m^ V i.' 1 .- ... '*T '-' POUTICAL AND LITERARY ANECDOTES. LONDON : PRINTED 11\ THOMAS DAMSON^ VHITPrRl AI!S. POLITICAL AND LITEBAKY ANECDOTES OP HIS OWN TIMES. BY DR. WILLIAM KING, PRIKCIPAI. OF ST. MARY HALL, OXON. SECOND EDITION, LONDON: JOHN MURllAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. 1819. y But Io ! at once the pealing ooncerU ceane. And crowded theatres are hush'd In peace. See, on you sage how all attentive stand, To catch his darting eye, and waving hand. Hark ! he begins, with all a Tully's art. To pour the dictates of a Cato's heart : Skill'd to pronounce what noblest thoughts inspire, He blends the speaker's with the patriot's fire ; Bold to conceive, nor timorous to conceal, What Britons dare to think, he dares to tell. Tis his alike the ear and eye to charm. To will with action, and with sense to warm ; Untaught in flowery periods to dispense The lulling sounds of sweet impertinence: In frowns or smiles he gains an equal prize. Nor meanly fears to fall, nor creeps to rise. T. Warton. ADVERTISEMENT. A FRIEND, who was a long time a prisoner in France, met with the following work in the possession of two ladies, relatives of the writer, Dr. King. From the interesting passages which he was per- mitted to extract, the Editor conceived that the original might be well worthy of publication ; he therefore desired his friend to procure it, and found, on a comparison of the hand-writing with that which is well ascertained to be Dr. King's in the account-books of St. Mary Hall in Oxford (of which he was many years the principal), that there is every reason to suppose this MS. to have been written by Dr. King himself. From certain minute additions and corrections of the vill ADVERTISEMENT. language, there can be little doubt of its having been intended for publication. It contains a very striking character of the Pretender, and many interesting anec- dotes of the Jacobite party, to which he was strongly attached, and with the leaders of which he was intimately ac- quainted. There will also be found in it an amusing jeu d* esprit called the Som- nium Academicum, written in very pure Latin, for which he was much distin- guished; and many pleasant stories of the great men and literary characters of his days, with some elegant criticism on the Latin poets. Having said thus much on the history and contents of this pub- lication, it will be necessary to add a short account of the writer for the in- struction of those who may be ignorant of his name and character. * " Dr. William King, son of the Rev. Peregrine King, was born at Stepney, * From Chalmers's Hiogiaphy. ADVERTISEMENTv IX in Middlesex, in 1685 ; and, after a school-education at Salisbury, was en- tered of Baliol College, Oxford, July 9* 1701. Proceeding on, the law line, he took his doctor's degree in 1715 j was secretary to the Duke of Ormond and the Earl of Arran, when chancellors of the university ; and was made Principal of St. Mary Hall in 1718. When he was candidate for the university, in 1722, he resigned his office of secretary ; but his other preferment he enjoyed (and it was all he did enjoy) to the time of his death. Dr. Clarke, who opposed him, carried his election ; and, after this disappoint- ment, 1727, he went over to Ireland. With what design he went thither is to us unknown ; but his enemies say, it was for the purposes of intrigue, and to ex- pose himself to sale. But he says him- self, and there are no facts alleged to disprove it, " at no time of my life, either in England or Ireland, either from the X ADVERTISEMENT. present or any former government, have I asked, or endeavoured by any means to obtain, a place, pension, or employ- inent of any kind. I could assign many reasons for my conduct ; but one answer I have always ready : I inherited a patri- mony, which I found sufficient to supply all my wants, and to leave me at liberty to pursue those liberal studies which afforded me the most solid pleasures in my youth, and are the delight and enjoy- ment of my old age. Besides, I always conceived a secret horror of a state of servility and dependence : and I never yet saw a placeman or a courtier, whe- ther in a higher or lower class, whether a priest or a layman, who was his own master.'* During his stay in Ireland, he is said to have written an epic poem, called " The Toast,'* bearing the name of Scheffer, a Laplander, as its author, and of Peregrine O' Donald, esq. as its translator j which was a political satire, ADVERTISEMENT. XI and was printed and given away to friends, but never sold. Dr. Warton says, that the Countess of Newburgh was aimed at in this satire. " On the dedication of RadclifFe's li- brary, 1749, he spoke a Latin oration in the theatre at Oxford, which was received with the highest acclamations by a splen- did auditory. Mr. Warton, in "The Triumphs of Isis," pays him a very great compliment on that occasion. But this oration, which was soon after printed, did not meet with such favourable recep- tion from the public; for he was attacked in several pamphlets on account of it, in which he was charged with writing bar- barous Latin, with being disaffected to the government, and that he instigated the younger members of the university to sedition and licentiousness ; very heavy accusations, if we may not candidly sup- pose them dictated by the spirit of male- volence and party zeal. And again, in Xli ADVERTISEMENT. 1755, when the memorable election con^ test happened in Oxfordshire, his attach- ment to the old interest drew on him the resentment of the new. He was libelled in newspapers and in pamphlets, and charged with the following particulars, viz. that he was an Irishman j that he had received subscriptions for books never published to the amount of 1500/. of which sum he had defrauded his sub- scribers ; that he had offered himself to sale both in England and Ireland, and was not found worth the purchase ; that he was the writer of " The London Even- ing Post;" the author of a book in Queen Anne's reign, entitled " Political Con- siderations," 1710, in which there was false English ; and of a book then just published, called " The Dreamer," 1754, 8vo. At this time he published his " Apology," in 4to. and plausibly vin- dicated himself from the several matters charged on him, except only the last ar- ADVERTISEMENT. Xiii tide, of his being the author of " The Dreamer;" and warmly retaliated on his adversaries. " He was the author of, 1. " Miltoni epistola ad PoUionem" (Lord Polwarth). 2. " Sermo Pedestris." 3. " Scamnum, ecloga." 4. " Templum libertatis," in three books. 5. " Tres Oratiuncul^.'* 6. ** Epistola objurgatoria." 7. " An- tonietti ducis Corscorum epistola ad Corscos de rege eligendo." 8. " Eulo- gium Jacci Etonensis." 9- *' Aviti epis- tola ad Perillam, virginem Scotam,*' &c. 10. " Oratiuncula habita in domo convo- cationis Oxon. cum epistola dedicatoria," 1757, and " Epitaphium Richardi Nash." Besides these, he published the iirst five volumes of Dr. South's sermons. He was known and esteemed by the first men of his time for wit and learning ; and must be allowed to have been a po- lite scholar, an excellent orator, and an elegant and easy writer, both in Latin XIV ADVERTISEMENT. and English. He died Dec. 30, 1763, having sketched his own character in an elegant epitaph, in which, while he ac- knowledges his failings, he claims the praise of benevolence, temperance, and fortitude. This epitaph was to be en- graved on a silver case, in which he di- rected his heart should be preserved in some convenient part of St. Mary Hall. He was buried in Ealing church, but the inscription is on a marble tablet in the chapel of St. Mary Hall. There is a striking likeness of Dr. King in Wor- lidge's view of the installation of Lord Westmorland as chancellor of Oxford, in 1761." - PREFACE I AM now in my seventy-sixth year, and am often confined by the infirmi- ties which are incident to old age. In some of those hours the following work hath been a part of my amuse- ment; I may properly call it an amusement, because it required no study, nor any continued application ; for, as it consists of detached pieces, a kind of table-talk, 1 could there- fore lay it aside and return to it when I pleased. Most of the anec- XVI PREFACE. dotes which I have inserted are from my own knowledge; the rest were related to me by those friends on whose honour and veracity I can depend. As to the observations which I have made on hmnan life, the reflections on men and manners, and the remarks on books and au- thors, they are my present senti- ments, which I have delivered with an honest freedom, without pretend- ing, however, to control the judg- ment or opinion of any other person. ANECDOTES, ^c. jiEquanimity, or the cequus animus of Horace, which is neither elated by pro- sperity, nor depressed by any adverse fortune, is constitutional, and not to be acquired by philosophy or religion. I am likewise of opinion, that what we call Human Prudence is born with us ; though I confess, it may be greatly as- sisted and improved by experience and observation. A benevolent man, endowed with hu- man prudence and with that equality of 2 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES mind I have before mentioned, consti- tutes his own happiness, conciliates the affection of all about him, and may al- ways be the most useful member in any society. But a man, in whom these qua- lities are united, is scarce to be found amongst half a million : and in the course of a long life I cannot recollect more than one or two examples. I have an equal mind, and generally very good spirits ; and, if I do not mis- take myself, I have a good heart : but I have a very small portion of human pru- dence. And for want of this excellent quality, I have twice in my life lost the opportunity of acquiring a very large fortune in the most irreproachable man- ner. It has been owing to the same de- fect that my patrimony hath been so ill OF HIS OWN TIMES. ^ managed, and so much impaired. I have run myself into many inconveniences. I have made enemies when I did not in- tend to give the least offence, and I have suffered much by family misfortunes ; all which a little human sagacity and fore- sight would easily have prevented. How- ever let me be ever thankful to Divine Providence, that I have never wanted the necessaries, nor even the comforts of life : and what has given me a very sin- gular pleasure, I have always been able to spare something to assist a poor friend. The King of Arragon made a very good judgment of human life when he said. There were only four things in the world worth living for, Old wine to B !2 4 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES DRINK, OLD WOOD TO BURN, OLD BOOKS TO READ, and OLD FRIENDS TO CONVERSE WITH. And a greater king than Alphon- sus, after having enjoyed all the plea- sures and the utmost felicity this world was capable of providing for him, pro- nounced the whole to be Vanity. I have asked many of my acquaintance this question, Whether, if a power of living their lives over again were granted to them, they would accept it? and I never heard one man of sense answer in the affirmative. Select a person, who, according to the estimate of human hap- piness, is the happiest of all mortals, who in appearance is possessed of every thing that can satisfy his senses or gra- tify his passions, I will venture to affirm, that he is in pursuit of something, which OF HIS OWN TIMES. o is at a great distance from him, and when he has obtained it, he will want some- thing else, which perhaps he never can obtain. But if his good fortune should reach this last something, which is to complete his felicity, then ask him again if he would be willing to go back to his infancy, and act the very same parts in life a second time ; and I much doubt whether he would undertake the labour, although he were to be rewarded at the end of it with Mahomet's paradise*. * Since I wrote this, I perceive that the learned M. Maupertuis hath confirmed my opinion. Who, says he, tvould choose to live his life over again, and to pass through the same individual scenes 't/ The author of a book published last year, entitled Various Pro- spects of Mankind, Nature, and Providence, endeavours to answer this question and confute M. Maupertuis's proposition. His answer is inge- nious, but very unsatisfactory. He reasons from 6 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES I HOPE that I shall not offend ortho- doxy, as it is not inconsistent with the religion which I profess, if I assert, that this world is a place of punishment, as well as a place of trial ; which is a pro- position, I think, that will almost admit of a mathematical demonstration. A PRESENCE OF MIND is SL vcry rare, but a very happy and useful talent, and is a certain guard against many mischiefs and inconveniences, to which human life is continually exposed. It is something very different from impudence, or a vain assurance. A presence of mind is always well-bred, and is generally data which cannot be allowed him. A better argu- ment than any he hath used would have been to assure his readers. That he himself would be glad to live his life over again. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 7 accompanied with wit and courage. Amongst all my acquaintance I cannot recollect more than three persons who were eminently possessed of this quality. Dr. Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, the Earl of Stairs, who was our ambas- sador in France the beginning of the last reign, and Dr. James Monro, who was many years physician of Bethlem hospital. In 1715 I dined with the Duke of Ormonde at Richmond. We were four- teen at table. There was my Lord Marr, my Lord Jersey, my Lord Ar- RAN, my Lord Landsdown, Sir William Wyndham, Sir Redmond Everard, and Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester. The rest of the company I do not exactly re- member. During the dinner there was 8 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES a jocular dispute (I forget how it was introduced) concerning short prayers. Sir William Wyndham told us, that the shortest prayer he had ever heard was the prayer of a common soldier just be- fore the battle of Blenheim^ * O God^ if there be a God, save my soul, if I have a soul!* This was followed by a general laugh. I immediately reflected that such a treatment of the subject was too ludi- crous, at least very improper, where a learned and religious prelate was one of the company. But I had soon an oppor- tunity of making a different reflection. Atterbury, seeming to join in the con- versation, and applying himself to Sir William Wyndham, said " Your prayer, Sir William, is indeed very short : but I remember another as short, but a much OF HIS OWN TIMES. 9 better, offered up likewise by a poor soldier in the same circumstances, * O Godt if in the day of battle I forget thee, do thou not forget me r " This, as Atter- BURY pronounced it with his usual grace and dignity, was a very gentle and polite reproof, and was immediately felt by the whole company. And the Duke of Or- monde, who was the best bred man of his age, suddenly turned the discourse to another subject. Cardinal Polignac, the author of the Anti Lucretius, was a fine gentleman, as well as an elegant and polite scholar. He had a most engaging affability, and a peculiar art and manner of obliging every man, who was introduced to him, to lay aside all restraint. I had not been 10 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES with him a quarter of an hour, when I found myself as easy as if I had been educated in his family. We had some talk of his Anti Lucretius, and I took that opportunity of complimenting him upon a small specimen of that work, which had been published in the Biblio- theque ChoisiSf or some other of the lite- rary journals. " That specimen," said the Cardinal, " which you have read, was published by Monsieur Le Clerc. He importuned me for a sight of my MS. which I refused him, as I had al- ways resolved that this poem should not appear till after my death. However, to gratify Le Clerc's curiosity, I repeated to him those verses (about 150), which he hath published. I repeated them once only ; and yet he was able to carry OF HIS OWN TIMES. H them away in his memory, although he was then seventy years old." I should have inclined to believe that the Car- dinal had been deceived, and that Le Clerc had by some means got at the MS. if I had not known in my own fa- mily a most amazing instance of the strength of memory. The Cardinal observing that during dinner I drank only water, and being told I never drank any other liquor, said, turning to me, " Whilst I was am- bassador at Rome, and since my return to France, I have entertained more than five hundred of your countrymen, and you are the only water-drinker I have found in the whole number." This was in September 1737. There is an excel- lent print of the Cardinal, engraved by Chereau, from a picture of . 12 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES A MAN, who has contracted the perni- cious habit of drinking drams, is con- scious that he is taking in a slow poison, and therefore he will never own it either to his friend or his physician, though it is visible to all his acquaintance. Pope and I, with my Lord Orrery and Sir Harry Bedingfield, dined with the late Earl of Burlington. After the first course Pope grew sick, and went out of the room. When dinner was ended, and the cloth removed, my Lord Burlington said he would go out, and see what was become of Pope. And soon after they returned together. But Pope, who had been casting up his din- ner, looked very pale, and complained much. My Lord asked him if he would have some mulled wine or a glass of old sack, which Pope refused. I told my OF HIS OWN TIMES. 13 Lord Burlington that he wanted a dram. Upon which the little man ex- pressed some resentment against me, and said he would not taste any spirits, and that he abhorred drams as much as I did. However I persisted, and assured my Lord Burlington that he could not oblige our friend more at that instant than by ordering a large gla^|*of cherry- brandy to be set before him. This was done, and in less than half an hour, while my Lord was acquainting us with an af- fair which engaged our attention. Pope had sipped up all the brandy. Pope's frame of body did not promise long life ; but he certainly hastened his death by feeding much on high-seasoned dishes, and drinking spirits. 14 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES A PRESBYTERIAN tCEcher, OF OHC de- signed for the office, though he changes his condition, and has an opportunity of conversing with the politest men in the kingdom, yet he will always retain his original cant. Chandler, the popish Bishop of London, and Secker, Bishop of Orford, are both converts from pres- bytery. They are frequent preachers; but the cant of their education renders their discourses very disagreeable to a good ear. Their parts are moderate, and nearly equal; but their characters are very different. Chandler is a real convert, and as void of all hypocrisy as he is free from pride and ambition. Praise is the strongest satire, and the most pleasing : but it requires great art OF HIS OWN TIMES. 15 and judgment to manage and conduct an irony. I once said, talking on this sub- ject with Dr. Swift, that the Rhapsody was the best satire he had ever com- posed. He assured me that immediately after this poem was published, he re- ceived a message of thanks from the whole ******, This I can easily conceive, as irony is not a figure in the German Rhetoric. If Mr. Pope in the place, where he calls Lord Cob- ham a coward, had complimented a German Colonel with the same appella- tion, my little friend, I fear, would have fared very ill The Rhapsody would probably have continued to Dr. Swift the favour which it had acquired him, if Lord Harvey had not undeceived Q. C. and taken some pains to teach her the use and power of the irony. 16 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES The last time I dined with Dean Swift, which was about tliree years be- fore he fell into that distemper which totally deprived him of his understand- ing, I observed, that he was affected by the wine which he drank, about a pint of claret. The next morning, as we were walking together in his garden, he complained much of his head, when I took the liberty to tell him (for I most sincerely loved him) that I was afraid he drank too much wine. He was a little startled, and answered, " that as to his drinking he had always looked on him- self as a very temperate man ; for he never exceeded the quantity which his physician had allowed and prescribed him." Now his physician never drank less than two bottles of claret after his dinner. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 17 ; The Earl of Chesterfield, who some years ago resigned his employment of Secretary of State, because he would .not submit to be a cypher in his office, and work under a man who had not an hundredth part of his knowledge and un- derstanding, resolved to meddle no more in public affairs. However he was lately so much disgusted with our bad mea- sures, that he could not help animadvert- ing on them, though in his usual calm and polite manner. His petition to the King is an excellent satire, and hath dis- covered to the whole nation how, at a time when we are oppressed with taxes, and the common people every where grown mutinous for want of bread, the public money is squandered away in pen- sions, generally bestowed upon the most 18 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES worthless men. I fancy it was this witty petition which furnished the Irish parliament with the hint of forming so many honest resolutions concerning the great number of pensions, with which that kingdom is loaded. We are never grieved when a man of merit, or any one, who has done the least service to his country, is rewarded out of the public treasure : but we can- not without great indignation behold a sum of money sufficient to maintain a large hospital given annually to one great Lord to support his luxury, and to another to gratify his avarice. I am well assured that the present D. of D. has received more than two hundred thousand pounds in places and pensions since the accession of King George I., OF HIS OWN TIMES, 19 and yet it would be difficult to prove that this man had ever done any service or honour either to his country or his benefactor. Upon reading my Lord Chesterfield's petition, I sent him this compliment ; Quae venit ^ coelo monitoris epistola Phoebi, Dicimus banc satirara, culte Philippe, tuam. lUe etiam Phoebo fortasse simillimus esset. Qui rex indignis munera nulla daret. Who amongst all the modern writers is to be more esteemed and admired than Monsieur Fenelon, Archbishop of Camhrayy and author of Telemachus ; whose piety, politeness and humanity, were equal to his great learning ? Ram- say, the author of CyruSj who was edu- cated in Monsieur Fenelon*s family, acquainted me with an anecdote, which c 2 20 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES hath ever made me reverence the me- mory of this excellent man. Some Ger- man officers, who were prisoners at Cam' bray, were invited to dine with the Archbishop, whose table was always open to the officers of the French Garrison, of which a certain number dined with him every day. The Germans during the din- ner were continually calling for bumpers of wine. The French seemed to sneer at this behaviour of the German officers, and looked on them with a kind of contempt: which Monsieur Fenelon observing, called for an half-pint glass of Burgundy, (which perhaps was more than he had ever taken at one meal before), and drank it off to the health of the prisoners. This was a handsome compliment to the Germans^ and a proper reprimand to his OF HIS OWN TIMES. 21 own countrymen. But as soon as the German officers were gone, he thus ad- monished the French gentlemen. " You should endeavour to divest yourselves of all national prejudices, and never con- demn the customs and manners of a fo- reign people, because they are altogether different from your own. I am a true French-m2iX\, and love my country; but I love mankind better than my country." The Duke of Orleans, who was regent of France during the minority of the present King Lewis the XVth, was most debauched in his life and aban- doned in his morals. And yet he ap- peared to be a prince of great humanity, and a lover of public justice. When Count Horn was sentenced to be broke 22 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES on the wheel, Duke D*Aremberg, and the whole family of Horn, applied to the Regent for a pardon. But not succeed- ing in this attempt, and finding the Re- gent inflexible, they requested that the Count's sentence might only be changed, and to avoid an ignominious death, which would be a lasting stain in the whole fa- mily, that he might have the favour of being beheaded. But this likewise the Regent refused, and made this answer : " Count Horn is my relation as well as yours : but the infamy is not in the pu- nishment, but in the crime." When the Prince of * * * * solicited the Regent to pardon a murder, which he had com- mitted, after having been pardoned for the same crime once or twice before j " I will pardon you," says the Regent, " but OF HIS OWN TIMES. 23 take notice and keep this in your me- mory, I will certainly pardon the man, whoever he be, that kills you." This monitory had a proper effect, and put a stop to the barbarities of this Bourbon Prince, who presumed that his quality of Prince of the blood was a licence for murder. These two answers of the Re- gent of France deserve to be written in letters of gold. Most of the commentators on the Greek and Roman poets think it suf- ficient to explain their author, and to give us the various readings. Some few in- deed have made us remark the excellency of the poet's plan, the elegance of his diction, and the propriety of his thoughts, at the same time pointing out as ex- 24 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES amples the most striking and beautiful descriptions. Ru^us in his comment on Virgil certainly excelled all his fel- low-labourers, who were appointed to ex- plain and publish a series of the Roman classics for the use of the Dauphin. His mythological, historical, and geo- graphical notes are a great proof of his learning and diligence. But he hath not entered into the spirit of the author, and displayed the great art and judgment of the poet, particularly his knowledge of men and manners. The learned Jesuit perhaps imagined that remarks of this sort were foreign to the employment of a commentator, or for some political rea- sons he might think proper to omit them. And yet, in my opinion, nothing could have been more instructive and entertain' OF HIS OWN TIMES. 25 ing, as his comment was chiefly designed for the use of a young prince. The jEneid furnishes us with many examples to the purpose I mention. However, that I may be the better understood, the fol- lowing remark will explain my meaning. In the beginning of the first book Juno makes a visit to JEolus, and desires him to raise a storm and destroy the Trojan fleet, because she hated the whole nation on account of the judgment of FariSy or, as she was pleased to express herself, because the Trojans were her enemies. Gens inimica mihiy &c. Juno was con- scious that she asked a god to oblige her by an act which was both unjust and cruel, and therefore she accompanied her request with the offer of Deiopeia, the most beautiful nymph in her train: a 26 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES powerful bribe, and such as she imagined jEoIus could not resist. She was not disappointed : JEolus accepted her offer, and executed her commands as far as he was able. What I have to observe here, in the first place, is the necessity of that short speech, in which Juno addresses herself to JEolus. She had no time to lose. The Trojan fleet was in the Tus- can sea, sailing with a fair wind, and in a few hours would probably have been in a safe harbour. jEolus there- fore answered in as few words as the goddess had addressed herself to him. But his answer is very curious. He takes no notice of the offer of Deiopeia, for whom upon any other occasion he would have thanked Juno upon his knees. But now, when she was given, and ac- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 27 cepted by him as a bribe, and as the wages of cruelty and injustice, he endea- voured by his answer to avoid that im- putation, and pretended he had such a grateful sense of the favours which Juno had formerly conferred on him, when she introduced him to Jupiter s, table, that it was his duty to obey her com^ mands on all occasions : Tuus', Q Regina, quod optes, Explorare labor ; inihi jussa capessere fas est. And thus insinuated even to Juno her- self, that this was the sole motive of his ready compliance with her request. I am here put in mind of something si- milar, which happened in Sir Robert Walpole's administration. He wanted to carry a question in the House of Com- mons, to which he knew there would be 28 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES great opposition, and which was disliked by some of his own dependents. As he was passing through the Court of Re- quests', he met a member of the contrary party, whose avarice he imagined would not reject a large bribe. He took him aside, and said, " Such a question comes on this day ; give me your vote, and here is a bank bill of 2000/.," which he put into his hands. The member made him this answer. " Sir Robert, you have lately served some of my particular friends; and when my wife was last at court, the King was very gracious to her, which must have happened at your instance. I should therefore think my- self very ungrateful (^putting the hank hill into his pocket^ if I were to refuse the favour you are now pleased to ask OF HIS OWN TIMES. 29 me." This incident, if wrought up by a man of humour, would make a pleasant scene in a political farce. But to return to Virgil. The short conference between Juno and JEolus is a sufficient proof of the poet's excellent judgment. It de- monstrates his knowledge of the world, and more particularly his acquaintance with the customs and manners of a great prince's court. Hence we may learn that a bribe, if it be large enough, and sea- sonably offered, will frequently overcome the virtue and resolution of persons of the highest rank, and that the power of love and beauty will sometimes corrupt a god, and compel him to discover a weakness unworthy of a man. I HAVE A VENERATION for ViRGIL : 30 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES I admire Horace: but I love Ovid. The Georgics is perhaps the most finished poem of all which are now extant in any language. The Odes of Horace are a master-piece, and beautiful beyond de- scription : where he has imitated Pindar (which he has done, I think, but once in the beginning of that ode Quern virum aut Heroa, &c.) he has evidently ex- celled him. But neither of these great poets knew how to move the passions so well as Ovid ; witness some of the tales of his Metamorphoses, particularly the story of Ceyx and Halcyone^ which I never read without weeping. The Medea of Ovid is a great loss. I persuade my- self if this work, which all the ancients have so highly commended, was now ex- tant, it would bear the palm from all our OF HIS OWN TIMES. 31 modern tragedies, whether French or English, No judicious critic hath ever yet denied that Ovid has more wit than any other poet of the Augustan age. That he has too much, and that his fancy is too luxuriant, is the fault generally imputed to him. This he would probably have corrected, if he had had the liberty of reviewing his Metamorphoses: Emendaturus, si licuisset, erat. But, methinks, I am much better pleased that this did not happen, since by varying, and expressing the same thought in a different manner, this poet hath left us a standing proof of the copiousness and elegance of the Latin tongue. This is of great use to our youth in learning Latin, and indeed to all who attempt to write in that Ian- 32 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES guage. What would I give for the chip- pings of the jEneid ? For we are told that Tucca and Varius cut off from that poem as much as they left, before it was offered to the public. All the im- perfections of Ovid are really pleasing. But who would not excuse all his faults on account of his many excellencies, particularly his descriptions, which have never been equalled ? Courage, in which I include a for- titude of mind as well as personal bra- very, should not be wanting in any per- son who is engaged in the public service, whether he be in a civil or military sta- tion, or who has formed a design of ac- quiring either. Without courage a man of the greatest abilities and integrity will OF HIS OWN TIMES. 33 scarce be able to preserve his character, and in some exigencies to save his person. His prudence will frequently be con- founded, and his honesty will be warped by his fears. The late Lord Bolen- BROKE, so well known by his writings, executed his employment of Secretary of State with great address and sufficiency. When after Queen Anne*s death he was impeached of high treason, Sir Thomas Hare, his under secretary, secreted all the papers of any consequence, before the office was searched. But my Lord Bolenbroke, after thanking Sir Thomas Hare and acknowledging the greatest obligations to him, as to one who had preserved him, was induced either by the fair promises or the menaces of Mr. Stanhope *, to resign all these papers * See Parke's Preface to Bolingbroke's Letters. 34 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES into the hands of the secret committee, and thus furnished them with materials whereon to ground all the articles of his impeachment. If Lord Bolenbroke had had the firmness and resolution of the Earl of Oxford, he would not have been forced into banishment, and been deprived of his estate and honours. The late Duke of Wharton had very bright parts, a great vivacity, a quick apprehension, a ready wit and a natural eloquence, and all improved by an ex- cellent education. I do not believe that any young nobleman, on his first entrance into the House of Lords, hath appeared with such advantage. His speech in defence of Dr. Atterbury, Bishop of Rochestevy was heard with universal ap- plause and admiration, and was indeed OF HIS OWN TIMES. 35 not unworthy of the oldest and most accomplished senator, or the most able and eloquent lawyer in either House of Parliament. So that he might have pro- mised himself the first employments in the kingdom : and he had no small share of ambition. But he defeated his own designs. He had no prudence or eco- nomy ; and he wanted personal courage. The last however would probably have been concealed, if he had been a sober man. But he drank immoderately, and was very abusive, and sometimes very mischievous in his wine ; so that he drew on himself frequent challenges, which he would never answer. On other accounts, likewise, his character was become very prostitute. So that having lost his ho- nour, he left his country. 36 DR. KING'S ANECDO'reS Since the beginning of the present war, Admiral Bing was condemned to death by one court-martial, and my Lord George Sackville was disgraced by an- other. But both were acquitted of the crime of cowardice. And yet this is the only charge brought against them both before and since their trials, by the voice of the people. If I were com- pelled to deliver my own opinion, I should think myself better justified in adding my vote to the cry of the mul- titude, than concurring in the sentence of either of the court-martials. Colonel Cecil, who was agent for the Chevalier St. George, and suc- ceeded my Lord Orrery, the father of the present Earl of Corke, in that office. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 37 had a weak judgment, and was very illi- terate, and in many other respects was wholly unqualified for such a delicate commission. I believe he was a man of honour, and yet he betrayed his master. For he suffered himself to be cajoled and duped by Sir Robert Walpole to such a degree, as to be fully persuaded that Sir Robert had formed a design to re- store the House of Stuart. For this reason he communicated to Sir Robert all his despatches, and there was not a scheme which the Chevalier's court or the Jacobites in England had projected during Sir Robert's long administration, of which that minister was not early informed, and was therefore able to de- feat it without any noise or expense. The Duchess of Buckingham, who was 38 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES closely connected with Cecil, had made two or three journeys to Versailles in order to persuade Cardinal Fleury. But she got nothing from the Cardinal but compliments and civil excuses, and was laught at by both courts for her pompous manner of travelling, in which she affected the state of a sovereign prince. It is no wonder that this woman, who was half-mad, was induced by Cecil to entertain the same favour- able opinion with himself of Sir Robert Walpole, and consequently all the let- ters and instructions which she received from Rome were without reserve com- municated to him. He was at last so much in her good graces, that she of- fered to marry him, which Sir Robert very civilly declined. However, to tes- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 39 tify her good opinion of him, she ap- pointed him one of her executors. After Sir Robert Walpole's resignation, the new ministry ordered Cecil, whose agency was well known, to be taken into custody, which gave Sir Robert the oc- casion of saying to some of his friends, that the government had taken up the man from whom he had received all his information of the Jacobite measures. It is certain, that all our national misfortunes since the accession of the House of Hanover must be chiefly ascribed to Walpole's administration. He unhinged all the principles and morals of our people, and changed the government into a system of corruption. He openly ridiculed virtue and merit, and promoted no man to any employ- 40 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES ment of profit or honour, who had scru- ples of conscience, or refused implicitly to obey his commands. He was a ready speaker, understood the business of par- liament, and knew how to manage an House of Commons, which however was not a very difficult task, if it be considered that a majority of the members were of his own nomination. He seemed to have great resolution ; and yet he was once so much intimidated by the clamours of the people without doors, that he thought it expedient to give up one of his most favourite schemes. He had besides some difficulties to encoiuiter through his whole administration, whicli were not known to the public. A friend of mine wlio dined with him one day fSte-d'icle took occasion to compliment OF HIS OWN TIMES. 41 him on the great honour and power which he enjoyed as prime minister. ** Doctor,** says he, " I have great power, it is true : but I have two cursed draw- backs, Hanover^ and the * * * avarice,'* This minister, who thought he had esta- blished himself beyond a possibility of being shaken, fell at last by his too great security : if he may be said to fall, who went out of employment with an Earldom and a pension of 4000/, or 5000/. a year. Some very worthy gentlemen and true lovers of their country were inclined to pray for the continuance of Sir Robert's ministry, as the old woman prayed for the life of Dionysius the tyrant. They judged that his successors would be worse ministers, and worse men ; that 42 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES they would pursue his measures without his abilities : and the event has verified their prediction. No INCIDENT in this reign astonished us so much as the conduct of my Lord Bath, who chose to receive his honours as the wages of iniquity, which he might have had as the reward of virtue. By his opposition to a mal-administration for near twenty years, he had contracted an universal esteem, and was considered as the chief bulwark and protector of the British liberties. By the fall of Walpole, he enjoyed for some days a kind of sovereign power. During this interval, it was expected that he would have formed a patriot ministry, and have put the public affairs in such a train as would necessarily, in a very short time. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 43 have repaired all the breaches in our constitution. But how were we de- ceived! He deserted the cause of his country: he betrayed his friends and adherents : he ruined his character ; and from a most glorious eminence sunk down to a degree of contempt. The first time Sir Robert (who was now Earl of Orford) met him in the House of Lords, he threw out this reproach : *' My Lord Bath, you and I are now two as insignificant men as any in Eng' land.** In which he spoke the truth of my Lord Bath, but not of himself. For my Lord Orford was consulted by the ministers to the last day of his life. Mr. W. Levison, my Lord Gower's brother, told me that he happened to be 44 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES in the House of Lords, and standing next Sir Robert Walpole, when there was a warm debate concerning some mi- nisterial measures. In the midst of the debate says Sir Robert to him ; " You see with what zeal and vehemence these gentlemen oppose, and yet I know the price of every man in this House ex- cept three, and your brotlier is one of them." Sir Robert was frequently very unguarded in his expressions : for nothing certainly could have been thrown out more injurious to the honour of the House of Lords. Besides, this was an open confession of his manner of govern- ing, and to what a great height he had carried corruption. Sir Robert lived long enough to OF HIS OWN TIMES. 45 know that my Lord Gower had his price as well as the rest, and was un- worthy of forming his triumvirate. My Lord Gower's defection was a great blow to the Tory party, and a sin- gular disappointment to all his friends. For no one had entertained the least jealousy or suspicion of this part of his conduct. He had such an honest and open countenance as would have de- ceived the most skilful physiognomist. He was not a lover of money, nor did he seem ambitious of any thing, but true glory ; and that he enjoyed. For no man within my memory was more esteemed and reverenced. He declared his principles very freely, and all his actions were correspondent. The Tories considered liim as their chief: they 46 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES placed the greatest confidence in him, and did nothing without his advice and approbation. They even persuaded themselves that he had an excellent judgment and understanding, though his parts were very moderate, and his learn- ing superficial. But he was affable and courteous ; and he had a certain plausi- bility, which, with a candour of manners, supplied the place of superior talents. He had a large estate, and was celebrated by all his neighbours for his hospitality. And he was as much respected for his private as he was for his public virtues. He was a good husband, a good father, and a good master. When he accepted the privy seal, he used all his art to pre- serve the good opinion of his old friends. He assured them, that he went into em- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 47 ployment with no other view than to serve his country, and that many articles tending to a thorough reformation were already stipulated. I had a letter from him (for I lived in some degree of inti- macy with him for many years) to the purposes I have mentioned. Soon after I saw him, when he read the articles to me. If I rightly remember, they were thirteen in number : not one of which was performed, or ever intended to be performed. When this was at length discovered, he laid aside his disguise, adhering to the new system, and openly renouncing his old principles. He was then created an Earl: and this feather was the only reward of his apostacy. For all the money which he received from his place did not refund him half 48 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES the sum (as he himself confessed) which he had expended to support the mea- sures of the administration. Such was the conduct of this unhappy man, who for a shadow bartered a most respectable character, and sacrificed his honour and his country. After this he never enjoyed any peace of mind, and it is no wonder if he died of what we call a broken heart. I WAS INVITED to dine at the late Earl of Marchmont's, where I found the present Earl and his brother, my Lord Stairs, Sir Luke Schaub, and four or live ladies. The conversation during dinner (occasioned by something which had just then happened at court) turned upon the Q 's love of money. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 49 Every one, except Sir Luke Schaub, had a story on this subject : and some of them were very unbecoming sacred ma- jesty. Sir Luke, who was a pensioned courtier, thought himself obliged to de- fend the Q 's honour, and said to me, who sat next him : " Doctor, there is not more than one of these scandalous tales in a hundred that is true." " Then, Sir Luke," I replied, " you acknowledge that one in a hundred is true." He immediately perceived his error : and one of the company observed, " that if only one in a hundred of such stories as had been related were true, there would not be any great injustice in im- puting all the rest." It might perhaps be too severe a censure to charge a woman with unchastity, who had only 60 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES transgressed with one man ; but a base and sordid spirit is discovered by one act of avarice. The custom of giving money to ser- vants is now become such a grievance, that it seems to demand the interposition of the legislature to abolish it. How much are foreigners astonished, when they observe that a man cannot dine at any house in England^ not even with his father or his brother, or with any other of his nearest relations, or most intimate friends and companions, unless he pay for his dinner ! But how can they behokl without indignation or contempt a man of quality standing by his guests, while they are distributing money to a double row of his servants ? If, when I am in- OF HIS OWN TIMES. -^1 vited to dine with any of my acquaint- ance, I were to send the master of the house a sirloin of beef for a present, it would be considered as a gross affront ; and yet as soon as I shall have dined, or before I leave the house, I must be obliged to pay for the sirloin, which was brought to his table, or placed on the sideboard. For I contend that all the money which is bestowed on the ser- vants is given to the master. For if the servants wages were increased in some proportion to their vails (which is the practice of a few great families, the D. of Norfolk's, Mr. Spencer's, Sir Fran- cis Dashwood's, &c.), this scandalous custom might be totally extinguished. I remember a Lord Poor, a Roman Catholic Peer of Ireland, who lived upon E 2 52 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES a small pension which Q. Anne had granted liim : he was a man of honour, and well esteemed; and had formerly been an officer of some distinction in the service of France. The Duke of Or- monde had often invited him to dinner, and he as often excused himself At last the Duke kindly expostulated with him, and would know the reason why he so constantly refused to be one of his guests. My Lord Poor then honestly confessed that he could not afford it : '* but," says he, " if your Grace will put a guinea into my hands as often as you are pleased to invite me to dine, I will not decline the honour of waiting on you." This was done ; and my Lord was afterwards a frequent guest in St. James's Square. For my part, whenever OF HIS OWN TIMES. 53 I am invited to the table of any of my noble friends, I have the vanity to imagine that my company is desired for the sake of my conversation; and there is cer- tainly no reason why I should give the servants money because I give the mas- ter pleasure. Besides, I have observed the servants of every great house con- sider these vails to be as much their due as the fees which are claimed in the Cus- tom-house, or in any other public office. And therefore they make no distinction between a gentleman of 200/. a year, and one of 2000/. ; although they look on the former as inferior in every re- spect to themselves. Maxima quceque domus servis est plena siiperbis is an axiom which will hold true to the end of the world. Upon the whole, if this 54 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES custom, which is certainly a disgrace to our country, is to continue in force, I think it may at least be practised in a better manner. Suppose there were written in large gold letters over the door of every man of rank : The fees fOR DINING HERE ARE THREE HALF CROWNS [or ten shillings] TO BE PAID TO THE PORTER ON ENTERING THE HOUSE : PEERS OR PEERESSES TO PAY WHAT MORE THEY THINK PROPER. By this regulation two inconveniences would be avoided : first, the difficulty of distinguishing, amongst a great number, the quality of the servants. I, who am near-sighted, have sometimes given the footman what I designed for the butler, and the butler has had only the footman's fee : for which the butler treated me with no small con- OF HIS OWN TIMES. OO tempt, until an opportunity offered of correcting my error. But, secondly, this method would prevent the shame which every master of a family cannot help feeling whilst he sees his guests giving about their shillings and half-crowns to his servants. He may then conduct them boldly to his door, and take his leave with a good grace. My Lord Taaffe of Ireland, a general officer in the Austrian service, came into England a few years ago on account of his private affairs. When his friends, who had dined with him, were going away, he always attended them to the door ; and if they offered any money to the servant who opened it (for he never suffered but one servant to appear), he always prevented them, saying, in liis manner of speaking 56 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES Englishy " IF YOU do give, give it to ME, FOR IT WAS I THAT DID BUY THE DINNER.'* A PERFECT FRIENDSHIP, as it is de- scribed by the ancients, can only be contracted between men of the greatest virtue, generosity, truth, and honour. Such a friendship requires that all things should be in common ; and that one friend should not only venture, but be ready to lay down his life for the other. Accord- ing to this definition of friendship, Cicero observes that all the histories, from the earliest ages down to his time, had not recorded more than two or three pair of friends ; and I doubt whether at this day we could add two or three pair more to the number. In our country, which OF HIS OWN TIMES. 57 is governed by money, and where every man is in pursuit of his own interest, it would be in vain to look for a real friend- ship. Our companions, and our common acquaintance, those especially with whom we live in any degree of familiarity, we call our friends ; and we are always ready to give them such marks of our friend- ship as will not put us to any great in- conveniency, or subject us to any great expense. If an Englishman, like the Greek philosopher, were to bequeath his wife and children to be maintained by one of his rich friends, he would be deemed non compos. If a man would long preserve his friendships, I mean those imperfect friendships which are generally contracted in this country, he should be particularly careful to have no 58 DR. KlNCrS ANECDOTES money-concerns with his friends, at least to owe them no great obligations on tliat account. Most of the breaches of friend- ship which I have remarked, as likewise the family feuds which are now subsist- ing in England^ are to be ascribed to this cause. The latter indeed are not always to be avoided, but the first always may. I was talking on this subject with a learned foreigner, who seemed to doubt the truth of my general observation, and thought my countrymen did not deserve the character which 1 had imputed to them. He could not conceive why there was not the greatest warmth and activity in our friendships, when we were so ready to relieve the helpless and indigent, and had given such proofs of our humanity and charity as were not equalled by any OF HIS OWN TIMES. 59 nation in Europe, And then he reckoned all the hospitals which were supported by annual and voluntary contributions. I acknowledged this to be a kind of a contradiction in our manners, but I did not tell him that I imputed no small proportion of these extraordinary cha- rities to the vanity of the donors. Suetonius, or whoever was the author of the Life of Horace, tells us that Me- ccenas, when he was dying, recommended Horace to the care of Augustus Ccesar in these words, Horatii Flacci, ut meiy me- mor esto ; which in my judgment is the noblest and most beautiful expression of friendship that is recorded by any ancient or modern historian or biographer. I am so much affected by it, that in this short sentence I imagine I can discern the excellent qualities of the patron, and 60 DR. KINP'S ANECDOTES the great merit of the poet, as well as the force of their friendship. Doctor Swift was always persuaded that the Archbishop of York had made impressions on Queen Anne to his dis- advantage, and by that means had ob- structed his preferment in England; and he has hinted this in his Apology for the Tale of the Tuh^ and in other parts of his works ; and yet my Lord Bolinbroke, who must have been well informed of this particular, told me that he had been assured by the Queen herself, that she never had received any unfavourable character of Dr. Swift, nor had the Archbishop, or any other person, en- deavoured to lessen him in her esteem. My Lord Bolinbroke added, that this tale was invented by the Earl of O.v- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 61 ford to deceive Swift, and make him contented with his Deanery in Ireland; which, although his native country, he always looked on as a place of banish- ment. If Lord BoLiNBROKE had hated the Earl of Oxford less, I should have been readily inclined to believe him. King Charles II. after taking two or three turns one morning in St. James s Park (as was his usual custom), attended only by the Duke of Leeds and my Lord Cromarty, walked up Constitution Hill, and from thence into Hyde Park. But just as he was crossing the road, the Duke of YorF?, coach was nearly arrived there. The Duke had been hunting that morn- ing on Hounslow Heath, and was return- ing in his coach, escorted by a party of the guards, who, as soon as they saw the 62 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES King, suddenly halted, and consequently stopt the coach. The Duke being ac- quainted with the occasion of the halt, immediately got out of his coach, and, after saluting the King, said he was greatly surprised to iind his Majesty in that place with such a small attendance, and that he thought his Majesty exposed himself to some danger. " No kind of danger, James ; for I am sure no man in England will take away my life to make you King." This was the King's answer. The old Lord Cromarty often mentioned this anecdote to his friends. In the civil war, my grandfather, Sir William Smyth, was governor of * Hillesdon House, near Buckingham, * The siege of Hillesdon House is nowhere men- tioned by my Lord Clarendon. The noble his- torian and Sir W, Smytli were not good friends. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 63 where the king had a small garrison. This place was besieged and taken by Cromwell. But the officers capitulated to march out with their arms, baggage, &c. As soon as they were without the gate, one of CromwelPs soldiers snatched off Sir William Smyth's hat. He imme- diately complained to Cromwell of the fellow's insolence, and breach of the capitulation. " Sir," says Cromwell, "if you can point out the man, or I can dis- cover him, I promise you he shall not go unpunished. In the mean time (taking off a new beaver, which he had on his head) be pleased to accept of this hat instead of your own." I mention this incident for no other reason but as it may serve in some mea- sure to iUustrate Cromwell's character. 64 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES Nothing is more mistaken than the act of revenge when it concludes in murder. To murder your enemy is to make yourself miserable, and to make him happy. By his death, perhaps, you may hurt some of his friends or relations; but this was not your intention. To revenge the community is another case, and the assassination of a tyrant is public justice. And yet if I had been Brutus, I could not have prevailed on myself to have been one of Caesar's mur- derers. Cardinal Richelieu, who said that unfortunate and imprudent are two words which signify the same thing, seems to have founded this maxim on the singular happiness of his own administration. He OF HIS OWN TIMES. 65 was certainly a very great politician; but he had all the power as well as the whole revenue of France at his disposal. He had a regiment of guards for his own person ; and the favours which he was constantly conferring on his officers and domestics attached them to him, and secured their fidelity. It must further be considered, that he made no scruple of removing any man out of the way who would not implicitly submit to his will, or who seemed in any respect to disapprove his measures. Vouldz vous etre a moi? was the question he asked Mareschal Bassompierre, wliich because the Mareschal did not readily and di- rectly answer, he was sent the next morning to the Bastile, where he was a prisoner until the Cardinal's death, about F 66 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES eighteen years. However, with all this power and caution the Cardinal was two or three times in great danger of his life, and owed his escape to his good fortune and presence of mind, and not to his foresight, or to any intelligence he had received of his enemy's designs. Let us consult history, or make our own observa- tions for the space of a few years, and we shall be convinced that there is a fa- tality which attends the lives of some men (perhaps of us all), insomuch that with the greatest prudence and circum- spection, and with the noblest endow- ments of the mind, they are not able to avert their misfortunes; and if they happen to be engaged in the service of the commonwealth, the performance of their duty shall subject them to an accusa- OP HIS OWN TIMES. 67 tion, and their virtues and love of their country be construed into high crimes and misdemeanors. On the other hand, we may behold the dullest fellows, men without any talents or any one good qua- lity, succeed in all their undertakings, and arrive so suddenly to wealth and honours, that they may be justly styled, as they generally are, the favourites of Fortune. If they enjoy any high office or public employment, even their negli- gence, their blunders, their corruption, shall turn to their advantage. I never re- member any administration in this coun- try that would not furnish us with many examples both of one and the other. Some ladies of my acquaintance, who have a fine understanding and a turn to F 2 68 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES poetry, of which they are good judges, have often complained that they could not discover any great beauties in the Odes of Horace, which are so much admired J although they have read the most celebrated translations (for they are unacquainted with the original) in En- glish, French, and Italian. But the truth is, the Odes of Horace never were nor ever can be translated, so as to display the beauties of the original, which wholly consist in the language and expression. In the thought or sentiment there is nothing extraordinary or more excellent than what may be found in the poems of his cotemporaries ; but the language is inimitable, and I doubt whether the most learned critic of the Augustan age, allow- ing him the best taste as well as judg- OF HIS OWN TIMES. ^9 merit, could have mended a single ex- pression in any of the Odes, or even have changed one word for a better. This is what Petronius calls the curiosa feli- citas of Horace; which two words are as happily joined together as simplex munditiis : and these four words are, per- haps, sufficient to characterise the poet, and express the beauty of his style in his own manner. I could never read the first stanza in the Carmen Seculare with- out falling into a fit of devotion : and yet when I read it in the best translation, it does not affect me. Thus likewise those beautiful odes Donee gratus eram, &c. and Quern tu, Melpomene, &c. (of which ScALiGER said he would rather be the author than King of Arragon) rendered into any modern language, do not seem 70 DR. KINGS ANECPOI^PS to deserve an hundredth part of the praise bestowed on the originals. The singular esteem which some learned critics have always expressed for the works of Horace became at last so fashionable, that scarce a man who af- fected the character of a polite scholar ever travelled ten miles from home with- out an Horace in his pocket. The late E. of S. was such an admirer of Horace that his whole conversation consisted of quotations out of that poet : in which he often discovered his want of skill in the Latin tongue, and always his want of taste. But the man whom I looked on (if I may be allowed the expression) as HoRACE-mad, was one Dr. Douglas, a physician of some note in London : I made an acquaintance with this gentle- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 71 man on purpose that I might have a sight of his curious library (if it might be called a library) which was a large room full of all the editions of Horace which had ever been published, as well as the several translations of that author into the mo- dern languages. If there were any other books in this room, as there were a small number, they were only there for the sake of Horace, and were on no other account valuable to the possessor but because they contained some parts of Horace which had been published with select pieces or ea:cerpta out of other Latin authors for the use of schools ; or because the translations of some of the odes and satires were printed in miscel- lanies, and were not to be found any where else. However, I must acknow- 72 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES ledge that the Doctor understood his au- thor, whom he had studied with great care and application. Amongst other of his criticisms he favoured me with the perusal of a dissertation on the first ode, and a defence of * Dr. Hare's famous emendation of Te doctarum, &c. instead of Me. A STORY TELLER is the most agreeable or the most disagreeable character we can meet with. A story, which is designed to entertain a polite company, should * This emendation hath been given by the Dutch critics to Brockhusius. But I could never find it in any part of his works, and therefore the merit of it should justly be left to Dr. Hare. See a note at the bottom of page 150 of a pam- phlet, published 1723, entitled Scriptures vindicated from the misinterpretation of the Bishop of Bangor, &c. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 73 always be short, and, with a mixture of wit and humour, be told in good language. King Charles the Second, who had most excellent parts, had likewise a most agreeable manner of telling his stories ; and Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, in- forms us, that the same story which he had heard from the King five or six times he always heard with pleasure, as it was always embellished with some new cir- cumstances. This was a happy talent, owing to a quick fancy and a lively ima- gination ; for a frequent repetition of the same tale to the same persons, which at first was very entertaining, becomes at length insipid and ridiculous, and is apt to lessen the character of the man who tells it, even in the esteem of his friends, who ascribe that to the want of judgment 74 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES or defect of understanding which should only be imputed to the loss of memory. I have been greatly abashed when I have caught myself endeavouring to entertain my friend with the same story which I had related to him a few days before : and I have sometimes resolved to cure myself of this infirmity of my old age, by restraining my conversation, and con- fining it to the news and business of the day, the manners of the times, &c. ; and when I happen to be in the company of scholars, making observations on ancient and modern authors. But hitherto I have not prevailed on myself to pursue this prudent resolution ; but am content to bear this reproach of my age in com- mon with my equals. I remember only one old man who was quite free from any OF HIS OWN TIMES 75 imputation of this kind : he was a fellow of the college in which I was educated, and was an instructive and the most de- lightful companion I have ever known ; he had an inexhaustible fund of merry tales, or rather he had such a fund of wit, and such a quick and luxuriant ima- gination, that he was always capable of producing something new and very en- tertaining ; and as we rarely heard him tell the same stories twice, we concluded they were the fruits of a sudden inven- tion. Horace, I imagine, w^as a man of this character; he was certainly a pleasant and facetious companion, as we may judge by the jollity of some of his odes, and by the love which Augustus and Mfficenas had conceived for him. Among many other short stories he hath 76 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES left US two, which are not more diverting than they are instructive, the Ibam forte via sacrdy and the account of Philippus and the Crier, Epist. 7. B. 1. Lucian was a merry Greek ; he is every where full of wit J his drollery is exquisite, and his satire is just : one of his short tales has been wrought by Apuleius into a large volume. But of all the ancient authors of this character, I have a par- tiality for Petronius. There is a certain grace and pleasantry peculiar to himself in whatever he relates : his history of the EphesiaiTmatron is allowed by all the critics to be a master-piece : it is concise and elegant ; it is simple and sublime : but what distinguishes the excellent judg- ment of the author, there is not a cir- cumstance which can be added to it or OF HIS OWN TIMES. 77 taken from it without lessening its value ; and Monsieur St. Evremond, though I acknowledge him to be an admirable writer, and one of the greatest geniuses which this or the last age hath produced, hath yet, in my opinion, done no honour to Petronius by paraphrasing the Ephe- siAN Matron, and lengthening the nar- rative. To learn a good manner of tell- ing a story or relating any fact, jocose or serious, we should be very conversant with Terence ; his comedies will furnish many examples for our purpose : the first scene in the Andria is a beautiful narra- tive, and in my judgment hath not been equalled by any comic writer, ancient or modern. Cicero hath remarked some of its excellencies : and there are othei-s which cannot escape the observation of 78 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES any man of taste. The incident, which discovers the love of Pamphilus for Gly- ceriuniy is so descriptive, that whilst we are reading that part, we imagine our- selves present at the funeral pile : the whole scene is clear and methodical, and though it consists of two or three pages only, there are circumstances enough to supply some modern memoir- writers with matter for a whole volume. A little before the revival of letters, BoccACE and some other Italian wits began to publish short stories ; and from them our Chaucer borrowed most of his Canterbury Tales. But whatever he took in hand of foreign growth he much improved, and adapted to the taste and manners of his own countrymen. To- wards the end of the last century and the OF HIS OWN TIMES. 79 beginning of this, Fontaine and our Prior published their tales, and it is generally agreed that in this kind of writing they have excelled all who went before them. But I have insensibly digressed from my first purpose, which was only to men- tion some particular characters, which, as I had observed, were capable of en- livening or confounding a conversation by their manner of telling a story ; for a man may be a facetious and witty author^ who is a dull and heavy companion. Such, I am well assured, was the celebrated Fontaine, whom I have mentioned above : and who that hath read Mr. Ad- dison's Tatlers and Spectators, which abound with wit and humour, and are infinitely superior to all his other com- 80 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES positions, would not expect to have found him a most agreeable companion ? An old acquaintance of mine hath treasured up a very curious and interesting collec- tion of anecdotes, which have always given me great pleasure when I have been able to come at them ; for though he is ever ready to tell his story, and likewise knows how to apply it, yet his introduction is so long and tedious, and his digressions so frequent, and so much out of the way, that he often loses his point of view, and is unable to recover the track, unless he asks the person who sits next him upon what occasion he be- gan his tale ; and yet this gentleman does not want either learning or prudence, and has kept as good company as any man in England. What is very remark- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 81 able, he is apt to condemn others for the fault of which he is so notoriously guilty; so little sensible are the wisest men of their own failings ! There are some persons who generally take the lead in conversation, and are well furnished for the purpose ; but they relate nothing but what is wonderful, and they are always the heroes of their own romances : and like other heroes, they do not easily bear a contradiction ; but are apt to quarrel if you doubt their honour, and seem incredulous. I knew a merry droll, who was always an overmatch for men of this character : whenever they advanced something very romantic, he always rose some degrees above them, and asserted a fact which was more as- tonishing and improbable than any thing 82 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES which they had related. This is, per- haps, the best and safest method of an- swering a gasconade^ and reproving the author. I will conclude with this observa- tion : a story well told, and well applied, is not only the most delightful part of a private conversation, but is generally of good use in a public assembly where any important matter is to be debated ; for it embellishes the most eloquent oration ; it awakes and keeps up the attention of the audience ; it puts the adverse party into good humour, and has sometimes a greater weight and influence than the most powerful and persuasive arguments. Deus nobis HiEC OTiA FECIT hath been thought by some commentators a cri- minal compliment, and a piece of flattery OF HIS OWN TIMES. 83 unworthy of Virgil. But they have not sufficiently considered how this ex- pression is explained and qualified by the verse which immediately follows, 7iamque erit tile mild semper Deus : for here the poet seems to restrain the wor- ship of Augustus to himself, and does not require that he should be esteemed a god by any other person. Besides, this was not such a high flight in a Ro- man poet as it would be in an English or French writer : many of the Roman deities had been men, and all of them were subject to human infirmities and the passions of men, such as love, anger, hatred, and revenge : so that it would not have been a crime to have pro- nounced some of the most excellent citi- zens of Rome superior to many of their G 2 84 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES gods; and Lucan has exalted Cato above them all, if I rightly comprehend the meaning of this verse, Victrix causa Deis placuit, sed victa Catoni. I am told that the * inscription placed over the gate of the Duke of Argyle's new house in Scotland is. Dux Cumbria nobis hcec otia fecit. This is a very improper motto or inscrip- tion for a house, and is on another ac- count very absurd ; for when we borrow a verse from a Greek or Roman poet, and adapt it to a modern purpose, by changing a word or two, we should be careful to fit the words we insert to the measure of the verse. Dux Cumbri/e will not stand * 1 have been since informed that this is the in- scription of the foundation stone, OF HIS OWN TIMES. 85 in an hexameter. Assuitur pannus. It is prose and poetry ill pieced. Flattery can never engage the at- tention of a judicious reader, unless it be short and very ingenious. The com- pliments which Virgil and Horace have bestowed on their patrons are read with pleasure, and are the best examples of this kind of writing. The force and majesty of that beautiful climax, with which Virgil concludes his Georgics, cannot be sufficiently admired. Ccesar duni magnus ad altum Fulminat Euphratem hello : Victorque volentes Per populos datjura ; viamque affectat Olympo. How comprehensive is this short com- pliment; and with what grace and dig- nity the poet rises, till he exalts his patron into a divinity! I may judge 86 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES amiss, but I would rather have been the author of these three verses than Pliny's whole panegyric. Horace begins his Epistle to Au- gustus with great art and elegance of expression. The public character which he hath drawn of that prince in four or five short sentences, a modern dedicator would easily spin out into forty or fifty pages *. I have often wondered how the custom of writing long dedications first prevailed; it must certainly be attributed to the ig- * Cum tot sustineas, et tanta negotia solus, Res Italas hello tuteris, moribus ornes, Legibus emendes : in publica commoda pecccni, Si longo sermone morer tua tempora, CjEsak. N. B. The praises given to the Emperor in the end of this Epistle are as refined as those which 1 have cited. OF HIS OWN TIMES. ^7 norance rather than to the vanity of modern patrons. To ascribe to a great man those virtues which he wants is in my opinion an injurious treatment: it is irony ; it is satire ; and hath sometimes been construed as such, and pronounced to be a libel by our courts of judicature. There is, moreover, this ill consequence resulting from it, that the patron's good qualities, if he happens to have any good qualities, are by this means obscured and discredited ; for an heap of fulsome and false praise will always render that sus- pected which is true. When I take up a book which is dedicated to the King or a prince of the blood, or a prime minister, or indeed any man of great quality or great wealth, I always pass over the de- dication, where 1 am sure oi' meeting 88 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES with nothing but the grossest flattery. If I could say of our * King what may be said with great truth of the King of Prussia, Quern tu, Dea, tempore in omni Omnibus omatum voluisti exceUere rebus, would not this short eulogy be preferable to all the public addresses, dedications, poetical rhapsodies, and birth-day odes, which have been composed in honour of his Majesty since his accession to the throne ? Although Virgil was a court poet, and a favourite of Augustus, and was not only rewarded, but enriched by that Emperor's bounty, yet his principles were * King George the Second, OF HIS OWN TIMES. 89 republican. He retained a secret vene- ration for the patriot senators, and ab- horred that venality and corruption by which the first C^sar overturned the liberties of his country, and fixed his usurpation. There are two passages, one in the 6th, and the other in the 8th book of the ^neid, which sufficiently prove my assertion. And I have some- times wondered why Tucca and Varius did not expunge them out of a compli- ment to the prince; but it is probable that their principles of government (for they were both men of a distinguished character) were the same as the poet's, whose work they were commissioned to revise. Vendidit hie auro patriam, domimmque potcntem Imposuit, 90 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES The commentators are generally of opi- nion that Virgil in this place alludes to Curio, who sold Rome to Julius C-ESAR, and was the principal cause of the ruin of the Commonwealth. But whether he alludes to Curio or not, he certainly avows his own principles by placing in the most horrible region of his poetical hell the man who sells his country, and erects it into a tyranny. The other line in the 8th book, Secretosgue pios : his dantemjura Catonem, is a noble encomium on Cato, than which nothing can be carried higher; for the poet does not only assign to Cato the first seat in the happy abodes, but he places him at the head of all the otlier blessed spirits as their guide and director. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 91 The critics and commentators seem to agree th^-t Virgil does not mean Cato Uticensis, but Cato the Censor; and they all give the same reasons for their conjecture. First, they allege, that to have bestowed such particular praise on Cato Uticensis, who was the most ob- stinate and inveterate enemy of Julius C^SAR, would have been a signal affront to Augustus ; and, secondly, as Cato was guilty of suicide, he could not be admitted into the Elysian fields : but these reasons, I think, are not convincing; for was not the affront to Augustus as great by placing Curio, the most useful of CiESAR's friends, in hell, as honouring Cato with a seat in Elysium ? and as to his suicide, which the Romans esteemed the noblest of all his actions, that could be no bar lo his future happiness : the 92 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES commentators forget that tEneas met Dido in the Elysian fields. But whether the poet designed this great dignity and pre-eminence in Elysium for Cato the Censor, or Cato Uticensis, or whether he purposely left it doubtful, it is cer- tain that he designed it (choose which of the Catos you please) for a republican and patriot spirit, for one who had been a constant and steady friend to virtue and his country. Monsieur Tournefort, and other judicious and candid travellers, who lived some time among the Turks, and were diligent to inquire into the religion, cus- toms, and manners of those people, speak of them very favourably. They acknow- ledge that the Turks perform all the duties of their religion with a scrupulous OF HIS OWN TIMES. 93 exactness, and particularly are so cha- ritable, that they are always ready to relieve any person who will make his necessities known. Monsieur Tourne- FORT says, that he never saw a beggar in Turkey. In truth, if we compare his account of the Turks with the character which he and some later travellers give us of the Greeks, we have no reason to be surprised that so few of the former are proselyted to the faith of Christ ; and yet these men are better Christians than are perhaps to be found in most parts of Christendom. As I have ob- served before, they are not only eminent for their charities, but upon all occasions they are easy and ready to forgive one another. They have no duels in that country, nor is any man assassinated in 94 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES Turkey from a false principle of honour or revenge. They retain a grateful sense of any favours they have received. A Turk of some distinction, who had been a slave at Leghorn^ and during his cap- tivity in that city had been often relieved by an English merchant, and by whose means he was at last enabled to recover his liberty, met Mr. Randolph (whose travels we have) some years after at Ne- gTopo?it, and knowing him to be an En- glishman, treated him with the greatest kindness and generosity ; and having procured him a passage on board a Turk- ish ship, he recommended him to the captain in these words: ^^ When you see this man, you see me; xvhat you do to hi?n, you do to 7ne ; and I will answer it, he it good or ill." What a sini})licity and goodness OF HIS OWN TIMES. 95 of heart appears in this recommendation ! For the rest, the Turks are very tem- perate both in eating and drinking, and the luxury of a table is unknown even in the palace of their Emperor. They persecute no one on the account of his religion ; and the inquisitions of Spain and Portugal they would abhor, as the temples of Baal^ or the altars of Busiris. I may add, that on some occasions they offer up prayers to Jesus Christ, as to a great prophet. They, indeed, deny his divinity, which is in them much more excusable than the blasphemy of those monkish orders^ who make their founders equal to our Saviour, and the miracles pretended to be wrought by them su- perior to the miracles of the gospel. 96 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES The Answers which were made by Mr. Legge and Mr. Pitt to the ad- dresses of the several corporations, who presented those gentlemen with gold boxes, are in a very different style and manner. Mr. Legge always answers with dignity and freedom ; he professes, he promises to serve his country; he accepts of a place for that purpose, and you cannot help believing him to be in earnest. Mr. Pitt answers with caution and reserve; his eyes are fixed on the King; he goes into employment on purpose to serve him, and thinks it his greatest happiness to execute his Ma- jesty's gracious intentions. If Mr. Pitt flatters the King, he is a bad man ; if he does not, he is a bad patriot. OF HIS OWS TIMES. 97 I BEGAN THE ToAST ill anger, but I finished it in good humour. When I had concluded the second book, I laid aside the work, and I did not take it up again till some years after, at the pressing in- stances of Dr. Swift. In the last letter which I received from him, he writes thus : " In malice I hope your law-suit will force you to, come over [to Dublin] the next term, which I think is a long one, and will allow you time to finish it; in the mean time I wish I could hear of the progress and finishing of another affair [the Toast] relating to the same law-suit, hut tryed in the courts above, upon a hill with two heads, where the defendants will as irfalUbly and more effectually be cast," &c. And speak- ing of this work to a lady, his near rela- tion, who is now living, after he had 98 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES perused the greatest part of it in the manuscript, he told her, if he had read the Toast when he was only twenty years of age, he never would have wrote a satire. It is no wonder that such a singular approbation should raise the vanity of a young writer, or that I imagined I wanted no other vindication of this per- formance than Dr. Swift's opinion. He was chiefly pleased with the notes, and expressed his surprise that I had attained such a facility in writing the burlesque Latin. The motives which induced me to form the notes in that manner, was the judgment I made of those on Mr. Pope's Dunciad. That poem, it must be allowed, is an excellent satire ; but there is little wit or humour in the notes, although there is a great OF HIS OWN TIMES. 99 affectation of both. After Dr. Swift's testimonial, I ought, perhaps, to esteem the Toast above all my other works ; however, I must confess there are some parts of it which my riper judgment con- demns, and which I wish were expunged: particularly the description of Mira's person in the third book is fulsome, and unsuitable to the polite manners of the present age. But if this work was more exceptionable than my enemies pretend it is, I may urge for my excuse, that although it has been printed more than thirty years, yet it has never been pub- lished : I have, indeed, presented a few copies to some friends, on giving me their honour that they would not suffer the books to go out of their hands with- out my consent. One of these persons, H 2 100 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES however, forfeited his honour in the basest manner, by putting his copy into the hands of Blacow, and the rest of the Oxford informers ; but as they had no key to the work, and did not under- stand or know how to apply the charac- ters, they were content to call it an exe- crable book, and throw dirt at the author : and this, in their judgment, is the most effectual way of answering any perform- ance of wit and humour. Avarice, says the author of Religio Medici, seems to me not so much a vice^ as a deplorable piece of madness; and if he had added incurable^ his definition would have been perfect; for an ava- ricious man is never to be cured unless by the same medicine which perchance OF HIS OWN TIMES. 101 may cure a mad dog. The arguments of reason, philosophy, or religion, will little affect him ; he is born and framed to a sordid love of money, which first appears when he is very young, grows up with him, and increases in middle age, and when he is old, and all the rest of his passions have subsided, wholly en- grosses him. The greatest endowments of the mind, the greatest abilities in a profession, and even the quiet possession of an immense treasure, will never prevail against avarice. My Lord Hard wick, the late Lord Chancellor, who is said to be worth 800,000/. sets the same value on half a crown now as he did when he was only worth one hundred. That great captain, the Duke of Marlborough, when he was in the last stage of life, and 102 DR. KING'S ANECDOTCS very infirm, would walk from the public rooms in Bath to his lodgings in a cold dark night to save sixpence in chair hire. If the Duke, who left at his death more than a million and a half sterling, could have foreseen that all his wealth and honours were to be inherited by a grand- son of my Lord Trevor^s, who had been one of his enemies, would he have been so careful to save sixpence for the sake of his heir ? Not for the sake of his heir ; but he would always have saved a sixpence. Sir James Lowther, after changing a piece of silver in George's Coffee-house, and paying twopence for his dish of coffee, was helped into his chariot (for he was then very lame and infirm), and went home ; some little time after he returned to the same coffee-house on purpose to OF HIS OWN TIMES. 103 acquaint the woman who kept it that she had given him a bad halfpenny, and demanded another in exchange for it. Sir James had about 40,000/. per annum, and was at a loss whom to appoint his heir. I knew one Sir Thomas Colby, who lived at Kensington, and was, I think, a commissioner in the victualling- office ; he killed himself by rising in the middle of the night when he was in a very profuse sweat, the effect of a medi- cine which he had taken for that purpose, and walking down stairs to look for the key of his cellar, which he had inad- vertently left on a table in his parlour : he was apprehensive that his servants might seize the key and rob him of a bottle of port wine. This man died in- testate, and left more than 200,000/. in 104 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES the funds, which was shared among five or six day-labourers, who were his nearest relations. Sir William Smyth of Bed- fordshire, who was my kinsman, when he was near seventy, was wholly deprived of his sight : he was persuaded to be couched by Taylor, the oculist, who by agree- ment was to have sixty guineas if he re- stored his patients to any degree of sight: Taylor succeeded in his operation, and Sir William was able to read and write without the use of spectacles during the rest of his life ; but as soon as the opera- tion was performed, and Sir William perceived the good effects of it, instead of being overjoyed, as any other person would have been, he began to lament the loss (as he called it) of his sixty guineas. His contrivance therefore now OF HIS OWN TIMES. 105 was how to cheat the oculist: he pre- tended that he had only a glimmering, and could see nothing perfectly; for that reason the bandage on his eye was con- tinued a month longer than the usual time^ by this means he obliged Taylor to compound the bargain, and accept of twenty guineas ; for a covetous man thinks no method dishonest which he maylegally practise to save his money. Sir William was an old bachelor, and at the time Taylor couched him had a fair estate in land, a large sum of money in the stocks, and not less than 5000 or 6000 in his house. But to conclude this article ; all the dramatic writers, both ancient and modern, as well as the keenest and most elegant satirists, have exhausted their whole stock of wit to expose avarice ; 106 DR, KING'S ANECDOTES this is the chief subject of Horace's sa- tires and epistles ; and yet the character of a covetous man hath never yet been fully drawn or sufficiently explained. The EucLio of Plautus, the L'Avare of MoLiERE, and the Miser of Shadwell, have been all exceeded by some persons who have existed within my own know- ledge. If you could bestow on a man of this disposition the wealth of both the Indies^ he would not have enough j because by enough (if such a word is to be found in the vocabulary of Avarice) he always means something more than he is possessed of. Crassus, who had a yearly revenue sufficient to maintain a great army, perished, together with his son, in endeavouring to add to his store. In the fable of Midas, the poet had ex- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 107 hibited a complete character, if Midas, instead of renouncing the gift which the god had bestowed on him, had chosen to die in the act of creating gold. I HAVE LATELY READ a Small VolumC in octavo, which hath been universally well received ; so that in the space of a year there were published no less than six editions of this book ; and yet there is nothing to be found in it that is new ; but the author hath judiciously collected the thoughts and sentiments of our best poHtical writers, which he hath displayed with so much art, and hath methodised and arranged in such an agreeable order, and in so neat a style, that he seems to have made every thing his own. The scope of this work is to prove, that all 108 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES the misfortunes which happened to us the beginning of the present war are to be ascribed to our effeminacy and luxury, which are the necessary consequences of that system of corruption by which we now are governed. I should have con- ceived a very high opinion of this writer, and have esteemed the man as much as his work, if he had not been guilty of such base adulation j especially if he had not flattered one of the great patrons of that corruption which he hath so justly complained of and exposed. If I were to write a satire against gaming, and in the middle of my work insert a panegyric on the clubs at Arthur's, who would not question the good intentions of the author? and who would not condemn the absurdity of such a motley piece? Humano capitis &c. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 109 A PRIME MINISTER, who lias a little mind and a weak judgment, makes a hundred promises, which are neither in his abilities or in his intentions to per- form : he is despised by his own instru- ments and levee-hunters, and hated by all the rest of the nation ; he is incapable of forming or executing any great or glo- rious design; he has only one thing in view, which is to preserve his power by a corrupt majority in the House of Com- mons : for this reason he prefers his fol- lowers out of mere necessity, who never think themselves obliged to him for the places and pensions which they enjoy. The D. of N. hath spent half a million, and made the fortunes of five hundred men, and yet is not allowed to have one real friend. 110 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES E CCELO DESCENDIT, rNfi! DEAYTON, is an article of my creed ; and certainly to know one's self is the perfection of human knowledge, and the man who hath early attained it will pass through life with ease and tranquillity. Cicero, in an epistle to his brother, hath well ex- plained this precept, prceceptum illud noli putare ad arrogantiam minuendam solum esse dictum, verum etiam, ut bona nostra norimus. To know ourselves is to be as truly sensible of our good as of our bad qualities ; and whilst we endeavour to free ourselves from the last, to know how to apply the first in the conduct of life. I have been acquainted with men of wit and learning, and whose morals were irreproachable, who were little acquainted with themselves, who so egregiously mis- took their own talents as to leave or OF HIS OWN TIMES. Ill resign into the hands of others affairs of importance which they could have finished with honour and profit, in order to go into a business of which they were totally ignorant. If Mr. Addison had entered into holy orders (and he had made divinity his chief study), he might have placed himself as high as he pleased on the bench of bishops ; in that station he would have done honour to the hie- rarchy, and w^ould have been a principal ornament of the Church of England: but he ambitioned to be a minister of state, and because he had some talents, which no man in the administration possessed, he thought himself capable of filling the first employments in the government. This also seemed to be the opinion of his friends and patrons, and upon this 112 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES presumption he was appointed Secretary of State : but he soon found himself in- capable of performing the duty of his office ; for though he understood the foreign languages, and could write his own with purity, elegance, and correct- ness, yet he could not speak a word in the house of parliament ; and, which is more surprising, he could not dictate the common letters of business which were necessary to be sent from his office ; he was, therefore, to his great mortifica- tion, obliged to resign it, and content himself with a sinecure, the place of a Teller in the Exchequer, during the rest of his life. I knew Mr. Areskine, my Lord Mark's brother; he was one of the judges in Scotland, and was much esteemed for his abilities and knowledge OF HIS OWN TIMES. 113 in the laws of his country. His station, in virtue of which, he was called Lord Grange *, was honourable, was for life ; and such a salary was annexed to it as would enable a man to live in ease and affluence in that part of the world. How- ever he was by no means satisfied with this office ; and therefore, to render him- self more conspicuous, he determined to get a seat in the House of Commons ; though to effect this, he was previously obliged to resign his judgeship. However, he made no doubt of soon acquiring by his oratory some great and lucrative em- * The Duke of Argyle, as soon as he was informed that my Lord Grange had taken his measures so well as to be sure of being elected into parliament, brought a bill into the House of Lords, which easily l)assed both Houses, to discjualify any judge of Scot- land to sit in the House of Commons. 114 DR. KING S ANECDOTES ployment in England: his first speech was much applauded, for he understood business, and argued justly; but the House would not long endure his Scotch accent; so that after speaking three or four times he was ill heard and neglected. In the next parliament he lost his elec- tion ; and I met him in London a year or two before he died, when he was so reduced in his circumstances that he was scarce able to furnish himself with the necessaries of life. Upon recollection I could instance some other persons of great abilities, who have either suffered a signal disgrace, or have ruined their fortunes, for want of inspecting more nearly into themselves ; and I do not know whether I may not be justified if I insert the name of Lokd George Sackville in OF HIS OWN TIMES. 115 my catalogue : but not in consequence of the sentence pronounced against him by the court martial (for it was a very ex- traordinary proceeding to judge a man first and try him afterwards,) but from the unprejudiced relation of some officers of honour and integrity, who had been with my Lord in action, and had remarked his conduct. But notwithstanding the characters I have here mentioned, I can- not easily believe it would be very diffi- cult for a man to be so familiar with him- self as to know what he can or can not do, quidferre recusent Quid valeafit hu- meri. It is indeed the peculiar happiness of this country, that all who have any share in the administration of public affiiirs are equally fit for all employ- ment. His Grace of N. was first Cham- I '2 116 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES berlain, then Secretary of State, and is now First Commissioner of the Trea- sury and Chancellor of Cambridge ; and all these high employments he hath exe- cuted with equal capacity and judgment, without being indebted to age or ex- perience for the least improvement ; and if he had been pleased to accept the Archbishopric of Canterbury, when it was lately vacant, he would have proved himself as great an orator in the pulpit as he is in the senate, and as able a divine as he is a politician. As often as I liear this nobleman named, he puts me in mind of a certain Irish baronet, a man of some interest in his country, who when the Duke of Ormonde was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in the be- ginning of Queen Anne's reign, desired OF HIS OWN TIMES. 117 his Grace to give him a bishopric, or a regiment of horse, or to make him Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. A TRIFLING INCIDENT hath somctimcs been the occasion of the greatest quar- rels, and such as have ended fatally. I remember two gentlemen, who were constant companions, disputing one even- ing at the Grecian Coffee-house concern- ing the accent of a Greek word. This dis- pute was carried to such a length that tlie two friends thought proper to deter- mine it with their swords ; for this pur- pose they stept out into Devereux Court, where one of them (whose name, if I rightly remember, was Fitzgerald) was run through the body, and died on the spot. Some gentlemen and ladies 118 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES of two noble families in Scotland, who were near relations, and had always lived together in the greatest harmony and friendship, supt with me in St. Mary Hall. A very innocent joke, which was designed by the present Earl of M. who was one of the company, to increase our mirth and good humour, was highly re- sented by one of the ladies, and after- wards improved by her into such a quar- rel, as concluded in an open rupture be- tween the two families. I. G. my old acquaintance, and one Mr. E. of Bristol, both single men, and in good health and good circumstances, agreed to travel together for three or four years, and visit all the countries of Europe ; for that purpose they provided themselves with passports, bills of ex- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 119 change, letters of credit and recom- mendation, &c. About six or seven days after they set out, they arrived at Brus- sels, where they had for supper a wood- cock and a partridge ; they disputed long which of the birds should be cut up first, and with so much heat and animosity, that if they had not both been gentlemen of a well-tempered courage, this silly dis- pute might have terminated as unhappily as the affair at the Grecian Coffee-house. To such an height however the quarrel arose, that they did not only renounce their new design of travelling, but all friendship and correspondence ; and the next morning they parted, and returned to England, one by the way of Calais, and the other through Holland. About half a year afterwards I happened to be 120 DH. KINGS ANECDOTES in I. G.*s company ; I asked him whether what I had heard was true, that he and E TON had agreed to make the tour of Europe together, but had unfortunately quarrelled the first week about cutting up a woodcock and a partridge. " Very truei** says he; " and did you ever know such an absurd fellow as E ton, who in- sisted on cutting up a woodcock before a partridge * ?" If my old acquaintance had not made me this answer, I should not, I believe, have told this story. These relations may serve to give a foreigner some idea of those many odd and sin- gular characters which are so justly im- puted to the English nation. * If we were carefully to trace the descent of these whimsical heads, we should generally discover a madness in the family. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 121 Ille crucem tulit, hic diadema, is what must frequently happen in every corrupt administration ; and was lately verified by the sentence of the court martial which tried Admiral Bing, and the honours which at the same time were conferred on the Governor of Minorca. I speak this upon a supposition that Bing was justly put to death ; of which a doubt will always remain with us, and which our posterity will scarce believe, since, in the judgment of those very gentlemen who condemned this unfor- tunate admiral, he deserved nothing worthy of death or of bonds. Admiral Forbes, one of the Lords of the Ad- miralty, who refused to concur with the rest of his brethren, hath given such rea- sons for his dissent, as sufficiently de- monstrate the absurdity of their sentence, 122 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES to say no worse of it. But whether Mr. BiNG suffered justly or not, it is apparent to the whole nation that those ministers who took no care to supply the garrison of Port Mahon, after they had received certain advice of the intended invasion, were the greater criminals. May it not be fairly inferred that Bing was sacri- ficed to appease the clamour of the peo- ple, and to screen his superiors ? Whoever hath read the History of the five James's, and attentively consi- dered the great misfortunes which have befallen the House of Stuart*, both before and since the crown of England * Si quelque chose justifie ceux^ qui croient une fatalite, ^ laquelle rien ne se peut se soustraire, c'est cette suite continuellc de malheurs qui persecuta la Maison de Stuart pcndaut plus de trois cent annees. VoLTAIKE, Louis XI V, OF HIS OWN TIMES. 123 was settled on the princes of that name, must acknowledge that an evil fate hath constantly pursued them, and seems de- termined never to leave their family till every branch of it be extinguished. If I were to ascribe their calamities to an- other cause, or endeavour to account for them by any natural means, I should think they were chiefly owing to a cer- tain obstinacy of temper, which appears to have been hereditary, and inherent in all the Stuarts, except Charles II. I have read a series of letters which passed between King Charles I., whilst he was prisoner at Newcastle, and his queen, who was then in France. The whole purport of her letters was to press him most earnestly to make his escape, 124 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES which she had so well contrived, by the assistance of Cardinal Mazarin, that it could not fail of success. She informed him of the designs of his enemies, and assured him, if he suffered himself to be conveyed to London, they would cer- tainly put him to death. But all her entreaties were fruitless : she could not persuade him to believe her informations. In all his answers he was positive that his enemies would not dare to attempt his life. This king was certainly a most religious and virtuous man ; but he had conceived too high a notion of his pre- rogative, and he wanted all the arts of government. The same thing may truly be said of King James II. whose mis- fortunes have generally been ascribed. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 125 both by his friends and enemies, not so much to his bigotry*, as to the ill judg- ment which he made of men and things, and which was not to be convinced or controlled by any remonstrances. I was talking with the old Lord Granard, whom I knew formerly in Ireland, concerning the revolution. He told me, that the first night he arrived at the camp on Salisbury Plain, where King James was then with his army, and where my Lord Granard had the command of a regiment, that Churchill (the late Duke of Marl- borough) and some other colonels invited him to supper, and opened to him their design of deserting to the Prince of Orange. My Lord Granard did not * But his ill judgment was perhaps tlic etfect of his bigotry. See the next note;. 126 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES only refuse to enter into the confederacy, but went immediately to the King, and told him he was betrayed, acquainting him with the discourse which had passed at supper. At the same time he advised the King to seize all the conspirators, and give their commands to other officers, of whose fidelity he could be well assured. If this advice had been followed. King William's attempt had probably been defeated ; but the King did not seem to give any credit to my Lord Granard*s story, and neglected to make a present inquiry into an affiiir of such great im- portance. The next morning he was convinced of his error, when it was too late to apply a remedy. I could mention other anecdotes, which I heard from some Roman Catholic gentlemen in Ireland, OF HIS 0\^^^ TIMES. 127 relating to King James's* conduct, which would make it evidently appear that he lost that kingdom by the same obstinacy and wrong judgment by which he was deprived of the crown of England. And * King James II. was a good Englishman, and a lover of his country, and was perhaps less ambitious and less desirous of absolute power than his successor. If he had been indifferent in matters of religion, or had professed the same faith with the Emperor of China, he would have proved one of the best princes who have governed the British islands. But his great bigotry obscured all his good qualities ; and his zeal to introduce popery was so violent, and prompted him to such extravagant attempts, as must necessarily, if they had succeeded, have ended in the total ruin, not only of our religious, but our civil liberties. This king's intemperate ze.al was ridiculed even by the court of Rome. And how must he have been mortified, if, upon his first ap- pearance at Versailles, after his abdication, he had heard Cardinal say to the person who stood next him, " see the man who lost three kingdoms for an old mass!" 128 DR. KING S ANECDOTES now I could derive the same character down to his grandson, who made such a figure in 1745, if, for the better informa- tion of my countrymen, I were at liberty to relate some recent transactions, quceque ipse miserrima vidi et quorum pars magna fid. A Repartee, or a quick and witty answer to an insolent taunt, or to any ill-natured or ironical joke or question, is always well received (whether in a public assembly or a private company) by the persons who hear it, and gives a reputation to the man who makes it. Cicero, in one of his letters to Atticus, informs him of some reproaches, a kind of coarse raillery, which passed between himself and Clodius in the senate, and OF HIS OWN TIMES. 129 seems to exult and value himself much on his own repartees: though I do not think that this was one of Cicero's ex- cellencies. Atterbury, Bishop of Ro- chester, when a certain bill was brought into the House of Lords, said among other things, " that he prophesied last winter this bill would he attempted in the present session, and he was sorry to find that he had proved a true prophet ^ My Lord CoNiNGSBY, who spoke after the bishop, and always spoke in a passion, desired the house to remark, " that one of the Right Reverend had set himself forth as a prophet ; but for his part he did not k?iow xvhat prophet to liken to, imless to that furious prophet Balaam, zvJlc zvas reproved by his own ass." The bishop in a reply, with great wit and calmness,, exposed this rude attack, conchiding K 130 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES thus : " since the 7whle Lord hath dis- covered in our manners such a similitude^ I am well content to be compared to the prophet Balaam: but, my Lords, I am at a loss how to make out the other part of the parallel : I am sure that I have been re- proved by nobody but his Lordship** When the late Earl of Cadogan was sent on an embassy to Vienna, he was one day invited by Prince Eugene to be present at a review of the Austrian Cuirassiers, which were a body of ten thousand horse, and said to be the finest troops in Europe: during the review. Prince Eugene turned to an English officer, who had accompanied my Lord Cadogan, and asked him if he thought ** that any ten thousand English horse could beat those Atistrians." " / do not knowj Sir,*' says the English officer. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 131 " ivhether they could or not t hut I know that Jive thousand would try" This was a spirited answer, and such as the ques- tion deserved; for in this instance the prince seemed to have dropt his polite- ness. I WAS AT TuNBRiDGE in 1758^ where I met with the Chevalier Taylou, the famous oculist. He seems to Understand the anatomy of th6 eye perfectly well ; he has a fine hand and good instruments, and performs all his operations with great- dexterity -, for the rest, Elliiin homo con- fidens ! who undertakes any thing (even impossible cases) and promises ^veiy thing. No charlatan ever appeared witli fitter and more excellent talents, or to a greater advantage ; he has a good person, K 2 132 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES is a natural orator, and has a facility of learning foreign languages. He has tra- velled over all Europe, and always with an equipage suitable to a man of the first quality, and hath been introduced to most of the sovereign princes, from whom he has received many marks of their liberality and esteem, titles, orders, medals, rings, pictures, &c. He is an honorary member of many foreign uni- versities, and has published his works in Latin, English, French, Spanisli, and Italian. He pretends to know the se- crets of all courts, and to be as skilful a politician as he is an oculist. He re- turned to Englandy as he told me, in hopes of being immediately introduced to his * Majesty, and recommended as King George II. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 133 the only person able to cure the King's eyes ; but he has not hitherto succeeded in this attempt, nor in other respects been so highly considered by his own countrymen as by foreign nations. The following character, which I had drawn of him, he entreated me to publish, as what he conceived would do him honour. Elogium. HiC EST, HIC VIR EST, Queiu docti, indoctique omnes impense mirantur, Johannes Taylor 5 Caecigenorum, caecorum & caecutientium Quotquot sunt ubique, Spes unica, solamen, salus. Quorum causa Cunctas Europa; peragravit regiones ; Neque usquam gentium fuit hospes. Nisi in patria sua, Russicis, Suecicis, Lusitanicis, Titulis, phaJeris, ton^uibus Decorus intcdit : 134 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES Totoque orbc nemini ciiiquam ignotus, Nisi sibi. Orator summus non factus, sed natu8, Vocis, perinde atque manus, celeritatc insignig, Scit Latin^, Gallice, Italice, Germanice fari, Oinnes callens linguas Mqa^ ac sermonem patrium. Vultu conppto, corpore procero, fronte urbana glo- riosus, Ingenioque praeditus prope singular!, Artem amandi^ et amoris remedium Plenius et melius Nasone ipso Edidicit, docuit, exercuit. Mirificus Tabulator, magnificus promissor, Rerum copii, artiumque varietate abundans, Sese exhibet, effert, praedicat In gymnasiis, in gynaeceis, in conviviis, in triviisj Philosophando gloriam magnam adeptus, Maximam saltando. In peregrinis civitatibus Equos, servosque innunieros, quos vix Satrapes Potest habere^ lUe alit. Domi veroj OF HIS OWN TIMES. 135 Quffi est moderatk) aaimi sui, Uno vili mancipio Contentus vivit. In celebemmas cooptatus est Academias : Neque tamen moribus, neque vultu, neque vestitu, Videtur Academicus. Regnorum omnium arcana scrutari potuit : Neque tamen speculator sagax, Neque regis cujusquam legatus, Neque usquam fuit vir aulicus. Praimia, dona, permulta, amplissima accepit j Permulta corrasit, pecuniae appetentior : Et nondum^ eheu! locupletatur. Plures scripsit libros, quam quivis possit legere : Qui facinoribus tamen suis egregiis Haud sufficiunt enumerandis. Sexcentis primariis viris lumina reddidit : Plusquam sexcentis, sed plebeiis, Sed miseris, ademit. Turn vero civibus suis prsecipue colendus. Turn carminibus, docte* Morelle, tuis celebrandus, Qui laudcs hujus ophthalmici cecinit carmini- bus Graecis et Anglicanis. 136 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES Turn diplomatibus honorificis, & muneribus regiis donandus ; Si Csesarem nostrum, pium, fortem, semper Augus- tum, Faceret bene oculatum, Et malos, sic^ui sunt, consiliarios Tiresia caeciores*. There is no place I have ever seer* which I review with so much pleasure and satisfaction as the place of my school educationt,and the scenesof my boyhood. * I have had an opportunity since this Elogium was written of viewing our Chevalier more nearly, and considering him witli greater attention. I have therefore been able to improve the Elogium, and add some new features to his portrait ; of which I have printed a few copies to oblige my friends. t My mother having died of the small-pox when 1 was about seven years old, I was sent by my grand- father. Sir William Smyth, to Salisbury, and placed under the care of Mr. Taylor, the master of the free-school in that city. There were at that time two very tioiirishing schools in Salisbury. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 137 I feel a thrilling secret joy in every street I pass through. How many agreeable trifles and little amusements do I recol- lect at almost every step ! All my actions were then very innocent, and my errors and follies excusable : not so after I had entered into the great world ! Mr. Lesley, a very eminent nonjur- ing clergyman, the author of the Re- hearsals, and of many other political and controversial tracts during the reigns of King William and Queen Anne, left two sons, with whom I was intimately acquainted. They were both men of good parts and learning; but in their disposition and manners they were so very different, that they did not seem to be of the same family, nor even of the 138 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES same nation. The elder brother was overbearing and talkative; and, though he was sometimes an agreeable compa- nion, yet he oftener tired and disgusted his company. He was so careless of his private affairs, that he could never be prevailed on to examine his agent's ac- counts. I have sometimes jocularly asked him if he knew the value of our coin, or the real difference between a piece of copper and a piece of silver of the same weight; for often, when I have been walking with him in the streets, he has given a beggar, who im- portuned him for an halfpenny, half a crown (for he always gave the first piece that came to his hand) ; but not from any principle of charity, but merely from his contempt of money, and to be rid of OF HIS OWN TIMES. 139 the beggar's importunity ; so that a small number of artful mendicants would often watch his motions, and by this means empty his pockets before he returned home. * Robin to beggars, with a curse, Flings the last shilling in his purse : And, when the coachman comes for pay. The rogue must call another day. Young Harry, when the poor are pressing, Gives them a penny, and God's blessing ; But, always careful of the main, With twopence left walks home in rain. Harry Lesley, the younger brother, who had been a colonel in the Spanish army, was grave, modest, and very well bred. He seldom talked of any thing * This is part of a manuscript poem, written by Dr. Swift, in which, in his humorous manner, he has drawn a character of the two brothers. 140 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES which he did not perfectly understand ; and he was always heard with pleasure. With an estate, worth about 500/. per annum, he made a good figure, kept a very hospitable table, and was universally esteemed by all his neighbours and ac- quaintance ; for he was a gentleman of great honour and probity, and great goodness of heart. In his last sickness he ordered his manuscripts to be sent to me : amongst which are many essays which are worthy of being offered to the public. Baxter's Phenomenon of Dream- ing hath given me greater satisfaction than any thing else which I have read on the same subject : and yet there are many objections which may be made to OF HIS OWN TIMES. 14t his hypothesis. And it seems to me a certain truth, that both our reason and philosophy must ever be puzzled how to account for the operations of our souls when we are sleeping; very often, in- deed, when we are awake: for without a bribe, and when we are not urged by any governing passion, we find ourselves, on many occasions, impelled, by an irre- sistible fatality, to act contrary to the dictates both of our reason and our con- science. Novi meliora proboque Dete- riora sequor may, I fear, be said witli truth of the whole human species : at least, upon a strict examination of our- selves, our friends, and acquaintance, we shall discover but few characters which are exempt from this imputation. But to return to the phaenomenon of dreams: 142 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES we must either contradict all history, both sacred and profane, or we must agree that our souls, at some times, seem to exercise, in our dreams, a very extra- ordinary intuitive faculty; and either by their own powers are able to discover future events, or, according to Baxter's system, by the information of other spi- rits. I do not discredit the story of Brutus and his evil genius ; but I be- lieve the whole to have passed in a dream, although Brutus might think himself awake. Cicero's recal from banishment was foretold in a dream, which he has recited; but for which he endeavours to account in an unphilosophical, and, indeed, in a very absurd manner. And because he was of a sect whose first prin- ciples were to doubt of every thinsf, he OF HIS OWN TIMES. 143 would not, therefore, acknowledge a truth which he had experienced in him- self. I have as little superstition as any man living, and I acknowledge that there is generally great confusion and inco- herence in our dreams, and that many ridiculous scenes are in those hours ob- truded on us. But, however, I cannot help concluding, from my own expe- rience, that some of our dreams are the effect of a divine agency. The most in- teresting and most important occurrence of my whole life was foretold me in a dream, though it was not verified till thirty years after the prediction. I DO NOT KNOW any better rules or maxims than the three following, which were framed by the old monk, to enable 144 DR. KING S ANECDOTES a man to pass through life with ease and security : Nunquam male loqui de super ioribtis. Fungi officio taliter qualiter. Sinere insanum mundum vadar, quo vtdt ; nam vuU vadere, quo vidt. The first of these may be greatly im- proved by adding St. *s precept, To speak evil of no man. And whoever is so happy, either from his natural disposition or his good judgment, constantly to ob- serve this precept, will certainly acquire the love and esteem of the whole com- munity of which he is a member. But such a man is the rara avis in terris ; and, among all my acquaintance, I have known only one person to whom I can with truth assio-n this character. The person I mean is the present Lord Pjt- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 145 SLiGo of Scotland. I not only never heard this gentleman speak an ill word of any man living, but I always observed him ready to defend any other person who was ill spoken of in his company. If the person accused were of his acquaint- ance, my Lord Pitsligo would always find something good to say of him as a counterpoise. If he were a stranger, and quite unknown to him, my lord M'ould urge in his defence the general corrup- tion of manners, and the frailties and infirmities of human nature. It is no wonder that such an excellent man, who, besides, is a polite scholar, and has many other great and good qua- lities, should be universally admired and beloved, insomuch, that I persuade my- self he has not one enemy in the world. L 146 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES At least, to this general esteem and af- fection for his person his preservation must be owing. For, since his attainder*, he has never removed far from his own house, protected by men of different principles, and unsought for and unmo- lested by the government. It was an absurd attempt of those controversial writers, who endeavoured to prove, against Warhurton, that the ancient Jews believed the doctrine of a future state ; since there is not any * It was not ambition, but a love for his country, and a conscientious regard to his duty, which drew this honest man (however he might be mistaken) into the rebellion of 1745. A great prince, who had been well informed of my Lord Pitsligo's character, would immediately have pardoned him, and have restored the little estate which he had forfeited. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 147 where in the books of Moses so much as a distant hint of this doctrine. The whole of the Jewish religion is comprised in the ten commandments j and, if we believe that these laws were delivered to Moses by God himself, we must likewise believe that God himself determined that the Jews should remain altogether ig- norant of a future state. In these laws the punishment which is threatened, and the rewards which are promised, are limited to this life only; for, although offenders are threatened to be punished in their posterity, even to the third and fourth generation, yet this denunciation of God*s vengeance would probably little influence or restrain the actions of a wicked man, who knew he should him- self be insensible of the punishment L 2 148 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES which was to be inflicted. Warhurtorit indeed, to support his favourite hypo- thesis, declares his opinion, that this punishment, denounced against the pos- terity of those Jews who transgressed, was more terrible to them than any per- sonal punishment. But this is a postu- latum which cannot be granted, and may easily be disproved. The promise of long life to a people who had no prospect after it, and who believed they were to die as the beasts of the field, might be an inducement to virtue, and to an obedience of the laws. But was this promise always fulfilled? Were not the best men among the Jews, as in other nations, often cut off in their youth ? Or was long life always a bless- ing? We know it was not. Old age is OF HIS OWN TIMES. 149 necessarily subjected to many infirmities of the mind as well as of the body. And the old age of Solomon^ who had been so eminently distinguished by the oracle of God, tarnished all the glory of his former life and reign. It hath been asserted by most of the ancient and modern Christian writers, and is acknowledged by Warburton, that Moses, who had been bred up in all the learning of the Egyptians, believed the immortality of the soul, and a future state of rewards and punishments. But he carefully concealed this doctrine from the people, in obedience, as may be sup- posed, to the express command of God : for, if it were not so, would not he have taught a doctrine which he could have applied with more efficacy to the esta- 160 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES blishment of his power and government, than all his other ordinances, or those various arts and stratagems, which, from time to time, he was obliged to make use of to keep the people in subjection ? It is difficult to pronounce with cer- tainty against any Latin production, espe- cially when the author has acquired a reputation for his skill in that language ; and yet nothing is more common than to hear a little pedant, or a bare smatterer in the Latin tongue, criticise the works of an elegant scholar, and magisterially affirm that such and such expressions are not classical. I have even known some persons, who were very conversant in the Latin classics, which they had made their principal study, expose themselves by a OF HIS OWN TIMES. 151 too hasty censure of this kind. In the year 1738, I published Miltonis Epis- TOLA ad PoLLioNEM. As this was a political satire, and nothing in the same manner had been published before in this country, it was universally read by those who either understood, or pretended to understand the language, and was fre- quently extolled or condemned accord- ing to the prejudice of party : there was not a courtier, or a creature of the prime minister's, who did not set himself up as a profound critic, and censured the style of a composition which perhaps he could not read. However, I must confess there were some men of learning who found fault with the diction, and would not allow the Latin to be pure and classical; which sentence they pronounced either 152 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES against the conviction of their own judg- ment (a part which envy will often act), or perhaps, which I rather suspect, for want of a more intimate acquaintance with the language. There were at that time two gentlemen in London, Hume Campbell, the late Lord Register of Scotland, and Hooke, the author of the Roman History, with whom I had always lived in some degree of friendship : they had both studied the ancient classics; but doubting their own judgment, as well as my sufficiency, they consulted Maittaire, and desired his opinion of the MiltonisEpistola, in respect only to the Latinity. Maittaire marked eleven expressions as unclassical. These were communicated to me in a letter, which my friends sent me to Oxford. The OF HIS OWN TIMES. 153 same evening, by the return of the post, I answered nine of Maittaire*s excep- tions, and produced all my authorities from Virgil, Ovid, and Tibullus ; and by the post following I sent authorities for the other two. I could not help re- marking that Maittaire, some little time before, had published new editions of those poets, from whence I drew my au- thorities, and had added a very copious index to every author : and in these indexes were to be found most of the phrases to which he had excepted in the MiLTONIS EpISTOLA. When I published the oration, which I pronounced at the opening of the Rad- CLiFFE library, I was immediately at- tacked by one Squire o^ Cambridge ^ who hath since been greatly promoted in the 154 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES church, and is, I think. Clerk of the Closet to the Prince of Wales. He as- serted that six or seven expressions in this speech are barbarous Latin, though they are all to be found in the best Latin authors, as Terence^ Tully^ Ccesar^ Sailust, &c. He was particularly so unfortunate as to usher in his criticisms with con- demning the phrase fortiter ^ co7istanter sentire, and to spend three or four whole pages to prove that this is neither-Latin nor sense : that is, that Cicero could neither write one nor the other ; for this is Cicero's Latin, and not mine. See the third book of his Tusculan Questions, and his oration for Sulla. The rest of this critic's answer consists in low scurrilities and personal abuse, such as may be always expected from OF HIS OWN TIMES. 155 men of mean birth, who in whatever sta- tion of life they may happen to be placed, even when they attain the highest digni- ties, and live within the air of the court, always retain the language and manners of their father's house. Another person, from whom I received the same rude and dirty treatment upon the same occasion, was Dr. John Bur- ton, a fellow of Eton College ; but he had more discretion than Squire. He did not venture to criticise any particular passages, but censured my speech by the lump, and condemned the whole as bad Latin ; and to give the greater weight to his criticism, he made no scruple to add a false fact, roundly affirming, that I first writ it in English., and then translated it into Latin, as if he had stood bv me 166 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES whilst I was writing. The rest of his work is a collection of all the foul and scurrilous names with which the Latin language could furnish him, which he hath liberally bestowed upon me, inter- mixed with many praises and compli- ments which he bestowed on himself. I answered this performance by trans- lating all the abusive names which were given me, and the fine appellations which Burton had assumed to himself; and I printed the whole catalogue on a large sheet of coarse paper, such as Grub- street ballads are generally printed on, and delivered the impression, which was a very large one, to a scavenger, to be cried about the streets of Oxford, Wind- sor, and Eton. And in truth, this is the only proper answer that can be made to OF HIS OWN TIMES. 157 a work of this kind ; for foul language and hard names, when a man does not deserve them, like an overcharged gun, will always recoil on the author. Clodius accusat moechos, &c. is a character which is to be found in every country. How often have I heard a sor- did miser accuse his neighbour of avarice, and a prodigal spendthrift prescribe rules of economy ! Lee, who is the proudest man, and the greatest hypocrite in Eng- landj preaches against pride and hypo- crisy, and Burton, whom I have men- tioned above*, officiously concerns him- self in the private affairs of every family Who, whilst I am writing this, hath published three sermons on the following text, That ye study TO BE aUIET AND DO YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 158 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES to which he is admitted, at the same time neglecting his own business and his duty as a parish priest. In these sermons like- wise, the preacher, who is rude, over- bearing, and in every respect very ill- bred, enlarges with great vehemence on the duty of good manners, and decent and polite behaviour. Non vides id man- ticce, &c. may perhaps be urged as some kind of apology for- Burton, and all others of the same cast and complexion, who are so vain and opinionative, that they are unable to espy any fault in themselves. But the hypocrite is sen- sible of the crime which he practises to deceive you, and knows he is masked, and for the same purpose as an highway- man who robs with a piece of black crape on his face. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 159 SoMNiUM AcADEMici. I mounted with great velocity above the clouds, until I found myself in the middle region of the air. Here was a new world, which I soon perceived to be the seat of happy souls; who, after they shall have con- tinued in it the space of 10,000 years, will be removed to a more glorious orb, and again, after some ages, to another, still ascending higher and higher, till after some millions of years they attain the last state of purification. Every scene which presented itself to my view filled me with delight, and I felt a plea- sure which no man who treads on the earth is capable of enjoying or describing. Although there were myriads of inhabit- ants in this happy region, yet there were no wars. or tumults, no quarrels or dis- 160 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES putes, no disorder or confusion. For as here were no ranks, titles, or distinctions, but all were equal, and were sensible likewise that this equality must ever re- main, so there was no place for pride or ambition, for envy or hatred, for poverty or riches, or for that mad zeal and enthusiasm, by which so many flou- rishing states and kingdoms of the earth have been totally ruined. Every soul I met with saluted me in a most courteous manner; and I knew at first sight not only some of my contemporaries, but many eminent persons, who are recorded both in ancient and modern history, and some who have been dead near 3000 years. The first I particularly remarked was Ovid, in a circle of the best and most learned poets of the Augustan OF HIS OWN TIMES. 161 age, amongst whom I observed seven of my countrymen, Chaucer^ SpenseVy Wal- ler, Cowley y TValsIi, Par7iel and Gai/ : znd I saw at a small distance Szvift, and Ar- buthnot coming^to join them. As I always loved and admired Ovid for the elegancy of his wit, and the sweetness of his man- ners, I] addressed myself to him ; he re- ceived me with great politeness, and we presently entered into an easy and familiar conversation. He acquainted me with many curious anecdotes of the court of Augustus, and some very remarkable oc- currences of his own time, as well as of the former ages of Rome, which no historian hath mentioned ; this led me to inquire of him the cause of his banish- ment, which I told him was unknown to the world at this day ; at the same time M 1^ DR. KING'S ANECDOTES I acquainted him with the ridiculous conjectures of his commentators. He seemed a little surprised, and assured me that the day he went into banishment, the emperor's whole court, and all the citizens of Rome, knew the real cause of his disgrace, and he wondered that an affair which was so public at that time should not have been transmitted to posterity together with his works. He asked me whether I had ever considered with attention the following lines : Cur aliquid vidi ? Cur noxia luminajeci ? Cur imprudenti cognita culpa mihi ? Inscitis Actceon vidit sine veste Dianam : Pradajuit canibus non minus ille suis. Scilicet in superis etiam fortuna luenda est : Nee veniam Iccso numine casus habet. In this passage, says Ovid, I have plainly intimated that my disgrace was owing to OF HIS OWN TIMES. 163 something which I had inadvertently seen, and not to any crime. I will tell you the story in a few words : I was ac- quainted with a lady of the court, whose name was Clodia; she was descended from an old Patrician family, and was about thirty years of age. She had a good face, was well shaped, and did not want wit. Her behaviour was modest, and her reputation untouched. I was always pleased to be of her party, and she seemed to be very fond of my com- pany. As I had leave to visit at all hours, it unfortunately happened, that, entering her apartment one morning very early, I found the old emperor with her, and in such an attitude, as convinced me that my female friend was not a Lu- cretia. I retired with great precipita- M 2 164 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES tion ; but I feared that I was undone from that moment. The jealousy and vindictive temper of Augustus;, and the rage of the lady in being thus disco- vered, soon pronounced my sentence. However, this punishment, which I so piti- fully complained of in all my letters from Tomos, and which I then considered as the greatest calamity, really proved the most fortunate circumstance of my life ; for during my exile I made many just and serious reflections, which I never allowed myself to make in my prosperity, which purified my passions, and at length disposed my mind to resign itself to the will of providence. I was extremely pleased with this account which Ovid gave me of himself, and to be so par- ticularly informed of the real cause of OF HIS OWN TIMES. 165 his banishment, which I resolved to pub- lish the first opportunity, for the benefit of the learned world. Here, the Roman poet more attentively considering me, asked me, " whether I was dead?" I told him, " I was not: but I hoped, as 1 was old and infirm, this would soon be my fate, and that I should be destined to ascend again to those happy mansions, and frequently have the pleasure of find- ing myself in the same circle.'* This hu- mane and gentle spirit encouraged me to ask him an hundred questions concern- ing RomCf and the state of literature in the Augustan age : and I concluded with requesting him to give me the real cha- racter of the emperor. " If I were capable," says Ovid, " of feeling any remorse or disquietude in these happy 166 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES regions, the flattering speeches which I bestowed on the emperor would create in my mind no small uneasiness. He by no means deserved any part of that veneration which was so universally paid him. He was false, cruel, and inexora- ble ; and the bloody executions which he ordered during his triumvirate, and the great number of persons of quality and distinguished merit whom he put to death upon the slightest suspicion, after he was sole emperor, w^ere a sufficient proof of his natural disposition, and must stain his memory as long as his name shall be remembered in the world. He put his tutor and companion to death, and with his own hands pulled out the eyes of Aulus Gellius the praetor. He was not softened by age, or moved by OF HIS OWN TIMES. 16^ the widow or orphan. You see that all my submissions, and the united interest of all my noble friends, could not prevail on him to grant me so small a favour as to change the place of my banishment ; though he was conscious that I had been guilty of no crime. I doubt whether he had personal courage : it is certain he had no fortitude of mind; a thunder- storm would drive him into a vault, or into any dark hole where he thought the lightning could not reach him. He was a sordid lover of money : and although he could command the wealth of the whole world, he was never generous to men of honour, nor ever bestowed a princely reward on any person of great merit and learning. Virgil and Ho- race owed their fortunes to Maecenas 168 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES only. The latter was content with a moderate estate, and as he knew Au- gustus perfectly well, he declined ac- cepting some lucrative offices which had been offered him ; but which required his personal attendance on the emperor. To conclude the character of this man, he was every day guilty of some base and mean action, either to gratify his lust and avarice, or to discover the real sentiments of the Roman people*." When Ovid had done, I repeated Scaliger^s verses, in which he introduces our poet speaking to Augustus. Ovid seemed to be much pleased with the two last lines, Cum te laudarem, tunc sum mentitus : ob unum hoc Exiliijuerat debita causa mihi. How were we degenerated when we made this man a God ! OF HIS OWN TIMES. 169 The art of speaking in public seems to be little understood in this country, notwithstanding the necessity of practising it so frequently in the se- nate, in the pulpit, and at the bar ; and notwithstanding a good speaker in any profession may always make his way to riches and honours : a pulpit orator can scarce fail of arriving to some eminent dignity in the church, and a lawyer, with the same talents, of obtaining some of those great offices annexed to his profes- sion. Even in the practice of physic this talent will be found very useful : and I knew a physician, who, although he had a very moderate share of medical knowledge, and was little skilled in the learned languages, yet by the assistance of strong natural parts, with an happy 170 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES and graceful maimer of speaking and addressing his patients, acquired by his practice 3000/. a year. It is a matter therefore of astonishment to me, that the art of speaking is not more diligently cultivated in the British Islands, espe- cially in the universities, where it ought to be studied with the greatest assiduity. To this neglect must be imputed that languid manner in which our clergy generally deliver their sermons ; so that a discourse, which may be unexception- able as to its doctrine or argument, or even its language, will be so far from ex- citing the devotion, or convincing the judgment of the congregation, that it will not command their attention. Ci- cero, in his beautiful treatise De OratorCy quotes an expression of RosciuSy the cele- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 171 brated comedian, Caput artis est, Decere, which is a very significant word, and in truth means every thing by which the speaker may conciliate the esteem and affection, and acquire the applause of his audience. Action, to which De- mosthenes attributes the whole excellency of an orator, is comprehended in this expression. And here, in regard to ACTION, I will mention one thing, which I do not remember to have been remarked by any of our countrymen who have treated on this subject, that the speaker's action must be accommodated to the genius and manners of his country ; for the same action which may please in one country, would not be suffered in another. I could name some eminent preachers, who were the admiration of all Paris, 172 DR. KINGS ANECDOlTiS and yet, on account of their action, would have been ridiculed by an English con- gregation. And, moreover, I venture on this occasion to affirm, that however a player may be taught action, yet the action of an orator must always be natural, and the effect of those expressions by which he is animated. My friends have often assured me, that whenever I spoke in the theatre, they were pleased with my action: but I scarce knew when I used it, and when I did not, and it was always produced by what I felt within. The young gentlemen who spoke verses in the theatre when the Earl of Westmor- land was installed Chancellor of the University were taught their action by Sheridan the player. But their action was outree and ungraceful. Now, be- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 173 sides his action, the speaker should take care to be properly dressed, suitably to his age, his station, and his country. This is an instruction certainly included in the Decere, and however insignificant it may be thought by some, is of no small advantage ; more especially if the orator be a graceful person, which scarce ever fails to prejudice the audience in his favour*. It is a great defect in the education of * Valerius Maximus mentions only three great Roman orators, C. Gracchus, Cicero, and Hor- TENSius. Of the last he remarks, Q. Hortensius plurimum in corporis decoro motu repositum credens, pene plus studii in eodem elaborando, quam in ipsa eloquentia affedanda impendit. And he adds, Itaqite constat ^sopuM et Roscium ludicrce artis peritissi- mos viros, illo (sell. Hortensio) causas agente, in corona frequenter nstltisse, ut foro petitos gestus in scenam rejerrent. 174 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES our youth, in both the universities, that they do not sufficiently apply themselves to the study of their mother tongue. By this means it happens, that some very learned men and polite scholars are not able to express themselves with pro- priety in common conversation, and that when they are discoursing on a subject which they understand perfectly well. I have been acquainted with * three persons only who spoke English with that elegance and propriety, that if all they said had been immediately committed to writing, any judge of the English language would have pronounced it an excellent and very * Attekburv, the exiled Bishop of Rochester. Dr. GowER, Provost of W^orcester College. Johnson, the author of the English Dictionary, of the Bambler, &c. . OF HIS OWN TIMES. 175 beautiful style. And yet among the French and Italians we meet with few learned men who are not able to express themselves with ease and elegance in their own language ; and if the same freedom of speech were allowed in the parliament of Farts, or senate of Rome, which may be used in an English house of commons, their orators would be more numerous and eminent than we can boast of. Observing this defect so universal in the English nation, I have always ad- vised the young gentlemen who were under my care in the university, or with whom I had any connexion or acquaint- ance (especially those who had parts, and discovered an inclination to improve themselves), to get by heart a page in one of our English classics every morning, in' 170 DR. KIND'S ANECDOTES order to speak their own tongue with facility, and acquire a good style in writing. This method I once recom- mended to two brothers, young gentle- men of a noble family, who had been educated in Holland, and on their return to their own country could speak no other language than French or Dutch : they pursued my advice with such assiduity that they both became eminent speakers in parliament ; and the eldest, who is now a peer, is esteemed inferior to no orator in the House of Lords. But after all, in my opinion, the art of oratory is not to be taught ; it must be use and experience, and a man's own judgment, which must form the orator. There is sometimes a certain crisis in the public affairs, but oftener it is the nature of OF HIS OWN TIMES. 177 the government which excites youth to the study of eloquence. For fifty or sixty years before the ruin of the Roman republic there were more orators in Rome than are now to be found in all Europe ; and yet I doubt whether in Rome, during the same period, there were as many learned men and profound scholars as are this day existing in the British Islands. Cicero affirms, that no man can be a PERFECT orator unless he be well skilled in all other arts and sciences; but his con- temporaries seem to have been of a dif- ferent opinion. The Roman senators generally thought they had a sufficient stocl^ of learning if they were well skilled in the civil law, and understood the Greek language j and our parliament orators esteem themselves learned men, N 178 PR. KINGS ANECPOTES if. tbey are pretty we'll acquainted with the British constitution *. The most emi- nent lawyers in England, who by a con- stant use and practice must necessarily be ready speakers, know very little oiit of their own profession. For a century and an half we have had only two High Chancellors who could be called learned men, though many of them have been reputed excellent orators : and in our days, the man who enjoyed this great * Amongst our numerous pleaders at the bar, I never heard any one argue methodically except my Lord Mansfield ; which I ascribe to the logical lectures which he attended in the university. I have heard his predecessor Rider, when he was Attorney- general, introduce all his arguments in such a con- fused and indistinct manner, that, although he said perhaps on the occasion all that could be said, yet I Was not able to retain any part of his speech. He waa in other respects a very ungraceful speaker. f ^F mS' OWN TIMESf ||9 office for twenty years, and during that time dictated to the House of Peers, did not learn Latin, as I am well assured, until after he was made Lord Chancellor. Sir Robert Walpole, who by his ora- tory raised himself from a small estate to the height of power, and disposed of all employments in the British dominions for many years, had not any great stock of learning. He^ w^as indeed not unskilled in the classics ; some knowledge of those 5iuthorshe could not but retain, as h^ had been formerly a fellow of a College in Cambridge. I knew Sir Willian; "Wyndham, who was allowed to be tjbe best and most graceful speaker in the House of Commons for many years be- fore he died, but he. was. not eminent in any branch of literature. Mr. Pitt, who N 2 180 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES has acquired such a great reputation for his eloquence, and a greater still for his administration, and the success which has attended it, has not much learning to boast of, unless it be some little ac- quaintance with the Latin classics. I could name several others, in both Houses of Parliament, who are busy speakers, and harangue on all occasions, who would be greatly puzzled in reading one of Ttd!j/'s orations. The truth is, that not only all philosophical studies, and the abstruser sciences, are of little use to our parliament orators, but even without a tincture of what we call polite literature, they are many of them able to talk them- selves into esteem and good employ- ments. Every age produces men (*very * Two or three perhaps in a centwry. Such men OF HIS OWN TIMES. 181 few indeed) who seem to be orators born, who not only without the aid of learning, but without use and exercise, which are so necessary to the formation of an orator, are endowed with a talent of speaking and replying readily and fluently. I have heard a speech from Hodges, the present town-clerk of Lon- don (who was bred a bookseller, and I am well assured is unskilled in any lan- guage but his own), which gave me more pleasure and satisfaction than I have re- ceived from the harangues of many of our celebrated orators, whether at the may properly be called geniuses. Indeed our me- thodists and our enthusiasts of all denominations pretend to the gift of speaking ; and it must be ac- knowledged they speak with great fluency and volu- bility : but it is always a flow of absurdities, blas- phemy, and nonsense. 182 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES bar or in the senate. But, after all, a man who has good parts and a good judgment, and is ambitious of acquiring the character of an orator, should form himself after the ancient Greek and Ro- man models. He should study with great application the orations of Demosthenes and Tully i and he should always have before him that most excellent work of Tully *s, De Oratore^ wherein the precepts are conveyed in such a pure and elegant style, that the same are the best exam- ples of what this great author proposes to teach. Butler, who was predecessor to the present Bishop of Durham, being applied to on some occasion for a charitable sub- scription, asked his steward what money OF HIS OWN TIMES. 183 he had in the house. The steward in- formed him, " there was five hundred pounds." " Five hu^ndred pounds!'* said the Bishop : " what a shame for a Bishop to have such a sum in his possession T* and ordered it all to be immediately given to the poor. That spirit of charity and benevolence which possessed this excel- lent man hath not appeared in any other part of the hierarchy since the beginning of the present century. His successor. Dr. Trevor, .possessed of a large estate, besides the revenue of his rich bishopric, has a different turn of mind, but in com- mon with many of his own order. To speak freely, I know nothing that has brought so great a reproach on the Church of England as the avarice and ambition of our bishops. Chandler, 184 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES Bishop of Durham, Willis, Bishop of Winchester, Potter, Archbishop of Canterbury, Gibson and Sherlock, Bishops of London, all died shamefully rich, some of them worth more than 100,000/. 1 must add to these my old antagonist Gilbert, predecessor to Drujimond, the present Archbishop of York. Some of these prelates were esteemed great divines (and I know they were learned men), but they could not be called good Christians. The great wealth which they heaped up, the fruits of their bishoprics, and which they left to enrich their families, was not their own ; it was due to God, to the church, to their poor brethren. The history of the good Samaritan^ whicli was so par- ticularly explained by Christ himself to OF HIS OWN TIMES. 185 his disciples, ought to be a monitory to all their successors. I knew Burnett, Bishop of Salisbury: he was a furious party-man, and easily imposed on by any lying spirit of his own faction j but he was a better pastor than any man who is now seated on the bishops' bench. Al- though he left a large family when he died, three sons and two daughters (if I rightly remember), yet he left them no- thing more than their mother's fortune. He always declared, that he should think himself guilty of the greatest crime, if he were to raise fortunes for his children out of the revenue of his bishopric. It was no small misfortune to the cause of Christianity in this kingdom, that when we reformed from popery, our clergy were permitted to marry ; from that 186 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES period their only care (which was na- tural, and must have been foreseen) was to provide for their wives and children ; this the dignitaries, who had ample reve- nues, could easily effect, with the loss, however, of that respect and veneration which they formerly received on account of their hospitality* and numerous chari- ties; but the greatest part of the in- ferior clergy were incapable of making a provision for sons and daughters, and soon left families of beggars in every part of the kingdom. I do not inquire whether chastity ought to be a requisite * In the epistle which is read at the consecration of our bishops, it is required of them amongst other injunctions, that they should be given to hospitality, not given to filthy lucre, not covetous. They likewise solemnly promise to assist thh indigefit, and all strangers tuho are destitute qfhdp. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 187 in those who are ordained to serve at the altar (it certainly adds a grace and dig- nity to their function), but I cannot help observing that our government makes no difference between a bishop's wife and his concubine ; the wife has no place or precedence, she does not share in her husband's honours ; although the creation of a simple knight, whose honours, like the bishop's, are for life only, gives a rank and title to his wife. Moreover, as an academician, and friend to the re- public of letters, I have often wished that the canons which forbid priests to marry were still in force. To the. celi- bacy of the bishops we owe almost all those noble foundations which are esta- blished in both our Universities j but since the Reformation, we can boast of 1S8 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES few of the episcopal order as benefactors to these seats of learning. The munifi- cent donations of Laud and Sheldon, in the last century, will, indeed, ever be remembered J but let it likewise be re- membered, that these two prelates were unmarried. Since the commencement of the present century, I do not recollect one of our Right Reverends who ought to be recorded as an eminent patron of learning, or learned men ; but this will not appear very wonderful, if we con- sider by what spirit they were dignified hand equidem spiritii sane to. And yet in the consecration of these conge d'elire bishops, they are said to be called to this work by the Holy Ghost j and in their answer to the archbishop, they seem to affirm it of themselves. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 189 QuuM A poTENTissiMis ilHs viHs, qui hujiis Imperii res et rationes procu- rant, et gubernant, nulla praemia aut munera mihi petii, aut fortasse unquam exoptavi, san^ quidem miror, quo malo fato natus tot inimicitias ego contraxe- rim, aut quae sit causa, quamobrem viri nequissimi me praecipu^ ex omnibus ele- gerint, in quern inveherentur ; etiam quern accusarent graviorum criminum, et eorundem flagitiorum, qua? insani, quas perjuri, atque ut uno verbo omnia dicam, qu ipsi fecerunt et prop^ quo- tidi^ faciunt; ut baud sciam profecto, an malus iste Deus horum hominum et calumniatorum omnium princeps et ma- gister usque adeo maledicere et mentiri auderet. This complaint is occasioned by a 190 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES most infamous advertisement published about this time (Nov, 1761) in a news- paper, on purpose to defame me, for no other reason but because as a member of the University I attended my brethren, when with the whole body (our chanr cellor at their head) they waited on the King with an address of congratulation on his Majesty's marriage with the Prin- cess of Mecklenburgh. I have been re- viled hitherto as a Jacobite, and nowil am censured for going to court. Of ipy political principles, and the little concern I have had in public transactions,;! will hereafter give a very candid' ^(icouijt. But here I only ^'desire it may be ob- served, that my enemies of both parties are the lowest of the people, who, besides the scurrilous appellations which they OF HIS OWN TIMES; 191 have constantly bestc^wied on ie, have never scrupled to invent the most atro- cious calumnies, and to charge me with crimes which my honest soul abhors. I have before taken notice of the illiberal criticisms of Burton^ and of the railing accusations brought, against me by th'e execrable Blacow, the famous dignified infor^ler ; I could not but expect from these men all that malice could forge and impudence would publish: but it never entered into my thoughts that a nonjuring clergyman, who values him- self much upon the sanctity of his man- ners, and with whom I had once lived in some degree of friendship, should con- spire with two or three villanous at- torneys, who for a small bribe would swear away any man*s life, to traduce 192 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES me by a public advertisement. How- ever, I have now learned by my own ex- perience, as also by the information of some of my particular friends, that the zeal of our non-juror grows more fu- rious as he grows in years ; and yet he thinks every act not only lawful but expedient which may serve to blacken a man*s character, who, he imagines, has deserted his party, and been guilty of the crime of going to court*. I don't know There is indeed a latent cause of this man's enmity to me, besides the reason which he hath given the public for his resentment. I have lately been unfortunately engaged in a law-suit with one James Bettenham a printer, a sanctified member of Gordon's congregation, but one of the greatest knaves I have ever known. This man, who had great obligations to me, and taken a great deal of my money, endeavoured in settling a final account to cheat me of lOOl. In this attempt he was as- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 193 whether he would be a martyr, but no man is a greater enthusiast in religion than he is in the Jacobite cause. Here- ditary right and passive obedience are the chief articles of his creed. Talk to him of public spirit and the amor patricB, 'tis a language which he does not understand; for he would be content to see the nation involved in a general ruin, and the extirpation of three or four millions of our people, if by that means the House of Stuart might be restored. And this is the doctrine which he teaches in the little congregation over which he presides as a pastor ; where, while he boasts of the purity of his religion, and a sisted and justified by his father confessor. The whole proceedings in this afifair I propose to publish immediately. 104 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES Steady adherence to his political system, he departs from every principle of hu- manity, and devotes his country to ruin. And in truth this personal abuse of me for no other reason but for an act of duty, which was required from me by the body corporate of which I am a member, was intended as a reflection on my superiors. Our zealot is enraged to see the extinction of faction, and such an harmony established amongst all orders and degrees as must necessarily prove our principal security. The nonjurors are now become a very insignificant and contemptible party. And although the Roman Catholics would certainly be very glad to see their religion re-established in this country, yet there are few amongst them who would engage in any despe- OF HIS OWN TIMES. 195 rate measures for this purpose ; and desperate they must be, when the odds are perhaps more than a thousand to one that an attempt of this kind does not succeed: which, as long as the present union of our people and their attach- ment to the sovereign subsist, may fairly be asserted. The means by which this union hath been eflPected must needs be a matter of inquiry amongst all foreign politicians, since our own observe it with a kind of wonder. A continual success in the conduct of our public affairs, and a series of victories, may justly be al- leged as one of the principal causes of uniting many of those (however they have been distinguished by party) who are real lovers of their country. But this would not have reduced the Jacobite o 2 196 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES interest to the low condition in which we see it at present, unless some more power- ful motives had influenced the leaders of that party to change their principles and desert a cause, to which they had so stedfastly adhered for so many years. As I can in some measure account for this defection, I shall probably render an acceptable service to many of my countrymen and satisfy the inquiries of posterity by publishing an anecdote, which I am now under no obligations to conceal, and which as the affairs of Britain are at present circumstanced, it would, in my opinion, be criminal in me to suppress. September 1750, I received a note from my Lady Primrose, who desired to see me immediately. As soon as I OF HIS OWN TIMES. 197 waited on her, she led me into her dress- ing-room, and presented me to *. If I was surprised to find him there, I was still more astonished when he ac- quainted me with the motives which had induced him to hazard a journey to Eng- land at this juncture. The impatience of his friends who were in exile had formed a scheme which was impracticable ; but although it had been as feasible as they had represented it to him, yet no pre- paration had been made, nor was any thing ready to carry it into execution. He was soon convinced that he had been deceived, and therefore, after a stay in London of five days only, he returned to the place from whence he came. As I had some long conversa- * The Pretender. 198 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES tions with him here, and for some years after held a constant correspondence with him, not indeed by letters but by messengers*, who were occasionally de- spatched to him ; and as during this in- tercourse I informed myself of all parti- culars relating to him and of his whole conduct, both in public and private life, I am perhaps as well qualified as any man in England to draw a just character of him ; and I impose this task on my- self not only for the information of pos- terity, but for the sake of many worthy gentlemen whom I shall leave behind me, who are at present attached to his name, and who have formed their ideas * These were not common couriers, but gentlemen of fortune, honour, and veracity, and on whose rela- tions I could entirely depend. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 199 of him from public report, but more par- ticularly from those great actions which he performed in Scotland. As to his per- son, he is tall and well-made, but stoops a little, owing perhaps to the great fa- tigue which he underwent in his northern expedition. He has an handsome face and good eyes; (I think* his busts, which about this time were commonly sold in London, are more like him than any of his pictures which I have yet * He came one evening to my lodgings and drank tea with me : my servant, after he was gone, said to me, " that he thought my new visitor very like Prince Charles." " .Why," said I, " have you ever seen Prince Charles ?" " No, sir/' replied the fellow, " but this gentleman, whoever he may be, exactly resembles the busts which are sold in Red-lion-street, and are said to be the busts of Prince Charles." The truth is, these busts were taken in plaster of Paris from his face. 200 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES seen ;) but in a polite company he would not pass for a genteel man. He hath a quick apprehension, and speaks French, Italian, and English, the last with a little of a foreign accent. As to the rest, very little care seems to have been taken of his education. He had not made the belles lettres or any of the finer arts his study, which surprised me much, considering his preceptors, and the noble opportunities he must have always had in that nursery * of all the elegant and liberal arts and science. But I was * Rome. His governor was- a protestant, and I am apt to believe purposedly neglected his education, of which it is surmised he made a merit to the En- glish ministry} for he was always supposed to be their pensioner. The Chevalier Ramsay, the author of Cyrus, was Prince Charles's preceptor for about a year j but a court faction removed him. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 201 still more astonished, when I found him unacquainted with the history and con- stitution of England^ in which he ought to have been very early instructed. I never heard him express any noble or benevolent sentiments, the certain indi- cations of a great soul and a good heart; or discover any sorrow or compassion for the misfortunes of so many worthy men who had suffered in his cause*. But the most odious part of his character is his love of money, a vice which I in exteras regiones possent extrudi ! Sed, quia libertatem semper in ore habent, quo machinationes suas et spem domina- 236 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES tionis occultius celare queant, et urbanae plebis clamoribus, et complurium civium, qui eorum consiliis favent, sententiis muniti jus publicum violari quererentur, siquid gravius de flagitiis suis esset ani- madvertendum, idcirco rex mitissimus injurias maximas & contumelias maluit "r\o4*| ^ 4ft W W ^ W Quae ultra mihi acciderunt, dum apud Argentariam commoror, non est hodie tutus narrandi locus. Posthaec videro, an ea satis commode possint dici. Oblitusque meorum, obliviscendus ET iLLis, is the sincere desire of many melancholy heads which are to be found in the British dominions; and there- fore I have often wished, that when we reformed from popery a few convents OF HIS OWN TIMES, 237 had been exempted from the general pillage, in which men of severe morals, or of a melancholy cast and turn of mind, might have found a retreat. But I have observed, what is perhaps peculiar to this island, that there are men wholly free from the spleen, or a lowness of spirits, in good health and good circumstances, and only actuated by some whimsical considerations, seek a retreat where they may forget their friends and relations, and be forgotten by them. About the year 1706, I knew one Mr. Howe, a sensible well-natured man, possessed of an estate of 700/. or 800/. per annum: he married a young lady of a good family in the west of England, her maiden name was Mallet ; she was agreeable in her person and manners, and proved a very good wife. Seven or eight years after 238 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES they had been married, he rose one morning very early, and told his wife he was obliged to go to the Tower to transact some particular business : the same day, at noon, his wife received a note from him, in which he informed her that he was under a necessity of going to Holland, and should probably be absent three weeks or a month. He was absent from her seventeen years, during which time she neither heard from him, or of him. The evening be- fore he returned, whilst she was at sup- per, and with her some of her friends and relations, particularly one Dr. Rose *, a physician, who had married her sister, I was very well acquainted with Dr. Rose ; he was of a French family. I often met him at King's Coffee-house, near Golden-square, and he frequently entertained me with this remarkable story. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 239 a billet, without any name subscribed, was delivered to her, in which the writer requested the favour of her to give him a meeting the next evening in the Bird- cage Walk, in St. James's Park. When she had read her billet, she tossed it to Dr. Rose, and laughing, " You see, brother,'* said she, " as old as I am, I have got a gallant." Rose, who perused the note with more attention, declared it to be Mr. Howe's hand- writing : this surprised all the company, and so much affected Mrs. Howe, that she fainted away; however, she soon recovered, when it was agreed that Dr. Rose and his wife, with the other gentlemen and ladies who were then at supper, should attend Mrs. Howe the next evening to the Bird-cage Walk : they had not been there more 240 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES than five or six minutes, when Mr. Howe came to them, and after saluting his friends, and embracing his wife, walked home with her, and they lived together in great harmony from that time to the day of his death. But the most curious part of my tale remains to be related. * When Howe left his wife, they lived in a house in Jermyn-street, near St. James's church j he went no farther than to a little street in Westminster, where he took a room, for which he paid five or six shillings a week, and changing his * London is the only place in all Europe where a man can find a secure retreat, or remain, if he pleases, many years unknown. If he pays constantly for his lodging, for his provisions, and for what- soever else he wants, nobody will ask a question concerning him, or inquire whence he comes, whi- ther he goes, &c. OF HIS OWN TIMES. 241 name, and disguising himself by wearing a black wig (for he was a fair man), he remained in this habitation during the whole time of his absence. He had had two children by his wife when he de- parted from her, who were both living at that time : but they both died young in a few years after. However, during their lives, the second or third year after their father disappeared, Mrs. Howe was obliged to apply for an act of parlia- ment to procure a proper settlement of her husband's estate, and a provision for herself out of it during his absence, as it was uncertain whether he was alive or dead: this act he suffered to be solicited and passed, and enjoyed the pleasure of reading the progress of it in the votes, in a little coffee-house, near 243 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES his lodging, which he frequented. Upon his quitting his house and family in the manner I have mentioned, Mrs. Howe at first imagined, as she could not con- ceive any other cause for such an abrupt elopement, that he had contracted a large debt unknown to her, and by that means involved himself in difficulties which he could not easily surmount ; and for some days she lived in continual apprehensions of demands from creditors, of seizures, executions, &;c. But nothing of this kind happened ; on the contrary, he did not only leave his estate quite free and unencumbered, but he paid the bills of every tradesman with whom he had any dealings; and upon examining his papers, in due time after he was gone, proper receipts and discharges were found from OF HIS OWN TIMES. 243 all persons, whether tradesmen or others, with whom he had any manner of trans- actions or money concerns. Mrs. Howe, after the death of her children, thought proper to lessen her family of servants, and the expenses of her housekeeping ; and therefore removed from her house in Jermyn-street to a little house in Brewer-street, near Golden-square. Just over against her lived one Salt *, a corn- chandler. About ten years after Howe's abdication, he contrived to make an ac- quaintance with Salt, and was at length in such a degree of intimacy with him, that he usually dined with Salt once or I knew SalTj whom I often met at a coffee- house called King's Coffee-house, near Golden- square. He related to me the particulars which I have here mentioned, and many others, which have escaped my memory. 244 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES twice a week. From the room in which they eat, it was not difficult to look into Mrs. Howe's dining-room, where she ge- nerally sate and received her conipany ; and Salt, who believed Howe to be a bachelor, frequently recommended his own wife to him as a suitable match. During the last seven years of this gen- tleman's absence, he went every Sunday to St. James's church, and used to sit in Mr. Salt's seat, where he had a view of his wife, but could not easily be seen by her. After he returned home, he never would confess, even to his most intimate friends, what was the real cause of such a singular conduct; apparently, there was none : but whatever it was, he was certainly ashamed to own it. Dr. Rose has often said to me, that he believed OF HIS OWN TIMES. 245 his brother Howe* would never have re- turned to his wife, if the money which he took with him, which was supposed to have been 1000/. or 2000/. had not been all spent : and he must have been a good economist, and frugal in his manner of living, otherwise his money would scarce have held out ; for I imagine he had his whole fortune by him, I mean what he carried away with him in money or bank bills, and daily took out of his bag, like the Spaniard in Gil Blas, what was sufficient for his expenses. Reverendo de grege porcum is an expression used by Dr. John Burton, * And yet I have seen him after his return address- ing his wife in the language of a young bridegroom. And I have been assured by some of his most intimate friends, that he treated her during the rest of their Jives with the greatest kindness and affection. 246 DR. KINGS ANECDOTES speaking of himself in a thing which he calls his Iter Sussexiense. This is borrowed, as we all know, from the Epicuri de grege porcum of Ho- race, which has been censured by some critics as a coarse expression, and not agreeable to the usual politeness of the Roman poet; but it certainly ought to be censured with some severity, as ap- plied by this reverend divine to himself and the whole body of the clergy ; for how are we to translate it, one of the reverend herd of swine? or, in a more limited manner, one of those clergymen ivho are hogs ? This is such an indecent, or rather such an infamous appellation, that I scarce believe the most fiery sec- tarist among us, or the greatest enemy to prelacy and the Church of England, would dare to throw out ; and there OF HIS OWN TIMES. 247 was a time when an author would have been degraded and expelled the order on which he had cast such an injurious reflection. It is no alleviation of this man*s fault that he treats himself with the same freedom with which he treats his brethren : he best knows his own in- clinations and the qualities both of his body and mind ; and whether they are properly designed by this metaphorical expression, which he has adopted from the Roman satirist, he is certainly the best judge. But may we not, therefore, without offence, or the breach of good manners, give him the name which he himself has assumed? and when he is instructing and admonishing the univer- sity (for all his sermons are in that strain), would it be any impropriety to judge him out of his own mouth, and apply to him 248 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES the old adage, sus Minervam? With an head full of Latin and Greek, Bur- ton uses both these languages with as little taste and judgment as a school-boy. Although I have been often pre- vailed on to write * a Latin epitaph, and have adhered, according to the best of my knowledge or information, to the truth in these panegyrical characters (for de mortuis Jiil nisi bonum, however it may be condemned in history, has been an allowed maxim in all monumental * I promised Nash, a few years before he died, that if I survived him, I would write his epitaph, I performed my promise, and in my description of this extraordinary phenomenon, I think I have written nothing but the truth ; one thing I omitted, which I did not reflect on until after the epitaph was printed, that a statue had been erected to him whilst he was living ; and this great honour had been conferred on him with more justice than to any other of his contemporaries or brother kings. OF HIS OWN 'IIMES. 249 inscriptions in these latter ages); yet this is a task which I have always very unwillingly undertaken. I could wish we had not departed from the simplicity of the old Roman inscriptions; for as our modern epitaphs consist generally of a string of fulsome praises, bestowed equally on the best and the worst, so they are generally disregarded, and if they are ever read, are read for the sake of the composition only. The dean and pre- bendaries of Westminster sell the sacred ground to any persons who think proper to purchase it ; no objection is made to the quality or character of those to whom a monument is to be erected under this holy roof: the peer and the player, the chaste and the unchaste, are here depo- sited without distinction. But if you examine their characters, as those are 260 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES here engraven on the monumental mar- ble, you will not find one person amongst them all, who, when living, had not been endowed with the most eminent qualities both of body and mind. General wlio rose to his high post by such arts as are a disgrace to human nature, appears in Westminster Abbey to have possessed as great talents and as many virtues as Scirio Africanus. I have been often very undeservedly abused, and crimes have been im.puted to me, which, I thank God, my honest soul abhors : on the otiier hand, such praises have been fre- quently bestowed on me as I am .con- scious to myself I do not merit ; and I have on many occasions received an ap- ])lause to whicli, I think, I was not en- titled. Laudahir ah his, culpatur ah illisy Mill probably be my fate during my life: OF HIS 0\VT4 TIMES. 251 however, I would willingly, if I had power, after my death, prevent the eulo- gies of my friends, as well as the outrage of my enemies ; and therefore 1 oiFer both to one and the other the following epitapli or inscription : Fui GuiLiELMus King, LL. D. Ab anno MDCCXIX ad annum MDCCLX Aula; B. M. V. in Academia Oxon. Praefectus. Literis humanioribus a puero deditus, Fias usque ad supremum vitfe diem colui. Neque vitiis carui, neque virtutibus, Tmprudens et improvidus, comis et benevolus ; Saepe eequo iracuudior, Haud unquam, ut essem implacabilis, V luxuria pariter ac avaritiu (Quam non tarn vitlum, Quam mentis insanitatem esse dnxi) Prorsus abhorrens. Gives, hospites, peregrinos Omnino liberalitcr accepi; Ipse et cibi -ibstinpntior, ct vini abstinentissimus. Cum magnis vi\i, cum plcbciio, cum oniiiibu.^, Ut homines noscerem, ut meipsum imprimis : 252 DR. KING'S ANECDOTES. N6q\ie> eheu, novi ! Per^nultos habui amicos. At veros, stabiles, gratos (Quae fortasse est gentis culpa) Perpaucissimos. Plures habui inimicos. Seel invidos, sed improbos, sed inhiimanos : Quorum nullis tamen injuriis Perinde commotus fui, Qu^m deliquiis meis. Summam, quam adeptus sum, senectutem Neque optavi, neque accusavi, Vitae incommoda neque immoderate ferens, Neque commodis nimiiim contentus : Mortem neque contempsi, Neque metui. Deus Optime, Qui hunc orbem et humanas res curas, INfiserere animse meae ! THE END. ' .!> I UMKI) BY 1. DAVISON, WHITEF|kUKS. LONDON i^HITCFP nrr. t..tbt>a7^,,^,, Univefsity ot California, Los Angeles L 006 175 377 8