UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOWER DIVISIOH LIBRARY OF THE Received ..... . Accessions No.) Read the barometer (see Exp. 2, a\ From its height (H) and (h), find the pressure on the inclosed air in cm. of mercury. 8 MASS OF GIVEN VOLUME OF AIR. [B (r.) The inclosed air may be assumed to be saturated with aqueous vapor. Find from No. 15 of Whiting's tables the maximum pressure of aqueous vapor for the working temper- ature. Subtracting this from (b) gives the pressure due to the dry air in the flask. (d.) Empty the flask, wipe off any moisture on the outside, and weigh on trip scales. Fill with water to the mark on the neck, and weigh again. Find from table 22 the volume of I gram of water at the working temperature, and calculate the volume of the water, which is that of the air previously inclosed. Why should the interior of the flask not be dried before weighing it empty? (e.) Using the formula for (W d ) in (c), Exp. 2, with the proper pressure substituted for H-f, calculate the mass of the inclosed volume of air. l] USE OF BALANCE. 9 i. USE OF BALANCE. Determination of the weight in air of a billiard-ball (cellu- loid or ivory). Put the ring in which the ball is to be set to keep it from rolling about, in the left pan, and its counterpoise in the right pan. (a.) Raise the beam of the balance by means of the lever in front. Move the hand near one of the pans if necessary, until the pointer swings over a range of something like ten scale divisions. Then close the case, read and record 5, 7, or any odd number of turning-points of the pointer, in terms of the divisions as numbered on the scale, estimating tenths of the small divisions as closely as possible. Unless successive turning-points differ by a fairly constant amount, showing that the vibration is regularly decreasing, the series should be repeated. The second observer may read turning-points at the same time, from the rear of the case, by setting up a plane mirror parallel to and facing the scale. Use both eyes, and look on both sides of the central post at once, in order to avoid parallax. Average the turning-points to the right, and those to the left, separately. The average of these two results is the resting-point of the pointier. (&) Put the ball in the ring on the left pan, and add weights to thfc right pan until, on raising the beam, the pointer swings about a point near the middle of the scale. Determine the resting-point. Always handle the weights with pincers, taking care not to bruise or scratch them. Never change the weights on the pan without first lowering the beam. (c^) Increase or decrease the weights used by two or three to CALIBRATION OF BAKODEIK. [2 centigrams, so as to move the resting-point toward the center of the scale, then determine this new resting-point. Calculate the change in weight, in milligrams, required to change the resting-point by one scale-division. This is called the sensi- tiveness of the balance for the load used. (d.) Calculate the true weight of the ball namely the weights which would give the resting-point found in (a). Carry out the result to milligrams, and correct it by applying to the indicated values of the weights used, the corrections given* on the box. (e.) The result given above is the weight required, if the balance-arms are of equal length. To test this, weigh the ball in the right pan. Then (G. and S., p. 100) calling the balance arms R and L and the weights of the ball in the corresponding pans W v and W^ = V'W 1 /W, and the true weight of the ball, W = W a (R/L). In future weighings with this balance, the ratio of the arms as found above should be used if it differs from unity by an amount great enough to affect the last figure desired in the result. 2. CALIBRATION OF BARODEIK. PART i. The Barodeik is an ordinary balance, having a hermetically- sealed flask suspended from one scale-pan, and from the other, as a counterpoise, a glass plate so chosen as to have a surface about equal to the exterior surface of the flask. The reading of the balance pointer on a properly graduated scale gives the density of the surrounding air. To find the difference between the barodeik reading and the true density of the air. (a.) Set and read the barometer (G. and S., p. 155). The complete setting and reading should be repeated, by each 2] CALIBRATION OF BARODEIK. 1 I observer independently, until the readings agree reasonably well, and their average taken. (b.) Read the wet and dry bulb thermometers. Apply cor- rections to the readings as indicated, and calculate dew-point by the formula given on the instrument. Then from No. 15 of Whiting's tables find the pressure of aqueous vapor in the air, remembering that "dew-point" means the temperature at which the aqueous vapor now in the air would saturate it; or the existing pressure of aqueous vapor in the air would be the maximum pressure if the temperature were lowered to the dew-point. (c.) From (a) and (&} calculate the density of the air. The mass of one cu. cm. of dry air, at o (C) and 76 cm. pressure, is 0.001293 grams. The mass of the same volume of aqueous vapor, under the same conditions, is f as much. Then if h be the barometer height,/ the pressure of aqueous vapor, and t the temperature, the mass of dry air in I cu. cm. of moist air is: TT_r W, = 0.001293 - 3 I +at 76 (a is the coefficient of expansion of a gas.) And the mass of aqueous vapor in the same volume is: W v = (I)o.oo, 293 -L The sum of these two is the required density. (Deschanel, p. 400-401.) (df) Read the barodeik. Do not touch the instrument, but by moving the hand near one of the scale-pans, set up a small vibration. Then close the case, and determine the resting-point of the pointer, which is the density of the air as indicated by the instrument. (/.) Record the difference between the reading thus ob- tained and the true density from (c), with the proper sign, so 12 CALIBRATION OF BARODEIK. [3 that when added algebraically to the observed reading it will give the true density of the air. This is the absolute correction for the scale-division to which it applies. 3. CALIBRATION OF BARODEIK. PART 2. Relative calibration of barodeik scale. (a.) Read the instrument as in Part I (d). Repeat with a 2 eg. weight on the right-hand scale-pan, then with the same weight on the left scale-pan. (b.) Repeat with a 5 eg. weight. Finish the observations before beginning the following cal- culations, so as to make room for those working on Part I. (c.) Using the exterior volumes of flask and plate, as given on the instrument, calculate the changes in the density of the air which would produce the same effects on the instrument as the putting of the separate weights on the right pan, and on the left pan. From these results construct a table of corrections, with the proper signs, for the different resting-points observed. Note that this is a relative calibration. That is, it gives the corrections to be applied to certain readings, as compared with one reading (namely, that when no weights were used), which is assumed correct. (d.) In Part I, the absolute correction for a certain reading was found. That reading was not far from the one assumed correct above, so the same absolute correction may be applied to the latter. By means of this, convert the table of relative corrections (c) into a table of absolute corrections. This com- pletes the absolute calibration of the instrument. (e.) Plot on cross-section paper the readings on the barodeik scale as abscissae, and the relative corrections of (c) as ordinates, but on a much larger scale. Draw a curve through the 5] HYDROSTATIC BALANCE. 13 plotted points, which will give the correction for any reading on the scale. Show how the curve can be made to indicate absolute cor- rections, instead of relative, by moving the horizontal axis of reference up or down by a proper amount. This converts it into an absolute calibration curve for the instrument. 4. WRITTEN EXERCISE. In place of the regular laboratory exercise, write out the following requirements in the note-book, and hand in copy as usual. Make the statements clear and complete, and illustrate by diagrams when possible. Ask for assistance on any points which are not understood after a reasonable amount of study. 1. Why is an odd number of turning-points used in deter- mining the resting-point of a balance pointer? 2. Suggest any consideration which would cause the sen- sitiveness of a balance to change for a change of load. 3. Show that the calculation of the weight in i(d) is simply a process of interpolation. 4. Show that the method used for finding the resting- point of a balance pointer gives a better result than could be obtained by reading the position of the pointer after allowing it to come to rest. 5. Give a full explanation of the action of the barodeik. Why should the flask and plate have equal surfaces exposed to the air? 5. HYDROSTATIC BALANCE. Determination of mass, volume, and density of billiard ball. Use the same balance, weights, and ball as in (i). The resting-point with pans unloaded should be determined 14 THERMOMETER CALIBRATION. [6 anew each time the balance is used. The sensitiveness need not be re-determined unless the load is quite different. Put the arch over the left pan, and on it a beaker of water. Suspend the ball in its wire cage from the hook above the pan so that the cage is entirely immersed, and only the fine suspending wire cuts the surface of the water. Take the temperature of the water before and after the weighing, and consider the mean of the two to be the tem- perature of both water and ball during the experiment. (a.) Weigh as in (i), and read the barodeik. (b.) Remove the ball, fill up the beaker until the suspend- ing wire of the cage is immersed to the same point as before, and weigh the cage. (c.) Calculate the volume of the ball, assuming volume of I gram water = one cu. cm. as an approximate value to be used in the subsequent work. (d.} Calculate the following: Weight of air displaced by the ball when weighed in (i). Weight of air displaced by the weights used, assuming their density to be 8.4. Weight of the ball in vacuo. Mass of the ball. (e.~) Calculate the weight of air displaced by the weights representing the weight of the ball in water in (a) and (^). From this find what the ball would have weighed in water, if the weighing had been done in vacuo. (f.) Find the weight in vacuo of the water displaced by the ball, and from table 23, calculate the exact volume of the ball. From this volume and the mass, calculate the density of the ball at the temperature of the determination. 6. THERMOMETER CALIBRATION ABSOLUTE. Calibration of a 100 thermometer, reading to i, which is to be qsed in subsequent work. 6] THERMOMETER CALIBRATION. 1 5 (a.) Set a wire-gauze cone into the mouth of a beaker^ and fill it with crushed ice. Put the thermometer bulb into the middle of the ice, and let it remain for a few minutes after the reading has become apparently constant. Record the reading (to o. i) and the difference between it and o with the proper sign as the correction to the reading at o. To avoid parallax in the readings, always turn the stem so that the reflected images of the divisions in the mercury- thread can be seen, apparently as prolongations of the divi- sions themselves. (b.) See that the steam-heater contains a sufficient supply of water. Hang the thermometer in the central vertical tube, with the IOO mark just above the cork, arranging the tubes so that the steam will pass up the central tube, down the space between the tubes, and out at the bottom of the outer tube. Trjus the thermometer stem is surrounded by steam, and this again by a jacket of steam. After steam has issued for a few minutes, adjust the lamp so as to give a very feeble current Why is this necessary? Record the reading as before, when it has become steady. Read the barometer, and find corresponding temperature of steam from table. Record the difference between this and the observed reading, with the proper sign, as the correction at 100. (c.) Let the thermometer cool slowly to about the tem- perature of the room, then repeat (a). If the result differs from that previously obtained, ask for advice. (.) Assuming that the apparatus is made entirely of glass, calculate the coefficient of expansion of the glass. 17. EXPANSION OF COTTON-SEED OIL. Fill the instrument with oil, in the same way that it was filled with mercury in the last experiment. There will be less trouble with air-bubbles if the oil is poured into the bulb slowly, in a steady stream. (a.) Set the thermometer in a water-bath as before, and take a similar set of ascending and descending readings. The oil is such a poor conductor that it will be necessary to keep the temperature of the bath constant at each reading for a much longer time than with the mercury. ($.) Plot the observations as in 16, ( db, show that when this adjustment has been made rjx=. pjq, where r denotes the resistance of ac, x that of cb, etc. In the apparatus used, adb is a uniform stretched wire of German silver I meter long, and d is a sliding contact on this wire, x is an unknown resistance to be determined, and ris a known resistance (for this experiment a coil whose resistance in ohms is marked upon it). It is evident that a constant cell is not required, since the relations obtained above are independent of the current- strength in the main circuit (They will not be true, how- ever, for rapid variations in that current, since Ohm's law does not hold for such cases.) It is customary to use a Leclanche cell, dry cell, or other inconstant element, and to include in the battery circuit a key which is only depressed while taking an observation, since such cells can not send a strong current for any length of time without injury. Be careful never to connect such a cell so that it will send a continuous current. To determine the resistance per cm, of No. 19 German silver wire: 46 WHEATSTONE BRIDGE. [24 (a.) Set up the apparatus according to the plan outlined above, with about two meters of the wire as the unknown resistance. Connect the ends of the wire to the proper points on the circuit through binding-posts, measuring the length of wire included between them. In connecting the wire and box to the bridge, use pieces of large copper wire as short as possible, and well cleaned at the points of contact. It is also well to have the resistances of the connecting wires used on the two sides of c as nearly equal as possible if the position of d is near the middle of the wire, as it usually is. Small wire should of course be used for the galvanometer and battery circuits. Ask to have your scheme of connections verified before beginning work. See that the galvanometer is not affected by a current in any branch of the circuit except its own. (b.) Find by trial the position of the contact on the bridge- wire which gives zero deflection of the galvanometer. In making a trial, hold the sliding contact down with a gentle pressure, at a point near one end of the bridge, then depress the battery key just long enough to note the direction of the deflection produced. Make a similar trial near the other end of the bridge, and if the deflection is in the opposite direction, the position sought must lie between these limits. (c.) Leaving the connecting wires in position, interchange the wire and the coil, and make a new determination. The sliding contact will now come on the other side of the center of the bridge, so that its position can readily be found; and the mean of the two results from these observations will be nearly free from small errors due to lack of uniformity in the stretched wire and scale, and to the resistance of the connections. (d) Make a similar pair of determinations for a new length of wire, shorter by a few cm. than the first 25] TESTING EQUALITY OF RESISTANCES. 47 Calculate from each result the resistance of the wire in ohms per cm. Wire cut from the same piece will be used as a known resistance in later experiments, for the determina. tion of small resistances. (e.) Measure the diameter of the wire with the micrometer caliper at several points, and calculate the specific resistance of this sample of German silver that is, the resistance of a piece I sq. cm. in cross-section and I cm. long. This value must not be taken as applying to German silver in general, since different samples vary greatly in specific resistance. 25. TESTING EQUALITY OF RESISTANCES. (a.) Secure the rheostat used in Exp. 23, and with a Wheat- stone bridge apparatus similar to that used in the last experi- ment, compare the resistance of each of the six loops with that of the stretched meter. The stretched meter will then con- stitute the r branch for each case, and the loop used, the x branch. Connections may be readily made by means of the binding-screw plugs which fit the blocks of the rheostat. See that the connecting wires are properly equalized, and use the method of interchange described in Exp. 24 (c). (b) Assuming that the wire on the rheostat is of uniform resistance throughout, calculate the length of each loop, that of the stretched meter being 100 cm. (c.) For each of the combinations of loops used with the voltmeter, calculate the true length of wire, in terms of the above results, and the true position of the slider on this length for each reading. Then reduce the position of the slider to what it would have been had the true length been 400 cm., by proportion. A correction of less than I cm. on any one loop may be disregarded. Plot the results, using as abscissae the corrected lengths of wire in the main circuit with which the voltmeter was in 48 CALIBRATION OF RHEOSTAT. [26 parallel, and as ordinates the corresponding deflections of the voltmeter. If the galvanometer obeys the tangent law, show that the plot should be very nearly a straight line, so that any ordinate will be proportional to the corresponding E. M. F. Show how to convert this relative calibration curve into an absolute one, which will read E. M. F. in volts, by means of the deflection corresponding to the known E. M. F. of the Daniell cell. 26. CALIBRATION OF RHEOSTAT. The bridge apparatus here used is a more compact form, in which only 50 cm. of the wire is stretched along a scale, the remainder of the meter being made up of two portions of 25 cm. each which may be connected to the first portion by plugs. This connection may be made by means of the two plugs in three different ways, so that the 50 cm. along the scale may be either end or the middle of the meter. The latter arrangement will be most used, and the scale is num- bered to correspond to it. For any combination, the terminals of the meter are evidently the blocks which are not connected by a plug, and the binding-screw plugs should be inserted in these blocks, to replace the binding-screws at the ends of the wire in the ordinary form. A rheostat is furnished, the coils of which have nominal resistances of I, 2, 2 and 5 ohms. Determine as accurately as possible the resistance of each of these coils, using as known resistances the corresponding coils on a standard rheostat of similar pattern, which has been carefully adjusted. After finding the resistance of each coil separately, deter- mine that of the four in series as a check. The rheostat which has thus been calibrated will be used for known resistances in the next experiments. 27] RESISTANCE OF GALVANOMETER COILS. 49 27. RESISTANCE OF GALVANOMETER COILS. Spools are provided whose resistances are equal respectively to those of the 5o-turn and the 5-turn coils on tangent gal- vanometer No. 6. Determine accurately the resistance of these spools. The resistance of the 5-turn coil is so small that the ordinary method can not be relied upon to give good results, since the resistance of the connections is here relatively important. In such cases a substitution method may be employed to advantage. Set up the bridge with the spool as the r branch, and a piece of German silver wire for x, of a length which will bring the slider to a position near the middle of the bridge. Adjust the slider accurately for balance. Then remove the spool and substitute for it a piece of the No. 19 wire, whose resistance per cm. is known, stretching it between the same binding-posts which held the spool, so that the connections are exactly as before. With the slider in the same place, adjust the length of wire between the binding-posts until balance is again obtained. It is then evident that the resist- ance of the length of wire used is exactly equal to that of the spool for which it was substituted. This method should be used always for low resistances, as well as for any work where great accuracy is required, since it entirely elimimites errors due to connections, as well as to faults of any kind in the bridge itself. FQI- the 5x may be varied at will. The wire on the bridge used consists of two equal meters of No. 30 G. S. wire, one of which is coiled at one end of the board and the other stretched along the scale. The measurements are of course to be taken on the stretched wire simply. Make several determinations on different parts of the wire, by varying r\x. CAUTIONS. Handle the wire with great care. On account of its small diameter it is easily stretched or broken. Do not press down on the contact. The weight of the slide is sufficient to secure good contact, and any additional pressure may injure the wire. Do not slide the contact along the wire. Always raise the slide before moving it. (b.) Make another series of determinations, using the 2-ohm spool in place of the i-ohm. (c.) From all of the results, calculate the average resistance per cm. of the wire.' The same wire is to be used in the next experiment. 30] ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. 53 30. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. Uae the same wire as in the preceding experiment. The two wires, used by the two sets of observers, and the 5o-turn coil of the tangent galvanometer, should be connected in series with two cells of the storage battery, giving an electro- motive force of about four volts. Ask for storage battery connection. Do not disturb the galvanometer in any way. If it is out of order ask for assistance. Its reduction factor, accurately determined for its present position, is given. Form a parallel circuit to the wire, consisting of one of the Leclanche cells bearing the number of this experiment, and a Wheatstone galvanometer. Connect one terminal of this circuit to the sliding contact, the other to the key at one end of the board, so that depressing the key will connect the parallel circuit to the coiled end of the bridge-wire. There is an E. M. F. of about 2 volts distributed along the wire. Therefore an E. M. F. equal to that of the Leclanche, which is less than two volts, exists between the end of the wire and some point along it. If the sliding contact be placed at this point, and if the + terminal of the Leclanche be con- nected to the same end of the wire as the + terminal of the storage battery, then there will be no current through the parallel circuit. If the Leclanche be connected in the opposite direction, however, there will always be a current through the parallel circuit, for any position of the slider; and this current wjU obviously be always in the same direction. (a.) In making a test, set the slider at the desired point on the wire, then depress the key at the end of the board just long enough to determine the direction of the deflection produced. A long contact will cause polarization of the Leclanche, and also disturb the current in the main circuit which is being 'used by the other observers. 54 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE. [30 Determine first whether the Leclanche is properly con- nected. Then adjust the slider until the galvanometer indi- cates zero current, and read its position. Read the tangent galvanometer, reversing its deflection as usual. This reading, as well as the final careful adjustment of the slider, should be made when the other pair of observers are not making trial adjustments which will disturb the main current. ($.) From Ohm's law, calculate the E. M. F. between the end of the wire and the sliding contact, which is equal to that of the Leclanche. Make sure that this method is well understood before going on, as mistakes with the standard cell might be dangerous. (c.) Repeat with the standard cell furnished. This is a cell used as a standard of electromotive force. Its constancy depends upon careful handling, and upon having only minute currents sent through it. The 1 terminal coming from the upper end of the cell is the zinc or negative, corresponding to the zinc of the Leclanche. Knowing also that the E. M. F. is very nearly one volt, it will be possible by a little calculation to set the slider very near to the true point at the start. Never use a standard ceil without such a preliminary test with an ordinary cell. If it is impossible to approximate closely to the true position of the slider, a resistance of several thousand ohms should be included in series with the cell to protect it against currents of dangerous strength. (*/.) How could the E. M. F. of any cell be determined in terms of the known E. M. F. of the standard by this method, without using the tangent galvanometer? Determine in this way the E. M. F. of a bichromate (Grenet) cell, if one is to be had. In using this cell, the zinc should be lowered into the acid only while a current is wanted. (e.) If there is time, let each set of observers determine, as in (c), the E. M. F. of the standard previously used by the other. 3 1 ] BATTERY RESISTANCE. 55 A wire or other resistance used as in this experiment is called a potentiometer. 31. BATTERY RESISTANCE. Let Ebe the E. M. F. of a cell measured when it is sending no current, as in the last experiment. Let e be the E. M. F. measured between its terminals when it is sending a current c through an external resistance r. Then in this latter case, E is evidently the E. M. F. which sends the current c through the whole resistance in circuit, including that of the battery; while e is the E. M. F. which sends the same current through the external resistance r. Then calling the resistance of the battery b, E=c(r+fy, e=cr. From these equations b can be found if E and e are known, and either c or r. In this experiment we use known resistances. Use a Daniell cell and resistance box, and measure the E. M. F.'s on a potentiometer supplied with current from storage battery. The potentiometer is thus used as a voltmeter. Ask for storage battery connections. (a.) Determine the E. M. F. of the Daniell by comparison with one of the standards whose value was determined in the last experiment. Use the Daniell first, remembering that its E. M. F. is about i.i volts, in order to get the con- nections right and the slide at about the right point, for the standard. The result here obtained for the Daniell is evidently the value of E required. .(.) Having the Daniell connected to the potentiometer as at first, connect its terminals also to those of the resist- ance box, using connecting wires of low resistance. The potentiometer may now be used as a voltmeter, to determine the E. M. F. existing between the terminals of the cell while it is sending a current through the known resistance in the 56 CALIBRATION OF A COPPER-WIRE THERMOMETER. 1.32 box. In this way find the values of e for a number of resist- ances, from 10 units down to 0.5. After each determination, disconnect the resistance box and test the value of E. The reading with the standard cell should be repeated at about the middle of the series, and again at the end, in order to make sure that the storage battery current has remained constant throughout. (c.) Calculate the resistance of the battery, and also the current flowing through it, for each case. (d.) Plot the results obtained in (c\ so as to show the relation between the resistance of the cell and the current passing through it. 32. CALIBRATION OF A COPPER-WIRE THERMOMETER. The electrical resistance of all conductors changes with change of temperature, and for pure metals the change is found to be very nearly proportional to the change of tem- perature. In this experiment the rate of change of resistance with temperature is to be determined for a copper wire, which may then be used as a thermometer if necessary. If the calibration curve be a straight line, it is evident that the thermometer can safely be used for temperatures beyond the limits of the mercury thermometer. Another advantage of this form of thermometer is that the average temperature of any body may be determined very accurately, when it is not at a uniform temperature throughout, by distributing the copper wire uniformly around or through it. The wire used is No. 32 insulated copper, of about 4 ohms resistance, wound on a sheet of mica, its terminals soldered to No. 22 lead-wires. A spool is furnished on which are wound two equal resistances. If these be made the branches p and q of a 32] ' CALIBRATION OF A COPPER-WIRE THERMOMETER. 57 bridge arrangement in which the thermometer is the branch x and the bridge-wire, measured from one end to the sliding contact, is the branch r, then it is evident that if r can be adjusted, by means of the sliding contact, so as to give no current in the galvanometer circuit, the resistance in r is exactly equal to that of the thermometer wire, and its lead- wires. In order to eliminate the effect of these leads, a pair of " compensating leads," consisting of a simple loop of wire of the same size and length as the thermometer leads, is wound with them, so that the resistance of the two pairs of leads will be the same under all circumstances. If these compensating leads be put in r, in series with the bridge- wire, the resistance of the bridge-wire in r will then be equal to that of the No. 32 wire of the thermometer simply. The two 25 cm. lengths on the bridge need not be used. The 50 cm. along the scale is to be extended by a spool k equal in resistance to 250 cm. of the wire, so that the actual length of wire up to the sliding contact is the length on the scale added to 250. In setting up the arrangement, notice that the point a is the junction of one thermometer lead with one end of the spool carrying/ and q, b is the binding-screw on the sliding contact, to which the other end of the spool is attached, c is the junction of the second thermometer lead with one of the compensating leads, the other being connected to the coil k at the end of the bridge, and d is the junction of p and q. The thermometer leads are tied with a piece of twine near the ends, to distinguish them from the compensating leads. (a.) Use a kettle for a water-bath in which to immerse the 5# STUDY OF POLARIZATION EFFECTS. [33 copper thermometer and the attached mercury thermometer. Record the position of the slider for temperatures at intervals of about 5 through the range from 20 to 40. For each reading keep the temperature steady, within o.i, and the bath well stirred until the position of the slider for balance remains constant, showing that the wire has attained the same temperature as that indicated by the thermometer. Take care to make the contacts in the battery circuit as short as possible, in order to avoid heating the thermometer wire by the testing current. Take a similar series of descending readings, at about the middle points of the temperature intervals previously used. (&) Plot the observations, using temperatures as abscissae and changes in position of slider as ordinates, each on as large a scale as the paper will permit. The calibration curve for the mercury thermometer used will be furnished on application. Since the length of the bridge-wire is always proportional to the resistance of the thermometer wire, changes in position of the slider will be proportional to corresponding changes in that resistance; and a knowledge of the actual resistance of the wire is unnecessary. (c.) Calculate the coefficient of increase of resistance per degree, in terms of the resistance at o. (.) Leaving the resistance disconnected, take readings of E at 5-minute intervals for about 45 minutes. At some time during this interval, secure if possible the Leclanche cell whose E. M. F. was determined in Exp. 30, and by getting the voltmeter deflection corresponding to its E. M. F., obtain a factor for reducing your readings to volts. Why could not a standard cell, whose resistance is about 1,000 ohms, be used for this purpose? (/".) Plot a curve with times as abscissae and corresponding values of E as ordinates, for the whole time of the experiment. Remember that during the first part the 5-minute intervals only are to be counted. Calculate, as in the last experiment, the resistance of the ceil from each pair of values of e and E, tabulate the results, and show that for this purpose the scale-readings correspond- ing to E and e may be used without knowing their values in volts. 34. WRITTEN EXERCISE ELECTRICITY. (i.) Arrange the details of a method for calibrating the sensitive galvanometer whose resistance was determined in Exp. 28, using your tangent galvanometer to determine the strengths of the currents used, and dividing these currents so as to send known fractions through the sensitive galvanometer. The curve obtained should read amperes directly. Will this probably be a tangent curve? (2.) Having given this calibration curve for the sensitive galvanometer, show how you could use it as a voltmeter. 35-36] INDEX OF REFRACTION. 6 1 (3.) Show that the scale readings in Exp. 23 are only approx- imately proportional to the tangents of the corresponding angles of deflection, using the simple law of reflection at a plane mirror. (4.) Show that the Carey Foster method could be used to find the difference between two nearly equal resistances, A and B. (5.) Show how to modify the copper- wire thermometer apparatus in 32 so that it will be capable of reading to o.ooi through a range of 5. 35-36. INDEX OF REFRACTION. (Two Periods.) A small piece of plate glass is set vertically, with its upper edge horizontal, at the center of a rotating table. The arm to which the glass is directly attached, by means of soft wax, can be turned independently of the table, but moves with the table when the latter is rotated. A millimeter scale is placed with its divisions vertical, in such a position that when a telescope at the same height as the upper edge of the glass is focused on the scale, its divisions will be seen partly through he glass plate, and partly above its upper edge. The scale should be normal to the line of sight, with its middle division, marked zero, behind the middle of the glass plate. Set the eye- piece of the telescope so that the cross- wires are at an angle of 45 with the vertical, and with their intersection on the zero line above the glass. The image seen in the telescope will then consist of two parts, one formed by light coming through the glass plate, the other by light coming through the air above the plate. These two images will appear to coincide when the plate is normal to the line of sight ; but when the plate is rotated in either direction about a vertical axis, one portion of the image is displaced with reference to the other. For a certain angle of rotation, 62 INDEX OF REFRACTION. [35-36 the lines of the scale will again appear to be continuous, instead of broken. This evidently means that one portion of the image has been displaced with reference to the other by I mm. Continuing the rotation, the lines of the scale will again appear to be continuous for displacements of 2, 3. etc., mm. In the figure, PBOT repre- sents the path of the pencil, from the scale to the tel- escope, by which part of one scale division is seen through the glass; QAOT, that by which part of the adjacent division is seen above the glass. The two paths co- incide after leaving the glass, so that the two parts of the two lines appear to coincide and form one line in the image. / is thickness of plate. d is distance which one image is displaced with reference to the other. i is angle of incidence (or emergence). r is angle of refraction. The index of refraction is to be obtained from the formula n = s'm z/sin r. All of the above quantities will be determined directly, except r, which can be obtained from the relation tan r=tan i- (d/t cos i). Show the truth of this relation from the figure. (a.) To determine the values of i corresponding to displace- ments of i, 2, 3, and 4 mm. Either the arm to which the glass is attached, or the whole table, can be rotated by the observer at the telescope by means of a wooden rod with a peg at the end, which can be set in one of the holes made for the purpose. 35-36] INDEX OF REFRACTION. 63 Although i may be observed directly, a better result will be obtained by measuring 21. To do this, set the plate so that a displacement of I mm. in one direction is obtained, then read the angle through which the table must be rotated to cause an equal displacement in the other direction. It will soon be seen that the accuracy of a single setting is not very great, so that it is desirable to average a large number of settings. This can be done without reading each setting, as follows: Set the circle so that the index reads zero ; set the glass, by means of the movable arm, to give a displacement of I mm.; turn the table until an equal displacement in the opposite direction is secured; leaving the table in this position, turn the glass back to its original position by means of the movable arm; again turn the glass into its second position by means of the table. It is evident that each time the operation is repeated, the table is turned through an angle 2t; and thus any number of observations may be automatically added. Make a series of determinations in this way until the sum of the angles reaches three or four times 360. The final reading should be taken at a point as near to the zero of the circle as possible, which will reduce the effect of errors in the graduation or mounting of the circle. The second observer should note the number of settings made, and the number of times the zero of the circle passes the index. Calculate the mean value of i for the series. In this way let each observer make a determination of i for each displacement of i, 2, 3, and 4 millimeters. (.) To determine /, by means of the OPTICAL LEVER. The optical lever is a short lever of brass resting by three points on a bed-plate of brass. Two of the points, at one end, rest in minute conical depressions in the bed-plate, which keep them in definite position, and serve as the fulcrum of the lever. The perpendicular distance from the third point to the line joining these two points is the effective length of the lever. 64 INDEX OF REFRACTION. [35~36 The distance through which the third point is raised when any object is placed under it, or the thickness of the object, is to be calculated from the length of the lever and the angle through which it is rotated. This angle is to be measured by means of a modification of the telescope and scale method. A scale is set in a vertical position at a distance of 75 to 100 cm. in front of the mirror which is attached to the lever. A slider attached to the scale is pierced with a small round hole, and has on the side toward the mirror a horizontal line whose direction passes through the center of the hole. Adjust the relative positions of scale and lever so that when the slider is at the proper height, the reflected image of the horizontal line can be seen in the mirror, on looking through the hole. Adjust the slider until the image of the line appears to bisect the small round ink-spot near the center of the mirror. The adjustment can be made more closely if the eye be held a short distance from the hole, and so that the spot on the mirror appears to be exactly in the center of the hole. It is now evident that the normal to the mirror, at the center of the spot, passes through the center of the hole. The scale should now be vertical, and the normal to the mirror horizontal, that they may form two sides of a right triangle. Adjust the former by sighting on window casings or other convenient vertical lines. Test the latter by measur- ing from the table the height of the line on the slider and of the spot on the mirror, and make any necessary adjustment by means of the screw to which the third point is attached. Having these adjustments made, read the position of the slider by means of the index. The thickness of the plate is only needed over the portion actually used in (a). The settings made should therefore be confined to this portion, and should cover it with some attempt at uniformity, so that the mean thickness of the plate as used will be determined. 37-38] SPHEROMETER. 65 Carefully lift the third point of the lever, and insert the plate, letting it rest on the three projections from the bed- plate. See that the two points at the other end of the lever have not been disturbed from their position, then adjust and read the slider as before. Make several settings of the slider for different points over the desired area of the plate, then remove the latter and check the zero reading. Measure the horizontal distance from the line on the slider to the face of the mirror, and calculate the mean angle through which the lever has been rotated. Repeat for at least two other distances of the scale from the mirror. Note that if the distance be made just I meter, the difference between the two readings of the slider gives the tangent of the angle directly. Calculate the mean angle from the whole series. To find the length of the lever, lay it on the table with the points up, and lay on them a half-millimeter scale ruled on glass, ruled side down. Set the two points at one end of the lever in the long zero division, and read the position of the third point as closely as possible with a magnifying glass. This evidently gives the desired distance, since the zero divi- sion is perpendicular to the length of the scale. This gives all the data needed for calculating the thickness of the working portion of the glass plate. (c.) Calculate the index of refraction of the glass, from each pair of values of i and d obtained in (a\ and find the mean of these results. 37-38. SPHEROMETER. (Two Periods.) * Radii of Curvature of Lens Surfaces. PRELIMINARY. Testing vernier calipers. Secure the billiard ball whose volume was determined in Exp. 5, and from that volume find the mean diameter of the 66 SPHEROMETER. [37~38 ball (Whiting's Tables, 3H). This gives a standard of length whose value is independent of any direct measurement on a scale. (See Whiting, p. 72.) By measuring the diameter of the ball with the vernier calipers, the scale of the calipers may be compared with this standard. As the ball is not a perfect sphere, it will be necessary to measure a number of diameters in different directions, uni- formly distributed, in order to get a result which may be compared with the diameter calculated from the volume. In order to get a uniform distribution of the measurements, draw lightly in pencil on the ball two great circles at right angles, and a third* perpendicular to both. The intersections of these will give three diameters, and points on each circle midway between the intersections will give six more. Four others may be taken connecting the centers of the triangles into which the surface has been divided. Only one pair of calipers is available, so that while one set of observers is using it, the other should be taking the spher- ometer readings in (a) and (b). In using the calipers, great care should be taken not to strain the jaws. Ask for special directions as to the necessary precautions. Make a coarse adjustment by taking hold of the movable jaw (not the small slide attached to it) and sliding it along the scale. Then clamp the small slide, and make the final adjustment by means of the slow-motion screw, turning it until the object is touched lightly by both jaws, but not held firmly between them. To set on a given diameter of the ball, hold it with one marked end of the diameter against the fixed jaw, just inside the end. Then adjust the movable jaw until, on moving the ball slightly back and forth, it just grazes the corresponding point on this jaw. Never clamp the ball so tightly that its weight can be supported by the calipers. The accuracy of the results will depend largely on the uniformity of the pressure with which these settings are made. 37-38] SPHEROMETER. 6/ After making the settings on the ball, close the movable jaw up against the fixed jaw with as nearly as possible the same pressure used on the ball, and determine the zero error. If any is found, allow for it on the measurements taken. Find the factor by which the mean diameter in terms of the caliper scale must be reduced to the calculated value, and if this factor differs from unity by an appreciable amount, use it in future work. (a.) Pitch of spherometer screw. A rotating arm is provided which slips over the point of the spherometer screw. By means of this, adjust the upper brass ring so that its axis coincides with the axis of rotation of the screw, and clamp it in that position by means of the small clamp-screws underneath. Fasten a small piece of plate glass to a larger piece with soft wax, making sure that the surfaces are clean and accurately in contact. Set the plate on the ring of the spherometer, with the attached piece downward, and while holding it down with one hand, turn the screw upward by means of the milled head underneath the disk. Never turn the screw by means of the disk itself. The screw turns very easily, so that the moment of contact can be felt, and care should be taken not to strain the screw by turning beyond this point. Find the number of turns of the screw corresponding to the thickness of the piece of glass at two selected points near its edges, by setting the screw first on the selected points, and then on the plate when the piece has been removed. Measure the thickness of the piece at each of the two points, making several settings of the calipers in each case. Calcu- late the pitch of the screw, or the distance in centimeters which its point advances for one revolution. Also measure with the calipers the internal diameter of the upper ring on the spherometer, and check the measurement with the glass scale used in the last experiment. The radius 68 FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. [39 of this ring, which is the perpendicular distance from the axis of the screw to the inner edge of the ring, is called the " Span" s of the spherometer. When you have finished with the calipers wipe them care- fully with a dry cloth before putting them in the case, to guard against rust. (b.y Set the ball in the ring of the spherometer, and bring up the screw as in (a) against its lower surface. In this way make a setting on each of the previously marked points, in order to find the mean distance d from the point of the screw, when thus resting against the surface of the ball, to the plane of the upper surface of the ring. To calculate the diameter of the ball from these data, con- sider a section of the ball made by a plane through the common axis of the screw and the ring. In this figure, if D be the vertical diameter of the ball, show that s 2 = d(D-d) If the value of D, calculated from this formula, agrees closely with the value first obtained from the volume, it is evidence that the constants of the spherometer have been accurately determined in terms of your absolute length standard, and that the method of calculation is well understood. (<;.) Find the radius of curvature of each surface of the given lens from a number of readings on different parts of the surface. The same lens is to be used in several succeeding experi- ments. When not in use it should be kept in the rack pro- vided for the purpose. Be careful at all times to avoid scratching the surfaces of the lens in using. 39. FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. The focal length of the lens is first to be determined by the method of conjugate foci. Fix the lens on one of the slides 391 FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. 69 of the optical bench, which is fitted to hold it. A large screen., at one end of the bench is fitted with fine threads stretched across a small hole, to serve as objects. The similar threads stretched across the hole in the small screen on the second slide of the bench are used to locate the image, formed by the lens, of the object. Move the two slides as near to the large screen as the bench will allow, and adjust the two screens so that the cen- ters of the openings and the center of the lens shall be on the same> straight line parallel to tl.^ bench. The centers will then remain on this line as the slides are moved. This adjustment can be made well enough by eye, or by rough measurement from the bench. (a.) For each observation, the distance of the lens from each screen is needed; and it is evident that these distances can not be directly obtained by reading the positions of the slides on the meter scale. To provide the means of getting the true distances from any set of readings, set the slides at any convenient positions, read their indices, and measure with a beam caliper the distance from each set of threads to the corresponding lens surface. Take three sets of measurements for different positions of the slide. The lens is assumed to be a thin lens, or one whose thick- ness may be neglected. The approximation arising from this assumption will be less, for the double convex lens used, if the measurements are made from the center instead of from the surfaces. The thickness of the lens, for this purpose, can be measured with sufficient accuracy as follows: Put two small wooden blocks on the two slides, setting them so that the adjacent surfaces are in contact, and read the distance between the indices. Then separate the slides, insert the lens between the blocks, and read the distance again. (.) Bring the image screen back nearly to the opposite end of the bench from the object, and bring the lens toward it until, 7O FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. [39 on looking toward the lens from about 30 cm. behind the image screen, the image of the object is seen through the hole in the screen. Adjust the lens then until the image seems to be in the same plane as the threads in the screen^ tested by seeing that there is no parallax between the two on moving the eye from side to side. To make a closer adjustment, hold a magnifying glass so that the threads are clearly seen. If the image be not in the same plane, it will not be clearly in focus at the same time, and any remaining parallax will be magnified. Find the object, distance u. Leaving the lens where it is, so that u will remain the same, move the image screen and then readjust it. Practice in this way until settings can be made which agree within I or 2 mm. r then from the mean of several settings find the image distance v^ Move the lens toward the object until, by rough trial, v is found nearly equal to u. Then determine n and v as before. (c.) Lay off on co-ordinate paper the first pair of values of u and v along the axes of X and Y respectively, on a scale as large as possible, and connect the two points by a straight line- Do the same for the other pair of values. Draw the lines accurately, with a fine pointed hard pencil. Write the equation of either of the lines, and show that if i/v+ i/u= i/f, the point, each of whose co-ordinates is/, will lie on this line, and hence will be the point of intersection of two such lines. It will of course also lie on the line making an angle of 45 with each axis. Draw this 45 line. Then the best value of / will be found by locating the point which represents the average of the points in which the ?/, v lines intersect the 45 line. Find several additional pairs of values of u and v, choosing them so that the resulting lines will cover as wide a range in direction as possible, and use the average from all. For some 4] FOCAL LENGTH OF LENS. /I of them, v should be made greater than u, so as to give a magnified image. If this magnified image is indistinct, so that it is difficult to make an accurate setting, cut a hole about I cm. in diameter in a piece of paper, and put it in front of the lens so that only the central portion of the lens will be effective in forming the image. (d.~) Move the opening in the piece of paper out near one edge of the lens, so that the image is now formed by a portion of the lens away from the center. Determine the focal length as in (c) for this part of the lens. Then explain the advan- tage of a diaphragm with a small central opening for securing a distinct and definite image ; and see also that in looking at the image with the eye, the image formed by any desired portion of the lens can be seen by holding the eye in the appropriate position. The office of the diaphragm in this case is merely to make it certain that the eye sees the desired image and no other. 40. FOCAL LENGTH AND INDEX OF REFRACTION FOR RED AND BLUE LIGHT. Since the focal length of a lens depends upon its index of refraction, which varies for different wave-lengths, it is evident that the value of/ determined in the last experiment was an average value for the brighter portion of the spectrum of the light used. In order to determine f for two fairly definite colors of the spectrum, red and blue, put in front of the object threads a piece of blue glass, which, it will be remembered, transmits some red light as well as blue. Illuminate the threads by a kerosene lamp placed behind them. This light, being richer in red as compared with blue than ordinary day- light, will give more nearly equal brightness in the red and blue transmitted by the glass. We will now have two images /2 INDEX OF REFRACTION OF A LIQUID. [41 formed by the lens one by red and one by blue light. On setting the image-screen and applying the magnifying glass it will be seen that there are two positions of the screen which give a clear image. At one position the threads, and the margin of the aperture in the screen, appear red and the spaces bluish; at the other the threads and margin appear blue and the spaces reddish. Decide as to which image is formed by blue and which by red light, and explain the color phenomena in the two cases. For convenience, the magnifying glass is attached to the image-screen, so that it can be focused on the thread and moved with the screen, or turned one side for a rough setting. (.) Determine, by the method of the last experiment, the focal length of the lens for red and for blue light. Locate both images for each position of the lens, and so carry on both series at once. ($.) From the radii of curvature of the lens surfaces, and/" as found in the last experiment, calculate its index of refrac- tion for the light there used. In the same way, from the data obtained in this experiment, calculate its index of refraction for red and for blue light. 41. INDEX OF REFRACTION OF A LIQUID. (a.) Inclose a little water between a piece of plate glass and the lens previously used, keeping it in place by a cell made from a piece of sheet rubber with a round hole cut from its center. Mount the whole on the optical bench, and determine the focal length of the combination, for daylight. Use the following method: For a given position of the lens, let u + v=/ t the distance between the screens. Then leaving the screens fixed, move the lens to another position, such that u v v and ^ = u. If the 42] INDEX OF REFRACTION OF LENS. 73 first image was reduced, the second will be enlarged; and the distance through which the lens was moved (read directly on the scale) is v v l = v u=a. Show then that /= (/ 2 a*) / 4!. This does not involve any measurements to the lens surfaces, which might be awkward in this case. The plate glass used is of the same piece as that whose index of refraction was determined in Exp. 36. If u above in- clude this plate glass, show how to correct it so as to get the value which u would have in air; and show that this correction should be applied to / as measured above. (&) Calculate the focal length and index of refraction of the liquid lens. 42. INDEX OF REFRACTION OF LENS MICRO- SCOPE METHOD. The measurements to be taken are the same as in the measurement of refractive index of a plate namely, the real thickness, and the apparent thickness, of the lens, both taken along its axis. It is evident that the formula for the plate will not apply here, since the wave-front in the air, after refraction at the upper spherical surface of the lens, will differ in form from that due to refraction at the plane upper surface of the plate. By means of the known relations for refraction at a single spherical surface, show that AB(rAb\ where AB = real thickness of lens n = Ab( -AB\ ^4^ = apparent " r = radius of upper surface. ^ Set the lens, resting on a piece of plate glass, on the stage of the microscope, with its axis as nearly as possible in the axis of the microscope. A little chalk dust rubbed with the finger from a crayon and smeared very lightly on the upper surfaces of the lens and the plate glass, will provide objects on which to focus the microscope. Focus roughly on the 74 WRITTEN EXERCISE. LENSES. [43 upper surface of the lens by sliding the tube in its clamp, then clamp the tube and focus more closely by means of the micrometer screw, which moves the tube vertically. See that the tube is parallel to the screw, and that it can be moved downward through a distance fully equal to the thick- ness of the lens. In making a setting, always move the screw in the same direction to the desired point; and if that point be accidentally passed, turn the screw backward some distance, in order to approach the point again from the original direction. This precaution is! necessary because there is likely to be some lost motion in changing the direction of rotation of the screw. Use the parallax test, as far as possible, to decide whether the image is accurately in the plane of the cross-wires. The pitch of the screw is 0.025 cm. After practicing until settings can be made which agree fairly well, let each observer make a series of settings on (a) the upper surface of the lens, (&) the upper surface of the plate as seen through the lens, and (c) the upper surface of the plate after removing the lens. From these find AB and Ab, and calculate n, the index of refraction. Tabulate all the indices of refraction which have been found. 43. WRITTEN EXERCISE. LENSES. 1. Show how the optical bench, as used in Exps. 39, 40, corresponds to the type of (a) the astronomical telescope, or (b) the compound microscope, according to the position of the large lens with reference to the two screens. 2. Taking either of the cases in (i), trace the light from the object which falls on the effective aperture of the large lens, until it finally forms an image of the object on the retina of the eye; indicating the position and kind of image formed by refraction at each lens of the system. 44] DIFFRACTION GRATING. 75 3. Describe the essential improvements in the working telescope and microscope over the optical bench types. 4. Certain approximations are made in deriving the funda- mental formulae relating to lenses which you have used in Exps. 3942. State these approximations, and show that under the working conditions, their use is justified. 5. Explain the theory of the following method of finding the focal length of a diverging (concave) lens: Threads stretched across an aperture in a screen, and brightly illuminated, form the object o. This is put at one end of an optical bench, next to it a converging lens, then the diverging lens, and at the other end of the bench a plane mirror, facing the object, and with its plane at right angles to the axis of the bench. The lenses are now so adjusted that the light from the object, passing through the lenses to the mirror, and there reflected back so as to again pass through the lenses in the reverse direction, forms an image i of the object on the screen beside the aperture that is, the image is formed in the same plane as the object. If now the diverg- ing lens be re- moved, the con- verging lens will form an image i of the object at some point beyond the place where the diverging lens was. This image may be located by any of the usual methods, and its position was the principal focus of the diverging lens when that was in position. Then of course the distance from this point to the point where the lens was, is its focal length. 44. DIFFRACTION GRATING. A monochromatic light is required. For this purpose use a Bunsen burner with an asbestos cap which can be 76 DIFFRACTION GRATING. [44 soaked in a solution of sodium chloride, so as to give a strong sodium flame. Set in front of this the brass screen, with its plane vertical and the slits horizontal. In use, the light is allowed to shine through one slit on each side of the central vertical line of the screen, the third slit being covered. The grating is to be mounted in a slide on a meter rod, with the ruled surface toward the screen and the lines parallel to the slits. The rod is to be supported by a clamp so that it will carry the grating along a line perpendicular to the screen at the lower slit. On looking at the slits through the grating, a series of diffracted images of each slit is seen. The two sets of images move relatively to each other as the grating is moved back and forth; and a position of the grating may be found for which one of the images in one set appears to form a continuous line with one in the other set. If the lines do not quite meet, it is evidence that the lines of the grating are not quite parallel to the slits. (a.) Using the two slits which are closer together, set the grating so that the first image of one slit coincides, in the way above indicated, with the first image of the other slit, at the point half-way between the two slits. Make a number of settings, and for the mean of these settings determine the distance of the ruled surface of the grating from the screen. (&) Repeat (a), using the second diffracted image of each slit, instead of the first. (