S A A D Y A N A ENIZA FRAGMENTS OF WRITINGS OF R. SAADYA GAON AND OTHERS la THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES - SAADYANA GENIZA FRAGMENTS OF WRITINGS OF R. SAADYA GAON AND OTHERS EDITED S. SCHECHTER, M.A., LITT.D. (CANTAB.) PRESIDENT OF THE FACULTY OF THE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA CAMBRIDGE DEIGHTON AND BELL - nimn 1 n * a a n *? n 14144 .T.n 615524 .Vi> n-jpmy 100-3 TOina IT rrmnn ((i '40 TO MY MASTER LECTOR M. FRIEDMANN OF VIENNA THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED IN GRATITUDE AND ADMIRATION 1945969 THE fragments contained in this volume belong With few exceptions to the Taylor-Schecbter Col- lection of the University Library at Cambridge, England. The exceptions are fragments VII, XLIIL, XL VIII. The first is in the. possession of Judge Sulzberger, Philadelphia ; the two last are the property of Elkan Adler, Esq., M.A., of London, England. To these two gentlemen I tender my best thanks. I also acknowledge my indebtedness to the editors of the JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, in which periodical almost the whole of the text originally appeared. The various fragments reproduced here, line by line and page by page, are provided with short introductions describing the MSS. and .indicating the nature of their varying contents. But it 'must be remarked that these fragments were discovered at large intervals, and that they were published in the order of their discovery, so that it was impossible to preserve anything like a systematic arrangement. They may, however, be grouped VI PREFACE under the following headings, which the student would do well to observe in his examination of this volume. A. Remnants of lost books : Nos. I, XI, XII, XV, XXVIII, XLIV, XLV, XLIX, L, LI, LIV, LV. B. Controversial matter : II-X, XIII, XXXVIII- XLII, XLIII, XL VII, XLVIII. C. Responses and Letters : XXX-XXXIV, XXXVI, XLVI, LII, LVI. D. Liturgy and poetical pieces : XVII-XXVI, XXIX, XXXV, LIII. E. Colophon^ fl-nd extracts containing references to .works of ft. Saadyah: XIV, XVI, XXVH, XXXVIL As the title "Saadyana" indicates, most of the fragments here presented to the student either date from the Gaon himself or have at least a bearing upon his life and works. But it should be remarked that the association of ideas and names sometimes suggested the insertion of matter coming from other authorities. Thus the polemic of K. Saadyah with Ben Meir, dealing largely with the question of the prerogative of the Palestine Schools and the expla- nation of certain passages in the a^Jfltf njQiN, suggested the incorporation of the Abiathar con- troversy (Nos. XXXVIII-XLII, LIII, LIV), whilst the attack of the Gaon on Daniel ben Moses PREFACE Vll Al Kumsi (No. XIII) justified the insertion of the latter's commentary to the Pentateuch (No. LV) as a sort of an appendix. Nos. XLIII and XLIV found their places in this volume because of the references to the Abiathar family occurring in the colophons of these MSS. In the responses of R. Sherira and R. Samuel b. Chofni (Nos. XLV, XL VI) we notice a certain anxiety about the removal of authority from the Babylonian Schools, a process of decentralization begun already with R. Saadyah, if not before ; only that the argument of the Gaon was directed against the prerogative of the Palestine Schools, whilst later generations questioned the authority of those over which the Gaonim presided. The fact again that R. Saadyah was the head of the School of Machseya suggested the including of Nos. XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVI A, in which this seat of learning is referred to ; whilst No. LVI was appended to this volume on account of the reference to R. Abraham n:wn A^D, possibly identical with the Rabbi of the same name mentioned in No. XXXV. There is no need to dwell or the importance of these documents. They will, I doubt not, be all welcome to the student of Jewish History, in spite of the various obscure passages they contain and the many shortcomings of the editor, who was anxious that the "hidden light" of the Gaonim should no longer remain under a bushel. It thus only remains for me to repeat my thanks to Prof. viii PREFACE Bacher of Buda Pesth, Dr. Schreiner of Berlin, and Dr. Hirschfeld of London, for their assistance in the Arabic portions of this YQi^me; whilst I have also to record my obligations to"*Mr. Aldis, the Secretary of the Cambridge University Library, and Messrs. Baldry and Worman, officers of the same institution, who were all helpful to me in various ways in the preparation of the following pages for the press. S. SCHECHTER. August, 1902. CONTENTS FRAGMENT PAGE FRAGMENT PAGE I I XXIII . 49 II 7 XXIV . 50 III 13 XXV . 51 IV, V J 5 XXVI . . 52 VI . 22 XXVII . 53 VII 23 xxvni : 54 VIII ' 24 XXIX . 57 IX . 29 XXX . . 58 X 34 XXXI . . 60 XI 37 XXXII . . 60 XII . 40 XXXIII . . 61 XUI 4i XXXIV . . 62 XIV . 43 XXXV . . 63 XV 42 XXXVI . 74 XVI 44 XXXVlA . 77 XVII 45 XXXVII . . 78 XVIII 46 XXXVIII . . 80 XIX 47 xxxrx . . 105 XX 47, XL . . 107 XXI . . 48 XLI . . in xxn : . . 48 XLII . "3 CONTENTS FRAGMENT . PAGE FRAGMENT XLIH . . 114 L XLIV . . 116 LI XLV . . 117 LII XLVI . . 121 LIII XLVII . . 128 LIV XLVIH . J 3 J LV XLIX . J 3 2 LVI PAGE 140 147 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. THE Library classification of the MSS. forming this volume did not take place till the first seven fragments were already printed. Mr. Aldis, under whose superintendence the classification was made, communicates to me that they bear now the following class marks : I=T-S. 8K2; II=T-S. ioK 3 ; II*=T-S. loK 4; IP>=T-S. 8 4 : III=T-S. 8 K 5 ; IV, IV, IV b , V, and V=T-S. 13 K 2. The frag- ment reproduced in the introduction to these Nos. (p. 15), beginning p^l 13MVIK lin, &c., bears now the class mark T-S. 8 K 8 ; VI=T-S. loKs; VIII=T-S. 8 K 6. P. i, n. i. Add Steinschneider's bibliographical article, "Saadia Gaon's arabische Schriften," in the Kaufmann-Gedenkbuch, pp. 144- 168. P. u, 1. 5. inrn, cf.Zunz's Syn. Poesie, p. 386. P. 15. JTOPDOT D'D^n. Perhaps a euphemism for DW 'tD7 , but it is also possible that the writer thought of the passage in the Seder Olam, ch. xxx : T73DD7N tan I^NI ftoo }"nn3 o^a:no ownsn vn jxa ny nyy y "faw 3T VDK>1 . The authority of the sages accordingly began about the commencement of the Sel. era. P. 23 (Frag. VII). Cf. Epstein, Revue des fitudes Juives, No. 88, pp. 230-336. P. 25. inDnDtQ. Prof. Sigismund Frankel of Breslau writes to me that it is an Arabic wordjl^Jo-jk., "und bedeutet mil Vorsicht (vorsichtigerweise)." A similar suggestion was made to, me by Prof. Gottheil of New York. See also Bacher in the J. Q. R., XIV, 471. -P. 52 (Frag. XXVI). Cf. Harkavy in the Hebrew periodical Hayekeb, 1894, p. 46. P. 58 seq. (Frag. XXX, &c.). I remember having seen one of the following Responses edited by Dr. Harkavy more fully from some MS. in the Happeles, but this periodical is inaccessible to me now. P. 61 (Frag. XXXIII), 1. i. TD DH pntDKT. Probably corruption of ncn DnMn. Ibid. KrtatTID read NnJaBTO. See Baba Mezia, losb. P. 70, 1.21 R. mn for mn._p. 73) I. 2 jnK'p, see Zunz, ibid., p. 403. P. 76, 1. 23. NJK3T "10. See Aruch s.v. MSf-IC and Levy s. tO3n. P. 82, 1. 12 for Father (3K) read Third (*&*W). P. in, 1. 13 for Nathan read Shemprya. P. 113, 1.54 (on the verso). 733. Perhaps it is P33. Ibid. r6m '133- Perhaps misread for n^H3 nD3. P. 115, note, Xll CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS 1. 4 for granddaughter read daughter. P. 119, 1. 1 8. Cf. p. 124, 1. 85, which similarity of expression would suggest that R. Sherira was also the author of No. XLVIL P. 133, No. L The words jyJ3 * TD^ in 1. 8 make it clear that the writer was travelling from Babylon to Palestine. The words ""Ti'D (1. n) and ^2X JV3? (p. 134, verso, 1. i) would accordingly be decisive against the Gaon's authorship. P. 135, No. LI, see J. Q. R., where Professor Bacher gives a full translation in German of this piece. Fragment XXXVIII, compare Ein neuersMossenes Capitel der Judischen Geschichte, by Professor Bacher, in the J. Q. R., October, 1 902, p. 79 seq. Fragment XL (Leaf i, verso), 11. 12 and 13, compare article "Zu Saadyana XLI," by Professor I. Goldziher, ibid., p. 73. SAADYANA. Fragment T.-S. A, paper, size 1 7-7 x 13-5 cm. (writing 14 x 10-2), consists of a quire of two leaves, of which the middle pages are missing, and counts eighteen lines on each page ; written in a square, ancient Rabbinic hand, not later pro- bably than the eleventh century, and is divided into verses, and provided with vowel-points and accents "like as one of the twenty-four sacred books." The importance of the MS., however, is to be found in the fact that it restores to us the initial pages of the Sepher ha-Godui (^byn IBD) by R. Saadyah as well as a portion, however small, of its later contents 1 . As is well known, there existed two versions of this work, the original Hebrew and an Arabic translation of it prepared by the Gaon himself. A part of the latter was re- covered by Firkowitz and edited by Dr. Harkavy a , whilst the following four pages represent the original Hebrew. This is clear from the description given by the Gaon of the original work. According to it, the work commenced with the lines >33 ai> N3HO * ' * *6an ISD nm 3 , while there also occurred in it the expressions owaan in 1 vrb and prn Dinrul, all of which lines and phrases are found in our MSr* The Gaou 1 See Graetz, vol. V, ch. x, about R. Saadyah. For our purpose fcere it IB enough to point out Dr. Harkavy's edition of the Arabic S. h.-G., forming a portion of his Studien und MittiteUungen (D'Jiwrt fTOl), V, 133 8-238 b. 3 Harkavy, ibid., pp. 150-180. 3 Harkavy, ibid., p. 181, 11. 16-23. Cf. below, p. 4. 11. 1-7. * Harkavy, ibid., p. 160, 1. ax. Cf. below, p. 5, 11. a and 3. See also Harkavy, ibid., p. 55, 1. 10, and note 41 to it. In accordance with these quotations \ve should supply r:ui after pm. B 2 SAADYANA also tells that he spoke in the second chapter of his book of the number of years during which the gift of prophecy continued in the nation as well as of the date of the com- pilation of the Mishnah, which subjects indeed are dealt with in the second page of our MS. 1 We know also that the Gaon spoke of himself in this book in the third person, a fact which brought on him the reproach of his antagonists, reminiscences, however, of which rather strange style are to be found in this fragment 2 . A further subject of reproach was also the external form of the book, the author having divided it into verses and provided it with vowel-points and accents. This his antagonists maintained was done with the purpose of giving to his writings the appearance, and hence the importance, of Scripture ; as already mentioned above, and as can be seen from the facsimile accompanying, this is also the case with our MSS. b The condition of the fragment is on the whole fairly satis- factory, with the exception of leaf i recto, which, as it seems, was turned to the ground, and thus received a coating of mud, obliterating a great portion of the writing 4 . From the little I was able to read, the drift of the Gaon's thought was that Wisdom is the highest treasure, shining brighter than the brilliant stars ; that she is a sort of emanation from God, and is serving as the light of the soul. Then the Gaon passes over to manifestation of God's will as revealed to us through the Torah (1. 8?), the Prophets (1. 10), and the Hagiographa (1. n), which have become our spiritual food (1. 12). The last four lines, in their present mutilated 1 Harkavy, ibid., p. 152, 11. 14-17. * Harkavy, ibid., p. 190. Cf. our MS. below, p. 5 (leaf i verso), 11. 1-4 and 1. 14. * Harkavy, ibid., p. 160, 11. 15-18. * I have to express my thanks to my friend Mr. S. M. Harris, of Southport, who prepared for me from this page an enlarged photograph, which helped me greatly in the deciphering of this MS. SAADYANA 3 and uncertain condition, give hardly any connected sense, and may perhaps have contained some words or phrase directed against her (Wisdom's) detractors 1 . Of course, it is not impossible that our scribe had a defective copy at his disposal, or that he omitted matter seeming to him to be of a mere personal nature, and which he found repeated in another place. In the second page the Gaon expresses the opinion that the composition of the Mishnah began after the discontinuance of prophecy (leaf 2 recto, 11. 5-9), whilst the gathering of the gleanings which as mere details or branches of laws (1. 10) could be entrusted to the nation as long as Israel remained in their country commenced 500 years later, and received the name of Talmud (11. 14 and 15). In the last three lines the Gaon speaks of the princes, interpreters, and those having com- passion with the people (1. 16), who had the Lord's message to teach " Israel the Torah with a perfect heart," when the MS. breaks off. Probably these lines were followed by a list of the names of the prophets and of the heads of the fathers, the bearers of Tradition. The last two pages, which probably formed a portion of the third chapter of the S. h.-G., give us the Gaon's prayer against "the robbers of our people" (leaf 3, 1. 4), by which apparently his antagonist, the Head of the Dispersion, David b. Zakkai, is meant 2 . R. Saadyah's appeal to " the God of judgment " may perhaps have some reference to the stoiy according to which the quarrel between Ben Zakkai and the Gaon arose as a result of the latter's refusal to confirm an unjust verdict given by the former 3 . 1 Harkavy, ibid., p. 152, 1. 10 m;o rronDm. Cf. also pp. 142 and 143. 2 Harkavy, ibid., p. 152, 11. 22 sq. 8 See Harkavy, ibid., noto 7. B 2 (Leaf i recto) SEPHEK HA-GALUI. [-]DID D mto [oijnan 'n ISD nan naian[n] nitbob px n nn mn[v njoje '3313 p r& injn ins? *DI Tin [a]*aB ba ] .-6*K my^ ....... ^ * [n]a [oiwja nn[an] ....... o 5 n^ma "B'Dtia rm\]v y o[v] nra na *3 (?) rwnpn (?) (?) win ....... (?) DBQ (t) wiwip vion (?) nm h " "IB'N * waab * ' 'mwo nsn 10 by oa D'ainsa waa^ ...... a 4 iTanK a ................... ^306 pan a wmn n ................ (l)n iranv i>33 pro iai ap^i wi *(?)ni>n by wwi (?) ian (?) ns (?) b (?) mntn (?) mxoa 15 aina * rw (?) nmir6 a^ n^ MD^J ..... m ^P ba nnaN (?) (?) TK 1 This noun was used by Kali r ; cf. Zunz, Syn. Poesie des Ifittdatters, p. 392. The letters in brackets are supplied after Harkavy, ibid., p. 180, 1L 16-23. * The sign of the letter o between the lines represents probably the word nanbo. Cf. the frun 'D (Harkavy, ibid.), p. 58, 11. 8 and 9 wts min 7n * Pointed JTjVw. * Perhaps we should read rrtn, SAADYANA (Loaf i verso) pm Dinn3i no niataa nwoa : oy tayoa nw rmn nmi> psn ba j*aj mp 3 pn HNI^O yno3 oiM^tyi nnyh nx 3 niKD Bion ta*3e oitnp nioni non now na a ip^Nin ypn p 15 oyn h> n^on ni minn nx * * * (Leaf a recto) nx noy? nnru nn taatron txvby wan* nn^y n^aeio nnw : 13^33^ y"> nma woy nnn prn yain TJIW >:ao ie>a ba iorr nx yoen IJTN uni naae> piya by DK a Dnb wjnn ty vmyo BJ 15 naa ^a nnym oy S>32 ay^i nna DDDn HN WtO "O D3tt?7 JIN 37S D'17N ****** II, II a, and II b. Fragment T.-S. H, paper, size i\ x 16 cm., consisting of one leaf, written on one side only, in an ancient hand with a strong turn to cursive. Some words are provided with the superlineal punctuation. Fragment T.-S. B, paper, size 20-5 x 15 cm. (large writing 14-5 x 9-5), consisting of two leaves and written in a large square hand, but with a strong turn to cursive. Fragment T.-S. C, paper, size 18 x 13 cm. (writing 15 x 15-5), consisting of one leaf, and written in a square, rather small, hand, but also with a strong turn to cursive. The three fragments are divided into verses, whilst the two latter are also pro- vided with vowel-points and accents. They undoubtedly represent three MSS. of the Sepher ha-Moadim (DHjnon IDD) of R. Saadyah, which work was marked by these character- istics 2 . The text, edited by Mr. Elkan N. Adler and Mr. I. Broyde*, represents a fourt^i MS. of the same work, but all four MSS. o,verlap each other 8 . My scanty knowledge of the subject does not allow me to enter upon any real comment of the controversy or to express any opinion 1 Pointed Dpij. See Obadiah 12 VTH DVi. Cf. RV. 8 Harkavy, ibid., p. 212. For subsequent publications and literature bearing on the subject see among others M. I. Lcvi, fievue des tudes Juives, XL, p. 261, and XLI, p. 229 sq. See also A. Epstein's essay containing a new edition of all the texts with incroduction and notes, ibid., XLII, pp. 173-210. As many of my notes were written before the appearance of this article, I must refer the reader to it here in bulk, as I could not always disturb my MSS. to make particular references to it. 1 See Rente des Etudes Juives, XLI, p. 225 sq. See also n. 2 to pp. 9, 10, r i. 8 SAADYANA on the merits 'of the various MSS. This I must leave to specialists. But apart from the difference of opinion about certain calculations, was also involved the question of principle as to the ancient prerogative of Palestine in the fixing of the calendar which Ben Meir, the " Prince of the Holy Land," wished to reassert, and the Gaon thought had long ago become obsolete 1 . As it would seem, the controversy, though mild at first, was subsequently con- ducted on both sides with great bitterness, the aid of the secular arm was invoked, so that Ben Meir was submitted to torture ; but this is the fate of all minorities, whether orthodox or heterodox 2 . SEPHER HA-MOADIM. II. i^y ba nnbi oyb non Sb >a D^D -6 -ana on a uyr IN ..... nw woo p xnpi un * N^a nx &a ntaa 5 pnx nvw 'T^non nw nan :Yminpb Jrc*a nu pjjn nsno nw JDU nntr mo : wnnea >PJ ^w JB mw ntjn joi wp. 1?^ p npino * D IDU uu .T mpo ijna nai w bsi n^K i>an Dam wins ummvi 4 waa oa3y J inpa : D3 "ison nb HIT ne t^x fei :na npnxi> yn nr cans mw u^aon n* Dab 10 T baa D^ann wa *xb ^t^n trrnn Kin & bibxa ovpa 1 See Harkavy, ibid., aia, aa well as Dr. Poznanski in the J. Q. R., X, p. 152 sq. * See below, p. 21 (Text Va) and p. 23, note a. s See BBUC des ^<. Juices, XLI, p. 227, where Ben Meir is also called So in the MS. 8 Probably osapa for Dspa ; whilst Elul is chosen, as one of the rfo-\ TTV. Cf. below p. n, 1. 15. SAADYANA 9 \nifkn i^pn ;a K^ wa ropy TS?N fea "ny rrr afc owian ^5 'vran n varan 1 Tyb moiy inprv a DB> b yvrk pan* N!> nsi :nvn TIT ainaa 'a fy DTP >D^D wins iB^ru iB^< man nw HNT n^nn^ iai n* Dya n^cnnn :en ronnipsb ion TITKI N^>O THN DHD *nr\vy njn3 N^ 15 D ^y ynm ynst^n non |n Tana vn IK p D^yaen pbn nixo TODB' n^i^^Kn nr nyaTKi o^Ensm nso ova n^jwria xvn Tyi *vonn w n^vno -pn Ty nupn a : Tyi po^ vn narn p DW nua Tin 'pw on^on Ty -i^nnoi vxn Ty w ova PN^D^I pjha 11 THN ora nx TH Ty DT'onni? pi :DITD ^y noy ^^ ova nxnon s jnaB'n apii nix^Dnb nt^om nivn Ty DBW Train w njoens a opn ja N^ nowsn rueai inaoian nwtvn DN ye'n p mt^y H3DB& po^en npm TTI y^n D^nyn >ntyoi nn\T DK noow capni n-itry t^on^ IN rot?a 35 rin pp Tin vjraT n^B> ^N pnS>o TNI :njonn p TTI yt^n Ty vn* pi ia ini y^ri ^ nso^n ON IN wn na rmwa nxan ox i3 nSa-ion pi na^ ITS p na W>i lana* nb^NT yya na t]N niayDt? Ttrxa nirDBTi 5>a^ nrw niaac' m^asn jyo^ a"Dn rrtTob :sjDwn 30 imn K^ oaa Ty.b * TVI na^ naiosa oiana p wna ra^tswa i^ II a. (Leaf i recto) TI1N DiTD ' Ton 3 oya :Dnn-aro vn IN P i>y o^ii non 5 HNO r\w niaipn ^a nnp*hw DV nyaiNi 1 So in the MS. * The contents intervening between this word me? and tJio word ii s in line 06 is also to be fqund in fragment II a, beginning 011 this pago aud ending with 1. 13 on p. 10. * Pointed ore. IO SAADYANA n crtn *pn ny na-pn a nwna Nin nyi 'Bon nr 10 DV^ pt&M pjna* "JHN ova ny 'vxni vsn ny w ova rwnon (Leaf i verso) pi : n"vnn ly :yi2B>n 20:1 5 Dpin p nt:^a nnxi? n nn? n^ ^ pi> iio^ 11 ! inon 11 x-ii ytrn oa nwnvi ny ^B>n p 10 nivn ON niaoi3 66pm : ny jmo 11 DTiyn ^^ (Leaf 2 recto) onyu nan "in 11 ! : sin bo nani n^ ntw ^ V^>N ananon limy n^s 5 1 Pointed tenrtt Vsn. * From this word to TI below, line 8 (p. u), our text corresponds with Mr. Adler's Fragment in the Revue des Et. Junes, XLI, p. 227, whilst the whole of this leaf, recto and verso, beginning D'lTun and finishing nin, and the one following correspond with the text of the next Fragment II b, recto (below, p. 12), 1. n to verso, 1. 14 (the word Nin, p. 13). SAADYANA n:n 3 Ya m 'can Nipa VM nra* 10 by by Dry j nijyo my i^nn^ (Leaf 2 verso) :rapjni "imn n^n j 'n nnnyi npa ovi> mix inwynn N^I rmta nxo oy yjnn^ nm nnsyn iv i ^^ 5 no n^D ma jo vana b n ainai !?aN :n^m pnn bz nn irnnn^> pnar nao 10 ^ai vnana li^a orana Niaj oy vnia^rm i p ne'y m no i>yi nr n :wjw aita VTDD ix-ipj Si'Na nntyya 15 II b. (recto) 4 nnn api ny^ ....... na 1 See the letter of R. Sherira Gaon about the ITOTOI nDD of the 1 For the next fifteen lines ^till the word nu) see Mr. Adler's Fragment as above. 12 SAADYANA fe -by spmnb inn aao B> ay xfj noN^ ' pbn rriox biaa "Q-6 nvifo m xh pnihaa by nbx 5 by ^cn vh"\ nrai oy n^ nnna yrsb [Da]-in vxy nx ypabi D^ax 10 irm itwn >3D >3 now naii new ~w* VIQD nan Dan injnD n^n^ vi?s nnanon wtrb onyn nan nao ^y trains 15 nn * nx nn Da naooa inni ornaa ns nraw n^n nc'N jsvn ay (verso) ma'-a yrb oni? wan >3 ...... niayo my iniN ffi-'ai :vtryo b napjni pnra K^I nno bs^ nioOT main Dpa ovb pxn n^n nxo nnax nnp^ wiB^nn 5 no o^acn i>y jTnn^ nan na ntw viytr pi3T ISD ninsa fes :nnnm pnn ioip fe unnK unmn^ 10 oy vnwnaa iyn- fei vnana ifem p ntyy nr no i>yi nr nob oa^ana onpya iwyo aio o nsra SAADYANA 13 . .... M, ...... rw ian:n v ''*(?) ron anaa nitwpon i>a (?) nx a TPK IK[D p] EL Fragment T.-S. D, paper, size 19 x 14 cm. (writing 15 x 10*5), consisting of one leaf written in an old square hand, and, like the former two, divided into verses and provided with vowel-points and accents. It is not quite clear what the point at issue is, but the reference to the Passover and the Day of Atonement would suggest that it formed a part of the Sepher ha-Moadim, though its style is rather different from that in which the two last fragments are written. (recto) p my v^y nyn l H^wn nyntan neon nnnMn fea rsnb oyn *? ni>a mnn joyn pno hwso tnrb noon TWO nx pmn IB'K neon paa 'a wi 3 py 5 y -y 10 Perhaps by this is meant Babylonian David b. Zakkai. Ezek. xxi. a8. * See Prov. viii. 13. Job ix. a^. - ' See Job xxx. i, 12. See Isa. xxv. 3. T Psa. xxxv. 5. The MS. is obliterated and torn in this place. Perhaps it is a corrup- tion of cnnH taiHn. The preceding word can also be read 14 SAADYANA oy ns npna 02 ana!? nrcp >JD mi oha n ainaa TK IN : Snbns mwa pw* aman ton aio bo pn 'vnnar yen wn inn 15 (vereo) nwm nnisy nnp DIDIO ppiy BT> vnnn 4 nrjn ^a 3 pyrn a inn 131^^0 ppw n^nni DDn nnan I^N ovprn tnvatab D n nx |n: v^ay S J^ ono "inxa (?) osna 3 nann D D^jn oy^i con ^a ppjw- aw.n ^a ^ li? nox^ ayno V^N anpni : nr ns nr 6 ma^ msya ^a wai ora 10 IDK^ IDD ^y Dnxipa onia'-ai nso ana p nax 7 irx ^a wjw nnipnn pao !>a i!> fjt3 b n ai^ nnbya rvnn nSnab jai> wnjn ^ao S TIDK unon^n 9 :mnB' yin N^ 15 1 See Deut. xxxii. 13. 1 Perhaps by this is meant the son and the brother of Ben Meir. Cf. Ecvue des Et. Juives, XLI, p. 226. 3 Job xxxi. 38. Pointed rrjn. Perhaps corruption of ncjn ; cf. Isa. xxiv. 5. Perhaps i^yo, but the sense of the verse is net clear to me. ' Pointed rrgj. 7 Pointed M. Perhaps originally iy:w (substance). Pointed fotf lanorrtrr. Perhaps corruption of iCHn 9 See Ps. zzzviii and Isa. zlvii. n. SAADYANA 15 IV, IV a, IV b, V, and Va. Fragments T.-S. E and F,and the two marked IVa and IV b, paper, size 15 x 19 cm. (writing 11-7 x I42). The leaves are torn off at the end, so that it is impossible to say what the original length was. Fragments E, IV a and IVb, consist of one leaf each ; fragment F counts two leaves. They are all written in the same cursive (Rashi) hand, and come from one MS., which probably represented a collection of letters, and perhaps also treatises bearing on the Ben Meir con- troversy. Besides these five leaves there was also discovered a sixth leaf coming from the same MS., and containing the following words : 30331 HV3 iy ny5> *pm KBW DW 3T -pro iin tjta PUP won vnrb ov 6*3 naea ^tron on PJDV p myD. This, probably, formed the con- clusion of fragment E (IV) or IV a and IV b, of which there is strong reason to believe that they were written by the Gaon 2 . Fragment F (V and V a) was probably written by Ben Meir himself, addressed, as it seems, to a wavering adherent, warning him and others not to be intimidated by the threats of their antagonists, and holding himself up as an example of suffering for the truth. In this connexion it would also be interesting to reproduce the contents of another fragment composed by Ben Meir. The first lines correspond, making allowance for a few variants, with those published by Harkavy, p. 214, 1. 14 to p. 215, 1. u, whilst the following lines in brackets, probably restore to us a portion of the missing page of Harkavy 's edition : man wn nse> ta by IMP wyDD ^rwnh D^wa pa rbmn n^aa nnah n^t? n3D DD VBfpB'p "^t^N pn^py -vya lamonh ny'inbaiai 1333 1 Perhaps the Chiffre arnc' ; cf. Zunz, Zur Geschichte, p. 358. See also Zunz, Literaturgeschichte der Syn. Poesie, p. 94, regarding the title .4tap/ in con- nexion with the Gaon's father. ' These, together with VIII, probably represent the correspondence between him and Ben Meir to which he refers in the Sepher ha-Moadim. l6 SAADYANA by nbiyon pDDns*to "poh n$> vww ' mama jawnnh D'snip ova IPX- DWKI D'-PIXD oy DTWO aonh D*aoe !>a croon nnyttD D'yaipn] Daown *?tr\v* nnnao Daw D*D onayon D'aionpn nnan fax nipo oy o^aumn bna a^ni) ^toe^D Dnxi> men ps o^pn-'D onjncn n"a nnoB' mnt6v ns ^'t an w ^^B' naina itrs nSna pnnaoi j! N^ enpon iva nnoK' nn^n noi wo nro? nn K!> D w p enpon n^a rrw onD ^ N^N my h py nai ttherra na anne^) bax 7 ai jiom boa 'nan oinya yawm ^rni na-ian nnn ^a an nnan oyo ^oai naia bo *n nh nnotrn npbnoa cnpori voma wn 'na e>npn yswai oyo xam nann nnjnr man N^ nn enpon n^a nnoea N^K jnotwi pnao 1^ faw nN Dnai> oann pa^ya o^a^i io jyts^ nt^yi Domn i>ya noKB> pnt w Dn^ H?" 1 n^oyi pv oni B>m ionn Dipo bbt^i noVttn wa naan [: pw p lot? (read I will only remark that the words n^ai DWlp Dva D^aiK* allude to Pirke d'Rabbi Eliezar, XLVI, according to which Moses, during the forty days on Mount Sinai, studied Bible by day and Mishnah by night. There is therefore no necessity for any emendation. IV. (recto) ana^ nvw nisaB^in by\ px^ nvina na^n ns piayo 'a o*jni lanasi oniN ujn*i ana laannn lm wb& '-\ nnx jnap^ nbn m^n nay rrn N^ o^p unpon n^a rrnB ai a'asa ibn iia^ync' *ai ^N-IB^ psai ^Nn{r ps oana by ia^ae^ ioa 5 1 Cf. Pinsker, Li*. ^admow(rfA, p. 40 (text) rntuwD 'bjax By probably the well-known nw>b '-n 'po (especially ch. 8, cf. M. L6vi, IZerwc des El. Juives, XL, p. 363, note 1 1) are meant. niMttO would then have to be taken in the sense of paragraphs, not of a passage in the Mishnah. SAADTANA 17 onsyp frx nnfc by\ onayo nno o*ae> by nwpnn bjn ban one TH by an by nayb nnisDB> on Dipo K^ '^D ny 3*a enn aayno piv f> nK p m^vpa p^noi 10 niia nn^n vb iaa no^y i>jn^ pxa I^BWI meovi mm J ai |Tn nay ni nravon i>ai lynoe' 15 (verso) wi p >3N DnK pnw vn na^sb jnwa nwyn moa px*p3 w N^ PN 'can oy ipnp-n 'i^ px b i>33D D'oan noa li'y naa nn naai na^ ne n vaianav ny in iwrn nstMtvi nn*yn i>toe PN ^oan DJI oiab nun D^P nr i>333 u-enn 5 > nn D3i3E>n n^y nbn tyjjwi ^b3 1321 nnx npin o^unpno D^iyioni uip^n ^>jn wao !?y paimn nra ^IP^P win N^I nnx riyno una nnsa n^ia hwawiw o^ ii rrn ^333 o^ann yi3p^ ubnnn i3n:x wna nxra w run oa^nvn ^i3T .by onnayi VUD nn^B> nwAi WIN navib nan?> 10 nan one nnx r Q^iai nxo uprn DJI rtnab \jpxw nnayo urosi uTa wniatc anao laran Oil oa nnx raanxn N^I anao uw N^I ^3a (IJua^fn] % by tiKv.na^ B>NT an .......... 15 pon N^K T3 1 See Sanhedrin, lib, and parallel passages. 1 Deut. xii. 5. For the Rabbinic passages see Sanhedrin, ibid. C l8 .SAADYANA IV a. (recto) nap pxn n'p^pn rupm * naps nosm pnoa D'pnro nmia nxan TOP naa nixn inx nap DV3 ni>u n-p^p rue&v npnp P'3p rap3 wa H& Ijnp^ P33 pK H3P3 THN31 K3P3 1jnpi>D WOT 13V WP na DTon runwo nap yapi nosn OKI roea HDD nvj D*O^ V3p*n nw n^cn DMtsra 5 DK poh? n^aen pnoa mitwv na^ vcxn DM KI n3{r3 jn?a nosn rwrh? ^B>n NVDJ 0* 'n ^33 upnpni wwn nnt?' ie6 nrrw wot nay naai p^n ta iKn pN ^^^9 pi?n3i^sK mvn nns n&?n nho najr^at e^ n^3 paooj WK ps^ napvi PNn anatn wa^ work N^N 3 13DD N^ D*TipNnn ninyis wnuK no ME Dnyp ny3ix ^y N n3>B PKT 3n3Pl D.T^y niCDJ K^ WfUKI DnyB> "1 ^ N^N inw pnn px tn53 nt^m nisa ID*: DKB' mn nan ^y paooa non DV yan n^n^j DN pNin fiiia npn n^io DK 15 pnn nnoi non OKI WK pnn px 1CV3 b^ nann nr a nanr* p^n yai> jnw anaoa h iwwjnn fo *J 7 ha DN (verso) vn N^> n f^n myp PP H3P ova nho nnt6 .iiJn njp K\I papn ns p3pn 13NP3 nno rnct* aa uw n: NVI nap3 nx pwno MK px rpa npn ^>yj n3P3 py /y nnD3 nnxbp npn ^ap T3n nypa oan moo lap Dn^y }ia: NIHP 5 nbu OKI wva ^ni yap p^n capn myp i ^n? DV3 n^i^p nuyn ^> OKI pnoa o^pnn yap^i *vhvh \n nm p^n vpn myp p^P3 p,ma px ^3>p tva myp PP ny niwi n^ui n*y nnayp n:p3 nn * r*v " I * I^^B^ nma nnx pi>n myp PP nnx nha nan IDVD p^n nivn nnxo i?3N n3^>3 nrcn ny n^wpa N^N lova wm D^yaip 10 ^DK papn pa 1 xi> npn by I^SNP vnxb nn \cva y3p:p WKSD vb SAADYANA 1 9 'JB>a 1JP13 nw pa* Nbc> fro by pc> bai rrioa rnoa rhoR pawn by ennn ns onyapp uno bi jnjrap by tmw nan P)bx nap be> nwna inb nans* PNI purv D*W T by t nyap3i nnvi nia^yoi pbrfneip nw N' 'w ova i^ae' nrraefc 15 ^ niya> i j ova n^ jo 1 -: nbui wsb oa^a nniocn^ wn p DW ^ona n ...... n3B> nm "enn nx pnyap b nwn DTP ....... .... IV b. inps 11 ^B> DV 'xno poa Dipo nr KDI ^nno Kin DB>D nyais >a IDK> bsi nbn mowyn nwunn ITI onann p iixn i D'o 11 uiyo K!?K bbaa p - njpn pw DiT^y b noiy nhyn pxtr mow naian vbi nyi ba [hnJcN ia nosK* ^b^n oyom 'nna xbs mbn nnjncn 5 4 * ns *|to D^Dsn nano np^y ib p inob hnoi iov3 u*ty p3 ma*yn 1103 ynv rrn sb pnn ps myf e^'ny frtia nni -6vna ^a ub b a^n KJJ'I inx pnn vh ' yo nwa n\T 10 (verso) p "ins nbo OKI pn^on ^B> DW rvy c>n nnnob xn n DVD i s) 1 ^ y*a D^pbn Dbpri nijw Na D-'D* n Tyi 'mix D N nn niysy wo by niv DK IDKI ^on DV pbn rin DTP ibwi nan nj^a xbi niay n3 px OKI p "nx nbw DKI * on'on b b '5 ^pbn iynh nw n nn^y n3n nae^a ^ OKI now n ......... p nn nbu OKI * o-T-on nw? b * * b ......... D"pbn iynn .................. 10 NT'b ' ' ................. 1 The first b of this word seems to have been corrected afterwards into :. C 2 20 ; SAADYANA V. (Leaf i recto) noan n wjn nn npin nnbis unmpn 3py *aa bjoe^vwa pob oena nana^ Dmarnp noi barn we> 'anKDD nab *mK biU3 nr bs ' 'ai rrrr PD Dens nnn rrm TOO tfaan ina'p naa naoob Db*3M Dnsr cnnoNi 'noxn pn -pa iraa^ pi^n3i WOB>K T>no D3mo33i noxn nx D33ry3 nnjjo onnon 'ass D-SV: 5 nnr muy onvo pt<3 B*DD3 nao nwn mvn oanx na^n 4 wa noi 'ixo pso sjmai n'-hra po wnwi nr t6n D"3*Dn p3 no^pi unaa nmn KVW ns ^33 npa nevi u^nopa nip^i w^n }n v /v i wis^pai 10 nn mnDn myai n^jny nn oyn 3ip3 IDDJB' nman D^IETI mty nvo n3ii> onavnm 6 'ai D"jny nn nanp3 HDD ' 'av naooa rwb oannoen bsx!' own sn naw nro baa am ............... 15 DHK 1B>K ....... * ........... cn- ........... ...... (Leaf i verso) oyt3 Dans aai 1133 n wa njw iy nosn. by D^TDW onNB' ona^o p 7 na '33 D'yam npn \any 'ns^ moy wb onb ' pnno ijob ww no*n Kb -"nm inn y*Bno y 7 ^ mby ^31^3 pnK 5 mn by nnm maa by 1133 ib ^DVI p3- nenw ww innDtr onai onyyani D^anwn oneD va nnp jnt vncn *w nx ^b 1 See Isa. iii. 94. 1 See Harkavy, p. 216, 1. i, and the editor's explanation of this word, ibid., p. aia. * See Tractate Shabbath, 75 b, for this phrase. But here it has probably the meaning of striking with some such instrument aa a hammer to call the faithful to prayers. * See Harkavy, ibid., p. 233, text and notes. The fact that R. Saadyah's father died in Joppa is new. * Isa. xix. 14. SAADYANA 21 x 'con *nTVi 'D'awmn o^nnnn ?3 nx DB3De> onan pipn 3iD Nnto vby want? ns rann 'aao pa*a nta orrrp *a DTHDK b onsen 3np uoy nnany iab to irw new jn wi nao u*ip 10 oanx mpi PD^DIB> onat^ ^a omarm f ^aai ^noa wm nnb iron nDxa nnjno nno n^nrn ina ttTB&n nnan ^y mini nns n nan bjn pi^on i^oai PBTTIOI nat?a nnxa noon nynrtp ma ...... ^ tji^na N!J tnan^ oa^ Mto rrn i> . .......... oSytn own nn nnan 15 ******* V a. (Leaf a recto) nao naropn new oaaiKao by pa* sjou'^a omatm mo nnnnM *a nniDNB' not l SNE* nx nwnb ' n to tn*3 naaa^a omoK S onana 2 '31 urwi T^y *a 'at? DB'n nm ^y N^>N wina tb oaDvy inntsn ^N 4 'a) ^ra ynr icy 'nai 'D'D^oa nbi aaia on DK non nnanai *pin tj^na on n S Dnnim 3010^ omrrn nsra on^y DK nw tj^oia !? nay aa* aicn /vi i pnra nena wyn bN nasea p-aa on^BT? OKI nruwn hmv* un ^aa nijno^n m *a nmarm *pan iaa^ ^D nya 10 o*ann nx na*n nar ^"T irai neisw onyr N^n *nx i>3D oa^K nwa n^nn pa^ya itm oa*a*y one w D*3"in n Korvn jnxn xbe' mh? BT?3^ nsS iai> 3^0^ ny i? ...... S ua N^N M^n n3nn pxt? ba^ ijmn omarm *ay 1 i Sam. xv. 35. * Ps. xliv. 33. s Ps. xx. 8. 4 a Chron. xxxii. 8. 5 a Ohrou. xxx. 18. 22 SAADYANA (Leaf a verso) roa~> nm ir$>y iay IKV urnx UDD n wi vav iwb ne> nt^jn jnni> l VKsn nxvi ny n[ip|j]oi i>a3n *ujn Dnwn rva nraro rnyn irjrni> EB^K uxa^ 'ETOOWTT py a T nnno \3tnpi }nan nysrai a*n o D^nrn inn na w^y 1">331 D3^N3W ^y INO nxo cans wnn meipon ^aa s unrnM nh*u rmn *a nxr ^y wb w MK onnai^ nmrn -onw bai jra* law rawe^ wnans onaan >a 13^1 oai> N^ nny IN ny i wnw nnvyi *wy o^rya aipa nnxi UDD xna: !> wp^n n^ ns nnnno D^an onan Dnycc^ yao neKn nan i?y na OKI wyw v^jn wnoa 'a nvi? D^MBH 0^:155^1 -p V:D ^w urvo I^NI on^ye' lonn p DD^ a^n 11 no na on-^ni mv wby amo m^i N^ unica nvxin MJ^ mna: nniN .... ^yy VI. Fragment T- S.- 10 Kj, paj)er, size 21-5 x 16 cm., consisting of one leaf, written in a square, Rabbinic character, with a strong turn to cursive. It comes from an ancient calendar, a branch of literature strongly represented in our collection. 1 This seems fco be in contradiction to Text II b, leaf a verso (p. 1 1), 11. 3 and 4, according to which they did not appeal to the king against Ben Meir. But our text here may have reference to a later stage in the development of the controversy. * This would suggest that the Karaites also were in some way mixed up with this controversy, though it is possible that pr may be a corrup- tion of air. 1 See Harkavy , 209. The letter of Ben Meir there contains many terms and allusions to facts turning .up again in our text. SA'ADYANA 23 The matter reproduced here represents the verso of the leaf, and gives the fixing of the New Year and the Passover both according to the Gaon and Ben Meir. This fragment suffered greatly from age, and it is only through the aid of my friend the Rev. Dr. Brann, of the Breslau Seminary, who assisted me in reading this proof, that I was able to reproduce this interesting monument of this controversy. For this assistance, as Well as for various other suggestions on the subject, I wish to recognize my indebtedness to him. CALENDAR. (verso) wo ty $i nnyo '"an pa ran nirnoa ptr6 ajnn rrisp5> asnn n rrjrap mrrraa [nnw] n W nph nhj rwHw [(?) i^D3i pt^n] abpnn nixw tr 5 mon I*ND p nx&y j nivt? n nnll rbb ]&) nSa inxli TKD pb noan o jit n 10 ronplr etoi pioa TKO p HNKT? ravioli iwfo B^oaTl I*ND pi? noell f*o (? oynn) lynn ' r6 01* JD*J nhj rS niye' 'i nnolt nv nn nha naolt -PHD pi n3B>n e^n' 15 [0)w ovjlt na^notc rx^h . VII. Fragment, paper, size 14-2x9 cm. (writing 102 x 6-5), consisting of two leaves, and written in a square hand. This precious MS., originally coming from Cairo, belongs 24 SAADYANA to the Hon. Judge M. Sulzberger, of Philadelphia, America, who kindly placed it at my disposal, for which liberality J express herewith my best thanks. This text represents a letter directed against Ben Meir, and recalls strongly the C9ntents of a fragment also coming from the Geniza reproduced by Dr. Neubauer in this REVIEW 1 . The two were probably composed by the same author (R. Saadyah?), if not representing two versions of the same composition. LETTER BEARING ON THE SAADYAH AND BEN MEIR CONTROVERSY (MS. Sulzberger). (Leaf i recto) oen T ^ fm ioy 'ana oy Danant* ay TUB- 3 nna: main ^ Danwn rb e TfiiB TDIBI oniyn 5 nnvna nohr bp an^n -pna ny p fey ^yo^ jn p ny nn rump ana oanxo 1331 * p rot KT 1 IX, pp. 37 and 38. Cf. the expression na:, the allusion to abna 'ni*na, and his reference to the nViin c>n, the nia'Tzr 'on, and the D'D^, with H- 3. 39> 34> and 35 of this text. See also Epstein, Revue des titudes Juives, XLII, p. 200 seq. * It seems that the scribe wrote first jyaN and corrected it into ra. 3 See Ps. atxxi. 33. y rom DOB. SAADYANA 25 (Leaf i verso) m m na'D nwn ny3i Dnara a DTTOK an p nniK fyy rown 5 tb '3 'JK ni3D3i nny ny wn tui onyo 10 n nvpo p 3 n^m h pon r6un -trxi D^stpn nbi (Leaf 2 recto) fys\ oy iiD3i noam oy nsns 33 D: 5 nnnxn nrn "1313 vroy cnx nnan nx 1 See about these places Benjamin of Tudela, Itinerary, cd. Aslier, pp. 50 and 27, Heb. Text, and the notes to the English translation. 3 I was unable to identify this place, but the name bounds Persian. 3 Originally by and subsequently corrected into or. | 26 S3LA.DYANA iw *a DN ncn f>w 10 pira oyn p B*K fey i noaa pen h nine^i p oniaan ova 15 (Leaf a verso) S D3D1PD3 oy vni. Fragment T-S. 8 K 6, paper, size 18 x 14-2 cm., consisting of one leaf, and written very close in a cursive (Rashi) hand, but both paper and writing seem to be of a much earlier date than the fragments described above, p. 15 (IV a, b, V and V a). It is torn and mutilated in some places, but what remains is sufficient to show that it forms one of the letters bearing on the Ben Meir controversy. It is to be remarked that this MS. does not read regularly, the last line of recto being written on the back of the first line of verso. (recto) 13* nx p< iw imaiyiM rurcen n jnap yap DVD N^N nia noan nx xxon TN 3 trn yap paen ronm : n rmooa {ronirn^ itrax !> enip m nrr 'no wan (l)rua |D*3 nina IOK n^nna nt n m piniotr tran *3^ u ^am (?) ' 1 Here follow a few Arabic lines, but experts who have examined them assured me that they have no bearing on the preceding matter. SAABYAN& 2J nae>3) }D'3 WK pnn ytj> i nn^ DN prrn px nw i ny 'rrus neni D'BVi ny3~iN3 Truaa -^ui? -nun $>3 neKi (?) irn niow yt? i ny wa 6'nna :nr i>y VTnn^n n-awn neai mx pnn px mow ye> i ny px moa ni pen p *tby fjs^ : o^^jnn nx pirno D^nn nwyn 1103 jnr nn N!? 13^>D iKnsB' " PJNI : n^oan nsno vr r'nax ^o^ ba3 nv3 y^ 3 jo 11 : i^u DNB> ^ar n^Nn D"^n bas p^J NSDJ :rna3 D* i>aa DV3 rDn ^aa nt?rn :DV3 13 IDP psi u'3 H\T n 3 jb3 nvm NVOJI : inn ovn jo jn^ PN : jn3 new no pnirn n^i Dnyim nvn n n3B>3 inwai ow n pyin3K> nyia : po ins is : h^w non IN 15 N DHjno p mna 3:pn i f nm:i ran nn n N i? JD^ nbw inn n^en fD'j nha inn 7in3 rum : p innox j immi max inn DT r6 anp i nain n ttD'3 0^33 niaman nan ^a3 nmai nx w 35nn nmy\ to N N 3 }D^ iu 33nn ]DV i^a osnn nitn : ^oni' nmai w vorib nmai i!^ n r JD"3 ni>u noiin 3 fD'j p3 nioN mip jhai "^^ nmai 25 ban i ny^3 niox Blip jnt? m oyo cipo an NJ punn y^ n b 3inp ins? )UB^ N^N pim 'JlttBTD ION' K^ N^N H * 33 H niDN niDN 'a ^xn n^ 5 n by jn nenyn 'a rbx bo (?) n:n iKna> S waa 13 MJT D^BW ony nnotyna 30 Tvwyb (?)nxTB > n^t? HIN^PI onycr n i?y n^e^o WNI niox b ntn^B rut? DV3 n iB*p 1 Not all the chiffres are provided with dots. Our copy follows the MS. 8 The i in this word may also be read '. There is a great similarity between 3 and ; and 3, n and n, and i, T and i. 28 'SAADYANA (verso) X Dipo ba3i 0)n iye>3 (?) K ^a lynni yt? a ny f DV3 l lynni ytr n p nan PK nnK DV nnv pota DHIK ntny nxt? mans IBBPD "a 'n IK (?) a ova yu> f JTOWD row e> nan pi : DIPO ib 'n IK 'a DV3 spni yK> 'n nen "10 w nxan n6i n^ora n pi^rno (?) ntjny nx ^DKB> D^D^ n jn^^n NXDJ DM itnpi> (?) en 5 JD"J IK B3&?n (?) "(Dn 11 'o nx NH "\ny ; nns DV mon rutwi pn * pon "i^yn !> yno (?) poi^n D n nbnna ib inn ntrsa *wn w 3 IK wo }D^3 (?) nv (?) pn ..... ^ a nns ^K'ni : rbwn wytan ^ } ^ ana : niso ncn nrn -ann ^ wja nm yu' 56 pi>n sin ...... p DV pp'mDB> D^nys D^oann *3 pan N^B> 10 na poi'B' ii> ..... ntrn n^Jt? n">aiyo rnty ^ : ps^enn PKI n ....... ^yaia ypa3i i>pnn ai? y mK n^io \T p ^y ?^ ..... 'a K b non : nat^n TO jrra3 na^a ypa:i WB> a ia jra* pi : av^n ao jn^a^a ^^a ypaai : nan n n^ S^x rn no ae' noiB'D nat^a na>n pi :axn n K * mb>B> rnaiyo nat^a^ n^enn 15 non "INI mK H^ID isvroai : non Da D^D^ i^oai p^mo V.T rn 6 1 i> ^o 11 pi : DTiBn'a itw nnaiyon D^ac jn pi iti OK i? i^iae' nowa na^a^ nena y->N^ pi ^nana nhot? nowa narac' ^B>na ^>3K Kin oa rn 6 ni> rrron |jy pi^n^ n^cnn nsw na n : pnoa i^oai perno 'a }yoi> rn D ai> nan K* p nao 3B a }n*a^3 naK'a yp3ai nnnn 6 n* nerno : nm h^Ki ncni I^KI inK p iann no j;w3 p i>y int KYID ni :(?) nw^iro jn^a^a' mnsn by p^^n^ D^cnn n na w p ^y pota i^oai ptrnio a un i ^ aa* n3D i'ldp 16 p^a 'ya-q ypaai (?) irpnn Kai> 6oa pibw : nKtn 25 no jnva na^a u^Tpi KDP (?) ani> (?) ea^ (?) aan fa jrrau W3 ypaai ypaai ronn nx i> jo^a : lain b jn^a^a ^at^a ypaai -n n v IIK loinn IIT non :apn na pa-a ^t^ona ypaai Dpn nai i"N :a^i ao pra napn w jiTa*3 ^jrana lem^pi ain n x^ h^K :T aa jn^a nnxa lenTpi : Di^a IT niaoiKa yn 11 ia> : nfen onann pan IK ^a iayT o 30 1 The y is very indistinct, and might also be c. SAADYANA 29 IX. Fragment T-S. 10 K 2, three leaves 1 , parchment, sizo 23 x 1 6 cm. .written in an old square hand of about the twelfth century. It represents portions of the polemical writings of R. Saadyah Gaon against the Karaites regarding the calen- dar question 2 . The signature, "Abraham, the priest, the son of Amram " (which is in a different hand), gives us probably the name of the owner 3 ; and ' Nathan b. Isaac of Sicily " was most likely the compiler. My identification, both of this piece and of others composed in Arabic, rests entirely on the Hebrew quotations occurring in them and in the colophons where such are to be found. I am in this respect only "looking through the lattice." My surmises were, however, in most cases confirmed by such Arabic scholars as Dr. Horwitz, of the Breslau Seminary, and Dr. Schreiner, of the Berlin Lehranstalt fiir die Wissenschaft des Judentums, who were constantly ready with their help and advice, for which I feel very grateful to them. My thanks are also due to Dr. Hirschfeld, who kindly collated for me the proofs with the MSS. He also drew my attention to piece XVI, which he also copied for me. I have also to state that our MS. omits the diacritical points except on the V, which is the case in most Arabic MSS. To judge from other* MSS., the Arabic text cannot be always free from clerical errdfs and corrupt passages which require emendation. But this must be left to Arabic students. The Gaon has already passed the pangs of one Geniza not without damage to the world, and he should not be doomed to the purgatory of another. This is my reason for including the Arabic texts in this article. 1 Leaf i recto, 1. 4, and leafs verso ; a verso, 11. 16 19. * See Graetz, V, 486 ; Weiss, Zur Geschiclite der Tradition, IV, 140 sq. ; and Poznanski, J. Q. R., X, p. 244 sq. and p. 260 sq. * Probably identical with the book collector of the same name givon in Pinsker's Likkute Kadmoniyntii. p. 169. 30 SAADYANA (Leaf i recto) 33 ova pw nnyo 1:3*6 y j onsy na ?nan omax 5 (Leaf i verso) n w 5y ... SKI ysnnaN by nrrnp ej^'i paswi>K jrtano* K^ niK rrnaa tja mn [pn]i mow ^y ^h( ppi^D^x ^w< xi? on in ppa i!>ia no afNnai'N] Sip 1 n^n^i DH^K r&wnt K^K 5|a K^I &TB 5 iai nn^nn p ayp onS n^nnni np^a y^oa p onb na |K s ^y cn-e ?ipis 31 $>s-ie> ............ mmo ninjn h N^ SDK ........... npi ii ........... aw nas[n] ........ K nni nnS D^c^a ava Tian * ohy ....... ona-a pnbx pnsna jto no ..... s p KiTT P3 DNlp KB VDNpX nHHN HK3 Ml pTJKyDK 15 jto ftw * ji * DNJ ^w nan ro x^ npn jy nyBTi n^T j-m* fcrt ry nb^K ja *K3 npnvi wni3 n^K"i 20 1 Rosh Hasluma, 21 b. See also the Gan Eden by the Karaite Aaron b. Elijah, ch. 5, where this passage is also quoted against the Gaon. 2 Ps. xcii. 6. 3 Ps. rxix. 89. 90. * Jer. xxiii. 19. SAADYANA 3! 'a bnn mi* linai xpa^ prx nan'i nxaai>K p ai 'p? ina Tvn W ai xipx no ixi Kip now hp Sp 1 nx pJP '331 vna ^s JN ->rr 3n3^ 133 N33 |w mnan HDKK ID pix ipi PICK^K nn^K ODI ^a *oyn (Leaf a recto) rut* hpa b n^y spn^ KV^K wno ^ TOW^K rrin ?o ^y f^nnyK^K nr t6 m KDN^PI ps ^p mm bw na jnnx so BI nnK^vi> n^ys* pnsi ntro ^K ncin^K -UDK KD yo ^5i ry n^K }t< 1^21 DTOKPD cnjD -ivn |o pa^ | D s 3pr D^yasy on^x *a wso }D3 ina nn^^i nai^x ^pw p nvn p ^:i ^a n3av K^ :ciV3 n*a WIBVJK NO xnni too sanxn sanvp D^I pn^s ^K ^yaii upa mnai nn onas nSy^ i>ip^ Kin wi3n ION ou^ann p KDH i iss i^ sa 10 vb nd? !?Np nh -way TI;T ncns nic^o nr^ye' pi pn n'3 nnn iiD^n K nw nna' nw pa nw ^yaT nx ' n^^i ai pnx nw nc*o n nssn^ oSiy ^P nt^t? ainan i?p^ ^wcc' 15 nna' nna pnto nna pa nna ntyoa nns bpsTB' nno wnsn 3na^ "i3T ^sp :t nna ^svct-a nna OKB nna-i pa i>ya-v vanaa pnsi mvy *D anao inw ^a ph ncxyi'N p en nasf's nr6n>si 20 KID CI^D p i?n ^pa^K nan 'B isSn p cn:: -:nsi b csro i yoo KIO^B nna n^a WHRT rb bip^K s-- % X:^J,-:N ;s- DV DNSI KpnD*6* Kin **?y nnx in T^K IIB^K na ; 1 Isa. xl. 6, 7. * /?..<*// IliiKlnnti. 25 n. 32 SAADYANA pn ^K "isvi i>om w nyo -ns pa^sao^K DW vn nns 25 vniyoi ^po i>oa my ID!>S je&i nae^s r6sn mos !> DSP 5K5ca pi ^y $>ai so$>a i>s^oa pn i>xs (Leafs verso) JO DHT33 ^3p* Dip "QID i>Sp1 HDK1 ^3 n^ip^ nnaxi nh^K H:D ^3p 'nn n*a ^y n^ now i^sn i>y ipK'Ji 1KDD icy inix nxnt^ anv "iinoi D^DP^ n^yo^ D^n:ntj> nnn Kjroa wncna jovya 'icm b\> o^np n^ena D^DP^ 5 a D^ KM nnstb^K a IK^ ona3 ps nb is 3ona hpbs sin nnty jo sansiD s a awns npa wme' 3m ^3D^s n!> nvn^i nvyan ^psyi's Hno 11 so jro soo *v a snn sansna ^a 163^ po nns js IB> t6a nny }o onp HJS s^s nwy^K nni> |o n^y 10 fjs myvi ni>K nMcn^si D^ snn jo W nn^p D ^ai* s^i n ^yi n3TD ^jn n^s ^y pnanoc^s jn^s D jsa jo s ^y jsa son f^n^s nn^s sj^ JDI msn^s ins noaa nws JOB SJEM TI^S n^jyi snni>s yans ;o DS^D^SI -iDSi^s VIB n^py naso 15 n^s nona asm^s on 2 DI^ an i>y wynni m ps n w f>ns psip^s nnnow KOI o^sy pjnnijs I^SP SD HJ 3sna sin V p nnyo n^sp soo ns^spo \m pnpis^s n^sp so yoj innnsi p jn: nsnsv na n^s yaj nn ns^no^K DSI ps ^po!?s pnx^ 20 n3 sjya so hs js nsna^s sin ej^o ^sp *^is^s n^spo^s ^y pT*jr pn^s ^n p nysE^s is n^ii is^s^s nos in nsnnsf> pann 11 ^ism sii^s ^y pi^y nn;o pisi nson^s so yoa nnn: js na'-a sini'S nsa^si? pann^ ^m nscn^s 3a*s3 n3iK ^y mns^s [asan]nsf>s p pnpnata nnnsi 25 jsa iyn scs f nf> 3a) pi? *]H nas pni'S 3aiai yaoa is isans ^y ii?nsan^ nnmijs i>ns p isxo^s spn^s ^y w 3son by 5?^ibs *iin p oo^ nim^s {510 ' * Bos/; Hashana, 25 a, b. 2 Ps. xxxyii. n. SAADYANA 33 ''Leafs recto) 3 ^xin .Tins 'smpo p ivac uwe> "iy ^en $>yi JD: $>y ftoa^x in ROJR oni>RD-iRi ontayBW "iop^ onnate JR nnvRi Rp JKB 3Kor6R p'pnn *D smajp 2x2 '-6K ^i6nta nrw nba N3evi RB !?nK>3 n^y nntwiD' JR pn$>R axnn^ ^ 2 rrby nnwo* IK IKID wannK IP Kin p "iroK3i op K^P 5 KOD^[K p ?]KTJ jnpu IK*VI Dip p i ...... iH p in3K3 "IKICI nnpi n KC&K en nja o-'csni'K nvy p ijiapi?^ KnaKuynow niK^K3 SJD^W nnvK^K n K.T-Q y pn^jr- wta nnjK tfcorK y myiK KD ypa y KV^K p^no DVI rhb i?n wnaaua K*n y ny> nnn TKV in p "ay KI KC3 nop^ mt5a iys DIM ni?^ nKD p Rvpn npi Kin D jrwo 'K DCK JKS n H y)K JK n^ hp^ ^>n n^K 15 KIKO KMI^K ^y nn^oy JKS ^ HKT nov "-a i>3 K!J n^y^K npi mn &no i^n n*y^K nv fya D.TT fy J"D np IK Dya Knn p^in 11 JK wasna ^B 163 p tuia WK myn 11 KO i>KO3K ^y KinK *? Mia* o DHJK tanxir^M nnnt? KD *B KHJI KJK mvna i?"KDD^Ka Dmnnno 11 JK n^mo iKn: a ^K nop^ Kniann *n^K nKOsi'y^Ki ^K^^K nvn "nn 'B f^ Di> JKB H^RV ffHV ''K BHIpD EHIpD p^lp^ JR a^R ^R nrae&M IBIVR IIOR^R mn i>RynBRi n^no "i>y n^yni>K nna^tao JR3 I^B enipo ihp^ DniannoM 25 JK nn33D* IKB spai nr ^R DV p (Leaf 3 verso) p IR p D^ hpi>K Kin wa ^!>R om^n im ^Rni>R ny ernpD no^ ip s son R|J onyn npru ^R-J^ i>ai pi iva Hashaiui, 21 b. - Ibid. 22 a. D 34 SAADYANA fto p nay n? wnan KM n^? : ] naiyo nr nn n mn *iy3 nfop^i ^'n pn ^y $>y S>oy nfo Ty!>K IK ITYKI rwKi Dt6a Kim KOK IK Kirx nn ........ NODI i^yn^ mx wewn ^sp KOS K|J ...... nnvf> ops nnn nrar pa^o* NDSK nop^N jen fy pfyi& IN piy JN3 ^a h >TV nw ip ruK omay nv 3 NHK11 W DDB^N D^p TtrUO IK ysmo K^ W DlpJD 10 n"y n KOL ^as DPS tov JK on mn y K nos^ new rvn PK^I ni3j .TH n3 mpn KD a KJDXI 15 nnv mn omxp ya NOJK HJK n"aa fK3 ^no yKcnJK^K npi 5>w KH3 ppnn* -nn xn DHJK hp^K Knn }Ki>D3 ^y 5>T KOD^ * P^B HK^ fK3 J3 Eai DKam ninc'a K^>K -IDP^K x^n rinKn^ ippn^ U13 11 D^ 20 Dnn&3^ nnn ^y n HH i'n^K omxp }3 1^1 *nxn nywoa mn K^na DV^K IDP^K rn 3Kn^K ^asn K3 p K313T KO rrnvn n^j nwn nyxoai DDKHI D^KT ^K unn vnnK o^y nyn bai B'T.PD now p" 1 n^a nivi KJ13T KO ^y jx^3 KVK Kim p "IKDB X. Fragment T.-S. 10 K i, paper, two leaves, size 20 x 1 2 cm., representiog the remainder of a controversial tractate by a Karaite directed against certain statements made by the Gaon R. Saadyah relating to the calendar question. 1 Xmh Hashana, 25 b. * Ibid. 24 a. SAADYANA 35 (Leaf i recto) B* mm Kp onax nyn ijjfN in " T V"'*T KD JN na'Nao nax p }K3 H? 133 WB ni^ytD iTB J^K mm iQ3 IpB i>yB1 10 mn N S ^p 3 Nanine' NIN epya JN3 3 JK D m^NB^X NOB ^N^K3 15 (Leaf i verso) mn o-'Dsni'N N nspin^w ramh* p xa^ insn^ oh D'ara mn ^VN vb in ^J^ ^B 33D^ JN i?Kp IN ini Diaataax ^a >B saopN w t6 nao 10 I pm 1 IZosA Hashana, ai b. * See TosepAta BosA Hashana, IT, r. s See Harkavy in his Appendix to Graetz, History (Hebrew tninnlation), HI, 495- D 2 36 SAADYANA JOPN 'D nby NB^N3D ntb^KD anJN SI^N 1^1 pa N by 'on Wn cni? n^ IN 15 13NVN T (Leaf 2 recto) nn nna JD pa i inn ^y Dnjiann* N^ ;K 5 aeno^K ^s mian np NO B np T^K ppis^K mn JD 13V N TOK 313 3J13 TMD ^3 10 N >D3 vrtn b T3KB DH3N3 n Di ID'P 1 fN3 nn3 ttwrK IP 15 (Leaf 2 verso) 113T DH3N "133N NHH 313" N pW JK ivn^^ pw }N ' N }N3 n"n H3D^N 1VW "VXD^ 313 KD^l 10K DIpi'N 5 N by vvbvbfito nim Nin nsn ND3 JKS ibe pta pann ia3 ND^> 10 ^y N^N nso^s* ^N^HN H;N oyr n:xij mm 8AADYANA 37 XL Fragment T-S. 10 F I, parchment, consisting of two leaves, size ao x 17 cm., written in a square Rabbinical hand, and representing a piece of the Sepher pnpBn ISD of R. Saadyah. Lines 10-20, leaf a recto, and the whole of leaf a verso correspond with the contents of the next piece, the colophon of which gives the name of the Gaon. (Leaf i recto) noneta nnnn JKB PD:K fr* pu p h iron mnp KTOD io VIK^B mwn na *i3n> nar jm Ha IK D^-P *n nxn *BO nynn bv 5 5>a o6v K^B mwi *va none nnnn JKB JKB nrmr^K ^n loam ^K a:* $>a no^na KOI 'D^Dn!?K ncn^ wr&aiv ^ po mivn nor^ vb wvhziTf no^ N^ NV^K mwn |a j6 ai my mjntr nyn 6anf>K i>ipf> f iw ro Dtr rrn I^K r">d PH 1101 ar ovn n K^ an ^xnb 'wn DN inx pnoiN K^N HtB nona JK nn axna^x jitfj a nice 116 nan* TWO ^K * no na >a n^p^ WPB,n^i vb jyjn ^o v5>y xn^ 1 ISTK ip ^y nKm ninn 15 nain h "ii nap* f> DauDnoi nm Hrwfej ntin ^ i!>y5 Knarwx ni> i> nan ann oa nun n oa TH 5>Kp xoa 1 See Mechilta (ed. Friedmann), p. 93 a. * Baba UKIO, 93 h,. see * lao Io6 ** * Isa - xxxi - 4- 38 SAADYANA NOD niKyi>K in >ni>N IIDK$>N mn p nnn (Leaf i verso) * * n vb r& IIDK^K p nnn KOI *n^y nansx iKipK3 IK unea IK nn* KIK mn jo ins pjyrv K^I 'nro^yo ni>ip3 xnn ^no ^a a^niy np xonip 5 noii'Ka KO^JK ^K mnto nypis noa *by naa can DNT xnra^ i>KpD 'PB^K nn^n KO rb ^ps mn ION po* ^>ni ni> ^pa nrn ^y i>api ibap JD miyi'K xnns D^n np f'ttpa K^DD K1K 13 tfkvb K^ n3D f53pV Dh 10 Kin nn^m epan K^oaK Knrn i3yo KP 3m n^op^ m Kina3 nnn? nnnan^ n^ OK nsyoi? ^ nan 'KO n^ OK 133 nyT ^o n^ ON Kin Kin msy^ CP mix 133 wb DK ^3n i3yoi> 'rcn 15 mna 1% in3 nac'K K!?I nan 1015? osanw yo njrii^K pn o^on aai D3 KnsnKX ej^n* ii?Kpa * JK K.13nKX DT^I ^1 20 NIKI *Ka^K TaK i^a IK onb laK^i ion 1H3K 13K^ K (Leaf a recto) rb KV KOKI p i>K apo p ope nan IDS ' n oanv N> KBB 31 OK 5 1 Baba Mezia, 93 b. SAADYANA 39 "NT KB3 iT 3PO .13333 "a CN *n-naen nrvoa men bai $> ; Nin Noyo *KD vi x s^aa .T*> <3po N$> miam p 10 Noi?s njni na^juoo ^D e^rv JN NDIK jnio JK 2TB D^D^ JK nNIKI 5>pnDK fD^K Hlifn *in 'OKI nin v^y p^bo jni ntn minn ww na*n K^ ov n DK D^?D *:K 15 "V Dip nuyi n^aa 11 b'Kp nV sj^n (Leaf 2 verso) !> rbb* ^ pa Taa axvi in *a nb ?Ka n^y inarv N^ Dasn^N N n:n ia na nan rrb pe> xni-ian Knom wvan wb an n^ DN am rrojA n 5 ivi m^ an* '0*310 l~na ^n jyoi> an i PK w ay no pa nan wu v6 an omtonp jy oanN nncoK NOB * norn yanv \K aa^ o^p-'TX nin-wi D*aio TYI 10 *i>y niria mn JK at 2 The source of this passage is unknown to me. *. Baba Uezia, 830. 40 SAA.DYANA nyn^K DKanK r6ioa 15 nnoan n^K T.am ? bnw Knninoo -ji> Knnioyo PCK rra^KQ JNMI XII. Fragment marked T-S. 16. 69, parchment, two leaves, con- taining various matter written in different hands. The following piece, with the exception of the first line, is written in an ancient square hand with a turn to cursive, and probably represents a portion of the jnpsn IDD by the Gaon : s? mon KDIKI * x^aa JK HKIW ^Kpnos PDK nixx KC vnn 5n ^ $k rio^on ^aj>i i>Kp f aa^s 5 an OK n^ ynn OKI nrn v^y p^bo IHIK K^K vby Tonni> nyiae' jnw minn nan K^ TJK i>K ona^ K^K WKI ^ op y-nK p ^KV vi>y nn^n nipi nayx ma* K^Kp;ni> ^n KD ^n KO ^y ni3K -VJ3 DIKH^K ^nno^ Ki>K 10 own iH D ni> IKD nyoJK tb KD miK K^J K^> wn^K JK K^K ni>i>K n pa K> -UK wnn an na Kan 5r6K p5> rropi IHK VPD^ m^pt? Knnan Knom Kn^an n jyoi> ^an wn w^ an n^ OK ann 15 ^i PK :y noK wa Kpnn vii an* n'5 OK 'an KJH vrnaw in^ an n^ OK p jy can i>K nnooK KDD nopn D"P^ yan* JK are Dpnv mnnKi D^aio nnn D.TKonp SAADYANA 41 oaxn bs, ^y 'vb I^WD bx ^y rwna mn JK K^K 30 IT t6 Dan i> p vb -]3"n nyni !> D*onK n^oa w nnnn tt^n H ^ ^n inoo i? KXW snnoan pa ..... bx 31 PJK JTS^KD JTCJI 25 na ..... na boa ana ..... ^K pya rvnyo XIII. Fragment T-S. 8 K 3, one leaf, paper, size 17 x 14 cm., written in a square hand with a turn to cursive. The MS. represents a fragment of a polemical work by the Gaon R. Saadyah against the Karaite Daniel b. Moses Al Kumsi, of the eighth century, one of the first successors of An an l . As far as I remember nothing of the existence of such a work was known till now, whilst the sudden breaking off of our MS. makes it impossible to say what the special object of the Gaon's attack was. Tl^e recto of the MS. contains the following colophon : omai> nr cjnvo u iron jnann pa* py jaa rru (Leaf i verso) vnry nypvi etn nnyo an no ION naa 1 See Graetz, Gesehichte der Jtiden, V, p. 209, and Weiss, Zur Geschiclite dfr judischen Tradition, IV, p. 116, note 11, and the reference there to Pin&ker. 42 SAADYANA ne>o p w mis '-on ne>K nao TIXXQ ' 5 nyn nx p rne>yi> ^rvr iti'Nai 1x13 13 t^ N oeip nrn t^sn nx ?)'D*o iy 10 31H33 nooh njE' nntj'y po tm^y nNn p XIV. Fragment T-S. 8. 232, parchment, one leaf, size 14x16 cm., in a square hand, contains various jottings, of which the following has bearing on our subject. I doubt greatly whether this R. Saadyah is identical with the Gaon of this name. nnyo mrm ma {jnp nna '3 nan yit 'in3jp DB> ubnB'x i?&osj* nno :D3TinE>yo nxi nanioinn nx KTIN 5 XV. Fragment T-S. 6 F 2 1 , paper, one leaf.size 9 x 140111., written in a cursive hand, representing the remainder of a work by 1 The MS. is very faint in this place, and this word may ;ibo road wi2. * This would suggest that Daniel also wrote a mm'n '-, but it may aUo be a mere quotation from his Sepher ha-Miswolti. 3 i Chron, xxvii. 25. SAADYANA 43 R. Saadyah on the "Classification of the Law under twenty- four Headings," with a commentary by R. Samuel b. Chofni. Perhaps the latter is in some way connected with the n 'D attributed to the last Gaon of Sura. 1 . (recto) worn Dop 13 nivei>K .TB oop !?f DVBi>K rrnyD aio : i>irf ':sn p pw bwvv ano nTDsna ^y naa ntopa Nnni m?y n^xo xnio ^nbx DDP!>N 5 nni n^yn vb n>vo a^x DDP!?NI :T3N nx :i?K DDP^NI ID nnx D^ni'N ^ n.T N urm Din p ^np nipa vn nyc> nnin xn> ii?N DDP^XI : nmron TIP ^y 10 ruoTK ^ (verso) jo >3N/ jy n N3 xnm onh nbipa noiyn nasn or ^N n mnoo 02 ' * msoi pn i>3 "B nom^K 5 >3i n: nn K into nop DHD1 -JN^K D i'Npl |C1TO : nv 3p irnyn ri^N DDpiw nyna nayn b 10 xnni pvso 1 See Harkavy, Studien u. Mittheilungen, III, p. 5, about the awns 44 SAADYANA XVI. Fragment T-S. 6 F i, paper, twenty-six leaves, size 13x9 cm., in a cursive hand. The contents of the MS. are mostly liturgical, except the following lines, extending over pp. 5 and 6, containing among others a passage from a work (?) of the Gaon on the various degrees of forbidden marriages l . xo m JK 3&03$>K nipi> 3"n mm /- un nvx IKB Dwnata hp ^K ni TB mm [n]3 KDK H^K pHD^K HIBD f13 ^133 33^ 02 KHK KD DKI mm *-an jy n^na >3jr 5 ^n nx mm^x ^K na n^a i>?s6 TIID^K 'a nnaxn m nrro n^n 'can nm ^y "Qiyn i>sp 'ui tf'K nyan *b mvb* rb*\> ii>p roo^K ^a JKID^ PK^Q^K tu p P mmn jo HIXD m^n njn nphn p p ^'r '1:1 nne'n n: jni a IKT rrnnfc mmi n: *3 nhp p P " w IKI raon xnx nisi INT ninx ]tb wn nn nn in IKI JK n^n rrca Knnw TIJ^K na 15 ni^Bn }n3^K in mxo na a none pw nnyo wan i>Kp mnn -nontax K nyao Tn ISK^K p ""31 hanp iTnn K^ iTa ^p nynoi?K 20 mw nvp riynoo *n ntnp^K mn 5>it3 i>3p Nrw IKS NO ^y IB ]ub rkzp m^s p 3yv 1 See Weiss, Zwr Oeschichte def Tradition, col. iv, p. 156, and references there to Pinsker. See also Poznanski, J. Q. R., X, pp. 243 and 359, SAADYANA 45 aiw "tfn jo e> *6a mm i^nen "nno 25 EK rra ainae^K ramp 'ie>3 "IKS? $>3 $>K B*K mm nhpjo mem miro pipy n"a N 35 JK &6 nn^ap ^n^x JD ayvx m 'Ji 'o^c Din mj^w insi sbx ^K ^y nnn E^K m na jnnnn ! KITD i?Kp mewta I^KI pans intan npi xni? rna^K JK^ wi^ap n^ jo Din TO mBiofoi ^n^n n>a 4 o m 'ai aas^n K^ -or nw rra iNp iia^K rriDj n^w jxi? mpn KO jma p jnonnn naaixa pyx nn n p ^ K^I ip^a tnr6 o^a ai^K JD naia nou 45 XVIL Fragment T-S. 8 H 5, six leaves, paper, size 15x11 cm., written in a cursive hand, and representing the remainder of a liturgical MS. containing Piyutim for the Passover. The following represents the recto, and a portion of the verso of the third leaf. (recto) ix ay b n*n nwi 46 1SAADTANA -DN!> incnnpa nr by PIT npi 5 o 'wr mvbrb i> iva DWJI ny B'sin' Kip nnn 10 vuyoo (verso) pxn i?3 *6 xvni. Fragment T-S. 8 H 3, four leaves, liturgical, paper, size 17x13 cm., written in a cursive hand. The following represents the verso of the second leaf (a primary Selicha to the Fast of Gedaliah) and the recto and verso of the third leaf: (Leaf a verso) in rpiyo *b nrr^o nsn -ipm WQ2 DIMS wjm "ixcn 3Ty na JIBDB D^nnn onan 5 Dpi?n wai anpo iborai. DV3 ID^B "W n s 1Nt^ ^3PT }3 n^na TI nny avi s 10 :pwi rno nlipe SAADYANA 47 (Leaf 3 recto) "to }iw innyo m-b PI^D $>K * * ' 10 * * 3pt *|DV jmn no* Sam no np -ia i 'ys ipn fprn ^y ^ (Leaf 3 verso) 6m nan pa* nsi ' nxpo D-IDJ nsi f fW mo b XIX. Fragment T-S. 8 H 3, paper, size 18x14 cm., written in a cursive hand, and reading as follows : apy ptu rna'B* irsn nnyo am WID ntrpa nnx nna? Kin nn y n^yji nianan f>a ^>y XX. Fragment T-S. 8 H 6, paper, one leaf, size i8xi6cm., written in a square hand, and contains the colophon a5> at myo wan nwh? 1 See Zunz, LiferatvrgeseMchtt der synagogalcn Poesie, p. 95, No. 5. 48 SAADYANA with the name of the owner ^WDP *?*n nay whilst the verso reads jmyo U3-6 rtan Tr6nn Ta 11 *DI nnsn JIBP 1 'pi '121 i> waprn 'nyT oi>n XXI. Fragment T-S. 6 H i, the remainder of a collection of hymns, consisting of two leaves of a quire, of which the middle pages are missing, paper, size 14x10 cm., reproduces in the last two lines of leaf 2 verso the following words : *n33 '!> p-jv no D'jan DK mK 12 with which the MS. breaks off. XXII. Fragment T-S. 8 H i, consisting of six leaves, paper, size 15 x 10 cm., strongly cursive, probably representing a Machsor for the Day of Atonement. The following piece reproduces the contents of 'the first leaf, recto (beginning with the ninth line from the top) and verso. (recto) *** !>T rvlyD u*m fnn irai? nnj inon inwm iny K^> it3 5 -nn : ina pen ^IK 1 Se Zunz, ibid., p. 96, No. 6. Cf. Znnz, ibid., p. 98. SAADYANA 49 vrwbw am TI thy 3 ' * * : fTVt?K 10 (verso) mv * poyb Dybroi nwiy npoy nx ny 6io inhr DQK IHK -nw 5 by naiy vfyao py npnv * ruruu Q^Kip VIP nxnp 10 :ruwn bxn^ nyn n b*n nnbo nyotr rrn w * Kiwm y hnon mno xxin. Fragment T-H. 8 H 4, paper, six leaves, size 16 x 10 cm., representing the remainder of a hymnal to Purim, written in an ancient square hand with a turn to cursive. The following piece forms the contents of the first leaf. recto) 'DVD W nu : jn yen bs '3 ueri 50 SAADYANA 3 S>3 by "o Kin nr : 3NT : aoi> 1M3 3NT Djm!> 3^ Mva : oyyn^ n^o n nay* N^> : nynjnn pin tnynro *V>D> N!J D-D y vx-3 *i>^ pin *o 15 : wvrb nna (verso) pip n nnns nia : nnn miyn mv : $> 'emp : nana nono mm 5 a- : ns^oo Dap oy vina yiro nhoi nnsyn rnarn mp ^n Dy nny cy ^ Dip* s j : D*yB>"i oy avnn N^BH o^ynM 70*3 np^i petpa nion TB 'Ji T^D^K This is followed by a hymn of BWJtSB'. XXIV. Fragment T-S. 8. 233, parchment, one leaf, size 13 x 18 cm., written in a square hand, and representing the colophon of a liturgical work (containing private prayers) by R. Saadyah. SAADYANA jy K n $> ate n^y nopn oi n>B pwa f?N JK ncnp ip ivK f?K mn n6en IUM KTKB n na jrvn 0^1 nx^xn S> TTDH ^y pna nno na ^y ^vn oh pa * i>iK pnn f> nat? |ai nyo Tivao a^ni root n^ ina ana^K on 10 in nnyo nano^K OKI WTD j^nn nn niB DDI ^ni>K iw n^ nar 15 XXV. Fragment T-S. 8. 234, parchment, one leaf, size 12 x 10 cm. The recto contains a colophon written in a square hand of the year 1061, whilst the "VDBn on th& verso is written in a rather different cursive hand. (recto) DD mpma OKI rwhf T nana n *a nnry nyans rue> 5 runoa ai?3 yt?*n SB> n E a 52 SAADYANA -roan l>t myo ' D SIJTK *nn 'pea *B "6 fi nyni KJTK DI^N nennyn (verso) "D XXVI. Fragment T-S. 8. 1*35, parchment, one leaf, size 17 x 1 5 cm., in a square hand, and has on the recto a colophon, and on the verso the well-known poem on the number of the letters of the Old Testament. The MS. seems decidedly of a very ancient date, and greatly guarantees the authenticity of this piece disputed by some scholars 1 . (recto) 1K1J7K epn &t .TDHD JIM "nron iwn jznb i5 p aion 5 prn |?nn (verso) myo ptu wa pin* 1 * * an ^ py ima n3 (1) ^5 ntea S B 33 PJIHK riy 1 Cf. reference in Landshuth's agrees with none of the editions. ha-Aboda, p. 299, but our text 8AADYANA 53 33 iw3 mm ruth DK> onon tmiaa *JB>n nns onai vm nr6 p *iniD osy nnn pptnn n3ta 4 rmviD * PBO Tim 3 i on n3ijn nru onn (?) nan Dnyie>n XXVII. Fragment T-S. 8 K i, paper, one leaf, size 17x12 cm., written in a square hand with a turn to cursive. Tte recto represents the colophon of a codex once in the possession of a Head of the Dispersion, Daniel b. Solomon (about 1 165) of Bagdad, and afterwards (1175) owned by Jacob b. Eli, probably a brother of Samuel b. Eli, the head of the school in the same place l . The codex contained various pieces by the Gaon R. Saadyah and the Gaon R. Samuel b. Chofni. (recto) nan a j y p 3pjr no N 3na r.^y SKnabs vnn 5 3NH31 y3J DVD pw vmyo : rf? 2 ruma nwno nyansi ta 1 See Graetz, Geschichte, vol. VI, p. 276. * See Aruch, s. v. ncy, where it seems that R. Hai wrote a treatise on the m:no i"3. It is not known to me that R. Saadyah wrote on the same subject. Cf. also HalaclioUi Gedolalh, ed. Warsaw, 138 a sq. (beg. of HalachoUi Becharotk), Midrash, LekacJi. Tob (ed. Wilna), Numbers, 83 b sq. 54 SAADYANA W311.13[m]D *rWl nONCN^N NTD1 Krai yaa 2 p pto jron iwot? yj >BVB psai? tfir-K nisno^N B 10 pto jron iwiDt Ma pto jnan * * ' O y iTS in* p * X 15 31t3 p^D "13DO }3 } ' ' vonn IIWD n^a vn jpon Dim!? JCN n^i 110^ nar^ rnwri pmn n^o |NI pmi prn 20 On the verso, which is written in a different hand, the first six lines run as follows : (verso) nyova inne> nooa prmh* Din!? p n^as p nspxcvi pnin nntns ;o nupNDV) pnjn nryn oii>Ni 5 *ttnnKi3 mnao pny nn XXVIII. Fragment T-S. 12/722, parchment, i leaf, written in square with a tendency to cursive. It comes from a codex representing the commentary of R. Saadynh to [salad. As we see from the colophon, dated 1031, the uolr\ .Vi.'ivwd at one time to Josiah the son of Aaron the son of Josiah. Another colophon above this in larger ornamental !**<. '-a, but as I believe, of a later date, tells us that the v.1 ipnx NO pie csn ' * * a NDK jnaoni D^ni^s T~n>K D % nuo n^rao KTUK ^jn tas^N ; mo n TO D KI nro xa n ' ru ro KOI |KIJ?K ^NI ns^s N3 mso {c nr 56 . SAADYANA xnnxanxi> D'i>Dr6x pnxna hx ni> ncxp woa nx-6x "tnxi f>a ua $>a nc>y " 'aax !>xpi naxna r6x b nhp ntaen i?i ya NO oyxi 'ai nai> D DJJI ^an nxn *i>3 rwy 'ip nya xpa ci>a jii ..... sai yax nx^>x iwi nwo $>xi mo bx jy "Jjnoo yxn v KOJX nxpK^o i?N ruxa nx xni? nnno ^K jo mtwao T ana iin ..... t3pa DDK pi o^s npnnn t6s IK ni> 331 upa ^p ^Na n^n jroa by $>a nni? yj-n ai CD byi na ^y nanx yan *pax mn ana 5>rK^ aai or6 n am m^at? no^yn fia 11 JK 'a N3yi?x npn^ N^ n"n .p n^aat* ni ^N nan^ nnxajo ^x Tyi 5i nsay i> pn *a nana a j D yoa naD 11 p j^nana jntDabi nua^ 60 yi vb oan y^oa a p asn o D p^ } on x i>xa n }x n^ao nox XDB naaon bx anxa xi? nnn ^ xin $>x anx p p xn^na mai ^a a bs p D'an bx jxa cxbx ^ noi i?xa nnnan ..... x t?D3 ^x aix ^a XTIHI xa nx oa^ * * px^o /' xn xin ...... fx 'aa^a rb vnoo^ nnpi nv x vm xx xoax pp tai?x jx b pxi i?x jnn ^r XD * * bbv a i>xT'jn * nyi? i>a n xm onnx^xno bx noaa ^y PIJO^ oxa ..... ma b ni?x x ni>x anx $>x ^x nxp^ ii?ni?a nyxio ix XD xon ^ xnoi nyai }XDT!?X Vap 'pxa ^n^x x ..... bs> n ....... yixo Dxnx ^y mpxa xaa i>x pj-'aa pp !>x x *a pax b hp ne'pa at? 4 nnx ..... nain 15 25 35 40 SAADYANA 57 XXIX. Fragment T-S. 12. 723, paper, one leaf, size 26 x 16-5 cm. (writing 21x11-5), written in an ancient square hand, probably not later than the eleventh century. The writing is much faded in many places, but enough is left to show that it represents the remainder of a letter addressed to the Gaon R. Saadyah by a pupil of one of his disciples 1 The burden of the letter is, in its present defective state, impossible to ascertain. (recto) WITD np^ K^ID Wya D^nya^ ppto WQ ba T fai '3 Wai IBS kn rnbyi D'Kta papo Wynb ea i : Wn 'yno n nyn PICTID onvy 5 ) n riKpD: spiK nya *]D33 DQnVI f]DV3 * On * * * SJDV p myD ''JHK *|D13 ^JK *3Q "113*^ ynmi ^a^ noni jnoi pa (n)iox 10 yiQj nne> mno ^ yni: nan L"K vnoa oya PKB> naa Kin p KII: Kin jn imt'n^ ID cno % D^I navT.K TIVK T^ n . . . . V |> N sj^o-i n[aiK]i?ni ns?i ni3a 15 naaioi nn^ mo^Kij ^noi'Ki nay *:n)o?D i;*:p ;n ra*na ^a I^D!? KIT n3 NO mTai naino ba 01 b cnn Tiyn *>a (?)na r.-a r 'a nan ns: pnS no nsK* ii? -o f 11 " nac'na "vnn ^nm D2'^n cva nayn^ ^x "."Kn 1,0 nyj' fin nai cvo !*y ra r^ ( >: na^ by jrs 53 SAADYANA (verso) awv 3ie> nenro 16 (?)ienroa (tynman a* irman warn nr p * * * ^ na rant? ^aena *n f j? nwnin ^^31 i^iB^a DM *a 5 t3 nnw mo >aa) su nnom *ai>D 10 * *enp one nn >KI jnuio ato nom na i> } h nw EVT |W ja rrnyo 15 njn np ^a mm noan ^nana patsn ^atrn noio nnpi> 4 DK ncn noroi 1^ rrhn mv TJIJJ* np^ WB^ a^n) ni3ian ^DDI man mh? *3we 20 nnoen niwi 11331 pvni irn (?)ne oni XXX. Fragment T-S. 12. 724, two pages, size 26 x 18 cm., written in an ancient cursive hand, coming from a codex containing Responsa of the Gaonim. The following, closely written, begins at the fourteenth line from the top, and represents about half a page. A part of its contents is already known from the collection naicn nyp, No. 87. It will be seen that our text is the more complete one, and givta the SAADYANA 59 original version of this Responsum, whilst the other repro- duces merely an extract. 60 SAADYANA XXXI. Fragment T-S. 13 G 2, paper, two leaves, the top broken away, now size 21x2,1 cm., square hand, representing the remainder of a codex of Responsa of the Geonim. The following lines occur on the recto of leaf 2, whilst their contents closely recall those of Responsum 386 in the Teshuboth ha-Geonim, ed. Harkavy. The R. Nathan men- tioned here is probably identical with Nathan b. Juda, the grand uncle (Aluf) of the Gaon R. Sherira l . 'ytoDn nir vi H^N nnxv6x mm i>r psa nnyo wan tr an i?xpi 'rranyi>x Dnxnn^x mna D.nnn xmo n i>3 jn nnaina nSna in oni?ip L , *n NHJN^ n^:i?x "a mintpD runo e]D3 (?)sniDD n^K XXXII. Fragment T-S. 10 Gi, paper, five leaves, size 22 x 19 cm., cursive, and representing a portion of Responsa of the Geonim. The following piece, forming a part of the contents of the third leaf, recto and verso, is marked as No. 61 (XD): (recto) ?n fjtsa unpon rya anntro pnn xn $>NWI b w ni?yD ia n\n DNI n^ua DNO ^t rfnyo no IBH^B nt D n^a rpbi mn pra ^VDC' c iroo n^B> 'Nnn ""xni xnyotj'a n^y pan max ^ax innanj nt? >3aD nnyo no oxna ipay yao DXD ID nnx DXD pa* np px; nnyo no ex 1 See the letter of R. Sherira, p. 39 (ed. Neubaucr). 3 Sota, 48 a. SAADYANA 6l oy unyh mb UDD pinB^ pnv n?ay nxw ntn mDnrro psm i>roa ptnDDK> mrva npjn rnrvan mpo iy nxno nE>o vorivw TOETJ m i>3K nvvaa njoo $>DBJK no nypanop IT ruwia nnon pw JH^KD niyp3no % |m pnnts WDO n^ 10 (verso) i5a mon pw nonn KVI nn n^a rrvon a nnn ba pxi n>a mn DJ nt^yo N^I pon oaa {rnaci 'lam 5 ^> n^nxn n^tr ono TOE' mis tej B'npon non nra w nn 13 w D natwi miyeo moa ims pp3xoi waa ims JD NVOJ n>nu> no Ninn ^^ xtao N^ l !?y SJK NV03H nn MOD m^a nwo UB> ^:ao IDB^ nnyo no xxxin. Fragment T-S. 16. 310, paper, size 35 x 24 cm., one leaf, coming from a Responsa of the Geonim, and giving a quotation from the commentaries of the Gaon. There are in the Geniza other pieces like this, and as far as I was able to read them superficially, they come from Rabbi Samuel ben Chofni. nan an im avi TTIT na tav'o- -an nnn wn rra na pjy> *na nn ^tw na rv!> nsn^ mw pjyi> 'oi pi pao * ; TB ^irf n * pw rrnyo r\ p n wno^oji n* ^yans ^an on n>n 1 Gittim, 68 b. 62 SAADYANA XXXIV. Fragment T-S. 10 G 2, paper, eight leaves, size 21x17 cm., square writing with a turn to cursive, forming originally a part of codex ofResponsa of the Geonim. The following lines reproduce a portion of leaf 4 verso, and represent a responsum by R. Hai Gaon to the people of Segelmessa, in Africa, in which the name of R. Saadyah occurs. Some of its contents were already known from a quotation given by R. Isaac Abbamare in his Ittur *. KP D H vfoeeni naiKTim rfctwn nou nn vb IN jn pnnio DN D"non i Daarn &3 'pirno pnann }o pniON r6o^on jo n-aann pm jrjB'Di NOD >n 3:n 5ncn ^N w rrwp n pmo my^ ne> won n n'MD IN -ii.nu 2jm ^30 3 n^ ^axi n"N ^H p-Dpion ny 5 D viop D^aan 6xn i?if rrnyo an no i33nf> pnstwn NO f? i wn:o IN ^n oyt3 'NO pyn N^I prno inoe' D^ni nio^N nnoai i.n^ ^3Nn JNO ^ JPOP N!? PNI ncnNn Nin * 4 f? y^o^ N!? KaroK pry nn^i no |^ si^* o an non N^ jrotr h jn pnmo mop o^n N^N pniox )not;> 10 payi> pa ion o^ana *toi N^N D^no cajn nDN yi JIN: nnyo ini> ncjn D^ajnn *vbv in^on No^yn wruoi jon pjy^> pai jn5>a none6 * ' ION pniDN n^no noNn JNOI o^no pi 6y pn NJKI nnaiB'ni nWn N\n w ^snt^ ""va np:N * wiDDina N^n ^m ^f PNJ wan^ NJT^DO 15 5 D"no pa n^n pa n^aani DTI onN ^aiN NO 1 See Mueller in his collection appended to the rncn'n 'c, by R. Saadyah, p. 149, No. 19. Cf. also Harkavy in the Hebrew periodical Happeles, II, 74. * Aboda Zara, 39 b. s Shabbath. go b. * These dots are in the MS. * See Terumotli, chap. 9. Cf. Commentaries to TOT mv -nc, 13. SAADYANA 63 XXXV. Fragment T-S. 8 J i , size 1 9 x 14-2 cm. (writing 1 4-5 x 1 1-3), consists of two quires, each numbering two leaves. It is written in a square Rabbinic hand, probably not later than the twelfth century. Their contents represent a panegyric of a head of the Academy of l '"vpno, which fact suggested my giving them a place in this article, dedicated to the greatest master of this school. The style is strictly paitanic, both in its grammatical formations 2 and its allusive diction 3 . It is also provided, as most Piyutim are, with rhyme and acrostic. The latter, defective at the beginning, gives in the first piece, ny nyb TV nbun ryi 4 rtaiD; in the second, beginning B>oe> DN (leaf i, v.), f6un njn niD nra tin DfTOK ny ny TV ; the third, beginning nx (leaf 2, v.), tt U2i DiTQK ; in the fourth, defective at the beginning, and commencing riNTO 3 (leaf 3, r.), TV nhan tjn nka[o]; in the fifth, beginning nvw (leaf 3, v.), Dmax ; whilst the sixth, com- mencing with vta, also defective at the beginning, (leaf 4, r.), nvi POP rvrv nhan rw n^ao naena. The Nun before rat? formed probably the concluding letter of jnan or fON. As to the subject of this panegyric, only one thing is certain that it was, as already mentioned, composed in honour of the head of the Academy of iVDno (or Sura?) 1 This vocalization confirms the opinion of Lebrecht (quoted by Berliner in his Beitrage zur Geographic, p. 46, n. a) that the correct pronunciation is Mnchseya, not Machasya. * See the reference to Zunz, Syn. Poesie, in the notes to the text, to which many other words may be added, as nnvD!?, mion, rmat, ICES:, nr3ir, p^ap, &c. &c. 3 See e. g. leaf a verso, 11. 15-21 ; leaf 3 verso, 1. 7 (nc' for Israel), Ac. * In connexion with this eulogy it will not be uninteresting to repro- duce here contents to two fragments stored in the Colophon Box of the T-S. Collection ; the one reading p irrm mar na'SJVi rtjcb rjrrsn to mn, whilst the other rm:n nyrn nrnD rntm omaM na rro^c. See also Benjamin's Itinerary (ed. Asher), I, 48, the title nawn TiD. 64 SAADYANA "the broken down," which he will make terrible and mighty again 1 ,- and which he will re-establish as the school of the religion 2 where certain portions of the Jewish civil law will be studied 3 . The further details, as far as they can be gathered from this turgid style, and the many unintelligible lines, are that the lately installed head was the father of three sons, Baruch, Jannai, and Solomon 4 , and of two married daughters 5 . He had also brothers and sister's sons 6 , who apparently were considered members of his own family. His wife, we further learn, was still alive, but rather advanced in years 7 , whilst he also enjoyed the services of Abraham the priest 8 , the writer of this panegyric, who acted, as it seems, as his secretary, relieving his master in the performance of his heavy duties 9 , who besides his teaching activity 10 was also en- gaged in works of charity and lovingkindness u . Another servant of his was the priest Amram 12 . It is further 1 Leaf i recto, 1. 8. 4 Ibid., 1. 9, mn mvo'. 3 Ibid., 11. 10-12. Cf. Taanith, 24 a and b, that in the days of Rab. Juda mn JVi:2 "i:n b3, which circumstance may have repeated itself in the time of our writer. See, however, Weiss, Zur Geschichte der Tradition, III, p. 230. * Leaf i recto, 1. 2, and leaf 2 recto, 1. 23. * Leaf i recto, 1. 23, rmcsn vnui, also called erica (leaf i verso, 1. 3), and probably the wives of the C'3nn mentioned in the same line. * Leaf i verso, 1. 3, and leaf 2 recto, 1. 24, leaf r verso, 1. 4, and leaf 2 recto, 1. 25, suggest that one of these sisters was married to a man named Eli, the priest, whose son was a special favourite of our Rabbi. 7 Leaf i verso, 1. 18, and recto, 1. 19. * Leaf i verso, 1. 6, psn DTTUN, and it is his name which turns up so often in the acrostic. ' Leaf i verso, 11. 7 and 8. 10 Leaf i recto, 1. 9. 11 Leaf 2 verso, 11. 25-39 ; leaf 4 recto, II. 10-26. 11 Leaf i verso, 1. n, but the meaning of the text is rather obscure. It is not impossible that this Amram is introduced as the father of our Abraham. Perhaps I may here call attention to the following passage copied from a leaf representing the remainder of an eminent responsa : rrow DV taa (?)D'TO:D ^om p:mM DTJ irm "man nn to^rr ivn n:rn c'jsrb TOME n^aoi rrc-a 1 ? irynn -o; w 'NH irn n;m iyiro rw nrr:-::i SAADYANA 65 clear that the jurisdiction of our Rabbi not only included the whole of Babylon, but also extended to the schools in the Christian countries ; for he was " the strength of the dispersion in Babel and in Edom," " and his fame 'went through all the provinces V All this wide influence, generosity, and learning did not, however, protect our Rabbi against the ill-will of his enemies, among which the people of mvD were especially distinguished 2 , but who were quite subdued by his authority and the force of his pen 3 . This last feature would especially apply to the Gaon R. Saadyah, who was particularly famous for his controversial skill, and who had especial merits in the restoration of the school of Sura 4 . Indeed, he was called to this chair with the especial purpose of bringing back to this seat of learning its ancient glory. The reference to Joseph may also include perhaps an allusion to the father of the Gaon, who bore this name 5 . But there is this objection, that no reference is made in this panegyric to R. Dosa, the only son of the Gaon, known to history. Another restorer of Sura was the Gaon R. Samuel ben Chofni, the last head of this great school 6 , but there we are confronted with the similar difficulty that no mention is made of R. Hai Gaon, the son-in-law of the former. p to men 1 } H3 11 pi m -UTI oViro DIM nrw wVi o'win ^cVi 'T3 jrpn oma ...... p:n npcn nSro: iyrrt ^ctai jnwnn Tcnb pr im. The impression conveyed by these lines is that the writer was a contemporary of R. Hananel and R. Nissim, and may thus have been the secretary of R. Samuel b. Chofni. That again the secretary of the Gaon was as a rule a man of learning and enjoying an eminent position is clear from R. Sherira's letter (ed. Neubauer) in which he mentions with pride the fact TIED nn van '2i. What speaks against the suggested identification is the omission of the title jns in the cited passage. Leafs verso, 11. 15, 16, and 22 ; leaf 4 recto, 1. 35. Leaf i verso, 1. I'D. Leaf 3 verso, 1. 13 seq., and recto, 11. 11-16. See Graetz, vol. V, p. 276. Leaf a recto, 1. 15. See Graetz, vol. VI, pp. i and 7 ; Harkavy, Stud ten und Mittheilungen, III, p. i, text and notes. F 66 SAADYANA (Leaf i reeto> D1W *B3 W 'D"tt * D'TlXa in"33 5>K"1K" nan 210 no :D>TT.I nc&n "Wi "ins '3x :nvya D'ya no m D-twm D'^axn ycnn!? spy mi nywn 2 mo rfayp HJO^N oai **IDP TOKO cnrv ah 5 vr h;i nm nsnjn nxiu onpa noie>S 'nvnen npno^ ina :nnD:in mn laici niipa yanji ynira nsrni? pc^a ipna caBtrn 10 naien 13^ Nenaa ^wan nan irrraKi naaa njnae'ai p ^y nnwy Taa nw njn'n ^is 'nniov wan KM iy ny 15 :micn Tnnnh i? nnnb -nnicn 'aa nnso ^aai?o ic^n noy nmar oai ncyn TJB^ THUK no: :rmox naioa ivnr nrr 'no 1 K^ "it? DM onpavi Ba i>a QBIK *^a n^yoi> ny 733 mn :mns \nn ^K cn^am *^T xi? onus ^ N!? 015^ 20 wn *D3aK>D wn oai 133^0 n *D3n nntn : nrn iwv nmaa oiin oaa ^y nnw ^aa ^y 8 namrn iyi> pn '331331 rumen nacneo nn^3n ;ar6 6 narrw fno n*3 faa oai *nwDnn nK3 notrn fjrc 25 nooy 7 nb?3 ai 'n^Dsai npcw K^I KM nmw S 3 1 See Isa. vi. 6 and 7, but the allusion is not quite clear to me. * See Gen. xlix. n. 3 Jer. xxii. 17. 4 Denom. from p?j?. * Read rcrnin. * See Song of Songs, i. 3. Perhaps they had some Midrash on this Terse suggesting the DTTI pn 1 ?, &c. T See Gen. xviii. la. SAADYANA -67 (Leaf i verso) pmn vi>N irn^s nanai pins n;n Tn * rf?*n :mi3r 6 vin nnio nysen 'p-irca pnr D*n nvnsn yab *innuiD on 'DB> pn : PITTM nnaenrn Wn s pen ^y p WTT^ 031 * jma jmaa \xai T5?3K new "jri-iin pana an nncn 5 4 :miaij iniso nj ntjv "ime^ jnan nmax JCNJ n^ps *wnjn >a -j^y 1^33 B>D nnnanx n^x nx "O^o ntiny yr IJBJ; ry mi vanao ip^ ijooa vucn* WM^N ja^ 8 : HT!JD ww T^OW y*rn lo^en ^trca no A 10 moy pan ^va na^oij on n:on^ TIXQ nit3y : mna 'nn ^N "p^np ^ai nipv nrya ruyn nnnw nannn 6 :rtTT ^a nSy D.Tya nrito 15 *D s a HT^ nnnja : mr.ynn 0^33 ,i ^-yoa njnc^ B>am pnaxm ~\xo ry : mini W-Q lar ynra pnn *ny ^n- ^ia ri^xh psn ^>y onDBTi ^ H a pm ncy TMVMV nhi 20 "cn 1QD33 1311K' DnyB' D31DK '11133 ivop M33n TIND mi 1x1 25 inoan nn^i *n33 c a njnw nxroa va!n trsa i>a nin non Ton nitraa law vn inn naia f>y non nnooi i ia^ rno'ya 5 yir nayra rnna nnn : 3 ianaa maya ini>na wynai ii? toa n^ :iaan mmvb nwn wan IPPIO* aisaoi inns 11 moo inoa Ka incswa Danni lam TJ 1B113 V1V iaayn ma nias vnitw iBDyna DH^K 'nm ^ ni'ay nxia naiD3 rum n;y wnp vaa o^Ton yir isoa vovy SJDV ion *6n 15 vni3iu nna vny njn nTn one' pi? iy.ai i3b DJ inn w 20 ipsv 116 inna nspv irn 1 See Zunz, ibid., pp. 382, 404. See Zunz, ibid., p. 416. See Levy, Diet, sub rps. See i Chron. xxiv. 5. Perhaps allusion to Dan. iv. 10 and Job xxii. 4, thus moaning the angels in heaven, whilst njio refers to Israel. See Mid rash to Song of Songs, vii. 3. * See Agadath Shir Hashirim, 1. 266, and notes to it on p. 54, about the virtues of the bones of Joseph. 7 See Gen. xlv. 27. * See Aboth, v. 5, D'DiES onow. * Perhaps wishing him nn rrop. SAADYANA 1 isynv mVK nwwn ^ai 69 naprv TT3 y p TI -rin V33 inytr Wi n^aaa DV i>3 "pirn TIP* 25 TWO vain 'ciny iai vuo; &6 wan my (Leaf 2 verso) -jrvaa mayi n^yoi rbysn py is^rr ra nn nnnx ornxo nafcn * p 'Jixa vent? 1pm acn naiy : 8 iy enna B'nn vnna t?n:>r6 : enipn ITQ yapn : n^3r atn naiy W cna psi nire> PN ^ Tin c;nn VHITDI nsn m n3{? mn >o KIM MDIPI 'a n naa^ y miK"o ic'y ^"n ma man 15 o naoa mya 1201 - wrn i33\non vm^i ^xai p33 6 BOTH IpEH D11331 * py JJ3 Q1K TS13 D103 nam D"B^K nix Dip p^ 'nac'noa n^jn ac-ro 1 See Zunz, ibid., p. 420, 3, rjyn. 1 See Zunz, ibid., p. 418. * Perhaps this word is meant as a plur. of cro, see .Sung of Songs, iv. 14. * So in the MS. as a sign that it has to be cancelled. See 1. is. 5 See Isa. vi. 13. The meaning of the next lines is not clear to mo. * See Zunz, p. 384. Both this and the next line recall certain expi es- sions in the Seder Abodah of Ben Abithur. 70 SAADYANA : 2 r6n nh T i>y nans nSrta ioy myb * in i>ao h 'a nrn * nnb ys: r'n^w T 'a rwn *a nn:6 ipcn 5 ^>api wan jqp * Dpntwro unana t6n : ni?nn; 102 pt6 w w n ooni OE^a 6 lino b OKI mmi Din^ ^a ruohm nom Din 11 ^ wn aw 25 : n^otrn oai WD ninoi' ^a in* wp loa* o^nno D^JV wip nae6 noa^ta n^ Dniono n winn o^ayn (Leaf 3 recto) npn nnaa naran 'a n^nan inipn nw *nnn nnin^i v nnan ins nnai ny pa wi :?p.a *o i6ab B*aa bx waa ^po 11 hpo -a ^po -6 jw t6 ran np ^N ->B>K ^sn nan npaon nan npmn ran 7 "*i?.^ "ion ntrs /"yon ran npy" K^ ^a\nn : nyn* in!?nn ''a npi^ 1 t<^ i^no nt?K tj^sn ran 10 DI^ ta^i wnax ^n i!? yoM ian ." ian BM T naxi? . iaia iann ^B^ . Vanya na v!?y pnt ny it^aSi 'nopn pew PT^I nan on^o rnana * 8 noDip nao vnv T : 1 See Zunz, ibid., p. 379 ; N'^ID, chapters of R. Eliezer, III (oyi:? mmm , 4c.) ; and Gen. Rabba, I, 4. * See Exod. iv. 19. s See Deut. xxxii. 38. * This word may also be read con iD$"O. * Perhaps in the sense of ibap in Ezek. xxvi. 9. ' The MS. is rather faded in this place, and the word can also be read ';p. The sense of this and the preceding line is obscure to me. 7 See Jer. vi. 6. ' See Jer. xvii. 9. Cf. Arui-h Completum, VIII-, 149. SAADYANA 71 j nyn itoien uan JTB' i no^bi nbnia ib nrajrrn 15 nmn B>j;ni D'abx nrnot 'nuaincn Tnuia nrobj iT * 2 ni33 r6na na DJ niaabn baa irianx nnjni ^nn nyat? aan Driyab> &?B3 nianyn ^nnaia nsu naa 'Ta^x nx D^K nain *famK ^s rn-vcr njn min ^^ neb' -ja ica -jaa 73W pet? f>e n^y^aa poxo 1133 " pobjn nw nvo p-yn bw piani n'tryri nnxi p-irr v^y :nynp Mn ^N nn^cioi 25 oaj TKD 11 N^ iism jniDxa invn^ 1 -11*' : w baa nny lisa nvy TB *^nn by wy D>t^ 'bav ba (Leaf 3 verso) base n trow "a bp T nnnnb ia IBVI :nj;3 bab vt'o pjn on* hea ry T^a ty ib n^ by baNn wbrnb p^ btejn i2D VDU DV* ' biBcwi ba^n vna 6 :nyaB> toa* mict? t^m biaxn n:n *wb TK 1 5 nann ib jn^ w^y ncno nan-p cn^by na* b3^ DTP*KH naain^ ibva : nyiab nnix not^K. ba naab na^n : n^cnen n-nna o^yaii D^B' ^3 nab H vjabi 'D^KHP p P'TJJ nm 'D'enpoa nwnb ? See Mberf A'aton, pb. ' See Zech. ii. 12 * See R. S.vadyah's poem on the number of the letters of the Bible. * See Zunz, ibid., p. 400 (psv). * Perhaps allusion to Tcrnnc Vawa ~\&f, though it may be a mere cor- ruption of TOrn. ' See Sukka, 53 b, Cl O'Ci 'ri Dllt 'l. 72 SAADYANA njni new nosa ^ D-O na^a ->o^ ijnn nnx '3 1012 nvnx oyn spoiji -ran bzvb lyEWB UVK nna Twea intrN nyr *a IVD' ase* a n^y 15 rnwnon ^aa ihn lycen '^y ny insTi D"VDa inb3 innpa cnnjooo D^D nnnra DIT-UQ lyo^m nnt^j iinxa cnnwci nnuiyo ^no omujn DH^DID DTIDV onnyna sjw in' wy no o^ca '3 *)x -nviNn ria>i nmpn nainp DHK na nton nin'tx mcpan wai Ta '3 ina'pt? -"nna wn tw^n inspn nya nn wn 25 man tr^n nnaipn insp iyi wsno nn nvpo 'infpDTi TDn^ nsn Din^b 'ins^pD na\n Ten 'inap^ I^D iB's nen ona nnia nonai pnx yaw nna: mpe-i TBUM pyo r (Leaf 4 recto) $53 n;nn ^a n^an i?3 on nrto : cnno o^own ui? by on o cno: K^ nina oavana ra aiD ^3 in'.o npB>m T-oyo p-wn nma pine u^pnai : "in 11 i^nn jo nwn -it?N3 inim }ma ^nao 5 na ^3^5 ime Tia^n^i oy3^ aw 'naicn ymr anix mfo :naiDi N^a mn ina wn *nauD npino is!? reap mefc ^jn ui?n n^x warn inixn mma : iwnoi) y^o wa nv ^y 2 ivao njn s^uaa 'ruin DW N^ voy \hi *row ^cna D"pn^ vr\ 10 1 See Num. ui. 15. * Sec Jcr. xxiii. 29. SAADYANA 73 nays nasva Da-nva *riy nan aaia njn ib max nno pb ' piaa nnit?yb mvo irnino : *|Da nnotD n-ino aio 'a S|DT> xbi ipom Tnyb ppm nyo mn 'uboa a noa* niaoo na *obp NT bab lira ja :o|j3 DP* 1HDTO D31 * D^DW 2315T3 DUD1 15 nin^ eni ay^ *'ruiDB6 oai p^no n oai naio nany miro *nao pr VD IT nniB fea W p^cnni norn i>t:n H i oirt ^a by Kin :hcnN ion by DV baa ^DIDI 'bxcEn nonb *a3na onaa ninwo y^nnb 'ajB^b iw inonw ao : 3 aa by tnino pvn b^nb *ajn WB^KD poo trv ai 4 oina naao nnb:i pibna * ony noa o inncB> ny : on 11 bx nab nbx ba ojn 5 Dita ny fcnno in ^nb jonn -.rybfco *K3 ian*a n^a nr xbi bx nnma no? >ar :nry: xbb ycno na xbb prno "insi fn^p xbi 35 TITO nipo baa new onw baaa^ nbun ry Kin : DHKI nv IT by nycnnb onni t^tnm mioba ni3K W3 bx iibai insoa a 'niaya IVCN nt^x y^pn Djn* xb xbi nar spo xb *i33 iaai "IK>X axn cna^ xb 5 Tyxi an T miB ba ibbnb x: ian nxab iwai n^pnbi b^banb innxsm nann na^sa vnianai 'niBDica pipn nanaa xa w 1 His wares being sold first : see Baba Balhra, 22 a, 2 See Eccles. xi. a. * See Ps. cxxix.'3.' * See Ezek. xxvii. 24. 5 Perhaps allusion to Ps. xii. 9. Cf. Levy's Diet, sub era. Perhaps denom. of 9. 74 SAADYANA nnn3 mwni nwtayoa DHDD D3^ Kin *3 ' "1UK mna b nyt? ^ 2 D iy i^y non .133 '3 imns nan tf 03 :psn ni HB> -n^ ay nsj? xbn 'ocm Kin 15 way 8 :par nn nua ^nnaj m oipyi ^naj ^ iB'-i 11 a^naa *D^ icya nun: DUBTU ^3 cn ^31 ISDDI D^iyn 3nr 3-n 6 ns^py -ii <1 N3T pi ^I mm 3103 ^n 1 313 -l * n ?n -ins TDS? nmni oysn /s* nsoi '' n N NI pirn mn V:S^D w !?3D pis N^ irob *33T Tinni n^3 n^v : 33131 raua rnin ITN *33^ hx ivsn T^nn 313 * ncn 30 XXXVI. Fragment T-S. 1 3 G i, parchment, two leaves, size 25 x 17 cm., written in an old square hand, and representing the re- mainder of a codex of Responm of the Geoniin. The matter reproduced here represents leaf I recto, and the first twelve See Song of Songs, viii. 7. See Jer. viii. 7. * Zunz, ibid., p. 385. See Levy, sub yu. s See Dent, xxxiii. 22. Who reached the age of 120 : see Sijihre, p. 150 (vd. FriuUmaiiu). Perhaps corruption of my or 'ir. SAADYANA 75 lines oi the verso. Their contents are partly known from the Responsa of the Geonim pltf nyK>, No. 17 (attributed to R. Sherira), which has served to historians as the main source for the history of the house of the exiliarch Bostanai l , but it will be found that our responsum was preserved in a more full and correct state than the former ; representing thfc family of MSS. of the Teshuboth Haygeonim to which R. Isaiah de Trani had access when he wrote fOOD WVI nnB 2enM CJ1SJ &c. 2 The name of the captured woman and her mother, and her three sons 3 are also omitted in the editions. The most interesting facts are as already indicated that a grandson of nnw (L 14) or DKnw (1. 23) or K-wnw (XXXVI a, 1. 5) has married the daughter of R. Chaninai 4 , and that the head of the Dispersion Zakkai also derived his pedigree from the mixed marriage 5 . 1 See Graetz, GeschicMe, vol. V. pp. 119-124, and note n at the end of tha book ; F. Lazarus in BriiU's Jahrbiicher, vol. X* p. 27, and p. 84, Anlm. i, and the references given there. 1 See Briill, ibid., II, p. in, note i. ' See Ndldeke, GeschicMe d. Perser u. d. Ardber zur Zeit der Sasaniden, p. 390, note a, and p. 433, about the name JHTU (1. 1 1. read J*rva). With regard to the name IHIIMIIH (1. n, cf. also below, XXXVI a, 1. a i inw), Prof. Noldeke, whom I have consulted on this point, thinks that we should correct it into Koorrn ' = Izdundad = Jizdundad (see Justi, Ircmisches Namenbuch, p. 146). He also informs me that the three sons of Chosrau II bore the names of nwan-ro, rnwru, -wnrro (see Justi, ibid., pp. 121 and 196). The last name should read rwvHMiiQ. For the reference to Justi I am also indebted to Prof. Noldeke, and I express herewith my best thanks to him for his kind instruction. * Below, 1. 24 ; probably identical with the ton tori 'n mentioned in the s"?, ibid. This Zakkai is probably identical with the one mentioned by R. Sherira as t?; ':inw 21 ID 12 'toi (p. 36), cf. Graetz, ibid., p. 420, whilst "inn 12 w;n occurring in some lists of the Heads of the Dispersion im- mediately after Bostanai is the same as vtn-u (XXXVI, recto, 1. 16) or IIH-Q (XXXVI a, recto, 1. 7) mentioned in our texts, cf. Lazarus, ibid., pp. 174 II apd 176 VII. I must remark that there must be some gap before the word fjKl' (XXXVI, recto, I. 21) ; nor is the meaning of the words H3MH T5 CON TM (1. 23) clear to me. Perhaps we have here a corruption of jHrvam (XXXVI a, verso, 1. 4) Bozbehan (Justi, p. 367). 76 SAADYANA (recto) p rh paxr nnarn Kn IKI rn*vr6 n!> Kpaj nnn in^ya np\y onx ps rrn^o^ wo am r6 awi nb nnn^oi ton pa K^ WI^D KH toio ^ K^pi nwr n^ya nn oH no'i> WK m^ini inna i?y xa DN 5 mar n^ya in^ya nt?y vh snvn pan^n D"iy K3 DK K^K Nrn }D to^ WK*aa nn"n^ n^nn no nijn rb -nntwi n!? pan n^ wo nnxn innBt? ^y si? ttr&na m nwr n^ya in^ya nj^iy mx p !?VK nr py T mt? mm N S B>J *wrDia nna p N!?K np^y D u yD nb nin 10 nnro6i n^x jNT-a^i n^n^ nvnsi iNinsniK axoa p snn N-,n bpen bsyoty 11 ^o noy ns ib onQ n^o noa am ly n^y ^a N^ p a ^y eji ^wwiDia^ snn n^ men nx -IHB> :a nn^n nro T^KI nwaa n w im nil "D^S ai HOT n^o nai D'n anjo pna rn: n-,ni 'nscyjsnDi nsc'Jiiai 15 -naya apa pn'onp pn'-nx ^nsnai "-toon pjiopix bo na nxnNir'm pjyo nini nnay jruD pna pan nvp nos pan nnai n nw m n^y n^ap s-B'j ""WNnoia *an pn'oym on^a an^o pna an:oi>i i^npa any ^aa nnn mtj6 n^aasi nNnxn?\x^ n-nnc' n-n yb ^ 30 1K1 nwr n^ya in^ya nwy n*n N^ min 11 m n^api mm inia^oi? ounp vns> uniafeai D^B>3* i^n^N p^x na Kwmen nna "ia bpw pan inavs^ar no DOK 'n an no na xar INI jiMnwa6 xn^o K2 ^D *jm mn^j ^KTa op Nnsinnsy na wmx 25 nsp^y Kma^on Ta SINI K^a >:a p:y^> N^N pan na WPTHK N^ nm a nnnnn^j 6^n nnn noa a an no na ejita nry^s an no ton mn nai KIWK' nayoa pw ^fi an no ^cp p xya MKD^H pn 1 This agrees with the Maaseh Beth Daild. who speaks of D'31 (pi.). Cf. Graetz, ibid., p. 414. SAADYANA 77 (verso) n rrum -iscn w iD^am p m^im innac* i>y N3e> Nine> 13D m Kin p-m p pn inx nb snai 6*33 ynso an n^ 3ro 'n^ono ptoi nninc3 ICN ^n nut r6*y3 in^ys neny on pup xn^oa na ir i:n^ n"n nnpi Dyfo t^ia K^ na 5 Kin yoDi pns 31 mm H K:nD3 am nj n^n T cxi nnn Dic ne^ ^JD3 n> riion *ry pia *JK -u IDKI K3B> ^o p:y!? jm uni n n3T n^-i N*3ni? 71^ PN fi^ nvira .TNI nvira p3 pN3 p3 OIK nr n OK tax T3 n v n XXXVI A. Another version of the same responsum we have in Fragment T-S.8 G i, paper, representing the remainder of a different codex of Responea of the Geonim. The importance of the subject makes it desirable to reproduce the whole of it. It is only necessary to premise that the writing is of much later date than the preceding fragment. It begins in the middle of a line, and runs as follows : (recto) new mm n*6i n^y vow nnQB> I^D 1D13 r03 p -l&mKTN 3KD3 13 "icy rib nyr mm imy 5 ^NT P-OK mm onsy miro 1 That is R. Natronai II b. Hilai, who was also known tr his i*>rru gpondence with scliolars of Lucena in Spain. See (irautx, ibid., p. 248. Se Jebamoth, 4 7 a. s Ki-ad n-31. 78 SAADYANA iopi n parD fWRJiai piya pan WK mm DW noa nprn 10 by Nat? Rmb B>R-O pnoR Rb nb-ya inb'ya nvy\ mronoRa Rwa mn naa RH pnoR i&kinu? ]ebn\ JI^N DHBO o^a ym mm ^"o pi? HQR * * * * rs noa jo D:a ^n by rh ] * * "intrm ny prx onay nprna v IN noR junnR pmnR BR n ' DR TDR mn mn (verso) DIR pRt KM nprn s"n innaB'i p^ai naab pt? bai nut n^ya inb"ya neny n'-ja ^n bnpa ^y nai ^01 fRnam ^a ibon p pna mm nn^a DVJ pn:o ip^n^v *^ pnRi RiRnnc' na 5 mn y'r *pRa bsiB> na 101 jvai naR^BOR^ Rn5>o Rna pmynr f nyi bnpa y prao panai D*R^J noa pn:o ipi ^o^p nnn yn 'ynaxb na ja n^i Rnb*D Rrna 10 XXXVII. Fragment T-S. 13 K i, paper, one leaf, size 27 x 17 cm.. written in a square hand, and representing the remainder of a catalogue of the library of Nathan b. Yeslum, probably of Cairo, in which various works of the Gaon are mentioned. It should be noted that I give this iragment only as a specimen of the fragments deposited in the box marked Catalogues, containing mostly lists, in all of which the works- 1 Graetz, ibid., p. 172; cf. also Harknvy's 7iVs/Josa nf the dconim, \>. 357. SAADYANA 79 of R. Saad}'ah (and R. Samuel b. Chofni) are more or less represented. As they are sure to be edited soon in toto there is no need to enter into details here. But I will draw the attention of the student to the catalogue- fragment marked A, having among others the following titles : TWO p ^NTJ TIBB> D'oasn . . . win pnna nnoain anb nebt* NOD t\wz $>N 3NFD jo ^Nr^x fjYi^N ina . . r>3T 3Nnp WB^N npTio^N DNI iv^n 'BTV^N 1010 pxa (jnyoK 'D: p 'n ntrao.' In another fragment of the same kind I find among others also noted the work '*D p pyB> IDIO, which is of course identical with Ecclesiasticus. uy anaK jo npn pin jiu ni io nc'ip nbna naa 6i n*ny haiin njn^ TI no pj map p nasjni ma^n yup j tcnao n^y^ -roam D^WI D^ai 5 TDEHI pnyop IBT; "in TDDIN mo "inx Toan na annai o^aensn n!>pK moo na nsnai njtJ axnai mnoi nxD nvnao n"a -poem ova!> PVK Toan n s ai 10 nya (?)na!?K p[sn]3 rra '33 rfaoi 'ova!? inox ni>jD TDBHI nnann ie>y TDBHI bwen nab^K pfem ni^aK^K po IBD n~a axnai iKntKK 15 run mn ITB axnai TB asnpi Kr^D xnnhn minx ^INIB y 110 rra axnpi nnann n^w -DTI ni>po |r,yop xnpo minbw row npop ao ni a>i * .TB- JJIP 80 SAADYANA XXXVHI. Fragment T-S. 10 K 7*, paper, five leaves, size 20-5 x 15-5 cm., is written in a late cursive hand, of the fourteenth century or even later. The letters run into each other, which circumstance makes the reading very difficult, whilst the MS. has suffered so badly from dampness, that many words and even whole lines are rendered almost illegible. Besides this, it would seem that the copyist was not always able to read the MS. at his disposal, which fact will account for certain gaps in the contents, as well as for several words that give no sense, and where it is clear that the scribe was only guessing l . But though our actual MS. is of comparatively late date, it represents a copy of a document composed some centuries before. The title of this composition is n^jo ("roll") 2 , a branch of literature in which Egypt seems to have been particularly rich 3 . But whilst as a rule the actors in the various Megilloth are represented by a Jew and a Gentile, the latter playing the oppressor, the Dramatis Personae in our story are a Jewish priest, and a Jewish noble. The object of contention was, as it seems, the religious juris- diction over the Jews in Egypt and Palestine which 1 See e. g. p. 88, 1. i (min) ; p. 89, 1. 29 ; p. 96, 1. 10, and note r, &c. * See Rev. G. Margoliouth in the J. Q. R., VIII, pp. 277 sq., and Dr. Neubauer, ibid., p. 544. s This Abiathar is undoubtedly identical with the one mentioned in the crusade document published by Dr. Neubauer in the J. Q. R., IX, p. 28, where he is called pan W2 m*BT wi, who sent an open letter from Ffawro or Tripoly of the East (cf. Benjamin (if Tudela's Itinerary (ed. Asher), I, p. 27, and notes to it). See also Bacher in tne J. Q. R., ibid., p. 358, and Revue des Etudes Juives, XXX, p. 225. I note also that Fragment T-S. 24. 49 is signed by pj p3 JIHJ p pan SAADYANA- 8l Abiathar, the author of this document 1 , and his ancestors, a representative priestly family of Palestine, claimed for themselves, whilst David b. Daniel 2 the descendant of the House of David tried to bring them under his own authority. The struggle was one of long standing, having already commenced somewhere before 1054 when the two litigant parties were represented by Joseph and Elijah the priests, who also wore the title of Gaon (the latter was the father of Abiathar), on the one side, and by the Nasi, Daniel ben Azariah (the father of David) on the other side 3 . Joseph, who was bitterly persecuted by Daniel, who apparently was supported by the government, died 1054*, whereupon 1 In a document belonging to Mr. E. N. Adler dated 1056 and written in Jerusalem occurs a apr pw raMr >n note . . p pan rrte, who probably belonged to the same family ; whilst in a letter (T-S. 24. 26) addressed to a certain Abraham, dated 1131, from na^'n ire in cnjfo pis, I find the following pedigree : on pan rroso p p"ni croc n"xr i' CTD3 iyw pan noTC V'a 13 L'Dinn Va? n"in ]"yo ivr? v oun ncinn 3pr pw naw nr' ron pan note pa apr p*o natr CUT pan irrbN p apr p*o ra'tzr CUT V'pi v mp oon pis pa pi rva pan F^CV ru apr pj. * See J.Q.R., XIII, p. 221, where this David figures as bridegroom in a marriage deed of 1082. In another document again he is called >ottp p NTT: hren Tn. The following testatum, copied from Fragment T-S. 20. 31 dated 1092, will not be uninteresting in this connexion : PNJ "am win p n"rurt n TIT urn-rate wai wn ^aa wop pi Kara Dprw aroa ttrrrcf) rphn rr:oi rrai rreo rrovpi xbTrt pa\ia rrimn . . . 'sow 'ja NT: 57 ptiva rpv p cma S .n pny 'T p ,nma 'T 'mSr pn\im p>M nno T rroo 'T 10 6 p r)DT prej' 'i rl p>j rrroc p: n na5 iann rryoTD 'T p cman '-\ ffv 6 p nto n'ny 'T yj -piao 'i p ^ro 'T Vi rrabc 'T p apr 'T nrrort pnVs 'T -a nranna pD'nm re c:ncn >" TO pan nncw 'T CD OH-UK 'i p 'i^n rrair; ' i; 6 rryrac S p om: 'T j: pi rva rpv 'i p Dman 'i r: pns' 'i p Oman 'i] prrT 'i nrran pnbs 7 i p mro S "r: p ny 'i p F|cr 'i r: pw rrroc p: >ri jia: iann p ibrt rraiD '~\ iB f)Dv 'T p ibn n^w 'i ri fvao 'i p jro 'i "?i note 'i p apr* 'TO p p'm oma 'TO T nmnn CD cjicn ^ 'i p pan one* 'i CD oma '~\ jo JIM nroTD p: Tarn rrsoc '-ro p larm cmaH '10 T monm [w naSrct pns an F]CT> 'Ta pan note jia: 'ibn poHr -Q ito rjcr nrna msn'pi VTOWH wn n ^1 na'Wn. The reason for repeating the names given here in square brackets is not clear to me. P. 88, 11. 9 and 10. * Ibid., 1. ra. G 82 SAADYANA the latter exercised his functions as Nasi for eight years 1 without any further opposition. But after his death (1062) the priestly family came again into power, Elijah holding the office of Gaon for some twenty-three years 2 . But two years before his death, which occurred in 1084 3 , Elijah " gathered all Israel of the land of Tyros and of the Galil where " probably with the purpose of forestalling a*ny action which might be taken by his antagonists " he ordained, with the permission of all Israel, his son Abiathar as Gaon, his son Solomon as the Father of the Court of Justice, whilst Zadok, the son of Josiah, was invested with the office of Father (as) 4 ." This precaution, however, proved of no avail. For about 1081 5 David b. Daniel wended his way to Egypt where he soon found support in certain Jewish notables as well as in the govern- ment 7 . The Nagid Meborach 8 and the head of the school Josiah Azariah the priest also befriended him, but he soon resumed the old feud and the hostilities began again in * P. 88, 1. 15. 9 Ibid., 1. 16, including the year 1062 in which he was installed. 3 P. 89, 1. 23. * See the \unp in the Kaufmann-Gedenkbuch (Hebrew Section, p. 57^, where we again meet with this triad, but where the Solomon bears the title of pyirn :N. Cf. above, p. 60 (XXXI, 1. 2), and Teshuboth Hayyeonim, ed. Harkavy, p. 359, with regard to the title of IN. In connexion with the title question I may be permitted to give here the following names copied from a fragment written in an ancient hand T-S. : 71 C';nn 731 juris men n?*n rrrizr /trum rftwD CH-UN ^ciirn in , c'3'in ba two pn jrns' JIT monn c*n -cnn mm' / nrfc"n mon iinn nrno ,mi2rr in-iron prrrt imron miir ,'1 nrar'n 'ijn o'2"i;n Tin p rva pw p:n rnis 5i5 ,nr-c'n mini ^NTJP pM TJ: mirnn i\c bn:n T3:n mtanb. 5 Ibid., 1. 27, c'3j 'ja m DT^I. * Ibid., 1. 29, I cannot find a place nj'oi. Perhaps we should rr.nl m'OT, a city in Egypt mentioned by Benjamin (p. 103) as having ;i lar.nc Jewish population. 7 P. 90, 1. i sq. ' Ibid., 1. 5 : about the importance of Mebomch cf. J. Q.R.. XIII, p. 36. He was still alive in 1098 ; cf. J. Q. A'., ibid., p. J 16. SAADYANA 83 which both Egyptian ' and Palestine communities were implicated. This state of things, with possible short intervals of truce, seems to have lasted till about 1093 *, in which year David probably as a counterblast to the claims cf Abiathar tried to have himself ordained in Fostat as the Head of the Dispersion 2 . In this place our MS. drops the thread of the story and suddenly drifts into a Halachic discussion as to the rights and prerogatives of the Palestine authorities. But just as unexpectedly the story is resumed about the end of our document, where the writer, after abusing his antagonist and enlarging on the suffering of his own party, and paying a compliment to Meborach for his good offices on his behalf, breaks out in a triumphal song in which some phrases even of the blessing said after the reading of the Roll of Esther on Purim are inserted ; which shows that the struggle was at an end when our Megillah was written, which was the year io84 3 . Divested of all personal recrimination and petty scandals usually attendant upon such controversies, the most of the contents of this Megillah may be described as a plea for the superiority of Palestine and its prerogatives over all other countries, and as thus forming in part a continua- tion of the old feud between R. Saadyah and Ben Meir. As Ben Meir, more than a century ago, Abiathar claims the privilege of fixing the calendar for the Na#i of the Holy Land, who in ancient times was alone in the possession of the calculation secret*. It was only in the 1 See especially Fragment XXXIX, 11. 4 and 5 nrw rurc . . . V> rrowc can by. ' See p. 91, 1. 35, and p. 92, 1. 2 sq. From the words '131 rraisa DTOn.iaib it would seem that it was this step on the part of David which gave most offence and called forth a reaction against him led chiefly by the rarta (1. 4), i.e. the nruna larVc or the one next in rank to the 1 See p. 103, 1. 19 sq., and p. 104, 1. 8 and 1. 14. 4 P. 93, 1- a i, p. 95, 1. aa. Q 2 84 SAADYANA days of R. Juda the Saint, as he proceeds to argue, when schisms increased and striplings without the fear of God multiplied, that this Rabbi found it advisable to make all the sages and the Sanhedrin the depositaries of the Secret, which they teach to the whole of Israel according to the fixed rules of the Four Gates (onjie' njmx) from which they may not turn to the right or to the left 1 . But the important point is that the head of the Sanhedrin, who is the head of the Yeshitia, should sanctify tl/e new moon in accordance with the calculation 2 . On the other hand, his laying so much stress upon the antiquity of the calculation, and his statement that the discussion about the coming of witnesses for the appearance of the new moon (rPN">) is only dating back from the times of Antigones of Soko, when the schism of Zadok and Baithas took place, greatly recall some of R. Saadyah's stock arguments in his polemics against the Karaites 3 . 1 P. 95, 1. 23, and p. 102, 11. 6-9. * P. 102, 1. 10. In this connexion the following lines taken from a very ancient and faded fragment (T-S. 12. 728) representing the remainder of an Ordination Form will not be uninteresting : D to jo TI J V to CHD Dto pew flj to: i to mw to N'soo irn:i3 nwcpn ron " 01 not U3W) TIEDI ncns nvba town n vn wai rron ITT im mew -pec ... 'ID c: in 1 ? .(?)pDwn wa cinn jvi DIDI rfcrtoVi virtM mib onDDn m bN-nm ' to nvba i no3nm 10 ' T rrrun un ..." p to b wo in rn b nro morer? in'-< T ppo orn toi JT,po TOIM p n'2 JT "JDI vrr -| n 1-m' vab -poi n no EJ w3 i to ':M TTO niton Jn to pVtn noton nn to -mom Vi p ^ : rn 'roi ''S'b 5i 5 B inn onm\rrr ito > The use of the formula tuiipo low "3 JNT (usually altered on the occasion Timnn uriTp see Rosh Hashana, 24 a) is significant. s See p. 97, 11. 34 and 25, and above, p. 35 text and notes. SAADYANA 85 Quite peculiar to this controversy is the antagonism manifested between the two lineages, the priestly and the kingly or the Aaronite and the Davidic. It is the covenant with the seed of Aaron, says Abiathar, which is everlasting, never to cease, whilst the one with the House of David is conditionally depending on the obedience to God 1 . By such a succession, however, of such wicked kings as Ahaz, Manasseh, Amon, &c., they proved themselves unworthy of the confidence of God, "the oath (to David) was dese- crated," God's promise confined to the Messiah 2 . David, the descendant of all those evil doers of kings a , is thus only a pretender, whilst he (Abiathar) derives his pedigree from R. Eliezer b. Azariah, Ezra, and Phineas 4 . The style of Abiathar is plain prose with occasional lapses into Piyut 5 . Less satisfactory than his diction is his reasoning which is never convincing, whilst his quota- tions are inaccurate and his interpretation of them faulty. The fierce struggle under which the removal of the seats of authority takes place, is not, as a rule, particularly favourable to calm thinking and sound philology. But it is just this contest between the past and the future, or between sentiment and aspiration, which is of paramount interest to the historian, the one supplying him with facts, the other with ideas. 1 P. 86, 1. 12 sq. * Ibid., p. 88, L asq., and p. 87, 1. aSnruffia rrnnrai. L. 29 is unfortunately very much faded, but the general drift of thought st-ems to be that given in the text. Perhaps we should read after the word ma'jon with which 1. 29 commences '131 wmo "mm la'ro . s P. 89, 1. 27, and p. 92, 1. a. In the latter the text seems to be corrupt. 4 P. 89, L 25, and p. 104, 11. 13 and 2. * See p. 90, 1. 16 sq. and 1. 28 ; p. 92, 1. i sq. ; p. 103, 1. 26 sq. ; p. 104, 1. 4sq. 86 SAADYANA - o r- r ^ 3 ~ JJ r: s* o *- n r- r 'n 1 n^ a ,, S 22 jr 22 n Q |SP *" _ rv .\ -/\ li * F. S r F r * > n 22 F >. c^ * J5 Q 22 22 ~ *- -j^ r 8 a r c - n .n a (.i a f~ *J% tz 22 Q JT a ' - n S5 F iJ ^ a 2 P i; r n , r: c -^ 22 O f a r a a n n ^ r ir n ii O n r F p *~ f- J=- c -^ F n r S ~ 22 n c r -22 ^ D C E P ^ C C J= r n J-i n n. 22 22 c ** -^ Q ^P 22 r 00 *- n F -c E S n s " a r: r- r D -n n. a M n - F J% 22 c r c rT g 5 2 P a - Pi n Q IT " 1 n n SAADYANA a n r c ^ F n f. c * M n >*- s= rt ri r as , a ir J ; C F c ci as i- r Ff -n a c *- C n a ~-^ rt vJ a r X ^ ar~ f* p* r~ r -O it c ? ? fi n -^ ? f P P S. L c Q r *=- g. Q n ~f\: i^ .JN H c r r* a n Q i~ as -J"\ n c *- Q S 'c n f> n n ' ? O J^ ^ p n n Q ~r _/\ r^ n S " n & + *. r~ f^ a ^ j; a c E n ir Q x n D a P S f~ * M /" ^ S "S ? s a Cs. n ? a as S c n E H n ^ f n " x ~ o v i p n 2 x To gi - g ** g ^ c ". . .S S > H "H ^ tt N ff SAADYANA J c c O n n = r^ n r n -^-K - r rci.oCf-p ir'.fviraQci^aa Cf*\ Jr" c n E & P n 'a E a T a .H"S s & E c F ' as 5 l~~ *~^ n ^ n T- a j & -K E n r & .?? - p *~ a a i e- ! E 1 1 r ._ as _ a c -c 5 .- 5 C a i ^ C n ^- "y F r n 55 *- Q r 8 g 2 n * D n jx D as ~ n 'S R" *~ as ^" r^ a r c J*L Q n I* x St :i & ^ t ^ n '' ^- o E as n c *- x n r ^ * s ^* * ** jX ^ 3& r f a , F a Q }= P o r n-fi^ S S ^ n ^ r ^ F r~ Q r~ ~ci P f- f-\ Jx i ; r \ p. & E P 6. E -- S a ! E * as c ^_ & P\ ' - 5 p C ri I> .C n c r ' ? & E o E E & ci n j3 c n C -- ~r\ -* d ? n C- r ^ n ci u r n n 5 r as Q ; a -C 2S . ^* li c C S R * n * I 2 c. as fi C Vi Z- n * n *r n ^ 2 *~ Q .55 n :S 2 n F r a v Q c" c n Pi & fc & n P r i ^ = ^ ? ^ r ir n & n - -v o as -^ y fT * "In.*- r a ' . o SAADYANA 9 1=E a ' a t ~ . P - r ^- a n n 8 See Genesis Rabba, supplied ; though i r the commentators, ii. 16. See Gen. Ba66( Jer. xxxvi. a O i* J. ^"^ el *4 o -r o 2 -s M^IF" ... a P* f- n o n n o 1 _>. '3: >> eS "K a 2 0) c o 'So B 2 J y; M f. ^Iboda Zara, 44 ; regarding the k ly it is a corrupt that the epithet 5. Perhaps it is ^=: o S 5 ,- P S Haddoroth under P ? a 05 O * A 03 J~ i P K j s * f R -M LI 1 vd H O ~ V 53 S o S g 1 1 6 I T3 co Z O _C c CH 5 .^ 03 60 for IPH CQ r-H C^ *: s H S i T3 1 5 i- S 2 "- % 9 ^2 'w CM a o 8 s g 2 | TS 1 g J4 g 3 T) c r: a S m z u T3 1 s- . ? > -u ^1 o O cc CZ -n K .2 .S T3 g .S p, ? 1 F 8 P * ^ O ,s -4J 'i rt 1 1 d .- a r< ^5 ^H O 0~ n 1 * 9 SAADYANA Jn T" rr - rt P fr ci - c. _ rt rt jx, ?J n o O J5 *- rt _ I~ t C a ,- u g r r as r~ n c ' % J= n S- "" Q as ^ & L r p ? h - n g n rt SA ci - r ^- ^} c y f~ n gi . O rr rr a ^- Q C? r S> c S a c rt >i g j; p ;j CI C * * a r ' o 2 ci ~r> a ci rt ^ g> & n v - & Q ^ i^ -X. *~ S^ o " r ?- " c r r rt c 5* rt c i F F , 5 5 ^ I fi | p I g a JI a o o fi I r ^ ^ n *- C ^ Q & 2 I""" y l> n ^ r n B. S rr t Q | y :^: -- as ^ rt 3 8 fc I P r- 6 * rr " c or . S rt rt rt r^ rt C C r~ rt fl as p 5: ^ rt n J? g .jX r~ fz tz rr rt IT *- V & S * & i t-* *" >^ as ^ s 2 S 8 D. ^ e js a R p f 5 r ^ n ^ g J 2 g 2 r>. 1 F fT r n: K as as c " Q i 6 c ^ s ~* v *^ ~^i I P P j: : S C rr fv f I c P - E, a P P F ^1 n rt as - c ? I n rt JA r O i: V ^. _rx. ** n. J ^_ rt c fi rr It a ,_ n rt Q V. ~^x n n j IT ^ SAADYANA H g ^ fc a a ? 2 g D c ^ a a ^-x a _ - ^- 2 h ? ~D a *~ C *i a F ^ - n JC *" ri ? ) ^~ r.i I- * r c p F r~ r~ fl *T" I *-, *^ *J^ ii- *~ F a ^ c n r r I o - F '' r* ^- a ~c n ** *~ IT J^- a n c: f f; r: as f- D p| ^ Si ^ C ^ a fl I F c a a f- O- ] rJ g -1 n o n p Ei fj r>_ P, a n Q D r % c a p & n S r ^ C Q O c; Q ^ I P Pv a ~r>- E ^ O 5^ O ~ r fc a M * i G. as as c -f' as 3 p 5 n n r C F JZ n n a ir ^ I a h. a IT n JN 1 2 :i Q a c F ^ a e r n fj 1 F i X C r D S a *~i Q ^ J% f - S F r- n O i= & fl *~1 I* a P ^ & '& ^ P S ' F n ^52 g G| 1- a z r n ir r n n: , f S x a 'f E n T S p y f I /j f c n n 5^ J% F r ~c JN P Q C Ji : ? s a " S "R x g c ~r\ as c* | "fc ^ ^ a r: s g r ,_ _r\ p a ^ F C fT ^ g c ? -- ? I I r g i i & 2 ^ r a 111 g) S.F? S n I *2 -4 s f sf-s ^ o s g-9 I U 2 c - r ^ ij n ? o ( - lJ _= ^ _ ?II-S T. r SAADYANA n as n n r a B rr as f- n as n r t= fr n j n n n a E a n ^ c as r~ as n as fr Q g s^ n ^ rr - E* l r~ n v ^ ~o >^ Q p >y . o Q - fj ^ J r as n g J? ~& Q ~ as ~as Q ~S C n F Ei a rr ) 2 n r rr n " r c _r\. E as c 1 h n ~IN jr; n a n r rr fx o r as as IX X u fX n a as c : a h Q fj n rr Q n It rx r as rr as r as fj ua^u Liuuaux isaac n n r | rr a C1 a n : as o fr r~ n n r as c ;i ""a p "^ rf as "a n r r rr a j! n as r a n n r n rr E P 5 Q as n as Q as fx n S rr r- J rr 3j h t~ n F- ^ rr n a r E rx a a n rr rr Cl 1 IX as C rr n r "a r Q a i Q as n as n n r n c Q Pv n c a fr ~B h as as as n n rr "~as Q F n a c h n n _r\ n c fr a c i rr J Q h a Q n as ;j n r fx X E r jj as o n n F | & Q n n a Q a as u r as n as rx c. n n PI ~ir h n n E rx h n n n n rx n C rr n rr fj n Et rr IX r_ as rr n n n l~ 6 a Q rj n C It r r E r rr r rr" ~as n Q n c p E rr r /- "~Q rr f- o Q f /- as L> as c rr rx g rj r L rr n as rr n r h n n n as as 55 as r F ^ " n r as a E r X n Q -7% Cl n r i as r & | 'A n rj r~ a -^ n Q JJ a 'a r n fr Q L as n *~ as ^ a _ C n *~ X ~r\ n E a r n 5 as -j\ c n r n ~ as ! r as r f- - fj a IX n F n - *- n , as ' IT SAADYANA as r = I g g C S F- P , n - - f .JN. ^r% jj o r _ h .JL 3 g 8 r *c a will t id. ; to th f 1 P ^ ~rx S r c n i, E^ -* .0. *- ^ c ~Z C I *"* *- JU1 s. 3 r ~ S * a J1J 3 S P 1 ^_ *^ *rr a F g a * s S S r a C S as n a a r "a s g 5 R E S S JN r ts 5 > Q P as F c r~ -^^ ^acg ^ ~ P n ?. 1 * r- n . c p ii. 5^ r as _ D 5 c: Q E as D 3 r r ^ a *- E c a o -> r S ~ i S ^ ? r- *T *n ^_^ C as ' P o n n ^. n n c n, r P s= *- as c n c Q ^- a a c n r c * ^x C I I E ? & ^ S ?= S a JA c -,._. ^/\ ^ r% r- Q ^" y S n ^ fi F P n Q * S - e ^ P g B r* -TV- r> rl a ? a s C rl . D r - *- X ^ ~ " E :J z ? - n as -IN 'a * t -3 5-i g ,- S sag s % 3-0 * S m 3 r 2 S 4 Sanhed ter misund 94 SAADYANA 60 PH R s ^- ft ^ r '"I "V E c x E. n n E. ^rx n >. j .=; c n ^ .s g 2 & d g r Q r n F ft n F r = S P fr r n a i - n .v i r Q Q r -r> n rl a n s r ^ n 2 s F F rr Pv n F IX Q Q r j% n c. n s* rx n M r~ n c r rr as & c r: rr & rr T r * X *~ a n * r F Q i 8 rr r n ?i & O a & n X T 5 , s i a ^ ^ -? n 'c Q O rr ^ ^ n 35 5* rr n s- r r* n g .2 g n C. - ^ I f rl A " .J^ n n n ^ r n I 2 c 13 r s- & 8 S ~r> S 5 r or fe Q ^ o Q r * ^ ? -a c p n F rt y as -as C .? u & r n n S & Q as r n Q '~ F * | S. ^ _ n 2. ^ L ~r\ -.> as o f? Q c. ^ Q A O r r ^ Cl Q r ^ a Q X C &- IS S3. as *v SAADYANA 95 . ~^> 1 I ;. F o r ^1 p 52 13 S s ? as r~ ? n p- 52 =- n ^ r as il c Q 1? c I x n i= *r . X ? n g 5 ^-S ^_ n S ^ 5 fc P r ^ x S S s\ 1 ~ c o r^ E JT^ 55 S J *^ o s r 1 A* -* n* > o *~ *-* ? fc-fc a S J2 n o a r fc r fc x n n r :> r 3 ~rv r i* n. S I as ^ JN ~X ^ n n P -- & H g ^ s r E p a a & 'n X 8--.L as r 8 r ^ r Q 52 } r r X n -0 rt b X a - c & C n f- r *> K r- a <- c -!> g r x C *~ X 32 -r r 52 n ^ ^ ^ r c 8 ? 32 r p C E -n b ~Z & 5 x <~f^- z^ c. x F -r\ C j% n rx r ^~ f~ Q n r| J^\ c n as a - g " *C~ f~ & r c 1 F g c 1 fl 4 P & s & CL 1= r as n. FJ j% n ** c ^ r- Q 17 1*1 -^ S- C Q ^ <~ r G. S> Q rx C r as r: 1 ^ ^ g. a a -v as a c ^ *"* /A_ 5 ^ c *^ >t - n n - j as a as fr R n: n. r & s f- ^ f- n r i3 h -^ s P n X * r 5 r P as * S - J - n as oar F S g as ^ 2 n ir r c E * *y ^ A .^\ IZ n - ^ n fr 3 SAADYANA 97 rl S 1 ef Rosh Hashan Ibid. w 5 I II 2 r*. * 05 g a -a .- o M Si a 3) PQ fe - w 8AADYANA 8AADYANA 99 C Ji V ' ** i. A* * *^ c r n ~^ &. g as as Q r o * - P ^ C Q as 8 c as as S 5 K ? S-J i- *= n s : -Ci as & n o a S SI g iz E J S -as a -SA s i , IX n ;= * P E c 2 r- " P as - E ^ 32 2 ? S 5> n o c. ~r\ /3 n S r as r a IX a n. a n ?: & r o *! J2 n _ Q S o as b ? a E r o *- a :S Jr -^ p* _ c S 2 Z 13 -/^ P 1 & .5, 2. -0 17 p a a IT '2 as p 2 5 n ^~ n as 2 3 I a n ir ^ g ^ ac ^ n ~j> Q t- 'o - 3 F ^ * ^TX ff n r a a - ? p ir a C ci ^ *= 1^ as as - I a a fc ^ i P n - as JI r o r JZ f~ 9 ? fl S g "~ IT a Js n = a S S a n ix & F ! n r- a g g " .C 3 P - S i I H 2 100 SAADYANA SAADYANA 101 * p ^~ P\ .j'x r x o i .K P Q f < & i e s as *- a v t n p n E n S r~ ^ - i~ no "" * j ' ' *^ a P c Q D 5- c x n f 2 S -~ n _ ^- -c :. g r ^ c F S r ? r_ '- c ? O w > r n ^ c as P Q n ^ ? r *S c c v n n: ? S fi :: &*" as 8 2* as n c ~ g ? n. x j^ x n '^ g c n a E IT ^ rj * a ^ ^ "^ n - i n H I as as Q E 8 as ? *- n - S a -^ o a a s CO -=" e j $ & 103 SAADYANA P c r & _ n b -x i - n r I E ? as r Q rt ~ . E g E 2 s r a i ? g r *-i O & *rv .!> as rj ;i r r~ *~ rt *~ AE ^ . a rt .^ S 3 2 2 - B n ;j a - P\ rt rt Jj F n as Q- r a a Cl r ~~ rz -v as ^ f 81 g S c c n T K f^ o r h rt a Q n a - n & -^ n ., IT ^ rr rt" o ^ S fe t * ^^ a ~ n c n r 5 g Q n: f~ -^ Q T F a _TN. -T\ O i- ~r\ C r x *^ r ? 8 E. r rt fl O rz iz r - ***'? 1 i 2 r a Q b - r: ^. ^ rt i n rt r- g s g a r - as as -> a a It n T I 2 j? E >s P e c * n as IL - c c s as E r- S n a 3K & 3 P P tz ^ j* N as n r rt F SAADYANA 103 5 fi C C 6 Jx S2. ^ C _r\ Ei f a ^ r JJ S a SN - ix r n n n. f- p as Ei ^ % ~ E- a n B f * ,JN C 5 - r D n E ^ I E r T n & '- fj\ Q ~r>- a -a. n r n r: ^ Ji r 'n I c as c rr as _r\ S S, * S a -p S ~ji 5s n r H -ft ' 1 3 8 ? n r n ? r = ? a o ^ n E * CV % 9 j\ r ^ S n ,- c JN i~ n n != R c - 8i g ^ ^ n c R a rx y, a as ~ rx Q as - i n * t* Q & - r n. Q :j as x a * Ei ^ ^ as S IT *~ a E r F n c a _ Q ^ S" as c - n - .n fc * & r. n r as * Q F n " n e S E f 1 r- n n ir as - E I- n C 2 ^ t> r ,- n P g ? f | !2 13 ed. Joel Mii See Job xii Isa. xxxi. i F co :2 > o 2 I "* *S S * 3 104 SAADYANA c c c n n Q a s ' a S 2 * S r S5 as Is F ' n c n n c I F_ C p. a s j~ fx p -c n r * _rx ^ a g S ^ 5 g ; c o r as ii r- Q ^- S ? -^ a S S a ' ^- as 8 G Q n r -n ~rx S g a c c * = a R S. CO ^ C :s C x 1C ^s a I SAADYANA 105 XXXIX. Fragment T-S. 12. 729, paper, two leaves of a quire of which the middle pages are missing, size 23 x 13 cm., written in square characters with a turn to cursive, but of a much earlier |date than Fragment XXXVIII. The first leaf represents a portion of the Abiathar M/Qillah, and corresponds with the first nineteen lines of the preced- ing fragment. The varying readings of this fragment, of which there are many, are in all cases the more correct ones. The second leaf reproduces a few passages from the minor tractate Derech Erez Zuta. (recto) 6m 6t?3 px : onDK* rwy T 1 ny nry p JIM fron -HV3N warn* mo n^aon nxr ra^i T n&yw o:n by ^vr JIM pa pxa msn rtao nnx r\w T'^K rrva enpn ^nx 5 cnxv ^3 pns *a3 oy niN3v D'ni>N on^y iTny * * * D TD nixta 4 n!?nan 1^ DM * "o jn^y v nbaa '3 a Tinm rwam n-ixanm nnoam . an B 3ins ai psni 10 na nnoK D^DDH ytn 3^0 oy> it nnn p unxn Diotyn 15 pan n^> no m aa5 mhr ona pabnn* n nma jrn nrnam tarn ro n 106 SAADYANA (verso) innan *>K pays o^iyn p ma!>i phn 3D mim CMS rtaon bat? wot enpn nx or6 w loxy inab n-nn nm i>y -aiyn a'onb on D^H^N nan mm-n levy 5 ^123 Nnpji pw nna nnna pneh nra ^ in ns ^D tbv T nB'N oym n * T nooi new w? x mm nv n^na vw alb nunro ymsi ontw oan s x tansi ^33 IB'T'BI n^ nnm 61 N i'Kyc^ 11 n natron ha pa> min^ 15 ^30 ^Qi nt^ma mmn nn*o ^3 nonsn p h3 nro DIDI ^30 nns PN DISI i?^a una fNvn pi npnn N rbv nnni oian pya ..... aT r6n nbos nnnjD pnp ....... 20 XL. Fragment T-S. 8 J 2, paper, four leaves, size 17x13 cm., written in a rather late (thirteenth or fourteenth century) cursive hand, and representing the remainder of a letter pleading on behalf of the jurisdiction of the Head of the Dispersion, who was a descendant of the House of David, for whom authority is apparently claimed over JJubylon. Pales- tine, and Egypt 1 . Probably the document was composed by David the son of Daniel, mentioned above, and was directed against the pretensions of Abiathar 2 . To this points his 1 Leaf a verso, 1. 9 sq. 1 See above, Frag. XXXVIII, and cf. this fragment, leaf 3 recto, 1. 1 sq. But it must be pointed out that Daniel is not mentioned as his father. SAADYANA l&j complaint that he was in money difficulties, as -well as his statement that he found support in the government 1 , whilst his address to the Daughters of Zoan ( = Fostat) " to come and behold " the beauty put upon them and the might and glory fixed among them, contains apparently an allusion to his being ordained as Rosh Gola in this Egyptian city 2 . (Leaf i recto) HM voe6 ITIK imn WTBKTO D^obiy ira nyib i* now tb cny-ib *D3 panbi w * * Tin na n^sb KM nn py a 15 (Leaf i verso) ntw opnyn BI Tini Tin n^KDea niatb n jo nans nrw a 1 See this fragment, leaf i verso, 1. a and 1. 1 1 sq. * Sr-e this fragment, leaf 3 recto, 1. 17 sq. The jris rim are of course a pun on the p>s m:a (Song of Songs, iii. 1 1). 5 See Choggigoh, 15 b. 4 See Friedmann's Preface to his ed. of the Siphre, ch. ii. note 18, and Weiss, Zwr Geschichie der Tradition, III, pp. 187 and 330. * Read 108 SAADYANA -nn na pnm nam INB^> non mi?yn^i Dps Tyr6 ninN3 13WM3 DNT D3 fjXI 10 non i3^y ^^y^N (?) (Leaf a recto) n "33 UN ^n n^yi? ND3 J313" mrnD3 nosn^ ne> D ni>o ohy ny mmnn ^m ninuDn "33NK' ^y 133^^ non rnnrn moo o^ycn ny3' (Leaf a verso) HN xn 1 " wn ^w inn *3 ^3n 13*31 1133 pn ns DH3 HDD13 nil 5 TN nnyi pwp* n^3 nna3 1 Job xxiv. 34. SAADYANA 109 nr net* -3*n a ncia nina cat? wnn N3 'ax n3e^ nn mnn (Leaf 3 recto) nn *a nm wina miDD nnn nwbnp nay ycoo DTDDI 5 py3 DiT ^ nny -nv D^OD ntw rt:;aTin nynp iuii naww 10 nans Pjin naini cn^nx i>y naano -nnn nya pnx nm jnapn Twcan nvim nhnn b^m 15 (Leaf 3 verso) nnn nxo nyi nhy tar ^3 nm n^ysh nwoi nxsb nt nnua iy pi nnv3 mry wb nw *pD*ny iirybi bsnn^ nnano nn333 5 njn oy nx njn: TKI nnnn i>a 1 See Sanhedrin, 5 a, where it is proved from thia verse (Gen. zliz. 10) that the authority of the Head of the Dispersion extends in certain respects also to Palestine. Cf. the Letter ofR. Sherira Goon, p. 07. HO SAADrANA ny3 npmnai wzrb matwm K3i nonoi nyn onix b^a^i ojna bpn nx niB>i> nan mw pa mnn nans owto o^am 10 ruono i> noan p onni niyv^> joina ny baa rnp Dno by (Leaf 4 recto) rrni nnx ab paj nn cnnb nnx bip e6 iw xh obbab nt^in njne* miv in onh ny untr nnyi inixsn }vxa i^my ne wnw 5 nbnn uni )anx abvre\ niDN.ni ibsen aby vonoa n ninx nanx na^^a yo oanuyb nbiy ^a IB H DV sbi D : w cy aiB isen njiK'xna iB'sa 10 npivai t2Be>Da -naj bx bx apjr IRS? opB'n omnyi oii'K' npixn rwyc *a ui DTII pxb nyin onxo px xijn na win n^itwi mar ^ram ni?w na tanoNna^ naipa TN niw D^nnKb aBn p n^a^n bnpn ba itryi cmoa 5 s a p pj ja yien^ 'D xiry 10 III -IDIXI nt?y3 unnai noin ny K ^er n no 7nia nn TIK 15 XLI. MS. T-S. 20. 1 02, paper, one long strip of paper, 47 x 1 8-5 cm., written in a semi-cursive hand and representing an autograph by R. Solomon, the head of the school, addressed to Ephraim b. Nathan. No date is given in this letter, but it is safe to assume that this Solomon is identical with Solomon the son of Elijah and the brother of Abiathar 2 , ordained by the former as Father of the Court of Justice. Probably he succeeded his brother in the dignity of the Gaon, carrying on at the same time the feud of his predecessor for the supremacy in Egypt, as r Elijah and Abiathar before him 3 . (recto) ..... n iann nnas 3-n no pjj UTP nnnoi nioix n-i3n3 nnasa nnaa nn^n I^K nnn mrya 13 nvn Tarns ^3 maiDi nnniQ mni n-no mnooi NDDO m^asi H^DIB prnno no: tth inni noe'j nn-iry3 wm na IOD: i>a p3n^ nanaa nyai imr^ nix nnyi> vnrro ^y nian^ rr^K nnNno i>3 113^3 inma nv wioj? ^3 wrrbsr ntry^ I^N baai inN'xio' nom jm in^ic< Dn ^n ^x inxx nnx nry ^x w lanion ^>x anaan isn^o ya i>ax mxv ^y np nxoh n33 hyni mtyr6 noa pxi mvp TH *a Kin nxv^> nxi a^an^ ^3ix xi> on ^axi nwa Tin px niyy^ no 'nx oy "n^sai imw ab\tr\ imiwi m^y pon ni?yn iTnn 1 See ^IracAon, 33 b. * See above, Frag. XXXVIII, p. a, L 18. ' Ibid. 112 SAADYANA lew npx nw:n ba by .nrr unoni ia ainan ba by wopm niv v 'Di uxn ns onoix matron nnenon byi nwyvTiropn byi 3io Kb TH by naaera by new px nonbob Dm Dibs? UK ujnr poxnn 3 prnnn nnxi laaba xnn D3nn D3np3 onuoa niyn oaro i? BT ba vn IN -pry xh IB!' xb a ina^oi Tiwa nabo ^DB^I 1^023 rrn wm K'lp' 1 nao ^s* Kin a banb D^aro^ oipo K^vcn bw nnann n^nr *in Ti>K anann ^rjo no* non inn ptn ne'p nyn o njnb nbi nmnob N^N rnm p nna iDK3 n^xai nia^no pasnoi na bbiynnb nb^y pepao anm ao DN noK pi 3T n85nD iiTDi* by na^nJi lab nos^ I.TDT bc> ano nvjn Kin nan nxy OKI jnao niin nann xb a Kin ;na mina iniK ' nann? nyea p?ba inianb DN ^a i:b PN ^'ajo nani Nin x^a: naoaj DKI noxn 'K^aib na DK vnan bK na^p: bsi wbanbi iniob PB'ba inaa nxiaja 8 (?)eno xb DB'n bib^n bibi DHJI yoe'Ji biaoai KB'J noa no unj pixm 25 njy obiyn nana jyn bx Kp 11 p TUX IDK bax D^DBTDII nan ab by ova ia .ia Dvai p'-oa ia DV nr nanao jran 'ntj'n.bib'n oipc3 b'oa ppin ba by uonnni nnin nso uxvini an bnpa myca i:bbaj ^MJ' D^HN pa QUID 'nbcnsi 3ra nail XIB> -anao ba byi px *ppn T-ann jna 3i no DEO 3na3 ntyx u^by ne>pin nxob o nnixrv 30 lab bx avyj s ai vbx 1020 anajn anaon aw3 ib nnn navi niv urux DJ levy nx nipjb na onnnb bxcn (?)jrBno bnpa Dpi Dit?bi bxnK"a npibno b^onb D'p-iv DJMK DB'a npc> 'ppin ba by bxn^ be> ooibtj' E'pa: urux'pmrm nryi u^xai ni^yj pi na^no ibyea oixb a^en pin nx nsa* pnn by3 nynb unpn y^n ^:xi 35 ^nncn nKob niancs p^yb nn3 D^ojni D"pie>n |o nnar ntrxi nann by psrun Kin miKn HK pmbi pxb ua n^oyn nxsnn aonb D'3iB'n D*3pr 3^103 new ntrx ppn Kin pnnb nxrb in^yn iniKn DXI inx^n nnon ix n mvp an vbx xibn nxB'jnD ^nbir n x^yixi bx ban aox T io^b ib nM anpbi 4 * vp* bi cam DXBISI Dnno xs^ui bxne*b nntro xin DJ xin 1 Jer. xviii. 18. * Read c * See Proverbs xxvi. 4, and cf. Shabbath, 30 b. SAADYANA by nnxn oipon Tn-' w by rim mpon npxa Dpi unnnb DB> mpyb t?pa' tnatsn B* px *aa oea nn baa^aa nbab ravyb DI-IV xibn DS? nb nw 'nbab onvo v"** ^ nan DPI vnnar IEV ny wjwnn ova nan ^nya noa na narn 45 inw nrta nnn3 WIN nnpb bab i? n^xa nnryb ^ rrn nyv DM H^ Kin oipon UTP nnxn vfcyoo ynsnb iiapn *rny ni^n ntw n n^yb mic: njno ^^n won pi aox x^an njn jyao rpnxKn IPJ& hr^r Die>3 cniiani nempn nn^n &j nx nw npjr pw na^ twi ^nart N^:n ^31 JJHK ^nmx nx cy ppnx x^n DR3ie6 y\m ^xn^ ^3 ^ jn m nx pan ^xn D:nn ^a in^ao onwon jo pnnnxi nxren na-x DIKO i pjpa nsTb oil? 3ni w^ DTIP pna ^a DJixa xh pxia nsxy ^3 ^o*aa IDET mx3v xium naaan DOT marna nin 1103 Dwnn p nnx 3n n^oxi I^DX DXI -IIDD^D n^nyn ^niDDB' 10 nn ptwi DV DTK? nrn ovai bnan pnn^a 1T3 nprro 2 yjnn ^33 p3pn nK'sn nnoe^ pj^ ytrm pncn HXD ni'ni xa^x n3K> pe>mea rn ^3 ^ovy ^y ^mym x>y^ B>naoi 3n3T no rmn D^?ina nrn 3n33 D3H3D own >ppin ..... b ^ ........... 15 XLIII. Fragment T-S. 8 Ku, paper, two leaves, 18x11 cm., written in a square hand and representing the remainder of the DX3r6x DTx6 3XD3 by A. Samuel Ben Chofni, which has quite disappeared since the days of R. Moses Al-Ashkar 3 in the fifteenth century. The matter reproduced here forms the contents of the first leaf ; the second leaf contains an index of the said work on civil law (ni31DO ^3"n) which was divided into " gates " (DHyt?). There are as many as twenty- three " gates " before the MS. breaks off. One of its owners was Solomon, the priest, a grandson of Solomon the priest, styled Gaon. . This colophon was covered over by another reading* ~\]fo W Dm3X n"3 nvrfr n3poi>. 1 Perhaps a corruption of OVTOD. This document is altogether carelessly written, having mistakes even in spelling. * A corruption of '3 nn. 1 See Studien vnd Mittheilungen, by Dr. Harkavy, vol. Ill, p. 6 g, and P- 35> note' 93. Of. also J. Q. R., XIV, p. 311, list of Rabbi Samuel ben Choftii's works by Rev. G. Margoliouth, p. 311. ' This grandfather Solomon the Priest Gaon is probably identical with SAADYANA I 15 (recto) rvbv "i'3 ran TOO ^ Tiff Blip pHK 133 rrnoa (?) HDX no iron TO '(?) pon 5 n '--i into )3ou inn pn 10 now inn naio pN 1D1PO3 (verso) ioni -pea DtOH^K DTNI^ 3XH3 }.T3n py p3 oni3 pw }3 3 p pw -.DN ni>N ni>i>N -p^n ^NP 5 Solomon the son of Elijah the priest. Cf. above, Frag. XXXVIII, p. 88, 1. 18, and introduction to it, p. 80, note i. Mazliach the Priest is also mentioned in the colophon to Frag. XLIV, dating from about nti. Our Solomon here (the grandson), the contemporary of Hazliach's grand- daughter, must accordingly have flourished in the third or fourth decade of the first Lalf of the twelfth century. Il6 SAADYANA ' XLIV. \ Fragment T-S. 8 F i, parchment, two leaves, size 20 x 14 cm., written in an ancient square hand, and representing the remainder of a commentary to the tractate Yoma, by R. Chananel b. Chushiel, of which the first page is here reproduced. Among the various owners which the codex had is also Elijah the priest, probably a grandson of tfie Elijah mentioned on Fragment XXXVIII l . He bought the MS. in mi. (recto) "i3n 3-in p }.-on non enins onvo 5 3u^o pyi w nnt3'^ ' 310 po by 13 ptu }3 pw jnsn I rupt^ no J> 13 w (verso) jna p^nB oniBsn nv mip rv ma n3D3 onn pn rra?:> man nai^ mi * * '> man 1 Seo also note 4 to Frag. XI. Hi. SAADYANA 1 17 ipoin * enn ^a p-'Nt? ^ HNDD f^apo 32 myi> nrvm JB> nNton nsipj noriN ma m ON * * KM nNtan mj -"D^ rrvs&eb bvcw 131 ...... jjp nT3 non nna nn D^PD pnv 10 ....... ova ^na fro B^IKI^ panx ^HD ....... inf) DiTnao nnsn nx ejnuwi jroi 31 ...... * nyaa' ixvn xi> njno i>nN nnsi nwj6 nix nrn ova nv "i^xa nnna nai ms ne'yo I^N niy!> j * * * -in vx> n ow 15 na niv nw 6x na oniean ova minn npn nxr msa cnn hai nwj nix O'-Ni'ca Nan nnisan DVT nxix NOW * iha nix mx pJT p-'mi nix n^Na t^yi naia Nn 20 ai ni{n?b na mm mx nan n^y vsbi pM na na iron mx niw na w meai yn oniaan m PIDN^ ma n^N ova nan nwaijn nNix CINI * na>na mx nN anpnb na -nm ^Nt^ 33 nN jmx 25 XLV. Fragment T-S. TO Ji, paper, two leaves of a quire, of which the middle pages are missing, size ar x 14 cm., written in a square hand with a turn to cursive of the thirteenth century (?), and representing the remainder of a letter by K. Sherira Gaon, the father of R. Hai Gaon 1 . In its present defective state it is impossible to say with full certainty what the burden of the letter was, but as it would seem it formed a plea for the support of the Baby Ionian schools, which at that time of decentralization did not any longer receive 1 Sec leaf i recto, 1. 8. Il8 SAADYANA the pecuniary assistance to which they were accustomed 1 . He tells them that to be sure he was himself helpful in the " setting up of places " (that is establishing schools) in Israel of the West, but if the decay is once allowed to set in in the head (which is probably Pumbeditha) the rest of the body is not less sure to degenerate 2 . We have thus in this document another instance of the struggle for authority which took place at the removing of the old centres. The next document is of the same nature, and it is this fact which suggested their insertion in this place, as an illus- tration of an historical phase already made manifest to us by the contents ot Fragment XXXVIII. (Leaf i recto) PNW nano pTrnao nianaoi :w B>D njnn pm TIDD a u'enp *xb yrn ^ai $03 onDann nsi DW^Mn nx D^BDIK urns ny D^aoi t&an Nnaoo D'OIUI N$>ai N^a npna o^yaipi ninx naoo 5 3 onryji pa" N^ man no niKi^ inyn ny no waai> on^nn n 1T1333 f|DU ej^DV 1EW Dn3^ nai * UN vnnru N$> nt^Ni Diran a\vk\ Tnn nx aan^i jwsnpn (1) tt*p^ nrn nann n -ma^ nnb paniai vn new wmn DIPD nx 3 WSK 3W 15 peny jn pnnn 3nw minn aian vb si' PNI WWD nnn uni nyvn 1 Leaf 3 recto, 11. 15-19. 2 See leaf i verso, 1. 16, and leaf a verso, 11. 3-7. SAADYANA I 19 (Leaf i verso) xim DS^X U3J13 iyyi pm -jinoi 1313 wain uDp3i WITS' 31101 n^>xn a onn333i IB* nn onx -a oaoy 5 (?)ppDyn') minn nx pary rbsnn 'pin -unn n^pn no Ji 'iy^n nv:o *a njnxi 'raa D33 &TT3331 i?N1B 31B7l Dy TinJ) jpn* nsw ny taoy uwvi njwa 023 ryj jmo mown owacn TIN rnnto naa 10 2 Q % roy ^y Dnnsyw Dvnpxi 'un^ rvn 33 13T3 Diph nnp^i ni3ji> pnvi p3n rrchv nn i?y msnw p pn DT i>yi D^i^n p nnsi nsion ^yi UKTU paox: '3 tojno j3 15 mn p n3n3 oswrbi ^3 HD3 DH3 JW^n N13O J^IN ^3 bSKm TaNni nnn 3"in jprn (Leaf 2 recto) n nnoio nsn h 4 osnn ip^no ...... DM p 1V3 3X 130D^> into b DX DV * * O wnn ib'K3nx nye* ib DX mvs nmx b 'n -it3UB'3 < i 5 n^3 nxvD nisv DJ zuvnn 5 *nx }3 x*33ni niD'S3 33en or *i ^D ^ME* 1313 vby 113J1 Dim 123!? X3 ID nn yenn* i ^ fn:i norn^ iw- 1 Neh. xiii. 10. * Ibid. xiii. ir. 1 Ibid. xiii. 13. * St-aai> yew n iDam wnnai iemo iva ftc ny NTna p mw 10 rvaa ^ pio nipoi nvi nisrn ^ iT3B> 1QD run a B>aiyn jo oa^xn^ 'wnnan 20 (Leaf a verso) D noa "vatn nK>N nnx UVIUK n nu jjn mtssx *v DNJ no |jr onb ON* jnoxn moN DNI 4 Aa^ 'N in onw ann Kin ons ntw^n >D oaaaba na^mo pnn^ 5 33 non sjun t^xin nnsi iun aruba ia^i 'n^oanh inning nann n mnm Damn Trnai Dama 10 ns pNin jyoij oawp^eo ub warn UB!> 'oan a^M a? prn 1 - oai na laaunm nia^nn 1 See Koheleth Eabba, I, 8 ( 4), Jer. Nedarim, 40 a, Sanlicdrin, 32 b ; .> also the Letter o/ R. Slierira, p. 16. Cf. Bacher, Agada dcr Tannailtn, I, 389 bi text and notes. 2 See the Travels of R. PetJiachin, cd. Bcnisch, p. 8. See Gen. xix. 13. * llayyai i. y. SAADYANA 121 twsmb nnrosi nn>!>K DWD nnx a orntna ijni mawnn jo Ina omo mpo ojnw W"On W3K TV3 1133^ M^l Wnaa^ N$> 3 15 fornn 1133^1 V ni33^> 3 r6a nipp DS^N nron tan '3 nvnoK ya-ix jnan* N!J }j?oi> pnnn moipD3 nxo rann min nxn on run na^n^.nD ysns "imp Dip3 wn 20 XLVI. Fragment T-S. 28. 24, one long strip of parchment, size 59 x 1 6 cm., written in a square hand but with a strong turn to cursive. It is defective at the beginning and the end, whilst the right margin has also suffered badly. The fragment represents a responsum (probably autograph) of some great Rabbinical authority addressed to R. Shemariah b. Elchanan (of Alexandria), who flourished about the end of the tenth century 1 . In its present condition it is impossible to say who the writer was, but I may state that the Geniza possess various documents from which it is evident that Shemariah was the correspondent of the Gaon R. Samuel b. Chofni. We may thus attribute our fragment to this last Gaon of Sura. The Halachic contents of this responsum are of the usual kind addressed to and' answered by the Geonim; but they are prefaced by an appeal for the support of the NH3 > nD and a dissertation proving the authority of the Babylonian schools, even after the estab- lishing of new centres of learning in the west, which, like the preceding document, gives evidence of the strained efforts made by the last' great representatives of the Babylonian schools to maintain the ancient seats of authority. 1 See recto, 11, 85 and 86, and cf. J. Q. R., XI, p. 646, note a. 122 SAADYANA (recto) ' ' UK ' PD nop BBPD npya noi aa iar * DiD"b niba nioan by ibo na D D'aaoi ibiy D"bapo UWK * arc? i Dio^b spxb PIIB noi 1 jabbi iiabi D[n]a ejiib ibpa 11 D^apon joi n * * oa pbbi b'ap nunbi onun -nabi "ay iiaa iViBiv nan 5 ON naa py naaai nuaip nipoa Dnana< -a Diiaya bxi na"non nixo ^a nyn^ nxn ^a^ab 11 abt^a D'atra 6a[^Kon] nan nibaa ib psi nia^n 'anv babi nua npb D ' *poi nbx ba ns o^nacr ons nob D'yiv unax PKI nait^n 3P DIP u's^yp bx ua^nai unan nK n o * 10 (?)Dim ba a nrnaa nxr nx-ia xb nany oa by P-IB "nou PNI nnb panv p" D by *]Ni D3 D^pnpno nmn an niNivo memo ^na piano vn DUPKin 'a o^jnv onsi pnaio 31 'BO sbx ni * . nobb nabb ooxy nx D'pnn nipini D"nya ib^ssi inipoe* xbp 13 ' irybx ib sasaa b ua Np nin -DN ii II DN i niobna uios IPX 15 3n jo bx-boa pi nx na>yp DV poya ub wan IPJO o^yaoi :n n'ao lovy yao sb bs^boa pi BJNP nnTy p [iryjbx it* n * N pypaa ypin> i us bapnb ia^np xoon irybs ii xpna p jan r 20 p us TD'oi WK TTobn ib nos pnon nua ovn nM piT'n no ip DTIV onxp pa^yn bai man nnM noai nnsi nnry p irybtf i ' * * ' noy iDVBai nnry p irjjbx i Qpim bx^boa pi layna mayap D by r\x * rjTobnb IDN nnry'p irybx i pno yopp jva 4 niaia3.piiBo ipsa 25 -DV ibp npyon oai UDD maxb D'ppao onxi oaTa nn'-n naio n j ib IDNI pnon n^a pn^n by ibxpi niba irjrbs i UD b'apnb nbnp nipoon npob nabna piT'nn ns ib nbyni va^y bapi rr> DPB 73^ bapi yyy DIPB hum rpipob ^DV u^y iirn"p pxi w TDK inyi nap'napab (?) xaini "a n3'p"n nx onpoai nyin n"3 nx onnap i"x onx pix noio ounxn (?) iyopi 30 paiv onxn 1x11 x'a ioa nip"BD oau^a PNP IPBK " on D"bna D^oin 1 Dan. xi. 35. ( Isa. i. 18. 3 Berachotii,, i6a. Cf. Rabbinowicz, Variae Lectiones, a. 1. 4 See Bprachoth, a^ b and 28 a. * See Chaggigah, 3 b sq. SAADYANA 123 min 'a ajnr nriKi noai na nnx by nnnon nnx DJ ow pn * njnDtr yc>K>b D'iNno D'awin vn ipsa pnaio 21 "QD xbx ....... rrn neroa mow nan spb'na sown a en nipaon -no jyob n ...... torn }o DNI manna b^bioa p pyop pna nabn xax n *BD nob ..... 35 ma K3N n nx KTO ...... iTTKon NDisD NnycB'b mo>rx ...... nio^n 3DD OKI ^moK nnmn sp^n ib ION nann ^y i^Ken Na in n PJKI ni3 man onin r6m JTDD onan rroa ^1 'nawo ..... wmi n^aa ^nni'C' Diiyib!? 5^ njroD baa^ nr6:e> nra^nt? ..... m jrn ^333 nnjn onoy njae' ^JB> Dipo i?3B> ^n |aan 40 a*n baa oa bn N^n ba[a ha] nicn^ *6bon jvir ^in Ji33 nja by mcy * 3Tii PB> Kwaaa DN ..... en bvim nB"3 CN an P313D uw * ' * ro3B>n jno n3*n ny^ap na^ wttmo on n ..... nsion Niryi nmon B^K bN"jTi N^33n bxprm no333 PIN Ton iy ..... 45 i o-oann my JM 'nsnsb aba oansr niobnn ^osn nxcn nn3 } pom: nbx ba n^ann pnn SJK ab D PJN pmnao mpoa meiy n * pya wrw nnw nav () maa min ^bnu nraipo ....... mm a oa^by pw ppoy oannnoai ...... pan PNI Da'by ...... 50 n TO -pin nsbxi pjy3 wnm wt? n^sai uno B'anbi }H3 arun naoN^ noib niobn pnaa n^ian bn^ tno* xb n ...... yw D^t< IB'SN *nv p pyioB' n CNB' p. 67, 69, 73, and 74. See also I'clJiudiui a Travels, p. 50 sq. * See Berachoth, 35 b. 124 SAADYANA pKB>1 ferminn non ie>xo nfea p * ppoy^ny D'oan ifesi ifen DiTpn bxifc" Di^ai mini' DH-IDJ na^n 'can i?a ...... w is? Tt?y pfear t^xa iattoW "inKva fiij.iaf nbti> riaa ia ....... hjni? D'riyi> ni'a *jnV n5^ 'iicri 5a> nan natwn }5B ........ 65 ha pi 2 mina PDIV "DBt^i i3^B'^i)' ( aiv P^BDO j^iar ^NiB ...... 8 mina ipw jyoi' Di^n n^nan rue nni> o^n 11 3enb iy ...... njra* nann anb DaTnroina 71x3 DI ojnv DJ-IN woo nni m iai> tpywn nns wioa 'a naa^a' nK'sa iJa^a 11 onana p ..... iana IB'N nianaon b nan oa^nianao 'ipoajB' a ^y sj a miaoi ..... 70 IDV' i6i lav N^> ian3 WD niai3n joi na^n JD naoipo^ layionp ......... writ* nny najm yoB^ 1 i la^niana pbpo ens Tom 1133 ..... nyn nx B*K wain oai oaovy ns oa irraim oaa ..... W3*i nfo ianan nNip!? n^ina. min i-nni voan^ inninh oa^ax yans fen na^>n sin ^K-JB^ Tin by imi imni oa^rsa pa ....... 75 rife* i3i3i ns ienan ^1 Dnfer ifeya nipn^ 1^ PKB> nafeifey ...... (1) nixon pi piionn JD oav ' ri baa nibNB'a lainotM Dinar v a wni p * h DHnafein miyn> |yoi> pa ......... D'Tu inab ianai na^nianoi oa^nianaa laiprn oai .......... naa yb Da^a^ao ba nx 11x1 ianai t?tb&\ na ......... 80 D ...... nar p ..... NIIC& ^ ifea^ va^ao ba oa ....... jyoi? iiBva I^N laijnin itrx ..... DP fer . * onoib Dn>obni yiap PUD n* vxn i3n -nsn ' * xni ....... 85 nar pnfet usi p *? DI : * la^N DD irnim maian biani moan * ? run fep .un niainia cni 1 Chvlin, 54 b. See Gen. Ba&fta, ch. 72, 5. The quotation is not verbal. a See a Chron. xxxi. 8. SAADYANA 125 (verso) ' * * D3D NI aa nna DIN 'aonn pyDB> na'py n nan Na' Ni>a N B> ' Na ono Npn DIPD 'aonn pyet?a na?n p ND^PI pnan T.N n son nnN *jhn i>an nn-ay ptn jnn *. pnn pa? n * 10 ea nnoi rriiria rinibNii nv'iy $ab nriN i>y 'nnat? n^i nf nf ^Ni moa n!?i.n penn'p n s<; inN iy apa N3tr N^I onar NJK> N^I nna oay nny nio-'N 15 innoD pnn 3 nnnn i>a FJID ny * na aai onoaoi iaD nhaiy jniNi niapa nni onar a nNi jno ft^nanb pn n^a ^y w niNiaon jniN *? nna^ twa^ nnroon * aa ^y ji 4 nfa nf Na^ }nni6 20 nnipf n ^DV n nan -ifiiD n^in^ nifoD Ncna na wann NIH nyos^n naioa pnDNn w na na!?n )i> NDPI nnro NB'riJ nnB>a innnn N^ naiiaa nn^o nnfoba nnib^ nanaa jn> E^ Dnarn ^aN ^a jn^aaij N^I napn ]rh PN niapam '6^' na nnipba nhDp NBna nibb njfti nnoi? prbb p^ia> b^N paio n pnn panta na 25 pnoNim nfbb^ nay nf nn biN nfy^N n jnin na Niba tin ^ninti' nay nN nnnts pano ^> b noN yoK* N.p nayn IN n^nna^ pane ^ inb N^ya^N ay Nnay^ aba s ba rriibb DN Np h^nhaij nibN *Ni nnno N^ hiapan jiNi 6 panta na nabn i'NiDB' DN min* 'an DN DNn pane 'na na^n fr 30 *?v pnn PNI na^aoa wm noan yam noan onip na^aoa a^BOV aah 1 Jebamoth, 49 a. * See Kiddushin, 66 \). * Jebamoth, 14 a. * See Jebamoth, 68 b, and Kiddushin, 69 a. * Kiddushin, 73 b and 73 a. ' Kiddushin, 69 a. 126 SAADYANA rrn:pn *xo noen poy3 poynn? TD wxi e>x n3 on iiy H 3 D7iyo ^x noan poy7 wb "piv 131 m i pm 33 7y ?]xi n lyanoe* 131 733 xbx 1373 nanea wx * * o ii J3313 x?"x niirp ia xrii^.i n^n j!? xo*p nantfe px f-on niy*3 35 f !>3i nx*v ^33 13*XB> nm: noi ;nw pirn nanc'S x ^x pon -nyn px cw * * * in i?3 ' * iiox lianti' pyoe' pi i5 ; x xvo* ^31 hxi' i?33 ti&v poii nanB> nW inao oix 5ni |3 3 iJTiBW pis'tj' iin 733 D3 ; n3b B* ' ' * * pxi pon myo JOT jrani m^floa Nine* nr ^rwM D^osna na^ni o'^ 7' ; 6b 40 E*D *a pon niD'x jna B>M 0*03 11^35^ oh D^D * x ITO^ pen einty? B^ x pnetn i nys xin nn nn^a X73 TIT 7 DXI piy3 xin nn D"7 ' - 7' i?3X nii^ hiifi iiao xo7'n ix 6 ; 7 iiao tirb vrfto iiao 6*7' i?^6o ix nn!? iiiin pnici' c^x 'oi' n nif rri * ' ' *o5 jini * ' i'yi nnn3 ix^ pon np ; iiB' xtyi x^ n7'bii 6 s 7'n rhf rritiy xiinoo no^xo x^n nif hiiiy xiinoo xsa'x niiix Pioi* 31 n^ ' * * * D 11 ? 7^01 TID n3 1| BD3 H7 mil? rhitt iiao 13103 "iiJno ^ pniB> m'BDi 'ii'rio n^n nil? nun prne' 13103 "i^no n^n PJNI 50 |VDD tr!? xh x'B'p xi? nii^ nphij' p|6v 31^ x f ^p iii^a nii^ x^p . <* i^r.J3 N n io^nQ K ^ ^{j>p x^ ejD^ ii^ iii^B nnnj iy x^o? in3nE^7 iT7 'ys^o X7 pon IID^X in3 i i Di p3 na xnay p3 pnwna p3 n^ ^BNT ny N^N nn^ npns N!>I oni? 13 *Nn ns^in Tn3in n n3 3 an nMiiiB' no en DB>3 iB9Bn WB> ttosi nn^BQ n I3jro7 60 n 7iia 63 p^3ni 73 jnsK'xis non mxo 2 oin on? x ******** E* 1 Pesachim, 21 a, 27 b, and 28 a. 1 See Minackoth, 96 b. Cf. also Jer. Pesachim, 29 b, regarding rovr TOD. SAADYANA 127 i p Diipo en nny * "itffl'N jva ton n * row ^y i a NI.YI ny KHOTS DKD to 65 eoa ainan nivo ^an a-iya nan minn p nain nrn pra m * nvo aai> -IHN nana ropn ib TNI Nin yens an nay ru'soa Nim rap nns3i ru^soa iru 01^33 anp Dipc& N * D&I fna "pbn* IN a)^ nj^aon ID si nay aiya I^BW ns^aoa war& bia^ iova ^b ^ ntJ'B'xe' i^ 70 n:>BD3 wa^ ^ niox p^nn Dipoi? i^ nvni wva mpo ^D* nt^B'D nina nraoa pj^ao pN Kram na^6 mip np nipc6 *jhn DN IN na^ mp o^o 11 n^B' nj'aoa oja: DNI pipr U'N n^BDiT^na sini v^y nae> nnxai nay D poiai w^m i^n 7113 ' M*K CIK ^Kfe p pyoB' nn -ine3i men nitsa:^ nvna WN n^ni jnanoo nojn n^ya onb jw npan '033 nB i^ ni?c^ po^n mni pn y D^BI jn ib new nxn ^ION v nvn ^VN DN t*rb ICNI pi 31 nvna m*i nvnn i>y3 pisn N3 pr inN^ nnprra nxnn n>3ni pu^y 80 CIN rrnhrn p nyn bjn pohm nnD n"ni>vn n-wt? pjop rw p3yn bai Nn *fyv nvn niba nr nai ynv 3N nw "irw D^oyD ncao pwj oy pnp ^ny n * r n t6i 13 inn n\TB -itra-Ni CNT wn * D^y3 SIN 7W D3H TO ^ntn N^ * ' * B>3N TD ^1 * * Dfc> D K^ ' ' ' ' 85 M N3 ^3N n patan na m I^BN *b 101^ p ..... DW N3 *3N ^nvnc'ai npan/D33 ne6 * K * * na ...... pi **? mnno iTn nvn wn& n^nya VSBD Dipoi ..... B e iiyi nD K^I nsy N^ ^vni IHN sai ^xn^ p^yan PINT n^n N^ xn^D NPDID 90 N ;iD^n na IT DN y-p N^> B ^"XD nsy a np roir rrn * n ^vni pyoe* v |n nn D^yan v^N>n3 DN p o^n | ........ N^N D'3 niN jrr vbn ......... 1 Shabkath, 19 a. Cf. Teskuboth Haggeonim (cd. Lyck), no. 61, and 7?esj)nso ofMaimonides (ud. Leipzig), I, 154-156. 128 SAADYANA LATEST ADDITIONS. XLVH. MS. Adler, paper, one leaf, size 20-5 x 16-5 cm., written in an early cursive hand and representing, as far as I can judge, another fresh fragment of R. Saadyah's controversial letters against Ben Meir. The text seems to be corrupt in places. The following lines were supplied to me by Mr. E. N. Adler, which he copied from an ancient list of books in his possession : nyanxi masta max -poem i>ani>K axna jo axa rva irai [iTjnyD ua-6 onjn? .rmna rmnoi myo wan^ rwbx i>"r rmyo a- ^iefolo_n*w ntrwn jpta mi ^N-ia x n n^a^ Yb rawrn \rai naxrn mi P'nn n^i nx^N-n nai 5 Possibly the aiB^s 3NH3 is identical with the nicn attributed to the Gaon (see Weiss, Zwr Geschichte der Tradition, IV, p. 156). About the rmro nwno cf. above, Fragment XXVII. (recto) T oan ijnpB> no nnx poB> po vi n-'V^nn nyt^o ppi?n Nvn DTip n^Ji TITS? in na px DNI ana oai jpo 11 ^ ja^o nnxij 1^13 OKI jnon n:iB>"i nytjis brbinn onip nhai nsan n^a Nbi nnion yabv p^o nn^ 1^13 DNI PTDH nw ^^a 5 liri mp n^Ji nxan rnt^a vb\ nia^y na J^N DN D'oan ^o nnsb n^i3 DNI pi s on tw "i'^a HJI^NI rry&o pp^n riohh onip 1^121 nn*y nxan m^n rrn DXI ana DJI iin Diip nhai nia^y ia ty^ n^n i>a : IVB> ana myi 10 po nnx!' nbu DNI pnon ^yai ova 1 Very, faded, and might also read * The Lamed is doubtful. It may also be a Kuph. SAADYANA 129 DTIP 1^31 -IITJJ 13 w nen (?)!>a an iyape>o nnn i' "613 DNI pnon Tai ^a r nye>o pp*>n norm DIIP *^i3i niay 13 p OKI ana 031 iy3ptro mien po^t? pns ~\ntb ibu DNI pnoa ^on ^a 15 pp5>n "in mip n^Ji nuy n p DKI an ana nixn !pDhf p*o nnx^ 1^3 CNI pnoa ^cn y nyvo pp^n a3 D"ip 1^131 -na-'y u B^ n^n ^3 i^n nnn po*i> po -ITO^ 1^3 DNT pon nat^a nnx ova nyc pp^n Nvri mip n^ui -nu>y ia e*e> nc?n i>a an 20 NI ana 031 jns^ p^o.ins^ nbu DNI pnon na^a inx nva nnx ^3 nntw nyjMD pp^n nbnh DTIP ^^31 ma^y na px an lyapiw nnion : pota p ^y nw "613 DNI pion natra ^a iwjTy nycro pp^n nn DIP nbwi ma^y u PNB> n^n i>a i?a ana niyi JpD^p P^D inxb n^3 DM pnon nat^a nn 25 (?)ay ova njT3t? rowo nncx onip "6131 nu'-y 13 ia wv *WT\ ba an iyapB> ne i?y nsoin pnoai nrta DN> ana DJI pioai e^ nnx *B^B> ova n^y-op nyB> DIP 'e'^a' nnx ^^ ^^3 nn^y nyaio ritbhri onip nn^y 13 px pnoai ^on nnx ^on ovi mix nm 1 ( ? ) nxn P ^ "> >r|1 ptoai 30 nn^y nyws nojiri onip n^i3i nia^y na px DNI ana D3i nron DV!> ins nm p i>y nw pnoai ^^ nns ^^ 'i^a nn^y n3 px DNI 5n iy3pio ^si^n pnoai ^on nnx ^t? nnN B^B> ^^3 n'Tt?y nyiwD ppi>n ii mip nbw (verso) 3na Tiyi pioai nron nnx "B^on ovi> inx nm p iy "i^n^ pnoai n^on nytw ppi>n 5p nnx ni>i3i ii3"y msyc* n3t?3 rrn DM ^oij ni>N i>a n^y pioai yvbv tins ^^ DV^ mix nm y ova ova ruwjri njw ii-S ny ii?T n3B i>i33n sw na ini nn iDtn jnan ^a r nytw i^pnn m ^nn m^o> pnon nyeno nonn iy n^-i n3t?3 i>i33n n^rr* pi nytro non Kin nn m^ioi nm 1 Writing faded ; but it looks as if a line was drawn through the word as a sign that it has to be cancelled. Perhaps it reads nvrn 1 ?. K 130 SAADYANA s iiih jura PIN rvmn Dipob (?) jran (?) N!> PN (?) ny -WMW nc>N by nso nann ub im rnyt? w ny ppbn rnoN spu N^ nn nyos? vi N^ -0 Taan jnnxni pt^Nnn bpn J B>K B*nn jo nw nbn 10 nnyion n bW onu^ao netc bNiB> nvpoij onai i^ onjnon nx ^ni? ^ ya ima niyu nan nyo^ ^ oyn nyabi mina DOT ^eon^ yu'D NDH ^ n D^NIH IBDXJI i^iv pai ma p wan I^N nrn bnin biraD!) rwj no usjnai 15 p nn3 i3>K DTio^n i>a' nx lyab ^aw N^ noi oyn nma vnnax IHDJ: a I^SN myi nioipon !?K ntryo nx D>mni> e>> b -jina jnarb invnb nrn naon nx ?a ^3 cnix niflta D*vnmh trfonh ^ID nyi n^nno nrn T'ND p p^n a5 nye> na ainai oyn anpa iniNVo^ n^N no:i aniai oaion 20 Wn nyc* IK nn Dipa S tt6nn IN nn Dipoa nbnn IN Nir, Dipioa in>:^ N^I jrrby iaD^ N^ 3 6:pn nipoa 5p ny* w rrnn Dipoa (t)n bas D^ik^xnn ^ao N^I nxm nya iabo xna n-ND p fa jna Tina D'lvn non nsw non onyK* nyanx nnooi nni hn t&n p^^n nytr nmoD nwnon i>aa 25 nnooi nni my^ w *whv TSV nnooi n-ii niiri 5 ij-nian ub onoo nato 6apni nni Nih ^yan nyp nnocn ns i:nb naba nt?yc& na^na xh n^yoi? nabna wno^ p a np^y jnb K mobnn p C|K N^N n^N.n nn nas n^ N n^an^ab n:mipni> jo^a* bwov CN 30 onip nbw nia^yn 4 f]iD3 Njnn n^o Nn nn yn bxiD^b 5 no yn^ N^>. xnnoi rrb ON N^ n^ ON mvn nnN IN Nin hn^ nn Nn^irw ^'o via ^NO pan 1 Very faded ; perhaps it reads Jiann, cf. Isa. ix. 23. 8 No dots on the Kaph and the TTato. The Kaph is altogether doubtful, and may perhaps be taken for Teth (c). * The Nun is doubtful. It may also read Pe (o). * Bead T1D3. 6 Sec Rosh Hashana, 20 b, and cf. the commentary of R. Channanel on the margin (of the Wilna edition). See also Revue des Etudes Juives, XLII, p. 194 sq. SAADYANA 13! XLVIII. Fragment T-S. 12. 725, paper, mutilated, present size 20 x 13 cm., written in square characters of a very ancient date. It contains a reference to the Q >- W nyanx and probably had some bearing on the Ben Meir controversy. The verso contains, in a different hand, passages from the minor Tractate Derech Eretz Zuta. (verso) . o ' ww ....... noa n:ry NTpy 'a-n pxi> r '33 b tb tjnnn BTPpai ennn najn nx p-ayo p nia'yn nwa K^pa wto HT ten na nte ni?ia nW rmp * * * 5 nwn nnx IN n ...... vni oi'iyn niaNW mina -ma ^NIOB' nn px yate Tie6na nnois UN p na ^NI p men n n p p^nno snnn iia^ ^nan p p^nno ...... mvn nn pm 'an DN miaya ncnpno na ...... ins I^K IOIN nn nnwya nox ...... na apy* [a]n m D^P D s 03n ^ ..... acn> IHN ..... N tei ' v Kim b-nn inn pa^ ..... 15 ponn DK a DK H ani nn \n nna Kiar 12 so ..... yaipn nanb ptwsnn pxi iir-a-6 pn*a ...... law H i Dnyty nyanxoi a^ m^i ..... IT 1 Sec i/cr. !/. Rusli- Uushan", 58:1, li. K ^ 132 SAADYANA XLIX. Fragment T-S. 12. 731, paper, one leaf, size 21 x 14 cm., written in Arabic characters, except the few words forming the title and written in square. It represents the remainder of a treatise by R. Saadyah Gaon, on the laws of ma'lD 1 . To this fragment Dr. Hirschfeld drew my attention. I am also indebted to him for the collation with the MSS. of all the Arabic pieces contained in this article. (recto) JJLi Jls nn DVB . . 5 .A L-l 5. ..... A^AC ^jU LjUl LU iJ^ll t_*iwJ jj* (j-^j ^^*-!^' ^oUi ^ &Ju IM-O jj^jll oilSjj ^^^ v^ 1 ^ u"**. U^ (verso) ^' -*<> J l C*it> ,' .LAI ^ 1 See above, Fragment XXVII, text, 1. 10, text iv-ti, 11. 5- a Writing at end of line faded away. SAADYANA 133 1* ,j-> u' *U Jpl J ^t its* .o ^lj Ljl -j dJi JU. ^li jJU 10 Jla. ,jlj tjj ^ ^ll .... ^ IU Fragment T-S. 12. 730, paper, two leaves, size 15 x 1 2 cm., and written in an old square hand. It represents a sort of diary of a Rabbi travelling to Babylon. It is not im- possible that we have in it the remainder of a work by R. Saadyah, who is known to have visited the Holy Land whence he probably emigrated to Babylon 1 ; whilst the imitating of the Biblical style and the providing of the texts with vowel-points and accents was a favourite way of composition with the Gaon 2 . Such evidence, however, is too slight to be decisive. (i recto) jfoBD %"n nnjn njn:^ p^i irii : rutan D'T ...... rninjj wgi nn at vy N-jpa -\VK ynni hcr lluggalui, pp. 150 aun3rn JQ^xp n N^3 gTf^a 5 IT v nxn oan noKsi p ^a |pt - - 3 ^^i?~K jen 'psftrK fi3D : a D*^Q 5 3T~bK % nno T v- T foppnt. nyyn : mn o\*n-nj niyp TV I0 firiw nc .T - : T T j-1 T:I vi t (a recto) <3 Ki3^ nxv yin & V- AT J" fry. J3 crt nyngo y \ ........ Di : !?3iK3 nann D^O^ n: 5 j-'- :- : iv : >"* p n->K * nam inji ^x ..... "373!) li^ ? 1 nb ION^ : oW> tos^i on* 10 v T : j - IT; T I - SAADYANA 135 (a verso) jbBTi 3i-i sma Mvo hn D^COK h iv - " * V if - >. < T -; : nn snn ......... nasrn npirn ITT I j-:v: ft .............. run rnn v - J* T - 03 iTn^ s sn Vinbin "3 ..... cs ipb 3^1 jmo i'b^K-}? ^caB'-ny B'iiivn rm rrrtrp vninbin nWi ^n I0 v ^T x* ! i T r* 5 na j 'j?: :nn bn onb LI. Fragment T-S. 8 K 12, paper, one leaf, size 18x12-5 cm., written in square letters with a strong turn to cursive, and representing what may perhaps be described as a sort of history of post-Biblical literature. The authorities men- tioned in it are Jose b. Jose of blessed memory 2 , Yanai 3 , Eleazar (Kcdir)*, the Head of the School (R. Saadyah) 6 , and Ben Sira and Ben Irai 6 . Professor Bacher, of Budapesth, who kindly supplied me with a rendering of this piece, also drew my attention to the Agron (ed. Harkavy), p. 56, where R. Saadyah gives a somewhat similar list of Paitanim. I hope that this great scholar will give us soon a translation of this important document and ac- company it with the necessary comments. For the 1 Cf. T&huloth Haggconim, ed. Harkavy, p. i76sq. * Recto, 1. 15. Cf. Zunz, Literaturgesdiiclite der synagogalcn Poesie, p. 26 sq. Verso, 1. 4. Ibid., 1. 7. Ibid., 1. 17. Ibid., 1. 20. 136 SAADYANA services already done I express to him herewith my very best thanks. (recto) ni>nin jn *W>N hp> in *ai nvoNJi n>nv NI-UD ax* 1 * TI^N ^aota nNinN Nnaa c&y xn in ai IN!TDN!?NI pnano^x pa 5 nxn> pan TN tii sjoaa m^pnn nWUD^K in ifo DDp!?Nl W TOan NSO ^IN^N DDP^N p ^BN f Nnni 10 im N3i mtwi r^onijN mp N Niya Nnvya ^ DNDPN f anyi'N rub NH!J n^oyo NTON!? }a ^DI^ hp i>no i?7\ HKBpD i*j unn^i 15 iry me *n^N r6^rw ^no ^'r (1) DV N rub rwoD> ni>N in a^N DDpiw n D-'h NSpD N-lpDf>N 'B nil ND Vfl nnaa n^on N!> ipa 1p NS^NI TBDI ip^ 20 *nn nvpn N^ yno DXI (verso) N im a |JN oop bw OB> norn DN naNiN^N CI^NHD NBPI DWD VB my nvya nvp>i nirya ^ in -i^N DOPANT inyoi>K W Dl6j!>N 1H1 01D ^DDO^N 1JW^ 5 in ni> na S|N f? injnai SAADYANA 137 DVD* Sox T^I jrun 10 rbtt Dopfoi * IDBJKI bip^x yirin a ana* ri3K nnov "ut^oi'K aiD3oi>N in mKDno xnyo pi NHJD NSJ> NO IN ND ''El lyt^NI DN^3^N3 3D3m DNS^N^N 15 ipi xna NH3D )TDW ay in j DDP KI NDjyN p pans r pi p'oxia P) NI^D p 5)^N ND3 20 a txbJxx LII. Fragment T-S. 8 G 2, paper, quire of two leaves of which the middle pages are missing, size 18x13 cm. The contents of the first leaf agree more or less with a portion of respon- sum No. i of the D^lXJn nman (ed. Lyck), attributed to R. Hai Gaon, and refuting certain opinions of R. Saadyah with regard to the calendar. The contents of the second leaf seem to bear on the same subject, but I am unable to express any opinion with regard to the authorship. (Leaf i recto) u-ii? pBnwt? pson m no jjnN i a Niinoo iTrttoa NTT n OKI m N Dn>T3 iwyn iiDt mp'DDn I^N ^3 a -IKKO PBD nann Daio D*C> ^w mpo baa 5 ruwn niD*^ UOHMD SAADYANA viDara 3wnp ica orn niaxinn noim niypnn pa venial ON i>f nnyo wan 10 nx nrc napn N^N Kip^yo p'QD vrwa n pi ons* w? y PDD K^3 15 rm inx n^nni nn^n rvfcn }niK (Leaf I verso, nm 13 nnxh ^121 D^ni^n v^yi napn IDNBO nnsiQn vniswns io^D n-in ^3 onsp K*33n wmn pi nv^an n^nnD ^nt?' > nx V omaan DVI mo ^^ rnnra mn nN3 anjon ^y ini IDD no ^y nsoina amo xn^ ^s^^1 10 niaon i araon 3ina i?y nsoinn anjo TIT ^y mix can pa-no nnw DV iiyi naoiy arum s*a 3 SAADYANA 139 (Leaf a recto) ra p NOD np>K pin i n*m nin nny >3 OKI n^ipi Ntsn* NDD^N Ni> mo^N on^y ms noan ntwi'N n^Np INI^I f>5 nop mm !?D$K m^y in s|i?ni *j!n i2p Nisi'B ' nnn^on 10 noh tcn^ipa nvinyxi nn D'tatt oy i>y HND r m^a^c n^ia ND ^K TON^N njno fJNn N3 m^j Kpan ppnwi I^N 15 }y m^s unaoi '31 ^an azn (Leaf a verso) WM31 i>Dyi ani5N -iiyn }D jnonno ejoh px-iata ID Nnn^ai paxip^M 5 nSr DJ. SINI mjn i>ajn ora naxrao lfti '31 oft iva KII 'a) onvna p n^ys ND DH^N mB'N n^o ai> nx 10 Kirns ^nN D^xnoN JD nfo im iiayn no 140 SAADYANA nywo }ru }N>N wra 20 Diijtrn vi>y wan nets jy^pj 15 in i>iKi>KB poi miaan ipanx nta in atai rrfirbtt n^N n^to jy xinyn Lin. Fragment T-S. 8 H 7, paper, two leaves, size 19 x 14 cm., written in an exceptionally square hand, represents the re- mainder of a liturgical MS., containing, among other matter, hymns to eninn nans. The (second) leaf, reproduced here, contains a reference to the Dnyt? nyinx, playing an important part in the Ben Meir controversy. The first leaf contains also liturgical pieces, one of which has the heading taping i>"xT wafo, and commences D TUD'N HON. (recto) no TD HDI lenro cnn njrenn 1^^P ynn ai^n 5 p^nn nv twkvk *nn TS "THN n ...... D nw nnw D^nsn DD 10 HIND yaen (verso) DHjnon (?) ny (?) e KM onnon D*ennn nynipi Dnon IN D^D^ IK pnoa pae>n 'ai enn 'no nyat? ruah non^ 5 m ruoa na SAADYANA TI-Q to fuoen D'*TCT nti ro 3$a nxniN i>y 'ai ne> nm VJBN ^y nan 10 voyo LIV. Fragment T-S. 8 H 8, paper, two leaves, size 18 x 13 cm., written in a square hand with a turn to cursive, and representing the remainder of a Hymnology to the ymx rwenQ. The author is a certain Moses Hakkohen, and his emphasizing the prerogative of Palestine in fixing the calendar and the part the Kohen takes in it, makes it probable that he belonged to the party of Abiathar and his successors 1 . (Leaf i recto) nrco WK Kin 3 -ixvn p'oa iw pnpn o^p m nenen }3yD pnar wm noN> ncwb nnv DN tnun niryn nnK 1151 vn tyi CI^ND n^3siN wn o^nn rvhv nai na ^i *ni3 nan 'ot? 5 pn tnpon p minn JD P^DD ton 1 Leaf a recto, 1. 10, and verso, 1. i. In connexion with the reference to the study of the Tosephta in the text the following lines reproduced from a Sulzberger fragment will not be out of place : iry nun rru'n wi ...... nno-jn FJID iy ....... ti2D DM mai Vr 'nnon NTCV Si wrPTa ^. p'npn'j 121 icm pnw nc MM m T3i iaba rf? (?>VIH) ^N ira nwison uncDian 'nbii miw nna pai TI M2t)' D win MnDDvrn onsoa TDM (?)ton Tobn iwtrn onso "> TOU n3i rroa Dnrw ata rkx 133 io T m ima 'npEnc:i DT3 nnm ICM mnEovin PTOD nwstn T3 mvn TCM osm 0^133 rcT( ^330 vein mnocin rroc nioa mac TIMSOI pern TT mjn iron nwncvn ta o Dn3in D V KTJI T3 TDM nnnuD nom ipnrn nnM nnc'uo TD rtvrfrv MTftnM 'i '3n pp^ ri3M TOSTM n^rma pnoM Mm M^rtriM 'IT rmcnvio TDT mcrfm Mncovn wop M333 nrwoo p3i 'Ji TPDCH mMnru n3i jyna niaM On the other side : nrisiscin rpn,^h % ij ora Hi5 MV fctoi w^ mrMn nw 142 SAADYANA iaya oa ur? wjna bi wemn bi -b rwi IK Knsoinai Nioia onown 10 fnaa^ nnte p ^v 1 pni m jm inn nab nna IB D"n mja W^K a^ om .DVUIW D^nyot? o^nxnn aja neoi DNT tu Daniaab nnbw na3D nuni ixa itrx nbx 15 Dabo non DW oha woo a on-nx nt (Leaf i verso) . , A * * |l A A A A A * nn }nan new- non man n ncKb pn ma cab ^np muo rapr DNI tjnb^ nao ninob nab HIBK nvnb 5 fnrfin npin nw noipa oto iUBO man in i raarfa rna inp J0 DID na PN ity KIW bnabN ira nawbo na ntrya DN> * (Leaf a recto) bnp ba naa bwan * nxl'Dn nwsai ' DHN by rribn KM itw oao^ya nra roabn Does this apply to Alfasi's Code ? SAADYANA 143 oab rim ennn osnsv *33 QHK Dmno' 5 na cab mn ennn 113D * MN-'ttN 13 * ny Dai> sin p^xn roafci mn njn v 3^3-11 nw nw mn HM 3-OKn vin nioe> * s^n ny nx iw onto rrrncb p n22 ii33isr n mioo' ns^oini? cn^yi rrnrb DMWD 15 mjnob nxn npnn nx moan Dyi? ni^vo mis tnno nanytb i^n nniN wnpn (Leaf 2 versa) on mine p 2en 0*3100' : mm onyn n2n lynn jyo> * DWMOW nj2 5 0>310N 1D1B> pHv W N3*1 * 0*31130 On ON onvn *Bnni n*y* N!> o>3npi nny ^IDD' * D*J3 by now ini* xb own L ^"" ony *i> myw o^3Knb miyo tbvivth D^-IST *B>NT D*;? : ni>iy ny ^NIS^ 3 nnte * Nin tnipo oyn Kin amp 3 inixn N^> on ONI npinn Tn ON n3 i^n* onsb ennn o*nyn HO' 15 144 SAADYANA DJI maw n>nyn ahrfa DT3 inp' nmoi : onjnco cms* no jmr6 * net? ntsnpn n?3 vrmiv nay row rani 20 LV. Fragment T-S. 16. 316, paper, a quire of two leaves, of which the middle sheets have gone, size 27 x 16 cm., and written in an ancient square hand. It represents the remainder of a commentary to Leviticus (I, i seq. and VII, 21 seq.) by Daniel b. Moses. It is inserted here on the assumption that this Daniel may be * identical with the Daniel b. Moses Al Kumsi against whom R. Saadyah wrote a treatise, who is also known to have written a com- mentary to certain portions of the Bible l . (Leaf i recto) '-iron Kipi wan p-ina rm ntro p ^jn -mat? urron * (Leaf i verso) mo 3ina ni?yo^ a jn :anp a onx :nB^> ^ i n^yn !? nw :nraon NT .i N y hn ^xno bns ppo nns ny mi?ynb ^ai N^> ^3 jyob -IHIND Kim : onpo 3H33 v^y ^y nron ornaa nw wa nw pnx nw naron nw nyio ^w HN tnofa ny ny3tj> nts^ya xi 5 ^1y3 mhy nnpn 710 nihy r6yn p 5 :pnx nx IY n^naa n5 nsnn Ni^ni :n^Dn ^w nson ns DV b nro np^i tsnu^i na nenan niDai WN newi ova vaai pn pip nr nets n^yn TNI :v^y ia3^ int^i ns vinsi rnaron nx mn nx V"i ^3 Dip p area v^y Vi nan ^3 yin nxra sraron WT 1 See above, p. 41 (No. XIII) and p. 79 men p Vn Tncrc co'.n pnc SAADYANA 145 : pB>on riN Nb * 11331 n5a ^ TOS Nin i'by pp jaym ppon n 10 *i jnuno bN Nip'i n53 nmip "py vno^i HPD bN Nip p nnw 6 *- 11331 fas jiyi bnN3 11123 '3 iyio bnN nwD bN 133 p I'D! 3'3 D'13 ni321p 11DN '3 113 D3O : D3D 31p h ^ yi jji DTQT wn3 }nn nrw oa nira nx-in new 'Ni^Di :^-}ij pro mano rbx b ^Nic^i' onn jna new :MnM 15 D3i mrv N^ o^on -DT N^ 1 DK ^3 :* ^ wxn^ itfvn p py wn n3 b Kin 3 oipo B^I :3bnn wn v^no men n -DT3 inN b Q^yT3i 3npi t^Ni % 3 :vyT3i mpi :B>Nnn JD pn 3 s|\j wn Tian *3 ^nioN p by :nab ISM -nam :ioe>3 ob jiNon nio Kin men ^3 IIDK* oai :D^3 D-on JD pn abm oa :iK^ ny D'-oa nT3 3*Dn mnbnn insnsn DN DT-3 iaDD ejnab n^na ^bso enpn jcn tt^innb fyob npno tyb ibs^ xbn 713*13 trip nvu OKI :u D^Niboi nxon itras niie6 nnB'n CKI :ib on ^3 iisob bsv 10 rancoi nB>nioi :iiann nowi ie> nroo bsi iraaen xbi pc>3 bnax nbiba n^K nbiom :anpon jnsb on D*B b Jis I^N nNtsn nnaos no'3" n3in Kn IN r EN -nnn IITIK ^aa bsb 33 o^ism o^ansn bsb on JDB> n^by Ttapnb Nbi :jn3b m pn onb :j*on onb n^n by :vnN3 15 na DNI :min by ON ro p by lavbtm ror *a^o bso pip bso L 146 SAADYANA mnapa my iy anyo *vv ntj>N DV w jbaN 11 wa-ip ova jnaij IN narb pnpn ^i fiaoon D bai nNDon ^i n-anm npa *iy Nim : ba^ imp ova aa npa nyi npa p : new nb'bn (?) by baN 11 nb'ba a : npa ny MOD nw Nb na p by 20 nao: -ipai j^aN 11 imp ova aa nayc' DVD wm limp DVD npan o :npa y WCD ny vb na p.^y :IHD DV p nova DV im IDP^I p^ DJ na p3y p!?i nwanp^ n^n p ianpn ova na ra-rn ma f>yi ,-npa nyi npa p oxan mo^ (Leaf a verso) DV nriK nan Nin no :irur ovb in sini DV nns san n^a ^ax^ Kin ^as> UDD nnwrn nan s Nan n^bn p ^axn : mar DVD xm inar DV nnx xan n^n wbv DV xin ninD^i wv, DVD Kin : nan^i mj^ w DV fh ' i^^a b^ Nini rbx 11 mnpf ova na nc'Na a m: p : npa ny woo rvr N!> aa mo BBB>D ii> ipa : B^B> DV npa ny n^: v xh npa ny >^^ i>^i ninoo iaNn CNI aa :nio OBBID ib npa nnx wbv ova ^N* ai MB>* wiy v^axi :n-v N^ Kin i>i3B ^tyn ova 10 i?y xi> NDD i>aa nan >a yn :i>3^ N^ NDO ^aa ya 11 NDD DB> Dn^y i)^ 11 16 >a na owop o^snei D^DJI nan s a ynu :NDD DBQ xh ^PB> Nnpj n^3N^> 021 nij^axij DN ^a na M^n p *a ynn nxrai : NDDD ^aa m^yo NDD baa ya ntw nban IN .INDO nona nbaaa IN nNDO n-n nbaaa IN 15 nonai NDoon n^n t?pa nwa ^a jnn NSn :NDD D^NDOD N^ty tyaiara bi D^nt? 'J'D njiD^a NDoon WDD D^yai NDO Y~\V d>m 1N n 3 '" 1 ^ ^^ **^ n J Dn Nini WDD obyji no aiara yain nox Ni> :QM) NDO Nini NDtJ Nim WDD cbyy\ NDDD pc>a yasin IDN DN ^a :NDO 20 : NDBD baa winna NDD baa w ntrN n^ani nan p : baa wnnai NDD baa y:n a tya^i noob na nNnn Kb D3DN Nbn :NDDDn pB> Nini NDD YPV ^33 1N : NDDD p nov niD o^ob^n natD baN^ ni a-aja yain ba SAADYANA 147 LVI. Fragment T-S. 8 J 3, paper, one leaf, size 17x13 cm., written in a square hand with a turn to cursive, and repre- senting the remainder of a letter written by a Gaon. Among others it contains also a reference to nblJD DmaM na^n ; probably identical with Abraham, who plays such a part in document XXXV 1 . (recto) pe> ba nnea p DNI vby IT mnn? ny irvo b TM UN DTOMII nwi wen "win nsi nrn nana nn^ann en , 13 D3 TJWrp iTT BT1p3 5 pa nniB> npi>i nnn rrnon D3T by sh H by nbpn jns 11 ^w nr ^ DM1 W nnxi nanso rw nnain naio nan M pi H313O nan nNini? poo ab 5r lan inox pi n'-ain n^ain $ bn in3in^ 3re> inana 15 rrain n^ain i^ bn "mrw 5o ba>p M^ navi rra novpn pi cn a no Kn piy Minns o^ nnoo UMI in^3 8MM3 ninob 20 baa in^y B>3M by osn3 in^y ^3x0 in>3 MSB n N ibia cbiyn ba by ocnj ibia ohyn See introduction to Fragment XXXV, and below, verso, SAADYANA (verso) n N No^y fyatt peno xnta e>n m ym ioy ypr oy joa< Batj>a >ron ntnp >NO n^>pT ND II N ixDn n D^pr iscan ont^ DX n {< NII N^n * yotj' i?i3 DnK>n inns ninainn ns an DINH iij 111^ n-i^ K3 nn nm c&iyi nnaw^ pr nyn D^iy!> nsn nana nbiy^ n2 i?yi oyj 11 n^n^io^ it? ohyn j np nun nnain ^npoh n-'aioi' no nirain on TH JB> von oy imira D^niii D^enan oyi nrain nsoa w^aro^ irwTa $? ri? rx IIIMO IOB' aenm VNT- ny VJE& 15 33 wna ns nian * m^yn ^ n n^ay nnNsm na^n Damn nxn mrsn pmn n^K ion nT'O ^ai naio ^ jnara n^aioi nnioi Dip^ IT ni3ri> 20 aiD nianaa nmyv nnmo * 1 See Arachin, 17 a, SAab6a, 54 b, and Tamtd, a8a. Cf. also Alfasi, Mezia, chap. II, 17 a, ed. Wilna. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. REC'DLO-imi REl RL flLAPft J 5