GIFT OF Mrs. A. M. Duperu f***, AMD up era LU Wl FIG. 47. x FIG. 48. FIG. 45. FIG. 53. &L ax MAR 1 CANE SUGAB: A TEXT-BOOK ON THE AGRICULTURE OF THE SUGAR CANE, THE MANUFACTURE OF CANE SUGAR, AND THE ANALYSIS OF SUGAR HOUSE PRODUCTS; TOGETHER WITH A CHAPTER ON THE FERMENTATION OF MOLASSES. SUGAR TECHNOLOGIST AT THE EXPERIMENT STATION OF THE HAWAIIAN SUGAR PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION ; Author of " Sugar and the Sugar Cane" NORMAN RODGER, ALTRINCHAM (MANCHESTER) . 1911. ALL EIGHTS EESERYED. (Entered at Stationers' Hall.) F 1 1HE absence of any recent English literature dealing with the sugar cane T which prompted me to compile " Sugar and the Sugar Cane" can no longer be offered as a reason for the production of an extended textbook on cane sugar. During the last decade the treatises of Geerligs, and of Jones and Scard r which specialize on cane sugar manufacture, have appeared ; the detailed work of Ware on beet sugar manufacture contains much that is equally applicable to the sister industry ; new editions also have been produced of Spencer's Handbooks, and of Newlands' Text-book. With so detailed a library available reasonable doubt may be felt as to the advisability of offering to the sugar public yet another compilation. My experience of the cane sugar industry has been divided between the positions of chemist, of factory manager, of supervising chemist, and of sugar technologist in a large Experiment Station; and as in addition it has been spent in three sugar producing districts of widely variant character, it may possibly have fitted me to take a broad view of the salient points of the industry, and so to select for detailed treatment its more important aspects. Access, also, to a well- stocked library has enabled me to compile and present information not accessible to others less favourably situated. The advisability of a chemist devoting considerable space to the botany, agri- culture and pathology of the cane may be questioned. I, however, found it impossible to live on plantations without taking a keen interest in, and attempting to obtain something more than a smattering of, all phases of the production of cane sugar. I feel, then, that some account of these matters may serve to fill a lacuna in English technical literature. It was only after mature consideration that I decided to let the chapter on ' Pests and Diseases' appear in its present form; the entomologist and the plant pathologist will be unlikely to refer to it for information. The account there given may serve, however, to stimulate interest in these destructive agencies, and in the means for their control, particularly in that known as the ' natural method,' which has been developed with such striking success in the Hawaiian islands by Koebele, Craw, Perkins, and their associates. In selecting from the material at hand for use in this compilation, I have used much that is academic, as opposed to that of practical interest ; although this selection may cause the compilation to appear too 'theoretical,' yet this reasoning has not made me depart from my ideal of inserting what I thought ought to appear, rather than what other people might think ' practical.' iii. CANE SUGAR. In writing of matters which I can only hope to touch on as an amateur, there is danger of serious error. I have been fortunate, then, in the opportunity of having the earlier portion of my manuscript read by friends and colleagues, Mr. C. F. Eckart, Dr. E. C. L. Perkins, Mr. L. Lewton-Brain, and Dr. H. L. Lyon ; but of course the whole responsibility for the matter therein contained rests with me. Those parts dealing with analysis were read over by Mr. S. S. Peck and Dr. E. S. Norris, to both of whom I am indebted for several suggestions. To Mr. W. E. E. Potter and Mr. J. H. Wale I am indebted for the originals of many illustrations, including those of the coloured plates of the Salangore and the Purple Bamboo Canes, and of the coloured illustrations of insect pests, all of which are the work of Mr. Potter. To the Experiment Station Committee of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association my thanks are due for the loan of the blocks whence are printed Figs. 2-8, 63, 69, 70, 72-76, 82, 83, 105, 126, 188-190; those drawings illustrative of the anatomy of the cane were prepared under the direction of Dr. N. A. Cobb, and admittedly form a series remarkable as an exhibit both of technical skill and artistic merit. Messrs. Baird & Tatlock have supplied the blocks used in Figs. 237 and 246 ; Messrs. Peters that of Fig. 238; Messrs. J. & J. Erie that used in Fig. 239; Messrs. Watson, Laidlaw & Co. those used in Figs. 207 and 208 : Messrs. Pott, Cassels & Williamson those used in Figs. 204, 206, and 209 ; Messrs. Bullivant & Co. that in Fig. 93; Messrs. Zeiss that in Fig. 262; Mr.T. L. Patterson that of Fig. 212; Messrs. Holden & Brooke that of Fig. 270 ; and the Eichardsoii Scale Co. that of Fig. 269. Mr. J. B. Syme has supplied me with the originals whence Figs. 42, 88 and 98 were prepared. It will be seen that I have quoted largely from the published works of Geerligs, of Went, of Kobus, of Harrison, of Eckart, and of Stubbs, to mention only a few of my sources of information. No work on any subject could pretend to completeness which failed to avail itself liberally of the results of the leading investigators. I have departed from ordinary text-book conventionalism in inserting some notes in the Appendix, amplifying certain points in the text. Owing to my distance from my printers I received only a ' paged-out proof,' and it would have been possible only at some considerable inconvenience to have then made lengthy alterations in the body of the text. My thanks are due to Mr. Norman Eodger for the trouble he has taken in seeing my manuscript through the press. NOEL DEEEE. Honolulu, November, 1910. IV. THE LITERATURE OE THE CANE. The development of the scientific study of the cane only dates back a generation ; this must be attributed to its decentralized position, and to the confinement of its growth to districts remote from the older centres of civilization ; nevertheless, a voluminous and polyglot literature has now accumulated. The earliest modernized treatise is that due to Wray, and published under the title of the Practical Sugar Planter, in 1848; this deals with practice in the West Indies and the Straits Settlements. Eeynoso's Enmyo sobre el cultivo de la cana de azucar was published in 1865, and criticises Cuban practice. In the same year Icery's Recherches t>ur le Jus de la Canne d Sucre, the result of his Mauritian experiences, appeared. Twenty years later three other notable French treatises were issued: Delteil's Le Canne d Sucre (1884) gives a succinct account of the practices in Mauritius and Reunion ; Basset's Guide du Planteur des Cannes (1889) is of the nature of a general treatise on agriculture specialized with regard to cane planting; and Boname's Culture de la Canne d Sucre d Guadeloupe (1888) contains the result of several years' experimental work, and is remarkable for a very complete detailed balance-sheet of the plant food material taken up by successive crops of cane. Ten years later a German text book by Kriiger, Das Zuckerrohr und seine Kuliur, collated the earlier results of the Java * Proef Stations,' and described in great detail Javanese practice. The conditions in Louisiana have been described by Stubbs in Sugar Cane (1897). The Egyptian industry has been discussed by Tiemann in The Sugar Cane in Egypt (1903); and finally Sedgwick in Relating to the Sugar Industry in Peru (1904) has given an. account of the processes there followed. Of the increasing amount of recorded experimental results appearing within the past twenty years in the English periodical journals, and especially in the International Sugar Journal, attention may be directed to the papers of Harrison, dealing especially with seedling canes, with manures, and with soils, and to the work which has been done by Watts and Bovell on kindred matter, and by Howard and Lewton-Brain on the pathology of the cane. In the English Orient a not unnoteworthy feature is the publication of papers on the sugar cane by several natives of India. The United States are represented by records of work done at the Louisiana Experiment Station, and at that of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association; and in this connection mention should be made of the work of C. A. Browne, dealing with manufacture and analysis, and of that in Hawaii concerned with agriculture and irrigation, initiated by Maxwell, and continued by Blouin and Eckart. A more recent phase of the Hawaiian work, and one referred to at v. CANE SUGAR. some length in the text, is the development of the 'natural' method of control of insect pests, under the direction of Koebele, Craw and Perkins. In the French language the Bulletin de V Association des Chimistes de Sucrerie, fyc., contains much valuable matter dealing with the sugar cane, to which H. Pellet has given many important contributions. It is in Java, however, that the scientific study of the cane has reached its highest level. During the past twenty years there has come thence a series of papers, unsurpassed for academic interest and technical value by any similar series in any industry, either in Europe or America. The work of Geerligs on cane sugar manufacture, the pathological and physiological work of Went, Wakker, Kriiger, van Breda de Haan and Kamerling, the cane breeding work of Kobus, Bouricius and Moquette, the engineering studies of Delfos, Bolk, and van Moll, the entomological researches of Zehntner and van Deventer, and the agricultural enquiries of Kramers and van Lookeren Campagne, make some knowledge of Dutch essential to the proper appreciation of the cane sugar industry. In the pages immediately below is collected an imperfect list of books and journals dealing directly or indirectly with the cane sugar industry, with names of publishers where known. AGRICULTURE. Porter. Nature and Properties of the Sugar Cane. Smith Elder & Co., London, 1843. Evans. Sugar Planter's Manual. London, 1847. Wray. The Practical Sugar Planter. Smith, Elder & Co., London, 1848. Kerr. Treatise on the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane. London, 1851. Beynoso. Ensayo Sobre el Cultivo de la Cana de Azucar. Bivadenegra, Madrid, 1865. (Deals with Cuba.) Delteil. La Canne a Sucre. Chalamel & Co., Paris, 1884. (Deals with Mauritius and Bourbon.) Boname. Culture de la Canne a Sucre. Chalamel & Co., Paris, 1888. (Deals with experimental work at Guadeloupe.) Semler. Tropische Agrikultur. Wismar, 1888. Basset. Guide du Planteur des Cannes. Chalamel & Co., Paris, 1889. (Very detailed general treatise.) Potter. De cultuur van het suikerriet op Java. Arnheim, 1889. Kriiger. Das Zuckerrohr und seine Kultur. Schallehn & Wollbriick, Magdeburg, 1899. (Embodies the earlier results of the Java ' Proef Stations.') Watts. Introductory Manual for Sugar Growers. Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1893. (Addressed to small planters of the West Indies.) Stubbs. Sugar Cane. U.S. Dept. Agric., 1897. (Deals with Louisiana.) Tiemann. The Sugar Cane in Egypt. Norman Rodger, Altrincham, 1903. (Many manurial results.) Sedgwick. The Sugar Industry in Peru. Trujillo, 1904. vi. PREFACE. MANUFACTURE. Soames. Treatise on the Manufacture of Sugar from the Sugar Cane. London, 1872. Walkhoff. Die praktische Eiibenzuckerfabricant. Brunswick, 1872. Maumene. Traite de la Fabrication du Sucre. Paris, 1878. Stammer. Der Dampf in der Zuckerfabrik. Eathke, Magdeburg, 1891. Cambier. Combustion en Sucrerie Paris, 1892. Beaudet, Pellet et Saillard. Traite de la Fabrication du Sucre. Paris, 1894. Von Passauer. Die Zuckerfabrikation. Hartleben, Vienna, 1894. Evangelista. Fabrication del Azucar de Cana. Madrid, 1895. Horsin-Deon. Traite theorique et pratique de la Fabrication du Sucre. Paris, 1901. Mclntosh. The Technology of Sugar. Scott, Greenwood & Co., London, 1901. Foster. Evaporation on the Multiple System. Reed & Sons, Sunderland, 1901. Hausbrand. Evaporating, Condensing and Cooling Apparatus. Scott, Green- wood & Co., London, 1903. Abraham. Die Dampfwirtschaft in der Zuckerfabrik. Schallehn & Wollbriick, Magdeburg, 1904. Claassen. Beet Sugar Manufacture. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1907. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Ware. Beet Sugar Manufacture and Refining. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1907. (London, Chapman & Hall.) WaUis-Tayler. Sugar Machinery. Rider & Sons, London, 1908. Gredinger. Die Raffination des Zuckers. Hartleben, Leipzig, 1908. Geerligs. Cane Sugar and its Manufacture. Norman Rodger, Altrincham. 1909. Jones and Scard. The Manufacture of Cane Sugar. Edward Stanford, London, 1909. Newlands Bros. Sugar. Spon & Co., London, 1909. CHEMISTRY AND ANALYSIS. Sidersky. Traite d' Analyse des Matieres sucrees. Balliere, Paris, 1892. Wiechmann. Sugar Analysis. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1893. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Von Lippmann. Die Chemie der Zuckerarten. Vieweg & Sons, Brunswick, 1895. Maquenne. Les Sucres et leurs principaux Derives. Gauttier-Villars, Paris, 1900. Tucker. Manual of Sugar Analysis. Van Nostrand. New York, 1900. Landholt. The Optical Rotation of Organic Substances. Chemical Publishing Co., Easton, Pa., 1902. Friihling and Schulz. Anleitung zur Untersuchung fiir die Zuckerindustrie. Vieweg & Sons, Brunswick, 1903. Herrmann. Verlustbestimmung und Betriebeskontrolle der Zuckerfabrication. Schallehn & Wollbruck, Magdeburg, 1903. Stolle. Handbuch fur Zuckerfabrikschemiker. Parey, Berlin, 1904. Eolfe. The Polariscope in the Chemical Laboratory. Macmillan Co., London and New York, 1904. vii. CANE SUGAR. Morse. Calculations used in Cane Sugar Factories. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1904. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Tervooren, Methoden van Onderzoek der bij de Java Eietsuikerindustrie voorkomende Producten. Amsterdam, 1904. Geerligs. Methods of Chemical Control in Cane Sugar Factories in Java. Norman Eodger, Altrincham, 1904. Heriot. Science in Sugar Production. Norman Eodger, Altrincham, 1907. Spencer. Handbook for Sugar Manufacturers and their Chemists. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1907. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Fribourg. Analyse chimique en Sucrerie. Dunod & Pinat, Paris, 1907. L. Pellet and Metillon. Vade Mecum de Sucrerie. Paris, 1907. Nikaido. Beet Sugar Making and its Chemical Control. Chemical Publishing Co., Philadelphia, 1909. Mittelstadt. Technical Calculations for Sugar Works. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1910. (London, Chapman & Hall.) DISEASES AND ENEMIES. Wakker and Went. De Ziekten van het Suikerriet op Java. Leyden, 1898. Yan Deventer. De dierlijke Yijanden van het Suikerriet. De Bussy, Amsterdam, 1907. FERMENTATION. Hansen. Practical Studies in Fermentation. E. & F. N. Spon, London, 1896. Lafar. Technical Mycology. Griffin & Sons, London, 1898, 1902, and 1910. Eeynolds Green. The Soluble Ferments and Fermentation. University Press, Cambridge, 1899. Matthews. Manual of Alcoholic Fermentation. Edward Arnold, London, 1901. Perrault. Le Ehum. C. Naud, Paris, 1903. Klocker. Fermentation Organisms. Longmans & Co., London, 1903. Jorgensen. The Micro-organisms of Fermentation. Macmillan, London and New York, 1903. Brandt. Eectification and Distillation of Alcohol. Baird, Philadelphia, 1904. Herrick. Denatured or Industrial Alcohol. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1907. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Mclntosh. Industrial Alcohol. Scott, Greenwood & Co., London, 1907. Kohl. Die Hefepilze. Quelle & Myers, Leipzig, 1908. GENERAL AGRICULTURE. Hall. The Soil. John Murray, London, 1908. Hall. Fertilizers. John Murray, London, 1909. Hilgard. Soils. The Macmillan Co., New York and London, 1907. The Eural Science Series; various dates and authors. The Macmillan Co., New York and London. viii. PREFACE. STEAM, &c. Poole. Calorific Value of Fuels. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1904. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Pullen. Experimental Engineering. Scientific Publifehing Co., Manchester, 1904. Perry. The Steam Engine. Macmillaii & Co., London and New York, 1907. Thurstou. A Manual of the Steam Engine. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1907. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Carpenter. Experimental Engineering. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1909. (London, Chapman & Hall.) Juptner. Heat, Energy and Euel. Macraw Publishing Co., New York, 1909. I feel that I am open to criticism in pretending to recommend books on subjects so indirectly connected with sugar as those included under the last three captions, especially since in these branches of technology there are so many to choose from. I merely mention those which I have used myself to obtain a better understanding of certain phases of the sugar industry. I know of no more suitable agricultural library for the sugar planter generally than the books included in the " Rural Science Series," published by Macmillan. Each volume is a monograph on some part of agriculture, written by well-known United States experts, which, while not sacrificing accuracy to popularity, treats its subject in a way which will appeal to the non-technically trained planter. JOURNALS DEVOTED TO THE SUGAR INDUSTRY. The Sugar Cane. Manchester, 1869-1898. The International Sugar Journal. Altrincham, Manchester, 1899- The Louisiana Planter. New Orleans, 1887- The Hawaiian Planters' Monthly. 1882-1909. The Sugar Journal. Mackay. 1882-1906. Journal des Fabricants de Sucre. Paris, 1866- Bulletin de 1'Association des Chimistes de Sucrerie. Paris, 1882- Sucrerie Indigene et Coloniale. Paris, 1886- Archief voor de Java Suikerindustrie. Soerabaia, 1893- Centralblatt fur die Zuckerindustrie. Magdeburg, 1892- JDie Deutsche Zuckerindustrie. Berlin, 1876- La Sucrerie Beige. Brussels, 1872- Osterreichisch-Ungarische Zeitschrift fiir Zuckerindustrie. Vienna, 1873- Zeitschrift liir Zuckerindustrie in Bohmen. Prague, 1872- Zeitschrift des Vereins der Deutschen Zuckerindustrie. Berlin. The Australian Sugar Journal. Brisbane, 1909- The American Sugar Industry and Beet Sugar Gazette. Chicago, 1899- The Sugar Beet, Philadelphia. ix. CANE SUGAR. EXPERIMENT STATIONS DEVOTED WHOLLY OR IN PART TO THE CANE SUGAR INDUSTRY. British Guiana. Botanical Gardens. Experiments on Sugar Cane (and other tropical plants) conducted chiefly by J. B. Harrison ; results published mainly as reports to the Governor, and often quoted in extenso in the Sugar Cane and International Sugar Journal. British West Indies. Experimental work conducted under the direction of the Imperial Department of Agriculture in Barbados, Antigua, St. Kitts. The experimental work in Trinidad, and at the Sugar Experiment Station in Jamaica under the direction of H. H. Cousins, seems less closely associated with the Department. The present Commissioner is Francis Watts, the first having been Sir Daniel Morris ; connected with the Department is a large staff of scientists ; results are published in The West Indian Bulletin as separates. Cuba. Estacion Centrale Agronomique. Director, E. G. Oses ; previous directors have been F. S. Earle and J. T. Crawley. Eesults published as Bulletins. Porto Rico. Agricultural Experiment Station under the U.S. Dept. Agric. D. W. May, special agent in charge. Eesults published as Bulletins. Louisiana. Experiment Station at Audubon Park, in connection with State University, which also maintains a ' Sugar School.' Director : H. P. Agee ; previous directors have been W. Stubbs and W. E. Dodson. Eesults published as Bulletins. Hawaii. Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. Director: C. F. Eckart; previous directors have been W. Maxwell and E. E. Blouin. Eesults published as Bulletins. Argentina. Sugar Experiment Station in Tucuman. Director E. E. Blouin. Peru. Sugar Experiment Station. Director : Caesar Broggi ; previous directors have been T. Sedgwick and F. Zerban. Eesults published as Bulletins. Mauritius. Station Agronomique. Director : P. Boname. Eesults published as Bulletins. Queensland. Experiment Station at Mackay. Director: H. Easterby; previous director was W. Maxwell. India. Experimental Sugar Farm at Samalkota, Madras. C. A. Barber, Govern- ment botanist. West Java. Proef Station. Director : J. J. Hazewinkel ; previous directors have been H. C. Prinsen Geerligs and F. Went. East Java. Proef Station. Director, J. E. van der Stok ; previous directors have been G. Kramers, J. K. Wakker, and J. D. Kobus. Mid. Java. Proef Station. Director : W. van Deventer ; previous directors have been F. Soltwedel and F. Benecke. Eesults published as separate prints, and also often to be found in the Archief voor die Java Suiker Industrie. NOEL DEERR. x. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Cane 1 CHAPTER II. The Composition of the Cane 13 CHAPTER III. Eange and Climate 18 CHAPTER IV. Varieties of the Cane 23 CHAPTER V. Sugar Cane Soils 46 CHAPTER VI. The Manuring of the Cane .... 55 CHAPTER VII. The Irrigation of the Cane 91 CHAPTER VIII. The 'Husbandry of the Cane 102 CHAPTER IX. The Pests and Diseases of the Cane 127 CHAPTER X. The Harvesting of the Cane 159 CHAPTER XI. The Extraction of Juice "by Mills 170 CHAPTER XII. The Diffusion Process 226 CHAPTER XIII. The Clarification and Defecation of the Juice 241 CHAPTER XIV. The Carbonation Process 262 CHAPTER XV. The Filtration of the Juice 273 xi. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. . PAGE The Evaporation of the Juice to Syrup 282 CHAPTER XVII. The Concentration of the Syrup to Massecuite 339 CHAPTER XVIII. The Separation of the Crystals 371 CHAPTER XIX. Molasses 388 CHAPTER XX. Megass as Fuel 404 CHAPTER XXI. The Polariscope as applied to Sugar Analysis 42 ? CHAPTER XXII. The Optical Assay of Sugars 44 ? CHAPTER XXIII. The Determination of Reducing Sugars 459 CHAPTER XXIV. The Assay of Sugar House Products 471 CHAPTER XXV. The Control of the Factory 492 CHAPTER XXVI. Fermentation with Special Reference to the Sugar House 615 APPENDIX. Tables. Table of Properties of Saturated Steam. (After Peabody) .......... 547 Table of Correspondence between Brix and Specific Gravity O Q ........ 555 o/\O/"1 Table of Correspondence between Brix and Specific Gravity 7op~ ...... ^58 Table of Temperature Corrections for Brix Hydrometer graduated at 17'5C .... 561 Table of Temperature Corrections for Brix Hydrometer graduated at 27'5C . . . . 562 Table of Dry Substance from Refractive Index at 28C. (After H. C. Prinsen Geerligs) .; ........................... . 563 Table of Corrections for the Temperature .................... 568 Table of the Density of Water ........................ 568 xii. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Table of the Elevation of the Boiling Point of Sugar Solutions (Claassen) .... 569 Table showing the Expansion of Sugar Solutions (Grerlach) 570 Table giving the Percentages by Weight, per cent., on Original Juice evaporated between different Degrees Brix or Beaume 571 Table of Equivalents of Copper and Dextrose for Allihn's Method 572 Table of Sodium Carbonate at 82-50F (Schiff) 576 Table of Caustic Soda at 82-5F (Geerligs) 577 Table showing the Solubility of Sugar in Water (Herzfeld) 578 Table showing the Solubility of Lime in Sugar Solutions 578 Table showing the Solubility of Salts in Sugar Solutions (Jacobsthal) 578 Additional Notes relating to Certain Portions of the Text 579 INDEX. Subject Matter 581 Names .. 5 88 xm. ERRATA. Page 72, Line 6 from bottom. For Eriodendnon read Eriodendron. Page 84, last line. For deeringannm read deeringianum. Page 88, Line 14. For land read hand. Page 91, Line 17. Between in and many insert so. Page 93, Line 11 from bottom. Delete and evaporation. Page 95, Line 1. For Eegnoso read Reynoso. Page 122, Line 13 from bottom. For creditable read credible. Page 136, Line 12. For Cakididae read Chakidoidta. Page 163, Line 21 from bottom. For fTallis Taylor read Wallis-Taykr. Page 266, Line 16. For 7\ T read 7\ - T . Page 291, last two lines. The sentence and the vertical baffles d give an up and down circulation to the juice should be deleted, as the lines marked d in the illustration are not baffles but represent the webs of one of the feet which carry the evaporator. XIV. LIST OF PLATES. Referred to To Face in Text as Page Frontispiece (Figs. 45-56 $ 58-59 J I. Bourbon Cane (Fig. 9) .... 16 II. Eose Bamboo Cane (Fig. 10) .. . . 32 III. Purp^ Bamboo Cane. . .. (Fig. 11) .. .. 48 IV. Striped Bamboo Cane (Fig. 12) .. .. 64 V. White Tanna Cane (Fig. 13) . . . . 80 VI. Striped Tanna Cane (Fig. 14J .... 96 VII. Steam Plough (Fig. 31) .. .. 104 VIII. Black Tanna Cane (Fig. 15 J .. .. 128 IX. Salangore Cane (Fig. 16 J .. .. 144 X. Cane Sleds (Fig. 86) .. . . 160 Wheeler-Wilson Loader (Fig. 87) .. . . 160 XL Fixed Derrick for transferring Cane (Fig. 89) .. . . 161 XII. Ox Team and Load (Fig. 90) .. . . 168 Eoad Engine for transporting Cane (Fig. 91) . . . . 168 A Typical Cane Train (Fig. 92) .. .. 168 XIII. Cane Wagons (Fig. 96) .. .. 169 XIV. Cane Hoppers (Fig. 97) .. .. 176 XV. Cane Unloader (Fig. 99) . . . . 177 Cane Unloader (Fig. 101) .. .. 177 XVI. Port Mackay Cane (Fig. 17) .. .. 256 XVII. Iscambine Cane (Fig. 18) . . . . 337 XVIII. Electric-Driven Spindle of Centrifugal (Fig. 201) .. .. 376 XIX. Water-Driven Centrifugal (Fig. 209) .. .. 377 XX. Huillard Drier (Fig. 225) .. .. 416 XXI. Yeasts , . (Fig. 216) .. .. 520 XXII. Yeasts (Fig. 217) .. . . 521 xv. CANE STJG-AB. CHAPTER I. THE CANE. The sugar cane is a grass belonging (following Engler's classification) to the cohort Glumiflorce, natural order Graminea, tribe Andropigonece, genus Saccharum. The genus Saccharum is divided by Hackel 1 into four sub- genera, (a) Eusaccharum, (i) Sclerostycha, (c~) Eriochrysis, (d") Leptosaccharum. A detailed account of these sub-genera will be found in Kriiger's Das Zudcerrohr? The cultivated species Saccharum officinarum, belongs to the first sub-genus, and is itself divided by Hackel into three groups. (a) genuinum. Stein pale green to yellow, darker yellow near the ground. Leaf, grass- green, underside sea-green. (b) violaceum. Stem, leaf sheath, lower side of leaves, panicle, violet. (c) litteratum. Stem dirty green or yellow, marked with dark red stripes at equal intervals. In the group genuinum is to be included the S. sinense, or Chinese cane ; the group litteratum would include all ribbon canes, but as these sport fre- quently from self-coloured canes and vice versa, the distinction must not be pushed too far. Cordemoy 3 divided the canes known in the island of Bourbon into S. officinarum, S. violaceum, and S. sinense (the Chinese cane) ; elsewhere in the literature of the cane the purple transparent or Black Cheribon cane is sometimes found incorrectly called S. violaceum. The true S. violaceum occurs indigenously in the Hawaiian Islands, and is known under the native name of Manulele. The complete cane may be divided into the roots, the root-stock, the stem, the leaf, including leaf-sheath and blade, and the inflorescence. 1 CANE SUGAK. Stalk. The stalk of the cane is roughly cylindrical, and varies widely in size, not only with the variety, but also with the conditions of growth ; the diameter varies from a minimum of inch to a maximum of 3 inches. The smallest diameter is found in varieties seldom cultivated, as, for example, the Branchu, and among the reed-like canes grown by the ryots of British India, and in some parts called Nanal canes. 4 The greatest is found in the Elephant canes, while the Striped and Black Tanna canes are also of comparatively large girth. The Cheribon canes (cp. Chapter IF.) are types of the more slender cultivated canes, while the Bourbon may be considered of average diameter. The length of the stalk in the best cultivated varieties reaches to as much as 20 feet ; in others, such as the Bois-rouge and Branchu, the maximum height is very much less. In its early stages of growth the cane is erect, and in some varieties, e.g., Yellow Caledonia or White Tanna, and D. 74, it remains so ; in others, such as the Otaheite, it becomes markedly recumbent. FIG. 1. The stalk is made up of a series of joints, or intern odes, /, Fig. 1, separated from each other by the nodes, e ; generally the internodes grow in a continuous line, but occasionally they are ' staggered,' each internode growing at an angle with the next one. The diameter at the node is generally a little larger than at the internode, but in some varieties the internode is notably swollen. The length of the internode may reach to as much as 10 inches, but in well grown Otaheite cane this is generally 4 to 6 inches; the Tanna canes are distinctly short-jointed in proportion to girth, while the B. 147 cane may be taken as an example of a long- jointed variety. The length of joint is influenced largely by conditions of growth ; thus it becomes very much reduced when affected by drought or by the cold weather, or when the leaf of the cane has been attacked by disease. The number of internodes may be as many as eighty, or as few as twenty. At each node, and alternately, at opposite sides, is an embryo cane, known as the eye, b, Fig. 1 it is the size of a pea or larger, and may be triangular, oval, or almost hemispherical ; in some varieties, as the Branchu, the eye is swollen and prominent. The eye is covered with a resinous substance and with several layers of bud-scales. THE CANE. Immediately above each joint appears a ring of semi-opaque whitish spots; this is the zone of adventitious roots; each spot is an embryonic root. In some varieties the roots on the portion above ground under normal conditions develop freely, and form a kind of aerial root ; under other conditions this sprouting of the roots is one of the symptoms of the disease known as 'Sereh'; with canes of a recumbent habit sprouting is frequent, and leads to a general weakening of the plant. The outer surface of the stem is known as the rind ; it may be green, yellow, red, purple, white or striped, or blotched in a combination of these colours. The Root. The 'root' or root-stock of the cane is merely a prolonga- tion of the stalk beneath the surface of the ground attached to the mother cane in plant cane, or to the mother stalk in ratoon cane. The true roots of the cane spring from the nodes of the stem ; they are fibrous, lateral, and very delicate; they ramify in all directions, generally extending from 18 inches to 3 feet from the stem. Stubbs 5 says that the roots do not penetrate veiy deeply, but Ling Roth 6 mentions roots extending as far downwards as 4 feet, and Liversedge 6 states that he has seen roots as far down as 8 or 10 feet. The depth to which roots penetrate, however, depends largely on the nature of the soil ; they extend furthest in light porous soils. In seasons of drought the roots extend downwards following the water level; on the other hand, in fields with a sour ill-drained sub-soil, the roots, after penetrating down wards, turn back on themselves to the upper surface soil. The cane has no tap root, and its roots have comparatively little hold on the soil. The Leaf. The leaves of the cane are alternate and opposite, one at each joint ; actually, the leaf consists of two parts, the leaf sheath and the leaf blade. The leaf sheath springs from the node. It completely embraces, at its base, the stalk, and gradually recedes from it ; the sheath is colourless or pale green, and about 12 inches long at maturity. The blade is from 3 to 4 feet long, and 2 to 3 inches wide ; in colour the leaves are varying shades of green ; in some varieties, as in the Cavengerie, variegated or entirely white leaves are often developed. Some Pacific Island canes fS. violaceum) have purple leaves. The leaves taper towards the top, and are delicately serrated along the margin ; in many varieties setae or hairs abound at the base of the leaf, capable of forming painful punctures iu the skin; the leaf is traversed longitudinally by a number of veins. The midrib is generally white, but sometimes reddish or purple, and is formed with a channel-like depression in its upper surface. The leaves at maturity fall away from the stalk, and in some varieties separate themselves entirely. CANE SUGAR. The Flower. The inflorescence of the cane is a panicle of soft silky spikelets, borne on the end of an elongated peduncle, called the arrow, arising from the terminal vegetative point of the cane. I | | ; j | ; ; i ; . ; . / : In Fig. 2 is given a drawing, M I M M I / enlarged 30 diameters, of a single flower of Lahaina cane. At 1 is the ovary, the growth of which produces the seed ; it is ovoid and sessile; from the ovary proceed two styles of a reddish colour, bearing the plumose stigmas, 2. At 3 are the three anthers which produce the pollen, that serves to fertilize the stigmas ; at 4 are the two lodicules, the function of which is, by swelling at the proper time, to open the cane blossom; at 5 is the innermost palet of the cane flower, and at 7, 6, and 8 the remaining palet and the glumes ; at 9 are the bristles that surround the base of the flower. It is only exceptionally that the cane forms fertile seed. Some varieties never flower, and others do so only in the tropics. The age at which the cane flowers varies from eight to fifteen months, and is dependent on variety and climate and also on time of planting. Flowering takes place at certain definite times of the year, varying in the different cane-growing regions, and if the cane is not sufficiently mature at the flowering time in its first year, no formation of flowers occurs until the second year. In this way a delay of a few weeks in planting will retard flowering for twelve months. FIG. 2. THE CANE. Fin. 3. Structure of the Stalk. On cutting across a cane it will be seen 2 that it consists roughly of three parts, a hard outer rind, and a mass of softer tissue in the interior, interspersed with fibres, the latter being more frequent about the periphery of the stalk. The rind is made up of a thick epidermis with a strong outer cuticle, impervious to water, and a layer of thick-walled cells ; the function of the cuticle is to prevent evaporation of water from the stem of the cane, and to protect the softer interior parts from mechanical injuries ; the layer of thick-walled cells gives rigidity and strength to the stem. These thick-walled cells gradually pass into the thin-walled cells of the ground tissue, or parenchyma, which serve to store up the sweet juice of the cane. The fibres are known as the fibro- vascular bundles ; they consist of the wood vessels, sieve tubes and com- panion cells, surrounded by thick- walled fibres. A cross section of the cane, as seen under the low power of a microscope, is shown in Fig. 3. 1. The epidermis, with thick cuticularized walls. 2. Thick- walled ground tissue of the rind. 3. A small vascular bundle ; these are : found mainly in the outer portion of the stem, and their function is chiefly mechanical. 4. An intermediate bundle with* two vessels and a few thin-walled 1 , phloem elements. 5. Thick-walled fibres ; these are- the mechanical elements of the bundles, and are more numerous in the bundles, towards the outside. CANE SUGAR. 6. Thin-walled cells of the ground tissue or parenchyma. 7. A large vascular bundle found toward the centre of the stem. In Fig. 4 is shown more highly magnified a bundle corresponding to 7 in Fig. 8. 1 . A vessel with unbordered pits. 2. An annular vessel. 3. A sieve tube with the companion cells, making up the phloem. 4. An intercellular air space. 5 and 7. Thick- walled mechanical elements, the fibres, or sclerenchyma forming a sheath around the bundle. 6. Ground tissue or parenchyma. When seen in longitudinal section the cells of the parenchyma are found to be rather longer than wide. 6 THE CANE. ^ *$ 7 CANE SUGAR. The sieve tubes seen in longitudinal section are observed to be very elongated cells, with perforated partition walls at intervals in their length J the vessels are continuous throughout their length. In the internodes the fibro- vascular bundles run parallel, but at the nodes they freely branch and communicate with each other, and pass on into the leaf and into the next internode, passing down right into the roots of the cane. The physiological function of the nbro-vascular bundles, apart from their mechanical action, is to transmit water, charged with food material, from the root to the leaf of the cane ; this water passes upwards by way of the vessels to the leaf, where it is elaborated, and then passes downwards through the sieve tubes to be either stored in the parenchymatous cells or to be used up in the economy of the growing plant ; the function of the companion cells is not thoroughly understood. Structure of the Leaf. In Fig. 5 is shown a cross section of a leaf of the cane, to which we add Dr. Cobb's explanation of the plate. " Cross-section of a portion of healthy cane leaf taken half way between the midrib and the margin near the middle of a full-grown but not yet fully lignified leaf. The upper side of the figure, 1 to 18, represents the top surface of the leaf. The fructifications of the leaf- splitting disease occur in positions corresponding to 3, 4, 5. The green chlorophyll bodies are here shown black. It is owing to the destruction of these green bodies in portions of the leaf such as here represented, namely, between the largest vascular bundles, that the leaf takes on a striped appearance. The part of the leaf to be examined was fixed with the vapour of osmic acid while still attached to the cane plant. The fixed portion was differentiated into glycerine and cut in that condition. The drawing was projected from a photograph and sketched. The details were drawn in from the examination of sections either unstained or stained with aniline safranin. The section shows five fibro- vascular bundles, the largest of which is indicated at 6 to 11, the smallest at 23 and 32. Portions of the other two, which are intermediate in size, are shown at 19 and 36. None of these bundles are of the largest size. Bundles fully twice the size of the larger here shown occur in the cane leaf, and such large bundles are characterized by the possession of annular vessels, none of which occur in these smaller bundles. Throughout the illustration structures of the same class are indicated by a similarity in the draughtsmanship, thus the woody cells indicated at 9 are repeated in various parts of the figure, more particularly next to the epidermis of the lower surface. " 1, a set of so-called motor cells, in this instance composed of two cells, whose nuclei are pointed out at 2 and 3 ; 4, an internal cell of somewhat similar character to that pointed out at 1,2, and 3 ; 5, another cell of the same class cut in such a way that the nucleus has been removed ; 6, sclerenchyinatous cells imparting strength to the fibro-vascular bundle ; 7, one of the layer of parenchymatous cells rich in chloroplasts and immediately surrounding each fibro-vascular bundle ; 8, one of the stomata, found more rarely on the upper than on the lower surface of the leaf; 9, woody cells imparting strength to the cane leaf, and occurring on the dorsal and ventral side of each fibro-vascular bundle ; 10, one of the cells constituting the sheath of the vascular bundle, these cells contain chloroplasts arranged along the outsides of their walls; 11, tracheal vessel; 12, one of the cells of the upper epidermis; 13, nucleus of a similar cell; 14, upper cuticle at its usual thickness; 15, a two-celled hair on the surface of the leaf ; 16, thinner cuticle of the upper surface of the leaf as it occurs over the so-called motor cells; 17-18, group of so-called motor cells, consisting in this case of four cells ; 19, fibro-vascular bundle > THE CANE. of intermediate size ; 20, chloroplast in one of the cells of the lower epidermis ; 21, one of the stomatic openings that are abundant on the lower surface of the leaf; this one is closed, an open one may be seen at 25-26 ; 22, accessory (?) cell of the stomatic opening; 23, one of the smallest fibre-vascular bundles ; 24, one of a group of cells very rich in protoplasm which extends between the vascular bundles, the nearer these cells are to the lower epidermis the denser their protoplasmic contents ; 25-26, protoplasts in the guard cells of the stomatic opening ; 27, one of the sieve tubes, among these sieve tubes may be seen the smaller companion cells and their protoplasts ; 28, extra chlorophyll-bearing cells outside the single layer surrounding the vascular bundle; 29, lip of one of the stomatic guard cells; 30, cell rich in protoplasm, of the same class as 24 ; 31, nucleus of one of the companion (?) guard cells ; 32, fibro-vascular bundle of small size ; 33, apparently a locule in the thickened portion of the wall of the stomatic guard cell ; 34, entrance between the guard cells of the stomatic opening ; 35, cuticle of the lower surface of the leaf ; 36, fibro-vascular bundle of intermediate size ; 37, 37, 37, air chambers immediately above the stomatic openings. Throughout the illustration the nuclei are shown grey, and the nucleoli black. The tissue represented at 24 and 30 is probably primary leaf-tissue, from which during the growth of the leaf the various tissues represented have been differentiated." Function Of the I^eaf. In a sense the leaf may be termed the manufactory of the plant ; under the influence of the chlorophyll and in direct sunlight starch is formed from water and carbon dioxide ; other transforma- tions occur, and the material passes down to be stored in the stem as sugar. The stomata serve for the respiration of the carbon dioxide, and for the secretion of the waste products of the plant; the fibre, or sclerenchyma, as in the stem, gives rigidity to the leaf. The leaf in its early stages is rolled up, and is opened by the expansion of the motor cells ; in dry weather these cells contract and cause the leaf to roll up, thus exposing a less surface for evaporation. Structure of the Root. In Fig. 6 is shown to a scale of 1^ the end of one of the roots growing from the zone of adventitious roots in that part of the stem of the cane below ground. Towards the end of the root are seen ^ ' ^ N numerous very fine hairs, and at the extreme end is seen the root cap. In Figs. 7 and 8 Ji ^^^^V "iii^H^ are Si vea longitudinal and cross-sectional views of the root, the longitudinal view being taken through the apical point ; re is the root cap, m is FIG. 6 - the layer of meristematic tissue, rh a root hair formed from the piliferous layer on the extreme outer layer of the root ; cor is the cortex, st the central cylinder, v a developing wood vessel, and x a larger wood vessel. The root cap on the exterior consists of dead cells, and is continually being renewed from the interior by the layer of meristematic tissue from which also arise by a continual process of cell sub-division all the other tissues of the root. CANE SUGAR. Function of the Root. The functions of the root are two-fold ; the root hairs closely envelop particles of soil, thereby maintaining the hold of the plant on the soil, and, secondly, the root hairs absorb water and plant food from the soil and transmit it to the other parts of the growing plant. Physiology of the Cane. The physiology of the cane has been studied chiefly by Went 7 who concluded cor cor re FIG. 7. 1. That cane sugar is the chief product of assimilation in the cane leaves, dextrose and levulose only being formed by inversion; maltose was not identified ; the proportion of sucrose, dextrose, and levulose in the juice of the leaves is as 4 : 2 : 1. 2. The sugar of the leaves is carried during the night in the form of invert sugar to the stem and deposited round the cellular vessels as starch. 3. The parenchyma of the leaves, and above all of the central rib, is very rich in sugar and tannin, while the cellular vessels contain less sugar and tannin and more albumenoids. 10 THE CANE. 4. Generally those parts of the plant undergoing cellular division contain much starch and albumen and little sugar ; where cellular division is restricted the reverse obtains. In the life history of the stalk the following phases are distinguished : 1. In very young parts of the stalk only starch or albumen are present, which are consumed little by little in the formation of cellulose. 2. In young, rapidly-growing parts of the stalk, the cane sugar brought down by the leaf is inverted, and whereas in the leaf the proportions of sucrose, dextrose, and levulose were as 4 : 2 : 1, in the young joints the proportions X75 FIG. 8. are *8 : 1 : 1. A. part of the invert sugar is used up in the formation of fibre, a part unites with the amides to form albumen, and a part is deposited as starch. In consequence of the inversion, the osmotic pressure is raised and this tends to favour the absorption of plant food. 3. In older joints the sucrose formed in the leaf remains unchanged when it reaches the joint and the reducing sugars are used up, partly in respiration, or, perhaps, are partly by a reverted enzyme action converted into sucrose ; of the reducing sugars that remain, the dextrose is generally in excess. 11 CANE SUGAR. 4. When the stalks are developed, the accumulated invert sugar is con- verted to sucrose ; of the invert sugar remaining the dextrose is generally in excess. 5. When the stalks are ripe the leaves die and the accumulation of sugar gradually ceases; the remainder of the invert sugar is changed to sucrose, eventually only traces of invert sugar remaining. 6. When the stalks are over-ripe the sucrose is converted into invert sugar, but this change does not prevent the younger parts of the cane accumulating sugar. The roots of the cane only contain sugar when very young ; as the age of the cane increases the sugar is converted into starch and cellulose. Starch has been recognised in cane leaves cut in the day time. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER I. 1. The True Grasses, p. 15. 2. Das Zuckerrohr, pp. 5-24. 3. Quoted by Delteil in Le Canne a Sucre, p. 14. 4. /. S. J., 45. 5. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 13. 6. Quoted by Lock and Newlands in Sugar. 7. Arch. IV., 525. The blocks whence Figs. 2-6 were printed have been lent by the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. They have previously appeared in the Bulletins issued by the H.S.P.A. Experiment Station; the original drawings were made by Mr. E. M. Grosse, Mr. W. E. Chambers, and Miss Frieda Cobb, under the direction of Dr. N. A. Cobb. 12 CHAPTER II. THE COMPOSITION OF THE CANE. The cane is not by any means of even approximately uniform composition, but differs with variety and conditions of growth. The limits of composition of single canes may be estimated as : Water, 69 per cent, to 75 per cent. ; Saccharose, 7 per cent, to 20 per cent. ; reducing sugars, to 2 per cent. ; fibre, 8 per cent, to 16 per cent. ; ash, -3 per cent, to *8 per cent. ; organic non- sugar, -5 per cent, to 1 per cent.* The percentage of sugar in the cane, though to some extent dependent on variety, is by no means entirely so ; conditions of soil and climate have a great influence. In Demerara, where up to 1900 practically the whole crop was Bourbon cane, canes grown on virgin soil gave heavy crops, with generally less than 11 per cent, of sugar, the sugar percentage of canes grown on older land often rising to 14 per cent, or more. As an instance of variety affecting composition the difference between Lahaina and Yellow Caledonia cane grown under the same conditions in Hawaii may be cited, the former almost invariably affording a sweeter purer juice, and also containing less fibre ; amongst other canes that by comparison with the Lahaina ( Bourbon, Otaheite, &c.) afford a poor juice may be cited the Elephant cane, the Cavengerie (Po-a-ole, Altamattie, Giant Claret, &c.) and the Salangore. When seedling canes were first grown, evidence was obtained on the small scale that high sugar content was an inherent property of certain varieties, of which D. 74 may be quoted ; on the estate scale, however, the results were very disappointing. Latterly, however, much evidence has accumulated that the cane B. 208 is one of high saccharine content and similar results have been obtained in Java ; in addition it has been shown by Kobus that it is possible to obtain a strain of canes of high sugar content by a process of chemical selection. * Mr. Prinsen Geerligs on p. 94 of Cane Sugar and its Manufacture gives the following limits : Sucrose, 11 per cent, to 16 per cent. ; reducing sugar, -4 per cent, to 1*5 per cent. ; Fibre, 10 per cent, to 15 per cent. ; Ash, '5 per cent, to 1 per cent, and elsewhere protests against exaggerated statements of the sucrose content of the cane. The crop averages for canes raised in the arid areas of the Hawaiian Islands under irrigation often reach 16 per. cent, and for single weeks may be as much as 18 per cent., single canes even containing 20 per cent. On the other hand the writer has met with large areas of year old plant cane in Demerara containing only 7 per cent, and with reducing sugars over 2 per cent. 13 CANE SUGAR. Distribution of Sugar in the Cane. The cane is not of uniform composition throughout its length, and it is this property that makes it a matter of such difficulty to obtain representative analyses of large quantities of cane. The annexed table of analyses by Boname 2 illustrates this point. A. Plant cane, imperfectly ripe and still in full vegetation. B. Second ratoons, 11 months old. C. Fourth ratoons in vegetation. D. First ratoons, 11 months old. E. Creole cane, the stalk 1 metre long and 10 cm. in circumference. F. Plant cane, very ripe, 14 months old. Degree Sugar Glucose BeaumS. Per cent. Per cent. A. Lower part ........... 9-05 .. 13'74 .. 1-78 Middle ............ 95 .. 14-11 .. 2-44 Upper .......... 8-2 .. 8'85 .. 4-11 White top ............ 7-5 . . 4-01 . . 6'57 B. Lower third ........... ... 16'20 . . -94 Middle ............ .- 15'40 .. 1-59 Upper .......... -. 13'60 .. 1-75 C. White top ............ .. 9-07 .. 1'95 Upper part .......... . . 16'52 . . -78 Lower ............ .. 19-44 .. '37 D. Lowest fourth .......... ll'l .. 20'73 .. -37 Lower middle fourth ........ 1M .. 20-41 .. -37 Upper ...... 10-7 .. 19-44 . -65 Upper fourth .......... 10-4 . . 17'82 . . '52 White top ............ 9-2 .. 14-90 .. -71 E. Lower third ........... . . 8*74 . . 3-56 Middle , ........... .. 1'24 .. 4-38 Upper ,, ............ .. 4-62 .. 4'56 F. Lowest fourth ...... .. .. 12'3 .. 22-68 .. -51 Lower middle fourth ........ 12'3 .. 22-68 .. -52 Upper ,, ..... 12-3 .. 22-68 .. -52 Upper fourth .......... 12-0 .. 22-03 .. '53 White top .......... 10-0 . . 16-84 . '70 The variation in composition of the juice in the nodes and internodes is given by Boname. ( Sugar ............ 13-34 .. 12-74 .. 16-73 3 I Glucose .......... -29 .. -28 .. -31 Sugar . 16-51 . 16'80 . 19-72 Internodes .. __ . 60 . . . 84 . . -48 Stubbs 2 gives the following as the result of analyses of twenty stalks of purple cane : Degree Solids Brix. Sugar. Glucose, not sugar. Fibre. Nodes ...... 15-94 .. 12-6 .. -13 .. 3-21 .. 16'5 Internodes ____ 17'40 .. 15 ! 5 .. '94 .. -96 .. 8-00 The great variation in composition of juice at nodes and internodes is well shown in the tables quoted above and an explanation given of the decreased sugar content of second mill juice compared with first mill juice, the more woody nodes only yielding their juice on a more powerful crushing. 14 THE COMPOSITION OF THE CANE. The Reducing Sugars of the Cane. The reducing sugars of the cane consist almost wholly of dextrose and levulose. Wiley, working on sub-tropical cane, found both these sugars, but Winter, in Java, with tropical cane, found only dextrose. Geerligs, 4 however, showed that in Java dextrose and levulose are both formed, but that the latter is used up more rapidly in the plant's economy, and tends to disappear, and this observation has also been made by C. A. Browne, 6 in Louisiana. Finally, as has been shown by Wiley, 4 the reducing sugars may be entirely absent in perfectly ripe cane. In over-ripe cane they again appear, due to the inversion of the saccharose. The Non- Sugars of the Cane. The following bodies have been identified in the cane ; a doubtful identification is shown by italics : Inorganic bases : potash, soda, lime, magnesia, iron, alumina, manganese oxide, titanium oxide. Inorganic acids : sulphuric, phosphoric, silica. Organic Acids : malic, succinic, oxalic, glycolic, acetic (in damaged cane), citric, tartaric, aconitic. Nitrogenous bodies : albumen, nucleins, albumoses, peptones, amines, amido acids, xanthine bases, lecithins. Non-nitrogenous bodies : Fat, wax, chlorophyll, anthocyan, pectin, xylan, araban, gum, cellulose, lignin. Composition of different Parts of the Cane. According to C. A. Browne 6 the average composition of Louisiana cane is as shown in the following table: ] Water ,. Leaves. Per cent. 74-38 Stalks. Per cent. . . 74-96 . . Roots. Per cent. 68-79 . . Seeds. Per cent. 11-03 Ash 2-23 6-64 . . 1-87 .. 5-22 Fat and Wax .. .. 0-69 0-38 .. 0-54 . . 2-01 Crude Cellulose 9-18 4-86 . . 9-58 25-51 Pentosans Lisrnin . 5-49 4-13 3-04 .. 2-14 .. 7'04 4-25 26-26 21-50 Sugars 2-20 13-40. ..' 6-34 Nitrogenous bodies . . 1-70 .. 0-58 1-59 . . 8-47 The Nitrogenous Bodies of the Cane. These have been found by C. A. Browne 6 to be thus divided in Louisiana cane : Per cent, on cane. Albumen (coagulable and soluble in pepsin) -059 Nucleins (coagulable and insoluble in pepsin) -040 Albumose and peptones (not coagulable) -033 Amido acids (aspartic acid) "145 Amido acid amids (asparagine) '232 Ammonia (NH 8 ) -008 Nitric acid , -071 Total nitrogenous bodies .... '588 15 CANE SUGAR. Shorey has made very detailed studies of the nitrogenous bodies in the cane. He finds that the principal amide is glycocoll 7 , and he failed to identify asparagin; glycocoll being undecomposed on boiling in alkaline solution passes on to the molasses. By precipitation with phosphotungstic acid after removal of the albuminoids by copper oxide, he isolated a mixture of lecithins 8 the alkaloidal basis of which he identified as betaine and choline ; the lecithins being decomposed on boiling accounts in his opinion for the presence of fats in the second and third bodies of the evaporators. The only xanthine base found by Shorey was guanine 9 , which accumulates like the glycocoll in the molasses. Fibre. By fibre is meant that portion of the cane insoluble in water; C. A. Browne 6 found the crude fibre to consist of: Crude Fibre in Pith. Bundles. Rind. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Ash 1-68 .. 3-58 .. 1-64 Fat and Wax '41 . . '72 . '98 Protein 1'94 .. 2'00 .. 2'19 Cellulose (Cross & Bevan) 49'00 .. 50-00 .. 51-09 Pento'sau's (Furfuroids) . . . . 32-04 . . 28-67 . . 26*93 Lignin 14-93 .. 15-03 .. 17'17 and when calculated to 100 parts pure cane fibre, protein, ash and fat free, Per cent. Cellulose (including oxy cellulose) 55 Pentosans (xylan and araban) 20 Lignin 15 Acetic acid 6 Similar results were obtained by Geerligs 10 in Java. Cane "Wax. This body occurs on the rind of the cane and in some varieties is almost absent ; it has been exhaustively studied by Wijnberg. 11 Generally dry press cake contains up to 10 per cent, to 12 per cent, of wax ; about 70 per cent, of the crude body consists of the glycerides of oleic, linolic, palmitic, and stearic acids, with hydroxyacids, resinacids, lecithin, phylosterol, aromatic and colouring matters ; the remaining 30 per cent, contains about 45 per cent, of myricyl alcohol and 35 per cent, of a non- primary crystalline alcohol, with at least one other body. These data refer to the benzene soluble bodies in press cake. At the moment of writing attention is being paid to the commercial recovery of this body. Pectin. This body, also referred to as gums and alcoholic precipitate, is of uncertain and indefinite composition ; it occurs in the cane up to as much 16 FIG. 9. BOURBON 4 SIZE PLATE I THE COMPOSITION OF THE CANE. as *2 per cent., and is present in largest quantity in unripe cane. It is soluble in water and insoluble in acidified alcohol ; the lime compound of pectin is moderately soluble in water, and more so in sugar solution ; some of the pectinous bodies are precipitated by lime in the process of manufacture, and some are found in the molasses. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER II. 1. I.S.J., 90 and 91. 2. Cultur de la Canne a Sucre, p. 154. 3. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 89. 4. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, 333. 5. I.S.J., 33. 6. Louisiana Bulletin, 91. 7. J.A.C.S., 19, page 881. 8. J.A.C.S., 20, p. 113. 9. J.A.C.S., 21, p. 809. 10. I.S.J., 96, p. 619. 11. Abs. in Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 28, 991. 17 CHAPTER III. KANGE AND CLIMATE. The sugar cane is essentially a tropical plant, but under certain favourable conditions is successfully cultivated in sub-tropical districts. The extreme limits of its cultivation are the South of Spain (36-37 N.), Japan (SO^SS ]^.), and Georgia, U.S.A. (32 N.), on the one side, and Cape Colony (29-30 S.), and New Zealand (35-37 S.) on the other. The other countries where the cane forms a staple product are Madeira (33 N.), Java (6-8N.), the Hawaiian Islands (18-22K), British India (10-30N.), the West Indies (8-22 N.), including Cuba, Porto Eico, Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts, St. Thomas, Antigua, St. Croix, Barbados, Trinidad ; British and Dutch Guiana (6-8 N.), Brazil (0-20 S.), Louisiana (30 N.), Egypt (22-30 N.), Central America (8-20N.), the Philippines (5-18 ff.)> Queensland and New South Wales (10-35S.), Mauritius and Bourbon (20-22S.), Natal (30 S.), Fiji (22 S.), Formosa (22 K), Southern China (10-30N.), the Straits Settlements (0-10N.), Peru (5-22S.), Argentina (22-25S.). Humidity. Starting with Wray (1848) a warm and moist climate has been stated to be specific to the successful growth of the cane, and prox- imity to the sea often has been given as a favourable factor. Thus Wray 1 writes: "The climate most congenial to the cane is of a warm and moist character, with moderate intervals of hot, dry weather, attempered by the refreshing sea breezes. It has always been found to grow most luxuriantly on islands, and along the sea coasts of the mainland; which leads us to conclude that the saline particles borne on the sea breeze exercise a powerful effect on the growth of the plant." Delteil 2 expresses himself in terms similar to Wray. " The sugar cane, originating from India and Eastern Asia, demands a warm, moderately moist climate, with intervals of dry heat; it loves sea breezes because of the particles of salt which are carried to the fields and increase their fertility." According to Boname, 3 " a warm and moist climate is the most favourable to the growth of the cane, and it is in islands and on the sea coast that the most luxuriant plantations are seen, for it is there that are found together the conditions of heat and moisture demanded for its greatest development." 18 RANGE AND CLIMATE. Stubbs 4 in commenting on these statements is most certainly right in . attributing the maritime position of many sugar districts to economic reasons ; an inland sugar estate in a tropical country would be deprived of means of access to the world's markets. Where a local market exists the cane is grown successfully in districts remote from the sea, as in Queensland, Brazil, Argentina, and India; and some insular districts, such as certain of the Hawaiian Islands, have a climate the reverse of moist. Temperature. The effect of temperature on the cane is very com- plex ; the rate of growth, the time to maturity and the composition of the cane are all affected. The rate of growth is probably directly connected with the temperature, increasing as the temperature rises ; exact measurements are difficult to make ; in the more equatorial cane growing districts the tem- perature variation is so small that differences in the growth at different periods of the year cannot be noticed. Definite measurements have been made in Hawaii by C. F, Eckart 5 in connection with varieties; the length and diameter of internodes formed during the hot and cool seasons were measured; generally the length of the internodes formed during the cold season was more than 30 per cent, and less than 50 per cent, less than those formed during the hot season ; the diameter of the internodes formed during the cold season was also less than that of those formed during the hot season. The time to maturity as indicated by the appearance of the arrow is directly influenced by the temperature ; in equatorial districts, such as Demerara r Bourbon canes planted in December arrow in September, the time from planting to arrowing being approximately 270 days. In districts just within the tropics, such as the Hawaiian Islands or Mauritius, the arrow in the Lahaina plant cane will not appear for approximately 500 days ; the colder climate takes a longer period to bring the plant to maturity, but the total amount of heat received in the two instances is very similar. In the extra tropical cane growing districts, such as Louisiana, the low temperature of the winter months prevents the cane being turned over from one season to the next, and the crop has to be grown in a short period of growth ; an immature cane, combined with low sugar content and high content of reducing sugars, results ; the reducing sugars in this case represent- ing material which would be converted into cane sugar if a longer period of growth were possible. On the other hand, in districts where a high temperature continually prevails, such as in Demerara, a cane low in sugar and high in impurities and reducing sugars frequently occurs; in such districts there is a continuous growth of the cane, and the crop as it reaches the mill will in general consist of cane of all periods of growth, over-matured, ripe, and in full vegetative vigour. 19 CANE SUGAR. A very sweet and pure cane is found in those districts where the average temperature is such that a longer period is taken to maturity, and where a season cold enough to check the growth of the cane occurs ; when this arrest of growth happens, the energy of the cane is presumably directed towards the elaboration of the material already formed, rather than to the formation of new substance; it is in the districts lying on the confines of the tropics that this phenomenon happens. Rainfall. The amount of water essential to the best growth of the cane is discussed in the chapter on irrigation. Under natural conditions an excessive rainfall results in a cane of low sugar content, a deficiency in rainfall resulting in a cane with much fibre. The optimum rainfall is, of course, directly correlated to the prevailing temperature, the soil evapora- tion increasing with rise in temperature ; thus Stubbs, 6 referring to Louisiana conditions, gives an annual rainfall of about 60 inches as most advantageous, of which about 45 inches should fall in the wet or growing season, and about .15 inches during the dry. Such an annual rainfall would be classed as a severe drought in Demerara, where a precipitation of about 100 inches results in the maximum crop ; the rainy season there should commence in mid December, and continue without prolonged intervals of drought to the end of July, the earlier months of the year being dry enough to allow of the cultivation of the heavy clay soils. A heavy rain immediately before harvest is reflected in a diluted juice, the vessels which carry plant food being then full of water at the moment of cutting. Wind. The chief effect of winds in regard to agriculture, whether of the cane or otherwise, is concerned with the removal of soil moisture ; the more frequently the stratum of air over a soil is removed, the greater is the soil evaporation. The point of the compass from which the wind blows is of influence in this connection ; a wind blowing from the sea to the land conveys air heavily charged with moisture, increasing the humidity of the atmosphere, and lessening the tendency to soil evaporation ; it is probably for this reason that in Demerara surface evaporation from exposed shallow vessels is small compared with what would be expected from temperature conditions alone. The surface evaporation there is 35*12 inches, per annum, compared with 31-04 inches at Oxford, and 82-28 inches at Bombay. 7 In Demerara the prevailing winds are the North-east Trades, blowing directly from the Atlantic, with no intervening mountains to cause a deposit of water as rain. Maxwell 8 in Hawaii found that 120 square inches of exposed area evaporated in 270 days 33,480 grams, of water, the relative humidity being 79'5, and the average temperature 79-5 ; this is equivalent to an evaporation of 28-4 inches per annum. Under equal conditions, but with the water protected from the wind, 20 RANGE AND CLIMATE. the evaporation was equal to 12' I inches per annum. This experiment was made to estimate the effect of wind on soil moisture ; in this determination the wind-exposed water was sheltered from the direct rays of the sun. When the wind reaches a high velocity mechanical damage to the leaves is very evident, and when the wind becomes cyclonic the whole growing crop may be destroyed, as happened in Mauritius in 1892. To a certain extent the effects of wind may be mitigated by the judicious planting of wind breaks. Such a wind break of Casuarina equisetifolia is to be found on a very large scale at Lihue Plantation in the Hawaiian Islands. The sea front of this estate is girdled by a wind break extending for several miles, and covering altogether 600 acres. When in Demerara, the writer always felt that no inconsiderable benefit would accrue if on those flat, wind-swept estates all the cross dams and other available areas were planted with trees. Variety and Climate. It may be said that all varieties of cane- attain their maximum growth in the more essentially tropical districts ; some varieties, on the other hand, fail entirely when removed to these latter districts. It seems probable that adaptability to a colder climate is a characteristic of the red and purple canes. In a subsequent chapter it will be shown that the light and dark Cheribon (Transparent, Bamboo, &c.,) canes in all probability originated from striped canes. Stubbs 9 states that in the relatively cold climate of Louisiana a plantation of striped canes if not renewed tends to pass- into one of all purple canes, and classes this phenomenon as a case of the " survival of the fittest," attributing to the purple colour a greater capacity to absorb heat. The cane known as Cavengerie, Port Mackay (in Mauritius), Louzier (in the Argentine), Po-a-ole (in the West Indies), is also another instance of a dark coloured cane being adapted to a cold climate. In the less tropical portions of South America this variety is one of the canes most widely grown. In the Hawaiian Islands the Lahaina cane forms the bulk of the crop on the irrigated plantations in the arid districts, chiefly at a low altitude ; it is replaced by the Yellow Caledonia on the rainfall plantations situated mainly at a higher level, and hence with a colder climate. A peculiar case of suit- ability to climate is to be found in the D. 74 cane which has conferred so great a benefit on the Louisiana industry ; suitability to the climate of Louisiana is in this case due to the early maturity habit of the variety. The adaptability of a variety to a cold climate does not in any way imply that it will fail in 21 CANE SUGAR. a hotter one, as the purple cane of Louisiana formed for many years, under the name of Cheribon, the standard cane of tropical Java. A further instance of the connection between variety and climate is to be found in the success of the Uba cane in extra tropical Natal and Madeira, localities unsuitable for the growth of the canes of the Otaheite type ; in fact it may be said that every locality is suited for the growth of one or another variety to its best advantage. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER III. 1. The Practical Sugar Planter, p. 48. 2. Le Canne a Sucre, p. 37. 3. Culture de la Canne a Sucre, p. 13. 4. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 13. 5. BuH. 17, Agric. H.S.P.A. 6. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 31. 7. Hilgard's Soils, p. 256. 8. Butt. 90, U.S.D.A., p. 9. 9. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 77. 22 CHAPTER IY. VARIETIES OF THE CANE. Owing to lack of communication between sugar-growing districts, and to absence of systematized work in all but the more recent phases of the cane sugar industry, great confusion has arisen in the nomenclature ; a cane intro- duced from one district to a second receives a name usually connecting it with the introducer or with the district whence brought ; the same cane travels from the second district to a third, and there receives a name connecting it with the second district, and not with its original home. On the other hand, two different canes may be introduced from one district into two widely separated countries, and in this case they may receive, in both cases, the same name. In these ways, names for the principal varieties have multiplied until a variety may have as many as twenty titles, and to add to the confusion some of these titles may be applied to other quite distinct varieties. Much of the confusion has been cleared away by means of the detailed descriptive lists of canes growing in the botanical gardens and experiment stations in Jamaica, Louisiana, Demerara, and Java, published by Fawcett 1 , Stubbs 2 , Harrison & Jenman 3 , and by Soltwedel 4 . Comparison of these lists lays bare many irregularities due to the causes mentioned above. Eckart and Deerr 5 made an effort to reconcile many of these statements, and to collate the literature of the subject. Eelow are described, in detail, the more important varieties of the sugar cane. The Otah.ei.te Cane. Wray 6 , in 1848, described two canes under this topographical heading, the yellow and the purple striped; in this section only the former is considered. From the island of Otaheite a yellow cane or canes has been introduced into many cane-growing districts; instances are that by Captain Bligh into Jamaica in the 18th century, and into Hawaii by Captain Pardon Edwards in 1854 ; also in the 18th century a yellow cane was intro- duced into the French West Indies from the island of Bourbon. Wray gives the presumptive origin of this last as the Malabar coast of India. The principal names that have been applied or identified as belonging to this cane are Bourbon (British West Indies), Lahaina (Hawaii), Otaheite (Cuba and Java), Louzier, Keni-keni, Portii, Cuban. China, Bamboo II., and Cayenne are also names connected with this cane. There is considerable reason for supposing that this cane includes two very similar but distinct varieties, for Stubbs 2 identifies the canes growing at Audubon Park under the names of Yellow, Otaheite and Louzier ; and those 23 CANE SUGAR. under the name of Portii, Lahaina and Keni-keni. Harrison and Jenman* identify Bourbon, Cuban, Lahaina, and Otaheite, but separate Keni-keni. This difference of opinion can be reconciled by assuming that there are two similar canes, and that the names proper to one variety have been applied to the other ; great probability is lent to this view in the following account of the origin of the Lahaina cane: Mr. D. D. Baldwin, in a letter appearing in the Hawaiian Planters' Monthly, for May, 1882, states that in 1854 Captain Edwards, in the ship 'George Washington,' brought two varieties of cane from Otaheite (not from the Marquesas) ; these two varieties are now (1882) known as Cuban and Lahaina, the Cuban also obtaining the name 'Oudinot.' To the Cuban was also applied the term Keni-keni, from the native term Mnikini, * numerous,' in reference to the prolific nature of the cane. Mr. Baldwin thus distinguishes between these two canes. Lahaina. Long straight leaves of light colour, heavily aculeated, or covered with prickles at the base, with small round prominent buds. Cuban. Leaves of darker green, bending down in graceful curves, with no prickles, and large triangular buds, located in little cavities on the side of the cane stalk. Mr. Baldwin further states that in 1861-62, Cuban was the favourite cane, and that it afterwards gave way to Lahaina, the latter possessing these advantages : rapid growth, deep rooting, hard rind when mature, superior richness of juice, firm compact fibre, making the trash easy to handle, and enhancing its value as fuel. The Louzier cane is one that has been and still is extensively grown in Mauritius, and its origin is entirely different. In a letter received by the writer in 1908, from M. Auguste Yillele, of Mauritius, its origin is stated as follows : In 1868 or 1869, M. Lavignac introduced into Mauritius several varieties of cane from New Caledonia, amongst which was the Mignonne, a red and green striped cane. This cane when cultivated was noticed by M. Louzier to throw sports, and from a yellow sport was developed the cane- which for many years formed the standard cane of Mauritius. It is certain that the Louzier cane, which has travelled from Mauritius to other districts, is not to be distinguished from the Yellow Otaheite cane (or canes) ; and the writer, who has seen the Bourbon, the Lahaina, and the Louzier on the large scale in Demerara, in Hawaii, and in Mauritius, has no hesitation in saying that grown on the large scale they are indistinguishable. It is then reasonable to suppose that the Lahaina and Bourbon canes, although introduced as self- coloured canes, were originally in Otaheite sports from the cane introduced into Mauritius in 1868 or 1869 under the name Mignonne, and that in Otaheite the latter was cultivated by the natives as a separate cane. 24 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. The following irregularities may be noted in connection with the names applied to this cane (or canes) : 1. In Keunion a purple cane (the Black Cheribon, &c,, see Mow) is called Otaheite. 2. The Bourbon, described by Stubbs as so called in the collection at Audubon Park, is the White Cheribon, &c., as described below. 3. In Jamaica the Otaheite cane is, according to Cousins, 9 the White Transparent, i.e., White Cheribon. 4. The name Portii was originally applied to a chalky grey-coloured cane in Mauritius. 5. Owing to confusion in transport of the original cuttings, the name Louzier in Brazil is applied to the cane described below as Cavengerie. 6. The Loethers (Louzier) cane of Java, as figured and described by Soltwedel and by Eriiger, 7 is a brown cane distinct from the Otaheite.* Prinsen Geerligs states that a cane called Bourbon was introduced into Java from the Straits in 1890, and describes it as being very similar to the Cheribon. This cane is shown in Fig. 9\; the illustration was prepared from a ripe Louzier cane in Mauritius. For generations this cane has been responsible for a very large proportion of the world's supply of cane sugar, and it combines the characteristics of heavy tonnage, sweet and pure juice, and lowfibre, which is of such mechanical structure that it affords a megass of good fuel value. In the Hawaiian Islands under irrigation it has many times given over ten tons of sugar to the acre and purity in the mixed mill juices of over 90. Its great failing is its susceptibility to fungus diseases, which accounts for its partial disappearance from the British West Indies and Mauritius. It is a shallow rooter, and hence not a drought-resisting cane, and does not succeed without the tropics, or in tropical countries at higher elevations. Harrison and Jenman's description 3 of the Bourbon cane is appended : Bourbon. Canes few or several, of average length, girth and length of internodes, sub-erect or trailing, nodes constricted, colour yellowish or green, suffused crimson where sun exposed. Arrows, some well and others badly projected. Panicle arrested or well developed, large and copiously branched and flowered. Below are collected the names that have been applied to this cane (or canes) ; this list should be read in connection with what has been written above. Otaheite, Bourbon, Louzier, Portii, Tibboo Leeut, Keni keni, Cuban, Bamboo II., China II., Colony, Lahaina, Singapore. * See Note in Appendix. t See Coloured Plates. 25 CANE SUGAR. The Cheribon Canes. Wray 6 in 1848 describes four canes as Batavian canes ; the yellow violet, the purple violet, the transparent or ribbon cane, and the Tibboo Batavee of the Straits ; the first three only are considered in this section. As will be pointed out later, the yellow violet and the purple violet canes have originated, and repeatedly originate, as bud sports from the ribbon cane. These canes have been introduced into nearly all cane-growing districts ; the purple variety has been especially grown in Java, where it is known as the Cheribon or Black Cheribon, in distinction to the White and Striped Cheribon canes. In the British West Indies the light- coloured variety has been grown extensively under the name of White Transparent, and the purple variety as the Purple Transparent ; in Cuba the light-coloured variety has been and is extensively grown under the name of Crystallina ; also in Hawaii, where it is known as Rose Bamboo. In Mauritius a generation ago the purple variety there called Belouguet was under extensive cultivation. In Louisiana both the purple and striped varieties form standard canes under the names of Home Purple and Home Ribbon, and in Australia the light and dark-coloured varieties are also grown under the names of Eappoh and Queensland Creole. In the Java literature the term Cheribon applies almost exclusively to the dark-coloured variety ; this cane was established by Gonsalves as the standard cane of Java in the middle of the nineteenth century in the face of great opposition, and many references are to be found describing the great benefits thus due to Gonsalves. Though this cane was the one which eventually succumbed to ' sereh ' and is now largely replaced by seedlings, it has been the female parent of many of the best of the later varieties. The light- coloured variety shown in Fig. 10* is of rather less diameter than the Otaheite cane, and is peculiar in having no distinctive colour, but being very susceptible to environment ; Wray's term of yellow violet well expresses its colour, and at various stages of growth, yellow, violet, pink and grey shades of colour appear ; the leaves are of a darker shade of green. The dark-coloured variety, Fig. 11* is of a purple colour and of slender habit ; the internodes are long in proportion to girth, and the foliage of a lighter shade of green. The striped variety, Fig. 1$* which it is possible to confuse with the Striped Tanna, is of similar proportions to the light and dark varieties ; it is striped yellow and blood red, the yellow portions having a polished appear- ance, whence the term 'Transparent.' All three of these canes are characterized by a longitudinal channel running upwards from the eye. The identity of the Cheribon aud Transparent canes of the West Indies is made certain beyond reasonable doubt by the following statement due to Kriiger. 8 " In Barbados, a little Bourbon is still grown, but the Purple * See Coloured Plates. 26 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. Transparent (probably identical with the Black Cheribon) is chiefly planted, then the Ribbon Transparent and the White Transparent" (which are presumably the Striped Cheribon and the White Cheribon). In the Java literature relating to cane tests, the cane 'Striped Preanger' is frequently mentioned ; in a discussion at the Sugar Congress, at Soerabaya, in 1900, it was stated that the Black Cheribon or Gonsalves cane was at an early date introduced from the Cheribon district to the Preanger district. Under the conditions there the stock grew into the striped form, which was then selected by the planters ; hence this cane is probably none other than the original Transparent of Wray, Red Ribbon, &c. As sugar producers, these canes are of equal importance with the Otaheite. Compared with this cane they are not such heavy croppers under tropical conditions, but are especially suited for colder districts, owing to their habit of early maturity. This is especially true of the striped and dark-coloured varieties, and in Louisiana Stubbs has observed a tendency for the striped cane to pass eventually into the self-coloured dark variety, the dark variety being more adapted to the comparatively cool climate. All of the varieties are of a ' hardy ' nature and afford renumerative crops on soils where the more delicate Otaheite will fail, and also under less careful cultivation ; though not immune to disease they are less susceptible than the Otaheite, and when grown in Demerara the light-coloured variety afforded a megass of such mechanical structure that it was difficultly combustible. To these varieties a large number of names have been applied, which are collected below: Light Coloured Variety. La Pice, Le Sassier, Panachee, Rose Bamboo, Mexican Bamboo, White Transparent, Naga B, Blue, Hope, Light Java, Mont Blanc, Rappoh, Crystallina, Tibboo Mird, Green, Mamuri, Yellow Singapore, White Cheribon, Burke. Dark Coloured Variety. Louisiana Purple, Black Java, Purple Trans- parent, Black Cheribon, Tibboo Etam, Purple Violet, Belouguet, Tabor Numa, Queensland Creole, Purple Mauritius, Purple Bamboo, Moore's Purple, Dark Coloured Bamboo, Meera, Gonzalves, Diard. Striped Variety. Transparent, Striped Mexican, Striped Louisiana, San Salvador, Seete, Striped Bamboo, Red Ribbon, Striped Cheribon, Home Ribbon, Mauritius Ribbon, Diard rayee, Striped Preanger. The following irregularities in nomenclature may be noted in connection with these canes : 1. The purple variety is termed Otaheite cane in Bourbon. 2. The term Bourbon is applied to the light-coloured variety in the collection at Audubon Park. 3. In Jamaica the light-coloured variety is, according to Cousins 9 , the Otaheite cane. 27 CANE SUGAR. 4. Stubbs states that the striped variety came originally from Tahiti, and is generally known as the Otaheite Bibbon cane (see Tanna cane). 5. In Demerara a cane introduced under the name Meera is identical with the Purple variety ; the term Meera in Malay means red, and is applied to any red cane ; the Tibboo Meera of Soltwedel is entirely distinct from this cane. 6. The term Rappoh is apparently an East Indian word applied to a number of canes; the Tibboo Rappoh of Soltwedel is a cane of a greenish- brown colour with a well marked bluish-white layer of wax at the node ; canes of the name Rappoh Kiang, Rappoh Maeda, Rappoh Koenig, and White Rappoh also are known. 7. In Queensland the term Cheribon is applied to the Cavengerie cane 10 (see below). 8. The name Seete is given by Pawcett and by Dahl & Arendrup 11 to a greenish-yellow or white cane. 9. The term Crystalline has also been given to the Salangore cane. 10. The Teboe Soerat Mauritius of Soltwedel is an entirely distinct cane. Harrison & Jenman's 3 description of these canes under the names White Transparent, Purple Transparent, and Red Ribbon, is appended : White Transparent. Canes several, erect and partly trailing, of full average length, barely of full average girth, nodes superficial, internodes of full or over average length, colour at first pink, finally a grey horn tinge in the lower part, and yellow tinged with pink in the upper half, rarely blotched with carmine where sun exposed. Arrows projected well aloft. Panicles full size, copiously branched and flowered. Purple Transparent. Canes several or many, full average length, barely average girth, full or over average length of internodes, nodes superficial, cane and internodes very straight, colour at first purplish, finally claret and stone grey. Arrows high projected. Panicles large, copiously branched and flowered. Red Riblon. Canes several, erect, or with some trailing, of full average length, barely of full average girth, long internodes and superficial nodes, colour in part pink and greyish, in part striped pink and claret and yellow. Arrows projected well aloft. Panicles full sized, copiously branched and flowered. Tanna Canes. In Mauritius at the beginning of the twentieth century, three canes, known as the Striped Tanna, White Tanna, and Black Tanna, were in extensive cultivation. The two latter were known to frequently originate from the striped variety precisely as the white and black Cheribon canes originate from the striped variety. The following identities may be given from the writer's personal experience and from his correspondence with others familiar with the sugar cane. 28 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. Striped Tanna = Big Ribbon = Guingham = Maillard. White Tanna = Yellow Caledonia = Malabar. Of the Black Tanna no synonyms, as far as the writer is aware, exist. The Striped Tanna is beyond any reasonable doubt the cane described by Wray as the Otaheite Ribbon, and which he particularly distinguishes from the ' Ribbon Cane of Batavia ' (Striped Cheribon). The latter he states is smaller than the Otaheite Ribbon, and is striped blood-red on a transparent straw-coloured ground, compared with the broad purple stripes on a greenish- yellow ground. In addition Delteil 12 states that the Otaheite Ribbon of Wray is synonymous with the Guingham and Maillard. A cane mentioned by Wray 6 as peculiar to the island of Tanna, and identified by him with the Tibboo teelor, or egg cane, is described in terms applicable to the White Tanna. He remarks on its extreme cleanness, or absence of cane-itch, habit of shedding its dry leaves, brittle nature and large eyes ; he however mentions that this cane has a habit of bulging between the nodes, a characteristic which is not usually found in the White Tanna. Of these three canes the light self-coloured variety is by far the most important ; at the time of writing, under the name of Yellow Calendonia, it forms the bulk of the cultivation on the unirrigated estates in the Hawaiian Islands; as Malabar, it is the favourite cane of Fiji, and as White Tanna covers extensive areas in Mauritius. All three of the Tanna canes are also cultivated in Australia on the large scale, on the Clarence River the striped variety being incorrectly known as Daniel Dupont. The striped variety is distinctly short- jointed in proportion to girth, a character which is less pronounced in the white and black varieties ; all contain more fibre than does the Otaheite cane ; in Hawaii, when grown under the same conditions, the Yellow Caledonia cane will contain 13 per cent, fibre when the Lahaina contains 12 per cent., and the percentage of sugar is in a reverse ratio. They all possess a hard rind, and are thus protected to some extent against the attacks of insects, and are so to be considered comparatively immune to fungus diseases. The megass afforded by them is of such a mechanical structure that it offers a serviceable fuel, but their hard nature offers considerable resistance to milling, and makes a crusher or other preparatory appliance a necessity ; generally speaking they are deep rooters, and suffer only to a limited extent from the effects of drought. These three canes are shown in Figs. 13, 1^ 15* The White Tanna is represented as of a reddish tint; this coloration is very pronounced at certain stages of its growth, while at others the colour is yellow. In parts of Australia the name Daniel Dupont is applied to the Striped Tanna ; an imported cane of this name at the H.S.P.A. Experiment Station is * See Coloured Plates. 29 CANE SUGAR. green with red streaks rather than stripes and remarkable for the intense whiteness of its ground tissue. In my earlier work, " Sugar and the Sugar Cane," I stated that the Black Tanna was the same as the Tibho Etam or Black Java, and that the Striped Tanna was the Cherihon cane. This very serious mis-statement I now know to be an error ; it was made on the verbal information of a Java resident of several years' standing. On the same authority I said that Tanna was the Javanese term for ' rich earth} whence was derived the name of these canes ; the term Tanna in this case actually refers to the island of that name in the South Pacific; 'tanah' is, however, a Javanese word roughly equivalent to 'clay.' The SalangfOre Cane. Wray 6 describes this cane as, in his opinion, the finest in the world. He mentions that it is remarkable for an excessive quantity of cane itch ; that the leaves when dry are peculiarly adherent, and comments on the large amount of cane wax on the stem, whence have arisen the Malay terms Tibboo biltong berabou and Tibboo cappor. Wray's opinion has not been supported by other planters, and the following remark due to Harrison 13 aptly describes this cane : " Some of us will doubtless recollect the time when Mr. A. would plant a few acres of Salangore cane in the hopes of getting better field returns, and richer cane juice ; how these Salangores in some years flourished and raised hopes of heavy returns of sugar, how in others they unaccountably languished; but how, whether they flourished or languished, one thing invariably characterized them miserably poor juice and consequent loss of money." In the literature of sugar cane expressions of opinion leading to similar conclusions can be found, the cane being sometimes condemned, and at other times referred to in extravagant terms ; it is so well characterized however that there seems to be no possibility of doubt as to its identity, and the conclusion is reached that it is a variety particularly susceptible to obscure local con- ditions. This cane at the time of writing does not seem to be under extensive cultivation ; it is apparently grown to some extent in Porto Rico and Brazil, and is again being cultivated in Demerara under the name of Green Trans- parent. In Spanish writings dealing with the sugar cane a variety is referred to as Canne Rocha, or Waxy cane, which in certain references would appear to be this cane. Harrison and Jenman 3 thus describe this cane as it appears in the Georgetown Botanical Gardens : Salangore. Canes numerous, erect, rather under average height, of nearly average girth, much under average length of internodes, nodes slightly contracted, colour whitish or greyish, suffused often with a grey hue, and touched with carmine where sun-exposed. (Rarely arrows.) Panicles large, copiously bunched and flowered, and well projected. In addition to the native Malay terms of Tibboo biltong berabou and Tibboo capper given by Wray, Delteil gives Pinang and Chinese (in Bourbon) as synonyms, and Harrison and Jenman give the name White Mauritius (in Demerara), and the term chalk cane is also met with. 30 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. In the literature of the cane the name Crystallina can occasionally be found applied to the Salangore, and the use of this term has led to identifica- tion with White Cheribon. Purdie 14 in Trinidad termed two unnamed varieties, Green Salangore and Yiolet Salangore ; his description of the former is broadly applicable to the White Tanna. The Cavangerie Cane. This cane, which must be included amongst the world's standard ^varieties, is also known under the names of Altamattie, Po-a-ole, and Port Mackay, under which name it has been extensively cultivated in Mauritius. It is a claret-coloured cane with an inconspicuous yet clearly defined bronze-green, almost black, stripe, and possesses the peculiarity of not infre- quently growing variegated or albino leaves. It is a cane that affords a juice less pure and sweet than that given by the above discussed varieties, but, being of a ' hardy ' nature, and adapted to colder temperatures, is successfully cultivated in the less tropical cane-growing districts, and at higher elevations in the more tropical ones. It has been most extensively grown in Mauritius, in Brazil, and in Australia. In Australia this cane is called Cheribon. In Brazil the name Louzier has been applied to this cane. The name Port Mackay in Java is given to a totally distinct cane, and described by Kriiger 7 as a yellow-green cane with very handsome prominent brown blotches where sun-exposed. Harrison and Jenman 3 thus describe this cane : Po-a-ole. Canes several or numerous, of full average height, girth and length of internodes, nodes superficial, colour light reddish claret. Arrows high projected. Panicles large and copiously branched, very plentifully flowered. This cane under the name of Port Mackay is shown in Fig. 17.* Bamboo Canes. The term Bamboo has been applied to a large number of totally distinct varieties. The Striped Bamboo is a synonym of the striped Cheribon cane, and hence have probably arisen the names of Rose Bamboo and Purple Bamboo applied to the light and dark coloured sports from the striped variety. Bamboo II. is given by Harrison and Jenman 3 as a synonym of the Otaheite, and Bamboo I. and III. as identical with another yellow cane known as Meligeli or Demerara. In the Hawaiian Islands a cane successful at high elevations passes under the name of Yellow Bamboo. This cane is alleged to be a * graft.' It is a rather small yellow cane with a narrow rich green leaf, the sheath of which is thickly covered with prickles ; the internodes are slightly convex, and the eye * See Coloured Plates. 31 CANE SUGAR. is small and round. According to priority in the literature of the cane, the term Bamboo should be applied to the Kulloa, Kullore, or Culleroah cane of India. Porter 15 describes it as a light-coloured cane growing to a great height, and to be found on swampy land. Delteil 12 describes it as of a yellow, pale green, and pink colour, Stubbs in addition calling attention to its enlarged nodes and prominent eyes. Bois E,OUge. This cane is under a limited cultivation in Mauritius: it is an olive green cane heavily blotched with red ; it is of slender and erect habit, with long slightly concave Intel-nodes. Settlers. This cane has been introduced to Australia from Mauritius : it is a dull green thin erect cane with medium internodes ; the rind has a tendency to crack : the eyes are prominent and pointed. Tip Canes.* Two canes successful at higher elevations in the Hawaiian Islands are known as the Striped Tip and the Yellow Tip canes, the latter being a sport from the former. The striped variety is a small thickly stooling cane, striped dark red and pinkish green, changing at maturity to yellowish-red and yellow. The sheaths of the young leaves have light purplish margins, and are covered with long prickles which rub off easily, and disappear as the leaf dries. The eye is large, long and pointed ; nodes prominent, internodes concave ; the internode is channeled from the eye upwards. The self-coloured variety is a light green cane, turning yellow at maturity ; it resembles the striped variety, except that the prickles on the sheath are fewer, and the purplish margin on the leaf sheath is absent. This cane is referred to in some of the publications of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Station as 'Unknown/ This cane is at the time of writing cultivated with success in Madeira and Natal ; that is to say, in extra tropical countries. It is stated by John Dymond 16 to be identical with the Zwinga or Japanese cane described by Stubbs 2 , who states that it is extremely hardy, enormously productive under good cultivation, extremely woody, and of moderate sugar content. The Elephant Cane. The true Elephant cane originates from Cochin China; it is relatively an enormous cane, and is allowed to grow undisturbed for a period of years as an ornamental plant ; it may in five or six years reach a height of 30 feet. It is of absolutely no importance as a sugar producer. The Elephant cane is figured by Soltwedel 4 under the name Teboe Oadjah ; as shown by him it is of a very dark greenish-grey, almost black colour irregularly blotched with greenish-yellow patches. * See Note in Appendix. 32 FIG. 10. ROSE BAMBOO. 4 SIZE PLATE II VARIETIES OF THE CANE. The Creole Cane. This term occurs frequently in the literature and its history is apparently as follows. The Crusaders brought to Southern Europe a cane from the Orient ; this cane was cultivated in Sicily, Southern Spain, the Canaries, Madeira and eventually reached the New World ahout 1500; later when the South Pacific types were introduced, it was necessary to name this cane, when by reason of its already long association with the colonies it was called ' Creole.' 1 It is a small yellow cane probably of Indian origin, and may perhaps be included amongst the Indian canes described in a separate section. Red Canes. Wray 6 describes a certain cane under the name of Red Cane of Assam, and states that the native name is Tiboo Meerah. Kriiger 7 mentions two canes to which this term is applied ; Tiboo Meerah, and Tibboo Meerah Borneo. The Tibboo Meerah figured by Soltwedel 4 is a dirty claret- coloured cane, merging into purple on the older internodes, and this is, the writer understands, the cane referred to under that name in the literature of the sugar cane as it refers to Australia. Harrison and Jenman 3 give Meerah as a synonym of the Purple Transparent, but the Tibboo Meerah of Soltwedel is quite distinct from the Purple Transparent or Black Cheribon. Home. This cane is of great interest, as it is one of the earliest, if not the earliest, recorded instances of a striped cane originating from self- coloured cane. This observation is due to Mr. John Home, at one time Director of Forests and Gardens in Mauritius ; the cane from which it origi- nated was a Louzier cane, and in Mauritius, where it is cultivated on the estate scale, it is indifferently known as Louzier rayee ; the writer has also observed occasionally a cane exactly similar to the Home appearing in Bourbon fields in Demerara. The cane is very irregularly striped in red, green, and yellow colours. The Green Rose Ribbon. This cane, which has been cultivated with success in Australia, is a sport from the Otaheite, which it resembles in habit ; it is striped green and a yellowish pink colour. It is also known as Green Ribbon, Brisbane, Malay, White Striped Bourbon, and in Mauritius as Louzier rayee. The Iscambine Canes. Among canes introduced into Mauritius from New Caledonia was a striped cane originally known as Tsimbec ; this ane is striped yellow and red, and from it has sported a cane known as Iscambine rouge, represented in Fig. 18.* Both these canes are found on the estate scale in Mauritius ; they are soft canes with a brownish-yellow ground tissue ; they are subject to variation and a number of Iscambines are known. Indian Canes. S. M. Hadi 17 divides the canes of the United Provinces into Ukh, Ganna, and Paunda canes. The Ukh canes are small * See Coloured Plates. 33 CANE SUGAR. thin and reed-like with small and narrow leaves; the internodes are short, the eyes small and depressed, and many varieties have a well-defined central fistula in the stalk. The Paunda canes are the acclimatized canes admittedly of introduced origin and under native names include many of the varieties already described. The Ganna canes seem to be intermediate between the TJkh and Paunda types. Mollison and Leather 18 have proposed a classification of Indian canes under five heads; their A class seems to correspond with Hadi's Ganna and Paunda canes, their B, D, and E classes apparently, including the TJkh canes. The classification of the canes of India seems to be a hopeless task, especially when the numerous dialects and races of the Peninsular are remem- bered ; in the forties many varieties were introduced from Mauritius and these have received local native names, adding still more to the difficulty of classification. In addition to those mentioned above, the following may be referred to : Restati. In Madras, a striped cane, perhaps the striped Cheribon. Nanal. In Madras, refers generally to a reed-like cane. Chunnee. An Indian cane which Kobus has used as the male parent of his hybrids, the female being the Cheribon. Samsara. A white cane introduced (but unsuccessfully) into the West Indies. Rullore. A white cane and one to which the term bamboo seems to have been earliest applied. Javanese Canes. Soltwedel 4 figures and describes a large number of canes occurring in Java ; attention has already been directed to the Cheribon, Loethers, Meera, and Bappoe canes. Two canes illustrated by Soltwedel as Tibboo Soerat Mauritius and Branchu blanche the writer recognises as very similar to the Branchu rayee of Mauritius and the Cavangerie respectively; the Branchu blanche is a self-coloured sport from the Branchu rayee, both of which were once largely grown in Mauritius. It may be here mentioned that in the Malayan Orient the term Soerat applies to any striped cane and not to one particular cane. Other canes mentioned in the Java literature are the Muntok, introduced from Banca, immune to sereh but subject to red rot of the stem, and of inferior sugar content and purity to the Cheribon ; the Fiji or Canne Morte, immune to sereh, and a parent of several valuable seedling varieties ; the Bourbon, a purple cane, and hence quite distinct from the West Indian Bourbon ; the White, Red, and Black Manila canes, all characterized by swollen nodes, the last of which is apparently under somewhat extended cultivation. 34 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. New Guinea Canes. Of late years canes have been introduced from New Guinea to Queensland. The following descriptions are due to Maxwell 19 : JV. G. 8a, or Gogari. Dvill, deep green cane, of moderately stout habit y turning red on exposure ; internodes 4-6 inches ; occasionally grooved, flesh yellow. N. G. 15, or Badilla. A dark purple to black cane, stout, with white waxy rings at the nodes, internodes 2-3 inches, often longer in ratoons, of erect habit, foliage somewhat erect, very green and in young cane often of a reddish tinge, flesh white, of high sugar content, often weighs up to 1 Ib. per foot. N. G. 24 or Goru or Goru possi possana. A moderately stout greenish brown to copper coloured cane, joints zigzag, internodes 3-4 inches, slight waxy bloom, basal end develops roots, upper eyes sometimes shoot, foliage broad and plentiful, flesh yellow. N. G. %4 a r Goru scela scelana. Like N". G. 24 but striped with red, moderately stout, internodes 3-4 inches, foliage broad and plentiful, flesh yellow, N. G. %$ or Goru burnt lunana. Like N". G. 24 in shape but of a yellow to yellowish green colour, sometimes marked on exposure with reddish granular spots, internodes 3-4 inches, eyes full and prominent, foliage broad and plentiful, flesh yellow. N. G. 64. A brownish to olive cane striped with claret, with small linear skin cracks, moderately stout, internodes 3-5 inches, contracted at nodes and bulging towards centre, foliage red to purple when young, flesh white. Pacific Islands Canes. The following canes have been described by Cuzent 20 under native names ; the botanical names given afford the impression that they are distinct species, while actually they are only varieties of the species Saccharum officinarum. To uti. S. atrorulens. Stalk and pith violet, imported from Java by Bougainville in 1782. Rurutu. S. rulicundum. Stalk and leaves violet, pith white. Irimotu. S, fragile. Stalk green and brittle, pith white, numerous hairs. To our a. Yiolet and yellow striped cane. Piaverae. S. obscurum. Stated to be the Creole cane. To avae. S. fragile var. Green and yellow striped cane. Vaihi or Uouo. S. gldber. A white cane introduced from the Hawaiian Islands. Melmoth Hall thinks it possible that the Yaihi is the Otaheite of the West Indies ; this is improbable in the light of what has already been written on the origin of the Otaheite cane ; the Yaihi may be one of the white indigenous canes of Hawaii such as Ko Kea. The same writer also thinks that the To oura is the purple striped Otaheite cane of Wray, or the Guingham of Mauritius, i.e , Striped Tanna. 35 CANE SUGAR. Hawaiian Canes. The native canes of these islands have been described by C. N. Spencer 21 as under : Ko Kea. A greenish-white cane, not unlike the Otaheite, and the one most commonly grown before the introduction of the latter. Aindkea. A green and red striped cane, which Stubbs, quoting from a letter, says was brought from Mauritius; wbere it is known, he says, as the light striped Bourbon ; this latter cane, though similar, is within the writer's knowledge distinct. Oliana. A yellow very woody cane. Papaa. A purple cane. Palania. A purple cane. Hillebrand, in the Flora Hawaiiensis, gives the Puaole (= Cavengerii) as indigenous to Hawaii, but it was probably introduced from the South Pacific. Brazilian Canes. The canes common in Brazil are described by Sawyer. 22 The Cay anna Antiga is evidently the Otaheite cane (or canes). The Black cane is believed by Sawyer to be the Cheribon cane, but its description more approaches (in the writer's opinion) to the Black Tanna. The Imperial is a green and yellow striped cane. The Manteiga, Envernizada, Calvacante, Flor de Cuba, San Pello, are names applied to a butter-coloured cane. The Aleijada, a seedling cane destitute of hairs, with one or more abortive internodes on every stalk. The Crystallina, the description of which fits the White Transparent, &c. The Roxa Louzier, introduced from Mauritius. The Salangore, the description of which fits that of this cane already given. The Cinzenta or Grossona, similar to the Salangore when young, and at maturity approaching the Cay anna Antiga, and referred to as being of merit. The Ferrea or Cavengerie, a bright purple cane, and hence distinct from the Cavengerie already described. The Bois rouge or Termehla, introduced from Mauritius, and of a ruby- red colour, regarded as an inferior variety. The Bronzeada or Roxinha, resembling the Crystallina when young, and the Antiga at maturity. The Cayanninha, much resembling the Antiga. Sports. By the term ' Sport ' is meant a plant which in some way is notably different from its parent, and whence it originates ' per saltum' ; with the cane, sports originate by bud variation, and in view of the evidence collected below it is established beyond reasonable doubt that certain of the more valuable cultivated varieties have so originated. The earliest recorded 36 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. instance of bud variation is due to J. F. Home 23 who, in describing canes imported into Mauritius, writes : " On examining the plants of this cane at Mon Piaisir, a plant was noticed giving green, instead of striped, canes. On further examination two other plants were found, one of which, while producing striped canes from one eye, produced green canes from another eye, both of which eyes belonged to the same piece of cane, while the second plant produced both striped and green canes from one and the same eye." A very similar observation was made by Melmoth Hall 24 a little later, who writes : "I have in one instance seen no less than three distinct canes springing from one stool of the ribbon variety, one entirely yellow, one entirely green, the other being the usual ribbon cane ; while from other stools in the same field I found canes either of a uniform green, purple or purplish brown ; all the rest spring from the same ribbon cane root, being striped in the usual way." A manuscript communication to the writer from M. Auguste Villele, of Mauritius, ascribes the origin of the Louzier cane of that island to a sport from a striped cane known as Mignonne, imported from New Caledonia ; this sport was observed by a M. Louzier. In the early nineties the Striped Tanna canes were brought to Mauritius, and these were observed frequently to throw sports, whence have come the White and Black Tanna canes. Other instances are recorded in the West Indies where the Red Ribbon (cp. supra under Cheribon canes) is known to give self-coloured canes identical with the Burke, and J. F. Clark, 25 of Queensland, has recorded that the Striped Singapore cane there throws sports which are apparently identical with the Rappoe. The Red Ribbon and Striped Singapore canes are synonomous, as are also the Burke and Rappoe varieties. It has been shown above that the White and Black Cheribon canes have been and are extensively cultivated, and there seems no reason to doubt that they originated as sports from a ribbon cane ; in no other way is it possible to account for the terms White, Black, and Striped Cheribon; Transparent, White and Purple Transparent ; Striped Bamboo, Rose Bamboo, and Purple Bamboo ; and it must have been with full knowledge of their origin that these names were given. Assuming the identity of the Louzier with the Otaheite and Lahaiu canes, and remembering the origin of the former, it is also probable that the latter originated in the same way, but having been introduced at early dates as self-coloured canes no suspicion of their origin arose. This cane also is known to throw a striped sport indistinguishable from the Mignonne from which the Louzier arose, and this cane when planted separately throws self- coloured sports, so that here a complete cycle through striped cane, self-coloured cane, striped cane exists, though it is impossible to state which was the original type ; perhaps the explanation of the phenomenon is to be found in a cross-fertilization of the original cane. 37 CANE SUGAR. It is important to note that when a striped cane throws sports two varieties arise, one light -coloured and one dark-coloured, and that almost always each light-coloured and each dark-coloured cane is identical ; thus, almost every light-coloured sport from a striped Tanna cane is a white Tanna, and almost every dark-coloured cane is a black Tanna. Sporting from self-coloured canes is a less frequent phenomenon than from striped canes, but evidence exists that some self-coloured canes throw two distinct striped sports. When in Mauritius the writer understood that it was a matter of common knowledge that the Louzier threw two distinct sports, one a cane identical with the Mignonne, and another (described already) called the Home cane after its first observer : both these canes are in Mauritius indifferently known as Louzier rayee. The writer has also observed these sports springing from the Otaheite cane under the name of Bourbon or Lahaina in Demerara and in Hawaii. Another instance of a striped cane springing from a self-coloured cane was observed in the Hawaiian Islands by Mr. E. W. Broadbent, who found a green rand yellow ribbon cane springing from the Yellow Caledonia (White Tanna). In this case the sport was quite distinct from the Striped Tanna, the parent of -the White Tanna. In Mauritius the Port Mackay (Cavangerie) is known to give a black cane, the Port Mackay Noir, and the Striped Iscambine imported thither from New Caledonia has given rise to several Iscambine canes, one of which is -of merit. Finally, in Hawaii, a cane the Striped Tip of uncertain origin, has -afforded the Yellow Tip, also a cane of merit. Seedling Canes. Previous to 1885 it was generally believed that the cane was infertile. This belief may perhaps be traced to the statement made by Hughes in 1750, in The Natural History of Barbados ; the contrary statements of the eighteenth century travellers, Rumphius and Bruce, being too vague to be of value. Notwithstanding the fruit of the cane had been -accurately described by Dutrone in 1790, and figured in Porter's treatise (1843). In 1859, Parris, in a letter in the Barbados Advocate, stated that he had observed cane seedlings, a statement again confirmed, by Drumm in the Barbados Agricultural Reporter in 1869, the letter announcing the observation being copied in the Produce Markets' Review. In addition, about this time, seedlings were tried on the large scale in Barbados, but, unfavourable characters being developed, their cultivation was abandoned. At this same time the Baron de Villa Franca in Brazil wrote as if the fertility of the cane was without question, and was a fact of common knowledge. The rediscovery of this very important fact was made independently, and nearly simultaneously, by Soltwedel in Java, in 1888, and by Harrison and Bovell in Barbados, in 1889. Since then many valuable varieties have been raised. The pioneer and chief workers in this field have been Went, Wakker, Kobus, Bouricius and 38 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. Moquette in Java, Harrison, Bovell, Jenman, Hart and Lewton-Brain in the British West Indies, the brothers Littee in Martinique, Boname and Perromat in Mauritius, and Eckart in Hawaii; in addition, private enterprise is exemplified by the raising of seedlings at the Diamond Plantation in Demerara, and at the Hambledon Mill in Australia ; it has also been undertaken by many planters in Barbados, in Mauritius, and in Brazil. At first, in Java, this discovery was regarded as of academic interest only, since it was believed that the Cheribon cane had reached commercial perfection, and it was not till the appearance of the sereh disease that the propagation of seedlings was undertaken with vigour ; a similar lack of incentive was never present in the British West Indies, and the discovery was followed up by Harrison and his colleagues from the first. The factors governing the properties of seedling canes have been studied in great detail by Harrison and Jenman 26 and by Went and Prinsen Geerligs 27 . Briefly it appears from their work that the cane is enor- mously subject to variation and that there is but little tendency towards the inheritance of the properties of either parent; in all cases where successful seedlings have been obtained it has been by growing a very large number of seedlings and eliminating almost all. Harrison has pursued this method up to the extent of raising over 1,000,000 seedlings, the very greater proportion of which were destroyed off hand ; of the remainder only a few survived the first preliminary selection, and eventually these were cut down to very small numbers. In Java, also, very large numbers have been raised and have been rapidly weeded out at an early stage of growth. It was observed at an early stage that the Cheribon cane in Java had no fertile pollen whilst the ovaries of the flower were normal ; hence the plan of growing in alternate rows a pollen-bearing variety and the Cheribon cane arose ; most of the Javanese seedlings have been thus obtained. The most prolific workers in Java have been Bouricius who used the Canne Morte, and Kobus who used the Chunnee (an Indian variety), as the male parents. Else- where the seedlings raised have generally been adventitious, the male parent being uncertain. In 1904 Lewton-Brain 28 in Barbados and Mitchell 29 in Queensland emasculated cane flowers and fertilized them with pollen from another variety, thus obtaining hybrids of certain parentage ; this method is now being followed up, but the skill required and the small number of hybrids obtained, and there being at present no reason for supposing that these hybrids will develop superior qualities over adventitious seedlings, makes it doubtful if this method is advisable. At the very least it can be said that very valuable canes have resulted from the scheme of selection from a very large number of seedlings, a method which is simplified by the observation that it is only the outstanding canes of merit grown under experiment station conditions that have any chance of success on the estate scale. 39 CANE SUGAR. Of the seedling canes that have become prominent there may be mentioned Demerara Canes. Referred to under the initial D. D. 74. Stalk: Pale green, erect, stout, medium length of joint. Leaf: Broad, light green. Arrows profusely and matures early. D. 95. Stalk : Dark purple, erect, average girth and length of joint. Eye* : Prominent and inclined to sprout. Leaf; Light green, narrow, erect. Arrows profusely and matures early. . The above two canes are historical, as they were the two first sent out by Harrison. In Demerara they have proved of no merit, but their habit of early maturity has made them canes of value in Louisiana. D. 78. Stalk: Greenish red, erect. Leaf: Dark green. Arrows sparsely. D. 109. Stalk: Dark purple, erect. Leaf: Dark green, narrow. This cane possesses in a marked degree the property of ' going back 'that is to say, it is very atavistic and in second and third ratoons degenerates into a reed-like growth. D. 145. Stalk: Greenish purple, erect, stout, very brittle. Eyes: prominent. Arrows sparsely. D. 625. Stalk: Erect, yellow, stout. Leaf: Light green. Eyes : Small. One of the most successful of the Demerara canes. D. 1135. Stalk: Erect, red, of small girth. Leaf: Light green. Eyes: Prominent. Yery large number of canes in a stool. This cane is not largely grown in Demerara, but on introduction to Hawaii has shown signs of being of great merit. Barbados Canes. Referred to by the initial B. B. 109. Stalk : Erect, yellowish green, stout, joints of average length. Leaf: Dark green, separating easily from the stalk when dry. Arrows sparsely. B. 147. Stalk: Yellow, recumbent, average girth and very long jointed, with a well marked channel. Leaf: Broad, dark green, adherent. Arrows sparsely. This cane when first established received much ill-advised advertisement, and though of great merit has consequently suffered by comparison. B. 208. Stalk: Erect, green, with peculiar swellings at many nodes. Leaf: Yertical, dark green. Eye: Prominent, inclining to sprout. This cane is extraordinarily subject to environment, in some places being of great merit and in others valueless ; it is unsuited for heavy clays, is of great saccharine strength and is reputed to be drought-resisting ; it is also subject to variation. B. 306. Stalk : Erect, yellow, long jointed. Leaf: Broad, dark green, separating readily. Eye : Small. Arrows sparsely. 40 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. Mauritius Canes. Referred to by the initial M. The following notes were collected during the writer's residence in this island where systematized work has been absent. M. 33. A green recumbent cane, with some peculiar abortive joints ; medium girth, long internodes. M. 53. A dark purple, medium-sized cane. M. 80. A reddish-purple stout cane. M. 131. A small upright purple cane, extremely prolific in number of canes to a stool. Java Canes. Of the very many canes raised in Java, the most prominent are described below; of these P.OJ. 100. is a cross between a black Borneo cane and an unknown father; Bouricius 247 is a cross between the Canne Morte or Red Fiji (male) and the Cheribon (female) ; these were obtained by Wakker and Bouricius. The others were obtained by Kobus from crossing Cheribon canes with Chunnee, and to him I am indebted for the descriptions below. S3 P.O.J* (I.) Dark violet, brown red when older; (2.) Thick all over the internodes ; (3.) Constricted ; (4.) Straight line ; (5.) Spherical, small, not prominent; (6.) Invisible ; (7.) 2-3 ; (8.) White ; (9.) Green, pink where sun-exposed; (10.) None; (11.) Green; (12.) Narrow, upright, not bending; (13.) Strongly lobed at one side, slightly lobed at the other side ; (11.) An upright, long, strong cane, does not arrow, immune to sereh. 86 P.OJ. (1) Green; (2.) Fairly thick all over the internodes; (3.) Somewhat constricted ; (4.) A straight line ; (5.) Cordiform ; (6.) Invisible ; (7.) 2-3; (8.) White ; (9.) Green, pale pink where sun-exposed; (10.) None; (11.) Green; (12.) Narrow, long, bending near top; (13.) Slightly lobed on one side; (14.) A long hard and strong cane, arrows sparsely 2 and $ sterile ; immune to sereh. 100 P. O.J. (1.) Golden to light brown with fiery red sunburnt patches ; (2.) In a ring under the nodes ; (3.) Cylindrical; (4.) Faintly zigzag ; (5.) Oval when young, somewhat swollen or prominent later ; (6.) Distinct on two- thirds of the internodes; (7.) 3-4; (8.) White; (9.) Green, pink where sun-exposed; (10.) Dense thick hairs on back and sides ; (11.) Yellowish-green; (12.) Broad, not very long, bending near top ; (13.) Slightly lobed at one side ; (14.) An upright, rather short cane, very sweet, ripens early, arrows profusely, $ fertile, sterile, nearly immune to sereh. *(1.) Colour ; (2.) Wax ; (3.) Shape of interuode ; (4.) Arrangement of internodes ; (5.) Shape of eye ; (6.) Channel above eye ; (7.) Rows of roots ; (8.) Colour of pith ; (9.) Colour of leaf sheath ; (10.) Pilosity of sheath ; (11.) Colour of leaf blade ; (12.) Shape of leaf blade ; (13.) At junction of sheath aud blade, the former is ; (14.) General characters. 41 CANE SUGAR. 139 P.O.J. (1.) Pink when young, dirty greenish pink when older; (2.) Fairly thick all over the internodes; (3.) Cylindrical; (4.) Faintly zig- zag; (5.) Small, spherical ; (6.) Distinct on two-thirds of the internodes ; (7.) 2-3; (8.) White; (9.) Green, pink where sun-exposed; (10.) None; (11.) Green; (12.) Narrow, long, bending at top ; (13.) Lobed on one side ; (14.) A short, upright cane, very sweet, ripens early, does not arrow, immune to sereh. 161 P.O.J. (1.) Pink when young, later yellowish green, mixed with dirty pink; (2.) Thick all over the internodes ; (3.) Cylindrical; (4.) Faintly zig-zag; (5.) Cordiform; (6.) Faintly visible over half the internodes; (7) 3-4; (8.) White; (9.) Green; (10.) None; (11.) Green; (12.) Long, narrow, bending near top; (13) Lobed on one side; (14) A long, sweet, upright cane, arrows sparsely, ? and < fertile, immune to sereh. 181 P.O.J. (1) Yellowish red with sunburnt patches of dark red; (2.) Fairly thick all over the internodes ; (3.) Somewhat constricted ; (4.) Faintly zig-zag; (5.) Cordiform, somewhat pointed and prominent; (6.) Faintly visible on half the internodes ; (7.) 3; (8.) White; (9.) Green; (10.) None; (11.) Green; (12.) Very narrow, upright; (13.) Not lobed; (14) A long, upright thin cane, arrows profusely, $ and $ fertile, immune to sereh. 218 P.O.J. (1.) Bright violet red; (2.) In a ring under the nodes; (3.) Cylindrical; (4.) A straight line; (5.) Oval, small; (6.) Distinct on two-thirds of the internodes; (7.) 3; (8.) White; (9.) Green, dark pink where sun-exposed; (10.) None; (11.) Green; (12.) Bending at top ; (13.) Not lobed ; (14.) A long upright thinnish cane, tillering profusely, very sweet, arrows profusely, ? fertile, $ sterile, immune to sereh. P.O.J. (i.) Violet red when young, later a dirty brown; (2.) Fairly thick all over the internodes; (3.) Constricted ; (4.) A straight line ; (5.) Cordiform broad ; (6.) Faintly visible on half the internodes ; (7.) 3-4; (8.) White; (9.) Green, pale pink where sun-exposed ; (10.) None; (11.) Green; (12.) Narrow, long, bending at top; (13.) Strongly lobed at one side; (14.) Tillers profusely, very sweet, arrows moderately. ? fertile, <$ sterile, immune to sereh. 247 Souricim.(l.'} Dark violet red; (2.) Fairly thick all over the internodes; (3.) Cylindrical; (4.) Distinctly zig-zag; (5.) Cordiform; (6.) Invisible; (7.) 3-4; (8) White; (9.) Green, dark violet where sun-exposed ; (10.) Some stiff hairs on back; (11.) Dark green with a violet tint; (12.) Broad and long bending at top ; (13.) Not lobed ; (14.) An upright, long and thick cane, sweet juice, ripens late, arrows occasionally. $ and <$ fertile, liable to sereh. 42 VARIETIES OF THE CANE. Home of the Sugar Cane. The place whence the cane was introduced has been the subject of speculation and controversy, India and the South Pacific being the places most in dispute. In 1891 Kobus 18 remarked on the differences between the Ukh canes of India and those cultivated in Java ; this difference is apparent from Hadi's description of the former, and is so pronounced that it seems fair to suggest that the cultivated varieties of cane (elsewhere than in India) and the Ukh canes are not merely varieties but distinct species. Of the varieties cultivated elsewhere than in India it is certain that the Otaheite cane (or canes), the Tanna canes, the Cavengerie cane, and the Escambine canes are indigenous to the South Pacific; the Cheribon canes have certainly been known in Java for generations, but the writer has never found any authoritative statement that they are the indigenous. The literature of the cane shows, too, that these Cheribon canes have also been known in the South Pacific from early times, and even the name ' Otaheite ' is in some places (cp. supra) attached to these canes. In addition, the writer has been authoritatively informed that canes of the Cheribon type were known in India as Otaheite canes at the end of the eighteenth century. There seems, then, much reason to suppose that the Cheribon canes are not indigenous to Java, but originated from the South Pacific ; if, as seems reasonable, this speculation connecting these canes with the South Pacific is correct, then all the standard cultivated varieties of cane originated in the South Pacific, that is to say east of Wallace's line, and they form, at the very least, a type of cane very far removed from those found to the West. The statement that the 'Bourbon' cane came to that island from the Malabar coast is often found ; the original statement the writer has never been able to trace, and at the most the statement only implies that the vessel that brought the stock to Bourbon cleared from that locality. The evidence that the sugar cane is indigenous to the New World seems quite unsatisfactory. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER IV. 1. 8. (7., 220. 2. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 66. 3. 8. C., 273. 4. Formen und Farben Saccharum officinarum. 5. Bull. 26, Agric. H.S.P.A. 6. The Practical Sugar Planter, pp. 1-18. 7. Das ZucJcerrohr, p. 124. 43 CANE SUGAR. 8. Bull. Assoc. Abs., October, 1907. 9. W. I. B., YIIL, 1. 10. The Sugar Journal, August, 1895. 11. Sugar, XII., 1. 12. Le Canne d Sucre, pp. 14-18. 13. 8. C., 337. 14. 8. 0., 124. 15. Nature and Properties of the Sugar Cane, p. 218. 16. 8. C., 206. 17. The Sugar Industry of the United Provinces of Agra and Oude, pp. 3-36. 18. Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, pp. 938-942. 19. Report Bur. Exp. Stat., Queensland, 1907. 20. Quoted in Simmond's Tropical Agriculturist. 21. Thrumm's Hawaiian Annual, 1882. 22. Eelatorio apresentado a Sociedad Paulista de Agricultura. S. Paulo, 1905. 23. 8. C., 17. 24. S. C., 64. 25. W. L. B., II., 4. 26. 8. C., 336, 337. 27. 8. C., 310, 311, 321, 322, 323. 28. W. L B., IV., 6. 29. Report of Queensland Acclimatization Society, 1905. 44 CHAPTER V. SUGAR CANE SOILS. The cane is a plant which in its economy demands large quantities of water, and hence when grown under natural conditions it requires a soil of considerable water-retaining power. Such a soil is represented by a typical clay, and such soils under profitable cane cultivation are to be found in British Guiana, Louisiana, and in other countries. Following on clays, loams and alluvial deposits, containing large quantities of humus which also belong to the water-retaining type, are suited for cane cultivation. Not less important than a high retentive power for water is the necessity for the removal of an excess of water ; a clay soil standing on a porous substratum is for this reason much more suitable than one where the under-drainage is less complete. Where ample water is available for irrigation lighter soils of no great water holding capacity give, with intensive fertilization, enormous yields ; the estates in Hawaii which have become notorious for their high returns are of this class, and yields but little inferior are obtained in Peru from very light sandy soils. These last soils under natural conditions are quite unsuited for cane cultivation ; in such soils, unless under artificial irrigation, a small cane with a high fibre content is obtained. In soils where the moisture content is too high, whether due to excessive rainfall or to insufficient drainage, the maturity of the cane is delayed, and a product with but a low percentage of sugar is obtained. Delteil 1 makes the following statement with regard to cane soils : " In mellow open soils, watered by rain or irrigation, the cane becomes fine and large and gives much sugar. In light sandy soils, or in volcanic soils of recent origin, the juice is very sweet, but the canes are somewhat small. " In calcareous soils, the canes develop superlatively well, the juice is rich and easy to work. In alluvial soils, too moist or too rich in alkalis, the canes have a fine appearance, but the juices are poor in sugar, work with difficulty and produce much molasses." Boname 2 makes the following pertinent observations on cane soils and climate : " The cane grows more or less well in all soils if it receives the care and manures that its economy demands ; but, to develop vigorously, and to supply a juice rich in sugar, it demands a free and deep soil. The physical properties of the soil are at least as important as its chemical composition, and if irrigation is impossible during the dry season its coolness will naturally be one of the principal factors in the production. "The most favourable nature of soil varies with the climate. 45 CANE SUGAR. " Where rain is abundant the soil should be light and porous ; if rains are scanty a too light soil will dry rapidly, and vegetation will be checked ; the cane will not completely die, but in place of giving large stalks, rich in sugar, it will produce small, dry, hard and woody stalks. With a relatively dry climate a heavy soil will give good returns if the rains are evenly distributed. " With a rainfall of 5 to 6 metres (197 to 236 inches) a sandy soil, draining easily, will give an abundant return with a high consumption of manure. A clay soil, especially if it is situated on a plain, will be constantly saturated with stagnant water, which will prevent the aeration of the soil ; canes will develop feebly, and their roots will rot little by little, leading to the death of the stalk. " Some alluvial earths produce a luxuriant vegetation in wet years. The canes are very fine, but very watery. " Other things being equal, a calcareous clay soil not excessively light will give sweeter canes than a clay containing vegetable debris, but the yield will generally be less abundant. If the rains are sufficient and conveniently divided, returns both for the cultivator and for the manufacturer will be excellent. If the season is wet the advantage will remain with the lighter soils, whilst if it is dry the canes will suffer much and will afford stunted and woody stalks. " High and almost constant results will be obtained with irrigation and porous soils ; for the growth can be regulated at will, and conducted in a fashion so as to obtain the maximum cultural and industrial return, promoting the size of the cane and its leaf development in the first stages of its growth and without intermission, until the time arrives when it is necessary to develop the juices formed at an early stage." Reynoso 3 says : 6*6 ,, ,, ,, >, k ,, ,, ,, ,, m 20, n 6, o 13-3, p 40 kilos soluble phosphates ; q 20, r 26'6, s 13*3 kilos in soluble phosphate ; t 40 kilos citrate soluble phosphates ; u 30, v 40, w 20 kilos potash ; x 20 kilos nitrogen as nitrate of soda. Hawaii. The result of a series of experiments led C. F. Eckart 6 to the following conclusions : 1. Lands, capable of producing eleven tons of sugar to the acre without fertilization, may be fertilized with profit, climatic conditions and water supply being favourable. 2. While soils of high fertility may respond to mixed fertilizers, the percentage of gain is greater as the soils suffer a gradual exhaustion. 3. The Rose Bamboo and Lahaina varieties of cane did not show the same response to various combinations of fertilizer ingredients. 4. It is indicated that Rose Bamboo requires a larger store of phosphoric acid to draw from than Lahaina for the best results. 5. Lahaina cane responded more to an increased supply of potash in the soil than Rose Bamboo. 6. Both Rose Bamboo and Lahaina cane showed a considerable gain in yields from fertilization with nitrogen. The percentage of this element in the soil on which the tests were carried out was below the average for the islands. 7. On a soil containing phosphoric acid (soluble in a 1 per cent, solution of aspartic acid) in quantities which were in large excess of those contained in the average soil, phosphoric acid applied with nitrogen gave yields of Rose Bamboo cane exceeding those obtained when nitrogen was applied alone. Under the same conditions, Lahaina cane gave about the same yields following fertilization with nitrogen as when nitrogen was applied with phosphoric acid. 8. On a soil containing potash (soluble in a 1 per cent, solution of aspartic acid) in quantities comparing closely with those of the average island soil, Rose Bamboo and Lahaina cane gave increased yields when this element was applied with nitrogen. 9. The separate application of phosphoric acid in soluble forms to lands standing high in phosphoric acid may result in a loss of sugar rather than in a gain. It is indicated that the chances of loss are greater with Lahaina cane than with the Rose Bamboo variety in localities where the two varieties make an equally thrifty growth under normal conditions. 10. Separate applications of potash in the form of sulphate of potash may decrease the yields of cane. The danger of loss is apparently greater with Lahaina cane than with Rose Bamboo. This refers to applications of potassium sulphate to lands under cane. 61 CANE SUGAR. 11. The fact that the application of one particular element gives negative results with respect to fertilization does not warrant the assumption that the element in question may, with profit, be omitted as a component part of mixed fertilizers. Applied with another element, the gains may be considerably greater than could be obtained with the latter element alone. 12. With both varieties the purest and richest juice was obtained from the cane on the unfertilized area. In general, the plats receiving incomplete fertilizers yielded juices of greater purity than those plats to which the three elements were applied together. Later experiments have resulted in the same authority stating 7 : 1. The profit resulting from the application of fertilizers or manures will depend largely upon other factors than the chemical composition of the soil. Providing certain plant food deficiencies represent the chief depressive influence on crop yields, the response to appropriate fertilization will be commensurate with the difference between the limitations exerted upon crop production through lack of available plant nutrients and the limitations exercised by the next restraining factor in order of importance after the material has been applied. This latter factor may be physical, biological or climatic in character. 2. The relative effects of different combinations of fertilizer materials on the growth of sugar cane when these materials are added to a given soil will be determined chiefly by (a) the extent to which their several ingredients directly or indirectly lessen the deficencies of available plant nutrients ; (i) the extent to which they cause the bacterial flora to approach an optimum balance for the regular production of sufficient nitrates or assimilable nitrogen compounds, and (0) the degree and manner in which they produce physical changes in the soil. 3. Owing to the fact that a definite relationship exists between the efficiency of a fertilizer mixture and the quantities and proportions in which its ingredients are associated, due to biological, chemical and physical effects which its component parts have in a given soil, variations in the composition of the mixture beyond certain limits may materially influence crop yields. 4. A more definite knowledge concerning the amounts and proportions of fertilizer salts to use in a mixture for best results would on some soils yield pronounced profits, while a lack of such knowledge may in some cases result in a loss, especially when soluble salts are employed. 5. The greatest loss from the use of improper mixtures of fertilizers is apt to occur on acid soils, and in such cases considerable risk is involved from the continued application of mixtures containing ammonium sulphate, sulphate of potash, and acid phosphate, when lime dressings are not previously made. 62 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. 6. While the chemical and physical analysis of a soil will usually prove of value in indicating the best cultural methods to follow in maintaining or improving its fertility, and may also indicate in a general way certain of the plant food deficiencies in given cases, it cannot afford definite information as to the amounts or proportions of ingredients in fertilizer mixtures which will give maximum returns. 7. It is possible that the data from more extended field experiments with a large variety of soils, when reviewed in connection with the comparative analysis of the soils, using both, weak and strong acids as solvents, may indicate a somewhat definite relationship between the analytical figures and the order of importance which phosphoric acid and potash, should assume in cane fer- tilizers in given cases. 8. It would appear that analysis of soils, with more special reference to their physical qualities, reaction and content of organic matter, nitrogen, and more readily soluble lime, may, with due consideration of the water supply and climatic conditions, be relied upon to indicate such manurial treatment as will result in a profit, although they will not afford definite information as to the weights and proportions of ingredients in fertilizer mixtures which will result in maximum efficiency. 9. Nitrogen is the most important element to be considered in the fertilization of the sugar cane in the Hawaiian Islands, and when applied in mixed fertilizers some risk of reduced efficiency is entailed if either the potash or phosphoric acid (in the form of soluble salts) is made to exceed the weight of this element. 10. Unless through past local experience or carefully conducted field tests, it has been definitely determined that a modified formula may be expected to give greater yields, it is safer, when applying nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid in the form of soluble salts, to have the mixed fertilizer con- tain even quantities of these elements, which are not to exceed 60 Ibs. per acre in the case of each element. 11. Field tests with fertilizers whose ingredients are mixed in varying proportions will, if such experiments are accurately and scientifically conducted through a sufficient period, give the most reliable information as to the best manurial practice. Such experiments should be laid out in very long, narrow, parallel and contiguous plats or strips, with the untreated check areas lying immediately adjacent to the fertilized cane. 12. The great importance of 'resting' fields in rotation on Hawaiian plantations, and growing upon them leguminous crops is very clearly indicated. This applies more particularly to the irrigated plantations, where the supplies of organic matter are in the majority of cases becoming greatly reduced through successive tillage operations in a comparatively arid climate, and by the favourable conditions created for bacterial activity through regular irrigations under uniformly high temperatures. CANE SUGAR. Java. Repeated experiments in Java 8 have shown that under conditions there prevailing, manuring with readily available nitrogen alone leads to the best financial results. The flooding of the fields during the period that they are under rice brings down in suspension finely divided soil, which affords a supply of potash and phosphates. In addition, the system of land tenure there prevailing does not justify the cane planter in adopting measures towards the permanent amelioration of the soil. Effect of Manuring on the Composition of the Cane. There is a wide-spread belief that heavy manuring adversely affects the quality of the juice of the cane and under certain conditions this may be correct ; thus in a district such as Demerara, where a short period of growth obtains, a late manuring results in an impure juice. Possibly in such a case not only is the maturity of the crop delayed, but a second growth of young cane is stimulated and the comparison may become one of mature and of immature cane. Again with heavy manuring, there is a consequent increase in the size of the crop with less access of direct sunshine, and a delayed ripening is the result. That judicious heavy manuring has no harmful effect is shown from the results regularly obtained in Hawaii ; nowhere is a sweeter and purer juice obtained, and nowhere is the manuring more intense. Here, however, owing to climatic conditions peculiarly favourable, a great part of the harvest consists of fully matured cane cut at the period of maximum sweetness. Actual experiments on this point lead to somewhat contradictory results. Thus Eckart 9 found in Hawaii with unmanured cane a sucrose content in the juice of 18-26 and purity of 90*69, manured canes affording a juice containing from 16'40 per cent, to 17'85 per cent, sucrose, and of purity 89-16 to 90-60. Conversely, however, the same authority has supplied me with data of an experiment where, in three instances, an application of 1200 Ibs. of high grade mixed fertilizer and 300 Ibs. of nitrate per acre not only enormously increased the yield but gave a sweeter and purer juice. Of the specific effect of manures, many ideas, supported or not by experi- ment, may be met with. Lime is credited with producing a sweet and pure juice in the "West Indian adage, " The more lime in the field the less in the factory," and this idea is reflected in the quotations at the beginning of Chapter V. Phosphates are also believed to affect beneficially the sugar content of the cane, and potash is reputed to have the reverse effect ; Harrison's experiments already quoted fail however to countenance this idea. There is a certain amount of evidence that canes heavily manured with readily available nitrogen are more susceptible to fungus attacks than are others ; this may be due to the production of a soft rinded cane due to rapid 64 FIG. 12. STRIPED BAMBOO. SIZE PLATE IV THE MANURING OF. THE CANE. growth, and possibly in the presence of infected soil or material the nitro- genous manure may also benefit the development of the fungus. In Egypt, it may be mentioned, on lands controlled by the Daria Sanieh manuring of cane was not allowed. On the whole the writer thinks that the bulk of the evidence points to weight of cane only as being affected ; differences which may from time to time be observed are probably due to different degrees of maturity or to other uncontrollable factors vitiating the comparison. Time of Application of Manure. The experimental study of the manuring of cane has in general pointed to the benefit accruing from early application of readily available nitrogen, and as a matter of practical experience it has been found that canes so treated make a vigorous, rapid growth and better withstand a subsequent drought. In general plant physiological experience it is found that a supply of readily available nitrogen leads to a large leaf development, and the development of the stalk of the cane is intimately connected with that of the leaf. It is often asked if one or two applications of the same amount of nitrogen are the more beneficial. Watts' experiments in the Leeward Islands 10 point to the one application system being the better, and he reasons on the following lines : " These results lead us to make the suggestion that manures applied to sugar canes will probably be found to be more efficient, both physiologically and pecuniarily, if given in quick acting forms at a very early stage of the cane's growth, and we are led to speculate if this may not be accounted for, on botanical grounds, by the structure and manner of growth of the cane. We have perhaps been too prone, when thinking of manuring crops, to have in our mind dicotyledenous-branching trees, with many growing points, instead of the sugar cane, with its one growing point, or ' top ' to each stem. The cane having lost its habit of seeding may be regarded as a growing top and a stem. When the former has arrived at its full development it may be taken roughly to be a fixed quantity ; old leaves fall away and are replaced by new ones, so that the top remains fairly constant. The stem constantly receives additions, and gradually ripens to form a dormant sugar house chiefly filled with sugar, doubtless originally destined to provide for the growth of flowers and the production of the seed, but now developed to a greater extent than the feebly fertile flowers demand. "The elements of plant food, including nitrogen, potash and phosphate, are found in greater abundance in the ' top ' and leaves than in the stem ; hence it is reasonable to suppose that in the early development of the cane plant, with its system of top and stem, greater demand is made upon the plant food supply of the soil in order to build up this top rich in plant food, than occurs later on when the top, a comparatively fixed quantity, has been developed, and additions are being made to the stem, which additions demand relatively large amounts of carbo- hydrates, with comparatively small amounts of nitrogen, potash and phosphates. Transference of plant material from point to point takes place freely, and it is reasonable to suppose that the cells of the stem, as they pass into the dormant condition, may pass on some of their nitrogen, potash and phosphate to be used in :-;.... building up newer structures. We are aware of this transference of plant food in the case of the leaves, where the faded and falling cane leaves contain much less plant food than the actively growing ones. 65 CANE SUGAE. " In order to have fresh information on this point analyses have been made of fresh cane leaves, and of dry cane leaves, just as they were about to fall from the plant but not actually fallen. " The results are as follows, and show in a striking manner the nature of the transference of plant food material from the leaf back to the stem as it ripens and as its lower portion becomes dormant : ANALYSIS OF ASH. Silica Carbon Iron oxide Alumina Lime Magnesia Potash Soda Phosphoric anhydride Sulphuric anhydride Carbon dioxide Chlorine Water ., Deduct oxygen equal to Chlorine .. .. Nitrogen Green Leaves. 46-26 3-52 49 4-68 5-08 17-23 6 60 1-39 5-45 2-39 9-09 1-25 103-43 2-02 Trash Leaves. 63-31 3-47 38 03 6-67 5-10 6-49 3-58 93 5-18 1-97 1-83 2-59 101-53 40 101-41 .. 101-13 777 on dried '36 on dried leaves. trash. GEAMS OF MINERAL MATTEK IN ONE LEAF. One fresh cane leaf contains -9688 grams of ash. One fresh trash leaf contains -5304 grams of ash. . < Jreen Leaf Trash Leaf. Grams. Grams. Silica 4419 3321 Carbon 0336 0182 Iron oxide 0047 0020 Alumina 0002 Lime 0448 0350 Potash 1C45 0340 Soda 0630 0188 Phosphoric anhydride .... 0134 0048 Sulphuric anhydride 0520 0272 Carbon dioxide 0228 0103 Chlorine 0868 0096 Water 0118 0136 Deduct oxygen equal to chlorine 0193 0021 Nitrogen 9586 094 5304 033 " If this manner of regarding the cane as a growing organism is correct, it may lead us to modify some of our ideas concerning the manuring of sugar canes, and may account for the better result obtained by applying considerable quantities of nitrogen in one dose at an early stage, and for the smaller results obtained from the use of such a slow acting manure as dried blood." THE MANURING OF THE CANE. The experiments made by Watts, described above, had already been conceived as long ago as 1877 by Rouf in Martinique; his experiments and conclusions, than which I have come across none others so complete, are quoted in full from Delteil's Canne d Sucre. Rouf harvested, weighed and analysed month by month a crop of cane planted in March of 1877. His results, which I have translated into Ibs. per acre, are given in the annexed table ; they give the weight of the crop and of the various bodies contained therein : on these results he thus expresses himself : 1. The absorption of minerals commences as soon as the development of the plant allows, but evidently it is much more active if the plant finds the necessary fertilizing principles at its disposal, and above all if the climatic conditions are favourable. 2. The progress is moderated from the sixth to the ninth month ; then the march of the elements rises to the tenth and eleventh month, the time of the maximum absorption. At this period the total weight of stalks and leaves is a maximum ; the cane has absorbed all the minerals and nitrogen, and the weight of dry matter also is the maximum. By the tenth month the cane has absorbed a maximum of the following elements : phosphoric and sulphuric acids, potash, soda and silica. At the eleventh month the elements which lagged behind are absorbed up to the maximum ; these are lime, magnesia and nitrogen, and the elements which first reached a maximum have begun to be eliminated. In the twelfth month, the elimination of the last three elements begins and continues for all until the cane is ripe. 3. The cane should be manured early so as to place at its disposal necessary food, and to accelerate the elaboration of sugar. 4. The elimination of the excess of potash, chlorides and soda from the stalk and their transport to the top and leaves are ended when the cane is ripe. In the top of the cane are accumulated alkaline chlorides, glucose, albumenoid and pectic bodies. The return of plant food to the soil by the plant as it ripens indicates the agricultural economy of harvesting the crop at its period of maximum ripeness as less plant food is then removed ; Rouf's analyses bring out this point very clearly. Method of Application of Manures. On general principles the proper form of application of the various artificial manures varies. Nitrate of soda and also nitrate of lime, being readily soluble and not being fixed by the soil (i.e., rendered insoluble), are applied as top dressings. Ammonia salts are also readily diifusible, and are applied as top dressings. Organic forms of nitrogen requiring the action of soil organisms must be- buried in the top two or three inches of the soil. 67 CANE SUGAR. MONTHLY COMPOSITION OF THE CANE (WHOLE PLANT). After BOUF. Lbs. per Acre. Age of Cane. Green Weight. Dry Weight. Ash. Nitrogen. Phosphoric Acid. Six months . . . . 21,054 4,072 275 20-2 10-3 Seven months . .... 44,608 7,366 360 35-5 15-2 Eight months S"v '... . 73,302 10,597 444 38-0 27-3 Nine months . , : , . " ... i 76,082 12,100 504 44-9 27-7 Ten months 82,008 16,290 628 55-2 39-2 Eleven months 76.558 18,363 576 60-4 37-3 Twelve months 65,377 16,505 467 55-2 36-7 Thirteen months 79,150 17,756 468 39-8 29-0 Age of Cane. Sulphuric Acid. Potash. Soda. Lime. Magnesia. Silica. Six months 14-1 36-0 2-2 7-1 13-1 139-1 Seven months 14-8 44-4 8'6 23-8 15-5 168-1 Eight months 18-7 79-0 7-9 26-1 24-6 200-5 Nine months 20-0 79-7 9-7 28-4 25-7 245-3 Ten months 21-9 97-3 21-4 46-7 26-2 322-0 Eleven months 19-4 71-5 13-6 58-4 36-7 293-3 Twelve months 14-3 62-0 8-8 33-0 25-9 232-4 Thirteen months 17-3 62-6 7-0 38-0 27-5 210-5 Cyanamide, to be assimilated by plants, must first be acted on by soil organisms, and hence is generally applied before planting, especially as this material has some harmful effect on the germination of seeds. Superphosphates are also often applied as a top dressing, or are worked in at a very slight depth. Stubbs recommends that they should be spread over the whole area to be manured. Slag and mineral phosphates require to be thoroughly incorporated in the soil. Potash also, being readily and completely fixed by the silicates of the soil, requires thorough incorporation. There is no reason (and indeed in many ways it is advantageous) why phosphate and potassic manures should not be applied to the soil during the preliminary cultural operations before planting. The retention of these materials by the soil is so absolute that no loss by leaching is to be apprehended. Valuation Of Manures. The question of the valuation of manures is a special subject of its own, and outside the scope of a work of this nature. 68 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. In more than one cane growing district all manures intended for use on plantations are analysed and controlled at the Experiment Stations now generally considered a necessary adjunct to large cane growing districts; this work but seldom falls to the estate chemist. Taking the value of nitrogen in sulphate of ammonia as 100, the following are the average values adopted for other constituents ; it should be mentioned, however, that no uniformity obtains as between different districts. Nitrogen in ammonia sulphate 100 Nitrogen in nitrate 90 Organic nitrogen . . 100 Water soluble phosphoric acid 25 Citrate soluble phosphoric acid 25 Insoluble phosphoric acid 10 Potash in sulphate 30 Potash in chloride 25 The valuation of materials such as seed cakes, tankage and packing house refuse depends very largely on the degree of fineness of the material. This also applies to basis slags, which are usually sold under a guarantee of fineness. A slag 80 per cent, fine means that 80 per cent, of the material will pass through a sieve with a mesh of 250 wires to the lineal inch. Lime in Connection with Cane Growing. A. study of the analyses of the ash of the cane cannot lead to the conclusion that the cane is a calciophile plant, and Harrison 3 in his resume of twenty-five years' experimental study of the manurial requirements of the cane has come to the same conclusion. The benefits that follow the application of lime in many districts where the cane forms the staple crop must not then be considered as due to specific action of this material on the cane, but as due to its general effect in amelioration of the soil. The action of lime may be briefly summarized : 1 . Correction of acidity in the soil, whether due to an excess of organic matter, or due to long continued application of ammonia salts. 2. Amelioration of the physical condition of heavy clays. 3. Rendering potash available. It is now generally considered better practice to apply moderate applications of lime, say lOOOlbs. per acre, every five or six years, than to put on heavier applications less frequently. This is the general rule in the Hawaiian Islands, larger applications being only made on a few plantations possessing a distinctly sour soil with much organic matter. However, some heavy clay adobe soils have been treated there with success with as much as fifty tons of coral sand to the acre ; this procedure recalls the system of marling once so prevalent in English agricultural practice. 69 CANE SUGAE. A point of very great interest in connection with cane growing and one which has not, so far as the writer is aware, been thoroughly investigated, is the lime : magnesia ratio best suited for the cane. Eor cereal crops generally, for rice, and for such as have a large leaf development, evidence has been brought forward by Loew 11 and his pupils that the lime should be in excess of the magnesia in proportion from 1*5 to 2 times as great. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary it may perhaps be taken that a similar ratio holds for the cane. That an excess of magnesia has a deleterious effect on the cane has been shown by Eckart, 12 who irrigated cane in tubs with both lime and magnesia chlorides, and found a much better growth when the lime was in excess of the magnesia than when the quantity of these two bodies was mearly the same. Quite recently Loew 13 in Porto Rico has gone further into the subject in special reference to the cane ; in that island he has found the soils containing an excess of magnesia over lime. He quotes an instance of a cane soil suffering from acidity, stiffness and an excess of magnesia over lime where an applica- tion of 3000 Ibs. lime per acre increased the yield of cane 57 per cent. He also writes : " The most favourable ratio of lime to magnesia in the soil for cane will very probably be as 2-1, if both are present in an equal state of availability. This can be inferred from experiments with maize by Bernadini." The hypothesis of Loew, though carefully elaborated, is not accepted by many agronomists; it has been followed up chiefly in Japan by Aso and others. The lime-magnesia ratio must apply to the soil water or to readily soluble forms in the soil ; a hydrochloric acid soil extract showing an excess of magnesia over lime would not be sufficient to condemn a soil on Loew's hypothesis. It is of interest to note that in some Demerara soil water, Harrison 14 has found that with sulphate of ammonia manuring the molecular ratio of calcium-magnesium was 1 : -77 ; with nitrate of soda manuring it was 1 : T52, and with no manuring 1 : 2*40, and with no cultivation 1 : 2- 57. Yields of cane had become very deficient in the second and third cases but Harrison does not commit himself to attach any special significance to these ratios. Distinction between Forms of Nitrogen. Nitrogen is con- tained in manures as nitrate, ammonium salts, or as organic nitrogen ; these differ in their effect as regards ' availability.' It was formerly held that the plant absorbed nitrogen as nitrate ; latterly it has been clearly shown that ammonia salts may be directly assimilated. The organic forms of nitrogen have first to be acted on by soil organisms before they are of use to the plant, and hence they are not so rapidly available as nitrate or ammonia salts; cyanamide, too, is not at once available, and has to be acted on by soil organisms, but field experiments have shown that this substance has a high 70 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. order of availability. Of the organic forms of nitrogen Stubbs ranks castor pomace first, followed by dried blood and fish scraps. Choice of Nitrogenous Manures. As a general principle it has become accepted that sulphate of ammonia is the better material to use on soils containing a high percentage of calcium carbonate, since in such soils conditions are generally favourable for nitrification. On the other hand it is believed that in the absence of this body or on soils which are of an acid reaction that nitrate of soda is the preferable source. The idea, however, that nitrification is essential to the assimilation of nitrogen by plants must now, however, be definitely abandoned, as a whole series of experiments, initiated in 1887 by Pitsch and terminating with those of Miller and Hutchinson in 1909, have shown conclusively that plants can assimilate ammonia compounds directly. The long continued application of ammonia salts to certain soils may result in an acid reaction therein with consequent sterility ; such a result has been observed in light sandy soils at the Woburn Experimental Station. On the other hand, the long application of sodium nitrate may result in the deflocculation or puddling of the clay of soils, rendering them mechanically quite unfit for cultivation. So far as tropical cane experiments and experience go the mass of evidence seems to be divided ; but Harrison 14 is, however, of opinion that the heavy clay soils of British Guiana have benefitted rather than not by the long continued application of ammonium sulphate; this he is inclined to attribute in part to the alkaline nature of the sub-soil water. In Java too, sulphate of ammonia forms the source of available nitrogen. In the Hawaiian Islands nitrate is extensively used as a stimulant, though ammonia salts form a part of the high grade fertilizers also used ; in Egypt and in Mauritius, nitrates are also extensively employed. The organic forms of nitrogen are used with a different object to the more readily available, and their use as the sole source of nitrogen seems confined to Louisiana, where the simultaneous production of cotton seed meal may account for this preference. At the moment of writing nitrate of lime is being extensively advertised, and this material may well become the most eflicient source of nitrogen for the cane, but experiments with it are as yet imperfect. Specific Action of readily available Nitrogen. The action of ammonia as an early cane manure is thus explained by Geerligs : Its application causes the sap to rise in the cane ; the leaves are unable to elaborate this sap, and consequently the development of the undermost buds is forced (tillering or suckering) ; the number of canes in a stool is thus increased ; it is essential that favourable weather follow this forcing, else the young shoots will wilt and die. 71 CANE SUGAR. Choice of Phosphatic Manures. All phosphates when applied to soils are fixed, and rendered insoluble ; the rationale of the use of a soluble superphosphate, as opposed to the use of an insoluble phosphate, is that the solution of phosphoric acid is precipitated within the soil in a much finer state of division than can be obtained by grinding an insoluble phosphate, and mechanically ploughing it into the soil. Dependent on the type of the soil, the phosphoric acid will be precipitated within the soil as phosphate of lime, or iron or alumina. The former of these bodies is available to the plant, the latter is not ; hence it is an axiom in manuring that superphosphates are suitable for calcareous soils or such as contain a considerate proportion of lime carbonate. On heavy clays such as constitute the cane lands of British Guiana super- phosphates are contraindicated. On such, soils basic slag is the form of phosphatic manure from which benefit is to be expected. It has been shown by many experiments that on clayey and peaty soils, where an alkaline base is required to neutralize the nitric acid formed by soil organisms, this form of phosphoric acid gives the best results. Artificial Manures. The properties of the manures occurring in commerce are briefly mentioned below : Sulphate of Ammonia. The pure body contains 2T21 per cent, nitrogen, and as found on the market contains about 20 per cent, nitrogen. Nitrate of Soda. This material is extremely hygroscopic. The pure body contains 16'5 per cent, nitrogen, the commercial body containing about 4 per cent, of impurities ; these impurities are in English commerce grouped together under the peculiar term of refraction. Nitrate of Potash. The pure body contains 13'8 per cent, nitrogen, and 46*5 per cent, of potash; it is but seldom used as a manure, the supply being devoted to other purposes; in an impure form it however finds its way to Mauritius from India, and being of local occurrence is used to a certain extent in Egypt. Seed Cake Manures. The refuse of seeds, &c., that have been crushed for oil, comes into the market in large quantities as manure. The plants that most largely contribute are cotton, flax, castor oil, cocoanut ; their composition of course varies with the origin. In general these manures can be used only in the country of their origin, drawbacks of freight prohibiting their more extended use. Some analyses of these materials, collected from various sources, are given below : Nitrogen per cent. Ground nut (Aracliis hypoyaea] 4'06 - 7 '94 Kapok meal (Eriodendnon anfraduosum) .'. ... 4'40 Castor cake (Ricinus communis) .. .... .... 4'20 Coconut meal (Oocos nucifera) . . ..-....:. ' 3 -62 Cotton seed meal (Gossypium sp.} . . ..-:.' ;. 7*00 Chinese bean meal . . ..-..-.. . . "-. . ' . . .-. 6'96 Soja cake (Soja hispida) "; .....- ,.'" : 6-12 72 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. Cotton seed cake is largely used in Louisiana, and the other forms of organic nitrogen are used to a certain extent in Java, where they form products of the country ; some quantity of these materials also finds its way from India to Mauritius. The refuse of indigo factories is also used in Java, and in Mauritius the refuse from aloe fibre factories. Dried blood, as it comes on the market, contains from 10 per cent, to 16 per cent, of nitrogen. Fish scrap is of very variable composition, containing from 5 per cent, to 8 per cent, nitrogen, and from 5 per cent, to 7 per cent, phosphoric acid. Tankage is the residue from packing houses, and is of variable composition ; as it contains considerable quantities of bone it is also a phosphatic manure. It is similar in action and composition to fish scrap. Guano. The original Peruvian guano has long been exhausted, and the guanos now on the market are of recent origin. They differ much in composition from those of long accumulation. Some bat guanos contain an extraordinarily high amount of nitrogen, reaching up to 30 per cent. Cyanamide is a synthetic compound of the formula CaCN 2 ; it is sold under the name lime nitrogen, German nitrate, or even as lime nitrate, from which it must be carefully distinguished ; as it appears in commerce it contains about 20 per cent, of nitrogen. Nitrate of lime is manufactured and put on the market as a basic nitrate of composition Ca (OH) N0 3 . It contains about 12 per cent, of nitrogen, Gypsum. This material is sulphate of lime, and, in a sense, can not be regarded as a manure ; it acts indirectly as a source of potash, which it sets free in soils ; it is also used as a corrective of soil alkalinity. Bwie manures contain from 4 per cent, to 6 per cent, of nitrogen, and from 40 per cent, to 50 per cent, of phosphate of lime; this form of manure is sold as half-inch, quarter-inch, or as bone meal or dust, and is frequently steamed to remove the fats. The nitrogen is of little availability, and the phosphates, unless the bones are finely ground, are but slowly assimilated. Mineral phosphates contain from 25 per cent, to 35 percent, of phosphoric acid, and are occasionally used without previous treatment intended to render the phosphoric acid soluble. Superphosphates usually contain about 20 per cent, soluble phosphoric acid, and in the form known to the trade as ' double superphosphate ' up to 40 per cent, to 50 per cent. They are prepared from mineral phosphates by the action of sulphuric acid. asio slag is the material obtained as a waste product in the ' basic ' pro- cess of steel manufacture ; it usually contains from 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, phosphoric acid, and from 40 per cent, to 50 per cent, of lime, a portion of which exists as free lime. 73 CANE SUGAR. Reverted phosphate is the name given to a form of lime phosphate insoluble in water, but soluble in ammonium citrate solution, and which is valued at as high a figure as water soluble phosphoric acid. Superphosphates have a tendency on storage to pass into 'reverted phosphate,' and this material is manufactured and sold under the name of 'precipitated phosphate,' containing from 35 per cent, to 40 per cent, of phosphoric acid soluble in ammonium citrate. Potash manures. Potash is applied in cane-producing countries as pure sulphate containing about 48 per cent, of potash ; the chloride is also occa- sionally used. Kainit and other crude salts find a limited use in mixed manures. Practice of Cane Manuring in different Countries. In Java and also in Demerara readily available nitrogen, chiefly in the form of ammonium sulphate, is to a large extent the only artificial manure applied. In Java it is claimed that the rotation there followed puts on the soil a sufficiency of other elements of plant food for the cane crop ; this is largely due to the water used in growing the rice holding in suspension a large quantity of silt, which is deposited on the land. In Demerara it is also frequently the custom to apply up to 10 cwt. of basis slag phosphate to the plant canes, especially if analysis by Dyer's citric acid method shows a deficiency in this element. On the heavy clay soils it is exceptional to find a deficiency of potash, notwithstanding the heavy drain made on this element by the continuous crop of cane. In Hawaii, where the largest yield of cane is obtained, relatively enormous quantities of manure are employed; nitrate of soda is employed largely on the irrigated plantations in the districts of little rainfall, and this material, as well as sulphate of ammonia much less frequently, is used in the spring of the second growing season ; the application reaches up to 400 Ibs. per acre. In the Hawaiian Islands the climatic conditions are such that it is possible to obtain a period of growth from planting to harvest up to 24 months ; hence there are two growing seasons and the application of manures before each has been found to be very beneficial. The practice is generally to use mixed fertilizer in the first growing season and nitrate in the second. In that district also a cold spell is annually encountered, when a check to and yellowing off of the cane occurs ; this is probably due to a cessation of the activities of the nitrifying organisms in the soil. It has been found by experience that the application of nitrates at this time has a very beneficial effect on the growth of the cane. In addition a complete fertilizer containing on an average 7 per cent, to 10 per cent, each of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash is applied; the 74 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. proportions of these ingredients are altered to correspond with, the analysis of the soil. Up to 1000 Ibs. per acre of such a fertilizer may be applied, although 600 Ibs. is a more usual dressing. Basic slags are but little, if at all, used. In Mauritius and Bourbon large quantities of pen manure were (previous to the extended use of mechanical traction) employed, and the plant canes seldom received any other fertilizer. To ratoon crops a complete mixture, similar to that quoted above as used in Hawaii, is employed but in a much smaller quantity. In Louisiana, chiefly owing to its local production, cotton seed meal forms the chief source of nitrogen, and superphosphate forms the source of phosphoric acid. Owing to the abundance of potash in the soil this element is seldom necessary, and its action in retarding maturity is a reason against its use in such a climate. In Egypt nitrate of soda is the chief source of readily available nitrogen, applications being made to the young cane after an irrigation. The Nile water used in irrigation brings into the soil a certain quantity of plant food, and the rotations followed also reduce the necessity for such heavy dressings of manure as are used elsewhere. A peculiar manure and of small value, collected from the refuse of old villages and known as 'ruins manure,' is also used by the fellaheen planters, as well as dove dung, to which a quite fictitious value is attached. In Barbados and other islands of the British West Indies pen manure forms an important source of plant food. Th.6 Ash. of the Cane. In common with other economic plants, the ash of the cane has been subjected to numerous analyses chiefly earned out with the object of determining the demands made on the soil, and of con- structing an agricultural balance sheet. The earliest of these analyses are those due to Stenhouse of canes from British Guiana and the West Indies ; later analyses are those due to Boname 15 in Guadeloupe, to Maxwell 16 in Hawaii, to van Lookeren Campagne, and to Kramers in Java. While there is no lack of material, the discussion of these results is beset with enormous difficulty. In the first place a definition is required of the ash of the cane ; that is to say, does the term include the ash of the entire plant, or of the stalk only ? Secondly, the amount and composition of the ash varies with the age of the cane, as is very clearly shown in the analyses due to Rouf and already quoted. Thirdly, there is the effect of climatic variation. Fourthly and finally, there is the question of the reliability of the analyses ; that is to say, under equal conditions can consistent results be obtained? This last point has been gone into very fully by Eckart 9 , who in duplicate experiments in successive seasons failed to find any valuable correspondence 75 CANE SUGAR. between the results. The experiments in question were planned by Maxwell to determine the relative demands made on a soil by different varieties ; the weight of cane, including its stalks and waste products and the weight of ash therein was determined ; this observation combined with the anaylsis of the ash gave data for the construction of a detailed balance sheet. The results of a second season's determination gave, however, results quite at variance with those obtained in the first. I do not then think that any very useful purpose will be served by quoting in full these and similar analyses. Reviewing however the analyses due to Maxwell, Eckart, Boname and others, the following statements can be made : (a.) By far the greater part of the ash of the entire plant is contained in the leaves, tops and waste matter; such is especially the case in Hawaiian, as compared with Guadeloupe, canes. This relation will be profoundly affected by the personal equation of the investigator as well as by conditions of growth and period of harvest. (l.J In the leaves and waste matter the predominant element is silica, with potash second in amount ; in the stalks the position is reversed. (c.) The lime and magnesia are present in approximately equal amounts, sometimes one and sometimes the other being in excess ; the same statement is true of phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid. (d.) The quantity of nitrogen and ash contained in the entire Hawaiian grown plant, per ton of stalks, is much greater than in the Guadaloupe canes ; the yield per unit area is much greater in the former than in the latter, the growth in Hawaii having taken place under heavy manuring, aided by copious irrigation. This does not imply a greater drain on the soil, since the leaves and waste matter are returned to the soil and most of that carried away to the mill in the stalks is still available. (*.) The ash of the entire plant lies within the following limits: Silica 45 per cent, to 50 per cent. ; potash 15 per cent, to 20 percent. ; lime 4 per cent, to 6 per cent. ; magnesia 4 per cent, to 6 per cent. ; phosphoric acid 2 per cent, to 5 per cent. ; sulphuric acid 2 per cent, to 5 per cent. ; in some instances comparatively large amounts of chlorides have been found, The Amount of Ash contained in a Crop of Cane. In view of what has been written above, it at once follows that any attempt to obtain a general balance sheet of plant food demands is fallacious ; dependent on which series of analyses is taken, results varying several hundred per cent, may follow. Thus in one extreme case in Hawaii 94 Ibs. of ash were obtained per short ton of stalks, a figure falling to 15 Ibs. in one of Boname's trials in Guadeloupe. The Ash of a Plant in Relation to Manuring. It has been thought that the analysis; of the ash of a plant and the agricultural balance 76 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. sheet would give information as to the proper combination of manures to apply ; this idea demands that for any plant there is one particular ash analysis which is most suited for it. The variation, however, is so great that no ' best ash ' for the cane can be obtained, and this captivating hypothesis breaks down on subjection to scrutiny, or rather is not supported, as regards the cane, by sufficient evidence. It is conceivable, however, that an ash analysis showing a low proportion of, say, lime might point to a deficiency of available lime in the soil ; on the other hand a deficiency of lime in the soil might be reflected in small crops rather than in a low percentage of lime in the ash. Connected with this subject is the " Analysis of the Soil by Means of the Ash "; this point has been recently studied by Hall 18 , who thus summarizes his results, obtained of course in a temperate climate (England) but none the less generally applicable : 1 . The proportion of phosphoric acid and of potash in the ash of any given plant varies with the amount of these substances available in the soil, as measured by the response of the crops to phosphatic or potassic manures respectively. 2. The extent of the variation due to this cause is limited, and is often no greater than the variations due to season, or than the other variations induced by differences in the supply of non-essential ash constituents soda, lime, &c. 3. The fluctuations in the composition of the ash are reduced to a minimum in the case of organs of plants, which, like the grain of cereals or the tubers of potatoes, are manufactured by the plant from material previously assimilated. 4. The composition of the ash of the cereals is less affected by changes in the composition of the soil than is that of root crops like swedes and mangels. 5. The composition of the ash of mangels grown without manure on a particu- lar soil gives a valuable indication of the requirements of the soil for potash manuring. Similarly the phosphoric acid requirements are well indicated by the composition of the ash of unmanured swedes, though in this case determination of the citric acid soluble phosphoric acid in the soil gives even more decisive information. 6. Pending the determination of phosphoric acid and potash 'constants' for some test plant occurring naturally on unmanured land, the interpretation of soil conditions from analyses of plant ashes is not a practicable method by which chemical analysis of the soil can be displaced. The Utilization of Waste Products as Manure. In order to estimate the quantity and distribution of the ash and nitrogen brought into a factory, the writer made the analyses detailed in the Tables below, for a factory working up to 50,000 tons of canes. The process used in the factory was dry double crushing and simple lime defecation ; no sulphur or phosphoric acid was used. In Table I. are given analyses of the ash of various products ; in Table II. the total amounts entering the factory per 1000 tons of cane; and in Table III. the distribution of the nitrogen and the constituents of the ash over all the factory products, the amount in the canes being put equal to 100. Inspection of these tables will show that on this particular estate the amount of potash in the canes was abnormally high, and that of the lime equally low, the phosphoric acid being present in moderate quantity. 77 CANE SUGAR. TABLE I. Juice. Megass. Canes. Filter Cake. Sugar Sugar II. Lees. Yeast Deposit. Ash per cent 67 1-00 77 11-55 1-15 3-54 1-79 .. Lime 1-22 2-41 1-33 17-96 4-73 4-64 6-53 . Magnesia 00 < 4-72 2-92 3-96 5-11 2-70 2-95 3-98 Potash ^8 40-84 16-82 31-23 1-07 39-54 37-26 41-82 Soda 4* 5 2-18 1-53 1-92 Trace 1-90 1-63 2-32 Phosphoric acid . . o o 4-97 3-25 4-15 16-17 2-74 3-67 1-61 Sulphuric acid . . . . ; PH 15-49 6-22 11-72 1-71 22-60 23-42 20-88 Nitrogen* . . , . . 052 028 045 1-50 101 1-96 *Per cent, on actual material. TABLE II. Total Ash Lime. Mag- nesia. Potash. Soda. Phos- phoric Acid. Sul- phuric Acid. Nitro- gen. Canes Used in manufacture Juice Megass Lbs. 17300 10270 7030 Lbs. 295 850 125 170 Lbs. 690 480 210 Lbs. 5380 4190 1180 Lbs. 330 220 110 Lbs. 740 510 230 Lbs. 2040 590 1590 440 Lbs. 1010 80 810 200 Filter Cake Sugar I Sugar II Lees Yeast deposit Per 1000 tons of c 1830 1620 690 7600 350 80 30 460 95 43 20 300 20 640 250 3180 20 10 180 310 45 25 120 30 370 160 1560 230 440 195 TABLE III. Ash. Lime. Mag- nesia. Potash Soda. Phos- phoric Acid. Sul- phuric Acid. Nitro- gen. Canes 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Used in manufacture . 288-0 28-9 7-9 Juice 59-4 42-4 69-6 78-0 66-6 68-9 77-9 80-2 Megass 40-6 57-6 30-4 22-0 33-3 31-1 21-5 19-8 Filter cake 10-6 118-6 13-8 0-4 . . 41-8 1-5 22-8 Sugar I 9-3 26-0 6-2 11-9 6-1 6-1 18-1 Sugar II 3-9 10-2 2-9 4-6 3-0 3-4 7-8 Lees 43-9 155-8 44-1 59-1 54-1 16-2 76-5 43-5 Yeast deposit . . . . 19-3 78 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. The amount of plant food lost in the factory operations is that earned away in the sugars together with the nitrogen lost in the combustion of the megass ; roughly speaking the sugars carry away 10 per cent, of the ash constituents contained in the canes, and 20 per cent, of the nitrogen is lost with the megass.. In accordance with what has already been written, this would represent a loss only half as great when referring to the whole crop cane and trash. Although nearly the whole mineral and nitrogenous matters of the crop are retained in the factory by-products, their economical return is a matter of no inconsiderable difficulty. The filter press cake, rich in nitrogen and phos- phates, is in a form easily handled, and its application presents no difficulty. No loss of nitrogen need be feared if it be necessary to store the press cake over lengthy periods, as the annexed analyses show. These analyses of press cake from the same factory were made by the writer to test this point : Nitrogen per cent, on dry matter. Fresh press cake 1'173 Press cake 12 weeks old, exposed to weather T184 Press cake, 100 weeks old, stored under cover 1'189 Press cake, 100 weeks old, exposed to weather 1*172 The megass ashes, rich in phosphates and potash, are also readily applied ; in this material the potash is in great part soluble in water, and if exposed to rain the most valuable constituent is leached out and lost. In the analyses given above, a material is referred to under the name 1 yeast deposit ' ; by this is meant the sedimentary deposit of dead yeast cells occurring in the fermentation vats. For the particular distillery on which this estimate is based, 2'5 gallons of a thick sludge of yeast cells were produced per 100 gallons of wash; one gallon of this sludge contained l-43lb. solid matter and *1961b. nitrogen, or 13'70 per cent, on the solids. There is here a source of a concentrated nitrogenous manure which is often run to waste. The deposit might be collected and applied in its natural condition or passed through filter presses and obtained as a cake carrying 50 per cent, to 60 per cent, water and 6 per cent, to 7 per cent, nitrogen. Per 1000 gallons of wash about 50 Ibs. of such cakes would be obtained, and per 1000 acres about 20 tons would result. The material which offers the greatest difficulty with regard to its economical return is the lees or distillery refuse; the following methods suggest themselves. 1 . Concentration to small bulk. 2. Destructive distillation and incineration of residue, collecting the dis- tillates and recovering the phosphates, and especially potash, in the residue. 3. Irrigation of cane fields with lees. 79 CANE SUGAR. 4. Precipitation with lime and collection of the resulting precipitated phosphates and nitrogenous matter. 5. Collection of the lees in ponds and subsequent excavation of the * lees mud/ and application as manure. The concentration of the lees to a density of 1 '25 would mean an evapora- tion of 90 per cent, of their weight, and even if performed in an efficient multiple evaporator would entail great fuel consumption in value over and above the value of the product obtained. The same obstacle stands in the way of the incineration of the residue, although certain beet sugar factories which work up their molasses for beet spirit treat the 'Schlempe,' or 'vinasse ' (as the lees are termed) for collection of potash residues. Lees irrigation has been tried, and there is much to be said in favour of this method of conservation of valuable plant food. Experiments in Scotland have shown that the refuse from whisky distilleries is not, at any rate in the quantities in which it would be applied, injurious to vegetation. Such a scheme was once actually in operation in Demerara, but, the distillery being burnt down and not re-erected, it was not continued. Lees when treated with lime give a copious precipitate ; it was found by direct experiment that to completely precipitate 1000 gallons, 1501bs. of commercial lime were necessary. After treatment with lime, lees that con- tained originally *01040lb. nitrogen per gallon now contained -00406 lb., so that over 60 per cent, of the nitrogenous matter was recovered in the precipi- tate. On nitration a sludge was obtained, in volume about 1 5 per cent, of the lees treated; when dry this material contained 3-82 per cent, nitrogen. To treat lees in this way would require no expensive outlay, but the method would still let the potash run to waste ; per 1000 tons of cane, 4 tons more or less of a filtered sludge carrying 50 per cent, water would be obtained, the material containing about 1*9 per cent, of nitrogen. The present method of utilizing lees is to run them into a pond or blind trench, which is periodically excavated and the material obtained, a soft black mud, carried to the fields ; this method, while allowing a considerable loss in drainage, is expensive owing to the bulkiness of the material. "Where the estate has a large quantity of cattle, and where the pen manure is systematically collected, the lees can very well be absorbed by the soiled litter. In many districts a distillery is not an adjunct of the sugar house, and instead of having lees to dispose of, molasses form the refuse of the factory. In Hawaii the molasses are sometimes returned to the soil in irrigation water, and in Mauritius they often find their way to the manure heaps. Another way of utilizing the molasses is to feed them to the plantation stock, and recover their manurial value in the excreta. 80 FIG. 13. WHITE TANNA. PLATE V THE MANURING OF THE CANE. In a Sugar Plantation there is little Drain on the Soil. A sugar estate ships only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, none of which are obtained from the soil ; the whole of the nitrogen and ash is contained in the by-products leaves, tops, press cake, molasses, &c., and if these are returned, the fertility of the soil should remain permanently unimpaired. This generaliza- tion requires some modification. Few estates make white sugar, and the raw sugars contain some part of the ash and nitrogen; in other cases molasses are sold off the estate, and in the combustion of the megass the nitrogen and some of the potash are lost ; loss of the first-named material also occurs in burning off trash. To these causes of soil impoverishment must be added that due to drainage waters ; notwithstanding, the agricultural cycle of a sugar estate is very different from that of a farm where grain, roots, milk and live stock are removed. Bacteria in Relation to the Soil. This subject, which is one of the most important problems of the day, can only be touched on in bare out- line. In the first place, organic matter buried in the soil is acted on by both bacteria, and by fungi; a product (humus), richer in carbon and poorer in oxygen than the original material, eventually results. In the presence of air this action proceeds faster, and is more complete, than in its absence ; hence the availability of organic matter, cane trash for example, and of manures such as cotton seed cake, is more rapid in well tilled than in unworked soils ; similarly, in stagnant soils, there is an accumulation of organic matter, as in bogs and peaty soils. The products formed by the action of the soil organisms are of an acid nature, and unless some base, such as calcium carbonate, is present in the soil to neutralize the acids formed, bacterial action eventually ceases, and what decay then occurs is due to fungi; in this case, too, the decomposition is not so complete, and there is a tendency to the accumulation of organic matter, in the soil. The form in which this organic matter occurs may not be of benefit to plant life ; soils formed under these conditions may contain large quantities of nitrogen, and yet be unproductive, until by tillage and aeration, such a bacterial flora is obtained that the supply of nitrogen is offered in an assimilable form. A number of years ago a preparation of certain micro-organisms was put en the market under the name of alinit ; it was stated to consist of a pure culture of an organism known as Bacillus ellenlaclienns, and to it was attributed the property of fixing nitrogen from the air ; it was observed to benefit soils containing much humus, and to be beneficial in conjunction with slow acting nitrogenous manures ; its action was probably due to its initiating bacterial action on soils where the organisms, associated with the decay of organic matter, were absent. The use of this preparation has now merely an historical interest. The possibility of the utilization of the nitrogen of the atmosphere by the higher plants forms one of the world's classical polemics.* It is at the present * The fixation of nitrogen by the leguminosse is discussed under a separate caption. 81 6 CANE SUGAR. moment accepted that, through the agency of certain bacteria, the nitrogen of the air becomes fixed in the soil, and thus indirectly becomes available to the higher plants ; the organisms that have been most studied in this connection are the Clostridium pastorianum and the A%otdbacter chroococcum ; the latter is of cosmopolitan distribution, ' varieties ' from different parts of the world show- ing only minor differences ; a supply of calcium carbonate is probably essential to its development, and the amount of nitrogen fixed is correlated with the quantity of carbohydrate present. In this connection, and in special reference to the cane sugar industry, Ebbels 17 has indicated the use of molasses as a source of carbohydrate. Although it is now certain that nitrogen in the form of ammonia can be assimilated by some higher plants, yet it is as nitrate that the greater proportion is taken up ; the working out of the cycle, whereby the plant takes up its nitrogen, is due to Schloesingand Muntz, to Warrington, to Frankland, and especially to Winogradsky. As a result of their investiga- tions it has been established that the formation of nitrates takes place in two stages ; two types of organisms are employed in the first stage, one, classified as nitrosomonas peculiar to the old, and the second as nitrosococcus occurring in the new world. These organisms convert ammonia salts into nitrites ; the con- version of the nitrite into nitrate is effected under the influence of an organism called nitrobacter, which is cosmopolitan. The factors influencing the activity of these organisms are briefly as under : 1. The limits of activity are 5C. and 55C., with an optimum temperature of 37C. 2. Their activity is diminished by the presence of much organic matter, and by the presence of alkaline chlorides and carbonates. 3. A base is necessary to neutralize and combine with the acid formed ; the most efficient base is calcium carbonate, but magnesia carbonate, and the zeolites present in clay may also serve. 4. A supply of oxygen, and of carbon is necessary ; the latter may be derived from carbonates, or from the carbon dioxide of the air. 5. A supply of water is essential, but not an excess, which is actually harmful. 6. Absence of direct sunlight. From the above it is seen that nitrification, and hence plant growth will proceed best in a well tilled, well aerated, well drained soil, at a temperature of about 37C. and in the presence of a supply of calcium carbonate. Conversely to the formation of nitrates, a degradation of these bodies eventually to gaseous nitrogen occurs. This process known as denitrification takes place under the influence of a variety of organisms, and the favour- 82 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. able conditions are the reverse of those aiding nitrification, that is to say, it proceeds in the absence of air, and in the presence of an excess of water and of organic matter ; hence it occurs in badly tilled, unaerated waterlogged soils, Dentrification has also been noted to occur when fresh stable manure, new dung or even finely chopped straw is added to the soil, so much so as to depress the yield below that obtained when no manure is added to the soil. In addition, the combined use of stable manure and of the readily available forms of nitrogen has been contraindicated ; this action is perhaps due to the intro- duction of large numbers of denitrifying organisms, and to the inhibiting effect of large amounts of organic matter on the nitrifying organisms. However r the experiments of Wagner and others, from which these conclusions were drawn, were not made under conditions consonant with ordinary agricultural practice, and contain nothing to warrant any fear of harm resulting from the well-advised return to the soil of well -rotted stable, &c., manure as usually practised as a standard agricultural process.* Green Manuring. Green soiling or green manuring is a practice which has been carried on for generations past. In Europe the method employed is to sow a catch crop of some quickly growing plant between the harvest of the one and the seed time of the succeeding crop ; the catch crop is ploughed into the soil and acts as a green manure to the following crop. The principles of this practice are as follows. It had been known for a large number of years that leguminous crops (beans, peas, clover, &c.), although they contained large amounts of nitrogen, did not respond to nitrogenous- manurings, and even frequently gave a smaller crop when manured with nitrogen than when unmanured. It was eventually established by Atwater in America, Marshall Ward in England, and Hellriegel and Wilf arth in Germany,, about 1886, that leguminous plants are able to absorb nitrogen from the air. The absorption is not made directly by the plant, but by the agency of bacteria. If the roots of a leguminous plant be examined, there will be found attached to its rootlets a number of wart-like excrescences the size of a pin's head and upwards. These bodies, which are termed nodules, on being crushed and examined under the microscope, are found to consist of countless numbers of bacteria ; these bacteria, living in symbiosis or commensalism with the host plant, supply it with, at any rate, a part of its nitrogen. If then leguminous plants be sown and allowed to reach maturity, and then be ploughed into the soil, there is placed in the soil a large amount of nitrogen obtained from the air. Green manuring as an integral part of cane cultivation is practised most intensively in Louisiana and Mauritius, and to a limited extent in Hawaii. *For more detailed discussions reference may be made to Hall's The Soil, and Hilgard's Soils, which the writer considers the best books, in English, that deal with general agriculture^ 83 CANE SUGAK. In Louisiana, after plant cane and first ratoons have been grown, the land is sown with cow peas ( Vigna unguiculata] , using from one to three bushels per acre ; in August or September the peas are ploughed in and cane planted in October. According to Stubbs, the crop of cow peas above ground is often removed as fodder for cattle, planters who do this holding that the roots supply sufficient nitrogen for the crop, but Stubbs states that when the green crop is ploughed in an average increase over plant and first ratoon cane of 7*42 tons per acre is obtained over that obtained when the green crop is removed for fodder ; the amount of nitrogen afforded by a crop of cow peas is, according to Stubbs, about lOOlbs. per acre. In Mauritius there are four crops used as green manures : 1. The Pois d' Achery (Phaseolm lunatus}. 2. The Pois Muscat.* 3. Pigeon Pea (Cajanm indicus}. 4. Indigo sauvage (Tephrosia Candida}. The first two are pea vines growing in dense thick matted masses. The pigeon pea is a shrub growing to a height of four or six feet ; the indigo sauvage is also a shrub, but of rather less robust habit. The system generally followed is to grow cane up to third ratoons ; the land is then planted with one or other of the above crops, the time during which it is rested under the leguminous crop being from one to three years, dependent on the land available. Where land sufficient for one year's rest only is available, the pois muscat is generally grown ; the pois d' Achery is generally allowed to grow for two years, and the pigeon pea and indigo for three or four. All four crops are planted from seed, which is sown about 15 to 18 inches apart. Where no land can be spared to rest, one or other of the above crops is occasionally sown between the rows of cane, and after a few months' growth cut down and buried. Although the benefits of green manuring are undoubted, it must be remembered that the expenses connected with it are not small, and very possibly where virgin soil can be had in abundance it may for a time be more economical continually to take in new land than to renew the fertility of old. The benefits of green manuring are most pronounced on estates which have continually to plant on the same soil ; such estates are found in Mauritius, Barbados, and other small islands. Besides placing in the soil a supply of readily available nitrogen, green manuring has other advantages. * In Sugar and the Sugar Cane I, in error, stated that the Pois Muscat was Mucuna atropurpurea ; the Pois Muscat is, I now find, economically identical with the Velvet Bean of Florida classed as Mucuna puriens var utilis ; the only difference is that the Pois Muscat has a black and the Velvet Bean a mottled seed ; this statement is based on the studies of Bort, in Bull. 141, U.S.D.A. Bureau of Plant Industry, where the Velvet Bean is redescribed as Stizolobium deeringanum.(N .D.) 84 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. 1. The advantages of a rotation are obtained. 2. The deep tap-roots of leguminous plants bring available plant food from the subsoil to the surface soil. 3. The ill effects of a naked fallow are avoided. 4. The interposition of a crop other than cane will act as a prophylactic towards fungus diseases and attacks of insects, for if the habitat of these parasites be removed for any length of time it must result in their diminution or disappearance from lack of food. In certain quarters, notably in Mauritius, after land has been under Ieguminosa3 for a time, it is prepared for cane cultivation again by burning off the greeD above-ground crop. This process would seem to destroy the very benefits to obtain which the green manure was planted. Planters who follow this system claim as good a result as when the green crop is buried, and point to the saving in expense. To obtain definite information as to this process the writer grew on small plots equal to 5^0- of an acre crops of the Phaseolu lunatus* and Mucuna utilis. The results calculated out to an acre were as below. The crop in both cases was six months between planting and harvesting, which was done when the seeds were ripe. Phaseolus lunatus. Kilos. Mucuna utilis. Kilos. Weight, dry matter, in green crop .. .. 1621 .. 2522 ,, ,, beans 132 .. 466 ,, ,, roots .. .. 123 .. 80 Nitrogen in green crop 30-3 . . 54-0 ,, roots .. .. 1'2 7 ,, ,, beans 5-6 .. 16'7 Potash in green crop . . . . 42-0 . . 46-5 ,, ,, roots 4-4 2-1 Phosphoric acid beans in green crop .. .. 1-2 11-4 9-5 14-4 roots .r .. .. 1-1 4 > beans 7 4-2 It will be seen that about 80 per cent, of the manurial value of the crop was contained in the green crop ; if this is burnt off the nitrogen is lost, but the potash and phosphoric acid remain in a form readily available for the coming crop of cane. The economy of burning off the green crop and losing the nitrogen is comparable with the practice of burning off trash ; in any case there is obtained a large amount of mineral plant food brought up from the subsoil. The high nitrogen content of the bean straw, and the possibility of using this material as bedding for plantation stock, and thus both conserving it and obtaining a pen manure rich in nitrogen, is worthy of notice. *Pois d' Archery in Mauritius; the 'Java' and 'Rangoon' beans of commerce. 85 CANE SUGAR. Among other plants grown in tropical countries as green manure are, fieslania aegyptica, Crotallaria pincea and C. lalurmfolia , Phaseolus semierectus, Arachis hypogaea (the earth nut), Soja hispida (the soy bean), Dolichos Idblab (the bonavist bean), Phaseolus mungo (woolly pyrol), Indigo tinctoria (the indigo x)f commerce), and, in Hawaii, a variety of lupine. The percentage of nitrogen in some of these plants is given below : 18 Per cent. Per cent. Water. Nitrogen. Sesbania aegyptica 82*30 . . '68 Crotallaria laburnifolia 79 -80 . . '70 Phaseolus semierecttis 81*00 . - '52 Arachis hypogaea Plant 80*00 . . -58 Arachis hypogaea Fruit . . 2*76 Rotations. Different crops have a predilection for different forms of mineral matter, and thus remove from the soil very different amounts of the different constituents of plant food, so much so that the ash of a crop may con- sist in general of one predominant constituent ; by growing continually one and the same crop on the same piece of land there is then a tendency to exhaust one particular constituent. If, however, different crops be grown in rotation, an element of plant food which was removed in large quantities in one year is not absorbed to such an extent by the succeeding crop, and by the time the crop first in rotation is planted a second time a sufficiency of the particular material exhausted by this crop will have become available, due to the natural process of disintegration which soils are continually undergoing. As an example of such a rotation, the Norfolk system may be quoted ; this is wheat, roots, barley, clover; the roots are consumers of potash, the wheat takes up phosphates, the barley absorbs silica, and the clover feeds largely on lime and magnesia. It is especially to be noted in this rotation that the wheat follows the leguminous crop of clover ; wheat is a crop that responds to a supply of nitrogen in this case in part provided by the root residues of the clover ; the cane, too, demands, as is shown in the manurial trials quoted above, for its successful growth a supply of readily available nitrogen, and in certain districts a leguminous crop precedes the cane crop. Cane growing districts may be divided into those where the cane forms the sole output of the soil, and those where it is alternated with other crops. Into the first category fall the districts of Cuba, the Hawaiian Islands, British Guiana, Trinidad, Fiji. In Java, Egypt and British India, a complete rotation is practised, and in Louisiana and Mauritius the cane fields are rotated with leguminous crops which are ploughed in. In Egypt, on the lands controlled by the Daria Sanieh, cane was grown for two years, preceded by a year's fallow ; following on the cane crop corn arid clover weie grown; the cane itself was not manured, with the object of 86 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. obtaining a sweet cane. Private owners follow a rotation of clover, wheat, cane (no ratoonage), and manure the cane heavily. In Louisiana the general rotation is plant cane, ratoons, and cow peas ( Vigna, unguiculata} ploughed in as a green manure. In Mauritius it is general to grow cane up to third ratoons, after which a green leguminous crop occupies the land for from one to four years. In Java the following rotations are practised 1. Cane, 'ground provisions,' rice, ' ground provisions,' rice, cane. 2. Cane, ' ground provisions,' rice, cane. 3. Cane, rice, ' ground provisions,' rice, cane. In 'ground provisions' are included ground nuts, beans, maize, cassava, and yams. Where the sugar cane forms the main crop in India, the following typical rotations, amongst others, are given by Mukerji 19 : Bengal. High and light soils. Rice (May to September) ; pulse or oil seed (October to March) ; jute (April to September) ; pulse or oil seed (October to March); rice (May to September); potatoes (October to February) ; sugar cane (February to February) ; rice (May to September) ; pulse (October to March), &c. Punjab. Dhainea (Sesbania aculeata] or sun hemp, (Crotalaria juncea), or cow peas ( Vigna unguiculata) cut in bloom in August ; potatoes (October to February); sugarcane (February to February), pigeon pea (Cajanus indicus) or rice ; potatoes ; sugar ; sugar cane. Whenever practised the absence of a rotation is a weak point in sugar cane culture ; the rich fertile soils which are often met with in the tropics can for a number of years support a continuous unvaried crop, but eventually they must become barren. In certain countries, as Demerara, where abundance of virgin soil awaits cultivation, proprietors can continually empolder new land and allow that which has become barren to lie fallow, and after a space of time, during which by the continued disintegration of the soil plant food has become available, again plant the old abandoned land.* The effect of continuously growing cane on the same soil has not been, so far as the writer is aware, distinctly studied, but the following quotation from. A. D. Hall 20 with reference to the Eothamsted wheat experiments seems broadly applicable also to cane culture : " Plot 10 has received an annual dressing of nitrogen only, in the shape of ammonium salts since the earliest dates of the experiments. It will be evident from the curve showing the crop production that, despite this long continued use of a manure supplying but. one element of plant nutrition, the crop has been wonderfully maintained. Whereas the average production over the whole period is increased by the supply of minerals to the extent of 1'8 bushels, the nitrogen alone has produced an average increase of 7*6 bushels, the unmanured plot being taken as the standard *See Note in Appendix. 87 CANE SUGAR. in each case. The curve, however, shows that the production on this Plot 10 is declining, notwithstanding the great reserves of mineral plant food with which the soil started. At the present time also the crop on this plot presents a very unhealthy appearance, is very slow to mature, and is extremely liable to rust. " We thus see that it is possible to grow a cereal crop like wheat, year after year, on the same land for at least sixty years without any decline in the produc- tiveness of the soil, provided an appropriate manure be supplied to replace the nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash removed by the crops. There is no evidence, in fact, that the wheat gives a smaller yield when following a long succession of previous wheat crops than when grown in rotation, although the vigour of the plant does not appear to be so great. The real difficulty in continuous corn growing is to keep the land clean ; certain weeds are favoured by the wheat and tend to accumulate, so that the land can only be maintained clean by an excessive expenditure in repeated land hoeing. Notwithstanding all the labour that is put on the plots, the 'Black Bent' grass, Alopecurus agrestis, has from time to time become so trouble- some that special measures have had to be taken to eradicate it and to restore the plots to a reasonable degree of cleanliness." It does not seem altogether unreasonable to attribute in part the damage done by fungus and insect pests to the continual growth of cane on the same soil, as in this way the pests have a continuous habitat. In discussing rotations it may not be out of place to refer to the toxic excretion theory ; it was originally suggested by De Candolle that plants excreted a toxic substance which prevented the continual growth on the same soil, and in this way explained the benefits of rotations. After definite abandonment this idea has been revived, mainly by Whitney and Cameron, but its discussion lies altogether without the limits of the present text book. Pen Manure. In those countries which employ animal traction very large numbers of cattle and mules are kept for transport purposes, and large quantities of pen manure are produced annually, and it is remunerative to stall the cattle at night with sufficient litter, such as dry cane trash, to absorb their urine. In Mauritius great attention is paid to this source of manure. The method adopted is as follows. The live stock of the estate, which may number from two to three hundred, are in great part kept in 'pares,' which may be from fifty to a hundred yards square ; a portion of the pare is often covered in to provide shelter in inclement weather. The whole area is covered with cane trash transported from the fields and used as bedding. During the whole year if the supply of labour is sufficient, the soiled litter is in a continual process of renewal and removal, the bedding being replaced throughout on an average once a week ; on removal it is placed on stone platforms or in basins ten feet deep, both platforms and basins generally being about fifty feet square. The whole mass when com- pleted is continually watered with fermented molasses and water or distillery refuse, and sometimes with dilute sulphuric acid; the drainings collect in 88 THE MANURING OF THE CANE. stone pits and are continually repumped over the heap of manure ; the object of this is to rot the manure and at the same time to fix any volatile ammonia given off. In from six to twelve months the manure is considered sufficiently rotten to place on the fields, where it is applied at the rate of from ten to twenty tons per acre to plant canes only, generally at an age of three months ; or occasionally the cane holes are filled with the manure and the tops planted on it. The amount of manure made per animal per year is from fifteen to twenty tons where bedding is used, and where the dry dung only is collected, from two to three tons. It is very often the case that manure making is forced, that is to say, more straw than necessary to absorb the urine and contribute to the comfort of the animal is brought in as bedding; the false economy of this proceeding is apparent, but its practice is not uncommon. The composition of the manure varies within considerable limits ; where a reasonable amount of bedding has been used, the percentage of nitrogen generally, in the writer's experience, lies between *6 per cent, and *8 per cent., falling to '3 per cent, to *5 per cent, where an excess of trash has been brought to the stables or pens ; the potash and phosphoric acid do not seem to show any variation dependent on the amount of bedding used, both lying between the values *2 per cent, to *7 per cent. ; these figures refer to manure with from 70 per cent, to 80 per cent, of moisture. The expense of making pen manure is very considerable ; the cost in Mauritius varies from two to five shillings per ton, a portion of which expense would be incurred in any case; the carting and application costs about one shilling per ton, making the total outlay from three to six shillings per ton. This expense is very considerable, and in general it may be said that where stock is kept on the estate it will pay to carefully conserve their excreta, but it will not pay to keep animals to make manure, or to force the production beyond its natural limits. With the general increase in the size of estates and the consequent neces- sity for mechanical traction, pen manure is losing its importance, and its place is being taken by artificial fertilizers. The fertility of soils in districts, such as Barbados and Mauritius, over many generations is, the writer believes, to be largely attributed to the extensive and well ordered use of the pen manure manufactured on the estates. The modern tendency is to grow crops with the aid of irrigation and of the more concentrated artificial manures, and it largely becomes a question of the cost of the labour required to make and to apply the pen manure compared with that required for the purchase and application of the artificial manure. It is not yet known what will be the final effect on the soil in several generations of the modern practice. 89 CANE SUGAR. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER VI. 1. S. 0., 257. 2. S. C., '338. 3. W. L B., II., 6. 4. S. C., 52. 5. 5W. 9, Sta. Agron., Mauritius. 6. Bull. 16, Agric. H. S. P. A. 7. Bull. 29, Agric. H. S. P. A. S. L S. J., 66. 9. Bull. 12, Agric. H. S. P. A. 10. Pamphlet 30, Imp. Dept. Agric., West Indies. 11. Bull. I., U. 8. D. A. 12. Bull. 8, Agric. H.S.P.A. 13. Circular 12, Porto Rico Experiment Station. 14. W. I. B., IX., 35. 15. Cultur de la Canne a Sucre, p. 24. 16. Jour. Agric. Science, I., 87. 17. Agricultural News, July, 1908. 18. Das Znckerrohr, p. 227. 19. Encyclopedia of American Agriculture, III., 108. 20. An Account of the Rothamsted Experiments, p. 40. 90 CHAPTER YIL THE IRRIGATION OF THE CANE. A very large proportion of the cane crop is produced partially or entirely tinder irrigation ; thus irrigation forms an important factor in the Hawaiian Islands, in Java, in Egypt, in British India, and in Peru ; a few estates in Mauritius are also irrigated. The West Indies, Louisiana, Piji, Australia, and the island of Hawaii are districts which produce mainly under natural conditions. It is only in the Hawaiian Islands (the writer believes) that plantations have constructed and own independently their water supply ; in the other irrigation districts the irrigation works are state-owned and controlled. Unit of Measurement. Irrigation water is measured as a volume flow per unit of time or as a depth per unit of area. In the first system the cubic foot second or ' cusec ' is the generally adopted English unit ; this flow is usually referred to the acre ; in the metric system the unit is a litre-second referred to a hectare. The acre-inch is the usual unit of depth measurement and this unit is equal to 101'5 tons, to 3652 cubic feet, to 22,736 imperial gallons, to 27,294 U.S. gallons, and to 103,130 litres. In the Hawaiian Islands, the plantation reckoning is in many million (U.S.) gallons per day, of which 1,000,000 are estimated as necessary for each 100 acres in cultivation. Hawaii. On the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Kauai the crop is almost entirely grown under irrigation. Irrigation was begun in Hawaii in 1907 and is now developing. The system followed is one of short furrow irrigation, the length of furrow being adopted to the nature of the soil. During the first crop the water runs along the cane row ; in ratoon crops which are hilled up the water runs between the row. The following data are based on a report of Maxwell 1 : During a period of growth of about 1 7 months the total water supplied to the crop averages about 100 inches. Reference to the table below will show that the young cane received less water than when more mature, but not so much less as might be thought proportionate considering the different states of young and of mature cane. The causes at work are twofold ; when the cane is young the whole ground is exposed to the direct rays of the sun and to the action of winds; when the cane is older the foliage shades the ground and lessens loss due to evaporation, and to a large extent conserves water in the 91 CANE SUGAR. soil. At twelve months of age the crop actually consumes in its economy ten times as much water as a crop one month old, but owing to the causes mentioned above the apparent consumption is much less disproportionate. It was found by experiment in Hawaii that the best results were obtained when the young cane received 0'5 inch per week ; less favourable results were obtained when the water supplied was one inch per week, and when the furrows were filled with water the cane came up yellow and sickly. As the cane comes away it requires about one inch weekly up to three or four months, alter which 1 -5 inches are necessary until the crop is in full vigour when three inches and never more are required. These figures refer to natural and artificial supplies combined. The reports quoted above give as a general figure that 1000 pounds of water are required per pound of sugar produced, and mention that certain plantations in Hawaii use much more water than the quantities cited with less favourable results. TABLE GIVING WATER USED IN PRODUCTION OF A CANE CROP. Monthly Irrigation Water Period of Application. Rainfall. Monthly. Inches. Inches. July ;., 0-94 .. 4-0 August 1-58 .. 4-0 September 0'88 . . 4'0 October 1-75 .. 3'0 November 1-32 .. 3'0 December 1-86 . . 2-0 January I'OO .. 4'0 February 3'75 .. 1-5 March 3'98 . . 3-0 April 0-85 . . 4'0 May 2-01 . . 4-0 June 0-88 . . 7'0 July 0-17 .. 7-0 August 1-90 .. 9-0 September . . 0'75 . . 8-0 October 2'92 . . 6'0 November . 0'47 . . 3'0 27-01 76-5 The following figures taken from the same source contain much informa- tion regarding irrigation in Hawaii. Gallons of water used by the crop per acre : Volume of the Volume of the Total water Crop. rainfall per acre. irrigation per acre. received per acre. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. 1897-98 .. .. 1,260,150 .. 1,273,700 .. 2,533,850 1898-99 .... 728,990 .. 2,059,600 .. 2,788,590 Total consumption of water per pound of sugar produced : Weight of water Weight of Sugar Water used Crop. used per acre. produced per acre. per Ib. of Sugar. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 1897-98 -.-. , .. 25,338,500 ... 24,775 .. 1023 1898-99 27,885,900 , *>_ 29,059 . . 959 92 FIG. 19. THE IRRIGATION OF THE CANE. The privately owned irrigation works in the Hawaiian Islands are unparalleled in other sugar countries, and are indeed comparable with irrigation works developed in connection with any agricultural undertaking elsewhere. Three methods of obtaining water are to be distinguished : 1 . Pumping from subterranean sources. 2. Interruption of upland sources and conveyance to the plantations by systems of canals, tunnels, syphons and flumes. 3. Collection of upland streams in reservoirs. The pumps are mostly located at or near sea level as it has been found less expensive to elevate the water through long pipe lines, than to sink shafts at a high level and install regular mining . ,-J 1 pattern pumps. At the moment of writing (1909) the total water pumped daily to an average height of 200 feet in the Hawaiian islands is estimated at 595,000,000 gallons ; the horse power required to effect this service is estimated as 20,000. Of this quantity of water 360,000,000 gallons are pumped in the Pearl Harbour district of the island of Oahu ; 150,000,000 in Central Maui and the balance on the island of Kauai. The second method of obtaining water is developed chiefly on the islands of Maui and Kauai, and latterly has been extended to some districts in Hawaii ; altogether the ditches deliver upwards of 600,000,000 gallons daily. The total capacity of the reservoirs in the Hawaiian islands is over 8,000,000,000 gallons; the largest is that at Wahiawa, on Oahu, holding 2,750,000,000 gallons, and hence of the same capacity as that at Craig Goch, one of the reservoirs supplying Birmingham, England. O'Shaughnessy 2 estimates that 1,000,000 gallons per day per 100 acres is the duty of water in this district ; this is equivalent to 1 34 acre-inches in a year, not counting natural rain- fall and evaporation, which may amount to 50 inches. In a crop period of 18 months, then, -^ IG - 20< 22,800 tons of water per acre will produce 50 to 80 tons of cane. He further estimates that owing to leaky ditches, reservoirs and unequal and improper distribution, not more than one-third reaches the area of the cane roots. Peru. In Peru cane is entirely dependent upon irrigation, the melted snow of the Andes being the source of water The arrangement of the ditches generally followed is shown in Fig. 19. The regadora, or main canal, leads across the higher part of the field ; from this, by means of a temporary opening, water is brought to the cavesera and is allowed to flow out and run over the 93 CANE SUGAR. cintas or beds of five rows. The fields are all on the slope, and water is seldom pumped back, but is allowed to flow on the fields at a lower level. Where water is scarce the fields are arranged as in Fig W ; oa are dividing ridges made with a hoe, and cause the water to run in a zigzag fashion over the field. At planting, fields are irrigated every five to eight days, and after establish- ment monthly, water being cut off three months before harvest. The water supplied is not abundant, seldom more than equivalent to a rainfall of 20 inches per annum ; but copious dews and heavy mists are frequent, and the perfect control of water permits crops being grown with less water than if the canes were supplied with a natural rainfall falling intermittently in varying quantities. Mauritius. In Mauritius, in parts where the rainfall is extremely scanty, a few estates are entirely dependent upon irrigation. A sketch of the system usually adopted to water fields is given in Fig. 21 ; aa is the main canal, sometimes built of stone, and sometimes formed in the ground ; bb are channels formed in the fields down which the supply from aa is turned ; ec are the cane rows along which the water is deflected by temporarily damming the channel II. After one strip of the field has been irrigated, say, the one on the right (Fig. %1\ the water from aa is turned into the second channel J#, and a second strip watered, and so on. FIG. 21. The length of the strips in Mauritius is usually about 60 feet, and the water flows only one way. From observations made by the writer an irrigation of young cane took 3-86 inches of water per acre calculated over the whole acreage. This large amount was in great part due to the system of planting in holes ; these holes are about six inches deep by four inches wide and nine inches long, and each one has to be filled with water and to overflow before the current can pass on to the next hole along the row. The cost of irrigation is for labour alone about one rupee per acre ; the water used is always, obtained by gravitation from higher levels. "West Indies. The West Indian crops are mainly dependent on rain- fall ; latterly, however, in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Jamaica irrigation schemes of no inconsiderable magnitude have been incepted or are in actual operation. 94 THE IRRIGATION OF THE CANE. Eegnoso estimates that in Cuba the majority of the plantations require every ten days an irrigation equal to 1000 cubic metres per hectare, or 40 tons per acre per day. Egypt. In Egypt, according to Ronna 3 , the cane is watered as soon as it is placed in the furrow in the month of February ; other irrigations follow every ten days until the end of August. From this time up to the end of October every fifteen or twenty days, after which irrigation is stopped. The water required at each irrigation is, according to Tiemann 4 , 1000 cubic metres per hectare. Demerara. The method by which fields are irrigated will be easily understood on referring to Figs. 38 and 39 ; a drain indicated by the line g is dug parallel to the cross canal c, and connected to it. Down the centre of the beds irrigation drains 15 inches wide and 9 inches deep are dug, along which the water runs into the main drain /and thence to the drainage trench c. In the * English ' fields, the main drainage trench is dammed at the proper points and the navigation water is cut into the field so that the field or fields can be swamped. Although the water available in the rivers is beyond realization, irrigation is but little practised and its results are often harmful ; the best ever accomplished is the prevention of the entire loss of the crop. To the student of sugar literature, soil and topographical conditions have a great resemblance to those of Java where irrigation succeeds; the only occasions when the writer has seen irrigation tried was in "English" fields when a system of lateral seepage obtains. Harrison 5 has demonstrated the alkaline nature of the subsoil waters of this district and their toxic action ; such a system would bring these waters to the surface, and here may lie the cause of the failure. With a system of subsoil drainage the possibilities of irrigation are very great. Java. The irrigation works in Java are of great magnitude, and are entirely under state control. Conditions here are entirely different from those in Hawaii, due to the enormous native population (over 30,000,000) whose interests in the water available (used by them mainly in the rice crop) are zealously guarded by the Dutch Government, which apportions the amount of water to be used by the European cane planters and by the native peasants. Geerligs 6 has given the following details of cane irrigation in Java : " In consequence of the intensive cultivation of the cane in Java the soil is quite dried to a considerable depth and absorbs an enormous quantity of water. This can be estimated at two or three hectolitres per bouw* per second (equal to 3 to 5| cusecs per acre) at planting ; if at the age of two or three months the soil is gradually saturated, in the absence of rain, only sufficient *A bouw does not seem to be a very definite area ; in one authority I find it put equal to a hectare or 10,000 square metres ; in another to 500 Rhynland roods or to T67 acre. In a paper by Kanmerling dealing with the water transpired by the cane a bouw is taken as 8000 square metres, i.e. 1-97 acre. According to Geerligs, 1 bouw equals 500 square Rhynland roods or T75 acres. I have translated the quantities in this section into cusecs per acre, taking the bouw as two acres, and the hectolitre as 3'525 cubic feet. (N. D.) 95 CANE SUGAR. water is applied to make up the losses from evaporation. This loss is, from experiments upon the transpiration of the sugar cane, about '006 to '009 cusecs per acre. Generally a flow of '0176 cusecs per acre is sufficient for the cane, but the majority of irrigation works do not afford more than half this quantity. " The nature of the soils determines the necessity for irrigations after the rainy season has stopped : some soils contain so much water that irrigation is quite unnecessary, the roots of cane aged 10 to 12 months being quite satisfied with the natural humidity of the soil. In the case of sandy soils where drainage is easy, or in very stiff clays where the deep growth of the roots is prevented, so that the root system is contained in the upper layers, it is some- times necessary to introduce a little water into the ditches to prevent the drying up of the roots." A point of great interest in regard to irrigation water in Java is the great mammal value of the silt carried in the water. According to de Meijier 7 the Solo river carries on an average 1 kilo of silt per cubic foot ; the silt of the Brantas canal water contains from -43 to -60 per cent, potash, from '35 to -65 per cent, phosphoric acid and -25 to '27 per cent, nitrogen. It is this large quantity of mineral matter in a finely divided state that saves sugar cane planters in Java from the purchase of mineral manures. Formosa. At the time of writing, very extensive irrigation schemes, under the control of the Japanese Government, are being pushed forward. Economic Distribution of Water. ^So far as the somewhat scanty information available on cane irrigation in Java allows an opinion to be formed, it seems that the irrigation serves as a means of saving the cane during the dry season and not, as is often the case in Hawaii, of obtaining the maximum possible crop. It has been established that cane 15 months or so old consumes and requires for its maximum growth the largest amount of water, and in Hawaii such cane often receives as much water as it can utilize. In Java, however, there does not seem to be a sufficiency for both young and old cane ; in this case it is the former that receives the water as the older cane can still remain in fair vegetative vigour on the supplies of soil water, where the younger cane would fail to become established. In Hawaii it not infrequently occurs that the supply of water is insufficient to afford the optimum quantity to all the cultivation ; here there is a balance of opinion in favour of stinting the young cane and giving the full amount to the old cane. Mauritius experience favours the irrigation of young cane to the detriment of the older. Hence we have here a question of very great importance concerning which no experiments seem to be on record, and which would be very hard to plan satisfactorily. Water transpired by Cane. Maxwell 1 found as the result of experiment that when cane was grown in tubs, in seven months 79,310 grms., or 174-5 Ibs. of water were transpired by the plant, there being formed 568'9 96 FIG. 14. STRIPED TANNA. 2 3 SIZE PLATE VI THE IRRIGATION OF THE CANE. grms. of water-free material, consisting of 31-8 grams roots, 53'9 grms. stems, and 483*2 grms. leaves, or 147*8 Ibs. water per pound of water- free plant material. The amount of water transpired in each month of growth was found to be as in the annexed table. Age of : Age of Time of Cane. Tran spiration . Time of Cane. , Transpiration. Observation. Months. Grms. Observation. Months. Grms. May.. .. 1 860 August . . 4 .. 19,800 June . .. 2 6500 September. . 5 . . 20,050 July.. .. 3 . . 11,000 October ,Y 6 .. 21,100 Experiments due to Kammerling 8 in Java showed that on an average one stick of cane by its leaves transpired over its whole period of growth 250 c.c. per day; this he estimates as equal to 3,500,000 litres per bouw over the whole vegetative period, or equal to about 1800 tons per acre. During the first month of drought in Java, Kammerling estimates the transpiration per stick as 500 c.c. per day, and using this as a basis he reckons that the replacing of the soil water thus transpired in a month requires 720,000 litres per bouw, or about 370 tons per acre. Kammerling also observed that the transpiration of the Manila, Cheribon and Muntok canes was as 5 : 4 : 3 ; i.e., the latter will remain in vegetative vigour on the soil water longer than the former, and will be drought resisting. Methods of Irrigation, Hilgard 9 distinguishes the following methods: 1. Surface sprinkling. 2. Flooding. (a.) By lateral overflow from furrows and ditches. (J.) By the check system. 3. Furrow irrigation. 4. Lateral seepage from ditches. 5. Basin irrigation. 6. Irrigation from underground pipes. The first method can be seen in practice in Demerara, where in seasons of drought the ' creole gang ' (the colony-born children of the imported Asiatic labourer) are employed laboriously carrying water in buckets to the ' stumps ' or stools of canes transported from an abandoned field to fill blanks in one still under cultivation ; this method can only be used where labour is of the cheapest. The second method is extravagant in the use of water, and is illustrated in the methods described below as in use in Peru. The fourth method is exemplified in the so called flooding of the 'English' fields in Demerara mentioned above. The fifth and sixth methods do not find application in cane planting. 97 CANE SUGAR. The third method is the most rational method, and the one which is most largely applied. The system advocated by Maxwell 1 is shown in Fig. 22. Water from the main water ditch A A is diverted into the laterals bb, andfrom these laterals allowed to flow in two directions along the furrow in which the cane has been planted ; this twin flow of water may be compared with the diagram in Fig. 21, illustrative of the practice in Mauritius. In Fig. 22 the laterals are only thirty feet apart, so that the water only flows fifteen feet ; a longer flow results in those portions of the cane row near the lateral receiving an excess of water, and those more remote not receiving enough. In case the flow of water is scanty or the soil is very porous, such a system is necessary so as to allow water to reach all parts of the field ; but it would often be FIG. 22. hard to lay out. As illustrative of a wasteful and harmful method of irrigation, Maxwell gives the following diagram (Fig. 23\ where the water from the main ditch A A flows along the cane rows for the whole length of the field exaggerating the waste and damage due to long furrows. The length of the furrow is very largely controlled by the porosity of the soil ; with light, sandy, porous soils, a short furrow is necessary to prevent undue waste of water; and where the soil is clayey, so that the water penetrates more slowly, a longer furrow is allowable. Quality of Irrigation Water. Maxwell 1 arbitrarily fixed the * danger point ' of irrigation water at 100 grains of salt per imperial gallon; Hilgard 10 states that 40 grains is the usual limit. Eckart 11 found cane in lysimeters grew unchecked when the soil water contained 195 grains chlorine, as sodium chloride, per U.S. gallon and obtained in lysimeters a normal growth 98 THE IRRIGATION OF THE CANE. when irrigation water containing 200 grains of salt per gallon was used ini excess, thus permitting good drainage from the porous soil employed in the tests. He also found that gypsum and coral sand mitigated the harmful effect of saline irrigation waters. 12 The nature of the salt in the water has a profound effect ; sulphates or carbonates of lime and magnesia are not harmful ; it is in the chlorides of the alkalies that danger lies. The danger of such water lies in their abuse rather than in their use ; if the soils to which they are applied are ill-drained so that the salt can accumulate, the quantity soon becomes toxic ; the natural rainfall, applications of a purer supply or heavy applications of the saline water, com- bined with good drainage, so as to wash out the accumulated salt, permits their safe use. FIG. 23. Conservation of Soil Water. After the water has arrived in the soil a great part is always lost by evaporation, and this is capable of control within certain limits. A protective layer of soil in fine tilth prevents the upward movement of the water by capillary attraction to the surface, and is highly efficient in retaining water in the soil. Not less important is the nature of soil ; soils containing much humus are especially water retentive, and this is capable of control in the burying of the trash of the cane and in the plowing in of green manure ; to a certain extent the benefits of these practices may be attributed to the increased water holding capacity of soils treated in this way. The velocity and flow of the wind are also of importance in determining the evaporation from the soil, and loss in this way may be controlled by planting wind breaks or belts of trees. Another factor of very great importance is the humidity ; Eckart 11 has shown that this entirely masks the effect of temperature, so much so that a 99 CANE SUGAR. rise in humidity of 12-5 per cent, decreased the evaporation 50 per cent., although the temperature rose 1'5 Fahrenheit. Cessation Of Irrigation. In Hawaii it is customary to stop the supply of water when the cane has flowered. Such cane is usually harvested from three to six months after flowering, and during this time little or no growth takes place, the cane actually evaporating its own water ; and at the same time it probably elaborates reducing sugars into cane sugar. Such cane may receive during the time of ripening a small amount of water to maintain its vitality. Optimum Quantity of "Water. Experiments by Eekart 13 showed that under the conditions prevailing at the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, the maximum return of cane was obtained with a three-inch weekly irrigation. Commenting on these results, he writes: " These experiments have a practical bearing on irrigation on plantations, as they show that while the larger volumes of water gave an increased production of sugar, such increase of sugar would, under some conditions be obtained at a loss. For instance, if we were to take the average cost of lifting 1,000,000 gallons of water one foot to be $0*09, where three inches per week irrigation were applied it would cost $42-77 per acre at the 100 feet level. One inch of water at the same elevation would cost $14-90. The additional cost of irrigation in increasing the yield of sugar 2081 Ibs. would be 2-6 cents or 1*3 cents per pound. At 200 feet elevation, the cost per pound of sugar gained by increased irrigation would be 2-6 cents, and at 300 feet elevation, 3-9 cents. Naturally, these calculations are for a soil similar to that at the Experiment Station and receiving about the same rainfall." Optimum Percentage of Water in Soil. Eckart 13 found that when three inches of water was applied per week, the soil at the Experiment Station in Honolulu contained on an average 31-38 per cent, of water; this soil can according to him absorb 40'74 per cent, of water in situ; hence he finds that the best results are obtained when the soil is saturated to 77 per cent, of the maximum. This is a larger figure than is found with most other crops. Cost Of Irrigation. The total capital expended in the Hawaiian Islands on sugar cane irrigation is probably not less than 3,000,000 ; but statistics are incomplete and this is certainly a very conservative estimate. Amongst figures that have been published, may be quoted those referring to Ewa, where the total cost of erection of pumps delivering 22,000,000 gallons daily was 370,000' ($1,775,000). The Olokele ditch 13 miles long, through a mountainous country and delivering 60,000,000 gallons daily, cost 75,000; the cost of the Kekaha canal on Kauai, of the same length and capacity, was a similar figure. The Koolau ditch built through very difficult country and ten miles long cost 91,000; it delivers 80,000,000 gallons daily. The Kohala ditch on Hawaii which is 14 miles long, 12 feet wide at top, 7 feet wide at 100 THE IRRFGATION OF THE CANE. bottom, and 4 feet deep cost 83,000 ; this ditch is a private undertaking and sells water to a number of plantations, the price charged being $2500 per year per 1,000,000 gallons per day. Stubbs 14 quotes the cost of irrigation at Ewa as being $73*75 per acre per year ; of which $36'62 were for pumping and $37'13 were for labour. Another estimate gives the cost of pumping with coal at $8*10 per ton, and expressed per 1,000,000 gallons lifted one foot as $ Operating expenses .. .. .. .. -081 Interest 6 per cent *014 Depreciation . . *007 102 "With oil fuel the total expenses are reduced to $'074 for the same quantity. This cost of irrigation may appear prohibitive until it is remembered that in the Hawaiian Islands the average return per acre on unirrigated plantations is, year in year out, about three tons of sugar per acre, and on the irrigated plantations about six tons, so that three tons of sugar, less cost of cutting, hauling and manufacture, are to be credited against $7 3 '75 as the cost of irrigation. Some recent information regarding cost of irrigation in Porto Rico 15 gives not dissimilar figures ; it is stated that here $25 per acre is the lowest figure for pumping expenses, and that it often reaches $50. An estimate of the Patillas and Carite schemes in this island, designed to irrigate 13,000 acres, gives the total cost as $1,215,000, or nearly $100 per acre. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER VII. 1. U. S. D. A. Office of Exp. Stations, Bull. 90. 2. Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. 54, 129. 3. Les irrigations. 4. /. S. J., 50. 5. W. I. B., 9, 1-36. 6. Bull. Assoc., 19, 1412. 7. Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 54, 40. 8. Proceedings I^tli Congress of the United Syndicate of Java Sugar Manufac- turers (1900). 9. Soils, p. 234. 10. Soils, p. 248. 11. H. S. P. A. Agric. Bull 8. 12. H. S. P. A. Agric. Bull. 11. 13. H. S. P. A. Agric. Bull. 9. 14. U. S. D. A. Office of Exp. Stations, Bull. 95. 15. Wiilet & Gray's Weekly Report, 11, 11, 09. 101 CHAPTER VIII. THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. The cane is grown under so many diverse conditions that no general sketch of its husbandry is possible. An attempt is made in this chapter to give some short notice of the implements employed and the routine of operation in the more important districts. Broadly speaking, the districts where the cane forms a staple fall into two classes ; those where the culti- vation is chiefly manual and those where animal or power operated implements .are used. The former methods are chiefly employed in the presence of a cheap supply of labour of Asiatic or African origin, but the physical con- ditions of the district have also a large influence. i FIG. 24. FIG. 25. Manual Implements. The manual implements used in the cultivation of the cane are the hoe, the fork, the shovel and the cutlass. The cutlass, two forms of which are shown in Fig. 24 t is used in the British West Indies as a weeding tool. In other districts this work is done with the hoe, two forms of which are shown in Fig. 25 ; the short handled hoe is used in Mauritius, and the long handled form in Dernerara ; besides being used to cut down weeds, it is employed to hoe earth over the rows of cane and to make the cane furrow ; in Mauritius this tool is also employed in making the holes in which the cane is planted. The fork, Fig. 26, is employed in Demerara in the 102 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. cultivation of the cane when forking bmJcs, i.e., turning over with thejfork the soil between the rows of cane. The shovel, Fij. 27, is used in Demerara in preparing the seed bed, and in digging drains. Animal and Power Implements. With few exceptions the same implements that are employed in the husbandry of other plants find use with the cane ; these include steam, gang ploughs, turn or mould- board, shovel and disc ploughs, harrows, tongue and disc cultivators. In this connection it is of interest to note that so long ago as 1848 Wray in the Practical Sugar Planter advocated the use of steam ploughs and of cultivators ; he illustrated a turn plough operated by one engine on the cable and anchor system; the horse hoes and cultivators that he showed (and the use of which he strongly advocated) differ but in detail from those in use at the present time. His remarks on the use of these instruments are as true to-day as they were two generations back, and are therefore quoted below : "The hoe plough is the next instrument particularly deserving of attention ; it is one of the most useful that the planter can employ. This plough is used for the purpose of hoeing up weeds and loosening the earth between the growing plants. It is provided with two wheels, one in front of, and one behind the hoes, by means of which the depth of the hoeing is regulated. It may be used with three triangular hoes, each cutting 1 3 inches wide, extending over 3 feet 6 inches of ground, or contracted to a smaller width ; or the two hind hoes may be replaced by two curved knives for cutting the weeds up on the sides of the ridges. It is an implement of very simple construction and in great use in England ; it is also one that will be found of very great advantage on sugar estates, in cleaning between the cane rows, and in loosening the soil about the plants. The expanding horse hoe is an implement designed and manufactured expressly for the colonies, and is already beginning to establish for itself a very sure reputation amongst sugar planters. By means of a very simple contrivance, it can be extended and con- tracted at pleasure ; so that the planter can have it made to expand even to 5 or 6 feet, if he requires it, as he will in all cases where he plants his canes at six feet apart ; whilst at the same time, by having spare tines or shares of peculiar form, he can vary the nature of the work to be performed by it. For FIG. 26. instance, the instrument is suited for rooting up weeds and loosening the soil between the rows of canes ; by taking off the tines and hoes and replacing them with light moulding shares, the instrument is at once converted into a moulding machine, whereby the young canes may receive two or three successive mouldings as lightly and neatly as by hand labour. 103 CANE SUGAR. " I consider this machine to be so valuable to the planter, that no sugar estate should be unprovided with it ; it enables him to perform at a very inconsiderable cost an amount of work which, when executed by hand labour, is well known to be very tiresome and expensive." FIG. 28. Turn or Mould-Board Ploughs. Turn or mould board ploughs are so called because they cut from the soil a clean slice and turn it over top side down, through the action of the mould board ; the single mould board plough is shown in Fig. 28 ; a is the share, b the landslide, c the coulter, and d the mould board. The coulter shown is of the knife type ; it may be replaced by a rolling coulter, consisting of a revolving steel disc, and instead of being hung from the beam, it may be bolted on to the share or may be entirely absent. This type of plough is the instrument that is almost always used in FIG. 29. the preparation of land for planting crops of all kinds ; the plough may be a single unit, or there may be a number of units forming a gang plough. The double mould board plough is shown in Fig. 29, the lettering being as for the 104 PLATE VI THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. single mould board plough. This plough throws a slice of earth on either side of the share, and finds an extended use in the sugar industry in forming the furrows in which the cane is planted, in opening irrigation channels, in 'bursting out' the middle of the cane rows, and in turning over weeds between the rows in young canes. Disc Ploughs. The essential part of the disc plough (Fig. 30} is the revolving discs ; these are of concave shape and revolve about their centre ; the slice of soil is turned over by the action of the concavity of the disc. The disc principle was originally devised to lessen the draft on the plough and these ploughs find use in tenacious soils, where the mould board plough will not scour properly, and in very hard lands where it is not possible to use the latter plough. In open loose soils the disc ploughs are inferior to the other type. FIG. 30. By the use of two discs inclined towards each other, they may be used for furrowing, and they also find one of their most extended uses in turning over and burying the pea vines grown as a green manure. Steam Ploughs. This term applies only to the power by which the plough is operated, the latter remaining essentially the same in principle as already described ; instead, however, of there being only one plough, a number are combined into one implement, the whole forming a gang ; as many as seven may be united in one gang, the ploughs being either mould board or discs. T wo methods of applying power may be distinguished ; in one the plough is hitched directly to the engine which draws the plough across the field. In the other two engines are required ; these are located on opposite sides of the field ; each engine is furnished with a winding drum, and through the agency 105 CANE SUGAR. of a wire cable draws the plough to and fro across the field, each engine working alternately ; the plough is equipped with a double set of plough shares on opposite sides, so that one set is tilted in the air when the other is buried in the ground. This type, which is shown in Fig. 31 (PLATE YIL), is used extensively in the Hawaiian Islands. The Cultivator. A form of cultivator which has developed from the shovel plough or horse hoe is shown in Fig. 32; this instrument, in cane growing, is drawn by animal power between the rows of cane, breaking up the soil and at the same time destroying the weeds. Disc Cultivator. The disc principle has also been applied to culti- vators, a form of which is shown in Fig. 33 ; this instrument is arranged to straddle the row, the discs being set so as to throw dirt on to the row. Such an implement finds its most extended use in Louisiana. FIG. 32. Cultivators can only be used in young cane, and when the crop is so far grown as to prevent their use it is said to be laid by. Harrows. The harrow was devised as a means of lightly covering seed laid down after ploughing with turn ploughs; in cane cultivation it is used after ploughing to reduce the soil to a fine tilth, to break up clods and to level inequalities. Its use may be supplemented by the employment of rollers. The disc principle has also been extended to harrows. Special Cane Implements. In Figs. 34, 35, and 36 are shown the J3enicia-Horner No. 1. Ratoon and Cane Disc Plough, which has found an extended use in the Hawaiian Islands ; it contains in detachable parts a double mould-board plough, a revolving knife, right and left hand discs, and a subsoil plough; it may be used as a furrower either for planting or for irrigation, for bursting out middles, as a cultivator for throwing soil on to the cane row or with the object of hilling up the latter, for trimming and subsoiling the sides of the cane row, and slicing and cutting the ratoon row. 106 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. When used as a furrower for planting or irrigation the implement is equipped with both right and left hand discs, with the double mould plough and with the subsoiler ; when used to slice up ratoon cane the plough is replaced by a revolving knife; when used for hilling up rows of cane the revolving knives and discs alone are used, the subsoiler being detached. In Fig. 37 is shown the Homer combined weeder, cultivator and harrow, intended to be used where the growth of grass is very rank ; it was originally designed to be used with the Hona hona grass of the Hawaiian Islands ; the semi-circular teeth tear up the weeds and at the same time cultivate the soil. The load of weeds gathered in the cradle can be discharged by lifting up the handles of the implement. FIG. 33. Other special cane implements are the Stubble shaver and Stubble digger in use in Louisiana. The former is a horizontal rotatory knife revolving when the carriage, of which it forms a part, is drawn along ; it is used to cut down stumps flush with the ground. The essential part of the Stubble digger is a shaft on which are fitted blades arranged along a helix. When the carriage is drawn along the rows of ratoon cane the knives revolve and break up and pulverize the soil. Preparation of the Land. Although the greater part of the cane sugar yearly produced is manufactured from cane grown on land that has now been in cultivation for a number of years, and in many sugar producing countries all available land is under cultivation, in some other countries virgin 107 CANE SUGAR. land is still taken in, or old abandoned land that has fallowed for a number of years and returned to its primitive condition is again put under cultivation. In general the operations to be undertaken in putting in new land may be briefly described as under : The land is cleared of all trees and bush, the heavy wood is put on one side to be used as fuel, or, if valuable, for export, the small branches, leaves, and bushes being burnt in situ. Yery generally all this work is done by hand and the cost, especially if heavy stones (as is often the case in volcanic countries) have to be moved, is very great. The more modern and economical method is to employ steam power; engines capable of use either as traction or stationary engines are employed in many countries Fm. 34. for the purpose of hauling the heavy timber and large stones off the land ; when new districts are opened up or when new land is continually taken in such a process is almost essential. The combustion of the vegetation on new land is from one point of view entirely wrong, for the practice robs the soil of most of the nitrogen that^has been accumulating for ages past ; but the expense of burying the vegetable matter, the slowness of its decomposition, and the harbouring places it affords for noxious insects are the reasons for maintaining this universal practice ; in addition, the burning of the vegetable matter places in the soil a large amount of readily available mineral plant food. 108 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. After the land has been cleared in those countries which employ land carriage, roads wide enough for carts to. pass are made through ,the new sections, and the area divided up into . convenient fields ; the land is prepared for cultivation by ploughing, either by manual, animal, or steam power. Fm. 35. When hand labour is employed, the soil is merely turned over by forks or shovels ; in other cases the whole area is ploughed, cross-ploughed and horse- hoed, and the soil properly broken up and aerated. British Guiana. In British Guiana and the Straits Settlements, which are flat alluvial countries, a somewhat more complicated procedure is FIG. 36. necessary ; the area of the new plantation being decided, three dams formed by the excavation of three trenches are thrown up. These dams are known as the navigation or middle walk, sideline or drainage, and back dams, and they 109 CANE SUGAR. enclose the piece of land which is to be put into cultivation ; more frequently, however, a double section is formed with two sideline dams and a back dam as empoldering dams, a navigation dam running in the centre of the two half sections, and serving equally for both. In Figs. 38 and 39 are given plans of the arrangements of field customary in British Guiana ; a is the navigation dam formed by the excavation of the navigation trench b ; the navigation trench continues up to the factory, and is used for the transport of cane and produce, and also to supply water for irrigation and other purposes. This canal is connected with a river, creek or lake ; or where this is impossible, a large canal capable of supplying a batch of estates carries water from a river. Many estates have pumping stations situated on a river, so that they^are nearly independent of drought; on other estates a 'drought may cause the level of FIG. 37. water in the river or creek to fall so much that it is necessary to take sea water into the trenches. At e are shown cross canals communicating with the navigation trench, and terminating about 20 to 25 feet from the sideline or drainage canal c ; the cross canals are used for the purpose of bringing the punts or barges used for transport within access of the canes ; the main drainage canal runs out to the sea or river. Drainage is either forced or natural ; in the former case centrifugal or sluice wheel pumps are employed, the first named being by far the most economical ; in the latter case the side- line discharges at low tide into the sea or river. Between the cross canals lie the fields, usually of area 10 to 20 acres, the distance from cross canal to cross canal being about 500 feet. In Demerara two kinds of fields are 110 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. ill CANE SUGAR. distinguished : Dutch fields, Fig. 38, and English fields, Fig. 39. In the Dutch form the fields are divided into beds 35 feet wide, running parallel to the navigation trench ; running down the centre of each field is the drain / known as a tracker or four-foot, which communicates with the main drainage trench ; between each bed are small drains i which discharge into the four- foot. In the English fields the beds d run at right angles to the navigation trench. There is usually one bed g called the dam bed, running parallel. In front of the dam bed is a cross tracker h, and between the beds are the small drains i. Through the centre of the field runs, as before, the four- foot /. The drains i discharge both into the cross tracker, and thence by / into the main drainage trench, and also directly into the main drainage trench ; very often a centre cross tracker is also provided. The dam, called the back dam, is not shown in the sketches. It is the last dam on the estate, and serves to keep out Savannah water. Approximate dimensions customary in Demerara are : Navigation trench : 16 feet- 20 feet top; 12 feet-16 feet bottom; 4 feet- 5 feet deep. Cross canals : 12 feet top ; 9 feet bottom ; 4 feet- 5 feet deep. Small drains : 2 feet- 3 feet top ; 1 J feet-2 feet bottom ; 3 feet deep. Larger drains (trackers) : 5 feet top ; 3 feet bottom ; 4 feet deep. No furrow is formed in the soil, but a seed bed three to four feet wide is made with the shovel into which the seed cane is pushed in a sloping direction. Between the cane rows is a space about four feet wide called the "bank ; often on very stiff clayey soils a shallow drain known as a drill, running parallel with the cane row, is made in this bank. Louisiana. In Louisiana, where the sugar lands are flat and alluvial, little, if any, new land is now taken in for sugar-raising purposes ; the prepara- tion of the old land is as follows. The soil generally bears a plant and ratoon crop of cane followed by corn ; at the last cultivation of the corn the land is sown with cow peas at the rate of from one to three bushels per acre ; an immense mass of vegetation is produced which is ploughed in with disc ploughs as a green manure. When the vines have rotted sufficiently the ridges on which the cane is to be planted are formed with the turn plough ; drains are made at right angles to the ridges ; these quarter drains lead into larger ditches, and these latter into the main drainage canals. Cuba. In Cuba, before the era of United States influence, forest land very imperfectly cleared was used for cane planting ; in such land stones and the roots of trees were left in situ and no ploughing was attempted ; the land was of such fertility that up to twenty successive crops of cane could be obtained from one planting. When the land became unproductive it was allowed to lie fallow for long periods, and afterwards was again brought into bearing ; by this time the stumps and roots of trees would have rotted, permitting the use of 112 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. 113 CANE SUGAR. the plough; such land was ploughed with the turn plough drawn by oxen, and furrows made by the double mould-board plough. Of late years more rational methods have been adopted, and the steam plough is now in use. Hawaii. Deep and thorough ploughing and good preparation of the soil is a characteristic of this district. A typical routine is as follows : After the land has carried its last ratoon crop, a plough is run down the middle of the row bursting out and shattering the ratoon rootstocks ; the land is then harrowed, ploughed and, perhaps, cross-ploughed. "Where the contour of the land permits steam ploughs, generally Fowler cable-operated balanced ploughs, as shown in Fig. 31, are used; after ploughing a second harrowing is done, following on which the furrows, and water courses on irrigated plantations, are made with a double mould-board plough. Fertilizer may then be scattered on the bottom of the furrow and mixed with a subsoil tyne cultivator ; usually the application of fertilizer is delayed until after planting. Mauritius. For very many years past no new land has been available for cane growing ; an essential feature of the system of cane growing there followed is the well-advised green manuring given the land after the last (generally third) ratoon crop has been taken off. After the land has been for a variable period under the green crop, this is cut down and buried or burnt off ; after lining off the field the holes in which the cane is planted are made with the hoe. The entire preparation of the land is done with very cheap manual labour of East Indian origin. Java. The imperative needs of the large native population of Java demand a carefully regulated system of land tenure, and the self-contained plantations found elsewhere are absent from Java. Cane is only planted one year in every three, the land at other times being in the hands of native cultivators ; cane generally follows rice, and a number of small separated areas of rice is united into one cane field, the area of which is from one bouw (1*97 acre) to 100 bouws with an average of from ten to twenty bouws. The first operation is to level the small embankments that have been made in the rice fields, and to separate the terraces and fields belonging to different owners ; the rest of the operations are thus described by Prinsen Geerligs 1 : "As soon as the rice is reaped, and sometimes during that operation, a deep ditch is dug round the field in order to drain off superfluous water. Owing to the wet rice cultivation the soil has been saturated with water during the last two or three months, all kinds of reduction processes have taken place and oxygen fails entirely. In order then to render the land fit for cultivation the soil must be exposed to the action of sun and wind. To this end the field is divided by trans- verse ditches into plots of one-quarter or one-fifth of an acre, and between these ditches the rows in which the cane is to he planted afterwards are dug. Ordinarily these rows are 30 feet long, 1 foot wide, a little over 1 foot deep, and 4 or 5 feet apart. The excavated soil is heaped up between the rows. In some places where the nature of the soil so allows, the land is ploughed first and afterwards the rows are dug with the native spade. When the field is thus prepared it has the aspect of a large number of trenches which remain exposed to the sun's rays for about six weeks. It is still unknown what chemical action takes place during the drying of 114 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. the soil but experience has taught us that this period of lying fallow is indispensable in obtaining a good crop. The wet lumps of soil dry up during this operation , crumble to pieces and assume a lighter colour causing the mass of moist cold hard lumps to change into a loose greyish powdery soil. During the weathering all grass is carefully weeded out, and this is continued after planting until the cane has grown so high that it keeps down the weeds by its own shadow. At the end of the drying time the soil in the rows is loosened a little and the cane tops are then planted in them." A ground plan of a Java cane field will then appear as in Fig. 40 ; at d is a ditch surrounding the field into which drain the cross ditches, which are in turn fed by the small drains c separating the cane beds e ; the cane rows are at I running across the beds. 1000 a FIG. 40. GENERAL AGRICULTURAL PROCESSES. The agri- cultural processes followed in connection with cane growing are discussed below ; in general similar practices prevail in most districts ; differences are determined by the use or absence of irrigation, and of mechanical cultivation, by labour supply, and by purely local conditions. Planting. The seed cane is planted in rows or in squares, in furrows or in holes. In furrow planting, which is most generally used, the furrow may be made by the double mould-board plough or, less economically, by the use of the hoe. The furrow is generally about two feet deep and two feet wide ; the cane is in porous soils laid along the bottom of the furrow ; in clayey 115 CANE SUGAR. soils the cane is often planted on the top of the furrow ; a section of the field in the two cases will then appear as in Fig. 1^1. Where irrigation is used the furrow is made to follow the contour of the field. In some places, notably Barbados, Reunion, and Mauritius, the cane is planted in holes ; these holes are from fifteen to eighteen inches long and eight to twelve inches deep and wide ; the cane top or often two tops are placed in this hole and covered with a layer of soil ; not infrequently the hole is filled with stable manure upon which the top is planted ; in Mauritius it is customary to count 3000 of such holes to the acre. This method of planting is one that entails considerable manual labour, but in Mauritius it is not unjustly claimed that canes planted in this way have a secure hold on the soil and are less liable to be damaged in a strong wind than are the canes planted in furrows. In Cuba and Barbados a system is common in which the canes are planted in holes made in the soil by driving in a crowbar. FIG. 41. Amount of Seed Cane required per Acre. This is, of course, dependent on the number of rows per acre, and whether the seed cane is planted in single or in double lines in the row. In an acre with rows five, six or seven feet from centre to centre the length of the rows is approximately 8740, 7280, and 6270 feet ; taking the cane as weighing eight ounces to the running foot, there will be required 4370, 3640, and 31351bs. of cane respectively if the latter is laid in single rows. Reynoso System. The Reynoso system of planting cane frequently referred to in the literature of the cane consists, so far as the writer under- stands it, in planting the cane in parallel furrows spaced equal distances apart. In his classical treatise Reynoso lays stress on the necessity of a proper aeration and tillage of the soil, but his system, properly so called, consists of furrow planting as opposed to planting in squares, as was and still to a certain extent remains the custom in Cuba. Zayas System. This system, lately devised by Dr. Zayas in Cuba, consists in planting in rows up to twelve feet apart, and in the continuous cultivation of the soil. Dr. Zayas does not advise the use of artificial manures but of pen manure only ; he also proposes a selective reaping of the crop, the immature stalks being held over. By the use of this system a much longer period of profitable ratoonage is said to be assured to the cane. 116 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. Width of Row. In general it is the fertility of the soil that deter- mines the most economical width of row ; in very fertile soil, the rows are placed comparatively far apart to allow freedom of growth to the luxuriant crop, and conversely as the soil becomes less productive a narrow row gives more economical results. In practice the cane rows are from three to seven feet wide ; in Cuba, according to Eeynoso, the standard width is 1-70 metre (=5 ft. 6 in.\ the rows being the same distance apart. Eoname gives the average width of the cane row in Guadeloupe as 1'30 to 1'50 metre (=4 ft. 2 in. to 4 ft. 9 in.). The most economical width of row was the subject of inquiry at Audubon Park, where it was found that the narrower the row the greater was the purity of the juice and the yield of cane, but that in very narrow rows the increased yield of cane was barely sufficient to pay for the extra amount of cane required to plant up a field with narrow rows. Stubbs 2 suggests that that width of row which best admits of proper cultivation should be selected, and following on this argument, five-foot rows have been adopted at Audubon Park. Source of Seed Cane. In most districts it is the young immature top of the cane that forms the source of seed ; the use of this is defensible on the grounds that this part contains little sugar, but much nitrogenous bodies and salts destined as food material in the early stages of growth ; also the accumulated experience of planters generally points to this part of the cane furnishing the better seed. In Cuba, however, it is usual to employ the whole cane. In the Hawaiian Islands, many planters consider Mas make the best seed. Cane in those islands often stands long periods after flowering ; the eyes at the upper joints sprout and grow to a considerable size forming a very short jointed woody piece of cane, locally called a lala. Where the harvest of one crop and the planting of the next proceeds simultaneously, no difficulty in obtaining seed is experienced ; when, however, planting and harvest fall in different seasons it is often necessary to draw down canes of age six months and upwards dependent on climatic influences so as to obtain seed. In Louisiana, where it is necessary to carry over seed from the harvest towards the end of the year to the time of spring planting, seed cane is preserved buried in the ground (windrowing) ; or protected from the weather in matelas. In Java, the system of cane nurseries (bibit gardens) distinct from the plantations is in extended use ; some planters there grow cane solely for the purpose of selling seed ; these nurseries are often situated in the mountains as- it has been found that such seed afforded some protection against sereh. A peculiar method in use in Ganjam is thus described by Subra Rao 3 . In July seed cane is planted in a seed bed, so close as to leave no space between the cuttings which are of three joints each. In the middle of August the cuttings which have now sprouted are transplanted to a nursery about five times the size of the seed bed ; the nursery is laid out in furrows about eighteen inches apart. 117 CANE SUGAR. In the following May the crop is cut down and used to plant adjacent fields or sold for seed to other cultivators, a portion being reserved to go again through the above cycle. The writer has been informed that a similar system obtains in Java ; in this case he believes that the seed cane is planted in small baskets packed close under shelters of the crudest description ; these cuttings are carried to the fields and planted as soon as the seasonal rains have begun to fall. Cultivation. By cultivation is here meant the working of the soil and the keeping down of grass and weeds during the period between the planting of the cane (or spring of the ratoons) and the harvest of the crop. In districts dependent on manual labour the operations include weeding and mould- ing and forking. British Guiana. In British Guiana and in other places dependent on manual labour a typical routine is as follows : Shortly after a crop of cane has been taken off, the soil in between the rows of cane is turned over with agricultural forks; this process is known as 'forking banks;' in about a month the weeds and grass that have sprung up are cut down with the cutlass, the machete or the hoe, a process which will have to be repeated every one or two months until the canes are of such a height as to keep down the growth of weeds. Simultaneously with the weeding earth is hoed over the cane row, the process being known as moulding ; in some parts, especially in Eastern Asia, this moulding is carried to an extreme pitch, the cane rows being earthed up to a great extent. In some places, as in Cuba under the old regime, the keeping down of the weeds formed the only cultivation that the cane received. Louisiana.* Stubbs 4 thus describes the routine followed at Audubon Park in Louisiana : " The land is broken flush with a large plough, pulverized with a harrow, and bedded with two-horse ploughs. The rows are opened with a double mould-board plough, cane planted and covered, and middles broken out with the double mould-board plough. The quarter drains are opened six inches between the middle of the rows and the ditches are cleaned. At the proper time the cane is off-barred with the two-horse ploughs, scraped with hoes, and when large enough is fertilized by scattering the mixture across the open furrows and narrow ridge of cane. The dirt is returned as soon as fertilizer is applied, the middles broken out deep and clean, and the turn ploughs sent to the barn to remain until the next season. The disc cultivator, with the three small discs on either side, is used for throwing dirt to the cane at the first working, and the middle or diamond cultivator for breaking out the * To those familiar with hand husbandry only, this description requires some amplifica- tion. In the Hawaiian Islands off-barring is termed slicing the. ratoon row, and this term conveys a better impression of the process ; the instrument used is a disc plough of the type shown in Fig. SO ; it is drawn alongside the ratoon row cutting through the old roots, throwing the dirt away from the row and leaving an open furrow alongside the cane ; after the furrow has been exposed for two or three days the dirt is thrown back to the row by the aid of disc implements. It should be noticed that animal power cultivation does not altogether dispense with manual labour ; in all cases the weeds and grass in the row itself have to be cut down by hand tools. 118 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. middles. In the second and third cultivations two middle discs replace the three used in the first, and are set to such an angle os to throw the desired amount of dirt to the cane, and are followed each time by the middle cultivator, thus completing the work with the two implements. At 'lay-by,' the large or * lay-by ' discs are used, followed by the middle cultivator with its two front shovels removed. By proper adjustment of the two instruments, ridges of any desired height can be made and the cane properly laid by." Hawaii. On the irrigated plantations mechanical cultivation is not possible and weeds have to be kept down by hand ; on a rainfall plantation the grass is mainly kept down by the use of disc cultivators run astraddle the row and turning the soil away from the cane ; this leaves only a small area to be hand hoed. After the first hoeing, fertilizer is scattered between the rows and incorporated with a tine cultivator or other implement, the soil being stirred as much as possible. On ratoon fields, the first operation after taking off the crop is usually slicing the row ; manuring follows at once after which the soil is thrown back to the row by a disc cultivator run astraddle the row. A stubble digger (an appliance consisting essentially of a series of small tynes revolving on an axle as the carriage is drawn along), is then passed over the row so as to mix the manure and soil and loosen up the latter ; weeds between the row are kept down as described above. Cuba. F. S. Earle 5 gives the following account of a method of cultiva- tion advocated by the Cuban Experiment Station as the most practical under the conditions there : "The system recently advocated by the Cuban experiment station, while it has not yet stood the test of long continued use, promises to solve satisfactorily the question of continued production of profitable stubble crops. It is as follows : Plough the land intended for fall cane in the winter or spring. Plant to velvet beans in April or May. Plough these under with a disk plough in August and September. Harrow two or three times with the disk harrow. In October open deep planting furrows with the sulky double mould board plough, spacing them about seven feet apart. Scatter tankage and potash or some similar complete fertilizer carrying about equal parts of nitrogen , phosphoric acid, and potash in the bottom of the furrow, at the rate of 500 Ibs. per acre. This is best done with a two-horse fertilizer drill. A small cultivator shovel attached at the rear of the drill will serve to mix the fertilizer at the bottom of the furrow. Now drop a continuous row of seed cane in the bottom of the furrow. It is best to select plant cane or vigorously growing stubble for see'd. Using that from old worn-out stubble fields is inadvis- able, as it will make a weaker, less satisfactory growth. Cover with the disk cultivator, setting the gang to throw more or less dirt, according to the condition of moisture. If the ground is moist, germination will be prompter if the cane is not covered more than two or three inches. If it is dry, it is necessary to cover six or eight inches deep to prevent tho drying of the seed canes. In from one or two weeks, or just as the canes are peeping through the ground, harrow the field thoroughly with the smoothing harrow running lengthwise of the rows. This will kill any small weeds that may be starting, and will freshen the surface of the soil and greatly aid germination. When the young plants are well up so that they show from one end of the row to the other, begin cultivating with the ordinary riding two-horse corn cultivator, of course straddling the row so as to cultivate two rows at once. The seven foot rows are so wide that there will be a strip in the middle not reached by the cultivator. This can be finished by the ordinary walking 119 CANE SUGAR. cultivator of the planet Jupiter type, or the narrow cultivator blades may be removed from the regular cultivator, and eight -inch cutaway sweeps be bolted on instead. These will have a wide enough cut to meet in the centre, and as thus rigged the same implement makes a good middle cultivator. Cultivation should be repeated throughout the winter as often ns is needed to keep down all weeds and maintain a dust mulch. Before spring the growth of the cane will be so great that the row can no longer be straddled, and the middles only can be cultivated. In April or the first part of May sow cow peas broadcast in the middles, cover them with the cultivator and the work is finished. Up to this point the plan does not differ materially from the ordinary system except that the use of the riding corn cultivator, which works so close to the row, makes it possible to almost dispense with the expensive hoe. It is only the few weeds and bunches of grass that come up directly in the row that have to be cut with the hoe, or better still be pulled by hand. The line of cultivation thus outlined will leave the land practically level. This is right for the red lands, since they have natural under-drainage, but in the wetter black it should be modified by using disk cultivators which ridge up the row as in Louisiana. "As soon as the cane is cut, take an ordinary horse rake and drive so as to cross the cane rows, raking the trash from one middle and dumping it in the next one. This quickly and cheaply clears half the ground so that it can be ploughed and cultivated, and it provides a double mulch of trash for the other half which makes it so thick and heavy that practically no grass or weeds can come through, and these middles will require no further attention for the season. Now plough the cleared middles with a two-horse turning plough, throwing the dirt away from the cane. Run the last furrow up as close to the cane stubble as possible. You will not hurt the roots. They all died when the cane was cut, and the new ones will form as the new shoots of cane begin to grow. If fertilizer is needed, it can now be applied in this open furrow next the cane. On most lands, however, it will only be necessary to use fertilizer every third or fourth year. Do not leave the furrow next the cane open any longer than is necessary, but work the dirt back with the cultivator, using some implement that will throw a little dirt back over the stubble. Keep these alternate middles well cultivated until the beginning of the rainy season and then sow them down to cow peas. This will be found much cheaper than the ordinary plan of going over all the surface of the ground two or three times with hoes, and it leaves the stubble cane in even better cultural condition than the plant cane, for one side of each row is thoroughly cultivated, while the other side is protected by a heavy mulch of trash, which serves perfectly to retain moisture. The next year, of course, the middles are reversed so that all the soil is thoroughly aerated, and pulverized every two years. And yet only half of it is exposed to the depleting influence of tillage while all the trash is retained on the land and is ultimately incorporated with it to add to its supply of humus, a substance so necessary for successful tropical agriculture." Fig. 42 shows a typical Cuban plough preparing land for planting ; this photograph was taken in 1909, but the steam gang plough is fast superseding the ox. Strait Settlements. The process of ' banking up ' which seems peculiar to Eastern Asia is thus described by F. Campcn 6 : "Whenever the field gets grassy it is weeded and heavily moulded at the same time, and then given time to grow, until the general stand of canes is from about three to four feet high, when the time has arrived to give it the first banking, which is done as follows : The men go to the field and each of them takes a row, which he weeds and very particularly takes off all trash, especially all the small leaves at the bottom of the cane stools. After this, with a dry cane blade, he ties the bunches together in such a way that each cane stool is separate by itself, and after having done this he takes the hoe and makes a drill between the cane rows, 120 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. doing this in such a way that, when lifting the earth he places it round the cane row, taking care that everything is even, and the work when finished has the look, as if the shovelman in Demerara had been digging a drill, a foot deep by a foot broad, with the difference however that instead of having thrown the earth on the so-called trash bank, he has spread it all over and about the canes, covering every- thing lightly from cane-row to drill. When so finished this will give you a cane row or bank, as it is called here, with a kind of rough drill, of a foot by a foot, on each side of it. As to the drills no particular neatness or paving is required as long as they are well in the middle and have the required depth and breadth. " Nothing more is now done to the fields until the canes, after a couple of months, have grown a little more, and so to say have from four to six joints, when the same performance is gone over again, only with the difference that the labourers) when taking- out another foot of earth from the same old drill, pack it on and between the cane stools, and press it down and against them with their feet, so that in time the canes have something to support them, and are able to grow upright. "The appearance of this last work or bank, when properly finished must be something similar to an umbrella or the hut of a Zulu, and the more earth that has been put around and between the ttools the better it is ; also the distance from the top of the earth packed around the cane stool to the bottom of the drill must be not less than three and three-quarter feet." Trashing. By this term is meant the removal of the dry and dead leaves at intervals during the growth of the cane. The benefits or otherwise of this practice are a matter of much dispute. The rationale of the process is : 1. The removal of the dead leaves exposes the cane to light and air and hastens its maturity. 2. The dead leaves afford harbouring places for injurious insects. 3. Water lodging in the space between the leaf sheaf and the cane pro- motes the development of the eyes and the aerial roots to the detriment of the cane. 4. The dry lea res being placed on the ground act as a mulch and help to retain soil moisture. On the other hand it is claimed that the ripening effect is small, that the labourers in passing between the canes do much damage, that many leaves that can still carry on their functions are pulled off along with those actually dead, and that when these are pulled off some damage is done to the cane, preparing the way for fungus attacks. The matter has been put to experimental test ; Boname 7 , who writes strongly in favour of the process of removing the dead leaves, found the following results: 1 . Only completely dry leaves removed. 2. Canes trashed a llanc, i.e., a certain number of green leaves removed. (This would be called bleeding the cane in the West Indies.) 3. No trashing. i 2 Degree Beaume .. .. 8'10 .. 7'dO 7'70 Sugar per cent 13'40 .. 11-60 .. 12-20 Glucose 1-30 .. 1'56 .. 1'29 121 CANE SUGAR. No record of the weight of the crop is given. Eckart 8 found very different results in Hawaii. In a very complete series of tests carried on at the Experiment Station there, the plots that were not trashed gave uniformly a higher yield of cane and a sweeter and purer juice. The Disposal of Trash. As an average of the data due to Max- well, and already quoted, each ton of cane stalks produces, in the leaves and waste matter, 1*95 Ibs. of nitrogen; let this nitrogen he valued at 7'5 pence per pound, so that its value is then per ton of cane stalks 14' 6 pence. A crop of 40 tons of cane will then contain in its waste matter nitrogen to the value of 2 8s. 8d. When the trash is, as is often the case, burned off, this relatively enormous quantity of nitrogen is lost. To agriculturists accustomed FIG. 42. only to European farming practice this custom is barely creditable. It is defended on the following grounds : 1. The cost of cane cutting is decreased if the fields are fired immediately before harvest. In Demerara, where labour is very cheap, the saving is from five to six shillings per acre. 2. The expense of burying the trash and of removing it from the cane rows is saved. 3. The combustion of the trash also destroys fungus spores and noxious insects. According to Dr. Perkins, however, in Hawaii the burning destroys the parasites of the leaf hopper, the latter escaping by flight. 4. Fields in which the trash has been burnt off allow the ratoons to ' spring' to better advantage ; this effect is probably due to the setting free of the ash constituents of the trash. 122 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. These reasons are apparently considered to outweigh the loss of nitrogen ; it must not however be forgotten that the burying of the trash puts into the soil large quantities of humus, the importance of which in increasing the water holding capacity of the soil and enabling the canes to pass through a period of drought is very great. "Wrapping 9 . This process, the reverse of trashing, seems to be confined to portions of Southern India, where in parts, the dead leaves are wrapped round the stalk ; this process is partly intended as a protection against jackals and partly to diminish rooting and sprouting habits. Selective Harvesting. In healthy cane there is a point at which the cane contains a minimum of, or even no, reducing sugars and when it is at its maximum purity ; after this point there is a breaking down of the cane sugar into reducing sugars and the cane is over ripe. In some varieties this reversion is very rapid and it is also influenced by climatic conditions ; it is then a matter of great importance to harvest a field of cane at the time of its maximum purity ; the system under which this selective reaping is pursued is thus described by Prinsen Geerligs 10 : " The cane fields are divided into plots which have been planted and manured at the same time and in the same way. After ten months of growth take from each plot 40 normally grown cane stalks, and mark and number them. Every fortnight one cane stalk is cut from each one of the stools and the bundle carried to the laboratory, where the green top end is removed and the canes are measured, weighed, and crushed in a small test mill, after which the juice is analysed. The analytical data from each analysis of the test plot are entered down, so that an increase of sucrose content or purity, or a falling in them, can be detected at once. As soon as the sucrose content or purity cease to augment, the cane of the plot under review has attained its point of maturity, and should be cut in order to prevent deterioration by too long standing in the field." In some instances this process is followed in conjunction with a portable travelling field laboratory. Ratoonage. The period to which canes are allowed to ratoon varies in different countries ; in Java the great majority of the crop is plant cane only; in Louisiana plant and first ratoons are grown ; in Mauritius it is customary to grow up to third ratoons ; in Cuba, the West Indies and in British Guiana fifth ratoons are not uncommon, and fields can be found that have not been replanted for a generation; in Hawaii canes are seldom allowed to grow beyond second ratoons. The economic limit to which canes can be ratooned can only be determined by those on the spot and familiar with local conditions. Long continued ratoonage has been connected with the prevalence of various forms of root and root stock diseases, as in this case the cane fungus has a con- tinuous habitat. 123 CANE SUGAR. Cutting Back, The flowering season in the Hawaiian Islands is during the months of November and December. Cane that has been cut early in the year will flower that same year and will have to be harvested after a twelve months' growth; such cane is termed short ratoons. By allowing such cane to grow till June and then cutting it back, it can be carried over the flowering season of that year and will flower in the November of the following year, thus giving a 1 7 to 1 8 months' period of growth from the time it was cut back till it flowers, and a total period of growth of not less than two years by the time it is harvested. Such cane is called long ratoons. Period Of Harvest. The time of harvest in the more important cane growing areas is as shown below : British Guiana. September to December. Cuba. December to June. Java. May to November. Mauritius. August to December. Louisiana. October to January. Hawaiian Islands. December to September. Peru. October to February. Brazil. October to February. Argentina. June to October. Egypt. December to March. Queensland. June to November. Mexico. December to May. Philippines. September to March. West Indies. January to July. Influence of Arrowing on the Cane. Arrowing marks the end of the vegetative period of the growing cane. It has been thought that arrowing had an influence on the sugar content of the cane ; definite experi- ments by Harrison 11 and by Prinsen Geerligs 12 have shown that this belief is unfounded. After the cane has arrowed no further formation of sugar takes place, but an elaboration of that already formed obtains with an increase in the cane sugar content and in the purity ; eventually however the cane dies down and then a breaking down of the cane sugar occurs. The time to which cane can be left standing after arrowing is very variable and is dependent on variety and climate. In the Hawaiian Islands cane may remain as long as six months after arrowing, before deterioration sets in. Yield of Sugar per Acre. The yield of sugar per acre is deter- mined by the fertility of the soil, by the action of fertilizers, by climate, by variety, by the efficiency of the cultivation, and by the efficiency of the manu- facturing processes. Without doubt the highest returns have been obtained on the heavily fertilized, systematically irrigated, porous, volcanic, basaltic soils of the Hawaiian Islands; as much as 30,000 Ibs. of sugar have been there 124 THE HUSBANDRY OF THE CANE. obtained per acre of land over large areas and returns of 20,000 Ibs. are not unusual ; on an average, however, the irrigated plantations there yield about 12, 000 Ibs. per acre from a crop of plant cane and long and short ratoons. In Java, the average return has reached 11, 000 Ibs. per acre and returns of this magnitude are also known in Peru. A Consular report gives the production in Cuba for the year 1909 as 14,214,946 long tons of cane from 849,000 acres, or 16-7 tons per acre ; with a recovery of 10 per cent, on weight of raw material this would indicate a return of 3700 Ibs. per acre. Elsewhere a return of 4000 Ibs. per acre would seem to be also above the average. Chemical Selection Of the Cane. By continually selecting for seed beets of high sugar content, the richness of that plant in sugar has been greatly increased ; a similar process is not possible with the cane owing to its asexual process of propagation. The records of more than one experiment station contain accounts of attempts to improve the cane by the selection of cuttings from sweet canes, but the earlier results were inconclusive and con- tradictory. Definite results have been obtained by Kobus 13 in Java, who thus summarizes the results of his experiments : "Different stalks of the same sugar cane plant vary widely in sugar percentage even when they are of the same age. Consequently we founded the chemical selection on the analysis of the juice of the whole plant and not on that of single cane stalks. " The variability of sugar percentage of various sugar cane varieties is very different. Those grown from cane seeds do not vary so much as the old varieties. "The juice of the heavier plants is richer in sugar than that of the lighter ones, and those plants that have the richest juice are the heaviest. Plants grown from cuttings derived from canes rich in sugar are heavier and contain more sugar than those grown from average plants or from plants poor in sugar. "When we select the richest canes from the descendants of canes that were already rich in sugar, and also the poorest canes from the descendants of poor canes, and go on in this way for some years, we very soon arrive at a con- siderable improvement in the rich canes (40 per cent, in five years) and a heavy depression in the descendants of the poor ones (60 per cent, in five years). The descendants of cuttings grown from once selected canes remain richer in sugar for at least four generations, and show as an average of forty experiments only a very small decrease. " The correlation of a high sugar percentage in the juice and a heavy weight of cane plant simplifies the method of selection in a remarkable way. It is sufficient to select those 20 per cent, that are the heaviest, i.e., the strongest tillered plants of the cane field and plant the cuttings of one-half of these, viz., of those richest in sugar. 125 CANE SUGAR. "We proved that differences in the juice of the descendants of rich and of poor canes are already visible at an age of thirty weeks, and that it is possible to perform the selection at that age in the fields we use in Java for the propagation of cane cuttings. Highly selected canes of twenty weeks did not show any difference in^the juice of the rich and the poor plots." Field Ledger. A sugar plantation being often a self-contained unit affords a unique opportunity for the systematic accumulation of valuable data which in a few years form a valuable guide ; such data may conveniently be entered in a ' Field Ledger,' using one double page to each field and one line to each year or crop ; such a ledger should contain columns for entering up the following data, the exact mode of bookkeeping followed being governed by local considerations : Year ; rotation (plant or ratoons, green crop, &c.) ; variety ; tons of cane and sugar per acre ; % sucrose in cane and purity ; nature of soil ; cultural operations ; prevalence of pests and diseases ; manure applied ; lime applied ; agricultural and fertility (citric acid) analyses of soil ; inches of rain and irrigation water ; mean temperature ; date of planting, harvesting and period of growth ; date of arrowing. EEFERENCES IN CHAPTER VIII. 1. I. S. J., 66 and 67. 2. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 113. 3. Dept. of Land Records and Agric. Madras II. , p. 202. 4. Stubbs' Sugar Cane, p. 145. 5. Southern Agriculture, pp. 128-135. 6. S. C., 314. 7. Cultur de la Canne a Sucre, p. 129. 8. Bull. 25, Agric. H.S.P.A. 9. Loc. cit., 3, supra, 10. 10. 7. S. J., 68. 11. S. C., 294. 12. 8. C., 346. 13. I. S.J., 90 and 91. 126 CHAPTER IX. THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE.* The cultivation of the cane is in many places one continuous struggle against its pests and diseases ; this is so much so that the time of many experi- ment stations is occupied in studying and devising remedies against the cane's enemies. Within the limits of a manual such as the present only the fringe of the subject can be touched on ; more complete details will be found in Van Deventer's l Die dierlijke Vijanden van Tiet Suikerriet op Java, 1 in Went and Wakker's 'Die Ziekten van net Suikerriet op Java,' in the 'Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India,' in the West Indian Bulletin, in the Sugar Cane and International Sugar Journal, in the Java Archief and in the Bulletins of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. Abnormalities in Canes. Peculiar canes with aborted joints, with a superabundance of eyes, with absence of eyes, with excessive development of the woody tissue, and with albino leaves, are sometimes noticed; the phenomena have little interest other than academic. Some varieties show these features more frequently than others, and the writer's clinical observa- tions lead him to think that temperature variation may be a predisposing cause for these abnormalities. Weeds particularly connected with the Cane. Certain weeds have been noticed as associated with the cane, though their presence is not in any way directly connected with the cane. Amongst these may be men- tioned a succulent herbaceous annual Alectra Irasiliensis, whose roots penetrate the cuticle of the cane and destroy it. This weed has been named the ' cane killer' in Trinidad. In India a weed, Strigea lutea, and similar to the 'broom rape,' is known as a frequent inhabitant of cane lands ; the 'lantana,' a woody shrub belonging to the Verlenacece, is known throughout the tropics as a pestilent plant, rapidly taking over land temporarily abandoned ; it is particularly obnoxious in Mauritius and the Hawaiian islands. In the latter district it has been controlled by Koebele in an elegant way, namely by the importation of sundry insects -with a specialized habit of feeding on the leaves or of ovipositing in the flowers and seeds. Mammalian Pests. Excluding purely isolated cases of occasional damage by the larger animals, it is only rats, hares and jackals, that can be regarded as cane enemies. Rats are cosmopolitan in their distribution, and not only destroy cane, but also cause considerable damage to parapets and drains. Hares are known as a cane pest in India and in Mauritius, in the latter place their depredations being considerable. Jacknls are confined to *Kirkaldy (Bull. 8, Ent. H.S.P.A.) has given recently a complete bibliography of cane pests, enumerating in all 400 species noted as attacking cane. 127 CANE SUGAR. India where the Chinese cane (Saccharum sinense) is said to be so hard as to resist their teeth. Liepidopterous PestS. The Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) that may be classed as cane pests fall into two main divisions, those that cause damage by the caterpillar eating the stalk, and those where the leaf is selected as a food material ; in addition certain Hicrolepidoptera attack the cane, principally at the eye. In the Hawaiian Islands these last are known as 'bud worms.' The stalk-eating caterpillars are known as 'borers';* they are of wide distribution, and annually cause immense damage. Following on their mode of attack they are classed as 'top,' 'stem,' and 'root' borers; in Figs. Ij.3 and ^4 are given after Kruger diagrams illustrative of the mode of attack of a stem and of a top borer. FIG. 43. FIG. 44. Below is given a list of the known cane borers, included in the Lepidoptera. TOP BOBERS. Scirpophaga auriflua. The white borer of India. Sc. mono stigma. The black spotted borer of India. Sc. intacta. The white borer of Java. Sc. chrysorrhoea. India. Chilo infuscatellus. The yellow borer of Java. Grapholitha schistaceana. The grey borer of Java. * The term borer is also applied to several coleopterous (beetle) insects attacking the cane, and mentioned subsequently. 128 FIG. 15. BLACK TANNA. 2 3 SIZE PLATE VIII THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. STEM BORERS. Diatraa saccharalis. The West Indian borer. D. striatalis. The grey stem borer of the East Indies and Australia. Chilo auricilia. The gold fringed borer of India. C. simplex. India. Nonagria uniformis. The pink borer of India. Anerastia ablutetta. The green borer. India. Castnia licus. The large moth borer of South America. Sesamia nonagrioides. The purple borer. Java, East Indies, Spain, Portugal, North Africa, Madeira, Mauritius, Madagascar. BOOT BORER. Polyoclia saccharella. India. All these borers have a very similar mode of attack ; the female moth lays its egg on the leaf of the cane ; the caterpillar, on emergence, attacks either the stem, generally at the eye, or else the terminal point, and eats its way into the cane. When in the cane it often tunnels the whole length of the stalk ; eventually the perfect insect emerges from the cane. When young cane shoots are attacked, especially by the top borer, the death of the stalk, results ; in older cane, especially when attacked in the stem, the damage may not be so complete. The Borers have been studied in great detail in many cane growing districts; full accounts of those that occur in Java are given by Kruger 1 and Yan Deventer. 2 Maxwell Lefroy 3 has described the West Indian Borer, and the Borers as they occur in British India 4 ; Oliff 5 has described the Borer of New South Wales, and Bojer 6 the Borer in Mauritius. A short account of the West Indian Borer, as described by Maxwell Lefroy, 3 is appended, as typical of these pests : " . . the eggs are flattened oval, and slightly convex, about -^ of an inch in length ; they are laid in clusters on the leaf of the cane, the number being very variable, lying between 4 and 57, and being generally from 10 to 30. The eggs when fresh are light yellow ; in 36 hours a tinge of orange appears, and eventually they turn orange brown ; in the final stage the centre of the egg becomes black. If the eggs are laid on young cane the part attacked is the axil of the leaf or the leaf itself ; in the case of older cane the part attacked is the joint, the caterpillar eating its way into the cane, and making tunnels up and down the cane, from which it eventually emerges in from 30 to 35 days. The period of pupation, which takes place within the cane, is six days, after which the perfect insect emerges. The moth is inactive by day, and living only four days lays in that time from 100 to 300 eggs." In Figs. 15 and 6* are shown the larva and moth of the Borer Diatraea xtriatalis, and in Figs. 47 and 4$* the larva and moth of Sesamia nonagroides. The eggs of the first-mentioned are shown in Fig. 49* ; at a are fresh eggs, at b eggs just before emergence of the caterpillar, at c and d are eggs parasitized by Ceraphron leneficiens and Chactosticha nana. Fig. 50* shows the quite different * See Frontispiece. 129 CANE SUGAR. egg mass of Scirpopliaga intacta ; all these are after Van Deventer. The leaf-eating lepidopterous pests, are neither in the extent of their destructive- ness nor in the permanency of their attack to be compared with the Borers ; their attack seems to be sporadic and to rise and fall with many factors. Thus the * army worm ' (Leucania unipuncta) is known to attack cane and corn after floods which have forced it to leave its usual habitats. The damage is chiefly to young cane, the leaves and not the stem being attacked ; except in severe cases the cane recovers, and suffers only a temporary check in growth. Coleopterous Pests. The Coleoptera (beetles) are equally destruc- tive with the Lepidoptera, and, as with the latter, it is chiefly the larvae that do the harm, although in some cases it is the perfect insect that attacks the cane. The term ' Borer ' is also applied to some of the beetles, and in fact, in the Hawaiian Islands, this term is confined exclusively to the ' Weevil Borer ' (Sphenophorus obscurus) ; an allied insect, S. sericeus, is also known as a Borer in the "West Indies. Amongst the major coleopterous pests of the cane attention may be called to the Walwalan Beetle (Apogonia destructor] of Java, the West Indian Root Borer (Diaprepes abbrematus), the Cane Grub (Lepidoderma alboliirta} of Australia, the Louisiana Beetle Borer (Ligyrus rvgiceps], and the Weevil Borer (Spenophorus obscurus) of the Hawaiian Islands, Fiji, Australia, and New Guinea. The damage done by the first four above-mentioned pests is due to the larva, which passes its life underground, eating the roots ; the fifth is a stern borer. Figs. 51, 52, and 53* after Yan Deventer, show a piece of soil containing the grubs and the larva and perfect insect of Apogonia destructor. The life history of the West Indian Root Borer has been worked out by the Rev. N. B. Watson, 7 whose description of this pest is appended : " In August and September the perfect insect lays its eggs on the upper surface of the leaves, and after ten days the grub emerges and falls on the ground, immediately burrowing into the ground in search of food. The grub remains in the soil for 312 days, eating the roots of cane, sweet potato, &c., and then pupates, the perfect insect emerging in fifteen days to repeat the same cycle. The grub at first is only ^ inch long, reaching at maturity a length of one inch. In Fig. 5Jj* is shown the Weevil Borer, and in Fig. 55* a typical piece of damaged cane. The life history of this insect as it occurs in the Hawaiian Islands is thus given by Koebele 8 : " The female beetle is easily separated from the male by its longer, smoother, and more slender beak, and its pointed terminal segment. She lays her eggs con- secutively, probably four to eight each day, but less than this toward the end of the period of six or eight months during which she continues to lay. When the egg is laid in the cane from the outside, this is done from under the sheath, which the beetle can brace against; with the prominent saw-like movable teeth laterally she first begins to eat out the hole until softer ground is struck, so to speak, when she will force the work, moving the head up and down as well as sideways until the whole length of the beak is buried. Upon soft parts on split cane this operation * See Frontispiece. 130 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. takes from 1 to 2 minutes; no doubt much longer in boring through the hard epidermis, probably hours. After the hole is completed the beetle walks up and inserts the ovipositor, remaining in this position from 4 to 6 minutes. The bone coloured egg is found embedded parallel to the fibres. It is about 2 mm. long "by | mm. in thickness and slightly bent. The hole close to this is filled in with mucous matter intermixed with particles of fibre. Repeated observations show these eggs hatch in six days. The newly-hatched larva is at first transparent as the eggs of the latter production, the first being of a more opaque colour as also the young larvae, with the head of a darker yellow colour. We found that the young larva went out in the same direction as fibres about one-eighth of an inch deeper, having made a hole one inch long in from four to five hours. As the larva increases in size its power of boring becomes more rapid. A half grown specimen traversed a piece of cane eix inches in length, from one end to the other, in three days." Other coleopterous pests of less importance are the ' Bibit Kever,' i.e., cane top beetle (Holanaria picescens), the mature insect of which attacks the eyes of the cane when used as seed, and several ' Leaf Miners ' such as Hispella wakkeri, the larvae of which feed on the cane leaves. The well-known and widely distributed ' Shot Borer ' beetle (Xyleborm perforans] perhaps confines its attention to dead and damaged cane and is not to be regarded as a serious pest. RhyncotOUS Pests. The Rhyncota are a great order of insects characterized by the development of the mouth parts into an organ known as the beak or rostrum, adapted for the sucking of vegetable and animal juices ; the phases of insect life known as lice, blights, blast, scale and bugs (in its English sense) include many insects of this order. A large number (upwards of twenty in Java alone) have been noted as cane pests. Several historical epidemics of the cane have been due to the Rhyncota, and of these may be instanced that of the Cane Fly (Delphax saccharirora) in the "West Indies in the beginning, that due to the pou-cL-poche-llanche* in Mauritius, about the middle of the nineteenth century, and that in the Hawaiian Islands due to the Leaf Hopper (Perkinsiellia saccharicida) at the beginning of the twentieth century. To these may be added the more recent epidemic of the Frog Hopper (Tomaspis posticata) at present (1909) prevalent in Trinidad. Although individually these insects are very small, yet the numbers in which they occur, and the rapidity with which they multiply is the occasion of great damage ; for these same reasons they are indifferent to any but the specialized means of control described below. In Fig. 56] is shown a leaf of the cane infected by an aphid (Aphis sacchari) and is illustrative of the great numbers of these, and of allied pests, that may be present in a small space. * The true pou-d-poche-blanche is a cpccid (fcerya scychellarum) ; a second coccid ( Pulvinaria iceryi) was also present in the original Mauritius epidemic. The term pou is also applied to a mealy bug (Dactylopius calceolaria) ; this pest has also been confounded with the white louse of Java (Oregma lanigeri) which is however an aphid and entirely distinct. t See Frontispiece. 131 CANE SUGAR. Orthopterous Pests. The Orthoptera do not include any of the major pests of the cane ; the one of this order that causes most damage is probably the Mole Cricket 9 (Scapteriscus didactylus) in Porto Rico where, besides attacking cane, it is a general plant enemy. The fully developed insect is about 1 inches long. The damage done to cane is by the attacks of the perfect insect in search of food. The greater part of the life of the insect is passed underground feeding on the roots of cane and other plants ; it emerges at night, and then feeds on the crop above ground. Its attacks continue the whole year round. It has been observed to attack plants con- tinuously, and beyond the demands of its appetite. This insect committed great damage in S. Vincent about 1830, and in Porto Rico became a dangerous pest in 1876, after the destruction by a hurricane of its most effective enemy, the blackbird, this forming an interesting illustration of the effect of distur bance of the ' natural balance.' Its damage is greatest in moist sandy soils ; in dry soils it does not thrive, and saturation and extreme dryness are condi- tions inimical to its development. Another Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa africand] in the Hawaiian Islands not only injures the cane directly, but also does considerable damage to the irrigation ditches by means of its tunnels. Amongst other pests of this order 'may be mentioned the white ants (Termes taprobanes] of India, which, according to Hadi, attack the cuttings of seed cane and less frequently the young shoots shortly after germination. The insects known as * thrips ' or ' bladder feet,' which are sometimes included in the Orthoptera, are also known as a pest of the cane in Java. Acarid Pests. Mites are a form of life frequently found on canes ; the damage done to the cane is, however, in general small. A serious amount of damage was done in Queensland in 1876 by a mite, Tarsonymus bankroftn 10 ; the disease was then known as ' Cane Rust ' ; this mite is also present in Java, where it does a certain amount of damage, and has also been noted in Barbados. Mites may also be considered as beneficial, since Ormerod 11 has observed the parasitization of the eggs of the West Indian Borer by this form of life. "Worms. Certain nematode worms have been connected with cane damage, particularly the varieties Heterodera javanica and Tylencus sacchari in Java. They have also been much studied by Cobb, 12 but that they are to be classed as a cane pest is doubtful. Control of Cane Pests. The control of cane pests is mainly -divided into two parts their systematic destruction by methods referred to below, and the prevention of their introduction from foreign countries by a strict system of quarantine. The methods q systematic destruction employed vary with the pest, and below are some accounts of the principal systems in use. 132 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. 1. Poisons. The use of poisons is practically limited to the destruction of rats. The poisons chiefly employed for this purpose are preparations of strychnine, arsenic, phosphorus, and barium ; bread, grains, bananas, and molasses are used as food media upon which the poisons are distributed. Leaf-eating caterpillars are in some instances destroyed by dusting the leaves of the plants upon which they feed with sundry arsenical preparations, of which those known as ' Paris Green' and London Purple ' are mostly used. Leaf-eating caterpillars are not amongst the most serious pests of the cane, and in practice it would be impossible thus to control them on a large estate. 2. Collection by Hand. In districts where labour is plentiful and cheap, a diminution of the insect pests is obtained by hand collection. This collection takes the form of cutting out the ' dead hearts,' i.e., the young cane attacked by borers, and the collection of the eggs of the moth laid on the leaves of the cane. The children of the black or Asiatic labourers forming the bulk of the labour supply of most sugar producing districts can readily be trained to perform this work. In the collection of eggs it is of importance that the parasitized FIG. 57. eggs be not destroyed. Following the advice originally given by Zehntner the eggs should be placed on a dish surrounded by a layer of molasses ; the parasite from parasitized eggs emerges as a perfect insect and is able to escape, the molasses preventing the escape of the caterpillar from the unattacked eggs. The night-flying coleopterous and lepidopterous insects can be captured by exposing lamps in infected areas ; these lamps are exposed over trays of molasses which prevent the escape of the insect. For the capture of the Wawalan .Beetle (Apogonia destructor} of Java, Zehntner 2 has devised the trap shown in Fig. 57, which is exposed under a lamp at night during the time that the beetles make their nuptial flights. The employment of bait as a means of attracting insects is also in vogue in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Fiji it has been observed that the Weevil Borer is attracted by sour cane; Koebele 3 records that in Fiji, with the help of seven little Indian girls, he has thus collected 16,000 beetles in four 133 CANE SUGAR. hours, and that there systematic collection over three years resulted in the almost complete disappearance of the pest. Similarly, S. M. Hadi 13 states that the white ant is in India attracted by dung which is purposely placed on the cane fields as a means towards the collection and subsequent destruction of the insects. 3. Rotation of Crops. This has been recommended by Watson 7 as likely to diminish the prevalence of the West Indian Root Borer (Diaprepes abbreviatus), and amongst crops not attacked he mentions ochra, cassava, yams, eddoes, woolley pyrrol, pigeon pea, bonavist and rouncival beans. 4. Use of Substances objectionable to Insects. Wray states that cane tops soaked for a few minutes in water tainted with petroleum are not attacked by ants, and S. M. Hadi 13 mentions the use of mustard cake and assafcetida by the ryots of India for a similar purpose. Naphthalene 9 has been used similarly to impregnate the ground to repel the mole cricket in Porto Rico. 5. Use of Insecticide Washes. Spraying as a means of the destruction of insects is only effective with small crops grown on a restricted area, and has but a limited use with the sugar cane. It has been employed chiefly in connection with hemipterous pests, such as the Aphis and Mealy Bugs. leery, in Mauritius, employed a wash formed by boiling lime and sulphur as a means of destroying the pou-a-poche-blanche ; the most generally employed insect wash is a petroleum emulsion made according to the following formula : 1 part soap, 10 parts water, 20 parts petroleum ; the soap is dissolved in hot water and the petroleum slowly added to the hot solution with constant stirring. A creamy mass results, which for use is mixed with 15 parts of cold water. On the small scale this solution is distributed from a knapsack spray with a hand pump ; power sprayers conveyed in carts are also in use, but the writer believes their employment is confined to the fruit industry carried on over comparatively limited areas. Extract of pyre thrum is a widely used insecticide, and is thus prepared 14 : Genuine Persian or Dalmatian insect powder, 100 grms. ; raw spirit, 200-250 grms.; 80-100 grms. ammonia; allow to stand for two days. Dilute with two litres of water and allow to stand exposed to the sun for a few more days ; filter through a cloth, squeezing out the residuum well. The dark brown liquor is extract of pyrethrum. Use 25 grms. of this and 25 grms. of soft soap per litre in aqueous solution. 6. Flooding. The flooding of fields has been proposed as a means of destroying the larvae of those insects that are subterraneous in their habits. 7. Destruction of breeding Places. Many of the parasites of the cane utilize trash, dead cane, &c., as breeding -places, and following this the destruction of all refuse likely to harbour insects has been advised ; agri- culturally this process leads to a loss of nitrogen, and Perkins has observed that the burning of trash, &c., may at times be ill-advised, as the leaf hopper is able to escape by flight, a faculty not possessed by all its parasites. 134 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. 8. Quarantine of imported Plant Material. It is certain that many of the serious epidemics of insects are due to their accidental importation unaccom- panied by the natural enemies that keep them in check in their original habitat. Instances of these introductions are numerous. The 'Borer' was thus introduced into Mauritius in 1848 15 in a consignment of cane received from Ceylon. Orders were given to destroy the cargo, but it is supposed that some ill-advised person secretly removed and planted a few tops. The intro- duction of canes from abroad also accounts for the Weevil Borer and Leaf Hopper in the Hawaiian Islands. It is of great interest to note that evidence exists that the borer of these islands was introduced from Otaheite along with the original Lahaina cane (cf. Chapter TV.)] it was on the "Pioneer" estate at Lahaina that it was first noted a year or two after the introduction of the cane there. Another boring pest of the cane, Sesamia nonagrioides, originally a North African species, has now become widely distributed over the tropics. When the immense damage done by insects is recollected (in the Hawaiian Islands alone the leaf hopper in one year destroyed cane equal to not less than 60,000 tons of sugar), any expenditure on a proper system of quarantine can only be regarded as a rational policy of insurance. Such a system is now established in the Hawaiian Islands. 9. Infection with Disease. A number of years ago it was proposed to destroy rats by means of bait infected with cultures of the organism Septicaemia muris ; the first essays in this direction were not attended with success, but more lately favourable reports have been received of the efficacy of ' Dansyz virus ' as a muricide ; the use of this has, of course, been chiefly developed in connection with the prophylaxis of plague. A number of micro-organisms are parasitic upon insects ; thus the death of the weevil borer has been observed as due to the mould Penicillium glaucum ; a fungus, Isaria barber i, is also known as parasitic upon the caterpillar of the West Indian moth borer, and a species of Botrytis upon the caterpillars of the moth Psalis securus in Java. The help afforded by these fungi does not appear to be very great. The destruction, however, of the scale louse Aleyrodes longicornis by a fungus Ascherontia aleyrodis in Florida has been noted by Webber 16 apparently acting with good effect. 10. Encouragement of natural Enemies. The increase of many pests is often traceable to a decrease in the number of their enemies ; an example of this is the great increase of the mole cricket in Porto Rico in 1876 9 after the destruction of the avian population of that island in a hurricane. Amongst the insectivorous animals which may be classed as friends of the cane are birds, lizards, newts, toads, ladybirds and spiders. In this connection Dr. Perkins informs the writer that the destruction of the ' grass army worm ' in the Hawaiian Islands is due largely to the mynah bird, an introduced species. 11. Parasitization. If the checks on insect multiplication were removed agriculture would be impossible. To the great majority of insects are attached 135 CANE SUGAR. one or more parasites, and it is due to the absence of the parasite that the sudden outbreaks of insect damage are due. The control of insect damage is to be obtained by the introduction, breeding and distribution of approved parasites. A striking example of this method is afforded by the work of Koebele, Perkins, and their associates in the control of the leaf hopper pest in the Hawaiian Islands. This insect was introduced unaccompanied by the parasites which in other places kept its development in check ; expeditions were sent to Fiji, Queensland and elsewhere, parasites were obtained, bred and distributed, and the leaf hopper was in a few years placed under control ; this achievement may well be considered as a classic in economic entomology. The parasites found to be the most effective were extremely minute hymenoptera, belonging to the Calcididae, of which Paranagrus optabilis, P. perforator and Anagrus frequens were the most valuable. These parasites lay their eggs on the eggs of the leaf hopper, and this form of parasitization is considered the most effective. Very often cane pests are kept in check by naturally occurring parasites ; thus a species of Chrysopa, belonging to the neuroptera, controls the ' spittle fly,' Delphax saccharivora, in the West Indies. In Java, the detailed studies of Zehntner, Yan Deventer and others have brought to light many parasites ; the * moth borers ' are thus controlled there chiefly through the agency of two minute chalcid hymenoptera, Ceraphron leneficiens and Chaetosticha nana ; other of the pests in Java (and doubtless elsewhere) are controlled by other minute hymenopterous insects which may be well considered as amongst the most beneficial of their kind. In Figs. 58 and 59* are given, after Yan Deventer, a drawing of Ceraphron beneficiens, and the eggs of the 'Borer,' Diatrcea striatalis, parasitized by this insect. Amongst other beneficial insects may be mentioned various * ladybirds ' ( Coccinellida) to which the control of aphis and other 'plant lice' is largely due. It may also be mentioned that the planting of certain plants, e.g. Pigeon Pea (Cajanus mdicus), Bonavist Bean (Dolichos lablab\ near to cane fields has been stated to attract the hymenopterous insects parasitic on many cane enemies. The question of pest control by parasites and predators is, however, a most complicated one, and includes many factors grouped together in the term * struggle for existence? Thus there may be a major pest of the cane, A, and a minor pest, B, which is also predatory on A. Amongst these may be intro- duced a third form of life, C, parasitic on A, which in its turn is parasitized by D, which also includes B among its hosts. It is only by the careful study of the life history of the pests and of their parasites, and by taking into account all conditions, that it can be determined if the introduction of such and such a form of life is advisable ; the ill considered disturbance of the natural balance, as instanced by the results of the introduction of the mongoose into Jamaica, is unreservedly to be condemned. * See Frontispiece. 136 THE PESTS AD DISEASES OF THE CANE. For a detailed study of the control of insect pest by insect parasite reference may be made to the detailed account of the leaf hopper in the entomological bulletins of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. Froggat 17 however, has very severely criticised the pest control work of Koebele and Perkins, and is inclined to attribute the diminution of the leaf hopper to the burning of trash, (a custom which had been in vogue for a generation previous to the appearance of the hopper), and which Perkins indeed does not advise since the hopper can escape by flight, whilst the parasites are unable to do so. A change in the variety of cane planted is also given by Froggat as tending to have controlled the hopper, but although on some plantations hard rinded varieties were hurriedly planted during the first period of the epidemic, this alone had little effect, and plantations which made no change obtained an effective control by means of parasitization. On the other hand, Silvestri, 18 who also studied the conditions locally, writes in the highest terms of the work of Koebele and Perkins, and considers that there is no doubt of the economic success of insect pest control through the agency of their parasites. Insect Epidemics. In the preceding pages reference has been made to several historic insect epidemics ; in many of these there is strong evidence that the epidemic was due to external introductions and these may then be classed as instances of the disturbance of the natural balance. In one instance, at least, an epidemic was probably due to wilful neglect of warning and to disobedience of State orders. The losses suffered by Mauritian planters, about 1850, from the borer should be sufficient to warrant the introduction of new varieties of cane only under a well advised system of inspection and quarantine Insect epidemics may however arise from uncontrollable causes, as instanced by the present (1910) serious aspect of the spread of the Giant Borer (Castnia licus] in British Guiana 19 . This insect was first noticed as casually attacking cane about 1901 on the East Coast of Demerara ; in 1904, it was reported as doing great damage to cane at ' Enmore ' in that district ; previously its food habits were only connected with the roots of an orchid growing near the Upper Orinoco. As this insect is known from Central America to the Amazon, it probably was not a recent introduction, but suddenly for obscure reasons developed the faculty of feeding on the cane. Although the presence of an active State entomologist would not have influenced the development of the habits of this insect, yet the reporting to such an official of the first observed damage in 1901 would have allowed him time to study its life history, to have warned planters of the imminent danger, and to have devised means for its control. In any community dependent on agriculture for its prosperity, a depart- ment of economic entomology is necessary ; the losses due to preventable epidemics would pay the expenses many times over ; whether the officials of such a body should be the servants of the State or employes of a private 137 CANE SUGAR. association is debatable ; means for the enforcement of its recommendations are necessary however, lest the carelessness of a few individuals destroy the whole object of its existence. Fungus Diseases.* The diseases due to fungi are numerous and collectively cause annual losses of enormous sums ; they have been studied amongst others by Kriiger, "Went and Wakker in Java, by Howard and Lewton-Brain in the West Indies, by Cobb in Queensland, by Cobb and Lewton-Brain in Hawaii, by Barber and Butler in India, and at Kew by Massee. The most prominent diseases are the Sereh of Java, the Rood Snod of Java, which is cosmopolitan and is best expressed in English as Red Rot of the Stem, the Rind Fungus of West Indies, the etiology of which is still imperfect, the Black Smut and Top Rot, the cosmopolitan ' pine-apple disease,' Cobb's Gumming disease, and various so-called root diseases, most of which appear to be due to basidiomycetous fungi. In what follows an attempt is made to collate some of the more important points. Leaf Diseases. The leaf diseases of the cane are numerous and wide-spread, but none are very dangerous ; they have been chiefly studied in Java and more lately by Butler in India ; comparatively little attention has been paid to them elsewhere. 1 . Djamoer oepas. Large brown patches occur on the leaf and sheath, caused by a silvery mycelium found on the surface, the haustoria of which penetrate into the leaf, especially on the underside, and on the interior of the sheath. Later, small bodies (sclerotia), first white, then yellow, and finally brown, are observed on the dead portions of the leaf ; these spots are the size of a grain of mustard; the leaves attacked soon wither and die, but the damage is unimportant. 2. Yellow Spot Disease. Cercospora kopkei. Krtiger. This disease occurs as dirty yellow spots, often meeting to form one irregular blotch, the centre of which becomes red. A brown mycelium is found on the leaf, the branches of which, sometimes isolated, sometimes united in bundles, carry colour- less spores ; the appearance of the under- side of the leaf is as if covered with * 270 YIG. 60. a white dust. The damage is not great. The technical description of this fungus is : Cercospora kopkei. Maculis amphigenus, sinuosis confluentibus purpureo brunneis infra palidoribus, margine concolori ; hyphis plerumque hypophyllis fasicudatis, septatis apice noduhsis, denticulatisque fumoso bruneis 40 50 X 7 conidiis fusoideis suberectis 20 50 x5 8wiedie 40x6 utrinque obtusiaculis 3 - 4 septatis non constrictis passum guttulates subhyalinis. Various forms of the spores of this disease are shown in Fig. 60. * See note in Appendix. 138 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. 250 FIG. 61. 3. Leaf Spot Disease. Pestalozzia fusescens var. sacchari. Wakker. This fungus forms irregular spots on the leaves with a withered centre and brown border ; it is a rare and unimportant disease. 4. Cane Rust.' 2 ' 1 Uredo kuhnii. Wakker and Went. Narrow orange coloured stripes appear on the leaf, especially on the underside, and from these stripes an orange coloured rust can be scraped ; this serves to distinguish the fungus from other leaf fungi of the cane. The rust is composed of the spores of the fungus. Kriiger des- cribes this fungus as Uromyces kuhnii. In Java the disease is everywhere present in damp districts, but the damage done is small. The technical description is: Uredo Icuhnii. Soris uredo aporiferis hypophyllis linearibus; uredo-sporis e globoso ellipsoidiis v pyriformilu*, contentu aurantiaco exosporio copiose aculeate hyalino 18 34-' 5 X 28- '5 57' 5 ; pedicellio hyalino clavato suffultis. Various forms (after Kriiger) of the spores of this fungus are shown in Fig. 61. 5. Eye Spot Disease. Cercospora sacchari. Yan Breda de Haan. The presence of the disease is indicated by small red dots, which grow into long elliptical dark red spots, with a light yellow margin; at a later stage the centre becomes a dull dead yellow, surrounded by a dark red area, and this is circumscribed by a bright yellow border ; the elongated elliptical shape of the spots, which may grow up to 1^ to 2 inches in length, is retained ; the appearance of the spots is not dissimilar to the eye on a peacock's wing. With a pocket lens hairs (conidiospores) may be seen growing from the leaf. The disease has been observed in Java and in Hawaii ; in Java it does not appear on Cheribon cane or in mountain plantations, and in Hawaii it only makes much progress in wet weather ; varieties differ much in susceptibility. The technical description of this fungus is: Cercospora sacchari. Hob. in foliis, qua maculantur, sacchari oficinarum. Hypha pluriseptatce, brunece, 120 60 ; conidia 60 80x9 12 ; vermicularia 5 8 septata Irunea. Forms of the spores of this fungus (after Cobb) are shown in Fig 62. 139 CANE SUGAR. 1200 6. Ring Spot Disease. Leptospharia tacchari. Van Breda de Haan. The appearance of a leaf of the cane attacked by this disease is so similar to that caused by eye spot disease that confusion is easily possible. The differences are that in Ring Spot the spots are seldom more than half an inch long, and are nearly as broad as long. The bright yellow margin observed in eye spot is absent, and the centre of the spot is a dull greyish white. The conidia are formed chiefly on the under surface of the leaf ; they are three- celled, the central cell being larger than the outer ones, the whole spore forming an obtuse- angled body ; at a later stage perithecia appear on the leaf as small black spots. Each ascus contains eight four-celled bobbin-like spores. The spores of this fungus are shown (after Cobb) in Fig. 63. 7. Red Spot Diseased Eriosphceria (Went.) Coleroa (Van Breda de Haan.) Venturia (Sac- chardo) sacchari. This organism forms dark red spots on the leaf, generally roughly circular, and about 1 cm. in diameter. The connection between the disease and the fungus has not been proved by infection experiments. In Hawaii, it is said, spots exactly similar to those described have been noted without any indication of the Erispharia being present. The technical description of this fungus is : Venturia sacchari. Hal. in foliis sacc. offic. Perittecia 70 80 diam., asci 25 long; octospori, sporidia 11x16. 8. Slack Spot of the Leaf Base. A blackening of the leaf base has been observed in Java to be due to an organ- ism, Cercospora acerosum. The spores are bobbin-shaped, from 2 3*5 microns wide and from 1050 microns long; they contain from one to as many as seven cells. These spores (after Dickoff and Hein) are shown in Fig. 64' 9. Leaf Splitting Disease. 26 This disease, which is perhaps confined to one district in Hawaii, is characterized by a number of yellow stripes appearing in the leaf, which afterwards splits and withers. Cobb considered this disease due to an organism, Mycosphcerella striatiformam, but did not prove the connection by inoculation experiments. Similar, and perhaps, identical diseases are known in Fiji and the Argentine. FIG. 64. 140 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. A disease similarly characterized was described in 1849 by Bojer 27 in Mauritius, who attributed it to electrical influences in the atmosphere. 10. Yellow Stripe Disease. (Gele Strepen Ziekte.) This is a leaf disease often referred to in the Java literature, and as yet imperfectly diagnosed. Some references show points of similarity with the ' leaf splitting' disease of Hawaii. 11. Broivn Leaf Spot. Cercospora longipes. The disease due to this organism is described by Butler as prevalent in North and South Behar; narrow oval spots about inch long and of a reddish colour are the first signs of the disease ; as the spots increase in size a brown centre becomes evident, and at one stage of the disease three concentric rings, brown, red and yellow, are seen ; eventually the spot become a broad oval deep brown ring, with a straw coloured centre. The rings are usually from a quarter to a third of an inch long by an eighth of an inch or more in breadth. The technical description of this fungus is: Cercospora longipes. Maculis elongatis, amphygenis, saepe con- fluentilus, primo sangwneis, orescendo stramineis, Irunneo-cinctis ; hyphis in caespitulos gregarios collectis, plerumque hypophyllis flexuosis, Irunneis, sursum geniculatis vel denticulatis, 100200 X 4 conidiis obclavatis sursum attenuatis, rectis vel curvatis, ! 6 septatis, 1^080x5 hyalinis. In Fig. 65 are shown (after Butler) spores of this fungus. x 130 FIG. 65. FIG. 66. Diseases of the Leaf Sheath. 1. Eye Spot of the Leaf Sheath. Cercospora vagina. Kriiger. This disease is characterized by a brick red spot appearing on the leaf sheath; this red colouration does not spread over the leaf sheath ; the centre of this spot becomes eventually black. The disease is due to the organism Cercospora vagina ; Kriiger gives the length of the spores as from 19-640 microns, with an average length of 25*2 microns, and the breadth as seven microns. In Fig. 66 are shown (after Kriiger) spores of this fungus. 2. Ited Rot of the Leaf Sheath. 31 The organism causing this disease is imperfectly known ; the disease is characterized by the leaf sheath becoming red, the red colouration spreading all over the sheath, and shading off into an orange colouration. The disease passes from the leaf sheath to the stem, attacking the soft parts near the nodes ; at a late period of development the 141 CANE SUGAR. infected parts are covered with an abundant mucus mycelium, and eventually a large number of sclerotia the size of a pin's head are produced ; these are first white, and finally become yellow and brown. The diseased parts have a smell of mushrooms. It is young cane that is most often attacked, and in the case of tops the germination of the eyes may be prevented. 3. Add Rot of the Leaf SJieafh A disease much resembling the Eed Rot, and also incompletely diagnosed. It is distinguished by the lighter red colour of the infected parts, by the larger sized orange sclerotia, and by the odour of apples. The disease does not readily pass to the stem, and then only attacks the young internodes. Diseases of the Stem. 1. Black Smut. Ustilago saccJiari. Rabenhorst. The organism which causes this disease is found in all affected parts. The part of the cane most liable to attack is the top of the young cane, which is turned into a black, whip-like substance, covered with a slimy foul-smelling material ; the whole stool of cane is destroyed. The organism is found on grasses and on wild cane, the latter in Java having been noted as a source of infection. The disease occurs in Java, Natal, Queensland, and India, where Butler has observed the possibility of the disease appearing from the use of infected tops; he does not consider it a dangerous disease, but the writer has seen great damage caused in Mauritius. In one case a seven-acre field was absolutely destroyed. Butler also observes that the fungus has a predilection for those varieties of cane approaching wild cane. The technical description of this fungus is: Sorts atris : Sports globosis sulawgulatis, 8-18 olivaceo-bruneis, vel rufescentibus, episporio crasso levi imtructis. In Fig. 67 is shown the whip-like appearance of the cane attacked by this disease, and in Fig. 68 spores of the fungus. 2. Donkelan-ziehte. u Mar- asmius sacchari. Wakker. This is a disease attacking the foot of the cane, and, so far as regards Java, appearing chiefly in nur- FIG. 68. series. The disease is characterized by the withering of the leaves of the young shoots, and by the non-development of the buds. The cane plants contain in the interior a mycelium which also occurs as large white flakes on the surface of the cane. The fungus has been studied in the West FIG. 67. 142 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. Nat Size FIG. 69. Indies by Howard and Lewton-Brain. Here adult cane is usually affected, particularly ratoons ; the roots are attacked, and the cane dies from want of water. After rains the toadstool is often found growing at the base of the cane. Wakker's technical description of this fungus is Gregoria vel bati fasii-culata, diver sa, carnoso-membranacea persistentes ; pileus albus late-campanulatus dein sordide albus, planus vel cupuliformis, 15 mm. diam.; lamellae albae simplices vel bifurcatae. Stipe* centrahs albus, long. 15 mm. apice tubiforme base villosa. HypJiae albae. Sporidia hyalina, continua^ irregulariter-oblonga utrinque atienuaia 16 W x 4 5. Habitat in caulibus vivis. This organism or one closely related also occurs in Hawaii, and has been provisionally named M. sacchari, var. Hawaiiensis. A marasmius is also, according to Fulton, 35 parasitic on cane in Louisiana, and is- identified as M. plicatus, which has been observed as a saprophyte in Java. In Fig. 69 is shown the toadstool of this fungus as appearing in Hawaii^ and in Fig. 70 the spores, both after Cobb. 3. Top Rot or PokJca Song. The etiology of this disease is considered uncertain by Went and Wakker. It has been connected with Cobb's Gumming Disease, but later researches, especially those of Erwin Smith, 36 indicate that these diseases, whilst somewhat similar in outward appearance, are totally distinct. Three stages may be recognized in the disease. In the first the young leaves become yellow, wither and die, while the internodes, being unable to obtain food, remain short and stunted ; in the second stage the young leaves that have opened roll up and die ; in the third stage the vegetative point is changed to a slimy pulp, the remainder of the top being filled with a slimy substance possessing a foul smell similar to but distinct from that associated with the Ustilago sacchari. Later the eyes underneath the top shoot and may form almost a new top. Young plants a few months old are more often affected than mature cane, and continued rain is a predisposing cause. On an estate with which the author was connected in Demerara, a rot, outwardly the same as the one in question, was very prevalent, and he made the following observations : Older canes frequently suffered, but there was always previous insect damage of the top. In young canes of age from a few days (i.e., when the eye was sprouting) to two or three months the apical leaf was frequently FIG. 70. 143 CANE SUGAR. seen to wilt ; on applying a steady tension this could be pulled out entire, or in the case of a sprouting eye, the bud could be unravelled ; at the base of the leaf a discoloured area was seen associated with a foul smell ; by examining sprouting eyes which were just beginning to wilt, or even which were apparently healthy, all stages of the rot could be seen ; in many cases there was evidence of previous damage by an undetermined insect, the larva of which (a footless grub, about T % inch long) was present ; but frequently there was no sign of insect damage. This disease was certainly causing no inconsiderable harm. 4. The Gumming Disease. Pseudomonas vascularum. Cobb. This disease, which has been incorrectly associated with Top Rot, was originally described by Cobb in Queensland. It is characterized by the exudation of drops of gum from a cut or punctured surface, as shown in Fig. 71. FIG. 71. The top of the cane also becomes charged with a putrid offensive slime. Cobb connected the disease with the presence of a micro-organism which he called Bacillus vascularum, but did not make the complete bacteriological proof of the connection of this organism with the disease. This has been done later by Erwin Smith, 36 who has definitely proved the connection between gumming and Cobb's organism. An important point in Erwin Smith's research is that he shows that the 'common purple cane' and D 74 are much less susceptible than the 'common green cane,' and connects this with the less acidity of the 'common green cane.' Greig Smith 38 also proved that the bacillus grown in pure culture produced the characteristic gum found in the vessels of diseased cane. He also noted the resistance of variety to the disease. Erwin Smith thus describes the appearance of the organism: The organism appears as an actively motile, short rod, and when stained and imbedded in balsam has an average measurement of 0*4 : 1 micromilli- metres. Carbol violet followed by dilute alcohol produces the best films ; fuchsin stains the gum, which usually adheres more or less to the cells ; the "blues stain but feebly. By using the night-blue method with the scanty growth obtained on ordinary agar the flagella can be easily stained. They are single and terminal. The bacteria are not coloured by the Gram method of staining. Spores were not obtained and are probably never formed. 144 FIG. 16. SALANGORE. PLATE IX THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. Sereh.. This disease was first recognised as such in 1882 in Java where it has done very great harm. In the typical form of ' sereh ' the stool of cane consists of a number of short stalks with very short joints ; the buds, especially those below, sprout, whereby results a bundle of short stems hidden in a mass of leaves. The whole stool bears a resemblance to lemon grass (Andropogon schoenanthus] the Javanese term for which is ' sereh? In a second type one or two stalks may grow to a fair size with very short joints in the upper part; above all is a fan-shaped leaf crown; many of the eyes, especially those below, sprout and form small branches. Benecke 39 has given the following symptoms of this disease : 1. A low, shrubby growth, often only from 3-4 decimetres. 2. A fan-shaped arrangement of the leaves arising from a shortening of the internodes. 3. The internodes are only from ^ to f inch long. 4. The nodes are tinted red. 5. Numerous aerial roots are formed. 6. The fibro vascular bundles are tinted red. 7. Subterraneous outbranchings form. 8. The sheath and root buds turn vermilion. 9. In some cases there is no formation of wax on the stem. 10. The growing part of the stalk is frequently dyed red. 11. The leaf-sheath and the stalk stick together. 12. There is an accumulation of secondary organisms. The presence of gum in * sereh ' cane is a point about which much has been written ; the major portion of opinion seems to be that the presence of gum is a consequence of, and not directly connected with, the disease ; if the gum is of bacterial origin the growth of the bacteria might only take place in canes already weakened by disease. A red colouration of the fibrovascular bundles is a characteristic of 1 sereh ' ; this colouration is most pronounced in the node, but often appears in the internode in the form of a red stripe ; this appearance is quite distinct from the red patch with white centre characteristic of the l red rot of the stem. 1 A red string of the sugar cane associated with the presence of gum has also been described by Grieg Smith 40 ; this he ascribes to the association of an unidentified ascomycete with a slime producing bacillus, which he names JB. pseudarabinus. The immense amount of work that has been done on Sereh has quite failed to elucidate the cause of the disease ; opinion is divided in ascribing the cause to physiological and to pathological influences ; amongst the first, bad drainage, injudicious manuring, late planting, excessive ratoonage, an insufficiency of silica in the soil, and degenerescence have been suggested. 145 10 CANE SUGAR. As regard parasites, Treub 41 ascribed the disease to the attacks of a nematode worm to which he gave the name Heterodera javanica. Coinciding with the attacks of this worm he observed the presence of a fungus of the genus Pythium. This worm penetrated the bark of the root at places of accidental injury or at the growing point. After having arrived within the root the worm worked its way parallel to the central axis until it arrived at the point of growth of a lateral root. Soltwedel 42 also attributed the damage to attacks of a worm to which he gave the name Tylenchus sacchari, stating that the parasite passed its existence in the root which it destroyed. The length of the Tylenchus is given by Soltwedel as about '7 mm. and its breadth as about '03 mm. The connection between nematode worms and Sereh is not now generally accepted. Janse 43 ascribed the cause of Sereh to two organisms, Bacillus sacchari, and Bacillus glanga, and stated that these organisms attack other plants besides the cane. He considered the seat of the disease lay in the reddened nbro-vascular bundles. The dependency of Sereh on these organisms is not now generally accepted. Lastly, Went attributed Sereh to a combined leaf-sheath and root disease, caused by an organism Hypocrcea sacchari, the description of which is as follows : Pulvinata dein depressa, carnosa, pallide fusca, stromatibus 2 mm. lat. 1 mm. cras&is, scepe laviter collascentibus, intus pallentibus vel albidis, pertheciis fuscis, ostiolis, vix prominulis 200 - 250 = 150 - 200, ascis linearibus breve pedicellatis 100 X 5, sp'>tidiis monostichis 8, e cellulis duabus incequalibus mox decedentibus compositis, cellula superiori globosa 4- diam., cellula inferiori cuboidea oblonga 6 x -4, fumose-olivaceis, conidiis. Verticillium sacchari. In Fig. 72 is shown (after Went) an ascus of the Hypocraaa, * ' containing eight spores. Latterly the idea seems to be taking hold that Sereh was the manifestation of peculiar soil and cultural conditions, the various micro-organisms associated with it only becoming prominent after the health of the cane had become affected. A point of great interest with this disease is the difference of opinion a& to its infective nature ; the disease certainly spread from district to district in Java, but conversely healthy sticks planted in an affected field remained healthy. Whether infectious or not, the disease was found to be hereditary : that is to say, canes planted from sound healthy seed gave healthy canes, but tops derived from sereh struck canes became equally infected. 146 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. The localization of the disease to Java, or its presence elsewhere, is of great importance ; in the literature references may be found to its appearance in Australia, Mauritius, and Reunion ; the only authoritative statement I have come across is due to Went, who saw Black Java canes in Surinam with the symptoms of the disease. The writer himself has not infrequently in Mauritius and Demerara seen canes presenting the symptoms of sereh, including the red stripe ; it is admitted that such symptoms may be present in sereh-free canes, and these symptoms appearing in other than sereh canes may account for the great diversity of opinion as to the cause of the disease. 6. Red Rot of the Stem." Colletotrichum falcatum. "Went.- The Red Smut has been carefully investigated by Went. He says that diseased plants do not show any outward sign of disease so long as they are not seriously affected. At a later stage the plant dies away, the leaves becoming prematurely withered and yellow. On cutting the cane longitudinally the joints are found to be affected, but two consecutive joints are seldom diseased. The disease shows itself in the shape of a red colouration in the interior of the joint, which is unequally distributed and darker in one place than another ; peculiar white spots are also to be seen. This appearance serves to distinguish the disease from Sereh, which is marked by a red stripe. The rind is un- aftected, and since the fibrovascular bundles are chiefly congregated near the rind, the leaves are still able to obtain their food. In the white blotches a mould is always present, a few threads of mycelium being found in the red patches. In the vascular bundles brownish-black patches also occur, connected with which is a mycelium flourishing in the cells and walls of the bundles. If a piece of diseased stem be allowed to dry, black streaks appear, due to stromata, from each of which spring a number of brownish-black straight hairs measuring from 100 /A to 200 u in length and 4 JLL wide. Among these hairs arise a number of sickle-shaped conidia, measuring 25 p, by 5 /*. If the diseased cane be kept in a damp place a white mycelium turning to grey appears, forming, in a few days, chlamydospores or resting spores. Went never obtained any form of spores other than conidia or chlamydospores. To the organism described above he gives the name Colletotrichum falca'um, and states that it is a wound parasite, only attacking canes already injured by insects. The organism has also a selective power for different varieties of cane. The complete description by W r ent of this is : Colletotrichum falcatum. Setis num seriatis, nunc in pseudo-conceptaculum congregatis cuspidatis, 100200x4., fulgineis, sursum pattidioribus, conidiis falcatis 25=4, hyalinis, ad hasim setul- orum, lasidiis ovoideis 20 x 8, hyalinis vel fuscts, suffultis. Habitat in culmis vivis. This organism is cosmopolitan. More recently the fungus has been studied by Lewton-Brain, 46 who has shown the existence of an enzyme secreted by the fungus, to which the loss of sugar is due. 147 CANE SUGAR. In Fig. 73 is shown from a photograph (after Lewton-Brain) canes attacked by this fungus, revealing the characteristic white spot in the centre of the red coloration, and in Fig. 74- the spores of this fungus. FIG. 73. 7. Pine-apple Disease.* 5 Thielaviopsis ethaceticus* Went. The Ananas or Pine-apple disease is, like the last-mentioned, a wound parasite, and its favourite place of attack is the exposed ends of cuttings for seed cane ; fully grown cane is rarely affected. When a cutting is attacked, the interior at first becomes crimson red and then black, at the same time giving off a * See note in Appendix. 148 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. pleasant odour reminiscent of pine-apples. A fungus, Thielaviopsis ethaceticus, was found by Went to be the cause of the disease. Cultures made from diseased X600 Fio. 74. canes remain white for from twelve to twenty-four hours and then turn olive- green ; this colour is due to macroconidia situated in the special cells at the ends of short branches of the mycelium. Microconidia are also formed in chains of 149 FIG. 77. CANE SUGAR. three or more. They are forme I within the top of a hypha and are rect- angular and colourless. The complete description of this fungus is thus given by Went : Thielaviopsis. Hypliae steriles hyalinae vel pallide fuscae, septatae. HypTiae fertiles septatae non ramosae. Macroconidia ovata, fusca, catenulata, mox secedentia. Microconidia cylindracea vel bacillaria, hyalina, in interiore hypharum catemulatim generata et mox ex apice exsilientia. T. ethaceticus. X 325 Macroconidia 16 19 X 10 12, microconidia 10 25 FIG. 76. =3,5 5, in interiore hypharum 100 - 200 ^ long. Habitat in culmis, fructibus, foliis in imula Java. This organism is cosmopolitan. In Fig. 75 are shown photographs of sound canes and of canes attacked l3y this fungus ; in Figs. 76 and 77 are shown the macro-and micro-spores. 8. Cytospora sacchari. 29 This organism has been observed by Butler, probably as a parasite of sugar cane in India; canes attacked resemble those attacked by rind fungus, and it is stated by Butler to be pro- bably of only minor importance. The technical description of this fungus is: Cytos- pora sacchari. Butler. Stromatibus verruciformibus seriatim ordinates, subcataneo-erumpentibus, plurilo-cularibus, nigris, osteolo elongato, |?^ 8wgulo reiriis, duobus praeditis ; sporulis minutissimis, cylindraceis, curvulis, utrinque obtusis ; 3~5 X 1'5 microns; basidiis ramosis septatis, 12 18 microns. Hob. in culmis vaginisque sacchari officinarum India. In Fig. 78 are shown (after Butler) the spores of this fungus, and in Fig. 79 a part of the diseased stalk. 9. Diplodiacacaoicola.^ P. Henn. This organism, which is known chiefly as a disease of the cacao tree and pods, was observed by Howard in the West Indies to be also parasitic on the cane. The appearance of canes attacked by this organism is similar to that occurring in attacks of rind fungus. Affected canes have a shrunken appearance, and on the rind appear little pustules, from which hairs eventually exude ; in dry weather the hairs do not appear, the spores showing as a blackish crust on the outer surface of the cane. Howard succeeded in infecting canes with pure cul- tures of this organism, which has also been observed by Butler 29 on cane in India. The technical description of this organism is : Pustulis prominalis nigris sporulis oblongis breniculeatis ; cirri's nigris 12 X 5. x 580. FIG. 78. Natural Size FIG. 79. 150 THE PESTS AN T D DISEASES OF THE CANE. In Fig. 80 is shown (after Butler) a cane stem attacked by this fungus, and in Fig. 81 the spores, also after Butler. 10. Black Rot c * g . Sph&roncema adiposum. Butler. An organism described under this name has been found by Butler in India, associated with Thielaviopsis ethaceticus, and Butler has succeeded in infecting healthy canes with this organism. His description of it is: Sphceroncema adiposum. Mycelio dense lanoso, atro ex hyphis brunneis, ramosis composite ; hyphis fertilis simplicibus, septatis, endoconidiis gerentibus ; endoconidiis polymorphis, cylindraceis, pyriformis vel globosis, aliis hyalinis vel brunneis, Zevibus, aliis fuscis verrucosis, 925x fa 5 - 18 ; peritheciis globosis, pilosis, atris in cottum erectum, rigidum, 26 m.m. X 50 microns, productis, ore sub- fimbriatis; sporidiis hyalinis, continuis, crasse lunulatis, utrinque acutis 6'5 X 3'5, muco adiposo obvolutis. Sab. in culmis sacchari officinarum, India. Fig. 82 shows a cutting infected with this fungus. 11. The Maladie de la Gomme, or Gumming Disease of Mauritius, has been described, as far as external appearance is concerned, by Boname. At first there is nothing abnormal in the appearance of the cane, but when the disease ia fully established growth is stationary and the leaves turn yellow. If the stem is cut trans- versely, small masses of a yellow viscid matter appear on the cut surface, which dry and harden in the air. This gum is only found in the central fibro- vascular bundles, and not in the sacchariferous cells. A gum, however, which is not yellow is also found round the knots and on the upper portion of the stem. In the final stage of the disease the extremity of the stem decays, the internal portion being filled with a grey viscid substance. x 250 FIG. 81. Diseased specimens of canes were forwarded to Prilleux and Delacroix, 49 who found on these canes an organism which they identified with Coniothryrium melasporum. This organism is the same as Darluca melas- porum, found by Berkeley on Porto Rican canes, and is indentified by Howard with the Dipljdia cacaoicola. The description of Boname agrees very closely with the appearance due to gumming as described by Cobb, and it is, of course, possible that the organism found by Prilleux and Delacroix was in a sense accidental, and not the cause of the disease. /Yafural -S/2t FIG. 82. 151 CANE SUGAR. 12. The Rind Fungus of the West Indies. By Bind Fungus in the "West Indies is meant the black pustules and hyphae that appear on the rind of dead and damaged cane ; it is thus described in the Kew Bulletin. 50 : 11 Canes infected with rind fungus are first noticed by dark red or brown patches in one or two joints toward the middle or base of the cane. This red patch having made its appearance rapidly spreads upwards and downwards, the infected area darkens in appearance, and is evidently rotten. Little black specks make their appearance between the joints, breaking from the inside to the surface." Specimens of affected canes were examined by Massee, who considered the disease to be due to a sphaeriaceous fungus which he named Trichosphaeria sacchari, and he found macro-conidia in the interior, and micro-conidia on the wounded surface of the cane. Both these forms he obtained in flask cultures inoculated with stylo-spores. Went thought that Massee' s macro-and micro-conidia belonged to the fungus T. ethaceticm, and suggests the identity of a saprophyte of cane, known in Java as Melancomum sacchari, with the fungus producing the black pustules and Massee's sphaeriaceous fungus. Howard, 5 in Barbados, investigated the connection between the Tricosphaeria, the Melanconium and the red smut (rot). His experiments and results may be briefly summarized : 1 . On canes attacked by rind fungus two organisms are always found a Melanconium and the Colletotrichum falcatum of Went. 2. The Melanconium inoculated into living cane does not produce rind fungus, the damage being confined to the dead cells around the wound. 3. Canes infected with Colletotrichum falcatum reproduce all the features of rind fungus. 4. When canes are infected with Colletotrichum falcatum and after- wards with Melanconium spores, the latter grow. 5. The Melanconium always follows attacks of Colletotrichum falcatum, but does not itself attack living cane. It is to be noted that Howard treats the popular term ' rind fungus ' as synonymous with the Java * rood snod.' This is unfortunate, as the ' red smut ' is essentially a disease of the interior of the cane. The Melanconium fungus is one that has been much studied, and other investigators do not treat it altogether as a harmless species. Cobb 37 describes it as 'cane spume,' identifying it with Strumella sacchari. He says, "I believe it is true that in most cases, if not all, this fungus requires the cane to be first in some way injured. Perhaps the frost so injures the arrow of the cane as to cause it to decay and die ; perhaps a borer makes its way into the cane, and thus breaks the rind ; or, again, perhaps the wind twists the stalk and cracks it, or the cane gets injured in any of the numerous possible ways; 152 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. then this fungus stands ever ready to take advantage of the accident, and in a few weeks' time makes such an inroad as to send the whole cane well on its way to decay. . . . The amount of damage done by spume is difficult to estimate. There is no doubt that through its agency much cane, which though injured would be saleable, is soon rendered worthless." As a result of further study in Hawaii, Cobb treats this fungus as strictly parasitic, and mentions that it is a frequent cause of the non- germination of cuttings used for seed. Lewton-Brain 52 also treats the fungus as parasitic ; his studies have indicated that the Melanconium is unable to penetrate the hard outer rind of the cane, but that when introduced through a wound, in a susceptible cane, it can enter the thin- walled cells, and bring about the death of the cane. He does not, however, regard it as markedly parasitic on varieties at present widely cultivated. The literature of ' rind fungus ' is very confused, but may be thus briefly summarized. Howard treats rind disease as synonymous with the red smut of Java, caused by Colletotrichum falcatum. Cobb and Lewton-Brain treat rind fungus as a disease caused by Melan- conium sacchari, and Howard does not regard this organism as parasitic. The planter, when speaking of rind fungus, refers to the appearance of black hairs growing out from a diseased cane ; this appearance may be caused by the Melanconium sacchari, by Diplodia cacaoicola, or by Cytospora sacchari, and most often follows on attacks of other diseases. Lewton-Brain calls the disease caused by Colletotrichum falcatum ' red rot of the stem,' thus distinguishing the disease from the red rot (rood rod) applied by Went and Wakker to a disease of the leaf sheath. The organisms associated with the well-known appearance of rind fungus have been described under different names, and we have Trichosphceria sacchari Melanconium sacchari Strumella sacchari and Darluca melasporum Conio- thryrium melasporum Diplodia cacaoicola. In the writer's opinion, the etiology of ' rind diseases ' still remains obscure ; those who have been unfortunate enough to have seen ' rind disease ' at its worst in Demerara, the West Indies, or Mauritius will require much convincing that this appearance is not connected with an aggressive parasite ; experiments with the Melanconium seem to prove that this form is not parasitic. On the other hand Howard has shown the parasitic nature of Diplodia cacaoi- cola on cane in the West Indies ; an outbreak of ' rind disease ' was observed by Harrison 53 in the experimental plots at Georgetown, British Guiana ; on the affected canes Howard found the Diplodia ; on Mauritius canes examined by Prilleux and Delacroix the same organism was found. All this seems to point to the Diplodia as being the aggressive parasite, and the cause of rind fungus, to the exclusion of the Melanconium. 153 CANE SUGAR. Fig. 83 shows a cane attacked by the Melanconium, and Fig. 8!j. shows the spores. FIG. 83. The Root Diseases of the West Indies. This disease was shown by Howard to be due to the fungus Ifarasmms saccJiari ; in Java this is considered as a disease of the stem, the basal part of which is attacked ; the roots of the cane also suffer so that the term * root fungus ' is justified ; FIG. 84. whereas in Java the disease is chiefly prevalent in nurseries, in the West Indies it is general and is particularly severe on ratoons. The disease is marked by the stunted appearance of the canes, by the dry leaf strap sticking to the basal end of the cane, by the presence of the mycelium which can be seen with the naked eye, and after rainfall by the appearance on the stalk of small fan-shaped toadstools.* * In Demerara the writer has seen canes die with all the outward signs of ' root disease ' ; the toadstools which appeared under favourable conditions of rainfall were not in any way like those of AJarat'mius; they were umbrella-shaped, with stipe 3-4 ins. long and with cap -1 inch wide. 154 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. Root Fungi. Under this term (Wortel Schimmel) there have been described in Java three fungi characterized by a growth of mycelium under- ground associated with the cane roots ; the first of these was described by Treub as a Pythium, and considered by him as a cause of Sereh ; later work by Wakker did not confirm this identification or connection. Wakker 54 further described two root fungi Cladosporium javanicum and Attantospora radicola as frequently occurring in cane fields but does not 'regard them as parasitic. Of similar habit is the Ithyphallm coralloides stated by Cobb to be the cause of a root disease in Hawaii ; later work has not confirmed Cobb's views on the parasitic nature of this fungus, though some evidence exists that the under- ground mycelial strands interfere to some extent with the development of the cane roots. In the Hawaiian islands it is a matter of common knowledge that the Ithyphallus is often abundant on the most productive fields. The Control of Fungus Diseases. 1. Use of healthy, selected, disease-free seed for planting. This can be effected by careful selection, or by growing seed cane in nurseries remote from infected areas, or by using for seed cane from that part of a plantation which is observed to be the least disease affected, and rigidly rejecting for seed purposes any cane from parts of the plantation that are known to be infected with disease. The presence of red fibre is, according to Cobb, a sure sign that the cane is not disease free. 2. Use of fungicide wastes on the seed. The exposed ends of cane cuttings form a most convenient point of entry for fungus spores, particularly the Thielaviopsis ethaceticus, and it is this organism that is largely responsible for the non-germination of cuttings and the consequent expenses of ' supplying.' It has been shown by the experiments of Howard in Barbados, of Cobb in Hawaii, and of others, that soaking the cuttings in Bordeaux mixture preparatory to planting is a very efficient prophylaxis. Bordeaux mixture is prepared as under : Dissolve 6lbs. crystallized copper sulphate in 25 gallons of water. Slake 4 Ibs. of quick lime in 25 gallons of water. Gradually add the lime water to the copper solution, with constant stirring ; when completely added, test the mixture by immersing in it for a few seconds a bright steel blade ; this should not become coated with a red layer of metallic copper ; but if the blade becomes coated more lime must be added. The time during which the cuttings should be left to soak is half an hour. In addition to soaking in Bordeaux mixture, the protection of the cut ends with tar has been proposed. 3. Isolation of diseased areas and patches, and destruction of fungus in these areas by heavy dressings of quicklime. This was recommended by Howard, Lewton-Brain, and Cobb, in connection with the various root fungi. 4. The adoption of all means likely to result in a diminution of flies is also recommended by Cobb, as he has shown how these insects are responsible 155 CANE SUGAR. for the distribution of the spores of the Ithyphallus coralloides. The dissemina- tion of typhoid, cholera, and dysentery by means of flies is now well recognized ; in these cases the flies visit human excreta, and carry the causal organisms to unscreened food and drink. 5. Destruction of dead cane, and of trash, as such material forms a habitat for certain organisms parasitic on living cane. 6. Rotation of crops. The peculiar proneness of the cane to disease lies perhaps in the wide-spread practice of growing it continuously on the same areas; similar observations with regard to wheat grown continuously at Rothamsted have been quoted in Chapter VI. It is, perhaps, the various forms of ' root disease ' which are most helped by this system. If other crops not susceptible to the fungi attacking cane were grown in rotation, the fungus would be starved, and would tend to disappear ; as it is, the fungi have often a continuous habitat, and the soil becomes infested. Similarly lack of hygiene may lead to houses and districts becoming infected with pathogenic organisms. 7. Selection of immune varieties. The work of Experiment Stations has been largely directed to this end ; and already seed varieties are grown on the large scale where, owing to the prevalence of disease, older varieties such as the Bourbon and White Transparent quite failed. An interesting point in con- nection with immunity is Erwin Smith's failure to infect the cane D 74. with the Pseudomonas vasculaium (Cobb) to which 'gumming' is due. The Yellow Caledonia, or "White Tanna, in Hawaii is also to be noted as a disease -resistant variety. In Java, the Sereh disease was, and is, controlled almost entirely by the selection of immune varieties. In certain cases immunity may be connected with hardness of rind. 8. Avoid all processes, such as high trashing, that tend to injure or to expose the softer parts of the cane. 9. Inspect and disinfect all canes received from foreign countries. This process of quarantine can also be extended to a self-contained cane-growing district in some areas of which disease is known to be more prevalent than mothers. The Ccnnection between Pests and Diseases. When 'rind fungus ' was prominent in the "West Indies in the nineties, great attention was paid to the possible sequence of disease on insect damage. This view has now become generally accepted ; to many diseases the hard outer rind of the cane acts as a partial barrier. Disease Epidemics. The history of the cane abounds with instances of sudden and destructive disease epidemics. In Reunion, during the years 1845-1851 a yellow cane qui n'etait autre que la veritable Otaheite was so attacked that it was necessary to entirely replace it with other canes ; this epidemic spread to or appeared simultaneously in Mauritius, and is the one to which Darwin refers in his Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, mentioning the substitution of a red cane (probably the Belouguet or Black Cheribon) for a white cane (probably Otaheite). This 156 THE PESTS AND DISEASES OF THE CANE. disease, which at this time it is hopeless to attempt to identify, was characterized by a ' cork-screwing' (tire-bouchonnage] of the top, a 'yellowing off ' and drying up ; the authority quoted above states that it is on record that the canes showed signs of degenerescence for fifteen years previous to the epidemic.* About 1865, the Louzier cane (cf. Chapter IV.) originated per saltum in Mauritius and there is evidence that this cane is the Otaheite, or staple cane of these islands, previous to the epidemic of the forties ; for a generation this cane remained the standard cane of Mauritius, and again in the nineties it suffered from a maladie. This disease has been discussed above. Here then exists a case of a cane twice forming the standard in a space of fifty years, and twice being almost exterminated by disease ; in the second epidemic relief was obtained by the planting of the Tanna canes. Other disease epidemics are known ; in Madeira and Natal the Uba cane has replaced one which had become diseased ; in Australia the ' gumming ' disease has assumed epidemic form ; the Rind fungus (the etiology of which is still not altogether satisfactory) of the nineties in the West Indies, and the Sereh disease of Java, so ably controlled by the plant-breeding work of Kobus and others, are well known instances. Though these epidemics are due to micro-organisms, yet the action of these is accentuated by, and perhaps may be initially caused by, negligence of plant hygiene. Quite recently Harrison 56 has struck a warning note when he writes: "I have personally never favoured the readiness so apparent of late years to refer almost every instance of decreased yield in cultivated plants to the noxious action of microbes or fungi. It appears to me that for a long time back we have in the tropics rather neglected what I may call the physical and chemical hygiene of our cultivated soils, and have not paid sufficient attention to the soil-conditions which may have materially reduced the naturally resistant powers of plants to the attacks of bacteria and fungi And further, I think that the susceptibility of certain kinds of plants, for instance, the Bourbon cane, to injury by drought and fungus attacks is due in part at least to the defective conditions of soil hygiene under which, in places, they are now cultivated." REFERENCES IN CHAPTER IX. 1. Das Zuclcerrohr. 2. De dierlijke vijanden van het suikerriet. 3. W. I. B., I., 327. 4. Agric. Jour, of India, April, 1908. 5. Agric. Gaz., N.S.W., 1893, 373. 6. S. then must always 7\ = T 2 and it hence follows that the passage of the bagasse over the trash turner must be uniform. 184 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. Consider the movement of a pointy (Fij. 115} using a system of polar co-ordinates the point p will reach A in time t with a velocity V\ this velocity can be divided into two components c and w, of which c is in the direction of the radius vector and w is perpendicular to it. The crushed cane must move over the trash turner in such a way that these components are constant, a result to be obtained by the following conditions : FIG. 114. If r and u are the polar co-ordinates of the point p, then dr C = -j7 or dr = c dt, now, since C i3 constant, one obtains by integration r ct + then the volume described between the two rollers in one revolution, and which cannot be less than the combined volume * The sections immediately following apply primarily to rigid mills and are only applicable to hydraulic mills in a limited sense. 198 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. of the emergent juice and fibre, is7rx60x30x^ cubic inches. For lack of a better term this volume will be referred to in the sections immediately following as the escribed volume. In the megass mills it is customary to set the top and back rollers practically metal to metal, and hence to allow the megass to pass, the rollers must become separated by a certain distance, which can be obtained by the calculation given below. Let there be a mill of dimensions 60 in. X 30 in. running at the rate of two revolutions per minute; let 25 tons of cane carrying 12 per cent, of fibre be crushed per hour; let the megass as it leaves the mill contain 45 per cent. of fibre and 55 per cent, of juice; let the density of the juice be 1*07 and of the fibre be 1-35. Then in one hour there pass 3 tons of fibre and 3'66 tons of juice. The volume of the fibre passing per hour is 3 X 2240 62-25 x 1*35 = ^ 9 ' 96 c * ft- an( ^ ^ at ^ *ke J u * ce * s - 123-19 c. ft.; and together 203-15 c. ft. To allow this quantity to pass, the escribed volume must not be less; the crushing surface per revolution is ~TTT sq. ft. = 39-28 sq. ft. ; so that at a speed of two revolutions per minute the minimum opening 20S* 1 5 between the rollers is 39.28 x 120 ~ ' 43 ft> = ** in ' If the rollers ran at 2'5 revolutions per minute, the minimum opening works out at ff in., so that with high speeds a smaller opening is necessary. In actual practice the megass and top rollers are set metal to metal, and not to such relatively large distances as the above calculation implies; the volume necessary for the megass to pass is made up of the spaces formed by the grooving of the rollers, by roughness in their surface, and also by actual distortion and forcing apart of the rollers. In the above conception it is necessary to distinguish between the actual and the apparent volume of the megass ; the latter is the space occupied by the megass and includes the intercellular and interstitial spaces, and depends upon the structure and packing of the fibre ; the former is the least volume into which the megass could be packed on the supposition that the space is filled wholly with megass. Capacity of Mills. It is easy to see that, provided all other con- ditions remain constant, the capacity of a mill is fixed by the escribed volume, and hence if two mills of different size be run at the same peripheral speed, that the capacity is fixed by the crushing surface. There are, however, many factors that do not remain constant, and which can be varied at will, so that so simple a relation does not hold. As a matter of empirical observation 199 CANE SUGAR. the writer has noticed that the capacity of mills otherwise similar is proportional to the cubic contents of one roller, and that, in the case of a nine-roller mill and crusher, the following simple relation holds. The capacity in short tons of cane per hour is equal to the cubic contents in feet of one roller. Three sizes of rollers often found are 30 in. X 60 in., 32 in. x 66 in., 34 in. X 78 in. ; the cubic contents of these rollers are 24*5 c. ft., 30*7 c. ft., and 41*4 c. ft., and these figures represent very closely the amount of cane treated by mills of this size in combination with a cane preparer. The addition of a fourth mill is found in practice to add at least 25 per cent, to the capacity without detriment to the quality of the work, and the absence of a cane preparer to take away about 10 per cent. FIG. 128. The capacity of an existing plant can be varied within certain limits without detriment to the quality of the work by regulation of the escribed volume; this can be controlled by increasing the peripheral speed of the rollers or by increasing the opening between them ; if the capacity of a mill is to be increased on these lines, it is of course necessary that there be sufficient engine power available to treat the increased quantity of cane. The capacity of a mill is also affected by otber causes that cannot well be treated on paper ; some of these are : 1 . The nature of the material treated, including such points as the hard- ness, brittleness, and fibre content of the canes. 2. The ' slip ' of the mill. 3. The roughness of the rollers ; it is a matter of experience that the capacity of a mill is increased with rough surfaces, and rollers are now made with a special coarse-grained surface ; grooving the rollers has a similar effect. Forms of grooves as found in practice are shown in Fig. 128. 5. The setting of the trash bar. 6. The regularity and evenness of the feed. Surface Speed of Rollers as affecting Expression of Juice. A number of years ago 15 to 16 feet per minute was a usual surface 200 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. speed for mill rollers. The more recent tendency is to design the gearing so that the mills run at a speed up to 25 feet per minute. It has also been the custom to so arrange the gearing that there is an increase in the surface speed from mill to mill ; a thinner blanket of megass is thus obtained, which it is claimed parts with its juice more readily than the thicker blanket obtained if all the mills run at the same speed. By a reversal of the calculation given in the preceding section, it follows that, if the volume escribed by the revolution of the rollers is 203-15 cubic feet, the megass consists of 79-96 cubic feet of fibre and 123*19 cubic feet of juice ; let this volume of megass which is derived from 25 tons of cane be passed with the rollers making 2-5 revolutions per minute ; let the speed be now reduced to 2 revolutions per minute ; then the volume now escribed by the rollers in one minute becomes, if the setting remains unaltered, 182-52 cubic feet : since the volume occupied by the fibre is the same in both cases (79-96 c. ft.), there is with the slower speed a volume of (182-52-79-96) or 102-56 c. ft. remaining for the juice; taking this as of density 1*07 as before, the composition of the megass now works out at 50*4 per cent, juice and 49-6 per cent, fibre, as compared with 55 per cent, juice and 45 per cent, fibre when the speed was 2 '5 revolutions per minute. In the opinion of the writer, this argument points to the obtaining of better results with small speeds ; the reasoning is not free from objection since, for example, with the thicker blanket there will be a greater tendency to force the rollers apart and thus to increase the escribed volume. Quantity of Fibre in Cane as affecting Composition of Megass. The conception of the escribed volume can be used to show how the percentage of water and of fibre in a megass will vary with the initial composition of the cane. In the example already taken it was shown that, with an escribed volume of 203-15 c. ft., canes containing 12 per cent, of fibre afford a megass of composition fibre 45 per cent, and juice 55 per cent. ; let canes containing 1 per cent, of fibre be now milled, the setting and speed of the mills and the weight of cane remaining unchanged ; the amount of fibre now passing in one hour is 2'5 tons and this quantity will occupy 66*63 c. ft., so that there remains 203-15 66-63=136-52 c. ft. to be occupied by the juice ; this volume of juice, if of density 1*07, will weigh 4*06 tons, and the total weight of megass will be 6-56 tons, so that the percentages of fibre and juice are 38-1 and 61 -9 respectively. It follows then, that with a fall in the fibre content of the cane the escribed volume must be decreased to obtain the same results as with the larger quantity of fibre ; this effect can be obtained by running at a slower speed or by decreasing the distance between the rollers ; conversely, megass of the same composition will result by increasing the quantity of cane milled. 201 CANE SUGAR. Saturation By this expression is meant any process where water is added to the dry crushed canes, which are then recrushed; a diluted juice containing a proportion of the juice left after the dry crushing is then obtained ; two methods of applying the water may be distinguished ; in one the water is allowed to impinge directly on the megass, and in the other the diluted juice is returned to a bath, through which the megass is drawn. In Mauritius the writer observed that the term * imbilition ' was applied to the former, and 'maceration'' to the latter process; in what follows these terms are adopted. The earliest mention of a saturation process is due to Wray ; he describes a plant at work in Province Wellesley in 1848 ; it consisted of a three-roller mill as the dry crusher, followed by a two-roller mill as the recrusher ; the megass was carried from the first mill to the second by a travelling band, on which fell a rain of hot water from an overhead tank ; the surplus water that drained off was sent to the distillery. In order to obtain a premium of 100,000 francs, Duchaissing introduced a saturation process into the island of Guadeloupe ; the apparatus was very similar to the one described by Wray ; the two mills were placed eighteen feet apart, and between them ran a travelling band, the underside of which dipped into a tank of hot water while another tank placed above distributed a rain of hot water over the megass. Over the travelling band was arranged a series of beaters. The juice from the two mills could be collected separately, and if the second mill juice was greatly diluted it was returned to the megass from the first mill. Kussel and Eisien's scheme introduced into Demerara about the same time was somewhat different ; the mills were placed about thirty feet apart and connected as before by a travelling band. This band ran in a closed chamber of the form of a shoot ; a system of perforated piping ran along the bottom and top of the shoot by means of which water or steam was forced upon the megass ; means were also here provided for treating the first and second mill juice separately. Eousselot, who also reduced the cane mill to its present form, patented and introduced into Martinique a system of saturation; his process was essentially one of imbibition. In the Hawaiian Islands saturation was intro- duced by Alexander Young who sold mills on a system of payment by results. All these schemes were incepted in the seventies. Maceration. In Fig. 129, is shown a train of two mills separated by a macerating bath. Several ways of operating this process are to be met with. With a train of three mills, imbibition may be practised between the second and third mills and the third mill juice may be pumped into the bath between the first and second mills ; in any case the returned juice enters the bath at the end next a later mill and flows in a direction opposite to that in 202 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. "T 203 CANE SUGAR. which the megass travels, finally overflowing at the end next the earlier mill whence it passes to the boiling house. Macerating baths may also be arranged between the last two mills of a train, say, of three mills ; in this arrangement the expressed juice from the last mill is returned to the bath in front of the last mill ; the added water enters the bath immediately behind the returned juice. The flow of the juice is as described above, and on leaving the bath it is pumped to the bath between the first and second mills, and on overflowing from this bath passes to the boiling house, together with the juices expressed from the first and second mills. In another scheme, the juice expressed from the second mill is also returned to the bath between the first and second mills along with the third mill juice, and finally added water may be used in this bath as described above, the juices from the second and third mills passing separately to the boiling house. The juice in the baths is removed before the mills stop, by ceasing to return the juices for about 30 minutes before closing down ; the megass, in its passage through the bath, then mops up the juice present at the time that the return of juices is stopped. Comparison of Imbibition and Maceration. In all the recently erected mills in the Hawaiian Islands an imbibition process is used; the mills are placed close together, being driven through the train of gearing shown in Fig. 112 by one engine. With this arrangement there is no room for a macerating bath. The majority of plants recently erected in other districts also conform to this pattern ; macerating baths are to be found in Mauritius, in Fiji and in Australia, but the process is not by any means as common as imbibition. The writer has always been an upholder of the maceration process, and formed this opinion from the results obtained when once in a position to make comparative tests. In view, however, of the balance of opinion in favour of imbibition, he is unwilling to dogmatize on the subject. The benefit of maceration is most pronounced with the imperfectly crushed megass coming from an earlier mill : generally the rupture of the cane is at this stage so imperfect that the water added as imbibition is but little absorbed. To a certain extent the preference of engineers for a compact train of gearing, and considerations of first cost, account for the more extended use of imbibition ; where the mills have each their own engine, as is the case in plants erected piecemeal, this objection to maceration does not hold. General Principles in Saturation. In conducting saturation processes the following points are of importance : 1. The water must be evenly distributed over the megass. 2. The water must penetrate into the megass ; to this end it must be under a considerable head, so as to reach the lower layers ; a pipe led under the blanket 204 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. of megass may be used in addition to the one throwing water on to the upper surface.* 3. To enable the megass to absorb water readily, it must be finely crushed ; generally first crushing megass is not fine enough to readily absorb water. 4. A greater recovery is obtained when the diluent is used in two portions ; this is sometimes referred to as double maceration. 5. As the mixture of juice and water is not instantaneous, as much time as possible should elapse between two successive crushings. 6. It is not economical to allow badly crushed megass to pass the first mill on the supposition that the subsequent wet crushing makes up for the loss ; it does not. 7. The whole duty of maceration depends on the completeness of the admixture. Source of Water for Saturation. The water which is used in maceration is conveniently derived from the condensed water in juice heaters, eliminators, or effects. In the first two, the water being under pressure no pump is required. If the multiple effect water be used, it is convenient to pump it to elevated tanks, and thence to allow it to gravitate to the mills. By this arrangement the water can be measured, a point of considerable importance in technical control. Very often the maceration water is derived from the hot water supply for the boilers, a pipe being led from the boiler feed pump to the mills. Algebraical Treatment of the Extraction of Juice from Canes. Let/ and m denote the fibre per unit weight of cane and of megass ; then the weight of megass per unit weight of cane is 2- and the weight of m juice expressed is ; the weight of juice per unit weight of cane is 1 / so that the juice extracted per unit weight of juice in the cane is m ~" ' ftl-m) (*-/) The weight of juice remaining in the megass is and the juice lost in the megass per unit weight of juice in cane is - . As the fibre in the cane increases, that in the megass remaining constant, the weight of juice extracted by the mills decreases ; in the annexed table are given values of the expression for values of / 8 to 1 6 and of m 35 to 45 ; that is to say, the weight of juice obtained per 100 cane, when the latter contains from 8 per cent, to 16 per cent, of fibre, and when the megass contains from 35 per cent, to 45 per cent. * The distribution of the water by means of injectors as described by L. Pellet at the 1909 Congress of Applied Chemistry would appear to fulfil these requirements ; their use would in any case be superior to a perforated pipe or to a distributing trough. 205 CANE SUGAR. 6 <> OS CN "* '0 CO kO | CO r CO >o OS oo r- r OS do o ? i 00 OS ? cq CO 05 op CN CO * CO CO CO ^ TjH 3 kp o "" kO o CO kO % s 8 CO CM CO CO CO CO CO 3 cS i<3 ko CO CO CO n 1 p % 8 (M f CN CO (M 05 s t ko oo o OS >0 to CN B, CO CO $ >o CO >o CO CO CO 10 oo 55 CN r Co t- % o 3 3 t- t- r* 3 OS iO i . CO t CO ** 1 CO lr- CQ CO CO CO co OS O & 1 CO 00 cS g 3 >o T^ 6 OS rH GO CO GO 00 s * tf O U3 0 CO CO CO t^ CO t CO 00 CO 8 8 CO CO CN OS oo t-- 00 ? CO co c^ CO I- CO ^ 8 CN CO CO CO s cS CO CO t^ CO 00 CO 8 8 ^ r ( fr' kp OS CN 00 0 IT- 3 ct OS o JH i ( 3 o CO s l-~ CO 5 OO CO r- t rH t^ CN tr- 0 (M * CN o rH CO* >o O s (M OS s ^ r s ? O >!-( ! CM CO 01 kO CN CO t- 00 CO CO CO 4fH 00 kO >0 ^ t^ CN 05 t^ t^ 00 jH rH TtH * 11 00 OS O r^ rH o >o CO CO O CO <* 0 !> t> CN t- CO rH 0 CO CO t- t- 00 OO OS CN O oo CO o CO CO t^ 00 00 OS OS GO >o CN t^ OS CO CO co rH !M t^ r~ (M CO I 3 GO CO rH oo t^ CO t- t t- t t- g 00 t^ OS t^ OS t i i GO QO <& rH !> t oo IT- t- t- 00 t^ ? 00 J>. OS o OS i o Tfl rH 00 GO GO GO (M 0} CN GO iH'H ^ * 3 CO CO CO t^ CO 00 CO 9 O Ttl * CN * CO *f ^ T^ kO Tf 206 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. By dividing the weight of juice obtained by the weight of juice in the cane, i.e., by 1 -/, the sugar extracted per unit of sugar in the cane would be obtained, provided the juice were of uniform composition. As was originally pointed out by the late Mr. Francis, formerly Govern- ment analyst in British Guiana, the residual juice in megass is of considerably less sugar value than that first expressed by the mills. The following figures obtained by the writer using a small hand mill will give some idea of the relationship existing between expressed and residual juice : Sugar per One part Percentage cent, in Sugar per residual equal of juice expressed cent, in to parts of expressed. juice. residual juice. expressed juice. 74-77 . . 17-34 .. 15-36 . . -885 73-69 .. 17-47 15-20 .. -870 70-46 .. 17-31' .. 14-35 .. -829 65-75 .. 16-43 .. 12-50 .. -762 68-14 .. 16-49 .. 14-63 .. -887 70-63 .. 16-11 .. 12-74 .. -791 66-04 . . 16-69 . . 13-73 . . -824 70-41 .. 16-07 .. 13-17 .. -819 7593 .. 14-86 .. 12-38 .. -833 73-82 .. 13-99 .. 10-73 .. -767 72-08 .. 13-44 .. 11-46 .. -853 69-54 .. 12-88 .. 10-97 .. -852 69-38 .. 17-75 .. 14-02 -789 Mean -830 Let the sugar value of the expressed juice be represented by unity, and the sugar value of the residual juice by a ; then the sugar value of all the juice in the cane is given by the expression m-faf(l-m] _ m + gf f gfm mm m and the extraction will be given by the formula m / m -\- af f afm _ m f m m m -f- af f afm If to a be given the value -85, it will be found that the extraction corres- ponding to the weight of juice expressed is about 3 per cent, higher than that given by the formula ,-, _ ^^ extraction. In 1he table below is calculated the extraction obtained when canes containing from 10 per cent, to 14*5 per cent, of fibre are crushed to a megass containing 45 per cent, of fibre, using as a formula the expression, 1-03 (m-f] extraction = ^ - > : m ( 1 / Fibre in cane. Extraction. Fibre in cane. Extraction. 10-0 89-0 12-5 85-0 10-5 88-2 13-0 84-2 11-0 87-4 13-5 83-3 11-5 86-6 14-0 82-5 12-0 85-8 14-5 81-7 207 CANE SUGAR. Saturation Processes. Let canes containing / fibre be crushed till the megass contains m fibre, and to the resulting megass let w water be added, the water mixing completely with the residual juice in the megass. / / + w m -> The weight of the megass and added water now is + w =: - and the residual juice in the megass being - - - , the weight of the diluted juice i8 /(/ rc* + w = f+-f m ; If this saturated megass be crushed until it again contains m fibre per unit weight of megass, the weight f -\-wm- fm wm T _ . , of diluted juice obtained is w -i- - ^ - = , wm _f m If 1Q stead of crushing the saturated megass to m fibre, it be crushed to m 1 then the pro- . m 1 (/+ wm) fm portion of juice obtained of that originally present is t , wm \ _ f m The use of this method of calculation permits the different schemes for applying water in saturation processes to be critically examined. Single Saturation. By this term is meant a process where the canes, after dry crushing, are saturated once with water and again crushed. In the annexed table is calculated, on the lines developed above, the extraction due to saturation, and the total extraction on the understanding that the megass contains 45 per cent, fibre in the dry crushing, and 50 per cent, in the saturated crushing. The added water is assumed to mix completely with the residual juice and the latter is taken as having a sugar value equal to *85 of the juice obtained in the dry crushing. It follows as a result of the equation, and as can be seen from inspection of the table on page 209, that as the quantity of added water increases, the proportionate quantity of sugar obtained due to saturation rapidly decreases ; further, as the proportion of fibre in the cane increases, the part extracted due to saturation increases also, so that with high fibre in cane, it is of greater importance to carefully oversee the admixture of the added water, and to control as far as possible the fibre in the raw material entering the mill. Double Saturation. By this term is meant a process in which the water is added in two portions, in the case of a nine-roller mill partly after the first, and partly after the second mill ; in general such a scheme is not attended with very material benefit with the nine-roller mill, since the megass coming from the first mill is not in general sufficiently well crushed to absorb the added water. In a twelve-roller mill, however, material benefit follows by adding the water in part behind the second, and in part behind the third mill. In the case of a cane containing 10 per cent, of fibre dry crushed to 45 per cent, of fibre, and then after the addition of 10 per cent, of water with complete admixture, and crushing to 50 per cent, of fibre, an extraction of 208 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. ^ * Jto % 1 S ^ ^ I ^ -S . ^ "4*i i i tl 1 S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^T* *O OS OS rH OS rH OS rH OS rH OS rH OS rH OS CO t"- CO CO CO rH .HeM^cor or -r-r oeooscooo rtlt^rHCMOOt^'OCMCMIr-OSCMCOOOCO CO GO I O5 t- OSt OCOOCOrHCOrH>OCMiOCN>O i o L P< o O5 O CO CO rtl CO r-HOS' It rHt O5COCOOCMCMCOOO rHCOGOOOOCOrHOOOOCOOOOr-(COOO 1 1 00 I GO Os t OSCOO5COOCOOOrHOrH>OCM'OCO' " GO i CO O5 OS O5 OS OSrHOSrHOSrHOSi-HOS o CO OS O iO >0 CO-HHCOkOOSt OiCOGOOSCOO^OO CN^t'GOCO'^lCMOCOCOOCM'OOOOS^f t- co co OS COOO'OGO'OOS'OOS-^IO^OCOOCO OS OS OS OS O5rHO5rHO5rHOi o co co OS OS CO COrHCOt rH-^COrHrHt -HHCMCOt t- Ot rHOt ^HCMOOOO' ICO'OOOOOCO CO O t OS >Or->OOO-*CO^OOCOO5COOSCMOSCN OSOSO5OSO5O5O5O5 Tfl >0 CO O CO OSOOOt-r^COOOOCOt--tO CO 0 o o >o >o >o rH rH CM CM CO CO -*< rH rH rH rH rH rH rH 209 CANE SUGAR. 95-0 per cent, (see previous Table) is obtained, leaving 5 per cent, in' the megass ; if, to this megass 10 per cent, water on weight of cane is added with complete admixture, and the megass be again crushed to 50 per cent, of fibre, of the sugar remaining ,, . ^ m _ partis obtained; substituting for/ -10, for m '50 and for w -10 this expression reduces to -5 ; hence of the five parts of sugar remaining in the megass 2-5 are extracted, and the total extraction becomes 95-0 + 2-5 =. 97-5, compared with the 96-6 obtained when the whole twenty parts of water were added in one portion. This possibility of adding the water in two equally effective portions is a strong argument in favour of the twelve-roller mill. In the annexed table is calculated the maximum extraction to be obtained in a twelve-roller mill, with double saturation and complete admixture of the added water, which is added in two equal portions behind the second and third mills. The dry crushed megass is taken as having 45 per cent., and the saturated crushed megass 50 per cent, of fibre. The result of the calculation shows an advantage in favour of double maceration of the order of 1 per cent. Table showing the maximum extraction to be obtained with double maceration with complete admixture of added water ; dry crushed bagasse containing $.5 per cent, fibre and saturated crushed bagasse containing 50 per cent, fibre. Extraction due to saturation in upper, and total extraction in lower, line. Water added per 100 cane. 100 cane. 20 30 40 50 10- 8-51 9-37 9-85 10-15 97-52 98-38 98-86 99-16 10-5 9-00 9-94 10-47 10-80 97-23 98-17 98-70 99-03 11- 9-49 10-52 11-11 11-48 96-91 97-94 98-53 98-90 11-5 9-94 11-06 11-71 12-12 96-58 97-70 98-35 98-76 12- 10-42 11-63 12-34 12-79 96-24 97-45 98-16 98-61 12-5 10-88 12-19 12-95 13-45 95-88 97-19 97-95 98-45 13- 11-33 12-74 13-57 14-11 95-50 96-91 97-74 98-28 13-5 11-78 13-28 14-18 14-66 95-12 96-62 97-52 98-00 14- 12-23 13-82 14-78 15-41 94-73 96-32 97-28 97-91 210 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. Compound Saturation. The highest possible efficiency of the- added water is obtained, when the diluted juice from a later mill is used as a saturating agent on the megass coming from a previous one ; an algebraical expression showing the effect of this procedure is not easy to obtain, and when obtained is not elegant ; the effect of this way of working is best shown by a worked out example : Let canes containing 12 per cent, of fibre be dry crushed to 45 per cent^ of fibre in the first nine rollers of a twelve -roller mill ; let water 30 per cent, on weight of cane be now added to the megass with complete admixture, and let the saturated megass be crushed to 50 per cent, of fibre ; then applying the equations established above, in the dry crushing an extraction of 85-8 per cent, is obtained, leaving 14-2 per cent, in the megass ; of this 14'2 per cent, the saturated crushing will in the fourth mill extract 10'4 per cent., so that the total extraction is 85 8 -f 104 = 96-2 per cent. Let this 10-4 per cent, contained in the diluted juice be returned to the dry crushed megass ; the immediate effect of this is to reduce the extraction due to dry crushing from 85-8 to 85-8 10-4 = 75'4 leaving 24-6 in the megass ; let this megass be crushed to 50 per cent, of fibre ; then of the sugar contained in this megass 73-1 per cent, is obtained; -731 x 24*6 = 17'9, so that the extraction at this stage is 75 - 4 + 17'9 = 93*3 and 6*7 is left in the megass, which is now to be saturated with water 30 per cent, on cane, and crushed to 50 per cent, of fibre , of the whole amount of sugar now left in the megass 55'5 per cent, is now extracted; -555 x 6-7 = 3-7, so that the total extraction is 9 3 '3 -f 3*7 = 97*0, Now let the 3*7 per cent, of sugar contained in the fourth mill juice be returned to the dry crushed megass ; the extraction due to dry crushing is now reduced to 85-8 3-7 = 82-1, leaving 17'9 in the megass ; as before 73-1 per cent, of this is extracted in the third mill; -731 x 17-9 = 13-1, and the extraction at this stage is 82-1 + 13*1 = 95% leaving 4*8 in the megass ;. again let water 30 per cent, on canes be added and 55-5 per cent, of this is- obtained in the fourth mill ; -555 X 4-8 = 2-7, so that the total extraction is 95-2 + 2-7 = 97-9. Proceeding in this way and calculating the extraction by a series of steps,, it is found that each successive addition to the extraction becomes smaller and smaller, until no appreciable difference is found. In the present case, the limiting value is found to be practically 98 - 6. If the water had been added in two portions, and the diluted juice had not been returned, the extraction found on similar lines would have been 97-4 per cent. For purposes of comparison comparative data of the results to be obtained by different methods of adding the water are given below : If canes with 12 per cent, fibre with added water 20 per cent, on canes give in a nine-roller mill with single saturation an extraction of 96-2 211 CANE SUGAK. The same canes with double saturation in a twelve-roller mill will give an extraction of And with compound saturation in a twelve -roller mill will give an extraction of 97-4 98-0 The Effect of an inferior Dry Crushing. Instead of taking 45 per cent, of fibre in the dry crushed megass, let the percentage of fibre be 40 per cent. Then if the canes contain 12 per cent, of fibre, the extraction due to dry crushing is 81-93 per cent, leaving 18-07 per cent, in the megass ; let this megass after the addition of water be crushed to 50 per cent, of fibre . below is calculated what will be the extraction with single maceration after the addition of water 10 per cent., 20 per cent., &c., on cane, and for the pur- pose of comparison the figures already obtained when the dry crushed megass contains 45 per cent, of fibre are added. Water added per 100 cane. 10 20 30 40 50 40 per cent, of fibre in dry crushed megass 92-26 94-29 95-48 96-26 96-80 45 per cent, of fibre in dry crushed megass . . . . 93-10 95-09 96-19 96-89 97-37 The advantage in favour of the more eifective dry crushing is in reality greater than is shown in the above calculation ; complete admixture is in both cases assumed; in practice we do not obtain complete admixture, but the admixture will be the less imperfect the more the megass is disintegrated; that is to say, when the fibre content is higher. The Economic Limit of Saturation. It is well known that with each increment of extraction the purity and the amount of available sugar per 100 sugar extracted also falls; if with an extraction a the proportion of available sugar is #, and with an extraction of a 4- d the proportion of available sugar is x e, it is easy to conceive a state where a x is greater than (a + d) (x e) and where ( a x expenses) is greater than [_ (a -\- d) (x e) expenses.] In order to put this conception to the test the writer crushed canes with the addition of water in a hand mill till over 98 per cent, of the sugar was obtained ; in all, eight fractions of juice were obtained, each one being measuied and analysed separately; there was thus obtained the extraction at eight points together with the available sugar; the available sugar was calculated from the . ^ _ ^ formula developed in Chapter XXF., giving to* and m the values 97*5 and 45'0. 212 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. The results of the experiments are as below : Fraction. Weight per cent. Cane. Total Solids per cent. Sucrose per cent. Purity. Value of *(jm) XI AA j(s-m) 1 34-7 19-10 17-71 92-7 95-5 2 160 19-20 17'23 89-7 92-6 3 13-0 19-04 16-70 87-7 904 4 9-8 13-22 11-64 88-0 90-7 5 11-3 7-22 6-01 83-2 85-3 6 10-0 5-50 4-44 80-8 82-3 7 12-0 4-00 3-16 79-0 79-9 8 11-6 2-86 2-17 75-9 75-7 Megass 28-0 2-05 1-33 65-0 57-3 Kef erring to the above table which represents the mean result of a series of experiments, the decreasing purity of each successive fraction of juice is well shown, except at the fourth fraction where an increase over the third is noticed. This increase, obtained in all the experiments, is not due to accident or error. The third fraction was obtained under very heavy pressure, and probably contained much rind tissue juice. The fourth fraction was the first obtained by adding water to the megass, and probably consisted largely of pith tissue juice (which had remained unexpressed), to the exclusion of rind tissue juice as the rind had not yet been sufficiently broken up to take up its proportion of water. The following table gives the sucrose obtained in each fraction per 100 sucrose in cane, and in the last column is contained the amount of available sugar per 100 sucrose in cane. Fraction. Sucrose obtained per 100 Sucrose in cane. Purity. Value of * (j - m) X 100 Product of Cols. 2 and 4-^-100 j (s m) 1 43-2 92-7 95-5 41-3 2 19-1 89-7 92-5 17-8 3 15-1 87-7 90-4 13-8 4 8-0 88-0 90-7 7-3 5 4-7 83-2 85-3 4-0 6 3-0 80-8 82-3 2-5 7 2-6 79-0 79-9 2-2 8 1-7 75-9 75-7 1-3 Megass 2-6 69-0 57-3 1-5 The third table gives the extraction at any point, the purity and proportion of available sugar, and the available extraction, i.e., the available sugar per 100 available sugar in the cane. 213 CANE SUGAE. Extraction. Purity. Value of s (j - m) XI C\C\ Available Extraction . j (s m) 43-2 92'7 95-5 45-0 62-3 91-9 94-7 64-4 77-4 9M 94-0 79-5 85-4 90-8 93-7 87-4 90-1 90-4 93-2 91-8 53-1 90-1 92-9 94-4 4)5-7 89-8 92-6 96-9 37-4 89-5 92-3 98-4 100-0 88-9 91-7 100-0 Assuming that with lower initial purities the decrease in purity is pro- portional to that already found, in the four tables below are calculated the same data as in the two preceding tables for initial purities of 80 and 85. Fraction. Sucrose obtained per 100 Sucrose in cane. Purity Value of JM** Product of Cols. 2 and 4 -r 100. 1 43-2 85-0 87-4 37'9 2 19-1 82-2 84-0 16-1 3 15-1 80-4 81-7 12-3 4 8-0 80-7 82-0 6-6 5 4-7 76-3 76-2 3-6 6 3-0 74-1 72-9 2-5 7 2-6 72-4 70-3 1-9 8 1-7 69-6 65-6 1-2 Megass 2-6 59-6 45-5 1;2 Extraction. Purity. Value of Available Extraction. j(s-m) X 43-2 85-0 87'4 45-7 62-3 84-1 86-3 65-1 77-4 83-4 85-5 79-9 85-4 83-1 85-1 87-8 90'1 82-8 84-8 92-2 93-1 82-5 84-4 94-9 95-7 82-2 84-0 97'5 97-4 82-0 83-8 98-7 100-0 81-4 83-0 100-0 214 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. Fraction. Sucrose obtained per 100 Sucrose in cane. Purity. Value of 7^5 - Product of Cols. 2 and 4 -f 100. 1 43-1 80-0 81-2 35-2 2 19'1 77-4 77-7 14-8 3 15-1 75-7 75-3 11-5 4 8-0 75-9 75-6 6-0 5 4-7 71-8 69-3 3-3 6 3-0 69-7 65-7 2-0 7 2-6 68-2 63-2 1-7 8 1-7 65-5 58-1 1-0 Megass 2-6 56-1 36-7 1-0 Extraction. Purity. Value of s (j m) Available Extraction. j(s-m) X100 ' 43-2 80-0 81'2 46-0 62-3 79-2 80-1 65-4 77-4 78-5 79-2 80-4 85-4 78-3 78-9 88-2 90-1 77-9 78-4 92-6 93-1 77-7 78-1 95-1 95-7 77'4 77-6 97'4 97-4 77-2 77-3 98-7 100-0 76-6 76-5 100-0 The results so obtained lend themselves to graphic representation. In Fig. 130 is plotted on the horizontal line the total extraction at each point, and on the vertical line the purities and amount of available sugar in the whole quantity of juice extracted. The product of the height of the available sugar curve at any point into the extraction at that point represents the available extraction at that point. In no case is there reason to suppose that increasing the extraction will decrease the amount of available sugar due to a lower purity. As regards the second conception stated above, local conditions are the dominant determining factor ; the writer's attempt to solve the question was made for conditions as they were in certain factories in Mauritius, circa 1902, and is reproduced below from ' Sugar and the Sugar Cane.' It cannot le too strongly insisted on that those interested should make the calculations themselves, using their oivn choice of data. 215 CANE SUGAR. g | !5 <^ I Purif-y, or /o /Jvai/able Sugar. O) -J CD o o o Oi 216 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. The chief factors in determiniDg the economic limit are 7 : 1 . The type of crushing plant, whether two or three mills. 2. The degree of admixture of the added water. 3. The proportion of sugar extracted for market on the total brought into the juice as the result of maceration. 4. The thermal efficiency of the factory as a whole, including the boiler plant, the method of evaporation, triple or quadruple effect, and the general internal economy. 5. The money value of the marketed sugar. 6. The cost of coal or other fuel. 7. The fuel value of the extra sugar extracted. 8. The expenses of making, handling, transporting, &c., the extra sugar made. 9. The sugar content of the cane. 10. The cost of the increased evaporating and other plant to deal with the larger quantities of juice. An attempt follows to unite all these factors into one expression. Following on what has already been written, it is simply a matter of calculation to find what amount of extra sugar is extracted as the result of added water ; for this purpose the following data have been adopted : ] Canes (a). 13'69 per cent, sugar, 12*00 per cent, fibre, crushed in the first mill to 30 per cent, fibre give 60 per cent, of juice, containing 16-15 per cent, sugar ; crushed further in a second mill to 45 per cent, fibre give 13-33 per cent, of juice, containing 15-34 per cent, sugar. The residual megass 26*67 per cent, on the canes contains 14*67 juice per cent, on cane, the juice containing 13*40 per cent, sugar. Canes (i). 10-26 per cent, sugar, 12-00 per cent, fibre crushed as in the above case, give first mill juice 12-07 per cent, sugar, second mill juice 11*46 per cent, sugar, residual juice in megass 10-20 per cent, sugar. To the megass from canes of the above composition let water be added after the second crushing, and let the megass be again crushed to the same fibre content. The amount of diluted juice obtained is evidently the same as the water added, and the amount of sugar brought into the juice can be easily calculated when the coefficient of admixture is known. In calculating the tables below a coefficient] of -85 has been adopted, and of the sugar thus brought into the juice -85 is estimated as capable of extraction as marketable sugar. The value of this sugar is taken as 9 per ton or 1-90 cents per pound. The expenses of obtaining this sugar are ascertained on the following basis : The composition of the expressed diluted juice is calculated allowing a purity of 80 ; the tons of water necessary to be evaporated to concentrate this to 50 Brix, and then to masse cuite at 95 Brix, are calculated. Coal is taken as worth 2 at the furnace mouth, and to give for use in the factory per lb. burnt 8 Ibs. steam, each 1 lb. capable of evaporating 3 Ibs. in the triple and 217 CANE SUGAR. of Ca 218 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. 1 Ib. in the pans ; for heating the extra juice each ton is regarded as requiring 016 ton coal. The expenses of evaporation are thus obtained. On reference to the tables below it will be seen that these expenses are practically constant for the different types of cane and crushing when the added water is the same, and that one ton of coal will, with the data adopted, account for twenty tons added water. If w tons water be added, the expenses are then 'w per 100 tons canes for heating and evaporation of extra juice. The total amount of sugar washed out of the megass as the result of the maceration is calculated before the amount of marketed sugar is obtained ; the sugar is valued as fuel at 1 per ton, with coal at 2 per ton, and to the values so obtained 10 per cent, is added to express the fuel value of other organic combustible removed. With the data adopted the value of the sugar, &c., as fuel is '144 of the sugar markets. The other expenses, packages, handling, transport to port, &c., are estimated at 10s. per ton or *055 of the value of the sugar marketed ; the sum total of these last two sources of expenditure is then almost exactly '2 of the value of the sugar marketed. The general expression then to give the value of maceration with the data adopted is : Net profit =- 7'2$ -w per 100 tons of cane, S being the tons of sugar marketed, and w the tons of water added. When only two mills are used, very different results are obtained; the method of calculation employed is then somewhat different. After the canes have been crushed to 30 per cent, of fibre, water is supposed to be added, and the megass crushed to 45 per cent, of fibre ; the sugar obtained is calculated on the supposition of complete admixture ; the excess over that obtained by simple dry crushing to the same fibre content has already been given, and 85 per cent, of this excess is taken as the extra sugar brought into the juice as the result of maceration. The other calculations are made as detailed above. The results of these calculations just indicated are given in the appended tables, and are also expressed as curves in Figs. 131 and 182. The curve marked 'gross' represents the value of the extra product obtained at 9 per ton, and the curve marked ' expenses ' gives the expenditure, and that marked * economic ' the profits. Three points bearing on the subject have not been included in the above calculations. Firstly, no allowance has been made for decreased purity of the juice ; in the writer's experience this is not serious. Secondly, no allowance has been made for increased consumption of steam to drive the third mill. With a modern engine, and where the exhaust is used in evaporation, this is a small item. And, thirdly, there is the question of in- creased initial cost for enlarged boilers and evaporating plant. Referring to the 4 economic ' curves it will be seen that as the curves approach the maximum, the increase in the profits is very slow. In designing a new plant, this might well indicate the financial economy of arranging for a dilution of from 5 per cent, to 10 per cent, less than the indicated maximum. 219 CANE SUGAR. ds h.e.- /Ca.-e fc fOO ZO ft) 220 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. On examining the tables and curves it is at once apparent that the main factor in determining the economy is the relative value of sugar and coal; any variation from the ratio adopted here entirely alters the conditions, and an unfavourable alteration might easily, in the case of a poor cane and two mills, convert the estimated profits into a loss. The second point to be noticed is that whatever the admixture, the expenses of evaporation remain the same ; a lower coefficient than that adopted here would also in many cases, indicate a loss. Thirdly, the great financial profit due to a third mill is clearly shown. CANES 13-69 PER CENT. SUGAR. THREE MILLS. Cost or Value of in Sterling. Tons added Water per 100 tons of Cane. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Heating and evaporation 53 1-05 1-57 2-06 2-57 3-08 3-56 Handling, packages, transport, &c. 18 29 36 41 44 47 50 Sugar, &c., as fuel 47 74 93 1-06 1-16 1-23 129 Total expenses 1-18 2-08 2-86 3-53 4-17 4-78 5-35 Marketed sugar 3-24 5-18 6-45 7-37 8-05 8-56 9-01 Profits .-. ... 2 06 3-10 3-59 3-84 3-88 3-78 3-66 CANES 13-69 PER CENT. SUGAR. Two MILLS. Tons added Water per 100 tons of Cane. Cost or Value of in Sterling. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Heating and evaporation 51 1-04 1-55 2-06 2'55 3-07 3-54 Handling, packages, transport, &c. 06 14 20 25 29 32 35 Sugar, &c., as fuel 20 47 69 84 98 1-04 1-16 Total expenses 77 1-65 2-44 3-15 3-82 4-43 5-05 Marketed sugar 1-14 2-66 3-86 4-80 5-49 6-11 6-57 Profits 37 1-01 1-42 1-65 1-67 1-63 1-52 CANES 10-26 PER CENT. SUGAR. THREE MILLS. Tons added Water pen- 100 tons of Cane. Cost or Value of in Sterling. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Heating and evaporation 53 1-03 1-56 2-06 2-56 3-07 3-56 Handling, packages, transport, &c. 13 22 27 31 34 36 38 Sugar, &c., as fuel 35 66 83 95 1-04 1-10 1-16 Total expenses 1-01 1-91 2-66 3-32 3-94 4-53 5-10 Marketed sugar 2-36 3-93 4-89 5-61 6-03 6-54 6-93 Profits 1-25 2-02 2-23 2-29 2-09 2-01 1-83 221 CANE SUGAR. CANES 10-26 PER CENT. SUGAR. Two MILLS. Cost or Value of in Sterling. Tons added Water per 100 tons of Cane. 5 10 15 20 2o 30 35 Heating and evaporation 49 05 17 71 97 26 99 11 42 1-52 2-07 55 1-46 16 54 2-16 3-06 90 2-03 19 67 2-89 3-69 80 2-55 22 76 3-53 4-25 72 3-04 24 85 4-13 4-70 57 3-53 27 92 4-72 5-13 41 Handling, packages, transport, &c. Sugar, &c., as fuel Total expenses Marketed sugar Profits The Structure of the Cane as affecting Milling. The very brief account of the cane given in Chapter I. will have shown that it is of a very complicated structure ; the three principal structures are the rind, the pith, and the fibre-vascular bundles. From the milling point of view the cane may be regarded as composed of rind, pith, and nodes, the last being intermediate in composition between the two first. The writer made a number of analyses of canes, dividing them into rind, pith, and nodes. The results are as shown in the following table : Rose Bamboo. Y. Cale- donia. Lahaina. Lahaina Y. Cale- donia. Oaliu. Oahu. Oahu. Maui. Kauai. Whole Cane. Weight per cent, cane 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 Juice per cent 87-12 84-91 86-25 88-40 84-45 Fibre per cent. 12-88 15-09 13-75 11-60 15-55 Solids per cent 14-70 15-83 16-03 20-10 17-92 Sugar per cent 13-25 13-04 13-28 18-14 15-36 Water per cent 72-12 69-08 70-22 68-30 66-53 Pith. Weight per cent, cane . 74-28 66-90 72-45 61-77 67-15 Juice per cent 91-90 90-43 90-11 94-78 91-20 Fibre per cent 8-10 9-87 9-89 5-22 8-80 Solids per cent 15-93 17-34 17-45 22-21 19-62 Sugar per cent 14-80 15-06 15-11 21-11 17-52 Water per cent 75-97 73-09 72-66 72-57 71-60 Bind. Weight per cent, cane . 9-57 15-27 12-28 14-34 15-80 Juice per cent 62-11 65-92 72-73 69-98 64-92 Fibre per cent 37-89 34-71 27-27 30-02 35-08 Solids per cent 9-38 11-52 11-54 15-40 13-87 Sugar per cent 6-46 7-44 7-50 11-10 10-00 Water per cent. 52-73 53-77 51-19 57-58 51-05 Node. Weight per cent, cane . 16-15 17-83 15-27 23-89 17-05 Juice per cent 79-98 80-40 78-78 82-80 75-97 Fibre per cent 2002 19-60 21-22 17-20 24-03 Solids per cent. 12-22 13-86 12-88 17-43 15-07 Sugar per cent 10-14 10-27 9-22 14-62 11-83 Water per cent 67-76 66-54 65-90 65-37 60-90 222 THE EXTRACTION OF JUICE BY MILLS. Rose Bamboo. Y. Cale- donia. Lahaina. Lahaina. Y. Cale- donia. Oahu. Oahu. Oahu. Maui. Kauai. Absolute Juice. Weight per cent, cane . Solids per cent Sugar per cent 87-12 16-87 15-22 84-91 18-52 15-35 86-25 18-59 15-39 88-40 22-72 20-52 84-45 21-22 18-19 Purity . . 90-22 82-94 82-79 90-32 85-71 Pith Juice. Weight per cent, cane . Solids per cent Sugar per cent. 68-26 17-33 16-10 60-49 19-17 16 65 65-49 19-37 16-76 58-62 23-43 22-27 61-24 21-49 19-20 Purity 92-90 86-85 86-53 95-05 89-29 Rind Juice. Weight per cent. cane. Solids per cent Sugar per cent Purity 6-04 15-08 10-40 69-10 10-06 17-41 11-29 64-85 8-91 15-87 10-30 64-91 10-00 22-00 15-86 72-09 10-26 21-37 15-40 72-10 Node Juice. Weight per cent. cane. Solids per cent Sugar per cent 12-82 15-28 12-68 14-36 17-24 12-77 11-85 16-29 11-70 19-78 21-05 17-66 12-95 19-83 15*57 Puritv . 82-98 74-07 71-81 83-90 78-50 Canes very similar to those used in the above described experiments were then crushed in a hand mill ; the megass was divided into two parts, one representative of the pith and one of the rind ; these were weighed and analysed separately with the results shown below : Lahaina. Rose Bamboo. Y. Caledonia. Y. Caledonia. Maui. Oahu. Kauai. Oahu. Expressed Juice. Weight per 100 cane .... 70-99 66-75 65-60 64-64 Solids per cent 24-22 17-70 21-68 18-73 Sugar per cent 21-94 16-42 18-42 16-85 Purity 90-58 92-77 84-97 89-96 Pith Megass. Weight per 100 cane Solids per cent 13-35 15-29 15-74 11-57 14-40 12-20 14-69 12-20 Sugar per cent 13-46 10-32 9-00 10-00 Water per cent. 52-32 56-16 49-21 54-52 Fibre per cent 31-39 31-27 38-59 33-28 Rind Megass. Weight per 100 cane .... 15-66 17-51 20-00 20-67 Solids per cent. 13-26 9-40 11-09 9-92 Sugar per cent 10-37 7-22 7-45 5-68 Water per cent 53-90 54-00 46-68 49-97 Fibre per cent. . 32-84 36 60 42-23 40-11 223 CANE SUGAR. This experiment shows that with a ' crushing ' up to 70 per cent, very little ' rind juice ' is extracted. Megass collected from factories was also divided into two parts representa- tive of the pith and rind ; each part was analysed separately with the following results : Mill 1. Mill 2. Mill 3. Mill 4. Pith Megass. Weight per 100 megass. . 53-33 48-62 50-0 51-25 Sugar per cent 11-33 7-19 3-78 2-87 Fibre per cent 33-59 41-58 45-63 46-91 Rind Megass. Weight per 100 megass 46-67 51-38 50-0 48-75 Sugar per cent. . 9-12 7-13 4-34 4-06 Fibre per cent -. 35-15 41-54 44-90 46-67 Whole Megass. Weight per 100 megass. . 100-0 100-0 100-0 100-0 Sugar per cent 10-34 7-16 4-06 3-51 Fibre per cent. . . ;.' .. 34-32 41-56 45-26 46-87 These analyses bring out the fact that the pith megass, originally the sweetest, is much more extracted than the rind megass, from which the process of milling has taken comparatively little sugar. These results are approximately summarized in the following table which conceives the cane as composed of pith and rind, from the former of which a high extraction is obtained, a very efficient one resulting from the hard impervious rind : Mill 1. Mill 2. Mill 3. Mill 4. Extraction per 100 sugar in pith. . 91-6 95-7 97-9 98-5 ,, ,, cane . 78-5 82-0 83-9 84-5 ,, rind . 22-2 48-3 71-0 73-9 5 1 ,, cane. . 3-2 6-9 10-1 10-5 Total 81-7 88-9 94-0 95-0 REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XI. 1. La. Planter, xli., 299. 2. La. Planter, xxxvii., 261. 3. Arch., 1896, p. 222. 4. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Nov., 1902. 5. After Bull. 22. Agric. H.S.P.A. 6. After Ball. 30. Agric. H. S. P. A. 1. I.S.J., 68. 224 CHAPTER XII. THE DIFFUSION PKOCESS. In the process described in the previous chapter the juice is extracted from the cane by rupture of the cells which contain the juice. In the diffusion process an entirely different system of extraction is carried out, the principle of which is as under : If a solution of a soluble body such as sugar contained in a cell, the walls of which consist of some porous material, for example, unglazed earthenware, parchment, or the woody cells of which plants are built up, be immersed in a vessel of water, it is found that the sugar solution passes out through the porous wall into the water and that water enters the cell ; this process continues until the solution on both sides of the cell is the same. It is not all bodies that possess this property. Those which do not, for example, gummy bodies, are termed colloids, and in general it is found that it is crystalline bodies that possess the property of passing through a porous membrane ; to this phenomenon the name of osmosis or diffusion is given. The sugar cane consists of a vast number of cells, in the interior of which the juice is contained ; and the diffusion process applied to the extraction of juice consists of systematically allowing the juice in these cells to diffuse into water or diluted juice. In the diffusion process the cane is cat into fine slices about one-twentieth of an inch thick. These slices, technically called chips, are placed in vessels known as cells or diffusers, and are systematically washed until a very high degree of exhaustion is obtained. The system of working is roughly this : Suppose that there are twelve cells in use, these are all connected so that juice from one cell can be passed on to the next succeeding one ; into a cell fresh chips are introduced ; water that has passed over eleven sets of chips is forced into this cell, and after diffusion has taken place a charge of juice is withdrawn, and water which has passed over ten sets of chips takes its place. This process continues until water alone enters the cell. The highly diluted juice passes on in the above-described routine, and the chips are discharged to be, in general, crushed in a mill to remove water before use as fuel. The essential parts of a diffusion plant are described below. Cane Cutter. A type of cane cutter that has been largely used is shown in vertical section in Fig. 183; on a vertical spindle b, belt-driven from the pulley d, by means of the bevel wheels c, is carried a disc e. The whole 225 15 CANE SUGAR. is enclosed in a sheet iron casing h and closed by a strong cover g ; fastened on to the disc e are a number of boxes varying from six to twelve, each of which carries a strong sharp knife. The knives are fixed on the disc exactly similar to the cutting edge of a carpenter's plane, and the knife boxes are arranged so FIG. 133. that they may readily be removed from the disc and spare knives substituted when one set has become blunted. A plan of the disc with an arrangement of twelve knives is shown in Fig. ISIj.. Securely fixed to the cover are one, two or more hoppers a into which are fed the canes, which descend on to the disc by their own weight. A high speed is given to the disc, from 100 to 15Q 226 THE DIFFUSION PROCESS. revolutions per minute, and the knives cut the cane into chips one-twentieth of an inch or more in thickness, dependent on the setting of the knives. The- hoppers are made either vertical or at an angle the former giving round and the latter oval chips. The chips fall into the receptacle formed by the sides- of the apparatus below the disc, and thence pass on to the shoot. The cutter is variably placed above or below the diffusion battery. Cane cutters of this type differ in details. They are sometimes directly driven without the inter- position of belt gearing, and are also sometimes over instead of under-driven,, as shown in Fig. 133. The shoot t is also sometimes dispensed with and its place taken by a scraper actuated by the shaft b. In this case the bottom of the receptacle h is flat, or nearly so, and the chips are swept out through an opening in the bottom. FIG. 134. To work up 300 tons of cane in twenty-four hours, a plant of this nature will be about 5 ft. in diameter. The capacity depends on the number of hoppers, and on the setting of the knives, whether to give thick or thin chips. More cane can be cut when thick chips are allowed, but the efficiency of the after process of diffusion is diminished. Diffusion Cell. A section through a cell of a diffusion battery, along with its accompanying juice heater, is shown in Fig. 135. It consists of a cylindrical vertical shell, the bottom being made with a slight slope, and the top fitted with a head box ; the cell is closed by a door on the top, which is clamped tight by the screw and lever shown at b ; by slackening the screw the door can be slung on one side, to allow of a charge of chips being intro- duced. Round the bottom part of the cell is fixed a perforated false bottom d r 227 CANE SUGAR. the object of which is to prevent pieces of cane being carried along the pipe c. In some designs the lower door itself carries the false bottom. The joint in the lower door is a hydraulic one, consisting of a hollow rubber tube provided with a pipe by means of which water is conducted to the tube, which is placed FIG. 135. in a circular groove contrived either in the door itself or in the bottom of the cell. The water which fills this tube is taken from a tank at a high level, so that in all cases the pressure in the tube is greater than the pressure in the cell. In other cases the rubber tube is connected by a pipe with the main 228 THE DIFFUSION PROCESS. steam ; the direct steam becomes condensed in the coil, and pressure is made in the rubber tube by the steam acting on the condensed water. Attached to each cell or dipper is the juice heater b ; this is of the verti- cal tube type, exhaust steam being admitted at o, and the condensed water drawn off at p. Communication between diffuser and juice heater maybe made either at top or bottom by the pipes k or c. The main juice circulating pipe is shown at m, the controlling valves or cocks appearing at i. The floor level on which the operator stands is at the line I, all valves and cocks being within easy reach ; g is a small pipe let into the cover of the diffuser to act as an air vent to allow the air to escape when the diffuser is being filled. Elevators. The other adjuncts of the diffusion battery which remain to be described are the elevator and charging apparatus ; these are very varied in design and arrangement. In case the canes are sliced on the basement, they are elevated to a floor above the level of the battery by means of an end- less scraper carrier similar to those employed to convey megass to the boilers ; in other cases, the cane cutting machine is placed above the level of the diffusion battery, and the canes are elevated as such, and the sliced cane dis- tributed directly from the cutting machines, Charging. The method by means of which the cells are filled with chips varies with the arrangement of the battery ; the latter may be arranged either as a circular or as a line battery. In the former case the cutter is placed about twenty feet above the level of the top of the cells and directly over the centre of the battery, or in case the canes are cut on the basement the chips are elevated to a hopper similarly placed. The hopper or cane cutter is mounted on rollers, so that it can be revolved through a complete circle. The hopper terminates in a shoot, the discharge of which can thus be brought over any cell at will. When the cells are placed in line, the chips cut on the basement are delivered into a truck running on an over-head line, from which pass shoots directing the chips to the diffusers. Line batteries are generally placed in two parallel rows, between which is the platform on which the attendants stand. Circulation. The water requisite for the diffusion process is contained in an overhead tank, placed considerably above the level of the diffusers. The circulation of juice throughout the battery is secured by means of the hydrostatic pressure obtained from the head of water in this tank. When it is desired to empty a cell of its liquid contents, this hydrostatic pressure cannot of course be used, and an air compressor, in nearly all cases, forms a part of the plant. The latter is used also in starting the first round of the battery, and afterwards in the regular routine when a cell contains exhausted chips. Working of the Battery. In Fig. 136 is given a plan of a twelve- cell line battery, arranged in two rows, showing the pipe connections between cells and heaters, and in Fig. 137 a diagrammatic sketch of a battery intended to illustrate the method of working. Let the battery consist of twelve 229 CANE SUGAR. elements which may be arranged as a line or circular battery. The pipe line W represents the water main connected to the overhead tank, and that marked J the juice main. Let it be cell No. 1 that is the first to be filled with chips ; the three or four last cells of the battery are first filled with water. To do this the cock W9 is opened, and water flows into cell No. 9. When No. 9 is three-parts full the top door is closed, and as soon as water escapes through the air vent the valve W 9 is closed. No. 10 is now filled, but in a different way ; the valves J9 and J 10, are opened and also W 9. Water then flows from cell No. 9 up juice heater No. 9, through the valves in the juice main J9 and J10, down juice heater No. 10 and up into diffuser No. 10. It will be seen that water passes through two juice heaters and enters the cell from the bottom ; in this way the air is free to escape. This method of filling a cell is termed in French meichage. Cells Nos. 11 and 12 are then filled in a precisely similar manner. During the passage of the water through the juice heater it is heated and enters the cells at a temperature of about 200 F. By this time cell No. 1 will have been filled with chips, and is now ready to receive hot water from cell No. 12. The water is passed into cell No. 1 in the manner described as meichage, as soon as juice passes out through the air vent. The direction of the flow of water is reversed by closing the valve J 12 .and opening the circulation valve C12, so that the flow is now from top to bottom. In the meantime, cell No. 2 has been filled with chips, and the operations described in connection with cell No. 1 are carried out in a precisely similar manner. "When five or six cells have been filled with chips in this way, those that were at first filled with water are emptied. To do this, the hydrostatic pressure is replaced by air pressure from the air compressor, the water connect- ions being shut off. When cell No. 6 has been filled with chips and water, the first charge of juice is drawn. To do this the direction of the flow is changed in this cell from top to bottom, the circulation valve is opened and the juice valve shut; at the same time the valve connecting the juice main to the measuring tank is opened. The juice from cell No. 6 will flow along the juice main under either the influence of hydrostatic pressure from the overhead tank or air pressure from the air compressor. When the proper amount of juice has been drawn, the valve leading from the juice main to the measuring tank is closed, and cell No. 7 is filled by meichage. The chips in cell No. 1 are now exhausted, the door at the bottom is opened and the chips are discharged on to a carrier, which conveys them to a mill where they are crushed and passed on to the boiler wall for fuel. After the first charge has been drawn from cell No. 6, a charge is drawn from cell No. 7, and so on from each cell of fresh chips until that cell is reached which was the first to be filled with chips. The first round of the battery is now complete, and the regular routine recommences. Two cells are always out of circuit, one filling and one being prepared for fresh chips. 230 THE DIFFUSION PROCESS. Each time a cell is filled with fresh chips a charge of juice is drawn and a cell of exhausted chips emptied. The following notes on the quantity of juice to draw are taken from Spencer 1 : " With a constant percentage of sucrose in the normal juice, a uniform draw and a perfectly regular extraction, the dilution and consequently the per cent, sucrose in the diffusion juice will vary considerably. This variation is due to the variable juice content of the cane. In ordinary seasons in 231 CANE SUGAR. Louisiana the per cent, juice in plant cane will average about 91, and in stubble (ratoons) about 89, consequently if we draw the same amount of juice when diffusing cane as we do with stubble, the dilution will be lower, and the analyses of the two juices will vary, even though the normal juices contain the same per cents, of sucrose. It is safe to commence working with a dilu- tion of about 23 per cent., estimating on a average about 90 per cent, of juice in the cane. If the extraction is satisfactory, but the density of the diffusion juice too low, the cane contains less than 90 per cent, of juice, and the draw should be reduced until a satisfactory density is obtained. With thin chips and regular work the draw may be reduced to 18 per cent., but it is not safe to go beyond this limit, except when there is a careful chemical control to promptly detect and remedy a poor extraction. With the best multiple effect evaporation it is economical to burn more coal to evaporate additional water rather than leave two to three-tenths per cent, sugar in the chips, which might have been obtained by a little higher dilution." The following table, designed for preliminary work, gives the dilution for different quantities of juice drawn : Table showing the apparent dilution of the normal juice corresponding to different quantities of juice drawn. (This table is based on assumed juice content in the cane of 90 per cent, and of an average density of 16 Brix.) Apparent Dilution. Per cent. Diffusion Juice Drawn per 100 Ibs. Cane. W IJ* t Gallons. Litres. Apparent Dilution Per cent. Diffusion Juice Drawn per 100 Ibs. Cane. W H? t Gallons. Litres. 10 .. 99-0 .. 11-2 .. 42-3 21 . . 108-9 .. 12-4 .. 46-9 11 .. 99-9 .. 11-3 .. 42-7 22 .. 109-8 .. 12-5 .. 47-2 12 .. 100-8 .. 11-4 .. 43-1 23 .. 110-7 .. 12-6 .. 47-6 13 .. 101-7 .. 11-5 .. 43-5 24 .. 111-6 .. 12-7 .. 48-0 14 .. 102-6 ... 11-6 .. 43-8 25 .. 112-5 .. 12-8 .. 48-4 15 .. 103-5 .. 11-7 .. 44-2 26 .. 113-4 .. 12-9 .. 48-8 16 .. 104-4 .. 11-8 .. 44-6 27 114-3 . . 13-0 . . 49-1 17 .. 105-3 . 11-9 .. 45-0 28 .. 115-2 .. 13-1 .. 49-5 18 .. 106-2 . . 12-0 .. 45-3 29 .. 116-1 .. 13-2 .. 44-9 19 .. 107-1 12*2 46-1 30 . . 117-0 .. 13-4 .. 50-6 20 .. 108-0 . . 12-3 .. 46-5 Temperature. A very important point in connection with diffusion work is the temperature to which the juice should be heated. The following temperatures are given by Llewellyn Jones 2 as prevailing in the diffusion battery at Non Pareil in Demerara : No. 1, 75C.-80C. ; No. 2, 80 C. 85 C. ; No. 3, 85 C. 90 C. ; No. 4, 95 G. 100 C. ; Nos. 5-9, 100 C. ; No. 10, 90 C.; No. 11, 85 C. 232 THE DIFFUSION PROCESS. 233 CANE SUGAR. At the United States Government experiment station at Magnolia during the season 1888-89 the following were the temperatures maintained : Cell No. 1 2-7 8-10 11 12 Temp. F. 140 158-176 203 185 160 The temperature and densities in the different cells at Wonopringo, Java, are shown in the following table : Degree Sugar Tempera- Cell. Density. Brix. Percent. Purity. ture C. Normal juice 1-067 .. 16-4 .. 14'55 .. 87'50 .. 1 1-054 .. 13-4 .. 11-66 .. 87-01 .. 69 2 1-036 .. 9-0 .. 7'53 .. 83-66 .. 77 3 1-028 .. 7-1 .. 5-95 .. 83'80 .. 92 4 1-023 .. 5-8 .. 4'64 .. SO'OO .. 91 5 1-019 .. 4-9 .. 3-88 .. 79-18 .. 89 6 1-015 .. 3-9 .. 3-09 .. 79-23 .. 88 7 1-013 .. 3-4 .. 2-67 .. 7S'52 .. 87'5 8 1-010 .. 2-6 .. 1-98 .. 76-15 .. 88 9 1-007 . 1-9 1*42 .. 74-73 .. 87 10 1-005 .. 1-4 .. 1-02 .. 72-85 .. 90 11 1-004 .. 1-1 .. -85 .. 77-27 .. 92 12 ... 1-0015 .. -4 .. -29 .. 72-50 .. 92 13 1-0003 .. -15 .. -06 .. 40-00 .. 91 It is in the cells last in series i.e., those containing the fresher chips that the temperature should be highest; the higher the temperature the better the diffusion, and by maintaining a high temperature in the last cells, these are made to do as much work as possible. Influence Of Number Of Cells. 3 As the number of cells in a battery increases, so also does the extraction, the amount of water used remaining the same ; simultaneously the dilution decreases. Thus with mill juice of 19 Brix in a 10-cell circuit the juice drawn off was of 13'1 Brix, but with a 16-cell circuit it was of 16-0 Brix. These figures were obtained in an experimental trial in Java in 1885. An insufficient number of cells seems to have been a weak point in the design of several of the Naudet outfits (v. infra). Difference between Mill and Diffusion Juice. Diffusion juice is invariably purer than the juice extracted by milling. In milling, the joints of the cane and the fibro-vascular bundles are ruptured and afford a juice much less pure than that given by the pith cells. In diffusion the gummy matters diffuse less quickly than the sugars, and owing to the high temperature a portion of the albuminoids is coagulated within the cell, and does not pass into subsequent processes. This point is illustrated by the following analyses from a Cuban factory working mills and diffusers simultaneously : Krajewski First Second Breaker. Mill. Mill. Diffusion. Density 1-088 .. 1-080 .. 1'078 .. 1-062 Sugar, Volume per cent. 20'43 .. 18'62 .. 17'80 .. 14-83 Glucose ,, -34 . . '33 . . -33 . . -28 Non-sugar 2-01 .. 2-25 .. 2-54 .. 1-32 Purity 89-7 . . 87'8 . . 86-5 . . 90-3 234 THE DIFFUSION PEOCESS. Comparison between Milling and Diffusion. The diffusion process as applied to the cane sugar industry first came into prominence about 1884, and since that date it has received extended trials ; amongst the plants that have been erected may be cited those at Non Pareil in Demerara, at Britannia in Mauritius, at Makaweli and Kealia in the Hawaiian Islands, and at Wonopringo in Java ; these factories, all of which were worked under expert supervision, have nevertheless reverted to milling, and the same is true of the majority of diffusion plants that have been erected. However, diffusion cannot be considered as dead, as several of the older plants remain in successful operation, and a few others have been erected in recent years. The causes that contributed to the non-success of the earlier diffusion plants were : 1. Faulty design on the part of the engineering firms responsible for the machinery ; this was especially pronounced in connection with the cane cutting machinery. 2. Difficulty in maintaining a constant supply of cane for day and night work. In a diffusion process, it is essential that the work be continuous ; with milling this is not the case as the process of extraction is limited to the very small amount of material actually being crushed at any moment ; it is this point, as much as any other, that tells against the diffusion process, as it is often impossible to maintain a continuous supply of cane ; in the beet sugar industry the raw material is stored in silos without deterioration, thus affording a continuous supply, but such a process is not possible with the cane. 3. Greater elasticity of the milling process. The amount of cane treated in mills can be varied within wide limits without affecting the efficiency of the work, and with poor canes the economic limits of exhaustion can be controlled more reauily than is the case in a diffusion process. 4. Excessive fuel consumption. In Demerara, a consumption of a ton of coal to a ton of sugar was common with the diffusion process ; when it is recalled that at the present time there are beet factories working with a coal consumption of only seven per cent, on the weight of the beets, equal to half a ton of coal per ton of sugar, it is at once apparent that this enormous consumption was due, not to faults inherent in the diffusion process, but rather to the design of particular factories. In ' Sugar and the Sugar Cane ' (1904) the writer quoted 93'5 per cent, extraction as the highest figure recorded for mill work with a dilution of 21-65 per cent, on a normal juice. At the present moment (1909) in Hawaii there are quadruple crushing plants at work, obtaining an extraction averaging 95 per cent, without fuel consumption other than that afforded by the megass. The best work claimed for diffusion is an extraction of 96 per cent, to 98 per cent, but in no case is this obtained without a considerable consumption of extra fuel, and with a dilution higher than that found in milling processes. Mixed Extraction Processes. Below are given brief descriptions of combined milling and diffusion processes that have attracted attention. 235 CANE SUGAR. Kessler Process. The fossler* mixed process of extraction works on somewhat different lines, and has for its object the extraction of sugar from megass by a continuous process, only one diffuser being used. The apparatus may be described as an upright U-shaped continuous tube, into which megass direct from the mill is fed. Falling into this tube the megass is carried for- ward by a screw conveyer, forced along in a compact mass, and discharged at the other end of the tube. At one end of the tube, opposite to that at which the megass enters, water under pressure is pumped in and travels along the Fio. 138. tube in a direction opposite to that along which the megass moves, and dis- charges at the end the megass enters. After the diffused megass has finally passed through the current of water, it is caught by a screw conveyer which subjects it to considerable pressure and discharges it from the apparatus. The megass after leaving the diffuser is crushed in a mill, and the highly diluted juice thus expressed is returned to the diffuser. This process is illustrated in Fig. 138. 236 THE DIFFUSION PROCESS. 237 CANE SUGAR. Perichon Process. 5 This method was originated at the Rodah fac- tory of the Daira Sanieh in Egypt. The dry crushed megass is received in trucks in which it is systematically diffused ; the trucks are mounted on wheels and run on a tram line ; at the hottom of the trucks is a strainer and discharge valve whereby the liquid contents of a truck can he drawn off, pumped to an overhead tank, and transferred to the next truck in series. The time allowed for diffusion in each operation is seven minutes. The weight of cane- treated in 24 hours was 1000 tons, and the trucks used held about one and three-quarter tons of megass and were of 90 hectolitres capacity (=316 c.ft); the megass was diffused in all nine times, the drawn off liquor being about 6 to 8 Brix in density, and of purity but little less than that of the expressed juice. After the final washing, the megass is crushed for fuel, the expressed water containing about fivegrms. sugar per 100 c.c., which would of course be the loss per 100 cane if the discharged megass weighed the same as the cane. In Figs. 139 and 1/^0 are given diagrammatic views of the installation. The Naildet Process. In the ordinary process of diffusion, that cell last filled with sliced cane is subjected to the operation known as ' meichage' i.e., the cell is filled from the bottom upwards with juice from the preceding cell, and on drawing off the direction of flow is reversed ; in this process the juice at the bottom is more dilute and is actually the portion that is first drawn off; in addition, the upper layers of juice having passed over the slices of cane are colder than the lower layers. The Naudet patents refer to a system of forced circulation and re-heating, whereby the objections inherent to the usual process of ' meichage* are overcome, and are expressed in the following words in the English patents. 11 The application of forced circulation to every succeeding cell of a series of cells of a diffusion or macerating battery is accomplished by the use of a pump, the suction side of which communicates with the bottom of the cell having straining boxes intervening to collect small particles of cush-cush or megass, that may be retained in the juice, the delivery side of the pump con- nected to the top of the diffusion vessel having heaters intervening between the pump and the diffusion vessel to bring the juice to the required temperature." As applied to the cane sugar industry the process, while including the system of forced circulation, has come to imply a combination of milling and diffusion, with simultaneous liming, clarification and filtration. In the process as erected in quite a number of factories the canes are dry crushed in a six-roller mill, an extraction of about 70 per cent, of weight of juice on canes carrying 12 per cent, of fibre being obtained. A cell of the diffusion battery being filled with the megass resulting from the dry crushing of the canes, a quantity of juice corresponding to the megass in the cell is allowed to enter. The cell is then filled with more dilute juice obtained from the diffusion of a previous lot of megass ; from this cell is taken the charge of diluted juice that passes on to the boiling house, the circulation of the juice 238 THE DIFFUSION PROCESS. 239 CANE SUGAR. being conducted in the manner prescribed in the Naudet patent. After the withdrawal of the charge of juice, the megass remaining in the cell passes through the usual process of exhaustion in the diffusion battery ; when finally exhausted it is discharged and passed through a mill for use as fuel. Comallonga 6 gives details of the installation and results obtained at San Jose in Cuba. The cane worked up was 1 000 tons per 24 hours ; there were 10 diffusers of a capacity of 70 hectolitres (246 cubic feet) each; there were three cells always out of circuit, filling or emptying, so that the megass went through a seven-fold diffusion ; per 1 00 kilos of cane, the charge of juice withdrawn was 92- 93 litres ; the temperature maintained in the battery was 95-100 C. With canes, containing 13'06per cent, of sugar, the loss in megass was '89 per 100 cane, corresponding to an extraction of 93' 19 per cent. In the Naudet process, the juice passes directly from the diffusion battery to the evaporators, the liming being done in the battery, and owing to the filtration of the juice through the megass, the clarifiers and filter presses are dispensed with ; notwithstanding this, Comallonga states that, owing to the extra number of hands required at the battery, the process does not show any saving in labour. At the time of writing (1910) the Naudet process not only does not extend, but some factories that had adopted it have reverted to multiple milling, and figures supplied to the writer do not show any superiority to those obtained from an average nine-roller mill. In justice to this process, it should however be mentioned that the inventor claims that in at least one case where the process was abandoned the failure was due to incompetence and to the alteration of his original designs ; in Madeira, where the process was first applied to the cane, a continued success is claimed. GeerligS-Hamakers Process 7 . In 1 903, Geerligs and Hamakers demonstrated by large scale experiments in Java, that by diffusing megass from a six-roller mill and crusher, an extraction of 98 per cent, vas obtainable with a dilation of 19*6 per cent, on normal juice. This scheme has not been adopted, but in the writer's opinion, this process, or one based on similar grounds, is the only one likely to supersede multiple milling as a means of sugar extraction from canes. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XI I. 1. Spencer's Handbook for Sugar Manufacturers. 2. Overseer's Manual. 3. S. C., 199. 4. /. 8. J., 45. 5. S. (7., 346. 6. Bull, de Soc. Agric,. Cuba, iii. 2. 7. /. S. J., 60. 240 CHAPTER XIII. THE CLARIFICATION Oil DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. The object of clarification is to remove from the juice, as far as possible, all bodies other than sugar, to obtain a juice permitting of easy filtration and working in the pans and centrifugals, and when making sugars intended for direct consumption, to obtain a bright, light-coloured, transparent juice. In rough outline, the processes in use are as below : 1. The juice is raised to a temperature of about 190 F. to 200 F. by being passed through a juice heater (see below} ; it is then received into tanks of 500 gallons' capacity and upwards, where it is allowed to settle for varying times dependent upon the capacity of the clarifiers in relation to volume of juice ; after half-an-hour's settling a fairly clear juice can be drawn off above a deposit of dirt and precipitated matter ; this juice is sufficiently clarified to be passed direct to the evaporators when dark crystals are being made. 2. The fairly clear juice obtained as in 1 is passed on to vessels known as eliminators ; these are rectangular tanks of depth from 3 to 3 feet, and about 8 feet by 6 feet in length and breadth ; at the bottom is placed a trunnion pipe into which are fitted brass or copper tubes through which steam is passed for the purpose of heating the juice. An allowance of 1 square foot heating surface for every 3 to 4 gallons capacity is usually found. Round the top edge of the tank is arranged a gutter ; the juice is boiled in these tanks with the object of bringing the suspended impurities to the surface, whence they are brushed into the gutter and passed on to the filter presses ; very clear juices can be obtained by this method, which is however most wasteful of steam. 3. The juice, either after passing through the juice heater, or when cold, is received into tanks provided with a heating surface similar to the one described in 2 ; the heating surface sometimes takes the form of a coil, or the tank may have a steam jacket. The juice is kept in these tanks at a temperature of about 205 F. ; at this temperature the heavier particles of dirt subside, and a lighter aerated scum rises to the surface ; between these layers is the bulk of the juice, clear and transparent. Many factories in Mauritius make high-class, white, consumption sugars with these clarifiers alone. 4. Any of the above processes may be used, followed by a bulk filtration of the juice. 241 16 CANE SUGAR. 5. In Mauritius a peculiar apparatus known as a Sac Portal (Fig. 11+1) is frequently used ; this consists of a shallow tank about 1 foot deep, and about 15 feet in length and breadth; the tank is divided into compartments about 1 foot wide by divisions parallel to the sides ; at alternate ends of these divisions the partition is cut away to a depth of 1 inch, and to a length of 1 foot ; juice being admitted to the tank at one corner fills the compartment, overflows at the far end. changes its direction, fills the next compartment, again overflows, and so on. The juice has to travel in this way a distance of about 200 feet, and during all that time it is depositing the suspended dirt. One apparatus will work continuously for twelve hours, and give a fairly bright and clear juice, but not comparable with filtered juice. 6. In Australia 1 a continuous clarifier is in use. It consists of a cylin- drical vessel about six feet high, mounted on a conical vessel also about six feet deep. The clarifier is capable of holding an hour's output of the mills, so that the dimensions become very large. The juice is introduced by a pipe which passes over the side of the vessel, and divides at the junction of the cone and cylinder into eight branches, the juice being projected against the A n 2 s 5 f ' 7 3 s f ^ il \ S f ' 2 I 1 V *^ C ^ \ 1 c y 1 ^ , A U Elevct ft'f>t o/ far f if COTI Flo. ee FlG. HI. sides of the cone. As the vessel fills there is a very slow upward movement of juice, the dirt having time to settle. A gutter runs round the upper edge of the cylinder, into which the clear juice flows, the dirt depositing on the sides of the cone. Periodically this dirt is scraped off and the accumulated deposit discharged without interrupting the working of the apparatus. 7. In San Domingo 1 the cold limed juice is introduced at the bottom of a double-bottomed clarifier. Within the latter is arranged a cylinder reaching to within six inches of the bottom and to within twelve inches of the clarifier. The short leg of a syphon reaching nearly to the bottom is placed within the cylinder and serves to continuously draw off the juice. The juice is kept at a temperature of 208-210 F., at which temperature the scums rise to the 242 THE CLAKIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. surface and are removed without breaking them up. The temperature is kept constant by an ingenious thermostatic device ; cold water circulates in a coil of oopper following the curve at the bottom of the clarifier. As this water is heated it expands, and when the temperature becomes too great the expansion operates the lever of a throttle valve admitting steam to the double bottom and shuts off the supply. 8. A type of automatic clarifier due to Hatton 2 is shown in Fig. 1J$. The cold limed juice flows through the pipe a and the regulating valve b r entering the defecator by the pipe c. As the defecator fills up, the juice over- flows and fills the vessel d, which is closed at the bottom ; hence the juice U FIG. 142. passes upwards through the pipe e and away by the pipe /in to the clear juice conduit and thence to the evaporators. The scums collect on the surface of the juice and are removed from time to time ; it is claimed that these contain so little sugar that filter pressing is unnecessary. The heat necessary is obtained by passing steam into the double bottom ; heavier particles which settle are disturbed by occasionally rotating the scraper and are then stated to be carried upwards to the floating layer of precipitated material. The amount of steam entering, and consequently the 243 CANE SUGAR. temperature of the juice is self -con trolled by a thermostat ; at g is shown a tube filled with water ; the expansion and contraction of the water acts on a diaphragm in the regulator h and thereby operates the balanced valve at . Juice Heater. A juice heater, Fig. llj.3, consists of a vertical or horizontal cylindrical cast iron body. At the upper and lower ends are placed tube plates which cany the tubes within which the juice circulates, low pressure steam enters at a, the con- densed water is collected at c, the juice enters at b, and is caused to change its rr FIG. 143. direction twice by the partition plates at e, passing out at /; at d are shown scum cocks for emptying the vessel after cleaning. As a rough rule, for every five gallons of juice per hour, one square foot of heating surface is required. Instead of heating the juice with back pressure steam from the engines, juice heaters are sometimes attached as surface condensers to the last body of the multiple effect evaporator. "Where a good vacuum in the last body is 244 THE CLARIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. maintained, the juice may be heated to a maximum temperature of no more than 130 P., the further rise in temperature required being obtained by a juice heater as described above. The method whereby juices are heated with extra steam taken from the evaporators is described in a subsequent chapter. Determination of Lime required for Clarification. The lime is usually applied as a cream standing about 20-25 Brix, the quantity required being determined by one of three methods : 1. The raw juice is tested in the laboratory, and from the result the amount of lime required per clarifier is obtained. When working on these lines frequent tests should be made. 2. To a clarifier half full of juice an amount of lime approximately that which experience has shown to be necessary is added, and the reaction of the limed juice to litmus paper observed. According to ;the reaction the same, more, or less lime is added when the clarifier is full. Working in this way the proper amount of lime required for a clarifier is soon found. 3. Instead of using litmus paper, the limed juice is filtered into a test tube, and to the clear filtrate a drop of a solution of lime in sugar is added. The formation of a precipitate indicates the necessity for more lime, no preci- pitate occurring with an overlimed or exactly tempered juice. These three methods do not give consonant results, for a juice limed so far as to be just alkaline to litmus will give a further precipitation on the addition of more lime ; precipitation being only complete in the presence of a considerable excess of lime. The writer is inclined to regard clarification rather as a craft or art than as a science, and pays attention to the following points : 1. Enough lime must be used to give a faint alkaline reaction to litmus. 2. The precipitate must settle readily. 3. No more lime should be used than will satisfy the above requirements. In the writer's opinion the best control is to place a sample of the juice from each tank in a four-ounce bottle, and to place each sample on a table con- \enient for the observation of the employe responsible, who is guided by the reaction and the colour of the juice and by the setting of the precipitate. Choice of Lime. The lime used should be as pure as possible ; the objectionable constituents that occur in limestones are silica, alumina, magnesia and sulphate of lime. The first two, if present in limestone, may form a coating over the lime and prevent it slaking properly. Magnesia and sulphate of lime are particularly objectionable, as when introduced into the juice they are deposited, on concentration, on the tubes of the evaporators as scale. Two per cent, of magnesia should be the highest quantity allowable in a lime intended for use in a sugar factory. 245 CANE SUGAR. Below are given analyses of limestones, after Gallois & Dupont 3 , classed by them as bad, passable and excellent : Material. Bad. Passable. Excellent. Moisture .. 4-10 6-25 .. 1-21 Sand, clay, and insoluble matter . . .'. 4-50 .. 3-17 .. 0-55 Organic matter "i." 1-20 .. 1-12 . . 0-41 Soluble silica .. 2-10 ... 0-64 . . 0-20 Oxides of iron and alumina .. 0-37 .. O'lo .. 0-23 Calcium carbonate (limestone) . . .. 85-86 .. 87-93 .. 96-58 Magnesium carbonate . . 0-95 . . 0-53 . . 0-50 Soda and potash . . 0-05 . . . . Undetermined 0-87 0-24 0-32 The Effect of Lime in Clarification. The effect of lime and heat on cane juice is 1 . Some proteid and gummy matters are precipitated ; generally speaking the greater the amount of gums originally present, the greater is the percentage of gums precipitated. 2. Earthy phosphates and bases of all metals except the alkalies are precipitated. 3. Mechanical impurities, as wax, fibre, &c., are entangled and caught in the'proteid and gum precipitate. 4. The juice is made capable of filtration. 5. "With an excess of lime reducing sugars are decomposed into organic acids; this action is discussed in the following chapter. 6. The purity of the juice is elevated up to a maximum of three to four units. The nitrogenous precipitate obtained by the action of lime consists entirely of albuminoids ; xanthine bases and amides are not precipitated by lime, and as amides are present chiefly in unripe cane it is in such cane that the nitro- genous matter chiefly passes on to the after products of the factory. In general, with lime clarification the writer's opinion is that the best results are obtained with a juice very slightly alkaline, sensitive litmus paper being used as an indicator, and, although considerable difference of opinion exists, he does not place reliance on the value of phenolphthalein as a criterion to show at what point the addition of lime should cease. It is with juices containing a high proportion of reducing sugars that an excess of lime is most harmful, and its evil effects are reflected through the whole course of manufacture, in low masse cuites hard to purge, in viscous molasses, and in low sugars, dark coloured and of low test; with juices containing little reducing sugar, an excess of lime is not detrimental. 246 THE CLARIFICATION OE DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. Effect of Alkalies on Reducing Sugar. The action of large quantities of alkalies on reducing sugars is discussed in the next chapter. As shown originally by Lobry de Bruyn and van Ekenstein 4 , reducing sugars, when heated with small quantities of alkalies, suffer isomeric change ; depen- dent on the conditions of experiment, dextrose and levulose are mutually convertible into each other ; in addition, mannose, and a sugar to which the name glutose 5 has been given, are also formed. Mannose is formed in only small quantity, but the prolonged action of alkalies on the naturally present reducing sugars of the cane results in the formation of considerable quantities of glutose ; this body is unfermentable, its reducing power is half that of invert sugar, and it may account for the unfermentable reducing residue found after fer- menting molasses with yeast. In cane juices the dextrose is always in excess of the levulose, but in molasses due to this isomeric change a reversal of this order may happen. This isomeric change also takes place under the influence of the alkali salts of weak acids, such as sodium acetate. The Use of Sulphur. After lime the agent that has been most used in clarification, and one the real effect of which is but little known, is sulphur, in the form of sulphurous acid or sulphur dioxide. Various apparatus are in use for impregnating juices with sulphurous acid, of which three forms are illustrated below. The ' sulphuring ' is often performed in the apparatus shown in Fig. Ij^.. It consists in general of an upright vertical chamber, about twelve feet high, constructed of wood. At every foot or so horizontal perforated plates 0, or some other device calculated to throw the juice into a shower, are fitted. The sulphur fumes enter the box at the bottom, being led by the pipe c from the oven where the sulphur is burnt. The juice enters the sulphur box at the top of b, and falling down in a fine shower passes out at d. An upward draught is created in the sulphur box by allowing a jet of steam to exhaust through the pipe . In Fig. 145 is given a view of a more detailed scheme ; an air compressor or pump b forces the air necessary for combustion first through the vessel d,' packed with quicklime, and thence to the ovens a. The rate at which the sulphur burns is controlled by the speed of the pump or compressor. Above a FIG 144. 247 CANE SUGAR. is a column c, provided with trays packed with chalk, serving to filter the gas and to retain sulphuric acid. The upper surface of the oven is made double, so that cold water circulation may cause the condensation of sulphur volatilized. The sulphur dioxide passes along the pipe /, whence it reaches the bottom of the sulphitation tanks, being evenly distributed by means of a perforated coil. The ovens a are provided with doors, through which the sulphur is introduced, contained in a basket. So as to be continuous in action, the ovens are worked alternately. Another method, and one which in the writer's opinion is reliable and easy of control, is shown in Fig. 1^.6. The sulphur is burned in the iron pot a, being introduced therein, in quantities of about one pound at a time, through the aperture J, which may be kept closed by a tight fitting movable lid. The air necessary for combus- tion passes through the pipe c, which is filled with lumps of quicklime, which are renewed daily. The draught and pressure necessary to force the sulphur gas into the juice are obtained by the injector shown at e, working at not less FIG. 145. than 60 Ibs. pressure per square inch ; parts of this exposed to the action of the gas are made of a lead-antimony alloy containing about five per cent, of antimony. The use of sulphur is very old ; it was originally used by Melsens, in 1810, and there is probably no subject connected with the sugar industry about which so much has been written, and about which so little is actually known. What is claimed to occur may be briefly summarized. 1 . Juices are easier to filter. 2. Masse cuites ' work better ' in the pan, and are easier to purge, owing to a decrease in viscosity. 3. A greater precipitation of impurities occurs. 4. Juices are bleached. In so far as regards the bleaching action of sulphurous acid, it may be remarked that any acid gives a light coloured juice ; Maxwell 6 , however, has shown that sugar solutions coloured artificially by prolonged heating with acids are completely decolourized by sulphurous acid. 248 THE CLARIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. In experiments made by the writer limed juices and limed and sulphured juices exactly duplicating factory conditions gave the same weight of precipi- tate, and the writer does not believe that it can be claimed that sulphuring gives an increase to the purity of the juice above that due to the juice of lime. Yery different methods of sulphuring juices are in vogue ; in Louisiana it is usual to sulphur the cold juice until the acidity is from 3 c.c. to 5 c.c. N/10 acid per 10 c.c. of juice; lime is then added until the juice is very slightly acid. In Java, according to Prinsen Geerligs, the raw juice is limed with about twice as much lime as is indicated as necessary by the saccharate of lime test (supra) ; afterwards the juice is sulphured until only a faint red colouration is afforded by phenolpthalein. In Mauritius, where white sugars are made, it is general to sulphur first and lime afterwards, but in Demerara, in the manufacture of Demerara crystals, the juice is generally limed before sulphuring. ir FIG. 146. In the writer's opinion it is not of much moment whether lime or sulphur be used first, as long as the following points are observed : 1. Heat should not be applied to a juice in the presence of a notable excess of either reagent. 2. The result of the combined treatment should be to obtain a juice almost exactly neutral. In burning sulphur it is of great importance that the air be dry, else a part of the sulphur burns to sulphuric acid, which not only is of no use but is a cause of the deposit of scale and of the corrosion of the valve seatings in the vacuum pumps. Two classes of sulphites exist, both of which may be present in limed and sulphured juice : the normal neutral, sulphites of the formula M 2 S0 3 249 CANE SUGAR. and the acid bisulphites of the formula MHS0 3 . These two forms react differently with litmus and phenolphthalein, the most generally used indicators in the sugar house. Soluble sulphites react neutral with phenolphthalein, but alkaline with litmus ; hence when a sulphured juice reacts neutral to phenol- phthalein the normal sulphite is present, and such a juice may give an alkaline reaction with litmus ; when a juice reacts acid with litmus, then bisulphites are present. A distinction beween the two classes of sulphites is that the normal calcium sulphite is insoluble, the bisulphite being soluble ; if, then, a juice is sulphured in such a way that bisulphites are present, these remain in solution ; in the evaporator they become decomposed into S0 2 and the normal sulphite ; the former on oxidation accounts for the presence of sulphuric acid in calandria water, and the latter also oxidizing appears as a scale of calcium sulphate on the tubes of the evaporators. Use of Phosphoric Acid. A third agent employed as a clarificant in more or less general use is phosphoric acid appearing under various trade names as ' Clariphos,' * Ehrmanite.' It is used to counteract the effects of an over application of lime, and also as an actual precipitant of non-sugar. If a solution of phosphoric acid be added to a limed juice, the first effect is to pro- duce a precipitate of calcium phosphate ; if this precipitate be collected it will be found to contain a notable percentage of organic matter ; if, however, the addition of phosphoric acid be continued, a soluble superphosphate of lime is formed, and the original precipitate redissolves. Oxalic Acid. This body has also been, and sometimes is, used in a similar way, and the precipitate of calcium oxalate, which does not redissolve on adding an excess of oxalic acid, also contains a notable quantity of organic matter. Carbonate of Soda. An excess of lime salts has the property of making the molasses very viscid, and in some factories it is the practice to clarify with lime and soda, using the latter to neutralize the natural acidity of the juice, and the lime to effect precipitation of the albumenoids. Other Agents Proposed for Clarification. Upwards of six hundred agents and combinations of agents have been proposed for use in clarification ; they fall into two main classes, those that aim at a discoloration of the juices and those that are intended to remove non-sugars from the juices. The removal of non-sugars is often attempted by the precipitation within the solution of a bulky precipitate, such as of alumina, phosphate of lime. The proposed agents may be classified thus : 1. Sulphur compounds, including sulphurous acid, soluble sulphites and bisulphites, including those of the alkalies, alkaline earths, aluminium andiron, hydrosulphites of soda and of lime. 250 THE CLARIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. , 2. Phosphoric acid and soluble phosphates and acid phosphates of the alkalies and alkaline earths and of aluminium. 3. Salts of aluminium in combination with bodies designed to produce a precipitate of alumina, and including the aluminates of the alkalies and of the alkaline earths ; the precipitation of alumina within a sugar solution whether from an alum or aluminate produces a notable clearing of the solution and the carrying down of much colloid matter, but the writer is of the opinion that the value of the amount of material required is greater than the benefit to be obtained, in addition to the difficulty of handling the very bulky gelatinous precipitate formed. 4. Salts of the heavy metals, especially of lead, zinc and tin. All of these produce copious precipitates, but their poisonous nature is an insuperable obstacle to their use. 5. Baryta and its salts, and in combination with other agents. Baryta is certainly a powerful clarifying agent, but its poisonous nature, as well as the expense involved, prevents its use. 6. Agents designed to the removal of potash, including the use of fluosilicic acid and its salts, and filtration through layers of calcium aluminium silicates. 7. Unclassified agents, including ozone, chlorine,, hypochlorous acid, hydrofluoric acid, permanganate of potash, chromic acid, tannic acid often suggested to be used in combination with aluminum salts, oxalic acid in com- bination with lime, clay, brick dust, oils, kieselguhr, albumen. 8. Electrical processes. Of later processes that have been proposed may be cited those of Hanson 7 , which include the use of zinc, tin, hydrosulphurous acid, hydrogen peroxide, and aims at a decoloration of the juice and direct manufacture of white sugar by alternate oxidations and reductions. Gans 8 proposes the use of artificial zeolites or calcium aluminium silicates as a filtering material, whereby the potash of the juices is replaced by lime ; this material was placed on the market under the name of ' Permutit,' but Claassen 9 , who examined its action, found that, although the potash could be thus removed, the viscosity of the resulting material due to the substituted lime salts was much increased, and he was unable to recommend its use. Hlavati 10 proposes the removal of potash by means of fluosilicic acid, and Besson 11 employs powdered aluminium alloys in an alkaline juice to obtain a precipitation of alumina and decoloration through the agency of the hydrogen evolved. When this plan is used in the juice in the evaporation, a diminution of the deposit of scale and an increased transmission of heat is claimed. A detailed list of the various proposals has been given by von Lippmann 12 . 251 CANE SUGAR. Clarification for White and Yellow Sugars. The clarifi- cation of juices for the manufacture of these sugars differs from that used when making refining crystals in that the action of sulphurous acid is essential, and that juices are boiled with a slight acid reaction ; in addition much greater care is taken to remove suspended and floating foreign matter from the juices. In Demerara the process followed is as under : The raw juice is limed cold and sulphured generally in a * sulphur tower,' Fig. 144> the appearance of the juice very pale yellow forming a guide to the operator of the efficacy of the treatment ; the juice now has an acidity of about 5 c.c. - 7 c.c. N/10 acid per 100 c.c. of juice, phenolphthalein being used as indicator. After passing through a heater and settling, the partially clarified juice is run into vessels of about 1000 gallons gross capacity in which are arranged steam coils ; around the edge of these vessels is arranged a gutter. These vessels are known as eliminators ; the juice is made to boil, and the scum that rises to the surface is brushed off with wooden tools into the gutter; to the juice in the eliminators phosphoric acid is added, the acidity now lying from 12 c.c. - 20 c.c. N/10 acid per 100 c.c. of juice. This method of cleaning juices is most thermophagous, and at best much inferior to the effect obtained by the use of mechanical or sand filters ; results quite equal to those obtained by eliminators may be obtained by straining the juice through fine copper gauze of 120 meshes per linear inch. In the manufacture of white sugars in Mauritius a similar process is followed, except that the acidity of the finally tempered juice is considerably less, and is about 8-12 c.c. N/10 acid per 100 c.c. of juice. In the writer's opinion the manufacture of fancy sugars is largely a question of the acidity of juice in connection with the colour reactions of cane juice, which, having an important bearing on the matter, may be mentioned here. Use of Hydrosulphite. About 1904 the manufacture of staple hydrosulphites became possible, and they were introduced into the dye indus- try, and thence, as decolorizing agents, into the sugar industry. The sodium salt appears under the trade name of ' Blankit,' and the calcium salt under that of 'Redos.' Hydrosulphites are very powerful reducing ageuts, and act under the equation Na 2 S 2 4 + 0+ H 2 = 2NaHS0 3 . In the cane sugar industry they find an application in the bleaching of juices and syrups in the manufacture of direct consumption sugars. In connection with their use it has been observed that after juices and syrups have been bleached they become darkened on exposure, and it is usual to introduce the hydrosulphite dry into the vacuum pan. A quantity of 252 THE CLARIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. hydrosulphite required to obtain the maximum bleaching effect found by the writer was one pound per ton of sugar, but the quantity necessary has to be determined by trial and error, and a much less quantity is stated to be required by the makers of this compound. Hydrosulphite has no effect on the dark coloured products obtained on overheating sugar juices, and the specific effect claimed for it in reducing viscosity hardly seems possible when the small quantity used is borne in mind. The Colour Reactions of Cane Juice. The colour reactions of cane juice having an important bearing on the manufacture of direct con- sumption sugar may be mentioned here. In the presence of an excess of alkali, filtered cane juice is of a golden yellow colour; if the alkali be gradually neutralized with an acid a point is reached where the golden yellow colour turns to an olive brown; the addition of the acid being continued, the cane juice finally becomes almost colourless. When in the intermediate olive brown zone, the juice is almost exactly neutral. The colour reactions of cane juice as described above are exemplified in the following experiment : To 100 c.c. of clarified almost neutral cane juice, exactly sufficient normal caustic soda was added to develop the golden yellow tint, the quantity found necessary to be added being 1 c.c. To 1 00 c.c. of the cane juice thus treated normal sulphuric acid was added and the changes in colour observed ; the different juices were kept at a temperature of 95 C. for half-an-hour, so as to determine at what point appreciable inversion (see below) set in. The details of an experiment are given below. 100 c.c. of clarified cane juice treated with 1 c.c. normal caustic soda developed maximum yellow colouration. c.c. normal acid Polarization after added per 100 c.c. Colour. Reaction. heating to 95 C, of prepared juice. for half-an-hour. Golden Yellow Alkaline 58-1 4 ... .... .... 58-0 8 .... .... 58-1 9 j ... ( Intermediate Neutral 58 '0 1-2 J .... I Olive brown zone ... ,, 58*0 1-4 .... Light .... Acid 58'1 2-0 .... ,, ..... ,, 58-0 2-2 .... ,, 57-0 2-6 .... .... .... 49-0 It was not until there was an excess of normal sulphuric acid of 1 c.c. per 100 c.c. of juice over and above the neutral intermediate zone that inversion was detected. In Sugar and the Sugar Cane the author expressed himself thus : " This is thus the limit which the manufacturer can allow himself when making 253 CANE SUGAK. consumption sugars without danger of inversion." This reasoning was, however, incorrect, for the invertive action is profoundly modified by the large amount of neutral salt present in the experiment and which does not occur in the boiling-house ; also the acids used in the boiling-house sulphurous and phosphoric have in any case a much less pronounced action than sulphuric. Actually, however, juices with an acidity due to phosphoric acid equal to a maximum of 20 c.c. decinormal acid per 100 c.c. of juice are worked in the manufacture of consumption sugars. Indicators. By an indicator is meant a body which by a change of colour indicates the end point of some chemical reaction, and in the sugar house it is used to indicate the acidity or alkalinity of the juice. The two indicators most extensively employed are litmus and phenolphthalein ; the former is red in acid and blue in alkaline solution ; the latter, colourless and crimson. A difference in the indication of these bodies with lime and in the presence of sulphites has already been noted, and the question, which is the most reliable indicator to use, is one which is constantly recurring. This is really largely a question of the glucose content of the juice; phenolphthalein does not give an alkaline reaction until there is present considerably more lime than is required to give an alkaline reaction with litmus; if juices such as are common in Demerara, containing from 1*5 per cent, to 2 per cent, of glucose were limed till they gave an alkaline reaction with phenolphthalein, serious trouble, due to the action of the lime on the glucose, would result ; juices with less glucose will be able to take a larger amount of lime and obtain a greater precipitation of non-sugar without injury. In saturating alkaline juices with sulphurous acid it must be remembered that litmus reacts alkaline to acid sulphites and hence phenolphthalein is the more suitable indicator. Phenolphthalein is exclusively used in the beet sugar industry, but con- ditions are dissimilar and Pellet in particular has frequently insisted that litmus is the most general cane sugar indicator. An indicator of some little use is a reagent consisting of equal parts of methyl orange and rosolic acid in alcoholic solution ; this reagent becomes a peculiar port- wine red in the presence of bisulphites, but in general the colour of cane products is so pronounced as to mask the appearance of this colour. The colouring matter of cane juice itself forms an indicator of no inconsiderable value, and is discussed above. Speaking generally, the appearance of the juice viewed in a tall glass makes a valuable criterion, a clear hock-coloured juice with a rapidly settling precipitate being the appearance to be looked for; the condition of the press cake is also a guide, soft sloppy cakes being often the result of too little lime. 254 THE CLAKIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. Inversion. Cane sugar, under the influence of acids, is quantitatively converted into dextrose and levulose under the equation CxaH^O^+H^CeH^Oe + CeH^Qe Cane Sugar Water Dextrose Levulose Under the ionic hypothesis an acid in solution is conceived as being in part dissociated into hydrogen ions and into acid-radical ions ; thus hydrochloric acid in solution is taken as consisting of undissociated HC1, and of H ions, and of Cl ions, the former carrying a -j- and the latter a charge of electricity. The inversion of cane sugar under the same hypothesis, and, indeed, all the particular properties of an acid, are held to he due to the hydrogen ions. A strong acid is one which is largely, and a weak acid is one which is slightly, dissociated. The chief laws under which the inversion of cane sugar proceeds are summarized below. 1. Rate of Inversion. "When all other conditions are unchanged, the rate of inversion is proportional to the active mass, i.e., when the temperature and the concentration of the acid are unchanged, a 20 per cent, solution of cane sugar inverts twice as fast as a 10 per cent, solution. Developed mathematically, this statement becomes reduced to the following form : In a sugar solution let there be a parts of sugar present ; in a small interval of time, t, let x parts be inverted. There are now present a x parts of cane sugar. Since the rate of change is proportional to the active mass, d x = k (a x) where 1c is a constant. d t "Whence, by integration log. = k t d x I a -J lo s- j-n = k The constant k gives a means of comparing the strength of different acids, or, under the ionic hypothesis, the degree of dissociation. This law was found experimentally by "Wilhelmy in 1350, and developed on a priori reasoning by Guldberg and Waage in 1867. It forms a typical instance of the universal law that rate of chemical change is proportional to the active mass. As definitely applied to a sugar solution in acid medium, let the total change in polarization due to inversion be- a; then a is proportional to the amount of sugar originally present. Let the fall in polarization, i.e., the algebraical difference between the initial reading and the reading after any time interval, t, be x ; then x is proportional to the amount of sugar inverted. The calculation of the constant will then appear as in the following example. Initial reading, 40; reading after complete inversion, 12; total change = # = 52; reading after 60 minutes, 30; proportionate amount of sugar inverted = # = 40 30 = 10. Then | " Constant = ^-log. ^- Q = -001546. . 255 CANE SUGAR. 2. Influence of Acid. The constant k was determined by Ostwald 13 in 1884, for a large number of acids; some values as found by him are given below. These are referred to half normal strength, to 25 C. temperature, the time being expressed in minutes, and the logarithms being common ones. Acid. Constant. | Acid. Constant. Hydrobromic -002187 Sulphurous . ..... '0006630 Hydrochloric -002438 Oxalic -0004000 Nitric -002187 Phosphoric -0001357 Sulphuric -001172 Acetic -0000088 3. Effect of Concentration of Acid. Within comparatively narrow limits the rate of inversion is nearly directly proportional to the concentration of the acid. With the stronger acids, however, the rate of inversion decreases more rapidly than does the decrease in concentration ; with weaker acids, the reverse holds. 4. Effect of Temperature. The following empirical equation, due to Urech, 14 connects velocity of inversion and temperature: A CTt T ) C 1 = C i) -e T O I* where C and C l are the rates of inversion at T and T lt e is the base of the natural system of logarithms, and A is a constant, and equal to 12820. Putting the rate of inversion at 25 C. = l, this expression gives the following rates of inversion at the stated temperatures : c. Rate. c. Rate. c. Rate. 25 .... 1 60 ... 91-8 85 . . . 1354 40 .... 7-6 65 . . . 162 90 ... 2110 45 .... 14-3 70 ... 282 95 . . . 3573 50 .... 26-7 75 ... 483 100 . . 5659 55 57-7 80 814 The Effect of Neutral Salts. It was originally shown by Arrhenius 15 that the rate of inversion by acids was accelerated by the presence of the halides and nitrates of the alkalies and alkaline earths. The writer 16 has extended his observations, and has found : 1. In concentration up to '02 N at 100 C., the halides and nitrates have an inappreciable effect on the rate of inversion with very dilute acids. 2. Under similar conditions the sulphates, sulphites, oxalates, and all ^alkali and alkaline earth salts of weaker acids retard inversion. 3. In concentration of acid and salt of the normal order, at ordinary temperatures, the halides and nitrates of the alkalies and alkaline earths .accelerate the rate of inversion ; the acceleration increases progressively from chloride to bromide, to iodide, the effect of nitrates being similar to that of chlorides. A difference in the base of the salt has very little, if any, effect ; thus, the acceleration due to sodium chloride is substantially the same as that -due to calcium chloride. 256 FIG. 17. PORT MACKAY. PLATE XVI THE CLARIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. 4. Under similar conditions, sulphates, sulphites, oxalates, &c., retard the rate of inversion. Effect of Glucose. The action of glucose on the inversion of cane sugar is a peculiar subject, some investigators finding that glucose of itself caused inversion, and others observing no effect. Geerligs 17 , in investigating the subject, came to the conclusion that glucose of itself had no invertive action, but that in the presence of neutral salts, such as chlorides, nitrates and sulphates of the alkalies and alkaline earths, inversion occurred at the temperature of boiling water, owing to a slight hydrolysis of the neutral salt under the influence of the glucose. The writer 16 in investigating the same subject failed to obtain any trace of inversion due to the combined influence of glucose and neutral salts, when the latter were present in normal concentration.* Inversion under Acid Salts. Salts of the heavy metals, such as zinc sulphate, also cause the inversion of cane sugar. This has been chiefly studied by Long 18 ; the inversion is ascribed to the partial hydrolysis of the salt, thereby affording free hydrogen ions in solution. Inversion under the Influence of Enzymes. Besides chemical inversion under the influence of acids and acids salts, cane sugar is inverted by the action of certain ferments known collectively as enzymes. The enzyme most studied is that secreted by yeast, and known as invertase. The properties of this body were first investigated by 0' Sullivan and Thompson 19 , who found that the most favourable concentration of the sugar solution was 20 per cent., that the optimum temperature was 55 C. to 60 C., the enzyme being slowly destroyed at 65 C., and instantaneously at 75 C. The action of invertase is greatly accelerated by minute traces of acids. 0' Sullivan and Thompson found that the law of mass action held for the action of invertase, a result not obtained by subsequent workers until C. S. Hudson 21 showed that these had neglected to take into account the mutarotation of the invert sugar formed. Another instance of enzyme inversion of interest to the sugar industry was examined by Lewton-Brain 22 ; he found that the fungus connected with the Red Rot of the Stem (Colletotrichum fakatum) secreted an invertase capable of rapid inversion of cane sugar. Inversion and Manufacture of Consumption Sugars. It has already been stated that in the manufacture of consumption sugars it is customary to work juices with an acidity reaching up to 20 c.c. decinormal acid per 100 c.c. of juice. Sugar and water, even with acetic acid, at such an acidity, would be very rapidly inverted at 100C. In the sugar house, however, the system consists of sugar, water, acid and neutral salt ; the action of the neutral salt decreases (under the ionic hypothesis) the concentration * Since the above was in type, Mr. Geerligs has suggested that the discrepancy in the results was due to the fact that neutral inorganic salts only invert sucrose in the 1 resence of glucose in the case where they occur in feeble concentration. Highly con- centrated salt solutions are without invertive action. 257 17 CANE SUGAR. of the hydrogen ions, and it is for this reason that it is possible to work juices with so high an acidity ; the greater the amount of neutral salt the higher can he the acidity. A heavily limed juice, with the lime 'cut ouf by excessive sulphuring will contain a large amount of neutral salt, and can be worked with a higher acidity than one not so heavily limed. This point is empirically known to many West Indian sugar boilers. Th.e Demiiig 1 Process. This process which was introduced a number of years ago has undergone numerous modifications from time to time, and at the present time is worked under more than one combination. Included in the scheme are two distinct ideas, the raising of the juice to a temperature of about 230 F. under pressure (superheat clarification) and the use of a specially designed form of a continuous settler. The different parts of the apparatus are described below. FIG. 147. The Digester. The digester, aa Fig. 147, is a combination of return current tubular horizontal heaters of conventional pattern ; they are worked in pairs or in sets of three ; exhaust steam is employed as a heating agent in that heater through which the juice first passes, and live steam in the later ones. The Alsorler. The absorber is a combined cooler and heater ; in the earlier plants this consisted of a tubular element, in the interior of the tubes of which the superheated juices from the digester circulated ; on the outside of the tubes cold juice on its way to the digester passed; an inter- change of heat occurred, and juice at a temperature of about 200 F. was delivered to the settling tanks. The absorber shown at W, Fig. 1^7, is the most recent form. It consists of a closed outer vessel wherein is maintained a 258 THE CLARIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. vacuum of about six inches ; the superheated juice from the digesters is dis- chai ged into this vessel ; in the upper part of the absorber is a tubular element cc within the tubes of which the cold juice circulates; the superheated juices on entering the absorber at once boil under the reduced pressure, and the vapours given off condense on the tubular element, at the same time raising the temperature of the cold juice therein contained. The Settling Tank. The continuous settling tank is shown at dd\ it consists of a cylindrical portion mounted on a funnel-shaped lower part. Inside is arranged a truncated cone of sheet iron. The juice enters through four pipes and follows the course indicated by the arrows, depositing its suspended matter on the sides of the tank, and on the cone ; on leaving the tank the juice passes direct to the evaporators. Periodically the deposit of dirt is discharged through the pipe at the bottom of the tank and sent to the presses. The settler shown in Fig. l/tf is closed ; in the earlier plants open settlers were used, and these tanks were often arranged in series, the juice from the first tank dividing into two currents, so that the velocity of flow was halved, and an opportunity given for a thorough deposit of the dirt. The Deming plant is sent out equipped with carefully thought out arrangements for the control of liming and sulphuring and of the temperatures- in the various parts of the plant. So as not to cause confusion these arrange- ments are not shown in the drawing, which is confined to the essential parts of the apparatus. Mechanically, and from the point of view of steam economy, there is no doubt that this process is very efficient, but from the chemical standpoint it has been subjected to very severe criticism; any slight error in controlling the amount of lime or sulphur gas added will, at the high temperature which forms a part of the process, result in a serious loss of sugar ; and in a number of instances where the plant has been installed the superheat part of the scheme has been dropped, the mechanical ideas being retained. The following figures dealing with the process are due to Beeson 22 : Juice. s al sucrose. S s 1 jJ ai I ? ot Purity. Glucose. Diffusion 14-9 .. 11-22 .. 1-69 .. 75-3 .. 1-99 Ordinary Clarification 14'9 . . 12-04 . 0*83 . . 80'9 . . 2-03 Deming Clarification .. 14'9 .. 11-58 .. 1-29 .. 77'7 .. 2-03 Diffusion 14-9 11-78 . . 1-11 . . 79-1 . . 2-01 Ordinary Clarification 14'9 .. 11-65 .. 1-21 .. 78'2 .. 2'04 Deming Clarification . 14'9 .. 10'85 .. 2'06 .. 72-8 .. 1-99 Tn s po Glucose Total Albumen- 4 i/i oa Alcoholic ratio. Proteids. oids. Amides. Precipitate . Diffusion 17'7 . . -248 . . -0617 . . -1863 . . -105 Ordinary Clarification. 16'9 . . -205 . . '0416 . . '1634 . . -202 Deming Clarification .. 17'5 .. -208 .. -0434 .. -1646 .. '171 Diffusion 17-1 . . -215 . . -0733 . . -1417 . . -246 Ordinary Clarification. 17'5 . . -201 . . -0538 . . '1472 . . -336 Deming Clarification . . 18-3 . . -202 . . -0447 . . '1574 . . -297 259 CANE SUGAR. Edson 23 experimenting at Calument, Louisiana, found juices treated by the Deming process to filter more rapidly than others. Temperature of Clarification. 215 F. 230 F. 246 F. 260 F. Filtration started at . . 3 '45 . . 3 '45 . . 3-45 . . 3 45 Juice freed from mud at 4-15 . . 4'05 . . 3-56 . . 3-56 Time of filtration . . . . 30 min. . . 20 min. . . 11 min. . . 11 min. Using juice heated to ) 260 F. as a unit, the 2'75 .. 1-82 .. I'OO .. 1-00 time of filtration was ) The process was also subjected to a trial by Geerligs 24 , in Java, the factory in question working alternately the Deming and the older process. The analyses of the juice show no difference, but the analyses of the molasses indicate that more gums were precipitated by the Deming process. Ash. Lime. Gum. Silica. Molasses, Cheribon cane, Defecation 4-67 .,. 0-207 .. 0-808 .. 1-28 ,, ,, Deming.. 4-59 ..0'245 ,.' 0-720 .. 1'09 ,, Muntok ,, Defecation 4'50 .. 0'370 .. 0-636 .. 1'32 ,, Deming.. 4-55 .. 0'331 .. 0'604 .. 1-24 Geerligs remarks that "from a chemical point of view Deming' s superheat clarification stands in no respect behind the usual defecation process, whilst its mechanical advantages are many." Increase in Purity. The increase in purity due to the action of lime varies with the nature of the bodies in the juice ; thus with unripe cane much of the nitrogen is present as amide and is not precipitated, whereas in mature cane the nitrogen appears chiefly as albumenoids and is precipitated. Similarly a greater or less quantity of phosphates in the juice will affect the increase in purity ; the figures from the Mutual Control of Java Factories show an increase of from 1*5 to 1 '9 units where the purity is about 85 ; a similar increase is usual with the purer juices of the Hawaiian Islands and the figures given by Browne 25 as typical of Louisiana indicate a similar increase. In addition to the increase in purity due to the action of lime and heat, a further increase follows due to the precipitation of bodies as scale on evaporation ; this increase may amount to as much as a unit between the clarified juice and the syrup. Abnormal Purities. Geerligs 26 in particular has described instances of juices showing a very high purity which fell to normal figures in the syrup ; he failed to obtain indications of any bodies precipitable by lime to which the phenomenon could be ascribed and was inclined to think it due to presence of alcohol formed in fungus-attacked canes. Pellet 27 , however, thinks imprisoned air a more likely cause ; either of these bodies would give a fictitiously low degree of Brix and would disappear in the evaporation. 260 THE CLARIFICATION OR DEFECATION OF THE JUICE. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XIIE. 1. Ency. Brit. X. Edit. Art. Sugar. 2. /. 8. J., 88. 3. After Spencer's Handbook for Beet Sugar Manufacturers. 4. Arch., 1896, 224. 5. Bull. Assoc., 15, 163. 6. Louisiana Bulletin, 2, 38, 1407. 7. English Patents, 11790 and 19815 of 1896 and 25642 of 1898. 8. German Patent, 174097 of 1905 ; English Patent, 8232 of 1907. 9. I. S. J., 107 and 108. 10. English Patent, 15274 of 1903. 11. Bull. Assoc., 20, 131. 12. Deut. Zuck. Ind., 1909, 9. 13. Jour. Prak. Chem., 30, 95. 14. Ber. Deut. Chem. Oesel., 16, 765; 17, 2175. 15. Zeit. Phys. Chem., 4, 226. 16. Bull. 35, Agric. H.S.P.A. 17. 8. C., 313. 18. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 18, 693. 19. Jour. Chem. Soc., 57, 834. 20. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 30, 1564. 21. Ball. 9, Path. H.S.P.A. 22. S. C., 330. 23. 8. C., 345. 24. I. S. J., 19. 25. /. S. J., 91. 26. /. S. J., 111. 27. /. S. J., 119. 261 CHAPTER XIY. THE CARBONATION* PROCESS. The carbonation process, which is quite generally adopted in beet sugar factories, has only been applied to the manufacture of cane sugar in a few instances in Java and India. This process, though very successful in beet factories, gave bad results when first introduced into cane sugar factories owing to the presence of glucose in cane juice, this body not being a constituent of sound beets. It is owing to the efforts of Geerligs and Winter in Java that the process has been made even practicable, but that it will ever be generally adopted is problematical. The essential principle of the process is the use of a large quantity of lime in the clarification, giving a very copious precipitate of organic non-sugar, the excess of lime being removed by the passage of carbon dioxide as an insoluble carbonate. Besides precipitating organic matter, the lime acts on the glucose, converting it into saccharic, glucinic, and lactic acids, the proportions of each being dependent on the temperature at which reaction takes place. Single Carbonation. In the single process a quantity of lime which, calculated as dry anhydrous lime, amounts to as much as 1 to I'd per cent, of the weight of the cane is added to the juice ; carbon dioxide generated by the combustion of limestone in limekilns is pumped through the juice until the latter is neutral; the juice is all this time at a temperature not exceeding 55 C. ; the temperature is now raised to 90 C., and the juice filtered ; in some cases the juice is filtered en masse, and in others it is allowed to settle and only the scums filtered. Double Carbonation. In the double carbonation process the juice is limed as above at a temperature not exceeding 55 C., and carbon dioxide passed in until the alkalinity is one represented by -05 per cent, lime ; the juice is then separated from the precipitate by means of filtration, raised to the boiling point, saturated with carbon dioxide, boiled for a few minutes to break up bicarbonates, and again filtered. The point at which the passage of carbonic acid gas is stopped is indicated by a clear, bright coloured juice with a rapidly settling precipitate. *I write 'carbonation' in preference to ' carboxatation,' as being etymologically the correct iorm, although the latter spelling is adopted by Geerligs and by Ware. (W. D.) 262 THE CARBONATION PROCESS. Chemistry of the Process. The chemistry of the process is thus explained by Geerligs 1 . At temperatures near the boiling point the action of lime on glucose is to form chiefly saccharic and glucinic acids : if the tem- perature, however, does not rise above 60 C., saccharic and lactic acids are chiefly formed, and only small quantities of glucinic acid. The glucinic acid formed combines with the lime to produce an insoluble basic glucinate ; this basic glucinate is insoluble in an alkaline medium at temperatures below 60 C., but redissolves with rise of temperature or on neutralization of the free alkali. In the single process, then, the glucinate of lime, after being insoluble, again becomes soluble, and re-enters into solution ; in the double process it is removed. In addition to the action of an excess of lime on glucose, gummy and other matters are only precipitated by an excess of lime and considerably more impurities are thrown down by the excess of lime than in the ordinary process ; on neutralization these bodies redissolve, and the final effect is the same as if lime had only been added in the usual quantities. This effect takes place in the single process, and it is only by filtering the strongly alkaline solution, and by removing the lime afterwards that the full benefit of the carbonation pro- cess is obtained. Below are given details of analyses (by Geerligs) of juices treated by the carbonation process ; analyses of the scums are given in the succeeding chapter. Sugar, Glucose, Pectine, Per Per Glucose Per Brix. cent. cent. Purity, ratio. cent. Mill juice 18.4 .. 15-72 .. 0'92 .. 85-6 .. 5'9 .. 0'634 Clarified by defecation 18-6 . . 15'99 . . 0'95 . . 86-1 . . 5-9 . . 0-292 Clarified by carbonation 16'9 . . 14-65 . . 0-44 . . 86'7 . . 3*0 . . 0-142 Use of Carbonation Process. The double carbonation process is used in a few factories in Java, and perhaps in one or two elsewhere. By its use a white sugar intended for direct consumption is obtained with less trouble than can be obtained by any other process ; in this regard, however, the writer would remark that the best white sugars of Mauritius made by a defecation process combined with the use of sulphur and phosphoric acid are equal to any that he has seen prepared by the carbonation process. The single carbonation process appears to be adapted to factories which obtain a gummy juice, and is not adapted for making white sugars. Effect on Manufacture. The decomposition of the glucose by lime gives rise to organic acids and hence carbonated juices contain more salts than do defecated juices. In discussing this point, Geerligs 2 in 1895 seems to imply that carbonation molasses contain more sucrose per unit of water than do defecation molasses; this distinction he correlates with his Theory of Molasses (cf. Chap. XIX.) ; ou the other hand he points out that owing to 263 CAKE SUGAR. the decreased quantity of non-sugar the actual loss of sugar is not increased ; in addition carbonation molasses are less viscous and lighter coloured, so that they are more easily removed in the centrifugals. Later analyses of carbonation molasses published by Geerligs in " Cane Sugar and its Manufacture " do not show a higher purity than do defecation molasses; the average of eight carbonation factories and of sixty-seven defecation factories are as under: Total Solids Polari- Sucrose Apparent True Brix. Percent, zation. Percent. Purity. Purity. Glucose. Gums. Lime Garb... 83-7 .. 78'6 .. 31-1 .. 31'3 .. 37'1 .. 39-8 .. 21-6 .. -74 .. 1-38 Def. .. 85-4 .. 80-0 .. 28-8 .. 33'9 .. 33'7 .. 42'4 . 23'6 .. 1-95 .. '53 It will be observed however that the difference between the polarization and sucrose per cent, is much less in the carbonation molasses, than in the defecation molasses ; this is of course to be correlated with Lobry-de-Bruyn's and Yan Ekenstein's observations on the transformations of reducing sugars in the presence of alkalies. Finally, Hazewinkel 3 in obtaining a formula for available sugar allows a loss of 5 per cent, of sucrose in the carbonation process ; this would seem to imply that the recovery of sucrose in this process is less than in the defecation process, and is to be ascribed to the action of the lime in large quantity on the sucrose. Details Of Routine. It remains to describe the practice of the pro- cess, which may be varied in details to suit the requirements of different factories or the ideas of different manufacturers. In the single process, the juice is received as usual in tanks, where it is treated with from 10 per cent, to 20 per cent, of milk of lime, standing at 20 Brix. Attempts made to intro- duce the lime in a dry state have not been successful, but to prevent the considerable dilution that would be necessary if the lime were mixed with water, the dilute washings from the filter presses have been substituted. But it has been found that a badly filtering juice thereby results. The carbonation may be performed in the vessels in which the juice is received, or the limed juice may be run off into special tanks ; the exact amount of lime added not being a matter of importance, the use of liming tanks is not essential. In the double process, the first carbonation is performed in the vessels in which the lime is added, after which the juice is filtered en masse or else decanted and the scums only filtered. The cleared first carbonation juice is then passed on to the saturation or second carbonation tanks where the process is finished as already indicated. It is general to keep the scums from the two carbonations entirely separate, but in some beet sugar factories it is the custom to mix and filter them together, a more easily treated material being thus obtained. This is a 264 THE CARBONATION PROCESS. process not recommended by the best authorities, the interaction of the two scums tending to reintroduce into the juice bodies which it is desired to eliminate. In the carbon ation process the quantity of lime used is very considerable and it is essential that labour-saving devices be used in connection with it. A factory of moderate size working up 5000 gallons of juice per hour will use about 500 gallons of milk of lime, equivalent to about 500 Ibs. of dry lime. The milk of lime may be mixed on the basement and elevated to the clarifier loft by a pump or montjus, or the dry lime may itself be elevated by means of a hoist. In either case power is required to drive the lime mixing apparatus. FIG. 148. This consists of a rectangular or cylindrical tank of suitable capacity, in which is placed centrally a vertical shaft, fitted with a series of horizontal blades. On the top of this shaft is fixed a horizontal bevel wheel gearing with a vertical one which receives its motion by belt gearing from any con- venient shafting, the power required not being sufficient to demand a separate engine ; the liming tanks have similar appliances to ensure a complete mixture of lime and juice. 265 CANE SUGAR. Carbonating Tanks. The carbonating or saturation tanks, Fig. are made either rectangular or circular ; the latter form is preferable as tending to a more uniform distribution of the carbon dioxide. They are often provided with an iron lid, to which is fitted a short chimney. Where this device is not utilized, the froth is broken up by means of a jet of steam brought to play upon the surface. A mechanical arrangement, consisting of a scraper passing over the surface of the juice, is sometimes used, and a stirring device, as shown in Fig. 18, is also employed. The height of the liquid undergoing treatment varies in practice from 4 to 9 ft., and owing to the frothing the vessels are not filled to within 1 or 2 FIG. 149. ft. of the top of the containing vessel. No useful purpose is served by decreasing the height of liquid, as if too low there is danger of carbon dioxide passing away unutilized. To distribute the gas uniformly through the liquid various devices are used. The commonest method is to use a perforated coil, for which may be substituted a perforated disc or drum : any method which secures uniform distribution of gas is effective. In addition to the gas distributing coil, steam coils are provided for boiling the juice ; an allowance of 1 square foot heating surface for every two gallons capacity is sufficient. 266 THE CARBONATION PROCESS. Gas Washer. The carbon dioxide used in this process is, of course, generated on the spot by burning limestone ; after being generated in the kiln, the gas is passed through a gas washer, a form of which is shown in Fig. 1JJ.9 ; it consists of an upright cylindrical vessel in which is placed a series of transverse horizontal partitions e; in each of these, and projecting a few inches, are fitted the funnels /; water is pumped into the vessel by the pipe c and flows over the partitions, down through the funnels and out through the pipe d. The gas from the kiln enters by the pipe a, the lower end of which is perforated, and flows upwards in the direction indicated by the arrows. In the passage of the gas the dust carried over is deposited and the gas cooled down to a temperature of 40 C. Various other forms of gas washers are made ; in one, perforated plates take the place of the transverse partitions described above. Any of the forms of jet condensers described in connection with evaporation serve equally well as gas washers. In certain beet factories the gas evolved from the kiln is purified by being passed through closely-packed carbonate of soda or through a solution of this substance ; the object of this procedure is to eliminate any sulphurous acid which may be present, as the coke employed contains sulphur. Lime Kilns. The carbon dioxide requisite for the carbonation process is obtained by burning lime in kilns at the factory, which in this case makes its own temper lime from crude limestone. Lime kilns are of two types, continuous and intermittent, and the former of course is the type required for a sugar factory. They may also be classed as long flame and short flame kilns. In the former the fuel is burnt on a hearth, and the products of combustion pass through the limestone in the kiln proper. In the latter the fuel and limestone are mixed together and charged into the kiln from the top. It is very general to use a combination of short and long flame burning. The latter is more expensive as regards fuel, but gives a purer product, as in short flame burning the lime is contaminated with the ash of the fuel. When using good quality coke, with short flame burning, 2 per cent, of the product consists of the ash of the fuel. When wood is used a rather larger percentage is present. In Fig. 150 is shown a section of a continuous type of kiln very generally used in beet factories, which can be employed as a long or short flame kiln, or as a combination of both methods. The kiln consists of a tapering masonry shaft of forty to fifty feet high ; the diameter at the base is fifteen feet, and at the beginning of the curved portion twelve feet. Many kilns are built with much narrower shafts a diameter of eight feet for a height of fifty feet not being uncommon. The interior of the kiln is lined with fire-brick, d\ the exterior being of common brick, e ; the whole is sometimes cased with iron plates to prevent leakage of air through the masonry, and sometimes a layer of non-conducting material is placed between the fire-brick and outer casing. 267 CANE SUGAR. The base of the kiln is conical so as to allow the lime to gravitate towards the doors, I, of which there are eight provided for the removal of the burnt lime. The limestone, or mixture of limestone and fuel, is introduced into the kiln at the top, which is kept closed by the cone, k. A charge being dumped on to the cone from the waggon, h, the cone is lowered by moving the lever, m, and distributes the charge evenly in the kiln. At / tubes are let into the wall to allow of the process being watched. These tubes are provided with shutters so as to regulate the supply of air. At a are the hearths on which the fuel is burned, the products of combustion passing by way of c up through the kiln ; three or four hearths are usually provided. The products of combustion pass by tubes to the chamber I, whence they are aspirated by a pump to the gas FIG. 150. washer, and eventually to the carbonating tanks. The lime and fuel (where the two are mixed) are raised to the platform at the top of the kiln by a pulley hoist, and in very large installations by a hydraulic lift. A very complete study of the lime kiln has been made by Gallois, from whose researches the following notes are taken. The investigation, of course, refers to beet sugar manufacture, but as the amount of lime used is the same per ton of cane or beet, his results are applicable to the cane sugar industry. Gallois' figures are expressed in the metric system, and these have been converted by the writer to English units. A lime kiln for short flame burning without hearths should have a capacity of 14 cubic feet per ton of cane per 24 hours. For the decomposition 268 THE CARBONATION PROCESS. of 100 Ibs. limestone of 95 per cent, purity, a theoretical minimum of 6 Ibs. coke is required ; this corresponds to one volume coke to six volumes of lime- stone. In practice, from four to five volumes of limestone are used with one volume of coke, and some authorities allow three volumes. Coke gives twice the calorific value of average wood, and accordingly 12 Ibs. wood to 100 Ibs. limestone would be required. The following are the points to be observed to obtain a good result in the kiln : 1. The limestone should contain a minimum of silica and alumina. 2. Washed coke, containing not more than 7 per cent, of ash, should be used. 3. The proportion of coke and limestone should be carefully regulated. 4. The charges should be frequent and regular. 5. The lime should be drawn successively from the doors in turn. 6. Only two-thirds of the volume of the kiln should be occupied, 7. The aspirating pump should work slowly and regularly. 8. Air should not be allowed to suck back through the gas pipe. The objectionable constituents which occur in limestone are silica, alumina, magnesia, and sulphate of lime. If either of the two former are present during the calcination, fusible silicates and aluminates of lime and magnesia are formed, giving rise to what is known as scaffolding in the kiln >., a fused mass is formed, preventing the descent of the lime. In addition, their presence prevents the lime slaking properly; furthermore, silica introduced into the juice may dissolve in the presence of alkalies and be precipitated as scale in the evaporators, besides causing difficulties in the filtration. Magnesia ;md sulphate of lime also cause scale in the evaporators. Below are given analyses by MM. Gallois and Dupont of different types of limestone : Material. Bad. Passable. Excellent. Moisture .. .. 4-10 .. 6'25 .. 1-21 Sand, clay, and insoluble matter.. 4'50 .. 3'17 .. 0*55 Organic matter 1-20 .. 1-12 .. 0-41 Soluble silica .. 2-10 .. 0'64 .. 0*20 Oxides of iron and alumina . . . . 0*37 . . O'lo . . 0-23 Calcium carbonate (limestone) . . 85'86 . . 87'93 . . 96'58 Magnesium carbonate 0-95 . . O'o3 . . O'oO Soda and potash . . 0'05 . . . . Undetermined .. .. 0'87 .. 0'24 .. 0'32 269 CANE SUGAR. The inefficient working of a kiln may arise from the following points : 1. Scaffolding, which may as already mentioned be caused by the presence of silica or alumina, and also by careless work in changing or in mixing the limestone and fuel. 2. "Withdrawal of unburnt lime when too little fuel is used or when com- bustion is too rapid. 3. Presence of carbon monoxide, due to too little air being admitted for complete combustion, or to a too low temperature in the kiln. 4. Presence of air due to leaks in the masonry or to air sucking back, or to working the pump too fast. The composition of the gas from the kilns varies within wide limits, the theoretical maximum of carbon dioxide being 38- 7 per cent. ; in general practice the percentage lies between 25 per cent, and 30 per cent., with from 1 per cent, to 3 per cent, of oxygen and 65 per cent, to 70 per cent, of nitrogen. Traces of carbon monoxide may be present but should not rise above 1 per cent. ; sulphur dioxide derived from sulphur in the coal may also occur. Carbonic Acid Gas Pumps. The pumps used to aspirate the carbon dioxide are now slide valve pumps similar in design and construction to those used in the dry vacuum process described in the Chapter on Evaporation. A table of their capacities is given below, taken from a Continental maker's catalogue. Quantity of gas sucked ' per hour cb m. 50 825 1050 1300 1800 2050 3375 4050 Diameter of steam cylin- der, mm. 275 350 375 400 470 500 600 700 Diameter of carbonic acid A I w \J\J\J i \J\J cylinder, mm 500 550 600 650 750 800 1000 1100 Piston stroke, mm 470 550 550 630 700 700 800 1000 Eevolutions per minute 75 70 70 65 60 60 55 45 Steam inlet, mm 60 80 80 90 110 110 140 170 Steam outlet, mm. . 70 90 90 100 120 120 150 185 Diameter of suction pipe, mm. 110 125 135 150 175 190 240 270 Diameter of delivery pipe, mm 100 110 125 140 160 170 220 250 270 THE CARBONATION PROCESS. Review Of Process. The essential question with regard to any new process is whether a return is given on invested capital. An estimate of necessary working expenses for a factory working 1000 tons of cane per day over a crop of 100 days is given below. The necessary extra plant over and above that needful for the ordinary defecation process will include a limekiln, gas washer, and carbonic acid gas pump ; and the carbonating tanks simply replace the clarifiers and eliminators used in the defecation process. The cost of these may be estimated as : limekiln, 3500 ; gas washer, 150 ; carbonic acid pump, 600 ; a total cost of 4250. The extra current expenses for a crop of 100,000 tons will include pur- chase of limestone sufficient to give 1500 tons of lime, for which would be required 2678 tons pure limestone, or, say, 2900 tons actual crude material. In certain instances, such as in Mauritius, estates near the seaboard could lay the coral reefs under contribution, and obtain limestone at the factory at a cost of 2s. to 3s. per ton. Then the lowest cost of the limestone would be 435, but in other cases, such as in Dernerara, the cost of transporting lime- stone would be prohibitive. In general, in beet sugar factories eight pounds of coke are required per hundred pounds of limestone ; wood in tropical countries is as a rule cheaper than coke, and, taking the relative calorific value of wood to coke as 1 : 3, twenty-four pounds of wood will be required per hundred pounds of limestone, thus for the 2900 tons of limestone 696 tons of wood ; in very favourably situated estates wood can be obtained at the factory at a cost of 6s. per ton, giving the cost of fuel as 208 16s. The extra labour in working the kiln may be put at five men per shift, and for the hundred days' campaign will cost 60. The large quantity of water used with the milk of lime requires addi- tional expense in evaporation ; if the 1500 tons lime be employed at a density of 20 Brix approximately 6000 tons of water are also added. Allowing at the triple effect one pound of coal to evaporate twenty pounds water, 300 tons of coal will be required, which, at 25s. per ton (a price frequently reached in the tropics), will cost 375. The total extra cost, then, allowing 10 per cent, interest and depreciation on invested capital, will be for the 100,000 tons of cane 1508 16s., or 3-621 pence per ton of cane, and allowing a 10 per cent, recovery on the canes, 3s. per ton of sugar ; and this is an estimate made for circumstances more favourable than would generally be the case. To counterbalance this extra cost the value of the crop must be increased, and an increase can only be looked for on the score of quality, as the figures published by the West Java Experiment Station show conclusively that no- greater extraction is obtained by this process. 271 CANE SUGAR. In making high-class white sugars for direct consumption, an expenditure of Is. 6d. to Is. 9d. for chemicals (including lime) per ton of sugar is usual. The difference between this amount and that estimated as the expense of the carbonation is really very small compared with the profits on a ton of sugar expected to be realized on a large, well-managed estate. Very slight differ- ences would turn the scale very decidedly in favour of one or other of the processes. What is, however, claimed as an advantage for the process is, in certain cases, one of its greatest drawbacks, and that is the destruction of the glucose. In countries such as Java and Mauritius, where either from excise reasons or want of a market rum or arrack cannot be made, loss of glucose is of no consequence, but in districts such as Demerara where the rum forms a very important by-product, any destruction of glucose is a direct and serious loss, which would at once put the process on an uneconomical basis. Where, however, rum is not made, and fuel and limestone can be cheaply obtained and a gummy impure juice is to be treated, the process might meet with financial success. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XIV. 1. S. C., 334. 2. S. C., 313. 3. Arch., 1905, 197. 272 CHAPTER XV. THE FILTRATION OF THE JUICE. In a previous chapter, it was shown how the juice was separated into a partially clear liquid and into a dirty liquor, formed out of the settlings and the floating scum removed from the surface of the juice in the clarifiers ; FIG. 151. roughly ahout 90 per cent, of the juice will he obtained in the clear liquor and 10 per cent, in the scums, the latter containing about 10 per cent, of suspended solid matter. The scums are received in tanks where they are limed and allowed to settle, the clear supernatant liquor being decanted and added to the main bulk of the juice ; the scums are then passed through the filter presses, the clear filtered liqnor being passed on to the evaporators. 273 18 CANE SUGAR. 274 THE FILTRATION OF THE JUICE. In some factories the partially clarified liquor is also filtered en masse in filters known as ' mechanical filters ' ; in others the juice is cleaned hy boiling, and by skimming off the floating impurities; the vessels in which thi& process is carried on are known as 'eliminators' and in Java as 'Fletcher pans.' Taylor Bag Filters. The Taylor bag filter consists of stockings of stout cloth, generally about six feet long and four inches in diameter; these stockings are suspended in groups of from twenty to fifty in a horizontal frame ; the frame is perforated with holes in rows a short distance apart ; into- the holes are fitted gun metal sockets furnished with screw threads for the reception of the gun metal cones to which the bags are tied. The whole system of frame and bags is enclosed in an upright iron box, access to which is afforded by means of close-fitting doors; the sides of this box project a height of about two feet above the frame ; the scums being allowed to flow over the frame, the clear juice passes through, the dirt being retained in the stockings. A steam connection is usually fitted up in the interior of the box so that the high temperature necessary to rapid filtration may be maintained, A view partly in section and partly in elevation is shown in Fig. 151. Frame Filter Press. In Fig. 152 is shown a view partly in section and partly in elevation of a central feed frame filter press ; it consists of a heavy cast-iron frame 3, on which are supported a number of plates c ; on the sides of the plates are cast lugs from which the plates depend. The latter are made either square or circular, generally the former. On their surface are formed a number of corrugations about one quarter of an inch deep ; in the centre of each is an opening so that when all the plates are fixed in position there is a circular conduit running through the press. Near a lower angle of each plate is an aperture which communicates by a channel with a cock placed at the bottom of one of the sides of the plate, and through which the filtered juice is drawn off. Filtration is made through strong twill cloth as a general rule, but in the absence of other material ordinary gunny bags form an efficient substitute. Cloths, with circular holes cut to correspond with the holes in the plates, are hung over each plate. The edge ef the cloth is securer! in the hole in the plate by means of a hollow screw with a deep rim. In working the press after all the cloths have been placed in position, the whole is screwed tight by means of levers acting on the wheel e, which works the screw thread /, and by means of suitable piping juice is pumped or forced by a montjus through the press along the conduit g ; the clean juice passes through the cloth and the suspended dirt is caught between the cloths. At the upper corners of the plates are openings communicating with another set of piping by means of which water or steam may be forced through the scum after the press is filled. This type of press is not very convenient ; the bags have a great tendency to tear away at the centre, and washing to remove 275 CANE SUGAR. sugar in the cake is not, as a rule, effective. A rather different system is now usually followed. In Fig. 158 are shown, in section, the types of plate used. One plate is solid, and the other consists of a frame only, a. The solid and hollow plates are placed in the press alternately. At the angles of both frame and press are the circular openings b and c, so that in this press there are two conduits, that at b is for the passage of the juice, and that at c for the washing water. The channel h, in the hollow plates, conducts juice to the interior of the press, and in the solid plates there is a similar channel i. A light joint is made along the conduits by placing indiarubber rings, d, in the closed openings b or c, as the case may be. At g in the solid plate is an opening communi- cating with the cock/. Bags without openings are hung over the solid plates? but do not cover the conduits b or c. Scums being forced into the press by the conduit b, pass through the channels h and fill the spaces between the two solid plates formed by the hollow plates. The clear juice passes out through tut now four feet is a usual length ; it will be shown later that a great length of rtube may be detrimental to the efficiency. The distribution of the heating steam has a great effect on the efficiency ; ; if the steam enter at one place only, that part of the heating surface remote from the steam entry tends to become inefficient, and there is also a tendency for incondensible gases to bank up. In the design shown the heating steam ^passes into a belt surrounding the calandria ; in other designs the steam or 289 19 CANE SUGAR. vapour enters the calandria in as many as six places. To further secure an even distribution of steam it is not unusual to divide the calandria into compartments by means of partition plates. Stillman Evaporator. This design externally resembles the ' Standard'; the tubes however project about 6 inches above the upper tube plate, and are up to 7 feet in length ; the liquor level is kept at about half the height of the tubes: the juice creeps up the tubes, overflows on to the tube plate, FIG. 160. and passes down a central tube of large diameter to the next effect in series. This evaporator belongs to the ' film ' type and has a high efficiency ; the only one the writer has seen would have been improved by a larger vapour space. Chapman's Evaporator. Of special forms of the vertical tube- evaporator, Chapman's design, Fig. 159, may be mentioned. The juice enters at a, and flows upwards through the tubes and down through the funnel I. In the form sketched the vessel is divided into two parts by a vertical partition, affording a double circulation ; in others the juice passes directly from vessel to vessel. Circulation between the different bodies is obtained by means of 290 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. inverted syphons connecting the discharge of one with the intake of the next body, and these are of such a length that the leg connected with the second body is from 12 to 18 inches longer than the column of liquid which is due to the greatest pressure that can be possibly obtained between the two vessels. This apparatus is to a large extent self adjusting; there is only one cock to control the flow of the juice into the apparatus, and the system of circulation prevents the juice in any vessel rising much above the level of the tube plate. FIG. 161. Hagemann Evaporator. This specialized type of standard evaporator is shown in Fig. 160. The peculiar points in this design are the automatic regulation of the flow of the juice by traps a and by the juice- trays b taking the place of the syphons in Chapman's design ; the horizontal baffles c in the calandria ensure the action of the hottest steam at the upper level of juice and the vertical baffles d give an up and down circulation to the juice. 291 CANE SUGAR. The Horizontal Tube Apparatus. The horizontal submerged tube apparatus differs from the above in that the steam or vapour is contained within the tubes, the juice under treatment being outside ; a longitudinal section of this form is shown in Fig. 161. The evaporating tubes are from 5 to 6 feet long, and are supported by vertical tube plates placed about 12 inches from the end; steam enters at the side at/, passes through the tubes, and after condensation is trapped at h ; to facilitate the passage of the water the tubes are often set at a slight incline. It will be seen that the level of the juice in the vessels is, relatively, much higher than in the vertical type. To prevent ^ntrainment losses a very capacious steam chamber is placed over each vessel ; the vapour main leads from this steam chamber to the calandria of the following effect. Plants of this type are not usually made by English firms, who prefer the vertical form ; they are made to a certain extent in America, and are very largely used in Austria and Russia. FIG. 162. In this type of evaporator the incondensible gases are swept forward by the steam and collect in the space at the end of the tube run, whence they are removed through i ; removal of the gases is much easier in this form of apparatus than in the vertical tube design. In Fig. 162 is shown a longitudinal section of a cylindrical Rillieux apparatus, as made by the Newhall Manufacturing Co. ; it differs from other plants in the low vapour space above the boiling liquid ; losses due to entrain- ment are prevented by the horizontal baffle plate at a a and by the vertical plates at 1 1 ; these last extend only half-way across the shell and are attached alternately to opposite sides. This apparatus conforms very closely to the original Rillieux design. 292 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. FIG. 163. 293 CANE SUGAR. FIG. 164. 294 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. The Welner - Jelinek. The Welner-Jelinek evaporator is a horizontal submerged tube apparatus differing very materially from the above, and is designed initially to have the height of the column of liquid under treatment as small as possible ; the evaporating tubes are shown in end elevation and longitudinal section in Figs. 163 and 16!].. They are about twelve feet long and three-quarters of an inch in diameter ; they are supported by tube plates at either end and by two intermediate tube plates shown at /; the tubes are generally arranged in nests of nine. The length and small TT T FIG. 165. diameter of the tubes necessitates the use of the intermediate tube plates, but at the expense of the longitudinal circulation. On reference to the drawing, Fig. 164, it will be seen that the steam or vapour entering at the valves / circulates through three sets of tubes ; the rush of steam carries the condensed water along with it, the latter being trapped at h in the boxes at the end of the run. In some designs the condensed water is also trapped in the return boxes. The level of the juice under treatment is shown at k, the vertical height being only from 22 to 24 inches. The juice enters at m and leaves by 295 CANE SUGAR. the pipe g ; a minute air vent is placed in the condensed water box at i. Above the main vessel, and communicating with it by two pipes c, is placed a save-all J, from which passes the vapour pipe to the next effect. Compared with the horizontal apparatus of the Billieux type, the relatively small height of the column of juice, the large vapour space, and the method of steam circulation, are to be noted. This type has been extensively used on the Continent of Europe, and especially so in Austria. Swenson Evaporator. This evaporator follows the general form of the Welner-Jelinek, from which it may be regarded as derived ; the tubes are not expanded into the tube plate but a tight joint is made by means of rubber rings. FIG. 166. Stage Evaporation. In order to minimize the effect of the hydrostatic pressure (of. infra] the heating surface of the horizontal tube evaporators is sometimes divided into stages whereby a low level of juice is obtained : this method is shown in Fig. 165, which represents a section of a Newall horizontal tube apparatus. Each stage has its own juice connections and separate vapour intake ; the vapours from the stages combine, those from the lower stage passing upwards between the shell and the upper stage. In the Welner-Jelinek and Swenson patterns the vapour uptake from the lower stage is arranged through a passage in the centre of the upper stage. The Zaremba Evaporator also may be regarded as derived from the Welner-Jelinek : the shell of this apparatus is a vertical cylinder, a calandria of rectangular section being arranged in the lower part. This apparatus is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 166. 296 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. 297 CANE SUGAR. The Yaryan. The Yaryan eYaporator, shown in longitudinal section in Fig. 167, and in end sectional elevation in Fig. 168, consists of a horizontal body or shell of steel plate or cast-iron depending upon size and steam pressure within which is grouped a series of tubes about 3 inches diameter ; these tubes are expanded into the tube plates as shown, and at each end * return heads ' are bolted on, thus forming a connection which ensures the continuous flow of the liquor through each coil or tube system. Steam, or vapour from a preceding shell or effect, enters the shell at e and surrounds the outside of the tubes containing the liquor to be evaporated. d FIG. 168. The liquor entering pipe d is forced, under pressure by a pump or otherwise, into the top tubes, and only partially fills their bore, thereby allowing space for the vapour arising from the heated liquor to pass freely away. The liquor passes along with a rapid and continuous motion through the series of tubes and discharges at g, the concentrated liquor and its vapour, passing along pipe/, falls into the separator h, shown in section in Fig. 168. The vapour passes, as indicated by the arrows, up and down the two baffle plates b b, where it emerges into pipe k which leads direct to shell of next vessel, or to condenser if from the last effect. 298 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. The concentrated liquor falls to the bottom of separator h and passes along pipe i to the next shell for further concentration, and so on until, sufficiently concentrated, it has reached the last effect, when it has then to be pumped out owing to its being treated in a vacuum. The Lillie. The Lillie horizontal tube film evaporator offers a system of evaporation radically distinct in mechanical details from any of the above. A vertical longitudinal section is given in Fig. 169, and in Fig. 170 is shown an end elevation. The evaporating tubes are 5 to 6 feet long and 3 inches in FIG. 169. diameter"; they are expanded into a tube plate at one end only to allow free expansion and are set at a slight incline to afford easy escape of condensed water ; each tube has its own air vent at the end opposite to the tube plate. The juice is circulated by means of centrifugal pumps c all worked off one shaft; these pumps are of sufficient power to force the syrup out against atmospheric pressure. The supply of juice enters through the balanced valve operated by the float resting on the surface of the liquor in the float box /, and which permits the thin liquor to enter the effect and be added to the circulating 299 CANE SUGAR. liquor just fast enough to replace that passing away as vapour and through the discharge. The latter is controlled by the hand valve g ; by opening it the discharge is increased, causing the level of the liquor in the float box to fall, and admitting a larger feed. The path of the juice is from the float box, through the pump and connecting piping up into the manifold box on the back of the tube plate, thence into the several distributing tubes through the slots of which it passes as a fine shower over the evaporating tubes to the float box to again make the same journey, part passing through the discharge pipe to the next effect. The steam enters by the pipe g, passes inside the tubes, the condensed water flowing down and being trapped at , whence it passes on FIG. 170. to the next effect, the evaporated vapour passing by way of h to the following body. The Lillie evaporator differs from others in the following points. The juice under evaporation is always in a state of film or rain, and hence there is no tendency for the boiling point to be elevated through the pressure of a column of liquid and thus to diminish the efficiency of the heating surface. The quantity of juice in process of evaporation at one time is very small and is consequently under treatment but a short time. The state of subdivision of the juice allows a free and easy disengagement of vapour without spurting and tends to diminish entrainment losses. 300 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. The Kestner Evaporator. This type of evaporator is radically distinct from all the forms previously described, and is the last development of the principle of l ruisellement' or ' grimpage? It is a vertical tube externally heated film evaporator, and consists of a vertical tubular calandria, Fig. 171, with tubes about 23 feet long; the juice under evaporation is contained in the tank #, and passes by the pipe T to the interior of the tubes, which are from 1-5 to 3 inches in diameter; the heating steam enters the shell at A, and the formation of vapour within the tubes causes the liquid undergoing the treatment to climb upwards in the tubes ; at D is shown a centrifugal separator designed to prevent entrainment. It is claimed for this apparatus that the coefficient of transmission of heat is very great and that owing to the juices being but a short time under treatment it is especially adapted to be used as the pre-evaporator in the Pauly-Greiner scheme of heat utilization described below. Van Trooyen 4 gives the following particulars of a Kestner quadruple at ' Pasto-Viejo,' Porto Rico. Each body is a vertical cylinder 24 feet high and 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, made in two pieces with an expansion joint ; the separ- ating chamber is 7 feet in diameter and 6 feet high, except in the last body where it is seven feet high. The heating surface in the first three vessels consists of 250 tubes, 23 feet long and 1^ inches outside diameter; in the fourth vessel there are 130 tubes, also 23 feet long and 2f inches diameter. The heating surface in the whole apparatus is 8141 square feet. The pumps are of the following dimensions : FIG. 171 Stroke .. .. Steam cylinder Pump cylinder Revolutions Air. Inches. 20f 23 46 Juice. Inches. Water. Inches. 10f 12J The syrup is removed from the last body by means of a barometric fall pipe. 301 CANE SUGAR. Witcowitz Heater. In Fig. 172 is shown in section the radiating heater of "Witcowitz. It consists of a forged steel body, aa, through which pass at right angles to each other a series of tubes, bb. The juice circulates through these tubes, the heating steam being without the tubes and within the steel body ; the condensed water and heavier gases are drawn off at c, the lighter ammonia cal gas at d. A very rapid circulation is claimed for this design ; it is usually applied to the horizontal form of evaporator described above, and is also used as a heater in saturation and defecating tanks, and is capable of application to the vertical form of evaporator. Express System. 5 Another modification of the heating surface, known as the 'Express' system, is shown in section in Fig. 178. It consists of a belt, aa, in which are arranged the tubes which form the heating surface ; as in the Witcowitz heater above described, the juice circulates through the tubes b, steam entering the collector box at c, and the con- densed water passing away at d. The collector box is set at an angle following the slope of the saucer of the effect, usually at an angle of about 30 from the horizontal; the tubes are about 18 inches long. In an effect entirely on this system there will be a second calandria above the one shown and placed in regard to it as a mirror image to the object. This design can be readily applied to effects with the ordinary vertical tube calandria, a belt being added to the effect below Fm - I72t the existing calandria in which the additional heating surface is placed. The ' Express ' system has been further developed by placing within the shell of a vessel an inner shell of the same diameter as the calandria and leaving a space of some inches between the two walls ; a colder and heavier liquor collects here, which tends to descend and thus to form an induced circulation. Incondensible Gases. In the process of evaporation a certain quantity of incondensible gas is formed, and in addition some air enters with the steam and through leaks in the apparatus. These gases have a corroding effect on the apparatus, and if allowed to accumulate seriously diminish the efficiency of the heating surface. In the first vessel they may be removed by a cock opening into the atmosphere, but as steam also will pass out, this process is uneconomical, and it is preferable to pass the gases successively 302 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. from vessel to vessel and finally to the condenser of the pump. The pipe collecting the gases should be placed as remote as possible from the steam or vapour inlet ; it is quite usual to find the gases collected in three or four places, the several pipes afterwards uniting into one. The pipes collecting the gases should be arranged flush with the top tube plate, and should not project beneath it, else opportunity will be given for the gases to accumulate. Condensed Water. The condensed water from the first vessel is used in the boilers, and there being a pressure in the calandria of the first vessel it does not require to be drawn off by a pump, but may be passed through a steam trap. The condensed water from the second and subsequent vessels must be drawn off by a pump, and its rapid evacuation has a con- siderable elfect on the efficiency of the apparatus. This water is not suitable for use in boilers, and is generally employed in maceration. A small heat FIG. 173. economy is obtained by passing the condensed water of the second vessel through the calandrias of the third and subsequent vessels. In certain instances a pump for drawing off the condensed water is dispensed with, the water being trapped and passed into the main pump ; this scheme is not to be recommended, both on account of diminishing the efficiency of the pump, and also as losing a valuable supply of hot water. Distribution of Steam in the Calandria. The earlier types of apparatus were provided with only one pipe for carrying steam to the calandria, resulting in an uneven distribution of steam ; the later apparatuses- distribute the steam by any of the following devices : (a) The arrangement of baffles in the calandria causing the steam to follow a zig-zag course ; these baffles may be horizontal or vertical ; in one design a baffle following a helical course is used, the steam entering at the side and being conducted to the centre of the vessel. 303 CANE SUGAR. (b) A steam belt completely encircling the calandria. (c) Division of the main steam or vapour pipe into two or more branches, which may lie in the same horizontal or vertical plane, or four branches may be used, two in the same horizontal and two in the same vertical plane. (d) The use of an internal vapour pipe passing down through the lead box of a vessel and connecting with the calandria at the position often occupied by the central juice circulating tube ; in this design an annular space is arranged between the calandria and the shell of the vessel. Circulation of the Juice.* The circulation in an evaporator may be either positive or induced ; the former when the circulation is obtained by means of pumps withdrawing juice from and returning it to a vessel and the latter when the circulation is obtained by the skill of the designer. In the earlier evaporators the central circulating tube (shown in Fig. 158) was absent and circulation too was restricted; the addition of this tube probably acts in the following way. Owing to the absence of heating surface the juice therein contained is cooler than that in the tubular cluster and tends to sink ; its place is taken by hotter j uice from the tubes and a regular circulation from centre towards the periphery is induced. In some apparatus the tube is placed at the side remote from the steam entry and it may be replaced by a space formed by cutting away a segment of the calandria on the side remote from the steam entry. The circulation so induced may be aided by asymmetry in the design of the shell ; thus the saucer instead of sloping equally in all directions may be bellied on one side. The utilization of temperature difference to induce a circulation has been further developed by the combined use of live and of exhaust steam; in Heckman's circulator, Fig. 17!j., a small tubular cluster is arranged without, "but connected to, the main calandria, and is heated with live steam; in Rohrig's and Konig's design live steam is also used, the calandria taking the form of a small annular cluster arranged symmetrically with the vertical axis of a vessel. * Just before sending his MSS. to the press the author read Prof. Perry's The Steam Engine; in Chap. XXXIII. (edition of 1907), entitled "How Fluids give up Heat and Momentum," he discusses the importance of circulation of both hot gases and water as affecting the efficiency of the boiler: between the evaporator and the boiler there is a difference of degree only; his remarks on boilers are equally applicable to evaporators and should be studied carefully .by all sugar house engineers. 304 Fm. 174. THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. Ruissellement. By this term is meant the evaporation of juices in films as opposed to evaporation in bulk. It will be shown later that a high level of the juice undergoing evaporation is not conducive to a high efficiency, and further in bulk evaporation the body of juice under treatment at one time is great and may represent up to two hours' output of the mills. To overcome this disadvantage of the vertical tube apparatus many appendages to and various forms of tubes have been invented with the object of maintaining a film of liquid on the interior of the tubes. None of these devices have come into permanent use, as from their nature they prevented the cleaning of the FIG. 175. tubes. Ruissellement^ or film evaporation, has, however, been successfully .applied in the Yaryan, Lillie, and Kestner designs, and has been adapted to the vertical tube apparatus in the Meyer and Arbuckle patent ; this process is shown schematically in Fig. 175. The circulation of the juice is effected by the centrifugal pumps; the juice on entering the pipe emerges as a spray through perforations in the latter and at the same time causes the pipe to revolve in a horizontal plane ; the action is exactly similar to the sprinklers commonly used in watering lawns. Film evaporation may to a certain extent be obtained in vertical tube apparatuses by keeping the level of the juice one-third to one-half the height 305 20 CANE SUGAE. of the level of the upper tube plate ; the contained juice creeps up the sides of the tuhes, and in this form permits a rapid exchange of heat. Claassen's observations give the following coefficients of transmission : Tubes full ..'.... ,.. .. .. . 2-50 Tubes two-thirds full . . 3'00 Tubes one-third full . . . . 3'60 Euissellement 2'90 Entrainment. By entrainment is meant the carrying over of sugar along with the vapours and its consequent loss. Entrainment may take place in two distinct ways : in the first case the loss is entirely mechanical, and is due to splashing following on a vigorous ebullition, particles of juice being projected into the vapour pipe of the vessel. In the second case, loss is caused by vescicular transference ; by this term is meant the formation of bubbles of liquid, which being very light in proportion to their bulk are readily earned forward with the stream of vapour. FIG. 176. The first cause of entrainment is capable of control ; the more vigorous the ebullition the greater is the height to which particles of juice will be projected ; with vessels having tubes of great length bubbles of steam formed at the lower layers will burst with greater force on reaching the vapour space than where the tubes are shorter ; further, tubes of short length imply vessels of large diameter and consequently a less velocity to the current of vapours moving forward to the next vessel. Losses due to splashing may be entirely prevented by the use of bafflps, and better still by an amplo vapour space. The best known contrivance to prevent loss in vescicular transference is the Hodek Ralentisseur, Fig. 176, very extensively used in the beet sugar industry, but not often found in cane sugar factories, the island of Mauritius being an exception, and upon which many other designs have been based. The Hodek Ralentisseur consists of a vessel of considerably greater diameter than the vapour pipe, and of length generally about twice its diameter; it is 306 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. interposed in the vapour pipe connecting any two bodies, and is placed in either a horizontal or vertical position ; placed in the vessel are perforated diaphragms, generally three in number, the sum area of the perforations being greater than the area of the vapour pipe ; the diaphragms are sometimes dispensed with. Horsin Deon 6 states that as the most appropriate dimensions the Ralentisseur should be 3-5 times the diameter of the vapour pipe, and that the length should be twice the diameter. The action of this apparatus is two-fold ; the sudden increase in area of the pipe decreases the pressure of the vapour, so that the external pressure on the bubble is diminished and the latter bursts ; in addition, there is the effect of the shock the bubbles suffer on striking on the walls of the diaphragms. A sudden change in direction has also been observed to diminish entrain- ment losses, and vapour pipes are sometimes supplied with an enlarged section in which the direction of the vapour is twice abruptly changed by means of baffle plates. A second form of entrainment preventer, the patent of Messrs. John McNeil & Co., is shown in Fig. 177. Within the dome-shaped cover a of the FIG. 177. effect or pan is arranged a conical vessel 1. The orifice of this funnel is- pointed in the direction opposite to the pipe leading to the next effect or to the condenser. Particles of juice are projected on to the roof and thence fall on to the sides of the cone, and the vapour in its passage round the cone also deposits particles of liquid. The condenser pipe c projects inwards to prevent these particles from being swept forward with the current of vapour. In the factories with which the writer has been connected entrainment losses were so small that it was practically impossible to estimate them, and it was only in waste water from the last vessel of the evaporator that sugar could be detected, and then not by any means always. Fries 7 in Hawaii ingeniously placed small pipes in the vapour pipes of the effects and pans and measured the sugar there collected over definite periods ; he found a loss of -006 per cent, in the pans, and a variable loss of 002 per cent, to -008 per cent, in the evaporators. 307 CANE SUGAR. The writer has found, however, in evaporators of old design, with small vapour spaces and pipes of restricted area, losses amounting to 2 per cent, of the sugar entering the boiling house. Theory of Multiple Evaporation. The theory of multiple evaporation in vacuo has been elaborated by Jelinek, Horsin-Deon, Dessin, Claassen, Bolk, and Hausbrand; the most complete and elegant theory is that due to Hausbrand 8 ; in what follows, the writer is indebted to all these experts, and especially to the last mentioned. It may be stated at once that it is impossible to calculate OD first princi- ples the pounds of water evaporated in each body of a multiple effect, unless the different temperatures in each body are assumed. The temperatures, however, depend on a number of factors the temperature of the heating steam, the vacuum in the last body, the height of the liquid under treat- ment, &c., all of which are variable or unknown. Very considerable informa- tion can, however, be obtained on the lines below. In a simple unexact way it is understood that a pound of steam introduced into the first body evaporates there a pound of water, the resulting steam passing on to the second body again evaporates a second pound of water and so on ; but this supposition is only approximate.* In the first instance, as the temperature at which evaporation occurs decreases, the latent heat increases, so that for this reason the steam from an earlier vessel evaporates less than its own weight of water in the succeeding one, but on the other hand the liquid entering from an earlier vessel itself suffers a fall in temperature and the heat given up can go only towards the formation of steam. Water evaporated by reason of this last cause is termed self-evaporation. As a numerical example the following data may be taken : 100 units of water enter the first vessel and from it are evaporated 25 units of water, so that 75 units pass on to. the next vessel. Let the temperature in the first vessel be 212 F. and in the second vessel be 194 P. ; the latent heats of steam at the two temperatures are 966 and 978 B.T.U. respectively. The Q A f\ 25 units of steam will then evaporate by their condensation 25 X =- = 24-7 y / o units of water. But the water in cooling down from 212 F. to 194F. gives up 75 (212 194) = 1350 units of heat ; this quantity will evaporate 1350 = 1-4 units of water. This latter is the self-evaporation and the total y /o evaporation is 24-7 -f 1-4 = 26-1 units. Another cause tends to make the * It should be pointed out that the evaporation in a multiple evaporator is best expressed as water evaporated per Ib. of steam received + steam used in driving the vacuum pump ; actually most of the direct steam admitted to the cylinder of the pump passes out as exhaust, the heat of which is utilized in evaporation, but the steam condensed in the cylinder + that represented by the fall in total heat of the portion which passes out, should be added to the steam condensed in the calandria of the first effect when estimating the evaporation per Ib. of steam. Since a quadruple of equal capacity with a triple will require a smaller pump, the economy of the former compared with the latter will tend to be greater than in the ratio 4 : 3. 308 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. evaporation greater ; the steam or vapour which has induced evaporation flows away, not at the temperature which it possessed when in the form of steam, but at the temperature which prevails in the lower part of the calandria where it is condensed ; however the evaporation on this score is barely appreciable. By a system of trial and error, Hausbrand has calculated the actual evaporation in each vessel of a double, triple, and quadruple effect for a large number of differently divided temperatures, for evaporations 90 per cent, and 75 per cent, of the original weight of the liquid, and from the results of his calculations he has demonstrated that of the total quantity of water evaporated in any vessel, that portion evaporated by heating (apart from self-evaporation) is very constant, and that the total evaporation in any such vessel is very much of the same order. The five conclusions drawn by Hausbrand are : 1. The smallest amount of heating steam required to produce a certain amount of evaporation is used in all evaporators when the fall in temperature is the same in each vessel. 2. However the fall in temperature in the separate vessels be arranged, the weight of heating steam to be supplied to the first vessel varies always within very narrow limits. Thus the manner in which the available fall in temperature is distributed amongst the separate vessels has no great influence upon the economy of steam. No considerable saving in stearn can be obtained by any definite division of this fall in temperature. 3. The quantity of water to be evaporated in the first vessel is on an average of the total evaporation : In the double effect ^-^ = 0-466. In the triple effect ^ = 0-300. 3*333 In the quadruple effect -rV~ = 0-216. The extreme cases are : For the double effect 0-434 - 0-484. For the triple effect 0-2777 - 0-3152. For the quadruple effect 0-1926 0-2335. 4. The evaporation effected by heating* is in all cases the least in the first body, but the increase in the following vessels is not very great, at most 4 per cent. In the mean it may be assumed that this evaporation in the separate vessels is in the Double effect 1 : 1'045. Triple effect 1 : I'Ol : 1-04. Quadruple effect 1 : 1'005 : 1-012 : 1'02. * Steam produced by self-evaporation in the second body evaporates water by heating in the third ; these figures do not include water evaporated by heating on this score. 309 CANE SUGAR. 5. The total quantity evaporated in the last vessel is In the double effect 0-534. In the triple effect 0-3734. In the quadruple effect 0-284 of the total evaporation of the apparatus. In the mean the evaporative capacity of each vessel, not including self- evaporation in the vessel, but including the evaporation due to heating from self-evaporation in a previous vessel, is in Double effect 1 : 1-0045 Triple effect 1 : 1-0075 : 1-138. Quadruple effect 1 : 1-0055 : 1-109 : 1-196. Hausbrand uses the figures given immediately above to calculate the relative areas of heating surface in the different vessels, provided the coefficient of transmission of heat is known in each vessel ; if, for the moment, this be taken as the same for each vessel, then if equal differences of temperature are desired from vessel to vessel, this would be obtained by making the heating surfaces in the ratio given above ; similarly, if the heating surfaces were made the same in all the vessels the falls in temperature would be in the same ratio. The transmission of heat is, however, not the same for all the vessels ; it decreases from vessel to vessel, due to the greater viscosity and to the incrus- tations being more pronounced in the later vessels. Claassen, from actual observations in beet sugar factories, gives the following ratios for the transmission coefficient : Vessel. I. II. III. IV. Double effect ........ 1 : 0'66 Triple .......... 1 : 0'70 : 0'33 Quadruple effect ....... 1 : 0'91 : 0'75 : 0'55 If these figures be taken as data, then to obtain the same temperature difference, the heating surfaces would be in the ratio : Double effect Triple effect Quadruple effect .- , ..... Now since it is only by larger differences in temperature that viscid juices are brought into violent ebullition, and since it is of great importance to main- tain a rapid movement and good circulation, it is better, says Hausbrand, to have a large fall in temperature between the two last bodies, and not to aim at equalizing the fall in lemperature by increasing the heating surface in the later bodies. 310 THE EVAPOEATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. It was, and still is, a very general rule for makers to design evaporators with heating surface increasing from vessel to vessel. Hausbrand recommends that at the very most the heating surface in the last body should be not greater than and perhaps a little smaller than in the first. The Efficiency of a Multiple Effect. A very important factor in dealing with multiple effects is the evaporation per square foot of heating surface, or, in other words, the capacity ; the chief factor is the available fall in temperature from vessel to vessel. A numerical example, which is founded on the methods used by Dessin 9 , will show how this fall is controlled. Let the heating steam be at a pressure of 8 Ibs. per square inch, cor- responding to a temperature of 234 F., and let the pressure in the last body be 2*42 Ibs. per square inch, corresponding to a vacuum of 25 inches, and to a temperature of 132F. Then the total fall in temperature is 234 - 132 102F., and the average fall from vessel to vessel is 34 F. Let the juice under treatment enter at a density of 1-0709 or 18 Brix, and leave at a density of 1-253 or 55 Brix. Now for convenience of calculation let there be equal evaporation* in each vessel, then the total evaporation per cent, by weight on original juice is 55 _ 10 x 100 = 67/27 per cent. oo of which each vessel evaporates one-third or 22-42 per cent, of the juice. Then if B. is the degree Brix of juice in the first vessel whence B. = 23-2, corresponding to a density of 1 '093. Similarly the juice in the second vessel is found to be of density 32'6 Brix or 1-136. These densities are correct at a temperature of 84 F., and the densities are required at the temperatures prevailing in the vessels which, assuming the fall in temperature equally divided, are 210 F., 180 F., 160 F. ; the respective densities at these temperatures are 1-054, 1*106, 1-229. Now consider the case of a vertical submerged tube apparatus with tubes 4 feet long, and let the level of the liquid be 6 inches above the level of the tube plate ; the vapour formed in the tubes must, so as to disengage itself, be at a pressure equal to the pressure in the vapour space increased by the pressure due to the weight of the column of liquid. This increase in pressure varies with the place where the vapour is formed ; the maximum height is 4 feet, the minimum 6 inches, the mean is 27 inches. * The results obtained by Hausbrand show that this condition can never obtain ; this section is introduced to explain certain important principles in the multiple evaporator, and an ideal case is chosen for simplicity ; the application of the conclusions is in no wise invalidated. 311 CANE SUGAR. Then since the vapour at the moment of its formation is at a greater pressure than that already formed, and since the temperature of a boiling liquid is equal to that of the vapour which it gives off, it follows that the mean temperature of the juice in ebullition is greater than that of the vapour in the vapour space. Again, the juice is emulsioned with the vapour it gives off and this has a tendency to diminish the density of the boiling juice. Now to obtain an idea of the volume of the contained vapour, Dessin recalls the phenomenon observed when an evaporator stops boiling, namely, that the level of the liquid falls. This fall in level, which is 3 inches in extent, Dessin takes as giving the volume of the contained vapour. Take the case of the third body of a triple, the vacuum being 25 inches, the vessel 6 feet internal diameter, the tubes 4 feet long, 2 inches diameter, and 630 in number. The total volume of the juice is the volume of the tubes -f- the volume above the tube plate the volume occupied by the vapour. We have, then, at rest c.ft. Yol. of the tubes = 630 TT ( T V x T V X 4) c. ft. = 55-0 Vol. above tube plate = TT x 3 X 3 x c. ft. = 14-1 69-1 During ebullition the total volume is that found above + that occupied by vapour = TT x 3 x 3 X i c. ft. = 7'0 c. ft. The total volume during ebullition is then 76-1 c. ft. The finally corrected densities of the juices then appear First vessel, 1-054 X-^~T= '957 76'1 Second vessel, 1-106 x-= = 1*004 76 - l 69*1 Third vessel, 1-229 x-r7r-r-= 1-116 7o*l The vapour then in the third vessel will have to raise a column of liquid of mean height 27 inches, and of density 1-116 ; this is equivalent to 2'20 inches of mercury or 1-09 Ibs. per square inch. The vapour itself was taken at a pressure of 2-42 Ibs. per square inch, so that the pressure of the vapour at the moment of its formation is 2'42 -f 1-09 = 3 51 Ibs. per square inch, corres- ponding to a temperature of 147 F. ; that of the vapour was 132 F., a difference of 15F. Similarly for the second body a difference of 7 F., and for the first of 4F. are found. The efficient fall in temperature from body to body is then 284 - 132 - (15 + 7 + 4) = ^^ 3 or 76-5 per cent, of what would be the case if the height of juice in ebullition was zero. 312 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. To illustrate of what vital importance it is to have as great as possible a vacuum in the last body, figures are given below for an identical apparatus where the vacuum in the last body is 27 inches corresponding to a temperature of 114 P., and a pressure of 1-43 Ibs. per square inch. Taking the vacua in the other two bodies as 4 inches and 17 inches, the efficient fall in temperature is found to be 30-3 P., that is to say the heating surface compared with the apparatus where the vacuum in the last body is only 25 inches, is 30 per cent, more valuable. In describing the Welner-Jelinek apparatus it was stated that the height of the column of liquid was only 24 inches. A calculation as above for a final 25 inch vacuum gives the efficient fall in temperature as 28 F.- 29 P., and proportionally higher for a 27 inch vacuum. It was with particular reference to this point that the Welner-Jelinek was designed. In the film evaporators of the Lillie and Yaryan type there is no increase in pressure due to the height of the boiling column of liquid, but whereas in the latter the juice is contained in the tubes and the vapour formed can only escape at the end of a unit, this vapour must, while in the tubes, be under pressure and tend to increase the boiling point to the detriment of the efficiency of the heating surface. In the Lillie design the vapour formed is free to escape in all directions, and the juice falling in a rain or film there is no increase of temperature in the body of the liquid for the reasons detailed above, and the efficiency of the heating surface must approach the maximum value. In a quadruple effect submerged vertical tube apparatus the efficient fall in temperature from vessel to vessel on the lines given above works out with a 25 inch vacuum at about 14 P., and with 27 inch vacuum at about 18 P. ; for a Welner-Jelinek the corresponding figures are about 16 P. and 20 P. The maximum for the two cases, there being no increase due to head of liquid under treatment, is 25 F. and 30 P. respectively. In many sugar houses the evaporation is done by triple effects, and it was supposed once that the maximum working number of effects was three, and that with four a sufficient fall in temperature could not be obtained to allow heat to pass from condensed vapour to boiling juice. Formerly vertical apparatus were constructed with tubes even 6 feet long, causing the efficiency of the heating surface to become very low. By reducing the length of the tubes to 3 feet or 3 feet 6 inches, and by attending to the necessity for as low a vacuum as possible in the last body, quadruple effects using back pressure steam only are working in many sugar houses, and do not require high pressure steam at all. In some sugar houses, however, quadruples can be seen where the juice in the first vessel boils under more than atmospheric pressure. With film evaporators quadruple evaporation is general, and quintuple effects have also been constructed. Assuming a minimum fall in temperature for efficient working from vessel to vessel of 20 F., the maximum number of 313 CANE SUGAR. effects with steam at 234 F., and a final vacuum of 27 inches, will be six, and this result could only be obtained with film evaporators. It should be noticed that this increase in temperature due to height of liquid is greatest when the pressure is least ; in the following table are given figures showing how this varies for different pressures, the density of juice being taken uniformly as unity : Mean height of vaL ;uiy< column of liquid causing increase 5 10 15 20 25 27-5 in pressure. Inches. Increase in temperature, F. 12 1 1 2 2 5 9 18 3-5 4 5 5'5 9 18 24 4 5 6 7 13 22 30 4-5 6 7 9 15-5 25 Prom the lines immediately above it may be thought that the lower levels of juice in an evaporator will be of higher temperature than the upper ; such indeed is not the case, as was shown by Jelinek, whose observations have been extended to the vacuum pan by Curin. 10 In a well-designed evaporator with a rapid circulation the transfer of heat from the ' superheated ' particles at the lower levels is very rapid, so much so as almost altogether to mask the effect of the hydrostatic pressure, so that the objection to long tubes becomes of diminished importance ; in apparatus with bad circulation the effect of hydrostatic pressure is very pronounced, and the low duty of many of the evaporators dating back to the eighties may be attributed to these causes. Extreme length of tubes, combined with a high duty, is seen in the Stillman and Kestner apparatus, which utilize the principle of ' ruissellement ' or * grimpage? best rendered in English as ' creeping' This principle can be used in bulk evaporators of conventional design, but the type of labour usually available in the tropics is not to be trusted to use it ; hence the writer thinks that a bulk evaporator with tubes of a conservative length with a well-arranged circulation is the best type to adopt. Conditions are rather different in vacuum pans, and here the effect of the hydrostatic head is very noticeable; that is to say, it is a matter of clinical observation that tall narrow pans are much less rapid boilers than are broader shallower apparatus. Capacity of Multiples. A vertical submerged tube triple effect may be considered as giving a high duty when it evaporates 8 Ibs. of water per square foot per hour ; a quadruple is satisfactory when it evaporates 6 ; a Lillie quadruple film evaporator will be satisfactory when it gives a duty of 10 Ibs., or a triple when it reaches 13 Ibs. ; a horizontal tube low level appar- atus will have a duty lying between these figures, and a ' creeping* vertical tube apparatus of the * Stillman ' type will approach or equal in duty the film type. 314 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. Increase of the Capacity of a Multiple Effect. From what has been written it follows that the capacity of a multiple can be increased along the following lines : 1. By keeping the heating surfaces clean. Evaporators are sometimes constructed with a spare vessel, so that one vessel is always out of use ; the apparatus can then be cleaned without stopping operations. 2. Increase of the fall of temperature, effected either by increasing the pressure of the heating steam or by increasing the vacuum in the last body ; where exhaust steam is used in the first body the increase in pressure is limited by the demands of the motors, and according to Claassen's dictum (supra) an increase in the vacuum in the last body over and above 60 cm. or 23'7 inches is not attended with material benefit. 3. Decrease of the height of the liquid contained in the calandria as exemplified in the Welner-Jelinek design. 4. By ' ruissellement,' best obtained in a vertical tube apparatus, by maintaining a low level of juice in the apparatus. 5. By increase in the rapidity of the circulation. Temperatures in the Multiple. It has already been shown that the fall in temperature from vessel to vessel, and consequently the temperature in each vessel depends on the heating surface in each vessel, and on the coefficient of transmission of heat in each vessel ; the ratio of heating surfaces to obtain an equal fall of temperature from vessel to vessel as calcu- lated by Hausbrand have already been given ; if, then, as is generally the case, the heating surfaces are equal, the fall of temperature from vessel to vessel will be in inverse proportion to these ratios. In the triple the total fall will be divided between the three vessels in the ratios : First Tessel 1 1.44'+ 3-445 = ' 1698 + l-44+ 3-445 Third vessel 1 + 1 . 4 7^ 3 . 445= -5857 If the initial temperature of heating steam be 220 F., and the final temperature be 130 F , the total fall is 90 F., of which there occurs in the First vessel, 90 X '1698 = 15-3F., Second vessel, 90 x '2445 = 22-0 F., Third vessel, 90 X '5857 = 52-7 F., and the temperature prevailing will be First vessel. Second vessel. Third vessel. 204-7 F. 182-7 F. 130 F. 315 CANE SUGAR. A similar calculation for the quadruple gives the total fall as divided in the ratio 1736 : -1919 : -2569 : -3776 and if, as before, the total fall is 90 F., there occurs in the First vessel, 90 X '1736 = 15-6 F., Second vessel, 90 x "1919 = 17'3F., Third vessel, 90 X '2569 = 23-1 F., Fourth vessel, 90 x '3776 =: 34-0 F., and the temperatures prevailing will be First vessel. Second vessel. Third vessel. Fourth vessel. 204-4 F. 187-1 F. 164 F. 130 F. Extra Steam. By this term is meant an arrangement in which steam is taken from an earlier vessel of the evaporator to perform evaporation or heating in some other part of the factory ; this scheme is also due to Billieux and has been developed almost exclusively in the beet sugar industry, where indeed the opportunities for its use are more numerous than in the cane sugar factory, and where, owing to all the fuel being purchased, every economy in this department means a direct source of profit. To demonstrate the economy of this scheme, let there be 100 parts of juice at 15 Brix, which are to be evaporated to 55 Brix in a triple effect, and finally to 96 Brix at single effect; then there are removed in all - X 100 = 84-37 parts water, and in the triple alone - x 100 96 55 = 72-72 parts water, so that in the pan there are removed 11-65 parts water; the evaporation in the triple is equivalent to the removal of 24'24 parts water at single effect, so that the total consumption of steam is proportional to 24-24 + 11-65 = 35-89 parts water per 100 of juice. Now let the arrangements be changed so that the steam necessary for pan evaporation is taken from the first vessel of the triple ; thus evidently both the heating surface of and the evaporators in the first vessel must be increased since this vessel has to supply steam for the second vessel and for the pan. Let the evaporation in either of the last two vessels be a ; then in the first vessel the evaporator is a -\- '1165*; whence it follows that 30 + -1165 -7272 a -2036 i.e., the first vessel must evaporate 11 '65 + 20-36 = 32-01 parts water per 100 of juice, and of this quantity 20-36 parts go on to the second vessel and 11*65 parts go on to the pan ; this quantity is the equivalent evaporation at single effect, where as previously it was 35-89. * This assumes equal evaporation in each vessel, a result which does not happen, but the differences do not affect the present reasoning. 316 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. Instead of taking steam from the first vessel of an evaporator it may be taken from a later one, and a still greater economy effected ; let steam be taken for use in the pan from the second vessel of a triple ; thus if a be the evaporation in the last vessel of the triple, 3a -f -1165 + -1165 = -7272 whence a = '1647 that is to say, the evaporation in the first and second vessel is 16-47 + 11-65 = 28-12, and this quantity is the equivalent evaporation at single effect; other combinations might be the taking of extra steam from both first and second vessels of a triple or quadruple, but as in the second vessel the temperature of the steam is already low, it does not seem there would ever be much opportunity in a cane sugar factory to take steam other than from the first vessel ; in a beet sugar factory opportunity arises at the diffusion and carbonation stations. FIG. 178. This method of evaporation is shown diagram matically in Fig. 178 , where a l a 2 a 3 is the triple, the first vessel having an enlarged heating surface, so as to provide steam for the pan b and the heater c. Any scheme as the above requires an entire redistribution of the heating surfaces in the evaporative plant. Suppose in a certain factory there is a triple with 2000 square feet heating surface in each vessel and it is desired to alter the arrange- ments and boil the pan with steam from the first vessel, the output of the factory remaining unaltered ; then using the data established above, the O (\ *^ A heating surface in either the second or third vessel will be 2000 X or 1680 square feet, and in the first vessel it will be 1680 x square feet. 317 32-01 20-36 24-24 = 2140 CANE SUGAK. It is however in the pan that the greatest change is made, for although the amount of work done here is unaltered it is now done with steam, at say, a temperature of 210 F. whereas previously the temperature may have heen 260 F ; taking an average temperature in the pan of 160 F. the temperature differences are 100F. and 50 F., so that at least double the amount of pan heating surface will be required. The Pre-evaporator. The very large heating surfaces required with the use of extra steam have led to the introduction of the Pauly ' pre- evaporator/ This consists of a vessel independent of the evaporator proper and receiving steam at a pressure of about 30 Ibs. ; the juice is partly concen- trated herein and the vapour given off which may be at a pressure of about 15 Ibs. per square inch goes to the heaters and pans ; the partly concentrated juice passes on to the evaporator which is heated by exhaust steam from the engines; in the pre-evaporator the transmission of heat is high and compara- tively small heating surfaces are required. In beet factories it has been established that no appreciable loss of sugar due to the high temperature boiling need obtain. In this scheme there seems great opportunity for the use of the ' Kestner ' as a pre-evaporator, as in this type the juices are the minimum time under treatment. This scheme modified by Greiner and known as the Pauly-Greiner is shown in Fig. 179 ; in this arrangement two sets of boilers are used, one, a, supplying high pressure steam to the engine b, the exhaust from which passes to the first vessel of the evaporator c ; the other set of boilers a 1 supply steam at 30 Ibs. to the pre-evaporator d which in turn supplies the pan e and heater /. Connections are usually established so that the pre-heater and quadruple may, if desired at any time, work as a quintuple. The relative economy of some of the different possible combinations is calculated and tabulated below; in making these calculations the following data are assumed : 100 parts of juice at 15 Brix, of temperature 82 F., of specific heat *9, are heated to 212 F. ; this juice is evaporated to 55 Brix in the multiple and finally to 96 Brix in the pans ; hence 72-72 per cent, of the juice is removed in the multiple and 11 '65 per cent, in the pans. The con- sumption of heat in the heater is 100 x (212 82) X '9 = 11,700 units, and taking the latent heat of steam as 970 this is equivalent to the evapora- tion at single effect of 12'06 parts of water. At triple effect the evaporation is equivalent to the removal of 24 -24 parts water at single effect, so that the number 12-06 -f 24'24 + 11 -65 = 47'95 is proportional to the heat or steam consumption with this method of working. Now let all the steam required for the pans be taken from the first vessel of the triple; then, as already shown above, 32-01 parts of steam must be there delivered, and the total consumption of heat or steam is proportional to 32*01 -|- 12-06 or 44*07, 318 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. 319 CANE SUGAR. i.e., 91 91 per cent, of that required with conventional triple effect evaporation. Results of similar calculations are tabulated below : Relative Consumption of Steam. Conventional triple evaporation 100 -00 Conventional quadruple evaporation 87 '28 Triple evaporation and extra steam to pan 91 '91 Pre-evaporator to pan, and triple 91*91 Triple evaporation and extra steam to heater 91*62 Pre-evaporator to heater, and triple 91 '62 Triple evaporation and extra steam to pan and heater . . 83*46 Pre-evaporator to pan and heater, and triple 83*46 Quadruple evaporation and extra steam to pan 81*32 Pre-evaporator to pan, and quadruple 81*32 Quadruple evaporation and extra steam to heater . . . . 80*52 Pre-evaporator to heater, and quadruple ...... ... 80*52 Quadruple evaporation and extra steam to pan and heater. . 75*00 Pre-evaporator to pan and heater and quadruple 75*00 In addition combinations of the pre-evaporator with extra steam from the multiple can be devised. The Picard System. This method has never, the writer believes, been applied in any sugar factory, although it has been working in other manufacturing processes since 1878. In this scheme part of the vapours given off from the first vessel are drawn off into a compressor and raised to a high pressure ; their temperature is thereby increased, and on again being introduced into the calandria of the effect are capable of evaporating a further quantity of water. This scheme can of course be worked to its best advantage where power, as from a fall of water, is available to drive the compressor. This method was described in 1880 by P. 0. Whitehead, 11 and its mathematics have been discussed in detail by Svorcik, 12 who as a final result lays down that in a triple with this scheme one part of steam will evaporate altogether 4*248 parts of water. His idea of the regeneration of vapours has been made practical by Selwig and Lange, who have put into practice the scheme of withdrawing part of the vapour from the penultimate vessel of a multiple by the use of live steam injectors, and returning them either to an earlier vessel -or utilizing them in heating or in the pans. Calculation of Heating Surfaces. When the amount of heat necessary to be transmitted, the difference of temperature between the juice to be heated or juice to be evaporated, and heating steam are known, the requisite surface can be calculated by means of the coefficients of transmission -already quoted. 320 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. When juices are to be heated the temperature of the juice is taken as the mean of its initial and final temperature; when the juices are to be evaporated the temperature of the juice is taken as the mean temperature of the boiling mass. As an example, let there be 30 metric tons of juice to be heated in one hour from 30 C. to 100 C., with steam at 105 C. The average temperature of the juice to be heated is 30 -f 10 30 65 C. The difference of temperature is 105 65 = 40 C. Taking the specific heat of juice as -9, the heat to be transmitted is 30,000 X "9 x (100 30 J = 1,890,000 calories. The coefficient of transmission for diffusion, &c., juices is 5, i.e., per square metre per minute per 1 C. difference of temperature, 5 calories are transmitted. Then per hour under the conditions named 1 square metre will transmit 5 x 40 X 60 = 12,000 calories, and the heating surface required is 1,890,000 -j- 12,000 = 157 square metres, or 1689 square feet. Calculations for pans and evaporators may be made on exactly similar lines, using the coefficients of heat transmission given in a preceding section. Dimensions of Steam and Vapour Piping. The passage of vapour from the vapour space of one body to the steam drum of the next takes place under a slight difference of pressure ; this pressure amounts to 0-3 Ib. per square inch, corresponding to a difference in temperature of about 1 F. To calculate from these data the velocity of a gas leaving an orifice requires the use of higher mathematics, which would serve no useful purpose to reproduce here ; under the conditions named, the velocity of a gas is of the order 200 feet per second ; such a velocity is not obtained in evaporators because of the friction of the gas on the walls of the pipes, abrupt changes in direction, especially those due to baffle plates and save-alls, and also to condensation of a part of the vapour. For steam and vapour pipes it i 6 is customary to allow a velocity of 100 feet per second, and for the vapour leaving the last body a velocity of 150 feet per second; if velocities higher ^* than these obtain, a very considerable fall in the temperature of the vapour occurs, reducing the efficiency of the apparatus. As an example of this and other calculations, the case of a triple effect with 4000 square feet heating surface, evaporating 6 Ibs. water per square foot per hour, or 2'22lbs. per second per vessel, is taken. Steam Pipe. Taking the temperature of the heating steam to be 234 F., 1 Ib. will occupy 17-83 cubic feet, and allowing 1 Ib. steam to evaporate 2-90 Ibs. water, 2-31 Ibs. (= 41-19 cubic feet) will be required per second. At a velocity of 100 feet per second the area of the pipe must be -4119 square feet, corresponding to a diameter of 8 inches. 321 21 CANE SUGAR. Vapour Pipes. Taking the temperature of the vapour from the first vessels as 206 F., 1 Ib. occupies 29-6 cubic feet; at a velocity of 100 feet per second, the area of the pipe must be '657 square feet, corresponding to a diameter of 1 1 inches. The temperature of the vapour from the second vessel being taken as 177 F. will occupy 53*4 cubic feet per Ib., and under the same velocity demands a vapour pipe 1 5 inches in diameter. Finally, for the pipe leading to the condenser, allowing here a velocity of 150 feet per second, a diameter of 21 inches is obtained; 1 Ib. of vapour at 132 F. occupying 152 '4 cubic feet. Injection Water. Assuming the vacuum in the condenser is 27*5 inches, the corresponding temperature is 104 F., and the temperature of vapour given off in the last body may be taken as 134 F. At this temperature the latent heat of steam is 1022 B.T.U., so that in condensing 1 Ib. of vapour at 134 F. and cooling to 104 F. (corresponding to a vacuum of 27'5 inches) 1052 B.T.TJ. are absorbed. Allowing the injection water to be of tempera- ture 84 F., each pound of water absorbs 20 B.T.TJ., so that 52-6 Ibs. water per pound of vapour will be required, and to obtain this result at least 10 per cent, or 20 per cent, more water must be admitted. It is, however, only in exceptional cases that so large an amount of injection water is admitted, and the temperature of the discharge is more frequently 115F. to 120F. If the temperature of injection water be again taken as 84 F., to obtain discharge water at this temperature, the quantity of injection water required is only thirty times as much as the vapour to be condensed, and this is the quantity usually allowed for in design. The objection to admitting the larger quantities is the accompanying increase in size of the pump, but the economy is only effected at the expense of the vacuum in the last body, and consequently of the efficiency of the heating surface as a whole. , The size of the injection pipe to deliver a definite quantity of water depends on the head, the length, and diameter of the pipe, and the number of bends. The theory of the flow of water in pipes is too complex to be reproduced here, but a table is given below showing the velocity of water at exit from pipes of diameter 4 inches to 12 inches, for lengths of from 40 feet to 100 feet, and with one, two, or three right angle bends. The table has been calculated from the latest formulae ; a constant head of 1 6 feet has been assumed corresponding to a 25 inch vacuum, and a height of 12 feet of entry of injection water above level in well. 322 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. Table giving Velocity of Water at Exit under a Head of 16 feet for different Conditions of Pipe. No. of Bends. Length of Pipe. Feet. DIAMETER OP PIPE. INCHES. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VELOCITY OF FLOW AT EXIT: FEET PER SECOND. 1 40 13-9 15-0 15-8 16-3 16-9 17-3 17-6 17-9 18-1 2 40 13-7 14-7 15-5 16-0 16-5 16-9 17-3 17-5 17-6 3 40 13-5 14-5 15-2 15-7 16-2 16-5 16-7 17'1 17-3 1 60 12-3 13-4 14-4 14-9 15-7 16-0 16-4 16-7 16-9 2 60 12-1 13-2 14-0 14-6 15-4 15-7 16-0 16-3 16-5 3 60 12-0 13-0 13-8 14-3 15-1 15-4 15-7 16-0 16-3 1 80 11-2 12-2 13-1 13-7 14-4 15-0 15-4 15-7 16-0 2 80 11-0 12-1 12-9 13-5 14-1 14-7 15-1 15-4 15-7 3 80 10-9 11-9 12-8 13-4 14-0 14-3 14-7 15-1 15-4 1 100 10-2 10-6 11-5 12-1 12-9 13-4 13-7 13-9 14-4 2 100 10-1 10-5 11-4 12-0 12-8 13-1 13-5 13-7 14-2 3 100 10-0 10-4 11-3 11-9 12-7 12-9 13-4 13-6 14-1 The calculation of the volume of gases removed by the pump is sa unsatisfactory as not to repay study. A certain quantity of air enters the apparatus dissolved in the juice, which is released on boiling, and the juice itself in treatment forms a certain amount of gas ; air, too, will leak into the apparatus, and some will be introduced dissolved in the injection water. Experimental data are so incomplete on these points that they can give little or no help to practice. LOSS of Heat in Evaporators. In a naked quadruple standard evaporator let the temperatures in the vessels be i. 212 II. 203 ill. 187 rv. 140 With external air at 82 P. the excess temperature is 130 121 105 58 Interpolating from the table given in Chapter XIX. the heat losses per square foot per hour are B.T.TJ. I. II. III. IV. 336 308 252 126 Let the area of shell and vapour pipes be * 2 of the total heating surface, then each vessel exposes an area '05 of the total heating surface, and the losses per hour per square foot of heating surface are I. II. III. IV. 17 16 13 6 323 CANE SUGAE. Per square foot of heating surface per hour a quadruple will receive normally 1600 B T.U. ; the first vessel then utilizes 1600 17 = 1583 B.T.U. ; the second vessel receives 1583 B.T.U., and utilizes 1583 16 = 1567 B.T.U. ; similarly the third and fourth vessels utilize 1554 B.T.TJ. and 1548 B.T.U. The useful effect then is 6252 B.T.U. and not 6400 B.T.U. ; that is to eay, when in a non-radiating non-conducting quadruple a pound of steam will evaporate four pounds of water, in a naked wrought-iron quadruple it will evaporate 3-906 pounds; this loss will however be recoverable at quadruple effect, so that for every four pounds of water evaporated '023 lb, steam, or say 22 B.T.U. are to be made up ; in a factory evaporating 60,000 Ibs. water per hour the B.T.U. to be made up will then be 330,000. In Chapter XIX. a pound of megass is estimated as affording for factory purpose 2922 B.T.U., so that the loss per hour in radiation from a 10,000 square foot naked standard evaporator is of the order 113 Ibs. of megass or 2712 Ibs. per day. It is not unusual to see evapora- tors only protected in part ; what is the actual loss is almost impossible to say ; this calculation shows, how- ever, that the loss is quite appreciable and well worth saving. FIG. 180. Utilization of Vapours from the last Body. A not negligible economy of heat may be obtained by using the vapours from the last body to heat cold juices ; the temperature to which the juice can be heated depends, of course, on the degree of vacuum in the last body; a 25 inch vacuum corresponds to a temperature 133F., and with that vacuum this is the highest temperature to which the juice can be raised. A numerical example will make the economy of this scheme clear. Let there be evaporated under a 25 inch vacuum in the last body of a multiple effect 233 Ibs. water per 1000 Ibs. of juice; the condensation of this quantity of vapour will afford 238,126 B.T.U. Now, taking the specific heat of juice as 0-9 and the initial temperature as 84 F., to raise 1000 Ibs. from 84 F. to 133 F. requires 44,100 B.T.U., so that 18'5 per cent, of the vapour 324 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. can be condensed by the juice. The megass corresponding to 1 000 Ibs. of juice will roughly afford 1,000,000 B.T.U., so that the saving calculated on the megass available for fuel will be between 4 and 5 per cent. If this scheme is used it must be remembered that the juice is at atmospheric pressure and the heating vapour under a high vacuum ; unless the the apparatus is carefully constructed and maintained in good order there is then danger of juice being carried away int.o the condenser. Condensers. The condensers which find use in forming and main- taining the vacuum in the last body of an effect may be classed as jet or surface condensers, or again as dry or wet con- densers. Surface condensers are only used where the vapour from the last body is used to heat juices, as explained imme- diately above. The injection condenser, usually employed to condense the vapours given off from the last body of an effect, consists essentially of a cast-iron cylindrical body connected by a pipe, called the vapour pipe, to the vapour space of the effect, and also by a second pipe to the suction of an air pump ; a third pipe called the injection pipe leads water from a well to the con- denser. A vacuum being formed in the condenser by means of the pump, water enters the condenser under the influence of atmospheric pressure. The vapour given off from the effect meeting the stream of cold water is condensed, and the vacuum maintained ; the condenser water and incondensible gases pass to the pump and are there discharged. As the efficiency of a multiple effect depends very largely on the vacuum in the last body, and this in turn on the completeness of the condensation, attention to the design of the condenser is important. The commonest method of distributing the injection water within the condenser is by means of a rose ; with this arrangement there is liability of the holes becoming choked, especially when any but the cleanest water is available. Better arrangements are shown in Figs. 180 and 181. In the form shown in Fig. 180 the vapour enters at a and the injection water at b ; the whole then follows the path indicated by the arrows through the apertures in the plates, and is discharged at d to the air pump. In the form shown in Fig. 181 the injection water FIG. 181. 325 CANE SUGAR. enters at J, overflows over a series of rings and discs in a fine shower, meeting the vapour which moves in the opposite direction forming what is known as a counter- current condenser ; as shown this form is applied to what is termed the dry vacuum. The method of this form will be readily understood on referring to Fig. 181 ; a is a pipe more than 33 ft. high with its lower end immersed in a tank of water ; the atmospheric pressure will support a column of water 33ft. high, and above this will be a vacuum. Into the condenser water is pumped through the pipe b ; this water overflowing at e meets the vapour from the effect conducted through the pipe d. The steam is condensed, and, together with the injection water, discharges itself on to the surface of the column a, and is eventually discharged into the tank/. The incondensible gases are drawn off by an air pump through c. A large number of patterns of condensers are made, the distribution of the cooling water being very frequently obtained by devices similar to that shown in Fig. 181, the arrangement of the rings and discs being capable of great variety. FIG. 182. Each of these systems has its advantages ; a more complete vacuum can be obtained with the dry air pump, but in general two pumps are required ; in certain cases where a natural head of water exists the lifting pump may be dispensed with. In the wet system with large plants the size of the pump becomes very inconvenient. It is impossible to calculate from first principles what should be the size of condensers; Jelinek recommends that they should be not less than 1-5, and Horsin-Deon from 2-5 to 3 times the volume of the pump. Central Condensation. Instead of each unit having its own condenser and pump, it is now often the practice to instal one central con- denser and pump. A very great economy in steam, piping, oil, repairs, and attendance is thus obtained. In such a case a dry vacuum pump should be used, as a wet pump would have to be of exaggerated dimensions in a factory 326 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. of any size. In Fig. 182 is shown in plan a convenient method of arranging the evaporators and pans for use with a central condenser ; the triple is shown at a, the pans at b, both leading to the vapour main c connected to the central condenser d. Vacuum Pumps, The pumps used in sugar factories to create and to maintain the vacuum fall into two main classes dry and wet vacuum pumps. In the former type the incondensible gases and the water used in condensation are removed separately, and in the latter class together. In Fig. 183 is given a sectional view of a vertical pump. At a is the piston or bucket, at b the foot or suction valves, and at c the discharge valves. These pumps are usually worked in pairs off a beam engine, and are not to be found in recent factories ; in older factories as many as six or eight pumps may be worked off one beam, a method which, while economizing steam and labour, runs the risk of stopping the whole factory in case of a small mishap. In Fig. 18J/. is shown a horizontal torpedo plunger pump, of which many have been and are being used in recent factories. The plunger e moving from right to left, the valve a ' opens and water enters and fills the space behind the plunger ; at the same time ijp i i n m i gaa| the water in front of the plunger is discharged i- -J^ix-- ->JL \ through the valve b ; the valves a and b being closed, the water is discharged through d into the main factory sewer. The valves shown at b and b' are india rubber disc valves resting on a perforated iron or brass grill ; those shown at a and a' are clack valves working on a hinge ; in modern works it is the former type of valves that is employed. Pumps of this type cannot be worked efficiently at a greater speed than 40 revolutions per minute, as it is important that the air drawn in be expelled as completely as possible ; this only occurs when the air is allowed to pass through the water, then expelled, followed by the water. If the pump works at a high speed, the water is agitated, air cannot pass through, and more air is left in the barrel than would be the case at a lower speed. The above-described pump is the type usually provided by European engineering firms ; where factories have been erected under the influence of United States engineers, wet vacuum pumps of or derived from the FIG. 183. 327 CANE SUGAK. 328 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYKUP. Wafe Steam Worthington type are often used ; a section through such a pump is shown in Fig. 185. A wet vacuum pump that has heen extensively installed is the Edwards* patent pump, which allows the air to pass naturally through the water, instead of being churned up with it, as always happens to some extent in the ordinary type. This pump is shown in vertical section in Fig. 186. Water from the condenser flows by way of d to the reservoir c; the conical bucket I on the down stroke forces the water into the barrel of the pump ; as soon as the bucket rises the entry of water by way of d is closed until the bucket has passed, and the water which has been projected into the barrel is lifted and discharged through the valves at a, passing away at e ; at g is a relief valve. The incondensible gases are free to escape to the space above the water. These pumps are made double or treble barrelled, so that their action is practically continuous. Pumps used to remove the inconden- sible gases in connection with the dry vacuum are generally of the slide valve pattern ; in the earlier pumps at each stroke a certain amount of air was left in the barrel of the pump, to the detriment of the efficiency. To overcome this pumps are fitted with an arrangement whereby at the end of the stroke, communication is made between the two faces of the piston, and the compressed air in front of the piston escapes into the exhausted space behind. There are many excellent designs obtaining this ' equalization of pressure,' that due to the firm of Wegelin & Hiibner being shown in Fig. 187. [There are three valves, a, b, and c, known as the distributing, equalizing, and delivery valves ; the valve a is designed to allow the air to enter or depart and to connect the suction or discharge to the pan or atmosphere ; the delivery valve c on the valve a is for the escape of air and to prevent air returning to the pump ; the equalizing valve b is for the purpose of connecting the channels d when the piston is at the end of the stroke When the piston is at the end of a stroke the valve a is nearly central and the discharge and suction ports are closed ; at this moment the equalizing valve b makes connection between the two faces of the piston by means of the FIG. 185. 329 CANE SUGAR. channel d and equalizes the pressure on both sides of the piston ; the valve I now closes and a opens, and as the piston moves from right to left air is drawn into the vacuum ; the equalizing valve I remains closed and the suctiun and delivery ports open ; at the end of the stroke the valve a is again nearly central and the process described above repeats itself. The Blancke air pump is of recent introduction and uses flap valves ; it is shown in Fig. 188. The motion of the cylinder is from left to right, so that gases are being aspirated in on the left hand side and discharged on the right FIG. 186. hand side. The suction valve is composed of a series of sleeves, with rectan- gular openings, A and B, and a ring and flap valve C telescoping together and forming the annular spaces C and D. E is a spring, helping to close the valve under a slight difference of pressure. On the compression side of the pump all of the sleeves of the valve are forced together, and the annular spaces C ; and D 7 and the openings A y and B' are all closed ; the compressed air escapes by el, f and g' ; on the aspirating side these openings are closed by the spring H. The discharge valves are arranged on the lower side of the pump so as to facilitate the removal of water. 330 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. Size of Pumps. Although it is impossible to calculate on first principles the necessary sizes of pumps to maintain a vacuum, certain principles can be developed : the treatment here adopted is mainly after Hausbrand. FIG. 187. The pressure in a condenser is made up of two parts : a. the pressure due to the water vapour which depends only on the temperature of the water ; b. that due to the incondensible gases (referred to below as Air). Thus, with a pf FIG. 188. vacuum of 24 inches, the pressure is 2'92 Ibs. per square inch. Let the tem- perature of the water in the condenser be 100 F. ; the pressure of water vapour at this temperature is '95 Ibs. per square inch ; hence the gases are at a 331 CANE SUGAR. pressure of 1-97 Ibs. per square inch. As the temperature of the water increases so does its vapour pressure, and consequently the gases are at a lower pressure. The volume occupied by air or any gas is inversely proportional to the pressure ; hence the colder the condenser the less is the specific volume of the gases. As illustrative of the variation in gas pressure in a condenser, there is given below the pressure of the gases where the vacuum is 24 inches or 2*92 Ibs. per square inch, and where the temperatures are as shown. Temperature F Pressure of gases. Lbs. per sq. in. Temperature F Pressure of gases. Lbs. per sq. in. 80 2-41 120 1-25 90 2-22 130 70 100 1-97 140 04 110 1-65 Hence when the temperature is 140 F. the gases will occupy sixty times as great a specific volume as when the temperature is 80 F. Gases in condensers arrive from the water used in cooling, from decompositions in the process of boiling the juice, and from leaks in the apparatus. For the moment only the first source will be considered. The gases dissolved from air by water, following on the determinations of Roscoe and Lunt and of Winkler may be thus expressed. Temperature 60 70 80 90 Lbs. Gases Dissolved per 1000 Lbs. of Water* 0266 0241 0217 0195 The amount of water used to obtain the condensation of the vapour is given by the expression w = - - - , where w is the water used per unit t l and t 2 are the initial and weight of vapour, h is the total heat of the vapour, final temperatures of the cooling water. For a 24-inch vacuum with cooling water at 60 F., the weights of water required to obtain different temperatures in the condenser, and hence in the discharge water, are as shown in the table below, which also includes the pounds of gases from the water. * The gases dissolved by water from air are very nearly in the proportion of two volumes of nitrogen to one of oxygen ; it is here assumed that air itself is dissolved ; the calculation is barely appreciably affected and the conclusion not at all. 332 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. Temperature of Discharge Water. F Weight of Water per Pound of Vapour Condensed. Pounds of Gases from Water. 80 50-4 001365 90 33-3 000902 100 24-7 000669 110 19-6 000531 120 16-1 000436 130 13-7 000371 140 11-8 000320 The volume of 1 Ib. of air in cubic feet is given by the expression 3697 (459-4 + Q p where t is the temperature in "Fahrenheit degrees, and p is the pressure in pounds per square inch. In the table below are given for a vacuum of 24 inches, for cooling water at 60 P., and for discharge water at the indicated temperatures, the cubic feet of water, the cubic feet of gases, and the combined volume of cooling water, condensed steam and gases, per pound of steam condensed : Temperature of the Discharge Water Cubic Feet of Cooling Water. Cubic Feet of Gases. Cubic Feet of Gases and Water. 80 8192 1129 9321 90 5888 0825 6713 100 4112 0703 4815 110 2996 0683 3649 120 2736 0747 3483 130 2554 1155 3709 140 2049 1-7712 1-9761 On examining these figures it will be observed that the volume of the gases at first decreases with decreasing quantities of water, reaches a minimum and tben rapidly increases; hence if the gases present in a condenser are propor- tional to the amount of cooling water admitted, there is a definite temperature in the waste water at which the volume of air is least; this temperature in the waste water is then the OPTIMUM for the particular condition, and it controls the proper amount of cooling water to be admitted. It is, however, quite impossible to calculate for actual use where this optimum temperature lies, since the amount of air entering the condenser is quite unknown ; in a tight apparatus, and if the juice gives off no gas, and if the heating steam is air free, then it could be calculated with reasonable accuracy. As the matter stands, however, all that can be said is that such an optimum condition exists and that it can probably be found by trial and error for each apparatus. 333 CANE SUGAK. If a series of calculations be made for different vacua in order to obtain the optimum temperature of discharge on the supposition that the gases intro- duced are proportional to the amount of water, it will be found that as the water increases in temperature so does the quantity required. The calculation leads to the following very rough approximation : With initial temperatures of 60, 70, 80, 90 F., the water admitted should be about 10, 25, 35, and 50 times the amount of steam to be condensed. If calculations on the principles assumed above be made, it will be found for vacua of 24, 25, 26, 27 inches that the volume of gases is very roughly as 6, 9, 15, and 25; i.e., on this supposition a pump to produce a 27-inch vacuum must be -~- times as large as one to produce a 24 inch vacuum. If, however, a quantity of air, x, enters the condenser which is independent of the quantity of water admitted, then the sizes of the pump capacity will be as 25 + x : 6 -f x, and as x is positive the ratio of pump capacity will be less than calculated above ; if, however, x is small, as should be the case in a well- built evaporator, a ratio similar to that calculated will be found. The dry air pump has only to remove the air in the water passing down the barometric column. Since the air is last of all in contact with freshly entering cooling water, it will approximate in temperature to the cooling water. Also since a counter current system of cooling is used, less quantities of water are required. If a series of calculations be made on the lines developed above, comparing the volume of air for the most favourable conditions with wet and dry condensation, it will be found that on an average the volume of air with dry condensation is one-third that obtained with wet condensation. This comparison shows how small need be a dry vacuum pump compared with a wet vacuum pump ; in addition the efficiency and speed of an air pump is much greater than that of a water and air pump. Empirical rules are very dangerous tools, and when the very variant conditions described above are remembered, it will bo at once seen how foolish it is to attempt to give any hard and fast rule connecting size of pump and capacity of evaporator, since this will vary (a) With temperature of cooling water. (i) With the efficiency of the apparatus as regards air leaks. (c) With the amount of air in the heating steam which finds its way eventually to the condenser. (d) With the vacuum considered desirable. Of the empirical relations the following may be mentioned : In marine engineering practice the pump displacement is five times the volume of water to be removed. This would be a very low capacity for sugar house evaporators. 334 THE EVAPORATION OF THE JUICE TO SYRUP. Jelinek estimated that the pump should displace -3 cubic metre per kilo, of vapour ; this equals 4 -8 cubic feet per Ib. of vapour, and as it applies to European conditions with cold cooling water would be on the low side for tropical conditions. Horsin Deon estimates that the wet air pump should displace twelve times the volume of water to be discharged. These rules will be found to give capacities larger than are often observed in practice. With dry vacuum it has been found that a much smaller cylinder capacity than that required for a wet air pump is necessary, and as an empirical rule it may be stated that the displacement of the dry air pump need be only one- third that necessary for a wet air pump. Cooling Towers. In districts where water is scarce it is necessary to use over and over again the condenser water, which has thus to be cooled each time after use ; cooling is effected by the action of the air applied either in open or closed towers. The open type generally consists of a skeleton framing of angle iron up to 30 feet high with three or four lower stages ; on these are placed layers of faggots or brushwood ; the water is delivered by a pump to the highest stage and distributed by gutters over the faggots and falling down is collected in a reservoir at the bottom. A second design consists of a series of steps down which the water flows in a cascade. Alternatively, a brick shaft with a water distributing device inside is employed ; in this case a fan is required to force cooling air up the shaft. The United States makers of the Worthington pump employ such a scheme. The distributing device is a sprinkler (of principle identical with that described on page 305) ; the cooling surface consists of a number of cylindrical tiles placed vertically the water flowing down these both internally and externally. In a fourth method, injectors of the Korting pattern arranged round the periphery of a pipe throw the warm water upwards in a fine shower. Under tropical conditions with cooling air at about 80 F., and condenser water at about 140 F., at the very least 1 sq. ft. cooling surface will be required per gallon of water per hour, to be cooled to 100 F. and an excess of this quantity is to be desired. Scale in Evaporators. Scale deposited on the tubes of evaporators is due either to suspended matters carried forward in the juice or to the deposit of dissolved bodies due to the concentration of the juice. The elimination of the first cause can be obtained by a filtration of the juice en masse, either through mechanical filters or through sand filters ; a useful effect may also be obtained by passing the juice through strainers of very fine mesh. A good filtration of the juice has an enormous effect in the prevention of scale, and accordingly in increasing the efficiency of the apparatus. The interfiltration of the partially concentrated juice on its way from vessel to vessel with the view of removing the matter deposited on concentration has also been employed. 335 CANE SUGAR. Failing these appliances, the prevention of scale can only be controlled by care in clarification. Excessive scale in evaporators can often be traced to bad clarification and imperfect settling, that is to say, to lack of craft skill on the part of the responsible workman ; too little lime often results in a badly settling juice. Yarious mechanical devices have been employed to diminish the deposit of scale. Of these may be mentioned that of Novak, 3 who suspends from the dome of the vessel chains which hang down in the tubes ; the chains either depend from springs or are supported in pairs from the end of a suspended pivoted arm ; the motion of the liquid keeps the chains moving against the sides of the tubes, and a part of the scale also deposits on the chains themselves. Lagrell and Chantrelle 3 devised the scheme of placing a hollow rod, of nearly the same specific gravity as that of the liquid in each vessel, inside each tube ; along this rod is cut a spiral ; the motion of the liquid keeps this rod continually rotating against the side of the tube. The Lillie apparatus is designed so that the direction of flow can be changed at will, and it is claimed that this change of movement prevents or lessens the deposit of scale. The chief bodies that occur in the deposit of scale are the silicates, phos- phates, and sulphate of lime ; the two former seem to be of general occurrence ; but a sulphate scale in factories not employing sulphur does not appear to be universal ; it does not occur except in small quantities in the analyses quoted below due to Pellet and Geerligs, but occurs in large quantities in some of those due to Peck 13 of Hawaiian scales. Phosphate of lime does not, according to Geerligs and Tervooren 14 , occur in juices in solution, but in a colloid state, and hence does not occur in scales from juices which have been filtered, and they state that the same is also true of silica. Peck 13 , however, has found phosphate of lime in a state of true solution, the amount decreasing with the quantity of lime used in clarification. Prom the analyses quoted below it will be seen that it is in the earlier vessels that phosphates are deposited, silicates predominating in the later ones. The ' fats ' that occur in scales are due to the cane wax and also, according to Shorey 16 , to the decomposition of the lecithins of the cane. The removal of the scale is only to be obtained by mechanical means with scrapers and wire brushes, preceded by a preliminary treatment with appro- priate solvents. Phosphate scales are best treated with hydrochloric acid, and silicate scales with caustic soda, in 1 per cent, solution. Sulphate scales are more troublesome to remove, and are best treated by first boiling with sodium carbonate and then with hydrochloric acid ; the action of the sodium carbonate is to convert the sulphate of lime to carbonate, which is then attacked by the acid. 336 FIG. 18. ISCAMBINE. 4 SIZE PLATE XVII THE EVAPORATION OP THE JUICE TO SYRUP. COMPOSITION OF SCALE IN EVAPORATORS. First Body. Second Body. Third Body. Water and Organic Matter 29-80 26-70 18-60 Silica 40 23-40 69-80 Iron and Alumina 3-80 9-98 2-80 Lime 46-30 25-80 6-80 Magnesia 1-36 81 1-08 Phosphoric Acid 17-10 11-70 trace Sulphuric Acid 00 00 trace Copper trace trace trace Undetermined 1-24 1-61 92 (PELLET.) First Vessel. Second Vessel. Third Vessel. Fourth Vessel. Phosphate of Lime Sulphate of Lime 57-85 2-02 56-98 1-92 15-02 54 7-49 1-65 Carbonate of Lime 3-25 4-68 19-55 9-93 Silicate of Lime 7-86 13-31 71 7-02 Oxalate of Lime .... .... 11-32 11-27 Iron Oxide 2-03 1-53 2-31 2-58 Combustible Matter Silica 20-37 7-79 13-41 7-43 11-04 39-26 5-08 54-34 (GrEEBLIGS.) First Body. First Body. Second Body. Second Body. Third Body. Third Body. Fourth Body. Fourth Body. Silica 5-91 17-08 10-43 36 6-17 36-31 52-51 24-65 Iron and Alumina. 1-45 2-32 2-18 3-42 28 84 3-05 77 Lime 48-33 44-59 44-94 51-44 44-47 31-87 25-24 61-95 Magnesia 3-79 75 3-37 2-51 46 2-94 2-55 1-22 Phosphoric Acid . . 38-62 8-98 32-22 40-00 1-22 25-71 9-43 8-00 Sulphuric Acid . . 1-60 26-60 6-08 1-79 46-02 2-74 6-70 3-44 (PECK.) Peck's analyses are expressed as percentages on the mineral matter of the scale. 337 22 CANE SUGAR. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XVI. 1. Ware's Beet Sugar Manufacture, p. 122. 2. Zeits. fur Zucker. in Bb'hmen, 21, 169. 3. Quoted in Ware's Beet Sugar Manufacture. 4. Bull. Assoc., 27, 207. 5. 7. S. J., 42. 6. Butt. Assoc., 15, 16. 7. H.P.M., December, 1904. 8. Evaporating, Condensing, and Cooling Apparatus. Hausbrand. 9. Journal des Fabricants de Sucre. 10. Zeits. fiir Zucker. in Bb'hmen., 25, 176. 11. S. C., 135, 136. 12. Zeits. fiir Zucker. in Bb'hmen. 7, 187. 13. Bull. 21, Agric. H.S.P.A. 14. /. S. J., 85. 15. J. A. C. S., XX., 113. 338 CHAPTER XVII. THE CONCENTRATION OP THE SYRTJP TO MASSECUITE. The juice after being treated in the multiple effect evaporator emerges as a thick syrup of density about 1'25, and contains about 55 per cent, of solids in solution. Before being passed on to the vacuum pan to be boiled to grain it is sometimes subjected to a further treatment. This treatment may be either mechanical or chemical ; when high class consumption sugars are being made the syrup is sometimes sulphured or treated with phosphoric acid or other decolourant ; this treatment is often combined with a filtration of the syrup in sand filters or in the mechanical filters already described; in other factories the only treatment that the syrup receives is that it is allowed to stand and to deposit its suspended matter ; the practice of reheating the syrup in connec- tion with steam economy schemes has been described in Chapter XYI. In the vacuum pan the syrup is further concentrated until it is a magma of crystals of sugar and mother liquor ; the usual routine processes followed are outlined below ; the magma of crystals of sugar and mother liquor is known as massecuite. Processes followed. In the actual routine work the processes followed to obtain the sugar in the juice are as below. 1. Repeated Soilings. The syrup is boiled to a masse cuite and the cry- stals separated from the mother liquor giving first sugar and first molasses ; the first molasses are boiled into second massecuite and from this is obtained second sugar and second molasses ; this process is carried on until fourth or even fifth sugar is obtained after which the molasses are, or should be, exhausted ; the number of operations required to obtain exhausted molasses depends very largely on the initial purity of the juice ; the purer the juice the purer being the first molasses and so on. The first massecuite may be cooled before the crystals are separated from the mother liquor or it may be treated direct from the pan ; if cooled, it may be cooled at rest or in motion. With juices of purity 85 or over, the first molasses are generally pure enough to boil to grain ; other first molasses, and in all cases second and subsequent molasses, are boiled blank, '.O t- CO O CO CO CO J^ o CO Oi 8 t^ CO GO CO 05 CM CO O OO s CO t ^ CM CO CM >0 TH CM GO s CM 00 CM CO CO OO CO JO 00 00 TH 00 TH GO TH TH OO OO 3 CO 00 o oo CO % co O5 ir- I TjH 2 >0 CM 10 CO t 1- 05 2 3 CO -<*< 0 GO CO CM O5 ^ CO o o 05 CM TP o 1 CM TH O5 i I co r^ CO 10 00 fc" Tf CM GO 0 00 5 00 00 iO GO OO CD 00 g * CO 00 10 3 2 8 CO CO GO o t (M OS OS TH CO 05 OS OO O I-H 1 * CO GO CO GO CO CO TtH rH OO 00 s s >o 00 o 00 >O >O GO 00 IQ CO 00 GO CO co 1 co t^ CO CO GO 8 TfH 00 CO CM TH GO O CO CM 00 TH 05 O5 CO OO 00 t^* O CM CO TH s t> * CO GO CO GO TH 00 Tt< Tfl OO GO TfH >O 00 00 >0 CO iO OO >0 >0 GO 00 co co OO OO i s 3 Pn C3 GO * OS O TH CO 00 i-H >O OO TH CD CM 1^ TH OO CO OS OS 00 O i>- CO CM Tfi $ "^ CO 00 TH GO 4n 00 TH TtH 00 GO *0 >0 00 00 >0 OO o co GO GO CO CO GO CO CO 00 "* CM >O GO t O5 CM TH 05 CO 05 00 OS 05 CM S cS CO GO TH TH 00 & GO TH 00 Tt< >0 OO GO >0 00 OO 3 o 00 CO CO GO 00 CO CO 00 GO CO CO o l^ CO CM CO >o GO J^ O5 O CM T-H CM 10 t*- i * OS 1 I i-t OS CO TH J^- TH CO 00 o f co 1 s >O O 00 GO o o 00 GO 00 CD GO CO CO 00 00 CO CO OD GO r^ oo os >0 CD SB CO TjH CO O >o >o t- O5 TH CO CO CM OS O CO 5 S s CO * 00 TH 00 >0 GO GO GO S 8 CO oo CD 00 CO CO 00 00 CO Jr- oo oo 5 CO CO OS 10 (H t* CO OO O5 o t- 05 00 05 -H r- co >0 t OS t- TH CM o TH CO 2 3 GO >o GO >o ^o 00 00 CO 00 00 CO 00 CD 00 CO CO 00 00 r^ t 00 00 t~ GO Solubility of sugar 1 .a t~ CM GO CM CJS CM CP T-* CO CO CM CO CO CO TH CO >o CO co r- CO CO GO OS CO CO o TH 366 THE CONCENTRATION OF THE SYRUP TO MASSECUITE. the figure at the intersection of a vertical and horizontal line gives the degree Brix of the molasses in the pan, so that when the solubility of sugar becomes 2'0 molasses of the purity in the column selected will result. As an example the solubility of sugar at the moment of observation is 3*0 and it is desired to obtain molasses of 40 purity when the solubility is 2'0 ; at the intersection of the line 30 and 40 is the figure 84'82, i.e., the Brix of the molasses in the pan must be 84*82. As pointed out in dealing with the application of the brasmoscope to massecuites boiled string proof, it is impossible to state beforehand what the indication of the brasmoscope should be, and the brasmoscope indications must be systematically compared with the actually recorded results in the factory. When once the brasmoscope indications corresponding to molasses of a satis- factory low purity are obtained, then it should be possible to reproduce those conditions more exactly than can be done by the senses of sight and touch. The process of exhausting rapidly low grade massecuites mentioned above as ' reversed process ' would appear to be a scheme lending itself readily to a very complete control, as it would only be necessary to determine the proper concentration of the low grade massecuite before taking in the sugar used as ' priming,' as has already been indicated when dealing with the application of the brasmoscope to massecuites boiled string proof. Control of the Supersaturation. As the supersaturation rises so also does the elevation of the boiling point ; when once the most favourable degrees of supersaturation for the different periods of the process of concentra- tion in the pan have been determined, they may be referred to elevation of the boiling point, and it is thus possible always to boil the pan under equal conditions. For example, suppose it is desired to work with a continuous feed, and it has been found that, with a boiling point elevation of 20 C. the best results are obtained ; the feed and steam valves are so set that this elevation is maintained as indicated by the brasmoscope reading ; should a low elevation be observed it is evident that syrup is being admitted too fast, i.e., the supersaturation is diminishing. Similarly the granulation and the bringing up can be worked with a prearranged supersaturation as indicated and controlled by the brasmoscope indication. Actually in the majority of cases the skilled sugar boiler makes these observations by the senses of sight and touch, and for these the brasmoscope substitutes a definite scientific relation. Use of the Refractometer. The methods by which the total solids in sugar house products are obtained with this instrument are given in Chapter XXIII. This instrument is particularly serviceable in determining in a very short space of time the concentration of the massecuite in the case of strikes boiled blank. The sample of material removed in the proof stick serves for the determination, which can be made in two minutes. This instrument gives a most valuable control over the whole process of pan boiling. 367 CANE SUGAR. Special Treatment of Low Massecuites. The time required for a complete crystallization of low grade products may be shortened by dis- tributing over the surface of the massecuites a quantity of sugar crystals which are allowed to slowly fall through the massecuites ; the quantity of crystals used is about 1 per cent, on the weight of the massecuite. Crystallization in motion on a new basis has been applied in recent years to low massecuites by means of air injection ; compressed air is introduced at the bottom of the tanks containing massecuite by means of a rubber hose. The treatment is begun after the massecuites have stood for 48 hours ; at first they are treated daily, then twice a day, and eventually every three hours. Calculation of Proportions of Syrup and of Molasses to be used to obtain a Strike of prearranged Purity.- Let the volume of the whole strike be unity and that part due to the syrup be x. Then 1 x is the volume due to the molasses. Let^? be the desired purity of the strike andj9 8 and p m be the purities of the syrup and of the molasses. Then p =. p t x + p m (1x] ; whence x * _ P Example. It is desired to obtain a strike of 65 purity from syrup of 80 purity and molasses of 45 purity. 65 45 The volume of the strike due to syrup is then gQ ^ = '571. If the whole volume of the strike is 1000 cubic feet the pan will be filled up to 571 cubic feet with syrup massecuite and the strike completed with 429 cubic feet of molasses. This calculation supposes that the percentage of solids in the syrup massecuite before drawing over the molasses and in the molasses are the same. Eifect of Size of Grain. The smaller the grain the larger is the exposed surface and the greater the area of crystal surface that comes in contact with the mother liquor within a given time ; hence the rate at which the desaccharification of a mother liquor proceeds is greater in a small grained massecuite than in one with larger crystals ; it is only however the time that is affected, as the total amount of sugar that separates is solely determined by the water content of the massecuite. In addition, with the larger exposed area of crystal surface, there will be less chance of a deposit of fine or of false grain, and for this reason a small grained massecuite can be safely cooled at a greater rate than can a larger grained one. Rapidity of Cooling. The rate at which a body cools is within certain limitations proportional to the excess temperature ; hence immediately after striking the rate of cooling is greatest ; if the massecuite cools faster than sugar can deposit, the coefficient of supersaturation increases, and there is danger of the formation of fine grain due to the sudden deposit of crystals from a very supersaturated solution, the sugar so depositing not forming on 368 THE CONCENTRATION OF THE SYRUP TO MASSECUITE. crystals already present. It should be the object of the sugar maker to so control the rate of cooling that the supersaturation does not increase, and that the deposit of sugar keeps pace with the rate at which the massecuite cools. The advantage of jacketed containers in a crystallization in motion process is connected with the point explained above ; namely, that a means is provided whereby the rate of cooling can be controlled. Fig. 198. Forms of Crystallizing: Tanks. The receptacles in which the massecuites are received in order to be cooled in motion are either U shaped or cylindrical horizontal vessels ; they are constructed of boiler plate, and are made either closed or open. Through the centre of the vessels passes a shaft to which is attached the stirring apparatus ; motion is usually transmitted to this shaft by means of a wheel and worm gear, the wheel being attached to FIG. 199. one end of the shaft ; the tanks are so arranged that one worm gears with the wheels of the whole battery. The tanks are made either plain or provided with a jacket, into which steam or water can be admitted, and thus control the rate at which the massecuite cools. A. general form of crystallizing tank is shown in Fig. 198. 369 24 CANE SUGAR. Of special designs of crystallizers may be mentioned : RagOt and Tournour's. This is shown in Fig. 199. The stirring gear in this pattern is a hollow helical coil through which steam, hot water or cold water can be passed. On one end of the shaft is a hollow shaft b, to which is connected a steam or water distributing box c. The steam or water passes into an annular space in the pipe I, thence by way of a pipe d to the coils, returning through the pipe to the outlet/. FIG. 200. Hlich Crystallizer. This is shown in section in Fig. WO. It con- sists of a closed cylindrical vessel surmounted by a dome ; in this vessel are arranged the tubular elements aa which may be used as heating or as cooling surfaces ; the path of the stream or water is shown by the arrows ; the stirring device is shown at b. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XVII. 1. Beet Sugar Manufacture, p. 149. 2. Bull. 16, Agric. H.S.P.A. 3. S. C., 309-311. 4. Sucrerie Beige, July, 1898. 370 CHAPTER XVIII. THE SEPARATION OE THE CRYSTALS. The finally concentrated product of the juice (massecuite) consists of a magma of sugar crystals and a thick viscid solution of sugar, and of all the bodies present in juices. The crystals are separated from this magma by means of machines known as centrifugals or hydro-extractors. Formerly and to some extent still the molasses were allowed to drain from the massecuite, which was packed in hogsheads with perforated bottoms. Receptacles for, and Transport of, Massecuites. Tank System. The first massecuites are emptied into shallow wooden or iron tanks arranged on the basement; from these tanks directly, or after cooling, the massecuite is dug out and carried by hand to the centrifugals ; this- arrangement is now but seldom found for first sugars, but still remains very common for low sugars, which may be stored for periods up to a whole year. Tank Tramway System. The massecuites are emptied into tanks- holding up to 100 cubic feet, which run on tram lines and are hence capable of being wheeled to the centrifugal battery, where their contents are emptied by manual labour ; alternately these tanks may discharge into a pit r whence the massecuite is elevated by a chain or magma pump ; or the tanks- may be on an upper floor and may discharge their contents by gravity. Small Can System. The massecuite is discharged into cans holding about 500 Ibs. ; these cans are transported by means of trolleys, elevated by means of an hydraulic lift, turned bottom upwards and their contents- discharged by compressed air, a small hole being arranged in the bottom wherein is inserted the nozzle of a pipe communicating with an air compressor. This system has been and is still largely used, and in many ways is very con- venient ; it demands, however, extensive floor space. Gravity System. The pans are built on a high floor and discharge into receivers, whence the massecuite flows by gravity to the pug mill of the centrifugals. Compressed Air System. The massecuites are received in closed vessels and are conveyed in pipes by compressed air to the centrifugals \. this method is very clean, but demands a fluid massecuite or one thinned with molasses. These two last schemes are used frequently with crystallization in motion. 371 CANE SUGAR. Th.6 Centrifugal Machine. A centrifugal machine consists essentially of a vertical cylindrical perforated basket, which is caused to revolve at a high rate of speed ; within the perforated basket is fixed a wire gauze strainer, containing from 400 to 500 perforations per square inch. The revolution of the basket throws the magma of crystals and molasses against the side of the basket ; the molasses and a portion of the crystals pass through the gauze, and the great portion of the crystals are retained ; without the perforated basket is a casing which catches the molasses and directs them by a spout into the gutter. Types of Centrifugals. Centrifugals were perhaps introduced into the sugar industry in 1849, by Dubrunfaut, and now a large number of FIG. 201. types are to be found ; mainly they fall into two classes, fixed bearing pattern and suspended pattern ; again they may be divided into under and over-driven machines, or according to the method of driving, direct coupled, friction cones, belt, electric, or water drive. Fixed Bearing Friction Cone Machine. In Fig. 201 is shown a view of this type of machine ; / is the spindle revolving in two brasses, i and /, the lower brass i being fixed in the bottom of the monitor outer casing k and the upper one j in the cross piece of the frame h, which is supported on and bolted to the outer case ; the basket I is secured to the spindle by the nut g, screwed down on the cone m, which rests on the bottom of the basket ; a collar n on the spindle prevents any downward movement. 372 THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. Motion is transmitted to the machine by a belt drive on the pulley c, and by the friction cones a and b ; the driving cone a is of steel, and the driven cone b of mill board ; the driving spindle o is carried on two bearings, the cones being kept in contact by the pressure of the spring e on one end of the spindle ; the cones are thrown out of gear by means of the screwed piece d moving the spindle outwards against the pressure of the spring. Belt-driven Pivot Machine. In Fig. 202 is shown a type of pivot under-driven machine, which, equally with the above, is common on the Continent of Europe and wherever the influence of Continental engineers is felt. The basket a is fixed to the spindle c, which is supported by the footstep FIG. 202. bearing /, and the collar formed by the iron bars e ; these bars are screwed up against pieces of indiarubber d. whereby the shock ' of the machine is partly absorbed. The machine is driven by belt drive on the pulley g. Weston Suspended Centrifugal. All machines of the types above described use a large part of the power supplied in keeping the revolving basket in a fixed position. In 1852 David Weston invented and made in the Hawaiian Islands the first suspended centrifugal which has since become the standard pattern in cane sugar factories ; beet factories in Europe were (and still are) slow to adopt this pattern. In Fig. 203 is shown a section of the Weston type of centrifugal machine as arranged for belt drive. SB is the suspending block firmly bolted to an overhead beam or framing CF ; EB are elastic buffers resting on the block SB, and above this is suspended from the elastic buffers the spindle IS by means of a top nut and washer; this spindle oscillates with the machine, but does not revolve ; at BB is shown the bottom revolving bearing; at OS is shown the outer revolving spindle attached 373 CANE SUGAR. C.F. 176. FIG. 203. 374 THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. to the driving pulley DP. The perforated basket is shown at B, and the outer casing at 00 ; and sugar is discharged through a circular aperture at the bottom of the basket, kept closed when necessary by the valve DV, which slides up and down the outer spindle ; the bottom part of the outer spindle forms an oil bath. The elastic buffers are an essential feature of this type of centrifugal. The massecuite will from time to time assume different centres 267 FIG. 204. of gravity ; instead of attempting to restrain the machine in a fixed position this system allows a certain freedom of movement. A solid spindle has in recent years been generally substituted for the hollow spindle, and after several failures ball bearings have been successfully adapted to this machine ; in Fig. 20!j. is shown the upper part of a belt-driven machine embodying these improvements. 375 CANE SUGAR. Hepworth Suspended Centrifugal. The Hepworth suspended centrifugal differs from the above in that the whole machine is suspended ; referring to Fig. 205, it will be seen that a is the ball of a ball and socket joint formed in the bracket m, from which pass three or four rods k which support the outer casing d of the machine ; the bracket n is so formed as to make a reservoir of oil ; the spindle carrying the revolving basket g is shown FIG. 205. at h ; this spindle works in two bearings seen at o and p ; the brake is seen at c, and the brake band at I ; cast on the bottom of the outer casing are lugs on which are placed indiarubber bands e passing over the fixed brackets /; these indiarubber bands are for the purpose of controlling the movements of the machine, and at the same time allowing a certain freedom of movement. 376 PLATE XVIII. 4062 FIG. 207 PLATE XIX. RC&W.29I FiG. 209. THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. Motive Power for Centrifugals. Until recent years a belt drive was the usual method of driving centrifugals but latterly many installa- tions have adopted a water or electric drive. In Fig. 206 is shown a view of an electrically driven spindle as made by Messrs. Pott, Cassels and Williamson. The lettering is as under: C inside spindle, D intermediate spindle, H top plate of motor case, K armature, L magnet coils, M brake, commutators, P brushes, Q, driving disc, ft friction arms, S pulley, T brake pulley. On switching on the current the magnet coils pull off the brake and the armature being loose on the outer spindle immediately revolves at a high speed and gradually communicates motion to the spindle V by means of the friction arms which are pressed out against the pulley. In Fig. 207 (PLATE XVIII.) is shown a view of the electric- driven spindle as made by Messrs. Watson, Laidlaw & Co. The let- tering is as follows : C brushes, D commutator, E motor spindle, F field coils, G armature, L friction shoes, N worm and wheel, E, brake, T inner revolving spindle, U stationary sleeve, Y outer revolving spindle, Z switch. In Fig. 208 is given a view of the water-driven machine of Messrs. Watson, Laidlaw and Co. This type of machine has in recent years been very extensively adopted. The head of water necessary to drive the machine is obtained from a double acting pump ; no large supply is needed, as after discharge from the Pelton wheel fitted on the outer spindle, the water flows back to the supply tank of the pump. Two jets are supplied, and after full speed has been obtained, one is automatically cut off; if it is desired to get up speed slowly one jet only is used, an advantage in curing low-grade products. The motor and centrifugal head of the water-driven machine of Pott, Cassels and Williamson is shown in Fig. 209 (PLATE XIX); the reference being as follows: 38 centrifugal spindle; 33 ball-bearing; 35 rubber buffers; 29 188 FIG. 206. 377 CANE SUGAR. 4148 Fm. 208. 378 THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. brake pulley ; 30 brake band ; 37 bracket carrying the centrifugal suspended from the I beam 40; 3 and 4 motor case; 10 ball-bearing; 2 water wheel; 5 hemispherical caps upon which impinge the water jets 6 and 7 of which 6 is the accelerating and 7 is the maintaining jet ; 39 waste pipe ; 25 governor controlling the supply of water when full speed has been obtained ; 27 wire rope links connecting motor to centrifugal. These machines are made in pairs with an interlocking gear so designed that only one of a pair of machines can be accelerated to speed at one time. In plants of earlier date where the whole battery of centrifugals was driven by belt drive, the whole ratio of gearing between engine and machine is from 300 to 400 to 1 ; with such an arrangement any variation in the speed of the engine is multiplied in the centrifugal and means of varying the speed of a machine or of distributing the power according to the demands on it are impossible ; with the interdependent water and electrically driven machines the power supplied varies according to the demand ; thus with the water drive two jets are employed both of which act when the machine is starting and when the effort is greatest ; afterwards only one jet is in action. A similar principle is embodied in the electric driven machines ; this action is of use too in curing low grade sugars which often are found to purge best when speed is got up slowly ; cost of up-keep and freedom from danger are also points in favour of the direct motor driven types. Size of Basket. Within the last decade the size of basket has increased from a standard size of 30 in. to a maximum of 48 in. increase, beyond which it is limited by the size and strength of men ; indeed, a 48 in. machine can only be cared for by a big labourer ; with increase in size of machine, a decrease in the number of revolutions (but not in the peripheral speed) follows. The smaller machines are run at 1,200 to 1,500 revolutions per minute, and the larger at 800 to 1,000. Capacity of Machines. A 30 in. suspended Weston machine will produce from 1,600 to 2,0001bs. of dry sugar per hour from a typical first masse cuite ; a 42 in. machine will produce up to 4,000 ; masse cuites however, vary so much, even when boiled from syrups of apparently the same composi- tion, and so much depends on the craft skill of the sugar boiler and curers, that estimates of capacity are of little value ; this is especially so in the case of low sugars ; in addition, the type of sugar made, raw or washed, influences very much the capacity. Washed Sugars. The sugars generally made on plantations are shipped to refineries for further treatment and are not washed in the centri- fugal basket ; in Mauritius and Java, however, large quantities of white (^plantation refined') sugars are made for the Indian market and these sugars 379 CANE SUGAR. FIG. 210. are also produced in quantity where a large local demand exists as in Natal and South American countries. The special methods of clarification have been described in Chapter XTII. ; in curing these sugars water and then steam are used. In many factories specializing in these sugars the writer has seen the water thrown into the basket from a saucepan or other simple receptacle. A more efficient scheme is shown in Fig. 210 \ the water leaves the nozzle in a fine spray and is evenly distributed over the sugar; the pipe is jointed at b so that the part be may be swung out of the basket during charging. After the water has been used, steam is admitted to the interior of the basket. In Mauritius steam at 60 Ibs. per square inch pressure is led to the basket from the main steam pipe by means of a flexible hose ; the action of the steam is two-fold ; the elevation of temperature makes the molasses more limpid, and condensation of the steam and water already present dissolves out some crystal sugar. Superheated dry steam does not dissolve sugar, and hot air would have the the same effect, but some solution and temporary loss of sugar is necessary so as to entirely remove the film of molasses and to obtain a really high class article ; actually a massecuite which would give say 64 per cent, of raw sugar will give 50 per cent, of plantation refined. The sugar thus obtained remains in the basket as a hard compact mass and before bagging has to pass through a sugar breaker or mixer; dry sugar ' polarizing 99-7 ' at 28 C. may be obtained with this scheme. Classification of Syrups. When sugars are washed the last run- nings are of high purity and should be collected separately. One method consists of the use of two gutters as shown in Fig. 211 ; when the molasses ^ ^ proper is running it is directed to gutter b, the spout c being in the position shown ; when water or steam are being used the spout c is raised so as to occupy the position shown by the dotted lines and the runnings pass into the gutter a. Owing to the slowness with which mo- FIG. 211. lasses flow, only a very partial separation occurs. 280 THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. A large number of devices to obtain the separation of a rich and poor molasses have been patented ; the main idea is the interposition between the outer monitor casing and the wall of the basket of a partition removable at will ; when the effluent from the basket impinges on the partition it passes to one gutter, and when the partition is removed the effluent strikes the monitor casing and passes to a second gutter. Patterson's apparatus, which is but one of many recent inventions to this end, is shown in Fig. 212. It consists of two cones attached to the basket, top and bottom, so that their bases nearly meet in the centre. These cones AA deliver the molasses from the annular opening F, and not all over the casing like an ordinary centrifugal basket. Besides the usual gutter in the bottom, another narrow and deep gutter H is placed inside the casing for the FIG. 212. washings ; its top being below the level of the annular opening formed by the cones. A movable guard B suspended by four chains from an equal number of pulleys E controlled by a hand wheel 1) on the outside, hangs between the basket and the washings gutter. The weight of the movable guard is balanced by a spring attached to the hand wheel. Thick copper wire cloth suspended over the washings gutter prevents splashing ; the fixed guard M protects the gearing from * spill,' and the blocks P secure the apparatus in case of excessive oscillation. The centrifugal is charged and spun with the movable guard raised, as shown in Fig. 212. The molasses, caught on the cones attached to the basket, are at once discharged by the centrifugal force and conducted by the movable guard to the usual gutter in the bottom, leaving the cone surfaces clean and ready for immediate washing. When washing commences, the guard is 381 CANE SUGAR. lowered by the hand wheel out of range of the annulus, the washings are caught on the wire cloth and conducted out of the centrifugal by the special gutter. Another very complete but expensive process consists in the use of two sets of centrifugals in one of which the original molasses are removed ; the sugar is discharged, repugged with syrup, and again cured with water and steam washings ; the second purgings return to first sugar manufacture and the first purgings are treated separately. FIG. 213. Conveyance of Cured Sugar. In some instances the cured sugar is filled into bags directly from the baskets ; but in the majority of cases it is elevated to an upper floor of the factory, whence it is, after becoming partly air dried, directed down shoots into the bags in which it is packed, The elevator in most common use is shown in Fig. 213 ; it consists of an endless belt carrying a number of buckets ; the belt can be arranged to work at any angle ; the dry sugar is carried on one of the systems described below to the elevator, and falls directly into the buckets. 882 THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. The transport of the sugar from the centrifugals to the elevator is effected by means of a belt, a * grasshopper? or a spiral conveyor. Belt conveyors, which are but little used, consist merely of endless belts running on pulleys. The grasshopper conveyor, Fig. 21/j., is a suspended trough supported FIG. 214. on flexible inclined blades ; a to and fro motion is transmitted to the trough by means of a belt, pulley and connecting rod, whereby the sugar is jerked forward. The spiral conveyor, Fig. 215, consists of a trough in which rotates a steel spiral, the sugar being earned forward by the action of this screw. Of these systems, the writer prefers the grasshopper, as in the screw conveyors a certain loss occurs, due to crushing of the grains from the action of the screw. Where the sugar is bagged directly from the basket, the bags are carried to the storage room on an endless slat conveyor. Storage of Sugars. It is often necessary to store sugars for long periods, whereby deterioration sometimes occurs; the evidence connecting deterioration with bacterial action is collated in Chapter XXVI. It may be said that two postulates are necessary for deterioration, sufficient moisture and presence of bacteria. Deerr and Norris 2 found that with 1 per cent, of water FIG. 215. infected sugars did not suffer deterioration ; a 'factor oj safety ' due to the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. of Australia, and which has become widely known, is that the water should not be more than half the non-sugar, or when ,-TT; - 1 r- < '333, the sugar will not deteriorate. 100 polarization 383 CANE SUGAR. Although sugars may be dry on storing, they may take up water after- wards and in the presence of bacteria suffer loss. This deliquescence is due entirely to the film of molasses and is connected with the following causes ; to the presence of hygroscopic salts such as acetates occurring when stale or damaged or diseased canes are worked up or when an excess of lime has been used in the presence of much glucose ; to the presence of chlorides introduced from the soil or irrigation water, as was noticed by Wray so long ago as 1848 ; to decomposition products formed by overheating. Protection of the sugars can be partially obtained by the construction of a close and tight warehouse, and the use of an interior proof paper bag is also recommended in some quarters. In beet sugar districts stress is laid on packing the sugars only after thorough cooling and on an alkaline reaction ; this last cause cannot affect cane sugars since they are almost invariably acid as regards phenolphthalein. FIG. 216. Infection of Sugars. The studies of Lewton-Brain and Deerr 3 on Hawaiian sugars showed that the forms of bacteria met with are heat resistant and are not destroyed in the usual process of manufacture ; hence a juice originally infected will afford an infected sugar ; the possibility of obtaining sterile syrups, &c., is one of the points (in the writer's opinion) in favour of the use of superheat clarification. There are many other points of infection, of which the most prominent are the return of low grade sugars obtained from exposed coolers, and the use of dirty water at or about the centrifugals ; the tin pail so often seen as a receptacle for water, into which a filthy rag is dipped which then serves to wipe down the spindle and about the machine, is a source of infection which may result in serious deterioration. Here of all places absolute asepsis should be aimed at, an end approximately obtained by the use of condensed water continually renewed and not allowed to stand, combined with the application of formalin as a bactericide. 384 THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. Sugar Driers* Sugar driers are used to dry white plantation refined sugars and also find a use in drying the rather low grade sugars resulting from crystallization in motion schemes. A view of a form of drier is shown in Fig. 216 ; it consists of an inclined cylinder a a which is caused to revolve about a longitudinal axis, power being received from a belt at the pulleys b ; inside the cylinder are a number of shelves which throw the sugar about in passage ; the wet sugar enters through the shoot c and leaves at d ; hot air heated by passing over the steam heated coils at e passes through the cylinder and leaves at /under the influence of a fan. In the Hawaiian islands the sugar occupies about five minutes in its passage through the apparatus and reaches a temperature of about 180 F., the moisture falling from about 1'5 per cent, to about '5 per cent. Druelle Say Process. 4 However carefully the massecuite is boiled, a certain amount of fine grain is formed which passes through the cen- trifugal mesh ; this process aims at recovering this loss through the agency of filtration ; the molasses containing the fine grain are passed through filter presses of conventional design, the cake of fine grain which forms in the presses being dissolved in the thin juice. Experimental Study of Centrifugals. The various questions that arise with regard to the treatment of massecuite in the centrifugal have been carefully studied by Geerligs 5 . He determined first from actual factory experiments the yield in the same massecuite when boiled to different degrees of concentration and found that although more sugar separates out in close boiled than in more open boiled massecuite, the yield in crystals is not augmented, as more water is required to remove the more viscid molasses ; on the other hand, there is a limit to the amount of water which should be left ; he found the best results were obtained when the true water content was 8 per cent, to 9 per cent., corresponding to an apparent water content of 5 per cent, to 7 per cent. He found too, that when impure massecuites were cured hot, direct from the pan, practically the same amount of crystals was obtained as when cured cold, but that with pure raassecuites considerably more crystals were obtained when cured cold. This result is of course due to the sugar in the impure massecuite, when cooling, separating as small grain ; in the pure massecuite of less viscidity, to the sugar separating on grain already present. As a general rule the amount of sugar present as crystals is very much the same in all first massecuites of both high and low polarization, and it is the form and shape of the crystals that control the yield in the centrifugal. This point is of such interest that the following table due to Geerligs is reproduced here, where it will be plainly seen on inspection that the purer 385 25 CANE SUGAR. massecuites gave a larger yield, not because more sugar was present as crystals, but because a larger proportion of the crystals were recovered. Polariz- ation. Glucose. Water. Quotient of Purity. Crystal- lized Sugar. Sugar in the Syrup. Crystals obtained Crystals lost. Sugar obtained. Per cent. Per cent. 74-1 11-07 9-02 78-06 61-62 12-48 51-1 10-11 54-8 78-9 8-99 776 83-58 68-22 10-68 58-81 9-41 64-3 79-0 8-47 7-82 83-72 69-09 9-91 55-28 13-81 58-8 8M 6-93 9-2 87-23 66-96 14-14 60-0 6-96 62-85 84-1 4-81 8-11 88-62 67-81 16-29 64-1 3-71 66-1 84-2 3-20 9-77 90-28 64-13 20-07 62-01 2-12 67-5 84-8 2-74 8-23 88-93 62-93 21-87 59-46 3-47 3-40 86-7 1-83 7-58 93-45 67-10 19-60 66-80 0-30 74-1 That the size of the crystals has much to do with the removal of molasses is self-evident, when it is remembered that the larger the grain the less is the area of contact for the molasses, and consequently the latter are the more easily removed ; Geerligs demonstrated this by allowing syrup to drain from massecuites in which the size of the grain varied; his results are given below : Diameter of the grain m.m. 3-0 2-0 1-5 1-0 0-5 Syrup run off; grms. 300 265 200 115 20 Mixtures of 600 grms. sugar crystals and 400 grms. of syrup, as indicated above, were allowed to drain for three days, the larger the diameter of the- crystals the greater the quantity of syrup run off. This experiment has however a double interpretation, for the rate at which a syrup is desaccharified depends on the area of crystal surface in contact with molasses, so that apart from questions of purging, a small grain and large surface is often required ; the processes followed and kind of sugar produced are the factors which control the size of crystal to be made. The general rules for the treatment of massecuites may then be summarized. Impure massecuites with purity under, say, 80-81, give best results when not boiled too close and when cured hot ; purer massecuites may be boiled to a less water content and should be cured cold ; as even a grain a& possible should be made. This is a point where the skill of the pan boiler is shown, and is really of very great importance ; a juice which, in the hands of one pan boiler, gives a massecuite from which 56 per cent, to 58 per cent, of crystals are recovered may, when boiled by one more skilful, give a recovery of 60 per cent, to 62 per cent. 386 THE SEPARATION OF THE CRYSTALS. Composition of Sugars. The isolated examples of analyses often found quoted in text books are of little interest, as not necessarily denoting the average of the district whence they come. The figures published by the Java Experiment Station would indicate an average content of over 97 per cent, in the refining grades ; the per cent, of water is not stated. Hawaiian sugars are of similar polarization and contain about '8 per cent, water. Similar sugars are doubtless made in other progressive sugar districts; muscovados or common process sugars are of very variable quality, but about 90 per cent, sugar would be a fair average. Low sugars, i.e., under 95 polarization, have now a very restricted output. The other bodies present, glucose, ash and organic non-sugar, vary within wide limits ; in refining crystals neither the glucose nor ash often reach 1 per cent., bnt they amount to 2 per cent, and over in low grades. The plantation refined sugars, produced in quantity in Mauritius and Java and elsewhere,, often polarize as high as 99*6 at 30C., and are hence almost pure ; they contain only traces of ash, glucose, water, and organic non-sugar. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XVIII. 1. I.S.J., 98. 2. Bull. 21, Agric. H.S.P.A. 3. Bull. 9, Path. H.S.P.A. 4. I.8.J., 99. 5. 8. C. y 390. 387 CHAPTER XIX. MOLASSES. Geerligs' Theory of Molasses.* The chief factor in the formation of molasses was formerly considered to be the viscidity of the syrups preventing free movement of the sugar molecules ; this theory fitted in with the knowledge that in heet molasses the sugar content was higher than in a saturated aqueous solution containing the same amount of water; in cane molasses the reverse is generally the case. This observation is alone sufficient to invalidate the older theory, known as the mechanical theory of the formation of the molasses. The whole subject has been the object of a classical research by Geerligs 1 . Geerligs introduces his subject by a discussion of the methods of analysis of molasses, and shows 1. The method of direct polarization gives results that may be too high or too low. 2. Clerget's method gives results agreeable with those obtained by deter- minations of glucose before and after inversion. 3. The glucose present has a lower levo-rotation than that due to pure invert sugar. 4. The glucose present is not inactive at 88 C., the temperature at which the activity of invert sugar vanishes. Of earlier experimenters Gerard and Laborde 2 and also Miintz and Hulze 3 found glucose from cane sugar inactive ; Gunning 4 and Meissl 5 found the rotation of glucose in cane molasses the same as for invert sugar. Herzfeld 6 and Wehne 7 found the glucose to consist of varying quantities of dextrose and levulose. The last result is the one to which Geerligs came ; in his results it is always the dextrose which is present in the greater propor- tion, and accordingly it is quite possible for the mixture to be optically inactive. After having made complete analyses of a number of molasses, * When "Sugar and the Sugar Cane" was published, Geerligs' theory was only to be found described in journals ; since then he has detailed his theory in his treatise 'Cane Sugar and its Manufacture ' to which reference may be made for a complete account. 388 MOLASSES. Geerligs reviews the results of earlier investigators. Marschall 8 determined the effect of the presence of salts that occur in beet molasses on the solubility of sugar ; he found that sugar was more soluble in the presence of either acetate, butyrate, carbonate or citrate of potash, but that all other salts had no effect, or diminished the solubility. Felz 9 adhered to the mechanical theory, holding that the viscidity of molasses prevented crystallization; this mechanical theory is not accepted by Geerligs who found that the maximum amount of sugar crystallized out from solutions made thick with glue or agar-agar, the viscosity being much greater than in molasses. Gunning 4 formed artificial molasses by admixture of pure sugar and solutions of alkaline organic salts ; he found that potash salts formed with sugar syrupy combinations which did not crystallize, and deduced the formation of a saccharate of potash; he gave 6-1 as the molasses-forming coefficient of potash, i.e., one part of potash (as KOH) prevents 6'1 parts sugar from crystallizing; for acetate of potash the figure would be 1-5 allowing only half the potash to affect the sugar, the other portion remaining as an acid salt. It had been previously stated by nearly all writers that glucose was melassigenic; the coefficient had been placed by Pellet 10 at 0'60, by Flourens 11 at between 0*30 and 1-0, Degener 12 declaring that glucose had no direct melassigenic property but that the acid products of its decomposition inverted sugar. Geerligs made a series of experiments to test this statement. As a source of glucose he used honey in which the dextrose and levulose are present in about the same proportion as in molasses ; he thus was able to prepare a series of solutions in which the water and sugar were constant but the glucose varied from nothing up to 25 grms. ; the sugar present was always 25 grms. and the water 7'5 grms. It was found that the sugar crystallizing out was always the same and that the glucose had no effect and hence was not melassigenic. Geerligs next tried the effect of the presence of acetate of potash and the combined effect of this salt and glucose ; he found that one part of acetate of potash per 25 of sugar had no effect, with two parts the effect was noticeable, and was very marked with five parts ; but when one part acetate of potash and ten parts glucose were present per 25 parts sugar the combined effect was anti-melassigenic, i.e., more sugar crystallized out than from water alone, and it was not till five parts acetate of potash and ten parts glucose were present that the combined effect was melassigenic. In later papers on the subject Geerligs returns to the effect of glucose on the crystalliza- tion of sugar and suggests that glucose forms with organic potassium salts easily soluble syrupy bodies which absorb water and render the proportion of sugar to water lower than normal; this point is entirely supported by his analyses when the ratio of glucose to alkalinity of the ash as potash is considered, the alkalinity of the ash as potash being a measure of the organic salts present, such a salt as acetate of potash giving on incineration carbonate 389 CANE SUGAR. of potash. As a general and well-marked rule, Geerligs found that when the ratio of glucose to alkalinity is low, i.e., when there is much glucose and little alkalinity, the solubility of sugar in molasses is greater than when the reverse is the case. A further point brought out by the analyses is that when a large proportion of undetermined constituents occurred the solubility of the sugar was low, the undetermined bodies being probably substances of similar constitution to glucose and acting in the same way. To further test the results found on a study of natural molasses Geerligs formed artificial molasses out of sugar, purified honey and various salts ; the salts employed were the acetates of potash, soda and lime, the apoglucinates* of the same bases, inorganic salts such as the chlorides and sulphates, and mixtures of organic and inorganic salts. The method of experiment was that the calculated quantities of sugar, honey, salt and water were put into large flasks, sterilized at 100 C., plugged with cotton wool and allowed to crystallize. The following results were obtained : solutions with acetates only produced no inversion, those with apoglucinates produced little inversion ; solutions with inorganic salts always inverted and the inversion was greatest when the quantity of glucose was greatestf ; when organic salts and inorganic salts were present the inversion was much less than in the immediately preceding case. The results already obtained with regard to the solubility of sugar in the presence of other bodies were completely confirmed and in addition it was found that the sugar-precipitating power of the organic salts was greatest in the order lime, potash, soda. The inversion of sugar by the combined effect of glucose and salts was then investigated ; it was found that glucose per se had no inverting effect but that in the presence of salts, organic or otherwise, it had. Geerligs explains these experimental phenomena in these words, ' ... the entire action of molasses forming is explained by the assumption that loth sugar and glucose, and those products of decomposition of the latter which resemble caramel, have a tendency to combine with the bases of the salts, and hence to a certain extent act as acids.'* This statement is in entire accord with the theories of Van't Hoff expressed symbolically as Glucose -f- Salt "^I^L Glucosate -f- Acid i.e., if glucose and salt occur together in solution they are mutually to a certain extent dissociated ; the same equation holds equally for saccharose. In accordance with this equation, if saccharose and an organic salt are present together, they are both to a certain extent dissociated, and the saccharose forms with the base a very soluble hygroscopic compound, and hence is explained the abnormal solubility of sugar in beet molasses, which contain but little glucose. When glucose is present along with saccharose, the glucose * The decomposition products formed on heating glucose with lime, t cf. Article 'Inversion,' in Chapter XIII. 390 MOLASSES. possessing an aldehyde group is more readily split up, and forms with the bases similar compounds to the above, and extracting water has the effect of lowering the solubility of saccharose, as is the case in cane molasses. When the car- bonatation process is used the glucose is in great part destroyed, and saccharose is found more soluble in carbonatation than in defecation molasses. When glucose and an organic salt are present their mutual dissociation forms free acid and causes inversion, but the inverting power of organic acids being small the inversion is not great. When glucose and an inorganic salt are present the same reaction occurs, and the inversion is greater for the reverse reason. When glucose, organic and inorganic salts are present, the combined effect is chiefly that due to the organic salt, and the effect of the inorganic salt is modified. The causes tending towards the formation of molasses may be summarized 1. The presence of non-sugar requiring water for its removal, such water carrying away sugar. 2. The formation of molecular compounds consisting of sugar and organic salts, chiefly potash salts. 3. Inversion under the influence of acids as when working with phos- phoric acid and under the combined influence of glucose and salts, chiefly inorganic salts. 4. An excess of lime acting on glucose, originally present and giving rise to organic salts, which then act as in (2) and (3). 5. Viscosity of syrups resulting in formation of fine grain which passes through the centrifugal. 6. Careless pan boiling, resulting in fine grain, requiring much water in the centrifugals. As tending to prevent the formation of molasses Geerligs indicates but does not recommend the use of baryta, inclining more to the car- bonation process, and when the usual defecation process is used he recommends one to 1. Use as little lime as possible in defecation but of course enough to get a good clarification. 2. Prevent by rapid working and cleanliness every source of acidity, because if juices get sour they require fresh quantities of lime to neutralize the acid and therefore fresh quantities of salts are produced. 3. If any excess of lime has been used, remove it by the use of phos- phoric or sulphurous acids which decompose some of the organic acids and precipitate the lime. 391 CANE SUGAR. 4. Extract the salts from the after-products by putting the latter under water. The decomposition of glucose in the carbonation process gives rise to large quantities of organic salts and hence in carbonation molasses the sugar solubility is high ; this is counterbalanced by the less quantity of molasses formed. In later papers on the same subject Geerligs 13 defines molasses as "a hydrated combination between sugars and salts, which can not be broken up by evaporation, and therefore cannot give off sugar in a crystallized form." He regards the proportion of sugar in molasses as controlled chiefly by the reducing sugars present and writes "There is no question of the solubility of sucrose at all, but only of the composition of a combination which contains on an average 55 per cent, sugar, 25 per cent, salts, and 20 per cent, water. If there is a big proportion of reducing sugar in that portion of 55 per cent., then there is little left for the sucrose ; if on the contrary the percentage of glucose is small, the syrupy combination contains much sucrose. "It is evident that in my theory there is no place left for negative molasses-formers ; the non-sugars, especially salts, combine with sugars and it depends entirely on the mutual relation of sucrose and reducing sugars whether much or little reducing sugars will enter into the combination." Hawaiian Molasses. Peck 14 examined a number of Hawaiian molasses and did not find any relation to obtain between glucose and ash; he observed however that molasses containing much sucrose also con- tained much gum. By gum Peck means the residue obtained after breaking up the lead precipitate by hydrogen sulphide, filtering off the precipitate of lead sulphide and evaporating the filtrate to dryness ; he showed that molasses purified by precipitation of the gums with alcohol on concentration afforded a notable crop of crystals. It does not follow that the bodies precipitated by lead and by alcohol are the same, and indeed Hazewinkel 17 has shown that the lead precipitate consists largely of organic lead salts, so that much lead precipitate implies also much organic acid and hence in Geerligs' theor}' a high solubility of sucrose; further along with the gums precipitated by alcohol much ash also comes down and the crystallization of sugar may have been due (in part at least) to the removal of the ash. Composition Of Molasses. The only detailed series of analyses of molasses according to district of origin with which the writer is acquainted are those due to Geerligs in Java and to Peck in Hawaii ; between these there does not appear much difference and in a very rough way molasses may be regarded as a material containing about 20 per cent, water, 30 per cent, sugar and very variable quantities of reducing sugars, ash, organic acids, caramel and 392 MOLASSES. gums. The composition of the molasses is of course controlled by the initial composition of the juice and this point, as regards the sugar content of the molasses, is discussed in greater detail below. Actually the limits of the com- position of molasses may be put down as Water 15 per cent. 25 per cent. ; total solids 75 per cent. 85 per cent. ; sucrose 25 per cent. 40 per cent. ; reducing sugars 5 per cent. 30 per cent. ; ash 7 per cent. 15 per cent. ; gums 5 per cent. 3 per cent. ; organic non-sugar 10 per cent. 20 per cent. ; purity 35 to 50. The lower amounts of reducing sugars are found in the Hawaiian Islands where the juices are exceptionally pure and contain very little reducing sugars in the juices, sometimes as low as '2 per cent. ; the higher amounts are found in Louisiana and Demerara molasses where the reducing sugars in the juices may rise to 2 per cent, or more ; other districts will have intermediate quantities. Exceptionally low purities of 20 or under are sometimes reported in Louisiana, but Browne, 15 who has had exceptional opportunity to examine such molasses, has stated that these are due to inversion or to errors of analysis. The Bearing of Glucose on the Sucrose Content of Molasses. In constructing his theory of molasses Geerligs made certain experiments the results of which, he thus summarizes, " . . show that glucose of itself possesses no molasses-forming power, nor can it serve to make more sugar crystallize out." Accepting, then, that glucose is an in- different body its effect on molasses can be algebraically developed as under. Molasses of whatever origin are of composition, water 20 per cent., solids 80 per cent. ; a typical beet sugar molasses obtained in the absence of glucose is of composition, sugar 45 per cent., solids not sugar 35 per cent., water 20 per cent. ; to such a molasses let 20 parts of an indifferent body, such as glucose, be added; the mixture will now be of Brix (80 X 20) -j- 120 = 83'33; let x be the amount of water to be added to reduce the Brix to 80 ; then 120 4- x ~ 2 ' w ^ ence x 5< The new f rme( l mixture will, when reduced to 80 Brix, be of composition, sugar 36 per cent., glucose 16 per cent., non- sugars 28 per cent., water 20 per cent., purity 45 ; such a composition is that of a typical cane molasses. Proceeding on this argument the following table of the composition of molasses is capable of construction, beet molasses of the composition given above being taken as a basis of calculation ; to this molasses quantities of glucose 3, 5, 7 &c., per 100 original molasses being added, and the composition of the mixture being then calculated back to 80 Brix. 393 CANE SUGAR. Glucose added per 100 original molasses Sugar per cent. Glucose per cent. Non- sugars per cent. Water per cent. Sugars per cent. Purity. Glucose, Non- sugars. 45-0 35-0 20-0 45-0 56'2 3 43-4 2-9 33-7 20-0 46-3 54-2 08 5 42-3 4-7 32-9 20-0 47-0 52-9 14 7 41-4 6-4 32-2 20-0 47-8 51-7 20 10 40-0 9-0 31-0 20-0 49-0 50-0 29 12 39-1 10-4 30-4 20-0 49-5 48-9 34 14 38-3 11-9 29-8 20-0 50-2 47-9 40 16 37-4 13-3 29-3 20-0 51-1 46-7 46 18 36-7 14-7 28-6 20-0 51-4 45-9 51 20 36-0 16-0 28-0 20-0 52-0 45-0 58 24 34-6 18-4 26-9 20-0 53-0 43-2 68 28 33-3 20-7 25-9 20-0 54-0 41-6 80 32 32-1 22-9 25-0 20-0 55-0 40-1 92 36 31-0 24-8 24-1 20-0 55-8 38-9 1-03 40 30-0 26-7 23-3 20-0 56-7 37-5 1-14 44 29-0 28-3 22-6 20-0 57'3 36-2 1-25 48 28-1 30-0 21-9 20-0 58-1 35-1 1-37 52 27-2 31-5 21-2 20-0 58-7 34-0 1-48 56 26-1 32-9 20-2 20-0 59-7 32-6 1-66 64 25-0 35-5 19-4 20-0 60-5 31-2 1-83 72 23-7 37-9 18-4 20-0 61-6 29-6 2-06 80 22-5 40-0 17-5 20-0 62-5 28-1 2-28 88 21-4 41-9 16-7 20-0 63-3 26-7 2-50 96 20-5 43-6 15-9 20-0 64-1 25-6 2-74 The Addition of Glucose not a Precipitant of Cane Sugar. The idea has unfortunately come about in many quarters that Geerligs' theory of molasses implies that the addition of glucose will cause sugar to crystallize ; there is no ground for this deduction anywhere in his theory. High glucose certainly implies a low purity in molasses but at the same time the addition of glucose will lower the initial purity of the juice; the fallacy of this deduction can be best shown by an actual example. 394 MOLASSES. Following on the previous sections a juice containing 14 per cent, sugar, 2 per cent, non-sugar and no glucose will give a molasses of 56'2 purity ; the initial purity of the juice is 87 '5 ; applying the formula for available sugar (Chapter XXV.) in its simplest form, namely, extraction ="^7} 7 ; the sugar t/ \ / to be obtained is 81*6 per cent. Now to this juice let one part of glucose be added; the juice will now be of purity 82-35 and molasses of purity 47*50 maybe expected; the extraction will now be 80-6 per cent., a lower result than obtained before the addition of the glucose. If, however, instead of glucose solids not sugar be added, a purity of 56-2 may be expected and with initial purity of 82'35 an extraction of 72'5 will result. This calculation goes to show that of all the impurities present in a cane juice the glucose is the least harmful, but that its addition lowers the possible recovery. Geerligs' theory has even been distorted us implying that inversion of part of "the sugar would increase the yield; it is hard to see how such a meaning could be read into it. The Glucose : Non- Sugar Ratio. According to the position taken up by the writer, the purity of the waste molasses is controlled by the glucose : non-sugar ratio, and as the proportion of glucose increases so also does the total sum of the sucrose and glucose. With beet sugar molasses where glucose is not present, the sucrose amounts to about 45 per cent, and such a condition is sometimes found approximately in the Hawaiian Islands : where as often happens, in Java for example, the glucose or non-sugar are in approx- imately equal proportions, the sum of the sucrose and glucose amounts to about 55, a figure which may rise to 60 and over in the juices resulting from extra tropical canes found in Louisiana and from sea level equatorial canes as found in Demerara. No absolute concordance can be expected, as the effect of the nature of the non-sugar is very great ; concurrently, as shown in Geerligs' theory, with the presence of much organic potassium salts a high purity is to be expected ; this observation is in line with Peck's analyses where he found much lead precipitate correlated with a high purity since Hazewinkel 17 has shown that the lead precipitate consists largely of organic salts. The following table of analyses of Hawaiian molasses by Peck and Deerr wherein all the analyses are calculated to a water content of 20 per cent, does not show the regularity to be expected from the above line of reasoning. Certainly with high glucose the sum total of the sugars tends to increase but the purities do not correspond, and indeed the last three analyses quoted, where a high purity might be expected due to the low glucose, have purities below the average. The nature of the solids not sugars probably exercises a big 395 CANE SUGAR. influence, although when these are kept constant as already shown a fair agreement follows; all that can be said is that a high initial glucose non- sugar ratio probably will result in molasses of low purity, the reverse also holding. Viscosity as affecting Molasses Formation. Geerligs found that sugar crystallization was the same in a medium thickened with agar-agar ; viscosity, however, tends towards sugar losses, as in viscous media the crystals formed are small and to obtain free purging a lower concentration is required; these causes are really outside the matters discussed above which refer to a saturated molasses free from fine grain. Recovery of Sugar from Molasses. So far as the writer is aware the schemes used to some extent in beet sugar factories are not employed in cane sugar factories ; they are, however, touched on below. Sugar. Glucose. Non-Sugar. Water. Sugar and Glucose. Purity. Glucose : Non-Sugar. 36-6 22-9 20-5 20-0 59-5 45-7 1-12 31-5 17-9 30-8 20-0 59-2 38-9 58 4M 14-8 24-1 20-0 55-9 51-1 61 40-3 15-4 24-3 20-0 55-7 50-4 63 42-3 13-3 24-4 20-0 55-6 52-9 54 34-5 20-8 24-7 20-0 55-3 43-2 84 35-1 19-9 25-0 20-0 55-0 43-9 79 37-0 17-4 25-6 20-0 54-4 46-2 68 39-2 14-7 26-1 20-0 53-9 49-6 56 36-6 16-9 26-5 20-0 53-5 45-7 63 35-3 18-0 26-7 20-0 53-3 44-1 67 43-9 6-8 29-3 20-0 50-7 54-9 23 35-2 15-0 29-8 20-0 50-2 43-9 61 32-6 17-4 30-0 20-0 50-0 40-7 58 35-8 13-6 30-6 20-0 49-4 44-7 44 34-6 14-3 31-1 20-0 48-9 43-2 46 38-4 10-4 31-2 20-0 48-8 45-5 33 35-5 13-0 31-5 20-0 48-5 44-4 41 41-7 6-4 31-9 20-0 48-1 52-1 20 37-2 9'1 33-7 20-0 46-3 46-3 27 37-4 8-9 33-7 20-0 46-3 46-7 26 33-7 11-2 35-1 20-0 44-9 42-1 32 37-4 16-8 25-8 20-0 44-2 46-7 65 32-3 10-9 36-8 20-0 43-2 40-4 30 36-9 6 : 2 36-9 20-0 43-1 46-1 17 34-9 7-2 38-9 20-0 42-1 43-6 19 32-3 8-8 38-9 20-0 41-1 40-4 23 396 MOLASSES. Osmosis. It follows from the above sections that if the salts could be removed from an exhausted molasses, the conditions of solubility of the sugar would be altered and a further portion would be capable of crystallization. About 1850 a method of effecting this was worked out by Dubrunfaut. The principle of his process known as osmosis is as follows : If a concentrated solu- tion of any soluble body be separated from a weaker solution or from water by a semi-porous membrane, such as parchment, the two solutions will pass through the membrane until they are of the same concentration. The rate at which this osmosis or diffusion takes place is not the same for all bodies ; inorganic salts such as potassium chloride diffuse much faster than sugar ; hence if a solution of molasses be separated by a parchment membrane from water, a greater proportion of salts will pass through the membrane in a given time than sugar. An osmogene is an apparatus to effect this separation ; it consists of a structure similar to a filter press in which are held a series of wooden frames, shown in elevation in Fig. 217. Between each frame are placed sheets of Q/' 0-"' FIG. 217. parchmentized paper, pierced at the angles to correspond with the apertures shewn at A, B, C, D, and at A', B/, C', D', in Fig. 217. At b and c in the one frame, and at a and d in the other, are small channels establishing commu- nication with the interior of the frame. If, then, water enters at B and molasses at D, the water will flow along the canal formed by the openings B and into the interior of the frames by the channels b, and the molasses will similarly flow by way of D and d'. The water will discharge itself along the canal formed by the openings C and c, and the molasses along that formed by the openings A l and a '. There is thus a continual flow of molasses and water separated by a sheet of parchment. The water which leaves the apparatus now charged with a proportion of molasses is called water of exosinose, and it contains roughly about half the salts originally present in the molasses. Although this process has been largely used in times past and is still to a certain extent employed in beet sugar factories it is financially unsuccessful ; the large size of the osmogenes required (500 square feet diffusion surface only 397 ; SUGAR. being sufficient to treat three tons of molasses in twenty-four hours), the extreme dilution of the osmosed molasses, the expense of evaporation, and the small extra yield of sugar entirely discounting the monetary value of the process. Substitution Processes. The Steffen and Scheibler substitution processes although they are not worked in cane sugar factories deserve a passing notice. With bases cane sugar acts as a weak acid and forms saccharates, those of potassium, lime, strontia, baryta, lead and iron having been studied. With baryta only one saccharate is known: 12 H 22 1 jBaO j it is formed as a crystalline precipitate when a mixture of a solution of baryta and sugar is heated ; it dissolves in 41 parts of water at 15 C. With strontia two saccharates are formed; on mixing two molecular proportions of strontia with one of sugar in a boiling solution the bibasic saccharate C 12 H 22 11 2SrO. results and on cooling this body decomposes into the monobasic saccharate C 12 H 22 11 SrO and strontia. With lime, four saccharates are formed ; the monobasic saccharate C 12 H 22 11 CaOH 2 is formed by mixing molecular proportions of lime and sugar. This body is soluble in the cold, and is precipitated from aqueous solution by alcohol. The bibasic saccharate is formed by mixing a double molecular proportion of lime with one of sugar. It is soluble in 33 times its weight of cold water. The sesquisaccharate 2C 12 H 22 11 3CaO is obtained by pouring an excess of milk of lime into a dilute solution of sugar and evaporating to dry ness. If a solution of the bibasic saccharate be boiled it is decomposed, giving the tribasic saccharate sugar and the bibasic form. On these reactions are based the commercial processes for the extraction of sugar from exhausted molasses. The first processes were those of Scheibler (1865) and Seyferth (1872). In them molasses and slaked or quicklime were intimately mixed in a pug mill, and the resulting magma of saccharate and molasses washed with alcohol to remove the salts and organic non-sugar, and the purified saccharate mixed with the juice and carbonated. Many mechanical improvements were introduced by Bodenbender and Manoury, the former obtaining the saccharate 398 MOLASSES. in the form of cakes and the latter as grains. In both cases denaturated alcohol (duty free) is used, the alcohol being recovered for use. Over 90 per cent, of the sugar in the molasses is extracted at an average cost of 2s. for every 100 Ibs. of molasses treated. The original substitution process of Steffen eliminates the use of alcohol and is based on the behaviour on boiling of the mono- and bibasic lime saccharates. The five operations in the process are : 1 . Formation of a soluble bibasic saccharate in the cold. 2. Transformation of the bibasic saccharate into sugar and insoluble tribasic saccharate by boiling. 3. Separation by filtration of the tribasic saccharate. 4. Regeneration of the mother liquors by the addition of fresh molasses. 5. Periodic reduction of the mother liquors. In outline the different processes are worked as follows : 1. Molasses diluted to 11- 12 Balling are mixed with continual agitation with powdered quicklime in the proportion of one part sugar to one of lime ; the mixture is then filtered to remove scums. 2. The filtrate is heated for ten minutes in autoclaves to a temperature of 105C. 3. The tribasic saccharate formed in (2) is filtered, the cakes washed with boiling water, and the saccharate employed in place of lime in treating the raw juice. 4. The mother liquors coming from (3) are used to dilute a further quantity of molasses to a sugar content of 6 per cent. 5. After a time the mother liquors are so charged with impurities as to render them too impure to return ; they are then treated separately, two operations sufficing to almost completely exhaust them. The mother liquors are returned about 25-30 times, after which the process commences afresh. The cost of this process is only about Is. per 100 Ibs. of molasses, a recovery of over 90 per cent, of the sugar in molasses being obtained. The second more recent process of Steffen considerably modifies and simplifies the above process. It consists of three parts : 1 . Preparation of a very pure finely divided quicklime. 2. Formation of a tribasic saccharate insoluble in the cold. 3. Extraction and purification of the saccharate. In preparing the quicklime, a very pure non-siliceous limestone is selected which is burned out of contact with the fuel (see Chapter XI ) ; the burnt lime is broken up in a stone-breaker and passed through a series of sieves to obtain it in the necessary fine state of sub-division. 399 CANE SUGAR. In the second operation the molasses diluted to a density of 10- 12 Brix are cooled down to a temperature lying between C. and 13 C., generally to one of 6 0., and quicklime added in small quantities about 10 Ibs. at a time until 210 parts of lime are added per 100 of sugar; during the whole operation the molasses are continually agitated and the tem- perature is not allowed to rise above 13C. ; at the end of the process, which lasts about three-quarters of an hour, there is obtained a pasty mass, consisting of a mixture of tribasic saccharate and slaked lime. The third operation consists 'of separating the saccharate by nitration and washing with cold water ; the nitrate which contains practically all the im- purities is rejected, the washings being used to dilute a further quantity of molasses; the purified saccharate is either used in place of lime on raw juices or is treated separately by carbonation. The cost of working this process is only about half that required for the older Steifen process. The discovery of large deposits of strontianite in "Westphalia opened the way to the use of this material in extracting sugar from molasses. Two processes both due to Scheibler are in use. 1. Bibasic Process. In this process three equivalents of strontia to one of sugar are added to a hot diluted molasses, and the saccharate which forms is separated from the mother liquors by nitration and washed with a 10 per cent, solution of strontia; all these operations are done when still warm. In order to decompose the saccharate, it is placed in vessels set up in a battery through which is passed water at a temperature of from 4C. to 15C., the water containing 2 per cent, of strontia; by these means the bibasic body is decomposed into the monobasic body and strontia ; this operation takes about forty-eight hours. A solution of sugar still containing strontia passes out of the diff users and is treated by carbonation. 2. Monobasic Process. In this process a solution of strontia is mixed with molasses, the temperature not being allowed to rise above 20C. ; the monobasic body formed is separated by_filtration and treated to a carbona- tion process. The Disposal of Molasses. By sale as suck. In certain places the sale of molasses to distillers or for direct consumption forms a part of the routine ; in some cases, particularly in the muscovado process followed in Barbados, this procedure is very profitable since fancy prices are still to be obtained for these grades of molasses. Considered from the point of view of the agricultural chemist, nothing can be said in favour of this scheme as it entails the absolute removal from the soil of much valuable plant food, particularly in the form of potash. With the very pure juices found in the Hawaiian Islands the molasses amount to about 20 per cent, of the sugar shipped, a figure rising to as much as 40 per cent, in the case of the impure 400 MOLASSES. juices found in Demerara, and elsewhere; molasses on an average contain about 4 per cent, of potash, so that the sale of the molasses implies the removal from the soil of from 18 to 36lbs. potash per ton of sugar shipped. Sale as Cattle Food. The sale of molasses as cattle food was originated on the large scale by Mr. O. Hughes, who observed that the finely divided interior pith of the cane was capable of absorbing large quantities of molasses, affording a product which could be shipped in bags ; this product was put on the market under the name of ' molascuit.' The manufacture of this article requires plant of a very simple nature, which is generally capable of being placed so as to fit in with existing arrangements. The method of manufacture in a certain West Indian factory is described below. The megass, before the manufacture of molascuit was started, discharged itself from a scraper elevator on to the cross carrier which conveyed the megass in front of the furnaces ; a sifter of one-eighth inch mesh and of 8 ft. X 4 ft. dimensions was interposed between the elevator and cross carrier ; the megass fell on to this sifter to which an oscillating motion was given by an eccentric driven off a convenient engine ; in the passage of the megass along the sifter to the cross carrier a number of the finer particles fell through and these were directed down a shoot on to the flue wall of the boilers. The brickwork on the top of the flue was replaced by sheet-iron plates and a drying surface obtained for the megass; after the megass had been dried it was again sifted through a sifter of mesh one thirty^second of an inch. Kefuse molasses was mixed with the doubly sifted megass powder in the pro- portion of seventy parts of molasses to thirty parts of megass ; the molasses were concentrated to 85 Brix before mixing and a much more even product was obtained when hot molasses were used ; before bagging, the molascuit was allowed to cool ; the mixing was performed in a * Carter ' kneading machine. The double sifting is of importance so as to eliminate the larger particles of megass, especially splinters, consisting of the hard and indigestible outer rind. In other installations more elaborate machinery is employed, and in large plants the use of a drier similar to those used for drying sugar would be advisable both for the megass and for the final product. The keeping qualities of the product depend very largely on the extent to which it is dried. Molasses feeds are not a complete food and are very deficient in proteid, the percentage of nitrogen being only about '15 percent. ; hence they require supplementing with other material, especially in the case of working animals. In Mauritius the seeds of an acacia-like shrub, Luccena glauca, are used in com- bination with molasses, and in Louisiana the ration of molasses is frequently balanced with cotton seed meal. T. U. Walton 18 advises a ration of 151bs. of molasses to a 1,270 Ib. horse, and states that for working horses this quantity has no undue fattening effect, that the salts in this quantity of molasses are not deleterious, and that sugar is generally an efficient substitute for starch. 401 26 OANE SUGAR. Cotton Seed Blood, Meal, Corn, Cereal. Corn, Oats. Oats. Molasses. Molasses. Molasses, Extracted Rice, Bran. Molasses. Megass. Molasses, 15-38 . . 11-90 .. 12-23 . . 8-40 . . 13-98 1-11 .. 3-15 . . 2-30 .. 0-83 .. 0-90 9'52 . . 6-27 . . 7-79 . . 9-70 .. 511 12-98 .. 14-30 .. 12-78 . . 13-00 .. 5-64 16-13 .. 12-75 .. 6-41 . . 14-00 1-94 15-01 . . 21-65 .. 19-43 . . 5-50 . . 55-94 29-87 29-98 39-06 . 48-56 16-49 The following analyses of molasses feeds are due to Browne 19 : Water Fat Ash ', \/ .. .. Fibre . . ...... Protein Sugars Other carbohydrates. Manufacture of Alcohol. In the West Indies and the Argentine generally, and often in Peru, Natal, and Australia, the distillery forms an integral part of the sugar factory, a potable spirit known as rum being manu- factured in large quantities. The sale of alcohol leaves all the fertilizing elements in molasses available for return to the soil, and hence this scheme has much in its favour. At the time of writing (1910) the anticipated large production of denatured alcohol from molasses in the U.S.A. has not taken place. Use as Fuel. Molasses are occasionally used as fuel to supplement that afforded by the megass ; if the ashes are returned to the soil a portion of the plant food is recovered but the nitrogen is lost for immediate use. The fuel value of molasses is discussed in Chapter XX. Return to Soil. On irrigated plantations molasses can be returned to the soil at small expense ; in Mauritius they are often incorporated with the composts of manure. Ebbels and Fanque 20 have produced evidence that the sugar in the molasses aids the nitrogen-fixing organisms in their work, resulting in an increase in the nitrogen content of the soil, and in increased crops. Their results are extremely suggestive and are a strong argument in favour of this method of disposal, but more evidence is required as to the specific action of sucrose and glucose upon the nitrifying, denitrifying and ammonifying organisms of the soil before the indiscriminate use of molasses can be recommended. Boname 21 has also detailed the results of experiments showing that the effect of molasses is greater than might be expected from its composition ; he mentions that in Mauritius a litre of molasses (3 Ibs.) is often applied to each cane hole (3000 holes to an acre) and states that this amount might be decreased with advantage so as to spread the available supply over large areas. On the other hand experiments made by Peck 22 have shown that the continued addition of glucose to soil bacteria in vitro retards the activity of the nitrifying and ammonifying organisms and accelerates that of the denitrifying races. 402 MOLASSES. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XIX. 1. S. C. 284-292; 311-313. 2. Zeits. fur Ruben., 1876, 399. 3. 1878, 735. 4. Saccharimetrie in accijns. 5. Zeits. fur Ruben., 1879, 1040. 6. ,, 1885, 967. 7. 1888, 785. 8. ,, ,, 1870, 339; 1871, 97. 9. ,, ,, 1870, 337; 1871, 167. 10. 1879, 806. 11. Jour. des. Fab. de Sucre, 1880, 40. 12. Zeits. fur Ruben., 1881, 514. 13. I. S. J., 113-114. 14. Bull. 18, Ayric. H.S.P.A. 15. Bull. Assoc., 1897, 1086. 17. Arch., 1908, 53. 18. H. P. M., Sept., 1905. 19. L. P. xxxiv., 236. 20. Jour. des. Fab. de Sucre, 1909, 2. 21. Annual Report. Stat. Agron. Mauritius, 1909. 22. Bull 34, Agric. H.S.P.A. 403 CHAPTEE XX. MEGASS AS FUEL. The battery of boilers and its connections form one of the most important parts of any factory, and are of peculiar interest in a sugar works, in view of the evaporation produced by the steam here generated, in addition to that required to supply motive power for the engines ; efforts to economize steam within the factory are in great part useless unless economy is also practised in the combustion of the fuel. The subject of boilers, as such, is a special one of its own, and its discussion is quite outside the limits of a work such as the present ; only a few points of special interest in the sugar factory are here mentioned. Boilers. In general boilers may be divided into a number of classes, such as external and internal fired boilers ; the Lancashire, Cornish and marine boilers fall into the latter class, and these are quite unsuited for use with megass and other low grade fuels. All boilers used with such fuels are externally fired, and are (in comparison with coal and fuel oil fired boilers) provided with large external combustion chambers. The boilers in use in sugar factories are almost entirely of the multi- tubular class, and these are divided into the smoke tube type, where the heated gases circulate within the tubes, and the water tube where they pass externally to the tubes. The Smoke Tube Multitubular. The smoke tube multitubular boiler consists of a cylindrical shell of length usually not less than twice the diameter; sizes 14ft. x 7ft., or 12ft. X 6ft are frequently met with. The boilers erected at the Puunene Mill of the Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar ompany are 20 ft. X 7 ft., and this size is commonly used in the Hawaiian Islands ; so great a length is objected to by some engineers on the ground that the part of the boiler remote from the furnace is very ineffective, but the results in fuel economy in the Hawaiian Islands .are such as to leave no doubt in the writer's opinion that such objections are ill-founded. In the end plates of the shell are drilled a number of holes into which are expanded tubes, generally about four inches in diameter ; these tubes form the greater part of the heating surface. A boiler seven feet in diameter will have about 120 such tubes, and if fourteen feet long will have approximately 1,800 square feet of heating surface ; increasing the length to 20 feet will give a heating surface of 2,600 square feet. 404 MEG-ASS AS FUEL. The Water Tube Multitubular. In the water tube multitu- bular boiler the water is contained within the tubes, the products of combustion circulating without the tubes. The forms of water tube boilers most frequently met with in sugar factories are the Babcock & "Wilcox, the Stirling, the Climax, the Hazleton and the Porcupine boilers. Water tube boilers have been largely erected in Demerara, in Cuba, and in the West Indies ; in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Java, however, the practice has tended towards the smoke tube multitubular, although water tubes are not uncommon in those districts. 405 CANE SUGAR. Choice of a Boiler for a Sugar Factory. Many years ago the late Hugo Jelinek wrote : " In a sugar factory, a type of boiler is to be chosen which has a large water capacity, so as to have always a provision of heat for unequal consumption of 'steam in the factory." On broad lines the writer's experience has led him to endorse this view, and hence to prefer the smoke tube multitubular, in preference to the water tube, although many experienced engineers hold an opposite view. As far as economy in fuel goes, the question of the boiler is not a dominant one, and economy is chiefly a matter of furnace design and careful control of the combustion of the megass. The water tube boilers have the advantage of being built in large units, of being adapted for high pressure, and of being capable of raising steam quickly, owing to their small water capacity; because of this small water capacity, however, any sudden load such as starting a pan with cold syrup may cause a sudden drop in pressure. Although it is for many reasons inconvenient to work at two pressures, a battery of water tube boilers .at high pressure, supplying steam to the engines, and of smoke tube boilers at low pressure, supplying steam to the evapora- tors is a scheme that has much to be said in its favour. Megass Furnaces. In Figs. .218 and 219 are shown views of the Dutch oven type of megass furnace ; this type is largely used in Mauritius, in Louisiana, in Java, in Mexico, and in the Hawaiian Islands. In the diagrams the boiler is seen at e\ the direction of the products of combustion is first along the bottom and sides of the boiler, back through the tubes, and out to the smoke box, and thence to the main flue. In Figs. 220 and 221 is shown what is known as the Abel* type of megass furnace, and is one largely used in Demerara. From the overhead shoot megass falls on the fire bars at b ; the gases formed on combustion impinge on the arch at e. FIG. 219. 406 MEGASS AS FUEL. The air necessary for combustion enters at /, the space h forming a hot air reservoir ; the ashes are removed at i ; the boiler is shown at c. The passage of gases is first through the tubes, thence to the smoke box A, back along the sides and out underneath the boiler to the main flue g. In this design the flue gases pass three times along the boiler, as opposed to the two way pass in the Dutch oven setting. The Godillot furnace, Fig. 222, is a furnace of the Dutch oven type. The megass enters at b, being propelled forward mechanically by the screw c ; the fire bars are arranged to form three sides of a pyramid, shown at d ; air enters at e, and /is an aperture for viewing the combustion. 407 CANE SUGAR. The essential difference between the Dutch oven and Abel type of furnace is the size of the combustion chamber ; the first furnaces which the writer met with in his experience of the cane sugar industry were of the latter type y and he learnt that these large combustion chambers were thought necessary to obtain a complete combustion of the megass, and to avoid loss through the presence of carbon monoxide in the flue gases ; with more extended experience the writer saw factories with the Dutch oven type of furnace working with extreme fuel economy, and with better results than others where the Abel type was in use. Kadiation from the heated brickwork of the furnace is surely one of the principal sources of heat loss, and being proportional to the exposed area will tend to become very great in furnaces of exaggerated length, which the writer has seen as long as 28 feet from the face plate of the boiler to furnace door; in addition, the greater the mass of brickwork the greater is the opportunity for cold air to leak in through cracks in the masonry. Stoking of Megass. In recent factories the megass is fed to the furnaces by schemes mechanically as efficient as those used for automatically firing coal; a diagrammatic view of such a scheme is shown in Fig. 223 ; megass direct from the mill is delivered to a scraper carrier a a ; this carrier is arranged to run in a direction at right angles to furnaces ; over each fur- nace is placed a sheet iron hopper b b and over the mouth of this is a shutter c c, the position of which is controlled from the platform d d by means of a cord; the megass is carried forward by the scrapers e e, the quantity falling into the hopper being controlled by the position of the shutter ; // are two toothed cylinders revolving inwards which serve to feed the megass FIG. 221. down the shoot; any surplus megass is directed on to the platform dd by the shoot gg and is, when required, fired by hand through the fire box door hh. 408 MEGASS AS FUEL. Relation between Cane ground and Requisite Heating: Surface, etc. The writer has had access to essential data on these point* as they occur in a large number of well equipped modern factories and as a result has concluded that no average datum can be given, the variation in factories, all of which were working well, being so great. In the following table ' cane ' means the short tons of cane ground in 24 hours ; 1 2 square feet heating surface in a smoke tube and 10 in a water tube are taken as the equiva- lent of one horse power ; all surfaces are expressed in square feet : Ratio of Horse power to Cane Heating surface to Cane Grate surface to Cane Grate surface to heating surface Maximum. 2-4 : 1 24 : 1 1 FIG. 222. As shown in greater detail in another section, the thermal value of a pound of megass of fixed water content is sensibly constant, and hence it would appear reasonable that a fairly constant ratio of heating surface in boilers and hence of horse power would obtain ; actually, the smallest variation in this ratio does obtain and the writer thinks that a ratio of heating surface to cane of 18 : 1 is ample and representative of good modern practice. On the other hand, however, there is no reason for expecting any uniformity in the ratio between grate area and heating surface ; this will of course depend on the intensity of draught, a smaller grate area being sufficient under forced or induced draught than under natural draught. As will be explained in greater detail in a subsequent section, the weight of a cubic foot of megass from varieties (or even in different seasons from the same 409 CANE SUGAE. variety) varies within large limits; hence a ratio which may be quite satis- factory in one factory will be totally inadequate in another. The writer has frequently observed that when the White Transparent cane was being milled in Demerara the megass accumulated, but the supply could not be burned fast enough on the existing grate area to maintain the supply of steam. This difficulty, which may become a great deal more serious than a mere incon- venience, could in the writer's opinion be overcome by the installation of an additional furnace wherein megass would be fired only when occasion arose. FIG. 223. If this difficulty is really due to differences in the weight of a cubic foot of megass, its cure is surely to be found in increased grate area rather than in increased heating surface in the boilers. ; _ ; 11 . ; ' . 1 ". .. Thermal Value of Megass. The combustible bodies present in megass are fibre, sugar, glucose and details of other organic bodies ; the fibre consists of cellulose proper, and xylan or wood gum. The heats of combustion of these bodies as determined by Stohlmann and Langbein 3 are, cellulose, 7533 B.T.U., sugar, 7120 B.T.U., glucose, 6748 B.T.U. per Ib. Taking these heats of combustion as a basis, and assuming that the fibre has the same fuel value 410 MEGA8S AS FUEL. as the cellulose, it is possible to calculate the thermal value of a megass ; thus, a megass of composition fibre, 42 per cent., sugar, 9-666 per cent., will afford, on complete combustion, -42 X 7533 + -0966 X 7120 = 3851 B.T.U. per Ib. for the fibre and sugar alone, to which must be added that due to the glucose and other organic matter ; if this be taken as y 1 ^ that due to the sugar, the gross thermal value of the megass will be 3920 B.T.U., and per unit of dry matter, supposing the megass contains 47 per cent, of water, 7396 B.T.U. The heat of combustion of megass of different origin has been experimentally determined by a number of workers. Geerligs 4 , whose results are discussed more fully in another section, found the heat of combustion, per Ib. of dry matter, to be sensibly constant ; his extreme values in B.T.U. are 8249 and 8514, with a mean of 8381 ; Burwell 5 , in Louisiana, obtained a mean value of 8325, with extremes of 8289 and 8384. These values are considerably higher than would be obtained on calculation on the lines exemplified above ; actually, then, it will be sufficient, under average conditions, to accept a fixed value of 8350 B.T.U. per Ib. of dry matter in a megass. Products of Combustion of a Megass. Each pound of carbon on combustion requires a theoretical minimum of 2-67 Ibs. oxygen, a quantity supplied by 12-03 Ibs. of air, the remainder, 9-36 Ibs., being nearly all nitrogen ; at a temperature of 84 F. this quantity of air occupies 165 cubic feet. The combustible elements in megass contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same pro- portion that they exist in water, so that in calculating the air required for combustion only the carbon need be taken into account. Of the bodies present in megass, cellulose contains 44*4 per cent., xylan 45'4 per cent., sugar 42-1 per cent., and glucose 40-0 per cent, of carbon, so that from the analysis of a megass its carbon content can be found. In actual determinations Geerligs found megass to contain from 46 82 per cent, to 4 8 -45 per cent. carbon, and from 6'30 per cent, to 6- 67 per cent, hydrogen on the dry ash free material ; as an average then, per Ib. of dry matter, a megass may be taken as containing 46-5 per cent, of carbon, and 6-5 per cent, of hydrogen, allowing that the dry matter contains 2 per cent, of ash. Per Ib. of dry matter, then, the products of combustion of a megass will be Due to carbon '465 X -7-= 1*705 Ibs. carbon dioxide. 1 8 Due to hydrogen -065X--= '585 Ibs. water. Due to nitrogen of air . . -465 X 9*36= 4 '352 Ibs. nitrogen. Fuel Value of Megass as influenced by Variety. In " Sugar and the Sugar Cane" (page 280) it was stated that it was a matter of clinical observation that the megass from different varieties of canes exhibited very different values as fuel, and that this difference could not be accounted for by low fibre content of the cane or yet from the analysis of the megass. Similar 411 CANE SUGAR. observations have apparently been made in Java, and the matter has been exhaustively enquired into by Geerligs 4 , a summary of whose results is given below. 1. Actual determinations of the thermal value of the megass from different canes showed that the calorific value calculated to dry weight varied but little, and that the differences were entirely insufficient to account for the variation experienced in factory work. Of the samples examined by him the calories per kilogram of dry megass varied from 4583 to 4700. 2. The elementary composition of the ash free megass from different canes was determined, and those examined were found to give nearly identical results ; expressed as per cents, of the dry ash free material, the megass con- tained from 46-82 per cent, to 48-45 per cent, carbon, from 6-30 per cent, to 6-67 per cent, hydrogen, from 44-94 per cent, to 46-43 per cent, oxygen, and from -14 per cent, to *18 per cent, nitrogen. 3. It was supposed that the fibre from the softer varieties of cane might contain more pentosans and xylan than that derived from the harder varieties, but the differences found were quite insignificant. 4. Differences in the cellulose content of the fibre were insufficient to account for the observed variation in fuel value, although as a general rule a cane rich in cellulose affords a satisfactory megass as fuel. 5. Differences in the silica content of the samples examined were trifling, and insufficient to account for the variations observed in practice ; it was thought that perhaps a large quantity of easily fusible ash might coat the megass and prevent its combustion, or might choke the air inlets between the fire bars. 6. Great variation was observed in the volume occupied by the same weights of the megass from different varieties ; the weight of 100 c c. of megass varied from 5-45 grms. to 7*95 grms., and the following observations were drawn : a. The denser megasses were of superior fuel value. I. The denser megasses are generally rich in cellulose. c. Canes containing most fibre also give a megass of superior fuel value. Looked at in the light of these determinations, the question of the fuel value of a megass is reduced to one of the mechanical structure of the fibre ; a megass of low apparent specific gravity will thus occupy a large volume per unit of weight ; the volume of megass which can be held on the grate of a furnace is limited, and with the megass of low density it may happen that the supply of fuel fed to the furnace is not sufficient to maintain steam for the factory's needs ; when a different type of megass is being fired, owing to its greater apparent specific gravity a greater weight is contained on the grate without any change in volume, and steam is kept up without difficulty. 412 MEGASS AS FUEL. This matter is one of great importance in furnace design, as a ratio of grate area to heating surface which gives excellent results with the megass from one variety of cane may be quite insufficient when the megass from another variety is being stoked, although the total heat units available per ton of cane may be identical in both instances. It must, however, not be overlooked that the quantity of fuel varies with the percentage of fibre in the cane, and that this cause will often explain a shortage of fuel ; the results summarized immediately above tend to explain the state of an abundance of fuel and insufficiency of steam which most people connected with a sugar factory must have experienced. Effect of Moisture on Thermal Value. The difference in the thermal value of the same megass when the moisture varies from 48 per cent, to 52 per cent, is not very great, but Bolk 6 has shown that at about the higher limit the temperature of combustion is so lowered that decomposition products distil over incompletely burnt, and with this incomplete combustion very great heat losses occur. Heat Available from Megass. This calculation can best be shown by worked out examples. Let the megass burnt contain 45 per cent, water and 55 per cent, dry matter ; let the flue gases leave the boiler at a temperature of 550 F., the temperature of the atmosphere being 84 F. ; let the air entering the furnace be twice the theoretical amount necessary for combustion ; let the megass contain 46-5 per cent, carbon, and 6 -5 per cent, hydrogen, calculated on dry weight, or 25 '6 per cent, and 3'6 per cent, respectively, on actual weight. To raise 1 Ib. of water from 84 F. to 212 F. requires 128 B.T.TJ. ; to convert this water into steam at 212 F. requires 966 B.T.U., and to heat this steam at constant pressure to 550 F. requires (550 212) -48 = 162 B.T TL, the specific heat of steam at constant pressure being '48. Each pound of water vapour in the flue gases then carries away 128 4- 966 4- 162 = 1256 B.T.TJ. The specific heats of carbon dioxide^ oxygen and nitrogen are '22, -22, and -24, respectively, so that each pound of carbon dioxide in the flue gases will carry away '22 (550 84) B.T.U., and similarly for the oxygen and nitrogen. On combustion each pound of carbon gives 3*67 Ibs. of carbon dioxide, and each pound of hydrogen 9 Ibs. of water. Per pound of megass the products of combustion are then Carbon dioxide -256 X 3'67 = '939 Ibs. Oxygen in excess air .. .. -256x2-67= '683 ,, Nitrogen -256 X 2 X 9-36 = 4-792 ,, Associated water '45 ,, Combined water -036 X 9 = -324 ,, 413 CANE SUGAR. The heat carried away in the flue gases is then Carbon dioxide .. <. .. '939 X '22 (550 84) = 96 B.T.U. Oxygen in excess air . . . . -683 X '22 (550 84) = 71 ,, Nitrogen 4*792 X '24 (550 84) =536 Associated water .. ., ^. .. '45 Xl256 = 565 ,, Combined water \. .. '324x1256= 407 ,, Total .. 1675 The total heat generated by the megass on combustion is, following on a previous paragraph, 8350X'55 = 4582B.T.U. So that in this case the percentage loss in flue gases is 36-6 per cent., leaving 63'4 per cent., or 2905 B.T.U. available for making steam. As an extreme instance of economical working let the flue gases (due to the use, say, of a fuel economizer) leave at 350 F., and let the excess of air be 50 per cent. Then the heat earned away in flue gases calculated on similar lines as in the case above is Carbon dioxide '939 X '22 (350 84) = 55 B.T.U. Oxygen in excess air . . . . -341 X '22 (350 84) = 40 ,, Nitrogen .. .... .. 3*694 X '24 (350 84) = 236 ,, Associated water -45 X 1160 =522 Combined water . -324 X 1160= 375 Total 1228 In this case, then, the total loss in flue gases is 26*9 per cent, of the heat value of the megass, and 3349 B.T.U. are left available for raising steam. In addition, however, there are the losses in unburnt fuel, in hot ashes, and in radiation, the exact magnitude of which it is impossible to estimate. Probably these losses account for 5 per cent, to 10 per cent, of the total value of the megass ; estimating them at the latter figure, in the first instance 2440 B.T.U., and in the latter case 2891 B.T.U. will form steam. The evaporation of one Ib. of water from and at 212 F. requires 966 B.T.U., so that referred to this temperature and pressure, 2-55 Ibs. of steam in the one case, and 2 '99 Ibs. in the second would be obtained. As compared with coal firing the very great losses due to the associated and combined water met with in the combustion of megass and other low grade fuels should be noticed. Consumption of Steam in Proportion to Available Fuel. In " Sugar and the Sugar Cane" the writer was at pains to calculate the heat required to treat the juice obtained from various types of canes, containing different amounts of sugar and fibre, both wet and dry crushed, and also crushed with the addition of maceration water, in order to see how far the megass would serve as fuel. The heat value of the megass was calculated 414 MEGASS AS FUEL. from its analysis, and since it is now known that heat values thus obtained are lower than those obtained by the use of the calorimeter, the calculations are to a great extent invalidated. Further, the writer has come to the conclusion that conditions in different districts are so widely variant that it is useless to select typical instances, and that the subject can only be treated on broad grounds, leaving it to those interested to adapt the general principles involved to their own special cases. Effect of Fibre. Properly speaking, the fibre alone should be considered as a fuel constituent of the cane, as the sugar is too valuable a constituent to burn ; accordingly, the fuel produced by the cane will be in direct proportion to the amount of fibre ; furthermore, where the canes are crushed without the addition of water, not only is the amount of fuel increased but the quantity of juice to be treated is proportionately lowered. For example, let in one instance the canes contain 10 per cent, fibre, and in a second 14 per cent, fibre; let the megass contain 45 per cent, fibre; then in the first instance per 100 tons of cane 77-78 tons of juice and 22-22 tons of megass result; in the second instance, 68*89 tons of juice and 31*11 tons of megass. These differences are so large that one factory burning large quantities of extra fuel may be really working more economically, in so far as regards the production of steam, than one which has a surplus. Effect of the Solid Content of the Juice on Steam required. Let canes containing the same amount of fibre yield in the one case juice of 15 J3rix, and in a second case juice of 20Brix. Let the megass in both instances contain the same amount of fibre ; then with a comparatively small error the available fuel will be the same. The evaporation of juice of 15 Brix to syrup at 55 Brix indicates the removal of -7272 parts of water per unit of juice ; if the evaporation is done at quadruple effect, the equivalent evaporation at single effect is -1818. The evaporation of juice at Q e 1 r 15 Brix to massecuite at 95 Brix indicates the removal of = '8421 95 parts of water per unit of juice ; the evaporation to syrup required the removal of '7272 water per unit of juice, hence the evaporation at single effect entails the removal of '1149 parts water per unit of juice; the total evaporation, then, from juice to massecuite is equivalent to the removal at single effect of -1818 + '1149 = -2967 parts water per unit of juice. Similar calculations for a juice at 20 Brix initially give the evaporation to syrup at 55 Brix as equivalent to the removal of '1591 part water per unit of juice, and the evaporation of the syrup to massecuite as equivalent to the removal of '1532 part water per unit of juice, the total evaporation from juice to massecuite being equivalent to the evaporation at single effect of 1591 4 -1532 = -3123 part of water per unit of juice. 415 CANE SUGAR. Actually, then, under factory conditions, a sweet juice demands a greater consumption of steam in evaporation than does an equal weight of one of less sugar content. Relative Consumption of Steam in Different Stations in the Factory, and Potentiality of the Megass as Fuel. As a basis of calculation canes containing 12 per cent, fibre are assumed to afford a weight of diluted juice equal to that of the canes ; the megass is assumed to contain 45 per cent, water and 55 per cent, solid matter, of which 50 per cent, is fibre; hence, 'per 100 (short) tons of cane there are obtained 24 tons of megass, which will afford on combustion 220,880,000 B.T.TJ., and if 65 per cent, of this be taken as available for steam, there results 143,572,000 B.T.U. per 100 short tons of megass. The Brix of the diluted juice is taken as 16. Heating Juice to Boiling Point. Taking the specific heat of the solids as equal to '301 that of sugar, the specific heat of the juice is *84 + '301 X -16=r-888. To heat 100 tons juice from 84 P. to 212 F. there are then required 100 X 2000 X (212- 84) X '888 = 22,732,000 B.T.TJ., or 15*8 per cent, of the the total available. Cleaning Juice in Open Pans. When making consumption sugars it is in some factories customary to clean the juice in eliminators ; the writer has observed a concentration of from 1'5 to 2 Brix during this process. If the evaporation is taken as 10 per cent, of the weight of the juice, there are evaporated 20,000 Ibs. water ; for the evaporation of 1 Ib. of water from and .at 212 P. there are required 969-7 B.T.TJ.,* so that the consumption here is 19,390,000, or 13-4 per cent, of the total available. Evaporation at Triple Effect. It is supposed that juice is not cleaned in open pans, and that the syrup is turned out at 55 Brix. The evaporation is then 55 ~ 16 =r -7091 of the total amount of juice, or 141,820 Ibs. of water 55 from 100 tons of juice. Let each pound of water evaporated require 350 B.T.TJ.; then the consumption is 350 x 141, 820 B.T.TJ. = 49,637,000 B.T.TJ., or 34*5 per cent, of the total available. E>aporation at Quadruple Effect. Each pound of water evaporated is assumed to require 290 B.T.TJ.; then the consumption is 290 X 141,820 = 28*9 per cent, of the total available. Evaporation to Massecuite. The total amount of water removed in repeated boilings of syrup and molasses is the same as if the syrup were in one process concentrated to that pitch which would give refuse molasses, provided the molasses resulting from the curing of various massecuites are not diluted previous to reboiling. Let the concentration of the massecuite be 96 Brix. * This is the value very recently determined by Peabody, and replaces the older value, 966, found in all earlier tables. 416 PLATE XX, FIG. 225. MEGASS AS FUEL. The total evaporation from 16 Brix is then = -8333 ; in the evapora- 9o tion to syrup '7091 of the weight of the juice was removed, so that at simple effect in the pan -1242 is removed, or 24,840 Ibs. water per 100 tons of cane. At the prevailing vacuum in the pans each pound of water will require about 1070 B.T.CJ., so that the consumption of heat is 26,578,000 B.T.TL, or 18-5 per cent, of the total available. The above calculations are, the writer thinks, as far as the data available allow one to go. Experimental data are so absent that the consumption of heat in the motors, in losses in steam piping, in losses in the cooling of juices and syrups cannot be even approximated. It is of course in the heating and evaporation that the consumption of heat is greatest. Putting on one side cylinder condensation, but very little heat is used in the motors, and the great part of the heat of the steam entering the cylinders of the engine is available for evaporation. In the calculations above with quadruple evaporation the total expenditure in heating and in evaporation of juices and syrups sums up to 63'2 per cent, of the total available, leaving a very large margin for use in other stations, on which definite values cannot be put. It may then be stated that under ordinary conditions a sugar factory can be worked with a heavy maceration on the fuel provided by the megass, and that it is only under exceptional conditions (low fibre in cane, inefficient furnace and boiler settings, waste due to losses in steam piping, cleaning of juices in eliminators) that extra fuel is required. Losses in Steam Pipes. The following table gives the hourly loss in B.T.TJ. from naked wrought-iron pipes ; this table is adapted from one given by Hausbrand and expressed in Centigrade metric units : Excess Loss in B.T U. Excess Loss in B.T.U. Excess Loss in B.T.U. Temperature, per sq. ft. per Temperature. per sq. ft. per Temperature. per sq. ft. per F. 40 hour. 80 F. 140 hour. 370 F. 240 hour. 749 60 .131 160 436 260 832 80 185 180 509 280 925 100 239 200 580 300 1015 120 304 220 663 320 1120 The effect of lagging is shown in the following data, due to the same authority : A steam pipe at 275 F. and external air at 59 F. condensed per square foot per hour Ibs. steam. Naked -615 Lagged with silk waste 1 in. thick '091 ,, ,, cork shavings 2-2 in. thick . -095 ,, ,, kisselguhr -131 - -183 i.e. the losses can be reduced about 80 per cent. 417 27 CANE SUGAR. In a sugar factory the main steam pipes will be at a temperature of say 324 F., and the back pressure pipes at a temperature of say 224 F. ; the average of these is 274 F, and assuming an equal area in main and back pressure piping it will be sufficient then to take the steam piping as having an excess temperature over the air of 200 F. From the table above then each square foot of unprotected piping will lose 580 B.T.U. per hour, and per 1000 square feet the loss is 580,000 B.T.TL If each pound of megass gives for use in the factory 2922 B.T.U., the loss per hour per 1000 square feet is very nearly 2000 Ibs. ; if 80 per cent, of this loss be economized by lagging, the loss per hour per 1000 square feet of pipe area is reduced to 400 Ibs. amounting in a day of 24 hours to 9600 Ibs. of megass. This rough and imperfect calculation is introduced to show the magnitude of heat losses in steam pipes and the differences which may be found between compact and straggling factories and between careful and careless equipment. Heat Value of Megass as influenced by the 'Extrac- tion.' The samples of megass, the heat value of which was determined by Geerligs, contained but little sugar, and were representative of well exhausted megass ; the thermal value of sugar is lower than that of the cellulose and xylan, so that with less well crushed megass the thermal value per pound of dry matter will tend to decrease, but only to a relatively small extent. Megass approximating to 46-5 per cent, carbon gave a thermal value approx- imating to 8350 B.T.U. per lb., or 17,978 B.T.U. per Ib. of carbon. It might be sufficient to use this value in calculating the thermal value of a megass from its analysis which should include determinations of the cellulose, xylan, sugar and glucose. Incidentally it may be remarked that these determinations of Geerligs and others show how incorrect is the use of ' Welter's ' rule which states that the heat of combustion of an organic compound is the heat of combustion of its elements, after deducting the hydrogen which will go to form water ; with the carbohydrates this would imply that their heat of combustion is the same as that of the carbon they contain. The heat of combustion of carbon is 14,400 B.T.U., so that a megass containing 46 ! 5 per cent, carbon would only afford -465 x 14,400 = 6696 B.T.U. as compared with the 8350 B.T.U. found on actual experiment. Use of the Waste Gases to dry Megass. In Mauritius many factories have erected apparatuses known as secheries for the purpose of the utilization of a part of the waste heat of the flue gases. A secherie, Fig. %24, consists of a large stone or brick chamber into which the flue gases are exhausted by means of fans ; it is usually about 40 ft. long with an internal breadth of six or seven feet, and about 30 ft. high. The green megass is delivered into the sechene by the carrier a falling on to the upper endless belt I ; three such belts are usually provided ; from the lowest the megass falls on to 418 H PI MEGASS AS FUEL. the carrier 598 or 59*8 per cent, more than the theoretical minimum of air is used. Control from Temperature Observations. From the com- position of a megass and from determinations of its thermal value it is possible to calculate the temperature of the products of combustion ; thus a pound of megass, which on combustion with the minimum amount of air gives -939 Ib. carbon dioxide, 2'39i Ibs. nitrogen and "771 Ib. water vapour, and which is of thermal value 4592 B.T.U., will have a combustion temperature over and above that of the surrounding atmosphere of 4592 =8988F., 939 X '22 -{- 2-394 X '24 + -7 7 1 X '48 422 MEGASS AS FUEL. the specific heats of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapour being '22, *24, and '48 respectively. If twice the quantity of air necessary for combustion was used, the combustion temperature will be 939 x -22 + 4-788 X '24 + '683 X '22 + '771 X '48 since there are now 4-788 Ibs. nitrogen and -683 Ib. oxygen in the flue gases. The more air admitted to the furnaces the lower is the temperature, and hence observations of the temperature of the furnace give a means of overseeing the carefulness of the firing. If the temperatures in the furnace, i.e., the combustion temperature, and the temperatures of the waste gases be known, then the efficiency of the furnace can be at once obtained from the expression, j< _ ^ Efficiency == - , where T and t are the excess temperatures of combustion and of the waste gases over and above the temperature of the outside air ; thus, if the com- bustion temperature be 1884 P., the waste gas temperature be 584 P., and that of the outside air be 84 F., then the efficiency is 1800-500 1800 perfect work being represented by unity. This calculation does not allow for heat losses due to radiation and to unburnt fuel, or to air leaks between the combustion chamber and the fuel, but will give strictly comparative results from day to day. The immediately preceding sections show how from the flue gas analysis and the megass analysis, first the excess air and then the combustion temperature can be calculated. What is required, however, in actual work is a continuous automatic record to which the mill superintendent can refer at his leisure, and immediately below attention is called to the very beautiful instruments which have been devised in the last decade for the accurate determination of high temperatures, and which are now to be obtained from dealers, 1. Electric Resistance Pyrometers. The resistance of a conductor to the passage of an electric current is a function of the temperature prevailing in the conductor ; this relation has been very carefully worked out for a number of conductors, and especially so in the case of platinum ; hence if a current of fixed voltage or E.M.F. flow through a platinum wire, observations of the current produced give means of obtaining the resistance of the conductor by means of Ohm's law, current X resistance = voltage, whence from previously ascertained experimental observations the temperature of the conductor and (in the special instance considered) of the gases in the combustion chamber of the furnace are obtained. These instruments are constructed so that readings are obtained aurally by means of a telephone attachment, or visually by means of the deflection of a galvanometer needle. 423 CANE SUGAR. 2. Thermo- Electric Pyrometers. If wires of two dissimilar metals be in contact at their ends, and if the temperature of the two ends be different, an electric current flows along the wire, and its voltage or E.M.F. is a function of the temperature difference between the heated and cold ends : this arrange- ment is called a thermo-electric couple, and by simply measuring the E.M.F. thus obtained, the temperature at the hot end follows. For high temperature work the thermo couple is made of platinum and rhodium, and will indicate correctly temperatures up to 2900 F. 3. Radiation Pyrometers. In this instrument the rays of radiant heat emitted from a hot body are brought to a focus by a suitable combination of lenses and arc directed upon the junction of a thermo-electric couple. From the E.M.F. or voltage the temperature is directly obtained. 4. Optical Pyrometers. The optical pyrometer of Wanner is based on the colour produced by incandescent bodies : its theory is rather complicated. Externally the instrument closely resembles a polariscope, and it is used in a very similar way, being directed towards the body whose temperature is being determined : the critical appearance of the field of vision thus observed and the means of obtaining it are very similar to those used in polarimetry. Of these instruments the first three can be provided with a continuous recording device. The electric pyrometers are perhaps not suitable for the very high temperatures of the combustion chamber ; this is chiefly due to the difficulty in protecting the platinum wire or the couple from the action of the furnace gases. The combination arranged by the Cambridge (England) Scientific Instrument Co. recommends a Fery radiation pyrometer for deter- mining the temperature of combustion, and a thermo-electric couple for the flue gas and feed- water temperatures. A complete outfit costs less than 100, and in a factory of any size should quickly pay for itself. Megass as a paper making Material. Attention was first called to this possibility in Guadeloupe in 1872, and it has been frequently suggested during the last few years. Amongst the large amount of irresponsible matter that has been written the following definite statements have appeared : It has been stated that megass owing to its length of fibre yields a very good half stuff wrapping paper, there being a yield of 48 per cent, of half stuff from megass. The failure of experiments in Java is stated to be due to local conditions and not to the quality of the raw material. Thiele 11 has given a description of the results obtained with diffusion megass in a factory in Texas; the crude material contained 82 per cent, water, 16*5 per cent, crude cellulose, '75 per cent, carbohydrates and '75 per cent, ash of which 82*77 per cent, was silica ; the megass was allowed to ferment in heaps with frequent watering whereby the pectins were destroyed; a charge of 40,0001bs. of fermented megass was boiled in a * rotary ' for four hours under a steam 424 MEGASS AS FUEL. pressure of 90 Ibs. per square inch with 450 Ibs. dry soda and 250 Ibs. quick- lime. After washing the material was ready to go to the paper machine. The resulting paper is very strong and suitable for wrapping purposes ; from 40,000,000 Ibs. of chips 8,000,000 Ibs.* paper were obtained, which sold at 2 cents, per Ib. or 9'3 per ton. More recently paper making from megass, para grass (Paspalum sp.) bamboo, etc., has been initiated at the Tacarigua estate in Trinidad by Laraarre 12 where a material worth 5 per ton is stated to be produced. A very recent examination of megass by Remington, Bowack, and Carrington 13 gives the following analysis of megass fibre: Water, 11*05 per cent.; ash, 1*54 per cent.; loss on ^-hydrolysis, 30'01 per cent.; loss on i-hydrolysis, 48*70 per cent. ; loss on mercerization, 32-73 per cent. ; gain on nitration, 10-21 per cent.; cellulose 47'11 per cent.; length of ultimate fibre, 3'5 mm. These authors speak very favourably of the possibilities of megass as a raw material for paper making, especially when mixed with other substances such as chemical wood pulp, lalang (Andropogon caricosm] and Para grass. Finally, Raitt 14 comes to the following conclusion, based on very con- servative figures : " Cane sugar factories are usually situated in localities where all manu- factured goods have to be imported at a considerable cost for freight, and, probably, import duties also. Where such circumstances exist, together with a sufficient local demand for unbleached wrapping and packing papers, or even for the thin, unbleached paper so largely used by the natives of India and elsewhere for correspondence and accounts, it is quite possible tq show that a paper mill may prove a very profitable auxiliary to a sugar factory, and that the megass may be worth considerably more for this purpose than its present fuel value. A paper mill suitable for this class of paper, to produce 40 to 50 tons per week, would cost, roughly, 20,000. A conservative estimate of the cost of production, under average conditions, exclusive of the fuel value of the megass but including repairs, depreciation, and 5 per cent, interest on cost of plant, amounts to 10 10s. per ton. Under the conditions above referred to the product should be worth 15, leaving 4 10s. as the paper-making value of the 2 tons of megass required to produce it, or, say, 2 per ton. The cost of steam coal to replace it in the sugar factory furnaces would be at the outside l 10s. per ton. In calorific effect a ton of good steam coal is usually assumed to be equal to four tons of megass, so that the full value of the latter cannot exceed 7s. 6d. per ton. Deducting this, there remains an estimated profit of 1 12s. 6d. per ton of megass converted into paper." * i.e., 20 per cent.; but the megass only contained 16'5 per cent, cellulose originally ; the figures are correctly quoted. 425 CANE SUGAR. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XX. 1. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., December, 1902. 2. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., 123, 370. 3. Jour, fur Pract. Chem. (2), 5, 305. 4. Arch., 1906, 445. 5. La. P., 1896, 11. 6. Arch., 1906, 319. 7. /. 8. J., 103. 8. La. P., 1896, 11. 9. Bull. Assoc. A~bs., May, 1905. 10. Papier Zeitung., 28, 2891, abs. in Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. 11. Chem. Zeitung., 25, 289, abs. in Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 20, 495. 12. /. 8. J., 114. 13. World's Paper Trade Revieiv, October, 1909. 14. Tropical Agriculturist, January, 1910. 426 CHAPTER XXI. THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. Ordinary light is the effect on the eye of vibrations of the ether, these vibra- tions taking place in all directions ; by certain optical devices these vibrations may be confined to one plane, and such light is called polarized light. If such light pass through a layer of certain bodies, e.g., quartz, cane sugar and many others, the plane in which the vibrations occur is rotated ; these bodies are termed ' optically active,' and instruments devised for measuring the rotation of the plane of polarization are called polariscopes or polarimeters, and when specially applied to sugar analysis, saccharimeters* Laws governing the Rotation of the Plane of Polariza- tion. 1. The angle through which the plane of polarization is rotated is directly proportional to the thickness of the layer of active material through which the light passes. 2. When the active body is in solution the angle through which the plane of polarization is rotated is directly proportional to the concentration of the solution, i.e., to the amount of active material present. 3. The angle through which the plane of polarization is rotated is depen- dent on the temperature, the nature of the light, the nature of the solvent, and is affected by the presence of other bodies themselves inactive. The law given in 2 above is only approximately true ; in most cases it is true within the limits of the errors of technical assay. The first three disturb- ing factors mentioned in 3 are readily capable of control by always working under similar conditions ; the last disturbing cause is not so amenable to control ; fortunately in sugar analyses it is not a predominant source of error. From the above it follows that, if the angle through which the plane of polarization is rotated be measured for any one concentration of a sugar solution, and if the length of the column of sugar solution through which the polarized light passes be known, then with a solution of sugar of unknown con- centration the measurement of the angle through which the plane of polarization is rotated gives a means of calculating the concentration of the solution of unknown strength. * It is usually stated that the asymmetry of a carbon atom in the molecule of an organic body determines its optical activity ; actually the asymmetry of a nitrogen, silicon or sulphur, or tin atom is equally sufficient ; further Perkin, Pope and Wallach have at this present time (Dec., 1909) prepared an optically active body the activity of which is due to enantiomorphism of molecular configuration. 427 CANE SUGAR. Specific Rotatory Power is the rotation at 20 C., expressed in angular degrees, of plane polarized light corresponding in wave length to that of the yellow D line of the solar spectrum, when the light passes through a column of a solution of the active material 10 cm. long, containing one grm. of active material in one c.c. Kind of Light employed. For scientific purposes it is necessary to refer all measurements to one source of light, and the light obtained from an incandescent sodium salt corresponding to the D line of the solar spectrum has been adopted. For technical sugar analysis polariscopes are adapted (in nearly all cases) to use ordinary white light. In what follows in explaining the use of polariscopes as apart from saccharimeters, it is assumed that the source of light is homogeneous and monochromatic. For the theory of this source of light reference should be made to Landholt's classical treatise. FIG. 228. The Nicol Prism and Means of obtaining Polarized Light. Polarized light is obtained for use in the polariscope by means of a nicol prism or some development of it. If ordinary light pass through crystals of certain bodies, of which Iceland spar is an example, it suffers double refraction, and is split up into two rays, one of which is known as the ordinary and the other as the extraordinary ray. A nicol prism is formed out of a prism of Iceland spar, the ends of which make angles of 71 and 109 ; the ends of the crystal are ground until they form angles of 68 and 112; the crystal is then split diagonally, and at right angles to the plane of the ends and to the principal axis, i.e., along a c, Fig. 228 ; the surfaces are then polished and united with a film of Canada balsam. Let ee represent a ray of light entering the prism ; this ray is doubly refracted into two rays, one taking the direction e p, and the other the direction e h. e p is the ordinary, and e h the extraordinary ray ; the ray e p on meeting the film of Canada balsam a c is reflected in the direction p g, and provided that the ends of the prism have been ground down to angles of 68 and 1 12, will pass out of the prism before reaching the surface a d, and is totally lost if the sides of the prism are blackened. The extraordinary ray i& less refracted, and emerges from the prism in the direction kk, and is now plane polarized light. 428 FIG. 229. THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. The original form of the nicol prism has been modified by several physicists ; the form used in the most modern instruments is that due to Glan, which is made as follows : A symmetrical rhombohedral crystal, Fig. 229, is selected, and the two faces are ground down parallel to each other and perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal ; at right angles to these surfaces the prism a b c d is cut out, and split along the direction b d ; the faces of the prism and the surfaces at bd are then polished and the two parts cemented together along the surface b d. In this prism the field of vision is perpendicular to and symmetrical with the optical longitudinal axis of the prism, and reflection from the inclined surfaces as occurs in the ordinary form of nicol prism is eliminated. Original Form Of Polariscope. Let there be two nicol prisms arranged with their two optical axes in one and the same straight line, and let a ray of light pass in the direction shown in Fig. 230, and as described in the preceding paragraph through the prism on the left, referred to as the polarizer ; and thence on to the similar prism on the right, referred to as the analyser. Dependent on the relative positions of the prisms all, a part, or none of the light will reach the eye of an observer looking from right to left towards the source of light ; if the prisms are set so that their principal axes are parallel a maximum of light passes ; if set so that their principal axes are not at right angles to each other, none of the light passes. This position is referred to as crossed nicols ; between these two positions a portion of the light passes. FIG. 230. Now let the two nicols be crossed, then no light reaches the eye of the observer ; if, now, an optically active material be interposed between the two nicols so that the plane in which the polarized light vibrates is rotated, a portion of the light passes, and to obtain the effect of total darkness the analyser must be rotated about its longitudinal axis through an angle equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign to that through which the plane of polariza- tion has been rotated by the optically active material ; now if to the analysing prism a pointer be attached, which indicates zero on a scale at the position of crossed nicols, then the angle through which the prism has to be rotated to again produce the position of total darkness measures the rotation due to the optically active material. The first polariscopes constructed by Biot 2 actually obtained their reference point in this way ; but the position of total darkness is not one which can be accurately determined, and other devices are described below. 429 CANE SUGAR. Transition Tint Device. White light is the effect on the eye of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet rays ; these rays are, when polarized, differently rotated in their passage through active bodies ; if, then, we have two nicol prisms arranged as in the preceding paragraph, with their longitudinal axes parallel, and rotate, as by the interposition between the two nicols of an optically active material, any one of these components of white light through 90, that component will be eliminated, and will not reach the eye of the observer ; if the yellow rays are thus eliminated the rest combine to form a peculiar pale rose or lilac tint termed the transition tint ; the yellow rays are rotated 90 by a plate of active quartz 3- 75 mm. thick. This device, originated by Ilobiquet, and constructed by Soleil, consists, then, in the interposition between the analyser and polarizer of a plate of quartz 3 '75 mm. thick, one half of which is of dextro- and the other of levo- rotatory quartz ; then if the nicols are parallel the field of vision (using ordinary white light) is a uniform pale rose tint, and the pointer attached to the analyser should indicate zero. Now, if the analyser be rotated but a little, or if the plane of polarization be rotated by the interposition of an active material, the proportion of red, orange, &c., rays in the two halves of the field that reach the eye of the observer is different, on the one side red on the other side blue rays predominating. This contrast between red and blue is very pronounced, and measurement of a rotation is obtained as described before by rotation of the analyser through an angle equal in magnitude, but opposite in sign to that due to the material whose activity is being measured. This instrument then obtains its reference point by the elimination of the yellow ray of white light, and measures the rotation of this ray. Specific rotations obtained with this instrument are referred to as [a,-] ; (French jaune = yellow). The Half Shadow Devices. In all these instruments the reference point is a uniformly tinted field ; on introducing a very small rotation one half of the field becomes darker in tint than the other, the change being very sharp. With rotation far removed from that giving the reference point a field of vision approximately uniformly tinted is also observed, and may be distinguished from that connected with the reference point by there being no sharp change on introducing a small rotation of the plane of polarization. The Jellet-Cornu Half Shadow Device. This half shadow arrangement was originally devised by Jellet 3 in 1860, and since then has been elaborated by many physicists. As made by Jellet, between the polarizing and analysing nicols, and close to the former, was interposed a right prism of Ice- land spar ; this prism was sawn through lengthwise, the opposite faces ground down to equal angles, and the two halves cemented together in reversed positions, so that they made an angle a with each other ; this angle is called the half shadow angle. The Jellet prism was modified in 1870 by Cornu 4 430 THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. thus. An ordinary nicol prism (Fig. 231} is bisected in the direction of a plane passing through the shorter of the two diagonals ; the sectional faces are cut down 2, and the two halves reunited. In this way is obtained a double nicol prism with two principal sections at an angle of 5 to each other. Now in Fig. 232 let a f and e d represent the positions of the planes of polarization of an analyser and polarizer of ordinary construction, when in the position of crossed nicols ; that is to say, 0/and e d are at right angles to each other. Now if a prism as devised by Cornu be substituted for the polarizing nicol, the plane of polarization will now be represented by the line c o b ; let the analysing nicol be rotated so that its plane of polarization is a /, perpendi- cular to o c ; then that half of the field of vision will be in total darkness, but the other half will be illuminated. Similarly, the right hand half of the field of view can be made totally dark, and when the plane of polarization of the analysing nicol is in the position a /, the whole field is equally illuminated, and this position forms the critical position. This position is one of great delicacy, and a small change from the position a f results in unequal FJG - 23L illumination. If the analyser be rotated so that it comes to the position d e, both halves of the field are strongly illuminated, and receive nearly a maximum of light, but on slightly rotating the analyser there is no sharp change as occurs when the plane of polarization of the analyser is in the position af. The Lippich Half Shadow Device. This device, which is now used in the best instruments of German make, obtains its half shadows by the interposition of a small Nicol prism between the polarizer and the analyser, as shown in Fig. 238. The half nicol is so fixed that its edge, (7, lies in the axial plane of the apparatus, and divides the field of vision into twa halves. Let the principal sections of the two prisms make an angle, a, with each other. Light passing through the large nicol, a, and through the open part of the field, vibrates vertically to the principal section of that prism. Of the rays that pass through that half of the field covered by the half nicol, only those pass that vibrate vertically to the principal section. A field of vision is thus obtained made up into two halves in which the planes of polarization are inclined at a small angle to each other, and the effect is precisely as described when dealing with the other forms of half shadow instruments. In this instrument the analysing nicol is not set parallel to the polarizing nicol, but makes with the polarization direction of the half nicol a larger angle than it does with that of the large nicol, so as to correct for the absorption of light which occurs in the passage through the small nicol. 431 CANE SUGAR. The Laurent Half Shadow Device. 6 The Laurent half shadow polariscope obtains its end point in a manner quite different to the instrument described above. Between the polarizing and analysing nicol of ordinary con- struction, and close to the former, is interposed a thin plate of active quartz, which is cut parallel to the optical axis of the crystal. A beam of light entering such a plate perpendicular to its surface, is doubly refracted into two beams, with vibration planes parallel, and perpendicular to the optical axis. In such a system that ray which vibrates perpendicular to the optical axis has its speed of vibration increased, and the thickness of the plate of quartz is so taken that that ray vibrating perpendicular to the optical axis has gained half a wave length on the wave vibrating parallel to the optical axis at the moment they emerge from the quartz plate. In Fig. 28Jj. let the circle represent the diaphragm opening, covered as to one half by the quartz plate, and let the optical axis of the plate be represented by the line o I ; let o a represent the amplitude of vibration and the plane of polarization of the light coming from the polarizing nicol. On meeting the quartz plate this ray is resolved into two rays, o b and o e, parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis of the quartz plate ; on emerging from the quartz plate the ray o e has gained half a wave length on the ray o 1 9 and is now represented by the line o d. These two rays can be compounded into the ray o c, precisely as if the field of vision was illuminated by the rays o a and o c, symmetrically arranged with respect to the optical axis of the quartz plate. The effect of this is to obtain a field of vision exactly similar to that described in dealing with the Jellet-Cornu apparatus, and the remarks made there are applicable. It must be noted that the half shadow angle with this instrument can be varied, the larger the angle the greater the intensity of the light, but the less the delicacy of the apparatus. With this apparatus very dark-coloured materials can be observed, but with a loss in the fineness of the reading. Horsin-Deon Polariscope. 7 This instrument is of different con- struction to any of those previously described. The light passes through a Jellet prism, and then through a plate of dextro-rotatory quartz rather more than 4 mm. thick ; the effect of this is to produce a blue field on the left and a pale yellow field on the right. The compensator is a wedge of levo-rotatory quartz, behind which is placed a disc of levo-rotatory quartz, the effect of which is to produce a final tint rather darker than the sensitive tint of the colour polariscope. This field of view of this instrument in positions remote from the zero position is that one half is colourless, and the other coloured in all colours of the spectrum. Near the zero position the colourless half becomes tinted before the other half loses its colour ; at the zero position, the field of view is a uniform field, similar to that of the half shadow instruments. 432 THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. Wild Polariscope. 9 This pattern, which is seldom met with, obtains its end point by means of the interposition of a Savart polariscope between the polarizer and analyser, the former being rotated in making a reading. When adjustment is nearly obtained a number of horizontal dark bands occupy the field of vision ; on further rotation of the polarizer those occuping the centre of the field disappear, leaving a clear, bright, vertical band, defined by a circular banded part on either side ; in the field of vision are arranged cross hairs, the end point being taken when the three parts of the field are symmetrically arranged about these. Trannin Polariscope. In this instrument the analyser and polarizer are fixed, and adjustment is made by varying the length of the polariscope and concentration of the solution. Broch Polariscope. This instrument combines the spectroscope with the polariscope and obtains its end point by the coincidence of a dark band in the field of vision with the Praunhofer D line. These last two instruments find no use in sugar analysis. The Saccharimeter as distinct from the Polariscope. In the above descriptions of devices used in polariscopes it was stated that the angular rotation was measured by rotating the analyser in an opposite direction to that due to the active material, the rotation being measured directly in angular degrees, and that monochromatic spectrally purified light was used. In polariscopes made specially for sugar analysis ordinary white light is used, the rotation is measured on a linear scale graduated up to 100, the 100 point corresponding to the rotation produced by normal weight of pure sugar dis- solved in 100 cc., and observed in a tube 20 cm. long; the rotation produced by the sugar solution is neutralized by the interposition of a plate of active quartz, the thickness of which can be varied, and which is proportional to the scale reading, the device being known as a compensator. Normal Weight. By this term is meant that weight of pure cane sugar which, dissolved in 100 cc. of water, and observed in a tube of length 20 cm., gives a reading of 100 on the scale of the polariscope. There are several normal weights in use. Ventzke, the optician, whose name is connected with the transition tint polariscope, adopted as a standard sugar solution, one of density 1-1, at a temperature of 17'5C. ; such a solution contains 26-048 grms. of sugar in 100 Mohr's c.c., and this weight of sugar became a very generally accepted normal weight. Mohr's c.c., i.e., the volume occupied by a grm. of water at 17'5C., is deservedly falling into desuetude, and since 26-015 grms. per 100 true c.c. are equivalent to 26-048 grms. per 100 Mohr's c.c., a normal weight of 26 grins, per 100 true c.c. has been strongly recommended for adoption. 433 28 CANE SUGAE. The second normal weight, used in instruments of the Laurent pattern, and in the old Duboscq instruments, is based on the angle through which the plane of polarization of the D ray of sodium light is rotated by a plate of quartz 1 mm. thick, cut at right angles to its optical axis ; this angle, when the sodium light obtained by vaporizing sodium chloride in a bun sen burner is filtered through potassium bichromate, is 21-667, and this is the rotation produced by a solution of 16-29 grms. of sugar in 100 true c.c., whence this weight of sugar was adopted as a standard normal weight. This normal weight has been much confused ; the early Duboscq instrument used 16-35 grms. as a normal weight ; other instru- ments were standardized for a normal weight of 16- 19 grms. The confusion has in part arisen by determinations of the optical activity of quartz under conditions other than those originally stipulated ; actually, the rotation of quartz is immaterial, so long as it is known for what normal weight and for which cubic centimetre the instrument has been constructed. The Compensator. The compensating arrangement consists of a device whereby a variable thickness of active quartz may be interposed and a rotation equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to that due to the active material introduced, so that the reference point again appears ; the compensator used in most sugar instruments is shown on an enlarged scale in Fig. 235 ; it consists of a plate of levo-rotatory quartz c, and of two wedges of dextro-rotatory quartz, a and I ; by means of a rack and pinion gear one of the wedges is capable of being slid past the other, so that the combined thickness of the system is capable of being varied ; on the moving wedge is fixed a scale graduated in single degrees from 30 to + 105 ; on the fixed plate of quartz is mounted a vernier. When the scale is at zero, the combined thickness of the dextro-rotatory wedges a and b is equal to that of the levo-rotatory plate c, so that the effect of the system is zero. By sliding the scale towards the 100 point a diminished thickness of dextro-rotatory quartz is introduced, so that the effect of the system is levo-rotatory, and at the 1 00 point exactly neutralizes the rotation produced by the normal weight of sugar dissolved in 100 c.c., and observed in a 20 cm. tube. Reading the Scale. The scale of these instruments is shown in Fig. 236 ; it consists of two parts, the lower one fixed, and the other sliding, and moved simultaneously with the 1 adjustment of the compensator. The ..It I. I.I. i J J I I. I. I J.I ,1 J J J-l I ', U line at which the reading is taken 1111111 is that marked in the upper scale. FIG. 236. At the zero position this line is continuous with that line marked in the lower scale. To take a reading the position of the zero line on the upper scale is noted with respect to the lower scale. In Fig. 236 this is between 26 and 27. It is next observed what lines on the two scales are continuous ; in this case the seventh, counting from zero. The full reading is then 26-7. 434 THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. External Form of Polariscopes. The instruments most frequently met with in sugar houses are made by Schmidt & Haensch, Fric, and Peters. Fig. 237 shows a late pattern adopted by the first-named firm : at the end next the lamp is a tube with a diaphragm in which may be inserted at will a ground glass disc ; by the use of this, equal illumination can be obtained when using an electric light or incandescent mantle. At B is a chamber serving to hold a cell which may be filled with a dilute solution of potassium bichromate ; at P is contained the polarizing apparatus ; at It is the trough of the instru- ment designed for the reception of the tube containing the sugar solution , 435 CANE SUGAK. within the dust-proof casing G is contained the system of quartz wedges forming the compensator ; FIB the telescope which focusses the field of vision; in the enlarged part of F, i.e., between the letters F and G is the analyser ; M is a telescope whereby the scale is read, it being illuminated from the lamp light passing through the aperture in the light shield at . The pattern shown is a double wedge compensating instrument, the milled head controlling the working wedge being seen at A ; the extension of this to the table saves much fatigue where many consecutive analyses are made. The pattern adopted by Peters is shown in Fig. 238 ; in arrangement of parts it is nearly identical with the pattern adopted by Schmidt & Haensch. The instruments made by Messrs. J. & J. Pric (Fig. 239} are also similar to the above in arrangement of the optical parts ; the scale illumination is, FIG. 238. however, made differently. Within the body of the instrument, next to the source of light, is a reflector, inclined at 45 ; a diaphragm therein allows light to pass on to the polarizer ; the other part of the light is reflected to a vertical silvered mirror which throws a pencil of light on the scale. Adjustable Landholt-Lippich Polariscope. 8 As usually made, these instruments, when designed specially for saccharimeters, have a fixed half shadow angle ; the smaller the half shadow angle the less is the intensity of light, and the greater is the delicacy of the instrument ; very light-coloured solutions can be read with a low intensity of light, but for dark- coloured solutions it is often advisable to increase the half shadow angle, and 436 THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. to sacrifice the delicacy of the reading in order to obtain the passage of more light, the accuracy of the observation being thereby increased. An instrument using the Landholt- Lippich half shadow device, and in which the half shadow angle can be varied at will, has been devised by Bates, and constructed by the firm of J. and J. Fric. The analysing nicol and the polarizing nicol are mounted in bearings, and are joined by gears with a connecting rod ; the gears are controlled by the rotation of a milled head, and are such that the rotation of the analyser is always twice that of the polarizer. A scale attached to the milled head gives the half shadow angle. FIG. 239. The zero of the instrument is affected by a change in the half shadow angle ; with an instrument adjusted for a half shadow angle of 10, the latter may be varied from 4 to 12*4 with the introduction of an error of less than 1 Ventzke. Bates has worked out the corrections to be made for different half shadow angles when the instrument is in adjustment for the latter equal to zero, and this can be made practically instantaneously, the half shadow angle being indicated as already mentioned. 437 CANE SUGAR. It is claimed that the polarization of the better grades of sugar can be read with this instrument to -01 Yentzke. Optical Parts Of Polariscopes. Below are mentioned the arrange- ments of the optical parts of such polariscopes as are to be found in general use. Soleil-Duboscq. The optical parts are shown in Fig. 2!0 : a, colour compensator ; I, lens to make rays of light parallel ; c, polarizer ; d, biquartz plate ; e, compensator ; /, analyser ; k g, focussing telescope. The colour compensator consists of a nicol prism and plate of quartz. When dark-coloured FIG. 240. F,o. 24!. H 10 FIG. 242. 13 (5 E3 HH C^IZI I P.O. 243. ft g a e c 6 H G) 123 IZ1 I n. 244. ft g & c b solutions are being examined the transition tint does not appear, but an approximation thereto may be obtained by rotating the colour compensator. The scale of this instrument is not provided with a vernier, divisions of less than one degree being estimated by the eye ; the normal weight is 16*35 grms. Soleil-Ventzke-Scheibler. The optical parts are shown in Fig. 241 ', reference being as in Fig. 8J/.0 ; the colour compensator is placed next to the lamp, and in mechanical details this instrument is superior to the Soleil-Duboscq. 438 THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. The Jellet-Cornu Half Shadow. The optical parts are shown in Fig. 2/J.2, the reference being as in Fig. The Landholt-Lippich Half Shadow. The optical parts are shown in Fig. 2!j.3. The Landholt-Lippich Triple Shade. The optical parts are as for the half shadow, except forthe polarizer, which is shown in Fig. 2!j.5 two small nicols of exactly similar construction and adjustment are used so that the field is divided into three parts ; in all positions except when equality is obtained there appears a black band in the centre of the field, bounded by a light portion on either side, or vice versa ; this device is of great sensitiveness, but, owing to the great delicacy of the adjustment of the reference point device, is not to be recommended for use where access to an optical instrument expert is difficult. The Laurent Half Shadow. The optical parts of the early Laurent instruments are shown in Fig. 244'-, these instruments used the sodium light and compensated by rotation of the analyser; the normal weight was 16-19 grms. in 100 true cc. FIG. 245. The modern form of the Laurent instruments is shown in Figs. 2!j.6 and 247 ; these instruments are now made so that by an adjustment either the sodium light or white light may be used ; in the former case, compensation is effected by rotation of the analyser, and in the latter by quartz wedges. Laurent instruments are constructed in which the lamina of the quartz securing the half shadow device is inserted as a circular disc, concentric with the field of vision. Polariscope Lamp. When ordinary white light is used it is essential that it be as bright as possible ; an ordinary duplex paraffin lamp, carefully trimmed, gives good results ; better results still are obtained by an incandescent mantle with gas or alcohol as the source of light, and the acetylene lamp gives perhaps the best illumination. The incandescent electric light is also convenient, but requires the interposition of a ground glass disc. Some years ago lamps supplied from the makers of polariscopes were fitted with a metal chimney, in which was a bull's-eye lens. This is not only unnecessary, but even objectionable; it is, however, convenient to enclose the source of light in an asbestos chimney provided with a narrow opening, towards which the polariscope is directed ; this arrangement is to shield the eye of the observer from extraneous light. The distance of the lamp from the instrument is of importance, and in modern instruments it is from 15 cm. to 439 CANE SUGAR. 20 cm. ; actually, the lamp should he so placed that an image of the source of light is formed "by the illumination lens on the analyser diaphragm. This position can he easily determined ; a pencil point is held immediately in front of the source of light, and a piece of paper in front of the diaphragm ; at the correct position a sharp image of the pencil point is formed on the paper. In most text hooks it is recommended that the polariscope he used in a dark room, and sometimes that the source of light be in a separate room, a narrow slit being cut in a wall of the room. In general this scheme is inconvenient, and confinement in such a place is, in the tropics, objectionable The writer finds that extraneous light may readily be excluded from the eye by the following device : A piece of copper is beaten out into the form of the 440 THE POLAEISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. cups used to apply eye washes, and a sprung shank is soldered on to this cup, forming a piece as in Fig. 2/j.S ; this is fixed on to the focussing telescope, the size of the shank being such that it allows the telescope tube to rotate easily within it. Variation in Optical Activity of Quartz. The optical activity of quartz increases with the temperature, and is expressed, according to Jobin, 10 by the equation a* = a (I + '000146), where a* is the specific rotation at t, and a that at a lower temperature. Hence, if a quartz wedge compensating polariscope, adjusted at the standard European temperature of 20 C., be used in the tropics at a temperature of 30 C., a less thickness of quartz will be required to compensate for the rotation of a sugar solution. This error is small but still appreciable. Suppose at 30 C. a reading of 96-0 be observed, then at 20 C. the reading would be 96 (1 + -000146 X 10) = 96.14. Fm. 247. Similarly, a quartz control plate standardized at 20 C. will give the same reading at 30 C. in a quartz wedge compensating instrument, but will give a higher reading at the higher temperature in an instrument compensating by rotation of the analyser. Polariscope Tubes. The older form of polariscope tube is shown in Fig. 2!9. It consists of a glass or metal tube, the ends of which are ground exactly flush. In filling a tube with a solution for observation a glass disc is placed on one end and secured in position by screwing on a metal cap. The tube is held vertical and the solution is poured in until it fills the tube, and rises by capillarity over the upper surface ; a second glass disc is then slid on and secured in position by a metal cap. 441 CANE SUGAR. In the later, more convenient form of tube, Fig. 250, the discs are held in position by spring metal caps. The Laurent instruments use a bayonet spring catch. The objection to the use of screw metal caps is the danger of producing a strain in the glass discs, whereby they themselves become optically active. Pellet's Continuous Tube. 11 This con- sists of a tube, Fig. 251, provided with a syphon overflow. The solution under analysis is contained in the beaker a ; on opening the spring clip b* the solution already in the tube is displaced and its place is taken by that flowing in from the beaker a. Until all the material originally in the tube is dis- placed by that entering, a reading cannot be obtained, due to the formation of striae. By arranging a wire cradle connected to and alongside of the trough of the polariscope, the Pellet tube can be rolled out if it is desired to introduce another tube. The Pellet tube effects a great saving of time when many consecutive analyses have to be performed, in fact it is hard to say why every sugar laboratory does not use this device. FIG. 248. FIG. 249. Water Jacketed Tube. In the Clerget analysis, where the control of the temperature is of importance, the tube shown in Fig. 252 is convenient ; it is filled through the aperture in the middle after both of the end caps have been placed in position ; a thermometer is inserted through the same aperture to take the temperature of the solution. A continuous current of water may, if necessary, be made to flow through the jacket, and readings at an elevated temperature obtained. FIG. 250. Value of Scale Degree. In polariscopes the scale is divided into 100 equal parts on the assumption that the rotation of cane sugar is independent of concentration. The following table gives the value of each degree of the polariscope scale calculated from the Schmitz determinations of the rotation of cane sugar at varying concentration, and in refined analyses *This clip is more conveniently placed on the delivery tube and resting on the table. 442 THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. these factors should be used in place of the normal weight, taken here as 26 grms. per 100 true cc. : Corrected Normal Weight. Polariscope reading in 20 cm. tube. Polariscope reading in 20 cm. tube. Corrected Normal Weight. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 25-90 25-92 25-93 25-94 25-94 25-94 25-95 25-95 25-95 25-96 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 25-96 25-97 25-97 25-97 25-98 25-98 25-99 25-99 25-99 26-00 Control of Scale. Quartz plates, the exact value of which has been determined in sugar degrees, may be obtained from makers. These plates are standardized at 20C. in Europe, and as they are equally affected by variation of temperature with the quartz wedge they will serve at any FIG. 251. temperature to control the scale of a polariscope of this type ; but if used to control the scale of a polariscope compensating by rotation of the analyser, the correction for temperature must be applied. A control observation tube by Schmidt and Haensch is shown in Fig. 253 '; it consists of an outer tube, T, in which is moved by means of a rack and pinion gear the tube /, fitting closely into T, exit of liquid between T and / being prevented by the washer e ; the tube / is closed by a glass disc at c. The solution to be used for testing is poured into the funnel a, whence it fills the tube T. The distance between d and e is regulated by the rack and pinion gear, the exact distance and also the length of the column of liquid being read off a scale carrying a vernier ; the tube is conveniently filled with a solution of the normal weight of sugar in 100 cc. ; with a column of liquid 20 cm. long a reading of 100 should be obtained, and other readings should be pro- portional to the length of the column of liquid. A very rapid control over 443 CANE SUGAR. the scale can thus be obtained ; of course the scale can also be tested by polarizing different weights of pure sugar in a tube of constant length, but this, compared with the adjustable control tube, is a laborious operation. It is a principle in analysis that every piece of apparatus should be standardized twice, once by the maker and once by the user. The method FIG. 252. employed by Harrison 12 in the British Guiana Goverment Laboratory is as follows : " Each 100 cc. flask in use for sugar polarization is verified by weighing into it 99-533 grins, of recently boiled distilled water at 28C. The exact weight of chemically pure sugar, which when made up to a bulk of 100 cc. in one of the corrected flasks at 28C. gives a polarization reading of 100, is ascertained by experiment for each instrument, and this weight of sugar is invariably used instead of the maker's normal weight for 17'5C." FIG. 253. Double "Wedge Compensator. Two sliding wedge compensators are fitted to the instrument ; the milled head controlling one is coloured black, and the other red ; the observation is made in the usual way with the black compensator; the active solution under analysis is then removed and neutrality obtained by adjusting the red compensator ; the readings on the red and black scales should be identical, practically demonstrating the accuracy of the reading, for it is very unlikely that an identical error should be made twice 444 THE POLARISCOPE AS APPLIED TO SUGAR ANALYSIS. running, or that both compensators should possess the same error in construction. The arrangement of the wedges is shown in Fig. 25^.. Saccharimeters are usually only provided with a scale reading to 30 ; with this device, by setting the zero of the red scale to the right, minus readings of any value can be obtained. Use of Light Filter with Quartz Wedge Compensa- tion. The application of the quartz wedge to compensate for the rotation of sugar solutions is only possible because of the near coincidence of the rotation dispersion of cane sugar and of quartz ; actually, the violet rays are a source of error, and these may be shut off by passing the light through a crystal, or through a dilute solution, of potassium bichromate. With dilute solutions the effect of the violet rays is barely appreciable, but they become noticeable (destroying the sensitiveness of the end point) at readings near the 100 point. Some instruments are provided with a cell to be placed between the lamp and the polarizer, which is filled with a dilute solution of potassium bichromate, and in other patterns a plate of bichromate is inserted in the ocular of the focussing telescope. This light filter should always be used when the incan- descent gas or acetylene light is used. The disturbing effect of the violet rays is especially noticeable when solutions of glucose are being observed. Adjustment of the Polariscope. Zero Adjustment. After having obtained the end position with no active material in the body of the instrument. FIG. 254. the scale should read zero. If another reading is obtained, the scale can be adjusted to zero by rotating a square headed pin located in the Schmidt & Haensch and Peter's instruments at the side of the dust proof casing of the compensator ; in the Fric instruments this pin is placed on the top of the dust proof casing. A key fitting the pin is supplied with the instrument. Analyser Adjustment. In case a sharp end point cannot be found the analyser must be adjusted. In the earlier instruments, underneath the barrel containing the analyser, will be seen a pin ; this pin carries a worm gearing with a wheel cut on the sleeve containing the analyser ; rotation of this pin by means of the key mentioned above controls the position of the analyser, the best position of which must be found by trial and error. In other instruments, on each side of the tube containing the analyser, will be found two screws with projecting heads. These screws have conical points bearing eccentrically on the edges of two holes bored in the rotating sleeve carrying the analyser. To adjust, both screws are loosened and one screw is slightly turned, the end point is then found by altering the position of the quartz wedges. If a sharper end point is found the screw has 445 CANE SUGAR. been turned the right way, and by trial and error the sharpest end point is found ; after it has been determined the screw which was not used in the adjustment is tightened until it just bears on the sleeve, after which the second screw is turned home ; the scale adjustment to zero is then made. In other instruments the analyser is held in a brass tube which rotates easily within an outer tube forming the casing of the instrument ; on the casing is formed a slot covered by a collar ; two pins pass through the collar and slot and screw into the tube which carries the analyser ; by loosening the screws the analyser can be rotated about its longitudinal axis through the length of the slot. Polarizer Adjustment. The instruments employing the Jellet prism have the polarizer fixed in position ; the instruments employing the Lippich polarizer are capable of adjustment in both polarizer and half prism ; the former is capable of rotation by the last-mentioned device above. The half prism is usually capable of two adjustments laterally by means of three screws which pass through the casing ; two of these screws pass into the holder of the half prism, and one bears on the holder ; rotation of the half prism is effected by a system of screws and slots substantially as described above. In the Schmidt & Haensch triple shade instrument one of the half prisms is capable of adjustment by means of coned screws bearing eccentrically on the holder of a half prism ; adjustment is made by trial and error as described for the analyser; this adjustment is necessary when the outer portions of the triple field are unequally in shadow. Adjustment of the prisms is a delicate operation and should only be undertaken when absolutely necessary, but no damage need be anticipated when the theory of the instrument is understood and when care and patience are used. If an old disused instrument is available, it is better first to acquiie familiarity with the construction from manipulation of its parts. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XXI. 1. This chapter is based on Landholt's classical treatise: " The optical Rotation of Organic Substances." 2. Ann. Chem. Phys., 1840, p. 401. 3. Brit. Assoc. Report, 1860, p. 13. 4. Bull. Soc. Chem., 1870, p. 140. 5. Zeits. fur lustrum., 2, 167; 14, 326. 6. Dingler's Poly. Jour., 1897, p. 608. 7. Bull. Assoc., 19, p. 101. 8. Ueber ein neues Polaristrobometer. Bern, 1865. 9. /. S. J., 108. 10. Zeit. fur Rub. Ind., 1898, p. 835. 11. Zeits. fur Rub. Ind., 1891, 338. 12. Jour. Roy. Agric. Com. Soc. Brit. Guiana, December, 189 o. 446 CHAPTER XXII. THE OPTICAL ASSAY OP SUGARS. The optical assay of sugar is based on the direct proportionality of the rotation of a ray of polarized light to the concentration of the solution, and to the length of the layer through which the polarized ray passes. Hence if the rotation of a ray of polarized light be measured for any known concentration and length of layer, determination of the rotation and length of the layer of the solution afford data to calculate the concentration ; further, in case the material under examination is a solid, the solution of a known weight of the material in a definite volume and determination of the rotation under known conditions, give data to calculate the percentage of sugar in the material under examination. The instruments used for this purpose are known as polariscopes, and are discussed in Chapter XXI. ; in this Chapter the general principles of the process are outlined ; their application to different products of the sugar house is developed in Chapter XXIII. The Clearing Agents used. In general sugar solutions are unfitted for polarimetric assay without the addition of some agent to precipitate colouring and other bodies, which render the solution turbid. The materials in general use are : 1. Alumina Cream. Solutions of high grade sugars are often sufficiently clear for polarimetric assay except fora slight turbidity which may be removed by agitation of the solution with a little alumina cream and subsequent filtration ; alumina cream is prepared thus : Precipitate a solution of an alum with a slight excess of ammonia ; wash by decantation till all soluble matter is removed, and preserve as a thick cream. 2. Precipitation of alumina within the solution. 1 The precipitation of alumina within the solution has a much greater decolourizing effect than the addition of alumina cream, and the effect is increased by the addition of very small quantities of hydrosulphites. As carried out by the writer the clarifi- cation is thus made : to a measured quantity of the solution under analysis a quantity of a solution of sodium aluminate is added, and after mixture followed by an equivalent quantity of a saturated solution of aluminium sulphate and about '05 grm. of sodium hydrosulphite. The aluminate and alum solutions are previously standardized against each other, using phenol - phthalein as an indicator. 447 CANE SUGAR. With this method with sugars and juices a filtrate is obtained as .much decolourized as by the use of basic lead acetate. Waste molasses cannot be satisfactorily observed in greater than '25 normal solution. Normal weights of sugars require from -5 to 1 cc. of a saturated solution of alum, and molasses in *25 normal weight, from 2 cc. to 3 cc. 3. Basic Acetate of Lead has formed the most general clarificant of sugars. It is used by adding a concentrated solution to the solution of sugar under analysis. For 26 grms. of refining sugars from *1 to 1 cc. of lead acetate solution, sp. gr. 1'25, are necessary; for the same quantity of molasses up to 15 cc., and for 100 cc. of juice up to 6 cc. An excess of lead acetate must not be used. The material is thus prepared : 264 grms. litharge are digested with 440 grms. neutral acetate of lead until dissolved and made up to 2000 cc. 4. Neutral Acetate of Lead is used precisely as the basic acetate, but its use is limited to such products as are light-coloured. 5. Calcium Hypochlorite is used by Zamaron 2 in conjunction with neutral acetate of lead. 625 grms. of calcium hypochlorite are shaken with 1000 cc. of water, and the filtered solution, which should mark 1 8- 20 Beaume, pre- served for use. Pellet uses 20 cc. of this in conjunction with neutral lead acetate to decolourize 4 grms. of molasses. 6. Dry Basic Acetate of Lead. This material was introduced by Home 3 to counteract certain errors occasioned by the use of a solution of lead acetate. The dry acetate, together with a little sand, is added to the solution of sugar after it has been made up to definite volume. For 26 grms. of sugar about 0-5 grm. of this material is required. 7. Charcoal. Bone charcoal added to sugar solutions exercises a powerful decolourizing effect, but, as it at the same time absorbs an appreciable quantity of sugar, it is little used. It has been recommended to filter the sugar solution through charcoal and to collect separately the later runnings after the charcoal has absorbed all the sugar that it is capable of doing. Basic Nitrate of Lead is recommended for use by Herles. Two solutions are used: a. 2000 cc. water and 90 grms. caustic soda; b. 2000 cc. water and 1000 grins, lead nitrate. The lead solution is added to the alkali immediately before use in the proportion of 1 of lead to 1*0 to Tl of alkali. "With this solution [it is stated that the readings are not affected by an excess and that lead does not pass into solution. It has not come into any general use. 8. Mercuric Compounds exercise an effect similar to that of lead with the distinction that they precipitate amides from solution. They are not in general use in sugar analysis, but very recently Andersen 4 has recommended for use as a clarificant the following solution : 220 grms. HgO, dissolved in 160 cc. HN0 3 , sp. gr. T39, and made up to 1000 cc. with the addition of 448 THE OPTICAL ASSAY OF SUGARS. 60 cc. of a 5 per cent, solution of caustic soda; the material after addition to the sugar solution is immediately neutralized. It is stated that an excess has no action on the opticity of the sugars. The Effect of the Precipitate produced by Lead Compounds in Clarification. In the majority of the ahove detailed schemes for clarification aa insoluble precipitate is formed which occupies an appreciable volume, so that if, after clarification, the solution be made up to 100 cc. the actual volume is 100 cc. less the volume occupied by the precipi- tate ; prima facie, an error is thus introduced, though that this is the case is denied by certain chemists. H. Pellet 5 in particular claims that the precipitate formed by the addition of basic acetate of lead entrains sugar, and that this entrainment compensates for the volume occupied by the lead precipitate. In his experiments he shows that a weight of sugar material dissolved in water and made up to 100 cc. in the presence of its precipitate gives a reading of, say, 50, the same weight of sugar material made up to 200 cc. in the presence of its precipitate will give a reading exactly half the first, in this case, 25 ; if the lead precipitate exercised an influence propor- tional to its volume the first solution would be more than twice as concentrated as the second, and hence the first reading should be more than twice as large as the second ; this phenomenon he attributes to the entrainment of sugar by the lead precipitate, and claims that it is unnecessary to apply a correction for its volume. The writer in investigating the same subject found also that a fixed weight of sugar material made up to different volumes in the presence of the precipi- tate tends to give identical polarizations independent of the dilution, and explains the apparent non-influence of the lead precipitate by an increase in the specific rotation of cane products with dilution. Home's very detailed experiments 6 also point to the conclusion that the lead precipitate introduces a positive error and that sugar is not entrained. Correction for the volume of the lead precipitate is made by the following methods : 1. ScheiUer's Method. 1 The material under analysis is first made up to a volume of 100 cc. in the presence of its precipitate, and the reading taken; a second reading is taken under identical conditions, except that the volume is now made up to 200 cc. Let x be the volume of the precipitate; let a be the reading in 100 apparent cc., and 5 the reading in 200 apparent cc. Then (100 x) a (200 x) I. Solving this equation x is found. Assuming that there is a change in the rotation of cane products with dilution this method is inaccurate, and the writer modifies it thus : 449 29 CANE SUGAR. The material under analysis is first made up to 100 cc. in the presence of its precipitate, filtered, and 50 cc. of the filtrate diluted to 200 cc., and the reading observed ; let it be a. The same weight of material is made up to 200 cc. in the presence of its precipitate, and the reading taken; let it be b ; let the volume of the precipitate be x the two readiugs to be observed are now almost exactly at the same dilution ; then 2 (100 a?) =r (200 x) I. Solving this equation x is found. 2. Method of Sachs. 9 The precipitate obtained is collected on a filter and washed until free from sugar ; it is then transferred to a graduated flask into which is weighed a sugar of known polarization. This weight of sugar is then made up to an apparent definite volume in the presence of the precipitate and a polarimetric reading taken. The apparent increase in the polarization of the sugar affords data to calculate the volume of the precipitate. 3. Wiechmanri's Method. 9 The precipitate is collected, washed free of sugar, dried and weighed. Its specific gravity is then obtained with the pycnometer, benzene being the liquid used ; from its weight and density the volume of the precipitate is calculated. 4. Home's Method. 10 Home eliminates the error due to the volume of the lead precipitate by making the solution of sugar product up to definite volume, and clarifying by the addition of dry basic acetate of lead in powdered foim, and assuming that the volu^ne of the acetic radical which goes into solution is compensated by the volume of the material precipitated. This method has met with considerable approval. The Presence of Active Bodies other than Sugar. The active bodies other than cane sugar present in cane products are chiefly dextrose and levulose; mannose and raifinose in small quantities have also been reported, and small quantities of gums are also present. The disturbing influence of dextrose and levulose is removed by the Clerget method, and the other bodies are generally present in such small quantities as to be negligible. The Effect of Lead Acetate on the Opticity of Sugar. The effect of lead acetate on cane sugar is small, and is given by Bates and Blake 11 as under, pure sugar being tested in normal concentration Basic lead acetate added, cc. Difference in Polarization. Ventzke . Basic lead acetate added, cc. Difference in Polarization. Ventzke . 5 0-09 4-0 0-06 1-0 0-13 5-0 0-93 1-5 0-10 6-0 .. o-oo 2-0 0-13 7-0 . .v +0-05 2-5 0-06 8-0 .;, +0-09 3-0 0-08 10-00 . -...^ +0-19 450 THE OPTICAL ASSAY OF SUGARS. The Effect of Concentration on the Rotation of Sugars. The rotation of cane sugar is but little affected by dilution ; there is, however r a sensible rise in the specific rotation with dilution. The results of Schmitz 12 (which are those most often quoted) and of Nasini and Yillavecchia 13 are in close agreement. If p is the percentage of sugar, and c the concentration in grms. per 100 cc., then, according to Schmitz, p 5 _ 65 ; [] V) == 66-510 -f -004508^ - -00028052^ 2 c 2-5 to 28 ; [*] ^? = 66-639 '0208200 + -00034603/? 2 and approximately, for purposes of calculation, o 2-5 to 28 ; [a] 2? = 66-541 -0084150. Nasini and Villavecchia found p 3 to 65 ; [a] 20 66-438 + 010312;? -00035449p 2 . In very dilute solutions the results of investigators are contradictory. Tollens 14 found quite irregular values, Pribram 15 found a decrease in falling from^? =. 3-659 to -222, whilst Nasini and Yillavecchia found an increase in falling from^ = 1-253 to -824. The specific rotation of dextrose increases with concentration, and is thus expressed by Tollens 16 for the anhydrous body [a] 20 52-50 + -018796^ -f -0005168^ 2 . The rotation of levulose also decreases with dilution. Honig and Jesser 17 give the formula for c =. 60 to 95 per cent. [a] 20 = -113-96 + -2580, c being the percentage of water in the solution. This reduces to [a] 2 =-(88-16 + -258^). Ost found the effect of dilution to be expressed by the formula [a] 20 = (91 -90 + -llty) for values of p 1 to 30 per cent. The Effect of Temperature on the Rotation of Sugars. The effect of temperature, having a very considerable bearing on the valuation of sugars, has been much studied, and very discordant results have been recorded. A very complete bibliography of the question is given by Wiech- mann. 18 With very few exceptions it is now generally accepted that the rotation of cane sugar decreases with rise in temperature. "Watts and Tempany 19 in a series of very careful experiments found this relation to hold 451 CANE SUGAR. for quartz wedge compensating instruments, the corre ction including that known as Jobin's. True polarization (1 + -00039Q observed polarization, where t is the difference between the temperature of observation and that at which the instrument was graduated in C. This result is in very close agreement with those obtained by Harrison and by Wiley. The rotation of levulose falls very rapidly with temperature rise. Honig and Jesser 17 give for p = 9 and t = 13C. to 40C. [a] J = 103-92 + -671* and for p 23-5 and t 9C. to 45C., [a] * =107-65+ -692* Jungfleisch and Grimbert 20 combine temperature and concentration in the one formula [a] * = [101-38 -56* + -108 (c 10)] e being the concentration in grms. per 100 cc. There do not appear to be any results published connecting the temperature and rotation of dextrose. The Effect of Inactive Bodies on the Rotation of Sugars. A small decrease in the rotation of cane sugar is brought about by the simultaneous presence of any of the following bodies : Hydrates of the alkalies and alkaline earths. Chlorides, nitrates, sulphates, carbonates, phosphates, acetates and citrates of the alkalies. Eorax, magnesium sulphate. Chlorides of the alkaline earths. An increase is observed with formaldehyde. 21 In the quantities in which these bodies occur in routine analyses the effect is very small. In the presence of lead acetate the specific rotation of levulose decreases until it becomes dextro-rotatory, and in the presence of mineral acids it increases (v. Clerget Process). Bl-rotation. The initial rotation of many of the sugars when freshly prepared is much higher than that after standing some time. After standing 24 hours a constant end rotation is obtained ; it is also rapidly obtained on heating, and by the addition of certain bodies in minute proportion, e.g., ammonia. 452 THE OPTICAL ASSAY OF SUGARS. Specific Rotation of Bodies other than Cane Sugar, Dextrose, and Levulose, occurring in Sugar Analysis. For convenience of reference some of these are here collected : Eaffinose ...... [ a ] j) 104 ' 2 t = 2Q (t = temperature.) Maltose ...... [a] * = 140-375 -01837^ '095 (p = per cent, of material.) Isomaltose gallisin . . c= 10-60 [a] 2 ? = 82-76 e= 27-29 L a ] 2 ? = 80 * 10 c 54-58 [a] 20 = 77-32 Lactose ...... HJ)~ 52 ' 5 t = 20 Mannose ...... [] * = 12-96 t = 20 Galactose ..... [a] * = 83037 + -199p (-276 -0025^?) t, 5 per cent, to 35 per cent, and t =: 4 C to 40 0. Arabinose ...... [a] = 104-4 = 10 * = 18 (c = concentration in grms. per 100 c.c.) Xylose ...... WT> = 18-095 + -06986^ p = 3 to 34 Dextran ...... [a] = 230 Levulan ...... [] = -221 = 20 c = 5 to 30 Xylan ........ [] = 70 to 85 Direct Polarization. The optically active constituents of the cane sugar factory consist essentially of cane sugar, of dextrose, of levulose, and of small amounts of other sugars ; in many cases the combined optical effect of the reducing sugars is small and may even altogether vanish, so that it is very general to calculate the result of the analysis as if cane sugar was the only active body present. Results so obtained are referred to as sugar from direct polarization. The effect of optically active bodies other than sugars can be eliminated by the Clerget process described in the next section. The Determination of Sugar by Cler get's Process. A solution of cane sugar when heated with acids is quantitatively converted into equal parts of dextrose and of levulose, and a solution of cane sugar originally dextro-rotatory is after such treatment found to be levo-rotatory. Clerget observed that the two rotations bore a fixed ratio to each other when the conversion of the cane sugar into dextrose and levulose was performed under fixed conditions. His original process was as under 22 : 16-471 grms. of sugar were dissolved in water, transferred to a flask graduated at 100 and at 453 CANE SUGAR. 110 c.c., water added to the 100 mark and the volume completed to the. 110 mark with strong hydrochloric acid. After mixture the flask was placed in a water bath and heated in such a way that at the end of fifteen minutes the temperature had risen to 68. The flask was then removed, rapidly cooled, and its contents polarized in a tube 220 cm. in length to allow for dilution. Clerget found that a solution of 16-471 grms. of sugar per 100 c.c., which polarized 100 in his polariscope, gave at a temperature of a reading to the left of 44, the rotation decreasing '5 for every 1 rise in temperature. Hence followed the formula * = where s is the true percentage of sugar, and a and I are the readings before and after inversion referred to the same concentration, and t is the temperature of the observation. This method of making the inversion is not now generally followed, the official German instructions due to Herzfeld being as under 23 : The half-normal weight (13-024 grms.) is taken and dissolved in a 100 c.c. flask in 70 c.c. of water, 5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid of 1-19 specific gravity is added, and the flask and its contents warmed to 67 70C. and maintained at that temperature for five minutes, at the expiration of which time the maximum left rotation is obtained ; the flask is then rapidly cooled, its contents com - pleted to 100 c.c., and polarized at a temperature as close to 20C. as possible. A rise of temperature above 70C. or a prolonged heating invalidates the results, and in the use of this process the directions must be exactly followed. Herzfeld found that the Clerget constant varied with the concentration of the sugar, and constructed the following table : Grms. Sugar per 100 c.c. Constant. Grms. Sugar per 100 c.c. Constant. 1 141-85 11 .. 142-52 2 141-91 12 .. . .. 142-59 3 141-98 13 142-66 4 142-05 14 142-73 5 142-12 15 142-79 6 142-18 16 142-86 7 142-25 17 142-93 8 . .. ... 142-32 18 143-00 9 142-39 19 143-07 10 142-46 20 .. .. ;. 143-13 Por the half -normal weight the factor is 142-66, which is the now generally accepted Clerget constant. The variation can also be expressed in the formula * = : -7- where i is the reading after inversion in 141 ' 84 +To-l the 200 cm. tube without any correction. It will be observed that the constant here given varies much from that found originally by Clerget. In the 454 THE OPTICAL ASSAY OF SUGARS. original Clerget process the concentration of the acid and of the sugar is greater than it is in that due to Herzfeld, and since the levo-rotation of levulose increases with concentration and with increasing strength of acid, a higher value for the constant is obtained. This point is of extreme importance and is one which is perhaps not uncommonly overlooked. Of greater importance than the concentration of the acid is the tempera- ture factor ; the temperature should he observed at the moment of making a reading, the water-jacketed tube referred to in the previous Chapter being used. Irregularities in the Clerget Process and Colour of Solution after Inversion. In certain cases, especially with low grade molasses, the solution becomes so dark coloured after inversion that it can only be read with great error or in a state of high dilution ; this inconvenience may be overcome thus. a. To the solution after inversion a Kttle bone charcoal is added, the whole shaken and filtered ; absorption of the reducing sugars does not occur. I. To the solution as it cools is added a crystal of sodium sulphite ; the sulphur dioxide generated decolourizes the solution. c. To the solution as it cools a little zinc dust is added, the decolouration being now due to the nascent hydrogen evolved. Effect of Lead. In the presence of basic lead acetate the left handed rotation of levulose decreases, the normal value being restored on neutralization. Hence, as has been shown in particular by Tervooren, 30 the direct reading should be taken after acidification of the filtrate after clarification with basic lead acetate. Tervooren's routine for eliminating the error in the analysis of molasses is " Dissolve 35-816 (26-048 X X f X |J) grms. molasses in 250 cc. water, with the addition of 40 cc. basic lead acetate ; receive 100 cc. of the filtrate in a 100-110 cc. flask; add 1 cc. of 30 per cent, acetic acid and 2 cc. of alumina cream, make up to 100 cc., then filter and polarize. The reading multiplied by 2 is the direct reading." Increase in Rotation of Levulose. In the presence of hydrochloric acid the gyrodynat of levulose increases; hence when levulose is initially present, a positive error is introduced. Browne 24 states that this error is corrected for by deducting from the percentage of sugar '36 per cent, for every 1 per cent, of levulose present, when 10 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, sp. gr. 1-18, are used per 100 c.c. of sugar solution. Modifications of the Clerget Process. Various agents other than hydrochloric acid have been used to effect the inversion, such as oxalic acid, employed in the proportion of one part per 100 of sugar at a temperature of 50C. 60C. for several hours. Yeast as an agent was first used by 0' Sullivan and Thomson 25 as follows : 50 c.c. of the solution under analysis are raised to a temperature of 55C. ; some brewers' yeast in quantity ^ 455 CANE SUGAK. that of the sugar present is pressed in a towel, placed in the flask, the contents of the flask well stirred and kept at 55C. for four hours ; clarification is effected by alumina cream, and the whole, after making up to 100 c.c., filtered and polarized. In all modifications of the official Clerget process it must be remembered that a constant differing from the official one obtains, and that must be determined experimentally under the same conditions as those under which an analysis is made. The Separation of Sugars occurring in Mixtures. The estimation of cane sugar in the presence of levulose and of dextrose is performed under the Clerget process ; the estimation and separation of the accompanying reducing sugars is thus obtained after Browne 24 : 1. The reducing power of the sugars is expressed in terms of dextrose, the reducing power of which is put equal to unity. The reducing power of the commoner sugars investigated by Browne is given in Chapter XXIII. 2. The optical rotation of the sugars is expressed in terms of cane sugar, the rotation of which is put equal to unity. According to Browne 2 these are Cane Sugar 1-000 Dextrose .. .... -793 Galactose.. .. .'.-.. .. 1-21 Arabinoso . 1-571 Xylose .". .. '283 Levulose. The rotation varies so much with temperature that special numbers have to be calculated for each temperature. The factors calculated from the formula of Jungfleisch and Grimbert 20 are Temper- Concentration, ature. 1 per cent. 2 per cent. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 10 per cent. 25 per cent. 15 .. 1-384 .. 1-385 ..1-387 ..1-389 ..1-390 ..1-398 ..1-422 20 . . 1-341 . . 1-343 . .1-345 . .1-346 . . 1-348 . .1'356 . .1-380 25 .. 1-299 .. 1-301 ..1-303 .. 1-304 .. 1-306 .. 1-314 ..1-338 30 .. 1-257 .. 1-259 .. 1-261 ..-1'262 .. 1-264 . 1*272 ..1-296 Let x =. per cent, of a given sugar A. Let y = per cent, of a given sugar B. Let a = dextrose ratio of sugar A. Let I =. dextrose ratio of sugar B. Let R =. per cent, of reducing sugars as dextrose. Then oc + by = J2 (1) Let a polarization factor of sugar A. Let /3 = polarization factor of sugar B. Let P = polarization of mixture, i.e., reading in Yentzke scale in 20 cm. tube for 26 grms. of sugar in 100 c.c. Then ax + fry = P (2) Solving these two equations the amounts of the sugars are found. 456 THE OPTICAL ASSAY OF SUGARS. The difference between direct polarization and the polarization due [to Clerget's process is the polarization of the dextrose and levulose in the mixture ; the dextrose and levulose are then separated according to the equations above. The simultaneous Determination of Cane Sugar and Raffinose. The official German method due to Creydt 26 is as follows : The direct reading is taken at 20 C. The material is inverted according to the official Clerget process. Let A = direct reading, B = reading after inversion, c = algebraic difference between A and B. Then C- Sugar per cent. = Raffinose per cent. = 81 A- 8 1-54 Pieraert's process is as follows 27 : 10 grms. of material are dissolved in 100 c.c. ; this solution serves to give the direct reading. 50 c.c. of this solution are transferred to a 100 c.c. flask, to which are added 10 c.c. of a 20 per cent, solution of citric acid, and the mixture boiled for 15 minutes in a flask to which is attached a reflux con- denser ; after making up to 100 c.c. and cooling, the inverted reading is taken. Then if x and y are quantities of cane sugar and of hydrated raffinose in 100 c.c. of solution, and a and I are the readings before and after inversion, x 9-287- 18-3113 y = 3-6590 + 11-6523 The simultaneous Determination of Cane Sugar, Invert Sugar, and Raffinose. The following scheme is due to Wortmann 28 : The reducing sugars are determined under Clerget's process, and calculated according to the formula = q R being the per cent, reducing sugars, C the weight of copper, and q the quantity of material used. The direct and invert readings are then obtained according to the official German method. Then "9598^ - 1-85 J 277* Per cent, cane sugar = Per cent, raffinose = 1-5648 A ~ 8 + ' 1-85 where A and JB are the direct and invert readings. 457 CANE SUGAR. The Effect of Temperature on the Polarization of Sugars. Although there is no doubt that the rotation of cane sugar falls with a rise in temperature, in commercial sugars other factors are at work. Browne 29 has conclusively shown that owing to the presence of levulose in low grade sugars a rise in temperature is often accompanied by a rise in polarization, and that the application of a temperature correction is invalid ; to obtain a just ' polarization ' all sugars should be polarized at one standard temperature, which is in the United States fixed at 20C. It is extremely unfortunate that the Supreme Court of the United States has definitely settled that legally the polarization of a sugar is the percentage of sucrose in that sugar, and has also established the validity of temperature corrections, entirely losing sight of the presence in commercial sugars of active bodies other than sucrose. The polarization of a sugar is a useful trade convention but analy- tically has no real meaning. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XXII. 1. /. 8. J., 92, 99. 2. Ball. Assoc. 16, 337. 3. J. A. C. S., 26, 186. 4. Abs. in Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1909, 805. 5. /. 8. J., 93. 6. J. A. C. 8., 1907, 926. 7. Zeits. fur. Rub., 1875, 1054. 8. Revue. Universette de la Fabric de Sucre, 1, 451. 9. I. S. J., 56. 10. /. 8. J., 61. 11. Butt. U. S. Bur. Standards, 3, 105. 12. Ber. Deut. Chem. Gesel., 10, 1414. 13. Pub. Lab. Chem. Gen. Delia. Gab. Roma., 1891, 47. 14. Ber. Deut. Chem. Oesel, 10, 1410; 17, 1757. 15. Ber. Deut. Chem. Gesel, 20, 1848. 16. Ber. Deut. Chem. Gesel., 21^, 2000. 17. Zeits. fur Rub., 1888, 1028. 18. /. S. J., 21. 19. W. I. B., 6, 52; 7, 152. 20. Comptes rendus, 107, 390. 21. Chem. Centralblatt, 1907, p. 1320. 22. An. Chem. Phys., 1849, p. 185. 23. Zeit. Ver. Deut. Rub. Ind., 28, 699. 24. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 28, 4. 25. Trans. Chem. Soc., 1891, p. 46. 26. Zeit. fur Rub. 2nd., 38, 867. 27. Bull. Assoc., 23, 1143. 28. Zeit. fur Rub. Ind., 39, 766. 29. Am. Sug. Ind., XL, 176. 30. Arch., 1904, 321. 458 CHAPTER XXIII. THE DETERMINATION OP REDUCING SUGARS. Solutions of dextrose and other hexose sugars when boiled with an alkaline solution of a cupric salt reduce the latter to the cuprous state in the form of cuprous oxide. Approximately two molecules of dextrose reduce five molecules of a cupric salt, but the quantities reduced vary with the conditions of experiment. Tables connecting the amount of copper contained and the amount of reducing sugar have been constructed by a number of experimenters. The method of Allihn 1 is that generally adopted, and is as follows :* Allihn's Method. The solutions used are : A. 34-64 grms. copper sulphate in 500 c.c. . 173 grms. potassium sodium tartrate and 125 grms. caustic potash in 500 c.c. Thirty c.c. of each solution are mixed, 60 cc. of water added, and the whole brought to the boiling point over a direct flame ; twenty-five cc. of the reducing sugar solution are then run in, the whole again brought to the boiling point, and the boiling continued for two minutes ; an equal volume of cold water is then added and the reduced copper determined by one or other of the methods given below, whence the amount of reducing sugar is obtained from reference to the tables in the Appendix. The Filtration of the Cuprous Oxide. A. If filtration over reduced pressure is not available paper must be used ; the reduced copper oxide passes very readily through paper, and only paper of close texture can be used. The paper always absorbs and retains copper sulphate, and the amount must be determined by a blank experiment. B. The Soxhlet tube, Fig. 255, very often used, consists of a glass tube about six inches long in all ; the upper portion is about three inches long and half an inch in diameter, and terminates in a concave bottom to which is attached a short capillary of about J% in. bore ; the lower half is about three inches long and in diameter tapers from half to T 3 ^ in. It is prepared for use * Munson and Walker's method substitutes caustic soda for potash and a two for a four minute boiling ; I give Allihn's method since it still remains official in the U.S. : it is moreover used by Browne whose scheme is the only one completely accounting for all the factors in the assay of complex sugar mixtures ; Browne's check analyses by Allihn's method leave nothing to be desired on the grounds of accuracy. (N.D.) 459 CANE SUGAR. FIG. 255. thus: A plug of glass wool is placed on the concave bottom of the tube and above this a pad of asbestos ; the plug of glass wool should be about f in. deep and the asbestos about T ^ ; the best quality of asbestos must be used and previous to use it should be digested, first in caustic soda, then in nitric acid, and finally in water. After the Soxhlet tube has been pre- pared, it is fitted into the stopper of the filter flask and filled about three parts full with water; a small funnel is then fitted on to the tube, the stem of which does not quite reach to the level of the water in the tube ; the funnel is then filled with water and the pump started ; as the water passes through the filter, the liquid under- going filtration is poured into the funnel, care being taken to keep the funnel full; when all the copper oxide has been brought into the funnel; the level of liquid is maintained by hot water until all the precipitate has passed into the Soxhlet tube and is continued until the washing is complete. C. A Grooch crucible consists of a tall crucible of conventional pattern, the bottom of which is a perforated disc ; it is prepared for use as described for the Soxhlet tube, save that the pad of glass wool is unnecessary. The filtration apparatus used in the laboratories of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association is shewn in Fig. 256 ; the filter flask is of the form due to Diamond. The tube a communicates with the vacuum pump ; con- nection with the atmosphere may be made by the cock on the tube I ; the Gooch crucible c is held in the carbon tube d, a tight joint being made by a piece of inner tubing of a bicycle tyre ; the filtrate may be discharged through e. The advantages of this apparatus for all vacuum nitrations are obvious. The Determination of the Re- duced Copper. A. As Cuprous Oxide. The cuprous oxide after collection by one or other of the above methods is dried to con- stant weight, preferably in a vacuum oven, or else at 105C. The drying is materially accelerated by washing the precipitate first with alcohol and then with ether. B. As Cupric Oxide. If the cuprous oxide has been collected on paper the precipitate is, after drying, detached as completely as possible from the 460 FIG. 256 THE DETERMINATION OF REDUCING SUGARS. paper and ignited in a porcelain crucible ; the paper and adhering cuprous oxide are burnt separately, the cuprous oxide being partly reduced to copper ; the ash and reduced copper are placed in the crucible, a few drops of nitric acid 'added, evaporated to dryness and cautiously ignited. If collected in a Soxhlet tube the narrow end of the tube is connected by rubber tubing to a vacuum pump and a current of air is sucked through the layer of cuprous oxide ; at the same time the tube is heated over a small flame ; the cuprous oxide is seen to glow and is rapidly converted into cupric oxide. If a Gooch crucible has been used, it and its contents are heated at a low red heat, care being taken to prevent the reducing gases of the flame entering the crucible, an end which is best obtained by placing the crucible containing the cuprous oxide inside a second one. C. As Copper, by Reduction in Hydrogen. The precipitate of cuprous oxide conveniently collected in a Soxhlet tube is attached to an apparatus generating hydrogen, and a current of hydrogen is passed through the tube. On gently heating the tube the cuprous oxide is rapidly reduced to metallic copper. According to Perrault 2 the hydrogen should be purified by being passed through towers containing a. Crystals of iodine, mixed with pumice stone. b. Caustic soda. c. Potassium permanganate 5 per cent., in caustic soda of density 1*32. d. Potassium bichromate in concentrated sulphuric acid. D. By Electrolytic Deposition. In the United States Agricultural Department's laboratory the copper is obtained by electric deposition ; the cuprous oxide is dissolved in nitric acid and collected in a platinum basin of about 175 c.c. capacity ; after the addition of 3-4 c.c. sulphuric acid the copper is ready for deposition, which is thus effected by Spencer. 3 " Where a direct current is used in lighting the sugar-house, it is the most convenient source of electricity for depositing the copper. The current must be passed through a resistance or regulator in addition to the lamp. A convenient and durable regulator is shown in Fig. 257 ; c is a glass tube partly filled with water slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid ; the wire a connects with a platinum sealed into the tube ; b s a glass tube through which a copper wire extends and connects with a platinum wire e sealed into this tube. The tube b may be slipped up and down, thus regulating the distance between the wires e and a and regulating the current. The twin wire m is separated, severed, and one end d connected with the platinum dish in which the copper is to be deposited and the other with the FIG. 257. 461 CANE SUGAR. regulator b, thence through the acidulated water, and a with the platinum cylinder suspended in the copper solution. Sufficient current for a large number of dishes arranged in sets of four will pass through a 16 C.P. or 32 C.P. lamp. The copper should be deposited very slowly. Usually, if the apparatus he connected when the lights are turned on in the evening, all the copper will he deposited before they are turned off in the morning." E. By the Permanganate Process.* In this process the cuprous oxide is dissolved in a concentrated solution of ferric sulphate in 25 per cent, sulphuric acid ; the ferric oxide is reduced by the cuprous oxide under the equation 5 Cu 2 + 5 Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + 5 H 2 S0 4 = 10 CuS0 4 + 10 Fe S0 4 + 5 H 2 and the ferrous sulphate formed is estimated by titration with potassium per- manganate. The exact copper value of the permanganate should be determined by direct assay against a pure preparation of a copper salt. A solution of a ferric salt will always decolourize a few drops of deci- normal permanganate, and hence a fixed quantity of the ferric solution should be adhered to ; by standardizing the permanganate under the conditions of the subsequent assays this source of error is automatically removed. F. Sidersky's Process. 5 In Sidersky's method the precipitated cuprous oxide is dissolved in a measured quantity of standardized sulphuric acid to which a little potassium chlorate has been added. The reaction proceeds as follows : 3 Cu 2 + 6 H 2 S0 4 + K Cl 3 - 6 Cu S0 4 + K Cl + 6 H 2 0. The excess of sulphuric acid is then titrated with standard alkali, or an excess of standard alkali may be added and titrated back with standard sulphuric acid ; in the presence of free ammonia the solution is blue changing to green when all the ammonia is saturated. It is advised that half normal ammonia be employed. The amphotere in this method appears to the writer's eye inconveniently large, the change from blue to green not being at all sharp. The ammonia and sulphuric acid solutions should be standardized against each other, using 2 c.c. of a concentrated solution of copper sulphate as an indicator. G. lodometric Process. The reactions involved are 2 Cu(CH 3 COO) 2 + 4 KI = Cul + 4 KCH 3 COO + I 2 2 Na 2 S 2 3 + I 2 = 2 ]S T aS 2 3 -f 2 Nal From the above equations it follows that 126*8 parts of iodine are equiva- lent to 63 -5 parts of copper. The precipitated cuprous oxide is dissolved in nitric acid, the excess of acid partly removed by evaporation, neutralized with a slight excess of sodium carbonate, and the precipitate redissolved with acetic acid. A slight excess of potassium iodine over that indicated as necessary from the above equation is added, and the iodine determined in the usual way with sodium thiosulphate, using starch as an indicator. The thiosulphate solution should be standardized against pure electrolytic copper or a pure preparation of a copper salt. 462 THE DETERMINATION OF REDUCING SUGARS. Reduction Process employing Prolonged Heating. There are not wanting objections to a boiling of the copper and glucose solutions for a short period, and processes involving the keeping of the materials for up to 15 minutes on a water bath have been proposed. These processes have never been so generally adopted as have those entailing a boiling of short period, and Munson and Walker 7 in particular have shown that serious error due to surface oxidation is thereby introduced. Dextrose Ratio of Reducing Sugars. The tables of Allihn give the equivalence between copper and dextrose ; the methods described and the tables are equally applicable to all reducing sugars, as Browne 8 has shown that the relative reducing powers of the different reducing sugars are constant. The dextrose ratio of levulose is given by Browne as '915, i.e., where a certain weight of dextrose reduces one part of copper, the same weight of levulose will reduce '915 part of copper, hence if levulose is being determined, the analysis is made exactly as if for dextrose, the final result being divided by 915, so as to correct for the difference in the reducing powers of the sugars. The reducing powers of some sugars compared with dextrose as unity are Dextrose .. .. .. .; . .. .. I'OOO Levulose . . . . . . . . . . . . .... '915 Xylose.. ., .. _.. ... -983 Arabinose .. ., .. .... 1.032 Invert Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -957 Galactose .. .. .. .. ..... .... '898 Lactose -678 Maltose .. .. ... - .. .. .. -620 The Effect of Cane Sugar in the Determination of Reducing Sugars. Cane sugar has a slight reducing action on the copper solution, and this action is proportional to the amount of cane sugar present, and to the amount of copper left unreduced ; the error becomes very notice- able when bodies such as raw cane sugars containing 96 per cent, cane sugar and less than 1 per cent, reducing sugars are being analysed. This error is thus corrected by Browne. 8 " The grms. of sucrose in the 25 c.c. of solution to be analysed by Allihn's method are divided by the mgrms. of dextrose found-f 40 ; the quotient will give the required correction in grms. to be deducted." For the determination of invert sugar in the presence of cane sugar the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, which are based on those of Herzfeld and of Meissl and Hiller, enjoin the use of a copper solution different from that of Allihn ; for the determination of dextrose alone Allihn's copper solution is used; as the use of two solutions is inconvenient, the writer only gives the method of Browne for the correction due to the presence of cane sugar. 663 CANE SUGAR. Necessity to adhere to the same Conditions. The amount of copper reduced by a weight of reducing sugar depends on the time of boiling, the composition of the copper solution, the quantity used, and on the concentration of the sugar solution ; and hence where accuracy is desired the exact conditions under which the tables were constructed must be followed. General Considerations of Gravimetric Processes. The amount of copper reduced forms the basis of the calculation of the corresponding amount of reducing sugars ; provided only cuprous oxide were precipitated, weighings as cuprous oxide, as cupric oxide, as metallic copper, or determination of the copper by other methods would give equivalent results. In actual practice, and especially when dealing with low grade products, equivalence is not found. Zerban and Naquin 9 , with pure invert sugar, invariably found that the weight of cuprous oxide was greater than should correspond with the weight of cupric oxide found after complete oxidation of the former. They found, in addition, that the weight of cupric oxide corresponded very closely with that of the copper determined in the precipitate, and this difference they attribute to the retention of water by the cuprous oxide. With actual factory products they found that the weight of both the cuprous and cupric oxide was greater than that which corresponded to the copper in the precipitate, and they attribute this to the co-precipitation of mineral matter weighed along with the precipitate. It follows, then, that the excess copper methods, to be considered accurate, demand the determination of the copper in the precipitate, which can be done electrolytically, by the perman- ganate or by the iodometric processes already given. In the writer's opinion, this last process combines both convenience and accuracy. Direct Volumetric Methods. In these methods a fixed quantity of alkaline copper tartrate solution is titrated with the solution under analysis until all the copper is reduced. The copper solution is usually known as Fehling's solution, and is of composition Copper sulphate, 34-64 grms. per 1000 c.c. Caustic soda, 80 grms., and potassium sodium tartrate, 180 grms. per 1000 c.c. Equal quantities of the above are mixed, and 20 c.c. of the mixed solution are reduced by approximately '05 grm. glucose. As this method is the one usually employed in tropical sugar factories by unskilled workers, it is described in full detail, the remarks and directions applying mutatis mutandis to the other volumetric processes given. The mixed solution of copper sulphate and alkaline tartrate is known as Fehling's solution ; this is a deep blue solution which on boiling with glucose throws down a precipitate of red oxide of copper (cuprous oxide), the solution at the same time becoming lighter and eventually colourless, provided that a pure 464 THE DETERMINATION OF REDUCING SUGARS. solution of glucose be used. With cane juices, &c., the solution after precipi- tation of all the copper is yellow in colour. Fehling's solution, as sold in the shops, is twice as concentrated as the solution obtained by mixing equal bulks of the copper sulphate and the alkaline tartrate solutions, and 10 c.c. of the one or 20 c.c. of the other will be completely precipitated by approximately 05 grm. of glucose. As Fehling's solution when mixed is apt to decompose, it should be standardized before use, and even if its components are kept separately it should still be standardized, as copper sulphate crystals are difficult to obtain pure. The standardization is performed by titrating the Fehling's solution with a solution of invert sugar of known composition until all the copper is precipitated ; in subsequent analyses the conditions of the standardization must be strictly adhered to. The manipulation of a deter- mination, whether standardization or analysis, is as follows : 10 c.c. of Fehling's solution as found in the druggists' shops or 20 c.c. prepared as described above are placed in a small flask or large test tube and about 50 c.c. of water added ; the exact quantity is immaterial so long as a fixed measure is adhered to. The whole is brought to the boil and the glucose solution added in quantities of 1 c.c. from a burette to the boiling Fehling's solution until the addition of 1 c.c. causes the final discharge of the blue colour. This preliminary experiment gives the amount of glucose solution required to the nearest c.c. If the number of c.c. taken differs materially from that of the solution used when standardizing, it should be diluted until of approximately the same strength. A second portion of Fehling's solution is now diluted and boiled and a quantity of glucose solution added, just a little less than that which the preliminary experiment has shown necessary, and the whole boiled for exactly two minutes ; the glucose solution is then added drop by drop to the still boiling mixture until all the copper is reduced. Owing to the yellow colour of cane juices, &c., in alkaline solution, the disappearance of the blue colour is not sharp, and the critical point of the operation is deter- mined as follows : A solution of copper and potassium ferrocyanide in acetic acid solution gives an intense brown colouration. A drop of the nearly com- pletely reduced Fehling's solution is removed in a Wiley or Knorr filtering tube and placed on a porcelain tile ; to this is added a drop of potassium ferrocyanide solution and a drop of acetic acid : the presence of copper in solution is shown by a red colouration. This test is made for every drop of glucose solution added, after the blue colour has become indistinct. Wiley's filter tube consists of a glass tube with a flange formed by softening one end and pressing on a wooden block ; over this flange is tied a piece of linen and an asbestos film is formed on this by suction. Knorr modified this by sealing in the end of a glass tube a perforated platinum disc. On placing one of the tubes in the turbid liquid and applying suction, a little of the liquid is filtered through the asbestos free of copper oxide ; after using each time the tube should be washed out. 465 30 CANE SUGAR. The following method of filtration, is not inferior to the above : a number of filters are folded from papers about 3 cm. in diameter; one of these is grasped with the point of a small forceps and held in the material to be tested ; a clear solution passes into the interior of the filter from which one drop is removed with a pipette such as is used for filling fountain pens. Ling and Eendle 10 use an indicator prepared as follows : One grm. each of ferrous ammonium sulphate and ammonium sulpho- cyanide are dissolved in 20 c.c. of water, to which is added 5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid ; if necessary this is decolourized with a little zinc dust and the solution preserved out of contact with air ; a cupric salt gives an intense red colouration with this indicator ; the indicator becomes coloured after standing, but may be decolourized several times by the addition of zinc dust, its delicacy eventually becoming impaired. Pavy's Method. 11 In Pavy's modi- fication of Fehling's method, ammonia is added with the object of keeping in solution the cuprous oxide. The solu- tion is prepared by adding to 120 c.c. of Fehling's solution (10 c.c. = '05 grm. glucose) 300 c.c. of ammonia -880, and making up to 1 litre ; 50 c.c. of this solution are reduced by -025 grm. of glucose. The determination is made as follows: The apparatus (Fig. 258\ consists of a flask holding about 150 c.c , into the neck of which is fitted a rubber stopper carrying three tubes, one of which communicates with a reservoir of ammonia by a rubber tube carrying a screw clamp ; a second communicates with a burette containing the glucose solution, the flow of which is controlled with a screw clamp ; the third serves to- carry away and condense under water the escaping fumes of ammonia. The whole apparatus is supported by suitable holders ; 50 c.c. of Pavy's solution are placed in the flask and boiled, ammonia being allowed to drip slowly into the flask. As soon as the air is expelled, indicated by the almost complete absorp- tion of the escaping bubbles, the glucose solution is slowly added and continued until the blue colour is discharged ; the last few drops should be allowed to flow very slowly. The addition of the ammonia must be continued throughout the experiment, and as, notwithstanding the partial expulsion of the air on boiling,, the reduced copper reoxidizes, the experiment should be made as expeditiously as is compatible with accuracy. The above remarks in describing Fehling's method as- regards standardization, conditions of experiment, &c., are equally applicable here. FIG. 258. 466 THE DETERMINATION OF REDUCING SUGARS. Peskds Method. Peska's modification of Pavy's method consists in covering the copper solution with a layer of pure paraffin and conducting the experiment at a temperature of 80 C., the copper solution not heing allowed to boil. The solution employed by him is 6-9 grms. pure copper sulphate and 160 c.c. of 25 per cent, ammonia in 500 c.c. mixed immediately before use with an equal volume of 34*5 grms. Rochelle salt and 10 grms. of caustic soda, also in 500 c.c. ; 100 c.c. of the mixed reagent are reduced by 80-2 mgrms. of dextrose in 1 per cent, solution, or by 84-0 mgrms. of invert sugar in 1 per cent, solution. Soldaintfs Method. 1 ' 3 This process is not generally used in estimating reducing sugars, but is useful for the detection of small quantities of reducing sugars, and of cane sugar after inversion. A formula for its preparation is copper sulphate, 3'464 grins. ; potassium bicarbonate, 297 grms. ; dissolve in 1000 c.c. ; equal volumes of this reagent and of the solution under inspection are boiled ; in the presence of reducing sugars the cuprous oxide separates in an intensely red condition ; as little as *005 grm. sugar per 100 c.c. may be detected. General Considerations of Volumetric Methods. In the volumetric assay of glucose the Fehling solution is standardized against a solu- tion of dextrose, invert or other sugar of known composition ; the amount of copper reduced is, however, influenced by the time of boiling, by the concen- tration of the sugars, and by the simultaneous presence of cane sugar. The first two factors are capable of control, but the latter is not ; the last factor is of greatest influence when the cane sugar is in great excess, as happens in the analysis of sugars ; the volumetric process then cannot lay claim to great accuracy unless the Fehling solution be standardized by a preliminary assay with cane sugar and reducing sugars in that proportion approximately in which they occur in the materials under analysis. Ling and Rendle, 14 however, consider that the volumetric method, when properly conducted, gives results equally accurate with the gravimetric method, and at a considerable saving of time. Preparation of Sugar Solutions for Reducing Sugar Assay. The material used for the assay of reducing sugar may be submitted to the action of a clarifying agent or not, and very great differences in methods of working obtain. Pellet has repeatedly protested against the use of basic lead acetate, and it has been shown by Geerligs 15 and himself that this material, in the presence of chlorides, sulphates and other bodies carries down both dextrose and levulose ; on the other hand, with the use of no clarifying agent, bodies other than reducing sugars which act on the copper solution may be present ; for this reason it is customary with many chemists to use neutral acetate of lead as a clarifying agent. Zerban and Naquin 9 have shown that with cane molasses a little more copper is precipitated with unclarified solutions 467 CANE SUGAR. than with solutions clarified with neutral acetate of lead, and the writer is of the opinion that results closest to the truth are obtained with the use of this material. In case clarification with a lead salt is used, the excess of lead must he removed ; this may be done by the addition of a soluble sulphate, carbonate or oxalate. The International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis, sitting in London in 1909, failed to agree on this point ; basic lead acetate was forbidden, and neutral lead acetate was objected to by the English chemists only, so that no agreement was reached. With no treatment at all the gravimetric process is impracticable with low grade products, owing to filtration being impossible ; clarification with alumina cream will almost invariably overcome this difficulty. Determination of Cane Sugar as Glucose. On treatment with acids cane sugar is quantitatively converted into equal parts of dextrose and levulose, the mixture of the two being known as invert sugar; from 100 parts of cane sugar there are obtained 105*32 parts of invert sugar. In most text books the scheme given is to determine the invert sugar in the sample before inversion. Let the invert sugar be in a sugar, say, 2*0 per cent. The sugar is then inverted and is now found to contain, say, 103*6 per cent, sugar, calculated as invert sugar ; deducting the invert sugar there remains 101-6 per cent, cane sugar as invert sugar, and this converted to cane sugar by dividing by 1-0532, or by multiplying by -95, gives the invert sugar as 96*52 per cent. If this scheme is to be used as an accurate one it is essential that gravi- metric processes be used to estimate the glucose, that the effect of the presence of cane sugar in determining the glucose originally present be allowed for, and that the correct factors connecting weight of copper be obtained. An example of the method of calculation is appended. Ten grms. raw sugar were dissolved in 100 c.c., and 25 c.c. (= *4 grm. sugar) treated according to Allihn's process ; there were obtained 84-6 mgrms. copper = 43-2 mgrms. dextrose, equivalent to 45*1 mgrms. as invert sugar; hence the material contains approximately 1*13 per cent, reducing sugars as invert sugar. 10 c.c. of the above solution were inverted, neutralized, and made up to 200 c.c. 25 c.c. (= -125 grms. sugar) treated according to Allihn's process gave 237-4 mgrms. copper rr 122-5 mgrms. dextrose = 127*7 mgrms. invert sugar, or 102*32 per cent, total sugar as invert sugar. Deduct- ing the invert sugar already found as present before inversion, there is due to the cane sugar 101*09 per cent, as invert sugar, which, converted to cane sugar, gives 96*04 per cent, as the approximate amount of cane sugar. Applying Browne's correction, t.*., dividing the grms. sucrose in the 25 c.c. of solution to be analysed by Allihn's method by the mgrms. of dextrose found + 40, the calculation appears : Approximate amount of cane sugar in 25 c.c. 468 THE DETERMINATION OF REDUCING SUGARS. of original solution -96 x '4 = -384 ; mgrms. dextrose + 40 = 83-2 ; 384 -r- 83-2 = -0046 grm. ; i.e., 4'6 mgrms. dextrose are to be deducted from the amount found, which now appears as 43-2 4'6 = 38-6 mgrms. dextrose = 40*3 mgrms. invert sugar, or 1*07 per cent, as the correct amount of reducing sugars calculated as invert sugars. The invert sugar due to the cane sugar is then 102-32 1-07 = 101-25 per cent. = 96'18 per cent, as the true amount of cane sugar present. Optical Assay of Levulose. 16 The rotation of levulose falls rapidly with rise of temperature ; hence by observations of the optical activity at different temperatures the amount of levulose can be estimated ; for each 1 C. rise in temperature and for 1 grm. levulose in 100 c.c., the rotation falls 0357 Yentzke degree ; assuming the other sugars present are not affected, the amount of levulose present follows directly. Identification of Levulose. Pierarts 17 uses the folio wing solution: per 1000 c.c. 12 grms. of glycocoll, 6 grms. freshly prepared cupric hydroxide, 50 grms. potassium carbonate ; in the cold this solution is reduced by levulose alone and by no other sugars which occur in analysis. Direct Assay of Dextrose in the Presence of other Reducing Sugars. Romijn's 18 method is based on the observation that dextrose and other aldose sugars readily oxidize iodine, levulose and ketose sugars having a very small oxidizing action at low temperatures. The assay is made as under. The iodine solution contains 40 grms. of borax and about 10 grms. of iodine per 1000 c.c. ; of this solution 25 c.c. are mixed with 25 c.c. of the solution under analysis which should contain about -15 grms. sugar ; the mixed solutions are contained in a narrow necked flask with a long glass stopper ; the flask and its contents are then placed in a thermostat for 16 22 hours ; the stopper is wired down and the gutter between the stopper and neck of the flask is sealed with water. On removal from the thermostat the contents of the flasks are acidified with hydrochloric acid and the excess of iodine determined with thiosulphate. For 2 atoms of iodine I molecule of glucose is calculated. The reaction involved is given on page 462. Separation of Dextrose and Levulose from Sucrose. 19 A.mmoniacal lead acetate prepared by adding ammonia to lead acetate until the opalescence which forms just disappears precipitates dextrose and levulose from solution ; the sucrose remains in solution as a soluble lead compound ; the precipitated lead-sugar compounds are suspended in water through which is passed a current of carbon dioxide ; the lead dextrose compound is decomposed and is removed by filtration ; the lead levulose compound may then be decom- posed by hydrogen sulphide ; this method was used by Winter in pioneer work on the nature of the sugars of the cane, but is unsuited for ordinary laboratory routine. 469 CANE SUGAR. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XXIII, 1. Zeit. filr Rill. Ind., 1889, 734. 2. Le Rhum p. 238. 3. Handbook for Beet Sugar Chemists, p. 4. Zeit. fur Anal. Chem., 12, 296. o. Bull. Assoc., July, 1886; Sept., 1888. 6. After Sutton's Volumetric Analysis, p. 189. 7. J. A. C. S., 24, 1082. 8. J. A. C. S., 28, 4. -9. /. 8. o CO CN CO CO rH o OS i cp T 1 o rH cp rH 00 CO CN OS CO CO s cp CO oo o 1 I CO 1 CO 1 o V - oo OO 00 CN o CO CO ^ 1 co" t~. CN CN *o CO CN CN CO CO o cp cp r 1 O CN s CO CO CO OS CO oo 1-H o 1 co" i o OS r* p o CO o 1 1 o OS HJ JL ^ s * x 00 M CN CO >o >o 00 s n CO CO o T ( o 2 1 o CN 1 C5 CO ^ rH ^^ EH l ^~ 1 T* OS CO 1 CO CO CO CO o 1 1 10 s i" CN CO H CO T 1 o ^^ *O CN PH r: v -' '-' ^ ^ .0 00 os ^ 2 i cp CN OS cp CO OS 3 s CO cp o iO 00 OS *r^ ^ ^-^ >o CO i-H oo CN Tfl OS t- cp CO CN O i o OS 00 s o 1 1 CN CN CN O * * vl^ t * | ^_s oo 1 00 oo o CO rH o 00 00^ rH O ft 1 1-1 oo 00 9 cp cp rH cp i v "~^' T 1 v x h o 'o " ^ r^ rQ 1 ^^ .2 1 i 0? 'o -g 1 I 1 oj % 00 oS o c 1 o" 8 ^ CD "M ^^ iH co e> Alcohol . , - CD s 18 .2 O 1 f 1 cj 3 1 Volatile a( g co i M, 1 524 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. 1 1 ! .1 rt 1 . 1 4 1 * g 1 I I '1 1 " rt s | g | -| ^ -1 ^ 1 3 ' r ^ **"^ L^ ** ^ ^* cd "S ea tC o 'g* 8 ' d 5 <3 -^ PH d a . : . ; s . o "1 s -d 3 M i e r-- .2 '3 55 a S eg ^ - - - p 5 ^ - H T oS s | O C4_| O to o *1 o 05 'S 05 " bn ^5 ~ '^ " >> Oft tc o .3 >r s .s 'b.2 s-jg g 3 tf *3 O jjlflS 1 II bc" S I1|S CD fl 3 ^ O -5 ^ rj *% N ^ ^ M ^ s ~ i _l i i ^ O ^ O GO O 00 GO 05 O gWgSg o O O O O CO O5 O5 w 0"" . 0) , 5 3 O5 O I O TjH 1- (M ill "3 p >> * * s -sss co r-. O >>Q |1| o "* 05 0-1 00 O t~ CO kO CO -t" O HH O5 rtH CO ^ ~ CO I- O5 O5 O5 O5 Oi 00 CO CO i i OC 00 00 GO GO coO'JI 11 Highe .Icohol GO CO O Tt* TJI O O O 3 g rjn 05 (M OO O *O O 525 CANE SUGAR. In consequence of an abortive prosecution for selling Demerara rum as Jamaica rum, Harrison 29 examined the ethereal salt content of Demerara rums, finding a variation from 23'7 to 141*6, with a mean of 64'7 parts per 100,000 ; pot still rums contained on an average 69'9, and continuous still rums 44*9 parts per 100,000 of alcohol. In Jamaica rums, classed as common clean/ Cousins 30 found 200-300, in high-class ordinary rums 300-400, and in the best flavoured 1100 and upwards parts ethereal salts per 100,000 of alcohol. The Flavour of Rum. It is generally held that the peculiar fruity flavour of rum is due to the presence of ethyl ethers, particularly the butyrate and caprylate. It has been shown by Cousins that these ethers, particularly the latter, are present in very minute quantity, and that the ether predominantly present is the acetate; compared with the other ethers the acetate and butyrate, particularly the former, are volatile and these serve as a means whereby the heavier ethers are conveyed to the organ of smell. According to the same writer the accentuation of the flavour on dilution is due to the presence of water decreasing the volatility of the acetate thereby masking its somewhat pungent yet pleasant smell. These remarks apply exclusively to Jamaica rums, and not to Demerara rums of less ether content ; in these Harrison"* 9 claims that the peculiarities are in some part due to the caramel compounds used in colouring. The origin of these ethers is connected with the process of manufacture followed ; Allan 31 considers that the factors are the presence of fission yeasts, of butyric acid forming bacteria, of which he has isolated one, and of Bacillus mesentericm, to which is attributed the presence of higher alcohols, especially butyl alcohol ; Allan's work refers to Jamaica rums, and bacteria could play only a very small part in the development of flavour in the quick fermentation process followed in Demerara, where indeed bactericides are used to inhibit their action. That the budding yeasts have but little to do with the development of flavour in rum is probable from the results of Peck and Deerr, 5 who found in pure culture that only 18 parts of ether (as acetate) were formed per 100,000 of alcohol, and previously Deerr had observed no special flavour when cultiva- ting in pure culture fourteen Demerara yeasts ; with the fission yeast Peck and Deerr isolated from Peruvian material no special flavour was observed ; from Natal material they obtained, however, a Monilia, which produced a slow alcoholic fermentation, and at the same time formed 7558 parts ethereal salts (as acetate) per 100,000 of alcohol, both acetate and butyrate being present; to this or to a similar organism they suggested the origin of ethers in high-class rums. About the same time Ashby 32 found a ' fruit ether producing yeast ' in Jamaica distilleries. Micko 27 by means of fractional distillation has established the presence in Jamaica rum of a body which is not an aldehyde, ketone or ester, but has the properties of an ethereal oil, though it may be allied to 526 FEHMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. the terpenes, and to this he attributes the peculiar flavour of Jamaica rum, utilizing its absence and presence as diagnostic of the authenticity. Notwith- standing, the presence of ethereal salts is a very large factor in forming the flavour and bouquet of rums. The sharp unpleasant taste of freshly distilled rums is probably due to the presence of fatty acids ; these in time react with the alcohol forming ethereal salts, an equilibrium between alcohol, fatty acid, ethereal salts and water being formed ; to this is perhaps due the ageing of spirits. It is stated that, in Jamaica, fruits such as mangoes, pine-apples, guavas, are mixed with the wash so as to impart their flavour to the spirit, but of this the writer has no first hand knowledge ; it has also been stated that old boots and tobacco are used to flavour Jamaica rum, but this a gross miss-statement and entirely without foundation. The addition of laboratory prepared ethereal salts to silent spirits with intent to imitate genuine rums is, of course, a fraud. Various patents employing ozone, electricity, &c., with the idea of rapidly ageing spirits have been taken out, but the writer is unaware of the successful application of any one of them. The Distillery. A distillery consists of four separate buildings ; the liquor loft containing the fermenting vats, the still house in which are placed the stills, the engine house and the rum store ; to these in certain cases may be added the boiler house. The choice of position for the liquor loft is not unimportant, as experience has shown that the fermentation is affected by apparently trivial causes ; it should be raised on pillars about fifteen feet from the ground, be well lighted and ventilated and open on all sides to the breeze, and should not be shadowed by the other factory buildings. In certain factories the rum store is built underneath the liquor loft ; this is inadvisable as besides running the risk of wash leaking into the rum vats, circulation of air underneath the liquor loft is prevented. The pipes and gutters used in connection with the distillery should be placed and arranged so that they present easy access for cleaning; underground pipes, and concrete or brickwork tanks in connection with a distillery are unhesitatingly to be condemned. The number of vats and their capacity depends on the amount of molasses available and the time required for fermentation; every 100 gallons of molasses will give between 600 and 700 gallons of wash at a density of 1'OGO, and from every 100 tons of sugar made, from 3000 to 9000 gallons of molasses result, dependent of course on the composition of the juice. Given 100 tons of sugar per week, from 3000 to 9000 gallons of wash per day will be produced, and allowing the fomentation to take 48 hours, the capacity of the vats must be double this ; in practice it would be advisable to allow at least 25 per cent, in excess of the calculated figure. Of course in many places- 527 CANE SUGAR a longer period than 48 hours is taken in the fermentation, and then a corresponding increase in the capacity of the vats must be allowed. A usual size of vat found in the West Indies is one holding about 3000 gallons ; in Scotch and English distilleries much larger vats are the rule and a capacity of 50,000 gallons is not unusual ; the initial cost of erecting a few large vats, and a loft to contain them and cost of upkeep, is less than for a larger number of small vats, and it is a general opinion that a slightly better fermentation is obtained in larger vats. Antiseptics should find a larger use in distilleries, especially when shut down ; all gutters, pipes, &c., should be carefully cleansed. The antiseptic most in use in Europe now is a 1 per cent, solution of ammonium fluoride ; fresh FIG. 278. milk of lime is, however, an efficient cleanser and it will be found sufficient if all vats and other places, which come in contact with sweets, be washed down on ceasing operation with milk of lime. Forms of Stills. The stills used may be divided into two classes, direct fired and steam stills, or again into intermittent or continuous stills. Direct fired stills are very uncommon and only a few remain in unprogressive districts ; they are constructed of copper and set in brickwork over a furnace with a circular flue ; besides being expensive as regards first cost they are very uneconomical in fuel consumption. 528 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. Vat Still. A sectional view of the general form of a steam-heated vat still is given in Fig. 278; a is a wooden vat of capacity varying with the amount of wash to be treated ; at d is shown the pipe through which the lees are discharged when the wash is exhausted ; steam from the boilers is admitted by the pipe b, which reaches nearly to the bottom of the vat ; on the top of the vat is placed the copper goose neck c, which is continued into a smaller vat e known as the retort ; in the latter are placed the low wines resulting from the previous operation. At / is shown the rectifier ; this consists of an upright cylindrical copper vessel in which are fixed a large FIG. 279. number of tubes of small diameter ; water is admitted to the rectifier by the pipe g and circulates on the outside of these tubes ; from the rectifier a pipe passes to the tank j in which a supply of cold water circulates, and after passing in a serpentine fashion emerges at I and passes on to the spirit receiver. The watery mixture of vapour and alcohol proceeds from the still to the retort where it takes up any alcohol still remaining in the low wines, and pusses upwards through the rectifier where a large portion of the water and other bodies of high boiling point condenses and falls back into the retort ; the vapour 529 CANE SUGAR. of alcohol leaves the retort at a temperature of from 180 U F. to 190 F. and is condensed in the serpentine in the tank j. Column Still. In Fig. 279 is given a semi-diagrammatic view of what is known as the French column which is practically identical with Coupler's still ; the column or dephlegmator a is divided into chambers by plates, each of which has a central opening covered by a dome b ; a small overflow pipe c passes from each plate to the next ; the vapours from the boiler d pass upwards through the central openings through the layer of liquid on each plate, and thence through the overflow pipes back to the boiler; the vapours of high boiling point are condensed in the U pipes h in the condenser /, passing back to the still by the pipes g ; a coil i is shown in the tank / where the spirit is cooled. Coffey Continuous Still. The coffey still, Fig. 280, consists of two parts, the analyser A, and the rectifier R; either column is built up of rectangular wooden frames resting one on top of the other and the whole kept in position by a number of vertical stay rods. The analyser is divided into a number of chambers formed by the interposition of copper plates b t> } perforated with a large number of holes about in. diameter ; in each plate is a disc valve d d consisting of a disc of copper about 3 in. diameter and opening upwards ; from each plate passes down a dip pipe cc about 9 in. long and 3 in. diameter ; the top of the dip pipe projects about 1 in. above the copper plate and dips into a cup which rests on the next lower plate. The rectifier is divided into chambers by similar diaphragms, save that the five upper chambers are separated from the others by an unperf orated copper sheet n n, which has a large opening atp and a receptacle at o from which leads out a pipe m; the opening at p has a collar 1 in. high ; the five upper plates have no valves or perforations, their object being to cause vapour to pass in a serpentine- direction. The method of working is as follows : Wash is pumped into an overhead tank (not shown) and flows down the pipe a a ; this pipe is continuous, and emerging at the bottom of the rectifier is carried to the top of the analyser and discharges the wash over the top diaphragm ; the wash flows down the analyser in a zig-zag direction passing down the dip pipes, which are placed as shown at alternate ends of the plates ; reaching the bottom of the analyser the wash discharges through the pipe Ic. Steam is admitted at a pressure of from 5 to 1 Ib. per square inch by the pipe * ', and passes upwards through the per- forations in the plates ; the cups in which the dip pipes stand are always full of wash, and acting as a seal prevent passage of vapour except through the perforations ; the dip pipes projecting an inch above the diaphragms always keep this depth of liquid on the plates ; in case the vapour is unable to pass 530 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. FIG. 280. 531 CANE SUGAR. quickly enough through the perforations, it can obtain a passage through the valves dd\ the steam in its passage through the wash deprives it of its alcohol, and a mixed vapour of alcohol, water and other volatile constituents passes out of the analyser by the pipe //, and is led into the bottom of the rectifier ; as the vapour meets the cold wash in the continuous pipe a a, it is condensed and at the same time heats the wash ; the water vapour and bodies of high boiling point, as well as some alcohol, are condensed in the lower part of the still and fall dawn to the bottom and are continually taken away by the pipe h, called the hot feints pipe. The alcohol in great part condenses in the upper five chambers and falling down on the plate n n, is received in the receptacle o and taken away by the pipe m ; this pipe leads to a refrigerator and thence to the spirit store. A pipe g leads from the top of the rectifier and takes away the uncondensed vapour ; this pipe too passes through a refri- gerator, and the condensed vapours are collected and form the cold feints ; 1 1 is a water coil, by means of which the amount of cold feints allowed to be formed can be regulated. The hot feints can either be allowed to mix with the wash or they may be passed through a condenser and pumped to the top of the analyser. The cold feints are collected separately, and when sufficient have accumulated, they are mixed with the wash and redistilled ; if pumped directly to the analyser, owing to their low boiling point they volatilize with explosive violence. The wash leaves the rectifier at a temperature of about 190 F. and is completely exhausted of spirit in its passage down the diaphragms of the analyser, the expelled vapour passing through the pipe //being at a tempera- ture of about 205 F. to 210 F. The upper coil in the pipe a a is at the temperature of the wash, and the temperature increases regularly on passing down; the strength of spirit condensed in the upper five chambers can be regulated by controlling the temperature. A high temperature causes alcohol to pass off in the cold feint pipes, and at the same time diminishes the con- densation of watery vapour so that a weak spirit results ; a low temperature makes alcohol condense below the spirit plate, increasing the quantity of hot feints. To obtain the best results the temperature of condensed spirit in the spirit plate should lie between 176 F. and 180 F. The control of the still is effected either by regulating the supply of wash or of steam ; valves are iitted, of course, on both the wash pipe and steam pipe. To enable the attendant to know the strength of the spirit at any moment, a small pipe passing through a supplementary refrigerator takes a sample of spirit from the spirit plate, and conducts it to a locked test case ; if spirit 45 O.P. is required, three glass bubbles, one which floats in 42 O.P., one in 45 O.P. and one in 48 O.P., are placed in the vessel receiving the spirit; as soon as all three bubbles rise the attendant knows his spirit is too weak, and when two sink that it is too strong. As a further guide thermometers are placed in 532 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. Tarious parts of the still; one in the spirit plate, a second at about the twelfth coil of the rectifier, and a third on the pipe carrying wash to the analyser. To use these stills to greatest advantage they must be worked with as little sudden change as possible ; control is effected by regulating either the flow of wash or steam ; in forms of stills where the wash is pumped to an overhead tank, opening or shutting a cock or valve (the latter preferably) controls the flow of wash. In other forms where the wash is pumped directly through the coil a cock is fitted on the pipe, convenient to the distiller, and connected to a second pipe leading back to the vessel from which the pump draws. The amount of steam is regulated by a valve ; in general it is preferable to control working by the flow of wash. The spirit should not be run from the spirit plate too rapidly ; if the latter be emptied by opening the cook too much, a weak spirit collects and the cock must be closed until the test bubbles show that spirit of the correct strength is forming. The supply of wash and steam must be adjusted to each other ; too little steam imperfectly exhausts the wash and an excess results in too- much watery vapour passing over, giving a weak spirit. To allow the distiller to see that the wash is properly exhausted, vapour from the lees is collected in a separator, and carried through the supplementary refrigerator to a test glass in which are bubbles floating in water and spirit 98 U.P. ; should either of these sink it is certain that the wash is imperfectly exhausted. The advantage of these stills over the common type of vat still lies chiefly in their economy of steam. Approximate dimensions of a continuous still of the Coffey type working up 1,000 gallons of wash per hour are here given, the letters referring to sketch in Fig. 280. Rectifier R, total height 24 ft. x 8 ft. X 3 ft. ; analyser A, total height 42 ft. X 8 ft. X 3 ft. ; number of chambers in both analyser and rectifier 27; total length of pipe a a contained in analyser 416ft.; diameter of pipe 2 in.; total surface of pipe 217 square feet; size of dip pipes c in rectifier 4 in. X 9 in. ; and in analyser 1 3 in. x 3 in. ; diameter of valves d, 5 in. ; diameter of vapour pipe/, 7 in. ; diameter of steam pipe ', 4 in. diameter of hot feints pipes h, 1^ in. ; diameter of spirit pipe, 1 in. ; diameter of cold feints pipe, 6 in. The still described is one constituted of wood and is of rectangular section ; other forms of stills are built throughout of copper and are often of circular section, the wash pipe being worm-shaped instead of straight with U bends as in this case. The advantage of the Coffey still lies in its economy of steam, the in-coming wash condensing and being heated by the alcohol and water vapour distilled ; actually it consumes only about one-third the steam required for a 533 CANE SUGAR. discontinuous process. Its disadvantages lie in its removing from the pro- duct bodies of boiling point remote from that of alcohol and to which the flavour of rum is due ; attempts have been made to restrict the term rum to the product of discontinuous stills. Separation of Products of Fermentation. When using the old forms of vat stills the bodies that have low boiling point pass over in the first runnings, while the fatty acids and higher alcohols having higher boiling points pass over in the last runnings ; between these comes over the main body of the distillate ; the first and last runnings are collected separately and are called feints or low wines. In the continuous type of still the bodies of low boiling point are found in the cold feints, the fatty acids in the hot feints ; a complete separation is however impossible, and all these bodies are found in greater or less degree in the spirit, dependent on the care exercised by the distiller. The boiling points of the principal constituents of rum are in degrees Fahrenheit: Alcohol 173; formic acid 216; acetic acid 246; butyric acid 315; capric acid 380; ethyl formate 129; ethyl acetate 168; ethyl butyrate 241 ; ethyl caprate 322; formaldehyde 70. It will be seen that ethyl acetate and alcohol have nearly the same boiling point, so that any ethyl acetate present in the fermented wash will be totally recovered with the rum ; the other bodies will be present in less quantity as their boiling .point is more remote from that of alcohol ; the majority of these bodies .are, however, volatile in steam and hence are present in the distillate in larger quantity than would be supposed from their boiling point. Caramel. Caramel is the name given to the decomposition products -obtained on heating sugar or glucose to temperatures in the neighbourhood of 180C. ; a black brittle amorphous highly hygroscopic substance, which reduces Eehling's solution, results. This body is certainly a mixture of various bodies, of the chemistry of which nothing is known. The product when pre- pared from pure sugar or glucose, and when care is taken to prevent local superheating, is highly soluble in water and to a less degree in spirit ; there are present, however, especially when the decomposition is pushed to extremes, caramels which are insoluble in water and soluble in spirit. If these are present in any notable quantity, a perfectly clear 40 O.P. spirit may give a deposit when mixed with water, and to the presence of these caramels is to be attributed one of the causes of faultiness in rum. Caramel produced by burning sugar is completely soluble in water in the presence of alkalies, and the solution at the same time assumes a much darker colour ; but caramels dissolved in spirit are precipitated by alkalies, the solution becoming less coloured ; in the presence of alkalies the flavour of the caramel 534 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE undergoes a complete change, and at the same time gives off a peculiar odour. A process which was long kept a trade secret and used, it has been stated, especially for colouring rums, consisted in burning sugar in the presence of alkalies ; the proportions used were 60 parts of sugar and 2 parts of sodium or I' 5 parts of caustic soda. This process is referred to as Asrymusry's; but in view of what has been said above on the action of alkalies on caramel dissolved in spirit, it would hardly promise success. The temperature at which the conversion of sugar into caramel takes place has been stated by different authorities as between 160 C. and 250 C. When caramel is used for colouring rum, two points have to be considered; the caramel should reduce the strength of the spirit as little as possible, and give to the rum a sugary flavour. To obtain the latter effect the molasses or sugar syrup should not be burned too far, but in this case the amount of caramel required to give the necessary depth of colour so much increases the density of the spirit that there is a large apparent loss. The usual method of preparing caramel is as under : Into an iron pot of about 200 gallons' capacity, usually an old iron tayche, are introduced 40 to 50 gallons of molasses, and water added to a density of about 1'25; instead of molasses a syrup of sugar and water of the same density is sometimes used. A brick oven is built under the pot, and a brisk fire kept up ; the molasses or syrup must be kept in continual motion, preferably by a mechanical stirrer. The sugar solution rapidly darkens, and in from 60 to 90 minutes is quite black. The usual test to show if the caramel is sufficiently burned is to remove a portion on a stick, and after cooling, to break the caramel with the finger ; it should be quite brittle. Another test is to drop a globule of the burnt caramel into water, the floating of the globule being an indication that the caramel is sufficiently burned; when either of these tests obtains, the caramel will colour rum reasonably well, but to obtain a low obscuration the burning must be continued longer. When the point at which the caramel is sufficiently burned is decided, the fire is drawn and sufficient water added to permit of easy carriage to the rum store. The higher the temperature at which the caramel is burned, the less is required to produce the necessary depth of colour, and the apparent loss of strength is lower ; the after treatment in the rum store has also an effect on the caramel. If the crude colour be repeatedly treated with strong 60 O.P. to 70 O.P. spirit, the colour solution allowed to settle, and the clear colour drawn off, eventually a colour is obtained which gives a barely appreciable obscura- tion ; this process is too lengthy to carry out in practice, but a colour burnt as described above and treated once, bulk for bulk, with white rum from the still, 535 CANE SUGAR. will give a fully coloured rum with apparent strength, as shown by the Sikes hydrometer, only from one or two proof degrees less than the actual. In the West Indies first molasses are generally used to prepare caramel, and one gallon of molasses should afford material sufficient to colour from 50 to 60 gallons of rum. It is sometimes found that a coloured rum obstinately refuses to settle ; in this case the addition of about four ounces of alum per 1000 gallons of spirits will often be found beneficial. The essential part of the analysis of a caramel is the determination of its colour intensity ; this determination is usually made by dissolving a fixed weight of caramel in a definite volume of water or spirit and comparing the colour with a standard prepared under similar conditions, or the colour may be matched in terms of Lovibond's tintometer, which forms a very useful instru- ment for this purpose. Determinations of the ash and reducing power are also sometimes made ; a molasses caramel, of course, carries more ash than a sugar caramel. The copper oxide reducing power varies considerably and generally lies between -3 and *6, that of glucose being unit ; for highly burnt molasses caramel the writer has found a reducing power of about '5. Connected inversely with the colour intensity is the obscuration, caramel of high colour intensity giving a low obscuration. In the preparation of caramels for beers, porters and vinegars, a very well- known trade formula is the addition of salts of ammonia, chiefly the carbonate and chloride, in quantities of one to two pounds per 100 Ibs. of sugar or glucose ; their addition is said to increase the colour intensity and to modify the harsh bitter taste. Various patented caramels are on the market ; these consist essentially of organic dyes and are not caramels at all ; they colour rum with a low obscura- tion but spoil the flavour and do not keep their colour permanently ; their use is not to be recommended. Logwood extract has also been used as a source of colour for rum. The process described above gives a caramel suited for rums of about 40 O.P. ; for rums of proof strength the caramelization must not be carrried so far. Erlich 33 by heating sugar in vacuo at 200 C. and extracting the product with methyl alcohol and extracting or filtering the residue has obtained a homogeneous body of composition C 12 H 22 1 j, 2H 2 0; this body is stated to be the most powerful caramel colour yet made. Obscuration. The obscuration of a spirit is the difference between the actual proof strength and the apparent proof strength as determined by an 536 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. immersion alcoholometer. Thus spirit showing 40-0 over proof by the alcohol- ometer, and of actual strength 43 '1 over proof is said to have an obscuration of 3'1 ; in some cases, however, the obscuration is expressed on the proof O.-l spirit, so that for the example quoted the obscuration is y7^j-:==2-17percent. on proof spirit. The easiest method of determining the obscuration is as under : 1. Take the apparent strength by the hydrometer. 2. Evaporate about 200 c.c. of the spirit on a water bath till all the alcohol is removed; take up the residue with water, and make up to the volume of the spirit taken. 3. Take the density of the solution of the residue either by the pycno- meter or by a hydrometer graduated to read -0001. It is absolutely essential that all measurements be made at the temperature at which the instruments are graduated. Calculation : Let x =. specific gravity of the obscured spirit, and d = /* specific gravity of the residue dissolved in water; then == original gravity of the spirit. Example: Coloured rum stands 21 Sikes at 84 F., indicating an apparent strength of 40'6 O.P. ; the specific gravity corresponding to 21 Sikes is -8512. The density of the residue dissolved in water is 1-0040. Then ,o t -I O original gravity of spirit = , Q Q = -8478. The Sikes indication corresponding to a specific gravity of -8478 is 19*0, indicating a spirit 42'8 O.P. ; hence the obscuration is 42-8 40'6 2*2. An older formula for use with this method gives x d = original gravity of the spirit. A second method, and cne generally used for beers and wines, consists of distill r ng over the material until all the alcohol has passed over, rraking the distillate up to the original volume and finding the strength of the distillate by an immersion alcoholometer, which in the absence of solids in solution gives exact results; with strong spirit, such as rum, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to prevent loss by evaporation and the first method is preferable. In the following table are calculated obscurations from the observed density of the residue dissolved in water, the standards adopted for the calcula- 537 CANE SUGAR. tion being a spirit of strength 40-6 O.P. (=21 '0 Sikes) at a temperature of 84 F. ; the table is applicable to spirits varying considerably from these adopted standards. OBSCURATION TABLE. Density of Dissolved Residue. Obscuration. Density of Dissolved Residue. Obscuration. Density of Dissolved Residue. Obscuration. 1-0000 o-o 0028 1-5 1-0054 2-9 1-0002 0-2 0030 1-7 1-0056 3-0 1-0004 0-3 0032 1-8 1-0058 3-1 1-0006 0'4 0034 1-9 1-0060 3-1 0008 0-5 0036 2-0 1-0062 3-2 0010 0-6 0038 2-1 1-0064 3-3 0012 0-7 0040 2-2 1-0066 3-4 0014 0-8 1-0042 2-3 1-0068 3-5 0016 0-9 1-0044 2-4 1-0070 3-6 0018 1-0 1 -0046 2-5 1 -0072 3-7 0020 1-1 1-0048 2-6 1-0074 3-7 0022 1-2 1-0050 2-7 1-0076 3-8 0024 1-3 1-0052 2-8 1-0078 3-9 0026 1-4 Alcoholometry. Unfortunately iii England and her colonies alcohol is measured in 'proof; a more annoying system could barely have been devised ; by proof spirit is meant one which at 62 F. weighs -J-f- of an equal bulk of water; 40 over proof (O.P.) means that 100 volumes of the spirit contain as much alcohol as 140 volumes of proof; 40 under (U.P.) means that 140 volumes of the spirit contain as much alcohol as 100 volumes of proof; absolute alcohol is 75*25 O.P., so that to convert volumes of proof spirit to alcohol it is necessary to divide by 1'7525 and vice versa. Proof spirit contains 49-3 per cent, by weight, 57'06 per cent, by volume of alcohol. In France, and also in Germany, the Gay Lussac scale is used ; this is the most rational one and gives directly the percentage of alcohol by volume. The Cartier scale is an empirical one, 43 being absolute alcohol and 22 being proof spirit. The Beck scale is also an empirical one, 43'9 being absolute alcohol and 14-8 being proof spirit. In the U.S.A. the Gendar scale is used ; 200 is absolute alcohol, 100 is U.S. proof (i.e., 50 per cent, by volume) and is water. The bubbles used in distilleries as a guide in the test case are based on the Cartier scale; they are numbered from 16 to 30 ; bubble 25 corresponds with 25 Cartier, but bubble 26 corresponds to 24 Cartier, &c. 538 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. COMPARISON OF THE DIFFERENT ALCOHOL SCALES. Alcohol per cent, by Volume. Proof. Cartier. Beck. Gendar. Bubble. 100 ... 75-25 O.P. .. 45 44 200 95 ... 66-4 .. 40 .. 38 190 90 .. 57'6 36-5 34 180 85 .. 48-9 . . 33-5 .. 30 .. 170 17 80 40-1 .. 31 .. 27 .. 160 19 75 .. 31'4 .. 29 .. 24 150 21 70 .. 22-7 . . 27 21 140 .. 23 65 .. 13-9 25 .. 18 .. 130 25 60 5-2 . . 23 .. 16 .. 120 .. 27 55 .. 3-6 U.P. .. 21 .. 14 110 .. 29 50 .1 12-4 20 12 100 .. 30 45 ',.. 21-1 19 -.. 10 90 40 ,. 29-9 .. 17-5 9 80 35 ., 38-7 16-5 .. 7 70 30 .. 47'5 15-5 6 60 25 . . 56-1 .. 15 5 50 20 .. 64-9 14 4 40 15 73-7 . . 13-5 3 30 10 82-5 .. 13 2 20 5 .. 91-2 .. 12 1 10 .. .. 11 Control of the Distillery.* In all molasses distilleries with which the writer is acquainted the control is limited to the revenue require- ments supplemented occasionally by determinations of the reducing sugars in the wash ; a record is in this last case obtained of the amount of sugar required to produce a unit of alcohol. This forms a very imperfect control and a ten- tative more complete scheme is outlined below. Fermentation Control. A composite sample of the wash is collected and in this sample are determined the reducing sugars after inversion expressed as invert sugar ; a second sample is fermented with a pure culture of an approved distillery yeast and in the fermented sample are determined the alcohol and the unfermentable sugars; deducting the unfermentable sugars from those originally found gives the amount of fermentable sugars originally present : this quantity should be used in calculating the yield of alcohol per pound of sugar. The results obtained on the small scale with pure culture should be com- pared with those found on the commercial scale and the deficiency indicates the loss of alcohol due to imperfections in the process of fermentation. Distillation Control. The alcohol in the wash as it enters the still forms the basis of this control; it should be determined in a composite sample, and * I purposely do not touch on the biological control ; this subject is so specialized that it is out of place here and cannot be satisfactorily treated save in a special work; in the Bibliography I give titles of some books dealing with fermentation ; reference should be made to these. N. D. 539 CANE SUGAR. compared with the amount actually recovered ; the balance is to be found in the feints in the lees and in leaks from the still; the alcohol in these residues should also be determined and all expressed as percentages of that originally present ; finally an account of the alcohol produced per unit of total and of fermentable sugar should be made out. Amount of Alcohol obtainable from Molasses. Fermen- tation proceeds roughly under the equation C 6 H 12 6 = 2C 2 H 5 OH -f 2C0 2 Glucose Alcohol Carbon dioxide. Following on this equation 1 Ib. of glucose or *95 Ib. of cane sugar could afford -51 lib. of alcohol and -489 Ib. carbon dioxide; this yield is never obtained in practice even when the distillation losses are disregarded. Peck and Deerr 5 fermented in pure culture a number of molasses with tropical yeasts and found that on an average 90 per cent, of the fermentable sugars were recovered in alcohol, the amount as indicated from the above equation being put equal to 100. In addition, in Hawaiian molasses they found from 4 '05 per cent, to 7 '32 per cent, of the sugars were unfermentable ; previously in Egyptian molasses Pellet had observed 2 '40 per cent, of 'glutose* and Deerr had found up to 3 per cent, in Demerara molasses. The total amount of sugars in cane molasses varies from 45 per cent, to 65 per cent, so that it is impossible in the absence of an analysis to state what quantity of alcohol can be obtained from a molasses. Analyses. The analyses necessary to a distillery control are indicated briefly below. Density of Wash. The methods given for juices in Chapter XXIV. are applicable. Attenuation. The attenuation is the difference between the initial and final density, water being put equal to 1000 ; thus wash initially at 1063 and finally at 1015 is said to have attenuated 48 degrees. For each degree of attenuation it is customary to assume the presence of so much proof spirit ; a common allowance is 1 per cent, of proof spirit for every 5 degrees of attenua- tion. As the result of a series of laboratory fermentations with pure cultures, the writer found 1*17 per cent, of proof spirit for every 5 degrees of attenua- tion. This method is not meant as an accurate determination of percentage of proof spirit, but as a guide to revenue and customs authorities. Sugars. There is no necessity to determine the cane sugars as such ; the sugars should be determined after inversion following the methods given in Chapter XXIII. ; as the sugars will be mainly dextrose and levulose in approxi- mately equal proportions, it will be best to calculate them as invert sugar. 540 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. Alcohol in Wash and Lees. Take a definite quantity of material, neutralize with caustic soda, and distil until about 90 per cent, of the original volume has been collected ; make up with water to original volume and determine the density of the distillate by means of a pycnometer, whence the percentage of alcohol is obtained by reference to the table given below. As lees usually contains very little alcohol it will be well to take a large quantity, say 1000 c.c., distil over 500 c.c., redistil the distillate until 250 c.c. have come over, and finally determine the density of this portion; otherwise the density of the distillate differs so little from unity that a large percentage error may arise. Alternatively the fractionating still heads of large cooling area, listed by dealers in apparatus, may be used to obtain the alcohol concentrated in a distillate of small volume. A form of pycnometer which is of great use in the tropics is that due to Boot, where the bottle containing the liquid is enclosed in a second, the space between them being evacuated; liquids may be cooled down to 15 C. and kept in the inner bottle without change of temperature and without the con- densation of water on the outside of the bottle. The table connecting density and percentage of alcohol given below is referred to water at 60 F. ; in the tropics materials must be cooled down to near this temperature ; in the absence of ice this is best done by dissolving in water a salt such as thiosulphate of soda. Small variations from the standard temperature may be corrected by the use of the expression : where D is the required density, D' the observed density, d the difference in temperature in centigrade degrees between 15'5 C. (60 F.) and that at which the observation was made. A table connecting degree Sikes and specific gravity at 84 F. for strong spirits is added as being useful in certain districts. REFERENCES IN CHAPTER XXV. r . 1 . Die Hefepilze. 2. Perrault. Le Rhum. 3. Bull. Sot. Dept. Jamaica., May, Aug., Sept., 1895; Jan., 1896. 4. Wochenschrift fur Brauerei, 1887, No. 44. 5. Bull. 28 Agric. H.S.P.A. 6. Arch. 1894, 529. 541 CANE SUGAR. 7. Bull. Assoc. XXIII., 639. 8. Eng. Patent, 23779 of 1902. 9. Mainly after Klocker's Fermentation Organisms. 10. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., 1898, 535. 11. Proc. Lin. Soc., N.S.W., XXVL, 684. 12. Proc. Lin. Soc., N.S.W., XXVL, 589. 13. Bull. 9, Path. H.S.P.A. 14. W. I. B., VI. , 386. 15. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. 19, 238. 16. 8. C., 289 17. /. 8. J., 126. 18. The Micro-organism of Faulty Rum, Oxford, 1897. 19. 8. 0., 349; /. 8. J., 2. 20. Proc. Lin. Soc., N.S.W., XXV., 594; /. 8. J., 44 and 45, 21. Bull. 21, Agric. H.S.P.A. 22. W. I. B., VII., 226. 23. Louisiana Planter, XXXIV., 237. 24. From Lafar's Technical Mycology, Vol. V. 25. W. I. B., VII., 141. 26. Timehri., 1890, 90. 27. /. 8. J., 125, 128, 129. 28. Arch. 1905, 379. 29. British Guiana Official Gazette, Oct. 19, 1904. 30. W. I. B., VIL, 120. 31. W. I. B., VIL, 141. 32. /. 8. J., 126. 33. Int. Cong. Applied Chem., 1909. 542 FERMENTATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SUGAR HOUSE. iij Jy >3 g CO 05 05 o '0 o 10 01 01 CO co o go < a t> ** CO i '5'> aS coo I Os O 05 co 05 GO co O5 05 CO 05 'Ok o 05 CO o 05 i 05 CO 00 05 00 eo t- CO CO oo CO CO '0 >0 oo 05 co TT oo CO CO 31^1 IQ CO 1- oc 05 ol 10 o 01 o"i co '0 co $ g IS lijj CO * 11 0-99065 05 s eo to o CO o s >o o 05 CD o 1 CO co 05 1 CO 05 GO 05 05 co Oft 05 IQ 05 CO 05 il>j f- s o oo IQ co w '0 O5 o rH 01 IQ 01 o co co o o >o IQ IQ o CO 3 s, CO * * O5 00 01 00 >0 05 CO 01 co CO 05 co CO o CO t- 2 -tl 00 ^ 'O Oft 01 || O5 05 O o o o o o l!>j s o co >0 co fl IQ 05 o g e '0 o 01 10 01 o co tO >0 o CO ^!. * 0 01 CO 1 01 01 co 01 01 01 01 CO 01 01 01 05 1H o g e o o '0 01 o 8 5 ( o IQ co 38. CO "* * 5 CO co CO 3 j: eo o I- 05 eo CO co s co CO 10 0V ^p s 1 II O5 05 6 11*1 00 05 C5 o >0 2 IQ 01 'o CO co o 10 IQ >0 8 t^ 38, 01 CO * 04 r *+ co .0 CD CO 8 05 co 01 10 00 05 CO co co CO CO IQ g || O5 05 O l!>j o 05 >0 05 s o 01 o co IQ eo o IQ o IQ IQ o CO 8 o I 31 f* 01 | 05 O5 O GO CO CO CO .* CO co co co 01 CO CO CO CO co 00 ~+3 H 05 o >0 o o * IQ o s IQ IQ iO o co kO co o I- IQ o CO 00 Ii*l O * ^0 05 CO 01 05 01 o 05 o 05 01 CO iQ 1 ~ GO CO 1 eo 10 IQ GO eo co co QQQj 05 O5 6 +3 O( |I>J o o >o o JQ CO CO iO o IQ IO g IQ CO IQ o 00 8 o O5 to o !i OD ^ o o 05 05 05 O5 6 00 O5 CO 05 oo CO O5 CO Oft eo >0 05 05 co 05 05 g Oft IQ 05 Oft o 05 1 00 co CO co Oft CO GO CD 00 543 CANE SUGAR. DEGREE SIKES AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY AT 81 F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8458 8476 17 18 8443 8460 8444 8462 8446 8464 8448 8465 8450 8467 8452 8469 8453 8411 8455 8472 8457 8474 19 8478 8179 8481 8483 8485 8487 8488 8490 8492 8493 120 8495 8497 8498 8500 8502 8503 8505 8507 8509 8510 21 8512 8514 8516 8518 8519 8521 8523 8524 8526 8528 )) 8530 8531 8533 8535 8537 8538 8540 8542 8544 8546 544 APPENDIX TABLES ADDITIONAL NOTES EELATING TO CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE TEXT. 545 35 APPENDIX. ) PKOPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. (After Peabody.) ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure Ibs. per square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume cubic feet per pound. 32 0-0886 o-o 1071-7 3308 33 0-0923 I'O 1071-2 3179 34 0-0960 2-0 1070-7 3062 35 0-0999 3-0 1070-2 2950 36 0-1010 4-0 1069-7 2842 37 0-1082 5-0 1069-2 2737 38 0-1126 6-1 1068-7 2634 39 0-1171 7-1 1068-2 2538 40 0-1217 8-1 1067-6 2446 41 0-1265 9-1 1067-1 2358 42 0-1315 10-1 1066-6 2272 43 0-1367 11-1 1066-0 2190 44 0-1421 12-1 1065-5 2110 45 0-1476 13-1 1065-0 2035 46 0-1533 14-1 1064-4 1963 47 0-1591 15-1 1063-9 1894 48 0-1652 16-1 1063-4 1828 49 0-1715 17-1 1062-8 1764 50 0-1780 18-1 1062-3 1703 51 0-1848 19-1 1061-8 1643 52 0-1918 20-1 1061-3 1586 53 0-1990 21-1 1060-7 1531 54 0-2064 22-1 1060-2 1479 55 0-2140 23-1 1059-7 1429 56 0-2219 24-1 1059-1 1381 57 0-2301 25-1 1058-6 1335 58 0-2385 26-1 1058-1 1291 59 0-2471 27-1 1057-6 124$ 60 0-2561 28-1 1057-0 1207 61 0-2654 29-1 1056-5 1167 62 0-2750 30-1 1056-0 112& 63 0-2848 31-1 1055'5 1091 64 0-2949 32-1 1055-0 1056 65 0-3054 33-1 1054-4 1021 66 0-3161 34-1 1053-9 988 67 0-3272 35-1 1053-4 956 68 0-3386 36-1 1052-8 925 547 CANE SUGAR. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. Continued. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees ^Fahrenheit. Pressure Ibs. pei- square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume, cubic feet per pound. 69 0-3505 37-1 1052-3 896 70 0-3627 38- 1051-8 868 71 0-3752 39- 1051-2 840 72 0-3879 40' 1050-7 813 73 0-4012 41- 1050-2 788 74 0-4149 42- 1049-7 763 75 0-4289 43- 1049-2 739 76 0-4434 44- 1048-7 717 77 0-4582 45- 1048-1 695 78 0-4736 46- 1047-6 674 79 0-4894 47- 1047-1 654 80 0-5056 48- 1046-5 634 81 0-5223 49- 1046-0 615 82 0-5395 50' 1045-4 596 83 84 0-5572 0-5754 61- 52- 1044-9 1044-4 578 561 85 0-5942 53- 1043-9 544 86 0-6134 54-1 1043-3 528 87 0-6332 55-1 1042-8 513 88 0-6535 56-1 1042-3 498-0 89 0-6745 57-1 1041-7 483-4 90 0-6960 58-1 1041-2 469-2 91 0-7181 59-1 1040-6 455-4 92 0-7408 60-1 1040-1 442-0 93 0-7642 61-1 1039-5 429-1 94 0-7882 62-1 1039-0 416-7 95 0-8128 63-1 1038-5 404-8 96 0-8381 64-1 1037-9 393-3 97 0-8640 65-0 1037-4 382-1 98 0-8907 66-0 1036-8 371-3 99 0-9180 67-0 1036-3 360-9 100 0-9461 68-0 1035-7 350-8 101 0-9751 69-0 1035-1 341-1 102 1-0047 70-0 1034-6 331-6 103 1-0351 71-0 1034-0 322-4 104 1-0663 72-0 1033-5 313-5 105 1-098 73-0 1032-9 304-8 106 1-131 74-0 1032-4 296-4 107 1-165 75-0 1031-8 288-2 108 1-200 76-0 1031-2 280-2 109 1-235 77-0 1030-7 272-6 110 1-271 78-0 1030-1 265-2 548 APPENDIX. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. Continued. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure Ibs. per square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume cubic feet per pound. Ill 1-308 79-0 1029-6 258-0 112 1-347 80-0 1029-0 251-1 113 1-386 81-0 1028-4 244-4 114 1-426 82-0 1027-8 238-0 115 1-467 83-0 1027-2 231-8 116 1-509 84-0 1026-7 225-7 117 1-552 85-0 1026-1 219-8 118 1-597 86-0 1025-5 214-0 119 1-642 87-0 1025-0 208-4 120 1-689 88-0 1024-4 203-0 121 1-737 89-0 1023-8 197-8 122 1-785 90-0 1023-2 192-7 123 1-835 91-0 1022-7 187-7 124 1-886 92-0 1022-1 182-9 125 1-938 93-0 1021-5 178-3 126 1-992 94-0 1021-0 173-8 127 2-047 95-0 1020-4 169-4 128 2-103 96-0 1019-8 165-2 129 2-161 97-0 1019-3 161-1 130 2-220 98-0 1018-7 157-1 131 2-280 99-0 1018-1 153-2 132 2-441 100-0 1017-6 149-5 133 2-403 101-0 1017-0 145-8 134 2-467 102-0 1016-5 142-2 135 2-533 103-0 1015-9 138-8 136 2-600 104-0 1015-4 135-4 137 2-669 105-0 1014-8 132-1 138 2-740 106-0 1014-2 128-9 139 2-812 107-0 1013-6 125-8 140 2-885 108-0 1013-1 122-8 141 2-960 109-0 1012-5 1199 142 3-037 110-0 1011-9 117-1 143 3-116 111-0 1011-4 114-3 144 3-196 112-0 1010-8 111-6 145 3-278 113-0 1010-2 109-0 146 3-361 114-0 1009-6 106-5 147 3-447 115-0 1009-0 104-0 148 3-535 116-0 1008-4 101-6 149 3-624 117-0 1007-8 99-2 150 3-715 118-0 1007-2 96-9 151 3-808 119-0 1006-7 94-7 152 3-903 120-0 1006-1 92-5 549 CANE SUGAR. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure Ibs. pei- square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume cubic feet per pound. 153 4-000 121-0 1005-5 ^90-4 154 4-099 122-0 1004-9 88-4 155 4-200 123-0 1004-3 86-4 156 4-303 124-0 .1003-7 84-5 157 4-409^ 125-0 1003-1 82-6 158 4-517 126-0 1002-5 80-7 159 4-626 127-0 1002-0 78-9 160 4-738 128-0 1001-4 77-2 ' *61 4-852 129-0 1000-8 75-4 162 4-969 130-0 1000-2 73-7 163 5-088 131-0 999-6 72-1 164 5-210 132-0 999-0 70-6 165 5-334 133-0 998-4 69-1 166 5-460 134-0 997-9 67'7 167 5-589 135-0 997-3 66-2 168 5-720 136-0 996-7 64-8 169 5-853 137-0 996-1 63-4 170 5-990 138-0 995-5 62-0 171 6-129 139-0 994-9 60-6 ri72 6-270 140-0 994-3 59-3 173 6-415 141 993-7 58-1 174 6-563 142-0 993-1 56-9 175 6-714 143-0 992-5 55-7 176 6-868 144-0 991-9 54-5 17* 7-025 145-0 991-3 53-4 178 7-185 146-0 990-7 52-3 ^179 7-346 147-0 990-1 52-2 180 7-510 148-0 989-5 50-2 isi 7-678 149'0 988-9 49-13 - 1&2 7-849 150-1 988-3 48-11 < 183 8-024 151- 987-7 47-12 184 8-202 152- 987-1 46-17 ' 185 8-383 153- 986-5 45-23 186 8-568 154- 985-9 44-33 187 $756 155- 985-3 43-45 18$ 8-947 156- 984-7 42-59 f 189 9-141 157- 984-0 41-75 190 9-339 158-1 983-4 40-92 191 9-541 159-1 982-8 40-11 192 9-746 160-1 982-2 39-31 193 9-955 161-1 981-5 38-53 194 10-168 162-1 980-9 37-77 550 PROPERTIES - OF SATURATED STEAM. ^Continued. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure Itos. per square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume cubic feet per pound. 195 10-385 163-1 980-3 "37-03 196 10-605 164-1 979-7 36-31 197 10-830 165-1 979-1 35-61 198 11-059 166-2 978-4 34-93 1^9 ir-29i 167-2 977'8 34-27 200 11-528 168-2 : 977-2 33-62 201 11-768 169-2 976-6 32-99 202 12-013 170-2 976-0 32-37 203 12-261 171-2 975-4 '31-75 204" 12-514 172-2 974-7 31-15 205 12-771 173-2 974-1 30-56 206 13-033 174-2 973-5 29-98 207 13-299 175-2 972-8 29-41 208 13-570 176-2 972-2 28-86 209 13-845 177-2 971-6 28-32 210 14*125 178-3 970-9 27-80 211 14-409 179-3 970-3 27-29 212 14-698 180-3 969-7 26-78 213 14-992 181-3 969-1 26-29 214 15-291 182-3 968-5 25-81 215 15-595 183-3 967-8 25-34 216 15-903 184-3 967-2 24-88 217 16-217 185-3 966-5 24-43 218 16-536 186-3 965-9 23-99 219 16-859 187-4 965-2 23-56 220 17-188 188-4 964-6 -23-14 221 17-523 189-4 964-0 22-75 222^ 17-863 190-4 963-3 22-33 223 18-208 191-4 962-7 21-93 224 18-558 192-4 962-0 21-54 225 18-914 193-4 961-4 21-16 226 19-275 194-4 960-7 ; 20-78 227 19-643 195-4 960-1 20-42 228 20-02 196-5 959-4 20-07 229 20-40 197-5 958-7 19-72 230 20-78 198-5 958-1 19-37 231 21-17 199-5 957-4 19-04 232 21-57 200-5 956-8 18-71 233 21-97 201-5 956-1 18-39 234 22-38 202-5 955-4 18-08 235 22-79 203-6 954-8 17-77 236 23-21 204-6 954-1 17-46 551 CANE SUGAE. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. Continued. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure Ibs. pei- square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume cubic feet per pound. 237 23-64 205-6 953-4 17-16 238 24-08 206-6 952-8 16-87 239 24-52 207-6 952-1 16-59 240 24-97 208-6 951-4 16-31 241 25-42 209-6 950-8 16-04 242 25-88 210-7 950-1 15-77 243 26-35 211-7 949-4 15-51 244 26-83 212-7 948-7 15-26 245 27-31 213-7 948-1 15-01 246 27-80 214-7 917-4 14-77 247 28-29 215-7 946-7 14-52 248 28-79 216-7 946-0 14-28 249 29-30 217-7 945-4 14-05 250 29-82 218-8 944-7 13-82 251 30-35 219-8 944-0 13-59 252 30-88 220-8 943-3 13-37 253 31-42 221-8 942-6 13-16 254 31-97 222-8 941-9 12-94 255 32-53 223-8 941-2 12-73 256 33-09 224-9 940-5 12-53 257 33-66 225-9 939-8 12-33 258 34-24 226-9 939-1 12-13 259 34-83 227-9 938-4 11-94 260 35-42 229-0 937-8 11-75 261 36-02 230-0 937-1 11-57 262 36-64 231-0 936-4 11-39 263 37-26 232-0 935-7 11-21 264 37-89 233-0 935-0 11-04 265 38-53 234-0 934-3 10-87 266 39-17 235-0 933-6 10-70 267 39-83 236-1 932-9 10-53 268 40-49 237-1 932-1 10-37 269 41-16 238-1 931-4 10-21 270 41-84 239-1 930-7 10-05 271 42-54 240-2 930-0 9-901 272 43-24 241-2 929-3 9-749 273 43-95 242-2 928-6 9-599 274 44-67 243-2 927-9 9-453 275 45-39 244-2 927-2 9-309 275-8 46- 245-1 926-6 9-195 277-16 47- 246-4 925-6 9-012 278-47 48- 247-8 924-7 8-838 552 APPENDIX. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. Continued. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure Ibs. pel- square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume cubic feet per pound. 279-76 49- 249-1 923-8 8-670 281-03 50- 250-4 922-8 8-507 282-28 51- 251-7 921-9 8-350 283-52 52- 253-0 921-0 8-198 284-74 53' 254-2 920-1 8-052 285-93 54- 255-4 919-3 7-912 287-09 55- 256-6 918-4 7-778 288-25 56' 257-8 917-6 7-647 289-40 57' 259-0 916-7 7-519 290-53 58' 260-1 915-9 7-397 291-64 59- 261-3 915-1 7-280 292-74 60- 262-4 914-3 7-166 293-82 61- 263-5 913-5 7-055 294-88 62- 264-6 912-7 6-949 295-93 63- 265-7 911-9 6-846 296-97 64- 266-7 911-1 6-745 298-00 65- 267-8 910-4 6-647 299-02 66- 268-8 909-6 6-552 300-02 67- 269-8 908-9 6-460 301-01 68- 270-9 908-1 6-370 301-99 69- 271'9 907-4 6-283 302-96 70- 272-9 906-6 6-199 303-91 TV 273-8 905-9 6-117 304-86 72- 274-8 905-2 6036 305-79 73- 275-8 904-5 5-958 306-72 74- 276-7 903-8 5-882 307-64 75- 277-7 903-1 5-807 308-54 76- 278-6 902-4 5-735 309-44 77- 279-5 901-8 5-665 310-33 78- 280-4 901-1 5-597 311-21 79- 281-3 900-4 5-530 312-08 80- 282-2 899-8 5-466 312-94 81- 283-1 899-1 5-403 313-79 82- 283-9 898-5 5-342 314-63 83- 284-8 897-8 5-281 315-47 84- 285-7 897-2 5-220 316-30 85- 286-5 896-6 5-161 317-12 86- 287-4 895-9 5-104 317-93 87' 288-2 895-3 5-048 318-73 88- 289-0 894-7 4-993 319-53 89- 289-9 894-1 4-939 320-32 90- 290-7 893-5 4-886 553 CANE SUGAR. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM. Continued. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure Ibs. per square inch. Heat of the Liquid. Heat of Vaporization. Specific Volume cubic feet per pound. 321-10 91- 291-5 892-9 4-835 321-88 92- 292-3 892-3 4-785 322-65 93- 293-1 891-7 4-736 323-41 94- 293-9 891-1 4-689 324-16 95- 294-6 890-5 4-644 324-91 96- 295-4 889-9 4-599 325-66 97- 296-2 889-3 4-556 326-40 98- 296-9 888-7 4-514 327-13 99- 297-7 888-2 4-473 327-86 100- 298-5 887-6 4-432 328-58 101- 299-2 887-0 4-391 329-30 102- 299-9 886-5 4-351 330-01 103- 300-6 885-9 4-311 330-72 104- 301-4 885-3 4-272 381-42 105- 302-1 884-8 4-233 332-11 106- 302-8 884-3 4-195 332-79 107- 303-5 883-7 4-157 333-48 108- 304-2 883-2 4-120 334-16 109- 304-9 882-6 4-083 334-83 llO- 305-6 882-1 4-047 335-50 lll- 306-3 881-6 4-011 336-17 112- 307-0 881-0 3-976 336-83 113- 307-7 880-5 3-943 337*48 114- 308-3 880-0 3-909 338-14 115- 309-0 879-5 3-876 338-78 lie- 309-7 879-0 3-844 339-42 in- 310-3 878-5 3-812 340-06 ii8- 311-0 878-0 3-781 340-69 119- 311-7 877-4 3-752 341-31 120' 312-3 876-9 3-723 341-94 121- 312-9 876-4 3-694 342-56 343-18 122- 123- 313-6 314-2 875-9 875-4 3-665 3-637 343-79 124- 314-8 875-0 3-609 344-39 125- 315-5 874-5 3-581 345-00 126- 316-1 874-0 3-554 345-60 127- 316-7 873-5 3-527 346-20 128- 317-3 873-0 3-501 346-79 129- 317-9 872-6 3-476 347-38 130- 318-6 872-1 3-451 554 APPENDIX. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN BRIX AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 17'50. 17-5C. %* Brg s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1-00000 1-00038 1-00077 1-00116 1-00155 00193 1-00232 00271 1-00310 1-00349 1 1-00388 1-00427 1-00466 1-00505 1-00544 00583 1-00622 -00662 1-00701 1-00740 2 1-00779 1-00818 1-00858 1-00897 1-00936 00976 1-01015 01055 1-01094 1-01134 3 1-01173 1-01213 1-01252 1-01292 1-01332 01371 . 1-01411 01451 1-01491 1-01531 4 1-01570 1-01610 1-01650 1-01690 1-01730 01770 1-01810 01850 1-01890 1-01930 5 1-01970 02010 1-02051 1-02091 1-02131 02171 1-02211 02252 1-02292 1-02333 6 1-02373 02413 1-02454 1-02494 1-02535 02575 1-02616 02657 1-02697 1-02738 7 1-02779 02819 1-02860 1-02901 1-02942 02983 1-03024 1-03064 1-03105 1-03146 . 8 1-03187 03228 1-03270 1-03311 1-03352 03393 1-03434 1-03475 1-03517 1-03558 9 1-03599 03640 1-03682 1-03723 1-03765 03806 1-03848 03889 1-03931 1-03972 10 1-04014 04055 1-04097 1-04139 1-04180 04222 1-04264 04306 1-04348 1-04390 11 1-04431 04473 1-04515 1-04557 1-04599 04641 1-04683 04726 1-04768 1-04810 12 1-04852 04894 1-04937 1-04979 1-05021 05064 1-05106 05149 1-05191 1-05233 13 1-05276 05318 1-05361 1-05404 1-05446 05489 1-05532 05574 1-05617 1-05660 14 1.05703 05746 1-05789 1-05831 1-05874 05917 1-05960 1-06003 1-06047 1-06090 15 1-06133 1-06176 1-06219 1-06262 1-06306 1-06349 1-06392 1-06436 1-06479 1-06522 16 1-06566 1-06609 1-06653 1-06696 1-06740 1-06783 1-06827 1-06871 1-06914 1-06958 17 1-07002 1-07046 1-07090 1-07133 1-07177 1-07221 1-07265 1-07309 1-07358 1-07397 18 1-07441 1-07485 1-07530 1-07574 1-07618 1-07662 1-07706 1-07751 1-07795 1-07839 19 1-07884 1-07928 1-07973 1-08017 1-08062 1-08106 1-08151 1-08196 1-08240 1-08285 20 1-08329 1-08374 1-08419 1-08464 1-08509 1 08553 1-08599 1-08643 1-08688 1-08733 21 1-08778 1-08824 1-08869 1-08914 1-08959 1-09004 1-09049 1-09095 1-09140 1-09185 22 1-09231 1-09276 1-09321 1-09367 1-09412 1-09458 1-09503 1-09549 1-09595 1-09640 23 1-09686 09732 1-09777 1-09823 1-09869 1-09915 1-09961 1-10007 1-10053 1-10099 24 1-10145 10191 1-10237 1-10283 1-10329 1-10375 1-10421 1-10468 1-10514 1-10566 25 1-10607 10653 1-10700 1-10746 1-10793 1-10839 1-10885 1-10932 1-10979 1-11026 26 1-11072 11119 1-11166 11213 1-11259 1-11306 11353 1-11400 1-11447 1-11494 27 1-11541 11588 1-11635 11682 1-11729 1-11776 11824 1-11871 1-11918 1-11965 28 1-12013 1-12060 1-12107 12155 1-12202 1-12250 12297 1-12345 1-12393 1-12440 29 1-12488 1-12536 1-12583 12631 1-12679 1-12727 12775 1-12823 1-12871 1-12919 30 1-12967 1-13015 1-13063 13111 1-13159 1-13207 13255 1-13304 1-13352 1-13400 31 1-13449 1-13497 1-13545 13594 1-13642 1-13691 13740 1-13788 1-13837 1-13885 32 1-13934 1-13983 1-14032 14081 1-14129 1-14178 14227 1-14276 1-14325 1-14374 33 1-14423 1-14472 1-14521 14570 1-14620 1-14669 14718 1-14767 1-14817 1-14866 34 1-14915 1-14965 1-15014 15064 1-15113 1-15163 15213 1-15262 1-15312 1-15362 35 1-15411 1-15461 1-15511 15561 1-15611 1-15661 15710 1-15760 1-15810 1-15861 36 1-15911 1-15961 1-16011 16061 1-16111 1-16162 16212 1-16262 1-16313 1-16363 37 1-16413 1 16464 1-16514 16565 1-16616 1-16666 16717 1-16768 1-16818 1-16869 38 1-16920 2-16971 1-17022 17072 1-17123 1-17174 17225 1-17276 1-17327 1-17379 555 CANE SUGAR. 17-5 C C. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN Buix AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. .- ,..,. Continued 17"o U. E 1-02185 1-02226 1-02266 1-02306 1-02346 1-02387 1-02427 1-02467 1-02508 1-09548 7 1-02588 1-02629 1-02669 1-02710 1-02750 1-02791 1-02832 1-02872 1-02913 1-02953 8 1-02994 1-03035 1-03076 1'03116 1*03157 1-03198 1-03239 1-03280 1-03321 1-03362 9 1 03403 1-03444 1-03485 1 '03526 1-03567 1-03608 1-03649 1-03691 1-03732 1-03773 10 1-03814 1-03856 1-03897 1-03938 1-03980 1-04021 1-04063 1-04104 1-04146 1-04187 11 1-04229 1-04270 1-04312 1-04354 1-04395 1-04437 1-04479 1-04521 1-04562 1-04604 12 1-04646 1-04688 1-04730 1-04772 1-04814 1-04856 1-04898 1-04940 1-04982 1-05024 13 1-05066 1-05109 1-05151 1-05193 1-05236 1-05278 1-05320 1-05363 1-05405 1-05447 14 1-05490 1-05532 1-05575 1-05618 1-05660 1-05703 1-05745 1-05788 1-05831 1-05874 15 1-05916 1-05959 1-06002 1-06045 1-06088 1-06121 1-06174 1-06217 1-06260 1-06303 16 1-06346 1-06389 1-06432 1-06476 1-06519 1-06562 1-06605 1-06649 1-06692 1-06735 17 1-05779 1-06822 1-06866 1-06909 1-06953 1-06996 1-07040 1-07084 1-07127 1-07171 18 1-07215 1-07256 1-07302 1-07346 1-07390 1-07434 1-07478 1-07522 1-07566 1-07610 19 1-07654 1-07698 1-07742 1-07786 1-07830 1-07874 1-07919 1-07963 1-08007 1-08052 20 1-08096 1-08140 1-08185 1-08229 1-08274 1-08318 1-08363 1-08407 1-08452 1-OS497 21 1-08541 1-08586 1-08631 1-08676 1-08720 1-08765 1-08810 1-08855 1-08900 1-08945 22 1-08990 1-09035 1-09080 1-09125 1-OS170 1-C9215 1-09261 1-09306 1-09351 1-09397 23 1-09442 1-09487 1-09533 1-09578 1-09624 1-09669 1-09716 1-09760 1-09806 1-09851 24 1-09897 1-09943 1-09989 1-10034 1-10080 1-10126 1-10172 1-10218 1-10264 1-10310 25 1-10356 1-10402 1-10448 1-10494 1-10540 1-10586 1-10632 1-10679 1-10725 1-10771 26 1-10817 1-10884 1-10910 1-10957 1-11003 1-11050 1-11096 1-11143 1-11189 1-11236 27 1-11283 1-11329 1-11386 1-11423 1-11470 1-11517 1-11563 1-11610 1-11657 1-11714 28 1-11751 1-11798 1-11845 1-11892 1-11939 1-11987 1-12034 1-12081 1-12128 1-12176 29 1-12223 1-12270 1-12318 1-12365 1-12413 1-12460 1-12508 1 12555 1-12603 1-12651 30 1-12698 1-12746 1-12794 1-12842 1-12890 1-12937 1-12985 1-13033 1-13081 1-13129 31 1-13177 1-13225 1-13273 1-13322 1-13370 1-13418 1-13466 1-13515 1-13563 1-13611 32 1-13660 1-13708 1-13756 1-13805 1-13853 1-13902 1-13951 1-13999 1-14048 1-14097 33 1-14145 1-14194 1-14243 1-14292 1-14340 1-14389 1-14438 1-14487 1-14536 1-14585 34 1-14634 1-14684 1-14733 1-14782 1-14831 1-14880 1-14930 1-14979 1-15029 1-15078 35 1-15127 1-15177 1-15226 1-15276 1-15326 1-15375 1-15425 1-05475 1-15524 1-15574 36 1-15624 1-15674 1-15724 1-15773 1-15823 1-15873 1-15923 1-15973 1-16023 1-16073 558 APPENDIX. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN BRIX AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 57=^ Continued. l& I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 37 1-16124 1-16174 1-16224 1-16274 1-15324 1-16375 1-16425 1-16476 1-16526 1-16576 38 1-16627 1-16677 1-16728 1-16779 1-16829 1-16880 1-16931 1-16981 1-17032 1-17083 39 1-17134 1-17185 1-17236 1-17287 1-17338 1-17389 1-17440 1-17491 1-17542 1-17593 40 17^45 1-17696 1-17747 1-17799 1-17850 1-17901 1-17953 1-18004 1-18560 1-18108 41 18159 1-18211 1-18262 1-18314 1-18366 1-18418 1-18470 1-18521 1-18573 1-18625 42 18677 1-18729 1-18781 1-18833. 1-18886 1-18938 1-18990 1-19042 1-19095 1-19147 43 19199 1-19252 1-19304 1-19356 1-19409 1-19462 1-19514 1-19567 1-19619 1-19672 44 19725 1-19777 1-19830 1-19883 1-19936 1-19989 1-20042 1-20095 1-20148 1-20201 45 20254 1-20307 1-20360 1-20414 1-20467 1-20520 1-20573 1-20627 1-20680 1-20733 46 20787 1-20840 1-20894 1-20945 1-21001 1-21055 1-21109 1-21162 1-21216 1-21270 47 21324 1-21378 1-21432 1-21486 1-21539 1-21594 1-21648 1-21702 1-21756 1-21810 48 21864 1-21918 1-21973 1-22027 1-22081 1-22136 1-22190 1-22245 1-22299 1-22354 49 1-22409 1-22463 1-22518 1-22573 1-22627 1-22682 1-22737 1-22792 122847 1-22902 50 1-22957 1-23012 1-23067 1-23122 1-23177 1-23232 1-23287 1-23343 1-23398 1-23453 51 1-23508 1-23564 1-23619 1-23675 1-23730 1-23786 1-23841 1-23897 1-23953 1-24008 52 1-24064 1-24120 1-24176 1-24231 1-24287 1-24343 1-24399 1-24452 1-24511 1-24567 53 1-24623 1-24679 1-24736 1-24792 1-24848 1-24905 1-24961 1-25017 1-25074 1-25130 54 1-25187 1-25243 1-25300 1-25356 1-25413 1-25470 1-25526 1-25583 1-25640 1-25897 55 1-25753 1-25810 1-25867 1-25924 1-25981 1-26038 1-26095 1-26153 1-26210 1-26267 56 1-26324 1-26382 1-26439 1-26496 1-26554 1-26611 1-26669 1-26726 1-26784 1-26841 57 1-26899 26956 1-27014 1-27072 1-27130 1-27188 1-27245 1-27303 1-27361 1-27419 58 1-27477 1-27535 1-27594 1-27652 1-27710 1-27768 1-27826 1-27884 1-27943 1-28001 59 1-28059 28118 1-28176 1-28235 1-28293 1-28352 1-28411 1-28469 1-28528 1-28587 60 1-28646 28704 1-28763 1-28822 1-28881 1-28940 1-28999 1-29058 1-29117 1-29176 61 1-29235 29295 1-29354 1-29413 1-29472 1-29532 1-29591 1-29651 1-29710 1-29770 62 1-29829 29889 1-29948 1-30008 1-30068 1-30127 1-30187 1-30247 1-30307 1-30367 63 1-30427, 1-30487 1-30547 1-30607 1-30667 1-30727 1-30787 1-30847 1-30908 1-30968 64 1-31028 1-31088 1-31149 1-31209 1-31270 1-31330 1-31391 1-31451 1-31512 1-31573 65 1-31633 1-31694 1-31755 1-31816 1-31897 1-31937 1-31998 1-32059 1-32120 1-32184 66 1-32242 1-32304 1-32365 1-32426 1-32487 1-32548 1-32610 1-32671 1-32732 1-32795 67 1-32855 1-32917 1-32978 1-33040 1-33102 1-33163 1-33225 1-33287 1-33348 1-33410 68 1-33472: 1-33534 1-33596 1-33658 1-33720 1-33782 1-33844 1-33906 1-33968 1-34031 69 1-34093 1-34155 1-34217 1-34280 1-34342 1-34405 1-34467 1-34530 1-34592 1-34655 70 1-34717 1-34780 1-34843 1-34905 1-34968 1-35031 1-35094 1-35157 1-35220 1-35283 71 1-35346 1-35409 1-35472 1-35535 1-35598 1-35P61 1-35724 1-35788 1-35851 1-35914 72 1-35978 1-36041 1-36105 1-36168 1-36232 1-36295 1-36359 1-36423 1-36486 1-36550 73 1-36614 1-36678 1-36741 1-36805 1-36869 1-36933 1-36997 1-37061 1-37124 1-37189 74 1-37254 1-37318 1-37382 1-37446 1-37510 1-37575 1-37639 1-37704 1-37768 1-37833 75 1-37897 1-37962 1-38026 1-38091 1-38155 1-38220 1-38285 1-38350 1-38415 1-38480 76 1-38545 1-38610 1-38674 1-38740 1-38804 1-38870 1-38935 1-39000 1-39065 1-39130 77 1-39196 1-39261 1-39326 1-39392 1-39457 1-39523 1-39588 1-39654 1-39719 1-39785 78 1-39850 1-39916 1-39982 1-40048 1-40113 1-40179 1-40245 1-40311 1-40377 1-40443 559 CANE SUGAK. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN BRIX AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 20C. 4C. Continued. f! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 79 40509 1-40575 1-40641 1-40707 1-40773 1-40840 1-40906 1-40972 1-41039 1-41105 80 41175 1-41238 1-41304 1-41371 41437 1-41544 1-41571 1-41637 1-41704 1-41771 81 41837 1-41904 1-41971 1-42038 42105 1-42172 1-42239 1-42309 1-42373 1-42440 82 42507 1-42574 1-42642 1-42709 1-42776 1-42843 1-42911 1-42978 1-43046 1-43113 83 43181 1-43248 1-43316 1-43383 43451 1-43519 1-43587 1-43654 1-43722 1-43790 84 43858 1-43926 1-43994 1-44062 44130 1-44198 1-44266 1-44334 1-44402 1-44470 85 44539 1-44607 1-44675 1-44744 44812 1-44881 1-44939 1-45017 1-45086 1-45154 86 45223 1-45292 1-45360 1-45429 45499 1-45566 1-45636 1-45704 1-45773 1-45842 87 45911 1-45980 1-46049 1-46119 46189 1-46257 1-46326 1-46395 1-46464 1-46534 88 46603 1-46673 1-46742 1-46811 46881 1-46950 1-47020 1-47090 1-47159 1-47229 89 47299 1-47368 1-47438 1-47508 1-47578 1-47648 1-47718 1-47788 1 47357 1-47927 90 47998 1-48068 1-48138 1-48208 1-48278 1-48348 1-48419 1-48489 1-48559 1-48630 91 48700 1-48771 1-48841 1-48912 1-48982 1-49053 1-49123 1-49194 1-49265 1-49335 92 49406 1-49477 1-49548 1-49619 1-49690 1-49761 1-49832 1-49903 1-49974 1-50045 93 50116 1-50187 1 50258 1-50329 1-50401 1-50472 1-50543 1-50615 1-50686 1-50757 94 1-50829 1-50900 1-50972 1-51043 1-51115 1-51187 1-51258 1-51330 1-51402 1-51474 95 1-51545 1-51617 1-51689 1-51761 1-51833 1-51905 1-51987 1-52049 1-52121 1-52193 96 1-52266 1-52338 1-52410 1-42482 1-52555 1-52627 1-52699 1-52772 1-52844 1-52917 97 1-52989 1-53062 1-53134 1-53207 1-53279 1-53352 1-53425 1-53498 1-53570 1-53643 98 1-53716 1-53789 1-53862 1-53935 1-54008 1-54081 1-54154 1-54227 1-54300 1-54373 99 1-54446 1-54519 1-54593 1-54666 1-54729 1-54813 1-54886 1-54959 1-55033 1-55106 100 1-55180 560 APPENDIX. TEMPERATURE CORRECTIONS FOR BRIX HYDROMETER GRADUATED AT 17'5C. DEGREES BRIX. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 75 Tempera ture. SUBTRACT FROM THE OBSERVED HEADING 15 0-09 0-11 0-12 0-14 0-14 0-15 0-16 0-17 0-16 0-17 0-19 0-21 0-25 16 0-06 0-07 0-08 0-09 0-10 0-10 0-11 0-12 0-12 0-12 0-14 0-16 0-18 17 0-02 0-02 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-05 0-05 0-06 Tempera ture. ADD TO THE OBSERVED READING 18 0-02 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-02 19 0-06 0-08 0-08 0-09 0-09 o-io 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-08 0-06 20 0-11 0-14 0-15 0-17 17 0-18 0-18 0-18 0-19 0-19 0-18 0-15 0-11 21 0-16 0-20 0-22 0-24 0-24 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-26 0-26 0-25 0-22 0-18 22 0-21 0-26 0-29 0-31 0-31 0-32 0-32 0-32 0-33 0-34 0-32 0-29 0-25 23 0-27 0-32 0-35 0-37 038 0-39 0-39 39 0-40 0-42 0-39 0-36 0-33 24 0-32 0-38 0-41 0-43 0-44 0-46 0-46 0-47 0-47 0-50 0-46 0-43 0-40 25 0-37 0-44 0-47 0-49 0-51 0-53 0-54 0-55 0-55 0-58 0-54 0-51 0-48 26 0-43 0-50 0-54 0-56 0-58 0-60 0-61 0-62 0-62 0-66 0-62 0-58 0-55 27 0-49 0-57 0-61 0-63 0-65 0-68 0-68 0-69 0-70 0-74 0-70 0-65 0-62 26 0-56 0-64 0-68 0-70 0-72 0-76 0-76 0-78 0-78 0-82 0-78 0-72 0-70 29 0-63 0-71 0-75 0-78 0-79 0-84 0-84 0-86 0-86 0-90 0-86 0-80 0-78 30 0-70 0-78 0-82 0-87 87 0-92 0-92 0-94 0-94 0-98 0-94 0-88 0-86 35 1-10 1-17 1-22 1-24 1-30 1-32 1-33 1-35 1-36 1-39 1-34 1-27 1-25 40 1-50 1-61 1-67 1-71 1-73 1-79 1-79 1-80 1-82 1-83 1-78 1-69 1-65 50 2-65 2-71 2-74 2-78 2-80 2-80 2-80 2-80 2-79 2-70 2-56 2-51 60 3-87 3-88 3-88 3-88 3-88 3-88 3-88 3-90 3-82 3-70 3-43 3-41 70 5-17 5-18 5-20 5-14 5-13 5-10 5-08 5*06 4-90 4-72 4-47 4-35 80 6-62 6-59 6-54 6-46 6-38 6-30 6-26 6-06 5-82 6-50 5-33 90 8-26 8-16 8-06 7-97 7-83 7-71 7-58 7-30 6-96 6-58 6-37 100 10-01 9-87 9-72 9-56 9-39 9-21 9-03 8-64 8-22 7-76 7-42 561 36 CANE SUGAR. TEMPERATURE CORRECTIONS FOR BRIX HYDROMETER GRADUATED AT 27-5 C. DEGREES BRIX. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 Tempera- ture. SUBTRACT FROM THE OBSERVED READING 15 0-61 0-71 0-75 0-80 0-82 0-87 0-88 0-91 0-91 0-95 16 0-58 0-67 0-71 0-75 0-78 0-82 0-83 0-86 0-87 0-90 17 0-54 0-62 0-66 0-69 0-71 0-76 0-76 0-78 0-79 0-82 18 0-50 0-57 0-60 0-63 0-65 0-69 0-69 0-70 0-71 0-75 19 0-46 0-52 0-55 0-57 0-59 0-62 0-62 0-63 0-64 0-68 20 0-41 0-46 0-48 0-49 0-51 0-54 0-54 0-55 0-56 0-59 21 0-36 0-40 0-41 0-42 0-44 0-47 0-47 0-48 0-48 0-52 22 0-31 0-34 0-34 0-35 0-37 0-40 0-40 0-41 0-41 0-44 23 0-25 0-28 0-28 0-29 0-30 0-33 0-33 0-34 0-34 0-36 24 0-20 0-22 0-22 0-23 0-23 0-26 0-26 0-26 0-26 0-28 25 0-15 0-16 0-16 0-17 0-17 0-19 0-16 0-19 0-19 0-20 26 0-09 0-10 0-10 o-io 0-10 0-12 0-12 0-12 0-12 0-21 27 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 Tempera- ture. ADD TO THE OBSERVED READING 28 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 0-04 29 0-11 0-11 0-11 0-11 0-11 0-12 0-12 0-12 0-12 0-12 30 0-18 0-19 0-19 0-19 0-19 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 0-20 31 0-26 0-27 0-27 0-28 0-28 0-28 0-28 0-28 0-28 0-28 32 0-34 0-35 0-35 0-35 0-35 0-36 0-36 0-?6 0-36 0-36 33 0-42 0-42 0-42 0-42 0-43 0-44 0-44 0-44 0-44 0-44 34 0-50 0-50 0-50 0-50 0-51 0-52 0-52 0-52 0-52 0-52 35 0-58 0-58 0-59 0-59 0-60 0-60 0-61 0-61 0-61 0-61 562 APPENDIX. TABLE OP DBY SUBSTANCE FROM KEFRACTIYE INDEX AT 28 C, (H. C. Prinsen Geerligs.) Index. Per Cent Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent, Dry Sub- stance. 1'3335 1-00 1-3405 570 1-3475 10-40 1-3545 14-95 1-3615 19-25 36 1-05 06 5'80 76 10-45 46 15 00 16 1930 37 1-10 07 5-85 77 10-50 47 15-05 17 19-40 38 1-20 08 5-90 78 10-60 48 15'10 18 19-45 39 130 09 6-00 79 10-65 49 15-20 19 19-50 1-3340 1-35 1-3410 6-05 1'3480 10'70 1-3550 15-25 1-3620 19-60 41 1-40 11 6-10 81 10-80 51 15-30 21 19-65 42 1-50 12 6-20 82 10-85 52 15-40 22 19-70 43 1-60 13 6-25 83 10-90 53 15-45 23 19-75 44 1-65 14 6-30 84 11-00 54 15-50 24 19-80 45 1'70 15 6-40 85 11-05 55 15-60 25 19-85 46 1-80 16 6-45 86 1110 56 1565 26 19-90 47 1*86 17 6-50 87 11-20 57 15-70 27 2000 48 T90 18 6'60 88 1125 58 15-75 28 20-05 49 2-00 19 6-65 89 11-30 59 15-80 29 20-10 1.3350 2'05 1-3420 6-70 1-3490 11 40 1-3560 15'85 1-3630 20-15 51 2-10 21 6-80 91 11-45 61 1590 31 20-20 52 2-20 22 6-85 92 11 '50 62 16-00 32 20-30 53 225 23 6-90 93 11-60 63 16-05 33 20-35 54 2-30 24 7'00 94 11-65 64 16-10 34 20-40 55 2-40 25 7'05 95 11-70 65 16-20 35 2045 56 2-45 26 7-10 96 11-75 66 16-25 36 20-50 57 2'50 27 7-20 97 11-80 67 1630 37 20-60 58 2-60 28 7-25 98 11-85 68 16-40 38 20-65 59 2-65 29 7-30 99 11-90 69 1645 39 2070 1.3360 2'70 1-3430 7-40 1-3500 12-00 1-3570 16-50 1-3640 20-80 61 2-80 31 7-45 01 12-05 71 16-60 41 20-85 62 2-85 32 750 02 12-10 72 16-65 42 2090 63 2' 90 33 7-60 03 12-20 73 16-70 43 20-95- 64 3'00 34 7-65 04 12'25 74 16-75 44 21-00 65 3'05 35 7-70 05 12-30 75 16-80 45 21-05- 66 3-10 36 7-80 06 1240 76 16-85 46 21-10 67 3-20 37 7-85 07 12-45 77 16-90 47 21-15 68 3'25 38 7-90 08 12-50 78 17-00 48 21-20 69 3-30 39 8-00 09 12-60 79 1705 49 21-30 1-3370 3-40 1-3440 8-05 1-3510 12-65 1-3580 17-10 1-3650 21-35 71 3-45 41 8-10 11 12-70 81 1720 51 21-40 72 3'50 42 8-20 12 12-75 82 17-25 52 21-45 73 3-60 43 8-25 13 12-80 83 17-30 53 21-50 74 3-65 44 830 14 12-85 84 17-40 54 21-60 75 3'70 45 8-40 15 12-90 85 17-45 55 21-65 76 3'80 46 8-45 16 13-00 86 17-50 56 21-70 77 3'85 47 8-50 17 13-10 87 1760 57 2180 78 3'90 48 8-60 18 13-20 88 17-65 58 21-85 79 400 49 8-65 19 13-25 89 17*70 59 -21-90 1'3380 4-05 1-3450 8-70 1-3520 13-30 1-3590 17-75 1-3660 21-95 81 4'10 51 8-80 21 13-40 91 17-80 61 22-00 82 420 52 8-85 22 13-45 92 17-85 62 22-05 83 4-25 53 8-90 23 13-50 93 17-90 63 22-10 84 4-30 54 9-00 24 13-60 94 18-00 64 22-15 85 4-40 55 9-05 25 13-65 95 18-05 65 22-20 86 4'45 56 9-10 26 13-70 96 18-10 66 22-30 87 450 57 9-20 27 13-80 97 1815 67 22-35 88 4-60 58 9-25 28 13-85 98 18-20 68 22-40 89 4-65 59 9'30 29 1390 99 1830 69 2245 1'3390 4-70 1-3460 9-40 1-3530 14-00 13600 18-35 1-3670 22-50 91 4'80 61 9-45 31 14-05 01 1840 71 22-60 92 4'85 62 9-50 32 14 10 02 18-45 72 22-65 93 4-90 63 9-60 33 14-20 03 18-50 73 22-70 94 5-00 64 965 34 14-25 04 18'60 74 22-80 95 5-05 65 9-70 35 14-30 05 18-65 75 22-85 96 5-10 66 9-80 36 1440 06 1870 76 22-90 97 5-20 67 9-85 37 14-45 07 18-80 77 2295 98 5-25 68 9-90 38 14-50 08 18-85 78 2300 99 5-30 69 10-00 39 14-60 09 18-90 79 23-05 1-3400 5-40 1-3470 10-05 1-3540 14-65 1-3610 18-95 1-3680 2310 01 5-45 71 10-10 41 1470 11 19-00 81 23-15 02 550 72 10'20 42 14-80 12 19-05 82 23-20 03 5-60 73 10-25 43 14-85 13 19-10 83 23-30 04 5-65 74 10-30 44 14-90 14 19-20 84 23-35 563 CANE SUGAR. TABLE OF DRY SUBSTANCE FROM EEFRACTIVE INDEX AT 28 0. Continued. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub- Stance. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub- stance. Index. Percent. Dry Sub- stance. 1-3685 23-40 1-3765 28-05 1-3845 32-50 1-3925 36-85 1-4005 41-10 86 23-45 66 28-10 46 32-55 26 36-90 06 41-15 87 23-50 67 28-15 47 32-60 27 36-95 07 41-20 88 23-60 68 2820 48 32-65 28 37-00 08 41-25 89 23-65 69 2830 49 32-70 29 37-05 09 41-30 1-3690 2370 1-3770 28-35 1-3850 32-80 1-3930 37-10 1-4010 41-35 91 23-80 71 2840 51 3285 31 37-15 11 41-40 92 23-85 72 28-45 52 3290 32 37-20 12 41-45 93 23-90 73 28-50 53 32-95 33 37-25 13 41-50 94 23-95 74 28-60 54 33-00 34 37-30 14 41-55 95 24-00 75 28-65 55 33-05 35 37-35 15 41-60 96 24-05 76 28-70 56 33-10 36 37-40 16 41-65 97 24-10 77 28-75 57 33-15 37 3745 17 41 70 98 24-15 78 28-80 58 33-20 38 37-50 18 41-75 99 24-20 79 28-85 59 3330 39 3760 19 41-80 1-3700 2430 1-3780 28-90 1-3860 33-35 1-3940 37-65 1-4020 41-85 01 24-35 81 28-95 61 33-40 41 37 70 21 4190 02 24-40 82 29-00 62 33-45 42 3775 22 41-95 03 24-45 83 29-05 63 33-50 43 37-80 23 42-00 04 2450 84 29-10 64 3355 44 3785 24 42-05 05 24-60 85 29-15 65 33-60 45 37-90 25 42-10 06 24-65 86 29-20 66 33-65 46 37-95 26 4215 07 24-70 87 29-30 67 3370 47 38 00 27 42-20 08 24-80 88 29-35 68 3380 48 38-05 28 42-25 09 24-85 89 2940 69 3385 49 38 10 29 4230 1-3710 24-90 1*3790 29-45 1-3870 33-90 1-3950 38-15 1-4030 42-35 11 24-95 91 29-50 71 3395 51 38-20 31 42-40 12 25-00 92 29-60 72 34-00 52 38-25 32 42-45 13 25-05 93 29-65 73 34-05 53 38-30 33 42-50 14 25-10 94 29-70 74 34*10 54 38-35 34 42-55 15 25-15 95 2975 75 3415 55 38-40 35 42-60 16 25-20 96 29-80 76 3420 56 38-45 36 42-65 17 25-30 97 29-85 77 34-30 57 38-50 37 42-70 18 25-35 98 29-90 78 34-35 58 38-60 38 42'75 29 25-40 99 2995 79 3440 59 38-65 39 4280 '3720 2545 1-3800 30-00 1-3880 34-45 1-3960 38-70 1-4040 42-85 21 25-50 01 30-05 81 34-50 61 38-75 41 42-90 22 25-60 02 30-10 82 34-55 62 38-80 42 42-95 23 25-65 03 30-15 83 34-60 63 38-85 43 43-00 24 25-70 04 30-20 84 3465 64 38-90 44 43-05 25 25-80 05 30-30 85 34-70 65 38-95 45 43-10 26 25-85 06 30-35 86 34-80 66 39-00 46 43-15 27 25-90 07 30-40 87 34-85 67 39-05 47 43-20 28 25-95 08 30-45 88 34-90 68 39-10 48 43-25 39 2600 09 3050 89 3495 69 39-15 49 43-30 1-3730 26-05 1-3810 30-55 1-3890 35-00 1-3970 39-20 1-4050 43-35 31 26-10 11 30-60 91 35-05 71 39-30 51 43'40 32 2615 12 30-65 92 3510 72 39-35 52 43-45 33 26-20 13 30 '70 93 35-15 73 39-40 53 4350 34 26-30 14 30-80 94 35-20 74 39-45 54 43-55 35 2635 15 30-85 95 35-25 75 3950 55 43-60 36 26-40 16 30-90 96 35-30 76 3955 56 4365 37 26-45 17 30-95 97 3535 77 39-60 57 43-70 38 26-50 18 31-00 98 35-40 78 39-65 58 43-75 39 26-60 19 31-05 99 3545 79 39-70 59 43-80 1-3740 2665 1-3820 31-10 1-3900 35-50 1-3980 39-80 1-4060 43-85 41 26-70 21 31-15 01 35-60 81 39-85 61 43-90 42 26-80 22 31-20 02 3565 82 3990 62 43-95 43 26'85 23 31-30 03 35-70 83 39-95 63 44-00 44 26-90 24 31-35 04 35-75 84 40-00 64 44-05 45 26-95 25 31-40 05 35-80 85 4005 65 44-10 46 27-00 26 31-45 06 35-85 86 40-10 66 44-15 47 27-05 27 31-50 07 35-90 87 40-15 67 44-20 48 27-10 28 31-55 08 35-95 88 40-20 68 44-25 49 27-15 29 31-60 09 36-00 89 40-25 69 44-30 1-3750 2720 1-3830 31-65 1-3910 36-05 1-3990 40-30 1-4070 44-35 51 27-30 31 31-70 11 36-10 91 40-35 71 44-40 52 27-35 32 31-80 12 36-15 92 40-40 72 44-45 53 27-40 33 31-85 13 36-20 93 40-45 73 44-50 54 27-45 34 31-90 14 36-25 94 4050 74 44-55 55 2750 35 31-95 15 36-30 95 40-60 75 44-60 56 27-60 36 32-00 16 36-35 96 40 65 76 44-65 57 27-65 37 32-05 17 36-40 97 40-70 77 44-70 58 27-70 38 32-10 18 36-45 98 40-75 78 44-75 59 27-75 39 32-15 19 36-50 99 40-80 79 44-80 1-3760 27-80 1-3840 32-20 1-3920 36-60 1-4000 4085 1-4080 44-85 61 27-85 41 32-30 21 36-65 01 40-90 81 44-90 62 27-90 42 32-35 22 36-70 02 40-95 82 44-95 63 2795 43 32-40 23 36-75 03 41-00 83 45-00 64 28-00 44 32-45 24 36-80 04 41-05 84 45-05 564 APPENDIX. TABLE OF DRY SUBSTANCE FROM EEFRACTIVE INDEX AT 28 0. Continued. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub stance. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub stance. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub stance. Index. Per Cent Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. 1-4085 45-10 1-4165 48-95 1-4245 52-80 1-4325 56-50 1-4405 60-00 86 45-15 66 49-00 46 5285 26 56-53 06 60-05 87 45-20 67 49-05 47 52-90 27 56-55 07 60-10 88 45-25 68 49-10 48 5295 28 56-60 08 60-15 89 45-30 69 49-15 49 53-00 29 5665 09 60-20 1-4090 45-35 1-4170 49-20 1-4250 53-05 1-4330 56-70 1-4410 60-23 91 4540 71 49-25 51 53-10 31 56-75 11 60-25 92 45-45 72 4930 52 53-15 32 5680 12 60-30 93 45-50 73 49-35 53 5320 33 5683 13 60-35 94 4553 74 49-40 54 53-25 34 5685 14 60-40 95 45-55 75 49-45 55 53-30 35 5690 15 60-45 96 4560 76 49-50 56 53-35 36 56-95 16 60-50 97 45-65 77 49-55 57 53-40 37 5700 17 60-53 98 45-70 78 49-60 58 53-45 38 57-05 18 60-55 99 4575 79 49-65 59 5350 39 57-10 19 60-60 1M100 4580 1-4180 49-70 1-4260 5353 1-4340 57-15 1-4420 60-65 01 45-85 81 49-75 61 53-55 41 57-20 21 60-70 02 45-90 82 49-80 62 5360 42 5723 22 60-75 03 45-95 83 49-85 63 53-65 43 57-25 23 60-80 04 46-00 84 49-90 64 53-70 44 57-30 24 60-83 05 46-05 85 49-95 65 53-75 45 57-35 25 60-85 06 46-10 86 50-00 66 53-80 46 57-40 26 60-90 07 46-15 87 50-05 67 53-85 47 57-45 27 60'95 08 46-20 88 50-10 68 53-90 48 57-50 28 61-00 09 46-25 89 50-15 69 53-95 49 57-55 29 61.05 1-4110 46-30 1-4190 50-20 1-4270 54-00 1-4350 57-60 1-4430 61-10 11 4635 91 50-25 71 54-05 51 5765 31 61-15 12 46-40 92 50-30 72 54-10 52 57-70 32 61-20 13 46-45 93 50-35 73 54-15 53 57-73 33 61-23 14 46-50 94 50-40 74 54-20 54 57-75 34 61-25 15 46-55 95 50-45 75 5423 55 57-80 35 61-30 16 46-60 96 50-50 76 54-25 56 57-85 36 61-35 17 46-65 97 50-53 77 54-30 57 57-90 37 61-40 18 46-70 98 50-55 78 54-35 58 57-95 38 61-45 19 46-75 99 50-60 79 54-40 59 5800 39 61-50 1-4120 46-80 1-4200 50-65 1-4280 5445 1-4360 5805 1-4440 61-53 21 46-85 01 50-70 81 54-50 61 5810 41 61-55 22 46-90 02 50-75 82 54-55 62 58-15 42 61-60 23 46-95 03 5080 83 54-60 63 5820 43 61-65 24 47-00 04 5085 84 5465 64 58-23 44 61-70 25 4705 05 5090 85 54-70 65 5825 45 61-75 26 47-10 06 50 95 86 54-73 66 58-30 46 61-80 27 47-15 07 51-00 87 54-75 67 5835 47 61-83 28 4720 08 5105 88 54-80 68 58-40 48 61-85 29 47-25 09 51-10 89 5485 69 5845 49 6190 1-4130 47-30 1-4210 51-15 1-4290 54-90 1-4370 58-50 1-4450 61-95 31 47-35 11 51-20 91 54.-9S 71 58-53 51 62-00 32 47-40 12 51-25 92 5500 72 5855 52 62-05 33 47-45 13 51-30 93 55-05 73 58-60 53 62-10 34 47-50 14 51-35 94 55-10 74 58-65 54 62-15 35 47-53 15 51 40 95 55-15 75 58-70 55 62-20 36 47-55 16 51-45 96 55-20 76 58-75 56 62-23 37 47-60 17 51-50 97 55-23 77 58-80 57 62-25 38 47-65 18 51 53 98 55-25 78 58-83 58 62-30 39 4770 19 51-55 99 55-30 79 58-85 59 6235 14140 47-75 1-4220 5160 1-4300 5535 1-4380 58-90 1-4460 62-40 41 47-80 21 51-65 01 55-40 81 58-95 61 62-45 42 47-85 22 51-70 02 55-45 82 59-00 62 62-50 43 47-90 23 51-75 03 55-50 83 59-05 63 62-53 44 4795 24 5180 04 55-55 84 59-10 64 62-55 45 48-00 25 51-85 05 55-60 85 59-15 65 62-60 46 48-05 26 51-90 06 55-65 86 59-20 66 62-65 47 4810 27 51-95 07 55-70 87 59-23 67 62-70 48 48-15 28 5200 08 55-73 88 59-25 68 62-75 49 48-20 29 52-05 09 55-75 89 5930 69 6 2-80 1-4150 48-25 1-4230 5210 1-4310 5580 1-4390 59-35 1-4470 62-83 51 48-30 31 5215 11 55-85 91 59-40 71 62-85 52 48-35 32 52-20 12 55-90 92 59-45 72 62-90 53 48-40 33 5225 13 5595 93 5950 73 6295 54 4845 34 5230 14 56-00 94 59-53 74 6 300 55 48-50 35 5235 15 5605 95 59-55 75 6305 56 48-53 36 52-40 16 56-10 96 59-60 76 63-10 57 48-55 37 52-45 17 56-15 97 59-65 77 63-15 58 48'60 38 52-50 18 5620 98 5970 78 6320 59 48-65 39 52-53 19 5623 99 59-75 79 6323 1-4160 48-70 1'4240 52-55 1-4320 56-25 1-4400 59-80 1-4480 ej-f 61 48-75 41 52-60 21 5630 01 59-83 81 63-30 62 48-80 42 52-65 22 56-35 02 59-85 82 63-35 63 48-85 43 52-70 23 56-40 03 59-90 83 63-40 64 48-90 44 52-75 24 56-45 04 59-95 84 6345 565 CANE SUGAR. TABLE or DRY SUBSTANCE FROM REFRACTIVE INDEX AT 28 0. Continued. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. 1-4485 63'50 1-4565 66-90 1-4645 7025 1-4725 73-55 1-4805 76-75 86 63-53 66 66-95 46 70-30 26 7360 06 76-80 87 63-55 67 67-00 47 7035 27 73-63 07 76-83 88 63-60 68 67-05 48 70-40 28 7365 08 76-85 89 63-65 69 67-10 49 70-43 29 73-70 09 76-90 1-4490 63-70 1-4570 67-15 1-4650 70-45 1-4730 73-75 1-4810 76-95 31 63-75 71 67.20 51 70-50 31 73-80 11 77-00 92 63-80 72 6723 52 7055 32 7383 12 77-03 -93 63-83 73 67-25 53 70-60 33 73-85 13 77-05 94 6385 74 67-30 54 70-63 34 73-90 14 77-10 95 6390 75 67-35 55 7065 35 73-95 15 7715 96 63-95 76 67-40 56 70-70 36 74-00 16 77-20 91 64-00 77 67-43 57 7075 37 74-03 17 77-23 98 64-05 78 67-45 58 70 '80 38 74-05 18 77-25 99 64-10 79 67-50 59 7083 39 74-10 19 77-30 1-4500 64-15 1-4580 67-55 1-4660 70-85 1-4740 74-15 1-4820 77-35 01 64-20 81 67-60 61 70-90 41 74-20 21 77-40 02 64-23 82 67-63 62 70-95 42 74-23 22 77-43 03 6425 83 67-65 63 7100 43 7425 23 77-45 04 64-30 84 67-70 64 71-05 44 74-30 24 77-50 05 64-35 85 67-75 65 71-10 45 74-35 25 77-55 06 64-40 86 6780 66 71-15 46 74-40 26 77-60 07 64-45 87 67-83 67 71-20 47 74-43 27 77-63 08 64-50 88 67-85 68 71-23 48 74-45 28 77-65 09 64-53 89 67-90 69 71-25 49 74-50 29 77-70 1-1510 64-55 1-4590 67-95 1-4670 71-30 1-4750 74-55 1-4830 77-75 11 6460 91 6800 71 71-35 51 74-60 31 77-80 12 64-65 92 68-05 72 71-40 52 74-63 32 77'83 13 64-70 93 68-10 73 71-43 53 74-65 33 7785 14 64-75 94 68-15 74 7145 54 74-70 34 77-90 15 6480 95 6820 75 71-50 55 74-75 35 77-95 16 64-83 96 68-23 76 71-55 56 74-80 36 78-00 17 64-85 97 68-25 77 71-60 57 74-83 37 78-03 18 64-90 98 68-30 78 71-63 58 74-85 38 78-05 19 64-95 99 68-35 79 7165 59 74-90 39 78-10 1-1520 6500 1-4600 68-40 1-4680 71-70 1-4760 74-95 1-4840 78-15 21 65-05 01 6843 81 71-75 61 75-00 41 7820 22 65-10 02 68-45 82 7180 62 75-03 42 78-23 23 65-15 03 68-50 83 7183 63 75-05 43 78-25 24 65-20 04 6855 34 71-85 64 75-10 44 78-30 25 65-23 05 68-60 85 71-90 65 75-15 45 78 '35 26 65-25 06 68-63 86 71-95 66 75-20 46 78-40 27 65-30 07 68-65 87 7200 67 75-23 47 78-43 28 65-35 08 68-70 88 7205 68 75-25 48 78-45 29 65-40 09 68-75 89 7210 69 75-30 49 78-50 1-4530 65-45 1-4610 6880 1-4690 7215 1-4770 75-35 1-4850 78-53 31 65-50 11 68*83 91 72-20 71 75-40 51 78-55 32 65-53 12 68-85 92 72-23 72 75-43 52 7860 33 65-55 13 68-90 93 72-25 73 75-45 53 78-63 34 65-60 14 68-95 94 7230 74 75-50 54 78-65 35 65-65 15 6900 95 72-35 75 7555 55 7870 36 6570 16 69-05 96 72-40 76 75-60 56 78-75 37 6575 17 69-10 97 72-43 77 75-63 57 78-80 38 6580 18 69-15 98 72-45 78 75-65 58 78-83 39 65-83 19 6920 99 72-50 79 75-70 59 78-85 1-4540 65-85 1-4620 6923 1-4700 7255 1-4780 75-75 1-4860 78-90 41 65-90 21 6925 01 7260 81 75-80 61 78-95 42 65-95 22 69-30 02 72-63 82 75-83 62 79-00 43 6600 23 69-35 03 72-65 83 75-85 63 79-03 44 66-05 24 69'40 04 72-70 84 75-90 64 7905 45 66-10 25 69-43 05 72-75 85 75-95 65 79-10 46 66-15 26 69-45 06 72-80 86 76-00 66 79-15 47 6620 27 6950 07 72-83 87 76-03 67 79-20 48 6623 28 69 55 08 72-85 88 76-05 68 79-23 49 66-25 29 6960 09 72-90 89 76-10 69 7925 1-4550 6630 1-4630 69 63 1-4710 7295 1-4790 76-15 1-4870 79-30 51 6635 31 69-65 11 73-00 91 7620 71 79-35 52 66-40 32 69'70 12 73-03 92 7623 72 79-40 53 66-43 33 69'75 13 73 '05 93 76-25 73 79-43 54 66-45 34 69-80 14 7310 94 76-30 74 79-45 55 66-50 35 69-83 15 73-15 95 76-35 75 79-50 56 66-55 36 69-85 16 73-20 96 76-40 76 79-53 57 6660 37 6990 17 7323 97 76-43 77 79-55 58 66-63 38 6995 18 7325 98 76-45 78 79-60 59 66-65 39 70-00 19 7330 99 76-50 79 79-63 1-4560 66-70 1-4640 70-05 1-4720 73-35 1-4800 76-55 1-4880 79-65 61 66-75 41 70-10 21 73-40 01 76-60 81 7970 62 66-80 42 70-15 22 73-43 02 76-63 82 79-75 63 66-83 43 70-20 23 73-45 03 76-65 83 79-80 64 66-85 44 70-23 24 73-50 04 76-70 84 79-83 566 APPENDIX. TABLE OF DRY SUBSTANCE FROM EEFRACTIVE INDEX AT 28 C. Continued. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent. Dry Sub- stance. Index. Per Cent, Dry Sub- stance. 1-4885 79-85 1-4945 82-20 1-5005 84-50 1-5065 86*70 1-5125 88-93 86 79-90 46 82-23 06 84-53 66 86-75 26 88-95 87 79-95 47 82-25 07 84-55 67 86-80 27 89-00 88 80-00 48 82-30 08 84-60 68 86-83 28 89-03 89 80-03 49 82-35 09 84-63 69 86-85 29 89-05 1-4890 80-05 1-4950 82-40 1-5010 84-65 1-5070 86-90 1-5130 89-10 91 80-10 51 82-43 11 84-70 71 86-93 31 89-13 92 80-15 52 82-45 12 84-75 72 86-95 32 89-15 93 80-20 53 8250 13 84-80 73 87-00 33 89-20 94 80-23 54 82-53 14 84-83 74 87-03 34 89-23 95 8025 55 82-55 15 84-85 75 87-05 35 86-25 96 80-30 56 82-60 16 84-90 76 87-10 36 89-30 97 80-35 57 82-63 T7 84-93 77 87-15 37 89-35 98 8040 58 82'65 18 84-95 78 87-20 38 89-40 99 80-43 59 8270 19 85-00 79 87-23 39 89-43 1-4900 80-45 1-4960 82-75 1-5020 85-03 1-5080 87-25 1-5140 89-45 01 80-50 61 8280 21 85-05 81 87-30 41 89-50 02 80-53 62 82-83 22 8510 82 87-33 42 89-53 03 80-55 63 82-85 23 85-15 83 87-35 43 89-55 04 80-60 64 82-90 24 85-20 84 87-40 44 89-60 05 80-63 65 8295 25 85-23 85 87-45 45 8963 06 80-65 66 8300 26 85-25 86 87-50 46 89'65 07 80-70 67 8303 27 85-30 87 87-53 47 89-70 08 80-75 68 83-05 28 85-33 88 87'55 48 89-75 09 80-80 69 68*10 29 85-35 89 87-60 49 89-8Q 1-4910 80-83 1-4970 83-15 1-5030 85-40 1-5090 87-63 1-5150 89-83 11 80-85 71 83-20 31 85-45 91 87-65 51 89-85 12 8090 72 83-23 32 85-50 92 87-70 52 89-90 13 80-95 73 83-25 33 85-53 93 87-75 53 89'93 14 81-00 74 8330 34 85-55 94 87-80 54 89'95 15 81-03 75 83-35 35 85-60 95 87-83 55 90-00 16 81-05 76 8340 36 85-63 96 87-85 56 90-03 17 81-10 77 83-43 37 85-65 97 87-90 57 90-05 18 81-15 78 83-45 38 85-70 98 87-93 58 90-10 19 81-20 79 8350 39 85-75 99 87-95 59 90-13 1-4920 81-23 1-4980 83-53 1-5040 85-80 15100 88-00 1-5160 90-15 21 81-25 81 83-55 41 8583 01 88-03 61 9020 22 81-30 82 83-60 42 85-85 02 88-05 62 90-25 23 81-35 83 83-63 43 85-90 03 88-10 63 90-30 24 81-40 84 8365 44 8593 04 88-15 64 90-33 25 81-43 85 83-70 45 85-95 05 8820 65 90-35 26 81-45 86 83-75 46 86-00 06 88-23 66 90-40 27 81-50 87 83-80 47 86-03 07 88-25 67 90-43 28 81-53 88 83-83 48 86-05 08 88-30 68 90-45 29 81-55 89 8385 49 86-10 09 88-33 69 90-50 1-4930 81-60 1-4990 83-90 1-5050 86-15 1-5110 88-35 1-5170 90-53 31 81-63 91 83-95 51 86-20 11 88-40 71 90-55 32 81-65 92 84-00 52 86-23 12 88-45 72 90-60 33 81-70 93 84-03 53 86-25 13 88-50 73 90-63 34 81-75 94 84-05 54 86-30 14 8853 74 90-65 35 81-80 95 84'10 55 86-33 15 88-55 75 90-70 36 81-83 96 84-15 56 86-35 16 88-60 76 90'75 37 81-85 97 84-20 57 86-40 17 88-63 77 90-80 38 81-90 M 84-23 58 86-45 18 88'65 78 90-83 39 81-95 99 84-25 59 86-50 19 88-70 79 80-85 1-4940 8200 1-5000 84-30 1-5060 86-53 1-5120 88-75 1-5180 90-90 41 82-03 01 84-33 61 8655 21 8880 81 90-93 42 82-05 02 84-35 62 86-60 22 88-83 82 90-95 43 82-10 03 84-40 63 86-63 23 88-85 44 82-15 04 84-45 64 86-65 24 88-90 567 CANE SUGAR. TABLE OF COEEECTIONS FOE THE TEMPEEATUEE. DRY SUBSTANCE. Temperature of the prisms in 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 SUBTRACT. 20 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 62 64 62 61 60 58 21 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 56 54 53 52 50 22 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 47 48 47 46 45 44 23 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 39 38 38 38 24 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 31 31 30 30 25 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 23 23 23 22 26 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 15 14 27 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 07 ADD. 29 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 07 30 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 15 14 31 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 23 23 23 22 32 26 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 31 31 30 30 33 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 39 38 38 38 34 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 47 48 47 46 45 44 35 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 56 54 53 52 50 Temperature. TABLE OF THE DENSITY OF WATEE. Temperature. 4 .... 10 .. . Volume. 1-00000 ;". -99974 55 60 Volume. . . . -98579 98331 15 .... -99913 65 /. .. 98067 20 .. . 25 . .. .... -99825 99710 70 75 .... .. . . . -97790 97495 30 .. . . ... -_ -99571 80 .... -97191 35 .... , -99410 85 . . -96876 40 .. . -99233 90 ,,. -96550 45 .... .... .. -99035 95 . . -96212 50 98813 100 95803 568 APPENDIX. TABLE OF THE ELEVATION OF THE BOILING POINT OF SUGAR SOLUTIONS (Claassen). Per cent. Sugar. Elevation of the boiling point F Per cent. Sugar. Elevation of the boiling point F 75- 13-2 86-75 31-1 75-5 13-7 87' 31-8 76- 14-2 87-25 32-5 76-5 14-8 87-5 33-2 77- 15-3 87-75 33-9 77-5 15-8 88- 34-6 78- 16-4 88-25 35-3 78-5 16-9 88-5 36-0 79- 17-5 88-75 36-7 79-5 18-0 89- 37-5 80- 18-6 89-25 38-3 80-5 19-3 89-5 39-1 81- 19-9 89-75 39-9 81-5 20-5 90- 40-7 82- 21-2 90-25 41-5 82-5 22-0 90-5 42-4 83- 22-7 90-75 43-2 83-5 23-6 91- 44-1 84- 24-7 91-25 45-1 84-5 25-7 91-5 46-3 So- 26-8 91-75 47-7 85-5 27-9 92- 50-2 86- 29-2 86-25 29-8 86-5 30-4 569 CANE SUGAR. TABLE SHOWING THE EXPANSION OF SUGAE SOLUTIONS. (Gerlach.) Temperature 10 per cent. 20 per cent. 30 per cent. 40 per cent. 50 per cent. 1-0000 1-0000 1-0000 1-0000 1-0000 5 1-0004 1-0007 1-0009 1-0012 1-0016 10 1-0012 1-0016 1-0021 1-0026 1-0032 15 1-0021 1-0028 1-0034 1-0042 1-0050 20 1-0033 1-0041 1-0049 1-0058 1-0069 25 1-0048 1-0057 1-0066 1-0075 1-0088 30 1-0064 1-0074 1-0084 1-0094 1-0110 35 1-0082 1-0092 1.0103 1-0114 1-0132 40 1-0101 1-0112 1-0124 1-0136 1-0156 45 1-0122 1-0134 1-0146 1-0160 1-0180 50 1-0145 1-0156 1-0170 1-0184 1-0204 55 1-0170 1-0183 1-0196 ' 1-0210 1-0229 60 1-0197 1-0209 1-0222 1-0235 1-0253 65 1-0225 1-0236 1-0249 1-0261 1-0278 70 1-0255 1-0265 1-0277 1-0287 1-0306 75 1-0284 1-0295 1-0306 T0316 1-0332 80 1-0316 1-0325 1-0335 1-0345 1-0360 85 1-0347 1-0355 1-0365 1-0375 1-0388 90 1-0379 1-0387 1-0395 1-0405 1-0417 95 1-0411 1-0418 1-0425 1-0435 1-0445 100 1-0442 1.0450 1-0456 1-0465 1-0477 570 APPENDIX. W5U3T*(NasCiO^COF-l-< lO ^ ^O WS U5 ^O *O iQ CO CD CO CO CO Oi-icot^oo^i^'* Oi^<^WT*, Torpedo ,, Vacuum Vertical Wegelin's Purity. Pyrethrum Q. Quarantine Queensland, Harvest Time in Soils of . R. -ilo, Raggi Ralentisseurs Ratoons Reducing Sugars, Dextrose Ratio of .... Revolving Knives Reynoso System , Rotation of Crops 63, 86 Rotations of Sugars, Specific Ruissellement Rum, Colouring of Composition of Definition of . . . . Faulty Flavour of Manufacture of, in British Guiana.. ,, ,, Java ,, Jamaica Mauritius . S. 135 124 53 521 306 122 463 190 116 134 453 305 535 523 523 519 526 520 521 522 521 Saccharates Saccharomyces Salt on Cane Soils, Effect of . Sampling of Cane Juices Massecuites Megass Molasses .. .. Press Cake .. . ,, Sugars ,, Syrups Saturation ,, Economic Limit of Scale, Composition of Formation of Polariscope ,, Removal of Secherie Seed Cane, Quantity Required ,. Source of .. .. Seed Grain Seedlings, Barbados British Guiana.. 515 46 475 502 503 503 504 504 504 503 202 212 337 335 434 336 419 116 117 346 40 40 PAGE PAGE . 538 Seedlings, Hybrid 39 . 93 , History of 38 . 330 , Java 41 . 331 , Mauritius 41 . 270 , Methods used to obtain .... 39 . 329 , Resultsfrom 39 . 277 Selection of Cane, Chemical 123 . 327 Selective Harvesting 123 . 371 Shredders 192 . 331 Soil, Acidic 48, 51 . 327 Bacterial Action in 81 . 327 ,, Basic '48, 51 . 327 ,, Calcareous 49 . 329 Denitrification in 81 , 480 i, Effect of, on Cane 45 ,134 ,, Lime : Magnesia Ratio in 70 Soils of British Guiana 48 Cuba 52 Egypt 49 Hawaii 47 Java 53 ,, Louisiana 50 Peru 51 Queensland 53 Steam in Factory, Consumption of .. .. 416 Latent Heat of 284 ,, Properties of 282 ,, Superheated 285 Stills, Coffey's 530 ,, Continuous 530 Coupler's 530 Vat 529 Stocktakings 511 Strainers 198 Straits Settlements, Cultivation in .. .. 120 Sugar, Assay of 447 Available 508 , , Inversion of 255 Optical Constants of 453 ,, Specific Rotation of 453 Tests for 485 Sugar-boiling, Theory of 346 Sugars, Analysis of 487 Composition of 387 Conveyance of 382 Deterioration of 383, 519 Dextrose Ratio of 463 . Driers for 385 Fermentation of 520 Heat of Combustion of 413 Infection of 391 Return of Low 340 Suppression of Low 340 Storage of 383 Washing of 379 White and Yellow 252 Sulphur 247 Oven 247 Supersaturation 351 Control of 367 Syrup, Classification of 380 Sampling of 502 T. Temperature, Effect of, on Cane .. .. 2, 19 Thermal Unit 283 Thermal Value of Cane Straw 420 Fuels.. . 420 587 INDEX. Thermal Value of Megass Molasses Sugars Toggle Gear Transmission of Heat Transport of Cane by Aerial Railways . . . ,, ,, Animal Power . ,, Canals ,, ,, Flumes . , Railroads ,, Roads Traction Engines Water Trash, Burning of ,. Turner, Function lof ., ,, Theory of Trashing of Cane Trinidad, Yeast of PAGE . 410 . 420 , 410 . 198 163 161 161 166 162 161 162 161 122 182 184 121 516 V. Vacuum, Boiling Point of Water in Vacuum Pans, Express Freitag's ,, ,, Greiner's ,, ,, Grosse's ,, ,, Heating Surface of . ,, ,, Reboux' ., Shape of Short Coil ,, Standard ., Vertical Tube Welner-Jelinek Variation in Cane Varieties of Cane, Ainakea ,, Aleijada Altamattie Badilla Bamboo .. ,, Batavian ,, Belouguet Big Ribbon ,, ,, Biltong Berabou Blue ,, Bois Rouge Bourbon .. ,, Branchu ,, ,, Bronzeada Burke Caledonia . . ,, ,, Calvacante CanneMorte Cappor Cavengerie ,, Cayanninha ,, Cayenne Chalk Cheribon . . . . 344 .. 350 . . . . 346 .. 350 .... 348 .. 350 . . . . 346 .. 344 . . . . 340 .. 342 . . . . 344 21 . . 13, 31 35 21, 23, 25, 31 . . 28 27 28 )()U 30 . . 27 32 13, 23, 24, 25 . . 2, 34 . . 36 27 13, 21, 29 36 .. 34, 39 30 , 13, 21, 28, 31 36 23 30 ,, China Chinese ,, Chunnee ,, Cinzehta ,, Creole Crystallina ,, Cuban ,, Danie Diard ,, Elephant a ..21, 25, 26, 27, 30, 37 .. .. 23, 25 1 3 . . .. ..34, 39 i .. 36 35 in a 27, 31, 36 .. 23, 24, 25 Dupon t 29 27 it . . 2, 13, 32 .21, 24, 25, 27, Varieties of Cane, Envernizada ., Etam . . Ferrea .. .. Ganna Gogari .. .. Gon salves Goru . . Green . . Green Rose Guingham .. Home Hope . . Home Imperial . . Irimotu . . Iscambine .. Java .. .. Keni Keni.. Kulloa . . . Lahaina La Pice .. Leeut .. .. Loethers . . Louisiana .. Louzier . . Maillard . . Malabar .. Mamuri Manila Manteiga . . Manulele.. Meerah Meligeli Mexican Mignonne Mird Mont Blanc Moore's Muntok Naga B Nanal Numa Oliana Otaheite .. .. 2, Oudinot .. .... . Oura Palania Panachee Papaa Paunda Piaverae Pinang Po-a-ole .. .. 13, Portii Port Mackay . . Preanger Purple Queensland Creole . Ribbon 26, Rappoh .. .. 26, Red Restali Rocha Rose Bamboo Roxinha Rurutu Salangore Samsara San Pello San Salvador PAGE .. 36 . .. 27 .. 36 ... 34 .. 35 . .. 27 .. 35 .. 27 . .. 33 .. 29 . .. 26 .. 27 ... 33 .. 36 ... 35 .. 33 ... 27 24, 25 32, 34 .. 13 27 .. 25 . .. 25 .. 27 31 .. 29 . .. 29 .. 27 ... 34 .. 36 1 28, 33 .. 31 ... 27 24, 37 .. 27 ... 27 .. 27 . . . 34 .. 27 .2, 34 .. 27 . .. 36 23, 24 ... 24 .. 35 . .. 36 .. 27 ... 36 .. 34 ... 35 .. 30 21, 31 23, 25 31, 38 ... 27 .. 27 26, 27 28, 37 27, 28 ... 33 .. 34 ... 30 .. 27 ... 36 .. 35 36 34 ae 27 13, 30, 588 INDEX. PAGE , . . . 27 .. 32 27, 37 . ..2, .. 32, 21, 26, 22, Varieties of Cane, Seete Settlers .. , ,, Singapore ,, Soerat .. .. , Tanna .. .. Tip ,, ,, Transparent .. ,, Tsimbec Uba Ukh .. .. ,, ,, Uouo Vaihi .. .. ,, ,, Vermehla Yellow.. .. Yellow Violet ,t ,, Zwinga W. Water, Conservation of, in Soil 98 ,, Consumed by Cane 92 Evaporation of 20 Flow of, in Pipes 322 Gases Dissolved in 332 Quality of Irrigation 97 ,, for Irrigation, Quantity Required. . 91 ,, Transpired by Cane 95 Wax of Cane 16 Weeding and Moulding 118 Weeds Associated with Cane 125 Weight, Determination^ Cane.. .. 498, 504 PAGE Weight, Determination of Juice 499 Maceration Water .. 503, 505 ,, Massecuites .. 497 Molasses 497 Press Cake . . 497 Sugar 504 Weighing Machines, Baldwin's 493 Blake-Dennison 497 ,, Hedemann's .. .. 493 Howe's 493 Richardson's .. .. 494 Wind on Cane, Effect of 20 Windbreaks 21 Windrowing 117 Wrapping of Cane 123 X. Xanthine Bases 1*5 Y. Yeasts Associated with Rum Distilleries. . 515 Budding 515 Fission 515 ,, Pure Culture 515 Wild 516 Z. Zayas System 116 Names. A. PAGE Abady 422 Abel 406 Allan 174, 522, 526 Allihn 459, 468 Anderson 448 Arbuckle 305 Arendrup 28 Arrhenius 256 Ashby 526 Aso 70 Aspinall 286 Asrymusry 535 Atwater 420 B. Baldwin Baldwin, D. D. Barber .. .. Bates Beck .... 24 . . 135 437, 450 . 538 Beeson 259 Benecke 145 Bergmans 184 Berkeley 151 PAGE Bernadini 70 Besson 251 Bienfait 420 Blake 450 Blake-Dennison 497 Blancke 330 Bligh 23 Bocquin 355 Bodenbender 398 Bojer 129, 141 Bolk 308, 413 Bon&me .. 14, 18, 39, 60, 75, 117, 121, 151, 402 Bonnefin 193 Boot 541 Bort 84 Bouricius 39 Bovell 38, 39 Bowack 425 Bravo 159 Broadbent 38, 473 Broch 433 Browne 15, 16, 169, 260, 393, 455, 456, 463, 468, 520 Bruce 38 Burns 50 Burwcll 411 Butler , 138, 142, 150, 151 589 INDEX. c. PAGE Cameron 88 Campen 120 Carp .. , 509 Carr 473 Carrington 425 Cartier 538 Chantrelle 336 Chapman 175, 290 Chivers 159 Claassen 251, 285, 308, 310, 362 Clark 37 Clerget 457 Cobb .. 8, 132, 138, 139, 140, 143, 152, 153, 155 Cockerell 159 Coffey 533 Collinge 171 Comallonga 240 Cordemoy 1 Cornu 43 Coupler 530 Cousins.. ..' 27, 526 Crawley 47, 518 Creydt 457 Curin 360 Cuzent 35 D. Dahl 28 Darwin 156 Davoll 478 De Candolle 88 De la Croix 151, 153 De Meijier 53, 96 De Morn ay 178 De Villa Franca 38 Degener 389 Delbert 172, 175 Delteil 18, 29, 30 45 Deming.. .. .. 258 Dessin 308, 311, 312 Diamond 460 Dickoff 140 Druelle-Say 385 Drumm 38 Du Beaufret 46 Duboscq 438 Dubrunfaut 372, 397 Duchaissing 202 Dupont 246, 269, 485 Dutrone 38 Dymond 32 E. Earle . . Ebbels Eckart .. 52, 119 82, 402 19, 23, 39, 47, 61, 64, 70, 76, 98, 99, 100, 122, 261 Edwards 23 Effront 523 Erlich 536 Engler 1 F. Fauque 402 Faure 193 Fawcett 23 PAGE Fawcett, Preston & Co 175 Felz 389 Flourens . . 389 Fogarty 177 Fowler .... 114 Francis 207 Frankland 82 Freitag 350 Fric 437 Fries 307 Froggat 137 Fryer 286 Fulton 143 Fulton Iron Works 174 G. Gallois 246, 269 Gans 251 Gaussiran 159 Gay Lussac 538 Geerligs. .13, 15, 25, 39, 46. 95, 114, 123, 249, 257, 260, 262, 263, 264, 285, 336, 356, 388, 390, 391, 411, 412, 467, 474, 478, 486, 489, 503, 519, 520 Gendar 538 Gerard 388 Glan 429 Godillot 407 Gonsalves 26 Greg 416 Gi-einer 318 Grimbert 456 Grosse 350 Gunning 388, 389, 481 H. Hackel 1 Hadi 34, 43, 132 Hagemann 291 Hall, A. D 77, 87 Hall, Melmoth " 35, 37 Hall, W. G 176 Hamakers . . . . 240 Harrison.. 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39, 49, 69, 70, 71, 95, 124, 153, 157, 444, 452, 519, 526 Hart 39 Hatton 243 Hausbrand 308, 309, 310, 311, 417 Hazewinkel 264, 392, 395, 509 Hedemann 493 Hein 140 Helriegel 83 Henn 150 Hepworth 376 Herles 448 Herzfeld 388, 454 Hildebrand 36 Hilgard 47, 48, 97 Hilton 159 Hlavati 251 Hodek 306 Honig 451 Hoogewerf 420 Hopkins 159 Horne ,33, 37, 450 Horner 106, 107 Horsin-D