D NOTE-BOOK Field Note-book of Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals BY A. H. WRIGHT and A. A. ALLEN DEPT. OF ZOOLOGY, CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK 1913 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IJBRARY < ' \EQE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS COPYRIGHT 19 14 BY A. H WRIGHT AND A. A. ALLEN Explanatory Note 'TpHE object of this note-book is two-fold : to facilitate the taking of adequate notes in the field, and to teach accuracy of observation. The six outlines of animal forms represent generalized types toward some one of which every vertebrate (except the bird) will approximate, and which with slight changes will accurately portray the species under observation. Plate I — ^A generalized fish. This with slight modifica- tions, will represent any of the fresh-water forms, and most of the marine species. Plate II — ^A generalized salamander. This will serve for the adult and larval salamanders and newts, and with modification will represent the alliga- tors and the lizards. Plate III — ^A generalized frog. This will represent any frog, tree-frog or toad. Plate IV — ^A generalized snake. This will represent the harmless and the venomous snakes and the limbless lizards. Plate V — A generalized turtle. This will serve for any of the turtles, tortoises or terrapins. Plate VI — ^A generalized mammal. This with slight changes will represent any of our smaller native mammals. The color areas should be outlined with pencil in the field, while the animal is under observation, and after it has been identified, the areas should be colored with crayons or water colors. Egg and larval diagrams should be made in a similar way if the specimens are observed in the field, but otherwise notes as to color, nimiber, size and similar data may be obtained from the instructor or from the texts. The figures are so designed as to admit of the introduction of such laboratory characters as scalation and costal grooves, when needed. In addition to outlining the color areas, such other items as are observed or given by the instructor shoiild be written in the field. Notes on general distribution, migration and hibernation and other topics not considered or recorded afield, should be obtained from the texts. In determining the size use the ruler on the back cover, except in the mammal studies where well-known forms may be chosen as standards. In planning this booklet the authors have selected only such features as have been fully tested through ten years of experience in teaching university classes in field study. i MODEL SHEET Proimin«Y4" .^UnnjAj, increscent SpiT^jcle smistrdl Tine pencili'vt^s Size: 3>^ inches Common name : Leopard Frog. Scientific name: Rana pipiens Schreber. Family, and characters of: Ranidce: thorax incapable of expansion, upper jawwith teeth, moist smooth skin, digits without discs. Confusing species: Pickerel Frog. Recognition marks: Entire under-parls white; back green or greenish brown, irregularly spotted. Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Eastern North America. Local (habitat) : Marshes, ponds, water-courses and moist meadows. Seasonal (migration, hibernation) : Mar. 26-Nov. i; hibernates beneath stones or in mud at the bottom of ponds and streams; in summer leaves water for moist situations. Food: Adults, carnivorous, feeding chiefly on living prey; tadpoles, largely vegetarian. Correlated structure: Adults with extrusible, viscid tongue; teeth; large mouth. Tadpoles with long intestines; rasping mouth-parts with cutaneous teeth. Breeding: Sexual modifications: Males smaller, darker, with thumbs much enlarged. Courtship: Pectoral embrace; external fertilization. Eggs: Egg-mass, plinth-like, submerged {3500-4500 eggs); hatching period, 12-24 days; egg-vegetative Pole, distinctly white; inner envelope, conspicuous. I>»»>er e»tv«lop«. distTnet Growth: Larvae: Tadl>ole period, 60-80 days, transforming from June 30 -Aug. 6. Young: At transformation, 18-31 mm. in length; otherwise similar to adult. Other Characteristics: The most abundant frog in Eastern North America; the young occasionally so numerous as to form the so-called 'plagues of frogs." THE FAUNA OF ITHACA, N. Y. FISHES Species Habitat Breeding Time Breeding Place Lake Lamprey Lakes May 9- June 30 Nests; swift shallows above riffles Brook Lamprey Lake Sturgeon Lakes Lakes April 28-May 30 May -June Nests ; swift shallows above riffles Shoal waters and in rapids of streams Long-nosed Gar Deep channels, lakes, large streams May -June Shoals, streams, possibly attached to plants Bowfin Lakes, swamps, and streams May -June Nest; shallow, weedy or sandy sloughs, swamps Spotted Cat Swift, clear, gravelly streams and rivers May -June Yellow Catfish Sluggish, weedy, muddy streams and lakes May -July 20 Nest on muddy bottom Long-jawed Catfish Sluggish, weedy, muddy streams and lakes May 20-June 15 Nest on muddy bottom or uilder board Common Bullhead Sluggish, weedy, muddy streams and lakes May 20-July I Nests; shallow muddy shoals under boards, roots, etc. Tadpole Cat Sluggish, muddy, or swift creeks, lakes May -July i Nest; under board, in cans, under crockery White Sucker Creeks, diversified habi- tat April -May 15 Riffles or swift water Hog Sucker Small, and large, clear, gravelly streams April -May Shallows of swifter brooks Chub Sucker Creeks April -May 15 Small streams Red Horse Lakes and creeks April -May Riffles of streams Red-bellited Dace Small, cold brooks and streams, lakes May -June Shallow water Silvery Minnow Quiet rivers, creeks April 2S-June Quiet water and riffles Fat-head Minnow Quiet creeks May -June Under stones and logs in quiet water Blunt-nosed Minnow Quiet streams, creeks, and lakes May iS-July 15 Nest; shallow water under stones, etc. Fallfish Rapid rocky streams May Large pebble heaps in shallow, swift riffles Horned Dace Small, quiet, weedy streams, ponds April 20-July Smaller pebble heaps in quiet water of riffles and gravel bars in lakes Golden Shiner Sluggish .muddy, weedy , bayous, ponds May -July i On vegetation, sluggish, muddy waters Black-chinned Minnow May 8-June 12 Cayuga Minnow Slow, muddy, creeks, lakes May 2-August Quiet water, bayous Varying-toothed Minnow Sluggish, clear, cool lakes, streams May —June Quiet water, bayous Species Habitat Breeding Time Breeding Place Straw-colored Minnow Swift, clear rivers, streams May 2S-July i6 Swallow-tailed Minnow Sluggish or rapid waters Silver-fin Rapid, clear streams, nvers May 2i-June 28 Gravelly riffles Spot-tail Minnow Large lakes, rivers April 25- May Gravelly riffles Common Shiner Quiet, clean brooks, creeks, rivers May i-July 6 Hollow in fine gravelly swift shoals Silver-sided Minnow Rapids, clear lakes.rivers, larger streams May 15-June I Gravelly riffles Blood-tailed Minnow Quiet, clean creeks June i-June 15 Black-nosed Dace Clear streams and moun- tain brooks May 24-June Shallow water, gravelly riffles or on vegetation Homyhead Rapid, clean creeks, streams and rivers May 20-June 15 Nest, gravelly riffles Cut-lip Minnow Clear creeks June -July Carp Sluggish, muddy lakes, creeks, rivers May -June On vegetation in shallow water Eel Alewife Seas and lakes Sea and inland lakes April-June or July Pelagic eggs but laid in deep water Mouths of larger streams usually in shoal water Whitefish Deep, cool lakes Oct-Dec. Rocky shoals in lakes Ontario Herring Deep, cool lakes Nov.-Dec. Rocky shoals in lakes Brown Trout Clear, cold, rapid streams Oct.-Jan. Crevices between stones, under roots, and exca- vation on bottom Rainbow Trout Clear, cold, rapid streams Nov.-Feb. Gravel nest in shoals Lake Trout Deeper water, lakes Oct.-Dec. I Honey-combed, rocky or gravelly shoals or clay bottom Brook Trout Cold, clear, mountain streams and lakes Sept.-Jan. Nest in grravel Mud Minnow Pickerel Muddy, sluggis^i rivers, ponds, lakes Marshy bayous, ponds, lakes Mar. i6-Apr. 7 Feb .-June i Small, transient ditches, overflows, quiet water on plants Swampy streams, shal- low overflows, ditches Pike Clean, sluggish water Mar.-May Swampy streams, shal- low overflows, ditches Fresh-water Killy Lakes and ponds June 24-Aug. 3 Grassy bottoms Brook Stickleback Clear, cool, quiet brooks and ponds Apr. lO-May Spherical nest of vegeta- tion attached to plants Trout Perch Lakes, larger rivers and streams May-June 10 Swift, gravelly streams Brook Silverside Calico Bass Rock Bass Quiet lakes, streams, and ponds Deep, sluggish rivers and Sluggish, shady, clean waters and streams May-June Apr.-June Apr.-June Eggs with filaments, at- tached to vegetation Nest; deeper water, gravelly or sandy bottom Nest; gravelly or sandy shoals BluegiU Large lakes and streams May-June 10 Nest; gravelly or sandy shoals Common Sun fish Quiet lakes, ponds and May-June creeks 1 Nest; sandy or gravelly shallows Species Habitat Breeding Time Breeding Place Small-mouthed Black Bass Rapid, clear creeks, rivers and lakes Apr.-June 30 Nest; gravelly and sandy shallows Large-mouthed Black Bass Pike Perch Streams or lakes Clear, clean lakes, rivers Apr.-July Apr. i-June i Nest, shallows amon^ roots; also on mud, clay or gravel Shallow water, sandy bars, rapids of streams Sand Pike Lakes and large rivers Apr. 1-15 Shallow water, sandy bars Yellow Perch Lakes, larger streams Mar. i-Apr. 30 Adhesive strings attached to plants Log Perch Swift creeks, smaller rivers May 30-June 25 Johnny Darter Swift, small brooks and creeks Apr. is-June i Gravelly shallows under stones, or overlapping edges Fantail Darter Riffles and shallows of gravelly creeks May Gravelly shallows, on stones White Bass Lakes and large rivers May, June Near shore or at mouths of rivers Sheepshead Large streams and lakes Probably Nov. or later Miller's Thumb Clear, rocky brooks,lakes Apr.-July Shallow water under stones Burbot Deep water, lakes Nov.-March Hard or rocky or gravelly bottom of lakes and streams PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristic^^ PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Pood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship : Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristio«4 PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship : Nestmg or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing si)ecies: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nestmg or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young; Other Characteristics; PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Pood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship : Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species. Recognition marks: Distinctive habits' Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nestmg or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other CharacteristJcs? PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species. Recognition marks: Distinctive habits' Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship Nestmg or egg -lay mg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristtesi PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: ' Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Covuiiship: Nesting or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): /ood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship : Nesting or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics! 1 PLATE I Date Where found SIZE !^ommon name: Scientific name: ''amily, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: distinctive habits: distribution: General: Local (habitat)? Seasonal (migration): "ood: Correlated structure: treeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laymg: irowth: Larvae: Young: )ther Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General : Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Pood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laymg: arowth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat) r Seasonal (migration): Pood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other CharacterisiiCs: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits Distribution: General: Local (habitat) • Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship; Nesting or egg -laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species. Recognition marks: Distinctive habits* Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg -laying: Growth: Larvae; Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat)* Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristius: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing si)ecies: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration); Pood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship : Nestmg or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration); Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nestmg or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: ?LATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat) r Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-lay mg; Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat)* Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications! Courtship: Nesting or > -laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: ' Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration); Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): ^ood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship ; Nesting or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics! PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat)? Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding; Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae: Youngt Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-lay mg; Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristicn PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General! Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding; Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nestmg or egg-laymg; Growth: Larvae: Young: . Other Characteristics! PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nestmg or egg -laying: Gro^rth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laymg: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship ; Nesting or egg-laying: urowth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics; PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat) r Seasonal (migration): Food: (Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nestmg or egg-laying: Growth: Larvae; Young: Other Character iSt.Ss; PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits Distribution: General: Local (habitat)? Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexua! modifications: Courtship: Nestmg or egg -laying: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species. Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Clourtship: Nesting or egg -laying: Growth: Larvae; Young: Other Characteristics; PLATE I Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat) r . Seasonal (migration): Food: (Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: (Courtship; Nestmg or egg-iaymg: • • • • Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: THE FAUNA OF ITHACA, N. Y. SALAMANDERS Species Earliest Spring Appearance Spawning Period Egg-Transformation Mud Puppy Spotted Salamander Four-toed Salamander Red-backed Salamander Slimy Salamander Purple Salamander Two-lined Salamander Dusky Salamander Newt Mar. 13 Mar. 17 Apr. I Mar. 14 Jan. 2, Mar. 12 Apr. 2 Jan. 2, Mar. 20 May i-June 15 Mar. 20-May I Spring June is-July 5 Probably summer May, June May i6-June June lo-Aug. i Apr. lo-june 18 Permanent larva 4-6 months 2.S — 3 months Possibly 2 or more years Possibly 2 years 8-10 months 4-8 months FROGS AND TOADS Species Average Spring Average Spawn- Average Trans- Egg-Transfor- Appearance ing Date formation Date mation Peeper Mar. 26 Apr. 10 July 6 90-100 da vs Meadow Frog Mar. 28 Apr. II .uly 12 75-1 10 days Wood Frog Mar. 31 Apr. 4 June 27 60-1 IS days American Toad Apr. I Apr. 23 une 21 45-65 days Pickerel Frog Apr. 3 Apr. 23 July 23 June 28 90-100 davs Green Frog Apr. 7 . une 7 I vear Tree Toad Apr. 28 May 20 June 2 July 4 July 25 July 16 45-65 days Bull Frog 2 year^ PLATE II Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Diitinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation) : Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications : Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE II Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Diitinctive habits: Distribution: General : Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation); Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young? Other Characteristics: PLATE II Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Diitinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation;: Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE II Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation); Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship : Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE F Date Where found SIZE 'Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation) : Pood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE II Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation) ; Pood: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE F Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution : General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation) : Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics! PLATE II Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat) : Seasonal (migration, hibernation) : Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications : Courtship: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Characteristics: PLATE n Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing 'species : Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General : Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation; : Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Growth: Larvae: Young? Other Characteristics: PLATE n Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other Cbaracteristics: PLATE m Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other characteristics. PLATE HI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: , Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation^ t Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth; Larvae: Young: Other characteristics. PLATE m Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation); Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other characteristics. PLATE m Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice! Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other characteristics. PLATE m Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other characteristics. PLATE m Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of| Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation) Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Eggs: Growth: Larvae; Young: Other characteristics PLATE ra Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation | Pood: Correlated structure: Voice! Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other characteristic's. PLATE m Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific naxne: Family, and characters of| Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation) ! Food: Correlated structure: Voice; Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Growth: Larvae: Young: Other characteristics. THE FAUNA OF ITHACA, N. Y. SNAKES Species Earliest Spring Appearance Latest Fall Record Reproductive Period Nature of Reproduction Ring-necked Snake Green Snake Pilot Snake Black Snake Milk Snake Water Snake Red-bellied Snake Ribbon Snake Garter Snake Apr. 19 Apr. 9 Apr. 27 Apr. 1 6 Mar. 28 Mar. 1 8 Mar. 1 8 Mar. 30 Oct. i6 Oct. 20 August Aug. 6 Sept. 20 Oct. 24 Nov. I Oct. 30 Nov. 2 June lO-July i July June, July June-Aug. 6 July Aug. is-Sept. Aug. 20-Sept. Aug. i-Sept. IS Aug.i-Sept. IS Oviparous, 6-io eggs Oviparous, 9-12 eggs Oviparous, 10-24 eggs Oviparous, 10-25 eggs Oviparous, 8-20 eggs Ovoviviparous, 16-40 young Ovoviviparous, 7-12 young Ovoviviparous, 6-12 young Ovoviviparous, 10-40 young TURTLES species Earliest Spring Appearance Latest Fall Record Reproductive Period Soft-shelled Turtle Snapping Turtle Musk Turtle Painted Turtle Muhlenberg's Turtle Wood Turtle Spotted Turtle Apr. 23 Jan. 25, Mar. 20 Apr. I Jan. 2, Mar. 10 Apr. 9 Jan. 26, Apr. 20 Apr. 3 July 26 Oct. 31 Sept. 24 Oct. 19 Sept. 28 June iS-.Tuly is June, July June lO-July 10 June-July July 20-Aug. S PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth! Young: Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation) : Food: Correlated structure: Voice; Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young; Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics; PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Yovmg: Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-lajring: Growth; Young: Other characteristics: PLATE V Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration hibernation); Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE V Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE V Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration hibernation) : Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE V Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications; Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE IV Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General : Local (habitat): , Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth : Young: Other characteristics: PLATE V Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration hibernation) : Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Nesting or egg-laying: Growth : Young: Other characteristics: PLATE V Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship : Nesting or egg-laying: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: THE FAUNA OF ITHACA MAMMALS Species Habitat Breeding Time Breeding Place Activity Opossum Woodland Mar. - Hollow tree Nocturnal, hibernates Red Squirrel Arboreal, everywhere Apr.-May Hole in tree Diurnal Gray Squirrel Arboreal, hardwood groves Mar.-Apr. (Sept.- Oct.) Hole in tree, nest in crotch Diurnal, hibernates during coldest weath- Chipmunk Woodchuck Flying Squirrel Terrestrial, dry woods, fence rows Terrestrial, fields and wood borders Arboreal, everywhere May-July Apr.-May Apr. is-May i Burrow in ground or stump Burrow in ground Hole in dead stub er Diurnal, hibernates, Nov. 1 5- March i Mostly diurnal, hiber- nates, Oct. i-Mar. i Nocturnal House Mouse Habitations and vicin- ity Buildings, wharves, sewers, etc. Largely terrestrial, woods and vicinity Similar to the preced Jan.-Dec. About buildings Largely nocturnal Norway Rat Deer Mouse Canadian White-footed Mouse Jan.-Dec. Apr .-Sept. ing but found only Burrow or crevice Burrow in stump or be- neath log in Boreal woods Largely nocturnal Nocturnal Muskrat Aquatic, marshes and May Burrow or marsh nest Largely nocturnal Pine Mouse Field Mouse streams Subterranean, woods and fields Woods and fields Apr.-Aug. May-Aug. Burrow Nest on ground Nocturnal and diurnal Nocturnal and diurnal Red-backed Mouse Canadian woods Apr .-Sept. Nest below or above ground Beneath clod or board Nocturnal and diurnal Jumping Mouse Moist meadows May-Sept. Largely nocturnal, hi- bernates, Nov. 15- Apr. or May Largely nocturnal Varying Hare Boreal woods Apr. -June Nest beneath bush or stimip Nest on ground in woods and fields Cavern or hollow tree Cotton-tail Canada Lynx Woods and fields Boreal woods May 15-Aug. May-June Largely nocturnal Nocturnal and diurnal Red Fox Woods and fields March- Apr. Caverns or burrows Nocturnal or diurnal Otter Mink Borders of streams Marshes and stream Apr.-May Apr.-May Burrow in bank of stream Burrow or hollow log Largely nocturnal Largely nocturnal Small Brown Weasel New York Weasel Marshes, stream bor- ders, woodland, fence rows, etc. Apr.-May BvuTow in ground or stump Largely nocturnal Skunk Terrestrial, anywhere Apr.-May Burrow Largely nocturnal, hi- bernates dvu-ing cold- Raccoon Woodland Apr.-May Hollow tree est weather Nocturnal, hibernates Star-nosed Mole Naked-tailed Mole Subterranean, moist woods and meadows Subterranean, alluvial May- May- Burrow Burrow Dec.-Peb. Nocturnal and diurnal Nocturnal and diurnal Hairy-tailed Mole Subterranean moist ground Terrestrial and subter- ranean, anywhere Terrestrial, woods and fields May- Burrow Nocturnal and diurnal Short-tailed Shrew Long-tailed Shrew May -(Oct.) Jan.-Dec. Burrow Hollow log or under board Nocturnal and diurnal Largely nocturnal Hoary Bat Arboreal May Nocturnal, migratory, Red Bat Arboreal June-July Among leaves of trees found during October Nocturnal, migratory. Silvery-haired Bat Pipistrelle Big Brown Bat Arboreal Arboreal Caves and buildings June-July July Hollows or crevices in trees May is-Oct. 15 Nocturnal, migratory. May i-(Sept. 20) Nocturnal, migratory. May I -Nov. i Nocturnal, hibernates Nov.-Feb. or Apr., Say's Bat Trees and buildings July Probably gregarious, attics and caves also migrates Nocturnal, migrates and hibernates Little Brown Bat Caves and buildings June-July Gregarious, attics and caves Nocturnal, migrates and hibernates PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation); Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics; PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of i Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migratibn, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structiu-e: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE CJommon name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation); Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of j Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation)! Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of I Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated struciure: Voice: Breeding; Sexual modifications; Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of I Confusing species: Recognition marks: h. Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding; Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Yoimg: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where fovind . SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of I Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Voung: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of » Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breedins:: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and charzr.ters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: ,^ Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation)! Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth; Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where f otind SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and char^rters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: i* Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other chaiacteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and charicters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: <- Distinctive habits: ^ Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (ijiigration. hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications! Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other chaiacteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and charictexs of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: « Distinctive habits: ^ Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth : Young; Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and characters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: .',- Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Food: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other chaj act eristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and charicters of: Confusing species: Recognition marks: ir- Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation); Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific Family, and characters of » Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated structvire: Voice: Breeding; Sexual modifications: ODurtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific namet Family, and characters of I Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General : Local (habitat): Seasonal (migration. hibernation): Pood: Correlated structure: Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: PLATE VI Date Where found SIZE Common name: Scientific name: Family, and charactert •( i Confusing species: Recognition marks: Distinctive habits: Distribution: General: Local (habitat) : Seasonal (migration, hibernation): Pood: Correlated •truccure; Voice: Breeding: Sexual modifications: Courtship: Place: Growth: Young: Other characteristics: THIS BOOK IS DUB ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL PINE OP 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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