PEARLS OF THE FAITH OE ISLAM'S ROSAET BEING THE NINETY-NINE BEAUTIFUL NAMES OF ALLAH (ASMA-EL-HTJSNA) "With Comments in Verse from various Oriental Sonrces (AS MADE BY AN INDIAN MUSSULMAN) EDWIN ARNOLD, O.S.I. AUTHOR OF "THE LIGHT OF ASIA"; "THE INDIAN SONG OF SONGS"; ETC. "Allah hath most excellent names, therefore call upon Him by the same." Kordn, ch. vii. "Al Aardf " NEW YORK B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER 1883 SO I PEARLS OF THE FAITH. PREFACE. IT is a custom of many pious Muslims to employ in their devotions a three-stringed chaplet, each string con- taining thirty-three beads, and each bead representing one of the "ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah," whenever this among many other religious uses is made of it. The KorSn bids them "celebrate Allah with an abundant celebration," and on certain occasions such as during the intervals of the Taretwih night service in RamadhSn the Faithful pass these ninety- nine beads of the rosary through their fingers, repeating with each " Name of God " an ejaculation of praise and worship. Such an exercise is called Zifar, or "remem- brance," and the rosary Masba'hah. In the following pages of varied verse I have enumer- ated these ninety-nine " beautiful names," and appended to each from the point of view of an Indian Moham- medan some illustrative legend, tradition, record, or comment, drawn from diverse Oriental sources; occa- sionally paraphrasing (as closely as possible) from the text of the Korn itself, any particular passage contain- ing the sacred Title, or casting light upon it. In this way it seemed possible to present the general spirit of Islm under a new and not unacceptable form; since almost every religious idea of the KorSn comes up in 4 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. the long catalogue of attributives. Tender, as well as terrible; lofty in morality, albeit grim and stern in dogma, the " Perspicuous Book" is still, and must al- ways be, replete with interest for Christendom, since, if Isl&m was born in the Desert, with Arab Sabseanism for its mother and Judaism for its father, its foster-nurse was Eastern Christianity, and Muhammad's attitude to- wards Christ, and towards the religion which bears His name, is ever one of profound reverence and grateful recognition. Nor are the differences between the older and younger creed really so great as their similitudes in certain aspects. The soul of Islam is its declaration of the unity of God : its heart is the inculcation of an ab- solute resignation to His will. Not more sublime, there- fore, in religious history appears the figure of Paul the tent-maker, proclaiming the "Unknown God " at Athens, than that of the camel- driver Muhammad, son of Abdal- lah and Amtnah, abolishing all the idols of the Arabian Pantheon, except their chief ALLAH TA'ALAH, "God the Most High" and under that ancient and well- received appellation establishing the oneness of the origin, government, and life of the universe. Thereby that marvellous and gifted Teacher created a vast empire of new belief and new civilization, and prepared a sixth part of humanity for the developments and rec- onciliations which later times will bring. For Isl^m must be conciliated ; it cannot be thrust scornfully aside or rooted out. It shares the task of the education of the world with its sister religions, and it will contribute its eventual portion to "that far-off divine event, Towards which the whole creation moves." Composed amid Scotch mountains during a brief PREFACE. 5 summer-rest from politics, and with no library near at hand for references, my book has need to ask indul- gence from the learned. It does but aim, however, to suggest (in poetic form) juster thoughts than sometimes prevail of Isldm, of its founder, and of its votaries ; em- ploying the language of one among them, and thinking with his thoughts, since this alone permits the necessary sympathy. I have thus at length finished the Oriental Trilogy which I designed. In my " Indian Song of Songs " I sought to transfer to English poetry a subtle and lovely Sanskrit idyll of the Hindoo theology. In my "Light of Asia" I related the story and displayed the gentle and far-reaching doctrines of that great Hindoo prince who founded Buddhism. I have tried to present here, in the simple, familiar, and credulous, but earnest spirit and manner of Isl&m and from its own points of view some of the thoughts and beliefs of the followers of the noble Prophet of Arabia. ED WEST ARNOLD, C.S.I. GLKNGYLE, PERTHSHIRE, SCOTLAND, September, 1883. CONTENTS. NO. PAGE 1. ALLAH 13 2. Ar-Rahmdn " The Merciful " 15 (The Sinful Angels.) 3. Ar-Raheem " The Compassionate" 17 (Solomon and the Ant.) 4. Al-Mdlik "The King of Kings" 19 (The Sultan and the Potter.) 5. Al-Kuddus "TheHolyOne" 22 (God's Name in Heaven.) 6. As-Saldm " The Peace" 24 (The Peace of Paradise.) 7. Al-Maumin " The Faithful " 27 (The Verity of Sayid.) 8. Al-Mufiaimin " The Help in Peril " 30 (The Spider and the Dove.) 9. Al-Hathim " The Mighty" 32 (The Throne- Verse.) 10. Al-Jabbdr " The All-Compelling" 33 (Sura 59.) 11. Al-Mutakabbir " The Majestic" 34 (Azar and Abraham.) 12. Al-Khalik "The Creator" 35 (Signs of the Lord.) 13. Al-Bari "The Artificer" 37 (Angels' Wings.) 14. Al-Muzawwir " The Fashioner" 38 (The Making of Man.) 15. Al-Ghaffdr " The Forgiver" 40 (Abraham's Offence.) 16. Al-Kahhdr " The Dominant " 42 (Sura " Of the Cattle.") 8 CONTENTS. NO. PAGE 17. Al-Wahhdb " The Bestower" 44 (Ali and the Angels.) 18. Al-Razzdk " The Provider" 49 (Sura " Of the Forenoon.") 19. Al-Fdtta'h " The Opener" 50 (Muhammad's Journey to Heaven.) 20. AVAlim " The All-Knower" 55 (The Moakkibat.) 21. Al-Kdbiz "TheCloser" 57 (Evil Deeds.) 22. Al-Bdsit " The Uncloser" 59 (Good Deeds.) 23. Al-Khdfiz "TheAbaser" 62 (Nimrud and the Gnat.) 24. Ar-Rafi " The Exalter" 63 (Allah's Prophets.) 25. Al-Muhizz " The Honourer" 65 (Sura " Of Imran's Family.") 26. Al-Muzil " The Leader Astray" 66 (God's Will and Free-will.) 27. As-Sami'A 4l The All-Hearing" 68 (A Shepherd's Prayer.) 28. Al-Bazir " The All-Seeing" 71 (Azrael and the Indian Prince.) 29. Al-Hdkim "The Judge of All" 73 (The Last Day.) 30. Al-Hddil " The Equitable" 75 (Sura " Of Jonas.") 31. Al-Latif " The Gracious One" 76 (Sura " Of Counsel.") 32. Al-Khabir "He who is Aware" 77 (Muhammad in the Cemetery.) 33. Al-Hdlim "The Clement" 78 (The Dharra and the Date-stone.) 34. Al-'Aziz " The Strong". . . 79 (Sura " Of Al-Akhaf.") 35. Al-Ohdfir " The Pardoner" 80 (Hassan's Slave.) 36. Ash-Shdkir " The Thankful " 82 (Sura " Of Al-Kauthar.") CONTENTS. NO. PAGE 37. Al-'Alee " The Exalted " 84 (Sura "Of the Bee.") 38. Al-Kabir " The Very Great " 85 (The Seven Heavens.) 39. Al-Hdfiz * The Preserver" 87 (Sura " Of the Night Star.") 40. Al-MuTdt "TheMaintainer" 88 (Sura " Of the Inevitable.") 41. Al-Hasib " The Reckoner" 90 (Sura " Of Women.") 42. Al-Jamil " The Beneficent " 91 (The Rose-Garden.) 43. Al-Karim " The Bountiful " 93 (Sura " Of Cleaving Asunder.") 44. Al-Rakib " The Watchful " , 94 (The Books of Good and Evil.) 45. Al-Mujib " The Hearer of Prayer" 96 (Ali and the Jew.) 46. Al- Was'ih " The All-Comprehending 1 ' 100 (Turning to Mecca.) 47. Al-Hdkim al Mutlak. . " The Judge of Judges" 101 (The Angels of the Scales.) 48. Al-Wadood " The Loving" 103 (Tasmin and Salsabil.) 49. Al-Majid " The All-Glorious" 106 (Sura "Of the Cow.") 50. Al-Bdhith " The Raiser from Death" 107 (Iblis and Abraham.) 51. Ash-Stiahid " The Witness" 110 (Poets and Prophets.) 52. Al-Hakk " The Truth" Ill (The Sin of Sins.) 53. Al-WaTdl " The Guardian" 112 (Sura " Of the Cow.") 54. Al-Kawi " The Almighty" 113 (The Fly and the False Gods.) 55. Al-Mateen " The Firm" 114 (The Tent-Pole.) 56. Al-Watt " The Nearest Friend " 115 (Abraham's Bread.) 57. Al-Hamid " The All-Praiseworthy" 119 (The Garden and the Rock.) 10 CONTENTS. NO. PAGE 58. Al-M'dhsi " The Accountant" 120 (Sura " Of the Earthquake.") 59. Al-Mubdi " The Beginner" 121 (The Light of Life.) 60. Al-Mu'hid "The Restorer" 122 (A Message from the Dead.) 61. Al-Mo'hyi " The Quickener" 125 (Sura " Of the Signs.") 62. Al-Mumit "The Slayer" 126 (The Angel of Death.) 63. Al-Haiy " The Ever-Living" 129 (The Life Beyond.) 64. Al-Kaiytim " The Self -Subsisting" 130 (The Trumpet.) 65. Al-Wdjid "The All-Perceiving" 131 (Sura " Of Daybreak.") 66. Al-Wdhid "TheOne" 133 (Al-I'hlas.) 67. As-Samad .."The Eternal" 134 (Ozair the Jew.) 68. Al-Kadar " Providence" 138 (Kismat.) 69. Al-Muktadir " The All-Powerful" 139 (Sura " Of the Moon.") 70. Al-Mukaddim \ " The Forewarner" ) 140 71. Al-Muwakhir " The Fulfiller" I ' ' (Sura "Of K.") 72. Al-Awwal \ "The First" } 73. Al-Akhir ( "The Last" f 142 74. Ath-Thdhir ( "The Manifest" f " 75. A l-Bdtin ) " The Hidden" ) (The " Mothers of the Names.") 76. Al-Wdli " The All-Governing" 144 (Solomon's Signet.) 77. Al-Mutdhdli " The One above Reproach" 149 (Moses and the Angel.) 78. Al-Barr "The Good" 151 (The Adulteress.) 79. Al-Taiowdb " The Relenting" 154 (Adam quitting Eden.) 80. Al-Muntdkim ) " The Avenger" I ^ 81. Al-Ghafoar f "The Rewarder" ' (HeU and Heaven.) CONTENTS. 11 NO. PAGE 82. Al-Rawtif "The Ever-Indulgent" 160 (Sura "Of the Star.") 83. Mdlik-ul-MulU " King of the Kingdom" 162 (Sura "Of the Emigration." 84. Dhu'l jaldl wa Ikrdm." Lord of Splendid Power" 163 (Sura " Of the Merciful.") 85. Al-Muksit " The Equitable" 164 (The Last Sermon of the Prophet.) 86. Al-Jami l h " The Gatherer" 167 (Sura " Of Women.") 87. Al-Qhani " The All-Sufficing" 168 (Sura " Of Troops.") 88. Al-Mughnz " The Sufficer" 170 (Sura " Of the Afternoon.") 89. Al-Mu'hti j. " The Provider" I m 90. Al-Mdni l h f " The Withholder" i ' ' (The Two Gateways.) 91. An-Ndfi'h " The Propitious" 173 (The Dove.) 92. Az-Zarr " The Harmful " 175 (King Sheddad's Paradise.) 93. An-Noor " The Light "...'..... 181 (Sura " Of Light.") 94. Al-Hddi "The Guide" 182 (The Four Travellers.) 95. Al-Azali \ " Eternal in the Past " \ Ig4 96. Al-Bdkt j " Eternal in the Future" J ' ' (Sura u Of Ya Sin.") 97. Al-Warith " The Inheritor" 186 (The Rose and the Dewdrop.) 98. Al-EaschU " The Unerring" 188 (The Prophet's Oath.) 99. Az-Zaboor " The Patient" 190 (Islam.) NOTES 191 "ALLAH!" BI-'SMI-'LLAH! SAY THAT GOD is ONE, LIVING, ETERNAL; AND BESIDES HIM NONE. THB ~^ USIVBESITT Say Ar-Rahman f " The Merciful " Him call ; For He is full of mercy unto all. ONCE on a day, in Paradise, Discourse indignant did arise Amongst the Angels, seeing how The sons of Adam sinned below ; Albeit Allah's grace had sent Prophets with much admonishment. " Heedless and guilty race," they cried, ' ' Whose penitence is set aside At each temptation ! Truth and Right Ye know not!" Then a wondrous light Fell on their brows a mighty word Sounded the Presence of the Lord Spake: " Of your number choose ye two To go among mankind and do ' Justice and Right,' teaching them these." Therewith, from those bright companies, Harftt went and Marfit went down On earth, laying aside their crown Of rays, and plumes of rainbow feather; And on the judgment-seat together Many long years they sate, and wrought Just judgment upon each cause brought. 16 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Until, before that justice-seat There came a woman, fair and sweet, So ravishing of form and mien That great Soharah, who is queen Of the third planet, hath not eyes As soft, nor mouth made in such wise. And one whom she did wrong, besought Sentence against her: she had nought Of plea, but in her dazzling grace Stood fearless in the audience-place; Consuming hearts with hot desire By subtle Beauty's searching fire. Then said Harut, forgetting Heaven, " Pardon to such must, sure, be given." Whispered M^rut, " If thou wilt be Leman of mine, thou shalt go free." And for her love those two contended, Till the false scene was sorely ended "With earthquake, and with lightning-flash, And rolling thunder's wrathful crash, " Midst which the city and the folk Passed from their ken, and a Voice spoke: " Come unto judgment, ye who called Allah too merciful !" Appalled Harftt lay and Martit lay prone In Paradise, before the Throne; Hearing that doom of God, which said : " Until My trumpet calls the dead, Dwell on the earth, where ye have learned The just may unto sin be turned." Merciful One and just ! we bless Thy name, and crave forgiveness. SOLOMON AND THE ANT. 17 Say Ar-Raheem ! call Him "Compassionate," For He is pitiful to small and great. ' Tis written that the serving-angels stand Beside God's throne, ten myriads on each hand, Waiting, with wings outstretched and watchful eyes, To do their Master's heavenly embassies. Quicker than thought His high commands they read, Swifter than light to execute them speed ; Bearing the word of power from star to star Some hither and some thither, near and far. And unto these nought is too high or low, To mean or mighty, if He wills it so ; Neither is any creature, great or small, Beyond His pity; which embraceth all, Because His eye beholdeth all which are; Sees without search, and counteth without care, Nor lies the babe nearer the nursing-place Than Allah's smallest child to Allah's grace; Nor any ocean roll so vast that He Forgets one wave of all that restless sea. Thus it is written ; and moreover told How Gabriel, watching by the Gates of gold, Heard from the Voice Ineffable this word Of two-fold mandate uttered by the Lord: ' ' Go earthward ! pass where Solomon hath made His pleasure-house, and sitteth there arrayed, 18 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Goodly and splendid whom I crowned the king For at this hour My servant doth a thing Unfitting : out of Nisibis there came A thousand steeds with nostrils all a-flame And limbs of swiftness, prizes of the fight; Lo! these are led, for Solomon's delight, Before the palace, where he gazeth now Filling his heart with pride at that brave show; So taken with the snorting and the tramp Of his war-horses, that Our silver lamp Of eve is swung in vain, Our warning Sun "Will sink before his sunset- prayer's begun; So shall the people say, ' This king, our lord, Loves more the long-maned trophies of his sword Than the remembrance of his God? * Go in! Save thou My faithful servant from such sin." " Also, upon the slope of Arafat, Beneath a lote-tree which is fallen flat, Toileth a yellow ant who carrieth home Food for her nest, but so far hath she come Her worn feet fail, and she will perish, caught In the falling rain ; but thou, make the way naught, And help her to her people in the cleft Of the black rock." Silently Gabriel left The Presence, and prevented the king's sin, And holp the little ant at entering in. Thou wJiose love is wide and great, We praise Thee, " The Compassionate." THE SULTAN AND THE POTTER. 19 Call Him " Al-Malik" King of all the kings, Maker and Master of created things. The Sultan of Damascus found asleep The potter Ebn Soldi, And bore him to the palace, where he waked In garments beautiful. Consider! if a king should call thee " friend," And lead thee to his court, Roofed large with lazulite, and pavemented With flow'rs, on green floors wrought; If he should bid thee sit at meat; and spread A table, served so fine There lacked not any pleasant food or fruit But came at call of thine; If he hung high a glorious golden lamp To shine where thy feet tread; And stretched black 'broidered hangings, sown with gems, For curtains to thy bed; If for thy heats he bade soft zephyrs blow; Sent, at thy thirst, sweet rains ; And filled the groves with minstrels, gayly garbed, To charm thee with their strains; 20 - PEARLS OF THE FAITH. If, past the confines of his palace-grounds, He showed thee spacious seas, Where, wafted o'er the dancing foam, might sail Thou and thine argosies; If, for society in that fair place, He gave glad companies, Kinsmen and friends and helpmates, and the bliss Of beauty's lips and eyes ; With wisdom's scroll to study, and the ways Of wondrous living things; And lovely pleasure of all ornaments That Nature's treasure brings, Coral and pearl ; turkis, and agate stones Milk-white or rosy-veined; Amber and ivory ; jade ; shawls wove with gold, Scarves with sea-purple stained ; If the king gave thee these, and only wrote Upon his inner door : ' ' Serve me and honor me and keep my laws, And thus live evermore In better bliss, when ye shall pass hereby, As surely pass ye must : " Who is there would not praise that monarch's name With forehead in the dust? Lo! but He doeth this Allah our King, His sky is lazulite; His earth is paved with emerald- work; its stores Are spread for man's delight; THE SULTAN AND THE POTTER. 21 His sun by day, His silver stars by night, Shine for our sakes, His breeze Cools us and wafts our ships; His pleasant lands Are girdled with the seas Which send the rain, and make the crystal bridge Whereby man roams at will Prom court to court of Allah's pleasure-house; Seeing that writing still Upon the inner gate which all must pass ' ' Love me and keep my laws That ye may live, since there is greater life Beyond these darkened doors." If Ebn Solul, the potter, loved Him not Whose kindness was so strong; If Ebn Solul kept not the palace laws, Had not that Sultan wrong? Sovereign Giver of good things, We praise Thee, " Malik" King of kings. 22 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. AUah-dL-Kuddusthe " Holy One" He is; But purify thy speech, pronouncing this; For even Israfil, Who waits in Heaven still Nearest the Throne, and hath the voice of sweetness, Before his face doth fold The wings of feathered gold, Saying ' ' Al-Kuddfts ;" and in supreme completeness Of lowly reverence stands, Laying his angel-hands Over his lips, lest Allah's holiest name Be lightly breathed on high; And that white mystery Pass, as if that and others were the same. * Iblis 'tis written when He heareth among men The name of "Allah" spoken, shrinks and flies; But at the sound of this, Uttered in realms of bliss, The Djins and Angels, in their ranks, arise. And what believer dares Begin his morning prayers *Cf. Koran, cxiv. chapter " Of men." GOD' 8 NAME IN HEAVEN. 23 Without " wuzu'h" th' ablution? who is seen His Korn to rehearse But hath in mind its verse, " Let none me touch, save such as are made clean?" Lo ! if with streams or sands Ye lave the earnest hands Lifted in prayer; and if ye wash the mouth Which reads the sacred scroll, Dare ye with sullied soul Meditate this dread word, that shrines the truth Of Allah's purity? Bethink! His great eyes see The hearts of men unto their inmost core ! Make clean your hearts within; Cast forth each inmost sin ; Then with bowed brows, say this name, and adore. Forgive, Thou Pure One ! Whom we bless Of our good deeds the sinfulness. 34 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 6 Thou Who art "Peace" and unto peace dost bring, Allah-as-Saldm ! we praise Thee, Judge and King ! WHEN th' unshunned Day arriveth, none of men shall doubt it come ; Into Hell some it will lower, and exalt to Heaven some. When the earth with quakenings quaketh, and the mountains crumble flat, Quick and dead shall be divided threefold ; on this side, and that, The Companions of the right hand (ah! how joyful they will be !) The Companions of the left hand (oh! what misery to see!) Such, moreover, as of old time, loved the truth and taught it well, First in faith, they shall be foremost in reward: the rest to Hell! But those souls attaining Allah, ah, the Gardens of good cheer Kept to lodge them! yea, besides the "Faithful," many will be there. TEE PEACE OF PARADISE. 25 Lightly lying on soft couches, beautiful with broidered gold, Friends with friends, they shall be served by youths immortal, who will hold Akwdb, abareekcupa and goblets brimming with ce- lestial wine Wine which hurts nor head nor stomach this and fruits of Heaven which shine Bright, desirable; and rich flesh of what birds they rel- ish best; Yea, and feasted, there shall soothe them damsels fair- est, stateliest Damsels having eyes of wonder, large black eyes like hidden pearls, Lulu-l-maknun, Allah grants them, for sweet love, those matchless girls. Never in that Garden hear they speech of folly, sin, or dread; Only " Peace" As-Saldm only that one word for ever said, " Peace! Peace! Peace!" and the Companions of the right hand (ah ! those bowers !) They shall roam in thornless lote-groves, under mawz- trees hung with flowers ; Shaded, fed by flowing waters; near to fruits which never cloy, Hanging always ripe for plucking; and at hand the ten- der joy 26 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Of those maids of Heaven, the Houris : lo ! to them We gave a birth Specially creating, lol they are not as the wives of earth; Ever virginal and stainless, how so often they embrace, Always young and loved and loving these are ; neither is there grace Like the grace and bliss the Black-eyed keep for you in Paradise, O Companions of the right hand! O ye others that were wise!* Giver of peace ! when comes that day, Set us within Thy sight, we pray. * Cf. Koran, Ivi. chapter " Of the Inevitable. 1 THE VERITY OF SAYID. 27 Al-Maumin ! " Faithful," fast, and just is He, And lowth such as live in verity. IBN SAWA, Lord of Bahrein, in the field Captured a Sheikh, an Arab of the hills, Sayid-bin-Tayf ; and the king's oath was passed That each tenth man of all the captives die Together with their chieftains, for the war Waxed fierce, and hearts of men were turned to flame. So led they Sayid forth before the camp At Azan ; and a eunuch of the guard, Savage and black, stood with his haick uprolled Back to the armpit, and the scimetar's edge Naked to strike. But suddenly the king Inquired, " Art thou not he gave me to drink, Hunting gazelles, before the war began?" " Yea, I am he!" said Sayid. Quoth the king, " Ask not thy life, but ask some other boon, That I may pay my debt." Sayid replied, " Death is not terrible to me who die Red with this unbelieving blood of thine; But there hath come a first-born in my tent; 28 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Fain would I see my son's face for a day, Before mine eyes are sealed. Lend me my life, To hold as something borrowed from thy hand, Which I will bring again." " Ayl" laughed the king, " If one should answer for it with his own. Show me thy hostage 1" " Let me stand his bond," Spake one on whom the lot of mercy fell Ishdk of Tayf , a gallant youth and fair " I am his sister's son; bind ye my arms, And set free Sayid, that he ride at speed, And see his first-born's face, and come again." So Sayid went free again, seeking his home. But in the camp they mocked that faithful friend, Saying, " Lo! as a fool thou diest now, Staking thy life upon an Arab's word. Why should he haste, to abide the bitter blade? Will the scared jackal try the trap again; The hawk once limed return unto the snare ? Cry to the desert-wind to turn and come, But call not Sayid." Ishak only smiled, And said, " He is a Muslim, he will come!" The days passed, Sayid came not, and they led The hostage forth, for Ish&k now must die ; But still he smiled, saying, ' ' Till sunset's hour Slay me not, for at sunset he will come. " So fell it, for the sun had touched the palms, And that black swordsman stood again in act THE VERITY OF SAYID. 29 To strike, when Sayid's white mare, galloping in, Drew steaming breath before the royal tent; And Sayid, leaping from the saddle, kissed His kinsman's eyes, and gently spake to all, "Labbayki! I am here." Then said the king, " Never before was known a deed like this That one should stake his life upon a word; The other ride to death as to a bride. Live, and be friends of Ibn S&wa, but speak! Whence learned ye these high lessons?" Ish&k spake, ' ' We are believers in the book which saith, 'Fulfil your covenants, if ye covenant; For God is witness ! break no word with men Which God hath heard ; and surely he hears all. ' " * That verse the king bade write in golden script Over the palace gate ; and he and his Followed the Faith. Taf Allah- al-Maumin ! In truthfulness of act be our faith seen. * Cf. Koran, xvi. chapter " Of the Bee." PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 8 Gall Him Muhaimin, " Help in danger's hour," P)*otector of the true who trust His power. THE spider and the dove! what thing is weak If Allah makes it strong? The spider and the dov,e ! if He protect, Fear thou not f oeman's wrong. From Mecca to Medina fled our Lord, The horsemen followed fast; Into a cave to shun their murderous rage, Muhammad, weary, passed. Quoth Abu Bekr, " If they see, we die!" Quoth Ebn Foheir, " Away!" The guide Abdallah said, " The sand is deep, Those footmarks will betray." Then spake our Lord, " We are not four, but Five; * He who protects ' is here. Come! Al-Muhaimin now will blind their eyes; Enter, and have no fear." The band drew nigh; one of the Koreish cried, 1 ' Search ye out yonder cleft, I see the print of sandalled feet which turn Thither, upon the left!" THE SPIDER AND THE DOVE. 31 But when they drew unto the cavern's mouth, Lo ! at its entering-in, A ring-necked desert dove sate on her eggs ; The mate cooed soft within. And right athwart the shadow of the cave A spider's web was spread; The creature hung upon her net at watch; Unbroken was each thread. ' ' By Thammuz' blood, " the unbelievers cried, "Our toil and time are lost; Where doves hatch and the spider spins her snare No foot of man hath crossed!" Thus did a desert bird and spider guard The blessed Prophet then ; For all things serve their Maker and their God Better than thankless men. Allah-al-Muhaimin ! shield and save Us, for his sake within that cave. PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 9 Say Al-Hathim! He is the Mighty One! Praise Him, and hear the great "Verse of the Throne. 11 " ALLAH! there is none other God but He, The Living God, the Self-subsistent One; Weariness cometh not to Him, nor sleep; And whatso is belongs to Him alone In heaven and earth ; who is it intercedes " With Him, save if He please? He is aware What is before them and what after them, And they of all His knowledge nothing share Save what He will vouchsafe. His throne's foundation Sits splendid, high above the earth and sky. Which to sustain gives Him no meditation: Mightiest He is, Supreme in Majesty." Ayatu-'l-Koorsty ! this we Muslims grave On polished gem and painted architrave; But thou, write its great letters on thy heart, Lauding the Mighty One, whose work thou art. SURA FIFTY-NINE. 33 10 The " All- Compelling !" golden is that verse, Which doth His title Al-Jabbdr rehearse. SUKA the nine and fiftieth: " Fear ye God, O true believers ! and let every soul Heed what it doth to-day, because to-morrow The same thing it shall find gone forward there To meet and make and judge it. Fear ye God, For He knows whatsoever deeds ye do. Be not as those who have forgotten Him, For they are those who have forgot themselves ; They are the evil-doers : not for such, And for the heritors of Paradise, Shall it be equal ; Paradise is kept For those thrice blessed who have ears to hear. Lo! had we sent "the Book" unto Our hills, Our hills had bowed their crests in reverence, And opened to the heart their breasts of rock To take Heaven's message. Fear ye Him who knows Present, and Past, and Future : fear ye Him Who is the Only, Holy, Faithful Lord, Glorious and good, compelling to His will All things, for all things He hath made and rules. So rule, Al-Jabbdr; make our wills Bend, though more stubborn than tJie hills. 34 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 11 Al-Mutakabbir ! all the heavens declare His majesty, Who makes them what they are. AZAR, of Abraham the father, spake Unto his son, " Come! and thine offerings make Before the gods whose images divine In Nimrud's carved and painted temple shine. Pay worship to the sun's great orb of gold; Adore the queen-moon's silver state ; behold Ot&red, Moshtari, Sohayl, in their might, Those stars of glory, those high lords of light. These have we wrought, as fitteth gods alone, In bronze and ivory and chiselled stone. Obey, as did thy sires, these powers of Heaven Which rule the world, throned in the circles seven." But Abraham said, " Did they not see the sun Sink and grow darkened, when the days were done; Did not the moon for them, too, wax and wane, That they should pay her worship, false and vain? Lo! all these stars have laws to rise and set (Mred, Moshtari, Sohayl wilt thou yet Bid me praise gods who humbly come and go, Lights that a Greater Light hath kindled? No! I dare not bow the knee to one of these; My Lord is He who (past the sky man sees) Waxeth and waneth not, Unchanged of all, Him only ' God,' Him only ' Great,' I call." Well spak'st thou, Friend of Allah ! none Is "great " except the Greatest One. SIGNS OF THE LORD. 35 Praise the " Creator!" He who made us live, Life everlasting unto us can give. BY the glorious Book We have sent! do they wonder a warner is come Out from among themselves? do the misbelievers say "This is a marvellous thing! what! when we are dead and dust To live! to arise! see now, this hope is a hope far away 1" But what the grave shall consume, and what of the man it shall leave, We know, for a roll is with Us where each soul's order is set. Will they call the truth a lie when it cometh to them, and dwell Wrangling and foolish and fearful, confounding the matter? But yet The heaven is above them to see how fair We have builded its arch, Painted it golden and blue, finished it perfect and clear ; And the earth how We spread it forth, and planted the mountains thereon; And made all the manifold trees and the beautiful blossoms appear. 36 PEAEL8 OF THE FAITH. Memorials are these to the wise, and a message to him who repents ; Moreover We drop from the clouds the blessing of water, the rain, Whereby the cool gardens do grow, and the palms soaring up to the sky With their date-laden branches and boughs, one over the other; and grain To nourish the children of men. Lo! thus We have quickened dead clay On the bosom of earth, and beneath her so, too, shall a quickening be. What! deem they it wearied God to create? that His power was spent? They are fools, and they darken their eyes to that which He willeth them see. We have fashioned man, and we know the thoughts of his innermost heart ; We are closer to him than his blood, more near than the vein of his throat; At the right of ye all sits a watcher, a watcher sits at your left ; And whatso each speaketh or thinketh, those two have known it and note. Al-Khalik ! Fashioner Divine ! Finish Thy work and make us Thine ! ANGELS' WINGS. 37 13 Ai-Bdri! Moulder of each form and frame, Pots praise the Potter, when we speak this name. PKAISE be to God, the Designer, Builder of earth and of Heaven! Fashioned His Angels He hath, making them mes- sengers still; Two wings to some and four wings to some, and to some He hath given Six and eight silver wings, making what marvels He will. Verily mighty is He, and what He bestoweth of blessing None can withhold; and none what He withholdeth can send; Children of men ! remember the mercies of Allah to- wards ye, Is there a Maker save this, is there another such Friend? Nowhere another one, we see, Wondrous "Artificer!" like Thee. PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 14 Al-Muzawwir ! the "Fashioner!" say thus; Still lauding Him who hath compounded us. WHEN the Lord would fashion men, Spake He in the Angels' hearing, "Lo! Our will is there shall be On the earth a creature bearing Rule and royalty. To-day We will shape a man from clay." Spake the Angels, " Wilt Thou make Man who must forget his Maker, Working evil, shedding blood, Of Thy precepts the forsaker? But Thou knowest all, and we Celebrate Thy majesty." Answered Allah, "Yea! I know What ye know not of this making; Gabriel ! Michael ! Israfil ! Go down to the earth, and taking Seven clods of colors seven, Bring them unto Me in Heaven." Then those holy Angels three Spread their pinions and descended; Seeking clods of diverse clay, That all colors might be blended; THE MAKING OF MAN. Yellow, tawny, dun, black, brown, White and red, as men are known. But the earth spake, sore afraid, "Angels ! of my substance take not; Give me back my dust, and pray That the dread Creator make not Man, for he will sin, and bring Wrath on me and suffering." Therefore empty-handed came Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, Saying, "Lord ! Thy earth imploreth Man may never on her dwell ; ' He will sin and anger thee, Give me back my clay! ' cried she." Spake the Lord to Azrael, ' ' Go thou, who of wing art surest. Tell my earth this shall be well; Bring those clods, which thou procurest From her bosom, unto Me; Shape them as I order thee. " Thus 'tis written how the Lord Fashioned Adam for His glory, Whom the Angels worshipped, All save Iblis ; and this story Teacheth wherefore Azrael saith, " Come thou!" at man's hour of death. Allah ! when he doth call us, take f We are such clay as Thou did'st make. 40 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 15 ALGhaffdr, the " For giver," praise thereby. Thy Lord who is so full of clemency. ONCE, it is written, Abraham, "God's Friend," Angered his Lord; for there had ridden in Across the burning yellow desert-flats An aged man, haggard with two days' drouth. The water-skin swung from his saddle-fork Wrinkled and dry ; the dust clove to his lids, And clogged his beard ; his parched tongue and black lips Moved to say, " Give me drink," yet uttered nought; And that gaunt camel which he rode upon, Sank to the earth at entering of the camp, Too spent except to lay its neck along The sand, and moan. To whom when they had given The cool wet jar, asweat with diamond-drops Of sparkling life, that way-worn Arab laved The muzzle of his beast, and filled her mouth ; Then westward turned with blood-shot, worshipping eyes, Pouring forth water to the setting orb: Next, would have drunk, but Abraham saw, and said, "Let not this unbeliever drink, who pours God's gift of water forth unto the sun, Which is but creature of the living Lord." ABRAHAM'S OFFENCE. 41 But while the man still clutched the precious jar, Striving to quaff, a form of grace drew nigh, Beauteous, majestic. If he came afoot, None knew, or if he glided from the sky. With gentle air he filled a gourd and gave The man to drink, and Abraham in wrath That one should disobey him in his tents Made to forbid ; when full upon him smote Eyes of divine light, eyes of high rebuke For this was Michael, Allah's messenger "Lo ! God reproveth thee, thou Friend of God! Forbiddest thou gift of the common stream To this idolater, spent with the heat, Who, in his utmost need, watered his beast, And bowed the knee in reverence, ere he drank? Allah hath borne with him these threescore years, " Bestowed upon him corn and wine, and made His household fruitful and his herds increase ; And find'st thou not patience to pity him Whom God hath pitied, waiting for the end, Since none save He wotteth what end will come, Or who shall find the light. Thou art rebuked! Seek pardon! for thou hast much need to seek." Thereat the Angel vanished, as he came ; But Abraham, with humbled countenance, Kissed reverently the heathen's hand, and spake Leading him to the chief seat in the tent " God pardon me, as He doth pardon thee!" Long-suffering Lord ! ah, who should be Forgiven, if Thou wert < 42 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 16 Al-Kahhdr call Him " Dominant," tlie King, Who makeih, knoweth, ruleth everything. THE " Chapter of the Cattle :" * Heaven is whose, And whose is earth ? Say Allah's, That did choose On His own might to lay the law of rnercy. He, at the Resurrection, will not lose One of His own. What falleth, night or day, Falleth by His Almighty word alway. "Wilt thou have any other Lord than Allah, Who is not fed, but feedeth all flesh? Say! For if He visit thee with woe, none makes The woe to cease save He; and if He takes Pleasure to send thee pleasure, He is Master Over all gifts; nor doth His thought forsake The creatures of the field, nor fowls that fly; They are "a people" also: "These, too, I Have set," the Lord saith, "in My book of record; These shall be gathered to Me by and by." With Him of all things secret are the keys; None other hath them, but He hath ; and sees Whatever is in land, or air, or water, Each bloom that blows, each foam-bell on the seas. * Of. Koran, vi. chapter " Of the Cattle." SURA " OF THE CATTLE." 43 Nor is there any little hidden grain Swelling beneath the sod, nor in the main Any small fish or shell, nor of the earth Green things or dry things upon hill or plain, But these are written in th' unerring Book: And what ye did by day, and when ye took Your slumbers, and the last sleep ; then to Him Is your return, and the account's there! look! Al-Kalifidr ! All-embracing One ! Our trust is fixed on Thee alone. 44 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 17 Praise " the Bestower:" unto all that live He giveth, and He loveth those who give. THE Imfon All, Lion of the Faith, Have ye not heard his giving? what he had The poor had, for he held his gold and goods As Allah's almoner. Ali it was Who in the Mecca mosque at evening prayer Being entreated by some needy one Would not break off, yet would not let the man Ask him in vain for what he asked of God, Favor and aid; wherefore amid the words He drew his emerald, carved with Allah's praise, From his third finger, giving it ; and prayed With face unturned. If he had pieces ten, He succored five score ; if one dinar, then Into ten dirhems he divided that, And fed ten " people of the bench." Our Lord (On whom be peace !) in all men's hearing said, "This is the Prince of Givers!" Once it fell, Being sore hungered in his house, he cried, " Fatmeh! thou daughter of the Prophet of God, Find me to eat, if thou hast any food." ALT AND THE ANGELS. 45 And Fatmeh said, " Father of Hassan! here Not a dry date is left not one I swear By Him besides Whom is none other God ; But in the corner of the tomb I laid Six silver akchas : take them, if thou wilt, And buy thee in the market food, and bring Fruits for our boys, Hassan and Hussain." Thus Ali departed. On his way he spied Two Mussulmans, of whom one rudely haled The other, crying, " Pay thy debt, or come Unto the prison where the smiter waits." And he who owed had nought, and wept amain, Sighing, " Alas the day!" But Ali asked, " What is thy debt, my brother?" Then he moaned, ' ' Six akchas, for the lack of which the chains Must load me." "Nay!" spake Ali, "they are here; Take them and pay the man, and go in peace." So went that debtor free, but Ali came Empty in hand and belly home again Unto his door, where Fatmeh and the sons, Hassan and Hussain, seeing him approach, Ran joyous forth, crying, " He bringeth us Dates now, and honey, and new camels' milk; Soon shall we feast." But when they saw his cloth Hang void, and troubled eyes, and heard him say, " Upon my road I met a poorer man Who, for six akchas, should have borne the chains; To him I gave them, and I bring ye nought," Then the lads wept; but Fatmeh smiled and spake: "Well hast thou done, O servant of the Lord! Weep not, ye sons of Ali, though we fast; Who f eedeth Allah's children, feasts His own : He, the ' Bestower/ will provide for us." 46 PEAEL8 OF THE FAITH. But All turned, heart-sore because the boys Lacked meat, and Fatmeh's lovely eyes were sunk Hollow with hunger. " I will go," thought he, " Unto the blessed Prophet, for, if one Be burdened with a thousand woes, his word Dismisses them and makes the sorrow joy." So bent he mournful steps thither, to tell The Lord Muhammad of this strait, when lo! An Arab in mid path encountered him, Of noble bearing, with a chieftain's mien, Leading a riding-camel by her string, Black, with full teeth, the best beast ever foaled. "Buy Wurdah! buy my desert rose," quoth he; " One hundred akchas make her thine, so thou Shalt own the best in Hedjaz, or at choice Sell her for double money. " Ali said, ' ' The beast is excellent ! fain would I buy, But have not in my scrip thy price." " Go to," The Sheikh replied ; ' ' take her and bring thy gold, When Allah pleaseth, to the western gate; I will await thee." Ali nodded; took The nose-string, turning to the left to seek The camel-merchants that should buy the beast; Whom at the very entry of the Khan Another Arab in the desert garb, Lordly and gracious like his fellow, met, And quick saluted, saying, " Peace with thee! God send thee favor! wilt thou sell me now Thy riding-camel with the great stag-eyes? Here be three hundred akchas counted down, Silver and gold, good money! Such an one ALI AND THE ANGELS. 47 I sought, but found not, till I saw thee here." "If thou wilt buy," quoth Ali, " be it so!" And thereupon that Bedawee counted out Dinars and dirhems little suns and moons Of glittering gold and silver in his cloth, And took the beast ; but Ali, with one piece Bought food and fruits, and, hastening home again, Heard his lads laugh with joy to see the store Poured forth; white cakes and dates and amber grapes And smiled himself to mark Fatmeh's soft eyes Gladden ; then, having eaten, blessed the Lord, Giver of gifts, " Bestower." So, once more Made he to go unto the western gate To pay his seller ; but upon the street The Prophet met him. Lightly smiled our Lord, (On whom be comfort!) lightly questioned he, Saying, " O Ali! who was he did sell Thy riding-camel, and to whom didst thou Sell her again?'' Quoth Ali, "Only God Knoweth, except thou knowest!" Spake our Lord, " Yea, but I know! that was great Gabriel, Chief messenger of Heaven, from whom thou bought'st; And he to whom thou sold'st was Israfil, His heavenly fellow; and that beast did come Forth from the pleasure-fields of Paradise, And thither back is gone ; for look ! my son, Allah hath recompensed thee fifty times The goodly deed thou didst, giving thine all To free the weeping debtor. Oh, He sees And measures and bestows ; but what is kept, 48 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Beyond gifts here, for kindly hearts that love, God only wotteth, and the Eternal Peace." Bestower ! grant us grace to see Our gain is what we lose for TJiee. SURA " OF THE FORENOON." 49 18 Al-Razzdk ! the "Provider /" thus again Praise Him who, having formed thee, doth sustain. BY the high dawn, When the light of the sun is strong! By the thick night, When the darkness is deep and long! He hath not forsook thee, nor hated! By his mercies, I say, The life which will come shall be better Than the life of to-day, In the latter days The Lord thy " Provider" shall give; When thou knowest His gift Thou wilt not ask rather to live; Look back! thou wert friendless and frameless, He made thee from nought ; Look back ! thou wert blinded and wandering, To the light thou art brought! Consider! shall Allah forego thee Since thus He hath wrought? * The favor of thy Lord perpend, And praise His mercies without end. *Cf. Koran, xciii. chapter " t Of the Forenoon.' 1 50 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 19 Al-Fattd'h ! praise the " Opener!" and recite The marvels of that " Journey of the Night. " * OUR Lord Muhammad lay upon the hill Saf, whereby the holy city stands, Asleep, wrapped in a robe of camels* wool. Dark was the night that Night of grace and still; When all the seven spheres, by God's commands, Opened unto him, splendid and wonderful ! For Gabriel, softly lighting, touched his side, Saying, "Rise, thou enwrapped one! come and see The things which be beyond. Lo! I have brought Borak, the horse of swiftness; mount and ride!" Milk-white that steed was, with embroidery Of pearls and emeralds in his long hair wrought. Hooved like a mule he was, with a man's face; His eyes gleamed from his forelock, each a star Of lucent hyacinth ; the saddle-cloth Was woven gold, which priceless work did grace! , The lightning goeth not so fast or far As those broad pinions which he fluttered forth. One heel he smote on Safa, and one heel On Sinai where the dint is to this day. * Cf. Koran, xvii. chapter " Of the Night Journey." MUHAMMAD'S JOURNEY TO HEAVEN. 51 Next at Jerusalem lie neighed. Our Lord, Descending with th' Archangel there, did kneel Making the midnight prayer ; afterwards they Tethered him to the Temple by a cord. "Ascend!" spake Gabriel; and behold! there fell Out of the sky a ladder bright and great, "Whereby, with easy steps, on radiant stairs, They mounted past our earth and heaven and hell To the first sphere, where Adam kept the gate, Which was of vaporous gold and silvery squares Here thronged the lesser Angels : some took charge To fill the clouds with rain and speed them round, And some to tend live creatures; for what's born Hath guardians there in its own shape : a large Beauteous white cock crowed matins, at the sound Cocks in a thousand planets hailed the morn. Unto the second sphere by that white slope Ascended they, whereof Noah held the key; And two-fold was the throng of Angels here; But all so dazzling glowed its fretted cope, Burning with beams, Muhammad could not see What manner of celestial folk were there. The third sphere lay a thousand years beyond If thou should'st journey as the sun -ray doth, But in one FdtihaJi clomb they thitherward. David and Solomon in union fond Ruled at the entrance, keeping Sabaoth Of ceaseless joy. The void was paven hard With paven work of rubies if there be Jewels on earth to liken unto them 52 PEARLS OF TEE FAITH. Which had such color as no goldsmith knows And here a vast Archangel they did see, "Faithful of God " his name, whose diadem Was set with peopled stars; wherefrom arose Lauds to the glory of God, filling the blue With lovely music, as rose-gardens fill A land with essences; and young stars, shaking Tresses of lovely light, gathered and grew Under his mighty plumes, departing still Like ships with crews and treasure, voyage-making. So came they to the fourth sphere, where there sate Enoch, who never tasted death; and there Behind its portal awful Azrael writes; The shadow of his brows compassionate Made night across all worlds; our Lord felt fear, Marking the stern eyes and the hand which smites. For always on a scroll he sets the names Of new-born beings, and from off the scroll He blotteth who must die; and holy tears Roll down his cheeks, recording all our shames And sins and penalties; while of each soul Monker and Nakir reckon the arrears. Next, at the fifth sphere's entry, they were 'ware Of a door built in sapphire, having graven Letters of flashing fire, the faith unfolding, " THERE is NO GOD SAVE GOD." Aaron sate there Guarding the " region of the wrath of Heaven;" And Israfil behind, his trumpet holding, His trumpet holding which shall wake the dead And slay the living all his cheek puffed out, MUHAMMAD'S JOURNEY TO HEAVEN. 53 Bursting to blow ; for none knows Allah's time, Nor when the word of judgment shall be said: And darts, and chains of flame, lay all around, Terrible tortures for th' ungodly's crime. When to the sixth sphere passed they, Moses sped Its bars of chrysoprase, and kissed our Lord, And spake full sweet, ' ' Prophet of Allah ! thou More souls of Ismael's tribes to truth hast led, Than I of Isaak's." Here the crystal sword Of Michael gave the light they journeyed through. But at the seventh sphere that light which shone Hath not an earthly name, nor any voice Can tell its splendor, nay, nor any ear Learn, if it listened ; only he alone Who saw it, knows how there th' elect rejoice, Isa, and Ibrahim, and the souls most dear. And he, the glorious regent of that sphere, Had seventy thousand heads ; and every head As many countenances; and each face As many mouths; and in each mouth there were Tongues seventy thousand, whereof each tongue said, Ever and ever, ' ' Praise to Allah ! praise 1" Here, at the bound, is fixed that lotus- tree SEDRA, which none among the Angels pass; And not great Gabriel's self might farther wend: Yet, led by presences too bright to see, Too high to name, on paths like purple glass Our Lord Muhammad journeyed to the end. Alone ! alone ! through hosts of Cherubim Crowding the infinite void with whispering vans, 54 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. From splendor unto splendor still he sped; Across the " Lake of Gloom" they ferried him, And then the " Sea of Glory:" mortal man's Heart cannot hold the wonders witnessed. So to the "Region of the Veils" he came, Which shut all times off from eternity, The bars of being where thought cannot reach : Ten thousand thousand are they, walls of flame Lambent with loveliness and mystery, Ramparts of utmost heaven, having no breach. Then he SAW GOD! our Prophet saw THE THRONE! O Allah! let these weak words be forgiven! Thou, the Supreme, "the Opener," spake at last; The Throne! the Throne! he saw; our Lord alone! Saw it and heard ! but the verse falls from heaven Like a poised eagle, whom the lightnings blast. And Gabriel waiting by the tree he found; And Borak, tethered to the Temple porch ; He loosed the horse, and 'twixt its wings ascended. One hoof it smote on Zion's hallowed ground, One upon Sinai ; and the day-star's torch Was not yet fading when the journey ended. Al-Mttd'h! " Opener!" we say Thy name, and worship Thee alway. THE MOAKKIBAT. 55 20 Al-'Alim! the " All-Knower f" by this wwd Praise Him Who sees th' umeen, and hears th* unheard. IP ye keep hidden your mind, if ye declare it aloud, Equally God hath perceived, equally known is each thought: If on your housetops ye sin, if in dark chambers ye shroud, Equally God hath beheld, equally judgment is wrought. He, without listing, doth know how many breathings ye make; Numbereth the hairs of your heads, wotteth the beats of your blood ; Heareth the feet of the ant when she wanders by night in the brake; Counteth the eggs of the snake and the cubs of the wolf in the wood. Mute the Moakkib&t* sit this side and that side of men, One on the right noting good, and one on the left noting ill; Each hath those Angels beside him who write with in- visible pen Whatso he doeth, or sayeth, or thinketh, recording it still, * These are the " Successors," or Angels of Record, who relieve each other in the duty of registering human actions, etc. 56 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Vast is the mercy of God, and when a man doeth aright, Glad is the right-hand Angel, and setteth it quick on the roll ; Ten times he setteth it down in letters of heavenly light, For one good deed ten deeds, and a hundred for ten on the scroll. But when one doeth amiss the right-hand Angel doth lay His palm on the left-hand Angel and whispers, "For- bear thy pen! Peradventure in seven hours the man may repent him and pray; At the end of the seventh hour, if it must be, witness it then."* Al-'Alim! Thou Who knowest all, With hearts unveiled on Thee we call. * Cf. Koran, xiii. chapter " Of thunder." EVIL DEEDS. 57 Yakbuzu wa Yabsutu ! heaven and hell He closeth and uncloseth and doth well ! * IN gold and silk and robes of pride An evil-hearted monarch died; Pampered and arrogant his soul Quitted the grave. His eyes did roll Hither and thither, deeming some In that new world should surely come To lead his spirit to a seat Of state, for kingly merit meet. What saw he? 'twas a hag so foul There is no Afrit, Djin, or Ghoul With countenance as vile, or mien As fearful, and such terrors seen In the fierce voice and hideous air, Blood-dripping hands and matted hair. " Allah have mercy!'* cried the king, " Whence and what art thou, hateful thing?" " Dost thou not know who gav'st me birth?" Eeplied the form; "thy sins on earth In me embodied thus behold. I am thy wicked work! unfold Thine arms and clasp me, for we two In hell must live thy sentence through." * Of. Kor&n, ii. chapter " Of the Cow." 58 PEAEL8 OF THE FAITH. Then with a bitter cry, 'tis writ, The king's soul passed unto the pit. Al-Kabiz ! so He bars the gate Against the unregenerate. GOOD DEEDS. Yet He who shuts the gate, just wrath to wreak, Unbars it, full of mercy, to the meek. THERE died upon the Miraj night, A man of Mecca, Amru height ; Faithful and true, patient and pure, Had been his years ; he did endure In war five spear- wounds, and in peace Long journeying for his tribe's increase; And ever of his gains he gave Unto poor brethren kind as brave: But these forsook, and age and toil Drained the strong heart as flames drink oil; Till, lone and friendless, gray and spent A thorn-tree's shadow for his tent, And desert sand for dying-bed Amru the camel-man lay dead. What is it that the 'Hadtth saith? Even while the true eyes glazed in death, And the warm heart wearied, and beat The last drum of its long defeat, An Angel, lighting on the sand, Took Amru's spirit by the hand, And gently spake, "Dear brother, come! A sore road thou didst journey home; 60 PEAELS OF THE FAITH. But life's dry desert thou hast passed, And Zem-Zein sparkles nigh at last." Then with swift flight those twain did rise Unto the gates of Paradise, Which opened, and the Angel gave A golden granate, saying, ' ' Cleave This fruit, my brother!" But its scent So heavenly seemed, and so intent, So rapt was Amru, to behold The great fruit's rind of blushing gold And emerald leaves -he dared not touch, . Murmuring, "O M^lik! 'tis too much That I am here, with eyes so dim, And grace all fled." Then bade they him Gaze in the stream which glided stilly, 'Mid water-roses and white lily, Under those lawns and smiling skies That make delight in Paradise ; When, lo ! the presence imaged there Was of such comeliness, no peer Among those glorious Angels stood To Amru, mirrored in the flood. "I ! is it I?" he cried in gladness, "Am I so changed from toil and sadness?** " This was thy hidden self," replied The Angels. " So shalt thou abide By our bright river evermore ; And in that fair fruit's secret core Which on the Tree of Life hath grown Another marvel shall be shown. Ah, happy Amru! cleave!" He clove: Sweet miracle of bliss and love ! GOOD DEEDS. 61 Forth from the pomegranate there grew, As from its bud a rose breaks through, A lovely, stately, lustrous maid, Whose black orbs long silk lashes shade, Whose beauty was so rich to see No verse can tell it worthily; Nor is there found in any place One like her for the perfect grace Of soft arms wreathed and ripe lips moving In accents musical and loving; For thus she spake: " Peace be to thee, My Arnru!" Then, with quick cry, he: "Who art thou, blessed one? what name Wearest thou? teach my tongue to frame This worship of my heart." Said she, " Thy good deeds gave me being: see, If in my beauty thou hast pleasure, How the Most High doth truly treasure Joy for his servants. Murzieh I She that doth love and satisfy And I am made by Allah's hand Of ambergris and musk, to stand Beside thee, soothing thee, and tending In comfort and in peace unending." So hand in hand, 'tis writ, they went To those bright bowers of high content. Al-Bdsit ! thus He opens wide His mercies to the justified. PEARLS OF THE FAITH. the "Abaserf" praise Tiereby Him Who doth mock at earthly majesty. HEARD ye of Nimrud? Cities fell before him; Skinar, from Accad to the Indian Sea, His garden was; as God, men did adore him; Queens were his slaves, and kings his vassalry. Eminent on his car of carven brass, Through f oeman's blood nave-deep he drave his wheel ; And not a lion in the river-grass Could keep its shaggy fell from Nimrftd's steel. But he scorned Allah, schemed a tower to invade Him; Dreamed to scale Heaven, and measure might with God; Heaped high the foolish clay wherefrom We made him, And built thereon his seven-fold house of the clod. Therefore, the least Our messengers among, We sent; a gray gnat dancing in the reeds: Into his ear she crept, buzzing, and stung. So perished mighty Nimrftd and his deeds. Thou Abaser of all pride f Mighty Thou art, and none beside. ALLAH'S PROPHETS. 63 24 Ar-Bafi! the "Exalter!" laud Him so Who loves the humble and lifts up the low. WHOM hath He chosen for His priests and preachers, Lords who were eminent, or men of might? Nay, but consider how He seeks His teachers, Hidden, like rubies unaware of light. Ur of the Chaldees! what chance to discover . Th' elect of Heaven in Azar's leathern tent? But Allah saw his child, and friend, and lover, And Abraham was born, and sealed, and sent. The babe committed to th' Egyptian water! Knew any that the tide of Nilus laved The hope of Israel there? yet Pharaoh's daughter Found the frail ark, and so was Moses saved. Low lies the Syrian town behind the mountain "Where Mary, meek and spotless, knelt that morn, And saw the splendid Angel by the fountain, And heard his voice, "Lord Isa shall be born!" Nay, and Muhammad (blessed may he be!), Abdallah's and Amiriah's holy son, Whom black Halimah nursed, the Bedawee, Where lived a lonelier or a humbler one? 64 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Think how Tie led the camels of Khadljah, Poor, but illumined by the light of Heaven ; Mightier than Noah, or Enoch, or Elijah, Our holy Prophet to Arabia given. Man knew him not, wrapped in his cloth, and weeping Lonely on HirS, all that wondrous night ; But Allah for his own our Lord was keeping : "Rise, thou enwrapped one!" Gabriel spake, "and write." Save God there is none high at all, Nor any low whom He doth call. SUftA " OF IMRAN'S FAMILY." 65 Al-Muhizz ! by this title celebrate The " Honorer" Whose favor maketh great. SAY "God," say "Lord of all! Kingdoms and kings Thou makest and unmakest, This one Thou takest, that one Thou forsakest; Alike are great and small; Into Thy hand they fall/'* " In Thy dread hand they rest; Their nights and days, their waking and their sleeping, Their birth, and life, and death lie in Thy keeping; * Be thus ' to each Thou say'st, And thus to be is best, "Though it seem good or ill. Isl&m! to Thee our souls we do resign, Turning our faces to the blessed shrine; Seeking no honor still Save from Thy will."* Al-Muhizz! only this we pray To learn Thy will and to obey. * Cf. Koran, iii. chapter " Of Imran's Family." 66 f EARLS OF THE FAITH. 26 0, Al-MuzU! what if it be Thy will, Having made man, to lead him into ill? SAITH the Perspicuous Book: " All things which be are of God; Neither, except by His word, falleth a leaf to the ground; If He will open He openeth, and whom He hath blinded He blindeth, Leading, misleading; to none liable, blamable, bound."* Saith the Perspicuous Book: "Tied on the neck of a man Hangeth the scroll of his fate, not a line to be gain- said or grudged ; When the trumpet of Israfil thunders, the Angels will show it and say, Read there what thine own deeds have written; thyself by thyself shall be judged." f Wilt thou be wiser than God Who knoweth beginning and end? Wilt thou be juster than He whose balance is turned by a sigh? *Cf. Koran, iii. chapter " Of Imran's Family." tCf. Koran, xvii. chapter " Of the Night Journey." GOD'S WILL AND FREE-WILL. 67 He sayeth, " It shall not be equal for the doers of right and of wrong." "It shall not be equal," He sayeth, " for them that accept and deny." * Al-MuzU ! lead us not astray f Teach us to find the perfect way. * Cf . Kor&n, eodem loco. 68 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 27 As-Sami'h ! Thou Hearer ! none can le So far, his crying doth not come to Thee. WHITES in his Mesnevt, Jelalu-'d-deen: There came a man of Yaman, poor and old, To Mecca, making pilgrimage ; untaught, A shepherd of the hills. Humble he trod The six mikat, the stages of the Hadj ; Humbly indued the ihr&m, garb of faith Which hath no seam; made due ablutions, kissed The black stone; then three times with hastening feet Circled the Kaabah, and four times paced With slackened gate the tawaf, as is due, (For such observances the Mollah taught). But, when he bowed before the Holy Place, Thus brake his soul from him, knowing no prayer, Full of God's love, though ignorant of God: " O Master! O my Sheikh! where tarriest Thou? Show me Thy face that I may worship Thee, May toil Thy servant, which I am in heart: Ah ! let me sew Thy shoes, anoint Thine hair, Wash Thy soiled robes, and serve Thee daily up My she-goats' freshest milk I love thee so ! Where hidest Thou, that I may kiss Thine hand, Chafe Thy dear feet, and ere Thou takest rest In the gold sky, beside Thy sun, belike, A SHEPHERD'S PRATER. 69 Among the soft-spread fleeces of Thy clouds Sweep out Thy chamber, O my joy, my King!" Which hearing, they who kept the shrine, incensed, Had haled him to the gateway, crying, "Dog! What blasphemy is this thou utterest, Saying such things of Him That hath no needs Of nourishment, nor clothing, nor repose, Nor hands, nor feet, nor any form or frame ; That thou, base keeper of the silly herd, Shouldst proffer service to the All-Powerful? Meet were it that we stoned thee dead with stones, Who art accursed and injurious. Beyond! these holy walls are not for thee." So, sore abashed, that shepherd made to go, Silent and weeping; but our Prophet marked, And with mild eyes smiled on the man ; then spake To those that drave him forth: " Ye, when ye pray Outside this holy place, in distant lands, Whither turn ye your faces?" Each one said, "Unto the Kaabah." "And when ye pray, Within the blessed precincts, pilgrims here, Which way lies Mecca?" " All is sacred here," They answered, " and it matters nought which way." "Lo! now ye reason well," replied our Lord; "Inside the Kaabah it matters nought Whither men turn; and in the secret place Of perfect love for God, words are as breath And will is all. This simple shepherd's prayer Came unto Allah's ears clearer than yours, Nathless his ignorance, because his heart Not tongue, not understanding uttered it. 70 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Make room for God's poor lover nighest me; Good fellowship hath any man with him To whom Heaven's ear as quick inclines itself As doth a mother's when her babe lisps love." Then were they sore ashamed in that hour. Hearer of hearts! As-Sarm l h! so Our love inspire, and Thine bestow. AZRAEL AND THE INDIAN PRINCE. 71 Al-Bazir ! Thou Seer ! great and small Live in Thy vision, which embraceth all. WERE it one wasted seed of water-grass, Blown by the wind, or buried in the sand, He seeth and ordaineth if it live; Were it a wild bee questing honey-buds, He seeth if she find, and how she comes On busy winglets to her hollow tree. The seeing of His eyes should not be told, Though all the reeds in all the earth were cut To writing-sticks, and all the seven seas Were seven times multiplied, flowing with ink, And seventy angels wrote. He beholds all Which was, or is, or will be: yea, with Him Is present vision of five secret things: The day of Judgment; and the times of rain; The child hid in the womb is quickenring, And whether male or female ; what will fall To-morrow (as ye know what did befall Yesterday); and where every man shall die.* " Where every man shall die." Al Beidhftwi Presenteth how there sate with Solomon A prince of India, and there passed them by Azrael, Angel of Death, on shadowy plumes; *Cf. Koran, xxxi. chapter " Of Lokman." 72 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. With great eyes gazing earnestly, as one Who wonders, gazing. And, because the prince Sate with the king, he saw what the king saw, The Djins and Angels, and saw Azrael Fixing on him those awful searching eyes. " What name, I pray thee, wears yon messenger?" So asked he of the king ; and Solomon Made answer, " It is Azrael, who calls The souls of men." "He seemed," whispered the prince, " To have an errand unto me; bid now That one among thy demon ministers Waft me, upon the swiftest wing that beats, To India, for I fear him." Solomon Issued command, and a swift Djin sprang forth Bearing the prince aloft, so that he came To Coromandel, ere the fruit which fell Out of the fig had touched the marble floor. Thereupon Azrael said to Solomon, ' ' I looked thus earnestly upon the man In wonder, for my Lord spake, ' Take his soul In India; ' yet behold he talked with thee Here in Judaea! Now, see! he hath gone There where it was commanded he should die." Then followed Azrael. In that hour the prince Died of a hurt, sitting in India. With Thee, Lord, be the time and place, So that we die in Thy dear grace. THE LAST DAT. 73 29 Al-Hdkim ! think upon tJie Day of Doom, And fear " the Judge" before Whom all must come. WHEN the sun is withered up, And the stars from Heaven roll ; When the mountains quake, And ye let stray your she-camels, gone ten months in foal ; When wild beasts flock With the people and the cattle In terror, in amazement, And the seas boil and rattle; And the dead souls For their bodies seek ; And the child vilely slain Is bid to speak, Being asked, " Who killed thee, little maid? Tell us his name!" While the books are unsealed, And crimson flame Flayeth the skin of the skies, And Hell breaks ablaze; And Paradise Opens her beautiful gates to the gaze ; Then shall each soul Know the issues of the whole, And the balance of its scroll.* * Cf. Koran, Ixxxi. chapter " Of the Folding Up." 74 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Shall We swear by the stars Which fade away? By the Night drowned in darkness, By the dead Day? We swear not ! a true thing is this ; It standeth sure, He saw it and he heard, and Our word Will endure ! When the sky cleaves asunder, And the stars Are scattered; and in thunder All the bars Of the seas burst, and all the .graves are emptied Like chests upturned, Each soul shall see her doings, done and undone, And what is earned. The smiting, the smiting Of that Day! The horror, the splendor, Who shall say? * The Day when none shall answer for his brother; The Day which is with God, and with none other. Al-Hakim ! Judge ! Save by Thy power, Who might abide that awful hour ? *Cf. Koran, Ixxxii. chapter " Of Cleaving Asunder.' SURA "OF JONAS." 75 30 Al-Hddil! " Just Lord!" we magnify Thy righteous Law, which shall the whole world try. GOD will roll up, when this world's end approacheth, The broad blue spangled hangings of the sky, Even as As-Sigill * rolleth up his record, And seals and binds it when a man doth die. Then the false worshippers, and what they follow, Will to the pit, like ''stones of hell," descend; But true believers shall hear Angels saying, "This is your day; be joyous without end." f In that hour dust shall lie on many faces, And may faces shall be glad and bright ; J Ye who believe, trust and be patient always, Until God judges, for He judges right. Give us to pass before Thy throne Among the number of Thine own! * A name of the Angel of Registration, t Cf. Koran, xxi. chapter " Of the Prophets/ $ Cf. Koran, Ixxx. chapter " Of the Frown." Cf. Koran, x. chapter " Of Jonas." 76 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 31 Dread is His wrath, but boundless is His grace, Al-Latiff Lord! show us Thy "favoring" face! MOST quick to pardon sins is He : Who unto God draws near One forward step, God taketh three To meet, and quit his fear. If ye will have of this world's show, God grants, while Angels weep ; If ye for Paradise will sow, Eight noble crops ye reap.* Ah, Gracious One, we toil to reap : The soil is hard, the way is steep ! * Of. Koran, xlii. chapter " Of Counsel." MUHAMMAD IN THE CEMETERY. 77 Al-KhaUr! Thou Who art "aware" of all, By this name also for Thy grace we call. ONE morning in Medina walked our Lord Among the tombs: glad was the dawn, and broad On headstones and on footstones sunshine lay; Earth seemed so fair, 'twas hard to be away. " O people of the graves!" Muhammad said, ' ' Peace be with you ! Your caravan of dead Hath passed the defile, and we living ones Forget what men ye were, of whom the sons, And what your merchandise and where ye went ; But Allah knows these things ! Be ye content Since Allah is ' aware.' Ah! God forgive Those that are dead, and us who briefly live." Tea ! pardon, Lord, since Thou dost know To-morrow, now, and long ago. 78 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. " Clement?' is our Lord above ; Magnify AUah by this name of lose. YE know the ant that creeps upon the fig, The dharra, made so small, Until she moveth in the purple seeds She is not seen at all. If, on the judgment-day, holding the scales When all the trial's done The Angel of the Balance crteth, "Lord! The good deeds of this one Outweigh his evil deeds, justly assessed, By half one dharra' s weight;" Allah will say, ' ' Multiply good to him, And open Heaven's gate!" Not if thy work be worth a date-stone's skin Shall it be overpast; Thus it is written in the Sacred Book,* Thus will it be at last. Faithful and just, Al-Hdtim ! we Take refuge in Thy clemency. * Of. Korfin, iv. chapter " Of Women." SURA " OF AL-AKHAF." 79 34 Al- l Aziz! " Strong and Sovereign" God, Thy hand Is over all Thy works, holding command. MAKER of all ye truly call the Strong and Sovereign One, Yet have ye read that verse which saith whereto His work was done? Open "the Book," and, heedful, look what weighty words are given (The Chapter of Al-Akh&f) concerning Earth and Heaven. "The Heavens and earth," Al-AkhSf saith, "and whatso is between, Think ye that We made these to be, and then not to have been? Think ye "We fashioned them in jest, without their times, and plan, And purpose? Nay! accurst are they who judge of God by man. " * Higher, Wiser, than we know, Let not IJiy creatures judge Ihee so. * Cf. Koran, xlvL chapter " Of Al-Akhaf." 80 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 35 He is the " Pardoner" and his Scripture hath "Paradise is for them that check their wrath, And pardon sins; so Allah doth with souls; He loveth best him who himself controls, " * KNOW ye of Hassan's slave? Hassan the son Of All. In the camp at Ras-al-hadd He made a banquet unto sheikhs and lords, Rich dressed and joyous; and a slave bore round, Smoking with new-cooked pillaw, Badhan's dish Carved from rock-crystal, with the feet in gold, And garnets round the rim ; but the boy slipped Against the tent-rope, and the precious dish Broke into shards of beauty on the board, Scalding the son of AH. One guest cried, "Dog! wert thou mine, for this thing thou shouldst , howl!" Another, " Wretch! thou meritest to die." And yet another, ' ' Hassan ! give me leave To smite away this swine's head with my sword!" Even Hassan's self was moved ; but the boy fell Face to the earth and cried, ' ' My lord ! 'tis writ, 'Paradise is for them that check their wrath.' " " 'Tis writ so, " Hassan said; " I am not wroth." " My lord!" the boy sobbed on, "also 'tis writ, ' Pardon the trespasser.' " Hassan replied, * Cf . Kor&n, iii. chapter " Of Imran's Family." HASSAWS SLAVE. 81 " Tis written I remember I forgive." ' ' Now is the blessing of the Most High God On thee, dear master!" cried the happy slave, " For He 'tis writ ' loves the beneficent. 1 " " Yea! I remember, and I thank thee, slave," Quoth Hassan; " better is one noble verse Fetched from ' the Book,' than gold and crystal brought From Yaman's hills. Lords! he hath marred the dish, But mended fault with wisdom. See, my slave! I give thee freedom, and this purse to buy The robe and turban of a Muslim freed." Al-Ghdfir! pardon us, as we Forgive a brother's injury. PEARLS OF THE FAITH. " Grateful" Ash-Shdkir is He; praise Him so Who tJianketh men for that He did bestow. So much hast thou of thy hoard As thou gavest to thy Lord ; Only this will bring thee in Usance rich and free from sin: Send thy silver on before, Lending to His sick and poor. Every dirhem dropped in alms Touches Allah's open palms, Ere it fall into the hands Of thy brother. Allah stands Begging of thee, when thy brother Asketh help. Ah! if another Proffered thee, for meat and drink, Food upon Al-KSuthar's brink,* Shining K&uthar which doth flow Sweet as honey, cool as snow, White as milk, and smooth as cream, Underneath its banks, which gleam Green and golden chrysolite, In the Gardens of delight, Whence who drinks never again Tasteth sorrow, age, or pain * Of. Koran, cviii. SURA " OF AL-KAUTHAR." Who would not make merchandise, Buying bliss in Paradise, Laying up his treasure where Stores are safe and profits clear? But ye lend at lower cost, Whilst Ash-Sh^kir offers most, Good returning seven times seven, Paying gifts of earth with Heaven. Allah, Who dost reward so well, What maketh man in sin to dwell? 84 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 37 Al-'Hali! believers, magnify By this great name, Allah, our Lord " Most High." HE willed, and Heaven's blue arch vaulted the air; "Be!" said He Earth!* and the round earth was made; See! at the hour of late and early prayer The very shadows worship Him, low laid. Most High ! the lengthening shadows teach Morning and evening prayer to each. *Cf. Koran, xvi. chapter "Of the Bee." THE SEVEN HEAVENS. 85 38 Praise Him, Al-Kattr,, seated on "t?ie Throne," The "Very Great," the High-exalted One. SEVEN Heavens Allah made: First " Paradise," the Jennat-al-Firdaus ; The next, Al Huld, "Gate of Eternity;" The third, Dar-as-Saldm, the "Peaceful House;" The fourth, Dar-al-Kurdr, "Felicity;" The fifth was Aidenn, " Home of Golden Light;" The sixth, Al Na'Um, " Garden of Delight;" The seventh, Al-Hittiyun, " Footstool of the Throne;" And, each and every one, Sphere above sphere, and treasure over treasure, The great decree of God made for reward and pleasure. Saith the Perspicuous Book:* "Look up to Heaven! look! Dost thou see flaw or fault In that vast vault, Spangled with silvery lamps of night, Or gilded with glad light Of sunrise, or of sunset, or warm noon? Rounded He well the moon? Kindled He wisely the red Lord of Day? Look twice! look thrice, and say!" * Cf. Koran, Ixvii. chapter " Of the Kingdom." 86 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Thy weak gaze fails; Eyesight is drowned in yon abyss of blue; Ye see the glory, but ye see not through: God's greatness veils Its greatness by its greatness all that wonder Lieth the lowest of those Heavens under, Beyond which Angels view Allah, and Allah's mighty works, asunder; The thronged clouds whisper of it when they thunder. Allah KaVir ! in silence we Meditate on Thy majesty. SUfiA " OF THE NIGHT STAM." 87 Al-Hdfiz ! "Preserver!" succor us Who humbly trustful, cry unto Thee thus. BY the Sky and the Night star! By Al-T^rek the white star! Shining clear When darkness covers man and beast To proclaim dawn near, And the gold sun hastening from the east, We have set a guard upon you, every one ; Be ye not afraid ! Of seed from loins, and milk from bosom-bone, Ye were made : We are able to remake you, when ye die, For cold death Cometh forth from Us, as warm life cometh And gift of breath. Do the darkness and the terror plot against you? We also plan ; They that love you are stronger than your haters Trust God, O man!* " Ta Hdfiz ! " on your doors ye grave , In your hearts, too, these scriptures have f * Cf. Koran Ixxxvi. chapter " Of the Night Star." PEARLS OF TEE FAITH. 40 Praise Al-MuMt, the great " Maintainer /" He Made us, and makes our sustenance to be. THE chapter of the "Inevitable:"* We gave The life ye live; why doubt ye We can save What once hath been from wasting if We will- When, like dry corn, man lieth in his grave? Did ye cause seed to grow, or was it We, Wherefrom spring all the many lives that be? Who stirred the pulse which couples man and maid, And in the fruit hid that which forms the tree? Ye go afield to scatter grain, and then Sleep, while We change it into bread for men; Have ye bethought why seed should shoot, not sand, Granite, or gravel? Why the gentle rain Falleth so clean and sweet from out Our sky, Which might be salt and black and bitter? Why The soft clouds gather it from off the seas To spread it o'er the pastures by and by? The flame ye strike rubbing Afr and Markh,f Have ye considered that strange yellow spark? Did ye conceive such marvel, or did We Grant it, to warm and cheer men in the dark? * Koran, Ivi. t The woods used by the ancient Arabs to kindle fire. SURA " OF THE INEVITABLE." Not now, but when the soul conies to the neck. The meaning of those mercies each shall reck. Then are We nearest, though ye see it not; Can ye that summoned spirit order back? Nay, Al-Mukit! in life and death Thine are we : Truth Thy Scripture saith. 90 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 41 Laud Him as " Reckoner," casting up th* account, And maktny little merits largely mount. GIVE more than thou takest : If one shall salute thee, Saying, "Peace be upon thee," The salute which thou makest, Speak it friendlier still, As beseemeth goodwill; Saying, "Peace, too, and love From Allah above Be with thee :" for heard Is each brotherly word; And it shall not be lost That thou gavest him most. * Ta Hasib! praise to Thee ; for aU Our good deeds needs must be so small. * Of. Koran, iv. chapter " Of Women." THE ROSE-GARDEN. 91 Al- Jamil ! " the Benign ;" ah, name most dear, Which bids us low and worship without fear. -Too much ye tremble, too much fear to feel That yearning love which Allah's laws reveal ; Too oft forget your troubled journey through He who is Power, is Grace and Beauty too, And Clemency, and Pity, and Pure Rest, The Highest and the Uttermost and Best; Sweeter than honey, and more dear to see Than any loveliness on land or sea By bard or lover praised, or famed in story ; For these were shadows of His perfect glory; Which is not told, because, who sees God near Loseth the speech to speak, in loving fear, So joyous is he, so astonished. Hath there come to ye what the Dervish said A"; Kaisareya, in the marble shrine, Who woke from vision of the love divine? " I have seen Allah!" quoth he all a-glow With splendor of the dream which filled him so " Yea! I have paced the Garden of Delight, And heard and known 1" " Impart to us thy light," His fellows cried. He paused, and smiled, and spake: 4 Fain would I say it, brothers, for your sake 92 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. For I have wandered in a sphere so bright, Have heard such things, and witnessed such a sight, That now I know whither all nature turns, And what the love celestial is which burns, At the great heart of all the world, ensuring That griefs shall pass and joy be all enduring. Yet ask me not! I am as one who came Where, among roses, one bush, all aflame By fragrant crimson blossoms, charged the air With loveliness and perfume past compare. Then had I thought to load my skirt with roses, That ye might judge what wealth that land discloses; And filled my robe, plucking the peerless blooms; But ah! the scent so rich, so heavenly, comes; So were my senses melted into bliss With the intoxicating breath of this ; I let the border of my mantle fall The roses slipped ! I bring ye none at all. " Brothers ! with other eyes must we Behold the Hoses on tTiat J'ree. SURA "OF CLEAVING ASUNDER." 43 Allah- al-Karim ! Bountiful Lord ! we bless By this good name Thy loving kindnesses. O MAN! what hath beguiled, That thou shouldst stray From the plain easy way Of Allah's service, being Allah's child? When thou wert not, And when thou wast a clot, He did foresee thee, and did fashion thee From heel to nape, Giving thee this fair shape, Composing thee in wondrous symmetry More than thy mother in the form thou wearest; Nearer to thee than what on earth is nearest. Kinder than kin is He Wilt thou forgetful be? * Ya Karim ! since Thou lovest thus, Quicken, ah, quicken love in us. * Cf. Koran, Ixxxii. chapter " Of Cleaving Asunder." 94 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 44 AllaTi-al-EaW) ! praise ye "the Watchful One" Who noteth what men do and leave undone. THE book of the wicked is in Sijjm, A close-writ book : A book to be unfolded on the Awful Day, The day whereto men would not look. What Sijjln is Who shall make thee know? The Black Gaol. Under Jehannum, Under Lathd, the " red glow," Under Hutamah, " the fires which split;" Beneath 8a'hir t the " Yellow Hell," And scorching Sakar, lieth it, And Jahim, where devils dwell: Lower from light and bliss Than Hdwiyeh, " the abyss:" Sijjln is this. But the books of the righteous are in Hilliyun, And what shall make thee see The glory of that region, nigh to God, Where those records be? Joy shall make their portion : they shall lie With the light of delight upon their faces, On soft seats reclining In peaceful places; THE BOOKS OF GOOD AND EVIL. 95 Drinking wine, pure wine, sealed wine, Whose seal is musk and rose; Allayed by the crystal waves that shine In Tasmln, which flows From the golden throne of God: at its brink Angels drink.* " Watcher!" grant our names may "be In that Book lying near to Thee, * Of. Koran, Ixxxiii. chapter " Of Short Weight." 96 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Allah-al-Mujtb, Who biddest men to pray, And hearest prayer; thus praise we Thee dfaoay. OUR Lord the Prophet (peace to him !) doth write Sura the seventeenth, intituled "Night:" " Pray at the noon, pray at the sinking sun, In night-time pray; but most when night is done, For daybreak's prayer is surely borne on high By Angels changing guard within the sky." And in another verse, " Dawn's prayer is more Than the wide world with all its treasured store." Therefore the Faithful, when the growing light. Gives to discern a black hair from a white. Haste to the mosque, and, bending Mecca- way, Recite Al-Fdtihah while 'tis scarce yet day: Praise be to Allah, Lord of all that live. Merciful Sing and Judge, to Thee we give Worship and honor ! Succor us and guide Where those have walked wJio rest Thy Throne beside; TJie way of peace, the way of truthful speech, The way of righteousness. So we beseech" He who saith this, before the east is red, A hundred prayers of Azan hath he said. Hear now this story of it told, I ween, For your soul's comfort by Jelalu-'d-deen ALI AND THE JEW. 97 In the great pages of the Mesnevi ; For therein, plain and certain, shall ye see How precious is the prayer at break of day In Allah's ears, and in His sight alway How sweet are reverence and gentleness Done to His creatures: "All" (whom I bless!), The son of Abu Talib he, surnamed "Lion of God," in many battles famed, The cousin of oiir Lord the Prophet (grace Be his!), uprose betimes one morn, to pace, As he was wont, unto the mosque, wherein Our Lord (bliss live with him!) watched to begin Al-Fdtihah. Darkling was the sky, and strait The lane between the city and mosque-gate, By rough stones broken and deep pools of rain ; And therethrough toilfully, with steps of pain, Leaning upon his staff an old Jew went To synagogue, on pious errand bent ; For those be " People of the Book," and some Are chosen of Allah's will who have not come Unto full light of knowledge; therefore, he, Ali, the Caliph of proud days to be Knowing this good old man, and why he stirred Thus early, ere the morning mills were heard Out of his nobleness and grace of soul Would not thrust past, though the Jew blocked the whole Breadth of the lane, slow hobbling. So they went, That ancient first; and, in soft discontent, After him Ali, noting how the sun Flared near, and fearing prayer might be begun; Yet no command upraising, no harsh cry To stand aside, because the dignity 98 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Of silver hairs is much, and morning praise Was precious to the Jew, too. Thus their ways Wended the pair; great Ali, sad and slow, Following the graybeard, while the east, a-glow, Blazed with bright spears of gold athwart the blue, And the Muezzin's call came, "Illahu! Allah-U- Allah r In the mosque, our Lord (On whom be peace) stood by the mimbar-board, In act to bow and Fdtihah forth to say. But, while his lips moved, some strong hand did lay Over his mouth a palm invisible, So that no voice on the assembly fell. Ta ! Rabbi 'lalamma thrice he tried To read, and thrice the sound of reading died, Stayed by this unseen touch. Thereat amazed, Our Lord Muhammad turned, arose, and gazed, And saw alone of all within the shrine A splendid Presence, with large eyes divine Beaming, and golden pinions folded down, Their speed still tokened by the fluttered gown: Gabriel he knew, the Spirit who doth stand Chief of the Sons of Heav'n, at God's right hand; "Gabriel! why stay'st thou me?" the Prophet said, " Since at this hour the FdtihaTi should be read." But the bright Presence, smiling, pointed where Ali towards the outer gate drew near, Upon the threshold shaking off his shoes, And giving "alms of entry," as men use. "Yea!" spake th' Archangel, "sacred is the sound Of morning praise, and worth the world's great round, Though earth were pearl and silver; therefore I Stayed thee, Muhammad, in the act to cry. ALI AND THE JEW. 99 Lest Ali, tarrying in the lane, should miss, For his good deed, its blessing and its bliss." Thereat the Archangel vanished, and our Lord Read Fdtihah forth beneath the mimbar^board. Us, too, Mujib ! in "hearing keep; Better is prayer than food or sleep/ 100 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 46. "All- Comprehending One" Al-Wasi'h ! we By this name also praise and honor Thee. TUKN, wheresoe'er ye be, to Mecca's stone, For this is holy, and your Lord doth hear; Thitherwards turn! so hath all Islam one Heart to its thought and harbor of its prayer. But Allah's house eastwards and westwards lies, Northwards and southwards. He is everywhere : Whithersoever way ye bend your eyes, Face to face are ye with Al-Wasi'h there. It is not righteousness to kneel aright Fronting the Kiblah; but to rightly hold Of God, and of His judgment, and the bright Bands of His Angels : and what truth is told In the sure KorSn by God's holy Prophet; To succor orphans, strangers, suppliants, kin; Your gold and worldly treasure to give of it Ransom for captives, alms which mercy win : To keep your covenants when ye covenant; Your woes and sufferings patiently to bear, Being the will of God : this is to front Straight for the Kiblah : this is faith and fear.* Abounding Lord! in every place Is built the Mecca of Thy grace. * Cf. Korfin, ii. chapter " Of the Cow." THE ANGELS OF THE SCALES. 101 47 Al- Hakim! Judge of all the judges f show Mercy to us and make us justice know. ONLY one Judge is just, for only One Knoweth the hearts of men; and hearts alone Are guilty or are guiltless. That which lied Was not the tongue he is a red dog tied. And that which slew was not the hand ye saw Grasping the knife she is a slave whose law The master gives, seated within the tent; The hand was handle to the instrument; The dark heart murdered. O believers! leave Judgment to Heav'n except ye do receive Office and order to accomplish this; Then honorable, and terrible, it is. The Prophet said: * "At the great day of doom Such fear on the most upright judge shall come That he shall moan, ' Ah! would to God that I Had stood for trial, and not sate to try!' " He said: "The Angels of the Scales will bring Just and unjust who judged before Heav'n's King, Grasping them by the neck ; and, if it be, One hath adjudged his fellows wickedly * Cf . the Mishkai 102 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. "He shall be hurled to hell so vast a height Tis forty years' fierce journey ere he light ; But if one righteously hath borne the rod, The Angels kiss those lips which spake for God." Lord! make us just, that we may be A little justified with Thee. TASMIN AND SALSABIL. 103 48 " The Loving" Al-Wadood! ah, title dear, WJiereby Thy children praise Thee, free of fear. SWEET seem your wedded days; and dear and tender Your children's talk; brave 'tis to hear the tramp Of pastured horses ; and to see the splendor Of gold and silver plunder; and to camp With goats and camels by the bubbling fountain; And to drink fragrance from the desert wind, And to sit silent on the mighty mountain; And all the joys which make life bright and kind. But ye have heard of streams more brightly flowing Than those whereby ye wander ; of a life Glorious and glad and pure beyond earth's knowing; Love without loss, and wealth without the strife. Lo ! we have told you of the golden Garden Kept for the Faithful, where the soil is still Wheat-flour and musk and camphire, and fruits harden To what delicious savor each man will Upon the Tooba tree ; which bends its cluster To him that doth desire, bearing all meat; And of the sparkling fountains which out-lustre Diamonds and emeralds, running clear and sweet, 104 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. Tasmin and Salsabil, whose lucent waters Are rich, delicious, undistracting wine; And of the Houris, pleasure's perfect daughters, Virgins of Paradise, whose black eyes shine Soul-deep with love and languor, having tresses Night-dark, with scents of the gold-blooming date And scarlet roses ; lavishing caresses That satisfy, but never satiate; Whose looks refrain from any save their lover, Whose peerless limbs and bosoms' ivory swell Are like the ostrich egg which feathers cover From stain and dust, so white and rounded well : Dwelling in marvellous pavilions, builded Of hollow pearls, wherethrough a great light shines Cooled by soft breezes and by glad suns gilded On the green pillows where the Blest reclines. A rich reward it shall be, a full payment For life's brief trials and sad virtue's stress, When friends with friends, clad all in festal raiment, Share in deep Heaven the Angels' happiness; Kay, and full payment, though ye give those pleasures Which make life dear, to fight and die for faith, Rendering to God your wives and flocks and treasures, That He may pay you tenfold after death. For, if the bliss of Paradise, transcending Delights of earth, should w v in ye to be bold, Yet know, this glory hath its crown and ending In Allah's grace, which is the Joy untold, TASMIN AND 8AL8ABIL 105 The Utmost Bliss. Beyond the Happy River The justified shall see God's face in Heaven, Live in His sweet goodwill,* and taste for ever Al-Wadood's f love, unto His children given. Yea! for high Heaven's felicity Is but the shadow, Lord, of Thee. * Of. Koran, ix. chapter " Of Repentance." t Cf. Koran, Ixxxv. chapter " Of Zodiacal Signs." 106 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 49 Al-Majid ! Glorious Lord upon the Throne* With this great name we praise Thee, Sovereign One ! BY the Heavens, walled with silver signs and towers ! By the Promised Day ! By the Witness and the Witnessed; and the Way Of righteousness ! this glorious Book of ours Lieth treasured up in Heaven, As 'twas given On the mighty " Night of Powers;" And its easy bond is this, The which to keep is bliss: ' ' None save Glorious Allah serve; Never from His precepts swerve; Honor teacher, father, mother; Unto him who is thy brother, Unto kindred, friends also, Orphans, suppliants, sad ones, show Gentleness and help; to each Speak with kind and courteous speech. Give in alms that thou may'st spare, And be constant in thy rprayer" * Allah al-Majid ! Thy favor grant, That we may keep this covenant. * Cf. Koran, Ixxxv. chapter " Of Celestial Signs., t Cf. Koran, ii. chapter " Of the Heifer." IBLIS AND ABRAHAM. 107 50 Al-BdJiith / Opener of the Tombs ! we praise Thy power, which unto life the dead can raise. iBLfs spake to Abraham: " What is this thy Lord hath told thee? Shall the Resurrection be 1 When the mouldering clods enfold thee? Nay! and if a man might rise, Buried whole, in heedful wise, See yon carcase, tempest-beaten Part the wandering fox hath eaten, Part by fishes hath been torn, Part the sea-fowl hence have borne ; Never back those fragments can Come to him who was a man." Abraham spake unto his Lord : * " Show me how is wrought this wonder; Can Thy resurrection be When a man's dust lies asunder?" " Art thou therefore not believing," Allah said, " because deceiving Iblts fills with lies thy heart?" "Nay," he answered, "but impart Knowledge, Mightiest One and Best! That my heart may be at rest." * Of. Koran, ii. chapter " Of the Heifer." 108 PEARLS OF TEE FAITH. God said: " Take, thou doubting one! Four birds from among My creatures; Sever each bird's head, and so Mingle feathers, forms, and features, That the fragments shall not be Knowable to such as ye. Into four divide the mass, Then upon the mountains pass, On four peaks a portion lay, And, returning homeward, say, 1 By the name and power of God Who hath made men of the clod, And hath said the dead shall rise- Birds! fly hither in such wise As ye lived.' And they shall come, Perfect, whole, and living, home." Thereupon Al-Khalil took A raven, eagle, dove, and cock; From their bodies shore* the heads, Cut the four fowl into shreds, Mingled all their mass together, Blood and bone, and flesh and feather; Then dividing this four- wise, Laid it where four peaks did rise Two to south and two to north. Then the dove's head held he forth, Crying, "Come!" Lo! at the word Cooed at his feet the slaughtered bird. "Come, raven!" spake he: as he spoke, On glossy wing, with eager croak, Flew round the raven. Then he said, "Return! thou cock:" the cock obeyed. IBLIS AND ABRAHAM. 109 Lastly the eagle summoned he, Which circling came, on pinions free, Restored and soaring to the sky, With perfect plumes and undimmed eye. So in the Holy Book 'tis writ How Abraham's heart at rest was set. Why should we fear to yield our breath, To Thee That art the Lord of Death? 110 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 51 Ash-Shahid ! God is "Witness /" and He toofc Witness of us, ye People of the Book ! THE spirits of the Prophets came at morn To Sinai, summoned by their Lord's command, Singers and seers ; those born and those unborn, The chosen souls of men, a solemn band. The noble army ranged, in viewless might, Around that mountain peak which pierces heaven ; Greater and lesser teachers, sons of light; Their number was ten thousand score and seven. Then Allah took a covenant with His own, Saying, "My wisdom and My word receive; Speak of Me unto men, known or unknown, Heard or unheard; bid such as will, believe." ' ' And there shall come apostles, guiding ye, Jesus, Muhammad: follow them and aid! Are you resolved, and will you war for Me?" " We are resolved, O Lord of all!" they said. "Bear witness then!" spake Allah, "souls most dear, I am your Lord and ye heralds of Mine." Thenceforward through all lands His Prophets bear The message of the mystery divine.* Allah-ash- Shahid ! make us to hear The errand that Thy children bear. * Of. Koran, iii. chapter "Of Imran's Family." SURA "OF THE COW." Ill 52 Thou, the Truth ! when so Thy name we call, All's said that need be said, sith Thou art all. TRUTH and all truth He is ! serve Him alone -Who hath none other by nor near His Throne; Unto all sins is Allah's pardon given Except what giveth Him partners in Heaven,* Being Apart, Exalted, Truth and Light, Only and wholly hold thou this aright! Ya HaTck ! true God ! never with Thee Can other or can equal oe. * Of. Koran, iv. chapter "O/ Yemen." 112 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 53 Alaikul shay Wakttf * Guardian of all! By this name trustfully on Thee we call. VEBILY God is guard ! What other hath created you, and made Men gone before, and earth's foundations laid So broad and hard, To be your dwelling-place; And Heaven's star-jewelled face Arched for your roof-top ; and the tender rain Sent down at the due season, whereby grain Groweth, and clustered gold Of dates, and grapes that hold The purple and the amber honey-juice? These for your use Your Lord and " Agent" gave. Make Him no peers, nor other guardian have. Allan-al- Wakil ! Thy wards are we; Have us in Thy fidelity. * Cf. Koran, ii. chapter " Of the Heifer." THE FLY AND THE FALSE GODS. 113 54 Thou mighty One ! Whose mercy Jiath upraised Mankind to praise Thee, be Thou hereby praised ! CONSIDER them that serve "ThB false gods, how they lay in golden dishes Honey and fruits and fishes Before their idols; and the green fly comes, Shoots through the guarded gates, and hums Scorn of their offering, stealing what she will ; And none of these great gods the thief can kill, So swift she is and small: And none of all Can make one little fly, for all their state; So feeble are they, and so falsely great.* Ye people of the stocks and stones! herein A parable is set against your sin. But Allah high doth rule Whose hand made all things, being " Powerful." Al-Kawi ! King of power and might! Be Thy hand o'er us day and night ! * Cf. Koran, xxii. chapter " Of Believers." 114 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 55 Allah-al-Mateen ! " Firm" is our Lord and fast ; Praise Him Who doth upJwld Thee to the last. BY the Angels ranged in ranks, And the Rain-cloud Drivers, And the Reciters of the word, " Thy God is one,' Firm is our Lord ! Of the heavens the tent-pole, Al- Watad ; and of earth Hdbl-al-Hateen, the sure Cord : * By this thy soul Holdeth, from birth: Fast is the cord, and sure ; They only shall endure Who dwell beneath the mighty tent upholden By Al-Watad,\ the Golden. Stay of Thy servants, Al-Mateen ! In Thee is strong deliverance seen. * Cf. Koran, iii. chapter " Of the Family of Imran." t Cf. Koran, Ixxviii. chapter " Of the Information." ABRAHAM'S BREAD. 115 Al- Wall ! Nearest of all friends, and Best, So praise your Lord, Whose help is mightiest. CLOSE is He always to His faithful ones, But closer dwelt they in the times of old. Hath it come to ye what Al-Baidh&wi Presenteth of the days of Abraham, Whom Allah called His " Friend," and like a friend Softly entreated,* stooping out of Heaven To help and comfort him so dear to God ? Ofttimes the Angels of his Lord would light Familiarly, with folded wings, before The curtain of his tent, conversing there; Ofttimes, on thorny flats of wilderness, Or in the parched pass, or the echoing cave, The very voice of God would thrill his ears; And he might answer, as a man with man, Hearing and speaking things unspeakable. Wherefore, no marvel that he gave his son At Allah's bidding, and had back his son Patient and safe when the wild goat came down And hung amid the nebbuk by his horns, On Thabir, nigh to Mecca, in the vale Of Mina;f an d the knife of Abraham Reddened with unwept blood. * Cf. Koran, iv. chapter " Of Women." t Cf. Koran, xxxvii. chapter " Of the Ranged." 116 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. There had fall'n drought Upon the land, and all the mouths he fed Hungered for meal; therefore Al-Khalil sent Messengers unto Egypt to a lord Wealthy and favorable, having store Of grain and cattle by the banks of Nile. " Give unto Abraham," the message said, ' ' A little part for gold, yet more for love (As he had given, if the strait were thine) Meal of the millet, lentil, wheat, and bean, That he and his may live ; for drought hath comfe Upon our fields and pastures, and we pine." Spake the Egyptian lord, " Lo! now ye ask O'ermuch of me for friendliness, and more Than gold can buy, since dearth hath also come Over our fields, and nothing is to spare. Yet had it been to succor Abraham, And them that dwell beneath his tent, the half Of all we hold had filled your empty sacks. But he will feed people we wot not of, Poor folk, and hungry wanderers of the waste : The which are nought to us, who have of such, If there were surplusage. Therefore return; Find food elsewhere!" Then said the messengers One to another, "If we shall return With empty sacks, our master's name, so great For worship in the world, will suffer shame, And men will say he asked and was denied." Therefore they filled their sacks with white sea-sand (Jathered by Gaza's wave, and sorrowfully Journeyed to Kedar, where lay Abraham, To whom full privately they told this thing, ABRAHAM'S BREAD. 117 Saying, " We filled the sacks with snow-white sand, Lest thy great name be lessened 'mongst the folk, Seeing us empty-handed ; for the man Denied thee corn; since thou wouldst give, quoth he, To poor folk and to wanderers of the waste, And there are hungry mouths enough by Nile." Then was the heart of Abraham sore, because The people of his tribe drew round to share The good food brought, and all the desert trooped With large-eyed mothers and their pining babes, Certain of succor if the sheikh could help. So did the spirit of Al-Khalil sink That into swoon he fell, and lay as one Who hath not life. But Sarai, his wife That knew not bade her maidens bring a sack, Open its mouth, and knead some meal for cakes. And when the sack was opened, there showed flour, Fine, three times bolted, whiter than sea-sand; Which in the trough they kneaded, rolling cakes, And baking them over the crackling thorns; So that the savor spread throughout the camp Of new bread smoking, and the people drew Closer and thicker, as ye see the herds Throng horn, and wool, and hoof at watering-time, When after fiery leagues, the wells are reached. But Abraham, awaking, smelled the bread : " Whence," spake he unto Sarai, " hast thou meal, Wife of my bosom? for the smell of bread Riseth, and lo! I see the cakes are baked." " By God! Who is the only One," she said, " Whence should it come save from thy friend who sent, The lord of Egypt?" "Nay!" quoth Abraham, 118 PEAELS OF THE FAITH. And fell upon his face, low-worshipping, " But this hath come from the dear mighty hands Of Allah of the Lord of Egypt's lords My ' Friend/ and King, and Helper: now my folk Shall live and die not. Glory be to God!" He that Tiath Allah for afiwnd, To want and woe hath put the end. THE GARDEN AND THE ROCK. 119 57 Rich to reward your Lord is; oh, do ye Praise Al-Hamid, the "Ever-praiseworthy!" PKAISE him by alms; and when ye help believers, Mar not your gifts with grudging word or will ; Since ye at Allah's hands are free receivers, Freely bestow. A garden on a hill Is as a likeness of that fair compassion Shown for the sake of God: the heavy rain Descendeth, and the dew; and every fashion Of good seed springs tenfold in fruit and grain. The likeness of the evil heart, bestowing That men may praise, is as the thin-clad peak, Wherefrom the rain washes all soil for growing, Leaving the hard rock naked, fruitless, bleak. Say, will ye plant on rock or plenteous garden? Grow nought, or grow green vines that shade afford ?- Forgive your brethren as ye ask for pardon; Give as ye have received, and praise your Lord ! * Allah-al-Hamid ! what tongue can tell Thy goodness, ever-laudable ? *Cf. Koran ii. chapter "Of the Heifer." 120 PEARLS OF THE FAITH. 58 Al-Mushi! The " Accountant!" laud Him so Who reckoneth up the deeds men do below. " IN GOD'S NAME, MERCIFUL, COMPASSIONATE!" WHEN Earth shall quake with quaking,* And cast her burden forth Of corpses; and live men Shall ask with terror shaking " What aileth Earth?" that day She shall reply, and say That which her Lord commands : And men shall come in bands, This side and that side, ranged to show Their works, and the account to know. And he that wrought of good a red ant's weight Shall see it writ: And who did evil, aye! as the skin of a date, Shall witness it. Al-Muhsi! dread Accountant ! look In mercy on our judgment-book. *Cf. Koran, xcix. chapter " Of the Earthquake." THE LIGHT OF LIFE. 121 59 Al-Mubdi ! praise Him by this holy name, Who gave to all the spark which lights life's flame. WHENCE came ye; 'and the people of the groves; The streams, the seas, the wilderness, the air; Beasts, fishes, fowl; each with their lives and loves, Each glad to be, each in its kind so fair? " Begotten of their like?" Yea! but " their like," Who did devise that, and the hidden charm Whereby as flame from torch to torch doth strike The light of life shines on, bright, joyous, warm? Al-Mubdi hath devised it! His decree In the beginning shaped and ordered each, Saying to all these things foreseen, " So be!" And so they were, obeying Allah's speech. Al-Mubdi ! " Great Beginner!" take Our praises, /