Sh1<6 $B 111 4bl TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION for MESSRS. SOTHEBY'S CATALOGUES. FOR ONE SEASON. PLAIN CATALOGUES. (To include postage). Antiquities (Primitive, Egyptian, Greek, etc.) Autograph Letters ... Books and Manuscripts Coins and Medals ... Engravings, Etchings, Drawings and Pictures Japanese Colour Prints and Works of Art Persian Drawings and Works of Art ... Works of Art (including Armour, China, Furniture, Glass, Jewellery, Miniatures, Silver, Textiles, etc.) £ s. d. 1 6 2 5 2 6 2 6 1 a 1 5 2 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES. (To include postage, and also plain copies where no Illustrated Catalogues are issued). Antiquities (Primitive, Egyptian, Greek, etc.) Autograph Letters ... Books and Manuscripts Coins and Medals ... Engravings, Etchings, Drawings and Pictures Japanese Colour Prints and Works of Art Persian Drawings and Works of Art ... Works of Art (including Armour, China, Furniture, Glass, Jewellery, Miniatures, Silver, Textiles, etc.) 1 £ s. d. 5 5 2 U 10 17 c» 5 2 6 £* 5 CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE BOOKS AND MANUSCEIPTS ALSO 3brt0graplj Irttm attft Historical Bantmatts, COMPBISING Books with coloured plates, First Editions of W. Harrison Ainsworth, C. Dickens and W. M. Thackeray, Books Illustrated by G. Crcikshank, etc. ®be flropertg of the late WL. Cratnbe &eto, (Esq. 28, Blacket Place, Edinburgh; Works on Archeology, Numismatics and the Fine Arts, ®lje property of tbe late Horare IE. ^anbara, (Baq. f.s.a. (sold by order of the executors); An Extensive Collection of Engravings by Piranesi, Slje ^ropertg of tlje Countess of ^ttcaster; Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605, ®lje property of tbe Uisrount (Sage; R. L. Stevenson, The Hanging Judge, 1887, ®bx Property of J^ir (Sraljam galfonr; Chap-books printed by R. L. Stevenson at the Davos Press, and Productions of Modern Private Presses, W\jz property of a |ioblematt; P. B. Shelley, Posth umous Frag ments of Margare t Nicholso n, 18H) ; Sir James Barrie, O.M. , AllihaKbArrie8 C.U. lHyy, APToGrapH MAJJUBUkII 1 *' and Proofs; Milton, Paradise Lost, 1H68-9; Shakespeare, Second and Third Folios, etc ; also The Book of Hours of the Second Lord Abergavenny (died 1492), and an Important Series oj Letters from Thomas Gray, tftbe property of j$tr Henry paston fBebingfelo, Bf. ; Letters of (Warrick, Johnson, Pope and Lady Hamilton, (Ibe propertij of ®be i?aoy ^tracbie ; Autograph Songs by Robert Burns; An Early Poem by " Lewis Carroll" ; Manuscripts by Leigh Hunt; Letters written by Nelson during the Copenhagen Campaign; an Important Letter of William Penn ; Series of Letters from Dr. Edward Jenner and Charles Greville the diarist, etc. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION . BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE (Sir Montaoue Barlow, K.B.E., LL.D., M.P. G. D. Hobson, M.V.O. & F. W. Warrk, O.B.E., M.C.) JIncttoneerB of fEtterarn ^ropcrtj & M or lis illnstrniibt of the yine J^rts. AT THEIR LARGE GALLERIES, 34 & 35, NEW BOND STKKttT, W. (1) On MONDAY, the 24th of JULY, 1922, and Two following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. Dryden Press r J Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-Street, Soho-square,W. (1) -86rt90T CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds 2*. 6d. ; and so on in proportion. III. All lots are sold subject to the right to impose a reserve ; and subject to the right to bid by or on behalf of the seller. IV. 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All the books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within Fourteen Days after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VII. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any worm- holes, stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates or blank leaves, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, autographs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or error of description. VIII. No Imperfect Book will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. IX. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. X. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges em such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at, this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 34 & 35, New Bond Street, London, W.{\) Telegraphic Address : Telephone: (2 lines) " Abinitio, Wesdo, London." May fair 1784, 1785 In sending Commissions this Catalogue may be referred to as " HEBE." Commissions sent by Telephone are accepted only at the sender's risk, and must be confirmed bv letter or telegram. CATALOGUE OF VALUABLE BOOKS att& a feto JKannsrapis, ALSO AUTOGRAPH LETTERS £ HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS. FIRST DAY'S SALE. Monday, July 24th, 1922. Zbc property of Militant Grambe iReifc, Esq. (deceased), of 28, Blachet Place. Edinburgh. OCTAVO ET INFRA. Lot 1. 'Beckett (G. A.) Quizziology of the British Drama, frontispiece by J. Leech, and woodcuts, original cloth, 1846 — Rede (L. T.) The Road to the Stage, frontispiece, polished calf gilt, g. t. 1827 — Donaldson (W.) Recollections of an Actor, portrait, polished ca If gilt, 1865 ( 3 ) A'BECKETT (G. A.) The Comic History of England, 2 vol. 1847-8; The Comic History of Rome, n. d. ; both first editions, coloured plates by John Leech, dark green morocco richly gilt, line border round side with Jloreate angles, inside panels, g. t. wrappers bound- in, by Riviere, a fine copy (3) 5 First Day 2 octavo 3 Actors by Daylight, and Pencillings in the Pit, Nos. 1-24, portraits, polished calf, g. e. 1838 — Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble's Retirement from the Stage, plates, and extra plates inserted, blue morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere, 1817 (2) 4 ^Esopus and others. Fables, with designs on wood by Thomas Bewick, green morocco, g. e. a fine copy Newcastle, 1823 5 Ainsworth (W. H.) Jack Sheppard, first edition, 3 vol. portrait, plates in duplicate {one set coloured) by G. Cruikshank, red morocco gilt, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, original covers bound-in, Riviere R. Bentley, 1839 € Ainsworth (W. H.) Jack Sheppard, first edition, 3 vol. portrait, plates by G. Cruikshank, blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, line borders ivith ornamental angles round sides, inside panels, g. t. by Tout R. Bentley, 1839 7 Ainsworth (VV. H.) The Tower of London, first edition, plates by G. Cruikshank, polished calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere, a fine copy R. Bentley, 1840 8 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Tower of London, first edition, plates by G. Cruikshank, original cloth gilt, uncut, a fine copy R. Bentley, 1840 9 Ainsworth (W. H.) Old Saint Paul's, first edition, 3 vol. plates in duplicate (one set coloured) by John Franklin, dark green morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere Hugh Cunningham, 1841 10 Ainsworth (W. H.) Old Saint Paul's, first edition, 3 vol. plates by John Franklin, original cloth, uncut, a fine copy Hugh Cunningham, 1841 1 1 Ainsworth ( W. H.) Old Saint Paul's, first edition, 3 vol. plates by John Franklin, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere, a fine copy Hugh Cunningham, 1841 12 Ainsworth (W. H.) Old Saint Paul's, first 8vo edition, plates by John Franklin and H. K. Browne, polished calf gilt, original cover bound-in, g. t. by Riviere Parry, Blenkarn & Co. 1847 13 Ainsworth (W. H.) Guy Fawkes, first edition, 3 vol. plates in duplicate (one set coloured) by G. Cruikshank, red morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere, a fine copy R. Bentley, 1841 14 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Miser's Daughter, first edition, 3 vol. plates by G. Cruikshank, name on titles, original cloth Cunningham and Mortimer, 1842 OCTAVO 3 First Day 15 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Miser's Daughter, first 8vo edition (the third), plates in duplicate {one set coloured) by G. Cruikshank, brown morocco, panelled gilt back, inside panels, original covers bound-in, g. t. by Riviere Parry and Co. 1848 16 Ainsworth (W. H.) The Miser's Daughter, first 8vo edition (the third), plates by G. Cruikshank, portrait, original cloth gilt Parry and Co. 1848 17 Ainsworth (W. H.) Windsor Castle, first edition, 3 vol. with the complete set of plates by G. Cruikshank and T. Johannot, mottled calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere Henry Colburn, 1843 18 Ainsworth (W. H.) Windsor Castle, FIRST 8VO EDITION, plates by G. Cruikshank and T. Johannot, portrait inserted, polished calf gilt, original front cover and back strip bound, g. t. by Riviere H. Colburn, 1843 19 Ainsworth (W. H.) Saint James's, FIRST EDITION, 3 vol. plates by G. Cruikshank, purple morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. by Riviere J. Mortimer, 1844 20 Ainsworth (W. H.) James the Second, first edition, 3 vol. illustra- tions by R. W. Buss, and 2 portraits inserted, last leaf of vol. I supplied from a proof sheet, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere Henry Colburn, 1848 21 Ainsworth (W. H.) James the Second, 3 vol. plates by R. W. Buss inserted, red morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere H. Colburn, 1849 22 [Apperley (C. J.)] Memoirs of the Life of the late John Mytton, Esq. By Nimrod, second edition, engraved title and 1 8 coloured plates by H. A Iken and T. J. Rawlings, original cloth, gold design on upper cover, g. e. a fine copy R. Ackermann, 1837 23 Arabian Nights. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, a new translation by E. W. Lane, 3 vol. woodcuts and plates by Lalauze, tree-calf gilt, g. t. 1883 24 Attic Miscellany (The) ; or, Characteristic Mirror of Men and Things, including the Correspondent's Museum, 3 vol. (all published), humorous plates (some folding), by Barlow, after Callings, character portraits, etc. dark green morocco, panelled gilt bad* and sides, g. t. by Riviere, a fine copy Bentley and Co. and W. Locke, 1 789-91 25 Authentic Memoirs of the Green-Boom for 1800, portraits, polished calf gilt, g. t. (\§mo), 1800— The Theatre; or, The Letters of Candidus, &c. on the performances of the Edinburgh Stage in 1802, tree-calf g. t. Edinburgh, 1802 (2) B 2 First Day 4 octavo 26 Autobiography of Jack Ketch, with fourteen illustrations frcm designs by Meadows, calf gilt, g. t. 1835 — Beanies (T.) The Rookeries of London, calf gilt, 1852 — Midnight Scenes and Social Photographs. By Shadow, frontispiece by G. Cruikshanlc, polished calf gilt, wrappers bound-in, g. t. by Riviere, Glasgow, 1858 (3) 27 [Beresford (James)] The Pleasures of Human Life, coloured plates by Rowlandson, red morocco, panelled gilt back, g. t. 1807 ; The Miseries of Human Life, 2 vol. frontispieces, polished calf gilt, g. t. 1826 (3) 28 Blew (W. C. A.) Brighton and its Coaches, coloured illustraticns, original cloth, g. t. 1894 — Rendle (W.) and P. Norman : The Inns of Old South wark, illustrations, half leather, 1888 (2) 29 Boaden (James) Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, including A History of the Stage from the time of Garrick, 2 vol. extended to 4 vol. portraits, and extra-illustrated by the insertion of nume- rous portraits, views, etc. blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. by Riviere 1825 30 Boaden (J.) Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble, 2 vol. extended to 3 vol. portraits, and extra-illustrated by the insertion of mimerous portraits {one of John Kemble in colours), two or three play-bills, etc. polished calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere 1825 31 Boaden (J.) Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, interspersed with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors, 2 vol. extended to 4 vol. by the insertion of numerous portraits, views, etc. blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. by Riviere, uniform with lot 29 1827 32 Boaden (J.) Life of Mrs. Jordan, 2 vol. in 3, portrait and facsimile, and extra-illustrated by the insertion of about 150 portraits and four A. L. s. by Mrs. Jordan, Miss Farren, Mrs. Mountain and Princess Augusta, red morocco, panelled gilt backs, a 3-line fillet round sides, g. e. Edward Bull, 1831 33 Boaden (J.) Life of Mrs. Jordan, 2 vol. portrait, about 100 portraits inserted (a few coloured), polished calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere Edward Bull, 1831 34 Brayley (E. W.) Londiniana, 4 vol. maps and views, original boards, cloth backs, 1829— Bee (J.) A Living Picture of London for 1828, coloured frontispiece inserted (title defective), original beards [1828]— Every Night Book, polished calf 1 827 (6) 35 Brooks (Shirley) The Gordian Knot, first edition, plates by John Tenniel, polished calf gilt, original front wrappers bound-in, g. t. by Riviere Richard Bentley, 1860 36 Brough (R. B.) Life of Sir John Falstaff, illustrated by G. Cruikshank, first edition, original cloth, front wrappers in- serted, g. t. a fine copy Longman, Brown, etc. 1858 octavo 5 First Day 37 Bunn (Alfred) The Stage, first edition, 3 vol. original cloth, 1840 — [Cornwall (Barry)] The Life of Edmund Kean, 2 vol. character portrait, tree-calf, g.t. 1835 (5) 38 Bunyan (J.) The Pilgrim's Progress, twenty-seventh edition, plates by J. Sturt {a few slight stains), morocco gilt, g. t. 1749 — Boyd (Z.) The Last Battle of the Soul in Death, edited by G. Neil, portrait and facsimile, dark blue morocco, inside panels, g. t. by Ramage, Glasgow, 1831 (2) 39 Burns (Robert) Works, with an Account of his Life, etc. [by J. Currie], 4 vol. portrait, calf, panelled backs, g. e. Liverpool, 1800 40 Burns (R.) Works, edited by the Ettrick Shepherd and William Motherwell, 5 vol. frontispieces and vignette titles, half morocco gilt,g.e. Glasgow, 1835-6 — Burns (R.) Poems and Songs, with Life, portrait and vignette title, half morocco gilt, g. t. Air, 1819 (6) 41 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, first Edin- burgh edition, first issue with the reading " stinking" instead of " skinking " on page 263, red morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. t. by Bedford Edinburgh, printed for the Author, 1787 42 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, first Edin- burgh edition, portrait, green morocco, g. e. Edinburgh, for the Author, 1787 43 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, third or first London edition, portrait {fore-margins of two or three leaves of glossary slightly stained), attached to the title, a fragment of the MS. of the glossary, in the handwriting of the poet, red morocco, panelled gilt back, g. e. 1787 44 Burns (R.) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, portrait by Mac- kenzie and folding plate of the poet's birth-place, blue morocco plain, g.e. l2mo. Glasgow, William Mc Lellan, 1801 45 * Burns (R.) Stewart's Edition of Burns's Poems, to which is added Correspondence with Clarinda, frontispiece, engraved title and plates, calf (16mo), Glasgow, 1802 ; Poetical Works, 3 vol. por- trait, calf, 1804 ; Poetical Works, 2 vol. frontispieces and en- graved titles, woodcuts by Bewick, straight-grained green morocco, g. e. Alnwick, W. Davison, n. d. (6) 46 Burns (R.) Poetical Works, with his Life, 2 vol. portraits, woodcuts by Bewick, original boards, uncut, Alnwick, W. Davison, 1808; Poetical Works, 2 vol. another copy, calf gilt, 1808 (4) First Day 6 ' octavo 47 Cabinet (The) ; or, Monthly Report of Polite Literature, Feby. 1807 to Dec. 1808, 4 vol.; A Volume containing Shakspeare's Mac- beth, Milton's Comus, Vanburgh and Cibber's The Provok'd Husband, Southern and Garrick's Isabella, 1807-8, together 5 vol. numerous portraits, polished mottled calf, panelled gilt backs, g. t. by Bedford, and lettered : The Cabinet of Polite Learning, vol. I- V 1 807-8 48 Campbell (Thomas) Life of Mrs. Siddons, 2 vol. portrait, extra-illus- trated by the insertion of 90 portraits, 2 playbills, etc. polished calf gilt, g. e. by Tout 1834 49 Carey (David) Life in Paris, comprising the Rambles, Sprees, and Amours of Dick Wildfire, first edition, 21 coloured plates and numerous woodcuts by G. Cruikshank (lacks leaf at end " To the Binder"), original pictorial boards, uncut John Fairburn, 1822 50 Carey (D.) Life in Paris, first edition, another copy, 21 coloured plates and woodcuts by G. Cruikshank (lacks half-title and leaf at end " To the Binder "), straight-grained dark green morocco, panelled gilt back, g. e. by Riviere John Fairburn, 1822 51 Carey (D.) Life in Paris, first edition, another copy, 21 coloured plates and woodcuts by G. C7ttikshank ( plate imprints cut off and four or five titles slightly cut into, lacks half-title and leaf at end " To the Binder "), polished calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere John Fairburn, 1822 52 Carleton (W.) Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 2 vol. illus- trations on wood and steel by Harvey, Phiz, Gilbert and others, first edition with these illustrations, original cloth, a fine copy Dublin, 1843-4 53 Charley Chalk ; or, The Career of an Artist, engraved title and 19 humorous plates by Jacob Parallel, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere G. Berger, n. d. 54 [Chatto (W. A.)] A Paper : of Tobacco. By Joseph Fume, plates by Phiz, also a set coloured, 1839— [Hill (Benson Earle)] A Pinch— of Snuff. By Dean Snift, plates by Sibson, 1840 ; both polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere (2) 55 Cibber (Colley) An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, written by himself, a new edition with Notices by Edmund Bellchambers, about 40 portraits inserted, half blue morocco, panelled gilt back, g. t. 1822— Dunlap (W.) Memoirs of G. F. Cooke, 2 vol. portrait, half calf gilt, 1813 (3) 56 Clarke (Rev. J. S.) and John M'Arthur : Life and Services of Horatio Viscount Nelson, 3 vol. map, portraits and views, calf gilt n. d. OCTAVO 7 First Day 57 [Clarke (W.)] Three Courses and a Dessert, The Decorations by George Cruikshank, first edition (lacks the advertisements at end), mottled calf gilt, g. t. by Bedford. Vizetelly, Branston and Co. 1 830 58 Cockton (Henry) Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, first edition, plates by Onwhyn (date on engraved title cut into), original cloth Robert Tyas, 1840 59 Cockton (H.) Sylvester Sound the Somnambulist, first edition, in the 11-12 original parts, with all the wrappers, illustrations by Onwhyn W. M. Clark, 1843-4 60 [Combe (W.)] Poetical Sketches of Scarborough, illustrated by twenty-one engravings of humorous subjects, coloured, from original designs made upon the spot by J. Green, and etched by T. Rowlandson, second edition, 4 original coloured vieivs inserted, A. L.s. of J. Green (1 page), some lines by Green and F. Wrang- ham on guards at front, red morocco, panelled gilt back and sides, g.t. by Riviere R. Ackermann, 1813 61 [Combe (W.)] The Three Tours of Doctor Syntax ; In Search of the Picturesque, fifth edition, 1813 ; In Search of Consolation, first edition, 1820; In Search of a Wife, FIRST EDITION, [1821] ; together 3 vol. coloured plates by T. Rowlandson (a few imprints cut of or cut into), polished calf gilt, g. e. by Bedford R. Ackermann, 1813-21 62 [Combe (W.)] The Three Tours of Doctor Syntax, the miniature edition, 3 vol. coloured plates by Rowlandson (some imprints and a few titles cut off or cut into), light blue morocco, g. e. 16 wo. R. Ackermann, 1818-23 63 [Combe ( W.)] The Tour of Doctor Syntax through London, third edition, engraved title with coloured vignette, and 19 coloured plates by Williams, polished calf, inside panels, g.e. ly Tout J. Johnston, 1820 64 [Combe (VV.) J The English Dance of Death (and the Dance of Life), first editions, 3 vol. coloured frontispieces, engraved titles with coloured vignettes, and coloured plates by T. Rowlandson, with inscription on back of frontispiece to vol. I : "To Anthony Thomas Ryves, the gift of his affectionate Friend Wm. Combe- Auct, November 1, 1816 "(some imprints ctitoff), polished mottled calf, panelled gilt backs and sides, g. e. by Riviere Ackermann, 1815-17 65 [Combe (W.)] The Grand Master, or, Adventures of Qui Hi ? in Hindostan, a Hudibrastic Poem in Eight Cantos by Quiz, FIRST edition, coloured folding frontispiece, title and 26 coloured plates by Rowlandson, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere, a fine copy Thomas Tegg, 1816 First Day 8 octavo 66 [Combe (W.)] The History of Johnny Quae Genus, first edition, 24 coloured plates by Rowlandson, polished calf gilt, g. t. R. Ackermann, 1822 €7 Commercial Tourist (The) ; or, Gentleman Traveller : A Satirical Poem, five humorous coloured plates by R. Cruikshank, red morocco, panelled gilt back, g. t. by Riviere 1822 €8 Costume of the Lower Orders in Paris, title and 28 coloured plates (one folding), depicting Street Cries, etc. polished caff, g. e. by Riviere \6mo. n. p. or d. 69 Crick (Thorne) Sketches from the Diary of a Commercial Traveller, coloured frontispiece, polished calf gilt, g. t. 1847 — Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, coloured plates by R. Cruikshank, woodcut laid on title, original cloth, Camden Hotten, n. d. (2) 70 [Croker (J. W.)] The Thespiad, 22 contemporary portraits of renowned actors and actresses inserted, mottled calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere, 1809 ; Sketches from Mr. Mathews' New Entertain- ment, n. d. ; London Oddities, n. d. ; and others, in 1 vol. coloured frontispieces, calf gilt (2) 71 Cruikshank (George) Sunday in London, first edition, with 12 pp. of advertisements at end, eleven full-page woodcuts and three vignettes, blue morocco, ornamental borders round sides, panelled gilt back and inside panels, g. t. by Zaehnsdorf Effingham Wilson, 1833 72 Cruikshank (G.) Sunday in London, first edition, eleven full-page woodcuts and three vignettes, blue morocco, bands, inside dentelhs, g. t. Effingham Wilson, 1833 73 Cruikshank (G.) Sunday in London, first edition, ten (only) full- page woodcuts and three vignettes, polished calf gilt, 1833 ; Hints to Servants, By An Upper Servant, twelve plates by Kenny Meadows, polished calf gilt, original cloth, wrappers bound-in, 1843 (2) 74 Cruikshank (G.). George Cruikshank's Omnibus, illustrated with one hundred engravings on steel and wood, edited by Laman Blanchard, first edition, portrait and engraved title, wrappers and advertisements, red morocco gilt, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere, a fine copy Tilt and Bogue, 1 842 75 Cruikshank (G.) Illustrations of Scott's Works, being the complete set of 36 humorous plates by G. Cruikshank, coloured impressions, fine set, mounted on guards, orange morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, by Riviere, rare in this state oblong. Fisher, Son & Co. 1842-6 octavo 9 First Day 76 Cruikshank (G.) The Bachelor's Own Book, first edition, engraved title and 24 humorous sketches on 12 sheets, mottled calf gilt, front wrapper bound-in, by Bedford, g. t. oblong. D. Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, August 1st, 1844 77 Cruikshank (G.) The Fairy Library, a complete set, viz: Puss in Boots, Hop-o'-my-thumb, Jack and the Bean Stalk, and Cinderella, 4 vol. in 1, etchings by G. Cruikshank, in two states (plain and coloured), red morocco, panelled gilt back and sides, original wrappers bound-in, by Bedford Routledge, Warne and Routledge, and David Bogue, n. d. 78 Cruikshank (Robert) Illustrations to Cumberland's British and Minor Theatre, engraved by W. Bonner, etc. 2 vol. india proofs of the spirited ivoodcuts, with 28 original drawings, and two autograph notes of R. Cruikshank, dark green morocco, g. e. by Hay day ; from the Daniel and Windus library \1mo. (2) *** This was the copy selected, from the only two taken off, by G. Daniel, the Editor, who has added his own portrait and a printed biographical sketch of the artist. In Mr. Daniel's auto- graph note he states : " These volumes contain more than three hundred scene prints taken in the theatre by the above celebrated artist. The likenesses of the players are faithfully preserved. This collection is presque unique ; only two sets of proofs having been taken off. George Daniel, Canonbury." 79 Cunningham (Peter) The Story of Nell Gwyn, FIRST edition, frontis- piece and portrait, original cloth, 1852 — Huish (R.) Memoirs of George IV, 2 vol. portraits {some a little foxed), calf gilt, 1830 (3) 80 Daniel (George) Merrie England, first edition, 2 vol. plates by John Leech, original cloth Richard Bentley, 1842 81 [Dickens (Charles)] The Library of Fiction, or, Family Story-Teller, 2 vol. plates by Seymour, Buss and Phiz, olive morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere Chapman and Hall, 1836 *** Contains "The Tuggs at Ramsgate," and "A Little Talk about Spring and the Sweeps," by Charles Dickens. 82 Dickens (C.) The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, FIRST edition, with the Tony Veller title, plates by Seymour and Phiz, a?id an extra setofli coloured plates by P. W. Pailthorpe, maroon morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. *. by Riviere, a fine copy Chapman and Hall, 1837 83 [Dickens (C.)] Sketches by Boz, first 8vo edition, in the 20 original parts, with wrappers, except the last, for which a dupli- cate of part III is used, a few advertisements, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, part II contains The Publisher's Apology for the price, part V, The Nickleby Proclamation, by Boz, a few plates slightly foxed, and two discoloured round edges, enclosed in a green morocco drop case, lettered Chapman and Hall, 1837-9 First Day 10 octavo 84 [Dickens (C.)] Sketches by Boz, first 8vo edition, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, with a set of coloured plates added, light green morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere Chapman and Hall, 1839 *** One of the original copies in which no imprint appeared on the early plates. 85 [Dickens (C.)] Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by Boz, first edition, first issue, 2 vol. illustrations by G. Cruikshank, and a portrait of Grimaldi, with Bentley's 36 pp. catalogue of new books, original pink cloth (dull) Richard Bentley, 1838 86 [Dickens (C.)] Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, first edition, first issue, 2 vol. another copy, illustrations and portrait, with advertisement, brown morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere Richard Bentley, 1838 87 [Dickens (C.)] Oliver Twist, By Boz, first edition, plates by G. Cruikshank, including the " Fireside" plate, original cloth Richard Ben tley, 1838 88 Dickens (C.) Oliver Twist, third edition, with an Introduction by the Author, 3 vol. plates by G. Cruikshank, green morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. Chapman and Hall, 1841 89 Dickens(C.)Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, first edition, plates by Phiz, and a portrait, name on half-title, original cloth, uncut, a fine copy Chapman and Hall, 1839 90 Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock, first edition, 3 vol. illus- trations by George Cattermole and Hablot Browne, green morocco, a three -line fillet round sides, inside panels, wrappers and advertisements bound-in, by Zaehnsdorf Chapman and Hall, 1840-1 91 [Dickens (C.)] The Pic Nic Papers, By Various Hands, edited by Charles Dickens, first edition, 3 vol. illustrations by G. Cruik- shank, Phiz and others, original green cloth Henry Colburn, 1841 92 Dickens (C.) A Christmas Carol, title in red and blue, Stave One, coloured plates, 1843; The Chimes, first issue, with the publisher's name part of the engraved vignette title-page, 1845 ; Cricket on the Hearth, first edition, 1846 ; Battle of Life, FOURTH issue, 1846; Haunted Man, first edition, 1848; together 5 vol. all ivith illustrations by Leech, Maclise and others, red morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. by Bedford V2mo. 1843-8 93 Dickens (C.) Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, first edition, with the transposed " £" on vignette title, plates by H. K. Browne, original cloth, a fine copy Chapman and Hall, 1844 octavo 11 First Day 9+ Dickens (C.) Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, FIRST edition, plates by H. K. Browne, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere Chapman and Hall, 1844 95 Dickens (C.) Dombey and Son, first edition, plates by H. K. Browne, and inserted the 12 coloured character portraits by H. K. Browne, red morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere Bradbury and Evans, 1848 96 Dickens (C.) Little Dorrit, first edition, plates by H. K. Browne, original cloth, a fine copy Bradbury and Evans, 1 857 97 Dickens (C.) Bleak House, first edition, plates by H. K. Browne, original cloth, 1853; Nicholas Nickleby, plates by " Phiz," and portrait, original cloth, 1857 (2) 98 Dickens (C.) A Tale of Two Cities, first edition, in the 7/8 original parts, with the wrappers and advertisements, and the error in pagination, p. 113 for 213, plates by H. K. Browne, enclosed in a green morocco case, with watered silk linings, a fine copy Chapman and Hall, 1859 99 Dickens (C.) Our Mutual Friend, first edition, 2 vol. in the 19/20 original parts, with all the wrappers and advertisements, and the slip in part I, plates by Marcus Stone, a fine copy Chapman and Hall, 1864-5 100 Dolly and the Rat, or The Brieket Family, coloured frontispiece by G. Cruikshank, 1823 — Tom and Jerry; or, Life in London, coloured folding frontispiece, mounted on linen, 1822 ; The Tread Mill, or Tom and Jerry at Brixton, coloured frontispiece, n. d. — Ball (Edward) Joan of Arc, coloured frontispiece by I. R. Cruik- shank, n. d. ; and others, in 1 vol. polished calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere ( 1 ) 101 DORAN (Dr. J.) "Their Majesties' Servants." Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean, 2 vol. extended to 6 vol. by the insertion of about 600 portraits, views, interior and exterior of theatres, a few old Songs, etc. green morocco, panelled gilt backs, blind and gilt line borders round s,g.t. 1864 102 DORAN (Dr. J.) "Their Majesties' Servants": Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean, edited and revised by Robert W. Lowe, with fifty copperplate Portraits and eighty Wood Engravings, LARGE PAPER, portraits, in tw& states, and the woodcuts on india paper, 3 vol. extended to 7 by the insertion r>/*339 portraits, 140 illustrations and views (some coloured), 25 vignettes, 20 playbills, 13 autograph letters and 3 drawings, printed titles supplied, red morocco, panel hd gilt backs and sides, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere J. C. Nimmo, 1888 First Day 12 octavo 103 [D'Oyley Sir Charles)] Tom Raw, the Griffin, first edition, 25 coloured plates by the author, olive morocco, panelled gilt back, g. t. inside dentelles by Riviere R. Ackermann, 1827 104 Dunlap (W.)Life of George Fred. Cooke, comprising original Anec- dotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries, etc. 2 vol. second edition, portrait, and extra illustrated by the insertion of over 60 portraits, etc. red morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere 1815 105 Egan (Pierce) Life in London, first issue of the first edition, 36 coloured plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank (some imprints cut into), 3 sheets of music, lacks half-title, straight- grained maroon morocco, panelled gilt back, inside borders, g. e. by Riviere Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1821 106 Egan (P.) Life in London, first edition, 8 pp. of advertisements at end, 36 coloured plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, 3 folding sheets of music, original pictorial boards, uncut, a fine copy Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1821 107 Egan (P.) Life in London, first edition, another copy, with 8 PP- of advertisements at end, coloured plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, etc. original pictorial boards, back strip defective, uncut Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1821 108 Egan (P.) Life in London, first edition, another copy, coloured plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, small hole in q 3, affecting 7 or 8 letters, polished calf gilt, original wrappers (cut round) bound-in, m. e. Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1821 109 Egan (P.) Life in London, 36 coloured plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, 3 folding sheets of music, original boards, uncut, a fine copy She?'wood, Jones and Co. 1823 1 10 Egau (P.) Life in London, 36 coloured plates by I. R. and G. Cruik- shank, 3 folding sheets of music, lacks half title and coloured frontispiece a little cut into, calf gilt, g. e. G. Virtue, 1830 111 Egan (P.) Diorama Anglais ou Promenades Pittoresques a Londres, par M. S. illustrated with a series of coloured plates used in Life in London, brown morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere, a fine copy Paris, 1823 112 Egan (P.) The Life of an Actor, first edition, 27 coloured plates by T. Lane, the plates on guards, 3 or 4 without imprints, and 3 or 4 imprints cut into, green morocco, panelled gilt back, inside panels, g. t. by Riviere C. S. Arnold, 1825 113 Egan (P.). Pierce Egan Anecdotes (original and selected) of the Turf, the Chase, the Ring, and the Stage, FIRST EDITION, 13 co- loured plates by Theodore Lane, half caff, s. e. Knight & Lacey, 1827 octavo 13 First Day 114 Egan (P.). Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, first edition, 36 coloured plates by R. Cruikshank, 4 or 5 plate imprints cut off" or cut into, otherwise a fine copy, straight-grained dark brown morocco, panelled gilt back, g. e. by Riviere G. Virtue, 1830 115 Egan (P.). Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, first edition, another copy, 36 coloured plates, 2 or 3 plate imprints cut off or cut into, and a few leaves loose, calf gilt, g.e. G. Virtue, 1830 116 Egan (P.) The Pilgrims of the Thames, in search of the National, the illustrations designed, etched and drawn on wood by Pierce Egan, the younger, polished mottled calf gilt 1838 117 Elliston (R. W.) Memoirs, by George Raymond, 1774 to 1831, both series, first editions, 2 vol. portrait and etchings by G. Cruik- shank and ' Phiz," straight-grained blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. by Riviere 1844-5 118 Fergusson (Robert) Works ; to which is prefixed, a Sketch of the Author's Life, portrait, half red morocco gilt, g. t. 1807 ; The Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda, with Memoir of Mrs. McLehose, polished calf gilt, g. t. Edinburgh, 1843 — Dunlop (J. C. and A. H.) Book of Old Edinburgh, illustrations, red morocco, Edinburgh, 1886 (3) 119 Fergusson (R.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. engraved title and frontis- pieces, woodcuts by Bewick, n.d. — Donaldson (T.) Poems, wood- cuts by Beivick, 1809 ; both mottled calf gilt, Alnwick (3) 120 Fergusson (R.) Poems, first edition, engraved title, red morocco, panelled gilt back, line and ornamental side borders, g. e. \2mo. Edinburgh, 1773 121 Fergusson (R.) Poems, first edition, 2 parts in 1, engraved title to part I, printed title to part II, a few leaves slightly stained, red leather, g. e. \2mo. Edinburgh: Printed by Walter & Thomas Ruddiman, 1773-9 122 GARR1CK (David). Davies (Thomas) Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries, 2 vol. extended to 4 vol. by the hisertion of 44 character portraits of celebrated actors, including many of Garrick himself, 83 portraits of celebrities, 15 plates of views, etc. and an A. L. s. by Garrick to Capt. Thompson, etc. special printed titles supplied, red morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. by Pratt For the Author, 1780 123 Gilliland (Thomas) The Dramatic Mirror, 2 vol. portraits and plates, red morocco gilt, g.e. 1808 — Dramatic Table Talk, 3 vol. plates and facsimiles, polished calf gilt, g.t. 1825-30 l2mo. (5) First Day 14 octavo 124 Glascock (Captain) Land Sharks and Sea Gulls, 3 vol. plates by G. Cruikskank, polished calf gilt, g. t. Richard Bentley, 1838 125 [Goldsmith (Oliver)] Life of Richard Nash of Bath, Esq. FIRST edition, portrait, polished calf gilt, g. e. a fine copy J. Newbery, 1762 126 Grant (James) Sketches in London, FIRST EDITION, 24 plates by H Phiz" and 13 of the original sketches loosely inserted, original cloth W. S. Orr, 1838 127 Grant (J.) Sketches in London, FIRST EDITION, 24 humorous illus- trations by " Phiz," polished calf gilt, g. t. by Rivierr W. S. Orr, 1838 128 GRONOW (Captain) Reminiscences and Recollections, being Anec- dotes of the Camp, Court, Clubs and Society, 1810-1860, LARGE PAPER, 25 illustrations in duplicate (plate paper proofs before letters, and Whatman paper coloured by hand), 2 vol. in 4, and extra illustrated by the addition of numerous portraits (a few coloured), red morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelhs, g. t. by Riviere J. C. Nimmo, 1889 129 H[amilton] (A.) Marriage Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies of the Nations of the Universe, frontispiece and vignette on title, mottled calf gilt, g. t. 1824 ; Authentic Records of the Court of England for the last seventy years, coloured frontispiece, original boards, 1832 (2) 130 Hassell (J.) Picturesque Rides and Walks, with Excursions by Water thirty miles round the British Metropolis, illustrated in a Series of Engravings coloured after nature, LARGE PAPER, 2 vol. 1 20 coloured plates, light green morocco, panelled backs and side*, g. e. a fine copy J. Hassell, 1817 131 Heath (J. B.) Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers of the City of London, presentation copy by the author, original cloth, 1829 — Redding (Cyrus) Modern Wines, woodcuts, calf, 1833 — Irving (W.) Old Christmas, illustrated by Caldecott, first edition, original cloth, 1876 (3) 132 [Heath (W.)] Oddities of London Life, by Paul Pry, 2 vol. plates by Heath and others, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere, 1838 — Bee (J.) A Living Picture of London for 1828, ruled in red, and illustrations cut round and mounted inserted, calf gilt [1828] (3) 133 [Hole (Dean S. R.)] A Little Tour in Ireland, first edition, folding coloured frontispiece, and plain plates by John Leech, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere Bradbury & Evans, 1859 OCTAVO 1 5 First Day 134 Hone (W.) Political House that Jack Built, 1819; The Acts of Adonis the Great, King of Bull, n. d. ; and others by same author, in 1 vol. woodcuts by G. Cruikshank, red morocco, panelled gilt back, g. t. by Riviere — Dibden (C.) Life in London, in three Acts, second edition, corrected, coloured portrait of Oxberry, polished calf , 1822 (2) 135 Hunt (J. H. Leigh) The Town, first edition, 2 vol. illustrations, original cloth, a fine copy Smith, Elder and Co. 1848 136 Hunt (J. H. L.) The Town, first edition, 2 vol. illustrations, yellow cloth gilt, a fine copy Smith, Elder and Co. 1848 137 Hunt (J. H. L.) Old Court Suburb, first edition, 2 vol. original cloth, a fine copy Hurst and Blackett, 1855 138 Hunt (J. H. L.) The Old Court Suburb, or Memorials of Ken- sington, 2 vol. second edition revised, portraits inserted, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Tout, 1855 — Taylor (T.) Leicester Square, illustrations, original cloth, 1874 (3) 139 Jameson (Mrs. Anna B.) Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles II, 2 vol. portraits, brown morocco gilt, g. e. 1838 140 Jenkins (Richard) Memoirs of the Bristol Stage, half morocco gilt, g. t. Bristol, 1826; Mr. Mathews at Home, n. d. ; Sketches of Mr. Mathews' celebrated Trip to Paris, n. d. ; and others, in 1 vol. with folding frontispiece by R. Cruikshank, red morocco, g. t. by Zaehnsdorf — Memoirs of Joseph Shepherd Munden, Comedian, by his Son, half calf gilt, 1844 (3) 141 Jerrold (Blanchard) Life of George Cruikshank, 2 vol. numerous illustrations, and extra illustrated by the insertion of 63 plates by G. Cruikshank and others, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere 1882 142 Jesse (J. H.) London : its Celebrated Characters and Remarkable Places, 3 vol. extended to 6 vol. by the insertion of about 200 portraits and views (a few folding), special titles, half blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, g.t. • 1871 143 Jesse (Capt. William) Life of George Brummell, Esq. commonly called Beau Brummell, first edition, 2 vol. portrait, polished calf, g.t. 1844 144 La Fontaine (J. de) Tales, imitated in English Verse, 2 vol. illustrated by the insertion of portraits of La Fontaine and Eisen, 80 engravings after Eisen's designs, and 80 after Duplessis- Bertaux, red morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere • Privately printed (reprint), 1813 First Day 16 octavo 145 Langdale (Charles) Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert, portrait, and over 50 portraits and views (two coloured) inserted, citron morocco, panelled gilt back, g.t. 1856; Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert, another copy, portrait, straight grained morocco, panelled lack and sides, g. t. 1856 ( 2 ) 146 Lessons of Thrift, published for General Benefit. By a Member of the Save-all Club, engraved title with coloured vignette, and 12 coloured plates by I. R. Cruikshank, original boards {one joint broken and label slightly defective, otherwise a fine copy), uncut Thomas Boys, 1820 147 Lessons of Thrift, published for General Benefit. By a Member of the Save-all Club, engraved title with coloured vignette, and 12 coloured plates by I. R. Cruikshank (lacks leaf of advertisement at end), polished calf gilt, inside panels, g. t. by Tout, a fine copy Thomas Boys, 1820 148 [Lever (C.)] Confessions of Con Cregan, first edition, 2 vol. illustrations by H. K. Browne, original cloth Wm. S. Orr, n. d. 149 [Lever (Charles)] Arthur O'Leary, first edition, 3 vol. plates by G. Cruikshank, blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere Henry Colburn, 1844 150 Life of Jack Sheppard, the Housebreaker, by "Blueskin," portrait and plates, half morocco, with the original front wrappers bound- in, g.t. 1840 *** A piracy of A ins worth's famous novel. 151 Lives and Portraits of Remarkable Characters, 2 vol. portraits, and extra portraits inserted, half morocco gilt, 1820 — Hum- phreys (R.) Memoirs of J. DecBiStTo, folding plate of exercises, portrait, polished calf gilt, 1824 (3) 152 Lodge (Edmund) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with Memoirs, 12 vol. broivn morocco gilt, g. e. 1823-34 153 London Oddities; or, The Theatrical Cabinet, being neat Tit-Bits for the Lovers of Humour and Eccentricity, 12 coloured plates by I. R. Cruikshank, on some of which G. Cruikshank assisted, red morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g.t. by Riviere Hodgson &. Co. n. d. 154 London Stage (The) : A Collection of the most reputed Tragedies, Comedies, etc. 4 vol. frontispieces and woodcuts, six of which are ascribed to G. Cruikshank, original boards with cloth backs and labels G. Balne, n. d. [1825-7] 155 Macready (W. C.) Reminiscences and Selections from his Diaries and Letters, edited by Sir Frederick Pollock, 2 vol. extended to 4 vol. by the addition of 150 extra illustrations and several autograph letters, dark blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, a 3-line fillet round sides with corner ornaments, g. t. by Tout 1875 OCTAVO 17 First Day 156 Maginn (Dr. William) John Manesty, the Liverpool Merchant, 2 vol. 4 plates by G. Cruikshank {some copies contain 6 plates), half morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. 1844 157 Malet (Captain H. E.) Annals of the Eoad, first edition, coloured plates, original cloth gilt Longmans, Green and Co. 1876 158 Marguerite of Navarre. The Heptameron, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse from the original French by Arthur Machen, portrait and plates, red morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere privately printed, 1886 159 Mathews (Charles James) Life, chiefly Autobiographical, edited by Charles Dickens, 2 vol. portraits, with 39 portraits, etc. inserted, polished calf gilt, g. e. by Tout 1879 160 Maxwell (W. H.) The Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran, FIRST EDI- TION, plates by J. Leech, red morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, original front wrappers bound-in, g. e. by Riviere Richard Bent ley, n. d. 161 Mayhew (Augustus) Paved with Gold, FIRST edition in the original 13 parts, with wrappers and advertisements, illustrations by II. K. Browne Chapman and Hall, 1857-8 162 Mayhew (Augustus) Paved with Gold, first edition, plates by H. K. Browne, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere Chapman and Hall, 1858 163 Mayhew (The Brothers) The Image of his Father, first edition, 12 plates by Phiz, maroon morocco, panelled gilt back, inside panels, silk linings, original front wrappers bound-in, g. t. by Riviere H. Hurst, 1848 164 Mayhew (The Brothers) Whom to Marry and how to get Married ! FIRST edition, plates by G. Cruikshank, slate morocco, panelled, gilt back, wrappers and advertisements bound-in, g. t. by Riviere David Bogue, n.d. [1848] 165 Mayhew (The Brothers) The Greatest Plague of Life, FIRST edi- tion, plates in duplicate {one set coloured), by G. Cruikshank, red morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, original cloth cover bound-in, g. t. by Riviere David Bogue, n. d. 166 Mayhew (Henry) and George Cruikshank: The World's Sliow, 1851, or The Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and Family, etc. FIRST issue OF THE first edition in volume form, with the error in the pagination at p. 62, 10 plates {some folding), by G. C. original cloth David Bogue [l85l] First Day 18 octavo 167 Meadows (Kenny) Heads of the People, or Portraits of the English, with original Essays [by Thackeray, Leigh Hunt, D. Jerrold and others], 2 vol. coloured plates, polished calf gilt, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere R- Tv as < 1840-1 168 Meteyard (Eliza) The Life of Josiah Wedgwood, 2 vol. numerous illustrations, dark red morocco, panelled gilt backs, panelled sides, g. e. 1865 169 Milton (John) Paradise Lost, 2 vol. portrait, plates after Fuseli, a few slight stains, contemporary red morocco gilt, g. e. 1802 — Burns (K.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. original cloth, Pickering, 1830 (4) 170 [Moir (I). M.)] The Life of Mansie Wauch, plates by G. Cruikshank, Edinburgh, 1839— Dibdin (T.) Songs, Naval and National, FIRST EDITION, plates by G. Cruikshank, 1841 ; both original cloth (2) 171 Newgate Calendar (The), comprising interesting Memoirs of the most Notorious Characters . . By Andrew Knapp and W. Baldwin, 4 vol. icoodcuts, half calf gilt, by liiviere J. Robins and Co. 1824-8 172 Nicholson (Renton) The Lord Chief Baron Nicholson, an Auto- biography, half morocco, g. t. n. d. ; Tom K...g's, or The Paphian Grove, 3 plates, half morocco, 1738; The Buck's Bottle Com- panion, being a complete Collection of Humourous, Bottle and Hunting Songs, calf gilt, g. e. 1775 (3) 173 Novelists' LIBRARY (The), edited by Thomas Roscoe, 19 vol. portraits with illustrations from original designs by G. Cruik- shank and others (the plates in Robinson Crusoe on india paper), original cloth 1831-3 174 O'Neill (John) The Drunkard, a Poem, first edition, portrait and 4 etchings by G. Cruikshank, brown morocco, panelled gilt back, 9 //. of advertisements boiind-in, g. e. by Riviere \2mo. Tilt and Bogue, 1842 175 Oxberry (W.) Dramatic Biography and Histrionic Anecdotes, 9 vol. engraved titles and 131 character portraits, half morocco, g. t. 16mo. George Virtue, 1825-7 176 Papworth (John B.) Select Views of London, coloured plates {seme folding), straight-grained red morocco gilt, line and ornamental borders in blind and gold round sides, g. e. by Herring with his ticket R. Ackermann, 1816 177 Pelham (Camden) The Chronicles of Crime, fikst EDITION, 2 vol. 52 plates by Phiz, polished calf gilt, wrappers bound-in, g. t. lliomas Tegg, 1841 OCTAVO 19 First Day 178 Pelham (Camden) The Chronicles of Crime, FIRST edition, 2 vol. 52 plates by Phiz, original cloth, back of vol. II very slightly damaged, otherwise a fine copy Thomas Tegg, 1841 179 Perrault (Charles) Histories, or Tales of Passed Times, woodcuts, calf gilt, g.e. \§mo, 1741— The Swell's Night Guide through the Metropolis, By The Hon. F. L. G. woodcuts, marbled calf gilt, original covers bound-in, \1mo,for the author, n.d. (2) 180 [Procter (B. W.)] Life of Edmund Kean, 2 vol. extended to 3 vol. by the insertion o/135 portraits, views, play-bills, and autograph letters of Kean, Duke of Wellington, Saville Carey, S. Whitbread and Charles Kean, special titles, green morocco, panelled gilt backs and sides, g. t. by Riviere ; from the library of Frederick Burgess with his book-plate 1835 181 [Procter (B. W.)] Life of Edmund Kean, 2 vol. portrait, 1835— Cole (J. W.) Life and Theatrical Times of Charles Kean, 2 vol. 1859 ; together 4 vol. half red morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. by Riviere 1835-59 182 Ramsay (Allan) Tea-Table Miscellany, 2 vol. morocco gilt, g. e. Edinburgh, 1775 ; The Ever Green, 2 vol. in 1, straight-grained green morocco gilt, g.e. Edinburgh, 1761 16wo. (3) 183 Real Life in Ireland, By a Real Paddy, third edition, coloured frontispiece and 18 coloured plates by H. Aiken, W. Heath and others, polished mottled calf gilt, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere Jones and Co. 1822 184 Real Life in London. By an Amateur, first edition, 2 vol. 32 coloured plates and 2 unmentioned , 34 plates in all by Aiken, Rowlandson and others, Rl {vol. I) repaired, green morocco, panelled gilt backs, other edges uncut, specimen wrappers bound-in, g. t. by Riviere Jones & Co., 1821-2 185 Real Life in London. By an Amateur, first edition, 2 vol. another copy, 32 coloured plates by Aiken, Rowlandson, and others, frontispieces cut into, and some plate imprints cut off or into, mottled calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere Jones & Co. 1821-2 186 Real Life in London. By an Amateur, 2 vol. 34 coloured plates (including 2 unmentioned) by Aiken, Rowlandson, and others, original cloth with labels, vol. I slightly stained Jones and Co. 1831, 1822 187 Reynardson (C. T. S. Birch) "Down the Road," first edition, coloured plates after H. Aiken, original cloth Longmans, Green and Co. 1875 188 Reynolds (George W. M.) Pickwick abroad, plates by A. Crowquill and John Phillips, and woodcuts, polished calf gilt, g. t. Riviere Thomas Tegg, 1839 C 2 First Day 20 octavo 189 Reynolds (George W. M.) The Mysteries of London, 4 vol. numerous illustrations, some 11. slightly stained, 1846-8; The Days of Hogarth, illustrations, n. d. ; both original cloth (5) 190 [Ridley (James)] The Tales of the Genii, translated from the Persian by Sir Charles Morel], 2 vol. plates, calf gilt, with the Perkins crest on sides James Wallis, 1805 191 Robinson (H. C.) Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence, selected and edited by Thomas Sadler, first edition, 3 vol. portrait, half morocco, g.t. 1869 192 Rowcroft (Charles) Fanny, the little Milliner, FIRST EDITION, plates by "Phiz" and Onivhyn, polished calf gilt, original wrappers and advertisements bound-in, g. t. by Riviere, fine copy Sniith, Elder and Co. 1846 193 Rowlandson (T.) Characteristic Sketches of the lower orders, 54 coloured plates, title remargined and plates on guards, green morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere \§mo. Samuel Leigh, n.d. [circa 1820J 194 Sala (G. A.) Lady Chesterfield's Letters to her Daughter, illustra- tions by "Phiz," 1860; Robson : a Sketch, 1864, both FIRST editions, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere (2) 195 Scott (Sir Walter) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, ad- dressed to J. G. Lockhart, Esq. frontispiece and the 12 coloured plates by G. Cruikshank, half morocco, g. t. IQmo. John Murray, 1830 196 Scottish Songs. Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, etc. collected by David Herd, large PAPER, 2 vol. broivn morocco gilt, chain border round sides, g. t. Glasgow, 1869 197 Selby (Charles) Maximums and Speciments of William Muggins, 12 plates by Onwhyn, 1841 — Barnum (P. T.) Struggles and Triumphs, portrait and plates, 1869, both polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere (2) 198 Seymour (R.). Seymour's Christmas Box and New Year's Gift of Thirty-five Illustrations, coloured plates, 2 or 3 titles cut into, slate morocco, panelled gilt back, a line fillet round sides, enclosing a panel of 4 interlaced fillets, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf \2mo. rare, n. p. or d. 199 Shakespeare (W.) Complete Works, with Introduction and Notes by J. O. Halliwell, 3 vol. plates, brown morocco gilt, line and ornamental borders round sides, andfore-ege decoration, imp. 8vo, John Tallis, n. d.— Works ; edited by H. Staunton, 3 vol. illus- trations by J. Gilbert, half calf gilt, 1862-4 (6) octavo 21 First Bay 200 Smerlley (Frank E.) Henry Coverdale's Courtship, FIRST EDITION, plates by "Phiz," red morocco panelled gilt back, original speci- men wrapper bound-in, g. t. by Riviere Virtue, Hall and Virtue, n.d. 201 [Smedley (Frank E.)] Frank Fairlegh, 30 illustrations by G. Cruikshank, original cloth n. d. 202 Sraeeton (G.) Doings in London ; or, Day and Night Scenes of Frauds, Frolics, etc. of the Metropolis, frontitpitce and und- ents by R. Cruikshank, original boards, n. d. — Rodwell (G. H.) Old London Bridge, illustrated by Alfred Ashley, original cloth, n.d. (2) 203 Smith (Albert) The Wassail-Bowl, first EDITION, 2 vol. plates and woodcuts by John Leech, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere Richard Bent ley, 1843 204 Smith (Albert) Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole, first EDITION, portrait, plates by J. Leech, brown morocco, panelled back and sides, a specimen wrapper bound-in, g. t. R. Bentley, 1848 205 Stevens (G. A.) Dramatic History of Master Edward, Miss Ann, and others, collected from Zaphaniel's Original Papers, copper- plates, green morocco, panelled sides, g. e. by Riviere, 1785 — The Strolling Player ; or, Life and Adventures of William Tem- pleton, 3 vol. half morocco, g. t. 1802 (4) 206 Stevens (Geo. Alex.) A Lecture on Heads, with additions as delivered by Mr. Charles Lee Lewes, coloured folding frontis- piece, and coloured plates by Rowlandson, after Woodward, mottled calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere \2mo. 1808 207 Stowe (H. B.) Uncle Tom's Cabin, first English edition, 27 illustrations on wood by G. Cruikshank, polished calf gilt, g.t. John Cassell, 1852 208 Sue (Eugene) The Wandering Jew, 3 vol. woodcut illustrations by Valentin, original cloth 1846 209 [Surtees (R. S.)] Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities, with 15 coloured illustrations by Henry Aiken, first edition with these illustrations, 8 pp. of advertisements at end, original green cloth gilt, with design in gold on tipper cover, g. e. R. Acker mann, 1843 210 Thackeray (W. M.) The Westminster Review, No. LXVI, June, 1840, containing Thackeray's Article on George Cruikshank, plates and woodcuts, green morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere 184 First Day 22 octavo 211 [Thackeray (W. M.)] Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by M. A. Titmarsh, first edition, coloured frontispiece, original cloth Chapman and Hall, 1 846 212 Thackeray (W. M.) History of Pendennis, first edition, 2 vol. in the original 23/24 parts, with all wrappers and nearly all the advertisements, illustrations by the Author Bradbury and Evans, 1848-50 213 Thackeray (W. M.) Vanity Fair, first issue OF the first edition, having the heading of Chapter I in rustic type, the woodcut of the Marquis of Steyne at p. 336, the reading Mr. Pitt on p. 453, and the Great Hoggarty Diamond advertisement, plates and uoodcvts by the author, original cloth Bradbury and Evans, 1848 214 Thackeray (W. M.) The Newcomes, Memoirs of a most Respect- able Family, Edited by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. FIRST EDITION, 2 vol. in the original 23/24 parts, with all the wrappers and advertisements, illustrations by Richard Doyle, a fine copy Bradbury and Evans, 1854-5 215 Thackeray (W. M.) The Virginians, A Tale of the Last Century, first edition, 2 vol. in the original 24 parts, with all the wrappers and advertisements, illustrations by the author, a fine copy Bradbury & Evans, 1857-9 216 Thackeray (W, M.) The Four Georges, first edition, 1861 ; Round- about Papers, first edition, first issue, 1863; both with illustrations, original cloth (2) 217 Thackeray (W. M.) An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank, portrait, and inserted are over 100 etchings and wood engravings selected from his works, some coloured, MS. title supplied, red morocco, panelled gilt back, i?iside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere imp. 8t?o. n. d. 218 Thespian Dictionary, or Dramatic Biography, portraits, polished calf, g. t. by Riviere, 1805— Coleman (J.) Memoirs of Samuel Phelps, portrait, and 38 plates and A.L. inserted, half morocco gilt, 1886 (2) 219 [Thomson (Richard)] Chronicles of London Bridge, woodcuts on india paper, russia, with the Perkins arms on sides, g. e. 1827 — Larwood (Jacob) Story of the London Parks, 2 vol. coloured plates and ivoodcuts, half calf gilt, m. e. Camden Hotten, n. d. (3) 220 Thornton (Alfred) Don Juan, and Don Juan in London, 2 vol. 31 coloured plates, cloth, uncut Thomas Kelly, 1821-2 221 Tristram (W. O.) Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, colottred illus- trates by Herbert Railton and Hugh Thomson, red morocco, with gilt designs on upper cover, g. t. imp. 8vo. 1888 OCTAVO 23 First Day 222 Trollope (Frances) Jessie Phillips, FIRST EDITION, plates by J. Leech, slightly stained, portrait, purple morocco, panelled gilt back, g. e. 1844 — Cockton (H.) Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, plates by Onwhyn, mottled calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere, 1844 (2) 223 Vestris, afterwards Mathews : Memoirs of the Life, Public and Private Adventures of Madame Vestris, portraits and curious coloured plates, with additional portraits and A. L. s. citron morocco, panelled gilt back, g. t. by Riviere John Duncombe, n. d. 224 Walker (Alexander) Beauty ; illustrated chiefly by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman, LARGE PAPER, FIRST EDITION, plates, brown morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, by Riviere, g.t. 1836 225 [Westmacott (C. M.)] English Spy : an Original Work, Charac- teristic, Satirical and Humorous, comprising Scenes and Sketches in every rank of Society, being Portraits of the Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric and Notorious, drawn from the Life, by Bernard Blackmantle, first edition, 2 vol. 71 coloured plates, of which 67 are by Robert Cruikshank, tivo by Roivlandson, and two by other artists, and one plain plate, original boards, tcith labels, very slightly defective at foot of backs, otherwise a fine copy UNCUT Shenvood, Jones & Co. 1825-6 226 [Westmacott (C. M.)] English Spy, first edition, 2 vol. another copy, 71 coloured plates by R. Cruikshank and others, and one plain plate, red morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside dentelles, g. e. by Riviere, a fine copy Shenvood, Jones & Co. 1825-6 227 Wilkinson (Tate) Memoirs of his Own Life, 4 vol. 1790; The Wandering Patentee, 4 vol. 1795; together 8 vol. calf gilt, panelled gilt sides, y. e. \2tno. For the Author, York, 1790-5 228 Wilson (Harriette) Paris Lions and London Tigers, 12 coloured plates by Findlay {slightly cut into), polished calf, panelled gilt back, g. e. 16»io. J. J. Stockdale, 1825 229 Woodward (G. M.) An Essay on the Art of ingeniously Tormenting, a new edition, with five prints from designs by G. M. Woodward, coloured plates, blue morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g. t. by Riviere 12?»o. Thomas Tegg, 1808 230 Wight (J.) Mornings at Bow Street, FIRST edition, 21 plates by G. Cruikshank, blue morocco, panelled gilt back, inside dentelles, g.t. by Zaehnsdorf Charles Baldwin, 1824 231 Yates (Edmund) His Recollections and Experiences, 2 vol. portraits, and extra-illustrated by the insertion of 80 portraits, studies in character, etc. and six A. L. s. of the author, Ainsworth and others, half red morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. 1884 First Day 24 QUARTO QUARTO. 232 Ackkrmann (K.) Microcosm OF London, 3 vol. coloured plates by Pugin and Rowlandson, original boards, uncut, a fine copy n. d. 233 Ackkrmann (R.) Microcosm of London, 3 vol. coloured plates by Pugin and Rowlandson, lacks half-titles, half morocco, a little rubbed ». d. 234 [Barker (M. H.)] Greenwich Hospital : a Series of Naval Sketches, By an Old Sailor, coloured plates by G. Cruikshank, mottled calf gilt, panelled sides with corner feurons, g. t. by Riviere James Robins and Co. 1826 235 Brayley (E. W.) Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Theatres of London, illustrated with a view of each theatre, elegantly coloured, drawn and engraved by D. Havell, 14 coloured plates and two plans, half roan, rubbed, and some 11. loose J. Taylor, 1826 236 Brayley (E. W.) Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Theatres of London, presentation copy, inscribed by the author on title, 14 coloured plates and two plans, original boards, back strip defective, uncut J. Taylor, 1826 237 Brayley (E. W.) Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Theatres of London, 14 coloured plates and two plans, polished calf gilt, g. t. by Riviere J. Taylor, 1826 238 Clinch (George) Bloomsbury and St. Giles, 1890; Marylebone and St. Pancras, 1890; Mayfair and Belgravia, 1892; together 3 vol. illustrations, original cloth — Shepherd (Thomas H.) London in the 19th Century, 2 vol. plates, half calf, 1827-9 (5) 239 [Cruikshank (I. R.)] Bacchus and the Tee-Totallers, By Rumfusticus Bibulus, six coloured plates by R. Cruikshank, polished calf, front original cover bound-in, g. t. by Riviere sm. ito. Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, 1841 240 Doyle (Richard) Bird's Eye Views of Society, two sets of plates, plain and coloured, broivn morocco, panelled gilt back, g. e. by Riviere oblong. Smith, Elder and Co. 1864 241 Heath (Baron) Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers of the City of London, third edition, plan, plates, etc. purple morocco, arms on sides, g. t. Privately printed, 1869 242 Hogarth (W.) Works, edited by the Rev. J. Trusler, 2 vol. plates, contemporary straight-grained red morocco, g.e. 1827 Ramsay (A.) The Gentle Shepherd, portrait and plates, morocco, Glasgow 1788 (3 ) quarto 25 First Day 243 Jerrold (Douglas) Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, coloured frontis- piece, illustrations in the text, original cloth, g. e. 1866 — The Characters of Charles Dickens pourtrayed in a series of original water-colour sketches by "Kyd," original boards, n. d. — The Story of Reynard the Fox, a new version by David Vedder, illus- trated by Gustav Canton, tinted plates, morocco gilt, n. d. (3) 244 Kay (John) A Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings, with Biographical Sketches and illustrative Anecdotes, 2 \o\.red morocco gilt, inside dentelles, g. e. Edinburgh, 1837 245 Leech (J.) Follies of the Year, a Series of Coloured Etchings from Punch's Pocket Books from 1844 to 1864, Avith Notes by Shirley Brooks, 21 humorous coloured plates by John Leech, polished calf, with the original cover bound-in, g. e. by Riviere oblong. Bradbury, Evans & Co. n. d. 246 Smith (J. T.) Antiquities of Westminster, coloured and plain plates, russia, m. e. 1807 ; Antient Topography of London, engraved title and plates, calf, 1815 (2) 247 [Thackeray (W. M.)] Mrs. Perkins's Ball. By M. A. Titmarsh, first edition, engraved title, and 21 plates by the author, and inserted, 1 9 plates in coloured state, polished calf gilt, original wrappers bound-in, g. e. by Riviere Chapman & Hall [1847] 248 [Thackeray (W. M.)] " Our Street." By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, FIRST edition, engraved title, with coloured vignette and 1 5 coloured plates by the author, polished calf gilt, g. e. by Riviere sm. 4to. Chapman and Hall, 1848 249 Theatric Tourist (The) : Views of all the principal Provincial Theatres in the United Kingdom. By A Theatrical Amateur, 24 coloured plates by D. Havell, half morocco, g. t. 1805 250 Wright (Thomas) Womankind in Western Europe, coloured plates, caff gilt, m. e. sm. ito, 1869— Bennett (C. H.) Fables of ^Esop and others, coloured plates, polished calf gilt [ 1 857] (2) 251 Wright (T.) The Works of James Gillray ; with the History of his Life and Times, over 400 illustrations and extra-illustrated by the addition of 61 coloured cartoons, blue morocco, panelled gilt backs, inside fioreate borders, g. e. by Riviere n. d. FOLIO. 252 Actors. Dramatic Portraits ; being a Series of 36 of the most Modern Actors in Character and in Private Costume, half morocco, g. t. n. d. — Terry (D.) British Theatrical Gallery, coloured portraits in character, red morocco gilt, 1825 (2) 253 Archer (J. W.) Vestiges of Old London, a Series of Etchings from Original Drawings, with descriptive and historical Notices, coloured plates, red morocco, g. t. 1851 First Day 26 folio 254 Galerie du Palais du Luxembourg peinte par Rubens, old red morocco gilt, frame gilt sides with centre ornament, Paris, 1710 — Hogarth (W.) The Fellow Prentices, 1 2 plates— Marriage a-la- Mode, 6 plates— Harlot's Progress, 6 plates ; and other plates in 1 vol. hatfrussia, rubbed, n.d. w 255 Heath (W.) Fashion and Folly, illustrated in a Series of twenty- three humorous coloured Engravings, half blue morocco, original front wrapper bound-in, g. e. by Riviere William Sams, n. d. [circa 1825J 256 Kitton (F. C.) Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil, in the parts with Supplement, numerous illustrations, in a portfolio 1889-90 257 Leech (John) Pictures of Life and Character, the 5 Series, in 2 vol. half morocco, g. e. oblong. 1854-69 258 Londina Illustrata, 3 vol. (vol. II in 2 parts), numerous plans, views, etc., vol. Irussia gilt, vol. II original boards ; sold not subject to return R- Wilkinson, 1819-25 259 Nash (John) The Royal Pavilion at Brighton, plates in two states, plain and coloured, blue morocco gilt with the Royal arms on sides, g.e. [1826] 260 Nash (J.) The Royal Pavilion at Brighton, another copy, plates in two states, plain and coloured, blue morocco gilt, lettered on side, g. e. [1826] 261 Ovidius. Metamorphosis, 2 vol. in Latin and Dutch with the explanations of Abbe Banier, copperplate engravings by B. Picart and others, half calf Amsterdam, 1732 262 Py/ne (W. H.) History of the Royal Residences, 3 vol. large paper (I6f in. by 13 in.), 100 coloured plates, half roan, joints of vol. I broken, UNCUT A. Dry, 1819 263 Scotland Delineated, by C. Stanfield, G. Cattermole, T. Creswick, D. Roberts, J. W. Harding, J. Nash, and others, with descriptions by J. P. Lawson, 2 vol. coloured plates, mounted o?i cardboards, lacks two plates, green morocco, panelled gilt backs, line and orna- mental borders round sides, enclosing line panels ivith corner fleurons, g. e., in fine state atlas folio. 1854 264 Sheppard (Jack). A Collection of Portraits, Views, Newspapers, and a variety of miscellaneous Fact and Fiction illustrative of the Life and Times of that notorious Criminal Jack Sheppard, 2 vol. half morocco v. d. 265 Wild (Jonathan). A Collection of Portraits, Prints, Newspapers, Advertisements, and other miscellaneous Fact and Fiction illus- trative of the Life and Times of that notorious Criminal, Jonathan Wild, half morocco v. d. SECOND DAY'S SALE. Tuesday, July 25th, 1922. THE property ot the late Iborace XKH. Sanfcars, i£6C)„ f.s.a. of 10h, Queen Anne's Mansions. (Sold by Order of the Executors). OCTAVO ET INFRA. Lot 266. 'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of Rome, coloured plates by John Leech, original cloth, n.d. — Prevost (Abbe A. F.) His- toric de Manon Lescaut, portrait and plates by Flameng, half morocco, g.e. Paris, 1875; and others (16) 267 Acton (J. E. E. Dalberg- Acton, Baron) History of Freedom and other Essays, 1907; Lectures on Modern History, 1907; His- torical Essays and Studies, 1908 ; Lectures on the French Revo- lution, 1910; together 4 vol. red morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. uniform (4) 268 Archaeology, etc. A Collection of Pamphlets, Excerpts from Trans- actions of Learned Societies, etc. some illustrations, bound in 27 vol. various bindings (27) 269 Babelon (E.) Description historique et chronologique des monnaies de la Republique Romaine, 2 vol. 1885-6 — Mommsen (T.) His- toire Mon ii aire Romaine, traduite par le Due de Blacas, 4 vol. 1865-75 — Blanchet (A.) Traite des Monnaies Gauloises, 2 vol. 1905 ; together 8 vol. half buckram, Paris : and others (12) 270 Ballesteros (D. A.) Historia de Espafia y su influencia en la Historia Universal, 2 vol. illustrations, original cloth, Barcelona, 1919-20 — Burke (M. R.) History of Spain, 2 vol. original cloth, 1895; and others (12) Second Day 28 OCTAVO 27 I Bent (J. T.) Sacred City of the Ethiopians, map and illustrations, half calf, 1896— Holmes (T. R.) Caesar's Conquest of Gaul, por- trait and map, original cloth, 1899 ; Ancient Britain, maps, original cloth, Oxford, 1907 ; and others (6) 272 Berlanga (M. R. de) Los Bronces de Lascenta Bonanza y Aljustrel, 1 vol. in. 2, plates, half calf Malaga, 1881-4— Bosco (R. V.) El Monasterio de Nuestra Senora de la Rabida, plates, half morocco, g.t. Madrid, 19 U— Leroux (G.) Vases Grecs et Italo-Grecs, plates, half calf, Bordeaux, 1912 ; and others (16) 273 Besant (Sir Walter) South London, 1899; Westminster, 1902 ; East London, 1903; London, 1904; together 4 vol. etchings and illustrations, calf gilt, g.e. 1899-1904 274 Birch (Walter de Gray) Seals, plates, 1907— Smith (H. Clifford) Jewellery, coloured and plain plates, presentation stamp on title, 1908, both original cloth, The Connoisseur's Library (2) 275 Bloxham (M. H.) Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, 3 vol. por- trait and illustrations, original cloth, 1882 — Cox (J. C.) English Parish Church, illustrations, n.d. ; and others (17) 276 British Museum Catalogues: Coins of the Roman Republic, by H. A. Grueber, 3 vol. 123 plates, half green morocco, panelled gilt backs, g.t. 1910 277 Brown (G. Baldwin) The Arts in Early England, 5 vol. numerous illustrations, original cloth 1903-21 278 Burton (Sir Richard F.) Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El- Medinah and Meccah, first edition, 2 vol. map and plates, some coloured, original cloth Longman, Brown, etc. 1855-6 279 Burton (Sir R. F.) The Book of the Sword, numerous illustrations, original cloth 1884 280 Cambridge Medieval History, vol. I and II only, with maps, in paper covers, Cambridge, 191 1-13— Petrie (W. M. Flinders) Re- searches in Sinai, maps and illustrations, 1906 — King (L. W.) History of Babylon, map, plans and illustrations, 1915; all in original cloth (6) 281 Caumont (A. de) Abecedaire, on rudiment d'Archeologie, 3 vol. numerous illustrations, half calf, Caen, 1868-70— Courajod (L.) Lec,ons Professees k l'Ecole du Louvre, 3 vol. half calf, Paris ; and others (9) 282 Cervantes (M. de) Don Quixote, facsimile reprint of the first edition of 1605-15, 2 vol. ; also facsimile of the fourth edition of the first part ; together 3 vol. limited edition of 200 copies, original cloth, Hispanic Society of America, n.d. (3) OCTAVO 29 Second Day 283 Chapman (Abel) and W. J. Buck. Wild Spain, large paper (14*w. by 6j in.), 1893; Unexplored Spain, 1910, both with illustrations, original cloth (2) 284 Cochet (L'Abbe) Sepultures Gauloises, Romanies, Franques et Nor- niandes, 1857 ; La Normandie Souterraine, 1855; Le Tombeau de Childeric I cr , 1859, all with illustrations, half calf, Paris — Schenk (A.) La Suisse prehistorique, plates, half morocco, Lau- sanne, 1912 ; and others (ll) 285 Daudet (Alphonse) Tartarin de Tarascon, Port Tarascon, Trente ans de Paris, and 5 others by same author, half red morocco gilt, g.t. Paris— Moliere (J. B. P. de) (Euvres, 13 vol. in 3, etched frontispieces, half green morocco, g. t. contents lettered, Paris, 1888-90 (11) 286 Darwin and Fitzroy. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of H.M. Ships Adventure and Beagle, with Appendix, 4 vol. maps and plates, original cloth 1839 287 Dawkins (W. Boyd) Cave Hunting, first edition, coloured plate, frontispiece and icoodcuts, original cloth 1874 288 Dawkins (W. B.) Early Man in Britain, FIRST EDITION, woodcuts, original cloth 1880 289 Dechelette (J.) Manuel d'Archeologie prehistorique, Celtique et Gallo-Romaine, 4 vol. numerous illustrations, half morocco, g. t. Paris, 1908-14 290 De Morgan (J.) Ethnographie prehistorique de Tombeau Royal de Negadah, 1897 ; L'Age de la Pierre et les Metaux, 1896, both with illustrations, half morocco, g. t. Paris — Cabre (J.) El Arte Rupestre en Espafia, folding plates and illustrations, half morocco, g. t. Madrid, 1915 ; and others (7) 291 Diaz del Castillo (Bernal) True History of the Conquest of New Spain, edited by G. Garcia, translated by A. P. Maudslay, 2 vol. portrait and maps, Hakluyt Society, 1908 ; and others (9) 292 Dicknes (Charles) [Works] Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, plates by Seymour and Phiz, 1837 ; Sketches by Boz, FIRST 8vo edition, plates by George Cruikshank, 1839 ; Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, plates by Phiz, 1839 ; Master Humphrey's Clock, 3 vol. plates by G. Cattermole and H. K. Browne, 1840-1 ; Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, plates by Phiz, 1844; Adventures of Oliver Twist, first 8vo edition, plates by George Cruikshank, 1846; Dombey and Son, plates by H. K. Browne, 1 848 ; Personal History of David Copperfield, plates by H. K. Browne, 1850 ; Bleak House, plates by H. K. Browne, specimen wrapper bound-in, 1853; Little Dorrit, plates by H. K. Browne, 1857; A Tale of Two Cities, plates by H. K. Browne, 1859 ; Our Mutual Friend, 2 vol. plates by Marcus Stone, specimen wrapper bound-in, 1865; Christmas Second Day 30 OCTAVO Lot 292 — continued. Books, new edition, with illustrations by Sir E. Landseer, J. Leech and others, 1869 ; Mystery of Edwin Drood, plates by S. L. Fildes, and a portrait, 1870; together 17 vol. all first editions unless otherwise described, polished calf, panelled gilt backs, uniform, g.e. 1837-70 293 Dictionaries. Lopes (E. M.), E. R. Bensley, and others. Nueyo Diccionario Ingles-Espanol y Espaiiol-Ingles, half morocco, Paris, n. d. — Little et Beaujean : Diction naire de la Langne Franchise, half morocco, Paris, 1891 ; and others (5) 294 Evans (J.) The Coins of the Ancient Britons, with Supplement, 2 vol. plates, 1864-90— Macdonald (G.) Coin Types, plates, Glas- gow, 1905 — Gardner (P.) History of Ancient Coinage, 11 plates, Oxford, 1918 ; all in original cloth ; and others (12) 295 Evans (John) Ancient Stone Implements,Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain, illustrations, caff gilt, 1872; Ancient Bronze Implements, illustrations, original cloth, 1881 (2) 296 Evelyn (J.) Diary ; with Introduction and Notes by Austin Dobson, 3 vol. portraits and views, half red morocco gilt, g. t. 1906 297 Elton (C. I.) Origins of English History, original cloth, 1890— Kemble (J. M.) The Saxons in England, original cloth, 2 vol. 1 876 — Grant (J.) Sketches in London, FIRST EDITION, plates by " Phiz" and others, cloth, 1838 ; and others (8) 298 Erman (Adolf) Life in Ancient Egypt, translated by H. M. Tirard, plates, 1894 — Souttar (R.) Short History of Ancient Peoples, maps, 1904 — Parkyn (E. A.) Prehistoric Art, plates (2 coloured), 1915 ; all in original cloth ; and others (9) 299 Fergusson (James) History of Architecture, 5 vol. numerous illustra- tions, half roan, g. t. 1893-1902 300 Frankland (Capt. C. C.) Travels to and from Constantinople in 1827-28, 2 vol. coloured frontispieces, maps and plates, half calf 1829— Bent (Theodore, and M. V. A.) Southern Arabia, portrait and maps, original cloth, 1900 — Hogarth (D. G.) The Penetration of Arabia, maps and illustrations, original cloth, 1904; and others (12) 301 Frazer (J. G.) The Golden Bough, second edition, 3 vol. frontis- pieces, original cloth 1900 302 Gibbon (Edward) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 8 vol. portrait and maps, half morocco, panelhd gilt lacks, g- t. 1854-5 octavo 31 Second Day 303 Green (J. 11.) A Short History of the English People, illustrated edition, edited by Mrs. J. R. Green and Miss KateNorgate, 4 vol. coloured and plain plates, half morocco, g. e. 1894 304 Greenwell (W.) and George Rolleston : British Barrows, illustrations, Oxford, 1887 — Geikie (J.) Prehistoric Europe, illustrations, 1881 — Du Chaillu (P. B.) The Viking Age, 2 vol. map and illustra- tions, 1889; all original cloth (4) 305 Harnpel (Joseph) Alterthumer des fruhen Mittelalters in Ungarn, 3 vol. including atlas of plates, half calf, g. t. Braunschweig, 1 905 306 Head (Barclay V.) Historia Nummorum, illustrations, half morocco, g. t. Oxford, 1887 — Corolla Numismatica: Numismatic Essays in honour of Barclay V. Head, portrait and 18 plates, original cloth, Oxford, 1906 (2) 307 Hume (M. A. S.) Modern Spain, 1899— Oman (C. W. C.) The Byzantine Empire, 1892— Watts (H. E.) Spain, 1893; and five other Story of the Nation Series, 6 in half calf and 2 in original cloth; and others (21) 308 Keller (F.) The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other Parts of Europe, translated by J. E. Lee, 2 vol. plates, 1878 — Lyell (Sir C.) Antiquity of Man, woodcuts, 1863 — Lubbock (Sir J.) Pre-historic Times, plates, 1865; all original cloth (4) 309 Knight (R. P.) Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mytho- logy, New Yor k, 1876— Elworthy (F. T.) The Evil Eye, illustra- tions, 1895 — Joyce (T. A.) South American Archaeology, map and illustratio7is, 1912 ; and others, all in original cloth (9) 310 Lacroix (P.) XVIII me Siecle Institutions, Usages et Costumes, France, 1700-89, chromo-lithographs and {Illustrations, half morocco, g.e. Paris, 1875 — Cartailhac (E.) Ages prehistoriquesde l'Espagne et du Portugal, illustrations, half morocco, Paris, 1886 (2) 311 Lagden (Sir G.) The Basutos, 2 vol. 1909— Garstang (J.) The Land of the Hittites, 1910 — Armitage (E. S.) Early Norman Castles of the British Isles, 1912 ; all with illustrations, original cloth ; and others (7) 312 Lanciani (R.) Pagan and Christian Rome, 1895; Ancient Rome; New Tales of Old Rome, n. d., all with illustrations, original cloth — Arnold (W. T.) Studies of Roman Imperialism, portrait, original cloth, Manchester, 1906 ; and others (6) 313 Lea (H. C.) History of the Inquisition of Spain, 4 vol. original cloth, g. t. New York, 1906-7 Second Day 32 octavo 314 Martha (Jules) L'Art Etrusque, coloured frontispiece, numerous illustrations, half calf, g. t. 1889— Forrer (R.) Reallexikon, illus- trations, cloth, Berlin [1907]— Dussaud (R.) Les Civilisations Prehelleniques, plan, plates, etc. half morocco, Paris, 1914 ; and others ( 5 ) 315 May (Thomas) The Pottery found at Silchester, plates, original cloth, Reading, 1916— Mosso (A.) The Palaces of Crete, illustra- tions, original cloth, 1907— Capart (J.) Les Debuts de l'Art en Egypte, illustrations, half calf Bruxelles, 1904 ; and others 316 Menard (Rene) La Vie Privee des Anciens, 4 vol. many hundred woodcut illustrations, half morocco gilt, g. t. Paris, 1880-3 317 Middleton (J. H.) Remains of Antient Rome, 2 vol. map and illus- trations, original cloth, 1892— Blumner (H.) Technologic und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Kihiste, 2 vol. half calf , Leipzig, 1875— Smith's Classical Dictionary, edited by G. E. Marindin, original cloth, 1909 ; and others (15) 318 Mommsen (T.) History of Rome, translated by W. P. Dickson, 4 vol. 1868 ; The Provinces of the Roman Empire, translated by W. P. Dickson, 2 vol. 1886 ; together 6 vol. half calf , g. t. 1868-86 319 Munro (R.) The Lake-Dwellings of Europe, illustrations, 1890 — Dalton (O. M.) Byzantine Art and Archaeology, 457 illustrations, Oxford, 1911, both original cloth (2) 320 Napier (W. F. P.) History of the War in the Peninsula, 6 vol. maps, calf gilt, m.e. 1835-40 321 Newton (C. T.) Essays on Artand Archaeology, 1880— Stein (M. A.) Sand-buried Ruins of Khotan, map and illustrations, 1903 — Anderson (W. J.) Architecture of the Renaissance in Italy, plates, 1901 ; and others (16) 322 O'Meara (B. E.) Napoleon in Exile, 2 vol. portraits, calfrebacked, 1830 — Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 8 vol. portrait, half calf , Oxford, 1827 ; and others (16) 323 Paris (Pierre) Essai sur l'Art et l'lndustrie de l'Espagne Primitive, 2 vol. illustrations, half morocco, g.t. Paris, 1903-4; another copy of the same, in half calf imp. 8vo. (4) 324 Peel (T. Eric) The Stone and Bronze Ages in Italy and Sicily, Oxford, 1909— Hutton (A.) The Sword and the Centuries, 1901 —Mitchell (A.) The Past in the Present, 1880; all with illus- trations, original cloth ; and others (18) octavo 33 Second Day 325 Pepys (Samuel) Memoirs ; edited by Lord Braybrooke, 5 vol. por- traits (some a little foxed) 1828; Life, Journals, and Correspon- dence of Samuel Pepys, 2 vol. 'portrait (foxed), 1841, together 7 vol. calf gilt, m. e. a little dull 1828-41 326 Perrot (G.) et Charles Chipiez. Histoire de rArtdansl'Antiquite, 10 vol. many hundred illustrations, vol. I-IX half calf, g.e. vol. IX wrappers as usual imp. 8vo. Paris, 1882-1914 327 Plutarch. Lives, the translation called Dryden's, corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clougb, 57 vol. calf gilt, g. e. 1861 328 329 Rawlinson (G.) The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World, 3 vol. 1873; The Sixth (and Seventh) Great Oriental Monarchy, 2 vol. 1873-6; History of Herodotus, 4 vol. 1875; Manual of Ancient History, Oxford, 1880; History of AncientEgypt, 2 vol. 1881 ; History of Phoenicia, 1889, together 13 vol. maps and illustrations, polished calf gilt, g. t. 1873 89 330 Reinach (S.) Repertoire de la Statuaire grecque et romaine, vol. I, vol. II, part 1, and vol. Ill (lacks vol. II, part 2), 1906-4 ; Repertoire de Peintures, 2 vol. 1905-7 ; Repertoire des Vases Peints, grecs et etrusques, 2 vol. 1899-1900, together 7 vol. numerous outline illustrations, half morocco uniform, g. t. ; and 2 others by same author (9) 331 Reinach (S.) Cultes, Mythes, et Religions, 4 vol. Paris, 1908-12; Repertoire de Reliefs grecs et romains, 3 vol. Paris, 1909-12 ; Chroniques d'Orient, Paris, 1891 ; Recueil de Teles Antiques, Paris, 1903, together 9 vol. illustrations, half morocco, g. t. ; and others by same author (14) 332 Saladin (H.) et Gastar Migeon. Manuel d'Art Musulman, 2 vol. numerous illustrations, half calf, Paris, 1907 — Beuchat (H.) Manuel d'Archeologie Americaine, illustrations, half morocco, g. t. Paris, 1912 ; and others (10) 333 Schliemann (Henry) Mycense, 1878 ; Ilios, 1880; Troja, 1884, all with maps, plans and illustrations, original cloth ; and another (4) 334 Simpson (F. M.) History of Architectural Development, 3 vol. illus- trations, 1905-13 — Anderson (W.J.) and R. P. Spiers: Archi- tecture of Greece & Rome, 255 illustrations, 1907, both original cloth (4) D Second Day 34 OCTAVO 335 Smith (C. R.) Collectanea Antiqua : Etchings and Notices of Ancient Remains, 7 vol. half calf 1848-80 336 Stevens (E. T.) Flint Chips, 1870— Morgan (T.) Romano-British Mosaic Pavements, 1886— Du Chailln (P. B.) The Viking Age, 2 vol. 1889— Allcroft (A. H.) Earthworks of England, 1908, all with illustrations, original cloth (5) 337 Stevenson (S. W.) Dictionary of Roman Coins, revised by C. R. Smith, illustrations, 1889— Hill (G. F.) Coins of Ancient Sicily, plates, 1903 ; and others, all in original cloth (5) 338 Street (G. E.) Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain, 1869 ; Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages, 1874, both with numerous illustrations, half morocco, g. t. uniform by Larkins (2) 339 [Surtees (R. S.)] Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, FIRST EDITION, coloured plates by John Leech, lacks half title Bradbury and Evans, 1853 340 [Surtees(R.S.)] HandleyCross, FIRST illustrated edition, coloured plates by John Leech Bradbury and Evans, 1854 341 [Surtees R. S.)] "Ask Mamma," first edition, coloured plates by John Leech, inner margin of last leaf strengthened Bradbury and Evans, 1858 342 [Surtees (R. S.] " Plain or Ringlets 1 " first edition, coloured plates by John Leech Bradbury and Evans, 1860 343 [Surtees (R. S.)] Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds, FIRST EDITION, coloured plates by John Leech and H. K. Browne Bradbury and Evans, 1865 * m * The above 5 Lots are uniformly bound in polished calf gilt, inside borders, g. e. by Sangorslci <£• Sutclrffe. 344 [Surtees (R. S.)] Hillingdon Hall, first ILLUSTRATED EDITION, coloured plates by Wildrake, Heath and Jellicoe, original cloth, a little dull John C. Nimmo, 1888 345 Thackeray (W. M.) History of Pendennis, 2 vol. illustrations by the author, half morocco, g.t. 1883 — Moore (Thomas) Lalla Rookh, plates, half morocco, g. t. 1838 ; and others (11) 346 Vasconcellos (J. L. de) Religioes da Lusitania, 3 vol. illustrations, half calf Lisboa, 1907-13— Jullian (C.) Histoire de la Gaule, 2 vol. half caff, g.t. Paris, 1908 (5) 347 Walters (H. B.) History of Ancient Pottery, based on the work of Samuel Birch, 2 vol. 300 illustrations, including eight coloured plates, original cloth 1905 octavo 35 Second Bay 348 Windle (B. C. A.) Remains of the prehistoric age in England, 1904 — Allen (J. R.) Celtic Art in Pagan and Christian times, 1904 — Munro (R.) Archaeology and false Antiquities, 1905 — Harvey (A.) The Castles and Walled Towns of England, 1911, together 4 vol. The Antiquary's Books, illustrations, original cloth ; and others (ll) 349 Wood-Martin (W. G.) The Lake Dwellings of Ireland, illustrations, Dublin, 1886— Borlase (W. C.) The Dolmens of Ireland, 3 vol. maps, and 800 illustrations, including two coloured plates, 1897, both original cloth (4) QUARTO. 350 Babelon (E.) Traite des Monnaies Grecques et Romaines, 7 vol. (4 text and 3 plates), half buckram Paris, 1901-16 351 Bond (Francis) Introduction to English Church Architecture from 11th to 16th Century, 2 vol. 1400 illustrations, original cloth, g. t. 1913 352 British Museum Catalogues. Bronzes, Greek, Roman and Etruscan, 1899; Terra-cottas, 1903; Finger Rings, Greek, Etruscan and Roman, 1907 ; Roman Pottery, 1908 ; Greek and Roman Lamps, 1914 ; together 5 vol. plates and illustratio?is, half green morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. uniform 1899-1914 353 British Museum Catalogues. Early Christian Antiquities, 1901 ; The Waddesdon Bequest, 1902; Franks Bequest: Treasure of the Oxus, 1905; Ivory Carvings of the Christian Era, 1909; Jewellery: Greek, Etruscan and Roman, 1911 ; together 5 vol. plates and illustrations, half green morocco, panelled gilt backs, g.t. uniform 1901-9 354 Buckman (Prof.) and C. H. Newmarch. Illustrations of the Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, plates, half morocco, g. e. 1850 — De Baye (Baron J.) Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons, translated by T. B. Harbottle, plates, original cloth, 1893 ; and others (9) 355 Bulleid (Arthur) and H. St. George Gray. The Glastonbury Lake Village, 2 vol. plans and plates, original buckram, g. t. Glastonbury Antiquarian Soc. 1911 356 Cagnat (R.) L'Armee Romaine d'Afrique, plates, half morocco, g. t. Paris, 1892 — Dechelette (J.) La Collection Millon, Antiquites prehistoriques etGallo-Romaines, plates, half morocco, g. t. Paris, 1913; and others (4) 357 Catalogue of the London Library, by C. T. Hagberg Wright and C. J. Purnell, 2 vol. and Supplement, 1913-20; Subject Index, 1909; and another, all original buckram (5) D 2 Second Day 36 QUARTO 358 Caylus (Comte de) Recueil d'Antiquit^s Egyptiennes, Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines (avec le Supplement), 7 vol. plates, Paris, 1752-67 — De la Sauvagere : Recueil d'Antiquites dans les Gaules, plates, Paris, 1770— Grivaud de la Vincelle : Recueil de Monu- mens Antiques, decouverts dans l'Ancienne Gaule, 2 vol. in 1, plates, Paris, 1817 ; together 9 vol. old French morocco gilt, g. e. {the two latter bound to the old pattern) 1752-1817 359 Century Cyclopedia of Names, edited by B. E. Smith, half morocco, n. d. — Arte Espanol, vol. IV, 1912-16, illustrations, half morocco, g. t. ; and others (12) 360 Cervantes (M. de) El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha LARGE PAPER, 4 vol. engraved frontispieces (two different), portrait, plates and vignettes, etc. after Carnicero, Ballester, and others, original Spanish calf gilt Madrid, 1780 361 Cumont (F.) Textes et Monuments Figures relatifs aux Mysteres de Mithra, 2 vol. plates, half morocco, g. t. Bruxelles, 1899-6 — Reinach (S.) Antiquites du Bosphore Cimmerien, plates, half morocco, g. t. Paris, 1892 (3) 362 Curie (James) A Roman Frontier Post and its People, plans and plates, original buckram Glasgow, 1911 363 Dictionaries. Fliigel-Schmidt-Tanger. A Dictionary of the English and German Languages, 2 vol. half leather, Brunswick, 1896; and others (5) 364 Florez (F. H.) Medallas de Espafia, 3 vol. portrait, plates, calf, Madrid, 1758-73 — Delgado(D. Antonio) Nuevo Metodo de Classi- ficacion de las Medallas Autonomias de Espafia, 3 vol. plates, half calf, Sevilla, 1871-6 (6) 365 Heiss (Aloiss) Descripcion General de las Monedas Hispano- Cristianas desde la Invasion de los Arabes, 3 vol. plates, half red morocco, panelled gilt backs, g. t. Madrid, 1865-9 366 Heiss (A.) Description G6ne>ale des Monnaies Antiques de l'Espagne plates, 1870; Monnaies des Rois Wisigoths d'Espagne, plates 1872 ; both half red morocco, g. t. uniform, Paris (2) 367 Keane (Marcus) Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland, presenta tion copy with author's inscription on title, illustrations, red morocco, g. e. Dublin, 1867— Faussett (Rev. Bryan) Inventorium Sepulchrale, plates, original cloth, 1856 (2) 368 Lacroix(Paul) and Ferdinand Seve. LeMoyen Age et la Renaissance, 5 vol. chromos and woodcuts, red morocco, panelled gilt sides with corner fleurons, g. e. Paris, 1848-51 quarto 37 Second Day 369 Montelius (Oscar) La Civilisation Primitive en Italie, 5 vol. (2 vol. text and 3 vol. plates), half morocco, g.t. Stockholm, 1895-1910 370 Petrie (W. M. Flinders) Scarabs and Cylinders, with Names, plates, half cloth, 1917 — Archajologia, vol. LXVIII-LXX, plates, original cloth ; and others a parcel 371 Pitt-Rivers (Lt.-Gen. A H. L. F.) Excavations in Cranborne Chase near Rushmore, on the Borders of Dorset and Wilts, and Bokerly and Wansdyke, 5 vol. including Index, 1887-1905 — Antique Works of Art from Benin, 1900 ; both with illustrations, original cloth, privately printed ; and others (9) 372 Ramsay (W. M.) History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, plates, 1906 — Frontinus (S. J.) Water Supply of the City of Rome, plans and plates, Boston, 1899 ; both original cloth — Morin-Jean : Le Dessin des Animaux en Grece d'apres les Vases Peints, illustrations, half morocco, g. t. Paris, 1911 ; and others (10) 373 Rivoira (G. T.) Moslem Architecture, translated by G. McN. Rush- forth, plates, original, cloth, 1918 — Ward (J.) Greek Coins and their parent Cities, plates, original cloth, 1902 ; and others (9) 374 Sandars (Horace) The Weapons of the Iberians, plates, Oxford, 1913; with a MS. Version Castellana por C. Remfry de Kidd, 2 in 1, half morocco (l) 375 Scarth (Rev. H. M.) Aquas Solis ; or, Notices of Roman Bath, illus- trations, original cloth, 1864 — Fox (G. E.) and W. H. St. John Hope. Excavations on the Site of the Roman City at Silchester, plates, cloth, 1891 ; and others (10) 376 Siret (H. et L.) Les Premiers Ages du Metal dans le Sud-est de l'Espagne, plates, half morocco ; with folio vol. of plates, original cloth, Anvers, 1887 ; also duplicate of Texte (3) 377 Van de Pat (A.) Hispano-Moresque Ware of XV Century, plates, original cloth, 1904 — Verner (Col. W.) My Life among the Wild Birds in Spain, plates, original cloth, 1909 ; and others (11) FOLIO. 378 Boulanger (C.) Le Mobilier Funeraire, Gallo-Romain et Franc en Picardie et en Artois, coloured plates, half morocco, g. t. Paris, 1902-5 379 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of Ancient Greek Art, plates, original buckram 1904 380 Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of Illuminated Manuscripts, plates, original buckrapi, g. t. 1908 Second Day 38 folio 381 Cartailliac (Emile) et l'Abbe H. Breuil ; La Caveone d'Altamera a Santillaue, 1906; Alcalde del Rio, l'Abbe H. Breuil et R. Pere L. Sierra. Les Cavernes de la Region Cantabrique, 1911, both with plates, half morocco g. t. uniform, Monaco (2) 382 Chantre (Ernest) Etudes Paleoethnologiques dans le Bassin du Rhone, Premier Age du Fer— Nfcropoles et Tumulus, relates, half morocco, Paris, 1880— Roman y Calvet (I). J.) Los Nombres e importancia Arqueologica de las Islas Pythiusas, plates, original cloth, Barcelona, 1906 ( 2 ) 383 Dechelette (J.) Les Vases Ce>amiques ornes de la Gaule Romaine, 2 vol. plates and numerous illustrations in the text, half morocco, g .t. Paris, 1904 384 Douglas (Rev. James) Nenia Britannica ; a Sepulchral History of Great Britain, plates, old red morocco, chain border round sides, g.e. 1793 385 Dieulafoy (Marcel) La Statuaire polychrome en Espagna, 80 plates, half red calf panelled gilt back, g. t. Paris, 1908 386 Furtwangler (A.) Die Antiken Gemmen: Geschichte der Stein- schneidekunst im Klassischen Altertum, 3 vol. plates repre- senting many hundred gems and numerous textual illustrations, morocco, g. t. Gresecke tfc Derient, Leipzig, 1900 387 Ffoulkes (C.) The Armourer and his Craft, plates and diagrams, presentation stamp on title, originalbuckram, 1912; and others (4) 388 Henzey (L.) Les Figurines Antiques de terre cuite du Musee du Louvre, plates, half morocco, g.t. Paris, 1883 — Potter (E.) Vases Antiques du Louvre, plates, half morocco gilt, g. t. Paris, 1897 (2) 389 Kemble (J. M.) Horse Ferales, edited by R. G. Latham and A. W. Franks, plates {some coloured), original cloth, 1863 — McPherson (D.) Antiquities of Kertch, coloured plates, original cloth, 1857 ; and another (3) 390 Lamperez y Romea (Vincente) Historia de la Arquitectura Oistiana Espaiiola en la Edad Media Segiin el estudio de Los Elementos y los Monumentos, 2 vol. plans and illustrations, half calf , g. t. Madrid, 1908 391 Montelius (Oscar) Die Vorklassiche Chronologie Italiens, 2 vol. plates, half morocco, g. t. Stockholm, 1912 392 Pottier (E.) etS. Reinach. LaN^cropoledeMyrina, 2 vol. 52 plates, half morocco, g.t. Paris, 1887 393 Rayet (Olivier) Monuments de l'Art Antique, 2 vol. plates, half red morocco, g. t. Paris, 1884 FOLIO 39 Second Day 394 Rayet (0.) et Maxime Collignon : Histoire de la Ceiamique Grecque, plates, half morocco, Paris, 1888 — Morales (A. de) Las Antiguedades de las Ciudades de Espana, title within woodcut compartments (one cut into), half roan, Alcala de Henares, 1575 — Diccionario dela Lengua Castellana, calf, 1884; and others (8) 395 Slade Collection. Catalogue of the Collection of Glass, formed by Felix Slade, with Notes on the History of Glass Maldng, by A. Nisbett, coloured and plain plates, and illustrations in the teat, half morocco, g. t. Printed for private distribution, 1871 396 Villeneuve (Chauvine L. de) and others. Les Grottes de Grimaldi (Baousse-Rousse), 2 vol. plates, half blue morocco, g. t. Monaco, 1906 ©tber properties. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 397 Gospels. Manuscript on vellum. [Greek, XIII Century], 266 leaves (6£ in. by 4f in.) finely written in clear minuscules, 25 long lines to a page. The opening page of each gospel with ornamental head-pieces ; headings in red, at the end a few leaves with Greek musical notation, original binding of thick wooden boards with portions of the canvas, vellum and velvet with which it was covered [the back damaged and one cover broken), the fore- edge painted to a conventional pattern xm CENT. 398 Horae B.M.V. Secundum usum Romanum cum Calendario, Manuscript on vellum, written in small got&tr letter, long lines, 18 to a page, 129 leaves, 5 full-page miniatures within borders, 12 leaves within painted borders of acanthus leaf decoration, flowers and fruit, initials in gold and colours, top margin cut away from one leaf, old vellum, with modern ties (4| in. by 3 in.) Flemish xv. cent. 399 Binding. Cardan (J.) Arcano Politica sive de Prudentia civili Liber singularis, red morocco gilt, with the arms {impaled) of Sir Ken elm Digby and his wife Venetia Stanley; on a fly-leaf an inscription " for Mr. Mutter," probably Joseph Rutter, the dramatist (A. 1635), on the back the cypher, K V.D. (wants one clasp) ; sold not subject to return Leyden, Elzevir, 1635 400 Binding. A Manuscript Common-place Book, containing recipes, etc. in a Scotch binding of red morocco, sides fully gilt, tooled with a panel in four compartments, each containing a crown, thistles, etc. borders with thistles, flowers, birds, etc. back in five compartments, gilt, tooled, g. e. chased silver clasps and stylus xvn cent. Second Day 40 OCTAVO 401 Shakespeare (W.) The Works of Mr. William Shakespeare, adorn'd with cuts, revis'd and corrected ... by N. Rowe, 6 vol. frontispiece, with portrait by Vander Gucht, plates, some leaves foxed, calf gilt, g. e. {three leaves missing and some loose) 1709 402 Shakespeare (W.) Coriolanus. A Tragedy. By Shakesipe&r,frontis- piece, some leaves wormed, a few leaves slightly shaved, half roan, \2mo, Printed by R. Walker, at Shakespear's Head . . 1735 *** An "Advertisement" is attached to the fly-leaf of " Coriolanus," "Whereas R. Walker, with his Accomplices, have printed and publish'd several of Shakespear's Plays; and to screen their innumerable Errors, advertise, That they are Printed as they are Acted ... I therefore declare . . . That no Person ever had . . . any such Copy or Copies; neither wou'd I be accessary on any Account in Imposing on the Publick such Useless, Pirated, and Maim'd Editions, as are publish'd by the said R. Walker. W. Chetwood, Prompter to His Majesty's Company of Comedians at the Theatre- Royal in Drury-Lane." Loosely inserted is another leaf with the same advertisement printed on the recto and on the verso the " Dramatis Personae " of " Measure for Measure." These pirated editions published by R. Walker appear to be extremely rare. 403 Shakespeare (W.) Hamlet ... a Tragedy. As it is now Acted by His Majesty's Servants, frontispiece, half roan Umo. for W. Feales, 1737 *#* In this edition the names of the Cast are given. It includes "Mr. Wilkes" as Hamlet, Mr. Quin as Guildenstern, Mr. Booth as the Ghost and Mrs. Santlow as Ophelia. 404 Fielding (H.) The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, 6 vol. first edition, original calf Printed for A. Millar, 1749 405 [Smollett (T.)] The Adventures of Roderick Random, 2 vol. first edition, slit in one leaf (pp. 21-2) of vol. 1 and small hole in one leaf {pp. 189-190) of vol. II, original calf Printed for J. Osborn, 1748 406 Hearne (T.) Walteri Hemingford historia de rebus gestis Edvardi I- Edvardi III, 2 vol. A. L. s. from Hearne inserted, Oxonii, 1731 — Thomas Otterbourne et Johannes Whethamstede, 2 vol. A. L. s. from Hearne inserted, ib. 1732 — Chronicon sive Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple, 2 vol. receipt signed by Hearne inserted, ib. 1733, and two others ; together 8 vol. original boards, uncut (8) 407 Haymo. In XII prophetas minores enarratio, original blind stamped calf over wooden boards, brass catches and clasps {one clasp missing), on the lower cover the title written on vellum and placed beneath a horn shield, Coloniae, 1529; etc. (2) 408 Hearne (T.) Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, 2 vol. A. L. s.from Hearne inserted, Oxford, 1725 — Adami de Domerham historia de rebus gestis Glastoniensibus, 2 vol. ib. 1727 — Guilielmi Roperi vita octavo 41 Second Day Lot 408 — continued. D. Thomae Mori, portrait, 1716 — Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle, 2 vol. ib. 1724 — The History and Antiquities of Glas- tonbury, portrait a?id plates, ib. 1722 — Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 vol. ib. 1728 ; and others edited by T. Hearne, together 37 vol. all in original calf {except two vol. in old half calf ) (37) 409 Boccaccio (G.) The Decameron, 4 vol. portrait, original boards, uncut, 1822 — Ker (Sir R. K.) A Narrative of the Campaign in Russia during the year 1812, portrait, folding map, boards, uncut, 1815; and another (6) 410 Voltaire (F. M. A. de) GSuvres Completes, 92 vol. portraits, plates by Moreau le jeune, original wrappers with labels, several a little broken and a few with labels off or defective, uncut cr. 8vo. \Kehl\ de V Imprimerie de la Societe litteraire Typographique, 1785-9 411 Voltaire. (Euvres Completes, 70 vol. plates after Moreau, several portraits are in different volumes from those given in Cohen's collation, and the " dedicace avec portrait" occurs in vol. LXIV, vol. I wants the title-frontispiece, extra illustrated by the insertion of an additional series of plates by Moreau, red morocco, gilt back, gilt ornamental borders, g. e. blue silk linings, g. e. FINE copy [Kehl], de V Imprimerie de la Societe Litteraire Typographique, 1785-9 412 Horatius Flaccus (Q.) Opera, seneis tabulis incidit Iohannes Pine, 2 vol. engraved throughout, first ISSUE, with "post est " at vol. II, p. 108, calf gilt, gilt backs, g. e. 1733-7 413 Combe (W.) The Dance of Life, first edition, coloured frontis- piece, vignette title, and 24 coloured plates by T. Bowlandson, original cloth, uncut B. Ackermann, 1817 414 [Combe (W.)] The Dance of Life, frontispiece, vignette title and coloured plates by T. Bowlandson, wants pages 217 to 224 and two plates, printed title loose, original boards, uncut, back partly gone ; sold not subject to return R. Ackermann, 1817 415 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, 70 vol. without the fourth series of the Tales of My Landlord, otherwise a complete set, all FIRST editions, with the exception of two series of the Tales of My Landlord, a few titles and half-titles wanting, some leaves foxed, half calf '; sold not subject to return Edinburgh, 1818-29 416 Dickens (Charles) The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, first edition, in the 19/20 parts, with some wrappers and adver- tisements, covers and one leaf only of part I, 37 plates only (including the two Buss plates) by Seymour, Buss and Phiz, Addresses appear in nos. 1, 10, 17, 18 and 19/20, has the " Tony Veller " title, 3 or 4 plates slightly stained and some leaves a little /rayed Chapman and Hall, 1836-7 Second Day 42 octavo 417 Dickens (C.) Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, first edition, with the "Tony Veller" title, plates by Seymour and Phiz, and facsimiles of the Buss plates, and a facsimile of a rare unpublished plate by same artist, autograph signature" S. Pick- wick" inserted atjront, some plates a little stained, half calf Chapman and Hall, 1837 418 Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock, 3 vol. in 2, lacks title to vol. I, illustrations by G. Cattermole and H. K. Browne, half calf, 1840-1 ; Bleak House, plates by II . K. Browne, one leaf and one plate frayed, half calf gilt, 1853 ; Little Dorrit, plates by H. K. Browne, half morocco gilt, g.e. 1857; all first editions (4) 419 [Dickens (C.)] Sketches by Boz, new edition, with 40 illustrations by G. Cruikshank, autograph signature of artist attached to reverse of engraved title, half morocco gilt, m. e. 1865 420 Dickens (C.) Our Mutual Friend, 2 vol. in 1, plates by Marcus Stone, original cloth, loose in covers, 1865; Mystery of Edwin Drood, plates by S. L. Fildes, and a portrait, half roan, 1870 ; both FIRST EDITIONS (2) 421 Thackeray (W. M.) The Newcomes, first edition, 2 vol. illustra- tions on steel and wood by llichard Doyle, half calf gilt, m. e. Bradbury and Evans, 1854 422 Thackeray (W. M.) The Second Funeral of Napoleon ; in three Letters to Miss Smith, of London. And the Chronicle of the Drum. By Mr. M. A.Titmarsh, FIRST edition, frontispiece and three woodcuts {one slightly shaved), some leaves foxed, pin-holes through a few leaves at the beginning , original wrappers (back gone and front wrapper, with fly-leaf and frontispiece loose), exceedingly rare Hugh Cunningham, 1841 423 Napoleon. The Trial of John Peltier Esq. for a Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte, frontispiece, half calf 1803 424 Home (R. H.) Orion, an Epic Poem, first edition, with a MS. note as to its publication on the fly-leaf , half calf T. Miller, 1843 425 Stevenson (R. L.) Treasure Island, first edition, 4 pp. advertise- ment at the end, name on half-title, small stain on one leaf, original cloth Cassell & Company, Limited, 1883 426 Masefield (John) A Foundation Day Address, first edition, one of 250 copies signed by the printers, 8 11. the last two blank, the folded sheet unstitched Printed at the Yellowsands Press, being the Private Press of the Bembridge School, 1921 427 Ruskin (John). John Ruskin : Letters written on the occasion of the Centenary of his Birth, 1919 ; edited by John Howard White- house, with an unpublished portrait drawn by himself, contains an important letter by John Masefield, original half holl and Oxford [1919] octavo 43 Second Day 428 Book Plates. A small Collection of Twenty-one Book Plates, including eight by Sherborne, and four copies of the book-pile plate of Cuth-Smith, Durham, etc. in a wooden boa:, padded and lined with silk, with inscription " made of wood of the room of the house at Dumfries in which Robert Burns died" (l) 428a Two Packs of Playing Cards, "Inst, et Delin. Londini, Thos. Foubert, 1757" ; having in the top left-hand corner a miniature of the ordinary card, in the centre dominoes, and at the sides numerals and letters, each of fifty-two cards ; and a Pewter Plate, with hunting scene on the rim 428b Byron. A Gold Memorial Ring for Lord Byron, with name below a coronet, the inside with hair and inscription : " Died 19th April, 182 '4, Aged 36" ; London hall mark of 1824 Zbe property of a Gentleman. 429 BARR1E (Sir James, O.M.) Allihakbarries C.C. Auto. MS. 4 pp. with three proofs, one containing numerous auto, corrections, of the (privately) printed pamphlet, and a copy of the finished pamphlet, half yellow morocco, t. e. g. 1893 *#* A most interesting relic of Barrie's journalistic days on the National Observer. The pamphlet contains : I. A list of members of the cricket club, including: Hon. Presidents : Beau Austin, Esq. Terence Mulvany, Esq. Old Mel, Esq. Sergeant Troy, Esq. Subsidised Crowd : Jerome, J. K. II. Characters of tha eleven, e.g.: Barrie (Capt.). An Incomparable Captain. The life and soul of his side. A treat to see him tossing the penny. Hits well off his pads. Once took a wicket. One of the members is described as "The worst batsman in the world. Equally at home with the ball." III. Hints to the Team by their Captain, e.g. : Should you hit the ball, run at once. Don't stop to cheer. IV. Remarks on the Great Match at Shere : The Captain .... received valuable help from Watson (who played a masterly innings of 2) from "Whibley (who defied the best bowling in Shere for nearly a minute), from the hard-hitting Partridge (who would be invaluable against his own bowling), and from Tomson, who looked like scoring at any moment, etc. The volume was given to the present owner by James Nicol Dunn, managing editor of the National Observer, and bears his auto- graph inscription. Second Day 44 quarto <§>tbec properties. QUARTO. 430 Masefield (John) John Ruskin, first edition, limited to 150 copies signed by the printers, 8 //. the last two blank, 4 pp. rather faintly printed, and some do not register, stitched Printed at the Yellowsands Press, being the Private Press of the Bembridge School, 1920 431 BOCCACCIO (G.) The Decameron, Translated by John Pajne, Illus- trated by Louis Chalon, 2 vol. extended to 4 by the addition of 220 extra illustrations, one of 174 copies on Japanese vellum, half crushed red morocco, g. t. by Riviere Lawrence & Bullen, 1893 432 Hor^e Beat^e Marle Virginis, Secundum usum Sarum, totaliter ad longum, cum orationibus beate brigitte, ac multis aliis ora- tionibus et indulgentiis cum tabula aptissima iam vultimo adiectis, black letter, printed in red and black, woodcuts and small woodcuts in the text, lacks folios 3, 48, 71, 74-9, 128, and one (?) leaf at end, first leaf with printer's device laid on, defective, 2 or 3 others a little defective {one affecting a large woodcut), calf, with sides of original stamped leather laid-on, g. e. ; sold not subject to return Antwerpie, per Christophorii Endouien, 1525 433 Bacon (Sir F.) The Twoo Bookes of the Proficience and Advance- ment of Learning, first edition, with the 2 //. of errata and corrections at end, a few headlines shaved, for Henrie Tomes, 1605 ; The Essayes or Counsels, portrait, a few stains, 1642 — Brerewood (E.) Enquiries touching the Diversity of Language, 1635; in 1 vol. calf 434 [Neville (H.)] The Isle of Pines, or a late Discovery of a fourth Island near Terra Australis Incognita, by Henry Cornelius van SXoetten, frontispiece (slightly shaved), unbound Printed for Allen Banks and Charles Harper, 1668 435 New England. [Map of New England] (llf in. by 13| in.), Simon Passaeus sculpsit, observed and described by Captayn John Smith, 1614, London, printed by lames Reeve, oval half length portrait of ^Captain John Smith in top left hand corner, "A eta: 37 A' 1616," at bottom is the advertisement, "He that desyres to know more of the Estate of new England, Utt him read a new Book of the prospecte of new England, and ther he shall haue satisfaction," edges a little cropped, two small slits, a little stained 436 Milton (John) Paradise Lost, a Poem in Ten Books, first edition, with the fifth title-page and Milton's amended form of the advertisement, "The Printer to the Reader " small hole in title QUARTO 45 Second Day Lot 436 — continued. and one other leaf (sig . a 1) and small piece torn from corner of sig. Ee 4, 3 11. of the " Argument " slightly soiled, and slits in two of them, otherwise a sound copy in good condition, original calf, worn Printed by S. Simmons, and to be sold by S. Thomson... 1668 437 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, first edition, eighth title-page, plain olive morocco, g. e. S. Simmons, 1669 *** On the fly-leaf are the words " Paradise Lost — John Milton," and a two-line quotation from Lucretius, lib. V, 1192, all in a 17th century hand ; the writing of the title and signature in parti- cular closely resembles Milton's signature to a receipt for salary, Jan. 1, 1654-5, reproduced in the British Museum facsimiles of his writing, 1908, but it is stated in the text of that publication that the signature to the receipt is probably not autograph. From the Capel Lofft (sold 1825), Bindley, Pickering and Heugh, and Augustin Daly collections; it formerly lacked the title and this was added by Heugh. 438 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, first edition, eighth title-page, title and preliminaries slightly damp-stained, top of a good many 11. discoloured, catch-word on one page (sig. A 4 verso) shaved, a few rides cut into, worm-hole through the inner margin of some leaves (sig. g-l and sig. cc-ii), half roan Printed by S. Simmons, and are to be sold by T. If elder, 1669 439 Burges (G. A.) The Chase, and William and Helen : Two Ballads, from the German [by Sir W. Scott], FIRST edition, lower portion of last leaf cut away and leaf mounted, name on title, half calf Edinburgh, 1796 440 Pennant (T.) Some Account of London, map, plates, half morocco 1805 441 Blair (R.) The Grave, a Poem, Illustrated by twelve Etchings, executed by Louis Schiavonetti, from the original inventions of William Blake, portrait and plates, a fine uncut copy (14 in. by llf in.), A. L. s. (initials) from Sir Francis Palgrave to Lady Hooker inserted, original boards, back and corners mended Printed by T. Bensley, 1808 442 Ackermann (R.) The History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster, with the Charter-house, the Schools of St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors, Harrow and Rugby, and the Free-school of Christ's Hospital, 48 coloured plates, half morocco, g.t. R. Ackermann, 1816 443 Ackermann (R.) The History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, 2 vol. portrait on india paper , plan, and 81 coloured plates, 2 additional coloured plates loosely inserted, half morocco, g. t. for R. Ackermann, 1812 Second Day 46 quarto 444 Ackermann (R.) A History of the University of Cambridge, 2 vol. portrait of the Duke of Gloucester and 94 coloured plates, including costumes and portraits of founders, large paper (14^ in. by ll| in.), cloth for B. Ackermann, 1815 445 Ackermann (R.) A History of the University of Oxford, 2 vol. portrait of Lord Grenville, and 115 coloured plates, including costumes and "portraits of founders, half roan for B. Ackermann, 1814 446 Pyne (W. H.) The History of the Royal Residences, 3 vol. 100 coloured plates {wants list of plates, one plate in vol. 1 loose and margin fray id), green morocco gilt, g.e. for A. Dry 1819 447 Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat, translated into English [by Edward Fitzgerald], first edition, stamp erased from verso of title and the last page, slightly damaging the paper (text intact) and repaired, another small tear in title also repaired, the original stitching removed, causing small holes in the inner margin, boards, cloth back (no wrappers) Bernard Quaritch, 1859 448 [SHELLEY (P. B.)] POSTHUMOUS FRAGMENTS / OF / MARGARET NICHOLSON;/ being Poems found amongst the Papers of that/ noted Female who attempted the Life / of the King in 1786./ Edited by/ John Fitzvictor. / unbound, uncut and unopened Oxford : I Printed and Sold by J. MundayJ 1810 *#* Collation : Half-title, title, advertisement, and text pp. 7-29 with reverse blank, and one blank leaf, 1611. in all. Excessively rare. Only five copies are recorded by Mr. De Ricci (The Book Collector's Guide), and of these, two are in public libraries ; Mr. Huntington's copy lacks the half-title, Mr. Wise possesses the only uncut copy hitherto known, an unopened copy is no doubt unique. JWVv» Zbc property of the IDtecount (Bage. 449 Cervantes (M. de) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote De La Mancha .... con priuilegio de Castilla, Aragon, y Portugal, second issue of the first edition of the first part, fore-edge of the first eight leaves slightly frayed and small piece torn out of the blank margin of the next three leaves, slit in one leaf (si g. li 3, misprinted Gg 3), some leaves slightly water- stained, otherwise A sound unpressed copy in good condition, parchment En Madrid, por Iuan de la Cuesta, 1605 folio 47 Second Bay Zhc property of the Countess of Encaster. FOLIO. The following Fifteen Lots will be Sold as usual, not subject to return. 450 Piranesi (G. B.) Antiquities de Pompeia, 2 vol. one engraved title and 129 plans and plates (some folding), French calf (joints a little broken), r. e. Paris, 1807-4 451 Piranesi. Antichita Romane, 4 vol. over 200 plates, fine impressions, calf gilt, y.e. Roma, 1784 452 Piranesi. Lapides Capitolini, sive Fasti Consulares Triumphalesque Romanorum ; Antichita di Cora; Del Castello dell' Acqua Giulia, 3 vol. in 1, plates, half russia Roma, n. d. 453 Piranesi. Antichita D'Albano e di Castel Gandolfo, 26 plates; Descrizione e Disegno dell'Emissario del Lago Albano, 49 plates ; Di due Spelonche, etc. 12 plates, half russia Roma, n. d. 451 Piranesi. Vasi, Candelabri, Cippi, Sarcofagi, Tripodi, Lucerne ed ornamenti Antichi, 2 vol. in 1, 110 plates, half morocco, oblong Roma, 1778 455 Piranesi. Vedute di Roma, 150 views of buildings, ruins, etc. in Rome, some fine impressions, half morocco, oblong Roma, n. d. 456 Piranesi. De Romanorum magnificentia et Architectura, portrait and 38 plates, old calf, Roma, 1761 ; Diverse Maniere d' Adornare i Cammini ed ogni altra parte degli edih'zj, 66 plates, boards, Roma, 1769 (2) 457 Piranesi. Antichita Romane, parts III, containing 25 plates, light green morocco, ornamental borders round sides Roma, n. d. 458 Piranesi. Opere varie di Architettura prospettive grotesschi Anti- chita, 28 plates, half calf, Roma, 1750 ; Alcune Vedute di Archi Trionfali ed altri Monument]', 27 plates, ivrappers, Roma, n. d. (2) 459 Piranesi. Ruines de Trois Temples Grecs a Paestrum, 21 large plates, half morocco, oblong Roma, ». d. 460 Piranesi. Colonnadi Trajano, 21 plates, including the large folding one of the elevation ; Colonna Antonina, 5 plates, including the very large folding one, half morocco, n.d.; II Campo Marzio dell' Antica Roma, plates, boards, Roma, n. d. (2) 461 Piranesi. Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto, 12 folding plates, half morocco, Roma, 1753; Raccolte di varie Vedute di Roma, 92 views by Piranesi andothers, half calf Roma, 1752 (2) Second Day 48 FOLIO 462 Piranesi. Carceri, title and 1 6 large folding plates, fine impressions, boards, n. d. ; and another (2) 463 Vasi (G.) Three large Views of the interior and exterior of the Vatican, 2 A by 2 ft. by 3 ft. by 2 ft., framed and glazed c. 1780 464 Vasi (G.) Large View of the City of Rome, 8%ft. long, 3 ft. wide, with numerical references beneath, mounted on canvas and placfd on a stretcher 1765 ©tber properties. FOLIO. 465 Aiken (H.) Symptoms of being Amused, coloured plates (4 plates missing, slit in 2 plates, and one plate torn), half roan {rubbed), T. McLean, 1822 ; Illustrations to Popular Songs, coloured plates (8 plates missing), half roan (rubbed), ib. 1825; sold not subject to return oblong folio. (2) 466 Milton. Bible (The), Genevan Version, with Herrey's Con- cordances, fclarfe lettn, title to the Old Testament inlaid, last leaf defective, and a few leaves imperfect and mended, old oak boards covered with stamped leather {rebacked), brass corner and centre- pieces with clasp ; sold not subject to return C. Barker, 1588 *** Pasted inside the front cover is a signature "John Milton, ffeb. 24, 1654," on a piece of rough paper, measuring 3^ in. by l^in. At the top of title of the New Testament is a signature "Elizabeth Milton, 1664" (the poet's third wife), and on one of the fly-leaves at the end is her maiden name, Elizabeth Minshull. Elsewhere in the book is the signature "William Minshull, Nantwich," and various signatures and inscriptions by members of the Matthews family, of the neighbouring town of Middlewich. It is well known that Elizabeth Minshull retired to her native town of Nantwich after the poet's death. Milton Went blind in 1652, but several well authenticated signatures of later dates are known, the last, quoted by Professor Masson in his Life of Milton, being that affixed to his application, on Feb. 11, 1662-3, for a licence for his marriage with his third wife, Elizabeth Minshull. This very interesting volume was sold at Wellington Street on Feb. 25, 1901, in the library of Mr. Alexander Howell, F.G.S., and Milton's signature was then catalogued as "undoubtedly genuine." But as since then its authenticity has been questioned by some — though by no means all — of the experts to whom it has been submitted, it will now be sold as shown, and entirely without guarantee or right of recourse of any kind. folio 49 Second Day 467 Binding. Missale Romanum, roman letter, full-page woodcut of the Crucifixion, red velvet, with a conventional border of silver thread, on the upper cover a monogram within a wreath sur- mounted by a coronet, the lower cover with similar ornamentation and a coat-of-arms, ornaments in the angles, the edges gilt with thumb registers {several portions of the silver thread worn away), Naples, 1779 ; A Portable Lectern [Italian, XVIII Century], the folding stand covered with gilt ornaments, a leather panel, with a gilt border and corner ornaments, in the centre a coat-of- arms, forming the book-rest ; lot sold not subject to return (2) 468 Blagrave (J.) The Mathematical Iewel, first edition, numerous woodcuts by the author (holes in the front leaf, a few leaves slightly defective), calf 1585 469 Bacon (Sir F.) Instauratio Magna [Novum Organum], first edition, engraved title (no printed title), half calf 1620 470 Whitman (W.) Leaves of Grass, FIRST EDITION, portrait, with extracts from contemporary American journals inserted, digital boards Brooklyn, New York, 1855 471 BOCCACCIO (G.) The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Con- versation. Framed in Ten Dayes. [Part 2] The Decameron, containing an hundred pleasant Novels . . . the last Five Dayes, 2 parts in 1 vol. woodcuts (the title to part I discoloured, slightly defective and repaired, the date erased, the next three leaves dis- coloured, small hole in sign. N 6, two leaves, sign. Aa 4-5, supplied from a smaller copy, small hole in two leaves of part II, Kk 3 and Nn 4, last leaf discoloured), calf Printed by Isaac Jaggardfor Mathew Lownes, 1625-20 472 [MACHAULT (J. B. De)] Eloges et Discours sur la triomphante re- ception du Roy en sa ville de Paris, apres la Reduction de la Rochelle, ruled in red, plates, russia gilt, with the arms of Sir M. M. Sykes, g. e. Paris, 1629 473 Beaumont (F.) and Fletcher (J.) Comedies and Tragedies, FIRST COLLECTED edition (wants the portrait, a few leaves defective), old calf (shabby) ; sold not subject to return 1647 474 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies . . . the second impression (wants all before sign. H 1 and all after sign, xx 4 and eight other leaves, a few leaves water-stained and a few tears arid holes, but the greater portion of the book is in good condition), 12f in. by 8f in., old vellum (binding worn and defective) ; sold not subject to return Thomas Cotes, etc. 1632 474a Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, the third impression (wants all before li 2, page 379, which is defective, several leaves stuck together, measures 13| in. by 8f in.), calf (one cover missing) ; sold not subject to return [Printed for P. C. 1664] *** Contains the additional plays. E Second Day £0 QUARTO £be property of Sir (Brabant Balfour, QUARTO. 475 Stevenson (R. L.) and Fanny Van de Gript (sic) Stevenson. The Hanging Judge : a Drama, in Three Acts and Six Tableaux, FIRST edition, unbound Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, for private circula- tion only, 1887 Eight leaves, without sign. C-K4 in eights. Col. Prideaux only records the edition privately printed by Mr. T. J. Wise. Excessively rare. * * Gbe property) of a IRobleman. SIZES MIXED. A SMALL COLLECTION OF SOME OF THE RARER WORKS OF R. L. STEVENSON. ALL IN FINE STATE, UNLESS OTHERWISE DESCRIBED. FIRST EDITIONS. 476 Stevenson (R. L.) The Pentland Rising : a Page of History, 1666, 10 //., original grass-green wrappers, rare sm. 8vo. Edinburgh, Andrew Elliot, 1866 477 Stevenson (R. L.) The Charity Bazaar : an Allegorical Dia- logue, 2 //. printed on ribbed paper, with autograph signature of the author at end, very rare 4to. Privately printed, n. d. [1868] 478 Stevenson (R. L.) Black Canyon, or Wild Adventures of the Far West. A Tale of Instruction and Amusement for the Young. By Samuel Osbourne, 4 //., small woodcuts in the text, VERY RARE 24mo. Printed for the Author, Davos-Platz, n. d. [1882] 479 Stevenson (R. L.) Advertisement of "Black Canyon," a single leaf, printed on one side only, with "Opinions of the Press," very RARE \2mo. [Davos-Platz], n. d. [1882] 480 Stevenson (R. L.) Moral Emblems: a Collection of Cuts and Verses, 12 unnumbered pages, including 5 woodcuts and ad- vertisement on last page, Works recently issued by Samuel Osbourne & Co., very rare 2imo Printers: S. L. Osbourne & Company, Davos-Platz, n. d. [1882] SIZES MIXED 51 Second Day 481 Stevenson (R. L.) Moral Emblems, 4 proof illustrations and a proof of a verse, very rare various sizes. (5) 482 Stevenson (R. L.) To M. I. Stevenson, Feb. 11, 1882, from R. L. Stevenson and S. L. Osbourne, 2 11. name on first leaf , printed upon light blue paper, rude woodcut of a man admiring a daisy on reverse of first leaf on the opposite page : " The Marguerite, Lawks ! what a beautiful flower ! ! — T. S." very rare 32mo. Printers : S. L. Osbourne & Co. Davos-Platz, 1882 483 Stevenson (R. L.) The Graver & the Pen, 24 unnumbered pages, including 5 woodcuts, the last page blank, French grey wrappers, with the title in red, RARE 12 wo. Edinburgh: S. L. Osbourne & Company, No. 17, Hariot Row [1882] 484 Stevenson (R. L.) Advertisement of "The Graver and the Pen," 1 leaf printed on one side only, and 4 proof illustrations of the same work, very rare \2mo. (5) 485 Stevenson (R. L.) Thomas Stevenson, Civil Engineer, 1 1 //. original pale blue ivrappers, very rare \6mo. Printed for private distribution, 1887 486 Stevenson (R. L.) A Letter to Mr. Stevenson's Friends, 20 //. (first and last leaf slightly soiled, otherwise a fine copy), unbound, rare Svo. For private circulation, 1894 487 Stevenson (R. L.) Rob and Ben ; or, The Pirate and the Apothecary, Scene the First (only), a woodcut, 'i\ in. by i\ in., VERY RARE sm. ito 488 Stevenson (R. L.) Lord Nelson and the Tar, a woodcut, 2l in. by 3 in., very rare sm. ito *** An impression without the lettering was in the Lloyd Osbourne sale, July, 1914. 489 Stevenson (R. L.) Two Woodcuts : Proof of Frontispiece to the Second " Moral Emblems," l| in. by 2\ in. — A Vignette : " The Head of a Soldier," 1 in. by f in., rare, the latter thought to be unpublished (2) A COLLECTION OF BOOKS FROM MODERN PRIVATE PRESSES. DOVES PRESS. 490 Tacitus. De Vita et Moribus Iulii Agricolae liber, edited by J. W. Mackail, limp vellum sm. ito. 1 900 *** The first book printed at the Doves Press. 49 1 Cobden-Sanderson (T. J.) The Ideal Book or Book Beautiful : A tract on calligraphy, printing and illustration and on the book beautiful as a whole, vellum sm. 4to. 1900 E 2 Second Day ■ 52 sizes mixed Doves Press — continued. 492 Mackail (J. W.) William Morris : an Address delivered the Xltb day of November, 1900, at Kelmscott House, Hammersmith, before the Hammersmith Socialist Society, in black and red sm. 4fo. 1901 493 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Seven Poems and two Translations, in black and red, vellum sm. \to. 1902 494 Milton (John) Paradise Lost, in black and red, vellum sm. ito. 1902 495 Bible. The English Bible [with the Apocrypha], 5 vol. in black and red, vellum large Mo. 1903-5 ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. 496 Shakespeare (W.) Poems, in black and red, woodcut initials, limp vellum, with ties ito. 1899 497 Banyan (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, in black and red, ivoodcut frontis- piece, vellum \2mo. 1899 498 The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio, done into English by Thomas Hoby, woodcut initials, vellum, with ties 4to. 1900 499 Whitman (Walt) Hymn on the Death of Lincoln, coloured frontis- piece and device, woodcut ornamental initials painted in colours, one 0/135 copies, all on vellum, original vellum 8vo. 1 900 500 Gray (T.) Elegy written in a Country Churchyard, capitals painted in red, green or blue, coloured frontispiece, one of 1 25 copies, all on vellum, original vellum 8vo. 1900 501 Erasmus. The Praise of Folie, Englished by Sir Thomas C. Knight, woodcut borders, vellum large A to. 1901 502 Spenser (E.) Epithalamion, capitals printed in blue or gold, large capital in blue and gold on the first page, rubricated in red, ivoodcut frontispiece and device coloured, one of 150 copies, all on vellum, original vellum 8vo. 1901 503 Milton (J.) Comus, a Mask, printed in black and blue, initials painted in red or gold, woodcut frontispiece and device, both coloured, one 0/150 copies, all on vellum, original vellum 8vo. 1901 504 Ashbee (C. R.) American Sheaves & English Seed Corn : Addresses mainly delivered in the United States, 1900-1901, woodcut initials, vellum 8vo. 1901 505 Penn (W.) Some Fruits of Solitude, in red and black, woodcut on title, vellum \1mo. 1901 sizes mixed 53 Second Day Essex House Press— con tinued. 506 A Letter from Percy B. Shelley to T. Peacock, July, 1816, in black and red, original boards 8vo. 1901 507 Ashbee (C. R.) An Endeavour towards the Teaching of John Ruskin and William Morris- woodcut and woodcut initials, vellum 8vo. 1901 508 Chaucer (G.) The Flower and the Leaf, full-page woodcuts, coloured, large historiated and pictorial initials coloured, one of 165 copies, all on VELLUM, original vellum 8vo. 1902 509 Burns (R.) Tam O'Shanter, printed in black and red, capitals painted in gold, green or blue, large painted pictorial initial on the first page, woodcut frontispiece by W. Strang, small illumi- nated device at the end, one of 150 copies, all on vellum, original vellum 8vo. 1902 510 The Psalter of Psalms of David, from the Bible of Archbishop Cranmer, printed in black and red, double columns, woodcuts, one of 250 paper copies, g. e. limp vellum, with ties large Mo. 1902 KELMSCOTT PRESS. 511 Morris (W.) The Story o*f the Glittering Plain, woodcut border, velliim, with ties Ato. 1891 512 Morris (W.) Poems by the Way, in black and red, with woodcut border, vellum, with ties sm. Ato. 1891 513 Ruskin (J.) The Nature of Gothic : A Chapter of the Stones of Venice, woodcut border, diagrams in the text, vellum, with ties sm. Ato. 1892 514 Morris (W.) The Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems, in black and red with woodcut borders, limp vellum, with ties sm. Ato. 1892 515 Lefevre (Raoul) The Recuyell of the Histories of Troje, translated by William Caxton, edited by H. Halliday Sparling, 3 vol. in 2, in black and red, with woodcut title and borders, limp vellum, with ties large Ato. 1892 516 Morris (W.) A Dream of John Ball, and a King's Lesson, in black and red, with borders, and a full-page woodcut designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones, limp vellum, with ties sm. Ato. 1892 517 Voragine (J. de) The Golden Legend, Translated by William Caxton, edited by F. S. Ellis, 3 vol. woodcut title and borders, and two full-page woodcuts by Sir E. Burne- J ones, half holland large Ato. 1892 Second Day 54 sizes mixed Kelmscott Press — continued. 518 The Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus, by "W. S. Blunt, with The Love-Sonnets of Proteus, by the same Author, in black and red, with woodcut border, vellum, with ties 1892 519 Caxton (W.) The History of Reynard the Foxe, edited by H. H. Sparling, in black and red, woodcut title and borders, limp vellum, with ties large Ato. 1892 520 Shakespeare (W.) The Poems, printed after the original copies, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with borders, limp vellum, with ties 8vo. 1893 521 Morris (W.) News from Nowhere : or An Epoch of Rest, being some chapters from a Utopian romance, printed ON vellum, in black and red, with borders and a woodcut by W. H. Hooper, from a design by C. M. Gee, limp vellum, with ties 8vo. 1892 *#* The text of this book was printed before Shakespeare's Poems, but was kept back for the frontispiece, which is a woodcut of the old manor-house in the village of Kelmscott, from which the Press took its name. 522 Biblia Innocentium . . . written anew for Children, by J. W. Mackail, woodcut border and initials, vellum, with ties 8vo. 1892 523 Caxton ( W.) The Order of Chivalry, translated from the French by William Caxton, edited by F. S. Ellis — L'Ordene de Chevalerie, with a translation by William Morris, in black and red, with borders and woodcut by Sir E. Burne- Jones, limp vellum, with ties sm. Ato. 1892-3 524 Cavendish (G.) Life of Thomas Wolsey, woodcut borders and initio! letters, limp vellum, with ties 1893 525 History (The) of Godfrey of Boloyne, woodcut initials and borders, limp vellum, with ties large Ato. 1893 526 More (Sir T.) Utopia, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with woodcut borders, vellum, with ties 8vo. 1893 527 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Maud, a Monodrama, in black and red, with woodcut title and borders, limp vellum, vilh tits 8vo. 1893 528 Morris (W.) Gothic Architecture : a Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, in black and red, half holland 16»i0. 1893 529 Meinhold (W.) Sidonia the Sorceress, translated by Francesca Speranza Lady Wilde, in black and red, with woodcut border, limp vellum, with ties large Ato. 1893 sizes mixed 55 Second Day Kelmscott Press — continued. 530 Sulkhan. Saba Orbeliani ; The Book of Wisdom and Lies, trans- lated by O. Wardrop, la red and black, with borders and initials, limp vellum, with ties 8vo. 1894 531 Tale (The) of King Florus and the Fair Jehane, in black and red, woodcut borders and initials, half holland 16w?o. 1893 532 Morris (W.) Story of the Glittering Plain, in black and red, 23 designs by W. Crane, borders and initials, limp vellum, with ties large 4 to. 1894 533 Morris (W.) Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile. Done out of the Ancient French, in black and red, with woodcut title and borders, half holland \§mo. 1894 534 Keats (J.) Poems. Edited byF. S. Ellis, in black and red, woodcut title and borders, limp vellum, with ties 8vo. 1894 535 Swinburne (A. C.) Atalanta in Calydon, in black and red, orna- mental borders and initials, limp vellum, with ties large Uo. 1894 536 Morris (W.) The Tale of the Emperor Coustans ; and The History of Oversea. Done out of Ancient French, in black and red, with two woodcut titles and borders, half holland IGmo. 1894 537 Morris (W.) The Wood beyond the World, in black and red, with borders and a woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jones, limp vellum, with ties 8vo. 1894 538 Shelley (P. B.) Poems, 3 vol. edited by F. S. Ellis, in red and black, with borders and initials, limp vellum 8vo. 1894-5 539 Psalmi Penitentiales. An English rhymed version of the Seven Penitential Psalms. Edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, half holland 8vo. 1894 540 Tale of Beowulf (The), Done out of the Old English tongue by W. Morris and A. J. Wyatt, in black and red, woodcut title, borders and initials, limp vellum with ties large 4to. 1895 541 Savonarola. Epistola de Contemptu Mundi, editore C. Fairfax Murray, in black and red, cut on title, and border, half holland 8vo. 1894 542 Sir Perceyvelle of Gales, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with borders and a woodcut by Sir E. Burne-Jcnes, half holland 8vo. 1895 Second Day 56 sizes mixed Kelmscott Press — continued. 543 Morris (W.) Life and Death of Ja6on, in black and red, two full- page woodcuts by Sir E. BurneJones, borders and initials, limp vellum, with ties large ito. 1895 544* Morris (W.) Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, 2 vol. in black and red, with woodcut title and borders, half holland, lacks one label \%mo. 1895 545 Herrick (R.) Poems, chosen out of his Works, in black and red, with woodcut borders and initials, limp vellum, with ties 8vo. 1895 546 Rossetti (D. G.) Hand and Soul, in black and red, woodcut title, borders and initials, vellum \6nio. 1895 547 Coleridge (S. T.) Poems chosen out of his Works, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with woodcut borders, limp vellum, with ties 8vo. 1896 548 Laudes Beatae Mariae Virginis, edited by S. C. Cockerel!, in black, red and blue, borders and initials, half holland large ito. 1896 This was the first book printed at the Kelmscott Press in three colours. 549 Floure and the Leafe (The), and the Boke of Cupide, God of Love, or the Cuckow and the Nightingale, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with large initials, half holland 4to. 1896 550 Spenser (E.) The Shepheardes Calendar, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with 12 full-page illustrations by A. J. Gaskin, half holland ■ Uo. 1896 551 Chaucer (Geoffrey) Works, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with woodcut title and 87 woodcut illustrations designed by Sir E. BurneJones, 14 large borders, 18 different frames round the illustrations, and 26 large initial words designed for the book by W. Morris, white tooled pigskin over wooden boards, excuted at the Doves Bindery under the direction ofT. J. Cobden-Sanderson, from a design by W. Morris, with metal clasps, rough edges gilt folio. 1896 552 Morris (VV.) The Earthly Paradise, 8 vol. inblack and red, with woodcut and borders, limp vellum, with ties sm. ito. 1896-7 553 Morris (W.) The Water of the Wondrous Isles, in black and red, with borders and initials, limp vellum, with ties large Uo. 1897 554 Sire Degrevaunt, edited by F. S.Ellis, in black and red, full-page woodcut by Sir E. Burne- Jones, borders and initials, half holland 8vo. 1896 SIZES MIXED 57 Second Day Kelmscott Press— continued. 554a Syr Ysarabrace, edited by F. S. Ellis, in black and red, with a wood- cut designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones, borders and initials, half holland 8vo. 1897 555 Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century, edited by S. C. Cockerel!, 35 woodcuts in red and black, half holland large Uo. 1897 556 MORRIS (W.) The Sundering Flood, overseen for the Press by May Morris, in black and red, with borders and a map, half holland 8vo. 1897 557 MORRIS (W.) Love is Enough, or the Freeing of Pharamond : A Morality, in black, red and blue, with borders, and two illustra- tions designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones, limp vellum, with ties large Uo. 1897 558 Morris (W.) A Note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, together with a short description of the Press, by S. C. Cockerell, and an Annotated List of the Books printed thereat, in black and red, half holland 8vo. 1898 559 Morris (W.) Works, 8 vol. (other than those printed at the Kelm- scott Press), Kelmscott golden type, half holland large Uo. 1901-2 560 Morris (W.) The Hollow Hand and other Contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, in black and red, Kelmscott golden type, half holland, 1903 — Cobden-Sanderson (T. J.) Ecce Mundus : Industrial's Ideals and the Book Beautiful, half vellum, 1902 " both 8vo. (2) THIRD DAY'S SALE. Wednesday, July 26, 1922. Gbe property of Sir f>enr$ paston Bebingfelb, St Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk. OCTAVO ET INFKA. Lot 561. inding. Dore (P.) L'image de Vertv, contemporary calf, with a panel powdered with a small floral stamp, in the centre a large oval ornament, with gold and silver scrolls, in the angles corner-pieces of similar design, gilt back, g. e. {the back slightly damaged) ; sold not subject to return Paris, Jean Mace, 1559 562 Binding. Marci Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis, Albae episcopi opera, calf gilt, with Queen Elizabeth's "Falcon" badge on each cover used by her in memory of her mother, Anne Boleyn ; sold not subject to return Jacob Stoer, 1605 563 Binding. Thompson (Aaron) The British History, translated into English from the Latin of Jeffrey of Monmouth, contemporay red morocco gilt, a two-line fillet round the sides, centre panel, with ornaments at each side, at head and base and at the corners, gilt back, g.e. ; sold not subject to return, F. Bowyer, 1718 ; etc. (3) 564 A'Beckett (G. A.) The Comic History of England, coloured plates by John Leech, 2 vol. original cloth gilt, 1847-8 ; The Comic History of Rome, coloured plates by John Leech, original cloth gilt [184 8] (3) 565 Ainsvvorth (W. H.) The Tower of London, first edition, presenta- tion copy, with inscription in the author's handwriting, plates by Cruikshank, original cloth 1840 566 Ainsworth (W. H.) Old St. Pauls, plates by J. Franklin and Phiz, original cloth 1847 octavo 59 Third Bay 567 Lacroix (Paul) Science and Literature in the Middle Ages ; Manners, Customs and Dress during the Middle Ages, coloured plaees, 2 vol. calf gilt, g.e. 1878 568 Binding. Le Tableau de la croix represents dans les ceremonies de la S** Messe, numerous full-page cuts, the text engraved throughout within borders representing biblical scenes, etc. brown morocco gilt, with delicate borders of pointi lie work, the centra I panel powdered with the monogram " A. V." and " S." alternately, clasps, g. e. ; sold not subject to return Paris, F. Mazot, 1651 569 [Swift (Jonathan)] Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts, by Lemuel Gulliver, FIRST EDITION, por- trait, with the inscription in the oval, fine copy, 2 vol. calf Printed for Benj.Motte, 1726 *** First issue, with all the correct points. Vol. I, page 35, line 5, "Subsidies"; page 64, part I, the date " 1724." Vol. II, 155 pp. to part III. The pagination is separate. 570 Burney (F.) Camilla, or a Picture of Youth, by the Author of Evelina and Cecilia, first edition, 5 vol. half bound 1796 571 Horae B. V. M. ad usum Romanum, cum Kalendario, Manuscript on vellum [Flemish, XV Century], 170 //. (5 in. by 3$ in.), written in gotfiir characters, long lines, 17 to a full page, the first leaf of text with a painted border, 25 small miniatures painted in gold and colours, with borders of realistic fruit, flowers and insects partly surrounding the text (some 'borders damaged and 'repaired), half calf xv cent. 572 Devotional Book, extracts from the Fathers, etc. Manuscript on vellum, written in a neat gotJjtr hand, 175 //. (3 in. by 2 in.), initials in blue, some with pen-ornamentation, red morocco gilt, g.e. xv cent. 573 Stirling (W. Alexander, Earl of) The Monarchicke Tragedies, the third edition, title within a woodcut border, woodcut ornaments, old limp vellum, with ties Printed by William Stansby. 1616 * Wants the portrait, of which it is said only three impressions are known. * * 574 Moliere. Les CEuvres de Monsieur de Moliere, enrichie de Figures en T&iWe-douce, frontispiece and plates, 2 vol. caff, gilt backs Paris, Michel C lousier, 1710 575 More (Sir Thomas) The Apologye of syr Thomas More, Knyght, fclarfe letter, title within a woodcut border (wants 4 leaves), old calf stamped in blind (rebacked) ; sold not subject to return \2mo. W. Rastell, 1533 Third Day 60 octavo 576 'Binding. Haymonis episcopi Halberstatten commentHrioruni in Apocalypsim .... libri VII, contemporary Netherlandish binding, with three panel stamps, the smallest betirecn the (titer two, with two ivoodhouses about to engage in combat ; of the larger panels, nne represents the Annunciation, the other the Virgin and Child, the larger panels are each surrounded by a legend (slightly rubbed); sold not subject to return Cologne, 1529 577 Horae B. V. M. ad usum Romanum, roman letter, text printed within woodcut borders, headings and initials in red, modern vellum, Antwerp. C. Plantin. 1565 ; etc. (2) 578 Cervantes. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (some headings slightly cut into), half calf Impresso con licencia, en Valencia, en casa de Pedro Patricio Mey, 1605 *** Very rare. This edition reads ' La " as catchword to the second leaf. 579 Cervantes. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, compvesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (a few words damaged by worm-holes and rust-stains, some headings cut into), calf En Brvsselas, por Roger Velpius, 1 607 *** The original Brussels edition. A second part was published in 1616. 580 Horae B. V. M. Heures a lusaige de Rorarae, printed on vellum, lettres bdtardes, long lines, 36 to a full-page, initials and headings in red, large woodcuts of the Occupations of the 3/onths, biblical scenes, the Jesse Tree, astrological man, Jehan Le Marchanfs large device on the title (the last leaf very slightly stained), calf gilt, gilt back Rouen, Francois Regnault for Jehan Le Marchant, 1537 581 [James II] A Collection of severall papers of Devotion of the late King of ever blessed memory. Coppied from the Originall Manuscripts in his Maj tlCs own handwriteing, MANUSCRIPT on paper, 338 pages written in a neat hand, contemporary red morocco gilt, g. e. xvm cent. 582 Binding. Almanach Imperial an bissextil. M.DCCCVIII pre'sente' A. S. M. L'empereur et roi par Testu, contemporary red morocco gilt, with a cypher enclosed within spray of foliage, gilt bach, with an eagle ensigned; sold not subject to return Paris, 1808 583 Shaw (Henry) Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, coloured plates, 2 vol. original cloth William Pickering, 1843 * * # quarto 6 1 Third Day. QUARTO. 584 Horje Beat^e Marle Virginis cum Kalendario. Manuscript on vellum [English, early XV Century], 105 //. (7 in. by 5 in.), written in bold gotf)ic characters, 16 long lines to a full page, 2 full-page and 28 slightly smaller miniatures finely painted in gold and colours, with figured backgrounds and borders, and sprays of foliage and flowers extending into the margins, 10 finely painted historiated initials representing scenes from the life of Christ, each with floral extensions surrounding the text, nvmeitvs initials in gold and colours with marginal extensions {a few of the borders slightly cut into), black morocco gilt, g. e. xv cent. Of the use of Sarum. In the X Vth Century this MS. was in the possession of the Neville family, and the calendar contains notices of the births of eight children to George Neville, Second- Baron of Abergavenny (d. 1492) and his wife Margaret, at Hilhall in Essex, between the years 1472 and 1482. The first full-page miniature has been erased, and contained a nude figure,, possibly Elijah, crossing the Jordan ; in the border are the arms of Berkeley impaling those of George Neville, 2nd Baron of Abergavenny. On the verso of this leaf is a full-page miniature of the original owner kneeling in adoration before the Virgin and Child ; in the border a coat-of-arms : checquy of nine pieces or and az, four lions rampant of the first. In the calendar in red, on May 21st, there is an interesting notice of an earthquake in the year 1372. On a fly-leaf is the signature "George Nevylle," and at the end of the Calendar "Hen. Jermyn Bond, 1782." The MS. contains Memorial, Horse B. V. M., Penitential Psalms, an Indulgence of Pope John XXI, 1331, etc. At the end there is a long prayer in English. The miniatures represent the usual 1 subjects. 585 Godolphin (Sidney) A Collection of some of the Poems, etc. written by Mr. Sidney Godolphin. Manuscript on paper, lb pages, written in a clear hand between ruled red lines, con- temporary black morocco gilt, o two-line fillet round the sides, with ornaments at each side, head and base, floral ornaments in the angles, centre panel with floral border and ornaments at the corners, sides, head and base, g.e. xvn cent. *** Sidney Godolphin was a friend of Hobbes. He died in 1643. The MS. contains "A Reply to Mr. Waller's Poem of Love," " Elegie on Dr. Donne," "To Mr. George Sandys upon his Para- phrase on ye Poeticall parts of ye Bible," etc. On the first leaf is an inscription: "For the Right honourable the Countesse of Bur- lington, from her most obedient & humble Servant, W. Godolphin." 586 Hunter (John) An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, engraved title, portrait, plates and maps, calf gilt 1793 587 Binding. Decretales diii pape Gregorii noni, gotfiif Irtlfr, double columns, the text surrounded by a commentary, printed in red and Third Day 62 quarto Lot 587 — continued. black, Kerver's large device on the title, contemporary brown leather binding stamped in blind with a broad cut border of renaissance ornaments, and an inner border of roses enclosing a panel adorned with vertical rolls of bees, similar to bindings made for Louis XII (rebacked and repaired) ; sold not subject to return Paris. T. Kerver, 1512 588 Binding. Institutionum Imperialium, gotftir Irttrr, printed in red and black, B. Rembolt's large device on the title, brown leather, by Nicholas Spierinck, Cambridge, frame formed by vertical and horizontal three-line fillets, and adorned with the binder's mark between two wyverns, the enclosed space is divided by diagonal fillets, into compartments stamped with a foliated ornament (wormed and rubbed) ; sold not subject to return Paris. 1 525 589 Ovidius. Epistole Ovidii cum commento, gotfnr Irttrr, printed in red and black, the text surrounded by a commentary, title within a vjoodcut border, numerous small woodcuts throughout the text (title and some leaves creased), rough calf Lyons, Antonius du Rey, 1523 590 Bacon (Francis) The two Bookes of S r Francis Bacon of the Pro- ficience and Advancementof Learning, Divine and Hvmane, third edition, calf Oxford, Printed by I. L. 1633 591 Alexis of Pikmont. Secretes . . . Conteinyng many excellent Remedies agaynst dyuers diseases . . . Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Willyam Warde, fclarft Irttrr (wants part of the table) ; sold not subject to return, calf 1559 592 Vergilius. The Thirteene Bookes of Aeneidos, translated into English Verse ... by Thomas Phaer, hlark Irttrr (imperfect at the end), limp vellum ; sold not subject to return Printed by Thomas Creede, 1596 593 Barclay (John) Iohn Barclay his Argenis, translated ... by Sir Robert Le Grys, calf Printed by Felix Kyngston, 1629 FOLIO. 594 Stranguage (W.) The Historie of the life and death of Mary Stuart Qi\eene of Scotland, first edition, portrait by R. Elstrack, calf (rebacked) Printed by John Haviland, 1624 595 Philips (Mrs. Katherine) Poems ... to which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey and Horace, portrait by Faithorne, calf Printed by J. 31. 1667 596 Wither (George) A Collection of Emblems, engraved title (wants o 4), calf; sold not subject to return 1635 597 Meyssens (J.) The True Effigies of the most Eminent Painters, engraved title, copperplate portraits, panelled calf gilt Printed for D. Browne, 1694 FOLIO 63 Third Day 598 Spenser (E.) The Faerie Qveene, disposed into XII Bookes, Fashioning twelve Morall Vertues (a few letters damaged by small rust stains), calf gilt, in the centre of each panel the binder's {Henry Estienne) mark, an oak tree, and his device "Noli Altum Sapere," corner ornaments a bunch of grapes Printed by H. L.for Mathew Lownes, 1609 599 Scheffer (John) The History of Lapland, engraved title, map and woodcuts, calf (reba eked) Oxford, 1674 600 Bacon (Francis) The Historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seuenth, first edition, portrait and engraved title, calf Printed by W. Stansby, 1622 601 Ariosto. Orlando Fvrioso, in English Heroical Verse, by Sir John Harington, engraved title with portrait, plates, calf Printed by G. Miller, 1634 602 Browne (Thomas) Pseudodoxia Epidemica, or Enquiries into very many received tenents and commonly presumed truths, first edition, old calf Printed by T. H.for Edward Bod, 1646 603 Bacon (Francis) Sylva Sylvorum, or a Natural History in ten centuries, portrait and engraved title, calf Printed by J. F.for William Lee, 1651 604 Tertullianus. Opera, engraved borders by Holbein (a few letters damaged by worm-holes), original stamped leather over oak boards (rebacked and repaired) Basel. Frobenius, 1521 605 Sabellicus (M. A.) Rapsodie historiarum Enneadum, roman letter, title in red and black with an engraved border, original stamped leather binding over wooden boards {damaged) Paris, [l i( V] 606 Binding. Augustinus (St.) I)e Civitate dei, gotfu'r Irttrr, title in red and black within a woodcut border, contemporary Cambridge binding of stamped leather over oak boards, the frame formed by the repetition of a stamp in five compartments, containing the Tudor rose, pomegranate, turret ed gateway with portcullis and fleur-de-lys, each ensigned with the Royal crown, the fifth the binder's mark, N. G., the enclosed panel is divided by diagonal intersecting three-line fillets into compartments filled with a large foliated ornament {slightly damaged, wants clasps) ; sold not subject to return Basle, Koburger, 1518 607 Orteuus (A.) Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, engraved frwtitpiue and 70 maps, including one of America {coloured), original calf binding {rebacked and repaired) ; sold not subject to return Antwerp, 1575 608 Mercator (G-.) Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes, engraved titles and maps {coloured), vellum gilt, g.e. with ties; sold not subject to return Amsterdam, 1613 Third Day 64 FOLIO 609 Speed (J.) The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, engraved title and maps (coloured), boards ; sold not subject to return 1 627 610 Horn (W.) Maehrens Ausgezeichnete Volkstrachten, 30 coloured plates of costumes, half red morocco n. d. 611 Jones (Inigo) Designs of Inigo Jones . . . for public buildings, pub- lished by William Kent, plates, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco 1727 612 Granger (Rev. James) A Biographical History of England, plates, 3 vol. half calf 1824 613 GRAY (Thomas) A superb series of Eight A.L. s. (two signed in full and the remainder with initials), on 14 pp. 4to, addressed from Cambridge and Stoke, dating from Dec. 25, 1755, to Jan. 31, 1758, to Edward Bedingfield, Esq. of York : In the first letter, he writes : . . . the only reward I ask in writing is to give some little satisfaction to a few men of sense and character. I say a few, because there are but few such, etc. The second letter from Pembroke Hall, contains an important reference to his Ode " Powers of Poetry" The third gives a continuation of the British Ode, commencing : Hark, how each giant Oak, and desert cave. 34 lines. He concludes with an explanation of the Ode and suggests that he has borrowed from Milton and Cowper In the fourth, he writes : . . . You desire to see more of an Ode, wch is no favourite of mine, but as you are disposed to be kind to it, here is the beginning, the end you have already. Strophe I. Awake, Jiolian Lyre, awake, And give to rapture all thy trembling strings. 24 lines in all In the fifth, he enquires as to Bedingfield's health and whereabouts In the sixth, written from Stoke, Aug. 10, 1757, he commences: I have order'd Dodsley, long since, to send you hot from the Press, four copies of the Bard and his Companion . . . you are desired to give me your honest opinion about the latter part of the Bard, etc. The seventh letter, written from Stoke, Oct. 31, 1757 : For the opinion of the South, I refer you to the lordly conversations you were present at in the Bookseller's Shop during York races. We are almost all lords, and the commonest events of English history are to us impenetrable and inexplicable, however here were some few different judgements. You saw the verses printed in the London Chronicle, and supposed to be Mr. Garrick's, and (to make you friends with Dr. Warburton), I must tell you, he says, the world never judge so justly of any thing new, as of these Odes, for other compositions they have affected to like and dislike, but these they own they do not understand, and he heartily believes them, yet he 65 Third Day Lot 613 — continued. does not doubt, but they understand them full as well as Milton or Shake- speare ... I have got the old ballad on wch. Douglas is founded, it is in my eyes a miracle not only of ancient simplicity, but of ancient art, etc. A letter of the greatest possible interest In the last letter, dated Jan. 31, 1758, he refers to some anony- mous criticism, both praise and censure, on the bard : I will not send you the sonnet you mention, but here is something else full as bad, only as it is just wrote, I send it to you, it is an epitaph on the wife of a friend of mine. Lo' where this little Marble weeps, A Friend, a Wife, a Mother sleeps. 18 lines in all Mason (William) Poet and Biographer of Thomas Gray, a series of Thirty-six A. L. s. 1769-1791, to Edward Bedingfield, containing important reference to his poems and to Gray and Walpole, mostly written from Aston, Yorkshire, where he was rector ; with letters of Bedingfield, and an ode by the same to his wife, etc. * The whole neatly arranged and bound in a small folio volume, morocco gilt, enclosed in cloth case. Z\k property of ftbe %nby Stracbie, Sutton Court, Somerset. From the Library of her Uncle, the late Lord Carlingford, K.P. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 615 [Breval (John Durant)] The Confederates, a Farce, by Mr. Gay, woodcut on title, unbound Printed for R. Burleigh, 1717 616 Civil War Tracts. Priviledges of the House of Commons, by P. B. 4 //. 1642 ; Propositions of the Lords and Commons tendered to His Majesty, 1 February, 1642, 8//. Oxford, 1642; An Ordinance . . . For the utter demolishing, removing and taking away of all Monuments of Superstition or Idolatry, ill. 1643; together 3 tracts, all unbound — [Lansdown (G. G. Lord)] A Letter from a Noble-Man Abroad to his Friend in England, 4 //. a little frayed, unbound, 1722 — Trial of Thomas Sheridan, frontispiece, unbound [1807] . (5) 617 Bowen (E.) Britannia Depicta ; or, Ogilby Improved, engraved throughout, maps, arms, etc. calf (rubbed) [circa 1750] — Drei altschottische Lieder in original und Uebersetzung von W. C. Grimm, wrappers, Heidelberg, 1813 — Whistler (J. A. MacNeill) Whistler v. Buskin: Art and Art Critics, original wrappers, 1878 (3) F Third Day 66 ^tttflgraplj %ttUr% an& Histnrttal Bnamunts. A. L. s. = autograph letter signed, one entirely in the handwriting of the signer. L. s. = letter signed, the signature only in the handwriting of the sender. A. D. sA Doc. s. J = as above, reading document for letter. Gbe property of £be Xab£ Stracbie {Continued). 618 Johnson (Dr. Samuel) A.L. s. l£ pp. 4to, Bolt Court, Jan. 23, 1777, to the Rev. Dr. Tayler, Ashbourne, Derbyshire : ... I was lately seized with a difficulty of breathing, which forced me out of bed, to pass part of the night in a chair . . . Mrs. Thrale expects a little one in about three weeks. I shall be glad to hear you are well and cheerful, and hope we may pass a good part of the time pleasantly together. 619 Wilkes (John) A.L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Calais, Monday, Oct. 27, 1766, an interesting letter describing his departure for England, "My friends there are ten times more impatient to have me, than I am to return," tells an amusing story of Admiral Byng 620 SwiFr (Jonathan) Auto. MS. " An Account of my Fortune, Sept. 8th, 1718," \\ pp. 4to, he estimates his assets to be worth £1329 621 Clive (Kitty) Famous Actress, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Twickenham, Jany. ye 13, 1774, to David Garrick, soliciting his interest to obtain a position in the Excise for a young man : . . . Pray how does my dear Mrs. Garrick do, for I will love her because I am very sure she would me if you would let her ... it is your fault that she does not take notice of me. I might date this letter from the Ark, we are so surrounded by water ... it is impossible for any carridg to come to me or for me to stir out so that at present my heavenly place is a little devilish. I believe I must win a house in the Adelphi and come to town in the winter ; but when I come I shall not have the happiness to see Macklin in Macbeth, what pitty it is he should make an end of himself in such a fine part, etc. 622 Fisher (Kitty) A Satirical Etching, by Worlidge; a Broadside, entitled "The Hundred Pound Miss"; and two old line En- gravings, all relating to her connection with Marylebone Gardens, with three Mezzotints of the same, after Reynolds (7) 67 Third Day 623 Hamilton (Emma, Lady) A. L.s. 4 pp. folio, n. d., to Fish Craw- ford, a very long and entertaining letter, discussing very fiankly the leaders of Society, the Prince of Wales, Prince Augustus, Lord Dalkeith, Lord and Lady Plymouth, " the Devonshires," Greville, Lord Shrewsbury, and many others : . . . Do you remember Sadler's Wells ? One bad effect being thought a mistress, fellows think they are at liberty to insult them, when the very name of wife carries respect with it. What a happy woman gave thanks to my Dear Sir William. I am out of the reach of all those insults . . . don't come with old Q. I won't have him he is false, whilst I could entertain his company it was all well, but I have it from very good authority the moment my back was turned he abused me, a nasty old Soil of Sin, etc. 624 Pope (Alexander) A. L. s. 3 pp. folio, London, Octobr. Ze . Between day and night. The writer drunk (possibly to the Duchess of Queensberry) : . . . You see Madam it is not impossible for you to be compared to an elephant . . . An elephant never bends his knees, and I am told your grace says no Prayers. An elephant has a most remarkable command of his snout, and so has y r - grace when you imitate my Lady y. An elephant is a great lover of men, and so is y r - Grace for all I know, tho' from your Partiality to myself I should rather think you lov'd little children. . . . No Madam — despise Great Beasts such as Gay, who now goes by the dreadful name of The Beast of Blois, where Mr. Pulteneyand he are settled, etc. A most entertaining letter, slightiy torn in the folds 625 Walpole (Horace) Auto. List of the principal Houses in Twicken- ham with names of the owners, with a pedigree of Robert, Earl of Cardigan, 4 pp. 4to, in all 626 Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Auto. Caid, third person, sm. 8vo, Dec. 26, 1782, to Sir Joshua Reynolds : Mr. Johnson sends his respectful compliments to Sir Joshua Reynolds, but his health is so inconsistent that he cannot promise for a day, and he has little hope of the pleasure intended him, but will come if he can. 627 GARRICK (David) A. L. s. l£ pp. 8vo, Hampton, Monday, n. y. : I shall be in London next Fryday, and sh d - be glad to return the Same night to Hampton w th - the Golden Fleece. Will you be kind to let me have it any time before four on Fryday in the afternoon ? Yrs. Dr- Sir, most Sincerely, D. Garrick. I shall be in Southampton Street on Fryday by Eight O'clock in ye morning and shall stay at home till ten, then I go out for ye whole day. IN EXCELLENT PRESERVATION 628 Fox (Charles James) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, London, Feby. 13, 1782, to Dear "Fitz," referring to his notions on the conduct of the Admiralty, mentioning Major Lowther and Lord Rockingham 629 SACKVILLE (George Germain, first Viscount) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Pall Mall, Feb. 8, 1778, speaks of an enclosed letter that confirms him in the opinion that the Americans have not finally closed with the French ; asks for information as to the sailing of the French fleet in convoy with the American ships, etc. F 2 Third Day 68 630 Chesterfield (Philip D. Stanhope, Earl of) Wit and Letter Writer, Portion of A. L. in French, 4 pp. 4to, Sc s. 3 pp. 8vo, Lucerne, May \1th, 1869, interesting letter discussing at length two of his essays, "Art and the Revolution " and " Art of the Future," published in 1849-1850 ; with a signed Photograph of Charles Gounod, framed and glazed (2) 6 46 Beethoven (L. van) A. L. s. "Beethoven," 1 p. large 4to, no year, closely written, with two lines deleted by the writer, and auto- graph address on the back in a very bold hand, to his sister Johanna van Beethoven, respecting an annuity which he allowed her; his brother would be willing to advance 1000 florins, provided that someone acted as surety, two slight marginal repairs 647 Liszt (Franz) Auto. MS. Music, 9 pp. folio, with numerous altera- tions and additions, of his compositions "Winterlied" and 1 Sontagslied " Third Day 70 648 Elizabeth (Queen) L. in French, written and signed by Roger Ascham, £ p. folio, n. d., probably to Henri III of France, referring to Mary Queen of Scots : (Translation) . . . Hoping . . . that I shall not have need to trouble you with the whole declaration of my actions towards the Queen of Scotland, for whom I should have been willing to do more for her good and repose, if she herself, who owed me on this score thanks, had not taken it in worse part than I had thought of. Trusting myself so much to your honour that if you shall accuse me of any ill turn in regard to her, I answer to that accusation assuring myself that you will be so fully satisfied that there will be nothing to say again, etc. 649 Two Orders for Payment, 1645-1658, to the Sergeant-plumer, signed by Bulstrode Whitelocke, W. Sydenham and Cornelius Holland ; with nine others, signed by Nicholas Love, Sir H. Mildmay, Wm. Blathwayt, Earl of Warwick, etc. (11) 650 Spinola (Leonardo) L. s., 1559.— Prince of Monaco, L. s., Rome, June, 1699. — Lawson (Sir John, Admiral) Doc. s., 1654. — Berkeley (Sir John) Three Docs, s., 1670-1 ; etc. (10) 651 Regicides, including Cornelius Holland, John Trenchard, Henry Mildmay, Miles Corbet, nine interesting documents 652 Philip II of Spain, Two L. s., to the Pope, each 1 p. folio, Madrid, 1547, etc., with seals (2) 653 Charles V (Emperor of Germany and King of Spain) Two L. s., to the Pope, each 1 p. folio, Barcelona, 1519, with seals (2) 654 Louise de Savoie, mother of Francis I. L. s. "Loyse,"to the Pope, 1 p. folio, Paris, 22nd December, n. y. ; with L. s. of Guillaume Bonnivet, Admiral of France, to the same, 1 p. folio, Oct. 22nd, n.y. (2) 655 Marie de Guise (Queen Regent of Scotland and mother of Mary Queen of Scots) L. s. and sub. 1 p. folio, Stirling, May, 1546, to the Pope, concerning George Douglas, son of the Earl of Angus 656 Francis I (King of France) Three L. s. 3 pp. folio, to the Pope, Paris, \0th March, n. y. (3) 657 Margaret of Austria. L. s. 1 p. folio, to the Pope, Bruges, 18 July, 1518 658 Castiglione (Baldassare) Italian Statesman, friend of Raphael, L. s. l£ pp. folio, December 27, 1520; with L. s. of Chiappino Vitelli, 1 p. folio, Florence, 1559; An Obligation of Johanni di Piccolomini, Rome, 1517 659 Filibert de Savoye, Six L. s. — Pope Leo X, Copy of Mandates from 1514 to 1521, 8 pp. folio. — Medici Family Papers, circa 1543(16) (23) 71 Third Day Zbc property of a Xab£. 660 Wesley (John) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Manchester, Aug. 5, 1787, to his sister : ... I am glad you are placed . . . among them that love and fear God, as you are naturally of an easy flexible temper, you have great need to converse as often as possible with those that are truly alive to God, etc. 661 SlDDONS (Sarah) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, 17, Pall Mall, Deer. 3rd, 1811, to a lady, thanking her for her work on Practical Piety 662 Nelson (Horatio, Viscount) A. L. s. l£ pp. 4to, Bath, June 22th, 1798, to Thomas Lloyd, St. Mary's Buildings, St. Martin's Lane, London : . . . Tell him that I possess his place in Mr. Palmer's Box, but his Lord- ship did not tell me all its charms, that generally some of the handsomest Ladys at Bath are partakers in the Box, and was I a Bachelor I would not answer for being tempted, but as I am possessed of everything which is valuable in a wife, I have no occasion to think beyond a pretty face, etc. repaired in the folds 663 Penn (William) Founder of Pennsylvania, A. L. s. 2| pp. 4to, Bristol 22-9-(l6)95, to Aaron Atkinson : . . I was with many friends to break up this Dark Citty of Wells where a meeting never was to this day, a Bishops Sea. Encouraged by ye magisfcrats and when there just as I was committing ye People to God (standing in a Belcony w ch commanded ye Cross, High Street & town hall, and it is believed 2 or 3,000 People Present) the Sherrif by order of ye mayor stired up by a peevish Presb. ^Justice last years Mayor, came for me ; he stayed till I had ended, then I went and many to accompany me, etc. Speaks of visits to Frenchay, Sudberry, Nailsworth, Melsuni (Melksham), Bradford, Warminster and Salisbury, folds on the last page strengthened ; with small Drawing of Chigwell School, Portrait of Penn, etc. (4) 664 STAEL (Madame de) A. L. 2 pp. 4to, 15 Janvier, 1814, to Samuel Cory. — Masterman Hardy (Sir T., Vice-Admiral) A. L. s. l\ pp. 8vo, Admiralty, Jan. 15, 1833 (2) 665 Burns (Robert) Portion of Auto. Poem, signed R. B., Inscription to Chloris, "To Mrs. , written on the blank-leaf of my Poems ' 'Tis Friendship's pledge my young, fair Friend,'" containing the first three stanzas complete, wanting the fourth and the first two lines in the fifth ; contains a variation from the printed version iu stanza II, line 2, viz. : " Hast bid the World Adieu " ; on 2 pp. sm. oblong 4to, from which a portion has been cut of at some time, otherwise in excellent condition Third Day 72 FORMERLY Zbc property of tbe late 3ohn f linn, Esq., j.p., of Portobello, Scotland. (Sold by Order or his Daughter). 666 Burns (Robert) Auto. Song for Miss Craig from Robt. Burns "Of a' the Airts the wind can blaw," two stanzas each of eight lines, contains a slight variation in line 5 of stanza I, not quoted in Henley and Henderson, viz.: 'There wild woods grew and rivers flow," on a folio sheet, slightly weak in the folds, otherwise in excellent condition 667 Burns (R.) Auto. Song, For J. Craig Esq. Robt. Burns, "My Love, She's but a Lassie Yet," three verses and the chorus twice, on folio sheet, slightly weak in the folds, otherwise in fine condition ©tber properties. 668 Burns (Robert) Auto. Sketch of the Verses written for the cele- bration of Thompson's birthday, endorsed in Dr. Currie's auto- graph, 1 p. folio, six verses of four lines each, the two first being : While virgin Spring by Eden's flood Unfolds her Render mantle green Or printes the sod in frolic mood Or tunes Eolian strains between. While summer with a Matron grace Retreats to Dryburgh's cooling shade, Yet aft delighted stops to trace The progress of the spikey blade. 669 Schiller (F. von) A. L. s. " Sch", 1 full p. 4to, Jena, 21 Aug 1 - 94, to Korner, partly unpublished : Nachsten dienstag abends werde ich mit Humboldt in Weissenfels eintreffen. 670 Schiller (F. von) A. L. s. "Schiller," 2 pp. 8vo, Weimar, 9 Marz '89, to Crusius, asking for certain books, including Gibbon's 'Decline & Fall"; explaining the delay in his History of the Revolt in the Netherlands, and saying that he had just been made a professor in Jena 671 Stuart (James Edward, The Old Pretender) A. L. s. "James R." 1 full p. 4to, Bologna, Jan. 27, 1727, in English, to an adherent, thanking him for his letter of Dec. 26, and his good wishes. "I hope this year may be more favourable to me than the former ones," etc., and mentions his children 73 Third Day 672 NAPOLEON I. Etat de Proposition aux Emplois vacans Hans les Troupes d'Infanterie, 22 Messidor An. 12 ; MS. 6 pp. fol., with a number of marginal notes and decisions in Napoleon's auto- graph on several pages ; also endorsed by Alexandre Berthier 673 Swift (Jonathan) A. L. s. " J. S." 1 p. 12mo, n. d., to Mrs. Sican : Madam, The Litter, mother and daughter of Abby Street are to dine with me to-day, and I shall want something for to-morrow. I therefore intreat you will market for me, and I will do the same for yon when I learn to be a housewife, and if you will be here. I fear I shall not take it ill. I am ever yours, etc. J. S. Saturday morn at nine I mean, that I hope you will dine with us to-day — with his signature " Dean Swift " on a visiting card of Mrs. Eustace, of Stephen's Green (2) 674 Swift (J.) MS. Dictionary of Eess Frequently Used Words, 77 pp. 8vo, old calf; this interesting compilation, in the hand of Dean Swift, contains the following note written on the fly-leaf : This is all in our late Friend's own hand (meaning Dean Swift). This curious MS. was given me by Francis Sican (daughter of the celebrated Mrs. Sican). On showing it to Major Tickell he told me he had recently found among his Father's papers some letters, which had passed between the Dean and Mr. Tickell on the Etymology of different words, which con- troversy gave rise to the arranging of this Expositor. Miss S. also gave me a familiar note from the Dean to her Mother [see previous lot], which shews (what I have often heard) that her mental endowments did not prevent her being an Expert Housewife. E. Eustace. 675 De Quincey (Thomas) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Thursday, December 3, 1835, to James Smith ; a very interesting letter concerning his financial affairs : Was it in human nature that I should have been allowed myself to be harassed for weeks by hourly importunities for money, had I been made aware of so simple an expedient for ridding myself of this persecution as that of writing a line or two addressed to yourself ? with A. L. s. of the same, 2 pp. 8vo, March 29, 1837, to John Ross, of Edinburgh, referring to the stoppage of the Carlisle Bank (2) 676 Wesley (John) Four A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, London, Bath and York, 1772-1783, to Francis Woolf, of Redruth, mostly relating to financial matters : " To allow Money for the keeping of Child) en, is not the business of ye conference, but of the Circuit wherein a Preacher labours. So it is expressly appointed in the minutes," worn in the folds (4) 677 Wesley (J.) Three A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, London, 1768-1769, to Samuel Levick, of Plymouth : "Let there now be an honest continuation between Tommy Rankin & you, which shall be most diligent, with regard to the General Debt. Undoubtedly the Eastern Circuit shall be assisted out of ye collection made in the Western . . . Go on in Faith & you will prosper in this & all things"; one with small portion of front margin missing (3) Third Day 74 678 Wesley (J.) The Wig worn by him 679 Rousseau (Jean Jacques) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Wotton, 28 Mars, 1767, to Richard Davenport, written during his exile in England. Speaks of going to live with Davenport, says it is impossible to learn English at his age, etc. 680 Voltaire (F. M. A. de) L. s. " Voltaire," 3 pp. 4to, Firney, 8 Deer. 1767, to the Seigneurie de Montbeliard, complaining bitterly of certain payments overdue to him, unjust charges, etc., and men- tioning his great age and need of repose from vexations, and his desire to secure a competence during his life and for his nephews and nieces after his death 68 1 Elizabeth Marie, " Madame," the unfortunate sister of Louis XVI, A. L. s. i p. 8vo, 2 novembre [n. y.], to a duchess. She will do what is desired, but to-morrow is devoted to the great hunt, and she has to be present, and the duchess knows that her maxim is to do only what is agreable to the King; he is a father to her as he is to his people ; the least she can do is to obey him ; in two days she will be entirely at the duchess' service : speak also to the Queen, who loves doing good deeds, and she will help her, etc., very rare as a holograph 682 Weber (C. M. von) Auto. MS. music, l£ pp. fob, consisting of music and words of a song, commencing " Drei Knabchen lieblich," etc. 683 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (F.) A. L. s., 3 full pp. 8vo, Leipzig, Febr. 10th, 41, to Alfred Novello, in English, respecting his Piano arrangement of the 114th Psalm, with eight bars of music in the text ; he mentions his Lobgesang and the musical festival at Cologne 683a French Marshals and Generals, including General J. V. Moreau, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 1799, referring to the campaign in Italy ; General Kleber, Two L.s. 1796; Marshal Ney, Two L. s. ; Due de Villars, General Chevrier, Marshal Victor, General Suchet and others (23) 683b Nelson (Horatio, Lord) Two A. L. s. " Horatio Nelson," 3 pp. 4to, H.M.S. Captain and Irresistible, off Cape St. Vincents, March 20-28, 1797, to Brig.-Genl. Connell ; he fears the westerly wind will prevent Sir John Jervis from getting out of the Tagus ; has received reports from Cadiz that some ships of the line are on the point of sailing for Havanna, etc. (2) 683c St. Vincent (Earl of) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Ville de Paris, before Brest, ISth July, 1800, to General Connell, speaking of his arduous command ; with L. s. "J. Jervis," l£ pp. folio, Victory in Lagos Bay, to the same (2) 75 Third Day Gbe property of a Gentleman. 684 Nelson (Lord) The Battle of Copenhagen and the cruise of the fleet in the Baltic, 1801 : A very important series of Letters relating to this famous victory, including thirteen A. L. s. and one L. s., about 22 pp. folio and 4to, April ith- June \§th, 1801, to Adjutant-General Lindholm of the Danish Army ; with six A. L. s. from Lindholm ; minute of a conversation between Nelson and the Prince Royal of Denmark, April 3rd, 1801, with auto, corrections by Nelson ; Admiralty and other official despatches ; Letters frcm Russian officials; and a Letter from J. Wollstonecraft to Nelson, describing the port of Reval. Nelson's letters to Lindholm aie all courteous and considerate and he evidently had a sincere estec m for the Danish soldier. He says repeatedly that the two countries should be friendly, and in one place abuses Ministers, in another Republicans, for the dissensions between. The best friends may quarrel (he says) : but I trust we can never be real enemies." Lindholm evidently appreciated his courtesy and even when differences arose, as when the Danes were thought to have broken the terms of the armistice or when the Danish Commander-in-chief had given what Nelson considered to be an incorrect account of the battle, the letters on both sides remain polite and unper- turbed (35) £be property of j£. 3, Briaae, Esq. 107, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, S.W.5. 685 Jenner(Dr. Edward) A remarkable series of Seventy-two A. L. s. (three incomplete) amounting to nearly 200 pp. various sizes, addressed from Berkeley, Gloucestershire, to Thos. Pruen of Cheltenham, between the years 1808 and 1822. There are many interesting references to vaccination. In Sept. 1808, he writes: The Medical Observer came out as usual the first of the month. It is so crammed with anti-vaccine Rubbish, that one would think it must soon sink under its own weight. Birch gives a print in it, exhibiting four Heads diseas'd by vaccination ; he might have added his own and made a fifth, and tho' I know from good information that my person is not in safety here, yet I do not feel the least dread of assassination. writing in Nov. 1808, he says : Can you credit it ? I am still in London ; but not likely to remain here beyond to-morrow. Strange to tell, the vaccine business remains in statu quo — still in the hands of the ministry. Thus I have been deluded from week to week and from month to month ; and any murmuring from me would only occasion some surly unfeeling to say " Sir, have you done any- thing more than your duty ? " Third Day 76 686 Jenner(Di\ Edward) A. L. s. (initials) 3| pp. 4to, Feb. 4th, n. y., to the Revd. Mr. Dibdin, Terrace, Kensington, referring to the pub- lication of a pamphlet (l) 687 Jenner (Dr. Edward) Auto. Medical Prescriptions, with a number in another hand a parcel 688 Jenner (Dr. Edward) Ten various Portraits (some drawings), with a lock of Dr. Jenner's hair ; etc. (12) 689 Jenner (Dr. Edward) The Origin of the Vaccine Inoculation, a Pamphlet of 8 pp. 4to, sewed, London, 1801 *** A presentation copy from the author to Mr. Pruen, with inscrip- tion. 690 Jenner (Dr. Edward) A Letter to Charles Henry Parry, M.D., on the influence of artificial eruptions, a pamphlet of 67 pp. 4to, sewed, London, 1822 *** Presentation copy from the author, with inscription. 691 Pamphlets and Papers relating to vaccination, a collection of nine- teen, various (19) 692 Jackson (Robert) Doctor, Portrait in oils, 9 in. by 6| in., gilt frame £be property of a Gentleman. 693 Greville (Charles Cavendish Fulke) Political Diarist, Autograph Journals, giving spirited criticism of the various books he read during the years 1835-1840; extracts from the Classics; inte- resting legal points ; extracts from Clarke's Sermons, etc. ; in 4 vol. 4 to, roan The Correspondence in the following Thirty -three Lois is addressed to Henry Reeve (1813-1895), Registrar of the Privy Council, Man of Letters, Hon. D.C.L. Oxford, Editor of the "Edinburgh Review," 1855-95, edited Greville 's Memoirs, and was an important member of " The Times" staff under Detune. 694 Greville (Charles Cavendish Fulke) A large and highly important Correspondence, comprising upwards of 190 A.L. s., written between 1841 and 1864 (190) *** A most intimate series of letters, descriptive of the political and social events of these years. Greville's friendship with the leaders of both political parties gave him an unique position as a corre- spondent. Some of the letters in this collection are addressed to Mrs. Baring. 77 Third Day 695 Guizot (Francois Pierre Guillaume) French Statesman and His- torian, A large and important Correspondence of about 200 Letters ; they commence in March, 1840, upon his arrival in England as French Ambassador, and finish in December, 1873, a few months prior to his death * They deal, very largely, with his various literary works. Enclosed in an 8vo case, lettered " Guizot Letters." 696 Wordsworth (William) L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Workington Rectory, Oct. 30th, 1835 ; with a letter written for him by his wife, owing to his having a sprained arm, llydal Mount, Oct. 1835, mentioning his sonnets, published ill 1832 (2) 697 Thackeray (William Makepeace) A. L. 3 pp. 12mo, 13, Young St. Kensington, Tuesday, 23 Feb. (1847): ... I have got an hydraulic disorganization wh. compels me to give up going out for a while .... Do you know my Persicos Odi the very point alluded to hy you. Dear Lucy you know what my wish is I hate all your Frenchified fuss Your silly entrees and made dishes Were never intended for us. No footman in lace and in ruffles Need dangle behind my arm chair, And never mind seeking for truffles Although they be ever so rare. with a similar stanza 698 Thackeray (W. M.) A. L. s. (initials) 1 p. 12mo, 36, Onslow Sq. n. d. ... I hold your £10 and 20 more, and have already sent in 30 to Dickens, who gave Miss P. £150 on account yesterday, he says, and sent her comfort- able home. It strikes me there are a many pretty good natured people in the World, etc. 699 Procter (B. W.) "Barry Cornwall," Five A. L. s., Anthony Trollope, two Letters referring to Greville's Memoirs (7) 700 Motley (J. L.\ Sir Henry Taylor (2), George Grote (2), John Murray, Dr. Whewell (4), etc. (16) 701 Kuskin (John) Two A. L.s., Allan Cunningham, John Hill Burton, J. W. Croker, Colonel Outram, A. W. Kinglake (2), W. H. Lecky (8), and others (26) 702 Arnold (Matthew) Five A. L. s., J. G. Lockhart, Dr. Jowett (2), Lord Houghton (2), etc. (14) 703 Bancroft (G.), Henry Hallam (2), John Stuart Mill (4), Lord Lytton, etc. (13) 704 Kemble (Fanny) Two A.L. s., Charles Kemble, Adelaide Kemble, and Charles Young (5) Third Day 78 705 Froude (James Anthony) Nine A. L. s., H. Reeve, Five A. L. s. to Charles Greville, etc. (15) 706 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Three A.L. s. 2|pp. 8vo, Farringford, March, 1872 (3) 707 Dickens (Charles) Auto. Cheque signed on Messrs. Coutts for £21 (1) 708 Thiers (Adolphe), Auguste Barbier(2), De Lamartine, T. Lanfrey, De Montalembert, and other French writers (19) 709 D'Orsay (Count), P. Merimee, M. Chevalier, J. J. Ampere ; with other French Writers, Statesmen and Diplomats (40) 710 VlGNY (Alfred de) Poet and Dramatist, a series of seven A.L. s. mentioning Count D'Orsay, Lady Blessington, Carlyle, and others (7) 711 Metternich (Prince), Count Fitz Thun, Prince Esterhazy, G. Schelling, philosopher, Lappenberg, Von Raumer, and numerous other German and Austrian Diplomats and Writers (32) 712 Sophie (Queen of Holland) Six A. L. s., 1870, referring to the death of Lord Clarendon (6) 713 Macaulay (Lord) A series of ten A. L. s. on literary topics (10) 714 Gladstone (William Ewart) A fine and interesting series of Thirty-two A. L. s., written between 1857 and 1883, on literary matters (32) 715 Liszt (Franz) Three A.L. s. ; with Two A.L. s. of La Comtesse D'Agoult (5) 716 Dalling (Henry Lytton Bulwer, Lord) Ambassador at Washington, Five A. L. s., Washington, 1880, etc. (5) 717 Carlyle (Thomas) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 5, Cheyne Row, Chelsea, n. d., expressing his thanks for a book ; with two A. L. s. of John Stirling (3) 718 Czartoryski (Prince Adam) Four A. L. s., General Skrynecki, Prince George Lubomirski, Adam Mickiewicz (Polish Poet), M. Niem- ciewickz, J. Tourgenieff, and others (25) 719 Famous Judges, including Fitzroy Kelly, Pollock, Romilly, Truro, Cairns, Hannen, Coleridge, Bramwell and numerous others (58) 720 Statesmen, including Earl Canning, Viscount Stratford deRedcliffe, Lords Clyde, Cardwell and Lawrence, and numerous others, enclosed in a 4to case *** A large and important collection of statesmen of the 19th Century. 79 Third Day 111 Artists, including John Constable, Eastlake, Maclise, Beechey, John Doyle, " H. B." and others (22) 722 Famous Women, including Caroline Norton, nine A. L. s., Mrs. Oliphant, Joanna Baillie, Mary Berry, Harriet Martineau, Cathe- rine Sedgewick (American Authoress), Mary Sonierville and others (61) 723 Americans, including Charles Sumner, Wm. Wheaton (4) and Edward Everett (6) 724 Divines, including Dean Stanley, Rev. Sydney Smith to Dr. Reeve, with amusing references to the Bishop of Norwich, Charles Kingsley, Dean Milman (6), Archbishops Tait, Sumner, Trench, etc. a parcel 725 Musicians, including Mendelssohn - Bartholdy, J. Meyerbeer, Moscheles, etc. (4) 726 Scientists, including Sir Joseph Banks, Sir Charles Bell, Sir Samuel Baker, Professor Huxley (2), Professor Tyndall (4), Lord Kelvin and others (21) 727 Victoria, A. L. s. third person, 1 p. 8vo, approving Sir J. Colville being made a Privy Councillor, with Doc. s. of the Queen (2) 728 Opie (Amelia) Four A. L. s., speaking of her favourite verses (4) 729 Crabbe (George) Auto, verses, 28 lines, 1 p. 8vo, with portion of MS., sermon, 2 pp. 8vo (2) 730 Barbauld (Mrs. A. L.) Series of Eleven A. L. s. to Mrs. Susan Reeve (11) 731 Napoleon I, Doc. s. (Nap), 19 August, 1806, with Letters of Napoleon III, Louis Philippe, Comte de Paris, and others (17) ©tber properties. 732 Kean (Edmund) A. L. s. lj pp. 4to, Swansea, July \1th, 1823, to E. Cooke : Dear Ned. Macready like all managers is a Scoundrel. He kept my coming here a secret till his son had taken the gold off the ginger bread. . . I was about to leave the town when the inhabitants interfered, and I was compelled to promise I would play the next week, etc. with A, L. s. of Charles Kean and W. C. Macready (3) Third Day 80 733 Literary and Theatrical, including Charles Dickens, Mark Lemon, Samuel Lover, Douglas Jerrold, Tom Hood, Tom Taylor, Christina Rossetti, Anthony and Francis Trollope, C. J. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Keeley, "W. Tern's, Helen Faucit, J. Buckstone and numerous others, in a 4to album, half bound 73 1 Ross (Sir W. C.) Miniature Painter, a series of A. L. s. mostly addressed to his sister. — Madden (Dr. R. R.) various Memo- randa used by him in his Memoir of the Countess of Blessington a parcel 735 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) a Series of Four A. L. s. covering 10 J pp. 8vo, all undated, but apparently written soon after his marriage, to Robert Monteith, M.P. : (4) .... I have married a lady only four years younger than myself, who has loved me and prayed for my earthly and spiritual welfare for fourteen years. God grant that we may get on well together. ... I have lived so long unmarried that I may have crystallised into bachelorhood beyond redemp- tion. in another letter he concludes : .... Pardon my brevity, for I have the twenty million poets of young England always sucking at my time and leisure. 736 Dickens (Charles) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, to his son, 1 ' A 11 the Year Round," 13 June, 1868, saying he had best come home to Gad's Hill at once : The question is, how can you best be got to Gads ? I suppose you will want some one to help you in and out of the carriage on the two Railways, and in and out of the cabs. Write me at Gad's. Be explicit, etc. with the concluding portion, with signature, of another letter of the same. — Browning (Robert) Auto. Copy of one of his wife's poems : I am no trumpet, but a reed No flattering breath shall from me lead, etc. with short A. L. s. of R. Browning, and others of R. W. Emerson, H. W. Longfellow, S. T. Coleridge (MS. fragment), 0. Wendell Holmes and numerous others, in a 4to album, half bound 737 Dickens (Charles) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Office of " All the Year Bound," 3rd November, 1859, to Samuel Sidney, a contributor to "All the Year Round," etc., explaining why an article of his on Stephenson had not been inserted, mounted on a card, with inscription 738 Dickens (Charles) A. L. s. \\ pp. 8vo, Tavistock House, First February, 1852, to Mr. Coe, referring to a forthcoming theatrical performance in Manchester : A change that has been rendered necessary in the cast of the Comedy, obliges me to ask you to be so good as to double Smart with Lord Loftus, etc. with another A. L. s. l£ pp. 8vo, to the same (2) 81 Third Day 739 Dickens (Charles) Five A. L. s. covering 8 pp. 1850-1852, to Mr. Coe, referring to theatrical performances at Bath, Bristol and Knebworth, mounted on a large folio sheet, with a portrait of Dickens in the centre 740 Thackeray (W. M.) Auto. Note s. June, 1 855, to Sir W. H. Russell, then in the Crimea as war correspondent for " The Times" : My dear Russell, I have just come from the Administrative Reform Association held in Drury Lane, where I heard your name uttered with enthusiasm and heard with (heard by the way is not pleasant coming twice in this way, but Albert Smith is making a deuce of a row) and received with applause. We all wish you back here almost as much as you wish it yourself. I am going to America, so I shan't see you unless you come back soon — but in every quarter of the world I am yours very truly indeed W. M. Thackeray. written in a joint letter of congratulation and good wishes, 4 pp. 8vo ; among the other well-known contributors are Peter Cun- ningham, Daniel O'Connell, Edmund Yates and others 741 Jerrold (Douglas), Albert Smith, Sir Edwin Arnold and others (23) 742 Artists, including Leighton, Millais, H. O'Neil.ValPrinsep, etc. (13) 743 Dickens (Charles) A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Gad's Hill Place, May \§th, 1863, to Sir W. H. Russell, referring to Marcus Stone's candidature for the Garrick Club 744 Dickens (Charles) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Tavistock House, May 30th, 1857, to the same : .... Mrs. Dickens would be glad to kill the dragon — as glad, let us say, as Miss Saint George — and would triumph in the act, but that she has un- fortunately some sisterly, motherly, paternal, or other family engagement for to-morrow, etc. with another A. L. s. of the same, 1 p. 8vo (2) 745 Trollope (Anthony) Two A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, to Sir W. H. Russell, n. d. ; with Five A. L. s. of Shirley Brooks to the same (7) 746 Crawford (F. Marion) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo; with others of F. C. Burnand, G. A. Sala, Tom Taylor, etc. (7) 747 Yates (Edmund) A Series of eight A. L. s. to Sir W. H. Russell, circa 1868 (8) 748 Theatrical, including J. L. Toole, Sir Henry Irving (7), Charles Kean, and others _ (12) 749 Dodgson (C. L.) " Lewis Carroll," Auto. Poem addressed to George Girdlestone Woodhouse, then a fellow student at Christ Church with Dodgson, afterwards Vicar at Yealmpton, Devon- shire, signed C. L. D., May 23, 1853, entitled "The Ligniad, in two books," the commencing lines run : G Third Day 82 Lot 749 — continued. Of man in stature small, yet deeds sublime, Who even from his tender toothless years, Boldly essayed to swallow and digest Whole tomes of massive learning, ostrich like, Sing, Classic Muse ! and speed my daring quill, Whiles that in language all too poor and weak For such high themes, I tremblingly recant To listening worlds, an hero's history — ha concludes : Then fare thee well, greatest of little men, In Greek, in Latin, in the cricket field : Great as a bowler, greater as a bat, But as a short slip, greater yet than that. in all 100 lines, on 4 pp. 4to, AN early MS. OF Dodgson's, and ENTIRELY UNPUBLISHED with a fine A. L. s. of C. L. Dodgson to Mrs. Woodhouse, 2 pp. 8vo, Eastbourne, Aug. 2, 1897, condoling with her on the death of the Kev. G. G. Woodhouse : (2) Your letter I only got, Saturday night, so I was not able to be in thought with you when the mortal remains of my dear old friend were being committed to the ground of all the friends I made at Ch. Ch. your hus- band was the very Jirst who spoke to me — across the dinner table in hall. That is 46 years ago, but I remember as if it were only yesterday, etc. 750 Browning (Robert) J. R. Lowell, Andrew Lang, Sir Lewis Morris, James Nasmyth, the famous Engineer, with many others of well- known Writers, Statesmen, Musicians, etc., arranged in a 4to album, half bound ; with a large Collection of Franks, in a similar album (2) 751 Album, containing Charles Dickens A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Gad's Hill Place, January, 1S65, referring to the authorship of a certain work; an interesting Collection of Documents, signed by Robes- pierre, Carnot, Murat, Ney, and others ; with Letters of Queen Victoria and other Royalty, Modern Writers, etc., 4to, morocco 752 Whistler (J. McNeill) A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, 4, Whitehall Court, n. d., to Lady Mary Lloyd, respecting Mr. Gilbert's attitude in the Grosvenor Gallery scheme : He takes the warmest interest partly from old associations with the Gallery, and partly from his friendly inclination towards myself — his position as a distinguished member of the Academy, puts it quite out of the question that he should ever be called upon to assume an official responsibility I am assured of his readiness to contribute continually to the exhibitions, etc. 753 Whistler (J. McNeill) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, n. d., to Mr. Aston, with subscription, signature, and butterfly signature on 8vo page (2) 754 Swinburne (A. C.) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Henleyon-Thamts, July \Zth, n.y., Mark Lemon, Charles Dickens, Tom Hood, Shirley Brooks, Julian Hawthorne, and other famous modern writers; Marie Louise (Napoleon's second wife), Docs, on vellum, 1812, with numerous artists and actors, an interesting collection in a 4to album, half bound 83 Third Day Gbe property of a Xafc£ of Gttle. 755 Napoleon I. Passport, on vellum, signed "Nap." Feb. 8, 1812, 1 p. folio 756 Napoleon I. Document relating to Henry Ranchoup, Instructor of the Ottoman Militia at Constantinople, 3 pp. folio ; with holo- graph marginal note and signature, "Bonaparte." Paris, 13 Prairial, An 9 (l June, 1805) 757 BimGHLEY (William Cecil, Lord) A. L. s. £ p. folio, 28 March, 1586 : To my lovyng friend, Mr. Robert Peter," requesting him to deliver £20 in gold to Mr. Cade 758 Charles I. Warrant signed, appointing the Prince of Wales to be Lieutenant Generall in Worcester, Chester, Salop and North Wales, i p. folio, Given at our Court att Oxford, 1%th March, 1642 759 Montrose (James Graham, first Marquis of) Auto. Instructions, circa 1645, signed, £p. 4to, to John Robertson, Captain of Blair Castle, for the release of certain prisoners 760 Arnold (Thomas) Headmaster of Rugby. Two A. L. s. 5$ pp. 4to, Rugby, 1831-2, toCapt. Basil Hall, referring to the latter's work ' Fragments of Voyages and Travels " 761 Tennyson (Alfred Lord) Auto. Note, signed, ip. 8vo: My dear Julia, I dine with nobody, and therefore, tho' you are somebody I don't dine with you. 762 Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Auto. Note on a card : Mr. Johnson has heard from Mr. Barrington, and has seen Mr. Jackson, and begs to see Mr. Hook as soon as he can Thursday afternoon. 763 Longfellow (H. W.) A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Nahant, Aug. 18, 1855, to " My dear Fields," mentioning "The Golden Legend" 764 Gray (Thomas) A. L. s. "T.G." 1 p. 4to, York, Sat., 31 Oct., 1767, to the Rev. Mr. Brown, President of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge : . . . the parcel sent to Cambridge was a set of Algarotti's works for your Library . . . the Doctor and I came hither on Saturday last ... I set out for London (pray for me !) at ten o'clock to-morrow night . . . Mason desires his love to you. Adieu ! the Muster Bell rings ! 765 Pope (Alexander) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Lincolns Inn Fields, March 17, to his solicitor, Mr. Cole, of Basinghall Street, refers to Linton, the younger, who refused to pay Pope for the sale of " Homer " after his father's death Third Day 84 766 Nelson (Admiral Viscount) A. L. s. 2pp. 4to, "Agamemnon" Leghorn, Oct. Z\st, 1792, to Wm. Suckling, Custor. House, London, an interesting letter, written with his right hand; a small piece missing, damaging four words ... I shall only tell you what may not be believed in England, that the French have put together a fleet at Toulon which could hardly be credited, etc. 767 Nelson (Admiral Viscount) A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, " Victory," February 4th, 1805, "Vice Admiral Lord Nelson, Duke of Bronte, to the much respected Governor of Alexandria," a very important letter, written after Villeneuve's fleet had eluded Nelson at Toulon : ... As the French, should Alexandria be their object, could only have arrived a very few days before me, I hope it will have been defended until! my arrival, when I have no doubt but the whole French Armament would be destroy'd, etc. 768 Byron (George Gordon, Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Venice, August Z\st, l8l8, to Capt. Basil Hall, K.N. : Dr. Aglietti is the best Physician — his residence is on the Grand Canal .... I forget the number — but am probably the only person in Venice who doesn't know it . . . I write this in bed ... I beg you to believe that nothing but the extreme lateness of my hours would have prevented me . . . coming in person. I have not been called a minute, etc. 769 Scott (Sir Walter) Two A. L. s. 5| pp. 8vo and 4to, Abbotsford, 13 October, 1825-1829, to Capt. Basil Hall : I am infinitely obliged to you for Capt. Maitland's plain, manly and interesting narrative. It is very interesting and clears Bonaparte of much egotism imputed to him, etc. (2) 770 Thackeray (W. M.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Kensington, Tuesday (n. y.), to Mrs. Hawes, speaks of breakfasting with Dr. Mendelss-ohn : Whose face struck me more than any I ever saw. If he is as good and wise as he looks, he must be a wonder among men. 771 Browning (Mrs. E. B.) A. L. s. "Ba," 2 pp. 12mo, Wednesday (n.y.), to Miss Mitford, regretting that she is unwell and cannot think of coming to Swallowfield ; with A. L. s. of Miss Mitford to Mrs. Browning (2) 772 Browning (Mrs. E. B.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Florence, Casa Guidi, April \Qth, n. y. : . . . when "home we go and take our wages" after any long work. I would rather be paid so, in such coin, than in twenty complimentary reviews, etc. 773 Dickens (Charles) A.L. s. 3£ pp. 8vo, Doughty Street, Tuesday night n. y., to Capt. Basil Hall : When I asked you the other day if you had been in Germany, I corrected myself precipitately, and added — "but, of course, you have," for there rushed upon my mind at the moment a thought of this very book which is now lying on my table. You do me injustice if you suppose that it will "lie on the table" or on my shelves, without being first carefully perused, etc. an early letter 85 Third Day 774 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. l\ pp. 8vo, Devonshire Terrace, Feb. 1 9, 1841, to Basil Hall, giving a delightful description of his fourth child — Walter Landor : Have you ever had two babies in the house at once ? — of your own, I mean. Our third child can't walk yet, and here is a fourth upon her heels. I am expecting every day to be grey, and have very nearly persuaded myself that I am gouty. 775 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. 2£ pp. 8vo, Devonshire Terrace, Jan. 15///, 1841, to Basil Hall: I have been breaking my heart with such constancy over the Curiosity Shop, that I have not been able to write one note since I received your welcome letter, etc. 776 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. "Boz," 1 p. 8vo, Devonshire Terrace, April 27th, 1841, to Basil Hall: Post just going — compression of sentiments required — Bust received- likeness amazing — recognizable instantly if encountered on the summit of the Great Pyramid, etc. 777 Dickens (C.) A.L. s. 6 pp. 8vo, Devonshire Terrace, March 16, 1841, to Basil Hall: ... I have not had courage until last night to read Lady de Lancey's narrative . . . one glance at it when (through your kindness) it first arrived here impressed me with a foreboding of its terrible truth . . . After working at Barnaby all day and wandering about the most wretched and distressful streets for a couple of hours in the evening — searching for some pictures I wanted to build upon . . . the reading that most astonishing and tremendous account has constituted an epoch in my life ... I am husband and wife, dead man and living woman, Emma and General Dundas, doctor and bedstead— everything and everybody (not the Prussian officer, damn him) all in one. *** A VERY LONG AND EXCEPTIONALLY INTERESTING LETTER. 778 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. \\ pp. 8vo, Devonshire Terrace, May 2§th, n. y., to Basil Hall, a touching letter of condolence on the death of one of Hall's children 779 Louis XIV. A. L. s. 1 J pp. 4 to, a Versailles, le 21 Nov". (1697), on the marriage of his niece, with seals and silks 780 Anne of Austria, Queen of Louis XIII. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Paris, 1 April 1623, to the Grand Duchess of Tuscany 781 Louis XIII. L. s. 1 p. 4to, July 5th, 1641, to the Chancellor, mentioning his confessor, Father Egemond 782 Maintenon (Madame de) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, St. Cir, ce 2 Juin 1709, to the Ambassador of France in Spain 783 Rousseau (Jean Jacques) A. L. s. 3 pp. 4 to, A Motier, le 5 Avril, 1763, probably to a publisher, referring to editions of his works; mentions Voltaire 784 Voltaire (F. A. de) L. s. 1 p. 8vo, n. d., "Jay renvoye au roy ma clef, mon ordre et ma pension," etc. Third Day 86 785 Turenne (Henri de la Tour), French Marshal. A. L. s. 3 \ pp. 4to, ce 18 Mai, n. y., referring to a marriage 786 Bossuet (Jacques B^nigne), Bishop of Meaux, Orator and Author. A. L. s. 4 pp. small 4to, a Paris, 16 Mars 1697, to Madame d'Albert de Luynes 787 Mirabeau (H. G. R., Marquis de) A. L. s. \\ pp. 4to, 27 October 1790, introducing Dr. Le Blond. — Louis II, Prince de Conde, A. L. s. \ p. 4to, Avril 1686 (2) 788 Cromwell (Oliver) Order, signed "Oliver P." \ p. 4to, Whitehall, March 2nd, 1657, to the General of the Fleet, regarding the movements of men-of-war 789 An Album, containing an interesting Collection of Letters and Documents, including Sir Walter Scott, 1825, expressing a wish to see the MS. account of Bonaparte's reception on board the " Northumberland," signature cut away, Lafayette, Sydney Smith, von Humboldt, Cavour, etc., folio, morocco, with lock and key 790 An Album, containing a large Collection of Letters, mostly ad- dressed to Capt. Basil Hall, R.N., including T. M. Hardy, W. VVilberforce, T. Moore, Sir Humphrey Davy, T. R. Malthus, C. Mathews, C. Kemble, A. Crowquill, Henry Hallam, H. Martyn, from Cawnpore, Aug. 1810; and many others, folio, half bound £be property of a %ab£. 791 Hunt (Leigh) Correspondence addressed to, by Douglas Jerrold, Ellen Kean, Lord Macaulay, "W. C. Macready, B. W. Proctor (2), Lord John Russell, G. H. Lewes, etc. (19) 792 Hunt (Thornton Leigh) Author and Journalist, a very large Corre- spondence addressed to, including Sir Edwin Arnold, Thomas Carlyle, John Forster (20), Charles Kingsley (3), G. H.Lewes (7), David Masson (4), G. Mazzini (8 interesting letters), Sir Frederick Pollock (17), B. W. Proctor, etc. a very large parcel 793 Shelley (Mary Woolstonecraft) wife of the Poet, A.L. s. 12 pp. small 8vo, 13, Bedford Place, Brighton, 11 July, n.y. (H847 ) to Leigh Hunt : Referring in scathing terms to Thomas Medwin and his forthcoming life of Shelley, published 1847, asks Hunt to use his influence to prevent any notice whatever being taken of it in the newspaper, and asserts that Medwin offered to suppress the book for a payment of £250. 87 Third Bay 794 Shelley (Sir Percy) son of the Poet, Three A.L. s. to Thornton Leigh Hunt, 1859-1862, mentioning his mother's letters and the " Shelley Memorials," etc., with Two A.L. s. by Lady Shelley, wife of above (5) 795 Hunt (Leigh) "English Opera," Auto. MS. 16 pp. 8vo, a criticism of the opera, circa 1820, with an appreciation of Miss Kelly 796 Hunt (L.) " Angling," Auto. MS. 6£ pp. 8vo, a delightful example of Hunt's humour 797 Hunt (L.) Anti-Teetotaller, Auto. MS. 5i pp. 8vo 798 Hunt (L.) Miscellaneous Writings, Memoranda, etc., in his hand ; Auto. Poems by Mary Cowden Clarke, J. W. Dalby, and Vincent Leigh Hunt; G. A. Sala, Auto. MS. "America in the midst of War, the Presidential Election," 3 pp. 8vo, cut into narrow strips for printing a parcel 799 Hunt (L.) "Look to your Morals," an Afterpiece in Two Acts [1842], a transcript, containing Title-page, Dramatis Personaa, and numerous corrections and additions in the hand of Leigh Hunt, 54 pp. 4to, unpublished 800 Coleridge (Samuel Taylor) Auto. Fragment of Philosophical Prose, signed (initials), 2 pp. 8vo 801 [Dickens (Charles)] An interesting Correspondence, written imme- diately after the death of Leigh Hunt, August 28th, 1859, with reference to Dickens having portrayed Hunt as "Harold Skim- pole " in Bleak House ; included are : Dickens (Charles) Four A. L. s. {.one with signature cut away), 5£ pp. August Z\-Decr. 7, 1859, to Thornton Hunt and John Forster : . . . What I said to his poor Father in your presence, I will say in any way that Thornton Hunt likes ; that there are many remembrances of Hunt in little traits of manner and expression in that character, and especially in all the pleasantest parts of it, but that is all, etc. writing to Hunt he invites him to: . . . look over the little proof with me, after that I will take it down to Forster ... I hope it is clear, explicit and beyond mistake. But whatever you desire to be, it shall be — if it be not already. with Three A. L. s. of John Forster ; and others of J. W. Dalby, George Smith, Henry Morley, and Edmund Oilier (12) 802 Hunt (L.) Portrait in oils, by Samuel Lawrence, oval, 14 in. by \\\in. 803 Hunt (L.) Miniature of, when a child, in leather case END OF SALE. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, W. (1) VALUATIONS. * Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge make Valuations for Probate, Insurance, &c, at 1 per cent, with a minimum fee In London £550 In the Country £10 10 Together with Travelling Expenses. INSPECTIONS. Properties are inspected and owners advised with view to a Sale by Auction, at a fee In London .... £2 2 In the Country £3 3 Together with Travelling Expenses. NOTICES OF SALES. Notices of all Sales appear in the following Papers : — Mondays... ... Daily Telegraph ; Morning Post. Tuesdays. .. ... Tim es. Saturdays ... Country Life, and Spectator. Notices of Special Sales appear in the following Papers : — A. English. Thursdays ... ... Times Literary Supplement ; Scotsman, and Glasgow Herald. Saturdays ... ... Publishers' Circular ; Clique ; Illustrated London News ; Field ; Sphere ; and Monthly in the Burlington Magazine ; Connoisseur: London Mercury, and Bookman's Journal. B. Foreign. Journal des Arts (Paris). Philadelphia North American. Gazette de l'Hotel Drouot (Paris). New York Times. New York Herald (Paris Edition). New York Evening Post. Chicago Daily News. Boston Evening Transcript. And Monthly in the American Art News.