboren in boo0ljeiD* (BoD 10 rec^tteerDio: en 0traft De boosljeiD Der men0cl)en 4. <3Dm Der otertreDtnp toille 0traft (BoD alle men0cljen mettec DooD. (BoD i0 op Ijet Ijooclj0te ber-- toornt ober De onp^oor0aamteiD Der men0cten. Cljri0tu0 XI. Atite o Atll o Christan. 1. Ta Decs paga tsjes o auchos. Tsjes inni babos'aarpanni o bog- sar. Marotul o bog ta Deos. 2. Boeboeno pesas'o tapos o ba- bosa paga ta Adam a Eva. Ta Deos ani pesasa minerien o babosa mario a ma-abisse. Ta haibos linummaFi kakossi o babosa. 3. Ta Adam a Eva ani pesasa kinummossi i ta Deos, so-o tapos choa sjiem o sjiem. Allipa babosa mabisse tsjes : kinummossi ja patapos, so-o ausji- men inni arapies. Ta Deos mabisse tsjes, so-o pachalt o arapies o babosa. 4. Inau kakossi ta Deos pachalt o tapos o babos'o macha. Mauchus ja makabol inau ka- kossi o babosa ta Deos. Ta XI. CHRISTIAN MAXIMS. 1. God is essentially a Spirit. The soul in man is united with his body. God is incorporeal. 2. The first forefathers of the human race were Adam and Eve. In the beginning God made man just and good. Haibos has tempted man to disobedience. 3. In the beginning, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, so also have all their posterity. There is not one man who is righteous ; all have sinned and have been born in sin. God is just, and punishes the wickedness of man. 4. On account of transgressions, God punishes all men with death. God is highly incensed at the disobedience of man. 34 Christian Cl)ritu0 10 De breDemafcer ofte S^iDDelaac tu<50cljen Cf5oD *nDe De mengcljen. 5- C&ri0ru0 10 De >oon en te gamen gelpk fen De0 mengdjen. $rf0tu0 j0 in een pecsoon ti5oD *n Cljri^tug aid mensclj (0 niet geborcn in boo0* of berDecffe= nf00e. 6. C|irf0tu0 te een gantg mfcfc mengclj, mnisclje C|rC0ttt0 Ijeeft , entJe 10 Den Dooti ye- 0rorben boor de onffeljoor0aam= IjeiD Her men0c^en. Cljt10ru0 10 ffestorten om on3e 0onU^n, entie foan tien 000= tien opffe0taan op tat top in fcem leben 0ouUen, 7. (Hit De dooo Cl)ri0ti 0pruit Ijet eeutoige lefoen, d5oD Ijeeft De onffefjoor^aam-- ijeiD Der mensctjen ge0traft in feimen eigenen one 3^^ni Cpti0tum, Cljti0tu0 ter^oent en 0telt (BoD te breDen Door 0pn bloeD. C|>ti0ti De0 fe>oon0 on0 ban alle Ta Christus paga ma-aborra tuppach o Deos a babosa. 5. Ta Christus paga sjiem o Deos, so-o maibassar a rorro sjiem o ba- bosa. Inni nattada boa paga Deos o gagil, so-o gagil o babosa ta Christus. Ta Christus maibas o babosa alii inausjiem inni arapies. 6. Ta Christus paga babos'o auchos ma-abisse-bisse a tsjes. Ta Christus o babosa mina- chote, so-o minacha inau kakossi o babosa. Ta Christus minacha inau tor- roa kakossi, so-o minaseas a macha, alia mamorich ja namo inni icho- sar. 7. Innai macha o ta Christus tum- moach o morich o ma-achonsar. Ta Deos pinachalt o kakossi o babosa inni choa maunis a sjiem ta Jesus Christus. Ta Christus o choa tagga pa- borra so-o tummalattal'i ta Deos. 8. Tagg'o ta Christus Sjiem o Deos mitatsiel torro boa innai ta- pos arapies. Ta Christ is the Peacemaker, or Mediator between God and man. 5. Christ is the Son of God, and at the same time a Son of man. Christ is in one person : truly God and truly man. Christ, as man, is not born in iniquity or corruption. 6. Christ is a perfectly righteous man. The man Christ has suffered, and has died on account of man's disobedience. Christ has died for our sins, and has risen from the dead, so that we may live in Him. 7. The death of Jesus Christ is the source of life eternal. God has punished man's disobedience in His own Son, Jesus Christ. The blood of Christ reconciles and satisfies God. 8. The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, cleanseth us from all sin. Instruction 35 Cljri0tu0 terlost $$n tolfe tan Ijare 0onDen, Ct)ri0tu0 10 De terlo00er Der menscljen* 9. >m Ijet IpDen enDe Den DooD fepng -Boons? toil <35oD genaDig; 0pn alle De gene, Die berouto tiebben tan tjace 0onDem 2De DroetljeiD tan toepn De 0onDe i0 (BoD aanpnaam. 2De tergetinp Dec 0onDen tolfft t)et ploof in 30mn Ct)rt'0= turn* 10. Cljrisntef 10 ten fjemel opge- ffaan, op Dat % fewi tolk rig 0ouDe toor0preEen bp (HaDer, en onde boo0ljeiD feen met 0pn fferecljtictjeiD. ploof inC^ci0tum alle De pne, Die toare geloote reinigt Ijet tan boo0ljetD, enDe Ijeeft lust tot De toeckken Der ticljeiD. ii. !^et toare geloof 0c^apt allertoeffen De tree^e d5oD0, De treese d5oD0 terDrpft Den boosen toille en geDacljten, enDe toeert De sonDe* 2De treDe (BoD0, troo0t, en 0ct)appen Ta Christus parras o choa cho- sar innai choa kakossi. Ta Christus paga ma-ababarras o babosa. 9. Inau machote so-o macha o choa Sjiem ta Deos mabono tapos chono ai kamachi'o kakossi. Ta Deos maukat o zichil inau kakossi. Abono kakossi kamarior o au- tat inni ta Jesus Christus. 10. Sinoss'i boesum ta Christus, alia tallochon papaz-inadono choa chosar katinnaam o choa tamau, so-o tatummakkum torro'arapies o choa babisse. Autat o gagil inni ta Christus pabisse-bisse o tapos chono ai, allipa ja mabisse. Autat o gagil mitatsiel o tsjes innai arapies, so-o maukat o tataap o babisse. 11. Autat o gagil tallochon par'o ikkil o Deos, ikkil o Deos paube o rapies airab a tattuppa, so-o miel o kakossi. Aborr'o ta Deos, tattalattala, so-o aukat o tsjes tallochon par'o autat Christ delivers His people from their sins. Christ is the Saviour of man. 9. On account of the suffering and death of His Son, God will have mercy upon all those who repent of their sins. Sorrow for our sins is acceptable to God. Faith in Jesus Christ is followed by the forgiveness of sins. 10. Christ has ascended to heaven, so that He may continually intercede with His Father, and that His righteousness may hide our unrighteousness. True faith in Christ justifies all men, who are unrighteous. True faith cleanseth the heart from iniquity, and inclineth man to perform the works of righteousness. 11. True faith always accompanies the fear of God ; the fear of God expels our wicked will and thoughts, and wards off sin. Christian 0cljappen ffeduecig; fjet to are ge-- loof en pede toerfcfceru let toare ploobe en Ijet gc- bed gaan te 0amen al0 0u0rer en breeder. 12. l$et gebed tier jyeloobige ber-- toerft 0eec beel. (Bod berljoord Ijet gebed en de gmeefckmffe >jme0 bolk0 &lle ffoede pben bom en ban boben, ban Hen flflader dec listen. 13. flfllel dat bolk toien0 (Bod de ^eere 10. (Bod beckfe0t >pn bemfnde die li^p Kef Ijeeft utt alle p0lac|)= ten der aarde. CJn0tu0 10 Ij^t Ijoofd ban alle hinderen (Bod0. 14. #Ue toare ploobige decen (Bod0. SDaar 0pn beel toeinfff to are ffeloob (Bod kend alleen de jjdoobfrce, en ffeeft eeutoige lebem 15. %t eeutoip leben (0 in den >oone (Bod0 Je0tt C^ri0to. 2Dit eeutoip leben be0taaB tn d'aanscljoutofnp (Bode0 in den Ijemel, brede, ruste, ende altoo0 duerende breucljde, 0onder etnde. Cljri0tu0 fun-- to are Ijet autat o gagil, so-o tataap o ba- bisse. Autat o gagil so-o ai-acha ma- babat a rorro maibas o atoasa. 12. Ai-ach'o ma-autat a cho ka- mauchus marach. Ta Decs masini o ai-acha so-o annoggonoggono choa chosar. Tapos ja asosono mario kasai innai de babo, innai de tamau o rara. 13. Kamario ija chono ai, kamau- nis tamasea Deos paga ta Jehova. Ta Deos piri o choa aukattan a cho innai tapos o tupponodon de ta. Ta Christus paga oeno o tapos sisjiem o Deos. 14. Tapos o gagil o ma-autat a cho paga sisjiem o Deos. Mapan Christan a cho, allipa ja mapan gagil o ma-autat a cho. Ta Deos makammichi mab'o gagil o ma-autat a cho, so-o pe'i decho morich o ma-achonsar. 15. Morich o ma-achonsar o paga inni tasjiem o Deos ta Jesus Christus. Morich ma-achonsar o mini paga o ai-all'o ta Deos i boesum, aborra, arra, so-o aukat o taulaulan pa sisi-ech. Ta The peace of God, consolation, and gladness of heart continually accompany true faith and good works. True faith and prayer go hand in hand, like sister and brother. 12. The prayer of the believer obtaineth much. God grants the prayer and supplication of His people. All good gifts come from above, from the Father of Light. 13. Blessed is the people whose God is the Lord. God elects His chosen, whom He loves, out of all the generations of the earth. Christ is the head of all the children of God. 14. All true believers are the children of God. There are many Christians, but few true believers. God knows only true believers, and gives them eternal life. 15. Eternal life is in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. This eternal life consists in the beholding of God in heaven, in peace, rest, and everlast- ing joy, without end. Instruction 37 Cljri0tu0 t'0 De op0tanDints;e ban Den DooDen enBe Ijet leben, die in 3em gelooft, 0al leben, al toare hp ook ge0torben. 1 6. (Befpkkertnp0 Cljri0tu0 ge- 0torben, enDe ban Den DooDen opge0taan i0, al0oo ook Die in Cb.rt0to 0terben, 0ullen ban Den DooDen opgetoekt toocDen. 'Een einDe tan alle Dingen 0al Den Dag De0 algemeinen oorDeel0 Dage De0 algemetnen oorDeel0 0al Ct)ri0tu0 een pgelik geben na 0pne toerkken, 17- ^5a Dit leben fcolgt ^et loon of De breuc^De De0 ^emel0 of De 0traffe De0 ^el0c^en bier0 alle Dronkkaart0. alle afgoDen--Dtenaar0, enDe Die ^aibo0 0pp0offeren. 18. afliee De DooDen, Die in fjare 0onDen 0terben, toant fjaat Deel 10 in Den poel De0 bier0. CLfllel De DooDen, Die berouto ^ebben ban Ijare 0onDen, enDe in Cljri0to 0terben 0eru0ten, enDe ^are toerkken Die bolgen ^aar na. ^et ligliaam 0terft, De 0iele blpft lebenDig. 19- Ta Christus paga aseas o ma- cha, soo morich o ai, tamasea poetautat inni ichosar, mamorich, pagatomma kamach'ija icho. 1 6. Maibas o ta Christus minacha, so-o minaseas a macha, masini channumma tamasea kamach'ija inni ta Christus, allecho ipaseas a macha. Ka sisi o mini tapos ai tatum- moach o zijsja d'o chachalt o tapos o cho. Ka zijsj'o chachalt o tapos o cho ta Christus pape o atatta cho- sar kamaibas o choa tataap. 17. A-i-jor a morich o mini um- mior o chachad ; ja aukat i boe- sum, ja chachalt o chau i Gehenna. Anana i tapos chono ma-arab. Anana i tapos aran o Deos o baak, so-o tamasea paan o haibos. 1 8. Anana i machada ai, tamasea kamach'ija inni choa kakossi, inau choa ada paga inni chauch o chau. Ka mario ija machada ai, tama- sea machi'o kakossi, so-o kamach'- ija inni ta Christus ; pissassen ja, so-o choa tataap ummior i decho. Ka mach'ija bog, machonsar morich ja tsjes. 19. Ka Christ is the Resurrection from the dead, and the Life ; he that believeth in Him shall live though he were dead. 16. As Christ died and rose again from the dead, so they also who die in Christ shall be raised from the dead. At the end of all things, the day of judgment will come. In the final day of judgment Christ will recompense every one according to his works. 17. Recompense will follow after this life: either the joy of heaven or the punishment of hell-fire. Woe unto all drunkards. Woe unto all idolaters, who sacrifice to haibos. 18. Woe unto those who die in their sins, for their part shall be the lake of fire. Blessed are the dead who have repented of their sins, and who die in Christ ; they rest, and their works do follow them. The body dies, the sou! remains alive. Christian 19. ^et lujfjaam 10 de 0iele onberffanfcfeelik. let Itgrjjaam berrot tnt paf, lie 0tele tier ploobtpn ber|)ut0t in den fcemeU 20. Cen dap de0 alpmeenen oordeeltf 0ullen tie doode Itglja- men met fjare 0telen toeder ber= eenffft, en lebendiff pmaafet toer-- tien: daar na 0ullen tie pne, die doorffaang tie precljticljeid nap= bolp Ijebben, gaan in den ^emel ^ maar die Bonder op^ouden tiet quaad ppleegt ^ebben, 0ullen pan mt ^el0clje bier. der Cljrterelifcfce leer-- XII. Vragen over 't Gebed des Heeren. Mite noemt ?Eader tnde ^emelen ? de (Lfllaarom bjord ~$ty on0e 2Uader pnaamt ? #nt. flDm dat l^p on0e liff!ja= men ende 0ielen pmaaUt fjeeft, ende on0 ook onder^oud. ftlra. 19. Ka moribal ja bog, pa moribal ja tsjes. Ka mabocho ja bog i robaan, maboas ja tsjes o ma-autat acho i boesum ai. 20. Ka zijsj'o chachalt o tapos o cho bog o machad'allecho aarpanni o tattaul'o choa tsjes, so-o ipau- richsar : kasagh-a tamasea inum- mior tallochon o babisse, sasoss'i boesum ; kasjabaan tamasea tal- lochon pinarapies, sasoss'i chau o Gehenna. Sisi o atite o atil o Christan. XII. Chachod o Ai-AcTi o Christan. Chachod. Tomm'ijo pattonan o tamau de boesum ? Tattaam. Ta Deos. Cha. Inaunumma attonannan ja icho namoa tamau ? Tatt. Inau icho mineriensar torroa bog a tsjes-oe, so-o porich torro boa channumma. Cha. 19. The body is perishable, the soul is imperishable. . The body decays in the grave, the soul of the believer goes to heaven. 20. In the day of general judgment the dead bodies shall be again united to their souls and live again ; thereupon they who ordinarily have followed after righteousness shall go to heaven, but they who have constantly done iniquity shall enter into hell-fire. END OF THE CHRISTIAN MAXIMS. XII. QUESTIONS ON THE PRAYER OF THE LORD. Question. Whom do you call the Father in heaven ? Answer, God. Q. Why is He called our Father ? A. Because it is He who has made our bodies and souls, and He also who supports us. Instruction 39 faHaarom toorD % $z-- naamt een (lUDer inDe tjemelen? Dm Dat % met en 10 DC aarDSdje baDerg. (ira. cliliat toorDen top ffeleerD uit De0e tooorticn, )nge (HaDer Die in De Ijemelen gpD ? Slnt. 2Dat al0 top komen biD^ Den, Den Ijoogmoet De0 tierten toefftoerpen, en d5oD brucfjten moetcn, Die 000 Ijoocf) tooonD boben De toolkken, one (BoDgf ongfe leere ^estief C^risftus. (Bra. ^oeteel Dinpn begeren top ban d5oD ? ant. 2De0e 0ed: i en . 2Dat top ten naam mopn 2 en . 2Dat lp ong tod regere, en reel) tbcecD iff make plpk algf 3 en . 3Dat top ate een beerDiff bolk acfctecbolpn geboD* 4 en . SDat % tan Ipftoctjt, enDe one? onDer-- ljouDe"plpk een baDet: 0pn kin-. Deren. 5 Inaunumma attonannan ja icho tamau de boesum ? Tatt. Inau alii maibas o tam- auno de ta ja icho. Cha. Numm'attillan ja namo innai atite o minisar, namoa tamau tamasea paga de boesum ? Tatt. Alia namo, sabanno mai meacha, maspot a tummis o asies o tsjes, so-o mikkil o Decs, tamasea pattodon mauchus a ro de babo rabbo. Cha. Todacho ja pinattil torro ai-ach'o minisar ? Tatt. Sjiem badd'o Deos, torroa ma-achachimit ta Jesus Christus. Cha. Naida tuppo torro me- ach'o Deos-sar. Tatt. Nataap o minisar : Kapesasa, alia torro madas o choa naan mauchus mato. Ka narroa, alia mariona icho chummimit torro boa, so-o merien torro ma-abisse-abisse tsjes maibas icho. Ka natorroa, alia torro maibas o ma-abisse tsjes chonoe ummior o cho'atillo. Ka naspat, all'icho pe'i torro inochan, so-o paan torro boa mai- bas o tamau choa sisjiem. Ka Q. Why is He called a Father in heaven ? A. Because He is not like our fathers on earth. Q. What do these words teach us : Our Father, which art in heaven ? A. They teach us that, when we pray, we should put away from us the pride of the heart, and that we should fear God, who lives so high above us, above the clouds. Q. Who has taught us this prayer ? A. The Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Q. How many things do we desire God to give us ? A. These six : i. That we may praise His great name. 2. That He may reign over us, and make us righteous, as He is righteous. 3. That we may follow His commandments as a righteous people. 4. That He may provide us with bodily sustenance, and support us as a father does his children. Christian 4 5 en . SDat on0 d5oti uit den berpbe, al0 to? quaaD doen, end* met en 0traffe. 6 en . SDat (Bod on0 beljoede fcoor f)aibo0, on0en t?and en benpder. fltfra. Mlaarom ? #nt. >m tiat to? oofe andere men0ct)en berpben, ate 0? on0 quaati doen. (Era. loe docf) ? nt. 2Dat 3? den !jaibo0 ber-- biede, en pen berlof en pbe on0 te berpftipn, dat 10 te ber0oek-- feen tot quaad. (Bra. SHaarom toord ^aibo0 genaamt den booisen ? &nt. flDm dat ^p tnder daad boo0aacdiff 10 en d3od0 tooord (Era. iaat 10 dat it J^men ? n, dat fgf te 0e0;pn, 0eker, ende C0od 0al doen al0 to? beperen. tira. Sfllaar uit toen ff? dat ? <3Dm dat % alleen alle ende mactit ^eeft, inden tcmel, t0p op der aar- den, ende dtt alle0, op dat to? naam 0ouden pr?0en. Vragen Ka nachap, alia Deos mabono torro boa, sabanno torro rumma- pies, so-o alii tummea. Ka nataap, alia Deos maladik o torroa boa innai ta haibos-ech, torro'azjies-in so-o ma-asannan. Cha. Inaunumma ? Tatt. Inau channumma namo mabono roman a cho sabanno par- apies i namo dechonoe. Cha. Moedasar ? Tatt. Alia maddik i ta haibos, so-o alii pauss'i icho sumbach i namo, michosar a pattite, lum- mal'i arapies. Cha. Inaunumma attonannan ta haibos rapies ai ? Tatt. Inau gagil icho rapies tsjes, so-o mauchus kummossi o attite o Deos. Cha. Numma micho a pattite, Amen ? Tatt. Amen, micho a pattite gagilna, so-o allecho merien ta Deos maibas ja torro meacha. Cha. Innaidem'ijo maba dai ? Tatt. Inau ma-akammichisar icho paga chachimit o tapos a barra, pagatomma de boesum, pagatomma de ta, so-o mini tapos ai, alia torro mamadas o choa naan. Cha cho d 5. That God in His mercy may forgive us when we commit evil, and not punish us. 6. That God may protect us from haibos, our enemy and envier. Q. Why? A. Because we also forgive others, when they do evil to us. Q. How then ? A. That He may forbid haibos, and not permit him to poison us, that is, tempt us to evil. Q. Why is haibos called the evil-one ? A. Because he is indeed very malignant and very disobedient to God's word. Q. What is the signification of Amen ? A. Amen signifies that it is certain, and that God will do as we wish. Q. Whence do you know that ? A. Because He alone has the dominion and the power, be it in heaven, be it on earth, and all this in order that we should praise His Name. Instruction XIII. Vragen over het Christelikke Geloove. 1. flfllat i0 fjet Cl)ri0telikke p= loote ? ^et CI)ri0telikke ploof 10 een 0ekere kennt'00e tan (Bod, ende tan ljt 0eir.pn >pn0 tooord0, toaar uit ik ten tollen tec0ekect ben, ende in mjm pmoed de0en troo0tont0taet,dat(BoddeflUader om >pn0 &oon0 3Ie0u C^n'0ti toille mpn C5od ende (Iladec 0p, die m? uit pnaden alle m^ne 0onden toil terpten, mp op de0er aarden leeftoctjt pten, en namaal0 $n eeutoige lete inden IjemeU 2. clfliat noemt ffp (Bod ? ^k noeme (Bod enkkelik een (Bee0t, ende een toe0en oft per= 0oon, die tan 015 0elten altoo0 ptoee0t 10, ende blpft. 3. l^o et eel (Bod en 0pnder ? 2Daar i0 een (Bod 'in drie per= 0oonen, de (Badec, de >oone, ende de i. (Bee0t XIII. Chachod o Autat o Christan. i. Numm'ija autat o Christan ? Autat o Christan paga gagil o ab'o Deos, so-o o al'o choa ranied, in- nainumma kamachaggi ja ina, so-o tummoach i na-a tsjes tattalattal'o mini, alia Deos o tamau inau choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus paga na-a micho Deos a tamau, tamasea merab o mabono tapos na-a kakossi, pe'o inochan ina de ta mini, so-o sagha-a rummi-es morich o ma-achonsar i boesum ai. 2. Pattonan onumm'ijo ta Deos ? Na-a pattonan o ta Deos tsjes o auchos, so-o nattada ga ja boa, tamasea maunis pinaga, so-o paga taulaulan. 3. Naida Deos paga ja ? Paga nattasar a Deos inni nator- roa-da boa, o Tamau, ta Sjiem, so-o ta auchar o Deos o ma-achimit ta Spirito Santo. 4. Numma XIII. QUESTIONS ON THE CHRISTIAN BELIEF. 1. What is the Christian belief? The Christian belief is a sure knowledge of God, and of the testimony of His Word, whereby I am fully assured causing my heart to be filled with consolation that God the Father is my God and Father for the sake of His Son Jesus Christ, who will mercifully for- give me all my sins, give me on this earth sustenance, and hereafter life everlasting in heaven. 2. What do you call God? I call God essentially a Spirit, and a Being or Person who is self-created, and who will always exist. 3. How many gods are there ? There is one God in three persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Christian 4- ftfllat 10 dat te 0eff0;en, ife ge^ loote in 05od den (Hader ? SDat 10 te 0ega;en, id ben ten tollen ter0efcert uit !jet aegpn tan 05od0 tooord, ende Ijoude boor ta0t in mpn gemoed, dat C5od tie fllladec tan eeutotffljeid gebaard fjeeft ^pnen >oone, tjet toare beeld en 0d)pn0el >pn0 per0oons, ende toaracljttg; (Bod eten al0 %. 5. (Benereect ofte baard d5od al0 een men0c!) ? 4J2een: ty genereert op een Ijeel bp0onDere to^0e jDm eeniffe gelpkkenm00e te get en ; al0 de 0tele uit Ijaac 0elten |jet tec0tand, Xoille ende de edacl> ten tooctbrengr, ofte al0 een fonteine utt taac 0elten toater utt0troomt* d5elpfefeectop0 Ijet ter0tand, toille, eti pdac^ten toortfeomen uit de 0iele, en in de 0elbe blpten, al0oo ffaat de fe>oone d5od0 tan den SUader uit, ende blpft in ^enu d5elpfcker- Vo?0 een fonteine nietop en Ijoud toatec uittestcoomen, al0oo en Ijoud de (Hadec niet op, tan *bpnen >oone te barem 6. dfllaarom toup ffp daar bj> de0e tooocden, ct)eppec de0 ^e= mel0 ende dec aarden ? flDm 4. Numma micho a pattite, na-a poetautat inni Decs o Taniau ? Micho a pattite, kamachaggi ja ina innai al'o ranied o Decs, so-o poetat o na-a tsjes, alia Decs o tamau ani taulaulan pinausjiem o choa sjiem, gagil a isas so-o tatsar o choa micho boa, so-o Deos o gagil maibas icho. 5. Ja ta Deos pausjiem maibas o babosa ? Pa : maunionis ja choa pausjiem. Alia na-a pe'o charri o tatschier ; maibas o tsjes patoach o saan, o airab a tattuppa, maibas o chuppod pachuppod o to. Maibas o saan, airab, a tattuppa, sai innaide tsjes, so-o machonsar inni tsjes, masini sjiem o Deos sai innai o tamau, so-o machonsar inni ichosar. Mai- bas o chuppod alii pittol o pachup- pod o to, masini o tamau alii posisi o pausjiem o choa sjiem. 6. Inaunumm'ijo pachip o atite o mini, Airien o boesum a ta ? Inau 4. What does that mean I believe in God the Father ? That signifies I am quite convinced and firmly persuaded in my heart that, according to the testimony of God's Word, God the Father has, from all eternity, begotten His Son, the true image and likeness of His person, and that He is truly God, even as He is. 5. Does God beget or generate as men do ? No ; He generates in quite a different way. Let me mention some comparisons : such as, the soul spontaneously generates the understanding, will, and thoughts, as a fountain pours out its waters of its own accord. Thus, our understanding, will, and thoughts proceed from the soul and abide in the same ; in like manner, the Son of God proceeds from the Father and abides in Him. As a fountain does not cease to let its waters flow, even so the Father does not cease to beget His Son. 6. Why do you add these words Creator of heaven and earth ? Instruction 43 <>m dat ik ten tollen tenfe-- kert ben uit ijet 0eg;g;en ban (Bodg tooord, en boor tast fjottde in mpn ffemoed, dat (Bod de (Uader tan den beiyinne pmaakt Ijeeft fjemel, aarde, gee, ende alles toat in ijaren ommetang i#, detoelkke alle dcge ding;en door >pne kracljt ondersteunt, en door >pne toetenscljap repert, 7. &Hat i0 dat te gfegpn, SLl-- madjtig; ? 3De0e tooorden geten te ken- nen dat (Bod de (Bader al ^pnen toille doet, en fepn groote feractjt bettioont inde >cl)eppinp tan tjemel, aarde, ende jee, detoelfc&e noid moede en toord, en >pnen toille en toord tan gem ander belen 8. (Lftiat troo0t rpst'tr fn u ije-- moed uit Ijet geloof in (Bod den SDaar uit ben ife ten tollen ter0ekert, gelpkkert3p0 m^n p* moed ook getuifft, dat (Bod de Cllader om >pn0 feoong 3e0tt Cljri^ti toille mpn (Bod ende (Ulader 0p, die nip lief Ijeeft al0 >pn kind, en betoaart toor alle quaad* 9. (Kttelk Inau kamachaggi ja ina innai al'o ranied o Deos, so-o poetat o na-a tsjes, alia Deos o tamau ani pesasa minerien o boesum, o ta, a abas, so-o tapos o ai lallum choa baan, tamasea tumk'o mini tapos ai o choa barra, so-o chummimit o choa aba. 7. Numma micho a pattite, kama- bara'ija tapos o ai ? Atite o mini pab'ija alia Deos o tamau ummoob o tapos choa airab, so-o pait'o choa barra" mato inni tataap o boesum, o ta, a abas ; tamase'alli mab'o orachan, so-o choa airab alii ilen innai-de roman- ech. 8. Numm'ija tattalattala tummo- ach i joa tsjes innau autat inni Deos o tamau, kamabarr'ija tapos o ai ? Innai micho kamachaggi ja ina, maibas o na-a tsjes channumma maunis-o-ala, alia Deos o tamau inau choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus paga na-a micho Deos a tamau, tamasea maukat ina maibas o choa sjiem, so-o maladik o na-a boa innai patapos rapies. 9. Tomm'ija Because by the Word of God I am quite convinced and fully persuaded in my heart that God the Father has, from the very beginning, made heaven, the earth, the sea, and all that therein is, that He upholdeth all these things by His power, and that He rules over them by His wisdom. 7. What is the meaning of Almighty ? These words signify that God the Father performs everything according to His will, and that He shows His great power in the creation of heaven, of the earth, and the sea ; that His power never tires, and that His will and His word are not restricted by any other being. 8. What consolation does faith in God the Father Almighty give to your heart ? It gives me the full conviction even as my mind also bears witness thereto that God the Father is my God and Father for the sake of His Son Jesus Christ ; that God loves me as His child, and guards me from all evil. 44 Christian 9. (Lfllclk i0 oe ttoeeoe per0oon in fcet toe0en oone te 0amen g;e= in (Bod Ben flllaoer, enDe in >oone: gelpfefeertop.0 oe (Boo0 gebteo, 0egpno: gp gelooft in (Bod, plooft oofe in nip* 11. flfllat t'0 tiat te gfeggen, ife geloote in oen eenijy geboren >oone (Bod0 ? 10 ik ben ten fcollen ter^ ttit Ijet gegpn tan (BoD0 looorD, nine fjou&* boor ta0t in ffemoeD, oat He ttoeeoe per= 5e0tt0 Cljri0tu0 0p oe etpn (Boo0, toare (BoD tut (BoD* 12. Jifliat naam Ijeeft oe >oone (00D0? pnen naam, plp (Haoer0, t'0 3le^ota, om oat i0 toaracljtig; (Boo. 13. dcllat naam 10 oat 3Ie0u0 ? 3]e0u0 t'0 te 0eo;g;en een Io00ec Dec men0cljen 14- (lUoect oe >oone (Boo0 De0en naam ? 31a, ten aan0ten oat % mensctje i0. 15. 9. Tomm'ija kanarroa-da boa inni ga o Deos-sar ? Sjiem o Deos ta Jesus Christus. 10. Ja poetautat ijonoe inni ta sjiem o Deos channumma ? Hena, maibassar a rorro na-a poetautat inni Deos o tamau, so-o inni choa sjiem : maibas ja pattillo ta sjiem o Deos ; imoa poetautat inni ta Deos, oetautatta inni na-a- da boa channumma, macho. 11. Numma micho a pattite, na-a poetautat inni sjiem o Deos natta- sar o binodda ? Micho a pattite, kamachaggi ja ina innai al'o ranied o Deos, so-o poetat o na-a tsjes, alia kanarroa-da boa ta Jesus Christus paga maunis a sjiem o Deos, gagil o Deos innai Deos-sar. 12. Naan onumma paga ta sjiem o Deos ? Choa naan, maibas o choa tamau, paga ta Jehova, inau paga gagil o Deos icho. 1 3. Naan onumma micho ta Jesus ? Ta Jesus micho a pattite ma- ababarras o babosa. 14. Ja ta sjiem o Deos marach o naan o mini ? Hena, maibas paga babosa ja icho. 15. Mai 9. Who is the second Person in God's nature ? The Son of God, Jesus Christ. 10. Do you believe in the Son of God? Yes ; I believe at the same time in God the Father, and in His Son, just as the Son of God commands, saying, Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. 1 1. What does this signify I believe in the only-begotten Son of God ? That I am fully convinced, according to the testimony of God's Word, and in my mind hold fast thereunto, that the second Person, Jesus Christ, is God's own Son, very God of God. 12. What is the name of the Son of God? His name, like that of His Father, is Jehovah, because He is truly God. 1 3. W T hat does that name of Jesus signify ? Jesus signifies a redeemer of men. 14. Does the Son of God bear this name ? Yes, with regard to His human nature. Instruction 45 15- faliel to*? &e >oone oone en te 0amen plgfc een een0 0men0cf)e >oone. 16. fepnder ttoee per0onen in !em, tie per0oon een0 mem 0eb_en, en tie per0oon C5od0 ? jeen, daar 0pn in ^em ttoee toe0en0 ofte natueren, ende een per0oon ; ffelpfefeertop0 tie 0tele in den men0c|je tereenigt 10 met i)*t lifftjaam tot een 0oon, altoo0 10 tie natuere men0cl)en beteenifft met tie C5otitielphhe natuere tot een per-- 0oon in C|)n0to Ie0u 17. 310 tie &oone (]5otJ0 altpti men0ctje ffetoee0t ? Seen: om De otiertretiinp tier men0cl)en 10 % op oe0er aarden ter0ct)enen tntie natuere een0 men0c|jen, op oat ~$ty 0ouDe boeten boor on0e onffeljoor0aam- ijeto* 18. dfllaarom i0de feoone C3oti0 ter0cljenen inoe natuere een0 mensfcljen ? <3Dp oat d5o tolbrenpn, enoe 0traffen in >pnen >oone, inoe men0c|jelikke natuere, toelkke te= (Boo Ijadde otergetreoem 19. fl&laarom 15. Mai numma, ja ta sjiem o Deos paga babosa channumma ? Hena : paga sjiem o Deos, so-o maibassar a rorro sjiem o babosa. 1 6. Ja paga narroa-da boa inni ichosar, bo'o babosa, so-o bo'o Deos-sar ? Pa : narroa ja ga paga inni icho, so-o nattada boa. Maibas o tsjes aarpanni o bogsar inni babosa pana nattada boa, masini ga o babosa aarpanni o ga o Deossar pana nattada boa inni ta Jesus Christus. 17. Ja ta sjiem o Deos taulaulan pinaga babosa ? Pa : inau kakossi o babosa tsinummoach i ta mini inni ga o babosa, alia lalummaslas o torroa kakossi. 1 8. Inonumma ta sjiem o Deos tsinummoach inni ga o babosa ? Alia ta Deos a-ummior o choa babisse, so-o pachalt o kakossi inni choa sjiem, inni ga o babosa, o ai kinummossi i ta Deos. 19. Inonumma 15. How, then, is the Son of God also a man ? Yes ; He is the Son of God, and at the same time like unto a son of man. 16. Are there two persons in Him, the person of a man, and the Person of God? No ; there dwell in Him two beings or natures and one person. As in man the soul is united to the body in one person, so also the nature of man is united with the divine nature into one person in Christ Jesus. 17. Has the Son of God been always human? No ; for the transgression of man He appeared in this world in the nature of man, so that He might suffer for man's disobedience. 1 8. Why did the Son of God appear in the form of man? That God might execute His judgment, and punish (our) transgressions in His Son, appearing in the form of man, who had transgressed against God. 4 6 Christian 19. flfllaarom Ijeeft (Bod de ofcer-- tredinge der men0cben ffe0traft in >)wen eipnen fe>oone ? a)p dat ^p >|we liefde tot lie men0cben 0ouden betoken, entie tiaar forp 0tellen tande 0traffe Dec 0onde. 20. |0 dat recfjt dat (Bod de oter-- tredinp dec mengc&en 0traft in >oone ? iaa't: om dat de >oone (Bod0 de iddelaac i0 tu00cl)en (Bod en de imngcfjen, die door dood (Bod>pne en tetredm 0telt, op dat alle de gene die berouto Ijebbentan bare 0onden, en aan !em gelooten, tergctiinp der 0onden, ende fjet eeutoige leben terkrppn gouden in &gnen naam* 21. flfljat 10 Cbri0tu0 ? 2De0en naam Cbri0t aan dat (Bod de flUader fe>oone de bequaamt^t'd ppten Ijeeft om de men0cijen te tier- Io00en. 22. aaiaarom noemt gp den fe>oone (Bod0 on0en ^eere ? dat !^p met fepn bloed een eigen tolk gefeocljt 23. CLfllie 0pn dit eigen 19. Inonumma ta Decs pinachalt o kakossi o babosa inni choa maunis a sjiem ? Alia papait'o choa aukat pana babosa, so-o parras i decho innai chachalt o kakossi. 20. Ja mabisse micho, alia ta Deos pachalt o kakossi o babosa inni choa sjiem ? Hena : inau ta sjiem o Deos paga ma-aborro tuppach o Deos a babosa, tamase'o choa macha pab- borra so-o tummalattal'i ta Deos choa tamau, alia tapos chono ai kamachi'o kakossi, so-o poetautat inni choa boa, mamarach o abono kakossi, so-o morich o ma-achonsar inni choa naan. 21. Numm'ija ta Christus ? Naan o mini ta Christus paita alia Deos o tamau pinaatsikap o choa sjiem, alia paparras o babosa. 22. Inaunumma pattonan ijonoe o sjiem o Deos ma-achachimit ja torro? Inau o choa tagga pinattodoch o cho maunis icho. 23. Tomm'ija maunis a chono micho ? Torro 19. Why has God punished the transgressions of men in His own Son? In order that He might show His love to man, and deliver him from the punishment of sin. 20. Is it righteous that God should punish the transgressions of man in His own Son ? Yes, it is, because the Son of God is the Mediator between God and man, who by His death reconciles and satisfies God, His Father ; so that all who are repentant of their sins and believe in Him may obtain the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting in His name. 21. What is Christ? This name denotes that God the Father has given His Son the power to deliver man, 22. Why do you call the Son of God our Lord ? Because He has purchased a peculiar people with His blood. 23. Who is this peculiar people ? Instruction 47 flfllp alle Hie aan ^em p= loofoen, en na >pn 0temme lut- 0teren. 24. fepn top >pne &Cen0tfcnet)M ten, eri etpn feolfe ? 3fia: on0e lifffjamen, on0e 0ielen 0pn ^cm eipn. (Ker toaren Hien0tknecl)ten ban Ijai-- bo0, en boliynen na 0pne onp= Ijoor0aaml)ei&, Hetoelkke on0 Hien0tbaar 0telHe onHer 0pnen toille: He fe>ocine (EoH0 fje ban J)aibo0 ptoelt en 0cljappie terlo0r, op Hat top fepne Hien0tknecl)ten, noten, en eiffen toll\ 0ouDen bolpn fepn tooord en bebel. 25. aaiar troo0t rpst'er tn u moed uit ffeloof in Den >oone tie uit ben ik ten bollen teraekect, Hat He >oone d5oH0 mp lief tjeeft geljaH, en in He mengdjelikke natuere ter0cljen- en i0, ten et'nHe l^p mp 0ouHe berlo00en banHe 0traffe Her 0onHe, en be0c|iermen tianHe ijeersdjappie en f t ptoelH tan fjaibog, om Hat ik ^pn Hien0t-- knecljt enHe J^em eipn ben. 26. 10 Cljri0tu0 ontfanpn in *o>pn0 moeder0 li^aam ffelpk al0 alle anHece menscjen ? Torro patapos tamasea poet- autat inni choa boa, so-o ummior o choa charsar. 24. Ja torro paga choa aran, so-o maun is a cho ? Hena : torroa bog, torroa tsjes maunis icho. Ani torro paga aran o haibos, so-o tsimichier o choa kakossi, tamasea pinauloan torro boa pana de rapo choa airab. Ta sjiem o Decs pinarras o torroa boa innai barra so-o chachimit o haibos, alia torro maibas o choa aran, chodon, so-o maunis a cho a- ummior o cho'atite so-o atillo. 25. Numm'ija tattalattala tum- moach i joa tsjes innai autat inni ta sjiem o Deos, ma-achachimit o ai ta Jesus Christus ? Innai micho kamachaggi ja ina alia ta sjiem o Deos minaukat o ina tsinummoach i ga o babosa, alia paparras o na-a boa innai cha- chalt o kakossi, so-o mamaladik innai chachimit a barr'o haibos, inau paga ja ina choa aran, so-o maunis icho. 26. Ja ta Christus inararain inni tsjes o choa tanai maibas o tapos roman a babosa ? Maini : All we who believe in Him and listen to His voice. 24. Are we His servants and His peculiar people ? Yes ; our bodies and our souls belong to Him. Formerly we were the servants of haibos, and followed after him in his disobedience, so that we were made subservient to his will ; the Son of God has delivered us from haibos' power and dominion, in order that we should, as servants, domestics, and as His peculiar people, follow His word and command. 25. What consolation does faith in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, give unto your heart ? Thereby I am fully convinced that the Son of God has loved me, that He has appeared in human nature, in order that He might deliver me from the punishment of sin, and that He will protect me from the dominion and violence of haibos, inasmuch as I am His servant and belong to Him. 26. Has Christ been conceived in His mother's body, as all other persons ? 48 Christian op een p- 0ondere top0e ontfanpn tan Den &dem (S5od0, den l&. oone i0 ; 0oo al0 % C5oa0 oone 10, 10 % 0onder moedec, 29. aaite t'0 >pn moetier ? 2De tjerloofde maget 30. acua0 ^pn moeder een loofDe en toare mapt? 3]a: apana 5f^t pbaart toare mapt 0pnDe, eec0e met 31o0eplj ^acen man tet0ellet toa0, 0'i0 be0toanprt ptooroen, dat0e noc!) met penen man bec= fcem en IjaDde* 31. Miel, t00e tan 0elff0 be-- tirucljt ptooroen ? ^een: den jadem C5od0, den ^. d5ee0t Ijeeft Koor >$n ter-- borffene kcac^t de terloofde maap Sparta 0toanpc ban feind* gemaakt* 32. Mlaarom Maini : maunionis karinab icho innaide Auchar o Deos o ma- achimit, ta Spirito Santo. 27. Ja alpa tamau icho ? Pa, maibas o sjiem o babosa, maibas o sjiem o Deos paga tamau. 28. Ja paga tanai ? Paga maibas o sjiem o babosa ; maibas o sjiem o Deos, pa ja tanai. 29. Tomm'ija choa tanai ? Patomammali ta Maria. 30. Ja paga patomammali, so-o mammali o gagil choa tanai ? Hena : ta Maria pinodd'o choa sjiem badda ta Jesus Christus mammali o gagil ; acho par'o choa robs ta Joseph ; karinummab, acho pinar'o sjam. 3 1 . Oedan, ja maunis o rinummab ? Maini : ta Auchar o Deos Spirito Santo pinararain o patomam- mali Maria o choa barr'o ma- acharrieb. 32. Inonumma No ; He has been conceived or begotten by the Breath of God, Ihe Holy Spirit. 27. Has He no Father ? No, not as Son of man ; as the Son of God He has a Father. 28. Has He a mother ? Yes, as a Son of man ; as the Son of God He has no mother. 29. Who is His mother? The betrothed Virgin Mary. 30. Was His mother a betrothed and true virgin ? Yes ; Mary being a true virgin brought forth her Son Jesus Christ j being yet betrothed to her husband Joseph, she became pregnant, although she had not known any man. 31. Did she, then, conceive of herself? No ; the Breath of God the Holy Ghost did, by His hidden power, make Mary, the betrothed virgin, pregnant with child. Instruction 49 2. flfllaarom i# Cfjn'gtug ont- angen en gegenereert int den flDp dat tie mengcfjelifcfee natuere in fjem pi) eel tec^t-- teecdiff goude 0jm, ende niet ppneceert in boogfjeid al0 alle andere mengc^em 33. ftfliag tiat betamelife ? 3|a: tyt betaamt Den 9idde: laar Dec mengdjen, dat tyy recfjt-- teerdig $$ en onnoogel int quaat* 34. 31 n to at land & Cljrigtug p; boren ? In &et 3IooD0cl)e land, tn fjet en 35 tic!) jacen. 36. 2Uan toat natte moeDer ? oone Sl^ariae, den fe>oone de0 men0c^en, ontfanpn en ffegenereect uit den !&. (Bee0t ? HDaar uit ben ik tjer0efeert, dat Ct)ri0tu0 mpn tlee0c^ ende bloed, 32. Inonumma karinab so-o inaus- jiem ta Christus innaide Auchar o ma-achimit, ta Spirito Santo ? Alia ga o babos'inni ichosar papaga o auchos ma-abisse a tsjes, so-o alii ausjimen inni arapies, mai- bas o tapos roman babosa. 33. Ja makkesjap o micho ? Hena : makkesjap o ma-aborr'o babosa, alia mabisse-bisse tsjes, so-o alii mab'o arapies. 34. Inni ta onumma binodda ta Christus ? Inni ta o chono i Judaea lal- lum assaban Bethlehem. 35. Aninumma ? Ani manna-achpil a tschiet eis, mannatorro-us a tschiet eis, so-o narroa eis tschiet a baas. 36. Azjies onumma pinaga choa tanai ? Mammali o chono i Judaea, kabossot ani o mario-a-cho o chono i Judaea ta David. 37. Numm'ija tattalattala tum- moach i joa tsjes innai autat inni ta Jesus Christus sjiem o Maria, sjiem o babosa, karinab so-o maus- jiem innaide Spirito Santo ? Innai micho kamachaggi ja ina, alia ta Christus paga na-a boa 32. Why is Christ conceived and generated by the Holy Ghost ? That human nature might be made perfectly righteous in Him, and not be generated in iniquity, as all other men. 33. Was that proper ? Yes ; it was proper that the Mediator of man should be righteous, and innocent of evil. 34. In what country was Christ born ? In the country of the Jews, in the village of Bethlehem. 35. When? About sixteen hundred and fifty years ago. 36. To what nation did His mother belong ? (She was) a Jewish virgin, remotely descended from David, the King of the Jews. 37. What consolation does faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, the Son of man, begotten and generated by the Holy Ghost, give to your heart ? G 5 Christian blotto, mpn ouli0te broe&er en&e naa0ten 0p, toelfefce in tie men- gcljelifcke natuere mpnen rect)fc teec&iffen S^ititielaar 10, op Dat ^p met 0pn fferec&tfflflefo mpne boo0ljeili entie otetm&inp toor (Koto befcefefce* 38. SBaafet C{jri0tu0 tioor fepne fferecgtifftjeto u recfjtteerli ig toor (Bob? 3)a: fe>pne gececljti&fjeiti enDe petie toeriiken 0yn mpn eipn, enfce toorlien prefcent al0 mpne precijtifffjeili toot (BoD. 39. 1oe p0cljiet Dat ? #lle De ffene Ute in Cfjrigtum toaarlik gelooten, 0^n !em in* ffel^ft, entie Ijebben pmeengr&ap aan >pne gerecljtiff^eid entie goetie toecfefeen, 40. CLfliaarom ? Cljngtug die 0c^enfet pn gerec^ti^eiti, entoe to ace ploof al0 een fjanti neemt tan 0elf0 >^ne fferec^tifffjeio enDe toeldatien an* 41. clftlaar Ijeeft C^ri0ttt0 ple- lien, en toaat i0 % p0totten ? 0tad 42. Mlie repectoe fcoen in lanti ? boa so-o tagga, na-a machen so-o ma-achaddik o cho, tamasea inni ga o babosa paga ma-aborra ina ma- abisse-bisse tsjes, all'o choa babisse tummakkoob o na-a arapies so-o kakossi katinnaam o Decs. 38. Ja ta Christus pabfsse-bisse oa boa katinnaam o Deos o choa ba- bisse ? Hena : choa babisse, so-o mario a tataap paga maunis ja ina, so-o katochen maibas o na-a micho babisse katinnaam o Deos. 39. Moed'ija micho ? Tapos chono ai kapoetautat o gagil inni ta Jesus Christus, inaar- pan o choa boa, so-o paga rorrono- ad'inni choa babisse a mario a ta- taap. 40. Inaunumma ? Ta Christus passoso i decho choa babisse, so-o autat o gagil maibas o rima tummaap a maunis- o-arach o choa babisse, a mario-a tataap. 41. Dema minachote so-o minacha ta Christus ? De ta i Judaea, chaddik o assa- ban mato Jerusalem. 42. Todacho baas ai merien o assa- ban o chono i-Judaea ? Ta It assures me that Christ is my flesh and blood, that He is my eldest Brother and Kins- man, who, in His human nature, is my righteous Mediator, so that He hides my iniquity and transgressions from God by His righteousness. 38. Does the righteousness of Christ make you righteous before God ? Yes ; His righteousness and good works are my own, and are considered as my righteousness before God. 39. How does that happen ? All they who truly believe in Christ are incorporated into Him, and participate in His righteousness and good works. 40. Why? Christ imparts unto them His righteousness and true faith ; and, as a hand, accepts of its own accord His righteousness and benefits. 41. Where has Christ suffered, and where did He die ? In the land of the Jews, near the city of Jerusalem. 42. Who governed the land of the Jews then ? Instruction 5 1 }9ontiu0 Pilatu0 em mein0 tremdeling; toa0 fa-. grtjerm'-ljeer entie l&icljter bin= nen 3Jeni0alem, 43- wft l)p Cl)ri0tum tot Ijet Ipden ende Den boot) pbracljt ? 3Ja: de boo0e 3|oden fjielden 0tarfe aan en ter0ocf)ten uit npd Cl)ri0tum te dooden, en pilatu0 al0 em boo0e Eicfcter toilligde ijaar in, en 0prafe tegen C^n'0tum jet tonni00e ofte tie 0traffe de0 doodg. 44- flfllaarom en belette (Bod dat niet, tiat % fepnen >oone tan tien dooti tetlo0te ? 't S21a0 (Eodg toille 0eif0, dat >pnen >oone jsoude Ipden en ffe0lagen toorden tande boo0e loden, om met fepn dood te Eoeten toot de otemedinge der mensc^en. 45- ^oe t'0 C^ri0tu0 tec dood be0pot, en 0eer migrtjandelt ladden, nagelden 0p >pne ljan= den ende toeten aan een Ijouten ferut'0, ende ^ebben dat opgerecljt tu00c^en ttoee moordenaaro, die oofe an fjet tout genaplt toarem 46. 30 C^ri0tu0 ge0torten an Jet gouten ferut'0 ? J^ : Ta Pontius Pilatus azjies o chono Romani pinaga ma-aladik so-o Airien lallum assaban Jeru- salem. 43. Ja icho pinachote, so-o pinach'i ta Christus ? Hena : rapies chono i Judaea madobdob inau sannan pach'i ta Christus, so-o ta Pilatus maibas o rapies Airien, pauss'i decho, so-o pattite o chachalt o macha kasja- baan ta Christus. 44. Inaunumma ta Deos alii mi el micho, alia parras o choa sjiem, depa macha ? Paga maunis a airab o Deos alia choa sjiem mamachote so-o allecho achan innai rapies chono 1 Judaea, alia lummaslas o choa macha o kakossi o babosa. 45. Moeda inipacha ta Christus ? Ka ochal simioch, mannacha, so-o parapies o mauchus i ta Chris- tus, decho tummiltil o choa rima a asiel i sasakimottono baron, so-o pinase-ar aicho tuppach o narroa ma-ach'o cho tsiniltillan i baron channumma. 46. Ja minacha ta Christus i sasa- kimottono baron ? Hena : Pontius Pilate, a Roman stranger, was protector and judge in Jerusalem. 43. Did he cause the sufferings and death of Christ ? Yes ; the wicked Jews urgently insisted, and, from envy, demanded Christ's death ; while Pilate, as a wicked judge, consented by pronouncing against Christ the sentence or punishment of death. 44. Why did not God prevent His Son's being put to death ? It was God's own will that His Son should suffer and be beaten by the wicked Jews, in order that, by His death, He might be a ransom for the transgressions of men. 45. In what way was Christ put to death? After they had beaten, mocked, and sorely ill-treated Christ, they nailed His hands and feet to a wooden cross, which they erected between two murderers, who were also nailed to the cross. 46. Did Christ die on the cross of wood ? Christian la: en >pn tioo&e Itfffjaam f0 begraten, om tiat Ijet toaarlife tiooti toa0. 47. ftfliat 10 tiat te 0ep;en, 3p 10 netierffepan in tien fcuil Ue0 tier0, tiat 10 tie Ijelle, 10 Cljri0tu0 met >pn liffljaam ppan int !)el0cj)e tier ? jj-leen: De0e tooor&en ontlee-- nen een ffelpfefceni00e tan f)et Ijel0cl)e tier, en fcebben De0en 0in, Hat inder Uaato Ijet Iptien Cljri0ti in lifftaam entie 0iele al0oo 0toaar, hard, ende groot 10 g;etDee0t, al0 of ^ toaarltk int Ijel0c|)e tier pgaan to are* 48. flfllat (0 De meeninge Ue0er tooortien (Be^enna, tien feuil ne0 tt'er0, en |jet tier tan (Beljenna ? (Be^enna 10 een feuil ofte poel De0 tter0 Daar (Boti fjaibo0 tn alle boo0e men0cljen eeuVoifflife 0al 0traffen* 49. Ciaiorti Ijet fjel0c^e tier noiO uitffeblu0t ? Jl^een : tie terbolpnrtjeiti (Boti0 ont0teefet getiuerig fjet |)el0c^e tier, betoarentie t0elte op tiat alle boo0e eeutoiglife ge- 0traft toertien* 50. ifllat troo0t rp0t'er in u ge-- moeti uit Ijet to are geloote in Set Hena : so-o choa bog o mach- ada, kachinap o ta, inau gagil mach'ija micho. 47. Numma micho a pattite, si- npss'i chauch o chau, ja ta Christus o choa bog sinoss'i chau o gehenna ? Maini : atite o mini marach o tatschier innai chau o gehenna, so-o pe'o lido o mini, alia machote o ta Christus inni choa bog a tsjes gagil pinaga talcho a ma-atauch, a ma-araas, a mato maibas o gagil sinoss'icho i chau o gehenna. 48. Numm'ija lido o atite o mini, gehenna, chauch o chau, so-o chau o gehenna ? Gehenna paga, chauch o chau, dema ta Deos allecho pachote i ta haibos taulaulan, so-o tapos chono ma-arapies. 49. Ja alii otuppen o chau o ge- henna ? Maini : rais o Deos tallochon pisor o chau i gehenna, so-o mala- dik, ino-chote-in taulaulan tapos ja ma-arapies. 50. Numm'ija tattalattala tum- moach i joa tsjes innai autat o gagil inni Yes ; and His dead body was buried, because it was really dead. 47. What does that signify He has descended into the pit of fire, that is, hell ? Did Christ bodily enter the fire of hell? No ; these words are a simile of the fire of hell, and mean that the sufferings of Christ, body and soul, were truly as great, severe, and intense as if He actually had entered hell- fire. 48. What is the signification of these words Gehenna, the pit of fire, and the flames of Gehenna ? Gehenna is a pit or pool of fire, where God will eternally punish haibos and all wicked men. 49. Will the fire of,hell never be extinguished? No ; the wrath of God continually kindles hell-fire, and keeps it burning, so that all the wicked may be eternally punished. Instruction S3 IpDen enDe 0terfcen Cljri0ti an &et IjouD De0 kruice0 ? let IpDen enDe 0terten 3|e0u Cf)ri0ti De0 >oon0 ti0oD0 aan Ijet tout De0 kruice0 i0 den eenigen toarafftigen troo0t mpner 0iele ; aan fjet IjouD De0 kruice0 aam gfrfjoutoe ik De liefDe C5oD0, enDe >jme0 >oon0 tot De men0cl)en, ik 0ie Den toorn (BoD0 tegen De 0onDe, ende De 0traffe fcanDe 0pntie tier mengfcljen in fepnen eigenen >oone, ik 0ie Daar bele toonoen, entie %tt bloeu Degf >oon0 C5oti0 an tantien, boeten, en >pn ffant0c^e tifftaam tan toegen mpne otectredingen. 2Daar uit ben ik ber0ekett Oat tie S>oone d5otJ0 3Je0u0 Cfjn0tu0 iJoor pn Ip&en enDe 0terten inDe men0c!)elikke natum toaar= Itk geboet Ij^eft toot De otettre- Dtnje Det men0cl)en, om mp te terlo00en banDe tree0e De0 toorn0 C5oD0, tanDe mat^t enDe I)eer0ctappie De0 Duifoel0, enDe tjanDe 0traffe De0 iKtecfjen bier0* ^>oo toanneec De g:ram0cl)ap (BoD0 mp tiree0e aanjaactjt, 000 0al ik mp Diepe berberpn inDe bloeDip toonDen De0 S>oon0 (BoD0, op Dat Den toorn >pne0 5IIaDer0 toorb? ffa, ik 0al met alle ern0t anljouDen om tinge Der 0onDen, om \>tt enDe 0terten >pn0 bemtnDen feoon0, Die >pnen (EaDer 'tmi- toaart0 ber0oent fjeett. 51 inni machote a macha o ta Christus i baron o sasakimotto ? Machote so-o macha o ta Chris- tus sjiem o Deos i baron o sasaki- motto paga nattada tattalattal'o gagil o na-a tsjes ; inni baron o sasakimotto na-a miall'o aukat o Deos, a choa sjiem pana babosa, na-a miall'o rais o Deos inau ka- kossi, so-o chachalt o kakossi o babos'inni choa maunis a sjiem, na-a miall'o mapan soa, so-o tagg'o sjiem o Deos inni rim'a asiel, inni tapos choa bog inau na-a kakossi. Innai-numma kamachaggi ja ina, alia ta Christus sjiem o Deos inni ga o babos'o choa machote a macha linummaslas o kakossi o babosa, ino barrasan ja ina innai ikkil o rais o Deos, innai barra so-o chachimit o haibos, so-o innai chachalt o chau o gehenna. Sja rais o Deos pa-ikkil na-a tsjes, na-a papaddabo mauchus a ro inni soa ma-atagg'o sjierri o Deos, alia pasji rais o choa tamau, na-a a-um-illo-ilono abono kakossi inau machote a macha o choa au- kattan a sjiem, tamasea pinaborr'o choa tamau na-a boa. 51. Kamach'ija 50. What consolation does true faith in the sufferings and death of Christ on the cross of wood give to your heart ? The sufferings and death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on the cross, is the only sure consolation of my soul. On the cross I behold the true love of God and of His Son toward man ; I see the wrath of God against sin, and the punishment of man's sin in His own Son ; there I see many wounds and the blood of the Son of God covering on account of my sins 54 Christian 51. #10 Cl)t:f0tu0 ffe0torfcen toa0, toaar Ijenen 10 >pn 0iele gegaan ? 3)nden fjettm. 52- 30 0pn liffljaam tmot in jet graf? $leen: op den derden dag: 10 ^ toeder lefcendtg; ptoocden, en fcerre0en tan Den dooden. 53. ^oedantpr; top0e ? 2De 0tele 10 toederpfeeen in ijet Itfftaam, m met fjet doode Kff-- Ijaam toeder fcereenifft ptoordem 54- flfliie lieeft dat pdaan ? 2De ^>oone ti5od0 ^eeft door fepn feracljt tie 0iele tereenifft met fjet doode liff^aam, ende al0oo 10 fjet toedec letendie: $z-> toordem 55- d(llaarom bleef C^rt'0tu0 met inden dood gelpk al0 alle andere men0cljen ? flDm dne oor0afeen : i en . % en i0 niet ge0tor- ben om >pn eipn 0onden. 2 en . met >?n Ipden ende dood peft ^ ten tolun pboet boor 51. Kamach'ija ta Christus sinosse dema choa tsjes-oe ? I boesum ai. 52. Ja minabocho i robaan choa bog? Maini : kanatorroa-da zijsja pinaijoch o morich ja aicho, so-o minaseas a macha. 53. Masanno ? Kapinacheoach ja tsjes i bog, so-o inaarpan o tattaul'o bog o machada ai. 54. Tomm'ija minerien o micho ? Ta sjiem o Deos o choa barra pinaarp'o tsjes o bog o machada, so-o pinaijoch o morich ja aicho- ech. 55. Inaunumma alii machonsar macha ta > Christus maibas o tapos roman a babosa ? Inau natorroa-da tuppo : Kapesasa, alii minach'ija icho inau choa maunis a kakossi. Ka narroa, o choa machote a macha linummaslas o auchos o kakossi His hands, feet, and whole body. Hence I am sure that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, has, through His sufferings and death in His human nature, truly paid the penalty for the transgressions of man, so that I may be delivered from the wrath of God, from the power and dominion of the devil, and from the punishment of hell-fire. Thus, when the wrath of God fills me with fear, I will deeply hide myself in the bloody wounds of the Son of God, so that the anger of His Father may pass by ; and I shall most earnestly seek the forgiveness of sin, for the sake of the sufferings and death of His beloved Son, who has reconciled His Father to me. 51. After Christ had died, where did His soul go to ? To heaven. 52. Did His body see corruption in the grave ? No : on the third day He returned to life, and rose from the dead. 53. In what way? The soul returned to the body, and was united again with His dead body. 54. Who did that ? The Son of God did, by His own power, unite His soul with His dead body, and thus it became again living. 55. Why did not Christ remain in death like all other persons? For three reasons : i. He did not die for His own sins. Instruction 55 toor He otertredingen Her men= sfcljett; Ijierom toord %> in ijet ffcaf met geljouden pips andere men0cb.en. 3 en . ue fjeergcljappte oter leten ende dood 10 ^em eigen ate d5od >oone ; ende ig map;; tiff fjet doode ligfjaam letendiff te maken. 56. flfliat troogt u tie opgtandtnge Cfcrigti tan den dooden ? 2De opgtandinge CJjrigti tan den dooden betopgt dat % de foacaffttffe >oone ti5od0 $g, de= toelkke den dood ondec >pne toeten getteden, en de banden doodg tn 0tufeken ffebrofeen toaar utt tk ter^ekect ben, dat Cljrtetug, die in Ijet graf opffe^loten i0 getoeegft om de sfonden der men^c^n en tan den dood ontglapn te getoorden, ffantgfc^eltk en ten tollen toot tie otertredinp dec mengcfjen ge* boet en betaalt fieeft ; detoelkke eenmaal ook mpn Itfftaam tan de banden deg dood0 teclo00en gfal, en dat letendiff mafeen door >pne fcrafft, niettegen^taande dattet in tyt paf al terrot en tergaan f& 57. 30 Cljrt0tu0, na dat ~$ty toe= der letendiff ptoorden toa0, op de^er aarden gebleten ? jjieen: kakossi o babosa ; inau micho alii machonsar o koemen i robaan, maibas o roman babosa. Ka natorroa, chachimit o morich a macha maunis icho mai- bas o sjiem o Decs ; so-o mabarra ja icho, paurich o bog o macha. 56. Numm'ija tummalattala joa tsjes aseas o Christus a macha ? Aseas o Christus a macha paita, alia choa paga gagil o sjiem o Decs, tamasea tsinummallas o macha de rapo cho'asiel, so-o pin- apil o kakoen o macha ; innai- numma kamachaggi ja ina, alia ta Christus, o ai kakinoen i robaan inau kakossi o babosa, so-o binarra- san a macha, oppen ja chinnummalt o kakossi o babosa ; tamase'o man- tas channumma paparras o na-a bog innai kakoen o macha, so-o pa- paurich ai-oe o choa barra, paga- tomma kamabocho i robaan. 57. Kapaijoch o morich, ja pinoe- tach babo ta mini ta Christus ? Maini : 2. By His death He paid the full penalty for the transgression of man, therefore He did not remain in the grave like other men. 3. The dominion over life and death belongs to Him as the Son of God, and He has the power to give again life to the dead body. 56. What consolation does the resurrection of Christ from the dead give you ? The resurrection of Christ from the dead proves that He is the true Son of God, who has trampled death under his feet, and has snapped asunder the bonds of death, and this gives me the assurance that Christ, who was confined in the grave for the sins of man, and who was delivered from death, has fully and completely paid and suffered the penalty for the transgressions of man ; that He will likewise also deliver my body from the bonds of death, and through His strength will give it new life, although it has decayed and lain rotting in the grave. 57. Did Christ, after He had again returned to life, remain on this earth ? Christian na foeertig; oapn tpo0 10 ^P oppfelommen ten fjemel 58. ftfliat oetie % fceertiff Dapn op tier aacoen ? % i0 ter0cljenen aan fcele, tiie te fooren |jem pfeent fjatitien, en&e fjeeft >jm letonoe ligftaam foertoont, op fcatge 0efeerltfc toeten 0ouoen, tiat % toefcer lefcentiie; ptooroen toa0, en befoal tien ttoaalf fonpren, >pne Hien0t= fenepen, oat0e 0outien pan leec^ en alle fcolfcercn, entie fjaar tioopen met toater t'ntim naam 59- 10 C^rt0tu0 ten tjemel pnomen tan fepne Dten0tfenecten op eenen Berg, 10 fepn li^aam toor Ijare oopn in een toolfcfee oppljeten na boten, en al0 0p na den Ijemel 0taroo0:tJen ) 0pn ttoee Cngelen fcergcljenen, \jjefk-- fee ptuigtien tiat C|jn0tu0 al0oo 0ouDe \neDecfeomen, pl^fe 0? ten Ijemel IjatiDen 0ien 60. mel? 31 a: tot Den meenen ooroeel0 Cljn0tu0 in&en dag; De0 alp-- 61. ^Qlaartoe Maini : a-i-jor a narroa eis rum- mi-es tsinummagach i boesum-ech. 58. Numm'ija icho merien de ta narroa eis rummi-es ? Tsinummoach o mapan chono ai madarram ani icho, so-o pait'o choa bog moricha, alia kama- machaggi dechonoe, kapaijoch o morich ja icho, so-o pauss'o choa aran tschiet narroa cho, alia sa- sosse pattil o tapos o cho, so-o sumkir i to i decho inni naan o tamau, ta sjiem, so-o ta Auchar o Deos, Spirito Santo. 59. Moeda sinoss'i boesum ta Christus ? Kapoberies o choa aran babo nattada ranna, inalappoon ja choa bog lallurn nattada rabbo pana babo katinnaam o choa macha so-o kamabaddabadd'o boesum de- chonoe, tsinummoach narroa-da Angelus, o ai pinaba, alia masini- sar sasai pacheoach ta Christus, maibas decho minit'ichosar tum- magach i boesum. 60. Ja machonsar inni boesum ta Christus ? Hena : ate zijsj'o chachalt o tapos o cho. 6 1. Inonumma No ; after forty days He ascended into heaven. 58. What did He do on earth during these forty days ? He appeared unto many who had formerly known Him ; He showed them His living body, so that they might certainly know that He had again returned to life ; and He com- manded His twelve disciples, His servants, to go unto all nations, and to baptize them with water, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 59. How did Christ ascend into heaven ? Having taken leave of His servants on a mountain, His body ascended on high, before their eyes, into the clouds ; and while they were gazing towards heaven, two angels appeared, who testified that Christ would return in the same manner as they had seen Him ascend into heaven. 60. Does Christ remain in heaven ? Yes ; till the day of general judgment. Instruction 57 61. ftliaactoe 10 Cljci0tu0 inden fcemel pgaan ? gn0 flftadec0 lmaci)tig; ; fjeeft (feod ten Jand ofte cecfitecljand ; 0it Cf)ci0tu0 al0 men0clje inden emel uc reel) terfj and tooortien ontleenen een ffel?fefeeni00e banUe Conmpn Der aarden, toelfefee ^ace naa0te en toor= trefifelife0te medeffenooten tot I) ace cecljtec^and 0etten, en top0en aan, dat al0oo mede Cjci0tu0 al0 men0clje, de ^ooc^0te en aldec^eeclifeefte 0? tnden tjemel boten alle (Knplen ende men0c^en, detoelkfee eenen naam ontfangen fyttt botjen alle namen, ende naa0t >pnen (ZUadec alle Ijeec0c^appte ende mac^t fjeeft 't 0p inden tj^mel of op dec aacden, op dat % alle 0pne t^anden fjem 0ellien ondectoecpe, ende be0cljecme fepn etpn tolfe, te toeten, alle de pne die aan lem plootien, ende fepnen naam liefljebben* 63. 61. Inonumma sinoss'i boesum ta Christus ? Alia tatummann'o boesum, o ai kinapos inau torroa kakossi, so-o papaga tallochon torroa nia-azinado katinnaam o choa tamau. 62. Numma micho a pattite, airo- ossen i kallamas o choa tamau, kamabarr'ija tapos 6 ai ; ja ta Decs paga rima ja kallamas ; ja ta Christus maibas o babosa mero-os inni boesum i kallamas o choa tamau ? Maini : atite o mini marach o tatschier innai mario-acho de ta, tamasea pairo-os o choa ara, o ai maso machaddik a matasso, i choa kallamas, so-o paita, alia masini channumma ta Christus, maibas o babosa, kummasjies a maro a ma- tasso i boesum babo tapos Angelus a babosa, tamasea minarach o naan babo tapos o naan, so-o a-i-jor a choa tamau paga chachimit o tapos a barra pagatomma de boesum, pagatomma de ta, alia pauloan o tapos cho'azjies-in, so-o maladik o choa maunis a cho ; tapos chono ai ka poetautat inni choa boa, so-o maukat o choa naan. 63. Ja 61. With what purpose did Christ ascend into heaven? That He might open heaven, which was closed against us on account of our sins, and that He might continually be our Intercessor with the Father. 62. What does that signify Sitting on the right hand of His Father Almighty ? Has God a right hand ? Does Christ, as a human being, sit in heaven, on the right hand of His Father? No ; these words are taken from a simile of the kings of the earth, who put their nearest and most excellent compeers on their right hand, and thus signify that Christ also, as man, occupies the highest and most glorious place in heaven, above all angels and men, having H Christian 63. S>al Cf)ri0tu0 uit Den fiemel toeDerfcomen ? la: % gal foer0c!)pnen intie toolhfeen ate l&ic&tet ofoer alle men0cf)em 64. faftanneer? pne fooor- gprake, op dat % >pnen flllader tmptoaaritf ter0oene, toelkken ik ook ten dage de0 alpmeinen oor-- deel0 uit den kernel tertoacljte, op dat %ty >ime ende mjne tpanden m Ijet Ijel0t|)e tier toerpe, ende mp met |jem 0telle in den Ijemel, gelpfe ^ tot &pnen (Eladet ge-- 0egt t^eft, ik toil dat toaar ik ben, ook m^nen dienaar 0^* 67. ftaiie 10 de derde per0oon in ^et toe0en d5od0 ? 2Den ^Idem C5od0, de ^. (Bee0t. 68. (Belooft gp in den ^. d5ee0t ? a: ik ffelootje te 0amen in den (Hader, in den oone, ende in den dem (Bod0, den fy. (Bee0t, om dat de0e drie per0oonen 0pn de eeniffe ende toarac^tip (Bod. 69. flfliat moach i joa tsjes, inau poetautat ijonoe alia ta Christus sinoss'i boe- sum, so-o sasai pacheoach, alia merien o chachalt o cho moricha so-o machada ai ? Innai micho kamachaggi ja ina, alia ta Christus na-a oeno paga babo tapos na-a azjies-in, tamasea pinaaunis o boesum ina, so-o tallochon paz-inado alia pa- borr'o choa tamau na-a boa.; o ai na-a tummassin channumma innai boesum ka zijsj'o chachalt o tapos o cho, alia pa-itis o choa so-o na-a micho azjies-in i chau o gehenna, so-o paubarri ina rorro icho inni boesum, maibassar pinal'o choa tamau, na-a merab, alia dema paga ina, na-a aran paga channumma. 67. Tomm'ija ka natorroa-da boa inni ga o Deos-sar ? Ta Auchar o Decs o ma- achimit ta Spirito Santo. 68. Ja poetautat ijonoe inni ta Spirito Santo ? Hena : na-a poetautat mai- bassar a rorro inni o tamau, inni ta sjiem, so-o inni ta Auchar o Deos, Spirito Santo, inau natorroa- da bo'o mini paga nattasar ai, so-o gagil o Deos. 69. Numma 66. What consolation does your belief, that Christ has ascended into heaven and that He will return to judge the quick and the dead, give to your heart ? It gives me the sure conviction that Christ, my Head, is raised above all my enemies, that He has obtained heaven for me, and that He continually intercedes for me, in order to reconcile His Father to me ; and that I also expect Him to come from heaven on the day of general judgment, in order that He may cast His and my enemies into hell-fire, and that He may give me a place in heaven with Him, as He spake to His Father, ' I will that where I am, my servants shall be also.' 67. Who is the third Person in God's being? The Breath of God, the Holy Ghost. 68. Do you believe in the Holy Ghost ? Yes ; I believe at the same time in the Father, in the Son, and in the Breath of God, the Holy Ghost, because these three Persons are the only and true God. 6o Christian 69. flfliat 10 te tiat 0effpn, ife ploobe in tien &tiem oone te 0amen uitpat, to are d5oti uit (I5oti, tie toelfcfee fje* meI0cf)e getiacljten inaa00emt ofte inblaa0t, entie geleiti op den toeg tier gebotien c!)epper ban Ijemel, aartie, entie 0ee, om tiat ^p eer0t bepnnen Ijeeft alle tiinpn te maken, entie tien feoone, mit00:atjer0 tien ^. d5ee0t tioen aanbangen fjeeft om metie te toerkfcen , tie (Boti0 10 tie berlo00er tier 0c|jen, om tiat ^ in per0oon, en tie natuere, De S^ttitielaar entie boor- biutier 10 tu00tl)en d^oti en tie men0c!)en ; tie 1. d5ee0t 10 den troo0ter tier Mntieren d5oti0, om tiat ^ in tare i^ten tooont, entie fjaar getiueriff bertroo0t, 71. >oo 69. Numma micho a pattite, na-a poetautat inni ta Auchar o Deos o ma-achimit, ta Spirito Santo ? Micho a pattite, kamachaggi ja ina innai al'o ranied o Deos, so-o poetat o na-a tsjes, alia ta Spirito Santo sosse rorro innai o tamau, so-o innai ta sjiem, gagil o Deos innai Deossar, tamasea pauchar o tattupp'o boesum, so-o pa-i-jor i tarran o atillono Deos. 70. Numm'ija maunis a tataap o natorroa-da bo'o mini ? Deos o tamau paga Airien o boesum, o ta, a abas, inau icho tsinummaas o merien o 'mini tapos ai, so-o pinaisas'i ta sjiem a ta Spirito Santo karri-tataap ; ta sjiem o Deos paga ma-ababarras o babosa, inau inni choa boa, so-o inni ga o babosa paga ma-aborra a ma-azinado tuppach o Deos a babosa ; ta Spirito Santo paga ma-attalattal'o sisjiem o Deos, inau summos'i choa tsjes, so-o tallochon tummalattal'i decho. 71. Moeda 69. What does that signify I believe in the Breath of God, the Holy Ghost ? That signifies I know for certain from the testimony of God's Word, and am firmly con- vinced in my mind, that the Holy Ghost jointly proceeds from the Father and from the Son, being very God of God, who infuses or breathes heavenly thoughts, and conducts us in the way of God's commandments. 70. What is the peculiar and especial work of these three Persons ? God the Father is the Creator of heaven and earth, and of the sea, because it was He who first began to make all things, and caused His Son, as also the Holy Ghost, to join in this work ; the Son of God is the Redeemer of man, because He in His person, and according to His human nature, is the Mediator and Intercessor between God and man ; the Holy Ghost is the Comforter of the children of God, because He dwells in their hearts, and constantly comforts them. Instruction 61 71. >oo feertroogt tie !&. (25ee#t onge tjerten ? % eipnt on0 toe Ijet Ipden ende Den dood Cfjrigti, mfw* pdet#>pne recfjtteerdip toerk ken, op dat top ontpan gouden, ende btp pgtelt toerden tan de gftraffe der gonde ; daar na blaagt % on0 in eenen peden toille ende gedactjten, dat top al0 nieutoe mengetjen een termaafe Ijebben inde toerfcfeen dec pr^ ecfjtiffijeid, ende natolpn Ijet lefoen ongeg !eeren 3i^0u CljrigJti, daar utt ip ffetuigt tot on^en (Beegit, dat top toaacltfc 0pn fetn- decen d5od0. 72. dfliat troo0t brengt u aan toare geloofce in den , C5ee0t ? 2Dat C5od de ?Hadet den ^. d5ee0t mp g:e0c^onkken tjeefr, ten einde ^ geduene; fap mp 0oude 0pn, ende bertroogten inde dro= effeni00e, detoelkfee in mpn fjerte fepne gaben uitgftort, al0 trede, tu0te ende liefde (Bod0, daar uit ik tergefeert toorde, dat C5od de flUader mp lief ^eeft, ende fjet eeutoige leben mp eeft om &pn0 pliefden Cljn0ti toille* 71. Moeda ta Spirito Santo tum- malattal'i torroa tsjes ? Icho paaunis torroa bo'o ma- chote a macha o ta Christus, so-o choa tataap o babisse, ino barrasan ja torro innai chachalt o kakossi ; kasach-a pauchar i torroa tsjes o airaba tattuppau mario, alia maibas o bao a cho torro maukat o tataap o babisse, so-o tsimichier o morich o ta Jesus Christus, torroa micho ma-achachimit, innai-numm'icho pab'i torroa tsjes, alia torro paga gagil sisjiem o Decs. 72. Numm'ija tummalattala joa tsjes autat o gagil inni ta Spirito Santo ? Alia Deos o tamau pinassoso ina ta Spirito Santo, alia papara tallochon ina, so-o tummalattal'inni zichil, tamasea summa-od o choa asoso i na-a tsjes, maibas o aborra, arra, so-o auicat o Deos, innai- numma kamachaggi ja ina, alia Deos o tamau maukat o ina, so-o pinassosono morich o ma-achonsar ina, inau choa aukattan a sjiem ta Jesus Christus. A- 71. Thus the Holy Ghost comforts our hearts? He appropriates unto us the sufferings and death of Christ, in order that we may escape, and be exempted from the punishment of sin ; thereupon He breathes into our hearts good will and thoughts, so that we, as new creatures, may take delight in the works of righteous- ness, and imitate the life of our Lord Jesus Christ ; thereby testifying unto our spirits that we truly are children of God. 72. What consolation does true faith in the Holy Ghost afford you ? That God, the Father, has given me the Holy Ghost, so that He may constantly abide with me and comfort me in affliction ; that He sheds abroad in my heart His gifts, such as peace, rest, and the love of God ; from which I may be assured that God the Father loves me, and that He has granted me eternal life, for the sake of His beloved Son Jesus Christ. 6z Christian |2aar fjet ploof in d5o& tolgt !jet ploote tan d5od0 toll 73. !eeft <15od een eigen tolfe op de0er aarden ? 74- >pn alle men0cl)en Ijet en beminde tolfc (I5od0 ? $leen: (Bod terfeiegt een eigen tolft en bentinde fefnfceren uit alle ge0la0;ten der aarde. 75- Mlie 0pn Die ? #lle toare jjelootfp 0jw feinderen d5od0. 76. &Uat 10 dat te sfeffpn: ife geloobe eeu tergatimnp tan een Cljn0ten rein ofte tolfe, Die ban ouD0 ptoeegt nu 10, en gteetijs falpten 0al ? 2Dat 10 te 0egpn, tfe ben 0ekert uit Ijet 0effffen tan dBotJ0 tooord, en geloote met mpn p-- moeti, Uat (Boti tie (KaDer een uit= terkoren fjeilin; tolfe !)eeft, ttpelfe tan nen be^inne tot den einde de0e0 Voerceld0 bp een ttrpdert, en fferoepen toord door Ijn; tooord 05od0 uit alle 0:e0lac|)ten der aarde tot Ijet eeutotp ^emel0c^e leten, om met C5od tere^nip te toorden in 0pnen >oone 3e0u Cl)ri0to tot een liglmam, t0amen terhnot^t 0^nde inden toaren st-- loote. 77. (En A-i-jor a autat inni ta Decs ummior o autat o chono Decs. 73. Ja ta Decs paga maunis a cho de ta mini ? Paga. 74. Ja tapos o babosa paga maunis, so-o aukattan a chono Deos ? Maini : ta Deos piri o maunis a cho so-o aukattan a sisjiem innai tapos o tupponodon de ta. 75. Tomm'ija decho ? Tapos o gagil ma-autat a cho paga sisjiem o Deos. 76. Numma micho a patitte : na-a pittau o aigarrorro-no cho Christan o ma-achimit, o ai pinaga ani aicho, paga pia, so-o kapapoetautachsar ? Michosar a patitte, kamachaggi ja ina innai al'o ranied o Deos, so-o pittau'o na-a tsjes, alia Deos o tamau paga adokken a chono ma- achimit, o ai ipaigarrorro innai aisas'ate sisi o mini tapos ai, so-o aloddan o ranied o Deos innai tapos o tupponodon de ta pana morich o ma-achonsar i boesum, ino aarpanni i ta Deos inni choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus pana natta- sar achieb, barroon o rorro inni autat o gagil. 77- Having then spoken on faith in God, we have now to consider the faith of God's people. 73- Has God a peculiar people here on earth ? Yes, He has. 74. Are all men the peculiar and beloved people of God ? No ; God chooses a peculiar people and beloved children from all the generations of the earth. 75. Who are they ? All true believers are children of God. 76. What does this signify I believe in the community of a pure and holy Christian people, which has been from of old, now is, and always shall remain. It signifies The testimony of God's Word assures me and I believe this with all my heart that God the Father has a peculiar and holy people who, from the beginning to the final end of this world, are gathered together ; that they are called by the Word of God from Instruction 77. (En tergaat de fcerpderinge der ffeloofcipn niet op deger aac-- den? ^een: gterten andere, an= dere toorden toeder toepiioefft. (Bod de flllader terkiegt na ijet toelpfoallen >pne0 toillengf. J3De feoone d5odg terffadert door de kracljt fepnss tooordg, fcergoent, berlogt en betoaart de uitfceckoo-- rene, datge niet en tiergaan. 2De ^ C5ee0t oone (!5od0 te tjet toace ^ooft, die Ijet liff^aam ende alle de led en lefcendiff maakt. C5od de (Eadec is de fondateuc de0 ljuigffegfing, ende noemt de ploobip gpne kinderen. 2De ^* C5ee0t regeert doou>pne feracjjt. 77. Ja aigarrorrono ma-autat a cho alii moribal de ta mini ? Maini : kamach'ija roman, chippan ja roman Decs o tamau ummadok kamaibas o aukat o cho'airab. Ta sjiem o Deos pai- garrorro inni barr'o choa ranied, lummaslas, parras, so-o maladik o adokken a cho, depa moribal. Ta Auchar o Deos o ma-achimit sum- mos'i choa tsjes, alia tallochon o par'i decho, parar'o choa saan, pauchar i tsjes o tattupp'o boesum, pauab o aba so-o autat inni ta Deos, depa otuppen, pachfmit o bog a tsjes, so-o paatsikap i decho, ino aarpanni i ta Deos. Aigar- rorro ma-arummono tapos o ma- autat a cho paga maibas o nattasar achieb, o ai rorro-no aarpanni innai mapan a raag. Atatta ma-aunionis o ma-autat a cho paga maibas o raag o achieb o mini. Ta sjiem o Deos paga oeno o gagil, o ai pau- rich o achieb, so-o tapos o choa raag. Deos o tamau pauchodon a arie-eddan, so-o pattonan o ma- autat acho choa sisjiem. Ta Auchar o ma-achimit o choa barra chummimit o don o Deos. Ma- sinisar natorroa-da boa, Deos o tamau, ta sjiem, so-o Auchar o ma- all the generations of the world unto an eternal and heavenly life, to be united with God in His Son Jesus Christ in one body, they being joined together in true faith. 77. Does not the gathering together of the believers cease in this world ? No ; when some die, others are added : God the Father chooses them according to His good pleasure. The Son of God gathers them by the power of His Word ; reconciles, redeems, and guards over the elect, so that they may not perish. The Holy Ghost dwells in their souls, and continually abides with them, enlightens their minds, inspires them with heavenly thoughts, increases their knowledge of and faith in God, so that it may not be extinguished ; purifies body and soul, and renders them fit to be united with God. The entire gathering of all believers is like unto one body, which is composed of many members : each individual believer is, as it were, a member of this body. 64 Christian &IDU0 tolmafeen p0amentlik te Dcte per0oonen (BoD De flflaDec, De >oone, enDe tie 1$* (Bee0t fjet Itfffjaam Dec tecpDecinp Her plootipn, Dat'et fcecmeerDece, enDe poot toa00e fn feenni00e enDe toacen ploobe, fca0t aan een pbonDen 0pnfle Door onDeclinp It'efte, 3|nDe fcerpDecinp Dec plooiripn toocD (BoD toaaclife befeent en aanpcoepen, enDe tooonD tnt miDDen tjan Ijaac, toaacom D'0elfce pnaamt toocD Ijet tiut0 (BoD0, De fcecsaDectnp (BoDgf, 0pne ktnDecen enDe pnoten, een uitteckocen ladjte, een Ijeilt'ff bolk, een pkocljt ofte tecfecegen tolk* 2Daacenteg:en Die (BoD met en fcennen 0pn tjcemDeltnpn, en al0 0onDec (BoD, 78. (Belooft 0:p maac 000 0lecijt een tecpDecmp Dec Ijeilt'- jjieen: ik geloobe meDe Dat tfe jjet Itg^aam De0ec tecgaDecmp tnffelpft 0? Dooc Den toacen p- loote, al0 een lebenDig UD, ttoelk ife oou bitten 0aU 79. Mat 0cljenfct (BoD De p-- lootitp ? ma-achimit rorrono ummoob o achieb o aigarrorrono ma-autat a cho, alia moab so-o summoos o mato inni aba so-o autat o gagil, barroon o didden o karri-aukat. Inni aigarrorrono ma-autat a cho darrammen o gagil so-o eachanni ta Deos, so-o summos'o inni babat o decho ; inau decho attonannansar don o Deos, aigarrorrono chono Deos, choa sisjiem so-o ari-eddan, adokken a tupponodon, chono ma- achimit, laslas-en a cho. Kasja- baan chono mautsiri i ta Deos, paga azjies so-o maibas o marotul i ta Deos. 78. Ja pittau o baak ijonoe o aigarrorrono chono ma-achimit ? Maini : na-a channumma pittau all'inaarpan ja in'o achieb o aigar- rorrono innai autat o gagil, maibas o raag o morich, o ai na-a mamach- onsar channumma. 79. Numm'ija ta Deos passosono ma-autat a cho ? Mapan The Son of God is the true Head who quickens the body and all its members. God the Father is the Founder of the family, and calls the believers His children. The Holy Ghost, through medium of His power, reigns over the house. In this way, the three Persons, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, render the body of the believers gathered together perfect, in order that it should increase and grow in knowledge and true faith, closely united to one another by mutual love. In the meetings of the believers God is really acknowledged and called upon ; He dwells in the midst of them, therefore they are called the house of God, the meeting of God, His children, and members of the family, a chosen race, a holy and ransomed people, whereas they who do not know God are strangers, and, as it were, without God. 78. Do you only believe in the community of the holy ? No ; I also believe that I am incorporated into the body of these meetings ; that is, through faith, I have become a living member thereof, in which I shall also remain. 79. What does God grant the believers ? Instruction >pne pten enDe toelDaDen tele, enDe Drie toel De boor= naam0te, die Ijier toorDen op-- gerekent, al0 tie tergetinge Dec ofcertreDmtren, De op0tanDin0;e De0 tlee0cl)e0, enDe Ijet eeutoiffe lefcen. 80. ^Dntfanpn alle gelootip De0e gafcen ? 3)a: alle toare geloofelfff teb-- bm ffemein0d)ap aan De toel-- DaDen enDe pten (I5oD0, 81. (Belooft jyp De mepeDeel, Dat 10 gemefn&fiap Der Ijeiliffen ? la: ik. 82. >e; aan, toat t'0 De meDeDeel 2De meDeDeel Der jjet'lipn Dat is te 0eg:g:en, Dat alle jyelootuge, Die met C5oD in >pnen >oone 3Ie0u Cfjcigto teceenigt blptjen, ffe0amentlik Deel ontfanpn inDe bolDoeninge enDe Cljrigti, enDe anDere 83. 3I00er ook een onDerlinge ffemein0cl)ap Der Jaa't: toant alle moeten toeDer0pt0 Den naa0ten met tare gatjen Ijelpen, en ten temeltoaart leiDen. 84. Wit Mapan choa asoso a tataap o no, so-o niaso matasso natorroa, o ai toch-en insini, maibas o abono tataap o kakossi, aseas o boa, so-o morich o ma-achonsar. 80. Ja tapos o ma-autat a cho marach o asosono mini ? Hena : tapos o gagil ma-autat a cho paga rorrono ad'inni tataap o rio so-o asosono Deos. 8 1. Ja pittau ijonoe o rorrono ad'o chono ma-achimit ? Hena. 82. Ipaba numm'ija rorrono ad'o chono ma-achimit ? Rorro-no ad'o chono ma-achi- mit michosar a pattite, alia tapos o ma-autat a cho, o ai machonsar aarpanni i ta Deos inni choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus rorro-no marach o ad'inni lalaslas a babisse o ta Christus, so-o roma-roman aso- sono Deos. 83. Ja paga karri-ad'o chono ma- achimit channumma ? Hena : inau tapos o ma-autat a cho maspot a karri-a-olli-eul o choa asosono ma-achaddik o cho, so-o karri-a-i-jor pana boesum ai. 84. Tomm'ija His gifts and manifold blessings, of which three of the most important may be thus enumerated : the forgiveness of trespasses, the resurrection of the body, and life ever- lasting. 80. Do all believers receive these gifts ? Yes ; all true believers participate in the benefits and gifts of God. 8 1. Do you believe in the communion of saints? Yes ; I do. 82. Explain this : What is the communion of saints ? The communion of saints means, that all believers, who remain united with God in His Son Jesus Christ, jointly participate in the redemption and righteousness of Christ, and in the other gifts of God. 83. Is there also a mutual communion of saints ? Yes, there is ; for all believers should mutually assist their neighbours with their gifts, and lead each other heavenwards, 66 Christian 84. fljfllie 0pn trie jeilijyen ? 2De to are gelootip toorDen iffen genaamt, om Datge ge-- toaggcljen toerDen in fjet bloeD Cijrigti tan Ijare onDeucljt enDe otmreDingen, *nDe ten nteu leten aantanpn in all* gerecl)-- tt'ffljeiD (BoDg. 85. Cfclooft 8$ De terptinge Der gonDen ? 3|a: ik ploote gekerltk Dat (I5oD tie flftaDer om tie tolDoentnge fe>pn0 >oon031e0u C&rigti jjant-- gcijelik alle mpne otertreDinpn tecpeft, entie De boo^eiti tie0 Ijecten, tan De toelfeke ik toaarlik berouVo fjebbe, entie mj tmaren-- wgen 0ct)enfet tie fferec^tigljeiti entie t^tliff!)^^ C^ci^ti, op tiat ik tan toe 0traffen Dec gontie tet- Io0t toerde, 86. aaiat ffelooft g;^ tan tie op-- 0tantitnp tie0 tUe0c^e0 ? 31k geloote Dat mpn lifftaam, gcljoon Dattet in Den grate tnrrot i0, ten einDe De0er toemlD tan Den DooDen opptoekt, *nDe met mpne 0iel^ toeDer tmenifft 0al toerDen, om ten fcemel oppno- men, enDe Cfjri^to getyktormicl) ffemaakt te toerDen* 87. 84. Tomm'ija chono ma-achimit o micho ? Gagil o ma-autat a cho atto- nannansar chono ma-achimit, inau orichen ja decho inni tagg'o ta Christus innai choa arapies a ka- kossi, so-o tummalpon o bao a morich inni tapos o babisse o Deos. 85. Ja pittau ijonoe o abono tataap o kakossi ? Hena : na-a pittau o gagil alia Deos o tamau inau lalaslas o choa sjiem ta Christus mabono auchos tapos na-a kakossi, so-o arapies o tsjes, o ai machi'o gagil ina, so-o passoso ina kasjabaan o babisse a chimit o ta Christus, ino barrasan innai chachalt o kakossi ina-e. 86. Pittau onumm'ijonoe innai aseas o bo'ai ? Na-a pittau alia na-a micho bog, pagatomma mabocho i ro- baan, ka sisi o mini tapos ai allecho ipaseas a macha, so-o aarpanni o tattaul'o na-a tsjes, ino alappan i boesum, so-o ipaibas i ta Christus. 87. Ja 84. Who are those saints ? True believers are called saints, because the blood of Christ has cleansed them from their iniquity and trespasses, and because they commence a new life in all the righteousness of God? 85. Do you also believe in the forgiveness of sins ? Yes ; I surely do believe that God the Father, for the sake of His Son Jesus Christ, forgives all my transgressions and the wickedness of my heart, whereof I sincerely repent ; and, on the other hand, grants me the righteousness and holiness of Christ, so that I may be delivered from the punishment of sin. 86. What do you believe as regards the resurrection of the body ? I believe that my body, though lying in corruption in the grave, will at the end of the world be raised from the dead, and will be again united with my soul, so that it may be taken up into heaven, and be made conformable to Christ. Instruction 6 7 87. feal Ijet eipn ligljaam opge-- toefet toerden, dat gegtorben toag ? iaa't. 88. OflJel maar, 0pn tteegcf) te feercot ende terpan, baa toaar gal Ijet ligfjaam te feoorgcljpn komen ? (Bod, die fjet Uffljaam uft den gtof gtmaakt fceeft, gal Ijet doode liffljaam toeder lefcendicr, maken uit den 0tof door 0pne (Bodde- likke fetacbt* 89. feal jet Ugfjaam ijerganfe- feeltk opgetoefet toerden ? i^een: ik geloote eett eeutot'0; leben, na dit letett. 90. dfliat t'0 !)et eeutoige letien ? eeutoige leten & eetx ontecpnkkeltk leben in den tie^ mel, tn ^et toelkfee plaat0e t^ : ben 0al d'aangcljoutoinp (Bod0, brede, ru0te 7 ende blpdgcfjap de0 C5ee0te0, 0ondec etnde, die de ooge niet en fyttt p^ien, de oore niet en Ijeeft p^ooct, ende't fjette en de gedacljten noit en {ebben begcepen ; intern Kort 87. Ja allecho ipaseas maunis a bog, o ai minacha ? Hena. 88. Oedan, kamabocho choa boa, innainumma tatummoach o bog- sar ? Ta Decs o ai minerien o bog innai borrabor, allecho paurich o tattaul'o bog o machad'innai bor- rabor o choa barr'o Deos-sar. 89. Ja allecho ipaseas ma-auribal a bog? Maini : na-a pittau o morich o ma-achonsar, a-i-jor a morich o mini. 90. Numm'ija morich o ma-ach- onsar ? Morich o ma-achonsar paga morich i boesum o ai alii moribal, inninumma pagaga ai-all'o ta Deos, aborra, arra, so-o aukat o tsjes, pasisi-ech, o ai macha alii minita, charrina alii minasini, so-o alii tsinummaap Amen. tsjes a tattuppa ; Ma- 87. Will the self-same body that has been dead be raised again? Yes. 88. Well now, with its flesh decayed and corrupted, how can the body again come forth ? God, who has made the body of the dust, shall make the dead body again alive out of the dust, by His divine power. 89. Will the body be raised to perish again ? No ; I believe in eternal life after this life. 90. What is life eternal ? Eternal life is an imperishable life in heaven, where we shall behold God face to face ; where we shall have peace, rest, and rejoicing of the heart, without end ; which the eye hath not seen, neither ear heard, nor the heart and thought have ever conceived. Amen. 68 Christian XIV. Kort Onderwys om den Christelikken Doop te Ont- fangen. i. flfllat (0 toe Cf)ri0telifefee leere ? 2De C&rigtelifefce leere i0 een He0 toooro0 d5oti0 tan toe0en enoe toerfcfcem teel (Botien 0jwUer ? SDaar i0 ten toare (I5otu 3. flfllie 10 Die to are 2. toare C5ot! f0 lefjota, fecljepper tan kernel, aarde en 4- fttiiat betuifft Ijet be0c^retjen tooorti CBoti0 tan Ijet toe0en met plphkertop0 tie Itcjbamem 5. !^eett d5oti geen Itcljaam of lic^amelthhe ptiaante ? t'0 p^eel een Uff^aam ende en pn toe0en of 0oon en toorfc niet g:e0ien, 6. !^oe teel per0oonen in ^et toe0en C5oD0 ? 2Daar XIV. Ma-apapp'a Atilino Aracho Christ an a Sasikir i to. 1. Numm'ija atil o Christan ? A til o Christan paga atil o ranied o Decs innai choa micho ga so-o choa tataap. 2. Naida Deos paga ja ? Paga nattasar gagil o Deos. 3. Tomm'ija Deos o gagil o micho ? Deos o gagil paga ta Jehova, Airien o boesum, o ta, a abas. 4. Pab'ija onumma kabidoan ranied o Deos innai ga o Deos-sar ? Alia maunionis choa ga, alii maibas o bogsar. 5. Ja alii paga bog, ja isas o bog- sar ta Deos ? Maini : paga tsjes o auchos icho, marotul o bog a boa, so-o pa itan choa ga ja boa. 6. Naida boa paga ini ga o Deos- sar. Kamaunionis XIV. A SHORT CATECHISM BEFORE RECEIVING CHRISTIAN BAPTISM. 1. What is the Christian doctrine? The Christian doctrine is a doctrine found in the Word of God, of His being and works. 2. How many Gods are there ? There is but one true God. 3. Who is the true God ? The true God is Jehovah, Creator of heaven, the earth, and the sea. 4. What does the written Word of God declare concerning God's being ? That His being is peculiar, not like unto our body. 5. Has God no body, or bodily form ? No ; He is essentially a spirit, without body or flesh, and His being or person is not visible. 6. How many persons do there exist in God's being ? Instruction SDaar 0pn tine bpgondere pergoonen, de flllader, tie >oone, ende Ken retnen dem, den ty. (Beegt. 7. >pn0e pen tine bpgondere (Bod en ? $leen: om dat#e te 0amen een toegen (Bode? Ijebben, 8. (Belooft gp in (Bod ? 31a : ife ploobe toaarlifc dattec een (Bod &% in drie pecgoonen. 9- &llat getuifft (Bods? tooord tan >pne toerfcfcen ? SDat C5od in den beginne ffemaafct fjeeft tjemel ende aarde, ende alle de0e dingen. 10. )ndet#teunt, en beljoud, en cegeert % ook alle dinffen ? 31 a: %p ondec0teunt alle0 met &ne kcacljt en repert na toille. i^eeft (Bod ook inden beginne den mengcije ? 31 a: ^ Ijeeft ec ttoee ffe= maakt, man ende topf uit de toelfcke boortgesproten gfpn alle ge0lacl)ten op den aardfoodem* 12. l^oe Ijeeft (Bod den BPrmaakt in den beginne ? (Bod ii Kamaunionis natorroa-da boa, o tamau, ta sjiem, so-o ta Auchar o ma-achimit, ta Spirito Santo. 7. Ja alii maunionis natorroa Decs dechonoe ? Maini : inau dechoa rorro paga nattada ga o Deos. 8. Ja poetautat inni ta Deos ijonoe ? Hena : na-a pittau o gagil alia paga nattasar a Deos inni natorroa- da boa. 9. Pab'ija onumma ranied o Deos innai choa tataap ? Alia ta Deos inni aisasa mine- rien o boesum a ta, so-o mini tapos ai. 10. Ja icho tumka, maladik, so-o chummimit channumm'o tapos ai ? Hena : icho tumk'o tapos ai o choa barra, so-o chummimit, kam- aibas o choa airab. 11. Ja ta Deos inni aisasa mine- rien o babosa channumma ? Hena : mineriensar o narroa cho, sjam a sini, innai tamasea tsinummoach tapos o tupponodon de ta. 12. Moeda ta Deos minerien o babos'ani pesasa ? Ta There are three separate persons : the Father, the Son, and the pure breath, the Holy Ghost. 7. Are they not three separate Gods ? No ; because they form together one being of God. 8. Do you believe in God ? Yes ; I truly believe that there is one God in three persons. 9. What does the Word of God declare concerning His works ? That in the beginning God made heaven and earth, and all these things. 10. Does He sustain, keep, and reign over all things? Yes ; He sustains them by His power, and He governs according to His pleasure (will). 11. Did God make man also in the beginning? Yes ; He made two, man and woman, from whom have sprung all the generations of the earth. 12. In what way did God make man in the beginning? 7 o Christian (25od Ijeeft den men0cl) ffe= maafct tot fe>pn beeld, tot een beeld (Bod0, dat 10 te 0effg;en, pnt0 en geljeel redjtbeerdiff, 13. flfliel, 0pn dan alle men0djen reel) tbeerd iff ? pn gebod te obettretien. 15- QUan toaar compt tie0e boosf- |eiu Ue0 fcemn tn Den men0ttie toort ? (Hit De otectcetitnp on0er eergter tioorouoeren jaoam entie (Eta in Ijet pacati?0 1 6. aoiat 10 oe 0traffe Dec boo0= ^eiD enoe otectreoinp ? ^[Iderlei fcrankljetien, bceegfe, enDe tiuoeffeni00e deg moeti0, de dood, ende na de dood Ijet Ijelgcfje tier. 17. %\$$tt geen toldoeninge toor de otertredinp, op dat de mengdje de0e 0traffe ontga ? ilaa't. 1 8. aaiie Ijeeft toor de obemed-- ing;e det men0t|jen 0eboet ? Ta Decs minerien o babosa pana choa isas, pan'isas o Deos, michosar a pattite, o auchos ma- abisse-bisse tsjes. 13. Oedan, ja mabisse tsjes taposo babosa ? Pagaga chaddai : kinummossi ja patapos so-o ausjimen inni arapies. 14. Numm'ija arapies o tsjes inni babosa ? Kummossi i ta Deos, so-o chumpir o choa atillo. 15. Innainumma tummoach o arapies o tsjes o mini inni ba- bosa ? Innai kakossi o ta Adam a Eva torroa boeboeno pesasa lallum paradiso. 1 6. Numm'ija chachalt o arapies a kakossi ? Mauromaroman a dig, aurtsi, ikkil, a zichil o tsjes, macha, so-o a-i-jor a macha chau o Gehenna. 17. Ja alii paga lalaslas o kakossi, ino barrasan o babos'o chachalt o mini ? Paga. 1 8. Tommada cho linummaslas o kakossi o babosa ? Ta God made man in His image, to be an image of God, that is to say, altogether righteous. 13. Well, then, are all men righteous? By no means ; they have all transgressed, and been conceived in iniquity and corruption. 14. In what does the iniquity of the human heart consist ? In rebellion against God, and transgressing against His commandments. 15. Whence does this iniquity of the heart in man arise? It originates in the transgression of our first forefathers, Adam and Eve in paradise. 16. In what does the punishment of iniquity and transgression consist? In all kinds of sicknesses, terror, fear, and affliction of the mind ; with death, and, after death, hell-fire. 17. Is there no redemption for these transgressions, so that men may escape them? Yes. 1 8. Who has paid the penalty for the transgressions of man ? Instruction De (S5oD0, Die toaracfjtief) d5oD enDe menscfje i0 in een pergoon. 19. ioe tjeeft Cljrigtug boor De obertreDinge tier mtnfittyn $t-- boet? % fjeeft boor ong geleDen, >pn bloeD bergoten, enDe 10 gegtorben om onger obertreD= tnge toille. 20. ^eeft Ctjrf0tu0 Door >pn ipDen d5oD met De men0c|)en bergoent? 3ia: % 10 De ^t'DDelaar tu00c!)en (feoD enDe De men= d5oD om De jjenoerj;Doen= >oon0 De mengcljen 21. 3a: C|)ri0tu0 gfpreekt Daar tu00cljen met >pn genoegDoen-- inge op Dat De mengclje berge-- biniye Der gonDen berkrpgt. 22. ^Dntbangen alle mengcljen berffebfniye Der 0onDen ? (Beensing, alleen Die berouto fjebbea ban Ijare 0onDen, enDe 0pn geboDen actjterbolpn* 23. IfllorDen De onpljoorgame enDe ongeloobige niet berlo0t banDe 0traffe Der 0onDen ? ^een: Den toorn d5oD0 op Ijaar. 24. Ta Jesus Christus sjiem o Decs, o ai paga Deos o gagil so-o gagil o babos'inni nattada boa. 19. Moeda ta Christus linummas- las o kakossi o babosa ? Minachote, sinummaod o tag- ga, so-o minachadau i torro, inau torroa kakossi. 20. Ja ta Christus o choa machote pinaborr'i ta Deos o babosa ? Hena : icho paga ma-aborra tuppach o Deos a babosa. 21. Ja ta Deos merab o mabono babosa, inau lalaslas o choa sjiem ? Hena : ta Christus pazinadono choa lalaslas, alia babosa marach o abono kakossi. 22. Ja tapos o babosa marach o abono kakossi ? Maini-ena ; ma-akammichi o ai machi'o kakossi poetautat inni ta Deos, so-o ummior o choa atillo. 23. Ja alii barrasan o chachalt o kakossi chono ma-achachuppir, so-o marotul o autat inni ta Deos ? Maini : rais o ta Deos machon i babosar o decho. 24. Maspot Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is verily God and man in one person. 19. In what way did Christ pay the penalty for the transgressions of man ? He suffered for us ; He shed His blood, and died on account of our transgressions. 20. Has Christ reconciled, by His sufferings, God to man ? Yes ; He is the Mediator between God and man. 21. Will God be merciful to man for the sake of the atonement of His Son? Yes ; Christ by His atonement intercedes, so that man obtains the forgiveness of sin. 22. Do all men receive the forgiveness of sin ? By no means ; only they who repent of their sins, and follow after His commandments. 23. Are the disobedient and the unbelieving not delivered from the punishment of sin ? No ; the wrath of God abides on them. Christian 24. Miat moet de mengcije ge^ looben ? a\ toatter begr&reben ig in tiet tooord (Bodg, toaar ban feorte Ijoofd0tu&ken begcepen gpn, in Jet Cljngtelikfce ploob** 25. I&ond $$ de articulen 3|a: ik ploobe in (Bod etc* 26. l$eeft d5od in >pn tooord betuifft dat % de gonden gal becpben ? 3Ia: en % jstelt tie ber^e- tjinp tier gontien ten toone in- tien Ctri^telihken 2Doop ende ' 27. !^oe, Doctj intie ceremonte tie0 2Doop0? 810 ty gebieti Ij^t bolk te tioopen op tiat liace gontien tec-- getien tooutien* 28. !oe in Ijet ^Itontmaal ? Cfjrtetug gefft ban Hen tirinfebeket Uat i0 mpn bloeti, 't VotlK terpten toorti tot toerp= bing: der 0onden. 29. &nat to^gft ^et loater aan inde ceremonie de0 toater, ttoelfe Voord, 24. Maspot a poetautat onumm'ija babosa ? Tapos o ai kabinidoan inni ranied o Deos, innainumma paga ma-apapp'a tuppo inni autat o Christan. 25. Ja mab'ijonoe o tuppono autat o Christan ? Hena : ka-na-a poetautat inni Deos o tamau, etc. 26. Ja ta Deos inni choa ranied pinab'o pape'o abono kakossi ? Hena : so-o patorrod o abona kakossi inni Christan a sasikir i to, so-o man o marpes'o ta Christus. 27. Moedasar inni Christan a dog o sasikir i to ? Sabanno pattillo sumkir i tono cho, ino aboan choa kakossi. 28. Masanno ini dog o man o marpesa ? abanno maunis-o-ala ta Chris- tus innai ai-cham-an o, micho ja na-a tagg'o ai, sa-odden ino aboan kakossi. 29. Pait'onumm'ija to inni dog o sasikir i to ? To, o ai ipabichi, pait'o tagg'o ta 24. What must man believe ? All that is written in the Word of God, the short heads of which are found in the Christian Belief. 25. Do you know the Articles of Faith ? Yes : I believe in God, the Father, etc. 26. Has God declared in His Word that He will forgive sin ? Yes ; and He shows us in Christian Baptism and in the Lord's Supper what the forgive- ness of sin is. 27. How by the Christian ceremony of baptism ? When He commands to baptize the people, so that their sins may be forgiven. 28. How by the Lord's Supper ? When Christ says of the cup : That is My blood, shed for the remission of sin. 29. What does the water at the ceremony of baptism signify ? Instruction 73 / ^ ta Christus, so-o abichi o to pait'o abichi o choa tagga. 30. Illaggana o lido o dog o mini. Maibas orichen o to a bog, masini orichen o bog a tsjes o tagg'o ta Christus innai arapies a kakossi. 31. Dem'ija atillan ja namo me- ach'o abono kakossi ? Inni ai-ach'o ma-achachimit ja torro ta Jesus Christus. 32. Ja mab'ijonoe o atite o ai-ach'o mini ? Hena : namoa tamau tamasea paga de boesum, etc. 33. Ja atil o abono kakossi alii pakossi o babosa ? Maini : kamaso pizich o ma- piech o kakossi, so-o ummior o mario a tataap, ino adassen ta Deos, so-o choa bo. 34. Pattonan onumm'ijonoe o mario a tataap ? Tapos o tataap o babisse achi- mit, o ai pattillo ta Deos inni tschiet o atillo. 35. Numm'ija aan fjet bloed Cljrigti, ende de'besprenginp degtoaterg de besprenginp >png bloed0. 30. pne pnade gepre^en toerde, 34- CLfllat noemt gp goede feen? ^aile toerkfeen der fjeid ende Ijeilic^eid, dfe (Bod in de tljien pboden pbted, 35 The water which is sprinkled signifies the blood of Christ, and the sprinkling of the water the sprinkling of His blood. 30. Explain the signification of this ceremony. Even as the body is washed with water, in the same way the soul and body are washed with the blood of Christ from iniquity and sin. 31. Where are we taught to pray for the remission of sin ? In the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ. 32. Do you know the words of this prayer? Yes, I do : Our Father which art in heaven, etc. 33. Does not the doctrine of the forgiveness of sin encourage man to sin ? No ; it rather incites man to struggle against sin, and to strive after good works. 34. What do you call good works ? All the works of righteousness and holiness commanded by God in His ten commandments. 74 Christian 35- flBat ffebied (Bod inde tljten geboden ? TOoee gtukken: de liefde (Bod0, ende de Itefde de0 naa-- 36. l&ond gp tie tfjfen ge-- boden? 3|a: (Bod gprak ik ben de ^eere pne geboden? la: al0 tie bceemde aam merkken tie recfjtbeerdtp ken ban (Bodg ktnderen, toonderen ^aac, entie (Boti ende >pne rec&ten. 38. mtl toe i^t, tm'lt ff? fjet Ctjn0teltkke ploobe om5el0en, ende den ^. 2Doop ontfangen tot becgebinp utoer 0onden ? 31a: mpn 0iele dorgftet na de0e pnade. 39. a^el maar, ter0aakt gp den 5atbo0 ende 0pne leugenacljtige 0uper0titien ? 3(a: mpn 0fele neemt een afgcljeid ban taibo0, ban Sldam, ende alle pdele 0uper0tttien. 40. (Lftltlt ffp aaegpn ende toeff-- toecpen utoe obectreding;en, ende ie, npd, leugen, dieberie, ende 35. Numm'ija pattillo ta Deos inni tschiet o atillo ? Narroa-da tuppo : aukat o Deos, so-o aukat o ma-achaddik o cho. 36. Ja mab'o tschiet o atillo ijonoe ? Hena : ta Deos macho : ka- ina paga ta Jehova oa Deos-oe, etc. 37. Ja adassen ta Deos, sabanno choa sisjiem ummior o choa atillo ? Hena : sabanno azjies miall'o tataap o babisse o sisjiem o Deos, makakki ja choa tsjes, so-o sum- moal i ta Deos a choa bisse-bisse. 38. Mai numma, ja merab o um- mior ijonoe o autat o Christan, so-o marach o ma-achimit a sasikir i to, ino aboan oa kakossi ? Hena : taggogon ja na-a tsjes o bono mini. 39. Oedan, ja lummido i ta haibos, so-o choa arien o ma-atattosik ? Hena : mori-edd'i ta haibos, i ta Adam na-a tsjes, so-o tapos o arien o baak. 40. Ja merab o tummis oa kakossi a arapies, maibas o arab, chachod, sannan, tattosik, achab, so-o mik- kap i ta Deos inni autat o ma- achimit, 35. What does God command in His ten commandments ? Two things : to love God and to love our neighbour. 36. Do you know the ten commandments ? Yes ; God spake, I am the Lord thy God, etc. 37. Is God praised when His children follow His commandments? Yes ; when the strangers see the righteous works of God's children, they admire them, and praise the Lord and His statutes. 38. Well now, will you embrace the Christian faith unto the forgiveness of your sins ? Yes ; my soul pants after this mercy. 39. But do you then forsake haibos and his lying superstitions ? Yes ; my soul forsakes haibos, Adam, and all vain superstitions. 40. Will you put away and cast from you your transgressions and iniquity, as drunkenness, Instruction 75 ende d5od aanfcleben in reinen jyeloote ende een mm lefoen, dat 10 te gegcren in to are ffemgtiff* Ijetd ende fjeiltffljeid ? 31a: tfe gal d5od0 ijulpe ende jyenade beffecen, op dar tfe be= quaam 0p dat te fcolbringen. achimit, a bao a morich, michosar a pattite, inni gagil o babisse a chimit ? Hena : mameach'o a-olli-eul o Decs so-o choa bo, alia na-a matsi- kap o ummoob o micho. whoredom, envy, theft, lies ; and cleave unto God in pure faith and in a new life that is to say, in true righteousness and holiness? Yes ; I will seek God's assistance and mercy, in order that I may be rendered fit to do so. FIRST SERMON. ISAIAH Ivi. 7. A Ukattan a ma-akakriel. ** Don o ai^acha allecho at- tonannan na-a micho don, macho ta Deos inni ma-ai-aab Esaias. Narroa-da tuppo pab'ija namo atite o minisar : kapesasa, ta Deos pat- tonan o arorroai-an don o ai-acha, inau merab alia pedarra tapos sja- sjam, sini-sini a sisjiem ka mitoa zijsja, alia sai tumboel o choa don, tump'o choa naan, rorro-no masini o choa ranied, so-o me-ach'icho tapos o ai masabb'ija decho. Masini a don paga, indema mitarroach tapos ocho, barroon a rorro karri- aukat. Dem'ija eachanni o gagil naan o Deos, dem'ija ipaba choa airab, dem'ija akaukauan choa adas. Mai, don o arrorro-ai-an o mini paga channumma don o ai-acha, dem'ija atillan imoa meach'i tamau de boesum, so-o maibas o sisjiem pattonan i ta Deos, namoa tamau tamasea paga de boesum. Dem'- imoa mai tumboel i ta Deos inni choa don, alia mamadarram icho rummi-es, so-o paga rorro-no ad'inni choa bo-noe. Hai pesor o don o baak o mini, hai pesor o don o lalloog. Maini-ena. Alii mai- bas o roman don o mini. Lallum aicho-ies man, micham, summarra, macheauboen cho-na. Maunis a don o mini ; don o Deos, don o atite, don o ai-acha, don o atil. Insini eachanni ta Deos, adassen ja naan o kummasjies a maro. Tama- sea mauranies, mais, ja manniki insini, mannach'i ta Deos, so-o tummallas ochoa asiel o atil o boesum ai. Mauchus o rumme o micho ta Deos ; cho-no mini, macho, dummaat ina o choa ranied, so-o madas ina ochoa dorren, so-o maro ja choa tsjes innai Ina-e. Inau decho alanni inni bido o Deos, e-illa-na oa asiel, sabanno mai dummoro i don o Deos, so-o aga-a a chaddik, all'oa masini. Maibas attitean, ja merab o moss'i don o arorroai-an, e-illa-na depa mauranies, ja me o atil o Deos, Christian inau ta Decs miall'oa tsjes, kailau mate'ijo-noe. Miall'o tapes o cho innai boesum ta Decs, mab'o tat- tup'i tsjes, maibas o chau mansar o tapes o ma-arapies. Oedan, tamasea sai dummaat icho, so-o alii mikkil o choa rais o mato, gagil maraas a tsjes, so-o charri o zijsja tatummala, alia maraas o tummok o bato ja asiel. Mai, hai mannach'i ta Deos. Alii annachan o baak ja icho. Ja tummalpon o mosse dummoro i don o Deos ? Abissassa tau-aab oa boa, o-oa, joa tsjes-oe katinnaam atil, itiss'o tat- tuppau rapies innai imo-noe. Don mini don o atil, don o ai-acha ; hai tump'insini oa don, oa tatapan, ja bonna, ja tumkach, ja maribari- bat, ja micham. Hai para joa tsjes de don o atil ai-an tattuppa masini. Tattup-pau mini alii matsikap de don o mini. Paulapp'o tsjes, so-o kummatto innai ta Deos, innai boesum aicho-ies. Maso rapies channumma moa taulan tump'i ta haibos-ech. Alii par'i hai bos ta Deos-oe. Kamazjies dechonoe. Sja machonsar o paan 1 haibos imo-noe, kamaibas oa dog, sabanno tummalpon o man, o micham, ja alii pattonan o baak o naan o Deos ? Ja alii mannach'o choa naan ? Alii tummosik oa tamau ja icho ? Oedan, ta Deos allipa ara. Allipa ja roman mai- bas icho. Makammichi-sar gagil o Deos, so-o kummasjies a maro, a mabarra, a mabada saan. Ma- kammichisar chummimit o tapes o ai de boesum, de ta. Masannan o baak o choa, chachimit ta haibos, o ai initis innai boesum inau asies o tsjes. Tsinummallas icho de rapo choa asiel ta Deos. Achoa mikkil so-o paan icho. Mauchus ma- karrichi ranied o Deos, inau poetat inni adam, inni haibos, so-o tump'o choa arien cho. Itiss'o raras a dog micho. Tapos oai baak, so-o sasall'o haibos. Pinaulakies icho oa boeboe-no anibaas. Pazigal'i ta Deos, alia summall'o cho. Pa- ikkil o cho, alia me-il so-o paan icho. Baak o ikkil o micho. Oedan, mikkil onumma ? Mata- lam mamakabol icho ? Pagatom- ma : maso mato, a mabarra ta Deos. Alii mabarr'ija icho parapies 1 namo, sja alii pauss'icho ta Deos. Maspot a poetautat inni ta Deos, inni choa ranied imoa, ino barrasan ikkil o haibos. Maspot a mikkil 1 ta Deos ma-akammichi-sar, o ai mato o gagil, so-o mato choa barra. Maukat ja Deos, so-o mala- dik o tapos cho-no ai, kame-il icho. Ikkil o Deos mario. Merien o maba-da saan, pa-ikkil o tsjes, so-o miel o kakossi. Ikkil o haibos rapies, so-o paulakies o tsjes. Inau micho atillan ja namo, meach'i ta Deos : Barras'i namo innai rapies ai. Maibas pala ja namo, Deos o tamau hai pauss'i haibos paulakies so-o lummal'i namo, kailau kum- mossi oa atite torroa tsjes, so-o ummior o airab o haibos. Mau- kat o parapies icho, so-o pallidollido maibas o ibien, alia sumbach i namo. Inau decho attonannan-sar inni bido o Deos raras a ibien, so-o tamau o tattosik. Inau sasalla matapo choa tsjes, maibas matapo tag bog o ibien. Mai, ja alii masum a salla- an imo-noe, hai masini icho. Obea innai ta haibos, maibas innai ibien o boesum. Ipachappa, ipauach'o Instruction 77 choa naan. Tsinummalpono dum- maat i ta Deos o pia, tamasea me- rab o pairdbs imonoe o choa sisjiem badda ta Jesus Christus. Hai machonsar mikkap i haibos. Alii masum o ara ta Christus. Oa tsjes, oa bog, imo tapos maunis icho. Hai gummeroa oa tsjes, hai pe'o geroan ta haibos, geroan ta Deos. Alii masum o geroan a tsjes icho. Merab o ma-arummo, merab o tapos ; tapos ja tsjes, tapos ja tattuppa. Ka-ochal itis masini tattuppau rapies, maube-na, asinia o ranied o Deos. Tsimis'o micho. Aladikka so-o tuppa micho, alia matapo joa tsjes tattupp'o boesum. Kamadabbi ja chaan o man, mich- am, alii tump'ija imoa tsjes. Alii tump'o inochan o tsjes, maibas tump'o inochan o chaan. Masabb'o incchan oa tsjes-oe, marotul o saan, baak-sar, maibas o binnan o bonna. Mautsiri i ta Deos, mautsiri o choa atillo, choa airab, choa bo, a tataap o rio. Mautsiri ja innai boesum, so-o morich i boesum ai. Atite o Deos paga inochan o tsjes. Atite o Deos merien o cho maba-da saan. Tumka so-o tummalattal'o ma- azichil a tsjes. Mai, tapos o ai chipassanan, so-o macha-da tsjes, ja merab o madabbi ? Sadd'o ino- chan o ma-achonsar ai, tsimisa, masanno machdo atite o Deos. Aukat o tsjes ja micho. At- atta, aunis-o-aracha o atite o Deos, so-o mamorich oa tsjes aicho-ech. Masini macho ta Christus sjiem badd'o Deos ; alii mamorich uppo ma-akammichisar cho, tapos o atite channumma ka- soss'innai ranied o Deos. Illaggen o pia tuppo-no pesasa, so-o ipaba, pattonan on- umm'o don o ai-acha ta Deos. Ummior o narroa-da tuppo, an- numma pattonan o don o ai-acha choa micho don : don o ai-acha allecho attonannan na-a micho don, macho. Hai pesor all'attonannansar in- sini don o Deos, inau maunis icho pattodon maibas o cho. Maini- ena. Paga tsjes o auchosta Deos, marotul o bog. Alii masabb'o don ja icho maibas o babosa. Alii man, micham, summarra, mero-os, moas, mababat. Paga kummasjies a mato. Pariaut o boesum a ta. Alii tapen charri o ta. Oedan, don onumma mamatsikap icho. Alii summos'i don inerien o rim'o cho ta Deos, tamasea minerien o boesum a ta. Paga roman a lido atite o mini. Pattonan o don o ai-acha choa micho, choa maunis a don ta Deos, kapesasa, inau pasos'ochoa naan indecho, ino eachanni maibas inni choa don, so-o chan- numma, alia mamaba cho inni don o ai-acha decho tummoach katinnaam o morr'o Deos. Kanarroa, inau katalan ta Deos inni don o ai- acha, maibas katalan o sjam inni choa don, micho-sar a pattite, katalan choa bo a rio, sabanno masini so-o tump'ija icho torroa annoggonoggo a ai-acha. Masini macho sjiem badd'o Deos ta Jesus Christus dem'ija migarrorro narroa ja natorroa boa inni na-a naan, indecho ina paga inni babat o decho. Maibassar icho pala, alii maro ina, pagatomma macharrieb na-a boa. Machaddik ja ina, so-o inni babat o chono ai, meach'ina, Christian alia mabo dechoa, . so-o ummior ochoa ai-acha. Ka-inillag o lido o atite, so-o minasini imoa alia don o Deos paga don o ai-acha, idem'eachanni ta Deos, akaukauan choa ranied, adas- sen ja choa naan. Dem'ija talan ta Deos, so-o dummaat i namoa, sabanno mai meacha so-o pannog- gonoggono ja namo. Mai,aukattan o don o arrorroai-an o Deos, maube tumboel o choa don o ai-acha. Tsichir'i ta David o ma-ai-aab so-o mario-a-cho : natta-sar ai, macho, mineach'i ta Deos ja ina, so-o na-a sasummad'o micho, alia na-a summos'i don o Deos tapos o zijsj'o na-a morich. Hai orachan imo patil ai,hai malleak o atil o boe- sum. Ma-arich ja ina pala, mach- onsar o patil imoa, so-o acho mab'o narroa ja natorroa-da tuppo-no atil o Christan. Oedan, ja kamicho, alia tummoach o baak i don o arorroai-an ? Alia mero-os o baak ? Maini. Maspot a tump'o atil, maspot a maladik o atite i tsjes, so-o karri-atite aicho-ies. Maibas pattillo ta Deos : na-a ranied, macho, papaga inni joa tsjes, so-o allecho pattite aicho, sabanno mero-os inni oa don imoa, so-o sabanno mababat de tarran imoa, so-o sabanno summarra, so-o sabanno maseas imo micho-sar a pattite, maspot a tumpa tallochon o ranied i tsjes, depa poach imoa. Kanarroa, minasini channumm'- imonoe, alia don o ai-acha paga don o Deos, maunis a don, don o ma-achimit, dem'ija mero-os imoa katinnaam o morr'o Deos. Tapos o ai matsikap de oa don, alii mat- sikap de don o Deos, maspot a macho-no ma-allas a tsjes insini. Maspot a kummeriel insini inni chimit o tsjes a ikkil o Deos. Ja alii arich, matsipi a karri-al'insini cho ? Mapor, mais, ja mauranies o sisjiem charri o cho moba roman a cho. Oedan, pa ja don o sum- marra, ja mapor imoa ? Ja poetat o don o Deos don o lalloog ? Hai molappa. E-illa-na, depa lummoog o atite Deos, depa lummoog o atite o ai-acha, kailau pisor ochoa rais maibas o chau. Ja maukat o choa bo, choa tataap o rio imonoe ? Alia patoach o zijsja, alia pautas o tsinaap, alia pabo'o inochan, maube 1 don o ai-acha, insini atillan imoa meach'o micho. Kriella, eacha-na, illo-iloa, so-o mamarach o gagil imo- noe ; sadda-na so-o tatummala j tokka-na, so-o allecho tannaanni ja imo. Ja masabb'o saan oa tsjes-oe. Ja marotul o aba ? Eacha i ta Deos, o ai ma-al-al, alia pe'o tsjes o maba-da saan ; alia moa madar- ram o gagil o Deos, a choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus, so-o marach o morich o ma-achon-sar inni choa naan. Micho ja maukat a ina, alia ta Deos passosso imoa inau ta Jesus Christus choa sjiem badd'- aukattan ; Amen. Instruction 79 SECOND SERMON, i TIMOTHY ii. 5. A Ukattan a ma-akakriel. ** Ta Apostel Paulus aran o Jesu Christi inni choa bido masini macho : paga natta-sar a Deos. Natorroa-da tuppo ino torrodden paga inni atite o mini-sar. Kape- sasa, alia gagil paga ta Deos. Kanarroa, alia Deos o gagil alii boddo maso paga a natta-da ma- akammichi-sar. Ka natorroa, tom- m'ija Deos o gagil ai. Assanman-a, na-a a-ummillag o lido o atite o mini, amoos'imo kummeriel ai. Ka pesasa, alia paga ta Deos, alii kamachaggi ja imo. Matalam poetat oa tsjes, sja ta Deos paga, annumm'alli itan-sar icho ? Pa itan choa boa. Oedan, ja cho minit'- icho ? Indema, ja moed'icho ? Matalam naan o Deos tsinosik. Naan o baak. Allipa ta Deos, allipa ja choa boa. Hai molappa. Hai poetat all'autat o Christan inni ta Deos paga baak. Maini- ena. Autat o gagil ja micho. All'ina pait'ailo, na-a allecho tum- maam o naspat a chachod o mini. Ka pesasa innainumma darrammen- sar ta Deos. Ka narroa inaunumma alii itan choa boa. Kanatorroa, moeda choa boa ja morra ? Kanaspat, dem'ija icho, ja de babo, ja de rapo, ja maro, ja machaddik. Ka tatta- bach, alia paga ta Deos, paita cho tataap, so-o darrammen ja icho innai choa maun is o tataap. Ta- taap onumma ? Tataap mauchus a mate, ma-abarra, ma-atasso, mai- bas o boesum, tapos o ta, abas, zijsja, idas, baboan, aisennas, rabbo, lalka, bioa, sasio. Ja babosa, mab'o me- rien aicho-ies ? Ja mab'o patillo-no boesum, zijsja, idas, barri ? Sja torro pattillo moetas, sai ja oetas ? Sja pattillo pirroos a barri, sai ja barri ? Pa. Kasai oetas, ja alii sai, torro mit'o baak. Pa ja ab'inni tsjes, pa ja barr'inni torroa bog, alia chummimit o ai. Alii ummior o airab o cho aicho-ies. Mai numma, ja maunis tummoach o tapos o ai, ja alii erinen-sar ? Ja moetas ja mabarri, ja maunis tummoach a zijsja, idas ? Maini-ena. Oedan, torro mita, alia zijsja a idas alii poelakies o tummoach o meodup ; alia barbar a masoan alii poelakies o pirroos atatta geroan a baas. Sja maunis tummoach o tapos o ai, mamachitachitat ja tummoach, so-o mamariggoriggo aicho-ies. Innainumma ummior, all'erinen- sar o tapos o ai. Mai, tomm'ija Airien ? Ja boe- sum ? pa. Oedan, alii morich o boesum ; pa saan ja ab'inni choa achieb. Ja ta haibos o Airien ? Maini. Alii mab'ija haibos chum- mimit o boesum. Marotul choa aba so-o barra. Alii patoach o zijsja, a idas, alii pautas, alii pabo'o inochan : rapies a tsjes icho, alii mabo-no babosa, maukat o sum- bach, lummala, so-o parapies. Oe- dan, tomm'ija Airien, so-o indem'- icho ? Ja de ta ? Ja de abas ? Ja lallum rabbo ? Ja inni boesum ? Annach, Airien o boesum a ta paga de boesum. Choa naan ta Jehova. 8o Christian Ta Decs paga Airien o mini. Ma- kammichi-sar icho babo tapos o ai. Kummasjies a maro, a mabarra, a maba-da tsjes. Chummimit o boe- sum a tapos o ta. Inni boesum, so-o innai boesum pait'i namo-no choa aba, choa barra, adas, al-al, a tataap o rio, alia namo sasummad'- icho-noe. Masini darrammen so-o talan ta Deos inni choa tataap, sabanno torro miall'o auchos aicho- ies. Torro babosa tummoach i ta mini ma-asabba so-o barrabarraan, maibas dummoro i don o ma to, dem'ija mapan arribil. De babo torro mit'o boesum kamauchus mato, mogarinigini, machalloch- allo maibas o tattorroddauron j choa baan o lallum inaalla o mapan rara, mato, kotsi, mai- bas o tattakkoob. Zijsja ma- barra magarieb tallochon de ailo, so-o madaap o parar'o tapos o ta, alia cho mit'o tummaap. Kameodup a z-ijsja, odum o bi-ini tummallo-no cho sum- marra, so-o pissassen o tum- maap. Sja innai, boesum torro mitirpo, paga mampa, mapan baron de ta, baziep, inochan, bo'o baron, binnan, kannas, loan, mapan ja tsjes de abas, ino ipaan torro babosa. Ja tapos o tataap o rio o mini alii pait'o Airien o ai ? Mai, tamasea mi^'o baak o tapos ai, so-o mautsiri ja lummido i ta Deos, paga gagil bachorren, so-o marotul o saan ; maibas o ma-ai-aab ta David rumme o otsiri o cho : ta Deos mache innai boesum minitirpo-no sisjiem o babosa, sja charri o cho macheer a tsjes, o ai summad'i ta Deos. Minollapp'ija pa tapos, paga choa tattuppa tapos ; pagaga ta Deos chaddai. Kanarroa, mar mini o tsjes charri o roman, inau alii itan-sar ta Deos. Oedan, sja paga icho-noe ? In- naunumma alii tuminoach, ino- numma macharrieb ? Mai, tummaam ja ina, alia ta Deos ani-aicho, innai aisas'o inerien o mini tapos ai, tsinummoach o mapan a cho, ta ma-ai-aab ma- abisse-bisse tsjes anibaas, maibas i ta Abraham, ta Jacob, ta Moses, ta Samuel, ta Jesaias, Jeremias, Ezechiel, Daniel, so-o romaroman, tamasea minasini o choa char-sar, so-o tsinummaap o atil o boesum, alia maibas o sjam-sar o Deos, so-o ma-atil a maba-da tsjes allecho pattil o cho-no baak decho-noe. Rummi-es channumma pinauss'o choa maunis a aukattan a sjiem badda ta Jesus Christus, gagil a isas so-o tat-sar ochoa boa, o ai tsinummoach i babo ta mini, kabi- nodd'o patomammali ta Maria, so-o katsinala gagil o Deos inni isas o babosa, alia pait'i namo ta Deos, so-o pattil o tarran i boesum ai. Ochal pab'o tapos choa airab so-o atillo, patok-sar ta Deos, so-o me- rab, alia tapos o cho poetautat inni choa ranied kabinidoan inni ta ma- ai-aab anibaas, so-o tschiet narroa cho aran o Jesu Christi. Na-a chummod channumma, ja alii macharrieb torroa tsjes a barri ? Ja itan tsjes, ja itan barri ? So-o pagatomma micho, tomma-da cho marmimi ja mautsiri o barri ? Inau de ta mini itan choa barra. To- dacha mautsiri o tsjes ? Marmimi ja inni babosa paga tsjes ? Inau katalan inni bog choa saan a tataap. Instruction 81 Oedan, ja alii papaga mato a otsiri maibas o bachor, marmimi ja lummido i ta Deos ? Pagatomma macharrieb, so-o pa itan choa boa, inau itan-sar choa tataap, torroden ja choa aba, so-o barra inni tasso- no boesum so-o tapos choa rara, inni tataap o tapos o ta, a abas, so-o mini tapos ai lallum choa baan. Kanatorroa, chummod roma- roman a chono ai mautsiri i ta Deos, moeda choa boa ja morra ? Tummaam ina, alia maunionis a ga ta Deos, alii maibas o babosa. Pa ja charri o ai de boesum, lallum rabbo, de ta, ja de abas maibas icho. Pa itan, pa siddo-on choa boa mai- bas o bogsar, inau tsjes o auchos ta Deos. Pa oot, oggach, tagga boa, bog-sar icho pa. Aisasa pa sisi icho. Pinaga taulaulan tin- naam o mini tapos ai. Acho ja boesum, pagaga ta, pagaga abas, pagaga cho, pagaga tapos o ai. Alii inerien-sar, alii moribal choa ga, machonsar o taulaulan, paga- tomma moribal o mini tapos ai. Masini ta Deos. Mai, tomma-da cho mab'o pattite numma ja moud'- icho ? Torroa macha alii mab'o mabaddabadd'o zijsja, masini maso mauchus marotul o tummaap o auchos i ta Deos torroa saan. Natta-sar a mario a cho mantas chummod o maba-da saan o sjam, numm'ija ta Deos. Natorroa rummi-es tump'icho, so-o mach- onsar marmimi, sacha-na tum- maam, kamaso milip na-a tumpa, maso qua na-a maba-d'ai. Masini paba alia mauchus maro so-o ma- charrieb ab'o Deos. Bior taulan kanaspat a chachod ai, dem'ija ta Deos. Aba, alia ta Deos paga de boesum. Pagaga chaddai, alia choa boa tapen inni boesum. Maini. Boesum so-o boesum o boesum ai alii tummaap ichonoe. Maibas de boesum icho, masini de ta, de abas channumma. Pa sies o choa ga, o ai pariaut o mini tapos ai, so-o maibas o choa rima tummattam o boesum, o ta, a abas. Alii maro ja icho innai atatta cho-sar. Torro patapos morich-sar, chumsar so-o paga inni icho-ech. Maibas paba ma-ai-aab ta David : ta Deos, macho, pana dema mamobe ina innai joa micho Auchar-ech, so-o pana dema mamobe ina innai oa morra-dech ? Sja ina pana babo moss'i boesum, paga ijo indecho. Ja pasar-ra na-boa de rapo ta, ita ijo indecho. Sja ina morag o chaarsar o sasaksak o baijan, sja pattodon ina maro de sies o abas : indecho channumm'allecho pa-i- jor ina joa rima so-o tummattam ina joa kallamas. Mai, sja paga de ta, de abas channumma ta Deos, annumm'alanni, all'icho pa- ga de boesum ? Aba, all'icho minerien-sar o boesum, maibas choa don o gagil, a mato, mauchus ma-adidden, so-o tapos a ballag de lallum alii moribal. Kasjabaan minerien-sar o ta, maibas choa don o sassaian, dem'ija pasos'o babos'o ai moribal, maibas o tapos a ballag de babo ta. Inau decho pattonan ja o boesum choa ba o rasan, inau summos'i boesum, so-o pait'o choa chachimit matoto ; maibas-sar pat- tonan o ta choa tattallas-an o asiel, inau alii pattodon o gagil indecho, pagatomma paga de ta, de abas channumma. Ka-inipait'o pia Christian tuppo-no pesasa, alia gagil paga, so-o innainumma darrammen ta Deos. Ummior a-i-jor a natta- da tuppo, alia Deos o gagil alii boddo maso paga a natta-da ma- akammichi-sar. Paga natta-sar a Deos, macho ta Paulus tapos cho- no ai mautsiri i ta Deos o gagil, poetat o mapan Deos-sar. Gharri o cho poetat o zijsja, o idas ta Deos, charri o roman o chau. Charri o roman mauchus bach- orren poetat o bottoos, ja ibien, ja loan ta Deos. Molapp'ija pata- pos, so-o poetat o baak. Alii ma- pan a Deos. Oedan, Deos o gagil kummasjies a mato, a ma- barra. Pa ja roman maso mato, ja maibas icho. Choa aba, choa airab, choa barra, choa chachimit kummasjies a mato, o ai alii ilen innaide romanech. Mai, alia Deos o gagil alii boddo maso paga a natta-da ma-akammichi-sar, na-a paita taulan masini : Deos o gagil paga natta ja mapan. Alii mapan. Oedan, sja mapan, roman maso mato, roman a-i-jor a mato, ja pagaga tapos maibas-sar a mato a ma-abarra. Pa ja Deos maso mato, pa ja a-i-jor a mato, inau Deos o masini mamarotul a ma- masabba maibas o babosa. Allipa channumma mapan a Deos maibas- sar a mato, a mabarra, inau alii matasas kummasjies a mato, a ma- barra. Mai, sja nattasar kummas- jies a mato, a mabarra, a maba-da saan, makammichi mamatsikan o chummimit o mini tapos ai, mai- bas o zijsja natta-da matsikap o mini tapos o ta ; so-o roman ma- sini pagaga baak o Deos. Innai- numma ummior, alia kummasjies a mato, a mabarra, a maba-da saan paga Deos o gagil, so-o alii boddo maso paga a natta-da ma-akam- michi-sar, maibas o gagil macho ta Paulus, paga natta-sar a Deos. Me taulan alia na-a ummillag o natorroa-da tuppo ai, tomm'ija Deos o gagil o ai. Alii madarram ja torro i ta Deos o gagil innai autat torroa micho. Pagatomma tapos o tataap o mini innai babo pana rapo pait'o choa Airien, alia paga charri obo a ja tsjes, kummas- jies a macheer a mabarra, maibas o rara o zijsja paita alia paga zijsja, pagatomma takkoban o rabbo pad- dabo ja aicho-ech. Ka-itan o choa, rara ja asiel, pagatomma pa itan cho'achieb. Masini tataap o mini talcho a mato paita alia paga charri o Airien' o ai makkesjap o ummoop o tataap o mini, paga- tomma machon-sar o macharrieb icho-ech ; ka-itan choa ab'o saan mato, choa barra inni tattorrod- daurono choa tataap, pagatomma pa itan choa boa. Torroa tsjes a saan maspot a tumpa masini, tapos o achieb o ai marotul o morich, o saan, o aba, alii mab'o merien o choa maunis a boa. Maibas sja talan assaban mato, dem'ija ma- pan don, so-o don o baak tapos, marotul o babosa, torro poetat so-o pittau o gagil alia pinaga babos'ani pesasa, tamasea minerien o assaban a don micho, inau alii maunis tum- moach o assaban ja don, ka-erinen innaide babos'aicho-ech. Masini sabanno torro miall'o boesum, o choa rara, o ta, o abas, achieb o ai mauchus mato, marotul ja tapos o morich ai, o saan, o aba ; torro mit'o boesum, o zijsja alii pittol o Instruction maamgach a mabarra magarieb, alii mab'o orachan, machon-sar tummoach a meodup, alia patta- dach so-o parar'o tapos o ta ; torro miall'o ala o boesum maibas o tat- takkoob a chochcho. Atassan o mapan rara, maibas o tollalis o chau ; torro mit'o zijsja chumpochpod o rara, so-o maukat o choa ri-6, makkesjap channumma namo poetat so-o pittau o gagil, alia paga charri o Airien, tamase'- ani pesasa minerien o tapos ai, so-o taulaulan tumka maibas o choa rima, taulaulan maladik a chum- mimit o choa barra so-o aba ; inau alii maunis tummoach o boesum, o ta, a abas, sja alii erinen innai- de roman aicho-ech. Assanman-a inau ka-itan gagil inni tattor- roddaurono tataap, alia paga charri o Airien, o ai attonannan ta Deos, makkesjap i torro babosa poetautat, so-o pittau o gagil o tuppono pe- sas'o mini, alia paga Deos. Ta Apostel Paulus pachip o a-i-jor a nattada tuppo, alia, makkesjap o chono ai, kasai pana ta Deos, poetautat channumma, alia paga ma-achachad o chono ai kasum- mad'ichonoe. Alia paga Deos, paita choa tapos o tataap ; tomm'ija paga gagil o Deos, alii mab'o pait'- aicho-ies. Torro miall'o Airien o ai inni tattorrodaurono choa ta- taap ; tomm'ija Airien o mini, moeda choa ga ja boa, so-o tapos choa aunis o gagil, pa itan inni tat- torroddaurono tataap o ai. Inau micho babosa maspot a summad'i ta Deos, maibas pab'ija ta Paulus. Matalam marmimi ja tsjes, indea maspot a summad'i ta Deos, ja de babo ja de rapo ; ja de boesum, ja de ta. Assanman-a na-a sasum- mabas o ummillag o micho. Kape- sasa, maspot a maba, alia pa itan ta Deos o macha o bog, tamasea tsjes o auchos, so-o summos'i rara, pan'o ai alii mab'o mababat o ba- bosa. Inau micho ani pesasa maunis pinas o choa boa ta Deos, so-o pana choa tataap pinachip o choa ranied kabinidoan, inninumma pattas o choa ga, patorrod o choa boa, so-o tapos choa aunis o gagil. Masini ja itan ta Deos maso gagil a chaddik, inni tattorrodaurono choa ranied kabidoan, katalan ja icho inni choa maunis a rara, rara o ai paga maunis choa ala, al'o choa ranied innai choa ga, innai choa boa, innai choa maunis a sjiem, inni choa Auchar-ech, ta Spirito Santo, innai choa barra, cho'airab, choa bisse-bisse, cho'- atillo, choa bo, choa ri-6, cho'al-al, cho-asoso, choa tapos o tataap. Kanarroa-da tuppo pait'o choa boa ta Deos o babosa, maunis a tuppo de ta, maunis a tuppo de boesum. De ta pait'o choa boa maibas inni tat- torroddauron, de boesum maibas o morr'a morra, michosar a pattite, o auchos gagil. De ta icho dummar- ram o babosa madarram icho maibas inni tattorroddauron, alia madarram o auchos icho inni boesum. Pator- rod ja choa boa inni narroa-da tattor- roddaurono de ta, tattorroddaurono choa tataap, so-o tattorroddaurono choa ranied kabinidoan. Tattor- roddaurono tataap o ai paita, alia paga Deos. Tattorroddaurono kabidoan ranied o ai paba, tomm'- ija paga gagil o Deos o mini, numm'ija icho, numma choa airab, numma choa tataap, indema pat- 84 Christian todon ja icho : pait'o tarran pana choa boa, pa-i-jor o babosa pana boesum-ech. abanno torro ba- bosa inamoos summad'i ta Deos inni narroa-da tattorroddaurono mini, icho tummillag i torroa saan, tummoach i torroa tsjes, so-o patal'o choa boa. Ita, indea torro maspot a summad'i ta Deos, inni choa ta- taap, inni tataap o boesum a tapos o ta, so-o maso achaddik inni choa ranied kabinidoan, inni numm'icho pattas so-o pab'o choa boa. Kabi- doan ranied o ai paga bido o Deos pana babosa, bido o ai inacho innai boesum, inni numm'aloddan o ba- bosa, alia machi'o kakossi, so-o mabarr'i ta Deos, alia pacheoach ma-auri-edda-da tsjes, pana tamau o tsjes ai, alia summad'i ta Deos, dummauko o cho'Airien, pittau o gagil o choa boa, so-o poetautat inni choa bo, maibas insini pab'ija ta Paulus, alia babosa maspot a poetautat channumm'inni rio o Deos, a al-al o tsjes, so-o pittau alia paga ma-achachad o chono ai kasummad'ichonoe. Alii masabba ja marotui o charri o ai ta Deos, o ai paga chuppod o gagil o tapos rio. Boesum a ta so-o choa tapo maunis icho. Kamabarr'ija tapos o ai, so-o ummoob o tapos choa airab. Sja merab o chummad o choa azjies-in, so-o chummote i decho, makkesjap choa barra, so-o alii ilen innaide charri o ai. Na-a micho paga chachad, macho, na-a chachummad. Kasjabaan sja mau- kat o choa aran, choa sisjiem, sja merab o chummad o choa aukattan a cho, so-o passoso i decho, mapan ja choa asoso, de babo, de rapo, lallum abas, de ta, inni boesum so-o alii magamgam pea. Ta Paulus summoal insini o choa al-al o tsjes, so-o pattonan o ma-ach- achad michosar a pattite, ma-a-al-al a ma-ai-a, tamasea kumrar o choa rima, so-o padabbi o tapos o ai morich. Pagatomma matasas o babosa de tapos o ta, so-o matapo a cho tapos o assaban a don, matsi- kap ja choa inochan tallochon a baas, so-o paga rot channumma. Naida tuppono inochan ino ipaan tapos o babosa de borroch o ta mini ? paga adda, batur, baziep, bo'o baron, mapan a binnan, nau- qua, saam, babono bonna, loan o baron, mapan a mario atsi de abas, de sabbadech. So-o azjies tum- maramar de roman a ta paga roma- roman a inochan channumma. Marach ja patapos innai ma- adaldal choa rim'o tapos o ai ma- sabb'ija decho. Mauromaroman ja choa asoso, zikakas, naupoot, dippi, barieg, soe o kakan, barri, oetas, rara, tadach, binnas o bog, a barra, morich o ma-ilip, saan, aba, so-o cheer o tsjes. So-o can o baak o tapos ai, so-o tapos o ba- bosa j can channumm'o chono ai mautsiri i ta Deos, so-o alii meach'- ija icho, inau maba-sar alia ma- sabb'o aicho-ies decho-noe. Maso masanno pape'o asosono choa sis- jiem a choa aran, tamasea madar- ram icho, poetautat inni choa rio, so-o tallochon meach'ija icho, mai- bas pab'ija ta Paulus, alia chum- mad o chono ai kasummad'ichonoe, alia paga ma-achachad o choa ma- aunionis a cho. Masinisar icho pal'i ta Abraham : hai mikkil Abram, paga ina badsig o malam a oa boa, so-o joa micho chachad Instruction o mauchus mato. Chummad o mario a tataap, tataap o babisse a chimit inni choa sisjiem ta Decs, so-o narroa tuppo paga choa cha- chad inni morich o mini de babo ta so-o a-i-jor a morich o mini boesum. De babo ta mini chum- mad o choa bo a tataap a rio, maladik o choa aran, so-o padabbi o rio choa tsjes-oe, pe'o morich o ma-ilip, binnas, arra, aukat o tsjes, so-o roma-roman choa asoso. Inni rio a al-al o Deos pinoetat o auchos mario-acho ta David, inau decho pala-sar, ta Jehova paga na-a micho ma-arari, alii mamarotul o charri o ai ja ina-e. Chachad i boesum paga chachad o gagil, o ai ummior a-i-jor a morich o mini. Innai- numma pala ta Christus, ita, matoa mai ja ina, so-o na-a micho cha- chad rorro-no ina, alia na-a chum- mad o atatta cho, kamaibas o choa tataap. Chachad o mini o ma- acharrieb aladikkensar i boesum ino can, sabanno ta Christus sasai pacheoach, alia merien o chachalt o cho morich-a, so-o machada ai, so-o tatummoach lallum rabbo maibas o ma-achachalt o tapos o cho, so-o ma-achachad o chono Deos. Assanman-a, alia na-a po- sisi o ranied, so-o paatsikap o atil o ta Paulus imo-noe. Tuppana narroa-da tuppono mini, o ai pab'- ija ta Paulus, alia babosa, tamasea merab o sai pana ta Deos, maspot a poetautat inni ta Deos, so-o channumma alia maspot a poet- autat inni choa bo, al-al, a rio o tsjes. Alii karri-dadaat ta Deos a babosa, machonsar riballen, sja marotul o ab'o Deos, marotul o autat inni ta Deos choa tsjes-oe. Maro innai ta Deos, innai choa bo, innai boesum, so-o morich i boe- sum o babosa tamasea mautsiri ja lummido i ta Deos. Na-a pal'o gagil imo, mamoribal inni odum o otsiri oa tsjes-oe, mamarotul i ta Deos, mamarotul o choa bo, ma- marotul o chachad i boesum, sja alii pittau o gagil, so-o poetautat inni ta Deos imonoe. Sai malod o choa ranied imoa ta Deos, ma- chaddik ja imo, alia tummoach so-o pataTo choa boa; sja alii machi'o auri-edda, sja madaddo pacheoach pau'icho-sar, alia ma- borr'icho-noe annach, mamachon- sar o tallochon choa rais i babo imoa, mamarior imoa inni morich o mini chachalt o kakossi, so-o ai- i-jor a morich o mini chachalt o chau i gehenna. Inau decho hai machon-sar molappa joa tsjes-oe, hai machon-sar mautsiri maibas o loan a binnan o bonna, o ai marotul o saan. Tuppana, babosa ja imo ; imo paga tsjes a saan, alia miall'o Airien inni choa tataap, so-o sum- mad'i ta Deos. Abanni ja imo choa ranied channumma, o ai mai- bas o tattorroddauron, alia tatum- morrod a chaddik, so-o madarram o gagil icho. Tomm'ija Deos o gagil o ai ? Ja maddobor o pachip o choa ranied ta Deos, so-o pattas o tatschier o choa boa, alia namo mamadarram. Icho-noe ? Mai, e-iila-na, depa moa ummior o autat oa tsjes-oe, hai poetat o joa tsjes charri o tatschier o Deos. Alii tummaap o ga o Deos ma-audum a tsjes. Chodd'o ranied o Deos, asinia o choa atite. I-jorra o ka- kirrich kabinido-an ai. Oetautatta- na inni o tamau, inni ta sjiem, 86 Christian so-o inni ta Auchar-ech ; natta- sar a gagil o Deos inni natorroa- da boa, so-o natorroa-da boa inni natta-sar a gagil o Deos. Aba, alia maunionis natorroa-da boa, allipa natorroa Deos-sar. Pagaga maunis a ga o tamau, pagaga maunis a ga o ta sjiem, pagaga maunis a ga o ta Auchar-ech. Pagaga maunis a airab o tamau, pagaga maunis a airab o ta sjiem, pagaga maunis a airab o ta Auchar-ech, pagaga maunis a barr'o tamau, pagaga maunis a barr'o ta sjiem, pagaga maunis a barr'o ta Auchar-ech. Pagaga maunis a chachimit o tamau, pagaga maunis a chachi- mit o ta sjiem, pagaga maunis a chachimit o ta Auchar-ech. Mai- bas o tamau, masini ta sjiem, ta Auchar-ech rorro-no paga nattada ga o Deos, nattada airab, nattada barra, nattada chachimit. Mar- ummo ga o Deos inni o tamau, inni ta sjiem, so-o inni ta Auchar- ech. Masini-sar o tamau paga gagil o Deos, ta sjiem paga gagil o Deos, ta Auchar-ech paga gagil o Deos, so-o nattorroa decho alii boddo maso paga a natta-sar a Deos. Maibas pala ta Johannes aran o Jesu Christi ; paga natorroa inni boesum, o tamau, ta ranied, a ta Auchar-ech, so-o natorro'o mini paga natta-da. Masini macho ta sjiem-ech, moa poetautat inni Deos, oetautatta inni na-a boa channumma. Mai, alia na-a posisi o ranied, maibas pinesas'ina, paga natta-sar a Deos, maunis o ai chachimit o tapos, a barra, so-o adas, taulaulan ; Amen. THIRD SERMON. HEBREWS xi. 6. A Jkattan a ma-akakriel. ^"^ Ta Deos minerien o babosa mabada saan, so-o alappoon ja morra pana boesum ai, alia decho mamiall'o a-la o boesum, so-o sasummad'i ta Deos o ma-achar- rieb, o ai summos'i boesum-ech. Allipa ja talan icho inni isas o bogsar, inau tsjes o auchos ta Deos. Torro maspot a summad'i ta Deos o autat o tsjes-sar ; torroa saan a tattuppa maspot a tummaap icho. Maibas pab'ija ta Apostel Paulus aran o Jesu Christi inni cho'atite o minisar : tamasea sai pana ta Deos, maspot a poetautat alia paga icho-sar, so-o alia paga ma-achachad o chono ai kasum- mad'icho-noe. Ita, sja torro mai pana ta Deos, sja merab o sum- mad'o gagil icho torro maspot a poetautat inni choa boa. Maspot a poetautat inni choa bo. Torro maspot a poetautat alia gagil paga icho-sar, alia chummad, so-o ma- bono tapos chono ai, kasummad'- icho-noe. Tamasea sai pana ta Deos, macho. Maibas o babosa sai pana ta Deos, masini chan- numma ta Deos sai pana babosa, so-o karri-dadaat. Moeda babosa sai pana ta Deos, ja mababat o asiel-sar, alia dummaat i ta Deos ? Maini. Alii dummaat icho-noe Instruction bog a boa, inau tsjes o auchos ta Deos, o ai pa itan pa siddo-on. Tamasea merab o sai pana ta Deos, maspot a ummallappono tsjes pau'icho-sar. Paga tsjes o auchos ta Deos, so-o tamau o tsjes ai, tamasea pinaisas'o torroa tsjes-oe ani pesasa, ka bao inerien- sar o babosa, so-o acho kinummossi, madarram i ta Deos, so-o maukat par'icho tsjes. Kasag-a kinum- mossi inni ta Adam torroa tsjes. Innai kakossi tsinummoach o mau- nis a airab, innai maunis a airab azjies o Deos, innai azjies ikkil o Deos, innai ikkil auri-edd'o ta Deos, innai auri-edda au-ach o Deos, innai au-ach ma-audum a tsjes o otsiri o Deos. Masini riballen inau kakossi ta Deos a babosa, tamasea marorro ani pesasa ; minori-edda ja tsjes i ta Deos cho'Airien, so-o kaminatis o ab'o saan, o ab'o Deos. Innai- numma ummior all'ababad o ba- bosa pana ta Deos paga acheoach o tsjes pana choa aisasa ja cho'Airien, innai tamasea minobe ma-auri-edda- da tsjes. Maspot a maba taulan o pia, alia babos'o ai mautsiri o gagil o Deos, so-o channumma mikkil o choa rais inau kakossi ka-ilen-sar maunis o mababat pana ta Deos. Makapos a tsjes ai alii miall'i ta Deos inni choa tataap, mautsiri o cho'Airien, mautsiri o tarran ai pana ta Deos. Torro babos'alli meaab o summad'i ta Deos, alii meaab o mai pan'ichosar, molapp'ija patapos, so-o ummior o autat o baak ; maibas o ma-aijaab ta David rumme o otsiri o cho : ta Deos macho innai boesum minitirpono sisjiem o babosa, sja charri o cho macheer a tsjes, o ai summad'i ta Deos : minolapp'ija patapos. Paga choa tattuppa tapes : pagaga ta Deos chaddai. Inau micho ta Deos ani pesasa maddobor o pab'o choa boa, so-o patorrod inni choa ranied kabinidoan, inninumm'icho pinattas o choa maunis a ga, pa- kaukau so-o palod o babos'alla sai pacheoach pan'ichosar. Gagil ta Deos meaab o summad'o babosa, meaab o sai pana torro boa, pait'o tarran, tummono choa rima, alia pa-i-jor i namo pana choa boa, maibas palasar inni ta ma-aijaab Esaias ; katalan ja ina macho, innai chono ai paga chinummod innai ina-e, katalan ja ina innai chono ai paga sinummad'ina : so-o o chono ai, paga minarach o na-a naan, pinala ja ina : ita, insini ja ina, ita, insini ja ina. Masini aloddan, so-o maibas kattoon o babosa sai icho pana ta Deos. Kasjabaan ta Deos channumma sai pana ba- bosa, michosar a pattite, tummoach o tsjes, dummaat o babos'o choa bo, al-al, a rio. Ka ochal paita moeda babosa sai pana ta Deos, assan- man-a na'-a-ummillag o narroa tuppono ai ta Apostel Paulus paat- sikap o chono ai merab o sai pana ta Deos. Tamasea sai pana ta Deos macho, maspot a poetautat alia paga ichosar, so-o alia paga ma-achachad o chono ai, kasum- mad'icho-noe. Kapesasa, matsikap o chono ai kasai pana ta Deos, poetautat alia paga Deos. Gagil o micho ; oedan, sja torro mar- mimi, ja lummido i ta Deos, moeda mamai ja torro pan'ichosar ? Sja alii kamachaggi so-o pittau o gagil i ta Deos, papaga baaksar torroa autat, annoggonoggo a 88 Christian ai-acha. Tuppono pesas'o mini, alia paga Decs, na-a mineaab o paba innai ranied, so-o al'o ta Paulus o mini, paga nattasar a Decs. Ja achai pittau o gagil, ja machonsar marmimi imoa ? Chodd'o tapos o tataap o mini, tataap o boesum, o ta, a abas, ja alii pakaukau alia paga Decs, ja alii pait'ocho'Airien ? Chodd'oa maunis oa tsjes ; ja alii patorrod o choa isas, choa ab'o saan ta Deos inni torroa tsjes ? O ai minerien so-o pinaal-la o mini tapos ai. Pagatomma itan choa aba so-o barra, pagaga aban chaddai, tomm'- ija Airien o mini. Kapapoetaut- ach-sar o Auchos ma-acharrieb Airien o ai, sja alii pinachip o choa ranied ta Deos, sja inni choa atite kabinidoan anibaas alii pin- attas o tatschier o choa micho boa. Masini-sar ga o Deos o ma-ach- arrieb ipatorrod inni choa ranied kabinidoan, maibas inni tattorrod- dauro-no, alia torro mamiuila, so-o mamadarram o gagil icho ; o ai pinab'o choa boa, so-o minaunis-o- ala, alia choa ga, paga ga o tsjes- sar, o ai alii moribal, pa aisasa, pa sisi-ech kummasjies a mato, pa sies o choa boa, kummasjies a maba-da saan, a mario, machijmchimit a tsjes, kamabarr'ija tapos o ai, Airien o boesum, o ta, a abas, o ai inni natorroa-da boa paga natta-sar a Deos, o tamau, ta sjiem, so-o ta auchar o ma-achimit, ta Spirito Santo. Mai, ja chummod imoa, numm'ija ta Deos ? Aba, alia tsjes o auchos icho, choa ga gagil ga o tsjes, o ai alii rorro-no aar- panni innai bog a tsjes mabas o babosa. Innainumma ummior, alia pa itan, pa siddo-on, pa adon- sar choa ga, mabas o bog-sar, alia patassaban, pa taggogon, pa man, micham, summarra, mababat icho. Oedan, inau maunis a ga, maunis channumma choa tsjes, alii maibas o tsjes o cho, maunis choa airab, choa tattuppa, choa barra, choa tapos o tataap j maibas pala-sar : na-a tattuppa pagaga joa tattuppa, so-o joa tarran pagaga na-a tarran. Mai, maibas o boesum maso maro a ta, masini na-a tarran maso maro a joa tarran, so-o na-a tattuppa a joa tattuppa. Torro babosa sja alii man, so-o paan o bog atatta zijsja, alii mamilip ja morich. Ta Deos alii masabb'o inochan. Paga morich ai inni icho-sar, maibas inni zijsja-da rara, inni chuppod o to. Tapos o bog paga choa raag, so-o atatta raag maunis. Dem'ija ri, pa ja chaan. Dem'ija charrina pa macha. Dem'ija oeno, pa ja asiel. Bog o mato paga raag o mato. Kotsi, kotsi-sar. Ta Deos alii maibas ; pagatomma kummasjies a mato, pagaga raag icho-sar. Pagaga charri o choa raag de boe- sum, charri o de ta, charri o de abas. Rorro-no a ma-arummo-i o paga de boesum, de ta, de abas icho. Torro babosa paga ranied o pattite, charrin'o asini, macho ita, rim'o tataap. Pa ranied icho, so-o mab'o pattite. Pa charrina, so-o masini o tapos ai pa macha so-o mit'o tapos ai. Allipa charri o ai macharrieb icho-sar. Pa tea, ja rima, so-o tummaap a tummattam o tapos ai. Tapos o bog paga choa sies, so-o ootten. Sja torro paga de don, maibassar a rorro alii paga de ta, ja de bonna, inau tapen Instruction ja bog inde don. Pa ootten ta Deos, pa tapen inni boesum icho, pasies o choa boa. Alii alanni innai icho-sar, pa insini, pa ai-i, pa indecho. Rorro-no paga de ta, de abas, de boesum icho, so-o pariaut o tapos ai. Maibas-sar maunis-o-al'innai choa boa : ja alii a Deos ina de maro, so-o a chad- dik. Ja ina alii pariaut o boesum a ta ? Ga o Deos alii moribal, inau alii inerien-sar choa boa. Allipa charri o ai pinaisas'icho, mautsiri o dig, alii chipassanan, mach'ija. Machon-sar o tautau- lan, maibas ani tautaulan alii sum- moos, alii moab, alii ipachip choa to. Kamaro innai otsiri ja bachor. Chuppod o saan, a tapos o aba paga inni icho-ech. Alii mab'o sasalla ja tattosik, alii mab'o para- pies, mabisse a tsjes o auchos icho, so-o makammichi mario. Tapos o boesum, o ta, a abas matapo a choa bo. Alii marotul choa barra, ummoop o tapos choa airab. Alii ilen, alii orachan. Innai pagaga chaddai mimeriensar o boesum, o ta, a abas, inau choa airab kama- barr'ija tapos o ai. Pattite icho, so-o erinen ai ; pattillo so-o paga ai. Talcho a mato a matasso Deos o gagil, so-o tapos ai inni choa boa. Ani tinnaam na-a pala, all'- inni ta Deos paga natorroa-da boa, o tamau, ta sjiem, so-o ta Auchar o ma-achimit-ech. Matalam poetat imoa, alia paga natorroa Deos-sar. Oedan, sja Deos o gagil o tamau, Deos o gagil ta sjiem, so-o Deos o gagil ta Auchar-ech, ja natorroa-da bo'omini allipa natorroa Deos-sar? Pa, natta-da Deos ma-akammichi- sar. Gagil-na, sja o tamau maunis a ga o Deos, maunis a airab, mau- nis a barra, maunis a chachimit, alii maibas ta sjiem, ja ta Auchar- ech, alia papaga natorroa Deossar : pagaga o pia chaddai, inau nator- roa-da bo'o micho rorro-no paga natta-da ga o Deos, natta-da airab, natta-da barra, so-o natta-da cha- chimit. Marummo ga o Deos inni o tamau, marummo ga o Deos inni ta sjiem, so-o marummo ga o Deos inni ta Auchar-ech. Maunio- nis natorroa boa inni ga o Deos, allipa natorroa Deos-sar. Maunis a boa tamau, o ai pausjiem. Maunis a boa ta sjiem, o ai ausjimen. Mau- nis a boa ta Auchar-ech, o ai soss'- innai o tamau, so-o ta sjiem. Alii maunis a Deos o tamau, alii maunis a Deos ta sjiem, alii maunis a Deos ta Auchar-ech, inau nattorroa bo'o micho rorro-no machon-sar inni natta-da ga o Deos. Tamau ma- chon-sar inni ta sjiem, so-o inni ta Auchar-ech. Ta sjiem, a ta Auchar-ech machon-sar inni ta- mau. Acho pinab'ina moeda naan o tamau, a ta sjiem alanni innai Deos. Matalam makakki a mar- mimi joa tsjes, moeda pausjiem ta Deos, ja naan o tamau, ta sjiem makkesjap icho, ja podda, ja paga sini-sar ? Mai, aba, alia maunionis choa pausjiem. Alii pausjiem o tamau choa sjiem maibas o babosa, alii podda maibas sini o cho. Ta sjiem a ta Auchar-ech soss'innai icho-sar, maibas o to chumpod innai chuppod. Torroa saan alii tum- maap o auchos o atil o boesum o mini o ma-acharrieb, mai, alia moa maso maba, na-a mamarach o tat- schier innai sijsja so-o tsjes-oe. Inni zijsja, paga natorroa tuppo-no mini, M 9 Christian asiel o zijsja, rara, so-o tadach : inni tsjes paga saan, airab a tattuppa. Maibas paga natta-da zijsja, so-o natta-da tsjes inni babosa, so-o inni zijsja, inni tsjes maunis natorroa tuppo, masini paga nattasar a Decs, so-o inni ga o Decs natorroa ma- aunionis a boa. Maibas o asiel o zijsja so-o rara soss'innai, zijsja, saan a airab innai tsjes, so-o alii riballen, machon-sar inni zijsa-da, inni tsjes-oe, masini-sar ta sjiem, ta Auchar-ech rorro-no soss'innai o tamau, so-o alii riballen innai choa boa, machon-sar taulaulan inni icho-ech. Maibas o zijsja, asiel o zijsja, so-o rara rorro-no paga nat- tada ga, masini-sar o tamau, ta sjiem, so-o ta Auchar-ech rorro-no paga natta-da ga o Decs. Maibas o zijsja alii pinaga tinnaam o choa rara so-o tadach, kapinaga so-o inerien-sar maibas-sar a rorro aicho- ies, masinisar Deos o tamau alii pinaga, pa choa sjiem, pa ta Auchar-ech, alii pinaga tinnaam o choa sjiem a ta Auchar-ech, kapinaga taulaulan maibas-sar a rorro decho-noe. Mai, pagatom- ma maibas-sar a rorro dechoa, o tamau paga bo'o pesasa, ta sjiem kanarroa-da boa, ta Auchar-ech kanatorroa-da boa. O tamau paga bo'o pesasa, inau choa pausjiem, so-o makkesjap icho naan o tamau, inau pausjiem o gagil, so-o pattonan o ausjimen ai choa maunis, cho'- aukattan, choa natta-sar a binodda- da sjiem. Masini-sar Deos o gagil pinab'o choa boa, so-o pattillo torro pittau o gagil o choa ranied, alia poetautat inni choa boa inauchus o pia natorroa-da tuppo, so-o ini- paba, alia gagil paga ta Deos, alia Deos o gagil alii boddo maso paga a natta-da ma-akammichi-sar, so-o tomm'ija Deos o gagil o ai. Na-a pinait'o Airien o boesum, o ta, a abas innai choa maunis o tataap. Attonannan-sar inni atite o azjies ta Deos : choa naan o gagil, mai- bas maunis pattonan o choa boa, paga ta Jehova, micho-sar a pattite, natta-da ga ja boa, o ai pinaga, paga, so-o machon-sar taulaulan. Mai, sabanno imoa mit'o abas, o ta, o boesum, o zijsja, o tapos cho'a-la, hai masarrasarr'o baak-sar maibas o binnan, ja loan, i-alla o barr'o Airien-oe, i-alla o choa saan, a aba matoto inni tataap o mini talcho a mato, a ma-atasso. Sabanno ma- rach o binnan, o tsi o abas, o ino- chan de bonna, hai poach i ta Deos-oe, aukattana ma-asosono ai, maibas moa maukat o choa asoso, so-alla o choa naan,adassa o joa tsjes, o joa ranied o cho'al-al, a tataap o rio : ja Deos o gagil alii boddo maso paga a natta-da ma-akammichi-sar? Mai, e-illa-na, depa molappa joa tsjes, hai ummior o Deos o baak. Hai poetat inni haibos, inni Adam. Hai paan o roman a Deos. Hai pe'o adas, kamaunis a Deos o gagil, decho-noe. Mauchus makarrichi kakossi o micho ta Deos. Pa- gaga mamabo-no atea, sja alii machi'o gagil, sja machon-sar imoa mikkap i haibos-ech. Mai, itiss'o rapies ai innai joa tsjes, innai joa tattuppa, all'ummior o natta-sar o gagil o Deos. Ja torro mautsiri innai autat torroa micho, tsinum- moach imo bao a rara o aba, hai maukat o odum a otsiri. Saddana 1 ta Deos, sabanno merab o talan ja icho, eacha icho, sabanno ma- Instruction 9 1 chaddik imo. Alii talan ta Decs, alii talan choa bo, sja alii taggogon o choa bo torroa tsjes. Sadda-na o ab'o Deos inni tattorroddaurono choa tataap, so-o inni tattorrod- daurono choa ranied, o ai ipatorrod ja imo, alia moa madarram o gagil o Deos, so-o choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus, o ai paga ma-aborra tup- pach o Deos a babosa. Sadda-na bo, so-o chachad, alia tummala so-o marach o choa asoso a tataap o rio. Ta Paulus insini patorrod o chup- pod o tapos rio inni chachad o Deos. Annach, sja merab o summabas o choa al-al a rio, alii sasummad'o baak icho-noe. Tatummal'o choa bo, al-al a rio de ta mini, so-o a-i- jor a morich o mini i boesum, tau- laulan, pa sisi-ech. Alii mamaro- tul o charri o ai, alii mamarotul o charri o rio, sja tatummal'i ta Deos imonoe, inau tatummal'o tapos ai, sja tummal'icho-noe. Micho ja maukat a ina, alia ta Deos merab o pe'imoa, imau ta Jesus Christus choa aukattan a sjiem badda, Amen. FOURTH SERMON. JOHN xvii. 3. o aba so-o autat inni ta Deos paarp'o babos'i ta Deos, inni tamasea paga gagil o morich, morich o ma-achon-sar ai. Ta Deos paurich o gagil, so-o paga inni icho-sar chuppod o morich. Dem'ija alii paga morich, icho pe'o morich, dema paga icho paurich so-o maladik, depa moribal. Ma- auriedda-da tsjes, o ai riballen innai ta Deos inau kakossi, alii morich o gagil, pagatomma morich, inau alii machon-sar inni ta Deos. Kasja- baan mamorich o gagil, pagatomma mach'ija babosa, sja inni autat o gagil machon-sar barroon o rorro i ta Deos, inau aladikken-sar choa morich inni ta Deos, maibas ja aladikken morich o baron inni bossor-ech, pagatomma mach'ija bia so-o a'o baron. Inau micho alia babosa marach o morich o ma- achon-sar, o ai paga inni ta Deos, maspot a madarram o gagil o Deos icho, so-o machon-sar mikkap i ta Deos inni autat o gagil. Maibas pab'ija ta Christus inni ranied o Evangelium kabinidoan inni ta Apostel Johannes, mini-sar, macho, paga morich o ma-achon-sar ai, alia madarram ijo decho-noe, natta- sar ai gagil o Deos, so-o ta Jesus Christus, o ai pinauss'ijo. Inni a-illag o lido o atite o mini, torro tatummorrod o narroa-da tuppo. Kapesasa, alia babosa maspot a madarram o gagil o Deos, so-o ta Jesus Christus o ai paga ma-aborra tuppach o Deos a babosa. Kanar- roa, alia morich o ma-achon-sar ummior o gagil o aba so-o autat inni ta Deos. Ta Christus pinal'- inni atite o tinnaam, alia Deos o tamau ummadok o choa chosar Christian innai tapos o tupponodon de ta, o ai icho passoso i ta Christus, all'- icho pape'i decho o morich o ma- achon-sar, so-o inni atite o mini- sar pab'ija icho, moed'icho pa-i-jor o babosa pana choa tamau ; icho parar'o choa saan, so-o pab'i decho o gagil o Deos. Ta Christus alii pa-i-jor o babosa pana ta Saitan, ja ta haibos, ja Deos o baak. Maini. Alii summall'o babosa ja icho. In- sini icho pait'o babosa choa tamau, so-o pa-i-jor i decho pana gagil o Deos. Mini-sar, macho, paga morich o ma-achon-sar ai, alia madarram ijo decho-noe, natta-sar ai gagil o Deos. Ta Christus pat- tonan o choa tamau gagil o Deos so-o natta-sar ai gagil o Deos. Maibassar icho pala, pagatomma babosa poetat inni roman a Deos, pagatomma ta Saitan pazigal'i ta Deos o gagil, so-o mapan ja Deos o baak, na-a kamachaggi, all'ijo makammichi-sar gagil o Deos, alia Deos o gagil alii boddo maso paga a natta-da ma-akammichi-sar, all'- inni oa boa paga gagil o morich ; inau micho na-a-pinab'o babos'oa naan, alia mamadarram ijo decho- noe, alia papoetautat inni oa boa, so-o mamarach o morich o ma- achon-sar. Sabanno ta Christus insini paaunis o babos'o morich o ma-achon-sar, inau decho madarram o gagil o Deos, alii pab'ija icho, alia morich o ma-achon-sar ummior o baak o ab'o Deos. Maini-ena. Icho pattonan o ab'o Deos gagil o aba, o ai par'o autat o tsjes inni ta Deos, inau sosse matas ab'o Deos, so-o marior autat inni ta Deos, chono ai mautsiri o gagil o Deos, alii poetautat inni ta Deos, maibas macho ta Paulus, moeda papoet- autat inni icho-sar, innai tamasea alii minasini decho-noe. Autat a aba rorro-no mababat. Torro pinoetautat so-o minaba, macho ta Petrus, all'ijo paga ta Christus, sjiem o Deos morich-a. Inau micho autat inni ta Deos so-o ab'o Deos maspot a rorro mababat. Autat inni ta Deos maspot a pis- sarr'o ab'o Deos. Baak o aba, o ai marotul o autat inni ta Deos, alii marach. Pagatomma ta saitan mab'o Deos o gagil, alii marach ja icho morich o ma-achon-sar, inau ta saitan alii poetautat inni ta Deos, mab'o baak-sar, so-o ma- tirtir. Inni autat o gagil paga natorroa-da tuppo. Tuppono pe- sasa paga gagil o ab'o Deos, micho- sar a pattite, alia torroa tsjes mab'i ta Deos, mab'o choa ga, choa airab, cho'atite a ranied kabinidoan. Ga- gil o aba parar'o tsjes, so-o alii pautach otsiri, maibas o rara paube odum. Ma-audum a tsjes alii poetautat inni ta Deos. Innai otsiri alii tummoach autat o gagil, tummoach innai a ba. Torro ba- bosa pittau o gagil, o ai torro kamachaggi. Innai otsiri tum- moach aulakies so-o autat o baak. Inau micho ab'o Deos, so-o gagil o ab'o choa ranied paga tuppono pesasa inni gagil o autat o Deos. Kanarroa-da tuppo inni autat o gagil paga arach o ranied o Deos, micho-sar a pattite, alia torroa tsjes ummior o atite o Deos, so-o pittau o gagil o tapos choa ranied. Autat o gagil alii mar mi mi ja dummori o ranied o Deos, inau alii summalla ja tummosik icho maibas o babosa. Mabisse choa Instruction 93 tapos atite, so-o o auchos gagil. Torroa tsjes maspot a marach o tapos atite, o ai pab'ija ta Deos inni choa ranied kabinidoan, so-o pittau o gagil o micho, pagatomma alii mab'ija lido tsjes. Mini-sar paga narroa-da tuppo inni autat o gagil. Kanatorroa-da tuppo paga aikap i ta Deos, micho-sar a pattite, alia torroa tsjes tallochon mikkap i ta Deos, so-o didden o poetautat inni choa ranied. Autat o gagil ma-didden ja autat, o ai machon- sar, so-o afli pittol, ja mori-edda. Autat ai, inniumma paga natorroa tuppo-no mini, paga autat o gagil, o ai mauchus marach innai ta Deos. Masini-sar torro babosa maspot a poetautat inni ta Deos. Icho merab o autat o gagil, madas so-o maukat o gagil ma-autat a cho, so-o malleak o autat o baak, a ma-atattosik. Ka ochal pait'o choa tamau, so-o paba, all'icho paga gagil o Deos, ta Christus pait'o choa micho boa channumma, so-o paba all'icho paga ma-azinado tup- pach o Deos a babosa. Alia ma- darram ijo decho-noe, macho, natta-sar ai gagil o Deos, so-o ta Jesus Christus o ai pinauss'ijo. Inni ga o Deos, kamaunionis na- torroa-da boa, o tamau, ta sjiem, so-o ta Auchar o ma-achimit, ta Spirito Santo. Ta sjiem o Deos o ai paga kanarroa-da boa inni ga o Deossar, rorro paga_Deos a babosa inni nattada boa. Ga o babos'inni choa boa aarpani o ga o Deossar, all'icho mamatsikap o ummoob o aborra tuppach o Deos a babosa. Sinai ja icho innai choa tamau, tamasea pinauss'icho de ta mini. Deos o tamau pinauss'o choa sjiem pana torro babosa, pinatoach o inni o isas o babosa, alia torro mama- darram icho, so-o papoetautat inni choa boa, maibas pab'ija icho, alia madarram ijo decho-noe natta-sar ai gagil o Deos, so-o ta Jesus Christus o ai pinauss'ijo. Ta sjiem o Deos, o ai tsinum- moach inni ga o babosa, marach o naan ta Jesus Christus. Deos o tamau pattonan o choa sjiem ma- sini, alia naan o mini papab'i torro choa maunis a tataap, so-o ino- numma ta Deos pinauss'icho de ta mini, all'icho paparras o babosa innai chachalt o kakossi. Ta Jesus micho a pattite, ma-ababar- ras, so-o choa maunis a tataap, paga babarras o babosa. Naan o ta Christus pait'o airab o Deos, tamasea pinauss'o choa sjiem alia papacho-no ranied o Deos pana babosa, so-o a-ummillag o atil o boesum. Inipaussa ja icho innai choa tamau, alia rarumme o babos'o choa ranied, so-o pattil i decho machi'o kakossi, tummis o tataap arapies, maborr'i ta Deos, so-o ummior o choa char-sar. Naan ta Christus pab'ija, alia Deos o tamau pinaatsikap o choa sjiem o ummoob o aborra tuppach o Deos a babosa, so-o paita, all'icho paga gagil o ma-aborra, ma-azinado, so-o ma-adau o babosa, tamasea dau 1 torro minachote a minacha inau torroa kakossi, alia mamarach o choa tagg'o abo-no torroa kakossi, so-o simien ta Deos a torro boa, alia miel o rais o Deos o cho'azinado, depa achan tapos o ta, maibas pab'ija ta Apostel Johannes, sisjiem macho, na-apido o mini imoa, depa moa rarummapies, 0-0 sja 94 Christian rinummapies a cho, torro paga natta-sar a ma-azinado de tamau ai, ta Jesus Christus, ma-abisse- bisse o ai, so-o icho-sar lalaslas o torroa kakossi. Sjiem o Deos ta Jesus Christus tsinummalattal'o rais o Deos inau kakossi o babos'o choa machote a macha,so-opaborr'o choa tamau, alia ka-itis o azjies, alii tatump'icho torroa kakossi ; inni choa boa torro paga arra so-o aborra rorro i ta Deos, so-o inni choa tagga paga lalaslas o torroa kakossi. Machon-sar i boesum icho alia tallochon papazinadono choa sisjiem, cho'aukattan a cho-sar o ai machi'o kakossi, so-o poetautat inni choa boa. Ta Christus patorrod o ma-aborra tuppach o Deos a babos'inni choa micho boa, tamasea paarp'o babos'i ta Deos, so-o pa-i-jor o cho-no Deos pana boesum. Inau kakossi ilen o babosa maunis a mababat pana ta Deos, choa rais talcho a mato mauchus pa-ikkil so-o paube a ro torro boa. Sinai innai boesum ta sjiem o Deos ummoob o aborra, tsinummoach de ta, alia pa-i-jor o sisjiem o Deos pana boesum. Inni choa boa minaborr'i torro babosa ta Deos, inni choa boa torro paga ababad pana tamau i boesum, so-o marach o abono kakossi inni choa naan. Mini-sar pab'ija ta Christus, so-o pait'all'icho paga ma-aborra tuppach o Deos a babosa, alia choa tamau pinauss'icho, so-o pinaspot a ummoob o aborr'o mini, alia babosa maspot a madarram icho channumma, so-o poetautat inni choa boa, maibas icho pala, so-o pab'o choa aran, moa poetautat inni ta Deos, macho, oetautatta inni na-a-da boa channumma. Maibas o tamau pinauss'o choa sjiem pana babosa, masini babosa maspot a tummaap o autat o gagil icho. Ta Deos alii marach o babos'i boesum, sja babos'alli marach o choa sjiem, so-o mabich o autat o gagil de ta mini. Torro babosa maspot a rorro madarram i ta Deos, so-o choa sjiem, maspot a rorro poetautat inni ta Deos, so-o inni choa sjiem. Ta sjiem o Deos so-o ma-aborra ta Jesus Christus pa-i-jor o choa rim'o tapos sisjiem o Deos ; tarran ja icho, sandon, so-o kittas o boesum. Tamasea merab o sai pana ta Deos, maspot a ummior so-o par'o choa sjiem. Torro babos'alli matsikap o tummoach a dummaat i ta Deos inni torroa micho boa, inau torroa arapies pisor o choa rais, so-o paube a ro torro boa. Ta Deos mabisse o auchos, so-o choa macha o ma- achimit malleak o ma-arapies, inau micho torro maspot a dummaat icho inni ma-aborra, inni choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus, tamasea tummakkoop torroa arapies o choa babisse a chimit, so-o makkesjap paubarri a chaddik torro boa, so-o padaat i ta Deos : Maibas-sar icho pala, paga ja-ina tarran so-o morich ai, allipa ja cho sai pana tamau, sja alii passji ina. Maibas o babos'alli dummoro i don, sja alii pasji sandon, masini alii sai pana ta Deos, alii soss'i boesum, tamasea poelakies o tarran, so-o alii pasji sandon o gagil. Tarran o mini paga ta Christus, tsinummann'o boesum icho, o ai kinapos inau kakossi o babosa, paga sandon, so-o inni choa boa torra paga ababad Instruction 95 pana ta Decs ; icho pazinado torro boa, so-o pa-i-jor o rima pana choa tamau. Kamillag o pia tuppo-no pesasa inni ranied o ta Christus, so-o ipaba, alia babosa maspot a madarram o gagil o Deos, so-o ta Jesus Christus, o ai paga ma-aborra tuppach o Deos a babosa. Inni narroa-da tuppo pab'ija ta Christus, alia morich o ma-achon-sar ummior o gagil o aba so-o autat inni ta Deos. Mini- sar macho paga morich o ma- achon-sar ai, alia madarram ijo decho-noe natta-sar ai gagil o Deos. Ta Christus insini pattonan o morich o ma-achon-sar morich i boesum, morich o gagil, o ai paga inni ta Deos, so-o choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus. Rapies a ma- auribal o morich de ta mini inau kakossi a auri-edda. Kamoribal ja bog, so-o mach'ija tapos o babosa. I boesum torroa bog a tsjes mamorich o taulaulan, mamorig o gagil, so-o mauchus a rio. De ta inni torro maspot a paan, so-o porich o bog. Torro orachan o tummaap, o tummod, o marana, so-o moddon o tataap tallochon a baas. Torro tassaban so-o taggogon, madig a chaan, a bachinan, rapies so-o mauromaro man a dig pauribal o torroa bog atatta zijsja i boesum torro mamorich o ma-a-arra, maibas o ta Angelus o Deos, o ai alii man, alii micham, pa tassaban, pa taggogon, pa tummaap, pa madig, pa mach'ija. De ta mini torro paga zichil, so-o mauchus chummanied torroa tsjes. Pa ja zichil i boesum, pa ja chachannied. De ta mini alii pittol o kakossi, o sannan, o azjies ; morich i boesum marotul o kakossi, o sannan, o azjies ; ta Angelus patapos a babosa paga borra, so-o ummior o atillono Deos. Paga aborra, aukat, so-o arra, paga aukat otjes inni aijall'o ta Deos, aukat o taulaulan, pa sisi-ech. Mini-sar a paga morich o ma-achonsar, morich i boesum, o ai ta Deos passoso inni choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus, o ai babosa marach inni autat o gagil, maibas o ta Christus pala inni ranied o Evangelium Johannis, masini-sar, macho, ta Deos minaukat o tapos o ta, micho-sar a pattite, tapos o babosa, alia pine'o choa natta-sar j a binodda-da sjiem, ino pa ja riballen atatta chono ai poetautat inni icho, kasjabaan alia paga morich o ma-achon-sar. So-o insini pab'ija icho, alia morich o ma-achon-sar ummior o gagil o aba so-o autat inni ta Deos. Ka ochal ummillag o lido o atite, bior alia torro tummorod o atil, o ai torro maspot a paaunis torro boa. Innai atite o mini atillan torro alia chachad o ab'o Deos paga morich o ma-achon- sar i boesum. Deos o tamau chummad o gagil o aba, so-o autat inni choa boa, so-o pe'o morich o ma-achon-sar o babos'o ai madarram pittau o gagil, so-o poetautat inni choa boa. Morich o ma-achon- sar paga asosono Deos inni choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus, so-o babosa paaunis o choa boa morich o ma-achon-sar inni autat o gagil, o ai maibas o rima tummaap, so-o maunis-o-arach o tapos asosono Deos, tapos o ai ta Deos pinassoso torro inni choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus. Innainumma ummior alia tapos o ma-autat a cho marach 9 6 Christian o morich i boesum, morich o ma-achon-sar inni autat o gagil. Tamasea poetautat inni ta sjiem o Decs, paga morich o ma-achon-sar, macho ta Apostel Johannes inni cho atil o mini torro tummorrod o rio o Deos, so-o choa bo matoto. Sja icho papachalt o babosa kamaibas o lallalak o choa ranied makesjap o kakossi alia kartattisan ja patapos i chau o gehenna, ino chotein taulaulan rorro i ta saitan, pa sisi-ech. Chachalt o kakossi o mini attonannan inni bido o Deos, tattea so-o rais o ma-achon-sar, chau o gehenna, so-o macha a manawassar, inau ta Deos a-i-jor a morich o mini mamerien o chachalt o tapos Angelus a babosa, so-o papa-itis o chono ma-arapies rorro i ta saitan i chau o gehenna, ino tean taulaulan kamaibas o choa tataap o arapies. Alii mamotup o chau i gehenna, alii papittol o dig, papaga aurtsi, alli-alli, akirkir zien, so-o chachannied o taulau- lan. Ta Deos alia pait'o choa rio inni abono kakossi, depa mamoribal 1 gehenna tapos o babosa, pinauss'o choa sjiem de ta mini ta Jesus Christus, alia paparras o babosa, so-o pinachalt o kakossi o babos'inni choa sjiem natta-sar o binnodda, alia mamabono ma-akakossi. Masini pagatomma deeg, alia mamachote babosa taulaulan i gehenna, barrasan ja inau machote o ta sjiem o Deos tapos chono ai kamachi' o kakossi, so-o poetautat o gagil. Makakki ja tsjes o babarras o mini, babosa chumpir so-o kamazjies i ta Deos, so-o maborr'o choa azjies-in ta Deos, babosa kummossi, so-o ta sjiem o Deos lummaslas o ma-akakossi, alii las-las-en o so-e babos'a, las- las-en o tagga, o macha o ta sjiem o Deos. Minachote inni choa bog a tsjes ta Christus depa mamachote taulaulan, depa mamoribal i gehenna torroa bog a tsjes. Minacha ta sjiem o Deos, minotup o baboan o marara, alia mamorich taulaulan rapies a ma-auri-edda-da cho. Ranied alii mab'o pattite, tsjes alii mab'o tumpa, so-o saan alii mab'o tummaap o rio o tsjes, o ai tum-sar inni babarras o babosa. Inni tuppono mini inipaita ja aukat o Deos pana torro boa, macho ta Apostel Johannes, alia ta Deos pinauss'o choa sjiem natta-sar o binodda de ta mini, alia mamorich ja namo inni icho-sar. 0-0 ma- achachimit ta David pizich o choa tsjes o madas o tataap o rio talcho a mato, inni raraid o manna-achpil a teis natorroa adassa na-a tsjes i ta Jehova, macho so-o tapos o ai lallum ina choa naan o ma-achi- mit, adassa na-a tsjes i ta Jehova, so-o hai poach o choa tataap o rio. Tamasea mabono tapos oa arapies, tamasea patausono tapos oa dig-oe. Tamasea parras oa morich, depa moribal, tamasea summammisam ijonoe o rio o tsjes a bo. Kanarroa, torrodden o tassono autat o gagil inni atil o mini, o ai marach o morich o ma-achon- sar, so-o romaroman asosono Deos. Autat o gagil paga maibas o rim'o tsjes-oe, ino arach o tapos, o ai passoso ta Deos. Pagatomma Deos passoso, so-o pe'o baak o choa asoso, pagatomma babosa mauchus merab, so-o meach'aicho-ies, alii marach o charri o ai, sja marotul Instruction 97 o autat inni Deos, marotul o autat inni ranied o Deos, marotul o autat o gagil choa tsjes. Macha o Deos miall'o autat o ai, alia chum- mad o choa asoso a ai-a. Ma-autat a cho ma-arach, sja ineach'i ta Deos inni autat o gagil, so-o kamaibas o choa airab. Tapos o ai ma- meach'oa annoggonoggono, oet- autatta alia mamarach, so-o allecho can ja imo macho ta Christus. Inau decho ja maukat o morich ai, ja maukat o morich i boesum ? Ja maukat oa bog a tsjes morich o taulaulan, so-o mauchus a rio ? Oetautatta inni Deos o gagil, so-o choa sjiem ta Jesus Christus. Asinia, kriella, abicha o ranied o Deos, tuppa so-o aladikka micho, alia rara o ab'o Deos tummillag i tsjes. Innaide asini o ranied o Deos tummoach o autat a aba. Autat ai paga asosono Deos, eacha icho, dobdobba, illo-iloa, alia pe'o aba pauab o autat imoa, alia madarram icho-noe, alia poet- autat inni choa boa, so-o marach o morich o ma-achon-sar, kamai- bas o ab'o ranied o ta sjiem o Deos. Torro attillan taulan innai atite o mini, alia ta Christus paga ma- a-i-jor o babosa pana choa tamau, tamasea pa-i-jor o ma-autat a cho pana boesum, pana ta Deos. Karri-azjies ta Deos a babosa, alii karri-dadaat inau kakossi. Inau decho masabb'o ma-aborra babos'a ma-azinado ino aarpanni i ta Deos. Ma-aborr'o mini tuppach o Deos a babosa paga maun is a tsjes o Deos ta Jesus Christus, tamasea tsinummoach inni ga o babosa, so-o inipaussa de bab'o ta, maibas insini maunis-o-ala, alle lummaslas o choa macha o kakossi o babosa, alia simien ta Deos a babos'o choa azinado, alia paborr'o choa tamau, so-o padaat i ta Deos o babosa. Inau decho rorro-no padarram o babos'o gagil o Deos, so-o choa sjiem, o ai pinauss'icho, micho-sar a pattite choa micho boa, maibas o ma-aborr'o o babosa, innainum- m'ija ummior all'inni autat a ab'o ta Christus paga gagil o morich, morich o ma-achon-sar, can o ba- bos'icho innai Deos o tamau, alia parras o macha dechoa, so-o pe'o morich o ma-achon-sar ; kamaibas o choa ala, mini-sar paga morich o ma-achon-sar ai, alia madarram ija dechonoe natta-sar ai gagil o Deos, so-o ta Jesus Christus o ai pinauss'ijo. Mabarra ta Christus paurich o morich-a so-o macha-da ai, inau sjiem o Deos o gagil icho. Maibas o tamau paurich, masini channumma ta sjiem paurich tama- sea merab. Inni ma-aborr'o mini torro babosa dummaat i ta Deos, so-o madarram icho, maibas torro madarram o cho inni choa sisjiem ; tamasea minit'ina, minit'o tamau channumma, macho ta Christus, inau gagil o sjiem o Deos icho, so-o tatsar o choa boa, gagil a isas o choa tamau o ma-acharrieb. Ani maro innai ta Deos, inni ta Chris- tus machaddik ja namo. Ani paga azjies, inni ta Christus torro sis- jiem o Deos, choa aukattan a cho, a ari-eddan. Ani karri-azjies ta Deos a babosa, inni ta Christus karri-aborra dech-onoe. Ani torro mori-edd'i ta Deos, inni ta Christus torro pacheoach pana choa so-o torroa micho tamau. Deech o machote so-o moribal torroa bog a Christian tsjes taulaulan i gehenna inau torroa arapies, inni ta Christus barrassan torro o chachalt o mini, tamasea dau i torro minachote o dig a aurtsi o gehenna inni bog a tsjes, alia chachummalt torroa kakossi. Ka- minatis o boesum ja torro, so-o morich i boesum inau kakossi, ta Christus o choa babisse a mario a tataap minarach o boesum o tat- taula, so-o paaunis torro aicho-ech. Masini inni ma-aborra ta Jesus Christus torro marach o babarras o kakossi, so-o morich o ma-achonsar: icho pario torroa bog a tsjes inni morich o mini, so-o paatsikap i namo ino aarpanni i ta Deos, micho- sar a pattite pesas'o ummoob o bao a isas o choa babisse a chimit inni torro boa, pachimit o bog a tsjes, alia ka-itis o tataap o arapies, mai- bas o sisjiem o Deos torro tummal- pon o bao a morich, tummalpon o mababat inni tapos o babisse o Deos. Pasji ausoan tarran o mini, tarran o babisse a atillono Deos pa- i-jor o sisjiem a chono Deos ma-a- i-jor ai ta Jesus Christus, so-o pa- doro i boesum-ech decho-noe. Atil o mini paita so-o padarram tomm'- ija sisjiem o Deos. Tapos o ai ummior i ta Christus, ummior o tarran o atillono Deos, so-o ma- babat inni babisse a chimit, maibas minababat icho babo ta mini, paga gagil o sisjiem o Deos. Maibas- sar pala, na-a sisjiem masini na-a char-sar, so-o ina madarram dechoa, so-o ummior ina decho-noe, so-o ina pe'i decho morich o ma-achon- sar. Kanarroa, ja ta Christus paga ma-a-i-jor o sisjiem, o Deos, ja icho pait'o tarran pana boesum, maibas inipaba o pia, mai, atil o mini maspot a pizich imoa tsimi- chier i ta Christus inni oa morich, alia masini o choa char-sar, so-o mabaddabadd'o o tattorroddan ochoa morich. Masini o gagil sasummossono tarran i boesum, sja a-ummior o kakirrich o choa ranied, sja ma-machon-sar o ma- babat inni tattallas o choa asiel-sar. Micho ja maukat a ina alia ta Deos passoso imoa inau ta Jesus Christus choa aukattan a sjiem badda, Amen. FIFTH SERMON. JOHN xvi. 23. Ukattan a ma-akakriel. Maibas o sisjiem o babosa meach'o tamau a tanai, so-o pab'i decho, sja masabb'o inochan, ja romaro man, so-o babosa pagatomma mab'o tump'o choa sisjiem, so-o merab o maunis pea, alii makarrichi o sisjiem sja decho sai meacha ; kasjabaan maso maukat o sisjiem, maso maukat o pea, inau um-illo- ilono meacha, so-o maibas o dumbor o pea dechonoe. Masini maso makkesjap o babos'o ai tummoach de ta mini barrabarraan so-o ma- Instruction 99 asabba, pab'o tamau de boesum choa sabba, so-o meach'i ta Decs tapos o ai masabb'ija decho. Inau ta Decs pagatomma ma-al-al a tsjes icho, so-o merab o maunis pea, maukat o annoggonoggo a aiacha, so-o merab alia babosa madarram o choaal-al, all'icho paga ma-a-daldal a ma-ai-a so-o chuppod o gagil o tapos rio, alia babosa dummauko o boesum pana tamau o rara, innai tamasea sai tapos asosono mario airum-illo-ilono meacha, so-o paspot i ta Deos o choa ai-acha. Maibas pab'ija ta sjiem o Deos, eacha, macho, so-o allecho, can, ja imo. $adda-na so-o ta tummala tokkana, so-o allecho tannaanni ja imo. So-o inni atite o minisar icho pizich choa aran tschiet narroa cho, meach'i ta Deos choa tamau, inau gagil allecho can tapos o ai, decho mameach'inni choa naan. Annach, annach, ina pala ja imoa, macho, alia tapos o ai mameach'o tamau inni na-a micho naan, o ai icho pape'imonoe. Ta Christus insini patorrod o naspat a tuppo inni ai-acha. Kapesasa, alia torro maspot a meach'i ta Deos o tamau de boesum. Kanarroa, alia maspot a meach, o Deos o tamau inni naan o choa sjiem. Kanatorroa, numm'ija makkesjap o meach'i ta Deos. Kanaspat, alia maspot a meacha inni autat o gagil. Ai-acha paga sasaod o tsjes katinnaam o Deos. Ranied pallil o baak, sja alii ummior so-o pissarra tsjes a tattuppa. Tinnaam ai-acha torro maspot a mabissas, so-o ummalap- pono tsjes a tattupa pana ta Deos 1 boesum. Maspot a maba, alia torro sabanno mai meacha, tum- moach katinnaam o Deos, tamasea mialla, so-o mab'o tattupp'i tsjes. Malleak o ai-acha ta Deos o ai bossot innai dorren, alii tummoach innai-de tsjes. Chono mini macho dummaat ina o choa ranied, so-o madas ina o choa dorren, so-o maro ja choa tsjes innai ina-e. Inau micho torro maspot a miel depa mortatach, ja molappa torroa tsjes a tattuppa. Torroa rima a rorro alappoon pana babo, sabanno torro tummalpon o meacha, paita, alia torro maspot a dumber so-o pauss'o tattuppa pana boesum, alia tump'i ta Deos, alia tump'o ranied o ai-acha, so-o tuppono ai, torro merab o meach'i ta Deos. Mak- kesjap channumma, alia katinnaam ai-acba torro tummis o asies o tsjes, so-o dummaat i ta Deos inni atirtir a ikkil, ma-arich inau torroa kakossi. Malleak o chono ma- asies a tsjes ta Deos, so-o pait'o chono ma-a-arich a ma-a-sabba choa bo. Kanatorroa, maspot a maba, alia kakossi simien ta Deos a babosa, so-o miel o ai-acha depa pasji boesum pana ta Deos, tamasea alii masini o chono ma-achachuppir, o ai moddon o tsjes, so-o chumpir o cho'atillo. Kasjabaan maukat o zichil inau kakossi, so-o mabo chono ma-azichil a tsjes, tamasea machi'o kakossi, so-o ummior o bisse-bisse o Deos. Inau micho torro maspot a tummis o arapies o tsjes, so-o tapos o tataap o kakossi, alia mai meach'i ta Deos inni chimit o tsjes. Ka-ochal ipaba moeda torro maspot a mabissas o tsjes tinnaam ai-acha, ummior o naspat a tuppo ino 100 Christian ipatorrod inni ai-acha. Kapesasa, pab'ija ta Christus, alia choa aran maspot a meach'i ta Deos o tamau de boesum. Tapos o ai mameach'o tamau, macho. Icho pattonan o tamau insini, o gagil o Deos, tamasea minerien o mini tapos ai, so-o maibas o tamau porich o tapos o babosa. Torro patapos paga natta-sar a tamau, so-o nattasar a Deos minerien torro patapos, macho ta ma-aijaab Malachias. Kamaunionis icho pattonan o tamau, bo'o pesasa inni ga o Deossar, so-o madarram o pattonan icho-noe choa micho tamau, inau pinausjiem o narroa- da boa inni ga o Deos ta Jesus Christus, gagil a isas so-o tatsar o choa micho boa. Ta Christus pattil o choa aran meach'i ta Deos, so-o pa-i-jor i decho pana choa tamau, inau ma-akammichi makkesjap ino eachanni ta Deos. Mab'o tapos o ai, masini o ai-acha de tapos o ta. Kamabar'ija tapos o ai, so-o ma-abo a tsjes, alia tummo cho'a-olli-eul o babosa, maibas pab'ija ta Christus inni ramied o Evangelium Mathei ; tomm'ija babosa, macho, paga lallum imoa, sja choa sjiem mameach'ichono uppo, alia pape'- i chono bato, so-o sja mameach'- ichono tsi, alia pape'ichono ibien. Oedan, sja imoa, o ai paga rapies, mab'o pe'o asosono mario oa sisjiem, maso masanno oa tamau, tamasea paga de boesum pape'o asosono mario, chono ai meach'ija icho aicho-ies kasjabaan pa ja a-olli-eul inni Deos o baak. Chubboen tsjes tapos choa aran, tamasea summad'i decho. Ma- meach'i ta Jehova oa Deossar, so-o allecho aran icho ma-akammichisar, macho ta Christus. Kanarroa-da tuppo inni ai-acha pait'o azinadono ta Jesus Christus, so-o pab'ija alia maspot a meach'o Deos o tamau inni naan o choa sjiem : tapos o ai mameach'o tamau inni na-a micho naan, macho : micho-sar a pattite, inau na-a-da boa so-o azinado. Ta Deos a babosa kamauchus maro. Inau decho simien ta Christus alia karri-dadaat dechoa inni choa-da boa, o ai machaddik o choa tamau maibas o sjiem o Deos, so-o machaddik o babosa, maibas o sjiem babosa, rorro-no Deos a babos'inni natta-da boa, so-o inau decho matsikap o pazinado tuppach o Deos a babosa. Masini Deos o tamau dummaat o babosa, masini o ai-acha so-o annoggonoggo - no inni choa aukattan a sjiem, tamasea tallochon pazinado i namo de tamau ai. Maukat o cho sjiem tamau, so-o tallochon masini icho, so-o inau choa azinado maukat channumm'o chono ai poetautat inni choa sjiem, so-o masini o choa ai-acha. Micho babosa maspot a maba, so-o tallochon tump'inni ai-acha, sja merab o meach'i ta Deos charri o ai, alia meach'i cho-noe inni naan o choa sjiem, so-o inau choa azinado. Gachanni o baak ta Deos, alii ma-arach o babosa, sja alii tummo- ach o ai-acha innaide autat inni ta sjiem o Deos, sja marotul o choa azinado. Mini-sar choa pab'o aran ta Christus, acho mineach'inni naa micho naan, macho : eacha, so-o mamarach, alia matapo ja oa Instruction 101 aukat-ech. Ta Christus ochoa azinado tummakkoop o aulakies inni ai-acha, so-o patoach aicho inni choa naan tinnaam o choa tamau, alia mabasso ja, so-o mar- ach. Ummior o natorroa-da tup- po ino torrodden inni ai-acha, numm'ija makkesjap o meach'i ta Deos. Tapos o ai mameach o tamau, macho ta Christus. Torro babosa marotul o tapos rio inni torroa bog inni torroa tsjes, so-o tapos aso- sono mario kasai innaide babo, innaide tamau o rara. Inau decho ta Christus inni atite o mini tapos o ai, pauss'o meach'o choa tamau, tapos o ai masabb'ija namo. Mapan a mato torroa sabba. Mar- otul o aba so-o autat inni ta Deos torroa tsjes, marotul o chimit a babisse o Deos. Micho ja pattil o meacha ta Christus inni ai-acha, namoa tamau. Masabb'o inochan so-o romaroman torroa bog. Micho channumma atillan ja namo meacha inni atite o mini : Epe-e namono piadai torro uppo ma-atsikap. Torro masabb'o a-olli-eul o Deos so-o choa aladik. Inau decho attillan torro meacha, barras'i namo innai rapies ai. Mapan ja tuppo, ino eachan. Mauroma-roman asosono bog a tsjes, maibas o inochan, oetas, ma-allas a boesum, naupoot ino takkoban o bog, binnas, roos a sis- jiem ma-allas a tsjes, morich o ma-ilip, ab'o saan, rio o tsjes, ab'o Deos, autat a ikkil o Deos, arra, aukat o tsjes, kakoeno, tattalattal'o ta auchar o ma-achimit inni zichii o rapies. Tapos o ai, so-o roman maibas aicho, makkesjap ino eachan. Inni naspat a tuppo pab'ija ta Chris- tus alia babosa naspat a meacha inni autat o gagil. Inau decho pachip o atite annach, so-o pala manawas annach, annach, alia miel o armi- mi, so-o pizich i namo didden o poet- autat inni ai-acha. Macha o Deos miall'o autat ai inni ai-acha. Ta- masea meacha, alia meach'inni autat-ech, macho ta Apostel Jaco- bus, inau tamasea marmimi, paga maibas o badono abas, o ai itis babo rapo imaide barri ai-oe. Inau decho hai pesar masini a ba- bosa, alia mamarach o charri o ai innai Deos-sar. Ananman-a mina- sini o tuppo-no ai-acha ; aladikka o atite i tsjes all'ailo padarram imoa meach'i ta Deos. Acho madarram o meacha, eacha, alia marach. JAC. VERTRECHT. 102, Sek-hoan Dialect * # * The foregoing sheets had just been printed when a communication was received from Rev. D. Ferguson, M.A., of the English Presbyterian Mission in Formosa, which may be inserted here. It is dated Tainanfu, 3 1st March 1896, and was sent in reply to a request that he would have the Lord's Prayer written out in the language now spoken by the Toa-sia aborigines ; Toa-sia being the name of a Township about fourteen miles north of the city of Chiang-hoa. Hundreds of families of this same tribe are also found among the villages of the Pawsia Plain, some two days' journey to the east of Chiang-hoa. The version he sends is as follows : THE LORD'S PRAYER IN THE PRESENT-DAY SEKHOAN DIALECT OF FORMOSA. Niam a A-bah kai-dih ba bau ka-wuss. Ni-suh a la-ngat tsah, ma sii-zau-u hau riak. Pa-pan g-a-sai ni-suh-ah ki-nii la-an. Pa-pa i ta-du-i ki-ni-siu-a li-ni ^a-dan, di-ni da-^iih hai-ki, ba bau ka- wuss. Ba-^ei au-no da-li-o nu-sau-a ki-na-sa-de-lan yam-i-kah, i-la a na pi-ter- iit-o niam-a-ki-na sa-de-lan. A-na pa-pa ^i-ta-lam-i yam-mi-a ai-za sei-sei. Tu-tul-i niam-mih pa-ter-ia-di de-sa-del. Hhamoh ki-nii la-an, wa-riit ^i-na ria-ria-kan, ka kai-i-swoan da-duah, mau sei-o ma-si -lo ba-zu ba-zoach. Lai-ki niam-a hi-niss-a %i-na la-tii-dan. Mr. Ferguson remarks on the above : ( A good many of the brethren helped in making this translation, especially A-sin, Hau-hi, A-iam, Ta-mu- li, Aw-hoan and Bau-keh. Every petition is kept separate, and begins with a capital. The letter " ii " is pronounced as in German, " ^ " as in Greek, and " Hh " as a somewhat aspirated form of the single letter. Several words had to be translated in a roundabout way, as they have no such expressions as " kingdom," " hallowed," " glory," " will," and one or two others.' A DIALOGUE Between A y^PO NESE AND A FORMOSA N, About Some Points of The RELIGION of the TIME. By G. P -m r. Quid rides Fabula- LONDON : Printed for BERNARD LINTOTT at the Crofs-Keys next Nando s Coffee-Houfe, Fleet ftreet* 1707. THE PREFACE. chief Thing I purpofe in the following Lines, is to vin- dicate the Japonefes from that un- juft Character this Part of the World is pleafed to give them, viz. of being a People much given to Superftition. What Reafons they had who fir/} fpoke fo of them, I cannot tell, but this I am fure of, that no People under the Sun are farther from it than they are, as will more fully appear by the follow- ing Dialogue. ' Tis true indeed, the meaner fort of People are wholly led by Prieji- craft, and fo are made to believe what the Bonzes pleafe ; But as for the finer and better Sort, they would have you to know they fcorn to captivate their Reafons to a few Writings of their Law-givers, con- Jlrued and altered (as they humbly conceive) by the Priejts, whofe In- terejt is to keep People in the greateft Ignorance and Subjection. I hope therefore that my fitting of *em in a fair Light , will be taken by the World as a great Argument of my Candor and Generofity ; and having this Colloquium frejh ftill in my Memory, which I know will go a great Way by far in vindi- cating them than all I could fay of my own Head, I thought it would agree better with the Character I hope to gain by this, to publijh it juft as I heard it, becaufe you have here the Japanner Jlanding up for his Nation, as well as himfelf, and alfo a Formofan making his Objections with the Japonefe's Anfwers to them ; fo that the whole Matter being juftly and impartially laid before you, the Reader may the better judge as he Jhall fee meet, and that I take to be the only hone/I way of dealing with Readers. And I mujt confefs, that tho* I was Confcious of my Ignorance of the Englifh Tongue, yet I would by no means fuffer any Body to methodize or correft it, becaufe I was afraid left the Reader Jhould hence find Occafion of fufpecling the Sincerity io6 The Preface of my Narrative. Wherefore I here muft beg of him to excufe all the Faults hejhallfind in the Language, which he cannot reafonably expecJ a Stranger to be free from, efpecially in fuch a refined one, as the Englifti at prefent is. I flatter my felf with the Hopes, that it will be not a little entertain- ing, the Queftions therein handled bearing fo near a Refemblance to the Difputes, which make fo much Noife here at prefent. You'HfeeaJzpanner, who out of meer friendjhip and kind- nefs comes to free a Man from the Bondage of Priejlcraft, Prejudice, and Ignorance; and on the other fide, you'll fee a Formofan, like a willing Prifoner, endeavouring to bring his Friend unto the fame Condition as he is himfelf ; and both ufing all the Arguments they are Majters of towards effecting their Defign. However, that the Reader may not expecJ more of me than he is likely to find at the long run, and fo be obliged to throw away the Book in a Fury, it will be very necejjary to tell him, that the? I was fo for- tunate to be prefent at the opening of the Conference, yet I was unluckily call'd away upon fame very earnejt Bufmefs,fo that I could not flay for the Conclufion, which was however fo near at Hand, that if he will take the fame Liberty of guejjing as I have done, he '// be able to find out which way the Victory turned: However, 'twill Jiill anfwer my Defign, which is to vindicate the Japanner when the Reader obferves him all along arguing not like a Bigot, but like a Man of a free born Underftanding. One favour more I muft beg of my Reader, is, that if he finds either of my Difputants to be out in his Logick, Philofophy, or Divinity, he would not think the worfe of me, or think me guilty of the fame Errors in my private Opinions ; as v.g. if one of them Jhould happen to affirm Fire to be hot, contrary to the Modern Philofephers, who affirm it to be cold: For as I have refolved not to omit any of their Arguments, or diminijh the Strength of 'em, fo neither will I add any thing to it ; but fuch Blunders as they Jhall commit, let them anfwer for them- felves. A DIALOGUE Between A Japonefe and a Formofan About fome Points of The RELIGION of the TIME. Formofan. IR, you are heartily wel- come to Formofa y it is fo long fmce we were bleft with your Com- pany, that I almoft defpair'd ever of enjoying it again. Japonefe. Sir, I value yours fo much, that had I not been detain'd by Bufi- nefs, I had not been fo great a Stranger : But to tell you the Truth, I fell into the Acquaint- ance of fome Gentlemen of great Parts, who made me freely ac- quainted with fome new Notions of theirs which put me for fome time into a brown ftudy, till at laft, partly by their help, and partly by my own Application, I came to fettle my Mind on the Matter. Formofan. Now you talk of Learned Men, pray give me leave to afk you how your friend does ? Japonefe. Meaning who ? Formofan. Why, the Prieft that was here laft time with you j do not you remember ? Japonefe. Oh yes ! Why I think he's well ; but have feen him but once fmce I was here laft : For you muft know we fell out mightily that time upon certain Points of Re- ligion ; and I believe never will be reconciled j at leaft I never will with him, whatever he does with me. Formofan. How, fallen out with a Prieft ? I am forry for that, with all my Heart. I thought you had more Refpedt for Men of his Robe and Dignity. Japonefe. A Fig for their Dignity and all that belongs to them ; they mail never catch me with fuch Chimeras again, I '11 promife you ; I have been their Fool and Slave long enough, to my fhame be it fpoken j but now, I thank my Stars, I am io8 Psalmanazar's grown a little wifer, and have fhook off the Toak, and fet my felf free from their pretended Authority j and to be plain with you, this is the very Bufmefs : thefe Gentle- men I was telling you of, com- municated me, and which indeed did give me no little Trouble ; but I am at prefent fo fatiffied of the Prieft's Confidence in claiming any Authority, that I wonder how any Man can be fo befotted as to ac- knowledge it. Neither is this my Opinion only, but alfo that of the greateft Wits of our Age ; tho' indeed, I muft own, it never broke out fo plainly as it has done within thefe Two Years, yet you muft needs think it had been a long while a brewing before. Formofan. This is a fudden alteration in- deed, and fuch as I little dreamed of; but for G d's fake, Sir, do you confider what you are a doing ? Do not you know that Priefts derive their Authority from the Law- givers, and their Law-givers from God ? So that you cannot deny that of the one, without rebelling at the fame time againft the Two others. Japonefe. Pho ! One may fee plain enough : You live in a Land of Darknefs and Ignorance, wholly influenced by Prieft-craft ; were you but to live 3 Months in Tedo or Meako, you would fee what a refined Air we live in j and I don't doubt but the changing of Climate would make you alter your Notions. You cannot go into anyBook-feller's Shop, but you fee there fome Books againft the Authority of the Priefts ; nay, even of the Law-givers them- felves ; fo that in a fhort time, I hope, we'll fend them both a packing, which Work, if once done, will immortalize this Gene- ration ; infomuch, that I would not for the whole Empire be to be born in the next. Formofan. Nay if thefe be the Effects of your Climate, I'll e'en tarry at home. You may do what you pleafe for that, but I '11 affure you what I fay is pofi tively true ; and the Autho- rity of the Law-givers as well as of the Priefts is finking down as faft as Formofan. You fill me with wonders, I proteft What, all the Writings of the Law-givers which have been fo long in the greateft Veneration and Credit, oppofed now with fuch Violence ? I thought it was fo well grounded, and fo univerfally received, fo well confirm'd by Miracles, that it was not in the Power of Man to overthrow it. But pray what Arguments do they make ufe of to overthrow the Authority of fuch great Men as Amida^ Xakha, Cambadoxi, and the reft, who have ever been reverenc'd as Gods from the Time of their leaving the World ? And what do the Priefts fay to all thefe ? Do Dialogue they not oppofe it with all their Strength and Might ? I mould think 'tis their Intereft as well as their Duty. Japonefe. There have been a few who have endeavoured to do it, but after fuch a way, that it does more Good than Dinervice to our Caufe. The generality of them hold their Tongues j but however, this is agreed on by all the judicious Per- fons, that our Arguments are un- anfwerable. I mould have told you, that there is one (not a Prieft) who pretends to anfwer it not all at once, but piece by piece ; viz. to Day one, to Morrow another ; but his Character is already fo blackned Formofan. I fuppofe by fome of your Party on purpofe to render him odious, and fo hinder People from reading his Papers. But pray what are thefe Arguments of yours, that you fay all judicious Perfons own to be unanfwerable, how do you know but if they appear fo to me I '11 be one of your Profelytes ? Japonefe. My Arguments ! You miftake me, Sir, I do not give them you as my own, neither would I have you to think that I am of their Mind, for they go upon one Ground and I upon another : Befldes, I don't carry the thing fo far by half as they do, I do aflure you ; but how- ever you (hall hear what they fay. Firft fays one, If the Writings 109 of Amida^ Xakha, Cambadoxi, and other Law-givers do give the leaft Authority to the Priefts over the People, then we may fafely fay, they are of their own inventing ; or elfe thefe Law-givers in the ftead of being encouraged and admired while alive, and deified and worfhipped after their Deaths, deferved rather to be puniflied and made to fuffer the moft ignominious Deaths that ever Slave was put to, as being Ufurpers of that Power lodg'd in every Man. Formofan. What Power do they mean ? Japonefe. Why, Sir, you muft know they '11 have it to be, that neither Kings, nor God himfelf has any Power over Men, but what they have receiv'd from them. Now what do you (ay to this ? Formofan. So then God's Dominion and Power over us is as much denied as that of the Priefts ; Is it not what I told you from the firft, that we could not refufe our Sub- miffion to the latter, without turn- ing Rebels to the former ? How- ever, I did not much wonder at People rebelling againft the Priefts. But that Men fhould attack God's Authority fo pub- lickly, is fomething amazing to me. For I never thought that Men in their Senfes would go to deny that as they had to their Coft fo often felt ; I mean the Judge- ments he has fent to Men for their no Psalmanazar's Sins. The Chinefes tell us of an univerfal Flood : We can pro- duce fome fuch Punifhments in our Hiftory ; and as for yours, it is brimful of 'em. Now this is a certain Sign of God's Power over us, therefore either we muft fay, that it was evilly gotten, namely, by Ufurpation ; or elfe we muft fubmit to it. Besides, Reafon as well as the Writings of the Law-givers tells us indeed, that God did give us Being, but not that he did give us any Power over it, and much lefs that we gave it back again j and if we have not this Power in us, how can we pretend to give it to Kings, or any Body elfe ? No Body can give what he has not himfelf. But farther, granting that Reafon goes very near to tell us, that we have a power over our felves ; yet if the Writings of our Prophets, whom we have all the Reafons in the World to believe were fent from God, do affure us of the contrary ; ought not our Reafon to give place to them ? Befides, that fame Reafon that tells me I have that Power, tells me alfo, that he who gave me Being, gave me that Power over it ; and if fo he can take it from us when ever he pleafes : So that which way foever we look, we'll find God's Power and Authority to be over all his Works. One thing I wonder mightily at, is, that neither the Emperor, nor the High Priefts fhould hinder fuch Doctrines from taking Ground : For, if People are once perfwaded that the Power of Kings and Priefts is derived from the People, nothing can hinder them from withdrawing it when ever they fee Occafion ; fo that neither of 'em can be fafe on their Thrones. Then as to the Argument, viz. that if the Writings of Amida^ &c. does give any Power to the Priefts, then it is of their own inventing, is to me not only a very bold, but alfo a moft fenfles lefs AfTertion. For how is it poffible, that fuch a Nation as yours fhould have all thefe Stories impofed upon you by a few Priefts ; nay, not only yours, but alfo other neighbouring Na- tions, fuch as China, Tartary, &c., in a Time when Learning feemed to flourifh in every one of 'em, erected, and made other Countries ere6t Statues to thefe pretended Gods j fuppofe their Writings, which, as it might be made appear the Chinefes themfelves copied while the Authors of them were alive, all thefe and feveral other Circum- ftances make it a Demonftration to me, that it was not in the Power of the Priefts to put fuch notorious Cheats upon fo many Nations together. Neither can it be faid, that the Priefts did alter thefe Writings ; for as I told you before, fo many other People having had Copies of 'em ever fmce ; and fmce they do all agree, it is unreafonable to think that ever they did fuffer the leaft Corruption. Befides, do but confider the various Sefts, that are and have been in "Japan ever fince the Departure of the Law-givers, which Se6h are in continual Dif- Dialogue in putes one with another about fome Points of Religion. Thefe Difputes do not arife from any Difference of the Copies, but from the Darknefs of the Writings. Now had any one of the Sefts gone to make any Alteration to ferve their Turn, the others would have immediately expofed them, or done the fame themfelves, neither of which can be proved. There- fore it muft be owned that thefe Writings are the fame that Amida^ Xakba, &c., wrote themfelves. And fince it does appear by all the Circumftances that accom- panied their Lives, as well during, as before and after it, that they were Men fent from the Great GOD to give Laws, and to efta- blifh his Worfhip j And fince, as I have proved, GOD has a Power over his Creatures, if thefe Pro- phets did claim any to themfelves, we ought to think that they had it from GOD, and that whomsoever they did communicate it to, might juftly, nay, were bound to exercife it in their feveral Stations. Which leads me to the reft of the Argu- ment, namely, that if Amida, &c., are the true Authors of thefe Writings, they deferved to be put to Death for pretending to any Authority, or to give it to others ; which is indeed a very fevere and unjuft Sentence ; For thefe that were fent from GOD muft furely know better to whom that Power belonged, and confequently could lay the furer Foundations ; and yet we fee that they were fo far from pretending to any Authority, in Matters of Civil Government, that they renounced it as contrary to their Profeffion ; nay, they enjoin'd all their Followers to obey thofe that were put in Authority over 'em j and fettled the King s Rights upon the beft and fureft Foundations that ever were, viz. on God's Authority and Com- mands, his Rewards and Punifh- ments. Now therefore, fince all the Authority they claim, is only concerning Spiritual Matters, can any body be fo unjuft as to think them guilty of Death ? Or fb incredulous as to refufe them their Obedience, and {hut their Eyes to the great Proofs they bring of their juft Right to fuch Authority ? Japonefe. But, Sir, hear what another Learned Author fays to this, 1 There being fuch great Reafons for refpe&ing and reverencing thofe Men who are fent from GOD ; this might very well have pufhed on fome proud, ambitious Fellows to pretend to fuch Miffion : But however (con- tinueth he) if thefe Men do claim to themfelves any Power over Men, we may juftly and lawfully fufpeft them.' Formofan. What I have faid to the laft Argument will in fome Meafure anfwer this ; however, I '11 add this, that as it is not thefe Men's bare Saying they are fent from God, that ought to make us believe them fo ; neither can fuch a filly Exception as that of their pretending to fome Authority, be 112 Psalmanazar's a fufficient Pretence for our re- jecting of 'em. Every Man that pretends to be fent from GOD, muft do fomething to confirm his Miffion : Wherefore we fee that all of 'em have wrought fome kind of Miracles, then is it left to us to judge whether thefe Miracles were real and true ones, fuch as none but GOD, or them whom his Hand was with could work, or whether they were meer juggling Tricks. Now, that there have been fome of the latter Stamp, every where muft be owned, be- caufe they have been difcovered ; and fome received their Punifh- ment in this World. But however, this can never be an Argument againft the former. What Miracles Amida, Cambadoxy, &c. have wrought, is fufficiently known to the World, and by every impartial Man own'd to be above every Power but GOD'S. It will be alfo granted, that God will never help Men in fo particular a manner, to deceive People, and confirm an Impofture ; it will therefore follow, that thefe Prophets challenging a Power in Ecclefiaftical Matters, can be no fufficient Bulwark againft thofe ftrong Proofs given us by God himfelf in behalf of them. How ridiculous then would it look in me, becaufe I believe without any (or to fpeak more properly) againft all Reafon, that I am my own King, and that no Body has Power over me, but him whom I give it to, how foolifh, I fay, would it be in me to go to deny fuch ftrong Evidence ! Be- caufe, forfooth, it contradicts that Notion of mine, and demands that Submiffion of me, which I thought I did owe no Body but whom I pleafed to give it freely. Now farther, I would afk you whether you know of any Law- giver that did not pretend to this Authority, I don't believe you can produce one : So then we muft at that Rate throw away all manner of Revelation, and go to the Play of Blind-man* s-bujf, or rather to the Children's Play of Hide and Seek, we muft fhut our Eyes to this Light we have, and let our fhallow Brains go and look for another. Now what can fuch a fliort-leg'd Jade as Reafon ridden and led by Intereft, Self-love, and many other fuch Blind and Sinifter Rulers, find, but a Religion fuitable to every one of them, and confe- quently as far from God as he is from them. You fee therefore, that while we endeavour to fet Reafon free, as we think, we rather make her the more a Slave, and in the ftead of one Mafter, viz. GOD, we find her Forty ; fuch as Pride, Ambition, Intereft, Self-love, and Four and Thirty more of the like nature. To conclude therefore, fince we find by woeful Experience, i. how fhort-fighted and weak our Reafon is, and how unable of it felf of finding the right Worfhip of God ; and fecondly, that God in Compaffion to this our Infirmity, did infpire fome Men to come and teach it j and has confirm'd their Doctrine with fo many Signs and Wonders, fuch as do not leave us the leaft Occafion to doubt of it's Dialogue coming from him ; it will follow, that thefe infpired Men, as well as their Succeflbrs, not only might juftly, but alfo were and are in Duty bound to exercife this Au- thority which God gave 'em in their feveral Stations, and all the reft are of Confequence obliged to obey. Japonefe. But now, Sir, my laft quoted Author will tell you, that the Door-keeper of the Temple has as much Right to pray, preach, and offer facrifices to God as the beft Prieft of 'em all : Therefore they mould in the ftead of boafting of their Authority, own themfelves no better than Servants hired and payed by the People : For doing of thefe things that belong to God's Worfhip, and fo, any body that will may as well be a Prieft in his own Family, and perform all the Divine Rites there, as well as the Prieft at Church. Formofan. If the foregoing Arguments had been (as you faid, all ingenious Perfons own] unanfwerable, then this would have followed of Courfe. But as we have ftated this Power, viz. upon the inconteftable Power of the Law-giver, which was immediately and undoubtedly de- rived from God ; their Author had as good tell me, that I have as much Right to go and fit in the Emperor's Privy-Council, or to lead his Army, as thofe whom he has chofen to it. However, not to take too much upon me, in pretending to know Religion "3 better than your felf: You may fatifHe your felf this way, if by the Writings of the Law-givers, and other Authentick Hiftories, it do not appear that Amida^ Xakha^ &c., chofe themfelves Succeflbrs from among their Difciples, whom, and whom alone they communi- cated this Power to. But on the contrary, if it does appear, that they gave Power to every one, and that they accordingly made ufe of it, then your Hypothefis ftands firm enough ; then the Door-keeper's Cook-maid can claim as much Right as the Prieft : but if I miftake not, both the Prophet's Writings, and the Hiftory of thofe Times tell us quite different things : In the Firft we read, that they chofe fome Men, whom in a particular manner they infefted with that Power of Preaching, and performing the Ceremonies of Divine Worfllip ; and that thefe Chofen Men did do the fame to others as the Doctrine did propa- gate. In the Second we have no mention of any particular Con- gregation, which was not with a Prieft, not chofen as a Servant , but ordained by other Priefts in a higher Degree, which has con- tinued from that time till this. Now if you can from what has been faid, hnd out your Author to be in the right, you had as good be of his Mind ftill ; but if the contrary, then I would advife you to put up that Pride of yours, and return to your primitive State, and confider that thefe Priefts are as Ambafladors from God j and confequently ought to keep up Psalmanazar's their Dignity and Authority with- out bating one jot of it, confider- ing whom they reprefent : And if fome Envoys have been feverely puniflied by their Sovreigns, for doing of Things unworthy the Perfons they reprefented ; much more ought thefe Vicegerents of God to fear left by their too much facility, they make the People defpife them. RefpecT: we cannot mew 'em too much ; but we can, and, I am afraid, generally do mew 'em too little. However, this may always be faid for us, that 'tis no Affront either to our Reafon or our Manhood, to reverence and obey the Priefts under the notion of Legates of the Almighty ; becaufe then all our Submiffion is directly paid to him, whofe Power and Authority over us, none but Fools and Madmen can call in queftion. But, Sir, however I am glad to hear of what you told me, viz. that thefe were none of your Arguments ; and I wifh they may not be your Principles neither : But however, tho' you tell me you don't carry the Thing fo far as thefe Authors ; yet you feem to have but a mean Opinion of the Priefts, or rather do intirely rebel againft their Authority : Where- fore I mould be glad to hear of your Complaints againft 'em ; for I have more reafon to care for you than for thofe Gentlemen who have drawn you away. Japonefe. To be plain with you, Sir, what thefe Gentlemen and I were alledging againft the Priefts, was their impofing upon Men's Reafons things quite contrary to it under the notions of Myfteries ; which they muft be either Fools for believing, or Kn s for making others believe. And this was the Thing that I told my quondam Friend that time we fell out j whereupon he was fo exafperated at what I faid to him, that he went away, and never came to me again ; and I to be fure was not fuch a Fool to go after him. Now therefore the Grounds I go upon are thefe ; the Priefts cannot ftretch their Authority beyond the fet Bounds of it, without turning Ufurpers, Tyrants, Deceivers, &c. Now when they are once liable to all thefe Denominations, they do no more anfwer the Intention of him that ordained 'em ; and there- fore we may fafely deny them that Submiffion which they might have challenged, had they kept within their Compafs. Now that they do deferve the aforefaid Ap- pellations, does fufficiently appear by the Abfurdities they crowd in their Creeds ; and oblige every one under pain of Damnation moft firmly to believe : Therefore, I hope, you won't condemn me for taking my leave of them. Formofan. Before we call 'em all thefe odious Names, we ought to con- fider 2 Things ; Firft, whether the Writings on which our Faith is grounded, be true or not : If they be true, whether they oblige us to believe thefe Myfteries under pain of Damnation ? For if they Dialogue do, then the Priefts affirm no more than the Scriptures do. Now as for the Truth of thefe Writings, I believe we have fufficiently fettled ; neither do you feem to deny that Point. And as for their affirming fuch Doctrines, any body may be fatiffied that reads them. Japonefe. What then, if thefe Writings do tell me Contradictions, and Things that (hock my Reafon, I muft believe them, muft I ? Formofan. But, Sir, do but fee how your great Zeal againft Contradictions, leads you into a notorious one. You own thefe Writings to be of Authority, and at the fame time fay, if they teach me Contradictions ? Which is as plain a one as can be. Japonefe. Well then, to fpeak plainer, my Opinion is, that God cannot oblige us to believe Things contrary to Reafon : If therefore there is any thing of that nature in thefe Writ- ings, I '11 very fairly reject it. Formofan. You muft be very fure how- ever, that thefe Things propofed do imply that Contradiction before you reject them ; for there is no doubt, but if you find fault with one part of the Writings, you do quite overthrow the Credit and Authority of the reft. Japonefe. I beg your Pardon for that, I 115 may reject one part of them, and yet believe the other, as faft as you do your whole Creed : For I don't think the whole Mafs of Writings to be of that fame Authority. Some there be that are undoubtedly and unqueftion- ably true, and of Divine Infpira- tion ; others that may be reckoned Apocriphas, tho' the Priefts would make them pafs for Canonical ; and there be others, which are apparently falfe, which might per- haps have been very true and Authentick when firft written ; but afterwards, either by the Care- lefnefs of the Tranfcribers, or the Malice of the Keepers, have been fo corrupted, that at prefent we may lawfully reject them as falfe. Formofan. As to the firft, I can't fay much ; there may be Miftakes committed by the Tranfcribers ; yet I fhould think there is yet enough left of the Writings in which all Copies do agree to prove thefe Doctrines ; but as for the latter, viz. of their being corrupted by the Keepers, fo as to render them liable to Suf- picion, I thought I had proved un- feafible. But yet, grant all this, what Krlterion will you make ufe of to know which is which ? That feems to me a very difficult matter ; and if you can furnifh me with any Rules for the diftinguiming the one from the other, eris mihl magnus Apollo. Japonefe. Well then, to {hew you I am not unprovided with that neither, n6 Psalmanazar's I'll give you Three Rules, which indeed, are not the Product of my Brain ; for I had 'em from one of our Party, who wrote fometime ago a Book concerning Infpiration. The whole would be worth your Reading ; and if you did, I don't believe you would go away with your Bigotry, but to the Rules. The Firft is, that Amida being the greateft Law-giver, the greateft Demi-god, and all the reft being only Witnefles, as 'twere to him, we are obliged to believe no more than Amida $ own Writings, and that with this Second Rule, that we ought to believe no more even of Amida, but what we find all the Copies to agree in ; and whatever we find in one of the Copies which is not, or is otherwife in another, that we may fafely rejecl:. The Third Rule is, that when we have fummon'd up all that the Copies do agree in, I mean of Amida's only ; we are bound to believe no more of that neither than we find agreeable to our Reafon. Now thefe be the Three Rules Formofan. And very good ones too, I pro- teft : But, Sir, do you not per- ceive what a Credulous Man you are grown, when even you intend to be the Reverfe ? you will not believe what God has revealed, becaufe it feems to you againft your Reafon ? But you can take thefe Rules, nay, I am confident a greater part of your Gentlemen, as well as your felf, can believe Things upon the Authority of another Man. Now, what would you think if a Man mould overthrow thefe your Rules you depend fo much on ? Japonefe. I mould think he has at once undone what another has been a long while a hamering, but that I think impoffible. Formofan. However, 'tis worth aiming at ; and to begin, your Author fays that Amida being the greateft God, and the reft only Witnefles to him j you '11 believe the former, but not the latter ; that 's a Con- tradiction : For Firft, before you can believe in Amida, you muft be fure that thofe that witnefled of him are true Prophets, and do not lie : And then how can you un- believe that again. Secondly, these Witnefles did prove the Truth of their Tefti- mony by Signs and Miracles, as well as Amida, and confequently their Authority muft be equal, as being both confirmed by God j for a Thing, let it be ever fo true, can amount to no more than a Truth : I '11 allow you therefore that Amida is a greater Hero in Dignity, but not in Credit than the reft. Thirdly, you know very well that Amida refers the Authority of his Miffion to the Prophets that were before him, and bore witnefs of him ; fo that if any of the Two may be queftioned, it mould be the former. Befides, we fee that Amida fpeaks with all the Refpect in the World of thefe Law-givers, Dialogue commends them, and in fliort, bears as much witnefs of them as they did of him : Now that a Man may be miftaken in another Man, may be well faid ; but that a Prophet infpired by God mould give a good Character to an Im- poftor, is abfurd ; therefore the Authority of both, depending fo much upon one another, we cannot pull out one of the Pillars without bringing the whole Houfe upon our Heads. As to your Second Rule, viz. that you 11 have all the Copies agree in one Article before you believe it, I'll tell you what the Confequence of it will be ; you muft firft take the Trouble to romage all the extant Copies, compare them very exactly, which by the way is no eafy tafk, before you can fettle your Religion ; which, when done, may be in a little time altogether deftroyed : For it is but bribing fome Book- fellers or Tranfcribers to make a new Copy, contradicting one of your fettled Articles ; then off muft it go out of the Book, till at laft by throwing out one Article after another, you proceed Reli- gionlefs. And your Third Rule, viz. of believing nothing but what is agreeable to your Reafon, is as comical a one as ever was invented : For firft, if it is a true one, and may be depended on, what need is there for the Two foregoing ones ? If you '11 believe nothing but what appears to you reafonable, you need not trouble your felf who it is that writ thefe Things, nor "7 whether the Copies do agree in : For let the Author be who he will, let the Copies contradict one another ever fo much, what is agreeable to Reafon, will be fo ftill for all that, and confequently will challenge our Belief. 2dly, this is afmuch as if you fhould fay, I '11 believe no more of thefe Law-givers than I will of any other Man, nay, leis : For when to my knowledge, you have been told by feveral Men, that in very cold Countries they had feen the Water grow fo hard, that a Cart went over it : You have believ'd it upon the Honefty of thefe Relators ; tho' I don't know how you '11 make this and Reafon agree. If fo, what need have you to talk fo much of Infpiration, Divine Authority, &c. fince it appears by this Rule that Amida^ Xakha, and whofoever do pretend to any, may e'en go whittle with it : aflbon, if not rather believe any honeft Men, as you will them with all their Divine Infpiration. You had as good therefore coin your Three Rules into this one, viz. That we are not obliged to make a Diftinftion between a Man fent from GW, and an hone/I Learned Man^ that fpeaks of his own Head ; but believe as much of either as our Reafon will admit. What neceffity was there then for God's working fo many and great Miracles, to confirm the Doctrine he revealed unto us, if after all, it is left to every body to ferve it as People do a Market, chufe what beft pleafes their n8 Psalmanazar's Palate, and leave the reft for lefe nice Cuftomers ; we might all have done that without the help of one fmgle Miracle. Farther, if God defigned to reveal nothing to us but what was agreeable to our Reafon, then that very Revelation was needlefs ; for our Reafon could have found it out of it felf: But however, let that pafs as a Suppofition, becaufe it is not much to the prefent purpofe whether it may be true or no j this will however follow, that without the Help of any Super- natural Conviction, we might have given our AfTent to fuch reafonable Proportions. My Opinion therefore is, that thefe Law-givers were to declare to us fomething above Reafon ; for which the Power of Working Miracles was given them, that they might challenge our Belief to a Thing which Reafon doth not comprehend j which when de- clar'd unto us, we muft not expect to underftand better than before ; they will be above our Reach ftill, as the men who told you of the Water growing hard in cold Countries j they gained indeed your A/Tent as to the matter of Fact ; but as to the manner how, they left you as ignorant as they found you. Befides, you muft own that the Name of Myftery is ufed in the Writings of the Law-givers ; under what Notion muft we underftand it ? Can we fay, that what they call great and high Myfteries, are only Things agreeable to Reafon, but only more Sublime than the common Truths ? Still does not this anfwer the Notion of Myftery. Let us therefore conclude, that when the Priefts do teach us any thing that is above our Reafon, under the Notion of Myfteries, they do no more than the Law- givers themfelves have done : And if thefe Doctrines were Myfteries to them that had, befides Divine Infpiration, a great many other Advantages we want, well may they be fo unto us, and well may we be thought very prefumptious to reject them, becaufe our mallow Reafon can't reach them. Let me therefore make bold to give you the following Advice. Firft, always to diftinguifh thofe things that are above Reafon, from thofe that are againft it. We call that Thing againft Reafon, that contradicts our former Ideas, framed on a due confideration, or on felf-evident Principles ; as for Instance, to fay that fire is cold, is againft Reafon ; becaufe we have upon good grounds conceived the Idea of Fire, as of a hot Thing. But when we come to fpeak of God, and of his Nature, there is nothing can properly be faid to contradict our Idea, becaufe we never did frame one that we could fay was to be depended upon. Now if we are to fet fo great Value upon thofe ideas our Reafon has framed, how come Men all generally to agree in the Worfhip of God, which is certainly againft thofe Ideas we had or ought to have framed of him. The Worlhip of God confifts in praifing of him, in praying to him for what we Dialogue ftand in need of, and in giving Thanks for what we have received. The Idea we have of a God, is of a Being infinitely Good, Merciful, Juft, &c. We reckon up all the Excellencies that we find in Men, and attribute them to God in an infinite manner. When then we praife God, and tell of his Attri- butes, may not that fhock his Modefty as praifing a Man before his Face. To pray to him for any Bleffings, contradicts the Ideas we have of his Goodnefs and Liberality. He is no generous Perfon, that knows another to be in Neceffity, and will not relieve him till he afks for it : And fo to give Thanks to a generous Spirit for any Favour, is a kind of an Affront to them, like praifing of 'em ; and much more to God, if we follow our Ideas before fram'd. I wonder therefore, that it never came into your Heads to abolifh the Worfhip of God, as contrary to Reafon, and then you'll have a very lazy Religion, and a good Time on't. Nay, what do you think to be- lieve that God is a Spirit, is not that quite contradicting all the Ideas we had framed ? And that fame may alfo be faid of believing God to be Infinite, Eternal &c. For our Underftanding is too little to receive any Ideas, but what are limited to Time, Place, &c. and Infinity, Eternity, being infinitely too large to squeeze into fuch narrow compafs, are forced to lie without Doors. Farther, afk that Reafon of yours that will believe nothing that contradicts it, how me comes to believe God's Effence "9 and his Attributes, to be the fame without compofition ; for it is cer- tain, it will always apprehend his Wifdom and Power as diftinft, his "Jii/lice and Mercy as oppofite. How can we believe God to be intire in all Places, and yet not circumfcribed to any ; that he penetrates all Subftance, and is mixed with none ; that he under- ftands without the Reception of any Idea ; that he loves without Paflion, is angry without Diftur- bance, repents without Change, and fo many other Perfections that are effential to his Godhead ; afk your Reafon, I fay, whether it does fully underftand them, and it will anfwer negatively ; why then do you believe 'em. It is evident therefore, that it was left even- to Reafon to clip Religion, till it thought it enough, it would not ceafe, till it had made it im- perceptible to the niceft Eye. Secondly, before we can pofi- tively affirm, that a Propofition implies a Contradiction, we muft be fure, that the contradictory Idea we had fram'd before, is well grounded. For inftance, before we can fay, that 'tis a Contra- diction to affirm that the Sun is cold or dark, we muft be fure that he is both hot and light. But when we come to fpeak of Things above Reafon's reach, we cannot fay that the doctrine of Amida concerning God, contradicts our Reafon, becaufe we can never be fo confident of our former Notion of his Being ; but we may reject them upon better Authority, with- out offering any Affront to our 120 Psalmanazar's Reafon : Therefore, tho' we might very well think our No- tions extraordinary good and firm at firft, i.e. before the Revelation ; yet when God's Authority comes and tells us the contrary, I think Reafon her felf will think it moft reafonable to give place. Thirdly, how do you know but one time or other, if not here, at leaft in the next World, our Underftandings will be opened fo, that (tho' at prefent they cannot fo much as fee the poflibility of thefe Arcana] yet, then they (hall fee all thefe plainly, even fo far as to be afhamed of our Dulnefs, while on this fide the Grave ; and yet this is the Promife of one of the Dif- ciples of Amida. What a heavy Rout would not a raw, untaught, Country Plow- man make, if you fliould go to perfwade him that the World turneth round as Meat round the Spit ! How many objections would he make, which tho' to you would appear very filly and im- pertinent, yet to him would feem very wife and fubftantial ones : Now how do you know, but whilft you are crying out Abfur- dity ! Abfurdity ! thofe blefled Men who for ought we know are already admitted to the Sight of all thofe Things we fee here but thro' a Glafs, darkly, would laugh, or at leaft, which would be more agreeable to their State, pity us for our Blindnefs ; but much more for our Incredulity, if they were to behold our wife Proceed- ings here ! How many Things are there which have appeared contrary to Reafon, impoflible, &c. which either by a more mature Con- fideration, or by experience, have been made as clear as the Sun ! And if we may be allow'd to com- pare mean little Things to great ones, I'll tell you a Story, not foreign to our purpofe. A Gentle- man in Europe, having a mind to make himfelf merry with fome of his Fellow-Mathematicians, came one Day to 'em with a chearful Countenance, and told them, He had found the way to make an Egg ftand on end on a Table, without any other Support at all ; upon which they all flood amaz'd ; and after having debated the Matter ferioufly, they voted it Nemime Contradicente impoflible, and thought he was in jeft ; wherefore to fliew he was in earned, took the Egg, and broke one end flat, and fo fet it to ftand upon the Table. Japonefe. Ha, ha, ha, ha ! Formofan. When they faw the Thing done, the next Word one fpoke, was, I could have done it. Blefs me ! cries another, that I mould not have thought on't. You fee, by this, a Thing which appeared im- poflible to a whole Company of truly learned Men, which when {hewn, nothing feems eafier ; I need not make any Application. A certain Gentleman of your Party wrote a Book in vindication of your Opinion, and concludes Dialogue 12,1 with thefe Words, That he refers his farther Convi&ion till the next World. I would not advife you to do the fame, it will not be time then. And I had as good fancy firft, that a Man may be faved without Holinefs, and fo wallow in Sin all his Life-time, and refer his farther Conviction, and if need be his Converfion till the Day of Judgment ; I think their Cafe would not be much unlike, unlefs it be that the firft might have more Right to plead Igno- than the latter : You fee I have been obliged to ftand up for your Reli- gion, as much as if it had my own, and that becaufe we in our Religion have our Myfteries as well as you in yours ; and are bound to obey, refpe& and reverence our Priefts as well as you yours. But what was you going to fay, for I have done ? Japonefe. But now, Sir Here at laft we are come to that fatal Minute, in which I was unfortunately call'd away without flaying to fee the Conclufion ; and therefore I muft here leave off en- treating the kind Reader not to cenfure me for making the Ja- panner begin a Speech, and not end it ; as if I mould go by the common Proverb, which fays, that Parifh- Clerks, Women and Fools will always fpeak the laft Word j which was very far from my Thoughts ; but intending from the beginning to be as juft in this Relation as I could, I thought it would be took as an Argument of my great Sincerity, not to omit even Three fuch infignificant Words as, 'But now. Sir. 12,2, Favorlang HAPPART'S FAVORLANG VOCABULARY a, and ; as chau a to, fire and water 5 boesum a ta, heaven and earth. a-a, a twig, a branch ; as a ook, a twig of a bamboo ; a-o baron, a branch of a tree. a-apach-an, a step; fr. ummapag; syn. tataisan. a-arras, a step, a pace ; fr. ummarras. a-arrit, the tress of a woman's hair. a-auton, a measure or instrument to measure with, as salt ; fr. moet. abak, a small boat or sampan. abas, the sea. a-bauch, a bowl. abi, pinang or betel-nut. abissas, things ready for travelling ; to make ready. abo, ashes or cinders ; lime. ach, rust ; ach o dippa, the rust of iron ; ach o barrieg, the rust of copper ; ach, and inach, ino-ach-en, injured by rust. achachab, five and five, by fives. achau-an, a fireplace ; the hearth. achi, semen. acMeb, or bog, the body. acho, not yet ; acho man o micham, I have not yet eaten or drunken ; acho aban ja ina, rummies mamaba, I do not yet know it, by and by I shall know it ; also written ached and achlpa. achoa, or change, enough. ada, a part or share ; fr. mada, to divide. a-daeh, a peg, as that on which arms are hung ; a-dach o balasau, a hanger ; fr. ummadag ; also written a-adag. adach, a coral chain ; it may be of poor materials, but much prized by the natives. adam, a certain small bird, less than a spar- row ; variegated, with a long tail ; from whose cry future good or bad fortune may be pre- sumed ; if it cries out twice, or four times, it betokens misfortune ; but if once, or thrice, or five times, then good success ; if anything above this, it intimates a still greater blessing, accord- ing to the number of cries. adaudon, the roof of a house. adda, paddy or rice ; used for that production in its various stages; numatojorien, as it just shoots forth ; minochargaro, as it puts forth a broad leaf; tummaabbi-alallabach, as it has two leaflets on the side, and one on the top, a resemblance being supposed to the lallabach, a green leek ; madorka ja adda, as it is now, one and a half or two spans high ; gummasor tummabaron summatis, when it has attained its full length ; tummedinnis, when the ear begins to form; paikon ja adda, when the ear is perfect, and hangs bent down ; tummaberook ja adda, when the ear is half ripe ; machiech ja adda, when it is quite ripe, and nearly scorched. addabou, a calabash ; chachied, ditto ; tabo, a large calabash, wherewith to scoop up water. addad, a piece, an end ; addad o ariem, a piece of a lemon ; fr. paddat, to cut or break ; syn. words, kattach, bitil, borbor. addas, and addas o rima, the palm of the hand. a-een, a stink. A-enig, a word or speech uttered quietly, as if one were ashamed or abashed ; fr. ummenig. aga, or alam, all kinds of missile weapons, as spears, javelins, etc. ; fr. magga, to cast. aggan, a crab. agganak, seems to mean, it is done ; when any end is reached. ai, he, that, here, there; but nothing remote; syn. words, ai-i, ai-ies, ai-inies, ailo, ailo-ies, and ailemons. aiag, a cockroach. aicho, and aicho-ies, there, but not far off; aicho, aichoies, so-o aicho echies, yonder; pait o ta, so-o roman kallach, gannumma, there, beyond, yonder ; paita innai maro maicho and machoies, it is so, there it is; aicho-ech, beyond, outside, far out of sight. a-ilijt, the stalk or stem of coarse grass. aiodup o zysha, the setting of the sun. a-i-or, the following ; a-i-or natta, the next ; ajor narroa, etc., a-i-or a mato, next after the large one, that is, the smaller. airien, a creation, a formation ; fr. merien. airo, and esurro, to suppose, to imagine ; aissen is frequently used in different senses; when alone, it seems to intimate the doing away with anything, as when anything is burnt ; aissen o chau, it is burnt in the fire ; aissen o cho, some one has taken it away. Vocabulary 123 airo-ossen, a chair cushion. aisennas, small stars. aisaillak, nearly hit ; syn. chadsja pila. aito-ito, seven and seven, by sevens. ake, a word of excuse, when you unknow- ingly run against any one ; as, pray excuse me. akerauso, a form of complaint, when any- thing falls down. akobos, a hunting-net, placed in the fields to catch beasts ; fr. pakobos, to catch in a net. al-al, kindness ; fr. ma-allal, to be kind. ai.am, all kinds of projectile or missile weapons; fr. malam, to fight with missile weapons. aliod o barri, a whirlwind. alia, that, in order that. alia, show, finery, ornament; fr. malla, or palla, to set one's self off. alladoch, called in the south kalladoch, a sort of red beans, which the natives wear round their necks instead of coral beads ; they are very poisonous. alle, a mouth, a child ; a word used in calling children. allecho, or alleicho, added to a word betokens doing or suffering ; it also refers to the future ; summada alleicho na-amai, which is the same as summada na-a mamai, to-morrow I will come. allolo, or eeb, firewood ; marach o allolo, go and get some firewood. amaach, the filaments of roots. ami, a prohibitory expression ; as ami a mochan, bring no food ; ami a man a dat-ai, do not pick it ; fr. man, to eat. amis, or amisan, the north ; matamis-mi-ma, northward ; patamis, trans. ito go to the north. amo, a plum, a plum-tree ; also a peach or peach-tree ; amo o ranna, cherry, or a cherry- tree. amorra, the liver. amorr' o rlma, the muscle of the hand. anbini, see anibini. ani, before this, ago ; ani rummies, in former days ; ani zc/iieta a rummies, ten days ago ; ani naspaat a idas, four months ago ; ani tannacho a baas, nine years ago ; animunma and ani- banno, when did it happen ? ani marpesa, yesterday, or last evening ; ani naassa, a little while ago ; anissima, this morning early ; annach, certainly, verily; ansia, yesterday; ansiutta, the day before yesterday ; ani bi-ini, and anbini, last night ; ani baas, or ani mossa, last year ; ani milip, a long time ago ; ani aicho, a very long time since. anibanno, see aninumma. anibini, or anbini, last night. ani-eicho, see ani-milip. auimarara, it was to-day ; in the evening. animarpesa, yesterday evening. animilip, or ani-eicho, a long time ago. aninaassa, just now, not long ago. aninumma, or ani-banno, when was it ? anissima, this morning, early. anitinnaam, first, or before. anizummies, former days. annach, truly, certainly. annomannoma, or assanniana, set forward. ano, pickle. ansha, yesterday ; anshada somma, yesterday morning. anshutta, day before yesterday. a-omo, a lady's fillet for the hair. a-onosoa, salt and water, with which the natives wash their wounds; compounded of ao (see ano), pickle, and soa, a wound. a-orran, maorran, ino-a-orran, fuddled with drinking, sick ; people also say, madich a marab a-orran ja ina, sick with drinking, fuddled am I. a-ot, or autan, a measure, an ell ; fr. moet. apillo, a finger; sini apillo, the thumb; gakotul o rima o sasoot, the forefinger; babat apillo, the middle finger ; aior shiem apillo, the last finger; shiem apillo dautatsilien, the little finger ; apillono asiel, a toe. aran, an adopted child, a servant brought up in the house, but who works for his food; as aran o cho, one who serves for board and lodging. arapoch, a sack or wallet, in which the natives put their food and clothing, for carrying on their backs while travelling. araraatta, level plain country. arararaan a idas, or modarandan ya idas, full moon ; fr. parara, to enlighten. ararroa, two and two; ararroa don natta cho tumkach, from every second house is some one gone out to hunt. aras, grass. arassa, a kind of breeches made of the bark of a tree. arat, tow, lint, a rope, a cord (lighted for matchlock ; hence a match). arauto, a tub or barrel. aribaribat, all sorts of hunting implements ; as bows, arrows, fish-nets, etc. ; fr. maribaribat, to hunt, or to go a-fishing. ariem, all kinds of lemons and citrons ; baron o ariem, the tree of the same ; ariemmato, a pumelo. 12,4 Favorlang aris, towards ; bajan mataris, to go to the east ; bajan pataris, gone towards, i.e. trans. arodo, a trevet. arorroan, or arorroayan, a place of assembly ; ta (or don) o arorro-aijan, the plain or house where people hold meetings, the palaver house or ground. arrabis, the breast. arrar, a fence, a garden ; fr. parar, to fence round. arrasta, a clod of earth. arribil, or ballag, household furniture, all kinds of implements, clothing, and ornaments. arribodan, fr. inarribodan, or inoarribodan, to cast the skin, to moult ; root, paribod. arriborribon, the neck, and the back part of the head ; chauch o arriborribon, the hollow part of the neck. arri-eddan, an inmate, a household ; cho don takalla, a household or family ; areddan takalla, ditto. arrina, great bamboos. arripas, a centipede ; arripas mahahasis and arripas gagil, these are rare kinds ; arri- pas morrun and arripas a bi--uog t these are commoner. arro, a native arm ring of iron or copper; also a certain instrument wherewith to pluck up grass ; callaba, the ring of round copper wire on the forepart of the arm ; tallatuis, the second ring underneath. arrobo, the rump of a man or beast ; taddo- gon being understood as the upper part of the body, without neck or head, including the ribs and breast, and whether there be flesh on or not ; botorro, the stump of a man's body when the head is taken off. arron, a roll, anything rolled up; arron o bido, a roll of writing ; arron o badsige, a sheet of paper rolled up ; fr. ummarron. arroro, a top, a whirligig, a branch. arros-os, fr. inimarros-f a-ar-naros-os, the noise of the sea; arros-os o abas, the sea roars ; root, parros-os. arrotsenach, a kind of shield. asa, wares, merchandise. asaboan, an instrument for carrying loads between two, as a bier ; asaboan o macha, the bier of a dead man ; fr. passabo, to carry be- ween two. asamma, a certain kind of bamboo. asanas, a threshing floor. asa-o-babo, a pig's stye. asas, laziness, idleness; fr. masas, lazy, slow. asaspat, four and four, by fours. asau-an, a barn-floor, where people beat seed out of the stock ; fr. masau, to thresh. asi, a sieve ; asi o riba, a shirt ; lit. the white rim round the neck of a coat. asian, a pole in the middle of a house; bandon, the two outer supports where the ridge pole rests. asiel, a leg, a thigh ; chauch o asiel, the hollow part under the foot ; asiel o zhisya, rays of the sun. asinok, a handkerchief; fr. passinok, to blow the nose. asjoddon, the sides of a house. aso, a nail of the finger. asoan, a large kind of bean, great trees ; ieran, small trees ; a-tsi-tsi, small peas. asopietpiet, a seam; fr.passopietpiet,to hem. asopir, a cast-net. asoso, a gift or present ; fr. passoso, given. assaban, a village. assal, a field rat, nearly like the mole. assanniana, or assanoman-a, or annoman- noma, to set forward. atap, a patch, anything used for stopping a hole or tear, whether sewn, darned, or woven in ; fr. pattap, to stop a hole or tear. atas, a picture or drawing, a letter; fr. pattas, to write. atasalan, or ataz-ajan, a table on which people eat ; a board or tray on which to put cups and saucers. ataschiet, ten and ten, by tens. atatta, either, one by one ; ararroa, two and two ; atattorroa, three and three ; asaspat, four and four ; achachab, five and five ; atattalap, six and six ; aito-ito, seven and seven ; maas- paaspat, eight and eight ; atattannacho y nine by nine ; atatschiet, ten by ten. atattalap, six by six, by sixes. atattannacho, nine by nine, by nines. atattorroa, three by three, by threes. atauso, a medicine. ataz-ajan, see atasajan. ataz-auman, same as ataz-ajan ; ataz-ajan, ditto. ataz-ayan, see above. atazyes, a scarecrow to frighten ; birds ; fr. pattazies, to make a scarecrow. ate, until ; as, ijo tatummaap ate o lallian, you must work till mid-day; ate poaja kalla- man ate cabat ; fill the pot half full. atil, instruction, a lesson ; fr. pattil, to learn ; atillaijas, school, church, etc. atillo, a command ; fr. patillo, to order. Vocabulary atim, or atum, caltrops. atippo, a sparrow-net, a firelock or musket ; fr. pattipo, to shoot. atite, a word, a speech, an oration to the people, a sermon ; fr. pattite, to speak openly to the people. atoasa, sets forth the special relation be- tween sister and brother ; thus, from this word, a brother is called not after his brother, but his sister; and a sister, not with reference to her sister, but her brother. atokar, a mast. a-tsi-tsi, small peas. atum, see atim. au, a sign by which one calls to another ; as, ho ! but it is generally placed after the name of the person called, as, Cabbau, or Cabba au, ho! Cabba. au a-tsi, fright, astonishment. aubo, a fish-basket, or basket for catching fish, like a net ; aubon, a hen-coop. auchad, cock's spurs. audik, a swelling, an enlargement; see ponno, a boil or swelling that comes of itself. aukat, joy, love ; fr. maukat, to love. aukor, a stopper of a tankard or jug; fr. pokkor, to put on a stopper. aurog, the kidneys. ausa, wax. ausean, a Chinese water jar, such as are seen in junks. ausoan, a way or course, leading anywhere ; as, dema au soan mosse Batadai? where are they going after Bat-a ? autan, see a-ot. autat, an opinion, a suspicion, a feeling ; fr. poetat, to suspect. auzzi, terror, amazement. azies-in, an enemy. azjies, strangers, who do not belong to our town or country; an enemy; fr. mazjies, enmity. aziman, a treasure ; fr. maziman, to lay up treasures. azobat, or a zo babat, half full. ba, a stool ; ba o asielen, a foot-stool. baak, unemployed, plain, private, vacant, useless, anything unserviceable. baan, the superficies of, anything both out- ward and inward ; baan o lellum, baan o babo, circumference on the inside, and the surface on the top. baas, a year. baat, a fruit, like the European pumpkin ; baat o baam (or bauri), a pumpkin; baat o gagil, a melon ; baat o pool, a water-melon. babaas, tidings, a message ; fr. paas, to bring tidings. baban, an earthen dam ; fr. pan and paban, a dam. babassoes, a kiss ; fr. pabassoes. babat, the middle, in the midst; babat a bi-ini, midnight ; babat a don, the inner floor of a house, the inner chamber ; babat a pillo, the middle finger ; babat o cho, a man of middling stature ; babat mato matsilo, moderately great or long. babechab, a nig or coverlet ; fr. pabec/iab, to cover any one with a rug. babennonno, a basin or gong. babiar, the shoulders, a shoulder of meat ; babiar o abi, a branch of a betel-nut tree. babidan, the place where men gird themselves. babido, writing instruments, as pen, pencil, etc. ; fr. pido, a writing. babied, a girdle round the loins ; fr. pied, the place of a girdle. babilla, an instrument wherewith to split anything ; fr. pido, to cleave. babiog-i, a certain tree, bearing blue flowers like the lilac ; alabos, aras, same, satik, the leaves are used for a wounded or sprained limb (0- babisi, standing grain, such as rice, millet, etc., before the seed is formed. babo, above, up high ; also the cry of all kinds of birds, the squeaking of mice, rats, or snakes ; erro as si babo bada i, sit on the stool ; tummal ponotazi pana babo, the kite flies up high; mampa babo, the cry of birds; mata- babo, mi, ma, above, up high ; pata-babo, trans. babo, or baboe, a pig. baboan, a great star ; baboan o tnarara, the morning star. baboar, honey ; also, the spittle or saliva that is used for making strong drink ; fr. poar, to prepare the saliva for making strong drink. babobo, a sieve ; asi, ditto. babodol a oog a zysya, about half past four. baboe, or babo, a pig. baboeliekh, a pig stye. baboessan; binaboessari into baboessan, the sleeping of the hands or feet ; baloessan o asiel, the hand sleeps ; fr. paboessan, not used. baborra, the foundation of a house. baborrajan, and baborran, a bamboo frame for drying fish or flesh; fr. porra, a drying place. 12,6 Favorlang baborrat, a bandage, that wherewith any- thing is bound ; fr. porrat, to bind. babosa, or cho, a man, people. babot, shoes ; babot o asiel, the feet ; fr. pabot, to put on shoes. babries, a loose knot, a snare ; babries o raro, a hat-band ; fr. pries, to tie. baburras, deliverance, redemption. bach-an, said of any one who has a bone in his throat; kabach-an ja ina, I have, etc. bachan, a load, also a pair; it is only used of such things as by nature or art are coupled together; nata bachan a babat acharrod, a pair of shoes or stockings. bachas, dryness, drought. bacliinan, the fever; also the verb pret. binachinan ; fut. ino bachinan. bachor, folly, contention ; bachorren, a simple- ton, a fool ; chubboen, ra-choen, and rausan, ditto. bachun o tairren, coral. badda, joined to sjoem, a child ; refers to all children of the male kind, whether of man or beast ; when used alone, it means a full-grown male among beasts ; and among men, a bache- lor ; badda is no longer used after marriage ; from this comes has a badda, a great boy; babat a badda, a half-grown young man. baddoa, or battan, or tuppo, persons born on the same day. bado, a wave, a billow, a gulf. bag, or bage, horns; fig. a buck, or deer; otherwise, o basan. bagchan, a burden, a couple. bagcho, a fruit like small cucumbers. bagchouo-adar, the muscles above the thick part of the leg. bagchouotea, the muscles under the armpits. bagga, the lungs. bagga o chau, or boat o chau, a burning coal. bai-lalian, about half past nine. bajan, the east. bajus, a storm ; fr. the verb pajus, to storm ; trans, pabajus. balat, a row of two, one beside the other ; fr. palat, to spread one's self out twice. ballag, or arribil, household furniture; all kinds of implements, clothing, and ornaments. ballasau, a hanger or chopper. ba-o a Idas, the new moon. bao, new, young. bar bar, the south wind. bardon, the outer props on which the ridge- pole rests ; all the props of a ridge, whether in the middle, or at the end. barieg, or baro, copper. barok a bok ori, the dewlap of a cow. baron, a bush, a stock, a tree, a wood ; baron iel-iel, a mulberry tree ; baron o bilpil, a plantain tree ; baron o roggo, a cocoa-nut tree ; baron o abi, an areca betel-nut tree ; baron o amo, a plum or peach tree ; baron o amo ranna, a cherry tree ; baron o ariem, a lemon or citron tree. baron o chaar, the shaft of a pen. barra-baraan, naked ; fr. pabarra-barra, to strip naked ; barrabarraas, naked. barranach, an iron pan. barras, or bior, the remainder, the overplus, superfluous ; ka barras o koste, ja merien, ka barras o natta cho saro baddo, there is very little left to do, there is only one more man needed (koste is here used for koezi, little) ; the word thus used is from me, and is the same with bior; barras is used when there is an overplus ; me refers to that which remains. barren, natural spots on the human body ; borrah, large spots ; also drinking spots on the clothes. barri, the wind ; bar-bar, the south wind ; bar-bayan, the east wind ; bar-tsipan, the west wind ; mas oan, the north wind ; bar-bay an a wannan, the south-east wind ; bar-tsipana ivannan, the south-west wind ; barri tabo-ol, the north-east wind ; bar-tsipan a amisau, the north-west wind ; fr. mabarri, to blow. barri-barren, fr. binarribar, ino-barri-barren, like barri-barra, the foolish tricks of simple people ; fr. parribar, not used. barritok, paper. barrl-ya-oetas, a shower. barro, a sheaf or bundle ; barrono aras, a bundle of grass ; fr. parra, a sheaf. barrobo, a field-rat ; kamossimos, a field- mouse ; kadzys, a mouse ; kadzies, ditto. bart, a fly ; taitai, turriturri, a firefly ; rieb, a mosquito, a gnat ; verb, mabart. basioen, mouldy. bassarro, an onion. batbat, a rope or binding of bamboo ; tat- kach, a binding for the hunt; choa, a small binding of rattan ; batbat tsiaas, a short ban- dage ; batbat tasso, a bandage one fathom long. bato, a stone. batono macha, the pupil of a fish's eye. batono chacnacn-oan, a grindstone. battan, see baddoa. batur, millet; the word is used regarding , millet in all its stages ; tummochar o bart, when Vocabulary 127 the millet just springs out of the ground 5 tummottarria ja batur, when it has two leaflets on the sides, and one straight up ; when it has three stalks, it is called natoeroa chaard ; addobo kolen, when the plant is a little larger ; it refers also to the growing of rice ; moeabbar ja batur, when the rice first shows itself; tummamacho-o tiretten, and tummacho-a mado, when the rice is half ripe ; machiech ja batur, when it is quite ripe and nearly burnt up. bau-o, to take the small-pox ; bau o bibo bauoa ; pass, bau o as, binau, fr. ino-bauoas, to have the small-pox. bayan, the east. bayns, a storm, a hurricane. baziap, all kinds of pot-herbs and greens, that do not grow on trees, but spring directly out of the earth ; baziap baan, mallows ; robar- roboulaloas, nearly like the mallow, with a prickly seed ; sishien o ranna, argentaria ; babinnik, wild marjoram ; sarolad, perhaps basil or balm ; babiar, bugle ; dirro, sage ; au--wyt, wormwood ; togea, marjoram ; tarra- ras, purslain ; tarraisan, wild chervil ; tallili, sorrel ; oe, mead ; baziep o poot, the mustard plant ; rasan, leaves of the violet ; tari-masoan, a lily; arosat and dalobe, sweet smelling plants ; daien a ta, bata, atomo, ditto ; rool o babo, thistles ; ool, hemp. baziegh, the skin of a beast ; also a shield to fight with ; otherwise, baziegh o malam, a warrior's shield. bazij, the hide or skin of a beast; bazij o malam, a shield. baz-o, devil's bread, toadstools. be-bies, a word by which a younger brother is spoken of with respect to his elder brother ; also a younger sister with respect to her elder sister ; inabies, the youngest child ; inababat, the middle child ; inamachen, the eldest child. beida, the milt of a pig. beries, a younger brother or sister. betoto, a dove. bia, the leaf of a tree or plant ; bionot, the two elevated leaves on the side of the rose ; biorool, the buttocks; challam, the leaf of a book ; challam baritok, a sheet of paper. bianot, the nostrils. biarool, the buttocks. bido, lampblack, ink, paper with ink on it, black paint ; generally all kinds of soot adher- ing to pots or chimneys ; fr. pido, to write. big, scurvy, scabby, scabbiness ; high or big- en, ditto ; bigh-en, scabby. bigeno, scum ; fr. pigeno, to foam. bi-ini, the night. bigkak, or bigkagh, a porkling, a young pig. billa, a cleft, a split, a break in anything hard ; fr. pilla, to cleave. billaak, the breadth of anything. billabe, a coral ; a soldier ; young fellows who have beaten the enemy are thus called. billang, split bamboos. billik, coarse cloth woven by the natives ; a handkerchief, a sail-cloth. billooog, a split bamboo ; pron. like billaak. biloag, or biloagh, a broad spear, a hog-spear, or halbert. bilpil, a plantain tree ; bo o bilpil, plantains ; o staibos, a small plantain with a red skin ; a sabba, a long plantain ; o a siel baba, another sort,- large and thick ; o ta oor, a small plan- tain with a thin skin. binnan, a deer, whether buck or doe ; masorro, a roe ; sinni o binnan, a hind ; bag o basan, a full-grown buck ; boo binnan, a deer one year old or thereabout ; chaddoa, a young deer with small horns ; masham, an old buck. bio, all kinds of juice or soup in which any food, whether fish or flesh, is cooked ; or, it may be, pickled, in order to preserve it. bioa, thunder ; poa bioa, it thunders. bioac, the same as barras, superfluous. bioes, the paunch ; tiles. bior, see barras. bisa, a dart or arrow; bisa o roddok, a common kind of dart ; bis o tallapiech, a large dart ; borro, a hard reed of which arrows are made. bitik, a word used when anything is pulled, cut, or broken in pieces, leading people to exclaim, it is all over ! see giech, to tear, and ossot, to plunder ; bossot, it is out ! also chos, cho-os, when it has been drawn out long, giech, used when anything is torn ; boch-ies, it is in pieces ! i.e. when anything falls in pieces ; bottok, it is advised ; gocJi, it is in ; bottok, it cracks. bitil, a long piece or end broken off or cut from the length of anything; it differs from borbor and kattach. bo, depth, deep, far from the bottom ; bo-o to, deep water. bo, kindness, compassion ; ellipa ja bo no cho zies, there is no kindness in that man's soul. boa, all kinds of seed and fruit of a tree or plant ; also the flesh of beasts and fishes ; also a person ; boa iel-iel, the mulberry ; boa roggo, the cocoa-nut ; boa amo, a plum or peach ; boa amo ranna, a cherry ; boa pilpil, a plantain ; 12,8 Favorlang boa abi, an areca nut ; boa arien, a lemon or citron ; boa idoan, grapes ; ba-o, the dregs of native liquor. boah, a word of mockery, the noise of a musket ; also of a shock or blow. bo-ai, a tankard ; also bagi and tapollagi. bo-ar, mud, a layer. bo-at o chau, live coal, bobor o che, a beetle. boch-ies, a word used when anything falls to pieces ; see bittik and gich, to fall to pieces. boch-o, a stink ; fr. mabocho, rotten, bodda, an abacus ; boddo, ditto ; the stick and other instruments by which the natives reckon ; fr. pado, an abacus. boeboe, forefathers; boebos, ancestors in general ; grandfather, grandmother, etc. boelassi, the bladder, boesini, a grandmother, boesjam, or boesyam, a grandfather, boesum, the heavens, heaven, boe-sing, or boe-tsina, a fan ; tatabbis, ditto, bog, or bog/i, the body ; the skin of a man or beast before it is stripped off; also the outer bark or shell of anything; bach o adda, the husk of paddy with the grain inside ; back o bilpil, the skin of a plantain ; bach o baron, the bark of a tree ; bog o macha, the eyelids ; bogh o lullach, the foreskin, the preputium. bokkebok, filled up ; ribokbok, a stuffed coat ; ballabal, wadding, as cotton, etc. bokkir, the throat. bokkob, anything stuffed ; as Japanese cloaks, or old Flemish breeches ; fr. this comes ribokbok, a stuffed coat. bokkol, a deformity of person whereby people go bent or double ; bokkollen, to go bent through infirmity ; mabokkollen mima, crooked ; pabok- kollen, to make crooked ; bokkollen, one who has such a deformity. bollabol, stuffing, such as that put in Japanese cloaks, cotton, etc. bon, blunt at the point, dull ; verb, mibonbon. bonna, a field, all kinds of fields, bonnad, sand. bonnao, the member from the groin to the knee-pan, the thigh. bonn o aribaribattan, hunting ground. bonn o tataapan, tilled ground, bonnon, same as bonnao. bo-o, the lees of native wine ; cha, the dregs pressed out therefrom. boo, a floor raised above the ground. boot, a plank ; a floor raised above the ground, such as are seen in the granaries of the natives, or before their doors, to prevent damp ; boot o hatta, a cage ; boot o baron, a plank. borbor, pieces of fish or flesh, cut up to pickle or cook. bo-ri, the flesh of the neck cut off from the bone. borra, to appease, to be at peace ; boor o azies, or borra azies, allies ; fr. maborro, peace, and aborro, to pacify. borrabor, dust, matter; fr. porpor, to raise the dust. borrak, large spots, with which men are sometimes born ; also the stains with which drinkers soil their clothes. borrason, verb, binorrason, fut. inoborrason, ger. borrasoa, to become mouldy and spoiled ; borrason a uppo, mouldy bread. borrere, a wen. borro, a sort of hard reed, with which darts are made. borrocfc o atazjan, the edge of a table. borroch o not, a boil on the nose. borrocb. o ta, an island. borrog, or borrogh, anything that projects above another or lumpish ; borrog o not, a bump on the nose, etc., see under borroch ; verb, maborroch mi, ma. bossor, the root of a tree or plant. bossot, a word used when anything is drawn out, leading us to say, it is out ; also when any one comes forward, as bassot ja icho, he is come forward ; fr. pabossot, to draw out. bottoos, a cat ; proverb, assouk i orran mausi o bottoos, i.e. to pass for a fool in the world ; bottoos o adda, a musk cat. bottoro, the trunk of the human body with- out the head. bottul, a spear. bree, a bow. buttoots o adda, a musk cat, so called be- cause it eats paddy in the field. cha, the dregs of strong liquor, in which there is no more juice ; it differs from rasras. chaan, the belly. chaar, a feather, or wing, or arm of a mill ; chaaran, a feathered fowl. cha-at, a corn, a swelling under the ball of the foot. chach, or chagh, the powder of ground seed, the refuse of bruised corn. chachaab, a scoop-net ; the same as chag- chaab, a fisherman's sweep-net ; fr. chummaab, to fish with a sweep-net. Vocabulary 129 chachad, wages, recompense, whether good or bad ; fr. chummad, to repay. chachap, the covering of a pot, pan, canister, or chest ; also a door or window. chachap au macha, a burial place. chachap o po-o, the knee-pan. chachau, a besom ; or chagchau ; fr. chum- mau, to sweep. chacheriel, a saw. chachilip, a tailor's shears, forceps; fr. chummiliep, to cut with the shears, or scissors. chachirrich, a line or stripe. chach o bonnan, any frame for the setting up of arms ; fr. chummollan, something lying over one another. chachod, a query, adultery ; fr. chumma. chacholok, gloves. chachorol, a mast. chachuppir, stubbornness, opposition; fr. chumpir, to break through. chad, the calf of the leg. chadsja, or chadsia, or olla, nearly, almost ; chadsia madich, almost sick; chadsia mocha, almost dead ; chadsja manja ina, I have nearly had enough, e.g. olachal adsia, olochal adsja, olcmamoeda, all these words are of similar signification, and appear to denote a kind of complaining; olamamoeda, olach adsja macha, he is nearly dead. chagh, see chach. chagchaab, see chachaab. chagchau, see chachau. chagchi, a bodkin ; fr. chummi, to make a hole with a bodkin. chagchied, anything to scoop with, as the native gourds ; fr. chummied, to scoop out of a pot or pail. chagcho, lye, with which the natives wash their linen or heads ; fr. chummachcho, to wash with lye. chaggai, a remnant of silk or worsted stuff j chagchai, a small napkin of silk or woollen. chaggi, to purpose ; mabo chaggi, to know, to mean ; o chaggi, to do to purpose ; kama chaggi, to know very well. chaibos, or haibos, a name given by the natives to the devil ; proverb, gi-roan haibos a sjies, a half devilish mind. chalapiet, the milt. challam, a leaf ; challam o bido, a leaf of a book ; challam o barritok, a sheet of paper ; michalla challam, a book with many leaves; also linen folded up. challo, soft reeds, growing among the grass. chamma, a sort of drink or sugar-beer, a liquor made from water and dregs ; also sweet beer ; fr. michan, to drink. chan, a shore ; lo and roos, ditto. channa, an otter. channumma, also chauch, a hole or pit in the ground ; also a hollow place in anything ; chauch o arriborribon, the hollow in the neck ; chauch o asiel, the hollow place under the feet ; fr. pachauch ; chauch o ranna, a valley. char, the breath or voice of a man or beast, the smell of anything ; also clay ; char o cho t the cry of a man or beast, the smell of anything, clay ; ombo no char o bassaro o biman, to smell vinegar; tsimimis o char o machan o chamma, to try the taste of food or beer. char-don, the environs of a house so far as the ground around belongs to it, within the fence. chareo, stagnant water ; char chareo, full of pools and marshes. charra, the space between the lattice. charrina, the ears. charri o zijsia, o idas, o baas, some days, months, or years, but not all. charrod, stockings. chasi, a bat. chatto, smoke, tobacco. chan, fire. chauch, a ditch, all kinds of indentation in anything ; chauch o ranna, a valley. chauge, enough ; as acho and ami, words whereby men signify they desire no more ; it differs from ka micho and ochal. chaulachol, the great gut. che, dung, refuse ; che o macha, matter from the eyes ; che o charrina, ear-wax. cheison, wild chervil. cheme, pus, matter ; fr. chummime. chi, rushes for making into mats. chielchiel, the claws or hoofs of a beast. chili, the testicles. chimogh, foulness, sweepings. chimotor, the elbow. chin, certain brown insects, which sit and sing in the grass, very much like grasshoppers. chi-oor, a turbot, a bud, such as shoots forth from the trees ; fr. chummioor, to sprout. chipassanan, chinipassanan, inochipassanan, to fall down through weakness, as those who are become thin through sickness, or who have lost their strength by travelling or fasting. chirrap, food sticking between the teeth. cho, a man ; also a people ; cho don, kindred, the people of the house. choa, small rattans. choan, the belly. 130 Favorlang chofoon, the sheath of a sword or other weapon ; fr. chummobon, to sheathe. cho don, kindred, the people of the house. chogcho, blue. choma, a bear. cliome, or cfioml, the milt or roe of a fish. chomi, yarn for weaving, worsted. chommottal, chummottol, cha-chummottol, ger. chottolla, inf. chottolkn, chinottol, inchottollen, to beat with the fist ; chummottol, chachattol, a blow with the fist. cho-o, a sprout, when it first shoots out of the ground ; fr. chummo-o, to spring out of the ground. chor, the fat of the inwards. chorrien, hard of hearing, deaf. chufofooen, a simpleton , one who has the falling sickness ; chubbo-chubboen, intens. chub- boen, verb act. mahubboen and machubbochubboen, chumaab, chinummaab, chachummaab, ger. chaaba, inf. chaaben, chinaab, inochaabben, to fish with a sweep-net. chumda, c/ii, cha, cheda, chedaan, chienda, inochedaan, early in the season ; = padaat, pachdo, trans, nom. chachda, early time. chummabal, chinummabal, chachummabal, ger. chaballa, inf. chabalkn, chinabal, inocha- ballen, to say anything to put one out of counte- nance, or make one afraid ; pachabbal, to cause such to be done ; chachabal, a threatening = lallalak, a frightening; ma-achachabal, = marais a cho, a threatener. chummacha, chinummacha, chachummacha, chachachachaan, chinacha, inochachaas, to look for, to seek out ; pachacha, pi, pa, apachacha, ipachacha, inipachacha, ino-ipachacha, to search out ; piri mario, to seek out the best ; chum- macho o arribel o naupoot, to look out for good clothes , chummacho 'mammal, to look out for a lover, it is used for men as well as things ; chachacha, a searching out; maachachacha, a searcher. chummachcho, chlnummachcho, chachum- machcho, chachchoa, chachchoan, chinachchoan, inochachchoan, to wash with lye j pachachcho, pinachachcho,papachachcho, ipachachchoa, ipack- achcho, inipachachcho, inoipachachcho, to do as above ; chumachcho no riba, to wash clothes ; ma-achachachcho, a washerman j chach-cho, lye to wash with. chummacho, chinummacho, chachummacho, ger. chacho-o, inf. chachon, chinacho, inochach- on, to polish ; pachacho, to polish, etc. ; cho chummacho, inochachon, bato achoan, the man polishes, the knife is whetted, the stone grinds it sharp; chachach-o, a grinding; ma- acha chach-o, a grindstone. chummad, chiuummad, chachummad, ger. chadda, inf. chadden, chinad, ino-chadden, retri- bution, whether good or bad ; pachad, trans. chachad, reward ; ma-achachad, a rewarder. chummaddip, chi, cha, chaddippa, to cut off anything close to the ground. chummadik, chi, cha, chaddikka, chaddikken, chinaddik, ino-chaddikken, to approach ; pachad- dik, to cause to draw near; chachaddik, an approach ; ma-achachaddlk, activ. any one who comes near; activ. ma-achaddik, one who is come near; fr. machaddik, chaddik, the draw- ing near of a matter. chummagchil, chinummagchil, chachummag- chil, ger. chachitta, inf. chagchillan, chlmagchll- lan, inochagchillan, to come up with any one in walking or running; pachachil, chachachchll, nom. subst. ma-achachachll, a good runner that can overtake others. chummai, chinummai, chachummal, ger. chai- a, inf. cha-in, chinal, inochaittin, to carry on the back ; pachal, trans, chachai, nom. subst. ma-achachai. chummais, chi, cho, chaisa, pass, chaisas, a putting off; pachais, trans. chummalgal, chi t cha, chalgalla, the barking of dogs; pachalgal, trans, chachalgal, a bark- ing; nom. ma-achchalgal, to bark. chummallak, chi, cha, challakka, chilakken, chimallak, inochallakken, to cover over, as tum- makken; achallak, trans. chummallam, chinummallam, chachummal- lam, ger. challama, anything that lies over another, as clothes, etc. ; also to hang or put one thing over another. chummalt, chinummalt, chachummalt, ger. chatta, inf. chattan, chinattan, inochattan, to pay a ransom for a murderer ; according to the old native custom, a pig for a man ; also to pay a fine for any misdeed ; pachalt, trans, to cause such to be done ; also simply to give back or repay one thing for another, like for like, what- ever it be ; chachalt, the punishment laid on any one as a ransom for murder ; also the judgment that is annexed to murder ; atea zij- sja o chachalt o tapos o cho, until the day of the judgment of all men ; ma-achachalt, a ransomer ; that is, one who pays the ransom. chummanied, chinmumanied, chachummanied, ger. channida, the screaming, howling, and cry- ing, whether of children or adults. chummannagh, chi, cha, channagha, channa- ghan, chinannaghan, inochannaghan, to make a Vocabulary notch in an arrow, in order to fix it on the string. chummap, chinumap, chachummap, ger. chappa, inf. chappen, chinap, inochappen, any- thing put into the ground ; as chummap o macha, to plant anything in the ground, so that a part sticks up, as when people plant trees ; also to shut a door, window, chest, etc., but with these two last meanings the word is changed into ichappa, ichap, inichap, inoichap, inf. chappan, chinappan, inochappan ; chappen o macha o baron, to bury the dead, or to plant the trees ; ichap ja telp ja don, the chest or house is shut up ; chappen ja telp, to shut a box ; ma-achochap o macha, a sexton ; ma- achachap a baziep, a gardener; chachap, a plantation ; also a planter ; ditto, a -cover, a door ; ta chappen ja chappanni o baron, bossor, baziep, etc., the earth covers the trees, roots, plants, etc. chummappachappa, chinummappachappa, chachummappachappa, ger. chappachappa, stub- born, shameless, haughty, to bawl and tear in a quarrelsome manner ; chummappachappo, cho, the same as; chummabal, chachappachappa, stubbornness ; ma-achachappachappa, a stub- born, troublesome person. chummar, chinummar, chachummar, ger. charra, inf. charren, chinar, inocharren, ino- chaan, to burn up ; pachar, trans, cho chummar, aras baron, don charren ; or chaan, chauman, people have set the grass on fire, and it is burnt, the fire consumes ; chuchar paga chachar assa- ban, there is a fire in the village ; ma-achachar, one who sets anything on fire. cfcummaraddo, chi, cha, charaddoa, charaddoon, chinaradodo, inocharadodoon, the same as rum- marro, to encircle ; pacharadodo, trans, chacha- radodo, nom. chummarapo, chi, cha, charopoa, charapoon, chinarapo, inocharapoon, to cover a chamber with anything, to guard the window with a bamboo ; chacharapo, from pacharapo, a covering, or placing. chummarillocMllo, chi, cha, charillochilloa, the writhing of snakes. chummarod, chinummarrod, chachummarrod, ger. charrodda, to put on one's stockings; pacharrod, pi, pa, ipacharodda, to cause one to put on stockings; charroddas, chinarroddan, ino-charroddan, charroddan, ja asiel, the legs are covered with stockings ; charrod, ipachar- rod, the stockings are on ; charrod, stockings ; ipacharrod asia shiem, put on the child's stock- ings. chummarop, chinummarop, chachummarop, ger. charoppa, inf. charoppan, inicharop, inocha- roppan, to gather and take up with the hands, as rice, barley ; also to rake dirt together ; pacharop, trans, chacharop, such scraping to- gether ; ma-achacharop, one who thus scrapes. chummarrad, the same as chummallam. chummaschas, chinummaschas, chachummas- chas, ger. chaschassa, inf. chaschassen, chinas- chas, inochaschassen, to scrape anything even. chununat, chinummat, chachummat, it is high water, but this is only said of the sea, and not of rivers ; it is used when the water stands still, and does not flow ; chachat, high water ; sa- banno, ja chummat ai ? when is it high water ? chummat ja to, it is high water. chummattad, chi, cha, chattadda, chattaddan, chinattaddan, inochattaddan, to shadow, to over- shadow ; pachattad, trans, nom. chattad, a shadowing ; chattadan or chattadayan, a shadowy place, a covering for the sun. chummau, chinummau, chachummau, ger. chau-a, inf. chauan, chinau, inochaunan, to sweep ; pachau, trans, chachau, a besom ; ma- zchachau, a sweeper ; cho chummau, the man sweeps; chauan j a don, the house is swept. chumme, chinumme, chachumme, ger. chia, to do that which is suitable. chummecheo, chinummeocheo, chachummeocheo, cheoche-oa, cheocheoon, chineocheoon, inocheo- cheoon, to bore a hole a little wider, as with a knife, the point of a bill, etc. ; pacheocheo, pin- acheocheo,papacheocheo, ipacheocheoa, ipacheocheo, inipacheocheo ino-ipacheocheo, to cause such to be done. chummeriel, chinummeriel, chachummeriel, to saw; cherila, cherilen, inocherilled ; pacheriel, pi, pa, ipac her ilia, a saw; ma-achacheriel, a sawyer. cimminero, chinummero, chachummero, ger. chera, inf. cheroan, chinero, inocheroon, to make straight; pachero, trans, chummero no tees, an upright forehead ; chache-ro, nom. sub. a making straight ; also that by which anything is made straight. cnummi, chinummi, chachummi, ger. chia, inf. chien, chini, inochien, to bore a hole with a bodkin ; chagchi, a bore. chummibar, chinummibar, chachummibar, ger. chibarra, inf. chibarren, chinibar, inochibarren, to stir about food in the cooking, that it may not be burned ; also to row ; pachibar, trans. chibarren, inochan, abak, the food is well stirred, or the boat is rowed ; chachibar, a stirring about ; chachibar o abak, the rowing of a boat ; ma-achachibar, a boatman, a rower. Favorlang chummichi, chinummichi, chachummichi, ger. ichichia, inf. ichicha, inichicha, inochichi, to pour in, to cast in, as in a pot, can, or bottle, etc., to pour out ; pachichi, trans, chumma, o to ichichi, the beer, or water is poured out ; chummichi o to, o bonnad, to pour out water or sand ; = turn- mis, to throw away ; chachichi, a pouring out or pouring in ; chachichi o to o chamma, a pouring out of water or beer; ma-achachich, one who pours out, a cupbearer. chummied, chinummied, chachummied, chida chiden, chinied, inochiden ; from whence chidan, chinidan, inochidan, to draw with a pot or pail ; when anything is drawn out of one vat into another, the bucket is called chidan, as chidan ja mallo, a bucket for lading ; kaijo chachichied, a receiving vat. chummied, chi, cha, chieddan, chidden, chinied, inochiedden, to fence in, to inclose ; porchied, trans, chached, a fence; ma-achachied, to in- close. dmmmiegf, chinummieg, chachummieg, ger. chiegcha, inf. chiegchegen, chiniegch, inochieg- chen, to roast ; = summoso,. pachieg, trans. chachieg tsi binnan, the fish or flesh is fried ; chachieg, a roasting, or frying; maachachien, one who fries. chiunmillip, chinummillip, chachummillip, ger. chilippa, inf. chilippen, ckinilip, inochinilippen, to cut with shears; chummillip naupoot, to cut linen ; naupoot chilippen, the linen is cut up ; chachilip, scissors ; ma-achachilip, one who cuts with scissors. chummime, chinummime, chachummime, che- mea, cheme-in, chineme, inocheme-in to press out pus from a boil ; pacheme, pinacheme, papa- cheme, ipachemea, ipacheme, inipacheme, ino- ipacheme, to cause such to be done ; chummime o soa, to press out a wound ; chemeis soa, the wound is pressed out ; cheme, pus. clrammimit, chinummimit, chachummimit, ger. chimta, inf. chimten, chinimit, inochimten, to secure, to cause to take care of, to protect, to rule, to take charge of; pachimit, trans, ma-ach- achimit, a superintendent, a ruler ; chachimit, a rule; pachimit, to take care of; pachimit o assaban, a garrison to take care of a town. chummimo, the same as chummibar. chumminni, chi, cha, chinnia, chinni-in, chinni, ino-chinni-in, to grin, to laugh ; pachi.nl, trans. chachinni, a grinning ; ma-achachinni, one who grins. chumminoch, chinumminoch, chachumminoch, chinoch-a, chinoch-en, chininoch, inochinochen, that which is disapproved of in anger, or cast away in contempt ; pachinoch, po, pa, ipachi- nocha, etc., to cause such to be done ; it betokens also to throw away anything in anger and break it in pieces. chummio, chinummio, chachummio, chioa, chioan, chinio, inochioan, to put away ; chummio no man michan patite, to avoid eating and drinking openly ; chummio no cho, to get away the people ; cho chioan, the people are gone. chummier, chinummior, chachummior, to sprout forth as trees; pachior, trans, oetas pachior o barros, the rain makes the trees bud ; chioor, a bud. chummir, chi t cha, chirra, chirron, chinir, inochirran, to hover as birds, when they keep their wings still ; pachier, to cause such to be done ; it is used also of trees or grass, when they gently wave their heads. clmmmirrich, chirrichen, chinirrich, ino- chirrichen, to draw a right line ; pachirrich, pi, pa, ipachirricha, ipachirrich, inipachirrich, ino-ipachirrich, to cause such to be done ; chummirrich, as kummirrich, chachirrich, a right line. chummlscliis, chinummischis, chachummhchis, ger. chischissa, inf. chischissen, chinischis, ino- chischissen, to produce fire by the nibbing of two bamboos together ; pachischis, trans, chum- mischis o chau, to produce fire. chumniisel, chi, cha, chisella, chisellen, chimisel, inochisellen, to take by force what another has chosen, as a young maid, or goods of any kind. cliummo, chinummio, chachummo, choa, choon, chino, ino-choon, pacho, trans, to lace anything with a string or rattan ; tairies choon o sarries chacho, beads threaded on a string; chachono tairies, a stringing of corals. cmunmoa, chinummoa, chachummoa, ger. choa, inf. choan, chinoa, inocho-an, to lace together; pachoa, trans, chachoa, a lacing together; chummoa o gagir, to lace the nets together, to fasten. cliummo-a-cho, chi cha, to root, to poke. chummo-aclio -ar, chinummo-acho-ar, cha- chummo-ach o-ar; ger. cho-ac ho-arra ; inf. cho-acho-arren, chino-acho-ar, ino-cho-acho-arren, to mix one thing with another ; to stir up from the bottom ; as chummibar ; pacho acho-ar, trans. chummoar, the same as chummibar. chummobbechob, chinummobbechob, chachum- mobbechob, ger. chobbechobba, inf. chobbechobben, chinobbechob, ino-chobbechobben, to tuck up, to strip up, as the sleeves of a coat ; also to stir Vocabulary 133 up to diligence in work ; pachobechoob, trans. chachobechoob, nom. ; chummobechoob o tum- maap, to stir up, to work; cho, chobechoben, chummobbechob riba, lili o riba, to strip up the sleeves, up to the armpits. chummobon, chinummobon, chachummobon, ger. echoboma, inf. ichobon, ini-chioboon, ino- chiobon, to put into the sheath, to sheath j chobonnan, chinobonnan, inochobonnan ; pachobon, trans. ; chobon, nomen. a sheath. chummod, chinummod, chachummod, ger. chodda, inf. chodden, chinod, inochodden, to commit adultery, to seek an improper connec- tion, or the improper connection itself; sai sini, su chommod ina, mirab pallo achachod, sjiem, there is a woman come to ask me to let her son go free ; pachod, trans. ; chachod, whoredom, adultery ; ma-achachad, a whore- monger, an adulterer. chummollicliol, chinummottichol, cha-chum- mollichol, ger. chollicholla, inf. chollichollen, chinollichol, inochollicholkn, to put out, to put away ; pachollichol, trans, chachollichol. chummolliet, chi, cha, chollietta, choUietten, ino- chollien, inochollietten, the same as hummahim- motto ; chachollien, nom. chummollicholp riba, to undress ; chummollichol o bazigh, to flay ; nom. chummollok, chinummollok, chachummollok, ger. chollokka, inf. chollokkan, chinollokkan, inochollokkan, to change things of the same sort one with another, whether openly or in secret ; pachollok, trans. ; chachollok, to exchange, barter; chachollok o arribil, to exchange fur- niture. chummomacn, chinummomach, chachum- momach, chomacha, chomachen, chinomach, inocho-machen, to rub ; chummomach o sassi, to salt ; pacho-mach,pipapa-chomach, ipachomach-a y ipachomach, inipachomach, ino-ipachomach^ to cause such to be done ; chummomach o abo, to plaster with lime ; chachomach o abo a plaster- ing. chummomocliomo, chinummomochomo, cha- chummomochomo, chomochomoa, chomochomoon, chinomochomoon, ino-chomochomoon, to nib any- thing gently with the palm of the hand ; pachomochomo, to rub with the hand any place that itches. chummonagh, chi, cha, chinagha, chonaghen, chinonagh, ino-chonaghen, to tempt; lummalla, ditto ; pachonagh, as lalala ; ma-achachonag, as ma-alala, a tempter. chummonchos, chi, cha, chonchonna, a plough ; ponchonchos, to plough ; chachonchon, a plough- ing. chummo-o, chinummo-o, chachummo-o, to spring out of the ground ; pacho-o, pi, pa, ipacho-oa, ipacho-o, inipacho-o, ino-ipacho-o, to arise, to spring up ; cho-o, a sprout. chummosclios, chinummoschos, chachum- moschos, ger. choschossa, inf. choschossen, chinoschos, inochoschossen, anything badly, or raggedly cut. chummoschos, chi, cha, chosckosse, pass- choschossen, chinoschos, inochoschossen, idem tummaschos, to cut off; pac hose has, trans. chummote, chinummote, chachummote, choten, chote, chinote, inochoten, to punish ; as tummea and pachote; chachote, punishment; ma-acha- chote, punisher. chummottol, a blow with a fist chumpe, chinumpe, chachumpe, ger. chuppea, inf. chuppein, chinuppe, inochuppein, bamboos made flat like boards ; pachuppe, trans. chumpir, chinumpir, chachumpir, chuppirra, chuppirren, chienpier, ino-chuppirren, to break through ; as men say, chunopir o arros, o to, o azjies, to push through the grass, the water, the enemy, etc. ; pachuppir, pinachuppir, papachup- pir, ipachuppirra, to cause such to be done; chachuppir, a breaking through ; chachuppir o to, the breaking through of water. chumpod, chinumpod, chachumpod, to spring out of the ground, as water. chumrar, chi, cha, the shooting forth of many sprouts from one root. chumsan, chinumsan, chachumsan, the in- and expiration of the breath ; it differs from pauchar, which means, to blow strongly; chachsas, nom. the breath. chuppe, a flattened piece of bamboo ; fr. chumpod. chuppin, the woof of a garment ; chuppin o naupoot. chuppod, a well, a fountain ; fr. chumpod. da, an affix, as macha-da, dead, dry ; ma- bada, wise, to know. daal, a straw ; after the seed is threshed out. daas, the scales of a fish. dabe, a pail, a water-pot. dachum, the shadow or darkness which the clouds make on the ground, when they obscure the sun, for otherwise the shadow of a tree is called ronno ; verbum, midach-um ; paidach-um, trans. dadach, the stalk of plants, melons, etc. daddalizl, a dance ; fr. dummalizi. daddassas, the crop of birds. 134 Favorlang dagh, over, done ; ka daghja zichil, the sor- row is over j ka dagh ja mapich, the fight is done j ka dagh ja oba, the drowsiness is past. dakrap, cannot well be translated ; dakrapja mampa, there sits the bird ; innai bonna da mat dakrap, I am come out of the field, and here I sit. dalai, a platter. dallassan o team, darri darri, a clock. dalli, a wagtail ; hence the proverb, tumcha masoan, sai don ja dalli, nameroos ja badda, masumak ja baas, the northern monsoon approaches, the swallow returns to her house, the bachelors wish to marry, it is now the time for pairing. dallolees, a tree like birch. dasso, rice. datta, the bank of a river; written datta; lallabbo, lobbokas, the seashore. daukirrap, a double flute on which people play with their nostrils. dautatsitlicnen, the little finger. dazino, a flying kite ; as taz-i. dazjo, the blade of a sword or knife, to which the handle is fixed. de, in, somewhere, there ; de don, in the house 5 de Tackais, near Tackais ; but the de is com- monly joined to two other words, as lellum (also lallum), and pana, which the first means ' in,' and the second ' there ' ; thus, instead of the above, they say, de lellum don, pana de Tac- kais ; de is not seldom found after innai, and thus serves to point out a place ; as innai (also inni}, de errenerren ; fr. Favorlang ; de means also near, paga barron de tabaipau ja don ; nata- roa, mini, de lellum, inni, is of the same mean- ing ; sometimes i is used, as kakoren i barrien, for lellum. declio, they. deeg dillij, any evil that we deserve, or have brought on ourselves; thus they say,jo a deeg, or dillij, it is well arranged, you have your deserts. dema, who, what, which, where. dema, indema, indea, inde, de, are all of one meaning, as pana dema, pana de, where are you going? N.B. numma is sometimes used for dema, as mosse-numma for mosse-dema, where are you going ? dich, a sickness j fr. madich. dille, all sorts of young birds, just hatched and not yet fledged. dimmo, zinemmo, dadimmo, ger. doa, inf. doon, xinoon, inodoon, to pull upwards, to hoist, as people draw water out of a well ; pado, trans. ; dummono dale, to draw up a pitcher ; dabe ka- doon, means also to take a pot off the fire. dipa, lest. dippi, iron. doat, coarse long grass, a jungle full of reeds and rushes, such as grow on the banks of rivers and morasses. dogh, manner, custom ; kadogh, costume, ceremonies ; kadog o assaban, kadog o anibaas, the custom of a village, the usage of former years ; the same as madarram, to be accustomed to. dollidol o baron, the top of a tree. don, a house, a great vessel ; don o adonni, a kitchen, a cook-house. doogh, to beat ; ka doogh ja na oeno, my head beats; syn. tummok, to beat; doogh has no tenses. dorren, the lips; dorrogen, slanting, wry teeth. duduppul, nom. arson; ma adaddupul, one who sets on fire. dumber, zinumbor, tadumbor, doborra, doborren, zinobor, inodoborren, padabor, trans. to take away against one's will; as maupis poas ka sai dumbor na mochan ja mado, the dog has taken away my food, to constrain another to do anything, either willingly or not, to hold fast, and not to let go ; as madabdab, elli pittol o meacha, dombor o maumali o meroos ; dumbor o arribil, dumbor o cho, to take away clothes, to steal a man ; nomen. subst. daddobor, daddobor o ballag, depriving another of his goods ; ma addobor, an oppressor, a tyrant. dummaat, zinummaat, tadummaat, ger. daatta, to approach, to draw near; passi. daatten, dsinaat, inodaatten, that which is approached ; padaat, to draw near j dummadaat, intens. ; taddaat, a drawing near ; dummaat o assaban o sabba, dummaat ta deon, to draw near a village, or a river, to draw near to God. dummachal, dsi, tad, dach-alla, dach-allen, zinach-al, ino-dach-allen, to turn over the ground with a spade or hoe ; padach-al, daddach-al, a digging up, also a hoe ; ma ataddach-al, a digger. dummadach, dsi, tad, dadacha; dadachen, etc., to climb ; padadach, trans. dummaggo, zinummaggo, tadummaggo, imp. daggo-a, not to stand upright, to overhang, is generally said of men, houses, trees, etc. ; padaggo, trans, dummaggo, o moddan asjoddon, the gable or wall hangs over ; tadaggo, nom. subst. Vocabulary dnmma.Tfirfl.ij dsi, tad, see tummakkal, to bind ; daddakkal, a ribbon, a bandage. dummalimogli, zinummalimogh, tadummali- mogh, is said of the sky, when it appears hazy as in a drizzling shower ; dummalimogh o busum, the sky is lowering. dummalizi, zi, tad, dalizia, dalizian, zi- nalizan, inodalizian, to dance ; padalizi, trans. daddalizi, a dance ; ma adaddalizi, a dancer. dummallap, dsl, tadum, dalappa, to thatch a house with grass, that is when a portion of the old thatch remains. diimmap, zinummap, tadummap, dappa, dap- pen, zinap, inodappen, = chummagchil, to over- take. dummapal, zinummapal, tadummapal, ger. dapalla, inf. dapallan; dapallan baron, bato asiel, rlma oenoete idapal, idapal, inidapal, inoida- pal, zinapallan, inodapallan, to run against any- thing, as kadoog; padapal, trans, daddapal, a push, a clash ; daddapal o asiel, to knock the foot against anything. dummaraggadaggal, zinummaraggadaggal, tadummaraggadaggal, darraggadaggalla, to stumble. dummarau, zinummarau, tadummarau, ger. darau-a; inf. daraun, zenarau, inodaraun, to bend half round, to make a semi-circle ; padarau, trans, modarau, semi-circular ; neutr. daddarau, a semi-circle. dummaraudau, to make into a circle ; imp. daraudaun, a circle. dummaribodilH), the same ; imp. taribodiboa, modaraudau, modaribodibo, like a circle ; daddaraudau, daddaribodibo, a circle. dummaries, zinummaries, tadummarries, ger. darriesa ; inf. idarries, inidarris, inoidarries, darriessan, inidarries, inodarriessan, to lock up or fasten ; padarries, trans, chachap idarries, don darriessan, to fasten on a lid, to lock up a house ; daddarries, a lock. dummarraab, zinummarrab, tadummarrab, ger. darrabba, inf. darraban, zinarraban, ino darraban, to line, or to fix the lining in a gar- ment ; also to put one garment over another ; also to live in adultery ; padarrab, trans. dummarradarrab, the plural of the preced- ing; padarrab, trans.; hence dardarab, lining. dummarram, zinummarram, tadummarram, ger. darrama, to practise one's self in anything, is used both for teacher and learner ; passi. dar- ramen, dsimarran, inodarrammen, dummarran, tummoch o bido, to practise one's self in read- ing, is verbum act. j dummarram o sisjiem o tummoch o bido, the children exercise themselves in reading ; madarram, = maba, to know ; padarram, dummarram, acho maba, not yet known ; dummarram meach ta deos, to practise one's self in praying to God; daddaram, nom. exercise ; daram, to exercise one's self; tadda- ram, one who is practised ; daddarran o aiacha, a meeting for prayer; ma adaddarram, one who exercises himself or another. dummarrogigodoggo, zinummarrogigodoggo, tadummarogodoggo, ger. darroggodoggo-a, to walk double, as old people or those who are deformed do, to spy out anything ; the same as kokkollen, pikkon sies, bent at the end ; daddarroggodoggo ; nom. the same as ababad pikkon, a hunchback. dummasdis, dsi, tad, imp. dasdissen, to sit, to squat down, as when men sit on their heels ; padasdis, trans, nom. daddasdis. dummau, to do anything in the place of another, or to succeed to one, dsi, tadum ; imp. daua ; nom. dau, instead of another ; maanau, one who comes in the place of another to do or suffer anything for him. dummaukauka, zinummaukauka, tadum- maukauka, ger. daukauka-a, is said of drunkards who go staggering about the streets. dummauko, zinummauko, tadummauko, ger. daukoa, to lift up the head high, either because people can see with difficulty, as mitebabo baak, merely to look up high ; inomaso kummeriel, to pay the more attention ; padauko, trans. dummeodeo, zinummeodeo, tadummeodeo, long and trailing, as a long garment, a long tail, long hair, etc. ; dumeodeo, arriba, tau, the gown trails, the hair hangs long. dummeogh, zinummeogh, tadummeogh, ger. deogcha ; inf. deogchen, zineogh, inodeogchen, to brush or rub off ; dummeogo o sesnab, to brush down with a brush ; dummeog o rima, to rub down with the hand ; padeoch, trans, taddeoch, nomen. subst. ; dummeogh o magcha, to rub the eyes ; dummeogh o nok, to blow the nose. dununirdlr, dsi, tad, dirdirra, dirderren, dis- inirdir, nom. dirdir, to tremble ; as tummirtir, act. ; padirdir, trans, dadirdir, nom. a trembling ; maadaddirdir, one who shakes another. dummittin, zinummittin, tadummittin, ger. dittina, to stop half way, not to go on. dummo, sweat. dummo-an, zinummo-an, inodummoan, to sweat ; dummoanja ina, I sweat; dummo, sweat dummoas, dsi, tad, doassa, doassen, dsinoas, inodoassen, is said of liquor when it is too fresh, that people may make it more sour or more sweet ; padoas, trans, daddoas, dummoas machoch, 136 Favorlang to put some more acid in it ; daddoas, make it sweeter. dummobdob, tsi, ta, dobdobba, dobdobben, dsinobdob, ma dobdobben, to wake up any one ; padobdob, trans, ; sadobdob, nom. ; ma addobdob, one who wakes up another. dummochol, zinummochol, tadummochol, docholla, dochollen, zinochol, ino dochollen, to strike with the fist on the breast; dadochol, nom. dummodos, dsi, tad, didossa, pass, do dossen, etc., ja to, to tap, or let off liquor; padodos, trans. dummoelallis, zinummoelallis, tadummoelallis, ger. doelalissa, inf. doelalissen, zinoelallis, inodoelallissen, to hit people slightly, without hurting them. dummorab, zinummorab, tadummorab, dorab- ben, zlnorrab, inodorrabben, the beating in of rain into a house, through a door or window. dummoragh, zi, ta, ger. doragcha, inf. to flay, chummorach, idem. dummorat, zinummorat, tadummorat, ger. doratta, inf. doratten, zinorat, inodoratten, to relieve ; c/iummorat, idem. ; padorat, trans, ; dadorat, nom. dummori, zinummori, tadummori, ger. dorria, to deny, to speak against. dummoro (the last o sounded short), zinummoro, tadummoro, ger. dorroa, to go in ; contract, dorro, dsinorro, etc., daddoro, nom. dummosdos, dsi, tad, dosdossa, pass, dosdossen, etc. ; ja ta, to trail one's feet on the ground ; padosdos, trans. dumpul, zi, ta, duppulla, duppullen, dsinumpul, inoduppullen, to set on fire ; paduppul, trans. duppocb., the hair of all kinds of beasts, also of the human body. edimma, pot-herbs. e-e, mead, honey and water. eeb, firewood, or allola. eet, firewood. eicham-an, anything to drink out of; fr. micham, to drink. eichaman chatto, a tobacco-pipe. elli, to deny, as with us, no ; but it is only used in connection with another word, as elli mabisse oasies, your heart is not true ; elli pa is so common that nothing can exceed it, and yet I do not know what is the real meaning of it ; it seems to signify that something is not in existence ; as, elli pa ja adda de assaban o amisan ; or that something is not in one's possession ; as, ellipa ja oa bido ina-ai, the first of which I cannot otherwise understand than that 'there is no rice in the village on the north,' and the other, 'I have not got your book ' ; see in alii. ema, a field. erab, spittle , the will. eran, certain small beans. erien, the hip. erotorutto, a toad. gaat, a point ; fr. maggaat ; gummaat, gi, ga, gata, gatan, ginaat, to sharpen, to bring anything to a point, to carve ; ginaat, cut ; gagaat, a sharpening ; ma-agagaat, to sharpen j ma-aggaat, a sharpener. gagoor, the penis. galan, the stomach. gemnea, gi, ga, gea, to belch, to eructate ; pagea, trans, nom. ; gagea, a belching. giacho, water mixed with herbs, with which the women wash the houses. gidaig-gid, a fish. giech, a word that is used when anything tears. giroan, half. goeng, a pipe, a vat. gomila, gi, ga, imp. gomila, pass, gomilan, etc., to blow out the gills j pagomil, trans, gago- mil, nom. gorrogot, or gogoptoto, a dove ; don o gorrogot, a dovecot. gummabgab, gi, ga, gabgabba, the cutting of paddy or millet ; rummabies, idem ; pagabgab, trans. gununachliacb, gi, ga, gachhacha, pass. gachhachen, etc., pagachhach, trans, to hoe away the ground from a house in a sloping direction ; gagachhach, nom. gummaggritgiigatgagria, the same as gum- magidsi. gumma-iech, gi, ga, ga-iecha ; pass, ga-iechan, gi-na-iech, ino-ga-iechen, to bear, to endure ; act. paga-iech, trans, gagariech, a lengthening ; act. maagagaiech, to lengthen, to delay, one who delays. gummatacb, gi, ga, gatacha, gatachen, gina- tach, inogatachen, pagatach, trans, gatach, nom. to split up large pieces of wood ; but when bamboos are spoken of, pilla is used ; it is also used in the cutting up of pumpkins, melons, plantains, etc. gummeacb, gi, ga, giacho, giachen, giniach, ino-giachen, to fence or secure ; people say also giachen j a sabba, as if the river were suddenly swollen, and therefore a fence was made ; pagi- ach, trans, nom. gagiach, a fence. Vocabulary I 37 gummamgan, the same as gummoch. gummeoch, gi, ga, geocha, to thatch a house. gummesar (let the , an out-house, where people keep all kinds of implements, rice, etc. la-obbomas, an out-house, where people keep fish or flesh ; compounded of la-ob and momas. lenesoleso, inf. linenesoleso, lalenesoleso, lene- solesoa, to shout after the native manner, when the women have concluded a dance or song. libbo-adippi, tin. lido, meaning, interpretation, explanation, //, la, lidoa ; palido, trans, lido, opinion, meaning, lili, the armpit. limka, linimka, lalimka, ger. ilka-a, ilka-an, lienka-an, ino-ilka-an, to lighten, to blink with the eyelids. limmabit, //', la, labitta, labitten, linabit, ino- labitten, to pinch between two ; but to press underneath is summerik ; it means also to press against another. limmichob, linimmichob, lalinimmichob, lich- obba, lichobben, linichob, inotichobben, to sip. limmiod, linimiod, lalimiod, liodda, Hodden, liniod, inoliodden, to wring once round, to give one turn. lo, as roos, a shore. loan, a horse, cow, buffalo, etc. ; also a servant, 142* Favorlang a slave ; in this last sense the word is used in contempt or in anger, luki yum, a chicken. lummala, linummala, lalummala, lala, lalan, linala, inolalan, to induce, to incite to evil, also to haunt; palala, to tempt; lalala, a temptation, a ghost. lummalak, linummalak, lalummalak, lellakka, lellakken, inillak, inolellakken, to threaten by word or action. lummaliech, //', la, laliecha, laliechen, linaliech, inolalichen, a little sick, indisposed; palaliech, trans., paliech, nom. lummapies, linummapies, lalummapies, la- pies s a, lapiessen, linapies, inolapiessen, to kneed, to press down; kalapies, a kneading; ma- allalapies. lummapilapies, linummapilapies, lalummapila- pies, lapilapiessa, etc., the same as lummapies, lallapilapies. lummaslas, linummaslas, lalummaslas, laslassa, laslassen, linaslas, inolaslassen, to redeem any one from punishment, with money, etc. lummatagh, linummatagh, lalummatagh, latagcha, latagchen, linatagchan, inolatagchan, to set on a stand. lummauk, linummauk, lalummauk, laugga, lauggen, linaug, inolaugen, to court, in order to marriage ; palauk, courtship ; ma-alallauk y a lover. lummaulaub, linummaulaub, lalummaulaub, laulauba, laulauban, Knaulauban, inolaulauban, to make burn brighter or clearer ; also to cook or boil anything by a clear fire ; palaulaub, to cause such to be done. lummias, It, la, Uassa, pass, liassen, linias, inoliassen, to open, as the eyes, lummias o macha ; palias, trans. lummibach, lula, imp. libacha, pass, libachen, etc., to draw in one's belly. lummldo, li, la, lidoa, lidoan, to deny; lallido, a denial. lummiollio, linummiollio, lallummiollio, liollioa, liollioan, liniollio, inoliollion, to run after, to hunt, lummis, linummis, lalummis, lissa, lissan, linissan, inolissan, to glow, also to look angry. lummitullito, li, la, lullitullitoa, to totter, to wave ; is only used concerning great things, as trees, bamboos, etc. ; differs from tummaratab ; palitullito, trans. lummo, //', la, loa, loon, lino, ino-loon, to accom- pany ; paloa, to cause such to be done ; lallo, nom. lummobo, linummobo, lalummobo, loboa, loboon, linobo, inoloboon, to steal ; lallobo ; ma-allallobo. lummochod, linummochod, lalummochod, loch- odda, lochodden, linochod, inolochod, etc., to veer, to give out rope. lummogot, //, la, logotta, logotten, linogot, ino- logotten, to vow ; as kummotkot. lummokogh, linummokogh, lallummokogh, lokogcha, lokogchen, linokogti, inolokogchen, to comb. lummolo, li, la, loloan, linolo, inololoan, to drive together from all sides ; is used of animals, as deer, goats, etc., when they are driven and hemmed in ; palolo, to cause such to be done ; lalolo, nom. lummoob, It, la, looba, to look wantonly; paloob, trans. ; lalloob, nom. a wanton look ; ?na-alalloob, wanton fellow. lummoog, linummoog, lalummoog, loogga, looggen, linoogh, inoboggen, to touch, also to trifle, to pass away the time ; paloog, to cause such to be done; lalloog, nom. trifles; ma- alalloog, a trifler. lummoog, //', la, loomma, pass, loommen, limoon, ino-loommen, seems to mean to arrange anything with the acknowledgment of a previous benefit ; as lummoon o atite, o ranied, to arrange a dis- course or speech ; lalloom, nom. ; whenever any one will acknowledge that another has done a service for him he presents something of what he has acquired to him who procured it for him ; which people call, lummoon o atite. lummosagh, linummosagh, lalummosagh, losagcha, losagchen, linosagh, inolosagchen, to dig anything up that was buried, also to bring up old things long since done. lumpi, /*, la, luppia, luppian, linuppian, ino- luppian, lumpielpi, li, la, luppielpia, etc. ; lumpi, to twinkle as the fixed stars, to blink , paluppi, and paluppielpi ; trans, lulpi and lalpielpi, nom. a twinkling ; lulpi, also the eyelashes. ma-a-addo, a dissuader ; kannaddo, ma-aat, a measurer ; fr. moet. ma-a-ba, a wise man, from maba ; ma aijaab, a prophet ; from me-aab. ma-ababaas, a messenger, one who brings tidings ; fr. pas. ma-ababoa, fruitful, used generally of plants, animals, or men ; fr. poa. ma-ababodda, fruitful, said of beasts. ma-abalizich, a transporter ; fr. pizich. ma-acha, a murderer ; fr. pacha. ma-achab, a thief ; fr. machab. ma-achachad, a re warder of good or evil. ma-acliacliuppir, stubborn, disobedient. Vocabulary ma-ado, one who understands cooking, a cook ; fr. mttdo. maag, vinegar. ma-aita, a sharp-sighted man ; fr. mita. ma-aja, a giver ; fr. pea. ma-akakossi, a disobedient ring-leader of rebellion ; fr. kummossi. ma-alabo, fruitful, said of the ground. ma-alalloog, frightened, appalled ; ger. ulallo- ogcha. ma-allal, kind, benevolent ; fr. thence come minaallal, mamaUaal a-attaUa, a-lalal-len, ina- alallen and ino a-alallen ; al-al, bland. ma-allallobo, a thief; fr. lummobo. ma-allas, calm, cleared up ; is said of wind and weather, also of the feelings ; pa-alias, act. et trans, imp. a-allassa, a-allassen, ina- allassen, ino-a-allassen, ipallassa, etc. ; alias, nom. calmness, clearness ; ma-a-allas, a soother. ma-apparrach, a whoremonger. maar, a quail. ma-arab, one who makes drunk ; fr. parab. ma-aragh, one who receives or obtains much ; fr. marach. maa-rapies, a sinner, a villain. ma-ararait, one who can sing well in com- pany; fr. rummait. ma-arari, a watchman ; fr. rummi. ma-arich, ma, mi, imp. a-aricha, pass, aari- chan, ina-aarichan, ino-aarichan, to honour, act. fond of distinction, shame-faced, to carry oneself modestly towards another whom men honour ; aarichag ; paarich, to cause any one to be honoured or respected, or to be ashamed before any one; a-arich, honour, a sense of shame ; ma-aarlch, one who honours another, or conducts himself modestly. ma-arien, a priestess 5 see marten, heathenish customs. ma-aries, a priest, a priestess. ma-arra, unemployed, one who has nothing to do ; also at peace and undisturbed ; ger. a-arra. ma-arrat, a sort of fish, like the cod. maaru, ml, ma, cold ; as masumah. maas, ml, ma, to catch, as chummau ; also a certain mode of fishing with a net, to take by a sweep-net, called auan; aas, a besom, but only such as are made of a certain plant called also aas, otherwise it is chachau. ma-asannan, an envier ; fr. masannan. ma-asasarra, one who sleeps much, a slug- gard ; fr. summara. ma-asasat, a smith ; fr. summatsat, ma-asasiri, a crier ; fr. simiri. ma-asassabacfc, poisonous ; fr. sumbach. ma-asassis, a tailor ; fr. summls. ma-asiklau, a fifer, one who plays well on a flute ; fr. klau. maaspaspat, eight by eight. maaspat, eight. ma-asoso, a giver ; fr. passoso. ma-assas, a sluggard ; see masas. ma-asselakko, useless through indolence, worthless. maat is used only of the swelling of rivers, not occasioned by the sea or tide ; pret. mi, fut. ma ; trans, paat, nom. oat ; mabarrija oat o sabba, the fresh of the river is very strong, or the stream is strong ; aataljan, the lower part of a river where the running out of the water makes the river greater and stronger. maat, mi, ma, aata, is used for firewood ; thus they say, maat-eeb, to cut firewood ; trans, paat, pi, pa, Ipaata. ma-atattaas, a predecessor in anything. ma-atattosik, or ma-atattose, a liar j fr. turn- mosik and tummose. ma-atattuppa, one who has a good memory ; fr. tumpa. rua-atauso, a doctor ; fr. pattauso. ma-atinnaam, a forerunner. ma-atite, one who speaks openly to the people, a preacher; ma-atil, a minister; fr. pattlte and fr. patil. ma-attallalattala, a comforter. ma-au-ach, forgetful ; fr. poach. ma-auba, one who is always drowsy ; fr. moba. ma-aunat, one who sets anything on fire ; fr. ponnad or monad. ma-aurldda, a man or woman who deserts his or her partner ; fr. moriedda. maauso, a widow or widower ; mi, ma, aausoa, paauso, pi, pa, ipaausoa. ma-aussl, one who hides anything in play ; for it differs from ma-achab, and maallallobo ; fr. post or pausi. maba, minaba, mamaba, to know, to under- stand ; ma bada saan, and zies, an understand- ing heart; ger. maba seems also to mean 'to acknowledge ' ; maabam charsar ja ta Labba, I know Labba's voice ; pala, trans, aba, knowledge, science ; ma-aba, a wise man ; intens. mababa ; nom. ababa ; aba ko taposai, omniscient. ma-baas, minabaas, mamabaas, abasa, abasen, inabaas, ino-abasen, to creep ; pabaas, trans, to crawl ; mabaas morab, to creep out, as in fine weather; mabaas mariollo, when the beasts eat grass, when it is foul and rainy weather, good weather for crawling out, the 144 Favorlang beasts lie in the grass 5 nom. abaas, a creeping} ma-abaas, a creeper. mababat, minababat, mamababat, ababadda, the gait of men and beasts ; also the moving onwards of anything that moves locally; pababat, trans, imp. ababadda, ipababadda ; ababad, a path, a way ; pass, ababadbad, ini- den, inababad, inoababadden, ipabapababad, inoia- pabad ; ababadden iata, the ground is trodden. mababosa, an old man, one who is getting old ; mi, ma, ababossa ; pababosa, trans., ma- ababosa, an old man. mabachas, mi, ma, abachasa, to be dry; bachas, drought ; pabachas, to dry; activ. imp. ipabachasa, trans, pass, abachassen, act. obach- assen, inobachas, inoabachasen, ipabachas, ini- pabachas, inoipabachas, contracted forms, mabas and palas ; ma-abachas, one who dries. mabach-ich, unbent ; from pabach-ich, mi, ma, an unbending, a diversion ; ma-abachchich, one who diverts. mabad, mi, ma, abadda, abadden, inabaddan, inoabaddan, the running of the paper in writing ; mabad o barritok, differs from momach ; pabad, trans, abad, a flowing. mabadas, mi, ma, same as mamacho. mabaddabadda, minabaddabadda, mamabad- dabadda, abaddabadda, abaddabaddan, inobad- dabaddan, inoabaddabaddan, to look hard, to stare ; pabaddabadda, imp. ipabaddabadda, trans, abaddabada, far-sighted, a good sight ; ma-abaddabadda, one who sees far. mabag (the last a is scarcely heard), mina- bagh, mamabagh, abagcha, abagchen, inabagh, inoabagchen, to embrace, to take in both arms, also to carry on the arms ; pa-bag, trans. maballa, mi, ma, oballa, o ballaan, inoballa, ino-oballaan, to leak, differs from misosso ; ma- balla, when the hole is large and it leaks much, and misosso, when the hole is smaller and it leaks a little ; pauballa, trans. mabarra, to be strong ; ger. abarra, mi, ma, barra, strength ; ma abarra, a strengthener ; pabarra, trans, ipabarra, act. imp. abarra, pass, ipabarra, inipabarra, inoipabarra, act. abarran, inabarra, inoabarran ; abarra, streng- thening, from pabarra. mabarran, mi, ma, abarranna, neut. not naked ; pabarran, act. and trans. mabarras, minabarras, mamabarras, abar- rassa, abarrassen, inabarras, inoabarrasen, to proceed against the enemy, in order to fall on him by surprise ; pabarras, ipabarrassa, imp. trans, nom. abarras, a going forth against the foe j ma abaras, one who goes forth. mabarri, minabarri, mamabarri, abarria, to blow ; pabarri, trans, abarria, ipabarria, imp. to blow, pas. barrin, binarrin, ino-barrin, trans. ipabarri, inipabar-ri, inoipabarri ; barri, nom. the wind. mabart, mi, ma, like maries. mabasso, scented ; mi, ma, abassoa, also well tasted, neut. is said of salmon, which smells or tastes well ; basso, nom. taste or smell ; pabasso, smelling good, to make tasty, imp. act. abassoa, trans, pabassoa, pas. bassoan, binassoan, inobai- soan, pabasso, impabasso, inoipabasso. mabauaas, mi, ma, imp. abauasa, a dangling in play, after which they shout. mabazibat, mi, ma, abazibadda, just, even ; mapospos, contrarium, mi, ma, apospossa, papos- pos, trans., pospos, nom., pabazibat, pi, pa, ipabazibadda, trans, act. abazibadda, nom. bazibad, pass. act. bazibadden, binazibad, ino- bazibadden, trans, ipazibad, inipazibad. mabido, mi, ma, abidoa, to be black ; pabido, trans, and imp. ipabidoa, ipabido, inipabido, inoipabid, act. abidoa, pass, abidoan, inabidoan, ino-abidoan. mabilla, mi, ma, abilloa, neut. cloven ; pabilla, act. and trans ; billa, a cleft ; maabilla, cleft. mabillaag, mi, ma, abillaga, pabillaag, to enlarge, nom. billaag, breadth ; ma abillaag, trans, en act. one who enlarges, imp. abillaga, pass, abillagen, inabillaag, inoabillagen, ipabillaga, ipabillaag, inipabillaag, inoipabillaag ; mabiUa- billaak, flat. mabinnas, mi, ma, abinnasse, healthy ; pabin- nas, trans, to heal, trans, et act. imp. abin- nassa, ipabinnassa, pass, abinnassen, inabinnas, inoabinnasa, inf. pabinnassa, ipabinnas, inipabin- nas, inopa-binnas ; binnas, health ; abinnas, a healing ; mabinnas, a restorer, a healer. mablnni, mi, ma, abinnia, fat, fleshy ; pabinni, to fatten, trans, and act., imp. abinnia, abinni- in, inabinni, inobinni-in ipabinnia, pass, ipabinni, inapabinni, ino-ipabinni ; binni, fatness; abinni, a fattening ; maabinni, a fattener. mabior, mimibior, mamabior, abiorra, to remain behind without going forth ; pabior, trans, and act. imp. abiorra, ipabiorra, pass. inabiorran, inoabiorran, ipabiorra, ipabior, ini- pabior, inaipabior; bior, nom. is used as a preposition ; ma-abior, one who remains behind. mabirblr, mi, ma, abirbirra, abirbirren, ina- birbir, inoabirbirren, abirbirren, a composing of the mind in anger ; mabirbir i tsies, to compose the mind ; pabirbir, to cause such to be done ; abirbir, nom. a composing, a pacifying, a pacifier. Vocabulary '45 mabissas, minabissas, mamabissas, abisassa, to make oneself ready, to go anywhere or do anything} perhaps also ready, pass, pabissas, trans, and act. abissassa, abissassan, inabissas, inoabissassen, ipabissassan, pass, ipabissas, ini- pabissas, inoipabissas ; abissas, nom. preparing ; maabissas, a preparer. mabisse, mi, ma, abissa, upright in mind, virtuous j pabissen, trans, and act. imp. abissea, abissei, inabisse, inoabissein, ipabissea, pass, ipa- bissi, inipabisse, inoipabissen ; ma-abisse, a justi- fier; babisse, righteousness. mabisse bisse, as mabisse ; bisse is only said of many ; ja mabisse bisse tapos ja tatakorroe, all as straight as a line, intens. mabisse ; bisse bisse, intens. babisse, see pisse ; ma-abisse bisse, to make right, upright. mabo, minabo, mamobo, aboa, aboan, inaboa?i, ino-aboan, to pity, to forgive, to deliver ; pabo, pinabo, papabo, ipaboa, ipabo, inipabo, inoipabo, ditto ; anything done out of compassion is abo, iniabo, ino jabo ; abo, nom. forgiveness ; abon no babosa, a compassionate man ; bo, grace, mercy ; bo no tsies, a compassionate mind ; ma abo, one who pities. mab-o, mi, ma, ab-oa, neut. to rot, pass, rotten ; pab-o, trans, ab-o, a rotting. maboas, minaboas, mamaboas, aboasa, to remove ; paboas, trans, pass, aboasas, inaboasas, inoaboasas, ja, ta, i-aboas, ini-aboas, ino-iaboas ja ballag ; nom. aboas, a removal ; ma-abaas, a remover. maboch-o, minaboch-o, mamabogh-o, to stink ; paboch-o, trans, and act. imp. aboch-oa, pass. aboch-oan, ipaboch-oa, ipaboch-o, inaboch-oan, inipaboch-o, ino-ipabocho ; bocho, stink. maborra, minaborra, mamaborra, aborra, to be pacified, neut.; borra,an ally, fr. maborra; ma-aborra, a peacemaker; aborra, pacifying; paborra, trans, and act. imp. aborra, ipaborra, to pacify ; the pass. act. trans, aborran, ina- borra, ino-aborran, ipaborra, inipaborra, ino- ipaborra. \ maborried, mi, ma, aborrieda, neut. over- turned ; the root, parried. maborroch, raised, bumpy, angular, not round ; maborroch a sies, maborrogh a tarran, maborroch ja morra, a -humpback, a crooked road, or a distorted countenance ; paborrogh, trans, and act. imp. aborrogga, ipaborrogga, pass, aborroggen, inaborrogh, inoaborroghen, ipaborroggen, inipaborrogh, ino ipaborroghen ; borroch, a bump. maboso, mi, ma, abosoa, neut. to wear away, to change ; paboso, pi, pa, imp. abosoa, pass. abosoan, inobosoan, ipabosoa, inipaboso, inoipaboso, to wear off. macha, the eye, dead ; cho macha, a dead man ; also dry, dried up ; macha da baron, dry- wood ; macha da ta, dry land ; pacha, to kill ; act. imp. acha, achar, inacha, ino achan, trans. ipacha, inipacha, inoipacha; the neut. has no other noun than macha itself; it is also the verb macha, mi, ma, acha, to die ; acha, a death-blow; nom. ma-acha, a murderer; machada idas, an eclipse ordead moon ; machada aras, dry grass. machab, minachab, mamachab, achabba, achabban, inachabban, inoachabban, to do any- thing secretly ; pachab, trans, achab, theft ; ma achab, a thief. mach-achio-a-oogh, as machio-a-oogh. machachod, an adulterer or adulteress ; fr. chummod. machaddak, near, not far, mi, ma, achadikka, neut., pack addik trans, and act. nom. chaddik, is used as the prep, near ; root, chummaddik ; maube a chaddik, to look near; ma-achaddik ocho, a neighbour, one who is near. machallo, mi, ma, achalloa, clear; machallo a to, clear water; machallo a boesum, clear air ; machallo a tattorrodauron, a clear mirror ; pachallo, trans, and act. ; gallo, nom. clearness ; machalloc hallo, intens. ; ma-achatto, clearer ; pachallo, act. achalloa, pass, ipachalloa, trans. achalloon, inachalloon, inoachalloon, ipachallo, inipachallo, inoipachallo. machal-pod, the end ; mi, ma, achal-podda, to come to the last, completed, as machil; achalta, or achalpodda dummoro tapos, come in together; minachalt, or minachal-pod sohsa tapos, they are all gone in together ; pachalt is act. and pachalpod trans, finished ; achalta, achalten, inachalt, inoachalten, imp. pass.; pachalta, ipachalt, inipachalt, inoipachalt. machammochammo, deep ; machammocham- mo-nochauch, spoken of a well ; mina, mama, achammochammoa, anything dark and dismal, as in a well ; mamarorammo, is used also by the Takey people ; chammochammo and mo- rammo, nom. machanagb, mi, machanacha, neut. notched ; see chummanach ; chanag, a notch in an arrow, machapor, mi, ma, ger. achaporra, of few words, not to speak much, to be still ; pachabor, trans, and act.; machapochapor, intens.; chapor, nom. silence, is chapachapor ; ma achappr, one who keeps silence ; imp. achaporra, achiporran, inachaporran, inoachaporran, ipachaporra, pass. ipachapor. 146 Favorlang machaogh, pitted, rumpled, rough ; pachauch, trans, and act. imp. achaucha, achauchen, inachauch, ipachaucha, pass, ipachauchen, ini- pachauch, inoipachauch ; chauch, a well ; ma achauch, a well digger. macharapo, mi, ma, ackarapoa, neut. ; see chummarappo. macharrieb, mi, ma, acharriebba, invisible, is used of wind, spirit, etc. ; acharrieb, nom. ; ma acharrieb, one who renders anything in- visible. mach-a-to, water dried up. machatto, mi, ma, achattoa, to smoke ; pach- atto, act. trans, imp. achattoa, achattoan, in- achattoa,inoachattoan, ipachattoa, pass, ipachatto, inipachattoa, inoipachattoa ; chatto, nom. mach-do, sweet ; mi, ma, achedoa (the e short), chedo, sweet ; ma achedo,a sweetener; pachedo, trans. mache, mi, ma, imp. achea, pass, acheen, inache, inoacheen, to guess whether anything is even or uneven. maclie aubon, minacheaubon, mamacheaubon, pass, acheaubonnan, inacheaubonnan, inoachau- bonnan ; acheaubonnan, to jest, to joke, to sit idle, to dally ; acheuabon, nom. dallying ; ma acheaubon, to trifle ; ta ja don acheaubonnan, the place where people play. macheda, intens. machedacheda ; mi, ma, acheda, pass, achedaan, etc., to change one's word or will ; pacheda, trans. ; cheda, change- ableness. macheer, ingenious; mi, ma, acheer ; pa- cheer, trans, and act. pi, pa, imp. achera, acheran, inacheran, inoacheran, ipachera, pass, ipacheer, inipacheer, inoipacheer ; cheer (pron. khayr), wit. machen, an elder brother or sister, cousin or nephew. machia, minachia, mamachia, achia, to re- pent, to change one's mind ; pachia, trans, to change any one ; achia, repentance ; ma achia, one who exhorts to repentance. machi-agchi erab, mi, ma, to drivel ; achi achi erab, or machi achi, mi, ma, achi a chia, this is also to leak ; nom. achi a chi, and achi a chi erab, slaver ; ma achi achi, one who drivels ; pachia chi erab, and pachi a chi, trans. ; ma chiagchi, composed from machiagchi, to leak, and erab, spittle ; machiagchi kallaman, the pot leaks ; achiagchi in, inachiagchi in, ina achiag- chi inja to, the water is leaked out. machiegli, minachiegh, mamachiegh, neut. to roast ; achiecha, to broil, inf. trans. ; pachiech, to boil, the root is chummiegh, see the nom. act. ; see under letter p ; chiegh, a roasting ; ma achiegh, a roaster, as ma achachieg ; chieg, roast ; ma achieg, anything roasted. macbigli, sour ; mi, ma, achich-a ; pachich, trans, and act. imp. achichoa, achich in, in- achich in, ino achich in, ipachich a, pass, ipa- chich, inipachich, ino ipachich ; chich, sourish. machigilla, mi, ma, achigilla, nearly like medadorri ; Takeijs. machimit, mi, ma, achimta, spruce, neat, clean, avoiding filth ; pachimit, trans, and act. imp. achimta, achimten, inachimtin, inoachimtin, ipachimta, pass, ipachimt, inipachimt, inoipa- chimt ; machimchimit, idem ; ma achimit, a clearer; chimit, nom. subst. cleanliness, neat- ness ; used also as an adverb. machio-a-oagli, minachio-a-oagh, mamachio-a- oagh, a returning. macho, minacho, mamacho, achoa, achon, in- achon, ino achon, to take elsewhere ; but this word in construction takes n, as inachon o bido, take away the book. machobbechob, mi, ma, achobbechobba, neut. inf. chummobbechob, to be hasty ; chobbechob, act. and trans. ; chobbechob, nom. hasty. machobot, rumpled, rough; mi, ma, pacho- bot, trans, and act. ; machobochobo intens. ; cho- bor, a ruffle ; ma achobor, one who makes ruffles ; imp. achobotta, pass, achobottan, inacho- bottan, inoachobottan, ipachobatta, pass, ipacho- bot, inipachobot, inipachobat. machomorraja, mi, ma, achomorraja, fright- ened, confounded ; pachomorraja, trans, and act. ; achomorraja, confusion ; ma achomorraja, fright, imp. act. achomorraja, achimorraja, inachomorraian, trans, ipachomorraja, pass. ipachomorraja, inipachomorraia, inoachomorraia, ino ipachomorraia. maclionagh, mimachonagh, mamachonagh, achonagcha, to haunt ; pachonagh, trans. ; \acho- nagh, haunted ; ma achonagh, a haunter ; pa- chonagh, act. achonagcha, inachonagh, trans. ipachonagcha, pass, ipachonagh, inipachonagh, inoipacho-nagh. maclionclion, mi, ma, achochonna, neut. ploughed ; see chummonchos, nom. chonchon, a ploughman. maclionsar, everlasting ; pachonsar, trans. ; ma achonsar, one who perpetuates ; acho, nom. ma acho, one who causes continuance. machopul (the o short), to taste well, act. mi, ma, imp. achopulla, pass, achopullen, inocho- pul, inochopullen, a taster, one who prepares the food. machoraap, mi, ma, achorapa, neut., the same as pedara, to mix different thing Vocabulary 147 together ; pacheraap, trans., achoraap, nom., as aidarra; pachoraap, act. trans, imp. achorapa, achorapen, inachoraap, ipachorapa, pass, ipacho- raap, inipachoraap, ino achorap, inoipachorap. machote, minachote, manachote $ achotea, averse to anything that is unpleasant ; also to suffer punishment; the root is chummote; see also act. pachote, in p., punishment ; maachote, a sufferer ; chote, suffering. machotul, mi, ma, achotulla, neut. bent, not straight, physically and morally ; pachotul, act. and trans, pi, pa, imp. achotulla, ipachotulla, pass. ipachotul, etc ; chotul, a curve. machummachumma, mi, ma, achummac hum- ma, indistinct, the opposite of marimasal; chummachumma, nom. ; ma achummachumma ; pachummachumma, act. achummachumma, achummachumman, inachummachumman, ino- achummachumman, trans, ipachummachumma, pass, ipachummachumma, etc. mada, minada, mamada, ada, adan, inadan, inoadan, to divide ; pada, trans. ; ada, a share ; ma ada, a sharer. madaal, mi, ma, ada-alla, neut. dishonour- able, shameless ; pa-da-al, act. and trans, da-al, nom. madaap, minadaap, mamadaap, adapa, ada- pen, inadap, ino-adapen, to make haste ; padaap, imp. ipadaba, trans, ada aba, act. ; pass, ada aben, inadaab, inoadaaben, padaab, inipadaab, inoipadaab, adaab, haste ; ma adaab, one who hastens another. madabbi, to be satisfied ; mi, ma, adabbia ; padabbi, trans, satisfied ; dabbi, satiety ; ma adabbi, a satisfier ; adabbi, satisfying, act ; padabbi, act. adabbia, adabbin, trans, ipadabbia, pass, ipadabbi, inipadabbi, ino adabbien, inoipa- dabbi. madaddo, ininadaddo, mamadaddo ; adaddoa, to refuse ; pass, adadoan, inadadoan, adaddoan ; padaddo, daddo, a refusal ; ma adaddo, a re- fuser. madallal, ger. mi, ma, adaldalla, gentle, as ma-allal; padaldal, pa-al-al, trans.; daldal, mildness ; ma-adaldal, one who wishes to be kind ; padaldal, act. adaldalla, adaldallen, ina- daldal, pa-al-al, trans, imp. ipadaldalla, pass. ipadaldal, inipadaldal, inoadaldallen. madallolees, mi, ma, neut. glistering, shin- ing, as if well scoured ; but this only refers to anything that has a white ground, and differs from raosan ; dallolees, nom. a shining ; it is also the name of a tree, the bark of which shines like the European beech. madarram, minadarram, mamadarram, adar- rama, darrammen, madarram, inodarrammen, trained; see the root dummarram, and there the neut. darram, experience ; ma-adarran, one who is trained. madas, minadas, mamadas, adassa, adassen, inoadassen, to praise ; madadas, also padas, praise ; ma-adas, a praiser. maddik, minaddik, tnamaddik, adikka, etc., to forbid ; paddik, adik, a prohibition j ma adik, a prohibiter. maddobor, mi, ma, ger. addoborra, busy, en- cumbered, neut.; padobor, trans, ma-adobor, troubled ; adobor, trouble, act. dobbor, care ; padobor, act. adoborra, adoborren, inadobor, trans, imp. padoborra, pass, padobor, etc. madich, or madigh, sick; mi, ma, adicha, nom. adj. ; ma-adig, a sickness, one who makes sick ; adigh, a sickening ; dich, nom. sickness ; madeadig, intens. nom. padich, act. adicha, adich, inadich, trans, ipadicha, pass, ipadich, inipadich, inoadichen, inoipadich, etc. madldden, mi, ma, ger. adiddena, firm, close, fast holding; madidden o arrar, a strong rail- ing; adiddenja tataap-oe, hold it fast; applied to the mind, firm, undaunted ; dadden, firm ; padidden, trans, ma adidden, one who makes fast ; adidden, a fastening ; padidden, act. adid- dena, etc., trans, padiddena, pass, ipadidden, etc. madirdir, minadirdir, mamadirdir, adirdirra, to tremble; padirdir, act and trans, dirdir, nom. a shaking. mado, a dog. mado, tninado, mamado, adoa, adoan, inadoan, inoadoan, to cook ; pado, trans. ; ado, a cooking ; ma ado, a cook. madobdob, minadobdob, mamadobdob, dob- dobba, dobdobben, zinobdob, inodobdobben, hurried and in difficulty ; padobdob, trans. ; see dummob- dob, to hasten, neut. nom. dobdob ; ma adobdob, one who hastens another. madochallam, minadochallam, mamadochal- lam, adochallama, the calming and clearing up of wind and weather; also of anger ; padochal- lam, act. and trans, imp. adochattam, adochal- laman, ipadochallama, pass, ipadochallam, ina- dochellaman, inoadochaUeman, inipadochallam, inoipadochallam ; adochallam ; ma adochallam, one who calms people. madodeibo-ibo, faint, weak ; mi, ma, adodeibo- iboa, lax ; padodeibo-ibo, trans, and act. imp. adodeibo-iboa, adodeibo-iboan, inadodeibo-iboan, etc., pass, ipadodeiboibo, etc. ; adodeibo-ibo, faintness ; ma adodeiboibo, one who makes faint. 148 Favorlang magagidsi, and magagri, mi, ma, both neut.j fr. chummagids and gummagri, ticklish. magaiech, mi, ma, agaiecha, neut. ; fr. gummaiech, to delay ; agaiech, lateness, used ad- verbially, late ; ma agaiech, a delaying, adject. magak, mi, ma, agakka, pass, agakken, etc., to call out, as paillieb; pagak, trans, intens., magagak, agak, nom. magamgam, agamgamma, to be covetous ; pass, minagamgam, fut. mamagamgam; ma agamgam, covetous, a miser ; gamgam, cove- tousness ; pagamgam, act. trans, imp. agam- gamma, agamgammen, ipagamgamma, pass. ipagamgam, inagamgammen, etc. magareogeo, mi, ma, gareogeoa, flat and round like the wheels of a coach ; pagareogeo, trans, and act. nom. gareogea. magcha, the eyes. magcMtagchitat, mi, ma, unsettled, change- able ; mi, ma, agchitagchitatta is not said of men's will or words, but refers to things that exist now and then, as magchitagchitat moetas, it rains sometimes ; agchitagchitat, changeable- ness. magcho, mi, ma, mamagcho, ipagchoa, ipag- cha, inipagcho, inoipagcho, to speak. magga, minagga, mamagga, agga, the means in order to an end ; yaga, mijagga, inojagga, the object or aim ; agan, inagan, inoaggan, to throw out of the hand ; maggo taggargar, to cast anchor ; paga, trans. ; aga, the throwing of projectiles ; ma aga, one skilful in throwing. maggaat, mi, ma, sharp ; agaata, pointed ; maggaat o zinoe, a sharp knife ; maggaato raro, a three-cornered hat ; maggagaat, intens., fr. gummaat ; gaat, a point ; ma agaat, anything pointed. maggaga, minaggaga, etc. ; see magga, to throw after ; maggag o bato, to stone. magge, mi, ma, imp. aggea, tough, sticky, paste made from rice, starch, etc. maggo- aan, mi, ma, aggo-ana, compounded of magga, to throw, and aan, food ; when two parties, after having promised their children, previous to the marriage, feed each other; paggo-an, trans., aggo-aan, nom. subst. maggogh, mi, ma, aggocha, to annoy by vexation ; maggogh ja na, azijel o mababat, maggoghja, maggogh ja na babiaro machip; pagoch, trans, goch, vexation ; ma agoch, a vexer ; pagoch, act. agocha, etc., trans, ipagocho, etc. maggos, mi, ma, agossa, to fish with a sweep-net, by which the fishes are inclosed ; pagos, trans. maggotarrar, mi, ma, to bend anything on the edge or end, as the edge of a napkin, etc. ; also to go slanting upwards, as a way ; pagotarrar, trans, and act. imp. agotarrarra, agotarrarran, ipagotarrar, pass, ipagotarrar, etc. maghappo, glowing ; metaphorically used of ardent spirits, because they make the face to glow ; pagappo, to glow, act. trans. ; pachippo, chappo, nom.j ma agappo, one who glows ; pagappo, act. trans, imp. agappoa, agappoan, inagappoan, inoagappoan, ipagappoa. magkagh, minakagh, mamakagh, akacha, akachen, etc., to bite ; pagach, trans. ; agach, a bite ; ma agach, a biter. magogach, minagagach, mamagagagh, agag- agc/ia, to itch after, to desire strongly ; ma- gagagagach, intens. magagach ; pagagach, trans, gagac/z, an itching, a desire ; ma-agagach, one who itches. magomach, mi, ma, agomacha, neut. blotted out ; see gummach. magoragb, mi, ma, agoracha, the skin rubbed off ; magoragh ja rima, the skin is off my hand ; magar aggorack, intens. magoulyk, mi, ma, agoulyka, neut. to sprain the foot, to wrench ; pagoulyck, act. and trans, a sprain of the foot , the natives cure this by the leaves of a certain tree, called satik, with which they bind up the limb in order to soften the skin, or to disperse the extravasated blood. mai, mimai, mamai, imp. moa, to come ; the 3rd person has sat, sanai, sasai, trans, only in the 3rd person, pasai, pi, pa; ipasaya; mai? is he well ? interrogatively. mai acho, all those who are related to us, whether male or female ; also stepfather and mother ; seems to be compounded from the verbs mai, to come, and macho, to bring ; because when the daughters marry, they bring their husbands home to dwell. maibas, alike , mi, ma, imp. aubasa, aibas, nom. likeness ; ma aibas, one who makes alike;; paibas, act. and trans, imp. aibasa, aibasan, inaibasan, inoaibasan, ipaibasa, ipaibas, etc. maibat, minaibat, mamaibat, aibadda, aibaddan, inaibaddan, ino-aibaddan, to work for another for one's board, as the poor do for a meal; men say also mikat ; paibat, trans, with respect to the person who is served ; aibat, nom. service ; maibat, a servant, a labourer ; pass, aibadden, inaibda, inaibadden, inaibad, inoaibadden, with respect to the hire that is obtained. ma-im-it, makili, idem ; ma-imimit, intens. makilikili, idem, middling, not too much, pass- Vocabulary 149 able, neither too large nor too small ; is also used as machapor and machapochapor, and then means moderate in conversation, neither too still nor too talkative. malmoch-a-ta, a wilderness. mairo, kagmairo, mi, ma, aiman, airoan, airoa, inairoan, ino airoan, to change, as men do the teeth, or bucks the horns ; pairo, trans, nom. airo, a changing ; ma-airo, a changer. mais, minais, mamais, assa, aisan, inaisan, inoaisan, to laugh j pats, trans, ais, a laugh ; ma-ais, a laugher. ma-issal, mina-issal, mama-issal, a-issalla, to repeat, as children do before their master ; ma- issal, o bido, to say out of book ; ma-issal o sies, to say by heart. maizi, mi, ma, aizia, near, at hand ; people say also maizi, aizi, and arri, neighbourhood j aizi, paizi, act. and trans, imp. aizia, aizian, inaizi, inoaizian, ipaizia, pass, ipaizi, inoipaizi ; maaizi, nom., and ma arzi, one who brings near. majed, mi, ma, small, fine ; but it is only said of many, for with regard to few, it is koezi; also thin, not thick, as makied; paied, to make small ; ma-a-ied, one who makes small, smallness ; ma-i-ied or makikifd, thin ; pa-i-ied, pakikied, trans. makabol, mi, ma, akabollan, to be angry, to chide, act. trans, pakabol, akabolla, akaboUen, pak holla, pass, ipakobol, inakobol, inoakobolkn, etc. j kobal, anger, wrath ; ma-akabol, angry, wrathful. ma-kairi, mi, ma, to do anything with the left hand, as makairi ja simioch, pattite, to stretch out the left hand and speak, etc. ; ma. annige, idem ; ma akairi, a left-handed man. makakan, to be red ; mi, ma, akakama, pakakam, trans, and act. imp. akalanna, ipaka- kanna, hakan, redness j ma akakan, a red dauber ; pass, akakanna, inakakannan, ipakakan, inikakannan, inipakakan, inokakannan, etc. makakossi, mi, ma, akakossia, to be dis- obedient ; pakakossi, pi, pa, akakossia, akakossia- in, inakakossi, ipakakossia, pass., ipakakossi, inipakakossi, fut. pass, inoakakossi-in, inoipaka- kossi; see act. kummossi, to render any one disobedient. ma-kallamas, mi, ma, to do anything with the right hand ; as makallamas ja simioch, pattite, etc. ; ma allamas, ditto. makammichi, to be solitary, alone $ mi, ma, akammigia ; pakammieg, trans, and act. imp. akammichia, akammichi-in, inakammichi, inoa- kammichi-in, ipakimmichia, pass, ipakimmichi, etc. 5 kammichi, solitude j ma akammigi, one who is solitary and alone. makammoch, mi, ma, to be covetous (as magamgam), akammocha, imp. ; pakammoch, act. trans, imp. akammocha, akammochan, ipakam- mocha, pass, ipakammoch, inakammochan, inoa- kammochan, inipakammioch, etc. makapier, mi, ma, akapiera, neut. to be hooked on ; kapier, a hook ; ma akapier, adject, hooked to. makapos, mi, ma, akapossa, close, stopped up ; also clownish, incapable of understanding ; makapos atsies, the mind closed up , fr. kum- mapos ; pakapos, act. and trans, kapos, a closing up ; makapos, anything stopped up. makarieb, minakarieb, mamakarieb, akariba, to run ; also written magarieb ; pagarieb, trans, pass, agarieban, inagarieb, inoagarieban, a circle in which men run ; ma-agarieb, a runner. makarricM, mi, ma, makarrichi, mama- karrichi, akarrichia, to quarrel, to snarl ; pakarrichi, trans, imp. ipakarrichia, pass, ipakar- richi, inipakarrichi, inoipakarrichi, pass, akar- richi, ipakarrichi, inoakarrichi-in ; karrichi, a quarrelling ; ma-akarrichi, angry ; mizy, idem. makarro, mi, ma, akarroa, as mausselakko ; pakarro, to be idle, act. akarro, nom. ; ma- akarro, a lazy fellow ; pass, akarroan, akarroan o tsinoep a arrien, the work is neglected. makinMn, mi, ma, akinkinna, neut. to ring as little bells j see kumminkin, nom. kinkin, a little bell. makiol, mi, ma, akiolla, as maggaat; kiol, nom. pointed ; makiol ja oog pama dot, a pointed bamboo, tapering towards the top ; ma-akiol, anything pointed ; pakiol, trans, and act. to sharpen to a point; imp. akiolla, pakiollen, inakiollen, inoakiolkn, ipakiolla, etc. makirkir, mi, ma, akirkirra, neut., see kum- mirkir, to gnash the teeth ; pakirkir, act. and trans ; akirkir, a gnashing of the teeth. mairiraji, ma, mi, akkassa, akkassen, inakkas, inoakkassen, to revile any one, to accuse, to reproach ; pakkas, trans. ; makkas o ma atattosik, to accuse falsely j akkas, a reviling j ma-akkas, a reviler. makkeshap, proper, just, suitable, sufficient ; mi, ma, akkieshappa ; keshap, and akkeshap, nom. ; ma-akkeshappa, act. and trans, pakkeshap, imp. akkeshappa, akkeshappen, inakkeshappen, inoakkes happen, ipakeshappa, etc. makorilas, mi, ma, akorilasa, neut. the same as meroobroob. makos, minakos, mamakos, akossa, akossen, to scratch, to scrape ; pakos, trans., akos, nom. j ma-akos, an extortioner. makosum, to be jet black, mi, ma, akosumma; Favorlang pakosum, paosum ; trans, and act. imp. aosumma, aosum, inaosum, ipoasumma, pass, ipaosum, etc. ; osum, blackish j ma-aosum, blackener. maksas, minaksas, mamaksas, aksassa, aksas- san, etc., to desire ; paksas, aksas, desire ; ma- aksas, one who desires. malaag, mi, ma, alaga, alagen, etc., to catch, to surprise one in sleep, as the natives catch game while asleep, or pierce them with a spear. malachab, mi, ma, alachabba, long, slow, intens. malachalagab ; palachab, act. and trans. imp. alachabba, alachabben, inalachabben, inoal- achabben, ipalachabba, pass, ipalachab, etc.; lachab, laziness, slowness 5 ma-alachab, a slug- gard ; malachalachab, intens. ; fr. malachab. malachach, mi, ma, alachacha, loose, not tied tight, the opposite of madidden ; palachach, act. and trans, intens. malachalachach, imp. alachacha, ipalachacha, alachachen, inalach- achen, inoalachachen, pass, ipalachach, etc.; lachach, looseness ; ma-alachach, one who makes anything loose. maladik, minaladik, mamaladik, aladikka, aladikken, inaladik, inoaladikken, to take care, to protect, to rule over; aladik, nom. a protection, rule; ma-aladik, a protector, a ruler; aladik, aijan, a seat of government. malakkum, minallakkum, mamallakkum, allak- kumma, to turn things upside down ; allakkum, the turning as of a ruler ; ma-allakkum, one that does that; pallakkum, pi, pa, imp. act. and trans, allakkumma, ipallakumma, allakkumman, inallakkumman, inoallakkumman, pass, ipallak- kum, etc., to turn things over and over, but is only said of such things as nature or art has adapted for turning over. malalpi, and malalpielpi, mi, ma, neut. glit- tering ; fr. lumpi and lumpielpi. malam, minalam, mamalam ; alamma, one who rights with missile weapons; alamma, inalam, ino-alammen, the place where the battle is fought; alammen, inalamman, inoalamman, alam, missile weapons; karri alam, and mau alam, to fight together ; ma-alam, one who is skilful with missiles ; alam-an aijan, a field of battle. malama, minalama, mamalama, alama, ala- man, inalama, ino-alaman, to cook pap ; palama, trans, lallama, pap ; ma-alama, a pap-maker. malapan, to be flat ; mi, ma, alapama, palapa, trans, and act. imp. alapanna, alapan- nen, inalapannen, ipalapanna, pass, ipalapan, etc.; lapan, nom.; ma-alapan, one who flattens. malapilapies, mi, ma, alapilapsa, kneaded, pressed down ; see lummapilapies. malat' o situm, a bill hook. malatta, a hammer ; written malata. malaulaub, minalaulaub, mamalaulaub, the sparkling of a flame, hence clear, to burn well ; palaulaub, pi, pa, etc., see gummaulaub. maliod, mi, ma, aliodda, aliodden, inaliod, to blow a whirlwind ; paliod, trans., aliod, nom. a whirlwind. malitnlllto, mi, ma, alitullitoa, to reel, neut. ; see lummitullito. malla, minalla, mamalla, alla-a, alla-an, etc., to adorn oneself; pal/a, trans, to adorn another ; al-la, ornament ; ma-alla, an adorner. mallabagh, minalabagh, mamalabagh, choos- ing things equally good, not to know which to take, imp. allabagha; ma allabagh, act. and trans. ; pallabagh, pi, pa, allabagha, allabaghen, ina-allabaghen, inoallabaghen, ipallabacha, ipal- labagh, inipallabagh, inoipallabagh ; but mabag, mi, ma, abagga, abaggen, inabag, not to know what to choose, to be anxious about a choice ; palag, abag, nom. ; ma-abag, one who brings another into anxiety. mallas a boesum, clear fine weather. mallas a ta, a plain. malleak, mi, ma, alleakka, as machote, neut. pass, alleakken, inalleak, inoalleakken, act. trans. ipalleak, inipalleak, inoipalleak ; palleak, to be averse ; alleak, aversion ; ma-alleak, a person who is loathsome. mallegallich, and mallegallegallich, mi, ma, pallegallich, and pallegalligich, as malachach, and malachalachach, palachach, and palachale- chach. malli-alli, minalli-alli, ma malli-alli, alli-allia, to thrill, to shake, alli-alli, nom. subst. ; ma-alli- alli, a shaker ; palli-alli, imp. act. trans. alli-allia, alli-alli-in, inalli-alli-in, ino-alli-alli-in, etc. mallo, a cup, can, or dish ; mallo idas, a saucer. mallo sos, a silver scale. malrnal, mi, ma, almalla, tender, soft, not tough, neut.; also malbo, mi, ma, albea (con- tract, from malilbe) ; paalbe, neut. and trans., albea, ipalbea, lilbe (the i short), nom. softness , lemmel (the e short), nom. softness, even as malummal ; ma-abummal, a softener ; palummal, act. pi, pa, imp. alummalla, alummallen, inalum- mal, etc. ; palummal, trans. malod, -minalod, mamalod, alodda, aloddan, inaloddan, inoaloddan, to call ; palod, trans., alod, nom.; ma-alod, a crier. Vocabulary malokogh, mi, ma, alokogcha, meagre ; palo- kogh, trans, and act. imp. alokogcha, alokogchen, Inalokoch, Inoalokogchen, Ipalokogcha, pass, Ipalo- koch, etc., malokolokogh, idem, intens. nom. lokoch, leanness ; ma-alokoch, ma-alokolokoch, one who makes thin. maloog, minaloog, mamaloog, aloogga, to swarm, to make a stir ; see lummoog. malpo, light, not heavy ; mi, ma, alpoa,palpo, act. and trans, imp. alpoa, alpoan, inoalpoan, ipalpoa, pass, ipalpo, etc. ; alpo, lightness ; ma- alpo, a lightener of a burthen ; alpo, a lightening. malum, mi, ma, alumma, same as moar ; pa- lum, act. trans, imp. alumma, alumman, inalum- man, inoalumman, ipalumma, pass, ipalum, etc. 5 alum, nom. as auar ; ma-alum, as ma-auar. mamacha, minamacha, mamamacha, ann- acha-a, amachan, imannacha, Inoannachan, to play the fool with any one, to joke ; pannacha, trans, annacha, jesting ; ma-amacha, a jester. mamaclio, mi, ma, same as mabadas, by which is expressed any joy, or satisfaction over any gift, or anything found ; imp. amachsa, abadaasa. mammali, a miss, a sweetheart, a spinster. mamghagh, to be quick, ready; amakagcha, mi, ma ; pamgach, act. trans, imp. amgacha, amgachen, Inamgach, Ipamgacha, pass, ipam- gach, etc. ; magach, quickness, readiness ; ma- amgach, one who stirs up another. mammarro, the morning, to-morrow. mammom, dumb ; ml, ma, amonna ; pamos, to strike dumb, act. and trans, amonna, amon- nen, inamon, inoamonnen, ipamonna, pass, ipa- mon, etc. ; amon, dumbness ; ma-amon, one who strikes another dumb. mamoos, mi, ma, amossa, diligent ; ma-moach, idem ; pamoos, pamoach, act. and trans, imp. amoosa, amoossan, inamossan, inoamossan, ipa- mo&osa, pass, ipamoos, etc., moos, moach, diligence ; amoos, and amoach, nom. a rendering diligent ; ma-amoos, and ma-amoach, one who renders another diligent. mamotto, simply. mamottomotto, angular, cornered, not round ; mi, ma, amotto, mottoa, intens. pamotto-motto, act. trans, amottomottoa, etc., ipamottomottoa, pass, ipamottomottoan, etc., nom. motto-motto, an angular form ; ma-amotto-motto, one who makes angles. mampa, a bird ; achoar, dakoe, or damorij, unknown ; maars, a quail ; kole-a-kis, kissabre, a finch ; dollij, kalo, a wagtail ; koekoen-o-oog, a cuckoo ; zieri, a sparrow ; kabil, a swallow, togea, a snipe ; teo, a stork ; poa, a hen ; sarra oa oa, a crowj gorrogot, gogoptoto, betoto, a dove ; pook, an owl ; kokko, a hen ; tebabon, a duck. man, minan, maman, channa, channan, Ino- chan, to eat away, to wear ; poan, pi, pa, to feed, to give to eat, imp. ipanna, channea, pass. channan, Inanan, Inochannan, with respect to the person who is fed ; but Iporan, inipoan, inoipoan, with respect to the food one eats ; nom. fr. man, is Inochan, food ; fr. pan, is aan, feeding, a meal, and ma-aan, a feeder ; karri man-aan, to feed one another j aan o marpe, supper ; magg o-aan, to feed ; man o patsi- simma, breakfast ; man o lallian, dinner ; man o maroop, afternoon's meal. mananat, ananadda, to do anything first; mlnanamat, mamananat, or ananade o de bonna, go forward into the field ; ananadd'' o man inonoe, do you eat first ; ananadden, Inananad, Inoananadden, als tumman-aab ; pananad, act. trans, ananadda, ananadden, Inananad, pass. ipananad, etc. ; ma ananad, one who precedes in eating, drinking, working, etc. manna-achpil, to repeat five times, ml, ma, panna-ackpll, to do anything five times ; pi, pa, imp. act. trans, ana achpila, ana achpllan, inama achpll, Ipana achpila, pass. Ipana achpll, inlpana achpll, etc., nom. ana achpll, five times. manna-maspatil, eight times. mannapida, to be often repeated ; ml, ma, panapida, to do anything often ; pi, pa, imp. act. trans, anaplda, anapldan, Inanaplda, Ino anapldan, Ipanapida, pass. Ipanaplda, etc. mannapilo, seven times. manna-spattil, four times. mannatannacho, nine times. mannatapil, six times. mannatorro-us, three times. manna-tschiet, ten times. manna-was, twice. mantantas, sometimes, occasionally ; manias, now and then. mantas, once ; mi, ma, antassa. manniTri, ininanniki, mamanniki, aenikia, to jest, to trick ; ditto, adorned, as malla ; pan- niki, imp. annlkla, annlklen, Inanlklen, Ino annlklen, ipanikia, pass. Ipanlkl, inipaniki, Inolpa- niki ; anniki, show, mockery ; ma annikl, a mocker, a showman. mannoa, ml, ma, annoa, the twisting together of twigs for basket-work, as merlchlchoa, to twine. maoom, to be ripe, is said of fruits ; ml, ma, aooma ; pa-oom, a-ooma, Ipaooma ; oom, ripe. Favorlang ma-osum, jet-black ; see makosum. mapan, many, many times ; mi, ma, ma- papan, intens. mepan ; papan, to multiply, imp. apanna, apannan, inapannan, inoapannan, ipa- panna, pass, ipapan, inipapan, etc. ; ma apart, one who makes much, a multiplier. mapappa, to be short ; mi, ma, mapappa- pappa, pi, pa, imp. apappa-a, apapapa ; papaan, mapapaan, pass, inapappa, etc. ; pappa, short- ness ; ma apappa, a shortener ; apappa, a short- ening. mapaulaik, mi, ma, apoulaik, pass. neut. bald- headed, imp. apaulaika, apaulaikan, ipapau- laika, pass, ipapaulaikan, etc. ; papaulaik, pi, pa, to make bald ; paulaik, baldness ; apau- laik, a making bald ; ma-apaulaik, one who makes bald. mape, to be bitter ; mi, ma, ape, apean, inapean, inoapean ; pap, to embitter ; imp. apea, apean, inapean, ipapea, pass, ipape, inipape, apean, etc. ; ipe, bitterness ; ma-ape, an em- bitterer. mapiegh, minapiegh, mamapiegh, apiegcha, to fight with weapons ; pass, apiegapiechcha, inapiech, inoapiegchen, the party is attacked ; ma-apiech, a fighter ; papiech, trans. maples, minapies, mamapies, apissa, apissen, in pis, ino apissen, to snatch anything from any one and take it away ; papir, trans, nom. apis, a deprivation ; ma apis, a depriver. mapil, to break in pieces ; papil, trans. mapir, mi, ma, apirra, iapir, with respect to the person who is attacked ; inapir, inoipir, with respect to the hand with which people fight, to strike the contrary way, to sway the arms backwards and forwards ; papir, trans., apir, nom. a smiting backwards ; ma-apir, one who so smites. inapocliipogh, muddy, thick. mapor, minapor, mamapor, aporra, etc., the chewing of betel nut. mapoto, mi, mi, apotoa, neut. to be thin as water ; papato, pi, pa, imp. apotoa, apotoan, inapotoan, inoapotoan, papotoa, pass, ipapoto, etc., to make thin as water. mapugh, anything held together in the mouth. maraag, a hare or rabbit. maraal, mi, ma, araala, neut. intens. ma- raraal ; paraal, act. and trans, flat, level, as land ; intens. pararaal, nom. aroal, and ara- raal, evenness ; ma-araal, one who makes even. maraas, the heart. maraas, mi, ma, hard ; araasa ; maraas o bato, a hard stone ; maraas a o, hard drink ; maraas o ranied, a hard voice ; maraas a ta, hard stiff ground ; maraas a zys-ya, about half- way ; paraas, trans, to make hard. marab, mi, ma, arabba, drunken ; arab, drunkenness ; morroarab, a great drunkard, inured to drinking ; ma-arab, a drink ; parab, trans, and act. to make drunk ; pi, pa, araba, araban, inaraban, inoaraban, iparaba, etc. marabal, minarabal, ma, araballa, standing, upright ; marabal o assaban, the village is aroused. marabbo, the drawing together of clouds; mi y ma, arabboa , parabbo, pi, pa, cloudy, ara- boa, rabboan, rinabboan, inorabboan, iparabboa, pass, ipaparabbo, etc. ; rabbo, clouds. xnarach, mi, ma, racha, rachen, inarach, inorachen, to take, to fetch, to obtain, to receive ; parach, trans. ; arach, nom. a reception ; ma- arrach, a receiver ; mararach, intens. maraggaragga, minaraggaragga ; aragga- ragga, to creep on the hands and knees ; pa- ra gg ara gg a > to cause to creep. raaraghragh, thick, coarse ; maraghragh a naupoot, coarse linen ; maraghragh a baron, a thick piece of wood ; raghragh, thickness. marailen, minarailen, mamarailen, araila, arailan, maraila, inoarailen, to be suspicious of any one. marais, mi, ma, araisa, brave, intrepid, dis- turbed ; rais, disturbance ; arais, a disturbing ; ma-arais a sini, an amazon, a shrew, a scold ; parais, to disturb another ; act. and trans, imp. araisan, inaraisan, pass, iparaisa, etc. maramoramo, twilight, between light and darkness ; see also machammochammo ; rammor- ammo, nom. maran, an elder tree. maraua, minarana, manarana, rana, inarana, inoaranan, the cutting of millet or rice, to mow ; porarana, trans, arana, a mowing ; ma-arana, to mow; arrana, time or place of harvest. maranoad, mi, ma, mama ; aranoadda, pass. aranoaddisit (with respect to those who hear it), the singing of the bird named adam on the right hand. inarapal, mi, ma, arapalla, neut. blind ; nom. rapal, blindness ; adject, ma-arapal, blind. marapies, mi, ma, arapisa, wicked ; parapies, pi, pa, arapisa, iparapisa, to do wickedness; irapisen, inarapies, inoarapisen, iparapies, ini- parapies, inoiparapies, rapies, wickedness; fr. marapies, neut. ; marapies, bad, adject ; arapies, Vocabulary '53 to make bad ; fr. parapies, act., and it is the same that rarapies is in rummapies. marar, ordinary, inferior. marara, minarara, mamarara, imp. arara-a, to enlighten ; rara, the light ; parara, trans, and act. imp. arara-a, arara-an, inarara-an, inoarara-an, iparara-a, pass, iparara, iniparara, inoiparara ; marararara, intens. ; rara, light ; subst. arara, enlightening ; ma-arara, an en- lightener ; hence araraan-a idas, the full moon, that is, an enlightened moon, because when full it is fully enlightened by the sun. mararacb., mi, ma, araracha, neut. low, on the ground ; pararach, to lower, imp. araracha, ararach, inararach, inoararachen, ipararacha, pass, ipararach, etc. ; rarach, lowness, neut. ; ma-ararach, a lovverer ; ararach, a lowering. mararain, big with child ; mi, ma, araraina ; pararain, to be pregnant; pi, pa, imp. act. trans, araraina, ararainen, inararain, inoarar- ainnen, ipararaina, pass, ipararain, etc. ; rarais, pregnancy ; ararain, ditto ; ma-ararain, one who gets with child. marar am, minararam, mamararam, the dazzling of the eyes ; araramma, pass, araram- men, inararam, inoararammen ; pararam, trans. raram, a dazzling ; ma-araram, one who dazzles. marcbarcna, mi, ma, archarcha, neut. clear, able to see clearly ; parcharcha, act. and trans. pi, pa, archarcha-a, archarchan, iparcharcha-a, pass, iparcharcha, etc. ; archarcha, clearness. maredo, mi, ma, aredoa, neut. stretched, extended, as tumcho. mariabas, contract, for marach; abas, that which is taken in the sea ; mi, ma, imp. aria- bassa ; pass, ariabassen, etc., sea shell-fish, mussels ; pariabas, trans. maribaribat, minaribaribat, mamaribaribat, aribaribatta, aribaribatten, inaribaribat, inoari- baribatten, to hunt wild animals, birds, beasts, or fishes. maribo, turbid ; mi, ma, ariboa ; paribo, act. and trans, imp. ariboa, ariboan, inariboan, inoariboan, ipariboa, pass, iparibo, etc.; ribo, nom. muddy ; hence aribo, a befouling , ma- aribo, one who befouls. marichum, mi, ma, as maritup, even, cut off straight, as a bamboo, or piece of wood trans- versely ; see rummichum. marideried, mi, ma, ariderieda, neut. heavy laden ; parideried, pi, pa, imp. ariderieda, etc., pass, iparideried, etc. marid, to dry, as in puddles, morasses, or rivers, to be dried up by the sun. marien, according to heathen custom ; mi, ma, arien, a heathen practice. mariepriep, mi, ma, to earn ; same as marl- chum and marisap. maries, mi, ma, that is, to be bitten by mosquitoes. mariggo, and intens. mariggoriggo, mi, ma, ariggoa, neut. changeable ; mariggo o atite airab, etc., to change one's word or will ; pariggo, act. and trans. marij, mi, ma, aria, pass, ari-in, inari-in, inoari-in, do. on the left hand. marikak, mi, ma, arikakka, neut. straddling wide ; see also rummikak ; parikak, pi, pa, imp. arikakka, arikakken, etc.; iparikakka, pass. iparikak, etc., act. and trans, to straddle. marimasal, mi, ma, arimasalla, clear-sighted, to look with wide open eyes. marimmoamoa, to swarm, to crawl. mario, mi, ma, imp. arioa, good, and rio, ness ; ario, an improvement ; fr. pario ; ma-ario, one who makes good ; pario, pi, pa, etc., see under p ; mario rio, nom. riorio, intens. mario-acb.0, a lord, a regent; lit. a good man. marior, minarior, mamarior, ariorra, to follow after, neut. parior, toUeave behind ; imp. ariorra, ariorran, inarior, inoariorran, ipariorra, pass, iparior, etc. ; rior, a following behind ; arior, a leaving behind ; ma-arior, to leave behind. maripoch, mi, ma, aripocha, aripochen, inari- poch, inoaripochen, disturbed, fretted ; maripoch ja ina sies, my mind is uneasy; paripoch, a disturber. maripoedpoed, mi, ma, aripoedpoedda, to clew up, to wind ; aripoedpoed, nom. one who clews. marisup, roughly, cut off ; fr. rummisup, mi, ma, as a bamboo, round stick, etc., transversely ; idem, marrichum. markarkagb., clear, clean, not foul. marmimi, to doubt ; minarmimi, mamarmimi, mamirmia,armimian, inarmimian, etc. ; aramimi, a doubting ; parmimi, trans. ; ma-armimi, a doubter. marae, still, calm ; also weak, pass. ; see/>arw and rummene ; arne, calmness, stillness, still weather. maro, far, deep, mi, ma, aroa, ro, distance, deepness; paro, imp. aroa, aroan, inaro, inoaroan, iparoa, pass, iparo, iniparo, inoiparo ; ma-aro, one who deepens ; aro, a deepening. marob, drunk. U '54 Favorlang maromorromo, round, neut. ; fr. rummomor- romo, mi, ma, rommorromo, roundness; ma- aromorromo, one who rounds. maronno, mi, ma, shadows, neut. ; see rum- monno, shadow ; ronno an aijan, a shadowy place ; paronno, act. and trans, pi, pa, aronnoa, aronnoan, inaronnoan, inoaronnoan, iparonnoa, pass, iparonno, iniparonno, inoiparonno. maroop o zisia, the time from afternoon till sunset ; mi, ma, verb. neut. maror, mi, ma, arorra, arorren, etc., to run against anything. marorro, arorroa, together, in common, etc., a crowd or assembly ; see parorro. marossoalja chaan, a rejection of food, the squeamishness of the stomach after having eaten anything nauseous ; mi, ma, marossoalja ma-achaan inai o micham. marotul, without anything, deprived of every- thing ; T'a Deos marotul ja bog, God is incor- poreal, i.e. without a body, pres. mi, fut. ma, nom. deprivation ; see the root rummutul ; ma-a otul, one who is destitute. The Favorlang people do not use this word thus, but for the end of anything, as the end of a chair or table ; still it comes to the same thing, for where anything ends, there it exists no more. marpesa, the evening, the evening time. marpibi, minarpibi, mamarpibi, arpibia, neut. to wake up, to awaken ; parpibi, pi, pa, imp. act. trans, arpibia, arpibi-in, inarpibi, inoarpibian, pass, iparpibi, etc. ; arpibi, a waking up. marri o roos oebes, to dig out ; mi, ma, arria, pass, arrin, etc. ; see above. marri o toi, to pick out a splinter with a knife or needle ; inarri, mamarri, arria, arrien, narri, inoarrien. makallien, mi, ma, akallia, idem, Takeis. marroak, loose, not close together ; marro- akonaupoot, a loosely woven stuff; marroak o adda, paddy thinly sprung up. marroom, an ornament made of shells. marruan, black. marrup, minantp, mamarup, aruppa, aruppen, inarup, inoaruppen, to wave with the hand. marsoasoal, mi, ma, arsoasoalla, neut. to seethe or bubble up, as water does when it boils ; parsoalsoal, imp. arsoasoalla, arsoasoallen, inarsoasoal, inoasoasoal, iparsoasoalla, pass, soa- soallen, a seething ; ma-arsoasoal, a seether. martsi, ripe, spoken of field fruits ; artsi, nom. ripeness. martuatual, to tumble head over heels. marummo, whole, not in pieces, nor broken ; written marummo, mi, ma, arummoa ; parummo, to make whole ; imp. arummoa, act. arummoan, inarummoan, inoarummoan, iparummoa, pass, trans, iparummo, etc. ; rummo, soundness ; ma- arummo, a healer ; arummo, a healing. masa, minasa, mamasa, asa, asan, inasa, inoasan, to barter, to sell ; asa, ware, merchan- dise ; ma-asa, a seller ; masa, is also a noun, and means the same in the Takeis dialect. masa, well cooked. masaba, poor, necessitous; masabba o machan, destitute of food ; masabba o arribil, without furniture ; mi, ma, asabba ; sabba, nom. pov- erty, necessity ; pasabba, imp. asabba, asabban, etc., pass, ipasabba, etc., to make poor. masallaad, mi, ma, asalladda, the tnmk of a tree from which the branches are cut off, but the roots still left in the ground ; sallaad, such a trunk. masallak, nice, in eating and drinking. masammo, mi, ma, asammoa, withered ; metaphorically used of those who are wasted by sickness. masannan, minasannan, mamasannan, asa- nama, asanannan, inasanannan, to be envious or jealous, to hate ; sannan, nom. envy, jealousy, hatred ; ma-asannan, one who envies. masanno ? how ? masanno mato atasas ? how large is the picture ? qua mamario, a little good. masaod, minasod, mamasod, to pour out ; see summaod. masarammosammo, mi, ma, asarammosammo, neut. the dazzling of the eyes ; pasarammo- sammo, act. and trans.; sarammosammo, nom. a dazzling. masarra, minasarra, inamasarra, asarra, asarran, inasarra, inoasarran, to look at, to behold ; asarra, a beholding ; ma-asarra, a spectator. masas, asassa, lazy, slow. masaso, minasaso, mamasaso, asasoa, asasoan, inasasoan, inoasaso, to loiter, to be dissatisfied, to hate ; pasasso, trans. ; marasso ijo ina, I am dissatisfied with you, and thus is taken to mean dislike and hatred ; sasso, displeasure, hatred ; ma-asasso, a pouter. masasoom, mi, ma, to bring two ends to- gether; Tabai Paus a don masasoom ja ina don, Tabai Paus's house adjoins mine ; see sasoom and summasoom ; sasoom, nom. pasasoom, trans, the place where two things join ; ma-asoon, masasoom, also masasoom abaas, a complete year. masat, minasat, mamasat, asatta, asatten, inasat, inosatten, to carry two burthens along the road, bearing them by turns, and then setting them down. Vocabulary masau, minasau, mamasau, asau-a, asauen, inasau, inoasauen, to beat seed out of the husk, which is done on the ground, with a beater called tatta ; pasau, trans, asau. maseas, minaseas, mamaseas, aseasa, aseasen, etc., to stand up, to rise up ; pasean, to cause to arise ; pi, pa, ipaseasa, aseas, resurrection. masear, mi, ma, asearra, right on end ; pas ear, to set up ; asearren, inasear, inoasearren, asarra, ipasear, etc. ; as ear, nom. a setting up ; ma-asear, a founder. maselakko, mi, ma, aselakkoa, entirely useless through idleness; paselakko, trans, and act; selakko, laziness; ma-aselakko, one who makes another lazy. masham, an old man. masi, mi, ma, asia, asian, inasi, inoasian, to shower ; masi a oetas, a shower of rain ; asi, or asi a oetas, a shower. masibau, minasibau, mamasibau, asibaua, asi- bauen, inasibau, inoasibau, to wrestle, to strive ; pasibaii, trans. ; asibau, a wrestling ; ma-asibau. masich, mi, ma ,imp. asicha ; masesich, intens. to pain ; neut. also smarting from ardent spirits ; pasich, act. and trans. ; sich, pain ; sesesick, intens. masid, mi, ma, asidda, asidden, inasid, inoa- sidden, to be high, elevated ; the d is pro- nounced hard ; masidaija, baboch, i.e. the throw, or the shoot is high ; sid, nom. high ; pasid, trans. ; thus men say, mauchus asid, very high ; masid a to, spring flood, very high water. masidaukirrap, to play on a double flute with both nostrils; minasdaukirrap, mamasi- daukirrap. masik, tough ; mi, ma, asikka ; pasik, trans. asik, toughness ; ma-asik, tough. masiklau, minasiklau, asiklaua, to play on the flute, also to set upright. .masiksik, as madidden. masiliollio, minasiliollio, mamasiliollio, to transfer, pass. ; pasiliollio, trans, asiliollio, nom. masinaan, to echo ; mi, ma, asinana ; pasi- naan, trans. ; sinaan, an echo. masinan, minasinasien, mamasinasien, asina- sina, asinasinan, inasinan, inoasinasinan, to pro- duce an echo in a church, or a closed chamber ; pasinasien, trans. ; sinasien, an echo. masini, minasini, mamasini, asinia, asinian, inasini, inoasinian, to hear ; pasini, pi, pa, ipasini, trans. ; asini, a hearing ; ma-asini, a nearer. inasini, to be like an old woman ; ma-asini, an old woman ; masini, to be thus ; mi, ma, asinia ; pasini, pi, pa, ipasini, to do thus ; ma-asini, ene who does thus ; asini, thus. masiorrum, mi, ma, asiorrumma, to play on the trumpet ; pasiorrum, trans, nom. ; orrum, a trumpet. masipir, mi, ma, asipirra, neut. to push up slantwise ; pasipir, act. trans, imp. asipirra, asipirren, inasipir, inoasipirren, ipassipirra, pass. ipasipir, etc. masisarratok, mi, ma, asisarratok, to play on a certain instrument like a bow ; sarratok, the name of the instrument. masisMem, childish ; pasis/iiem, trans. ; ma- asishiem, one who is childish. masisiet, minasisiet, mamasisiet, to cool, the cooling of things which have been heated by fire; pasisiet, act. and trans.; people also say mosisiet, pausisiet. masitafobillo, mi, ma, asitabbilloa, to blow on the trumpet ; pasitabbillo, trans ; tabbillo, a trumpet ; ma-asitabbillo, a trumpeter. masitik, to button to,'; mi, ma, asitikka ; pa- sitik, trans, nom. ; sasitik, a button, or anything to button with, imp. asitikka, and ipasitikka. masitisitik, intens. root summiksik. masitosarri, minasitosarri, mamasitosarri, assitosarria, assitosarrien, masitosarri, inoassito- sarrien, to blow with the nose; assitosarrien, ina-assitosarrien, inoassitosarrian, to blow with the nose on a certain flute called tosarri ; pinasi- tosarri, pi, pa, etc. masitum, mi, ma, to be sharp ; situm, sharp- ness ; pasitum, trans, imp. asitumma, etc. ; ma- asitum, a sharpener. masjam, to be an old man ; mi, ma, asjamma; pasjam, trans ; ma-asjem, one who makes old. maso, few, is never used alone, but always in combination ; thus people say, maso qua, for a few, maso koeszie, a little, small ; item, maso, mato, maro, madich, micham, man, etc., rather great, far, sick, void of drinking, eating, etc. masoab, minasoab, mamasoab, asoabba, pass. asoabben, inoasoabben ja ranied, to open the mouth, to yawn, to gape ; pasoab, trans, asoab, a gape ; ma-asoab, a yawner. masoan a barri, the north wind. masom, mi, ma, asomma ; inasom, inoasommen, to will ; as merab. masoparreopeo, mi, ma, asoparreopeoa, aso- parreopeoan, inasoparreopeoan, to go round, to run round ,- masoparreo, to go round frequently, or once ; asoparreo, asoparreopeo, a running round ; asoparreoan or aijan, asoparreopeoan aijan, a place for running round, a course. 156 Favorlang masopisop, mi, ma, asopisoppa, even, ordinary ' as mabazibat. masopyryt, mi, ma, asopyryta, asopyryten, inasopyryt, inoasopyryten, to spin ; the spindle with which one spins. masor, not of the same weight, mi, ma, asorra ; pasor, trans. masor, mi, ma, asorra, as matsibo qua, neut. to project a little in length beyond another; masoasor, intens. ; pasor, trans. masorieb jaioeno, headache, mi, ma-asorieba, a pain in the head; paso, rieb, trans, nom. asorieb, headache. masorro, a hind or roe. masorror, mi, ma, asosorro, same as makkas ; pasosor, trans, asosor, accusation, reproach ; ma- asosor, an accuser. masoso, lengthwise ; na aitanja masoso abak, I see the boat lengthwise, imp. asosoa ; pasoso, trans. ; soso, length ; ma-asoso, long. maspe, wet ; mi, ma, aspea, paspe, to wet ; trans, nom. aspe, moist, ma-aspe, wet. maspot, mi, ma, aspotta, to be busy, to have something to do ; means also all kind of dis- quietude of mind, which is unavoidable ; pas- pot, trans. ; see under the letter p, spot, nom. business ; maaspot, busy. masumak, cold, mi, ma ; masummak o barri, the northern monsoon, lit. a cold wind ; sumak, nom. coldness ; ma-asumak, cold. matabtab, mi, ma, atabtabba, neut. high- land, as motarrar ; patabtab, to heighten ; act. and trans, imp. atabtabba, atabben ; matabtab, inotabtabben, ipatabtabba, pass, ipatabtab, etc. ; tabtab, height of land ; neut. atabtab, an elevat- ing ; ma-atabtab, one who elevates. matach, damp, moist, juicy ; tach, nom. subst. juice ; mi, ma, atacha ; patach, trans. ma-atach, a juice-maker. matacha, raw, green, i.e. youthful, unripe, or uncooked ; serves also to express the growth of plants ; matacha da baron, a living tree ; patacha, trans. ; tacha, nom. rawness ; ma- ataiha, one who makes raw. matadach, mi, ma, atadacha, hot ; patadach, trans, to heat ; matadach o barri, the southern monsoon, lit. the warm wind ; tadach, heat ; atadach, warming ; ma-atadach, one who warms. matadieho, mi, ma, atadichoa, to remove from one's seat, to retreat ; patadicho, trans.; atadicho, a removal. matadoes, minatadoes, mamatadoes, atadoesa, atadoesan, inatadoes, inoatadoesan, to fall over; patadocs, trans. ; tadoes, nom. ma-atadoes. matagga, to let blood, to be bloody ; patagga, trans, and act., pi, pa, taga, nom. blood ; atagga aijan, the menses; ma-atagga, one who lets blood. matakan, fresh, not salted ; takan a to, fresh water ; patakan, trans, to make fresh $ takan, to refresh; atakan, a refreshing; ma-atakan, a refresher. matalam, perhaps, it is possible ; mi, ma ; talam, nom. mataltal, trodden down, as a field of rice, barley, grass, etc. matalumtum, mi, ma, talumtumma, covered up, in order to promote perspiration. mata-och, heavy, also pregnant ; tauch, heaviness, trans, and act. ; patauch, ma-atauch, one who makes heavy. matapo, full, spoken also of the mind ; patapo, to fill, trans, and act. pi, pa, imp. atapau, atapoan, etc. ; pass, ipatapo, etc. ; tapo, fulness ; atappo, a filling up ; ma-atappo, a filler. matarribat, athwart; tarribat, nom. crossness ; ma-atarribat, cross. matarrigi, to lay on one side, to do anything in a sinister manner ; tarigi, nom. sinister. matarromatto, minattarromatto, mamatarro- matto, to dream ; atarromatta, imp. ; tarromatta, nom. a dream ; patarromatta, trans, ma-atarro- matta, a dreamer. matas, to do anything first , minatas, ma- matas, atasa. matasas, numerous, is not applied further than to men ; patasas, trans. ; tasas, a number ; ma-atasas, one who multiplies. mataso, excellent, worthy ; imp. atasoa, taso, excellence ; ma-ataso, one who glorifies ; ataso, glorification; imp. atasoa ; patasso, act. and trans, pi, pa, atassoa, atassoan, inatassoan, etc., pass, ipatasso, etc. ma-tattabach, mi, ma, atattabach, neut. first, principal ; patattabach, act. and trans, tattabach, precedence, preference, taken adverbially. matatto, mi, ma, atattoa, neut. low, as to situation, as mararag ; patatto, to lower ; imp. atattoa, atattoan, inatattoan, etc., pass, ipatatto, etc. ; tatto, as rarach ; atatto, as ararach. matea, minatea, matea ; atea, as machote, and malleak, to undergo punishment, whereby a person is taught to be more careful in future, punished. matik, minatik, mamatik, the ceasing of wind, rain, thunder, lightning, etc. ; imp. atikka ; patik, trans., atik, nom., the ceasing of a storm. ma-atik, that which repeatedly ceases. Vocabulary 57 matillik, mi, ma, atillikka, neut. blind of one eye, so that men cannot see the light ; tillik, such blindness ; ma-atillik, one thus blind. matincho, minatincho, is said of the sea water, when it stands still between ebb and flood, because the sea then appears swollen ; it is also said of the belly, when men are full, or when the belly swells ; it betokens also a little putrid, because when anything begins to stink it swells up. matinnaam, minatinnaam, mamatinnaam, atinnama, etc., to precede, to lead a train ; patinnaam, pi, pa, etc., to go before ; tinnaam, before ; ma-atinnaam, a forerunner. matis, lost, gone ; mi, ma, atissa, neut., patis, trans. mato, to melt, neut. mi, ma, atoa, or melted, pass., pato, trans. mato, great ,- matoto, intens. mato, mi, ma, atoa, pato, trans, and act. ; ato, greatness ; ma- ato, a magnifier; comes from pato, ato, a magnifying. matoa, minatoa, mamatoa, atoa, to hasten ; patoa, trans., atoa, nom. mato a foabat, a large, unwieldy person. matoboch (the first o short), mi, ma,atobacha, as mauranies. matollas, mi, ma, atolassa, neut. blind of one eye, so that men cannot see the light ; tollas, such blindness ; ma-atollas, one thus blind. matorri torn, mi, ma, and ma-tai-tai, in the same way as manes, pestered with fireflies. matorro, minatorro, mamatorro, atorroa, ator- roan, inatorroan, inoatorroan, to doze, to slumber ; patorro, trans. ; atorro, slumbering ; ma-atorro, a slumberer. matshesy, mi, ma, atshesia, atshesian, inat- shesy, inoatshesian, odd numbers, as 3,5, 7, etc., where one exceeds ; patshesy, trans, tshesy, un- evenness. matshis, brackish, saltish, mi, ma, atshisa, patshies, act. to salt, trans, imp. atshia, atshisin, inatshis, inoatshisin, ipatshisa, etc. ; tshis, salt- ness ; atshis, a salting ; ma-atshis, a salter. matsiaboro, mi, ma, atsiaboroa, to hit the mark ; patsiaboro, trans, aboro, aim. matsilo, long, high ; tsilo, length, height ; patsilo, trans, ma-atsilo, long. matsiole, mi, ma, atsiolea, atsiolean, inatsiole, inoatsiolean, to game, to play, as the Chinese do ; patsiole, trans. ; ale, nom. gaming ; ma-atsiole, a gamester. matuppach, mi, ma, atuppacha, neut., patup- pach, act. and trans, between two, nom. tuppach, between j tuppach aijan, an intervening space. man, a father, an uncle is also called mau, with the addition of his own name ; mau pattala, a stepfather. mau, and karri, or kar, compositum cum nomine, praeter significationem verbi a quo nomen derivatum est, vicissitudinem ejus in- cludit, imitation in doing anything, as mau- tattis, nom. ; fr. tummis, to reject mutually, or to reject at the same time. mau-aat, minau-aat, mamau-aat, imp., auauta, neut. to be infested, as with lice, scurvy, pock, etc. ; pauaat, trans, and act. au-aat, nom. an infection ; ma-au-aat, infectious, as ma-au-aat o digh arapies, an infectious complaint, that which affects another, as original sin ; pau-aat, pi, pa, imp. auaatoa, auaaten, inauaat, etc., pass. ipauaat, etc. mau-adat, minau-adat, mamau-adat, auad- adda, to fall to logger heads ; auadadden, etc j pauadat, trans, auadan, nom. logger heads ; ma- auadat, a quarreller. mau (or kar) aitaita, minau-aitaita, mamau- aitaita, auaitaita, auaitaitan, inauaitaitan, to imitate what men have seen ; pattautaita, pi, pa, etc., to do the like ; compounded of kar- mau and ataito, nom. ; fr. mitaita ; kar and mau both mean mutually. mau - alopalopak, to come against one suddenly. mau-aso-asot, of different lengths, not the same length j mi, ma, asoasodda, chauaseason, trans. mau-asot, the same as two j mi, ma, asodda ; pau-asot, trans., ason, nom. maubebiech, mimaubebiech, mamaubebiech, aubebicha, aubebichen, inaubebich, inoaube- bichen, to pull by the hair ; aubebich, nom. ; ma-aubebich. mauchil, mi, ma, auchilla, neut. accomplished, as machult ; pauchil, to accomplish ; trans, and act. imp. ipauchitta, auchillen, inauchil, ino- auchillen, auchilla, pass, ipauchil, etc ; aucfial, a consummation ; ma-auchil, a finisher. maocho, lousy ; mi, ma, aochoa ; paocho, trans, acho, a louse ; ma-aocho, a louser. mauchus, very ; mi, ma, achussa ; mauchus madich, very sick, perhaps also too sick, as mauchus mazilo, too long, also bold, courageous, mauchus o aga, skilful with missile weapons ; mauchus o babido, clever at the pen ; auchusso, auchussen, inauchus, inoauchussen, imp. ipau- chussa, pass, ipauchussen, or auchussan, with respect to the instrument with which anything is done ; pauchus, trans, and act. betokens any- thing consummated, also leaving off; means '58 Pavorlang also to dart across, or run through ; auchus, completeness, used also adverbially ; ma-auchus, an accomplisher. maudum, dark, applied also to the mind ; mi, ma, au.du.mma ; paudum, trans, odum, darkness ; ma-odum, a darkener. mau kar motto, lit. one across the other; chacholliet, mi, ma, the same as mau-sasaki motto. maukat, minaukat, mamaukat, aukatta, au- kattan, inaukattan, inoaukattan, to love, to rejoice ; paukat, trans, aukat, love, joy ; ma- aukat, a lover. maukatir, mi, ma, aukatirra, etc., as ma- daddo ; paukatir, trans, nom. katir. mauloom, mi, ma, auloma, the same as mita- room; auloom, nom. a coming together; don o auloman, as don o arorroaijan, a meeting house. maunionis, mi, ma, aunionisa, aunionisen, inaunionis, inoaunionissen, intens. inaunis, especial ; paunionis, trans, nom. aunionis, par- ticularity, peculiar property. maunis, mi, ma, aunlsa, private, not common, se maunis patodon, he is gone to reside at his own place ; paunis, act. and trans, imp. aunisa, aunisaa, inaunissen, inoaunissen, ipaunisa, pass. ipaunis, etc. ; aunis, property ; maaunis, pro- prietor ; maunis o ala, mi, ma, imp. aunis o ala, to speak to particularly, to testify. maunisso arach, minaunisso arach, ma- maunisso arach, aunisso arach-a, aunisso arach- en, etc., to appropriate to oneself, by taking possession or inheriting of another's goods ; paunisso-arach, trans. ; aunisso-arach, nom. ma-aunisso-arach, an heir. maupi, minaupi, mamaupi, anything beaten small or fine ; see paupi ; ma-aupi, a beater. maupies, minaupies, mamaupis, aupisa, aupi- san, inaupisan, inoaupisan, to strive about any- thing, to scramble ; paupies, trans, aupies, a scrambling ; ma-aupies, a scrambler. maupulla, mi, ma, aupulla, to seek gain or advantage by any means ; aupulla, nom. a seek- ing of gain ; ma-aupulla, a gain seeker. mauranies, minauranies, mamauranies, au- ranisa, auranisen, etc., to play, to joke ; pauranies, trans. ; auranies, play ; ma-auranies, a jester. mauroman, and mauroma-roman, intens. mi, ma, imp. auromanomama, to differ, to vary ; pauroma-roman, pi, pa, act. and trans, to make different ; auroman, nom. difference. mausa, mi, ma, is said of a field when the weeds are burned down, or otherwise cleared away ; pausa, pi, pa, osaa, pass, oia-an, inosa- an, ino-osaan ; osa, nom. a clearing away ; fr. posa; ma-aosa, one who clears away; ausa, clearness ; fr. mausa, mau-sasakimotto, mi, ma, transverse ; com- pounded from mau and sasakimotto. mausi, white ; mi, ma, ausia ; pausi, trans ; osi, whiteness ; ma-aosi, white, as ma-ausi. mautatarroggi, changed, either knowingly or unknowingly, to change another's goods through deceit; fr. tummaroggi, comp. of mau and tattarroggi. mautattis, to reject, to abandon, as kartattis, mi, ma, autattisa, autattisan, inautattis, inoautat- tisan ; pautattis, trans, but includes changes. mau-tattubboel, mi, ma, to visit each other backwards andforwards. mautod, unfruitful, spoken as well of beasts as men ; also fruitless, as people give up any- thing that is fruitless; pautod, trans, autod, unfruitfulness ; ma-autod, unfruitful. mautsiri, minautsiri, mamautsiri, artless, ignorant, inexperienced ; imp. autsiri ; pautsiri, trans. ; autsiri, ignorance ; ma-autsiri, an ignor- amus, as ma-autsiri. mazhies, minazhies, mamazhies, azhis-a, azhis-in, etc., to carry on enmity ; pazhies, pi, pa, ipazhies-a, etc. ; azhies-in, an enemy ; azhies, enmity, whence karri or mau azhies, to be mutual enemies ; ma-azhies, an enemy. maziballach, foul, improper ; mi, ma, azibal- lacha, trans, paziballach, maballach, mi, ma, aballacha, to be foul, nom. ; ballach, all kinds of things ; ma-aballach, one who acts dis- orderly. mazibochor, minazibochor, mamazibochor, azibochorra, to lie comfortably, without pillow, coverlet, etc. mazichil, minazichil, mamazichil, azic/iilla (the inflections are not otherwise used than with respect to the persons who are lamented, and are formed not from the neut. but from the act. pazichit), azichillan, inazichillan, inoazich- illan, sorrowful ; pazichil, act. and trans. //, pa, act. imp. trans, azichilla, ipazichilla, etc., to make sad ; pichil, sadness ; ma-achil, one who is sad. mazich-zich, that which is badly smoothed and ironed out, mi, ma, azichzicha; pazich- zich, nom. ; the root zimich-zich, see under z. mazigingin, minazigingin, mamazigingin, aziginginna, to halt, to limp ; pazigingin, atzigingin, a halting ; ma-atsigingin, a halter. mazikoar, minazikoar, mamazikoar, azikoara, azikoarran, inazikoaran, to jump, to jump over anything. Vocabulary mazikap, just, enough, sufficient ; ma-atsikap, sufficient ; patsikap, trans. maziloct, mi, ma, azilocha, diligent ; mazi- loch a rima, dexterous j paziloch, trans, j ziloch, nom. ; ma-aziloch. mazlman, minaziman, mamaziman, azi- manna, azimannan, etc., to lay up treasures; patsiman, trans, atsiman, a treasure ; ma- atsiman, a hoarder. mazipi, minazipi, mamazipi, azipia, to rage, to make a noise ; azipi, a row ; ma-azipi, a fury ; z in the preceding paragraphs is often changed into ts. maziporriporri, minaziporriporri, mamazi- porrlporri, aziporriporria, to fall down through giddiness or weakness; spoken only of men and beasts. mba, as moba, that by which ; pauba, trans. mbarri, minobarri, manobarri, obarria, abar- rlan, to stand ; paubarri, trans. ; it is really mobarri, but the o is so pronounced that it is not heard. mbe, minobe, mamobe, obea, obean, inobean, to go away, to leave ; it is mobe, but the o is bitten off short, so as not to be heard ; paube, trans., to drive away. mbod, mienbod, maambod, the falling off of hair, or feathers. mbukkas, white, blank ; bukkas, the u short. mchab, mienchab, maamc/iab, chabba, chabben, ienchab, inochabben, to steal ; is also taken for machab, in general. mcliach, mienchach, maamchach, chach-a, chach-en, ienchach, inochachen, to dream. me, mine ; mame, ea, can, inean, inoean, to despise ; paie, trans, nom. act. a despising ; mea, a despiser. me, to do anything superfluous ; differs from barras and bior. me-aab, mineaab, mameaab, eaba, eaban, inoaban, inoeaban, to precede another in doing a thing ; hence meaab maba, to know before- hand ; ?neab paba, to preconceive ; meapattis, to foretell ; fr. meaab-maba, nom. aijaab-maba, foreknowledge ; fr. meaab-mita, nom. aijaab- mita, prescience ; fr. meaab-pattite, nom. aijaab-patite, prophecy ; fr. meeaah-merab, nom. aijaab-merab, predetennination ; fr. meaab-meries, nom. aijaab-meries, preparation ; and so in other cases. meab, mineab, mameab, eappa, eappan, ineappan, to assist, to help in battle. meacha, mimeacha, mameacha, eacha, eachan, ineachan, to beg, to pray. me-adam, mi, ma, e-adamma, eadamman, ineadamman, inoeaddam, to drive birds away from the fruit ; pe-adam, trans. ; aiadam, nom. a driving away. mebabo, mimebabo, mamebabo, to drive, not to sink j neut. morpies. mebonna, see mibonna. medadorri, minedadorri, mamedadorri, eda- dorria, edadorrian, inedadorrian, inoedadorrian, to quarrel with another ; aidadorri, nom. quar- relling ; this word is compounded of mau or kar, and means to quarrel together, again and again ; ma-aidadorri, a quarreller. me-ich, narrow ; mi, ma, echa ; pai-ich, trans, nom. e-ich, a strait ; ma-e-ich, narrow. me-il, mine-il, mame-il, e-illa, e-illan, ineillan, inoe-illan, to fear, to take care, to avoid. mekap, mime, mame, ekappa, pass, ekappag- gete ja baron, the settling of birds on trees or houses after their flight ; this is the same as mikkap, pakap. mema, fat, anything very fat ; ema, fatness. meodup, mimeodup, mameodup, eoduppa, the setting of sun or moon ; aiodup, nom. a set- ting. merab, mineral), mamerab, erabba, erabben, inerab, inoerabben, to will. meried, an eel. merien, minerien, mamerien, erina, erinen, inerien, inoerien, to do, to make, also to arrange between parties ; we use it also for create ; pairien, to do, to make, to form ; nom. subst. airien, a making, creation ; ma-airicn, maker, creator, as ma-atap. merles, slanting, sly ; mi, ma. mero, mi, ma, eroa, eroan, etc. ; pairo, trans., the teeth on edge by eating sour things ; aero, nom. on edge. meroobroob, mi, ma, eroobrooba, neut. to turn the edge of a knife, etc. ; pairoobroob, act. and trans. meroos, mineroos, mameroos, erosa, erosan, ineroos, ino-eroosen, to marry, to be united ; meroos o badda, the young man is married ; erosan ja sini, the woman is married ; airoosan, a son-in-law ; tamau o airoosan, tanai o airoosan, father and mother-in-law ; pairo-os, to marry out, imp. airoosa, airoosan, inairosan, inoairosan, etc. ; ipairosa, pass, ipairoos, etc. mero-os, minero-os, mamero-os, era ossa, ero- ossan, inero-ossan, ino-ero-ossan, to sit ; Takeis, mikod, idem ; pairo-os, imp. act. and trans, to sit or cause to sit ; airossa, airo-ossen, inairo-os, ino-airo-ossen, ipairo-ossa, etc., airo-os, a sitting. merummm, mimerumrum, mamerumrum, to sink in the water, as morpies. i6o Favorlang metorro, mimetorro, mametorro, etorroa, etor- roan, inetorroan, inoetorroan, to warm oneself at the fire; paitorro, pi, pa, ipaitorroa, ipaitorro, etc. mgagh, anything strong, as arrack, etc. miacli, foul, dirty; mi, ma, iacha ; payach, pi, pa, trans, and act. to infect ; aiach, nom. filthi- ness, infection ; ma-aiach, one who infects. mialla, minialla, mamialla, jalla, jallan, iniallan, inojallan, to look at anything with attention ; aialla, observation, beholding. mian, minian, mamian, ianna, iannan, inian- nan, inoiannan, the rest and relaxation which the Favorlang people observe for several days whenever a chief dies ; also the proclamation of holy days. miarar, foul, dirty; mi, ma, inoarra, paiarar, trans. mibiech, mini, ma, ibicha, ibichen, inibich, inoibiechen, to drag along. mibonbon, mi, ma, the point blunted. mibonna, minibonna, mamibonna, ibonna, ibonnan, mibonna, inoibonnan, to seek for game, to hunt ; paibonna, trans. micham, minicham, mamicham, ichammam, ichamman, etc., to smoke ; micham o chatto, to smoke tobacco. iniclio, right, well, as it should be. midachum, mi, ma, idachumma, pass, idach- umman, etc., to overshadow ; paidachum, trans. dachum, a shadow. midardar, mi, ma, idardarra, close, near together, not loose, the opposite of marroak ; paidardar, act. and trans, aidardar, nearness; ma-aidardar, one who makes close. mididten, as madidden. midod, minidod, mamidod, idodda, idoddan, inidod, inoidodden, whereout ? i.e. the place whence the liquor is taken ; idoddan, inidoddan, inoidoddan, to lade, to take out with a spoon ; paidod, pi, pa, ipaidodda, etc., idem. mi-ecb., mi, ma, stupid, not sharp ; mi-eer, neut. ; pai-ech, trans, and pai-eer. miel, miniel, mamiel, ila, Hen, iniel, inoilen, to twist rope ; also to stop, to prevent, to keep back, to dissuade. migarrorro, mi, ma, igarrorroa, igarrorroan, ja, ta, to assemble, to come together, as tnitar- roan and mauloon; paigarrorro, trans, aigar- rorro, an assembly; aigarrorroan, a place of meeting. migogh, mi, ma, igogha, slow, lazy. mikkap, mi, ma, means to hold on, to cleave, is said of the birds when, after a flight, they come and rest on a tree or house, because they hold on with their claws, and, as it were, cleave fast ; imp. ikkappa ; paikap, to stick, to cleave, activ. and trans, aikap, nom. mikkil, minikkil, mamikkil, ikilla, ikillan, ini- killan, inoikillan, to fear, to be afraid, also to ( gird oneself, to watch. mikinno, damp, clammy ; mibo, paibo, in the dialect of Takeis, paikinno. miko, wrinkled ; iko, a wrinkle ; paiko, trans. mikod, as meroos, to sit ; mi, ma, ikodda, etc. ; paikod, trans, nom. aikod. mikorros, minikorros, mamikorros, ikorrossa, to descend ; from this imp. appears to come the Tiloese word, mikorrossokosso tarran, a steep descent ; in the Favorlang dialect, mikausso- kosso, tarran. mikotiko, same as miko. milieb, minilieb, mamilieb, iliba, iliben, inilieb, inoiliben, to look behind over the shoulders ; pailieb, trans. milip, the lapse of time, whether past or future ; mi, ma, pailip, trans. miloslos, mi, ma, aloslossa, neut. the same as meroobroob ; pailoslos, trans. mimoos, minimoos, mamimoos, imosa, imosan, inimosan, inoimosan, to look sour; paimoos, trans, nom. aimoos. minannis, and minanunnis, mi, ma, imp. inunanissa, the same as mauroman, to differ, and mauromaroman ; painannis, act. and trans. ainanis, nom. difference. mini, this ; is also a verb. mio a, mi, ma, i-o-a, to clear away new fields that have not been worked before. miochooch, miniochooch, mamiochooch, iochoo- cha, to sink down, to shrink. miog, miniog, mamiog,jogga,joggan, inioggan, inojoggan, to fall from a high place; also an untimely birth ; hence ioggan, a miscarriage ; paiog, trans, nom. aiog, a fall. mion, minion, mamion, imp. ionna, jonnan, inionnan, inoionnan, to shrink together; miko, ditto ; paion, as paiko, trans, nom. aion, albaiko. miooch, to shrink at once ; nom. aiooch, aioo- chooch, paiooch, paioochooch, trans. mipies, minipies, mamipies, ipisa, ipisen, ini- pies, inoipisen, to cut through ; paipies, trans, nom. aipies. miponpon, or moedippas, a zien, broken teeth. mirras, minirras, mamirras, irrassa, irras- san, inirrassen, inoirrassan, to weep, to lament; pairras, trans, nom. airras ; mirrairas, intens. nom. airrairas. mirrit, minirrit, mamirrit, irta, irten, inirit, Vocabulary 161 inoritten, to make packthread ; pai-irrit, trans, nom. alrrit. misapiel, mi, ma, isapila ; see summapiel. mishies, w/, ma, aishiesa, pass, aishiesen, etc.; j/, pa, abic/i-ia, abichi-in, inabich-i, to sprinkle with water, as pashipie j abichi, aboas, nom. a sprinkling. paboas, pinaboas, papaboas, ipaboasa, ipaboas, inipaboas, inoipaboas, to remove ; trans, fr. maboas, which see. paborren, pi, pa, ipaboorena, the flowing of blood ; act. barren j a tagga, to let blood. pabot, pinabot, papabot, abotta, abottan, ina- bottan, inoabottan, to put on shoes (this with respect to the feet, but with regard to the shoe, abot, inabot, inoabof) ; ipabotta, ipabot, etc. pachabbechab, pi, pa, achabbechabba, said of the birds as they move their wings in the flight, and thus beat the air ; cfiabbechab, nom. sub. pachanacb, pinachanach, papachanagh, to place the arrow in the bow; ipachan-agha, changed, with regard to the arrow, into ipach- anagh, inipachanagh, inoipac/ianagh ; but with respect to the bow, achan-aghan, inachan- ag/ian, inoachan-aghan ; see the root chuma- nagh. pacharod, pinacharod, papacharod, acharoda, acharoddan, inacharoddan, inoacharoddan, to put on stockings ; trans, fr. chummarod, which see. pacheo-ach, plnacheo-ach, papacheo-ach, cheo- acha, cheo-achen, chineo-ach, inocheo-achen, to come again, to return, to give back ; also applied to the mind, when it retires into itself, or withdraws itself from anything. pachichicMclii, pi, pa, achichichichia, to hiss, as hot iron put into water. pacMech, pinachiech, papachiech, achicha, achichen, inachlech, inoachichen, to roast ; trans, fr. chummieg. pachlp, pinachip, papachip, achippa, achippan, inachip, inochipan, ipachippa, ipachip, inipachip, inoipachip, to add to ; chachip, an addition, nom. pacbirrap, pi, pa, achirrabba, achirrabban, inachirrabban, to insert anything in between where things adhere, can be suitably em- ployed for ingrafting or incorporating. pacMtchit, pi, pa, achitchitta, achitchitten, inachitchlt, to beat as the arteries or the heart ; ma-achitc hit ja oggach, an artery. pachote, pinachote, papachote, chotea, chotein, chinote, to punish. pad, pinad, papad, badda, baddaan, binaddan, linen, or such like stuff. padaat, pi, pa, adaata, adatten, inadaat, inoadaatten, ipadaata, ipadaat, inipadaat, inoi- padaat, to do anything early in the morning, as chumda ; padadaat, intens. nom. adaat, be- times. padach-o-dach-o, pinadach-o-dach-o, papa- dach-o-dach-o, adofh-o-dach-oa, to wander through the country. padakkodakko, pinadakkodakko, papadak- kodakko, adakkodakkoa, to nod with sleep. paddabo, pinaddabo, papaddabo, addaboa, addaboan, inaddaboan, inoaddaboan, to keep oneself entrenched or secreted ; ma-addabo, a concealer. paddach, pinaddach, papaddach, addacha, to end, to leave off. paddam, pinaddam, papaddam, addammen, inaddaman, inoaddamman, to eat the paddy, or rice, in the field, as is sometimes done by wild animals. QzAAaA,pinaddat,papaddat, addada, addadden, inadadden, inoadadden, to hew or cut anything to pieces. i66 Favorlang paddldi, pinaddidi, padaddidi, addidia, to shiver as one in an ague ; paddidi a shien, to chatter with the teeth. paddik, pi, pa, addikka, to overhang, as long grass hangs over the path. paddo-oddo-ol, meagre. padduppo, pinaddopo, papaddopo, adduppoa, to stoop forward, also to lean forward with the head resting on anything; thus addopoan, inad- dopoan, inoaddopoan ; paadduppo, imp. ipaad- duppoa; Favorlang, pagguppo, trans, ipaag- guppoa. padirdir, pinadirdir, papadirdir, adirdirra, to tremble ; act. fr. madirdir. padoch, pinadoc/i, papadoch, adoch-a, adochen, inadoch, inoadochen, to give a rap, as at the door ; padoch-doch, to rap frequently. padullo, pi, pa, adulloa, adulloan, inadulloan, inoadulloan, to strive, to see who shall finish first. paga, to be, to have ; it is also a denial, as pa, and in this sense is doubled, as pagaga, by no means ; pret. pinaga, fut. papaga, imp. aga-a ; item, as, as when, without question ; paga j a sarosono de bonna, there is a mist in the field ; paga, means quantity. paga, pi, pa, ipaga-a, ipaga, inipaga, to cause to be, e.g. ja alii oa inipaga ? is it not you that has done it ? that is, have you not caused it to be ? ga, essence, a being ; agaijan, the place where anything is, as agaijan ota Deos, con- tracted for agauta Deos, the place where God is. pagagagaga, pi, pa, agagagaga-a, pagagag- aga-o-to, to gurgle with water. pagalgal, pinagalgal, papagalgal, agalgalla, to pant. pagasan, //, pa, agasanna, agasannan, ina- gasan, inoagasannan, to love ; agasan, desire, love ; ma-agasan, a lover. paggai, a little time, a minute. paggeas, pinaggeas, papaggeas, aggeassa, to stretch oneself, as yawners do. paggi, pinaggi, papaggi, aggia, the snarling of dogs. pagoegoe, pinagoegoe, the raging of the wind and sea, the rumbling of thunder, or of the belly ; pagoegoegoegoe, intens. pagorgor, pi, pa, agorgorra, to snore. pagotgot, pi, pa, the cooing of doves. paicham, in act. trans, imp. aichamma, babosa, aichamman, inaichamman, inoaicham- man, ipaichamma, pass, pichamman, inichamman, inoichamman, ipaicham, inipaicham, inoipaicham, to drink, to offer to drink ; aichan, nom. a drinking ; aichaman, a drinking-cup. paichasarra, pinaichasarra, papaichasarra, for the imp. people say, sarra o kagil, to sleep. paichiecli, pi, pa, the pain of the stomach ; imp. aichiecha, pass, aichiechen, inaichiech, inoaichiechen. paies, pinaies, papaies, aisa, ipaies, inipaies, inoipaies, to put away. paikap, trans, fr. mikkap, which see. paikiek, pinaikiek, papaikiek, to crack. pakietkiet, pi, pa, idem. pailieb, pinailieb, papailieb, ailieba, ailieban, inailiban, inoailiban, to call, to fetch any one ; paailieb, imp., ipaailiba, trans, nom., ailieb, a calling. pailielieb, intens. paior, pinaior, papaior, aiorra, aiorren, inaiorren, inoaiorren, to precede any one, to show the way; the way, aiorran, inaiorran, inoaiorran. pairas, pinairas, papairas, airasa, ipairasa, to be stubborn in anything ; ipairas, inipairas, inoipairas, as pastes, nom. air as, as asies. pairoos, trans, from meroos, which see. pais, pinais, papais, aisa, aisan inaisan, inoaisan, to pester. paisis, pi, pa, to whistle through the teeth. paita, pinaita, papaita, ipaita, to show, what ? ipaita, inipaita, inoipaita, to whom ? aitanni, inaitanni, inoaitanni, trans, from mita, which see. pajus, pi, pa, bajussa, bajussen, binajus, inobajussen, to blow a gale, to storm ; pabajus, trans., bajus, nom. a storm. pakaqua, pinakaqua, papakaqua, kaaqua-a, akaqua-an, inakaqua, inoakaqua-an, to do any- thing moderately ; also ipakaqua-a, ipakaqua, inipakaqua, inoipakaqua, nom. qua, a little, moderate ; akaqua, diminution. pakarot, pi, pa, imp. akkarotta, to crack ; pakarot, trans, nom. karot, cracked. pakaukau, pinakaukau, papakaukau, akau- kaua, akaukauan, inakaukauan, inoakaukanua, to bawl out loud. pakeas, pi, pa, akeassa, akeassan, inakeas, inoakeassan, to stick out one leg behind, as kummitta. pakeas, pi, pa, ipakeassa, ipakeas, inipakeas, inoipakeas, to cause such to be done, nom. akeas, the sticking out of the leg. pakibokibo, pinakibokibo, papakibokibo, akibo- kiboa, to flutter, trans, fr. kummibokibo, which see. pakikekikke, pi, pa, akikkekikkea, to swarm, as pakikkekikke (si, binnan, to swarm, as fish or deer. Vocabulary paMUekille, pi, pa, imp. akillekillea, to rattle, but so as that a ringing is heard, as from money, or the rings on the arms; differs from paseerseer. pakkio, pinakkio, papakkio, akkio, akkioa, the cry of deer. pakkol, pi, pa, akkolla, to dig deep. pakobos, pinakobos, papakobos, akobossa, ako- bossan, inakobossan, inoakobossan, to hunt with nets ; also ipakobossa, ipakobos, inipakobos. pakotkot, pi, pa, akotkotta, the cackling of hens. pala (let the last letter be scarcely heard), pinala, papala, ipala, alanni, inalanni, inoalanni, to say, to tell ; ala, nom. a saying ; this noun is compounded with karri, as karri ala and man, as mau ala, to converse together. pala, trans, fr. malla, which see. palablaba, pinalablaba, palablaba, alablabba, alablabban, inalablabban, inoalablabban, to fan with a fan. palacnach, pinalachach, papalachach, ala- chacha, alachachen, inalachach, inoalachachen, the opposite of padidden; see malachach, to make anything loose, of which this is the transitive. palachacb. means also to make anything loose, to put loosely together; but then the inflections are thus, ipalachacha, ipalachach, inipalachach, inoipalachach. palalat, pinalalat, papalalat, balabalata, binalabalat, balalabalatten, inobalabalatten, to put things in a row, or side by side ; palalat ja se malam o bisa, arrange the javelins and arrows ; it differs from palat ; see palalat, pinalalat, papalalat, ipalalatta, ipalalat, inipala- lat, to arrange in a row ; add thereto, balalat, the noun. palapilapies, trans fr. lummapilapies, or malapilapies, which see. palat, pinalat, papalat, balatta, balatten, binalat, inobalatten, as palalat, except that palat extends itself to the conveying, but taken transitively the inflections are, ipalatta, ipalat, inipalat ; add thereto balat, the noun. palaulaub, pinalaulaub,papalaulaub, laulauba, laulauban, linaulauban, to sparkle, etc. palil, trans, allil, a noise. pallakkum, trans, fr. mallakkum. pallidollido, pinallidollido, papallidollido, alli- dollldoa, allidollidoan, inallidollidoan, inoallidolli- doan, to run backwards and forwards, spoken also of a crooked way ; pallidollidoa, trans. pallil, pi, pa, allilla, pass, allillen, inallil, inoallillen, as mauchus, matsipi, to roar and tear ; palliUil, intens. pallil. 167 pallo, pi, pa, imp. alloa, to reach to, to reach'anything to any one, is also used for the giving of a pledge of marriage, etc., as the Formosans are sometimes accustomed to do ; palo, trans, nom. olio, a reaching out, a pledge, which is given as a pledge of a contract. paJlossa, pinallossa, papallossa, allossa, allos- sanni, inallossanni, inoallossanni, to discover or reveal a little to any one. palololullo, pinalolohillo, papalokluUo, allolul- loan, inalololulloan, inoalololulloan, to make a noise, as by the feet of those who tread hard, or as from a shower of rain j people say palolo- luUo ja oetas. pamamma, pinamamma, panamamma, amam- ma, to cover a field with grass, cover the field with what ? amammamanni and amammayan, inamammanni and inamammayan, inoamammanni and inoammammayan ; wherewith cover the field ? ipamamma, inipamamma, inoipamamma. pameau, ameeua, the mewing of cats. pamoggimoggi, pi, pa, amoggimoggia, amog- gimoggien, inamoggimoggien, inoamoggimoggien, to murmur, to mumble ; amoggimoggi, a mur- muring ; ma-amoggitnoggi, a murmurer. pan, pinan, papan, banna, bannan, binannan, inobannan, to stop up with earth ; paban, pina- ban, papaban, ipabanna, ipaban, inipaban, to cause such to be done ; baban, a dam. pana, somewhither, to some place ; pana Baziekan, to Batsjekan ; sometimes de is added, as pana de Taiwan, to Taiwan ; it is also a verb, and has in the pres. pinana, in fut. papana, in imp. ana, act. ipana, trans. pannab, pinannab, papannab, anabba, wash the hands with what ; annabben, inannab, inoannabben, wherewith wash the hands ; anna- ban, inannaban, inoannaban, the washing of the hands. panno, pinanno, pananno, annoa, to dress oneself, what? annoan, inannoan, inoannoan, wherewith ? ipanno, inipanno, inoipanno ; pano, trans. pannonnononno, pi, pa, the singing of mos- quitoes. pano, pinano, papano, to clothe another, what or who ? anoan, inanoan, inoanoan, where- with ? ipano, inipano, inoipano, see panno, a little above. panoggonoggo, pinanokkonokko, papanokkon- okko, annokkonokkoa, annokkonokkoan, or anni, or aijart, inanokkonokkoan, inoanokkonokkoan, to in- treat ; annoggonoggo, an intreaty. pa-oa-oa, a-oa-oa-a, the cry of crows. pa-obo, pina-obo, papa-obo, a-oboa, a-oboan, i68 Favorlang inaoboan, inoa-oboan, to clue, to clue up, to draw up into a clue ; also ipaoboa, ipa-obo, inipa-obo. paos, a pairing. papacha, an oyster. -, papadda, pinapapadda, papapadda, apapadda, apapaddan, inipapaddan, inoipapaddan, to wash the feet ; wherewith ? apapaddanni, or ayan, in- apapaddanni, inoapapaddanni. papappa, fr. mapappa, which see. papil, fr. mapil, which see. papillepillik, apillepillikka, to clap together, as two hands, two planks, etc. para, pinara, papara, ara, aran, inara, ino- aran, to be with any one, to accompany ; araosse ta Cabba oe ? does Cabba keep company ? ara, a comrade, pass, araa, inaran, to be accompanied ; this passive is used with respect to those who attend on any one, as Takaba aran o Takalla, i.e. Takabba is waited on by Takala ; or Takaba inara o icho, i.e. Takabba is attended by him , and aran is also taken for the person who serves, that is the servant and maid. parab, pinarab, paparab, iparaba, to impreg- nate, to get with child ; see rummab, the tran- sitive of which this is, and means, to impregnate, or to cause a woman to be pregnant, while rummaab, means to be pregnant, and rabien, the child ; rinab is received. paraba, pinaraba, paparaba, ara, aran, in- ara, iuoaran, fr. para, to adopt as a child, also to give up for that purpose, in which case it is iparaba-a, iparaba ; paraba, act. and trans. ; the child, rummaka, takes another for his father, the real father lets the child be taken by another ; paraba choa, refers to those who take the child ; it is also said paraba, to take a child ; an adopted father, rabaam o shlem ; the real father, iparabo ; the child is called by the adopted father, aran. parallibal, pinarallibal, paparallibal, baralli- balla, barallibal, binarallibal, ino-barallibal, to put out linen, etc., to dry ; but has not such an extensive meaning as porra ; pabarallibal, to cause such to be done. parapies, fr. rummapies, which see. parar, fr. marar, which see. parara, fr. marara, which see. paraurat, fr. rummaurat, which see. paraut, fr. rummaut, which see. pardosan, pinardosan, papardosan, to choke, as those do who take food or drink the wrong way ; paardosan, ipinaardosan, papaardosan, ipaardosana, etc., to cause such to be done. paresshi, pi, pa, imp. aresshia, aresshi-in, inaresshi, inoaresshi-in, pass, iparesshi, to set up to fight ; aresshl, nom. a setting on ; ma- aresshi, one who sets on. pariaut, pinariaut, papariaut, ariauta, ari- autan, inariaut, inoariaut, to fill, to make full ; also to let fill, in which case ipariauta, ipariaut, ariaut, nom. parid, pinarid, paparid, aridden, inarid, ino- aridden, the place or part from whence ; arid- den, inariddan, inoariddan, to dry up, act. ; see marid, neut. pariggo, as rummiggo, pinariggo, papariggo, ariggoa, ariggoan, inariggo, inoariggoan, arig- goan ; see mariggo. parikak, see rummikak. parikoriko, pinarikoriko, paparikoriko, riko- rikoa, rikorikoan, rinikorikoan, to shake any- thing, to wave it backwards and forwards, or let such be done, in which case it is iparikori- koa, iparikoriko, iniparikoriko, etc. pario, pinario, papario, arioa, ar'wan, etc., to make good ; mario, ario, an improving, a making good. parne, pinarne, paparne, iparnea, iparne, as rumne ; paarne, see rummene. paroch-i-boch ja boesum, a clear sky. parokail, pi, pa, arokaila, pass, arokailen, inarokail, to lay the hands or feet over each other. paroob, aroba, pass, aroban, inaroban, ino- aroban ja bonna, spread about in the field. parrabarra, pinarrabarra, paparrabarra, barrabarran, barrabarraan, binarrabarran, inobarrabarraan, naked, to make oneself naked. parrach, pi, pa, iparracha, iparach, to com- mit fornication ; shiem parach, a bastard j rini parach, an egg, that is put in a wrong place outside the nest. parrar, pinarrar, paparrar, arrarra, arra- raan, inarrarran, inoarrarran, to hedge round ; arrar, a hedge. parras, pinarras, paparras, barrasa, barra- san, binarrasan, to let go, to free, to put out of one's hand, to set down, in which case it is iparrasa, etc. ; ma-ababarras, a redeemer ; ca Christus paga ma-ababarras o babosa, that is, Christ is the saviour of mankind. parri, trans, fr. marri, which see. parribrieb, pinarribrieb, to shake ; arri- brieba, all kinds of shaking. parried, pinarried, paparried, arrida, arri- dan, inarridan, the superstitious use of old en- chantments. Vocabulary 169 partition, pinarrinon, paparrinon, arrinoa, to quarrel, to do that which cannot be named ; rattirrien, idem. parrioriot, pi, pa, imp. arrioriotta, the in- tens. of patriot ; is said of ivy, etc., which climbs up long sticks or trees, and embraces them. parriot, pinarriot, paparriot, ariotta, ariottan, inarriottan, to wrap up ; the same as rummiot, but from another root. parriparri, pinarriparri, inoparriparri, parri- parria, parriparri-in, pinarriparri, inoparriparri- in, to bore a hole. parripieripi, pi, pa, imp. arripieripia, pass. parripieri-in, pinarripieri-in, with a turn or the eye, to see anything dimly. parripieripit, pi, pa, arripieripitta, pass, arri- pieripitten, inarripieripit, to cackle, to jabber ; paripieripit, trans, arripieripit, a prating, a babbling ; ma-arripieripit, a babbler. parro, pinarro, paparro, barroa, barroan, binarro, to bundle up, to make up into bundle or sheaves ; pabarro, pinabarro, papabarro, i pabarroa, ipabarro, etc., to cause such to be done ; barro, a sheaf. parroa, pinarroa, paparroa, arroa, arroan, inarroan, inoarroan, to dig up. parrorro, pinarorro, paparrorro, arrorroa, arrorroan, as rummorro, to assemble ; parorro, pinarrorro, paparorro, tparorroa, iparorro, ini- parorro, inoiparorro, to cause such to be done ; mind that it must be written parorro, act. from marorro. part, pinart, papart, arta, arten, inart, ino- arten, to bruise or break anything, as a reed, or such like. pas, pinas, papas, bassa, bassin, binas, ino- bassin, to stop one in anything, to dissuade, also to carry a message ; tornado, cho pinaas o assaban, inachas ja o badda Terneren? who has informed the village that the men of Favorlang have been beaten ? pabas, trans, babas, a mes- sage ; ma-ababas, a messenger. pasaas, pinasaas, papasaas, a-aassen, inasaas, to occasion a looseness. pasas, pi, pa, asasa, ipasasa, to carry on the head or on the neck, as an ox, the yoke, also to carry on the shoulders ; asasan, the place where men carry anything; asasau loan, the yoke which the ox bears. pasaso, fr. summaso, which see. pasassar, pinasassar, ipasassara, ipasassar, inipasassar, inoipasassar, to whisper or say any- thing softly ; see passassar. pasfoas, pinabas, papasbas, basbassa, bas- bassen, binasbas, inobasbassen, to bite flat, to gnaw even. pasear, fr. masear, which see. paseerseer, pi, pa, imp. aseerseer, to rattle without noise ; see pakillekille. pashadda, pinas hadda, papasjadda, ipas hadda, inipashadda, inoipashadda, to put a roof on a house. pashemar, pinashemar, papashemar, ashe- marra, ashemarran, inashemarran, inoashemar- ran, to smear, to rub over, wherewith ? ipashe- mar, inipashemar, inoipasjemar, to let the same be done, in which case it is ipashemarra, ipa- shemar, etc., as above ; sashemar, fat. pashi, to pass along; pashi abas, along the seashore ; tnoso, ditto. pashimit, pi, pa, imp. ashimda, pass, ashim- dan, to stroke with the hand. pasi, pi, pa, asia, asian, inasian, inoasian, ipasi, pass, ipasi, inipasi, inoipasi, to shell ; asi, a peeling. pasies, fiery, courageous, pastes o ramied, bold in words, to boast, to vaunt; pasies o mababat, proud in one's gait; asies, nom. lofty; ma-asies, one who is bold. pasiet, pinasiet, papasiet, having taken cold, to cough ; asiet, a cough. pasiksik, pinasiksik, papasiksik, asiksikka, asiksikken, inasiksik, inoasiksikken, as madidden, to make fast, close ; in thisf orm it is active, so also masikisik, but imp. ipasiksikka, pass, ipa- siksik, inipasiksik, inoipasiksik ; fr. summiksik. pasinok, pinasinok, papasinok, ipasinokka, ipa- sinok, inipasinok, inoipasinok, to blow the nose ; see passinok. pasinsin, pinasinsin, papasinsin, the headache. pasisiet, pinasisiet, papasisiet, asisita, asisiten, inasisiet, inoasisiten, to cool any food that is hot, also to let cool, in which case it is ipasis- ita, ipasisiet. pasisse, and pasissississese, to rattle, as a broken gong, the bell, etc. pasoa, pinasoa, papasoa, asoa, asoan, inasoa, inoasoan, or scan, sinoan, to wound, to cause to be wounded, in which case it is ipasoa, inipasoa. pasobi, pinasobi, papasobi, ipasobia, ipasobi, inipasobi, inoipasobi, to strew and sprinkle with anything dry, as salt, sand, etc. pasoeisoel, pinasoeisoei, papasoeisoei, asoeisoeia, to whistle with the mouth. pasoes, pinasoes, papasoes, ipasoesa, ipasoes, inipasoes, inoipasoes, to cause to hear ; pabasoes, pinabasoes, papabasoes, ipapassoesa, ipapassoes, inipapassoes, inoipapassoes, ditto. 170 Favorlang pasoes, see under passes. pasopir, pi, pa, assopirra, assopirran, inasso- pirran, inoassopirran, to fish with a cast-net; pasopir, pi, pa, ipasopirra, ipasopir, to cause one to fish thus ; assopir, such fishing ; also the instrument employed, a cast-net. pasor, pi, pa, imp. asorra, pass, ipa- sorra, to join together two things that are separated from each other, and which ought to be united, as two houses, two letters, etc. pasosot, pinasosot, papasosot, asosota, asosotan, inasosotan, inoasosotan, to deal out, to distri- bute, what is distributed 5 asosoten, inasosoot, inoasosoten, or ipasosot. paspas, pi, pa, paspassa, paspassen, pinaspas- sen, inopaspassen, to rain gently j paaspas, trans. paspas, nom. a drizzling rain. paspot, pinaspot, papaspot, ipaspotta, ipaspot, inipaspot, inoipaspot, to occasion any one work or trouble, to bother; trans, fr. maspot, which see. passabo, pinassabo, papassabo, assaboa, assa- bon, inassabo, inoassabon, to carry anything between two ; pasabo, pinasabo, papasabo, ipa- saboa, ipasabo, inipasabo, inoipasabo, to cause this to be done. passap, pi, pa, asappa, ipasap, inipasap, to seam, so that the ends lap over each other j asap, nom. ; trans, pasap. passapa, pinassapa, papassapa, to lisp. passasar, pinassassar,papassassar, assassara, assassarran, inassassarran, inoassassarran, to whisper. passhadda, pinasshadda, papasshadda, to cover a house ; what ? atskodda. asshaddanni, inassiadanni, wherewith ; ipashaddan, sipaskad- da, etc. passhipir, pi, pa, asshipirra, to sprinkle with water, same as babichi 5 ashipir, nom. subst. a sprinkling. passhir, pinasshir, papasshir, isshirra, to put anything down or in 5 pashir, trans, nom. sashir, the putting anything down ; sashiran, or sashirayan, the place where men put any- thing down ; sashiran o tattullo, contracted , sashiran tuttullo, a candlestick. passikasar, pi, pa, assikasarra, to lay one over the other. passinok, pinassinok, papassinok, assinokka, assinokkan, to blow the nose. passo, pinasso, papasso, bassoa, bassoan, bin- assoan, inobassoan, to make a string of bam- boo. V&BSO\il,pinassol>i,papassobi, assobia, assobian, inassobian, inoassobian, to strew with anything dry, as salt, etc. passoes, a bore, a clown ; passos, pi, pa, passossa, passosan, pinassosan, to bore. passopietpiet, ptaassopietpiet, papassopietpiet, assopietpieta, assopietpietan, inassopietpietan, ino- assopietpietan, to seam ; pasopietpiet, pi, pa, ipasopietpieta, ipasopietpiet, inopasopietpiet, ino- ipasopietpiet, to cause to be hemmed. passos, pi, pa, bassosa, bassosan, binassosan, inobassosan, to kiss ; pabassos, pi, pa, ipabassosa, ipabassos, inipabassos ; babassos, a kiss, nom. passoso, pinassoso, papassoso, assosoa, to whom ? assosoan, inassosoan, inoassosoan, to give, to present, to give for nothing, what ? ipassos, inipassoso, inoipassoso, ditto ; passok, pi, pa, imp. assokka; from whence seems to be derived the name of the village Assok, which is the noun, from the verb passok, meaning a gift, because the site of the village Assok was for- merly given to the inhabitants of Tamachan ; psaoso, trans. ; asoso, a gift. patach, pinatach, papatach, ipatacha, ipatach, inipatach, inoipatach, to make the teeth black ; see pattach. patapa, pinatapa, papatapa, to let anything fall down from above, what ? ipatapa, ipatapa, inipatapa, inoipatapa, on whom ? atapa-a, atapa-an, inatapa-an, inoatapaan ; also to cause this to be done, in which case it is ipatapa, etc. patarion, pi, pa, papatta-arion, to put any- thing behind ; see matarron. patippo, pinatippo, papatippo, atippoa, atip- poan, inatippoan, inoatippoan, to shoot with a musket, or to cause to shoot, in which case it is ipatippoa, ipatippo, inipatippo, inoipatippo. patis, pinatis, papatis, ipatissa, ipatis, inipatis, inoipatis, to throw away or lose ; trans, fr. matis, which see. patoom, pi, pa, atoamma, atoamman, etc., to let dogs play together. patsikir, pi, pa, atsikirra, the singing of the larks, nom. tsikir. patsiliek, the chattering of sparrows. patsy simma, the morning, until half mid- day. pattach, pinattach, papattach, attacha, attachan, to blacken the teeth. pattadach, pinattadach, papattadach, ata- dacha, atadachen, to warm ; patadach, pi, pa, ipatadacha, ipatadach, inipatadach, to make warm. pattaggai, as paggai. pattala is never used alone j but mau patala, Vocabulary 171 stepfather ; naij patala, stepmother ; shiem patala, stepson ; atoasa patala, stepsister or brother. pattallaijach, pinattallaijach, papattallaijac/i, attallaijacha, attallaijachan, inattallaijachen, to lie on one's back ; patallaijac/i, pinattallaijach, papatallaijach, ipatallaijacha, ipatallaijach, to put on the back. pattallakkum, pinattallakkum, papatallakkum, atallakkumma, inatallakkumman, inoatallakkum- tnan, as pallakkum ; but patallakkum, pinatallak- kurn, papatallakkum, ipatallakkumma, ipatal- lakkum, inipatallakkum, inoipatallakkum, the same as palakkum. pattap, pinattap, papattap, attappa, attappen, inattappan, inoattappan, to stop up a hole or rent, either with patching, darning, or plaiting. pattapa, pinattapa, papattapa, to fall, to fall down, as the drops of water from the roof; hence attapa-an, inatapa-an, inoatapa-an, to cause to fall, patapa; hence attapa, nom. a drop. pattarran, pinattarran, papattarran, atar- rana, atarranen, inatarran, inoatarrannen, to get out of the way, to] make room ; to cause that such be done, patarran, pinatarran, papa- tarran, ipatarrana, ipatarran, etc. patarrigl, fr. matarrigi, which see. pattas, pinattas, papattas, atassa, atassen, inattassan, inoattassan, to paint, to write ; patas, pinatas, papattas, ipatassa, ipatas, to cause to be written or painted. pattaulieb, pinattaulieb, papattaulieb, atauliba, atauliban, inatauliban, inoatauliban, to hold any- thing behind or under one ; pataulieb, pinatau- lieb, papataulieb, ipatauliba, ipataulieb, inipatau- lieb, to shelter any one. pattauso, pinattauso, papattauso, atausoa, atausoan, inatauso, to heal ; patauso, pinatauso, papataitso, ipatausoa, ipatauso, to cause to be healed. pattaute, pinattaute, papattaute, attautea, aitai is compounded with verbs as well as nouns ; see below. pauaat, trans, fr. mauaat, which see. pauab, pinauab, papauab, ipauaba, ipauab, Favorlang inipauab, to cause to increase, to enlarge ; from moab, which see. pauba, pinauba, papauba, ipauba, inipauba, inoipauba, to drive away sleep, to wake any one out of sleep. paubaddoa, those who are born on the same day call each other baddoa ; to take one for such is paubaddoa, piunabaddoa, papaubaddoa, aubaddoa, aubaddoan, inaubaddoa, inoaubaddoa, paaubaddoa, pinaaubaddoa, papaaubaddoa, ipaaubaddoa, inipaaubaddoa. pauballag, pi, pa, aubattag-a, to take any- thing for one's own property 5 paauballag, to cause such to be done. pauchar, pinauchar, papauchar, aucharra, aucharran, inaucharran, inoaucharran, to breathe ; paauchar, pi, pa, ipaaucharra, ipaauchar, inipaauchar, to cause such to be done ; hence char, the breath, also auchar, the spirit. pauche, oh, you lackey, you poor fellow, pauchodon, //', pa, auchodonna, to take any one for one's relation ; paauchodon, to cause such to be done. pauchus, pinauchus, papauchus, auchussa, auchussen, inauchus, inoauchussen, to finish any work, to leave off; also to have used any instrument or thing long enough, in which case it is auchussan, inauchussan, inoauchussan ; paauchus, pi, pa, ipaauchussa, ipaauchus, inipaauchus, to cause or let leave off, etc. ; see mauchus. paudon, pi, pa, audonna, audonnan, inaudon, inoaudonnan, to account one's house one's own ; paaudon, trans. paukakossi, pi, pa, aukakossia, to account any one disobedient ; paaukakossi, to cause such to be done. pau-kamain, pi, pa, aukamaina, to account any one a relation by marriage. paulalluin, pi, pa, aulalluma, to dig deep, as if it were said, to make deep j see above j paollallum, see molalum. pauloan, pinauloan, papauloan, auloanna, auloannen, inauloan, inoauloannen, to make any- thing matter of food, to take any one for a labourer or slave; also to cause such to be done, in which case it is ipauloanna, ipauloan, inipauloan, inoipauloan ; loan, victuals, a slave, also a quadruped; but whenever this word is used for a slave, it is always employed in a bad sense. pau-mablsse, to account any one virtuous ; pau-machimit, to account any one clean; auahimta, auabissea, ditto ; pau-marapies, to account wicked ; pau-mario, to account good ; all of which are formed in the same manner. pau-makakoss, pi, pa, auakakossia, pass. auakakossi-in, etc., to account any one dis- obedient. paupi, see maupi, of which this is the trans. paurapies, //, pa, aurapisa, to account or consider anything bad. paure, pinaure, papaure, aurea, aurin, inaure, inoaurin, to make slices of flesh or fish ; pa-~ aure, pinaaure, papaaure, ipaaurea, ipaaure, inipaaure, inoipaaure, to cause such to be done ; re, dried flesh or fish. paurio, pi, pa, aurio-a, to account or con- sider anything good. paurod, see morrod, of which this is the trans. pauroos, pinauros, papauros, aurosa, aurossen, inauros, inoaurossen, to take any one for one's consort; paauros, pi, pa, ipaaurosa, ipaauros, etc., to cause any one to be taken for one's consort. paurtatach, pinaurtatach, papaurtatach, ip- aurtatach-a, ipaurtatach, inipaurtatach, inoip- aurtatach, to scatter, act. paaurtatach, pina- aurtatach, papaaurtatach, pass, ipaaurtatacha, ipaaurtatach, to cause to be scattered, trans, fr. mortatach. paurus, pinaurus, papaurus, aurussa, aurus- san, inaurussan, inoaurussan, to cool, to refresh ; paaurus, pi, pa, ipaaurussa, ipaaurus, to cause such to be done ; trans, fr. morus, which see. paus, a bill, a hatchet ; the same as po-os. pausa, pinausa, papausa, ipausa, inipausa, inoipausa, to give permission to go, also to order to depart ; really to let go, i.e. to give permission ; or to cause to go, i.e. to order to go ; paausa, pi, pa, to cause such to be done ; trans, fr. mossa. pausa-0, pinausa-o, papama-o, ausa-o-a, ausaoon, inausa-o, inoausa-oon, to embrace with one arm ; paausa-o, pi, pa, ipaausa-oa, ipaausao, etc., to cause such to be done. paushiem, pi, pa, aushima, aushimen, etc., to generate, also to acknowledge any one as one's child. pausi, trans, either from mausi, or post, which see. pautamau, and pautanaij, pi, pa. pautat, pi, pa, autatta, autattan, inautattan, inoautattan, to mark anything, in order to dis- tinguish it from another's property ; paautat, nom. a mark. pautatarrogi, trans, fr. tummaroggi, paya, pinaya, papaya, aya, ayanni, inayanni, inoayanni, to lean backwards. Vocabulary 173 payach, pinayach, papayach, ayacha, ayachen, inayach, inoayachen, whence iachen, ipayach, iniachen, inipayach, inoipayach, to make dirty. payoch, pinayoch, papayoch, ayocha, to turn back ; also ayochan, inayochan, inoayochan, to give back. paz&esima, the morning, from sunrise to half midday. pazigala, //', pa, to imitate, to ape. pazikakapol, pinazikakapol, papazikakapol, azikakapolla, azikakapollan, inazikakapollan, to run in theiway, also to cause such to be done, in which case it is ipazikakapolla, ipazikakapol, etc. pazinado, pinazinado, papazinado, azinadoa, azinadon, inazinado, inoazinadon, to interpret ; pazinado tarran, to show the way ; paazinado, pi, pa, ipaazinadoa, ipaazinado, inipaazinado, to cause to interpret, etc. ; tummacho, ditto ; patacho, or pitto, ditto, nom. tattacho-o, in the verb trans, and noun, used with kar and mau, as kar tattacho, mau tattacho, to interpret for one another ; azinado, an interpretation ; ma- azinado, an interpreter. pazio, pi, pa, azioa, pass, azioan, inazioan, inoazioan, to stamp with the feet on the ground ; paazio, trans. j azio, nom. subst. ; maazio, a stamper. pazioessan, pi, pa, azioessanna, azioessannan, inazioessan, inoazioessannan, to have the hic- cup ; paazioessan, trans, azioessan, nom. the hiccup. paziogga, pinaziogga, papaziogga, aziogga, azioggan, also anni, and aijan, inazioggan, ino- azioggan, to put on an under garment ; pa- aziogga, pi, pa, ipaaziogga, etc., to cause such to be done ; ogga, an under garment. paz-ipat, pinaz-ipat, papaz-ipat, baz-ibadda, baz-ibadden, binaz-ibat, inobaz-ibadden, to make level, to make even; paaz-ipat, pi, pa, ipabaaz-ibadden, or ipaaz-ibadda, ipabaaz- ibadden, or ipaasipat, inipabaaz-ibad, or ini- paaz-ipat, etc. , bazibat, evenness. pazipo, pinazipo, papazipo, azipoa, azipoon, inazipoon, inoazipoan, the washing of the face ; paazipo, pi, pa, ipaazipoa, ipaazipo, inipaazipo, etc. pchab, pienchab, pabchab, bchabba, bchabban, bienchabban, to cover oneself with a wrapper, to cover oneself ; see pabechab. pea, pinea, papea, ipea, ipe-a, inipea, inoipea, to give ; changed into ea, ean, inean, etc., it means to be presented ; paya, pinaya, papaya, ipaya, inipaya, inoipaya, to cause to be given ; this is written paia, pi, pa, to distinguish it from paija, to lean backwards ; aija, a gift, ma-aija, a giver. pefoe, pinebe, papebe, bebea, bebeen, binebe, inobebeen, bebea, to dissuade ; pabebe, pi, pa, ipabebe, to do thus. pebe, pinebe, papebe, ebea, ebean, inebean, inoebean, as pedarra ; paibe, pi, pa, ipaibea ; aibe, nom.; aibe o rarobo, dough, i.e. flour mixed with water. pechab, pinechab, papechab, echabba, echab- ban, inechabban, inoechabban, to murder secretly ; paichab, pi, pa, ipaichabba, ipaichab, etc., to cause such to be done. pedarra, pi, pa, edarra, edarran, inedarran, inoedarran, when different things are mixed together, as machoraab; aidarra, nom. subst. and act. trans, paidarra; original substance with which anything is mixed is edarran ; two different things, pedarra; a man, paidarra. pe-edda forms its inflections as pea, to pre- pare and dish up food and drink in order to treat any one. pe-el, pi, pa, e-ella, e-ellan, ine-ellan, inoe- ellan, to know carnally. pe-eo, pi, pa, e-eoa, to dangle ; pai-eo, trans. ; e-eo, one who swings. pees, pi, pa, eesa, pass, eesan, ineesan, inoe- esan, to file ; paees, trans. ; aees, a file, also steel, because they file with things in which there is much steel. peroa, pineroa, paperoa, eroa, eroan, ineroa, inoeroan, in two parts ; pairoa, pinairoa, papairoa, ipairoa, inipairoa, inoipairoa, to divide into two parts. pesasa, pinesasa, papesasa, esasa, esasan, inesasa, inoesasan, to begin ; paisasa, pi, pa, ipaisasa, ipaisasa, etc., to be first to begin ; TafkaSa ja pesasa ummoob tummaap o bonna "Tabaipau ja rior, Tackalla has finished his field before Tabaipau ; aisasa, a beginning. pesasorri, pinesasorri, papesasorri, esasorria, esasorrian, inesasorrian, inoesasorrian, to change similar things, but knowingly and on purpose, thus differing from pautatarrog i ; paisasorri, pi, pa, ipaisasorria, ipaisasorri, etc., thus to change. pesik, //', pa, pesikkan, pass, peiikken, pinesik- ken, to break in pieces. pesil, pi, pa, pesilla, pesillen, pinesillen, inopesillen, is said of two fruits on one stalk, or when one root divides into two ; paisil, trans. pesor, pinesor, papesor, esorra, esorran, inesor- ran, inoesorran, to mean, to imagine, to sus- pect ; paisor, pinaisor, papaisor, ipaisorra, 174 Favorlang ipaisor, inipaisor, inoipaisor, to imagine in general. pespattil, pinespattil, papespattil, espattilla, espattillen, inespattil, inoespattillen, to divide into four ; paispattil, pi, pa, ipaispattilla, ipais- pattil, inipaispattil, inoipaispattil, to cause such to be done. petam, pinetam, papetam, etamma, etamman, inetamman, inoetamman, to lean upon the hand ; paietam (to be distinguished from paitam, to borrow), pi, pa, ipaietumma, etc., to cause such to be done. petorro, pinetorro, papetorro, etorroa, etor- roan, inetorroan, inoetorroan, to divide into three ; paitorro, pinaitorro, papaitorro, ipaitorroa, etc., to cause such to be done. petummo, pinetummo, papetummo, epetummoa, epetummo, inipetummo, inoipetummo, to spit upon ; when it is also etummoa, etummoan, inetummoan, inoetummoan ; paitummo, pinaitum- mo, papaitummo, ipaitummoa, ipaitummo, etc., to cause such to be done. phon (with an aspirate, not as fan), the insects which eat out, and render hollow the bamboos. pia, now ; pia da sisja, to-day. pia, pinia, papia, bia, bian, binia, inobian, to drive away the wild animals, such as hogs and stags, who come and devour the fields ; babia, the nouns. piach, piniach, papiach, biacha, biachen, biniach, inobiachen, to separate fighters ; pabiach, pinabiacli, papabiach, ipabiacha, ipabiach, etc., to set apart. piar, piniar, papiar, biarra, biarren, biniar, inobiarren, to pull out ; piar o bar, to lift up the arm, to strike ; pabiar, pinabiar, pa, ipabiarra, ipabiar, inipabiar, inoipabiar, to reach out. pichi, an ape, a monkey. pichir (let the first i be scarcely heard), pinicliir, papichir, bechirra, bechirren, binechir, inobechirren, to let go anything that is bent, also to push away anything into a stick ; people say also, pichir o chachaap, to haul up a scoop-net ; pabichir, pi, pa, ipabichirra, ipa- bichir, inipabichir, inoipabichir, to cause such to be done. pido, pinido, papido, bidoa, bidoan, binidoan, inobidoan, to write ; pabido, pinabido, papabido, ipabido, etc., ditto ; bido, nom. a book, a writing ; pabido, a writing, instruments for ditto. pied, pinied, papied, bida, bidan, binidan, inobidan, to girdle ; pabied, pinabied, papabied, ipabida, ipabied, etc., to cause such to be done ; babied, a girdle ; babiedan or babiedayan, the place for the girdle. piedpied, piniepied, papiedpied, biedbida, bied- biden, biniedbied, inobiedbiden, to rub anything between the fingers j pabiedbied, pinabiedbied, papabiedbied, ipabiedbida, etc., to cause such to be done. pigcharra, pi, pa, igcharra, pass, igcharran, etc., same as pigchilla ; charra, lattice-work. pigcbilla, pi, pa, igchilla, pass, igchillan, etc., to put one thing between two others, where it does not adhere, but where it has room 5 pichcharra, ditto ; paigchitta, trans, nom. aigchilla, the doing so ; chilla, lattice-work. pigeno, pinigeno, papigeno, to skim ; gabigeno, pinabigeno, papabigeno, ipabigenoa, ipabigeno, etc., to do so. pikau, bent. pikier, the ankle or knuckle. pila, pinila, papila, Ha, Han, inila, inoilan, to hit, to cause to touch 5 paila, pinaila, papaila, etc., to touch ; thus people say, pila ja aubo, the fish have got into the basket, i.e. are taken, whenever there are fish therein 5 aila, nom. a hitting. pilla, pinilla, papilla, billa, billaan, binilla, inobillaan, to cleave, to split ; pabilla, pinabilla, papabilla, ipabilla, etc., to cause such to be done } babilla, a cleaving ; billa, a cleft, fr. malilla, anything to split with j ma-ababilla, a cleaver. pillala, pinillala, pi, pa, etc., to split fre- quently ; pabillabilla, etc., increases the sense ; pabilla, to cause such to be done. pillitoilli, pinillibilli, papillibilli, billibilia, billibillien, binillibilli, inobillibillien, to turn round, act. to twist ; pabillibilli, pinabillibilli, papabilli- billi, ipabillibilli, etc., to cause to be twisted ; pillibilli o sarries o aroro, to twist thread, twigs, etc. pilliech, pinilliech, papillich, billicha, billichen, binillic/t, seems to mean to put one's body in a position to do anything important ; pilliech o mauadet, o makarieb, o tummaap, etc., to put oneself in a posture to pull out each other's hair, to quarrel, to run, or to work ; pabilliech, to cause such to be done. pillik, intens. pillepillik, pi, pa, billika, billikken, binillik, inobitiikken, to press or join anything underneath (not between), assummiet; pabillik, trans, babillik, nom. a pressing, also that which people lay on a thing to press it down. piop, piniop, papiop, ioppa, etc., to blow up ; piop o chau, to blow the fire ; piop o tabillo, to Vocabulary '75 blow a tnimpet ; piop o tattullo, to blow out a candle ; paiop, pi, pa, ipaioppa, ipaiop, etc., to cause such to be done. pior, pinior, papior, ipiorra? what? ipior, iniplor, inoipior, to leave behind ; to whom ? biorran, biniorran, inobiorran ; pabior, pi, pa, ipabiorra, ipabior, inipabior, inoipabior, to cause such to be done ; bior, a remainder, is also used as a preposition. pirbir, //, pa, birbirra, birbirren, binirbir, inobirbirren, the blowing about of the flame of a fire or candle. piri, piniri, papiri, iria, irian, inirian, inoirian, to search out, to choose, to reject ; pairi, pin- airi, papairi, ipairia, ipairi, to cause such to be done. pirraas (the / barely heard), the hair that grows on the forehead. pirraba, irraba, irraban, etc., to weed, to pull up the weeds or grass out of the streets or places near the houses; but to weed fields is umrno-o, nevertheless this difference exists be- tween the two, that pirraba is used when people gather the weeds from amongst the good seed, but ummo-o when people pull up weeds out of a field, where no good seed has been sown. pirras, pinirras, papirras, pirrassa,pirrassen, pinirras, inopirrassen, to tear, act. ; papirras, pinapirras, papapirras, ipapirrassa, ipapirras, etc., to cause such to be done. pirries (the ; barely heard), pineries, papirris, iperisa, iperies, iniperies, inoiperies, to close, to button up ; pabries, trans. ; babries, nom. a button. pirroos (the i barely heard), pinirroos, papir- roos, birroossa, birroossen, binirroos, inobirroossen, to pull in from behind, to let go by ; pabirroos, pi, pa, ipabirroossa, ipabirroos, inipabiroos, to let goby. pistols, pinisbis, papisbis, bisbissa, bisbissen, binisbis, inobisbissen, to hold fast ; pabisbis, pi, pa, ipabisbissa, ipabisbis, inipabisbis, to cause such to be done. pisor, pinisor, papisor, isorra, isorren, inisor, inoisorren, to set on ; pisor o chau, to set on fire ; pisor o tazi, to send up a kite ; paisor, pinaisor, papaisor, ipaisorra, ipaisor, inipaisor, inoipaisor, to cause to set on. pissarra, pinissarra, papissarra, issarra, issarran, inissarra, inoissarran, to get into com- pany; paisarra, pinaisarra, papaisarra, ipai- sarra, inipaisarra, inoipaisarra, to cause such to be done ; aissarra, an accompanying ; ma- aissarra, a companion ; sarra, a lineal succes- sion, where the children and grandchildren follow each other ; see below. pissarrasarra, pi, pa, etc., when many follow one after the other, in the manner of the natives; paissarrasarra, pi, pa, etc., to cause this to be done. pissassen, pinissassen, papissassen, issassena, issassenan, inisassenan, to rest; paissassen, pi, pa, ipaissassena, ipaissassen, etc., to cause to rest ; aissassen, rest ; aissassenan, time of rest ; aissassenaijan, place of rest. pisse, pinisse, papisse, bissea, bissein, binisse, inobissein, to rectify ; pabisse, pinabisse, papabisse, ipabissea, ipabisse, etc., to cause to be rectified ; nom. bisse, justice, righteousness ; babisse, recti- tude, fr. pisse ; abisse, a justifying ; act. pissese, intens. pisse, nom. bisse. pissillo, pinisillo, papissillo, bissilloa, bissiUoan, biensillo, inobis silicon, to wrap up anything in order to take care of it, as silk, money, tobacco, etc., in paper; pabissillo, pi, pa, ipabissilloa, ipabissillo, etc., to cause to be done. pissir, pinisir, papissir, pissirren, piensir, inopiensirren, to close the hand fast, to press anything with the hand ; papissir, pinapissir, papapissir, ipapissirra, etc., to cause the hand to be closed. pisso (let the i be scarcely heard), piniso, papisso, bissoa, bissoan, inobissoan, etc., to draw out, as people do in drawing lots, and all kinds of drawing ; pabisso, pi, pa, ipabissoa, to cause to be drawn; babisso, a drawing; this noun compounded with mau or karri signifies lots, because such are made by the drawing out of tickets ; ma-ababisso, a drawer. pititil, pinititil, papititil, bietbitilla, bietbitillen, to break, cut, or slice anything into small pieces, but is only used of things that are long, and which, by many transverse sections, may be made smaller, as a bamboo, a fish, a plan- tain, etc. ; paititil, pi, pa, ipaititilla, to cause this to be done. pittas, pi, pa, pittassa,pittassen,pinittassen, inopittassen, to cut the two hind legs of an animal in two, or to sever anything in two. pittasslr, pinittassir, papittassir, ittassirra, ittassirran, inittassirran, inoittassirran, to do anything by the side of another, as walking, standing, lying, sitting, etc. ; paitassir, pinai- t as sir, papaitassir, ipaitassirra, ipaitassir, etc., to cause the above to be done. pittas-tassir, pinittas-tassir, papittas-tassir, ittas-tassirra, ittas-tassirran, as palalat ; paitas- tassir, pi, pa, ipaitas-tassirra, etc., to cause such to be done. 176 Favorlang pittatik, pinittatik, papittatik, bittebittikka, bittebittikken, bientibbittik, inobittebittikken, the multiplication of pittik. pittau, pi, pa, imp. ittaua, to believe ; aittaua, belief ; ma-aittau, a believer. pittik, pinittik, papittik, bittikka, bittikken, bientik, inobittikken, a pause in speaking when people have finished a subject; also to rest oneself from all kinds of work, in order after- wards to go to work with new strength ; pabittik, pinabittik, papabittik, ipabittikka, ipa- bittik, to cause to pause. pitto, pi, pa, bittoa, same as pazinado, nom. babitto, as azinado. pittol, pinittol, papittol, ittollaen, ittollia, ittollen, or anni, or aijan, initollan, inoittollan, to let anything alone, either for a while, from a belief that it can be set aside for the present ; or to Jet it alone entirely, from despair of ever being able to reach the end , /' aittol, pinaittol, papaittol, ipaittolla, etc., to cause this to be done. pizi, an expression by which it is meant that we are constrained to do something ; na a pizi o summarada, pizi o na a man, na a pizi o merien o bido, i.e. I must go to sleep, I must go to dinner, I must make a book ; pinizi, papizi, imp. paizi, pinaizi, inipaizi, etc., to require any one to do anything, trans, izia, ipizia, pass. izian, etc. pizich, pinizich, papizich, bizicha, bizichen, binizich, inobizichen, to direct ; pizich o pacha, o mabarieb, o man, to lead on any one to fight, to run, to eat, etc. ; pabizich, pi, pa, ipabizicha, ipabizich, to cause such to be done ; babizich, nom. a leading on ; ma-ababizich, a leader. po, the cry or song of birds ; po a kokko, the crowing of a cock. poa, pinoa, papoa, imp. boa, to bring forth fruit ; paboa, pinaboa, papaboa, ipaboa, etc., to cause to bear fruit ; boa, nom. fruit, seed, person, flesh ; ma-ababoa, fruitful ; ma-ababoa o baron, a fruitful tree ; but poa, pi, pa, poa, pass, poan, pinoa, inopoan, to dye ; papoa, trans. papoa, nom. the dyeing and dye-stuff. po-a, a heron. poach, pinoach, papoach, o-ach-a, oachen, inoach, ino-achen, to forget ; pauach, pinauach, papauach, ipauacha, ipauach, etc., to cause to forget j auach, nom. a forgetting ; ma-auach, one who forgets. po-ar, pino-ar, papo-ar, bo-arra, bo-arran, binoar, inoboarren, to make honey, also to chew rice or barley, and to prepare the spittle where- with strong drink is madej paboar, pinaboar, papaboar, ipaboara, ipaboar, etc. ; baboar, nom. some spittle, fr. massjekau. poas, pinoas, papoas, boasa, boasin, binoas, inoboasin, to rob, to lay waste, to destroy ; paboas, pi, pa, ipaboasa, ipaboas, etc., to cause to lay waste. pobaas, obasa, to set up a flag or vane ; obaas, a flag which the young men stick on their heads. poberies, pinoberies, papoberies, oberisa, ober- isen, inoberies, ino-oberisen, to take leave, or to bid farewell , those who take leave say kamossa ma, i.e. I go, and those who bid farewell say sasa, i.e. go in peace; pauberies, pinauberies, papauberies, ipauberisa, inipauberies, to cause to take leave ; auberies, nom. pobo, pinobo, papobe, boboa, boboan, binoboan, inoboboan, to sift, to let anything pass through a sieve whether wet or dry ; pabobo, pinabobo, papaboba, ipaboboa, ipabobo, to cause this to be done ; moparraparra, idem ; babobo, nom. a sieve, a sifting. poch, pinoch, papoch, bocha, bochen, binoch, inobochen, to shoot ; paboch, pinaboch, papaboch, ipabocha, ipaboch, impaboch, inoipaboch, to cause such to be done. pocharraddan, pinocharraddan, papocharrad- dan, to have the cramp ; paucharraddan, etc., to cause any one to have the cramp ; auchar- raddan, the cramp. poch-ia, a large fruit, outwardly not unlike the European pumpkin. podh-fOQ\i,pinoch-poch, papoch-poch, to smoke, to make dusty ; papoch-poch, pinapoch-poch, papoch-poch, to cause to smoke ; ipapoch-pocha, ipapoch-poch, inipapoch-poch. podarros, pi, pa, intens. podarrodarros, to go on further and further in doing anything, e.g. podarrodarros o macheauban, to make game first with one and then with the other. podda, pinodda, papodda, bodda, boddaan, binodda, inoboddaan, to bring forth, to breed ; pabodda, pinabodda, papabodda, ipabodda, to cause to bring forth ; bodda, birth ; baboddaan, birthplace ; ma-ababodda, fruitful ; poddo tattaula, to regenerate. poddik, pinoddik, papoddik, to become thick, to swell, also to be swollen ; paudik, pinaudik, papaudik, ipaudikka, ipaudik, etc., to cause to become thick ; audik, a swelling. poddillon, pinoddelon, papoddelon, to be costive ; pauddillo, pinauddillo, papauddillo, ipauddilloa, ipauddillo, etc., to cause costive- ness. poddo, pinoddo, papoddo, boddoa, boddoan, Vocabulary 177 binoddoan, to calculate with an abacus ; pabod- do, pinaboddo, papaboddo, ipaboddoa, tpaboddo, etc., to cause so to reckon ; boddo, an abacus. poddodo, pinoddodo, papoddodo, oddodoa, odod- dan, inoddodoan, to complain 5 pauddodo,pinaud- dodo, papauddodo, ipauddodoa, ipauddodo, etc., to cause to complain. poelakies, pinoelakies, papoelakies, oelakisa, oelakisan, inoelakisan, to wander, to err from the way, to have a misunderstanding ; paulakies, pi, pa, ipaulakies, to cause to err. poelassi, a water bubble, a blister on the body ; to be written boelassi. poetach, pinoetach, papoetach, oetach-a, oetach-an, inoetachan, to stay anywhere j pau- tach, pinautach, papautach, ipautacha, ipautach, inipautach, inoipautach, to cause to remain. poetan, pi, pa, oetanna, oetannan, inoetannan, to do anything by way of provision, to lie in wait, or to lurk in secret ; as poetan o aras, to fetch a quantity of grass ; poetan poa, to make a store of wine ; poetan pala, to say by proviso ; pautan, to cause such to be done ; pi, pa, ipau- tanna, etc. poetat, pinoetat, papoetat, oetatta, oetattan, inoetattan, to mean, to suppose, to suspect ; pautat, pinautat, papautat, ipautatta, ipautat, etc., to cause such to be done ; autat, nom. meaning; ma-autat, one who intends any- thing. poetautach, pi, pa, etc., as poetach, to remain anywhere long ; pautautach, pi, pa, to cause to remain. poetautat, pi, pa, etc., intens. poetat, to mean sincerely, to believe firmly j nom. autau- tat, belief. pogamgam, pinogamgam, papogamgam, oga- gamma, ogamgammen, inogamgam, ino-ogam- gammen, to do anything shortly or quickly after another; pogamgam ja micham,to drink shortly after one another; paugamgam, pi, pa, ipau- gamgamma, inipaugamgam, etc., to cause such to be done. poggogo, pinoggogo, papoggogo, oggogoa, to rub, in general either with paint, in which case it is oggogoon, inoggogo, or by wiping, in which case it is oggogoan, inoggogoan ; poggogo no morr 3 o naupoot, to wipe the face with a towel ; pog- gogo no rib o boar, to smear one's coat with mire ; pauggogo, pi, pi, ipauggogoa, ipauggogo, etc., to cause to rub ; auggogo, nom. the wiping ; also the instrument wherewith anything is wiped. pokbok, pinokbok, papokbok, bokbokka, bokbok- ken, binokbok, inobokbokken, to beat with the hand ; pabokbok, pinabokbok, papabokbok, ipabok- bokka, ipabokbok, etc., to cause such to be done. pokkor, pinokkor, papokkor, okkorra, okkorran, inokkorran, ino-okkorran, to put a stopper on anything, on a can, pot, etc. ; paukor, pinaukor, papaukor, etc., to cause this to be done ; aukor, nom. a stopper ; pokkor, a peg. pollibo, pi, pa, ipolliboa, pass, olliboan, inolli- boan, to disguise, to conceal any dishonourable expression ; paullibo, trans., aullibo, nom. pollol, the navel ; also pollul. polsi, pinolsi, papolsi, same as poddik ; paulsi, pinaulsi, papaulsi, ipaulsia, ipaulsi, inipaulsi, same as paudik. ponnad, pinonnad, paponnat, onnadda, onnad- den, inonnad, ino-onnadden, to make fire burn, to make a fire ; paunad, pinaunad, papaunad, ipaunnada, etc., to cause this to be done. ponno, a boil that comes of itself, for when- ever any part of the body, as the head, swells up, or when any swelling occurs through a fall, etc., the same is audik. po-o, the knee, the marrow in the bones, pook, a night owl. poon, mould, the canker worm ; see phon. poot, a Chinese. po-pino, papo-poa, the cry and song of birds ; pabo, pinabo, papabo, ipaboa, ipabo, inipabo, inoipabo, to cause the birds to cry; po signi- fies also the cry of rats, mice, snakes, etc. j babo, nom. porchach-a, pinorchach-a, paporchach-a, borchach-a, borchach-an, binorchach-a, inobor- chach-an, to push in between so that people on either side must get out of the way; pabor- chach-a, pinaborchach-a, etc., to cause to be done. porpor, pinorpor, paporpor, porporran, pinor- porran, inoporporran, to raise dust; paporpor, binaporpor, papaporpor, ipaporporra, ipaporpor, ixipaporpor, to make dusty ; barrabor, dust. porra, pinorra, paporra, iporra, borra, bor- raan, etc., to dry, to put out to dry ; paborra, pi, pa, to cause this to be done; paborra, a drying ; babor an, babor aijan, a drying place, as a frame on which people dry flesh. porrat, pi, pa, orratta, pass, orrattan, inor- rattan, to wager, to guess at anything ; paur- rat, trans., aurrat, nom. porri seems to mean to fall suddenly down, as a beast that is mortally wounded, as if one should say, there it lies. porried, pinorried, paporried, borrida, borri- den, binorried, inoborriden, to turn anything Favorlang round from the one side to the other j borridea ma dich aichoa zjabaan auniga, put the sick man on his left side $ jo pizio parried naupoot a o allachoa mabachas, you must turn the sheet that it may dry ; paborried, pinaborried, papa- borried, ipaborrida, ipaborried, etc., to cause to be turned. porro, a measure made of bamboo. porroog, pinorroog, paporroog, orroogga, or- rooggan, inorroog, ino-orrooggen, to overthrow; pauroog, pinauroog, papauroog, paurogga, to cause to do so. porrot, pinorrot, paporrot, borrotta, borrotten, binorrot, inoborrotten, to bind ; paborrot, pina- borrot, papaborrot, ipaborrotta, ipaborrot, etc., to cause to bind ; baborrot, a binding. posa, pinosa, paposa, osaa, osaan, niosaan, inoosaan, to make the ground clean by the rooting out of weeds or jungle j pausa, pinausa, papausa, ausa-a, ipausa, inipausa, etc. ; see mausa. posi, pinosi, paposi, osia, osi-in, inosi, ino-osian, to scour, to whiten ; paus, pinausi, papausi, ipausia, ipausi, inipausi, to cause to be scoured. posi, pinosi, paposi, osia, osien, inosi, ino-osien, where ? osian, inosian, ino-osian, to stow any- thing away; pausi, pinausi, papausi, ipausia, etc., to cause to do so ; osi, a sheltering. posirrere, pinossirrere, papossirrere, bossir- rerea, bossirreri-in, binosirrere, inobosirrerein, to hang up by the neck ; pabosirrere, pi, pa, ipabosirrerea, {pabosirrere, inipabosirrere, to sus- pend ; people say also pausirrerea. posisi, pinosisi, paposisi, osisia, osisian, inosisi, and inosisian, ino-osisian, to end, to leave off; pasisi o nor, and sisi o rior, to be the last ; pau- sisi, pi, pa, ipausisia, ipausisi, inipausisi, inoipau- sisi, to cause to end. posos, pinosos, paposos, osossa, osossen, inosos, ino-osossen, to put up the hair in the native manner, to bind together grass, to dress the head, to adorn a field or any place with knots of grass ; but then, osossan, inosossan, ino- ossosan are used ; pausos, pi, pa, ipausossa, to cause such to be done. possooT,pinossor,papossor, bossorra, bossorran, binossorran, inobossorran, to castrate ; pabossoor, pinabossor, papabossor, to cause the same to be done. pottai, pi, pa, ottaia, ottaian, inottaian, Ino- ottaian, to sleep on the same bed, and under the same covering. pottan, pinottan, papottan, ottanna, ottannan, iniottannan, ino-ottannan, to lie in wait in secret ; pautan, pinautaa, papautan, ipautanna, inipautan, ino-ipautan, to cause such to be done ; this is the same with poetan, above, for if any one will surprise another secretly, he must first lie in wait. potto, a knot, a knuckle, a knot in wood $ potto no eryn, the hip ; potto no sameer, the jaws. pottup, pinottup, papottup, otuppa, ottuppen, inottup, ino-ottuppen, to put out , sja jo pottup o chau, elli maman ina bonna, if you had put out the fire it would not have burnt my field ; ja otuppen ja tattullonoe ? is the candle put out ? pautap, pinautap, etc., to cause to be put out ; ipautuppi Takallaja tattullonoe, let Takalla put out the candle. poulabo, pi, pa, oulaboa, same as moab. poz-i, pinoz-i, papoz-i, oz-ia, inoz-i, inooz-ien, to awaken ; pauz-i, pinauz-i, papauz-i, ipauz- ia, ipauz-i, inipauz-i, inoipauz-i, to cause to awake. pozios, pinozios, papozios, oziossa, oziossan, inoziossan, ino-oziossan, to come in any one's place, to succeed any one , pauzios, pinauzios, papauzios, ipauziossa, inipauzios, inoipauzios, to cause to succeed ; ozios, succession ; ma- aozios, successor. pozirries, pinozirries, papozirries, ozirrisa, ozirrisan, inozirrisan, ino-ozirrisan, to miss one's aim ; pauzirries, pi, pa, ipauzirrisa, etc., to cause one to miss the mark. praas, the hard gumminess which sometimes sticks to the eyelashes. pries, pineries, paperies, iperisa, iperis, ini- peries, inoiperies, to tie close; pabries, pi, pa, ipabrisa, ipabries, inipabries, to cause it to be done. ptat, pientat, paptat, ptadda, pass, ptaddan, pientaddan, to begin, to do anything from the first ; paptat, nom. pto, pienso, papto, ptoa, pass, ptoon, piento, inoptoon, same as ptat ; papto, same as paptat. pulla, pinulla, papulla, bulla-a, bulla-an, binulla-an, inobulla-an, to knock in pieces ; pabulla, pinabulla, papabulla, ipabulla, to cause to be broken to pieces ; written poulla. qua, a little, small. raag, see rag_ raas, a faggot. raat, smelt, a fish. rabboe, the clouds ; raboanja zijsja, cloudy weather. rach, a joint, as between the knots of bam- boos j written raag, the verb; paraag, see under the letter p. Vocabulary 179 racha, a ghost, an apparition, the mob. rach oen, a man who is half silly. ragga, the betel-leaf. raggat, a scar ; also written raag. rais, wrath, anger ; fr. marais. ramal, a burnt field. raneen, a hillock ; elsewhere ranna. ranied, the mouth, the conversation. ranna, see raneen. ranniran, a leopard. ranob, the beard. rao, a well. raocha, the loins. ra-ol, a furrow. raos, an eyetooth, or double tooth. rapal, blindness; see marapal. rapies, bad, in general ; verb marapies, to be wicked ; ma-arapies, a bad man. rapo (let the a be scarcely heard), beneath ; morpo, the verb to be low ; patarpo, pi, pa, to cause to be low. rarach, a low place in a field, where rain- water collects ; raas. rarain, a petrefaction ; fr. rummain. rarait, a song of many ; fr. rumma.it. raras, old, contracted. raraudon, a neighbour's house ; pauraraudon, a neighbour ; raraudon o sjam o sini, neighbour man or woman. railed, a possession, or landmark. raria, the parting of a river. raricherich, a strip marked off with a knife for a measure. rariot, a ring or ferrol, made to fasten anything. raro, a hat, a dog's collar ; raro dual, a straw hat ; raro osan, a bank. raro-ossan, a bank. rarop o san, the after-birth. rarot o sien, the gums. rarot, bandages, with which anything is bound in order not to burst. rarozlssja, a pot. rarriedda, a separation. rarupe o man o michan, the esophagus. rasoom, time, season ; rasoom o adoan o sysya, the time of cooking, i.e. past three o'clock ; it also means the time of high water at sea, when it is still water ; rasoomo a doan a sysya, the time from the afternoon until the going down of the sun. ratta, a cage, a hair. rau-a, a hind. rausaan, unwise, half foolish, as rachoen, compounded of rau and saan, because the understanding is wanting. rausan, ri, ra, rausanna, rausannan, nnau- sannan, to shine, to glister, but is only said of that which had a black ground, otherwise it is madallolees. rauso, it is fallen, there it lies. re, dried fish or flesh. re o don, the eaves of a house. ri, the throat, the neck. riba, all sorts of upper garments that cover the shoulders, no matter of what form or length ; rib" 1 o tasso, a gown ; ribo o choluk, a shirt. ribi, a small house, where men put seed. ribokbok, or ribokkebok, a lined coat or jacket. rid, a bank, not entirely covered by water, the strand, a sandbank. ries, a mosquito, a hand ; fr. maries. rima, a hand ; rim o kallamas, the right hand ; rim o kairi, the left hand. rinakas, the space between the legs. rinas, a trevet, fire-irons 5 see riuas. rinepit (the e short) o erien, a pair of legs, as the hind legs of a deer, etc., joined as they are in nature. rini, an egg. rinies, a verse. rior, after; fr. marior; matarior, to be behind ; patarior, trans. ripoch, household furniture. riuas, instruments about a fireplace, where people set the pot on to boil, as with us trevets, roasters, etc., the natives, however, merely fix three stones in the ground. ri-zi, a native eating bowl. ro, distance, depth ; masanno a roja Taijoan oe ? how far is Taiwan ? masanno a ro ja chauch oe ? how deep is the well ? robaan, a grave. robad, the stalk or stem of a plant. roboen, a sack. roddok, a common sort of arrows. rodo, a certain fish called rabos. rogga, a hawk. roggo, a cocoanut. rokob, a wart, also a button on clothes. roman, another ; plur. roma-roman. ronnaan, the grass in the fields. ronno, a shadow, as of an umbrella, shed, or tree, etc., but not from clouds, which is dachum; see rummonno. rool, the bottom of anything, especially the fundament of the body. roos, a shore, also a root, as bossor. roos (the o contracted), a consort. root, remainder. i8o Favorlang rorieben, rinorieb, inororieben, to grow dizzy, as if everything went round, and people did not know where they were. rorro, one with another, altogether, a heap of lifeless things, as wood, straw, paddy, millet, etc. ; hence is derived rorronoada, to distribute equally; parorronoada, to cause such to be done. rosso, ginger ; also written rossa. rosso macha, tears. rumbo, ri, ra, rubboa, rubboon, parubbo, trans, to grind ; rarubbo, meal ; rarubboan, or rarubbo aijan, a place for grinding, a mill. ruinchorcho, rinumchorcho, rarumchorcho, to pitch up and down, as a ship at sea, or a weak bamboo, on which anything is carried ; paar- chorcho, pinaarchorcho, papaarchorcho, tpaar- chorcho, etc., to cause this to be done. rumka, rinumka, rarumka, to gather branches ; paarka, pinaarka, papaarka, ipaarka-a, etc., to cause such to be done, to separate from one another, as the branches of trees shoot out on all sides ; rumkara, nom. a shooting out, as the branches of trees. rummaal, ri, ra, rala, ralen, rinaal, the u short, to sit on one's heels, as tsimisakal; paraal, to cause this to be done. rummab, rinummab, rarummab, received, pregnant, impregnated, also to occupy some time in doing anything, it is raba and rabea, raban, rinaban, inoraban ; nataap o rummios tapos assaban, rummab elli tatumkach, six days the village will let pass by, that they do not go out to hunt, see porab ; raben, rinab, inoraben, pregnancy is occasioned ; rarab, nom. subst. ; rummab o sini, the woman is pregnant. rummaba, rinummaba, rarummaba, raba-a, rabaan, to cover with the wings, as birds do their young ; also to take any one for a father, in order to serve or help him ; see paraba ; raraba, a breeding ; raraban, a breeding-place. rummach, is said of anything that people cannot well see either through distance or darkness or any other obstruction. rummain, rinummain, rarummain, rainar- ainen, rinain, inorainen, to petrify ; parain, pin- arain, paparain, iparaina, iparain, etc., to cause to be petrified. rummait, rinummait, rarummait, raida, raidan, rinaidan, inoraidan, to sing in chorus ; paraid, pinarait, paparait, iparaida, iparaid, iniparaid, to cause such to be done. rummammik, rinummammik, rarummammik, ramka, to take the property of another under pretence that it belongs to ourselves; with regard to the matter it is said ramkin, rinammik, ' inoramkin, and to the person, ramkan, rinam- kan, inoramkan ; parammik, pinarammik, paparammik, iparamka, etc., to cause such to be done. rummapal, rinummapal, rarummapal, rapulla, rapallen, rinapal, to beat about blindly j parapal, trans, rarapal, a blinding ; ma- ararapal, a blinder. rummapies, rinummapies, rarummapies, rapisa, rinapies, inorapiesen, to do evil, to sin ; parapies, trans, to cause any to sin, imp. iparapisa, iparapies , babosa rummapies o airien oe, to spoil what any one has made or done ; rapies ja airien, a man spoils his work, i.e. the work is spoiled ; nom. rarapies, sin, also arapiessen marapies ; ma ararapies, a sinner ; rummapirapies, intens., rapirapies, nom. rummaried, rinummaried, rarummaried, rarida, raridan, rinaridan, inoraridan, to make a division of land ; pararied, pinararied, papararied, etc., to cause such a separation ; raried, nom. a separation ; rariedan and retried aijan, the place where the fields divide. rummaro, rinummaro, rarummaro, raroa, raroan, rinaroan, inoraroan, to put on the hat, to put a collar on a dog ; pararo, pinararo, papararo, paraaroa, roa, oa, intens., ipararo, etc., to cause the hat to be put on, or a collar to be put on a dog ; raro, a hat, a collar. rummauch, rinummauch, rarummauch, raucha, rauchan, rinauchan, inorauchan, to uncover the head for any one ; parauch, pi, pa, iparaucha, iparauch, etc., to cause the head to be uncovered ; ta Albert iparauch o raro ta capitain ja sisjim, the children are charged by Albert to uncover the head before the captains. rummauno, rinummauno, rarummauno, raunoa, raunoon, rinauno, inoraunoon, to behead ; parauno, pinarauno, paparauno, iparaunoa, iparauno, iniparauno, to cause to be beheaded. rummaut, rinummaut, rarummaut, rauda, raudan, rinaudan, to remain out; innai dema joa rummaut a milip at? wherefore do you remain so long out ? paga sasai ta Cabba, sa a rummaut de d' 1 Hallibo, Cabba will not come, he remains at Hallibo ; paraut, pinaraut, paparaut, iparauda, iparaut, to cause to remain out j rummauraut, etc., parauraut, etc., as above, to remain long out, or cause this to be done. rumme, ri, ra, rea, rees, rine, inoreen, to speak hard ; also to poke out the belly as if blown out, to threaten ; the opposite of Vocabulary 181 kummibach, also to boast; pare, trans, ma- arare, a hard speaker. rummedo, ri, ra, imp. redoa, pass, parido, trans, to draw a bow. rummedos, rinummedos, roddossa, rodossen, riendos, inoraddossen, to snuff up ; paardos, pinaardos, papaardos, ipaardossa, ipaardos, ini- paardos, inoipaardos, to cause to snuff up. rummees, ri, ra, reessa, reesen, rinees, inoreessen, same as chummisel. rummemoreino, rinummemoremo, rarum- memoremo, remoremoa, remoremoan, rinimaremo, inoremoremoan, to look all round ; paremoremo, pi, pa, iparemoremoa, iparemoremo, inipare- moremo, to cause thus to be done. rummene, rinummene, rarummene, rinmea, rinmeen, rinmene, inorinmeen, to put to soak , (the liquor in which anything) is soaked, renean, rinean, inorinnean ; paarne, pinaarne, pa, ipaarnea, ipaarne, inipaarne, inoipaarne, to cause this to be done ; nom. raarne, a soaking. rummere, rinummere, rarummere, rerea, rerean, rinerean, inorerean, to go round, to encompass ; parere, pi, pa, iparerea, etc., to go on the other side, as if to get out of any one's way. rummeries, rinummeries, rarummeries, rerisa, rerisen, rineries, inorerisen, to put anything over from one place to another; pareries, pinareries, papareries, etc., to cause such to be done. nimmi, rinummi, rarummi, ri-a, ri-in, rini, inori-in, to keep watch, to guard ; pari, pinari, papari, iparia, etc., to cause watch to be kept ; rari, nom.| a watch ; rarian, or rariaijan, a watch-house; ma-arari, a watchman. nunmiba, ri, ra, riboa, to hold the feast which is celebrated in the evening after marriage, to keep a wedding; nom. rariba, obaan o rariba, a wedding ; to keep a feast the day after marriage they call ummior o rariba ; de rariba, i.e. to follow up the marriage ; and when they drink with the new married couple it is micham o ramain. rummibal, rinummibal, rarummibal, riballa, riballen, rinibal, inoriballen, to pull down, also to separate ; paribal, pinaribal, paparibal, ipariballa, iparibal, to cause to break down ; raribal, a breaking up ; ma-araribal, one who breaks. rummibirrieb, rinummibirrieb, rarummibirrieb, ribirriba, ribirriben, rinibirrieb, inroibirribben, to fly hither and thither, as those who are assailed on every side ; pariberieb, pi, pa, ipariberiba, etc., to cause to do so. rummiclium, rinum, rarum, richumma, to cut off a bamboo or stick even , parichum, trans., rarichum, nom. subst. rummieclieriech, rinummicheriech, rarum- micheriech, richericha, richerichen, rinicheriech, to make a mark with a knife or such like, in order to fix a measure ; paricherieck, pi, pa, iparichericha, etc., to cause to be marked off ; this does not mean to cut through a rope or bamboo with a knife or saw. nunmiedda, rirummiedda, rarummiedda, riedda, rieddan, rinieddan, inorieddan, to make a separation ; parieddan, etc., to cause such to be done ; rariedda, a separation ; rarieddan and aijan, the place where the way separates ; rummia as rummiedda. rummies, a lapse of days ; ratorroa rummies, three days ; masanno rummies ? how many days ? rummiel, rinummiel, rarummiel, rila, rilen, riniel, inorilen, to dry skins in the native manner by spreading them out in the sun ; rariel, nom. such stretching out; pariel, pinariel, papariel, iparila, ipariel, inipariel, to make dry. rommieperiep, rinum, rarum, riebrieba, same as rummichum, and rummisup. rummiggo, rinummiggo, rarummiggo, riggpa, riggoon, riniggo, to turn oneself, or anything else, from one side to the other, in which sense it agrees with poaried; also to remove anything from one shoulder or hand to the other ; that on which it is laid is roggoan ; pariggo, etc., to cause such to be done ; also to change, as rummiggo o ramied, to change one's word ; see mariggo ; riggoriggo, changeableness, fr. rummiggorriggo ; rummiggorriggo, intens. of rummiggo. rummikak, rinummikak, rarummikak, rikakka, rikakken, rinikak, inorikakken, to stride ; parikak, pinarikak, paparikak, iparikakka, etc., to cause such to be done ; rarikak, a striding. rummikoriko, rarikorikoa, to move back- wards and forwards ; parikoriko, trans. nimmiot, rinummiot, rarummiot, riotta, riotten, riniot, inoriotten, to environ, to encom- pass ; pariot, pinariot, papariot, etc., to cause such to be done. rummiseries, rinummiseries, rarummiseries, riserisa, riserisen, riniseries, inoriserisen, to wash rice or millet ; pariseries, pinariseries, papariseris, ipariserisa, to cause such to be done. rummisup, rinum, rarum, risuppa, same as rummichum ; parisup, trans. Favorlang rummo, the whole ; fr. marummo. rummod, a kind of fish. rummoggoroggo, to rumble water between the teeth, as when people wash the mouth, to gurgle. rummomirroom, rinummomirroom, rarum- momirroom, romirroma, romirromen, rinomirroom, inoromirroom, to wash the mouth ; paromirroom, pi, pa, iparomirroma, etc., to cause such to be done. rummomorromo, rinummomorromo, rarum- momorromo, romorromoa, romorromoon, rino- morromoon, inoromorromoon, to make round ; paromorromo, pinaromorromo, paparomorromo, iparomorromoa, to cause such to be done. rummonno, rinummonno, rarummonno, ronnoa, ronnoan, rinonnoan, inoronnoan, to overshadow ; paronno, trans, raronno, a shadowing. rummoop, rinummoop, rarummoop, ropa, ropen, rinoop, inoropen, to shut the eyes ; paroop, pinaroop, paparoop, etc., to cause such to be done. rummoos, rinummoos, rarummoos, rosa, rosen, rinoos, inoroosen, to run after, to pursue ; paroos, pinaroos, paparoos, iparosa, etc., to cause to pursue. rummopa, ri, ra, ropa, eropa, ineropa, inoeropa, to spit anything out of the mouth, but not spittle, for that is petummo ; paropa, trans, raropa, a spitting out. rummorosan, rinummorosan, rarummorosan, to gasp at the point of death. rummorro, rinummorro, rarummorro, rorroa, rorroon, rinorro, inororroon, to call together, to put together, as clothes in a chest, drink in a pot, paddy in a sack, etc. ; also parorro, see in parrorro ; also to encircle ; rummorrono cho, to encircle any one ; rarorro, an assembly ; act. arorroan, or aroroaijan, a place of assembly. rummorroos, rinummorroos, rarummorroos, rorrosa, rorrosen, rinorroos, inororrosen, to col- lect, to gather ; parorroos, pinarorroos, papa- rorroos, iparorrosa, iparorroos, to cause to gather. rummot, rimimmot, rarummot, rotta, rotten, rinot, inorotten, to wrap up anything ; parot, pinarot, paparot, to cause to be wrapped up ; rarot, a wrapper. rummotos, ri, ra, ruttossa, ruttossen, rinotos, inorotossen, to go against anything, as against the wind, stream, etc. ; paruttos, trans, raro- tos, such a going ; ma-ararotos, such a goer. rummotul, ri, ra, rotulla, rotullen, rinotul, inorotullen, to take to oneself, and thus to de- prive another of anything, or to cause that he has it not ; parotul, trans., rarotul, nom. a de- priving ; ma-ararotul, one who deprives. rumpe, rinumpe, rarumpe, ruppea, ruppein, rienpe, inoruppein, to swallow up ; paarpe, pin- aarpe, papaarpe, ipaarpea, etc., to cause to be swallowed up ; raruppe, a swallowing ; raruppe o man, o micham, the passage for eating and drinking. sa-a, but, for. saam, a partridge, a wild-fowl. saan, the understanding. saas, a looseness, a diarrhoea. sabadta, a street; fr. summabad. sabanno, when ; sasai o sabanno joa mamau oe ? when will your father come ? sabba, a river. sabba, poverty, fr. masaba. sabbacha, a mouth. sabbi, a carp that is full grown ; autobabat, half grown; barobabbi, about a span long; dille o barobabbi, a young carp of a smaller sort. sacha, or sachana, afterwards ; sacha a na- taap rummies, after six days ; sacha a nattada eidas, over a month; sacha a natorroa baas, after three years. sachier, the lower part of the calf of the leg. salas o baron, the stalk of a tree. sallaban, a screen to make a shadow. sam, a mat to sleep on. samere, a cheek ; also written sameer. sammarotta, the day after to-morrow. sandon, the entrance of a house, including the door and threshold ; inaunumma jo saide sandon? talla alia mossei dummora don? why do you stay at the door ? why do you not come in ? sannan, envy, jealousy; see masannan. sapak, any unpleasant and stinking smell; anything that stinks or is nasty, so that the senses loathe it. sapisab, a house or shed, such as is gener- ally seen in front of native houses, a roof. saroko, the hump of the Indian cow. sarra, a row of persons or things, that stand one after the other; sarro mababat, to go one after the other ; sarro makarieb, ditto ; fr. pissarra. sarra oa oa, a crow. sarries, pack-thread. sarrisar, the net that incloses the bowels, the diaphragm. sarrodon, persons who come from one Vocabulary as taborron; it must be pronounced sarr'-o- don, and means a race, a line ; see pissarra. sarroso, mist, damp; poch-poch a sarroso de bonna, the mist in the field j sarrosoan, misty. sasaainas, prast. pass, sinoainasan, pres. ino- saainas, fut. a look-out house ; this has no cover- ing, and differs from tarrakal, which has a covering. sasaar, the headkerchief of the men. sasaat, white coral beads, which the young women wear on their legs ; sabitono sasaat, the red corals which they wear about these ; and tatte opo, those which are worn underneath. sasaijan, and sasosaijan, the place of any- thing, hence don o sassayan, a dwelling-house ; sino saijan, and inosasaijan, this has no other tenses than these three, pres. perfect, and fut. pass., it means also simply a residence ; sasai- jan o merien, a work place ; contracted into sasau merien. sasakimotto, a cross, fr. summakimotto. sasalla, deceit, fr. summalla. sasallan, a ring, such as men wear on the fingers, fr. summallan. sasannasanna, a spout. sasappa, a sheet or anything spread out ; sas- app o azaijan, a table cloth ; sasap o ratta, bed clothes ; sasarrayan, a mattress. ; fr. summappa. sasas, water grass. sasasjien, a notch ; root summashien. Basin, sinaas, to have a looseness. sasirau tattollo, a candlestick ; sasirau sasi, a salt-cellar. saso-at, a rake ; fr. summoat, or the clawing itself. sasoom, the measure, where two things with their ends are joined together ; sasoom ochaan, that which is joined on to the belly. sassabach, a kind of poison. sassas, a vessel in which people put food to settle, as with us, the skimming dishes. sassi, salt ; sassi, the same. sassies, thread, yarn ; fr. gummis. sassimar, fried grease. sassio, an earthquake. sasso, disinclination, dissatisfaction, a mur- muring disposition j annumma sasonos ? what do you murmur about ? sasoelan, a pot or cup ; written sasulan. sasullan, a can, a bottle. sesnab, a clothes brush. shag, a great mountain. sham, a man. Bhiem, a child ; lishiem, children ; shiem o shiem, grandchildren ; shiem osso, an orphan ; shiem badda, a son, a boy ; shiem mammali, a daughter, a girl ; shiem parrach, a bastard ; shiem pattala, a stepchild ; shiem o kakan, a young sucking child. shies, the soul, a spirit. sies, the back, the shore, a strand. sies, anything bioken off short, the back. sies, anything produced long, the end of a thing ; sies o atzaijan, the end of a table 5 sies o bonna, the end of a field ; sies o abas, the end of the sea, where it washes the land ; it is not applied to things that have no certain quantity, like the word sisi, see below. silok, a large native knife. simida, sinimida, sasimida, an open space round a village or a field, to keep off fire ; pasida, trans, sida, such a path. simikasik, sinimikasik, sasimikasik, sikasikka, sikasikken, sinikasik, inosikkasikken, to dangle with the legs or feet, as idle people do to drive away time ; pasikasik, pi, pa, ipasikasikka, etc., to cause such to be done. simikosikko, sinimikosiko, sikosikoa, sikosikoon, sinikosiko, inosikosikoon, to drill, as people do with pikes; pasikossiko, pi, pa, ipasikosikoa, ipasikosiko, etc., to cause such to be done. simioch, sinimioch, sasimioch, siocha, slacken, sinioch, inosiochen, to bring before the hand ; pasioch, pinasioch, papasioch, ipasiocha, ipasioch, inipasioch, to cause such to be done. simipir, sinimipir, sasimipir, sipirra, sipirren, sinipir, Inoslplrren, to throw the wrong way, or behind one's hand ; pasipir, pinasipir, papasi- pir, etc., to cause anything to be thus thrown. simiri, sinimiri, sasimiri, siria, slrl-ln, slnlri, inosiri-in, to bawl out in the native manner; pasiri, pi, pa, ipasiria, ipasiri, etc., to cause any one to bawl out. simisich, sinimisich, sasimisich, sisicha, sisi- chen, sinisich, inosisichen, to break or flatten anything with the palm of the hand or foot ; sisichen o rimaja bart, to crush the mosquitoes with the hand $ tapos sisjiem sasai simisich na-a babat don ja cho" asjiel, let all the children come and merely rub the floor (lit middle of the house) with their feet ; pasisich, pi, pa, ipasisicha, ipasisich, inipasisich, inoipasisich, to cause such to be done. Bimitik, sinimitik, sasimitik, sitikka, sitikken, sinitik, to bind anything tight, or to haul any- thing tort ; pasitik, pinasitik, papasitik, ipasi- tikka, ipasitik, inipasitik, to cause such to be done. sinarauros, the fat of the kidneys, or suet; written also sinaratros. 184 Favorlang sini, the female among beasts; applied to men, it means a married woman who has had children, or who is become old, in which case also an unmarried woman is called sini. sini-apillo, the thumb, the great toe. sinien, sinimien, sasimien, sina, sinan, sininan, inosinan, to be in the way between two, to strike in between two ways ; sina osi ta Cabba inaos, come between me and Cabba ; pasien, pinasien, papasien, etc., to cause this to be done ; sasien, nom. the name of that which people set between two. siorra, a certain bird from which quills are obtained. siri, a sparrow. sisa, the sun, a day ; written zijs-ja. sisi, the end of anything ; sisia oetas, the end of the rain ; sisia makarieb, the end of travelling ; sisia patite, the end of speaking ; sisia tummaap, the end of working. sja, if; sja moetas a somma, matalam cho alii sasos" 1 i tumkach, if it rain to-morrow the people will probably not go out to hunt. sjach, a high mountain. sjam, a married man, or one who has been married ; also a father. sjibo, a bird's nest. sjiem, a child, whether boy or girl ; sjiem badda, a boy ; sjiem mammali, a girl ; sjiem parrach, a bastard ; sjiem pattala, a stepson ; sjiem o kakan, a sucking child j sjiem o sjiem, a grandchild. sjien, the teeth ; plur. sisjien. so, a place where the grass is eaten off and is now bare. aoa, a wound. soan, the south ; matasoan, southward. soboclien, a buck which has shed its horns. so-e, silver-gilt ; so-e o kakan, gold. soloch, the darkness and storminess of the sky in the east ; see summoloch. Bomma, to-morrow. so-o, the conjunction ' and.' sorro, a pestle, with which people beat paddy out of the stalk. BOSO, the length of anything. sosonk o sjien, a sickness consisting of rotten teeth. sosumrua, the yoke of an egg. sumbacb, sinumbach, sasumbach, sabacha, sabachen, sienbach, inosabach, to administer a certain poison called sasabach ; pasabach, pin- asabach, papasabach, etc., to cause to be poisoned. Bumbo, sinumbo, sasumbo, iseboa, isebo, inisebo, inoisebo, to set anything down ; pasebo, pinasebo, papasebo, ipaseboa, etc., to cause anything to be set down. sumkir, sinumkir, sasumkir, isekirra, inisekir, inoisekir, to press down ; sumkir o rarro, to put the hat on firmly or to press it down ; pasekir, pinasekir, papasekir, ipasekirra, etc., to cause such to be done ; sumkir i to no cho, to dip a person in the water ; sasekir i to no christan, Christian baptism. sumkir and sekirra, sekirran, sienkirran, ino- sikirran, the making up of the betel-nut j pasekir, pi, pa, etc., to cause such to be done. summaam, sinummaam, sasummaam, saamma, saammen, sinaam, inosaammen, to entangle or entrap ; pasaam, pi, pa, ipasaamma, ipasaa, inipasaam, etc., to cause to be entrapped. summataad, si, sa, imp. sabadda, to arrange anything in rows, as fields, trees, streets, plants, etc. ; pasabad, trans. summabas, sinummabas, sasummabas, sabassa, sabassen, sinabas, inosabassen, to try, to tempt, to make a trial ; pasabas, pinasabas, papasabas, ipasabassa, etc., to cause such to be done ; sasabas, a trial, a temptation ; ma-asasabas, a tempter, one who tries. Bummabaugarro, si, sa ; pasabougarro, trans, a certain manner of binding, as if it were braided. summabpt, sinummabot, sasummabot, sabotta, sabotten, sinabot, inosabotten, to do anything by guess, to guess at anything ; summabot o summot, to point out or lay out anything by guess. summabsab, sinummabsab, sasummabsab, sabsabba, sabsabben, sinabsab, inosabben, to whip, to beat any one openly ; pasabsab, pi, pa, ipasabsabba, ipasabsab, etc., to cause such to be done ; sasabsab, such a blow ; also the instru- ment, as a stick, etc. summada, sinummada, sasummada, sadda, saddan, sinadda, inosaddan, to seek ; pasadda, pi, pa, etc., to cause to seek. summadich-ibocli, sinummadich-iboch, sasam- madich-iboch, sadaudich-ibocha, sadaudich-iboch, sinadaudich-iboch, inosadaudich-iboch, to be hungry, to desire anything as hungry ; pasadich- iboch, pi, pa, ipasadich-ibocha, etc., to cause such to be done. sununaMmotto, sinummakimotto, sasummaki- motto, sakimottoa, sakimottoan, sinakimottoan, inosakimottoan, to make anything crosswise or with a cross ; pasakimotto, pi, pa, ipasakimottoa, etc., to cause such to be done. summaksak, sinummaksak, sasummaksak, Vocabulary saksakka, saksakken, sinaksak, inosaksakken, to trample, to tread, to tread down ; pasaksak, pi, pa, ipasaksakka, etc., to cause such to be done. summaksak, etc., the breaking forth of the morning in the east ; summaksak a bajan, it dawns in the east. summalla, sinummalla, sasummalla, salla-a, salla-an, sinalla, inosalla-an, to deceive with words or actions ; pasalla, pinasalla, papasalla, ipasalla, inipasalla, inoipasalla, to cause to be cheated. summallaban, sinummallaban, sasummal- laban, sallabanna, sallabannan, sinallabannan, inosallabannan, that which makes a shadow (as an umbrella, etc.), to overshadow any one or thing ; pasallaban, pinasallaban, papasalla- ban, ipasallabanna, ipasallaban, to cause such to be done. summallad, sinummallad, sasummallad, sal- ladda, salladden, sinallad, inosalladden, to dis- cover, to be aware of; pasallad, pinasallat, papasallat, ipasalladda, etc., to cause to be dis- covered. summallan, sinummallan, sasummallan, sal- lanna, sallannan, sinallanan, inosallanan, to put a ring on the hand ; pasallan, pi, pa, etc., to cause to be done. summamgean, si, sa, imp. samgeanna, pass. samgeannen, sinamgean, to offer, is originally a Chinese word, but adopted by the For- mosans and declined after their manner ; sam- gean, offering. giimmaTmniagm^ imp. sammisamma, sammi- samman, etc., to crown ; pasammisan ; sam- misam, a crown, garland; sasammisam, a crowning ; ma-asasammisam, a crown-maker. summamo, si, sa, samoa, samoan, etc., to twist, a threefold cord ,- pasamo, trans. summannasanna, sinummannasanna, sasum- mannasanna, sinannasanna, sannasanna, sanna- sannaan, sinannasanna, inosannasannaan, to hiss at ; pasannasanna, pi, pa, ipasannasanna, inipasannasanna, etc., to cause to be hissed. summaod, sinummaod, sasummaod, saodaa, sinaod, inosaodden, to pour out, either on pur- pose or by accident; pasaod, pinasaod, papa- saod, ipasaodda, etc., to cause to be poured out ; masaod, neut. ; see in m, the act. of which is pasaod; sasaod, a pouring out. summapar, sinummapar, sasummapar, sa- parra, saparran, sinaparran, to grasp anything furiously, as those do who fear that it will escape them ; na a sinumpar o masorro, I have seized a young hind ; pasapar, pi, pa, ipasapara, ipa- sapar, etc., to cause to be thus seized. summapiel, sinummapiel, sasummapiel, sa- pilla, sapillan, sinapil, inosapilan, to sit down on the ground, without stool, mat, or other article; pasapil, pinasapil, papasapil, ipasapilla, ipasapil, inipasapil, to cause such to be done. summappa, sinummappa, sasummappa, sappa and sappaija, sapanni, sinapanni, inosapanni, to overspread ; pasappa, pi, pa, ipasappaija, ipasappa, inipasappa, to cause to be over- spread. summara, sinummara, sasummara, sarra, sarranni, sinaranni, inisaranni, to lie down in order to sleep ; pasarra, pi, pa, ipasarra, im- pasarra, inoipasarra, to cause to lie down to sleep. summarabsab, same as summalachkach. summarammo, si, sa, to plait a rope of straw, i.e. four double ; saramoa, saramoan, etc. ; pasarmo, to cause such to be done ; sa- saramo, a plaiting; ma-asasaromo, one who plaits. summar-o-asso, sinummar-o-asso, sasummar- o-asso, to seethe ; pasaro-asso, pi, pa, etc., to cause to be seethed. summarp, sinummarp, sasummarp, sarpen, sinarp, inosarpen, the burning and singeing of fire ; pasarp, pinasarp, papasarp, ipasarpa, ipa- sarp, inipasarp, the fire singeing or burning anything. summarries, si, sa, sarriesa, sarriesen, sin- arries, inosarriesen, to lace, to string j pasarries, trans, sarries, thread. summarroso, sinummarroso, sasummarroso, to grow foggy or damp ; pasarroso, pi, pa, ipa- sarrosoa, ipasarroso, inipasarroso, to cause the same. sumrnas, see below under summoso. summas, sinummas, sasummas, sassa, sassan, sinas, inosassan, to put food to settle, as people do in a skimming dish ; pasas,pinasas,papasas, ipasassa, etc., to cause to settle. summasi, sinummasi, sasummasi, sasi, sasian, sinasian, inosasian, to mix salt, as people do in food when it is being cooked, or after it is dressed, but is too insipid ; pasasi, trans., sasi, salt, nom. summasjien, sinummasjien, sasummasjien, sas- jina, sasjinan, sinasjinan, inosasjinan, to notch, to make a notch, to make teeth ; pasasjien, pinasasjien, papasasjien, ipasasjina, etc., to cause to be notched ; sasasjien, the notching ; root, sjien or shien, a tooth. summaso, sinummaso, sasummaso, sasoa, sa- soan, sinasoan, inosasoa, to swim ; pas a so, see above in pa. 2 A i86 Favorlang Bummasoom, sinummasoom, sasummasoom, isasoma, isasoom, inisasoom, inoisasoom, to join together, so that the ends come together, but not over or in each other ; pasasoom, etc. summassio, si, sa, the shaking of the ground ; sasio, nom. earthquake. summatsat, sinummatsat, sasummatsat, sat- satta, satsatten, sinatsat, inosatsatten, to forge, as a smith ; pasatsat, pi, pa, ipasatsatta, ipasat- sat, inipasatsat, inoipasatsat, to cause to be forged. summatta, sinummatta, sasummatta, sum- mattan, sinummattan, inosummattan, to eat food raw and undressed, or alone and without mix- ing with other food (as flesh without rice, or rice without any additions) ; pasummatta, pina- summatta, papasummatta, ipasummatta, etc., to cause such to be done. summeal, si, sa, seal/a, pass, seallan, sineal, inoseallen, to spy an enemy ; paseal, trans, saseal, a spying. summedo, sinummedo, sasummedo, siddoa, siddoon, siendo, inosiddoon, to feel j pasiddo, pi, pa, ipasiddoa, ipasiddo, inipasiddo, etc., to cause to feel. summeit, si, sa, seitta, seitten, sineit, ino- seitten, to pinch, to join, i.e. under, as pillik, but between two is lummabit. Bummerik, sinummerik, sasummerik, sirka, sirken, sinirka, inosirken, to press, squeeze, or wring out ; pasirk, pi, pa, pinasirk, papasirk, etc., to cause such to be done 5 summerik o loan, to milk the cows. summeto (the e short), si, sa, sittoa, sittoan, sinittoan, inosittoan, to limp, as ummotul ; pasito, trans, sasito, a limping ; ma-asasitto, one who limps. summiksik, si, sa, siksikka, siksikken, siniksik, inosiksikken, to button tight, also summisik ; pa- siksik, trans, sasiksik, a buttoning ; ma-asasik- sik, one who buttons. summis, sinummis, sasummis, sissa, sissen, sinis, inosissan, to sew, also to stitch, in which case it is sissan, sinissan, inosissan, also to back- stitch, in which case it is isis, misis, inosis, pa- sis, pinasis, papasis, ipasissa, ipasis, inipasis, to cause to be sewed. summoal, si, sa, soalla, soallen, sinoal, ino- soallen, to remind of an old promise or debt ; pasoal, trans. summo asoap, sinummoasoap, sasummoasoap, soasoappa, soasappen, sinoasoap, inosoasoappen, to do anything blindly and by feeling. summoat, sinummoat, sasummoat, soatta, soatten, sinoat, insoatten, to pull up and remove the weeds with which the rice fields are covered by means of a hook or hoe ; pasoat, p'masoat, papasoat, ipasoatta, ipasoat, inipasoat, inoipa- soat, to cause such to be done. surnmoes, sinummoes, sasummoes, to grow, to increase, to become great ; pasoes, pinasoes, papasoes, ipasoesa, ipasoes, inipasoes, to cause to grow. Bummogo, si, sa, imp. sogoa, to bind two ends, as of string, rattan, etc., one over the other, and thus to lengthen ; pasogo, trans. summokad, sinummokad, sasummokad, sokad- da, sokadden, sinokad, inosokadden, to push or kick with the foot ; pasokad, pinasokad, papaso- kad, ipasokadda, etc., to cause such to be done. summokar, sinummokar, sasummokar (let the o be scarcely heard), isokarra, isokar, inisokar, inoisokar, to push away from one, also to drive on people and urge them to do that which they are not disposed to j summaloso, si, sa, salosoa, salosoan, sinalosoan, inosalosoan, to drive on and urge ; pasaloso, etc. ; summekar o chau, to stir up the fire ; pasokar, pinasokar, papasokar, ipasokarra, ipasokar, inipasokar, inoipasokar, to cause such to be done. sunamokko, sinummokko, sasummokko, sokkoa, sokkoon, sinokko, inosokkoon, to push or thrust any one with a stick, poker, sword, etc., also to point with the finger ; pasokko, pi, pa, ipasok- koa, ipasokko, etc., to cause to be pushed. summokkosokko, sinummokkosokko, sasummok- kosokko, sokkosokkoa, sokkosokkoon, sinokkosokkoon, inosokkosokkoon, to push frequently as above ; summokkosokko no zido, to churn ; pasokkosokko, inipasokkosokko, inoipasokkosokko, to cause such to be done. surninoloch, sinummoloch, sasummoloch, the threatening drawing together of the clouds over the hills when the eastern quarter is set in for rain and thunder, as frequently in the south-east monsoon, takes place towards even- ing ; pasoloch, pinasoloch, papasoloc/i, ipasoloc/ia, ipasoloch, to occasion such. summook, sinummook, sasummook, soka, soken, sinook, inosoken, to kick with the foot behind j pasook) pi, pa, ipasoka, etc., to cause such to be done. summooso, sinummooso, sasummooso, soossoa, soossoon, sinoosso, inosoossoon, to follow up, to trace ; pa-oosso, pinasoosso, papasoosso, ipasoossoa, ipasoosso, to cause to be followed up. summopat, sinummopat, sasummopat, sopatta, sopatten, sinopat, inosopatten, to be over against, to do anything in opposition j pasopat, pinttso- Vocabulary 187 pat, papasopat, etc., to cause such to be done ; sasopat, over against ; this word is joined with karri and mau, as karrisasopat, and means to be over against each other ; thus, karrisaso- pat patodon, to live opposite to each other; summapat o meroos o pattite, to sit or speak one over against the other. summopisop, sinummopisop, sasummopisop, sopisoppa, sopisoppen, sinopisop, to stroke or smooth with the hand, also to level ; see masopisop ; pasopisop, pi, pa, ipasoppisoppa, ipasopisop, inipasopisop, to cause to be stroked. summoppo, si, sa, suppoa, to put up in heaps, as is done with the paddy after it is cut down in the field ; pasuppo, to cause such to be done. suppo, a heap of corn, such as is seen in the fields in the time of harvest. summosa, sinummosa, sasummosa, sosasosanni and sosaijan, inososanni and sinososaijan, inoso- sanni and inososaijan, to dwell, to inhabit ; pasosa, pi, pa, ipasosa, etc., to cause to inhabit. summoso, sinummoso, sasummoso, sosoo, sosoon, sinoso, to roast ; pasoso, pi, pa, ipasosoa, to cause to be roasted ; sasoan and sasosoaijan, a roaster or spit with which people roast. sumrnot, sinummot, sasummot, sotta, sotten, sinot, inosotten, to point towards, either with the finger, or musket, arrow, sword, etc. ; pasot, pinasot, papasot, etc., to cause such to be done. sumpo, sinumpo, sasumpo, suppoa, suppoan, sienpon, inosuppoan, to help, to lend a hand in any work, as molliol ; pasuppo, pi, pa, ipasuppoa, ipasuppo, etc., to cause such to be done. ta, a particle prefixed to all proper names of men, as Ta Cabba, Ta Bai, etc. ta, territory, land, or dwelling-place, the common road or street, the ground ; ta-os ata, the earth ; ta o baziep, a garden. ta aka-idas, a half moon, the last quarter of the moon. taamen o rapies (lit. a bad begging), tsi, tat, imp. taamen o rapisa, pass, taamen o rapies, tsinaamen o rapies, inotaamen o rapies, to beg, to demand anything without shame, nom. ; ma- ataamen o rapies, a beggar. taan, a snare, for catching wild beasts. tabba, a native chopper; fr. tummabba. tabboen, full-grown, adult. tabboeron, a family sprung from one stock, relations. tabillo, a bagpipe or trumpet. tabo, a large gourd. tabtab, a place where no water settles when it rains ; matabtab, the verb. tach, moisture, sap; tack o zido, milk; fr. matach. tach-anas, shrimps that are taken in fresh water ; also tear, a large kind ; rauno, a small kind of shrimps which are found in salt water ; auan, very small shrimps. tadach, heat ; fr. matadach. taddachal, an instrument with which people pull down earth. taddai, a sole, a sort of fish. taddakal, a head band, such as the women wear. taddaries, a lock ; fr. Summaries. taddin, the shoulder-blade. taddogon, the upper part of a man or beast. taddorrodauron, a looking-glass. tagga, blood ; fr. matagga. taggargar, a cable ; fr. takkar and arrat, a rope ; see takkar and kummargar. taggausasan, certain cross bamboos placed above the entrance of the door of a house, on the inside. taggoggach, a vein ; compounded of tagga and oggach. taggogon, zinaggogon, tataggogon, to thirst ; pataggogan, pinataggogan, papataggogan, ipa- taggoganna, to cause to thirst ; toggogon, nom. thirst. tairien, a kind of beads, much esteemed by the natives. taitai, a firefly ; also written turriturri. takkar, an anchor, a post to which people moor a boat at a ferry. takkeein, a dwarf. talcho, exceeding, excellent, as talcho ma- barra, talcho matadach, exceedingly strong, uncommonly hot. talchoach-o, one who excels or surpasses in might, wealth, beauty, etc. talla, what ? with indignation ; talla sum- mara imonos ? what ? do you lie on rags ? talla o no adda, a grain of rice. talla o noeno, the brain pan ; written taltao- n-oeno. tallapiech, a large dart. tallas, a potsherd. talllll, sorrel. tallipallipan, the temples of the head. tallochon, continual perseverance ; tallachon sisa, the whole day ; tallachon man, micham, maba- bat, to be constantly eating, drinking, going, etc. tamaian, the Spanish pox. tammimme, potatoes. Favorlang tammoes, cnimbs, fragments. tammoesan, crumbled, tannaas, a particle of admiration, as ah ! see that. tapach-a, a pair of breeches. taparri-parri, Takeis, a cart ; go-or or gear ; tatearrau loan, the poles of a cart ; asasau loan, the yoke, tapos, all. tappoesan, a honey bee. tar, all kinds of pollution, as fr. snot, grease, etc. tariboan, a rainbow. tarra, a thornback, of which there are two sorts ; tarra boetsina, a thornback ; tarra paga aubaas, a fish somewhat resembling the shark, with a broad blotch on the nose, tarrabeoan, or tarraboan, a rainbow, tarra ie rain, tsi, tat, the trickling of the eyes ; patarra-ie-ra-ien, trans. tarrakal, a small hut, standing high, in which the natives frequently sleep, such as are beside their houses or in the fields. tarran, a way ; mitaronf o taran, two roads that meet together 5 rariedda taran, a way that divides into two. tarran, tsinarran, inotarran, and arriban, inarriban, inoarriban and ribajen, rinibaijen, inoribaijen, seems to mean loathsome or hurt- ful ; thus people speak of unwholesome food, arriban o mamacha ja micho, possibly because it is injurious or deadly, but these words require to be more carefully examined, tarrar, as tabtab ; verb matarrar. tarrara, a spider. tarraras, purslain, a plant, tarraras, pot-herbs. tarren, anything defiled with tar. tarrer, a kind of fish, tarribat, the obliquity of a thing, tarrogorogh, a fish, the kalkop. tassaban, zinassaban, inotassaban, to hunger; patassaban, pinatassaban, papatassaban, ipatas- sabanna, to cause to hunger; nom. tassaban, hunger. tassinan, tsinassinan, inotassinati, tassio-a, to do anything for any one ; inatassinan ja rum- mozi-dau tamau, I will pay for my father ; in the second and third person people do not say tassinan, but tassi ; it is necessary that this word be examined ; it is to be written tas-ina, just as dau-ina, for me ; so also tasi-je, for you ; tas- icho, for him , praet. tsinas, fut. inosas, imp. tas ioa, sa-a tasjoa ina, take my place. tasso, that which is new and untried, is said of all implements that people are accus- tomed to use, as clothes, cups, dishes, etc. tasso (the o short), long, is only used of lifeless things. tasso, a particle wherewith people inquire after any place, zdema tassone Doubale ? whither does Daubale lead to ? tassono don o Batsjekan ? whereabouts are the houses of Batsjekan ? dema tassono Taijoan ? which is the way to Taijoan ? tassono aisi, that way. tataam, an answer ; fr. tummaam. tataap, all kinds of implements that people use for house buildings or agriculture. tatabbis, or boe-tsina, a fan. tatapannabonna, arable land. tatas, a fathom. tatkach, the ropes wherewith the deer are encircled in hunting. tatkachannabonna, hunting ground. tatintin, weight. tatsaar, splendour. tatsibaul, and a-obog, both words of reserve, when people do not dare to mention scandalous persons. tatsira, the tongue. tatta, a rice-stamper ; fr. tummatta. tattabach, the first, the principal; tumma- bach, and matattabach, verb, to be the first. tattabba, instrument for stabbing, as a sword, knite, etc. tattabbak, a dance, also the trampling of those who are about to fight. tattabbi, a bed on which to sow anything, as in a garden, or a cultivated spot of ground a little elevated. tattacbil, fr. tummachil. tattachum, a cap ; fr. tummachum. tattagga, the jaw-bones. tattaggoch, an instrument to draw with. tattakal, ribbon, the head-band of women. tattakka, a stanchion, fr. tumka. tattakkis, anything to stitch with. tattakob, a covering, a pavilion, a cord. tattakor, a staff. tattallas, that with which people tread, as the feet ; fr. tummalas. tattallatala, that wherewith we compose any one ; fr. tummalattala. tattallo, a bait ; fr. tummallo. tattallumtum, that wherewith people cover themselves in order to perspire freely ; fr. tum- mallumtum. tattannanno o parara, a window. tatta o numma ? how do I know ? tattas o kokko, the comb, etc., of cocks. Vocabulary 189 tattamman o bisa o loan, the shaft of an arrow or pike. tattarod, a beholding. tattas, a cock's comb. tattatsain, a step ; fr. tummasin. tattauraija, a frightening. tatte, a fish-hook ; fr. tumme. tattear, a stanchion ; fr. tummear. tatte lellum o riba, a shirt or coat. tattippi, the sting of anything that stings with the tail. tatto, that wherewith people kindle. tattoch, a number; masanno attoch? what number? fr. tummoch. tattolillis, a spark ; fr. tummoMis. tattollo, see tattullo below. tattonnos, the end where anything is broken off or torn, but especially pro extremitate membri virilis id quod est inhonestum. tattoob, an instrument wherewith to sprinkle water; fr. tummoob. tatto-oche, the fore-finger. tatto o roog, the brain. tattoos, a plane ; fr. tummoos. tatto o telp, a key ; tatto o chirrap, a tooth- pick ; fr. tum-o. tattopoch, earrings. tattopoch, the ornaments worn in the ears. tattorrik, tattose, and tattosik, a lie ; fr. tum- morik, tummose, etc. tattorrodauron, a looking-glass. tattorrodon, a copy, an example. tattottoan, an anvil (native, a hard stone) ; fr. tummotto. tattugga, an instrument for cutting. tattullo, a candle ; fr. tummollo. tattultul, a bundle of straw or weeds, with which to drive away mosquitoes. tattummauka, see tummauka. tattuppa, thought, memory. tattuppuk, a number reckoned beforehand ; fr. tumpuch. tau, the hair of the head. taugo, a sort of fruit conically shaped. taurok, a kind of vegetable which is cooked with the food. tautazillien, the little finger. taz-i, a kite. taz-imo, all sorts of prepared food, whether fish or flesh. taz-ino, the beak of birds. taz-ipok, a pencil to paint with ; taz-ipok o bido, a pen. tazirra, the tongue. tazirrisan, a pin or peg, on which to hang anything. tea, an arm. tebabon, a duck. tees, the pole or the upper part of the forehead. telp, a chest. te-o, a stork. teor, prawns. te-te, a stalk, to which the fruit is attached, whether standing in the field or already reaped. teten is said of those who strike every one ; eirreken, idem ; written teteen. tillabien, a sort of fish called stone bream. tilli, a badger. tillik, blindness of one eye, so that the white of the eye cannot be seen, for then it is tollas. tillikken, one who is blind of one eye, this is the pres. from tummillik. tinnaam, before, with respect to place ; talla summada zinoe, ka oa, tinnaam at, what do you seek, it lies there before you ; matatinnaan, mi, ma, forwards ; patatinnaam, trans. tippo, persons bom on same day; baddoa, and battan, ditto. to, water. to abbas, sea water. to-ak, a kind of bird. toch, a number, and tattoch, a numbering. tochab, a hole, a door, a window ; fr. tum- mochab, tattochab, an opening. tochab o not, the nostrils. to cha-och, well water. tochorochen, xinochorochen, tatochorochen, to be set a-coughing. togea, marrow. togea, a snipe. to-i, a splinter. tok, a calm ; fr. pattok. tokkilli, jingles worn by young men. tollalis, a spark. tollas, blindness of one eye, but so that the white can be seen. tomma ? who ? tomo, pimples, like small warts. tomoon, full of pimples. tonso, a Chinese word ( ? ) meaning Father- land. to-o, a sea-horn. to-obabat, an overgrown man. to oetas, rain water. tooma, tsi, tat, imp. ta-a, pass, ta-an, tsina, inota-ati, the reading of a list ; pata-a, trans. nom. tattaa, the reading aloud ; and ma-atttata- a, one who reads the roll. Favorlang toop, the side. to-or, a lattice, a grating. toppi, a sort of reed, of which men make arrows. torritorri, a firefly, as tai-tai. torro, we, us, but differs from namo. to sabba, river water. tosarri, a sort of flute. tosarri o a gorro, the same sort of flute, very long. tos-asjien, tsi, tat, tosasjiena, pass, tosasjienen, tsinosasjien, etc., to have the toothache ; tos- asji, the toothache ; tos-assi, a hollow tooth. totto, the heart. totton, the top or upper part of anything ; totton oeno, the crown of the head. tretre, an animal named from its song. tsi, fish ; tsi ballal, all sorts of small fish, cat- fish ; tsi sabbi, carp ; tsi meried, eels ; tsi maarat, shell-fish ; tsi rodo, cod ; tsi tarra boet- sina, a roach ; tsi tarra paga oubaas, a sword- fish ; tsi talus, a sand-creeper ; tsi rocot, a smelt ; tsi teen, a fish that has scales like the carp, but smaller ; tsi kabea, almost like the teen, but smaller ; tsi taddai, a sole ; tsi tadda- dach, a Chinese fish, full of bones ; tsi tillabis, a bream ; tsi pausosan, a broad fish, with a sharp nose, transparent and soft} tsi abaas, a shark ; tsi oar, almost like a shell-fish j tsi o bioog, a kind of sprat. tsia, a needle, a pin. tsibaragoan, tiigan, or itorra, a large field lizard ; tsikarra, smaller ditto, with a long tail ; tsipollopollul, a spotted house lizard. tsimianna, tsini, tatsi, tsianna, etc. ; see in zimianna, to be distrustful. tsimibarasabasa, tsi, tatsi, tsibarasabasaa, to aim at directly, as tsimisi. tsimijk, tsini, tatsi, itsijka, itsijk, initsijk, ino- itsijk, to fillip, to make a point, thus [.] ; nom. tattsik, a tittle, a point ; see zimiek, under tum- mesik, ditto. tsimijtsjies, tsini, tatsi, tsijtsijsa, to cut off the joint of wood or bamboo. tsiinikak, tsini, tatsi, etc., see under in z. tsimiki, tsini, tatsi, tsikia, to leer, to look askance ; patsiek, trans., tatsiki, nom. ma-atat- siki. tsimimis, tsini, tatsi, tsimisa, tsimisan, tsini- misan, inotsimisan, to take some food, to taste ; paksimi, to cause such to be done. tsimipi siep, tsi, tat, tsipisiepa, pass, tsipisie- pen, tsimipsiep, inotsitsiepen, to suck (but not the breast), as a finger, tobacco pipe, etc., pat- siptsiep, trans. ; tatsiptsiep, a sucking ; ma- atatsiptsiep, a sucker ; tsiptsiepan, that of which men suck, as a tobacco pipe, etc. tsimisakal, see zimisakal. tsimisi, see zimisi, tatsisi, nom. tsiniko, tsi, tats, tsikoa, pass, tsikoan, tsimiko, inotsikoon, to right a house that hangs over ; patsiko, trans, nom. tsio-tsio, a clock or bell. tsipan, west ; matatsip, mi, ma, westerly ; patatsip, trans. tullala, a flower ; tullala orasan, a violet. tumbar, tsinumbar, tatumbar, tubarra, tu- barren, tsienbar, inotubbarren, to set oneself down fast as those who do fear being pushed away ; patubbar, pinatubbar, etc., to cause such to be done. tumboel, tsinumboel, tatumboel, tubboela, tub- boelen, tsienboel, inotubboelen, to seek any one ; patubboel, pinatubboel, papatubboel, ipatubboela, ipatubboel, etc., to cause to be sought; tatub- boel, nom., hence kar tattubboel, mau tattubboel, to seek one another. tumcho, tsinumcho, tatumcho, tuchoa (let the be scarcely heard), tuchoan, tsinucho, ino- tuchoon, to bow; patucho, pi, pa, ipatuchoa, to cause to bow. tumchoa, tsi, tat, tochoa, the commencement of the north monsoon ; tumchoa masoan, sai don ja dalli, mameroos ja badda, i.e. the northern monsoon approaches, the swallow returns to her house, and the young men think of marrying. tumka, tsi, tat, tukka, etc. (let the be scarcely heard), to support, to prop up ; patukka, pi, pa, ipatukka, etc., to cause to support ; tat- tukka, nom. a prop. tumkach, zinumkach, tatumkach, tukkacha, tukkachen, zienkach, inotukkachen, to hunt deer by concealing oneself in the holes and behind the hedges; patukkack, pinatukkach, papatuk- kach, etc., to cause to hunt. tummaam, zinummaam, tatummaam, tama, tamen, zinaam, inotamen, to answer; pataam, pinataam, papataam, ipatama, etc., to cause to answer. tummaap, tsinummaap, tatummaap, tapa, tapen, tsinaap, inotapen, to do all kinds of work, either in the house or the field ; also to attack, to fall upon ; tsinaap, husbandry, etc. ; pass. pret. tataap, work, labour; ma-atataap, a worker, a labourer. tununaas, zinummaas, tatummaas, tasatasan, zinasan, inotasan, to begin to do anything first, to be followed by another ; pataas, pi, pa, ipatasa, ipataas, inipataas, to cause to begin, etc. Vocabulary 191 tummabach, si, tat, imp. tabacha, pass. tabachen, tsinabach, inotabachen, to do any- thing first; see also matattabach; patabac/i, trans, to cause to be done ; tattabach, nom. a commencement. tummabba, zinummabba, tatummabba, tabba, tabbaan, zinabba, inotabbaan, to stick ; patabba, pinatabba, papatabba, ipatabba, etc., to cause to stick. tummabbak, zinummabbak, tatummabbak, tabakka, tabakken, zinabakkan, inotabakkan, to dance, also the swaggering of those who fight, or who wish to fight ; patabbak, pina- tabbak, papatabbak, etc., to cause such to be done. tummabbis, zinummabbis, tatummabbis, tab- bisa, tabbisan, zinabbisan, inotabbisan, to fan ; patabbis, pinatabbis, papatabbis, ipatabbisa, ipatabbis, inipatabbis, inotpatabbis, to cause to fan. tummachal, zinummachal, tatummachal, tachalla, tachallen, zinachal, inotachallen, to remove the earth, as with a hoe, a spade, etc. ; it is changed into d, see dummachal ; padachal, pinadachal, papadachal, etc., to cause to be dug up. tummach-il, zinummach-il, tatummach-il, tach-illa, tach-illen, to win, to win a bet ; patach-il, pinatach-il, papatach-il, ipatach-illa, ipatacA-il, inoipatach-il, to cause such to be done. tummach-o, tsi, tat, tach-oa, same as pazin- ado ; mautadach-o, idem ; patacho, nom. tattacho, interpretation, intercession j ma-atattac/io, an interpreter, an interceder. tummach-os, tsi, tat, tacAossan, tsinachossan, inotachossan, grass, etc., to cut off 5 patachos, also chummoschos. tummachum, zinummachum, tatummachum, tachumma, tachumman, zinachumman, ino- tachumman, to put on one's hat, to cover one's head ; patachum, pinatachum, papatachum, ipatachumma, etc., to cause the hat to be put on ; tattachum, the thing put on (namely, the hat) ; tummakkum, tsi, tat, imp. takumma, part. takkumman, etc., means all kinds of covering. tummagcha, tsinummagcha, tatummagcha, tagcha, tagchaan, zinagcha, inotagchaan, to chop, to hack, to hew; patatagcha, pi, pa, ipatagcha, inipatagcha, to cause to be chopped. tummagcho, zinummagcho, tatummagcho, tagcho, to overhang, not to stand upright ; it is sometimes changed into d, which see ; padagcho, pinadagcho, dagchoa t dagchoon, zinagcho, inodagchoon, to cause to overhang; in which case it is ipadagchoa, ipadagcho^ etc. tummagchoch, zinummagchoch, tatummag- choch, tagchocha, tagchochen, zinagchoch, ino~ tagchochen, to scoop ; tummagchoch o bigeno, to skim, to scoop off the froth ; patagchoch, pinatagchoch, papatagchoch, ipatagchocha, ini- patagchoch, to cause to scoop ; tummagchoch o tono mallo, to lade water with a bucket. tummaiba, tsi, tat, taiba, to do anything together or in company ; pataiba, etc., to cause such to be done ; hence comes aurri a teiba, that is the drink-money given when people work together, as if they said auriedda a teiba, so that this noun seems to come from moriedda and tummaiba, joined together ; for they say also, moriedda o taiba, and mortbal o taiba, to leave off, to cease such working together. tummaies, zinummaies, tatummaies, taisa, taisan, zinaisan, inotaisan, to climb up ; tum- maies i kittas, to climb up a ladder; pataies, pinataies, papataies, ipataisa, ipataies, inipataies^ inoipataies, to cause to climb. tummakal, zinummakal, tatummakal, takalla, takallan, zinakallan, inotakallan, to put on a woman's head-band ; patakal, pinatakal, papa- takal, ipatakalla, etc., to cause such to be done ; written dummakal. tummakas, zinummakas, tatummakas, takassa, takassan, inotakassan, to stop any one in the road, or to turn him out of the way ; patakas, pinatakas, papatakas, ipatakassa, ipatakas, etc., to cause such to be done. tummakkis, zinummakkis, tatummakkis, tak- sa, taksen, zinaksan, inotaksan, to stick to- gether and make one ; patakis, pi, pa, ipataksa, ipatakkis, etc., to cause such to be done. tummakkoob, zinummakkoob, tatummakkoob, takkoba, takkoban, zinakkoban, inotakkoban, to cover, to cover entirely ; tummakkoob o macha, to blind the eyes ; patakkoob, pi, pa, ipa- ipatakkoba, etc., to cause to be covered, also to cover with a rug. tummala, zinummala, tatummala, talatalan, zinala, inotalan, to find, to welcome ; patala, pinatala, papatala, ipatala, etc., to cause such to be done. tummalas, zinummalas, tatummalas, talassa, talassen, zinalassen, inotallassen, to tread under foot ; patallas, pinatallar, papatallas, ipatallassa, ipataias, etc., to cause such to be done. tummalattala, zinummalattala, tatummalat- tala, tallattala, tallattalan, zinalattalan, ino- tallattalan, to pacify, to still, to calm all sorts Favorlang of emotions ; patalattala, pinatalattala, papa- talattala, etc., to cause such to be done. tummalizi, zinummalizi, tatummalizi, talizia, talizian, zinalizian, inotalizian, to dance; patalizi, pinatalizi, papatalizi, ipatalizia, etc., to cause to dance ; sometimes the / is changed into d, see dummalizi. tummallo, zinummallo, tatummallo, talloa, talloon, zinalloon, inotalloon, to allure, to bait ; patallo, pinatallo, papatallo, etc., to cause to allure. tumuiallumtum, zinummallumtum, tatum- mallumtum, tallumtumma, tallumtummen, zinal- lumtum, inotallumtum, to cover up oneself or another in order to produce perspiration ; patallumtum, pi, pa, ipatallumtumma, etc. tummalpon, zinummalpon, tatummalpon, talponna, talponnan, zinalponnan, inotalponnan, to betake oneself anywhere, or set forward, also to stir oneself up, and exert one's strength ; patalpon, pi, pa, ipatalponna, ipatalpon, etc., to cause such to be done. tummammoos, zinummammoos, tatummam- moos, itammosa, itammoos, initammoos, inoitam- moos, to crumble, to shred ; patammoos, pi, pa, ipatammosa, ipatammoos, etc., to cause such to be done ; tummammoos means to stick anything in the mouth. tummanna, zinummanna, tatummanna, tanna, tannaan, zinanna, inotannaan, to open ; tanna osja, chachap o donoe, open the door of the house ; patanna, pi, pa, ipatanna, etc., to cause to open ; tattannanna o parara, an opening to let in light, that is, a window. tuinmao, zinummao, tatummao, taoa, taoan, zinaoan, inotaoan, to sprinkle as with water, salt, thin mud, etc., but to cover with wood, stone, and other things that do not spread, is magga ; the thing wherewith the sprinkling or covering is made, itaoon, initaoon, inoitaoon ; patao, pinatao, papatao, ipataoa, ipatao, inipatao, etc., to cause such to be done. tummapacha, zinummapacha, tatummapacha, tapacha, tapachanni and tapachaiyan, zina- pachanni and zinapachayan, inotapachanni and inotapachayan, to put on one's breeches ; pata- pacha, pi, pa, etc., to cause such to be done. tummapal, tsi, tat, tapalla, tapallan, tsinapal, inotapallan, to stumble in the way; patapal, trans, nom. tattapal. tummapies, zinummapies, tatummapies, tapisa, tapisen, zinapies, inotapisen, to beat with a stick, as people do their clothes, in order to knock dust or dirt; patapies zinatapies, papatapies, etc., to cause such to be done. tummapitapies, zinummapitapies, tatumma- pitapies, tapitapisa, tapitapisen, zinapitapies, inotapitapisen, to beat with many strokes ; patapitapies, pi, pa, etc., to cause such to be done. tummara, tsi, tat, tara, taran, tsirara, inotaran, to choose anything first, as tummar o mio a, tummar o mammali badda, to choose to cut down a field, to choose a lady ; patara, trans, tatara, a choice ; hence karri tatta-a, mau tatta-a, to choose one another. tummarad, zinummarad, tatummarad, taradda, taradden, zinarad, inotaradden, to gather up what another has scattered, as rice thrown over the floor ; patarad, pi, pa, ipataradda, ipatarad, etc., to cause such to be done. tummaramar, tsi, tat, tamaramarra, tamara- marren, tsinaramar, inotaramarren, to be here and there, separated from one another, some here and some there ; pataramar, trans, such a scattering. tummaratral, tsi, tat, taratralla, to wave as grass, plants, and other little things do, etc., differs from lummitullito ; parakal, trans. tummarau, same as dummarau ; patarau, pi t pa, ipataraua, etc., as padarau. tummarautau, same as dummaraudau ; pata- rautau, pi, pa, same as padaraudau. tummaries, tsi, tat, tariesa, to intercept any one in his way ; pataries, trans. ; tummaries o axies, to intercept the enemy; nom. tattaries, an intercepting; ma-atattaries, a hard runner who overtakes another. tummaroggi, zinummaroggi, tatummaroggi, taroggia, taroggian, zinaroggian, inotaroggian, to change things which are so much alike that they can be easily mistaken one for the other, and this with intent to deceive ; pataroggi, pinataroggi, papataroggi, ipataroggia, etc., to cause such to be done. tummaromma, tsi, tat, taromman, tsinarom- man, inotaromman, to betray ; pataromma, trans. tattaromma, treachery ; hence karri-tattaromma, mau-tattaromma, to deceive one another ; ma- atattaromma, a traitor. tummaroob, zinummaroob, tatummaroob, tarroba, tarroban, zinarroban, inotarroban, to cover as people do the head with a fan, to protect them from sun or rain, thus not entirely covered, or to cover with a nig or such like, in which it differs from tummakkoob ; patarroob, pi, pa, ipatarroba, etc., to cause to cover. tummarros, tsi, tat, imp. tarossa, to pick anything here and there, just as people Vocabulary I 93 pluck the ripe ears in a field 5 patarros, trans. tummassal, zinummassal, tatummassal, tas- salla, tassallen, zinassal, inotassallen, to catch at once, to apprehend $ patassal, pi, pa, ipatassalla, etc., to cause such to be done j tattasal, nom. tummassin, zinummassin, tatummassin, tas- sina, tassin, zinassin, inotassin, to entertain any one ; patassin, pi, pa, ipatassin, inipatassina, inoipatassin, to cause such to be done j tattassin, an expectation, hope. tummatas, zinummatas, tatummatas, tatasa, tatasan, zinatas, inotatasan, to fathom ; patatas, pi, pa, ipatatasa, etc., to cause to be fathomed ; tatas, a fathom. tummatta, zinummatta, tatummatta, tatta, tattan, zinattan, inotattan, to stamp seed out of the husk ; patatta, pi, pa, ipatatta, inipatatta, inoipatatta, to cause to be stamped out ; tatta, a rice stamper. tummattal, zinummattal, tatummattal, tattal- lan, zinattal, inotattallan, to trample with the feet 5 patattal, pinatattal, papatattal, ipatattalla, ipatattal, inipatattal, etc., to cause such to done. tummattam, zinummattam, tatummattam, tattamma, tattammen, zinattam, inotattammen, to hold fast 5 patattam, pi, pa, ipatattamma, ipatattam, etc., to cause to hold fast. tummau-aab, zinummau-aab, tatummau-aab, tauba and taumasan, tauban and taumasan, tsinauaban and tsinaumasan, inotauban and inotaumasan, to do anything first or before another, whether drinking, speaking, or tasting ; patau-aab, pi, pa, ipatauaba, ipatau-aab, etc., to cause such to be done, as mananat 5 tattau- aab, or tau-aab, nom. subst, is used adverbially as before. tummauka, zinummauka, tatummauka, tauka, taukan, zinauka, inotaukan, to do anything over again ; patauka, pinatauka, papatauka, ipatauka, inipatauka, inoipatauka, to cause such to be done ; tummaukauka, zi, ta, to increase ; tummauka, trans. ; pataukauka, etc., as patauka. tummaula, same as tummauka ; pataula, same as patauka ; gummalich, idem., nom. gagallich $ pagallich, idem, nom. gagallich. tnm.ma.vla.-ula.,zinummaulaula,tatummaulaula, taulaula, zinaulaula, inotaulaulan, to do any- thing very often ; same as tummaukauka ; pataulaula, pi, pa, etc., as pataukauka, to cause anything to be done frequently ; gummalle- gallich, idem ; pagallegallich, idem. tummaumasa, zinummaumasa, tatummau- masa, taumasa, taumasanni and taumasayan, zinaumasanni and zinaumasayan, same as matinnaam ; pataumasa, pi, pa, ipataumasa, inipataumasa, inoipataumasa, same zspatinnaam. tummauraya, zinummauraya, tatummauraya, tauraya, taurayan, zinaurayan, inotaurayan, to put into a fright ; patauraya, pi, pa, ipatauraya, inipatauraya, inoipatauraya, to cause to be afraid. tumme, tsinumme, tatumme, tea, teen, tene, inoteen, to angle ; pate, pinate, papate, ipatea, ipate, inipate, inoipate, to cause thus to fish 5 tatte, nom. tummea, tsinummea, tatummea, te-a, te-aan, tene-a, inote-aan, to punish ; patea, pinatea, pa- patea, ipate-a, inipate-a, inoipatea, to cause such to be done j tattea, nom. that wherewith people punish, or the punishment itself. tummean, tsi, tat, tsanna, tsean, tsinean, ino- tean, same as tummaiba; patsan, trans., tean, nom. tummear, tsinummear, tatummear, ettear, in- etear, inoetear, to draw forth, to drag along ; patear, pinatear, papatear, ipatearra, ipatearen, inipatear, inoipatear, to cause to be dragged ; tattear, nom. a drawing forth j this word is also applied to the poles of a cart, between which an ox is fastened in order to draw it. tummear, tsinummear, tatummear, tearra, tearren, tsinear, inotearren, to support, to prop up ; patear, pinatear, papatear, ipatearra, ipa- tear, inipatear, inoipatear, to cause such to be done ; tattear, a prop. tummeer, zinummeer, tatummeer, tera, terin, zineer, or tineer, inoterin, to avoid, to shun either a stab or a blow ; pateer, pinateer, papa- teer, ipatera, ipateer, inipateer, inoteer, to cause to avoid. tummenon, zinummenon, tatummenon, tinnona, tinnonnen, zininnon, inotonnonnen, also tinnonnan, zininnonnan, inotinnonnan, to weave ; patinnon, pi, pa, ipatinnonna, ipatinnon, inipatinnon, ino- ipatinnon, to cause to weave. tummepar, zinummepar, tatummepar, teparra, teparran, zineparran, inoteparran, to lean on anything with the hand or arm ; patepar, pina- tepar, pa, ipateparra, ipatepar, inipatepar, ino- ipatepar, to cause to lean. tummerap, zinummerap, tatummerap, ter- appa, terappen, zinerap, inoterappen, to lick ; paterap, pinaterap, papaterap, inoipaterap, to cause to lick. tummilla, zinummilla, tatummilla, itilla-a, initilla, inoitilla, to set in, to print in, to stick in, as people pierce a deer with a spear, or to 2 B 194 Favorlang imprint, as people press a seal on wax, while the impression is expressed by the pass. pret. of the verb initilla, that is, that which is impressed, it means also to cook food for children ; pa- iilla, pinatilla, papatilla, ipatilla, inipatilla, ino- ipatilla, to cause an impression to be made. tummillak, zinummillak, tatummillak, tillag- gen, zinillag, inotillaggen, to appear, to seem ; patillak, pinatillak, papatillak, ipatillagga, ipa- tillak, inoipatillak, to cause to appear. tummillik, zinummillik, tatummillik, tillikka, tillikken, zinillik, inotillikken, to be struck with blindness in one eye, so that the white of the eye cannot be seen, for then it is tollassen, fr. tummollas ; patillik, pinatillik, papatillik, ipa- tillikka, ipatiuik, inipatillik, inoipatillik, to cause such to be done ; tatillik, such a blind- ing. tummillik o babora, to level the ground for the foundation of a house, and to beat it hard with flat pieces of wood. tummirtir, tsi, tat, tirtirra, to tremble ; pa- tirtir, trans, tattirtir, nom. a trembling. tummis, zinummis, tatummis, itissa, itis, initis, inoitis, to throw away, to lose ; patis, pinatis, papatis, ipatissa, ipatis, inipatis, inoipatis, to cause to be thrown away ; ma-atattis, one who throws away. tummissan, zinummissan, tatummissan, tis- sanna, to sigh ; patissan, pinatissan, papatissan, ipatissana, ipatissan, inipatissan, inoipatissan, to cause to sigh ; tatissan, a sigh j ma-atattissan, one who sighs. tummittil, zinummittil, tatummittil, tittilla, tittillan, zinittillan, inotittillan, to beat in ; pa- tiltil, pi, pa, ipattltilla, ipatiltil, etc., to cause such to be done ; tattiltil a nail or peg which people drive in, also the driving in itself. tummo, zinummo, tatummo, toa, toon, zino, inotoon, to reach out the hand to receive any- thing j pato, pinato, papato, ipato, inipato, ino- ipato, to cause such to be done. tummo-ach, zinummo-ack, tatummo-ach, to- acha, toach-en, zino-ach-an, inoto-ach-an, to come out, to come to light ; thus the sun and moon are said tummo-ach, to rise ; grass and vegetables, tummo-ach i bobo ta, to come above the ground ; and men, tummo-ach ta, to come out into the street ; patoach, pinatoach, papa- toach, ipatoacha, ipatoach, inipatoach, inoipa- toach, to cause such to be donej tattoach, a rising, a coming up. tummoch, zinummoch, tatummoch, toch-a, tochen, zinoch, inotoch-en, to number ; tummoch o bido, to read j patoch, pinatoch, papatoch, ipa- toch-a, ipatoch, inipatoch, inoipatoch, to cause to be numbered. tummocliab, zinummochab, tatummochab, to- chabba, tochabban, zinochabban, inotochabban, to make a hole ; patochab, pinatochab, papa- tochab, ipatochabba, ipatochab, inipatochab, ino- ipatochab, to cause such to be done ; tattochab, the making a hole ; tochab, a hole. tummod, zinummod, tatummod, todda (this passive is used respecting a field j bonna todden, the field is planted ; but itod, initod, inoitod, means the rice, etc., is sown) ; todden, zinod, inotodden, cover the seed with earth when it is sown ; patod, pi, pa, ipatodda, ipatod, etc. j ta- tod, the covering of that which is sown after the sowing ; taddodayan, the sowing time or place. tummoelakkies, zinummoelakkies, tatummoe- lakkies, toelakisa, toelakisen, zinoelakies, inotoe- lakkisen, to do anything unexpectedly} same as poelakies; tummoelakkies o poch o cho, to shoot a man suddenly; tummoelakkies o payack o riba, to soil a coat unexpectedly ; patoelakkies, pi, pa, ipatoelakisa, ipatoelakies, inipatoelakies, inoipatoelakies, to cause such to be done ; tat- toelakies, a mistake, amissing ; hence kar tattoe- lakkies, mau tattoelakkies, to miss one another ; ma-atattoelakkies, one who misses. tummok, zinummok, tatummok, tokka, tokken, sinok, inotokken, to overthrow ; tummok o mallo, to upset a cup ; tummok o bato, to knock against a stone, to stumble 5 tummok, o don, to knock at a house or a door ; tummok o tazirrisan, to hit a nail or pin in order to drive it in ; patok, pi, pa, ipatokka, ipatok, inipatok, inoipatok, to cause such to be done ; tattok, a knocking, also that wherewith we knock ; tattok a oos, quasi tattokaus, the beat of a drum ; tattoksayan, the place where people beat, also the time when the gong is beaten. tummokko, tsi, ta, tokkoa, tokkoan, pass, etc., to heap up, to lay in a heap ; patokko, to cause such to be done ; tokko, a heap. tummokkotok, zinum, tatum, tokkotokko, tok- kotokken, zinokkotok, inotokkotokken, the re- doubling of tummok ; patokkotok, pi, pa, ipa- tokkotokka, ipatokkotok, etc., the redoubling of patok. tummolalla, tsi, tat, tullalla-a, tullalla-an, tsinullalla-an, the blossoming of trees; inotuU- alalla-an; patullalla, trans., tallalla, nom. blossom. tummollas, tsi, tat, tollassa, tollassen, tsinollas, inotollassen, to be blind of one eye, but so as that the white can be seen ; patollas, trans. tatollas, such blindness. Vocabulary tummolillis, tsinummolillis, tatummolillis (imp. tollalisa, part, tollolissen, tsinullolis, inottollolissen, nom. tollalis, a spark, a bit of fire), to give out sparks, as red-hot iron does when it is beaten ; patollilis, pi, pa, ipatolillissa, ipatolillis, inipato- lillis, inoipatolillis, to cause to give out sparks. tummollo, zinummollo, tatummollo, tolloa, tolloan, zinolloan, inotolloan, to set on fire ; tummollo, tatollo, to light a candle ; patollo, pina- tollo, papatollo, ipatolloa, ipatollo, itzipatol/o, ino- ipatollo, to cause to be lighted; nom. tattollo, a candle. tummoltal, zinummoltol, tatummoltol, toltolla, toltoUan, zinoltollan, inotoltollan, to smoke with a wisp of straw, called tattoltol, in order to drive away the musquitos ; patoltol, pinatoltol, papatoltol, ipatoltolla, ipatoltol, inipaltotol, to cause such to be done. tummonog, tsi, tat, tonnoga, tonnogan, tsinonog, innotonnogan, the first rising of the water in the sea or rivers ; tummonok sai o to, de, abas, de 3 abba ; tattonnog, nom. the com- mencement of flood tide, the rising of the water, of the sea, or a river. tummoob, zinummoob, tattummoob, itobo, itoob, initoob, inoitoob, to sprinkle water, also to sprinkle with the same, when it is toba, toban, zinoban, inotoban ; patoob, pinatoob, papatoob, ipatoba, ipatoob, inipatoob, inoipatoob, to cause to be sprinkled. tummo-ol, zinummo-ol, tatummo-ol, to-olla, to-ollan, zino-ollan, inoto-ollon, same as tummollo ; pato-ol, pi, pa, ipato-olla, ipato-ol, etc., same as patollo. tummoos, zinummoos, tattummoos, tosa, tosan, zinosan, inotosan, wherewith ? itoos, initoos, inoitoos, to rub ; patoos, pinatoos, papatoos, ipa- tosa, ipatoos, inipatoos, inoipatoos, to cause to be rubbed ; tummoostoos, intens. tummorraich, ztnummorraich, tattummor- raich, torraicha, torraichen, zinorraich, inotor- raichen, to slide or slip off, to slide out ; patorraic/i, pi, pa, ipatorraicha, ipatorraich, inipatorraich, inoipatorraich, to cause such to be done. tummorrik, zinummorrik, tatummorrik, torrika, torriken, zinorrik, inotorriken, to tell lies; pa- torrik, pinatorrik, papatorrik, ipatorrikka, ipa- torrik, inipatorrik, inoipatorrik, to cause to lie. tummorritorrik, tsi, tat, torritorria, torri- torriaa, tsinotorritorri, inotorritorrian, to flicker, to glitter, as fireflies in the dark, also as stars in the night ; tummaitas, idem ; pataitas, idem ; patorritorri, trans., torritorri, nom. a glittering, also a firefly ; taitai, idem. tummorritorrik, zinummorritorrik, tatum- morritorrik, torritorrikka, torritorrikken, zinor- ritorrik, inotorritorrikken, to tell lies often ; patorritorrik, intens. of tummorrik. tummorro, zinummorro, tatummorro, torroan, zinorroan, inotorroan, to leak, to leak out, either through roofs or through broken vessels and so forth ; patorro, pinatorro, papatorro, ipa- torroa, ipatorro, inipatorro, inoipatorro, etc. ; tummorrotorro, intens. tummorroch, tsi, tat, torrocha, torrochen, tsinorroch, inotorrochen, to drag, to pull after one, neut. ; patorroch, trans, to draw, act. to cause to be drawn ; tattorroch, nom. a dragging ; tummorrotorroch, intens. tummorrod, zinummorrod, tatummorrod, tor- roda, torrodan, zinorrodan, inotorrodan, to look downwards, to look in a glass ; patorrod, pi, pa, ipatorrodda, ipatorrod, inipatorrod, inoipatorrod, to cause such to be done ; tummorrotorrod, intens. tummose, zinummose, tatummose, tosea, tosein, zinose, inotosein, same as tummorrik; patose, pinatose, papatose, ipatosea, ipatose, impatose, inoipatose, same as patorrik ; tummosetose and patosetose, same as tummorritorrik and pator- ritorrik. tummosniek, tsi, tat, toshieka, pass, toshiekan, etc., to spatter, to bedaub j patoshiek, trans., tattoshiek, nom. tummosik, zinummosik, tatummosik, tosikka, tosikken, zinosik, inotosikken, same as tummorrik ; patossik, same as patorrik ; tummositosik and patositosik, same as tummorritorrik and pator- ritorrik. tummot, tsi, tat, totta, to let wind ; patot, to cause such to be done ; tottat, foul wind. tummotto, zinummotto, tatummotto, tottoa, tottoon, zinotto, inotottoon, to forge, to beat any- thing to powder; patotto, pinatotto, papatotto, ipaitottoa, ipatotto, inipatotto, inoipatotto, to cause such to be done. tummotto, tsi, tat, tottoa, tottoon, tsinotto, inotottoon, the budding or shooting forth of the fruit after the blossoms fall off. tum-o, zinum-o, tatum-o, to-a, toan, zino, ino- toan, to pick, to stick ; tum-o chirrap, to pick the teeth ; tum-o-taddarries, to put the key in a lock, to lock it up, the locking up itself; also to gore, as a deer with his horns. tumpa, zinumpa, tatumpa, tuppa, tuppaan, zienpa, inotuppaan, to think, to reflect j patuppa, pi, pa, ipatuppa, inipatuppa, inoipa- tuppa, to cause to think ; tumpa tuppa, intens. ; Favorlang tattuppa, thoughts ; ma-atattuppa, one who thinks. tunipas, zinumpas, tattumpas, tuppasa, tup- pasen, zienpas, inotuppasin, to tread with the foot on one side ; patuppas, pinatuppas, papa- tuppas, ipatuppasa, ipatuppas, inipatuppas, ino- ipatuppas, to cause such to be done ; tattuppas, nom., tumpatuppas, indie, tumpas. tumpies, zinumpies, tatumpies, tuppisa, tup- pisen, zinupies, inotuppisen, same as tummagga ; patuppies, pi, pa, ipatuppisa, ipatuppies, same as pataga. tumpoch, zinumpoch, tattumpoch, ituppocha, ituppoch, inltuppoch, inoituppoch, to fix in the ear- rings, where to ? tuppocha, tuppochan, zien- pochan, inotuppochan ; patuppoch, pi, pa, ipatup- pocha, ipatuppoch, inipatuppoch, inoipatuppoch, to cause such to be done ; tattuppock, ear-rings, tumpor, tsi, ta, tupporra, tupporren, tsienpor, inotupporren, to hatch as birds ; patuppor, trans., tatuppor, nom. a hatching. tumpuk, zinumpuk, tattumpuk, tuppukka, tuppukken, zienpuk, inotuppuken, to count, to reckon up anything in the mind ; patuppuk, pinatuppuk, pa, ipatuppukka, ipatuppuk, etc. tumracli, zinumrach, tattumrach, tirracha, tirrachen, zinirrach, inotirrachen, the bursting of water through a dam, the escaping of a fish through a hole or rent in the net, the running out of paddy or such like article through a sack ; the place where it leaks is tirrachan, xinirrachan, ino, etc. ; patirrach, pi, pa, ipatir- racha, etc. tumsar, tsinumsar, tattumsar, tsarren, tsiensar, inotsarren, to shine, to illumine ; pasar, pinazar, papazar, ipazarra, ipazar, inipazar, inoipazar, to cause to shine ; tatsar, nom. appearance. tumsar, tsi, ta, tsarra, to stick, to stab; tumsar o binnan, to stab a deer with a spear. tumsik, isi, tat, tsika, tsiken, tsinick, inotsikeit, to stain, to spot ; patsik, trans., tatsik, a spot. tumso, tsinumso, tatumso, tsoa, tsoan, tsiensoan, inotsoan, to assent by a nod ; patso, pinatso, papatso, ipatsoa, ipatso, inipatso, itioipatso, to cause such to be done ; tatso, a nod. tumtum, zinumtutn, tattumtum, tumtumma, tumtummen, zinumtum, inotumtummen, to fast, to deny the stomach its food ; patumtum, pina- tumtum, papatumtum, ipaturntumtna, ipatumtum, mipatumtum, inoipatumtum, to cause such to be done. tuppach, between ; tuppach o don, between the houses ; tuppach o ranna, amongst the hills ; the verb neut. is matuppach, to be be- tween two, and the act. patuppach, fr. the root tuppach. tuppich, the stalk wherewith the fruit is fastened to the tree or plant. tuppo, a troop of men or beasts, a generation, a principal reason. tuppocli, the hair on the skin of men or beasts, excepting the hair of the head, beard, or eye-brows ; it is written duppoch. tuppoos, sugar ; tuppoos o bato, sugar-candy. turriturri, a firefly, same as taitai ; the verb maturriturri ; mataitai. tutta, the heart ; also written totto. tuttoach a zysya, sunrise. ummachol, inummachol, aummachol, acholla, achollen, inachol, inoachollan, to lay anything out of the way ; paachol, pinaachol, papaachol, ipaacholla, ipaachol, inipaachol, inoipaachol, to cause to be laid aside. ummadach, inummadach, aummadach, adacha, adachen, inadachan, inoadachan ? what ? iadach, iniadach, inoiadach, to hang up ; ummadach o tairien, to hang up beads ; ummadach o ballasau, to hang up a sword ; paadach, pinaadach, papa- adach, ipaadach, inipaadach, inoipaadach, to do so to another, to cause to be done. ummado, inummado, aummado, addoa, addoan, inaddoan, inoaddoan, to dissuade ; paaddo, pinaaddo, pa, ipaaddoa, ipaaddo, inipaaddo, inoipaaddo, to cause to dissuade; ummoosso, idem. uininadok, inummadok, aummadok, adokka, adokken, inadok, inoadokken, to pick and choose ; elli chinummar o bausje tapos ja assaban, inum- madok chono kinummossi, i.e. the Dutch have not burnt down the whole village, they have picked out the disobedient ; paadok, pi, pa, ipaadokka, ipaadok, etc., to cause such to be done. uinmalappo, inummalappo, aummalappo, alappoa, alappoon, inalappo, inoalappoon, from which are derived alappoan, inalappoan, ino- alappoon, to heave up, to lift up ; paalappo, pinaalappo, papaalappo, ipaalappoa, ipaalappo, inipaalappo, inoipaalappo, to cause to lift up. ummao, inum, aum, aoa, aoon, inao, inoaoon, to dissolve salt ; trans, pa-ao, melted salt, brine ; ao-no-soa, brine for washing wounds. ummapach, niummapach, aummapach, apacha, apachan, inapac/ian, inoapachan, to climb, to climb up ; paapach, pinaapach, papaapach, ipaapac/ia, ipaapack, inipaapach, inoipaapac/r, to cause to climb. uinmapar, inummapar, aummapar, aparra, Vocabulary 197 aparren, inapar, inoaparren (that out of which it is taken) ; aparran, inaparran, inoaparran, to take anything out with the hand or fingers pinched close together; ummapar o inochan, inai mallo, to take food out of a dish ; ummapar o dassono innai roboen, to take rice out of a bag ; ummapar o boa no innai kallaman, to take fruit out of a large pot, etc. ; paapar,pi, pa, ipaaparra, ipaapar, inipaapar, inoipaapar, to cause such to be done. ummarap o lalian, about half-past twelve. ummaron, inummaron, aummaron, aronna, aronnen, inaron, inoaronnen, to roll up ; paaron, pinaaron, papaaron, ipaaronna, ipaaron, ini- paaron, inoipaaron, to cause to roll up ; the r is sometimes doubled. ummarras, inummarras, aummarras, arrassa, arrasan, inarrasan, inoarrasan, to stride, to step over, to pass by; paarras, pinaarras, papaarras, ipaarasa, ipaarras, inipaaras, inoi- paarras, to cause such to be done. ummatat, inummatat, aummatat, atatta, atat- ten, inatat, inoatatten, to chew ; paatat, pinaa- tat, papaatat, ipaatatta, inipaatat, inoipaat, to cause to chew. ummelis, inummelis, aumelis, olissa, olissoan, inolissan, ino-olissan, to take off the lid or cover ; ummelis o babechab, to open the lid of a pot ; paolis, pinaolis, paaolis, ipaolissa, ipaolis, inipaolis, inoipaolis, to cause such to be done. ummenig, inummenig, aummenig, enigga, eniggan, ineniggan, inoeniggan, to speak gently, as one ashamed or abashed j paenig, pinaenig, papaenig, ipaenigga, ipaenig, inipaenig, inoipa- enig, to cause such to be done. ummerap, inummerap, aummerap, erappa, erappan, inerap, inoerappan, same as tummerap, to lick ; paerap, pi, pa, ipaerappa, ipaerap, ini- paerap, inoipaerap, to cause such to be done. ummichich, inummichich, aummichich, ichi- c/ia, ichichen, inichich, inoichich, to gnaw ; paichich, pinaichich, papaichich, paic/tic/ta, ipai- c/rich, inipaichich, inoipaichich, to cause such to be done. ummietiet, inumietiet, aumietiet, ietita, ietiten, inietiet, inoietiten, to bite off the ends, as of thread, etc.; paietiet, pinaietiet, papaie tiet, ipaie- tita, ipaietiet, inipaietiet, inoipaietiet, to cause such to be done. ummillag, inummillag, aummillag, illagga, il- laggen, inillag, inoillaggen, to unfold, to open out; ummilag o naupoot, o bido, to unfold a cloth or a book ; ummilag o rima, a straight hand ; paillag, pinaillag, papaillag, ipaelagga, ipaelag, inipaelag, inoipaelag, to cause such to be done. ummillo, inummillo, aummillo, illoa, illoan, inilloan, inoilloan, the winding up of a child in swaddling clothes, also to speak behind one's back, either good or ill ; paillo,pinaiUo,papaillo, ipailloa, ipaillo, inipaillo, inoipaillo, to cause such to be done. ummilloilo, inum, aum, illoiloa, illoilan, inilloilo, inoilloiloon, to continue to desire any- thing long and earnestly ; pailloilo, nom. illoilo. rumnior, inummior, aummior, iorra, iorran, iniorran, inoiorran, to follow, also to agree to ; ummior o ranted o atite, to obey the word of command ; payor, pinayor, papayor, ipayorra, ipayor, inipayor, to cause to follow ; ummior o barri, a forewind. ummitip, inummitip, aummitip, itippa, itippen, or itippaan, initippaan, inoitippen, or inoitippaan, to cut through, to cut off; paitip, pinaitip t papaitip, ipaitippa, ipaitip, inipaitip, inoipaitip, to cause to be cut off. ummitto, inummitto, aummitto, ittoa, ittoan, inittoan, inoittoan, to sing in solo, to sing before any one ; paitto, pi, pa, ipaittoa, ipaitto, inipaitto, inoipaitto, to cause to sing. ummitup, inum, aum, ituppa, the sharpness of strong drink. urnmoal, to transplant a tree or plant, and for that purpose to dig it up 5 paoal, to cause such to be done. ummoo, to weed, to root weeds out of a field ; pao-o, trans. ummoob, inummoob, aummoob, oppa, oppen, inoob, ino-oppen, to carry out, to bring to an end, to finish ; paoob, pinaoob, papaoob, ipaoba, ipaoob, inipaoob, inoipaoob, to cause such to be done ; aoob, nom. ummomo, inummomo, aummomo, omoa, omoan, ino-omoan, to put on a female head-dress j paono, pinaono, papaono, ipaonoa, ipaono, ini- paono, inoipaono, to cause such to be done j aomo, nom. ummoror, inummoror, aumoror, ororra, oror- ren, inoror, ino ororren, to fry out fat ; paoror, pi, pa, ipaororra, ipaoror, inipaoror, inoipaoror, to cause to fry out ; aoror, nom. ummotul, to halt, to limp ; inummotul, aummotul, otulla, otullen, inotul, inootullen ; pao- tul, trans. umparachpach a ta, loose earth. umpo, inumpo, aumpo, uppoa, uppoon, ienpo, inouppoon, to knead with the foot ; pauppo, pinauppo, papauppo, ipauppoa, ipauppo, inipauppo, inoipauppo, to cause such to be done. uppo, native cakes of ground rice, bread. 198 Favorlang wannan, the south j mat a nuannan, mi, ma, southward ; pataiuannan, trans. zchiet, ten ; written tschiet. zene, the brains. zhabaan, the half or side of anything , hence people say, zhabaan-anig and allamas, the left and right side ; an opposite party, written shabaan, verb ; mashabaan, pashabaan ; it is also used as a preposition against. zhisya, the sun, a day ; zhisya o aisassenan, the day of rest, Sunday ; zhisya o tatuppan, a work day. zi, fish ; written tsi, zla, a needle , written tsia. zido, the breast, nipples, milk ; fr. zinido. ziga, small worms generated in food ; written tsiga. zihil, grief; fr. mazichiL zilak, a spot or stain ; fr. tsimilak. zilo, length, height ; fr. matsilo 5 written tsilo. zikakas, a silkworm, silk either woven or raw. zimaro, a flea. zimianna, zinimianna, tazimianna, zianna, ziannanni, ziniannanni, inoziannanm, to be suspicious, to do anything from mistrust ; pazianna, pinazianna, papazianna, ipazianna, inipazianna, inoipazianna, to cause such to be done ; written tsimianna, see under /. zimichallo, zinimic hallo, \ tazimic hallo, zich- alloa, zichalloon, zinichallo, inozichalloon, to skin off the clear portion from the top, so that the dregs underneath be not disturbed; pazi- challo, pi, pa, ipazichalloa, ipazichallo, impazi- challo, inoipazichallo, to cause such to be done. zimicMer, zinimichier, tazimichier, zichirra, zichirran, zinichirran, inozichirran, to resemble, to imitate ; pazichier, pi, pa, ipazichirra, ipazichier, inipazichier, inoipazichier, to make anything like ; also written tsimichier, see under / ; pataitach, idem ; tatschier, nom. like- ness. zimichzich, zinimichzich, tazimichzich, xich- zicha, zichzichen, zinichzich, inozichzichen, to smooth anything that is folded or rumpled ; pazichzich, pi, pa, ipazichzicha, ipazichzich, inipazichzich, inoipazichzich, to cause to be smoothed. zimido, zinimido, tazimido, zidoa, zidoan, zinidoan, inozidoan, the sucking of infants ; pazdido, pinazdido, papazdido, ipazdidoa, ipaz- dido, inipazdido, inoipazdido, to give suck ; tummis o zimido, to wean ; shiem initis o zimido, a weaned child. zimiek, zinimiek, tazimiek, izika, iziek, ini- ziek, inoiziek, to fillip, to give a fillip, to dip as meat in the sauce ; paziek, pinaziek, papaziek, ipazika, ipaziek, inipaziek, inoipaziek, to cause such to be done ; also written tsimyk, nom. tatsyk, see under t. zimiesto, zinimiesto, inozimiesto, ziestoa, ziestoan, ziniesto, inoziestoan, same as tumpa; paziesto, pi, pa, same as patuppa. zimigoggo, zinimigoggo, tazimigoggo, zigog- goa, zigoggoan, zinigoggoan, inozigoggoan, to stand on tip-toe ; pazigoggo, pinazigoggo, papa- ^goggo, ipazigoggoa, ipazigoggo, inipazigoggo, inoipazigoggo, to cause such to be done. zimikak, zinimikak, tazimikak, zikakka, zikakkan, zinikak, inozikakkan, to open ; as zikak o ranted, to open one's mouth, etc. ; pazikak, pi, pa, ipazikakka, ipazikak, inipazikak, inoipazikak, to cause to be opened, said of the mouth and ear ; also written tsimikak, see under t. zimilak, zinimilak, tazimilak, zilakka, zilak- kan, and zinilakkan, inozilakkan, to befoul j pazilak, pinazilak, papazilak, ipazilakka, ipa- zilak, inipazilak, inoipazilak, to cause such to be done ; also written tsimilak, see under t ; nomen zilak, under tsilak. zimimies, zinimimis, tazimimies, zimisa, zimisan, zinimisan, inozimisan, to taste; pazi- mies, pinazimies, papazimies, ipazimisa, ipa- zimies, inipazimies, inoipazimies, to cause to taste ; written tsimimis, see under t. zimioch, zinimioch, tazimioch, ziocha, ziochen, zinioch, inoziochen, to couple ; pazioch, pina- zioch, papazioch, ipaziocha, ipazioch, inipazioch, inoipazioch, to cause such to be done. zimipies, zinimipies, tazimipies, zipisa, zipisen, zinipies, inozipisen, to cut ; pazipies, pi, pa, ipazipisa, ipazipies, inipazipies, inoipazipisen, to cause to cut ; written tsimipies, see under t. zimipoespoes, zinimipoespoes, tazimipoespoes, zipoespoessa, zipoespoessen, zinipoespoes, inozi- poespoessen, to pick out crumbs or filaments ; pazipoespoes, etc., to cause such to be done. ziinipo- o, zinimipo-o, zipo-oa, zipoan, zini- poan, inozipoan, to fall on one's knees ; pazipo-o, pinazipo-o, papazipo, ipaeipo-oa, ipazipo-o, ini- pazipo-o inoipazipo-o, to cause such to be done ; also written tsimipo-o. zimipok, zinimipok, tazimipok, zipoka, zipo- kan, zinipokan, inozipokan, to paint, to write ; pazipok, pinazipok, papazipok, ipazipoka, ipazi- pok, inipazipok, inoipazipok, to cause such to be Vocabulary 199 done ; also written tsimipok, see under t j nom. tatsipok, a writing, also the instrument employed ; tatsipokan and tatsipokayan, a writ- ing place or table. zimiries, zinimiries, tazimiries, zirisa, iziries, iniziries, inoiziries, whereto ? zirisan, zinirisan, inozirisan, to hang anything up ; paziries, pinaziries, papaziries, ipazirisa, ipaziries, im- paziries, inoipaziries, to cause such to be done ; written tsimiries, see under t ; tatsiries, a hang- ing up ; tatsiriesan, and tatsiriesayan, the place whereto, as a hook, etc. zimiro, zinimiro, tazimiro, ziroa, ziroon, ziniro, inoziniroon, to reach ; paziro, pinaziro, papaziro, ipaziroa, ipaziro, inipaziro, inoipa- ziro, to cause to reach. ziminit, zinimirrit, tazimirrit, zjirta, zjirtan, ximirtan, inozjirtan, to hold or lead by a string; pazjirrit, pinazjirrit, papazjirrit, ipazjirta, ipaz- jirrit, inipazjirrit, inipazjirrit, to cause such to be done ; also written tsimirrit ; nom. tatsjirt, that wherewith we lead, as a string. zimisakal, zinimisakal, tazimisakal, zisakalla, zisakallan, sinisakaUan, inozisakallan, to squat down ; pazisakal, pinazisakal, pa, ipazisakalla, ipazisakal, inipazisakal, inoipazisakal, to cause such to be done; also written tsimisakal, see under t. zimisi, zinimisi, tazimisi, zisia, zisian, zini- sian, inozisian, that which ; zisien, zinisi, ino- zisien, to leer through a hole, to aim or look directly; pazisi, pinazisi, papazisi, ipazisia, ipazisi, inipazisi, inoipazisi, to cause such to be done ; also written tsimisi, see under t. zimisellasella, zinimisella, tazitmsellaseUa, zellasella, zellasellaan, zineUasellaan, inosella- sellaan, to do anything over again in order to be sure. zino, a knife. zio, the heel ; zio no charrina, a small piece of skin under the ears. zioe-zioe-no-saam, a chicken of the wild fowl. zlpan, west; xipan a amisan, north-west; also written tsipan, see under t ; zipan a war* nan, south-west. zito, a little dog. zjes, the soul ; written tsjes. zys-ya, the sun, a day. Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, Printers to Her Majesty, at the Edinburgh University Press. In Small 4(0. Clot A. Price lOi. 6d. of a>aint IN SINKANG-FORMOSAN WITH CORRESPONDING VERSIONS IN DUTCH AND ENGLISH EDITED FROM GRAVIUs's EDITION OF 1 66 1 BY REV. W. CAMPBELL, M.R.A.S. ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN MISSION, TAINANFU ' This is an interesting record of a long-past work. About the middle of the seventeenth century, the Reformed Church of Holland carried on a mission in Formosa. The mission was swept out of existence after some thirty years by a Chinese invasion, to be recalled to activity under different guidance twenty- three years ago. But this work, surviving in a single copy, preserved in the Library of the University of Leyden, remains to testify to the zeal with which it was once carried on. The editor, who is himself engaged in missionary work, hopes by republishing it to rouse the interest of the Dutch Church of to- day. It would be a happy though long-postponed fulfilment of the translator's wish to benefit the Formosan people. The original seems never to have reached them, for the Chinese invasion took place while it was actually passing through the press. ' Spectator. ' Its republication will be welcomed not only by those interested in the history of missionary work, but also by philologers, to whom it offers two valuable documents, the Dutch and Formosan texts as printed in the seventeenth century. To these the edition has added the English version as a running commentary for the convenience of readers here. The book is handsomely printed, and will do good if it attracts attention to the present state of theheathen inhabitants of Formosa. ' Scotsman. ' Leyden possesses the only known copy of this striking witness to Dutch missionary zeal, and the present edition is published by permission of the University authorities. It gives the original text in Formosan and Dutch in parallel columns, with the corresponding English at the foot of each page, a facsimile of the original title-page, and the translator's address ' ' to the Godly and Discreet Reader." In this curious and ingenuous introduction, Gravius refers to his labours in that portion of the island of Formosa which was one of the possessions of the Dutch East India Company, and ' ' a choice field of action in the Indies for zealous and energetic preachers," of whom, assuredly, Gravius was an eminent example. Now, in other circumstances, the need is not less great, as Mr. Campbell points out, nor is the field of action more restricted than in the old pioneer days of the Dutch mission, of which Mr. Campbell gives an in- teresting account. The Edition is admirably printed by Messrs. Constable.' Saturday Review. In Tivo Volumes. Crovin 8-vo. Cloth. Illustrated. Price los. AN ACCOUNT OF Missionary Success in Formosa PUBLISHED IN LONDON IN 1650, AND NOW REPRINTED WITH COPIOUS NOTES OF RECENT WORK IN THE ISLAND BY REV. W. CAMPBELL, F.R.G.S. ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN MISSION, TAINANFU 1 If any one wants to read a straightforward account of missionary life or labour, let him get this book. There is no writing for effect. Perilous journeys and hairbreadth escapes are passed over with little re- mark. The writer has to tell of rugged mountain passes, dangerous torrents, andhead-huntingsavages; but his enthusiasm is reserved for the work to which he has put his hand, and this he sets before us in all its aspects.' China Mail. 'A very interesting and valuable contribution to the literature of Missions.' British Weekly. ' The story of modern missionary success occupies the last third of the first, and all of the second volume of Mr. Campbell's fascinating work. His many journeys through known and unknown parts of the island, and especially among the cannibals and head- hunters ; his personal adventures and dangers ; the episode of the French bombardment ; his visit to the Pescadore Islands, are told with clearness, modesty, and in sprightly style. His book is one of unusual value and interest, and will be read by many who do not habitually seek their literary pabulum in the writings of missionaries.' The Nation. ' There is an unostentatious charm about the style in which these two volumes are written which carries the reader from page to page with a growing sympathy for such faithful service, and any library will be the richer by the possession of so valuable a work.' Illustrated, Missionary News. ' Constitutes an additional chapter in the history of Missions as fascinating as a romance, and opens a new and most interesting field to the knowledge of the Christian world.' Christian Intelligencer. 'Those who take an interest in the subject and, despite the spirit of the time, they are still a consider- able number will find in those handsome littlevolumes a good deal to interest them. ' Pall Mall Gazette. 'We should like to have given some account of our author's pioneering in the Pescadores, and of his work on behalf of the blind, but for this we must refer our readers to the book itself, assuring them that even the greatest sceptic of the value of missionary in the Far East, will find every page interesting, and will be forced to confess that in Formosa, at least, great good has been done and is being done by the English Presbyterian Mission.' North China Herald. London : KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & Co., LTD., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBRARY FACILITY A 000 096 309