L.8 /6Z6 3-s ACK'S graded PRIMER fix. UC-NRLF /?y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION No. '1*7 Emphas free from children, pages of r tests. 5 grading th< illustration BLACK'S GRADED READERS PRIMER BY Beot." K Black EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY BOSTON New York Chicago San Francisco : •'; y:'../ ; :.,:/.. ..." L B tf£5 L Copyright, 1902, by C. W. Bard*ki* Copyright, 1907, by John Kakst EDUCATION DW* JLA PREFACE. In these days of trained specialists it seems use- less to base a primary reader upon some particular method of teaching. The trained teacher has his own method, rud only needs good material to work with ; while the untrained teacher cannot use a par- ticular method, even though the book is made to fit it. Every method for teaching primary reading seems to have some points in its favor; but after many years of trial and investigation I am convinced that the best primary reader is the one that contains the best material, arranged in the best order, without reference to a particular method of presentation. The following points in favor of this book will be readily perceived : 1. The pages are free from irrelevant matter. 2. The subjects are interesting to all children. 3. The sentences are short, and the lines wide apart. 4. Frequent pages of review sentences that are numbered, for convenience of tests. 5. The whole lesson is always in sight. 6. The vocabulary is unexceptionable. 7. The grading is nearly perfect. Benj. N. Black. 541471 PICTURE GAME. Most of the common nouns used in this book are pictured out in the following pages. The teacher may create a profitable amuse- ment for little beginners by using the pictures in the following manner : Direct the children to open books at the desired page ; then write, or print, on the blackboard one of the words, telling the children to find the picture that tells what the word is. Children raise hands and teacher calls upon some one for the answer. When the correct name is given, erase the word and write another. Make no effort whatever to teach the word, for that would spoil the play. Picture Game. St/ucL fo? cLuxA> Scrat cat &ow '^h,n,, F^ oovn, unrimrv • Picture Game. bird duck boat horse pig cat corn cow worm Picture Game. m 6 qaa£> pxyncL -trot i dcrcA h WJjJlr AXrfjb awn. AoIcUa, top QAXLp&d Picture Game. eggs bat rose I g Sr clock gun grapes pond bush. spider ship B Picture Game. nrucurh cbm/i 7nouA& tAJUy ourt AxirruL Amv -hxyu&e, 11 LESSON 1, IrUvdL Pt Sjul tfut, -trout fty pioxj. jAJsmp Sjul, the, -pvcra. iu/rruo. cLlucA -si§t Aunsm, Sju, tAiL cLuxA, AuArm, 12 LESSON 1 bird % See trie bird fly. frog jump See the frog jump. duck swim See the duck swim. 13 LESSON 2. {txruS Aajuyl &JUs tfu, -&ou6 Am/to, dboxid nZoM. Sjul tfu, oLpad pXcuf. rna/rv Arurot SjU, tAjb rrvasru An&ot. 14 LESSON 2 boys ran See the boys run. dosss play See the dogs play. man shoot See the man shoot. 18 LESSON 3. Cam, cam, 1 Cam, the, IrUvcL Liu ? JAc LinxL cam, Itu. 2 Cam, the, ftvoa. jdA/rrvp? Jfus pio-a. co/rv J4A/mp. 3 Cam, the, dUuck, Awi/m? JAe, cLvck, oa/rv AuH/rrv. 4 Co/rv the, rrva/rv /Jvoxyt ? Jru, rrva/rv ca/rv /dioxft. 16 LESSON 3. Can can l. Can the bird fly? The bird can fly. 2. Can the frog jnmp? The frog can jnmp. 3. Can the dnck swim? The dnck can swim. 4 Can the man shoot? The man can shoot. 17 LESSON 4 A • l. I can ran. 2. I can play. 3. I can jump. 4 A bird can ny. 5. A frog can jnmp. 6. A duck can swim. 7. Can yon ran? 8. Can yon jump? 9. Can yon swim? yon 18 LESSON 5. COW ?T I J ™^?&ML grass See the cow eat the grass. pig corn See the pig eat the corn. bird worm See the bird eat the worm. 19 LESSON 6 row boat See the boy row the boat ride \i//«"tf „,., horse See the man ride the horse. climb tree See the cat climb the tree. LESSON 7. like A to 1 Cows like to eat grass. 2 Pigs like to eat corn. 3 Birds like to eat worms. 4 A duck likes to swim. 5 A frog likes to jump. 6 A cat likes to climb. 21 LESSON 8 H//V«tU...."-. 6* him Yes No 1. See the dog swim. 2. I like to see him swim. 3. Can a boy swim? 4. Yes, a boy can swim. 5. Can yon swim? 6. Yes, I can swim. 7. Can yon swim like a dog? 8. No, I swim like a boy. 23 LESSON 9. me fast not 1. See me swim. 2. I can swim fast. 3. I like to swim. 4. Can a dog swim fast? 5. Yes, a dog can swim fast. 6. A dog likes to swim. 7. I like to see a dog swim. 8. A dog can not swim like a "boy. What fox LESSON 10. IS hen deer What is a hen like? A hen is like a dnek. What is a fox like? A fox is like a dog. What is a deer like? A deer is like a cow. 24 LESSON 11 Do does 1. What does a boy like? A boy likes to play. 2. What does a dog like? A dog likes to run. 3. What does a pig like? A pig likes to eat. 4. Do you like to play? 5. Do you like to run? 6. Do you like to swim? 25 LESSON 12, in it now 1. I see Dick in a boat. 2. Can Dick row the boat? 3. Oh, yes, Dick can row it. 4. I can row a boat, too. 5. I like to row a boat. 6. Can yon row Dick's boat? 7. Yes, I can row it. 8. Row the boat to me, Dick. 9. Now see me row the boat, 10. I can row it fast. 26 LESSON 13 feed too 1. See Dick feed the hen. 2. Dick likes to feed the hen. 3. What does the hen eat? 4. The hen eats corn. 5. Do yon see the pig? 6. What does the pig eat? 7. The pig eats corn too. 8. Hens and pigs eat corn. 9. Yon and I eat corn too. 27 LESSON 14. will 1. A "bird will eat a worm. 2. A cat will eat a bird. 3. A hen will eat corn. 4 A fox will eat a hen. 5. A man will shoot a fox. 6. A boy will row a boat. 7. A man will ride a horse. 8. A deer will eat grass. 9. A cat will climb a tree. 10. A pig will eat corn. 11. A frog will eat a fly. 12. A horse will eat grass. 28 LESSON 15. 1. CL fn/ucL urM jloZ cu unyurrv. 2. GL ocut urM JbcuL cl -OnnxL. 3. CL -hum, uAMjlcuL oxfurv. 4. GL pyx, unit juclL cu Ajuyu . 5. CL nrucurv unMjJvcrot cu pyx,. 6. CL Sxru, uriM Axrur cu -itcrcut. 7. (L mam, uAM /vLoLu, cu -hxYiAib. 8. CL djuUu uuiM jujut oAxxAd . 9. CL oat miil ciinrdr cu Vwjs. 10. Cb pAjx uAMjuiZ cxyvyu. 11. CLpbo-a imMjuxZcuMif. LESSON 16 May little nest 1. I see 2. It is in the nest. 3. Do yon see it, -May? ^~ 4. Yes, I see the nest. 5. Is the bird in the nest? 6. I can not see the bird. 7. Oh, yes, I see it now 8. I see it in the nest. 9. Little bird, I can see yon. 10. Can yon see me? 30 LESSON 17 am have is 1. I am a little robin. 2.1 have a little nest. 3. My nest is in a tree. 4. Do yon see me eat? 5.1 eat like a hen. 6.1 do not eat corn. 7. 1 eat little worms. 8. Do yon like to see me eat ? 9. Yes, little robin, I do. 10. 1 like to see yon eat. 31 LESSON 18. Here Jack how hurt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Here Is my dog Jack. He likes to play. See how he can run ! The dncks can run, too. Jack will not hnrt them. The dncks can have a swim. Jack can swim, too. He can not get the dncks. The dncks swim too fast. 32 Note. — Let each pupil select some object in the picture and tell what he has learned about it. T 33 a, and, anm. % ad cam, do oat A& doa J juat it Ami id •njurrv tin. ■Aow nrruu. TTlaty rrub not no o to For Review. Axmr AjU, t/bi too yow lltb ih mam, oour vihxL Soot oovn, ctlicA pjut nous Aaj/tv {ML nzdt joiaa Aa&i/n, AAoot Mjuirrn, ujM ducA oAaAd AaAjl, ■htfiM, 34 For Review. - a and row like am boy see little as can the nest do cat too play lie dog yon robin I eat Yes shoot it hen % swim is him man tree in how cow will my May bird frog me not boat dnck no now corn grass O pig Dick ride to run feed horse 35 LESSON 19 Did was 1. Did yon see a fox? 2. Did the fox run? 3. It was a little fox. 4. Did you see a bird? 5. Did you see a nest? 6. A bird was in the nest. 7. Do you see Jack? 8. Do you see the ducks? 9. Jack sees the ducks. 10. May is in a boat. 11. Does May like to row? 12. Dick likes to row. 36 LESSON 20 1. What can a frog do? A frog can jump. 2. What can a fox do? A fox can run. 3. What can a bird do? A bird can fly. 4 "What can a duck do? A duck can swim. 5, What can a cat do? A cat can climb a tree. 37 LESSON 21. (fly JjA- Review. 1. ItlicA ocurv Axrurcb -SxmZ . 2. 77lu don, IcucA, cam, AAjjurrv. S.CL mu/rb ocurv aaxLsl cl rufiMs. A. CL ccd, ca/n cli/mJr cl tfuu, . 5. hU/nd -(aAjl to juiL covrv. 6. Ca/TL cl don. cii/rrvir cl Puul ? 7. lio, -fu, cam rtot. S.Saed cv djMv juxt oAxxAdP 9. lltd, a, cUuul JUltb OAXZ&d. 10. CL duJv juxtb lik& cl cxmr. ll.CZ AjcSvtl ocutl -wot juolL covrv. 38 LESSON 22. Review. 1. Dick can row a boat. 2. My dog Jack can swim. 3. A man can ride a horse. 4. A cat can climb a tree. 5. Hens like to eat corn. 4. Can a dog climb a tree? 7. No, lie can not. 8. Does a deer eat grass? 9. Yes, a deer eats grass. 10. A deer eats like a cow. 11. A robin can not eat corn. 12. A bird will eat a worm. 39 LESSON 23 1 May has some grass. 2. It is for the deer. 3. See May feed the deer. 4. The deer likes grass. 5. It is not a big deer. 6. It is a little deer. 7. Do not run, little deer. a May will not hnrt you. 40 LESSON 24. an owl eyes mouse or very 1. Oil, see the big bird! 2. What is it, Dick? " 3. It is an owl. 4 . What big eyes it has ! 5. Yes, owls have big eyes. 41 6. What does the owl eat? 7. He likes to eat a mouse. 8. He likes little birds, too. 9. He has a mouse now. 10. Do you see the mouse? 11. Yes, I see it. 12. The owl will eat it. 13. Will the owl hurt me? 14. No, he will not hurt you. 15. What can the owl do? 16. The owl can fly very fast. IT. Can a robin fly fast? 18. A robin can not fly as fast as an owl. 42 LESSON 25. fish think 1. "What do you see here? 2. I see a fish. 3. Is it a big fish? 4. I think it is. 5. No, it is not very big. 6. It is a little fish. 7. The fish has a big eye. 8. What does a fish eat? 9. A fish will eat a worm. 10. What can fish do? 11. Fish can swim very fast. 12. I like to see them swim. 13. Big fish eat little fish. 43 LESSON 26 pond-lilies must get 1. I see some pond-lilies ! 2. I must have some. 3. G-et in the boat, May. 4. You can have a ride. 5. You can get some lilies, too. 6. Yes, Dick, I will get in. 7. May I row the boat for you? 8. Yes, you may row. 9. I will get the lilies. 44 LESSON 27 hand gun but his if i r \ .«.%- fc " u tf " ;>v ,*vt. ,ii ,i( *' 1 Oh, how I like corn! 2. Now I mnst have some. 3. I am not a hen, hut I like to eat corn. 4. Will the man shoot me ? 5. Yes, I think he will. 6. He will if he can. 7. He has a gnn in his hand. 45 8. Do you see it? 9. Oh, yes, I see his gun. 10. Now I must fly. 11. The man sees me. 12. He thinks he can shoot me. 13. He can run, but I can. fly 14. 1 am a big bird. 15. Now see me fly. 16. The man can not shoot me. Note. — Let the children spell the following words phonetically until they are familiar with all the sounds represented. Do not use diacritical marks. bar far tar jar mar bat bad Dan bag fat lad fan lag mat mad man nag rat pad pan rag sat sad ran tag 46 LESSON 28. o'clock long short at The long hand is at 12. The short hand is at 1. It is one o'clock. The long hand is at 12. The short hand is at 2. It is two o'clock. The long hand is at 12. The short hand is at 3. It is three o'clock. 47 The long hand is at 12. The short hand is at 4z. It is fonr o'clock. The long hand is at 12. The short hand is at 5. It is five o'clock. The long hand is at 12. The short hand is at 6. It is six o'clock. 12 3 4 5 6 one two three four five six 48 LESSON 29. are 1. One and one are two. 2. Two and one are three. 3. Two and two are fonr. 4. Three and one are four. 5. Fonr and one are five. 6. One and fonr are five. 7. Three and two are five. 8. Two and three are five. 9. Five and one are six. 10. Fonr and two are six. 11. Three and three are six. 12. Two and fonr are six. 13. One and five are six. 49 LESSON 30. spider make web catch 1. What can a spider do? 2. A spider can make a web. 3. A web can catch a fly. 4. Spiders like to catch flies. 5. I see a little fly now. 6. It is in the spider's web. 7. The fly is fast in the web. 8. Do yon see the spider? 9. No, I do not see him. 10. He is not in the web. 50 LESSON 31. {No new words.) 1. A fox is like a dog. 2. My dog likes to play. 3. Do not shoot the birds. 4. May can row a boat. 5. Owls can fly very fast. 6. Birds eat little worms. 7. Owls are big birds. 8. Did May feed the deer? 9. A spider can catch a fly. 10. Can a dog catch a fox? 11. A deer can rnn fast. 12. How fast can yon rnn ? 51 LESSON 32 Come out They 1. Come, Jack! Come, Jack! The cows are in the corn. 2. See the cows eat the corn. 3. They mast not eat it now. 4. Here comes Jack. 5. ~Now see the cows run ont. 6. He likes to see them rnn. 7. He will not hurt the cows. 8. They like to eat the corn. 52 at fan make or web hand owl gun must has bnt fish for his very Did get some are big when if long eyes spider catch o'clock short pond-lilies think mouse horse Phonic Exercise. bet get let n et p et s et led w et Ned yet r ed b ed w ed fed d en fen h en m en t en v ex 53 LESSON 33. Lip she let See the cat up the tree. 1 The cat sees a nest. 2. Some little birds are in it. 3. They can not fly ont. 4. "Will the cat get the birds? 5. She will if she can. 6. Cats like to catch birds. 7. She must not get the birds. 8. Dick, do not let the cat get the little birds. 54 LESSON 34. 1 Tom, will you go with me ? 2. We can have some fan. 3. What shall we play, Dick? 4. Shall we go to the pond? 5. Yes; we will have a ride. 6. Do yon like to row? 7. Yes, I like to row. 8. It is fun to row a "boat. 9. Come, Jack, you may go too. 55 10. Jack will have a swim. 11. He likes to swim in the pond. 12. The pond is not very big. 13. "We can have a swim, too. 14. Do yon like to swim ? 15. I think we shall have fan. 16. "We can get some lilies, too. IT. What ! get some pond-lilies ? 18. Are the lilies ont ? 19. Oh, yes, they are ont now. 20. We can get the pond-lilies. 21. Come, we mnst run ! 22. How fast can yon rnn ? 23. See if yon can catch me. 56 LESSON 35 mother this 1. May, here is a bird's nest 2. Four little hirds are in it. 3. I think they are robins. . 4. Do yon see the mother? 5.. Yes, she is in this tree. 6. Shall we feed the hirds ? 7. The mother will feed them. 8. She will get a little worm. 9. Here she comes now. 10. She has a worm for them. 57 LESSON 36 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Here is a motlier duck. She has four little ducks. See them swim on the pond, They can swim fast. The ducks like to swim. It is fun for them. Dick, get some corn. We will feed the ducks. They can not eat corn. They are ,too little, 58 LESSON 37. Review. 1. Jack is my dog. 2. A deer can run fast. 3. What bird has big eyes? 4 Did yon see the robins? 5. May did not feed them. 6. The mother bird is in the tree. 7. A fly is in the web. 8. Did yon see the spider? 9. Do not let the cows eat np the corn. 10. "What bird eats corn ? 11. Jack will play with me. 12. May likes pond-lilies. 59 13. A fish will eat a fly. 14 It is two o'clock now. 15. Will you play with me ? 16. "What shall we play? 17. A fish has big eyes. 18. A clock has two hands. 19. What can a spider do ? Phonic Exercise. bit fit hit lit m it p it s it b in d id d in h id fin kid p in lid s in r id t in fix w in m ix S IX b ig dig fig pig rig wig 60 LESSON 38. sail gave knows across 1 The boys have a sail-boat. 2. It is Dick's boat. 3. His mother gave it to him. 4. He knows how to sail it. 5. He thinks it is fun. 6. Three boys are with Dick. 61 7. They are on the pond. 8. They will sail across. 9. Dick has a row-hoat too. 10. It is not a big boat. 11. It is a little boat. 12. Can yon sail a boat? 13. Yes, I think I can. 14 I can row a boat too. 15. See the sail-boat go! 16. It sails very fast. 17. "We like to see it sail. 18. Tom, yon may sail it. 19. Sail it across the pond. 20. This is fun for boys. 62 LESSON 39 fat eggs take 1. This is Tom's hen. 2. How fat she is! 3. The hen has a nest. 4 May, come and see the nest. 5. Do yon see the eggs? 6. I see two of them. 7. The hen has six eggs. 63 8. You can see two of them. 9. Four you can not see. 10. Four and two are six. 11. Tom will take five eggs out. 12. Now, Tom, get some corn. 13. We must feed the hen. 14. She likes to eat corn. 15. Corn makes hens fat. 16. "Will a hen eat a worm? 17. Yes, and so will a robin. 18. A robin can not eat corn. 19. A robin is a little bird. 20. A hen is a big bird. 64 LESSON 40 look away bait 1. Look at this big fish. 2. How fast he can swim! 3. What big eyes he has! 4. He sees a little fish. 5. Can he catch the little fish ? 6. Yes, I think so. 7. He will eat the little fish if he can catch it. Co 8. Swim away, little fish.. 9. Do not let him get you. 10. Shall I catch the "big fish ? 11. Yes, if you can. 12. "Will the fish hurt me? 13. !No, I think not. 14. 1 can not catch him. 15. He is too big for me. 16. I like to catch little fish. 17. Dick and I will go ont in the row-boat. 18. "We know how to catch fish. 19 Come, Dick, let ns go now. 20. What shall we get for bait? 21. "We must get some worms. 66 LESSON 41 bat ^fr night 1. What is this, Tom? 2. Is it a bird? 3. No, it is not a bird. 4. It is a bat. 5. It looks like a bird. 6. The bat flies at night. 7. What do bats eat? 8. They eat flies. 9. They catch them at night. 10. Owls and bats can see in the night. 67 LESSON 42. Review. 1. Tom can ride a horse. 2. May likes pond-lilies. 3. Dick has a row-boat. 4. Tom has a sail-boat. 5. A fish can swim fast. 6. Can yon climb a tree? 7. It is fonr o'clock. 8. Dncks like to swim. 9. Two and two are fonr. 10. Spiders can make webs. 11. Do cows eat corn? 12. What shall we play? 13. We mnst go now. 68 LESSON 43. say well good eating f ! 1. Come with me, Jack. 2. It is six o'clock now. 3. I mnst go for the cows. 4. Yon mnst go with me. 5. Yon are a good dog. 6. The cows are hy the pond ! 7. They are eating grass. 8. Grass is good for cows. 69 9. They like to eat it. 10. I see the cows now. 11. Two of them are eating. 12. One is not eating. 13. Jack sees the cows too. 14. The cows know Jack. 15. They will not run away. 16. They know Jack very well 17. Jack likes to run and play. 18. He will play in the grass. 19. See him run and jump! 20. I like to play with Jack. 21. I say, One, two, three — go ! 22. Then he runs away. 23. He runs very fast. 24. He can run like a deer. 70 LESSON 44. lier got lives far girl wants 1. This little girl is May. 2. She lives in this honse. 3. She has come ont to play. 4. It is a fine day. 5. May likes to he ont. G. She is going to the pond. She wants to see Dick. t. 71 8. Dick is in his boat. 9. He has some lilies. 10. He got them for May. 11. Dick, have you some lilies ? 12. Yes, I have some. 13. They are very fine ones. 14. Oh, let me see them ! 15. I want some for mother. 16. Let me take them to her. IT. Mother likes pond-lilies. 18. Very well, yon take them. 19. Come and take a ride, May. 20. We will not go ont far. 21. I can not go now, Dick. 22. Mother wants me now. 23. I may go at one o'clock. 72 LESSON 45. (Test Sentences) 1. A bird can make a nest. 2. What can a frog do? 3. Tom is a big boy. 4. Is that Dick's boat ? 5. Two and two are fonr. 6. Fonr eggs are in the nest. 7. May has a little deer. 8. Get corn for the hen. 9. It is one o'clock now. 10. May has come to see me. 11. Can a frog catch a fly? 12. A fox looks like a dog. 13. What is in that tree? 14. I have a little gnn. 15. How fast a deer can rnn! 73 LESSON 46. (Test Sentences) 1. A "bat is not a bird. % Do you like to catch fish? 3. A robin has fonr eggs. 4. Come and see my boat. 5. Swim away, little fish. 6. Can yon shoot a fox? 7. I can catch a bird. 8. Get some corn for the pig. 9. I see a big owl. 10. I can not shoot a bird. 11. Dick gave me a ride. 12. Tom is in the row-boat. 13. Look at the robin's nest. 14. Jack sees a little dnck. 15. Can yon swim fast ? 74 LESSON 47. Note. — These long sentences are given to teach the children to '-turn the line,' as it is called. There are no new words in them. The author has found that numbered sentences are a great convenience to the teacher in directing young children. 1. Did you see five eggs in the hen's nest? 2. "When it is four o'clock I may go and play. 3. Look at the big spider in his web. 4. May and her mother live in a fine house. 5. Owls and bats can see well in the night. 6. Four birds and one bird are ^.ve birds. 75 7. What do you think a bat is like? 8. Dick wants May to take a ride in his boat. 9. How can a frog live in a well ? 10. The mother bird likes to feed her little ones. 11. Can yon catch a fish with a fly? 12. A man came with a gnn in his hand. 13. Did yon see the cat climb up to the nest? 14 Jack will go with me to get the cows. Complete a eaten across come am corn an deer and Dick are did at do away does bait dogs bat dnck big eat bird eating boat eggs boys eyes bnt far can fast cat fat Y6 Vocabulary. feed tine fish, five fly for fonr fox frog fun gave get girl go good got grass gnn hand has have he hen her here him his horse how hnrt I if in it 77 Jack nest sail jump night say knows no shall let not see like now she lilies o'clock shoot little of short lives on six long one so look or some make but spider man owl swim May play take me pond- the mother ride them mouse robin they must row think my run this three to Tom too tree two up very wants we web well what when will with yes you 78 DEATH OF COCK ROBIN. Who killed Cock Robin ? " I," said the Sparrow, "With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin." Who saw him die ? " I," said the Fly, " With my little eye, I saw him die." Who '11 dig his grave ? " I," said the Owl, "With my spade and trowel, I '11 dig his grave/' 79 "Who '11 be the parson ? "I," said the Book, 4. "With my little book, I '11 be the -parson." sgsJl Who '11 be the clerk ? . \ "If it 's not in the dark, I '11 be the clerk." Who '11 be chief mourner ? " I," said the Dove 6. "I mourn for my love, I '11 be chief mourner." 80 Who '11 bear the pall ? " We," said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, " We '11 bear the pall." Who '11 sing a psalm ? a " I," said the Thrush, ?' As she sat in a bush, "I '11 sing a psalm." Who '11 toll the bell ? " I," said the Bull, "Because I can pull;" And so, Cock Robin, farewell. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EDUCATION-PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. DC *ro n*i ii i ) ' ,, . " (J APR 6 REC'D -12 M iAN 5 1971 M5 REC'D -1PM JKN s t n oi a 5(lm c -ft7 General Library re 35147 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY