673 G55m Ghflmberlain Southern Branch of the University of California Lo8 Angeles f CT3 *? This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MAY 3 1921 9661 8 I iiVW MAR 7 1930 m ft MAY 1 ^^34 Tf 6 6 1935 ^JUW x« idlft A9«^ 3in-8,'20 ^Jtr» STATE nOSriAL SCHOOL, METHODS IN PLANT HISTOLOGY METHODS IN PLANT HISTOLOGY BY CHARLES J. CHAMBERLAIN, Ph.D. Instructor in Botany in the University of Chicago e/3 2. CHICAGO Wqz "ClnlversftB of Cbfcaoo press 1901 8\3^ COPYRIGHT, I9OI BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ^^ y STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, QK C35.-VV PREFACE. This book has grown out of a course in histological tech- nique conducted by the author at the University of Chicago. The course has also been taken by non-resident students through the Extension Division of the University. The Methods were published over a year ago as a series of articles in the Journal of Applied Microscopy, and have called out numerous letters of commendation, criticism, suggestion, and inquiry. The work has been thoroughly revised and enlarged by about one-half. It is hoped that the criticism and suggestion, and also the expe- rience gained by contact with both resident and non-resident students, have made the directions so definite that they may be followed, not only by those who work in a class under the supervision of an instructor, but also by those who must work in their own homes without any such assistance. More space has been devoted to the paraffin method than to any other, because it has proved to be better adapted to the needs of the botanist. The celloidin method, the glycerine method, and free-hand sectioning are also described, and their advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. The first part of the book deals with the principles of fixing and staining, and the various other processes of microtechnique, while in the later chapters these principles are applied to spe- cific cases. This occasions some repetition, but the mere pres- entation of general principles will not enable the beginner to make good mounts. The illustrations and notes in the later chapters are not intended to afford a study of general morphology, but they vi Methods in Plant Histology merely indicate to students with a limited knowledge of plant structures the principal features which the preparations should show. The photomicrographs were made from the author's preparations by Dr. W. H. Knap, and figs. 52, 57, and 59 were drawn by Miss Eleanor Tarrant ; all other figures of plant structures were made from the author's drawings. Corrections and suggestions will be heartily appreciated. Charles J. Chamberlain. Chicago, June I, igoi. CONTENTS. PART I. Pagb Chapter I. Apparatus i Chapter II. Reagents 7 Killing and Fixing Agents 7 Stains 7 Formulae for Alcohols 9 Miscellaneous Reagents 10. Arrangement of the Outfit 10 Chapter III. Temporary Mounts 11 Chapter IV. The General Method 13 Killing and Fixing 13 Washing 14 Hardening and Dehydrating 14 Clearing 16 The Transfer from Clearing Agent to Paraffin 16 The Paraffin Bath 17 Imbedding 18 Cutting 19 Fixing Sections to the Slide 20 Removal of Paraffin 21 Removal of Xylol 21 The Transfer to the Stain 21 Clearing 22 Mounting in Balsam 22 A Tentative Schedule for Paraffin Sections 23 Chapter V. Killing and Fixing Agents , . . 25 The Alcohols 25 The Chromic Acid Group 26 Picric Acid 30 Corrosive Sublimate 30 Formalin - 31 General Hints on Fixing 31 Chapter VI. Staining 33 The Hsematoxylins 34 The Carmines 39 The Anilins 41 viii Methods in Playit Histology Chapter VII. General Remarks on Staining 47 Chapter VIII. Practical Hints on Staining 53 Chapter IX. The Celloidin Method 55 Chapter X. The Glycerine Method 58 PART II. Chapter XI. Thallophytes — Alg^e 63 Cyanophycese ,.,.... 63 Chlorophycese 65 Phseophyceae 73 Rhodophycese 75 Chapter XII. Thallophytes — Fungi 77 Schizomycetes 77 Myxomycetes 78 Phycomycetes 79 Ascomycetes 80 ^cidiomycetes 84 Basidiomycetes 87 Lichens 88 Chapter XIII. Bryophytes — Hepatic^e 89 Chapter XIV. Bryophytes — Musci 97 Chapter XV. Pteridophytes — Filicine^e 103 Chapter XVI. Pteridophytes — Equisetine^e 115 Chapter XVII. Pteridophytes — LycopodinejE 117 Chapter XVIII. Spermatophytes — Gymnosperms 119 Chapter XIX. Spermatophytes — Angiosperms 129 Chapter XX. Labeling and Cataloguing Preparations ... 141 Chapter XXI. A Class List of Preparations . 143 Chapter XXII. Formula for Reagents 149 Index . 157 Part I. CHAPTER I. The following list of apparatus includes a fair equipment for histological work : a microscope magnifying at least 400 diam- eters ; a hand microtome; a sliding microtome ; a razor; a hone and a good razor strop ; a paraffin bath and lamp ; a turn-table ; a scalpel ; a pair of needles ; a pair of scissors ; a pair of for- ceps ; stender dishes; minots or watch-glasses ; a wash bottle ; a graduate (50 or 100 cc); pipettes; slides, 1X3 inches; round covers, 18 mm. or ^ inch in diameter; and square covers, 7^ inch. Long covers, 22 X 50 mm,, will be needed for some of the serial sections. A convenient and effective microscope should have a rack and pinion coarse adjust- ment, a fine adjustment, two eyepieces (about one-inch and two-inch preferred), a low-power objective of two-thirds of an inch or a one-inch focus, a high-power objective of one-fifth or one-sixth of an inch focus, a double nose- piece, an iris diaphragm, and an Abbe con- denser. A cheap and practical form is shown in fig. /, and similar instruments are for sale by all the leading companies. The hand microtome {fig. 2) will be found extremely useful, especially by the busy teacher who has large classes. Any sliding microtome, if kept in good order, will be sufficient for the work to be described in this book, but those of medium size are to be preferred. The student's microtome {figs, j and j A) is quite inexpensive and does good Fig. 2. A convenient form of hand microtome. Methods in Plant Histology Fig. I. A compound microscope, with rack and pinion coarse adjustment, micrometer screw fine adjustment, triple nosepiece, iris diaphragm, and condenser. Apparatus work. Where ex- pense is not an objection the Jung Thoma.the Minot, and other micro- tomes of similar grade are to be preferred. The stout ra- zors our grand- fathers used to shave with are ex- cellent for free- hand sectioning, for hand-micro- tome work, and even for cutting Fig. 3. The student's microtome. Fig. 3 A . Clamp to hold an ordinary razor in the student's microtome. Methods ifi Pla?it Histology paraffin sections on the sliding microtome. The blade should be flat on one side [fig. 4 A). Modern razors [fig. 4 B) with delicate blades, though good to shave with, are worthless for cutting sections of plants. The razor is a necessity; if a micro- tome knife is wanted in addi- tion, it should have a bevel about like that shown in fig. 4 A. F'G-4- Ashortblade.two or three inches in length, is to be preferred to the longer ones, which are much more troublesome to sharpen. There are numerous forms of the paraffin bath. Those with a water-jacket, a thermometer, and a thermostat to maintain an even temperature are the most con- venient where gas is available Fig. 5. A paraffin bath, with water-jacket, designed to be used with a thermostat. Fig. 6. ^, top view; >B, sidev.ew; C", tain the paraffin. id view ; D, box to c {fig. j). As a rule it is easier to keep the temperature constant in the larger baths. A bath which, if care- fully watched, gives the very best results can be made by any tinner, and is very in- expensive. The ac- companying figures show the form and dimensions [fig. 6). It is made of cop- per one thirty-second Apparatus of an inch thick, but thicker copper is as good or better. There should be two boxes to contain the paraffin ; the covers to the boxes should fit loosely. Any kind of a lamp may be used. Stender dishes are now very generally used for staining on the slide. The form shown \xi fig. y A is made just large enough to hold two slides, placed back to back, and . hence requires only a minimum of the reagent. The cap in this form does not fit closely enough to keep absolute alcohol and xylol, but does very well for the other alco- hols and stains. We do not believe that the convex cover is as good as a flat one. The form shown in fig. y B is hoi and xylol, but even with this Fig. 7. A, Naples jar; Z>, stender dish. the best for absolute alco- it is better to put a little vaseline or glycerine on the cover to prevent any evaporation. Wide-mouthed bottles, though not so conveni- ent, give just as good results. A serviceable form of turn-table for glycerine mounts is shown in fig. 8. The other pieces of appa- ratus mentioned need no com- ment. By consulting a catalogue, which will be furnished by any dealer, the beginner can determine what he needs to buy, and what he can find substitutes for, if it is necessary to be very economical. CHAPTER II. REAGENTS. It would require entirely too much space even to enumerate the reagents which are occasionally used in a fully equipped university laboratory. The following list includes only those which are used constantly. The Microtomist' s Vade-Mecum by Lee contains very complete formulae for stains and other reagents. The quantities mentioned below indicate about what the average student uses in a three-months' course in methods. Nearly all the stains, however, would last for a year, if properly used. KILLING AND FIXING AGENTS. Commercial alcohol (about 95 per cent.), 2 liters; absolute alcohol, 300 cc; ether, 50 cc; chromic acid, 10 g.; corrosive sublimate, 10 g.; glacial acetic acid, 25 cc; hydrochloric acid, 50 cc; picric acid, 5 g.; chloroform, 50 cc; [osmic acid, i per cent, solution in water, 25 cc. This is extremely expensive, and not necessary except for the most delicate work]. Formulae for making killing and fixing agents from these materials will be given later. STAINS. Only a few of the most important stains are given in this list. In general one should have enough of a stain to stand about two inches high in the stender dish or bottle in which the staining is to be done. The theory and practice of staining will be discussed later. Delafield's Haematoxylin. — To 100 cc of a saturated solution of ammonia alum add, drop by drop, a solution of i g. haematoxylin dissolved in 6 cc. of absolute alcohol. Expose to air and light for one week, then filter. Add 25 cc of glycerine and 25 cc of methyl alcohol. Allow to stand until the color is rather dark. Filter, and keep in a tightly stoppered bottle. The solution 7 8 Methods m Plant Histology should stand for two months before it is ready for use, but, if needed immediately, the " ripening," which is brought about by the oxidation of hsematoxylin into haematin, may be secured in a few minutes by a judicious addition of peroxide of hydrogen, Mayer's Haem-Alum. — Dissolve with gentle heat i g. of haema- toxylin in 50 cc, of 95 per cent, alcohol; add a solution of 50 g. of alum in a liter of distilled water. Allow the mixture to cool and settle ; filter ; add a crystal of thymol to preserve from mold. The stain is ready for use as soon as made, and it keeps well. Haidenhain's Iron Alum-Haematoxylin. — Two solutions are used, and they are never to be mixed : (a) A I ^ to 4 per cent, aqueous solution of ammonia sulphate of iron. {b) A ^2 per cent, aqueous solution of haematoxylin. Cyanin, Erythrosin, Safranin, Gentian Violet. — Numerous formulae are given for these and other anilin stains, but the fol- lowing general formula gives excellent results : Make a 3 per cent, solution of anilin oil in distilled water; shake thoroughly and frequently for a day; add enough alcohol to make the whole mixture about 20 per cent, alcohol. Add i g. of cyanin or erythrosin, etc., as the case may be, to 100 cc. of the solution. Safranin is often used in a strong alcoholic solu- tion, and even with the above formula it is better to dissolve the safranin in strong alcohol before adding it to the mixture. Acid Fuchsin. — Use a i to 2 per cent, solution in water, or 70 per cent, alcohol. Iodine Green. — Use a i to 4 per cent, solution in water or alcohol. A 3 per cent, solution in 70 per cent, alcohol is very good for the vascular system of plants. Mixtures of Fuchsin and Iodine Green. — The following formula is often used for karyokinetic figures : (a) A }i per cent, solution of fuchsin in water. {b) A %, per cent, solution of iodine green in water. Just before using mix {a) and (<^) in various proportions until what is needed for the particular case is found. Orange G. — Use a saturated aqueous solution. Reagetits Eosin. — A I to 5 per cent, solution in water or alcohol. A 2 per cent, aqueous solution is good for material to be mounted in glycerine, but a 2 per cent, solution in 70 per cent, alcohol is better for balsam mounts. The stronger solution may be diluted as needed for special cases. FORMULAE FOR ALCOHOLS. The grades of alcohol in most common use are 35 per cent., 50 per cent., 70 per cent., 85 per cent., 95 per cent., and 100 per cent. The 100 per cent, is expensive, and great care should be taken to keep the bottle well corked or the stender dish closely covered. The following formulae will enable anyone to make the other grades of alcohol from 95 per cent, alcohol and water: 95 35 95 50 95 70 95 85 60 45 25 The above are the formulae for 35 per cent., 50 per cent., 70 per cent., and 85 per cent, alcohol. Any other grade can be gotten in the same way. In the first formula, subtract 35 from 95 ; the result, 60, is the number of cubic centimeters of water which must be added to 35 cc. of 95 per cent, alcohol in order to obtain 35 per cent, alcohol. The mixture contains 95 cc. of 35 per cent, alcohol. If more or less than 95 cc. of the mixture is needed, take proportional parts of 35 and 60. This simple method is a time-saver, but if the bottles or stender dishes are to be filled frequently, it will be a still further saving of time to use a long label [fig. 9) , and, after pouring in the 95 per cent, alcohol, draw a line showing how high it reaches, and then, after pouring in the water, draw another line. The next time it is necessary to fill the bottles merely pour in 95 per cent, alcohol until it reaches the first line, and then pour in water until it reaches the second line. It is not necessary to use dis- tilled water, if pure drinking water is available. Fig. 9. 10 . Methods in Plant Histology CLEARING AGENTS. Xylol is the most generally useful clearing agent yet known. Clove oil, cedar oil, bergamot oil, carbolic acid, and turpentine are all necessary for special purposes. About 200 cc. of xylol, 50 cc. of clove oil, and 25 cc. of each of the others makes a fair outfit to begin with. MISCELLANEOUS. Canada balsam, 25 cc; glycerine, 50CC.; glycerine jelly, 25 cc; 2 per cent, celloidin, 50 cc; 10 per cent, celloidin, 50 cc; hard and soft paraffin, 500 g. each ; gold size, 25 cc; and a small soft brush for ringing glycerine mounts. ARRANGEMENT OF THE OUTFIT FOR STAINING AND MOUNTING. It is best to keep the various reagents in definite positions in order that no time may be lost in hunting for anything. The UiJ^Vj (Uiyr\ U>^^ (h^Wj U%H«tJ (^.^nftU Ur^2\ TcWOa.J (Orony&J L^\J^ \% antheridia. 0, very good stam for the apical cell and for the oogonium. Drawn . . rr^, horn material fixed in development of antheridia and oogonia. The later i per cent, chromic ^ " acid, and stained in stages in the development of antherozoids are Mayer's hsem-aium. brought out more clearly by the safranin-gentian violet-orange, or by cyanin and erythrosin, but here unusual care must be taken not to stain too deeply. Good preparations showing shield, manubrium, capitula, and filaments may be obtained by staining in bulk in alum carmine Thallophytes. AlgcB 73 and then crushing the antheridium under the cover-glass after the specimen is in balsam. {^Fig. 2j.) PHJEOPHYCEiE. The brown algae are almost exclusively marine. The slime, so prevalent in the group, often makes the technique difficult. Ectocarpus. — Fix in chromo-acetic acid (twenty-four hours), wash in fresh water, since the salt of sea water may cause incon- venience in subsequent processes. Stock mate- rial should be passed up A, portion of a branch showing an antheridium, a, and an oogonium, o. B, median longitudinal section of an apical cell. Drawn from a preparation fixed in chromo-acetic acid, and stained in Delafield's haematoxylin. to 70 per cent, alcohol for safe keeping. Eosin or Mayer's haem-alum are good for glycerine mounts. If paraffin sections are to be made, the material must be brought very gradually from absolute alcohol into the clearing agent, and from the clearing agent into the paraffin. {^Fig. 26.) Other filamentous members of the group, as well as the more delicate mem- branous form.s, may be treated like Ecto- carpus. Fucus. — Fucus may be fixed, washed, and preserved like Ectocarpus. It is difficult to get paraffin sections across the whole fertile branch, but elegant sections may be obtained by cutting Fig. 26. Ectocarpus confervoides. From a preparation stained in Mayer's haem-alum, and mounted in glycerine. X 255. in, multilocu- lar sporangium, w, unilocular spo- 74 Methods in Pla?it Histology narrow strips containing a few conceptacles. The safranin- gentian violet-orange combination is good for such sections. For such views as are represented in fig. 2y, C and D, the material should be stained in bulk in borax carmine or alum carmine. The process for borax carmine is as fol- lows : [. Borax carmine, 24 hours. 3. Acid alcohol (2 drops of HCl in 50 cc. of 70 per eent.alcohol),until the color becomes a clear red. This may take an hour or even a day. 3. Seventy to loo per cent, alcohol, 2 hours each. 4. Clear in cedar oil, bergamot oil, or oil of cloves. 5. Tease out the con- tents of the con- ceptacles suffi- ciently to show details, and mount in balsam. Fig. 27. Fucus vesiculosus. A, small portion of plant showing bladders and fruiting branches. One-half natural size. B, transverse section of fruiting branch showing oogonial conceptacles. X 6. C, antheridia and paraphyses. From a preparation fixed in chrorao- acetic acid, stained in borax carmine, teased out and mounted in balsam. X 255. D, oogonium showing five of the eight oospheres. Prepared as in C. The process for alum carmine is the same, except that no acid alcohol is used. Sections like that shown in B are easily cut in celloidin. After staining in borax carmine or alum carmine, imbed in celloidin in the usual way. After hardening the celloidin in chloroform, put the block into 95 per cent, alcohol for two or three hours, and then into Eycleshymer's clearing fluid (equal parts bergamot oil, cedar oil, and carbolic acid), until thoroughly cleared. The block may be left here indefinitely, and sections Thallophytes. AlgcB 75 B may at any time be mounted in balsam as soon as they are cut. Chorda, Lamifiaria, and similar forms may be treated like Fucus. RHODOPHYCEiE. The red algae belong almost exclusively to salt water, -but a few genera are found only in fresh water, usually in running water, and a few forms occur both ^ in salt and in fresh water. The technique is more difficult than in the case of the brown algae. Until some- thing better is suggested, the p same method of fixing and washing may be used as for the brown algae. Picric acid, corrosive sublimate, and ab- / solute alcohol have been tried, but do not give as good results as the chromo-acetic ^ acid or Flemming's fluid. Batrachospermum. — This is a green, fresh-water mem- ber of the red algae. It is not very uncommon in small streams. {Fig. 28.) TViP- rf^llc ar<^ cr. email branches and several cystocarps. X 25. ^, a procarpib i HC CCllb die bU Sllldll branch showing carpogonium (/), and trichogyne (i'), .1 , ., • 1 11 ,1 1-1 with an antherozoid (j) attached. X 255. C, a younger tnat It is naraly WOrtn Wnlle branch showing carpogonlum and trichogyne. X 255. ... , , D, branch with three antherozoids. X 255. to attempt sectionmg them. Very good preparations showing the nuclei may be obtained by staining in Mayer's hsem-alum, or Haidenhain's iron alum-haema- toxylin. After the material is in glycerine ready for mounting, tease out a small portion, and still further dissociate the filaments by tapping smartly on the cover. Material stained in eosin shows the external structure well, but may not bring out the nuclei. Fig. 28, Batrachospermum moniliforme. From a preparation stained in Mayer's haem-alum and mounted in glycerine. A, portion of plant showing 76 Methods in Plant Histology Polysiphonia. — For preparations like those shown in fig. 2g eosin is a very good stain. To get a brilliant coloring, stain for about twenty-four hours, so that the i per cent, acetic acid may be allowed to act for several minutes without making the stain look weak. Wash thoroughly in water. Not the slightest trace of color should be allowed to come out in the glycerine. Sections showing the cen- tral and peripheral siphons and other gross features are easily cut in celloidin. It is not very difficult to cut par- affin sections, but the nuclei are so small and so hard to bring out that such prepa- rations had better be left for the specialist. Fig. 29. Polysiphonia fibrillosa. From a preparation fixed in chromo- acetic acid, stained in eosin. and mounted in glycerine. X 255. A, an antheridium. B, a cystocarp with carpospores. C, tetrasporic branch with tetraspores. CHAPTER XIL THALLOPHYTES. FUNGI. SCHIZOMYCETES. Bacteria. — The methods of modern bacteriological technique are so numerous and so specialized that we must refer to laboratory manuals for instruction in this subject. The method given here will merely enable the student to study the form and size of those bacteria d't^^'^i which are more easily demonstrated. ''^^x-' ■^■^^*^|^"' Foul water at the outlets of sewers / >^ ^ •^ so- '^^. and such places will usually afford an X. 4. "^ "^ ^)^K abundance of coccus, bacillus, spiril- f^^ \ ® ^''' ^^ • R "^JJ" C lum, and beggiatoa forms. Place a drop of the water on a slide, heat it gently until the water evaporates, then stain with fuchsin or methyl violet, f^^"^ ^^^k^ dehydrate, clear in xylol, and mount in balsam {fig. so)- C 3 ^"-J/ " C Fine preparations may be obtained fig. 30. Bacteria. X535. by inoculating a mouse with Anthrax ^.Badllusanthracis, from a paraffin •' " section cut from the liver of a mouse. or some other form, and then cutting ^^^'^^ZT^^^^^^'^ paraffin sections of favorable organs. cTsTolin^str^uV^Ffor a^S-^ Gentian violet with a faint bismark SumTp' 'Frfm"T;rS:ratio''n 1 r i_ 1 11 1 stained in fuchsin. brown tor a background makes a good combination. The following schedule gives good results with Anthrax and many other bacteria : 1. Gentian violet, 5 minutes. 2. Rinse in water a few seconds. 3. Gram's solution (iodine 1 gram, potassium iodide 2 grams, water 300 cc.) until the color is almost or quite black ; this will generally require i or 2 minutes. 4. Ninety-five per cent, alcohol until the color has nearly disappeared. 77 78 Methods in Plant Histology 5. Rinse in water and examine. If the bacteria are well stained, a counter- stain for the background may be added. 6. Erythrosin, 3 or 4 seconds ; or bismark brown 5 or 10 seconds. 7. Ninety-five and 100 per cent, alcohol, dehydrating as rapidly as possible. Not more than 5 or 10 seconds can usually be allowed. 8. Xylol. 9. Balsam. Leptothrix may often be obtained by scraping the inside of the cheek. Beggiatoa, a form with oscillating movements like Oscillaria, is often found in foul water. Its presence may be indicated by whitish patches on the bottom. It is doubtful whether the bacteria possess even a morpho- logical forerunner of the nucleus of higher plants, consequently there need be no disappointment if the larger forms, like some of the Beggiatoas, fail to show a nucleus. MYXOMYCETES. With the exception of a few forms like Fuligo (often found on oak stumps and on oak bark in tan yards), the Myxomycetes are small, and are usually overlooked by collectors. ^Fig.ji.) A careful examination of rotting logs in moist woods will usually reveal an abundance of these delicate and beautiful organisms. They should be pinned to the bottom of a box for safe carrying. For herbarium specimens they are simply allowed to dry, and are C then fastened with glue or paste Myxomycetes. ^^ ^j^^ bottOm of a Small boX. Growing on rotten wood, /i , Hemitrichia rubi- formis. X 20. B, Stemonitis ferruginea. Nat- Plasmodia and voung SDoran- ural size. C, Trichia varia. Xi%. . . . gia may be fixed in chromo-acetic acid or Flemming's fluid. Sections are easily cut in paraffin, and should not be more than 5 ft in thickness, and should be thinner, if possible. Acid fuchsin and iodine green is a good stain. Delafield's haematoxylin used alone or with a little orange G. is also to be recommended. , Excellent methods for Thallophytes. Fungi 79 living cultures were given in the January and February (i numbers of 1\\q Jour?ial of Applied Microscopy. PHYCOMYCETES. Mucor. — This familiar mold appears with great regularity on bread. The following is a sure and rapid method for obtaining Mucor: Place a glass tumbler in a plate of water, put on the tumbler a slice of bread which has been exposed to the air for a day, and cover with a glass jar. To obtain such a series as is shown in A-D of fig. J2, the ma- terial should be studied before the sporangia begin to turn black. The phase in the life-history indi- cated in F-// is rarely seen. The writer would be glad to hear from any who have met this phase, especially if the information could be accompanied by a few zygo- spores. Ci , . . / A-D, successive stages in the development OrrOSlVe sublimate (^4 per of the sporangium. Drawn from living material. , . . . . E, columella with a few spores adhering. F-H, cent.] m 50 per cent, alcohol, stages in the formation of the zygospore. From a preparation fixed in corrosive sublimate, used hot, may be recommended stained in Delafleld's hsematoxylln, and mounted •' in glycerine. as a fixing agent. Haem-alum, or Delafield's haematoxylin, is good for glycerine preparations. Do not stain too deeply. A very satisfactory study may be made from the living material. Cystopus. — This fungus is quite common on Cruciferae, where the white "blisters" or "white rust" form quite conspicuous patches. Affected portions of leaves and stems should be fixed in chromo-acetic acid and cut in parafifin. Sections 5 /* or less in thickness will be found most satisfactory. Safranin-gentian violet-orange seems to be the best stain for differentiating the nuclei. {Fig. 33.) Fig. 32. Mucor stolonifer. X 255. 8o Methods i?i Plant Histology It is more difficult to get good sec- tions of the plant in the oosporic condi- tion. The oosporic phase of Cystopus bliti is easily recognized on Antarantus, where the oospores may be seen with the naked eye by holding the leaf up to the light. While better nuclear staining can be se- cured with chromic or Flemming mate- rial, it will be found somewhat easier to cut material which has been fixed in pic- ric acid (i per cent, solution in 70 per cent, alcohol). Celloidin sections, stained in Delafield's haematoxylin, can be rec- "^^^oT^Tpf^^c ommended for showing the position of Fig. 33. Cystopus candidus .. . , , i • i • 1,1 1 1 on Capseiia. oogonia and anthendia, although such sec- leaT^Ti^s'Ftma'X-atlon' ^ions are too thick to givc satisfactory views fixed in Flemming's fluid and f i.V-„ nnrlpi stained in safranin-gentian vio- *-"■ '■**'- iiui-ici. let-orange. ASCOMYCETES. This group, popularly known as the "sac fungi," contains an immense number of saprophytic and parasitic forms. Yeast, green mold on cheese and leather, leaf curl of peach, black knot of cherry and plum, and the powdery mildews are familiar to everyone. The few objects selected will enable the student to experiment, but he must not be discouraged if success does not crown the first attempt, for the group presents many diffi- culties. Saccharomyces. — Until somewhat recently it was considered rather difficult to demonstrate the nucleus of the yeast cell. With fresh growing yeast the following method by Wager should be successful : Fix in a saturated aqueous solution of corrosive sublimate for at least twelve hours. Wash success- ively in water, 30 per cent, alcohol, 70 per cent, alcohol, and methyl alcohol. Place a few drops of alcohol containing the cells on a cover, and when nearly dry add a drop of water. After the yeast cells settle, drain off the water and allow the Thallophytes. Fufigi 8i cells to dry up completely. Place the cover, or slide, with its layer of cells in water for a few seconds, and then stain with a mixture of fuchsin and methyl green, or fuchsin and methylen blue. Mount in glycerine or in balsam. Eurotium. — For class use or for permanent preparations it is best to select rather y oung£^f^. material which *'"'' shows various stages in devel- opment, from the swollenendof the hypha to the ripe spore [fig. 34) . C D F;g. 34. Eurotium. From material growing on a hectograph pad. Fixed in chromo-acetic , acid, stained in eosin, and mounted in glycerine, ^-^'j successive stages in The nuclei are development, x 375- exceedingly small, and can hardly be demonstrated with eosin. Iron alum-haematoxylin would be better. The following schedule will give good mounts for habit study: 1. Fix in a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate in 50 per cent, alcohol. The addition of i cc. of glacial acetic acid to 100 cc. of this solution improves it. Use it hot. 2. After it cools, transfer to 50 per cent, alcohol and add, a few drops at a time, the iodine solution which is used in testing for starch. At first the brownish color caused by the iodine will disappear, but after a certain amount has been added the brown color will remain. The material is then ready for the next step. 3. Thirty-five per cent, alcohol, 5 minutes. 4. Eosin (aqueous), at least 5 minutes ; a day will do no harm. 5. Put the material into i per cent, acetic acid for 15 seconds to 2 minutes. The material should still have a vivid red color when taken from the acid. 6. Wash in water. Use a considerable volume of water or change the water several times. If the acid is not all washed out, the preparations will fade. 7. Ten per cent, glycerine, and allow the glycerine to thicken. 8. Mount in glycerine or glycerine jelly, and seal. Any of the filamentous fungi — like Mucor, Thamnidiutn, Peronospora, Penicillium, Pythium, Saprolegnia, etc. — can be mounted in this way. Saprolegnia, however, is much more satis- factory if stained in iron alum-haematoxylin. 82 Methods in Plant Histology A very rapid method for the unicellular and filamentous forms may be added : 1. One hundred per cent, alcohol, 2 minutes. 2. Eosin (aqueous), 2 minutes. 3. One per cent, acetic acid, 2 to 10 seconds. 4. Wash in water 5 minutes, changing frequently. 5. Mount directly in 50 per cent, glycerine, and seal. If the material gets through the first four stages without shrinking, but collapses at the fifth, put it into 10 per cent. glycerine and allow it to thicken as usual. Uncinula necator. — The mildews are found throughout the summer and autumn on the leaves of various plants. The lilacmildew( MicrosphcBra alni^ and the mildew on the Virginia creeper {^Uncinula necator) are particularly abundant. For herbarium purposes they may be preserved by simply drying the leaves under light pres- sure. When mounted for examination, the leaf Fig. 35. yl, Uncinula necator on Ampelopsis quinquefolia. should bc SOakcd in WatCr X 192. Four asci containing ascospores have been forced out - . • l Ct. by pressing out the cover. Fixed in hot corrosive sublimate, lOr 3. iCW mmUtCS, alter stained in fuchsin, and mounted in balsam. /?, a conidiospore ; , . , . and C, an appendage of Microsphaera alni, drawn from living whlch the perithCCia may material. X 192. '■ •' be scraped off and mounted in water. The asci may then be forced out by press- ing smartly on the cover. {Fig. 35.) For permanent mounts of entire perithecia with appendages, fix in 3 per cent, formalin twenty-four hours, wash in water one hour, stain in aqueous eosin twenty-four hours, treat with i per JOUR APR MIC. Thallophytes. Fungi 83 cent, acetic acid one minute, wash thoroughly in water, and then transfer to 10 per cent, glycerine, which should be allowed to concentrate as usual. If chromic acid, corrosive sublimate, or alcohol be used for fixing, the appendages become brittle, and very easily break off. However, the chromo-acetic mixtures are better if it is desired to make parafifin sections showing the development of the perithecium with its asci and spores. For this purpose the omnipresent Erysiphe commune on Polygonum aviculare is exceptionally favor- able, because, after the material is fixed and in alcohol, the whole mycelium, with the developing perithecia, may be stripped from the leaf without the slightest difficulty, thus avoiding the necessity of cutting the leaf in order to get the fungus. The safranin- gentian violet -orange combination seems to give the best results, although cyanin and erythrosin are quite satis- factory when the properly balanced. ■V—l^-i- TV/r p i-1 several days in equal parts of gS per cent, alcohol Aylaria. Many forms, like and glycerine, and then imbedded in celloidin. Not Xylaria, Ustilina, Hypoxylon, and Nummularia, in their mature condition, are woody and so extremely brittle that it is almost impossible to cut them. As good a plan as any seems to be to cut sections of the stroma about one-eighth of an inch thick, soak them in equal parts of glycerine and 95 per cent, alcohol, and then imbed them in celloidin in the usual way. They might be cut without imbed- ding, but most of the asci and spores would then be lost. The younger stages, showing the development of perithecia and asci, are more interesting, and can be cut in paraffin and stained with ease {fig- 36). A , transverse section of a young stroma showing stains are PS"*hecia. X 8. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid, stained in bulk in alum carmine, imbedded in celloi- din, and mounted in balsam. B, two asci with spores. X 245. The mature stroma was soaked for Methods i?i Plant Histology Peziza. — The Pezizas and related forms are fleshy, and pre- sent but little difficulty in fixing, cutting, or staining. They are abundant in moist places, on decaying wood, or on the ground. The apothecia have the form of little cups, which are sometimes black and sometimes flesh -colored, but often orange, red, or green. For the devel- opment of ascospores in the ascus, Flem- ming's fluid (weaker solution), followed by safranin-gentian violet-orange, has given the best results with thin sections where the mitotic figures are to be studied. Cyanin and erythrosin is also to be recommended. Such sections should not be- more than 5 /* in thickness. For a general morpho- logical preparation, such as is shown in the figure, it is better to stain in bulk in alum carmine or in Delafield's haematoxy- lin, and then tease out the asci in gly- cerine or balsam. Sections thick enough to show the entire ascus are not usually as satisfactory as such teased preparations. {Fig- 37-) Fig. 37. Peziza odorata. Three asci and many para- physes. X 245. Fixed in cor- rosive sublimate, stained in bulk in alum carmine. Teased out and mounted in balsam. ^CIDIOMYCETES. The .^cidiomycetes comprise the rusts [Uredine<^) and the smuts [UstilaginecB). Puccinia graminis. — The common rusts of wheat and oats are familiar to everyone. The uredospores, or summer spores, known as the red rust, and the teleutospores (last spores), or winter spores, known as the black rust, are found in unfortunate adundance, but the aecidium stage on the barberry is not neces- sary for the vigorous development of rust in the United States, and is seldom found. Most teachers are obliged to depend upon botanical supply companies for this material. There are, how- ever, various aecidia which are as good, or even better, for Thallophytes. Fungi &5 morphological study. The aecidia growing on Euphorbia maculata (spotted spurge), and on AriscEma triphy Hum (Jack-in-the-pulpit) are much easier to cut, and seem easier to stain. Delafield's haematoxylin, followed by a very light stain in erythrosin, is tl/OURAPBMie.. Fig. 38. Puccinia graminis. _A, transverse section of barberry leaf showing secidia and spermagonia. X 7. B, longitudinal section of a single aecidium. X 192. Fixed in Flemming's weaker solution and stained in Delafield's haematoxylin. C, a single sperraagonium. X 192. Fixed and stained as in B. D, three uredospores growing on oats. X 375. Fixed in 2 per cent, formalin, stained in bulk in alum carmine, and teased out in glycerine. E, section of young teleutospores on oats. X 375. Fixed in picro-acetic acid and stained in cyanin and erythrosin. G, F, //, three ripe teleutospores from a leaf of oats showing varia- tion in form. X 375. /. germinating teleutospores. X 375. I I ^ I I Fig. 39. 86 Methods in Plant Histology good for both aecidia and spermagonia, especially after Flem- ming's fluid. It is rather difficult to get good sections of uredo- spores and teleutospores, because the leaves of wheat and oats are refractory objects to cut. The cutting is easier after picro- acetic acid than after corrosive sublimate or the chromic-acid series. {Fig- jS.) Every class which studies the rusts should attempt to germi- nate the uredospores and teleutospores. For this purpose the hanging drop culture may be employed. Cement a rubber or zinc ring to the slide, or simply smear the lower surface of the ring with vaseline and press it tightly against the slide ; smear the upper surface of the ring with vaseline, and over it invert ID the cover-glass with a shallow drop of water containing the spores {fig- 39). The uredo- spores germinate readily all summer, but it is said that the teleutospores will germinate only in the spring following their maturity. However, the teleutospores of many species, like Puccinia xanthii on Xaftthium canaderise (cocklebur), will germi- nate as soon as they ripen and will serve equally well for study. If a particularly good specimen is secured, it may be preserved by the method previously described for desmids, except that in this case it might be worth while to attempt staining with Mayer's haem-alum, or with eosin. The smuts may be studied in the living material. The fol- lowing method, recently described by Ellis, is worth remember- ing : A supply of smutted barley may be obtained by sowing soaked, skinned barley that has been plentifully covered by Ustilago spores. In such material it is easy to trace stages in the development of spores. Free-hand sections of ears about three-eighths of an inch long show the mycelium and spore clus- ters. If smutted ears be removed and kept floating on the water, the spores continue to develop and often germinate. For paraffin sections desirable stages should be fixed in Flemming's fluid or picro-acetic acid. Delafield's haematoxylin, followed by Thallophytes. Fungi 87 a very light touch of erythrosin or acid fuchsin, will give a good stain. For a study of the germinating spores and conidia, cultures may be made in beerwort on the slide or in watch crystals. Harper's method of making preparations from such material is ingenious and will undoubtedly prove valuable in making mounts of various small plant and animal forms, A drop of the material is taken up with a capillary tube and is then gently blown out into a drop of Flemming's weaker solution (fifteen minutes or an hour was sufficient for the fungus spores). Cover a slide with albumen fixative, as if for sections. A drop of the material, without previous wash- ing, is drawn up into the capillary tube and touched lightly and quickly to the surface of the albumen. A series of such drops, almost as small as the stippled dots in a drawing, may be applied to the slide. The fixing agent may Transverse section of a now be allowed to evaporate somewhat, but portion of one of the giiis * snowing a part of the trama, the preparation must not be allowed to dry. ''• and several basidia ,j, r r J each with four sterigmata, As the slide is passed rapidly through the t^^^^ly^TAf^Jl alcohols, the albumen is coagulated, and the ™*''' ^"°* preparation may be treated just as if one were dealing with ribbons of sections. BASIDIOMYCETES. This is an immense group, of which the mushrooms, toad- stools, puffballs, and bracket fungi are the most widely known representatives. Coprinus comatus. — This is the common shaggy-mane mush- room. Cut from the cap pieces about one-fourth of an inch square, and fix in chromo-acetic acid or in Flemming's fluid. Por- tions in which the gills have just begun to turn brown will show the spores still attached to the sterigmata {fig. 40) . If the gills have become dark brown or black, the spores will wash off before the sections can be mounted. Look in portions in which the gills are still white or only slightly changing color for the develop- 88 Methods in Pla?it Histology ment of basidia and spores. The nuclei, although rather small, are brought out nicely by safranin-gentian violet-orange. The same procedure may be observed for other forms of similar con- sistency, like many members of the genera Boletus, Hydnum, Polyporus, Lycoperdon, etc. Leathery or woody forms like Stereum and many species of Polyporus had better be fixed in picro-acetic acid and imbedded in celloidin. Young stages of Cyathus or Crucibulum (bird's-nest fungi) cut easily in paraffin, but the older stages cut much better in celloidin. It is hard to get the very soft, watery forms like Tremella into paraffin without shrink- ing, but sections as thin as lo /u- may be cut in celloidin. While this is too thick to give satisfactory views of such small nuclei, it brings out very clearly the general morphological structures. THE LICHENS. The lichens are usually regarded as diflficult forms. In younger stages they occasion no trouble, but an old apothecium or a leathery thallus often fails to cut well. Difficulties may be minimized by using prolonged periods. The following schedule has proved satisfactory for the thalli and mature apothecia of Physcia, Usnea, Sticta, Collema, Parmelia, and Peltigera: 1. Chromo-acetic acid (medium solution, p. 28), 2 to 4 days. 2. Wash in water, 6 to 24 hours. 3. Thirty-five, 50, 70, 85, and 95 per cent, alcohols, 6 to 24 hours each. 4. One hundred per cent, alcohol, 2 to 4 days, changing 2 or 3 times. 5. Mixtures of alcohol and xylol, i to 2 days. 6. Pure xylol, 6 to 24 hours. 7. Xylol and parafifin on the bath, i to 2 days. 8. Parafifin at 54° to 60", changing once or twice, 3 to 6 days. 9. Imbed in as thin cakes as possible. Cyanin and erythrosin is a very good stain for lichens. The algae stain blue and the filaments of the fungus take the red. Where the association of the alga and the fungus is rather loose, as in Dichonema, more satisfactory mounts can be made by stain- ing in eosin, or haem-alum and eosin, and then teasing slightl}' with needles and mounting in glycerine. CHAPTER XIII. BRYOPHYTES. The Bryophytes, comprising the two groups Liverworts [Hepaticcs) and Mosses [Mtisci] , present a great diversity of structure, some being so delicate that good preparations are very uncertain, while others are so hard that it is difficult to get satis- factory sections. Between these extremes, however, there are many forms which readily yield beautiful and instructive prepa- rations. If but one fixing agent should be suggested for the entire group, it would be chromo-acetic acid with ^ g. chromic acid and ^ cc. acetic acid to lOO cc. of water. - It should be allowed to act for at least twenty-four hours, and probably two or three days would be better. Always make an effort to get the mate- rial into paraffin, using celloidin only as a last resort for refrac- tory structures which resist infiltration and for very delicate structures which persist in collapsing. As one gains in experi- ence and carefulness, the number of cases which seem to demand celloidin will become fewer and fewer. Instead of treating forms in a taxonomic sequence, we shall consider first the gametophyte structures under the headings thallus, antheridia, and archego?iia, and shall then turn our atten- tion to the sporophyte. HEPATIC-S:. Some of the liverworts are floating aquatics, but most of them grow on logs or rocks or upon damp ground. They are found at their best in damp, shady places. Many of them may be kept indefinitely in the greenhouse. Riccia, Ricciocarpus, Marcha?itia, Cofiocephalus, Asterella, and many others vegetate luxuriously, and often fruit if kept on moist soil in a shady part of the greenhouse, and they do fairly well in the ordinary labo- ratory if covered with glass and protected from too intense 89 90 Methods in Plant Histology Fig. 41 A, longitudinal. Ptilidium ciliare. X 420. 8, transverse section of the apex of the leafy gametophyte. Fixed in Flemming's weaker solution, stained in a mixture of acid fuchsin and iodine green. Ten light. The living plants are very desirable, since they not only furnish the best possible material for habit work and the coarser microscopic study, but they also enable one to secure complete series in the development of the various organs. The Thallus. — In many cases it will not be necessary to make a special preparation for the study of the thallus, since prepara- tions of antheridia, archegonia, or sporophytes may include good sections of vegetative por- tions. This is particularly true of forms like Riccia, where the various organs are not raised above the thallus. In forms like J/<2r- chantia, where the antheri- dia, archegonia, and sporo- phytes are borne upon stalked receptacles, it is better to make separate preparations to show the structure of the mature thallus. Sections intended to show the structure of the mature thallus should be 15 ft to 25 /x in thickness, but sections to show the growing point and development of the thallus should not be thicker than 10 /u.. Material showing apical cells and development of the thallus is easily gotten into paraf- fin, even in forms like RicciocarpuSy which in their mature condi- tion are in danger of collapsing. The apical region of the foliose Jungermanniacecs {fig. 41) affords an excellent opportunity for studying the development of the plant body from a single apical cell. If mixtures containing osmic acid are used for fixing, there may be difficulty in the staining, even after using per- oxide of hydrogen. Corrosive sublimate-acetic, Carnoy's fluid, or chromo-acetic acid are better for apical regions. A fairly vigorous staiiiing with a mixture of acid fuchsin and iodine green often brings the walls out very sharply. Chromo-acetic acid, followed by Delafield's haematoxylin or bismark brown, is good for the apical cells and developing regions, but a light counter-stain with erythrosin improves preparations of the Bryophytes mature thallus. After corrosive sublimate-acetic the material maybe stained in bulk with alum cochineal or alum carmine, thus giving fairly good preparations and saving considerable labor. Antheridia. — If you have the material, it is not difficult to get good preparations showing the development of antheridia. In forms like Asterella, Pellia, etc., cut out a small portion of the thallus bearing the antheri- dia. The piece should not be more than a quarter of an inch square, and if it can be smaller, so much the better. For early stages of the antheridia of Marchan- tia select young antheridio- phores which still lie close to the thallus. These readily cut as thin as 5 /*, and a single slide will usu- ally show a more complete series than is represented in the figure of Asterella {fi^. 42), but after the stalk begins to lengthen, the younger stages become infrequent, and it is not always easy to cut thin sections. Dela- field's haematoxylin or bismark brown serves very well for such stages as are shown in the figure. The protoplasm of the young antheridia is so dense that the addition of a counter-stain is almost sure to injure the preparation by obscuring the cell walls. For stages older than that represented in D, showing the devel- opment of the spermatozoid, the paraffin must be rather hard (melting at 55° C. to 65° C.) , and the sections should not be thicker than 5 /a, while 2 /it or 3 /* is best. For such stages use the safranin- gentian violet -orange combination, Haidenhain's iron alum-haematoxylin with or without a faint trace of eryth- rosin or orange G, or use a mixture of acid fuchsin and methyl green. Nothing but practice and patience will bring success in such critical work. Successive stages in the development of antheridia. Fixed in chromo-acetic, stained with Delafield's haema- toxylin. Section lo microns thick. 92 Methods i?i Plant Histology If antherozoids are found escaping, transfer them to a small drop of water on a clean slide, invert the drop o\'er a i per cent, solution of osmic acid for two or three minutes, allow the drop to dry up, pass the slide through the flame two or three times, as in mounting bacteria, and then stain sharply in acid fuchsin. This should show the general form of the an- therozoid, and will usu- ally bring out the cilia. The Archegonia. — The methods for archegonia are practically the same as for antheridia. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of carefully selecting the material. Use very small pieces, and, before pla- cing them in the fixing agent, trim them to such a shape that the position of the archegonia will be accurately known even after the pieces are imbedded in paraffin. For stages like^^. 4J, A and B, Delafield's haematoxylin is a good stain, and lo /u is about the right thickness. For stages like C, in such forms as Marchantia, where the necks are long and often somewhat curved, it is better for general purposes to use sections from 1 5 yit to 20 [i in thickness. If it is desired to obtain preparations show- ing the cutting off of the ventral canal cell, the development of the oosphere, and the process of fertilization, the sections should be from 5 /i to 10 /* in thickness, and the same staining may be used as for the development of antherozoids. For archegonia containing young embryos, like that shown in D, Delafield's haematoxylin without any counter-stain gives beautiful prepara- tions when the staining is well done. It is easier for the beginner Fig. 43. Marchantia polymorpha. X 400. A, three early stages in the development of the archegonia. Delafield's haematoxylin. B, young archegonium showing two- neck canal cells and the central cell before the cutting off of the ventral canal cell. Fuchsin and methyl green. C, mature archegonium just ready for fertilization. Safranin-gentian violet-orange. D, young embryo. Delafield's haematoxylin. Bryophytes 93 to get good preparations with the safranin-gentian violet-orange combination. The Sporophyte. — Sporophytes in early stages of develop- ment often yield good preparations without very much trouble, but in later stages they are frequently difficult to cut on account of the secondary thickening of the capsule wall and the stubborn extine of the mature spores. It is hard to get Ricciocarpus into paraffin without shrinking, and the same thing may be said of other forms which have such loose tissue with large air cavi- ties. For stages like that shown in fig. 44, as well as for older sporophytes, it will be found more uniformly satisfactory to use celloidin, and cut the sections from 20 /x to 30 /A thick. For a study of archegonia, antheridia, young sporophytes, and also for the devel- opment of the thallus, it is better, even in Ricciocarpus natans. ig sporophyte inclosed in the archegonium. Spore mother- cell stage. All the cells of the sporophyte except a single peri- pheral layer (dotted in the figure) produce spores. Fixed in picro- acetic acid and stained in Dela- field's haematoxylin. Celloidin section 30 microns in thickness. forms like Ricciocarpus, to use paraffin. Pro- longed fixing in chro- mo-acetic acid (two to six days), thorough dehydrating, and gradual transfer from alcohol to xylol, and from xylol to paraffin, and also a moderate temperature in the bath (not more than 50" C), will often bring the material through in fine condi- tion. Fig. 45. Pellia epiphylla. A, habit sketch of sporophyte. X 10. B, small portion of sporophyte (at X of ^), showing the capsule wall, the spores, and the elaters. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid and stained in cyanin and erythrosin. Ten microns. 94 Methods in Plant Histology Forms like Pellia cut well in paraffin, especially in younger stages, but even in case of mature sporophytes it is not neces- sary to resort to celloidin. In Pellia and Conocephalus the spores are very large and have a rather thin wall. Both these genera show a peculiar, intrasporal development of the gametophyte, /. e., the gametophyte develops to a considerable extent before it ruptures the spore wall. ( Fig. ^5.) For the older sporophytes of Marchantia it is better not to cut the whole receptacle, but Jou(i./|pp,A|it Fig. 46. Anthoceros laevis. A, longitudinal section of lower portion of sporophyte imbedded in the gametophyte. X 45. B, transverse section of lower portion of sporophyte. X 200. Delafield's hsematoxylin. Ten microns. C, vegetative cell from lower portion of the sporophyte. X 560. Fixed in Flemming's weaker solution and stained in a mixture of acid fuchsin and iodine green. Five microns. D, spore mother-cell showing three of the four chloroplasts with numerous starch grains. The nucleus is in the metaphase of the first division. X 560. Fixed in Flemming's weaker solution, stained in safranin-gentian violet-orange. Five microns. rather to remove the branches so that they may be cut separately. For the very best preparations of mature sporophytes it will pay to trim away the gametophyte structures, leaving only enough to show the foot with a few of the surrounding cells. Sections 5 /a to 10 /i thick can be made without much difficulty from material prepared in this way. Among the Bryophytes no form affords a better oppor- tunity for studying the development of spores than Anthoceros, Bryophytes 95 since a single longitudinal section of the sporophyte may show- all stages, from earliest archesporium to mature spores {^fig. 46) . For studies like A and B, chromo-acetic material cut 10 /u, thick and stained in Delafield's haematoxylin is very good. The starch grains in the chloroplasts take a beautiful violet color with the safranin-gentian violet-orange combination. It is very difficult, however, to bring out the details of nucleus or chloro- plast on account of the minute size of these structures. The drawings from which C and D were reproduced were made with a one-sixteenth oil immersion objective. The drawings, like all the others illustrating the Bryophytes, were reduced one-half by photography. CHAPTER XIV. BRYOPHYTES. MUSCI. Material for a study of the mosses is much more abundant, and a series of stages in the development of the various organs is easily secured ; but it is much more difficult to obtain good preparations, because so many of the structures are hard to cut. Chromo- acetic acid is to be recommended as the most satisfactory fixing agent, but where structures are refractory and very likely to make trouble in cutting, it will often be found more satisfactory to use picro- acetic acid in the 70 per cent, alcohol, since material fixed in this reagent does not become as hard or as brittle as that fixed in any of the chro- mic-acid series. Antheridia. — It is easy to find mate- rial for a study of antheridia, because, Fig. 47- A, archegonia of Webbera candi- ,1 ,1 •!• 1 1 . cans. X 104. Celloidin section. m SO many cases, the anthendial plants Twenty microns. 5, young amheri- can be detected at once without even a Polytrichum . X420. pocket lens. Funaria, with its bunch of antheridia as large as a pin-head, is extremely common everywhere. Spring is the best time to collect it, but it is found fruiting in the autumn and sometimes in summer ; besides, it is easily kept in the green- house, where it may fruit at any time. Bryum proliferiim. has a still larger cluster of antheridia, which may be seen at a distance of several yards. Polytrichum also has a large cluster of anthe- ridia surrounded by reddish leaves, so that the whole is some- times called the moss "flower." In making preparations of Polytrichum these colored leaves should be carefully removed 97 98 Methods in Plant Histology after the material has been gotten into 70 per cent, alcohol. A single antheridial plant of Polytrichum often furnishes a fairly complete series of stages in the development of antheridia. {Fig. 47.) In all cases the stem should be cut off close up to the antheridia, for many of the moss stems cut like wire. It is not necessary to use celloidin for antheridia, nor is it desirable, except where sec- tions from 20 /A to 50 /A thick are want- ed for habit work. Delafield's haema- toxylin is recom- mended for staining. Archegonia. — Since the necks of the archegonia are usually long and more or less curved, it is necessary, for habit work, to cut sections as thick as 20 /i or 30 ft in or- der to get a view of Jm.flw.A1iQ> an archegonium in a sinsfle section. Cel- FiG. 48. Funaria hygrometrica. endotheciu )elafield microns. B, C, and D, transverse sections age as .^, taken at three different levels. X 255. Ten microns. and amphithe- A,3ipex of young sporophyte showing < X 420. Chromo-acetic acid and Delafield's haematoxylin. Ten loidin mav be USCd of a sporophyte of the same -^ for such prepara tions, but for the development of the archegonium, the oosphere, the canal cells, and also for the process of fertilization, it is better to use paraffin. For the thick celloidin sections the material may be stained in bulk in alum cochineal, but thin paraffin sec- tions should be stained on the slide with more critical stains. {^^^- 47-) The Sporophyte. — It is often difficult to get good mounts of sporophytes. In the younger stages the calyptras are likely to interfere with cutting, while in the older stages the peristome, or Bryophytes 99 hard wall of the capsule, occasions the trouble. If an attempt is made to remove the calyptra in young stages, like A oi fig. 48, the apex of the sporophyte usually comes with it. While picro-acetic' acid material cuts more easily, chromo-acetic acid followed by Delafield's haematoxylin gives so much sharper dif- ferentiation in stages like those shown in fig. 48 that it is better hm^.Hii. Fig, 49. Funaria hygrometjica. X 420. ^.longitudinal section of capsule. B, transverse section of capsule of about the same age as^. The columella, archesporium, outer spore case, two layers of chlorophyll-bearing cells, and the beginning of the air spaces can be distinguished at this stage. Delafield's haematoxylin and erythrosin. Ten microns. to use harder paraffin (55° to 60° C.) and make an effort to get preparations from chromic material. Stages like that shown in fig. 4g are cut with comparative ease, for the calyptra is easily removed, and the capsule wall is not yet hard enough to occasion any difficulty. The cell walls are so easily stained in moss capsules that a light counter-stain with erythrosin or acid fuchsin may be used to bring out the 100 Methods in Platii Histology cytoplasm and plastids without appreciably obscuring the cell walls. Funaria and Bryum afford an excellent study in the development of the capsule, since all the structures of a highly differentiated moss sporophyte are present, and Bryum is par- ticularly easy to cut in stages like those shown in fig. §o. Sporophytes, in their more mature stages, are almost sure to present con- siderable difficulty in cutting. For gen- eral work fairly good preparations may be gotten from celloidin material, but it is worth while to try paraffin, for it is sometimes successful, and when it does succeed -it is far Jow/j»;y,c superior. As soon Fig. so. Bryum. X 200. aS the CcU Walls Portion of a nearly mature capsule K^rrin fr> tViirl^^n showing operculum, annulus, peris- DCgm tO iniCKCn, tome, and three cells of the sporo- • .1^ rl<^ir/:»1r.r-i genous tissue. Fixed in Flemming's ^S m tUC aeVCiOp- weaker solution, stained in safranin j. £ tU and Delafield's haematoxylin. Fif- mCUt Ot the pCri- teen microns. . stome, safranm is an excellent stain, and this, followed by Delafield's haematoxylin, will give an ele- gant differentiation in the older stages of the sporophyte. After capsules have be- gun to turn brown it will be almost impos- sible to infiltrate them unless they are pricked with a needle. The mature sporophytes of Sphagnum '[fig- 51) are exceptionally hard to cut. It -^ -^^'n ry jo^mMtnm will be worth while to prick the capsule '^" ^'' ^ ^gnum. 24. ^ * Longitudinal section of mature with a needle when the material is col- sporophyte, showing also the upper lected. This wil portion of the pseudopodium and allnw thp fivincr pcrpnt 'he calyptra. Chromo-acetic ailOW me nxmg agent ^^j^^ Delafield's hematoxylin. to penetrate readily, and will also facilitate ^""*^"- Ten microns. the infiltration of paraffin or celloidin. The puncture causes only a slight damage, and need not reach the really valuable portion which is to furnish the median longitudinal sections. Bryophytes lOi Protonema and teased mounts of antheridia and archegonia may be made directly in 50 per cent, glycerine without fixing or staining. While this method is often recommended, we have found it better to use 10 per cent, glycerine and allow it to con- centrate. Mounts made in this way retain their green color for a long time. CHAPTER XV. PTERIDOPHYTES. This group, including the Filicineae, Equisetineae, and Lyco- podineae, or, more popularly, the ferns, horsetail rushes, and club mosses, is familiar to everyone. Material is abundant, and so easily recognized that anyone who pays a little attention to collecting can, in a single season, get a fine supply for a study of the group. Some desirable forms may not be present in all localities, but these will be few and can be obtained at a reason- able price from those who make a business of collecting. FILICINEiE. Without attempting to follow any taxonomic sequence, the methods of preparing the various structures of the homosporous forms will be presented, and then the peculiarities of the hetero- sporous members will be considered. The Prothallia. — Ripe spores of some fern or other can be obtained at any greenhouse at any time in the year, and spores of most of our native ferns germinate well and produce good prothallia, even if the sowing is not made for several months after the spores have been gathered. Fine prothallia of Pteris aquilina have been grown two years after the spores were gathered. Some, however, must be sown at once, or they will not germinate at all. The spores of the common Osmu?ida regalis, and probably of the other members of the genus, must be sown as soon as ripe, or they fail to gefminate. The prothallia of Osmu?ida regalis, if carefully covered with glass, may be kept for a long time. Prothallia of this fern in the writer's laboratory produced ribbon-like outgrowths three- sixteenths of an inch wide, and often more than two inches in length. These prothallia continued to produce archegonia, antheridia, and the ribbon-like outgrowths for more than a year, 103 104 Methods i?i Plafii Histology when they suddenly "damped off." Pteris aquilina and many other ferns often furnish a good supply of antheridia in three weeks after sowing, and the archegonia appear soon after, but it is well to make sowings six weeks before material is needed for use. In Pteris aquilina and in many others, if the spores are sown too thickly, only antheridial plants will be obtained. If prothallia are to produce archegonia, they must have sufficient room and nutrition. If there are no greenhouse facilities and the prothallia must be grown in the laboratory, it is a good plan to take a glass dish, ten or twelve inches in diameter and about two inches deep, put a layer of broken pieces of flower pots on the bottom, cover this with a layer of rich loam, and over this sprinkle a layer of fine, clean sand, since sand is much more easily washed away from the rhizoids than is the loam. The whole should now be thoroughly wet, but not so as to have water standing on the bottom. Sow the spores and cover with a tightly fitting pane of ground glass. There should be no need for moistening the culture again, for prothallia can be kept fresh and vigorous for several months, or even for a year, without any wetting. When it is desired to secure fertilized material, sprinkle the prothallia with water, and the young sporophytes will soon appear. If greenhouse facilities are available, any gar- dener can grow prothallia in abundance without any directions from those who want the material. The peculiar tuberous prothallia of Botrychium are seldom found except by the experienced collector. The older prothal- lia, however, may be found by anyone who is able to recognize Botrychium when he sees it. Dig up young plants not more than three or four inches in height, and the prothallia, which persist for years, will often be found still attached. They are easy to cut and may be handled like other prothallia. Fern prothallia of the usual type are excellent objects for testing fixing agents, since the prothallia, while still in the fixing agent, may be examined with the microscope, and fluids which cause plasmolysis may be rejected. It will sometimes happen that plasmolysis may be avoided by varying the proportions of Pteridophytes 105 the ingredients of a fixing agent. Chromo-acetic acid with about 0.6 g. chromic acid and 0.4 cc. of acetic acid to 100 cc. of water will seldom cause plasmolysis, and will usually insure good fixing. It is a mistake to suppose that because prothallia are suchdelicateobjects the fixing will take but a few minutes. We should recom- mend at least twen- ty-four hours in chromo-acetic o Flemming's fluid and two or three days will do no harm and may be better. If hot corrosive sub- limate-acetic acid or hot picro-acetic be used, the fixing re- quires only two or three minutes, but results are not as uniformly success- ful as with members of the chromic-acid series. After any Fig. 52. Pteris aquihua. of the ChromiC-aCld ^, filamentous stage. 5, the apical cell has been established and , several segments have been cut off. The figure shovifs the initial series, two or three rhizold, and also three rhizoids coming from the main body of the ^ . prothallium. C, an older prothallium covered with antheridia in vari- hoUrS washing in ous stages of development. From a glycerine mount, fixed in chromo- acetic acid and stained in Deiafield's hseraatoxylin. (Miss M. E. water will be sufifi- tarrant.) cient, if the water be changed as often as it becomes in the least degree discolored. If preparations are to be mounted whole, as shown in fig. j2, they should be stained as soon as the washing is finished. Any of the following methods gives good results : a. Stain in Mayer's hsm-alum six hours or over night, io6 Methods in Plant Histology wash in water one or two hours, and transfer to lo per cent, glycerine. b. Stain in Delafield's haematoxylin thirty minutes, wash in water one or two hours, decolorize in water acidulated with hydrochloric acid (3 drops of HCl to 100 cc. water) one to Fig. S3, Pteris cretica, X 250. A , early stage in the development of the archegonium. 5, later stage showing the oosijhere, ventral canal cell, and three nuclei in the neck canal. C, still later stage almost ready for fertilization. The ventral and neck canal cells are breaking down, and the oosphere is nearly mature. Cells surrounding the oosphere have become richer in protoplasmic contents, and stain more deeply. D, first division of the embryo. E, young embryo still showing the outlines of the four quadrants. The apical cell in the lower left cjuadrant has cut off the first layer of the root cap. All drawn from material stained in bulk in alum carmine, a method not to be recommended. thirty minutes — the time can be determined only by experi- ment — wash in water until the rich purple color of the haema- toxylin replaces the red due to the acid, and then place in lo per cent, glycerine. c. Stain \Vith Delafield's haematoxylin as in b, and after the last washing in water stain two to four minutes with an aqueous Pteridophytes 107 solution of eosin, wash thoroughly in water, and transfer to the 10 per cent, glycerine. Instead of using the acid alcohol after the haematoxylin, the eosin may be allowed to act for several hours, and then i per cent, acetic acid may be used for a few minutes. Wash very thoroughly in water, and, if the stains appear satisfactory, transfer to 10 per cent, glycerine as before. d. Use a 2 per cent, solution of iron alum two hours, wash in water five minutes, stain in )^ per cent, haematoxylin two to six hours, wash in water five minutes, and then treat again with iron alum until the stain is sat- isfactory. Wash thoroughly in water and transfer to 10 per cent, glycerine, which, as usual, will concentrate sufficiently for mounting in three or four days. For paraffin sections such A ' ^""'^ B \ • /• J Fig. S4. Pteris cretica. as are shown m Ap-5. 5? and 5r mf»fVi-\7l crrp>f»n rincf Large starch grains are shown beneath the archegonium. ^,young ui iiiCLH_yi giccii, iiiisc gn^bryo. Both fixed in picro- acetic acid and stained in Delafield's in 70 per cent, alcohol ^hematoxylin. (M.ss M. E. Tarrant.) until the green is prominent only in the xylem, then stain for from one to three minutes in acid fuchsin (i per cent, solution in 70 per cent, alcohol), dehydrate rapidly, clear in xylol, and mount in balsam. The xylem should have a sharp bright green color, and the cellulose a bright red. The most beautiful preparations may be obtained by imbed- ding in celloidin and staining in safranin and Delafield's haema- toxylin. These stains allow a use of acid which extracts all color from the celloidin and still leaves a sufficient amount in the tissues. The large apical cells of rhizomes are easily cut in either paraffin or celloidin. The megaspores and microspores of Marsilea are easily obtained {jigs. 57 and 58^. Cut away a portion of the hard sporocarp and place the sporocarp in a dish of water. The gelatinous ring with its sori will sometimes come out in a few Fig. 57. Marsilea quadrifolia. 12 Methods i?i Plant Histology minutes. In less than twenty-four hours the microspores, start- ing from the one-cell stage, will produce the mature antherozoids. The development of the megaspore is equally rapid. Embryos are abundant in two or three days. For morphological work, picro-acetic acid, used hot, is very good, since the material does not occasion so much difficulty in cutting. Chromo-acetic material allows better staining, but the cutting is more uncertain. It is best to prick the megaspores with a needle while they are in the fixing fluid, in order to facilitate the infiltration of paraffin. Better mounts of the microspores can be obtained if the trou- blesome megaspores be picked out from the sorus while the material is still in the fixing agent or the alcohols. The mega- spores must be imbedded in rather hard paraffin, and one must expect to hone the knife thoroughly before it can be used again, for when the knife strikes a megaspore of one of the heterospor- ous pteridophytes, it seems like striking a grain of sand. The following schedule will usually give good sections of the hard megaspores of the heterosporous pteridophytes, whether they are to be cut separately or in their sori or strobili. The essential features of the method are suggested by Miss F. M. Lyon's work on Selaginella: I. Chromo-acetic acid, medium solution, 2 to 6 days. 2.. Wash- in water, i day. 3. Thirty-five to 95 per cent, alcohol, i day each. 4. One hundred per cent, alcohol, 3 or 4 days, changing several times. 5. Mixtures of alcohol and xylol, 2 days. •6, Pure xylol at 53° C, i or 2 days. 7. Add parafifin to the xylol and keep at 53° C. for 2 or 3 days. Fig. 58. Marsilea quadrifolia. X 560. A , microspore before germination. B, microspore with antheridia nearly mature. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid and stained in safranin- gentian violet-orange. Pteridophytes 113 8. Pure parafifin 53° C, 3 or 4 days, and then in harder paraffin at 60° C. to 70° C, 2 or 3 days. 9. Imbed in rather thin cakes. While the method is tedious, it is worth the trouble, for even old strobili of Selagiiiella yield smooth ribbons at 5/x. ^s fig. ^y suggests, the mature archegonia, and especially the young embryos, may be removed from the top of the megaspore and cut with perfect ease. The spermatozoid, which in Marsilea has an unusually large number of turns in the spiral, may be mounted by methods already described. CHAPTER XVI. PTERIDOPHYTES. EQUISITINEJE. The prothalHa of Equisetum are easily grown by the method already described for the Filicineae, but the spores must be sown as soon as ripe, because they fail to germinate if kept more than a few days. In the vicinity of Chicago the spores of Equisetum arvense are shed during the latter part of April. The methods for preparing the prothallia are the same as for the Filicineae. The sporangia are harder to cut, but good prepara- tions should be secured from paraffin material. E. arvense is abundant everywhere, and is to be preferred on account of the . comparative ease with which the sporangia and other portions of the fertile shoot can be cut. Longitudinal sections of the younger strobili show various stages in the development of the spores, the more advanced stages being found at the base of the strobilus. Tetrads may be found at the base of the strobilus, while the spore mother-cells at the apex are still undivided. Of course, it is impossible to stain a longitudinal section of such a strobilus so that all stages will be satisfactory. For the beginner, at least, this is not a serious objection, for he will be almost sure to secure some stage beautifully stained. The experienced worker, who is able to control his staining with more precision, will prefer transverse sections. Material for sporangia should be obtained as soon as the fertile shoot appears above ground, and if it can be obtained earlier, so much the better. When the spores are shed, the young sporangia which are to develop the next year can already be detected. The safranin-gentian violet-orange combination can be recommended for the development of the mother-cell and the formation of tetrads, but Delafield's haema- toxylin or Haidenhain's iron alum-haematoxylin will be more satisfactory for earlier stages. "5 Ii6 Methods in Plant Histology The roots are very small, but have large cells and easily yield good preparations. In case of such small objects it is a good plan to add a few drops of eosin to the alcohol during the pro- cess of dehydrating, in order that the material may be seen more easily. The slight staining does no damage, even if more critical stains are to be used after the sections are cut. It is easy to get longitudinal sections of the roots by cutting trans- verse sections of the nodes. In E. arvense these roots at the nodes are quite numerous. Sections of the stem of the fertile shoot of E. arvense are easily cut in paraffin or celloidin, but sections of the stem of E. hiemale or similar species do not cut in paraffin, and results are rather uncertain even in celloidin. The growing points of stems, however, may be cut with ease in paraffin. E. arveme is particularly favorable on account of the numerous apical cells which may be found in a single preparation. Dela- field's haematoxylin, used alone, is good for the apical cells, but for sections of older stems a slight counter-stain with erj'throsin will improve the mount. CHAPTER XVII. PTERIDOPHYTES. LYCOPODINEiE. It is not very difficult to get paraffin sections of young sporangia of Selaginella, but the method just recommended for Marsilea should be resorted to for the older strobili {fig. 5p). The older megaspores had better be pricked with a needle and cut one at a time. A slight puncture at the basal portion of the megaspore does no damage and insures a thor- ough infiltration. If the megaspores are imbedded sep- arately, they will usually orient themselves so that sections perpen- dicular to the par- affin cake will show the most in- structive views of the gametophyte structures. Fig. 59. Selaginella Mertensii. X 93. Ay microsporangium containing microspoi ing the beginning of the prothallium. FixeU ni p Delafield's hae- stained in Delafield's hsematoxylin. (Miss M. E. Tarrant.) a megaspore show- icro-acetic acid and matoxylin, used alone, is a good stain. The safranin-gentian violet-orange combination gives a brilliant differentiation in stages likey?^. jp, B. The microspores of Isoetes offer the same difficulties. Cyanin and erythrosin is a fine combination for the reserve food-stuffs in Isoetes macrospores. For young sporangia of Isoetes, the leaves should be cut off about one-eighth of an inch above the sporangia, and the stem 117 Ii8 Methods in Plaiit Histology should be cut off below, leaving just enough to hold the sporangia together. Cut longitudinal sections and stain in Delafield's haematoxylin, with or without the addition of a light touch of erythrosin. The older sporangia had better be removed and cut separately. Transverse sections of the stem are very interesting. Young stems and the apices of old ones cut well in paraflfin, but older stems will give more satisfactory results in celloidin. It is much easier to get good preparations of the sporangia of Lycopodium, since there are no megaspores with their hard walls. Delafield's haematoxylin, without any contrast stain, will bring out the developing sporangia, which are usually to be found even after the sporangia in the lower part of the strobilus are beginning to shed their spores. The directions for the rhizome of the Filicineae will also serve for the stem of Lycopodium. CHAPTER XVIII. SPERMATOPHYTES. In this immense group we cannot hope to give even approxi- mately complete directions for making preparations, but must be content to give a few hints which may prove helpful in col- lecting material and in securing mounts of the more important structures of the flowering plants. We shall consider the gym- nosperms and the angiosperms separately, although . in many respects the technique is the same for both. GYMNOSPERMS. Since Pinus is a characteristic type, we shall describe methods for demonstrating various phases in the life-history of this genus, hoping that the directions will enable the student to experi- ment intelligently with other forms. Spermatogenesis. — In October the clusters of staminate cones which are to shed their pollen in the coming spring are already quite conspicuous. The cones should be picked off separately, and the scales should be carefully removed so as to expose the delicate greenish cone within. At this time the archesporial cells are easily distinguished. Material collected in January, or at any time before growth is resumed in the spring, shows about the same stage of development. If it is desired to secure a series of stages with the least possible delay, a branch bearing numerous clusters of cones may be brought into the laboratory and placed in a jar of water. Growth is more satisfactory in case of branches broken off in the winter than in those brought in before there has been any period of rest. The material can be examined from time to time, and a complete series is easily secured. The karyokinetic figures in the pollen mother-cells furnish exceptionally instructive preparations. Staminate cones which will yield karyokinetic figures can be selected with con- siderable certainty by examining the fresh material. Crush a 119 120 Methods in Plant Histology microsporangium from the top of the cone and one from the bottom, add a small drop of water and a cover to each, and exam- ine. If there are pollen tetrads at the bottom, but only undi- vided spore mother-cells at the top, it is very probable that longitudinal sections of the cone will yield the figures. If a drop of methyl green be allowed to run under the cover, it will enable one to see whether figures are present or not. When desirable cones are found, they should be cut longitudinally into two halves. The later stages, showing the germination of the micro- spores, furnish better sections if the cones are cut transversely into small pieces about three-sixteenths of an inch thick. It is very easy to get excellent mounts of the pollen just at the time of shedding. Shake a large number of cones over a piece of paper, thus securing an abundance of material. Fix in chromo-acetic acid, wash in water (a few minutes is sufficient, and the water need not be changed), pass through the alcohols, allowing each to act for about two hours, make the usual gradual transition from alcohol to xylol, and from xylol to paraffin. It is best that the material should be in a small bottle not more than one-fourth of an inch in diameter ; at any rate, the pollen should be in such a bottle during infiltration, which should not require more than two or three hours, although a longer period does no harm if the temperature does not rise above 52° or 53° C. Now put the lower portion of the bottle into cold water, and thus harden the paraffin as quickly as possible. Break the bottle carefully, cut off the lower portion of the paraffin containing the pollen, mount it on a block in the usual manner, and trim away some of the paraffin so that two parallel surfaces will make the sections ribbon well. Material in this stage shows a large tube nucleus, a somewhat lenticular cell with a more deeply staining nucleus, and, lastly, two small prothallial cells quite close to the spore wall. The prothallial cells cannot always be detected at this stage, and there may be some doubt as to whether two such cells are always present. The division of the lenticular cell into "stalk cell" and "body cell," and also the division of the body cell into the two male cells, must be looked for in sections of the nucellus of the ovule. Spermatophytes 121 Oogenesis. — The entire ovulate cone at the time of pollina- tion is easily cut in paraffin. Longitudinal sections of the cone at this time give good views of the bract and ovuliferous scale bearing the ovules. The integument is very well marked, and in the nucellus one or more sporogenous cells can usually be distinguished. As soon as the scales close up after pollination, the cone will be too hard to cut, and it will be necessary to remove the scales and cut them separately. For a study of the ovule and the structures within it, better preparations will be ^.<^- Jovcc f\pp. Nt*t. Fig. 6o. Pinus Laricio. X 104. A, top of prothallium with an archegonium just before the cutting off of the ventral canal cell. Fixed in Flemming's weaker solution and stained with Haidenhain's iron alum-haematoxylin. Collected June 18, 1897. B, C, and D, early stages in the formation of the embryo. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid, and stained in safranin -gentian violet-orange. Collected July 2, 1897. obtained by carefully cutting off the pair of ovules from the scale. For preparations like that represented in fig. 60, A, it is a good plan to remove the endosperm with its archegonia from the ovule. Fixing, infiltration, and cutting will then occasion but little trouble, and the whole ribbon may be gotten upon a single slide. However, at this stage the pollen tubes with their contents are rapidly working their way through the nucellus toward the archegonia, and consequently it is better to retain 122 Methods i?i Plant Histology enough of the tissues of the ovule to keep the nucellus in place. In later stages, after fertilization has taken place, it is necessary to remove the endosperm. In stages like fig. 60, B, C, D, and later, the developing testa should be dissected away with great care, for a very slight pressure is sufficient to injure the delicate parts within. Mature embryos may be dissected out from the endosperm before fixing, but it is hardly necessary, since they cut quite well if left in place. The "pine nuts" or "pinon," to be found upon the market, are good for a study of the mature embryo. The testa, which is quite a hard shell, should be taken off, and the endosperm should be allowed to soak in water for about twenty-four hours, after which the embryo may be dis- sected out and fixed. The period at which the various stages may be found varies with the species, the locality, and the season. In Pinus Laricio (the common Austrian pine) at Chicago, in the season of 1897, material collected May 27 did not yet show archegonia ; the ventral canal cell was cut off about June 21 (see fig. 61), the fusion of the pronuclei occurred about a week later, and stages like fig. 60, B, C, and D, were common in material collected July 2. In the season of 1896 all the stages appeared about two weeks earlier. In Pinus sylvestris the stages appeared a little earlier than in Pinus Laricio. After the stage shown in fig. 60, A, has appeared, it is necessary to collect at intervals of not more than two days until the stage shown mfig. 60, D, is reached. If collections are made at intervals of four or five days, the most interesting stages, like the cutting off of the ventral canal cell, fertilization, and the first divisions of the nucleus of the oospore, may be missed altogether. It should be mentioned that all the ovules of a cone will be in very nearly the same stage of devel- opment. A rather strong chromo-acetic acid (i g. chromic acid and 1/2 cc. glacial acetic acid to 100 cc. water) can be recom- mended for the entire scries in spermatogenesis, oogenesis, fer- tilization, and formation of the embryo. After repeated trials the popular Flemming's solution does not seem to be at all Spennatophytes 123 superior and often fails to give as good results as the cheaper fixing agent. The following stains may be suggested : for studying the pollen tubes in the nucellus, cyanin and erythrosin ; for the development of the archegonium up to the stage shown in fig. 60, A, Delafield's haematoxy- lin; for the stages shown in fig. 60, A, iron alum- haematoxylin or the safra- nin - gentian violet-orange combination; for the stage shown in fig. 61, nothing seems to equal the safranin-gen- tian violet- orange com- bination ; for stages like fig. 60, B, C, and D, and also for later stages in the development of the em- bryo, Delafield's haematoxylin brings out the walls perfectly, but since mitotic figures are very frequent in these stages, it is worth while to use the safranin combination with some preparations, 1 • #« ^- ^ ^- • 5 « # "^ # 1 ^ m ^ '••S f ^ ■ .♦ *^' f ; A ^ -ir ■ v>,.i»_l^alMi d Fig. 61. Pinus Laricio. X 710. The mitotic figure concerned in cutting off the ventral canal cell. The nucleus at the lower end of the spindle is the nucleus of the oosphore. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid, and stained in the safranin-gentian violet- orange combination. Collected June 21, 1897. 124 Methods in Plattt Histology although it is much inferior to Delafield's hsematoxylin when cellulose walls are to be emphasized. All the stages which have been described can be cut in paraffin with little difficulty. The Leaves. — The leaves of our common gymnosperms cut readily in paraffin while they are young and tender, but as they approach maturity it is a fruitless task to attempt paraffin sec- tions. Celloidin sections are far more satisfactory. Cut the needles into pieces about one-fourth of an inch long, fix in a picro- corrosive -acetic mixture {% g. picric acid, 2 g. cor- rosive sublimate, i cc. glacial acetic acid, lOO cc. 50 per cent, alcohol). If used hot, five minutes is sufficient, but if used cold it should be allowed to act for two or three hours. After the material has been imbedded in celloidin, the block should be placed in equal parts of 95 per cent, alcohol and glycerine for a few days, after which it should cut quite readily. Stain with safranin and Delafield's haematoxylin, clear in Eycle- shymer's clearing mixture, and mount in balsam. Fairly good sections may be obtained in great quantities with little trouble by the following method : Make a bunch of the needles as large as one's little finger, wrap them firmly together with a string, allowing about an eighth of an inch of the bunch to project above the wrapping; then fasten the whole in a hand microtome, and every stroke of the razor will give twenty or thirty sections, some of which will surely be good. As the sec- tions are cut, they maybe put directly into 95 per cent, alcohol, and after a few minutes can be transferred to 50 per cent, alco- hol and then to the stain. Dehydrate, clear in xylol, and mount in balsam. Stems and Roots. — With a sharp razor fairly good sections of stems and roots may be made without imbedding, especially if the hand microtome be used. Young buds may be cut in paraffin. Stems and roots as large as half an inch in diameter can be cut in celloidin. The material should be cut into pieces not more than one-fourth of an inch long. The following treat- ment should give good results : Spermatophytes 125 1. Picro-corrosive-acetic mixture, five minutes if used hot, or wo to three hours if used cold. 2. Wash in 50 per cent, alcohol, to which a little iodine has been added, two hours; 70 per cent., 85 per cent., 95 per cent., our hours each ; absolute alcohol, ten hours ; then change to fresh absolute alcohol, which should act for ten hours longer. 3. Ether alcohol, twenty-four hours. Some prefer to pre- cede the ether alcohol by a mixture of equal parts of ether alcohol and absolute alcohol. 4. Thin celloidin (about 2 per cent.), two or three days; 6 per cent, celloidin, two or three days; 10 per cent, celloidin, two or three days. After the thin celloidin has acted for a few days, the cork may be removed for a short time each day, thus allowing the thin celloidin to become thick by the evaporation of the ether alcohol. 5. Get some small blocks of wood (three-eighths inch cubes of white pine are good), wet one of them in ether alcohol, dip it into thin celloidin, place the object upon the block in convenient position for cutting, pour over it a few drops of 10 per cent, cel- loidin, and then plunge the whole into chloroform. Leave it in the chloroform about twenty-four hours, and then transfer to a mixture of isqual parts of 95 per cent, alcohol and glycerine, where it should remain for several days. Material may be kept here indefinitely. Even refractory stems may be cut after they have been in this mixture for a couple of weeks. 6. Cut the sections, keeping the knife wet with the alcohol and glycerine mixture. Transfer the sections to 70 per cent, alcohol, then to 50 per cent., and then to the stain. 7. Stain in safranin, twenty-four hours; wash in 35 per cent, alcohol, about a minute ; stain in Delafield's haematoxylin, five to ten minutes; wash in water, two minutes ; 35 per cent, alcohol, two to five minutes ; 50 per cent, alcohol, two to five minutes ; acid alcohol, one to ten seconds; 70 per cent., 85 per cent., 95 per cent., about two minutes each ; Eycleshymer's clearing mixture until cleared, usually about one or two minutes. Mount in balsam. :26 Methgds m Plant Histology Xylem should show a brilliant red color and cellulose a rich purple, if the stain is successful. If either stain is too weak or too prominent, the duration of the stain, the length of time in the alcohols, or the time in acid alcohol must be varied until the desired result is secured. People who make all their anatomical sections without imbed- ding may regard this method as tedious and unnecessary, but such preparations TWUwdtr^itM °{ Chicag o. in3.ti,y. >Mmmm9* /oixr. ;^pp. A\i5.. ' \ lea ^aii-iM^ i 1 i g s ^^ ',U/-A^A\.: will show much which is never seen in mere free-hand sections, for the reason that free- hand sections, if thin enough to show any detail, will lose most of their cell contents, while in celloidin sections every- thing is held in place. Even if the celloidin sections be passed through absolute alcohol and cleared with clove oil, a process which dissolves away the celloidin, the contents of the cells will still be retained in most cases, and stains which cannot be extracted from celloidin may be used. However, we prefer to use the safranin and Delafield's haematoxylin and retain the celloidin, since this combination can be extracted completely from the celloidin and still leave the object brilliantly stained. For preparations of the mature wood a piece of white pine from a dry-goods box furnishes perfect material. It should not be imbedded, but the cutting w^ll be facilitated if the piece be soaked for a few hours in water or in the alcohol and glycerine mixture. In all preparations designed to show the structure of Fig, 62. Slides showing labels and methods of arranging sections. Spermatophytes 127 wood there should be three sections — a transverse, a longitu- dinal radial, and a longitudinal tangential. These may be arranged as in the upper slide oi fig. 62, but if it is desired to make a thorough study of the structure, it is a good plan to have on each slide several sections of each kind, thus having an opportunity to use a variety of stains. Fuchsin and iodine green is a good combination. The safranin and Delafield's hasma- toxylin is also excellent. For a study of young stems or roots, preparations like that shown in the lower slide oi fig. 62 will be found very convenient. CHAPTER XIX. SPERMATOPHYTES. ANGIOSPERMS. Success depends largely upon judgment and care in selecting and trimming material before it is put into the fixing agent in the field. While the following directions cannot be applied to all plants, they should, nevertheless, enable the student to make such modifications as may be demanded by any particular form Floral Development. — For a study of floral development very young buds are necessary, and it is best to select those forms which have rather dense clusters of flowers, in order that a com- plete series may be obtained with as little trouble as possible. The usual order of appearance of floral parts is (i) calyx, (2) corolla, (3) stamens, and (4} carpels, but if any of these organs are reduced or metamorphosed, their order of appearance may be affected. Floral development is easily studied in the common Capsella bursa-pastoris. The best time to collect material is late in March or early in April. Dig up the plant, carefully remove the leaves, and in the center of the rosette a tiny white axis will be found. A series of these axes from one-eighth of an inch to three- eighths of an inch in length and from one-sixteenth of an inch to three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter will give a very com- plete series of stages in the development of the floral organs. Preparations from the apex of the shoot taken after the inflores- cence appears above ground are not to be compared with these taken early in the season. Fix in chromo-acetic acid and stain in Delafields haematoxylin. The sections should be longitudinal and about 5 /x thick. The common dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, affords an excel- lent series with little labor. Examine vigorous plants which have, as yet, no flowers or buds in sight. Dig up the plant and dissect away the leaves. If there is a white cluster of flower buds, the ' 129 130 Methods in Plant. Histology largest not more than three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, cut out the cluster, leaving only enough tissue at the base to hold the buds in place. Larger heads should be cut separately. Fix and stain as in Capsella. Our most common thistle, Cnicus lanceolatus, shows the floral development with unusual clearness, but the preparation of the material is somewhat tedious. The involucre, which is too hard to cut, must be carefully dissected away. Retain only enough of the receptacle to hold the developing florets in place. A series of sizes with discs varying from one-eighth of an inch to three- eighths of an inch in diameter will show the development from the undifferentiated papilla up to the appearance of the arche- sporial cell in the nucellus of the ovule. The Canada thistle, C?iicus arvensis, is equally good, but it is more diflficult to dissect out the desirable parts. In the willows, Salix, the bud scales must be removed and the copious hairs should be trimmed off as much as possible with scissors, after which the catkin should be cut in two longi- tudinally and placed in the fixing agent. Spermatogenesis. — The earlier stages in spermatogenesis will be found in the preparations of floral development. For tracing the nuclear changes involved in this process the lilies furnish very good material, because the cells and nuclei are exceptionally large. Several species of Lilium are common in greenhouses, and these may be used where wild material is not available. In early stages where the sporogenous cells have not yet begun to round off into spore mother-cells it is sufificient to remove the perianth, retaining just enough of the receptacle to hold the sta- mens in place. Transverse sections show the six stamens and also the young ovary. After the spore mother-cells have begun »to round off, each stamen should be removed so as to be cut separately. It is very desirable to secure stamens showing the mitotic figures which occur during the division of the spore mother-cell into the four microspores. Since the pollen mother- cells are apt to be in approximately the same stage of develop- ment throughout the anther, it is worth while to determine Spermatophytes 131 whether mitotic figures are present before putting the material into the fixing agent. The procedure indicated for Pi?ius can be followed here. It is not necessary to cut the stamens into pieces before fixing, since they are easily penetrated and infil- trated ; in later stages the sta- mens must not be cut into pieces, since the pollen grains are easily washed out. Transverse sections are bet- ter for morpho- logical purposes; but where noth- ing is desired ex- cept thedevelop- ment of pollen grains from the spore mother- cells, much more material can be gotten under a cover by using longitudinal sec- tions. Fo r e a r 1 A^ Salix tristis. X 694. Transverse section of a portion of a young StaffeS UD to that ^"'l^^'' showing large sporogenous cells, one layer of tapetal cells (more o r deeply shaded in the figure) . and ' from three to four layers of wall cells. Salix petiolaris. X 594. Small portion of transverse section of a nearly mature anther showing five pollen grains, two tapetal cells, and two layers of wall cells. C, Lilium auratum. X,505. Section of a pollen grain show- ing the large tube nucleus and two smaller generative nuclei. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid and stained in safranin-gentian violet-orange. D, Lilium tigrinum. X 505, Pollen grain showing tube nucleus in the mid- dle and a lenticular cell with the generative nucleus at one end of the grain. shown in fig. 6j A; D,elafield's haematoxylin is very satisfactory; in stages like B, C, and D of the same figure, cyanin and eryth- rosin often give excellent differentiation, the tube nucleus taking the erythrosin, and the generative nucleus the cyanin, while the 132 Methods in Pla?it Histology starch grains which are often abundant at this stage take a faint pink from the erythrosin. However, the safranin-gentian violet- orange combination shows nuclear details to better advantage, and readily distinguishes the tube and generative nuclei, although it does not give such a striking color contrast as the cyanin and erythrosin. The starch grains are brilliantly stained by the gentian violet. The mature pollen grain, after shedding, may be pre- pared by the method already described for Pijius. Oogenesis. — As in sper- matogenesis, the early stages will be found in preparations of floral development. The origin and development of the macrospore are easily traced in Lilium. In very young stages, before the appearance of the integument, the ovary may be removed from the flower and placed directly in ;ad of Aster. 5, pod of Capsella. C, transverse the fixing agent, but in later of ovary of Lilium. The dotted lines show how " ° the material should be trimmed before fixing, StagCS, SUch aS are shown in figs. 66-^1, strips should be cut off from the sides of the ovary in order to secure more rapid fixing and more perfect infiltration with paraffin. The dotted lines in fig. 64, C, show about how much should be cut off. This is a much better plan than to secure rapid fixing and infiltration by cutting the ovary into short pieces, because the ovules will be in about the same st^ge of development throughout the ovary, and when one finds desirable stages like those from which these photomicrographs were taken, it is gratifying to have these pieces as long as possible. In lilies, and other forms with large cells, the entire series shown in figs. 65-yo may be fixed in chromo-acetic acid and A , head section of ovary Spennatophyte 33 stained in safranin-gentian violet-orange, but stages earlier than that shown m fig. 65 are more satisfactory if stained in Delafield's haematoxylin. Stages like that shown in fig. 66 and also those between ^^. 66 and fig. 6'j are the most difficult to stain, and only the utmost care and patience will insure first-class prepara- tions. The thread on the nucleus in fig. 66 shows a row of chromatin granules and soon becomes segmented into twelve chromosomes. If the stain is too dense, the thread will probably appear smooth throughout all these stages, but if the staining is successful, the granules are sharply stained by the gen- tian violet, while the linin thread is stained lightly or not at all. In successful staining with cyanin and erythrosin the granules stain blue and the linin red. Stages like figs. 6y and 68 are easily stained, and the preparations are exception- a 1 1 y beautiful. Stain for twenty-four hours in safra- nin (the solution in 50 per cent, alcohol is very good), and then rinse in 50 per cent, alcohol until the red color disappears from the spindle, but remains bright in the chro- mosomes and nucleoli ; stain in gentian violet four to eight minutes; rinse in water about thirty seconds ; stain in aqueous orange G fifteen to thirty seconds ; transfer to absolute alcohol, and move the slide gently back and forth in order to dehydrate as rapidly as possible (three to six seconds will usually be long enough); the slide must be taken from the absolute alcohol while the gentian violet is still coming out in streams ; treat with clove oil ten to thirty seconds, and then drain off the clove oil and add a few drops of cedar oil, since the gentian violet fades if much clove oil is left in the preparation. If the cedar oil is Fig. 65. Lilium philadelphicum. X 710. Apex of nucellus contains a large archesporial cell with a large nucleus. In Lilium this archesporial cell becomes the embryo-sac directly without cutting off any tapetal cell or dividing into potential megaspores. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid and stained in Delafield's haematoxylin. 34 Methods in Plant Histology transparent and has a strong odor, do not use it, but remove as much of the clove oil as possible. Mount directly in balsam. Before transferring to absolute alcohol, a single dip in 95 per cent, alcohol may do no damage and is a matter of economy, since it avoids carrying so much water into the absolute alcohol. When the staining is properly done, the chromo- somes will show a bright red color and the spindle a brilliantviolet. If the action of the gentian violet be too prolonged o r poorly ex- tracted, the chromosomes will appear violet or red- dish violet, and such de- tails as the re- lation of spin- d 1 e fibers t o chromosomes will be ob- scured. Stages shown in figs. 6g and 70 may be found in the same ribbons with stages like^^.y. d/ and 68, and are well differentiated by the same treatment. Later stages up to fertilization and the first divisions of the embryo may be fixed and stained as already described, but Fig. 66. Lilium philadelphicum. X 710. Nucellus with megaspore. The chromatin thread in the nucleus is very distinct. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid and stained in safranin-gentian violet- orange. Spermatophytes 135 cyanin and erythrosin gives a particularly brilliant effect, especially after Carney's fluid. At the stage shown in fig. yi, the male nucleus takes the cyanin, and the oosphere nucleus the erythrosin, although at a slightly later stage they stain alike. Fig. 67. Lilium philadelphicum. X 710. Fig. 6S. First division of the nucleus of the megaspore. _ (The same nucleus the earlier stages of which are shown in figs. 65 and 66.) Fixed in chromo-acetic acid, and stained in safranin- gentian violet-orange. Fifteen microns. For the later stages in the development of the embryo, Delafield's haematoxylin is a far better stain. Many of the Compositae, like Aster, Taraxacum, Senecio, and Silphmm, are excellent for a study of the mature sac and the formation of the embryo. The whole head may be cut if trimmed as indicated '\n fig. 64, but for the embryo-sac at the fertilization period, and also for the development of the embryo, it is worth while to resort to the tedious process of dissecting the ovules 136 Methods in Plant Histology out from the ovaries. Stages like those shown in figs. 6^-yo are rather unsatisfactory in Composites. Many of the Ranunculaceae are easily studied. Anemone patens, var. Nuttalliana, has a very beautiful embryo-sac, the tgg, Fig. 69. Lilium philadelphicum. X 710. Megaspore (embryo-sac) containing two daughter-nuclei resulting from the first division of the nucleus of the megaspore. A portion of the spindle still remains between the two nuclei. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid, and stained in safra- nin-gentian violet-orange. Fifteen microns thick. Fig. 70. Li! philadelphicum. X 710. Later stage in the development of the embryo- sac. Each of the two nuclei shown in fig. 69 has divided. The nuclei are much smaller than those in fig. 69. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid, and stained in safranin-gentian violet-orange. Fifteen microns thick. synergids, endosperm nucleus, and antipodals being rather large and sharply defined. Hepatica, Caltha, and some species of Ra?iunculus are exceptionally good. Development of the Embryo. — The common shepherd's purse {Capsella btirsa-pastoris) is a favorable form for a study of the development of a dicotyl embryo. The stages shown in fig. y2, Spermatophytes 137 A-F, will be found in pods which are about one-eighth of an inch long. These may be put directly into the fixing agent, but stages like G and //are found in pods about three-sixteenths of an inch long, and such stages will be more readily fixed, infil- trated, and cut if the pods are trimmed, as shown '\i\fig. 64, B, before putting them into the fixing agent. Cut sections parallel to the flat face of the pod. Delafield's hsematoxylin, without any contrast stain, gives the best results which we have secured. For tracing the development of a monocotyl embryo Sagittaria vari- abilis can be recommended. Mate- rial is abundant, sections are easily cut, except in the latest stages, and it is not difficult to get a complete series. Alisma plaiitago, which is commonly figured in text-books, is extremely hard to cut, especially in later stages. Leaves. — Where only a rapid ex- amination is to be made, free-hand sections may be made in great num- bers by using the method employed for pine needles. It is easy to get good sections of leaves which can , . -_,..,.-_ Embryo-sac at time of fertilization. A, be gotten mtO paraffin, but it is dlffl- the three amipodals. £•, protoplasm of the sac. e, polar nuclei fusing to form the cult to get tender, succulent leaves endosperm nucleus ; the male nucleus is ® about to fuse with the nucleus of the into paraffin without distortion. Such oo^phere. z the inner integument. // J^ the pollen tube. Y ixed in Carnoy s tluid leaves may be cut in celloidin. For fe" n SnVtVcr' (iTat^'f CyS": a study of the StOmata, strip a piece Pedia of American Horticulture.) of epidermis from the leaf, fix it, stain in Delafield's haematoxylin and erythrosin, pass it gradually through the alcohols, clear in xylol, and mount in balsam. Lily, tulip, hyacinth, and begonia may be suggested as favorable forms. Epidermis from the leaf Lilium philadelphicum. X 335. 138 Methods in Plant Histology of the common Sedum pupurasce?is will usually show stomata in all stages of development. Stems and Roots. — The earlier stages in the development of vascular bundles in stems and roots are well shown in parafifin Fig. 72. Capsella bursa-pastoris, X 400. ^ , first division in the embryo cell. ^, quadrants. C, octants, i?, the dermatogen has been cut off. There are eight cells in the suspensor, the lower cell being very large and vesicular. E. differ- entiation in plerome and periblem. The plerome cells are shaded. F, the periblem of the root is com- pleted at the expense of the upper cell of the suspensor. G, the mitotic figure in the suspensor cell indi- cates that the upper suspensor cell by a second contribution is about to complete the dermatogen of the root. H, plerome (shaded), periblem, dermatogen (shaded), and first layer of the root cap. Fixed in chromo-acetic acid and stained in Delafield's hsematoxylin. Ten microns thick. sections of young seedlings. The common bean is a favorable form, and it is easy to get material. Most herbaceous stems and roots, and also the younger woody stems and roots, give the best results when cut in celloidin, as already described for Pinus. Rumex crispus and Ranunculus repens can be recommended for a study of the vascular bun- dles. The cambium is very sharply brought out by Delafield's Spermatophytes 139 haematoxylin. Petioles or leaf blades of A^zz/Zz^r imbedded in cel- loidin, and stained in safranin and Delafield's haematoxylin, yield extremely beautiful preparations, the sclerotic cells taking a brilliant red and the cellulose a rich purple. The sections should be 20-30 /li thick. Stems or petioles of the squash or pumpkin are to be pre- ferred for demonstrating sieve tubes and companion cells. For the more minute de- tails of the sieve plate it is best to cut out small piecesaboutone- fourth of an inch long and one-eighth of an inch square containing the vascular bundle. These pieces can be imbedded in paraffin. For demonstrating the phellogen and the tissue developed from it, stems of Geranium or Coleus about one- fourth of an inch in diameter or seedlings of Xanthium canadense about. three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter can be recommended. They can be cut in paraffin, but satisfactory results are more uniformly obtained from celloidin sections. The stem of Indian corn, imbedded in celloidin and stained in safranin and Delafield's haematoxylin, affords a good study of monocotyl stem anatomy. It must not be forgotten that root tips, besides showing ana- tomical structure, furnish ever-ready material for the study of karyokinesis. An onion thrown into a pan of water will soon Fig. 73. Sparganium eurycarpum. X 53. Tranverse section of a root. Delafield's haematoxyli and acid fuchsin. Five microns. 140 Methods in Plant Histology send out numerous roots. About one-fourth of an inch should be cut off from the tip of the root. Fix and stain as directed for the mitotic figures in Lilium. While the onion is very avail- able material, the figures are not as satisfactory as those to be obtained in the root tips of Tradescantia virginica, Iris versicolor, Podyphyllum. peltatum, Arismma triphyllum, Cypripedium pubescens, and many others. Transverse sections of young roots often show a remarkably regular arrangement of the cells, as can be seen in fig' 73- We are painfully aware that the directions which have been given in this series of articles are very incomplete, but it is hoped that they will enable the student to devise for himself such methods as particular cases may demand. CHAPTER XX. LABELING AND CATALOGUING PREPARATIONS. THE LABEL. The labels shown in fig. 62, on p. 126, show as much as will generally be found desirable. The date of the collection of the material is often needed in addition. The date of making the preparation is of no value unless the student is testing the permanence of stains or something of that sort. It is hardly worth while to write upon the label the names of the stains used, for the student will soon learn to recognize the principal stains. We should say that the first tKmg to write upon a label is the genus and species of the plant ; the next thing would be the name of the organ or tissue, and then might be added the date of collection : e. g., Marchantia polymorpha, young archegonia, April 10, 1 90 1. A hasty sketch on the label will often indicate any exceptionally interesting feature in the preparation. To facilitate finding such a feature, it is a good plan to mark the particular Section or sections with ink, the marking being always on the underside of the slide so as not to cause any inconvenience if an immersion lens should be used. CATALOGUING PREPARATIONS. As a collection grows, the student will need some device for readily locating any particular preparation. Some have their slides numbered and catalogued, but all devices of this sort are too cumbrous and slow for the practical worker in the labora- tory. After several years' experience with a collection which now numbers about seven thousand preparations, the following method can be confidently recommended : Four wooden slide boxes of the usual type will do for a beginning ; they should be labeled : Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, and Spermatophyta. As the collection grows 141 142 Methods i?t Plant Histology and new boxes are needed, the classification can be made more definite ; e.g., there should be a box labeled Bryophytes HepaticcB and one labeled Bryophytes Musci. As the liverwort collection grows, three boxes will be necessary, and should be labeled Bryophytes Hepaticce Marchantiales, Bryophytes HepaticcE Jun- germanniales, and Bryophytes //"(f/^/zV^Anthocerotales. It will readily be seen that the process can be continued almost indefi- nitely, and that new slides may be at any time dropped into their proper places. A rather complete label gradually built up in this way is shown '\n fig. 7^/ BRYOPHYTES HEPATIC^ Jungermanniales Porella platyphyllum Archegonia CHAPTER XXI. A CLASS LIST OF PREPARATIONS. Where a regular course in histology is conducted, it is a good plan to give each student at the outset a complete list of the preparations which he is expected to make. In a three-months' course a fairly representative collection of preparations can be made. The availability of material determines what a list shall be. The following list was recently used by one of the writer's classes : LIST OF PREPARATIONS. THALLOPHYTES. ALG^. CYANOPHYCE^. 1. Wasserbliithe. — The principal forms in this material are : (a) Coelosphariuni Kutzingianum. — Colonies in the form of hollow spheres. (^) Anabcena gigantea. — Filaments straight. Preparations should show vegetative cells, heterocysts, hormogonia, and spores. (