^ 1 lie, Advent H- CINDERELLA. Price Sixpence, coloured, The follov.r U A verv Great Variety "of PICTUK CHILDREN'S BOOK COLLECTION LIBRARY OF TH! NIVEKSCTY OF CALII LOS ANGELES TORN LA 3t The Step dame made IHKT Cinders sift Sure mever *was Ixer fcDuw And. from this dirty ^vrork. *he got TKe name of It IffppencL once xtpon A time TKe Khi SOUL 6aA-eABaH Ani 3xe the Lad^^ of tlie imted OHF and AH In FeatBex and in Bid. To Court Afi Sister* While Cinderella sat and. -Aad dfdlier fa'fe lianxent Her Godmother A Faiiy Oi CmierelU f ani And. safdyou io the Batt shall my dear that ACoacK A CoaeboKtrx from. A Hat MLCC to four fine Horses Most BeaTitifol and. lizards she *ix: And alteri^ of Ker Drefs To return "before the dock, struck twelre SKe tinder did her !Rrefs After the iSfidmijfht liotir i struck Says she my Fowler is $one Yotrr fhiery ^ifE cbaxi^e to Rags As sure as vour are BOTIL Bui AS she Dane ei the clock JSfo dEniex y could. $Iie firtd. .And. a she otrt Math Terror Slipper leif Belind. The Prince he pnmusetl lie Whoeer that shoe TvhoTild fit Hut -no oiae in "hi* Court thdr loot Could in. the Slipper TKe Pa^e Tinto tbe Sisters vsrenl As tkey^ ^jas at tie JB^ll^ Alone twouScL CDLticler^Tia iit Surp-isecL iliein all TKe prince ISito KeT lie -vra "Wcci alie ior^ave lier Si Happily ne aK>ve may be had of ail Bookbei'er^ and Ti \, Warehouses in Town and Country. Just Printed and Published, By G. MARTIN No. 0, Great St. Thomas Apostle, BJVV Lane, Cheapshk Price Sixpence each, eofourecL Story of oM Mother Hubbard and Dog. Advi'ntities of CindereTla. The New Comrc N'umeialor. The History of Johnny Giipin, Temple of Fame, or imperial Alphabet. Jack and Gill. AflVctin^ Story of Little Red Ridinghood. PltM!sinj{ Story .f'ilit Poor Man and his Pig, Lite ui -'...ii ^ i'ii Shoes, r ale of the Baron and Basket Maker, tif!H)xvn : i. in and his On BtttttS ^ iie Babes in the Wm>d. .