SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE SKEAT HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OK OXFORD IONDON, EDINBURGH, AND NEW YORK |jr.ess j&eries SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE FROM THE l PLOUGH MANS CREDE' TO THE ' SHEPHEARDES CALENDER' A. D. 1394 A. D. 1579 BY THE w& REV. WALTER W. SKEAT, LITT.D. LL.D. EDIN., MTT. OXON. ~ Elrington and Bos-worth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge "... our nation is in nothing; inferior to tbe French or Italian for copie of language, subtiltie of device, good method and proportion in any forme of poerae." PUTTENHAM, Arie of English Poesie (15*59) ; bk. i. c. 31. Sixth Edition OP ^f or xr AT THE CLARENDON PRESS MUCCCXCII Orforfc HORACK HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY CONTENTS. , PAGE Introduction ix / Chronological Table xxxi I. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE i II. THOMAS OCCLEVE. De Regimine Principum 13 III. JOHN LYDGATE. (A) London Lyckpeny . . . . -23 (B) The Storie of Thebes 28 IV. JAMES I OF SCOTLAND. The Kingis Quair .41 V. REGINALD PECOCK. The Represser 48 VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. Wallace 57 VII. CHEVY CHASE 67 VIII. SIR THOMAS MALORY. Le Morte Darthur , . 76 IX. WILLIAM CAXTON. Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye . . .88 vi CONTENTS. PAC.K X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID 96 XI. WILLIAM DUNBAR. (A) The Thrissill and the Rois . . . .108 (B) How he was desyred to be ane Freir . .116 XII. STEPHEN HAWES. The Passetyme of Pleasure 1 1 8 XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. Proloug of the xii. buk of Eneados .... 126 XIV. JOHN SKELTON. (A) Why Come Ye Nat To Courte ? . . .137 (B) Phyllyp Sparowe 147 XV. LORD BERNERS. Translation of Froissart ; (A) Cap. 1. (B) Cap. cxxx 155 XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE. The Obedience of a Christian Man .... 166 XVII. SIR THOMAS MORE. (A), (B), (c) Dialogue concernynge Heresyes . .180 (D) The Confutacion of Tyndales Aunswere . . 191 XVIII. SIR THOMAS ELYOT. The Gouernour ; Lib. i. cap. xvii, xviii . . .194 XIX. LORD SURREY. (A) Translation of the ii. Book of the ALncid . . 205 (B) The Restlesse State of a Louer . . .215 (c) Sonnet on Spring . . . . . .217 (D) A Complaint by Night 217 (E) A Vow to loue faithfully 218 (F) Imprisonment in Windsor 218 CONTENTS. Vll PAGE XX. SIR THOMAS WIAT. (A), (B), (c) Three Satires 221 (D) A Renouncing of Loue 232 (E) The Louer forsaketh his vnkinde Loue . . 232 (F) The Louer determineth to seme faithfully. . 233 (G) A Description of such as he would loue . . 234 (H) Loue compared to a Stream .... 234 (l) Of his Loue pricking her Finger . . . 235 XXI. HUGH LATIMER. Sermon on the Ploughers . . , . . 236 XXII. SIR DAVID LYNDESAY. The Monarche 248 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. Ralph Roister Doister 261 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD ,BUCKHURST. The Induction 281 XXV. ROGER ASCHAM. The Scholemaster 304 \ XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. The Steel Glas . ....... 312 XXVII. JOHN LYLY. Euphues and his Ephcebus 326 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. (A) The Shepheardes Calender ; Nouember . . 336 (B) The Shepheardes Calender ; December . . 347 Notes 357 Glossarial Index 481 Index to Subjects explained in the Notes .... 545 INTRODUCTION. SYNOPSIS. I. Object of the volume. 2. The period considered in it 3. ' Edited ' texts. 4. Difficulties. 5. The Alphabet. 6. Abbre- viations. 7. Spelling. 8. Pronunciation. 9. Vocabulary. 10. Glossarial Index. n. Sources whence the Extracts are taken. GENERAL HINTS. 12. The Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. 13. Anglo- Saxon or English Grammar. 14. Words from the Old French. 15. Contracted forms in Old French. 16. Formation of French nouns. 17. French words not all of Latin origin. 18. English as compared with German. 19. The difference between 'derived' and 'cognate.' 20. Help to be obtained from the Allied Languages. 21. Literature of the Fifteenth Century, &c. 22. Chronological Table. i. THE object of this volume is to supply the student and general reader with trustworthy and useful extracts from writ- ings of the fifteenth and part of the sixteenth centuries. Most of the existing books of the same character are insufficient in one or other respect ; either the extracts given are too short to represent adequately the style of the author, or they are more or less modernized in such a manner as to give no clue to the real state of the language at the time when he wrote. Besides this, many of the explanations of words given by the compilers of such works are wholly wrong ; the mistakes, for example, in Ellis's ' Specimens of English Poetry ' are occasionally of a serious character, and only to be accounted for by supposing X INTRODUCTION. that he had no exact knowledge of our language in its earliest stages. Even Warton's 'History of English Poetry,' which will probably long continue to be a standard work, is by no means free from curious errors of this kind, as indicated in the Notes to Gawin Douglas ; see pp. 416-418 of this volume. 2. It is most important to observe that there is nowhere any real or considerable break in our literature. 1 The changes in the language between the reigns of yElfred and Victoria have been gradual, not violent, and our present speech differs from the Oldest English (generally called 'Anglo-Saxon') chiefly by reason of the alterations which a long lapse of time naturally and imperceptibly introduces. Hence the particular period of our literature here illustrated is determined by arbitrary boun- daries. I begin with an extract from the ' Crede,' because the volume of ' Specimens of English,' by Dr. Morris, published in 1867, terminates with an extract of a slightly anterior date : and I leave off with the year 1579, because it was remarkable for the publication of Lily's 'Euphues' and Spenser's 'Shep- heardes Calender,' and because it was about this time that a marked revival in English letters took place. A glance at Pro- fessor Morley's 'Tables of English Literature' will shew that, whilst the important works published between 1560 and 1580 are not very numerous, those published soon after 1580 are many and valuable. Before the end of the century we meet with such standard works as Marlowe's Plays, Fairfax's ' Tasso,' Daniel's Poems, Sidney's ' Arcadia,' and, still better than these, the ' Faerie Queene,' ' Venus and Adonis,' ' Lucrece,' and several of the best of Shakespeare's Plays. It seems as if the com- paratively unproductive period of our literature then suddenly 1 This statement has been flatly contradicted by a reviewer. But as the writer omitted to state where the break occurs, his opinion is of no assistance to us. DIFFICULTIES CONSIDERED. XI ceased, and we begin to meet with writings that are to be read at length, and of which short specimens will no longer suffice. 3. A great deal of the supposed difficulty of Early English, and much of the curious awe with which many Englishmen regard it (as if it were a study much beyond them, and in which they can have little interest), has been the indirect result of the injudicious way in which editors have been accustomed to tamper with their texts. Readers are so used to having their extracts from older authors modified or modernized, that they find themselves thrown out when actually meeting with a genuine old book, and are discouraged at the outset from at- tempting to peruse it. 1 In the present volume, all the pieces have been printed without alteration, with the exact spelling which occurs in the MS. or old black-letter book from which each is taken ; and the earliest MS. copies, or first editions of printed works, have been resorted to, as being, in general, the most correct. The student who masters the contents of it will therefore make a real advance, and will be pleased to find him- self able to read with considerable ease every English printed book in existence, with the exception of those which are copied from MSS. older than the time of Chaucer. He will also find that he has acquired much that will assist him in the reading of early MSS. 4. There are a few difficulties that ought to be resolutely grappled with, and vanquished, at the outset. 2 Difficulties arise 1 ' But for the unfortunate readiness with which editors and publishers have yielded to the popular demand for conformity to the spelling and the vocabulary of the day, the knowledge of genuine English would now be both more general and further advanced than it is.' Marsh, Lectures on English, ed. 1861, p. 21. 2 ' Chaucer, whom a week's labor will make almost as intelligible as Dryden,' &c. Marsh, Lectures on English, ed. 1861, p. 174. Jill INTRODUCTION. from three principal sources, viz. from the alphabet employed, from the spelling, and from the diction or vocabulary of words used. The alphabet and the spelling should receive immediate attention ; but a knowledge of the vocabulary comes only with time, being acquired imperceptibly, yet with ever-increasing rapidity. A few hints on these subjects will probably be of service. 5. The Alphabet. The letters employed are the same as those employed now, with two additions, and with some vari- ations in significance. The additional letters are j> and 3 ; the capitals of which are printed J) and 3- Both of these are of frequent occurrence in early MSS. The former ()>) signifies th. In our modern pronunciation we make a distinction between the initial sounds of thine and thin, a distinction which in the earliest times probably did not exist, the th in both cases being sounded as in thin ; but at an early period we ceased to preserve this sound in all our oldest and commonest words, such as thou, the, that, there, then, and the like 1 . But we often find a distinction made in the fourteenth century. Some scribes used j> at the beginning of fie, fiat (the, that), and the letters th at the beginning of thin, thikke (thin, thick). In the fifteenth century this distinction was less regarded, and the symbol \ was gradually disused. In Section I, p. I, we find in the first line, panne, fioit^t, fie, fiis, for then, thought, the, and this. In Section II, p. 14, there is but one instance in the page, viz. fiee for thee, in st. 299, 1. 5. Very soon after this, the scribes began habitually to form the character J> so indistinctly, that no differ- ence was made between it and the letter y. I denote this by printing th in italics. Thus, in Sect. VII, L 5, p. 68, the word ' the ' signifies that ' ye ' is written in the MS., but ' the ' is 1 See Appendix I to ' Gregory's Pastoral Care,' edited for the Early English Text Society by H. Sweet, Esq., where a different view is taken. THE ALPHABET EMPLOYED. Xlll meant. In the same line, the word ' that' signifies that the MS. has 'yV where the^ means th, and the a is only indicated by the / being a little above the line. Hence it is very common to find in old printed books the words ' y 6 ,' ' y V ' yis,' which are to be read the, that, this, and not ye, yat, yis, as many persons, with a comic ignorance, seem to suppose. The character 3 has various powers. At the beginning of a word it is to be sounded as_y, so that ^ard is our modern yard ; in the middle of a word it had a guttural sound, still repre- sented in our spelling by gh, as li^t for light ; at the end of a word it either had the same sound, or stood for z. In fact, the character for z was written precisely like it, although more sparingly employed ; we find, e. g. marckaunt$ for marchauntz, where the z, by the way, must necessarily have been sounded as s. This use of the character is French, and appears chiefly in French words. In early French MSS. it is very common, and denotes z only, which was sounded as ts. The characters v and u require particular attention. The latter is freely used to denote both the modern sounds, and the reader must be prepared at any moment to treat it as a consonant. Thus the words haite, leue, diuerse are to be read have, leve, diverse ; where it will be observed that the symbol appears between two vowels. The former is used sparingly, but sometimes denotes the modern u, chiefly at the beginning of a word. The following are nearly all the commoner ex- amples of it l , and may as well be learnt at once ; viz. vce or vse (use), vtter (utter), vp (up), vpon (upon), and the prefix vn- (un-). Many readers are impatient of learning this easy lesson, and hence it is common to find, even in well-edited editions of old authors, that the v's and 's are altered so as to suit the modern taste ; yet a very little attention soon over- 1 In these and other instances, it will be understood that I speak with reference to the period 1394-1579 only. xi V INTR OD UCTION. comes this difficulty, which is, after all, but a small matter to be discouraged at. A learner of French or German has to en- counter greater difficulties than these, and Old English is as well worth a little pains as either one or the other. Occasionally even w is used for u. Hence the words swe, remwe (p. 29) are for sue, remue ; and, in one instance, we find the curious form dywlgat=dyuulgat=dyvulgat= divulged.. In some examples of Lowland Scotch (Sections VI, XIII), iv is used for both u and v ; so that gawe means gave, and hows is Jwus (house). A little practice soon renders the eye familiar with these variations. The letter J is very rare. It is generally denoted by a capital / ; as in lape, leoperdie, lourney, for jape, jeopardy, journey. Sometimes ij is written for y, as in wij$t=iuyT > t= wyght=vi\g}\\.. This symbol is very common in modern Dutch, as in the words mijn (mine)J and ivijn (wine), which are pro- nounced mine and vine respectively. The combination quh is common in Scotch, and answers to the modern English iuh and the Anglo-Saxon hiv ; as in quhy for -why, A. S. hwt. Most of the early editions from which this volume is com- piled are in black letter, roman letters being used occasionally as we should now use italics. Gascoigne's ' Steel Glas,' however, is almost wholly printed in italic letters, and a sudden demand for a number of capital H^s in one passage seems to have taxed the resources of the printers, who resorted to the use of small letters and double Ps ; see p. 322. The reader should observe that proper names more frequently begin with a small letter than with a capital ; as, e.g. pryant for Priam, p. 89. The letters a, i, and r, are frequently written as capitals in MSS., at the beginning of words ; see In in 1. 4, Away in the same line, and Rue in 1. 9, on p. 68. Marks of punctuation are very rare in MSS. ; and in old printed books we frequently find only the mark / for a comma (see p. 89), with occasional full stops ABBRE VIA TIONS. XV and colons. In most of the pieces the punctuation is entirely my own, and the reader may change or disregard it at pleasure ; just as he may, if he pleases, disregard it in all other editions of Old English authors, wherein it is almost always due to the editor only, and is sometimes wrong. Wherever a word has oeen misspelt by mere accident, I have altered it, at the same time appending a foot-note ; and sometimes I have supplied a missing letter or word within square brackets. 6. Abbreviations. The most usual marks of contraction employed in early books and MSS. are so few that they may soon be learnt. The commonest are these following, their ex- pansions being denoted throughout this volume by the use of italic letters. A stroke over a vowel signifies m or n ; as in sit, hi, houd, meaning sum, him, houd. An upward curl, above the line, signifies er ; as in man 5 , s^ue, for maner, serve (serve). But if this symbol follows the letter p, it means re ; as in p^che for pra:he. It arose from a roughly written e, the letter r being understood. A small undotted / above the line means ri, the letter r being understood, as before ; hence p l nce, c'st, for prz'nce, crht (Christ). A roughly written a (o>) in like manner stands for ra ; as in gce, p^y, for grace, pray. A curl, of a form which arose from a roughly written v (for u) signifies ttr ; as in hie, "o, for tame, our. The reason for the upward curl after p being used for re, arose from the fact that there was already a way of writing per, viz. by drawing a stroke through the tail of the p ; as in il, for peril. Sometimes this sign stood tor par ; as in/>/y for party. A similar stroke, but curling, enabled the scribe to abbreviate pro. Thus we have <&fite, ^ue, for profile, pr0ue (prove). XVI INTRODUCTION. At the end of a word, the mark _p signifies es or is ; and the mark 9 signifies us ; as in word-? for word^J or wordzj, and J> 9 for \>us (thus) *. A not very common mark of contraction is o_ for com or con ; as in Q-fort, n.sez7, comfort, conseil. Other examples of contraction are q or qd for quod or quod, i. e. quoth ; J) 1 or _y* for }>0t or #z u or y 3 - for b0u or thou ; and zfo, z#;#, for \esus, \esum (Jesus, Jesum), where the h came from the Greek H (long e\ and the c from the Greek C (2, s). 7. Spelling, It is a common error to look upon the spelling of Old English as utterly lawless, and unworthy of notice. Because it is not uniform, the conclusion is at once rushed to that it cannot be of much service. No mistake could well be worse. It is frequently far better than our modern spelling, and helps to shew how badly we spell now, in spite of the uni- formity introduced by printers for the sake of convenience. Old English spelling was conducted on an intelligible principle, whereas our modern spelling exhibits no principle at all, but merely illustrates the inconvenience of separating symbols from sounds. The intelligible principle of Old English spelling is, that it was intended to be phonetic. Bound by no particular laws, each scribe did the best he could to represent the sounds which he heard, and the notion of putting in letters that were not sounded was (except in the case of final ou3t y to frayne J>e first of ]>is foure prdirs, And presede to J>e j>rechoures * to proven here wille. Ich hijede to her house to herkenjpf more; And whan y cam to Jxzt court y gaped aboute. B 2 /. PERES THE PLOVGHMANS CREDE. Swich a bild bold, y-buld opon erjje heijte Say i noujt in certeine sij>J>e a longe tyme. Y jemede vpon \at house * & 3erne jjeron loked, Whouj \>e pileres weren .y-peynt and pulched ful clene, 160 And queynteli i-corven wij> curiouse knottes, Wty wyndowes well y-wroujt wide vp o-lofte. x And J>anne y entrid in and even-forj> went, And all was walled J>at wone )>ou3 it wid were, Wi]> ppstemes in pryuytie to pasen when hem liste; 165 Orche3ardes and erberes euesed well clene, & a curious cros craftly entayled, Wij> tabernacles y-tijt to toten all abouten. pe pris of a plou3-lond of penyes so rounde To aparaile jjat pyler were pure lytel. 170 panne y munte me forj> J?e mynstre to knowen, And a-waytede a woon wonderlie well y-beld, Wi}j arches on eueriche half * & belliche y-corven, Wi]> crochetes on corners wij? knottes of golde, Wyde wyndowes y-wroujt y-written full )>ikke, 175 Schynen wij> schapen scheldes to schewen aboute, WiJ) merkes of marchauntes y-medled bytwene, Mo Jjan twenty and two twyes y-nombred. per is none heraud ]>at ha]> half swich a rolle, Ri3t as a rageman ha)j rekned hem newe. 180 Tombes opon tabernacles * tyld opon lofte, Housed in hirnes * harde set a-bouten, Jku^ Of armede alabaustre clad for j?e nones, [Made vpon marbel in many maner wyse, Knyghto in her conisanto clad for J>e nones,] 185 All it semed seyntes : y-sacred opon er)>e ; And louely ladies y-wrou3t leyen by her sydes In many gay garments ]>at weren gold-beten. pouj ]>e tax of ten jer were trewly y-gadered, 7. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. 3 Nolde it nou3t maken bat hous half, as y trowe. 190 panne kam I to bat cloister & gaped abouten Whou3 it was pilered and peynt & portred well clene, All y-hyled wib leed lowe to be stones, And y-paued wib peynt til iche poynte after ober ; Wijj kundites of clene tyn closed all aboute, 195 Wijj lauoures of latun louelyche y-greithed. I trowe be gaynage of be ground in a gret schire Nolde aparaile bat place oo poynt til other ende. panne was be chaptire-hous wrou}! as a greet chirche, .Coruen and couered and queyntliche entayled ; 200 Wib semlich selure y-set on lofte ; N^As a Parlement-hous y-peynted aboute. ^ panne ferd y into fraytour and fond \>ere an ober, An halle for an heyj kinge an housholde to holden, Wijj brode bordes aboute * y-benched' wel clene, 205 Wib windowes of glas wrou3t as a Chirche. panne walkede y ferrer & went all abouten, n^<*-a*^ And seiij halles full hyje & houses full noble, Chambers wib chymneyes & Chapells gaie ; And kychens for an hyje kinge in castells to holden, 210 And her dortour y-dijte * wib dores ful stronge ; Fermery and fraitur with fele mo houses, And all strong ston wall * sterne opon heibe, Wijj gaie garites & grete & iche hole y-glased ; & o]>ere houses y-nowe to herberwe be queene. :^vt- 215 & 3et bise bilderes wilne beggen a bagg-ful of wheate < Of a pure pore man bat maie onebe paie Half his rente in a 3er and half ben behynde ! panne turned y ajen whan y hadde all y-toted, And fond in a freitour a frere on a benche, 220 A greet cherl & a grym growen as a tonne, Wib a face as fat as a full bledder, B 2 4 /. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. Blowen bretfull of breb & as a bagge honged On boben his chekes. & his chyn wib a chol lollede, ff''' As greet as a gos eye growen all of grece; <* 225 pat all wagged his fleche * as a quyk myre. His cope bat biclypped him wel clene was it folden, Of double worstede y-dyjt doun to be hele ; 'His kyrtel of clene whijt clenlyche y-sewed; Hyt was good y-now of ground greyn for to beren. 230 I haylsede bat herdeman & hendliche y saide, ' Gode syre, for godes loue canstou me graib tellen To any worbely wiJ3t bat wissen me coube Whou y schulde conne my crede crist for to folowe, pat leuede lelliche him-self & lyuede grafter, 235 pat feynede non falshede but fully crist suwede ? For sich a certeyn man syker wold y trosten, pat he wolde telle me be trewbe and turne to none ober. And an Austyn bis ender daie egged me faste ; pat he wold techen me wel he plyjt me his treube, 240 And seyde me, " serteyne syben Crist died Oure ordir was euelles & erst y-fbunde." ' ' Fyrst, felawe !' quab he ' fy on his pilche ! He is but abortijf eked wib cloutes ! -~ He holdeb his ordynaunce wibe hores and beues, f 245 And purchase]) hem pryuileges wib penyes so rounde ; It is a pur pardoners craft proue & asaye ! For haue b'ei bi money * a moneb grafter, Certes, beij bou come ajen he nyl be noujt knowen. But, felawe, OOT foundement was first of be obere, 250 & we ben founded fulliche wib-outen fayntise ; & we ben clerkes y-cnowen cunnynge in scole, Proued in procession by prqcesse of lawe. Of oure ordre \>er beb bichopes wel manye, Sejmtes on sundry stedes bat suffreden harde ; 255 7. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. 5 & we ben proued J?e prijs of popes at Rome, -fi*fi-* & of gretest degre ' as godspelles tellej?.' ' A ! syre,' qua}) y }>anne ' J>ou seyst a gret wonder, SiJ;en crist seyd hym-self to all his disciples. " W&ch of jou \>at is most most schal he werche, 260 & who is goer byforne first schal he seruen." & seyde, " he sawe satan sytten full hey}e & ful lowe ben y-leyd ; " in lyknes he tolde, pat in pquernesse of spyrit is spedfullest hele, And hertes of heynesse harmej> J?e soule. 265 And jwfore, frere, fare well * here fynde y but pride ; -A,\^t, Y preise nou3t }>i preching but as a pure m'yte.' [The Carmelites or White Friar s.~\ PANNE totede y into a tauerne * & )>er y asp^ede Two frere karmes wi]> a full coppe. 340 pere y auntrede me in & aisliche y seide, ' Leue syre, for \>e lordes loue )?at J>ou on leuest, Lere me to som man my crede for to lerne, pat lyuejj in lei lijf and louej> no synne, And glosejj nou3t ]?e godspell but halt Codes hestes, 345 And ne}>er money ne mede ne may him noujt letten But werchen after Codes worde wij>-outen any faile. A prechour y-prpfessed hajj plijt me his trew]>e To techen me trewlie ; but woldest thou me tellen ~&C~AS*I~ For J)ei ben certayne men & syker on to trosten, 350 Y wolde quyten ]>Q ft mede as my mijte were.' ' A trofle,' qua)> he, ' trewlie ! his treuj> is, full litell I He dyned nou3t wijj Domynike sij>e Crist deide ! For wij> J?e princ of pride J>e prechours dwellen ; pei bene as digne as };e devel \>at droppejj fro heuene. 355 WiJ> hertes of heynesse wouj halwen j?ei chirches 6 I. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. & delej> in devynitie as dogges do)> bones ! <$< pei medleth wij? messages & manages of grete ; pey leeuen wij? lordes wij> lesynges y-nowe ; pey bigge)> hem bichopryches * wij> bagges of golde ; 360 pei wilnejj worchipes but waite on her dedes ! Herken at HerdforJ>e hou J>at pey werchen, And loke whou ]>at ]>ei lyven & leeue as }>ou fyndest. pey ben Counseilours of kinges crist wot )>e soj>e, Whou )>ey curry kinges & her back clawej? ! 365 God leue hem leden well in lyvinge of heven, '- And glose hem noujt for her good to greyen her soules ! Y pray J>e, where ben )>ei pryue wij> any pore wijtes, pot maie not amenden her hous ne amenden hem-seluen ? pei prechen in proude harte & preise}> her order, 370 And werdliche worchype wilnejj in er]>e. Leeue it well, lef man & men ry^t-lokede, Iper is more pryue pride in prechours hertes pan ]>er lefte in lucyfer * er he were lowe fallen ; pey ben djgne as dich-water ]>at dogges in baytej). 4 375 Loke a ribaut of hem J>at can noujt wel reden His rewle ne his respondes but be pure rote,, /^JLA *etsyt.fC\ Als as he were a connynge Clerke he caste)) pe lawes, Noujt lowli but lordly & leesinges lyej>. For ryjt as menoures most ypocricie vse}>, 380 Ryjt so ben prechers proude purlyche in herte. But, cristen creatour we Karmes first comen Even in Elyes tyme first of hem all, & lyven by our Lady & lelly hir seruen In clene cpmun life kepen vs out of synne ; & r 385 Nowt proude as prechours be]> but prayen full still For all J>e soules and )>e lyves }>at we by lybbeth. We connen on no queyntyse (crist wot J>e sojje !) But bysie]) vs in oure bedes ' as vs best holdej). I. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. ? And bn And passeth all praiers of ]>ies proude freers. & JJQU wiljj jyuen vs any good y would be here graunten To taken all by penance in peril of my soule ; And bouj bou conne nou3t by crede clene be assoile, 395 So bat bou mowe amenden our hous wib money ob*r elles, Wijj som katell o]>er corne * or cuppes of siluer.' c^Ui^_ <*', X. ' Trewely, frere,' qigb^bo ' to tellen ]>e |>e sobe, tyr is no peny in my paklce to payen for my mete; I haue no good ne no gold but go |ms abouten, 400 And travaile full trewlye to wynnen withe my fode. But woldest J?ou for godes loue lerne me my crede, Y schuld don for \>y will whan I wele hadde.' ' Trewlie/ qua)> )>e frere ' a fol y J>e holde ! pou woldest not weten ]>y fote & woldest rich kacchen ! 405 Our pardon & our preiers ' so bej> ]>ey noujt parted, Oure power lastejj noujt so feer but we some peny fongen. Fare well,' quajj }>e frere ' for y mot he)>en fonden, And hyen to an houswife Jjat ha]> vs beque]>en ^^ Ten pounde in hir testament to tellen )>e so]>e. 410 Ho drawe)> to j>e dejje-warde but jet I am in drede Lest ho turne her testament & before I hyae / . y- To hauen hir to our hous and henten jif y mijte An Anuell for myn owen vse to helpen to clobe.' ' Godys forbode/ qua)) his fellawe ' but ho for)> passe 415 Wil ho is in purpose wib vs to departen ; God let her no lenger lyven for letteres ben manye.' \_Peres the Ploughman.~\ PANNE turned y me forbe and talked to my-selue Of be falshede of bis folk whou feibles they weren. And as y wente be be waie wepynge for sorowe, 420 8 I. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. I sei} a sely man me by opon J?e plow hongen. His cote was of a cloute * J>at cary was y-called, c&-*& His hod was full of holes & his heer oute, <&*, .4. WiJ> his knopped schon clouted full ]>ykke; ^a*o- His ton toteden out as he f>e londe treddede, 425 v- His hosen ouerhongen his hokschynes on eueriche a side, Al beslombred in fen as he J>e plow folwede ; Twey myteynes, as mete maad all of cloutes ; pe fyngers weren for-werd & ful of fen honged. pis whit waselede in ]>e fen almost to J>e ancle, 4.30 Foure roj>eren hym by-forn J>at feble were worjjen ; Men myjte reken ich a ryb so reufull J>ey weren. His wijf walked him wij> wij> a longe gode, jtieL * In a cutted cote cutted full heyje, '-'- 'Wrapped in a wynwe schete to weren hire fro weders, 435 >/-. " ' -^ f*^ Barfote on }>e bare ijs j>at j)e blod folwede. & at the londes ende laye a litell crom-bolle, CSL** & \>eron lay a litell childe lapped in cloutes, And tweyne of tweie jeres olde opon a-nojw?r syde, And alle )>ey songen o songe \a\. sorwe was to heren ; 440 pey crieden alle o cry a carefull note. pe sely man sijede sore, & seide ' children, be j> stille ! ' pis man loked opon me & leet )>e plow stonden, p .And seyde^ ' sely man, why syjest J>ou so harde ? 5if )>e lak lijflode lene |>e ich will 445 Swich good as god haj> sent go we, leue broker.' Y saide Jjanne, ' naye, sire my sorwe is wel more ; For y can nou3t my crede y kare well harde ; For y can fynden no man \>at fully beleue]>, To techen me )>e heyje weie & jj^rfore I wepe. 450 For y haue fonded ]?e freers of J?e foure orders, For j>ere I wende haue wist but now my wit lakke}> ; And all my hope was on hem & myn herte also ; I. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. 9 But jjei ben fully fetyles * and ]>e fend suejx' ' A ! broker/ qua|> he po ' beware of J)O foles ! 455 For crist seyde him-selfe " of swiche y jou warne," -U^LM^ & false profetes in ]>e feij) he fulliche hem calde, " In vestimentis ouium but onlie wi|j-inne pei ben wilde wer-wolues \a\. wiln ]?e folk robben." pe fend founded hem first )>e feijj to destroie, 460 And by his craft )>ei comen in to combren })e chirche, By {?e coueiteise of his craft }>e curates to helpen ; But now }>ey hauen an hold ]>ey harmen full many. pei don noujt after domynick but drecchej> ]>e puple, Ne folwen nou3t fraunces but falslyche lybben, 465 And Austynes rewle jjei rekne]) but a fable, But purchase]? hem pryuylege of popes at Rome. pei coueten confessions to kachen some hire, And sepultures also some wayten to cacchen ; But ojjer cures of cristen J?ei coueten noujt to haue, 470 , -/- But \>ere as wynnynge lijj> he loke}> none oj>er.' ' Whouj schal y nemne j>y name }>at nei3boures Jje kallej)?' ' Peres/ quaj> he, ' J>e pore man \>Q plpwe-man y hatte.' ' A ! Peres,' quaj> y ]>o ' y pray ]>e, j)ou me telle More of J>ise tryflers hou tfethurly j?ei libbej) ? 475 For ichon of hem ha]? told me a tale of ]>at o]>er, Of her wicked lijf in werlde jjat hy lybbej). I trowe Jjat some wikked wy3t * wrou3te ]>is orders poruj \>at gleym of )?at gest \a\. Golias is y-calde, Ctyer ell[e]s satan him-self sente hem fro hell 480 To cumbren men wi]> her craft cristendome to schenden 1' * ' Dere broker/ qua)) peres ' j>e devell is ful queynte ; To encombren holy Chirche he castej? ful harde, & flurichej) his falsnes opon fele wise, And fer he caste]) to-forn \>e folke to destroye. 485 Of |)e kynrede of Caym he caste J;e freres, 10 7. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. And founded hem on farysens feyned for gode; But )>ei wijj her fals fai}> michel folk schendej), Crist calde hem him-self kynde ypocrites ; How often he cursed hem well can y tellen 490 He seide ones him-self to J>at sory puple, " Wo worjje jou, wy3tes wel lerned of j>e la we ! " Eft he seyde to hem-selfe " wo mote 3ou worsen, pat J)e toumbes of profetes tilde)) vp heije ! 3oure faderes fordeden hem & to )>e de)> hem brou3te." 495 Here y louche jns two twynnen hem I }>enke ; Who wilnej) ben wisere of lawe )>an lewde freres, And in multitude of men ben maysters y-called, And wilnej) worchips of J?e werlde & sitten wij> heye, And leuej) louynge of god * and lownesse behinde ? 500 And in beldinge of tombes * J>ei trauailej) grete To chargen her chirche-flore and chaungen it ofte. Al her brod beldyng ben belded withe synne, And in worchipe of }>e werlde her wynnynge )>ei holden ; pei schapen her chapolories * & strecchej? hem brode. 550 And launcejj hei3e her hemmes wij> babelyng in stretes ; pei ben y-sewed wij> whi3t silk & semes full queynte, Y-stongen wij> stiches Jjat stare)) as siluer. And but freres ben first y-set at sopers & at festes, pei wiln ben wonderly wro}> ywis, as y trowe ; 555 But )>ey ben at )>e lordes borde louren }>ey wille|> ; He mot bygynne j>at borde * a beggere, (wij> sorwe !) And first sitten in se in her synagoges, pat be)) here heyje helle-hous of Kaymes kynde ! For ))OU3 a man in her mynster a masse wolde heren, 560 His si3t schal so be set on sundrye werkes, pe penounes & ]>e pomels & poyntes of scheldes Wty-drawen his deuocion & dusken his herte ; 7. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. II I likne it to a lym-5erde to drawen men to hell, And to worchipe of J?e fend to wra)>J>en }>e soules. 565 Now mot ich soutere his sone setten to schole, & ich a beggers brol on J>e booke lerne, 745 & worj> to a writere & wij> a lorde dwell, O\>er falsly to a frere \>e fend for to seruen ! So of ]wzt beggers brol a bychop schal worsen, Among ]>e peres of |>e lond prese to sitten, & lordes sones lowly to JJQ losells aloute, JU^kz^^ 750 Knyjtes croukej> hem to & cruche}> full lowe ; And his syre a soutere y-suled in grees, His teej) wij> toylinge of le]>er tatered as a sawe ! *-* Alaas ! \a\. lordes of J?e londe leuej> swiche wrechen, And lene]) swiche lorels * for her lowe wordes ! 755 pey schulden maken bichopes her owen bre)>re childre, Ojjer of some gentil blod & so it best semed, And foster none faytpures ne swiche false freres To maken fatt & full & her fleche combren 1 For her kynde were more to y-clense diches 760 pan ben to sopers y-set first and serued wij> siluer ! A great bolle-full of benen were betere in his wombe, And wi)> ]>e randes of bakun his baly for to fillen, k-zsJL^ pan pertriches or plouers or pekokes y-rosted, And comeren her stomakes * wij> curious drynkes. 765 pei schulden deluen & diggen & dongen \>e erj>e, 785 & mene mong-corn bred to her mete fongen, & wortes flechles wroughte & water to drinken, And werchen & wolward gon as we wrecches vsen ; An aunter jif \er wolde on amonge an hoi hundred Lyuen so for godes loue in tyme of a wynter!' 790 ' Leue peres,' quajj y ]?o ' y praie \a\. ]>ou me tell 12 I. PERES THE PLOUGHMANS CREDE. Whou y male conne my crede in cristen beleue ?' ' Leue broker,' qua)? he * ' hold jwzt y segge, I will techen {>e {?e trewj>e & tellen J>e ]>e so}>e. CREDO. LEUE Jou on oure Louerd God Jwzt all }>e werld wroujte, 795 Holy heuen opon hey hollyche he fourmede, & is almijti him-self ouer all his werkes, & wroujt as his will was ]>e werlde and )>e heuen ; And on gentyl Jesu Crist engendred of him-seluen, His own onlyche sonne Lord ouer all y-knowen, 800 pat was clenly conseued clerlye, in trewj?e, Of Jje hey holy gost * ]ns is ]>e holy beleue ; And of the mayden Marye man was he born, Wij)-outen synnfull sede Jjis is fully ]?e beleue ; WiJ> ]>orn y-crouned, crucified & on j?e crois dyede, 805 & syj>en his blissed body was in a ston byried, & descended a-doune to \>e derk helle, And fet oute our formfaderes & hy full feyn weren ; pe jjridde daye rediliche him-self ros fram dee}>, And on a ston ]>ere he stod he stei3 vp to heuene. 810 And on his fader rijt hand redeliche he sitte]?, pat al-mijti god ouer all o]?er whyjtes ; And is hereafter to komen crist, all him-seluen, To demen )>e quyke and J>e dede wi)>-outen any doute ; And in j?e hei3e holly gost holly y beleue, 815 And generall holy Chirche also hold )>is in ]jy mynde ; And in ]>e sacrement also J>at sojjfast god on is, Fullich his fleche & his blod |>at for vs de}>e jjolede.' 823 II. THOMAS OCCLEVE, or HOCCLEVE. ABOUT A.D. 1420. THOMAS OCCLEVE, or Hoccleve, was born about A.D. 1370, and died about A.D. 1454. He knew Chaucer personally, and calls himself Chaucer's disciple. His lament upon Chaucer's death is printed below. An edition of his minor poems was printed by G. Mason in 1796, in one of which, entitled ' La male regie de T. Hoccleve,' he recounts, in a half-penitent manner, some of his youthful excesses: ' Wher was a gretter maister eek than y, Or bet acqweynctid at Westmynster yate, Among the taverneres namely And cookes?' His principal poem is ' The Governail of Princes,' the greater part of which is a version of a Latin treatise called ' De Regimine Principum,' written by ./Egidius, a native of Rome, who flou- rished about 1280, for the use of Philip le Hardi, son of Louis IX, king of France. The whole of this long poem was printed by Mr. T. Wright for the Roxburghe Club in 1860, from the Royal MS. 17 D vi. in the British Museum. The extracts here printed are from the same MS., with a few corrections from MS. Arundel 38. The first is of course original, and begins with stanza 281 of the poem. The remarks at the end of the second extract refer to his position in a Government office as Clerk of the Privy Seal. He requests that the salary due to him may be paid. For further information, see Morley's ' English Writers,' and Warton's ' History of English Poetry.' 14 If. THOMAS OCCLEVE. \Lamentfor Chaucer^} 281 O maister dere and fader reuerent, My maister Chaucers, floure of eloquence, Mirrour of fructuous entendement, O vniversal fader in science, Alias ! that thou thyne excellent prudence In thy bedde mortal!* myghtest not bequethfe] ; What eyled dethe, alias ! why wold he sle the ? 282 O dejhe, thou didest not harme singuler In slaughtre of hym, but alk this londe it smerteth. But natheles yit hast thow no power His name to slee, his hye vertu asterteth Vnslayn fro the, which ay vs lyfly herteth With bookes of his ornat endityng, That is to alk this land enlumynyng. 298 Alias! my worthy maister honorable, This londes verray tresour and richesse, Dethe by thy dethe hath harme irreperable Vnto vs done ; hir vengeable duresse Dispoiled hath this londe of the swetnesse Of Rethoryk fro vs ; to Tullius Was neuer man so like amonges vs. 299 Also who was hyer in philosofye To Aristotle in our tunge but thow ? The steppes of Virgile in poysye Thou folwedest eke, men wote wele ynow. That combreworld that J>ee my maister slow Wolde I slayne were ! dethe was to hastyfe, To renne on the and reve the thy lyfe. II. DE REGIMINE PRINCIPUM. 15 301 She myght ban taryed hir vengeaunce a while, Til that som man hade egalk to the be. Nay, lete be that ! she knewe wele that this yle May neuer man forth brynge like to the, And hir office nedes do mote she ; God bade hir so, I truste as for the beste, O maister, maister, god thy soule reste 1 [Story of John of Canace.'] 598 Of fople largesse wole I talke a space, How it befille, I note in what contree, But ther was one named lohan of Canace, A riche man, and two dough ters hade he, That vnto twey worthy men of a Citee He wedden lete ; and ther was gladnesse i*m oU>L< And reuelk more than I kan expresse. S<^+~^~-L- 599 The fader his doughters and her husbondes Loued fulle wele, and hade hem leef and dere ; Tyme and tyme he yafe hem withe his hondes Of his goode passyngly, and they suche chere Hym made, and were of so plesaunt manere, That he ne wist how to be better at ese, They coude hym so wele cherisshe and plese. 600 For he as muche haunted in partie Her hous as he did his owen hous. They held [en] hym up with her flatrye, That of dispence he was outrageous ; And of goode they were ay desjrous ; Alb that they axed haden they redy, And they euer were on hym gredy. ^ 1 6 77. THOMAS OCCLEVE. 60 1 This sely man contynued his outrage, Til all* his goode was wasted and gone ; And they felt his expenses swage, And were to hym vnkynde right anone. For after hade he cherisshyng none ; They wery were of his companye, And he was wise and shope a remedye. 602 He to a marchaunt gpthe of his notice, Which that his trusty frende hade be fulk yore, Besechyng hym that he wold hym cheuyce Of ten thousand pqunde, no longer ne more Than dayes thre, and he wold it restore i i i 11 (At At his day ; this was done, the so/rcme he nent, And to his owen hous therwith he went. 603 And on the morwe praide he to sqpere His sones bothe, and his doughters also. They to hym came, withouten eny daungere ; How that they ferdfen], lete it passe and go. They ferden wele, without wordes mo. To his kunnyng grete disport he hem made, He did his myght to chere hem and glade. 604 After soper, whan they her tyme sye, They toke her leve, and home they wold algate ; And he answerd and seide hem sikerly, ' This nyght shulb ye not passe out at this yate, Your hous is ferre, and it is derk and late ; Speke it not, for it shall? not betide.' And so a.\\e nyght he made hem to abide. 605 The fader logged him, of sly purpos, In a chambre next to his ioynyng. II. DE REGIMINE PRINCIPUM. IJ But betwixt hem nas ther but a parclos Of borcfc, not but of homely makyng ; Thurghout the which, at many a chynnyng, es***** In eche chambre they myghten behold And see what other did, yf that they wold. 606 I kan not sey how they slept that nyght, Also it longeth not to my matere ; But on the monve, at brode day-light, The fader roos. and for they shuld here . What that he did, in a boistous manere Vnto his chest, which thre lokkes hadde, < He went, and therat wrestede he fulk sadde. 607 And whan it was y-opened and vnshette, trf^**- The bagged gold that the ma.rchj.unt hym lent He hath vncofred, and streight forth with it Vnto his beddes fete gone is and went. What doth than this felle man and prudent, But out this gold on a tapite hath shotte, That in the bagges left[e] ther no grotte ? 608 And alk this did he not but for a wile, As that ye shull wele knowe[n] afterward ; He shppe his sones and doughtres to begile. His noise made hem dresse hem vpv/ard ; They caste her eres to his chamberward, And herd of gold the russlhyng and the soun, As that he rudely threwe hem adoun. 609 And to the parclos they hem haste and hye, To wite and knowe what her fader wrought. In at the chynnes of the bordes they pry_e, And sye how he amonge the nobles sought c t8 II. THOMAS OCCLEVE. Yf defectyfe were eny, as hym thought ; jJ^ And on his naile he threwe hem ofte and caste, And bagged hem and cqfred hem at the laste ; V 6 10 And opened his dore, and doun goth his wey. And after blive out of her bedde they rise, And came doun blive, her fader thanken they Of his goode chere in her best wise, And all* was for the goldes equalise. And lo gone home they axed of hym leve ; . They ben departed, and there they hym leve. 6 1 1 Walkyng homward they iangled fast, and speke Of the gold which they sawe her fader haue. One seide, ' I wonder ther-on ;' ' and I eke,' Koth a-nother, ' for, also god me saue, Yisterday, though I shuld in-to my graue Haue crept, I durst on it haue leide my lyfe. That gold with hym not hade be so ryfe7~ 612 Now lete hem muse on that, what so hem leste ; And to her fader now^wole I me dresse. ^ O. A***^^,- He alk this gold now taketh oul of his cheste, And to the majrchaunt paide it more and lesse, Thankyng hym ofte of his kyndenesse ; And thens goth he home vn-to his mele, And to his sones hous, whan he hade etc. 613 Whan he came thider, they made of hym more Than that they were wont, by many folde ; So grete disport they made hym not fulle prechours, tarieth it no stounde ; ^ An hundred pounde eke to the freres grey ; And to karmes fifty ; tarye not, I you prey. 619 And whan I buryed am, of hem the keyes Of my cheste taketh, for they hem kepe; By every key writen ben the weyes Of my wille ;' this gold was not suffred slepe, It was anone delt, for her hertes depe Stak in his bounden cofre, and all*? her hope Was goode bagges, therynne forto grope. (J * 620 To euery chirche and recluse of the toun Bade he yeve eke of golde a quantitee; All* as he bade, thei were prest and boun, And did it blive ; but, so mote I thee, ^ C-**^**-^- Fully slily deceyued he this meyne, His sones and his doughtres bothe I mene ; Her berdes shaued he both smothe and clene. 621 Whan he was dede, and his obsequies do Solempnely, they to the freres yede, And bade tho keyes deliuer hem vnto ; And, as they hem beden, so they dede. Tho ioyfulk sones dressen hem to the stede Where as the strong bounden chest stoode, But or they twynned thens they pekked moodo. 622 They opened the cheste, and fonde right nought But a passyng grete sergeantes mace, In which there gaily made was and wrought This same scripture, ' I, Iohzn of Canace, II. DE REGIMINE PRINCIPUM. 21 Make suche testament here in this place ; Who bereth charge of other men, and is Of hem dispjsed, slayne be he with this.' 623 Amonge folies alleh or by ? Fyne felt hatte-r, or spectacles to reede ? e ^^~ Lay down your sylver, and here you may speede. 8 Then to westmywster-gate I presently went, When the sonn[e] was at hyghe pryjne ; Cookes to me they tooke good entente, And preferred me bread, wz'th ale and wyne, Rybb[e]s of befe, both fat and ful fyne. A fayre cloth they gan for to sprede ; But, wantyng mony, I myght not then speede. 1 MS. ' of I help.' 26 III. JOHN LYDGATE. 9 Then vnto London I dyd me hye, Of all the land it beareth the pryse : ' Hot pescod^r,' one began to crye, ^ ' Strabery rype,' and ' cherryes in the ryse ;' One bad me come nere and by some spyce, Pepjer and safforne they gan me bede, But for lack of mony I myght not spede. * x i o Then to the Chepe I gan me drawne, Where mutch people I saw for to stand ; One qfred me velvet, sylke, and lawne, An other he taketh me by the hande, ' Here is Parys thred, the fynest in the land ;' I neuer was vsed to such thynges in dede, And, wantyng mony, I myght not spede. 1 1 Then went I forth by London stone, Th[o]roughout all Canwyke streete; Drafters mutch cloth me offred anone ; Then met I one, cryed ' hot shepes feete ;' One cryde 'makerell;' ' Ryshes grene' an other gan greete ; On bad me by a hood to cpuer my head ; But for want of mony I myght not be sped. 1 2 Then I hyed me into Est-Chepe ; Qne cryes ' rybb[e]s of befe/ & many a rjye; Pewter pbtteJ they clattered on a heape ; a There was harpe, pype, and mynstralsye. ' Yea, by cock !' ' nay, by cock !' some began crye ; Some songe of Jenken and Julyan for there mede; But for lack of mony I myght not spede. III. (A) LONDON LYCKPENY. 27 13 Then into Cornhyll anon I yode, Where was mutch stolen gere amonge ; I saw where honge myne owne hoode, That I had lost amonge the thronge ; To by my own hood I thought it wronge, I knew it well as I dyd my crede, But for lack of mony I could not spede. 14 The Taverner topke me by the sieve, ' .i r >' sayth he, ' wyll you our wyne assay ? ' I answered, * that can not mutch me greve : A peny can do no more then it may ;' I drank a pynt & for it dyd paye ; Yet sore a-hungerd frowz thence I yede, -fa**-^^o 4 And, wa^ntyng mony, I cold not spede. 15 Then hyed I me to Belyngsgate, And one cryjd, ' hoo ! go we hence !' I p_rayd a barge-man, for gods sake, That he wold spare me my expence. ' Thou scapst not here,' quod he, ' vnder ij pence ; I lyst not yet bestow my Almes dede.' Thus, lackyng mony, I could not speede. 1 6 Then I convayd me into Kent, For of the law wold I meddle no more ; Because no man to me topke entent, I dyght me to do as I dyd before. Now Jesus, that in Bethlewz was bore, Save london, and send trew lawyers there mede ! For who so wanter mony w/'th them shall not spede ! Explicit London Lyckpeny. 28 ///. JOHN LYDGATE. (B) The Storie of Thebes ; Pars Secunda. How manly Tydeus departed from be king. Whan Tydeus hadde his massage saide, 1065 Lik to the charge that was on hym laide, As he that list no lenger ther soiowrne, Fro the kyng he gan his face tourne, Nat astonned, nor in his hert afferde, But ful proudly leyde bond on his swerde, 1070 And in despit, who that was lief or loth, A sterne pas thorgh the halle he goth, Thorgh-out the courte, and manly took his stede, And oute of Thebes fast gan hym spede, Enhastyng hyz til he was at large, 1075 And sped hym forth touard the londe of arge. Thus leue I hym ride forth awhile, Whilys that I retourne ageyn my style Vnto the kyng, which in the halle stood, Among his lordes furious and wood, 1080 In his herte wroth and euel apayd Of the wordes that Tydeus had a said, Specialy hauyng remembrance On the proude dispitous 2 diffiance, Whilys that he sat in his Royal See, 1085 Vpon which he wil auenged be Ful cruelly, what eu^re that befalle, And in his Ire he gan to \\yrn calle Chief constable of his Chyualrye, Charchyng hym fast for to hye. 1090 1 So in Trin. O. 5. 2 ; Ar. ' hath.' 2 MS. ' dispititous.' ///. (B) THE STORIE OF THEBES. 29 With al the worthy Chooce of his housholde, Which as he knewe most manful and most bolde, In al hast, Tydeus to swe To-forn ar he out of his lond remwe, Vp peyn of lyf and lesyng of her hede, 1095 With-oute mercy anon that he be dede. And of knyghtes fyfty weren in nombre, Myn autow seith, vnwarly hym tencombre, Armed echon in mayle and thik stiel, *^2* And ther-with-al yhorsed wonder wiel. &* noo Ste^^-oL How falsly Ethyocles leyde a busshement in the way to haue slayn Tydeus. At a pqsterne forth they gan to ryde By a geyn path, that ley oute a side, Secrely, that no man hem espie, Only of tresou and of felonye. They haste hem forth al the longe day, 1105 Of cruel malys, forto stpppe his way, JOHN LYDGATE Verray heuenly of inspecciozm. 1 235 And first of al he alyght down, The goodly place whan that he byheld ; And fro his nek he voyded hath his sheld, Drogh the brydyl from his horses hede, Let hym goon, and took no maner hede, 1240 Thorgh the gardyn that enclosed was Hym to pasture on the grene gras ; And Tydeus, mor hevie than is led, Vpon the herbes grene, white, & red, As hym thought that tyme for the best, 1245 He leid hym doune forto tak his rest, Of werynesse desirous to slepe, And non awayt his body forto kepe, And with dremes grocched eui?ramong. Ther he lay to the larke song 1250 With notes newe, hegh vp in the ayr 1 . The glade morowe, rody & right fayr, Phebus also casting vp his bemes, The heghe 2 hylles gilt with his stremes, The syluer dewe vpon the herbes rounde, 1255 Ther Tydeus lay vpon the ground*, At the vprist of the shene svnne, And stouwdmele his grene s woundes rvnne Round about, that the soyl depeynt Of the grene with the rede meynt. 1260 Hou Ligurgus* doghter fond Tydeus sleping in the herber al forwounded. And euery morowe, for hoolsomnesse of ejre, Lygurgw.? doghter maked her repeyr, 1 MS. 'hayr.' * Trin. MSS. 'hie,' 'hye'; Ar. 'hegh. * Trin. MSS. 'grene'; Ar. ' gren.' * MS. ' Barurgus.' ///. (B) THE STORIE OF THEBES. 35 Of custom, ay among the floares newe In this gardyn of many dyuerse hwe ; Swich joye hadde forto taken hede 1265 On her stalkes forto sen hem sprede, In the Allures walking to & fro. And whan she hadde a litil while l goo, Her self allo ^_ And rewe on hym of her wowzmanhede ; For, of affray, he was falle in drede, Lest he hadde assayled ben of-newe 129: Of the thebans, preued ful vntrewe ; For dred of which he was so rekkeles, Ful humblely hym 3elding to the pes, Tryst in hym-silf he passed hadde his boundes. And whan that she saugh his mortal woundes, 1300 She hadde routh of verrey gentyllesse Of his desese, & of his distresse, And bad he shulde no thing be dismayd, Nor in hert sorouful nor affrayd, Discomfort hym in no maner thing 1305 ' For I,' quod she, ' am doghter to the kyng, Callyd lygurge, which gretly me dejyte Euery morowe this gardyn to visyte ; It is to me so passingly disport. How wommanly the lady acquyt hire to Tydeus in his desese. Wherfor/ quod she, 'beth of good comfort. 1310 For no wight her, touchyng jour^ viage, Shal hynder $ou, nor do 3ow no damage ; And 3if 36 list of al 3our auentwre The pleyn trouth vnto me discure, I wil in soth Makyng her wymmen ek to taken kep, And wayt on hym anyghtes whan he slep ; 1360 And be wel war that no thing asterte, That was or myght be lusty to his herte. And, with al this, she preied hym abyde Til he were strong & myghty forto ride; In the castel to pley hym & disporte, 1365 And at leysere hom ageyn resprte, Whan he myght bywelde hym at his large. But al for nought ; he wil hom to Arge, Toke his lyeve on the next[e] day, With-out abood, to hast hym on his way ; 1370 Lowly thonkyng vnto her goodnesse Of her fredam and bountevous largesse, So wowzmanly that hire list tak hede Hym to refressh[en] in his grete 2 nede ; Beheestyng 3 hire with al his ful myght 1375 He wold be her seruant & her knyght, Whyl he leueth, of what she wold hym charge, And forth he rood til he cam to Arge In ful gret hast, and wolde nowher dwelle. 1 From Trin. MSS. ; Ar. omits ' in.' * So in Trin. MS. O. 5. 2 ; Ar. ' gret.' * Trin. MSS. ' Bihotyng,' ' Behoting.' ///. (B) THE STORIE OF THEBES. 39 Hou Tydeus repeyred hym to Arge al forwoundyd. But what shuld I rehercen owther telle 1380 Of his repair, the cqostes or the pleyns, The craggy Rqcfie's or the hegh mounteyns, Or al the maner of his hoom-co#zmynge, Of the metyng nor the welco#zmynge ? Nor the loye that Adrastus made, 1385 Nor how his sustre & his wif were glade, Nor how that they (wherto shuld I write ?) Enbraced hym in her Armes white, Nor the gadryng about hym & the pres, Nor of the sorowe that Polymytes 1390 Mad in hym-silf, to sen hym so soor wouwded, His greuous hurtes, his soorys ek vnsouwded, His dedly look, and his face pale ; Of alle this to gynne a newe tale It were in soth his euour home. IV. THE KINGIS QUAIR. 43 156 There sawe I dress* him new out of [his] haut The fery tiger*, full of felonye, The drqmydar*, the standar oliphant, The wyly fox, the wedowis Inemye, i*^ The clymbar* gayte, the etjt tor alblastrye, The herkner* bore, the holsum grey for hortz'j, The haire also, thai oft gooth to the wortis ; 157 The bugilL drjtwar by his hornis grete, -~fe~ _ OJVJ^A r* The martrik, sable, the foyn^ee. and mony mo, .. y The chalk-quhite ermyn fippTfas the lete, The riall hert, the cqnyng, and the ro ; The wolf thai of the murthir noc^t say ' ho ! ' The lesty beuer and the ravin bare, For chamelot, the camel full of hare ; 158 With mony an* othir beste diu*rss and strange, That cuflzmyth no^l as now vn-to my mvnd*. Bot now to prp_oss : straucht furth the range I held* away, our-hailing In my mynd* From quhens I come, and quhare thai I suld* Fortune the goddess*, vnto quham In hye Gude hope, my gjde, has led me sodeynly. 159 And at the last behalding thus asyde, A round place wallit haue I found*, In myddis quhare eftsone I haue [e]spide Fortune the goddess* hufing on the groud*, And ry^t befor* hir fete, of cqmpas rqund< A quhele, on quhich cleu*ring I sye A multitude of folk befor* my eye. 1 60 And ane surcote sche werit long that tyde, That semyt to me of diu*rss hewis ; Quhilum thus, quhen sche wald* turn* asyde, 44 IV. JAMES I. OF SCOTLAND. Stude this goddess* of fortune & [of glewis]. A chap_ellet, -with mony fresche anewis, Sche had vpon hir hed*, and wz't$ this hong A mantill on hir schuldris large and long, $ F-61A 1 6 1 That furrit was vfiih ermyn full quhite, Degoutit wzt the self In spottis blake ; And quhilum In hir chier* thus alyte dLo^e Louring sche was, and thus sone It wold* slake, And sodeynly a man*r smylyng make, And sche were glad ; [for] at ane contenance Sche held* noat schulde were a gowne, or bat he schulde die wollen cloojj into o}>er colour ban is be colour of scheep, or bat men schulde bake eny fleisch or fisch in an ovyn, or bat men 10 schulde make & vse clpckis forto knowe be houris of be dai & ny3t; for bou3 in eeldist daies, & bou3 in scripture men- sioun is maad of orologis, schewing be houris of be dai bi [be] schadew maad bi be sunne in a cercle, certis neuere saue in late daies was eny clpk telling be houris of be dai & 15 ny3t bi peise & bi stroke ; and open it is bat nou3where in holi scripture is expresse mensioun mad of eny suche. Also, nou3where in holi scripture is mensioun mad or eny ensaum- pling doon, bat a womman schulde were upon her heer & heed eny couercheef of lynnen brede or of silk! Forwhi be 20 coueryng wib which a wommannys heed oujte be couered, wherof holi scripture spekib in be pistlis of poul, was oonli be heer of wommennys heed vnschorn, & of noon ober coueryng to wommennys heedis spekib holi scripture. And here-a3ens holi scripture wole bat men schulden lacke be coueryng 25 50 V. REGINALD PECOCK. which wommen schulden haue, & }>ei schulden so lacke bi J?at ]>e heeris of her heedis schulden be schorne, & schulde not growe in lengj>e doun as wommannys heer schulde growe. Perauenture, as wijs as J?ou makist ]>ee in J>e bible forto re- 30 proue pilgrimage & setting up of ymagis and worschiping doon bifore ymagis, }>ou cou)>ist not aspie J)is laste seid point of wommannis coueryng ; )>erfore, how J?ou canst fynde it bi holi scripture, lete se; & if J>ou canst not it fynde, it may be founde & prpued so bi holi scripture J>at )>ou schalt not 35 kunne seie nay ; & 3it it is holde for a dede alloweable & vertupse ]>at wommen were couerchefis, & )>at men & wommen were gpwhys & clpkis, not-wijjstonding }>at more synne comejj bi wering of wommennys couercheefis & bi wommennys gqwnis j;an by vce of ymagis & bi pilgrimagis; as al )>e 4 world may wite, if \>e mater be well & frlftili examyned, bi what schal be seid and prpued of ymagis & of pilgrimagis in )>e ij e partie of J>is present book, & bi what is al-redi ]?erof clereli seid & prpued in ' }>e book of worschiping.' Also, )>ou schalt not fynde expresseli in holi scripture )>at 45 ]>e newe testament schulde be write in englisch tunge to lay-men, or in latyn tunge to clerkis; neij>er J)at j>e oold testament schulde be write in englisch tunge to lay-men, or in latyn tunge to clerkis ; & jit ech of J>ese gouer- nauncis jjou wolte holde to be leeful, & to be a meritorie ver- 50 tupse moral deede forto J>erbi deserue grace & glpjrie, & to be |>e seruice of god, & Jjerfore to be J>e lawe of god ; sij?en bi no deede a man ha}) merit, saue bi a deede which is ]>e seruice & ]>e lawe of god ; & ech moral vertu is }>e lawe of god, as it is prpued weel in oj>ere place of my writingis. 55 Also Jms. Where is it 1 groundid expresseli in scripture, J>at men mowe lete schaue her berdis ? & how dare J>ei so lete, sij>en it can not be founde expresseli in holi scripture )>at 1 MS. it is.' V. (A) THE REPRESSOR, I. XT*. 51 |>ei oujten so lete, & namelich sijen it is founde in holi scrip- ture ]>at men leten her berdis growe wtyoute schering or schauyng, & also sijjen it was ]>e oolde vsage J>oruj al )>e 60 world in cristendom ? where is it in holi scripture groundid bi wey of comendyng or of allpwaunce ]>at men schulden or mi3ten laujwe ? For to ]>e contrarie is euydence in holi scripture, Mat. v e . c., where it is seid )>us: Blessid ben pei pat moornen or weilen, for pei schulen be counfortid ; & also, 65 gen. [xviije.] c., sara \>e wijf of abraham was punjschid, for ]>at sche lauded bihinde ]?e dore of ]>e tabernacle, where is it also groundid in holi scripture fat men my3ten allpweabli or schulden pleie in word bi bourding, or in deede by rennyng or leping or schuting, or bi sitting at J>e merels, or bi casting 70 of coitis ? & jit ech of fese deedis mowe be doon & ben doon ful vertuoseli & merj'torili. Also where in holi scripture is it grondid fat men myjten or schulden singe, saue oonli where-yn ]>ei preisiden god, as aungelis diden in erjje whanne crist was born ? & so for 75 esement of a man him-silf, & for esement of his neijbour, it is not expressid in holi scripture )>at a man schulde singe. & jit goddis forbode, but ]>at, into esement of him-silf & also of his neijbour, a man mai singe, pleie, & lauje ver- tuoseli, & jjerfore merytorili ; & if he mai do it merytorili, 80 certis ]>anne jnlk deede is goddis seruice ; & if it be goddis seruice, it is needis a deede of goddis lawe. where is it ^ expressid bi word or bi eny persoonys ensaumpling in holi scripture ]>at men schulden make ale or beer, of whiche so myche horrible synne comej>, myche more J>an of setting up 85 of ymagis, or of pilgrymagis? and J>e defautis doon aboute ymagis & pilgrimagis ben myche lijter & esier to be amendid, )>an )>e defautis comyng bi making of ale & of beer. And also here-wij> it is trewe J>at wijjout ale & bere, & wi}j-out sidir & wijn & mee)>, men & wommen myjte lyue ful 90 2 52 V. REGINALD PECOCK. long, & lenger J>an bei doon now, & in lasse iqlite & cherte of herte forto bringe hem into horrible grete synnes. & 3it )>ou wolte seie jjat forto make ale & beer & forto drinke hem is be seruice of god, & is merytorie, & j>erfore is be lawe 9.5 of god; for bi no deede a man schal plese god, & haue merit & meede, saue bi deede of his seruice; & ech deede which is his seruice is a deede of his lawe. pat in holi scripture is noon of bese now rehercid gouer- nauncis groundid or witnessid or ensaumplid bi eny persoon too expresseli, lo, y proue jms : no Jnng is expresseli spoken of in scripture, which is not bere in special openli named ; but so it is, }>at neiber breche of lay-man, neiber gown, neiber cloke, neiber wommannis lynnen or silken couercheef, neij>er clock, neijjer englisch tunge or langage 1 , neiber ale, neiber 105 bere is spokun of bere in special & bi name ; wherfore )>e vce of bese bingis, as to be doon bi bo j>ingis, is not bere expressid. [B. A defence of images and pictures. From 'The Represser' pt. ii. c. xi.] PAT rijt synguler avauntagis of remembring comen bi ymagis & pilgrimagis which not comen or not so weel & so soone comen bi writingis, I proue bus : If a man wolde be remembrid on be passioun of seint petir or of seint poul or 5 of the holi lijf of seint nicolas, certis bouj he coube rede in a book j>e storie berof, jit he schulde rede .vj. or .vij. or mo leevis in )>e book, ere he schulde bringe into knowing or into remembraunce so myche as he may knowe & remembre berof in a litil & myche lasse while bi sijt of be \$e in 10 biholding an ymage coruen wi)> purtenancis sett aboute him, or in beholding a storie openli )>erof purtreied or peinted in 1 Here follow the words, ' neiper latyn tunge or langage,' with a stroke drawn through them. V. (B) THE REPRESSOR, II. XI. 53 }>e wal or in a clooj>. as )>at ]>\s is trewe, y comytte me to J>e doom of experience & of assay, & to J>e experience of }>is point, )>at jje ije-sijt schewi}? & bringij> into J>e ymagina- cioun & into )>e mynde wij>-ynne in J>e heed of a man myche l a mater & long mater sooner, & wi}> lasse labour & traueil & peine, )>an )>e heering of J>e eere doo)>. And if )>is now seid is trewe of a man which can rede in bokis stories writun, ]>at myche sooner & in schortir tyme & wij> lasse labour & pein in his brayn he schal come into remembraunce of a long 20 storie bi sijt, }>an bi J>e heering of o}>ere mennys reding or bi heering of his owne reding ; miche raj>er J?is is trewe of alle J)O persoones whiche kunnen not rede in bokis, namelich styen j>ei schulen not fynde men so redi for to rede a dosen leeuys of a book to hem, as Jjei schulen fynde redy J>e wallis of a 25 chirche peinted or a cloo)> steyned or ymagis sprad abrood in dyuerse placis of ]>e chirche. Also, in beholding bi sijt of ije upon manye dyuerse stories or ymagis in \>e chirche a man schal in a litil while be remembrid, now upon \>e passioun of seint laurence, & 3 now anoon aftir upon ]>e passioun of seint steuen, now anoon aftir vpon J>e passioun of petir, & so forj> of manye chaungis. And if in )>ilk while in jje chirche were not ymagis & picturis, he schulde not bi reding in a book in xx t! . sijjis lenger tyme come into so miche remembraunce, & 35 namelich of so manye dyuerse passiouns to be rad ; namelich si|>en ]>e reder schal not fynde writingis of alle J>o passiouns saue in dyuerse bokis, or at Jje leste in dyuerse placis of oon book ; & eer oon of )?o writingis schulde be ouer-rad per- fitli, a gretter tyme schulde be spend ]>an in )?e perfit ouer- 40 seing of alle )>o seid passiouns. Also ful ofte, whanne a man comej> to chirche & wole be remembrid vpon suche now seid )>ingis, his heed is feble for labour or studie bifore had or for sikenes or for age ; & 54 V. REGINALD PECOCK. 45 certis if he schulde be aboute forto remembre him vpon suche seid )>ingis, & )>at bi calling in-to mynde what he haj> bifore jjilk day red or herd red in )>e book, or herd prechid, or seen peinted, it schal be to him miche gretter labour for to laboure so in his brayn bi taking mynde, & forto wijnnneforj? calle 50 into mynde, without sijt of }>e ije wijjoutefor)) vpon ymagis, what he bifore knewe & Jjoujte vpon, ]jan it schulde be to him if he biholde bi ije-sijt upon ymagis or oj>er peinting according to his labour. & ajenward, bi biholding upon ymagis or upon such peinting, his witt schal be dressid & 55 lad for}> euener & more stabili & wij> myche lasse peyne & )2pnr, J>an forto wrastle wi}>inneforj> in his owne ymagina- ciouns, wij>oute leding wij>outefor]> had, bi biholding upon ymagis; as experience vndoutabili wole schewe, & as men woned forto haunte daili contemplacioun wolen bere witnes 60 herto upon perel of her soule : wherfore, }>OU3 for noon oj>er commodite j?an for J>is now seid, j;e vce of ymages were so profitable, certis J>e vce of hem were weel wor)>i to be meyntened. Also here-wijj-al into J>e open si}t of ymagis in open 65 chirchis alle peple, men & wommen & children, mowe come whanne euere )>ei wolen in ech tyme of }>e day, but so mowe J>ei not come in-to j>e vce of bokis to be delyuered to hem nei)>er to be red bifore hem ; & )>erfore as forto soone & ofte come into remembraunce of a long mater bi ech oon 70 persoon, and also as forto make )>at J>e mo persoones come into reme_m.braunce of a mater, ymagis & picturis seruen in a specialer maner J>an bokis doon, JJQUJ in an oj?er maner ful substanciali bokis seruen bettir into remembrauncing of J>o same materis ]>an ymagis & picturis doon ; & er-fore, J^ou} 75 writingis seruen weel into remembrauncing upon j>e bifore seid J>ingis, jit not at |>e ful : Forwhi ]>e bokis han not \>e avail of remembrauncing now seid whiche ymagis han. V. (B) THE REPRESSOR, II. xi. 55 Confirmacioun into jjis purpos mai be }>is : whanne }>e dai of seint kateryn schal be come, marke who so wole in his mynde alle J>e bokis whiche ben in londoun writun upon seint kate- 80 ryns lijf & passiouns, & y dare weel seie ]?at }>ouj ]>er were .x. jjousind mo bokis writun in londoun in jjilk day of Je same seintis lijf & passioun, )?ei schulden not so moche turne ]>e citee into mynde of ]>e holi fampse lijf of seint kateryn & of her dignitee in which sche now is, as doo]> in 85 ech jeer }>e going of peple in pilgrimage to ]>e college of seint kateryn bisidis london, as y dare putte }>is into iuge- ment of whom euer hajj seen J>e pilgrimage doon in J>e vigil of seint kateryn bi persoones of london to }>e seid college : wherfore rijt greet special commoditees & profitis into re- 90 membraunce- making yrnagis & pilgrimagis han & doon, whiche writingis not so han & doon. Ano]>er confirmacioun into ]?is same purpos is J>is. In londoun sumtyme was a bischop whos name was Gravys- eende, & which lijj> now buried in J>e chirche of seint poul at 95 londoun in ]>e plein pament of J?e chirche weel bine|je }>e myddis of }>e chirche : ]>is bischop whanne he was chaun- celer of ynglond dide grete benefetis to }>e citee of londoun, & ordeyned Jjerfore ]>at J>e meir & ]>e aldir-men of londoun wi]> manye mo notable persoones of craftis in londoun schulde 100 at dyuerse tymes in J>e jeer come openli to )>e chirche of poulis, & stonde in euer-eijjer side of his sepulcre bi ij. longe rewis, & seie de profundis for his soul. Now, J>ouj it so had be }>at )>is bischop hadde not intendid }>is to be doon for him into j>is eende, }>at his greet benefeting whiche 105 he dide to london schulde be had & contynued in mynde of j?e citezeins, but J>at he entendid oonli jns, )>at preiers J>er-bi schulden jeerli be mad )ie sikirer for his soul as dout is to me, whejjer he entendid }>ese bojje effectes or \>e oon of hem oonli jit treu|>e is, J>at if J>e seid bischop wolde haue or- no 56 V. REGINALD PECOCK. deyned xx. J>ousand bokis to be writun of his seid bene- feting, & wolde haue ordeyned hem be spred abrode in dyuerse placis of )>e cite, & forto haue be cheyned in |>o dyuerse placis of j>e cite, )>at of \>e peple who so wolde myjte 115 rede }>er-in ]>e seid benefeting, Jnlk multitude of bokis schulden not haue contynued so myche & so weel into )>is day }>e mynde of Jnlk bischopis benefeting, as |?e seid solempne 3eerli goyng bi ij. tymes in ech jeer, doon bi }>e meir & aldir-men of lon- doun, ha]> do & schal do in ech jeer to come : wherfore 120 needis it is trewe, J>at writing mai not conteyne & compre- hende in him al J>e avail which j>e sijt and \>e biholding of )>e ijen mai jeue & is redi forto jeue. VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. ABOUT A.D. 1461. OF Henry the Minstrel, commonly known as 'Blind Harry,' nearly all that is known is contained in a single sentence written by John Mair [or Major], the Scotch historian, who was born about the year 1470. In Book IV, ch. xv, he has a sentence which Jamieson thus translates : ' Henry, who was blind from his birth, in the time of my infancy composed the whole book of William ^Wallace; and committed to writing in vulgar poetry, in which he was well skilled, the things that were commonly related of him. For my own part, I give only partial credit to writings of this description. By the recitation of these, however, in the presence of men of the highest rank, he procured, as he indeed deserved, food and raiment.' His poem was first printed in 1570, and has since then been frequently reprinted, the best edition being that by Dr. Jamieson, printed in 1820 from the unique MS. in the Advocate's Library at Edinburgh, transcribed by John de Ramsay in the year 1488. The date commonly assigned to the poem is about 1460, but Dempster and others give it as 1361. The latter is clearly wrong (probably by an oversight) as to the century, but may easily be right otherwise, and I have therefore adopted 1461 as the true year. For further remarks, see Jamieson's edition, Morley's ' English Writers,' Irving's ' Lives of the Scottish Poets,' Warton, Craik, &c. The text is given (with very slight alterations) as it stands in Jamieson's edition, but has been recompared with the MS. 58 VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. Wallace. Book I. Willjham Wallace, or he was man of armys, Gret pitte thocht that Scotland tuk sic harmys. Mekill dojpur it did hym in his mynd, For he was wyss, rycht worthy, wicht, and kynd : In gowry duelt still with this worthy man. 185 As he encressyt, and witt haboundyt than, In-till hys hart he had full mekill cayr, He saw the sothroun multipliand mayr ; And to hym-self offt wald he mak his mayne. Off his gud kyne thai had slane mony ane. 190 3hit he was than semly, stark, and bauld ; And he of age was hot auchtene jer auld. Wapynnys he bur, outhir gud suerd orjmj For he with thaim hapnyt richt offt in str Quhar he fand ane, withoutyn othir presance, Eftirjto scottis that did no mor grewance ; To cut his throit, or steik hym sodanlye He wayndyt nocht, fand he thaim fawely. Syndry wayntyt, bot nane wyst be quhat way ; For all to him thar couth na man thaim say. 200 Sad of contenance he was, bathe auld and jing, Litill of spech, wyss, curtass, and benyng. How Wallace slew young Selbie, the Constable's Son, of Dundee. Wpon a day to dunde he was send ; Off cruelness full litill thai him kend. The constable, a felloun man of wer, 205 That to the Scottis did full mekill der, Selbye he hecht, dispitfull and owtrage. VI. WALLACE. BOOK I. 59 A sone he had, ner twenty jer of age : Into the toun he vsyt euerilk day ; Thre men or four thar went with him to play ; A hely schrew, wanton in his en tent. Wallace he saw, and towart him he went : jQ0L~^*L 7 Likle he was, richt bjge, and, weyle beseyne In-till a gyde of gudly ganand greyne. He callyt on hym^and paid; ' thou scot, abyde; 215 Quha dewill the grathis in so gay a gyde ? Ane ersche mantill it war thi kynd to wer ; A scottis thewtill wndyr thi^ejt to ber ; b-t*s^E<. Rouch rewlyngis apon thi harlot fete. Gyff me thi knyff; quhat dois thi ger so mete?' 220 Till him he 3eid, his knyff to tak him fra. Fast by the collar Wallace couth him ta ; Wndyr his hand the knyff he bradit owt, - For all his men that semblyt him about : Bot help him-selff, he wyst of no remede ; 225 With-out reskew he stekyt him to dede. The squier fell : of him thar was na mar. His men folowid on Wallace wondyr sar : The press was thik, and cummerit thaim full fast. Wallace was spedy, and gretlye als agast ; 230 The bludy knyff bar drawin in his hand, He sparyt nane that he befor him fand. He knew the hous his eyme had lugit in ; Thedir he fled, for owt he mycht nocht wyn. The gude wyff than within the closs saw he ; 235 And, ' help/ he cryit, ' for him that deit on tre ; The 3ong captane has fallyn with me at stryff.' In at the dur he went with this gud wiff. A roussat goun of hir awn scho him gaif Apon his weyd, at coueryt all the layff ; LAr&c- 240 6o VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. 5c A soudly courche our bed and nek leit fall ; A wowyn quhyt hatt scho brassit on with-all; * For thai suld nocht lang tary at that in ; Gaiff him a^ok, syn set him doun to spyn. The sothroun socht quhar Wallace was in drede ; 245 Thai wyst nocht weylle at quhat ;jett he in 3eide. In that same hous thai socht him beselye ; Bot he sat still, and span full conandly, As of his tym, for he nocht leryt lang. Thai left him swa, and furth thar gait can gang, 250 With hewy cheyr and sorowfull in thocht : Mar witt of him as than get couth thai nocht The inglis men, all thus in barrat boune, Bade byrne all scottis that war in-to that toun. 3hit this gud wiff held Wallace till the nycht, 255 Maid him gud cher, syne put, hyp out with slycht. Throw a dyrk garth scho gydy't him furth fast ; In cowart went, and vp the wattyr past ; Forbure the gate for wachis that war thar. J^TP&C His modyr bade in- till a gret dispar. 260 Quhen scho him saw, scho thankit hewynnis queyn, And said ; ' der sone, this lang quhar has thow beyne ? ' He tald his modyr of his sqdane cass. Than wepyt scho, and said full oft, ' alias ! Or that thow cessis, thow will be slayne with-all.' 265 ' Modyr/ he said, ' god reuller is of all. Vnsquerable ar thir pepille of ingland ; Part of thar Ire me think we suld gaynstand.' His erne wist weyle that he the squier slew ; For dreid thar-of in gret languor he grew. 270 This passit our, quhill diuerss dayis war gane : That gud man dred or Wallace suld be tane : For suthroun ar full sutaille, euirilk man. VI. WALLACE. BOOK I. 6l A gret dyttay for scottis thai ordand than Be the lawdayis in dunde set ane ayjr : 275 Than Wallace wald na langar soiorne thar. His modyr graithit hir in pilgrame weid ; Hym[-selff] disgysyt syne glaidlye with hir jeid; A schort swerd wndyr his weid priuale. In all that land full mony fays had he. 280 Baith on thar fute, with thaim may tuk thai nocht. Quha sperd, scho said, ' to sanct margret thai socht Quha sorwit hir, full gret frendschipe thai fand With sothroun folk : for scho was of Ingland. Besyd landoris the ferrye our thai past, 285 Syn throw the ochell sped thaim wondyr fast. In Dunfermlyn thai lugyt all that nycht. Apon the morn, quhen that the day was brycht, With gentill wemen hapnyt thaim to pass, Off Ingland born, in lithquhow wounnand was. 290 The captans wiff, in pilgramage had beyne, Fra scho thaim mett, and had 3ong Wallace sene, Gud cher thaim maid; for he was wondyr fayr, Nocht large of tong, weille taucht and debpnayr. Furth tawkand thus of maj;eris that was wrocht, 295 Quhill south our forth with hyr son scho thaim brocht. In-to lithkow thai wald nocht tary lang ; Thar leyff thai tuk, to dunypace couth gang. Thar duelt his Eyme, a man of gret richess. This mychty persone, hecht to name wallas, 300 Maid thaim gud cher, and was a full kynd man, Welcummyt thaim fair, and to thaim tald he than, Dide him to witt, the land was all on ster ; Trettyt thaim weyle, and said ; ' my sone so der, Thi modyr and thow rycht heir with me sail bide, 305 62 VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. Quhill better be, for chance at may betyde.' Wallace ansuerd, said ; ' westermar we will : Our kyne ar slayne, and that me likis ill ; And othir worthi mony in that art : Will god I leiffe, we sail ws wreke on part.' 3 10 The persone sicht, and said ; ' my sone so fre, I cannot witt how that radress may be.' Quhat suld I spek of frustir as this tid ? For gyft of gud with him he wald nocht bide. His modyr and he till Elrisle thai went. 315 Vpon the morn scho for hir brothyr sent, In corsby duelt, and schirreff was of ayr. Hyr fadyr was dede, a lang tyme leyfFyt had thar ; Hyr husband als at lowdoun-hill was slayn. Hyr eldest sone, that mekill was of mayn, 4*^ Schir malcom wallas was his nayme, but less, His houch-senous 1 thai cuttyt in that press ; On kneis he faucht, felle Inglismen he slew ; Till hym thar socht may fechtaris than anew ; On athyr side with speris bar him doun ; 325 Thar stekit thai that gud knycht of renoun. On-to my taile I left. At Elrisle Schir Ranald come son till his sistyr fre, Welcummyt thaim hayme, and sperd of hir entent. Scho prayde he wald to the lord persye went, 330 So yrk of wer scho couth no forthir fle, To purchess pes, in rest at scho mycht be. Schyr Ranald had the perseys protectioune, As for all part to tak the remissioune. He gert wrytt ane till his systir that tyde. 335 In that respyt wallas wald nocht abyde : 1 Jamieson prints ' houch senons.' VI. WALLACE. BOOK I. 63 Hys modyr kyst, scho wepyt with hart sar, His leyff he tuk, syne with his Eyme couth far. 3onge he was, and to sothroun rycht sauage ; Gret rowme thai had, dispitfull and wtrage. 340 Schir Ranald weylle durst nocht hald wallas thar ; For gret perell he wyst apperand war ; For thai had haile the strenthis of Scotland ; Quhat thai wald do, durst few agayne thaim stand. Schyrreff he was, and wsyt thaim amang ; 345 Full sar he dred or wallas suld tak wrang : For he and thai couth neuir weyle accord. He gat a blaw, thocht he war lad or lord, That proferyt him ony lychtlynes ; Bot thai raparyt our mekill to that place. 350 Als Ingliss clerkis in prophecyss thai fand, How a Wallace suld putt thaim of Scotland. Schir ranald knew weill a mar quiet sted, Quhar wi^ham mycht be bettir fra thair fede, e peas of the grekes they muste nedes paye twenty 5 thousand marc of gold and of good poys / and as moche of syluer / And also an honderd thousand quarters of whete. And this muste be maad redy with in certayn terme. And than whan they haue this / they shaft sette sewrte to holde the peas wyth out ony frawde or malengyne. There it was 10 ordeyned how this some shold be leueyed and whylis they were besy ther abowtes. Anthenor wente to the preest Jwzt kepte the palladyum / the whiche preest had to name Thoant / and bare to hym a grete quantite of gold. And there were they two at counceift Anthenor sayd to hym that 15 he shold take this some of gold, wherof he shold be ryche aft hys lyf / and that he shold gyue to hym the palladyum / and that noman shold knowe therof / ffor I haue. sayd he. grete fere and as moche drede as thou. that ony man shold knowe therof. And I shaft sende hit to vlixes / and he 20 shaft bere the blame vpon hym. and euery man shaft saye that vlixes shaft haue stolen hyt / and we shaft be quyte therof bothe two &c. 9 IX. WILLIAM CAXTON. Tnoant the preest resisted longe to the wordes of Anthe- 25 nor / but in the ende for couetyse of the grete some of gold that anthenor gaf to hym. He consentyd that he shold take the palladyum and here hyt away. Than Anthenor toke hyt anone and sente hyt vnto vlixes / the same nyght / And after the voys ranne amonge the peple that vlixes by his 30 subtilite had taken and born awaye the palladyum out of troye O what trayson was thys of a preest / that louyd better for covetyse to betraye his cyte / than to leue the gold that was gyuen hym. Certes hyt is a foule vyce in a preest the synne of couetyse / But fewe haue ben to fore thys tyme / and 35 fewe ben yet but yf they ben attaynte therwyth / wherof hyt is grete pyte / syn hyt is so that auaryce is moder of aH vyces / Whilis that the troians gadryd to gyder their gold and syluer and put hyt in the temple of mynerve to kepe vnto the tyme that hyt was alle assemblid. Hit playsid them 40 to offre & make sacrefyse to theyr god Appolyn / And whan they hadd slayn many bestes for their sacrefyce and had put them vpon the Awter / And hadd sette fyre on them for to brenne them / Hit happend that ther cam there two mer- uayllis / the fyrste was that the fyre wold not alyghte ne 45 brenne / for they began to make the fyre more than ten tymes / And alway hyt quenchid and myght neuer brenne the sacrefyce. The seconde myracle or meruaylle was whan they had appoynted the entraylles of the bestes for theyr sacrefyce / A grete Eygle descended fro the ayer cryyng 5ogretly and toke wyth his feet the said entraylles and bare hem in to the shyppes of the grekes. OF these two thinges were the troians sore abasshid & esmayed / And said that the goddes were wroth wyth hem. And than they demanded of cassandra / what these thinges 55 signefied / and she sayd to them / that the god appolyn was wroth with hem for theffusion of the blood of Achylles that IX. RECUYELL OF THE HISTORYES OF TROYE. 91 was shedde wherwith his temple was defowlid & violid / this is J>e firste / & ye muste go fecche fyre at the sepulture of achilles And lighte your sacrefyce ther with / and than hit shal quenche no more / And they dide so / and the sacre- 60 fyce brente cleer / And for the second myracle. she sayd to hem that for certayn the trayson was maad of the cyte wyth the grekes. Whan the grekes herde speke of these myracles. they demauwded of Calcas what hyt signefyed. And he sayd to hem that the tradicion of the cyte shold come shortly. 65 Amonge these thynges Calcas and Crisis the preest coun- cellyd the grekes / that they shold make a grete hors of brasse. And that muste be as grete as myght holde with in hit a thousand knyghtes armed. And they sayd to them that hyt was the playsir of the goddes. This hors made 70 a passyng wyse mayster as Apius was. Whos name was synon / and he maad hyt so subtylly that wyth oute forth no man coude parceyue ne see entree 1 ne yssue. But wythin hyt apperyd to them that were closid ther in for to yssue whan they wold &c. 75 Wnan the hors was futi maad. and the thousand knyghtes therein by the counseyll of Crysis / they prayed the kynge pryant that he wold sufFre thys hors entre in to the cyte : and that hit myght be sette in the temple of Pallas / for as moche as they sayd that they had maad hyt in the honour 2 of Pallas 80 for a vowe that they had maad for restytucion of the Palla- dyum that they hadd doon be taken oute of the same temple &c. AMonge these thynges the prynces that were yet in troye / Whan they sawe that the kynge had so fowle and shame- 85 fully trayted with the grekes they wente oute of troye and toke theyr men with them And the kyng philemenus ladde no moo with hym but two honderd and fyfty men and sixty 1 Caxton prints ' eutree.' 3 Printed ' hanour.' 92 IX. WILLIAM CAXTON. maydens of amazone that were lefte of a thousand that cam go wyth the quene panthasile And caryed the bodye of her with hem And rood so moche that they cam vnto theyr centre. Than cam the day that the grekes shold swere the peas faynedly vpon the playn felde vpon the sayntuaryes. The kynge pryant yssued out of the cyte and his peple And 95 sware there eche partye to holde the peas fermly fro than forthon / And dyomedes swore fyrste for the grekes / after whan they had broken the peas that they had treatid with Anthenor of that thyng that they made after / And therfore they mayntene that they were not forsworne by that colour / 100 And therfore me sayth in a proverbe / he that swerith by cawtele or malicyously / he by malice forswerith hym self / After diomedes sware in lyke wyse ail the kynges and prynces of grece. And than the kynge pryant and the troians swore in good fayth as they that knewe no thynge of the grete 105 trayson And after theyr othes thus maad / The kynge pryant delyueryd helayne to menelaus her husbond / and prayd hym and other kynges and prynces of grece that they wold pardouwe helayne wyth oute suffryng to be doon to her ony Iniurye or hurte / And they promysid hym faynedly that no they wold do to her no wronge. Taan prayd the grekes that they myghte sette the hors of brasse wyth in the temple of pallas / ffor the restytucion of [the] palladyum / to thende that the goddesse Pallas myght be to them aggreable In their retourne. And as the 115 kynge pryant answerd not therto. Eneas and Anthenor sayd to hym that hit shold be weft doon / And that hit shold be honour to the cyte / how be hyt the kynge pryant accorded hyt wyth euyft wytt / Than the grekes receyuyd the gold and siluer & the whete / that was promysid to them. And 120 sente hyt and putte hit in to their shyppis / After these thynges they wente ati in maner of procession and in deuo- IX. RECUYELL OF THE HISTORYES OF TROYE. 93 cyon wyth theyr prestis. And began with strength of cordes to drawe the horse of brasse vnto tofore the gate of the cyte / And for as moche as by the gate hyt myght not entre in to the cyte / hit was so grete / therfore they brake the walle of 125 the cyte in lengthe and heyght in suche wyse as hyt entryd " with in the town And the troians receyuyd hyt wyth grete loye. But the custome of fortune is suche that grete ioye endeth in tristes 1 and in sorowe: The troians maad Ioye of this hors / wherin was closid theyr deth. and knewe no- 15 thynge of hyt : In this hors was a subtiri man named synon that bare the keyes of the horse for to opene hyt. Whan the troians were aslepe and restyd hern in the nyght. And assone as they yssued out of the horse / they gaf a token of fyre to them that were in the feldes to the ende that they 135 shold come in to the cyte for to putte hyt alle to de- struccion. Tne same day the grekes fayneden to' goo vnto Thenadon : And sayd that they wolde resseyve Helayne and sette her in saefte / be cause that the peple shold not renne vpon her for 140 the grete evyllys and hurtes that were fallen for her. And thus they departyd from the porte of troyes wyth her saylles drawen vp / and cam to fore the sonne goyng doun to thenedon. Than had the troians grete Ioye whan they sawe the grekes departe / And they sowped that euenyng wyth 145 grete gladnes / And the grekes as sone as they were come to thenedon / they armed them in the euenyng / and wente hem stylly and pryuely toward troye / whan the troians had well sowped they wente to bedde for to slepe / than synon opend the hors and wente oute and lyghte his fyre and 150 shewyd hit to them that were with oute / And anone with oute delaye / they that were in a wayte entryd in to the cyte by the gate that was broken for to brynge in the hors of 1 Caxton prints ' tristres.' 94 IX. WILLIAM CAXTON. brasse. And the thousand knyghtes yssued out / and where 155 they fonde )>e troians they slewe hem in their howsis /where they slepte as they that thought on no thinge. THUS entrid the grekes in to the cyte And slewe men and women and chyldren wyth oute sparyng of ony and toke aft that they fonde in their howses / And slewe so many that er 1 60 hyt was daye they had slayn moo than twenty thousand / they pylled and robbed the temples / the crye aroose moche horryble of them that they slewe / Whan the kynge pryant herde the crye / he knewe anone that eneas and anthenor had betrayed hym he aroose anone hastely and wente hym 165 in to hys temple of Appolyn that was wythin hys palays / as he that had no more esperance ne hope of hys lyf / And knelid to fore the hyghe awter. Cassandra fledde on that other syde as one that had ben oute of her witte in to the temple of mynerue / wepyng and demenyng grete sorowe. 1 70 And the other noble women abood styft in the palays in wepynges and in teeris. Whan hyt cam on the morn the grekes by the conduyte of Eneas and of Anthenor that were open traytours vnto theyr Cyte and also to theyr kynge and lord, cam and 1 75 entrid in to the palays of ylyon where they fonde no deffence and put to deth aft them that they fonde. Than pyrrus entryd in to the temple of Appolyne and fonde there the kynge pryant abidyng his deth / Than he ran vpon hym with a nakyd swerd seeyng Eneas and Anthenor that guyded 1 80 hym He slewe there the kynge pryant tofore the hyghe awter / whiche was aft bebledd of his blood. The quene hecuba and polixene fledde and wyste neuer whyder to goo / and happend that she mette with Eneas. And than sayd hecuba to hym in a grete fureur Ha A felon trayttre / fro 185 whens is comen to the so grete cruelte / that thou hast brought with the / them that haue slayn the kynge pryant / IX. RECUYELL OF THE HISTORYES OF TROYE. 95 that hath doon to the so moche good and hath sette the in magnyfycence : and also hast betrayed the centre where thou were born / and the Cyte that thou oughtest to kepe At the lest late hit suffise the And refrayne the now of thy corage : 190 and haue pyte of thys vnhappy polixene / to thende that amonge so many euyllis as thou haste done : thou mayst haue grace to haue doon one good dede as for to saue her fro deth er the grekes slee her / Eneas meuyd with pyte resseyuyd polixene in hys garde and putte her in a secrete 19? place. X. THE' NUT-BROWN MAID. ABOUT A.D. 1500. THIS ballad is justly styled by Mr. Hales (Bishop Percy's Folio MS., vol. iii. p. 174) 'one of the most exquisite pieces of late me- diaeval poetry.' There is a late copy of it in the book just quoted ; and another copy, from the Balliol MS. 354, is also there printed. But the oldest copy extant (here reprinted) is to be found in 'Arnold's Chronicle,' first printed at Antwerp about 1502, and reprinted by Douce in 1811. It must have been written some years earlier. From the tone of the last stanza, Bishop Percy conjectured that it was written by a woman. The fourth stanza is still more suggestive on this point. Prior's poem, entitled ' Edwin and Emma,' is imitated from ' The Nut-Brown Maid,' and is inferior to it. Warton has some excellent remarks upon it, and compares a part of it with Prior's poem in his ' History of English Poetry,' sect, xliv ; vol. iii. p. 124, ed. 1840. He remarks : ' What degree of credit this poem maintained among our earlier ances- tors, I cannot determine. I suspect the sentiment was too refined for the general taste. Yet it is enumerated among the popular tales and ballads by Laneham, in his narrative of queen Eliza- beth's entertainment at Kenilworth Castle in 1575.' See also Mr. Hales' remarks in his ' Percy Folio MS.,' vol. ii. pp. xxvii and 334. A modernized version of a considerable part of it is in 'Chambers' Cyclopaedia of English Literature,' vol. i. p. 53^ The reader must observe that the poem takes the form of a dialogue between two lovers, in alternate stanzas ; the knight begins, and, at the end of stanza 3, personates the hero of an imaginary love-tale. The lady replies in stanza 2, and per- sonates the heroine in stanza 4. X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. 97 [Poem of 1 The Nut-Brmvn Maid.'~\ 1. BE it right or wrong, these men among, on women do com- plaine, Affermyng this, how that it is a labour spent in vaine To loue thewz wele ; for neuer a dele they loue a man agayne ; For lete a man do what he can, ther fauour * to attayne, Yet yf a newe to them pursue, ther furst trew louer than 5 Laboureth for nought, and from her though[t] he is a ban- nisshed maw. 2. I say not nay, but that all day it is bothe writ and sayde That womans fayth, is as who saythe, all vtterly decayed ; But neu^rtheles, right good witnes in this case might be layde That they loue trewe, & contynew ; recorde the. Nutbr[o]wne maide, 10 Whiche from her loue, whaw, her to proue, he cam to make his mone, Wolde not departe, for in her herte she louyd but hym allone. 3. Than betwene vs lete vs discusse, what was all the maner Be-twene them too ; we wyl also telle all the 2 peyne in- fere That she was in; now I begynne, soo that ye me answere. 15 1 Printed ' fouour' in the first edition. 2 Printed ' they' in the first edition ; the Balliol MS. has ' the.' H 98 X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. Wherfore alle 1 ye, that present be, I pray you geue an eare : I am the knyght, I cum be nyght, as secret as I can, Sayng; 'alas, thus stondyth the case 2 , I am a bannisshed man.' 4. And I, your wylle for to fulfylle, in this wyl not refuse, Trusting to shewe, in wordis fewe, thai men haue an ille vse 20 To ther owne shame, wyme# to blame, & causeles thewz accuse ; Therfore to you, I answere now, alle wymen to excuse : ' Myn owne hert dere, wzM you what chiere ? I prey you telle anoon, For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you allon.' 5. ' It stowdith so, a dede is do, wherfore moche harme shal growe, 25 My desteny is for to dey a shamful dethe, I trowe, Or ellis to flee ; the ton must bee, none other wey I knowe But to wz'tWrawe, as an outlaw, and take me to my bowe ; Wherfore adew, my owne hert trewe, none other red[e] I can, For I muste to the grene wode goo, alone, a bannysshed man.' 30 6. ' O Lorde, what is this worldis blisse, that chaungeth as the mone? 1 ' alle ' supplied from Balliol MS. 9 ' cause ' in Arnold ; but ' case ' in Percy MS. X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. 99 My somers day, in lusty may, is derked before the none ; I here you saye 'farwel'; nay, nay, we departe not soo sone; Why say ye so, wheder wyl ye goo, alas ! what haue ye done? Alle my welfare to sorow and care shulde chaunge, yf ye were gon ; 35 For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone.' 7. 'I can beleue, it shal you greue, and somwhat 1 you dis- trayne ; But aftyrwarde, your paynes harde wz'tAin a day or tweyne Shal sone a- slake, and ye shal take confort to you agayne. Why shuld ye nought? for to take 2 thought your labur were in vayne, 40 And thus I do, & pray you, loo ! as hertely as I can ; For I muste too the grene wode goo, alone, a banysshed man.' 8. ' Now syth that ye haue shewed to me the secret of your mynde, I shalbe playne to you agayne, lyke as ye shal me fynde ; Syth it is so, that ye wyll goo, I wol not leue behynde, 45 Shal neuer s be sayd, the Nutbrowne mayd was to her loue vnkind ; Make you redy, for soo am I, ail-though it were anoon, For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone.' 1 shomwhat' in Arnold. * ' make' in Arnold ; take' in Ball. MS. 8 Arnold ' neyer.' H 2 100 X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. 9. ' Yet I you rede to * take good hede, what 2 men wyl thinke & sey; Of yonge and olde it shalbe tolde, that ye be gone away, 50 Your wanton wylle for to fulfylle, In grene wood you to play, And that ye myght from your delyte noo lenger make delay. Rather than ye shuld thus for me be called an ylle woman, Yet wolde I to the grene wodde goo, alone, a banyshed man.' 1O. ' Though it be songe of olde and yonge, that I shuld be to blame, 55 Theirs be the charge, thai speke so large in hurting of my name; For I wyl proue that feythful loue, it is deuoyd of shame, In your distresse and heuynesse, to parte wyth you the same; And sure all thoo, that doo not so, trewe louers ar they noon; But in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone/ 60 11. ' I councel vow, remembre how it is noo maydens lawe Nothing to dowte 3 , but to rene out to wod wz'tA an out- lawe : For ye must there In your hande bere, a bowe redy to 4 drawe, 1 to' supplied from Balliol MS. * ' whan' Arnold ; ' what ' Ball. MS. * 'dowte' Ball. MS.; 'dought' Arnold. * ' redy to* in Balliol MS. ; Arnold has ' to bere and.' X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. IOI And as a theef thus must ye lyue *, euer in drede and awe, By whiche to yow gret harme myght grow, yet had I leuer than 65 That I had too the grene wod goo, Alone, a banysshyd man.' 12. ' I thinke not nay, but as ye saye, it is noo maydens lore ; But loue may make me, for your sake, as ye haue said before, To com on fote, to hunte and shote to get vs mete and store ; For soo that I your company may haue, I aske noo more ; 70 From whiche to parte, it makith myn herte as colde as ony ston, For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone.' 13. ' For an outlawe this is the lawe, that men hym take & binde Wythout pytee, hanged to bee, and wauer wz't the wynde. Yf I had neede, as god for-bede, what rescous coude ye finde ? 75 For sothe I trowe,'you and your bowe shul drawe for fere behynde ; And noo merueyle, for lytel auayle were in your councel than ; Wherfore I too the woode wyl goo, alone, a banysshd man.' 14. ' Ful wel knowe ye, that wymen bee ful febyl for to fyght 2 , Noo womanhed is it in deede, to bee bolde as a knight ; 80 1 Arnold ' lyeue.' a Arnold ' fiyght.' 102 X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. Yet in suche fere yf that ye were, amonge enemys day and nyght, I wolde wythstonde, vrttA bowe in hande, to greue them as I myght, And you to saue, as wymen haue, from deth [men] many one; For in my mynde, of all man-kynde, I loue but you alone.' 15. ' Yet take good hede, for euer I drede, that ye coude not sustein 85 The thorney wayes, the depe valeis, the snowe, ihz frost, Me reyn, The colde, the hete ; for drye or wete, we must lodge on the playn ; And, vs aboue 1 , noon other roue, but a brake, bussh, or twayne ; Whiche sone shulde greue you, I beleue, and ye wolde gladly than, 89 That I had too the grene wode goo, alone, a banysshyd man.' 16. ' Syth I haue here ben partynere wzW you of loy & blysse, I muste also parte of your woo endure, as reason is ; Yet am I sure of oo plesure, and shortly it is this, That where ye bee, me semeth, perde, I coude not fare a-mysse ; Wythout more speche, I you beseche, that we were soon a-gone ; 95 For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone.' 1 ' above' Ball. MS.; 'a-bowe' Arnold. X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. 103 17. Yef ye goo thidyr l , ye must consider, whan ye haue lust to dyne, Ther shal no mete be for 2 to gete, nor drinke, here, ale, ne win[e], Ne shetis clene to lye betwene, made of thred and twyne ; Noon other house but leuys and bowes, to keuer your hed & myn : 100 Loo ! myn herte swete, this ylle dyet shuld make you pale & wan, Wherfore I to the wood wyl goo, alone, a banysshid man.' 18. ' Amonge the wylde dere suche an archier as men say thai ye bee Ne may not fayle of good vitayle, where is so grete plente ; And watir cleere, of the ryuere, shalbe ful swete to me, 105 Wyth whiche in hele I shal right wele endure, as ye shal see; And er we goo, a 3 bed or twoo I can prouide a-noon, For in my mynde, of all mankynde, I loue but you alone.' 19. ' Loo yet, before, ye must doo more, yf ye wyl goo wz't^ me, As cutte your here vp by your ere, your kirtel by the knee, no Wyth bowe in hawde, for to wzUstowde your enmys, yf nede be : And this same nyght, before day-lyght, to wood-ward wyl I flee; 1 'thyder' Ball. MS.; 'thedyr' Arnold. 2 So in Ball. MS. ; Arnold has ' before.' * ' a ' supplied from MS. 104 x ' THE NUT-BROWN MAID. And if J ye wyl all this fulfylle, doo it shortely as ye can, Ellis wil I to the grene wode goo, alone, a banysshyd man.' 20. 'I shal as now do more for you ///on 2 longeth to woman- hede 3 , 1 1 = To short my here, a bowe to here, to shote in tyme of nede. O my swete mod STEPHEN HA WES. 21 Than to the ground he adowne did fall, And upon me he gan to loure and glum, Enforcing him so for to ryse withall, But that I shortly unto him 1 did cum ; With his thre hedes he spytte all his venum ; And I with my swerde, as fast as coude be, With all my force cut of his hedes thre. 22 Whan I had so obteyned the victory, Unto me than my verlet well sayd : ' You haue demaunded well and worthely :' My greyhoundes lepte and my stede than brayde; And than from ferre I saw, well arayed, To me come ryding thre ladyes right swete ; Forth than I rode and did wyth them mete. 23 The fyrst of them was called Veryte, And the second Good Operacion, And the thirde 2 cleped Fydelyte. All they at ones wyth good opinion Did geve to me great laudacion, And me beseched with her hert entere Wyth them to rest and to make good chere. 24 I graunted them, and than backeward we rode The mighty giaunt to se and behold, Whose huge body was more than five carte-lode, Which lay there bleding, that was almost colde ; They for his death did thanke me many a fold ; For he to them was enmy mortall, Wherfore his thre hedes they toke in special. 1 Old text ' hem.' z Old text ' The thirde and.' XII. THE PASSETYME OF PLEASURE. 125 25 And than Verite, on the first fane, Did sette aloft of Falshoed the hede, And Good Operacion in lykewise had tane Of Ymaginacion, that full sore than bledde, His 1 hede alofte upon his baner rede. And in likewise Fydelite had served Perjuries hede, as he had well deserved. 26 And with swete songes and swete armony Before me they rode to their fayre castell ; So forth I rode, with great joy and glory, Unto the place where these ladies did dwell, Sette on a rocke beside a spryng or 2 well, And fayre Observaunce, the goodly portres, Did us receyve with solemp[n]e gladnes. 1 Old text ' Upon his.' 3 Old text ' or a.' XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. A.D. 1513. GAWIN DOUGLAS, born in 1474 or 1475, was the third son of Archibald, Earl of Angus, known in history by the nickname of Archibald Bell-the-Cat ; see Note 2Y (59) to Sir Walter Scott's Marmion. He is described in the Trinity MS., mentioned below, as ' Master Gawyn Dowglas, provest of Sanct Gylys kyrk in Edinburgh, and person of lyntoun in louthiane, quhilk cftyr was bischop of Dunkeld.' He died of the plague in 1522, in London. The poems by which he is best known are ' King Hart/ ' The Palice of Honour,' and his translation of Virgil's ^Eneid. He not only translated the twelve books of Virgil, but also the thirteenth book of the .5neid, added by Maphaeus Vegius, who died in 1458. This translation occupied him for sixteen months, as he himself informs us, and was finished in 1513. The whole of the work is of considerable merit, but the more interesting portions of it are the original Prologues which are prefixed to each book. The best of these is, on the whole, that to the twelfth book, here printed entire from an excellent MS. in Trinity College, Cam- bridge, marked O. 3. 12. A good edition of the entire work, from the same MS., was printed for the Bannatyne Club in 1839, and was to have been followed by a Glossary, which has, how- XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. 12 J ever, not even yet appeared. Most readers will remember the description of the poet in Marmion, Canto VI, st. n : ' A bishop by the altar stood, A noble lord of Douglas blood, With mitre sheen, and rocquet white. Yet show'd his meek and thoughtful eye But little pride of prelacy ; More pleased that, in a barbarous age, He gave rude Scotland Virgil's page, Than that beneath his rule he held The bishopric of fair Dunkeld.' The Prolong of the xii buk of Eneados. Dyonea, ny^t-hyrd, and wach of day, The starnys chasyt of the hevyn away, Dame Cynthia dovn rollyng in the see, And venus lost the bewte of hir E, Fleand eschamyt within Cylenyus cave ; 5 Mars onbydrew, for all his grundyn glave, Nor frawart Saturn from hys mortall speir Durst langar in the firmament appeir, Bot stall abak jond in hys regioun far Behynd the circulat warld of lupiter ; ro Nycthemyne, affrayt of ike lyght, Went ondir covert, for gone was the nycht ; As fresch Aurora, to myghty Tythone 1 spows, Ischit of hir safron bed and evir hows, In crazramysyn cled and granyt violat, 15 With sangwyne cape, the. selvage purpurat, Onschet the wyndois of hir large hall, 1 MS. Tytaa.' 128 XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. Spred all with rosys, and full of balm ryall, And eik the hevynly parti's cristallyne Vpwarpis braid, the warld till Illumyn. 20 The twynklyng stremowm of the orient Sched purpowr sprangz'j with gold & asure ment, Persand the sabill barmkyn nocturnall, Bet doun the skyis clowdy mantill wall : Ecus the steid, with ruby harnys red, 25 Abuf the sey lyftis furth hys hed, Of cullowr soyr, and suwzdeill brovn as berry, Forto alichtyn and glaid our Emyspery, The flambe owtbrastyng at his noyss-thyrlys ; Sa fast pheton with Me quhyp hym quhyrlys, 30 To roll Appollo hys fader/!? goldyn char, 7%at schrowdith all the hevywnys & Me ayr. Quhill schortly, vft'th Me blesand torch of day, Abiljeit in hys lemand fresch array, Furth of hys palyce ryall Ischit Phebus, 35 With goldyn crovn and vissage gloryus, Crysp ham, brycht as chrisolyte or topace, For quhais hew myf^t nane behald hys face ; The fyry spark?!? brastyng from hys Eyn, To purge the ayr, and gylt the tendyr greyn, 40 Defundand from hys sege etheryall Glaid influet aspects celicall ; Before hys regale hie magnificens Mysty vapour vpspryngand, sweit as sens, In smoky soppys of donk dewis wak, 45 Moich hailsum stovys ourheldand the slak. The aureat fanys of hys trone sou^rane With glytrand glans ourspred the occiane, The large fiudi's lemand all of \ycht Bot with a blenk of hys sup^rnale syckt. 50 XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. 129 Forto behald, It was a glore to se The stablit wynd/j and the cawmyt see, The soft sesson, the firmamet sereyn, The lowne illumynat ayr, & fyrth ameyn ; The syluer scalyt fyschis on the greit .55 Ourthwort cleir stremys sprynkland for tht heyt, With fynnys schynand brovn as synopar, And chyssell talys, stowrand heir & Mar ; The new cullowr alycAtnyng all the landw 1 , Forgane Mir staraiym schane the beriall stradw, 60 Quhil the reflex of the diurnal bemys The beyn bonkw kest ful of variant glemys : And lusty flora dyd hyr blomys spreid Vnder the feit of Phebus suljart steid ; The swardit soyll enbrovd wz'M selcouth hewys, 65 Wod and forest obumbrat with Mar bewys, Quhois blisfull branschis porturat on the grund ; Wtlh schaddoys schene schew rochis rubicund ; Towm, turett/j, kyrnellis, pynnaclys hie Of kyrkz>, castellis, and like fair Cite, 70 Stude, payntit, every fya.ll, fayn, & stage, Apon the plane grund, by Mar awyn vmbrage. Of Eolus north blasts havand no dreid, The sul3e spred her braid bosuzra on breid, Zephyrus confortabill Inspiratioun 75 Fortill ressaue law in hyr barm adoun ; The cornys croppis & the bem new brerd With glaidsuw garment revestyng the erd ; So thik the plant*> sprang in every peyce, The feildz'j ferleis of Mar fructuus fleyce ; 80 Byssy dame Ceres, and provd pryapus, Reiosyng of Me planys pletuus, Plenyst sa plesand & mast propyrly, 130 XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. By natur nurysyt wondir nobilly, On Me fertill skyrt-lappys of Me grund 85 Strekyng on breid ondyr Me Cyrkyll rovnd ; The variand vestur of the. venust vaill Schrowdz'.y ike scherald fur, & euery faill Ourfret with fuljeis of figure full diuerss. The spray bysprent with spryngand sprowtw dispers, 90 For callowr humoor on the dewy nyght, Rendryng sum place the gerss-pilis thar hycht, Als far as catal, the. lang symmyrts day, Had in Mar pastur eyt & knyp away ; And blisfull blossu/rcmys in the blomyt jard 95 Submittz> Mar hedt's in the jong sorcnys salfgard : Ive levys rank ourspred the barmkyn wall, The blomyt hawthorn cled hys pykz'-r all ; Furth of fresch burgionys the wyne-grapis 3yng Endlang the trei^eis dyd on twystzj hyng; 100 The lowkyt buttonys on the gemmyt treis Ourspredand leyvis of natum tapestreis ; Soft gresy verdoor eftir balmy schowm On curland stalkzj smylyng to Mar flowr/V ; Behaldand Mame sa mony diuerss hew, 105 Sum perss, sum paill, sum burnet, and sum blew, Sum greyce, sum gowlys, sum purpowr, sum sangwane, Blanchit or brovne, fawch-jallow mony ane, Sum hevynly culloryt in celestiall gre, Sum watry hewit as Me haw wally see, no And suz depart in freklys red and quhite, Sum bryr^t as gold with aureat levys lyte. The dasy dyd on breid hyr crownell smaill, And euery flour onlappyt in Me daill ; In battill gyrss burgionys Me ban wart wild, 115 The clavyr, catcluke, and Me cawmamyld ; XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. 13! The flour-delyss furthspred hys hevynly hew, Flour-dazmes, and columby blank and blew ; Seir downys smaill on dent-de-lyon sprang, The jyng greyn blomyt straberry levys amang; 120 Gymp gerraflo#n'.r Mar royn levys onschet, Fresch prymross, and /Ae purpowr violet ; The Royss knoppys, tutand furth Mar hed, Gan chyp, and kyth Mar vermel lippys red, Crysp scarlet levis sum scheddand, baith at anys, 125 Kest fragrawt smell amyd from goldyn granys ; Hevynly lylleis, with lokrand toppys quhyte, Oppywnyt and schew Mar creistz'-y redymyte, The balmy vapowr from Mar silkyn croppys Distilland hailsu#z sugurat huwny droppys, 130 And syluer schakam gan fra levys hyng, With crystal sprayng/j on Me verdour $yng ; The plane puld^rit with semly settz> sovnd, Bedyit full of dewy peirlys rovnd, So Mat Ilk burgioun, syon, herb, and flowr, 135 Wolx all ewbalmyt of Me fresh liquowr, And bathit hait dyd in dulce humom fleyt, Quharof Me beys \\rocht Mar huwny sweit. By myghty Phebus operatious, In sappy subtell exhalatiouws, 140 Forgane Me cuwzmyn of Mis prynce potent, Redolent odour vp from rutz',? sprent, Hailsuw of smell as ony spicery, Tryakill, drogg?>, or electuary, Seroppys, sewane, sugur, & Synnamome, 145 Precyus Invnctrnewt, salve, or fragrawt pome, Aromatik gu/wmys, or ony fyne potioun, Must, myr, aloes, or confectioun ; Ane paradyce It semyt to draw neir 132 XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. Thir galjart gardyngz'.? and like greyn herben?. 150 Maist amyabill walxis the amerant medzlr ; Swannys swouchis throw-owt the rysp and red?>, Our al th\r lowys and the flud/> gray, Seirsand by kynd a place quhar th&\ suld lay : Phebus red fowle hys corall creist can steir, 155 Oft strekyng furth hys hekkill, crawand cleir, Amyd the wort*!? and the rutys gent, Pykland hys meyt in alleis quhar he went ; Hys wifzj, Coppa and Partelot, hym by, As byrd al tyme /#at hantzlr bigamy : 160 The pantyt povn, pasand with plomys gym, Rest up his taill, a provd plesand quheill-rym, Yschrowdyt in hys fedra/wme brycht & scheyn, Schapand the prent of Argus hundreth Eyn : Amang the brouys of the olyve-twestz> 165 Seir smaill fowlys wirkand crafty nest/J, Endlang the heggeis thyk, and on rank akz'-r, Ilk byrd reiosyng with Mar myrthfull makzir. In cornem and cleir fenystam of glass Full bissely Aragne wevand was, 170 To knyt hir nettz> and hir Tvobbys sle, Tftarwith to caucht the myghe & litill fle : So dusty pulddr vpstowm in euery streit, Quhil corby gaspyt for the fervent heit. Vnder the bewys beyn in lusty valys, 1 75 Within fermans, and parkz'j cloyss of palys, The bustuus bukkz> rakz'j furth on raw ; Heyrdw of hertz'* throw the thyk wod-schaw, Baith the brokkett/j, and wztA braid burnyst tynd/ir, The sprutlyt calvys sowkand the red hyndw, 180 The jong fownys followand the dun days, Kyddz'j skippand throw rownys eftir rays ; Kill. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUS OF ENEADOS. 133 In lyssownV and on leys litill lawmys Full tayt & tryg socht bletand to Mar dawmys, Tydy ky lowys, veilys by thame ry#nys ; 185 All snog & slekit worth Mir bestz'j skynys. On salt stremys wolx doryda and thetz>, By rynand strandz'j nymphes and naedes, Sik as we clepe wenschis and damysellis, In gresy gravys wandrand by spryng-wellis, 190 Of blomyt branchis and flown!? quhite & red Plettand thar lusty chaplettz'j for Mar hed; Sum [sang] ryng-sangz>, dansys ledys, and rovndzi, With vocz's schill, quhill all ike dail resovndzV ; Quharso Mai walk into Mar caralyng, 195 For amorus lays doith the Rochys ryng : Ane sang, ' the. schyp salys our the salt faym, Will bryng Mir m^rchandz> and my le/wman haym ;' Sum other syngw, ' I wilbe blyt<$ and ly^t, Mine hart Is lent apon sa gudly wight.' 200 And thorMull luffarzj rowmys to and fro, To lyss Mar pane, and pleyn Mar loly wo ; Eftir Mar gyss, now syngand, now in sorow, With hartzi pensyve, Me lang sywzmyrz'j morow ; Sum ballettzj lyst endyte of hys lady, 205 Sum levis in hoip, and sum aluterly Disparit Is, and sa quyte owt of grace, Hys purgatory he fyndis in euery place. To pleyss his lufe sum thoc^t to flat & feyn, Sum to hant bawdry and onlesuw meyn; 210 Sum rownys to hys fallow, Mame betwene, Hys myrry stouth and pastans lait yslerevin : Smyland says ane, ' I couth in previte Schaw Me a bovrd.' ' Ha, quhat be Mat ?' quod he ; ' Quhat thyng? Mat most be secrete,' said Me tother. 215 134 XIH' GAWIN DOUGLAS. ' Gud lord ! mysbeleif 36 %our verray broder ? ' ' Na, neuer a deill, bot harkw quhat I wald ; Thou mon be prevy :' ' lo, my hand vphald.' ' Than sal Mou walk at evin :' quod he, ' quhidd^r?' ' In sik a place heir west, we baith togydder, 220 Quhar scho so freschly sang Mis hyndyr nycht ; Do choyss the ane, and I sal quynch the \ychi! ' I salbe Mar, I hope,' quod he, and lewch ; ' 3a, now I knaw the. mater weill eneuch.' Thus oft dywlgat Is /Ms schamefull play, 225 Na thyng accordyng to our hailsu; may, Bot rathar cowtagius and infective, And repugnant Mat sesson nutrytyve, Quhen new curage kytlys all gentill hart/j, Seand throu kynd Ilk thyng spryngz> & revertz>. 230 Dame natum mestralis, on Mat other part, Th&r blysfull bay entonyng e\iery art, To beyt thir amorus of Mar ny^tw baill. The merl, Me mavyss, and Me nychtyngale, With mery notis myrthfully furth brest, 235 Enforcyng Mame quha my^t do clynk it best : The cowschet crowds [&] pyrkw on Me ryss, The styrlyng changz'j diuerss stevywnys nyss, The sparrow chyrmys in Me wallis clyft, Goldspynk and lyntquhite fordynand Me lyft ; 240 The Gukgo galys, & so quytteris.Me quaill, Quhill ryvem rerdit, schawis, & every vaill, And tender twystz'j trymlyt on Me treis, For byrd/j sang, and bemyng of Me beys ; In wrablis dulce of hevynly armonyis 245 The larkz> lowd, releschand in Me skyis, Lovys Mar lege with tonys curyus, Baith to dame natur, & Me fresch venus, XIII. PROLOUG OF THE XII BUK OF ENEADOS. 135 Rendryng hie lawdw in //$ar obs^ruance ; Quhais suguryt throtz'j maid glaid hartw danss, 250 And al smail fowlys syngz'j on the spray : ' Welcum the lord of lycht, and lamp of day, WelcuOT fostyr of tendir herbys grene, Welcum quyknar of floryst flowro scheyn, Welcum support of euery rute and vayn, 255 Welcum confort of alkynd fruyt & grayn, Welcum the byrd/j beild apon the brer, Welcum master and rewlar of the 3er, Welcum weilfar of husband?'.? at the plewys, Welcuztf reparar of woddw, treis, & bewys, 260 Welcum depayntar of the blomyt medz'-y, the lyfe of euery thyng /^at spredzV, storour of alkynd bestiall, Welcuwz be thy brycht bemys, gladyng all, Welcuwz celestial myrror and aspy, 265 Attechyng all //at hantz'j sluggardy !' And with this word, in chalnw quhar I lay, The nynt morow of fresch tempmt may, On fut I sprent into my bair sark, Wilfull fortill compleit my langsuzra wark 270 Twichand the lattyr buke of dan virgill, Quhilk me had tareit al to lang a quhile ; And to behald the cuwmyng of this kyng, That was sa welcuwz tyll all warldly thyng, With sic tryuTwphe and pompos curage glaid 275 Than of hys souerane chyramys, as Is said, Newly aryssyn in hys estait ryall, That, by hys hew, but orleger or dyall, I knew It was past four houm of day, And thof^t I wald na langar ly in may, 280 Less Phebus suld me losanger attaynt : 136 XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. For progne had, or Man, sung hir cowplaynt, And eik hir dreidfull systir philomeyn Hyr lays endyt, and in wodd/.r greyn Hyd hir-selvyn, eschamyt of hir chance ; 285 And Esacus completes hys penance In Ryvero, fludw, and on eu^ry laik : And Peristera byddz'-r luflfam awaik ; ' Do serve my lady venus heir with me, Lern Mus to mak jjowr obs(?ruance/ quod sche, 290 ' Into myne hartz',r ladeis sweit presens Behaldz'-f how I beynge, and do reuerens.' Hyr nek scho wrynklys, trasyng mony fold, With plomys glitterand, asur apon gold, Rendryng a cullo&r betwix greyn & blew, 295 In purpowr glans of hevynly variant hew ; I meyn our awyn natyve byrd, gewtill dow, Syngand in hyr kynd, ' I come hydd^r to wow ;' So pryklyng hyr greyn curage forto crowd In amorus voce and wowar soundz'j lowd, 300 7%at, for the dynnyng of hir wanton cry, I Irkyt of my bed, and my^t not ly. But gan me blyss, syne in my wedz> dress, And, for It was ayr morow, or tyme of mess, I hynt a scripto^r and my pen furth tuke : 305 Syne /must pyll his lande, 45 To make his cofers ryche ; But he layth all in the dyche, And vseth suche abusyoun, That in the conclusyoun All commeth to confusyon. 455 Perceyue the cause why, To tell the trouth playnly, He is so ambicyous, So shamles, and l so vicyous, And so supersticyous, 460 And so moche obliuyous From whens that he came, That he falleth into a cceciam 2 , Whiche, truly to expresse, Is a forgetfulnesse, 465 Or wylfull blyndnesse, Wherwith the Sodomites Lost theyr inward syghtes, The Gommoryans also Were brought to deedly wo, 470 As Scrypture recordis : A c&citate cordis, In the Latyne synge we, Libera nos, Domine / But this madde Amalecke, 475 Lyke to a Mamelek 3 , He regardeth lordes No more than potshordes ; 1 Kele's ed. has ' an ' ; other eds. ' and.' 2 The cds. have * Acisiam'; but see 11. 466-468, and 1. 472. Cf. Gen. xix. n. 3 Printed ' Amamelek* in the old editions. 144 XIV - JOHN SKELTOX. He is in suche elacyon Of his exaltacyon, 480 And the supportacyon Of our souerayne lorde, That, God to recorde, He ruleth all at wyll, Without reason or skyll : 485 How be it the primordyall Of his wretched originall, And his base progeny, And his gresy genealogy, He came of the sank royall, 490 That was cast out of a bochers stall. Bot how euer he was borne, Men wolde haue the lesse scorne, If he coulde consyder His birth and rowme togeder, 495 And call to his mynde How noble and how kynde To him he hathe founde Our souereyne lorde, chyfe grounde Of all this prelacy, 500 And set hym nobly In great auctoryte, Out from a low degre, Whiche he can nat se : For he was, parde, 505 No doctor of deuinyte, Nor doctor of the law, Nor of none other saw : But a poore maister of arte, God wot, had lytell parte 510 Of the quatriuials, XIV. (A) WHY COME YE NAT TO COURTS? 145 Nor yet of triuials, Nor of philosophy, Nor of philology, Nor of good pollycy, 515 Nor of astronomy, Nor acquaynted worth a fly With honorable Haly, Nor with royall Ptholomy, Nor with Albumasar, 520 To treate of any star Fyxt or els mobyll ; His Latyne tonge dothe hobbyll, He doth but cloute and cobbill In Tullis faculte, 525 Called humanyte; Yet proudly he dare pretende How no man can him amende : But haue ye nat herde this, How an one-eyed man is 530 Well-syghted when He is amonge blynde men ? Than, our processe for to stable, This man was full vnable To reche to suche degre, 535 Had nat our prynce be Royall Henry the eyght, Take him in suche conceyght, That he set him on heyght, In exemplyfyenge 540 Great Alexander the kynge, In writynge as we fynde ; Whiche of his royall mynde, And of his noble pleasure, L 146 XIV. JOHN SKELTON. Transcendynge out of mesure, 545 Thought to do a thynge That perteyneth to a kynge, To make vp one of nought, And made to him be brought A wretched poore man, 550 Whiche his lyuenge wan With plantyng of lekes By the dayes and by the wekes, And of this poore vassall He made a kynge royall, 555 And gaue him a realme to rule, That occupyed a showell, A mattoke and a spade, Before that he was made A kynge, as I haue tolde, 560 And ruled as he wolde. Suche is a kynges power, ,;To make within an hower, And worke suche a myracle, That shall be a spectacle 565 Of renowme and worldly fame : In lykewyse now the same Cardynall is promoted, Yet with lewde condicyons cotyd, As herafter ben notyd, 570 Presumcyon and vayne glory, Envy, wrath, and lechery, Couetys and glotony, Slouthfull to do good, Now frantick, now starke wode. 575 Allmyghty God, I trust, XIV. (B) PHYLLYP SPAROWE. 147 Hath for him dyscust That of force he must Be faythfull, trew, and iust 75 To our most royall kynge, Chefe rote of his makynge ; Yet it is a wyly mouse That can bylde his dwellinge-house Within the cattes eare 755 Withouten drede or feare. [(B) From ' Phyllyp Spar owe.'} How shall I report All the goodly sort Of her fetures clere, 1000 That hath non erthly pere ? The 1 fauour of her face Ennewed all with grace, Confort, pleasure, and solace, Myne hert doth so enbrace, 1005 And so hath rauyshed me Her to behold and se, That, in wordes playne, I cannot me refrayne To loke on her agayne : 1010 Alas, what shuld I fayne ? It wer a plesaunt payne With her aye to remayne. Her eyen gray and stepe Causeth myne hert to lepe; 1015 With her browes bent She may well represent 1 The editions have ' Her' by mistake; cf. 1. 1035- L 2 148 XIV. JOHN SK ELTON. Fayre Lucres, as I wene, Or els fayre Polexene, Or els Caliope, 1020 Or els Penolope ; For this most goodly floure, This blossome of fresshe coloure, So Jupiter me socoure, She florisheth new and new 102? In beautye and vertew : Hoc claritate gemina O gloriosa fcemina, Memor esto verbt lui servo tuo 1 Servus tuus sum ego. 1030 The Indy saphyre blew Her vaynes doth ennew ; The orient perle so clere, The' whytnesse of her lere ; Her * lusty ruby ruddes 1035 Resemble the rose-buddes ; Her lyppes soft and mery Emblomed lyke the chery, It were an heuenly blysse Her sugred mouth to kyssc. 1040 Her beautye to augment, Dame Nature hath her lent A warte vpon her cheke, Who so lyst to seke In her vysage a skar, 1045 That semyth from afar Lyke to the radyant star, All with fauour fret, So properly it is set : 1 The editions wrongly have ' The"; cf. 1. 1002. XIV. (B) PHYLLYP SPAROWE. 149 She is the vyolet, 1050 The daysy delectable, The columbine l commendable, The ielofer amyable ; [For] 2 this most goodly floure, This blossom of fressh colour, 1055 So Jupiter me succour, She florysheth new and new In beaute and vertew : Hac claritate gemma gloriosa fcemina, 1060 Bonitatem fecisti cum servo luo, domina, Et ex pr&cordiis sonant prceconia ! And whan I perceyued Her wart, and conceyued, It cannot be denayd 1065 But it was well conuayd, And set so womanly, And nothynge wantonly, But ryght conuenyently, And full congruently, 1070 As Nature cold deuyse, In most goodly wyse ; Who so lyst beholde, It makethe louers bolde To her to sewe for grace, 1075 Her fauoure to purchase ; The sker upon her chyn, Enhached on her fayre skyn, Whyter than the swan, It wold make any man 1080 1 So in other editions ; Kele has ' calumbyn.' 2 Omitted by accident; see 1. 1021. 150 XIV. JOHN SKELTON. To forget deadly syn Her fauour to wyn ; For this most goodly floure, This blossom of fressh coloure, So Jupiter me socoure, 1085 She flouryssheth new and new In beaute and vertew ; Hac claritate gemina O gloriosafoemina, Defecit in salutare iuum * anima mea ; 1090 Quid petis filio, mater dulcissima ? baba*! Soft, and make no dyn, For now I wyll begyn To haue in remembraunce Her goodly dalyaunce, 1095 And her goodly pastaunce : So sad and so demure, Behauynge her so sure, With wordes of pleasure She wold make to the lure, 1 100 And any man conuert To gyue her his hole hert. She made me sore amased Vpon her whan I gased, Me thought min hert was erased, 1105 My eyne were so dased ; For this most goodly flour, This blossom of fressh colour, So Jupyter me socour, She flouryssheth new and new mo In beauty and vertew : 1 Mr. Dyce corrects this, but unnecessarily; see note to 1. 1061. * Printed 'ba ba' in the old editions. XIV. (B) PHYLLYP SPAROWE. 151 Hac claritate gemina, gloriosa foemina, Quomodo dilexi legem tuam, domina 1 Recedant vetera, nova sint omm'a. 1115 And to amende her tale, Whan she lyst to auale, And with her fyngers smale, And handes soft as sylke, Whyter than the my Ike, 1120 That are so quyckely vayned Wherwyth my hand she strayned, Lorde, how I was payned I Vnneth I me refrayned ; How she me had reclaymed, 1125 And me to her retayned, Enbrasynge therwithall Her goodly myddell small With sydes longe and streyte ! To tell you what conceyte 1 130 1 had than in a tryce, The matter were to nyse, And yet there was no vyce, Nor yet no villany, But only fantasy ; 1135 For this most goodly floure, This blossom of fressh coloure, So Jupiter me succoure, She floryssheth new and new In beaute and vertew : 1140 Hac darilate gemina, O gloriosa foemina, Iniquos odio habui ! Non calumnientur me superbi. XIV. yOHN SKELTON. But whereto shulde I note 1145 How often dyd I tote Vpon her prety fote ? It raysed myne hert rote To se her treade the grounde With heles short and rounde. 1150 She is playnly expresse Egeria, the goddesse, And lyke to her image, Emportured with corage, A louers pylgrimage ; 1155 Ther is no beest sauage, Ne no tyger so wood, But she wolde chaunge his mood, Such relucent grace Is formed in her face ; 1160 For this most goodly floure, This blossome of fresshe coloure, So Jupiter me succour, She flouryssheth new and new In beaute and vertew: 1165 Hac claritate gemina O gloriosa famina, Mirabilia testimonia tua ! Sicut novella plantationes injuvenlute sua, So goodly as she dresses, 1170 So properly * she presses The bryght golden tresses Of her heer so fyne, Lyke Phebus beanies shyne. Whereto shuld I disclose 1175 The garterynge of her hose ? 1 So in other eds. ; Kele's ed. has ' propeeyly.' XIV. (B) PHYLLYP SPAROWE. 153 It is for to suppose How that she can were Gorgiously her gere ; Her fresshe habylementes 1180 With other implementes To serue for all ententes, Lyke dame Flora, quene Of lusty somer grene ; For this most goodly floure, 1185 This blossom of fressh coloure, So Jupiter me socoure, She florisheth new and new In beautye and vertew : Hac claritaie gemina \ 190 O gloriosa fcemina, Clamavi in toto corde, exaudi me ! Misericordia tua magna est super me. My pen it is vnable, My hand it is vnstable, 1220 My reson rude and dull To prayse her at the full ; Goodly maystres Jane, Sobre, demure Dyane; Jane this maystres hyght, 1225 The lode-star a of delyght, Dame Venus of all pleasure, The well of worldly treasure ; She doth excede and pas In prudence dame Pallas; 1230 [For] this most goodly floure. This blossome of fresshe colour, J So in other eds. : Kele has ' lode stare." 154 XIV- JOHN SKELTOX. So Jupiter me socoure, She floryssheth new and new In beaute and vertew : 1235 Hoc claritate gemina gloriosa f&mina I Requiem aternam dona eis, Doming ! With this psalme, Domine probasti me, Shall sayle ouer the see, 1240 With Tibi, Domine, commendamus , On pylgrimage to saynt Jamys For shrympes and for pranys, And for stalkynge 1 cranys ; And where my pen hath offendyd, 1245 1 pray you it may be amendyd By discrete consyderacyon Of your wyse reformacyon ; I haue not offended, I trust, If it be sadly dyscust 1250 It were no gentle gyse This treatyse to despyse Because I haue wrytten and sayd Honour of this fayre mayd ; Wherefore shulde I be blamed, 1255 That I Jane haue named, And famously proclamed ? She is worthy to be enrolde With letters of golde. Car elle vault. 1260 1 So in other eds. ; Kele's ed. ' stalke.' XV. LORD BERNERS. A.D. 1523. JOHN BOURCHIER, Lord Berners, was born about A.D. 1464 \ and was the eldest son of Sir Humphrey Bourchier, a Yorkist, who was killed at the battle of Barnet in 1471. He was with Henry VII. at the siege of Boulogne in 1492, and was appointed ^Chancellor of the Exchequer under Henry VI I L about 1515. He died on the igth of March, 1532. He is best remembered by his excellent translation of Froissart's ' Chronicles,' which was undertaken by the King's command, the first volume being printed by Pynson in 1523, and the second in 1525. The language of his time was exceedingly well suited to render the chivalrous pages of Froissart with picturesque effect, and his translation from this point of view is preferable to the modern one by Mr. Johnes. Mr. Marsh says ' This translation is doubtless the best English prose style which had yet appeared, and, as a specimen of pic- turesque narrative, it is excelled by no production of later periods.' Student's Manual of the English Language, ed. Smith ; Lect. V. p. 84. The first extract describes the sea-fight off Sluys, in which Edward III. gained a victory over the French fleet ; and the second extract gives an account of the battle of 1 This is conjectural; the date generally given is 1474, three years after his father's death. 156 XF. LORD BERNERS. [(A) The Sea-fight off Sluys^ Of the batell on the see before Sluse in Maunders, by- twene the kynge of England and the frenchmen. Ca. 1. JNowe let vs leaue som-what to speke of therle of Henalt and of the duke of Normandy: and speke of the kyng of England, who was on the see to the intent to arryue in Flaunders, and so into Heynalt to make warre agaynst the 5 frenchmen. This was on mydsomer euyn, in the yere of our lorde M.CCC.xl. al thenglyssh flete was departed out of the ryuer of Tames, and toke the way to Sluse. And the same tyme, bytwene Blanqueberque and Sluse on the see, was sir Hewe Kyryell, sir Peter Bahuchet, and Barbnoyr : and jo mo than sixscore great vessels besyde other, and they wen? of normayns, bydaulx, genowes, and pycardes : about the noztfbre of .xl.M. There they were layd by the french kyng, to defend the kyng of Englandes passage. The kyng of England and his, came saylyng tyll he came before 15 Sluse : and whan he sawe so great a nombre of shipper thai their mastes semed to be lyke a gret wood, he de- maurcded of the maister of his shyp what peple he thought they were : he answered and sayd, ' sir, I thynke they be normayns layd here by the frenche kyng, and hath done gret zo dyspleasure in Englande, brent your towne of Hampton, and taken your great shyppe the Christofer :' ' a !' quod the kyng, ' I haue long desyred to fyght with the frenchmen : and nowe shall I fyghte with some of them, by the grace of god and saynt George; for truly they haue done me so many 25 dysplesurs thai I shall be reuenged, & I may.' Than the king set all his shyppes in order; the grettest before, well furnysshed with archers, & euer bytwene two shyppes of XV. (A) TRANSLATION OF FROISSART. 157 archers he had one shyppe vfiih men of armes ; & than he made an-other batell to ly a-lofe with archers, to confort euer thewz that were moost wery, yf nede were. And there were 3 a great nombre of countesses, ladyes, knyghto wyues, & other damosels, thai were goyng to se the quene at Gaunt : these ladyes the kyng caused to be well kept with thre hundred men of armes, and .v.C. archers. Whan the kyng, and his marshals had ordered his batayls, 35 he drewe vp the seales & cam with a quarter wynde, to haue the vauntage of the sonne. And so at last they tourned a lytell to get the wynde at wyll : and whan the normayns sawe them recule backe, they had maruell why they dyde so. And some sayd, ' they thynke them selfe nat mete to medyll with 40 vs : wherfore they woll go backe ;' they sawe well howe the kyng of England was there personally, by reason of his baners. Than they dyd appareyle their flete in order, for they were sage and good men of warre on the see : and dyd set the Christofer, the which they had won the yere before, 45 to be formast, with many trumpettes and instrumentes : and so set on their ennemies. There began a sore batell on bothe partes : archers and crosbowes began to shote, and men of armes aproched and fought hande to hande ; and the better to come togyder, they had great hokes, & grapers of 50 yron to cast out of one shyppe into an-other ; And so tyed the/?* fast togyder; there were many dedes of armes done, takyng and rescuyng agayne. And at last, the great Chris- tofer was first won by thewglysshmen, and all that were within it taken or slayne. Than there was great noyse and cry, and 55 thenglysshmen aproched and fortifyed the Christofer with archers, and made hym to passe on byfore to fyght with the genoweys. This batayle was right fierse and terryble : for the batayls on the see ar more dangerous and fierser, than the batayls by lande. For on the see there is no reculyng nor 60 158 XV. LORD BERNERS. fleyng, there is no remedy but to fight, and to abyde fortune : and euery man to shewe his prowes. Of a trouthe sir Hewe Kyriell, and sir Bahuchet, and Barbe Noyer, were ryght good and expert men of warre. This batayle en- 65 dured fro the mornyng tyll it was noone, & theglysshmen endured moche payne, for their ennemies were foure agaynst one, and all good men on the see. There the king of England was a noble knight of his owne handw; he was in the flouer of his youthe l . In like wyse so was the erle 70 of Derby, Pembroke, Herforde, Huwtyngdon, Northampton, and Glocester 2 : sir Raynolde Cobham, sir Rycharde Staf- forde, the lorde Percy, sir water of Manny, sir Henry of Flaunders, sir John Beauchamp : the lorde Felton, the lorde Brasseton, sir Chandos, the lorde Dalawarre, the lorde of 75 Multon, sir Robert Dartoys, called erle of Rychmont: and dyuerse other lordes and knyghtes, who bare themselfe so valyantly with some socours that they had of Brugw, and of the countrey there about, that they obtayned the vyctorie. So that the frenchmen, normayns, and other, were dyscon- So fetted, slayne, and drowned ; there was nat one that scaped : but all were slayne. Whanwe this vyctorie was atchyued, the kyng all that nyght abode in his shyppe before Sluse, with great noyse of truwzpettes and other instrumentes. Thyder came to se the kynge dyuers of Flaunders, suche as had herde 35 of thz kynges coaming : and than the kyng demaunded of the burgesses of Bruges, howe Jaques Dartuell dyd. They answered, that he was gone to tho. erle of Heynalt agaynst the duke of Normawdy with .Ix.M. flemynges. And on the next day, /e which was mydsomer day, the kyng and all 90 his toke lande ; and the kyng on fote went a pylgrimage 1 So in Myddylton's edition; Pynson has 'yongh.' 2 Printed Glocetter.' XV. (A) TRANSLATION OF FROISSART. 159 to our lady of Ardewbourge, and there herd masse and dyned, and than/ze toke his horse and rode to Gaunt, where the quene receyued hym with great ioye: and all his caryage came after, lytell and lytell. Than the kyng wrote to therle of Heynault, and to theym within the castell of Thyne, certy- 95 fieng them of his arryuall. And whan therle knewe therof, & that he had dysconfyted the army on the see : he dysloged, and gaue leaue to all the souldyours to depart. And toke with hym to Valencennes al the great lordes, and there feasted them honourably, and specially the duke of Brabant, 100 and Jaques DartuelL And there Jaques Dartuell, openly in the market place, in the presence of all the lordes, and of all such as wold here hym, declared what right the kyng of Englande had to the crowne of Frace, and also what puyssaunce the thre countreis were of, Flaunders, Heynault, 105 and Brabant, surely ioyned in one alyance. And he dyde so by his great wysedom and plesaunt wordes, that all people that harde hym praysed hym moche, and sayd howe he had nobly spoken. & by great experyece. And thus he was greatly praysed, & it was sayd that he was well worthy no to gouerne the countrey 1 of Flaunders. Than the lordes departed, and promysed to mete agayne within .viii. dayes at Gaunt to se the kyng of England, and so they dyd. And the kyng feasted them honorably, and so dyd the quene, who was as than nuly purifyed of a sonne called John, who was 115 after duke of Lancastre, by his wyfe, doughter to duke Henry of Lawcastre. Than there was a cou/zsell set to be at Vylleuort 2 , and a day lymitted. 1 So in Myddylton's edition ; Pynson has countie.' * Printed ' Vyllenort.' l6o XV. LORD BERNERS. [(B) The Battle of C Of the batayle of Cressy bytwene the kyng of England and the frenche kyng. Cap. C.xxx. Tnewglysshmen who were in thre batayls lyeng on the grounde to rest them, assone as they saw the frenchmen aproche, they rose vpon their fete fayre and easely, without any hast, and aranged their batayls. The first, which was 5 the princes batell, the archers ther stode in maner of a herse. and the men of armes in the botome of the batayle ; Therle of Northampton & therle of Arundell with the second batell were on a wyng in good order, redy to confort the princes batayle, if nede were. The lord LORD BERNERS. to them that sent you hyther, and say to them that they sende no more to me for any aduenture that falleth, as long as my sonne is a-lyue : and also say to thewz that they suffre 1 30 hym this day to wynne his spurres ; for if god be pleased, I woll this iourney be his, and the honoure therof, and to them that be aboute hym.' Than the knyght retourned agayn to the/, and shewed the kynges wordes, the which gretly encouraged them, and repoyned in that they had 135 sende to the kynge as they dyd. Syr Godfray of Harecouit wolde gladly that the erle of Harecourt his brother myght haue bene saued, for he hard say by the/ra that sawe his baner howe that he was there in the felde on the frenche partie, but sir Godfray coude nat come to hym betymes ; for he was 140 slayne or he coude come at hym, and so was also the erle of Almare his nephue. In another place the erle of Alenson and therle of Flaunders fought valyantly, euery lorde vnder his owne baner, but finally they coude nat resyst agaynst the puyssaunce of the englysshemen ; and so there they were H5 also slayne, & dyuers other knyghto and squyers. Also therle Lewes of Bloyes, nephue to the frenche kyng, and the duke of Lorayne fought vnder their baners, but at last they were closed in among a co/wpany of englysshmen and wallshemen, & there were slayne for all their prowes. Also there was 150 slayne the erle of Ausser, therle of saynt Poule, and many other; in the euenynge the frenche kynge, who had lefte about hym no mo than a threscore persons, one and other ; wherof sir lohan of Heynalt was one, who had remounted ones the kynge, for his horse was slayne with an arowe ; thaw 155 he sayde to the kynge, 'sir, departe hense, for it is tyme; lese nat your selfe wylfully; if ye haue losse at this tyme, ye shall recouer it agayne another season.' And soo he toke the kynges horse by the bridell and ledde hym away in a maner perforce; than the kyng rode tyll he came to the XV. (B) TRANSLATION OF FROISSART. 165 castell of Broy; the gate was closed bycause it was by that 160 tyme darke. Than the kynge called the capytayne, who came to the walles and sayd, ' who is that calleth there this tyme of nyght ? ' than the kynge sayde, ' opyn your gate quickely, for this is the fortune of Fraunce.' The cap- tayne knewe than it was the kyng, and opyned the gate and 165 let downe the bridge; than the kyng entred, and he had with hym but fyue barownes, syr lohan of Heynault, sir Charles of Momorency, the lorde of Beauiewe, the lorde Dabegny, and the lorde of Mountfort ; the kynge wolde nat tary there, but drawke and departed thense about mydnyght, 170 and so rode by suche guydes as knewe the countrey tyll he came in the mornynge to Amyense, and there he rested. This Saturday the englysshemen neuer departed fro their batayls, for chasynge of any man ; but kept styll their felde and euer defended themselfe agaynst al such as came to 175 assayle them ; this batayle ended aboute euynsonge tyme. XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE. A.D. 1528. WILLIAM TYNDALE was born about 1477, or later, and was burnt at Antwerp in October 1536, after a long imprisonment, for heresy. His beautiful translation of the New Testament is one of the finest works in our language : our present Authorized Version owes very much to it. His tracts, such as his ' Obedience of a Christian Man,' his dissertation on the parable of ' The Wicked Mammon,' and his ' Practice of Prelates,' are written in a clear, bold, vigorous style. The extract here printed is from the first of these, viz. ' The Obediewce of a Christen man, and how Christen rulers ought to govern e,' printed in 1528. It is a very interesting passage, and contains a splendid defence of the wisdom of translating the Scriptures into a tongue ' understanded of the people.' This piece should be carefully compared with the extracts from the works of Sir Thomas More, Tyndale's great opponent. Tyndale's version of the New Testament was printed in quarto in 1525, and in octavo in 1525 or January 1526. A facsimile edition of the latter was produced in 1862, by Mr. Fry, of Bristol ; and of the extant fragment of the former, by Mr. Arber, in 1871. See 'The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in parallel columns, with the versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale,' edited by Dr. J. Bosworth, 1865, pp. xxiii-xxix, and p. 584: also the remarks on Tyndale's version by Mr. Marsh, in the ' Student's Manual of the English Language,' ed. Smith, pp. 84 and 446 ; and Mr. Arber's Preface. XVI. THE OBEDIENCE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. 167 \0n the translation of the Scriptures. Fol. xii.] Tnat thou maist perceave how that the scripture ought to be in the mother towge, and that the reasons That the scrip . which oure sprites make for the contrary are but ^hi"^? 1 ' 6 sophistry & false wiles, to feare the 1 from the engiuh tonse ' 5 lighte, that thou mighteste folowe them blyndefolde & be their captive / to honoure their cerimonies & to offer to their bely. Fyrst god gave the child no rycht, 4665 Be he nocht stylit lyke ane Knycht, And callit ' schir' affore his name, As 'schir Thomas' and 'schir Wi^ame.' All Monkrye, 36 may heir and se, Ar callit Denis, for dignite : 4670 XXII. THE MONARCHE. BOOK III. 253 Quhowbeit his mother mylk the kow, He man be callit Dene Andrew, Dene Peter, dene Paull, and dene Robart. With Christ thay tak ane painfull part, With dowbyll clethyng frome the cald, 4675 Eitand and drynkand quhen thay wald ; With curious Countryng in the queir : God wait gyf thay by heuin full deir ! My lorde Abbot, rycht venerabyll, Ay marschellit vpmoste at the tabyll ; 4680 My lord Byschope, most reuerent, Sett abufe Erlis, in Parliament; And Cardinalis, duryng thare ryngis, Fallowis to Princis and to Kyngis ; The Pope exaltit, in honour, 4685 Abufe the potent Empriour. The proude Persone, I thynk trewlye, He leidis his lyfe rycht lustelye ; For quhy he hes none vther pyne, Bot tak his teind, and spend it syne. 4690 Bot he is oblyste, be resoun, To preche on-tyll perrochioun : Thoucht thay want precheing sewintene seir, He wyll nocht want ane boll of beir. [The Cruelty of Hears.] And als the Vicar, as I trow, He wyll nocht faill to tak ane kow, 4710 And vmaist claith, thoucht babz> thame ban, From ane pure selye housband-man. Quhen that he lyis for tyll de, Haiffeing small bairnis two or thre, 254 XXII. SIR DAVID LYNDESAY. And hes thre ky, withouttin mo, 4715 The Vicare moist haue one of tho, With the gray cloke that happis the bed, Howbeit that he be purelye cled. And gyf the wyfe de on the morne, Thocht all the babis suld be forlorne, 4720 The vther kow he cleikw awaye, With hir pure coit of roploch graye. And gyf, within tway dayis or thre, The eldest chyild hapnis to de, Off the thrid kow he wylbe sure. 4725 Quhen he hes all, than, vnder his cure, And Father and Mother boith ar dede, Beg mon the babis, without remede : Thay hauld the Corps at the kirk-style, And thare it moste remane ane quhyle, 4730 Tyll thay gett sufficient souerte For thare kirk-rycht and dewite. Than cumis the Landis Lord, perfors, And cleiks tyll hym ane herield hors. Pure laubourars wald that law wer doun, 4735 Quhilk neuer was fundit be resoun. I hard thame say, onder confessioun, That law is brother tyll Oppressioun. From ' The Monarch?; Book IV. \The Signs of the Day of Judgment^ The Scripture sayis, efter thir signis 5450 Salbe sene mony maruellous thyngis : Than sail ryse trybulationis XXII. THE MONARCHE. BOOK IV. 255 In erth, and gret mutationis, Als weill heir vnder as aboue, Quhen vertewis of the heuin sail moue. 5455 Sic creuell weir salbe, or than, Wes neuer sene sen the warld began, The quhilk sail cause gret Indigence, As darth, hunger, and pestilence. The horribyll soundis of the sey 5460 The peple sail perturbe and fley. lerome sayis, it sail ryse on heycht Abone montanis, to mennis sycht ; Bot it sail nocht spred ouir the land, Bot, lyke ane wall, ewin straycht vpstand, 5465 Syne sattell doun agane so law That no man sail the waiter knaw. Gret Quhalis sail rummeis, rowte, and rair, Quhose sound redound sail in the air; All fysche and Monstouris maruellous 5470 Sail cry, with soundis odious, That men sail wydder on the erd, And, wepyng, wary sail thare weird, With lowde allace and welaway, That euer thay baid to se that day; 5475 And, speciallye, those that dwelland be Apone the costis of the see. Rycht so, as Sanct lerome concludis, Sail be sene ferleis in the fludis : The sey, with mouyng maruellous, 5480 Sail byrn with flammis furious : Rychtso sail byrn fontane and flude ; All herb and tre sail sweit lyk blude ; Fowlis sail fall furth of the air ; Wylde beistis to the plane repair, 5485 256 XXII. SIR DAVID LYNDESAY. And, in thare maner, mak gret mone, Gowland with mony gryslye grone. The bodeis of dede creaturis Appeir sail on thare Sepulturis : Than sail boith men, wemen, and bairnis 5490 Cum crepand furth of howe Cauernis, Quhare thay, for dreid, wer hyd affore, With seych, and sob, and hartis sore ; Wandryng about as thay war wode, Affamysit for fait of fude. 5495 Non may mak vtheris confortyng, Bot dule for dule, and Lamentyng. Quhat may thay do bot weip and wounder, Quhen thay se roches schaik in schounder, Throw trimlyng of the erth and quakyng ? 5500 Off sorrow, than, salbe no slakyng. Quho that bene leuand, in those dayis, May tell of terrabyll affrayis ; Thare ryches, rentis, nor tressour, That tyme, sail do thame small plesour. 5505 Bot, quhen sic wonderis dois appeir, Men may be sure the day drawis neir, That luste men pas sail to the glore, Iniuste, to pane for euer-more. COVRTIOVR. Father, said I, v/e daylie reid 5510 One Artekle, in-to our creid, Sayand that Christe Omnipotent, In-to that generall lugement, Sail luge boith dede and quik also. Quharefore, declare me, or 36 go, 5515 Geue thare sail ony man or wyue That day be funding vpon lyue ? XX IT. THE MONARCHE. BOOK IV. 257 EXPERIENCE. Quod he : as to that questione, I sail mak, sone, solutione. The Scripture planelye doith expone, 5520 Quhen all tokynnis bene cum and gone, 3itt mony one hundreth thousand That samyn day salbe leuand : Quhowbcit, thare sail no Creature Nother of day nor hour be sure ; 5525 For Christ sail cum so suddantlye, That no man sail the tyme espye ; As it wes in the tyme of Noye, Quhen God did all the warld distroye. Sum on the feild salbe lauborand ; 5530 Sum, in the templis Mariand ; Sum, afore lugis makand pley ; And sum men, saland on the sey. Those that bene on the feild-going Sail nocht returne to thare luging. 5535 Quho bene apone his hous aboue Sail haif no laser to remoue. Two salbe in the Myll grindyng, Quhilk* salbe taking, but warnyng ; The one, tyll euerlestyng glore, 5540 The vther, loste for euer-more. Two salbe lying in one bed ; The one, to plesour salbe led, The vther, salbe left allone, Gretand with mony gryslie grone. 5545 And so, my Sonne, thow may weill trow, The warld salbe as it is now, The peple vsyng thare besynes, As holy Scripture doith expres. 258 XXII. SIR DAVID LYNDESAY. Sen no man knawis the hour, nor day, 5550 The Scripture biddis ws walk and pray, And for our Syn be penitent, As Christ wald cum Incontinent. FINIS. The Maner quhow Christ sail cvm to his lugement. EXPERIENCE. Qvhen al takinnis bene brocht till end, Than sail ye sone of god disce/zd: 5555 As fyreflaucht haistely glansyng, Discend sail ye most heuinly kyng. As Phebus, in the Orient, Lychtnis, in haist, the Occident, So plesandlye he sail appeir 5560 Amang the heuinlye cluddis cleir, With gret power and Maiestie, Aboue the cuntrie of ludee, As Clerkis doith concludyng haill, Direct aboue the lustye vaill 556= Off losaphat and Mont Olyueit : All Prophesie thare salbe compleit. The Angellzj of the Ordoris Nyne Inueron sail that throne Diuyne With heuinlye consolatioun, 5570 Makand hym Ministratioun. In his presens thare salbe borne The signis of Cros, and Croun of thorne, Pillar, Nalis, Scurgis, and Speir, With euerilk thyng that did hym deir, 5575 The tyme of his grym Passioun ; And, for our consolatioun, Appeir sail, in his handis and feit, XXII. THE MONARCHE. BOOK IV. 259 And in his syde, the prent compleit Off his fyue Woundis Precious, 5580 Schynand lyke Rubeis Radious, Tyll Reprobatt confusioun ; And, for fynall conclusioun, He, Sittand in his Trybunall, With gret power Imperiall. 5585 There sail ane Angell blawe a blast Quhilk sail mak all the warld agast, With hydous voce, and vehement ' Ryse, dede folk, cum to lugement.' With that, all Reasonabyll Creature 5590 That euer wes formit be Nature Sail suddantlye start vp attonis, Coniunit with Saull, Flesche, Blude, & Bonis. That terribyll Trumpat, I heir tell, Beis hard in Heuin, in erth, and hell : 5595 Those that wer drownit in the sey, That boustious blast thay sail obey ; Quhare-euer the body buryet wase, All salbe fundyng in that plase. Angellis sail passe in the four airtis 5600 Off erth, and bryng thame frome all partis, And, with one instant diligence, Present thame to his excellence. Sanct lerome thoucht continuallye On this lugement, so ardentlye, 5605 He said, ' quhidder I eit, or drynk, Or walk, or sleip, forsuth me thynk That terrabyll Trumpat, lyke ane bell, So quiklye in my eir doith knell, As Instantlye it wer present, 5610 Ryse, dede folk, cum to lugement !' s 2 260 XXII. SIR DAVID LFNDESA1\ Geue Sanct lerome tuke sic ane fray, Allace 1 quhat sail we Synnam say ? All those quhilk funding bene on lyue Salbe Immortall maid belyue ; 5615 And, in the twynkling of one Ee, With fyre thay sail translatit be, And neuer for to dee agane, As Diuine scripture schawis plane, Als reddy, boith for pane and glore, 5610 As thay quhilk deit lang tyme affore. The scripture sayis, thay sail appeir In aige of thre and thretty 3eir, Quhidder thay deit 3oung or auld, Quhose gret nummer may nocht be tauld. 5625 That day sail nocht be myst one man Quhilk borne wes sen the warld began. The Angellis sail thame separate, As Hird the Scheip doith frome the Gate ; And those quhilk bene of Baliallis band" 5630 Trymling apone the erth sail stand, On the left hand of that gret luge, But espirance to gett refuge. Bot those quhilk bene Predestinate Sail frome the erth be Eleuate , 5635 And that moste happy cumpanye Sail ordourit be tryumphantlye Att the rycht hand of Christe, our kyng, Heych in the air, with loude louyng. XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. BEFORE A.D. 1553- WHILST Lyndesay was employed upon his 'Monarche,' Ni- cholas Udall was probably at work upon his ' Roister Doister,' which is the earliest English play extant, and is divided into Acts and Scenes. Udall was born in Hampshire, about 1504, educated at Corpus Christi College,Oxford, master of Eton College from 1534 to 1543, vicar of Braintree from 1537 to 1544, andjnaster of West- minster School in 1555 and 1556. He died in December 1556, and was buried in St. Margaret's, Westminster. The proof that the comedy of ' Ralph Roister Doister' was written before 1553 lies in the fact that it was quoted from in that year in Sir Thomas Wilson's ' Rule of Reason,' third edition ; though the second edition, dated 1552, has not the quotation. There is but one copy of Udall's comedy in existence, having no title-page ; but it was probably printed in 1566. It is now in the library of Eton Col- lege, and has been reprinted several times, the last reprint being by Mr. Arber in 1869. I extract the last three Scenes of the third Act from Mr. Arber's edition. Udall wrote several other dramas, but they are all lost. He also published a translation of the third and fourth books of Erasmus|[JApophthegms,' and assisted in translating Erasmus' ' Paraphrase of Jh_New_Testament.' Our extract tells how Ralph Roister Doister, a silly town- rake, having sent his friend Matthew Merygreeke with a poetical 262 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. epistle to Dame Christian Custance, in which he asks the widow to marry him, receives the answer ' No.' Ralph persists in his suit, but Dame Custance refers him to his own letter. This letter, it appears, was read out by Merygreeke so as to destroy the meaning. It is a fair specimen of comedy. Actus iij. Scaena iij. Mathew Merygreeke. Roister Doister. M. Mery. Nowe that the whole answere in my deuise doth rest, I shall paint out our wower in colours of the best. And all that I say shall be on Custances mouth, She is author of all that I shall speake forsoth. But yond commeth Roister Doister nowe in a traunce. 5 R. Royster. luno sende me this day good lucke and good chaunce. I can not but come see how Merygreeke doth speede. M. Mery. I will not see him, but giue him a iutte in deede. I crie your mastershyp mercie. R. Royster. And whither now ? M. Mery. As fast as I could runne, sir, in poste against you. 10 But why speake ye so faintly, or why are ye so sad ? R. Royster. Thou knowest the prouerbe, bycause I can not be had. Hast thou spoken with this woman ? M. Mery. Yea, that I haue. R. Royster. And what will this geare be ? M. Mery. No ; so God me saue. R. Royster. Hast thou a flat answer ? XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 3. 263 M. Mery. Nay, a sharp answer. R. Royster. What ? M. Mery, Ye shall not (she sayth) by hir will, marry hir cat. 1 6 Ye are such a calfe, such an asse, such a blocke, Such a lilburne, such a hoball, such a lobcocke, And bicause ye shoulde come to hir at no season, She despised your maj/Vrship out of all reason. 20 Beware 1 what ye say (ko I) of such a ientman, Nay, I feare him not (ko she) doe the best he can. He vaunteth him-selfe for a man of prowesse greate, Where-as a good gander I dare say may him beate. And where he is louted and laughed to skorne, 25 For the veriest dolte that euer was borne, And veriest lubber, slouen, and beast, Liuing in this worlde from the west to the east : Yet of himselfe hath he suche opinion, That in all the worlde is not the like minion. 30 He thinketh eche woman to be brought in dotage With the onely sight of his goodly personage : Yet none that will haue hym : we do hym loute and flocke, And make him, among -vs, our common sporting-stocke, And so would I now (ko she) saue onely bicause, 35 Better nay (ko I) I lust not medle with dawes ; Ye are happy (ko I) that ye are a woman, This would cost you your life in case ye were a man. R. Royster. Yea, an hundred thousand pound should not saue hir life. M. Mery. No, but that ye wowe hir to haue hir to your wife. 40 But I coulde not stoppe hir mouth. 1 Old text ' Bawawe.' 164 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. R. Royster. Heigh how, alas, M. Mery. Be of good cheere, man, and let the worlde passe. R. Royster. What shall I doe or say nowe that it will not bee? M. Mery. Ye shall haue choise of a thousande as good as shee, And ye must pardon hir, it is for lacke of witte. 45 R. Royster. Yea, for were not I an husbande for hir fitte ? Well, what should I now doe ? M. Mery. In faith I can not tell. R. Royster. I will go home and die. M. Mery. Then shall I bidde toll the bell ? R. Royster. No. M. Mery. God haue mercie on your soule, ah good gentleman, That er ye shuld th[u]s dye for an vnkinde woman. 50 Will ye drinke once ere ye goe ? R. Royster. No, no, I will none. M. Mery. How feele [ye] your soule to God ? R. Royster. I am nigh gone. M. Mery. And shall we hence streight ? R. Royster. Yea. M. Mery. Placebo dilexi. Maister Roister Doister will streight go home and die. R. Royster. Heigh how, alas, the pangs of death my hearte do breake. .=.; M. Mery. Holde your peace for shame, sir, a dead man may not speake. Nequando : What mourners and what torches shall we haue ? R. Royster. None. M. Mery. Dirige. He will go darklyng to his graue, Neque lux, neque crux, neque mourners, neque clinke, XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 3. 265 He will steale to heauen, vnknowing to God, I thinke. 60 A porta inferi : who shall your goodes possesse ? R. Royster. Thou shall be my sectour, and haue all, more and lesse. M. Mery. Requiem aternam. Now God reward your mastershyp. And I will crie halfepenie doale for your worshyp. Come forth, sirs, heare the dolefull newes I shall you tell. 65 (Euocat seruos militis.} Our good maister here will no longer with vs dwell, But in spite of Custance, which hath hym weried, Let vs see his maj&rshyp solemnely buried. And while some piece of his soule is yet hym within, Some part of his funeralls let vs here begin. 70 Audiui vocem. All men take heede by this one gentleman, Howe you sette your loue vpon an vnkinde woman. For these women be all such madde pieuishe elues, They will not be wonne except it please them-selues. And will ye needes go from vs thus in very deede ? R. Royster. Yea, in good sadnesse. M. Mery. Now lesus Christ be your speede. Good night, Roger olde knaue, farewell, Roger olde knaue, Good night, Roger, olde knaue, knaue, knap. 80 Pray for the late maister Roister Doisters soule, And come forth parish Clarke, let the passing bell toll. Pray for your mayster, sirs, and for hym ring a peale. (Ad seruos mililis.) He was your right good maister while he was in heale. Qui Lazarum. R. Royster. Heigh how. M. Mery. Dead men go not so fast. 85 In Paradisum. 266 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. R. Royster. Heihow. M. Mery. Soft, heare what I haue cast. R, Royster. I will heare nothing, I am past. M. Mery. Whough, wellaway. Ye may tarie one houre, and heare what I shall say ; Ye were best, sir, for a while to reuiue againe. And quite them er ye go. R. Royster. Trowest thou so ? M. Mery. Ye, plain. 90 R. Rqysfer. How may I reuiue, being nowe so farre past ? M. Mery. I will rubbe your temples, and fette you againe at last. R. Royster. It will not be possible. M. Mery. Yes, for twentie pounde. R. Royster. Armes, what dost thou ? M. Mery. Fet you again out of your sound. By this crosse, ye were nigh gone in deede, I might feele 95 Your soule departing within an inche of your heele. Now folow my counsell. R. Royster. What is it ? M. Mery. If I wer you, Custance should eft seeke to me, ere I woulde bowe. R. Royster. Well, as thou wilt haue me, euen so will I doe. M. Mery. Then shall ye reuiue againe for an houre or two. ioo R. Royster. As thou wilt ; I am content for a little space. M. Mery. Good happe is not hastie : yet in space com[e]th grace ; To speake with Custance your-selfe shoulde be very well, What good therof may come, nor I, nor you can tell. But now the matter standeth vpon your mariage, 105 Ye must now take vnto you a lustie courage. XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 3. 367 Ye may not speake with a faint heart to Custance, But with a lusty breast and countenance, That she may knowe she hath to answere to a man. R. Royster. Yes, I can do that as well as any can. no M. Mery. Then bicause ye must Custance face to face wowe, Let vs see how to behaue your-selfe ye can doe. Ye must haue a portely bragge after youre estate. R. Royster. Tushe, I can handle that after the best rate. M. Mery. Well done, so loe, vp, man, with your head and chin, 115 Vp with that snoute, man : so loe, nowe ye begin ; So, that is somewhat like, but prankie cote, nay whan, That is a lustie brute, handes vnder your side, man : So loe, now is it euen as it should bee, That is somewhat like, for a man of your degree. 120 Then must ye stately goe, ietting vp and downe, Tut, can ye no better shake the taile of your gowne ? There loe, suche a lustie bragge it is ye must make. R. Royster. To come behind, and make curtsie, thou must som pains take. M. Mery. Else were I much to blame, I thanke your mas- tershyp; 125 The lorde one day all to begrime you with worshyp. ' Backe, sir sauce, let gentlefolkes haue elbowe-roome, Voyde, sirs, see ye not maister Roister Doister come ? Make place, my maisters.' R. Royster. Thou iustlest nowe to nigh. M. Mery. ' Back, al rude loutes.' R. Royster. Tush. M. Mery. I crie your mastership mercy. Hoighdagh, if faire fine mistresse Custance sawe you now, Ralph Royster Doister were hir owne, I warrant you. 132 268 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. R. Royster. Neare an M by your girdle ? M. Mery. Your good mastershyps Maistershyp were hir owne Mistreshyps mistreshyps ; Ye were take vp for haukes, ye were gone, ye were gone ; 135 But now one other thing more yet I thinke vpon. R. Royster, She we what it is. M. Mery. A wower, be he neuer so poore, Must play and sing before his bestbeloue [d] s doore; How much more than you ? R. Royster. Thou speakest wel, out of dout. M. Mery. And perchaunce that woulde make hir the sooner come out. 140 R. Roysler. Goe call my Musitians, bydde them high apace. M. Mery. I wyll be here with them ere ye can say trey ace. Exeat. R. Royster. This was well sayde of Merygreeke, I Icnve hys wit ; Before my sweete hearts dore we will haue a fit, That if my loue come forth, that I may with hir talke, 145 I doubt not but this geare shall on my side walke. But lo, how well Merygreeke is returned sence. [Re-enter Merygreeke.] M. Mery. There hath grown no grasse on my heele since I wente hence, Lo, here haue I brought [them] that shall make you pastance. R. Royster. Come, sirs, let vs sing to winne my deare loue Custance. 150 Content. M. Mery. Lo where she commeth, some countenaunce to hir make, And ye shall heare me be plaine with hir for your sake. XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 4. 269 Actus iij. Scsena iiij. Custance. Merygreeke. Roister Doister. C. Custance. What gaudying and foolyng is this afore my doore ? M. Mery. May nt folks be honest, pray you, though they be pore ? C. Custance. As that thing may be true, so rich folks may be fooles. R. Royster. Hir talke is as fine as she had learned in schooles. M. Mery. Looke partly towarde hir, and drawe a little nere. 5 C. Custance. Get ye home, idle folkes. M. Mery. Why may not we be here ? Nay and ye will haze, haze : otherwise I tell you plaine, And ye will not haze, then giue vs our geare againe. C. Custance. In deede I haue of yours much gay things, God saue all. R. Royster. Speake gently vnto hir, and let hir take all. 10 M. Mery. Ye are to tender-hearted : shall she make vs dawes ? Nay dame, I will be plaine with you in my friends cause. R. Royster. Let all this passe, sweete heart, and accept my seruice. C. Custance. I will not be serued with a foole in no wise ; When I choose a husbande I hope to take a man. 15 M. Mery. And where will ye finde one which can doe that he can ? Now thys man towarde you being so kinde, 270 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. You ought 1 to make him an answere somewhat to his minde. C. distance. I sent him a full answere by you, dyd I not ? M. Mery. And I reported it. C. distance. Nay, I must speake it againe. R. Rqyster. No, no, he tolde it all. M. Mery. Was I not metely plaine ? R. Rqyster. Yes. M. Mery. But I would not tell all, for faith, if I had, With you, dame Custance, ere this houre it had been bad, And not without cause : for this goodly personage Ment no lesse than to ioyne with you in mariage. 25 C. Custance. Let him wast no more labour nor sute about me. M. Mery. Ye know not where your preferment lieth, I see, He sending you such a token, ring, and letter. C. Custance. Mary here it is, ye neuer sawe a better ! M. Mery. Let vs see your letter. C. Custance. Holde, reade it if ye can, And see what letter it is to winne a woman. [Gives a letterJ] M. Mery. [reads'] ' To mine owne deare [darling] birde, swete heart, and pigsny, Good Mistresse Custance, present these by and by,' Of this superscription do ye blame the stile ? C. Custance. With the rest as good stuffe as ye redde a great while. 35 M. Mery. ' Sweete mistresse, where as I loue you nothing at all, Regarding your substance and richesse chiefe of all, For your personage, beautie, demeanour, and wit, I commende me vnto you neuer a whit. 1 Old text ' not.' XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 4. 271 Sorie to heare report of your good welfare. 40 For (as I heare say) suche your conditions are, That ye be worthie fauour of no liuing man, To be abhorred of euery honest man ; To be taken for a woman enclined to vice ; Nothing at all to Vertue gyuing hir due price. 45 Wherfore concerning mariage, ye are thought Suche a fine Paragon, as nere honest man bought. And nowe by these presentes I do you aduertise That I am minded to marrie you in no wise. For your goodes and substance, I can l bee contente 50 To take you as ye are. If ye will 2 bee my wyfe, Ye shall be assured for the tyme of my lyfe, I will keepe you 8 ryght well from good rayment and fare ; Ye shall not be kepte but in sorowe and care. Ye shall in no wyse lyue at your owne libertie, 55 Doe and say what ye lust, ye shall neuer please me ; But when ye are mery, I will be all sadde ; When ye are sory, I will be very gladde. When ye seeke your heartes ease, I will be vnkinde, At no tyme in me shall ye muche gentlenesse finde. 60 But all things contrary to your will and minde Shall be done : otherwise I wyll not be behinde To speake. And as for all them that woulde do you wrong, I will so helpe and mainteyne, ye shall not lyue long. Nor any foolish dolt shall cumbre you but I. 65 I, who ere say nay wyll sticke by you tyll I die*. Thus, good mistresse Custance, the lorde you saue and kepe From me Roister Doister, whether I wake or slepe ; Who fauoureth you no lesse, (ye may be bolde) Than this letter purporteth, which ye haue vnfolde.' 70 1 Old text ' coulde'; but see p. 278. * Old text ' mynde to'; cf. p. 278. * Old text 'you.' * This line is omitted here; but see p. 278. 272 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. C. distance. Howe by this letter of loue ? is it not fine ? R. Royster. By the armes of Caleys, it is none of myne. M. Mery. Fie, you are fowle to blame ; this is your owne hand. C. Custance. Might not a woman be proude of such an husbande ? M. Mery. Ah that ye would in a letter shew such despite ! R. Royster. Oh I would I had hym here, the which did it endite ! 76 M. Mery. Why, ye made it your-selfe, ye tolde me, by this light. R. Royster. Yea, I ment I wrote it myne owne selfe yes- ternight. C. Custance. Ywis, sir, I would not haue sent you such a mocke. R. Royster. Ye may so take it, but I ment it not so, by cocke. 80 M. Mery. Who can blame this woman to fume and frette and rage ? Tut, tut, your-selfe nowe haue marde your own marriage. Well, yet mistresse Custance, if ye can this remitte, This gentleman other-wise may your loue requitte. C. Custance. No ; God be with you both, and seeke no . more to me. Exeat. R. Royster. Wough, she is gone for euer, I shall hir no more see. 86 M. Mery. What ? weepe ? fye for shame, and blubber ? for manhods sake, Neuer lette your foe so muche pleasure of you take. Rather play the mans parte, and doe loue refraine. If she despise you, een despise ye hir againe. 90 R. Royster. By gosse, and for thy sake I defye hir in deede. XXIII. ROISTER D01STER, III. 4. 273 M, Mery. Yea, and perchaunce that way ye shall much sooner speede ; For one madde propretie these women haue in fey, When ye will, they will not : Will not ye, then will they. Ah foolishe woman, ah moste vnluckie Custance, 95 Ah vnfortunate woman, ah pieuishe Custance, Art thou to thine harmes so obstinately bent, That thou canst not see where lieth thine high preferment ? Canst thou not lub dis man, which coulde lub dee so well ? Art thou so much thine own foe ? R, Royster. Thou dost the truth tell M. Mery. Wei I lament. R. Royster. So do I. M. Mery. Wherfor ? R. Royster. For this thing, Bicause she is gone. M. Mery. I mourne for an other thing. 102 R. Royster. What is it, Merygreeke, wherfore thou dost griefe take ? M. Mery. That I am not a woman myselfe for your sake; I would haue you my-selfe, and a strawe for yond Gill, 105 And make l much of you though it were against my will. I would not, I warrant you, fall in such a rage, As so to refuse suche a goodly personage. R. Royster. In faith, I heartily thanke thee, Merygreeke. M. Mery. And I were a woman R. Royster. Thou wouldest to me seeke. M. Mery. For though I say it, a goodly person ye bee. 1 1 1 R. Royster. No, no. M. Mery. Yes, a goodly .man as ere I dyd see. 1 Old text ' mocke.' 274 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. R. Royster. No, I am a poore homely man as God made mee. M. Mery. By the faith that I owe to God, sir, but ye bee. \Voulde I might, for your sake, spende a thousande pound land. . 115 R. Royster. I dare say thou wouldest haue me to thy hus- bande. M. Mery. Yea : And I were the fairest lady in the shiere, And knewe you as I know you, and see you nowe here. Well, I say no more. R. Royster. Gramercies, with all my hart. M. Mery. But since that can not be, will ye play a wise parte ? 120 R. Royster. How should I ? M. Mery. Refraine from Custance a while now, And I warrant hir soone right glad to seeke to you : Ye shall see hir anon come on hir knees creeping, And pray you to be good to hir, sake teares weeping. R. Royster. But what and she come not ? M. Mery. In faith, then farewel she ! Or else, if ye be wroth, ye may auenged be. 126 R. Royster. By cocks precious potsticke, and een so I shall. I wyll vtterly destroy hir, and house and all, But I woulde be auenged, in the meane space, On that vile scribler, that did my wowyng disgrace. 130 M. Mery. Scribler (ko you) in deede he is worthy, no lesse. I will call hym to you, and ye bidde me doubtlesse. R. Royster. Yes, for although he had as many Hues, As a thousande widowes, and a thousande wiues, As a thousande lyons,. and a thousand rattes, 135 A thousande wolues, and a thousand cattes, A thousand bulles, and a thousande calues, XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 5. 275 And a thousande legions diuided in halues, He shall neuer scape death on my swordes point, Though I shoulde be torne therfore ioynt by ioynt. 140 M. Mery. Nay, if ye will kyll him, I will not fette him, I will not in so much extremitie sette him; He may yet amende, sir, and be an honest man, Therfore pardon him, good soule, as muche as ye can. R. Royster. Well, for thy sake, this once with his lyfe he shall passe, 145 But I wyll hewe hym all to pieces, by the Masse. M. Mery. Nay fayth, ye shall promise that he shall no harme haue, Else I will not fet him. R. Royster. I shall, so God me-saue. But I may chide him a good. M. Mery. Yea, that do hardely. 149 R. Royster. Go then. M. Mery. I returne, and bring him to you by and by. Ex. Actus iij. Scaena v. Roister Doister. Mathewe Merygreeke. Scriuener. R. Royster. What is a gentleman but his worde and his promise ? I must nowe saue this vilaines lyfe in any wise ; And yet at hym already my handes doe tickle. I shall vneth holde them, they wyll be so fickle. But lo, and Merygreeke haue not brought him sens ! 5 M. Mery. [to Scriv.~] Nay, I woulde I had of my purse payde fortie pens. Scriuener. So woulde I too : but it needed not that stounde. T 2 2j6 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. M. Mery. But the ientman had rather spent fiue thou- sande pounde, For it disgraced him at least fiue tymes so muche. Scriuener. He disgraced hym-selfe, his loutishnesse is suche. 10 R. Rqyster. Howe long they stande prating ? Why comst thou not away ? M. Mery. Come nowe to hymselfe, and hearke what he will say. Scriuener. I am not afrayde in his presence to appeere. R. Rqyster. Arte thou come, felow? Scriuener. How thinke you ? am I not here ? R. Royster. What hindrance hast thou done me, and what villanie ? 15 Scriuener. It hath come of thy-selfe, if thou hast had any. R. Royster. All the stocke thou comest of, later or rather, From thy fyrst fathers grandfathers fathers father, Nor all that shall come of thee to the worldes ende, Though to three score generations they descende, 20 Can be able to make me a iust recompense For this trespasse of thine and this one offense. Scriuener. Wherin ? R. Royster. Did you not make me a letter, brother ? Scriuener. Pay the like hire, I will make you suche an other. R. Royster. Nay, see and these [wretched] Phariseys and Scribes 25 Doe not get their liuyng by polling and bribes. If it were not for shame Scriuener. Nay, holde thy hands still. M. Mery. Why ? did ye not promise that ye would not him spill ? Scriuener. Let him not spare me. R. Royster. Why ? wilt thou strike me again ? XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 5. 377 Scriuener, Ye shall haue as good as ye bring of me, that is plaine. 3 M. Mery. I can not blame him, sir, though your blowes wold him greue. For he knoweth present death to ensue of all ye geue. R. Royster. Well, this man for once hath purchased thy pardon. Scriuener. And what say ye to me ? or else I will be gon. R. Royster. I say the letter thou madest me was not good. 35 Scriuener. Then did ye wrong copy it of likelyhood. R. Rqyster. Yes, out of thy copy worde for worde I wrote. Scriuener. Then was it as ye prayed to haue it, I wote ; But in reading and pointyng there was made some faulte. R. Rqyster. I wote not, but it made all my matter to haulte. [Shews the original.] 40 Scriuener. Howe say you, is this mine originall or no ? R. Rqyster. The selfe same that I wrote out of, so mote I go. Scriuener. Loke you on your owne fist, and I will looke on this, And let this man be iudge whether I reade amisse. ' To myne owne dere [darling] birde, sweete heart, and pigsny, 45 Good mistresse Custance, present these by and by.' How now ? doth not this superscription agree ? R. Rqyster. Reade that is within, and there ye shall the fault see. Scriuener. ' Sweete mistresse, where as I loue you, nothing at all Regarding your richesse and substance : chiefe of all, 50 For your personage, beautie, demeanour, and witte I commende me vnto you : Neuer a whitte 278 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. Sory to heare reporte of your good welfare. For (as I heare say) suche your conditions are, That ye be worthie fauour : Of no liuing man 55 To be abhorred : of euery honest man To be taken for a woman enclined to vice Nothing at all : to vertue giuing hir due price. Wherfore concerning mariage, ye are thought Suche a fine Paragon as nere honest man bought. 60 And nowe by these presents I doe you aduertise, That I am minded to marrie you : In no wyse For your goodes and substance : I can be content To take you as you are : yf ye will be my wife, Ye shall be assured for the time of my life, 65 I wyll keepe you right well : from good raiment and fare Ye shall not be kept : but in sorowe and care . Ye shall in no wyse lyue : at your owne libertie, Doe and say what ye lust : ye shall neuer please me But when ye are merrie : I will bee all sadde 70 When ye are sorie : I wyll be very gladde When ye seeke your heartes ease : I will be vnkinde At no time : in me shall ye muche gentlenesse finde. But all things contrary to your will and minde Shall be done otherwise : I wyll not be behynde 75 To speake : And as for all them 1 that woulde do you wrong, (I wyll so helpe and maintayne ye) shall not lyue long. Nor any foolishe dolte shall cumber you, but I, I, who ere say nay, wyll sticke by you tyll I die. Thus, good mistresse Custance, the lorde you saue and kepe. 80 From me, Roister Doister, whether I wake or slepe, Who fauoureth you no lesse, (ye may be bolde) 1 Old text ' they'; but see p. 271 XXIII. ROISTER DOISTER, III. 5. 279 Than this letter purporteth, which ye haue vnfolde.' Now sir, what default can ye finde in this letter ? R. Royster. Of truth, in my mynde, there can not be a better. 85 Scriuener. Then was the fault in readyng, and not in writyng, No, nor I dare say in the fourme of endityng; But who read this letter, that it sounded so nought ? M. Mery. I redde it in deede. Scriuener. Ye red it not as ye ought. R. Royster. Why, thou wretched villaine, was all this same fault in thee ? 90 M. Mery. I knocke your costarde if ye offer to strike me. R. Royster. Strikest thou in deede ? and I offer but in iest ? M. Mery. Yea, and rappe you againe except ye can sit in rest. And I will no longer tarie here, me beleue. R. Royster. What, wilt thou be angry, and I do thee forgeue ? 95 Fare thou well, scribler, I crie thee mercie in deede. Scriuener. Fare ye well, bibbler, and worthily may ye speede ! \_Exeat.~] R. Royster. If it were an other but thou, it were a knaue. M. Mery. Ye are an other your-selfe, sir, the lorde vs both saue; Albeit in this matter I must your pardon craue. 100 Alas, woulde ye wyshe in me the witte that ye haue ? But as for my fault, I can quickely [it] amende, I will shewe Custance it was I that did offende. R. Royster. By so doing, hir anger may be reformed, M. Mery. But if by no entreatie she will be turned, 105 Then sette lyght by hir and bee as testie as shee, And doe your force vpon hir with extremitie. 280 XXIII. NICHOLAS UDALL. R. Roister. Come on therefore, lette vs go home in sad- nesse. M. Mery. That if force shall neede, all may be in a readi- nesse ; And as for thys letter, hardely let all go, 1 10 We wyll know where she refuse you for that or no. Exeant am[bo\. XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. A.D. 1563. THOMAS SACKVILLE, the first Lord Buckhurst and Earl of Dorset, only son of Sir Richard Sackville, was born in 1536, at Buckhurst in Sussex. He is alike celebrated as a poet and_ .statesman. After the death of his political enemy, the Earl of Leicester, he was taken into Elizabeth's confidence, and, on the death of Burghley in 1598, was made Lord Treasurer, which office he held till his death in the reign of James, April 19, 1608. He is best known as joint author, with T. Norton, of { Gprboduc,* otherwise called ' Ferrex and Porrex.' ' The Mirrourjor Magi- strates,' a collection of narratives by several poets on the mis- fortunes of the great men in English history, was planned by him ; and he contributed to it ' The Induction ' or poetical preface, and ' The Complaint of the Duke of Buckingham.' ' The Induction ' is an extraordinary poem, and too little known. It describes how the poet, being in a melancholy frame of mind, beheld the personification of Sorrow, who undertook to guide him to the infernal regions, as Virgil guided Dante, and shewed him there the figures of Remorse, Dread, Revenge, Misery, Greed, Sleep, Old Age, Malady, Famine, Death, and War, and many of the unfortunate heroes of history, as Darius, Hannibal, Pompey, Marius, Cyrus, Xerxes, and Priam. The reader should peruse this with patience. The beginning is purposely sombre, 282 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. monotonous, and somewhat prolix, but the latter portion is sub- lime and majestic, and not inferior to Spenser. In the opinion of Hallam, it ' forms a link which unites the school of Chaucer and Lydgate with the Fairy Queen.' It. is here printed entire, from 'A Myrrovr for Magistrates' [Second Part; by William Baldwyne], London, 1563, quarto; fol. cxiiii, back. The short prose Prologue is of course not by Sackville, but by William Baldwyne. [Induction to ' The Mirrour for Magistrates^ Prologue. Wnen I had read this, one sayd it was very darke, and hard to be vnderstood : excepte it were diligently and very leasurely considered. ' I like it the better' (quod an other) ' For that shal cause it to be the oftener reade, and the 5 better remembred. Considering also that it is written for the learned (for such all Magistrates are or should be), it can not be to hard, so long as it is sound and learnedly wrytten.' Then sayd the reader: 'The next here whom I finde miserable are king Edwards two sonnes, cruelly mur- 10 dered in the tower of London: Haue you theyr tragedy?' ' No surely' (quod I) ' The Lord Vaulx vndertooke to penne it, but what he hath done therein I am not certayne, & therfore I let it passe til I knowe farder. I haue here the duke of Buckingham, king Richardes chyefe instrument, '5 wrytten by mayster Thomas Sackuille.' ' Read it, we pray you,' sayd they: 'with a good wyl' (quod I) 'but fyrst you shal heare his preface or Induction.' ' Hath he made a preface' (quod one), ' what meaneth he thereby, seeing none other hath vsed the like order?' 'I wyl tell you the cause thereof (quod I) 'which is thys: After that he vnderstoode XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 283 that some of the counsayle would not suffer the booke to be printed in suche order as we had agreed and determined, he purposed with him-selfe to haue gotten at my handes al the tragedies that were before the duke of Buckinghams, Which he would haue preserued in one volume. And from 25 that time backeward euen to the time of William the con- querour, he determined to continue and perfect all the story him-selfe, in such order as Lydgate (folowing Bocchas) had already vsed. And therfore to make a meete induction into the matter, he deuised this poesye : which in my iudgement 30 is so wel penned, that I woulde not haue any verse therof left out of our volume. Nowe that you knowe the cause and meanyng of his doing, you shal also heare what he hath done. His Induccion beginneth thus.' JtvJ /- 3 f - The Induction. %-iO ^.^ 1 Tne wrathfull winter, prochinge on a-pace, With blustring blastes had al ybared the treen, And olde Saturnus with his frosty face With chilling colde had pearst the tender green : The mantels rent, wherein enwrapped been The gladsom groves that nowe laye ouerthrowen, The tapets torne, and euery blome downe blowen. 2 The soyle that earst so seemely was to seen Was all despoyled of her beauties hewe : And soot freshe flowers (wherwith the sommers queen Had clad the earth) now Boreas blastes downe blewe. And small fowles flocking, in theyr song did rewe The winters wrath, wherwith eche thing defaste In woful wise bewayld the sommer past. 384 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 3 Hawthorne had lost his motley lyverye, The naked twigges were shivering all for colde : And dropping downe the teares abundantly, Eche thing (me thought) with weping eye me tolde The cruell season, bidding me withholde My-selfe within, for I was gotten out Into the feldes, where as I walkte about. 4 When loe ! the night with mistie mantels spred Gan darke the daye, and dim the azure skyes, And Venus in her message Hermes sped To bluddy Mars, to wyl him not to ryse, While she her-selfe approcht in speedy wise : And Virgo hiding her disdaineful brest With Thetis nowe had layd her downe to rest. 5 Whiles Scorpio, dreading Sagittarius dart, (Whose bowe, prest bent in sight, the string had slypt), Downe slyd into the Ocean-flud aparte, The Beare, that in the Iryshe seas had dipt His griesly feete, with spede from thence he whypt : For Thetis, hasting from the Virgines bed, Pursued the Bear, that ear she came was fled. 6 And Phaeton nowe neare reaching to his race With glistering beames, gold-streamynge where they bent, Was prest to enter in his resting-place. Erythius, that in the cart fyrste went, Had euen nowe attaynde his iourneyes stent, And fast declining, hid away his head ; while Titan couched him in his purple bed. XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 285 7 And pale Cinthea, with her borowed light Beginning to supply her brothers place, was past the Noonesteede syxe degrees in sight, when sparklyng starres amyd the heauens face with twinkling light shone l on the earth apace, That, whyle they brought about the nightes chare, The darke had dimmed the daye ear I was ware. ^^ 8 And sorowing I to see the sommer flowers, The liuely greene, the lusty leas forlorne, The sturdy trees so shattered with the showers, The fieldes so fade that floorisht so beforne, It taught me wel all earthly thinges be borne To dye the death, for nought long time may last The sommers beauty yeeldes to winters blast. 9 Then looking vpward to the heauens leames with nightes starres thicke powdred euery where, which erst so glistened with the golden streames That chearefull Phebus spred downe from his sphere, Beholding dark oppressing day so neare : The sodayne sight reduced to my minde The sundry chaunges that in earth we fynde. 10 That, musing on this worldly wealth in thought, which comes and goes more faster than we see The flyckering flame that with the fyer is wrought, My busie minde presented vnto me Such fall of pieres as in this realme had be : That ofte I wisht some would their woes descryue, To warne the rest whom fortune left aliue. f- 1 Printed ' shoen.' 286 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 1 1 And strayt forth stalking with redoubled pace For that I sawe the night drewe on so fast, In blacke all clad there fell before my face A piteous wight, whom woe had al forwaste ; Furth from her iyen the cristall teares outbrast, And syghing sore, her handes she wrong and folde, Tare al her heare, that ruth was to beholde. 1 2 Her body small, forwithered and forespent, As is the stalke that sommers drought opprest, Her wealked face with woful teares besprent, Her colour pale, and (as it seemd her best) In woe and playnt reposed was her rest. And as the stone that droppes of water weares, So dented were her cheekes with fall of teares. 1 3 Her iyes swollen with flowing streames aflote, Wherewith her lookes throwen vp full piteouslye, Her forceles handes together ofte she smote, With dolefull shrikes, that eckoed in the skye : Whose playnt such sighes dyd strayt accompany, That in my doome was neuer man did see A wight but halfe so woe-begon as she. x- 14 I stoode agast, beholding all her plight, Tweene dread and dolour so distreynd in hart, That, while my heares vpstarted with the sight, The teares out-streamde for sorowe of her smart : But when I sawe no ende that could aparte The deadly dewle, which she so sore dyd make, With dolefull voice then thus to her I spake : XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES, 287 1 5 ' Vnwrap thy woes, what euer wight thou be, And stint betime to spill thy-selfe wyth playnt ; Tell what thou art, and whence, for well I see Thou canst not dure wyth sorowe thus attaynt' And with that worde, of sorrowe all forfaynt, She looked vp, and prostrate as she laye, With piteous sound loe 1 thus she gan to saye : 1 6 ' Alas, I wretche, whom thus thou seest distreyned With wasting woes that neuer shall aslake, Sorrowe I am, in endeles tormentes payned, Among the furies in the infernall lake : Where Pluto, god of Hel so griesly blacke, Doth holde his throne, and Letheus deadly taste Doth rieue remembraunce of eche thyng forepast ; 17 Whence come I am, the drery destinie And luckeles lot for to bemone of those, Whom Fortune in this maze of miserie Of wretched chaunce most wofull myrrours chose, That when thou seest how lightly they did lose Theyr pozwpe, theyr power, & that they thought most sure, Thou mayest soone deeme no earthly ioye may dure.' , 1 8 Whose rufull voyce no sooner had out-brayed Those wofull wordes, wherewith she sorrowed so, But ' out ! alas !' she shryght, and never stayed, Fell downe, and all to-dasht her-selfe for woe. The colde pale dread my lyms gan overgo, And I so sorrowed at her sorowes eft, That, what with griefe and feare, my wittes were reft. H8 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 19 I strecht my-selfe, and strayt my hart reuiues, That dread and dolour erst did so appale, Lyke him that with the feruent feuer stryves, When sickenes seekes his castell health to skale : With gathered spirites so forst I feare to auale. And rearing her with anguishe all fordone, My spirits returnd, and then I thus begonne. 20 ' O Sorrowe, alas, sith Sorrowe is thy name, And that to thee this drere doth well pertayne, In vayne it were to seeke to ceas the same : But, as a man hym-selfe with sorrowe slayne, So I, alas I do comfort thee in payne, That here in sorrowe art forsonke so depe, That at thy sight I can but sigh and wepe.' .-" 21 I had no sooner spoken of a stike, But that the storme so rumbled in her brest As Eolus could neuer roare the like, And showers downe rayned from her iyen so fast, That all bedreynt the place, till at the last Well eased they the dolour of her minde, As rage of rayne doth swage the stormy wynde. 2 2 For furth she paced in her fearfull tale : ' Cum, cum/ (quod she) ' and see what I shall she we ; Cum heare the playning, and the bytter bale Of worthy men, by Fortune ouerthrowe. Cum thou and see them rewing al in rowe. They were but shades that erst in minde thou rolde, Cum, cum with me, thine iyes shall them beholde.' XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 289 23 What could these wordes but make me more agast, To heare her tell whereon I musde while-eare ? So was I mazed therewyth, tyll at the last, Musing vpon her wurdes, and what they were, All sodaynly well lessoned was my feare : For to my minde returned howe she telde Both what she was, and where her wun she helde. 24 Whereby I knewe that she a Goddesse was, And therewithall resorted to my minde My thought, that late presented me the glas Of brittle state, of cares that here we finde, Of thousand woes to silly men assynde : And howe she nowe byd me come and beholde, To see with iye that erst in thought I rolde. 25 Flat downe I fell, and with al reuerence Adored her, perceyuing nowe that she, A Goddesse sent by godly prouidence, In earthly shape thus showed her-selfe to me, To wayle and rue this worldes vncertayntye : And while I honourd thus her godheds might, With playning voyce these wurdes to me she shryght : 26 'I dial the guyde first to the griesly lake, And thence vnto the blisfull place of rest, Where thou shalt see and heare the playnt they make, That whilom here bare swinge among the best. This shalt thou see, but great is the vnrest That thou must byde before thou canst attayne Vnto the dreadfull place where these remayne. \ 290 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 2 7 And with these wurdes as I vpraysed stood, And gan to folowe her that strayght furth paced, Eare I was ware, into a desert wood We nowe were cum : where, hand in hand imbraced, She led the way, and through the thicke so traced, As, but I had bene guyded by her might, It was no waye for any mortall wight. 28 But loe ! while thus, amid the desert darke, We passed on with steppes and pace vnmete : A rumbling roar, confusde with howle and barke Of Dogs, shoke all the ground vnder our feete, And stroke the din within our eares so deepe, As halfe distraught vnto the ground I fell, Besought retourne, and not to visite hell. 29 But she forth- with vplifting me apace Remoued my dread, and with a steadfast minde Bad me come on, for here was now the place, The place where we our trauayle[s] ende should finde. Wherewith I arose, and to the place assynde Astoynde I stalke, when strayt we approched nere The dredfull place, that you wil dread to here. ^ 30 An hydeous hole al vaste, withouten shape, Of endles depth, orewhelmde with ragged stone, Wyth ougly mouth, and grisly lawes doth gape, And to our sight confounds it-selfe in one. Here entred we, and yeding forth, anone An horrible lothly lake we might discerne As blacke as pitche, that cleped is Auerne. , XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 291 31 A deadly gulfe where nought but rubbishe growes, With fowle blacke swelth in thickned lumpes thai lyes, Which vp in the ayer such stinking vapors throwes, That ouer there may flye no fowle but dyes, Choakt with the pestilent sauours that aryse. Hither we cum, whence forth we styll did pace, In dreadfull feare amid the dreadfull place. 32 And first within the portche and iawes of Hell Sate diepe Remorse of conscience, al besprent With teares : and to her-selfe oft would she tell Her wretchednes, and cursing neuer stent To sob and sigh : but euer thus lament With thoughtful care, as she that all in vayne Would weare and waste continually in payne. 33 Her iyes vnstedfast, rolling here and there, Whurld on eche place, as place that ve[n]geauns brought, So was her minde continually in feare, Tossed and tormented with the tedious thought Of those detested crymes which she had wrought : With dreadful cheare and lookes throwen to the skye. Wyshyng for death, and yet she could not dye. x~ 34 Next sawe we Dread, al tremblyng how he shooke, With foote vncertayne profered here and there : Benumde of speache, and with a gastly looke Searcht euery place al pale and dead for feare, His cap borne vp with staring of his heare, Stoynde and amazde at his owne shade for dreed, And fearing greater daungers than was nede. 292 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD EUCKHURST. 35 And next within the entry of this lake Sate fell Reuenge, gnashing her teeth for yre, Deuising meanes howe she may vengeaunce take, Neuer in rest tyll she haue her desire : But frets within so farforth with the fyer Of wreaking flames, that nowe determines she To dye by death, or vengde by death to be. 36 When fell Reuenge with bloudy foule pretence Had showed her-selfe as next in order set, With trembling limmes we softly parted thence, Tyll in our iyes another sight we met : When fro my hart a sigh forthwith I fet, Rewing alas ! vpon the wofull plight Of Miserie, that next appered in sight. 37 His face was leane, and sumdeale pyned away, And eke his handes consumed to the bone, But what his body was I can not say, For on his carkas rayment had he none Saue cloutes & patches, pieced one by one. With staffe in hand, and skrip on shoulders cast, His chiefe defence agaynst the winters blast. 38 His foode, for most, was wylde fruytes of the tree, Unles sumtime sum crummes fell to his share, Which in his wallet long, God wote, kept he. As on the which full dayntlye would he fare ; His drinke the running streame : his cup the bare Of his palme closed, his bed the hard colde grounde. To this poore life was Miserie ybound. XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 293 39 Whose wretched state when we had well behelde With tender ruth on him and on his feres, In thoughtful cares, furth then our pace we helde. And by and by, an other * shape apperes Of Greedy care, stil brushing vp the breres, His knuckles knobd, his fleshe deepe dented in, With tawed handes, and hard ytanned skyn. 40 The morrowe graye no sooner hath begunne To spreade his light euen peping in our iyes, When he is vp and to his worke yrunne ; But let the nightes blacke mistye mantels rise, And with fowle darke neuer so much disguyse The fayre bright day, yet ceasseth he no whyle, But hath his candels to prolong his toyle. 41 By him lay Heauy slepe, the cosin of death, Flat on the ground, and stil as any stone, A very corps, save yelding forth a breath. Small kepe tooke he whom Fortune frowned on, Or whom she lifted vp into the trone Of high renowne ; but as a liuing death, So dead alyve, of lyef he drewe the breath. 42 The bodyes rest, the quyete of the hart, The travayles ease, the still nightes feer was he. And of our life in earth the better parte, Reuer of sight, and yet in whom we see Thinges oft that tide, and ofte that neuer bee. Without respect esteming equally Kyng Cresus pompe, and Irus pouertie. 1 Printed ' ohter.' 294 XXIV. THOMAS SACKV1LLE, LORD EUCKHURST. 43 And next in order sad Olde age we found, His beard all hoare, his iyes hollow and blynde, With drouping chere still poring on the ground, As on the place where nature him assinde To rest, when that the sisters had vntwynde His vitall threde, and ended with theyr knyfe The fleting course of fast declining life. 44 There heard we him with broken and hollow playnt Rewe with him-selfe his ende approching fast, And all for nought his wretched minde torment With swete remembraunce of his pleasures past, And freshe delites of lusty youth forwaste. Recounting which, how would he sob & shrike, And to be yong againe of loue beseke ! 45 But and the cruell fates so fixed be That time forepast can not retourne agayne, This one request of loue yet prayed he : That in such withered plight, and wretched paine As elde (accompanied with his lothsom trayne) Had brought on him, all were it woe and griefe, He myght a while yet linger forth his lief, 46 And not so soone descend into the pit : Where death, when he the mortall corps hath slayne, With retcheles hande in grave doth couer it, Thereafter neuer to enioye agayne The gladsome light, but, in the ground ylayne, In depth of darkenes waste and weare to nought, As he had neuer into the world been brought. XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 295 47 But who had scene him, sobbing howe he stoode Vnto him-selfe, and howe he would bemone His youth fo repast, as though it wrought hym good To talke of youth, al wer his youth foregone, He would haue mused, & meruayld muche whereon This wretched age should life desyre so fayne, And knowes ful wel life doth but length his payne. 48 Crookebackt he was, toothshaken, and blere-iyed, Went on three feete, and sometime crept on fower, With olde lame bones, that ratled by his syde, His skalpe all pilde, & he with elde forlore : His withered fist stil knocking at deathes dore, Fumbling and driueling as he drawes his breth, For briefe, the shape and messenger of death. ," 49 And fast by him pale Maladie was plaste, Sore sicke in bed, her colour al forgone, Bereft of stomake, sauor, and of taste, Ne could she brooke no meat but brothes alone. Her breath corrupt, her kepers euery one Abhorring her, her sickenes past recure, Detesting phisicke and all phisickes cure. ^ 50 But oh ! the doleful sight that then we see ; We turnde our looke, and on the other side A griesly shape of Famine mought we see, With greedy lookes, and gaping mouth that cryed, And roard for meat as she should there haue dyed ; Her body thin and bare as any bone, Wherto was left nought but the case alone. 296 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 5 1 And that, alas ! was gnawen 1 on euery where, All full of holes, that I ne mought refrayne From teares, to se how she her armes could teare, And with her teeth gnashe on the bones in vayne : When all for nought she fayne would so sustayne Her starven corps, that rather seemde a shade Then any substaunce of a creature made. 52 Great was her force, whom stonewall could not stay, Her tearyng nayles snatching at all she sawe : With gaping lawes, that by no meanes ymay Be satisfyed from hunger of her mawe, But eates her-selfe as she that hath no lawe : Gnawyng, alas ! her carkas all in vayne, Where you may count eche sinow, bone, and vayne. 53 On her while we thus firmely fixt our iyes, That bled for ruth of such a drery sight, Loe, sodaynelye she shryght in so huge wyse, As made hell-gates to shyver with the myght. Wherewith a darte we sawe howe it did lyght Ryght on her brest, and therewithal pale death Enthryllyng it, to reve her of her breath. 54 And by and by a dum dead corps we sawe, Heauy and colde, the shape of death aryght, That dauntes all earthly creatures to his lawe : Agaynst whose force in vayne it is to fyght Ne piers, ne princes, nor no mortall wyght, No townes, ne realmes, cities, ne strongest tower, But al perforce must yeeld vnto his power. 1 Old text ' knawen'; cf. st. 52, 1. 6. XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 297 . 55 His Dart anon out of the corps he tooke, And in his hand (a dreadfull sight to see) With great tryumphe eftsones the same he shooke, That most of all my feares affrayed me : His bodie dight with nought but bones, perdye, The naked shape of man there sawe I playne, All save the fleshe, the synowe, and the vayne. 56 Lastly stoode Warre, in glitteryng armes yclad, With visage grym, sterne lookes, and blackely hewed ; In his right hand a naked sworde he had, That to the hikes was al with blud embrewed : And in his left (that kinges and kingdomes rewed) Famine and fyer he held, and therewythall He razed townes, and threwe downe towers and all. 57 Cities he sakt, and realmes, that whilom flowred In honor, glory, and rule above the best, He overwhelmde, and all theyr fame deuowred, Consumed, destroyed, wasted, and neuer ceast, Tyll he theyr wealth, theyr name, and all opprest. His face forhewed with woundes, and by his side There hunge his targe with gashes depe and wyde. 58 In mids of which depaynted there we founde Deadly debate, al ful of snaky heare, That with a blouddy fillet was ybound, Outbrething nought but discord euery-where. And round about were portrayd here and there The hugie hostes, Darius and his power, His kynges, prynces, his pieres, and all his flower, 298 XXIV. THOMAS SACKV1LLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 59 Whom great Macedo vanquisht there in fight 1 With diepe slaughter, dispoylyng all his pryde, Pearst through his realmes, and daunted all his might. Duke Hanniball beheld I there beside, In Cannas field, victor howe he did ride, And woful Romaynes that in vayne withstoode, And Consull Paulus covered all in blood. 60 Yet sawe I more the fight at Trasimene, And Trebye 2 fyeld, and eke when Hanniball And worthy Scipio last in armes were scene Before Carthago gate, to trye for all The worldes empyre, to whom it should befal. There sawe I Pompeye, and Cesar clad in armes, Theyr hostes alyed and al theyr civil harmes ; 6 1 With coquerours hands forbathde in their owne blood, And Cesar weping ouer Pompeyes head. Yet sawe I Scilla and Marius where they stoode, Theyr great crueltie, and the diepe bludshed Of frendes : Cyrus I sawe and his host dead, And howe the Queene with great despyte hath flonge His head in bloud of them she overcome. 62 Xerxes the Percian kyng yet sawe I there, With his huge host, that dranke the riuers drye, Dismounted hilles, and made the vales vprere, His hoste and all yet sawe I slayne, perdye. Thebes I sawe all razde howe it dyd lye In heapes of stones, and Tyrus put to spoyle, With walles and towers flat euened with the soyle. 1 Printed ' sight.' 2 Printed ' Trebery.' XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 299 63 But Troy, alas ! (me thought) aboue them all, It made myne iyes in very teares consume : When I beheld the wofull werd befall, That by the wrathfull wyl of Gods was come : And loves vnmooved sentence and foredoome On Priam kyng, and on his towne so bent. I could not lyn, but I must there lament, 64 And that the more, sith destinie was so sterne As, force perfor[c]e, there might no force auayle, But she must fall : and by her fall we learne, That cities, towres, wealth, world, and al shall quayle. No manhoode, might, nor nothing mought preuayle, Al were there prest ful many a prynce and piere, And many a knight that solde his death full deere : 65 Not wurthy Hector, wurthyest of them all, Her hope, her ioye : his force is nowe for nought. O Troy, Troy, there is no boote but bale, The hugie horse within thy walles is brought : Thy turrets fall ; thy knightes, that whilom fought In armes amyd the fyeld, are slayne in bed, Thy Gods defylde, and all thy honour dead. 66 The flames vpspring, and cruelly they crepe From wall to roofe, till all to cindres waste, Some fyer the houses where the wretches slepe, Sum rushe in here, sum run in there as fast. In euery-where or sworde or fyer they taste. The walles are torne, the towers whurld to /#e ground, There is no mischiefe but may there be found. 300 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 67 Cassandra yet there sawe I howe they haled From Pallas house, with spercled tresse vndone, Her wristes fast bound, and with Greeks rout empaled And Priam eke in vayne howe he did runne To armes, whom Pyrrhus with despite hath done To cruel death, and bathed him in the bayne Of his sonnes blud before the altare slayne. 68 But howe can I descryve the doleful sight, That in the shylde so Hue-like fayer did shyne ? Sith in this world I thinke was neuer wyght . Could haue set furth the halfe, not halfe so fyne. I can no more but tell howe there is scene Fayer Ilium fal in burning red gledes downe, And from the soyle great Troy, Neptunus towne. x 69 Herefrom when scarce I could mine iyes withdrawe, That fylde with teares as doeth the spryngyng well, We passed on so far furth tyl we sawe Rude Acheron, a lothsome lake to tell, That boyles and bubs vp swelth as blacke as hell, Where grisly Charon, at theyr -fixed tide, Stil ferreies ghostes vnto the farder side ; 70 The aged God no sooner sorowe spyed, But hasting strayt vnto the banke apace With hollow call vnto the rout he cryed, To swarve apart, and geue the Goddesse place. Strayt it was done, when to the shoar we pace, Where hand in hand as we then linked fast, Within the boate we are together plaste. XXIV. THE M1RROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 301 71 And furth we launch, ful fraughted to the brinke. Whan with the vnwonted weyght the rustye keele Began to cracke as if the same should sinke. We hoyse vp mast and sayle, that in a whyle We set the shore, where scarcely we had while For to arryve, but that we heard anone A thre-sound barke, confounded al in one. 72 We had not long furth past, but that we sawe Blacke Cerberus, the hydeous hound of hell, With bristles reard, and with a thre-mouthed lawe, Foredinning the ayer with his horrible yel, Out of the diepe darke cave where he did dwell ; The Goddesse strayt he knewe, and by and by He peaste and couched, while that we passed by. 73 Thence cum we to the horrour and the hel, The large great kyngdomes, and the dreadful raygne Of Pluto, in his trone where he dyd dwell, The wyde waste places, and the hugye playne : The waylinges, shrykes, and sundry sortes of payne, The syghes, the sobbes, the diepe and deadly groane, Earth, ayer, and all resounding playnt and moane. 74 Here pewled the babes, and here the maydes vnwed with folded handes theyr sory chaunce bewayled, Here wept the gyltles slayne, and louers dead, That slewe them-selues when nothyng els auayled : A thousand sortes of sorrowes here that wayled with sighes and teares, sobs, shrykes, and all yfere, That (oh ! alas !) it was a hel to heare. 302 XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE, LORD BUCKHURST. 75 we stayed vs strayt, and wyth a rufull feare Beheld this heauy sight, while from mine eyes The vapored teares downstilled here and there, And Sorowe eke, in far more woful wyse, Tooke on with playnt, vp heauing to the skyes Her wretched handes, that with her crye the rout Can all in heapes to swarme vs round about. 76 'Loe here' (quod Sorowe) 'Prynces of renowne, That whilom sat on top of Fortunes wheele, Nowe layed ful lowe, like wretches whurled downe, Euen with one frowne, that stayed but with a smyle ; And nowe behold the thing that thou erewhile Saw only in thought, and what thou now shalt heare, Recompt the same to Kesar, King, and Pier.' X 77 Then first came Henry duke of Buckingham, His cloke of blacke al pilde and quite forworne, Wringing his handes, and Fortune ofte doth blame, Which of a duke hath made him nowe her skorne. With gastly lookes, as one in maner lorne, Oft spred his armes, stretcht handes he ioynes as fast, With ruful chere, and vapored eyes vpcast. 78 His cloke he rent, his manly breast he beat, His heare al torne about the place it lave ; My hart so molte to see his griefe so great, As felingly, me thought, it dropt awaye : His iyes they whurled about withouten staye : With stormy syghes the place dyd so complayne, As if his hart at eche had burst in twayne. XXIV. THE MIRROUR FOR MAGISTRATES. 303 79 Thryse he began to tell his doleful tale, And thrise the sighes did swalowe vp his voyce, At eche of which he shryked so wythal As though the heauens rived with the noyse : Tyll at the last, recovering his voyce, Supping the teares that all his brest beraynde, On cruel Fortune weping thus he playnde. XXV. ROGER ASCHAM. A. D. 1570. ROGER ASCHAM was born in 1515, at Kirby Wiske, near North- allerton, Yorkshire. He was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he was elected Fellow March 23, 1534. In 1544 he was chosen University Orator. In 1545 appeared his * Toxophilus,' a treatise on archery, with many incidental re- marks on things connected with it ; see Mr. Arber's reprint of the first edition. In 1548, he was appointed instructor to_the Lady (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth, but resigned his duties in 1550. After Elizabeth's accession he regained her favour, and was her tutor in Greek. He was also Latin secretary_tp Ed- ward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth successively. He died on the 3oth of December, 1568, universally regretted, and by few more than by the Queen. Dr. Johnson wrote a life of him, which was prefixed to a collected edition of his works by Mr. J. Bennet in 1761. His greatest work is ' The Scholemaster,' published post- humously by his widow in 1570, and again in 1571. There is an excellent reprint of it by the Rev. J. E. B. Mayor, published in 1863, to which are appended many useful explanatory notes ; and it has since been again reprinted by Mr. Arber, in his cheap and useful series. The following extracts are from the original first edition of 1570, which is exactly followed, excepting that several needless commas have been omitted. XXV. THE SCHOLEMASTER. BOOK I. 305 [From ' The Scholemaster' ; Book /.] {Lady Jane Grey; leaf n, back.] Therfore, to loue or to hate, to like or contemne, to plie this waie or that waie, to good or to bad, ye shall haue as ye vse a child in his youth. And one example, whether loue or feare doth worke more 5 in a child, for vertue and learning, I will gladlie report : which maie be hard with some pleasure, and folowed with more profit. Before I went into Germam'e, I came to Brode- gate in Lecetershire, to take my leaue of that Lady lane Grey. noble Ladie lane Grey, to whom I was exceding 10 moch beholdinge. Hir parentes, the Duke and the Duches, with all the houshould, Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, were huntinge in the Parke : I founde her in her Chamber, read- inge Phcedon Platonis in Greeke, and that with as moch delite, as som ientleman wold read a merie tale in Bocase. 15 After salutation and dewtie done, with som other taulke, I asked hir, whie she wold leese soch pastime in the Parke ? smiling she answered me : ' I-wisse, all their sporte in the Parke is but a shadoe to that pleasure that I find in Plato : Alas good folke, they never felt what trewe pleasure ment' 20 ' And ho we came you, Madame,' quoth I, ' to this deepe knowledge of pleasure, and what did chieflie allure you vnto it : seinge not many women, but verie fewe men have at- teined thereunto ?' 'I will tell you,' quoth she, 'and tell you a troth, which perchance ye will meruell at One of the 25 greatest benefites that euer God gaue me, is, that he sent me so sharpe and seuere Parentes, and so ientle a schole- master. For whe I am in presence either of father or mother, whether 1 speake, kepe silence, sit, stand, or go, x 306 XXV. ROGER ASCHAM. eate, drinke, be merie, or sad, be sowyng, plaiyng, dauncing, or doing anie thing els, I must do it, as it were, in soch 30 weight, mesure, and number, euen so perfitelie as God made the world, or els I am so sharplie taunted, so cruellie threat- ened, yea presentlie some tymes, with pinches, nippes, and bobbes, and other waies, which I will not name for the honor I beare them, so without mesure misordered, that I 35 thinke my-selfe in hell, till tyme cum that I must go to M. Elmer, who teacheth me so ientlie, so pleasantlie, with soch faire allurements to learning, that I thinke all the tyme nothing, whiles I am with him. And when I am called from him, I fall on weeping, because, what soever I do els, but 40 learning, is ful of grief, trouble, feare, and whole misliking vnto me : And thus my booke hath bene so moch my plea- sure, & bringeth dayly to me more pleasure & more, that in respect of it, all other pleasures, in very deede, be but trifles and troubles vnto me.' I remember this talke gladly, 45 both bicause it is so worthy of memorie, & bicause also, it was the last talke that euer I had, and the last tyme that euer I saw that noble and worthie Ladie [Leaf 14.] For wisedom and vertue, there be manie faire exam- ples in this Court, for yong lentlemen to folow. But they 50 be like faire markes in the feild, out of a mans reach, to far of to shote at well. The best and worthiest men, in deede, be sometimes seen, but seldom taulked withall: A yong lentleman may sometime knele to their person, [but] smallie vse their companie, for their better instruction. 55 But yong lentlemen ar faine commonlie to do in the in companie Court, as yong Archers do in the feild : that is, :th youth. ta k e SQC ^ mar k es as b e n i e them, although they be neuer so foule to shote at I meene, they be driuen to XXV. THE SCHOLEMASTER. BOOK I. 307 60 kepe companie with the worste : and what force ill companie hath to corrupt good wittes, the wisest men know best. And not ill companie onelie, but the ill opinion also of the most part, doth moch harme, and namelie of The court 1. !_ i i_ u i_ xt. j judgeth worst those, which shold be wise m the trewe de- of the best natures in 65 cyphring of the good disposition of nature, of youth, cumlinesse in Courtlie maners, and all right doinges of men. But error and phantasie do commonlie occupie the place of troth and iudgement. For if a yong ientleman be de- 70 meure and still of nature, they say, he is simple and lacketh witte : if he be bashefull and will soon blushe, they call him a babishe and ill brought vp thyng, when Xeno- Xen in , Cyr phon doth preciselie note in Cyrus, that his bash- Pad " fulnes in youth was thz verie trewe signe of his vertue & 75 stoutnes after : If he be innocent and ignorant of ill, they say, he is rude and hath no grace, so vngra- The Grace in ciouslie do som gracelesse men misuse the faire c and godlie word GRACE. But if ye would know what grace they meene, go, and 80 looke, and learne emonges them, and ye shall see that it is : First, to blush at nothing. And blushyng in youth, sayth Aristotle, is nothyng els but feare to do ill : which feare beyng once lustely fraid away from youth, then foloweth, to dare do any mischief, to co/ztemne stoutly any goodnesse, 85 to be busie in euery matter, to be skilfull in euery thyng, to acknowledge no ignorance at all. To do Grace of Courte thus in Court is counted of some the chief and greatest grace of all : and termed by the name of a vertue, called Corage & boldnesse, whan Crassus in cic.^deo r . 90 Cicero teacheth the cleane contrarie, and that ^, n " a er not most wittelie, saying thus: Audere, cum bonis b epraued. eliam rebus coniunctum, per seipsum est magnopere fugiendum. x 2 308 XXV. ROGER ASCHAM. Which is to say, to be bold, yea in a good matter, is for it- self greatlie to be exchewed. Moreouer, where the swing goeth, there to follow, fawne, 95 More Grace of flatter, laugh and lie lustelie at other mens liking. To face, stand formest, shoue backe : and to the meaner man, or vnknowne in the Court, to seeme somwhat solume, coye, big, and dangerous of looke, taulk, and answere : To thinke well of him-selfe, to be lustie in contemning of 100 others, to haue some trim grace in a priuie mock. And in greater presens, to beare a braue looke : to be warlike, though he neuer looked enimie in the face in warre : yet som war- like signe must be vsed, either a slouinglie busking, or an ouerstaring frounced hed, as though out of euerie heeres 105 toppe should suddenlie start out a good big othe, when nede requireth : yet praised be God, England hath Men of warre. at this time manie worthie Capitames and good lons. souldiours, which be in deede so honest of be- hauiour, so cumlie of conditions, so milde of maners, as they 1 10 may be examples of good order to a good sort of others, which neuer came in warre. But to retorne, where I left : In place also, to be able to raise taulke, and make discourse of euerie rishe : to haue a verie good will, to heare Palmistrie. him-selfe speaker To be scene in Palmestrie, 115 wherby to conueie to chast eares som fond or filthie taulke : And, if som Smithfeild Ruffian take vp som strange going : som new mowing with the mouth : som wrinchyng with the shoulder, som braue prouerbe : som fresh new othe, that is 1 20 not stale, but will rin round in the mouth : som new dis- guised garment or desperate hat, fond in facion or gaurish in colour, what soever it cost, how small soeuer his liuing be, by what shift soeuer it be gotten, gotten must it be, and vsed with the first, or els the grace of it is stale and gone: som 125 XXV. THE SCHOLEMASTER. BOOK I. 309 part of this gracelesse grace was discribed by me, in a litle rude verse long ago. To laughe, to lie, to flatter, to face : Foure waies in Court to win men grace. 130 If thou be thrall to none of thiese, Away, good Peek-goos, hence, lohn Cheese: Marke well my word, and marke their dede, And thinke this verse part of thy Crede [Leaf 1 8, back.} It is a notable tale, that old Syr Roger Chamloe, 135 sometime cheife lustice, wold tell of him-selfe. s^Roga- Whan he was Auncient in Inne of Courte, Certaine yong lentlemen were brought before him, to be corrected for certaine misorders : And one of the lustiest saide : ' Syr, we be yong ientlemen, and wise men before vs 140 have proued all facions, and yet those haue done full well :' this they said because it was well knowen, that Syr Roger had bene a good feloe in his yougth. But he aunswered them verie wiselie. ' In deede,' saith he, ' in yougthe, I was, as you ar now : and I had twelue feloes like vnto my-self, 145 but not one of them came to a good ende. And therfore, folow not my example in yougth, but folow my councell in aige, if euer ye thinke to cum to this place, or to thies yeares, that I am cum vnto, lesse ye meete either with pouertie or Tiburn in the way.' [Leaf 19.] 150 And I do not meene, by all this my taulke, that yong lentlemen should alwaies be poring on Diligent learn . a booke, and by vsing good studies shold lo^TwMi' 01 * lease honest pleasure and haunt no good pas- Smetn'aSe time, I meene nothinge lesse : For it is well " a ientleman - 155 knowne that I both like and loue, and haue alwaies, and do jlO XXV. ROGER ASCHAM. yet still vse, all exercises and pastimes, that be fitte for my nature and habilitie. And beside naturall disposition, in iudgement also, I was neuer either Stoick in doctrine, or Anabaptist in Religion, to mislike a merie, pleasant, and plaifull nature, if no outrage be committed against lawe, i6c mesure, and good order [Leaf 19, back.} Therefore, to ride cumlie : to run faire at the tilte or The pastimes rm g : to plaie at all weapones : to shote faire that be fitte for n gQn . tQ yaut 1 l uste ly ; Courtlie lentle- men. to runne : to leape : to wrestle : to swimme : 165 To daunce cumlie : to sing, and playe of instrumentes cunnyngly : to Hawke : to hunte : to playe at tennes, & all pastimes generally, which be ioyned with labor, vsed in open plac$, and on the day-light, conteining either some fitte exercise for warre, or some pleasant pastime for peace, 1 70 be not onelie cumlie and decent, but also verie necessarie, for a Courtlie lentleman to vse [Leaf 2i.] Present examples of this present tyme I list not to euftne touch : yet there is one example, for all the EiisaMh. i ent i emen O f t hi s Court to folow, that may , 75 well satisfie them, or nothing will serue them, nor no ex- ample moue them to goodnes and learnyng. It is your shame, (I speake to you all, you yong Ientie- men of England) that one mayd should go beyond you all, in excellencie of learnyng and knowledge of diuers tonges. iSc Pointe forth six of the best giuen Ientiemen of this Court, and all they together shew not so much good will, spend not so much tyme, bestow not so many houres, dayly, 1 Printed ' vant.' XXV. THE SCHOLEMASTER. BOOK I. 311 orderly, & constantly, for the increase of learning & know- i8 5 ledge, as doth the Queenes Maiestie her-selfe. Yea I beleue, that beside her perfit readines in Latin, Italian, French, & Spanish, she readeth here now at Windsore more Greeke euery day, than some Prebendarie of this Chirch doth read Latin in a whole weeke. And that which is most praise- 190 worthie of all, within the walles of her priuie chamber, she hath obteyned that excellencie of learnyng, to vnderstand, speake & write, both wittely with head, and faire with hand, as scarse one or two rare wittes in both the Uniuer- sities haue in many yeares reached vnto. Amongest all the 195 benefites thai God hath blessed me with-all, next the. know- ledge of Christes true Religion, I counte this the greatest, that it pleased God to call me to be one poore minister in settyng forward these excellent giftes of learnyng in this most excellent Prince. Whose onely example if the rest of zoo our nobilitie would folow, than might England be, for learn- yng and wisedome in nobilitie, a spectacle to all i, 1Examp i es the world beside. But see the mishap of men: fo^^sS The best examples haue neuer such forse to good exam p' es - moue to any goodneSj as the bad, vaine, light and fond, haue 205 to all ilnes. And one example, though out of the compas of learning, yet not out of the order of good maners, was notable in this Courte, not fullie xxiiij. yeares a-go, when all the actes of Parlament, many good Proclamations, diuerse strait com- zio maundementes, sore punishment openlie, speciall regarde priuatelie, cold not do so moch to take away one misorder, as the example of one big one of this Courte did, still to kepe vp the same. The memorie whereof doth yet remaine, in a common prouerbe of Birching lane. XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. A.D. 1576. GEORGE GASCOIGNE was the eldest son of Sir John Gascoigne of Cardington in Bedfordshire, and was born about 1525. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and afterwards entered at Gray's Inn as a law-student ; but after some time spent in idleness and extravagance, he embarked for Holland, and served as a soldier under William, Prince of Orange. He returned to England in 1573, and nominally resumed the study of law, but spent much of his time in writing verses. In July, 1575) we find him at Kenilworth, reciting verses before Queen Elizabeth, and writing an account of the pageantries with which she was there entertained. He died at Stamford, Oct. 7, 1577. A complete collection of his poems has very lately been printed by W. C. Hazlitt, for the ' Roxburghe Library.' His best poem is certainly ' The Steel Glas,' lately reprinted (with a few others) by Mr. Arber, and from which I give extracts. The Steel Glas is, in fact, a mirror, in which the poet sees a reflection of various estates of men, whom he describes with severe exactness and some fine satirical touches. Our extracts refer to the Gentle- men, the Merchants, the Priests, and the Ploughmen; with an Epilogue upon Women. The poem was commenced in April, 1575, and printed in April, 1576. It was dedicated to his patron, Arthur, Lord Gray of Wilton, whom he frequently addresses as ' my lord ' in the poem. XXVI. THE STEEL GLAS. 313 {From ' The Steel Glas.'] The Gentleman, which might in countrie keepe A plenteous boorde, and feed the fatherlesse With pig and goose, with mutton, beefe and veale, 420 (Yea now and then, a capon and a chicke) Wil breake vp house, and dwel in market townes, A loytring life, and like an Epicure. But who (meane while) defends the common welth ? Who rules the flocke, when sheperds so are fled ? 425 Who stayes the staff, which shuld vphold the state ? Forsoth, good Sir, the Lawyer leapeth in, Nay, rather leapes both ouer hedge and ditch, And rules the rost, but fewe men rule by right. O Knights, O Squires, O Gentle blouds yborne, 430 You were not borne al onely for your selues : Your countrie claymes some part of al your paines. There should you Hue, and therin should you toyle, To hold vp right and banish cruel wrong, To helpe the pore, to bridle backe the riche, 435 To punish vice, and vertue to aduaunce, To see God servde and Belzebub supprest. You should not trust lieftenaunts in your rome, And let them sway the scepter of your charge, Whiles you (meane while) know scarcely what is don, 440 Nor yet can yeld accowzpt if you were callde. The stately lord, which woonted was to kepe A court at home, is now come vp to courte, And leaues the country for a common prey To pilling, polling, brybing, and deceit : 445 3H XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. (Al which his presence might haue pacified, Or else haue made offenders smel the smoke.) And now the youth which might haue serued him In comely wise, with countrey clothes yclad, And yet thereby bin able to preferre 450 Vnto the prince, and there to seke aduance : Is faine to sell his landes for courtly cloutes, Or else sits still, and liueth like a loute, (Yet of these two the last fault is the lesse :) And so those imps which might in time haue sprong 455 Alofte (good lord) and servde to shielde the state, Are either nipt with such vntimely frosts, Or else growe crookt, bycause they be not proynd. These be the Knights which shold defend the lawd, And these be they which leaue the land at large. 460 Yet here, percase, it wilbe thought I roue And runne astray, besides the kings high- way, Since by the Knights, of whom my text doth tell, (And such as shew most perfect in my glasse,) Is ment no more, but worthy Souldiours 465 Whose skil in armes, and long experience Should still vphold the pillers of the worlde. Yes, out of doubt, this noble name of Knight, May comprehend both Duke, Erie, lorde, Knight, Squire, Yea, gentlemen, and euery gentle borne. 470 Art thou a Gentle ? Hue with gentle friendes, Which wil be glad thy companie to haue, If manhoode may with manners well agree. 630 Art thou a seruing man ? then serue againe, And stint to steale as common souldiours do. XXVI. THE STEEL GLAS. 315 Art thou a craftsman ? take thee to thine arte, And cast of slouth, which loytreth in the Campes. Art thou a plowman pressed for a shift ? 635 Then learne to clout thine old cast cobled shoes, And rather bide at home with barly bread, Than learne to spoyle, as thou hast scene some do. Merchants. And master Merchant, he whose trauaile ought 750 Commodiously to doe his countrie good, And by his toyle the same for to enriche, Can finde the meane to make Monopolyes Of euery ware that is accompted strange, And feeds the vaine of courtiers vaine desires 755 Vntil the court haue courtiers cast at heele, Quia non habent vestes Nuptiales. O painted fooles, whose harebrainde heades must haue More clothes attones than might become a king : For whom the rocks in forain Realmes must spin, 760 For whom they carde, for whom they weaue their webbes, For whom no wool appeareth fine enough, (I speake not this by english courtiers, Since english wool was euer thought most worth) For whom al seas are tossed to and fro, 765 For whom these purples come from Persia, The crimosine and liuely red from Inde : For whom soft silks do sayle from Sericane, And all queint costs do come from fardest coasts : Whiles, in meane while, that worthy Emperour, 770 Which rulde the world and had all welth at wil, Could be content to tire his wearie wife, 3l6 XX VI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. His daughters and his neipces euerychone, To spin and worke the clothes that he shuld weare, And neuer carde for silks or sumpteous cost, 775 For cloth of gold or tinsel figurie, For Baudkin, broydrie, cutworks, nor conceits. He set the shippes of merchantmen on worke With bringing home oyle, graine, and savrie salt, And such like wares as serued common vse. 780 Yea, for my life, those merchants were not woont To lend their wares at reasonable rate, (To gaine no more but Cento par cen/o,) To teach yong men the trade to sel browne paper, Yea, Morrice-bells, and byllets too sometimes, 785 To make their coyne a net to catch yong frye. To binde such babes in father Derbies bands, To stay their steps by statute-Staples staife, To rule yong roysters with Recognisance To read Arithmeticke once euery day 790 In VVoodstreat, Bredstreat, and in Pultery, (Where such schoolmaisters keepe their counting-house,) To fede on bones whe flesh and fell is gon, To keepe their byrds ful close in caytiues cage, (Who being brought to libertie at large, 795 Might sing, perchaunce, abroade, when sunne doth shine, Of their mishaps, & how their fethers fel,) Vntill the canker may their corpse consume. These knackes (my lord) I cannot cal to minde, Bycause they shewe not in my glasse of steele. 800 But holla : here I see a wondrous sight, I see a swarme of Saints within my glasse : Beholde, behold, I see a swarme in deede Of holy Saints, which walke in comely wise, XXVI. THE STEEL GLAS. 317 Not deckt in robes, nor garnished with gold, 805 But some vnshod, yea, some ful thinly clothde, And yet they seme so heauenly for to see, As if their eyes were al of Diamonds, Their face, of Rubies, Saphires, and lacincts, Their comly beards and heare, of siluer wiers. 810 And, to be short, they seeme Angelycall. What should they be, (my Lord) what should they be ? Priest. O gratious God, I see now what they be. These be my priests, which pray for evry state. These be my priests, deuorced from the world, 815 And wedded yet to heauen and holynesse, Which are not proude, nor couet to be riche. Which go not gay, nor fede on daintie foode, Which enuie not, nor knowe what malice meanes, Which loth all lust, disdayning drunkenesse, 820 Which cannot faine, which hate hypocrisie : Which neuer sawe Sir Simonies deceits : Which preach of peace, which carpe contentions, Which loyter not, but labour al the yeare, Which thuwder threts of gods most greuous wrath, 825 And yet do teach that mercie is in store. Lo these (my Lord) be my good praying priests, Descended from Melchysedec by line, Cosens to Paule, to Peter, lames, and lohn : These be my priests, the seasning of the earth, 830 Which wil not leese their Savrinesse, I trowe. Not one of these (for twentie hundreth groats) Wil teach the text that byddes him take a wife, And yet be combred with a concubine. 31 8 XX VI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. Not one of these wil reade the holy .write 835 Which doth forbid all greedy vsurie, And yet receiue a shilling for a pounde. Not one of these wil preach of patience, And yet be found as angry as a waspe. Not one of these can be content to sit 840 In Tauerns, Innes, or Alehouses all day, But spends his time deuoutly at his booke. Not one of these will rayle at rulers wrongs, And yet be blotted with extortion. Not one of these will paint out worldly pride, 845 And he himselfe as gallaunt as he dare. Not one of these rebuketh auarice, And yet procureth proude pluralities. Not one of these reproueth vanitie Whiles he him-selfe, (with hauke vpon his fist, 850 And houndes at heele,) doth quite forget his text. Not one of these corrects contentions For trifling things : and yet will sue for tythes. Not one of these (not one of these, my Lord) Wil be ashamde to do euen as he teacheth. 855 My priests haue learnt to pray vnto the Lord, And yet they trust not in their lyplabour. My priests can fast and vse al abstinence From vice and sinne, and yet refuse no meats. My priests can giue in charitable wise, 860 And loue also to do good almes-dedes, Although they trust not in their owne deserts. XXVI. THE STEEL GLAS. 319 My priestes can place all penaunce in the hart, Without regard of outward ceremonies. My priests can keepe their temples vndefyled, 865 And yet defie all Superstition. Lo now, my Lorde, what thinke you by my priests ? Although they were the last that shewed thewselues, I saide at first their office was to pray, And since the time is such euen now a dayes 870 As hath great nede of prayers truely prayde, Come forth my priests, and I wil bydde your beades : I wil presume, (although I be no priest) To bidde you pray as Paule and Peter prayde. The poets Beades. Then pray, my priests, yea, pray to god himselfe, 875 That he vouchsafe, (euen for his Christes sake) To giue his word free passage here on earth, And that his church (which now is Militant) May soone be sene triumphant ouer all, And that he deigne to ende this wicked world, 880 Which walloweth stil in Sinks of filthy sinne. For Princes. Eke pray, my priests, for Princes and for Kings, Emperours, Monarks, Duks, and all estates, Which sway the sworde of royal gouernment, (Of who/ft our Queene which Hues without compare 885 Must be the chiefe, in bydding of my beades, Else I deserue to lese both beades and bones) That God giue light vnto their noble mindes, To maintaine truth, and therwith stil to wey That here they reigne not onely for themselues, 890 32O XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. And that they be but slaues to common welth, Since al their toyles and al their broken sleeps / Shal scant suffize to hold it stil vpright. For the Cominaltie. Now these be past, (my priests) yet shal you pray 1010 For common people, eche in his degree, That God vouchsafe to graunt them al his grace. Where should I now beginne to bidde my beades ? Or who shal first be put in common place ? My wittes be wearie, and my eyes are dymme, 1015 I cannot see who best deserues the roome. Stad forth, good Peerce, thou plowmarc by thy name, Yet so the Sayler saith I do him wrong : That one contends, his paines are without peare ; That other saith, that none be like to his ; loao In dede they labour both exceedingly. But since I see no shipman that can liue Without the plough, and yet I many see (Which liue by lande) that neuer sawe the seas : Therefore I say, stand forth Peerce plowman first, 1025 Thou winst the roome, by verie worthinesse. Ibe plowman. Behold him (priests) & though he stink of sweat, Disdaine him not : for shal I tel you what ? Such clime to heauen before the shauen crownes. But how? forsooth, with true humilytie. 1030 Not that they hoord their grain when it is cheape, Not that they kill the calfe to haue the milke, Nor that they set debate betwene their lords By earing vp the balks that part their bounds : Nor for because they can both crowche & creep 1035 XX VI. THE STEEL GLAS. $2 1 (The guilefulst men, that 'euer God yet made) When as they meane most mischiefe and deceite ; Nor that they can crie out on landelordes lowde, And say they racke their rents an ace to high, When they themselues do sel their landlords lambe 1040 For greater price then ewe was wont be worth. I see you, Peerce, my glasse was lately scowrde. But for they feed with frutes of their gret paines Both King and Knight, and priests in cloyster pent : Therefore I say, that sooner some of them 1045 Shall scale the walks which leade vs vp to heauen, Than cornfed beasts whose bellie is their God, Although they preach of more perfection. And yet (my priests) pray you to God for Peerce, As Peerce can pinch it out for him and you. 1050 And if you haue a Paternoster spare, Then shal you pray for Saylers (God them send More mind of him when as they come to lande, For towarde shipwracke many men can pray) That they once learne to speake without a lye, 1055 And meane good faith without blaspheming othes : That they forget to steale from euery fraight, And for to forge false cockets, free to passe : That mawners make them giue their betters place, And vse good words, though deeds be nothing gay. 1060 But here, me thinks, my priests begin to frowne, And say, that thus they shal be ouerchargde, To pray for al which seme to do amisse : And one I heare more saucie than the rest, Which asketh me, ' when shal our prayers end ?' 1065 I tel thee (priest) when shoemakers make shoes That are wel sowed, with neuer a stitch amisse, And vse no crafte in vttring of the same : Y 322 XX VI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. When Taylours steale no stuffe from gentlemen, When Tanners are with Corners wel agreede, 1070 And both so dresse their hydes, that we go dry : when Cutlers leaue to sel olde rustic blades, And hide no crackes with soder nor deceit : when tinkers make no more holes thaw they founde, when thatchers thinke their wages worth their worke, 1075 when colliers put no dust into their sacks, when maltemen make vs drinke no firmentie, when Dauie Diker diggs and dallies not, when smithes shoo horses as they would be shod, when millers toll not with a golden thumbe, 1080 whe bakers make not barme beare price of wheat, when brewers put no bagage in their beere, when butchers blowe not ouer al their fleshe, when horsecorsers beguile no friends with lades, when weauers weight is found in huswiues web : 1085 (But why dwel I so long among these lowts ?) When mercers make more bones to swere and lye, When vintners mix no water with their wine, When printers passe none errours in their bookes, When hatters vse to bye none olde cast robes, 1090 Whew goldsmithes get no gains by sodred crownes, When vpholsters sel fethers without dust, When pewterers infect no Tin with leade, When drapers draw no gaines by giuing day, \Vhen perchmentiers put in no ferret-Silke, 1095 When Surgeons heale al wounds without delay, (Tush, these are toys, but yet my glas sheweth al :) When purveyours prouide not for themselues, VVhen Takers take no brybes, nor vse no brags, When customers conceale no covine vsde, noo When Sea[r]chers see al corners in a shippe, XXVI. THE STEEL GLAS. 323 (And spie no pens by any sight they see), When shriues do serue al processe as they ought, When baylifes strain none other thing but strays, When auditours their counters cannot change, 1105 When proude surveyours take no parting pens, When Siluer sticks not on the Tellers fingers, And when receiuers pay as they receiue, When al these folke haue quite forgotten fraude : (Againe, my priests, a little, by your leaue) mo When Sicophants can finde no place in courte, But are espied for Ecchoes, as they are : When roysters ruffle not aboue their rule, Nor colour crafte by swearing precious coles : When Fencers fees are like to apes rewards, 1115 A peece of breade, and therwithal a bobbe : When Lays Hues not like a ladies peare, Nor vseth art in dying of hir heare : When al these things are ordred as they ought, And see themselues within my glasse of steele, 1120 Euen then (my priests) may you make holyday, And pray no more but ordinarie prayers. And yet therin, I pray you (my good priests) Pray stil for me, and for my Glasse of steele, That it (nor I) do any minde offend, 1125 Bycause we shew all colours in their kinde. And pray for me, that (since my hap is such To see men so) I may perceiue myselfe. worthy words, to ende my worthlesse verse, Pray for me, Priests, I pray you, pray for me. 1130 EPILOGVS. Alas (my lord) my hast was al to hote, 1 shut my glasse before you gasde your fill, Y 2 324 XXVI. GEORGE GASCOIGNE. And, at a glimse, my seely selfe haue spied A stranger trowpe than any yet were sene : Beholde (my lorde) what monsters muster here, 1 135 With Angels face, and harmefull helish harts, With smyling lookes, and depe deceitful thoughts, With tender skinnes, and stony cruel mindes, With stealing steppes, yet forward feete to fraude. Behold, behold, they neuer stande content, 1140 With God, with kinde, with any helpe of Arte, But curie their locks with bodkins & with braids, But dye their heare with sundry subtill sleights, But paint and slicke til fayrest face be foule, But bumbast, bolster, frisle, and perfume : 1145 They marre with muske the balme which nature made, And dig for death in dellicatest dishes. The yonger sorte come pyping on apace, In whistles made of fine enticing wood, Til they haue caught the birds for whom they birded. 1150 The elder sorte go stately stalking on, And on their backs they beare both land and fee, Castles and Towres, revenewes and receits, Lordships and manours, fines, yea, fermes and al. What should these be ? (speake you, my louely lord) 1155 They be not men : for why ? they haue no beards. They be no boyes, which weare such side log gowns. They be no Gods, for al their gallant glosse. They be no diuels, (I trow) which seme so saintish. What be they? women? masking in mens weedes ? 1160 With dutchkin dublets, and with lerkins iaggde ? With Spanish spangs, and ruffes fet out of France, With high-copt hattes, and fethers flaunt-a-flaunt ? They be so sure, euen Wo to Men in dede. Nay then (my lorde) let shut the glasse apace, 1165 XXVI. THE STEEL GLAS. 325 High time it were for my pore Muse to winke, Since al the hands, al paper, pen, and inke, Which euer yet this wretched world possest, Cannot describe this Sex in colours dewe ! No, no (my Lorde) we gased haue inough, 1170 (And I too much, God pardon me therfore) Better loke of, than loke an ace to farre : And better mumme, than meddle ouermuch. But if my Glasse do like my louely lorde, We wil espie, some sunny Sommers day, 1175 To loke againe, and see some semely sights. Meane while, my Muse right humbly doth besech, That my good lorde accept this ventrous verse, Vntil my braines may better stuffe deuise. FINIS. Tarn Marti, quam Mercurio. XXVII. JOHN LYLY. A.D. 1579. JOHN LYLY, a native of the Weald of Kent, was born probably in 1553, and died in 1606. He studied at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he took his degree of B.A. in 1573- His nine plays, published between 1584 and 1601, are named 'Alexander and Campaspe,' ' Sappho and Phao,' ' Endimion,' ' Galathea,' ' Midas,' ' Mother Bombie,' ' The Woman in the Moon,' ' The Maid's Metamorphosis,' and ' Love's Metamorphosis.' But he is best remembered by his two works named respectively ' Euphues: the Anatomy of Wit,' first printed in the spring of 1579, and ' Euphues and his England,' 1580. He seems also to have been the author of the anonymous tract called ' Pap with a Hatchet,' written during the ' Martin Mar-prelate' controversy. The works of Lyly gave rise to the name of ' Euphuism,' a term applied to a then fashionable pedantic style, and over-strained method of expression, of which many examples are to be found in ' Euphues.' On this account, Lyly's works have been frequently decried and ridiculed, but it deserves to be remarked that he sometimes ex- hibits strong common sense ; and Charles Kingsley, in his ' West- ward Ho,' is right in calling Euphues, Mn spite of occasional tedious- ness and pedantry, as brave, righteous, and pious a book as man need look into.' I believe it will be difficult for any one to read the following extract without feeling the better for it ; which is XXVII. EUPHUES AND HIS EPHCEBUS. my reason for quoting it. It is taken from that part of the first volume which is entitled < Euphues and his Ephoebus,' and con- tains some excellent advice given by Euphues to young men. Both volumes of ' Euphues ' were reprinted by Mr. Arber in 1868. \From ' Euphues aud his Ephcebus.''] 1 WISE Parents ought to take good heede, especially at this time, //fot they frame their sonnes to modestie, eifher by threats or by rewards, either by faire promises or seuere practises; either shewing the miseries of those that haue ben ouercome with wildnesse, or /#e happinesse of them 5 that haue contained themselues within the bandes of reason : these two are as it wer the ensignes of vertue, the hope of honour, the feare of punishment. But chiefly parents must cause their youths to abandon the societie of those which are noted of euill liuing and lewde behauiour, which Pi- 10 thagoras seemed somwhat obscurely to note in these his sayings : First, that one should abstein from the tast of those things that haue blacke tayles : That is, we must not vse the com- pany of those whose corrupt manners doe as it were make 15 their lyfe blacke. Not to goe aboue the ballaunce ; that is, to reuerence Justice, neither for feare or flatterie to leane vnto any one partially. Not to lye in idlenesse ; that is, that sloth shoulde be abhorred. That we should not shake euery man by /$e hand : That is, we should not con- 20 tract friendshippe with all. Not to weare a straight ring : that is, that we shoulde leade our lyfe, so as wee neede not to fetter it with chaynes. Not to bring fire to a slaughter : that is, we must not prouoke any that is furious with words. Not to eate our heartes : that is, that wee shoulde not vexe 25 ^28 XXVII. JOHN LYLY. our-selues with thoughts, consume our bodies with sighes, with sobs, or with care to pine our carcasses. To absteine from beanes, that is, not to meddle in ciuile affaires or busi- nesse of the common weale, for in the old times the election 30 of Magistrates was made by the pullyng of beanes. . . . Not to retire when we are come to the ende of our race : that is, when we are at the poynt of death we should not be op- pressed with griefe, but willingly yeeld to Nature. But I will retourne to my former precepts : that is, that 35 young men shoulde be kept from the company of those that are wicked, especially from the sight of //5e flatterer. For I say now as I haue often times before sayde, that there is no kinde of beast so noysome as the flatterer, nothing that will sooner consume both the sonne and the father and all honest 40 friendes. When the Father exhorteth the sonne to sobrietie, the flatterer prouoketh him to Wine : when the Father warneth l them to continencie, the flatterer allureth them to lust : when the Father admonisheth them to thrifte, the flatterer haleth 45 them to prodigalytie : when the Father incourageth them to labour, the flatterer layeth a cushion vnder his elbowe, to sleepe, bidding him 2 to eate, drinke, and to be merry, for that the lyfe of man is soone gone, and but as a short shad- dowe, and seeing that we haue but a while to lyue, who f o woulde lyue lyke a seruant ? They saye that now their fathers be olde, and doate through age like Saturnus. Heeroff it commeth that young men, giuing not only at- tentiue eare but ready coyne to flatterers, fall into such misfortune : heereoff it proceedeth that they . . . mary before 55 they be wise, and dye before they thriue. These be the beastes which Hue by the trenchers of young Gentlemen, 1 Ed. 1579 'weaneth'; ed. 1581 'warneth. 1 3 Ed. 1579 'them'; ed. 1581 'him.' XXVII. EUPHUES AND HIS EPHCEBUS. 329 and consume the treasures of their reuenewes ; these be they that sooth young youths in al their sayings, that vphold them in al their doings, with a yea, or a nay ; these be they that are at euery becke, at euery nod, freemen by fortune, 60 slaues by free will. Wherfore if ther be anv Father 1 that would haue his children nurtured and brought vp in honestie, let him expell these Panthers which haue a sweete smel, but a deuouring minde : yet would I not haue parents altogether precise, or 65 too seuere in correction, but lette them with mildenesse for- giue light offences, and remember that they themselues haue ben young : as Me Phisition, by minglyng bitter poysons with sweete lyquor, bringeth health to the body, so the father with sharpe rebukes, sesoned with louing lookes, causeth a 7 redresse and amendement in his childe. But if the Father bee throughly angry vppon good occasion, let him not con- tinue his rage, for I had rather he should be soone angry then hard to be pleased ; for when the sonne shall pergeiue that the Father hath conceiued rather a hate then a heat 75 agaynst him, hee becommeth desperate, neither regarding his fathers ire, neither his owne duetie. Some lyght faults lette them dissemble as though they knew them not, and seeing them, let them not seeme to see them, and hearing them, lette them not seeme to heare. 80 We can easely forget the. offences of our friendes, be they neuer so great, and shall wee not forgiue the escapes of our children, be they neuer so small? Wee beare oftentimes with our seruaunts, and shal we not sometimes with our sonnes : the fairest lennet is ruled as well with the wande 85 as with the spurre, the wildest child is as soone corrected with a word as with a weapon. If thy sonne be so stub- 1 Original ' Fathers." 330 XXVII. JOHN LYLY. burne obstinately to rebel against thee, or so wilful to per- seuer in his wickednesse, Mat neither for feare of punishment, 90 neither for hope of reward, he is any way to be reclaymed, then seeke out some mariage fit for his degree, which is the surest bond of youth, and the strongest chayne to fetter affections Mat can be found. Yet let his wife be such a one as is neither much more noble in birth or far more richer in 95 goods, but according to the wise saying : choose one euery way, as neere as may be, equal in both: for they that do desire great dowryes do rather mary themselues to the wealth then to their wife. But to returne to the matter, it is most requisite that fathers, both by their discreete counsayle, and 100 also their honest conuersation, be an example of imitation to their children, Mat they seing in their parents, as it were in a glasse, the perfection of manners, they may be encou- raged by their vpright liuing to practise the like pietie. For if a father rebuke his child of swearing, and he himselfe 105 a blasphemer, doth he not see that in detecting his sons vice, hee also noteth his owne ? If the father counsaile the sonne to refrayne wine as most vnwholsome, and drinke himselfe immoderately, doth hee not as well reproue his owne folly, as rebuke his sonnes ? Age ahvay ought to 1 10 be a myrrour for youth, for where olde age is impudent, there certeinly youth must needes be shamelesse ; where the aged haue no respect of their honorable and gray haires, there the young gallants haue little regard of their honest behauiour : and in one- worde to conclude al, \vher age is 115 past grauity, ther youth is past grace. The sum of al wher- with I would haue my Ephcebus endued, and how I would haue him instructed, shal briefly appeare in this following- First, that he be of honest parents, nursed of his mother, brought vp in such a place as is incorrupt, both for the ayre 1 20 and manners, with such a person as is vndefiled, of great XXVII. EUPHUES AND HIS EPHCEBUS. 331 zeale, of profound knowledge, of absolute perfection, Mat be instructed in Philosophy, whereby he may atteine learning, and haue in al sciences a smacke, whereby he may readily dispute of any thing. That his body be kept in his pure strength by honest exercise, his wit and memory by diligent 125 study. There is nothing more swifter then time, nothing more sweeter : wee haue not, as Seneca saith, little time to Hue, but we leese muche ; neither haue we a short life by Nature, but we make it shorter by naughtynesse ; our life is long 130 if we know how to vse it. Follow Appelles, that cunning and wise Painter, which would lette no day passe ouer his head without a lyne, without some labour. It was pretely sayde of Hesiodas, lette vs endeauour by reason to excell beastes, seeinge beasts by nature excell men ; although, 135 strick[t]ely taken, it be not so, (for that man is endewed with a soule), yet taken touching their perfection of sences in their kind, it is most certeine. Doth not the Lyon for strength, the Turtle for loue, the Ante for labour, excell man ? Doth not the Eagle see cleerer, the Vulter smel better, the Mowle 140 heare lyghtlyer ? Let vs therefore endeauour to excell in vertue, seeing in qualities of Me body we are inferiour to beastes. And heere I am most earnestly to exhort you to modesty in your behauiour, to duetye to your elders, to dyl- ligence in your studyes. I was of late in Italy, where mine 145 eares gloed, and my heart was galled to heare the abuses that reygne in Athens : I cannot tell whether those things sprang by the lewde and lying lippes of the ignoraunt, which are alwayes enimyes to learning, or by the reports of such as saw them and sorrowed at them. It was openly reported 150 of an olde man in Naples, that there was more lightnesse in Athens then in all Italy; more wanton youths of schollers, 332 XXVII. JOHN LYLY. then in all Europe besids ; more Papists, more Atheists, more sects, more schi[s]mes, then in all the Monarches in the 155 world; which thinges although I thincke they be not true, yet can I not but lament that they shoulde be deemed to be true, and I feare me they be not altogether false ; ther can no great smoke arise, but there must be some fire, no great reporte without great suspition. Frame therefore your lyues 1 60 to such integritie, your studyes to atteininge of such perfec- tion, that neither the might of the stronge, neyther the mal- lyce of the weake, neither the swifte reportes of the ignoraunt be able to spotte you wyth dishonestie, or note you of vn- godlynesse. The greatest harme that you can doe vnto the 1 65 enuious, is to doo well ; the greatest corasiue that you can giue vnto the ignoraunte, is to prosper in knowledge; the greatest comforte that you can bestowe on your parents, is to lyue well and learne well ; the greatest commoditie that you can yeelde vnto your Countrey, is with wisedome to bestowe 170 that talent, that by grace was giuen you. And here I cannot choose but giue you that counsel that an olde man in Naples gaue mee most wisely, although I had then neither grace to followe it, neyther will to giue eare to it, desiring you not to reiect it bicause I did once ' 75 dispise it. It was this, as I can remember, word for word. " Descende into your owne consciences, consider with your-selues the great difference between staring and starke- blynde, witte and wisedome, loue and lust : Be merry, but with modestie : be sober, but not too sullen : be valiaunt, but 1 80 not too venterous : let your attire be comely, but not too costly : your dyet wholesome, but not excessiue : vse pastime as the word importeth, to passe the time in honest recrea- tion : mistrust no man without cause, neither be ye credulous without proofe : be not lyght to follow euery mans opinion, 1 85 neither obstinate to stande in your owne conceipts : serue XXVII. EUPHUES AND HIS EPHCEBUS. 333 God, feare God, loue God, and God will blesse you, as either your hearts can wish, or your friends desire." t This was his graue and godly aduise, whose counsel 1 would haue you all to follow ; frequent lectures, vse disputa- cions openly, neglect not your priuate studies, let not degrees u >- be giuen for loue but for learning, not for mony, but for knowledge, and bicause you shall bee the better incouraged to follow my counsell, I wil be as it were an example my- selfe, desiring you al to imitate me.' Euphues hauing ended his discourse, and finished those ! 95 precepts which he thought necessary for the instruction of youth, gaue his minde to the continual studie of Philosophic, insomuch as he became publique Reader in the Vniuersitie, with such commendation as neuer any before him, in the which he continued for the space of tenne yeares, only 200 searching out the secrets of Nature and the hidden misteries of philosophy ; and hauing collected into three volumes his lectures, thought for the profile of young schollers to sette them foorth in print, which if he had done, I would also in this his Analomie haue inserted ; but he, altering his determi- 205 nation, fell into this discourse with himselfe. ' Why Euphues, art thou so addicted to the studie of the Heathen, that thou hast forgotten thy God in heauen? shal thy wit be rather employed to the atteining of humaine wise- dome then diuine knowledge? Is Aristotle more deare to 210 thee with his bookes, then Christ with his bloud? What comfort canst thou finde in Philosophy for thy guiltie con- science ? What hope of the resurrection ? What glad tidings of the Gospell ? Consider with thy-selfe that thou art a gentleman, yea, and 215 a Gentile; and if thou neglect thy calling, thou art worse then a lewe. Most miserable is the estate of those Gentle- men, which thinke it a blemmish to their auncestours and a 334 XXVII. JOHN LYLY. blot to their owne gentrie, to read or practize Diuinitie. 2.20 They thinke it now sufficient for their felicitie to ryde well vppon a great horse, to hawke, to hunt, to haue a smacke in Philosophic, neither thinking of the beginning of wisedome, neither the ende, which is Christ : onely they accompt diui- nitie most contemptible, which is and ought to be most 225 notable. Without this there is no Lawyer, be he neuer so eloquent, no Phisition, be he neuer so excelent, no Philoso- pher, bee hee neuer so learned, no King, no Keysar, be he neuer so royall in birth, so polytique in peace," so expert in warre, so valyaunt in prowesse, but he is to be detested and 230 abhorred. Farewell therefore the fine and filed phrases of Cicero, the pleasaunt Eligues of Quid, the depth and pro- found knowledge of Aristotle. Farewell Rhethoricke, fare- well Philosophic, farewel all learning which is not sprong from the bowells of the holy Bible. 235 In this learning shal we finde milke for the weake and marrow for the strong, in this shall we see how the ignoraunt may be instructed, the obstinate confuted, the penitent com- forted, the wicked punished, the godly preserued. Oh ! I would Gentlemen would some times sequester themselues 240 from then- owne delights, and employ their wits in searching these heauenly and diuine misteries. It is common, yea, and lamentable to see, that if a young youth haue the giftes of Nature, as a sharpe wit, or of Fortune, as sufficient wealth to mainteine him 1 , he employeth the one in the vayne inuen- 245 tions of loue, the other in the vile brauerie of pride : the one in the passions of his minde and prayses of his Lady, the other in furnishing of his body and furthering of his lust. Heeroff it commeth that such vaine ditties, such idle sonnets, such enticing songs, are set foorth to the gaze of the world 250 and griefe of the godly. I my-selfe know none so ill as 1 Original ' them.' XXVII. EUPHUES AND HIS EPHCEBUS. 335 my-selfe, who in times past haue bene so supersticiously addicted, //;at I thought no Heauen to the Paradise of loue, no Angel to be compared to my Lady ; but as repentaunce hath caused me to leaue and loath such vaine delights, so wisdome hath opened vnto me the perfect gate to eternall 255 lyfe. Besides this, I my-selfe haue thought that in Diuinitie there could be no eloquence, which I might imitate ; no pleasaunt inuention which I might follow, no delycate phrase that might delight me ; but now I see that, in the sacred 260 knowledge of Gods will, the onely eloquence, the true and perfect phrase, the testimonie of saluation doth abide ; and seeing without this all learning is ignoraunce, al wisdome mere 1 folly, all witte plaine bluntnes, al Justice iniquitie, al eloquence barbarisme, al beautie deformitie I will spend all 265 the remainder of my life in studying the olde Testament, wherin is prefigured the comming of my Sauiour, and the new testament, wherin my Christ doth suffer for my sinnes, and is crucified for my redemption ; whose bitter agonyes should cast euery good Christian into a sheeuering ague to 270 remember his anguish ; whose sweating of water and bloud should cause euery deuout and zealous Catholique to shedde teares of repentaunce, in remembraunce of his torments.' Euphues hauing discoursed this with himselfe, did imme- diately abandon all lyght company, all the disputations in 275 schooles, all Philosophic, and gaue himselfe to the touch- stone of holinesse in diuinitie, accompting all other things as most vyle and contemptible. 1 Original ' more.' XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. A.D. 1579. OF Edmund Spenser, one of the greatest names in English poetry, little need be said here ; I refer the reader to the Globe edition of his works, edited by Dr. Morris, with a Memoir by Mr. Hales. He was born in London in 1552, educated at Pem- broke Hall, Cambridge, and went to Ireland in 1580 as private Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Grey of Wilton, residing part of the time at Kilcolman Castle, in the county of Cork, and occasionally visited England. In October, 1598, Kilcolman Castle was burnt during Tyrone's rebellion, and the poet and his family barely escaped. He never recovered this sad blow, but died shortly afterwards, in a tavern in King-street, Westminster, Jan. 16, 1599. His first important work was the ' Shepheardes Ca- lender,' published in the winter of 1579-80, which I quote from here, because it fairly marks an era in English poetry. It \vas soon perceived that a new and true poet had arisen. The poem consists of twelve eclogues, one for each month in the year. The eleventh, that for November, is an elegy upon ' the death of some maiden of great blood, whom he calleth Dido.' The twelfth, for December, is one of the three in which he treats of his own disappointment in love. The poems were accompanied by some copious ' Glosses ' or explanations, written by E. K., who was doubtless Edward Kirke, the poet's college friend. The text is that of the jtfnrt edition, ' imprinted at London by Hugh Singleton, dwelling in Creede lane, at the signe of the gylden Tunn neere vnto Ludgate.' The punctuation has been slightly modified. XXVIII. (A) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 337 (A) Nouember. JEgloga vndecima. Argument. IN this xi. JEglogue he bewayleth the death of some mayden of greate bloud, whom he calleth Dido. The personage is secrete, and to me altogether vnknowne, albe of him-selfe I often required the same. This ^Eglogue is made in imitation of Marot his song, which he made vpon the death of Loys the frenche Queene ; But farre passing his reache, and in myne opinion all other the Eglogues of this booke. Thenot. Colin. \The^\ Colin, my deare, when shall it please thee sing, As thou were wont, songs of some iouisaunce ? Thy Muse to long slombreth in sorrowing, Lulled a-sleepe through loues misgouernaunce ; Now somewhat sing, whose endles souenaunce 5 Emong the shepeheards swaines may aye remaine, Whether thee list thy loued lasse aduaunce, Or honor Pan with hymnes of higher vaine. Colin. Thenot, now nis the time of merimake, Nor Pan to herye, nor with loue to playe : 10 Sike myrth in May is meetest for to make, Or summer shade vnder the cocked haye. But nowe sadde Winter welked hath the day, And Phoebus, weary of his yerely taske, Ystabled hath his steedes in lowlye laye, 15 And taken vp his ynne in Fishes haske. Thilke sollein season sadder plight doth aske, And loatheth sike delightes, as thou doest prayse : z 338 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. The mornefull Muse in myrth now list ne maske, As shee was wont in youngth and sommer dayes. 20 But if thou algate lust light virelayes And looser songs of loue to vnderfong, Who but thy-selfe deserues sike Poetes prayse ? Relieue thy Oaten pypes, that sleepen long. Thenot, The Nightingale is souereigne of song, 25 Before him sits the Titmose silent bee : And I, vnfitte to thrust in skilfull thronge, Should Colin make iudge of my fooleree ? Nay, better learne of hem, that learned bee, And han be watered at the Muses well : 30 The kindlye dewe drops from the higher tree, And wets the little plants that lowly dwell. But if sadde winters wrathe, and season chill, Accorde not with thy Muses meriment, To sadder times thou mayst attune thy quill, 35 And sing of sorrowe and deathes dreeriment. For deade is Dido, dead, alas, and drent, Dido, the greate shepehearde his daughter sheene : The fay rest May she was that euer went, Her like shee has not left behinde, I weene. 40 And if thou wilt bewayle my wofull tene, I shall thee giue yond Cosset for thy payne : And if thy rymes as rownd and rufull bene, As those that did thy Rosalind complayne, Much greater gyfts for guerdon thou shalt gayne 45 Then Kidde or Cosset, which I thee bynempt : Then vp, I say, thou iolly shepeheard swayne, Let not my small demaund be so contempt. XXVIII. (A) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 339 Colin. Thenoi, to that I choose, thou doest me tempt, But ah, to well I wote my humble vaine, 50 And howe my rymes bene rugged and vnkempt : Yet, as I conne, my conning I will strayne. Vp then, Melpomene, thou mournefulst Muse of nyne, Such cause of mourning neuer hadst afore : Vp, grieslie ghostes, and vp, my rufull ryme, 55 Matter of myrth now shalt thou haue no more. For dead shee is, that myrth thee made of yore. Dido, my deare, alas ! is dead, Dead, and lyeth wrapt in lead : O heauie herse ; 60 Let streaming teares be poured out in store : O carefull verse. Shepheards, that by your flocks on Kentish downes abyde, Waile ye this wofull waste of Natures warke : Waile we the wight, whose presence was our pryde : 65 Waile we the wight, whose absence is our carke. The sonne of all the world is dimme and darke : The earth now lacks her wonted light, And all we dwell in deadly night, O heauie herse. 70 Breake we our pypes, that shrild as lowde as Larke, O carefull verse. Why doe we longer Hue, (ah why Hue we so long), Whose better dayes death hath shut vp in woe ? The fayrest floure our gyrlond all emong 75 Z 2 340 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. Is faded quite, and into dust ygoe. Sing now, ye shepheards daughters, sing no moe The songs that Colin made you * in her prayse, But into weeping turne your wanton layes, O heauie herse. 80 Now is time to dye : Nay, time was long ygoe, O carefull verse. Whence is it, that the flouret of the field doth fade, And lyeth buryed long in Winters bale : Yet, soone as spring his mantle hath displayd 2 , 85 It floureth fresh, as it should neuer fayle ? But thing on earth that is of most availe, As vertues braunch and beauties budde, Reliuen not for any good. O heauie herse. 90 The braunch once dead, the budde eke needes must quaile, O carefull verse. She, while she was, (that was, a woful word to sayne), For beauties prayse and plesaunce had no pere : So well she couth the shepherds entertayne 95 With cakes and cracknells and such country chere. Ne would she scorne the simple shepheards swaine, For she would cal hem often he [a] me, And giue hem curds and clouted Creame. O heauie herse. 100 Als Colin cloute she would not once disdayne. O carefull verse. But nowe sike happy cheere is turnd to heauie chaunce, Such pleasaunce now displast by dolors dint. 1 First cd. omits ' you.' * Printed ' doth displaye' in first edition. XXVIII. (A) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 341 All Musick sleepes, where death doth leade the daunce, 105 And shepherds wonted solace is extinct. The blew in black, the greene in gray is tinct, . The gaudie girlonds deck her graue, The faded flowres her corse embraue. O heauie herse. no Morne nowe, my Muse, now morne with teares besprint. O carefull verse. O thou greate shepheard Lobbin, how great is thy griefe ! Where bene the nosegayes that she dight for thee : The colour[e]d chaplets wrought with a chiefe, 115 The knotted rushrings, and gilte Rosemaree ? For shee deemed nothing too deere for thee. Ah, they bene all yclad in clay, One bitter blast blewe all away. O heauie herse. 120 Thereof nought remaynes but the memoree. O carefull verse. Ay me, that dreerie death should strike so mortall stroke, That can vndoe Dame natures kindly course : The faded lockes fall from the loftie oke, 125 The flouds do gaspe, for dryed is theyr sourse, And flouds of teares flowe in theyr stead perforse. The mantled medowes mourne *, Theyr sondry colours tourne \ O heauie herse. 130 The heauens doe melt in teares without remorse. O carefull verse. 1 Printed ' morune,' ' torune.' 342 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. The feeble flocks in field refuse their former foode, And hang theyr heads, as they would learne to weepe : The beastes in forest wayle as they were woode, 135 Except the Wolues, that chase the wandring sheepe, Now she is gon that safely did hem keepe. The Turtle on the bared braunch Laments the wound that death did launch. O heauie herse. 140 And Philomele her song with teares doth steepe. O carefull verse. The water-Nymphs, that wont with her to sing and daunce, And for her girlond Oliue-braunches beare, No we balefull boughes of Cypres doen aduaunce : 145 The Muses, that were wont greene bayes to weare, Now bringen bitter Eldre-braunches scare ; The fatall sisters eke repent, Her vitall threde so soone was spent. O heauie herse. 150 Morne now, my Muse, now morne with heauie cheare. O carefull verse. O trustlesse state of earthly things, and slipper hope Of mortal men, that swincke and sweate for nought, And shooting wide, doe misse the marked scope : 155 Now haue I learnd (a lesson derely bought) That nys on earth assuraunce to be sought : For what might be in earthlie mould, That did her buried body hould. O heauie herse. 160 Yet saw I on the beare when it was brought : O carefull verse. XXVIII. (A) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 343 But maugre death, and dreaded sisters deadly spight, And gates of hel, and fyrie furies forse, She hath the bonds broke of eternall night, 165 Her soule vnbodied of the burdenous corpse. Why then weepes Lobbin so without remorse ? Lobb, thy losse no longer lament, Dido nis dead, but into heauen hent. O happye herse. 170 Cease now, my Muse, now cease thy sorrowes sourse, O ioyfull verse. Why wayle we then ? why weary we the Gods with playnts, As if some euill were to her betight ? She raignes a goddesse now emong the saintes, 175 That whilome was the saynt of shepheards light : And is enstalled nowe in heauens hight. 1 see thee, blessed soule, I see, Walke in Elisian fieldes so free. O happy herse. 180 Might I once come to thee (O that I might I) O ioyfull verse. Vnwise and wretched men, to weete whats good or ill, We deeme of Death as doome of ill desert : But knewe we, fooles, what it vs bringes vntil, 185 Dye would we dayly, once it to expert. No daunger there the shepheard can astert : Fayre fieldes and pleasaunt layes there bene, The fieldes ay fresh, the grasse ay greene : O happy herse. 190 Make hast, ye shepheards, thether to reuert, O ioyfull verse. 344 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. Dido is gone afore (whose turne shall be the next ?) There Hues shee with the blessed Gods in blisse, There drincks she 1 Nectar with Ambrosia mixt, 195 And ioyes enioyes, that mortall men doe misse. The honor now of highest gods she is, That whilome was poore shepheards pryde, While here on earth she did abyde. O happy herse. 200 Ceasse now, my song, my woe now wasted is. ioyfull verse. Thenot. Ay, francke shepheard, how bene thy verses meint With doolful pleasaunce, so as I ne wotte Whether reioyce or weepe for great constrainte ! 205 Thyne be the cossette, well hast thow it gotte. Vp, Colin, vp, ynough thou morned hast, Now gynnes to mizzle, hye we homeward fast. COLINS EMBLEME. La mort ny mord. GLOSSE. [N.B. The explanations marked with an asterisk are not quite correct. See the Notes.] 2. louisaunce) myrth. 5. Souenaunce) remembraunce. 10. Herie) honour. [Rather, praise.] 13. *Welked) shortned or empayred. As the Moone, being in the waine, is sayde of Lidgate to welk. 15. In lowly lay) according to the season of the moneth No- uember, when the sonne draweth low in the South toward his Tropick or returne. 1 6. * In fishes baske) the sonne reigneth, that is, in the signe 1 First edition ' the.' XX VII I. (A) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 345 Pisces all Nouember : a haske is a wicker pad, wherein they vse to cary fish. 2 1 . Virelalei) a light kind of song. 30. Bee watred) For it is a saying of Poetes, that they haue dronk of the Muses well Cast[a]lias, whereof was before suffi- ciently sayd. 36. Dreriment) dreery and heauy cheere. 38. The great shepheard, is some man of high degree, and not, as some vainely suppose, God Pan. The person both of the shephearde and of Dido is vnknowen and closely buried in the Authors conceipt. But out of doubt I am, that it is not Rosa- lind, as some imagin : for he speaketh 1 soone after of her also. 38. Shene) fay re and shining. 39. May) for mayde. 41. Tene) sorrow. 45. Guerdon) reward. 46. Bynempt) bequethed. 46. Cosset) a lambe brought vp without the dam. 51. Vnkempf) Incowzpti. Not corned, that is, rude & vnhan- some. 53. Melpomene") The sadde and waylefull Muse, vsed of Poets in honor of Tragedies : as saith Virgile Melpomene Tragico proclamat meesta boatu. 55- Vp griesly gosts) The maner of Tragicall Poetes, to call for helpe of Furies, and damned ghostes : so is Hecuba of Euripides, and Tantalus brought in of Seneca. And the rest of the rest. 60. *Herse) is the solemne obsequie in funeralles. 64. Wast of) decay of so beautifull a peece. 66. Carke) care. 73. Ah why) an elegant Epanorthosis : as also soone after, 'nay time was long ago' (1. 81). 83. Flouret, a diminutiue 2 for a little floure. This is a notable and sententious comparison, A minore ad maius. 89. Reliuen not) liue not againe. s[cilicet,] not in theyr earthly bodies : for in heauen they enioy their due reward. 91. The braunch) He meaneth Dido, who being, as it were, the mayne braunch now withered, the buddes, that is, beautie (as he sayd afore) can no more flourish. 96. With cakes') fit for shepheards bankets. 98. Heame) for home, after the northerne pronouncing. 107. Tmct) deyed or stayned. 1 08. The gaudie) the meaning is, that the things, which were the ornaments of her lyfe, are made the honor of her funerall, as is vsed in burialls. 1 Printed ' speakerh.' a Printed ' dimumtine.' 346 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. 113. Lobbln) the name of a shepherd, which seemeth to haue bene the louer & deere frende of Dido. 1 1 6. Rmhringi) agreeable for such base gyftes. 125. Faded lockes) dryed leaues. As if Nature her-selfe be- wayled the death of the Mayde. 126. Sourse) spring. 128. Mantled medoivei) for the sondry flowres are like a Mantle or couerlet wrought with many colours. 141. Phllomeli) the Nightingale : whome the Poetes faine once to haue bene a Ladye of great beauty, till being rauished by hir sisters husbande, she desired to be turned into a byrd of her name : whose complaintes be very well set forth of Ma. George Gaskin, a wittie gentleman, and the very chefe of our late rymers, who, and if some partes of learning wanted not (albee it is well knowen he altogyther wanted not learning) no doubt would haue attayned to the excellencye of those famous Poets. For gifts of wit and naturall promptnesse appeare in hym aboun- dantly. 145. Cypresse) vsed of the old Paynims in the furnishing of their funerall Pompe, and properly the [signe] of all sorow and heauinesse. 148. The fatall sisters) Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, daugh- ters 1 of Herebus and the Nighte, whom the Poetes fayne to spinne the life of man, as it were a long threde, which they drawe out in length, till his fatal howre & timely death be come ; but if by other casualtie his dayes be abridged, then one of them, that is, Atropos, is sayde to haue cut the threde in twain. Hereof commeth a common verse, Clotho colum baiulat, lachesis trahit, Atropos occat. 153. O trustlesse) a gallant exclamation moralized with great wisedom and passionate wyth great affection. 1 6 1. Beare) a frame, wheron they vse to lay the dead corse. 164. Furies} of Poetes be feyned to be three, Persephone Alecto and Megera, which are sayd to be the Authours of all euill and mischiefe. 165. Eternall night?) Is death, or darknesse of hell. 174. Eetight) happened. 178. I see) A liuely Icon, or representation, as if he saw her in heauen present. 179. Elysian fieldei) be deuised of Poetes to be a place of plea- sure like Paradise, where the happye soules doe rest in peace and eternal happynesse. 1 86. Dye would) the very e[x]presse saying of Plato in Phae- done. 1 Printed ' Atropodas, ughters. * Printed ' might.' XXVIII. (B) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 347 187. * Aster f) befall vnwares. 195. Nectar and Ambrosia) be feigned to be the drink and foode of the gods : Ambrosia they liken to Manna in scripture, and Nectar to be white like Creme, whereof is a proper tale of Hebe, that spilt a cup of it, and stayned the heauens, as yet appeareth. But I haue already discoursed that at large in my Commentarye vpon the dreames of the same Authour. 203. Meynt) Mingled. Embleme. Which is as much to say, as death blteth not. For although by course of nature we be borne to dye, and being ripened with age, as with a timely haruest, we must be gathered in time, or els of our-selues we fall like rotted ripe fruite fro the tree : yet death is not to be counted for euil, nor (as the Poete sayd a little before) as doome of ill desert. For though the tres- passe of the first man brought death into the world, as the guer- don of sinne, yet being ouercome by the death of one, that dyed for al, it is now made (as Chaucer sayth) the grene path-way to lyfe. So that it agreeth well with that was sayd, that Death byteth not (that is) hurteth not at all. (B) December. JEgloga Duodecima. Argument. THIS ^Eglogue (euen as the first beganne) is ended with a complaynte of Colin to God Pan : wherein, as weary of his former wayes, he proportioneth his life to the foure seasons of the yeare, comparing hys youthe to the spring time, when he was fresh and free from loues follye. His manhoode to the sommer, which, he sayth, was con- sumed with greate heate and excessiue drouth caused throughe a Comet or a blasinge starre, by which hee meaneth loue, which passion is comenly compared to such flames and immoderate heate. His riper yeares hee resem- bleth to an vnseasonable harueste wherein the fruites fall ere they be rype. His latter age to winters chyll & frostie season, now drawing neare to his last ende. 348 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. THC gentle shepheard satte beside a springe, All in the shadowe of a bushye brere, That Colin hight, which wel could pype and singe, For he of Tityrus his songs did lere. There as he satte in secreate shade alone, 5 Thus gan he make of loue his piteous mone. soueraigne Pan, thou God of shepheards all, Which of our tender Lambkins takest keepe : And when our flocks into mischaunce mought fall, Doest saue from mischiefe the vnwary sheepe : 10 Als of their maisters hast no lesse regarde Then of the flocks, which thou doest watch and ward : 1 thee beseche (so be thou deigns to heare Rude ditties tund to shepheards Oaten reede, Or if I euer sonet song so 1 cleare 1 5 As it with pleasaunce mought thy fancy feede) Hearken awhile, from thy greene cabinet, The rurall song of carefull Colinet. Whilome in youth, when flowrd my ioyfull spring, Like Swallow swift I wandred here and there : 20 For heate of heedlesse lust me so did sting, That I of doubted daunger had no feare. I went the wastefull woodes and forest wyde, Withouten dreade of Wolues to bene espyed. I wont to raunge amydde the mazie thickette, 25 And gather nuttes to make me Christmas game : And ioyed oft to chace the trembling Pricket, Or hunt the hartlesse hare, til shee were tame. What wreaked I of wintrye ages waste ? Tho deemed I, my spring would euer laste. 30 1 First edition ' to.' XXVIII. (B) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 349 How often haue I scaled the craggie Oke, All to dislodge the Rauen of her neste : Howe haue I wearied with many a stroke The stately Walnut tree, the while the rest Vnder the tree fell all for nuts at strife : 35 For ylike to me was libertee and lyfe. And for I was in thilke same looser yeares, (Whether the Muse so wrought me from my birth, Or I to much beleeued my shepherd peres), Somedele ybent to song and musicks mirth. 40 A good olde shephearde, Wrenock was his name, Made me by arte more cunning in the same. Fro thence I durst in derring-doe 1 compare With shepheards swayne, what-euer fedde in field : And if that Hobbinol right iudgement bare, 45 To Pan his owne selfe pype I neede not yield. For if the flocking Nymphes did folow Pan, The wiser Muses after Colin ranne. But ah, such pryde at length was ill repayde, The shepheards God (perdie, God was he none) 50 My hurtlesse pleasaunce did me ill vpbraide, My freedome lorne, my life he lefte to mone. Loue they him called, that gaue me checkmate, But better mought they haue behote him Hate. Tho gan my louely Spring bid me farewel, 55 And Sommer-season sped him to display (For loue then in the Lyons house did dwell) The raging fyre, that kindled at his ray. A comett stird vp that vnkindly heate, That reigned (as men sayd) in Venus seate. 60 1 Printed 'derring to'; but see the ' Glosse.' 35 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. Forth was I ledde, not as I wont afore, When choise I had to choose my wandring waye : But whether luck and loues vnbridled lore Would leade me forth on Fancies bitte to playe. The bush my bedde, the bramble was my bowre, 65 The Woodes can witnesse many a wofull stowre. Where I was wont to seeke the honey-Bee, Working her formall rowmes in Wexen frame : The grieslie Todestoole growne there mought I se, And loathed Paddocks lording on the same. 70 And where the chaunting birds luld me a sleepe, The ghastlie Owle her grieuous ynne doth keepe. Then as the springe giues place to elder time, And bringeth forth the fruite of sommers pryde : Also my age, now passed youngthly pryme, 75 To thinges of ryper reason selfe applyed. And learnd of lighter timber cotes to frame, Such as might saue my sheepe and me fro shame. To make fine cages for the Nightingale, And Baskets of bulrushes, was my wont : 80 Who to entrappe the fish in winding sale Was better scene, or hurtful beastes to hont ? I learned als the signes of heauen to ken, How Phabe fayles, where Venus sittes, and when. And tryed time yet taught me greater thinges ; 85 The sodain rysing of the raging seas : The soothe of byrds by beating of their wings, The power of herbs, both which can hurt and ease : And which be wont tenrage the restlesse sheepe, And which be wont to worke eternall sleepe. 90 XXVIII. (B) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 351 But ah, vnwise and witlesse Colin cloule, That kydst the hidden kinds of many a wede : Yet kydst not ene to cure thy sore hart-roote, Whose ranckling wound as yet does rifelye bleede. Why liuest thou stil, and yet hast thy deathes wound ? Why dyest thou stil, and yet aliue art founde ? 96 Thus is my sommer worne away and wasted, Thus is my haruest hastened all to rathe : The eare that budded faire, is burnt & blasted, And all my hoped gaine is turnd to scathe. 100 Of all the seede, that in my youth was sowne, Was nought but brakes and brambles to be mowne. My boughes with bloosmes that crowned were at firste, And promised of timely fruite such store, Are left both bare and barrein now at erst : 105 The flattring fruite is fallen to grownd before, And rotted, ere they were halfe mellow-ripe : My haruest wast, my hope away dyd wipe. The fragrant flowres, that in my garden grewe, Bene withered, as they had bene gathered long; no Theyr rootes bene dryed vp for lacke of dewe, Yet dewed with teares they han be euer among. Ah, who has wrought my Rosalind this spight To spil the flowres, that should her girlond dight ? And I, that whilome wont to frame my pype 115 Vnto the shifting of the shepheards foote, Sike follies nowe haue gathered as too ripe, And cast hem out, as rotten and vnsoote. The loser Lasse I cast to please no more, One if I please, enough is me therefore. 1 20 352 XXVIII. EDMUND SPENSER. And thus of all my haruest-hope I haue Nought reaped but a weedye crop of care : Which, when I thought haue thresht in swelling sheaue, Cockel for corne, and chaffe for barley, bare. Soone as the chaffe should in the fan be fynd, 125 All was blowne away of the wauering wynd. So now my yeare drawes to his latter terme, My spring is spent, my sommer burnt vp quite : My harueste hasts to stirre vp winter sterne, And bids him clayme with rigorous rage hys right. 130 So nowe he stormes with many a sturdy stoure, So now his blustring blast eche coste doth secure. The carefull cold hath nypt my rugged rynde, And in my face deepe furrowes eld hath pight : My head besprent with hoary frost I fynd, 135 And by myne eie the Crow his clawe dooth wright. Delight is layd abedde, and pleasure past, No sonne now shines, cloudes han all ouercast. Now leaue, ye shepheards boyes, your merry glee, My Muse is hoarse and weary of thys stounde : 140 Here will I hang my pype vpon this tree, Was neuer pype of reede did better sounde. Winter is come, that blowes the bitter blaste, And after Winter dreerie death does hast. Gather together, ye 1 my little flocke, 1 45 My little flock, that was to me so liefe : Let me, ah, lette me in your folds ye lock, 1 Printed 'ye together' in first edition; but 'together ye* in 1597. XXVIII. (B) THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 353 Ere the breme Winter breede you greater griefe. Winter is come, that blowes the balefull breath, And after Winter commeth timely death. Adieu delightes, that lulled me asleepe, Adieu my deare, whose loue I bought so deare : Adieu my little Lambes and loued sheepe, Adieu ye Woodes that oft my witnesse were : Adieu good Hobbinol, that was so true, Tell Rosalind, her Colin bids her adieu. COLINS EMBLEME. [Vivitur ingenio: cater a mortis erunt.~\ \ GLOSSE. 4. Tityrus) Chaucer, as hath bene oft sayd. 8. Lambkins) young lambes. n. Als of their) Semeth to expresse Virgils verse Pan curat oues ouiumque magistros. 13. Deigne) voutchsafe. 17. Cabinet) Colinef) diminutiues. 25. Mazii) for they be like to a maze whence it is hard to get out agayne. 39. Peres) felowes and companions. 40. Musicfc) that is Poetry, as Terence sayth Qui artem trac- tant musicam speking of Poetes. 43. Derring doe) aforesayd 2 . 57. Lions house) He imagineth simply that Cupid, which is loue, had his abode in the whote signe Leo, which is in the middest of somer ; a pretie allegory, whereof the meaning is, that loue in him wrought an extraordinarie heate of lust. 58. His ray) which is Cupides beame or flames of Loue. 59. A Comete) a biasing starre, meant of beautie, which was the cause of his whote loue. 1 Not in first edition. 2 ' Manhoode and chevalrie'; Glosse to October. 354 XX VIII. EDMUND SPENSER. 60. Venus) the goddesse of beauty or pleasure. Also a signe in heauen, as it is here taken. So he meaneth that beautie, which hath alwayes aspect to Venus, was the cause of all his vnquietnes in loue. 67. Where I ee is omitted in the Royal MS., but retained in the Arundel MS. Cf. the phrase ' Why cumbereth it the ground?' Luke xiii. 7. 301. The Arundel MS. has/or/A brynge ; in the Royal MS. it is bryng forthe. The word as, after 'truste, is also from the Arundel MS.; the other MS. omits it. 598. Mr. Wright says that the story here related is a common one, in 77. THOMAS OCCLEVE. 371 different forms, in the Middle Ages. He observes that it resembles in some respects the well-known story of King Lear and his three daughters. Note, know not ; better spelt noot. Canace. Occleve says that he does not know in what country this place is. Neither do I, unless it be Canosa in the south-east of Italy. 600. Haunted in partie, used in part. In this stanza, MS. J. [St. John's Coll.] has mekill for muche, as that for as in 1. 2, so vp for up in 1. 3, and of his for of in 1. 5 ; all improve- ments to the metre. 601. Outrage, extravagance; cf. outrageous, in st. 600. In this stanza, MS. J. has And whan for And in 1. 3, and aswage for swage in the same line; line 4 runs ' They wexid vnkynde to hym anoon ;' and in 1. 6, it has weren for were. 602. Cheuyce of, provide with. 605. Not but, only ; nobbut is still common in the North. Several passages in our older authors shew that the partitions between bed- chambers were often of very slight make. Thus in the romance of Sir Tristram we read, ' A borde he tok oway Of her bour.' p. 1 14. On which Sir W. Scott remarks, ' The bed-chamber of the queen was constructed of wooden boards, or shingles, of which one could easily be removed.' See also Havelok, ed. Skeat, 1. 2076. 606. In 1. 1, MS. J. has slepten for slept. In 1. 4, it has shulden for shuld. In 1. 7, writhid for wrestede. 608. Dresse hem -upward, lit. make themselves ready (or direct them- selves) upwards, i. e. rise from their beds. 611. Also, as. Etymology tells us that as is simply a contraction of also. 612. Me dresse, turn, or direct myself, return. 615. In-fere, together. Assoile, resolve, answer. 616. Tolde, counted. 618. Prechours, the Preachers or Dominican Friars. Freres grey, the Franciscan Friars. Karmes, the Carmelites or White Friars. See note on Sect. I. p. 357. Mr. Wright notes that, in London, the house and church of the Carmelites stood on the South side of Fleet Street, between the Temple and Salisbury Court. 619. Of hem, from them, the friars. TaJeeth, take ye. By, concerning. B b 2 372 NOTES. 620. Her berdes shotted he both smothe and dene, shaved their beards neatly and cleanly. To shave or make the beard was a proverbial ex- pression, signifying to cheat. Compare ' Yet can a miller make a clerkes beard.' Chaucer, Reeves Tale, 176. Tyrwhitt says, ' Faire la barbe, Fr., is to shave, or trim the beard ; but Chaucer translates the phrase literally . . . Boccace has the same meta- phor, Decam. viii. 10. Speaking of some exorbitant cheats, he says, that they applied themselves " non a radere ma a scorticare huomini;" and a little lower, " si a soavemente la barbiera saputo menare il rasoio." ' 621. Do, done. Dressen hem, direct themselves, i.e. go. Where as, where that. Or, ere. Pekked moode, pecked mud : or, as we should now say, ate dirt. 623. Here, having ended his story, Occleve proceeds to apply the moral to his own case. Having spent all his money, and not knowing how to appear rich like John of Canace, he finds no man to care for him ; all he can do is to appeal to King Henry V for payment of the annuity promised him. Sette, miswritten for set, the contracted form of setteth, 3rd pers. sing, indicative. MS. J. reads 'The indigent men men settyn nothing by.' Clearly the right reading is 'The indigent men setten nothing by;' i.e. the indigent (person) men set no store by; no one cares for the poor. So setth, so says Poverty, who justifies himself in the case of every man who is foolishly extravagant. Herefoole-large is a coined compound word, like foole-largely above. Large in Old English commonly means ' profuse,' ' lavish.' 624. In 1. 4, MS. J. has sore, and don for and do ; an improvement. Stanzas 624-626 should be compared with La Male Regie de T. Hoc- cleve, a poem printed in Shorter English Poems, ed. Morley, p. 57. 625. Gone, yawn ; cf. gone in Gower, 1. 238, in Specimens II. sect. 20. His small stuffe, its small contents. In 1. 4, MS. J. has Isworn for tworne. My lord, i. e. Henry V, to whom the poem is addressed. In like manner, Chaucer addressed his ' Compleynt to his Purse ' to Richard II, praying him to ' have mind upon his supplication.' III. JOHN LYDGATE. 373 III. JOHN LYDGATE. (A) London Lyckpeny. THIS piece has been several times printed ; see Strutt's Manners and Customs of the People of England, vol. iii. p. 59 ; A Chronicle of London (printed in London, 1827), p. 265 ; and vol. ii. of the Percy Society's publications, p. 103. The two MSS. of it are the Harleian MSS. 367 and 542 in the British Museum; both of them are printed in ' A Chronicle of London,' which was edited by Sir H. Nicolas. Mention is made of the Court of King's Bench, the Court of Common Pleas, and the Rolls Court. ' The three courts of the King's Bench, the Common Pleas, and the Exchequer, had each of them a perfectly distinct and separate existence. The Court of King's Bench had the control of all the inferior tribunals and the cognizance of all trespasses against the king's peace ; the Court of Exchequer had cognizance of all cases relating to the revenue ; and the Court of Common Pleas was the only tribunal for causes of a purely civil nature between private persons. The Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer still retain each of them its peculiar juris- diction ; and the Common Pleas is still the only court in Westminster in which a real action can be tried ; but the great mass of causes between party and party may now be brought indiscriminately in any of the three courts.' English Cyclopaedia, s. v. Courts; iii. 301. It must be remarked, however, that the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer often contrived to secure business which properly belonged to the Court of Common Pleas ; and hence Lydgate represents himself as carrying his complaint from one court to another. The word Lycltpeny has been explained as being an epithet of London. London is said to be a lickpenny in the sense that it licks up the pence that come near it. I believe this explanation to be the true one. Mr. Halliwell suggests ' lackpenny,' with reference to the situation in which the poet found himself; but this would require an article before it, as The London Lackpenny. Moreover, Mr. Halliwell has entirely overlooked the fact that this expression would signify a Londoner with- out pence ; whereas the poet describes himself as a countryman, a man of Kent, who had come to London for the day, with the hope of succeeding in some litigation ; hence he begins by saying, ' To London once my steppes I bent.' We must therefore conclude that the poet did not intend to describe the experiences of a country lack-penny, but his adventures whilst wander- ing through London the lick-penny. In confirmation of this, Mr. G. 374 NOTES. Ellis quotes from Howell's Londinopolis, p. 406, the following : ' Some call London a lick-penny (as Paris is called, by some, a pick-purse) be- cause of feastings, with other occasions of expense and allurements, which cause so many unthrifts among country gentlemen, and others, who flock into her in such excessive multitudes.' Besides all which, Lydgate had a penny; see st. 14. The poet describes his peregrinations ; from his description he seems to have crossed the Thames and landed at Westminster, where he first went to the Court of King's Bench, then to the Court of Common Pleas, then to the Court of Chancery, Westminster Hall, and Westminster Gate. He next bent his steps towards London, passing up Cheapside, out of which he turned aside to Cannon Street and East Cheap ; and then retraced his steps towards Cornhill, where he spent his penny on a pint of wine. Being by this time tired of London he made the best of his way to Billingsgate, and so at last returned to Kent. Stanza i. Faynt, weak, nearly extinct. He expected to find truth flourishing hi London, but was certainly disappointed. Spede, thrive, succeed. 3. Ryckard, &c. Mr. Todd, in his Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer, p. 249, quotes from a commentary on Fortescue by Waterhous, explain- ing the condition of the Franklins in olden time, in the course of which he says : ' Of this race of men, who were and are but plain Good Man, and John, and Thomas, many in Kent and Middlesex especially, besides sparsim in every severall County, have been men of Knights' estate, who could dispend many hundreds a year, and yet put up to raise daughters' portions,' &c. A good deal of their money was, doubtless, often spent in going to law. 4. Common place, Common Pleas. I find the same spelling used in Stow's Survey of London. It also occurs below, sect. XIV (A). 316. Sylken hoode. The law-sergeants used to wear hoods of white silk. See note to Piers the Plowman (Clar. Press Series), Prol. 210. Mum, i. e. the least possible sound made with closed lips. The whole of this stanza appears to be copied from Piers the Plowman, Prol. 210-215: ' 3it houed ]>ere an hondreth in houues of selke, Seriauntz it semed fat serueden atte barre, Plededen for penyes and poundes }>e lawe, And noust for loue of owre lorde vnlese here lippes onis. pow mystest better mete ]>e myste on maluerne hulles pan gete a momme of here mouthe, but money were shewed.' 5. Rolles, the Court of Chancery. III. (A) JOHN LYDGATE. 375 6. Raye, striped cloth. Ray means properly a ray, streak, stripe ; but was commonly used in the above sense. See note to Piers the Plowman, V. 311. Of help, for help ; the usual phrase. Cf. Shakespeare, Othello, iii. 3- 212. 7. Flemynges. The Flemish tradesmen in London were noted for their weaving, dyeing, wool-combing, hat manufacture, and the like. Copen. This is simply the old Flemish word for ' to buy ' ; the modem Dutch word is koopen. 8. Hygke pryme. I believe this to mean the end of the first quarter of the artificial day, or day according to the sun. This would be about 9 a.m. at the equinoxes. See note to Piers the Plowman, vi. 114, a line cited in the note to Sect. I. 1. 443 above. And see note to Sect. IV. 1. 171 below. It must be remembered that our ancestors were early risers. Cookes. This is again copied from Piers the Plowman, prol. 225 : ' Cokes and here knaues crieden, " Hote pies, hote 1 Code gris [pigs'] and gees, gowe dyne, gowe 1 " Tauerners vntil hem tolde pe same, . " White wyn of Oseye and red wyn of Gascoigne, Of }>e Ryne and of J>e Rochel, J>e roste to defye." ' It was the practice for tradesmen thus to tout for custom, standing out- side their shop-doors. See Chambers' Book of Days, i. 349. 9. In the ryse, on the bough. So in Chaucer, Milleres Tale, 138: ' As whyt as is the blosme upon the rys.' Bede, offer. 10. Chepe, West Cheap or Cheapside. Mr. Riley remarks that a great portion of the northern side, as far as Guildhall, was formerly open ground. 11. London stone. A fragment of London stone is still preserved in Cannon Street, formerly Canwick or Candlewick Street. It is built into the street wall of the Church of St. Swithin. In Riley's Liber Albus, Canewykestrete is mentioned at p. 478; and John de Londoneston occurs as a proper name at p. 91. Cf. Shakespeare, 2 Hen. VI. iv. 6. Met I. Altered to comes me in the MS., though perhaps with little reason. Ryshes, rushes : misprinted ryster by Halliwell. Greete, cry aloud. 12. By cock, a vulgar corruption, answering to the old French parde, i.e. par dieu. Jenlien and Julyan, evidently the subjects of street-ballads. Pos- sibly Julian is the St. Julian whose life is narrated in Caxton's Golden Legende, and in an old MS. metrical Lives of the Saints. Chaucer 376 NOTES. compares his Franklin to St. Julian, and Sir John Mandeville identifies the saint with Simon the leper. See Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, i. cxlviii. (ed. 1840) : i. 247 (ed. 1871). There mede, their reward. They sang to get pence. 14. Taverner ; see note to st. 8. Yede, went. In st. 1 3 we have yode ; cf. A. S. ge-eode. 15. 7 lyst not; the true reading is probably me list not, it does not please me. List in Old English is commonly an impersonal verb. The boatman tells him that it is not yet his pleasure to bestow an alms. 1 6. Convayd me, conveyed myself, made my way. Lydgate does not tell us how he got across the Thames. Probably he went over London Bridge ; if so, there could have been, in his day, no toll to be paid by foot passengers. Of the law, with the law. Dyght me, prepared myself, resolved ; he resolved to do as he had ever done, i.e. to put up with grievances, and get on as well as he could. We may compare Lydgate's experience with a piece which Warton quotes as a specimen of Sir Thomas More's juvenile poetry : ' A man of lawe that never sawe The wayes to bye and sell, Wenyng to ryse by marchaundyse, I praye God spede hym well ! A marchaunt eke, that wyll goo seke By all the meanes he may, To fall in sute tyll he dispute His money cleane away, Pletyng the lawe for every strawe, Shall prove a thrifty man With bate and strife ; but, by my life, I cannot tell you whan !' (B) From the Storie of Thebes. Besides the Arundel and Trinity MSS., there are several others, of which the best seem to be MS. Addit. 18632 and the Royal MS. 18 D ii. both in the British Museum. In the black-letter edition of 1561, our extract begins on fol. ccclxvi. Warton gives a long account of this poem. He says : ' Our author's originals are Guido Colonna, Statius, and Seneca the tragedian. . . . Lydgate, in this poem, often refers to myne anctor, who, I suppose, is either Statius or Colonna. He sometimes cites Boccaccio's Latin tracts; particularly the Genealogiae Deorum, a work which at the restoration of learning greatly contributed to III. (B) JOHN LYDGATE. 377 familiarise the classical stories ; De Casibus Virorum Illustrium, the groundwork of the Fall of Princes ; and De Claris Mulieribus, in which Pope Joan is one of the heroines. . . . He also characterises Boccaccio for a talent, by which he is not now so generally known, for his poetry ; and styles him, "among poetes in Itaile stalled." But Boccaccio's Theseid was yet in vogue.' With respect to the execution of the poem, he says : ' This poem is the Thebaid of a troubadour. The old classical tale of Thebes is here clothed with feudal manners, enlarged with new fictions of the Gothic species, and furnished with the descriptions, cir- cumstances, and machineries, appropriated to a romance of chivalry.' He also thus refers to the story of Tydeus : ' Tydeus having a message to deliver to Eteocles, king of Thebes, enters the hall of the royal palace, completely armed and on horseback, in the midst of a magnificent festival. This palace, like a Norman fortress, or feudal castle, is guarded with barbicans, portcullises, chains, and fosses.' And again : ' Tydeus, being wounded, sees a castle on a rock, whose high towers and crested pinnacles of polished stone glitter by the light of the moon : he gains admittance, is laid in a sumptuous bed of cloth of gold, and healed of his wound by a king's daughter.' The latter passage will be found in the extract, lines 1217-1379. Line 1065. His massage, his message. The argument of the preceding part of the story is as follows : Eteocles and Polynices, having dethroned their father CEdipus, king of Thebes, agree to reign alternately, each for a year. Eteocles is chosen to reign the first year ; at the expiration of which he refuses to resign. Polynices therefore goes to Adrastus, king of Argos, to solicit aid against his brother. He there chances to meet Tydeus, and, to quote Warton, ' Tydeus and Polymite [Polynices] tilt at midnight for a lodging, before the gate of the palace of King Adrastus ; who is awakened with the din of the strokes of their weapons, which shake all the palace, and descends into the court with a long train by torch-light. He orders the two combatants to be disarmed, and clothed in rich mantles studded with pearls ; and they are conducted to repose by many a stair to a stately tower, after being served with a refection of hypocras from golden goblets. The next day they are both espoused to the king's two daughters, and entertained with tournaments, feasting, revels, and masques.' A triple alliance being thus formed between Ad- rastus, Polynices, and Tydeus, the last-mentioned undertakes to deliver a message to Eteocles, claiming the crown of Thebes for Folynices. The message being met by a refusal, Tydeus denounces war, and makes the best of his way out of Thebes. At this point our extract commences. See Statius, Thebaidos lib. ii. 467. A translation of Statius into English 378 NOTES. verse, by T[homas] S[tephens], was printed in 1648 ; a translation by Lewis will be found in vol. xiv. of Anderson's British Poets. 1067. As he that list, like one who chose. List is properly an imper- sonal verb, but in the fifteenth century it began to be used personally. See 1. 1130. 1076. Arge, Argos, then governed by King Adrastus. 1079. Kyng, i.e. Eteocles, king of Thebes. 1 08 1. Euel apayd, ill pleased. The first foot in the line consists of the single word In. 1085. See, seat, throne. 1089. The word The seems required at the beginning of the line, by the sense even more than by the metre. It is not unusual to find lines in which the first foot consists of but one syllable, as in 1. 1081 above. Most of Lydgate's lines scan much better than they appear to do at first sight, if they be read out loud, with a slow and measured pronunciation, sounding all the lighter syllables fully, and with an even intonation. Much of the difference between his metre and our modern verses is due to the change of pronunciation and intonation ; for these have altered, in many words, more than the spelling has done. 1090. Fast requires a final e, being an adverb, both here and in 1. 1074. In both places, read/aste. 1091. Chooce, chosen men ; cf. Gk. tKAo-yiy. 1095. Vp peyn, upon pain; so in Chaucer, Cant. Tales, 1. 7853. Up is used in Old English where a penalty is implied ; see Matzner, Eng. Gram. ii. i. 320. Her hede, their heads. 1098. Myn autour, probably Statius ; for although Statius does not here mention the number, he does so in other passages : Thebaidos lib. iii. 76, 363. Vnwarly, unawares. Tencombre, to encumber, overwhelm by numbers, noi. Rubric. At the end of the rubric ed. 1561 adds in his repaire, i. e. on his return. 1 102. Geyn, convenient, short. 1104. Only of, purely out of treason, &c. So in 1. 1106, of cruel malys. 1107. Thorgh a forest, &c. Cf. Statius, Theb. ii. 496 : Pert uia per dumos propior, qua calle latenti Praecelerant, densaeque legunt compendia siluae. Lecta dolis sedes : gemini procul urbe malignis Faucibus urgentur colles, quos umbra superni Montis, et incuruis claudunt iuga frondea siluis : Insidias natura loco, caecamque latendi 777. (B) JOHN LYDGATE. 379 Struxit opem : medias arete secat aspera rupes Semita, quam subter campi, deuexaque latis Arua iacent spatiis.' There is a very similar description in Virgil, JEa. xi. 522 : ' Est curuo anfractu uallis, accommoda fraudi Armonimque dolis ; quam densis frondibus atrum Urget utrinque latus ; tenuis quo semita ducit, Angustaeque ferunt fauces, aditusque maligni.' 11 12. Spynx, the Sphinx. When CEdipus solved her riddle, the Sphinx threw herself from a cliff of the mountain and perished. 1113. Nothing war, in no degree aware in his thoughts. 1118. Wisse, teach him, viz. to teach him the way. 1137. Be compos envyroun, by a compass around, i.e. on all sides at once. 1143. In every half, on every side. 1145. Founde, with a final e, because it is plural. Ed. 1561 inserts it after founde. 1146. Was mad, was made to alight on foot, to dismount. So grounded, in the next line, means brought upon the ground, thrown down. 1153. Took, i.e. entered. Of ful high prudence, because of his great prudence. 1 1 64. With water turned doun, detached by (the effect of) water. 1165. This hurling of a stone by a warrior is described by Homer, II. v. 302, &c. ; and by Virgil, JEn. xii. 896. 1167. For the nonys, for the occasion. This is the exact meaning of the expression, which is here used quite correctly. 1174. Left, remained. So also in Sect. II. st. 607. 1 182. Saue oon, save one. His name, according to Statius, was Mseon, the son of Hsemon. 1 1 86. For a wedde, for a pledge. Spedde is miswritten for sped, the past participle of speed ; it rimes with wed. 1 200. Spede, succeed. 1201. Tendure, to endure ; cf. tenforme, 1. 1207. 1 202. Record I lake, I take as an example or proof (of this). There is a passage in Harbour's account of Bruce, in which he describes the Scottish king as fighting single-handed against no less than two hundred enemies in a narrow pass. Barbour compares this exploit with that of Tydeus, in the course of which comparison he gives a full account of the latter, telling the story better than Lydgate does ; see Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat (Early English Text Society), bk. vi. 179-284. 1213. Worthed vp, got up ; literally became up ; it is the past tense of the verb worthen (Germ, werden), to become. 380 NOTES. 1215. 'And verily, in his imagination, he was still all the while afraid of (further) treason.' 1219. Lygurgus, Lycurgus. In Statius, there is not a word about this part of the story ; he makes Tydeus return to Argos immediately after the combat. 1226, Be nyght, by night, shone against the moon, i.e. by reflecting the light thrown on it by the moon. 1 244. Grene requires a final e ; but in white and rede the final e ij omitted, because elided, since they occur before vowels. See grene and rede in 1. 1 260. 1245. Beste and reste require each a final e; but I leave them out, because they are left out in the MS., and the use of them in Lydgate is far less regular than in Chaucer. Ed. 1561 has the full forms (reste, beste) correctly. The final e, in a plural adjective, is seen in newe, 1. 1251. 1250. To, unto, till; i.e. till daybreak. Lydgate probably remem- bered Chaucer's lines in the Knightes Tale, 1. 6.53 : ' The busy larke, messager of daye, Salueth in hire song the morwe graye ; And fyry Phebus riseth vp so brighte That al the orient laugheth of the lighte, And with his stremes dryeth in the greues The siluer droppes, honging on the leues.' From this passage Lydgate borrows the word stremes for sunbeams (1. 1254), and the expression syluer dewe. 1259. That, &c., that painted the soil, by means of the green being mingled with the red. 1262. The description of Lycurgus' daughter is clearly influenced by Lydgate's reminiscences of Chaucer's Emelye, in the Knightes Tale, who was 'fresscher than the May with floures newel and of whom Chaucer says that ' in the gardyn at the sonne vpriste Sche walketh vp and doun wher as hire liste.' 1267. Allures. Warton says (Hist. Eng. Poetry, ii. 300) that Lydgate, in his description (in his Troyboke) of the city of Troy, relates how ' the sides of every street were covered with fresh alures of marble, or cloisters, crowned with rich and lofty pinnacles, and fronted with taber- nacular or open work, vaulted like the dormitory of a monastery, and called deambulatories, for the accommodation of travellers in all weathers.' In a footnote we find it explained by ' allies [alleys] or covert-ways ; Lat. Alura ; as in " Alura quae ducit a coquina conventus usque ad cameram prioris;" Hearne's Otterb. Praef. Append, p. cxi. Hearne derives it from Ala, a wing or side. Rather from [French] Aller, whence iv. JAMES i (OF SCOTLAND]. 381 A lle,e, alley. Robert of Gloucester mentions the ladies standing "upc [upon] the alurs of the castle" to see a tournament.' In the last instance, the expression no doubt means that the ladies stood upon the leads with which the covered ways were protected ; hence we find Lord Surrey speaking of the ladies upon the leads. See Sect. XIX. (F), 16, p. 219. 1268. Goo, gone; cf. ago. So also we find do for done, Sect. II. st. 621. 1274. 'Fell into a kind of fear.' Ed. 1561 has/er*. 1276. Abonte certainly has a final e, fully pronounced ; this e is a remnant of the an in the Saxon form onbulan. 1293. 'And have pity on him, by reason of her womanhood.' In 1. 1296, of means by; in 1. 1302 it means upon. 1336. Her thogkte, it seemed to her. 1349. Leches, physicians. 1 35 2. Taswage, to assuage. Tapese, to appease. 1359. Taken kep, take care, watch. 1360. Anyghtes, on nights, every night. So also aday, daily. Slep, slept. The A. S. pt. t. is ic sle/>. 1367. Bywelde hym, &c., exercise his limbs in any way he liked. 1377. ' While he lives, in anything she might command him to do.' 1378. Arge, Argos. The return of Tydeus to Argos is told in Statius, Theb. iii. 324: ' lamque remensus iter fesso Danaeia Tydeus Arua gradu, uiridisque legit deuexa Prosymnae.' 1381. Repeir, repairing homewards, return. 1390. Polymytes, Polynices. 1392. Vn&ounded, unhealed. Our extract goes as far as 1. 406, lib. iii. of Statius. IV. JAMES I (OF SCOTLAND). JAMES I was murdered on the 2Oth of February, 1437, in the forty-fourth year of his age. and the thirteenth of his actual reign. For an account of his life and poetry see particularly Irving' s Lives of the Scottish Poets, i. 287-335. In the appendix to the first volume of Pinkerton's History of Scotland will be found ' A full lamentable Cronycle of the Dethe and false Murdure of James Stewarde, last Kynge of Scottys.' This account differs in many particulars from that given by Bower and other Scottish historians. In an edition of the Mirrour for Magistrates, printed in 1563, there is a legend written by Baldwyn, and entitled ' How Kyng James the First, for breaking his othes and bondes, was by God's 382 NOTES. suffraunce miserably murdered of his owne Subiectes ; ' but this was omitted in later editions. There are other editions of the Kingis Quair, besides those by Tytler and Chalmers, as e. g. one printed at Perth in 1 786 ; and an edition, with notes and glossary, by E. Thompson, of Ayr, in 1824. In 1884, 1 edited it myself for the Scottish Text Society. Warton has a note upon the poem in his Hist, of Eng. Poetry, sect, xxv., note the first ; ii. 328, ed. 1840; iii. 121, ed. 1871. The word quair, our modem quire, was originally applied to any small book. Thus Lydgate begins the last stanza of his Chorle and Bird with the line ' Goo, litell quayer, and recomande me/ &c. Roxburghe Club edition, 1818. Again, in the colophon to the Paternoster, Ave, and Credo, printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1509, we are told that Thomas Betson 'drewe and made the contentes of this litell quayer and exhortation.' See also Skel ton's Works, ed. Dyce, i. 422. The extract here given may be compared with the edition of the Kingis Quair, in ' The Poetic Remains of some of the Scottish Kings,' by G. Chalmers, 1824 ; p. 84. The text given by Chalmers is modernized throughout, except in the case of such words as he prints in italics. It is consequently not very correct, neither are the notes quite to be depended upon. I quote a few of them, which I mark with the letter C. Stanza 152. Endlong, along; A.S. andlang, Germ, entlang. Matter soun, kind of sound. 153. Sonne ; the final e is sounded, being preserved from elision by csesura. Chalmers prints sun, to the injury of the metre. 154. 'I found a way which seemed to be a highway.' The final e in hye should, perhaps, be sounded, but an extra word seems to be required. It must be carefully borne in mind that this poem is by no means written in pure Lowland-Scotch ; the influence of Chaucer was then so supreme that his Scottish imitators frequently copied, not only his words, but his dialect and mode of pronunciation. 155. Fere, companion, mate. 'As Orpheus and Eurydice his fere;' Chaucer, Troilus, b. iv. 1. 791. Smaragdyne, emerald or green-coloured stone. Mr. Chalmers is puzzled to know how a panther can be like an emerald ; but we must remember that the poet of course follows the usual descriptions given in the old so-called ' Bestiaries,' or descriptions of beasts. These con- . tain some of the wildest notions, quite at variance with all facts. An old iv. JAMES i. (OF SCOTLAND). 383 English Bestiary is printed in Wright and Halliwell's Reliquiae Antiquse, vol. i. p. 208, and is reprinted in Matzner's Altenglische Sprachproben. The Bestiary of Philip de Thaun, in old Norman-French, is printed in Mr. Wright's Popular Treatises on Science. Again, there is a descrip- tion of the panther in the Codex Exoniensis, or collection of Anglo- Saxon poetry from a MS. at Exeter, edited by Mr. Thorpe, 1842. The latter describes the panther as of various colours, like Joseph's coat. All the descriptions agree in assigning to the panther a deliciously sweet odour ; see note to Sect. XXVII. 64. Slawe ass, slow ass, the drudging beast of pain ; i. e. of painful toil. ' Werely or warlike porcupine, armed with quills.' C. Lvfar vnicorne. Lufar, i. e. lover. Why the unicorn is called a lover, is sufficiently clear from the description in Philippe de Thaun. When a hunter wishes to catch a unicorn, he instructs a young girl to entice it ; the unicorn goes to sleep on the girl's lap, and then the hunter has him fast. ' The unicorn humbleth himself to a maid ;' Calisto and Meliboea; in Old Plays, ed. Hazlitt, i. 81. His 'ivory horn' was supposed to dispel poison. Thus Alviano (Venetian general, died I 5 1 5) took the device of a unicorn putting his horn into water before drinking, with the motto Venena pello (I dispel poisons). See Mrs. Palliser's Devices, Badges, &c. p. 21. 156. Fery, fiery. Not ' active.' Standar oliphant, elephant that always stands. The elephant was said to have only one joint in his legs, and so could not lie down. He used to lean against a tree to go to sleep. See Philippe de Thaun, p. 1 01. The wedowis Inemye, the widow's enemy; because he steals her chickens. An evident allusion to Chaucer's Nonne Prestes Tale, which see. Clymbare gayte, goat that climbs. Alblastrye, warlike weapon for shooting. An arblast or alblast (Lat. arcubalista) is any kind of catapult or crossbow. Mr. Chalmers suggests that the sinews of the elk may have been used for bow- strings. HerTtnere bore, listening boar, boar with keen hearing. Holsum grey for hortis, badger, wholesome for hurts or wounds. Badgers' teeth, &c., were a charm against all things harmful ; Cockayne's Leechdoms, i. 327. Mr. Chalmers is hopelessly wrong here, and fre- quently elsewhere. He supposes it to mean a greyhound, wholesome for the gardens ; why it is so, he leaves to the reader's ingenuity. 157. Bugill, drawar, ox, who draws. The Bugle, or wild ox, is de- scribed in Topsell's Four-footed Beasts, ed. 1658, p. 45. 384 NOTES. Martrik, marten. Foyn^ee, probably the beech-marten. Tippit as the lete, tipped like jet, i. e. on its tail. Nocht say ho, never says stop! The word ho is an interjection, meaning ' stop 1 ' ' cease ! ' See Chaucer. For toy, read say is. 157. Lesty, lusty; i.e. pretty, as usual. Ravin, ravenous. 158. To purpose, to my purpose, to my story. Furth, forth, along ; the Scottish trilled r makes this word almost dissyllabic fur-r-th. In hye, in haste ; a mere expletive. Used by Barbour some hundred times. 159. Spide is evidently a mistake of the scribe for espide, or rather aspide, the usual Middle English form. See Chaucer. Cleuering, clinging ; holding on as a cat holds on by its claws, which are called in Middle English clivers. 1 60. Glewis ; a word is here omitted, probably because the scribe did not understand it. The right word is certainly glewis. The old Eng. glew, modem glee, meant a game or sport, but was used with particular reference to the tricks of fortune ; so that glewis answers in sense to our modem freaks. See Glew in Jamieson's Diet. ; and Bar- bour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, i. 90, vi. 658. Instead of C/, the usual abbre- viation for and, Mr. Chalmers prints an italic Q_ upside down, and supposes it to mean askew is (as Q_/s) ! Anewis, probably rings, from Lat. annnlus, O. Fr. anel, also spelt aniau, aigniau, &c. See Roquefort. 161. Degautit, spotted. Self, same ; alluding to the black tails with which white ermine is ornamented. Chiere, cheer, demeanour. Alyte, put for a lyte, a little. Slake, i. e. slacken or leave off frowning, and so begin to smile. And, if. For must be inserted. At one contenance, in one aspect. 162. We must either read pitte, or insert as. 163. Weltering, rolling, turning. Fortune's wheel is represented as turning on a horizontal axis, whilst numbers of men cling on to it. As some suddenly clutch at it, or fall off into the pit beneath, it as suddenly turns round. 164. ' And, on the wheel (viz. near the highest point), there was a small vacant space, nearly stretched across (like an arch) from the lower to the higher part of it ; and they must be clever who long sat in their place there, so unsteadily, at times, she caused it to go on one side. iv. JAMES i (OF SCOTLAND}. 385 There was nothing but climbing up and immediately hurrying down ; and there were some too who had fallen so sorely, that their courage for climbing up again was gone.' Fallyng is for fallen, the past participle. This singular spelling occurs several times in the Scottish MS. of Lancelot of the Laik, ed. Skeat ; so also in Sect. XXII. 5517, below. So must be supplied before sore; it was omitted owing to the repetition of the letters s, o. 165. We must supply thame. Ythrungin, thrust. We must supply thought, i. e. hoped, tried, 1.6. 167. Lyis the on hert, lies upon thy heart. Stant, stands, is. For lufe, for love, viz. love of Lady Jane Beaufort. Endlong and otterthwert, along and across (clearly copied from. Chaucer, Knightes Tale, 1133) ; 'through my whole frame.' C. 1 68. Bring should probably be bringen, the Chaucerian form; bring, being the Scottish infinitive, would naturally be used by a northern scribe, who could not see the use of the ending -e, or -en, which James probably used owing to his habit of affecting Anglicisms. In the word slokin in this stanza, the ending -in is no sign of a mood, but an integral part of the verb itself, from the Icelandic slokna, Middle English sloknen. In poynt to mate, on the point of being defeated ; with allusion to chess. See Mate in Nares, and observe the next note. 169. Fundin stale, (perhaps) found or experienced a stale-mate. An allusion to chess, as in the last stanza. Jamieson explains stale by stall, i. e. prison ; but this would have been spelt stall ; see st. 1 70, 1. 3. Clymben. See note on the last stanza ; and cf. st. 164, 1. 5. Wantis, lackest. Veray hertis hele, health (or safety) of thy very heart. I. e. thou lackest thy queen, who would save the king (thyself) from being mated. 170- Ycallit. Here again, James probably used the non-Scottish form, as he uses ythrungin in St. 165. The scribe would naturally set it right, as he supposed. Sulde = which should ; that should, the omis- sion of the relative being usual. Hert becomes dissyllabic by trilling the letter r, just as farls is so hi Burns' Holy Fair. So also turns at the end of the stanza. Stallit, placed, kept within thine own heart. ' Kept in your own mind, without the comfort of communication with your friends.' C. Be froward opposyt, by means of the perverse men opposite you. This seems to refer to the idea of the wheel ; the king is prevented from C C 3 86 NOTES. climbing tip by enemies, but as for these enemies, fortune prophesies that ' now shall they turn, and look upon the dirt.' But this does not explain the hopelessly difficult phrase, quhare till aspert, the explanation of which is uncertain. The best explanation is that in Murray's New Eng. Dictionary. He gives ' aspert, from O. F. espert, variant of apert, probably mixed with espert [expert], apt, ready, clever.' I further suspect that quhartill should be thartill, thereto. 'Though thy beginning has been retrograde, by means of the froward (ones) opposite, whereunto they were ready ' ; or, ' owing to the froward ones opposite, who were apt for such doings.' The metaphor is strained because the poet, whilst talking of the turning wheel of fortune, brings in the astrological terms retrograde and opposite, as if he were casting a horoscope. 171. Prime. 'In ancient times, the hours, according to the times of devotion, were divided into two parts. From six in the morning till nine was called the spatium orationum primarum, or the hour of prime. Thus Milton : " praise him in thy sphere, While day arises, that sweet hour of prime" Par. Lost, v. 170.' C. But the fact is, that prime is used in more senses than one in Early English, and it is doubtful whether Chalmers' quotation from Milton is to the point. The context shews that prime has here the meaning of the first quarter of the day, which is from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the equinoxes. An hour or more over prime comes to something past 10 o'clock, and causes half of the day to be near away. 172. If&eis here equivalent to maybe, the sense is ' Take warning of this (or, by these) before that thou be rolled from my wheel like a ball.' Be is generally the subjunctive mood, and pronouns such as thou are sometimes omitted. Or, for That, read Thou. Vale, sink. This dream of the king's may be compared to the dream of King Arthur, described in Malory's Morte Darthur (see p. 77, 1. 20), and in the alliterative Morte Arthure, ed. Perry, 11. 3251-3393- 173. Goste, spirit. Artow drest, art thou treated. Walking, waking. It may be remarked that this stanza is evidently imitated from Chaucer. Compare ' O wery ghost, that errest to and fro, Why nilt thou flien out of the wofulleste Body, that ever might on grounde go ? O soule, lurking in this wofull neste, Fly forthout mine herte, and let it breste.' Troilus and Creseide (ed. Tyrwhitt), bk. iv. 1. 302. V. (A) REGINALD PECOCK. 387 V. REGINALD PECOCK. (A) Many things are allowable that are not prescribed in Scripture. THIS first extract will be found at p. 117 of Mr. Babington's first volume. It has been carefully collated with the MS. itself, but I have not deemed it necessary to denote by italics the letters signified by marks of abbreviation. These marks are throughout simple, and not to be mistaken ; but, as almost every n is denoted by a stroke over the preceding vowel, the pages would have been inconveniently crowded with italic 's. The language of the ' Represser ' is so clear as to require but little explanation. The spelling is especially worth notice, as the reader who will observe it attentively may perhaps be led to think it better, in many cases, than the spelling in present use, when allowance has been made for the changes in the language. Some remarks upon Pecock will be found in Milman's Annals of St. Paul's, pp. 92-97, and in Massingberd's Hist, of the Reformation, p. 24>3. i. pat JJOM. This is addressed to a Wyclifite. The Wyclifites or Lollards adopted the opinion that no ordinance is to be esteemed a law of God, which is not grounded in Scripture ; from which they proceeded to argue against the use of images, going on pilgrimages, and the like. Pecock, on the other hand, maintains that many excellent practices, which may be considered to be the ' law of God ' in that they are truly lawful, are not so much as named in Scripture at all. 6. Lay man, not preest. Pecock was doubtless thinking of Exod. xxviii. 42, where garments are ordained for the sons of Aaron, but nothing is said about the laity. 7. Cloke. But cloaks are certainly mentioned in Scripture, especially in Matt. v. 40, 'let him have thy cloak also,' and in 2 Tim. iv. 13, where St. Paul speaks of leaving his cloak at Troas. Pecock gene- rally quotes from the Wyclifite later version. For 'cloak' in Matt. v. 40, Wyclif has 'ouer-cloth' or 'mantil'; and 'cloth' in 2 Tim. iv. 13. 8. Die woollen cloo\>. But ' dyed garments ' are mentioned in Isaiah Ixiii. i, and 'dyed attire' in Ezekiel xxiii. 15 ; not to mention the 'rams' skins dyed red,' used for the tabernacle, Exod. xxv. 5. C C 2 3 88 NOTES. 10. Ovyn. The mention of an oven in Scripture generally refers to the baking of bread. The ' meat-offering baken in the oven ' in Lev. ii. 4 is no exception ; for meat here means food prepared from corn. 13. Orologis. From Fr. orloges. Pecock here refers to the ' dial of Ahaz,' Isaiah xxxviii. 8. 22. Paul. ' See i Cor. xi. 3-10. It need hardly be added that Pecock has committed an error in this sentence, the iovaia of ver. i o being cer- tainly a veil. Veils are also several times mentioned in the Old Testa- ment. See Kitto, Cycl. Bibl. Lit. s. v. Veil.' Babington. 28. Schulde not growt. On the other hand, we may recall the story of Samson. 29. As wijs ; i. e. as wise as thou (a Bible-man) considerest thyself to be in the Bible. Alluding to the name of Bible-man, frequently given to Lollards. 33. // may befotmde ; i. e. still, it may be found, and can so be proved that thou shalt not be able to deny it. 43. The book of worschiping. This work by Pecock, to which he also gives the name of The Book of signis in the chirche, is believed to be no longer extant. 54. O\>ere place. ' Probably we should read plods' Babington. He frequently handles the same subject hi other parts of the 'Represser.' 56. Berdis, beards. The shaving of the beard is, however, expressly mentioned in Scripture. It was a sign of mourning, as in the case of 'fourscore men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes rent.' Jer. xli. 5. 63. Lauyve, laugh. This is expressly recognised in Scripture in the text, 'a time to weep, and a time to laugh ;' Eccl. iii. 4. So in Luke vi. 21, ' Blessed are ye that weep now ; for ye shall laugh? Compare Gen. xxi. 6, ' And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me ;' also Ps. xxxvii. 1 3, ' The Lord shall laugh at him,' and the like. Pecock is not happy in his instances. 69. Pleie in word hi boarding, play verbally in jesting, i.e. jest amongst themselves. But certainly some case might be made out in favour of jesting, running, &c. from Scripture. Elijah's reproof of the prophets of Baal (i Kings xviii. 27) partakes much of the nature of jesting; the sun is spoken of as rejoicing ' as a strong man to run a race,' Ps. xix. 5 ; whilst, as to shooting, there is the well-known story of David and Jonathan (i Sam. xx. 35-40), which Pecock seems to have forgotten. See the English editor's preface to 'The Biglow Papers' ; Triibner, 1861. 76. Esement, i. e. pleasure. But cf. Eccles. ii. 8, where Solomon says : ' I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces ; I gat me men singers and women singers, and the V. (B) REGINALD PECOCK. 389 delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts.' This is clearly an allusion to other than sacred singing ; Solomon intended it for his own esement. 84. Ale or beer. Strong drink is frequently mentioned in the Bible as distinct from wine, but the use of it is condemned. In Solomon's Song viii. 2, we read, ' I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate,' which alludes to some drink not made from grapes. But the chief point of interest is Pecock's use of the word beer, as it is a very uncommon word in early English, whilst ale is very common. Six examples of the former word are given in Stratmann's Early English Dictionary, two of them being beore in I.ayamon, 1. 13542, and ber in King Horn, ed. Lumby, 1. 1112. Pecock also mentions cider and mead. 93. And $it }>o wolte seie. Here Pecock draws inferences which his opponents would hardly have admitted. 104. Englisch tunge or langage. 'After this follows [in the MS.] neither latyn tunge or langage, but a later (?) hand has drawn a pen through it, rightly. See Luke xxiii. 38. But very possibly Pecock wrote it, since he was capable of making such a blunder as to say that a cloak is not mentioned in Scripture.' Babington. (B) A defence of images and pictures. See Babington's edition, vol. i. p. 212. The Wyclifites attacked pictures and images in churches, and the practice of going upon pilgrim- age. Pecock defends images on the score of the ease with which they recall the stories of the saints represented. 10. Purtenancis, i.e. the special emblems by which various saints are known. St. Catharine has her wheel, St. Barbara her tower, St. Mar- garet her dragon, St. Sebastian his arrow, St. Lawrence his gridiron, and so on. See Mrs. Jameson's excellent and most interesting book on Sacred and Legendary Art. As to those mentioned by Pecock, St. Peter has his keys, St. Paul commonly a sword, whilst St. Nicholas is often found hi company with three very young boys standing in a tub, in allu- sion to the story of his bringing to life three children who had been slain, cut up, and placed in a pickle-tub. 54. Dressid and lad, directed and led, or guided. 78. Dai of seint Kateryn, November 25. But just below, he says that the pilgrimage to St. Catharine's College took place on the vigil, i. e. on the evening of Nov. 24. St. Catharine's College was more commonly known as St. Catharine's Hospital, and was close to the Tower of London. It was founded by Matilda, wife of King Stephen. See Stow's 390 NOTES. Survey of London, ed. Strype, bk. i. p. 204. It is now, as I am in- formed, in Regent's Park. 94. Gravyseende. 'Stephen Gravesend was bishop of London from A. D. 1319-1338.' Babington. See Milman's Annals of St. Paul's, p. 70. 97. Chaunceler. The Chancellor in olden times was commonly an archbishop or bishop. A list of chancellors is given in Haydn's Book of Dates, but it only goes back to the year 1487. 103. De Profundis, i.e. Ps. cxxx., called Ps. cxxix. in the Vulgate. In the Officium Mortuorum in the Sarum Missal occurs the rubric : ' In anniuersariis et trigesimis et in omnibus aliis missis pro defunctis dicitur sequens tractus De Profundis a toto choro alternatim,' &c. 113. Cheyned, chained ; alluding to the practice of fastening books by an iron chain to the reading-desk, that they might not be stolen. VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. LINE 181. Will^ham Wallace, or, &c. ; William Wallace, ere he was a man capable of bearing arms. The following apt remarks occur in the English Cyclopsedia; 'The life and exploits of this most popular national hero of the Scots have been principally preserved in a legendary form by poetry and tradition, and are only to a very small extent matter of con- temporary record or illustrated by authentic documents. . . . 'The history of Wallace down to the year 1297 is entirely legendary, and only to be found in the rhymes of Henry the Minstrel ; though many of the facts which Harry relates also still live as popular traditions in the localities where the scenes of them are laid, whether handed down in that way from the time when they happened, or only derived from his poem, which long continued to be the chief literary favourite of the Scottish peasantry. Harry, who, it may be observed, professes to translate from a Latin account written by Wallace's intimate friend and chaplain, John Blair, makes him to have been carefully educated by his uncle, a wealthy churchman, who resided at Dunipace, in Stirlingshire 1 , and to have been afterwards sent to the grammar-school of Dundee. Here his first memorable act is said to have been performed, his slaughter of the son of Selby, the English governor of the castle of Dundee, in chastisement of an insult offered him by the unwary young man : Wallace struck him 1 This is a slight error. Harry makes Wallace to have been educated by an uncle who lived at Gowrie. Besides him," Harry mentions three more of Wallace's uncles, viz. a ' wealthy churchman ' or parson named Wallace who lived at Dunipace (1. 300), Sir Raynald Crawford, who lived at Crosby (I. 316), and Sir Richard Wallace of Riccartoun (1. 355). VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. 391 dead with his dagger on the spot [as told in our extract]. This must have happened, if at all, in the year 1291, after Edward I had obtained possession of all the places of strength throughout Scotland on his re- cognition as Lord Paramount by the various competitors for the crown, which had become vacant by the death of the infant Margaret, the Maiden of Norway, in September, 1 290. This bold deed committed by Wallace, who in making his escape is asserted to have laid several of young Selby's attendants as low as their master, was immediately followed by his outlawry.' Wallace was born probably about 1270. His two chief battles against the English were the battle of Stirling Bridge, Sept. II, 1297, which for a time freed Scotland, and the battle of Falkirk, July 22, 1298, where the Scots were completely routed. Wallace was hung in Smithfield, August 23, 1305. The account of Wallace given in the book entitled ' The Greatest of the Plantagenets,' differs widely from that given by Henry the Minstrel, and should be consulted. 184. Wyss. In the MS. we frequently find a character like the German sz, which generally signifies ss, but is sometimes an abbreviation for sis in such words as hoivsis, plesis (pleases). 185. Gowry, Gowrie. The district called the Carse of Gowrie extends along the north bank of the Firth of Tay, between Perth and Dundee. Worthy man, viz. the uncle who lived at Gowrie, as appears from the context, bk. i. 1. 152 ; cf. 1. 269. 187. In-till, in, within. Both infill and into are freely used in Low- land Scotch where we should use in. 189. Mayne, moan. Observe how the Scottish long a corresponds to our long o or oa. 194. Thaim, them, i.e. the English; see 1. 190. 195. Ane, one Englishman alone, without the presence of others. This one is the antecedent to his and him in 1. 197. 200. 'For there could no man assign their deaths (lit. say them) entirely to him.' 207. Heckt, hight, was named. Owtrage is here an adjective, outrageous. 209. Vsyt, used (to go). 216. 'Who the devil clothes thee in so gay a garb? It should be thy nature to wear an Erse mantle, to bear a Scotch whittle under thy belt, and have rough shoes (of undressed hide) on thy scoundrel feet. Give me thy knife ; what means thy gear so fine?' 233. Eyme, uncle ; viz. the one at Gowrie. The reader must observe the foot-note on p. 390, or he will get much confused about Wallace's uncles. 392 NOTES. 234. Wyn, get, i.e. go. 236. For him, for the sake of Him who died on the tree. 240. At, that. Observe this word, which is a clear mark of a northern dialect. It is the Swedish att, Danish at. The layff, the rest. 241. 'A soiled kerchief (she) let fall over his head and neck, and fastened on him withal a woven white hat (or cap).' 244. Rob, a distaff; Germ. RocJeen. 249. Nocht leryt long, had not long learnt ; a jesting expression. 267. ' Unsufferable are those people of England." 282-284. This passage is so punctuated in Jamieson's edition as to be unintelligible. It means : ' Whoever asked her, she said that they were going to St. Margaret (i.e. to St. Margaret's shrine at Dunferm- line, in Fifeshire) ; whoever served her, such people always found great friendship with Southern people ; since she (St. Margaret) was of Eng- land.' The allusion is to St. Margaret of Scotland, the wife of Malcolm Canmore, who died Nov. 16, 1093, aged 47, and was buried at Dunferm- line. She was canonized by Pope Innocent IV in 1251. She was ' of England,' as being the granddaughter of Edmund Ironside, and niece of Edward the Confessor. See a sketch of her life in Chambers' Book of Days, vol. ii. p. 584. 285, 286. By 'Landoris' is meant Lindores, near Newburg, on the south bank of the Tay. The travellers crossed the Tay, and travelled southwards, crossing the Ochill Hills, to Dunfermline. 290. Lithquhow, Linlithgow, between Edinburgh and Falkirk. 291. Pilgramage, pilgrimage; viz. to St. Margaret's shrine. 296. Quhill south our forth, till, southwards, over the Forth. 298. Dunipace, in Stirlingshire, not far from Falkirk. 300. Persone, parson, called Wallace by name. 303. ' Caused him to know the land all a-stir.' 307. Westermar, more to the westward we will go. 310. Will god, if God wills that I may live. On fart, in part. 313. 'Why should I speak of (this), useless as regards the present time?' I.e. Why should I say more about Wallace's wish, which, for this time, came to nothing. 315. Elrisle. Wallace's father was Sir Malcolm Wallace of Ellerslie or Elderslie, in the neighbourhood of Paisley. 317. Understand the word who; who dwelt in Corsby, i.e. Crosby, between Largs and Ardrossan. 318. Hyr fadyr. Wallace's mother was Margaret, daughter of Sir Raynald (some say Sir Hugh) Crawfurd, who was sheriff of Ayr, as his son was after him. Her name, Margaret, no doubt enabled her to make the better pretence of going to St. Margaret's shrine. VI. HENRY THE MINSTREL. 393 319. ffyr husband, viz. Sir Malcolm Wallace, killed at Lowdoun-hill, near Galston, not far from Kilmarnock, Ayrshire ; so says our poet. 320. Hyr eldest sone. She had two sons, Malcolm and William. Malcolm, says the poet, was wounded in the sinews of the hock, &c. 324. 'To him (against him) there came more fighters then anew.' 328. Schir Ranald, i.e. Sir Raynald Crawfurd, son of the Sir Raynald mentioned in note to 1. 318. 331. Yrk ofwer, tired of war, harassed by the state of warfare. 342. 'For he knew great peril was appearing there; for they (the English) had all the strongholds of Scotland. 348, 349. ' He that offered him any scorn got a blow for it, whether he were lad or lord.' 355. 'Riccartoun is evidently a corruption of Richardtoun. It is generally supposed to have been so called from a Sir Richard Wallace, who lived in the vicinity of the village, and who is said to have been uncle to the celebrated patriot Sir William Wallace. Of his house no vestige now remains ; the place, however, where it stood, is well known. The village of Riccartoun is within one English mile of the market- place of Kilmarnock.' Quoted by Jamieson, who adds, ' v. Riccartoun, Stat. Ace. V. 117.' It is now called Riccarton. 369. Erewyn, Irvine. The river Irvine flows past Galston, Kilmarnock, and Irvine, into the Firth of Clyde. 372. Or nowne, ere noon. Cf. 1. 377. 383. Martyns fysche, fish to feast upon. St. Martin's day, Nov. II, was especially set apart as a festival on which all good things might be eaten. A cow or ox fattened up was often killed about this time and salted for consumption at Christmas, and such meat hence received the name of mart in Scotland and the north of England. St. Martin's day itself was devoted to the consumption of fat geese and plenty of new wine. Fish might serve as an introduction to such a feast. See Chambers' Book of Days, ii. 567 ; and see Martlemas in Nares' Glos- sary. 386. Waith, spoil, prey, things caught. 389. Our small, over small, too little. 393. Serwis our lady, serves our Lady. This seems to mean, eats fish to-day, out of reverence to our Lady. 399. 'Whom dost thou thouT i.e. to whom dost thou use the word thou ? In addressing a superior, it was proper to say ye ; thou savoured of familiarity or contempt. The Englishman began it ; see 1. 389. Before that, Wallace had 'meekly' said .ye; see 1. 385. Many examples of the difference between thou and ye are given hi William of Palerne, ed. Skeat, p. xli, and in Abbott's Shakespearian Grammar, third ed. p. 153. 394 NOTES. Serwts, deservest. The verb serne in Old English does duty both for serve and deserve. 402. To pout is to polte about. A poutnet is a round net fastened to two poles, by means of which the fishers poke the banks of rivers, and force the fish out of their holes. A poutstaff is one of the poles thus used. 404. 'With such goodwill, that he shook (was thrown) off his feet.' 407. Awhuart, athwart, crosswise, as in Bk. ii. 1. 109 : ' Ane othir awlewart a large straik tuk he thar;' i.e. he hit another crosswise a severe blow. Gawe, gave, sc. a blow. In Scottish we often find w for v ; so in the next line drawe is for drove, and in 1. 369 we have Erewyn for Irvine, 409. Be that, by that, by that time. 416. Quhill, till. Can ly, did lie, lay. 418. Was last, who was last. 430. Foule mote ^ow fall, may evil befall you ! 433. Bets, shall be. This northern form of the verb generally has & future sense, as in Anglo-Saxon. 435. ' He took their horses and the gear that was left there, and gave over that craft, and went to fish no more.' Hors is the same both in the singular and plural in Old English ; hence our phrase, a troop of horse; to match which, we further speak of a company of foot, though this may be short for foot-soldiers. 437. Dede. The MS. has drede, but the old editions have deid or deed. ' This is more in character, than to suppose that Wallace, after so chivalrous an achievement, should run to his uncle and tell him in what terror he was for the vengeance of the English. The term here used, indeed, seems to reduplicate on the phrase which occurs in 1. 434, this worthi werk.' Jamieson. 438. ' And he, for woe, well near began to go mad.' 446. Gud, good, i.e. money. Cum, come fetch enough from me, borrow what you like. The reader may find more specimens of the ' Wallace" in Warton's History of English Poetry, vol. ii. pp. 113-120, ed. 1840 ; vol. iii. p. 256, ed. 1871. Warton puts the poem a century too early, having been misled by a statement by Dempster and others, who assigned to it the date 1361. I suspect that 3 is here a mere slip for 4, and I therefore adopt the date 1461 as probably the correct one. Most writers say, about 1460. Several passages from Henry the Minstrel are quoted in the notes to the poem of ' William Wallace ' by Joanna Baillie. VII. CHEVY CHASE. 395 VII. CHEVY CHASE. THE whole of the Ashmole MS. 48, in which the oldest copy of ' Chevy Chase ' occurs, was printed by Mr. T. Wright for the Roxburghe Club, with the title 'Songs and Ballads of the Reign of Philip and Mary.' Several of these have the name of Richard Sheale attached to them, shewing that he was the person from whose recitation most of them were written down. Some lines of his own composition are extant, of a lugubrious character and without merit, so that we are not surprised to find him complaining of the neglect which he suffered. The MS. itself is a mere scribble, and the spelling very unsatisfactory ; but I have thought it best to reproduce it, nevertheless, as exactly as possible, since it is the sole authority. It is very probable that the original ballad was a good deal better than appears from this copy. Many of the lines, as they here stand, will hardly scan, and are mani- festly faulty, so that the true form of what must once have been a most spirited and well-written poem has wellnigh perished. The ' more modern ' version is often smoother, but at the same time weaker, and is of small assistance in helping us to imagine what the original ballad was like. I am bound to say that I entirely reject the piece of guesswork which suggests that Chevy Chase is a corruption of O. F. chevazichee, a raid. If allowed to guess in this way, we may assert anything we please. See 1. 31 of the poem itself. Line I. An avoive, a vow; see 1. 130. In old English the form avow is very common, as e. g. in Chaucer (Knightes Tale, 1379) That make I myn avow, so ye me helpe ' - whereas the form vow is unusual. Richard Sheale, who had probably learnt the ballad by ear, very naturally turned an avow into and a vow, which is nonsense. It is very likely that the popularity of this ballad has induced many to believe that and could sometimes be thrown in as an expletive at the beginning of a sentence, but this is merely an impression, and not borne out by the usage of good writers. If any other instances occur, they are ignorant imitations. This remark does not apply to Byron's poem, beginning ' And thou art dead, as young and fair ' which is a natural expression enough. 3. In the magger, a mistake for in maugre, more frequently maugre (without in) ; i. e. in spite of, Fr. mat gre. Dogles, Douglas. 4, 5. These lines are too long, and clearly corrupt. The fourth line should almost certainly be ' The fattest hartes in all cheviat he said that he wold sle.' 396 NOTES. To restore this ballad to its true old form is hopeless; we must be thankful for what we have, and make the best of it. 6. Banborowe, Bamborough, on the coast of Northumberland. Meany, company, suite. 7. XV. C, fifteen hundred. Shyars iij, three shires. This has been explained to mean three districts in Northumberland, called shires, all in the neighbourhood of Cheviot ; viz. Islandshire, named from Holy Island, Norhamshire, named from Norham, and Bamboroughshire, from Bamborough. 8. He, high. 9. In Nos. 70 and 74 of the Spectator, there is a curious critique by Addison upon the Ballad of Chevy Chase, which the reader should by all means consult. A few of his most striking remarks I shall here quote for convenience, in their proper places. It must be remembered, however, that they apply to the later form of the poem. For instance, he remarks (Spect, No. 74), What can be greater than either the thought or the expression in that stanza' " To drive the deer with hound and horn Earl Piercy took his way ; The child may rue that is unborn The hunting of that day ! " This way of considering the misfortunes which this battle would bring upon posterity, not only on those who were born immediately after the battle, and lost their fathers in it, but on those also who perished in future battles which took their rise from this quarrel of the two earls, is wonderfully beautiful, and conformable to the way of thinking among the ancient poets ; "Audiet pugnas uitio parentum Kara iuventus." Hor. [Carm. i. 2].' 10-13. These four lines form a complete stanza, with the rimes dear, cleare, shear, dear at the end, and the rimes went, bent, went, glent in the middle. To this standard the whole poem may have been intended to conform, but the difficulty was too great ; or our copy is sadly imperfect. 1 1 . Byckarte, bickered. Falsely spelt ; it should be biltJiered ; but I think it best to leave the utterly vicious spelling alone. 13. Greahondes, should be grehondes, i. e. greyhounds. Grevis, groves ; so in Chaucer. 14. Ther, probably an error for thei, they. The hyls abone, above the hills ; abone is the northern English form, to rime with none. It must not be printed above ; cf. 1. 102. Yerly, early. This peculiarity of prefixing y pervades the whole VII. CHEVY CHASE. 397 poem. In some parts of the North an oak is called a yaitt. Cf. ya'dle for ale, in Tennyson's ' Northern Farmer.' 1 6. Blewe a mart, blew a blast to celebrate the death (mart) of the deer ; the usual phrase ; see Nares. Or the MS. reading a mot, i. e. a blast on the horn, may be quite right. The is written for tkei, they, here and throughout the poem. Addison compares the preceding passage to Virgil 'Uocat ingenti clam ore Cithaeron, Taygetique canes, domitrixque Epidaurus equorum ; Et uox assensu nemorum ingeminata remugit.' Georg. lib. iii. 43. 17. Qtiyrry, miswritten for quarry, heap of dead game. 21. The word ath is a corruption of of the; see note to 1. 51. But this would give the twice over, so that we must read of. 22. The singular word brylly is clearly an error for bylle, i.e. bill. The insertion of r after b is due to the confusion with brande. 24. Feale, an error for fay le, fail. 25. The wear, they were. Yth, contracted from in the ; as in the name Strongitharm. Tividale, Teviotdale. Here the later version has ' All men of pleasant Tivydale, Fast by the riuer Tweede ' on which Addison remarks 'The country of the Scotch warriors, described in these two last verses, has a fine romantic situation, and affords a couple of smooth words for verse. If the reader compares the foregoing six lines of the song with the following Latin verses, he will see how much they are written in the spirit of Virgil. " Aduersi campo apparent, hastasque reductis Protendunt longe dextris, et spicula uibrant " : '' Quique altum Praeneste uiri, quique arua Gabinae lunonis, gelidumque Anienem, et roscida riuis Hernica saxa colunt," &c. Virg. JEn. xi. 605 ; vii. 682.' 26. Boys, miswritten for bowys, bows. See 1. 60. Lock, for loke, i. e. look. 29. Glede, glowing coal. Compare (says Addison) ' Tumus ut anteuolans tardum praecesserat agmen,' &c. ' Uidisti, quo Turnus equo, quibus ibat in armis Aureus?' [yEneid ix. 47, 269.] 31. Chyviat Chays, hunting-ground upon the Cheviot hills ; hence the name of the poem. Chase is thus shewn to be the place of hunting, not the act. See 1. 34. Chace is common in local names. 398 NOTES. 36. The ton, that one, the one, one. Speaking of Douglas, Addison says, ' His sentiments and actions are every way suitable to an hero. One of us two, says he, must die : I am an Earl as well as yourself, so that you can have no pretence for refusing the combat : however, says he, 'tis pity, and indeed would be a sin, that so many innocent men should perish for our sakes ; rather let you and I end our quarrel in single fight.' 39. Yerle, earl; cf. note to 1. 14. 40. Vppone a parti, upon a side, aside. Do, let us do. 41. Cors, curse. Crowne. head. 44. And, if; if the good fortune may chance to me. On man for on, one man to one, man to man. 46. Sothe, south. Herry the iiij, Harry the Fourth ; began to reign 1 399, died March, Jamy (mentioned hi 1. 121) began to reign in 1406. This period (1406-13) being the assigned date of the event, we may be sure that the poem was composed some time later. 47. Wat, for wot, know. Twaw, for two or tweye, two. 48. Addison says, We meet the same heroic sentiment in Virgil " Non pudet, O Rutuli, cunctis pro talibus unam Obiectare animam ? numerone an uiribus aequi Non sumus?"' JEn. xii. 229. 49. We must insert fayle. 50. First fit, first portion or canto of the poem. Fynde, a corruption offyne, i. e. I finish, end. 51. And, if. Here, hear. A the, for of the, twice. 52. Ye-bent, for ybent, i. e. bent. Yenoughe, for enough, like yerle for erle, 1. 39. 55. Horn, for hem, them. Wouche; also spelt wougk and wowe; it is from the A. S. vioh, error, wrong, and quite distinct from woe, A. S. wd. 57. Suar, sure, trusty. Cf. 1. 84. Tre, wood. The cum In, they come in, invade, attack. 58. Gave, i. e. they gave. 59. Doughete, doughty man. The garde, they caused. 60. Let thear boys be, let their bows alone, abandoned them. 62. Myne-ye-ple, evidently a corruption. It has always been explained by many folds, an explanation to which we may reasonably demur, on the ground that myne does not mean many, and pie is not a fold. The context would lead us to suppose that it is some part of a man's body- VII, CHEVY CHASE. 399 armour, and we may reasonably guess it to be a corruption of manople, a French term for a large gauntlet protecting the hand and the whole fore-arm. Roquefort's Glossaire gives ' Manoples, Gantelets, armes preservatrices des mains et de 1'avant-bras; de manualis, manipulus.' Many sterne, &c. ; many stern ones they struck down straight. 65. Myllan, Milan steel. 66. Wor the f reeky s, for worthi frekes, worthy men. 67. Sprente, spurted. Heal or ran, hail or rain. 68. Ifeth, in faith. 74. Wane, the Northern form of O. Eng. wane, a quantity, multitude ; it means a single arrow out of a vast quantity. '^Eneas,' says Addison, ' was wounded after the same manner by an unknown hand in the midst of a parley " Has inter uoces, media inter talia uerba, Ecce uiro stridens alis allapsa sagitta est, Incertum qua pulsa manu." ' ^En. xii. 318. 78. ' Merry men, in the language of those times, is no more than a cheerful word for companions and fellow-soldiers. A passage in the eleventh book of Virgil's yEneids is very much to be admired, where Camilla, in her last agonies, instead of weeping over the wound she had received, as one might have expected from a warrior of her sex, considers only (like the hero of whom we are now speaking) how the battle should be continued after her death "Turn sic expirans, &c." j/En. xi. 820].' Addison. So. ' Earl Piercy's lamentation over his enemy is generous, beautiful, and passionate ; I must only caution the reader not to let the simplicity of the style, which one may well pardon in so old a poet, prejudice him against the greatness of the thought. That beautiful line, taking the dead man by the hand, will put the reader in mind of ^Eneas's behaviour towards Lausus, whom he himself had slain as he came to the rescue of his aged father " At uero ut uultum uidit morientis, et ora, Ora modis Anchisiades pallentia miris : Ingemuit miserans grauiter, dextramque tetendit." [yEn. x. 821.].' Addison. 83. Mongomberry ; in the later version, Mountgomerye. 84. A trusti tre, of trusty wood. The second a in this line probably means of; cf. note to 1. 51, and see 1. 92. 89. A the tother, on the other; a is a short form both of on and of; thus alive is for on Jyue, on or in life, whilst adown is for of dune, off a hill. 91. Say dean, saw (how) slain. 400 NOTES. 93. Stele, steel head. Halyde, hauled, pulled. 94. Sat, an error for set; see 1. 87. So also, in 1. 95, sete should be set. 95. Sad and sar, heavy and sore; cf. 'as sad As lump of lead;' Spenser, F. Q. ii. i. 45. 96. This is even better than the more familiar line in the later version ' The grey goose winge than was there-on in his harts bloode was wett.' 97. Freake, man. Wone, for one, pronounced wun. Staur, combat. 98. Whylle, &c., whilst they could hold out. 99. An owar, an hour ; see 1. 15. 100. Evensongs, the English name for vespers. 101. The tocke, they took : after which some words are missing. I add thejight, because to take the fight is an expression found in Middle English, and suits the context. 105. Hy, miswritten for he ; see 1. 8. 106. Repeated from 1. 9. 107. Agerstone. Sir W. Scott supposes Agerstone or Haggerston to have been one of the Rutherfords, barons of Edgerston [or Edgerstown, between Jedburgh and the Cheviot Hills], a warlike family long settled on the Scottish border, and retainers of the house of Douglas. This is, however, clearly wrong, for 'Agerstone' is called a companion of Lord Percy. There is a place called Haggerston, a little way inland, nearly opposite to Holy Island. Two of the ' Akerstons ' are mentioned in the Ballad of Bosworth Feilde, Percy Folio MS. iii. 245. 108. The hinde, put for the hende, i. e. gentle, courteous. Hartley is near the Northumbrian coast, just north of Tynemouth. Hearone, Heron. Sir W. Scott, in Note L. to Marmion, speaks of Sir William Heron, of Ford, and refers us to Sir Richard Heron's Genealogy of the Heron Family. There is a place called Ford not far to the south-west of Haggerston. 109. Loumle, Lumley ; always hitherto printed louele (and explained Lovel), though the MS. cannot be so read, the word being written 'loule.' My Lord Lumley ' is mentioned in the Ballad of Scotish Feilde, Percy Fol. MS. i. 226, 1. 270; and again, in the Ballad of Bosworth Feilde, id. iii. 245, 1. 250. 110. Rugbe; the later version has Sir Ralph Rebby, whom Sir W. Scott identifies with Ralph Neville, of Raby Castle, son of the first Earl of Westmoreland, and cousin-german to Hotspur. in. Wetharryngton : later version, Witherington. There is a place called Widrington, in Northumberland, near the east coast, to the north of Morpeth. VII. CHEVY CHASE. 401 112. Kny, miswritten for line. The curious alteration in the latter version is well known ' For Witherington needs must I wayle as one in too full 1 dumpes, For when his leggs were smitten of, he fought vpon his stumpes.' On which Addison remarks ' In the catalogue of the English who fell, Witherington's behaviour is in the same manner particularised very artfully, as the reader is prepared for it by that account which is given of him in the beginning of the battle : though I am satisfied your little buffoon readers, who have seen that passage ridiculed in Hudibras, will not be able to take the beauty of it: for which reason I dare not so much as quote it.' 114. Lwdale. This seems to be the 'Sir David Lambwell' of the later version. 115. A mvrre, of Murray ; later version, Sir Charles Morrell. 1 1 6. Dey, miswritten for de, die. 117. The mayde them by ears, they made for them biers or litters. 1 1 8. Wedous, widows. Fache ther makys, fetch their mates. 1 20. March parti, part of the country called the Marches, the Border- land; see 1. 122. 121. Jamy, James I, bom 1394; began to reign, 1406; died 1437. Eddenburrowe, Edinburgh. 123. We should perhaps read wringe and wayle; cf. Chaucer, Clerkes Tale, last line. 1 24. Yefeth, for y faith, in faith. 129. And I brook, if I enjoy, if I have the use of. See note to VIII. iii. 46. Quyte, quit, requited. ' The poet has not only found out an hero in his own country, but raises the reputation of it by several beautiful incidents. The English are the first who take the field, and the last who quit it. The English bring only 1500 to the battle, and the Scotch 2000. The English kept the field with fifty-three; the Scotch retire with fifty-five : all the rest on each side being slain in battle. But the most remarkable circumstance of this kind, is the different manner in which the Scotch and English kings receive the news of this fight, and of the great men's deaths who command it.' Addison. 131. Hombyll-down, Homildon or Humbleton, near Wooler, in 1 Altered by Percy to doleful, which is probably right ; for Butler has the expression ' As Widdrington, in doleful dumps, Is said to fight upon his stumps.' Hudibras, pt. i. c. 3. Dd 402 NOTES. Northumberland, where the Earl of Northumberland, his son Hotspur, and the Scotch Earl of March, defeated about 10,000 Scots under the Earl Douglas, who was taken prisoner, A.D. 1402. By comparing the note to 1. 46, we see that the three dates thus assigned are not reconcileable ; for the battle of Homildon was fought before the first James began to reign, indeed when he was but eight years old. Again, in 1. 136 we are told it was called the battle of Otterbum ; but this is impossible, seeing that the battle of Otterbum, in which Hotspur was taken prisoner, and Earl Douglas slam, took place in 1387 or 1388, and is celebrated in a ballad quite distinct from the present one ; added to which, Otterbourae is not over the border, being only half way between Newcastle and Teviotdale. Hence, it has been proposed to identify the battle in Chevy Chase with the conflict at Pepperden in 1436, between the Earl of Northumberland and Earl William Douglas, with a small army of about 4000 each. In any case, we may conclude that the ballad was written after all these events, and therefore later than 1436. 133. Glendale ; Homildon is situated within the district called Glen- dale Ward. It is a village one mile to the north-west of Wooler. The spot where the battle was fought has ever since been called the Red Riggs. 1 34. That tear, &c. This is said to be a proverb, meaning ' that tear or pull brought about this kick.' 136. Monnynday, Monday. 138. 'There was never a time, on the Border-land, since the Douglas and Percy thus met, but it is a marvel if the red blood ran not as rain does in the street.' 1 40. Bete our balys, make better or remedy our misfortunes. There is a common old English proverb, ' W r hen bale is hext, then bote is next,' meaning ' When grief is highest (i. e. greatest), then the remedy is nearest.' It occurs among the Proverbs of Hendyng. 141. Expliceth, miswritten for explicit, here endeth; quoth signifies that Richard Sheale either dictated or wrote out this copy of the poem. VIII. SIR THOMAS MALORY. THE twenty-first book of Malory's Romance begins with describing how, during King Arthur's absence abroad, his nephew Sir Modred attempted to make himself King of England, and to marry queen Guinevere, his uncle's wife. Guinevere shut herself up in the Tower of London, where Modred failed to gain entrance ; but he succeeded in raising a large host to oppose Arthur's landing on his return. Arthur effected his landing at Dover, but one of his best knights, Sir Gawain. VIII. SIR THOMAS MALORY. 403 was killed in the fray, and buried in a chapel in Dover castle. Sir Modred then withdrew with his host to Canterbury. At this point our extract commences. Cap. III. i. Lete serche, caused to be searched. This use of lete is very common in Malory. It is still a common idiom in German. 20. Chaflet, a small scaffold or platform. In the old alliterative poem called the 'Morte Arthure,' edited by Mr. Perry for the Early English Text Society in 1865, this dream of Arthur's is told in another place, and at great length; see 11. 3228-3394 in that edition. In that account also, the final battle is said to take place in Cornwall, whither Arthur had driven Modred or Mordred, after burying Gawain, not at Dover, but at Winchester. 36. Systers sone. Gawain was son of King Lot, who married a sister of Arthur's by the mother's side. Lot's sons were Gawain, Agravayn, Gaheret, and Gaheries ; see ' Merlin,' a Prose Romance, ed. H. B. Wheatley, p. 1 79. Gawain's courtesy was proverbial, and is alluded to in Chaucer's Squyeres Tale, 1. 87. 46. And ye fyghie, if ye fight. It is common to find an d written in- stead of an, if; and conversely, the copulative and is often written an. The two words are, in fact, identical. The use of and in the sense of 'if is Scandinavian; see Cleasby and Vigfusson's Icelandic Dictionary, s. v. enda ; but it also arose in English independently. 53. As to morne; this curious idiom is still imitated in the colloquial phrase ' as it may be to-morrow.' 66. Charged theym, ' charged them (to do so), if in any wise they might,' &c. 73. By Arthur es dayes, 'whilst Arthur lived; and afterwards,' &c. Cap. IIII. 21. Bcamous, an error for beamus, a West-country form of beanies or bemes, the plural of beme, a trumpet, from the A. S. beme or byme, a trumpet. 22. Dressy d hem to-gyders, arrayed themselves against each other. 44. Becomen, gone to. In Middle English we find to be becomen where we now say to be gone to. 59. On lyue, lit. in life hence our modem alive. 79. Waykely, weakly, with difficulty. 83. Do me to ivyte, cause me to know, bring me word. Cap. V. i. Werches, aches; lit. works. Common in the North. 7. The lyfte, the effort of lifting him. The parte, a part. 13. For he wold, 'for he, who had more need of help than I had, would fain have helped me.' D d 2 404 NOTES. 21. Excalibnr. Cf. 'Thou therefore take my brand Excalibur? and the whole of the rest of Tennyson's poem entitled 'Morte d' Arthur.' The famous sword, also called Caliburn, was drawn by Arthur out of a stone in which it had been miraculously inserted, and from which no other man could draw it. This was the sign that he was the rightful king, and he was accordingly so proclaimed. The golden letters on the sword shone so brightly as to dazzle all his enemies. According to the English metrical romance of ' Merlin,' the inscription on it was ' Ich am y-hote [called] Escalibore, Unto a king a faire tresore.' And it is added, in explanation 1 On Inglis [in English} is this writing "Kerue steel and yren and al thing."' See Wheeler's Noted Names of Fiction. But the English prose romance gives the inscription thus, ' Who taketh this swerde out of this ston sholde be kynge by the election of Ihu criste ;' Merlin, ed. Wheatley, p. 98. It was also named Brown Steel, possibly from reading the name as Staliburn ; for c is hardly distinguishable from / in old MSS. Roque- fort gives the forms Escalibor, Escalibourne, and adds ' Ce mot est tire de 1'Hebreu, et veut dire tranchefer.' This reminds us of Taillefer (i.e. cut iron), the name of the Norman minstrel who is said to have struck the first blow at the Battle of Hastings. Other famous swords are like- wise known by name ; Charlemagne's was called Joyeme, Roland's Durindana, Oliver's Alia Clara, and St. George's Ascalon. 4 1 . Efte, again, a second time. 45. Wappe, beat ; wanne, probably for wane, to ebb. It probably refers to the breaking of a wave followed by the usual reflux. Tennyson has ' I heard the ripple washing in the reeds, And the wild water lapping on the crag.' 47. Wtnte, weened, believed, thought ; from M. E. wenen, to ween. 82. Auylyon, Avilion, Avalon, or Avelon. 'This fair Avalon is the Isle of the Blessed of the Kelts. Tzetze and Procopius attempt to local- ize it, and suppose that the Land of Souls is Britain ; but in this they are mistaken ; as also are those who think to find Avalon at Glaston- bury. Avalon is the Isle of Apples a name reminding one of the Gardens of the Hesperides, in the far western seas, with its tree of golden apples in the midst;' The Fortunate Isles, in Baring-Gould's Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. In Welsh, afal is an apple, and afallwyn is an orchard. The name is spelt A ualun in Layamon, vol. iii. p. 124. Avalon is fully described, says Wheeler, in the old French fomance of Ogier le Danois. IX. WILLIAM CAXTON. 405 88. Holies hore, hoary woods, gray groves. Cap. VI. 3. Was newe graven, which was lately dug. 8. But by demyng, except by judging or guessing. 31. Morgan lefay, Morgaine la Fee, i.e. the fairy. Arthur's sister, who revealed to him the intrigues of Lancelot and Guinevere. She was married to Sir Uriens. North galys is North Wales. 33- Nynyue; called Nimue in lib. iv. cap. i. ; but the name is also written Uyttyen or Vivien ; she is Tennyson's ' Vivien ' in the ' Idylls of the King.' Cap. VII. i. The notion that Arthur is not dead is thus alluded to in Heywood's Life of Merlin, p. 43 (quoted by Southey) : 'Where it is said that his [Arthur's] end shall be doubtful, he that shall make question of the truth of Merlin's prophecy in that point, let him to this day but travel into Armorica or little Britain, and in any of their cities proclaim in their streets that Arthur expired after the common and ordi- nary manner of men, most sure he shall be to have a bitter and railing language asperst upon him, if he escape a tempestuous shower of stones and brickbats.' A similar legend was current concerning Holger Danske, or Ogier le Danois, one of Charlemagne's twelve peers, as is so well told by Hans Andersen in his Stories for Children. See also Ruckert's ballad on ' Barbarossa,' Southey's poem of ' Roderick the Last of the Goths,' &c. Harold was by some believed to have long survived the battle of Hastings, and Richard II. to have lived for many years in obscurity after his deposition. 7. Hie iacet. Compare the following account. ' A leaden cross, bear- ing the inscription, Hie jacet sepultus inclitus rex Arthurus in insula Avallonia, was found under a stone [at Glastonbury] seven feet beneath the surface ; and nine feet below this, an oaken coffin, inclosing dust and bones, was discovered. Of this discovery [or trick], which took place in the time of Henry II., and is recorded by Giraldus Cambrensis, who was an eye-witness, there can be no doubt, though the genuineness of the re- mains has been questioned.' The Imperial Cyclopaedia; British Empire; art. Glastonbury. Glastonbury is in Somersetshire, and is celebrated for its abbey, and the great antiquity of its ecclesiastical traditions. Ames- bury is in Wiltshire, on the river Avon, and is the parish wherein Stone- henge is situated. Compare the concluding passage with Tennyson's Guinevere.' IX. WILLIAM CAXTON. THE date of Caxton's birth is generally given as 1412 ; for the correc- tion of this date, and for an account of him and his books, see the 406 NOTES. exhaustive work by Mr. W. Blades. A good popular biography of him was published by Charles Knight, with the title ' The Old Printer.' A list of most of the books printed by him is given at p. 170 of that volume. Caxton's translation of Le Fevre's ' Recueil ' was made at the command of Margaret Plantagenet, who was married to the Duke of Burgundy at Bruges, July 3, 1468, shortly after Caxton commenced his task (March I, of the same year). For some useful remarks on the Trojan romance of Colonna and others, see Knight's 'Old Printer,' pp. 118, 119. Remarks on the verse Troy Boke by Lydgate, will be found in Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, ii. 292 ; cf. p. 299. Raoul le Fevre, like Lydgate, chiefly follows Guido de Colonna ; and Colonna borrowed freely from Benoit de Sainte-Maure, who pretended to follow Dares Phrygius and Dictys Cretensis, rather than Homer, who was generally considered a prejudiced writer, as he too much favoured the Greeks. The western nations prided themselves upon being descended from the Trojans, and thought it their duty to speak, as far as they could, in favour of Troy. Palladyum, the Palladium, a statue of the goddess Pallas or Minerva, which represented her as sitting with a spear in her right hand, and in her left a distaff and spindle. On the preservation of this statue by the Trojans depended the safety of their city. Vlixes, Ulysses. Pryant, Priam. 6. Marc. The English mark was 1 35. qd. Pays, weight. 15. And there, and where. There often means where in Old English. 69. A thousand knyghles armed. In order to enclose this number, the horse must indeed have been, as Virgil describes it, instar montis, as big as a mountain. Gower also describes the horse as made of brass ; Conf. Amant, lib. i. Compare Chaucer's steed of brass, Squyeres Tale, 107. 71. Apius; this is a corruption of Epeus (Gk. 'E7roy). Epeus was really the maker of the wooden horse, and not Sinon ; cf. ' ipse doli fabricator Epeus;' Virg. Mn. ii. 264. Caxton (or Le Fevre) has wrongly attributed the work to Sinon, at the same time calling him ' as skilful as Apius.' It looks like a confusion of the name of Epeus with that of the Censor Appius Claudius, who made the Appia Via, and founded Appii Forum. 90. Panthasile, Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, slain by Achilles. 99. By that colour, by that pretext. The word colour is thus used in the Bible, Acts xxvii. 30. Compare the similar use of the Lat. color. 117. Accorded hyt wyth euyll wyll, gave his consent against his will. Euyll wyll is here put for the French words mal gre. 138. Thenadon, the island of Tenedos, off the coast of Troas. Caxton also prints it thenedon. See note to Sect. XXII. 4506. X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. 407 152. Were in a-wayte, were in await, were watching. 184. Ha A felon trayttre, ah I ah 1 felonious traitor ! The interjection h, when repeated in Middle English, is occasionally writren ha A, as icre. The form A ha occurs in a passage quoted in Dyce's edition of Skelton, ii. 168 ; and in Chaucer, C. T. 15387, Cf. Isaiah xliv. 16. X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. THE last reprint of Arnold's Chronicle was edited, with an introduc- tion, by F. Douce. The editor compares the poem of the Nut-brown Maid with the Latin poem called 'Vulgaris Cantio,' translated by Bebelius, poet laureate to the emperor Maximilian I, from a German ballad, and printed at Paris in 1516. He supposes that the English poem may also have been derived from the German. He also likens parts of it to some poems by Tibullus, referring us in particular to the fourth book, containing the ode Ad amicam. I must confess that I do not quite see why the poem may not have been, after all, purely English, and not under much obligation either to the German or the Latin. In vol. ii. pp. 334-337, of the Percy Folio MSS., edited by Hales and Furnivall, there is a piece called ' A Jigge,' which is clearly a poor imitation of ' The Nut-brown Maid.' The word jigge or jig meant originally not only a dance but a ballad. In Mr. Hazlitt's Early Popular Poetry of England, vol. ii. p. 271, our ballad is handled so as to have a religious sense, and bears the title, ' The New Not-browne Mayd upon the Passion of Christ.' In Cotgrave's French Dictionary we find the word ' Brunette, a nut-browne girle,' to which he appends the proverb 'Fille brunette est de nature gaye et nette, A nut-browne girle is neat and blith by nature.' Stanza i. The poem appears to have been written by a woman; hence the slightly sarcastic expression these men. Still, it is the knight who is supposed to be speaking in this (and every alternate) stanza. Among, i. e. at intervals, sometimes. So in the old poem of The Owl and the Nightingale, 1. 6, we find ' sum wile softe, and lud among, 1 i. e. sometimes soft, and sometimes loud again. On women, we should now say, ' of women.' Neuer a dele, not a bit, in no degree. A newe, a new lover. So Chaucer has a fair for a fair one ; Pro- logue, 1. 165. Than, then. A bannisshed man; observe that this forms the refrain of every other stanza, alternating with the burden, love but him alone. 408 NOTES. 2. 7 say not nay must be connected with the words immediately fol- lowing ; thus it means, ' I admit that it is often affirmed that woman's faith is decayed.' It is now the lady who replies. Sayde; this word, like saythe and layde below, and many others in this piece, is wrongly spelt, as it has no right to a final e. Contynew, remain constant. Recorde, let (her) bear witness. 3. The knight now proposes to argue the matter. Too, two. In-fere, in company, together ; i. e. together with her lover. ' For we be fewe briddes her in-fere' ; Poem of the Cuckow and Nightingale, 273- 7 am the knyght ; here the knight begins to personate one of two characters in an imaginary story. 4. And I; this continues the lady's reply; she begins to personate the heroine in 1. 23. 5. Do, done ; cf. note to Sect. II. st. 621 ; p. 372. The ton, the one ; the ton and the father are respectively corruptions of that one and that other, the word that being originally used as the neuter of the definite article. Rede I can, counsel I know ; as in stanza 23. 6. Lusty, pleasant. Departe, part, separate, divide. The phrase 'till death us do part,' in the present Marriage Service, was ' till death us depart ' in the Sarum Manual and in the reformed Prayer Book, until the last review. The word depart occurs in this sense ' as late as 1578 in the English version of the Bible ; but it was no longer used in that sense at the Restoration ; and it was altered in 1661, in consequence of an objection made to it by the dissenters at the Savoy Conference.' Humphrey on the Book of Common Prayer, p. 261. Wheder, whither ; the Ball. MS. has whether. 7. Take thought, be over-anxious ; cf. Matt. vi. 25. 8. Leue, remain ; cf. note to Sect. III. (B), 1. 1174; p. 379. Soo am I; i. e. I am ready myself. Anoon, immediately, this instant ; as in Shakespeare, i Henry IV, ii. i. By and by had formerly a similar sense; see By and by in the Glossary. 9. Ofyonge, i. e. by young; see stanza 10, 1. 55. ii. Lawe; here used for custom or rule. Dowte, fear. Than, then. Goo, gone ; cf. do, in stanza 5. 13. 7 thinke not nay, I admit (it is as you say) ; cf. note to stanza 2. 13. Yf I, &c. ; if I were hi danger, which God forbid. X. THE NUT-BROWN MAID. 409 14. As I myghe, as well as I could. 15. Rone, roof; the Balliol MS. has ruffe. 1 8. In hele, in good health. Endure, remain. 19. As is often used where we now generally say as for instance; hence as cvtte is equivalent to ' as, for instance, you must cut.' To wood-ward, toward the wood ; the word toward is often thus separated. Cf. 'to us-ward;' Eph. i. 19. Shortely, quickly, soon. 20. As now, immediately, at the present moment. Instead of other, the Ball. MS. has oder, to rime with moder. Ensue, follow. All this make ye, you are the cause of all this. She here addresses her lover. The word ye is used instead of thou, both here, and in the next stanza. See note to Sect VI. 1. 399. The day cumethfast vpon, daylight is fast approaching; the knight had come to her by night, as we learn from stanza 3. 21. Soon hot, soon cold occurs in Heywood's Proverbs, &c., 1562. 22. Bee me, by me, i.e. with reference to me; this is certainly the right reading, and not to me, as in the Balliol MS. 'By occurs in i Cor. iv. 4, where the Greek shews that it must mean " against," "with reference to " : "I know nothing by myself," i. e. " am not conscious of guilt in the things laid against me, yet am I not justified by that con- sciousness of rectitude, &c." ' The Bible Word-Book, by J. Eastwood and W. Aldis Wright ; where other examples are given. To dey therfore anoon, though I were to die on that account immediately. 23. The rime shows that felow should be felawe; indeed, felawe is the older and more correct spelling. See the Glossary. 25. It were myn ease, i.e. I would rather live in peace, and so do not want a second love to quarrel with the first. 26. Your, yours. See the Glossary. Our, hour ; spelt ' owrc ' in the Balliol MS. To my power, as far as in me lies. That one, one of them, one amongst them. 27. Prone, proof. The lover is now satisfied, and begins to confess the true state of the case. 28. On the splene, in the haste of the moment. Spleen, in the sense of extreme haste, occurs twice in Shakespeare's King John, ii. i. 448, and v. 7. 50. So in a spleen, in a moment ; Mids. Night's Dr. i. i. 146. The phrase arose from the fact that the spleen was ' once regarded as the source of anger and melancholy, and thence associated with hasty and variable conduct ;' as remarked by Prof. Morley in a note upon this 41 NOTES. passage. The word is very common in Shakespeare; see Schmidt's Shak. Lexicon, where the word is explained to mean (r) fire, heat, im- petuosity, eagerness, (2) hate, malice, (3) a sudden motion, a fit, (4) a fit of passion, (5) a caprice. Shak. also has sf lenitive, spleenful, and spleeny. 29. God defende, God forbid 1 Ye is the nominative, and you the accusative, according to correct usage. 30. The last stanza contains the author's moral, and a very noble one it is ; see the last line. It is the moral of The Tale of Griselda, as told by Petrarch ; and (after him) by Chaucer. See Chaucer's Prioress's Tale, &c., ed. Skeat; Group E, 1149. The expression that we may means ' that we men may,' but it does not prove that the author was a man. Other expressions render it probable that the author was a woman, and in this case she may have remembered to speak in a man's character. The word which means who (as in the Lord's Prayer), and refers to God in the preceding line. Indeed the Balliol MS. reads ' God suwtyme provith such as he lovith;' but this alteration is unnecessary. XI. WILLIAM DUNBAR. (A) The Ihrissil and the Rois. DUNBAR has been highly praised by Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, sect. xxx. ; G. Ellis, Specimens of English Poetry, i. 377 ; Pinkerton, Ancient Scottish Poetry, i. pref. p. xciv. ; and others. Dr. Langhome says of him ' In nervous strains Dunbar's bold music flows, And time yet spares The Thistle and the Rose.' The reader may consult with advantage an article on Dunbar's writings in Mr. Wright's Essays on the Middle Ages, vol. ii. p. 291. ' The poems of Dunbar are chiefly contained in two MSS., of which one, called the Bannatyne MS., is described in ' Memorials of George Bannatyne, 1546-1698;' Edinburgh, 1829. This MS. was written out by Bannatyne in 1548. The second, or Maitland MS., is in the Pepysian Library at Cambridge, and is described by Pinkerton in his 'Ancient Scottish Poems ' Some account of the marriage of James IV is given in Leland's Collectanea, vol. iii. p. 265, ed. 1770; see also Irving's Lives of Scottish Poets, i. 203. Stanza i. Thair hour is, their orisons. In the poem called The Court of Love, wrongly attributed to Chaucer, the different parts of a morning service are sung by various birds. See Warton's note, XI. WILLIAM DUNBAR. 411 a. Window. This reminds us of Milton's L' Allegro, 1. 46 ' And at my window bid good morrow.' Awalk. Here Ik = kk, as elsewhere in Scotch. Cf. Lancelot of the Laik (ed. Skeat, Early Eng. Text Society), 1. 1049 ' Saying, " Awalk I it is no tyme to slep." ' 3. Weid, &c., ' garment, painted with many diverse hues.* 5. Ring, reign ; i. e. the wind blows so strongly in the season of May. 6. Ross, the Rose, i. e. Margaret Tudor ; it is a very appropriate symbol, as it is the emblem both of England and of the houses of Lan- caster and York. The second line of the stanza is copied from Chaucer's Knightes Tale, 1. 187, which see. 7. Doing- fleit is the same asfleitand, i. e. flowing ; just as doing ckace in the next stanza merely means chasing. Hence the phrase means flowing down, or dripping, with dew. 9. ' And, like the blissful sound of a hierarchy ; ' cf. Job xxxviii. 7. The angels were divided into three hierarchies, each containing three orders. 14. But feir, without mate or peer. Feild of gold. An allusion to the arms of Scotland, viz. a lion rampant, gules, in a field or, surrounded by a tressure, which is borne double, and ornamented flory and counterflory with fleurs-de-lis. 1 6. Bowgle, wild ox. See the Kingis Quhair, p. 43, st. 157. 1 7. Yre, anger ; but vre, custom, would perhaps make better sense. Parcere ; the complete line is ' Parcere prostratis uult nobilis ira leonis'; see Fisher's Works, ed. Mayor, p. 19. Cf. Vergil, ^En. vi. 853 ; Ovid, Trist. iii. 5. 33. 1 8. Ah just, &c. ; as just to curlews and owls as unto peacocks, &c. Fowll of ravyne, bird of prey. Cf. Chaucer, Assembly of Foules, 1. 3 2 3 : 'That is to say, the foules of ravine Were highest set, and than the foules smale.' Do efferay (MS.), for do effray, i. e. cause terror. 19. Tkrissil, Thistle, the Scottish emblem. Burns says, in The Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer, &c. ' Paint Scotland greetin owre her thrissle.' Kepit with, guarded by. Fend the laif, defend the rest. 20. Hir fallow, fellow herself, make herself fellow. 22. But ony, &c. ; springing up without any spot or blemish. Observe how Dame Nature is made to consider the Rose of England superior to the Lily of France. 25. Cullouris twane, i. e. Red and White Roses, the emblems of Lan- caster and York. 412 NOTES. 26. Princes, princess. Paramour, object of chivalrous affection and devotion. Observe the alliteration. Peax, peace. The conserf, keep thee. 27. With a braid, in a moment; we sometimes find at a braid in the same sense, as in The Romaunt of the Rose, 1. 1336. Half hard to-forraw, have heard previously, have heard already. Nynt morow, ninth day; the very day of the year mentioned in Sect. XIII. 1. 268. But it is ten years earlier. (B) Dunbar desyred to be one Freir. The second extract is entitled by Mr. Laing ' The Visitation of St. Francis.' The title 'How Dunbar was desyred to be ane Freir,' is found in the Bannatyne MS. There is an apparent contradiction in the idea of the poet's being asked to become a Franciscan friar, when he states in st. 7 that he had worn the habit already. This may be reconciled by supposing that he had never completed the year of his noviciate, and that he was now called upon to do so. A novice might leave the order at any time within the first year, but not afterwards. Stanza I. This hindir nycht, this night past; answering to our modem phrase ' the other night.' It is evident that the word hindir has been omitted by accident, as it is not the only poem by Dunbar which begins with this expression. The habit of St. Francis was gray, and the Fran- ciscans were called Gray Friars. See p. 357. 2. Skarrit, felt scared. With him I skarrit, I shrank from him in terror, was frightened at him. 3. Hes long done teiche, hast long been engaged in teaching. Man, must. But dreid, without fear ; hence, certainly. 4. Loving, praise. The till, to thee. Mot, mayest. 5. Sic sevin; probably a corrupt passage. The word sic would be better omitted ; then be sevin would mean by seven, i. e. by seven times. Mr. Wright quotes a paraphrase of this stanza in the Somnium of George Buchanan, which ends thus : Quod si tanta meae tangit te cura salutis, Vis mihi, vis animae consuluisse meae ? Quilibet hac alius mendicet veste superbus, At mihi da mitram purpureamque togam.' 7. Kalice, Calais, which was in England in the sense that it belonged to the English. 8. Derntoun ; possibly Dirrington, near Greenlaw, in Berwickshire. 9. As wy that wes in weir, like a man that was in distress. XII. STEPHEN HA WES. 413 XII. STEPHEN HA WES. I HAVE corrected a few errors in Mr. Wright's edition by Waley's edition of 1555, a copy of which is in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. There are also two other copies in the same library, of the same date, with the imprint of R. Tottell in the colophon. There is no appreciable difference between Waley's and Tottell's editions of the above year. One of the latter is in the Douce collection, and contains the following MS. notes by Douce. 'The first edition of this book was printed by W. de Worde, 1517, 410. ; the second by Wayland, 1554, 4to. . . This is the third edition. . . See some account of Hawes, the author, in Wood's Athense Oxoniensis, i. col. 5, and in Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, ii. 219. See Bridges' Censura Literaria, iii. 225, and iv. 7. The first edition was sold at the Duke of Roxburgh's sale for 81.' For a notice of Stephen Hawes and his writings see Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, ii. 397 (sect, xxviii.), ed. 1840. Warton gives an analysis of the Passetyme of Pleasure. His analysis of the canto which I have selected is as follows : ' He now continues his expedition, and near a fountain observes a shield and a horn hanging. On the shield was a lion rampant of gold in a silver field, with an inscription, importing, that this was the way to La Bell Pucell's habitation, and that whoever blows the hem will be assaulted by a most formidable giant. He sounds the horn, when instantly the giant appeared, twelve feet high, armed in brass, with three heads, on each of which was a streamer, with the inscriptions, Falsehood, Imagination, Perjury. After an obstinate com- bat, he cuts off the giant's three heads with his sword Claraprudence. He next meets three fair ladies, Verity l , Good Operation, Fidelity. They conduct him to their castle with music ; where, being admitted by the portress Observance, he is healed of his wounds by them.' Stanza i. The Capricorne; the sign of Capricorn. On entering this sign, the sun passes through the southern or winter solstitial point, and begins to ascend northwards ; on leaving the sign, it passes into Aquarius. The sun now enters Aquarius about the igth of January, but, in the time of Hawes, it was about a week earlier. Janus Bifrons; the epithet bifrons (double-faced) as applied to Janus, occurs in Virgil's JEneid twice, in lib. vii. 180 and lib. xii. 198. It is explained in Ovid's Fasti, lib. i. 133-144. He was the guardian deity of gates, and hence is commonly represented with two heads, 1 Misprinted ' Vanity ' in Warton. 414 NOTES. because every door looks two ways. He opened the year and the seasons, and hence the first month was named after him Jannarius. I do not quite see the force of the crowne had worm, unless it means had ruled or presided in his turn, during his month of January. 1. Joyned with, was in conjunction with ; i. e. the Moon and Mercury were seen in conjunction. Assure, azure ; assured is clearly a misprint. Depured, made pure or clear, without the encumberment of clouds. 2. The rimes rockes, flockes, toppes are not very good ones ; roches is an old spelling of rocks, but rockes is here the better form. Cora// ; where coral grew in quite tall masses. This seems to be said at random, without any knowledge of the real mode of growth of coral. Popyngayes, parrots. Me beforne, before me. 3. Adcwne, off from ; incorrectly used. Lyght, alighted. Blasynge, blazoning, or describing. Cotgrave's French Dictionary has : ' Blasonner, to blaze armes.' As well as I myghte, as well as I can. This is not very well after all, for metal upon metal, or upon argent, is false heraldry. Scrypture, writing. 5. All fear e to abjecte, to cast away all fear. 6. Mede, meed, reward. Varlet, squire. 7. To fere, (large enough) to frighten a great number of men. 8. Fane, pennon, a kind of flag. The giant has three heads, repre- senting Falsehood, Evil Imagination, and Perjury. Spenser describes the giant Gerioneo, who had three bodies springing out of one waist, and six arms and legs ; see Faerie Queene, v. 10. 8. He was destroyed by Prince Arthur. But the passage in the Faerie Queene which most closely approaches Hawes's description is the description of the combat between Arthur and the giant Orgoglio, Bk. i. canto 8. 9. Let the cace, prevent the chance of fulfilment. 7s 7, is aye. 13. For ever, &c. 'For Falsehood ever comes, with his own con- dition, to a lady, and says, to avoid an inconvenience (it is best) that ye should not have pity (on your lover) ; Imagination knows that your lover is of no value ; I swear the same, and at once she believes (that all that we have said is the truth).' Here all three evils, Falsehood, Evil Imagination, and Perjury, conspire to destroy love. 15. Charged, prepared for the charge, or, made ready for service. 1 6. Iclyped Clara prudence, called Clara Prudentia, i. e. bright pru- dence, or, as Hawes explains it, ' fayre and sure. The paladin Oliver's sword was called Alta Clara, or tall and bright. Glave, sword ; from O. F. glaive, 'a. gleave, or sword' ; Cotgrave. XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. 415 1 6. Of cutting, in the cutting part, or blade. 1 7. Discharged, discharged or dealt his blow without effect. Abye, buy it dearly, now corrupted into abide. 20. Onvale, unveil, become free from clouds. And with, &c. Compare Spenser ' His sparkling blade about his head he blest, And smote quite off his right leg by the knee, That downe he tombled, &c.' F. Q. i. 8. 22. 21. Enforcing him, forcing or exerting himself. Compare Spenser * Through all three bodies he him strooke attonce, That all the three attonce fell on the plaine." F. Q. v. ii. 14. 22. Demannded, required, asked; but it is probably an error for de- meaned, i. e. borne yourself. Brayde, either 'started off,' or 'neighed'; probably the latter. 23. The three ladies are Verity, Good Operation, and Fidelity; these are intended to be the exact opposites of the three evil qualities already mentioned, viz. Falsehood, Evil Imagination, and Perjury. Her hert enters, their whole hearts. 25. First fane, viz. the streamer already mentioned in st. 8. This was an ornament upon the helmet, so that Verity must have taken the head out of its helmet, and then placed it on the spike with the silken streamer. Of Ymaginacion, i. e. the head on which was the helmet, bearing the ornament inscribed ' Imagination.' 26. The three ladies have a faint resemblance to Spenser's Fidelia, Speranza, and Charissa (Faith, Hope, and Charity), in Bk. i. canto 10. Instead of a portress, ' fayre Observaunce,' Spenser has a porter named Humilta (Humility), a franklin named Zele (Zeal), and a squire called Reverence. However inferior Hawes is to Spenser, it is very likely that Spenser took a few hints from him, although the poet to whom the author of the Faerie Queene was really indebied to a far larger extent was Sackville. See Extract XXIV. XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. FOR a sketch of the life of Gawin or Gawain Douglas, see Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, sect. xxxi. and Irving's Lives of the Scottish Poets, vol. ii. At p. 61 of the latter work, the author bids us remark, that ' in many instances Douglas has been guilty of modernizing the notions of his original. The Sibyl, for example, is converted into a nun,' 4 1 6 NOTES. and admonishes ^Eneas, the Trojan baron, to persist in counting his beads' ! The reader should also consult the complete edition of Douglas's Poems, by J. Small (1874). I. Dyonea, Dionsea ; an epithet of Venus, from the name of her mother Dione. As Venus is mentioned separately in 1. 4, Dione her- self may here be intended. Dione was a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, or of Uranus and Ge, or of Aether and Ge. The poet here assigns to her the epithet of night-herd, or guardian of the night, and represents her as chasing the stars from the sky. 3. Cynthia, the Moon. In old times, the seven planets, supposed to revolve round the Earth, were the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The poet mentions all ' of these, giving to Mercury the name of Cyllenius, and to the sun that of Phoebus. 5. Cyllene was the highest mountain in Peloponnesus, on the frontiers of Arcadia and Achaia, sacred to Mercury, who had a temple on the summit, and was hence called Cyllenius. There is a passage much like this in Chaucer ' Now fleeth Venus into Ciclinius toure ... Within the gate shefledde into a cave.' Complaynt of Mars and Venus, st. xvii. Here Ciclinius is an evident mistake for Cyllenius, as was pointed out by Mr. Brae, in Notes and Queries, in 1851, and Cyllenius toure means the mansion or house of Mercury, which, according to the old astrology, is the sign Gemini. It is clear that Douglas has here imi- tated Chaucer. 7. Saturn was a.frowardor inauspicious planet in the old astrology. The words from hys mortal speir seem to indicate the reason of his being called frawart, viz. because he was supposed to portend death. 10. Circulat world, orbit. The orbit of Saturn was behind, i. e. beyond that of Jupiter. n. Nycthemyne, Nyctimene, i. e. the owl. It refers to the owl seeking - her daily hiding-place. Nyctimene was daughter of Epopeus, king of Lesbos, or, according to others, of Nycteus. Pursued by her amorous father, she concealed herself, and was changed by Athene into an owl. See Ovid, Metam. ii. 590. 13. A considerable portion of 11. 13-242 of this Prologue is written out by Warton into modem English prose, somewhat paraphrastically, and with a few omissions ; nor is it free from mistakes. I therefore take the liberty to rewrite a part of it here, correcting Warton 's mistakes by words in italics, and filling up the omissions between square brackets. ' Fresh Aurora, the wife of [mighty] Tithonus, issued from her saffron bed and ivory house. She was clothed in a robe of crimson and violet- XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. 417 colour [dyed in grain] ; the cape vermilion, and the border purple : she opened the windows of her ample hall, overspread with roses, and filled with [royal] balm or nard. At the same time, (20) she draws up the crystal gates of heaven, to illumine the world. The glittering streamers of the orient diffused purple streaks mingled with gold and azure, [piercing the sable nocturnal rampart, and beat down the sky's cloudy mantle-wall.] Eons the steed, in red harness of rubies, of colour [like sorrel, and some- what] brown as the berry, lifts its head above the sea, to [enlighten and] glad our hemisphere : the flame bursting out from his nostrils ; (30) [so quickly Phaethon by means of his whip makes him whirl round, to roll his father Apollo's golden chariot, that shrouds all the heavens and the air.] Till shortly, apparelled in his luminous [fresh] array, Phoebus, bearing the blazing torch of day, issued from his royal palace ; with a golden crown, glorious visage, curled locks bright as the chrysolite or topaz, and with a radiance intolerable. The fiery sparks bursting from his eyes, (40) to purge the air, and gild the new verdure; [shedding down from his ethereal seat fortunately-influential aspects of the heavens ; the misty vapour springing up, sweet as incense, before his kingly high magnificence, in smoky moisture of dank and humid dews, whilst moist wholesome mists conceal the hollow.] The golden vanes of his [sovereign] throne covered the ocean with a glittering glance, and the broad waters were all in a blaze, (50) at the first glimpse of his ap- pearance. It was glorious to see the winds appeased, the sea becalmed, the soft season, the serene firmament, the still [illumined] air, and the pleasant frith. The silver-scaled fishes, on the gravel, gliding hastily, as it were, from the heat or sun, through clear streams, with fins shining brown as cinnabar, and chisel-tails, dartled here and there. The new lustre enlightening all the land, (60) the beryl-like streams shone over against those gravelly beds, till the reflection of the beams [of &a.y~\ filled the pleasant banks with variegated gleams ; and [sweet] Flora threw forth her blooms under the feet of the sun's brilliant steed. The bladed soil was embroidered with various hues. Both wood and forest were darkened with boughs, whose pretty branches were depicted on the ground; the red rocks appeared distinct, with clearly-marked shadows. Towers, turrets, battlements, and high pinnacles, (70) of churches, castles, and every fair city stood depicted, every Jinial (?) vane and story, upon the plain country, by their own shadow. The glebe, fearless of the northern blasts of [Eolus], spread out her broad bosom [in order to receive low down in her lap the comforting inspiration of Zephyrus.] The cora- tops and the new-sprung barley reclothe the earth with a gladsome garment. [So thick the plants sprang in every plot, (80) that the fields wonder at their fertile covering. Busy dame Ceres, and proud Priapus, E e 41 8 NOTES. rejoice in the fertile plains, replenished so pleasantly and most fittingly, nourished wondrously nobly by nature, stretching abroad, under the round circle, upon the fertile skirt-laps of the ground]. The variegated vesture of the [beauteous] valley covers the turfy furrow, and every sod was diversified with leaves of very various shapes. (90) Each spray was sprinkled dispersedly with springing shoots; because of the fresh moisture of the dewy night, restoring [partially] its former height to the herbage, as far as the cattle [in the long summer's day], had [eaten and] cropped [it away in their pasture]. The [pretty] blossoms in the blow- ing garden trust their heads to the protection of the young sun. Rank ivy-leaves overspread the wall orthe rampart. The blooming hawthorn clothed all his thorns in flowers.' The latter part of Warton's paraphrase is so sketchy, and, in many places, so hopelessly incorrect, that the reader could only glean a general idea of the sense from it, and it is hardly worth consulting. Some of his errors are extraordinary, and serve as instances of the fact that many a scholar who can translate Latin and Greek with ease is helplessly at sea as to the meaning of many words in Old English. In the part which I have already quoted, the tenses are sometimes confused. It must be observed, however, that the grammar in the original also shows signs of confusion. This was owing to the great influence of Chaucer's writings. His Scotch imitators sometimes went so far as to imitate his grammar. Thus the true Scottish pres. participle ends in and, as in persand, piercing, 1. 23; but in 1. 21 we have the Chaucerian participle in -yng, as twynklyng. The Scotch infin. mood is seen in behold, 1. 38 ; but the Chaucerian infinitive, which sometimes ends in -en, is imitated in the word alichiyn, 1. 28. Hence Douglas's writings are not to be regarded as pure Scottish, but as Scottish much affected by Anglicisms. 99. ' Out of fresh buds, the young vine-grapes along the trellises hung on their stalks.' Warton is very wrong here, and actually translates endlong by end-long, which is very misleading. 101. Lowkyt, locked, closed. Warton wrongly has unlocking. 103. Gresy, grassy. 113. Dyd on breid, did abroad, opened out. Crownell, corolla. 115. Baltill, rich, luxuriant ; not embattelled, as in Warton. 124. Gan chyp, and kyth, did break their covering, and show. Chip is used much as when a bird chips open its egg. Kyth is to show, manifest ; nothing to do with kissing, as in Warton. 141. Forgone, against. Prynce, i.e. Phoebus. 154. Seirsand by kynd, searching for, according to their nature. 157. Rutys gent, gentle, i. e. fine or trim roots or herbs. XIII. GAWIN DOUGLAS. 419 159. Coppa is printed Toppa in the Bannatyne Club edition. Mr. Small reads the MS. as Toppa, but I do not. It is a variation of Coppell, which is the name of a hen in 'The Tournament of Tottenham,' printed in Percy's ' Reliques.' A bird with a tuft of feathers on its head is called copple-crowned ; see Halliwell's Dictionary. Cf. Du. kop, head, pate ; Welsh cop, a top, copa, a tuft or crest. The fact is, that the name is borrowed from the old story of Reynard the Fox. Pertelote occurs in Chaucer's Nonne Prestes Tale ; see Partlette in Nares's Glossary. 1 60. Hantis, practises, uses. 161. Pantyt povn, painted peacock. I/O. Aragne, Arachne, the spider. ' Laxos in foribus suspendit aranea casses.' Virgil, Georg. iv. 247. 173. So dusty, i.e. such a dusty powder. 181. Days, does ; so rays for roes, in 1. 182. 4 187. Wolx = woux; I put for u. 'In salt streams were Doris and (her mother) Thetis, and nymphs and Naiads beside running rills.' Wolx is waxed, became, were ; not walked, as in Warton ! 193. Sang is inserted from the editions ; the Trinity MS. omits it. It is clearly wanted. As to ' ring-dances,' see The Complaint of Scotland, ed. J. A. H. Murray, p. xciii. Dansys ledys, lead dances. 201. Thochtfvll, anxious. Rowmys, roam. 205. ' It pleases one to endite ballads." Sum is frequently singular in our early writers; see Chaucer, Knightes Tale, 1. 397. And see below, 1. 211. 212. $isterevin; this is practically a dissyllable here, like the modern yestreen. 217. Neuer a deill, not a bit. Harltis, &c. ; listen to what I would (tell you). 222. ' Do you choose one (of the girls whom we shall meet).' 225. Dywlgat, divulged. In Scottish MSS. we often find w in place of v or . It here stands for double u; i.e. dyvtlgat is put for dyuulgat, where the first u has the sound of v. 226. ' In no way suitable to our wholesome May.' 232. ' Intone their blissful song on every side.' Art is more commonly spelt airt, as in Burns's poems ; cf. VI. 309. 233. ' To recover those lovers of their night's sorrow.' 244. For byrdis sang, because of the song of the birds. 252. This song of the birds was possibly suggested by the concluding stanzas of Chaucer's Assembly of Foules. 62 420 NOTES. 256. Alkyndfruyt, fruit of every kind. In 1. 263, alltynd bestiall means every kind of thing that is bestial, i. e. all kinds of beasts. 268. He gives us here the date, viz. May 9 ; the year was 1513. 269. ' Being on my feet, I jumped into my bare shirt.' That is, a shirt and nothing more. It was then usual to sleep naked. 270. Wilfull, willing, desirous. 271. Latter, last or twelfth book. The epithet Dan, from the Old Fr. dans, Latin Dominus, was a title of respect. So Spenser speaks of Dan Chaucer, F. Q. iv. 2. 32 ; so also Tennyson, in ' A Dream of Fair Women.' 273. This kyng, viz. Phoebus, or the sun. 276. As is said, as has been said already. 277. The poet speaks of the sun as 'newly aryssyn.' On the gth of May, at that date, and in the latitude of London, where he then probably was, the sun rose soon after four o'clock. 282. Progne, Procne, the swallow. 283. Dreidfull, full of^dread, timid. Philomeyn, Philomela. Philomela and Procne were sisters, of whom the former was turned into a nightingale, and the latter into a swallow, though some writers just reverse these changes. See Ovid, Metam. lib. vi. ; Virgil, Georg. iv. 1 3, Eclog. vi. 79. 286. ^Esacus, son of Priam, threw himself into the sea upon the death of his love Hesperia, and was changed into an aquatic bird; Ovid, Metam. xi. 79 r. 288. Peristera, the dove, sacred to Venus ; see next line. 291. Into, in. Into continually has this sense in Scottish writers. 298. In hyr kynd, according to her nature. So also after his kind means according to his nature ; Gen. i. 21. 304. Ayr morow, early morning, before the time of mass. 307. ' Here endeth the witty prologue,' &c. The author commends it as being his best, and deserving of having its capital letters illumi- nated with gold. This is not done in the Trinity MS., which merely has a red capital at the beginning. XIV. JOHN SKELTON. (A) ' From Why come ye nat to CourteV MANT of the notes below are copied from Mr. Dyce's edition. These are marked with D. Line 287. 'The Erie of Northumberlande, i.e. Henry Algernon Percy, fifth earl of Northumberland. In 14 Henry VIII he was made warden of XIV. (A) JOHN SKELTON. 421 the whole Marches, a charge which, for some reason or other, he soon after resigned : vide Collins's Peerage, ii. 305, ed. Brydges. That he found himself obliged to pay great deference to the Cardinal is evident from Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, where (pp. 120-128, ed. 1827) see the account of his being summoned from the north when his son Lord Percy (who was then, according to the custom of the age, a "servitor" in Wolsey's house) had become enamoured of Anne Boleyn. This nobleman, who encouraged literature, and appears to have patronised our poet, died in 1527.' D. 292. Mayny, flock. 293. Loke out at dwr, look out at the door. 295. Backers dogge. ' Skelton alludes to the report that Wolsey was the son of a butcher. Compare too Roy's satire against Wolsey, "Rede me, and be not wrothe," &c, " The maslif curre, bred in Ypswitch towne. . . Wat. He cometh then of some noble stocke ? Jeff. His father coulde snatche a bullock, A butcher by his occupation.' Harl. Miscell. ix. 3. 31. ed. Park, and a poem "Of the Cardnalle W r olse;" "To se a churle a Backers curre To rayne & rule in soche honour," &c. MS. Harl. 2252, fol. 156. Cavendish says that Wolsey "was an honest poor man's son;" and the will of his father (printed by Fiddes) shews that he possessed some property ; but, as Mr. Sharon Turner observes, that Wolsey was the son of a butcher, "was reported and believed while he lived." Hist, of Reign of Hen. the Eighth, i. 167, ed. 8vo.' D. 312. Dawes, jackdaws. The daw was reckoned as a silly bird, and a daw meant a simpleton. So in Shakespeare ' Then thou dwellest with daws too;' Coriolanus, iv. 5. 48. 313. Of the coyfe. See note to Piers the Plowman, Prol. 1. 210; ed. Skeat (Clar. Press Series). 316. 'Commune Place, i.e. Common Pleas.' D. See note to Piers the Plowman, Prol. 1. 92 ; and cf. note to st. 4 of Lydgate's London Lyckpeny, p. 374 above. 326. Huddypelte. Skelton has hoddypeke, in the phrase 'can he play well at the hoddypeke' Poem on Magnificence, 1. 1176. It clearly here means a simpleton. It has not, hitherto, been well explained. Nares supposes it to be the same as hodmandod, a snail, of which there is no proof. Mr. Wedgwood takes it to be the Dutch word hoddebek, a stammerer, where hodden means to jolt or jog, and bek is a beak or 422 NOTES. mouth. Both are guesses, and both are wrong. The word is clearly the same as hudpik, of which the plural hudpikis occurs in Dunbar's Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins, 1. 59 ' Cativis, wretchis, and ockeraris, Hudpikis, hoarders, and gadderaris.' Seeing that Dunbar also uses purspik, equivalent to Chaucer's pikepors, and our pickpvrse, the word certainly means a hoodpick or pickhood, one who would thieve even out of a man's hood. This explains Skelton's line at once. Crafty Conveyance is the character who puts the question, cited above from Skelton's Magnificence, which simply means ' can he thieve in a small way ?' The word being once established as a word of reproach, easily degenerated into the sense of simpleton. Skelton uses it twice, spelt huddypeke, in this latter sense also. 327. To lewde, too full of ignorance. Lerned and lewde meant origi- nally learned and ignorant. 'So in our author's ''Speke, Parrot," we find "lewdlye ar they lettyrd" 1. 296.' D. 328. ' Well thewde, i.e. well mannered.' D. 335. Checker, the Court of Exchequer; see note on p. 373. 338. Rowte, snore, make a snoring noise, snort. ' I may just observe that Palsgrave not only gives rowte in that sense, but also " / rowte, . . . Je roucte."' D. 343. Scottysh kynge, James the Fifth, born 1513; began to reign, 1513 ; died, 1542, aged only thirty i 347. ' Whipling, perhaps the same aspippling, i.e. piping "the blast of the moche vayne glorious pipplyng wynde;" vol. i. p. 207.' D. Compare whtffler in Shakespeare. Another similar word is fipple, to whimper. ' He fippilit like a fatherless foal ;' Peebles to the Play, 1. 239 ; printed in Shorter English Poems, ed. Morley, p. 69. 354. 'This passage relates to the various rumours which were afloat concerning the Scottish affairs in 1522, during the regency of John, Duke of Albany. The last and disastrous expedition of Albany against England in 1523 had not yet taken place; its failure called forth from Skelton a long and furious invective against the Duke. In 1522, when Albany, with an army 80,000 strong had advanced to Carlisle, Lord Dacre, by a course of able negotiations, prevailed on him to accept a truce for a month and to disband his forces ; see Hist, of Scotl. v. 156 sqq. by Tytler, who defends the conduct of Albany on this occasion from the charge of cowardice and weakness.' D. 357. Owers ; shall be ours for the space of two hours. Cf. the phrase, the mountenance of an koure, in Chaucer, Troil. and Cres. b. ii. 1. 1707. 367. Burgonyonf, Burgundians. 368. Spainyardes onyons, Spanish onions, i.e. Spanish people, whom XIV. (A) JOHN SKELTON. 423 Skelton calls Spanish onions for the sake of a rime, and because there are onions well-known by the name Spanish. 374. ' Mutrell is Montreuil [in the extreme north of France, not far from Cre9y and Agincourt] ; and the allusion must be to some attack in- tended or actual on that town, of which I can find no account agreeing with the date of the present poem.' D. 380. 'I.e. for dread that the Cardinal, Wolsey, take offence. " He tdketh pepper in the nose, that I complayne Vpon his faultes." Heywood's Dialogue, &c. sig. G. ; Workes, ed. 1598.' D. The phrase is an old one, and occurs in Piers Plowman, B. xv. 197. 382. Hede of gose, head goes off. 401. Hampton Court; 'the palace of Wolsey, which he afterwards, with all its magnificent furniture, presented to the king.' D. 407. Yorkes Place ; ' the palace of Wolsey, as Archbishop of York, which he had furnished in the most sumptuous manner : after his dis- grace, it became a royal residence under the name of Whitehall.' D. 417. Tancrete, transcript. Roquefort has ' Tancrit : Transcrit, copie.' 425. Hym lyst, at pleases him. 427. Saunz, i.e. sans, without. Aulter is the Old Fr. anltre, now spelt autre, other. 429. Marshahy. ' The highway from St. Margaret's Hill to Newing- ton Causeway is called Blackman Street, on the east side of which is the Marshalsea, which is both a court of law and a prison.' Hughson's Walks through London, p. 325. 'At the south-west corner of Blackman- street, in the road to the obelisk, St. George's Fields, is situated the King's Bench Prison, for debtors, and every one sentenced by the Court of King's Bench.' Ib. p. 327. See Dickens's 'Little Dorrit.' 434. Vndermynde, undermine. Cf. sound for Old Eng. sowne, Fr. son. 438. 'Coarted, i.e. coarcted, confined.' D. Streatly means narrowly, closely, strictly. 449. 'Bereth on hand, i.e. leads on to a belief, persuades. See Chaucer, Wif of Bathes Prol. 11. 232, 382, 393, &c. " He is my countre man : as he bereth me an hande vti mihi vult persuasum." Hormanni Vulgaria, sig. X viii. ed. 1530.' D. 463. Cceciam, probably another form of ccecitatem. Mr. Dyce quotes from Du Cange, ' Ccecia, aicorooivia.,' i. e. a vertigo with loss of sight. A c(Ecitate, &c. This refers to the phrase in the Litany, ' From all blindness of heart,' &c. 475. Amalecke, Amalekite ; cf. I Sam. xv. 3. 476. Mameluk, i.e. a Mameluke. The Mamelukes were mercenary horse-soldiers employed by the Turks. They afterwards made them- 424 NOTES. selves masters of Egypt, but were murderously suppressed by Mehemet Ali in 1811. A body of them was defeated by Napoleon at the battle of the Pyramids, July 21, 1798. See an account of them in 'The History of Napoleon,' third ed. 1835, vol. i. p. 131. 483. ' God to recorde, i. e. God to witness.' D. 485. Reason or skyll. Mr. Dyce considers these words as nearly synonymous ; but skyll in Old English generally means discernment, or power to separate, whereas reason implies rather a power of combining. 486. ' Notwithstanding, the first beginning.' 490. Sank royall, royal blood, where royal is applied derisively. "We find the same phrase, spelt saunke realle, in Morte Arthure, ed. Perry (Early Eng. Text Soc.) 1. 179. 495. ' Rowme, i.e. room, place, office.' D. Cf. Luke xiv. 7, and Shakespeare, Taming of Shrew, iii. 2. 252. 508. ' Saw, i. e. saying, branch of learning.' D. 511. 'The trivial* were the first three sciences taught in the schools, viz. grammar, rhetoric, and logic ; the qvatrivials were the higher set, viz. astrology (or astronomy), geometry, arithmetic, and music. See Du Cange's Gloss, in w. Trivium, Quadrivium ; and Hallam's Introd. to Lit. of Europe, i. 4.' D. Hence the common old phrase, the Seven Sciences. Mr. Dyce remarks that Skelton's depreciation of Wolsey's talents is very unjust. 517. Cf. Chaucer, 'The goos seyde tho, al thys nys worthe a flye' Assembly of Foules, 1. 501. 518. ' Haly, a famous Arabian; " claruit circa A.C. mo." Fabr. Bibl. Gr. xiii. 17.' D. Cf. Chaucer, Prol. 1. 431. 519. Ptholomy, Claudius Ptolemy, the celebrated astronomer and geographer, who flourished between A.D. 139 and A.D. 161. 520. Albumasar, an Arabian astronomer, who died about A.D. 885. 522. MobyH, moveable. The moveable stars are the planets. 526. ' Humanyte, i.e. humaniores literce, polite literature.' D. 533. 'Then, to make good our story.' 538. Take, taken. ' Conceyght, i. e. good opinion, favour.' D. 540. ' Exemplyfyenge, i. e. following the example of.' D. 550. ' Abdalonimus or Abdolonimus, whom Alexander made king of Sitlon ; see Justin, xi. 10.' D. 557. Occupyed a showell, i.e. used a shovel. 569. Cotyd, i. e. quoted, noted, marked, with evil qualities.' D. Skelton uses coted elsewhere in the phrase ' Howe scripture shulde be coted; Colin Cloute, 1. 758. 571-574. Here Skelton mentions all the Seven Deadly Sins. See Piers the Plowman, ed. Skeat (Clar. Press), note to 1. 62 of Passus v. XIV. (B) JOHN SKELTON. 42$ 752. * Chief root or cause of his making or success.' 753. 'This proverbial saying occurs in a poein attributed to Lydgate : " An hardy mowse that is bold to breede In cattis eeris." The Order of Foles MS. Harl. 2251, fol. 304. And so Heywood : " I haue heard tell, it had need to bee A wylie mouse that should breed in the cats eare." Dialogue, &c., sig. G 4; Workes, ed. 1598.' D. ' Demavnde. What thynge is it that never was nor never shall be ? R[esponse], Never mouse made her nest in a cattes ere;' Reliquiae Antiquse, ii. 73 ; cited from the Demaundes Joyous, 1511 ; and see Lyly's Euphues, 1580, repr. 1868, p. 233. (B) From ( Phyllyp Sparowe.' ' Phyllyp Sparowe must have been written before the end of 1508 ; for it is mentioned with contempt in the concluding lines of Barclay's " Ship of Fooles," which was finished in that year. The "Luctus in morte Passeris" of Catullus no doubt suggested the present production to Skelton, who, when he calls on "all maner of byrdes" to join in lament- ing Philip Sparrow, seems also to have had an eye to Ovid's elegy "In mortem Psittaci," Amor. ii. 6. Another piece of the kind is extant among the compositions of antiquity, the "Psittacus Atedii Melioris" of Statius, Silv. ii. 4. In the " Amphitheatrum Sapientise Socraticse Joco-serire," &c., of Dornavius, i. 460 sqq. may be found various Latin poems on the deaths, &c., of sparrows by writers posterior to the time of Skelton. See too Herrick's lines "Upon the death of his Sparrow," Hesper. 1648, p. 117 ; and the verses entitled " Phyllis on the death of her Sparrow," attributed to Drummond, Works. 1711, p. 50.' D. Coleridge (Remains, iii. 163) speaks of 'Old Skelton's Philip Sparrow, an exquisite and original poem.' In my larger edition of Piers the Plowman (B-text)/I have noted that in Pass. xv. 119, where other MSS. have a totally different line, the Oriel MS. has the line ' Schulden go synge seruyseles with sire philip the sparwe.' In the extract here given, Skelton sings the praises of Jane Scroupe, the maiden whose sparrow was dead. Line 999. ' Sort, i. e. set, assemblage.' D. So in Rich. Ill, v. 3. 316. 1002. Favour, beauty; seel. 1048. 1014. Steps probably means shining, bright, as in Chaucer, Prol. 201 ' His eyen steepe, and rollyng in his heed.' 426 NOTES. Mr. Cockayne, in his edition of ' Seinte Marherete,' gives (at p. 108) several other instances, of which the most decisive is ' Schinende and schenre then eni gimstanes, steapre then is steorre,' i.e. shining and sheener than any gemstones, brighter than is a star ; St. Cath. 2661. 1018-1021. Lucretia, wife of L. Tarquinius Collatinus, who stabbed herself, according to the well-known story, B.C. 510. Polyxena, daughter of Priam, beloved by Achilles, slain by Neoptolemus on the tomb of Achilles. Calliope, the muse of epic poetry. Penelope, wife of Ulysses. 1027. 'O woman, famous for this double beauty, remember thy word to thy servant. Thy servant am I.' Cf. Psalm cxix. 49, 125; and see note to 1. 1 06 1. 1031. ' Indy may perhaps be used here for Indian; but I believe the expression is equivalent to the azure blue sapphire; Skelton, in his Gar- lande of Laurell, has saphiris indy blew. Tyrrwhit has " Inde, Fr. azure- coloured" [see Rom. Rose, 1. 67], in his Glossary to Chaucer. Cf. "Inde, ynde; couleur de bleu fonce, d'azur, indicum." Roquefort's Gloss, de la Lang. Rom. ... Sir John Mandeville says that the beak of the Phoenix " is coloured blew as ynde." ' D. Mr. Dyce gives several other examples. 1035. ' Ruddes, i.e. ruddy tints of the cheek, complexion.' D. 1048. 'Fret, not fraught, . . . but wrought, adorned, in allusion to fretwork ; so in our author's Garlande of Laurell " Fret all with orient perlys of Garnate."' D. See Fretted in my Gloss, to Piers Plowman (Clar. Press Ser.) 1053. * lelofer is perhaps what we now call gilly-flower ; but it was formerly the name for the whole class of carnations, pinks, and sweet- williams. So Graunde Amoure [in Hawes's Pastime of Pleasure] calls La Bell Pucell " The gentyll gyllofer, the goodly columbyne."'' D. 1 06 1. 'Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O lady, and out of the heart sound thy praises !' This looks like a parody of David's Psalms ; and by referring to Ps. cxix. (cxx. in the Vulgate), we observe that the various portions into which the Psalm is divided begin with the verses which Skelton has parodied, both here, and before and after. Thus the portion ' Zain ' begins, ' Memor esto verbi tui servo tuo, in quo mihi spem dedisti ;' see above, 1. 1029. The same Psalm has Servus tnus sum ego, in verse 125. The next portion but one (Teth) begins, ' Bonilatem fecisti cum servo tuo, domine, secundum verbum tuum.' Again, the next portion but one (Caph) begins, ' Defecit in salutare tuum anima mea,' &c. ; which shows that salutare tuum, as in the old edition, is right. Mr. Dyce changes it into salutatione tua, in 1. 1090. In like manner, the portions named Mem, Samech, Pe, and Koph, begin with passages which are imitated in 11. 1114, 1143, 1168, and 1192. XIV. (B) JOHN SKELTON. 427 1081. Deadly syn, i. e. the recompense of deadly sin. Skelton uses the phrase elsewhere. 1091. ' My soul hath fainted for thy salvation. What askest thou for thy son, sweetest mother ? Oh strange ! ' The last line is probably a hexameter, but with two false quantities. 1096. Pastaunce, a corruption of passetemps, pastime. 1097. 'Sad, i.e. serious, grave, sober; so afterwards, "sobre, demure Dyane," 1. 1224.' D. See 1. 1250. 1114. ' Oh how I love thy law, O lady ! Let old things give place, let all things become new.' See Psalm cxix. 97. 1 1 1 6. To amende her tale, to increase her number, or list, of perfections. Tale is used here as in Exod. v. 8. 1117. 'A vale is generally to let down, to lower ; but I know not how to explain the present passage, which appears to be defective.' D. I take auale to be put for auale herself, i. e. to condescend. I think the defect only arises from a sudden change of construction ; the poet was going to say, ' when she was pleased to condescend, and with her fingers small, &c., to strain my hand,' when he suddenly altered it to wherwyth my hand she strayned. The sense is clear, though the grammar is at fault. But there is certainly some deficiency in 11. 1124, 1125, which hardly agree. 1125. ' Reclaymed, a metaphor from falconry. " Reclaming is to tame, make gentle, or bring a hawk to familiarity with the man." Latham's Faulconry (Explan. of Words of Art), 1658.' D. 1143. Ps. cxix. 113. The Vulgate has Iniqvos odio habui, I hate evil men ; but our version has ' I hate vain thoughts.' 1148. Hert rote, heart-root, 'ground of the heart.' A common phrase. 1152. ^Egeria, the goddess who is said to have instructed Numa Pompilius in religious rites. See Juvenal, iii. 12 ; Livy, i. 21. 1154-5. Mr. Dyce gives up these two lines as inexplicable. The only way to make some sense of them is to suppose a put for on, as frequently in Middle English ; we may then translate 'Like her image, depicted (as going) with courage on a lover's pilgrimage ;' i. e. going to meet Numa. Emportured is formed like the word portvrat in Sect. XIII. 1. 67. 1168. Ps. cxix. 129; see the Vulgate (Ps. cxviii). 1169. Ps. cxliv. 12 ; see the Vulgate (Ps. cxliii). 1192. Ps. cxix. 145 ; see the Vulgate (Ps. cxviii). 1193. Ps. Ixxxvi. 13 ; Ixxxv. 13 in the Vulgate. 1225. Jane. Her name was Jane or Johanna Scroupe, and she was probably a boarder at, and educated in, the nunnery at Carow, in the suburbs of Norwich. 1239. Psalm cxxxix. (cxxxviii. in the Vulgate) is known as Domine, probasti me, from the first three words in it. 428 NOTES. 1 240. Shall. There is no nominative. Possibly, they shall sail ; the they being implied in the preceding *. Yet it looks as if Skelton makes three of the Psalms to be the pilgrims. 1242. St. James of Compostella. 'The body of .St. James the Great having, according to the legend, been buried at Compostella in Galicia [Spain], a church was built over it. Pilgrims flocked to the spot ; several popes having granted the same indulgences to those who re- paired to Compostella, as to those who visited Jerusalem.' D. See note to Piers the Plowman (Clar. Press. Ser.) Prol. 1. 47. 1243. Pranys, prawns. Cranys, cranes. Skelton suggests contemp- tuously that all one gets by going to Spain is the opportunity of catching shrimps, &c. The mention of cranes is made, perhaps, only for the sake of the rime. But the whole passage is obscure. 1250. Sadly, seriously. See 1. 1097. 1 260. ' For she is worthy.' Vault (Lat. valet) is now spelt vaut. XV. LORD BERNERS. (A) The Sea-fght o A SHORT account of this engagement may be found in most histories, See, e.g. Longman's Life and Times of Edward III, cap. ix. ; a book to which I shall, for convenience, refer. Mr. Longman says that a full account of the battle is given in Nicolas's British Navy, vol. ii. chap. i. On the 22nd of June, 1340, Edward set sail from Orwell, in Suffolk, with a fleet of 200 vessels. He met with the enemy's fleet near the port of Sluys on the coast of Flanders, at the mouth of the West Scheldt. It is said that the enemy lost about 25,000 men and nearly the whole of the fleet. The battle was fought on Saturday, June 24, 1340, being Midsummer day. Another translation of this passage from Froissart is given in Strutt, Manners and Customs, ii. 75. Line I. Therle, the earl. Hainault is now a province of Belgium. 8. Blanqueberque, Blankenberg, near Ostend. ii. Normayns, &c., men of Normandy, light-armed soldiers, Genoese, and Picards. Bydaulx is from the Low Lat. bidaldus or bidardus, a light- armed soldier. See Roquefort, who says they were armed with lances. 13. Defend, forbid, dispute, oppose. 20. Hampton. ' Southampton was pillaged and burnt by a body of Normans and Genoese, who landed on a Sunday while the inhabitants XV. (A) (B) LORD BERNERS. 429 were at mass.' Longman, p. 144. This was either in the end of 1338, or the beginning of 1339. 21. Chrystofer; the 'Christopher,' a large ship taken from the English in 1339, but retaken in the battle here described. 25. tf I may, if I can be. 29. Batell, a squadron ; common in this sense. See batayls below, 1.35- 32. Gaunt, Ghent. John of Gaunt was born there, just before this time; see p. 159, 1. 115. 57. Hym, i.e. the vessel. 58. Genoweys, Genoese. 72. Water, another spelling of Walter, which was then commonly pronounced Water. Hence the abbreviation Wat, and the pun in Shakespeare on the name; 2 Hen. VI, iv. i. 35. 74. Brasseton ; spelt Bradestan in Johnes's translation. Chandos ; read Sir \John~\ Chandos. 86. Jaqttes Dartuell, Jaques, James, or Jacob van Arteveldt, called ' the brewer of Ghent,' and father to Philip van Arteveldt. 87. The erle of Heynalt. 'William, Count of Hainault, Holland, and Zealand, Edward's brother-in-law, who had so chivalrously adhered to Philip's side, when Edward invaded France [in 1339], but had since incurred Philip's anger by accompanying Edward into the Cambresis and Thierasche.' Longman's Edward III, p. 173. 91. Ardenbourge, Aardenburg, not far to the south-east of Sluys. 93. Gary age, baggage; as in Acts xxi. 15. 94. Lytell and lytell, gradually ; also lytlum and lytlnm, as in P. Plow- man, B. xv. 599. 95. Thyne, according to Johnes, is Thin-1'eveque. It is described in the preceding chapter as being situated on the Scheldt. 97. Dysloged, broke up his encampment. 1 1 8. Vyllenort is a misprint for Vylleuort, i.e. Vilvorde, between Brussels and Malines, where Tyndale was imprisoned at a later date. ' When Edward landed in Flanders after defeating the French fleet at Sluys, he went to Ghent, where he held a council, and afterwards went with Van Artevelde to Vilvoorde, to arrange the plan of the intended campaign with his allies.' Longman's Edward III, p. 175. (B) Ihe Battle ofCrecy. This celebrated battle took place on Saturday, Aug. 26, A.D. 1346. The English were at the time in a very critical position. Line i. Batayls, squadrons, companies. 430 NOTES. 5. In matter of a herse, in a triangular form. On the word hearse, Mr. Wedgwood remarks, in his Etymological Dictionary ' The origin is the French herce, a harrow, an implement which in that country is made in a triangular form, not square as with us. Hence the name herce or herche was given to a triangular framework of iron used for holding a number of candles at funerals and church ceremonies. . . . The quantity of candles being the great distinction of the funeral, the name of the frame which bore them came to be used for the whole funeral obsequies, or for the cenotaph at whose head the candles were placed, and finally for the funeral carriage.' 17. A six leages, i.e. a distance of six leagues, about sixteen to eighteen miles. 22. Alanson, Alen9on, to the south of Caen, and west of Paris. 25. Clyps, eclipse ; but it only signifies that the sky was darkened. See the description in Longman's Edward III, p. 258. 40. Holly, wholly, thickly. 51. Relyue, lift themselves up again; see below, 1. 100. 53. Rascalles, rabble ; Johnes says ' some Cornish and Welshmen.' 59. Behaygne, Bohemia ; it is commonly so called in Early English, and occurs frequently in The Romans of Partenay, ed. Skeat, Early Eng. Text Soc. There is a very early allusion to this incident in Piers the Plowman, B-text (Early Eng. Text Soc.) Pass. xii. 107, ' And as a blynde man in bataille bereth wepne to fighte.' The duke's blindness was supposed to have been caused by poison, given to him when engaged in the wars of Italy. Bonamy, Mem. de 1' Academic, vol. xxiii. See Johnes's translation. 85. Coasted, went round, or by the side of. 96. &* his page had not ben, had it not been for his page. The old and modern English idioms are different. 102. Broy, La Broye or La Broyes, a village in Picardy no. Almaygnes, Germans. The French call Germany Allemagne still. Almain occurs in Othello, ii. 3. 86. 1 1 8. Comfort : Johnes has ' Stafford.' 131. / ivoll this tourney be, I intend that this day may be. 150. Ausser, Auxerre, on the Yonne, south-east of Paris. Saynt Poule, St. Pol, to the north-west of Arras. 152. A threscore, a number amounting to three score ; cf. the phrase a six leagues above ; 1. 1 7. One and other, i. e. one with another, all told. 153. Remounted ones, once mounted the king again on a new horse. 158. In a maner perforce, in some degree forcibly. 1 60. Broy, La Broye. But this seems to be a mistake, unless there XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE. 431 were two places of the same name ; for Froissart has already mentioned La Broye (which he describes as a castle situate on the river Authie) as the place where Edward slept on the night but one before the battle. 164. For this, &c. This phrase is probably due to a wrong reading. Buchon's edition of Froissart has a phrase of which the English is ' it is the unfortunate king of France.' Mr. Longman says 'in all pre- viously printed editions of Froissart, this phrase is given as cent la fortune de France, but Buchon states that he did not find it in that form in any MSS. he examined, besides which he considers it to be in complete con- tradiction to the circumstances of the day and of the epoch.' XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE. LINE 3. Oure sprites, our spiritual advisers ; it is clear that sprite is here used in the sense of a spiritual teacher or adviser ; this interpretation will alone suit the context, which says that the object of these sprites is to induce men to honoure their cerimonies and to offer to their bely, i. e. to attend their ministrations, and to supply their appetites by payment of mass-pence, &c., as expressed below. 4. To feare the, to frighten thee. Feare is an active verb frequently, as in Shakespeare, &c. The is printed thee in the edition of 1572. ii. Ed. 1572 has a comma after figured, but none after Christ. The meaning is there was Christ only figured, &c. The commas are all mine, and may therefore be altered at the reader's pleasure. The slant- ing strokes, answering to marks of punctuation, are in the original. 14. With the newe, i. e. together with the new. 22. By this meanes, at this rate. So in 1. 267. 24. The light; see John viii. 12. 25. Moyses saitk; see Deut. vi. 4-9 ; xi. 18-21. 27. Whettethem; the marginal reading in Deut. vi. 7, answering to teach them diligently, is whet, or sharpen. 35. Oure Moyseses, our Moseses, our teachers; cf. Matt, xxiii. 2. 40. Peter; see i Pet. iii. 15. 43. In the said chapter ; see Deut. vi. 20. 46. Then the leweses ware, than were the ceremonies of the Jews. The side-note continues the sentence 'No father can tell his son' and means, ' no, nor [can] Sir John (i. e. the priest) tell his spiritual sons.' Ner is bad spelling for nor, and is corrected in ed. 1572. 56. Wordly, worldly. A common old spelling. It is certainly astonishing how much of the business of the realm was formerly per- formed by ecclesiastics. Wolsey, for instance, was Lord Chancellor, 432 NOTES. Wyclif had said the same as Tyndale long before ; ' But our Priests ben so busie about wordlie (sic) occupation, that they seemen better Baylifs or Reues, than ghostlie Priests of Jesu Christ.' Two Treatises against Friars, ed. James, p. 16. This passage from Wyclif is quoted also in my edition of Piers the Plowman (Clar. Press Sen), note to Prol. 1. 95, which see. 58. But at their assignemente, but by their direction. 83. As the pye, &c., as the pie and parrot speak they know not what. A parrot was also called a papingo. 89. Patter, repeat over and over again. So in Pierce the Plough- man's Crede, 1. 6. 91. Sherch, search ; see John v. 39. 95. Sherched, searched ; see Acts xvii. II. 104. Christ saith; Luke xxi. 8. 108. Agenst-Ckrist, an Anglicised form of Antichrist. 115. Christ saith ; Matt. v. 16, 20. 119. Sever all, separate, different. 141. One person, i. e. one man a parson. Ed. 1572 has one Parson. 146. Set in, introduce, employ in his place. 147. Dome, dumb, i. e. inefficacious. Cf. ' dumb dogs,' Isaiah Ivi. 10. 148. Polleth on his parte, cheats or robs on his own account. 149. Masse-peny, money for saying mass. Trentall, money for thirty masses. 161. Saynt hierom, St. Jerome, who translated the Scriptures into Latin. He died A.D. 420. His translation is known as the Vulgate version. 164. Not so rude, not rude in such a degree as that in which they are false liars. This idiomatic sentence is of unsurpassable vigour. 171. Seke a compasse, go round about ; cf. Acts xxviii. 13. 1 79. Whether the translation of parts of the Bible into Anglo-Saxon was made by the direction of Alfred or ^Ethelstan is uncertain ; but Anglo-Saxon MSS. of the Psalms, Gospels, and part of the Old Testa- ment, belonging to the latter part of the tenth century, still exist. 185. Holdeth this doctoure, i. e. holds this doctor's opinion to be correct. 187. Dims, Duns Scotus, schoolman ; died A.D. 1308. Thomas, St. Thomas Aquinas, called the Angelic Doctor; died A.D. 1274. Bonaventure, St. Bonaventure, cardinal, called the Seraphic Doctor; died A.D. 1 2 74. 1 88. Hales, Alexander Hales, called the Infallible Doctor; died A.D. 1245. XVI. WILLIAM TYNDALE. 433 Raymonds, St. Raymond de Pegnafort, a Spanish Dominican ; died A.D. 1275. Lyre, Nicolas de Lyra, biblical commentator; died A.D. 1340. 189. Gorran, Nicholas de Gorran, French divine; died A.D. 1295. Hugo, Hugh de St. Victor, divine ; died about A.D. 1141. (The foregoing dates are from Hole's Brief Biographical Dictionary.) 210. Damme, condemn. Alowe, approve. 221. Yer, ere, before. St. Augustine of Hippo was born A.D. 354, died A.D. 430. Origen preceded him by nearly two hundred years. 225. Pkilautia, >-) prefixed to all parts of the verb; but in Sackville it is an XXIV. THOMAS SACKVILLE. 467 affectation of archaic diction, as it was then only used with past par- ticiples. 54. By and by, immediately. See Trench's Select Glossary. Dauntes, tames, subdues. 55. Affrayed, terrified. Shape, skeleton. 57. Forhewed, deeply cut. Targe, target, shield. It must be noted that all the things described in stanzas 58-68 are supposed to be depicted upon this shield. 59. Macedo, the Macedonian, Alexander the Great, who defeated the vast hosts of Darius Codomannus in the battle of Arbela, B.C. 331. Han- nibal defeated Lucius ymilius Paulus in the battle of Cannse, B.C. 216. 60. Hannibal defeated the Romans under Flaminius at Lake Trasi- menus, B.C. 217 ; he had won the battle of Trebia in the preceding year. He was defeated by Scipio at Zama, B.C. 202. 61. Pompey the Great was assassinated B.C. 48, soon after his defeat by Julius Caesar at Pharsalia. Marius died B.C. 86, and Sulla B.C. 78. Cyrus the elder was slain in battle against the Massagetse, a people of Scythia, B.C. 529. Their queen Tomyris is said to have cast his head into a bag filled with human blood, that he might satiate himself therewith, as she expressed it. In his ' Complaint of the Duke of Buckingham,' Sackville tells the story rather more at length. 62. Xerxes' fleet was defeated at Salamis by Themistocles, Oct. 20, B.C. 480. His army was kept at bay at Thermopylae by Leonidas for three days, August 7, 8, 9, in the same year. Thebes, probably an allusion to the supposed capture of Thebes by Theseus ; see Chaucer, Knightes Tale, 132. Tyms, Tyre, sacked by Alexander, B.C. 332. 63. Werd, weird, fate. loves, &c. ; cf. Iliad, i. 5 Aibs 5' ercktiero @ov\ri. Lyn, cease ; more common in the form blin, contracted from be-lin. 64. It is tolerably clear that Spenser has caught the tone of Sackville, in his piece called ' The Ruines of Time,' which is written in the same metre. 67. Sferclerf, scattered; from Virgil's 'passis crinibus;' JEn. ii. 403. Bayne, bath. For the death of Priam, see the Extracts from Caxton and Surrey. 69. ' From this scene Sorrow, who is well known to Charon, and to Cerberus the hideous hound of hell, leads the poet over the loathsome lake of rude Acheron, to the dominions of Pluto, which are described in numbers too beautiful to have been relished by his contemporaries, or equalled by his successors.' Warton. H h 2 458 NOTES. 71. From Virgil, JEneid, vi. 413 ' Gemuit sub pondere cymba Sutilis, et multam accepit rimosa paludem.' Hoyse up, hoist up. Cf. Acts xxvii. 40. Shakespeare has hoised tail, Richard III, iv. 4. 529. Set, make. Thre-sound, triple-sounding; from Virgil's 'latratu trifauci,' ./En. vi. 417. 72. See Virgil; also Dante, Infemo, vi. 22. Foredinning, dinning greatly ; it should be fordinning. This line is harsh, probably by intention. Peaste, became quiet. 74. Pewled; Cotgrave's French Dictionary gives ' Piauler, to peep or cheep as a young bird, to pule or howl as a young whelp.' Yfere, together. 75. Tooke on with playnt, took up her complaint. Can, began to, did. 76. Fortunes wheele ; see the description of it in the Extract from James I ; p. 44. Recompt, recount. Kesar, Caesar, emperor. 77. Henry. This is the subject of Sackville's own contribution to the 'Mirror.' The original ' Induction' probably ended at stanza 76, as we now have it ; the rest, if any, was altered. loynes, clasps. 78. Molte, melted ; we still use molten in the past participle. A large portion of Sackville's poem, in a modernized form, is quoted by Warton. This is followed by a short analysis of Dante's great work, in which, by the way, the Italian is very oddly spelt. XXV. ROGER ASCHAM. Line 4. 'In 1550, while on a visit to his friends in Yorkshire, he was recalled to court by a letter informing him that he had been appointed to accompany Sir Richard Morysine on his embassy to the court of the Emperor Charles V. It was on his way to London on -this occasion that he had his well-known interview with Lady Jane Grey, at her father's seat at Broadgate [or Bradgate], in Leicestershire.' English Cyclopaedia ; s. v. Ascham. 13. Phadon Platonis, Plato's Phaedo ; the dialogue in which Plato's views concerning the immortality of the soul are developed. 14. Bocase, Boccaccio; the reference is to his Decamerone, which XXV. ROGER ASCHAM. 469 contains one hundred tales, many of them more ' merie* than moral. For a specimen of one, see Keats's ' Isabella.' Ascham also narrates his interview with Lady Jane in a Latin epistle to his friend Sturm. He there gives to her tutor, Mr. Elmer, the Christian name of John. See the notice of Bishop Aylmer in Athenae Cantab, ii. 168, 547. 5 1 . Faire markes. Ascham is fond of allusions to archery, in praise of which he wrote his ' Toxophilus.' 72. Xenopkon. The passage is 'fls SI jrpofjyev avrov o xp^vos ffivr& HfytOd (Is ajpav rov irpoarj^ov r Y(veo0ai, kv TOI/TO> or/ rots fiiv Ao-yots &pa- Xvrtpois expiJTo teal ry \O.S Xitr&v, iV'AiSTjs xwpis cuKtarai Bfoiiv, K.T.X. The ghost of Tantalus appears in the first scene of Seneca's tragedy of Thyestes. 98. Heame, home. It is certain that the Shepheardes Calender con- tains many traces of Northern dialect, and the fact is important, as clearly indicating that he resided in Lancashire not only after going to Cambridge, as is known, but also for a considerable time before it. Compare his autobiographical statements in the eclogue for December I should also conclude that Dido was a north-country girl, a Lancashire witch' probably. But her lover was ' Lobbin,' not ' Colin.' 105. An allusion to the famous Dance of Death, founded on some verses originally written by one Macaber in German. See Warton, ii. 271, ed. 1840; iii. 55. ed. 1871. 141. Philomele. Kirke, in mentioning Gascoigne, refers to an elegy composed by him, and printed in 1576, with the title 'The Complaynt of Phylomene.' It is worthy of remark that 11. 25 and 26 of this elegy well illustrate 1. 26 above. The Nightingale is there thus spoken of ' Now in good sooth, quoth she, sometimes I vrepe To see Tom Tyttimouse so much set by [esteemed]? 148. Fatall sisters; see note above, p. 461 ; and cf. 1. 163 below. 1 86. E. K. refers us to Plato. There is a passage somewhat to this effect in Plato's Phaedo, v. where Socrates says that all who take a worthy view of the matter must wish for death, yet they may not lay violent hands upon themselves. Lucan (iv. 519) has the fine lines 47 8 NOTES. ' Uicturosque dei celant, ut uiuere durent, Felix esse mori.' Expert, experience ; a word coined by Spenser, and badly coined. 187. Astert, evidently intended to mean 'befall unawares,' as E. K. says. This is a good instance of the peril a poet incurs when using archaic terms which he does not well understand. The true meaning of asterte is to escape from, to start or get away, as in Chaucer, Knightes Tale, 1. 737 Ches which thou wilt, for thou schalt not asterte.' Thus Spenser's line, literally translated, means 'The shepherd can there escape from no danger,' which is just the opposite of what is intended. The fact is that Spenser, in using archaic words, frequently made mistakes, as e. g. when he took yede to be a verb in the in- finitive mood ; see note to Sect. XXIV. 30, p. 465. 194. Cf. Milton's Lycidas, 1. 165, and Pope's Fourth Pastoral on Daphne. 195. The meaning of 'my Commentarye' in the Glosse upon this line is a little obscure, but we may easily guess it. It is clear that Kirke had written a commentary upon ' The Dreams' of Spenser. The only works to which this title is strictly applicable are ' The Visions of the World's Vanity,' ' Bellay's Visions,' and ' Petrarch's Visions.' But the work here referred to is certainly the Ruins of Time, a poem of much the same character, which must (like the poems above-mentioned) have been written at a very early period of the poet's life. L. 399 of the Ruins of Time is as follows : ' On Nectar and Ambrosia do feede' ; a line which is precisely parallel to 'There drincks she Nectar with Ambrosia mixt.' Embleme (Glosse). The words 'as doome of ill desert' occur in 1. 184 above. The reference to Chaucer I cannot verify. In Latin the same thought is epigrammatically expressed by morsjanua vita. (B) The Shepheardes Calender. December. Argument. Pan. Evidently suggested by Clement Marot's poem, 'Eclogue au roy soubs les noms de Pan et Robin.' This Eclogue (as observed by Warton, and in Besant's Early French Poetry, pp. 254, 286) resembles Marot's poem very closely. See the comparison between the poems fully worked out in Professor Morley's ' Clement Marot,' vol. ii. ch. xi. XX VIII. (B) EDMUND SPENSER. 479 Line 4. Tityrus certainly means Chaucer. This is placed beyond doubt by the Epilogue at the end of the poem. Colin is Spenser. 7. Compare the lines in Marot (Besant, Early French Poetry, p. 2 55) ' Que quelque jour je ferois des chansons A ta louenge, O Pan Dieu tressacre!' II. The line cited by Kirke is in Eclogue ii. 1. 33. 19. The lines at first sight seem to describe Spenser's early life, which he probably passed in the North. In fact, however, he here follows Marot pretty closely. I again quote from Mr. Besant. ' Sur le printemps de ma jeunesse folle, Je ressembloys 1'arondelle qui vole, Puis 9a. puis la ; 1'aage me conduisoit Sans paour ne soing, oil le cueur me disoit, En la forest, sans la craincte des loups, Je m'en allois souvent cueiller le houx, Pour faire gluz a prendre oyseaulx ramaiges 1 , Tous differens de chantz et de plumaiges ; Ou me souloys 2 , pour les prendre, entremettre A faire brics 3 , ou caiges pour les mettre. Ou transnouoys * les rivieres profondes, Ou r'enfor9oys 5 sur le genoil les fondes ', Puis d'en tirer droict et loing j'apprenois Pour chasser loups et abbatre des noix. O quantes foys aux arbres grimpe j'ay Pour desnicher ou la pie, ou la geay, Ou pour gecter des fruictz ja meurs et beaulx A mes compaings, qui tendoient leurs chappeaulx.* 38. This line is again like Marot's : ' Ou la nature aux Muses inclinee.' 63. Whether, whither. 76. Reason. So in all the old editions. Hughes proposed to read season. 84. (Glosse.) I know no reason for the word ' alwayes.' 87. Soothe ofbyrds, soothsaying by observing the flights of birds. The words augury and auspice are both derived from the Lat. avis, a bird. 88. (Glosse.) ' Quos hominum ex facie Dea saeua potentibus herbis Induerat Circe in uultus ac terga ferarum.' Virg. JEn. vii. 19. 1 Wild. 2 Was accustomed. 9 Traps. * Swam across. * Tied up. * Slings. 480 NOTES. 91. Compare Inuentum mecHcina meum est ; opiferque per orbem Dicor ; et herbarum est subiecta potentia nobis. Hei mihi, quod nullis amor est medicabilis herbis, Nee prosunt domino, quae prosunt omnibus, artes.' Ovid, Met. 5. 521. 98. All to rathe, all too soon. 105. At erst, lit. at first. But it is here made to express something else, viz. either too soon or at last. It is an instance of misuse of words. 113. Rosalind, whom he in the Eclogue for April terms ' the widdowes daughter of the glenne,' was some Northern beauty of unknown name, with whom Spenser fell deeply in love. She did not, however, return his love ; and, after cherishing an affection for her for some years, he at length, in 1 59 2, met an Elizabeth, whom, about a year and a half afterwards, he married. 1 1 6. Shifting, i.e. rapid movement, dancing. 118. Unsoote, unsweet, bitter. 121. Cf Virgil, Eel. v. 36, and Job xxxi. 38-40. 133. Spoken by poetical licence. Spenser was only twenty-seven years old. Emb!eme(G\osse}. 'Exegi,'&c. ; Horace, Carm. iii. po. ' Grande,' &c. ; Ovid, Metam. xv. 871. The latter quotation is not quite correct. The usual reading is ' Jam-jite opus,' &c. ; also ignes, not ignis. The motto ' Vivitur ingenio,' &c., is paraphrased from Marot's motto. Epi'ogue. 8. A lowly gate, a lowly way, in a humble manner. 9. Tityrus. Certainly Chaucer, because he is linked with his con- temporary William Langley or Langland, the author of Piers the Plow- man. Yet Spenser's description of the latter is not accurate, unless we take the word playde in a musical sense, i. e. take it to mean played or piped the story of the Ploughman. With this interpretation, however, it is strictly accurate to define Langland as a pilgrim, who sang of the Ploughman. This note is the more necessary, because it is a common mistake to suppose that Piers the Plowman is the name of an author, whereas it merely denotes the subject of the 'pilgrim' Langland's poem. 9-11. These lines are imitated from Statius, Thebaid xii. 816 ' Uiue precor, nee tu diuinam Aeneida tenta, Seel longe sequere, et uestigia semper adora.' Merce, non Mercede, Thanks, not Reward (in money) ; it expresses the poet's object. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Abbreviations employed, and List of Dictionaries referred to. A. S. = Anglo-Saxon (Bosworth, O.H.G. = Old High German (Wack- Grein). ernagel). Dan. = Danish (Ferrall and Repp). P.P1. = Piers the Plowman (ed. Skeat, Du. = Dutch (Tauchnitz). or ed. Wright). E. = English (Webster, revised by Prompt. Parv. = Promptorium Par- Goodrich, Porter, and Mahn). vulorum, ed. Way (Camden F. = French (Pick's Etym. Diet.). Society). G. = German (Fliigel). Prov. E. = Provincial English (Halli- Gael. = Gaelic (Macleod and Dewar). well) . Icel. = Icelandic (Egilsson, Mobius, Sc. = Scottish (Jamieson). Vigfusson). Sp. = Spanish (Meadows). It. = Italian (Meadows). Sw. = Swedish (Tauchnitz). Low Lat. = Low Latin (Ducange). Suio - Goth. = Suio- Gothic or Old M.E. = Middle English (Halliwell, Swedish (Ihre). Stratmann). W. = Welsh (Spurrell). Mceso-Goth. = Mceso-Gothic (Skeat). Wedgwood = Wedgwood's Etymo- O.F. = Old French (Burguy, Roque- logical English Dictionary. fort). Also adj. adjective; adv. adverb; num. numeral; pres. part, present par- ticiple ; pp. past participle, &c. The following abbreviations are used in a particular sense : v. verb in the infinitive mood ; pr. s., pt. s., the third person singular of the present or past tense ; pr. pi., pt. pi. the third person plural of those tenses, except when I p. or 2 p. is added ; so also imp. s. the second person singular of the impera- tive ; imp. pi. the second person plural of the same. S. or F. denotes that a word is of Saxon or French origin. A., put for of, 7. 84; a trmti tre= frighten, from baer, to open the of trusty wood. Cf. 1. 92. See mouth, to cry baa or bo. Athe. Abhomynable, adj. abominable, A., prep, on; a foote, on foot, 36. 16. 64. 1146. Abilseit, pp. apparelled, 13. 34. Abasshe, v. F. to abash, terrify, F. habiller, to dress. 15 b. 32 ; pp. Abasshid, 9. 52 ; Abilsement, sb. habiliment, cloth- Abaist, 4. 1 66. O. F. esbahir, to ing, 22. 4546. i i 482 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Abjecte, v. Lat. to cast aside, 12. 5. Abone, prep. S. above, 7. 14, 22. 5564. A. S. dbufan. Abye, v. S. pay, viz. for my rash- ness, 12. 17. A.S. dbicgan, to buy back. To abye (pay) has often been corrupted into abide. Accompt, sb. F. account, ig/. 46, 26. 441 ; pi. Accomptes, 16. 232. Accompted, pp. F. accounted, 26. 754. Lat. compute, I reckon. Accorded, pt. s. F. granted, 9. 117- Lat. ad, to, and cor, gen. cordis, the heart. Accordyng, />r. />ar/. suiting, agreeing, 13. 226. Ace, sb. a single bit, a jot, 26. 1039, 1172. Lat. as, one (on a die). Ada wed, //>. awakened, 3 &. 1287. Cf. ' And at the last he gan his breath to drawe, And of his swough sone after that adawe? Chaucer, Troil. and Cres. iii. 1126. From A.S. dagian, to become day, to dawn. See Adaui in Wedgwood. A-do, to do, 15 b. 123. A -do stands for at do, i.e. to do, a Northern English idiom. In the Scandinavian languages, the sign of the infin. mood is not to, but at. Aferde, pp. afraid, 18. xvii. 73. A. S. df&ran, to frighten, from /ttr, sb. fear, wh. is related tofcer, adj. sudden. Affamysit, pp. famished, 22. 5495. Afferde, pp. a-feared, frightened, 3 b. 1069. Affray, sb. F. terror, fear, 3 b. 1294, II a. 27 ; pi. Affrayis, 22. 5503. F. effroi, terror. See Effray. Affrayd, pp. F. terrified, afraid, 3 b. 1304; Aftrayt, 13. n. F. effrayer, to terrify. See Affray. Agast, adj. terrified, 6. 230; 20 a. 39. Cf. Mce?o-Goth. usgaisjan, to terrify. The modern spelling aghast is wrong. Agayn, prep. S. against, 12. 19. Agazed, pp. aghast, 19 b. 44. The mistake in using agazed for aghast is explained by Wedgwood. See Agast. Agenst- Christ, sb. Antichrist, 16. 108. Ageyn, prep, against, 3 b. 1179. A. S. ongedn. Ageyns, prep. S. against, 3 b. 1 199. Cf. Ageyn. Aggreable, adj. F. favourable, 9. 114. Lat. grains. A-gone, pp. S. gone away, 10. 95. A. S. dgdn, to pass away. Some- times wrongly supposed to be a corruption of ygone. A-h.ungerd, pp. pinched with hunger, 30. 14. A.S. of-hin- grian, to hunger exceedingly. Airtis, sb. pi. quarters, 22. 5600. Gael. aird,a. quarter of thecompass, ard, high, ard, a height, heaven. See Art. Aisliche, adv. timorously, i. 341. A. S. egeslice, fearfully ; O. H. G. egesliche, fearfully ; from A. S. egesa, O. H. G. egisa, egiso, fear. Akis, sb. pi. oaks, 13. 167. A.S. dc. Alabaustre, sb. alabaster, I. 183. Alawe, adv. in the low ground, in the valley, 4. 154. Alblastrye, sb. the use of cross- bows, 4. 156. From Lat. arcus and balista. Alewin, num. eleven, 22. 4509. Algate, adv. by all means, wholly, 2. 604, 28 a. 21. M. E. gate, a way ; A. S. algeats, altogether. Alhool (for al hool), completely whole, 3 b. 1411. Alicb-tyn, v. to enlighten, 13. 28. Alkynd, i.e. of every kind, 13. 2 56. A Ikynd-fruyt - fruit of every kind. Alkynd bestiall = beasts of every kind, 1. 263. 7LOSSARIAL INDEX. 483 All, adv. completely, 23. iii. 126. All was frequently used before verbs beginning with the intensive prefix to; in course of time, this prefix was (by a mistake) separated from the verb, and used as if all to meant altogether. Allsvin, pp. admitted (?), n b. 21. See Jamieson's Diet. But it should mean eleven. Allures, sb. pi. alleys, passages, walks, 3 b. i 267. See note. Almaygnes, sb. pi. F. Germans, 15 b. 1 10. A-lofe, adv. aloof, 15 a. 29. This shews the deriv. of aloof from all off" (given in some books) to be absurd. Cf. Sw. lof, in lofvart, windward ; Du. loef, weather- gauge, E. luff; connected with M. E. lof, a kind of rudder. Aloute, v. to bow down, i. 750. A. S. hlu'.an, to bow. Alcrwe, v. F. to approve of, 16. 211, 20 a. 37. Lat. ad, to, and laudare, to praise. Als, adv. also, 6. 230; as, II a. 18; als weill = as well, 22. 5454. Contr. from Also, q. v. Als-as, adi: just as if, I. 378. Contr. from all-so-as. Also, conj. S. as, so, 2. 611. A. S. eall swd, all so, just so. Aluterly, adv. all utterly, com- pletely, 13. 206. Alyctnyng, pres. part, illumining, J 3. 59- Alyte, for a lyte, adv. a little, 4. 161. A. S. lyt, a little. Ainbassages, sb. pi. F. embassies, 21. I So. Low Lat. ambafcia, of Teutonic origin ; Mceso-Goth. andbahts, a servant, whence G. ami, an office. Amene, adj. pleasant, II a. 10 ; Ameyn, 13. 54. Lat. amoenus. Amerant, adj. amaranth, 13. 151. Gk. dfj.apavTos, unfading, from d, not, and fj.apcu.vsa, I wither. Amonges, frep. S. amongst, 2. 298. A.S. gemang, among. Amyabill, adj. lovely, 13. 151. Lat. amare, to love. Ancient, sb. a senior, 25. 136. And, conj. if, i. 393, 2. 615, 7. 129, 14. 297; And if=an if, if, 20 c. 85. See note to 8. iii. 46. Ane, adj. one, 6. 190. A. S. an. Anew, pi. adj. enough, 6. 324. A. S. gendh, sufficient. Anewis, sb. pi. lit. rings, perhaps buds or knops, 4. 160. O. F. anel, aniau, aneau, a ring ; from Lat. anellus, dim. of annuhts. Annamyllit, pp. F. enamelled, II a. 6. O. F. en, prefix, and esmail, enamel ; from the same root as E. smelt. Anoon, adv. anon, immediately, 3 b. 1290. A. S. on an, in one. Anuell, sb. a sum of money paid for a mass to be said annually (or perhaps, every day throughout a year), i. 414. Anyghtes (for on nyghtes), at night, nightly, 3 b. 1360. Aparte, v . to part away, to inter- rupt, 24. 14. Apayd, pp. F. pleased ; hence, euel apayd = ill pleased, 3 b. 1081. O. F. apaier, to appease, from Lat. pacare. Appalling, sb. injuring, lessening, 18. xviii. 33. From Lat. ad, and F. pire, Lat. peior, worse ; hence appair, to make worse, impair. Apperand, pres. part, appearing, 6. 342. Apply, v. F. bend to, follow after, 20 b. 42. Areysed, pt. s. raised, 8. iii. 13. Armes, interj. arms ! an oath, by God's arms (written Gogs arms in the same play, ed. Arber, p. 27), 23. iii. 3. 94. Armony, sb. F. harmony, 4. 152 ; II a. i. It. armonia. Art, sb. quarter, direction, point of i i 2 484 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. the compass, 6. 309 ; every art, in every direction, on all sides, 13. 232. Gaelic aird, a height, point of the compass ; hence, Sc. air*. See Airtis. Artow,/or art thou, 4. 173. As, prep, as regards, 6. 313 ; 8. iii. 53- Asaye, imp. s. test, try (it), I. 247. Aspectis, sb. pi. aspects, 13. 42. A term in astrology. Aspert (?), adj. harsh, cruel, 4. 1 70. F. aspre, Lat. asper. So says Jamieson ; but the passage is obscure. Perhaps aspert = expert ; see note. Aspie, v. to espy, 5 a. 31. Asprely, adv. sharply, roughly, 1 8. xvii. 157. Lat. asper, rough. Aspy, sb. spy, beholder, 13. 265. Assay, v. F. make trial of, 3 a. 14; to attempt, try to do, essay, 1 8. xvii. 220. Lat. exagium, a bal- ance, from ex, out, and ago, I put in motion. Assay, sb. F. trial, proof, 5 b. 13. Assoile, v. F. to answer, 2. 615. Lat. absoluere. Assured, pp. bound by promise, 3 b. 1206. Astart, v. to start aside, start from, 19 a. 283. Astate, sb. F. state, 14. 308 ; pi. Astates, conditions, ranks, 18. xvii. 42. Astert, v. to start from, shun, escape ; wrongly used in the sense to startle, frighten, 28 a. 187 ; pr. s. Asterteth, starts aside, es- capes, 2. 282 ; pr. s. svbj. Asterte, may escape, may be missing, 3 b. 1361. See Astart. Astoynds, pp. S. astounded, as- tonished, 24. 29. See Stoynde. At, eon/', that, 6. 240. Dan. at. Athe, put for of the, 7. 51. Attaynt, pp. F. attainted, marred, 24. 15. Lat. tango, I touch. Attechyng, F. pres. part, attaching, indicting, 13. 266. Cf. Bret, tack, a nail, tack. Atteir, sb. F. attire, II a. 3. Atteynt, pp. F. convicted of trea- son, proved to be traitors, 3 b. 1207. See Attaynt. Attones, adv. at once, 26. 759 ! Attonis, 22. 5592; Attonys, 3 6. 1162. Auale, v. F. to subside, 24. 19 ; to condescend, 14.1117; pp. Auailed, lowered, 19 /. 30. O. F. avaler, M.E. vail, to lower ; from a val, Lat. ad uallem, to the valley, downward. Cf. E. avalanche. Auaunce, imp. s. F. advance, 20 c. 71. Lat. ab, from, ante, before; whence also E. van, van-guard. Avauntagis, sb. pi. F. advantages, 5 b. I. Auchtene, num. eighteen, 6. 192. Auctor, sb. Lat. an author, 16.. 192. Aventure, sb. F. adventure, chance, 3 b. 1232. Auld, adj. old, 6. 192. A.S. eald. Aunter, .&. adventure, chance ; an aunter yf, it is a chance if, i. 789. Auntrede, I p. s. pt. adventured (myself), I- 34 1 - Avowe, sb. F. a vow, 7. i, 130. Cf. ' That make I myn avow ; ' Chaucer, Kn. Ta. 1379. Auowe, v. F. to maintain, 10. 147. Lat. uouere. Aureat, adj. golden, 13. 47. Lat. aurum, gold. Autorite, sb. F. authority, 16. 253- Autour, sb. F. author, 18. xvii. 206. Auysyon, sb. F. vision, 8. iii. 62. Awalk, imp. s. S. awake, n a. 2. The substitution of Ik for kk occurs in Scottish MSS. Awalk = awaltk, put for avialt. Awance, v. F. to advance, 6. 366. Awaytede, I p. s. pt. perceived, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. beheld, I. 172. O. F. agaiter,to watch; cf. E. wait, wake, watch. A win, adj. own, n a. 18; Awn, 6. 239; Awyn, 13. 72. A. S. dgen, own, from dgan, to possess. Awkwart, adv. sideways, with a back stroke, 6. 407. Awoik, i p. s. pt. awoke, n b. 50 ; pt. s. Awoilk, ii a. 27. See A walk. Awppis, sb. curlews, II a. 18. Awter, sb. F. altar, 9. 167. Axed, pt. pi. S. asked, asked for, 2. 600 ; asked, 2. 610. A. S. dcsian. Ay, adv. ever, continually. Icel. ei. Ayer, sb. F. air, 24. 31. Ayr, sb. F. an itinerant court of justice ; one ayr in the court, 6. 275. Law French eyre, Lat. iter. Ayr, adj. early, 13. 304. A. S. /. pi. Beden, 2. 621. A. S. beodan, to bid, to offer. Bedes, sb. pi. prayers, I. 389. A.S. bed, a prayer, biddan, to pray. Bedreynt, pi. pi. completely drenched, 24. 21. Been, sb. pi. bees, I. 727. A. S. beo, pi. beon. Beforne, prep, before, 7. 28. A. S. beforan. Bsgouth, I p. s. pt. began, 13. 306. Begrime, pr. s. subj. as imp. smear, daub, co"ver all over, 23. iii. 3. 126. The verb would properly have been iobegrime in older English, but the use of lo as a prefix was no longer rightly under- stood. Beheestyng, pres. part, promising, 3 & 1375- But the spelling Be- holing (Trin. MS.) is far prefer- able. A. S. behdtan, to promise. Beholdinge, wrongly -used for Beholden, pp. indebted, 25. 10. ' Beholdyn. or bowndyn, Obligor, teneor.' Prompt. Parv. Old writers use not only beholding, but even beholding ness. Behote, pp. called, named, 28 b. 54. (Misused.) Beild, sb. protection, 13. 257. O. Swed. bylja, to build; but see Murray's Diet. Beir, sb. barley, 22. 4694. Sc. bear, Moeso-Goth. barizeins, of barlev, John 6. 9. Beis, pr. s. as fut. shall be, 6. 433, 2 2. 5595 ; pr. pi. Bef, are, i. 254; imp. pi. Be)), be ye, I. 442 ; Beth, 2. 627 ; pp. Be, been, 19 a. 347- Beks, pr. s. beckons, gives a sign, gives a significant token or nod, 4. 336. Cf. ' nods and becks ' in Milton's L'Allegro. Belded, pp. built, i. 548 ; Belt, 3 b. 1223. Beldyng, sb. building, i. 548; Beld- inge, the act of building, I. 501. Belliche, adv. beautifully, i. 173. O. F. bel, F. beau. Belt. See Belded. Belyue, adv. immediately, 22. 5615. M. E. bi life, with life, quickly. Bemyng, sb. humming, 13. 244. Cf. Du. bommen, to give a sound like an empty barrel. Probably suggested by M. E. beme, a trumpet. Benefundatum, sb. Lat. that which is well founded, premisses (a term in logic), 1 6. 309. Benen, sb. pi. beans, I. 762. Bent, sb. coarse grass, grass-covered plain, 7. II. Cf. G. bime, rush, bent-grass. Benumde, pp. bereft, 24. 34. See note. Benyng, adj. F. benign, 6. 202, ii a. 3. Berayne, pr. pi. be-rain, bedew, 19 f. 42 ; pi. pi. Beraynde, bedewed, wetted, 24. 74. Berdes, sb.pl. 2. 620; shaued het GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 487 berdes = shaved their beards. See note. Bereth, pr. s. bereth on hand = persuades, makes (him) believe, assures, 14. 448. Beriall, adj. blueish-green, of the colour of beryl, 13. 60. Beris, sb. gen. sing, of barley, 13. 77. Sc. bsar, E. bar-ley. See Beir. Besauntes, sb. pi. bezants, 8. v. 12. A gold coin worth 15^. sterling, first coined at Byzantium. Beseyn, pp. S. arrayed, 3 b. 1337 ; Besene,equipped,na. "j; Beseyne, decked, 6. 213. Well beseen is the common phrase for arranged in a sightly manner. Beslombred, pp. beslobbered, be- daubed, I. 427. Cf. G. schlum- pern, to draggle. Bespayke, pt. s. spake, 7. 45. A. S. besprecan, to speak to. Besprent, pp. besprink led, bedewed, 24. 32 ; Besprint, 28 a. in. A. S. sprengan, (l) to spring, (2) to sprinkle. Besynesse, sb. activity, 4. 155. Bet, pt. s. beat, 13. 24 ; 19 a. 627. Bete, 3 p. s. imp. make better, remedy, amend, 7. 140. A. S. betan, to better ; bet, better ; b6t, advantage, boot, remedy ; cf. Sc. beet, kindle. BeJ>, Beth. See Beis. Betight, pp. happened, befallen, 28 a. 174. (Should be had be- tided.) Bewis, sb. pi. S. boughs, 1 1 a. 5 ; Bewys, 13. 66. Beyderoule, sb. a bead-roll, i.e. a catalogue of persons for whom prayers are to be said, the prayers being counted on the beads of a chaplet, 16. 150. Beyn, adj. fair, pleasant, 13. 62. Cf. Icel. beini, hospitality, beinn, straight. Beynge, I p. s. pr. make obeisance, 13. 292. Formed from Icel. beygja, to bow ; cf. Sw. bugning, bowing, biijning, bending. Beyt, v. to heal, comfort, 13. 233. See Bete. Biclypped, pt. s. embraced, en- closed, covered, i. 227. M. E. clip, to embrace. Biggeth, pr. pi. buy, T. 360. A.S. bicgan. Bild, sb. building, i. 157. Birde, sb. either bird as a term of endearment, or put for M.E. birde. a bride, 23. iii. 4. 32. Birded, pt. pi. laid snares as a fowler does for birds, 26. 1150. Blane, pt. s. ceased, stayed, 7. 86. See Blyne. Blank, adj. white, 13. 118. F. blanc. Blasynge, pres.part. blazoning, i.e. describing in proper heraldic terms, 12. 3. See note. F. blason, a coat-of-arms. Bledder, sb. bladder, i. 222. Blenk, sb. blink, glance, 13. 50. Blesand, pres. part, blazing, 13. 33- Bleyk, adj. bleak, wan, 3 b. 1286. Blive, adv. S. quickly, 2. 610; Bliue, 190. 294. See Belyue. Blomys, sb. pi. blooms, 13. 63; Bloosmes, 28 b. 103. Blomyt, pp. full of flowers, 13. 95. E. bloom, G. blume. Blyne, v. S. to stop, 6. 422 : pi. s. Blane, ceased, 7. 86. A.S. blin- nan, linnan, to cease. Blyss, v. to bless, 13. 303. Blyve ; as bly ve = as quickly as possible, very scon, 3 6. 1173. See Belyue. Bobbe, sb. a jerk, jog, knock, fillip, 26. 1116; pi. Bobbes, 25. 34. ' Bobby d and betyn' = struck and beaten ; Coventry Mysteries, ed. Halliwell, p. 332. Bochers, gen. sing. F. butcher's, 14. 295. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Boistous, adj. F. boisterous, noisy, 2. 606. From W. bwyst, wild ; bivystus, savage, ferocious. Boll, sb. a head, rounded top, 22. 4694. Du. bol, a globe ; cf. E. . bole, bowl, ball, a boil. See Bolne. Bolne, pp. bollen, swollen, 19 a. 616. Sw. bulna, Dan. bolne, to swell, bulge. Bones, sb. pi. 26. 1087. To make bones is to hesitate. It is taken from the idea of wasting time in picking bones ; to make no bones is to swallow whole. Bonkis, sb.pl. banks, 13. 62. Boote, sb. S. boot, remedy, 2. 627. See Bete. Bootelesse, adj. S. useless, 19 a. 667. See Bete. Bore, pp. born, 3 a. 16. Borned, pp. F. burnished, polished, 3 b. 1123. See Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, ed. 1840, ii. 275. F. brunir, lit. to make brown. Bot, con/, but, only, merely, 13. 5- Boun, adj. ready, 2. 620 ; Boune, made ready, prepared to go ; also, departed, gone on their way, 6. 253. Icel. buinn, pp. of bua, to prepare. See Bourn in Glossary to Piers the Plowman. Bountevous, adj. F. bounteous, kind, 3 b. 1372. Bovrd, sb. a jest, 13. 214. O. F. bowde, a jest, confused with O.F. bohort, a tournament, fame; from horde, a barrier, E. urdle. Bourding, sb. jesting, 5 a. 69. Boustious, adj. boisterous, 22. 5597. See Boistous. Bowes, sb. pi. S. boughs, 19 a. 316 ; 10. 100. Bowgle, sb. F. wild ox, n a. 1 6. See Bugill. Bowlne, pp. bollen, swollen, 19 a. 348 See Bolne. Bownd, pt. s. prepared himself, got ready, 6. 364. See Boun. Boys, sb. pi. bows, 7. 26, 60. Bradit, pt. s. drew (used esp. of pulling out a knife or sword), 6 223. A.S. bredan, to draw, braid. Braid, adv. broad, wide open, 13. 20. Braid, sb. sudden movement, II a. 27. Icel. brcegft, a sudden move- ment; A.S. bredan, to weave, draw away, braid. Brake, sb. bracken, brake-fern, 19 c. 7. Brake, sb. a thicket, 10. 88; pi. Brakes, thorns, briars, 28 b. 102. Low Ger. brake, brushwood, Dan. bregne, fern, E. bracken, W. brwg, brushwood. Brassit, pt. s. F. braced, i.e. fast- ened, 6. 242. Brastyng, pres. part, bursting, 13. 39- Breast, s. i.e. voice, 23. iii. 3. 108. Brede, sh. breadth, 3 b. 134! ; on breid = on breadth, abroad, 13. 74; hence, did on breid = did abroad, unfolded, 13. 113. A.S. brddo, breadth. Breme, adj. furious, violent, rough, 28 b. 148. A. S. bremman, to rage, roar. Brenne, v. S. to burn, 9. 43 ; pp. Brent, burnt, 140. 20. Brer, sb. briar, 13. 257 ; Brere, 28 b. 2 ; pi. Breres, 24. 39. A.S. brir\ the form brere occurs in Spenser. Brerd, sb. surface, top, extent along the surface, 13. 77. A.S. brerd, brim, top. See Croppis. Brest, pt.pl. burst, 13. 235. Bretful, adj. brimful, i. 223. Sw. braddfull, brimful ; from Sw. brddd, A.S. brerd, a brim. See Brerd. Brethir, sb. pi. brethren, brothers, ii b. 26. Brokkettis, sb. pi. brockets, 13. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 489 179. A brocket is a red deer of two years old. Brol, sb. a brat, child, I. 745. In Piers the Plowman, A-text, iii. 198, some MSS. read brol where others haVe barn = bairn, child. Brooke, v. to endure, 24. 49 ; I p. s. pr. Brook, enjoy, continue to use, 7. 129. A.S. brucan, to en- joy, cognate vfiihLat.frui,fructus ; M.E. brouke, to enjoy, but after- wards, to endure, to brook. Brouys, sb. small wood, small shoots like brushwood, 13. 165. Prov. E. brovse, brushwood, O.F. brace, small wood ; cf. M. H. G. broz, a bud. Broydrie, sb. embroidery, 26. 777- Bryttlynge, sb. breaking up, cut- ting up, 7. 17. A.S. brytan, to break, Sw. bryta, Dan. bryde. Bubs, pr. s. bubbles, 24. 69. Bugill, sb. F. a young ox, bullock, 4. 157. O.F. bugle, Lat. buculus, a bullock. Bumbast,/>r. pi. stuff out, pad out, 26. 1145. Low Lat. bombax, It. bombace, cotton used for quilting or stuffing out. Bur, sb. the broad ring of iron be- hind the place for the hand on a tilting-spear, 8. v. 72. Gaelic borr, a knob, bunch, swelling. Burdenous, adj. burdensome, 28 a. 166. Bore, pt. s. S. bore, 22. 4548. Burgionys, sb. pi. buds, 13. 99. F. bourgeon. Burgionys, pr. s. buds, 13. 115. Burnet, adj. of a brown colour, 13. 1 06. F. brun, brunette. Buryellys, sb. pi. but miswritten for Buryels, sb. sing, a sepulchre, 8. vi. 39. A. S. byrgels, a sepul- chre. Busking, sb. dressing, manner of dressing, 25. 104. Icel. buask, to prepare oneself, from baa, to pre- pare. See Boun. Busshement, sb. an ambuscade, 3 b. 1108. Busteous, adj. boisterous, rude, II a. 5, 16; Bustuus, huge, power- ful, 13. 177. W. bwyst, wild. See Boistous. But, prep, without, II a. 14, II b. 29, &c. : except, 2. 625 ; But yf, except, 2. 625. Buttonys, sb. pi. small buds, 13. 101. F. bouton, from bout, an end ; cf. E. bvtt-ead. By, prep, with regard to, 26. 763. By and by, adv. immediately, 3 b. 1331 ; 23. iii. 4. 33. Used in the same sense in our Authorised Version of the Bible. Byckarte, pt. pi. bickered, skir- mished, 7. II. W. bicra, to fight, skirmish. Byears, sb. pi. S. biers, 7. 117. Bynempt, pt. s. i p. promised, 28 a. 46. A.S. benemnan, to engage, declare. Bysprent, pp. besprinkled, 13. 90. A. S. springan, to spring ; also, to sprinkle, spread. Bywelde, v . refl. S. wield himself, i.e. have full and free use of his limbs, 3 b. 1367. C. Cabinet, sb. small cabin, arbour, 28 b. 17. Cseciam, sb. (ace. Lat.) blindness, 14. 463. A Low Latin word, used for ccecitatem. Caitifes, sb. pi. F. wretches, un- happy men, 19 a. 253. F. chetif, It. cattivo, Lat. captivus, a captive. Callour, adj. fresh, cool, 13. 91. Sc. caller, fresh ; Icel. kaldr, cold. Calstocke, sb. the centre of a stem of cabbage, 14. 352. Sc.custock, which occurs in Burns's Hallow- een, st. 5. A.S. cal, cole-wort, and stoc, a stcck. 490 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Cammamyld, sb. camomile, 13. 116. Can, i p. s. pr. S. know, 10. 29 ; pr. pi. Can, know, ken, 17 c. 55. Cankerd, pp. corrupted, malignant, J 4- 33 2 - Lat. cancer. Cant, sb. a slice, piece, bit, 20 c. 45. O. E. cantle, O. F. chantel, Dan. kant, an edge, border ; It. canto, a side, comer. It cannot be certainly connected with W. cant, a rim or edge of a circle. Capitayne, sb. F. captain, 18. xvii. 62. Low Lat. capitaneus, from caput, a head. Garde, pr. pi. card, comb or pre- pare wool, 26. 761. F. carde, the head of a thistle (used for carding), Lat. cardtius, a thistle. Carefull, adj. full of care, wretched, I. 441, 19 6. 50, 28 a. 62. Carke, s&. consuming sorrow, deep grief, 28 a. 66. Carpe, v. to talk, 7. 119; pr.pl. Carpe, blame, rebuke, 26. 823. Icel. karpa, to boast. Gary, sb. the name of a very coarse material, I. 422. In Piers the Plowman, it is called cauri-mauri ; A- text, v. 62 ; B-text, v. 79. Cass, sb. F. case, mishap, 6. 263. From Lat. cadere, to fall. Cast, I p. pi. pr. we intend, 7. 35 ; pt. s. Caste, designed, planned, I. 486. Icel. kasta, to throw. Catcluke, sb. trefoil, 13. 116. Named from some fanciful re- semblance to a cat's paw ; cf. Sc. cleuk, a claw. Cater, sb. F. caterer, purveyor of food, 20 a. 26. F. acheter, to buy. Calient, v. to catch, 13. 172. An anomalous usage. Cawmyt, pp. calmed, 13. 52. Cawtele, sb. F. deceit, 9. loi. Lat. cautela, caution, from can- ere. Cayr, sb. S. anxiety, care, 6. 187. A. S. cearu. Caytiues, sb. captives, 26. 794. See Caitifes. Celicall, adj. heavenly, 13. 42. Lat. caelum, heaven. Certis, adv. certainly, 5 a. 5. Chaflet, sb. F. a small platform or scaffold, 8. iii. 20. Dim. from O.F. eschaffaitt, a scaffold ; which is from Old Span, catar, Lat. cap- tare, to view, and It. palco, a planking ; cf. F. catafalque. Chalmer, sb. chamber, 13. 267. Chamelot, sb. camlet, a stuff made of camel's hair, 4. 157. Champaine, adj. flat, 18. xviii. 60. From Campania, used as the name of a country, from Lat. campus. Chance, sb. lot, fate, 13. 285. Chanpartye, sb. F. a divided field (sc. of battle), a drawn battle, equality of power, 3 b. 1198. F. champ parti. Chapiter, sb. chapter, 17 d. 2. Chapolories, sb. pi. scapulars, I. 550. See Fairholt's Costume in England, p. 595. From Lat. scapula, the shoulder. Chapyt, />/>. escaped, 6. 427. Char, sb. F. car, 13. 31 ; Chare, 19 d. 4 ; 24. 7. Lat. carrus. Charchyng, pres. part. F. charging, 3 b. logo. Chays, sb. F. chase, i. e. hunting- ground, 7- 3 1 - Cheare, i&. F. outward look, car- riage, deportment, 19 /. 19. Checker, sb. court of exchequer, 14- 335- Chepe, sb. market-place (now Cheapside\ 30. 10. Cherarchy, sb. hierarchy, i.e. choir, II a. 9. The allusion is to the singing of angels in their hierarchies or orders ; cf. Spenser, F. CL i. 12. 39. The form of the word is less removed from the original than is the It. gerarckia. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 491 Chere, sb. F. countenance, 19 a. 345. Low. Lat. car a, face ; cf. Gk. napa, head. Cherte, sb. F. friendship, 5 a. 91. Lat. cams, dear. Chesit, //. *. chose, 22. 4573. Cheuyce, v. F. to bargain, make a contract about a loan ; hence, to lend, 2. 602. O. F. ckevir, to ac- complish, from chef, Lat. caput, head. Chiere, s6. F. cheer, countenance, 4. 1 6 1. See Chere. Childre, sb. pi. children, I. 756. Choi, sb. jowl ; the part extending from ear to ear beneath the chin, I. 224. A.S. ciafl, the jaw, ceaflas, jaws, chops. Choyss, imp. s. choose, 13. 223. Chrisolyte, sb. chrysolite, 73. 37. From \pvaos, gold, and \i0os, a stone. Chymmys, sb. palace, chief man- sion, 13. 276. O. F. chefmez, from Lat. caput, head, and mansio, dwelling. Chymneyes, sb. pi. chimneys, 7. 209. Chynnes, sb. pi. S. chinks, 2. 609. Chynnyng, sb. a chink, 2. 605. A. S. cinu, a chink, nick. Cf. Prov. Eng. chine, a cleft. Chyp, v. to chip (applied to the bursting open of buds), 13. 124. Chyrmys, pr. s. chirrups, 13. 239. A. S. cyrm, a noise, cry. Chyssell, adj. chisel-like, flat and sharp, 13. 58. O. F. cisel, a chisel. Circulat, adj. going round in a circle, revolving (in an orbit), 13. 10. Clavyr, sb. clover, 13. 116. Clsiwep, pr.pl. stroke down, smooth down, I. 365. 'Flateur, a flatterer, gloser, fawner, soother, foister, smoother, a clawback, sycophant, pickthanke.' Cotgrave's French Diet. Cled, pt. s. clad, clothed, 13. 98; pp. Cled, 22. 4718. Cleikis, pr. s. clutches, takes, 22. 4721. E. clutch, A.S. gelceccan, to seize. (Doubtful.) Clepit, pt. s. called, 4. 166. A. S. cleopian, to call. Cleuering, pres. part., clinging, holding on as a cat by its claws, 4. 159. M. E. diver, a claw. Closures, &&. pi. enclosures, de- fences, 19 a. 296 ; fastenings, 19 a. 329. Lat. claudere, to shut. Clout, v. S. to patch, 26. 636 ; Cloute, 14. 524; pp. Clouted, esp. said of strengthening a shoe with an iron plate, called in Norfolk a cleat or clout, I. 424. A.S. clut, a patch. Cloutes, sb. pi. clouts, patches, I. 244, 428 ; rags, tattered clothes, I. 438 ; patches, 24. 37. Cloyss, sb. close, enclosure, 13. 176. Cluddis, sb. pi. S. clouds, 22. 5561. Clustred, pp. clustered, i.e. clotted, 19 a. 354. Cluvis, sb. pi. S. claws, n a. 15. Icel. klanf, Dan. klov, Du. Jelaauwe. Clymbare, sb. used as adj. climber, climbing, 4. 156. Clynk, v. to make a ringing sound ; quha mycht do clynk it, which might cause a merry sound. 13. 236. Cf. G. lelingen, to ring. Clyps, sb. an eclipse, 15 b. 25. The same spelling occurs in Piers the Plowman, B. xviii. 135. Coarted, pp. co-arcted, constrained, 14. 438. Lat. ccarctare, to con- tract, compress. Coates, sb. pi. cotes, sheep-cotes, 19 a. 649. E. cot. Cocke, a profane oath, 23. iii. 4. 80. See the note. Cockel, sb. a weed among corn, 28 b. 124. Gaelic cogall, cockle, husks, cogan, a loose husk. Cockets, sb. pi. certificates, 26. 1058. 'A cocket was a certificate 492 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. that goods had paid duty;' Nares. It seems also to have meant a particular stamp for sealing or marking, as a certain kind of stamped bread was called cocket. See Gloss, to Piers the Plowman. Cofred, pt. s. F. put into a coffer or box, 2. 609. Coitis, sb. pi. quoits, 5 a. 71. Of F. origin. Coknayes, sb. pi. pets, 18. xviii. 75. See the note. Coles, sb. pi. falsehoods (?), 26. 1114. M. E. cole, cold, crafty ; but see the note. Colour, sb. F. pretence, 9. 99 ; pi. Colours, 20 b. 59. Columby, sb. columbine, 13. 118. Combren, v. to cumber, encumber, 1.461; Comeren, to gorge, 1.765. O.F. combrer, tohinder ; Low Lat. cumbrus, Lat. cumulus, a heap. Combreworld, sb. a cumberer or spoiler of the world, 2. 299. Comen, pp. come, 9. 4. Comeren. See Combren. Commoditie, sb. F. advantage, profit, gain, 21. 143. Compasse, sb. F. a roundabout method of expression, 16. 171. Compeir, v. F. to appear, n a. II. Comptrollers, sb. pi. superintend- ents, overseers of accounts, 21. 191. F. contrerolle, a copy of a roll of accounts. Conandly, adv. S. cunningly, skil- fully, 6. 248. Conceipts, sb. pi. conceits, imagi- nations, 27. 185. Conceits, sb. pi. fantastic patterns, 26. 777. Concludyng (for Concluden), v. to conclude, 22. 5564. Condicyons, sb. pi. manners, 14. 569. Conduyte, sb. F. conduct, guidance, 9. 172. Lat. ducere. Coniecte, v. F. to conjecture, sup- pose, 1 8. xviii. 57. Conies, sb. pi. rabbits. 2O a. 88. Cf. G. Itaninchen, M. E. conynge. Conisantes, sb. pi. badges of dis- tinction, i. 185. Coniunit, pp. conjoined, conjoint, 22. 5593- Coniured, pp. confederate, 19 a, 341. Lat. iurare, to swear. Conne, v. to know, i. 234; 2 p. s. pr. subj. know, I. 395 ; we connen on, we know of, 388. A. S. cunnan. Conpassed, pp. compassed, plotted, 36. 1114. Conserf, pr. s. subj. F. conserve, keep, II a. 26. Contempt, pp. contemned, 28 a. 48. Conyng, sb. coney, rabbit, 4. 157. See Conies. Coosted, pt. pi. F. went alongside of, passed beside, went past, 156. 85. F. cote, Lat. costum. Copen, v. to barter for, buy, 3 a. 7. D. koopen, G. kaufen, to buy. Cf. E. cheapen, chop, chapman. Corasiue, sb. lit. a corrosive, i.e. a caustic, a sharp remedy, a biting rebuke, 27. 165. This word, when corrupted (as it frequently is in M. E.) into coresy, corsey, cor- sive, has puzzled many. Corby, sb. a raven, 13. 174. F. corbeau, Lat. corvus, a crow. Cornys, sb. gen. sing, of corn, 1 3. 77- Corpia, sb. F. body, n a. 14; Corps, body, whole extent, 17 c. IO2. Lat. corpus. Cors, sb. S. curse, 7. 41. Coruen, pp. carved, i. 200, 5 b. 10. Cosset, sb. pet Iamb, 28 a. 42. There is a somewhat similar word in Italian, casiccio, a tame lamb, der. from casa, a house. Costarde, sb. head, pate, 23. iii. 5. 91. O.E. costard, an apple (hence an apple-shaped head) ; whence GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 493 costardmonger, costertnonger, an apple-seller. Cote, sb. coat; prankie cote = fine coat, a term of admiration, 23. iii. 3- "7- Cote-armure, sb. coat-armour, body-armour, 1 8. xvii. IIO. Cotes, sb.pl. sheep-cotes, sheepfolds, pens, 28 b. 77. Cotyd, pp. coated, clothed, 14. 569. Couetyse, sb. F. covetousness, 9. 25- Coulde, pt. s. knew, 17 c. 62. Countenance, sb. encouragement, or show of politeness, 23. iii. 3. Countryng, sb. countering, 22. 4677. Lat. contra, against. See the note. Courche, sb. a kerchief, 6. 241. corrupted from F. couvrechef. Couth, pt. s. S. could, 6. 200, 252 ; i p. Cou))ist, 5 a. 31 ; also used as an auxiliary = did, 6. 222 ; CouJ?e, knew how to, I. 233. Covine, sb. craft, deceit, trickery, 26. noo. O. F. covine, a secret convention, from Lat. conuenire. Cowart, sb. F. covert, hidden passage, 6. 258. Lat. coopertus. Cowschet, sb. cushat, 13. 237. A. S. ciisceote, a ringdove. Coyfe, sb. F. coif, cap, 14 a. 313. A sergeant-at-law was entitled to wear a skull-cap. See Strutt's Manners and Customs, iii. 76. Low Lat. cofea, a cap. Crage, sb. neck, 6. 408. Sc. craig, E. craw, G. kragen. Crammasyn, adj. crimson, 13. 15. See Crimosine. Crased, pp. crazed ; but lit. broken, 14. 1105. F. ecraser, to shatter. Crawand, pres. part, crowing, 1 3. 156. Credensynge, sb. believing (of), 14. 439. Lat. credere. Creistis, sb. pi. crests, 13. 128. Lat. crista; Gk. icdpa, head. Crennis, sb.pl. cranes, II a. 18. Crimosine, sb. crimson, 26. 767. F. cramoisi, from Ar. qirmiz, the dye from the cochineal insect, from Sanskrit kritni, a worm, which is cognate with Lat. uer- mis, E. worm. Crisped, pp. curled in small curls, or rather, wavy through having been curled, 20 g. 6. A. S. cirps, Lat. crisptis. Cristalline, adj. made of crystal, 13.19. Gk. Kpvara\\09, ice, from Kpvos, cold, frost. Cristiante, sb. F. Christendom, 7. 23- Crochettes, sb.pl. crockets, 1. 174. ' Crockets, projecting leaves, flowers, &c., used in Gothic archi- tecture to decorate the angles of spires, canopies,' &c. ; Glossary of Architecture. Du. kroke, a curl. Crois, sb. cross, I. 805. F. croix, Lat. ace. crucem. Crombolle, sb. crumb-bowl; a large wooden bowl for broken scraps, I . 437- Croppis, sb. pi. tops, 13. 77. A.S. crop, a top ; M. E. crop, top of a tree or plant. Crosbowes, sb. pi. crossbows ; but put for crossbowmen, archers, 15 b. 16. Croukep, pr. pi. bend, bend down, I. 751. E. crook, W. crwg. Crounis, sp. pi. crowns ; clyppit crounis = shaven heads, 22. 4568. Crowd, v. to coo as a dove, 13. 299. From the sound croo. Crowdis, pr. s. coos, 13. 237. Crownell, sb. corolla, small crown, 13- H3- Cruchep, pr. pi. crouch, I. 751. A mere variation of Croukej?, q. y. Cummerit, pt. s. F. encumbered, 6. 229. See Combren. Curace, sb. F. cuirass, 19 a. 666. F. cvirasse, from cnir, leather, Lat. coriunt. 494 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Curall, adj. coral, 4. 153. Curious, adj. dainty, i. 765. Currours, sb. pi. F. runners, light- armed troops, 156. 93. Curry, pr. pi. rub down, stroke, i . 365. F. corroyer, to curry ; O. F. conroi, preparation, from O. F. roi, order; from O. H. G. reiti, ready, cognate with A. S. rted, E. ready. Curteis, adj. F. courteous, 10. 153. Lat. cohors. Cusyng. sb. F. cousin ; here put for nephew, 6. 445. Gutted, pp. cut short, I. 434. Cf. 'cutty sark' in Burns's Tarn o' Shanter. W. cwta, short, bob- tailed. Cutworks, sb. pi. intricately cut patterns, in lace and other mate- rials, 26. 777. Cylenius, a name of Mercury, 13- 5- D. Damme, v. F. condemn, 16. 210. Dang, pt. s. threw, 22. 4600; pt. pi. Dange, beat, hit hard, 6. 411. Sc. ding, to drive, Sw. danga, to thump, Dan. daenge, to bang. Darklyng, adv. in the dark, 23. iii. 3. 58. Cf. 'we were left darkling;' King Lear, i. 4. 237. Darnel, sb. a weed growing amongst corn, 21. 327. Daungere, sb. demur, 2. 603. O. F. dangler, which has many mean- ings, the first being feudal autho- rity ; Low Lat. damnnin, a fine. Dauntyng, pres. part, taming, 18. avii. 176. O. F. danter, Lat. domitare, from domare, to tame. Dawes, sb. pi. daws, jackdaws, 14. 312, 23. iii. 3. 36. A jackdaw was considered a foolish, chatter- ing bird. See Nares' Glossary. Dawing, sb. S. dawning, dawn, JI b. I. A.S. deegian, to dawn. Day, sb. 26. 1094. To give day is to fix a future time of payment, to give trust. Days, sb. pi. does, 13. 181. A.S. da. De, v. to die, 7. 36; 22.4713. Icel. deyja, Dan. doe. Debate, sb. F. strife, 12. 13; dis- cord, 24. 58; to set debate = to cause discord, 26. 1033. F. battre, Lat. batuere, to beat. Debonayr, adj. F. well-mannered, 6. 294. F. de bon air, of a good mien. Deburs, v. F. disburse, pay, 20 c. 60. Dede, pt. pi. died, 3 b. 1181. See De. Dede, sb. death, 6. 226. Dan. dod. Dedeyne, pr. s. subj. F. deign, 4. 1 68. Lat. dignus, worthy. Defade, v. to cause to fade, 4. 170. Defaste, pp. F. defaced, 22. 2. Defautis, sb. pi. F. faults, sins, 5 a. 86. Lat. fallere. Defundand, pres. part, pouring down, 13. 41. Lat. defundere. Degoutit, pp. spotted (alluding to the ermine-tails), 4. 161. Lat. gutta, a drop. Deir, v. to injure, harm, 22. 5575- A. S. derian, to injure. Deit, pt. s. died, 6. 236. See De. Del, sb. S. deal, part, 3 b. 1331 ; neuere a del, i.e. in no part, not at all, 3 b. 1332. Delitable, adj. delightful, 4. 154. Delyt, sb. F. delight, II a. I. Lat. delect are. Demaunded, pp. prob. corrupted from Demened. i. e. demeaned yourself, behaved, 12. 22. Demen, v. to judge, i. 814 ; Deme, to give an opinion, 20 b. 94. A.S. demon, to judge. Demenyng, pres. part, expressing, 9. 169. O. F. demener, to lead, conduct, shew, manifest; mener, GLOSSAR1AL INDEX. 495 to guide. Low Lat. minare, to conduct; Lat. minari, to threaten. Demyng, sb. S. supposition, guess, 8. v. 9. See Demen. Dene, sb. a title of honour, answer- ing (not to modern dean, but) to M.E. Dan, don, Lat. dominus, master. Dent-de-lyon, sb. dandelion, 13. 119. Named from the resem- blance of the edges of the leaves to lion's teeth. Departen, v. to part ; ivi]> vs to departen, to share her goods amongst us. I. 416; Departe, 10. 33, 18. xviii. 53; pp. Depart, separated, 13. in. Depaynt, pp. F. painted, II a. 3; Depaynted, depicted, 24. 58 ; pt. pi. Depeynt, reddened, 3 b. 1259. Lat. pingere. Depayntar, sb. painter, 13. 261. Depured, pp. cleared, purified, 12. I. 'Der, sb. S. harm, damage, 6. 206, 359. A. S. daro or daru, harm. Derbies, in phr. father Derbies bands, i.e. handcuffs, 26. 787. Derked, pp. S. darkened, 10. 32. Derring-doe, sb. (prob. for daring- do), deeds of arms, courage, feats, 28 b. 43. Dert, s. dirt, 4. 170. Descryue, v. F. to describe, 24. 10. Desese, sb. F. dis-ease, discomfort, wretchedness, 3 b. 1302. Desperate, adj. outrageous, 25.122. Deuise, sb. F. device, but here used for report, 23. iii. 3. I. Devoir, v. F. to devour, II a. 18. Lat. nor are. Deuoyr, sb. F. knightly duty, 8. iv. 32. Lat. debere. Dewill, sb. S. the devil (used as an expletive oath), 6. 216. Dewite, sb. F. duty, 22. 4732. Dewle, sb. sorrow, 24. 14. See Dale. Dey, v. to die, 10. 26. See De. Diffame, sb. dishonour, 22. 4512. Dight, pp. disposed, set in order, 20 a. 10; framed, 24. 55. A. S. dihtan, to dispose. Digne, adj. dignified, haughty, i. 355 ; disdainful, and hence repul- sive, I. 375. ' She was as deyne as water in a dich;' Chaucer, Reves Tale, 44. O. F. dain, Lat. dignus. Dirige-money, sb. money paid for saying a dirige, or dirge, 1 6. 150. Disclosed, pt. s. unclosed, 19 a. 3I4- Diseonfort, v. F. discompose (him- self), 3 b. 1305. Discrepant, adj. different, 18. xvii. 199. Discryve, v. F. describe, II a. 6. Discumfyst, pp. F. discomfited, 6. 429. Discure, v. F. discover, reveal, 3 b. Disguised, pp. made in an ill guise, odd-shaped, 25. 121. Dispence, sb. F. expenditure, 2. 600; pi. Dispenses, 2. 624. Dispende, pr. s. subj. spend, 2. 623; pp. Dispent, 2. 623. Dispers, adj. dispersed about, 13. 90. Lat. spargere. Dispitous, adj. F. contemptuous, full of despite, 3 b. 1084. O. F. despit, from Lat. despicere, to look down. Disport, sb. F. sport, pleasure, 3 b. 1309. Lat. dis, apart, portare, to carry. Dispoyled, pp. F. stripped, 19 f. 13. Lat. spolium. Distraught, pp. distracted, 24. 28. Distrayne, v. F. to vex, disquiet, 10. 37 : pp. Distreyned, vexed, 24. 14. O. F. destraindre, to vex, Lat. slringere. Do, pp. done, caused, 2.624; Done, v. to do, 2. 624. Doale, sb. S. a dole, a portion given away to the poor, 23. iii. 3. 65. 49^ GLOSSARIAL INDEX. A.S. dal, dad, a dole, deal, part, G. theil. Doing; pkr. doing fleit = dripping, II a. 7 > doing chace = chasing, II a. 8; doing spring, springing, II a. 22. Damage, sb. F. damage, 18. xvii. 1 80. Lat. damnum, loss. Dome, adj. S. dumb, i. e. mock, sham, false, 1 6. 147. Donk, adj. dank, damp, 13. 45. Doom, sb. S. judgment, 5 b. 13; Doome, 24. 13. A.S. dom; whence demon, to deem, judge. Dortour, sb. dormitory, i. ail. Doubted, pp. suspected, 28 b. 12. Dout, pr. pi. F. fear, 15 b. 122. See Dowte. Dow, sb. dove, 13. 297. Downstilled, pt. pi. trickled down, 24. 75. Cf. E. distil, from L. stilla, a drop. Dowte, v. F. to fear, 10. 62. The usual meaning in M. E. Drawne (for Drawen), v. re/I, to draw near, 30. 10. Dre, v. S. to endure, hold out, 7. 98. Used by Burns. A. S. dreo- gan, to suffer. Drecche}?, pr. pi. vex, grieve, op- press, i. 464. A. S. dreccan. Dreeriment, sb. sadness, 28 a. 36. Dreid, sb. dread, 13. 73 ; but dreid = without delay, n b. 15. Drent, pp. drowned, 28 a. 37. A.S. drencan, to drown, drench. Drere, sb. dreariness, woe, 24. 20. Dresse, v. F. to direct one's course ; Dresse hem = to turn their course, to go, 2. 608 ; Dresse him = direct himself, come, 4. 156 ; i p. s. pr. Dresse me, I address myself, 2.612; pp. Dressid, directed, 5 b. 54; Drest, treated ; sore drest, ill treated, 4. 173. Lat. dirigere, to direct. Droggis, sb.pl. drugs, 13. 144. Drowe, pt. s. drew, 3 b. 1116. Druggar-beste, sb. drudger-beast, drudging animal, 4. 155. Dulce, adj. sweet, n a. 7 ; 13. 137. Lat. dvlcis. Dule, sb. mourning, 22. 5497. O. F. duel, Lat. dolium in comp. cordolium, heart-sorrow. Dully, adj. dull, II a. 9. Sc. dowie, A. S. dwollic, erring, Moeso-Goth. dwals, foolish ; G. toll, mad. Dur, sb. S. door, 6. 238. Durance, sb. endurance, duration, 28. epil. 2. Dure, v. F. to endure, 24. 15 ; pt. s. Dured, 19 a. 595. Duresse, sb. F. severity, harshness, 2. 298. Lat. duritia. Dutchkin, adj. Dutch-like, i.e. German-like, 26. 1161. Dyght, I p. s. pt. reft, prepared myself, 3 a. 16; pp. Dyght, dis- posed, set, 7. 84. A. S. dihtan, to array. Dyke, sb. S. ditch, 15 b. 95. Dynt, sb. S. a dint, dent, blow, 7. 94.- Dyonea, mother of Venus, 13. i. Dysconfited, pp. F. discomfited, 15 6.43. Dyttay, sb. indictment, legal charge, 6. 274- Lat. dictatum. Dywlgat, pp. divulged, 13. 225. (The w = uu = vu.) E. E, sb. S. eye, II a. 13 ; 13. 4; pi. Ene, ii a. 2; Eyn, 13. 39. A.S. edge, pi. edgan. Ear, conj. S. ere, 24. 5. Earing, sb. ploughing, 26. 10. Mceso-Goth. arjan, A. S. erian, cognate with, not borrowed from Lat. arare. Echeon,/or Eche on. each one, 10. 179; Echon, 3 b. 1181. Ee, sb. S. eye, 22. 5616. See E. Effecte, sb. F. meaning, 12. 5. Effeiris, sb.pl. qualities, n a. 19. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 497 0. F. afaire, state, condition, affair; from Lzt.facere. Effray, ib. F. terror; do effray = cause terror, II a. 18. O. F. effrei, effroi, terror, froior, fear ; from Lat. frigus, cold. Eft, adv. again, 19 a. 314, 24. 18 ; Efte. 8. v. 41. A. S. eft, again. Eftsithes, an error for Oftsithes, 1. e. oftentimes, 19 a. 595. Virgil has saepius. Eftir, adv. S. afterwards, 6. 196. Egalle, adj. F. equal, 2. 301. Egged, pt. s. urged, I. 239. A. S. es[gian, to excite, egg on. Eik, adv. S. also, II a. 10 ; also Eke. A. S. edc, G. auch, Du. ook. Eked, pp. eked out, I. 244. Cf. A. S. edcan, to grow. Elde, sb. S. old age, 24. 45. A. S. yldo, Moeso-Gothic aids, old age. Eliche, adj. alike, 3. 624 ; Elyk, alike, equally, II a. 16. A. S. gelic, like. Ellis, adv. S. else, 10. 114. Embassades, sb. pi. F. embassies, 14. 412. See Ambassages. Embraue, pr. pi. decorate, deck, 28 a. log. Cf. Sc. braw. Erne, sb. S. uncle, 6. 269 ; Eyme, 6. 233. A. S. earn, G. Oheim. Empaled, surrounded, enclosed, 24. 67. Emportured, pp. pourtrayed, 14. 1 154. Lat. protrahere,io draw out. Emyspery, sb. hemisphere, 13. 28. Enbrovd, pp. embroidered, 13. 65. F. broder, of Celtic origin ; cf. W. brodio, to embroider, darn. Enbroudin, pp. embroidered, i. e. decked, 4. 152. Ench.es, sb. inches, 16. 276. A. S. ynce, an ounce, Lat. vncia, a twelfth part. Ender, in phr. this ender daie = this day past, lately, I. 239. Icel. endr, formerly; cf. Lat. ante. See Hindir. Eudlang, prep, along, 13. 100; beside, 4. 152; all along, length- ways, whence endlang and ouer- thwert, lengthways and across, both ways, 4. 167. See Chaucer, Kn. Ta. i T 33. A. S. andlang. Ene. See E. Eneuch, adv. enough, 13. 224. Engyne, sb. F. craft, subtility, wit, 3 b. 1197. Lat. ingenium. Enhached, pp. marked, 14. 1078. F. hacher, to cut ; cf. E. hack. Enhastyng, pres. part. re/I, hasting, hurrying himself, 3 b. 1075. Enlumynyng,/r./>/. F. illumining, light-giving, 2. 282. Ennewed, pp. renewed, 14. 1003. Ensaumple, sb. F.ensample, 2.627. Ensaumplid, pp. F. exemplified, 5 a- 99- Entayled, pp. sculptured, carved, I. 167, 200. O. F. entailler, to cut; cf. Ital. intaglio. Entendement, sb. F. understand- ing, intelligence, 2. 281. Entent, sb. heed, attention, 3 a. 8, 16; intention, design, 4. 166. Lat. in, towards; tenders, to stretch. Enteryd, pt. s. interred, 8. iii. 2. Lat. in terra, in the earth. Environ, adv. around, 3 b. 1124; Envyroun, round about, 3 b. 1137. F. environner, to surround, from virer, to turn ; cf. E. whir, whirl. Ecus, the morning-star, or the horse of the chariot of dawn, 13. 25. Gk. /o!S, dawn. Erberes, sb. p'. gardens for herbs, I. 166. O. F. hcrbier, Lat. her- barium. (Quite distinct from E. harbour.) Erd, sb. earth, 13. 78, 22. 5472. Du. aarde, G. erde, Sw.jord. Ersehe, adj. Erse, 6. 217. Erst, adv. last, 28 b. 105. (Properly, it means first.) A. S. (Brest, first, from der, ere, formerly. Escapes, sb. pi. wilful faults, 27. 82. F. echapper, Ital. scappare, xk 49 8 GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. to escape, lit. to get out of a cape (ex cappd). Eschamyt, pp. ashamed, 13.5,285. Eschew, v. F. to avoid, 12. 13. O. F. eschever, G. scheuen, to shun, sky at. Eschue, sb. method of avoiding, mode of escape, 20 h. 8. Esement, sb. F. solace, 5 a. 78. Esmayed, pp. dismayed, 9. 53. O. F. esmaier, to lose courage ; a hybrid word, from Lat. ex, out of, and A. S. magan, G. mogen, to have might. Similarly dismay is from the Lat. dis and the root of E. may, might. Esperance, sb. F. hope, 9. 166 ; Espirance, 22. 5633. Lat. sperare. Euelles, adj. evilless, guiltless) I. 242. Even-forJ), adv. straightway, di- rectly onwards, I. 163. Euer among, adv. continually, 28 b. 112. . Euer-eiber, adj. each, 5 b. 102. Euerilk, adj. every, 6. 209. Evir, adj. ivory, 13. 14; Euour, 4. 155. Lat. ebvr, ivory, Sanskrit ibha, an elephant. Euesed, pp. surrounded by clipped borders, edged round, i. 166. A. S. efesian, to clip round ; hence E. eaves, which is a singular noun, from A. S. efese, a border. Euynsonge, sb. S. evensong, ves- pers, 15 b. 176. Exerce, imp. s. exercise, exert, n a. 16. Exhibition, sb. F. a sum of money to assist in defraying expenses of education, 21. 63. Expert, v. to experience, try, 28 a. 1 86. A coined word. Expowned, pp. expounded, 17 c. 93. Lat. ex, and ponere, to place. Ewin, adv. evenly, 22. 5465. Eye, ib. an egg ; gos eye, goose's egg, i. 225. A. S. ceg, G. ei. Eyme, sb. S. uncle, 6. 233. See Erne. Eyn, *6. pi. eyes, 13. 39. See E. Eyt, pp. eaten, 13. 94. F. Faccion, sb. F. fashion, 1 7 c. 69 ; pi. Facions, 16. 330. Fache, v. S. to fetch, 7. 117. Faill, sb. greensward, 13. 88. Of Celtic origin. Cf. Gael. /a/, wall. hedge, sod. Fair, v. S. to fare, go, 6. 380. Fall, v. to happen, befell ; foule mot sou fall = may evil happen to you, 6. 430 ; pr. s. Falleth, hap- pens, befalls, 15 b. 128. Fallow, v. to mate oneself with. match, be companion to, 1 1 a. 20. Fallow, sb. fellow, 13. 211; pi. Fallowis, associates, 22.4684. See Felow. Fallyng, pp. fallen, 4. 164. This form is only found in O'd Scotch. Falshede, sb. falsehood, i. 419; Falset, II b. 43. Fand, pt. s. S. found, 6. 195, 232. Fane, sb. a small banner, 12. 8. 25 ; pi. Fanys, streamers, 13. 47. A. S. fana, E. vane, a flag, banner ; Moeso-Goth. fana, cloth ; Lat. pannus, Gk. TTTJVOS. Fantasy, sb. fancy, 14. 1135. F. fantasie, notion, from Gk. (pavra- ffia, a making visible, from aiveiv, to bring to light. Far, v. to fare, go, 6. 338 ; Fair, 6. 380. Farder, adj. comp. farther, 29. 70. Farforth, adv. extremely (lit. far forth), 24. 35 ; cf. st. 69. Fassoun, sb. F. fashion, make, shape, II a. 12. See Faccion. Fauell, sb. F. flattery, cajolery, deceit, 20 b. 67. Lat. fabula, O. Y.favel, talk, flattery. Fawch-jallow, adj. fallow-yellow, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 499 13. 108. A. S. fealh, G. falb, light yellow. Fawely, adv. S. fewly, few in num- ber, 6. 198. Faym, 56. foam, 13. 197. A. S. fcem, /dm. Fayn, sb. vane, 13. 71. See Fane. Fayneden, pt. pi. F. feigned, 9. 138. Fayntise, sb. feigning, pretence, I. 251. Fays, sb. pi. S. foes, 6. 280. Faytoures, sb. pi. traitors, de- ceivers, 1 . 758. O. F. faiteor, an agent, from Lat. factor. Feale, sb. fail, 7. 24. Feare, v. S. to frighten, 16. 4 ; pp. Feared, 16. 287. A. S.feeran, to frighten, f&r, fear ; from ferhame. Cf. M.E. likame from A. S. lic-hama. Feer, sb. S. companion, 24. 42 ; Feir, IT a. 14. A. S. gefera,fera, one who fares with one, a travell- ing companion. See Fere. Feild-going, sb. a walking out of doors, 22. 5534. See the note. Feir, n a. 14. See Feer, Fere. Feldes, sb.pl. S. fields, 16. 302. Feldishe, adj. fieldish, belonging to the country, 20 a. 2. Fele, adj. many; fele wise, many ways, I. 484. A. S.fela. many. Fell, sb. S. hide, skin, 26. 793. A. S. fell, Lat. pellis. Fell, adj. S. fierce, 15 b. 35. 103. Felle, pi. adj. many, 6. 323. See Fele. Felle, adj. S. lit. cruel; probably here used to mean crafty, 2. 607. Felloun, adj. F. cruel, harsh, 6. 205; Felloune, 6. 372. Of. felon, cruel, perhaps from O. H. G.jftllan, to torment, flay : from O. H. G. veil, A. S. fell, a hide. Cf. Du. villen, to flay. Felonye, sb. F. wickedness, cruelty, 36. 1104, 4. 156. Felow, s6. a fellow, mate, 10. 134. Icel. felagi, from fe, cattle (G. vieh, E.fee), and fog 1 , law, society. It implies one who possesses pro- perty in partnership with others. Fen, sb. mire, I. 427. A. S.fenn. Fend, imp. s. F. defend, II a. 19. Fende, sb. S. a fiend, 12. 6. Moeso- Goth, fijands, hating, from fijan, to hate. Fenystaris, sb. pi. windows, 13. 169. G.fenster, Lat. fenestra. Ferde,/>/>. afraid, terrified, 20 a. 55. Ferden, pt. pi. S. fared, 2. 603. Fere, s6. S. companion, mate, 4. 155, i9/. 46. See Freer. Ferforth, adv. far forth, far, 3 b. 1320. Ferleis, ^r. />/. wonder, 13. 10. Ferleis, sb. pi. S. marvels, 22. 5479. A. S.farlic, sudden, from far, sudden, faer, fear, suddeii, danger ; cf. Du. vaarlijk, quickly, G. gefdhrlich, dangerous. Fermans, s6. an enclosure, 13. 176. F. fermer, to shut, make^rm. Fermery, sb. an infirmary, I. 212. Fermes, sb.pl. farms, 26. 1154- Ferrer, adv. further, I. 207. A. S. fyrre, farther, comp. off ear, far. Ferret-silke, sb. silk of an inferior quality, 26. 1095. Ital. fioretto, F. fleuret, floret-silk, flurt-silk, or ferret-silk ; G. florett, the outer envelop of the silk-cord, ferret- silk. From Lat. Jlos, Ital. fiore, a flower. Fery, adj. fiery, 4. 156. Fesaunt, sb. a pheasant, 18. xviii. 73. Lat. phasianus, the Phasian bird, from Gk. (paffts, a river in Colchis or Pontus. GLOSS A RIA L INDEX. Feat, sb. F. feast, festivity, 19 a. 316. Fet, I p. s. pt. fetched, 24. 36 ; pt. s. Fet, I. 808. A. S. feccan, to fetch, pt. t. ic fedhte, whence M.E.fette and/e/. Feth, sb. F. faith; i feth = in faith, 7.68. Fette, v. S. fetch, bring (back), 23. Hi. 3. 92, 23. iii. 4. 141 ; made fetten = caused to be fetched, 3 b. 1348 ; pr. s. Fetteth, fetches, gets, 1 6. 149. See Fet. Feuirjer, sb. February, 6. 363. Fewnyng, sb. F. foining, thrusting, 8. iv. 27. See Foyne. Fewte, sb. F. fealty, II a. 17. Lat. fidelitas. Fickle, adj. fidgety, full of action, 23. iii. 5. 4. Cf. G.ficlffacken, to fidget. Figurie, sb. figured or embroidered work, 26. 776. Fille, pt. s. fell, 3 b. 1135. Fine, sb. F. end, 19 a. 728. Firmentie, sb. furmity, made of hulled wheat, boiled in milk and seasoned, 26. 1077. See note. Fit, sb. a song, a part of a ballad, being so much as is said without a break or stop, 23. iii. 3. 144; 7. 50. A. S.fit, a song. Flat, v. to flatter, 13. 209. Flaunt-a-flaunt, adv. flauntingly displayed, 26. 1163. Flaw, pt. s. flew, 6. 405. Fie, .<&. fly, 13. 172. Fleichit, pp. flattered, II b. 36. Du. vleijen, to flatter ; cf. G. flehen, to supplicate, Mceso-Goth. thlaihan, to caress. Fleit, v. to flow, drip; doing fleit = dripping, II a. 7. Sw. flyta, to flow, Dan./ycfe, to flow, float. Flemed, pt. s. S. banished, 8. vi. 6 ; pp. Flemit, driven away, dispelled, II b. 44. A. S. flyman, to banish, cause to flee. Flete, pr. pi. float, 19 c. 8 ; pres. part. Fletyng, 19 a. 259. See Fleit. Fley, v. to frighten, 22. 5461. A.S. flygan, to cause to flee, fle6gan, to fly, flee. Fleyce, sb. covering (lit. fleece), 13. 80. Fleyt, v. to flow, drip, 13. 137. See Fleit. Flocke, v. to crowd round, 23. iii. 3- 33- Cf. ' Good fellows, troop- ing, flocVd me so ; ' Nares, ed. Halliwell. Flockes, sb. pi. S. flakes, tufts, lumps, 12. 2. Flour-dammes, sb. pi. fleur-des- dames (ladies' flower), 13. 118. Cf. the terms lady' s-bedstraw . lady's-bower, lady's-comb, lady's- cushion, lady's-finger, lady's-hair, lady's-mantle, lady's-seal, lady's- slipper, ladys-smock, lady s-tr 'esses, all names of flowers. Flour-de-lycis, sb. pi. fleurs-de- lys, II a. 14; Flour-de-lyss, sing. 13. 117. F. Us, lily; Du. lisch, waterflag. Fludls, sb. pi. floods, 13. 59. Flurich.ep, pr. s. elaborates, varies capriciously, I. 484. M. E. flo- ryschen, to make flourishes in illuminating books ; Prompt. Parv. Flyttyng, sb. the act of removing from one place to another, 6. 396 ; where ga in our fly!tyng = go along with us. Folde, pp. folded, 24. 11. Foles, sb.pl. F. fools, 14. 312. Foltred, pp. faltered, stumbled, 18. xvii. 78. Cp. Span. /a/tar, to fail ; see Falter, in Wedgwood. Fond, adj.S. foolish, 25. 122. M.E. fonne, a fool, which is used by Chaucer. Cf. Sw. fane, a fool. Fonde, pt. pi. found, 2. 622. Fonded, pp. tried, made trial of, I. 451. A. S.fandian, to try, test. Fonden, v. to go, i. 408. A. S. fandian, to try, O. Fries, fandia. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 501 to try, also, to visit the sick, visit, go. Fongen, v. to receive, get, I. 786. A. S.fdn, G.fangen. Foole, adj. F. foolish, 2. 598. O. F. fol, F./OM. Foole-large, adj. F. foolishly lavish, 2. 623. Foole-largely, adv. F. in a fool- ishly lavish manner, 2. 623. Foon, sb. pi. S. foes, 3 b. 1149. A. S. fdh, pi. fa; but pi. fan is sometimes found. For, conj. whether, i. 350. For-, prefix, corresponding to G. and Du. ver. It generally has an intensive force. Forbathde, pp. deeply bathed, 24. 61. Forbode, sb. I. 415 ; Godys for- bade, (it is) God's prohibition, God forbids it. A. S. forboden, forbidden. Forboden, pp. forbidden, 17 c. 54. Fordeden, pt. pi. did to death, slew, murdered, 1 . 495 ; pp. For- done, ' done for,' utterly spent, 24. 19. M. E. fordo, to destroy, do for. Fordone. See above. Fordynnand, pres. part, causing to resound loudly, .filling with loud noise, 13. 240 ; Foredinning, 24. 72. Fore-, prefix, beforehand ; corre- sponding to G. i/or, Du. voor. Fore ; to fore, printed for tofore, i. e. before, 9. 167. Foredinning. See Fordynnand. Forepast, pp. already past, that has happened beforehand, 24. 16. Forespeking, pres. part, foretell- ing, 19 a. 314. Forespent, pp. utterly spent, tired out, 24. 12. Should be spelt forspent. Forfaynt, pp. rendered quite faint ; or else adj. very faint, 24. 15. Forgane, prep, opposite to, over against, 13. 60. Douglas also uses foregainst. Forgit, pp. F. forged, constructed, made, II a. 3. Lat. fabricare. Forgone, pp. gone quite away, 24. 49 ; badly spelt Foregone, 24. 47. The prefix is for- ; the mo- dern forego is misspelt. Forhewed, pp. hewn about, hacked severely, deeply cut, 24. 57. Forlore, pp. forlorn, utterly wasted, 24. 48; Forlorne, ruined, 22. 4720 ; bare, 24. 8. A. S. forloren, utterly lost, pp. of forle6san, to lose utterly. Formfaderes, sb. pi. forefathers, I. 808. A. S. forma, former, early; Moeso-Goth./rjs, a beginning. For-quhy, cow;, because, 22.4689. See Forwrhi. Forsonke, pp. deeply sunk, sunk down, 24. 20. Fortill,/or For to, 13. 76. Fortune, v. F. to happen, 17 e. 193- Forwaste, pp. utterly wasted, ren- dered wretched, 24. u. The right form is forwasted, but the final -ted is contracted to -/. For-werd, pp. worn out, i. 429. A. S. werod, pp. of vterian, to wear. Forwhi, conj. S. because, 5 a. 20. A. S. huti, Mceso-Goth. hwe, in- strumental case of hwas, who ; for-whi = on account of what. Forwithered, pp. utterly withered, 24. 12. Forwounded, pp. desperately wounded, 3 b. 1217, rubric. A.S. forwundian, to wound deeply. Fostyr, sb. fosterer, nourisher, 13. 253- Foull, sb. S. a bird ; used collec- tively for birds, n a. 12. G. ubgel. Foundement, sb. foundation, i. 250. Fownys, sb. pi. fawns, 13. 181. 502 GLOSSARlAL INDEX. F. faon, O. F. feon, from Lat. foetus. Foyne, sb. a foin, thrust, 8. iv. 69. Prov. F.fouiner, to push with an eel-spear ; fouine, an eel-spear. (Mahn.) Foynjer (or Foynjee ; the MS. is indistinct), sb. the beech-martin, 4. 157. F. fouine; from Lzt.fagus. Fra, conj. from, from the time that, 6.292. A. S.fra,fram. Fraid, pp. scared, 25. 83. See FraycL Fraitur, sb. i. 212. See Fray- tour. Fra-thine, adv. from thence, 6. 380. A. S. from, from, ]>anon, thence. Fraughted, pp. freighted, 24. 71. G.fracht, Sw. /ra/t/, Du. vragt. Frawart, adj. fro ward, malignant, 13. 7. A. S. framweard, from- ward, perverse. Fray, sb. fright, 22. 5612. F. ejfrayer, to frighten; see Affray in New E. Diet. Frayd, pp. frightened, 19 a. 637; Fraid, scared, 25. 83. See above. Frayne, v. S. to pray, ask, I. 153, 14. 397. A.S fregnan, G.fragen, Lat. precari, whence E. prayer. Fraytour, sb. a refectory, I. 203. Freate, v. to fret, feel vexed, 20 a. 112. A.S.fretan, to eat Freckys, sb. pi. men, 7. 66. See Freyke. Freir, sb. F. friar, n b. 5. Lat. frater. Freitour, sb. i. 220. See Fray- tour. Freklys, s6. pi. spots, 13. in. Cf. G. fleck, a spot, speck. Fret, pp. adorned, 14. 1048. A.S. frtBtwian, to adorn. Freyke, s&. a man, 7. 63. A. S. freca, a man. Fricht, pp. frightened, 4. 162. Frounced, pp. curled in a disorderly manner, frizzled, 25. 105. F. froncer, to wrinkle, from Lat. from, the forehead. Fructuous, orf/'. F. fertile, fruitful, 2. 281. Lat. //-we/as. Frustir ; HI />Ar. of frustir = in vain, 6. 313. Lit. frustra. Fuljeis, sb. pi. leaves, 13. 89. F. feuille, Lat. folium, a leaf. Funding (for funden), pp. found, 22. 5517. 5599- Fundit, p/. founded, 22. 4736. Fur, sb. furrow, 13. 88. A. S fnrh. Fur-breid, sb. a furrow's breadth, 6. 405. See above. Furder, adj. S. further, n b. 29. Fureur, sb. F. fury, 9. 184. Furth, prep, along, throughout, 4. 158; Furth of, forth from, 13. 99- Fyall, sb. 13. 71. Prob. part ot a finial. O.F. fueil, a leaf. Fyn, sb. F. end, 3 b. 1190, rubric. Fynd, />/>. fined, i. e. refined, sifted, 28 6. 125. Fynde, x p. s. pr. I end, 7. 50. A corruption offyne, like gownd for gown. See Fyn. Fyreflaucht, s&. lightning, 22. 5556. Lit. ifirtflait*. Fyrth, sb. bay, estuary, frith, 13. 54. Dan. fiord, Sw. fjord. G. Gage, v. to gauge, sound, 18. xvii. 132. O. F. jale, jalon, a bowl, (whence E. gallon) ; from whence jauger, to tell the number of bowls in a vessel. Gaiff, pt. s. S. gave, 6. 244. Gairding, sb. S. garden, n a. 7. Gait, sb. S. way: gang thar gait = go their way, 6. 250. Sw. gala, G. gasse, a street ; Mceso-Goth. gatwo, a way. Gale, sb. gall, sore place, 21. 45. F. gale, scurf, itch ; which Diez GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 53 connects with G. galle, a stain, E. gall, in oak-gall. Galys, pr. s. sings, 13. 241. A. S. galan, to sing ; hence E. nightin- gale, a singer by night. Galjart, adj. sprightly, 13. 150. F. gaillard, a word of uncertain origin. Gan, pt. s. did, 24. 4. Once very common. Ganand, pres. part, as adj. suitable, meet, becoming, excellent, 6. 214, 382. Icel. gegna, to meet, suit, Sw. gagna, Dan. gavne, to avail, profit ; cf. E. ungainly. Gane, v. to yawn, 2. 625. A. S. ganian. Gang, v. S. to go, 6. 298, 397. Ganyde, pt. pi. availed, 7. 59. Dan. gavne, to benefit. It means ' their pride availed them not.' See Ganand. Gaped, i p. s. pt. stared, i. 156. Sw. gapa, from Sw. gap, mouth, G. gaffen. Gar, v. to cause, 1 1 a. 1 2 ; pt. s. Gert, 6. 447 ; pi. pi. Garde, 7. 59. Sw. gora, Dan. girire, Icel. gjora. Garites, sb. pi. garrets, I. 214. The original sense is a watch- tower, from O. F. garer, to be wary. Garth, sb. garden, enclosure, 6. 257; ii a. 7. Icel. garKr, a yard. Gate, sb. gait, 28 epil. 8. Gate, sb. pi. goats, 22. 5629. Gate, sb. S. way, forward motion, 19 a. 269. See Gait. Gaudying, sb. toying, 23. iii. 4. i. M.E. gaud, a toy; Lzt. gattdium. Gaurish, adj. garish, staring, 25. 122. M. E. gare, to stare ; cf. E. gaze. Gaynage, sb. produce, i. 197. Gaynstand, v. withstand, stand against, 6. 268. Gayte, sb. S. goat, 4. 156; pi. Gate, 22. 5629. Geare, sb. S. business, 23. iii. 3. 14; matter, 23. iii. 146; mate- rial, 21. 105, where it seems to be applied to the earth, though it should rather refer to the plough. A. S. gearwian, to prepare. Gemmyt, pp. covered with buds, 13. 101. Lat. gemma, a bud. Generall, adj. universal, catholic 1.816. Genowayes, sb. pi. Genoese, 15 b. 14. Gent, adj. (lit. gentle), tall, fine, 13. Z 57 5 Pretty, n a. 7. Ger, sb. gear, 6. 435 ; clothing, 6. 220. A. S. gearwa, clothing, from gearwian, to prepare, gearo, ready, yare. Gerraflouris, sb. pi. gillyflowers, stocks, 13. 121. Gillyflower is corrupted from M.E. girofler, and this again from F. girofle, a clove. Gerss-pilis, sb. pi. blades of grass, 13. 92. Lat. pilus, a hair. Gert, pt. s. caused; gert geyff= caused to be given, 6. 447. See Gar. Gesserant, sb. a coat or cuirass of fine mail, 4. 153 ; Gesseron, 18. xvii. 122. O. F. jaserant, which Burguy connects with Span. Ja- zarino, Algerian, from the Arabic form of Algiers. (Jamieson's ex- planation is wrong.) Gest, sb. story, poem, I. 479. Lat. gestum. Gestinge, sb. F. jesting ; or, more literally, telling of gesta or stories, 16. 394. See above. Geue, con/, if, 22. 4505. Geyff, v. to give, 6. 447. Geyn, adj. near, short, convenient, 3 b. 1 102. Icel. gegn, Sw. gen, Dan. gjen, near, short (of a way). Gife, conj. if, ii b. 25. Not con- nected with give, as Home Tooke says, but with Moeso-Gothic iba, if, Icel. ef, from Icel. ef, a doubt. Gill, sb. a foolish woman, 23. iii. 4. 54 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 104. Short for Gillian, i.e. Juli- ana. Gin, sb. contrivance, 19 a. 299. Lat. ingenium, F. engin. Gise, sfc. F. guise, way, 20 a. 57. F. , E. wise. Glade, v. to gladden, 2. 603 ; Glaid, 13. 28. Glaid, a<#. glad, 13. 42. Glaid, ^>/. s. glided, 6. 414. Glave, 6. a sword glaive, 12. 16 ; 13-6. Glede, sb. a glowing coal, live ember, 7. 29. A. S. gled, a hot coal ; from glowan, to glow. Glent, pt. pi. glided swiftly, glanced, past, 7. 13. See glance in Wedg- wood. Cf. Dan. glimt, a gleam ; glimte, to flash, glindse, to glisten, glimre, to glimmer ; E. glimpse, gleam, glim, &c. Glewis, ib. pi. des'.inies, lit. glees, 4. 1 60. Supplied from conjecture. Glew or gle in Scottish means (l) glee, game, (2) the destiny of battle. Gleym, sb. bird-lime ; hence, sub- tlety, craft, I. 479 ; cf. 546. Cf. E. clammy. Glore, sb. glory, 13. 51 ; 22. 5508. F. gloire. Glose, v. to mislead, deceive, i. 367 ; pr. s. Glosef), glosses, ex- plains away by glosses, I. 345. Gk. y\u>aaa, a tongue, gloss. Glosis, sb. pi. glosses, commenta- ries on a text, 170. II. Glum, v. to look glum or gloomy, 12. 21. A. S. glom, gloom. Gnar, v. S. to snarl, 14. 297. Icel. gnyr, a clash. Godspell, sb. gospel, I. 345. A. S. godspell, the story of God, the life of Christ Goldbeten, pp. adorned with beaten gold, I. 1 88. Goldspynk, sb. goldfinch, 13. 240. Sc. spink, W. pyne, E. finch. Gon, sb. a gun, 25. 164. Goo, pp. gone, 10. 90. Good, in phr. a good, i.e. a good deal, plentifully, fully, 23. iii. 4. 148. Goode, sb. goods, property, 2. 599. Gos, sb. goose ; gos eye, goose's egg, 1. 225. Gosse, a profane oath, 23. iii. 4. 90. See the note. Gostly, adj. spiritual, 21. 138. Gostly, adv. spiritually, 21. 136. A. S. gdst, the breath, a spirit. The E. ghost should be spelt gost; cf. G. geist, Du. geest. Gothe (better Goth), pr. s. S. goes, 2. 602. Gouernauncis, >6. pi. F. directions for conduct, rules ; or else, modes of conduct, customs, 5 a. 98. Gowland, pres. part, yelling, 22. 547- Gowlya, adj. red, 13. 107. E. gules, red (in heraldry), F. gueules, jaws, from Lat. gula, the gullet. Graith, adj. readily, I. 232. Icel. greidr, ready ; cf. G. gerade, direct. Gramercies, sb. pi. great thanks (F. grand merci), 23. iii. 4. 117. Granyt, pp. dyed in grain, dyed of a fast colour, 13. 15. Grapers, sb. pi.' grappling-irons, 15 a. 50. Allied to F. grappin, a grapnel, of G. origin. GratMs, pr. s. attires, dresses, 6. 216. Icel. greida, to furnish, equip ; Mceso-Goth. garaidjan, to prepare. Gravys, sb.pl. groves. 13. 190. Gre, sb. F. good will; in phr. take in gre = agree to, put up with, 14. 444. From Lat. gratus. Gre, sb. degree, quality, 13. 109. O. F. gre, Lat. gradus, a step. Greahondes, sb. pi. grayhounds, 7- 13- Greeing, pres. part, concordant, 19 a. 293. See Gre (good will). GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Greete, v. to cry aloud, 3 a. n. A. S. grcetan, to cry. Grehoundes, sb. pi. grayhounds, 18. xviii. 29. Greit, sb, gravel, 13. 55. E. grit, G. gries. Gresy, adj. grassy, 13. 103, 190. Gretand, pres. part, weeping, wail- ing, 22. 5545. A. S. gratan, Mce;o-Goth. grelan, to weep. Grete, adv. greatly, I. 501. Grevis, sb. pi. S. groves, 7. 13 ; Gravys, 13. 190. A. S. gr<./>/. Haled, dragged, 19 a. .349. Du. halen, to fetch, pull ; G. holen, to fetch. Half, s6. S. side (often so used), 3 6. 1143. Halflingis, aofo. partly, half, Ha. 27. Halsit, pt. s. saluted, II a. 2. See Hailsing. Halt, pr. s. holdeth, i. 345. Contr. from haldeth. Halwen, pr. pi. hallow, consecrate, I. 356. A.S. kdligan, hdlgian, to hallow, from hdlig, holy. 506 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Halyde, pl.s. S. haled, hauled, drew, 7. 93. See Hale. Han, pr. pi. have. Hant, v. to practise, 13. 210; pr. s. Hantis, 13. 160. O. F. hanter, to frequent, practise; either from Icel. hiemta, Sw. hamta, to take home (Burguy), or from Breton hent, a path (Wedgwood). Happis, pr. s. wraps, covers, 22. 47I7- Happy, adj. lucky, 6. 376. W. hap, luck. Harborowe, v. S. to harbour, to lodge, 18. xviii. 16 ; Herberwe, I. 215. A. S. here, an army, and beorgan, to hide. Hard, i p. s. pt. heard, 22. 4737 ; pt. s. Hard say, heard it be said, X 5 & J 37; PP- Hard, II a. 27. Hardely, adv. S. boldly, 10. 123; 23. iii. 5. no. Haris, sb. pi. hairs, 13. 37. Harlot, adj. base, scoundrelly, 6. 219. Harneys, 56. F. armour, 3 6. 1176. F. harnais, G. harnisch. Hartlesse, adj. not courageous, timid, 28 b. 28. Haske, s6. a wicker basket for car- rying fish in, 28 a. 16. Possibly connected with hasel. Hastyfe, adj. F.hasty, 2. 229. O.F. hastif, hasty, from O. F. haste, Sw. hast, haste. Hauld, pr. pi. hold, keep, 22. 4729. Haunt, v. F. to practise, use, 5 b. 59; 25. 153; pt.s. Haunted, used, occupied, 2. 600. See Hant. Haw, adj. azure, 13. no. A. S. heewen, azure-blue. Hawbart, sb. halberd, 20 a. 78. M. H. G. helmbarte (the orig. form), an axe for cleaving helmets ; from helm, a helmet, and barte, an axe. Haye, sb. a springe, gin. or trap, 20 a. 88. Cf. E. hedge, haw. Perhaps because set in a hedge. A. S. hege, a hedge. Haylsede, I p. s. pt. saluted, I. 231. Sw. helsa. Haym, sb. as adv. home, home- wards, 13. 198. Sw. hem, home, which agrees with the North E. Haze, probably a corruption of hae us, or ha' us, i.e. have us, accept our terms, 23. iii. 5. 7. He, pron. pi. they, I. 471. A. S. hi, hig. Heal, sb. S. hail, 7. 67. Heale, sb. health, life, 23. iii. 3. 84. See Hele. Heame, put for Home, 28 a. 98, See Haym. Heare, sb. S. hair, 19 a. 725. Hecht, pt. s. bight, was named, 6. 207 ; pp. Hecht, named, 6. 300. A. S. hdtan, O. Fris. hela, G. heissen, to have for a name, be called. Hecseities, sb. pi. 16. 318. A term in logic. Lat. hie (?). Heer, sb. hair, I. 423. Hegh, adj. S. high, 3 b. 1251 ; //. Heghe, 1254. A. S. hedh, heh. Heir, v. S. to hear, u a. i. Heije, adv. high, on high, I. 494, 551- Hekkill, sb. heckle, cock's comb, 13. 156. A heckle, or hackle (derived from hook) is a toothed instrument for combing flax or hemp. Hele, sb. health, salvation, i. 264; health, 4. 169. A.S. liodu, health, from hdl, whole. Hely, adj. proud, haughty, 6. 211. A. S. hedhllc, lit. high-like. Hem, pr. dot. pi. to them, for them (mod. E. 'em), 2. 603. A. S. heom, dat. pi. of hi, they. Hendliche, adv. handily; hence, politely, i. 231. Sw. handig, dexterous. Henten, v. to seize, get, lay hands on, I. 413; pt. s. Hent, took, 2. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 57 602; pp. Hent, taken, 2. 618; rapt, caught, 28 a. 169. A. S. hentan, to catch. Her, pass. pr. their, 2. 600. A. S. hire, of them, gen. pi. of he. Heraud, sb. herald, i. 179. O.F. herald, from O. H. G. haren, to shout, proclaim ; cf. Gk. Kripvf. Herbere, sb. garden of herbs, 3 6. I2 33 J 3- 1 5- Lat. herbarium. Herberwe, v. to harbour, lodge, I. 215. See Harborowe. Herce, sb. a hearse ; hence a tri- angle, 15 b. 5. ' The origin (of hearse) is the F. herce, a harrow, an implement which in that coun- try is made in a triangular form. Hence the name was given to a triangular framework of iron used for holding a number of candles at funerals,' &c. Wedgwood. Herdeman, sb. a shepherd, pastor, I. 231. Here, s6. S. hair, 10. no. Herknere, sb. used as adj. listener, listening, 4. i =,6. (Obscure.) Herield, adj. given as a heriot, or fine due to a superior, 22. 4734- See the note. Herse, sb. rehearsal, burden of a song, 28 a. 60; cf. 1. 170. This usage of the word, as an abbrevia- tion of rehearsal, is incorrect, but Spenser has it again in The Fairie Queene, iii. 2. 48. He also uses hersall (F. Q^iii. n. 18), which is equally unauthorized. Hertely, adv. S. heartily, 10. 41. Herteth, pr. s. S. gives heart to, encourages, 2. 282. Herye, v. to praise, 28 a. 10. A.S. herian, to praise. Hes, pr. s. has, 22. 4715. Hestes, sb. pi. commandments, i. 345. A. S. hen, adv. hence, I. 408. Icel. hedan, hence. Hew, sb. S. hue, II a. 3, 13. 38. Hewed, pp. S. hued, coloured, 24. 59- Hewynnis, sb. gen. case, heaven's, 6. 261. Heynesse, sb. highness, haughti- ness, I. 265, 356; Hienes, majesty, II a. II. Heys, adj. high, I. 204. High-copt, pp. high-topped, high- crowned, 16. 1163. W. cop, A.S. copp, a top ; G. kopf, top. Hight, I p. s. pr. I promise, 7. 70. A. S. kd/an, pt. t. ic heht. Ilil, sb. prob. miswritten for hool, i.e. whole (though the Trinity MSS. also have hille), 3 b. 1328. The confusion is not surprising, as the word hull (shell of a pea) is spelt also hool, hill, and hele. Hinde, adj. courteous, 7. 108. See Hendliche. Hindir, adj. former, II 6. 1. M. E. etider, former ; cf. Germ, ender, former, and O. N. endr, formerly. (Stratmann.) See Ender. Hird, sb. a shepherd, 22. 5629. Cf. G. hirte. Hirnes, sb.pl. corners, 1. 182. A.S. hirne. Hijede, I p. s. pt. hied, hastened, i. 155. A.S. higan, to hasten. Ho, pron. she, I. 411. A.S. hed. I-Ioball, sb. an idiot, 23. iii. 3. 18. Cf. Hob (short for Robert) a country clown, North E. hobbil, an idiot, hob-kald, a foolish clown, hobbety-hoy, &c. in Halliwell's Diet. Hobies, sb. pi. hobbies, small- sized falcons, 18. xviii. 59. F. hobereau. Hod, sb. hood, I. 423. Hoeues, sb. pi. hoofs, 18. xvii. 200. Du. hoef, Dan. hov. Hoighdagh, interj. heyday! 23. iii. 3. 130. Cf. G. heida. Hoip, sb. hope, 13. 206. Hokshynes, ib. pi. gaiters, I. 426, Ayrshire hoskinsjioeshins, hushions. 5 o8 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Ross hoggers, gaiters made of stockings without feet- Hoskin is a dimin. of hose. For the change of sk to ks compare E. axe (akse) and ask. Holly che, adv. wholly, I. fg6 ; Holly, I. 815; 15 b. 40. Holsome, adj. wholesome, 16. 305. A. S. hdl, whole. Holtes, sb. pi. S. groves, wooded hills, 8. v. 88 ; woods, 19 /. 29. A. S. holt, G. holz. Hondes, sb. pi. S. hands, 2. 599. Hongen, v. to hang, bend over, i. 421 ; pt. s. Hong, 4. 160 ; pt. pi. Honged, I. 429. Hony, sb. S. honey, 16. 304. Hoole, adj. whole, 3 b. 1 1 78 ; hool my = my whole, 3 b. 1317. A. S. hdl. Hore, adj. pi. hoary, gray, 8. v. 88. Horsecorsers, sb. pi. horsedealers, 26. 1084. Probably corser is put for M. E. coser. " Mango, a co- syr;" Wright's Vocab. 684. 40. Thus coser became corser ; and, still later, scorser. Hortis, sb.pl. hurts, 4. 156. Houch-senous, sb. //.hock-sinews, 6. 322. Houed, pt. s. hovered, floated about, 8. v. 66. See Hufing. Houris, sb. pi. F. hours of prayer ; hence, orisons, songs of praise, lays, II a. I. Howe, adj. hollow, 22. 5491. Hoyse, I p. s. pr. hoist, lift up, 24. 71. Du. hijschen, Sw. hissa, Dan. heise, F. hisser, which is dis- tinct from F. hausser. Cf. Acts xxvii. 40. Huddypeke, sb. a simpleton, or perhaps a rogue, 14. 326. On the probable origin of this word, see the note. Hufing, pres. part, hovering, mov- ing about slowly whilst keeping nearly in one spot, 4. 159. W. hqfio, hofian is borrowed from M. E. hove, to hover about. Hugie, adj. huge, 24. 58, 65. Humyll, adj. humble, 22. 4523. Lat. humilis. Husbandis, sb. pi. husbandmen, 13. 259. Icel. h&s-bondi, master of a house ; bondi (Dan. bonde, a peasant) is for buandi, from bua, to build, live in. Hycht, *b. height, 13. 92. Hye, sb. haste ; in hye = in haste, (common phr. in Sc.), 4. 158. Hyen, v. to hie, hasten, i. 409 ; Hye, 3 a. 9 ; 4. 164 ; I p. s. pr. Hyje, i. 412 ; I p. s. pt. Hyed me, hastened, 30. 12. A. S. higan, to hasten. Hyer, adj. S. higher, 2. 299. Hyeth, pr. s. S. hies, hastens, 8. v. 20. See Hyen. Hyndyr, adj. last past, 13. 221. See Hindir. Hyng, v. to hang, 13. 131. See Hongen. Hynt, I p. s. pt. seized, 13. 305 ; pt. s. Hynt, 6. 406. See Henten. Hyje, adj. high, i. 208. I, J. J is written like I in the MSS. Thus laggde is for Jaggde, and so on. I-, prefix, used chiefly before past participles. A. S. ge-, Moeso- Goth. ga-, allied to Gk. -ye, Skt. gha, ha. I, adv. aye, ever, 12. 9 (1. 6). Common in old editions of the dramatists, laggde, pp. jagged, notched at the edges, 26. 1161. W. gag, an opening, cleft. Tangled, pt. pi. talked fast, prated, 2. 611. O. F. jangler, to jest, from a Teutonic root cf. Du. janken, to howl. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 509 Tape, sb. F. a jest, 20 a. 31. F. 7'q^c, connected with E. gab. Ich, /iron. I, I. 155. A. S. iV. Ich a, adj. each one, each, I. 432. Cf. Sc. ilka. A. S. /. gems, n a. 22. lennet, s6. a small, well-propor- tioned Spanish horse, 27. 85. Span, ginete, a nag ; also, a horse- soldier. lentman, sb. gentleman, 23. iii. 3. 21. M. E. gent is often used for gentle. leoperdie, sb. jeopardy, danger, 18. xvii. 166. F. jeu parti, Lat. iocus parlitus, an even game, even chance. lerkins, sb. pi. jackets, 26. 1161. Diminutive of Du.jurk, a frock. letting, pres. part, strutting, 23. iii. 3. 121. Used by Shakespeare. F. jeter, to throw ; Lat. iactare. Us, sb. ice, i. 436. A. S. t's. like, adj. same, 4. 154. A. S. ylc, same. Illumynat, pp. illuminated, 13. 54. Illumynit, pt. s. F. shone, u a. 3. Ulustare, adj. F. illustrious, n a. 22. Imps, sb. pi. shoots, grafts, scions, 26- 455- In, sb. S. inn, lodging, house, 6. 243. See Ynne. Inclinable, adj. capable of being inclined, 17 c. 293. Incontinent, adv. F. immediately, 22- 5553- Infere, adv. S. together, 2. 615 ; at the same time, 10. 14. A. S. gefe'ra, a companion, from faran, to fare, go. Inforce, pr. pi. refl. strive, en- deavour, 1 8. xvii. 10. Influent, pr. part, possessing in- fluence, 13. 42. Lat. fluere, to flow. Inhibitioun, sb. F. restriction, u a. IO. Lat. inhibere, to hold in, from habere. In-till. prep, in, 6. 187. Cf. In-to. Invnctment, s6. ointment, 13. 146. Lat. inungere, to anoint. louisaunce, sb. rejoicing, joy, mirth, 28 a. 2 . F. jouir, Lat. gaudere, to rejoice. lourney, sb. F. day, day's work, affair, 15 b. 66 ; day of battle, 15 b. 131. From Lat. diurnus, daily, dies, a day. Joyneaunt, adjoining, 3 b. 1228. Irkyt, I p. s. pt. became tired of, 13. 302. Ischit, pt. s. issued; ucalt of= issued from, 13. 14. O. F. issir, from Lat. exire. lubilie, sb. jubilee, ai. 181. Due to the Heb. yobel, the blast of a trumpet. Juges, sb. pi. F. judges, 14. 311. F. juge. lugledest, 2 p. s. pt. didst juggle, didst play false, 1 6. 70 ; 2 p. s. pr. luglest, 16. 101. Lat. ioculari, to make mirth. lugulynge, sb. F. juggling, 16. 18. lustiest, 2 p. s. pr. jostlest, pushest, 23. iii. 3. 129. O. F. joster, to joust, commonly referred to Lat. iuxta ; but Wedgwood thinks the the word for a joust (combat) occurs in Dan. dyst, Svv. dust. lutte, sb. a piece of scornful behav- iour, a slight, 23. iii. 3. 8. E. jut, another spelling of M. E.jet. See letting. Ive, sb. ivy, 13. 97. A. S. ifig. I-wisse, adv. certainly, 25. 17. O. Fries. IMS, Icel. viss, certain, Du. gewis, adj. and adv. certain, certainly. 5io GLOSSARIAL INDEX. lyen, sb. pi. S. eyes, 24. II. See E. Ije, sb. S. eye, 5 b. 28; ^>/. Isen, 122. Ije-sijt, sb. S. eyesight, 5 6. 14. K. Karmes, s6. />/. Carmelite friars, 2. 618. Ken, v. to know, 28 6. 82 ; 2 p. />/. />r. ye know, 22. 4574 ; ft. pi. Kend, 6. 204; />/>. Kend, 22. 4588. Icel. kenna, G. kennen, to know. Kep, s6. S. keep, heed, care, 3 b. 1359; Kepe, 24.41. Kepit, pp. kept, guarded, n a. 19. Kerued, />/>. S. carved, 18. xvii. 201. A. S. ceorfan, to cut. Kest, pt. s. cast, threw (by re- flection), 13. 62. Keuer, v. F. 10. ico. Keysar, 46. Caesar, czar, emperor, 27. 227. Kirtel, sb. a kind of petticoat, I. 229; 10. no. A. S. cyrtel, Sw. kjortel. See note to i. 229. Knackes, sb. pi. tricks, 26. 799. The original meaning is a crack or snap ; Dan. knag, a crack, crash, E. knock. Knap, imp. s. toll, strike (the bell), 23. iii. 3. 80. M. E. knap, to strike, break; cf. knack, snap. Du. knappen, to crack. Knawen, pp. gnawn, gnawed, 24. 51. A. S. gnagan, to gnaw. Knawin, pp. known, 22. 4563. Knopped, pp. full of knobs or bunches, I. 424. See below. Knoppys, sb. pi. knops, buds, 13. 123. A. S. cncep, a knop, button ; E. knab, knop, knob, nob. Knottes, sb. pi. knots, i. 161. ' Knot, a boss, round bunch of leaves ; also, the foliage on the capitals of pillars ; ' Glossary of Architecture. Knyp, pp. nipped, nibbled, 13. 94. Ko, colloquial form of quoth, 23. iii. 3. 21. See next word. Koth, pt. s. S. quoth, said, 2. 611. A. S. cwced, pt. t. of cwedan, to say ; cf. E. be-qtieath. Kundites, sb. pi. conduits, I. 195. Kunne, v. S. be able; kunne seie = be able to say, 5 a. 35. A. S. cunnan. Ky, sb. pi. cows, kine, 13. 185 ; 22. 4715. A. S. cu, a cow, pi. cy. Kychens, sb. //. kitchens, i. 210. Kydst, pt. s. 2 p. knewest, 28 b. 92. (Properly, it means shewedst. i A. S. cySow, to make known, shew; pt. t. ic cySde. Kynd, sb. S. nature, natural pro- perty, 6. 217; Kynde, natural occupation, I. 760. A. S. cynd, nature. Kynde, adj. natural ; kynde ypo- crites, hypocrites by nature, 1. 489. Kyne, sb. pi. cows, 6. 190. See Ky. Kynrede, sb. kindred, i. 486. A.S. cyn, kin, and raeden, condition, state. The first d in kindred is of late insertion ; cf. hatred. Kyrkis, sb.pl. churches, 13. 70. Kyrnellis, sb. pi. battlements, 13. 69. F. creneau, O. F. crenel, a battlement, from F. cran, Lat. crena, a notch, cranny. Kyrtel. See Kirtel. Kyth, v. to shew, display, 13. 124. A. S. cydan, to make known. Kytlys, pr. s. excites pleasurably, enlivens, 13. 229. A.S.citelian, to tickle. Ladde, pt. s. S. led, 3 b. 1337; pp. Lad, 5 b. 55. Laif, sb. S. remnant, the rest, 1 1 a. 19; oure the laif= above the rest, ii a. 22; LayfF, 6. 240. A. b Idf, a remainder, Icefan, to leave GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Laitis, sb. pi. manners, gestures, II a. 17. Icel. Iceti, voice, gesture. Lake, sb. blame, scorn, 22. 4515. A. S. ledhan, O. Fris. lakia, Du. laleen, to blame. Langar, adv. longer, 13. 8. Lap,/)/, s. S. leapt, 4. 153. Largesse, sb. F. prodigality, 2. 598; bounty, 3 b. 1372. Laser, sb. F. leisure, 22. 5537. F. loisir, from Lat. licere, as plaisir from placere ; Diez. Lasse, adj. less, 5 a. 91. Latun, i-b. latoun or latten, a mixed metal much resembling brass, I. 196. Laudaeion, sb. Lat. praise, 12. 23. LaunceJ), pr. pi. launch out, fling abroad, i. 551. F. lancer, to fling. Lauoures, sb. pi. lavers, cisterns, I. 196. Laujwe, v. S. to laugh, 5 a. 63 ; pt. s. Laujed, 67. A. S. hlihan, Du. lagchen. Law, ae?/. S. low, 13. 76, 22. 5466. Law, adv. lowly, humbly, n a. n. Lay, v. to lay it down, premise, 17 c. 4 6. Laye, s6. lea, pasture, 28 a. 15 (but see the note) ; pi. Layes, 28 a. 1 88. M. E. lay, lea, ley, fallow-land. See Leys. Layff. See Laif. Leames, ib. pi. gleams, lights, rays, 24. 9. A. S. leoma, a beam of light. Leche, sb. physician, 3 b. 1404 ; pi. Leches, 3 b. 1349. A.S. Icece. Lede, sb. lead, 4. 153; Leed, 1.193. Ledys, pr. pi. lead ; dansys ledys, lead dances, 13. 193. Leef, adj. lief, dear, 2. 599 ; 8. v. 38 ; Leefe, 19 /. 48. A.S. led/, lief, beloved. Leeful, adj. lawful, 5 a. 49. Better spelt leefful or lefful ; from M. E. lef, leue, permission, A. S. lyfan, to allow. See Leifsum. Leel, adj. leal, loyal, faithful, i. 390; Lei, i. 344. Leese, v. S. to lose, 20 c. 46 ; 26. 831 ; I p. pi. pr. we lose, 27. 129. See Lese. Leesinges, sb. pi. lies ; 1. lye]>, they lie their lies, I. 379. A. S. leds- ung, lying, from leas, false, loose. Leeue, I p. s. pr. I believe, 2.623; imp. s. Leeue, I. 363 ; pp. Leeued, 19 a. 313. Mceso-Goth. laubjan, G. glauben (for ge-lanben). Leeuen, pr. pi. live, i. 359. Lef, adj. dear, lief, I. 372; Leue, I. 390. A. S. Ie6f, dear. Lefte, pt. s. remained, i. 374; 2. 607; Left, 3 b. 1174. A.S. lafan, to leave ; cf. G. b-leiben, to remain. Lege, sb. liege, liege lord, 13." 247. Leide, v. to lead, carry. 6. 371. Leiffe, i p. s. pr. live, 6. 310. A. S. lybban. Leifstun, adj. allowable, i. e. it is allowable, 22. 4579. E. leave, per- mission, A. S. lef, leaf; cf. Leeful. Lelliclie, adv. leally, faithfully, truly, i. 235 ; Lelly, I. 384. Lemand, pres. part, gleaming, 13. 34. See below. Lemys, sb. pi. S. gleams, rays of light, II a. 3. A. S. ledma, a ray. Lene, v. to lend, grant, give, I. 445. A. S. l&nan, to lend, give. Longer, adv. longer, 5 a. 91. Lent, pp. inclined (lit. leant), 13. 200. Lere, sb. cheek, complexion, 14. 1034. A. S. hledr, the cheek. Lere, imp. s. teach, direct, com- mend, I. 343. See below. Lere, v. S. to learn, 4. 171, 28 b. 4; pt. s. Leryt, 6. 249. A. S. l&ran, G. lehren, to teach ; A. S. leornian, G. lernen, to learn ; but Du. leeren has both meanings, and so has Prov. E. learn. 512 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Lerne, v. to teach, i. 402. See above. Lese, v. to lose, 15 b. 69. A. S. ledsan. See Leese. Less, sb. pi. lies; but less, without lies, 6. 321. Leste, pr. s. impers. it pleases, 2. 612. See List. Lesty, adj. either lusty (see Listy in Halliwell) or cunning (from A. S. list, cunning), 4. 157. Lestyt, pp. lasted, 6. 412. Lesyng, sb. S. losing, loss, 3 b. 1095. Let, v. to hinder, prevent, delay, st P. 7- 5 : 12. 9; Lette, 3 'b. 1127 ; 15 6. 45 ; Letten, i. 346; pr. s. Lettes, 19 a. 360 ; pt. s. Letted, forbade, 176. 13. A. S. lettan. Du. letten. Let make, i. e. caused to be made, 8. vii. 16 ; wedden lete = caused to be wedded. 2. 598. A. S. laefan, G. lassen, Du. laten, to let, cause. Lette, sb. S. hindrance, 15 b. 98. Leuand, pres. part, living, 22. 5502. Leue, v. S. to remain, 10. 45. Leue, adj. See Lef. Leue, pr. s. subj. permit, i. 366. M. E. leuen, to permit, allow a thing to be done, is often wrongly confused with M.E. lenen, to grant, lend, give. Leue, v. to believe ; 2 />. s. pr. Leuest, i. 342 ; pr. pi. Leue)), ! 754; P l - s - believed, 235. Leuer, adj. comp. liefer, dearer, 20 d. 8 ; adv. rather, 10. 65 ; 17 c. 188. A. S. leaf, dear, lief, beloved. Leueyed, pp. F. levied, 9. II. Lat. leuare. Levis, sb. pi. S. leaves, II a. 4; Leyvis, 13. 102. Levis, pr. s. lives, 13. 206. Lewch, pt. s. laughed, 6. 430; 13. 223. See Lau?we. Lewde, adj. unlearned, base, 14. 569 ; ignorant, 14. 327, 17 c. 85. A. S. laewed man, a lay-man, an illiterate person. Lewdnes, sb. S. ignorance, 17 c. 32. See above. Lewyt, pp. left, 6. 435. Leyen, pt.pl. lay, I. 187. Leyff, sb. leave. 6. 338, 448. Leyffyt, pp. lived, 6. 318. Leyn, v. S. to lay, 3 b. 1108. A. S. lecgan, G. legen, Du. leggen, to lay, place, cause to lie. Leyn, pp. lain, 3 b. 1167. A. S. licgan (pp. legen), G. and Du. liegen, to lie. Leys, sb: pi. leas, 13. 183. A. S. ledg, a pasture. See Laye. Leyvis, sb. pi. leaves, 13. 102. See Leuis. LibbeJ), pr. pi. live, I. 475. A. S. lybban. Liberdes, fb.pl. leopards, 18. xviii. 8. Gk. \teav, a lion, and irdpdos, a pard. Liche, adj. S. like, 3 b. 1154. Lief; lief or loth = pleased or displeased, 3 b. 1071. A.S.letif, dear, Za'S, hateful. Lieftenants, sb. pi. lieutenants, deputies, 26. 438. F. lieu-tenant, holding place. Light,//, s. S. alighted, 19 a. 610. Like, v. to please, 26. 1 1 74 ; pr. s. Liketh, 2. 614; Likis, 6. 308. Lilburne, sb. a heavy stupid fellow, 23. iii. 3. 18. List, I p. s. pr. please, desire, 25. 173 ; pr. s. List, pleases, 19 b. 19; chooses, is pleased, 28 a. 19 ; 2 p. pi. pr. please, 3 b. 1313 ; pt. s. chose, was pleased, 3 6. 1067. A. S. lystan, to please ; E. list, lust. Liste, pt. s. it pleased (with dat. hem), i. 165. Liuelod, sb. livelihood, sustenance, 20 a. 3. A.S. lif-ldde, from /a'rf, a voyage, food for a voyage. The proper word is livelode, of which livelihood is a corruption. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 513 Liuing, sb. S. means of livelihood, 25- 123. Lobcocke, sb. a lubber (a term of contempt), 23. iii. 3. iS. Cot- grave's Fr. Diet, has ' Baligaiit, an unweldie lubber, great lobcocke' M .E. lob, to droop ; cf. looby, lubber. Lode-star, sb. a lode-star, i. e. a leading or guiding star, 14. 1226. Logged, pt. s. F. lodged, 2. 605. Lokrand, pres. part, curling, 13. 127. Icel. lokkr, a lock of hair. Lollede, pt. s. lolled about, wagged about, i. 224. Longeth, v. S. belongs (to), is suit- able, IO. 115. Cf. G. gelangen. Loowes, pr. s. lows, bellows, 19 a. 282. A. S. hlowan. Lorde, pr. pi. idle about, waste time idly, 21. 112. M.E. loord, a lout, lazy feIlow(Spenser, F.Qjii. 7. 12); M.E./7/rrfe/,alout; F.lourd, heavy, dull, from Lat. luridus. Lording, pres. part, lazy, idling, 21. 95; loitering, lying lazily, 28 b. 70. This is better than sup- posing it to mean behaving like a lord, though Spenser may have intended the latter. See Lorde, and the note. Lording, sb. idling about, laziness, 21. 109. See Lorde. Lore, sb. teaching; also lesson, a thing to be learnt, acquirement, IO. 67. A. S. Idr, lore, learning. Lorels, sb.pl. abandoned wretches, ! 755- Cf. Losells. Lome, pp. S. lost, 24. 77. A. S. loren. lost, G. verlieren, to lose, pp. verloren. Losanger, sb. sluggard. 13. 281. O. F. losenge, flattery, F. lovange, praise, from Lat. laus, praise ; O. Sc. losingere, a flatterer, de- ceiver, sluggard. Losells, sb. pi. abandoned wretches, good-for-nothing fellows, I. 750. Louerd, sb. lord, I. 795. A, S. hldford. Lough, pt. pi. laughed, 2. 615. Cf. Lewch. Loure, v. to lower, frown, 12. 21; Louren, to look displeased, I. 556. Sw. lura, to lurk, spy ; Du. loeren, to peer about ; Sc. glowre. Loute, v. to treat as a lout, to contemn, 23. iii. 3. 33. Cf.lowfed as used in Shakespeare, I Hen. VI, iv- 3 13- Lovyng, sb. praising, praise, lit. 16; Louyng, 22. 5639. A.S.lof. praise ; G. loben, to praise. Lovys, pr.pl. praise, 13. 247. A.S. lojian, to praise. Lowe, I p. s. pr. approve of, praise, 23. iii. 3. 143. F. louer, to praise. Lat. landare. Lowis, sb. pi. lochs, lakes, 13. 153- Lowkyt, pp. tightly closed (lit. locked), 13. 101. Lowne, adj. serene, calm, 13. 54. Sw. liign, calm, quiet. Luffaris, sb. pi. lovers, 13. 288. Luging, }b. F. lodging, 22. 5535. Lugit, pp. F. lodged, 6. 233. Luke, v. to look, 4. 170. Lust, I p. s. pr. 1 like, 23. iii. 3. 36 ; 2 p. s. pr. choosest, art pleased with, 28 a. 21. Lust, sb. inclination, jo. 97 ; plea- sure, happiness, 19 /. 2. A. S. Inst, desire, pleasure, G. lust. Lustinesse, sb. beauty, verdure, 19 b. 2. Lusty, adj. pleasant, 3 b. 1362 ; II a. 6. See Lust. LybbeJ), pr. pi. live, I. 477. See LibbeJ). Lychtlynes, sb. lightness, i.e. jest- ing, insult, 6. 349. Lychtyt, pt. pi. alighted (from horseback), set (upon), 6. 409. Lyckpeny, i. e. that licks up the penny, money-swallower, an epi- thet of London, 3 a. Lyfly, adv. S. in a lively manner, spiritedly, 2. 282. Ll GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Lyft, sb. air, 13. 240. A.S.lyft, G. luft. Lyghte, v. alight, descend, 7. 6l. Lyknea, sb. a. likeness, i. e. a par- able, i. 263. Lyms, sb. pi. S. limbs, 24. 18. A. S. Km. Lym-jerde, sb. a lime-yard or limed twig, such as birds are caught with, I. 564. Lyn, v. to cease, stop, 24. 63. A.S. linnan, to cease, M. E. blin (i. e. be-lin), to cease. Lynage, sb. F. lineage, 10. 170. Lyntquhite, sb. linnet, 13. 240. Lyplabour, sb. labour with the lips, recitation of prayers, 26. 857. Lyss, v. to soothe, comfort, 13. 202. A. S. liss, grace, comfort ; cf. bliss. Lyssouris, sb. pi. pastures, 13. 183. A. S. lro6. a corruption of manople, a gauntlet, 7- 62. O. F. manople, a gauntlet, arm- brace ; Lat. manus. See Roque- fort's Glossaire, and note. Mysreuled, pp. misruled, mis- governed, disorderly, 2. 626. Mystyrit, pp. injured by loss (of blood), 6. 361. Dan. miste, to lose. Myteynes, sb.pl. mittens, i. 428. N. Namelich, adv. especially, 5 a. 58. Nappy, adj. sleep-inducing, heady, 20 c. 1 6. A. S. hnappian, to slumber. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 517 Natheles, adv. S. nevertheless, 2. 282. A. S. nd, not. Naughte, adj. naughty, bad, 17 c. 79- Nay; use of nay and no, 17 d. 16. Nay whan, inter] . nay, when? i.e. not so, when will you do it right, 23. iii. 3. 117. Ne, acfo. not, nor. A. S. ne, F. . Neare, adv. never, 28. iii. 3. 133. See the note. If edes, adv. S. of necessity, of need, 2. 301. A. S. neddes, gen. of nedd, need. Neipces, s6. pi. F. grand-daughters, 26. 773. Lat. neptis. Nemne, I ^>. s. pr. name, call, i. 472. A. S. nemnan, to name. New-fanglenesse, sb. fondness for novelty, 1 7 c. 68. See Fangle in Wedgwood. Nobles, s6. pi. nobles (coins so named), 2. 609. A gold noble was worth 6s. 8d. Noclit, adv. naught, not. Nolde, pt. s. (for ne wolde), would not, i. 190. Cf. A. S. nyllan, Lat. nolle, to be unwilling. Nones, I'M phr. for the nones, i. e. for the once, for the occasion, I. 183. M. E. for the nanes, a cor- ruption of for then ones. See Ormulum, ed. White, vol. ii. p. 642. Nonys ; phr. for the nonvs (mod. E.for the nonce), 3 6. 1167. See above. Noonesteede, sb. S. noon-stead, place of noon, meridian, 24. 7. Nosell, pr. pi. nuzzle, noursle, nurse, rear up, 16. 309. Lat. nutrix. Note, I p. s. pr. know not, 2. 598. Equivalent to ne wot. Nowne, sb. noon, 6. 372. Noyss-thyrlys, sb. pi. nostrils, 13. 29. E. nostril = nose-thrill, from A. S. \>irlan, to thrill, drill. Nuly, adv. newly, lately, 15 a. 115. Nummer, sb. F. number, 22. 5625. Nutshales, sb. pi. nutshells, i. e. of small value, 14. 440. Shale, scale, shell are all the same word. Nyce, adj. F. foolish, silly, full of tricks, 4. 155. O. F. nice, lazy, simple, orig. ignorant; from Lat. ace. nescium. Nycht-hyrd, sb. guardian of the night, 13. i. Nycthemyne, a name for the owl, 13. II. See note. Nylj pr. s. will not, I. 249. A. S. nyllan, to be unwilling. Nynt, adj. ninth, n a. 27. Nyss, adj. curious, 13. 238. E. nice. See Nyce. O. O, adj. one, one and the same, i. 440. See On. Oblyste, pp. F. obliged, 22. 4691. Lat. ligare, to tie. Obseruance, sb. F. homage, 13. 249. Obumbrat, pp. overshadowed, 13. 66. Lat. obumbrare, to shade, from umbra. Occident, sb. F. west, 22. 5559. Lat. cadere, to fall, sink. Occupyed, pt. s. made use of, em- ployed, 14. 557. Lat. occupare, to use, from capere. Of-newe, adv. anew, 3 b. 1295. Oliphant, sb. elephant, 4. 156. Probably from the Hebrew aleph, a bull. On, num. one, i. 789 ; Oon, 3 b. 1150; Oo, 10. 93; Oo point = one bit, one jot, i. 198; O, one and the same, 1.440. A. S. an, Lat. unus, G. ein. On, prep, upon, in, i. 342. A. S. on, G. an; only another form of in. Onbydrew, pt. s. withdrew, con- tinued to draw aside, 13. 6. 5 i8 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Ones, adv. once, I. 491. A. S. dnes. Onepe, adv. scarcely, i. 217. See Vnneth.. Onlappyt,/tf. s. unfolded, unlapped, 13. 114. A.S. Iceppa, a lap, flap. Onlesum, adj. not permissible, un- lawful, 13. 210. M. E. lefswn, from A. S. leaf, leave, permission. See Leifsum. Onon, adv. anon, immediately, 6. 422. A.S. on an, in one. Onschet, pt. s. un-shut, i.e. opened, 13- 17; tt.pl. 13. 121. Onvale, v. to unveil, become un- veiled, 12. 20. Oo, Oon. See On. Oost, sb. F. host, army, 9. I. Lat. AOS//S. Or, conj. ere, before, 2. 618, 6. 181 ; Or than = ere then, 22. 5456. A. S. er, conj. or, r. 480. Ouersene, pp. overlooked, not blamed, 22. 4586. Our, sb. F. hour, 10. 153. Gk. &pa. Our, prep, over, 6. 241 ; 13. 153 ; Oure, II a. 6. A.S. ofer. Ourfret, pt. s. adorned, 13. 89. A. S. frcetwian, to adorn. Our-hailing, pres. part, overhaul- ing, i.e. considering, 4. 158. Ourheldand, pres. part, covering over, concealing, 13. 46. Sc. heild, a corruption of M. E. kele, to cover, A. S. helan, Lat. celare. Our-small, i. e. over-small, too little, 6. 389. Cf. our-mekill, over-much. Ourspred, pt. pi. overspread, 13. 48, 97 ; pres. part. Ourspredand, 13- 102. Our-straught, pp. stretched across, stretching across, 4. 164. A. S. streccan, to stretch, pt. t. ic strehte, whence M. E. I straught. Ourthwort, prep, overthwart, a- cross, 13. 56. A.S. ]>iveor, slant- ing, diagonal, across, G. zwerch. Outbrast, pt. pi. S. burst out, 24. II; pres. part. Owtbrastyng, out-bursting, 13. 29. M. E breste, berste, from A. S. berslan, to burst. Outbrayed, pt>. brayed out, uttered loudly, 24. 18. F. braire. Outrance, sb. F. confusion, 3 b. 1172. F. outrance, excess, from outre, O. F. oltre, Lat. ultra, beyond. Outrayed, pt. s. F. destroyed (lit. outraged), 3 b. 1128, rubric. F. outrage, injury, Low Lat. ultra- gium, excessive dealing, from Lat. ultra, beyond. Oware, sb. F. hour, 7. 15. See Our. Owen, adj. own, 2. 602. A.S. dgen. Owtbrastyng, pres. part, out- bursting, 13. 29. See Outbrast. Owtrage, adj. F. outrageous, 6. 207. See Outrayed. Oynementis, sb. pi. ointments, 3 b. 1348. F. oindre, to anoint, fiom Lat. ungere. P. Pacokkis, sb. pi. peacocks, II a. 18. A. S. pawa, G. pfau, Du. paaiiw, Lat. pauo. Palke, sb. a poke, pouch, i. 399. So in MS.; for pa\lte. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 5*9 Palme-play, sb. a game at ball, played with the hand, ' fives,' 19 / 13- Palmestrie, sb. palmistry, divina- tion by examining the lines of the palm of the hand, 25. 115. Lat. palma, the palm. Pament, sb. F. pavement, 5 b. 96. Pantere, sb. panther, 4. 155. Gk. iravOrjp. Pantit, pp. painted, 13. 161. Papingais, sb.pl. parrots, II a. 18. It. papagallo, i.e. talking cock; Bav. pappeln, to chatter. The ending gallo (cock) was changed in French into gay or geai, a jay. See Wedgwood. Paragon, sb. a model, 23. iii. 4. 47- Sp. paragon, a model, from the compound prep, para con, in comparison with. (Diez.) Parclos, sb. F. partition, 2. 605. Lit. an enclosure. Roquefort derives it from Lat. perclaudere. Parti, sb. F. side ; on a parti = aside, 7.40. Partly, adv. briskly, boldly, 23. iii. 4. 5. Prov. E. peart, pert, brisk ; Short for apert (Murray). Partriche, sb. F. partridge, 18. xviii. 73. F.perdrix, Piov.perdiz, Lat. perdix. Partynere, sb. F. partner, 10. 91. Pasand, pres. part, surpassing, ex- celling, 13. 161. Passyng, pr. part, as adv. surpass- ing, i.e. very, 2. 622. Passyngly, adv. in a surpassing degree, largely, 2. 599. Pastance, 6. a corruption of F. passetemps, i.e. pastime, 14. 1096, 23. iii. 3. 149; Pastans, 13. 212. Patter, pr. pi. say repeatedly, 16. 89. Here used as if from pater- noster. We have in Piers the Ploughman's Crede, ' And paired in my pater-noster ;' 1. 6. Peare, sb. F. peer, equal, 26. 1117; pi. Pieres, 24. 10. Lat. par. Pearst, pp. F. pierced, 24. i. Peas, sb. F. peace, 9. 5. Peaste, pt. s. became peaceable, was quieted, 24. 72. Peekgoos, 25. 131. See note on p. 469. Peise, sb. F. weight, 5 a. 16. F. poids, Lat. pensum. See Poys. Penny-breid, sb. penny's breadth, very small space, 22. 4533. Penounes, sb. pi. pennons, small banners, I. 562. F. pennon, from Lat. penna, a wing. Pens, sb. pi. pence, 26. 1102. Pepe, interj. peep ! probably an imitation of the shrill cry of a mouse, as cheep is of a sparrow's, 20 a. 42. Cf. Du. piepen, to pipe, squeak. Perchmentiers, sb. pi. parchment- makers, or parchment-sellers, 26. 1095. Or perhaps put for O. F. parmentier, a tailor (Cotgrave). Perde, F., an oath adapted from F. par dieu, 10. 94 ; Perdee, 10. 128. Perrochioun, sb. a parishioner, 22. 4692. F. paroissien, fromparoisse, parish ; from Gk. irapotKos. Persand, pres. part, piercing, 13. 23. Perseuer, I p. pi. pr. persevere, continue to do the same, 19 a. 310. Pronounced persever. Persone, sb. F. parson, 6. 311; Person, 16. 141. Perss, adj. deep blue, dark rich blue, 13. 1 06. O. F. pers, Low Lat perstts, dark blue. Pescodes, sb. pi. pea-pods, 3 a. 9. A. S. pise, Lat. pLum ; and A. S. codd, a small bag. Pewled, pt. pi. puled, whined, 24. 74. M. E. pule, F.piauler, to peep or cheep as a young bird, from piau, a bird's cry. Peyce, sb. piece of ground, field, 13- 79- Peynt, pp. painted; peinttyl, painted tiles, I. 194. 520 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Phantasie, sb. fancy, 25. 68. Gk. avTaaia, from (palvftv, to shew. Pheton, Phaethon, 13. 30. Philautia, sb. explained ' philoso- phy,' 16. 225. Gk. r./> 53- The meaning of rascal is the scrapings and refuse of any- thing. Low Lat. *rasicare, to scrape ; from radere. Rathe, adv. soon, 286. 98. A. S. hrafte, quickly, from hr&ft, quick. Raught, pt. s. reached, caught hold of, 19 a. 625; pt. pi. 19 a. 273. A. S. raecan, pt. t. ic raehte. Ravin, adj. ravenous, 4. 157. See next word. Havyne, sb. F. rapine, n a. 18. F. ravin, from ravir, to ravish, snatch, Lat. rapere. Haw, sb. a row, 13. 177 ; on raw = in a row ; Rawe, 4. 1 54. A. S. rdwe, G. reihe, Du. rij. Haye, sb. a kind, of striped cloth, 3 a. 6. F. rate, Lat. radius. Hay lie, v. to flow, 3 b. 1156. Used by Spenser. Rays, sb.pl. roes, 13. 182. A. S. rd. Reall, adj. a real (philosopher), 16. 3 1 6. See the note. Reane. See Han. Heas, v. to raise, 7. 10. Icel. reisa, Sw. resa, but in A.S. we find resran, to rear, risan, to rise. Receits, j&. pi. receipts, 26. 1 153. Rechlesse, adv. recklessly, 20 b. 72. A.S. recc, care. Recluse, sb. hermitage, 2. 620. O. F. reclus ; see Burguy. Lat. claudere, to shut. Recognisance, sb. F. an obliga- tion binding one over to do some particular act, 26. 789. Record, sb. F. witness, 3 b. 1202. Lat. recordari, to remember, get by heart, from cor, heart. Recule, v. to recoil, 15 a. 39. F. reader, from Lat. re and cnlns. Heculyng, sb. recoiling, drawing back, 150. 60. Recure, sb. F. recovery, 24. 49. See next word. Recured, pp. F. recovered, made whole, 3 b. 1407. F. recouvrer, Lat. recuperare, to get again, from capere. Recuyell, sb. F. collection, compi- lation, 9, title. O. F. recueil, from Lat. colligere. Red, pp. read, 17 a. 5. Rede, sb. S. advice, 10. 29. Rede, v. to advise, 10. 49. A. S. raedan, to advise, from A. S. reed, Dan. raad, G. rath, advice. Redles, sb. pi. S. riddles, 16. 12. A. S. radels, a riddle, from rasdan, to interpret, read. Reduced, pt. s. F. brought back, 24. 9 ; pr. s. Reduceth, brings back, 19 6. 14. Lat. ducere, to lead. Redymyte, adj. crowned, adorned, 13. 128. Lat. redimitns, sur- rounded. Reid, adj. S red, II a. I. Reiosyng, pres. part, rejoicing, 13. 82. Lat. gaudere. Rekkeles, adj. careless, inattentive to knightly duty, 3 b. 1296. See Rechlesse. Eele, v. to roll, 4. 165. Releschand, pres. part, relaxing (their notes), i. e. letting their notes die away as they continually rise higher, 13. 246. F. relacher, O. F. relascher, to relax. Relieue, imp. s. take up again, 28 a. 23. F. relever, to lift again. Reliuen, pr. pi. live again, revive, 28 a. 89. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 525 Relyue, v. to lift oneself up, rise, 15 b. 51 ; pi. s. Rely lied, raised up again, 15 6. loo. See He- ll eue. Remede, sb. F. remedy, 6. 225 ; 22. 4728. Lat. mederi, to cure. Remenant, sb. F. remnant, rest, 17 c. 299 Lat. manere. Remeue, v. F. to remove, change, lo. 152 ; Remwe, to remove one- self, depart. 3 b. 1094. Rendryng, pres. part, restoring, 13. 92. F. rendre, Lat. reddere, from dare. Renne, v. S. to run, 2. 299 ; 10. 62. A. S. rennan, G. rennen. Rennyng, ?6. S. running, 5 a. 69. 18. xvii. 18. Renome, sb. F. renown, 19 a. 736. Lat. nomen, a name. Repeir, tb. F. return, home- journey, 3 b. 1381, See Raparyt. Rerdit, pt. pi. sounded, echoed, 13. 240. A. S. reord, speech. Rescous, sb. F. rescue, help, 10. 75. O. F. rescosse, from escorre ; hence it is compounded of Lat. re, and excntere, from quatere. Respondes, sb. pi. responds, i. 377. A respond, was a short anthem, sung after a few verses of a lesson from Scripture had been read, after which the lesson pro- ceeded. Ressaue, v. to receive, 13. 76. Reste, imp. s. 3 p. give rest to, 2. 301. Retoheles, adj. S. reckless, 24. 46. See Rechlesse. Retourne, v. act. to turn back, 3 b. 1078. Reve, v. to bereave of, take away from, 2. 299. A. S. redf, spoil, redfian, to plunder ; cf. Lat. rapere, E. rive, rip, rob. Reuer, sb. S. bereaver, taker away, 24. 42. Rsuert, i>. to return, repair, 28 a. 191. Lat. verier e. Revestyng, pres. part, re-clothing, 13. 78. Lat. uestis, a garment. Rewe, v. S. to have pity, 3 b. 1293; to bewail, 24. 2; pres. part. Rewing, sorrowing, 24. 22. A. S. hreow, grief, hreowan, to rue, G. reue, repentance. Rewis, sb. pi. rows, 5 b. 103. See Raw. Rewle, sb. rule (of an order), I. 377. A. S. regol, borrowed from Lat. regnla ; from regere. Rewlyngis, sb. pi. shoes of un- dressed hide, with the hair on, 6. 219. Cf. A.S. rifling, a kind of shoe, ryft, a garment. Riall, adj. F. royal, 4. 157. Lat. rex. Ribaut, sb. ribald, worthless fel- low, 3. 376. O. F. ribault, M. H. G. ribalt, prob. from M. H. G. ribe, O. H. G. hripa, a prostitute; hence, perhaps, E. rip. Richesse, it. sing. F. riches, 2. 298. Now wrongly used as a plural noun. Mceso-Goth. relics, rich. Rieue, v. to reave, take away, 24. 16. A. S. redfian, to seize ; E. bereave. See Reve. Rin, v. S. to run, 25. 121. See Renne. Ring, v. F. to reign, II a. 5. Lat. regnare. Rishe, sb. a rush, a thing of small value, 25. 114; pi. Ryshes, 3 a. II. A. S. risce, a rush. Riueld, pp. wrinkled, 20 c. 6l. A.S. gerifled, gerijod, wrinkled; cf. E. ruffle. Roche, sb. F. a rock, 3 b. 1223; pi. Roches, 22. 5499; Rochis, 13. 68. Rocks, sb. pi. distaffs, 26. 760. Icel. rokkr, Dan. rok, G. rocken, a distaff. Rode, s&. S. rood, cross, 20 a. 45- Rode, in phr. at rode = riding at 526 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. anchor, 18. xvii. 30. A. S. rdd, a riding, also, a road. Hois, Ross, sb. F. rose, II a. Rok, sb, a distaff, 6. 244. See Hocks. Home, sb. S. room, place, office, 26. 438 ; pi. Rowmes, cells, 28 b. 68. A. S. rum, space. Hoploch, sb. coarse woollen cloth, homespun, and not dyed, 22. 4722. Also spelt raplach, reploch. Host, sb. roast, in phr. rules the roast, 26. 429. To rule the roast is to take the lead, to domineer. See Nares. Rotheren, sb. pi. rothers, heifers, I. 431. A.S. hryfter. Houch, adj.rough,6. 219. A.S.r&h. Houe, sb. roof, 10. 88. A. S. hrqf. Roussat, adj. F. russet, 6. 239. Lat. russus, red. Route, sb. rout, company, 3 b. 1178. Routh, sb. S. ruth, pity, 36. 1301. See Rewe. Howie, v. to roll, 19 a. 618. Howmes, sb. pi. rooms, cells, 28 b. 68. See Rome. Rownys, pr. s. whispers, 13. ail. A. S. runian, to whisper, speak mysteriously, from run, a ma- gical character, a rune. Rowte, v. S. to snort, or make a noise, 14. 338, 22. 5468. A. S. kru/an, to snore, snort. Royle, sb. a stumbling horse, 18. xvii. 76. M. E. roile, to roll about, Sw. rulla, to roll. Royn, *6. scurfy, 13. 121. O. F. roigne, F. rogne, scurf, from Lat. ace. robiginem, rust, blight. Roysters, sb. pi. rakes, rioters, swaggerers, 26. 789, 1113. O. F. rvstre, a rioter, rake ; O. F. ruste, rustic; Lat. rusticns. Now cor- rupted into roisterer. Roister- doitter is a reduplicated form. Rubicund, adj. reddish, 13. 68. Lat. rnlicundus, from ruber, red. Ruddes, sb. pi. blooms on the face, rednesses on the cheeks, 4. 1034. A. S. rudu, ruddiness. , Ruffelynge, pres. part, swaggering about (in clothes bought with the rents they receive), 21. 178. See below. Ruffle, pr. pi. swagger, bully in a turbulent manner, riot, 26. 1113. M. E. ruffle, to make rough, hence to bully ; Du. ruifelen, to rumple. Cf. E. ruffian. Rummeis, v. to roar, bellow, 22. 5468. A. S. hryman, to cry out. hredm, a cry, shout. Ruthe, sb. S. pity, 10. 160; Ruth. 24. ii. A.S. hredwe, grief, re- pentance ; G. reue. See Rewe. Rutis, .'b. pi. roots, 13. 142. Ryall, adj. royal, 13. 1 8 ; Ryell, II a. 22. Rybaudry, sb. F. ribaldry, 16. 389. See Ribaut. Ryfe, adj. abundant, 2. 6ll. Ryme, I p. s. pr. I make verses, 20 b. 101. The old spelling is more correct than rhyme ; as it is the A. S. rim, G. reim, Du. rijm, Icel. rima, F. rime, originally signifying number. Ryngis, sb. pi. F. reigns, years of authority, 22. 4683. Ryngis, pr. pi. reign, 22. 4499. Ryng-sangis, sb. pi. songs adapted for ring-dances, or circular dances, 13- 193. Rynne, v. S. to run, 14. 291 ; pr. pi. Rynnys, 13. 185. See Renne. Ryse, sb. a branch, twig, 3 a. 9 ; in the ryse = on the branch ; Ryss, 13. 237. G. reis, D. rijs, a twig. Hysh.es, j&. pi. rushes, 30. n. See Rishe. Rysp, sb. coarse grass, 13. 152. Sw. rispa, to scratch. Ryss. See Ryse. Ryst-lokede, pp. righteous, just, I. 372. Cf. A. S. rihtlic, righteous. GL OSSARIAL INDEX. 527 Sad, adj. demure, discreet, firm, 6. 2O I ; Sadde, adj. as adv. seriously, earnestly, determinedly, 2. 606. A. S. s. s. /ir.deservest, 6. 399; pt. s. Serwit, served, 6. 283. M.E. serve means both to deserve and to serve. Set, I p. s. pr. become fixed upon (the shore), 24. 71 ; pt. s. Sette, set, i. e. considered, heeded, 3 b. 1128. Settys, sb. pi. young plants, shoots, 13- 133- Sewane, sb. 13. 145. (The mean- GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 529 ing is probably the herb savine ; see Piiny, bk. 24, c. II. Sewintine, num. seventeen, 22. 4693- Sey, ib. sea, 13. 26. A. S. &&. Seych, sb. sigh, 22. 5493. A. S. sican, M. E. sz'&e. Shear, adj. evidently miswritten for seir = several, separate, 7. 12, 16. North. s>, sre, several ; which often thus follows its noun, as in ' resons sere,' Han pole's Pricke of Conscience, ed. Morris, 1. 5966. See Seir. Sheeuering, pres. part, shivering, 27. 270. Shene, adj. S. shining, bright, 3 b. 1257 ; Sheene, fair, 28 0.38. See Schene. Sherch, v. to search, 16. 91 ; pt.pl. Sherched, 16. 96. F. chercher. Shipwracke, sb. shipwreck, 26. 1054. Shope, pt. s. shaped, contrived, 2. 601 ; intended, plotted, 2. 608 ; impers. it befel, 2. 615 ; />/. />/. Shope (them), shaped themselves, endeavoured, 19 a. 584. Showell, sb. S. a shovel, 14. 557. Prov. E. showl, as in' I, said the owl, With my spade and showl.' A. S. scufan, to shove, remove. Shrew, sb. a wicked or malicious person, 6. 211. A screw is a vicious horse. Cf. Du. schreeuwer, a bawler, from schreeuwen } to bawl, G. schreien. Shriues, sb. pi. sheriffs, 26. 1103. Contr. from shire-reves. Shryched, pt. pi. shrieked, 8. v. 85; pt. s. Shryght, 24. 1 8. Sw. skrilta, to shriek, screech. Shyttel-cocke, sb. shuttle-cock, 4. 351. Corrupted from shuttle-cork, a cork stuck with feathers, which is shot backwards and forwards like a weaver's shuttle. Sicht, pt. s. sighed, 6. 311. Sicophants, sb. pi. flatterers, 26. 1 1 1 1. Gk. ffvicoipavTi)*, an in- former about figs. Side, adj. long, trailing, 26. 1157. A. S. sid, ample, vast, long. Sidir, sb. F. cider, 5 a. go. Lat. sicera, Gk. altcfpa. Sike, adj. such, 28 a. 18. Sikerer, adv. more securely, more certainly, 5 b. 108. D. zelter, G. sicker, sure ; cf. Lat. securus. Sikerly, adv. assuredly, 2. 604. Singulare, adj. F. individual, 21. 143 ; Singuler, relating to one person only, 2. 282. Sirculit, pp. F. encircled, sur- rounded, ii a. 14. Sith, con/. S. since, 10. 179. See below. Sipen, conj. since, 5 a. 51. A. S. siS"$a, afterwards, since ; s5, adv. late ; s*S, sb. a turn, time. - Cf. G. sett, seitdem, since. Sipis, sb. S. times, 5 6. 35. A. S. sift, a turn, time. Sippe, adv. since. I. 158; Si)>e, I. 353. A. S. si&San. Sits, pr. s. impers. it befits, 28 a. 26. Cf. the phr. ' that suit sits well ; ' and see Syttis. Sijede, pt. s. sighed, i. 442. Skaith, sb. S. scath, harm, 11 a. 1 6. G. and Du. sckaden, to injure. Skarrit, i p. s. pt. was scared, took fright (followed by with = at), ii b. 6. Slak, sb. a hollow, depression, gap or pass between two hills, 13. 46. E. slack, loose, depressed ; Sw. flak, loose. Slawe, adj. slow, 4. 155. A. S. slaw. Slawe, pp. slain, 3 b. 1112. A. S. slednt to slay, pp. slagen. Sle, adj. sly, i. e. skilful, 6. 375. [Wallace was not skilful, but lucky on this occasion.] Sle, v. to slay, 2. 281 ; Slee, 2. 282; />r. s. Sleth, 36. 1140 ; />/. s. Slow, 2. 299; Slough, 3 6. 1150; pt.pl. M m 53 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Sloughe, 7. 53 ; pp. Slean, 7. 91. A. S. sledn, pt. t. ic sloh, pp. slagen, to smite. Slep, pt. s. S. slept, 3 b. 1360. A.S. slaepan, pt. s. s/e/>, now corrupted into slept. Slicke, pr. pi. anoint, smoothe with unguents, 26. 1144. Sw. sliclta, to lick. Slipper, adj. slippery, 19 a. 618 ; 28 a. 153. A. . slipor. Slokin, v. to quench, 4. 168. Cf. E. slake; and cf. st. 161. 1. 4. Slomering, sb. slumbering, slumber, II a. ?,. A S. slumerian, to slum- ber, sluma, slumber. Slong, pp. slung, thrown or cast away, 19 a. 617. Sloppar, adj. slippery, 4. 163. See Slipper. Slough, Slow. See Sle. Sluggardy, sb. sloth, 13. 266. From the same root as E. slack. Slungin, pp. slung, hurled, 4. 165. Smaill, adj. small, 13. 119. Smerted, pt. s. caused (me) to smart, 2. 624. Smette, pt. s. S. smote, 36.11 34. Snell, adj. S. sharp, II a. 10. A. S. snel, quick. Socht, pt. pi. S. sought, i. e. went, 6. 282; 13. 184; pt.pl. sought, 6. 245- Sodeynly, adv. F. suddenly, 3 b. 1 1 66. Lat. subitanevs, from subire. Sollein, adj. F. solemn, sad, 28 a. 17. Lat. solennis. Some, sb. F. sum, 9. n ; Somme, i. 602. Song, pt. s. S. sang, 3 b. 1250; pt. pi. Song, ii a. 9 ; Songe, 30. 12. Soote, adj. sweet, 3 b. 1234 '> J 9 c - I ; Soot, 24. 2. Du. zoet, G. suss. Soothe, sb. soothsaying, divination; soothe ofbyrds, augury, 28 6. 87. See Sothe. Soppis, sb. pi. juices, moisture, 13. 45- Sothe, sb. S. sooth, truth, 2. 614 ; Sobe, i. 364. A.S. sdd". Sothe, adj. south, 7. 46. A. S. Sopfast, adj. true, very, I. 822. A. S. s6ft-f, pr. pi. follow, i. 454. Lat. sequi. Suflfragane, sb. assistant, helper, II a. 25. Lat. siiffragari, to sup- port with a vote, suffragium, a vote. Suljart, adj. bright, shining (?), 13. 64. Cf. Gael, soilleir, bright; O. Irish sollns, bright. Sulje, sb. soil, earth, 13. 74. O. F. soille, from Lat. solum. Sumdeale, adv. (lit. some deal), somewhat, partially, 24. 37; Sum- deill, somewhat, 13. 27. Supernale, adj. belonging to the upper regions, celestial, 13. 50. Lat. supernus, uppermost. Supping, pres. part, supping up, swallowing, 24. 79. Supposs, con/, although, 6. 374. Sured, pp. securely bound by pro- mise, 3 b. 1 1 88. Sutaille, adj. F. subtle, 6. 273. Swage, v. F. assuage, i. e. diminish, 2. 601 ; to assuage, 24. 6l. O. F. assmiager, Prov. assuaviar, to make sweet, from Lat. stiavis. Swapte, pt. pi. struck, slashed, 7. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 533 65. A. S. swdpan, to sweep ; swipe, a whip. Swardit, /)p.swarded, grass-covered, 13. 65. A. S. sweard, grass. Swarve, v. to swerve, 24. 7 ^>res. />ar/. Suaruing, 19 a. 284 ; pp. Swarued, 19 a. 721. Du. zwerven ; cf. werpen, to throw, A. S. hweorpan, E. warp. Swat, ^tf. pi. S. sweated, 7. 65. Swe, v. F. to follow, 3 6. 1093. See Suep. Swelth, sb. mud, filth, lit. swillings, offscourings, 24. 31, 69. A. S. swilian, to swill, rinse. Swincke, pr. pi. toil, 28 a. 154. A. S. swincan, to toil. Swing, sb. S. free course of be- haviour, license, 25. 95. Swinge, s6. sovereignty, 24. 26. Swirk, t/. to dart swiftly away, 1 1 a. 12. Icel. swirra, to swirl; cf. whirl, whir. Swogh, sb. a swoon, 3 v. 1287. See Adawed. It is a corrupted form of swowne. See Sound. Swouehis, pr. pi. make a rustling sound, 13. 152. Sc. souck, a rushing or whistling sound, A. S. swegan, to sound. Sye, I p. s. pt. saw, 4. 159 ; pt. pi. Sye, 2. 604. See Sei?. Sygge, i p. s. />r. say, i. 390. See Segge. Syker, adj. secure, safe, I. 350 ; adv. truly, I. 237. See Sikerer. Syn, adv. next, afterwards, 6. 244 ; Syne, II a. 18; 22.4600. See Sipen. Syng, sb. sign, 13. 311. Cf. Sc. ryng for reign. See King. Synnamome, sb. cinnamon, 13. 145- Synopar, sb. cinnabar, 13. 57. A pigment made from red sulphuret of mercury, of various shades of vermilion and brown. (A word of Eastern origin.) Syon, sb. scion, shoot, 13. 135. F. scion (for secion), a cutting, section ; Lat. secure, to cut. Syth., conj. S. since, 10. 45. Sypen, conj. since, I. 241 ; adv. afterwards, I. 806. A. S. siSSan. Syttis, pr. pi. sit, suit ; syttis me sor = sit heavily upon me, grieve me, 6. 439. See Sits. T. Ta, v. to take, 6. 222. Tabernacles, sb. pi, cells for re- connoitring, i. 1 68. Takand, pres. part, taking, taking to, i. e. scouring across, taking his way over, 6. 421. Taken, pp. given, 17 c. 198 ; imp. pi. Taketh, take ye, 2. 619. M. E. take often means to give. Tallage, sb. a tang, bad savour, 17 c. 241. Tancrete, adj. transcribed, copied out, 14. 417. ' Tancrit, transcrit, copie;' Roquefort. It seems a mere corruption of transcript. Tane, pp. taken, 20 A. 6. Tapese (for to apese), to appease, 3 b. 1352. Tapite, sb. F. a piece of carpet, a cloth, 2. 607 ; pi. Tapets, tapes- tries, hanging cloths for ornament ; metaphoricallyapplied to the foliage of trees, 24. I. Lat. tapes, Gk. Taarrjs, a carpet, rug. Tappease, for to appease, 19 a. 295. Tarieth, imp. pi. delay ye, 2. 618. Tast, sb. taste, 17 c. 242. O. F. taster, as if from taxitare, frequent, of Lat. taxare, from tangere. Taswage (for to aswage), to as- suage, 3 b. 1352. Tatered, pp. jagged, I. 753. Cf. Icel. ttBta, to card wool, to pluck in pieces (Egilsson). Taueht, pp. S. taught, 6. 294. Tawed, pp. hardened with labour. 534 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 24. 39. A. S. tawlan, to dress leather. Tayt, adj. brisk, 13. 184. Icel. teitr, joyful, brisk. Tear, sb. S. a tear, rent, 7. 134. Teind, sb. tithe (lit. tenth), 22. 4690. Telde (put for Tolde for the rhyme}, told, 24. 23. Tellers, sb. gen. sing, counter's, of one who counts, 26. 1107. A. S. tellan, G. zahlen, to count, tell. Tencombre (for to encombre), to encumber, overwhelm, 3 b. 1098. Tendure, for to endure, 3 6. 1201. Tene, sb. S. vexation, extreme anger, 3 6. 1141; sorrow, 19 b. 51; vexation, 28 a. 41. A. S. te6na, vexation. Tenforme, /or to inform, 3 b. 1207. Tennes, s6. tennis, a game with bat and ball, 25. 167. Tenrage, v. for to enrage, 28 b. 89. Tergate, s6. a small shield, 18. xvii. 123. O. F. targe, It. targa, Low Lat. targa, O. H. G. targe. Testie, adj. testy, heady, head- strong, 23. iii. 5. 106. F. tele, O. F. /fe, It. testa, the head. Thaffirmatiue, put for the affirma- tive, 17 d. 33. Thair-fra, arfv. S. therefrom, n b. 10. Thar, pron. their, 13. 66. The, bad spelling for Thei, they, 7. 7. 24- Thee, v. to thrive ; so mote I thee, so may I prosper, 2. 620. A. S. pe6n, to thrive, G. gedeihen. Theffusion, for the effusion, 9. 55. Thembatel, for the embatel, i. e. the battlement, 190. 581. Thende, for the ende, 9. 191. Thentent, put for the entent, i.e. the intent, 18. xviii. 9. Thentrie,/or the entrie, 19 a. 307. Ther, adv. where, 3 b. 1256; There, where, when, 9. 15 ; pere-as, where that, 1.471. A. S. \>eir, they (masc.), \at, demonst. pro- noun. In 13. 60 it may be an error for thar, their. Tho, conj. then, 3 b. 1412. A. S. J* Thocht, conj. though, 6. 348. Thold,/or the old, 19 a. 665. polede, pt. s. suffered, i. 823. A.S. \6lian, Du. dulden, Lat. tolerare, to suffer ; Gk. r\ijvai. Thoo, dem. pron. pi. those, 10. 59. A. S. ba, pi. of the article se, seo, }>rdr, eager, perti- nacious. Thurch.-h.urt, pp. throughly hurt, much injured, viz. in the veins of the head, 6. 361. Cf. thurgh-girt, pierced through, in Chaucer, Knightes Ta. 152. Thylke, adj. the same, 36. I II 2. Scot, that ilk ; A. S. ylc, same. Tid, sb. S. time ; as this tid, as at this time, now, 6. 313. Tildep, 2 p. pi. pr. set up, I. 494. See Tyld. Till, prep, to, II a. 17, II b. 1 6. Sw. till, Dan. til. Tinct, pp. tinged, dyed, 28 a. 107. Tinsel, adj. showy, gaudy, 26. 776. F. etincelle, O. F. estincelle, Lat. scintilla, a spark. Titmose, s6. titmouse, 28 a. 26. M. E. tit, small (which appears in titlark, and W//e, Du. fz'tfe/), and A.S. mds'e, a titmouse, G. meise, a small bird. To, con), until, 3 6. 1250. To-dasht, pt. s. dashed (herself) in pieces, 24. 18. The prefix to is A.S. t6-, G. zer-, Lat. dis-, with the sense of in twain, asunder. Toddis, sb. pi. foxes, 22. 4531. Probably named from the vile smell ; cf. Icel. faS, manure. Tofore, prep, or conj. before, 4. I7 2 9- 34- To-forn, adv. before, beforehand, I. 485 ; toforn ar = before that, 3 b. 1094. To-forrow, adv. previously, already, ii a. 27. See Toforn. Tolde, pt. s. I p. S. counted, 2. 616. Cf. G. zahl, a number, tale. Tolter, adv. unsteadily, totteringly, 4. 164. Cf. Sw. tulta, to waddle, totter. Ton, adj. one ; the ton = that one = the one; 7. 36, 10. 27. Similarly, /& father = that other. Tong, sb. S. tongue, 17 e. 12. Tonne, sb. a tun, i. 221. A.S. tunne. Topace, s6. topaz, 13. 37. Gk. Towofos. Tote, v. to peep, spy, look, 14. 1146; Toten, to spy about, I. 168 ; I p. s. pt. Totede, peeped, j. 339 ; pt. pi. Toteden, peeped (out), I. 425. Cf. M.E. totehille, a look-out hill ; whence Tothill. Sw. titta, to peep. Towe, adj. two, 7. 90. Townish, adj. belonging to the town, 20 a. 4. Traced, I p. s. pt. traced our way, went on, 24. 27. Lat. trahere, to draw. Trade, sb. a trodden path, well- worn way, 19 a. 593. A. S. trod, a path. Tradicion, sb. F. yielding up, 9. 65. Lat. traders. Trasyng, pres. part, tracing, mark- ing, 13. 293. Traytyse. See Treatyce. Tre, a misprint for thre, i. e. three, 22.4715. Seel. 4723. Treatise, sb. F. a passage (lit. a treatise), 17 c. 88. Treatyce, sb. F. treaty, truce, 8. iii. 53 ; Traytyse, 8. iii. 67. Trechurly, adv. treacherously, I. 475- Treddede, pt. s. trod, walked upon, I. 425. The A. S. has both tredan (pt. t. ic treed), to tread upon, and treddian (pt. t. ic tred- dode), to go; the former form (trod), not the latter, should have been used here. Treen, sb. pi. S. trees, 24. I. Treiljis, sb. trellis, 13. 100. F. treillis, from treille, a vine-arbour ; Lat. trichila, an arbour. Trentall, sb. money paid for say- 53 5 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. ing masses for thirty days, 16. 149. Fr. (rente, thirty. Tresour, sb. F. treasure, 2. 298. It. tesoro, Gk. Orjaavpos, from TiOrjfJii., I place, lay up. Trey-ace, sb. a throw at dice, viz. Irois, three, and ace, one ; hence, a quick exclamation, 23. iii. 3. 142. Trilleth, pr. s. trickles, 20 h. 2. Sw. fr/Wa, to roll. Trimlyng, sb. trembling, 22. 5500. Lat. tremnlus, from tremere. Tristes, sb. F. sadness, 9. 129. Lat. tristitia. Triuials, sb.pl. the trivials,i4. 512. The three arts of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Lat. tres, three, and via, a way. Trofle, sb. a trifle, I. 352. O. F. trufle, a trifle, from trufler, to mock, cheat. Trone, sb. throne, 13. 47. Trosten, v. to truss, i. 237 ; on to trosten, to trust in, i. 350. Troweth, pr. s. S. believes, holds to be true, 12. 13. A. S. treow, trust, treowan, to believe. Tryakill, &b. remedy (lit. treacle, formerly a sovereign remedy), 13. 144. Lat. /heriacum, Gk. OrjpiaKa. apfMKa, antidotes against bites of animals, from 6rjp, a wild beast. Tryg, adj. secure, safe, 13. 184. Sw. frygg' Dan - fyg, secure, safe. Trymlyt, pt. pi. trembled, 12. 243- Tryst, adj. F. sad, sorrowful, sorry, 3 b. 1299. Lat. Iristis. Tuk, pt. s. took, i. e. hit, 6. 403. Tutand, pres. part, poking, push- ing out, 13. 123. M. E. tote, to pry about. See Tote. Twestis, sb. pi. twists, twigs, 13. 165 ; Twystis, 13. 100. Twey, num. two, i. 428. A. S. tutegen, masc., twd, fern, and neuter ; G. zwd, Du. twee. Twyne, v. to separate, become separated, 6. 421. Lit. 'to divide in two;' see below. Twynnen, v. to count as twins, to compare, I. 496; pt. pi. Twyn- ned, departed, 2. 621. Icel. tvinnr, two and two. Twystis, tb. twigs, twining shoots, 13. 100. Tyld, pp. set up like a tent, set up, raised, I. 181. A. S. teldian, to spread a tilt, or tent. Tyndis, $6. pi. tines, prongs of a deer's horn, 13. 179. A. S. tindas, (pi.) tines, teeth of a harrow. V. Vaine, sb. vein, order, 28 a. 8 ; Vayn, vein, 13. 255. Vale, v. to descend, 4. 172. F. a val, to the valley, downwards ; whence avalanche. Variand, pres. part. F. varying, variable, 1 1 a. I ; Variant, 13. 62. Vauntynge, sb. vaulting, 18. xvii. 217. O. F. volter, to leap ; Lat. uolutare, from uoluere, to roll. Vaut, v. F. to vault, 25. 164. F. volter, to vault, bound. The use of vaunt (q. v.) makes it possible that v ant may be no misprint ; but vaut is more usual. Vayleth, pr. s. avails, 20 h. J. Lat. val ere. Vayn. See Vaine. Vce, sb. F. use, 5 a. 106. Veilys, sb. pi. calves, 13. 185. E. veal, O.F. veel, Lat. vitellus, dim. of uititlns. Vengeable, adj. F. full of ven- geance, 2. 298. Lat. uindicare, from uindex. Venust, adj. beautiful, 13. 87. Lat. venustus, from Uenus. Verament, adv. F. verily, 7- 19- Verlet, sb. F. varlet, servant, squire, 12. 22. E. and F. valet, Low Lat. varletits, dim. of uassvs, from GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 537 W. gwas, a youth, servant. Cf. vassal, from W. gwasol, serving. Vermel, adj. vermilion, 13. 124. F. vermeil, It. vermiglio, from Lat. uermiculus, a little worm, viz. the worm of the gall-nut used for the dye. Viage, sb. F. voyage, 3 b. 1311. It. viaggio, Prov. vialge, from Lat. uiaticum, journey-money ; Diez. Violid, pp. F. violated, 9. 57. Virelayes, s6. />/. roundels, 28 a. 21. F. virer, to turn. 'The virelai admitted only two rhymes, and, after employing one for some time, the poet was virer, or to turn to the other." Nares. Vitayle, sb. victuals, 10. 104. O.F. vilaille, from Lat. uiuere. Vmaist, adj. superl. upmost, outer- most, 22. 4711. A.S. ufemest, upmost, vfa, above. Vmbrage, sb. shadow, 13. 72. Lat. umbra, shade. Vncofred, pp. taken out of a coffer or box, 2. 607. Vnderfong, v. to undertake, or perhaps, to receive, 28 a. 22. (It admits of both meanings.) A. S. under-fon, to undertake, fiomfon, contr. from fan gan, to seize. Vndermynde, v. to undermine, 14. 434. Vndoubtabili, adv. without doubt, 56.58. Vneth, adv. scarcely, 18. xvii. 77; 23. iii. 5. 4. A. S. unedft, un- easily, from ecfS, easy. Vniversales, sb. pi. 16. 318. A universal proposition is one in which the subject is taken in its widest extent. Vnkempt, pp. uncombed ; hence, rough, rugged, 28 a. 51. A.S. caemban, to comb. Unneth, adv. scarcely, 12. 19; 14. 1124. See Vneth.. Vnneth, adv. as conj. unless (but probablv misused ; it should rather be vnneth but or but vnneth), 18. xviii. 70. A.S. vnedS, uneasy, from edft, easy. Vnpind, pi. pi. unpinned, unfast- ened, 19 a. 329. Vnrest, s6. restlessness, 24. 26. Vnshette, pp. unshut, 2. 607. Vnsoote, adj. unsweet, bitter, 3 b. 1145, 28 b. 1 18. See Soote. Vnsouerable, adj. F. insufferable, 6. 267. Vnsounded, pp. not made sound, unhealed, 3 b. 1392. Vnwarly, adv. unwarily, i.e. at unawares, 3 b. 1098. Vnweldy, adj. unwieldy, 190. 715. A. S. wealdan, to rule, wield. Voidis, pr. s. makes void, destroys (the effect of), does away with, 4. 155- Voucheth, pr. s. avouches; hym voucheth = establishes his asser- tions, 2 . 62 3 . Lat. iiocare, from uox. Voyde, imp. pi. make room, make way, 23. iii. 3. 128. Voys, sb. F. voice, report, 9. 29. Vp, prep, upon, 3 b. 1095- TIpraiss, pt. s. S. uprose, II a. 26. Vprist, sb. uprising, 3 b. 1257. Used by Chaucer, Kn. Ta. 19.?. Vp-soo-doune, adv. upside down, 8. iii. 26. Vpstowris, pr. 5. is stirred up, rises, 13. 173. See Stowrand. Vpwarpis, pr. s. throws up, lifts up, throws open, 13. 20. A. S. weorpan, to warp, throw ; G. uierfen. Vse, pr. pi. are accustomed, 17 b. 7 ; pt. s. Vsyt, used ; hence, used to go, 6. 209. Vttring, sb. uttering, i. e. selling as complete, 26. 1068. W. Wacb., sb. watch, one who keeps a look out, 13. I; pi. Wachis, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. watches, sentinels, 6. 259. A. S. wr/n///or away te, sb. ambush, 9. 152. O. F. agait, ambush ; from the Teutonic root of wake and watch. Weal, v. (?) to clench so as to leave marks, to mark with wales by clenching, 7. 123. A. S. walan, wales. But see the note GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 539 Wealked, pp. withered, 24. 12. G. welken, to fade. See Welked. "Wear, put for Were, 7. 7, 24. Wedde, 46. S. pledge, 3 b. 1186. A. S. K/ecf, Lat. was, gen. wa<#s. Wedis. See Weid. Wedous, sb.pl. S. widows, 7. 118. "Weene, I p. s. pr. opine, suppose, imagine, 28 a. 40. See Wene. "Weid, sb. S. robe, garment, 1 1 0.3, II b. 24; Weyd, 6. 240; />/. Wedis, clothes, 13. 303. A. S. weed, a garment ; still preserved in the phrase ' widow's weeds.' "Weide, v . to go wood, i. e. to go mad, 9. 438. A. S. wedan, to be mad, wod, mad. Weill, adv. well, i. e. about, nearly, 22. 4560. "Weir, sb. fear, doubt, n b. 50. Sc. were, weir, probably same as E. war. See "Wer. "Weird, sb. fate, destiny, 22. 5473; Werd, 24. 63. A. S. wyrd, fate. "Weiris, sb. pi. S. wars, II a. 19. "Weld, v. to wield, 19 a. 680. A. S. wealdan, to rule. "Wele, sb. wealth, money, I. 403 ; weal, prosperity, 4. 169. A. S. wela, weal ; cf. E. well. "Weleaway, interj. wellaway, 20 a. 15. A. S. wd Id wd, woe, lo ! woe. "Welked, pp. shortened, 28 a. 13. Incorrectly used ; to welke is an intransitive verb, meaning to wither. See "Wealked. "Well, sb. well, spring of water, fount, 4. 168. "Weltering, sb. turning over, turn- ing round owing to sudden over- balancing, 4. 163. M. E. waiter, to roll, Sw. v'dltra, to roll. Wende, I p. s. pt. weened, expected, I. 452. See below. Wene, 2 p. pi. pr. S. suppose, ween, 8. vi. 20; I p. s. pt. expected, I. 45 2 > PP' Wente, weened, thought, 8. v. 47. A. S. wennn, to suppose. "Wenges, sb.pl. wings, i. 625. "Went, v. to wend, go, 6. 330. A. S. wendan, to turn, go. "Wente, pp. S. weened, 8. v. 47. See "Wene. Wente hyrn, pt. s. went (lit. turned him), 9. 2. A. S. wendan, to turn, go. See "Went. "Wer, sb. S. war, 6. 205 ; distress, 6. 331; Weir, fear, doubt, n b. 5- Wer, v. S. to wear, 6. 217. Werche, v. to work, I. 260. Werch.es, pr. s. aches, 8. v. I. Cf. A. S. hedfod-waerc, a head-ache, lit. a head-K>or&. Werd, sb. S. fate, destiny, 24. 63. See Weird. Weirdis, sb. (gen. case), of the world ; werdis wele = worldly pros- perity ; 4. 169. Werd for world is North E. ; Sc. ward. See below. Werdliche, adj. worldly, I. 371. O. Sc. ward, M. E. werd, often written for world. Werely, adj. warlike, i. e. bristly, 4- I 55- Werwolues, s6. pi. werwolves, man-wolves, I. 459. A. S. wer, a man. Westermar, adv. more westward, more to the west, 6. 37- Wethering, sb. seasoning (from exposure to weather), 21. 104. Wex, pt. s. S. waxed, 3 b. 1157. A. S. weaxan, G. wachsen, to grow. Weyd, sb. S. garment, 6. 240. See Weid. "What, used for why, 3 b. 1380. Wher-as, adv. where that, 3 b. 1162. Whette, v. S. to whet, i. e. use re- peatedly as a means of advice, 16. 27, 37. A. S. hwcet, sharp. Whilome, adv. once upon a time, 28 b. 19. A. S. hwilum, at times, dat. pi. of hwil, a while, a time. 540 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Whipling, sb. a murmuring, 14. 347. Apparently the same word as the Lowl. Sc. fippil, to whim- per. Whit, sb. wight, man, I. 430; Wijjt, I. 233; pi. Whijtes, I. 812. A. S. wihl, wuht, a wight, a creature, a whit. Whome, sb. as adv. home, home- wards, 16. 305. Whough, interj. whew ! 23. iii. 387. Whouj, adv. how, i. 192; Whou, I. 234. A. S. hwu, hu, how. Whyleere,ap. worn away, past. 1 9 c. 1 2. Wortes, sb. pi. vegetables ; wortes flechles wroughte, vegetables cooked without meat, I. 7^7; GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 541 Wortis, plants (such as hare-mint, hare-wort), 4. 156; herbs, 13. 157. A.S. wyrt, awort, a root,G.wurzel. "Worth. pr.pl. are, become, 13. 186; pt. s. Worthed, became; worthed vp = got up, mounted, 36. 1213 ; worthit to weide = went mad, 6. 438. A. S. weot-San, G. werden, to become. See Worpen. Worjj to, v. become, I. 746. See Worsen. Worpen, v. to become, be, I. 748 ; wo mote 3ou worsen = may woe happen to you, evil be to you, i. 493 ; PP- Worjien, I. 431. A. S. weorfiian, G. werden ; cf. woe worth the day. Worpely, adv. worthy, I. 233. A. S. wur^llc. "Wote, I p. s. pr. S. know, wot, 2. 614 ; God wote, God knows, 24. 38. A. S. ic wdt, I know, from witan, to wit. See "Witt. Wouche, sb. damage, 7. 55. A. S. woh, an error, a wrong ; w6g, crooked. Wough, inter j. woe ! alas! 23. iii. 4.86. Wounnand, pres. part, dwelling, lodging, 6. 290. A. S. wunian, to dwell. Wou.3, adv. how, I. 356. "Wow, v. to woo, 13. 298. A.S. wogan, to woo, lit. to bend ; cf. A. S. wog, a bending. Wower, sb. wooer, 23. iii. 3. 2 ; Wowar, &. as adj. one who wooes, wooing, 13. 300. Wowyn, pp. S. woven, 6. 242. Wrablis, sb. pi. warble, 13. 245. O. F. werbler, to warble, make turns with the voice, from G. wirbeln, to make a turn ; cf. E. whirl, whirr, swirl. "Wrak, fb. wreck, ruin, 3 b. 1169. Du.wrak, adj. broken, sb. a wreck. "Wreaked, i p. s. pt. recked, cared, 28 b. 29. (Misspelt.) Wrenche, sb. S. a severe twist ; such a wrenche = so severely, 14. 318. Wright, v. to write, 28 b. 136. (Misspelt.) Wrinching, sb. S. wrenching, shrugging, 25. 119. Wrink, sb. deceit, II b. 42. A.S. wrence, deceit, deception. Wroclit, pp. S. wrought, 6. 295 ; Wroughte, cooked, I. 787. A. S. wyrcan, to work, pt. t. ic workte, I wrought. "Wrong, pt. s. S. wrung, 24. n. A. S. wringan, pt. t. ic wrong. "Wrye, v . to turn, turn aside, 4. 164. Cf. writhe and wry. "Wsyt, pp. lit. used; hence, well- known, 6. 345. "Wtrage, adj. outrageous, cruel, 6. 340. O. F. ollrage, violence, ex- cess, from Lat. ultra, beyond. "Wun, sb. S. dwelling, abode, 24. 23. See "Wone. "Wy, sb. S. man, n b. 50. A.S. wiga, a warrior, wig, war. Wych.t, adj. powerful, strong, u a. 18. Sw. vig, active. See Wieht. "Wydder, v. to wither, 22. 5472. A. S. wyderu, withering, dryness ; cf. weder, weather. "Wyld, adj. pi. as sb. wild (the sb. animals being understood), 7. 12. "Wyn, v. S. lit. to win ; hence (like E. get) to go, make one's way ; win owt, to make one's way out, get away, 6. 234. Wynwe-schete, sb. a sheet used in winnowing corn, 1.435. A.S.wind- wian,to expose towind,towinnow. "Wyrry, v. to worry, 14. 296. Du. worgen, to strangle. "Wyst, i p. s.pt. knew, 3 a. 3 ; pt. s. 6. 225. See Wist. T. TT-, as a prefix, generally before past participles, is the A. S. ge-, Mceso-Goth. ga-. 542 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Yafe, pt. s. gave, 2. 599. Yate, sb. S. gate, 2. 604. A. S. geat, Prov. E. yett. Ybared, pp. bared, made bare, 24. i. Y-beld, pp. built, I. 172 ; Y-buId, 157- Y-ben.ch.ed, pp. furnished with benches, I. 205. Y-bent, pp. bent, prone, 286. 40. Y-blessed, pp. blessed, i. 520. Ybound, pp. bound, 24. 38 ; Ybounde, 2. 618. Yburied, pp. buried, 19 a. 338. Y-clense, v. to cleanse, I. 760. A. S. geclansian. Y-cnowen, pp. known, i. 252. Y-corven, pp. carved, I. 173. A.S. ceorfan, pp. corf en. Y-crouned, pp. crowned, i. 805. Y-dijte, pp. fitted up, I. 211; Y-dyjt, prepared, made, I. 228. A.S. dihtan, to prepare, pp. gediJtt. Ye-bent, pp. bent, 7. 52. Here ye- represents A. S. ge-. Yede, pt. pi. went, 2. 621 ; 8. iv. 86 ; pt. s. 3eid, 6. 221. A.S. ie code, pt. t. of gdn, to go. Yeding, pres. part, going, 24. 30. (Wrongly formed ; foryede is a past tense, not an infinitive.) Ye-feth, put for i feth, i. e. in faith, 7- 124. Ye-noughe, adv. enough, 7. 52. A. S. gendh. Yer, conj. S. ere, before, 16. 221. A. S. aer. Yerle, sb. S. earl, 7. 39. A. S. earl. Yerly, adv. early, 7. 14. A.S. cerlice. Yerthe, sb. earth, 15 b. 124. A. S. eorSe. Yfere, adv. S. together, 24. 74. A. S. gefe'ra, a travelling com- panion, faran, to fare, travel. Y-founde, pp. founded, i. 242. Y-gadered, pp. gathered, I. 189. Y-greif>ed, pp. prepared, fitted, I. 196. See Grajris, Yhorsed, pp. provided with horses, 3 b. 1 100. Yhurt, pp. hurt, 3 b. 1175. Y-hyled, pp. covered, 1. 193. A.S. helan, Lat. celare, to hide. Ying, adj. S. young, 1 1 a. 22; 3'ng, 6. 201. A. S. gedng. Ylayne, pp. laid, 24. 46. Y-leid, pp. laid, i. 263. A. S. lecgan, to lay, pp. geled. Yle, sb. F. isle, island, 3. 301. Ylike, adj. like, 28 b. 36. A.S. gelic. Ymay, pr. pi. may, 24. 5 2. Y-medled, pp. mixed, placed al- ternately (between the shields), I. 177- O- F- tnedler, mesler, Low Lat. misculare, from Lat. miscere, to mix ; cf. Ital. mescolare, to mix. Ynewch, adj. enough, 6. 446. A. S. gendh. See Ynow. Ynne, sb. inn, i. e. lodging, 28 a. 16, 28 b. 72. A. S. inn. Y-noumbred, pp. numbered, I. 178. Ynow, adv. S. enough, i. 230. A. S. genoh. Yode, i p. s. pt. went, 30. 13. See Yede. Yond, pron. yonder, 28 a. 42. A. S. geond, prep, beyond. Yore, adv. formerly, long ago, 2. 602. A. S. gedra. Yornyng, sb. clamour, 18. xviii. 17. We find also youl,yowle,yout, yowp, yelp, and gowle, with the sense of yell ; but the M. E. yerne is to be eager, and yernyng is eagerness, hence clamour. Youngth, sb. youth, 28 a. 20. A. S. geoguft. Youngthly, adj. youthful, 286. 75- Your, poss. pron. yours, 10. 152. A.S. eower, of you, pi. of ]>u, thou. The form is etymologically correct. Y-paued, pp. paved, i. 194. Y-peynt, pp. painted, i. 160. Y-rayled, pp. beuecked, covered, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 543 3 b. 1340. A.S. Tirtzgl, a gar- ment; M.E. rail, a kerchief. Yrk, arf/. weary, tired, 6. 331. A.S. earg, sluggish; cf. G. arg, bad, E. irksome. Y -rested, pp. roasted, I. 764. Y-sacred, pp. consecrated, sancti- fied, I. 1 86. Y-schrowdyt,/>/>.shrouded,clothed, 13- 163. Y-sene, pp. seen, 20 a. 50. Y-set, pp. set, i. 201. Y-sewed, pp. sewn, i. 229. Y-stabled, pp. put into a stable (or perhaps, merely) confined, 28 a. 15. Y-stongen, pp. pierced, pricked through (lit. stung), I. 553. Y-suled, pp. soiled, sullied, I. 753. F. souiller, or Dan. sole, to soil. Yth, put for in the, 7. 25. Cf. the proper name Strongitharm. Ythrungin, pp. crowded together, pushed together (upwards), 4. 165. A. S. fyringan, to press, throng. "Y-tijt, pp. firmly built, solidly made, I. 1 68. Cf. Du. digt, solid, digten, to make close ; also 'Thyhtyn, or make thyht, Integra, consolido, solido,' and ' Thyht, solidus,' in Prompt. Parv. Y-toted, pp. inspected, I. 219. See Tote. Y-wis, adv. certainly, I. 555. Du. gewis, adj. certain, adv. certainly. Y wounded, pp. wounded, 3 b. "75- 3- Jald, pt. s. yielded (up the ghost), 22. 4553. A. S. gildan, to pay, yield ; pt. t. ic geald. Jard, sb. garden, 13. 95. A. S. geard, a garden, a yard. 3arrow, sb. S. the herb yarrow, milfoil, II a. 12. A.S. gearwe, G. garbe, yarrow. (Nature sends the yarrow on a message to the flowers?) Jeer, sb. S. year, 5 b. 86. A. S. gear. See 3er. Jeerli, adv. yearly, 5 b. 108. Jeid, pt. s. went, 6. 221. See Yede. J3ir, sb. pi. years, 22. 4693. See Jer. Jemede, I p. s. pt. regarded closely, I. 159. A. S. gyman, to pay heed to. Jer, sb. pi. years, 6. 192. A.S. gear. The pi. }er is employed instead of $eres when used with numbers or collectively. See Jeir. Jerne, adv. diligently, 1. 159. A.S. georn, diligent, georne, diligently. Jett, sb. S. gate, door, 6. 246. A. S. geat, Prov. E. yett. Jeue, v. S. to give, 5 b. 121. 3Mt, adv. yet, 6. 191. A. S. gyt. 3ing, adj. S. young, 6. 201. See Ying. Jisterevin, sb. yesterday evening, 13. 212. Sc. yestreen, A. S. gyrsla, G. gestern, yesterday. 3ond, adv. beyond, far off, 13. 9. A. S. geond. Jong, adj. young, 13. 181 ; 3yng, 13. 99. See Ying. ADDENDA TO THE GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Awayt, sb. guard, 3 b. 1248. Byllets, sb. pi. pieces of firewood, 26. 785. See Murray's Diet. Byrne, v. burn, 6. 254. Chiefe. ib. prob. a crest, 28 a. 115 ; cf. the heraldic term achievement, for which see Murray. Corage, sb. fury (lit. courage), 9. 190. Er, adv. before ; p. 364. last line. Fer, sb. fear, 36.12 74. Fey, sb. faith, 23. Hi. 4. 93. Flechles, adj. flesliless, i.e. without meat, I. 787. (See note.) Forbure, pt. s. avoided, 6. 259. Force ; no force, i. e. no matter, 20 b. 87. Forswat, pp. covered with sweat ; p. 364, st. 2. Forswonke, pp. exhausted with toil ; p. 364, st. 2. Fully, adv. foully, shamefully; p. 364- s *- 3- Harnys, sb. harness, 13. 25. But Mr. Small gives the reading hamis, i. e. hames, pieces of wood on a horse-collar to which the traces are fixed. (Perhaps better.) Hine, sb. peasant, hind ; p. 364, st. 4. Hors, sb.pl. horses, 6. 417. Houe, v. lounge about, lit. hover, 19 /. 6. See Hufing (p. 508). lugulars, sb. pi. jugglers, 16. 340 (margin). Leas, sb. pi. leas, pastures, 20 b. 84. Leude, p. 305, 1. 4; see Lewde. Lige, v. lie; p. 364, st. I. Likle, adj. likely, promising, 6. 213. Lout, v. bow down; p. 364, st. 3. Mot, sb. a blast on a horn, 7. 16 (footnote). Part; On part, partly, 6. 310. Pennis, sb. pi. feathers, n a. 18. Plat, adv. flatly ; hence, forthwith ; p. 364, st. 2. Queint, pp. quenched, extinguished (as was done in excommunication), p. 365, 1. 12. Rowme, sb. official situation, high place, rule (lit. room), 6. 340. Royn, adj. 13. 121. Perhaps it may mean ' roan/ or sorrel-coloured ; and levys are petals. Senged, pp. singed, i. e. sun-burnt ; p. 364, st. 3. Shent, pp. treated with contumely; P- 3 6 4- st - 3- Spercled, pp. scattered, flung a- broad, 24. 67. Swinke, v. toil; p. 365, 1. 6. Tabarde, sb. labourer's frock (pro- perly a herald's coat); p. 364, st. 2. Twichand, pres. pt. touching, re- garding, 13. 271. Vpholde, pp. held up, 3 b. 1 206. Wangtoth, sb. molar tooth (lit. cheek-tooth); p. 364, st. 2. "Weders, sb.pl. storms, I. 435. "Weren, v. to protect, i. 435. Whijt, adj. white, i. 552. "Wight, sb. creature, 24. II. See Whit. "Wone, adj. one, 7. 97. Wyne-grapis, sb. pi. vine-grapes, 13- 99- ADDITIONAL NOTES. SECT. VII. 1. I. The form avowe is farther authenticated by his avowe in 1. 130. There is no need to discuss here what has been called 'the redundant and in ballads'; cf. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, v. 398. Norwegian poems sometimes begin with aa, meaning and ; see Dr. Mur- ray's letter in The Academy, April 25, 1874; but that is another matter. SECT. XVIII. See the excellent notes in the edition of Elyot's Governour by H. H. S. Croft; 2 vols. 1883 (vol. i. p. 173). 12. Croft quotes Galen, De San. tuend.lib. ii. fol. 31. 20. See also Corn. Nepos, Epaminondas, cap. ii. 45. See Livy, lib. ix. c. 16. 47. See Plutarch, Marias, 34. 63. See Vegetius, De Re militari, i. IO. 80. See also Plutarch, Poplicola, 16. 158. See Valerius Maximus, lib. iii. c. a. 10. SECT. XX (B), 1. 100. Cf. Spenser, Shep. Kal., Sept. 153. See note in Pegge's Kenticisms, ed. Skeat (Eng. Dial. Soc.), pp. 61, 62. (H), 1. 8. Imitated from Chaucer, Parl. of Foules, 140. SECT. XXIV, st. 19. Castell, his castle, viz. health. Sir T. Elyot wrote a book called The Castel of Helth, first printed in 1533. st. 72, 1. 4. Accent horrible on the i. SECT. XXVI, 756. Cast at keel, out at heels, very destitute. Cf. 'cast clothes.' 1083. This trick is still done. See Blow, 22, in Murray's Diet. SECT. XXVIII (B), 60. Seate, mansion; Leo, in astrology, is the ' mansion ' of Venus. 136. Wrinkles beside the eyes are called a crowfoot. N n INDEX TO THE PRINCIPAL SUBJECTS EXPLAINED IN THE NOTES. ^ The following Index refers to the principal matters discussed in the Notes. The references to the words explained can easily be found by means of the Glossarial Index ; but a few words on which there are special notes are included in the present Index also. These are dis- tinguished by being printed in italics. The references are to the pao-es of the volume. A good, 461. Addison (on Chevy Chase), 396, 397, 398, 399* 4 O1 - ^Esacus, 420. Albany, duke of, 422. Alexander, 437, 438. Allures, Warton's note on, 380. , And, use of, in ballads, 395. (See Additional Note on p. 544.) Angels, orders of, 456. Anglicisms affected by Scotch writers, 382, 385. Apelles, 475. Arthur still alive, 405 ; his tomb, 405. Arundel, the horse. 439. Assumption, the, 433. Astrology, 463. Avalon, isle of, 404. Avowe, 395. Badger, use of the, 383. Banners, 368 (1. 562). Baud kin, 471. Beard, to make a, 372. Bed-chambers, 371 (1. 605). Beer and ale, 389. Behayne = Bohemia, 430. Benoit de Sainte-Maure, 406. Bestiaries, 382, 383. Bible, English versions of the, 432, .434- Bible, things mentioned in the, as cloak, oven, &c., 387, 388. Bidding-prayer, 473. Blank verse, 440. Boccaccio, 376, 377, 462, 468. Bones, to make, 474. Books chained to desks, 390. Brown paper commodities, 471, 472. Bruce, Barbour's, 379. Bucephalus, 438. Bugle, or wild ox, 383. By, 409. Caesar, Julius, 438. Caesar's horse, 439. Cain, friars likened to, 367. Cario's Chronicle, 452. Carmelites, 371. Catharine's St., hospital, 389. Gate's death, 448. Chancellors, 390. Chaucer imitated, 370, 380, 382, 385. 3 8 6, 41. 4". 416, 419, 424, 447, 448; referred to, 479, 480. n 2 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Cheapside, 375. Chevy Chase, 395, 397. Chimneys, 361. Cholmeley, Sir Roger, 469. Clergy in secular offices, 431. Cockney, 440. Common Pleas, court of, 373, 421. Compostella, St. James of, 428. Coppa, 419. Counters (prisons), 472. Courts of law, the three, 373. Cyllenius, 416. Dan, title of, 420, 453. Darbies, 472. De Profundis, 390. Depart, 408. Dionsea, 416. Eclogue, wrong etymology of, 476. Elephants, 383. Elizabeth, Queen, 470. Epaminondas, 437. Epeus, 406. Erasmus, 434. Excalibur, 404. Exchequer, court of, 373, 422. Fabyan's Chronicle, 462. Flemish tradesmen, 375. For, use of, 435 (1. 275). Fortune's wheel, 384. Franklins, 374. Friars, four orders of, 357 ; costly buildings of, 358; Gray, 412. Galen, 437. Gawain, Sir, 403. Golias poems, 366. Gowrie, 391. Gravesend, bp. of London, 390. Guido de Colonna, 376, 406, 434. Hampole imitated, 456. Hampton Court, 423. Harrowing of Hell, 369 (1. 808). Hawking, 439. Hearse, 430. Heriot, 454. Hertford, friars at, 362. Hesiod, 475. Highgate school, 469. Homer, 406. Homildon, battle of, 401, 402. Hoods of silk, 374. Horace quoted, 396, 480; imitated, 447- Horatius Codes, 438. Hors, unchanged in plural, 394. Huddypeke, 421. Images in churches, 389. Indy, 426. ing for -en, 455, 456 j -yng for -en 385. James I (of Scotland), 381. James V (of Scotland), 422. Janus bifrons, 413. Jerome, St., 454. Julian, St., 375. King's bench, court of, 373. Kir lie, 361. Laocoon, 441. Letters of fraternity, 363. Lickpenny, 373- London stone, 375. Lucan quoted, 477, 478. Lutatius, 438. Luther and Henry VIII, 436. Lydgate imitated, 462 ; his Troy- book, 406. Madame, title of, 453. Maiden-tower, 444. Mamelukes, 423. Margaret, St., 392. Margaret Tudor, 411. Marius, 437. Marot, Clement, 475, 478, 479. Marshalsea, 423. Martinmass, 393. Merchants' marks, 359. Mice, fable of the, 446. Montreuil, 423. EXPLAINED IN THE NOTES. 549 More, Sir T., his juvenile poetry, 376 ; his statement about Eng- lish bibles, 434. Nay, No, use of, 436. Nominalists, 433. Northumberland, earl of, 420. Nyctimene, 416. Obsolescent words misused, 465, 478. Otterburn, battle of, 402. Ovid quoted, 466, 480 ; referred to, 443. Palladium, 406. Palmerius, 452, 453. Panthers, 382, 475. Peekgoos, 469. Penthesilea, 406. Persius imitated, 447, 448. Philip Sparrow, 425. Philomela, 420. Pictures in churches, 389. Piers Plowman, copied by Lyd- gate, 374, 375 ; by Gascoigne, 473 ; alluded to, 425, 480. Pigsny, 460, 461. Placebo, 458. Plato, 477. Pliny quoted, 439. Ploughman's Complaint (or Tale), 362, 364, 367, 368, 369; Pro- logue to, quoted in full, 364. Popes, pride of the, 452, 453. Posterns in priories, 359. Pot Parliament, 435. Predicaments, 433. Prime, 386 ; high prime, 366 (1-443). 375- Proverbs and Proverbial phrases : a rolling stone, 449 ; an M at your girdle, 460 ; hunger pierces stone walls, 466 ; miller's golden thumb, 474; mouse's nest in a cat's ear, 425 ; Inglese Italia- nato, 475 ; the cat loves fish, 363 ; to bear in hand, 423 ; to have pepper in the nose, 423; to make one's beard, 372 ; to rule the roast, 470 ; when bale is hext, 402. Pythagoras, sayings of, 474, 475. Quair, note on, 382. r, strongly trilled, 384, 385. Ragman rolls, 360. Realists, 433. Requiem, 459. Riccartoun, 393. Rock-day (Jan. 7), 471. Roister Doister, plot of, 457. Saints' emblems, 389. Saturn inauspicious, 416. Scapulars, 368. Schoolmen, 432, 433. Scotland, arms of, 411. Scripture, things mentioned in; as cloak, oven, &c., 387, 388. Sertorius, 438. Seven deadly sins, 424. Seven sciences, 424. Shires, three, in Northumberland, 39 6 - Signs of the Judgment, 454. Sir, title of, 453. Sleeping naked, 420. Sleeve on 'a helmet, 445. Southampton burnt, 428. Spenser's Faerie Queene, 414, 415. Spenser to Sackville, 462. Sphinx, 379, 466. Spleen, 409. Statius, 376; quoted, 378, 379, 380, 381, 480. Statute-staple, 472. Stemyng, 447. Stepe, 425. Swords, names of, 404. Tenedos, 406, 441. Terza rima, 446. Thebaid, 377, 480. Thistle of Scotland, 411. Thopas, Sir, 449. Thou, a term of contempt, 393. INDEX OF SUBJECTS EXPLAINED. Tradesmen, London, 375. Transubstantialion, 369. . Trivials, 424. Troy-book, Lydgate's, 406. Unicorn as a lover, 383 ; his horn, id. Universals, 433. Virgil, quoted, 379, 397, 398, 399, 411, 416-420, 440-442, 465- 468, 479. Vivien, 405. Wallace, story of, 390. Warton's paraphrase from Douglas, 416, 417, 418. Wat, short for Walter, 429. Werwolves, 366. Whitehall, 423. Wolsey's father a butcher, 421. Xenophon quoted, 469. y- as prefix, 466 ; y before an in- itial vowel, 396 (1. 14). -yng for -en, 385 ; -ing for -en, 455, 45 6 - THE END. Worfes b$ THE REV. W. W. SKEAT, Lnr.D., LL.D., Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Cambridge. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. 4to. Second Edition, il. 4*- A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. 5-r. 6d. A List of English Words, the Etymology of which is illustrated by a comparison with Icelandic. 4 to. stitched. Principles of English Etymology. First Series. The Native Element. Crown 8vo. 9.?. Second Series. The Foreign Element. Crown 8vo. lOf.W. Specimens of Early English. By R. MORRIS, LL.D., and W. W. SKEAT, Litt.D. New and Revised Edition. PART I. 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