t>^ THE SEVEN SAGES, IN SCOTISH METRE. BY JOHN HOLLAND OF DALKEITH. EDINBURGH : REPRINTED FROM THE EDITION OF M.D.LXXVIII. M.DCCC.XXXVII. «• • • « THIS REPUBLICATION HoUanti'si ^eben gagejS, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF C!)e Bannatgne Club, JAMES IVORY. 641491 5497 I B37 THE BANNATYNE CLUB. M.DCCC.XXXVIII. THOMAS THOMSON, ESQ. "^ PRESIDENT, RIGHT HON. JAMES ABERCROMBY, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN RIGHT HON. WILLIAM ADAM, LORD CHIEF COMMIS- SIONER OF THE JURY COURT. THE EARL OF ASHBURNHAM. THE DUKE OF BEDFORD. LORD BELHAVEN AND HAMILTON. ROBERT BELL, ESQ. WILLIAM BELL, ESQ. 10 WILLIAM BLAIR, ESQ. THE REV. PHILIP BLISS, D.C.L. JOHN BORTHWICK, ESQ. THE MARQUIS OF BREADALBANE. GEORGE BRODIE, ESQ. CHARLES DASHWOOD BRUCE, ESQ. O. TYNDALL BRUCE, ESQ. THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY. JAMES CAMPBELL, ESQ. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. WILLIAM CLERK, ESQ. 20 LORD COCKBURN, VICE-PRESIDENT. DAVID CONSTABLE, ESQ. ANDREW COVENTRY. ESQ. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ., TREASURER. WILLIAM GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. LORD COREHOUSE. THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE. JAMES DENNISTOUN, ESQ. GEORGE DUNDASi ESQ. ROBERT DUNDAS, ESQ. 30 RIGHT HON. W, DUNDAS, LORD CLERK REGISTER. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON. CHARLES DALRYMPLE FERGUSSON, ESQ. ROBERT FERGUSON, ESQ. GENERAL SIR RONALD C. FERGUSON. COUNT MERCER DE FLAHAULT. LORD FULLERTON. WILLIAM GOTT, ESQ. ROBERT GRAHAM, ESQ. LORD GRAY. 40 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. THE EARL OF HADDINGTON. THE DUKE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON ED. W. A. DRUMMOND HAY, ESQ. SIR JOHN HAY, BAR'. JAMES MAITLAND HOG, ESQ. LORD HOLLAND. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. — ^ JOHN HOPE. ESQ., DEAN OF FACULTY. COSMO INNES, ESQ, DAVID IRVING, LL.D. 50 JAMES IVORY, ESQ. REV. JOHN JAMIESON, D.D. SIR HENRY JARDINE. LORD JEFFREY. JOHN GARDINER KINNEAR, ESQ. THE EARL OF KINNOULL. DAVID LAING, ESQ., SECRETARY. THE EARL OF LAUDERDALE. REV. JOHN LEE, D.D. ALEXANDER WELLESLEY LEITH, ESa 60 LORD LINDSAY. JAMES LOCH, ESQ. THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. WILLIAM M'DOW^ALL, ESQ. LORD MACKENZIE. JAMES MACKENZIE, ESQ. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, ESa JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. . • THOMAS MAITLAND, ESQ. VISCOUNT MELVILLE. 70 WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESa / THE EARL OF MINTO. ^ LORD MONCREIPF. RIGHT HON. JOHN A. MURRAY, LORD ADVOCATE. WILLIAM MURRAY, ESQ. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. MACVEY NAPIER, ESQ. SIR FRANCIS PALGRAVE. LORD PANMURE. HENRY PETRIE. ESQ. SIR THOMAS PHILLIPS, BAR'.' : ' v 80 EDWARD PIPER, ESQ. ROBERT PITCAIRN. ESQ. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, ESQ. '• JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ; THE EARL OF SELKIRK. JAMES SKENE, ESQ. WILLIAM SMYTHE. ESQ. THE EARL SPENCER. JOHNSPOTTISWOODE, ESQ. 90 MAJOR-GENERAL SIR JOSEPH STRATON. SIR JOHN DRUMMOND STEWART, BAR*. THE HON. CHARLES FRANCIS STUART. THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. ALEXANDER THOMSON, ESQ. WALTER C. TREVELYAN, ESQ. DAWSON TURNER, ESQ. PATRICK ERASER TYTLER, ESQ. ADAM URQUHART, ESQ. RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE WARRENDER, BAR'. 100 ARCHDEACON WRANGHAM. PREFACE. The Collection of Tales, entitled « The Seven Sages," or « The Seven Wise Masters of Eome," may be regarded as one of the most popular works of fiction of the Middle Ages. " Few works," Mr Dunlop observes, " are more interesting and curious than " the Seven Wise Masters, in illustrating the genealogy of fiction, " or its rapid and almost unaccountable transition from one coun- " try to another." ' In like manner, a French antiquary remarks, " On ne connoit point de livres qui aient ete traduits en autant " de langues, et sous autant de formes differentes." ' Another foreign critic, in treating of the Popidar books of the Germans, adopts a more enthusiastic style, and speaks of " The Seven Wise Masters," " as a work that must be respected by us for its " venerable antiquity. It sprang originally from the Indian Moun- " tains, whence, from primeval times, it took its course as a little " rivulet, and poured into a westerly direction through Asia's wide ' History of Fiction, vol. ii, p. 166, 2d edit. 1816. " Roquefort, De I'Etat de la Poesie Franqoise dans les xii« et xiiie SiScles, p. 173. vi PREFACE. " field, and while it proceeded for thousands of years through " space and time, always spreading more and more in reaching us. " Out of it whole generations and many nations have drunk ; and " having passed to Europe with the great tide of population, it is " now also in our day and generation supphed to such a con- " siderable portion of the public, that in regard to its celebrity, " and the magnitude of its sphere of influence, it reaches the " holy books, and surpasses all classical works." ' Without assigning to the work either such very remote anti- quity, or attributing to it such extraordinary influence, there can be no doubt of its great popularity. It has indeed been traced into almost every modern language, either in verse or prose, from its Oriental prototype, " The Book of the Seven Councillors, or the Parables of Sandabar," an Indian philosopher ; although it is pro- bable that some portions of the work were originally supplied by the fertile invention of the Greeks, ^ Without attempting, how- ever, to trace its origin, or to enumerate the several versions of this highly popular work, it may be sufficient to indicate some of the sources from whence further information may be derived. ' -) ill The romance of " The Seven Wise Masters," in all its varied forms^ consists of a number of stories connected into one con- tinued dramatic narration ; of which the Arabian Nights' Enter- tainments, the Decameron of Boccacio, and the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, furnish the most unrivalled examples. The names of • J. Gorres, " Ueber die Teutschen Volksbucher," as quoted by Keller, in the Introduction to his edition of" Li Romans des Sept Sages," p. 1. ' A writer in the Gentleman's Magazine, August 1832 (p. 136), attempts to show that the work, in part at least, had a Grecian origin, from whence it was carried to the East. PREFACE. vii the persons, the frame-work, and the stories introduced, differ considerably in the several versions ; but the plan remains essen- tially the same, and may be thus briefly stated : — Diocletian, Emperor of Rome, had a son named Florentine. After the death of the Empress, Diocletian convened the wisest and most learned men, from whom he selected seven, under whose charge he placed the child to be instructed in the seven liberal arts. This they undertook to accomplish in the space of seven years. In the mean while the Emperor was persuaded to marry again, and became so much enamoured with his new wife, as in a great measure to forget his son. When the time of tuition was nearly expired, the Empress, who had heard the young Prince very highly commended, felt the strongest desire to see him, and easily persuaded her husband to summon him to court. His Masters, the night before their intended journey, thought it advisable to consult the stars, when they discovered that the first moment the young Prince, after his arrival at court, should open his lips would prove fatal to him, and very possibly to each of themselves. On hearing such an alarming prediction, Florentine himself examined the heavens, and ascertained that, if he could preserve a strict silence during seven days, the threatened danger would be avert- ed, and he might expect many years of security and happiness. Florentine was received at court with every demonstration of joy, till the Emperor, surprised at his son's want of speech, threatened his Masters as the cause of it. The Empress, however, requested the Prince's attendance in her own apartment, in the view of discovering the cause of this impediment; and, when alone, she proposed and offered every encouragement to the viii PREFACE. indulgence of a criminal passion. Florentine still preserved invin- cible silence ; but shewed such aversion to her proposals, that, at length finding her solicitations ineffectual, her love passed into the extreme of rage, and tearing her hair, and rending her clothes, Uke another Potiphar's wife, she accused the Prince of an attempt to ravish her, and demanded of the Emperor his instant execution. To confirm the Emperor in this resolution she tells him the tale of the Pinote tree, and impressed with the example thus exhibit- ed, he gave express commandment to put his son to death next day. While he is conveyed towards the place of execution, one of the Seven Wise Masters stops the procession, until he has remonstrated with the Emperor on his injustice and cruelty : — he assures him, should he sacrifice his son, he would be tortured by unavailing remorse, as was the Knight who slew his good grey- hound. The Emperor, who is easily swayed by the words of the last speaker, and who has an inordinate fondness for stories, desires to hear this tale, which the First Master obstinately refuses, until he has obtained an order to suspend the execution till next day. In this manner, through six successive days, he is alternately pre- vailed on by the Empress at night, by telling some appropriate story, to order his son to be put to death on the following morn- ing ; while his purpose is delayed as each Master, in his turn, by exciting his curiosity, obtains a further respite, in order to relate some other example, illustrating the risk of inconsiderate punish- ment. At length, the fatal interval of seven days having elapsed, the young Prince, no longer under the dread of his threatened danger, to the unspeakable dehght of the Emperor, breaks his silence, and relates the tale of the Kavens ; and having con- PREFACE. ix victed the Empress of her false accusations, she suflfers merited disgrace and punishment. It has been doubted whether any Indian original of the Para- bles of Sandabar ever existed. 'We find, however, mention made of versions of it into different languages, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac. Manuscript copies of one or more versions of the Hebrew text exist in public libraries, and also in a printed form ; * but, from the account given of the work, it possesses no more than a general resemblance in its plan to the Seven Wise Masters. A nearer approach is made in the Greek romance of Syntipas, some copies of which profess to be translated from the Persian, others from the Syriac. An analysis of this work was given by M. Dacier, * and a short abstract in Ellis's Specimens. ' The King is Cyrus of Persia, and Syntipas is the tutor of the young Prince ; while there are Seven Philosophers, each of whom tells two tales in order to save the Prince's life. " This last cir- " cumstance is an argument, I think," says Mr Tyrwhitt, " for the " originality of Syntipas ; and another may be drawn from the " insipidity of the greatest part of the tales. * An eminent Orien- ' The Romance, or Parables of Sandabar, in Hebrew, was printed under the title of Mischle Sandabar, first at Constantinople, in 1516, and afterwards at Venice, in 1544, 1568, and 1605. Our countryman James Bonaventura Hepburn is said by Dempster (Hist. Eccles. p. 364) to have translated the work from Hebrew into Latin. • See " Notice d'un Manuscrit Grec, de la Bibliotheque du Roi ; Ecriture du xvi* siecle, sur papier in 4». cote 2912. Par M. Dacier." Memoires de 1' Academic Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, vol. xli. p. 546. This MS. of Syntipas professes to be translated from the Syriac. • Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, vol. iii. p. 9. • Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, vol. ii. p. 490, 4to edit. The romance itself has been since pub- lished under this title, " Xvtrizrxf. De Syntipa et Cyri filio Andreopidi Narratio, e Codd. Pariss. edita, a Jo. Fr. Boissonade." Parisiis, 1828, 8vo. It may be added, that there exists a collection of Fables in Greek also ascribed to Syntipas. These were first published by Professor C. F. Mat- X PREFACE. talist mentions the Hebrew romance as a work unworthy of much notice, and adds, " Le roman Grec de Syntipas tel que nous le " connoissons, est beaucoup plus etendu que le roman Hebreu de *' Sendabar, et ne pent pas etre la source de ce dernier." ' The earliest version of " The Seven Wise Masters," in any modern language, is probably that in French verse, entitled DoLOPATHos. It was derived from a Latin copy, ascribed to Dan John, a monk of the Abbey of Haute-Selve. The translator was Hebebs, surnamed the Clerk, who flourished some time in the course of the thirteenth century. " This metrical version contains about 9000 hues, and is now in the course of publication, for the first time, at Paris^ under the auspices of M. le Roux de Lincy, with a preface by M. Loiseleur de Long Champs, a distinguished Orientalist, who, we may confidently expect, will throw much new light on the Eastern versions of the work. Another Latin romance, entitled " Histobia Septem Sapien- TUM RoMAE," or " Historia Calumniae Novercalis, que Septem Sapientum inscribitur," was frequently printed towards the close of the fifteenth centurv. This work has been considered as the original of most of the subsequent imitations in French, both verse and prose, and also in various other languages. One of those in French verse was the work of an anonymous Trouvere, of the tha«i of Moscow. " Syntipae Philosophi Persae Fabulae LXII. Graece et Latine, ex duobus Codi- cibus Mosquensibus primum edidit," &c. Lipsiae, 1781, 8vo. ' See p. 417 of " Notice d'un Manuscrit Hebreu, &e. contenant un fragment de la version H6braique du livre de Calila et Dimna, ou Fables de Bidpai, le Roman intitule Paraboles de San- dabad, et divers autres Trait^s. Par M. Silvestre de Sacy." Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits, &c., tom. ix. p. 397-450. Paris, 1813. 4to. » The exact date of the work has been disputed among French writers. Some assign it to the reign of Lewis VIIL, who died in 1226; others fix it as late as 1260. See Roquefort, p. 172. Keller (Enleituog), p. xxxix. PREFACE. " same age with Hebers, and contains 5061 lines. It remained unpublished till last year, when it was accompanied with a most curious and elaborate dissertation (in German), containing the most minute account that has yet appeared relating to the several versions and editions of the work in different languages, and also elucidating the history of the various tales which it contains. It has the following title : " Li Romans des Sept Sages, nach der " Pariser Handschrift herausgegeben von Heinrich Adelbert « Keller, Doctor der Philosophic, &c." Tiibingen, 1836, 8vo, pp. ccxlvj and 197. The most ancient English copy of the Seven Wise Masters, in our own language, is contained in the Auchinleck MS., and has been assigned to the early part of the fourteenth century. It is a fragment of 2630 lines ; but corresponds very closely with a more perfect copy, written in the Scotish dialect, and entitled « The Process of the Sevyne Sages." The latter is preserved among the Cotton MSS. (Galba, E. 9.) in the British Museum. The Emperor is named Diocletian, and his son Florentine. The Seven Masters are Bancillas, Ancilles, Lentihon, Malquedras, Caton, Jesse, and Maxentius. The " Process," Tyrwhitt says, " is not later than Chaucer's time, and agrees exactly with Les " Sept Sages de Rome, in French prose, in MS. Harl. 3860." ' From these two copies Mr Ellis ^ gave a minute analysis of the work, preceded with a copious and learned account of its origin and the various translations, partly derived from information communicated to him by the late intelligent antiquary, Francis ' Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, vol. ii. p. 490, * Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, vol. ili. p. 23-101. 3di PREFACE. Douce. The text itself, extending to 4002 lines, has been sub- sequently pubhshed by Weber ' from a collation of both manu- scripts. Another version, bearing the title of The Buke of the Sevyne Sagis, by an anonymous Scotish poet of the end of the fifteenth century, hitherto undescribed, is preserved in Asloan's MS. ; and might be worthy of publication, as a curious and interesting spe- cimen of our vernacular literature. It is written in eight syllable verse, in couplets, and extends to about 2800 lines ; but the MS. does not contain any tale by the Sixth Master, or the correspond- ing one by the Empress. The name of the Emperor is Diocletian. The Prince also bears the same name, having been called after his father. The Masters, as first described, are named Eantillas, Anupullus, Lentalus, Catone, Malcome, Ampustinus, and Cratone; while at the commencement of their several tales they are called BantiUas, MaxOlas, Lentulus, Mancundas, Cato, (the sixth omit- ted,) and Cratone. The Seven Sages by John Holland, translated out of prose into Scotish verse, belongs to the middle of the sixteenth century, and was first published in 1578. Although it passed through at least five editions in little more than half a century, it is a work of great rarity. Its value, as connected with the history of our popular literature, suggested, however, the present republication, as a suitable contribution to the Bannatyne Club. Unfortunately we are unable to throw any light on the Author's personal history, as no mention of his name has been discovered in any contem- ' Metrical Romances, &c. vol. iii. p. 1-11, Edinburgh, 1810, 3 vol. 8vq. PREFACE. xui porary writer, and the particulars which he himself has incidentally communicated are not calculated to satisfy our curiosity. Whether, in fact, he was alive in 1578, the date of its first publication, must be left to conjecture. From the colophon (at page 335), " Quod Rolland. 1560," ' the translation may undoubtedly be fixed at that year; and this is fully confirmed by the verses which he entitles, " Ane schort schawing quhair and quhen, and at quhais requeist this bulk was translatit out of prois in Scottis meter" From this we learn that the task was undertaken at the request of his aunt Kate, ane pr(yper wench, who had borrowed from him, under pledge, an earlier work (to be afterwards mentioned,) and which she had returned, complaining of its obscurity, and re- questing him to write something else in a more homely manner, and to abstain from the use of strange terms, or a learned style. This work was accomplished, he tells us, in the course of seven weeks, within the Castle of Tantallon (in East Lothian,) at the time when the English fleet lay beside Inchkeith, in the Frith of Forth, and when Leith was besieged by the Scotish and English forces. This allusion fixes the precise date, as it can only apply to the Siege of Leith in April and May 1560. '' That EoUand had embraced the Protestant faith, is sufficiently evident from the strong terms he uses at the commencement of his work, where he contrasts the ancient splendour of Rome with its declension under its ecclesiastical government, which he asserts was occasioned — ^ throw wicketnes and vice Of the Papists, and thair foule merchandice : ' This date, 1560, omitted in the subsequent editions of the work. • Sibbald, in his " Chronicle of Scottish Poetry," vol. iii. p. 287, supposes that this reference points to 1544 or 1547 ; but it can only refer to the year 1560. b xiT PREFACE. For thay wald gar ane pound of meltit leid Brings thame againe the wecht of golde sa reid ; And gar' the hippis of ane deid 3ow,* or skin, Assol3e 30W of all 30ur deidly sin, Incontinent in hevin up to be brocht Contrair God's will, quhidder he wald or nocht. It is somewhat uncertain from what copy KoUand translated his Seven Sages. The names of the Emperor, Pontianus, of his son Diocletian, and of the Wise Masters, Pantyllas, Lentalus, Craton, Malquydrak, Josephus, Cleophas, and [Joachim,] as well as the tales, correspond with the Latin " Historia Septem Sapientum Komae ;" ' and also with the French and other modern prose translations. The probability, however, is, that the translation made use of by Eolland was the one in English prose, which was printed at London by W. Copland about the year 1550. But this point must still remain as matter of conjecture, as the copy of Copland's edition, without date,* that belonged successively to Baynes and Kitson, cannot be traced to its present possessor ; and no other copy has been discovered. It is likewise no impro- bable conjecture that Copland's English version, hke many similar works of fiction which came from his press, was derived from one of the early printed copies of the Romance in French prose. " Les Sept Sages de Rome," in prose, was printed at Geneva, as early as 1492, and again in 1494, both in small folio." There is also an edition, printed at Lyons, without date, but not later than 1530, entitled " Les Sept Saiges de Romme, Histoire de Poncianus ' Gar, cause. » 3o!f, a Ewe. ' The edition referred to is in 4to, without date, but seems to have been printed about the year 1490, probably at Antwerp. * ' Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, vol. iii. p. 170. ' Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, vol. iii. p. 325. PREFACE. XV " lempereur, qui n'avait qu'ung fils qui avait a nom Dyoclecian, " lequel il bailla aulx Sept Saiges de Kome pour le gouverner " en sciences," etc., 4to. From what Holland states, he at least was not aware of any former metrical translation. His words are, Thairfoir myself, as now I am constrane It to translait, in our toung naturall ; Qubair I it fand into plane prois at all Without cullour or feit, now I againe In rurall ryme, to set it furth I sail. But, besides the request of his Aunt, to avoid "high and curious terms," he hints in his address " To the Keidar," another and a most efficient cause for the neglect of poetical diction : — Ane uther caus siclike, I wait ye ken For to bring but it's ill that's not thair ben ; ' Nor thair is nana I wait, in all this toun. Except he have it that can put on ane goun ; Of ane tume tun * nane can draw out licour ; Nor of ane Fule to mak a wise Doctour. Eolland's Seven Sages, as already stated, was first published at Edinburgh in 1578. It was printed by John Eoss, at the expense of Henry Charteris, a well-known bookseller, to whom we are indebted for the publication of many similar works of our early vernacular poetry. Eoss the printer died in July 1580, and in his stock there remained " Twa hundreth Sevin Seiges unbound, " price of the peice, iij s. iiij d. (Ss. 4d.) — Summa threttie-fyve " pundis" (Scotish). ' This edition, however, is of such extreme rarity, that only one copy is known to exist. Its history is worth mentioning. In 1803, at the sale of Eitson's books (who proba- ' But, the outer, and Ben, the inner apartment of a house. * Tume tun, an empty cask. • The Baunatyne Miscellany, vol. ii. p. 205. xvi PREFACE. bly picked it up for a trifle during one of his visits to Edinburgh,) it was purchased for the Duke of Koxburghe at L.30, 10s. At the sale of the Duke's library in 1813, it was bought by Mr Constable for L.37, 5s. 6d. It afterwards came into Mr Heber's possession, at whose sale, in 1834, it was bought by Mr Thorpe for L.27 ; and is now the property of William Henry Miller, Esq. of Craig- entinny, M.P., who very readily gave the use of the volume to be reprinted for the Club. The present edition is, in every respect, an exact fac-simile of the original, page for page ; and the orthography, which is considerably altered in the subsequent editions, has been carefully retained. A subsequent edition appeared in 1592, with the following title, " Heir beginnis The Sevin Seages, Translatit out of Prois " in Scottis Meiter, be Jhon Holland in Dalkeith. With ane " Moralitie, &c. Edinbvrgh, Prentit be Kobert Smyth, dwelland " at the nether Bow. M.D.XCII. Cum Priuilegio KegaH." 8vo, black letter. A copy of this edition was in the Harleian Library,' and is probably the same that was afterwards in the collection of George III,, now transferred to the British Museum. No other copy is known. ^ Whether Smyth printed more than one edition is uncertain ; but, singularly enough, the copy in the Museum, while it has the date of 1592 on the title-page, at the end it bears to have been " Imprented at Edinburgh be Robert Smyth. And ar to be sauld in his buith at the Nether Bow. ' Catalogus Bibl. Harl. vol. iv. No. 13,877, and vol. v. No. 12,354. • Ames's Typographical Antiquities, p. 590. Herbert's edition of Ames, vol. iii. p. 1512. In the printed Catalogue of the Advocates Library, vol. ii. p. 458, Smyth's edition of 1592 is very minutely entered ; but from the MS. Catalogues it does not appear that any such book was ever in the Library, which can only boast of an imperfect copy, without title or date, made up with sheets of two later editions. The presumption is, that the Compiler of the Catalogue> in 1776, not aware of any other edition, copied the title and imprint from Ames. PREFACE. xvn M.D.XC.V." ' The printer died in May 1602, and, from the inventory of his stock, we learn that 45 copies of the volume then remained unsold." Of another edition of the Seven Sages, apparently coeval with Smyth's, only one or two stray leaves (Signatures M iij and iiij, marked fol. 87 and 88) have been discovered. It is in 8vo, black letter, averaging 28 hues on a page, exclusive of the run- ning title, " ITthe sevin seages." That Holland's work was popular may be inferred from the circumstance, that " ane bulk callit The Seavin Sages " is spe- cially mentioned, among others, for which licence to publish was successively given, by a grant under the Privy Seal, to John Gibson, ISth May 1590, to Robert Smyth, 3d December 1599, and to Thomas Finlayson, 17th June 1606. The same general licence was renewed and confirmed to Walter Finlayson, 17th January 1628. ^ The next edition of Holland's Seven Sages, of which any men- tion can be found, was printed in the year 1620, as noticed by the German bibliographer, Ebert. * Copies of such an edition, appa- ' WhUe this sheet is in the printer's hands, the Editor has been favoured by Sie Fkedeeick Madden with a more minute description of Smyth's edition. He says, " It is a short 8vo, in indif- ferent condition, wanting the leaves between p. 6 and p. 11, which contain the commencement of the Poem. The whole volume consists of 275 pp. (numbering the title-page and colophon), but is only actually paged as far as p. 271. The sheets are folded in eights, which are numbered from i to V, under each letter of the alphabet, and the Signatures run from A ij to S [i]." — " The volume appears evidently to have been printed with the same types throughout, and the date at the end is certainly the true one of publication. Either, therefore, the date in the title'page is an error, orj what I am inclined to believe, the work was three years passing through the press, and the title-page printed when the work was beg^un in 1592. In a full page there are 42 lines, exclusive of the run- ning title." " The Bannatyne Miscellany, vol. ii. p. 234. See pages 19, 23, 24, and 40 of the Appendix to Dr Lee's Memorial for the Bible Societies of Scodand. 8vo. Edinb. 1824. * Allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexicon, vol. ii. No. 13,592. — Ebert, however, mistakes the date of the first edition, which he makes 1575, instead of 1578. xviii PREFACE. rently from the press of Andrew Hart, bookseller and printer in Edinburgh,' are preserved in a mutilated state, (wanting the title, and one or more leaves,) in the University Library at Glasgow, in the Advocates Library, and also in the possession of Mr Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. It is in small 8vo, black letter, containing 30 lines on a page ; and when complete should have Sign. A 4 and B to A a, in eights. The running title is "The feven Sages." A reprint of this edition, page for page, and uniform in size and appearance, bears on the title, " Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heires of Andro Hart. 1631." The running title is " T h e feuen Sages." A description of the work from this edition was given, probably by Dr Leyden, in the Scots Magazine, January 1802, p. 43. A continuation of the article was promised, but never appeared. The copy then made use of belonged to George Paton, which at his sale, in 1809, was bought by Mr Blackwood, and afterwards sold to Sir Walter Scott, who lent it for the pur- pose of having the work reprinted. These later editions, how- ever, are inferior in every respect, as the language was consider- ably altered, and rude phrases modernized, as the work passed through the press. A second copy of the edition 1631 is in the possession of the present Editor; but no third copy has been discovered. Rolland, who describes himself as a native, or at least a resident in the town of Dalkeith, was the author of another poetical work, The Will of Andrew Hart, -who died in December 1621, is printed in the Bannatyne Miscellany, vol. ii. p. 243 ; but, in the inventory of his stock, the books are not specially enumerated. We should have been glad to know what were the " 42,300 mibound Ingleish buikis of the said imiquhUe Andrew his awin printing." PREFACE. xix entitled The Court of Venus. As he makes particular allusion to it in his Prologue to the Seven Sages, the date of its com- position must thus have been previous to the year 1560, although it was not printed until 1575. It is divided into four books, and is written in stanzas of nine lines. The poem itself is a prolix and uninteresting allegory ; and is an evident imitation, both in the subject and his manner of treating it, no less than in the measure, of " The Palace of Honour," by Bishop Douglas, whom he com- memorates (at fol. S7 b) in the following stanza : — Alsua quha list to tak pane, or laubour Out throw to reid the Palice of Honour Maid be G \wine Dowglas of Dunkell Bischop, and als ane honest Oratour, Profound Poet, and perfite Philosophour, Into his dayis abone all buir the bell : In sic -practikis all vtheris did precell. Weill put in vers in gude still and ordour Thir Nimphis names thair he dois trewly tell. KoUand, in his Prologue to the Seven Sages, mentions that there flourished four poets at the Scotish court — Sir David Lyndsay, John Bellenden, Archdeacon of Moray,'V\^illiam Stewart, and Durie, Bishop of Galloway ; and that, with hat in hand, he approached reverently, and entreated to learn a lesson from them. Having obtained their leave to show his skill, he informs us that he was at a loss what subject to choose. They advised him to attempt something in the form of a dialogue ; but this he conceived was too common-place. At length falling asleep, Lady Venus appeared to him in a dream, and this sug- gested the subject of his work. Having accordingly completed " ane lytill quair," he delivered it to his Four Masters for their judgment, and they greatly commended his performance, " as XX PREFACE. those who heard it said." The mention of these four Poets seems to point at the reign of James V., (1527-1542) ; but this is evidently too early a period for KoUand. Bellenden is said to have died at Rome in 1550 ; Sir David Lyndsay's latest vj^ork, his Dialog, was written in 1552 ; but Stewart's history and works are alike unknown ; and Andrew Durie,' who was Bishop of Gallo- way from 1541 to 1558, is only known as a poet from the satirical notice of the Scotish Reformer. In describing the tumults in Edinburgh, in February 1558, when the new image of the Patron Saint, St Giles, was forcibly destroyed (the old " grit Idoll" having been previously seized and first drowned in the North Loch, and then burned,) Knox says, " This Tragedie of Sanct Geill was sa " terribill to sum Papistis, that Durie, sumtymes callit for his " filthines Abbote Stottikin, and then entitled Bischope of Gallo- " way, left his Ryming, quhairwith he ivas accustomed, and departit " this lyif even as that he levit." ^ According to Keith, however, it was not till the month of September that Durie died. But this allusion to Lyndsay and his brethren may signify not that Hol- land was personally acquainted with them, but, merely from stu- dying their works, that he looked on himself as their scholar. As Eolland's " Court of Venus" presents so little in the way of recommendation for a new edition, excepting its scarcity, the fol- lowing notice and abstract may not be unacceptable. It is, in fact, a volume of such extraordinary rarity, that the copy in the British Museum is the only one known to be extant. A fac- simile of the title-page is given on the opposite page. It is in 4to, black letter, and contains A to I in eights, or 72 leaves. ' Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, 4to edit. p. 165 ; 8vo edit. p. 278. * Historie of the Uefonnation in Scotland, p. 96, Edinb. 1732, folio. C »i ] Qine CreatiCe tallit tfte Court of vENvs, Ueuftiit into four J&utfeeiS ; i^etDlte Compglit be iohne Hol- land in Balfeeitl)^ I. R. [Impre]ntit at Edinburgh be [IO]HNE ROS, MD.LXXV. Cum Priuilegio Regali. [ xxii ] On the last leaf is the same device as on the Title, tvith the following colophon: — Imprentit at Edinburgh be lohne Ros, 1575. Cum Priuilegio Regali. PREFACE. xnii " The Prologue to the Court of Venus is in verse, and fills eleven pages. The author describes the different temperaments of man- kind, comparing them to the complexion of the planets, &c. Hence he intimates the various dispositions and pursuits of man- kind, and declaims against vice, idleness, and bad company. In order to avoid idleness and bad company, he says, I tuik ane pen and drew this Comedie. He then bespeaks the reader's favour for his work, and requests him to give it a careful perusal and right interpretation. Lastly, he addresses his book : — AUCTOR ALLOQUITCR LiBRUM. Now pas thy wayia, thou barrant buik new brevit, With beggit termes, and barbar toung mischerit And cast thy hude and hat outovir thy face : At ilk gentill upon thy kneis ask grace. Excuse thyself of thy greit ignorance, And in thair will put all thy ordinance. For Gentilmen can richt weill thee considder. For commoun folk will call the lawit and lidder. Thyself present to Nobillmen and gude, And fle the sect of Rurall folke and rude, &c. " The first Buik of the Poem commences with the following stanza : — Quhen Eolus out ouir thir rokkis rang Be donk and daill, baith herb and tre be dang : With passand pith, fra Poleartike come doun, Thringand with thrist out throw thir woddis thrang, And ceissit swyith the small foulis of thair sang : Caussit tbame throw cauld mak lamentatioan : Quhilk cauld become be nature of sessoun : For than Pisees with potent power sprang, Into his Spheir and tuik dominatioun. xxiv PREFACE. " In this Buik, the author describes the season, and the parti- cular day (Valentine Day) : — This gamin day (gif I remember richt) Is consuetude to all kin foule of flicht, Quha is rakand to cheis thame than ane maik. Siclike it is to King, Keyser and Knicht : Gif thay sa be, cheis thame ane bird sa bricht, To pas the time, and ather solace mak, Bot I alone of sic curage did laik, Pausing far mair how sone wald cum the nicht Me to repois, in my couche rest to tak. Nevertheles 3it to rejoyce my spreit Howbeit the day was sum part set with weit ; I walkit furth on be ane valay syde, With hat on heid, and mittanis that was meit Maid to my handis, and heich shone on my feit ; Under ane bus I sat me down to byde, Me to preserve fra tempest of that tyde, And maist part was my prayers to compleit Knokit on breist, and Cor Mundum I [cryde]. " While saying his prayers he saw appear, in ane Gairth preclair. Twa joung 30unkeirs, perfite at all pointment, In richt array, and honest ornament, But companie, bot thameself solitaire, Nothing knawand that I was thair present. " He then describes minutely the dress and appearance of these two younkers, one of whom was named Esperance, and the other Disperance ; the first a gay young votary of Venus, and the other a grave lover of Virtue. The author hstens to and relates what passed between them ; the one speaking highly in praise of Venus, the other against her. The champion of Venus was so ' A word at the end of this line is wanting. The copy of the orig^al in the Museum is, in some parts, slightly mutilated. PREFACE. XXV hard pressed by his opponent, that he was obliged to call the Goddess to his assistance. She appears, and learning what had passed, and how her true knight had been treated, she blew a silver horn, and her nymphs come to her assistance. She relates to them the heinous offence of Disperance in blaspheming her mighty crown, and abusing her champion. After some consul- tation they advise her to set a Court for the trial of the culprit ; which was done, and he summoned to appear. Upon his apply- ing to the Seven Seages of Sapience to be his advocates and defend him, they advise him to seek help from the Nine Muses, which he did humbly, but they decHned to interfere in any thing against Venus ; and they referred him to ' the Nobillis nyne' — Hector, Josue, David, Julius Cesar, Alexander, Judas Machabeus, Gode- fridus, Arthur, and Charles le Mayne. They received him stern- ly, and treated him with sharpness for abusing Venus. They sent him to the ' ten Sibillais,' who received him as ungracious- ly, and referred him to the ' three Fatales,' and they to others. At length Vesta, to whom he applied, took compassion upon him, and undertook to defend his cause. " The third Buik, which begins with a description of ' Venus Court,' the Judge, Members, Assise, &c., gives a very tedious account of the proceedings ; the defence of Disperance by Vesta ; the difficulty of the Assise, who, after an assurance of mercy, put the culprit in the will of Venus, by whom he is ordained to be severely punished and imprisoned. This excited the lamentation of Esperance,' who had brought his friend Disperance into this ' In Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature will be found, as an extract from Holland, this " Lamentatio Esperantiae," vol. ii. p. 107. xxTi PREFACE. state ; and also the lamentation of the Assyse, who, with Espe- rance, apply to Venus for a remission, which she agrees to give on Disperance quitting Vesta, and engaging to serve her. This he promises, and she changes his name from Disperance to Dalli- ance, dubs him a knight, and introduces him to her other knights ; after which follows dancing, music, and tournaments, &c., and an account of these festivities concludes the fourth Buik and the work. " The whole work is prolix and tiresome, greatly inferior to the allegorical and descriptive poetry of Dunbar, Douglas, and Lynd- say ; and EoUand must rank much below any of these poets, from whom he has ' beggit' or borrowed his ornate terms.' »> 1 In neither of his productions has Eolland shown much poetical genius. His great defect is his uncommon diffuse- ness ; and, as he tells us he wrote his " Seven Sages" in as many weeks, it might have been well for his reputation had he de- voted at least as much time to revise and condense his work. The story of the Two Friends,* near the end of the book, which is not found in the other metrical versions of the Seven Wise Masters, is perhaps the best told. In his Moralities, he has given very unnecessary recapitulations of the different tales ; but in these, and in his varied Exclamations against the Empress and the wickedness of the female sex, there is something original and amusing, and they exhibit a variety of measures, which occa- ' For the preceding Analysis of RollancTs Poem, the Editor is indebted to his friend James Chalmers, Esq., London. ' The same story forms the subject of the early Metrical Romance of Chivalry, " Amys and Amylioun." — See EUis's Specimens, vol. iii. p. 396 ; and Weber's Collection, vol. ii. p. 369. PREFACE. xxvii sionally bear a resemblance to the satirical poems of Burns. At the time when Holland flourished, the state of the country, so long agitated by pohtical and religious contentions, was not favourable for the encouragement of poetical genius ; and the literary remains of that period present a striking contrast to those of the earlier part of the century. From the style of his writings, EoUand, however inferior he may be to the more distin- guished Poets who preceded him, may be considered as the last of their school. But it is not, as already stated, on the ground of poetical merit, that the present Romance was deemed worthy of repubhcation ; although it is only by an extensive and careful examination of such remains — (and the difficulty of obtaining access to works of extreme rarity, might serve as an excuse for reprinting almost any thing of that age in verse which has been preserved) — that we can form some adequate conception of the actual state of literature in this country at the period of the Reformation. D. LAING. EDINBURGH, DECEMBER, MD.CCC.XXXVII. CCl)e(eumg)eage0 Ctanflatit out of pjoljj in ^cottiis metet; fie lOHNE ROLL AND tn Dal&eitD, tDttft ane d^oialitit tfin mttit Doctourijs Cale, anD MiU eftev t^e €iup?f(:e Cale , togtOdei; \3jittj ane (outng and lauDe to euei;ie Dortout; efteu ^10 atotn Cale, $ ane CjCflamatton aiiEi outev^ing wpon tlje (ffimpieoudis toife eftet ftw faljj eonttufit Cale. L R. ^ Iinprentit at Edinburgh be lohne ROS, for Henrie Charteris. M. D. L XX VI II. CVM PRIVILEGIO REGAL I. m THE PROLOGVE. E N into Courts is Curiofitie, Manbeid, maners, niirtour and courtafie, Gif in the heid greit vertew doi's auance Sa in members I think iiclyke fuld be. Curage, kyndnes, gentrice and honellie To do the heid feruice and obferuance, To God alone alfo for his plefance And failzeing that, all is bot fantaiie, For warldlie myrth wald^haue fum temperance. Sara caramis to court to feme thair King and Quen* To conqueis lands fam fettis thair courage dene, Greit Lordis and Lairdis the court wald bald in hand Sum thair kynnifmen to Court caufis connene. Sum for to fe, and vthers to be fene. With braid Buklars brawling with bimeiil brand Sum thair gat fais, vthers fum freindfchip fand Sum gettis plefure, vthers gettis tray and tene Ze ken the Court can nocht ay ftabill fland. In Court that time was gude Dauid Lyndfay, In vulgar toung he bure the bell that day To mak meter, richt cunning and expart. And Maifter lohne Ballentyne fuith to fay Mak him marrow to Dauid weill we may. And for the thrid, Maifter Williame Stewart, To mak in Scottis, richt weill he knew that Art. Bifchop Durie, fum tyme of Galloway, For his plefure fum tyme wald tak thair part. And I my felf with fmall Intelligence Thocht in that cafe to fchaw my diligence To manifefl my waik wit and Ingyne, At thir fourfum afking leif and licence. With hat and hand keiling with reuerence Me for to leir ane leflbun or a lyne Of thair prettick to me ane point propyne. A. i The Prologue. They faid go to, fchaw fum Experience And I thairfoir to thame promeift the wyne. Sa at thir four, quhen I had leif purcbeft, To thame (faid I) quhat mater is meted ? For to begin (quod thay) we wald ze drew Sum Dialog, or argument that is bell, . And that will mak zour mater manifeft> Sa folk may knaw the fals Tale be the trew, For Dialogs (quod I) weis get anew. And fa fra thame Incontinent me dreft, And tuke gude nicht, and faid gude fchirs adew. 6ot zit knew not qnhat my mater fuld be Quhidder of myrth or zit of grauitie. Efter Supper to bed I maid me boun, Sa in my (leip me thocht I faw fwythlie Lady Venus cumming and fpak to me. And faid I am cum with the for to reflbun, Thairfoir my wordis, fe that thow not cheffonn, Tuitching my ftait, honour and dignitie Forzet me nocht quhen thou makis thy Sermoun. Sa on the morne quhen time was for to ryfe I thocht I wald begin my Interpryfe, And rememberit on Venus Lady Quene Keft in my mynd ofter nor anis or twyfe That flie bad me with hir mater auyfe, And I knew fmall quhat hir mater did mene Confiddering at me hir felf had bene. I wift nocht Weill quhat mater to deuyfe, Hir for to pleis, and to efliaip hir tene. And fa at fchort my pen I tuke in hand Began to wryte at Quene Venus command Ane lytill Quair, I ken nocht gif ze knaw it, Erobrowd about with barbarus termes bland And with trym termes maift vfit Tp on land As to the Name Dame Venus Court thay caw it I wait nocht weill gif euer Schiris ze faw it, Delyuerit it vnto my Maifters four Quba it reiTauit, and reddelie red ouir. This lytill The Prologue. This lytill Quair, quhen thay had red and endit Sum faid that hard, thay greitlie it commendit, And fa beliue delyuerit it againe To euerie verfe thairin thay condifcendit, And faid tliay wift, thairwith nane was offendit Except it war ane prydfull pure Putane, At quhais wordis men wald tak fmall difdane, Quha that fand faltis, all four thay wald defend it Be word and deid, with micht and all thair mane. Ane proper wenche come to me on ane day Ane of my Ants, bot thairto I fay nay My buke to borrow, greitlie fcho did Inqnyre Ane wed thairfoir fcho faid fcho wald doun lay Qubill fcho it red, within ane Oulk or tway. Sa I grantit that thing fcho did defyre, Bot in few dayis my Ant begouth to tyre Her Pyat toung, hir poet toung I fuld fay Micht fuffice weill to preiche in bame or byre. My buke againe fcho brocht and callit it gude And faid fum termes was fcho not vnderftude, Becaufe thay war fa heich and curious Meruellit at me how I durft euer dude, Aganis wemen to fpeik fa ruch and rude, And faid I trow zour mynde was furious Quod I Lady the mater ftandis thus Quhen twa arguis, in ane or thay conclude On force thair talk mon be contrarious. Thairfoir Maiftres I mon hald zow excufit, I traift iic termes befoir few tymes ze vfit, Or at the leift, ze come nocht quhair thay grew I hard fum fay that ze war greitlie rufit, And ze zour thocht and mynde on iic termes mufit Baith into Greik, in Latine and Hebrew, Now I perfane that thay Tales ar not trew. Thairfoir trewlie my felf fuld haue the pyne, I was to bald to caft Peirlis to the Swyne. Than fcho me prayit with wordis fweit and fair To be fa gude to tak ane vther Qoair A. iij. The Prologue. In planer termes, and it in Meter mak Anents wemen, not tuitching thame fa fair, For zour requeifl (faid I) I will do mair. Ane Tther Roll I chancit in band to take, It to performe for that fair Ladyis fake. Maid and compylit be tbe wyfe Sages feuin, Qnfaa was tbat tyme maift fapient ynder benin. For naturall wit, thay ar all baldin plane The fpringing well, and onlie frefche Fontane The perfyte ground, and rute Originall Of this ftorie, now following but lane, Thairfoir my felf, as now I am conllrane It to tranflait, in our toung naturall. Quhair I it fand into plane prois at all Without cullour or feit, now I againe In rurall ryme, to fet it furth I fall. Tbe fault I faid, for bir faik I fuld mend it Quhair fcho befoir with ftrange termis was offendit. I promeifl bir of honeftie to quyte thame. And with toun termes my bow it fuld be bendit Fra Clerklie termes my pen fuld be fufpendit And in my verfe be na way I fuld wryte thame, Ze fall all knaw doutles that I defpyte thame. On this debait than we war condifcendit. At bir defyre I fall efchew to dyte thame. Sa we aggreit (quod fcho) gude Schir adew Quod I Lady, forfuith richt fair I rew, With fa dry mouths, that we twa fuld depart Quod fcho but dout, as I am traift and trew Sum vther tyme my felf fall zow perfew, Bot not as now, thair is tyme efterwart, Quhen euer ze pleis (quod I) welcum my hart, For verray fhame me thocht fcho cfaangeit hew. Than tumit bir bak, and fa we did depart. Incontinent but ony mair delay I tbocht it beft my pen for till aflay This lytill buke in verfe for to compyle Quhair it befoir into plane prois was ay. Gifl The Prologue. Gif I culd fynd ony gnde wyle or way To fteir it vp into ane better ftyle, That I fnld not this fair Lady begyle, Confiddering the fame on hand I take Ai ze fall heir, thns I begin my bnke. ^♦f Finit Prologus. J To the Reidar. BECAVS I was reprouit of befoir, That I fuld not in Clerklie termes gloir : Bot in plaine fpeiche my bulk for to addres With commoun talk, bot zit neuer the les This Tale of auld I hard quhilk is richt trew, And richt weill knawin, that neid oft maids vertew Thairfoir on force, becaus ftrange termes I want I haue na dout, bot heir thay fall be fkant. Thairfoir in tyme I think beft to deny thame. Zone fair Lady me think fcho fettis nocht by yame Ane vther cans ficlike I wait ze ken For to bring but its 111 thats not thair ben. Nor thair is nane, I wait in all this toun Except he haue it, that can put on ane goun. Of ane twme Twn, nane can draw out licour, Nor of ane fiile to mak a wife Doctour. For quhy wit wants, quhair wifdome fuld cum fra Into this cafe, the mater ftands fa. Force me compellis, ftrange termes to forbeir. Within my box thairs few to get or leir. Quhair Gold is fkant, filuer mon vs content, Euen fa it ftands but dout at this prefent. Praying hartlie this Tale in patience tak, A man can fell nathing out of his pak Bot as he hes, than prefent for the tyme, Ze may perfaue that be this rouftie ryme. Befeiking zow gude Reidars to excufe it, Not to detract, nor zit ouir hie to rufe it. This I wald wis my freinds ze wald do fo. Than in Goddis name to purpois lat vs go. CE^eit begmnis t|)e feuin Seages, tranflatit furth of prois in Scottis meter be lohne Rolland in Dalkeith. IN (ffilOattjs tiaj?t!3 oft tnnejs it ljt$ Unt taulb Cljat IRome Dajs bene ane €ittit of ttjt aulti ©f ninntng ClerfejS, u toon&et; tiaflieanD mm, 9jj annent 3ftjs mafeig i)jj fo? to feen, ©uit all tlje toavID tt DaD Pieeimnenre, 311 pepill maiti to it fiDbeDtence. ^itfi gtett Captaness, l^msss l^mcDtis $ (2mp?eoui;js f&mt men of toefr, f ftuell Conquetour^, Of totonfjs anD totojtx!, sveit utnageis $ netrfis, CrtumpDanti fai; abonc t^att (JEnemeis : ^utiDetuaniJ tljame to leflanti feuuituJje, iSot regatDins tlmt linage, ftpn no? ftlutic. Coquefl gtit vealmejs, lojtifc&tps <$ totomss bjatd CDatt fommonn toetll fa metuellouis tittit tDap maf U CDat an routuetjs ij fetgOome^ tlje abont f)f tDatt fell felt gtett D^eDDoui* IjaD anD Dout Ctjat t^a^ on fo?ce IieDuiti to mak ijomage ©? elltjs Baue lotfl baitD life anD Iietttage. jFo? tljaj) toai; fa repleit of all ticljejj 2a3tn into toeiviss lie mactiall fiefpnejj. Ctia^ tnU na mte of na mantjj f auont no? feiti %n t&a^ Iieeome of all tDe toaclD tlje &eiO : anD DaD t&aitof tlje Ijaill autl)oittie, IBot ttjifi toajs not in time of papifltie, jFo? fra tDat time g' papiis toaj3 maiD in Eome, ©fall uerteto tljat €ittit Uiajs maiD tome, , a . IfTHE SEVIN 3nt» da^ fie Jjag fua all uetteto tiectefi Continuallte tfie fclf it aj? opp?eQ, jFo? tl)?e fivangerss vatjs up in tljat Ctetfe. jCtu^ilfeisS of befofr na iwaj toalD fuffertt fie, Cfje cominoun tueill tnm tljap toar ap agane Cljaitin tfjatrfotv tftag tualD not tf)ole remane IBot fta Papij3 come ttjat Bobfll toiune toitljtn 3!t iJtO afiounti fa fait in DeiDlp fin, 3ntJ t^at na Gait to Clevgie toass compaitsJ, ^a tueill tfia^ tteit tljiv ttj?e uncoutD fltangaits Ciuliilfe tljie ttjic iuajj, tljt fiufl lutbanti fiaitrent CDe femni) urasJ, ^oung counfall and tonfent, ^ingulat p?oflte it tuajs tljt tljtOi 31 iuiiE** CiuDilb tljit tnajs (aujs to gat Eonie go ainiis, 3nti caufit it tine tlje gteit tdumpljanti jl3ame, 3nD to fie callit tlje tjoujs of toavlDlie fcDame. Cint tlje gteit totumes anti toatldlie poflefliou0 Ctjat tljag fonqnefl fva biueiss utljet Cvotunjs, 311 fie fietome tD?oto toickitness anD Dice, 2Df tlje Papifljs, and tljaiv foule ^cwDantJice, iF02 tDap iualti gat ane pounb of meltit leiU QB^ing tDame againe tDe tueeljt of golDe fa tciO. anD gat tlje t^i^^i^ of ane DeiCi %oto o? ffein 3flbl?e ^oto of all ?out deitilj) fin, incontinent in Seuin up to fie fijocljt, Conttait (Sotijs toill, quljitiDet De toalD o? nocljt. C'Bot not t^e le0, lang tjjme ficfoit tljit Da^ijJ ane Cnipieout toaS ajJ tlje ^tojie fapid, Ciuftilk Secljt to JI3ame PontianujS at tic^t, ane iSofiill man of luifDome and of micljt* t©j)tiit Ijijs iRealme fie tuifDome and netteto, Co Diss pepill ej;empili0 Daplie fcljetu, m toifDome toit anO lifietalitie, . jClttljaittlj?oto SEAGES. ; IXuIjautDjoU) tge Ijutisi of all W fol^ tuan ge Ctjat natif cafvit to ioair taiitD Dim t&ait Hfe, 9ne !Rtn50 OourDtev Ije DaD unto Dii5 Uiife, CalHt Claua, ane moiuau tiei-teoujs, JFatu and guDelpfee, anO toonOet gtactouiS, €iiil}ilfe ane bnaif tlj^lti of tjim fctjo dfd tofaur 16ot tjtm alone, na ma <3oh to t&ame gaue, Ctuljilk toass eallit Dioclefiane to ll3ame, JFaft anD fcueU fauoudt, baitlj of faflbun f fame £XuDa Oaplte gvetu tn uevteiu anb gudneg, life man Ijim hifit fo? Diss gteit gentilneis* jFo? De toass rouvtejj, rumlie and xittit fepntr, ifra all fnliff^e allutetlte DeeljjnD* ^a quDen ^t tuajs feutn ^elt; auld o? neit; 65 CDti3 (Bmptict tuke ane mevuelloujs malady, Cljat fcljo tJfDutD fo? to tafe ficD on fojee, Uiitl) fait: feifeneg fa tuon&lit toa0 Ijit Cojee. Perfauing tocill lie fiiif ^intelligence JFo? to efrtjetD fta deiD tuajs na defence IBot of Dit life frtjo?tlte to Dane ane end, ^a fo? Ijic fpoujs tfte (Bmpitom fone Ccfto fend, fljOitl) DumlJill Ijatt and Inixiartlie piaping, Cfjat tje tuald cnm to fjir bnt targtng, iitii tuondev fojie Davt, U^itl^ felu Doj0 men fua ijisi Camp did depatt» 3nd quDen De come to tDe (ffimpiice pjefence ^cDo faid till Dim tuitD Dnmbill reuerence. a) ^g gude toad, Dovubeit tDat 3 6e feife, Xe licent me mg evand to ^otu fj^eik. 4 IfTHE SEVIN ^a tfiat it 6e onlie to ?out plefout, anti al!3 fifltfec unto ?our gvext Ijonout, ^c fafO laDg 31 ft ?oUj in Otfeijs iSottoitbflanOins fag on qu^at tutt ?e pleijs : anij ft fall fie to me na uilante, ^a it tik not ?our gvett 3!nfifmitfe, 005 ILojti fcljo fait), t^ijs fetkness 31 perfaue ©? it depart to ill Ojiue me to mg graue. ^e faiti a^a&ame 6e ?e of guOe comfoat, Ze tuill recouet ?our IjeltD 3! tuaili at fc&ojt, JFo? 31 fall fend fo? all mj> Ding Doctouti^, pijilitianejs, anU mg pijilofo)?Doun0, fl@5 funning men, anD mp ^eDkinauS, ^j) Cirugianss anti alss mp l^otingarjS, ^5 PiacticianejJ qul)ilfei0 av futtell anD flie* €^^tit Daj)lie Deilijs tuitft jFletobotljomte» C&ap toill confult, and 3lfeane alsJ perfaue 311 ^our feibneg, anD fa tjeltlj fall ?e Dane* jToi feibnejs iss al0 natuvall a0 Ijeill, Cfiaivfoit Oout not g* Oeitlj fall iuitfj ^oiu Oeill, 9t tftijs pjefent, liot ^e fall fone remce, Ctuob fffto mp iLo?t« of a tljing 3\ am fure, Cf)i0 malatiie fa I)altii0 me at tlje tjavt jCluljill 3i 6e deio, na twap it toill Depart, jCluljairfoir mp JLojD, tirljt Ijumblie 31 requite, %e toalD 3Inrline ^our Dart to mp Defpre, 5)e faid delire at me quDat euer ?e twill, 31 luill it grant, tljor^t it fie eontrair ffeill Co eomfojt ?oto, and fielp ?oto fra difeid Cljairfoir fap on, it fall me not difpleiief, ^efjo faid mp lLo?d 3f tljanfe ?oto gretumlie. Cluod Ije 9@adame fap on quDat euer it fie. %t^ii faid mp JLojd, plefit ?our Bofiill grace ©f SEAGES. 5 Df mp tiefgie, t^ia ijs t&e netraj race, IXuljen 3( tiepatt out of t^i& p?efent Igfe. 3ft tutn ?oto pletss to Daue ane ntt^tt to^fe, 0nti a0 ^e bnaio tue tiatte na batne liot ane, iSoj neuev fiaD, 6ot onlie tjfm allane : duljilfe outt all tljtng anijct ?out atofn petfoun 31 toalU tuav tuetll to tljtss 311^ pjoutfioim. €fter ?our tietttj toitfi all toit anti vuifDome, iRf ule Stj3 pepill, anJ) egde tj^tss suit i&tngDome 3nti outc all ttjtng mg ILojD maifi 31 ttqn^u 3(nto tljtss point, ?e totll grant mj tiefpie, CDat ?our (JBmpjice petcljace qufiiat fuet foljo lie ^pon ntj> %one fiaue na autljoiitte, JI3a h natucall Ut Mjo mn^Utit of Deiti* aJSttlj an tnumjifj j^ir funetall fttufre 2iQa!8 Oetulie done, as tDat time tuajs tlje gpfe Hang time efteu tfte €mp?eour maio mutntng, 3nD all fjtjs Coutt, fo? tjti; fatt Oepatting JI3a menfltell mj^?ttj no? '^it na merinejs 3fnto [jt33 fiall tuajs fene no? na Iil^ttljnejs, TBot Ijeuineis, gtett tiiU anD gvauttie 3nto tlje Court, anD all t&e companlc JFo? t^at guDe Cluene, all folate toass atoai), aBoft tfie Oule toeio 3Ilfe ane fo? ?eit anO Dap. fMORALITAS. OF t|)t« mater £«m tjitng Sne majj talhtt #f tSfjS ©niprfte j^auantr {a greit rfffect anH Sninart lufe bnto jdir ^one alone <©f Jfr aSm'n iieXtJ ftiio tafee ftot I^tm rc&, ajtit tjjotjjt ft^o toaltt life hjetUair jtotfit neslett aSefofr to »eitj& 5tr £clf ft^o toallf atljpone ©ujitlfe rau£tt jbtr fit inateriS to propone Co Uv Jttttanlf, for tje famfn efifett Wr ^one to ring efter tfiat ftj&o iaai gone. ftitlpSe je maj? tonfitftfer tje sr«ft fair €i)t tt)oii)t ana mpnirc itijo tuRe SaitB lait antr air, '^nmt hiv ^one fcj^o fuffering fair feiltne* ^rou$"aing af^ for Ui SoeltJ an» ineilfatr, Scfpring iim of rummeriS to fie tiair IMiti) tjjc neh) <©«ene, 6e fuia j&aue na entrerf, 18or ftjio toitjb jbiut in ong fiefgnc^, .iFor fum raufig tj&at mirjt occur perd&ante Ciiat frjo fulS |)auc of Jim na ^ouernanre. Slfftoa appciri^ fum part of |Jrop]&ec(e, Qna greit foirfitlit jbf« itnc in tW SLaHie, ^erre Ui« to turn, fa pcrffitefie to fenaiu ^e^o ietng tuitjjit Mtii fair Sinfirinitie. ^raging to put, Uv ^one fra companie ©f all t|c Court, antt aljS of %nVsii ato, «nti SEAGES. ; 9nt« fit fpettall, fra W Motln in aato. 3n«nu«ntent)8 to tftjeto tjbat intent ht 5'a itfio Utisvit, J)tr ^ont Jitiit for to Brato. C5e Sartlte luft {ttlslte je map perfaff, CSat tSt'jS ?Laaj) to lifrliuftanB Hits fmit, iSantfrfng to i)im, Jonour anW rtuerente, anti j&e to j&tr, {t'tXpftt all tJjingS gaue, Cj&at ftbo ftcfprtt, or at Jtm fcjbo faalw traue: ^ot rtgaifiuig, tjotj^t ft jbaB 6fne offence, a:tt"lf for i)iv faffe, qujcn fcj&o SnaS »tf» anlf Jente He tommantift tjjat na 6Igft]&neg fuHj 6t dFor jefr anB »aM fnto jbfu iom$anfe- CJafrfofr K fag to joto fn ^arfage 93aftb fnto aulS, anB fnto tenSer age, ®uiiat eucr tl&ante, jt inVts jbaue Cjerftfe o in pane of Ijonefiie. CClje fecund Sgaifler naniit £entalu0, Cljiv tooadis faid unto tl)e (2mp?eouc tfiujs. 9nd pleijj ^our gtace deliuet Ijim to me Saittljin fejc otitis fje fall fiaue maiv Cletgie, ^ait running rtaft in all ttjt feuin ^rience JI3o? I and all tDat noto ij3 in pjefenre* and tijs ?e fenato 31 liaue fetuit ?out: grare ^en 3f toa0 man, in all mp Ipfisi fpare. 9nd fo? reteiaitd 3f feife na tJtljec tDing 'Bot ?our ane ^one to Ijaue in goueuning. CC&an fpab tlje tD?id p* namit tuass Ctaton mitii ?out gude grace 31 Caillit tfje feg upon, B. j. lo fTHE SEVIN 3[n QXtit jettelltjs, anJj tianseroug tueilfaic anti of ?out: grace vetoatvti 31 feife na niatr, Co lie fa guDe, to me deltuer toaltJ Xout onlte %one tn gouevnanre to Ijalti, and 31 j??omeiss tljat tott&tn ^eivfjs ftue ^e fall lie mm running anD ^rientiue, 3I3o? 31, and all mj? matrototss Ijetr about ©nto ?our grace tl)t0 31 fall do but dout* CCljan fpafe tfje fourt to name Ijecljt Qgalqujj = and 3?lei0 ?our grace mp ferutce fo? to tafe (djafe 3fn gude feflbun, tn tDanfetss and plefourtsJ jFo? 31 m? ftlf» and mp Piogemtourijs JDesJ ferutt ^otu, and ?ourjJ our Igftjs fpace and na retoatrd defire 31 of ?oui^ g^ace IBot to tDitc&atf on me fa greit credence, ag fo? to leir ^our ^one perfite Science : and fo? to be of cunmng mafr perftte 130? 31, and all mp marrotoijj can 3indtte, Cl)fj3 fall 6e do toitDin nirt ?efrt0 four. HD? 31 Science and cunntng fall gff outr. CClja fpafe tfie fjft, 31ofepDu0 Ijtt^t fjfxs name Loid 31 am auld, and neuer undefame Dn ?our counfall, and 6e0 bene monp ?etr, ajQald ?e letf me ?our ane ^one fo? to itit 31 fall Ijtm teiclie but dout tn ^etrtss tlj?e aid grett cunning, and aljj perfite Clergie ajj 31 mp felf, and all mp marrotutjs can, ©? elHsJ ?e fall call me na fionefi man. jl3a mair retoaird of ?our grace 31 defire Cfjorljt all mp life 31 Dane ferutt ?our 31mpire. ilCljan fpafe tj^e fert toad namit Cleopljag ane Bobtll man, and cunning Clerfe fte toass, and faid ficltfee ass tlie laif faid befotr, 2)f ?our SEAGES. II ©e ?out gutie grace vetoawD 31 Wfe «o "i^tt: 'Bot ?out; anf ^one to Daue in gouet;ning 3Inf02me anU teirfje, anij into Science bjing 31n cunning Ije fallie tottljtn ttoa ?eit C&at Be fall Ijaue na peuegall no? j?eft. jQa mait vetuatvCJ at ?oto noto afk totll 31 Ciuljilk ?out gutie gtace 31 tcatft totll not Deng CC&an fatD t^e feutnt gteit Q^aiflei; $ doctowt, 33nto ?our gtace 31 toill tio fie plefout, (3int me ?out "^one tn cteDence anD gptitng mitljin ane ?ett 31 fall fjim gtue leitmng, ^a pjofounDlte in all tljt Science feuin, anD of all Science unDernetB ttjt fteuin : CBat in tuifoome Ije fall fjaue na comj^ait Onto ?out: gtace tljijs fcDojtlie 31 Oeclait, JF02 gifti0 of golDe, no? geijc 31 not tegaitti II3o| fo? laboutijs 31 couet na teUjaiuO ^ot ?out gutie tuill, qup tDe ?eit i$ tnxti^ gane Cfje OBmpjeouv baud, auD tBafett tljame 31lfeane 9nO faib 31 am ilnbettit to ^oto all a^ntecompanfit nane of ?ota t&aic fie fall* 'Bot not tDe le0 fen 31 finD ?oto fa k^ntx 3nti to guOe iwillijs Dejs fcDatotn me ?out m^nti (^if 31 fultj l)im commit til ane of ?otij CBan all tlje vefl mic&t toeill fieleue anO ttoto Cljat to tljat ane 31 &at> «iaiu afiectioun CBan to tlje vefi, qxtljUk fulti cauj$ difcentioun : Difcojti, 31nujj, anD alfo uadauce, Cluljilk in na fojt amang fie men fulD cljance* Cljaivfoit; to |oto coniunctlie all in ane !Deic 31 commit mp ^one Dioclefiane. ^5 afalD batne, anti eik m^ onlie 3ic, CiQitlj foto to 6e 3Inftt;uctit tueill in Mx* B. ij. 14 HTHE SEVIN 3nD ^im to g^tie in alfetn Ijoneli fo?t, duj^jHjS to totfbome, anti quD5lt0 to game f asS ?e twill anftjjer 31lb ane unto me, (fpo?t : 3In pane of rceDence and of ?out fjoneflte. jFo? lie Ije toeill, euin fa 31 tljinfe mp fell SDo ass ?e pleixJ, ais noto na mair 31 tell, CCtjft dpns IDoftourjs tlje toett langage ftetf- ©f tDaiv guDe lLo?ti, and alftoa petfautng (in^ Cfje grett eredenre, and ficlgbe tjje fe^ndnejs Cijat fje Dad fr&alutn unto tDaiv fempilne0» Ciag tftanfelt &im 3!lfe ane tipon tljatt bneixJ, agan eftei; man, all feuin in tljatr degteijs. ^apand to fjim, tDat fiijs grace fuld tie fuue ©f tljaiv Iau6our0 gteit diligence and mtt. Cfie Cmpjeout tufee IjijS ^one be tlje Dand, and tiad tfiat De, at tljait bidding fnld fland. 9nd in na fo?t tl}at fie fuld tfiame offend ajnto tfie time agane fie fo? fiim fend, and fa at fcfiojt tfie batne delpuerit fie, Clufiome tfiaj? teffauit toitfi all fiumilitie, Cfiiss being done, 3Ilfe ane tfia^ tufee gude nicfit Co IRomesi Court tfie toa^ tfiap field on ticfit, Cfiif feuin ^ailJecjs tfiair be^age paflSng on, ane of tfiame faid, qufiilfe namit toajj Craton Co fiixj fellotoisJ, fa^and mg b?etfiet deir %tn toe tfii0 Cfiplde in ©ouerning fiesJ fieir, 3[ tfiinfe not befl to EomejS toun tfiat ioe rpde t{t tnaii to lit Kont. 3iT ant iiort tBa» rontluiiit t^atr Cl^at lit fuHr put i)t£i ^ont to lafr rattfi running mtn of tott, Uttauti tit Counfall BiU (t »ttlatr Sntonttntnt 6ut onj; inai'r Jfra j&anB fulfinft tt. Jfov 8^ tjt Hftotbtr tsiV prottgtft, C6t ifntljtr on tbat bt^tr i^tJt dTor tjdt ^ont BttJ fotrft, dfTa purpofg ioaltf na langtr Jjntft 38ot to tjt Sottoun'S in tint t^tit DSi& Bont Irtljjutn't Jt. Cfcotlt all tbtr Situin Jjatf ^ttmrt fent, Xt map ptrfaut tftat tbag Jattt Stnt ®t tBatr atoin dTantaf it, "^ 9X1 tafft'n into turagt tltnt JIlit ant btitt to proutnt 9ntr purtjit^ Hignitit. Stilt ant t|jag tulit ant ^lutr^ Haft, ^ntf prointtft bt t^air aiotn ronfait iHatr latgt nor tin\> toalS Vo, (BttWk inns far ip Fj&atr afofn ©ftait dFor to prtttntt to gang tfjt gait STJbat ti)a]? tnlK not mm to. B. iiij. i6 fTHE SEVIN aSot ibt ffimjreour tufte fajefll (n Jtto. mt HotU 5e toaltf not taS tjie feOr <@{ all, anU pXet^ bot ane. dFor tSat 5e fantt ane gnBe remeftf Jf'or tj&e SaflX leutn iuitbout matt flttif «rj&e Cj&tTife iti h)(tS t]&ame tane. IfHow the Empreour be counfall of his Princes, and Lordis of his Impyre weddit ane vther wyfe. IN tljifi lueane time tljt PimcejJ of ftonour, 3nD tlje Quit iLoadtss town to t^t (Bm^itmty 3nti faid 1115 ILo?& anD pletss ?ouc nolJill gtate IDetv toe ar cum to fcDato Doto fiantitss tl}e care. 'hot ane ^oung CDilDe, toe bnato no mow ?e &a ^nD pleQt ($oD, toe toalD ttiat ^e IjaD ma anD it mag flanb fie fatale Oefiame, Cljat ?oui; ane ^one mag 3!nlaxk fafll anJ) Die 9)3 tn ilDiuene anD lieofelfoto to 6e, Co ttjat effert fucreflioutt fo? to j^aup, 3nti ?ouv 3lJ»pivf fi^a tljit tmxQmsi to faue* CBe dnp?eo«t tljan l)«v*anti all tljatt faiuixJ, £XuDat fie tfifns ment of tlje matet and raujs. 5)e tfjanfeit tljame ane ImnOaetfj tIjoufantJ fj)fe, anti faid j^f toalO tio a0 t&aj) Dtti Oeu^ft. SDf tijaiv rounfall tujit tueill content fje toajs, antJ tDame uqn^tit to jurpofjs fo? to pasJ, 9ne JLatip get tljat tuaji of tendet age, IBaitD guDe and faiv, and nun of Ijit Ijnage^ 3ne tlene 23itgtn anD Uiflie to Iieljalti, Cfjan fall 31 do tlie fame tljing tljat ?e toald. Uitti Ijti* to totfe, and Cvotune tjtt to mj) jduene 3[nto tDtJJ eafe lat ^ouc mtfdoniess 6e fene. ^a ttjag depavt tljan fca ttjt €mp?eoui; £)eutfit tljaii* Lojdtjs of totfdome and ualour, Co feife tDiss Clnene t&?otu mong lands pai paft jduDtll t&a^ rome to ane tountcte at ttjt lafl Calltt Cergll, quDtlfe Dad ane Bchill l^tng, jduDHfe iRojjallie tnto Ijisi Eealme did Etng, Ci^litD gvett pntflante, miaa and fionout*, £Xufia tjad ane fi^apd of all faitnejs tlje flouc Co ijijs doncliter of fouttene ^ett of age lI5olitll, convtexs, and plefand of utfage, Wiit^ all tietteto tDat In tuemen mirljt fie, a;nd ttiife at tutll fielibe ajjpeivandlte* jClu&ome tljaj? defidt at tljtsJ gnde 3f3olJ fufferit great jfvt'fU 3In tjame f uiniuing, lie im Ooime anti ttmtli a^altetati toittj toinO out tDjoto f muDg toaintsJ Cfie 6o?taH IilafltjS fa liaultilie on tljame filaiuijs CDat tljap toai; fane and 31ogfull at tlje lafl Co faue tljm Ij^fiss, foj to cut tljtiit mane ^aft* CuttDatrCaMllijS, anO ou« 6uv0 cafl tljait; gett ail of tfiati; Igfiss tljap fiuDe into fie feic, ^uni of tijame faiD, it tuass ane fcljjetott ^mg j©f ane gutie lucfe fie ane Ciuene Ijanxe to Iiting, €lutjafttD?ouj tjiap toar all tn j?otnt fo? to tine, and tpiQ not qu^at lualti ht tljt latter fine. %um fafU agane all iuass eum fo? tDe 6ett, ^cfjo toajJ tujJtelejS, Ijoiuijeft Go?nie tDame op* ^a ilfe ane fatO asS gat gat time lietDocDt (p?efl, %a at tieto time to tljair atoin eoifl tuajs Iijoeftt ai0 fone tf)ag tome unto tljair fegnDIie eoifi, Doun Oaeio ttjait failljJ, anb tDair guDe fcljip^iiS Cljan too?& Iieliue come to tlje (Cmpjeour (loill. Cfiat all Si0 Loatiiss loas! lanOit toitlj plefour, anb Ujitfi t&em bjoctjt ane J13ol>ill ?oung laDte Cluljilk to tljt Eing Ijijs mttit togfe fuID fie. Cfje empjeour eaufit p?oclamc tl)?oto JRomejJ ton CDat euette HoaD, i^nictjte S©atquejs if IBatrou 31n Iiefi attag to mafe tDame all teijDg 8j0itD fair faffbun to mett tljat ?oung ILatig, CiuDilfe iJut Delag toajs Done iuitD tiiligenee, anti fa tijag gaue t&ijs JLatJg all prefence : 31n xitljt arrag, ajJ t&ag tulO liefi Oeuife, mitD SEAGES. 19 mm all ttiumplj, anD into tljalt Iiefl iuife Co tljc Ctetic tDag Diti D^i^ all romioj), tlQttlj all glattinexs, uwtD, meloDie anD 3[05» 9nti qu&en fcDo come unto tljiti BaUli toun, CDe 15cllt0 tans tottlj fjonout ani) JRenoun, Clje rlattl)ts5 of gold tuajs fjijed tljjoto all 5^ fimt jCiulien fffto Itcljtit, to gang n^on Ijiv Uit mjt titljt 15atifetn!3, tlje totOlie ueluot tuofiliijJ Clje lJ?ototiin toarfetss, u tfje titljt Ja^all wbtitis jduDilfe on tljz flaivtss toav fpjcD fa Ijtitlj on f)ie 3t toa0 plefute fo? ong man to fe« 3mttl) all tJtDru tuarlDijs uane fantafife, CJjat manntS b?atnc and 3\nQ^nt rulJJ Oeutfe^ anJj fa at laft rome in tDe Cmj^jeout; mittj Ijifi greit ILojMss of vuljejs and tjonouv* <25aue ttjifi ilatip Dljs pevfoun tn pjefence, axittlj all tvutrnplj, JRenoun anti xtmunct : and Dtt 31m6?atfl ajs tuld Ijtm Iiefl effeir, and faid ladp ?e ar vufjt toelcum De« Cljan tlje gtett 3(05 tljat in tljat Cietie toajs 90^ matk 31ng^ne ran na tuag toetll compasJ. ^a on tljt mo?ne quljen tljat ttjt dag voasJ lirDt ©nto tDe mxrfe tljag led t&ijs Ladg l)?ttf)t, era^ltD all ttiumptje, gtelt mwtlj and melodte ^ajitft menmss tott tDat mid deutfit fie, Connogxt toitD E^tngtss noliill IPimcejS $ lo?dj3 9j3 at fie time aggceis toeill and arro?d!3, %)ine folloiuit Ijir tlje jBoliill Cmpjeout t^litlj all fiiss loidss, tDat toajs of grett ualour. ^tout men of avme^ into tljaiv iuaillit Uieidijs iRgdand at dcDt t))?on tDait fialtoatt fleidijs. aijj toitD Dim tome dtuetsS gtit feingjs f fenieDts S)uife0, ISarvou^, erl0, <$ monp toojtDte toicDtjS 20 fTHE SEVIN 3j2Jitrj ttuj^et, fftjalme, btnm, fquafclje $ clattou, 3J)avp, Jlut, £)2gane, ^gmlial anJj ^pntj^ljioii agafeand ttjatv mttti all into gutic ojtiom;, ^etalOt^ of aviness into tljait* tout 9t;mout : Pafi on fiefoit: ajs it toajs maifi feuielie 3fn tfjair atutn flait, ronfoimc to tDait; titqu. €luj}tll tijap tome to tDe Eogall Iftick of Eome dufjilfe Ujass tDe IieiD of l&itkisi in cStiflintiomc Ctjair Itfljtit t0aj> toitij mictft anti mtt^msi JFo2 to fontpleit tlje band of j^al^nejs : Ctjat GOD dtugfit fietuijc luoman and man £Xuljen fje tDijs toatld fivfi treat and began, SDf tl)at Ciette ttje gtett 'Btfrj^op toajs tftair, 2]QitD all f)ii5 Cletfeiss of gteit totCdome and lair Cftijs band being eompleit in (SoddiiS Jl3ame tiQitlj mivtD and 3!oj? to tfie Jpalice patt Dame, Jdutjair tfjair toass maid banket ^ith melodie, aBitD albin mirtfj and j^lefant menOralie, jClnDill tijat nirDt eome, tfjan 3llk man tfjoe^t Co quget pajs, and tafe ttjt nicl}ti0 rett, (it befl ^a tl}i5S JLadg but on^ tarring g)Cljo jafl to bed ixiitD l^tr fjoufband tlje l^ing 3nd fa obtenit tlje greit fauour and lufe m Ijit gude JLoid, tliat it euld not remufe. and of ijit lufe Ije tube fa gteit delite, CDat btDer £luene fte Ijad fo??et fjir quite : and all W lufe tuass eafl on tlji$ neto Cluene 30 be befoit Ijad neuer Qgargit bene. %it not tDe lejs all tlje dagijs of tDair I^ue (Sod tDorljt De toald all barniis fra tljem d?^ue ^a tDame betuijc tlja^ na furreffioun Ijad Cluljilfe maid tfiiss queue baitlj fo^rotoful u fad ^apand Ijufband, ane t&ing 31 ?<5to require <2Dif ?e SEAGES. ar (3it ?e tualti grant ticitt Ijwtlu 31 tiefite. 'Bttmsi lang time tDts €mp?ice OiCi pecfatie Jl3a fe^nti of Cljiltie fctjo iuass al)le to Daue. gifljo tuvnit |)iu ^ailltjj unto ane uttjeu vutnU Cluljatt; ttjat fclio mirDt fum futtelnefis gat finD, 3[nto fjfr fieti quDait tljat fcDo ioajs Isanti 3[n ane inojmne toit^ fttt fj^ouss anU Duf6an&, ^fljo fajijs mg JLotiJ, $ pleijs ^ouv sitloMl grace 'Betutr Dj$ ttoa Ijs c^andt ane Jeuie care, Cljat be na toa^ can get hjs fuaeffioun Jduljilfe faDiss m^ Dart, $ Ootxs me grett ^nf&m IBot toalij ?our grace ane tljing unto me grant, IBetufr DjJ ttua ane CtjilOe toe fnlti not toant, duoD lie tDat tljtng Ocu^fe fioto tDat ?e can, jFo? tfjat erceiJjijS tlje toit of ong man jFo? to get fiarniief, fen (JDoD toill not t^ame grant Cfjan fojce it i$ liattfj ?e anD 31 tfiame toant. %cBo fafD mp ILojti it tjj unto me fcDatoin, Zt Ijaue ane Sone qufjtlfe ijs not to me fenatoin Wiitti feuin ^aifterg, maifl toj?fEfl on tlje grouO 9n& tie 5tm felf, nane togfer can 6e founD* 2jQaIti ?e I)?tng Ijfm to Court tn m^ p?efence 3[ fuIU Do all teuotr anb Diligence, !])im to 3[ntreit into fa guDe faObun, C^at all fuld fag out tIj?oto grett Eomess toun Bat onlie faiO, tiot alfo fulti 6e ftoo?ne, CDat Ije toar of mj? atoin ttoa f^Diss l)o?ne. and fen fa isJ, tfjat 3[ can nocljt confaue, £Dnlte ?our ^one, ajj mg atoin 31 toalJj fjaue ^5 jLojU tljisJ iis tfie af feing 3f require, "Befeifein ?oto to fulfill mg Defire, Zit not tlje less Dir minOe toa0 anO Ijit tljocljt 3fn futteltie, anti all toitl) malice tojocfit* 23 1FTHE SEVIN 3[magtnfns tiaplie ttjt Ctj^IDtjs Detb Cfjoffjt IjfsJ jfatljet; tufee not (i(c tDing tn &eiti, JDe faiD LaOa? tDat tuill 31 not Den^ ilXufjat euer ?e affe, enamojtt fa am 3f 3lnto ?out lufe, t^at fo?ce fomiJentsJ me jClutjat ?e iufll affe, tien^tt it fall not lie, Cfjawfofv fen 31 tljt ittutia of mp Ijart ^fj^atoiss to ?otu platne, to me feeip ?e ?onr jjart ^jj for m^ ^one it ijs lang time iij? j^afi 3nJ) tiuetjJ ?einjs fen ttjat 31 fato Ijim lafi. Zit not tlje lejs to aceomiJltfcIje ?oui; mill, 3 fall Iielgue ane ^eflage fenJj 6tm till, 3nti causJ fiim cum, anD alss ^iss Q^aifletS all jCluljat tje ean tio 6aitD Ijeiv anti fe ?e falU iFot 31 beleue Ije tjejs bene Oilfgent 3[n Ijtjs fiubie, and in fcience feequent. 3nti fo? to leit, iwit, fenaUJleOge anO toiftiome Cfjat eftet me fo? to gpDe tljijs feingdome* ^rl)o faiD m^ iLo?ti, tljat it 6e fa (Soti gtant, JFo? tljat fame tausx 31 toalij na fiuai? Ijim toant. T5ot gif Ccljo faid tljiv toojdisJ tuitb fjit Datt Xe iuill 3?etfaue 6e process eftetluatt, Cfje Cmpieoui; fone gatt mafe ane mifiSue, CDe ^effingei; fje ixia0 Mi-ect fieliue : 3fnto gteit Daifl iuitlj ejcpeUitioun, ©nto tlje feuin gt;eit 9@aiflevii8! of Eenonn* 3Infontinent tinDer tlje pane of tieid, 3nD na less pane no? toanting of tljait IjeiO: %ulti 6?tng Di!3 ^one to tjim at fiBitfonOa^, 311 ejrmfess Iieing rlene put aiuap, Clje ^effinger Iieliue DepefeDit tnass Co t^e Doctouviss tlje l)ie gait can fje pas Slnti tlje tu2|)tingisJ tJeljuerit fone fie0 ije, 8Jnto SEAGES. 23 (Hnto ttjt feuin Dortoutfss of Dignftfe* Clufja it teOTauit UjitD all ©IiKDtence, iDuimlitic, ijonout anti reueteiwe, fMORALITAS. IT is ane plaigue perrelous and ane greit difpair, Ane Realme to be deftitute of ane Natiue Air Qubair kynd captans haldis court, na cans is of cair The commoan welth Increflis ay, daylie mair and mair Be the contrair agane. Vnkyndlie Captanes ouirthrawis And coDimoun welth doun drawis And leidis not the auld Lawis Bot contrair wirks plane. This was the maiil motiue, the cans and the querrell, That caufit thir Princes compeir, to fchaw all the perrell The greit danger and dout, and the caus haill Baith for commoan welth and Croune, gif airs chancit faill Thair was bot onlie ane Thairfoir this mater thay mene To caus him tak ane new Quene That new Airs micht be fene, Gif this Air war gane. And fa belyne but pley to counfall be applyit Caus it was the commoun weill he durft not deny it Bot zit his firft Quenes defyre, in fum part paft by it That to the court the chyld brocht, quhair he was fair inuyit The Empreour not knew Ze ken of auld this trew Tale Nyce is the Nychtingale The Empreour gaue hir credence hale And neuer word trew. Quhen wemen fpeikis faireft thay ar maift fals found, Thay gar fweit licour fwym aboue, and gall is at the ground Thay Ihaw thame lyke ane turtill dow, and bytis as ane hound The Empreour was deffauit fair, as fone was efter found Thay war ay and falbe Sa quefitiue baith nicht and day The Empreour culd na gait fay nay 24 1FTHE SEVIN Bot men fuld not trow that thay fay Sa oft becaus thay lie. f[How the feuin Maifteris efter the ficht of the Em- preouris Letteris wald firft fe the cours of the Furmament and Planetis, quhidder it was gude to obey his cdmandement or not. ALS fone ajj pit feiiin maiflcvss Dab mMmt Clje empjeouvjs tu?tt, (f unDetflutie it citnt iSDn tlje nixt nUljt, all feutn toitfj ane ronfmt Pall to efp5 ttje fiecm'sJ anti JFtrmament. Co tafe Sloina^ gtf it toass pjofpetoujs j2D? fontcait* toa^, gtf it iwass DangetoujS, jFov to fulfill ttjt dnp?eout:ijJ commanD, ©2 gtf tlja^ Durfi tSe famin to ganefianO. 9none tlja^ fpp into tljt JFii;iuament 3ue flojinie fierne tDat ttoulilit tljait; Intent, Petfautng tueill lie tlje fleune gif tljat tpn^ Cfjatc 3Iotna5 tufee, anti tatd tliat fanitn Oa^ Co tDame affitjct, lie tfje OBmpjeoutijJ eommanti C&e entitle but tiout in greit per«ll fulD fianU, jFo? tDe fitfl too?b tDat De fpab tn pjefence €)f fjtss JFatDec tn opptn antiieitce, ^ulO 6e tlje cauxJ of tjiss Bteit fcljamefull Oeiti CfjtjJ to efcljeto tfjap rulb finti na temeitr. £iuljatfof tljag toar all faij anti tuoundet foite Slnb totfi not toetll to ttauell o? to tane, 9ne tJtDet fletne tljan tlja^ DeDeld alfo, ^cljalutng to tljame to tlje l&tng tualO not go anD M^ tljt Oai?, quljilb toajs affipt tl)ame to, Co toat t&ait tjeiDsJ, t^afr toass notljt elltjj aOo ane of tljem fatij quljaiv ttoa Slllijs t>oi0 apeit JLat IJSS tijat tafe quljafi:in IjixJ leifl tiangeiv. 31ttt vitBt toontftr fure CTibt gratt of <®otr to na man li oiftant as to tj&e rtt^e, eu(n fitljjfet to tbe pure, ag to iift auXa euin fa to t5e infant ^{g trtafurt fe to all fa aliountiant, §a ample gtu(n, fa SLdifrall antf fre, Co t]&amt it ftifetiJ toftj all JiumiTitfe. aO tDame fie tn vetitipness 31lfeane, ^e tualD ga meit Diss ^one Dioclcfiane. CDe feutn S^atflevss j^etfjtelie fa fenaiuanti CDe €miJ?eoui-, toitD DtJS Court tuajs titmanCi, 2Into Ujt CijilDe all in ane Dore tDa^? faiti, 9jQe tDtnfe it fieft fum Danger to auoiD, CDat toe all feuin ^ajj into ttjt Citie, and p fojtitoatti pa^ toitD ?ouv rom^anie. 3In tljt meane time, tDat toe maj? all j^jougde ^um Delp, tbat map put fig t&ijs tototer tide, 3nti toe (all tio all tDat toe ran 0? map jFo? ^our fujjplie, 3Ilfe ane to Uip ane Dap. CDe CDilDe anftoerit ajs ?e toill plefisJ me, Eememfier '^it on mp neeefStie. 3!n gwit Danger 31 toait tDat % toill fianD. CDaitfoic tDink on quDat ?e Dane tane on DaD« CDap tufee tDair leif at Dim fo?votofullie» C. iij. 30 f THE SEVIN ^ine all tDag taiO totoavD Eomed Cttte. gia fo?tiU3at;t tome Dioclefiane t:gtianD, anb IuRt0 on fat fato Ijig Jfatljev fumanU, 3nD a!5 tlja^ met, of IjiS &o?5S titljtit tioun, Co ijtjs jFat&ev Ije maid Dim veJJD^ fioun, l^nelanD on fene luitD all obedience, ^ine Diss JFatljev toitft lufe anti veuevenee, about t)tjs neefe oft times fje tufee anti feifl, Cfjat Ije iuasi tium IjiJS JFatljet ^it not tPtU, ^5 atoin tieir ^one ?e ar Ujeleum f>e faiD ffl)f jDut toeilfair 31 am xitfit ioondet glaiO, JDotJj isJ it iuitlj ?oto 31 p?ag ^oto lat me fenato, JFo? it tjs lane afoit fen 31 ?ouj fato. CDS tDijJ ^oung man fnl tit^t manlifee t meife TBotoit Doun DijJ DeiD, $ natDing tualD De fpeib jfflXuDaitof Dijs JFatDet metuellit gvetumlie CDat De agane anftuent not 3inflantlie, Xtt De rompafi into Dijs mgntie agane lot DisJ 99aiflet0, tDat De Vua0 fa conOcane and commanHit, tDat De fulij fpeife natDing JJ)e on Dojfbafe, be on^ iwa^ vpOing* ^a Dame tDaj come, out tD?otxi tDe gveit dlittit )3Df iRomes toun, ttiitD gteit Solemnities CiuDill tDa? route to tDe (JBm})aeouv0 IPalice £XuDair tDat tDait taia0 mong anticb Oeuife, anb of tDaii; Do?0 beliue tDag lieDtit Ooun SJSitD greit ttiumpD Donout and aljs Henoun, CDe JFatDer led lji$ %ont in be tDe Dand 3[nto tDe Dall, quDait mon^ tuajj b^dand, 9nd fet Dim doun befgde Dim at tDe dei0, CDe JbevaldjJ bad fone filence all and cti$* CDan Sone De faid, noto ?e toill fpeife to me %out; feuin ^aiaetjs, Doto do tDag tell lat fe .'' l^oto SEAGES. 31 JDoUj tioijs ?out; felf, (01 it i$ lang ago %m 31 50UJ faiu, tlje futtD it ijs eutn fo. %t at toelfome to me iuitD Ijatt and mfntie %n tlian tlje Cftilde IjtsJ IjtiH Ijf dtD 31iulint>e, asJ tje toald fag, 31 tljanb ?oto jFatfiet tieir, etitent tultt be ana iiattr in honour our parents* Sia. »t» tjt'g CSgltte qnSen t^at Jc fato ?gfe dFat^er ht t^e toajj tummanti IBoun of W Jor** 6* Ittj&ttt lato (©n bf^ fentt's tufte j&fm ibe tje Jantf, aiiS qulttt ijii dfatSer gaue rommantJ ^im for to fpttft, ]&e botott Jit^ JeiB TOitB JumijiU iavt to Jtrn menanU 3 Har not ^tift for feir of "Otitt, ^it t|)tng 5t« d?at|jer na toag fientf 33ot qujtit tic «!^uene tome (n prelente incontinent Jt JjaU ]&tm toenif Wiitl) lit to CJalmtr, anlf go Jente C&e Cjbplti toitj an ©JjeSitnte ^aft at tommantJ i)ohibtit Se Sneto Hrjat it toaltf taujS ane greit #ffente, ISenK toefn tjat rate ibat Je toaKf reto. ffiuin fa toe fuTtt ht all anti ane Co our parent* <©fie»ient, ant( giue our atofn it VeiK anK gane tcje fprintipall ajj, ii remanent, JTJbat i^ our Jf atjer all potent I9e fetVii SEAGES. 35 ^t ttivii bi toftli W fiaTu Jantr Cjban lat hi itt our Ijnfll Sittent &n onr i&t£t ina^ ftti$ i>vi totnmanlr, ^How the Emprice led Dioclefiane to hir Chal- mer for to male merines, quhilk ap- peirandlie he withftude. THE enmUt tDan (u laDgtiS mllit Ijiv till ^a^antJ tfttsi in 1115 Htn mintie anD toill, Ctjat ^e ^jepaic mj? CDalmec ani) m^ tieD CQttD ^illi batibtujs, tljat tt ht mill outvfp?eti anD all ttjt fjous iueiU Doung iuitlj Capeflde, CDa^ fattJ S^aDame, ajs ?e biti fa fall tie. Cljan ttjt (Bwm^tt tiiU Dioclefiane 'IBt tlje xic\)t IjauD, anij to Cljalinec tjj ganr, 9nD faufit aiioiDe all tljt Cljalmrvss auone, II3ane 6atD tljairfn liot tfiaj? ttua tl)aine alone. ^(Ijo tl)Off}t not Self nane utljei; tljait fulij bgtie 9nD fet Dim tioun Iiefoic Ijiv atoin lieD fgOe : 9nti faiti to Dim tDiu toojtiiss tn ane patt 2D fiefl belouit Dioclefiane mj? Davt : £Dft timejs 31 Dane Davb fpek of ?out fietntie, %oui; toit, toifDome, anb ?oui: gueit rouvtafie, %mv Quit uetteto 0? tntt 31 ?oto fato, S rouet ?oto mucDe baitD to fe anD fenatw, 31 am xicljt fil^itD mp fiueit Dioclefiane, CDat ioe tuoa noui at fa fecmt alane. 31 toalU Dane giuen luitDin t^isi ^tix ago Cen tDoufanD jJOunD fo? to Dane lJat^ it fo. 3nti 3! am glaiD tDat noto 31 maj? 6eDalD CDe famin tDing tDat mg Datt atoagijs toalO. 3nti 31 Dane eaufit ?oui; jfatDeu fo? ^oto fenb Co t&at 31ntent, anD fov tfiat fjnall end, 34 1[THE SEVIN Cfjat 31 mag fjaiie of ?out hatyit folace, and notu fen ttie at fieiu in fecvett place, jFo? iuitDout fault 3 fag to ?oto planelte 3( tjaue betptt mg dene Dtvgtmtte Co ?oto tretolie, unto tDtsJ p?efent fiout jl3ottoitl)fianDtns foui* JFatljei; tl}e and to pevfojme ?our toill am ijetf vebDg. ^a in Dtt armed tiiuetjs times fcljo Ijgnt, ^im to bane feiU, to Diss moutlj maiD ane mgnt, fpt tutnit Ijijs J)eiD, and iualti not tljole Dit feii5 3fn l)ir alutn minDe (quod fcljo) au&at t^ing ij$ Cljat to tljfjs man pjoffeuiiS mg boDie, (t&ij$ and be na toag fje toill confent to me, Dioclefiane mg onlie lufe fc^o faid %m tljat mg lufe fa fivme is on ?oto laid : Cluljp do 5e tl)ijs, to be to me unfegnde, l^natohig ttcljt toeill ?e Ijaue mg Dart $ mgnde and tljair in nane tljat mag perfaue o? fe, Cluljat SEAGES. 3s jCiu&at tljat tjs Uone tnto tljisi fiouis fiot toe. CDatvfoii* gtant me tlje tijing tijat 3i ?oto rvaif, and ?e tijatvfotu mp ^aiDinDeiD to Daif, IDe toipit tjisj fare atoaj? and 5tss nifagf, JFo? De na toa^ De I^btt Dtt langage* Petfaut'ng t!)an tljat Crijo tuID not ofitene IDt'd lufe noj fauouv, 6ot it tm^it riene, ^fljo faid m^ lufe, and (toeit Dioelefiane 'Beljald nt^ Papt'js, fteDald m^ qnlj^tt b?etfl CluDilfe fietc 31 put in ?ouc toill $ plefour (bane 9nd ricne fojfaifete ?out JFatljev; tlje (2Bmp?eour. JFoi quljg ije tjj battlj febiU toaik and auld, fi^ene of bodj), and aljx of nature eauld, 31n Diss ?outD Dfid fa nail^eant fiejx bene CDat noto in eild Ijt ijs ronfumit riene. Cfiat fje ffeatflie mag fiand iipon Diss feit, IXufiaitfoit to me, no? fie Ije ixs not meit. 3t ?ont plefute tDaivfoit* mg bodg tafe, ^e feing tfiiss, Diss fieid Ijt tuvnit bak, CDat be na figne, no? ntDer eountenanee 3fnto na fo?t Ije toald do fjit plefance. iBot in fa fat ais J)e ruld Dim vennife, ®eDo micDt pevfaue tDat frDo toantit ififi fufe. Cluod fftjo agane, gif it plefijs ?oto norDt Co fj^eife to me, no? "^it frDato me ^our tDoeDt. 90 mag pewDance be done foe fum gude quDg, 3[nto tDat cafe, ercufe ^oto toeill to ill 31. Zit not tDe lejs, 3[ toald ^e did SIndgte ©pon paper, and ?out minde to me to?pte, %e pleijs not fpeib, tafe tDair papeu and 3fnfe, 'Befeifeand ^oto to \i3iitt me quDat ?e tDinb. petfaue. If® iLaDg fair 31 P?a? <^oi3 me tJefenU , JFra fit miffDance tljat 31 ft ?ciUj 31ntentr, ® »aj? SiS je jbaue inrtt feefoir me fajj, SuitJ) tjame to tiigtte, Co tl)t« guHe incmen iuiU not nag, na tgmt nor tniie. Ciafrfoir 3 prag |ofa) me ejrtttfe, dfor euin ioemen 3 tan not rufe CSair atotn ]&onotir fa t]bap aliufe, in alltin fort ^eirfotr tjair tompante 3t refufe, 3 fag at ftjort. CHow SEAGES. 39 ^How the Emprice complenit to the Empreour of the fchame done to hir be his Sone Dioclefiane. THE (ffimpieout toitlj fjfist lo?tijs in ttjt Dall iDai'ti ttjt louD fcDout, anti fo|ie jjteteoujs tall ffl)f tljt (JBmp?i(e, all DaiBelte tDag fuvtlj van, agong gteit iLo?D, l^inrljtjs and genttlman, CDe (Bm^ttmt taint fivfl quDair 5* tDa0 5' qucne anD faiO ^aDame, quljat Ijaue ?e Daiti 0? fme Co Jjo ?oiu nop, anguiffD^ 0? Jjifplefoui: ® fp ff^o faid, Ijw ijs mt Qvtit Cvatout %t call 50UV ^onc, 6ot ?our ^one tss Ije norljt JDaD Ije bene ?oudss fie tDfng De &ati not tD?orljt 3! tuait it tuass neneu fjavD of liefo?ne 3n all tljiss toaclD fen onp man toass fiojne Cljat fie ane fenaif fa Die tl}ins to i)?efunie 90 to defoull tfie gteit Cmpjire of Eoine CDairfoic mg ILotD fen ?e ar OBnip^eout C^ijs mater maifi t^nH to ^ouu gveit Ijonouc. Cojtect ?e not fie tDtng and mafe vemeid 31 teefe natDtns fioto fone tDat 3f 6e deid. iTo? gnde eaufiss to C&almct 31 bini led, %iine like ane fenatf De toald defoulit mp bed 31 eljereifl Dim toitlj toojdisJ of gveit eomfojt, Co fpetfe to me, 31 did fjim oft ejcljojt, SDn foull badjte Ijiss minde toa0 onlie fet, JTva time Ije (ato Diss tuillijs De euld not get at IjtiS plefuve, De maid Dim me defojee Contvaii* mj? tuill, and fa ljt& tent mp Coiee, Ca^itD eftufioun of fihide all a&oundant, 9nd Iieleuing na Dtljev tDing 3Inflant OBot Ijaiflie deid, tnat not 3; gaue ane fefiout, Confiddev lueiU gif 3[ finde tDan in dout* 40 fTHE SEVIN %t ma^ petfaue fie nip aliil^ement Cfje tveutD fjeit;of, Ijoto tljat tje IM it vtnt Cfje fin anD fc Dame of tfiijj tjadot to fle 3Ilfe man mag fenatij Doto fie tjejs done to me. Cfiaitfotr mp ILorti, ajs 31 fiaue fatD liefoft:, 3[ ^oto Defire ?e twalU causs to refiofc 0^5 gteit Ijononv, and mp toojfffiip agane Cljat tljia Eelialti faljs Dtodefiane 2J0aIti fta me tent fo?celte aganiss mg toilU £D? elltjs ?our Ijetj 3> fall neuet cum till. Clufien tDat tlje l^ing tUsi matet IjavD and fato il)e toass Jnflamlitt iuitlj rmell 3Ive anti gato, ^alice, iDotinesi, and gteit ^elantljolte, eiQass na temetd, 6ot tfiat ^i$ %m\t fulU Die. Calltt ^ergandijs ij gaue tfiame fltatt tomand £Dn ane ^©alloujJ tfia^) fuld fiim Ijang fta Dand Cfia fatd tlje lojdjs g^ flude t&e (Cmp^eoui; neir, and 3?let!3 ?our gvace fum of out luojdtfi to fjeit. JLo?d ass ?e fenato, ?e Dane na ^onnfjs 6ot ane, £VuI)aitfott toe all Dejs gteit eau0 to mafe mane, and gif ?e fjad toe tljtnfe all uettalte %ouv p?efent ^one toat abtll fo? to dte. 'Bot not tlje less toitfi fa Ijaiftte 3>ntent, Wt tljink not 6efl toe fag ^it^ ane eonfent %out onlie ^one tfiat ?e fa fone pt doun Q^itDout oidout of JLato o? j)?outfioun Cfje lato i& maid to punifcfie ti-ef^affoudss ail geuin to euill and mifcDant ttanfgteflbutitf and gif fa fie tljat fje fie found tlje fame Cljan fie o?dout lat tlje Lato fiim e ondame : CDat na man faj> tljat tlje gteit (£mp?eout JDfss onlie ^one in toodness and futout cajitljout tlje ILato Dejs put Ijijs ^one to deid, Pleiss SEAGES. 41 Pletjs ^our Quit Qxatt to tjjtxs mateu tak DeiD. Cfiie OEmpjeout: to fie toordijj gaue auDicnre, 3nti faid mj LojDtsi, of me ^e Ijaue rcedenre ^iCttttjtn tfji0 iRealme to leiO 31uflue and Hato, CSawfoir 31 toill ronfent toetll to ?out fato. and al!3 31 tljinfe it vtctjt expedient iDe lip tondampmt In ane jjlane judgement. Cfjan command luad to put Dint in p^efoun, C^aiv to vemane toitljout onj tanfoun, ajnto tfie time tljat 3uGtce Coutt fuld fland Cljan font 3fiJJfnouvi3 telTauit Ijim fta ftand, 3fn deip pjefoun tirDt fctjairplie tjim 3(nrlufit, Ciufjaitm fiefoit* tlje Cfjilde toaxJ neuer ufit. iSotu lat fjim fit, ®od rouet Dim of rair, €)f tht (£mp?ice lat Djs fpeib fattljetmait. £lufja perfeueidt in malice and gteit 3[t^e aganijj tfiijs Cfjilde, ajs onp Jip?nand f^ie. au fone ajs fc^o Sad gottin tteto fenatoledge, Cfiat t|&i0 ?oung man tpas put in pjefonage iI3ot put to deid, fa fuddanlie aj3 fcljo toald, %(ljt\ ct^it, fcljoutit, and mutnit monpfald, Ctjat tljt Palice fcljo caufit fie all on fieir 3!t tuajj gueit pane fjiv fo? to fe and fjeit Cfjan tjir iLad^ijs to Ijit CDalmet tljocfit fiefl, IDit to conuop, ttjairin fo? to tafe reff. Clu^e nictjt tuajs cum, 5* i^ing to Ctjalmet pafi 3nd fand liiss jCluene toeiping $ mutning fafl 21^1ringing fjit fiands, fobbing and ficfjing fair, Cfje l^ing toaxs nojit to fe ^iv mak fie cait. Co qufjome fje faid, i) m^ deir ladp gent, Ciu&at i0 tlje caujs tjjat ?e fa fait lament .-' I ^ctjo faid mg JLo?d, fenato ?e not all tlje cace, ^otu ?our cutfl ^one Ijejs maid 6ludie m^ face. D. j. 42 fTHE SEVIN and toalD me put to Dttet Difplefout ^ar not ?out felf, anD Dttietss mafD fuccout* %e fommanDft, lifm fo? to J)ans fta IjanD, ZU not tDe leiES, on life fje 10 leffand. iI3o? pour rommanb tss not oliepft at all, J15o? ?it mp fftjame na toap tjj maid to fall, jCiu^altfoir mp LojO, 31 ttjink ttjat ^e flanO ato aipon ?our ^one, to ItiH 3luflife anD lata. Cfian to tljt Cluene tlie (JEmpjeout can fag, 90atiame fa fone, tlje mo?ne ajs tt i$ bap an ^out; DeQte to fulfill anD 3(ntent, ii)e fall 6ut dout t&ole 31ufiice in 3[uDsement. CluoD fclio mp JLo?D, fall Ije ?tt leif fa lang. duoD fje 9@aDame, lat tljtxJ ane ntcj^t outtsang. Cljan mic&t fie ctjance on ?oto cum fjaifielu 9jS on ane TBufgejj come of tfifss €ittk, 3L& it toad frljatoin tlje tceutlj unto mp fell. CiuoD Ije ^aDanie, 3i P?a? ?oto t^at to tell* 3t ?out plefure (quoD fflio) it falbe Done, •8)3 Ijtr ^etmone on tljis toffe Iiegan fone, fMORALITAS. . ZE it tili ®ttcne ht brnj^U invimq WSXiUins ftit Koun t^t^ proper €]&$!« 33e turft tonfait anH lelfng ftraitg, Co tstitf |)tm to tonut'tt nnlf fpTt antj aXs i>iv ^{ng perfuaGr, to troh) all tjat Itjo faftr aSffttj^ moitg invinft, faliS Suau antf togle 38ot jit ftSo toa^ let b|) ]bfr ftgle, 6e gntre tountall lie i»att. (fBiuj^Ult tauHt ]&{tn to prolong tjbe tsmt ISe gutte connfall bnto tfie morne (©tt^air tSag 6tft tuTB trjj out tje f rjjme ana clenge ibt taffe out fra tje tome at y guiic to put bs, an euill Jour fa lag 3 ©r nttc innocent fie forlorne 2tnK lie of fa greft Ignnage borne, tfiui i« m]? timi sntt qu]b»- dFor ■?!*,. SEAGES. 43 Jfttv gtac i\t{fa ©ttettf Jatr gottin Jtr iBfll CJe IRtng BaH it rtpenttt fair asaftiottttin touti{afl or gutft £6(11 iTor to Stftro^ 5tS ^oite antt 2ttr (Su^flit greCt ^itiit Jair Jtne, quja tje trtutj JaS 6ene Ctnt atittigeante in Sir tuer mafr Srjdi €^\a tjat cargft tn fit tafr, anU turft fet fft a ©utne. &vi\ttn tBoixi loung man tutnmte to gjuDe age ®ftte ong time ft tjantii tjbc 3Se gift of ^oU ioit antr itnaioTclrge ^ne riboftn %viti%t t|ian for to &e <§iuf onj fault be tione, tattjj to torrert (t tone aSot firft tjat tjoto iiattS Jieir antt £e ffibe talfttng of tj^e nijrt $artfe, tj^an ti^oin t]bs init aStone. ®(tie tjair otntrris tan* or querrell aSe not to fto^ft to gfue {entente iFor tlbafrin ftanafiS rCtfit greft perreH Sout anS Banger faitj negftgente 3Bc tj&e mater obfture, tjan tjoto fuftr %t rftjt fure 38e tottnei anW (Sjrpertente %at %\k ane life tjbatr tieio irefenee, ebin to rftle a^ to pure. ^e tj^oin bfe a$ ane gutre Connfall ©f t]&at ht fttfter at tj&i? fuife. nxia fa litStXfe tiioh) fan trot fail! ©uiiat euer tjante for to iietpae (Suite tounfall ii f^t grounK, qnjbafr fattfifulnei^ is fountr, M tan perfaue anlr al5 yrougUe an» fra all prrrtll for to ggac, iuitliCn ane Isttll ftounB. dFor gtue tbnto j&atfttlfe pronounte ^entente oufr £one to ritfje ax pure, CJe fame na toag tSofo mag renounte iior in na fort again reture SiItt{ioutttn lait anV fjiame, Kffjbononr antr Kefame CJairfoir tj&ob) fuHt iie faonSer fure (ITj^at t]^oiu to na man Do Uninre, or elii tj^oto ferut^ blame. ^oh> to |ofa> Dutige^^ iutll fag ©ftjefo fra iorafti antf grett furour ^at mertjj meijS jour ragnBe altoag 3Lat reffoun reule |anr grett aSanCtour. D. ii. 44 TTHE SEVIN 3n na point fie parttall, |our Uallante heir equatl arjan Do |e ^oU ane grett plefour anlf to |our telf part]&es honour, ana tojjnni^ guWe toorB trt (all. fiTo knaw quhat the Empreour, the Emprice, the zoung Chylde, and the feuin Doc- touris fignifyis. OR toe protefa jit fartBermair, (©f tBtjS mater fttm t]&ing tnill fejab) ®u]&at ilfe tji«g meni^ far to tretlair Jtjbe mater Setter je inill fenaSo. srSt^ Empreour tjat teitri^ tje Eato ^e (tgittfpi^ a mannC^ pcrfoun ffl&at hjatteri^ betui^ iofinBc antt toato 3nto tW toarXtr ag bj) anD^ »oun. W^ ftrne iictaSins tie ^auH of man ©ujilft in tj&e torpiS ii aij Knclufit, ffi&e CBmprite S^t5nifi)i5 ^at Jan, <&u|)il6 euer opptn malice mufit. ffij&e feuin IBottouri^ a feuin berteioi^ dFetJtantt eontrair feuin tteiHIie finnitf, <&u5il6 tjbat iftt iiWit ^auIX perfetois df ra to Biftruttioun ft 6eginni«. ?Ej&e feuin iJapiiS tW CBfiHre is Bum <©f manniit Ipfe tijag ar tjje fpate, dfot in tUi inarltt fra iie fir^t eum %e ncuer its jierfgte folate, ©ujin t]&at (Sott talt bim in JiiS grate, an» forjet all tjij* SnarlSlie luft, CJan fpeiftiiS l>t to filott fate to fate ©ujen tj&at tje JBcuill Je 1)ti bintuft. ©uin fa of tW CJmjirite JTale, UTauftf for tss tempt tije Crmprenur ^rotnantt jierfsteXie to preuaill antf of tW CJitoe to be bittour CTellis on Jir Cale for W plefour #f qujilft tje ffimpreour toaii tontent 9S |e fall Jeir gutte autfitour CJairfoir to purpois lat b* toent. CThe SEAGES. 45 fiThe firft Tale of the Emprice is of the gude tre that grew in the Burges Gardine, and for the Imp that grew befyde it he gart cut the greit tre. IN Eomejs Coun remamt ane rtc&e IButgejj Cluljilfj IjaE> at tueltlj all mivtlj and mertnejJ ^itlj fair btggingg, quj^tlfe taiaiS baitj^ tiiaid (j 2j0itl) ga^ gavDtnssJ, gat iwass plefand to fe (Ijie €>f alfetn flouriis tje fjad tj^aittn ane part Cljat toass to get about in euede art. Co tell t&air names 31 n^id not nolo tafe tome jFetu toass ficlpfee, fa plefand tn all Eome, 31n tbiss Sardine tDair greto ane JI3obtll trie Ciuj^ilfe euerie ^eir Ijjocljt furtlj frute gude pletie ^ine 65 all tlji0 ttje frute tDat on it greto Wa$ fa done tintiU and of fa greit nerteto. jCluljat man tliat fjad ong fair ^aladie, 90 ijj Liper, (Bxctsi 0? Popplecie. %& fone ajj [je of tj^ijj frute gat ane tail!, ®f all feifenesJ fie tuald be fiaill in fiaift. 3nd fa it eliandt upon ane Ijalg dap, Cfitss TBurgesJ toent in fiijj (Warding to fap J^iss £Diifoun0, and belialding tljijs trie 3ne gap ^oung 3[nip befjpnd it qupetlie l|)e fato grotaiand, qufjilfe toass pioper and fair, 3inrontinent fie eallit tfie (^airdnair, 5)e faid gude freind fe ^e be tuonder fure, 3nd of tfiijs Simp daplie tfiat ^e tafe nire, JFo? 31 beleue to fiaue ane better tre gDf tfiat ^oung plant, and better be Uc tfiae Jl3o? i$ tfie auld, qufiilfe 3f ean not auance Cfiat pitfi 31nlaifei0, fap, fapour and fubflante* IDotJbeit tfiijEJ tre be far groiuin it abone, D. iij. 46 1[THE SEVIN Cl)P (SaitDnar fatD, ^ailJer it fall be Done. Ulitl^in ttjisJ fetn Daptg to fcljato t&e fo? cettane Co fe tljis plant tfje TBurgess come agane, £lu&ilfe asJ &e tl)ocIjt, iuajs not fialf fa plefanD asj it toais quljen, t^e fitft Dap lie it fanD. Co t&e (SaitDnar De faiD Ijoto can t&isJ fie ^p tenDev plant, appeins not to me ^alf fa plefanD, as it tuag t^e laft Dap. JDe faiD £paifler, note tafe tent quljat 31 fa? I13a toonDer ijs, t^iis aulD tee ig fat mair SnD fta tDe ^oung taki^ all fubQance anD aii;. 15e t&e telToun t^e Ijjancljejs ar fo DraiD, ^a t^e ^oung plant ijs fa tinliblie maiD. jFo? gif t&iss plant gat t&e fubflanee anD ait Ctjat t&i0 tre gettiisj, Iielpue it tualD groto maic, JI3o? i!$ tlje aulD, fo? eilD almaift in DeiD. C^e 1Burge0 faiD tfiaitoC 31 toait remeiD, Cut Doun tlje fietoijj anD bjancSejs of tlje aulD. £XuoD Ije ^aifier, 31 fall t>o a0 ?e Ijaue taulD. 9nD fa 6e DiD, fgne efter in fcj^ort fpate Co fe tlje plant, agane come t^e TBurgeg, anD fatoj ricl)t toeill, t&at t^e fame tenDer plant %um neiDfull tljing it DiD 3inlaib anD twant, Co tlie (^aitDnai; tje faiD goiu ctjanctis t^ia ^p tenDer plant it Doijs midt^jiue 31 U3i0. ^c^ato me tlje cauxs t&aitof toitljout lefing, fDe faiD agaiflet, 31 fuppoijs of ane tljing, C^at i!£$ tlje ^it^t of t^iss greit gtotoanD tre iDalDijs atuap tlje ^one ajs tljinfeijs me. Cluljilk geui0 life, anD nurifcfjing 6ut Dout Co alftin tljing ttjat euer greto tljatvout. 9nD alsJ tlje vane it map not cum it neit Cluljilb nudfc^ijs alfo fum time of ?eir. C^ir SEAGES. 47 Cfjft ttoa tuanttng, t^aiv in na tve can tljiiut C&e TBurgesJ faiD, t^at fall toe menO fieltue. Cut ttit auID flene, and quite Doun lie t&e tute, iTo? 31 fuppone toe fall get liettet ftute, ©f tljt0 ^oung tee, no? of tlje aulD toa0 tjati. Clje (SatrDnar DiO a0 Ijtjs S^aiflet: Ijfm 6ati, Cuttit tlje aulD, and lelt tlje ^oung flanD fiill, ^a De olieptt W ^aiftetd mtnde anD toill. Cfter frftojt time ajs t&tss toais done and tojorDt, TBaittj aulD and ?oug j^edfffjt and eome to noc^t Clu&aiuof gueit Ijaunie and dule rome to t&e pute JFo? qu&a toajs feib, of t^ait Ijeltlj tljap toat fure J^auand tefoutJJ unto tljat Boliill ttit iCluljtlfe to cut doun, it toass ane quit pittit, and quljen tDe pute j^erfauit it toag cut doun, Cfjap cutft toatpit, \3iit^ mong malefoun, Cljat on^ toaj) tfjaitto gaue tffait counfell, £D| Ijtl^it t&aitto, tfja^ quite condampnit to Sell JFo? quljg tljt pure of all 3Inficmitei0 &au ap toeill curit of all tljait 9@aladeisj» jCluod fc6o mg lLo?d noto fiaue ?e undet-ftand IXuljat 31 6aue faid, quod fie tljat 31 toatrand. Ciuod fcljo t&e ^aircli Ijeivof 31 fall declaim Cfje qufiilfe pettenie to ?our tinfonfie ^it, ^The declaratioun of this Tale tauld be the Emprice. THIS auld tte i$ ^nut atoin Boliill petfoun. Cljat toitfi counfall of ?ouc iLo?dij5 of renou C&e pure and feik doijj ag Ijelp and fupplie l5e ?our 31uflice ahd greit JSobilitie. CfiijJ ?oung plant i$, ?our atoin untljiiftie 9ir, %oto to difiro^, Ije cafiijs fitm euer mair D. iiij. 48 HTHE SEVIN 15t Ijtss tunnins gvotoanti up gre tt exu a!3 OiO tlje 3iuj^ betjtnti tfif uw ble tte, and f02 to causj to rut ttje OBjanctjess Doun £lut)ilfet0 ar ?oui; ILojtiijJ ntrt ^oui; atotn petfou C6at &e inaj) dng and fit into ^our cDp?e, Cl)tsJ 10 &i0 mj)nD ttjat fje Dofss uiaili Defj??e, SDf tW nxnttt tljm quftat fall ttttt fall ail tfje folfe fall murne, toeip, fcljout and aljJ call anti toarp tljame tljat rutttt Ooun tlje tre, du^air tljat tDag toont to get Dflp and fupplte HD? gaue coufall tliis ?oung 3Imi? fo? to nurifcDe 15ot it Otflroj), 0? it hnxt ftute o? fludCcDe. ^5 rounfall tss tljaitfolt tljt 3fmp cut Doun, %en ?tt ?out felf dngts in ^out Die Eenoun. anD fuffet not tlje ?oung 3Imp fo? to groto, JTo? 6e fall Do Daplie tljat euet &e tioiu Zoto to ijiflto^, and ?oui; fiodp put Ooun, and purcljess not tlje 9@aledictioun fl)f tljt putP folfe, qutjome to ^e toar faifgaitd, Cfiairfoit in 5aifl tafe ?our fone futtlj of toaitd and fiut delag, on (Salloujs gar Ijini liing, %t doing tl)i0, ?e do Ipfee ane topfe ffiiing. Clje OBmpieout faid, Q^adame note lie t^e rude %our counfall ijs, fiaitlj Ijailfum, toife and gude Clje mo^ne |je fall go to t&e deid maifi uplde, JDoto6eit fie 6e mp onlie gottin Cljplde, Clje mojne become, fie callit fiijs lojdijJ all Cogidder pafl unto tfie 31uflice fiall. Cfie €mpaeouv fiim felf fat in judgement. SDn pannall put fiijs ^one 3[ncontinent, and fa at fcfio^t fie tuajs condampnit to deid, Co 6e fiangit, on (©allousx 6ut remeid. aaitfi mojtall found tfian palTand fiim Iiefojne m SEAGES. 49 €)f ttumpet, fcliaujine, f aiss of filatotng Ijcint, 30 tlje tjfe toaiS qufjen onp man fulti du, %ulti bt fonuogit tuttl) ficlgke mcnfiualte. atiD asi l^e jjafl Ooun tDloto ttje sveit Ctette, Cj^e pepm mutnit, fapanO it toass ptette, CljP onlu ^one of tfje^€mp?eout to Ijang agong mutntt, monj? tljaii; tjanD0 iu?ang. 3In meane fefoun as fie pafl Doun ttje fltctt, &fj3 fittt agatfiei; pantillass nilD ftiiu lucit. Ctje Q^aifler fato tje toais to (SaUoue led, aBttlj fyeiti of ^pumjs, to tljt Palice Dim fpeJj. Co qugoine tDe CDtlOe fa fone a0 fie fitin fatu, Doun fcuttfi fits fietO tfian fie 3inclgmt lauj. 9jj fie toalD faiO, Qgatflet gif ?e lie kinDe» j13oUj in mj neiD, 31 p^a^ fiaue of me mtntie« JFo? 31 am noio, toitfiont ?e get mewie ConDampnit fieiv, on *25aUo«jS fo? to tiit, %t ma^ tuetU txiit tfian fie na tav^ maiD, 'Bot in all fiaifl unto tfie Palire vatD, %ft not tfie Ie0 unto tfie Q^imfletiss, pjouefliis, ^evganOjS, 3!etuilIonv5S anD ©CBfcetjs JDe maid vequeifi, tfiat tfiap fuIti fiaifl natfiing, jFoa fie Iieleuit to get gtace fva tfie l&ing. Co fane fiijs Igfe, fie fall not die tfiisJ dap, Cfian toat tfiap glaid, to ?oto tfie fuitfi 31 fag* 011 in ane nott tfie j^ej^ill liad fiim fiaifl, %a toitfiout 6aid fie taid ajj fie toac cfiaifl. at tfie Italic e fie licfitit of fiiji fio?0, €lufia fuld fiim diefit, fie tufee liot Iptill fotce. ©f tfie (ZEuii)?cour fielgue fie gat pjefence, Co qufiome fie gaue on feneisJ gteit t^eueunre, 9)5 fiim effeitit, to qufiome tfie (JEmp?eour faid Cajat not 31 toill ?out reuetence not degtaid, 50 ' fTHE SEVIN Ze anD tfje vefl ticljt fait fuIO puneill 6e, jFo? ?out retuaitD, ^e fetue na matt of me* !^e fatJj mg lo?iJ an& jleiis ?out Jl5oMU grace Cfia 31 Ijaue fpent xit^t 3111 mp feutn ?emis fpace Cabins laulioud^ on ^out fone tiaj> anij nfc^t, 3n guOe Doctdne &im tefctjanD aj5 31 mic&t. Zit out Iauboutt$s at all toe nocljt regairD, IBot Iielentt toetll to get httttt retoatud* Cfje empaeont fatU, t^oto leijs Doctout but Oout JFitfl unto t^e, fine to t|ie refl about, ^g onlie ^one toeiU fpet^anO tjatU anti feit 3 Delguedt, noto ^e j^aue fijocfit fjim Ijeit a^att^ na manetJjJ, fiot dogtit, Daft anD turn, anti mait attout to frfiato tlie all anti fum Cfioftjt fie fie Dum, fie tfifng mon mm on ftjance TBe a(tS tte anlf frnte 5e SoantCt Sr^e gatlrner not fatSXtiS, ta tttt fa font tjiat grantCt. 3t toa« f ttfll Bone, fa font, to tttt it Houn Cj&ocSt it abant, tontone, iualD not hjetlT foun Wiifb tfit jonng trt, to 6t, at »£u(ftoun 3 fag for me, fttrefte, hjati na reffown Z 6ar» ftc a feftoun, Setter to ^aue tn tunts % iittf in poffefftoun, nor ttoa in iooK fitan)(> itne |9og 3 retW, (n tstta, ane CoHap ftato ^affana tiiroto STiueiB, initj fpeiU, tj&t ft5atf0h) fato €i)nt it toaS matr, larger, t^t fitfd&e leit fato <©f it inaiS tlair, tuin tjair, of flefcbe anS ah) STJjag bfe in Jousi anlf Jaii), quj&at tuer ttenner toift %at hsii not fra joSxi Brato, qujill tjat |e get jottr roift. <©if tW 33ttrge«, fit tafe, Jatt toeill foirfene ^ic grtttjineiS, Boutle^, tj&an Jatt not hmt CJiat nofiill tre, fa fre, fa frefri&e an» grcnc ^a fone to 6e, ftjortfie, Bonn tnttit tltnt #rcit tonattte 3i mene, of ibii ina;^ all tftt tanfi. 9d id hmt ttH antf fene, into sttltr Uottonrid faini^ ^Cnpiditas eft radix omnium malorum. Timot. vj. ^Ane reproche or reprufe to the Emprice. NOW thow thy tale hes tauld, with thy fals fyrie lippis Bot not gottin thow wald, licht fkirt for all thy fkippis Had I the in my grippis, on the I fuld be wrokin The heit into thy hippis, the fait fey will not flokin. Thow art ane baird full brokin, ane hiddeous belles hyrd, Better thow had not fpokin, condampnit Deuillis byrd. tiThe Tale of Pantillas the firft Doctour. INTO ane Eealme t&ait; topnnlt ane nnil^tit ©f nobill fame, of Quit tici^ta <$ mit^t (fenir^t CBat 6ati ane fone, mp lojD nolo a0 ?e Saue Co t6?e Burefixs to foflet fje 6im gaue, Cfje fitfi JI3ut;et!5 to gtue tjini fucfe anO feiD, SEAGES. S3 C6e nixt fjtin toefclje, <$ feetp ttim rime at neld. Clje tlj2tD to 6?ing fttni unto fletp and veft, Cfie BoliiU ll!\ntrljt fo? fitsj fiarne tljortjt it beli» Cfifjj iltnt(l)t alfo Ije tjatJ nnt gap (Sretufjounti C&at nane matt ftupft, titO tin upon tj^e groud aifo l^e 5aD ane Jralron fait of flifljt, Wiitiit ftogft of tuing quDen fcDo libit to Hclit. Ctjit ttoa tfie Enicftt lufit abone meafute, lBum$ oft times tljaj? DiD Dim gteit pleafute. Cfiiss ©teiu^ounti toajs fa ftuift anD of fie fpeiO jCtuj^en fje toajs (oufit, f)i£! pja^ lie gatt a^ tileid 3nti tfje fame pjag fitoe^t to fjis JLojO anone, CftijS toajj ane caujs Ije lufit Dim allone. aifo quDen tDat tDiJS ISnicDt pall to fiatteir, <3i( tDat DiiS t'^mtt tDat time toalD not p^euaiU 3[nto lji$ moutD Diss DoiS taill toalD De taK, about Diss luggiss, oft times De toalO it frDaib. %i^nt ?ouU auD ftp, as De iualD qu^te tin iuoOe %n Jit tDat ^igne, tDe l^nirDt tueill unOetfluDe 0if at tDat time De toalD futdet ot no, 3n& fa oft times leit Dint to battell go. !t)ifii !l)al{5 alfo toas fa feitee in Dit flirDt, ^a ftupft of iuing, and als fa iuonOet toicDt CDat ffDo tuaS neuet eafi of till afla^, 'Bot toitDout fault fcDo b?ufeit aj? Dit p?ag. CDit toat raufis tDiS l|)ounD and J|)alb De lufit, IBecaus to mpitD tDag tafit Dim oft and mufit aifo tDiS J^nifDt feefl all DiS Daill 3Intent 3fn Dci?S tinning, 3lufiing and Co?nament» %a on ane dag De raufit to pjoclame at DiS Cafiell, to fet fo^dtoatt DiS Il3ame CluDa luald rum tDait to Co^nap ot 31ufling, 1B?eibing of fpeitig, and als of DojS tanning, 54 1[THE SEVIN at tfje fet tiap, to fie matf&tt fuld not faill, Cl)f0 toa!3 tlje ag, and fa to it^oit m^ Catll, C5e i^niffit Ijf m felf firfl entetit fn tfte feiiu Co tfie tojnap, tottlj ftatneg ^ojjs anti fcDttlO* ^ine ttttv tiim pafl Ijtjs fatt ILatip gent aXHttft 6ft; laDgijs, to fe t^e Cotnament, ^ine efter tfjat, pafi all tlje iBurefijs tfjae Cfje Co?nanient fo? to fieljald anU fe» JLofefetne tj^e tiurejj, leutng tlje fiatne alone, CtatftfnB 31fcl)te no? entrie fnld fie none : Cluljfll ttje Comag, anD Jufling fulU fie Uone Cfjan tn all ftatU, tj^ap (ulD tetutne tic^t fone, 'Beleuanij tueill tie fiarne not to aujalfe, JI3ane fieing tljatr, fiot tfie JDounti anU ttje ^alb, and tlje ?oun5 C^^lde, tfjat tn tfie Cteddtll lap (ffiprept t^tt t&?e, tSe tell all pafl atoap. Cljat na man fenetu, lap lutfeing in tlie Ijato ane gveit Serpent, fiefott na man Did fenato. €inlien Cc^o i?etfamt t^e fjoujs fa defolaft, and nane ttjattin tljat durfi toltlj Ijlt defiatt* ©ut of fjtr fjole fone fcljo pnt futtlj Bit j^eid at tfitss 31nfant Danand ane etuell fetd* Ciufia lap 0eiptng in t^e Cteddill alone, ^Im to deuotr, at fcfiojt fa ij5 fc^o gone. Cte JFalfon tljisJ fieljaldfng quljair fcljo fat, tipon Ut Perk, to do fcfio tutfl not qufiat, OBot toitlj fitt tulngij3, fc^o tuflillit f vang Ijtt fiel aimalfi fffio bad al fc^afetn pame tn fr^elltg (Hjs ^a tuttft tlje noptss $ fietr quljtlfe maid tlje il)alfe Cljtxs gud Ijound tatjs, and of fitjs Help did tualfe and qu^en Ije fato tfiat tfie Serpent did creip Cotoatt t&e Cveddill, quljaii; tftat tSe fiarne did Wit^ ane fell fattd on t&e Serpent Ije tan (fleip and SEAGES. S5 anb fa at ftfjo?t ti^it ttoa to ferftt began » %n ttutUit, tljat it iuas gceit metuaill Ciu&ilfe of tljt ttua at tfiat time fulD j^ieuaiH. ane to Oeuott, tj^e rytljtt to Defenti Cljft ttoa at Ient& togtd&er diD rontenti» ^a lang at lentlj tljti; ttua togtbtiet; fauctjt, amaifl ttje fiouO al qugte DaD loift Ijijs mauc^t, ^a ctuellie Ije tuajs luounOtt in liluOe, Cftat all about quDatc tljat t|je CteDDfU fiutie, CiOasJ blutie Iierun, ttjat metuell tuajJ to fe, 'Betutr fie ttua fa fiauIU fiatgane to be* Ctie (^tetogounti tgan ^evfautng ^i$ atoin blutie 31nto fjijs fiavt toot fa etuell and tooOe, aUtt^ ane fell faii-ij upon ttje ^etpent i;an. ^a tj^ame tttuix ane neto fiargane began. aBittj fie maltee, melaneoHe and 3Itf, CluDtl ane toasJ DeiD, pat nane of j>ame toalti ttte lI3o? leif tlje fetltj, qu&ill it r&aneit at tljt laft, QBetuiF tfjame ttoa, tfie Ctebtiill ouit tljag cafi. &[lit^ botiDum up, and on tt)e Coji!$ it fiude, IXuljaic it toajj all about betun toit& blude* ^a it beeome, and fell be (SoDdijs gtace Cljat tlje fout Cojiss fauit t&e CDildisJ faee. and M^it Gill toitlj bifage totoatd tlje ground Cfjit ttoa fecljtand, tlje Serpent and tlje Sound ^ufiill at t&e laQ tlje Ijound into eertane, Clji0 fell ^etpent fie fieg ouitcum and flane. and fauit tfje Cljilde fta pertell in tljat titit, tflutjen all toasJ done, doun be tlje Cveddill fide, JLiefeing Ijijs tooundiss lag doun tlji0 nobil fioud JF02 fecfiting fait, and fa on fleip fell found. 'Befpde t^ 'Bab, quljilk in tlje Creddill lag, l^ane in tfie tjouss, bot onlie tljic fame ttoag. ^6 IfTHE SEVIN C^e 'Baft flef jtng, anD tofft na feinD of 3IH, Cfje ftounij tome, anO fof&iti futt^ fjtjs fill, Cfie ^etpent flanc, ajs 31 faid ?oto Iiefoit, Cfte ISalife faif, anil ttie fjounO tooutiDit foir. 3nti fo anone eftet tiii& to?nament 3IIfe man tooman unto ti^m ludgeing toent, Co tell t&at Oap qu&a toan t^e Intetpjgfe, Cfjat et:anD noto to mp matet not IgijJ, Cfjaitfoit a0 noto t^at tDtng 31 toil lat 6e, anti lat U5S fpetfe of tlje ButtUti tint, €lu6a fitli come ^aine and enterit in t&e &ato, ^a fone a0 tfiag tfie filuDe anti rwDtiill fato. WitinQim ttjaft fjanOijJ anti rpfins Uoun t&atc Crgtns allare too on njs euei; ma«, (Datt gDur onlte CljflDe ouc 1Ba6 anO fofletfiawe 3l5J qn^tt tienomt, toitj^ ane Dos anD fo?fat:ne, ailace fo? too, allate quljat fall toe Do, 2i0e feen na i?lace foi furcont to tin to, (Sim our ^aifiet j?et;c&ance w apje^enij, Cfjatt isi nane map fra ^i& fian&i^ ujs tiefenO. ^ot altoap fall on ujs cum fuOtianti Oefti, 2iQe ifenato na toaj? qufjatt* toe map finD wmetD, ^en fa i& cum lat njs in fiaifl all tlj?e Co fane our life, 6ut 6aiD atoap to fle, (ffiuin fap ttjap Oil), and left tlje fjoufl alone, IBut mair eounfall all ttj?e atoap i$ cone, and fjati na Mt no? toifoome in tljaic IjefD Co fe quDidtiet tj^e fiatne toaisJ quiefe oi Deid, lI3o? lift tlje Creddill, and to perfaue t^e face, IBot ran atoap all tljje crping allace, and ass t&ap toar fa pafland furtlj tlje flreit, Ctjair atoin 9§aiflresi tftap cliancit fo? to meit Wiif^ Ijir ladpijs cumming fra t^e Co?na5, ^ftjo SEAGES. 57 ^tfjo petfaufng fjft Butefijs in tlie toap, JRfffjt fait murnfng, and tgfing Ooun t^ait fiatt 911 tuo fiegane, tt^ltit of flutt aiiD catt* %one ftfjo 31ntiwit;it at game Doto fiude tj^e tare Cftaj) anftutttt W a t^oufand ttmess allace. Ciufiat fall toe fag fo? too^tiiis to multi]^lie Cfiaft in na Iiute all man tfte rafe mag fe. 9ne T)miU ^adame into ane Doggtjs ffefn ff>tfi flane ?oui; %one, alone ^out gall toitliin. Co ttit qufjilf? Dog mg Loid gaue matfl Oeltte, TBot noto fie IjejJ of ?out: ^one maid ^oto quite. 31n tafein -^it qufiair tljat tlje Cteddill flude, Cfie Dog fleipisJ Gill neto batUt in W 6lude. JDe toajj ttje Dog tfiat mg iLojd lufit 6eO, ^e toajs na Dog, fiot toitlj ane Deuill poflefl, Cliaitfoir Ladg, fo? na i0 na temeid, 'Bot outlet fle, ai ell0 to 6ide tBe deid. Cfiaitfoir ^adame of ujs ^e fjaue metrfe, ^^i& in tfie fau0 tfiat tmiin Mn to fle. Cfiiis fofio Belting, anone fell to t&e ground, aXJitljout tnait fpare into ane deidlie found. 9nd ^it at lafl ILadgi0 gatt Ijii; atoalfe, IDeld Dp l)iv field, qufiill fcfio began to talk, 9nd faid allaee, mg deiv ^one att tfioto flane. ^all tfioto neuet plag on mg fene agane .-' ^all 31 neuet toitfi mg Pap fe tfie plag .-' ^llaee fioto fone act tfioto fa toent atoag. Siall 3[ neuet tfie lauefiand on me fe f 9llafe fioto in tilt dolour efianeit me r* £Xufiaitin 31 fiati mg onlie maifi plefour, ^aifand mg lo?d, baftfi fie tide time and fiout 3l35 noto tut dout, toitfi ane Dog dene deuojit, 9nd neuer agane to tfie life fie relioait. E.J. 58 1[THE SEVIN Clutjat fall 3( fap, tljiKJ tjs ane raftfull race. 905 onlte ^one iss DexD anO sane allate, ^a fcBo muwtng JRequidt tlje caujs of all Ijic difplefour. %c'^o faptjs mp JLord, allaee and euer matt 31 can not fpeife fo? quit dolour and rair, 3Ij3 Ijappinnit U!3 ane toondec eruell raee, HDur 4one ijs flane, foi eue? mait allaee CSitft ?out (Sieto^oiid, qufiome g* fa toeil ?e lufit JI3oto all tj^at lufe on ?out: ^one Ije fiess paufit. J^e l^exs Ijim flane, in Creddill qufiair tt la;p, %out jRurcfiss all tt)?e ar fled atuaj* 9nd ?it tlje place qufiait tljat ttjt Creddill fiude %our Sound Igijs fleiping in ?our ^onnijj filude ^f)i$ ?our o«, and tjp Ijt vaiss in tlje 6luDe quibaii: pt lag Co t)ii5 ^aiflct ttjt Die gait tome Dijs toaj, jFapnt anO foitforljt, come fatonanD to tjiss fwt 9js De DaO toont, Diss Qiaifler fot to nieit. 3fnto greit 3irf , qufjat iss tDait mair to fap, 2i©itl} fjijJ fftjatp ftoo?ti De rlaif SijS IjeiD in ttoag 3nb tljat onlie fo? ane too?D of ij^ss toife onlie ^one anU Sin, E. ij. 6o 1FTHE SEVIN €lu5«fe at ttii$ time W fault fra ttje liefD, 9nti fo? tetoafrD, noiu De fie0 lotfl Ijiss j^eii), TBut tiout 3i toalti ftaue e^utit a tlioufanij pounti ©f eude monejj, oa 31 fiati flane mp ijoutiD* ^ot fen fa 10 31 fe ts3 na temeiD, ^p ^one t0 faif, anU mg eude Ijounti tjs tietU, Cfiat fautljt fo? 6im, anti onlte fauit ^ia Hfe, 3ntr 3f fjfm fletei t6?oto ane U)o?& of mp toife, TBot fta tj^tne futt^ ftefr 31 folempne ane uoto, Cfiat 31lfe man fall gtf credence to and troto» ff)tit 31 foafatfe all Co?nag and 31«flins, fDetr 31 foifaife all talking and 5)unting» 4>ett 31 fojfatfe tanning toltD fcljeild and fpet'r, i)tit 31 fo?faife all faitl0 of men of toeft;, 31n Ctifitndome, 6ot ?it not manlpne^, i>m 31 fo?faife all atmout; and ftatnejj* JFor 31 toill pajs noto to t^e Jl)alfe land, and fecljt toltft 3[otois5, qu^tll 31 map fidfee o? Contrair (Sodss fafss, f tljafrto end mp life (Cand Cl}f!0i ttotoit pis i^nicfjt foa ane too?d of lji0 toife Cftat tmto Dit* gaue fie Ijaifiie ctedenee, SXHitfiouttin eaujj ov ^it aBF}?etienfe» Cljairfoir mg iLojd ?out; gude (&mt 31 requite, <5if not fa fone etedence to t&e defite €)f ?our (ffimpiice, tljocljt fclio 6e diligent, aganiss ?our %one greit lefingtjs to 31nuent, JFo? ?e map toeill be t^iss fame Cale perfaue Clu&at t^e ffitnifljt gat t&at fa fone rredenee gaue ^nto fjiss toife, and to Ijir tuo?dijs uane, CBat fauit fjig ^one p* fame Ijound fje0 lie flane Cj^airfoit gude %cDit, f j^leiss ?out no6ill grace 31 toald ?e gaue na credence in thin cace ainto ?our Ciuene, to put ?our ^one to deid, i - Jfor SEAGES. 6i Sot ?e toill tetu quljen fljafr fj3 na rernefO* ajs Did tf)t'0 l^nfr&t, DtJ5 lI3olii« fiounD tftat Oeto EemetD figpafl, tDan tj^ tiegan to teto, ^p lo^ti Ije (a tj^e JatU laujS antf raattr it Jatr 6enf. tSuJjfn tSay 5a» ftnatofn tj&e btter bfrttie STj&an 5aB ient tpme tijt iBog to Jaue gart "Bit, 9Ko tfte ^urtui na Juaa 3 tan malt tlene. ^ine tbroh) tje toorB of ant bane tottlttt ingfe, ©uiilit oft fe tau^ of meittU fturt anB ftrgfe, €aufft j&tm to tfo t^ie tijing Je BtB fair rein 3Becau^ tjje treutj tiiat t»me tlene it mtffineio, anB gart in'm reff fra W guBe JjounB tje Ijjf e. :tepttng ane tj&at iure tj&e hlpffull figrtj <&u!)tlft tottj W iltttit tirotljt bsi all to greit mgrti, IK0 prag to ^tm VoutTeii t^oto iats grett netV. C[Ane laude and praife to the Doctour that put of the perrell of the firft day be his Tale tel- ling to the Empreour. OPANTILLAS with thy fweit fuggurit touug, Quhilk in greit Realmes and Kinrikis hes bene roung, And now at lait to this gude Empreour Quhilk fweit fentence thow hes baith faid and foung And fra all dout and danger doun hes doung The Empreouris greit and ringand feirce furour Quhairthrow thow hes procurit fum fuccour Vnto the Chylde, on gallons fuld bene houng Had not thow bene, God thank the gude doctour. E. iiij. 64 fTHE SEVIN ^jThe fecund Tale of the Emprice. TO t^t (BmjuiUt tuojti pafi ^Incontinent, C&at t^t Mngi$ fone fiad not ttjoHt 3fuge^ Ciul^l it^ti tljat fiatU but tatp fcfjo fell Oou (ment jfo? fiutt antJ nop, into ane Dettilie ftooun, jClu^aftof too?D come unto tlje (ZEmpawut;, Cfjat fjf0 ilatip t»ai) tane fie Difplefouc. 3nD fa anone fall l^ttitiet; j^e j^tm fj^eti, jfanji l)« rie&t fait mutning into ijft htti* ^a fie 3[nquidt, at fiit; qufiat toajs tfie eaujs ^efio fatti mp Loatr, tfiair ij3 anetu tfiat fenatui^ Clufiat eirtJlie fcfiame, tiifpite anJj Mfplefout Done fie ?out; ^one, ant» to mp DfUjonour, jClufiaftof 31 can fie na tuap get temef 0, 9nti ?e uaomeift tfjijs tiap fe fulD fie tJeiJj* 'Bot too allaee 31 tiout xit^t toountiet; fair, 3[t fall 50to efiance ajs tiio ane !l)itt) and 'Bait, Clje (ffimpaeout faiD Q^adame 31 ?oto 3fnquite Cfiat Cale to tell, fo? it iss mj» Define, Co Ijeit it taulD fie ?oto tlie fuitfj 31 fag, jCtuob ftljo mj) JLojti 31 taulti ane ^illettiap* ffl)f it follotoit riefit fmall tffttt o? nane jClufjaitto fulD 31 attf fitter tell agane* J^otofieit tfiairto tjjat ^e gif gteit ctedenre, Co fet it futtfi ^e mab ritfit fmall defence. Xit not t&e lesJ tfiisJ time 31 twtH tell ?t)oto iuitfi ane IBair and ^cfieipfiird it fiefelL VPON a time tljait toajs ane (ZBmp?eoui; ffl)f gteit iwifdome, greit puiflance gt fjonout 3ne fair JFoaefl fje fiad plefand to fe TBaitlj gag and trim, twitfi mong femelie tre. Clufiairin tfiair iuasJ rinning ane grit toild fiair IBaitfi daj? and nicfit fie maid tfiairin repair. att SEAGES. 6s m hfnO of folfe tm tm ^Bair mirfjt ouitta, 923ittjout merde fie did Omoir anD fla. ^a tfjat nane tiutfl out t&?otu tfie JFo?efi pa0, jToi Oout of Oeid, tlje toap fa perrellousJ iaa0. Hufiauof tfje IRtng luasj fieute in Ijijs ininde, C&at fjt'0 j^epUI toajs flane on ficlifee fetnDe. aajitlj ane tium fieifi Deuojtt to ttjc deiti, dlnd ibe na toa^ tfiattof mlti get temeiO. 3[n fifjJ 3Inti?g?P, ane ctj lie gatt pioclame, ©n fiijj fiefialf, 3utl)otttte anti Jl3ame. jClufia toalD tieBatt oa baulDlte tak on fiand 2iIIUfi tfiat b?gin fiatr in battell fo? to fianO, and Ijini uincusJ 6e firentfi of flaltoavt fitaife, Jl)iS ane Dourfiter fje fuld fjaue to fiijs niaife, (Btttt fjijx deid, l)t0 iRealme ass fie tear ait, Cfiijs fie fuld fiaue, qufia euet fleto tfie IBair. CfiixJ toass pjoclamit tfijoto fiijs i^inrife and lad 15ot nane tuajs found, tfie deid tuald tab on fiad ft{jlfe 3f fal Ijtiv ?oto ^5 iLo?D t)e fagiss, totll ?e gar call agane Xour onlte ^one, quDa tjs to fuffer yane, 31 fall ?oto tell mp Cale furtfj to tfie enD» 9nti fa tlje i^tng agaue fo? Ijun Did fenb. Put Sim in tuaiti) qu^air tljat Ije toaiS liefo?ne, Ctuljtll tbat tfte Cale toas Done anD til g* moine ^a tfje ^aifler tlje fecunD Cale began TBtioh tljt i^tng, anD monp JI3o6tll man. 0x5 ?e fall Ijefr, tljaufoir gtf auDtence, 'But matr Delag, anD to ^our reuerenee* fIThe Tale of the fecund Maifter. TN ane Ctette tljatr toajs ane indent iKnirljt -■•Cljat DaD marpit ane ILaDp fait anD firu^t, 3j8 ?e fiaue ane, mp £o?D to ?our plefour anD gelD fjfr up fn all eijs anD fionout. Unfit Ijtr fa tueill, abone all eirDlp tDing, ^it 80 ^e Do pour IXuene mg ^ouerane l&lng. IJ)e luDe Sir fa, fie culD not eit no? D?tnfe 15ut fjtr pjefenre, fa on fitr ag DiD tljtnk. 3nD alxj at eutn qufien all folfe to 6eD pafl, Cfie ?ettfsj anD DurexJ ficHfee fje lofefeit fafl, 3nD all tfie feeptss nnDer W fiefD ttiap lap, dEuerilfe nfcljt qufitll mojne tDat it toasJ Dap, 70 fTHE SEVIN an& at ilk mo?ne qnljtn Ijt tljct^t tUm to tife, ©ppinnit ttje Dutejs Ijtm ftif ajs toajs tDe gift. 3In tfiat Ctette iuaxs ane ruflome and lato, Cr|>tt opptnlte, tljat 311^ petfoun mutjt fenatu. at ane fet tjoui; ane IBell toais roung at ntcljt, Cliat all mictjt DHv, anti unDcvQanti fuU ttfljt, 3nti tljaweftet; toitljoutttn inatv Oela^ CDc toatf^e ioa0 fet to Xaalk quDill tt luaxs tia^. %int efter ttjat, gif tfiaj) euID on^ meit (SaneanD allone, o? toalfeanJ) on Ujt ttuit, ^one t|iaj> tuat tane, anU tinto p2f fo«tt leD, ClufitU on tfie mo?ne t^at all men vaijj fra 6eti, Cljaj) luai; fall fiounti to ane flocfe o? ane tre, Co tijait; grett frljame, tljat all t^e toun mtr^t fe ^ine cftet t^at, 3!ntiums tfjatv lifetime Cj^ag toai; tepute ajs giltie of ane mine, anD fjalDin tmtlj fta all gutie eompanie, CljisJ toajj ttje JLaUj tljat time of t^isi Cietfe. C6ixJ foirfaiJj i^nirljt quljaitof 31 fpak of air, 3j^a0 gtotuin in age, ane aulD man and ane liait Jj)iis tampand vage of ?out& fje fjad comiileit, and Ijad flofeinnit of liedfolace tfte ftoeit. l^otofieit ^t lude fiijs iLadg toeill aneucli, Zit ajs ?e feen, mair gvait^ jjettenijj tj^e pleuefi. and frljo jjetfauit of He antt ^t did faill %c^ti tuU in Beid ane ut^ec to aflail, and fa fefio did, ane man of tendet age 3[n lufliss Iioui; fo? to luin uaffalage, Clnlja fjad ane qnpet Cfialmer in tlje toun, ^a euevie nic^t eftet; tW l^nicljt lap doun, ?3nder fjijs ^eid tlje feep fc&o flaill atoap, Co l)it 50ung lufe fcfto toent quljait; tijat &e lap and fa ff^o did, aliS oft a0 euec fcDo lift, Cufee SEAGES. 71 Cufee tnttlj tljt feeptss tlj&t Ijit tjufbanti not tatft antJ quDen ffljo come tvn tjiv tujfi and Dtc tvane, ^fljo laid ttje fetgtis unOet IjtjS Ijcid agane; ^0 ft htttU upon ane to^ntet ntttjt 3ne tualbing come upon tW clBIDetin Enfr&t i^e fuld not fleip, ?it tualking ajs (je lag, iDe tuvntt about, anO inili fjtjj iutfe atoag, (Upon fjtt Il3ame {)e ctptt ofter no? tDiifc, ^ctjo anftuerit not, tDan De fiegoutD to tife, ^ofljt all ttje DouxJ fie na tuag mID Ijit; ftnO» anD toifl not tuetlt Qit fctjo iuasJ out o? in, %octjt Dtjs 6e£i Deiti quljait tljat ttje feegi'g lap, Ciu&at iualD ?e matv ttjag toav all tane atuag. pall to tlje ^ettijs, all oppin fjf tDame fanO, 16ut niair auife fje flofit tfjame fta IjanD. 3[n ane totniJo ttiat opptnnit up to tBe gait S^tUU of tDe nfttjt tDatt fat Ije at tlje iuatt, 3nti quljen it toasJ about tlje tljjiD Cofe tratu Q^afeanb Ijiv fjame, fjiS atoin totfe tje fato, €Xulia fand tfje ?ettX5S upon fjtt lofefeit fall, %t mag tueill luit tDat fctjo toajs tDan agaft. J13euer t&e lexJ becauS t^e ^etttjs luajs lokbtt, JToa to toin in peirtlie tDafvat fcj^o fenofefett, C&an fatd ttje i^nutjt, €) tDoiu tuoman unrlene Cbinbtjs tfjouj Ijonouv on ficett noUi to be fene .'' £D toickit toife, and tuofull mavgit totr&t, CluDg Ijess tljoto noto diflautt t&g atwin Enicljt ®f quDom tDoto fenetu all Datl tljoto Bad g* Ijait ©f tDg bato)D?te notu 31 am tuetll erpatt. jFo? tljiss tss not tlje firll time tDoto IjejS done %U Ijailattie, tDoto fall retu be ^one e^one. CiuDill tDe iwatrlje mm tDaiv Bill ?e fall temane and axJ JLaiu toill, t&aireftet tlioill tlje pane. 72 HTHE SEVIN Cftan fafti t^t toift, mp £o?ti quiig fap ?e fa, Ctuftait 3[ luajj note, tfatr iwass toitnejs far ma. ^5 ^otiietfss ^agd ft^o come anti (ttt^it me, jCiuftflb I5t0 rif&t feife, and tjs in jjofnt to Die. anD tfian fiecaujs ^ fato ^otu toef H on tefl, Co tuafein ?oto 3[ t&ocDt tt not t&e liefl. C^at gart me fief II t^e feegtss fra ?ota atoap, 3f tljoc^t piette to toalfein ?oto ajj ^e lap. JTo? quljp ?e ben ?e ar febfU and anld Co toalfein ?oto of ?ouc firft flefp ?e toald IBene feife tfie mo^ne, and toonDet 3in Difj?ofit, Cljaitfoit ttaih not, tfiat ?out ?etti!5 toais unclo= 3nti mp 90ot&et; aI0 ijJ fa toonOer feife, (fit ane too?ti to me, ffeatflie fcDo DaD to fpeife. anogntit elli0, anti maib 6it lattet toil! 9nD noto mj) felf Ijesi Ijaifiit me ?oto ttlL C^aivfott gude iLo?ti 3i PJap ?oto ijattfuUie Cafe na fufpect, no? tfjxnfe na fault in me. foi 31 tjati neuet fie t^tng in mg tljoe&t ^en tfie firfl time to ?our htb 31 toa0 b?oe&t, jl3o? neuer 6aD fie ttjing into mp tjart Bo% nenet fall, qu&ill Oeid tijs ttoa depart. Cljairfoit 31 pjag, ?e lat me not fie tane Ji^itf) tfte ton toatefi, tjeir fianding mine alane jFo? noto t&e fiour approcfieu toondev neit. CBat tj^e toatclie tife, t t&ap toill find me Ijeitr, Clul^ilfe ijJ to me ane euetlafling fcfjame, and alj$ to ?oto it U ane gteit defame. 2i31at 31 ggltie o? ?it eommittit erime. 31 toald toitfc&aif ?e fjeld me out t&iss time. Cljan faid t&e l^nic&t doulitle0 ?e cum not in, Jf or na j??ager of ?oto no? all ?our fein. £XuDiU tljat t&e toatc&e betafe ?oto in tfie fnatr, C^an SEAGES. 73 Cljan qufjafr ?e toat, to tDame ?e mon Oedaw. CDan tijp t^ifp fai'D, m^ lLo?D gtf fa f e do 3fii Qvtit attaint of ujj fiattlj it fummttf to, anD all out liin, ai|?a aiiD oiiv ftemOtjs, 3ni3 all tJtljet tljat atDev of tijs jjevtenijJ, ®if 31 ht tjeic nolo luitD tljt toiin ioatrlje found 3[ tatDet fitf ane liund?et^ tljoufand pound. £Xuod De 3111 totfe, and tooman fac defamit. Cj^otu Ijtsi fa done, gat tljgfclf tljotu Ijtsi fcliamft JFai; httttv luat fo? tDg fait puneifl fie, and fjett tljotll ftljame, tDat all nianfefnd map ft jI3o? fo? to tDoill j^unffrDinent eftet deid, Sn dirnand tjell, quDaic tljair tjj na temeid. Cfjan faid tljt totfe nig iLo?d 31 ?oto tequfre, 3fn tDfjs ane jjofnt to fulfill nig defite. lI3otri fo? fjtjs fatfe tDat deit ttpon tlje tre, C&ot'll not fie ffljame fa fatkleji mm to me» Cfie i^mcgt anftuetit unto tjfjs toife agane, 31U toicfett totfe, tDg toovdijs ar all in uane, Cfjoto mnitss not in tinto tlje toatcljeKJ knato, and ht puneifl eftet* tfie roursJ of £ato* Cfjan faid tlje toife 3[ petfaue ttjis i0 done ail fo? 3[nug, and ?e at: 3nopo?tune* Cj^an fen. fa ijj, ?e at 3Ii"patient, 3[ ioill ?oto fcljato in feiw mojdig nig 31ntent» flig ILojd ?e fcnato at t^ijj ?et flandisJ ane toell j^ufjairin fiut dout notu 31 fall d?otone mg fell, Eatfjet no? 3[, and all mg bin de fcDamit, and aljj ^our felf fall not rljatp dndefamit CIja faid tlie I^nicDt tuald <$od gat fie Dad dene Lang time defoit: 31 fato ?oto tuitD mine dBm, ^a ajs t^it ttoa togidder toaj3 at talfe Clie ^one tooj; dauh, and gid toaj$ dndet toall^ F.j. 74 1FTHE SEVIN C^an faiti t^t toife, m^ lojD anti ht '^mt toill Cj^at 31 Utit fiitie, tj^e fame 31 mon fulfill. ©a 31 fiitie 6eft, anU foi to ft^ame mg fell iaat&er 31 fall lie Oaotonft In tj^f jj toell. IBot 3[ tutll Do ajs ane guDe Crifltn towljt, aufftt to &t't Hojd, anJj to ane il3o6ill iEinfc&t. %lt oj 31 tife mp minDe iss anti 3|ntent IBefoft; ?oto j^elt to mafe mj? Ceflauient, J|)efr to tge JLo?i3 fitfi 31 fiequgt^ ni^ %aull, ^5 lianijs to Ip in tfie ffiittb of ^antt Jpaull, 30 foi mp gudejs, l&ati 31 ten tljoufanD pounD. Cen tlioufanti feg eangantr upon t^e gcounO, 310 mong IPletoi0 ganganD tjjjon t&e lanD, 310 mon^ fcj^ei]? a$ t|^ati;Dpon miC^t 6anD» 3f taaltJ leif all tinto ?out aiwfn petfoun, C&ame to Difpone at ?out atutn tiifctetioun. 9nti gtf ^e plelss onj? t&fng fo? to Oetll 31nto aimuss, for mp tueill anti ^aull fteill, Cfiat 3! tefer to ?our atofn toft anD toill, jflTXuljat euet ?e plefd, t^e fame fo? to fulfill. jFot; ioeiU 31 toaft ?e iBlll Oo liot tlje ticljt, 31 fag na mafr mp ftueit ^uffianiJ gutmtcj^t. 3jS fetjo t^at fatO, In fitt; armejj eulD fcDo tafe 3ne mefeill fiane, anti in tfie t»ell Dib toafe. Cfjat Iieing done, fcfjo eome titl^t p^euflte Co tlie ?et c^ef fe, and fiuDe t^ait quietlte, Cfje "S^nit^t fteidng tfte fiane fall tn tfie tuell, OBeleult toefll ft tBa0 t&e JLatip fell. 3nti faid allaee, mp totfe 10 D?otonft But tiout, ^a in aneftag t&e filmcljt eome rinnanD out, 3nb to tj^e toell tie fj^eti gim but matt batti, Cfie toffe t&at fato, in at tlje ?et fc&o flaiti, anti clofit t^e ?et ticl^t toonOec fut;e and fafl, Co SEAGES. 7S Co t&e toftitio in Ijaifi fcfjo rulb flit raft. 3In t^t ineane time tfje IKnirBt fluiie at tSe tutll, a^ourning tif Ijt fait and fagins to ijim fell. Witx fie tt}e tjoui; tDat euet 3f toajs fiojne, a^5 lufit tuife allare i^ note fo^Ioine* 2iHo lie tlie gout tfjat euet 31 tlolit mp ?et, 2)00 fie tfie fiout in m^ tuintio 3[ fet Co fpp m? tDtfe, qufjilfe 31 tuait toaiS faiftle^, 31 am t5e toite notu of Sit tieiti tJoutlejs. 3Uafe, allace, noiu iss t^ait na temeiti Cfjtotu tuilfulnejj of uis fiaitfj ftfio ijj tieiti. Cfie Latig fjattf, in toiittio quljatt ffDo lap, anti to t&e Iftniffit tuit^ OutDxe tuojDijs tuID fag flD ?e auID fule, t&at fuIO fie eallit ane fiinicDt Cluljat tjo ?e tljait flan&ins tftiss time of nie^t, £Dut of ?out fieD lualfeins fa toondet lait, aBaitting ^out tjutess and fjatlotijs on ttje gait. ^it^t it not fetue mp fioDg at ?out toill, TBot ?e tualD pajj ?out aul& ^uteDome untiH, Cfjiss iss nicfitlie ?e ttfe tfie fame paflage, Xe fall tepent tic^t fait ?out auID fulage. - Cfie ffilnieljt fenatoing tfie fioce of j^iss atoin toife IDe tuajs tirfjt filpitS tfjat fcfjo toajj ?it on life, taping latip tueiW ijs me euet mait, louing to (5o& tjiat 31 niap fjeit ?oto tfjait* JFot 31 fieleuit ?e ^aU fiene in tfte tuell, Cluoti fc^o aulti fule feeij? ttje out of it t^g fell. C^otD fetuisJ fiettet fo? to fjaue punifctjement, JFot t65 fiauDiie, no? galie gaitijs to tuent. jCtuoti lit JLatip lat ?e fie language fie, Clufjat ijj t6e eausJ \t fag fie tijtng to me r* Ciu&en 31 loebit tfje ?et ?e fall me ttoiu 31 OiU natljing fiot to fiaue c^aiflit ?oto. F. ij. 76 1FTHE SEVIN Sci in na toife 31 ntmt diO 3IntenD Zm to tiifj?lei0, 0? ong toap offenO» JF0J quDm 31 Datti tl)e nopiss into tlje toell, ©nto nij? Davt tljatc Gvaife ane ruucll fenell, and tn alt fiatfl ?e faiu asJ 3[ rome doun Zoto to p?efttue, tljat na luagijs ?e fuld djoun. 9uld doffinntt Carll (quod fcDo) 3! iitix tljt lie, Cfjoto toajs outt peivt to Sludge fir tDtng to me, 'Bot 31 petfaue Ujisi Pjouetli tss vicljt treto, Cfje 31ntufl oft tlje 31nnorent doijs jjevfeto, Cfjotoj Iei0 to me, and Ijess done monp time, (ZBuet tlje eilt quDen tDoto committiss t^e ctime, 90 ttjoto doijs notjj, tDat neuev to tDe failUt, IBot tlj5 Quit Uuljt a0 noto 3l ftaue aOaiUit, 3nd Ijess tljt tane into tlje ficber fnaiv, Ciu&aitfoir Iiut doubt fo? me tljotu fall Oand pair €lul)ill tuatfljess cum, and tuitlj tljame to be fene 31n timejs bpgane ane auld fule tboto Dess bene, CSat me litDtlpit, tljp atoin toife and difpifit, 9nd to tljp Duress ?eid oft timexJ difagifit, 9nd euer &esJ done, fen firfl time 31 tljt feend, 311 tljg lifetime in louinrie tljoto Ijta fj^end, IBot 0od toill not lat fie unpuneifl fie, JFo? monp fault tljoto IjejJ done oft to me. JFo? Ije ijs 3;ufi, and toill Ijaue fie tljing frfjatoin 9nd 31 fall mafe it unto tljt pepill fenatoin. Cljairfoir Cad (till, tljoto eiimisJ not in 6ut dout Cluljill tljt toatffjexJ, and al J13ifljtl>ourijJ about CiuDat ane tljoto art, tljap map perfptelie fenatw and tljairefter to bide tlje firaib of Lato. CDan faid ttje l^nif&t, ILadp 31 Ijaue meruell Co qufiat effeet fuld ?e fie to me tell* Xe fenalB ricDt toeill tDat 31 am auld and Dair, and SEAGES. 77 9nti fn tijfss toun 3f 6aue fiene euer mair, and toeiU 31 toait qutjati; mp name toas jjjoclas ainto tljfss ftour fo? na tau0 toass defamtt. (mtt Cfiafcfott JLadp fo? tDe B«t>e JLojdtss s^mit Cfioill me cum tn, and let me not tafe fctiame, ^rfjo faid aid fule t^ou fpedss tDp fpeufj in tiane Cfiair fall tDoUi fiand, and tljotl of lato ge pane IBttttt it in to tljoill Ijeit patientlt'e, iI3oj euer mate in Ijell eondampnit fie. Salomon fa^ijs tg^e things! tDat <$od dofd gatt 3ne jinve pjoud man afione Ijtss aujfn eflait* %tne ane ttctje man tn ronfuetude to Ite, and ane auld man ane fond fule fo? to fie, 9nd fa fiut dout ?e fijuib tljit; fitcejs tD?e, CtuDat netd ijad ?e fa fat to Ite on me. as foi vfetjeis, ?e fjaue tfcfjess at tntll €lulj5 fuld ^e tj^an ^out; fjjetclje tottD falfet fptll ;' ajs for ane JFule, ?e ate ane ttiondet; toutfi, jftjj aj3 ?e feen t^e flout of all m^ ^outlj, at ?out; j?lefut:e ^e Ijaue Ijad euet mait, Xtt to fiaud?t'e ^e ?etd fiaitD lat't and aft Cliaftfoit ($od {jejs done toondet tueill ^oto ttll Cljocljt ^e ronttatt fiaftft Ijisi command and tpt'I IDess petfeuetit fltll in ^out fjatlattfe, Zit Ije totll not ttjaftfoft ?e j?etfftDft fie, 'Bot lent ?oto gtace ?out finntjj fjeit tepent Cfjaftfoit ?e mon fitde JLato and 31udgement. Cljan fatd t6e i^nicljt m^ ILadg fiefi fielufit, l|)otofieft ajs fall be Datd and fene. 3fn tlje mean time tj^it ttoafum ajs tgap talfeit, ©p t6?oto tl)e flrett ttjt Mjntcljta rome 5* tualfeit. ^one into jandijs tljap tuih ttjisi JI3obil l^nir&t Uiit^ gteit metuell, goto Ije into tlie nic^t 9Ipon ttje auit durfi futtft of ludgeing be, C&ajJ to Ijim faid it toajs na &nifljt!5 detotie : Confideting toeill tljt dout of JLato Ije feend, ^e toa0 to bauld tlje contcait to pretend, ^f^o fteiting tljijs toit^ a loude boice Cc&o ct^it © mp gude freindjj, ttje tteutfi noto ^e fiaue fpj>it C>f tljat Cruifeour, and alj$ ane dotit JTule, Cljat Ijiss foule lufl on na toajiss fie fuld mle. TBot upon fiurejj futtlj paffing on tfie nieljt, Pan0 ?e gif fie pettenis to ane auld l^nitfit* Cfiat mp bodie at jplefout: fiad all time, Confidei; SEAGES. 79 Confitiet note gtf fje fommittit mme: Sajit^ ftuvejS all ntrtjt, anD cuiutng tn at ino?ttc 'Bot of fie faultijs 31 ^mt lifm oft fojlio^ne. IBcIeutng ap fie faultijj fje fulD Ijaue menDft, "Bot ?e mag fe gif &e tjejj noto offenDxt. C&aicfott; gff ?e of fie ^esJ eojvectioun, Confojme to Hato ?e puneijs iia perfbun. Cfjat fie auld ijeuflltss asf Ije fa lang i)e0 bene Cab eFampfll of 5fm fiefott tljatt enc. jToi Ije fjess lime to mc ane greit tcatout* 31 toait fie ane ?tt neuet maiD natout, C&an t&e toateljess tuife ijtm 3Infonttnent Co Oetp pieCoutt toitlj &im in fiatfl ttjap toent. i^nljiU Uag toajj He&t, and eftet tfte ^one ratjj, mit^ Urn tfie tuatel^e unto ttje Piouefi gatjj, ^eDatofng to pfm tfje faflbun to tht enb, i^oto on tfje nteljt t^ag DtD Dim eomp?e6en0: anti liotu to tgaine Di::} toife fie plainti^ matD« 3!neontfnent tlie P?ouefi 6ut mm tiafD Co ane pillet fiuDe in miOtiiss of tlje llteit, <$att fet Ibim up fafl buntiin j^antijs anJj feit, Cfiat all tfje pepill toitljin t&at gteit €itit Co SisJ gteit fe&ame, maiCi &ini tljat all mie^t fe 9nb fa tljiss J^nieljt fiut on^ fault Defamit, mnsi tfjjoto 6ij5 tuife fa faifeleis euet fe&amit. Cfie Ooetout; tfjen faid Sumblie to t&e Sting, 3nti plei0 ?out: graee ?e Ijaue unberfianting ^ufiat 3[ ^aue faiJ), tbempieout faiU tieDt toeill %out ^ermone fjejj fentenee fa Sane 31 feilU Clje ^aiflet faf ti it fall toojfe Ijappin ?oto Bot eSaeit tfjiss Enie^t fo? tteutD giiEf ?e fal ttoto ®if tfjat ?e tio fo? t&e too?Oi0 of ^oui* tuife, Put tioun ?out fone, anO teif fca fiim lji0 life. F. mj. 8o fTHE SEVIN Cj^e (Bmijfttmt faiD tijat toife toajs fat to blame Cfjat Ijtt; fiuflianti j?ut to fie oppin Ccftame anU fie faiklejj, tfie foull 3111 fjw Iietftie, g)c6o ioaxJ ttje too?fl, ttjat ?ft UfD gang oj tibe, anti fo? tljat Cale tfjat tfjotu fiexs tauID to me, Ctjis Daj? fiut Dout mg ^one fie fall not tit, C&e ^aifiet fatD, mp ILojD ?e Uotng fo Within feto tiagtss, Jiaftfj plefute anO gcett 3fo ©f ^om; ane ^one, ?e fall fjaue ^ctjit: but faill, %a t0fj3 0@aiflet qufien Ije IjaD taulti 5(0 Ca ^^eirltitp, flatttljter, tit qvtit fortoiu anB fjte, at lentj) to iurgte (t tprtt tjair ytt]& antt pen, Ctag inar fa iuiigf, anU bjjiie aiS |e iten CTj&e tt^nti tSatrof tjag tttlB get ntntr tnttit tJetatt* to men la oft tj&ag Jatte offertBft. #f tiiame quj&at fasi^ tjie grtit pStlofojJour a«ftottn, anH alfi t]&at »{ng Sottout Cftero, antJ Salomon faftf fum part dfov art W Sott, grett t(tjf« anti Jonottir *~- CSag ratifit Jim it ane grett Stfofatour. anB fra gteit (Soft gart jbint turne all Jfe 5art» ^icl^fee SFirgill tjat inaS fa ttone e;part antftl ane ttreCfl tSai? j&ang iiim outr t^e toato IBTo jf« greft fjbame, tj&at all tje jeptH faio. sareftotOT qujilft inaiS t]be a per fie m natttrall ioit, anif greit p|)tlofopj&(e, Sri&as iirsKinit fcim ag ]&e IbaB fiene ane itatH ^amfon tiiffauit fic greit fu&tilitic, «auSat gat IBattia for all W ^ropjefie i" film It SEAGES. 8i jaoto it ina$ {e itont]^er hi({tromt nor iotit Soto not vtiiit tje tutftnttf of tj&afr tor*. Sntvui Je(rof, quja Ijjitfe to rtftf ^ototfr, 9n» qujafr j&e toantC)*, |tt iwrn tjing fajjte (ff^atottir- CJaWotr 3 fajj 3 titnit ft na merutH Wi)ii gtntin ISnitJt, qujomt of our tale toe Itll, ConfftjUering i)t toa^ fa attltr anit Jatr Stffauit toa^ bt ii)i^ iot^Iop of iiell Wiiti fa grett fticjjt feeft flie ftane fn tSe toell, senate, aHate, an^ too (or tun matr Mitia fttla eftiatp, gff t]&an 3 j&aU iene tjafr €o lielptt Jfr, tjat (grf c iiranU fa fell Wv to Jaue Vrotonft, mg j^antit* t]bag fttttf not :Qp8ir. gitjo mafeantf fault, anW j&e nltoawfo faultteg, §iti)o at J(r game, anS lie altoajjiiS guttles, ^tto ftemg (als, an» Je fa tratft anB treto ^e ietng fir me, an* ftjo aXtoaj}« fatt^fetf, milt Uta atcufe of t]&at Mit Uet'tt trouBtXei^ ®uj&atr(n Jtr felf toaS s^Itte toeitf ftjo itneto dfor an ]^fe fjjettiit, iiati)tng toala on Jtm reto. ^S, f». fat)* dFetnUfe, an» furiusf j&ell dFumeS 3n ifttec gall turneif all jour game anB gleto. Haio i^tffiti perfaue Uv ttit^t an» fufiteltfe toat not 31 am fa tiattit Co ?out fiej^ufe anij plefute nitU anD Dap, Cljat isJ ttje causJ 3 tuiU not pajJ mp toap. JToi gif 3 tiit", tt)an ane caujs it toalO fie, gDf gjeit Difco?ti, anD 3nanimitie : IBetuij; m^ Jfatljft anU ?oto fo? euet moir, 84 ^[THE SEVIN C^ftf isJ tfte causs 31 to?eiti fair, and Deuilie 31 feit, C^at it finance ^oto tljat etjacit tljiis Ijintiet ?eit S)f ane eteit Enif|)t, anD of fitjj ^one alone, (Btttt tlje time tliat iia JFat^et; toasJ gone, Cfijoto fuDDanD eljance Depattit to tfie DeiD Zit fiiss atoin %one toalD not fiutie ^i$ j^eiD. Ciie (JEmpaeour fafO, tljat toajs ane felloun feiD Clje ^one toald not fiutie t^e Jfatftedjs fietD. Cljat erempill 3f paag ^oto to me fcfjato ^rl)0 faib m^ Hojti toilf ^e tab tent anD 6nato 3it fall Do ?oto greit guDe 31 tak on IjanD, £XuoD fie frfiato furtlj, anD lat me unDetflanD, ^a fcfio began toitfj all erpeDitioun, 9j5 fffio fielJ fUlD to fag furttj fjit* Sermon, IN tDiiES €ittit tfiat noto iss tallit iRome, Ciufiilfe tn pai Da|)iji toajj fieiD of riiafiinDome Cfjaic SEAGES. 85 Cljait; dtoelt aue filnic^t, tfje fuitfi ?oto for to fag i^ad 6ot ane ^one, and Jjc fjaO Douctjtcvss ttoaj? CfitJi l^nufit tuajs geutn to JDalktng $ Jaunting (Sceft Cojitainetitfjs, and to ftuift Ijoasj tfnmng* Co mfvpnesJ and all fetnd of plefouv, Cfiat mtcljt fjald up and futtD fet Usi ^amm, %)H tmm ^tit fa QXtit dcfjess fje fpent, Clufiilfe tlj?tfe oultfome fjixs iRentall and ^i& tent duj^afrtj^jotu tljan fiteto to j^tm ffeant of tw&esJ ^isj daglte rljdi;, and txjftnsi did derresJ, In tfjat nteane ttine tfiaft toass ane C^e nogisJ tlje reg tlje Curt and tljt gteting 3Into tlje 5ou!5 tljag entetit but delag, and demandit quj^aitfoit tljag maid tlje ftag* C^an faid tlje %one, qu^en mg ^iftetc me fato G. j. 96 fTHE SEVIN %u fair toounbtt, aj3 noto ^ouc felf ma^ fenato, C^a^ St;at anD tt^iU anti muvmt in tjlatt- muDe and 30 ?e fenato, fetu twemm map fe bluDe. C610 toajs t^e cauiS of t^atv cveit lauientins £Df nip ^iflevisJ, iue finato na Dtljei; ttjing, Cfje €)fiScerss Dwto t^ap gane nthtmt, IBef aujJ tfjap sat na maft experience, IBot toent tjaw toagtjs tiiflautt all and blpn&it, Causs pe tiftjt toap tljaj? culD not feife no? find it ^ine tuik tge toai?0 of tgij:$ fame ^eiDIeis i^nicj^t On t^e (5aIIouj3 leit it &tng dap and nwlit : CtU all pepiU Did toondet; and mecuell €)f ttje floHin gold, qufjen t^ap tlie tail Sard tell and ?it tlje ^one eftec tlje JFatljet i& deid ^ICIald not hmit in tlje &itfe?aird ftijs fjeid, K3oj of t^e tteiss Ijiss 6odie toald doun tahe W::iii{i did tj^e ^one fo? ftiss atoin JFatfiierjS fafee, ^e map perfaue tlje gteit lufe and fauouF Co Ijiss JFatljet tje ^ad all time and Dour. Clje €mp?ice faid, gude ftgit $ pleijj ?out grace Clu^at 31 fiauf faid, Ijaue ^e tueill tane tlje race f C&e OBmpaeour faid, Q^adame fa {jaue 31 f^iH Clu&at ?e fjaue faid, 31 Ijaue it tane ticj^t toeill. fIThe declaratioun of the Emprice thrid Taill. THE OEmpjice faid 31 am tie&t tuondet too Cfiat of ?our felf and ?out: ^one it be fo, JFo? Iji0 fonniss faife tljisJ Enicj^t ais 31 ijaue tald jCluljen Ije toasJ pure tjijs landss Ije left tmfald. Cluljen l^e toantit &e ftad nane ntljtx ftfiift JFo? Ijisi ^onni0 faib tljan &e c ommittit t&ift. and tgat ^isi batniiS eftet tj^at fje tuans deid ^uld SEAGES. 91 %)Ulti fiaue na fcljame 6e raufit Qukt of fjtjs ^tib 3nD ?tt l^tss ^one tualO not Do fie tetoafrO Co 6ude l^iss fjeitJ tn Mtk not ?tt Eftk ?ait& : j|9oi 6e tualO not nouttjet be ntc&t noi Uaj Doun of tiit tmjs ^fsJ boOie tafe aujap* 3In ttit fame fo?t 6aitD nfcftt anJj Dap ?e laubout JTo? to pjomoue ?out ^one to greft Sonout, TBot Dap anD nuDt Ijt fettis fjfjj 3Intmttoun Xoiu fo? to i?ut to tJttct tonfufioun, anD ?oto Defltop, t0 DapHe fifis Defite, Cljat Ije map tins, anD 6?uife tfte tjafH 31mpfte ^p rounfall iss ?e tatljet put fjfm Doun ©a l&e fta ?otu get tfte 3fmiJ«e anD Ctoun. Clie (2Emp?eout fatD, fa mot 31 tfiliue anD t&e, 9ne guDe ejcampiU noto ?e j^aue fcljatofn to me. 31 micfjt 6aue ttjolit eftet Diss jfatljetjs DefD, Zit be fum flicfjt to rauxs fiutie litsJ tjexD. Ctetolte mp ^one |je fall na langet cljalp, ^pon tfje mo?ne 6e Ijfngtt in ane taip, Co officers^ anone fie gaue tommanD Co tafe fjijs ^one, anD to tjing 6im fta IjanD* Doun t^jotw t^e Oteit tljap leD fjim ^aillelie, Co tf)t e feuin Ijexs maid ftini noto and al0 l^e tviald Ijaue defoultt mp Ciuene, Contrair Ijir tuill, ag isi toeill ljai;d and fene. Cfje ^atfler faid, quljair ?e fag Ije iss dum, SBill ?e fuflfet dot ane fcljojt time to cum 31 find ?oto fietr t^e micj^tie 5 tftjoto flicljt of tlje tooman. £iutiilfe IBird Ije lude afione all utljet; tiding, and ap tlje t?eut& it tauld fjim fiut lefing. Clje OEmpieout faid, 31 pjag tfie tell me t^at 'IBttuix tfie man, tfiie toife, and tfie Pgat, Cfie ^aifiev faid, ?out: '^one againe gar rato, Cljat Ije tfjoill not tlje uttec cDauge of iLato. Cfjan fall 31 tell mp taill to ^out* plefout, Co 5out piofeit, ?our tueilfaii; and Ijonout* Cfje Cmpjeour faid ^aiSet fo? tljixs ane dag 5)e fall not die, mm eftet quljat fa mag, Cfje agaiflec faid (Sod tljafe ^out gtace againe ^a fie fii0 taill fiegoutfi ad follotui0 plane, G. iij. 94 IfTHE SEVIN fMORALITAS. WO tnttl Mntfneh) at tj&tjS plate, Cj&e iBottourfe taill ant Igttll fpa« ana fttm tj&t'ng toe ioiXl ttll <3i tjc C?m$rf« lompartfotm ?^0to ftj&ti comparit tjc l^fngfe petfoun mnto a«c tj&eif fa fell. Btbo tompatrft t]&e ©ntpreour €a tj&e falS JSnttJt tj^at firaft tje JCotore ©ujeit ]&c Mtt faul» j&fe lanlr, #or puretetS toaS wmpena to tttttl, Uttift le ga ttjo roinpairft tt MU ana fa toetH Uto it istCH. Cifo WtnltU fommtttft tratottrte 8n&at ftaiH fra tjie ^utioxitie w«. r . , , V ®«t5er qrtit tiling or fmato i5, ^a t|)t^ man tan not ioant. JTj&e tiiriU 5c i« fa greit negart, Ho fpenU iieS noutjer jbantr nor Jart, an* a^ fagi;S Je Sf* notfit. ffitter fpairanlf anU euer iuantis, antJ to Jane geir Je neuer gtantiiS dFor alt tiist euer Se torotfit. <©{ tjir tire f et b« tait t]&e miVDii, JTJe toi^e man t^at ejrpreflie fiitfKi^ Ctairfoir Z |ohi iiefef&, C|)i« i« na Jonett man to greif, ISot fe tjiat je put not jour ffeif dFartJer nor Janlf majj reift. flAne reproche or reprufe to the Emprice. Corruptit SEAGES. 97 COrroptit core vnclene, thow fpringand well of vice, Thow fikkill feindis Quene, thow perrellous 111 Emprice, Thow craell Cocatrice, and kyndlie Cocadrill For all thy tsullis nice, thow fall not get thy will Fals gyglot gangland gUl, thow poyfonit fpewand fpout, Thy banis brint on ane hill, I tmnk to fe but dout. fiThe Tale of the thrid Maifter, of the Burges Pyat VPON a Hmt tWt tituelt fn ane €ittit, ane BoWlI man, anti a 'BntQtii toa0 fie : Cfiat fiati ane Uvti tueill fed tip in a Cage, jCtufiilfe tue a P^ tio tall in out lansage, Cfjl0 fiftti fcfio tuass fa toeill letnft to fpeffe, Cljat Cc&o tuiu talfe Lattne» J|)e6teto anti ®aei&, 3nti qufien Ccfio fjati tfjit langages petfite, JDft ^aiflet tuife of fjit ane gteit Jjelite* ^a Jie j^jorejj na tfitng ftljo IjariJ no? fato Co Sit ^affiei; 31nfontfnent tualJj fttjato, Cfif js IButgejs man fie fiati ane toffe t;icfit fair, 9jj notn ?e fiaue, luantoun anb tiefionair* mufiilfe onit: all tfiing fie Infit all tfie 6efl> Xat fie fonttait;, fiit lufe (a loajs not tijefl* OBecaujS it }?aflit fat fra tfie 'Bntgejs micfit f^it appetite to eompleijj tiap anJ) niefit : ajs fffio tefitit, at fiit plefute to fiaif, jCiufiat toalti fcfio tfia, bot tfieifit ane utfiet bnaif ^itfi fiit to pla^, a0 fcfio tfiotfit maifi plefour, jClufiome f(fio {lefi lutie, anti fielti fiim in fauout. anD fa liefiutie fiir finftanb on ane Jja^ Co ntfiet tounijj in uegage mafe Sloanap, foi ^etffiandice to 6g aud fat to fell, jFo? ^ewfianti men at fiame ap ma^ not dtoell 'Bot in tfiisJ tuaclD to toanOet, twirfe anU toin, 98 irTHE SEVIN dufifll of tljijs life mt tfjap Oegai^t anU ttotn, TBot ?ft tljfjs toffe fjati not lie t^fng in mi'nOe Co fjft jjlefute ^it tfiofljt toais all SlnrtgnD, %n qnj)m ^iv fpous furtlj of t^t toun toajs tomt mutant tatg tfian foj ftft lufe fftjo fmt, Ctjat t|jaj> niwtjt niafe gutie cj^ett; anti mfttfnejs ajs tfie 0uDe toffe tljot^t liefl Cc0o cnlD aOjejs. 3nt« fa tfia^ dftJ at t^m atom appetite, jCVntjm luifatfs meitiss of ut&erss tafef0 Delate. Cftfs! fato ttje P^, on fjft Ipftfe quljaft: fcfjo fat» Cluj^at «umne0 tfjat tjft Sufle toasJ at, anti to 0tt; ^aiflct taulij qufien fjf fome fjame 3nti caufit fiit Ijufie to get ontcage anO filame. @)a tfiame 6etut)c faf0 up ane fiatgane flout, jClul^in mon$ of tgait nit'^tlKimisi gatD about, C|je eube toffe fatJj, nolo toeiti ^cfjit 3[ pecfaue Ctufiat ffcrft fauout anti lufe to me ?e Dane, anti faf U ?e gff nmit tcaffl tinto ?out; J^^ 11302 iJnto me, anD maft 6it fittfs$ 65, IBot fa lans ajs ?out l^gat i$ on life 31t fall not faill 6ot toe fall fie at fltffe, Cfie liBuvgess fafd, mj? P^at can not He, ail ttiat fcljo feiiS t|ie tteutfi fcj^o toill tell me, jToi fcfto fan not fie na toap no? 3fnstne, ©ng lefing into 6ft; Ijart tieuine. anti tfjaftfoit 31 liaue maiv e au0 fo? to tuoto ail tliat feSio fagftf fat; fiettet; tfian ti-atfl ^oto. %a tiag anti ntcljt conttnuallte tlja^ eljttie, jClufjfll on a tiap t&e TButgesJ fiuffett to ttDe, 3[n fat; eountteijs to tio 0t0 ^et;e5antitfe, aj5 it eflfefrfss fie men, anti i& tfie gife, IBot aljs fa fone ais ht 6fJS tuapiss toent, jFo? ^it luffat; fc^o feno 31nconttnent» Co SEAGES. 99 Co mafe Ijft hl^itii, Quit folate atiD gube (tjeit, 'Bot on tljp tag fje Uutfl neuer mm neir. iFo? fitrft ftlanOet of pepfll anJj rommoun tiofjs, 9U tj^e lang Dag qu&ill nic^jt fie firtO fiim clof0» 30 tfie nttfit come, fje fenobit at tDe gin, ^cljo iua0 reijtij tDattat, anO leit fifm fn« @)tfjo faiD ?e av dcljt toeimm unto me> %e map mm fn, fot: na man toill ?oto fc» J^e faio mg lufe, ?om; Pgat faft 3[ feir, JFo? ffljo tofll ten all fcfjo ean fe o? fiefr* iFo? fefio t;aifit fie tafllijs fietufj: ujj elHsJ Cfiat all tlje tonn to utfier plafnelle telltsJ« %)ef)o fatti feir not, fiot JiaulbHe entet in HDn me 31 tak &attfi i^tutli and tlje fin. ^a fie entevit, anti tuf k na maii; in tfioefit, and fie tfie fianD tfijoto tfie fiall fcfio film fiaocfit 3nD ajs tfitt ttoa tfijoiu tfie fiall maid ijaflage Cfie fillie 1P5 qufiait frfio fat in fiit Cage, Co fiir fiufie fcfio fiard fiit luifat; faj) fljQe fall lie filpitfi, and mafe mietie qufiill dap, iFo? 5e at fcfio tfiat 31 lufe all tfie 6efl, IBot 31 feit fait tfie Ppat ujs molefl. jduod fcfio feit not, 31 6id not fo? to lie ^oin 3It iss fa mitfe tfie Ppat toill not fe ?oto. Cfian faid tfie Pp, fiotofieit 31 map not fe, 31 fieit tfip Doice, fo? ticfit toeill feen 3( tfie* Co mp ^aifler tfioto doijs ane gteit 3[niute, jFot of fiisj toife tfioto mafeijs a commoun fiute. and fitjs Ijell 6ed qufiilfe fie 6eleui0 in dene : Cfioto defuil?ei!iJ, qufiilb iis toeill feend and fene Clufiilfe mp maifiet qufien fie cuijj fiamefal fenato and tfie tteto tteutfi ftopitfilie 31 fall fiim fcfiato. Cfian faid fiit lufe, mp fiatt tauld 3f ?otu not loo 1FTHE SEVIN Cgat toe tualti fiaitg Ibe fp^tt &e t^t P$tit« anO tell tSe tttnt^ of fiaitfi ftfio &at:ti anD fato, 9nt« euetie toojti mafe fjft ^affiet; to fenattj* Cafe ?e na feft; tj^aitof t^an falti t^e iuffe, %one talfetns fall ^tu'^mtt cotfi fiit tlje life, ainti tljlsj fame nlcljt 3f fall teuengeit 6e 2lpon tfje Pg, asJ ^e fall fiefr anti fe. ^a t^ap to lieti jiafl fiait^ tuitljouttftt felr, IBot qufiat fietome tfie Pjat ?e fall fjeft, 96out mf tinlr&t tJj? tfiljs euDe toffe fcfio tafisi, CtJ^ft on fjtf S^agti, d put on balt^ tfiaft; elaljJ, 3montfnent ane lang leODet tljap gat, atiD to tfie tufe of tlje fiousJ tijag it fat. atiD tgautt tlje Sous alione tlje Ppatjj Case, jCiufjafi; 5* fireflaur5t0 gt tatne mfcfit get paflaBe OBlenfesJ of CanMll al&out tlje Pgatss IjelD, ^afft Iffee fiteflauf^tiJ i»* taultJ toatet gaft ^elti ^mall Qanfd lifee jftis^ Dpon 'bit gelO tlja^ feefi, 6|0aifl Kfee ijaflflanfsJ, fa t^is i?ute Pp tuajs ti?efl ^a all tljfis nlclit toltljout ong temelD mn$ tljlxs Pg pj?nlt, almaffi tinto tlje belD. @)a on tlje mome atoag tfte ?oung man flato at ane fiafe tute, qu^aft nane Ijim 6at:ti no? fato ®a tljl0 TButBesJ tome 5ame toltljfn feto DagljJ anti to SlsJ Pg fitfl 6e eafjs to anti fastis, £D mp fiefi IittD, noto tell me of tfip tjett, JDoto fiesj tljoto fairne fen 3[ tiepartft fieft .-' ^5 Utti (fafti Ije) quijat 5e0 tljoto fene o? IjatJ) .'' Cell me tlje tteutlj foj tfi^ e«tilfe tetoaftD. a^alflet; (fcljo fatti) 31 fall ?oto ttetolfe tell, IXuJjat tftat 3f fiatO, 31 fato auti qufiat fiefell. %t toat not pafl of tfiffl toun tia^ and nft Ijt, £Xu&e t&at 50ttt totfe tilti to ?oto gteft untit&t. ane SEAGES. 101 3ne nthtt man into ^our htb fctjo lafti anU all tljat nitljt togfDtiec tfia^? ttoa plaid. anD 3 tfjem fttjetu g* tliag twat fiaftlj to filame, Cfjat 31 fuIO ten to ?oto qufim 50 tome fjame. ^aiflet fiut Oout ttjfss t0 ane tumttjfull tafll, %om toife ijs not 31 fe fo? ?out auaflL Co tlje nirt point, at me qu^aiv tljat ^e fj?eit ?t)otD 3[ Dane faftne, in qu^at fott toasJ mg r^eit 3[n ^out alifence futelie 31 fag ?oto ticfjt ^a gjeit ane flojme ajs ttiaft tuass ?ilietni(6t 'Baiti 3! nener, fen fitft time 31 toass clefefeit, lI3o? ?it mp tieiti fa fair 31 not fnfpefefeit : Za t&at fame nicljt, 6nt Oout S\ fag ?otu plaine, jFo? uecrag feii: of fgjeflaucljtss fjale and taine, 2i\l t^t nirgt ouit it tanit fa on me, Cfiat 31 fieleuit Iiut Oout tijotonit to 6e, Cj&an faiU tfje toife, ^c^it ?e fielcue ?ont Pp, jI3oto ?e mag fenato quijat Un a tooman am 3[. %e mag noto fe, and alftua mag petfaif, 31n timejj figgaine fjotn ttjat ?out; Ipg tiiU taif* ane faitat nirfit toad nenet on tlje plaine lI3ot toass g* nictjt tljat fcljo fagijJ it bjajJ taine : 9ne faitat nitljt, ane foftev anti mait cleit ^aif plefanij nicDt 3! 6ati not all t^iss ?eir, Cliairfoit ^e fall in all timess furtfj to tnm, <3it Sir na fait^ na mair no? fcljo to at Dunn Cftan tljijj IBurgess toia not toeill qufjat to fag IBot to niclitfioutiiS fone pall |je on t)i& toag anU temanDit eif fie ane nfefit toass fait Cl^at ijiJS Pgat tljolit tlje taulti and eait* Cfiag faiD nicl&tliout, 31 iwalfeit all t|jat niclit, 8©ait: folatioujj, mait foftet anU mait Wtfit ^m flabill ane nieljt, mait eutiouss and tleit : I02 1FTHE SEVIN iBor toa0 tijat ntcfit fato 31 not tljtss feutn ^eft. ajnto 6 be ^oui; falss Pg <$ fcljamit, duljairfoit na meit noi hiinh fall tio me cude, CiuDill tfiat 31 fe ?out falss IPgatxJ fjavt bluOe, Cfian tlje IButgesS unto tj&e Pgat j^afi, anti faiJj faljJ Pg, tell Soto become tljiss call: aipon mg toife fa falflie fot to lie, Caufins tJifcojti oft timesj toitlj fiit anJ) me* 3Ij3 t^iss tlje tljanfe, tlje ganfell and e«tie Oeiti, CDoto tantiersJ me, fa toeill 31 tula tljt feiti, mitlj SEAGES. 103 sailtlj mp atom liantiss, toftft meitxs delicaft, 2iivUt at motne, and alss at euin laft. Cfijoto t&p lefingjs t^oiu fjcjs matD t&?oto t^e toun ane gtctt fclandet, (j foull Oefamatfoun. jCiuljawto frfjo gaue na mair confent no? mO* ll3o? 31 nip felf gaue unto (SoDtiis DeiO* C6e fiUtc^Pg fjatd Ijft Q^afflet fag fo, 3[ntfll &tv fjatt ftljo twasJ ricftt toontiet too* ^aiflet (CfDo fat'D) ®oti fenatofss gif tljat 3f Kp, %out felf toill ttalfi tfie tiet^tap tfjfng ?e fe. atiD toefU 31 toait tfte tljtng 31 faiti to ?oto, 31 Ijatti and fato, qufjp fuld 31 not tfjat ttoto. Clje OBuvgess faid, 31 ^tit t^t loudlte He, !^ennf0 g" not toeill tljlss taiU tDoto tald to nie, Cfiaft toass ane nfcfjt fa ttoubltt in tlie 9ft Cajftfj flo?me, fgjeflaucjjtjj, Ijale, rafne t meWII jSDf 3U toeddet: tfjoto tjad na ntt^tt tefd, (mafc IBot fij)dand ap tlje fiittet Ijont of deid* Cluljflb isi tit^t falis, and neuet a toojd U tteto, Cftafrfof? 6ut dout tDp falfet tfjoto (all teto: 9nd fra fjence futtlj tfjoto fall na lefingjs ma&, irSo; of tteto tailliss t{)oto fall not mab ane aab. 9nd in fpeciall httnij: me and mg toffe, C6e lato tofll toetll ttjat it fotfi tlje tfjg life. jTo? tfie greit Itia tljoto dtd 31nuent and fojge, mitlj tj^fsj fame bnlfe 31 fall tut out tljg gotge, ^a in gtett tojaitg fie tuik giv be tge nek, 3nd toitlj ane fenife fjit tjeid De did of fnefe. Cfje toffe fato tljat, and fcljo toais toondet glaid Co l^ir Ijufliand tottD mii;v2ne0 fcfjo faid: K^oto ^e tiaue done za ane man of pjudenre, IDotofieit fiefoit ^e gaue ouit gteit ctedenr e ainto fouu Pp, quj^ilfe ap titljt falflie leid. 104 1FTHE SEVIN ^p Ijatt 113 fil^ftfj quj^en 31 ft Stt 6IeiO. JI3otu iwe ma^ Hit all ouc ttfrtiinc tn tefl, ®fn ffljo i0 gone, tljat Otti ud ap nioleft, jFo? Cc^o toad ag tlje mttta^ Slnflrument OBetufr tJ!3 ttua, all lefingiis tilD 3[nuent OBe il^it^ faiti 5e, tfjat Infirument i0 imtt, jForfuitft to fife 31 caue ouft gteft ftetimce* lI3oto 3[ fenatij toeill all tljat fclio iaitx toajs falsJ, IBot note tljaftfoit; fcljo fjesj loffl life and lialjs» Clje 'Butgejs tljaii lilent up afiout fiijs ftfeeins anD fatu ane Sole t^tnit in tlje fioujs tigging, ^nti tueill petfauit ane lj?till leOtiet lianD, 3np tuattet tub, toitft flaniss toatter and fanD, jClufiilb toajs Ooun cafl upon tljt fillie P^, Clian tfie 'ButgejJ toeill unDetflude qufiaitfij, Cfie pure Ppat Sad tauld Ijir taill tit&t tretu, 311 tlje falfet and faflbun tljan lie fenetu: !|)oto tljag fiad taufit tlje Pgat fo? to lie, Cfiiotu tSair falfet and greit (uUiUtu. ll3ottj of m^ toife tfie falfet 3 perfaif, 3fn timt bpgaine Soto ftljo IjejJ plaid tlie fenaif iI3ot regarding (in ftfjame no? IjonelJie, jBot on fjir lufe Ijjand in fjarlatrie* jFull too ijs me Soto greit ane JFule tuass 3f, jTo? Sir falfet to flaj nip fillie IPp, £XuSairin 3i Sad mp plefure and delate, ^llaee, allaee, mp toife Sad all tSe uipte* IBot in na toap mp felf 31 ran ermfe, CSat Sit tounfall fa greitlie 31 did dfe, IBot in ane part 6ut dout fa 3f toad blindit, and noto tSe treats full ficfeerlie 31 find it a23a toojtS tSe time 3! gaue Sit fie credence, 2D? till Sit taill 31 gaue fie audience, ma SEAGES. ' 105 ma too?t|j fie tof fejs, tfjat at fa 3fU 31nrttntie, dene 'Sim innocent n^ ictta iiats htne Signe o£ faXfet fa fofo. J^a MI of faUet si U^o ii ffiiafr (jS 6ot jiatt tan tt perfauc dfbr qu]&en tSag marit to »o ane mfe, a t5ott{an» funttric gaftt'S t^a^ Jatte Co firing tjatr mater tu quBcn tj&ag Jaue ori&t alfo. CJe Mitit men tjau a$ Biffaue ^ntt t^fe 33urgeji amang tj&c Xaue. 3t ui nfft fa (cfnott fri&o) l^a pn'tteKe ftjo IftoMrountte, a joffet for tBe filKc flp, ^nti ioitS ft't eraft ftjo cuftr ft g»lfe Cliangeing t^c ineirtfer antt tje fits mv! ga^JfttiiS attt besMlc, t]&e pure Pp foftft fit tosle, ?^urlfe of ]&urelfome bpon tBe fp, (SIttttoun of 6Ieto all toe mag e r$ srj&oh) art ane beftJefX bjjle. ffije fate tjat tjoh) ferut^ at mg Jantr 3E ran not tuetll KnlJjjte, CTo gar tjy Jinffiantf bntterftanlf «©f fu bcngeante tjboio JjatJ na hjgte © ranft rampanif %$ann, to mtftJeCf euer fionn, ^tetoart of fturt quja tan IJe qngte, Cleitcr of tatr, antf of Btfjigte ®reit l«afftr«S to iKTaSoun. 3e tSat 5e« togfes giue not eretfente (©ttfr font into tjiafr SufiteW fatofe CJap totll ate fone finif ane fiefente, ^^ t jaj? toar f eirft into tje Itahjfe, dFor quj&en t5a$ fpefit fatreft, tf>niv tafll ig ajj faXfeft C6a$ h)(n neuer gff ouir tjafr tmi STJotit all t^e toarXa t|be tontrair ftnatofg ®i»8tr aSofn taill ag tjfnltis 6eft. at fttm tgme fd&o tofll tausS a man «o too t]&e tjtng Se totlX repent <®n]&en it te irone na toafi fcBo «n iiemeilf t5a(rof ftjo ran Jtnuent 6ar t]be SEAGES. 107 (Sar tSe faffeltS get tDi)tf, mnft lit itlt time imtt qttjjte, CJairfoic tjotjt ftj&o it SSmjatfent, !%ntr t'n &aullrnei( l)it hoia all Iient ffSat tatr je not ane mgte. J3t not reWjj to gtf retoafrK, JCj&otSt trjo tt ferue qu]&UI tjat tjofo fe cn&t« 38urge« fa tn niDMire toajS marlf e ftangit on (J^alloug to t^e DefD. QBot 5iQerDag it toa0 a pjincipall cans?, Cgat Ije tfjofllit not tlje JuDgement u tjje latoiis aa3a0 fo? a Caill tljat t&e 9@aifler me talD %ea, tljan (faiD fc5o) tljat in g^ tljing tljag toalD Prolong tfte time, lipning t^e Court fall cDange (Sif ?e Do fa, tljat iss ane mater Orange. JFo? t^air fair toojDisJ guDe 3Iufiice fo? to 6?efe, ^a unto GOD ^e ftaue ane fmall refpefe* llBot 31 feir fair ?e tuitft ?our ^aillerjJ feuin, 3[t fall ?oto cljance t&e fame erampill euin, asJ anijj SEAGES. 109 2x5 antjS it cljancit into tlitjj fame €ittit, 9ne OEmp^eoui; mi) ftuin ^aiflerijs ftati fie : jflCVuliome to Ije gaue ctcDrnte baitlj Uap $ nfcfjt, Cljap t)tm fiecpID iuitft t&aii; faljs frauJJ f flufjt. C&e (£mp?eour fatD, tljat taiU 31 Vt^^ '^^^ t^H ^itlj tfie ^aifiersJ anti (ZBmpaeour Doto it fell. ^rfio faiO qu^aftto, oj to qujjat ftft fuIO 31 Cell ong tatll, quDen it ijj not fet 6^, jFo? ^ifiettiag ane taill to ?oto 31 ff&ettj, Cluljilfe in tljt felf tuajs tjettap 3[uft anti tteto j?o? |out Ijonour and pjofite 31 it talD, Cfiaiton to tljinfe, '^it on na togfe ?e toalO. Jfo? ?out Ijonour anD i??ofite qu^at 31 toill fap, dpon tlje moine t^e a^aifietiis Doijs atoa^, Snd mttl) ttiait; taillijs da^Iie turnip tip iide Doit jCiutjilfe ixJ liut Dout fo? ?out; difltuctioun. asj in tljixs taill tljat 31 fall tell to ?oto, 3nd pleiss ?out grace, fo? treutD ?e fall it ttotu. JDe faid ^adame ^attlie 31 ?oto requite, 31 p?aj) ?otu tell, fo? it ij3 mp defire, Cljat fie tlje fame 31 maj tlje toartar 6e, and to efflieto falfet and fufiteltie, Cljoc&t 31 delap mj? ^onisJ faife fo? ane dag, 31t not anfetrijs no? tlenelie tafeiss atoag* 31 fall it fcljaiw (quod fr^o) be it ?out; toill, %a ?e twill giue gude tliocljt and minde tljaittil* £Xuod fie tell on, and 31 fall fieit it tfjan, and fa at fcfiojt fiir taill tljuis gaitiss began, "17 P O N a time 31 red intill ane Cluair, ^ Sn tljiis Citie fum time feuin 90aiflerj5 toair Cliaotu qu&aijs fcience, greit twifljome (j leirning ail tlje Empire twajs retolit be tljair gpding. Clje OEmpaeour qufiilfe at tljat time did ring, H. iij. no HTHE SEVIN IBut tliatr founfall, fie tuife tn IjantJ na tfiing. ^a lie tfiame field in Ut tisi auD Daintie, Cfiat fie tulD not toetll tuant tfiatt rompame. Cfiap j?etfautn0 fitjs fiatt to tfiame fa ktnde, ^tjx guDelte tuiU, fit0 ijaglie tfiocfit anU nitnDe, Cfiat fie mid do natfifng hut tfiatt autfe, Cfiaj) loat all feuin fialdtn fa toondet tulfe* Cfiap feefl in mtnde ane toondet fufitell tfitng, IBt fojretie, 3;nffiantment and oinninB. Cfiat fiota lang time tfie (2Bmpjeout fie baid 3In fifjs Ipalire, noutfiec j?afl furtfi no? vaid, llBot tfiatcin fltll field fiim in companie, l])e fatu alxJ toeill ass ong man euld fe. JFta fiijs Palice gif fie paft onp time, Cfi^oto tfiait flicfit aaft fie fuld not fe a Cirne* and tfii!5 tfiap did to tfie famin 31ntent, Cfiat tfiap miffit mair tfiair libevtie frequent, 0nd 31nttomet and tife tfie famin tfiingi0 Cfiat appertenit to (ZBmp?eouts5 and IBiingisJ, and to difpone at tfiaic tuill all fiiss rent, Cfiijs toais tfiair minde, tfiaiu tfiocfit (j aljs 3[ntet IBt tfie qufiilfe tfiing tfiir Qgaifiter^ did putcfiejs Onto tfiame felf gold getr and greit ritfiesJ, 9nd ?it fiotobeit tfijoto tfiair greit fojrerie, Cfiag maid tfiiss l^ing a flime fie micfit not fe €)f fiijs Palice, qufien fie pafl ap toas blind, 9mang tfiame all tfie toaj tfiap culd not find. SiQitfi all tfiair craft againe to gar fiim fe, SDut of fiijj Palice, bot euer blind toajj fie* abone all tfiijs, tfiir ^aiflerjs fand fie craft, ail tfie 3Intpit^e almaifi tfiap maid dene daft* Cfie OEmpaice fato, petfauit and faid tBan Ciu&at i0 tlje tausJ fcljaiw me of ^oui; dolout, £au&g ficD ^e fo» 0? tafeiss ^oto difpleafouc .-' Cfje (Brn^mm faid to W €inp?f tljt quljilk feto o? nane 6ot toe Doiis knato, Cfjan faiD tbe CDiltie fctjato me fnt-tlj ?ouv intet 3nt> ?e fall Ijaue anftoet 3lneontinent, IXuoti tljap ?oung C&iltie tljijj tjj tlje uettag care 9ne ^alaDie Daldijs tlje IXu|}ill toe cum to tlje Cmpjeouvijs j)?efence, CtuDait ?e fall Ijaue retoatvD and veuetenee* Cfian fatb tlje CDilde %t\}\t^ 31 am t^etidg note Pass qutjen ?e plefss, anO 31 fall gang 'oii^ ?oto» 3nD fa all anrljt 3[nconttnent pafl Ijence, Ciuljill tljag rome to tfie (2Bmp?eoutisJ pjefence. 3nD quj^en t{)a^ come befott tht (lEmpjeour, Cljaj» Ijailfit Ijtm tottlj reuecence anD honour* 3nti faiJj guOe lo?ti, finD?ie lanDss Ijaif toe focljt Co get ^oto DealtD and iytit toe Ijaif ^oto fijocljt ane guDe ?oung CfitlD g* fenatoijs ?out ^alaDte at ?out; plefute toill find Ijelp and fuppHe. 31n ttme eumtng, tljat ^e fall toeill peufaue, %ouv da^lte Dealtt), and na fetkned to tjaue. Jl3outljet; tn ane, no? in nane iitfjet paft:t, IDe l)e0 fie toit in gude cunning and 2Att, Clie €m^\tmt unto tljiv ^aifletd faid, ©f ?our t|)tljance 3! am ticljt toonder glaid. ail tljat {je fa^i$$ toill ^e feuin tak on gaud, %t %t\y\t fatd tDag at tljat fame toe toill fiand. JF02 toe Ijaue fene be gude ejrpetience. ii6 fTHE SEVIN 5)ij$ Quit tutftioine, (taft anti Sintelltgenre. Ctje Cmpjeouv tDan unto ttje Iiavne i\t faio, ^en fie a tfitng gutie CfjilDe fjs to ^otu laiij: CfjP tauss ttjairof at ^otij 3f inalij 3fnqmre, antJ fine m^ fteltft ttian fjactlie 31 tiefice. Cfian faid ttje CtjtlD anO j^Ieiss ?out; nofifl gtare CSIe ttDa alone mon talk ane l^ttll f^aee, 3[n four Cljalmet 31 fall ^otu fcfjatn tretalie, CSe tau0 of all 5onc gtett 3Inficmitie, 3nD quljen j^e toass into tlje C&almet led, ^e (aufit rafi of all t^e elaid of tDe bed, Ctufjflk into Ijaifl tljt €mp?eoui; caufit lie Done 03^ ILoiD Ije fatD notu Deft ?e fall fe fone 3ne meruelloujs tljtng, quDtlfe ?e IjatD neuet tell (Untiei; ttje beti tgali; tuaj$ ane me&tll tuell, ©f qul)tlfe tljaft; tatss ane fonll fmufee and a teik CDat toalti Dane matD a man 6alt0 tiltnti f feife ©ut of t^isi toell tDali; fpaingjs feutn guett fpjigjJ Ctje (2ntp?eout tljan Ije mecuelltt of fir tDingss ^ntiet; Ijltf IjeD to fie and Ije not txitfi, ^a gveft a tuell fa fonll ane teife and mtfl. ^e fatd mg JLo?d, Ijeit planelte ^e map fe Cfie uertap ranjj of ?our 3fnfirmitte, JiQttljont ?e put tSiit fp^lngijj and toell atoa^, Co get ?out ficlit agane na toffe ?e map* Cfje (ZBmjj^eoui; fat d 31 Vt^l^ ?oto to me tell, Clie netirett toap fo? to undo tljt'ss iuell* Cljan fafd tfte Cljplde tftaft in na toap 6ot ane ®ff ft plefjs ^oto, onfo^ce ft mon fie tane. Clje Cmpjeouv faf d 31 pjap ?oto tf cDt fjartlie ^rljaiu me tfie map, gff fie ane tljfng map fie ®old no2 gudf JJ on na toap tof II 31 fpaft ^a tljat tlje tteutD to me ?e toill declafr, (25ff SEAGES. 117 (Sif inannijJ craft, Ijtss natut-all toit o? mtctjt, Petfite cunning tuitD cut»f fctencc o? aicljt, ^btell 31nBtne, awt o? eppctience, ^fc&t tjclp inp ficfjt, 0? tDaftfoit finJ) Defence. 31 toalD not cute fo? to gtf gold plentte, ^paft fo? na coifl fa t&at ?e gar me fe aiGttDout m^ place aljj tueiU ajx 31 t>o in, ^a ?out tetoairD fta me tueiU fall ?e toin« JI30to fen ?out grace to me IjesJ geuin credence, 3( fall ^otu fcDato lie gude erpecience, Cfie tierrag treutD tljir feuin fp^ingijs ?e fe fpiing ©ut of tljisi toell, ttiag ar na ttt^er tljing, 'Bot tDe fame feuin a^aiflerjs fie tDair fcience, jCiuljome to ?e gif fa firme and greit credence, CiuDilfe 6e tljair craft cuning and 3Incliantmet Zoto to mak blinde, t^iss tuell tljap did 31nuet. Cfjat fiiddeutillijs, Iiaitlj ?oUj and ^our 3Impire iLang time bjgane fjesi reulit at-t&air defire. about ?our place euer Ijejs maid ^oto blind, Co tljat tf[tct tliat na fault ?e fuld find Done onj? tuap fie tljame o? tljair confent, C&at tljair greit gple fuld not fie ntaid patent, iI3o? Ijeir coplainti^ of ?our IBarrouijS $ JLoadtjS TBot tljaj allone to aggre fie difcojdijs: Bo? tljat 31uflice fuld ring into ?our land, IBot all fie tljingiS fuld I5 into tljair Ijand. and ?our fufiiectiji to fpuil^e euerie dap, ail tljat UjasJ grene, to ?otu ft fuld feme grap, %e not feing nouj fuld tljag all fie deid, JFo? ?our fepndnejs, ttjap can find na remeid. Cfie Cmpieour faid, noto ?e 5aue to me fcfjatnin ffl)f mp filfndnejj, tlje caujs and maid it fenatoin iSottj tDe remeid tftairof 31 toald ?e fand. ii8 1FTHE SEVIN %t fall not toant 6att|i golO, ILo?tifcStp $ land, 3nti pleijJ ?our gtace notu to ?oto fall 3[ tell, Cfie Derw^ tteutfi, toill ?e t>o mg counfell, £De ?out: liltnDnejs gif ?e titHu temettr, Clje fitfl ^aiCev, tab and fiu^fee of fttus fjeid, Cljan ?e fall ft ttje fivfl fp?me of t^e tuell IBt qupte atoa^, tljtss tjs t&e tteuti) 3I tell. %n o?Dourlte, quDill tDap fee 3!lb ane flane, 9nD fa ?e fall tenite ^ouv fieljt agane. CljiiS lieins done, tlje toell atoap fall ioent, 3nd fa at efis ^e fall get ?our 3Intent. €iut}ilk in gude ^atli ioass done ass tj&ap tDocljt and fa agane tljt €mp?eout gat fjiiS ficljt. (drfit and tftijs ^oung C&tlde veiuardtt mljt mljtlit ^atd 6tm ane ILo^d and 2iit of ane tonnttfe. Cljan fatd ftljo lLo?d, Ijaue ?e petlautt tlit0 tafll C&at 31 Ijaue ftljatotn, fo? ?ont gude and auaill !^e faid ticljt toeill, and tljanktss ^oiu Ijattfullte, jFo? tljat gude Catll t&at ^e Ijaue tauld to me. 3in t&e fame fojt tijtt feuin ^aiCtettjs fatd fclio 2Jnto ?ouv gtare tljap putpotg fo? to do. 15e tljatt falss CatUijs, and ficlike fen^etng, C^at 50ut mrfl ^one map aj? abone ?oiu vtng €iuf)ilfe <2)od defend, aj quljtll tlie ftout 31 tite, CDat 31 neuet* ane utftet Cmpjeout fe. Cf)t!3 Caill (quod fr^o) 3 fall ma& to ?oto tleir, jCluljat tljat tt menlss, <$ pleis ?ouc grace to ^etr. !^e faid fag futt&, ?e fall Ijaue audtenee, 9nd fommandit 31lfe ane to feeip filenee. fiThe declaratioun of the Emprice thrid Taiil, THIS flototng toell, of ?out ^one i0 t^e fing Clje feuin fpjingjs at Ijifi maiflevss to* euntng £luljilb toell can not dcDt fone difluopit be, Crcept SEAGES. 1 19 €rrept ?e fitfl gar tDe feutn ^atfletjs Die. Cfjfss being done, t^e toell fa fall ?e toaiff, <^&v fla 50UU ^one, tff tW ?e eif me traiU. ^a tueU anD fpjingisi fra ttjag DifitojJit fie, Cfjan ^e map ijaue all at tcanquillitte. Zmt Daill Slmppte tueill into peice anD tefl, JFojfuitlj (quoD fje) ^aDame 31 tfjinb tfjat Dett* 3Incontinent tDan gaue Ije firait eommanD> Co tlje (^allouss to leiD tjijj ^one fra ljanD» Doun tI)?otu tlje Quit ass HDffieetjS Ijim leD, 3ne agaiftev eome, anD at tlje fpuwijs Ijim fj?eD. Co tDe (ZEmpieout tuitD all guDe teuerence, dujjome to Ije faiD, pass ftogitlj fta mp p^efence, JFo? tlje guDe fainD t^at ^e Dane fenD to me: %e fecue all feuin on (JDallousJ foi to Die. 3[ fenD ?oto feuin mg ^one ricljt inetll fpeifeing JI3oto Ije tjs Dum, anD Do ran na fein tljing. 16ot onlie ane, tj^is tljing 31 maifl Detefl, '3Be Diolenre mj? £Xuene Se toalD oppjefi. CDairfoir retoaivD na tljing ?e fetue of me, IBot ?e all feuin iwitlj Ijim fall Ijangit fie. C^e agaifier faiD, 31 ^tmit ane fiettet tljing, Co mg teUjaitD, no? on 6allousS to j^ing. jCluDait ^out gtac e fagi0, 5* noiw ^our fone tjs Du «SoD knatpijs t|e cau0, tlje time iu not ^it cum. HDf DijJ fpei&ing tlje time toill mm at ftgo^t, Cfiaitfoit 31 p?ag ?out gtace to tafe eomfojt: 3nD ?e fall fe tDe Dap apjocDe dcDt neit, Cfjat Ije fall fpeife, quljil all t^ijs plaee mag fteit 2i& to ^out Cluene, {n tgat j^oint qugait ^e tell 3it is not p?ouin, no? noutj^et iss gofpell. jI3oi foi t^t toojDtsx of ane fingulat pecfoun, Caiitljout maiu jtufe, ?oui; fone fulD not ]^ut Doii, I20 1FTHE SEVIN and gif ?e tjo fo? tDe iuo?tit0 of ?o«r iuffe 'But guDe fenatoletJge fta |our %one tak 5* life. 3ft fall fie toat; toitft ^oto 31 tiat tueill fag, j(5o? (Sandt a man anD IjtxJ totfe on ane tiap: Clutjilfe 31 fall ftliatD to ?oiu fie navratioun, and paetf t^e fame fie guOe piofiattoun* C&e (£mp?eout* fatD, troto ?e to Do toitfj me 9£! feufn i^aifletijs DiD anisJ tn tljtss Ctette ^iSittj tljatv faljs tatlltsJ unto tljm natiue Efng Jl3a5, na^, not fa, tt fall not fie fie tljing. CDe ^aifiet faiD, tlje fault of ane 01 ttoo ^ultj not redounti to refiufee filame o? too )3Df all titfjetjs, fo? it ijs dclit toexll benO IBaitlj guDe anti 311 iii to tj^e toavltiiss end, T5ot of ane tteuttj ane tijtng 31 fall ?oto fc^ato, Put ?e ?out: ^one to iitiix tot ?out* totfe^ fato: 3t fall ?oto cljance as Diti tftfe litntiet: ?eic 33nto ane i^nf (l)t, gtf ?e pleiss ?e fall Ijefc. CBe OEmpjeout faiD 3 l??a5 ?otw feBato me tfcfjt Clu^at t&ing fietome, o? e&ancft to t^at IKmcljt Clje a^atflet fatJj agatne ?our ^one gat eall, ^a to tlje DeiD t&at Ije na tuagijS fie t^jall* and feefp 6tm fltll mp taf 11 qutjtll 31 6aue talti Cljan 5our atoin toill ?e Ijaue eufn ass ?e twalO. CluDen 3 ftaue Done tlja tak ?out atuin plefour, 3 toill fa do tljan fatd tge (ZEmpjeour* and fa &tj5 ^one agafne &e gatt tljame eato 30 fo? t&at dap Ije fuld not tljofll tlje lLato» ^a tljtxs S^aiflet fjfjJ ejcampill fiegan, and tauld l)t5S taill fuvtlj like ane tuning man IBot ?it fiiss taill fartljer m iue futtli fet Cj^e Cluenijs laft taill toe toill not ?it fo2?et. , fMORALITAS. SE t6e SEAGES. lai SE tit tonfatt of tW Balif hitttv «(tt5f, arjtiS vtitf jaeifar, art* t|jt^ ranit toarlo i»Utj&e CTIiijS tratour titii, titii tv^it BTermigant, ^a {atne ant fault ai {ti)o ioalts Sntt anir Si^t, ^nto ti)tr feutit fa reuerertt anlr rftjie. In ilmit icitmt, iatttxits antt fluttuant Jfot t]&ag xjf fatt antt iDigBomt notlfofe toant, (To tj^e blalt JBeufll tj^atrfofr J( tfie ibetettj^e SSSftjb ]bttn ttmafne in iauii ant j^tHfiS ^antt. dfatitv nf falftt, anlf fal« flatterat 9n« (©srerarling, ane grattlts tlatterat Steftffttrnf to Ife, anH ane gret't flop of feflT, ^ yvoutit ^rtntrg, ant pr^tJtfuII patttrar, fiHiyt Miij nralitf anU ant man nturtj&trar. ant tooS totltat t^at ntutr bill Ifo totill Crop of turftnt^, anW ant quttft ganganlf JBtiXt, iSutt of loanrtult, anti iirttoar of all ^latH €fiah> art to iaXa to forgt fa in\i ant tatll- j3ot ant iaorts trtto ibnitot iut f tnjttt fair #utr pttrt tliob) art to maft ftt ant compafr <©f tj&t iKaifttrfe qujatrof t^at noto i$tift tot, Cff tjt CBmprtour 3S toatt tjay iiitt na mafr ISot t]&at jbt« ^ont tjbaj) ]bat( bnto tj&t latr, 9nU Ibatj not fitnt tjatr tunning anlf CItrgfe ffjba$ ftatt fitnt Stfti, antt fftlMltt fa Jair Jt, CSatrfoir tj&oto art ant SLorJ af hnlaSutt 9nt fri&amtlt« ftfirtto, ti)t nraifttr JBtufll raot ftaHf Ht- 3tt in it'r JTatH tS funi iHoralftft !Boto ^ott SifponiS JtiS gratt fa pitnttatiflft Co auIS, to joung, to rttj&t antJ to tjt purt, i&um hjft, fum ftrtnt^ fum fatrntS toitj fittotft, ^um at tj^atr toill its titiiti antr pitntft, Co Sttttnf trafttS fum gtufe t^afr btfft turt f^otoi&ttt ttt fum JiS tbt'ngfe bt titf)t olifcnrt, ^^ h)a;$ ii)ii iitnt quia fpalt iftli prop]^tctt Co ftufn l9attonrti$ in ititntt toa« fa furt. ^oto&ttt it toajS Cn joutj& anW ttnlftr age Soil of iis grart jbatt gtuin Jifm ma(r ItnatoltKgt 3n foit, ^titntt.itBtottb fufitilttfe, j^or to tiiv ftutn qujbomt tiii &utnt tfote alTttrgt Lj. 122 1FTHE SEVIN Into Jtr ffafll Snitvvit bpon fulage. <&.vifta tje iSmpreour tauftt againe to it attlr Snato tje taujS o! ife J(n6rmitte iSa ejrtepttoun t^air i^ of perfonage 3n fttjt of «§oB 5e geafe Ui fixate fa f«. I^otofieit iW Cj&BXae fn tenlftr jeirfe iani jfng ffije ijjrrag trtutS Jtt Je ftfieto to tje Ittng ©ti^at toaS tie tau^ of all f)ii ^alatitc, anTj jboto tSe inell hnl>er Jts htts Sitr fprfng Hrjroii) qu]&afe fprtngts tttXti j&im to lilinttnejS firfng ©^ttjflfe toaiS not Itnatufn Sot to tj&fe tJilBe twlBlie &ul)niviyi tot mag perfaue for berttic CJe grate of ^olf tS gottin for na tjitng, ©ttDa lift It fei6 toitfi alX Sumflitie. =j9oto fn Stggfng fuin taltt« fa grtft jilefure ^u^ill at tie laft Stggtt! itm felf to tie Sure ^um brfngfji ane ftaffe for to iireit ife atofn JetU (Sttin fa je fe tjir ©octcttrt^ tuift labour ffo firing titS (ilj&gXBe bntff tbe CPmyreour, Oiuiomc tljroto lie gat of it'jS feiitntiS remeflr. aSot jit tifiS CigXae gart tiamt aXI fttttn tioill »t{». 3t li* oft fene I fau tie ttetrX^ Brotier (iTiat tnerie ftoiii oft t^mti fieftoi&fi$ btier- Ciir feufn ll9oetonrf« quiatrof noto f$eflt{^ outr ®U(ne ^S fiio ISnferrtS, tiag iatte aXX Cratourfs 6ene, «&uia Bettgfit tie Singfe Infirmttie 38e tratourte ittt iaXtitn anU bnfene Co 6e gfitiart^ of iis 9SeaXme tiag tsiis men* anti iauc tiairof tie iatlX autiorittc 38ot na toag fa of our flStaifteris menc toe dFor tiajj ititt notit fiot as! tiag toar tfefgrtt, 33e tie (Kmpreour, anH it's tounfall requgrft. ffiiafrfofr tife ©ucne ftio fuXtt na trettente iatt« §tio tjS ane fop of forroto to Biffaue ane menfXeiS monfturc, ane mtrrour of mtftiante ftne patent port to 311 jc mag perfaue, ane tirtftXeg tiing quien fcio iegfnntiS to raff, dFuXX of Htffatt, toiti fcnjctt faXs pXefante, ane ttome trattiXXar, to bring iame 3X1 tjjtiante 9ne raaine Cruiftour, ant taXltcr out of tone, Ann faXI SEAGES. 123 Kntt fan totVbitik J(r tallt or all it ttant. ^lAne reproche to the Emprice for hir laft Taill. OFR AGILL flefche of hell, with flatterie euer fenzeis Ane Kingdome thow wald quell, thow grouder of gillenzeit We fall hald in thy renzeis, becaus thow raifis ynrockit, And check zow into chenzeis, yp be the chaftis chockit, Ouir lang ze haue vs mockit, hot zit the day will cum Zour culum falbe knockit, quhen he fpeiks that is dum. CThe Taill of the Fourt Maifter. VP O N a time tljaiv toajs ane eltiedng IKnuDt mat anD totttte, full of vicljess anO mit^t IDaD leutt futttj mong tiagtjs of Ijt'js life, ajtlittjout t&ilDaen, lemman 0? matgit tuife, C^iuetjs ttmess tjixj freitxDiss come ijim till, Co fe gif it tuaxJ tjijs plefute anD tutll Co tafe ane tuife, anD fiavniss to futtlj Jijine* Cfi?oto tljm rounfall De gtanttt to fie t^ing* ^a at tlje lafl tljap gat IjtxJ iuife to fie C6e p)?ouefli5S tmtljtn of all tDat gveit €ittit, iCiuLiilb toajs mU ticfie, tweill fauourit anti fair aaieill maiD at tuill anti toasJ ^ix JFatljetijs aft. JTta De tjtr fato, &e toass fa tane in lufe, CDat Ije Ijtjj fjat;t fca Ijit eulD not remufe. Cjboc^t lufe t fauout fietutF tljem mfeljt be fene %it all tljafv fpace na fiatntjs toass tijem fietuene 83nto tlje IRivb ajs ftfto pafl tljioiu tljt Quit, ©Hitlj i)it ^otljer fcDo tjajmit fo? to meft. atDer tJtljet; Ijailfit tottD gteit filgitljness, 3nti fa Iiegan to talk tn mttvinesJ. Cfie 0@otDet; faiD, mg OoeDter tell me {)oto Xe jjletss ?out fpouss, o? j^oto tioijs tje to ^oto f ^etjo faid ttcljt 3Illi and not toitlj Ijtm content, JFot fte t'jJ aulD, febtll, and 3fnii?otent, I. ij 124 1[THE SEVIN Ciufjeit ?e mt flaifett upon fa aulD ane flfcfe, 31 toalU ibut Dout ^e fjad me fiurjit quick: JTo? 0? 3f fonie tultD Ijiin tn naf feit 6eti Co 6e Oiotonft 31 fjaU ut^tt fie leU: £D2 1? totttj ftugne, o? 3[ laj? fie fjtg f^tie, ^5 flefcfte it figst!5 qufien g* 31 tuitcDe Ijtss fjptie l^aliJ me tvtnUt 3f l??a5 ?oto Dattlie ^ot^et, JFo? it i0 fojce t&at 31 nion &aue ane titljec* Cfje a^otljei; faiD mp guDe tiourtjtet anO Oeit, !|)eiv J tlje pja^ fie fulifc&nejj foafieit, QjUitlj 50ut; JFatljei; monp '^tUi& 31 liaue fiene, ^ic ttjing of me toajs neuec fiat& no? fene. ^otDet; fcDo faiJj, of tDat na metuell ixs, JTo? ?e ttoa met in |outDDetti 3fo5 anti filisJ* 3nD fa 3Ife ane togiDUec fjati folace, 3[t ijj not fa tuitfj tne into tliiss eace. ffl)? 31 tjiin sat }t feen IjijJ firentD toajJ zmt, !De Igijs ajs Gill fiefiOe me ajj ane Qane : JFo? tje iss tuaife, aulD, eaulD, toaiOit anti ti?^, 9nD ag ^e feen Q^otljec fa am not 3f: 'Bot in mg floucijs, of ^outfiljeiU filumanti grene Comj^aii; tljairfoir ijs not uss tttia fiettoene, )3Df ijiss fiodie 31 can get na folate, Co me tfiaivfoit it i& ane fjeuie eate. %)(ljo faiti tiouf tjter gif fie tfjom fjeis in minde, anD to fulage t&p Ijatt isJ fa 3Inclintie. Cell me ttt^ minde toitljout fen^eing in fijeifi, £Xul)oe toill tljoto lufe (quod fcl^o) motfjec a pteifl Clje ^otDer faid, gif fie tSoiw toald defiu, 31 tbinfe less fin to lufe ane nofiill ^quite* £D? ane ga^ iinicljt, not a l^jeifi to tfip lufe, ^cljo faid Q^otDec, tliairin 31 ?oto tep?ufe. <25if t^at 31 lude a l^nietjt o? ^it a ^qupje, mitm SEAGES. 135 mit^in fflio?t timt of ma? lufe tfjag toalO t^iu 9nti tell ouif all tnto tljatr merfness, anti fa me frljame, to mg grett IfrDtlgnejs, S\t i$ not fa ?e 6en tottfj men of J^itb, JFo? tottf) tutfOome anti to|)lineiS tljag iofrfe* 9nti i]3 alss laitD tljait: Doneflie to tine, 3In fit affatnss, ajs 31 tMalCi to Do mine: 0nti rounfall hti}} aljs qu^etlte Dnfrtiamft, 933 ^e ot 31» liJitft out fpouss toalU be Iilann't. aifo i^tcfemen bene matt feinDe to tDait lufi0, C&an utljertjs at, alss iweill tlje piettiek j??ufi!5» ^ffjo faiD Ooefjtet fjeit mp guOe counfall noto and ft fall be ane guDe 3??ofite foj ?oto. auld men ^e feen at mon&et rantelusJ, W^lit anb fell, anb ttcljt outtageusJ, 3fn ane manet ^e fall ?out Dufbanb pjeff, }0fm fo? to temp, 0? anget Sim o? gtetf, Ctian gif }t eljaip but tepjufe 0? fmgtfng, JLufe qufjome ?e plei0, at ?out lufi anb Igfefng* CDe bofljtet faib, fa lang 31 map not i^ht, 3fn all gube baifl fum lufe 31 mon paoupbe, 0? quljat toap it map be ^rj^o faib bocDtet t&at fall 31 tjaittelie. L iij. I 136 fTHE SEVIN Six ?out ©?(t)atD ttjtiit tj3 ane tu ttjat fianbtjj, C&e matfe tDatrof tljap fag ijs tn feiu lanOijs, 3In quljilfe ^ouv (pouss Ijeg Quit lufe and I^feing, atwatt fum Dap quDen ije gaf jJ tn finntlng. CausJ ttie fame ttt 3Inconttnent lie mttiU anD iJitng it Same 01 euet fom tiuffianD tuft it. C&awof mab fpje agane tjtss fumtng fjaiue, Cljan gtf ?e ttjatp tuttliout tep^ufe o? filame, at 5our plefute tJian ^e map tak tlje P?eftt, CDfjEJ tuf II ?e Do fo? ?our Q^otDedjs tequeift. %t^o fatD flgotljer ?out tounfall 31 totU tio JDotolieit in tteutij 3[ am ric&t lait^ tfiatrto. 3[Ife ane Same pafl unto tiiatt atoin luDgeing, Cije Y^nicljt meruellit of fjtxs tof fesJ tatptng. ^f^o fatD gude ^etjir a0 3( toent toefl ttje flteit, saaitS mp ^ottjet on eljance t&ait culD 3i meft. ^f^o fpeicit at me gtf ?e toat in glaitine^, 31 faid entn fa, and tDan fiame did me djejs, €ftet; dennet tiie Eing pafl in Ijunting, Bot 6i35 gude iuife tijoefit on ane utijet tfiing. and t{)otl)t ttiat Sir putpoiiS fuld mm to end, 31nrontinent fo? tDe ^atdnet: fcljo fend. jClutjome to fcijo faid cut doton tljijs tender ttt, Cljat 31 tDairof map mafe on liailielte: ane greit toatme fire agane mp Lo^dJS eiiming JDe toill Ijeliue mm Same from ttie Dunting. Cl)ij3 dap in four, fa toonder frljairp and eauld, and as fe bnato tje tj5 fefiill and auld. Clutjen fie mmiiS Same tSat Se fall not luant fire CSairfoir cut doun and ?e fall Sane ?our Sire. Co quScme Se faid, faif ?our plefure ^adame. Cut tue tSijs tre fiut dout toe toill get blame. Jfo? 50ur Sufband far better lufiss tSisJ tre Cen SEAGES. 137 Cen tfmess oufi;, t^mx all ttjt tttin Ijm Ijr, OBot not tlje lexs ^aDame at ^out tiefive ©tfiet falltn tooti 3! fall get to bt fiue. £tul)airof mg lLo?D (quoD fje) toill flanD tontent JSap, na^ (fatU ftDo) rut Doun Slncouttnent* JDe faiD na tuag tDtss tve B". tutll tieOtop, JFoi it tnill put m^ ^aiflet to gtett no^. %cDo Deitmg tDat, Ije twalD not Oo romnianb, Ctjp (SatDnanjs 3j:, fcDo Dint into Ijit; ijanO* C&e tcnOer tue fc&o tuttit at tfie rute, Cljat fra tfjine futtD it fulD ncuec fjaue ftute, Caufit fetuantiijs tfie famin fiame to 6eit, fiDf Dii; DufljanD tDaitof tabing na ttiv, Cfje EnicDt at euin fva Dunting filming tjame, punting tlje tu^lDe in JFoiefl iaittj tljt tame, ^ijs toifc Dim met, anO faiD gude ^cDit 31 fenaiw Zt at toetie anD toonbet caulb \aitl3 atu, 31 raufit to 6ig ane fire to ^oto tDairfoir, Co mafe ?oto cDevie, anti mime fie tDe moir. 31 tDanb ?otu Dame faiD ttt tuitD all mg Datt, <25et 31 guOe eDeiv, tDan ?e fall Dane ?ouv part. CDan in Ijt tome, and fat tioun on ane fiinfe, 'Befoir tDe fire> anti crgit for meit anU 0?infe. £luDilfe in all Daifl to Dim ricDt fone tuajs 6?orDt 3nO tDairof Oaak 6lj)itDlie quDil De guDe tDocDt 31n tDe meane time tDe fmell perfauit D^ f)f Diss ?oung plant, anD Iiefl fielouit tre» Co Dim Df calliss tDe (Sartmair rirDt fone, 3nti faiD mifcDant, quDat Ijtsi tDoUj to me done.-' 2iQeill 31 perfaue nip plant 6irne in tDe fire, CDairfoir at me tDoUj Dejs not feruit tDp D5IP. J^e faid mp lo?d, it in treto tDat ^e tell, iSane did tDat turne 6ot ?our atoin toife Dtr fell. 1 . UIJ. 1^8 fTHE SEVIN Cftan faiO titt IKnw&t 31 toaft tijat can not 6». C&at mp atom toife toalD Do fie tljtng to me, jFoi todll ffljo Mm ttjnt ttt 3! Iwflt 6efi, IBe ttoentte fauld mi 3f OtO all tfie reft. 31 toait fcljo toalb mutt fonfmt tljafrttll, IBttms ftljo feneto tljat it toajs not mp toill. ^t^o fafO sude ILojU 31 ftp ?oto ijett merde, jrot it toa0 31 t&at (uttit Doun tlje trie, ffiinatoing tte^t toeill ?e toac toerie forgane, CaulD, toaife u tg?it, and gude five Ijad toe nane 3nd 31 did it ?out enrage to refrefe^e, Co mab ?oto filpitlj, and to eomfort ?our Me^e Cljat toass tDe eauss 3f gart tljiss fire on mafe, j3Dnlie tot ?oto, and fo? nane utljerjs faife. Ciutjen tfie mniclit Ijard it toasJ tlje famin tre, Qnto Diss toife Ije fatd rieljt angerlie: 2D toicfeit toife tjoto durfl ?e fie fa fiald, Co eut tlje tre, tljat 31 in na toapijs toald ^ene fiene nit doun fo? greit rieljeis and rent, 31 mafe ane tioto ?e fall it fair repent, and fenatoing toeill, 31 Indeit all tDe fiefl, Xe Dane me maid ane fault rirDt manifefl, CluDen tDat feDo fato Sir Duffiand difrontent, Cfian frDo fiegan to toeij? and als lament, 2)n fen^eit fo?t Sir felf fo? to ereufe, at ficlibe time ajj toemen oft timeis doijs, %cDir 31 it did ici ?our utilitie, and ?e it tafeig agane ouir erafiitlie* iro2 31 fitleuit to toin tDairtD?oto gude deid and noto 31 get greit magrie to mp meid JFoi it tDat 31 do euer fo? tfie fiefi ane renin retoaird 31 get ap reddpefi. 31 Dad ratDer fie fiaint intill ane eoill 113o? SEAGES. 139 jI3o? foi gube mfnde fie outrage fo? to t&otIL CDan ffDo began to tuctp and inak mutnfng, 3fncontinent tDe l^ntrl^t t^at perfauing» Znti fa at fcgojt tDa0 moutt tuttl) merete, 3nti fatti nip 3Io5^ ?owt^ mutning noto lat ht* 3In ttnie eumtng fe tDat ?e not nie niufe Co Dtfylcfute no? j^urt tje ttjtng 31 luff. Cfiaitfotr be iuac, tlje Dapfjs of ?our lifetime, CDat neuer agane ?e rommit fie a etime. 30 foi tDiJS time tjeir 3[ fo^giue ^oto rlene, Ceijs toeip na mair, be Gill and d?p ?our (25ne» Cfjan tlie nijct dap to fiiitb fcDo toent agane, ^et Dit motljec, qut}ome of fcljo toajs ticljt fane, Sntit mo?ne motljet; (quod fcljo) to* &at;t d bjeifi lI3oto toeiU aneur^ faitft 31 ma? luff tlje l^ieill. and 3i fiaue done euin ajj ?e rounfallit me, ^j) Ijandiss rut doun fiisJ befl bctouit tte, ^a ?ouf rounfall 31 did intill all tDing, 'Bot fra fie fato tfjat 31 uwid fie murning l^t eljeveifl me, and Dee foigeuin me qupte, Cfjaivfoit agottjet put me not in tlje tojte J^otDbeit 31 lufe ttjt ip?eia toitlj all mp Ijart, JFo? mp gude man fie beipi0 me not a patt, Cfie agotDer faid tfiocDt auld men aniiES fojgeif, 31n time ruming efter and ?e tljame gteif: Cliap toill ttetolie pane ttjt nirt fault agane, 3nd puneisJ it percfianre tuitD dotobill pane* ^5 rounfall in temp Dim ane utljet tjde, ailare ^otDct (quod frljo) 3! utap not bpde. jTo? 3! fuflfei; mait pane fo? ?one fame Ipjeill, lI3o? 31 ean frljato 0? tljinli into mp httid* Spetdone me mp ftueit Q^otDer tfiaivfoir, SDf ?ouc rounfall nofcu 31 ^ill tafe no moic. 140 fTHE SEVIN Clie QgotDet faiti, fo? t^t lufe t&oto fulij fiauc Co me, liwaujs mg Co?5S DfJj tlje ronfaue: 2Df «i5 fiofum, ass ane IBnb bib tlje fiefr, 3nd fo? t&e filgflitns of ttjp JFattjev Oeit: 3[n t&tss fieljalf ?tt temp Ijim anijJ agane, <5if ?e get qupte t&an 31 fo?gfue ?oto plane, Co lufe tlje Pietfl, o? onp t^at ?e pletsJ, @)(tjo fatD tDat tatil to me doiss gwt titfefss, jFta mp plefute fo? to rematne fa lang, JFojfuitlj ^ot&et ?e at fa fat tn t&e toians* lI3euevtl)ele!3 fo? mj? jFatljetIss li[j)lling Xtt anijj agane 31 fall giue fitm temping* JDoto it fall lie, fivft ?e mon to me fcljaiu, 311 tlje faflbun 31 p?ag ?otB lat me fenato. %mx Dufbanb ftess (quoD fcljo) ane litill ^ounti JDe toill not tois fo? monj? mecfe and pound, ^e lufiiS fa toeill, t&at nirljtlie in Ijiss bed, j)e mafeixs Ijtjs rouclje, and tuitD fine meit i$ fed QjQitli fiiss atoitt fiandjs, fe ?e t|ie fame ijound feeil 'Befoic Ijijs €ne, fa ?e map toit vicDt iweill Cftiss lieing done, lie ?e not puneiU tljan, C5o lufe tlje P?eilJ, o? onp ttljet man 31 gif ^oto leif , 3! fall ?oto neuet Iilame, ^a it 6e not to ^our gveit fin and fcfjame. %fljo faid Qgotljei; 3 tuill ^mt eounfall do at tljijs paefent, qu&at ?e tuill rljauge me to* JFo? t^air ijs not ane Iiarne 31 toait leuand, ^a faine toald feeip of mp eild tljt rommand SDf tjit pavent0, and noto toitljouttin fbaitlj, 31 toill olJtene t&e filpfling of ^oto Iiaitlj. and notu 0@otDet vememftei; in ?our t&or&t iF02 ?our MjJifing 31 did elliss toald 31 nocDt. and tljan fcljo faid mp ftoeit Qgot^eu adeto, Clugat SEAGES. 141 jClufiat tfiortjt 31 Daue 3[ piap <25oli gff ?e feneto. Cljan come fcljo Ijame anb put of ais fcDo mtctjt Cljat langfuiu Oa^, quDtU it come to tDe nitljU 9nD fa at euftt tomnianDtt tliat Ijit Iieti, ^IQttD pwtpoui: claiss anD filk fulO ht ouft fpieb. iEXu&ilfe tDe fetuanDi0 at i\iv rommanD DejJ tione Wlittj fotfllie flatss tDe ttb tljn^ fp?eti it fone, 3nti quijen tlje 6rD toass ttjiss at reDDp maiti, Cfje litiH DoimU tDaivon Dess &nn Doun laiU. Z$ IjijS niflome taiajj anU conftoetuDe, ai0 t^e guJje tuife fencvu ineill tDat Ijt tualti tiuDe and up fr&o taiss iuitD minde malitiou5J> aj^itD Dattuent Daut and unit mljt uenemouis, OBe tlje Ijinij Ijtiliisi tlji& Dound tfjan did fcfio tafe and all |)t0 Ijntni^ out on tge tuall fcljo Qcatk^ ^a^and quDat deuill doijs ti^i^ tgke on out bed, C(jat tjs fa ticDe and all Miittj dim ouitfpjed. IXuDen tDe ffitnicDt fatw fjijs litil Doud toais Oane iFra traftitnes! na toag fje culd teftane, IBot till fjijs tuife tuitD angde Datt ran fa^, ^^ickit tooman out of mg ficljt atua^: ^oto culd tljouj find into tl)^ (tuell minde, Co fla tlje gound tDat to me tuais fa kinde:* and ouit all fjoundss to* mg atuin fjatt tuajs lufit £D fioicbit toife ^aDoun tljj? fiatt DesJ mufit, Co do lie tljing, and me to fve 3[nrce0, © curfl eatiue too to tDg rtuelnexs, ^cfio faid sude man Dane ?e not ticljt toeil fene 5)oto ttjis foull tgbe toitlj tjiss feit fa unclene ffjpon out bed fje^ Ipne and f^lit tDe fame iDaue ?e plefute tfjaitof 0? onp game, JFoull ttaikit tgfeijs upon out bed to I5, CDocljt 5e pleisj fa, tlje fame ^it pleijj not % 142 fTHE SEVIN Co fpxll out htti tSiat tjj fa pjectouss, Couevit tuitf) rlai0 fa dene anti ruttouis. aBttft fifsJ fouU feit rum neto futt^ of tlje mpa^* ^ ratDer Ijaue htint tDe fieij anO all In fj>?e» C^an faiD tljt Entcljt tottlj ane angrte tiifage, l^neto tfioto not toetU, tljat 31 DaD gveft curage 3Into ane JLeifcfie mp IjounD foi to fe led, 9ne Duntiei; ttniesJ, no? Iptng in mp lieD, 31 ratfier geuin all mp IjojjJ quDatt tlja^ fianti f)2 ^e DaD tane fie toicMt Deid in fjanD. Cljan qutjen fcDo fato t&e l&nicDt fa Difcontent, 3nD in fum part raifit in uiatalent: Co tueip anD vair in all Daifl fcfjo 6egan, %apanD allate tliat euet 31 l^nm ane man. jTo{ quljen 31 toass into mp uirgine floutiiSi 31 bnetD nat&ing of tljit frliaivp tointet fcljourisf jFo? ong tpfee in tljijs toife to be fcl)o?it, Cluicbe in mp gcaue 3f Ijati ratlieu 6e fmo|it. Sd all tljat 31 fo? tfie bell Dof js p?etenD, Xt aj) alledge tDat 31 tljairin offenO, JDotobeit nip minde be euet tceto and gude 31 get na tljanfe, tftiss frlio?tlie 31 fonrlude. cyan t^i$$ auld l^niegt pecfauing tbe greit tait ^aaeiping, murning, Itiitlj teutljfull j&att $ fait 3$$ De beleuit, Ije faid lat be fie t&ing, 3nd at tljijs time ^e mafe na mait mutning, 3[ pardone ^oto, undet p?oteflatioun 31n time ruming ?e mafe na oeeafioun, ^e fo? to mufe to anget o? to 3It^» jFo? gif ?e do, at fum time 31 toill tpje, %e fenatp ticlit toeill ^e ruttit doun tDe tte, and notu at frtjojt mp Dound ?e Ijaue gatt die* £)o not fiflifee 31 ijattlie fouj tequeit, JFot gif SEAGES. 143 JFot gff ?e tio, na mate 3 can fo?liefc Co j^uneixs ?oUj, fo| all tljat fss gane 6g Co tlje utveG remember toetll fall % Ctjafrfoic fie toat: mafe me not Dtfcontent 3t ?otu na mair, and fa to 6eti tDap ttient, %a on tljt mo^ne at time D^ fone fctjo tatiS ^ttl) mti'tte minDe, anD put on all gtt* cMa* Client to ttjt %itk, anD fa Dti; Sj^ottjtt met IBeleut'nff tneill of Ijlu gube letf to get: Co lufe tlje P?eta, and fpld tjic IjuffiandijS Iietr, 'Bot aj5 (Sod toald fie tljfng iuajJ na tljfng fped CDap tjailftt utljet ajs t&ag tfjoc&t 6efl 6e done, 9nd t'n talking togtddeu tDap fell fone« ^fDo fatd ^ot^ec ouit lang fo? ?ouu tequeftt, 31 fiaue ttjt lufe foiletit of tlje p?etfl. JFoa noto 3i Dane tempttt mj> Dufband ttopixJ ^angit be 3f quljen tDat 31 temyt Ijim t&jgisJ, IBt ^out rounfall ane gmt tljtng 31 Daue done, IBp mp fonfait monp flagejj abone, JFo? ajs ?e bad 31 cutttt doun IjiiS ttfe, 3;nd notD lattlte 31 gatt Ijte gude Ijound dfe» 9nd hnittj tftit faultiss Ije IjexJ fo?geutn me qugte 31n time rumtng to me ?e put na iupte. ajQitD all mg minde and fjatt tuttljin mp b?eift, 3n all gude tjatfl 31 luill ga lufe ttjt Pjeitt. Clje ^otljet fatd 31 p^ap ttjt doucljter dett, ©CJttlj patience ttoa tuo^diss tDotu toald me fieit; 3;t t£J toeill fenatoin toitlj tna no? 31 can telU Cijat ag auld titen at; fle and ctuell, 3nd toill tljink on upon faultijs done befott, l^otubeit fum time tljap tail not cljpde noi fcfioit; Sot it ixs faid, and aljs i;icljt toeill 31 toait, Cljat ci;ueltte it in appjopitat 144 fTHE SEVIN Co elUerins IBinirDtiis j?* in ?outfj fiejj htnt feme, g)me in tDatt; etli) tljap tuwe to ttaj? anO tmp* anD fo? fum fault tuill punetss luttD tigouv, asj tljap in mtnDe tt tafetjs tn DifpIefoui\ %tt «tg founfall ttjafvfotv 31 tnald tljoto JJiD, 9nti tDaivefter 31 fall tfje not fo?lii£i: JLufe quDome t^oto IfO, o? quljome g" IpfefsJ to lufe Cpaiv tjJ m^ Danli 3| fall tlie not xmutt* Zit temp Ijtm aniss ass toe ran liefl Ueuife, J?02 tt t0 faid t&at all tDtngs tljipfijs fiot tejjife* ^tljo faiJj ^otDet 3[ Ijeft: ^oto talk tn tiane, i^neto ?e tlje tljocDt anti nuljtlte fiumng j^ane, Ctjat 31 fuffei: rontmuallte tn Datt, 31 toaxt ?e toalD not tafe mg contcapatt* Zt ar ^otDei; ane tooman m 3f am, Cluljat toalD ?e fa^ gtf ?e toantit tfie game 2Df mg JFatljet, tfiat |e t^wljtlte fijutk, jFo? ane neto lufe fiut Dout fone |e toalti luffe» Uiittj all ?our pttlj tDe fame ^e toalb puwljejS, 3nti Ijatfl tlje fame Mtlj all ?our 6efinei5, 3Into tl}t!S rate noto put ?our mtnDe to tefi, Co lufe tDe P?eifl gutie faitfj 31 tljfnfe tt 6eft. ^fljo fatD JJOfDter fo? tlie gtett pane and mte 3[ fiati of tfie, tDat ttme quDen 31 tfie hmt* and fo? tDe fuDe tljaicof qu&ilfe tljnt tlje feO, 3f tlje liefeife fjjle not ttj^ fiufbauDtss IieJj* Cill tlje ttniti ttme, 31 p?aj? tfte Dim to p?ufe> 9s5 t^oto totll Daue mp filifltng anti mg lufe, Deng me not tljtjs iobtx fmall petttioun, ant> 31 p?omeij3! to tlje ane fure fondittoun* 31 fall fuvtlj fet anti futt^et tljp 31ntent, Co tljp plefute> and aljs 31ntantiement, 3nb neuet fap tDat tljoto fjesJ done ane mfjJ, 9^5 ftoeit Docljtei; 3(" pja^ tlje gtant me tW* SEAGES. 145 Z$ tijotu tuill Dane mp filiflKng on ttjg liamjs, 90J? fmall defive 31 pjag tfie gtant me anijs. CDc OocDtct faiO, ^otDev 31 ?£ito tieclaft:, CJje mater ijj to me fa faij and fafi:, Cljat 31 map not fa lang afiflene tfjaftfra, Zit not tlje less fa 3Iniua»:tlte ?e p?a: JFo2 t&e gtelt efjatge fitfi tljat ^e fap to me, 3nD fine agane ?e Ijaue 3??ometfl tvetolie 3fnto tDiss eace to furttjet fuvtfj mj? caujs, ®if 31 tjaU neiD tljt xitljttom (5oD it fenatotjs Cgaitfofr fcljato me tlje maner and tlje twag, IDoto 31 fall temp Ijtm to tlje tDjtd effjap. Cfie ^ottiet faid on ^ondap nirt rumand 31 fenaiu drtjt toeill ttje minde of ?oui; Ijuffiand, Co Ijaue tJss all to dine ijs 610 31ntent, SJOitlj monp fveindiss, tljat nane fie tljair abfent, 9jQitU diuetss ma gude men of tljisi Zt map perfaue fa fo??etfull ane tuife, 9j5 31 am noto 31 ttaifl fie not on life* 31n mp CDalmev mj> fenife 31 Dane foj^et, JFoaee 31 mon rife, tlje fame agane to get* Cfjan fall ^e jife tuitD ane faird ^aiOelie, I13a man fenatoing quljair t&at ^e fenit ?our feie* ^a it fieing fenit into t^e finivdelaitD fafl, Cljan fall ?e all tljt meit and tafiill doun eafl* ©n tljiss faflbun all ?our meit falfie fpilt 14^ 1FTHE SEVIN a^IftD tiifplefute, anti all ?out; Jl3af jjte fiilt %t tioing fa, Dnijuneifl gtf ?e be, Co lufe tDe Ipcctfl, fattlj 6ett 31 mafe ?oto ftf* %(tjo fafJJ fo? amss ^our rounfall fall 31 p?eff, TBot neuer agane, fa lang ajs 31 «ia? Irff» jToi ?our rounfall 3i Dane Done fat ouit mi(|it« anO fa ntljtt at tit^et tufee guDe nuljt, ajOtt^in feto Dagid tljt JTetfl toajs p?cpattt 36ounDantlfe anD foi na cotfl tl)a^ fpauit, Clje JFatljet', 0@otljer, ani) ftcintiijs of IjonelJie, Dn euede fiOe toat tallft tljatv to be* Cfje Cabin couetft, anD all fet Doun to bfne, Clje meittjj tome, tittit belwate toittj twine* ail being fet, ais it eulD befl effete Clje guDe iuife a^it 3Ilb man to mafe gube ej^eic 2it tfiie buirb tjeib feljo fat fiit atotn felf boun, ^ir a^otbet toeiU perfauit tbe faffoun* jCXubat bit bocbtev toalb bo debt loeil febo feneto 'Beleuing lueill tbe fame tbtng febo toalb veto* %a ttit gube tuife ane bonie Ijtil feie J^ang at ^iv belt febo fenit ciebt qiipetlie* Cbat nane pevfauit, no? feneio Ijit falxJ 31tttent, Xot tbi0 febo faib to all t^t butbe pjefent* (&if 31 be toife, noto ^e map all petfaue, 3[n m^ Cbalmet mj fenife'fo?5et 3[ baue* iiiubilfe 31 mon fetebe, $ Uiitb ane faieb bpjaisf, anb toitb ane tit tuife toitb ^it tt^t buivb elaiss. €i^t Cabin tutnit, anb all t^t meit boun flang ailace febo faib faitb noto 3! baue bone toiang 31 fair tepent, tbat 3f fa ffbo?tlie mi& ^^t meit i0 fpilt, anb f^lit at all elai0* ^Ijt l^niebt ebangeit eountenanee in ititi faee, anb fm^Ut fo? feo?ne tbat fa oeeumt t^t tact, anb SEAGES. 147 3nti fuffmt mit toitlj bl^itlj titfljinulance. Co tuit Dtjs gaifltjs luitD ane guDe countenance 3nD commanDtt ane netu Cabill ftt fct QBitD nclu Jl3aipate, anJj tJtljec couvfijs get. 9nO p?aj)it fiitjs gaifltjs fo? to ht lilgitD anti glaiU JDotubdt fjiss CabtH tuas$ recfeleflie doun laid* 3fncontinent tuUljt mettisJ tuajs b?ocfjt anone, Co neto tienneu tottlj filjJttfjnejs at t^a^ gone. JFo? all t0mg Done not nmfing Ijtni natljtng, il3o? to Diss toJife ane 3111 iuo?& not faging* faking gutie cljeit to all tfie comj^ame, ajQitD nittrgnejs toelcumanD tljame glattiU'e* i|Bot tlje ^otljei; fenatoing toetll tljt 3|ntent, £Df tlje Docijtet, twajj tuonDer Difcontent. Cge Dennec Done, tgag tDanktt all tge I^nugt 3nD aljs ^iti iutfe, u IiaD tDeni fiaftlj guDe ntc&t SDn ttje ntjct mo?ne tlje EntcDt aitlte Ije raiss, 3fn name of (SoD, fivfl to tlje Mvk Se galjs. SnD eftec lie DaD Dtd Deuottoun Done« Co ane 'Batbouv but tade pafl Ije fone. ^aj?tng ^aiflet at ?e guDlte ejcj^att, 3In bluDe latttng, o? SInGcljt tn tljat 3tt z JDe fatD guDe ^cDit 3 am eicpa^t ttetxilfe ®f euevte uatne tottljm a nianntg boDie, 3[ fenataj ttcljt toetll, o| ?tt tn ane ttioman, 3[n Djatotng filuDe t^aitof greit cuaft 3f ean. C&an fatD t&e Enfcfit tDatrof 31 am content. Cum on toitD me anD ^e fall Ijaue }jaj)ment. ^a tlje IBavliout; fjame tutt& tlje i^nicljt Ije tuet, auD fie t&e gait Ije taulD Dim Diss 3fntent» and fa tDap come tinto tDe fiinicDtiss luDgeing, CiuDatv Diss totfe lag, fone tDag gat entecing. i^e faiD guDe Dame get djj fo? ^e mon tife, K.j. 148 fTHE SEVIN £XuoD Ccljo guOe ^tljit, fojfiiittj tt0 not tfje gift ^a fone to Mfe, fag ?e tliat fo? ane mot fe .-' 3[t 1)3 Uuct ?tt npne Douvtjs gane of t0e rtocfe* C&a faiD |>* JRnifljt Oame rife fo? ?ouv atoin guUe ffl)n haitD tljt armejs ^e mon fie lattin 6Uitie» ^f^o faiti guDe %t^it fen mj? 9@otDeu me fiait 'BluDe upon me tuajs lattin neuec mait. and notw tfiaivof fen 31 toant eonftoetntie, 31 Saue na toill fo? to lie lattin hhi^t, C&an faiti tlje i^nic&t, fojfuitij ?e ar ttje toar, Co lat ^oto blnOe fa lang tl)at ?e Oefav\ C&infe Je not on quDat faultiss ?e tjane maiO me JFitfi ?e tjetoit Doun mg lI3o6tIl plant and tre, Clutjilfe ?e feneto iueill tDat 31 luOe all tlje 6efl, 2nti fine ?e fenataj fjoto t&at m^ Ijounti ?e tJ^ett* 9nD ^ifierDag ^our fteinDijJ being p?efent, 0t tfie Catiill fa rtuellie me fc^ent. ^if 31 fuffev tDat ?e Do tljt foutt to^ang, 3fn fonftoetnte anD ufe fa ?e fall gang. JJOit^in fc|)o?t time ^e fall me fa ronfluane* Co tittet feljame, tljat 31 tan noe leftane: 0^5 felf fra feljame, toitljout 31 fittt" temeiti, Sni) 31 finti toeill fum fault in in ?out lieiO: ©f ro?tnpt filuDe, tljat mon fie lattin out, 9nD alss tuilDe filuOe in ?oui; fiotiie fiut dout. C6at fva tliine futtli ?e fall na mair fieii; filame 11302 anger me, no? pt put me to fcfiame. Jpt (mat feruantiijs fiut onj) mait afiaid 3In tlje Cljalmec ane gteit five to fie mait». ^el)o feing tftat fcBo tvovuit iwitDout remeiD 3Into tj^at fire fo? to fie firint to OeiD. Clja a^it fcljo louJj fo? (J5oti5S faib grant merde ainti 3i paomit ?ouj a t&ing fait&fullie. 3Inan SEAGES. 149 3fn all mp tiai'tjj 3i fall ^oto neuev Quit, ^a tDtsJ ane time t&at ?e toill me veleif. and fiaue jietie, 31 gtant 3i DiD tueQ^ag, C&afufotv guDe ^cljiv meucie at ?oto 31 ajs. Cljan fatD ttje l^nifljt lie Dim tijat mevcie maiti ^tceiflj ?e not fuvttj ?our atme Imt mair abaiO: dufiair 3\ 3fntenD hot of ^our hluht Ijaue j?art, S fall iiaue all tlje Ijart Iilude at ?out Datt» Co tlje ^arljoui; alfo Ije fait) fn plane, %e tfiat ?e rut ane gteit Ijoill in tlje Dane. fiD? lie ^anrt (Seo?ge tlje fame tljing ?e fall Ijaue Sot ?oui; teioaitD, tljat ffljo fulD noto reflaue. CDe ToaulioiH: feeing Ijt gat fa fait ane tljtiVQt, f^t maiCi ane toouij, t^at taass liaitlj tieip u latge !3Dn tDat ane atme, quljill tljat tbe liluOe ran doit aiJounOantlie, and tuitD gteit eflfufioun. Ciuljilfe fo? to GancDe tlje l^ntfljt iuald nat&ing 'Bot tatljet bad mafe maiv laugei; tlje Ijoill (t^otl 9Into tlje time Ijt fatu ijit rDange mllour, Cljat tuound to fiancee Ije raufit tlje 'JSarboitt 9nd bad Ijim ftvifee into tljat ttljet atme, ai0 gvit ane tooiid, quDaivof De tDocDt na fiarme, ^fljo faid Ijufband Dane mevcie noiu on me, 31 am fa tuaib, 3 tvaill frljo?tlie to die. CDa faid tDe l^nirljt ?e fuld Dane tDocljt on tDiJJ ant0, ttuife, tDaife, quDen ft committit mijs. £luDilfe raufijj me ricDt fair aganiss mg tutll, ©f ?out iuilde filude fa mefeill to fe fpill, Sol 3f fuve ?otoj De leuijs not upon life, CDat toald fjaue daatoin fa muclj lilude on m^ (Bxctpt mjfelf tDaitto Ijad geuin ronfent, (toife 'But dout tDat ane of tjjs fuld fait i-ej^cnt. IBot at tDijs time ?out atoin lirDt inilfulnesJ, K. ij. 150 IfTHE SEVIN ^ejj taufit me on tDtg manet ^oto b^esf. iFo? 5e fiaue Done fie tofcfett tutm'sx tljae, duDaftfoir tut Oout ttjat puneifl ?e mon ht* CDan tlje 'Batliour raufit f)« la^ fuutlj on hitiH Ctjat uttjet avme, tDat tie mfcDt cau0 Dtv fileid. anD tfjan Ije flmfe tjpon t&at utljec fibe Sfnto tift atme ane tuounb hnitlj Defp anti fijaiti Clutjtn tljat tlje bluDe aliountiantlte tan doun, CI)at all Mmit ttjnt Ccljo fuld fall in ftooun. ^Uttj ane toatfe wofce fcljo ftptt dcljt pieteouflte ^5 ftueit Ijuffianti Ijaue nietcfe nolo on me. jFo? 31 fieleue fiecauss 31 am |our toife %t tomt not tljat 3f fulb loiss tlie life. Cfian faid tljt fiinicDt to tlje 'Bacfiout agane 3 t^infe it Iiefl tljat notu ?e flanc&e f one tiane BoMi i)?efentlie, na mait ?e lat it bltit}^ Clje IBatbout faiJj, fa fall 3[ ^cljit in Deitr. Cljat being Done, tlje i^nicDt Ije gane tommanb Co fjixs fevuanDi0, t&at tljap fuld fone fra Band Put Ijii; in 6ed tDat fcDo mirljt get fum tefl, C&e OBarliout: faid gude ^cliir3l tljinfe tDat fieff. CDan 6ad Dii3 toife rememljet; in Ijit minde, 3in time figgane fa 3111 fcljo toajs 31nclinde. and miss amend, o? 31 Deeljt lie tlje Eude, Do ^e not fa, 31 fall fe ?out fiatt lilude. Cljan tlje IBatliout; at tW gude eldeting fenicljt JReflauit lji0 ttiage, and at Ijim tuife gude nicljt* Cljan tlje fevuandiss in minde tlja^ tDorljt it fieft CDair atoin Dufie to put Ijic to fum t-efl. %a in Ijit 6ed tfta^ Dappit Ijit efilie, jCluDen tljap lieleuit natDing !iot ftit to die* ^fljo being laid fa foftlie in Die bed, ^euie at &att, tirDt faint and all fo^bled* 9ne SEAGES. 151 9ne tiamtfen fcfjo fiati into all fjaifi, jFetflie Ijiv agotfier 0? fcljo ^tUHit tiit (Saffl, jCiufia tn all Ijatft tljat to Ijiv ^ot&ev talD Zmt Ootljtei; t&e fpjett frfiio totll lip?alO» 3nti ntm n not, 31 fa? to ?otB tretolt'e, ^cljo t0 fa fatnt, toe trotu all M30 fall Me. Cfjan tljt S^ot^tt 3Inqugvtt (mettlte IXufiat toajj t^e tauis of l)« 3Inficmttte, Clje tiamtfell to Ijiv tljt faflbun fatti, ilXuljatvof 5*^ a^otljev toass toondei; lilpt'tfj $ glafti Cfiat I)tt DofDtev fa tvimlte iwajs rojveftit, iDotobett t^at fcfio t&e famtn not fufpectlt* ^a on Ccljo come unto fjir tiorljtevss place, Co ronfidticr ttjt faflbun anti tljt race. 9:nD aljs fone ass frj^o Ijatb Ijti; ^otDet fpeife, ^jj ftuett ^otfier (faid fcljo) 31 ?oto 6efei6, Co fet ?oto tioun anD refi at nip fieti Ijetti, Set 3! beleue na t^fng 6ot onlie OetD. !3Df mp fiotiie fo muclje filuDe 31 fiaue 6leD, Cljat 31 on fo?re 6el)utflt to tab beO. Cljiovu Mtvit fault of fefiilnejs of filutie, Cfjat of m? life 31 ttoto to fie Denude. Clje Qgotljef fatO, mg ftoett tiocDtet and tieit, CaulD 31 ?oto not ane looati toass not in toe«: Ctjat aj) aulb men tuass fcljatvp btttet anD fell, JRuljt outuageoujs, ijifpttefull and ruiell. ^omlieit fum time a fault tljap toalD outtfe. Xit at tljt lafi tljag toalD it punefsJ Ijte. 9^5 Dorlitet' noto ane queflton 31 toiH iftiVt JDotobrit ?e 6e ricDt iuaib noto Igand Ijtiv. Cell me tDe tteutD and opptn to me ?ouv fijeift, 31n time turning gif ^e toill lufe tDe Pjeifl. IXuDa faid agane, allace ^otljet lat 6e, K, iij. 152 fTHE SEVIN 9ne toatlbtss Ccljame mot tafe all Pieffiijs tot me Ctjp ftefcD tJengeance at tljt quit <^oD aliufe, ^ot quell tgaine all o; 3^ ane of t^ame lufe« IBot m^ Duffiand tliat iss battlj iitiv anti ftuett, Ctjair t)S na man in iuatld fo? me fa melt. Clje e^otSet fatd, quljp fulti ?e &aue Dffj^ite 3t tDe jpure P^eifl o? gtue film on^ totter JFo? 31 Selene ^our minOe 6e neueu feneto, ll5o? tn fie care Ije Did ^oto not perfeto* 'Bot toetl 31 fenato quljat tfiing j?* gavt ?oto tmOe, Cfie toantonejs and atiounDance of blutie. Ciuljtlfe 31 6eleue at tfitjs time noto ^e toant, JFo? ^e IieDuOe Ijaue fum tjbtng ^oto to tiant* ^otljet (falD ftljo) 31 p?a? ?oto let me t;efi, 96one all men mp IjufbanD 3f tBtnb 6efi* Clje 6@alfler fatD tljan to tlie €mp?eout, ^cljit Sane ?e tane t&iss taill toeill tn o?Dout: 3n& fonfiDetit tliattof tlje mo?all fence, Ctje OEmpjeout; fatD ^atfiei: lie mj eonfctenee 3ft tj3 tlje liefl anD toonDet lefull taill Cljat 3f Ijaue Ijatti tljiss monj? ^m but faill. Co Ijit; Dufbanti fe&o Did fcljjetode tuvniis tj^je, JFirU fffjo mttit IjisJ nobill tenDet; tee; %ine fleto Ijiss fiouD quljilfe toad bot a Dum fteifi and tljan tl)?idlie miffaflbnit all tlie JFeifi. (3it Ije l)ad tljoillit tlje foutt fo? to bene done, 3It fnld Sane b?ocljt Jim to eonfufioun fone. Clje ^aiCet; faid 31 rounfall ?oto Ijmtaiv, Cent to ?om: toife, gif fiiit e redence no moit. ^la ?e ^out fone (fo? fiic too?di0) nnoflfendit ^e fall fo?tl)infe quDen ^e ran not amenD it* CDe €mp?eoui* faiD, 31 fa? to ?oto tretolie, ^|j fone tljiss Dag foi 50m; faik fall not die. . . CJe SEAGES. 153 Clie e^mtt fatti, 31 ttjanfe ?ouc JI3olitU gcace, Cfjat foi mj) faik fiess partionit Urn fie fi^a«. ^a tuffe 1)10 leif, ajx rulO Ijtm tueill effeit, and fa Dametuatt to fjfjj atofn Jjoujs mlb fpeft* f>? toe pioreiO noto to tljt OBmpitfe tatll ^uiii toe toill talk of tlje Dottourts lint fail!. IfMORALITAS. ZE mag perfatit noin fit tW tafll <§uWe founfaU tS of grett auaffl ©ttSa tiiat infll tafe it SoeiU (n 5«t» dFra bitf to btrteto ft {aH Jim Uttt anlf au be reuXtt fattj ane gulre «ftr, CSt« (S forfttttj liut faUl. 6tttte tottntall i« aire j^recfond ifiini &vtitv to ©mprtour or IStng Kt ktttjs all tjbtitg for to ga toraita Cn&e Btng nor ffimpreour ntutt rang ana gtf tljag inant jpilfe rounfan lang esafttj^ reule tjiajj fall not rmji. an greft perrrtlis ft feUfo on fjjSe OTftJ tot'flfome ft Sot)} all proujjtte, (SoXf (t grantfe tir all Begrefo 33ot mong fa faft fra ft flefe ®.uUU fbas lit fet hpon tBa(r Mtisi CJas Saue na grate to ggBe. C5f jf joung iooman JaU fafr oSenKtt &ii iit iHotler JaU tonaifcenUft Co ]&ir ifotSterfe bntotfe tonfaft, 3n Jir tontratr ftjo maftf iiefiaft ana gart it gang ane btj&er gait ®uae tounfatl fa Irefenait. UPbt ^otj^er loa^ greit tCIT allohi, ffiiat raufit Jir Sotliter till Jir boh}, CJroSn guSe tounfall anis, ttojfe antt tjrgfe, paging Bot]&ter an* tjoto ht fo»fc Caft not in Itana fit ^nter^r^fe &}:ct$t tjboio it auoh). K, iiij. 154 1FTHE SEVIN antf fa fie tounfaXI of jbtr Same ^ci)o (ontintbiit Jtr glafSit game l^otofiett icbo rang in ram^antt rage, ^tiUc rounfall tattfit ijir to alftoage, ©ttl&ill t]&at t]&e aJarBour for 5i;S toage iSfattt iiv metit a^ a ^am* ^a^ |e not fiot it ioa^ "Otifyitt dffrft tttt tie tre, tit fiounW to fmgte, l^ne taft t^e CabilT fa refeleflte ?8oSu ran ftjo VDctU ejrtnftt fee J^tjo Soas iogteleiS a I^ttlX toe TOantonejS j^att tie fa)j)te. anif Jeit of filtttoe ioas! afeonntrant, ©^ujairof fum part ftjo miti)t toedl ioant ^it Juftiana tSan tutit toetll in Sei» ^oJa i)t tj&atrof fuItJ jet remeto ^Btujatr Jir filutfe ioau 5e laftr tattlU leiTf, anlf tSfe i»Bg tultj Jtr irant. ^a qtt]&tn tfie ^otjer tome to fe ©ubtUtier gif ftjo toalB letf or »te ©ulia faiB Uotj&ter for mp requeift 0abi laj t^s l&an'tr to tJu atotit irefft an» fe gtf tfioto inill lufe iftt pretft Cef^ iHot]&er fat t|)at 6e, dTor 5atf not fiene jour gulfe eounfeU 3Jut reture 3( ]&aif fcljamtt lujj fell, antr aii |e Iten ^ Sna^ tuj^t tlira dFor all jour fatofis, to rum t]&afrfra, jaoto iijanMi to ^oS (t tg not fa, ^udc fcunfaXX fieiris t]&e 6eff. ffl&e Pretft of all tW ioat! topteleS (2^f m^ Bautfrfe antt ferul^tlne;^ dTor it tj&airof ncuer t^tng itnein iBor 3S to Stm fit tjfng not fc^ela ^ot bias in $ur$ot£( to {lerfein STj&airfoir Jie Jaa^ faifele^. 3oung inemtn Jetrfoir (n jour fiourti^ jn&otiit je tj&tnit jrjjtic of paramourt* Ssk itir SEAGES. 155 ffalt j&rfr trnmfUl Bofo 3 am, ^ntf fet on {^fat iit iahtvtXti game <&r jc fall fafr rtpent tit fame STie tjjmt h)a« mgne aj{ jourfe. 3e auIW men tj&at ar turn to age Sottng toemeiT into iWarfage 3n na maner iitov joio meit ffjajj ar iuantonn aitS fun of itit €0 jofa ii four tjat t^ap tj&tnit ffoeft i5n» fftant to get for Suage. ffifiatrffffr (n tjjme it inTis torrett tjiame WCiif) afa antJ laubour je fultt ire6 tliarae S,et tj&ame not irauf I on euerfc 6tnft. dfor a« |e irehj fa fall je ttrfnit pertjante Jaue mater to fortfiinlt 9n» greft tau« to fufpett tjame. Co tW taVkinq it inlv ta% tent (©r eftertoart jt fall repent (®u5en |c ar mat's Sojne CJomiSounfe man CJan fall je liraull, tjan fall |e 6an Sntf quj^en remctU nane fin* je tan 38ot all toftji fri&ame oufrftjent. iiohj jc ar faarntt, Zf>^ aSeio ffijffe ar ouir jjutfe qujatr Sne ar treto, Cj&at'r ii oufr feiu t£i fattj&full fountt ^um tuttt'iS tie tre, ^omc fefllfe t^e SounU, ^um tafti^ tie ffiaSfll to tj&e jjrountt au 3 aftf, tjat 3 reto. flAne praife to the fourt Dodlour. LA VD E, honour, praife, and thankis ane hunder fald To the Doctour for the Taill thow hes tald, That fauit hes the Chyldis lyfe for ane day. And quenched hes the Erapreouris boift fa bald In greit malice, quha that but mercie wald His awin fone flaine, hot thow him caufit fay nay Thocht zone quick Feind dois all that euer fcho may To haue him flaine, hot we fall all defy hir Within few dayis on reid weir we fall cry hir. ts6 fTHE SEVIN CThe Fyft Taill of the Emprice. T^e OEmpjtce itiviviQ g* f j^ilti ?it toajx not Detti ane neto ronfaft ttjan tutfe fc^o in &tr &eili, Cfjjotu all t&e toun gatjt fle in alfein attf jj Cj^e catjage fjoass gat toalD Oaam tuani0 ct cat^ttss anD unit t^t Came toft& alfein feinde of geir, j^tt ©?namentiss anti tlatjs t&at Ccfjo fulti torn. 90aiO Dit to i?as unto fjir JFat^ev fjame, taping fc^o toalU na langet tljoill dt ftliame. aj3 ff&o OiO Oaglie ttjat all man mt(l)t ft, 3nti tljattupon mlb not teuengctt 6e. Ciu6aft;foft ft&o toalti at fjft; fat&ei; ftib nunWsJ Ctu&ome on fclbo fatti all fjtr Bope time OepenUf js Clie ftruanDijJ fa j^etfamng Ijit Intent Co tlje OEmpjeour t&aj) fc^eto Slnrontinent* IXu&a paft to &« in fjaift 6ut mait pjocejj 3[nquii;it tlje eaujs of all fie fiefiness. Cinftait matfe ^e to, o? qu&ititiet toill ?e go Ciufjat iss tlje eaujs tljat ?e ar muifit fo.-' ^c^o fajjijs 31 toill but onp mait delag, Co mp JFat&et; t&e fife gait mafe tlje tua|?» IXu^air 31 mag Ijaue baitlj folate miiJtli <$ game 'Bot noto 31 liaue t&e eontvatt of t&e fame, Cfiaitfoit 31 mon pevfeto qu&ait 31 «iag get it, jFo? at t&ijS time ^e gar me qugte fo^^et it Cfte OEmpaeout faid toill ?e get malt folate Box IiiDe tuitlj me, 31 troto into na plate. iFo? 31 Bati 6ope t&aii; tuass na man on life masi tttttt lutie no? 31 tottlj W atoin toife. iQotu 31 jjetfaue t^e neuag tlene tontcait;, Cljat fiovoniss atoap in tit&ei; plate to fair, ^tfio faiti mg lo?tJ, fo? t^at tauis 31 Depart iFor 31 Ittfe ?otu toitlj fa perfite ane ljart> Cljat SEAGES. 157 Cfiat 3f tattjet; of |out tjtitlj to t^th tell, Boi bt p?efent, anO fo? to fe tt mg fell. Df lout i^atflertjs ?e tafe fat- ma« Oelite, Co ijeit tljaft tatllijj all taulD in mp defpite: Cfjat 31 am quite put futtD of ^out rtedenee Xe gif to tljame fa 3Intoavt atten&enre. Cfiairfoft; it fall rljance ?otu 0? all fie gane JFac too?fe noi did unto ©ctauiane, iRu&ilfe tljijj 3fmpite ass ?e notu p?efentlie IDad fo| to eptie, and deit in miferie. IDe tuass fa fal0, and al0 fa roueto«0, Cfjat fjij3 fufiiertis field fiini fa odiousJ. Cfiag iwar ronflranit fo? fii^ gteit falfitie Co eird fjim qufrfe fo? all fiijs dignitie, IBecauss 31lfe man fa eouetou0 did &im Ijold, Cfiap ^et fjiss moutD full of Det meltit gold. Co qu&ome (quod Be) let not fie tfiing fie faid, Cljat of falfet tlje filame to me fie laid. %eBo faid fiut dout tlje filame lpi0 all in ?oto, JFo? dap fie daj) all time ?e gat^me troto %out; ^one fuld die, and -^it Ijt leuand ixs, and ioeill ?e fenato tfiat fie did me greit miss. CSairfoir fieleue tfiat fartfiet maiv from fiente, 3In tljat fiefialf 31 giue ?oto na rtedenee. Cfje €mp?eout faid it fieeumijs not ane Ifting, aBitljout founfall to difruss mmt tfjing. and in fpeeiall fo? to giue 3fudgement ©n mp atPin fone iuitfjout gude auifement* Cfiaitfoiv ^adame 31 j)?ap ?oto Ijartfullie, CBat ?e toald frfjato fum gude erampill to me: £Xufiaittfi?oiu 31 map mp tealme toitfj tuifdome 9nd to mp felf ane efie life piougde. (gpde SfBo faid 3[ fall ane Cojie to ?oto feliatD, 158 IfTHE SEVIN Clutjaivfig ?e map toetH and petfitelfe fenato Co teule ?out; Eealmc, anO j^ald ?out; ftif petfite ^a ?e totW mafe ?oto of tljc feuin S^atflecijs quite Df tljair counfall ?e ar outt rouetous anD of tijait tailltss ?e at outt DefivousJ. %it not m m mp taiH futttj (all 3f fap, and gtf ?e pleiss tDe fentenre beir atoap. BOEfoii; ouv tiaptjs tDaiv toajs battD t)at& $ fene lftfngt0, aBinp?eouvt!3 into tbxe toun tjeS bene amang tfte reft f tememfiet on ane IXuljilk rallft toa0 to JSame ©ctautane, ^a fouetou0 ass fie toass to turn goto, 3[ neuet veD ane fojmtt on tlje mold* Cfie Cietf?anlss tfiat time a0 31 Ijarti fap Ctjap fiati gteft toefrijs toitf) all about t&e lap, and all Batlountg dcljt ctuellte tfiap dantft, jCiufiait tljap tribute o? onp manvent twantit. dufiill tfiat it come to fie Set point of toeic. Cljat all Batiounijs in tljait tontrair did fieir. 31n tfiat meane time pair toad ane maifteu Claefe 3i)toelling in Eome, ticDt cunning in tjijJ toark. Callit Clitgill, tlje quljilfe in arfmetrife, ]l)e toaiES fa lie, tfiat nane toad found fitm fik« Clje Cieti^anijJ tfiijs Clarfe tljap did require, Cfiat fje toald tuirfe, <$ toin fra tljame gude fiire Co finde fum toap be tjijs eraft and tunning jFoa to 3[ngi;aue fum 3Intage o? fie tfiing, . SDf Ijiss p?etife, 3lngine o? 3Induflrie, ^nbtell fcienee, o? ?it JKpcromanfie. Ciutjairbp g* tfiap micljt Ijaue perfite fenataledge, Ciutjen (£nemei0 to toeirfair maid uepage: and to efcljeto fra all aduerfitie, and feib fo?dtoart tfiair atoin jjjofperitie. Clufiairbg SEAGES. 159 Clutiaitlij) t&ag mtcljt p|ouj)Oc tfiatr putue^ace JF02 guDe 0? euill quDititiet tDat it Did cDance. Clje Cteti^anss ttjan tottft t&ijs cunning Clatfe ^aiti ane acco?D, and fa fell to tjt^ iuacfe. ^it&in tlje toun Ije tiuglDit up ane Cotpje, Df ane gteit ijicj^t, anD al!3 of greit nalour, and fet npon tDe faniin Coto?i0 ^eiO, uit all t^e toauld tlja^ toac callit conquetoursJ CfjijS being done t&ijJ nobill cunning Clatb, i6o fTHE SEVIN 3In Homess toun Ijt maiO auc utljevlpatfe. Ctuj^tlk tuad ane Utt (onttnuallie liutntng, 'Battfi ntfljt anO Dap, anJ) mmt Dad flofenfng* Co t^t pt^iil fieing ane gueit comfort, Solace and mtttti, lil^ittined anD nukiii fpojt* Ctoa IiatDtns fatttss Ijt inafd iuttljfn tfte toun, Co rommountte ereit confolatioun. Cfje ane tuass caulD, p?epant fo? Qntmei; feflbun (5tf on? man iijs boHit toalO reftefcfiie, Pass to t&at ane, tljatttoitD ije mfcftt Ijim toefc^e Ogetuijc t^ft 16at&tj5, and tljtjs tontinuall lu&t, 3ne 3[mage maid of gtett flatute and litest, aBitfj fie Sngtne, fa lang ajs tfiaft it flude Cfje fire fuld fctrne, and ag tpt 15atDt0 do gude, 3In qut)at!3 foivljetd toasJ tojtttn ^it^ letters fine Ciulja flvpfetss me doun grett treafure fal pai tine 3nd mair atouit it map fall fie ane etjance, jClufien pai fiaue done to tak ane greit tiengeaee Cljis ^mage toass maid toitD fie eraftine0, Cill t&at it flude, and tftoilland na difttejs* Cj^e fire lefiit, and neuer mair ?eid out, CDe Iiattjjs ttoa flude in pair atoin pip 6ut dout £Xuljill at t&e lafl ane tunning Clerfe come ftp, and tliiss 3Image i?erfitelie mid efpp. Cfie tpjpting red, and to gim felf {e faid, jCluljat kin vengeance ean on ane man be laid. ®? quDat treafure map onp man noto tine.-' C^at flrpfeiss tj^e doun, o? j^uttijs tfje to ruine, 'Bot 31 Iieleue ratljer fiid fo? to 6e, ainder tljp feit fum greit fotomejs of monie. Sum ricDe Slotuelliss of gold o? fum treafour, Cftat tDoto art fa fet ujj toitlj fie Ijonour, SEAGES. i6i C^tS 31 fitleue, anti i$ tfje lifelpefi, anD fa at fc6o?t tfiat 3itnage doun tje feett, Co t^at effert fum tceafute to olitene, IBot nane tie sat, &etau0 nane t^niv Dab {ienr» ']Bot fa fone asJ t&at :|mage fell 6ut dout, 3Intonttnent tlje fire toajj queneljit out. C&e TBatBsS ttoa toajs uamfrljit out of firljt, DiO neuer guDe, no? eftet IiaD na mtr|jt» Cj^e 3?ut;e peptll Ijeiuof toajs toontiei: fo?ie, Cljat tDap toar fa deflitute of fie glo^te. IBaltft of t&atr T5atli0, and of ttjait lefland licljt Ciutjtlk to t&ame did gtett eomfo?t dap u ntc5t ^aj?tns 3Ife ane tuitfj loude Doiee to tlje ait, Cui'i! mot tje tie fo? nolo and euer rnatr, Ct}at D0 fa qu^te of comfort gejs matd dene, Cfjat toe fa lang tn conftoetude j^ejs Iiene. JF02 Ijisi plefure and p^ofett fingulatr, ^0 bt to Ijtni tott^ Qurt and meJ^iU ratt. Xit not t&e less tljaii; treafute gat Ije none, and out plefute0 all qu^te atoa^ i& gone. 3In tljiss meane time toajs leuand ffiiingijs tl)?e, Co qu&ome Eomaniss ftad done gteit Dilanie, 15t gtett muttget and maltre tDame molelJ, aBttlj etuell toettt0, and flaurljtet tfjame ojjy?eft £Dn quDome tljap toald ticljt fane teuegeit bene ^a to rounfall tDtt tf}?e JKtngtsJ did ronuene. 923itD gait TBartoujs, gait ILojdJJ u gait femc^tjs 3nd utfietiS men of gteit toifdome and mieljtjj. JJ)oto t6at tj^ap mtcljt on iKome teuengeit 6e, JFo? tliatt flaucljtet and ttjait gteit uilanie: 9Into tfiame done tn diuetjs ttmejs toent, 9nd mid na toap on tljame get afli)tt)ment» Clu&en dtuetsJ dagiis t^ag fjad at rounfall 6ene i62 1[THE SEVIN ^uiu of tSame fai& tljiss auatUtjS not ane p?ene, Cfiati; mfcl)ti0 txJ fac alione all our puiflance, Cj^afrfoti* iue tfitnb fum ut^er conuopance: Caie mon attempt, anb netu fonfaitijs ronUDtiPt, CDairfotr lat all our totttiss noto ga togftidpr. Cfjan four aulD i^mrljttsj ^* tuajs of coufall gutir TBefotr tDatr ffiitng anD JLojDtjs up t&ag Ouije, taping ttjtr taJ0?tit!3 toe tDtnb iue tuitb in tiane, ffl)n tfjtjs mater fa lang fo? to remaine, JFo? treut^ it isJ quljtl pair grett tovure upOanDiss aJQit^ 3Image!5 anD fielltjs into tfjair ftanDiss, jdu^ilfe toarnixJ tj^e quj^en onj? iRegiou tuill rife, 31n tljair eontrair, tban pajs tDap to Deuife iRemeib tljairfoi?, qu^at lanti aganijs t^em (Jeiriis MJittj all Defence, anD eruell fait of tueiri0. %n toe mon rin upon ane tJt&er 6urDe, €ftljeuj tlje Deip, anD call MH to tlje furDe. Cljan faiD tlje Eingis quDat t^ink ?e fieft to Do. CiuoD tfiap pleiss ^e our rounfall to flanD to, %n tfiat ?e toill tljairon to mafe tlje toiff. Wit fall ?oto pleijs, o? elliis our IjeiDijJ fie loift. CDan faiD tlje Eingi0 fo? colli fe ?e not fpair, Cfjairof ?e fall lie anftoerit anD far mair. CBan faiD tlje Knic&tijs fo? tlje mater flanDijJ t&uis SDctauiane ^e fenato ij5 couetouxs, anD lufijS golD ?e feen afione meafure, Cljairfoir Ije mon lie filinDit toitD treafure. C&e ficljt of golD ioill gar film fa 3inclinDe, Co all our fatoiss, Ije Ijeg golD fa in minDe, Pafefeit ricljt toeill four Punfiounijs to tge IjeiD %t mon furneig of cuin^eit golD fa reiD. amtlj guDe conuop anD ojDourlie erpence, Cluljill t^at toe get tlje Cmpjeouris prefence* C^i0 SEAGES. 163 C&ijJ feeing Done, get ?e not ?our 3|ntent CQe fall aU fouv tine lantitjs life anti vent» Cfie i&ingi0 faiD, go to it fall be Done, Cfiaj maiD fojDtoavt, tlje golD fcuajJ gottin fone jFout full punfiouniss of go ID ttjat toasJ fa Iijiflit Co IRomejj toun t&ag fijotljt toitDin tlje mcljt. l(3a ma fenatoing quftat tljaic toitliin toajs clofit Co tljtiit putpoisi qu&en pai tlje tfioctit Difpofit Cljit font Punfiouniss into font finD?ie acttJS 3[n iRomejs toun t^ag fiiD at Diuetjx pavtisJ, ^um in JFuCeijs, in Djato toellijj anD in DiJfeisJ, ILaiclj in tlje eirD, anD fum tDap fanfe in fgfeisj* CfjijJ feeing Done, t&ag come in qupetlie, Co t^ait l^oflage, anD lap Doun p?euilie, 9nD on tj^e moane at time of Dap tfjap raig, Wiif^ guDe 3Intent, anD to tlje Palire gaijs. anD fa feelpue m tDag pafl up tlje fiteit, 3[t eljanrit tfiame tlje a£mji?eoui; fo? to meit» Cftap fjailfit Dim \iiit^ teuetence ajs tf[titiU agane at tljame ticljt patientlie Ije fpeitit: JFtom quljeee tljap eome, 0? quj^at fetuice tulD Do Co quDat fcience tfiap tuac maili afeill to. ilXuga anftoetit tjim into tljaiv feed maneic, jFtom far countreiss to ^our gtare cumin tjeir. Wt at fpa men, fuitljfapadss anD Deuinoutisr, Co fetue ?oui; grace, anD aiss ?our counfalloucijs. 3nD can DifcusJ all Djeamejs fa cunninglie, anD tell tljaivof tlje tveutD anD uetitie. anD all &iD geiv tljat ijs put out of ficljt: a23e can it finD, anD tftairto ga at tit^t IBt our atoin D^eamej? out craftijj anD 3fngine, Cljocljt it tuat DiD ane tljoufanD "Otitis fine. anD U3e gaue ^atD tljat |out grace ge0 plefure L. j. L 1^4 1FTHE SEVIN 3In fie be^alfiss, anD ttjatcon tabi0 cure* aiiD gif ?our grace at UJJ fie twill requite, 2ije ar reDb^ to fulfill ?our Defire* 'Be Dap 0? nicbt into all feintie of fo?t, ^it^ tjart antj minUe ?our grace foi to conifojt* Clje (lEmp?eour t^an confiDering in ftiss mintie, JDoto t^ir four men to fie t&ingijs toa0 3IncHnDe anD feneto ricljt toeill tljat into JRomed Ctetie (S?eit fotumejs of golti toass fiiD ricljt quietlie. Ciu&airof ye culD get na perfite fenatoletige» OBrcept fie men ass tfiir 6e DaD in toage. ®a couetice and greJjgnesS of geir, IDaifiie credence, quljilb all men fuld fojdeir. OBlindit ftijs tljoclit, and caufit Ijiis tottttis fojue^ (5art 6(m ouir fone to tSair bidding odep. and fa at fclio?t t&e OEmpjeour isJ aggreit, mitlj t&ir four men, and faitSfullie t&ame feit. jCtufiome to Ije faid, gude fcljiru 3f toil ?oUj piufe and gif ?e 6e fie men fo? mp IieSiufe ajj ?e Dane faid> ?e fall Daue gude retuaird> 31lfe ane of ?oto dut dout fall de ane laird, and 3fntreitit toit^ t&anfeijj into m^ tjouss amang m?> iLo?dij3, toitft gtftijS glojioujs. Cljap faid agane and pleijs ?our a^aieflie Ba mair retoaird at ?our grace couet toe IBot t&e ane Ijalf of tljat twe do odtene, binder t&e eird, as fall de cleirlie fene: IBe our 3Ingine, our d?eamijS and our (IfcfitijJ mitUn fetw ?eiri0 iue mark to med ?our micfttisJ CDe (JEmpieour faid go do m ?e deuife, Zt tafe on Dand ane j^oneft 31nterp?ife, Clian faid t^ap all dnto tDe OBmpaeour, Cl)ijs nie&t mg Lojd gif it loar ?our plefour: Co SEAGES. 165 Co tfie elUcft of rj$ four to gtant Idf , !Dt!5 dene runmng t^e faimu nu&t to jjjeif. 'Be ^i$ auitn tijeame quDat tie ran tonipiej^enti Hnti qufiat t^auof fall be tljt ftnall enCi. 3nti tljaiveftet lue fall tn Daj)i0 t6?e, ^eliatt) to ?out gtate tljaitof tDe uecttte. £Xu5at it ietabtniJ, anD qu&at tDawof fall mm, Co ?our plefute ?e fall bnato all anD fum. Clje (Bnmttmt faiD, go to 31 am content, ^a tutfe guOe ntfljt, and all four furtlj paf toent d^nit in fiatt, detjt toondet 6lj?it& and glatD, ^a guDe anftoet tljat tDap obtentt IjaD. Ipafl futtlj tftat time tn fcojne anD deafioun* IBeleuing toeill tlje gtett totu?e to qtt Doun. Cljje t>a^f0 anD ntcj^tiS being )?aQ anD eompleit Cfttt font befl tljem tottD tDe €mpieour to mett Cfje elDefl faiD, anD plefjj ?out jQobtll gtace, Co pajs toitD tisi> anD tue fall fcDato tfte place jClufiaic tljat ane tton of mD golD Ipfjs IjiD Cfie (ZEmpaeouv faiD 3f toiH Do ajs ^e 6iD. Cj^an tjatHelie tlja^ tome tmto tlje place Cge elDeli faiD anD plet0 ?ouc H^obill gtace 3!5 31 beleue tljair tjs of golD fa cleir, 3ne tton Oceife full in t^isi place IjanD Ijeic, Cain fa mj? Djeame to me fo?fuitlj it fcfteto, anD 31 Dout not bot toe fall finD it tteto, Cljan ttjaj? all four to Delf tfjag fell fra tianD, anD aiS tje faiD, vicfit fa tlje golD ttjag fanD, jClugilk DolD befoit into Ujt famin place Cl^ame felfisJ j^aD j^iD, ago hot ane fcljojt fpace Xit not t&e lejj tlje (ZBmp?eoutis5 fantafie Crotoit tj^ag IjaD founD ttie golD in Deritte. IXugill^ gutjen ^t fato, Ije Uiais tit^t tooDec glaiD L. ij. i66 1FTHE SEVIN ^it^ mmit c^tit^ ani) to tfjame fout tje taitr, ©f t^iiBi found golti t^t ane ^alf ?e fall fiaur, C&e utfjet; 6alf 31 fall cau0 to teflauc, Cfie nipt Datamet faiD to tfie (2Bmp?eoui;, Bote falltsi to me, gtf it fie ^out: jjlefour, 905 nicljt about to t>ttmnt qU 31 fan finD, ©nj? mair gold, gtf fum be left fteljtnti. Clje (2Bmp?eout; faiti goti fent) ?oto Oc futtDetaee 30 t&ij5 3lfe t>a? ?oui^ Ii?otljei; gat tljjoto cljance Cj^e nfjct nicj^t come, anD ficltfee DtD tDe Dap, Ctifis ntrt Daeamet; to tlie Cmp^eout can fag. TBe of tomfo?t, anti gif it plei0 ^out; gtaee, CfiijS ntf&t 31 tiatamit of ma« golt> in ane place IXu&ilk in fcDoat time ?out; noliil grace fal fenato anti goDtoilUng tfie fame fall to ?oto fc&ato, 3nti fa 5e iJiD, quljaitof De toajs ticDt blgitlj, IXuSome to glaiJJlie tljempjeout faiD ful ftogit^ Cafe lout atoin part, anti 31 fall tafe tlje ut^er, JTo? ?e Dane Done aljj toeill ass tiiO ?our fijotljer. ^a Jjit) t&e tl)?iD on tlje famin 31lfe toife, aiftua t^e fourt tuife t^e fame 3[ntecp|ife. 3Ilfe ane of tljame fanti to tlje dBm^itont 0ne tton of golD, tuitg rictjeis anti treafour. C^ag caufit t&e l^ing to tljame giue confidence asj tSap 6aD found t&e gold fie tljait fcience Cftem felfiss did fiide tljat gold under t^e groud and caufit all troto tlje fame tljat pat j^ad found Ctje (ZEmpjeour fa toitD gold Ije taiajj fiegplit, and toitli tbafr flicDt and fcience tuais ouirfplit. 113ottoitl)flanding tlje ane Ijalf De t^ame gaue iI3a toapiiS traifiing tljat fie fuld tliame dtflaue, 3nd quj^en attjer of tliame Ijad tane tljair part C^e (JEmpaeour toass ric&t 31ocund in &f0 ftart. IDe SEAGES. 167 ^e tSjame auannt, and faxD pat toat matfl tteto ©f fuit6faj>ai;ts5, tljat euet fie ?« feneiu : atiD main ejcpavt Into t&afr atoin kitnct, Cftat euet toajs, 6e Btsj 3|ntelligence. C&ag pctfauing tlje fltentfi noi niirfjt 2iQitljin tljit Dapijs unfallin to flauD up tfclit. CljijJ Ijeing Done, on t&e tj^iiD mo?nP 0? Da^, Cljap lap en ljo?0, anD pjiuelie flaill atoag; Co ttjait atoin lanD toftlj gteit filpt&ned f 3[05 Cfiat fanD tlje eaO tDat gteit Cotoie to Defttop. IBot 0? tljap toan futtft of ficljt of tlje toun, CDag fiuDe all fout $ fato tlje totoje fall Doun. ^a on tlje mojne gu^en all folk DiD Dp tife, Cljag fato tlje toto?e toad fallin on ftc ane toife. Cfie ^enatoutiss tljaitof tuib Difromfojt, L. uij. 170 fTHE SEVIN Co t&e (Bm^ttout ttje faflbun fuIO tepojt 3nti fai0 guOc JLojJ), ftoto |^e0 ocmrdt tW tate C^at out grett Coto?e tj3 falKn in fa ffDo?t fpace duDilfe Da^lte iuajs out toatc^e and comfojttng Contraft out fatd, and matb ujs ag tajatntng. l^e anftoedt tljame to me t^att come four men, Ctuftilk of fiefoit 3[ titmt dfti ttjame feen« 9nD ftfieto to me tDat ttjap tuat futtljfagadjs, '15ot tioto 3[ ff t^at tDap at all gteit tiiflauetfjs* 9nD ftoott fo2 tteutft, anD alfo to me frgeto, Cj^jotD ^aft Daeaming qutjatt gold \am fttti ^af and eat:t me ttotu io*m tlie toto^tsj gtoud (feneto ane t^oufand milliou of teid gold fuld fie found and not Ijuttfng t^e Cotoje no? |it 3[ttiage, Co do tlje fame 31 gaue tfjame gudelle ioage, 9nd fa to t^ame 31 gaue ouit gteit etedence duDaittS?otu in faUtn gteft ^nfonuenieme. Cfjap anftuetit fjtm fo? ?out gtett rouatiee, Xout gted^nejj and fiftnand auatiee, and fo? ?out lufe to gold and gtett delite, Cljat ?e tljaitof Ijad fie ane appetite, ^all toe tfiaitfott fie all defitogit at anisJ Bap, tlie fitQ tD^ai^ fall fall fipon ?out fiantis. IBut matt p?ocesJ to tfie Colfiuftlj Ijim led, and on tii$ fiak tgap Utt tjim in ane fied, and potojtt W mout& of meltit gold tljait foto ^aj)ing to liim tak tlje aneucD of it notn. C6oto couet gold toittj fa gtedie defite, Cfioto ^tsi DS tpnt and all t^e j^aill 3Impfte, JTulfill tlip lull of gold qu^ilfe t^oiu fall ^aue. Cj^id fieing done^ tjba? put tjim quick in gtaue* JTo? gtedpnejs of gold ti^isi toass IjixJ end, Clu^tlk at 510 deid ane mgte micftt not fiim med Bot SEAGES. 171 Bot lans ttttt come on Ujit ^imisi tijje, 911 tn iueitfaff, toftD prepotent aumte, l&naiutne vicljt taeill ttjf toto?e tuajJ raflxii Doiui 3nti fa tljap laiti ane gtett UiQt to tljt toun, £Xu|^tIfe ti)a|) outvfome, $ feefl Doun rlene 5^ toall anti fa at fcljojt Eome toass Deflvogit all, Cfie aEmp?ue fatD fjaue ?e tane toeill mp lo?ti Cljit tooiDijs in Ijetd tDat 31 noto OtD tecojD, Cganfefjs ?oiM fojfuttD, tDatvfotc Q^atiame faiO JTo? ?e fiaue tauld ane mWi tatll to me. (&e Cfian fuID fcljo faj? tl)f0 totoje toitfj tlje 3Imase IBctakiniS norljt 6ot tljafr atoin ^etfonage, JFo? Uttfe fa lang ajj ^e letf in tj^tjs life, Cfiatt ij5 tia iLfngss tljat Dat ratjs toett no? fltife 3[n ^our fontv*a o? ?it toit&tn ?out land, ®a lang a0 ?e ijs noiu on Hfe leuanD* 3nb tijat ^out* fone dof ji trionDer tueill fonfiODec ^ittj tlje rounfall of Di)5 ^mQnsi togiDDer. Witii t^m faljj tailHiS anD fen^ett natratioun, i|)ottJ tijag fall find tlje iua^ to put ?oto Doun, ©mr gref t plefute to Deit tljame ap ?e Dane, 3n& tftaii; mintie i& fiut Oout ?oiu to dtflane* 9j3 tfjti; four men tljijJ Cotoje to rut'ne fijocljt, Cfjft ^atlieijs fa tualD bitng ^oto eutn to noffjt 0nO tmOermtne and fafl ^oto tinDer fute, Cfifjj is5 tlje raujs tljap daglte to ^oto fute. C6e 3lmage0 tljat fa gteit moneg colli, 31j3 ^our fpue toittijs, quljtlfe tDaj> fieleue I'ss loift, jFo? fa fiarnelifee anD foft tljag ^oto j^etfaue, Cfie Ijatll 3fmp«e fva ?oto fa toalti tlja^ tjaue. Cfje (Cmpaeout faiU tliat 31lfe taill tljat ?e tell, 3! petfaue iuetU map lie talD lie mp fell. Cljaitfotr tftag fall not mab of me tljt totoje, 172 HTHE SEVIN 11302 ?tt rj^ange me ai3 dtd tfjat (Bm^ttom, . an ijs falfet mt tDap tieill tottlj 3f ft, Ctiatrfotr tfjc moine mp ^one fall Dangft lie. CDe (ZBmp?fre fafJ), toill ^e ?ouv ^one gat Ijang %e falbe lil^it^, fatr tueill anJj alsJ lexf lang* ^a ttje ntrt dap tDe (2Emp?eout gaue commanD, Co tafe l)tjs ^one anti tjang Ijtm Dp ft:a DanD« Co t^e t ffimyreottr far tin faiTt ^uui ]&ftj tontrittoun of fmall auatll ©ujjtlfe tj&at 5e matlf J>e life tounlafU, to t^at'c tonlent dForfuftJ ane Sing fttlK tofrit natj&ittg, iiut autftment. ^a SoaiS imt at tje taftfng Woun -5ertcnte ©f gollr to get ffc tonSuence, f)t itffnc^ 9Sot i)e gaue ouir jbafftte treXfente, for greKs"*^- ®u5tlit tattfi^ grett miftjeif to 6e SiS toe majj toetll jerfattc antr fe «Settt;S matft treHence qu|&a 5&eft can Ite, t]&roi» toitfeitne^ ©f j&alf ane taill iljuj) toflX raait tjre, for gre»gne«. ^ntf tan firing ane tatH of nod&t: 5 ;i; '"it ^nU fag tjbe tjtng tfeat netier iBas iurod^t ^or netier fata nor neuer tjbotjt, of toilfttlncs ^um gme tt treaente euin ajS it aotjbt, for greagnes, ana SEAGES. 175 antt eutn £a tsta tfit ffimpieou r (Satte iic trtVtrnt bnto t]&ir four BTo futnei^ golW antf grett trcafoar, to Bfsi j&une^ ®aue tiiainc lett to cnlt troutt tjt Cotoce, for greWaneS. (©uj^t'Ift tun iotti to ^ointi toun ^ic romfort anlf tonfoTatiouit ^tt tj&nj) tibofjt gutre to fum iVegfoutt, tbaw toaltr t]&em Bre^, Uot jit tj&e Cotore toasf tatliiT Boun, for grelfgne^. Dt ii ane po^Contt ^tfttlente dTor to gtue oufc iniitit rretfettte Co ane tatll not Snort]^ auUfente, titvabt isittinti T^t taUI telUr tjan tgnea mmte, for gr£»s'^**' Cjbatc t^ tnong ma tban antin 8SIfll maft ane tatll toa^ ntutr treto j3ot lit ti)nmt felf tt netter imtio, bot ai t{iap get! §ttm iBtll fay faliS an» rfter reto, for grrt^nf)*- ST^atr tS IfitteriS tunrS tBafr l^onour CJatr fajorfcjip, n't^rg, anlf pXefour <©ft tpmeS tn batne mafitS grttt Tawiour, fattS fmalX 3(nfre« anK oft tjS ortiortt fi» qu'at orUour, for greB^ntS. dJ'or grrtgnc^ rauft'S grtit grtif 3>nup, JHalfce, antt mifcjeff iHonp for JHuttotm antJ for 38etf, fnto mtrltnt* Si j&angtt Iglte ane tomnionn tj&eif, for greU«ne«i. CSafrfotr gtttte ^tJCrS 3 partite jra^ join Caft gretfuned on fntic far fra joU) eaSttI) Jfoninif mt'nie pass an» ga plag joto, fn mcrfintS €Ja(r (5 na better tjarme 3 fag joto, for greBnne*. ^ofaj tfiir tSre Sfngt^ qujen tjag »{» Jiefr ffl&e f ofajre qujairof t^ag ftude ftt fefr ESfaiS tafftn Boun 6ut fcBeflO or fpeir, tSroto indfinest 3n all Jatft maiB t^amc to tjje toeir, for greBgneiS. iFor firft tiafi fanir ane iuBlte toag dTor to $nt Home {n grett affraj} ^n» tjotj&t tjbajj toalB tt firft affan, to get entreS dFor tj&aj) SnafB malt (t t]&afr firft jray, for greBsnejJ. 176 llTHE SEVIN aSelitte t^as comt ants Mqtit tje toun j 3n alt guBt |)a{ft tiit toant:S Sralt itattn, antt put tjame Wfi^tn jioffefft'oun, tottli all iX^itbnti anB fra tje ©mpwoar reft Jt« Croun, tor greUj?n«*. iaoiu ^tjtrs tjt's fe tit fgnalt «ntr 8C0 greUpne^ quia Inttl jretenlf €@mSe« tfiaM tan not t]&ame feU BefenU, ht mm\$nti asoag Suftj'ijjngfante an "aoig tocntt, for greB£n«. Ciiafr fe tlua pofntte fnto t^i^ taill JC^aine to forlittr fe gutit anB j&atH, Jirje firft li grctrgne^ but fafll, of goTB anB gefr, ^ailtit txttimct oft tjjme« bretott 6atU, t|)tr ttoa forbefr. C[Ane reproche to the Emprice. OC A TI VE Quene and cruell, and rate of all mifcheif, O fals flefche faint and fraell, greit grounder of all greif. Wyld rauins fall ryfe thy beif, wod dogis thy banis fal gnaw Or ener thow get releif, thy laddis fall thoill the Law. We fall gar all man knaw, and als perfytelie fe Thy deidis the treuth fall fchaw of thy hid harlatrie. CThe Taill of the Fyft Maifter. BOBfoir tDtjj time ane P^ffitioun tljm toajEf, 3tie (unntng Clerb, anD namit gpoctaxi, Ciufjilfe in P&ifirb and ntljtt Ijeut) fdence, SDuit all Mt^tv Ijt tiad pjeeimneuce. 2H& Dab toitD t)tni ane binfman of fjtjs atoin Calltt (J5altene, qutjatjs runtng tuajs toetl fenato* 9U IM 3Infitne anb tott ^t OtD appip, (tn, Co Icic Pbtfirb> anD t^t fame ocrupp. 00 [|t0 uncle at lie timers fjati bttoix, du^airtDjoto j^e toan gvett Ijonout, laud (j glolt TBot in fo mucfj ©aliene tuass not fa alO, %it &e enellit Diss uncle monj)falD: 31n pijificfe airt, and into ^eDicene, ^e iuajj mail; fcj^aitp anD quicbei; of 3[n0ine. Cgan ^poctasi petfauing in ^ia fjatt, Cttat SEAGES. 177 C&at <3tilimt in naU tuajx fa erptt, DjeiDtng tDattfotv ttiat fje fuIO Ijtni ejc«n. 3:n0 fta Sis gloit anD p?ofeit tjim eppell. anO tDattfoit fjtd aiss luebtll ass iit iincDt JFra ©aliene, of tlje tcaft IjtD tlje flicDt. CDan <5altcne tljis toetll Dp tiiti pecfaue, JKefl Ijim tiapUe t^t mm and mait to tjauc ©f PBtficfe atvt tlje mair fie tiiO obtene, €)n Dag mair tDan liefoic tn fgftene. jCluDattlip ttje Doctouv tutfe in fitjs ronfatt, Cfjat (SaliPne fuIO gwto to gceitcc fiait, Cljatvfofc at fifm Ije fjati lurbing SInup, }l)oto6eit Ije DaD na qiitutU tm& no? qutjp. 31n tt}f!3 meane time tlje l^tng of Ongatie ^enti fjfsJ meflaee tottD fcDtpptss tljjotu tfie fie jToi ^jjoaass, tljat fje mtrljt tuitlj Dim fpcife, 3nD nive Diss fone tDat lag vicDt toonDev feik %n gpofrajs tDe meflage OiD reflaue, 5)attlie j^jaging tDe meflingeug Dim to Dane ^um part ermfit unto tDaic JI3obiH l^ing, jFoi De fo? eilJj micDt mab na tvauelling. IBot 31 fall fenb mg Coufing and fetnanD, CiuDat 3[ tuill WO, tDat De fall tafe on DanD* ^a (^aliene obegit Diss unclejs tuill, 3nti in all pointijs tDe fame De tiiti fulfill. 3nD j?aft Diss toap unto tDat ll3olJill l&ing, CiuDa toajs ritDt filpitD ? glaib of Diss tuming, TBot De meruellit quDg rome not gpocrajs. ($aliene faiO tDat auld anD toaik De luass ^irDt not ttauell, fo? na tcauell De Dfit, P?aj?ing Diss grace fo? to Dalti Dim ermfit, 3nD at tDat time Dat> befiness ado, CDat Dp na toaj) ad tDan micDt ntm Dim to. 178 1FTHE SEVIN OBot in fjisJ Mt ^t i^m me to ?oto fenO, caifttj Ijelp of <5oD ?out; ^one fone fall 3[ nunb SDf tlje quDilfe tljlng tlje l^ing toa0 toetll tantlt C&an <5alicne unto tfte C&^lOe &e tueut, 5elt fifsJ Punfi0, anti alss Ijfjs Utint fato, £Xu|}alt:lig 6tlj)ue IjtsS frffeneg Ije did fenatw. 3[nronttncnt tljm pall Ije to ttje Cluene, 3nti faiD ^aDame, ^out feik ^one 3! Daue fene 9nti 3f am rum »nto ^out; SBobiM gtace, IBtitiUns 5otu to fjwt me fpeife ane fpace. Cafe na UifDafne, tfjocljt 31 noto to ^otu fpeife, 3f come to fief II ?out; ^one tljat Ipiis feife. ^rfio fatD gutie ^tljit fag on quljat plefi0 50UJ, jFo? fe totll fag nocfit fiot tlje tceutfi 31 ttoto» !|)e falti ^aDame tell on and mafe na lie Clufia t0 tfie iFatljev of ?our ^one tell to me .<' €lu6a 6t'0 JTatljei; (quod fcljo) quljaliotp* l&tng.-' €iuod Ije a^adame, tljm tx5 not fie a tljtng, a^Jtll ?e fag fo (quod fcDo) fo? uetltie, Xetjj Uiant tfie field 31 tioto «ffit fiatttelie. 3mxJ 31 fatd ellijs, and ?tt 31 faj? agane, Cfitss Mm i& not fiiss JFatfiet in eettane. 31 fome not fieit tfiaxrfoft; to loijs mg fieid, lI3ot ^it 31ncui; in mg fault onp fetd. II3o? 31 fiaue not defevuit ftc retoaird, Cfioefit 31 nane get, natfiing 3( tfiat tegaitd* ^a to tfie dure fie maid fitm fttaicfit atoag, Cfie Cluene tfiat fatu, and till film ran fcfio fap, )© gude ^aiflet fa ?e toill feeij? ferre 31 toill 50to fffiato, fa ?e diftouer not me* Cfian (Saliene fafd, fij^adame (J5od me defend, 'Bot 31 fa do ijnto mp Ipuejs end, Cfiaitjfoiu to me, to fcfiato tfie twutfi 6e 6ald, JFo? SEAGES. 179 JFo? it agane fall ntmv maw be talti, 3fn Quittt t&tng ^our gtace fa fall 31 pleijj, %our fone mak ijaill, and put Dim ttieill to eijs. ®ff ?e fa Do, gudc ^afflev tljan fcDo faib, %e tD eredente, ^a tail fii$$ leif, and fiametoaet fie yaft fienre» jfiDiufien fie eome fiame to fiijs fuce. M. ij. i82 fTHE SEVIN jTo2 iueill 31 iuait ais noto ijs na vemeiO, IBot fo? tup mtjj 31 mon noixi ftgDe tlie Detti. T5ot iuar <^alfene mg Jl3euo notu leuanD, J^e iualD not fatll to mafe me DaiU fva IjanO, ixuljome 31 tiiD feill ttjjoiu malice anD 31n«5, 'JBot of t&at DefD, tictit fair repent notu 31* Cljairfoti; (Sod Ijes be tjisx 3lufl o^titnanee, ^enD upon me tljiss fiaifiie fait uengeance. 30 lie fa falD na ma tuojdisj ttian tie talD, IBot tutnit DtJS 6afe, anD tip tlje gaifl tje ?ali3. Cfje Qiaiflei; faiD, 6eis ?our graee Done confaue, Clje fempill too?DtjJ tljat to ?oto fefiatoin 31 &aue Cfie (!Bmp?eour faiD toefll 31 perfaue t|je care, Cftat (Saltene toajs fetllit 65 gpoctajs. Co gpocrajJ quljat tjutt mtcljt it Ijaue 6ene, Cluljat Bveit fiiononv IjaD cum to (Saliene. Cfie Qgaifiet faiD it micfit lie euDe at alf, ($if gpocvad to feifenesJ fiaD 6ene tlj^alU Cljan (Saliene pevcl)anre micljt founD remeiD 3nD at tijat time ^e fulD not fufferit DeiD. Cfiairfoit 6ecau0 Dim felf fie 31U 31ntent EiUit anD put Doun tlje uertap 31nflrument Ciuljilfe toalD Daue fjim fuppojtit in tljijs fli;esJ, Ze map perfaue in H tS^ Oocljter of ane fixing, 3nD tfian ?ouc toife, qut)ilfe i0 ane gteitet t^tng 3In all mp tiapiss fuffeuit 31 not fie fctjame, 3ss 31 6a«f Done, ftn 31 fome to ?ota Ijame, anD euet maic ?e p?omeisi me ane menDixs, anD ass ?e Do, (5oD anD t&e tuatID it feenDiiS* Ct)e (!Bmp?eout faiD 31 toait not quDat to Do, II3o? to qul)at fiDe i0 befi to tutne me to. jFor Dag be Dag ^e feife mp ^onnijs DeiD, 9nD ijiss egaiflensJ, t&airof ttiag feik wmeiD. !^e ij5 mg ^one, tljat 3! beleue anD fenato, TBot 31 fan not tlje wtitit ^it fcDatu : CiutjiDDet 31 fall to ?oto gif mait twDence, Cljan tlje ^niQnisi toitlj all tljait gteit fnence 2>t tell ane taill quljilfe 31 tljink guDe anD faiv, anD tDag ane titl)ei% to ^ouvtjs ijs plat eontvair. Cfie (Bnmitt faiD tljat tl|i0 in tljt ueruag tljing CDat ttoubilliss mg Ijavt, (j caufiss mj? murning 'Berauss ^e gif tljame ag tDe mait eveDence, anD to t^m taill takisJ gveitet attenDenee, iraor to mg taill, qn&ilfe tellijJ tljt uetitie, CiuDilfe ?e fall faiv vepent '^it 0? ^e Die. anD in feto Dagig ^e toill get fie tetuairD, ass DiD ane living reflaue fta IjisJ ^teiuavD. CDe (ffimpjeout faiD, tljan tell me tljat taill fone Petcljance ^ouv toill tDaiteftec mag be Done. %cl)o faiD 31 fall begin \siittj Diligence, "Bot 31 ptag 50IB ta gif me auDience. aUitD peivt uifage anD eountenance ricDt Daill, . iSDn tljiss falToun began to tell Ijiv taill. %it 0? frljo get of Ijit; taill auDienre, ^nm SEAGES. 185 ^um tae \33iU fa^ of tt^t laQ taili j^aQ lience. fMORALITAS. ZE ttijfjj ptrfaue noiu jbttr rj-jprts <©f iDftnm tj&e grtft Sruftilne^, anti of ttiait ftpntft tje Sftttlnt^, an» {tjo anc (fluent ?8tr atofn jjrfuitit Hia confer, to ^aXime. at fd&ort to S(m 5ir mgntie Se« f(]Dah)(n arte 9Ktng ftjo ]&autng of fitr aiufn 9ne btj&er tut& Sot lat'tlte Itnainfn, atrt of tjt tubs ^at mong fu Urautjit^ tjajj Jaut irraioin, t]&at ftto own ftntto dFor ant time itio mon 6e f>;tttf£t Peratteittutt ftfto toill not We ft, .1^... 9£i noh) fcjo fall not bt eytufft, 3 fag for me, fP ©ttfn a« It finU t Je furlfe fa rufe ft, qufiat euer je it, SnU fct ffc quget jjauSt* outr $a^ anlf fum IJing fag of gpotraK Cjat fa fun of Snug Se biati, Sut tauS or qujjj (Cialfene |^e flein tj^at inai^ fa treto, tivoio pnre Snug. ^jpotrai cltnt 3 Dtftommenlr ©uer fn liart for ta pretentt ^a far to ^altene offenU, ni jb^m to fla 33ot j^e re^entft at Hi enK, tj^at it HiV in, Srje prtnn'pall taus ]&ttrof fintr 3( flTJbat gpotraiS Ijnlf fn greft 3nujj 9t <§altene, tBt« toa^ tj&c qu^g, tjat (Salient luaS i«afr firme anB (taiiill, m traft mafr abill, nor ^otvai. ^potraiS fttttr 5aue Jatt pTefonr Cliat (Salient gat onjjjbononr dFor ie toaS tSalteneiS ?3ottour, t]&afrfofr fag S( %t fulK l^aue iiornt to i>im fanonr, anV not Stnug. Sot (SoK of ]bf!$ grtft (fFquttte JSJffafti not tJotH ft't ijnpuntfft ht (@u]ben ^potrad toait (n jpofnt to Vie, all iii tnnnfng (HuXts not tjban it\$ Mm toort]^ ane tit, at |i(t$ tnUing. M. iiij. i86 fTHE SEVIN ^t into 5aK (flalfette itnt Xtumls, ^t tnTtt Jaue ]&elptt ]&iin fra ianlr, 33ot 5e totft hjeill it lna« t^e toan^f, tjat <5otf Jatf fentt ?&im fit "aiitrti, anU greit fttfeneS, t]&at nane fuXD tnenU, dTJe JttJ 3nujj anlf greft Jattcent, tirjat f)t 6alf to tfttii Snnotent CuTW not tft]&eh) t|&e puntttimtnt, of Seuin fa life iSuttf ^t^iti fag bjj atf ]&it» SJnup, Itetj (]^trUte. Knuj) antJ tjerftfe ar tontratc ffjag ran not fn ane plate repair <&tt|(afr tjf rttfe ii, ap ®oB tS tj&atr, foitBoutttn failf asnujj ixmi, anU i^ ener matr, SnttJ Iireif antt fiaiff- ast ii t]&t fountatnt ant( tjf flutJe (©f fcJbetiHtng of alf innocent fif uBf , 9nB iiS tontratr to aff gulft, anl« i« tje rute 3(nujj tjafrfoir faff neuer gfotr, of Sog tftt frnte. agttfttne Htftrfue^ 3nuu to it a man to Jaue ftart SniDartlie »rnfe ftiH 3n Same of fgre antr ntutr totll, f)t qnmtjft out, anlf jft tiiaa fajj it "Oaii na 3fl, to ground afiout. ©tt]bitft itll tunning men Irofo tompafr Co ane man Ij&at leutS euermair Zn fturt, Snug, anger anir tair, tontmuaTf tc 3n fprie fumes, iimfelf tonfume*, ajj ISntoartlie. 3nu})fulf men tompartt ma^; it Co ane Eipros man trcinlte, ^t toaftf all men toar feflt ajJ Je, euin fa tje Seufll aiSIanr nane Suar gutre, nor jit toeUI fulre, fau« ie ii euilf. CBatrfotr mjj SHorlrs antf refirarfs alf STufttlitng tijii point S trg anlT tail J^e to 3nuB je be not tiraXf, for otjt mas it,, dfor tie greit 3tortt CeleftiaTI, ii tjberitie. CAne SEAGES. 187 ^lAne laude and praife to the Fyft Doftour. PRVDENT, perfyte, expert Philofophour, Honour and praife be to the ding Doctour That hes ouirput this day fa perellous With tby fweit talk befoir the Empreour Qufaa kendiilit was in fell fyrie furour Contrair his Sone in mynde malitious, Be entyfing of his wyfe vennemous, But thow fra him with fair wordis and fanour Hes purchefl grace, quhill tyme mair profperous. f Inuidia diaboli mors intrauit in orbem. Sapi. 2. fiThe Sext Taill of the Emprice. BCfoft tfjtjs time tWv iaajs ane mitljtit fittng lP?|)Defun tn Ijavt, anD j^jouO alione all tfjfng IDe toajj fa fjeiclj anD pt^tntuU tn Ijid ttjoctjt, an ntttn men &e fet t^mxt tltnt at nocljt, C^t!3 filing Ije mtljt all iRome tot to Deftrop, CDe iRomanijs fla, anD tltn to ronuop Co Ijtjs fiitngDome, tfie tiefD fianijs of tDic ttuo, PetPt anD Paull> tottlj monp JReltcfejS mo. Co toaifi tijat toun, anD put tt all to fatfe, 15ot fiiss purpoiss toajs fum ttjtng j^nt aliab» .llntill tjiss fare toa0 fa Diffiguralt, 3In fie ane fojt, tfiat euede feiuDe of fiatt, abfjomt fa, Ijijj ugfum foull utfage, C&at nane eouet to tufteDe fjtss petfonage. ^a DanDtllxt toae tuUD fie 31nfiemttie, 2aittlj ILtppernejJ, ane foullet nane eulD fie. %it W nature tafjs on fjfm tuitlj fie tage, Co Ijaue toemen De gaue ane gteit eurage. ^a rallit fje i^ia %tetoarD qupetHe, anD fcDeto to Dim fjijj rounfall feeteitHe. Paging mp fteinD, t^i$ t&ing 31 toil ?ot» fr^ato 9H toemen fetnDe afifioatiss me ajj ?e fenato, i88 HTHE SEVIN C&at 31 tati 5^t of tljame na tompame, Ciuljilb gif 31 IjaU, toat gtrit j^lefuve to mr, ^e faiti mg JLojD anti pleijs ?out JI3obill grace, ^oiofiett ?e fie tefojmit in tlje face: Xt Daue aneucD of guDe mone^ anti golti, jFo? to contuce t&e fatrefi on tfte Q^old, Ctjattfotv 31 fa^ ?e neiJj not in na fo?t jSDf fait iuemen to toant tfie gteit comfojt* C&an faiij t&e l^ing fe fo? na coifl ^e fpait;, Co get me ane tDat ijj fiaicljt fwfcfie anD fait: J!)otoIJeit ?e gif ane t&onfanti CtotonesJ tliaitfoir 3nti 02 31 iwant ?e fall gif niefeill moit. C&e ^tetuatt faiti 31 fall Oo t&at 3! map, Co fill ?ont toill, anU fa fie come iiu toap, Cfiinfeing in minDe filintiit toitD couetife Cfiit tDoufanb CtotonjS map 31 gft on tljiiS toife a2:tin to mj? fell, anb to mg toife alone, anD fa Ijametoatt to fjisJ toife ij5 fie gone. Cinfia toass ricfit fair, Iiotofum toitfi all lietotie, ©ertcouS anti gntie, ticfit plefanD fo? to fe, p?ut>ent, jerfite, toitfi countenance ricfit glaiO, 2i33itfi couetouss fiart to fiir tfiir too?Oijs fie faiD, j© mg gutie toife, mp ^ouetane JLojD tfie l^ing 3^ess cfiargeit me toitfi ane ticfit fecreit tfiing: Co fiaue toemen fie in ticfit couetouiS, at fiijs plefute, anO toonbet befitoud, IXufiilfess foa na coift fie fapijj fie toill not toant, anti cfiatgeis me ane tfioufanD Ctotonss to gtant Co onp petfoun tfiat toill tfie fame teflaue, IBot fo2 ane nicfit toitfi fiim fiit fo? to fiaue. Cfiaitfoit in mintie mp felf 31 fiaue compefi, 'Betuit ujs ttoa, 3! tfiinfe tfii0 6e tfie 6efi Cfie tfioufanti Ctotonis to j^utcfied to out fell, $a SEAGES. 189 ^a ^e toill Jjfe, anti foUoto mg founfell. ^cljo tiaiti guDe ^cljiv ^our tounfall 3t toill tio %a to na Qn noj frDaiue it tuvne me to. ^e faiD ?e (all pass to t&e iBltngt^ lieD, £Xul}ilb ijJ tottJ] (ilk and rIaitD of golti ouwfpieti anU tSair aU n(f&t I5 tuttj^ fjtui qugetlte, at fjtjs ple(ut:e, ajs Df ttjtnfeiss 6efl to fie. Cljat it tjs ?e, tfjait* tsj na man (all feen, 'Bot 3 alone, ttje qu^ilb adone all men ^ulJj (atf ?ouu fcljame anti alss ^ouv Ijoneftte, Cljaivfoiv 30 (fijame to ?ol» it ran not fie. ailace ((Do (a^i0 guDe ^t'^it is tDat 5011V toill, 15^ ^out fioOie, m^ ujomanDeib to (jjtll: QjQitlj ane Hippev, and fa defojmit in face, ^ctjir cljange ^ouv minde fo? Dim tljat gaue all 3 tuait it 10 noutDet ?onr tDocftt no? minCi (grace Co fie ane DeiD mp Datt fo| to 31nelint>* IBot me to pieif, anO to tempt mg 31ntent, ®if 31 tSattto toald onp fo?t confent. S) m^ guDe toife fiotofieit fie llippet fie 9nti in t&e face tiefo?mtt axs ?e fe, and foull of flefc&e, and alfo foull of filude, Xit tljan tlje gold in toondet fiueit and gude. ^cDo fatd agane mg ftoeit Suffiand pet(aue IDoVofieit tlie gold fie gude and ftueit to Dane, and ttioctjt ge tuav ttie clenefi man tljaitout, 9@ata fair of face, gentill, convtejs and flout* ^ald ?e tljat 31 committtt fie ane fin, aganiss mp oio ietufj: tijs ttoap ^all neuet be ane blpttlj no? 3Ic?fun tiap, IBot euei; matr in elj^dtng anD tn gteif, duljilfe at tDe lall toill turne to ane nuCcljeif, IKnato ?e not toefll to tlje l^trb qufien ?e toent, %e fiwoft |e fulti 6e ap oteDtent, Co me alone, ass tuedlofe ujs tjedairijs* Ze ^cDtv fcl)o faiD tn all lefull effaidjJ : jI3ot ttfplcfing mp mafeet l^ing of l^tngtsJ, 31 toill otiej? ?oto in all utDev tDinglss. 31 ?oto rommand fie tietteto of ttjat aftS, jCinljilfe fo? to bveb ?e fulO fie toonDer laftS. ConfiDDeung it isJ mp minDe anti toill, ClOftljout ganefag mj? fiiDDing ?e fulfill, and to tlje fame deljt fone tljat ?e ronfent ©I 31 auoto vicljt fair ?e fall tej^ent, 3n tlje mean time aj$ |je tj^iv tooaditf fo&etw, £»ut of Ijijs fcfieitft fiijs quftin^av furtfi tje Djeto. ^rfio ttimfiling faii; fo? gteit DjedOour and feir JFurtlj of tljat fieiD ane flep fcDo DutU not fieit, Perfautng tueill tjijj etueltie anD fioifi, anti in gteit Oout fjir life fo? to fie loift, CSe 3Impatienee anb tlje gteit gte&pnejs, Clje auell mintie and aljj tlje etafiitnesJ Of tljiis 3111 man tljijJ tooman Did attenD, Ciugilk in na fojt no^ falToun mid amend* ®cljo toajs ronfitanit quljat fo? ti?eDDout f ato, JFo? to eonfent to IjiiS rommand and fato» ^e^o faid gude man |out fiidding 31 "ion do, 15ot SEAGES. 191 TBot greit ©ob fenatuisj gif mj toUI 6e tliawto. IBot 31 apjjetll fra all ronfent of fin, Cfiat ma^ follotp, o| tn tljfjj face turn in, and on ?out felf all Ijaill 31 la? tlje tfiarge, and ficfoii; <3oh tljaitof 31 mc difcljargc. Cljan tljt ^tmatt hut on? tatting ]Paa in all DaiQ and fatd Dnto ttjt l^tng: 3f ijaue ?oto gottin ane toonian xicitt famoujs, (dentin, touttcjs, and rum of ane gude Ijoujs* JFaft and ioeill fauouttt, vuljt 3^Iefand fo? to ft, and Crt)o mon mm to ?olu xic^t qn^ttlit: aBitljtn tlje nif^t fcfio mon tum lait at eine, 'Bot me alone, \3jitt3 nane fcDo twill ht ftne airlie at mo?ne fiefoiv tDe ^one v?fing, jFta 50to firltfee fcljo mon mak departing. Jfoi tl)i0 ftljo taiill ane tBoufand CrotonejJ ftaue, and fo? payment Sot me nane loill ft&o aaue, Cfjan faid tlje Eing of t^at 3[ am content, ass je Ijaue done tljairto 31 toeill ronfent* Wiit^onttin mait tlje ^tetoatt ge iit& led IDijj atuin fpoufit toife unto tljt fSiixiQisi fied, and \3}itii tDe fee? tlje dure Ije bt& maid faC, 'But on? no?i3S, and fa IjijS toa? i& pafl. airlie at mojne in datoing of tlje da?: Clje ^tetoavd taisJ, and to tlje fiitng ran fa?, 90? ^ouetane iLo?d u pleijj ?out JSobill gtare 3It toill lie da? tuitDin ane p^ettie fpare« 31 tljinfe it gude tDat tooman ^e let go, jFo? 31 p?ometli tljat ^out grace fuld do fo. Cljan faid tDe i^ing tDiiS iuoman plefijs me %a toondet loeill a0 ^it tjii; rompanie, 31 toill not toant nout^er fo? gold noa geir, C&iss Ijouu to rum H toill not let ftit Oeir. 192 fTHE SEVIN jSDiufjen fje tfjat fiavti, fje tuajs tuDt toonDet; too 3ni5 fra tDe Oure toitfj fojie Ijaut tJid go. ajKittjtn mt quljtle 6ut tacj? come agane, 9nt> to tljt MnQ Ije fatD ^cljit; fo? rertane, Clje Da^ isJ licfit, anD t^at tooman picfent, and toitfj tfje folfe fdjo toill fie fcljainelie fc&ent 3nD in|j j??omeijS to tjtt qupte 3! tiaue 6?obin. JFo? not feeiping to B« ttjat 31 fiaue fjjobtn, C&an faiD tjje l^tng, na toap ^tt fall frDo j^asJ, JFo? ftjjo fall Dane of me qiiftat fcljo toill as* Ctjatvfoft ^tetoatt 31 fa? to foto tn plane, (So pa0 ?our toap anD lofe tlie dute agane* C&e ^tetoaut tljan titljt fojuotofull tn fjart, 93jion neiO tout to tlie dute did depart* C^ent I3p and doun, and toiQ not qutjat to fa?, Cfje %one toass tjeielj, and toeill gane of ?' dap, gie come agane and faid unto ttje IBiing, 3[t i35 ttoa Ijouvijs eftet t&e ^one tiling Cfiat tooman toill fie fcljent toitfiouttin dout, ^itlj all tlje folfe and pepill Ijeit afiout. Ctje i^ing anftoetit, natljing of IjUn content, 3f ?oto command tDat ?e |our felf afifent: 2Into t6e time tDat 31 pleiss fo? to tife, Jfo? untequ?2it ?e Dane me ttoufilit tb?ife, and m? plefute ijs toitD tfjijs eompanie* Ctjaitfoic pa0 on, at tljijs time let me fie. C&e ^tetoavtie Datt gif it toajs tlian on Ceic, 3)5 31 fieleue tljait neidijs na man to fpeit* Zit not tlje lejs fje culd not feeip rounfell, JFo? all lji55 \siit lie toald difctine Ijiin felU 3incontinent toitDout matt aupfing, mitlj fo?ie Ijatt Ijt faid unto tlje i^ing. © m? gude !Lo?d, 31 oppin to ^oto m? ^mU Cfjat SEAGES. 193 C6at 3IIb tooman ?e totll not tfioill tiepatt Witijont luence, fcSo tjs 1115 mWt totft, Boto in ?ouv DanUjs Ipijs liait& mj Oeiti and life, Cl)P fetng fjauti tDat, $ tDoc&t all toajj not xit^t Optntt totnDotjS anD fatu tlje fate Dag Itc&t, @)ato tlje tooman qulja toasx luflie tn face, 9ne too^ti not fpak ane Patec noQei; fpaee, ^tne fato it toasJ eutn ass tDe ^trtoatt fatD, £Xutjaltof Ije iuaS dc&t fo?ie and not glafU* jClufiome to De faiO, 2D tijouj mailJ fcljamefuH IDoiu Jjutft tDoto fie fa pewt me to Otffaif. (fenaif 3nti me to cauis tDg toife fo? to abufe, Cljp Qxtiiit fjatt t&p felf ft fall eonfufe. duBj) Ijejs tljota taufit ttjp totfe untwillinslit Cum f n mp beD to me untoittantilte* JFo? ane fmall fotome of monep anti rictjejj Co ffj^ame tlj^ felf fo? tDg gteit gvetignejj* iineto tljotu not tueill toitjouttin ong fabfll, 9@5 malaJJie toajs euev 3Incwi^alJtll Cfjat luasJ in tlje tljoto &ejs Done 31 tieclafr, CDi? felf, tljp toife, to ttnOo euet mair. Ctjatvfoit pass fto^itft tn Datfl out of itip ficljt, lI3o? tn mg tealme t^at tljoto fiptie not font ntrfjt 3nti fra fjence fut:tlj gff euet 31 mag tlje fie, 3ne ftljamefull OetD 31 auoio tl)otw fall Die* 3[neonttnent Ije pafl fva j^ijs p?efence, and neuet fato tijt l^tng ft;a tljat time fjence. Clugte of ^ijs Kealme fea tDame fje Did fiim daejs Cftat 3!lfe tetoaird De gat fo? gtedpnejj. Cfiiss lieing done, tDe l^ing in all Ijisi dagitf, IDeld t)p tljijs toife, ajs tfie tjifto?te fapijs: 3[n gveit iuojfcDip, and gaue to fjir ^citlie, ane fotume of gold to keip tjtt^ goneQlie* 194 fTHE SEVIN (Btttt ttjat time 31 tio not finb no? uiH anitlj tfttjs tuonian tfiat fie Dab actual tiexD, ^one efter tW tlje Etng caufit to fonuene 2int Quit armie all fleD in armouv tlene, aBttfi gveit ^utflance anD nobtllmen of luet't, 3In all effatvJsJ, asJ to tliame tulD effetr* anti toent to Eome mftfi ^tit potoet f mtcfit Co feige tlie fame tlje gait tfiap IjelD on ticljt, 9nD fa tliag OiD it feige on atDer fptie, Cfiat t&e Eomanis durfl not tfiairin abgtie* l^e feigeit it flill fa fab and toonDet fait, Cljat tljap toitDin micljt it DefenU na mair. %a at tlje lafl to ane rounfall tljap toent, Cljinfeiug pai toalD tuitD g* J^ing tafe pointment Clufiilfe toaiES foi till Deliuer tjim at anijJ ©f Ipetet anb j^aull tlje blifl liotiie anb fianiis, Ciuljilfe tuais tfie raujs of Diss greit eranb tljaic jFot to obtene ttjt fame toitfjouttin mait* 3in tlje €ittit t&an tljaiv toajs Gill p?efent ^euin toife ^ai0eri0 tfiat fiab tfie iaegiment, Of all tfie toun, anb natfiing 65 tfiame bone, aitlie at mo?ne, at euin no? "^it at none, anb to tfiir feuin tfie Cieti?anijJ tome to, anb faib Q^aifletixJ gteit tfiing toe fiaue abo» Wt at fomijellit fie f o^re of ?one avmie Sot to gif ouit anb ranbet tfie €ittit dnto tfiit folkijs qufiilk at out enemeiss, ffl)? ellijj (01 to beliuet tfie fiobeijs: ©f gube Petet, anb PauU fiiss fialie fiiotfiet, ©n fo?fe toe mon tfie ane bo 01 tfie utfiet. Cfie fitfi a^aiflet agane to tfiame fie faib, 905 gube niffitfioutijs tab na feit fiot fie glaib. asj foa tfiijs bap tfie Cietie 3! fall faue, aaiitfi SEAGES. 195 ^ttl) ti\t toiftidme and tunnitts f^tit 31 !)aue, Cfje fMund fafd, tDe ntjct tiap falliss me, JFta enemeiss fo? to feeip tlje Cietir, 2jllttij m^ tDtfOoine, anD al0 m^ tltit cunnfng, JFo? all tljt OventD of ?one gt^fit jjutflant ifttng. ^a titti tj^e tljiia^ and foutt taitDoutttn dout, Clje fpft, t&P fept, ttcDt fa t^e fcutnt all out, 31n like manet ajj ttjtt feiun a^afftetss noto, ©nto ?out ©one liejs p?ometfl Do tottD ?otu, 3in tW meane time tljt Eing eaufit Diss 3umie Ha^ ane aflfault about tge gtett Cietie. 2J0itli fie atofull anD rruell a5unttfoun, Ctuljill tlja^ toat like fo? to obtene tljt toun, C&e fitft ^aiflet tlian De eome to tlje i^ing, 2nD toitj^ ^im fell in talk anD eommoning. 3nD talkit fa in fie manet anD toife, ajj fo? tljat Dag De gatt fitss 3vmie rife, 3nD fra tlje toun ttjt %tiQt aliak fje D?eto, 3js foi tDat Dap na mait tDag DiD petfeto* TBot on tDe mo?ne tlje ©eige agane tliag laiD, C^e ntrt 90aifier j?afl to tlje i^fng anD faiD 3In like manet asJ tlje iJtljei; liefoif, 0nD fta tljat Dap ttjap feigeit ttjt toun no moit* ©a DiD tljap all, quljill it eome to tfie lafl, £Dn t&e feuint Dag tljap feigeit t&e toun fa fall, 31t toajj beleuit tDe fame tljap tualD olitene, Cfjan all tjbe toun togiDDev DiD conuene. 311 in ane noire to tlje feuint ^aiOet faiD, 96out tlje toun fa fltang ane feige iss laiD, Cgat tue lieleue nattjing l&ot etuell DeiD* aaaitljout tljat ?e finD fum fielp anD vemeiD; Confo?me to tlje fagingiKJ ?e faiD hut Dout, C^at toajj 3ilfe ane to faif jour Dag aliout* N.j. 196 IfTHE SEVIN anij tue w all 3fnfo?mtt of (nutu, CI)e l^ins ^t$ inaio iiia atti) folempnttlte, f^t fall not m& Ijisi ftige no? 8i©uttitioun, 6nto tljt time tDat j^e o6tene tijt toun. Co 5otu S^m^tt noiu toe can fajp no nioiv, saje toalD ?e MD ajs ?out; fellotoiiss fiefotr, Ciuliome to Ije fatti, mp frefndijs tafe ?e na fetr, IBt of romfo?t, antj 3[lk ane mak guDe t^tit* Cfte moine fall 31 tottlj mg toatU anD funntng ^baill all ?one Boifl, anD alfo fwp tfje Btng» J^e falbe fane fo? all Ijiss gvett puiflanee, Co pajs atoap tuttlj 5ti5 greit 2D?tJinance, Cljaj) iuent tftatc toap, f na mait tuife tn ttjoe&t 'Bot all meruellt't Doto fie tljtng cnlD be tojoc&t Cfje mo?ne airlte tlje feige toa0 tonfitnilt, Co Ijaue tlje toun alfo tlje l^tng Detetmit* ^IjiS fcuint ^aiflec to Ijijs Cljalmev Ijt tuent, anD cleD fjtm in ane nice abil^ement. ag Pacofb taillijS, anD feDDetisS of all fein Ijeto, Pai;t reiD, patt qiiljite, j^att ^alloto gvtne $ bleto ane bviclit Diaiuin fttiojD De tuife in eueuie ^anD ©n ane Coti3?e IjeiD fje pafi Dp fo? to fianD. Ciuliilfe toass maifl Ijeitli of all t&e Daill €ittit, jro?nenti0 tlje fioifl, tljat tDag mirljt all &im fe, Clje ttua bjicljt ftoojDiiS into IjifS moutl) tje tuife Cfje fame fcljjnanD, upon t^e atmie fcljuife. Ciufjiliss tutniis eifi, anD utljet quljilid toefl* IXuljplsS foutlj, quljplss nortS, quDaiv pai mieljt fe C6e fcfiinaD ftuoiDiiS aganisJ 5* fone fa blet (^i bed ©Hitlj IjiS rleit^ing anD fli;ange abil^ement* Cljag in t^e Joifl tU'^t toeill anD tleirlie fato, 'Bot qufjat it toajS na man of tliame DiD fenato. 911 tlje gt^eit ILoiDijJ quDen tDag befielD fie tfiing, IDalf SEAGES. 197 JDaie in effraj? t&ap jafl all to tljt Mm' and fatJ) © ILojti, lieDalD Ujiott ?one Coiujc CaJe fe t&tjx Dap ane tuoiiDerfuU JFtgouv* Cfjan fatD tDe ming tDe fame 31 t>o peufaue, IBot quljat tt tjj, na bnatuleDs^ 31 tan Ijmt, CDag fato toe fenato qu&at tDins it ijJ but Dout 3t tss 31efusJ Doun of tlje Ijmin come out: jduDilfe tss tlje <5oti of all ?one Cljjifiin folfe, 9nD bnatoijJ dcljt toeill Doto tDat toe Do ^louofe J^tjJ atofum 31tf, anD tjoto toe Do pjetenD Co Oa Ijtjs folfe, tlje quljtlfe &e toill DefenD* %one famin ftoojDss t&at ?e fe frljintns fa, C^aj) figmfie 3111$ ane t&aj toill ujs fla, »Sif toe langet into t^iss feilD abgDe, SDuv counfall ijs tljaitfoit fiame tljat toe rpDe. Clje filing Deiving trimblit fov uetuap fetv, <3att vaiss Diss Doifl anD all DiJS men of toeit: anD faiD it isJ bttttt in time toe fle, JI301 ?one tljaiv (SoD toitD Diss ftoojDjs gartttjs Die Cljan all ttjt Doift in tjaift tljap maiD tlje ijame jTtaptt toit^out cauji, to* mefeill fco?ne n fc&ame iJ)otoljeit to fle na pei;tell toasJ no? neiD, OBot all Diflait be tlje 9@aiOei;i0 falsJ DeiD. IXuljen tlje iRomanisS petfauit tlje at:mie fle, 3ilfe ane tljag Jfcljit, anD pafl of ttjt Cietie* Caiitlj manlie tjatt anD guDelie countenance, jFollotoit tlje i^ing foi all W ©jDinance, ^leto anD Deflvopit all tDat t&ap pletit tDat Dag anD quljome tDag lift captiue jgai &?ocljt atoaj? anD fa tDe l^ing anD all IjijJ gt'eit atmie TBjocljt toajs to grounD fie tDe gveit fubteltie fl)f tljtss 0©aiflei-, qulja to?oc&t all fie Difl'ait, CDat toitD votoet; na manev culD Defiait* N. ij. 198 1FTHE SEVIN CClie dBnmitt tgan faiD to t^t &t itfng fitgpXtt, 3 fa$ for me Je pXaptt tjc Itnaue. «r]&at Ui afofn iaufe, firft fpKt Jir f jjfe, tn» fjjtte itr fauH iot'tS StiWlte ftir, JFU ^tcfoart fg, toasJ ti)at tjg qujj?, J^a fulift]<e gefr for to ioitt fSEitB fouettte, antt auarfw, at fii ane faTjf gait ttr iegtn dFor j3:rrt^nes to iutn rujeif, ©ttfr monu to tje Sfuifl Soaftf rin. 33c tommottn tjt'ft, fum waitfe tjair ftjift, 3n tj&fe ioarlK quStU tj&air Igfe 6e tnUtt, STo plufe tje yurf tjag taft na ture, (fBiula l^cit na ^oiutr to Hefentf ft. BKta retffe ant» rnggi^, fum SraiBtj* anB Brugsf^, QnU jfurjiofiS nmtx tts amenti it, 38ot qiiitn it^ Sotn, feto of jour Itfn, ^or jtt jour fflf pertjante faff iftatt it. ^a touttou^, anH »tfgrou« mU^ ^ttinart inai^ golV for to Sofn, ?Se tafrtt notjt, for to linm firotjt 1|t« iDMfe to ttSamt antf iftiirtfi ftn. ©uSftfiffr i)t gat tt, or norjt f eto toaft ft dTor fra it anU ii)t Bing tsin ttot« aSn »eitf 3 troto, to fag to joto, ^e j^aK ane btjbtr inoib to fjitn. ?Se tjargett ina«, f uttj for to piS (©ut of tj&e ISfalme or fietonfounS Wi atoin fat fet, fnairit Jim in ntt, ma "iftHf till iifmfrif »ia reSountf. Hot quj&a faalB maft ant Jappg pait ^e falfet tjiatrtn ht not fonnlr a.ah3tie anir Xft{)t, ftjatoi's au tje rft^t, ©n greH^nfS malt not jour grounlr. fAuaritia eft inordinatas amor babendi, tullius. N. luj. 202 HTHE SEVIN 9i to t]&isS Itfng tjat lag fefgfng, anti toaS £a fragit for |3aro& taiUt% 9ntr ttoa irttljt fiuorKt^, h)ttj& lum baiite inortlttf. tMii^ant matr £ftatt]& bt^ annie iMiUi», Wi Camp to rat^, anU falo feiu {at% 3 t]&Cn6 t^ag ioar Iiot fntflanlf inniUig CJe ^ottngatr tafeiis IgttlT tair ffo tare tje man tjat nat^tng afllfe, ane ISfng fultf ag, at fft afCafi ?Baue ane fa» tounfall itm heipVe, i^txt^anct ane frag map ma& |)tm praji 8tna gar liita He quj^tn it fultJ bgtJe, IBaft banttei^, grountitt faitt]^ Uii, at an ttmeti jc fulti let oufrnjjBe 38e f{rcumfpelt, anb m Bte «e& aj5 baue ane (Kg all time anir tplfe, !^a(ftfe tretfente tfofe greft offenre, <5(f {t it in ane Conquerour, jaicbt toetll fttltf j&c, autfit fie, Co etterte tafll to gtue anffacr. 3ntrcit \)ii %ottsii, as toetll attorlffe CTJian tjau totll ferue Jim toitb jbonour 81SH[ft]& iil^itl) htfage, gar yag IjiiS toage, ^t tall triumpijc anB lie bittour. fBatf 5e fa ttont, not Jalf fa font f^e Jatt not bene fa Ittj&tlte tj&afft 38ot tj&e Sottour, bpon tje STotorc iSlattr ]^{m out of i)i t^^if onp man Ijijs life." Co tio fif tljins of (25oti 3[ CanD fie ato, 3nD alss it in eonttair tlje U^fngijJ lato. 3ni) 31 dout not gif fie ane t&ing to at: Done, 2i©itljouttin Dout it fulD fie fenatoin fone« CtuoO ftfjo feir not, tfie DeiD 31 tafe on ftanD, Co enD it fnttlj j^eirtlie tljair at fall fianD, anD qugen ge l)at:D ttie tatll tljan tDat fcgo talD, 3It maid tj^e man mait |^at;Die and fiald. ^a fie eounfall of tljijs 311 toifes 3(ntent, ^eljo eaufit t&ijj f^nit^t to tljat flancljter eonfet Cljiss 311 tooman qu^en eumin toajs tfie nieljt, 3fncontinent fcljo fend foa t^t fttfl Enic&t. CIBut maic afiaid unto tfte ^et eome 6e, ajs 5e tljocljt fiefl, fenobit t:ictit qupetlie. Cljan anftoetit ftljo, and at Ijim ran frDo fpeit, IDaue |e not fi?orljt t^e l)und?etlj jTlojenis Ijeit.-' IBnt dout (faid &e) 3[ &aue tljame Ijeii; piefent, Cljan frljo undid t^e ?et 3urontinent. 30 6e rome in, and entet;it at tfie ?et, Cgan SEAGES. 207 Cljan 6tt tjufband fie ane flraife on fjtm fet, Without mair talfe, 6ot ftfjoitlte toit^ Ijiss ftooiti ($aue gim fie toappf^ tgat ge fpab neurt U)02ti« ^itg tge ktnnii ge dtD tge Camin sfre> atiD toftlj ttie tfj?tti iiz plaiD on tlje fame toife. Co ane fwtett Cfialmct tljatt fioOetss D^cto, Cfjat nane fulti fenato tljat 5e ong man fletn. CDan faiti ge tiame gf 6 tgaft iioDeiiS 6e founti Within t^i$ place, o? ^it toit^fn tD^JJ etounD. Ht fall not faill 6ot toe tDaftfott fall Hit C^e maifi tjple DefD tfjat can Simafifnit fie. Cfiag toill fie nufi into ttje Court fiut tout, and tofll fie forfjt In all tljit; pattfss afiout. ^rljo faiO QuHt ^cljtt, tfiijs tparb fitfl 31 fiegan Co end tfiat 31lfe xit^t toondeu toeill 31 fan. ^5 3Iop feit not, aj3 31 faid ?oto fiefoft, JFo? 31 fan d^ess fie tfjfng and it toat moit. ^^i$ ladg Ijad into tlje fame Cietie, ane gentill man, and Ijit fijottjet toajj 6e: Ctugilb in tge toun tge siding gad to beip, £Duit all t&e toatclje, tfjat t&ap na tuag fuld fleip ^a on ane nirfit ajj tje pafl tljioto tfje flteit, at gir atoin ?et Ijit fijotger mid fctio meit. ane fecteit tl)ing (quod fcgo) mp deir fi?ot6et;> 3[ mon ?otu frDato, as note to nane utfjer. Cfjan enterit ije and tlje ftnieljt &iu guffiand, ajQelmmit fiim toeill, and tuife gim fie tlje tjand Calkit at lentg and mitrelie d^ank ti^t luine, and tljan tlje l^nic&t fatd to Ijir fijotljet fine, TBjotget; (faid &e) ncfit Dattlie 31 Inquire, ©f ?out f ounfall rirljt greitlie 31 tiefire Co Ijaue tj^e fame, fo? tljairof 31 Ijaue neid. ^ir fiiotfier faid, tretolie fa (^od me fpeid. ao8 1FTHE SEVIN 3t mp potuer, mp roimfall and gutie tljortjt, Xt fall not tnant, an& t^airin Oout ^e noc&t ^t^o faiU hyxt^tt tljt0 tsJ t&e tiruap care, %fIlet;Daj) lall tftafc come unto out place, ^nfeenO fie tijj, ane fjonefl nofitll i&mcfjt. £Xu6ome toe Sfntreitit tlje fieQ maner toe mfc&t, anD fa fie chance fte fell in atgunient jCtuftaitat mp j^uffianO Untie natj^tng content, 3t lafl Ije tan fa fjetclj in uf lame, Ciu^at tualti ?e matt mp ^uffianD gatt fttm tn'e* anti flill &e 15x0 into ane Cljalmet liiO, Co na petfoun a0 ?it iis fenaujin no? fefti, 3nt» toe Sane nane to Oo fo? us a0 noto CljiKJ gteit matet foj to conuog fiot ?oto. ($if ije fie fountJ toiti fijs ajj cfiance maj fie, 3|t tuill not faill, fiut tiout toe tofll fiaitg tit, 9nti fa Ccfto maifi fiot menttoun of ane Kntc&t, ll3ot fcftatoing fiim tlje uctttie no? ticljt, J^tt fijot&et faiD Ueltuet Dim to me, 31 fall &im fieit in ane feb to t^e fe» ^c^o 6«ting t&at toa0 toobet filpitlj anb glaiiJ Deliuetit tjim tlje OeiD i^ntcljt ajs fcljo fatO, 3nti tlje Ijte gait to tfje fe^ Ije ijs pafl mitU m Deiti mnit^U and tliaitin tiiD Dim cafl. C&iss fieing bone, to lji0 fiftet &e faiO, Zt at noto qnpte of ?one tfiaitfoit fie glaib* ass ?e tieiitit tjijj matet noto isJ ti?e0, Boto fill tfte toine let ujj tijinfe of tlje fieff. C&at fall ?e Sane (quoO fcj&o) tuitfi mittie cfieit, Wiit^ all out fjattijs t&e fiett tfiat toe fjaue Ijeit* Co tDe C&almet in all Ijaifl paft fcjjo fine, ass it ijaD fiene fo? to j^aue fi^ocDt Dim toine, anti tDan fiegoutD toitD ane touO Doice to ctp, ©Oeit SEAGES. 209 ffl) iitit htotljn victjt tuonbet ftapU am 31 Cfie fame 31lb l^nicbt t&at ?e feeft tn t&e ft, 3[n our C&almer agane is cnm to me» Cfian I)tt: iJjotljet tljatrof Dati ffteit merueH, Clufjcu tljat Ijc &acD DtsJ fiCtet fa fjim tell. 3nti 31 ttaifl tDat tljair ran not fie fie tfifng, %it not t&e lejs agane to me fttm fijing* 31 fan Ijim put t)e fall not nun agane, ^ot GUI fo2 ap 31 toait fie fall temane. ^e band Dim fafl unto ane Mt^n fek, ^Ul) ane grett fiane ItinganD about W nek* Cfje nijct l^ntrtjt tulfe, feeleuing tfjat it toajs Cfje fitfl DeiD filnuljt anO to ttje fep tan pasJ, (Upon Bfjs 6a6, t^e ^te gait mafeis tit^t 0nti tgatt fiut mait cafiiss in tge fecunD Emrtit, Clian fome 5e fiame to &tjs fitter and fatD, ll^a mair ^e fall tottt) ^one i^mrlit lie afiratb: iFo? fte is tafi into t^e fej? fa far, Cfiat toeill 31 toait Ije fall neuer mm nar, C&airfoir fill tofne, anO let djj iirinfe about, iFoi of ?one l&nifljt 31 put ?oto out of tiout. Co Sir Cfialmer to fetcfje toine folio did fane, Wit^ ane louti boice fo^o crpit fragitlie agane. © mp baotljer tfie i^nirfit 31 fa? ?ota fure, jduljome ^e DiO O?otone, ijs in mg Cljalmer flure ^0 be to me, 31 biait not qugat to fa^, jFo? be na meane fje toill not bpde atoaj. C^e biotljer fiarb, anb faib qu^at beuill ijJ tfiiis C&at berrap l^nicfit De iss fum bjitcfje 3| bjtjs 31 fiaue tiim bjobinit ttua findn'e times but bout 3nb ap agane of tlje ftp tumijJ out. %it tlje t^^iti time beliuer ijtm to me, anb 31 na mair fall cafi Ijim in t&e ft: 2IO IfTHE SEVIN IBot 31 fall butnt tjtss Iiani0 into ane fite. IBtnt^tt (faiD fr&o) t&at famf t&ing 31 Delite, Cfjan fffjo OeHuerft tlje latt f^nit^t of tfte tlj?e, and Ut htlmit it tuajJ t^e flt;fl tretolte, ^a t^t tiititi f^nit^t atoa^ tuftD fjim iejs tane l^natatng nattting liot all t^tt gati bene ane, 2iaitfjout tlje toun ane niple fta tlje Ciette, 31n ane JFo?efl a gteit fite fitggit tje, and tlje t&?id Enicj^t tftaidn &e feefl to 6urne, IBeleuing toetll Ije Bad done ane gude tutne Cfiat jiut atoag tfje ucvraj? 3I«fit;ument Cftat tuasJ alif II W fitter to fiaue fcfient. C&fsJ detd l^nw&t d?tnt, tfiat nt\)tv dtd tjim fpetd ass 6eeumi0 all, to do fjtss natutall detd. Up fta ttje fire lie pafi ane {lotufctiot fpate 3Into ttje tood to do fie liefinej3. and fa it t&ancit tljat famtn nervaj? nfe^t, Come tfjtotu t&e tood r^dand ane utfjet i^nit^t, jduBilfe Ijad ane trptft tfie mo?ne in t^e €ittit, at ane '31ufiins tljaf t &tm fie^ude to be. JFoa Mitt^nta tua0 fiattft gjoungtte and cald. ^e blent about, and tge fire mid begald. ^fm to refrefrlje Ijtdder fje raid t&airto, iBot Be toifi not quBat Ijad bene tftair ado, lj)e lifljttt doun, fenit lji0 Bo?0 to ane tre, and to tfie fire incontinent pall Ije, Co tuarnie IjiiS gando, and to comfort Bi0 (oj$, and fo? ane quljile to refl fjiss tg'jit f)O?0. Cljan tlje fame fenieljt t^at tuajs 5* toomanss bio- Come to tfie fire agane and fato ane utljer (tljer ^tand at t^e fire, qufjome to Be fald in Ijp, CXuljat map tijoto be. Be faid ane i^nieBt am % Cluod Be agane 31 tnait tBotoj art na i^nlrBt, CBotu SEAGES. 211 Cfioto art ane Ueutll, tljat toeiU 31 toatt full tic^t Ctoife 3[ tlje diotonft, t^t fitfi time tit ane ftk, Cfie fccunD time ane grett ftane at tij? neb. anO notu t&?tDIie, 31 ftjtnt t^e tn tljtss fice, anti ?tt to Hit me tpink t&oto ixiiU not tite. Wlu tt)otD ttje deutlC, and alis tDe DeutUtis Dam €>? 31 toat fumerit tuttlj tfje fa ajs 31 ant, 31 tatBec liutne tlje ten times? in ane fire, Ctj5 fjo^ss t|j5 felf, liait& fiotofe fianisJ anD lire. 3jj Be fa faiti, in l)ij$ armejj fje liim tuife, 3In miDDisJ t&e fire fje feefl Dim in tlje fmuife. SnD fine gi^ t)oj$ alione Dim alfo befi, ^a htint tDame liaitD o; euer D^ tuik refi. Co Diis fifier tDan rum D^ Dante agane, CluDat Dint fietiD D^ talU to Dir in plane. JFill tDe fiefi tuine (quoD De) and fpair it nocDt jFo? tuitDout dout rttDt deir 31 Daue it fiocDt. €fter in tDe fire tDat 31 Dad li?int Dim aniss, 31ncontinent D^ fiandi0 up liotDfe and banis, IBefoir tDe fire, and Diss DojjS Dim fiefide, CtuDat deuill (faid 31) me tDinfe tDoto fcDaipisJ to ^a in tDe fire 31 bfO Dim Do?!3 and all, (ride 911 tDiJS fifler faid D^ cDancit me befall. CDan in Dir minde CcDo bneto 3[ttrontinent, CDat Df Dad bjint ane Enie Dt of to?nament. Xit not tDe lejj CcDo b^ocDt Dim tDe beft toine, 2D?anb mirrelie, and fa pafi Diss toap fine. iI3ot lang efter tDiss luife and Dir atuin EnicDt ifell in debait, be t'^mtt upon ane nieDt* 9nd fcDo Dim gaue funt toojdiss outrageoujs, iDie and Daltand, and tjcrrap difpittousJ. CluDairtD?otD D^ QUMx at Dit^ in matalent, Ctua firipiJS o? tD?e, till Dit fa Dess De lent* o.j. 212 HTHE SEVIN Cgan faiti tW ^i^t tgetf lutl tgotp muvtbet me 30 t&oto f)e0 Done tlje (ZEmp?eouri0 i^nuj^tjs tgje Cfioto femiS iueill to lie fjangit and Ojatoin, ®if fir ttjfng tuar unto our niefttlioudiS knatotn. I13ufit6outt0 about ttjfr cruell toojOtis tt'D tjeit C&e turnout; tat0, tfte folfetg gteto all m feit. Ci0o?ti teient fta Ijanti unto tfie Cmpjeout, Cfjap tuat fend foi fiut onp Delatout, Clufja iBa0 amifit fo? fie ane e tuell mine, ^one fcfio fonfefi t^e Detti, tfje Ijour anti time. J|)oto Ije mut;0?etll ttje (Bnmtmt I^nie&t0 tj^ie OTttjtn t&e nicj^t, into greit ttueltie anD ijoto tfjat t^aj fj^uiljeit fta euetie l^nicfit, jFpue ffoit JFIotenss of goItJ tljat toajs fa fijiefjt* 3nti fjoto tljat fcfio tlje matet fitfl 3fnuentit, anti l)0Ui tDat fie tfjaitto fitfi Difaflentit. ^a tljap toat baitfi rondampnit be tfje iLato, Cfiat ofiSeetjJ at tjoiitj tailliss fuld tfiame diato: Co tfie ©allouss, out tfi^ota tfie fjatll €ittit^ Co tljair gteit feljame, tljat ilk man miefit it fe« SDn tfie (25aUoujS tfiap tuat battlj })ut to Deid, ass tijap defetuit, but metcie o? temeid* Cfje ^aifiet faid unto tljt (2Emp?eout ^etuit tliag not deid, g* maid fa greit muttfiout Cfje (ZBmpjeout faid ttjat taiife toass toondet euil 'Be apperanee tnasj tmxj^tit toitlj tfie deuill. ^cfio tuaiES tfie firfl tfie matet mufit and b?ed, ^ielifee tfie fit-fl tfie famin gatt out fp?ed. Cfie 8§aifier faid toav fall rum to ?our fell, ^la ?e ?out fone foi ?our 3!ll ^itt$ rounfell. ^p fone (faid fie) foi tfiat noto ?e fiaue faid, Cfiait fall na rfiavge of deid be to film laid 30 fo? tfiijs dajj, tfiairfoit pasi to ?oui; plare* Cfie SEAGES. 213 Cljc ^aJOet fatd (J^oti imit ?out nofiiU gtace, ^a tutfe Dt0 letf, anD tottlj ane mivvie fjatt, Co l^tis aluin 6ou0, fta tD^ Coutt Did Depart: C[€iutjen tlje (JEmprtre of t&tt tjJtljance IjatD tell ^flio mass maifl like fo? to ftaue flane (jit fell. Zfi ane tuoD toife come to t^e (2Einpjeoui% ISegalD (faiD fttjo) ane tuoman of Dolout. (Bttt^t tfiat 5e get me foner temeiD, 31 fall fiut Dout mg atutn felf ]fut to DeiD. 31 am fa Ccljamit toitft tlje countrie about, Cljat 3( t&inb fcljame of mg C&almet rum out anD na temeiD qugat euet 31 ^o 0? fag, TBot tuitlj faljs Cailltjs j^ut of fta Da^ to Dap, jFp tjpon ?otu t&at fuflfetiis fie ane tljing, Xe at not toojtD to fie (JEmp?eout o? iiting. Ze cute na CcDanie, ^e cute na toatlDijs toonDet Co fjaue me fcljamtt, anD ?out felf put to tinDet 9nD to fie fej^amit u eallit ane €mp?eoutjs toife 31 fall tatljet mp felf fall on mg fentfe. Clje pane of DeiD 3lnDuti0 fiot fjalf ane 5out, TSot euet mait fcljame fall DegtaiD Ijonout* Clje €mp?eout faiD 31 P?a5 ®oD ?oto DefenD, Ctjat ^e tafe not fie ane unBappie enD. Co tafe in tfjocljt ?out atutn felf fo? to fla, £iuljat euet n Do, 31 Vl^S ?oto Do not fa» 9nD 31 P?ag (SoD tljat 31 not caufet fie 2Df fie mtfcDance, no? fie aDuetfitie. IBot tuill ?e t^oill anD fuffet ane fc&o|t qu^ile, Zout cau0 toill cum to ane fat fiettet fiile, 0nD ^out complaint tuill j^aue ttje fiettet enD Zout 3IuQ quettell euet 31 fall DefenD. CvuoD fcDo agane, tge euD fall not fie guDe, 'BaitD ^oto anD me it fall fiis fiaitg etcluDe O.ij. 214 1FTHE SEVIN ©f tfjiis 3Imptte, anD put nxJ to tonfufioun. Zone feuin Q^mHttti IeiDi0 ?oto in fie abufi on* Cj^at it fall tljance to ?oto ^eit eftet:tuatt, 3XS it come to ane ISing anO ftijs ^tetoat:t. Cljp (JEmpaeour faitJ, 31 P?a? ?oto nolo but faill m ?out; gutJnejJ to tell me furtlj tfjat taill, ®f^o faiD mp ILo?D to tell ane taill agane, a^Jeill 31 perfaue it toill fie 6ot in uane: jFo? t^e nipt Dag tDe feuint ^aiflet toill mm, anD tell ane taill to (aif |our fone t^atss tium* anD 6elp fiim m DiJS fellotoijs Diti fiefoit, iFta tljag fiaue Done, ?e ioill Ijeir me no moit, ©n t^e aurljt Dag tljan fall 50U1; atoin fone cum ^nD tell t)id taill qugilk t^i& lans time toajs Du Co qu&aixJ talking ?e fall giue fie plefour, Cljat 31 falbe put fuvtlj of ?our memouv* 3nD tj^e gteit lufe fietuijc ujj tioa Ijexs 6ene, 3n time euming nolo falfte fo??et elene, Cfie Cmpjeout: faiD fie ane tljing can not fie, aBitfiout ?e fetue tfje fame untuittanD me. Ciu^ilfe 31 fieleue loais neuet in ?our tljot^t, Cj^airfoir ajs ?it fie t^ing tcoto mill 31 noefit, CDe (ZBmp?ire faiO, tljan 31 fall tell mg taill, jduftilfe to ?out grace it fall greitlie auaill. 9nti caujs |oto ft;a greit pecijellijs efcljein jClu&ilfe 31 petfaue in ellis p^epairit fo? ?otD. 'Be ?out; curfi fone, anD Ijijs feuin Q^aiflerjs all £Xuljilfe eftet tljijj xit^t loeill petfaue ?e fall. Cfte (Smp?eour faiti> nolo 31 pjag ?out guDnejJ, Cell futtft t^at taill, and leif ?out fiefinesj. %n fcljo fiegan Ijir taill luitft fen^eit cljeir, Jl3ot filgitD at Dart, ag i^t fall eftet Ijeir. OBct 0? fc&o tell Ijit; taill futtlj to tljt l^ing, m SEAGES. 215 €)f tge (ali tail! notu Ut va fa^ fum tging* ^MORALITAS. OMERCIE <®oti gttjat tSfng (rf tjfcfc Cn&e inattr greftl^ mttutlUi mt, arjat tunning Cler&ijS tan not Sifftt* €Je Zll ana tjt Slniqnttfe ffl&at £n iotnttn Sent, iJretf tnitj greit tra^ anW ttnc C5e grett Iftlfait ana ^ulittltie l^ie ItentntS iuitS grtft trutltCe SSafa* neuer Jara nor itm. C5fe l-aajj in Ut tointso let, j&ingtng ]&ir nofttjS fa tnr(oui( Prefentfns tj^a(r if>t "OtnUlii ntt ®naer tuKonr fa tautclou^ Soung mtn ar till lifr gane, ana fn iitr net ar tane 9na tjatr Mti) mpnae nralittoutf 3n Jart Jittng fa touetou^ Caufit murartt^ fbsmt 3iii ant. CJfS murtStr firft ftjo afa Knuent ffijat tattfft tUt men for to fie flane 5^ne tDag tj&e berrap 3nftruraent dFfr^t for to maS (t fenaSofn agane J^a nwnaj toagii ftjo fana, dFor to t$tft |ir j&ufiiana Co ao mfftjfef tott|& fft fafe trane, ana fjjne ii)t fame ftjo tnXa^ not Xane 33ot ntaia it &ena f ra ftants. dCitvoio jbtr malfte ana iter ^nus I3aitj& of iitr SuC6ana ana S(r fell dTJe trttefl murtjer ftjo afa out trj h> S'tlitni fttlHUt qufiat 'ttoii fvattia #f ant mi toomans tofi&tt fain, f^reSome toa^ firft in plane ^ne greUgnes but lane Cd b30in tlie iuaman a« |e ltnai». arjc goKf anW flautjtec Uits on Brato ana tauftt tfie men 6e flane. Srjafrfafr 3 fag tBag tjat j&t^ togfetJ, Bitet tjame not all t Jatr itttdtis fenato, iFor gtt ft tSanf e tjat t Jaj) ttoa ftrgfes, ait t]&at ftjo Itnatofe tj^at iDill ftj&o ft^aSu, ana ratSer mair nor I«S CBas liattt tj&at bfe e)t:j««, dFtrr g{f fe I«n tjame ante ane ilaln ©ugte aula fretofcjt}) tjag let fain ' SEtimfjS all to tofeftitneiS. a^ a(a tW M(t in quit malue, Wv j&uaana ana Jtr fcif put aoun, ffj&toto j&fr tffunfafl ana eouctitc Co i»gae tje fame tats na reffoun. Cj&at tiling je toaia j&a«e JCa, arSat to jour toafe forfiia ana ft ioar neuer fa jjrett treffoun: 5n&at ftjo fan ten tjroto all tj&e toun a^ tSfe toftfeft tojjfe aia. ffl&e tosfc man fagt;* t]&air toungfe ar ft Ja(rp ^g ons ffaora a htocit iaiti Sana, (®ttSatrh)(t6 fa erouflfe tjap fofll tatrp SVk toora tjag faj) alone fall ftana. SCJag ar fa outrageouiS, Stefull ana aClpittous, Cj&ag cure not tje ioag of ane iuana ?ro gar join tjjne buitfi Ipfe ana lana a^uim tjap groin furious. ®oa fauc mjj feU fra fit ane fort dFor 3 perfaue tjag ar perrelIou« J prometS |otn it ii na i^att Co fina jour bnfreina in jour 5ou«. «au|){aaer Se 5e or ftjo, Co ten an tiat 3 ao 9na SAGES. 217 StiV tfias it hmVtf antr Iinfteanii, jS>a tnmmerftint antt malttCou^, Jt (an not Ml qvii&itto. IfNe iotenderis malicise mulieris quia nouiffima illius amara quafi abfintheum longe fac ab ea viam tuam quia lingua eius accuta vt gladius biceps. Et pedes eius difcendnnt in mortem. Prouerb. 5. dAne praife to the Sext Dodtour. THY goldin toung with grace fa thow hes gydit. That to this Chylde zit lyfe thow hes prouydit Contiair the Quene, a vengeance on hir cors Bot without dout or fentence be decydit, I wait the Chylde he will bauldlie abyde it. For quhy he knawis baith the beft and the worfe And gif fa be the Quene mon byde on force. Zit not the les thow fuld haue thankis but dout Thow gude Maifter that keipit thy day about. ^The Emprice feuint Taill. BdBtaiv tDtjS time t^m toajs ane JKoMH Etng, Ctiat lufit ^ia toife a&one all ettDlte tgtng, Jbe fjaD to fitt fir Qttit lufe and fauout, ^t feripit iiix 31lfe Oag tuitljin clofouv, fn tljp quit 6ou0 of ane flrentftte Caflell, jCiufjafwf tlje U^ifi tit feefpft ap Sim fell, Ciuljawat t&ij5 KLaD^ tuik gcett fteuinejs, C^at ft^o toajs fa j^alDtn in fie fltaitnee. ^antit folaee and all gude eom))ame, TBot qufiien tlje i^ing eome tn allanerlie. 3In Dtfier patttjs tftatt toass ane jl5oIiill l&ntc^t, 31t etjanett Ijtm to httmnt into tfie nicDt 31nto ftijs fleip fie ttjoefjt toeill tfiat fje fato, Cfie faitefl £luene tfiat euet man Did bnato. Ciufiaiis lufe Ije eouet afione all eirdlie tljing, (3it tje miefit fe Ijit on tfie eitd toalfeing. O. iiij. 2i8 1[THE SEVIN iSatfitng tiouHng, 6ot lie fjtt; mm fulU ^t Co gtett fionout, too?Cc&fp ant> fjoneflte* Cfiat famin nic&t t^ia Ciuene in fift uffioun Djeainit on ttia JKmcj&t, anU on ttje fame faflbu anD ?tt nouttjer of ntljet fenetu tlje name, iI3o2 fenatoIeOge ^ab lie faflbun o? fie fame. C^tiiJ filntfj^t 5e ratss upon tlje mo?ne attlte, JRememfiettt toefll on Dijs tijeame ficfeei;Ke, anD Determtt into fitss mtnJje anti tfjot^t, lI3oj lie na toag to tafe tefl toald &e nocftt: 23nto tlje tfme tfiat iLatiie qu&tH fje fanD, <3i( tj^at ftl)o mic&t fie gottin m ong land. Hap on t)t0 t)o?!3, anD tn j^aifi furt^ fje raiD, Co feife t^fjs £IXuene, na langei; tarj maiD. Cfiaoto Eogall iRealmejJ, $ tiinttsi ffteit coutteijs C6?oto dfj^e EesiounijS, anJj femelte feft titttis Cfitss faft ladp ?etD fa fat in titjj tfiotfit, Cftatt iuaiES na lantitss fo? &it lie left ijnfoffjt. dugill at tge lali tie eome to ane Ctetfe, Cln^afr fie gat toit tljatr toajj ane fair ilaDie, ifteipit fa doijs, tfiat nane micfit cum fiit till, QBxct^t alone it toar tlje H^ingijs toill. Cfiait fie foioind foj fii0 PaQtme ane fpare, !Dim to reftefcfie in mirtfi anti mimness. %a it fo?tunit to fiim upon ane dap, Pass fip tfie place qufiait tfiat tfitss ILatip lap. 3[n fifr tuindfl luifeing furtfi file alone, iFo? fitfier game, no? pafiime gat fcfio none, ^a Ccfio ffianeit fone fo? to get ane ficfit, jCiufioe of fcfio djemit of tfite fame nevrag ffitnicfit Cfiinfeing dcfit toeill tfie famin man toae fie, 3Intill fiir Dieame fiefoit tfiat fcfio did fe. ^e not bnatoing tfiat tfiat Ladp toass tfiair. 'Bot SEAGES. 219 IBot ass chance tmnz tioun 65 mafefng tepait:. 3fn meane feafoun Ije liftit »p tnu (ZBe 3In 6it totndo tljijJ JLaOg can fte ft. Cfiinfeing dc&t toeill it iuais tfte famm IXuenf, Cgat t)e befoit into tjtss D^eame gaCi fene. C^an fje fiegan to fing ane fang of lufe, Ctufiilfe quljen fcfio fjatU, gteitlie it Diti fiit muft 3Into Ijijs lufc, and j^^entit in Sir fiatt, Ctufjtife toajs unfeenD to fjtm in onp part. %it not t^e less i3a|>ltc I)e niatti tepait;, Sbout tgat place to tak palHme anCi ait. C&an tljiss ILaDp petfautng tljiss at all, ane liiU of lufe to fiim fctjo leit tioun fall, and fje fielgue veD ouir t5i0 p?ettie tUU Ipetfauing tueiU tge Latieij$ mintie and toill. JFta tfiiss time furtD tit ttfit daglie 3|ufling, IBjefeing of fpeiviss, and alftua Bojss tinning. Cafiing of flane, and aiss tDe leidin mell, 2iQo?fling, lotoping, fie did erewe fiim fell, Da^lie actiss fie ufit and fionefl deidiss, Cfiat in tfie Couvt fiiss fame $ toojd up fpaeidiis IXufiill at tfie lafl fiiss name and gude lieiring, J^iss fioneft actiss tuat fcfiatoin to tfie Idling Cfie Mnq fieiting fiiss Datl>eant to?nament, ^e fend fo? film Q^elTage 3[ncontinent. IXufia cfiatgeit film tfie l^ing fie fuld cum till, Co fieir fiiss minde, fiiss plefute and fiiss toilU Clufia come to fiim toitfi all fiumilitie, 30 fiim effeitit, laiu kneilling on fii0 bnie. ^cfiir fenicfit fie faid. 31 fiaue fiatd of ?oto tell, ^oto in gude actiss ?e fiaue txttcit ?out fell, 3Into mp Court amang mp gentill men, Cfiaitfoit fen 31 fie actiss doiss of ?oto feen, 220 IfTHE SEVIN Ipleijs ?e temane into out comjahu, %t fall tjaue gtftijj anti gutie retoairD of me« 3nti lie ane of mg gaitti and mj) rounfell, ^a it j?lei35 ?oto toitli ujJ temane anti OtoelL Ctjan faiD tljijs C^nuljt anJj plefjs ^out ^afcflte, 'Co Daue kmia of fie ane man ajs me: 31 fall ?oto fetue liait^ toitft mp IjanD anD fjatt, 3In all eflfamjs, fie ajj pectentjs mj? patt, 9j©it|^out retoatrti o? ong tecompence, ^a tftat 31 map j&aue Oaplie ^out picfenee* and fen ^out grace fjeg notw Deficit me, 3[nto fout gaitD, and on ?om; rounfall fie: 31 toalD ?our grace to mj Uefire toalb grant, ^a on ferutce tlje httttx 31 micDt Ijant. lane netu luDgeing to j^aue at tge Com^e fpDe, Ciul^ait 31 micDt fie, antJ at |our fiiOtiing figOe (5if t&at ?our grace neiDit upon me call, Xt micDt gar erg out ouir tlje Caflell toall. Cfjan faiD m l&ing fait& 31 confent tljairto, «25a fiig ?our fjouss ass ?e t^infe fiefl to Oo. Cfjan pafi tlje i^nicj^t o? eucr De malD tire, and fcit toark men, <$ pjometfl t&ame guDe ftire 5)ij5 Ijouss fiiggit tuitlj tpmmer fiane anti t^afe, tSiit^ ane ^afouu Ije maid ane tierne contrafe, fi)ut fra tljiiEJ Douxj to mafe ane fmall paflage, 3nto 5* Cotuje quljair tljiss £Xuene tuajs in Cage jClu^en tljia toajs Done efter ftijs atoin 3Intent C^iss fame ^afoun lie feillit 3Incontinent, C&at fie fulD not Dijscouer liijJ fecre, Jfo? Ijijs retoairD tfiijj toarfeman tfiiss gat Ije, Cban toent t^i& l^nicfit qufie fie plefit to g' quene 3n fecreit fo?t, anD iuitfi na man iuais fene* DiD fiir feruice ag culD fiim toeill effeir, Cfian SEAGES. 221 Clian tijap talfett of aimvsi mater0 ftit. amang t^t tefl fje fpafe to tjtt of lufe, Clutiilb tn ane patt Dtf Dat;t gtettlte DiO mufe, JDotoliett as t&an ftfjo luajj not tuefU rontentit, %it eftertuatt to fjt0 tuiU ftljo ronfenttt. ®a in tjiv tDoctjt tljt Ciuene feefl on ane tiap, £Df tljts matpc qu&at frtjo fiilD tio or faj?: Cuitrliing ttjie mniffjt, aljs to fj« atoin fiuffiad TBe fie tfitng fenatotn, tDan lianifrfjfng ttjt lanD Co mp tinfcU, and euet toacIDiis fctjame, jFo? tjpon metuald 6e lat'D all tfie 6lame, IBerauss t&at 31 toalO not tin Emcljt tiifcuce, 31 fallie calltt tfje 3IH tuoman full Um, aifo tDe i^nicDt tje fall efcljaip na toap, TBot of tljp Oettlj tljc fcljattiJ Ije fall aflap, CSaiufoit i$ 6eff, and 31 perfaue nig fell, Co fjalD m^ toung, and not ane txio?D to tell, and fa all tinteg qu&en tljag plcifit to meit, 15t tW detne iuap t&aj? ?eid to tljati; fecteft. ^fne eftettuavd tlje Ciuene gaue Ijim ane Etng dufiilfe at toedlofe fcfjo reflanft fta tfie l^ing. ®?eit CojnaiuentfjJ ttjia l^nicljt Ijt vUt daplte 9nd euev iuu atoag tfje ufetojte. Clufjantljjotu fie fiude ftaitlj in Coutt gt \siit^ 3|n gveit fauour, fo? Dijs manlie fjauing. (l^tng 31nto fa fai*> tDat Ije toas eftertoatt ^aid lie tDe Etng Compttollec and ^tetoart. and all lji0 Eealme fje Dad in IRegiment, Cuife in l)i0 ntaillisJ, ©etfovumejs (j daplie tent, ©pon a dap it did appleijs tfie I^ing, iFot fiijj plefute to pajj to tlje hunting. Co fjig %tetoatt tlje ffiiing gaue tljan eonimand Co be veddp, and pass toitlj &tm fva Dand, 222 IFTHE SEVIN aipon t^t mo?ne t&an all ti^t Coutt upjaiis, anti loftfi tlje ffilfng all to tljt Jl)unttns ga(0» ail tfie lang Dag t&ap rljaftf fn tlje JFo?efl mufifll m i^^ng tftorlit Ije toalD Ijmt Ijati fu teft jFot fie tuais tg?ft, anU tome all fiegane, ©a fje tej^ofit fiefibe ane (m iFontane* Ctjan fii!3 ^tetoart qufiafr Ije fat tait^ t^t ffltlns Co t6e film'cDtjJ Doujj tlje l^tng come on a tuap. 3In tlje meane time tlje €Xuene come liii; Oetn gait 31n tlje i^nic&tss Ijall fieliue fc^o gat liir fait. 3[n fie cletliing au t&e l^nicljt gaue command, dBittt tljt gife anD faflbun of tjijJ land, and quDen tlje l^ing come to tDe Enicljtid fjato, ^a fone ass De tjie ladeiis uifage fato, ^e ttjocgt fcljo Uia0 luoma mail! libe Diss guene, ^en De toasi 6o?ne, tDat euet Ijt fato luitD <2ne. Zit not tlje less 3IIfe ane on tljaiv maneic, Cfiap fjail^it Dtfier ajj it culd fiefi effeit: Cljan to tDe ffiinicljt t^e l^ing faiD quietlie, Cluljat i!3 fcljo tljijs fa femelie foi to fe.' Cfie i^nicljt &e faiD, anD jjleixi ?out ^aieflie. CSijs is fojfuitj^ mp lufe anD mg HaDie, Ciul^ilfe of lang time fra me lja0 bene alifent, TBot noto 31 am of Ijii; cuming content, ^a tftat ?e ht content tljat fc6o i$ Ijeit, 31 am (faiD ije) fa (J5oD grant me guDe c&eir. 9nD firlJ t&aj? toefc^e, anD fine to Caliill iuent, 9nD euer mair tDe filing in Ijijs 3fntent, Cljocftt g* 6e feneto tlje Ciuene $ &aD fenatwleDge TBe fiir faffbun, Sir fojme anD iit tJifage, 9nD to Ijim felf 6e faiD in all fiijs life, J^e neuer fato ane twoman mair like lji0 tuife, Zit not tlje less tlje flrentlj of Ijijj atoin Cotoje Diflauit &i0 minDe, anD leD Dim in errour, Cljat in fa far Ijt gaue far mair credence Co tlje i^nicDtiss t}02Dii3> anD cullourit eloquece 226 1[THE SEVIN 3l5o? to tlje tfiing Ije fato toftlj fjid atnin OBne, Ciufitlfe iJltnOit Dim, u alss miffeneiw ijtd iSXntm Clian fclio began to talk of fum claitine!3> anO flett t^e i^tng tip tn fum mtctineis, %a fone ais Ije ftatU ftii; fpewtje and Ijtt tio<«, CtugiDOet to fpefk ti tot to tialt) ^ini rlof0. Jl)e not toeill tpffi, Iiot }it fafO to fjim fell, ffl) Lo?ti in fieuin Ijefr iis ane crnt metuell. C^iiS toioman tis in faflbun anD fauouc 31n fpefclje, in tioire, mafeDome anti potttatour, 3in fie&auingiss, anD aid in ronDitiounid, 3In fajc, in face, in fait and in faflbunijj* 3nti in all fojt fa Uone lifee mp atoin Ciuene, 3ln all t^iiBi toatlO toass neuet ane libet fene* 3nti ?it tfje Ctentlj of tlje Coto?e ^im fiegjlit, mm tlie ffitniflitisj tooiOisJ 5* fjim fa Gelie fplit* ^a at tlje meit iuitlj mittined amang, Cfie Iftnieljt tiefidt t^e Ciuene to fing ane fang. C&an fcj^o fiegan to fing ane fang of lufe, Cfie l^ing Ijeiring, greitlie lji0 fiatt can mufe. ^aiD to 6im felf, anD t^ixs be not mg iuife, 31 to ait fcljo ijs not leuanD upon life. 9nD tljan agane |je t&offit tljat can not be, iFo? 31 m^ felf in feeiping lje0 tDe feie Df tl)e greit Coto^e, quljait natljing tan mm in IBot 31 nt? ftlf t&at feeipijs baitlj feeg antJ gin, Cfjan na man can enter toitl)in tliat Coto^e, Ciccept m^felf, noutljer be time no? Dour* ^a all Oenner Ije fat in fie confait, taiitlj Ijiss atoain felf into fie fltang debait 3nti fa fie fat, anli toifi not qufjat to faj, 3nti at tlje lafi fie bad fone tal^ atoa^, Cfie Cabill and claitfi, fie toald na langer bpbe and SEAGES. 227 3nti faid fje tualti aliout tljt feildfsJ tpbe, C&an fatO tDe EntcDt u pletss ?out; BoMU eta« jTo? to remane ane ^itttit time and fpace. ©He fan ?oto niab matr mii^tinejs anO f&ett, jFo? tDitDout Dout ^out; grace in iuelcum fjetr. C^an faiD ttje £Xuene, and picijj ^out a^aieflie, JFoa to temane toit^ tig tn rompam'e. Ult fall ?oto mafe t&e mimnejj anO fpojt, ail tl)at tue ran to Dald ?otu tn romfo?t. ^ulthe ae Dotss tlje IXuene in i^iv folate, CQitD all fetutce t&at toe can do ?oui; gtare. ifo? all requettt, planelie tlje Eing fatO na^, JFo? to temaae, gavt tak tljt Cabill atoap. and faid lie tuajs in tDat fame uervag tide 3fn fie fantife, Ije niicljt na langer Iigde. and fa tlje claitD and Cabill atoaj) toajs tane, 33p vaig tl)e iiing and to tlje flute ijs gane. Cljanbit tlje i^nirljt of fiiijs feindnesJ and tljiiv^ Clje ladp alis into Dit befl maneit. ^ine in all Daifl to tlje Callell Ije tuent, Co fe tlje Ciuene, gif fcljo toajs tljait p?efent. and tljan tDe Cluene tcient on Ijct pveuie tuag, lltefi of tjit elaijs and ^it unroutD arvap, and quljen tlje l^ing entetit toitljin tlje Coto?e l£)e fand tlje jCluene fitting intill fiir T5otP|e. 31n tfie fame claijs, and fojt asJ Ije Sic left, duljaittgrouj ^e tuass in hia fpeirlje 6alf fteceft Cluljen fje Ijtt fato De li?aifi Ijic ttuife 0? tgiife, and faid ^adame 31 am in ane fantife. Cljijs dap 31 dpnit tuitlj tlje l^nirDt as ^e fenato and toitfi Diss lufe, tlje quljilfe 31 neuer fato, %ia like to ?oto 6e fojme and faflbun l^t fpeicj^e and uoice, and als eonditioun. P.j. ii8 fTHE SEVIN 911 tiennat time 31 toa0 fa Utixit in ttjotljt, Cftat 31 not tuift gif it luasJ ?e o? nocljt, 9nti a^ 111^ mtnde it tua^ in fie Dtfj^air, 31 toifl not toeill gif ?e toat D^ii^ o? t^ait. C&an faiD t^t Ciuene 31 meruell of ?ouc mintjr, Cgat to fie tiding ^out; tjatt fulD ht 3ln(IinOe. jFoj ?e fenatu toeil t&e gteit fltent^ of louc totoae Zn to tfit U^ifi tlja^ at; at ^ouv pIrfout« 9nti mp 6otiie ?e bnato lifis na aeUence, Co turn oa gang tuitfjout ^out; atwin licence* anO asJ ?e fenato to fle 31 5aue na toingijs, 5)oto can ?e tfian 31magine ficUfee tj^ingijj.'' IXuftat feinOe of tuap i0 poflibiU to me, ifoi to fie in ?one Enic&tiss companie.'' (Sif euet ?e reJj t^e liuife of Ipljifnomp Cftaitin ?e map ticljt toeill refO anO efpp C^at it map fianD ane to be like ane nt^tu l^otofieit t&at ane fie not fpfi to tjje nt^tt, Cliaitfoit mp lLo|ti 31 ?oiu require on ricfit {l)aue na fufpect fietuir me anti ^one l^nic^t CBan faib tfje ming foifuitD tfjat fall not fie, 31 grant mp felf into t^ijs fault gpltie, 31nto fa far ajs 31 miftiemit ^oto, Cftair ijJ na caujs fie t&ing to t&infe 31 troto, C5an faiJ) tljt IXuene fen gpltie ?e ?oto grant* 31 ?oto foagiue, fa fie tljing ?e not liant. ©Ijon tlie moane t|ie Enicljt faid to tljt IKing anO jleijj 5our grace ?e twill me grant a t&ing* ^^ia lang ago 31 fiaue ?oto bone feruice, Cfie fiefl 31 culfi, pertening mp office* %t fe mp lufe isJ cum from Ijir countrie, 9nti to returne gametoart foa to cautf me* 3nti 31 3Intenti (gif it fie ?our plefour (Unto SEAGES. 429 ([Into m^ lufe ^e tuald Do He fjonour, Co inatj) Ijtc in fare of fialte Itiitfe, 90 C^oCi coiniuaiiDtd all Ctj^tattt man to toitb) Co be at j^ame talltt nt^ (aucDfuU toife, CluijiU Dotoefum ttih tiepatt tJ0 fta t^ia litt, IBtftibfng noiu ^out Jl^obiU grace Ijeitfofc, JFo? nip tetoairi), a0 noto 31 afb no molu: IBot tuttt) ^out t)anii tieltuei; Ijtt; to nte, IBtMt tlje lp?etfl, tDat tDe peptH map fe. 3[t tDtU lie ralUt to me ane gtett gonoui;* ^a tgat it ht ^out gvaeejs atatn plefouc* jCtugalt tgat mp toife toad geuin me bt a l^^fng, 3fn out fountcie totll fie ealltt ane gteit t&fng 3In fie effa Cljat ^e Oefite o? eljatgex? me tuttfi all. 31 totU tio tljat xitljt glaiDlte fo? ?om; faife, 9nti fo^ l^it lufe tj^at noto fulO tie ^oui; maib* Cfie i&nifljt t^anbit ttie filing a tljoufanti fj>fe, Cfiat anftijettt tjtm fa feinDlte on fie toife. C&e martage anD Dap of ttjt fianbet, Ctje i^fng Dim felf tje gatt Deutfe anD fet ©n tlje quljilb Dap, t^e iling tottlj greft Sonout Come to tljt Mtk to Do ttjt l^nictjt plefout. Ctje patifrDe l^jctfl toitD &t0 J^ttblibe uefimetjJ, ^a0 toeill 3InDebiit tottg all al)il?ementi$, JFo? to folempne t&e 6anD of mariage, 31nto tlje Iftitb, asJ t^an tuajs tlje iifage. 3In tt)i0 meane time tDe l^nicDt gatt mal^ reDDp 3[n DiiS atain DouiS Dtjs lufe anD Di0 HaDp, CiQeill all fleD tip eftet tDe ronftuetuDe €)f Dt{$ routtie quDilb De tDorDt tua0 mail! guDe P. ij. 230 1FTHE SEVIN 3nti gatt ttoa fflinu&ttjj to ttjt Mvh fjft conuog ^ftlj Qttit hl^it^ms, folempnttie and 3los» £Xu5a tijan Mtnit l)t$J l^aramounjs Sad bene, JDotobett fcDo toass tn DeiD tDait natiue Ciuene* Cijan fatd ttje P?effi tbe quDilfe toa0 lj\& nmtit Ctulja dcl^uectjs tfjijj tooman noto to me.'' Cfiat 31 asane map etf 5it to t^i$ i^mcljt, 31n fare of ffii«&, and in ttje pepilltjs fictjt, C&an faid tlje Ems tijat fall 31 tio bedene, TBeraujJ ft^o is$ fa iuondet; iifee mj Cluene, 31 lufe Sit all t^e bettet be mj? life, !J)ft; face and fauour tss fa done Itfee mg toffe, 3jj ijs tl)e ufe fn fiUfng of fie bandixJ C&e iJiing l^e tutfe Ijtjs atoin tuife be tlje BandtJJ, and to tlje P?eta f)e gaue t^fs ladp b?tc&t, C6e Pjeffl agane gaue fjiu bnto t&e Entcljt* ©f Dalie l^ttfe, eftet tlje auld faffbun, Cfian &e began to veid Diss £D?ifoun, Qpon Ijijs butfe full belilte ean fag, CDe band copleit tje matd bettuene tljame ttoap, CDtjS being done tlje l&nicDt faid to tlje l&ing ^fljit ?e Ijaue done to me ane feindelie t^ing* Caiittj 5our atoin Ijand tDat Ijeis deliuecit me €^^isi lI3obill iooman befoit tDiJs fompanie. ^5 %cljip quljaitin toe i?utpoii£J to pa0 Ijame, 3l5S alreddp notu fleting on tDe fame. and twe toald fane toitft ?out gtace^ licenee Wt toat; furdetit fjametoart fo? to j?ajs fjenre* ^5 ^arinacid t&ap at in teddpnejs, Co tafe »)? failliss, and to t&e fep t&ame d?ejs» Cljairfoit 31 toald ?out Jf3obill ^aieflie Sen ?e Ijaue fcDatoin fa greit feindneu to me, ^nto mg ^(Ijip ?e toald mg toife conuop. ' SEAGES. 231 Sat fcljo t&afrof tualD Ijaue quit mitt^ anti 3(05 ConfiDDettng Ccljo tsJ not) to Depart, 3ft toald Dtt Do fiveit romfoit tn Ijir Satt. 3nD aljx 3i toalD ^e gaue Sir guDe rounfall d,U man leuanb fo; to fojfatb all Datll IBot me alone, quljtlfe tjs Ijtt atuin ttelu Enft^t, 9nD margit fiir tnto ?out graces ficDt» Cgan fatd t^e l&ing all fie in vic^t goDlte, Clje mavpit toife ofietiient to be: Co ^tt; tiuf&anD, anD all )yttjtvii vefufe, 31 ^aue na Dout &ot all fie feljo mill Mit, Cgan toent ttje I^tng toitD all gi$$ eompanfe, anD to tlje ^eDi]^ eonuo^it tDat fait LaDie. anU be tlje gait Dijs rounfall tje Dit CcDeto, C^at fc&o fuld be to ^iv IBtnicljt tvaifl and tteto, l^im to obe^, anD fialO liim in fionout:, Hufe Ijim alone abone all cteatute. anD nane leuanD in ftir minbe fo? to Ijaue, Clul^aiiS rounfall tDan 31 tcaifi frlio diD reflaue* Cljan tDe £iuene faid and pleijs ?oui; 6©aieflfe CfjixJ gude rounfall tljat ?e tjaue geuin to me 3It falbe done, and it twat ten timesJ moir, £Xuod fje agadame, noto 31 t^anfe ^oto tfjaitfoit Placing to (5od ?ouf frj^ij^ tueill to ronuog, ^toa to 50UV land tj^at ?e map rum ioitD 3[o?» and tljan ijt tuik ttjt Ciuene ficG be tljt fjand and fine ttje Enirljt, qu0ilb tga toasi Ijit Iiufbad and gaue tljl baitlj fjijs bliCKng quljait; Be fiude qu&ilfe to g' £Xuene ass frlio tljorljt toajs tir&t gude JFo? at tljat time frljo t&or&t it toais i^it part, IDotobeit t&ijs J^ing tDa0 blindit to t&e fjart* ^ine ftrfl ttjt Cluene, t tljan tljiss nobill i&nir&t at tj^ijs blind I&ing attier tliap tuik gude ntrgt P. iij. 232 IFTHE SEVIN Cfje iMuQ Ut feifi, anO 6at» fair tueiU abeiij, %a Hfee mg toife (quoD &e) 31 neuet Mm. 0nD tjtt: fauour tutll tarn mt t^fnk on ^otu Clu&en ?e ac pafl, tDtsJ ttmlit ?e map troto, Cfian fatD tlje Cluene lato feneillanO on tiit fene 31 tfianfe 50UC Btace tljat fie ttjocDt tafefjs on mr. Do 3 not fa quljen tfiat tor at cum fjamr. anti tljinfe on ?oto, rtrbt far 3I am to blame. Sol greft fetndntss anO 31ntoart rourtafie Cliat ?e Ijaif frljatuin to ?our atuin l^nifftt gt me CljijJ fieing Done, to fffifj? tftap mab paOage (JEntertt fn fiurtje, and maiU fo? tftafr uepage. Eatfit up anfeertjj, and CabiUijJ in tfja^ tijeto, Cfie iuind tuajs fair, euin asS t&aj toalU it Iileto ^eifit up faillijs, anti to fetaarO tljap pafl, Clie Skipper fpeillit Iieljue to tDe top ^aflf. Co fp5 tlje toeDOer, gif tempeC UiD appeir, Snto t^at met tftair faillijs tlje latoer fieir. mit^in Uhnt fpace t&e Crljtp irajj out of fir&t, ^a toaj5 tljt l^ing fiaitlj quite of queue $ IftnicSjt and tljan bel^ue tfte l^ing ftametuart fie luent, Co fjiss Cafieir, and fantJ tfie Cluene abfent. «!5if fie ioajj no^it o? erafiit at fiijJ fiart, 31 troto fie feto of flurt ran tell fii0 part. 5)i0 fare it float, fiiis feit anb fiauDijS fcfiuife, tipon na man toitfi patience fie micfit luib. f0t foefit tfie totDje auD fp^it all round about, (Sit fie eulD find tfie gait qufiair fcfio gat out. 5)e fand tfie fioill and fecreit toap at lafl, £Xufiair |)' ffiinicfit come $ qufiair atoap frfio pall. Cfian erpit fie out full toallatoap allare, IDeir ijs becum ane greit miftfieuoujj fare. Cfie i^niffit qufiome to 31 gaue fir ronfidenre m SEAGES. 233 HDf lufe anti fauour, ht rounfall anti cretiencr. ^n t)im alone 3 tualO tiaue Itpptnntt ni^ litt^ jQoto tvatoutlte gejj tane atuap 1115 totfe. 3[ toaxJ ane fule fulfilltt of fantafie, C0at gaue maf( tmtt^ unto ^t£( too^MjS flfe: 3I3oi 31 tiiD ap to ni5 atoin fetng (IBne, Ciugaittliaoto 31 toant m^ betifelloto anti quene 9nD fcgamtt fo^ a^ initio Ia6 anti Oei:f{ioun, Clu&ilfe totll me ftjing to uttet fonfufioun, ConfiDDetfng toetll 3f ^ati mp OBne to fe, M man ma^ toeill ejcampill tab fie me. CCDe €mp?ffe tfjan fafO to tDe (ZEmpieout C&ijJ taill 31 talti mg ILoaD fo? ?out plefout. SiOalti ®oti tlje fame tDat ^e toeill tinDecflutie, CDan fulb ?e 6e of all Danger tienuDe. C^e (ZBmpjeour faiti a^atiame fa gaue 31 ^tilU an tBat ?e faiO 31 unDerflutie vtcljt tneilL Ctuoti fffio mp ILoaD umtttt Ijotw tfiisJ Ipjence ©nto tlitjj filnirtjt gaue fie petfite creDence. ai0 to tjfjs tDO2tii0 euef tet; cteDence fte gaue, jISo^ gi0 atoin (2Bne, fa lie titti tiUn DilTaue. 31n like manet tinto ttjit a^atfiec^ feuin, %e giue mnit faitlj not to gtef t <25oti in fieuin IBt appetance, fo? tiaglie ?e mag fe Ciuj^at tiifplefute t{)ag feufn toalti toick on me* ^e to defirog tj^ag laliouc nitfit anD Oag, 3nti ?e gfne faftfj to 31Ik toojti t&at tljaj? fag, 8©ait noj ?e tio to ?out; atuin natutaH one liefoic all utfiet tijing, Cfjan He ane nopiss taijs up in tfie €ittU, 31t fo? to Ijeit it tuaxs ane greit ^ittit: Cljat tfie aBmp?eout: DisJ atoin fone fuld gar fla, saiitfjin tljat toun monp liatt it maid tua. CDe feuint ^aiflev fiatd tell of tljixs tptfiand, Co tlje ^erganDjJ Ije Ijaiflit l)im ft-a IjanD. Cfiame fo? to mcit in all guDe Ijaift Ijim fped, Cluljaic tijap 5* tfiilde doun tlj?ot» tfie Cietie led CtuodDe glide freindss, Ijartlie 3[ ^oto liefeife, Catj? ane time quljill 31 t&e (Smp?eouv fpeib. 3! ttaifi to (Sod 0? 3! tmn far atoap. 31 fall Ijijs life fta perrell faue tljis dap. Cfje SDflSfevS tfiap Voai; tirDt luondet glaid, and did euin fa, m ttjt ^aifler tijanie bad. Co tlje €mp?eour fie fiaifiit tfi?oio tfie toun, and iw, SEAGES. 2J5 ^nb on I)id fenetss befotv titin fat fje Doun: JRantimns ijtm fi'c teuevence ass accojDisj, ^ittt tfttt Dtni to Ijtjs Pjfnccjs and lojtifjs. CfiP Cmpjeouu iuttS grett Slutifgnatfoun, Slenqeatiid Dult, auD tuttg b^otuiss caStng doun taping to fyim all fojroto mot t^e fall, 'Baitfj unto t&e, anD to tD^ felloiutss all. 3ne Duni ^oung tlj^lUt to uie ^e feufn tiejs fent, Cluliilb fpafe vitljt ixieill qu&c Ije unto ^ota tocnt TBecauj^ |e feutn Dess fenD me fie ane IjfDDet, J^e and ?e all falbe Ijangft togtdDer. Cfje ^aiflet; fafD, and pleijs ?om: nobfll gtace JFta note to mojne it H hot ane Mjait fj^ace: ^nd tf)an be none tuttl) guace of ($od in Ijeuin, %oui; fone fall fpeib, and toe '^iti d^niQtxi^ feutn 2Jnto ^out gtaee toe pjomtttisJ fatt{)fullte, ©n pane of dettD, fivfl toe all feutn fine j^e. Clje Cmpjeout fatd, gtf 31 nttc&t tljat deleue, 3I3a langet tljan deficit 3! foi to leue, Clje 0@atflet faid, 31 PJap ?oto fipde fa lang, and gtf toe faill, all aucDt ?e fall ujj Ijang. Cgan oppinlie yt fall l^en all tlje l!t:ife 3nd dffcenttoun, fietufj: t)jJ and pout; totfe. 3nd gff 5our grace tntU not do au 3[ fap, %e toill vepcnt rtcljt faw ane uttjec dag. and fall tiapptn petetianre to ^oto fum nfelit, axJ it becljandt to ane ttc&t eouttesi l^nirj^t: Cfiat deit fc6o|tlte, ajj 31 in flojte teid, jFoi ane fmall blude tDat &e fato Diss toife fileid. Co quj^ome efter fcljo toass tit^t uneouvteis, and tirljt unbinde, fo? all Diss gvett feindnesJ. C6e (ZEmpjeour faid ^atfiec 31 ?oto requeir Cell me tiiat taill, xit^t fane 3[ toald it ^tiu 236 1[THE SEVIN Cfie ^aiflet faiD gat rail ?out fone agane Cgp ijaill fio?te 31 fall tell ?oto in plane, 3in time rumtng 3fnDudng all ?out: life Ze fall efcljeto tlje fcl)?etoitnejj of ane taife, Cfie (Bnijfitout faiti 3 tuill call fiim agane, ConDitionallie unDer tDe faniin pane* Cfie mo?ne 0? none fpeib 5e not oppinlie, jFttfi ^e, fine ?e, togiDtiet all fall die. Cfje 8if aiflec faid of t^at 31 am content C&e €mp?eout faiO anU t^aitto 31 eonfent, Cfjan raufit ^t to call ttie CJjtlDe agane, 9nD tlje ^aiflet talD fuvtD Ijiis taill in plane, 'Bot ttjt CluenejJ lafl taill ^it tattljtt o| toe ga Wt toill perfaue, 0? toe tell onj ma» fMORALITAS. INTO tUi taill ticbt fmall S tan ptvtaut Co ht tjrtratt of ^orall gutfe {entenct, »at tiat tW ItnifSt fubtellu tsta niiiaut ffBfo iioiidl IKtng tftat gaue jbtm fie tcetrente 3n ffnSrte iovtii frjuto Jfm ienenolente. J^ijne 5t agane bpoit tj&e btjfr {jjSe, 81!Ett]& grtit faUtt Dta all j^i^ toa^tij $rt liureVome t^at ioai ito Xttuir Ht Itnicfit antr tjbe <&uene tj&at tj&as tfitf. (HoniiOtstrinfi t\)at dap at «!Sinenei; &a(tjb ^niia tan Jir qugte iit ane mater on Jirfnj &it ane l)ti (e^ame it ig ti)t ht\)tvii ihaiti, Jfov to Be fall* to \)iv jbufbantt an* iSt'ng, tTroin ie 6ot our ©mprttc ran So fit tbing an tJeC^i 3> troto or all our fiuiS ie cnUft 3e (all $et(aue alij far {ejbo iti offenlJit. -\ SEAGEa 237 «if ant IBffttoutr into Ui fermoit tell, anlr rtprufe htte, greit fauitt!* or greft tttont 3n tit fame bitt it fo ggltte Jtm fell *oJn fall 5e fntfi tjat btte toft|& {jt'sf honour r" fte fmottfs j&tm felf aS Je tfofi {jfe iBfcSftour aih)a$fe bpon Jti* atotn filnnSet it fpt'Ufe, anif jbfi atoln talll iartt on tjie Jetllfe Urn j&tttl*. ©f mg iaftlitliottr !j(f K ane 3n tatll tril (©£ fila^j&tmtc, iiifijoncmtr, or jft ft^ame, it majj perchance fttlgfee turn to inj fell ^erSappin tear, lirmgtng on ali grelt filame. ?^oto tan 5> fijan in ony fort Sefame fHj) afotn jgtritliour, ejctept mpfelf ht tltnt fiitc tiling fufij it tonffUBertt an* teetll fme. ©ur atefn ©mprtte qujome of tjat toe note fpetit i^tia put reproride hnto ane btjer (Siuene, l3ot fcjo mas taft iiv Cartfe In at tit Cletit <©f tijt fame fort, tjotjt note ft't lie not fene RiS jJHatiiefa fajtS, eutn fa ai note JE mene. dFra tjbp atom (JBg fir;St tSoto ^rato oat tlie Jatit STo tjj) iairjtliour t^an pe irtl^ tjioto ma^ talit. ffl&afrfofr 3 fap tjoto i»a» neftj for to fe <©r ttoto ane fault bnto tis ^t'tjtliour fan», <©f ft'tljjlte faulttiS fe tjoto toetll purgett it Wm to reprnfe tv tiat tJioto tait on j&anlr fBoto tan our ®uene fa fouH ane fault 3nfer Ctmtrat'r ane (iBtuene, anV ftljir jiitr felf gsltle 3n tit fame tryme, iea, antr pertj^anre far toar %otol)ett (t it tloikit matr quyetlle, dTjj on falfet, fj on iiO jjarlatrle, Cjbat ane Jill talll of tjds nttfitBour tan tell, ILntt tiat fame tafll re^ounbui eui'n to tjjj fell. T flAne reproche to the Emprice. HOW glaikit gallarraDd quene, now with thy glorious gloi* With thy fals taillia of tene, thow trowia to win the hois. 238 1[THE SEVIN Nay, nay, not fa tny lois, thairs zit fum graith to find Ane prick into zour nois, or we haue done behind, Trow ze to blaw ts blind, thairs vther taillis to tell Qohen ilabilit is all this wind, luik than quha beiris the bell: The wraik fall on thy fell, baith the forow and fyte, Thow Proferpine of hell, we cure thee not ane myte For all thy greit difpyte, hid ouir with harlatrie Full Weill we fall the quyte, that all the warld may fe. Thow byfemeir balamie, thy hippis fall thoill het haifteris, For thow feruis thame trewlie, at the Chylde and his Maifterii. ^The Taill of the Seuint Maifter is how the man deit becaus he faw his Wyfes finger bleid. VPON a time ti^m tuais ane BoUll f^nit^U Cfiat tjaD ane fcoife 5* toajs fiattlj tnit f hiittt jCluftome Ije fa lufit, tlM 6e na toaj) fie mit^t £Df ttje IjaiU tia^ ane &out tuant tjir of ficlit* ©pon a time eftet meit anU glaiDneiES, JFo? tljatt pafiime tljic ttua toent to t&e Cfietf, 3nti in ftijs tjand it ftappinnit Ijini to fjaif ll)ij5 atoin 6g knife, and fa amang t^e laif Cfiaiton frljo fltaife j^it ^antJ a litill tue ^maiQ ane Ojop of Jblutie ttjat ^e mit^t fe. ^a fone as fje tfie filutie fato of fjiss toife, atoa^ijs fje faiti, t^at fcDo toalD Ioi0 &iv life. TBefoir tfjame all, amang tDame fell Ije tioun, ifo? uettap tuo into ane DeiDlie ftuoun. incontinent t&an fcDo fiegan to eafi SIpon 1^10 face caulD toatev luontiet: fafi. Cjan fje ouitcome toitljin ane litill fpaee, C6e ealO toatter tljag map fa in ftixs fate. Cfie 00inifiet Ije gact call of tlje toun. Znti pja^it gim to Ijeit ^ia Confeflioun» JFot toeill &e fenetu ttiitljout onp remeiti, CSait taa0 natljing at fiim 6ot onlie Oeiti. iTot 239 SEAGES. JFo; na rrtbneis> noj fo; nane titj^et; ttiti TBot tmlit fato W totfejs finget bleiO. Cfie ^imlJec ejcljojtit Ijiin anone» and fone cCtet to Deitlj tW f^nic^t in Bone. JFot qugome tfjair tuasJ Qttit flutt ij beuaflling, Smans t^e tell {)i0 ttiife matD matQ mumfng. C^e TBurfall toitD Qttit folempmtfe, ^ass maiD anD Done in 6efl manec mic&t ht, Cj^an tgi0 KLati^ fcDo matCi ane folenipne tioto, Co letf ap fltll ass tiot0 tlje Ctgttll Doto. au Ijtr life time to leif in Ctjaflitie, and neuer to fenato ong niannijj totnpanie: IBot ap Ig flill abone Ijit ftufbanDiiS gtaue, 9nO neuet maiv toadJJiie conifo?t to tjaue. TBot euer murne tinto tlje Da?> fc&o Die, 3fn tfje fame gtaue qutjiU tljat ft^o Imt^it fie. 10it fteinDie fag nap; ttiat toajs not all tlje 6el!, ^en it pleifit (5oD fiit IjuffianD tuas at tefl: TBaD tjit pajs tjame, anD call &it to DefenD Il)it tjoujs at fiaitniji, to mutne iualD natljing meti (Sine to t^e pute, anD let tlje DeiD fjgne ga, mt tfiinb it liefl (quoD tljap) tljat ?e Do fa. Wt faU ^ota Do alt tomfojt tDat toe ran, ^ine eftettoatt to rtieijJ ^oto ane neto man* Cafl ?otu to mittt), anD let font mutning fir, JTo? natutall ijs, tDat all man anijs mon Die* ^e|)o faiD counfall of ?otu nane toill 31 Daur« JFot 3 fall Die toiDoto afione t^i$ gtaue. Can ?e not all confiDDet fo? mp fake, ^if fait feifeneg, anD Dolg DeitD DiD tafee jFo? ane fmall Djop Ije fato mp finget fileiD, ^ulD 31 not tlian fiaitlj into too^D anD DeiD £Dn mp petfoun fum pennance fos to take. a4o fTHE SEVIN Cfie rtuell tieitlj tljat fuffedt fo? mp fabe. C^airfott cuOe frefnDji let put ?oin; minOe to teft jFo? in tj^iis gtaue falbe mp luDge and tefi jCluftill caQ t^ame to git plefout. ^nD fatu Ccj^o toalD Do natDing Iiot tjir tuill, Cfiaitfoit tj^ag tljof&t t&e fame foi to MfilU anti caufit to Ijig euin at tlje gtauess fjDe, 2int proper luDge quljaitin tt)at fet)o mict)t b^De 3nti furneis Ijit all ntccflatiis tljaitto, 3in all cffairijs, 0? quljat frl)o Ijati aDo. Tdeleuing toeill fcgo toalD tljange Ijiv Jntent, 3nti eftertoart to toitb toitlj fteinD^ ronfent* Cfjinfeing tirgt toeill 5* Ccljo na tuaj) toald toat %it^t of pepill, Iiot fc&o tDairto toalO Dant, ^a tljap tiit left into Ijix quiet Caif, agutning tictj fair abone liiv DufbantiisJ gtaif. Cliatt tuad a iLato tlian maiD in tge €ittit^ (85if onp man toad eonDampnit to bie £Dn tlje (Salloue, fo? tcefpa^ anD tinrieljt, Cfjan tlie ^tljicef fuld tualk Dim all ttjat niegt 3n gig IjarnejJ, t^e mojne quljill it toat Dap, ^a tljat tge tgeif fulD not be flollin atoap, 3nD gif fa toat, tlje ^rgitef to tine tjiis lanD, 3nD alss fjis life to lie in tfie l^ing0 &anD. 3[n t&iis meane time it Ijappinnit t&at tljait toa0 9ne man Ijangit fo? Ijis tDift anD ttefpajx* Cljan tDe %cl)itef beDuDe tljat nicDt on fowe 311 in atmouv to toalb tgat tjangit ro^is, anD SEAGES. 341 and fa fie tJiD, Jjotofidt t&e nfcfit toajj calb, £iuf)ati; fje tuatc&it ttjait luajJ na &ou0 no? fiatti 3[t ftjandt ttjat nirfit to tt liattli tutnti anti tane CSat tn na (o|t ttjauout fie mtrfit temane: JToi uettaj) caulO, fie fluOe of life fie tiout, anO fa fiel^ue fie 6Ienbtt fifm about: 3[n tfie JKttfe^afvD befide tfie filnfefitfjj stmt, ane litm Itrfit tfie ^ffittef tan perfaue, JFta tfie Mntm qufiatc tfiat tfie a:©eOoiu lap, ©fDOet fie gatjj tn aU tfie fiaiQ fie map« at tfie lutJge Ouce fie fenofett quietlt'e, and fone frfio fpafe, and fpettit qufia map tfiat bt. Cfit0 time of niffit to tualfein ane pure ^ajiOoto au tuoljegane, in fiart riefit fojtofoto, ^e faiD 31 am tfie ^rfiiref of tfiijs toun, JFo? uettap tauld 3( am in point of ftooun: ^Frept ?e let me in mait fiaifielie, Boauetrap rauID Doutles 3! ttotu to die. (25if ?e rum in (quod frfio) 3[ feit rirfit fait Cfiat ?e fall eife mp anguifrfie maiu and maft. €lufiil& toar neidlexs frfiir gif ^e feneto mp tfiorfit Cluod fie ILadp, fo?fuitfi tfiat fall 31 norfit. 3[ p?omei33 ?oto noutfiet in too^d no? deid Zotij fo? to rtaib, tfiaicfoit fiaue ^e na d?eid. Cfian tip frfio raijj, and fielpue leit film in, iFo? vmn^ rauld fie rfieuerit at tfie rfiin. and doun fie fat, and toatmit film at tfie fire, IXufiilfe fo? to do tua0 greitlie fiisj defi?e. JFra fie toais iuarmit and refiit tfiair ane ^arr, (Sjaitfilie fie filent into tfie ^iQedotuijj fare« IXuod fie JLadp to difpleijs ?oU) na tuap, ane toojd toitfi leif 3i toald unto ?ota fap. ®rfio faid gude frfiir fap on qufiat euer ?e pWtf 242 IFTHE SEVIN jFoi ?out fagtngtsa fall tio me na Difeijs» ^t faid laDg 31 memell of ^out mtntic* Co tS)i5S uanc toarfe tljat ?e fuID ?oto JlndinOe, ConfiDtieting ^e at ane fait JLaDte, JFteCcfje tn |out floune, ?oug plefanU ant> lufite, 3[t toat mait mett, anD ftettet 6p ten falD, jFo? to pais ijame anb feefp ^out atoin SoufijalD* i13o? Deit to li|)t)e, anD ?out felf to deflco^, Daglie in Curt, and tjang fjim Dp qu&alt; fjangtt tua0 t|ie tj^eff CDe ^egivef fafO fair lad^ lie tge EuOe %out: rounfall in fubOantfouici anD guDe. cyan pafi tga$ bait^ baultilie to' mane $ mfej^t JFuttj^ of tlje gtawe tljap htm p* neto DeiD knic^t Cfte ^tfitref fatD fit ane tljtng feftiss me, C&e tjieff qu&ilk 31 gart fjing Dpon t^e tee, Ctwa of fiijs tettft afione toa^ fldbfein out, C^atcfoir 31 AanD into ane tijeitifull Oout: f fiaitfi fiiiEJ luggijJ belpue fcfio maiD fiim quite ^ine faiD guDe fcfiit noto ?e ma^ toitfiout tacg IBut onp feit fiim to tfie (J^allousi eatp. anD fiing fiim t>j? qufiair tfie tfieif fiang Iiefoir, %)a at ^e quite of Danget, Qutt anD fcfioit, Cfian SEAGES. 247 Cfta faiti tfjc U^iut ?f t ane tfif ng teCf in tftoc&t C&attof qu^iU noto t:ememli|ance fiaD 31 not^t JDotufieit tljt tfjetf toaxJ fjaill in Iioiufe and fianijs Xit tueill 3[ tuait De toantit liaitD ytJJ flanisJ. anti lie tljat brnb, all ii3 foj nottjt t^nta tione Ciuoti fffto in fait& ttjt Canijs Ije fall toant fone, anti toitD ane fentfe ttjt Caniis fcDo tui& fjim fta anti faiJj sutie ^ci^it noto to tDe treijs Dim ta. JJ)e fumeriss nsJ fo? to 6|)de fa lans &eit;, £Xuoti fje mg felf alone OotP not ftim fieic, IXuoti fclio in faitlj fo? t^at it fall not flop Cafe ?e ttje taill, ant» 3[ fall tafe t&e top. jFo? fen fje eome futtlj of Ijtjs ^ej^ultute 31 Dane gim maiii ane laitglie feature* Co tlje <25allouj3 tljit ttoa Ijim tnife fint moit, anti fiang Ijim np qu&aiv tlje tljeif Ijang fiefoit;* Cfian toass t&e ftljitef of t&e Eingijs tiaget quite IBe tlie gteit Ijelp of tDijJ laU? fa qufjite* Cfian faiD frljo fcljit, noto toonQer toeil ?e fenato ^oto tfjat ?e toar lie ojtiour of tlie Lato, 'Baitlj life anU lantii0 in dangec fo? to tine, and noiu 31 6a«^ 6?ocljt all to ane gude fine: IBt nip rounfall and onlte fo? ?out; lufe, jFo? ?out plefuve and alsJ foj ^mt 6e|iufe. CluJiairfoit fen ^e in all matetjs Jess fped, iI3oto 31 t»ffit^ agane ?e iuald me toed. Confojme to ^our eonditioun and p?omi0, duftilfe in na fo?t 31 iuait ?e tuill not miiJ* JDe faid Ladg, foifuit^ 3 maid ane uoto, Cfjat 31 fuld not ^atp tuoman fiot ^oto: ^a lang a0 ?e tuar leuand upon life, TBot too to fjim tljat See t^e to lii0 tuife. Ctioto fcgamelej} fcljieto, and maifi toiefeit of all Q^iij. 248 IfTHE SEVIN CenefuU t^Qtt a nengeance on tfje fall, 9ne H^olitll Enuj^t tgoto tjati to tg^ gufl^anD, and fo? ane Djop of bluDe futtlj of tDp ftanti J^e 6a0 fie lufe anU 3Intoart fauour to tfie, JFo? flutt tljaitof at frftojt caufit fjim to t)it, CfiotD in na toag all 5t5o countte not afX jour tunning toortj a taift, caujen tuer ftjo traftfe, antr tafttS fiaRinart tje Creia ffiufn ai tjt JKnttjbt fato 5fo iusfe* finger tilefa, 3n fufi* labour gulden euer tjat je Snlafi, 911 tHrti iisgane ftj^o tonntisi not toottjb ane Hvtta, aSetauiS tiap ar fa Ittttill trf tje dame itSnnofentts tbat ioatt of ntit^t iot 3X1 Ttias toutt ntrd^t &ot ap to j^ane t^air faitXI. ^um maMi fa mirg, fa gprnp, fa agnft ana aane ^otoXittt It fptife icf)o ioill not liXenit agane ana gtf ftSo tfo, It a out on tje f$ae, Cj&at dFtlTolt Suaia Xie at tjt f etXa al« fane sr^at femts ane ^antt neio fena hi fra B^ntifm ff^of Jt ftSo lie liratoXft ana Xiuflttt Xplte ane ftrjjae ©naer SEAGES. 251 WinVtr tttllour itfia ii ant gratelt^ ssitt 9nt ittit fulfilltt oC {anta£tt fvofiane. 9ne rant l^tbaHr, rtVBs aU tsmni to rslTt. 3e gu»e inemm eyaitipfn Jefr mag fe J9e not fenjeft ioftji faW ^^upotrafie, 3n mtnnfu fitiit preCtnttng ane 'SlnqtXl an» fine Jlntoart fatfat SnttJ fuiteltff, ifulfinit all tofti) fratiHe anif faUttfe. 911 tW httummi^ of tj&e gre£t Btuill of fitH oj (ulti of couctaite. Cj^e (ompamr, and all about tuajj glaid. mit^ gteit filpitlmexJ to tji'sJ JFat^er fie falb. JDalr JFatljet Oefr, fteltij Donour anU Ujetlfaw 'Be to '^am grace, fo? noto anD euet matr» ^a fone as$ j^e of gi0 fone DatD tge nofK, 3[nto ^ijs 6att it DtD Dtm fa reioiiS: Cfiat &I0 quit Mt W toitttjs tt Did ronfounD, Cfjat fie fo? 310^ flatHngfsJ fell to tfie gtounD, Cfian up agane fifss fone tuik fifm in liaifi, 9nd Otuev0 ttmejs fn fits at:me0 fie fitin fitniQ, %a tuitfi ftueit tuo^Dtjs and eofojtalitU bjafing iTta ftuoun agane fie did fiiss JFatfiev fijing, aisj fone ft:a ftuoun tfie dBmpttmt did taalfe, Cfie Cfiglde began to fiisJ JFatfiet to talfe* %it of pepiU tfiair tuajs fie confluence, Cfie Cfiplde to fpeife micfit fcatfe get audience* Cfie (ZEmpjeout fie caufit caflin fie, ®?eit fotomejs of gold out tfiiotu tfie fiail Cietie Co tfiat tf[tct to djato tfie peptll atuap, Cfiat fie micfit fieiv tufiat tfiig fits (one tuald fa^ f)f tfie mone^ ^^it fum tuib fmall tegait:d, Cfiat tfie ?oug man fa fane tfiag toald fiaif fiatd Cfie <2Bmp?eoui; fie cv^it glue audience, 3In pane of deitfi 3ilfe man to feeip filence, Cfia all toass clois, to fpeik tfiait dutQ na man giine fo? to fpeik Dioclefiane began, 1[90g JFatfiet deir fiumblie 3! ?otD befeife, Cfiat ^e toill caus oa 31 iita taojdijs fpeife, %mt atoin OEmpjice toitfi fiit fait JLadeis gent 3t mp fermon fib ane to be p?efent. Cfie (ZEmpjeour 31ncontinent gaue command, Cfiat tfie €mpjice fuld fiiddet cum fta fiand. 254 fTHE SEVIN mit^ fiw 3a.aDei0 of ^it Cljalmet 3[Ife ant, Co fttt ftel^ue ttje 8@cflinger is gane, anD in all Ijatfl m ^eflage tald Ijit till, anD ftgeto to Dit tlje €m]^2eouti£S mintie $ luill ^rtio geiting tgat f(go tuik ane felloun feit, ^a0 na temeiD, tiot all tfia^ Did tompeit» Ctjan OiD tfie Cfjilbe Defire t^e OEmpjeout, Cliat all tge laDeisJ of tj^e (ZBmp?ice hout ^ulD flaiiD on tato, 31lfe ane at uttjetiis fpOe, 3tt pane of deittj tljat nane tljamt felf fulD ti^tt Cftat t^e pepill micljt all tDame planelie it Cftair trim mafetiome, anti aljs tljaiv ftoneflie. C^ait fauour, jaic face, gait fame f j?ait faflou Cfjair fijaue Ijauineisf, anD ttjair paintit petfou apon t^e Oeijs tljag DamtjJ qulje pai toat tiaeuin Cfiap toat maifl lile angellijs cu furtlj of Ijfuin Cfiap toar fa fuieit fu faiD tljap tear all fanctijj Cteto men tfjame rallit aljs trim aj3 tetmigantisJ Cljan fiude tj^ap up all into plane pjefenee, 0nD to tlje CtjtIDe gaue oppin autiience. Cfian faiti tljt C&ilDe jTatljer lift up ^out; dEne, IBeSjald tjoto lang t^at ^e tjaue blinDit bene Wiitb 50ut (JEmpjice tftat ij3 ?our Q^atpit quene anO tftat ?oung toenrlje tljat all iss tied in grene Ciufiilfe iss 6out fl^apO unto ^onr atoin (JEmpaejS Ciugome frlio l^ejs mair in fauour and bintinejs, Ctjan euer CcDo liatJ 31 tiat tueill tafe on me ^en t^ap firft met tljan to ^ouv ^aieOie, duftome 31 tiefire gif it plefit ?out; gtaee Co lie undeD befoic ^oto in t^i& place. Cfiat being done, tit^t toeill ?e fall perfaue, ^ir ane liout 9ia^d, and fie (ZEmpjice ?e ftaue. Co qugome anfuietit t^ia Si^ohiU OEmp^eoui:, CgoU) SEAGES. 255 C&oto fenatDtxJ fone ft i$ not 1115 j&onout, 3It tDtU fie fcDame to me and to W all, ane naibft Q^apb fiefott ujs fo? to call, C&an faiD tlje CD^IDe ane ^agdfn gif ftjjo fie ail tfie grett fcDame tljairof fiefsJ laiO on me, (Sif fe^o fie not ane ^oung 90a|>ti axJ je tell, Cgan let all fcDame temane fiill tuitl) t|tt fell, CDe (ZBmpjeout: tSian tommanDtt tljat fie Done, CDe ©fScerjS tljap unfierleD f}it fone. Cfie tlafjs of tane, tt toetll appeutt tljan 3t toajs na ^apfi, fiot altoaj>f!3 toais a man* anD fie all fignexJ of memfierisx natutall, Clu&awof monj) IjaD tuonDec gtett merualK C&an faiO tlje fone luttlj all ^umtlttte, Cfie tiettap treutlj noto JFatljec ^e mag fe, ©f tfje falfet, and tBe gteft fufitelneis SDf tl)t0 Eefiald, and aljj of ?ont (JBmpieu, J^oUj dag and nicljt Ijesi ?oto tn filmdnesJ led, jCluDen tljag 6eG tljocljt liesJ ag defoultt ?out fied 3[n ^our Cljalmet: ag ufit fie liatlattfe, jFointcatioun, lj)ui;cdome, and adulterie, JSot tegatding (Soddt0 lato no? conffienee jl3o? ^out djeddour, ^out lufe and teuetence: IBot euet male t6a« lull and tljati: plefont, Cuib quljen tljag Hfl, to ^our gveit diljonout. Cluften t&e €mp?eout fato all tlje ryttitit ^oln t^isi ^oung man toaji tied a$J ane Hadte, and fifit mcBtlfe in C&almec tottD tlje IXuene, jFo? uettag tojaftlj, impatience and tene ^isj (ZEne t&ag glotojtt, and alJJ 6(0 face tt ftnelHt 5)ij5 gteit anget t^ait t0 na man can tell iU I])e commandlt tDame fiattlj incontinent CSIttliout met;cte to fie condampnit and fi^fnt. 2^6 fTHE SEVIN Cfjan faid tfie fone Jfat^et wmane a time, Clu&tll 3i repiufe ftit of t&e ctueU alme ^tgo laiD on me, anD falflte on me b^ocgt, Cfte tljing jat 31 6ati neuer in mfnDe no? t6of|jt C^e J?at&et faiO tljat t&ins and all t^t uH 3l£S fn ?our tjanOijs, Do toitD it a0 ?e tlitnfe Befl, Cfian faiij t&e fone, ane Itet sif ft&o 6^» C^an let t^e JLatu eojtect ^it fo? &w Ite, IBat ?e fall fenato qn^en ?e fitjft fo? me fent, S@5 felf 31 jjafl antj fppit tlje JFtrmament. du^aim 31 fatu, ane^tuojD gif ttjat 31 fpafe mit^in feuln daptjs, tljat 3 twitft fc&ame $ lak ^ulO tljoill tfje Oeitlj tuit^ all grett rcueltte IBe onj toap t^at mlti tieutfit he. 3nti tljat alone te tlje gvctt foivtljocljt felti £>f ttje (5mpitce, 31magtnins m|) DeiJ), Cljat toasi tj^e cans JFatfter 31 tiutfl not fpeife, Cfiatrfott j^atOoun at ?oto notu Ijetr 31 fetfe. anti qu^ait: fctjo fagfss tljat 31 toalD tjit opp?efl Cfiat ixJ in tteut^ ane lefing mamfefl. 'Bot tvetolie felio hiH all t^at in ftii; iwajf 31n all fein foat to fiatng tljat tljing to pass. 3nD quljen CcDo fatu ttjat 31 tefufit fie t^ing anD anftwetit not, 3Incontinent DID fcj^o fijtng IPaper anD pen, toitft 31nfe fcfio fiaD reDDte IP^apft me to ttJjtte mp minDe tfiaii- quj?etlie. anD quljen 3! to?ait, anD all j^it minDe vefufit, 9nD Placing lj« fo? to ftalD me ermfit: jro2 31 toalD not Defoull m? JFatljewsJ IieD, Cfian tlje tojptfng nnDet Ijft; felt feSo teeD* ^ine vaif Bit fate, anD all Die tobfiijs tent, anD totttj louD tjoice fej^o rtgit 31n(ontinent, anD }it t^at etime fcDo laiD alone on me, JFat^et SEAGES. 257 jFatfiet in tteutj^ tljljs 10 tlje uerfHe, dugen ttjt €mpjeout tgiiEJ tai{ j^atti til gim talb Cfie CluenejJ face QUitlit fie tiiti liefialU, Wiit^ atofum ijult, angde and alj$ aufleit, 9nD not 6ut rau0, faptng on ttjfjs manett. © maffi filtDie and fcijamelejs cteatute: 80fcfit ttjotn na toap flancfteft tfip foull nature Saiftli m^ lio&fe, and tuttD tljp laefialti hnatf, 10ot in Itfee fo?t mp atuin fone t^oto toalU ftaif* £D toickft Uiife neuei: taking regaltti SDf tBp atoin fcfiame, no? of ^euinlfe retoafrO. ^aO tljoto tant fietti quBome of 5" toa0 DiffenOit Cftoto toalO neueu fa far to me offentJit, Cftow toaofljt altoagijs tfjat euet tfjoto tulti 31n' £Dn tlje (^allouiS to gat m^ fone be fr|^ent« (uent 3nd ap tl)|) lufnDe tuftB falfet tua0 ^nfectft, Cratlling all time fie toalD not lie fo?tectit« TBct (Sod tsj 31ufi, fjotolieit fie ttjotll a time, 90 fie tfitnfets tm$ fie toill punefg tfie erfme. Cfiairfoft 6eeau0 of fie tfioto fiaD na fffiame> ^pon tfi^ felf fall l^ Iiattfi tutte anD blame: Cfiat me fa lang tfip tjedfelloto fiejs SHnOit, Cfiairfotr tfip flefrfie fo? fie faultjj note fall find Cfia gruiatngjs ftogftfi fcfio fell upo fiit fate (ft J)oun at fif JJ feme, anD at fiim tt^it fo? grace, paging guDe iLojD, fo? tfip P?ep2iue ?our etace fra t&ixJ jRobill 3!mj?ire, dufjilb neuet toajj ?it tretolie mp Defite, and al0 fcbo fain ttjat it toass mp intent, %otn SEAGES. 259 %oto to defltop ttiltl) mp a^affletisJ fonfent, 3nD ht ttjat toaj) ?out toUimciS foi to obtmp, jCluljtlft ttetoHe "^it mp minbe Diti neuet mtnt, ^ic tat to Do 31 l??a? <^oD me tiefenO, fl)| ?tt tDtnfe fie unto 1115 Iiuejs end, JFoi of 5out gtare mp leuing all 31 &a gouernance %e fall $et;faue fall be na fiindetance, R.j. a6o 1[THE SEVIN ll3o? j^jeiutiue in na fojt to ?our state, IBot altoapi^ (aI6e mfttft 3Io? and folate. C&an fafU on tjew^ tftijs il3o6fn €mp?eout, Co 0oD alone {le (ouing anti gonouc, Cliat fir ane fone Dnfojfetuit Iieis me fenD, Co epOe tj^tjj Eealme efter mp tiapijs ent»* ^a toife, fa gutie, fa uetteoujs in all tfifng, Co greft toellfatt fa aftill 6f0 JRealme to 6?jng, H^oto m^ deft tone partite 31 t^e requeit. Cell me fum taill tliat all about ma^ geit. jCiutiafrtfjjoto j>at map tfjp twtfbome tmtietflati jCiuoti Ije JTatfiet: ttjat fall 31 tak on fiand. ^a ^e command all men to Uip filenre, jfXul^tll 3! ^aue done, and sfue me audience. Clutien 31 l^aue done a0 ?e ttjfnk expedient £Dn ?oui; (ZBmpjtce giue furtli tj^a ?out iudgemet Cgan filence toad commandit to all man, DiocleQane t|^u0 gaitis t)i0 taill began. EFTER Cgtan fiad tane m Oaf in Ijand 0nd Itcgtlte lap ajs Hojd out outt tge land IBecaug tfie dap toasJ baitlj ftoett foft and fait, C&an Mp 3! tafjj, and pad to mp ILfbjaft. and fludpit t&att, a qu^ple aj3 31 tfjoc^t gude 'Becau0 it toasJ mp dfe and confiuetude. and fa eftet mp leflfoun tua0 compleit, Cfian to tefrefcfie, 31 tecteat mp fpjeft. 30 fo? tljat tpme 3! laid on fpde mp bufee, and in mp gand ane Dtj^et Volume tube, ©f Ipcfttet dpte, and fioipic of tfte aid, Cj^at feit auld men befoir in tpmee ijad tald 3ln qu^ilfe ([lolume diuetjs fiojeid ouic beQ, Cj^at plefand tpa0, bot ^it amang tge vefit ane SEAGES. 261 ane fpne faliill in tliat tiolume 31 fand, Ctufiilft at tljifi tgme to out j^uvpoijj map ftanH. Cgt0 tt)a0 ttje a^afvr^ of tge matec in DeiD, 30 ?e fall Ijetr tStss Cale anO 31 pjoreid. BdBtm tl)i0 tpme t^aft toa0 ane mhtU knit^t ^anKe in mpnd anD afiounOant in mfcj^t, 3ne gap laDp j&e fiad unto ^iss topfe, anD 6etufF t&ame tljap led ane (J5odlie Ipfe. ©nlte ane ^one fie j^ad na Iiatmji mo, Clu&ome of pai tuffe, quit mittfj tilpftljnexJ $ 3fo and tiim delpuetft in fat and fitange counttte, JDfm to 3[nllturt and fo? to left Cletefe: HDf eunntng men t&at Cletgfe Dad petqueft, ass ?e ftaue done to me t^fsJ mong ^ei't. ^a tfjfsJ ^oung man ajs ge in petfoun gteto, ^a dapHe did in cunning and uetteto. ^ine eftet tfjat &e toaS feuin ?eit at lait, Confiddeting &e ttiajs tjijj JFatDetss ait» and liad na ma to htnik giss Ijetitage, at feuin ?eiti0 end ^e fend fo? tjim ^eflage. C&atgeing fjim fone fo? to cum tjame fta Dand Clutjilfe in oliepit ftijs JFatftetiS fiaill command* and quften fie come to liiis jFatfietiiS p?efence, !])e Ijailftt fiim toitfj all gude teuetence. a0 Ijim effeitit, toittj gteft fiumilitie, fDifi agotfiet al$s in femfilabill degte, Clufjaitof tljap tjad fiattfj game gle t lilpitfjnejs Ctjat t&ait ane fone toass cumin to fie gtace. JFo? not alone in nettetu tie 3Incteft, 'Bot alfo toajj of 6odie tfje liblpefl. ^anlie and fiout tieiU maid at alt falToun, Witill fauoutit of face and gude pjopojtf oun. i$entill, fiumane, couttest, Bobill and fte, R. ij. 262 fTHE SEVIN 2Hl man j^tm lutt foj gti& JFatfier anO 9@ot&et at tabill fat t^it ttoap Cfie fone ftrutns t^ame liatt^ ritftt rom;taflie, iFta t&e l^ftrfting tfte foutfis htot^t cmnlit, 3In tfie mtane time on ane tre liefjtit Ooun, 3t t|je toin&o, and fang toittj ^euinlie foun, 3ne nicj^tingail, quljilk fang toitft noitiss fa cleit ^a toonder Hmtit, t&at all Ijit noitijs Dib fteit. aucfjt tiapig in ane tj^ag toalD neuec tfioc&t lag Co tjeit tfjat bitD, fa Done ftoeit toajs fjir fang. Cfian fatD tfte ffitnicftt tueil tuar Ije all ftis tiapiss Cfiat underflutie quj^at ?one 6ttD fingijs o? fapijs, Ctjan faiD tlje fone JFat^et; toitf) ?out: ftonout ^a tj^at it 6e to ^oto na Difplefour, Cfie Uttiisi fang 31 fall Oerlait to ?oto, IBot 31 am feitit tfiat ?e tafe flutt t&aittljioto* Cfte JFatj^et faiO fone fo? mg fiennefoun, Ciul^at tfie ftitti fingi0 mafe 3fntet:p?etatioun. ^ap on fiaulDlie, fo? na perfoun tafe feir, JFo? 31 tj^aitat fall na toapijs e Dange mg cj^eit. Cftan faiO tlje fone t^ijs iss tfje uertag taill, Cliat ^e JFatDet fieitijx of tj^e Bicljtingaill. Cftat 31 fall lie fie ane man of gteit micljt, and gonoutit 6e toitlj JLotD TBarroun $ ffilniel^t 3nD fall mm to, tftat ?e mp JFatljet fre C^e toatet plait tftat ?e fall 6alD to me. 9nD mp a^otljer fiefoit me fefio fall Canti, IBef^De ?out felf toitlj toteiell in j^et Santi: aaiaitting qu&ill 31 toeftlje mp IjanDijs in p* plait C6is$ i33 tfie fang tljat tlie fiird fang of lait. C6e JFat&er faib tgoto fal0 mifleieit Itnaif, Cgoto fall of D0 fie fet:uiee neuet; gaif : 1130? SEAGES. 263 Bat mutt fall rum to fie titgnftte, Cftat tue ttoa fall mab fie ittuict to tlie. %ti in malice, and into ettit tootineis, 3!n gteft futie, and tinnaturall fefnDnejs. ]})e led f)is3 fone, and UQ i^im in tge fie, Jln difplefout, 31nw5 and ctueltie. taping ttttt in t&e fep fie Ijiin flang Ip tfjotij ttjaic Hill, geflac of bitbisi fang. Cfie CDplde mid ftu;?m, and fa cftannt to land ^it^ l^eill and quert tj^lptt tie (2^oddi0 gand. • and fafiit tgaic a0 tge tiifiojie fa^isj, 'But nieit 0? d?ink fie tfje fpace of font dapijs. £Dn tfie fjft da^ fie cljance ane fcljip come fip, CVuftaiton frljairplie rirfjt loud tj^e cfijld ta ctp. Skipper of fffjip fo? lufe and cfjeritie, jTra tlji0 pertell 31 PJap ?oto to faue me. Cfie ffeippet fjatd, and fielpue djeto to land, and fato t&e Cf)a?ld, and in guljat flait mid flad jgDn {)im tlja^ Ijad veutj^ and tompafGEoun, ^eing fje twa^ ane lifelie gude petfoun, C6e chance of deftfj fa natotulie efr&etuit, ail in ane Doiee tj^aiv tiactiss upon gim vmit and in on fiutde fiel^ue did tjim (efiaue, and in fat landijs to tfjait tounttie did gaue. Cgan to ane Duke of tljat tounttie gi'm fauld, So% ane gteit fotome of mone^ to tgame tauld. and ajj tl^is Cj^plde gveta dajlte into age, 3fn like manet fje greto in petfonage* ^eik and tjumane, in manetis romfojtafiill, (dentin, 3[omnd, and to all game tieDt afiill, ^a to all men i^t come in fie fauouc, C&e Duke Dim lude, and tuik at Dim jlefouc, 31nto fa fat, ^t Dad tDe Daill credence R. iij. i i 264. 1[THE SEVIN SDf all ftfsJ SousJ, anD tfie pjeemtnence, 3[n t^e fame tgme ttje Mn^ of tljat counWe, 911 fjfxs gteit lojDsS, and rounfall calKt fie. JDf0 greft 'Batrountf, ^ia fenft&tjs anti nofiiU men Cgat of gid minb fum part tgat tga^ mtej^t 6en 9mang tfie tefl eutn Did t^isi Dufee alfo Co t^e founfall pjepatit Ijim fo? to go. 9nD tuitfi ttjame tufee t&ijs Cfipld in fompanie jFo? 6fj5 tjiftiome, and fiiis gteft couttafie. 9U t&ff JLo?D0 come toitft full greit reuecence 'Befoit t&e l^lng gaue tieto-ofieDlence. C^ap being all togiODer fa ronuenit, Co ^ame in j^Iane ^t faing frljetD qu^at tie menit taping mj CoaD0 anD mj tuetu IbartounisJ all irSoto to counfall fo? t^ijs 31 Did ?oto tall. C&e mater ijs fa greit 31 6a«^ to tell, Cljairfoit; 31 toalO ?e feefpit all rounfell <5if onp man tfie tveutt) toill me Oeflait, 3! film paomit m^ DoucDtet* anD mpne 3it: 3lnto fj^otofage, anD eftev me 6e king, Ciufien 31 ant tieiD, foa a^ to tiau&e m$ Eing. CfjisJ i0 tfie tteutfi, ant) mater nmfiss me, about t^isi jplare t:efoat0 ffilauin0 tfia«: and follotpiss a^ qufiair euet 31 Sang oa l^i0 lRoto]?anti in ane, and euet on me tt^i$, £Xufi^li0 me fiefiind, $ qufi^li^ tfia^ mm befoit ^it£ fiflpfee lu65J> a0 tfiap toald me deuoit. Cfiag leif me not bot ap rontinuallie, Cfiaj) totop tljap tait, and euer f(fiout0 on me. ^rraipand tlje eird and toaffand to* pait triing^ Datobing tfiait nebbiss <$ at tlje toindoijj dingjj Cfiaitfoit 31 itntt gif onp of ?oto did fenato, Cfie caud fieirof, tfiat ^e toald to me frfiatu. SEAGES. 26s J^ijs gude tetoalvti ^t fall not neiti to aaf f, Sj$ 31 ^aue faid t^t fame tgtns fall {le gaif. ^a Ije tieuopti tDe iRamn0 fta me all rlene, 3nD in mp ficj^t tfiat t&ag na mafi; fie fene. £Xugen tl)l0 toass mufit to all tljt tounfall tgaii; Cgatt; tua0 na man tlje queQtoun culD Declalt* Cfian fatD tljfxJ CDplD to fttjs malflet t&e Dufee Cj^e man on ^anti tljat ?one fame guefitou tu6e jToj to Oetlalr toalD Ije Qtt tjiJS p^omtxs JFra tfie fiiingss grace, ?ea, quoU tfte C)ube 3[ tai)5» C&an fatO t^e CljplDe gif it j^Iefit ?oui; gt^aee, Co fc&ato tlje l^tng, 3! fall Declaim t^t tare, ^ndet; tge pane to put mj) DetO in pledge, 30 tie ge0 faiD, foa to fulfill t^e toage. Ciu&e 5* Dufee ftard tljiiS tail Ije toa-s tic^t glaiO incontinent pafi to tlje l&ing and faid, 9nd plei0 ^out; grace tljaie in ane ^oung ma geit Znt cunning Clerb, in Clergie tit^t perqueir* aJMife and tuittie, and of Engine tU^t ftie, Jdugilb piomifijs tDat tie fall fatiffie: ail ?our defirejj and tfte famin fulfill, CuitcDing tge Bauin^, fa ttjat it lie ^out toill, foi to compleit tfie tiling tfiat ^e tiaue faid, iFaitj^ (quod tlie filing) tfiairof 3i tuill tie glaid. Cgan b^ocgt tlje Dube tW Cg^ld into p^efece, IBefoir tlje IKing toitlj all gude teuetence. Cfian faid tDe il^tng, ?oung man can ?e declaim Cge quefiioun tj^at 31 pjoponit ait: IBefoit m^ ILo^diiJ, tutcging tge IRauint! t^it, C6an faid tlje Ctjplbe tljat fall 31 do tcetolie, ®a tiiat ?ouv grace ?our pjomeijs taiill fulfill. C&an faid tlje l&ing but dout tretulie 31 tuill. Clutja euer toill t^in queOioun declair, R. mj. 266 ^THE SEVIN JJ)e fall mat? 1115 doucftter anti mine 3 3In tjoijj, &ai;ne0, 31ufling and tuvnament, ^tiD all guDe gainer ganit foi an^ genttll man, Daplie ererctt, anD ap tDe piaife Ije taan a&one all tljame tfjat Dtuelt into Cggpt, !^e fat ewellft, and Dati t&e a^affterfcDtj?. 3[n all tDat Bralme nouttjet bt fat no| nett, 31n manlie actljs tljaft tuajs nane found ytjs peir 1130? 5tt tDait toasJ na gtett olifcuue queliioun, IBot it tfiairto toald Qiut folutioun, ^a Ijp Q^iiit tn all tiling and toetll j??ufit, aajitlj ^oung and auld toondet toeil tjf toaxJ lufit, C31ti tljiJJ meane time Cgtujs tlje OEmpjcout Ciuftilb tua0 a man of gteit mitljt and ftonout ©f gentilnesJ, and al0 of couttafic, 3|n all uetteto fje toasJ ane 9 j?et fe. flDuit all t&e toatld fa fat tang ftijs tmoun, C&at &e 3??erellit all tJt&et t&at fiute Ctoun. 3Into fa fat, t^at ouit all qufiait did fle f^ia BoMll name of liilietalitie. 9nd tound about into all ^attis Dim fig, TBaitD fat and neit oppinlie gatt Ijt ctp: (5if ong man in manetss and tuifdome, and gude 31ngine, tmto j^ijs Coutt tuald rum: ^uld de 31ntteit into tljait atoin degte, 3nd tetoatdit eftet tljait facultie, Ciu&en aietandet Ijatd tell of fie ane tfting, JDe paft fta fiand to W JTat&et tfte Eing, and faid to Ijim feneiling upon ftijs fene, and pleiss ?out gtace mg 5I3oliill JFatliet fte. Clje BoMll Coutt and eouttafie is fenatoin 270 1FTHE SEVIN SDf tge Co ?our plefure, qufiilfe t0 mg ^ouerane. C^an fafd t^e Efng ^our talfetng plefisJ me, TBot laitf) toar 31 to toant ?our companie. %it not tlje less caujs ?e fie tfifng defire, 31 toill glafdlte grant ft t^at ?e require. IBot 0? ?e paj3 fe tljat ?e furneift be, 3In all fieljalfig, gold, claig, fto^d and monie. Cfiat ?e toant noc&t tfjat iss netdfull to fjaue, C^at ^e gairtgjoto mag dattg our fionouriS faue %iclifee 31 ttjinfe it toar erpedient, Cfiat ?e fuld fpoujs mp douc^ter o? ?e toent. ©a ?e returne perc&ance ane darne furtlj daing Cfjan toifi tliiiS Bealme outger of quene oj 6ing. aierander t^an fatd tonto t^e ffiling, 3nd plei0 ^our grace to fpair me of tfjat tiding Cill mg returne, tljan fall 31 toitlj honour Xour doucj^ter fpoujj \siit^ ^our graces^ plefour CBan faid tlje ffiiing of tljat 3[ am content, OEuin a0 ?e toill, tDairto 3[ do confent* and SEAGES. 271 3nD Btanttjs ^oto fjeic toUj^ all fieneuolente, Co pass ?0ut ttiup quj^air tftat ?e pleijs licence. Cftan ^lejcanDcv at tfje Uinq tnik guOe ntcj^t, anti all p*^ Lo2D0, fiaitft IBarroun fquite t fenic^t ^ine laQ ot all Ije pafi to tge HaDte, Cuife fi<0 guDe ntcljt, and gaue fitt femfejj tfj^e, 'Bad fttt bt t)lj)itD> fo? lang fje tDocfjt not fipDe. ^c|io fatti guDe fcj^tt 31 paap *5o& fie ?out gjtie. %a futtl) lie fattiiS, ane liklte man to lut6, anD lap on l)oj0, and on j^tjs De^age tut^. HnD tuitt) Dtnt inent ane gonefi companie, 2i23itt) gold, filuet, fuvnetQ at all plentie. ©nto tlje Coutt qutjaii; tljat tlje (JEmpjeour luatf J^e tafet0 3Io?na5, and fa fojdtuatt can pass, and quljen jje come fiefoft tlje (2mp?eout ^pon 1^10 fenetiS tie gailQt litm tottt) iDonout: (5?ett teuerence and all Ijumtlitte. IBot fa fone ajs tlje Cmp?eout: culd film fe, £Xut)att ttiat tie fat, out of Ijtd fait ge tati$, Co aierandet but mair tat? fje gai0. and &ifli0 gim, au tua^ of Coutt tge gife, and in Ijtss arme^ fje &im 31m6?afit ttoife. ^ine l^im inquidt quljat toass ^ia name fta fiad CiuDaitfta ge come, qugill toa^ ^iss natiue land %icli&e ge fpeitit qugaitfoir t^at ge tuais cum. Cell on fje faid, tfte treutft of all and fum. JDe faid and pleijs ?out il3o6ill ^aieOie, aierandet men BfijJ to call me. Cfie Mim of (Z^gpptJS fone and air 31 am, 31 tuait l)i!3 grace toill ratifie t^t fame, and i0 eum j^eir tinto ^our a^aiefiie, Co do feruice, gif ?e toill accept me. %t at toelcum t^e (2Bmpaeour faid t^an. 272 1FTHE SEVIN %t feme to it ane H^o&tll gentiU man. Co t)iis ^tetuatt ttjan ane rommanti j^e gaue, Ctjat in fiouQ)alD aierande); tje fulD velTaue. Cge ^tetuact tgan to ane Cgalmer gim leD, anD fc^etu Dtm qutjati; tliat ^e fuld gaue I)t0 &eD caaeill petfurneifl into all neceflansj, mu^ pertlnenttss t&afvto in all eflfari0. aieranOei; beljauit fiini fa tuifelie, mit^ all ttje Coutt and 3ll^ niani^ lufe tnan j^e ^a in fc5o?t time for &i5 toeill fie^auing, 99aiCet ISetuouc tje tuaxJ maiO to t^e Sling. l5ot lang eftet tlie I&ingisJ fone of JTrance, Co do fetuire and dajlie ofiferuance. 3!n lifee manet* rome to tge (lEmpieour, Ciu^ome 5e reflauit tuitlj filpitljnejs u fjonour. and fpeirit ficlifee at 6im qiifjat tuais Ijiss Il3ame l^e faid Hodtoift all men talli$$ me at game, and am cum fjeit to do ^our gvace feruice, tefufit* 3nD mairatouft mp birtlj it ijs to lato, ^a Ijeufj matetsJ 31 tiutfl not to ?oto ftljato. Ciuoti fctjo tt in ane P?ouetb of tlje alO, Ctuljilfe 31 oft tinufi In mittinejs fjejs DarO tald« Cet ane ^oung man quj^fbtiet Ije fpelti oj noc^t IDane not Dti3 fpeicfj, 6ot fpeife futtft $ fpafi; noffjt. 3nto mp fiaut (quoti tie) fie tuajs not gtoundtt Bo? tuit^ fir tDing mg fjai^t toajj nenet tooundit 9nti fitf fie ttiine perejanee fjati ^apptnntt me, 31 toalD Siaue eijatgett ane of matv lata tiegte 130? in ?out Btace, 6ot mp euDe fueinD LoDtof fe 310 t^e steit aft of tlje maffl etjeif Citndft: Of all tlje toatlD, anD tlje maifi CD?tfltn fting, C0e maft fiaultiet |je tinrfl tiefite fie ttjlng* JRatljet no? 3i» quljilb mag fie na eompait, 2Into ?ouc stare, fo? ?out filutie finsulait* duod fr^o t&fjJ too?D m tememli?anre ?e tab, Hufe qn&ome ?e lifee, tliaj? faj? lufe Ijejs na lab. Ctuod Ije qulja fjes into Diss rompanie, ane gutie felloto, ajs lobujtb noto fiejs me: 3nti in fiim ttailiijj, am 31 not liounti agane Co tiJijs &tm gnDe quljait tljat Ije IgixJ in pane 3t mg j^otuet, in fa fat ajj 31 map, 2^outlejj ^adame 31 rulb not fag 6im nag. Cfjaitfoit 31 tfiinb ?e ladg ttaifl and ttetn ^iQald ^e tuitrfjaif upon JLodtoib to teto, 9nd on Sim fjaue rompaflioun and pietie, Cliat id fa fait tooundit in ?out fietutie. 9ne too?d of ?outi$J tuald mafe ijim fiaill agane, and Dim teleif of all feibnejs and pane* Het Sim na toap Diss deid lie on ?otu laid, S. ij. 278 HTHE SEVIN iFo? tbat ttjfng fall ?out; Donoui- greit begraiU, (&U 5e afifent fca Dim ?our guDe biiiUnexJ, 3Ilfe man tofll fa^ tljat ?e nt mttt^lts, %t^o faiiJ eude U^it toiMtlj ?e fcvue grttt ttinit SDf me ?c get na anftwev at tljtjj time, C&attfott ?e ma^ jaxs on faiv toeill atieto, Xe ar to blame fa CcDattpKe to peufeto: JFo? on^ man, 6ot gif it toar ?out fell, lPa0 on ?ouc toa^, axs noiu na matv % ttlU H^t tuife Ijifi leif, and tiepatttt anone, Cge mo^ne agane to tDe matl^et ijs gone, anti bocDt ane belt, quljtlk ten tfme0 tuaiES mair Jl3o2 toass tDe elaitlj, $ alia tlie ga^ IjefU gett. (Oeft and pjefenttt unto tlje ILaijptxJ ficlit, 0n ILoDU3t60 name> tDe inofull toountitt tuiegt IXufjen fcljo perfautt tlje gtftljj fa eoifllie toajj, 3Into Ijft felf ffljo feeft and did eompajJ ^eir dinetis tDorljtjx gat neidxs not to fie ff^atoin Bo; to 311^ man in na binde to de knatoin. C&aitfoif aj5 note 31 tljlnfe dell let tljame 6e, 31lk man fuld not fenato ILadei^ pjeuitte. IBot at tlje lafi to aierandet fcDo faid, 3[ fcoait not tueill tot to de mufit 01 glaid at ?om; meOfage, dot toondec laitlj toat me 31n mp default tljat onp man fuld die, 9 manniss life to loi0 fo? laife of lufe, ®if 31 fa did 31 tuat gceit to vepiufe. CDaivfoiu ^e fall in t^iss point Dane itedence, 3[n mp Cljalmet 31 toill giue Dim pjefence. at tDe tD?id Doui* tDat pafi id ouit midnitDt, ^5 CDalmev dute De fall find oppin ricDt, ^cDato ?e Dim fa tDiJJ ixJ mp minde and toill. %out minde (quod De) ^adame 31 fall fulfill, m SEAGES. 279 €)f tW anftoer aiepanDer tuais glaib, JPaO to CDalmev, anti to Diss f^HoUj fafti» lotitof fe I5 not, ?e lutfe ouft lang fo? lufr, 31 Ijaue not Danit to tjant fo2 ?our betjufe: Cfie rompanfp of ?one fair laDie qmt, ^otobeit fum time fcDo fiube not all content. %tt not tfte lejj fum gtace 31 fiaue obtenit, Co ?out 3[ntent, fa fat to Dit 31 menit. ^ft eveit fauout to 50*0 31 Saue puwljefi, and 31 Iieleue all tis cum fo? Ujt liefl. Cljati:foit lie filgitD, ant» tak ?oiM gutie comfort, 2iOitfj rlene ruvage noiu get 5oto up at fcljojt. "» anO in fecueit 31 toill ?otu frDato ane tljing, Co Dtr CDalniet tijtjs nicljt 31 fall ?oto filing* Cluljatt t&at ?e fall ticljt toontier toelcum fie, and toeill 3[ntueit toitD tDat fait gap JLadie. JTta Ije tDat &ai;d Ije toajs atrageouxs, TBaitD Dafll and feiv, 3Iocund and 3Iolgou!3. aijs filpttlj at Ijatt, and ftwrt aioag toajs too?ne, aj5 euec fie toajs, fra fitC dap De toajs dome. SiMajJ neuet bitd fa dlpitlj of Dit dtgdgtome, ajQajs neuet ditd fa blpitlj to Itctjt on dlome. 100? ?it %patljalfe fa dlpitD to get tiit i??ap, lI3o? ?tt tlje Larb, tn fveftlje moving of Q^ap. Il3euet fi^cnfitell fa blpitD of Ijisi tetoaitd, ass tJjajs Lodtoib, quDen Ije tljap tptljingiEJ ftatd 'Bot fo? to fpetfe of petfite IPotinganxJ, iFpne IPDifitianjS, metuelloujS a^edtctnatijJ. CletbtjS of (unning, and tounfallouvijj of Ijele, C&atmevs5 of tljaftss and gtuevjs of Jiidlele. 31 neuet ted into na 6uib no? place, ajJ aietandet toae to KLodtoife in tDisJ eaee. JFoa luife fjoiu fone tljat Lodtotk Datd Dim Q?eik S. iij. 28o IfTHE SEVIN l^f faiU ^im felf fje toaiBf na langet fef 6, %e bnatu ILerDisi tutU gaue ane lang p^oce^, jCluljome 31 lufe htft of men alione all utfiet. 3fn time cuming fo? to feeip ?oto fta fkaitfi, Cfii0 31 ?oto faj, and to mp JLadj fiaitfi: Cuitefiing I SEAGES. 283 Cutttftine fwreittj5 tljat ijs bettuene ?oto ttoo, ifteip tDanie quj?et o? ^e totH fuffei; tuo. C&aitfoir tab IjeiD, anti tent tutjt tuetll about. Do ?e not fa, ?e flanb baitD in gxtit dout. JF02 toefU 3f toaft ane utDer tn mg lietD ^all cum but Dout, anb Ijaue ?oto at fie feib. aBttti gtett tjaituent, biflatt anb aljj 3Inup, ISaitb bap anb nutjt fall ?oto cljafe anb efpp* Co fe gtf t^ap fan c&alange ?oto tottfj (time, Cljairfoft; be tuac anb tafi gube tent in time. JFoi gtf tDag ran tepjoclje ?otP onj? toap, 0nb ^otD tebul^e, ftopitgU'e tDap luill aflfap. C^itD ttje (ZEntpjeoui; in fauouri$$ ?e bo Qanb, Cliaiufotc tljt mait tfiag toill call at ?oui: Ijanb C0an faib ILobtoib in fa far ajj 3! »naj>, 3 falbe toar, baitlj be nicljt anb be bap. 'Bot too allate tftaitin quljat fall 3[ bo, £lul|en 31 iJaue nane tDat 31 bar lippin to. Cljat I fulb toant 50U1; tteutfiifull romjjanie. 31 can not menb, t&aitfoir full toaijs me. %it Dartlie 31 requite ?oto of a tljing, %e toill teflaue fta me t&i0 litill iRtng. TBetuip bsJ ttoa to be in remembjance, ffl)f ttoa Princess of Cgppt anb of JTtance. aieranbet faib ttie Eing 31 toill teflaue 3fn tememb?ance of ?oto flill fo? to fjaue. TSot "^it Dotobeit tlie IRing 3i &ab not tane, %out tentembaance fta me na toap tiab gane. anb fa atljet about t&e nefe 3Inil»?aiff, ^it^ gteit feinbneg, anb fine about tlje toaifi. 'Bot JTlojentine to ass fa confounb in ^pieit, ^cgo culb bo noc|)t, bot fat t)it boun to gteit. aietanbet faib amenbiss noto na gteting. 284 fTHE SEVIN TBtit 31 pttif) ®oti fenD ujs mirtif mrtfng. B anD fa partit tottD fiatttss toonOer too, (^nto tgaiv tjame, 31^ ane tijatv gait OiD go. CBot lang t(ttt tljt iltngijS fone of %}}mt Come to tDe Coutt in (tmict to reinane. iSamtt (SUjptJo: anD eat tijat 3[Ife office, Cljat aiepantiet DaD into fetuite. 3(0 tDe ^tetuact to Dim Ijt OiD aflKns, CDat famin Dou0, tlie CDalmet and luOsetng, Cfjat aiejcanDec anti JLoDtuik Dtoelt infill, jduljilfe toaxJ but Oout all aganijs EoDluibjJ toil IDotobeit tlje fame na toaj? Ije culD amend it, 'Bot '^it DisJ Ijavt tftait^toitD toajs fait offendit* HoDtoife to ggOe culD keip na fellotofe^ip* 3j5 Ije diti to aieranDet of Cgppt. Cliairfoit (^to^Do aganijs Ijim tuib 3[nu5» ^oto&eit t^a^ liaitD in ane CDalmet eulti Ip, 9nti JLoDtoife Ijati of ©topdo ficbin feir, Cljat Ije dutfl not to tlie HaOie ga neiv: 3[n auenture tljat (Stogdo fuld efpp £Df lji0 ferteitijj, and t^ame in opj^in ct^* Zit not tlje less oe Ijit fte Ijad fie tljoeDt, IDit eompanie to abOene euld Ije nocljt. Bat '^it fcljo euld Ijiss eompanie toeill toant, ^a Ije agane fum timejj to Ijit did Dant. CDan ($to^do tDat peefauing toaj$ not {IeutD« ©n tliame to toait, quljill tDat Ije feneto g* tteutft Cljat JLodtoib Dad toitD iiadie jTloientine, %)a gteit feindnejs, tDat De tDocDt eftet fine: Confiddeting toeill tDe teeutD fen De did bnato, @(um time unto tDe Cmpjeouv De fuld fcDato^ g)a in Diss minde De Deld it quj)etlie, mitD falss diflait, quDill De DiJS time mieDt fe. SIpon SEAGES. 285 2lpon ane time tfje €mj^?eout in W Ml Calfeing about amang W il3olJXlIisJ all. Piaffing ettitUt tljt tijtt anJ) gcntilnejs Df aierantiei;, tfje totfOome anO fetntinejs. 3nti fafO fit toass 6aitD tteto nerteoujj anD tofft Co gpDe ane fjouis xitljt tueiU Ije nilb Oeulfr. C^an faiD (©to^Do, and pleisJ ?out; ^l^ateflfr, %a fat p?affit Ije aurljt not fo? to 6e. Jl3o? fo? to fie fommenDxt a0 ^e tuene, 3ne gteit tratour in ?ouv* fjouis Df l)J!5 6ene. Clje (Cnipjeoui: faiiJ, tell on Ijoto can tDat be. Cfjan faiO ©iu^Oo, 31 fall ^oto tell tcetolte, Co ?our tiourljtec ^e fjaue ane ILabte fair, Cfje quljtlk fulO lie appetrantilte ^our 3w: and lie tDe Selp of falfct anti fuppUe £Df Ijhn, JLodioffe fjejs tione fjfr uelanle. 3[nti fa ntcDtlte qufjen JHobtoife tafetsJ Delfte, 5)e fjexj l)i0 tutll of tDat fair HaDte qufjite. and all tDi0 come fie tlje faljJ fufitell flictjt ffl)f aiejcanfiet, ttiat fje toiocljt tiap and nic&t. jCluDen tljt (Bnmtoux tDtsJ tail IjarO til fjim talfi 3|nto IjijJ minfie tuais muifit moni>falD. 3[n tDat fame time ILotitoife come tDloto 5* Dan, anU tjjjon Dim tDe en fir ane rDanre i0 rum fietutj: m ttoap. 9nD 31 ftiU ?oto Otfpidt in ane part, and in tljtiEJ rare outr toatk fp?etit in tjart. %it not tlje less quDatt tma 3lllti3 tioiss appjorfje 31 t^ink it liefl fra tDe gueitefi to forlje. Cfje fitfi 3111 isJ, fta ?e ?oto ggltie grant, Cljan fal 3I ag fiaitD toeltD and too?fr&ip toant 3nti ?e alfo fie put to riuell Oeib, 3nt) ^ fo? ap mp life in langout leiD. Clje ferunD ijj, gif ?e to fiatteU 6oun, %t at fa toaife and fefiill of petfoun. Znh (Ptugtio ijs fa Btang anD alis Ijatdie, Cljat ^e tiolu not ganeQanD Dim QtniUa tUtt* 9nti fa altoapie 31 ean find na remeiD, ^ota euet it go tljatt isJ to ^otu fiot DeiO, CDaivfoir tjeirin ?e fall mp rounfall Do, Zt fall but let mp JFatDer fone pass to: 9nD frljatu to Dim on ^out mail} Dumbill tuife, CDat 5out JFatDev upon Ijisi tieiD bed IjisJ. CluDaitof tDait i0 neto iu?ttingss rum ?oto till, ' Oefiting Dim, gif tDat it be Diss i^iH: Co p?o?ogat tDe tiap of battell fet, CDat ?e map gang, and rum agane but let. and in meane time uiitD ?out JFatDev to fprife, 288 1FTHE SEVIN IBt ttje teflbun Ijt Ipfjs fa iuonDer fefb* anJj foi to feeii tjiss jeufite latter lutll, Cfjat in all potntis t^e fame ?e map fulfill. anU f02 to fpetfe toitD Dim ttoa toojDtjJ o? tfi?e, jFurtD of tljisi toarld o? De tiepaut and die, and tDat ?e mag IjijJ bcnnefoun olitene, (KHitf) Ijid atuin moutD, fine ?e to lotofe ijfss ene, anD qugen ^e Daue obtentt Did luenre, Co aieranDet; in all guDe Daift pas fjence. and feeteitlie to l)im tlje matev fcfiauj, ^otJd all tDing fiandiis, pecfitelie let l)im fenato and t)im tequice into tDi$s erti^eme rare, Cliat tie lualD rum anti to fuplie four place. Conttait (StupDo, iuitft Ijim in fiattell fccljt, 'Beeaujs ^out felf to Do tljt fame Ijejj fieeljt. Cfjiss eounfall tljan it plefit Hotituik toeill, €uin ass fcDo fai&, fa Did De euerie JjeilU jLicence obtenit, and aljj pjolongit tljt dap, Co aiejcandev Lodtoih tuife DtjS 3Io?nap. ^mall tefi t)( tuil^, liot taid on dap and nte^t ^ Co Cgppt land, quljill Ijf tome tinto tieljt. Co tlje Caflell tDan come De on in Dp, jCtuljaii; t^at t&e l^ing gude aicrandev culd Ip. jCluDen tlje Eing gat of Hodtoik fenaiwlegeing ^e metuellit gveit tljt cauis of Diss ciiming. 3fnconttneut to meit Dim fiS Df gane ajs Dijs IiiotDei;, euin fa toitD Dim Dejs tane, (D^itD all Donout De did Dim tDait tefiaue, asJ Dim become, oa De Ipfeit to Dane. CDan faid ILodtoife mp deir 6?otDer and freind 3In timess fipgane, and euet "^it Dejs bene. JQoto at tDiJS lime let 31 ?oto undetfland, fl0p life and deid Ipijs fiaitD into four Dand. SEAGES. 289 ^e faiO htat^tt mak isnatutn to mt ^ouv quettel Zow life faltie t$oD tuiUtng in na j^ettelU C6ati faiD lotnutb, ?c temem&rt; ?e frijeto, at ouf pattfns* fuin too?bi0 quDtlfe 31 finD ttrto ^agins 31 fulD tn ftUotofcDtp ane Ijaue 3Into ^out: flefO, pewDance toalD lue Otflauc. anti l^ in toait 1115 fMcettijS to efpjj> CluDUb novo in UeiD virDt Ujon&er ujeill finti % Zt faiti tuitfiiout 31 toac mair fitcumfpeft 3In quljilb mj? felf tn fum paut Did neglect. JFo2 ane (J^tugDo tljt l^ingi0 fone of ^pane, 3[nto ^ouv QeiO tuitD me ttt Did vemane. anb fie teflbun mg fecveitie Ije not bnetu, Co mg jLadp 31 tiucfl not lang petfeto. anij fa at lentD 3! f "ID not lang aliflene, 3ft ftjancit Dim fenavn tljt fecreitixs ttjs Iiettoene: and me arcufit fiefoir tlje (!Emp?eour, duljilb f nto me tuajs tJtter difpIefont;» and t)e$$ pjomeiQ in batten to mab gude, Cfiat 31 defoullit tDe ijie 3ImpeviaU Jilude. , g)a tiand foj Ijand in fiatteU voe mon fecj^t, Co countet Ijim be mg Ijand 31 Dane Dectjt* CDiJS t»ag aucDt dapijs tljt fiattell fuld fie done, Ciuod aieFandet fo?fuitD t&at iis ouit; fone, aiss quod Lodiuib (^tojdo i0 flout and flcang, and ijtsi fiene ufit in actis of iueivijs lang, and 31 am toaife and fefiill a0 ^e feend, JFta IjisJ greit dpntijs 31 doto not me defend, and JFlojentine tDaitfoiu gaue me rounfall, Zoto fo2 to ffljatu tDe cauns and matet tjaill. ifo? frljo fieltuijs ?oto aj? Ijit faitDfulI fteind, and IjiddettiUijJ fa euer maic IM fifne, and traiflijs doutlejx ?e U)iU Delp and fupptte. 290 1[THE SEVIN TBait^ me atiD fjtc in ttjtjs neceCStfe. C^an aiejcanDet to JLoDtoife ran Ijt fap, 3fjj t&aft ong fenatofg |e tome ^eii; atoap? IBot JFro?entfne (quois tje) fo?fuittj not ane, jFo? 3[lb man ttoiuiss tijat to JFtanre 31 am gane Sot to uefie m^ Jfatfjet Ijanb fef k, Cfiit fame tuo?tifj3 to tlje (ZBmp?eout 3[ titd fpeife, Co tfiat effect fje tJtti prolong tlje tiap, 3nti 31 at poift to ?oUj am nun atoap. IXuoti fje feljato futtS qu&at JFIo^entine bad de* ©2 quliat at me i& tfitng fcljo fiaD tequite. (fite flDj qufjat counfall gaue jrio?entfne to ?oUj, Cljat 31 fuIU 6elp, fn quijat manet and Doto. Cfjan ioOtoife faid, © mp matft roflant freind €,^i$ OandjJ tlje eaee 3I tratft tjjat frlio did mene Confiddedng toe ttua lie fa done lifee, Cfiat ?e fuld rum tuitfi (^topdo fiattell flnfee. 3nd nane fenatofne 6ot JFloaentine allane, Cge battel! done, ^e to rum liame agane* and 31 firWfee in Coutt to p?efent me, ajJ 31 ijad done tlje art and 3leoparl>fe« aiejcander fatd tfje fiattell ?e Dane fet, Clji35 dap aurljt dagtjs to fer^t mitljouttfn let, 3It ijs to frDo?t, fo? euin tW fland0 tlie rare, 31 ran not toeill 6e reddp in fir fpare. Jfoi tavp 31 ttie mo?ne iuitfjoutttn mafr, 31 ran not find tljat 31 ma^ toetll lie ttiait, C&attfofr fiut dout quljat 31 fall fap tjeirto, 31 ran not tell, no? toait not IjoUj to do. and mp fulitertijs 31 Daue rommandtt ^atll, Cljat tftag ae Ijeti; tlje mojne at mg fijpdafll, ^ti^ 31 3!o2na5, tfiorfjt 31 tpde at tlje poiff, flDf mg toeddins tfie da^ in tj?nt and loill. '«if31 SEAGES. 291 (Sif 31 ca not, anti feeipfjj not m fiattafllj Cfjan JTloicntinc anti ?e at lotfl Iiut inilU Cfiaitfoit loOtotb qu6at tljfnfe ?e Iiefl to tio, CluSiat ?e Dcuife tjeir 31 appli? tljairto. JLoDtotfe tjefuing tfje ercufc veObnaliin, Co faU tit ftooun quDatc ttjat tit Qutie tuajs abU lldegan to ficlj, anti fojcoto mon^fald, Sot to Dte Ijart ratcfjit iuais raiviss talD. ®aj)ins all tuag anij tene to me fietgtiijt, %o?voto and ca« notu tmni& on all fetn fpOejf* IPetfautng tljat aieranOet: till Ijlm fatD, Let 6e fif flutt, tab romfojt anti ht glafD. jFo? 31 totll not foifaife ?oto tljlja uegage, Cfjocljt 31 fulO fiaitft tine toife anD Dmtage, TBot ?e fall Ijeit tn t&ocDt quDat 31 &aue tane, 3Into fa far as toe ttoa ar lifee ane. anti aji ^e feen it in not lang ago Clje CmpjeoursJ Court IjidOer fen 31 come fro, %it 31 am not toeill fenatoin in ttjiiS eountrie, flgon^ mg JLojtiss ajs '^it fjejs not fene me. 9nti fo? tljat raujs tDa^ feen not mp pjefenee, Cljaj) toill tafe ?oto fo? me in mp a&fente. Cljairfoir Ijeir fall ^e tar? anD afipDe, and in mg fieiti ?e fall d^u^ mp fiijOe, anO Dald tljt jFeitt toitlj greit folempnitie, anti gar all tging lie tione tDat tione fulti fit* JDotobeit mg felf in lioDie lie alifent. Let natljing toant mair tDan 31 toar p^efent* Co mg Henoun pertenijs oi &oneflie, ®tf 31 fo? ?oto, tio ^e fiflibe fo? me* Creept onlie quljen tDat ^e pajs to Beti, 21Sitlj mp atoin toife, Ijotolieit tljat ?e fjir toeO, 3[nto mp^Bame, anti mp autfioiitie, T.j. apa fTHE SEVIN 3fntti tijat mt fe t&at ?e fait&eull it anti fa fiut 6aiD, 3[ fall incontinent Houp ti]^on ^ci$ anti to tpe &attel[ iatnt 3nti ftt tnp fojss fo? ?outf5S into tlje feiltr, 9nD ^oui; actioun tit&att tuitg ij^tit anD fcIjelUi and eff ttjat and in Qttit mtmnejsj Ctfatr t0 na man leut^ in matt luQie life, jFo? De &ejs notu mavgit ane gaj) ^oung toiife, ^atpit (faiO CcDo) 31 tDinfe tljat can not lie, 3It isi f02 teeutD fo?fuitD 0©atiame faiO Ije. (ZEuin on t^e mo?ne eftet 31 tnife uepage, 3It toajj aflSgntt ttje tia^ of S©a«age. C&e IBanfeet tuasJ pjepafrit ttcljt tneiU 3| feen, 9nti callit t^aitto toa-8 monp JI3o6in men. au t&ing tuau Ojefi, ttjait* tuajs na matt aOo, Idot on tDe mo?ne tfje Mth tot to ga to. Ctie HaDie faiD, qugat tooman ma^ tgat bu !^e fatd fo?fu{t& ft&o ijs ane gap JLatite, Unfile of lufe, ttc^t fiounteouss anti fatt, ©f tDat f ounttie ft Do isJ appeitanO ait. CluoD JFlojentine fcljojt binOneg t^ait Dejs bene ffl)? ellijs auld Infe t&at DesJ Iiene tDame liettoene TBot gif lie t&ing tljat LoDtuife notu IjtS vu?ocDt %out mming Ijeit 31 tijinfe it iS fo? noeljt. ^it countenance to faeip tia& fid tlie top, IDotolieit 31 ttoto fc&o ltd not ti?infe ane D?op. Cfjan aietanDet petfauing fjit pattente, Jl)tt lalMlpnexJ, anO gentiH eountenanre. JI3a langet 6e iiialb fjalb ftit into nop TBot tutnit 6it fiutt 3Ineontinent to 3I«sp« jduoU Ije laOie fie filpitD anb mafe na rait, ail ije gess bone is tione foa ?out toeilfait. Xe SEAGES. 295 %t ftnato ticht tueiU isi nane in loatlb mait Ipbr 3fn all faflbunjj no? 31 am to j[LoDtoj>fe. %)a quijen ge rome anD talO me Diss etand, Cufn on ttjt moane mp fij^Dall fuIO &auf flanD 3nti lie teflbun 31 mlt" not betp tipet, JI3o? ?it to bgDe tljt tiap of fiijJdan fet, TBtcmsi on j^im fa fitangelir tome t^e cace, ISintmetf raufit me to put Ijtm in mp place, ^a 31 faufit Ijfm in m^ place fo? to pa0, Jl3a man fenatotng 6ot tfje fame man 31 toajs. ^nti toeti m$ tutfe ajs it Iiati iiene m^ fell« 3nti 31 to tafe tfje chance of tlje Iiattell, iFo2 fiif tfiat 31 quljiU t&e fiipOall iuajs Done ^ati bitidin at j^ame, 31 liati not cum fa fone Co tlje fijct tiap of fiattell tfiat toajj fet, %it tljan 31 tljocDt mj? 6?gtJall fuld not let ^a 31 fiini left in mg Eealme to fie i^tng, £lu|^ill 31 tetutne, anti ?oto to Ijonout filing* O^if fcgo luaiS bl^itfi it neit>i0 not fo; to talb, ^e tuife Ijijs leif, anU to Cfialmei; tiiti toalfe. dBot JFlo?entine tljair toajs nane tljat culD tell, S)f uetta^ tteutg, Iiot it toad loDtnib^ fell. C^a on tDe moine ttie tia^ of fiattell toajj, 3nti aiejcandet tmto t&e feilU can pajj, 3Into fi'c geit ass tDan to Ijim effeit:it, and on Ui$ Qeiti fa fioittlie ^t Ijim aeitit. ®ine litWt doun lifee ane bene cruell JKnicljt, Co tlje dBmjfitow tlje fjie toaj? taibit ticj^t. 'Befoit <25to5do tljit toojdijs to Ijim Ije faid. fl@5 gteit ^ouerane ane crime is on me laid lot ttjiS (Stopdo, falflie Iiefoir ^out face, ^e me accufit fiefoii: ?out Bobtll gtace, taping t&at 31 fiad carnall JfcnatDledgeing T. uj. 2g6 1[THE SEVIN fl)f ?o«t;tio«ti)t^% anD lift; Mct^t tiefouHng, Ciuljtlb to ^mt gvare it Mint Quit Difljonout, 3nti 31 M^U to ?0UJ anc gteit Cratour* IBot D^tt S ftueli:, anti alsJ afiSrmexs imtlit^ TBt ttje Steit (J5oD tfjat 6IeD D^ss filutie for me. Be tfie (ZEuanfiellss tDat oui; ^aufout fpafe, anO an tlje mtcDtiS tfiat ©oU in toavlti tifti mafe^ Cftat 3f nmtt fn na manet of tuap, IBineto ?out; Dourljtet, ass <^toj?Oo Dtt ?oto fap* ^^ m^nO toajs not to tio titr Dil|)onouv, 3|nto na toag, to ?our gtare OtCplcfour. 3nti 31 tBt0 tap 6e Selj) of (^oDOis gtare, Qpon (Stojtio, fall pjeff befofr ?oui; fate, Cfiat fje fjejs Ititj, in Utfp^te of fjtss ftart, 0nD an ^t!E$ &fn, and Quga toill tak gi0 $att« Cljan faiO (Stoptio, ?it 31 fag anijJ agane, IBefoft: ?out; gtare, tijotu ai;t a Cratout plane, 3nti al35 31 ftoeir fie (Sod HDmnipotent, 2a3ttl} tfi^ atotn flefrlje, W Ooucljtei; tljotu Ijejs Co ttfg plefouv, anti tljj? foull appetite, (fcljent, 95 quijen tljotu Igfl, 0? tftattin IjaO delate. €uet;ilfe nlelit Ijati Ijft at ttjp plefout, duljtlfe iuass to fitt srett frjame and dtQjonoui;, and alss unto tlje (ZBmpjtourss ^aieflfe, flDppin tuelTonn, quljtlfe 31 fall p?etf on t^e, Opon t^p field, fn ronttaft all tfip fefn. Cum and defend, gf f tjioto ixiald tjojfe^fp toin* Cljan Jl)etald0 tt^it toftD loud uore jjfe on fjfej^t (Sa toBfddet;, toe pjaj «J5od fctiato tlje tteljt, 31nrontfnent tfiap flendft on tfjaft fleid0, IL^fee uafl^eant men, fnto tljait toeftlpfee toeidJJ, as ttoa Iiald BafrsJ, togfddet 6aft& tSap tan, 3llfe SEAGES. 297 3Ilk mt toais \^U to Mng doun fiojis and man* %ptivsi fp?anff like fparbis ajs fpae Doijs of g"^ flgnt Cftatu doctjt na man BInDute gaiv doutfum dpnt Ciufje fpeirxJ toasJ pad gatt fcfjgnte fvuojds djeto €lu|iU plait and matll all into flcnderjs fleto. tJiait ftwo|d0 gai ftoag quljil paiu CeidjS ftuat at tfie giltin fjjutss ?* rljnial ffein tfi^otu glgdss (fgdits JftoitD tan fta frontjs of tlje feitsJ fo?fie fleid^, jClufiill fj02i8 and man fiaitD at tljt liafnet lileidjj, ^tpf Ocaifexs tljep fltpfee of ntljerss flude nane ato iClufjill aiejcandet; at lali ane toantage fato. ®n (25Ujj)doi}J nefe ane nafeit place fje fpjiis, IXuliait at gnde fpeid fje fle^ftss ttu^fe o? tljijtjs. Jdujill at tSe laO, ttjait at fie Ctaife fa lang, 911 tfie fiarnejs toajj tljait atoap Ije dang. 3nd tfjaiveftet hnt onp mait delap, ^e put (Stogdo intill ane feitfull fta^. ®togdo tj^at fei0, agane upon fjim fettjs ®f Bijs iis noto fcDatPtn patentKe, 3nti fatD JLotitoife it map 6e tjavij anti fene, IBtltnitiQ tatili tijat LoDtoife tt DaD fime. JFo? ?e Ijaue fatft tljw Dap fra fcDame anti (feaftft Xour atom Ijouour, gt aljj mp Ooucljterjs fiaftfj. anD fta tljtne furt0 tDe mm ap fall ?e flanti. 3[n mp fauoui;, 31 Decftt ^oto fie ing lianti, anti ^tiuttn qufta euet Ootjs ?oto Jjefauie, 3[n ttjat btDalf, Ije fall 3fntuf mp blame. 3nti at mp DanU falbe at (ufit of tdme, Cfjat fie tljtng talfefjs of ^oto in onp time. Cfian 3lei;anDei; faiU unto tlie (ZEmpjeout, Clje utftoiie isi ap at aoOtiixJ plefour, IXuDa ti:atfii0 in Ijim na toap tje toill tlje tojafe JI3o? ttjaii; 3[uft causs De toill not tlj?ato a6ab. IBot toill altoapiss OefenD tDe 3[nnocent, anD toill not tDoill tlje faible$$ to be fcgent. ^en De Ijeg fend to me tlje tiictojie, CfianfejS eueu mait to ^im alanerlie. IBot noto mp maifl redoutit iLoid and l^ing, ^umfilie ^om graee 3[ teqnite of a tfting. JFta mp JFatljet qufien 31 lafl did depatt, ft)e toasJ fa next tottlj feibnejj at i^ia ^ut, Ctiat toe lieleuit nattjing bot Qandand deid, and noto tliiiS eaee a$$ ^e fenato tome on lieid, CDat 3[ mirftt not at tljat time toeill remane, iSoto 31 toald 6aue licence to pass agane. Co tindetQand in quDat Qait all tljing (}andi0 and tljaitefter to put teule in mp landid. and gif Se fie of feifeness conuolefi, muljill 3! returne 31 fall tafe Iptill teS. C{)e (JBmp^eoui; faid ^ouv langage lifm me toeill OBot SEAGES. 299 IBot 31 iualb not, fa mot mg faull tjaue fetU: aaiant ?oui; feuutce, no? ?oui; tiaj)lte piefcnce, %it not tljt Usi 31 etant 50V0 B«t>e Urence, JFo? fit effaWjs ass ?e Dane ftfiatain to me, Co pas agane tnto ?ouv alotn tounttie, Ctian fje tuik leif, and IiaD 3lb anf gntie nu&t Co 610 atom JRealme taiD Ijantf g' catt ful titfit 3[n tliitf meane time lotitoife Ije tDor&t Quit lang Co luife about, to tljt to all DeiD Dtij gang, anti pevfauit ane tio?0 man cuming fafl, ^ine aieranDev Ije feneto toetU at tDe Iaft» Ciuljome quDen De fato fie toa0 liaitlj U^t^ anU 3nD DartfuIUe teflauit fitni and fafD. (glatti, HD matfl tvcto ftetnD, of all mp fveintus on Kue, jflduDaixJ gmt fef nlinejs mp toittis m not tiifmue Zt at: toelcum fa fat Ijeft ajj 31 "lap ^oto fjaue ?e Done, anD fpeD in ?om; 31o?nag: HD? qufjat kin enJ) tDat ?e fjaue hiotljt it to. Cluoti fje iLodtoib noto ?e tjaue le0 aDo» Boi of befoit, fo? ©togDo ijs Dejiavtit, Cfiairfoit fie filgitlj anD toontict mittie Jattit. 31 to ait 3[ fend Ijisi tjeiU to Jflojentine, Co ijiv JFatljev fttjo it p^efentit fine, Cfjaitfoiv* ga ?e tinto t{je €mp?eour, jTo? noto ?e fianD fat mait in Ijijs fauout: 11302 euet ^e titti fiefoit in onp time, and aljj ?e at maitJ dene of all fein ttime, Cfiat (StopDo laid upon ?one fait LaDie Cuitttjing Ijit fame, and ?out atoin Ijoneflie. Cfjan faid JLodtoik it neidiis me fag no moit, ^5 life oft timexs ?e Ijaue p?efetuit fiefoit* and noto mj? life and aliS mg Doneftie, ^iclifee pjefetuit tlje fame of ane ladie. 300 ITTHE SEVIN IXu^tlfe fie na taaj? 31 ran not vttmnptmt, TBtit qutjlU 31 Ifif» an tljt fieneuolence £Df mp Ijut vutt ^t falde eueu intt, %a lang ajs 3( Into tljtjs Ijfe 3!ntiute: CogiDDcv al0 twttD all mj? (©oID and geft, %a lang ajs 31 on Ipfe ijj lefland Ijtiv CDan tljaj? 3!mb2atfl, at utljersJ tutfe gutie nic&t 0nD liotituik tatD tinto t^e (ZEmp^eour tit^U iSa man fenatoing SleranOetji abfence, jFoa all Iji0 Couvt Mmit Ijiss atjotn p?efenfe. ^td^fee tDtjS Cluene, nat^ing tDe mater feneto, iFo2 na man tuass, tDat fir tiling to Ijir fc&eto. ^pne quDen nitDt fome, aiejcanOec &im fpeD, 2JQttIjout tat^ tjnto tlje CluenijS 6eti. ^one tn fitss avmis De D^nt ^tr tn all tjaift, asiitl) fait ftueit toojtJtjJ dct)t tentietlte 3[mb|afft 3j33tt& all plefute ttjat t&atuto tin pertene, C>2 into bed ane ffiiing do to ane jS^nene, jCiuoti fclio qutjaitfoir fen fitfi ?e Did me toed, and euetie nicljt 31 lag into ?out bed. %e neuec feijeto lufe no? feindnejs to me, lI3o? na freindfcDip quDil nolu Doto map tfjijj be JFo? 31 beleue ?e fiad 31udgeit fum etime, 31n mp ronttair, qnljilfe neuet in mp time 31 rommittit unto ^out Bobill grace, Ciuljairof 31 am afloneifl in tDisJ race. ffl)ut of mp minde it ran not toeiU depart, TBot flill temane at tlje ruitig of mp Ijart. Ciuod tje t^airat quljp at ?e difcontent, 311 tDat 31 did toa0 done in gude 3!ntent. 31n gude 3Intent (quod frDo) tljait 31 fag nap. Sot euerie nirfit ?e laid betuir njs ttoap 9ne naikit fboo^d, and neuer rouet moir SEAGES. 301 £Df mp perfoim, atiD feneto na rauss qufiafrfoit;. 31 tJtti all tliat (fattJ ^t) fo? pjofiatioun, 9nti aid of lufe ane gvett ronfilrmatioun: ISttuix MH ttua of euetlafltng lufe, £Dn fie ane fojt 31 tftorDt 31 toald ?otxi pjufe. 3fn all nip tiapiss ^e fall not fiuD aganc, 3ne naifeit ftoo?D tn 6cD bttnir tJ0 tiuane, %ft not tjjp IcS tlje Cluene faiD tn Ijii; tl)0(gt, 3[n all mp tiapixj foj^et it fall 3 nof^t, Cljat Infe t&oto tvotoixs fo? to obtene of nw, 3fn tlj5 titfpite 31 fall it tu?aib on tljt, Zit norljt frDo faiD, 6ot tljofljt it in fjir mfnbc, ?^oio frt)o niirfjt tnrne Ijit lufe in vtljtt Un^t, Cfjait toa0 ane JKnttDt tijat fcljo lutie of fiefoit. 9nti fta tfiine furtlj ftljo luDe tiim moiv $ moit, 3t lalJ tljap ttoa fietfiorljt tljanie of ane tljing, 5)oUj tijag niifljt fiefl fla anD Difltog t&e Eing. idttuiv tljanie tuia ane tonfait fone tljap fanti, ($aue Dim $opfou, and tDocDt tDat De fta j^anD ^ulD be {lot DeiD, and ^it Did rontpleictioun 3It toad fa flatfe, it tuik na 3»fectioun 31n Diss entraled, fiot 6|ak futtD fua Did Datt, 31nto tDe fleCcDe, and fcDeto tDe felf outtoatt* %a be toitfeing toitDin ane ffDo?t pjoced, 31t toad ronuett in tJtDei; fail- feibned* tintutabill ap Daldin amang t)d, 3nd tutnit intill ane lippev ILa^arud, CluDill tDat na man toitD patience mirDt Dim fe 3nd all Did ilojdid difppfit Did rompanie. taping it in ane tDing tieDt odiud, 9ne laitD lippec fo? to iRing afione Bd« JFo? all Did batnid, and all Did Daill offpjing, ([iOitDouttin faill fall Dane tDe famin tDing. 302 f THE SEVIN anti fa at ff|io?t fjim of all digmttr, Ctja^ quttf JjenuDe* fo? tjtsJ 3|nfituutte, 2Dut of ftisJ Eealme ass anc fiegsau Ijim Djaif, Ctu^tll lie fietjuDe to 6es amang tlje laff* 3In tW meane time of Eome tljt (2Bmp?eour, l^a^it tjtsi tieiM Det, quljaivof toag gcelt tiolout;, £Xulja toa0 JFattjet to JFlojentlne fa faft, €)f tfie 3[ini?we fe^o toajs appeitanti air* 3niJ ^itt3 auffe of IjtjJ toiinfall DiJ) toeD, 3fl,oDtoife l)tr lufe, anb l>aoctjt Ijim to fjir fieti. CtuDaittljjotu De tuasS matti pjtndjial empjeout; anti gat t^e Ctoun tljairof tottft greit honour. 3[n tfje fame time of JFtanee tljt Boiiili Efng, JLotiiMtfejj jFat^ev in lifeetoife matD enDing. Sttti )?a^it t)t$s Det a$$ natutall tmx& ^im gaue, ass Jjoijs all t^tng tljat euet tiii) life teflaae* anb fa loDtoife tome aBmp?eout tfiioto rljante %!iclifee l^e tuasJ tlje mitljtie i&ing of jTvance* afione tfiame fiaitft atanixs fa bit fje Eing, anti fiaitS ataniss Ije Ijati in gouetning. Cj^an aierandev qu&a toais laitlie tiepofit> JFta Ijijs l^ingDome tljt ijufjilb Ije fuio Jjaue 3Iofit J^atti tell fo? tventlj lotitoife toa0 (ZEmp?eont, anti Eing of JFranee and t^aivof pofleflbur. ^nto fjim felf Ije faiti anb tnife in minOe, 3! toill ga fe gif tliat LoDtoife fie feintie, jTo2 DiuerjJ timejs 31 &aue SieojjatD mp life, TBaitft foi Dim felf, and ficlibe fo? Diss toife* ll3oto toill 31 go and till Dim mafe mp mane, IDe toill me Del}? 31 am fuve and cettane. ^a on ane nicDt aierandet up vaijs, and ass De mirDt, putelie put on Diss rtaiss, and Ceppit futtD toitD Di0 Oaf in DiJS Dand. mitD SEAGES. 303 2Bttl) cop antj rtappet unto t^e €mp?eoutsJ lanO €Xu&en tie rome tljaw fje fat doun at Diss ^et, 3manB ttje Iipper fum 3linou0 fo? to get, Clje (ZEmpjeouv come futtD upon ane Da^, iSDf Ijtjs Ipalice to fpojt tjtm antj to plag, (JEftcr tjiss plag agane to IpaU'ce paft, anD to Oennai; 3Ife ane tljaj) fiotonft fafi* ail tSe Ltppev ttiaj) dap)?tt anO ttja^ tt^it^ 'Bot at tljat time all aimoujs iuass Oengtt, anti aieranDet rtapptt ajJ Oiti tlje tett, CDofDt tDap gat noftjt, to WDe ?it tje ttjofSt 6efi ajnto t^e time tDe (ZBmpjeout toajs fet, IBeleutng toetll fum aimou0 tot to get. ant! up fje vatjj, anti nefc t&e ?et fje tuent, Cljairat fenofeft totttj meib mtntie anti 3Intent. Cfje po?ter fatti quijaijs tDat tfjat fenobss fa fialti £Xuoti tje ane pute iuitD ?otJ) fum etanU toalO. iRequmng ?oto fo? lufe anD tljentip Cliat ?e luiU tio fum fmall meffage fo? me. Clje Pojteu fatO quljome to in t^at meflage, jFeiw 1S5 iititin of qufjome ?e Dane bnatoleDge. aiepantier fatJj, guDe fteinD tottlj ?out plefout, 9@g etanti iss unto tDe €mp?eouv. cje Po?ter faiti tJoiiS 50U1; evand pertene Co tlje €mp?eout% 31 toait not quljat ^e mene. ^f^ato me tlje mata* and qutjat fjj ?out; 3intent and 31 fall tell ?oui; talll 3Incontfnent. ^e fatd 31 ?oto vequfte fo? ©oddfss lufe, and fo? ijtjs faife t&at fitttss in Ijeuin afiufe: <5a ?e and tell tJnto t&e (!Emp?eout, ane man ijs Stit in feifeneis and dolour* ane laitD JLipper, ane la^arujs ?e fe, jaequiviss j^isJ grace fo? patt of Cfieritie. !■ 304 fTHE SEVIN jFo? (SodtiiiBi lufe tijat atnt tjejs all t&tng, anb aiejcandetjs faib of €gj)pt Eing* C^at D^ toi(t Si^ant me licence tn gid gall, Co eit ljt!3 mett befoiv l)i0 jQolJilUsS all. C|je Poatci; fatti 31 loonDev of ^ouv twit, mttljin l)t!5 Dall tDat ?e Dcfive to fit. jFo? all Diss &all of Jl3o6ill men tjs fotw, anD ttjap at meit foifuitfj e^f tljap fato ^ota: Cfiag fulti aliDo?, and eit tljat time no moit, 31 tfjink it lielJ ?e IjalD ?oVo Hill tjjaivfoir. CiuoD aiejcander 3[ pjag ?oto of guDnesJ, JFo? (^oODiss faife, ani) of ?our gentilnejs. Co ?ouv ^aifiei; ?e toalb fcgatu mp a^eflage ®et 31 almouss ?e fall not toant ?out toage, C&e Pojtet faid, fa far ajj p tequite, Sol ®oDtiiics faik, and Ijartlie ?e defite. %out etand do, tDe fame 31 tafe on fiand, €iu[}ill 3 tetucne, fe fiill tjeir tljat ?e fland. Cfjan tl)e Po?tcr pafl to tDe Cmpjeout, and Dailfit Dim toitt) teuevence and Ijonouc. 2Did Did 9@eirage, axJ De Dad gottin command CDe (JBmp?eoui; Sard, and undetfiude fva Dand and quDen De Datd namit aiej^andei; I^ing, Cluod De tti Daifi tDat man to me ?e lijing, i^otu Do?titiill 0? tigfum tDat De fie, 3fn all gude DaiQ p fetcDe Dim Deit to me. CDat De map tit Dijs meit into mp Dall, 3[n m? p?efence befoiv mj iLo^diis all. CDan tDe Ipojtet unto tDe }tt 1$ gone, and aierander De 6?ocDt to Dall anone. and oidanit Dim into tDe Dall ane place, CiuDait De mfcDt tit fiefoit tDe ^mpjeoutjJ face CiuDen De toajj toeill wfvcfcDit at Ijia atoin toil ane y SEAGES. 305 9ne Qtntill man htl^nt lie tallit tjtm till. 3nti Ma guDe ^cl)ic, requite ttjt OEmpjeout, <5lf tDat it be Dijs mill aiiD fiijx plefout: JFo? (^oDdiss lufe fitfl, anU feing aiejcauDet^ fine IDe tnalD nie giue ane Coup full o£ Diss tnine, CDe gentill man faiO ttiat 31 biill do to ttje, Idot 31 beleue tljat fie tDtng fall not 6e. JF02 gif ?e anixi of Diss Couj^ tab ane D?infe, Co djinfe t^airin Ijt fall na maiv 31 ttjink, Zit nor tDe leis t0e eranij 31 fall Do, 3uife fiim felf gif fje confentis tDairto. Cfje ageflage ttjan to ttje Cmpieouv De fcljetti, 0nD al0 fa fone a0 tie tijt ecanti bneto: jFo? 3leranDerss faife ttjt Coup fje fenD .full of tlje toine tDat fo? tlje fteft iwa0 feenti. ©lanb Ijisi plcfure, anij fine Ije put tSe reft 3In Ijiss IBottaU, tljat time tje tDocDt it beft. £r)f Ijisi finger ane fmall gold Eing Be tfiieto, Cluljilb tlje Cmpjeour lang time befoir ^^t bneto 'BecauxJ tlje fame Ije IjaD Ijim geuin befoir, 3In takin of lufe anD freinOfefjip fuer moir. CiuDilfe 3leranDer into tlje Coup leit fall, 3nD baU tfje ropper beir it up tJjjoto t&e fjall: Co tljt Cmpaeour, and tlje fame leit Ijim fe, Clutia faid mp freind, 31 fall it do tretolie. C&e Coup and Eing toitDouttin pjoreis mair Co tlje Cmp?eour tlje copper fone it bair. Clje Cmpieour tljan Ijoto fone tlje Eing &e fato 3nrontinent full toeill ^^t did it fenato. and toift rirDt toeill it toaxs tlje famin Eing, CDat Ije Ijad geuin to aierander IBling» 31nto freindffljip quljen atljer did depart, a)ut of tlje Court, quljairof Ije at IjtJJ Dart: 3o€ fTHE SEVIN aBajJ foatotofull, fo? 6e feneuj na temetti, 'Bot aiejranDer tjijs rompantoun tuass tieiD* SDi ellijS Ijf tDoctjt UM puve man merueUouflte, IDaO gottin t^tjJ Etng at funi Quit SleDpactiw* )l)e commantiit tfje ILippei; not Oepatt Ctufjlll ije fiati IjattJ mair fwftittjs of t^isi fiatt. jFo? fje not feneiu lie fauout na utfiei- tljtng:, Cluljat man it toajs tljat liati fenti Ijim j>* iRing. OBfter dennar |jf tnf fe 5f m qugetlte, antJ faio ten me tfje tteutlj anb uetitie: 3nti fen?e not to tell to me tijtjs tljfng, Clulje, qufjatt, (J 6oto Ijappinnit ?e on tt^i& iRtng aiejcanDec fatO, anti pltisi ?om; ^ateflie, jCluljat tss ttje eausJ ?e fpetr fie tfitng at me:' Zt Ijaue fenatoletise of tljtss IRtng 31 petfaue, ^um time 3I twajs qufiome to ?e gatie tliljJ Blfng £XuDen fie tDat IjavEi to Ijtjs Dact flraife ane flouti JF02 wun^ Unit fell flatlingjs to tlje gvounti, anD vent fifjJ fobbtjS, anti befi ftiis tlaijs Dim fta, CtuDen De j^erfamt 9lejcan&ei; toajj fa« mittj im ficDtngtss anti folibfngss to Dim falD, 90g Deir felloto Doto t0 tDt0 on ?oto laid, ^if fair feifenejs, and gveie 3[nfiemttie, ^g Datt it tittkin fie tDing on ?oto to fe» %e ar mp life, mp faull and mp toeilfair, 9@j) onlie fjeind and felloto 6nt eompair. CiuDait; isJ ?out to^jJ tDat Ujass fa elenelie tied, %out; SEAGES. 307 Zouc bauld bobit tgat tDa0 fa fmtlit frD, Zout puiflant pitlj [and Gait] tfjat to ass fa flout Zour iiial^ flrcntt)> qufjairof Jlfe n^sin fjaD tJout CluoD aicjranDet tDtJS Qttit 3Infiimitte, 9nD unrUnrjJ tljat ^t fe noto on me: JFo? tDe grcit faitfj, trrto feintinejs $ frttnDfr^tp Cftat 5C fr&cto qutjfn 3 Itft ?oto tn €gj)pt: Co toeD nip toifc, t^aic ?ouc fidelttte Caufit ttjiis'fMfencjs fa to r^anre tjpon me. JFo? into 6cD, tottg mv tuife qufjen ^e lap, 3ne naifext ftoojD ft laid betuiic 50to ttoap ^f^o feeleuing it toajj not n hoi 3;, %a ftemmitlie toittj &ir in bed ruld Ip. 9nD fo| tDat rauss IjaQ nic at fir fjaitrmt, 9ne tit^ec %qupci; frljo rljeifit in lufrtent. IBetuir t&anie tiua putpofit to popfoun me, £Xu^iIk ijj fonuect in t^ie SInfitmitie. J^urtlj of nip realnie pai fjaue me dieuin $ rfiaifl 9nD to rctutne t&aitto 31 ^aue na ttaifl. C6e dBmpjcouc tfjan tuife tjim aliout t&e nefe, So} uerrap lufe, and faid in tljiis efferfe. S> mp niaifl befl fielouit tteto blotter, Ctutiome euer maic 31 lude a&one a([ nt^tt, 3! Co?roto fair in fie fo|t joto to ft, CQitljout tnneid maiflerit in mifetie. IBot 3e mon ttioill and tafe in patience, 9nd gif t&ait; map be found onp defence: rpelp 0? temeid t^at map ?out feifenejs faue, JFo? gold o| geir, but dout yt fall it ftaue. Uit fall not faill to fetcfje fine lS)ljifitian-3, CQitfi cuning Clerfeijs, and perfite pjacticians, iSo? 5it fall mijJ fo? monp ^edicinacss, lBo| fo? payment to pjeif'all IPotingatjS. V.j. 3o8 1FTHE SEVIN aBttlj counfalltsj of ^ataet0 anti Dortoutss fine Sol all feifenejs ttiat can Qint d^tbicint* 3Into t^f jj nef O gtf tljap can ?otu fuppHe, 3It fall not iuant fo? gold, qtit no? monte. Co get 50IW Ijelp tue fall not fpatr to fpenD, C^offjt toe fuld feife unto t^e toavlDtss end. Cfiattfoir fie filj)t6, and tafe natj^tng in tljorj^t Cfj?oto all tlie toarlD ?our tjtlj? it falfie focDt, aErcept ?out fjeltlj Ijeir natljing ?e fall toant, Clufjen plefijs 0oti Ije toill tljat to ^oto etant» Co ane Cljalmet fielpue t&aj euld Ijtm fijing, Cajajs toeill pieparit, toanting na feinO of tljing 2Df Ijonellie, no? ?it toas neeeflaii; jTo? ei0 02 Ijelt^, qu^ait Ijiti fieti toasJ and lair 3fn tljiis meane time tlie Cinpieout gart pjepait !Dij3 ^eCSngerg to pass and feife all quljair, Cuning DoctourisJ, and IP&ifitianjx profound C&at tpaj5 tv\}tvt in onp land 0? ground, SDf quljome tftait tome to tjim in oulbijs tfije, C|j?ettie Doctourijs cunning in all degre. Cfie maifl erpett, and Jjad erpedence, 3[n fie effairisJ, fielanging t&at Science. SDf fute fupplie j?ertening l^Dificfe fine, 3nd toajj ertollit ^aiflersJ in 9@edicine, Co quljon_ie anone tlje PDificb^ atit" naturall fcienee: CosiDDer luitt) all podtbilitte, i^im to xtcuu of ftisi 3infitmitie, Pleifit }mt gcace ?e mon n$ all parDoun, ^iQe mon Dane ficDt of tDe p?incipall peufoun. CiuDilk all t^itttit at aniss quDen tDap Dim fato incontinent DtJS feifeness tDa^ DiD fenato* ^nD faiD it taa^ ane feikne$$ uncuvabill, 3nD to i:emeib to mojtall man not abilt. CiuDen tDe (!Bmp?eoui; Datij tDame Deliuet fo, 3t Dtjx Davt tute De ixia^ dcDt tuonOev too, iRemittit all to tDe Delp and calling ffl)f (3oti almfe, tDat can Delp all fie tDing, CDe Cmpjeom; callit to Dini goDlie men, JFurtD of all ]patti0, quDaiv tDat De cnlD tDe feen, CDat tuar deuoit toitD minde t tDocDt Jnttiact Definng tDame ticDt Dumlilie toitD Diss Dact: CDat tDag tuald pjag to (Sod of DiJS gnde gvace CD?otu tDair vi&^tt gif tDag culd DeltD purcDess Co aieradec quDilb toa0 ane l&ing toitD croun, IBe tDaiv falling, and alss deuotioun. 9nd alss Dim felf faflit and piagit daj?lie CDat (Sod micDt Dane of Diss gnde fteind pietie ^pon a da^ ^lerandev alone, ilping in 6ed, in Dart all two begone, IP^aping to (Sod fo? fum Delp and fupplie, ^e Datd ane uoice (aping to Dim on Die. aiejcander gif tgat tDe (ZEmpjeout, Defitijs tDp DeltD, tDj? Delp and tDj? fnccour: Het Dim ga fone toitD Diss atuin Dandi0 ttua, Ma ma 30ung fonniss incontinent De fla, V. ij. 3IO fTHE SEVIN Cfie qufjilfetjj ttisi toife at ane fiurDtng t&e bait* at tDe lafl time ftfjo toajj tn C&tltifietilalt. WtU^t ttjg bodte toitD t^c ttoa ftabetjs bluDe, Cfjg flefcDe fallie alj$ fait, aljs ilene, alss guDe, 3s5 euet it toaxJ in ong time liefoine, SD? aj3 t&e flefcfie of ane Iiafiie neui boint, aieranDer Darti, anD tl)i0 faiO to Ijim fell. 31 t&infe it not neidfull tftiss taill to ttll 11302 to be fcDatoin i$ not eppetiient, 3I3atute t^aiito be na toap tuill eonfent. il3a toontiet toav ftijs fjart fo? to be uia, JFoi ane flranget ^i0 atoin ttoa fonnid fla, Cfiocljt 31 be noiu in fie eptremitie, %)ic ane tiane uoce fall not be fcbatuin fo? me. %it not tlje le0 ttjt €mp?eonr nicDt anO Oa^ Continuallie at fjiiS tieuotioun lap: Pjaping to and SEAGES. 311. 9nti to tueflfatc agane iue mtcljt ?oto totn. 31 fute na (Sold, no? counts na ioatltilie geir, ^a 31 agane mtffjt fiaue ?otu &aiH anb fett. 3! count na coifl, no? ?tt na tJttjer ttjing, ^a ^ota agane to IjeltD it ntirf)t ?oUj li?tng. JDele not ?out: ui^nti into na fo?t fca me, 3[n onj tiling tj^at mag ^out fjelttj fupple. iFo? micjjt 31 deill ?oui: feiknejj into t5?e, %t fuID not l}aue fa greit 3Infivmitie. ^5 tugfe anb ?e t&e ttoa part ?e fulD ijaue, 9nti tlje t6?iD part, mg felf it fulb veflaue. JKneto 3i ajs ?e, quj^air ?e map Ijaue fuppo?t, 3!t to tcflaue, t&e tpme fulD 6e ticj^t fc|jo?t, Cljairfoit feir not fo? to tell me tbe treutg, Co Ijelp ?our felf, fe na map ?e 6e fleutft. Cljan OleranDet anftoerit toitj^ mpnd fa meib, Jt)ottibeit tDat 3 fj?ftene tpmess luar mair feife: 9nD at tlje popnt of tlje maift cruell beiO, 31 can not fcfiato tlje cams of mg remeiD. ll3o? 3t toald not ttjat fie ane t^ing toat fcljatoin Jf3o? 31 toald not to onp mab it bnatoin. JFo? to be fcDatoin it i$$ fa oDioujJ, Hub to nature fa bone contrariou^. 3In to t&ijs cafe ^e mon fjalb me ercufit, Co Dane nig Ijeltj^, fie toag qugte 31 refufe it. Cfje (2mp?eour faib mg onlie freinb anb b?otlier Cluljome toitD mg Ijart 3 lufe abone all nt&er. IDaue me in trail!, Ijaue me in na bifpair, TBot tlje Ijaill treutD 3 P^ag ?>5to me beclair. Clje tiling ijs not pofSbill to be bone, %oto fo? to cure, bot it falbe Ijab fone. Cljairfoir 3 ?oto requg?e of b?otl)er ^titj^ IDgbe not fra me, tDat mag be ?our remeib, V. iij. 312 fTHE SEVIN aierander fatD, fen eutn fa tjs ?out; toiir, Cj^e Ijatll faflbun 31 iwill tiedaii; ?oto tiU* Caaitft tiavtlie minDe, fiublfe pjaiJing f out; Qtatt @)en ?out; tutll ijj, t^at 31 ftfiaiu 50to tfte care: C^at ?e tojill tafe mp tuojDijs in patience, 3nO patOoun me quj^aii; tfjat 31 mafe offence* jFo? ?e twin tliinfe m^ toojDitf fat 6j) veflbun, 113eiti tuac tijairfoir ?ouk grace gijant me patDoun 32Iit anD reflbun m|> talb toiH fiaitD 3[mpouns 'Befi tuar ttiairfoit; in time to IjalO m|> toung. Cge ^mpjeout faiti fo^ U$ faik tgat ^oto Iioc^t a^itfiouttin feit; fc^ato me ?ont mintie $ tfjocfit %e fall me find to ^oto tretti and conGant, and ?oio to tjeltft, tljait iss nocljt ?e fall toant* Ctjaitfoir fcftato furtD ?ouf minde gif it ?oto JFo? ?e fall fap natfiing fall me difeijj« (pleitf aierandec faid 31 toil! pl^iss ?out 3intent, asj it toajs fcfjatuin to me in uerament. Zit anijs agane ?out gtace 3{ toill pjotefl, Cftat mg fcljaivp tuoidtjj ?out minde natl)ing 'Be ane gteit tjoice it toa0 to me veuelit, (moleft 'Be ane fitange toap, 6oto ttjat 31 mag be Dalit* %oui; atoin tttia fonni0 ^out; felf tDame fo? to fla 9nd mp bodie iuefctje toit& tlje blude of tlja. Cljijs i$ tljt tuag qufjaitttjaotu 31 mon be ^aill, jCiuljilfe ij3 ane tljing to ?oto bnnaturall: C&at tlje JFatljer ijiss atoin ttua fonnijs fnld feeil aBitD Diss tioa tjandiis, fo? onp CtangetJS toeilL 0nd isJ conttafr tlje cour^ of naturall lato, Clii0 toa0 tDe causs fie tDing 31 dutft not fcljato. C&e (ZEmpjeout faid ?e faiU fat to me tDait, Cljat calliss ?out felf to be fjeit ane fftangait* jfo? in tteiw fattlj, and fa m^ faull Ijaue feill, SEAGES. 313 3!S mg atotn felf 31 1«ft ?ot» euin aljs todll, JFo? fflf 31 Bab ten tiarmjs j^erc&anrr anb ma, Co set ?out Ijelttj, tfiatt fuld not ane of tlja ^one be unflane, 31 fcBojtIte ^otu Declaft* SDf t&t0 niatev note toe toill f^eife na maft» <5a ?e to teft and mafe na matt ado, With Belj) of <©otJ all to gude fall mm to, CBe €mp2eout: &e luatttit dap and mcfjt, and toatcBit about quftat time gat Be fieft mitfjt Cum to Ijisi (Bab, Biss atom ttoa fonniu to fla, ^a on ane dap tBe OBmpjue furtB mid ga 2a3itB Btt ladetis airlie in ane mojning, Co tafe j^aflime into ane gtene gatding. CBe Cmp?eour fato, and to CBalmer Bini fped CluBait tBe ttoa babis lap flcipand in tBait bed 3Incontinent BiJS quBin^eat futtB Be djeto 2i0itB BiJS ttoa Bandss Biss atoin ttoa fonnijs Oeto Cuttit tBair tBjottiss, and Cine U^^it tBe blude, IDotobeit tBe fame rontvait Biss Batt it Gude. I13a metuell toass Botobett Btss Batt toajs too, Jl)e tBame begat, and toajj Biis cBtldjen ttoo, ^ine toitB tBat blude, aiepandet did toefrBe, 2iaitB BiiS atoin Bandss, all Bi0 bodp and flefcBe* duBilfe toass alss fair 3!nfontinent and dene, 3sJ onp time befoit Bad euet bene, 3nd aljs gude Ipfee in jjatfoun and nifage, ajj quBen Be toajS bot ttoentie ^eir of age. CBe Cmpaeout tBan feneto toeill be BisJ mllout, TBe Bis faflbun, Biss face and pojttatout, 31t toais but dout aicrandet; ttetolie, iRuBaivof in Batt ticBt toondet bIptB toasJ Be. JFo? of befoit Be feneto bot tBisJ and fo, CiuBidet gif it toess laierandrt 0? no, V. iiij. 314 1FTHE SEVIN TBot Doutled aieranDer Ijt feneto, ^tt&out Difpaii; it ixiasx aieraiiDet; tuto» ^ifl ^im anD fatD, HD m^ guDe tender fi;einti, ^en firft toe fentto anD euet inair Jjesi bene. ©f ^oui: petfoun noto 3[ tjaue guDe fenatoledge, S)f ^out fauour ?om: faj; anD ^our uifage. IXuljilfe motij time 31 Oelptft to fe, Co ett and Djfnfe, anti fce in companie. IBlpft be ttjt time, fie cDtlUatng 31 l»egat, Cfjat Jjejs ^otn 6?ofDt to tfte fiatt ?e at at. IBot 5it nane tuifl tljat t^e CfjflDjfng toa0 flane, Toot SleranDet, and tlje (ZEmpieour allane. C6e (Bmpitonx faid, fen (^oD of fjijs gudneg, ^ec mafO ^oto ^atll of all ?out fate fetfenej3» 3f fall o?Oane fo? ?oto dcljt qnj?etHe, Co pajs ane fpaee, ane Donefi eompante, SDut fta tlji0 place 6ot aucljt o? nipleg ten, Co tfjat effect, tljat nane fjeit fall ^oto feen. 9nd on ttje mo?ne ^e fall fend me meffage, €)f ^out cumtng, mabtng to me fenatoledge. Cljan fall 31 tmn toitlj hl^tti and mene fp?eit, 3[nto all Ijatfl, call me ?oto fo? to mett, C^an fiill toitfii me altoagijs ?e fall vemane, Cluljill tue auffe to get ?our Eealme agane. 2Df t^isi counfall 3lej:andet toag content, 90 tDap talfeit, toais done 3Inconttnent, ©n tlje nirt dap come to tlje (£mp?eout:, 9ne ^efOtnget, qutia Ijatlfit f)im tuttl) tjonout. %cl)atojng to &tm, as Ije Ijad gottln command i^tng 9lerander of €gppt to ass at fjand Clje emp?tce tjard and iuass ricljt toondec glaid Co ttjt (2mp?eonc fcDo IjaflJtt tjir and faid. © mp gude Lo?d, fie blptlj and mab gude cDetr, minq SEAGES. 315 i^tns 3Ie)canJ5et tt)aj> fag tjs rumfns tttiv, €iuljomp taitlj toe eft in Qvtit bIgtDncxJ fiejx bene Ctjtj3 mon|> Dag fipgane Dess not 6tm fene* ^nti tualD ^out gvace be fa guDe to mafe gait l^Un fo? to meit, tje ujalQ lie &lgtD 31 toait. 3f and nig laDefss tnto out beft atvag ^all pass tDitlj 50U), anD meit Ijim be t&e tuap. C|)i£j being bone, ass ?it nat&ing frDo feneto " CDat ttje jFatljeu Ijisi atoin ttoa fonniss Oeto. Cfje dBmpjeout faiD, gif tDat it be 50U1; toill, Ctiat :jlfe 31o?nag blgtDHe 31 toiU ga till. Cljan vaiD tDag futti) ane Ijoncfl rompanie, JLojt)j3, EntrDtjs, JLaDeiss, tuitD gt:eit folempnitie 3nD axs tDag taiO fa Eogallie tl}?oto tDe flteit, 31n tlje mitituag l^ing aicranDet cuID meit. CluDa Ijailfit rytljtt tottD all Ijumilitie, QBitl) lauOe (j gloit, and fiionoui; t&at micljt be, Cgaif tua0 kindness u tDait ixiass gteit feiflSng» Cfjair tuajs bigtyness, gait toass in armess bjafing Cljair Uja0 fencilling, and tDait toia0 eouttafie 2a3itij veuevence and gteit folempnitie* €ftet talking tuitjj gude and tteto 3ntcnt, an togiddet unto tlje Palite toent. illutjait tl)at ije toass vcflauit toitlj blgtlinee, 2Bit[} gteit Ijonout, tuitD 31og anti mivtineg. Cime fome of meit, all toajJ at CabiU fet, JI5atIjtng toantit tijat neidfull toa0 to get. aierandet tua0 fet at tlje Ijie dei0, QJQitD tfie dEmpjiee, and t^e dEmpjeout at meijs. ass tfiag toav talking into mittineiES, C&e (Bmpitmt faid to Di0 atoin €mp?ess: fi) JFlo?entine, mg aluin gude toife and lufe, 31 tDinft mg Datt in 3og eralt abufe. 3i6 1FTHE SEVIN Cfiat ?e do mafe l^tng Slejcantiet fie tWv, and 10 fa tiljttj, tlM tje ijs mmin fteic, ^c^a faiti foafuWlj (ulij 31 it bttttt mafee, 3ft fuld ht Done, fo? aterantietjs fafee* ^uID not to uis 1)10 mmtng &e glaidne^, and in fj^edall to ?otti anr eteit k^nHntsi^ foi ?c liaD not turn to tfifg Digmtie, dufiait 5e at; noto, fo?fuitD fiaD not fiene ge, anD tifuctd t^mt$ al0 tjf 6^0 fautt ?om; Igfe, and ioa0 p?tnctpaU, ttiat gat me to ?out; togfe. Cfie dEmpjeoui; falD, ?oni; toit toeill 31 alloto* Ctiat tl)tnk0 on tgame t^at tua0 fa guDe to ^oto CDan 31 3??a5 ?oto tak gutie Ijtiii quj^at 31 fap, 3fnto tjji0 Ijall fata ?e not t^^t lafl Daj?, ane latt^ )it)?per iiefott out Calbtll fat> IBaitD mftt and d?fnfe a0 ?e fato fum fie gat* ^tne foi (Soddi0 lufe, $ Etng aie]t:andet;0 fafee, Defitit ane d?mfe, quljtlfe 3( gavt till film take, ^(fio fatd m|) Hojd ttjat man dcDt tneill 31 fato ane mait uglte ^tt dtd 31 neuet fenato. Cfie Cmpieoui; fafd, a tfiing 31 ?ot» demand, Ciuljilb 31 beleue ?e toill difcu0 fva Ijand. 3 l?ut tfie care tfiat iLippec man fiad 6ene, itltng aiepandet- tfiat ?e fe tuftfi ?out; (Ene. and Bi0 wmetd and fjeltfi in ^ouv Dand lap, and toitti tfie filude of ?out ?oung fonni0 ttoag IBeljude f02 to 6e fiatfiit all afiout, 2i0ald ?e not tfian toitfi ane flpf 6at;t and flout: Eifljt toeill confent tijat daitlj tljair Iilude0 toau Co ttje 3Intent, pat fix0 fieltfi niicljt fie &ad. (fc&ed Cfiait tfi2ott0 tnttit, and do tliame 6aitl) to deid ^a aiejcandev tt)aivtl)?oto micfit get temeid. and mafe &im Daill, euin a0 ?e fe fiim noto, Cfiat SEAGES. 317 Cljat 31 iwald bo (quoO frfjo) vSob 31 a«oto: ^aD toe ten ^onntss gottin ujs ttoa fiettoene, 3i tnalti fonfent to fe tfiame toitfj mgne (ZBnei 3fm:ontinent to fe tDame ijtiti anti flane, 3fnto tDat eafe to set tjisJ tjcltlj agane. Clja^ tieing flane ttJttfj mp potoec anD ptt&, aip atuin ttoa ftantus fuIO tueCclje ijtm toeil pafi; iRatljev tDan 31 fulti leif fjtin in flc neiti, (toitft 31 toalti not ture to fe t&air tDjottijs IileiU. jFo? (^00 agane mtcDt fenD film fiarnfjj anettr, TBot neuer agane ane fteind fa ttatli and treto. Clutje tljt €mp?eouv tljtv tuojDjs of Dtt Ijatti fafD 3Into tjtsi Ijavt Ije toass fiaitlj filptli anO glatd: 3nD faiij to Ijfc guDe JFlojentfne mp tuffe, IDaD ^e latljer faue Slerantierss life: Sinti htlit of fate no? Ijane ?out fonnf0 lenanti^ Cvetolie (quoD fcljo) tljat Ijtit 31 tafe on Ijanti, IBeeauis tiafrfoir ?e av to Dtm fa fefnOe, 31 iDtll ^oto fcData) t^e 3(ntoavt of mp mintie* Cj^e laitlj Itppet qu^ilfe fat into mp Ijato, Cljat 31 and ?e 6ait& tit and djfnfe tue fato, ^efio faid tje toasJ mail! JLtpyeu la?ai;oujJ, Cfjat eueu eome tatt&tn ane iHolbiHijS fjouxf, 3! metuelltt gteit quljawfoii; ^* t&ing toasJ tojoc^t 32lttDtn ?our Ijall fie ane 6eii;ne fuld 6ene fioeftt? Co ?oto 31 ttotott ft fuld 6aue done offenee, Cfiat fie j^etfountss fuld cum fn ?out pjefenee, TBot fen ?ouv gtace fufifettt fie tiding to fee, 31 ioa0 content, and iueill allotoft iuftft me, Clie ^mp?eour fatd, Dad ?e tfte treutD tija feend ajj 31 fieleue, ?e Ijad not bene offend. (25ude jFIo?enttne noto 31 toill mafe ^oto fut:e, CluDil^ man it toa0 tgat fat on out; gall flut:e. 3i8 1[THE SEVIN 31 totll ^otxi ffljato but onp fen^efng, aiejranDci; tt toaxJ of Cgppt Eing* duljilfe at 0ur Cabtll noto fittiti p?eftntlie, Cluoti frtjo "ig JLojJ), 31 tDtnfe tl)at ran not 6e. aiejranDer tDat noiu fittijs at ouv Cabill, Cljat txs ane ttjtne not liUiit to fie abtU, JFo? 3Ierantiet tDat fittts ^tit pjefentlie, 3lJ5 tjaill antJ feu% plefanb to luib anO fe. aJSttfjout feifeness of IjoDte founD anU riene, 'BIj?t& of uifase, toittj ttoa fatt Cdaall OEne, Curtoujs of co?j5, ane cunilte Creatm:e, ^a tuajS i)e not tijat fat into ttie flute. Xot of Iji£5 I^ie ttia0 laitlilte anD tjoittbin, and gab fethneiS guDUk tua$:s tinaitalitlL 9nti fa tss not noto 3Iej;anOet Etng, 3nti 3f meruell ^e fuld fag fie ane tljtng. a95 ijart (quoti De) t tuib Dim ^9-, and bad Dim tpde agane. ^a cDeib fo? cDeib, to Diss Caflell tDaj? taid, duDaic tDaiv toajs cDeit; to* all aboundance maid and quDen tDap come bnto tDe Caflell ?et, ^ijs ^otDet come, and toitD blptDnejs Dim met. l^neilling to Dim, De licDtit and Dir bid, TBot quDat De tuajs tDe fuitD natDing fcDo luitt. ^cDo faid to Dim fen it plefiss ^ouv gtace Co befie b0 at tDiss time, and out* place. Ze do to b0 ?ouc fecuandijs gi:eit Donout, and toe bljtD at tDat it iis ?out plefour. and ijs toelcum to all tDat ?e find Deir, and a0 toe ma^ toe fall mab ?oto tDe cDeit. CDe time of dap djeto neit all botonit to dine, ^iss JFatDet come toitD ane filuei; 'Bafine: 9BitD IRoijS toattet bpon ^i$ knit ^neilland, and SEAGES. 323 ^a^ing meifeWe, pleiQt ?out grafe to toefclje, anD ttjatteftet toittj fum mcit ?oto refteftte. 3it tjj tttiOp tlje tliett toe Doto ?oto mafe, Ipca^tng ^oui; gtace tn j^atience it to tak. Cfie i^ing t&i0 fato tit fm^lit and fine 5e faiD ^ntill gim frif, tfjait; isi nane can auaiD, JI9o2 fet on fiDe tlie gotilie p?ouiDence ]De Uiill gaue bone lie Ijtd petfit ^juDence. Cge iRicljtingaiUijs fang noto 31 j^erfaue iis treto jCtugilk lang ago to mp J?atDec I ftljeto: €Xulien tljat ftljo come to Diss toinDo anD fang, Cljat tDap fuld fiaitD lie vicDt glaiD fo? to gang Ulitlj t&e CotoeU and IBafine in tliait JjanDie, ^e fot to fecue a!$ t|)a^ toav m^ fecuantiiiS. ot tlje l^nleljt and Ijtjs totfe to abide, at qutjatis rommand, ass fie bad fa toa0 done, Ctjan toas tDe dure on ttjame tli^e elofit fone. Cfian faid tlje l^ing to tljt l^nirlit and fiiis toife iDaue ^e na fiarnijj, quod tDa^ nane upon life, ^one no? douelitet at tfiiss time ^aue toe nane, and to get ma, toe traift ttie time ht gane. Cfian faid tlje filing 31 fpeit fo? time fi^gane JDad ?e onj, o? fiad ?e neuet ane. Cljan faid tlie Bniclit fo? a fone toe 5ad ane TBot it in lang fen ^t toais deid and gane. Cfjan faid tBe ffiling, in qu^at deid deit 5e. Cijan faid tfie HinicDt ane natutaU deid tretolie Cljan faid tlie l^ing lie tfiat not treto but faill, %t fault to me, and dotobilli^ to me ^out tailU Cfian faid tlje Cinif tit, |out grace noto 3[ require iCiutiat i0 ttit eaujj fa feruentlie n defire, and to fit tiling quDat raufiis ^oto tab geid, aXHitli fie effeet to fpeir efter Ijiis deid. Clia faid tlie l&ing, toit&out eauxJ do 31 it nocgt If)oto SEAGES. 325 !|)oto ?ouc ^one ttit, CrDato me ?out minDe and (J)tf ?e tof « not ftpauj futtD t&e uetitie, (ttiofj^t. 3ne fclianiele^ Oeid but Dout ?e fait bait^ Ote. Ctu^en t^ap f DatJj tljap fell Ooii on tljaic fenfe 3ffeins Dim grace fojgtuenejs anb meme, CDan faio tlje IKfng, ?tt 31 iwill Donout age, 31 rouet not of ?oto fa greit tjomage. 3f grant ?oto leif befoir me fo? to Ganb, Snb fa tie raiQ ttjame battt) b]^ be ttje tjanb, Co tDat 3Intent 31 tmnt not in ?out; place, %ouj to betcatjs tn ong fo|t 0? eace, iTo? it iss geuin me tueilt to bnberflanti %t put ^our fone to t}titi luitt) ^our auiin ganb. 9nb gif fie tDing cum to tlje 3Iubgement, %e toill be baitg conbampnit 3[ncontinent« CDairfoir to me tlje berraj tceutlj p fctjaU), 3It ijx banger fo? fie to b^ht tlje Hato. ^cljaU) me ttje treutD, anb 31 fall faif ?oto baitli JTra all perrell, anb feeip ?oto fra all ffeaitfi. Cljan faib t^e l&nicljt, mp life fcljir to me grat ffl)f tbe tretD treuttj ane toojb ?e fall not toant. Cban faib ttjt i^ing feir not tDe treutD to fag, anb on crebence Deir 31 fall faff ?oto ttoag. Cban faib ttje Cinicljt ane fone toe &ab tretotie, £lubilk toajs toeill fene in cunning anb Clergie dicker cunning lie tjab in fcience feuin, 3[n all IPlanetijJ tljat mouit bnber Deuin. Il)e feneto t&e cour0, anb all tfjair firage afpectijJ CDair pitDt potoer, anb alt tgair firme aS'ectid. ail tierbiiS anb treiss ricDt toonber toeill ge feneto CiuDat firetl) gai gab, qutjat pit^, $ quDat bet- Cljair toass na foult ^ euer fleto to toing, (teto IBat De feneto toeill qutje gai 2>air fang toalb fing. X.ij. 326 fTHE SEVIN 3nto fa fat;, t^m toa^ na httb tgat fpaang, J|)e fenetu tfie j^ittj, anO aljj ttje fouUtss fang, ^pon ane tia^ befott; nn tit ruID fianD, SiCIitI) IBalJine, CotueU, and uiattei; in W &anti 3[n tge mean$ time tDat bon^ foull of flugt, C&e II3iffjtingatIl, at out twtntio did Iw^t. and fa fiegan to fing lift nottfjs gude, SUdll tuat tDe man (quod 31) tftat DndetQude %onp ftoett fingtng, f quljat tfie fittd doi0 menc £luod Ije JTatDet fa 5c toJtU not lit tene: 31 fuld ^oU) fctiatu qugat ^one Iiitd lingiS fa ftuett and euewe note 31 faH ?oto 3[nterp|ett. jCluod 31 dttt fone, 31 P?ap tfje to me fcDato, Co fa^ tlje fuitt) of na man Qand tgoto atu. Ciuod fje JFatljer, fo?fuitlj 3[ tab grert feit, 3it fall 5oto ftaift, i^n fang quljen ?e it fieit. JBap, na^, (fafd 3!) of t&at ftaue tfioto na dout, Ctje 6irds$ fang 31 l??a5 tlje tell me out. jCluod ge ^one Iiitd fclio intni^ into j^it; fang, ^? ^ottiet and ?e at aftill to leif fa lang, j^uljilt tljat ^e Qand Iiefoit me ais fetuandiiES, 9nd to lie lilptlj ijald toattet to m^ Ijandijs. ®if tljat 3 tjill ?oto fuflfet fie to do. Cluod 31 tijat dap tljoiw fall neuet mm to, 9nd fa at f(Ijo?t 0? euet 31 tuife telJ, 3nto tDe fep foj to dptone 31 |)im feefl. C^an faid tlje J^ing, to ?oto Jjad bene na ffeaitft 2lnto I)ij$ gand$ ?e gad tjaldin loattet baitg. 31 tljinfe it fiad bene to |oto battlj plefout, Cfiat 5out ane fone Ijad mm to fie Ijonout. Cfian faid tljt fSitiithU tljat fame t&ing 31 «fejj 31n grcit futie 31 did it and toodnejs. SiOit and toifdome tuans luent, toill Mim ouir ma mm SEAGES. 327 Eictjt and teflbun anti tmt^ qu^te fra me tan» ^a quDen tuit toant0 anD Quntt^ of teflbun UiS 3f fount a man na httttt no? ane fieift, Cfiat tgnntss on Ijeid anti lubtjs to na reflbun anti fa DtJJ 31 qu^en 31 mg ^one Oiti Dioun* Ctjan faid m mm, 31 t&infe It toajs foHe, %oto fo? to topjfe fontuait tDe ^aieflie SDf <5oti alone, anD Di!3 gieit p^ougdence, ^tss U)tt Dtjs tutll, and mtf^tie ©jDinance. %t mu&t tueill toit, 3[t in mt taill to bt nctit 31 fa^* li3ot ane ittttv 31 DavO tfitjs monp a Oap. CDan fafti tlje ^one anD j^ltia ?out ^aieflf j, ^otobeit t^at (2DoD {)e0 geutn fie gvace to me: ffl)f toit, tDtibome, and rjt^tt gveit Cunmng:, ©f Muef0 ti)ingt0 l}ejJ Ifnt underflanOing. %ft tDisJ fuld not na mag mtnifclje ?ouc mkfit. Jl^oa ^out; fjonouv, ^oui; ^atefiie anb I)f(gt* Idot tattiet fuID tjje fame etfe and augment, 15e df&t, reflbun, and equall 3Iudgement. ^a in Itketotfe tlje I^tngtg qu and eQait, duj^ilfe toajj be (2^od onlte pjedeQinaft« ^end fie tlje Iittd, to fing t^at ije mufit fjeir, jfXufjilfe in tljat rare toass (SoddijJ ^effingefr. Sot Ijad not bene <$od gaue tgat hith dc gtare, ^cDo liad not fung fie finging in fie plaee» Ctje fonm'js Donouv, and all Diss dignftie, Cutk na fjonout fta t^e JTatj^et ?e fe. Jl3o? to Ijifi ^otj^er it did na Ijinderanee Xot vatget toaiS ttjaii; tjonoutijs to auanee. jFo? a0 ?e Datd tDag toar Ijonount altoagisJ, 3lnto t)t]3 Eealme, duting tDaii; life and dapisJ. CDan faid agane to Ijim ttjt €mpieour, 31 petfaue toeill ttje fonniss greit j^onout: Can na toag j?ait tlie Snttjnsi mieljt and gloit IBot tatgei; ag to mak it moit and moic. Cliaitfoit 31 toill ttje Ijaill 31mpit;e tefing 31nto ^ouv Ijandiss, and ^e ttjaitof tie Eing. and ggde tfie fame, and fjaue tlje teule and fleit JTo? 31 am auld, doto not fie fiutding htix, IBct tnt^tt iDald lie fet at tefi and tisi, A. mj. 330 1[THE SEVIN 3nD ?e t&e IRealme to gptie asS ?e beft pleijj, JFoa 31 tioiu not 3Intiute fie tefiness, IBe teflbun of m^ eflD anO febilnejj. CDan faiD tDf fone faufng ?our gcacess toiU, Co tljat fentenre na toa^ grant luiH 3| till, IBot ?e fall ap fjaue tl)e autDojttie, During ?ouc life, met tnair abone me, Co charge, founnanO, to 6fD, and fo? to J)o, 31n all effaitfsJ, tljat euer jiettemss ^oto to, 311 defined tljat av laIio;tuK$, Sittisi and erandijs, toeltDte and ponOetusJ* aitoaptjj 31 toill accept tDem »pon me, Zoto fo? to fejue, as ijs mp gteit Oetotfe, and euev fall, tlje famtn nwDt and daj, Co louc plefure, in fa far ajs 31 ma^. Cfie (ZEmpjeoui* tljan lommandit Ijiss 3!«fti«, 3[n 3fuDgement fit, and do furtf) Dt0 office, 3nd tlje (Bnmm in pjefcnce to gar 6?ing, 2i©itfj fjir Eefiald cled in toemenss cletDing* Ctnljilfe nirt fjir felf Ije caufit for to fiand, CDan tjir JLadeiis in o?dour at tlje nirt Ijand. C&an Dioclefiane to tljt €mp?eour faid, JFatfier ?our Cluene ?our fionour fjexs degraid. ©uir all tlje toarld ?e ar greit OEmpjeour, 9[nd it jjerteniss to ?our grace and Ijonour: Co do 3[uflice to all tlje fame def^rijj, Jfoa tlje fame tljing ?our 9@iaieflie requpjiss 9ftweill to pure, ad to tlje riclje altoap, iC« ttanflaft €)f all tttin tecmfss ass ?t ma^ ft Denude, 1Becau0 fc^o m^ gjoteflft aiu and Mt au ffrange termtg to cafi out of mp Bait, taping to me fcljo not tljame undetaude, JRequmns aljs tljat 3! toald &e fa gude CaJemenjJ ftonout to fjald up and eflatt, 9ss ?e map fe, 31 durft not ellijj 6ot dude, ^a fn feuin oulfeftf t^ijs quaii; tuajj dene copleit ©ut of plane pjoixi» notu feef pand metetisJ feit mittm t&e JFoU and Cotu?e of Camtalloun, Cluljen tlje 3!nsltss J'toit befide 31ncIjefeeftD did ajpon tDe fep, in ttjat gveit liiuning i^tiU ifi^it TBaitD ^cottijJ $ 31nsliJS of ILeitlj la|) at g* toun, aaait^ fc^aivi? afleige, and gatneifl gatifoun ©n at&er fide, quljaic findjie loifl t&e ftueit, C^at famin time 31 maid t&iss tcanfiatioun. 31n mittinejs, fen mp 3nt raufit me mafe it 31 ^oto requite gude EeidatijJ fot; to tafe ft 31nto patiece, qutjaiv faltjs at foud coiuct tftame Xit toat 31 lait^ ouiu fat t^at it toat lafeit. ($if fum uerfe Saltig, o? onp ruUoutfjJ rtafeit jFo? mj) requeifl tafe out ane pen and 6Iek tliamr IBtcmn f02 Daitt petc^ance 31 did neglect t^ame jFo? gif fa lie, 31 tm na toaj? defend it €)cmfe it felf, and fa tW quait ijJ endit C Quod Rolland. 1560. IQ^The Author fayis to the Bulk. IN gaifl 0a 65 t^t to fum ^oill, Snti l^^tie tge, lie not ralltt ane hnik ^a (otume tge unit all tiene toitg (oill ^one fmett; t^e ouii; tuttft fmfbbie fmuife, ®? frout pottttf to fum cmfcljie Cuife; £D? tn fum fefttfjfng tutne tDe fpett: 9mans ILatiefiei ttiotu Oat not lufk jFo? tlja^ totll on t^e toitfj tDatc frtt, jFo? men of gube tfioto att not meit CDa? tufll f^t fialti of fmall auaill, jflElufiat refltjj t&aft tfian !iot ?alti t6^ ^p?rit: D? to tr^ft Ctnfeladjs tell tljp taill. Cfii?J touiife vjme amang tljame raill Jfo? 6oneO folk fetu toill fet 6p tlje, anD 3 ftoeit fie tfje iRuDe of Crafll Cuftrfjing mp part Ijeir 31 tieng tfie; ^l> rounfall fss, tfjat tfjotn gar rrg t^e 3mang Cotorlinfeijs and eommoun Ijuveis, 911 gutie toemen tj^ag mag uefp t&e 2)f all t5p ttabijs t^ap tafe na tuun: IBot fond JFillofeijs up in tDe duress jflCiu&a fitfl ^oiM vedtitss, ^gm^fepnnar Sangtgame ^e on tljame tj^oto tottfe all Jnturejj, Pa0 on anD fend tljg felf amang tljame, H Quod Rolland in Dalkeith. ^i Et fic est finis Laus detuf & gloria trinis. REPRINTED AT EDINBURGH, BY BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY, PAUL's WORK. M.DCCC.XXXVII. OVE„OUE. ° *'00 ON THE SE^l^ ^"^"TH "s-7/33 YE 18923 641491 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY