REESE LIBRARY' f "aids more easily separated than those of solids 1 14 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. 39. When the particles of fluids are left to arrange them- selves according to the laws of attraction, the bodies which they compose assume the form of a globe or ball. 40. Drops of water thrown on an oiled surface, or on wax, globules of mercury, hailstones, a drop of water adhering to the end of the finger, tears running down the cheeks, and dew- drops on the leaves of plants, are all examples of this law of attraction. The manufacture of shot is also a striking illustra- tion. The lead is melted and poured into a sieve, at the height of about two hundred feet from the ground. The stream of lead, immediately after leaving the sieve, separates into round globules, which, before they reach the ground, are cooled and Income solid, and thus are formed the shot used by sports- men. 41. To account for the globular form in all these cases, we have only to consider that the particles of matter are mutually attracted toward a common center, and in liquids being free to move, they arrange themselves accordingly. 42. In all figures except the globe or ball, some of the parti- cles must be nearer the center than others. But in a body that is perfectly round, every part of the outside is exactly at the same distance from the center. 43. Thus, the corners of a cube, or square, are at much greater distances FIG. 2. from the center than the sides, while the circumference of a circle or ball is every where at the same distance from it. This difference is shown by Fig. 2, and it is quite obvious, that if the parti- cles of matter are equally attracted to- ward the common center, and are free to arrange themselves, no other figure could possibly be formed, since then Globular form. every part of the outside is equally at- tracted. 44. The sun, earth, moon, and indeed all the heaven y bodies, are illustrations of this law, and therefore were probably in so soft a state when first formed, as to allow their particles freely to arrange themselves accordingly. 39. What form do fluids take, when their particles are left to their own arrange- ment ? 40. Give examples of this law. 41. How is the globular form which liquids assume accounted for ? If the particles of a body are free to move, and are equal- ly attracted toward the center, what must be its figure ? 43. Why must the figure be a globe 7 44. What great natural bodies are examples of this law 1 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. 15 FIG. 3. 45. ADHESION. The attraction between solids and liquids is termed adhesion. This is well illustrated by means of Fi(j. 3. First,very nice- ly balance the plate of copper, C,~by means of weights in the cup,A, and then slide the vessel of water, B, un- der the copper, pouring in more of the fluid un- Adhesion between solids and liquids. FIG. 4. til the metal just touches it. Now on placing weights in A, it will be found that the metal ad- heres to the water with so much force, that -if the plate has an area of about seven inches, it will require a weight of more than 1000 grains to raise it from the surface of the water. 46. ATTRACTION OF GRAVITATION. As the attraction of cohesion unites the particles of matter into masses or bodies, so the attraction of gravitation tends to force these masses toward each other , to form those of still greater dimen- sions. The term gravitation, does not here strictly refer to the weight of bodies, but to the attraction of the masses of matter toward each other, whether downward, upward, or horizontally. 47. The attraction of gravitation is mutual, since all bodies not only attract other bodies, but are themselves attracted. 48. Two cannon-balls, when suspended by long cords, so as to hang "quite near each other, are found to exert a mutual attraction, so that neither of the cords are exactly perpendicular, but they approach each other as in Fig. 4. 49. In the same manner, the heavenly bodies, when they approach each other, are drawn out of the line of their paths, or orbits, by mutual attraction. Attraction. 45. What explanation can yon give of Fig. 3? 46. What is meant by attraction of gravitation? 47. Can one body attract another without being itself attracted? 43. How is it proved that bodies attract each other 1 16 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. 50. The force of attraction increases in proportion as bodies approach each other, and by the same law it must diminish in proportion as they recede from each other.. 51. Attraction, in technical language, is inversely as the squares of the distances between the two bodies. That is, in proportion as the square of the distance increases, in the same proportion attraction decreases, and so the contrary. Thus, if at the distance of 2 feet, the attraction be equal to 4 pounds, at the distance of 4 feet, it will be only 1 pound; for the square of 2 is 4, and the square of 4 is 16, which is 4 times the square of 2. On the contrary, if the attraction at the dis- tance of 6 feet be 3 pounds, at the distance of 2 feet it will be 9 times as much, or 27 pounds, because 36, the square of 6, is equal to 9 times 4, the square of 2. 52. The law of attraction in FIG. 5. masses is very sat- isfactorily shown by the two little cork balls in Fig. 5. They are cover- ed with Varnish, Attraction of cork balls. or beeswax, to re- pel the water. Two such balls placed on the surface of a dish of water, two or three inches apart, and not near the side of the dish, will soon begin to approach each other; their velocities being in proportion to their sizes, and increasing as their distances di- minish, until quite near, when they rush together as though they had life. 53. The intensity of light is found to increase and diminish in the same proportion. Thus, if a board a foot square, be placed at the distance of one foot* from a candle, it will be found to hide the light from another board of two feet square, at the distance of two feet from the candle. Now a board of two feet square is just four times as large as one of one foot square, and therefore the light at double the distance being spread over four times the surface, has only one fourth the in- tensity. 50. By what law or rule, does the force of attraction increase ? 5t. Give an exam, pie of this rule. 52. How is attraction illustrated by Fig 5 ? 53. How is it shown that the intensity of light increases and diminishes in the same proportion as the at traction of matter 7 PROPERTIES OF BODIES! 17 54. The force of the attraction of gravitation, is in proportion to the quantity of matter the attracting body contains. 55. Some bodies of the same bulk contain a much greater quantity of matter than others : thus, a piece of lead contains about twelve times as much matter as a piece of cork of the same dimensions, and therefore a piece of lead of any given size, and a piece of cork twelve times as large, will attract each other equally. 56. CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. The force by which small tubes, or porous substances, raise liquids above their levels, is called capillary attraction. 5*7. If a small glass tube be placed in water, the water on the inside will be raised above the level of that on the outside of the tube. The cause of this seems to be nothing more than the ordinary attraction of the particles of matter for each other. The sides of a small orifice are so near each other as to attract the particles of the fluid on their opposite sides, and as all at- traction is strongest in the direction of the greatest quantity of matter, the water is raised upward, or in the direction of the length of the tube. On the outside of the tube, the opposite surfaces, it is obvious, can not act on the same column of water, and therefore~the influence of attraction is here hardly percep- tible in raising the fluid. This seems to be the reason why the fluid rises higher on the inside than on the outside of the tube. 58. Height and size of the bore. The height to which the fluid will rise, PJQ 6 seems to depend, not on the specific gravity of the fluid, but on the size of the bore. 59. Thus, if the four glass tubes, shown by Fig. 6, are respectively the 10th, 20th, 40th, and 80th of an" inch in diameter, then the height of the a ., . T_ -11 i ,T_ CapiSary attraction. fluid in each will be inversely as their several diameters. 60. On comparing the elevation of several fluids in tubes of the same diameter, it has been found that water rose more than three times as high as sulphuric acid, though the latter is nearly 54. Do bodies attract in proportion to bulk, or quantity of matter ? 55. What Would be the difference of attraction between a cubic inch of'lead. aud a cubic inch of cork ? Why would there be so much difference 1 56. What is meant by capillary attraction 1 57. How is this kind of attraction illustrated with glass tubes ? Why does the water rise higher in the tube than it does on the outside 1 58. On what / does the height of the fluid in capillary tubes depend ? 59. Explain Fig. 6. 60. What is the difference iu height between sulphuric acid and water 7 18 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. twice as heavy as the former, and therefore contains a propor- tionate quantity of attractive matter. The cause of this differ- ence is unknown. 61. Prevents evaporation. It is very remarkable that capil- lary attraction prevents ' evaporation. Thus, fine glass tubes, open at both ends, and containing water, were exposed to the influence of the sun, in the open air, for months, without losing the least portion of their contents. 62. It is well known that mercury in a small vertical tube is depressed around the sides next to the glass ; but rises in the center, forming the section of a ball. This is owing to the strong attraction the particles of this metal have for each other, while they appear to have none for the glass. This attraction is beautifully shown by the little bright globules which mercu- ry forms on being, thrown on a smooth surface. 63. A great variety of porous substances are capable of ca- pillary attraction. If a piece of sponge or a lump of sugar be placed so that its lowest corner touches the water, the fluid;; wll rise up and \?^lhj whole mass. In the same manner, the wick of a lamp \v:fl carry up the oil to supply the flame,-fchough the flame is sevejal inches above the level of the oil. K the end of a towel haaMns to be left in a basin of water, it will empty the basin dp^s contents. And on the same principle, when a dry w#dge of wood is driven into the crevice of a rock, and afterward moistened with water, as when the rain falls upon it, it will absorb the water, swell, and sometimes split the rock. In Germany mill-stone quarries are worked in this manner. 64. CHEMICAL ATTRACTION takes place between the particles of substances of different kinds, and unites them into one com- pound. 65. This species of attraction takes place only between the particles of certain substances, and is not, therefore, a universal property. It is also known by the name of chemical affinity, because the particles of substances having an affinity between them, will unite, while those having no affinity for each other do not readily enter into union. 66. There seems, indeed, in^s respect, to be very singular preferences, and dislikes, existing among the particles of matter. 61. What is said of its preventing evaporation? 62. Why does mercury form a section of a ball in a glass tube ? 64. What is the effect of chemical attraction ? 65. By what other name is this kind of attraction known ? 66. What effect is pro- duced when marble and sulphuric acid are brought together? What is the effect when glass and this acid are brought together 7 What is the reason of this difference ? PROPERTIES OF BODIES. 19 Thus, if a piece of marble be thrown into sulphuric acid, their particles will unite with great rapidity and commotion, and there will result a compound differing in all respects from the acid or the marble. But if a piece of glass, quartz, gold, or silver, be thrown into this acid, no change is produced on either, be- cause their particles have no affinity. 67. Sulphur and quicksilver, when heated together, will form a beautiful red compound, known under the name of vermilion, and which has none of the qualities of sulphur or quicksilver. 68. Oil and water have no affinity for each other, but pot- ash has an attraction for both, and therefore oil and water will unite when potash is mixed with them. In this manner, the well-known article called soap is formed. But the potash has a stronger attraction for an acid than it has for either the oil or the water ; and therefore, when soap is mixed with an acid, the potash leaves the oil, and unites with the acid, thus destroying the old compound, and at the same instant forming a new one. liic same happens when soap is dissolved in any water con- , tainmg an acid, as the waters of the seamaid of certain wells. .,-The potash forsakes the oil, and unites with fRe acid, thus leav- ing the oil to rise to the surface of the water. % Such waters are called hard, and will not wash, becauseflfc| acid renders the potash a neutral substance. ^H 69. MAGNETIC ATTRACTION. There is a certain ore of iron, a piece of which, being suspended by a thread, will always turn one of its sides to the north. This is called the loadstone, or natural magnet, and wj^en it is brought near a piece of iron, or steel, a mutual attraction takes place, and under certain circum- stances the two bodies will come together, and adhere to each other. This is called Magnetic Attraction. When a piece of steel or iron is rubbed with a magnet, the same virtue is com- municated to the steel, and it will attract other pieces of steel, and if suspended by a string, one of its ends will constantly point toward the north, while the other, of course, points toward the south. This is called an artificial magnet. The mag- netic needle is a piece of steel, first touched with the loadstone, and then suspended, so as to turn easily on a point. By means of this instrument, the mariner guides his ship through the pathless ocean. See Magnetism. 67. When sulphur and quicksilver are combined, what is formed ? 68. How may oil and water be made to unite 7 What is the composition thus formed called J How does au acid destroy this compound 1 What is the reason that hard water will not wash ? 69. What is a natural magnet 1 What is meant by magnetic attraction 7 What is an artificial magnet 1 What is a magnetic needle 1 What is its use 1 20 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. 70. ELECTRICAL ATTRACTION. When a piece of glass, 01 sealing-wax, is rubbed with the dry hand, or a piece of cloth, and then held toward any light substance, such as hair or thread, the light body will be attracted by it, and will adhere for a moment to the glass or wax. The influence which thus moves the light body is called Electrical Attraction. When . the light body has adhered to the surface of the glass for a mo- ment, it is again thrown off, or repelled, and this is called Elec- trical Repulsion. See Electricity. 71. We have thus described and illustrated all the universal or inherent properties of bodies, and have also noticed the seve- ral kinds of attraction which are peculiar, namely, Chemical, Magnetic, and Electrical. There are still several properties to be mentioned. Some of them belong to certain kinds of mat- ter in a peculiar degree, while other kinds possess them but slightly, or not at all. These properties are as follows : 72. DENSITY. This property relates to the compactness of . bodies, or the number of particles which a body contains within a given bulk. It is closeness of texture. 73. Bodies which are most dense, are those which contain the least number of pores. Hence, the density of the metals is much greater than that of wood. Two bodies being of equal bulk, that which weighs most is most dense. Some of the metals may have this quality increased by hammering, by which their pores are filled up, and their particles are brought nearer to each other. The density of air is increased by forcing more into a close vessel than it naturallv contained. 74. RARITY. This is the quality opposite to density, and means that the substance to which it is applied is porous and light. Thus, air, water, and ether are rare substances, while gold, lead, and platina are dense bodies. 75. HARDNESS. This property is not in proportion, as might be expected, to the density of the substance, but to the force with which the particles of a body cohere, or keep their places. 76. Glass, for instance, will scratch gold or platina, though these metals are much more dense than glass. It is probable, therefore, that these metals contain the greatest number of par- ticles, )>ut that those of the glass are more firmly fixed in their places. 70. What is meant by electrical attraction 7 What is electrical repulsion 1 71. What properties of bodies have been described 7 72. What is density 7 73. What bodies are most dense 7 How may this quality be increased in metals 7 74. What, is rarity 7 What are rare bodies 7 What are dense bodies 7 75. How does hardness differ from density 7 76. Why will glass scratch gold or platiua 7 PROPERTIES OF BOD] P.3IT1 77. Some of the metals can be made hard or soft at pleasure. Thus steel, when heated, and then suddenly cooled, becomes harder than glass ; while, if allowed to cool slowly^t'lsioft, and flexible. 78. ELASTICITY is that property in bodies by which, after being forcibly compressed, or bent, they regain tfieir original state when the force is removed. 79. Some substances are highly elastic, while others want this property entirely. The separation of two bodies after im- pact, is a proof that one or both are elastic. In general, most hard and dense bodies possess this quality in greater or less de- gree. Ivory, glass, marble, flint, and ice, are elastic -solids. An ivory ball, dropped upon a marble slab, will bound nearly to the height from which it fell, and no mark will be left on either. India rubber is exceedingly elastic, and, on being thrown forcibly against a hard body, will bound to an amazing distance. Steel, when hardened in a particular manner, and wrought into certain forms, possesses this property in the highest degree. Watch-springs, and those of carriages, as well as sword-blades, are examples. Gold, silver, copper, and platina, also have this property in a degree. 80. Putty, dough, and wet clay are examples of the entire want of elasticity ; and if either of these be thrown against an impediment, they will be flattened, stick to the place they touch, and never, like elastic bodies, regain their former shapes. 81. Among fluids, water, oil, and in general all such substances as are denominated liquids, are nearly inelastic, while air, and the gaseous fluids, are the most elastic of all bodies. 82. Change of Form. The change of form in an elastic body, as an India rubber FIQ 7 - ball, is shown by Fig. 7, where its side, on striking an impediment, is compressed to a, but instantly springs to b ; the dark line between them being the surface in the natural state. 83. BRITTLENESS is the property which renders substances easily broken, or sepa- rated into irregular fragments. This change h of form, property belongs chiefly to hard bodies. 84. It does not appear that brittleness is entirely opposed to 77. What metal can be made hard or soft at pleasure ? 78. What is meant by elasticity? 79. How is it known that bodies possess this property ? Mention seve- ral elastic solids. 80. Give examples of inelastic solids. 81. Do liquids possess this property ? What are the most elastic of all substances? 82. Explain Fig. 7. 83. What is brittleness? 22 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. elasticity, since, in many substances, both these properties are united. Glass is the standard, or type of brittleness ; and yet a ball, or fine threads of this substance, are highly elastic, as may be seen by the bounding of the one, and the springing of the other. Brittleness often results from the treatment to which substances are submitted. Iron, steel, brass, and copper, become brittle when heated and suddenly cooled ; but if cooled slowly, they are not easily broken, 85. MALLEABILITY. Capability of being drawn under the hammer or rolling-press. This property belongs to some of the metals, but not to all, and is of vast importance to the arts and conveniences of life. 86. The malleable metals are platina, gold, silver, iron, cop- per, lead, tin, and some others. Antimony, bismuth, and co- balt, are brittle metals. Brittleness is, therefore, the opposite of malleability. 87. Gold is the most malleable of all substances. It may be drawn under the hammer so thin that light may be seen through it. Copper and silver are also exceedingly malleable. 88. DUCTILITY is that property in substances which renders them susceptible of being drawn into wire. 89. We should expect that the most malleable metals would also be the most ductile ; but experiment proves that this is not the case. Thus, tin and lead may be drawn into thin leaves, but can not be drawn into small wire. Gold is the most malleable of all the metals, but platina is the most ductile. Dr. Wollaston drew platina into threads not much larger than a spider's web. 90. TENACITY, in common language called toughness, refers to the force of cohesion among the particles of bodies. Tenacious bodies are not easily pulled apart. There is a re- markable difference in the tenacity of different substances. Some possess this property in a surprising degree, while others are torn asunder by the smallest force. 91. Tenacity of Wood. The following is a tabular view of the absolute cohesion of the^ principal kinds of timber employed in the arts and in building, showing the weight which would rend a rod an inch square, and also the length of the rod, which, if suspended, would be torn asunder by its own weight. 84. Are brittleness and elasticity ever found in the same substance ? Give exam- ples. How are iron, steel, and brass made brittle? 85. What does malleability mean! 86. What metals are malleable, and what are brittle? 87. Which is the most malleable metal ? 88. What is meant by ductility ? 89. Are the most mallea- ble metals the most ductile ? 90. What is meant by tenacity 1 From what does this property arise 7 PROPERTIES OF BODIES. 23 92. It appears, by experiment, that the following is the ave- rage tenacity of the kinds of woods named ; but it is found that there is much difference in the strength of the same species, and even of the different parts of the same tree. 93. The first line refers to the weight, and the other to the length, the wood being an inch square. Pounds. Feet. Teak, .... 12,915 36,049 Oak, .... 11,880 32,900 Sycamore, . . . 9,630 35,800 Beech, .... 12,225 38,940 Ash, .... 14,130 39,050 Elm, .... 9,540 40,500 Larch, .... 12,240 42,160 94. Tenacity of the Metals. The metals differ much more widely in their tenacity than the woods. According to the ex- periments of Mr. Rennie, the cohesive power of the several metals named below, each an inch square, is equal to the num- ber of pounds marked in the table, while the feet indicate the length required to separate each metal by its own weight. Pounds. Feet. Cast steel, . . 134,256 39,455 Malleable iron, . . 72,064 19,740 Cast iron, . . .19,096 6,110 Yellow brass, . .17,958 5,180 Cast copper, . . . 19,072 5,093 Cast tin, . . . 4,736 1,496 Cast lead, . . . 1,824 348 The cohesion of fluids it is difficult to measure, though some indication of this property is derived by the different sizes of the drops of each on a plane surface. ' 95. RECAPITULATION. The common or essential properties of bodies are, Impenetrability, Extension, Figure, Divisibility, In- ertia, and Attraction. Attraction is of several kinds, viz. attraction of Cohesion, attraction of Gravitation, Capillary attraction, Chem- ical attraction, Magnetic attraction, and Electrical attraction. 96. The peculiar properties of bodies are, Density, Rarity, Hard- ness. Elasticity, Brittleness, Malleability, Ductility, and Tenacity. 93. Give the names of the most tenacious sorts of wood. 94. What metals are most tenacious 7 What metals are least tenacious ? 95. What are the essential properties of bodies ? How many kinds of attraction are there ? 96. What are the peculiaj properties of bodies 1 CHAPTER II. GRAVITY. 97. THE force by which bodies are drawn toward each other in the mass, and by which they descend toward the earth when let fall from a height, is called the force of gravity. 98. The attraction which the earth exerts on all bodies near its surface, is called terrestrial gravity / and the force with which any substance is drawn downward, is called its weight. 99. All falling bodies tend downward, or toward the center of the earth, in a straight line from the point where they are let fall. If, then, a body descends, in any part of the world, the line of its direction will be perpendicular to the earth's sur- face. It follows, therefore, that two falling bodies, on opposite parts of the earth, mutually fall toward each other. 100. Suppose a cannon-ball to be disengaged from a height opposite to us, on the other side of the earth, its motion in re- spect to us would be upward, while the downward motion from where we stand would be upward in respect to those who stand opposite to us on the other side of the earth. * 101. In like manner, if the falling body be a quarter, in- stead of half the distance round the earth from us, its line of direction will be directly across, or at right-angles with the line already supposed. 102. This will be readily understood by Fig. 8, where the circle is supposed to be the circumference of the earth, A, the ball falling toward its upper surface, where we stand ; B, a ball falling toward the opposite side of the earth, but ascending in respect to us ; and D, a ball descending at the distance of a quarter of the circle from the other two, and crossing the liue of their direction at right-angles. 103. It will be obvious, therefore, that what we call up and down, are merely relative terms ; and that what is down in re- 97. What is gravity ? 98. What is terrestrial gravity 1 99. To what point in the earth do falling bodies tend? 100. In what direction will two falling bodies, from opposite parts of the earth, tend in respect to each other 1 101. In what direction will one from half-way between them meet their line ? 102. How is this shown by Fig. 8 ? 103. Are the terms up and down relative or positive in their meaning ? GRAVITY. 25 Direction of Falling Bodies. spect to us, is up in respect to those who live on the opposite side of the earth, and so the contrary. Conse- quently, down every where means toward the center of the earth ; and up, from the center of the earth, "because all bodies descend toward the earth's center from whatever part they are let fall. This will be apparent when we consider that, as the earth turns over every 24 hours, we are carried with it through the points A, D, and B, Fig. 8 ; and, therefore, if a body is supposed to fall from the point A, say at 12 o'clock, and the same to foil again from the same point above the earth at 6 o'clock, the two lines of directi >n will be at right-angles, as represented in the figure, for that part of the earth which was under A at 12 o'clock, will be under D at 6 o'clock, the earth having in that time performed one quarter of its daily revolution. At 12 o'clock at night, if the body be supposed to fiill again, its line of direction will be at right-a i- gles with that of its last descent, and consequently, it will as- cend in respect to the point from which it fell 12 hours before, because the earth would have then gone through one half her daily rotation, and the point A would be at B. VELOCITY OF FALLING BODIES. 104. The velocity of every falling body is uniformly accele- rated in its approach toward the earth, from whatever height it falls. 105. If a rock is rolled from a steep mountain, its motion is at first slow and gentle ; but, as it proceeds downward, it moves with perpetually increased velocity, seeming to gather frjsh speed every moment, until its force is such that every obstacle is overcome. 106. The principle of increased velocity as bodies descend What is understood by dmcn in any part of the earth ? Suppose a ball be let all at 12 and then at 6 o'clock, in what direction would the lines of their descent meet each other 1 104. What is said concerning the motions of falling bodies 7 105. How is this increased velocity illustrated ? 106. Explain Fig. 9 o 26 GRAVITY. from a height, is curiously illustrated by pouring molasses or thick syrup from an F1G 9- elevation to the ground. The bulky stream, Fig. 9, of perhaps two inches in diameter where it leaves the vessel, as it descends, is reduced to the size of a straw, or knitting- needle ; but what it wants in bulk is made up in velocity, for the small stream at the ground will fill a vessel just as soon as the large one at the outlet. 107. For the same reason, a man may leap from a chair without danger, but if he jumps from the house-top, his velocity be- comes so much increased before he reaches the ground, as to endanger his life by the blow. It is found, by experiment, that the mo- tion of a falling body is accelerated in regu- lar mathematical proportions. These increased proportions do not de- pend on the increased weight of the body, increased Velocity. because it approaches nearer the center of the earth, but on the constant operation of the force of gravity, which perpetually gives new impulses to the falling body, and increases its velocity. 108. It has been ascertained, by experiment, that a body falling freely, and without resistance, passes through a space of 16 feet and 1 inch during the first second of time. Leaving out the inch, which is not necessary for our present purpose, the ratio of descent is as follows : 109. If the height through which a body falls in one second of time be known, the height which it falls in any proposed time may be computed. For since the height is proportional to the square of the time, the height through which it will fall in two seconds will be four times that which it falls through in one second. In three seconds it will fall through nine times that space ; in four seconds sixteen times that of the first second ; in five seconds twenty-five times, and so on in this proportion. The following, therefore, is a general rule to find the height through which a body will fall in any given time. 107. Why is there more danger in jumping from the house-top than from a chair ? 108. What number of feet does a falling body pass through in the first second? 109. If a body fall from a certain height in two seconds, what proportion to this will it fall in four seconds 1 GRAVITY. 27 110. Rule. Reduce the given time to seconds ; take the square of ihe number of seconds in the time, and multiply the height through which the body falls inone second by that num- ber, and the result will be the height sought. 111. The following table exhibits the height in feet, and the corresponding times in seconds. Time Height 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16 5 25 6 36 7 49 8 64 9 81 10 100 Now, as the body falls at the rate of 16 feet during the first second, this number, according to the rule, multiplied by the square of the time, that is, by the numbers expressed in the sec- ond line, will show the actual distance through w r hich the body falls. 112. Thus we have for the first second 16 feet ; for the end of the second ; 4 X 16 = 64 feet ; third, 9 X 16 = 144 ; fourth, 16x16 = 256; fifth, . 25 X 16 = 400 ; sixth, 36x16 = 576; seventh, 49 x 16 = 784 ; and for the 10 seconds 1600 feet 113. If, on dropping a stone from a precipice, or into a well, we count the seconds from the instant of letting it fall until we hear it strike, we may readily estimate the height of the preci- pice, or the depth of the well. Thus, suppose it is 5 seconds in falling, then we only have to square the seconds, and multiply this by the distance the body falls in one second. We have then 5 X 5 = 25, the square, which 25 X 16 = 400 feet, the depth of the well. 114. Thus it appears, that to ascertain the velocity with which a body falls in any given time, we must know how many feet it fell during the first second : the velocity acquired in one second, and the space fallen through during that time, being the fundamental elements of the whole calculation, and all that are necessary for the computation of the various circumstances of falling bodies. 115. The difficulty of calculating exactly the velocity of a falling body from actual measurement of its height, and the time which it takes to reach the ground, is so great, that no ac- curate computation could be made from such an experiment. 116. ATWOOD'S MACHINE. This difficulty has, however, been overcome by a curious piece of machinery invented by Mr. At- wood. This consists of an upright pillar, with a wheel on the 110. What is the rule by which the height from which a body falls may be found ? 112. How many feet will a body fall in 10 stco ids I 113. If the stone is 5 seconds in falling, how de'ep is the well 1 116. Is the velocity of a falling body calculated from actual measurement, or by a machine ? 28 GRAVITY. no. top, as shown by Fig. 10. The weights A and B are of the same size, and are made to balance each other exactly, being connected by a thread passing over the wheel. The ring, R, admits the weight, A, to fall through it in its passage to the stage, S, on which it rests. The ring and stage slide lip and down, and are fastened by a thumb- screw. The pillar is a graduated scale, and M is a small bent wire, weighing a quarter of an ounce, and longer than the diameter of the ring. 117. When the machine is to be used, the weight, A, is drawn up to the top of the scale, and the ring and stage are placed a certain num- ber of inches from each other. The small bar, M, is then placed across the weight, A, by means of which it is made slowly to descend. When it has descended to the ring, the small weight, M, is taken off by the ring, and thus the two weights are left equal to each other. Now it must be observed, that the motion and descent of the weight, A, are en- tirely owing to the gravitating force of the weight, M, until it arrives at the ring, R, when the ac- tion of gravity is suspended, and the large weight continues to move downward to the stage, in consequence of the velocity it had acquired previously to that time. 118. To comprehend the accuracy of this machine, it must be understood that the velocities of gravitating bodies are sup- posed to be equal, whether they are large or small, this being the case when no calculation is made for the resistance of the air. Consequently, the weight of a quarter of an ounce placed on the large weight, A, is a representative of all other solid 116 Describe the operation of Mr. Atwood's machine for estimating the velocities of falling bodies. 117. After the sm;Jl weight is taken off hy the ring, why does the large weight continue to descend 1 118. Does his machine show the actual velocity of a falling body, or only its inerease 1 Atwoo&s Machine. GRAVITY. 29 descending bodies. The slowness of its descent, \vhen com- pared with freely gravitating bodies, is only a convenience by which its motion can be accurately measured, for it is the in- crease of velocity which the machine is designed to ascertain, and not the actual velocity of falling bodies. 119. Xow it will be readily comprehended, that in this re- spect it makes no difference how slowly a body falls, provided it follows the same laws as other descending bodies, and it has already been stated, that all estimates on this subject are made from the known distance a body descends during the first sec- ond of time. 120. It follows, therefore, that if it can be ascertained ex- actly, how much faster a body falls during the third, fourth, or fifth second, than it did during the first second, we should be able to estimate the distance it would fall during all succeeding seconds. 121. If, then, by means of a pendulum beating seconds, the weight, A, should be found to descend a certain number of inches during the first second, and another certain number during the next second, and so on, the ratio of acceleration would be pre- cisely ascertained, and could be easily applied to the falling of other bodies; and this is the use to" which this instrument is applied. 122. It will be readily conceived, that solid bodies falling from great heights, must ultimately acquire an amazing velocity by this proportion of increase. An ounce ball of lead, let fall from a certain height toward the earth, would thus acquire a force ten or twenty times as great as when shot out of a rifle. 123. By actual calculation, it has been found that were the moon to lose her projectile force, which counterbalances the earth's attraction, she would fall to the earth in four days and twenty hours, a distance of 240,000 miles. And were the earth's projectile force destroyed, it would fall to the sun, with- out resistance, in sixty-four days and ten hours, a distance of 95,000,000 of miles. 124. Every one knows, by his own experience, the different effects of the same body felling from a great, or small height. A boy will toss up his leaden bullet and catch it with his hand, but he soon learns, by its painful effects, not to throw it 121. By what means is the ratio of descent found ? 122. Would it be possible for a rifl- -ball to acquire a greater force by falling, than if shot from a rifle ? 123. How long would it fate the moon to come to the earth, according to the Jaw of increased velocity ? How long would it take the earth to fall to the sun ? 124. What familiar illustrations are given of the force acquired by the velocity of falling bodies 1 30 GRAVITY. too high. The effects of hailstones on window-glass., animals, and vegetation, are often surprising, and some times calamitous illustrations of the velocity of falling bodies. 125. It has been already stated that the velocities of solid bodies, falling from a given height toward the earth, are equal, or in other words, that an ounce ball of lead will descend in the same time as a pound ball of lead. This is true in theory, and in a vacuum, but there is a slight difference in this respect in favor of the velocity of the larger body, owing to the resistance of the atmosphere. We, how- ever, shall at present consider all solids, of whatever size, as de- scending through the same spaces in the same times, this being exactly true when they pass without resistance. 126. To comprehend the reason of this, we have only to con- sider, that the attraction of gravitation in acting on a mass of matter, acts on every particle it contains ; and thus every parti- cle is drawn down equally, and with the same force. The ef- fect of gravity, therefore, is in exact proportion to the quantity of matter the mass contains, and not in proportion to its bulk. 127. A ball of lead of a foot in diameter, and one of wood of the same diameter, are obviously of the same bulk ; but the lead contains twelve particles of matter where the wood con- tains only one, and consequently will be attracted with twelve times the force, and therefore will weigh twelve times as much. 128. Attraction proportionable to the quantity of matter. If, then, bodies attract each other in proportion to the quantities of matter they contain, it follows that if the mass of the earth were doubled, the weights of all bodies on its surface would also be doubled ; and if its quantity of matter were tripled, all bodies would weigh three times as much as they do at present. 129. It follows, also, that two attracting bodies, when free to move, must approach each other mutually. If the two bodies contain .like quantities of matter, their approach will be equally rapid, and they will move equal distances toward each other. But if the one be small and the other large, the small one will approach the other with a rapidity proportioned to the less quantity of matter it contains. 130. It is easy to conceive, that if a man in one boat pulls at 125 Will a small and a large body fill through the same space in the same time ? 126 On what parts of a mass of matter does the force of cnivity act ? Is the effect of gravity in proportion to bulk, or qu-uitity of matter ? 127. What is the difference between a ball of lead and one of wood, of the same size"? 128. Were the mass of the earth doubled, how much more should we weigh 1 129. Suppose one body moving toward another, three times as larsre, by the force of gravity what would be their proportional velocities 1 130. How is this illustrated J GRAVITY. 31 a rope attacned to another boat, the two boats, if of the same size, will move toward each other at the same rate ; but if the one be large, and the other small, the rapidity with which each moves will be in proportion to its size, the large one moving with as much less velocity as its size is greater. 131. A man in a boat, pulling a rope attached to a ship, seems only to move the boat ; but that he really mo\ es the ship is certain, when it is considered that a thousand boa s pull- ing in the same manner would make the ship meet them half way. It appears, therefore, that an equal force acting on bodies containing different quantities of matter, moves them with dif- ferent velocities, and that these velocities are in an inverse pro portion to their quantities of matter. In respect to equal forces, it is obvious that in the case of the ship and single boat, they were moved toward each other by the same force, that is, the force of a man pulling by a rope. The same principle holds in respect to attraction, for all bodies attract each other equally, according to the quantities of matter they contain ; and since all attraction is mutual, no body attracts another with a greater force than that by which it is at- tracted. 132. Suppose a body to be placed at a distance from the earth, weighing two hundred pounds ; the earth would then attract the body with a force equal to two hundred pounds, and the body would attract the earth with an equal force, other- wise their attraction would not be equal and mutual. Another body, weighing ten pounds, would be attracted with a force equal to ten pounds, and so of all bodies according to the quan- tity of matter they contain ; each body rJeing attracted by the earth with a force equal to its own weight, and attracting the earth with an equal force. 133. If, for example, two boats be connected by a rope, and a man in one of them pulls with a force equal to 100 pounds, it is plain that the force on each vessel would be 100 pounds. For if the rope were thrown over a pulley, and a man were to pull at one end with a force of 100 pounds, it is plain it would take 1 00 pounds at the other end to balance. See Fig. 11. 131. Does a large body attract a small one with any more force than it is attracted ? 13:2. Suppose a body weighing 200 pounds to be placed at a distance from the earth, with how much force does the earth attract the body ? With what force does rhe body aitract the earth ? 133. Suppose a man in one boat pulls with 'a force of 100 pounds at a rope fastened to another boat, what would be the force on each How is this illustrated 1 32 ASCENT OF BODIES. FIG. 11. Attraction illustrated. 134. Attracting bodies approach each other. It is inferred from the above principles, that all attracting bodies which are free to move, mutually approach each other, and therefore that the earth moves toward every body which is raised from its sur- face, with a velocity and to a distance proportional to the quan- tity of matter thus elevated from its surface. But the velocity of the earth being as many times less than that of the falling body as its mass is greater, it follows that its motion is not per- ceptible to us. The following calculation will show what an immense mass of matter it would take, to disturb the earth's gravity in a per- ceptible manner. 135. If a ball of earth, equal in diameter to the tenth part of a mile, were placed at the distance of the tenth part of a mile from the earth's surface, the attracting -powers of the two bodies would be in the ratio of about 512 millions of millions to one. For the earth's diameter being about 8000 miles, the two bodies would bear to each other about this proportion. Consequently, if the tenth part of a mile were divided into 512 millions of millions of equal parts, one of these parts would be nearly the space through which the earth would move toward the falling body. Now, in the tenth part of a mile there are about 6400 inches, consequently this number must be divided into 512 millions of millions of parts, which would give the eighty thousand millionth part of an inch through which the earth would move to meet a body the tenth part of a mile in diameter. ASCENT OF BODIES. 136. Having now explained and illustrated the influence of gravity on bodies moving downward and horizontally, it remains to show how matter is influenced by the same power when bodies are thrown upward, or contrary to the force of gravity. 134. Do all attracting bodies approach each other 1 Suppose the body falls toward the earth, is the earth set in motion by its attraction ? Why is not the earth's motion toward it perceptible ? 135. What d.stance would a body, the tenth part of a mile in diameter, placed at the distance of a tenth part of a mile, attract the earth toward it? FALLING BODIES. 33 137. What has been stated in respect to the ve- FIG 12 - ^ locity of falling bodies is reversed in respect to d [" those which are thrown upward, for as the motion of a falling body is increased by the action of gravi- ty, so it is retarded by the same force when pro- jected from the center of gravity. A bullet shot upward, every instant loses a part of its velocity, until having arrived at the highest point from whence it was thrown, it then returns again to the earth. 138. The same law that governs a descending body, governs an ascending one, only that their mo- tions are reversed. 139. The same ratio is observed to whatever dis- tance the ball is propelle'd, for as the height to which it is thrown may be estimated from the space, it passes through during the first second, so its re- turning velocity is in a like ratio to the height to which it was sent. 140. This will be understood by Fig. 12. Sup- pose a ball to be propelled from the point a, with a force which would carry it to the point b in the first second, to c in the next, and to d in the third second. It would then remain nearly stationary for an instant, and in returning would pass through the same spaces in the same time, only that its direc- tion would be reversed. Thus, it will fall from d to c in the first second, to b in the next, and to a in the third. 141. Now the momentum of a moving body is as its velocity and its quantity of matter, and hence the same ball will fall with the same force that it rises. For in- stance, a ball shot out of a rifle, with force sufficient to overcome a certain impediment, on returning would again overcome the same impediment. 142. It has been doubted, even by good authority, whether the principle above enunciated is true that is, whether a rising and a falling body observe the same law of motion, only, that they are reversed. On this point we quote Dr. Lardner, who, perhaps, is not inferior to any other authority. 137. What effVct does the force of gravity have on bodies moving upward ? 138. Are upward and downward motion governed by the same laws 1 140. Explain Fig. 12. What is the difference between the upward and returning velocity of the same body? HI. What is said of (he returning force ol a rifle-ball 1 142. What doubts have been expressed on this subject ? ^ 34 MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES. ' 143. All the circumstances attending the accelerated de- scent of falling bodies, are exhibited in a reversed order when a body is projected upward. " Thus, if a body be projected vertically upward, with the ve- locity which it would acquire in falling freely during one second, the body so projected will rise exactly to the height from which it would have fallen in one second, and at that point of its as- cent, it will have the velocity which it would have at the same point, if it had descended." Hand Book of Natural Philoso- phy, (London, 1851,) p. 116. 144. It has been estimated that a leaden ball (122) falling from a sufficient height, would acquire a much greater force than if shot from a rifle. It is understood that these estimates refer only to dense bullets, as those of lead, or other metals, on which the atmosphere has the least resistance. 145. It is stated that attempts have been made to test this principle by shooting rifle-balls vertically, and observing with what force they descended, by the depth they penetrated wood- ,en impediments. But this would hardly be within the art of gunnery, unless the mark erected for the returning ball should be more exten- sive than experimenters would be willing to construct. MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES. 146. Bodies falling down inclined planes follow the same laws of motion as those falling freely, only that their velocities are diminished in proportion as the planes are more or less in- clined. 14Y. This is illustrated by Fig. 13, where let b be an inclined plane, and A, G, the vertical line of the same length, the letters on each marking the points to which the falling body is sup- posed to reach in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 seconds. Now suppose two balls to be dismissed at the same instant from A, the one fall- ing freely, and the other along the plane. Then, to find the difference in their velocities, draw perpendicular lines from the points, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, along the inclined plane, and extend these lines to B, C, D, E, F, G, of the vertical line, and these points will respectively mark the difference in their velocities. Thus, at the end of the first second, one of the balls will arrive at B, and 143. What is the quotation from Dr. Lardner? 144. What estimates have been made with respect to the fall of a rifle-ball ? 145. What is said of the experiment of shooting rifle-balls vertically 1 146. What are the laws of motion down inclined planes ? 147. Explain Fig. 13. FALL OF LIGHT BODIES. 35 Fall on Inclined Plane. the other at b, and so in these propor- FIG< 13 * tions until they fall to the earth. 148. It will therefore be observed, that although the ball which falls down the plane is retarded in its motion by friction, still it follows the same law as the other, both being uniformly accelerated in their descent by the force of gravity. FALL OF LIGHT BODIES. 149. Jt has been stated that the earth's attraction acts equally on all bodies containing equal quantities of matter, and that in v'acuo, all bodies, whether large or small, descend from the same heights in the same time. (125.) There is, however, a great differ- ence in the quantities of matter which bodies of the same birlk contain, and consequently a difference in the resist- ance which they meet with in passing through the air. 150. Now, the fall of a body containing a large quantity of matter in a small bulk, meets with little comparative resistance, while the fall of another, containing the same quantity of mat- ter, but of larger size, meets with more in comparison, for two bodies of the same size, meet with exactly the same resistance. Thus, if we let fall a ball of lead, and another of cork, of two inches in diameter each, the lead will reach the ground before the cork, because, though meeting with the same resistance, the lead has the greatest power of overcoming it. 151. This, however, does not affect the truth of the general law, already established, that the weights of bodies are as the quantities of matter they contain. It only shows that the pres- sure of the atmosphere prevents bulky and porous substances from falling with the same velocity as those which are compact or dense. 152. Were the atmosphere removed, all bodies, whether light or heavy, large or small, would descend with the same velocity. This has besn ascertained by experiment in the following manner : 143. What does the explanation of the fiirure prove ? 149. What is said of the fall of bodies ? 150 Why will not a sack of feathers and a stone of the same size fall through the air in the same time ? 151. Does this afftct the truth of the general law, that the weights of bodies are as their quantities of matter! 152. What would be the effect on the fall of light and heavy bodies, were the atmosphere removed 7 36 MOTION. The air-pump is an instrument ' by means of which the air can be pumped out of a close vessel, as will be seen under the article Pneumatics. Taking this for granted at present, the experiment is made in the following manner : 153. On the plate of the air-pump, A, place the tall jar, B, which is open at the bottom, and has a brass cover fitted close- ly to the top. Through the cover let a wire pass, air-tight, having a small cross at the lower end. On each side of this cross place a little stage, and so contrive them that by turning the wire by the handle, C, these stages shall be upset. On one of the stages place a guinea or piece of lead, and on the other place a feather. When this is arranged, let the air be ex- hausted from the jar by the pump, and then turn the handle, C, so that the guinea and feather may fall from their places, and it will be found that they will both strike the plate at the same instant. Thus is it demonstrated, that were it not for the re- sistance of the atmosphere, a bag of feathers and one of guineas would fall from a given height with the same velocity and in the same time. CHAPTER III. MOTION. 154. MOTION may be defined, a continued change of place, with regard to a fixed point. 155. Without motion there would be no rising or setting of the sun no change of seasons no fall of rain no building of houses, and finally no animal life. Nothing can be done without motion, and therefore without it, the whole universe would be at rest and dead. 153. How is it proved that a feather and a guinea will fall through equal spaces in the same time, where there is no resistance? 154. How will you define 165. What would be the consequence were all motion to cease ? VELOCITY OF MOTION. 37 156. In the language of philosophy, the power which puts % body in- motion is called force. Thus, it is the force of gravi- ty that overcomes the inertia of bodies, and draws them toward the earth. The force of water and steam gives motion to ma- chinery, &c. 157* For the sake of convenience, and accuracy in the use of terms, motion is divided into two kinds, viz. absolute and relative. 158. Absolute motion is a change of place with regard to a fixed point, and is estimated without reference to the motion of any other body. When a man rides along the street, or when a vessel sails through the water, they are both in absolute motion. 159. Relative motion is a change of place in a body, with respect to another body, also in motion, and is estimated from that other body exactly as absolute motion is from a fixed point. 160. The absolute velocity of the earth in its orbit from west to east, is 68,000 miles in an hour ; that of Mars, in the same direction, is 55,000 miles per hour. The earth's relative ve- locity, in this case, is 13,000 miles per hour from west to east. That of Mars, comparatively, is 13,000 miles from east to west, because the earth leaves Mars that distance behind her, as she would leave a fixed point. 161. Best, in the common meaning of the term, is the op- posite of motion, but it is obvious that rest is often a relative term, since an object may be perfectly at rest with respect to some things, and in rapid motion in respect to others. 162. Thus, a man sitting on the deck of a steamboat, may move at the rate of fifteen miles per hour, with respect to the land, and still be at rest with respect to the boat. And so, if another man was running on the deck of the same boat at the rate of fifteen miles the hour in a contrary direction, he would be stationary in respect to a fixed point, and still be running with all his might, with respect to the boat. VELOCITY OF MOTION. 163. Velocity is the rate of motion at which a body moves from one place to another. Velocity is independent of the weight or magnitude of the moving body. Thus, a cannon-ball and a musket-ball, both living at the rate of a thousand feet in a second, have the same velocities. 156 What is that power called which puts a body in motion 7 157. How is motion divided 1 158. What is absolute motion 1 159. What is relative motion ? 160. What is the earth's relative velocity in respect to Mars 7 161. What is rest 1 162. In what respect is a man in a stea'mboat at rest, and in what respect does he move 11 163. What is velocity 7 38 VELOCITY OF MOTION. 164. Velocity is said to be uniform, when the moving body passes over equal spaces in equal times. If a steamboat moves at the rate of ten miles every hour, her velocity is uniform. The revolution of the earth from west to east is a perpetual exam- ple of uniform motion. 165. Velocity is accelerated, when the rate of motion is in- creased, and the moving body passes through unequal spaces in equal times. Thus, when a falling body moves sixteen feet during the first second, and forty-eight feet during the next second, and so on, its velocity is accelerated. A body falling from a height freely through the air, is the most perfect exam- ple of this kind of velocity. 166. Retarded velocity, is when the rate of motion of the body is constantly decreased, and it is made to move slower and slower. . A ball thrown upward into the air, has its veloci- ty constantly retarded by the attraction of gravitation, and con- sequently, it moves slower every moment. (137.) VELOCITIES OF CERTAIN MOVING BODIES. 167. Objects moving : Man walking, Miles pe hour. . . 3 r Feet per second. 44 Horse trotting, Swiftest race-horse, ..... Railway train, (Eno-lish) . . 7 . . 60 . . 32 Itt 88 47 . . 18 26 " (Belgian) . . . 25 36 " (French) . . . . . 27 40 " (German) . . . 24 35 Swift "EnoTish steamers 14 20 American steamers on the Hudson, Fast sailing vessels, . . 18 10 26 14 Current of slow rivers 3 41 " of rapid rivers, . . 7 10 Moderate wind, ''- -"." : " 7 10 A storm, with wind, 36 52 A hurricane, in hot climates, . . Air rushing into a vacuum, . . Common musket-ball, . . A rifle -ball, . . . . . 80 . . 884 . . 850 . . 1000 117 1296 1246 1466 A 24-lb. cannon-ball, . . . . . 1600 2346 . . 466 683 Sound, heat at 32, . . . 748 1090 " do at 60 762 1118 Earth's velocity round the sun, " diurnal motion at equator, . . 67,374 . . 1037 98,815 1520 164. When is velocity uniform ? 165. When is velocity accelerated ? Give illus- trations of these two kinds of velocity. 166. What is meant by retarded velocity 1 Give an example of retarded velocity MOMENTUM. 39 168. The above, from Lardner's Mechanics, may be useful for occasional reference. We have omitted the fractional parts with respect to the seconds, as being difficult to remember, and useless for the present purpose. In regard to American loco- motive speed, it is at the present time probably nearly one-third too small. The comparative velocities of balls from fire-arms differ from those given by some other authorities, but on this subject we have made no experiments. FORCE, OR MOMENTUM OF MOVING BODIES. 169. The velocities of bodies are equal, when they pass over equal spaces in the same times ; but the force with which bodies, moving at the same rate, overcome impediments, is in propor- tion to the quantity of matter they contain. This power, or force, is called the momentum of the moving body. 170. Thus, if two bodies of the same weight move with the same velocity, their momenta will be equal. 171. Two vessels, each of a hundred tons, sailing at the rate of six miles an hour, would overcome the same impediments or be stopped by the same obstructions. Their momenta would therefore be the same. The force or momentum of a moving body, is in proportion to its quantity of matter, and its -velocity. 172. A large body moving slowly, may have less momenta than a small one moving rapidly. Thus, a bullet shot out of a gun, moves with much greater force than a stone thrown by the hand. 173. The momentum of a body is found by multiplying its quantity of matter by its velocity per second. Thus, if the velocity be 2, and the weight 2, the momentum will be 4. If the velocity be 6, and the weight of the body 4, the momentum will be 24. 174. If a moving body strikes an impediment, the force with which it strikes, and the resistance of the impediment, are equal. Thus, if a boy throw his ball against the side of the house, with the force of 3, the house resists it with an equal force, and the ball rebounds. If he throws it against a pane of glass with the same force, the glass having only the power of 2 to resist, the ball will go through the glass, still retaining one-third of its force. 168. What is said of the speed of our locomotives 1 169. What is meant by ths momentum of a body ? 170. When will the momentum of two bodies be equal ? 171 Gire an example. 172. When has a small body a greater momentum than a lanreone? 173 By what rule is the momentum of a body found ? 174. When a moving body strikes au impediment, which receives the greatest shock ? 40 MOMENTUM. FIG. 15. 175. PILE DRIVER. This machine consists of a frame and pulley, by which a large piece of cast iron, called the hammer, is raised to the height of 30 or 40 feet, and then let fall on the end of a beam of wood called a pile, and by which it is driven into the ground. When the hammer is large, and the height considerable, the force, or momentum, is tremendous, and unless ths pile is hooped with iron, will split it into fragments. 176. Now the momentum of a body being in proportion to its weight and velocity conjointly, to find it, we must multiply their two sums together. Suppose then the hammer, weighing 2000 pounds, is ele- vated two seconds of time abovje the head of the pile, then, according to the law of falling bodies, (110,) it would fall 64 feet, this being the rate of its velocity. Then 64 X 2000, being the velocity and quantity of matter, gives 64 tons as the momen- tum. But according to the same law, this force is immensely increased by a small increase of time, for if we add two seconds of time, the rate of velocity at the instant of striking would be 256 feet per second, and thus 256 X 2000 = 512,000 pounds, or 256 Ions. 177. ACTION AND REACTION EQUAL. From observations made on the effects of bodies striking each other, it is found that action and reaction are equal or, in other words, that force and resistance are equal. Thus, when a moving body strikes one that is at rest, the body at rest returns the blow with equal force. This is illustrated by the well-known fact, that if two persons strike their heads to- gether, one being in motion, and the other at rest, they are both equally hurt. 178. The philosophy of ac- tion and reaction is finely illustrated by a number of ivory balls, suspended by threads, as in Fig. 15, so as to touch each 175. What is a pile driver ? 176. If the hammer of this machine weighs 2000 pounds, and falls 2 seconds, what will be the momentum ? If the fall be 3 seconds, what is the momentum 1 177. What is the law of action and reaction ? How is this illustrated 7 e d C b Action and Reaction. REFLECTED MOTION. 41 other. If the ball a be drawn from the^erpendicular, and then let fall, so a? to strike the one next to it, the motion of the falling ball will be communicated through the whole series, from one to the other. None of the balls except /, will, however, appear to move. This will- be understood, when we consider that the reac- tion of b is just equal to the action of a, and that each of -the other balls, in like manner, act, and react, on. the other, until the motion of a arrives at /, which, having no impediment, or nothing to act upon, is itself put in motion. It is therefore, reaction, which causes all the balls, except/, to remain at rest. 180. It is by a modification of the same principle, that rock- ets are impelled through the air. The stream of expanded air, or the fire, which is emitted from the lower end of the rocket, not only pushes against the rocket itself, but against the atmos- pheric air, which, reacting against the air so expanded, sends the rocket along. 181. It was on account of not understanding the principles of action and reaction, that the man undertook to make a fair wind for his pleasure-boat, to be used whenever he wished to sail. He fixed an immense bellows in the stern of his boat, not doubting that the wind from it would carry him along. But on making, the experiment, he found that his boat went back- ward instead of forward. The reason is plain. The reaction of the atmosphere on the stream of wind from the bellows, before it reached the sail, moved the boat in a contrary direction. 182. Had the sail received the whole force of the wind from the bellows, the boat would not have moved at all, for then, action and reaction would have been exactly equal, and it would have been like a man's attempting to raise himself over a fence by the straps of his boots. REFLECTED 3IOTIOX. 183. It has been stated (27) that all bodies when once set in motion, would continue to move straight forward, until some impediment, acting in a contrary direction, should bring them to rest ; continued motion without impediment being a conse- quence of the inertia of matter. 184. 'Such bodies are supposed to be acted upon by a single force, and that in the direction of the line in which they move. 179 When one of the ivory balls strikes the other, why does the most distant one only move? 1^ On what principle are rockets impelled through the air? 181. In the experiment With the boat and bellows, why did the boat move backward? 182. Why would it not have moved at all had the sail received all the wind from the bel- lows? 183. What is said of the continuity of motion? 42 REFLECTED MOTION. TLi;s, a ball sent out of a gun, or struck by a bat, turns neither to the right nor left, but makes a curve toward the earth, in consequence of another force, which is the attraction of gravita- tion, -and by which, together with the resistance of the atmos- phere, it is finally brought to the ground. The kind of motion now to be considered, is that which is produced when bodies are turned out of a straight line by some force, independent of gravity. A single force, or impulse, sends the body directly forward, but another force, not exactly coinciding with this, will give it a new direction, and bend it out of its former course. 1-85. If, for instance, two moving bodies strike each other obliquely, they will both be thrown out of the line of their for- mer direction. This is called reflected motion, because it observes the same laws as reflected light. 186. The bounding of a ball; the skipping of a stone over the smooth surface of a pond ; and the oblique direction of an apple, when it touches a limb in its fall, are examples of reflected motion. By experiments on this kind of motion, it is found that mov- ing bodies observe certain laws, in respect to the direction they take in rebounding from any impediment they happen to strike. 187. Thus, a ball, striking on the floor, or wall of a room, makes the same angle in leaving the point where it strikes, that it does in approaching it. 188. Suppose a, 6, Fig. 16, to be a mar- ble floor, and c, to be an ivory ball, which has been thrown to- ward the floor in the direction of the line Reflected Motion. c e ; it will rebound in the direction of the line e d, thus making the tw T o angles f and g exactly equal. 189. If the ball approaches the floor under a larger or smaller angle, its rebound will observe the same rule. Thus, if it fell in the line h k, Fig. 17, its rebound would be in the line 184. Suppose a body is a-'ted on. and set in motion by a single force, in what direc- tion will it move? 185. What is the motion called, when a body is turned out of a straight line by another force? 186. What illustrations can you pive of reflected motion? What laws are observed in reflected motion? 187. Suppose a ball to be thrown on the floor in a certain direction, what rule will it observe in rebounding? 188. Explain Fig 16. COMPOUND* MOTION. 43 k i, and if it was drop- FIG. 17. ped perpendicularly from I to k, it would return in the same line to I. The angle which the ball makes with the perpendicular line, I k, in its approach to the floor, is called the angle of incidence, and that which it makes in departing from the floor with the same line, is called the angle of reflection, and these angles are always equal. /c Equal Angles. FIG. 18. COMPOUND MOTION. 190. Compound motion is ( that which is produced by two or more forces, acting in different directions, on the same body, at the same time. This will be readily understood by a diagram. 191. Suppose the ball a, Fig. 18, to be moving with a certain velocity in the line 6 c, and suppose that at the instant when it came to the point a, it should be struck with an equal force in the direction of d e, then, as it can not obey the direction of both these forces, it w T ill take a course between them, and fly off in the direction of/. The reason of this is plain. The first force Compound Motion. would carry the ball from b to c ; the second would carry it from d to e ; and these two forces being equal, gives it a direction just half way between the two, and therefore it is sent toward /. The line a f, is called the diagonal of the square, and 189. What is the angle called, which the ball makes in approaching the floor 1 What is !he angle called, which it makes in leaving the floor ? What is the difference between these angles 7 190. What is compound motion ? 191. Suppose a ball, mov ing with a certain" force, to be struck crosswise with the same force, in what direc- tion will it move? 44 COMPOUND MOTION. Diagonal Motion. results from the cross forces, b and d, being equal to each other. If one of the moving forces is greater than the other, then the diagonal lijie will be lengthened in the direction of the greater force, and instead of being the diagonal of a square, it will become that of a parallelogram. 192. Suppose the force in the direction of a 6, ^ G - 19 should drive the ball with twice the velocity of the cross force c d, Fig. 19, then the ball would go twice as far from the line c d, as from the line b a, and ef would be the diag- onal of a parallelogram whose length is double its breadth. 193. Suppose a boat, in crossing a river, is rowed forward at the rate of four miles an hour, and the current of the river is at the same rate, then the two cross forces will be equal, and the line of the boat will be the diagonal of a square, as in Fig. 18. But if the current be four miles an hour, and the progress of the boat forward only two miles an hour, then the boat will go down stream twice as fast as she goes across the river, and her path will be the diago- nal Of a parallelogram, as in Fig. 19, and therefore, to make the boat pass directly across the stream, it must be rowed toward some point higher up the river than the landing-place ; a fact well known to boatmen. 194. CIRCUS RIDER. Those who have seen feats of horse- manship at the circus, are often surprised that when the man leaps directly upward, the horse does not pass from under him, and that in descending he does not fall behind the animal. But it should be considered that, on leaving the saddle, the body of the rider has the same velocity as that of the horse ; nor does his leaving the horse by jumping upward, in nny degree diminish his velocity in the same direction ; his motion being continued by the impulse he had gained from the animal. In this case, the body of the man describes the diagonal of a parallelogram, one side of which is in the direction of the horse's 192. Suppose it to be struck with twice its former force, in what direction will it move? What is the line af Fig. 18, called ? What is the line e f. Fig. 19, called. How are these figures illustrated? Explain Figs. 18 and 19. 193. Explain the motion of the boat ? Why does the leaping circus rider form the diagonal of a parallelogram ? CIRCULAR MOTION. FIG. 20. motion, and the other perpendicularly upward, in the direction in which he makes the leap. 195. This will be better understood by Fig. 20, where the two forces are illustrated. Had the rider remained on the horse, he would have reached that point, where he meets him after the leap over the iron bar, under which the animal passes. This force the rider gains from the horse. The diagonal force is the result of his own muscular exertion, and by which he raises himself above the bar, still retaining in his leap the velocity of the horse, and thus regains the saddle, as though he had not left it. The motion of the rider is through the section of a sphere, as shown by the figure, where the horse and rider are shown before and after the leap. Circus Rider. CIRCULAR MOTION. 196. Circular motion is that of a body in a ring, or circle, and is produced by the action of two forces. By one of these forces, the moving body tends to fly off in a straight line, while by the other it is drawn toward the center, and thus it is made to revolve, or move round in a circle. 197. The force by which a body tends to go off in a straight line, is called the centrifugal force ; that which keeps it from flying away, and draws it toward the center, is called the cen- tripetal force. 198. Bodies moving in circles are constantly acted upon by these two forces. If the centrifugal force should cease, the moving body would no longer perform a circle, but would approach the center of its own motion. If the centripetal force should cease, the body would instantly begin to move off in a straight line, this being, as we have explained, the direction which all bodies take when acted on by a single force. 195. Expla'n Fi2. 20. and show on what principle the rider meets his horse after the leap? 196. What is circular motion? How is this motion produced? 197. What is the centrifugal force? What is the centripetal force? 19S. Suppose the centrifugal force should cease, in what di' ection would the body move 1 Suppose the centripetal force should cease, where would the body go ? 46 CIRCULAR MOTION. FIG. 21 Centrifugal Force. 199. Suppose a cannon-ball, Fig'. 21, tied with a string to the center of a slab of smooth marble, and suppose an at- tempt be made to push this ball with the hand in the di- rection of b ; it is obvious that the string would prevent its going to that point ; but would keep it in the circle. In this case the string is the centripe- tal force. 200. Now suppose the ball to be kept revolving with ra- pidity, its velocity and weight would cause its centrifugal force ; and if the string were cut, when the ball was at the point c, for instance, this force would carry it off in the line toward b. The greater the velocity with which a body moves round in a circle, the greater will be the force with which it would tend to fly off in a right line. Thus, when one wishes to sling a stone to the greatest dis tance, he makes it whirl round with the greatest possible rapidity, before he lets it go. Before the invention of other warlike instruments, soldiers threw stones in this manner, with great force and dreadful effects. 201. The line about which a body revolves, is called its axis of motion. The point round which it turns, or on which it rests, is called the center of motion. In Fig. 21, the point c/, to which the string is fixed, is the center of motion. In the spin ning-top, a line through the center of the handle to the poirt on which it turns, is the axis of motion. In the revolution of a wheel, that part which is at the greatest distance from the axis of motion, has the greatest velocity, and, consequently, the greatest centrifugal force. 202. Suppose the wheel, Fig. 22, to revolve a certain number of times in a minute, the velocity of the end of the arm at the point a, would be as much greater than its middle at the point 6, as its distance is greater from the axis of motion, because 199. What constitutes the centrifugal force of the body moving round in a circle 1 200. How is this illustrated ? 201. What is the axis of motion ] What is the centei of motion? Give illustrations? 202. What part of a revolving wheel has the great est centrifugal force ? CENTER OF GRAVITY. 4T Revolving Wheel. it moves in a larger circle, and consequently the centrifugal force of the rim c, would, in like manner, be as its distance from the center of motion. 203. Large wheels, which are designed to turn with great ve- locity, must, therefore, be made with corresponding strength, otherwise the centrifugal force will overcome the cohesive attrac- tion, or the strength of the fast- enings, in which case the wheel will fly in pieces. This some- time^ happens to the large grindstones used in gun factories, and the stone either flies away piecemeal, or breaks in the mid- dle, to the great danger of the workmen. 204. Were the diurnal velocity of the earth about seventeen times greater than it is, those parts at the greatest distance from its axis would begin to fly off in straight lines, as the water does from a grindstone when it is turned rapidly. CENTER. OF GRAVITY. 205. The center of gravity, in any body or system of bodies, is that point upon which the body, or system of bodies, acted upon only by gravity, will balance itself in all positions. 206. The center of gravity, in a wheel made entirely of wood, and of equal thickness, would be exactly in its center of motion. But if one side of the wheel were made of iron, and the other part of wood, its center of gravity would be changed to some point, aside from the center of the wheel. 207. Thus, the center of gravity in the wooden wheel, Fig. 23, is at the axis on which it turns ; but were the arm a, of iron, its center of mo- no . 23. Center of Gravity. 203. Why must large wheels, turning with great velocity, be strongly marie ? 204. vVhat would be the "consequence, were the velocity of the earth seventeen times greater than it is ? 205. Where is the center of gravity in a body! 206 Where is the center of gravity in awheel made of wood? If one side is made of wood, and the other of iron, where is the center ? 207. Is the center of motion and of gravity alwayg the same"? 48 CENTER OF GRAVITY. tion and of gravity would no longer be the same, but while the center of motion remained as before, the center of gravity would falf to the point a. Thus the center of motion and of gravity, though often at the same point, are not always so. When a body is shaped irregularly, or there are two or more bodies connected, the center of gravity is the point on which they will balance without falling. FIG. 24. FIG. 25. 208. If the two balls A and B, Fig. 24, weigh each four pounds, the center of gravity will be a point on the bar equally distant from each. But if one of the balls be heavier than the other, then the center of gravity will, in proportion, approach the larger ball. Thus, in Fig. 25, if C weighs two pounds, and D eight pounds, this center will be four times the distance from C that it is from D. 209. In a body of equal thickness, as a board, or a slab of marble, but otherwise of an irregular shape, the center of gravity may be found by suspending it, first from one point, and then from another, and marking, by means of a plumb-line, the per- pendicular ranges from the point of suspension. The center of gravity will be the point where these two lines cross each other. FIG. 26. FIG. 27. FIG. 28. Finding the Center of Gravity. Thus, if the irregular shaped piece of board, Fig. 26, be sus- pended by making a hole through it at the point A, and at the 208. When two bodies are connected, as by a bar between them, where is the cen- ter of gravity ? 209. In a board of irregular shape, by what method is the center of gravity found 1 CENTER OF GRAVITY. same point suspending the plumb-line C, v ill hang in the position represented in marked this line across the board, let it be suspfc^ggMg/iiu in the position of Fig. 27, and the perpendicular line again marked. The point where these lines cross, is the center of gra\ity, as seen by Fig. 28. 210. Importance of the subject. It is often of great conse- quence, in the concerns of life, that the subject of gravity should be well considered, since the strength of buildings, and of ma- chinery, often depends chiefly on the gravitating point. Common experience teaches, that a tall object, with a nar- row base, or foundation, is easily overturned ; but common experience does not teach the reason, for it is only by under- standing principles, that practice improves experiment. 211. An upright object will fall to the ground, when it leans so much that a perpendicular line from its center of gravity falls beyond its base. A tall chimney, therefore, with a narrow foundation, such as are commonly built at the present day, will fall with a very slight inclination. 212. Now, in falling, the center of gravity passes through the part of a circle, the center of which is at the extremity of the base on which the body stands. This will be comprehended by Fig. 29. Suppose the figure FIG 29. FIG. so. to be a block of mar- ble, which is to be turned over, by lift- ing at the corner A, the corner B would be the center of its motion, or the point on which it would turn. The center of gravity, C, would, there- fore, describe the part of a circle, of which the corner, B, is the center. 213. It will be found that the greatest difficulty in turning over a square block of marble, is in first raising up the center of gravity, for the resistance will constantly become less, in pro- portion as the point approaches a perpendicular line over the CDrner B, which, having passed, it will fall by its own gravity. 210 Why is findjns the center of gravity of importance ? 211. In what direction must the center of gravity be from the outs de of the base, before the object will fall^ 212. In falling, the center of gravity passes through part of a circle : where is the cen- ter of this circle 1 213. In turning over a body why does the force required con tantly become less and less ? 3 60 CENTER OF GRAVITT. The difficulty in turning over a body of particular form, will be more strikingly illustrated by the figure of a triangle, or low pyramid. 214. In Fig. 30, the center of gravity is so low, and the base so broad, that in turning it over, a great proportion of its whole weight must be raised. Hence we see the firmness of the pyra- mid in theory, and experience proves its truth ; for buildings are found to withstand the effects of time, and the commotions of earthquakes, in proportion as they approach this figure. The most ancient monuments of the art of building, now standing, the pyramids of Egypt, are of this form. 215. Movement of a Ball. When a ball is rolled on a hori- zontal plane, the center of gravity is not raised, but moves in a straight line, parallel to the surface of the plane on which it rolls, and is consequently always directly over its center of motion. 216. Suppose, Fig. 31, A is the FIG. 31. plane on which the ball moves, B the line on which the center of grav- ity moves, and C a plumb-line, show- ing that the center of gravity must always be over the center of motion, when the ball moves on a horizontal plane then we shall see the reason why a ball moving on such a plane, will rest with equal firmness in any position, and why so little force is required to set it in motion. For in no other figure does the center of gravity describe a horizontal line over that of motion, in whatever direction the body is moved. 217. If the plane is inclined downward, the ball is instantly thrown into motion, because the center of gravity then falls for- ward of that of motion, or the point on which the ball rests. 218. This is explained by Fig. 32, where A is the point on which the ball rests, or the center of motion, 13 the perpendicular line from the center of gravity, as shown by the plumb- weight C. 219. If the plane is inclined upward, force is required to move the ball in that direction, because the center of gravity 214. Why is there less force required to overturn a cube, or square, than a pyra- m : d of the same weight? 215. When a ball is rolled on a horizontal plane, in what direction does the center of gravity move 1 Explain Fig. 31. 21t>. Why does a ball on a horizontal plane ret;t equally well in all positions 1 Why does it move with little force? 217. If the plane is inclined downward, why does the ball roll in that direc- tion 1 218. Explain Fijj. 32. 2|.9. Why is force required to move a hall UD an in- e.inedpla1 CENTER OP GRAVITY. 51 Cii FIG. 33. then falls behind that of motion, and therefore this point has to be constantly lifted. This is also shown by Fig. 32, only considering the ball to ba moving up the inclined plane, instead of down it. From these principles, it will be read- ily understood why so much force is required to roll a heavy body, as a hogshead of sugar, for instance, up an inclined plane. The center of gravity falling behind that of motion, the weight is constantly acting against the force employed to raise the body. 220. Illustration by Blocks. One of the best illustrations of this subject may be made by a number of square blocks of wood, placed on each other, as in Fig. 33, forming a leaning tower. Where five blocks are placed in this position, the point of gravity is near the center of the third block, and is within^ the base, as shown by the plumb-line. But on adding another block, the gravitating point falls beyond the base, and the whole will now fall by its own weight. 221. The student having such blocks, (and they may be picked up about any joiner's shop,) will convince himself, that however care- fully his leaning tower is laid up, it will not stand when the center of gravity falls an inch or two beyond the support. 222. We may learn, from these compari- sons, that it is more dangerous to ride in a high carriage than a low one, in proportion to the elevation of the vehicle, and the nearness of the wheels to each other, or in proportion to the narrowness of the base, and the height of the center of gravity. A load of hay, Fig. 34, upsets where one wheel rises but little above the other, because it is broader on the top than the distance of the wheels from each other ; while a load of stone is very rarely turned over, because the center of gravity is near the earth, and its weight between the wheels, instead of being far above them. 220. Why is a body, shaped like Fig. 33, easily thrown down ? Hence, in riding in a carriage, how ; s the danger of upsetting proportioned? Explain Fig. 33. 221. How may the point of gravity be found by means of a number of square blocks 1 222. Why will a load of hay upset more readily than one of stone! Leaning Tower. 52 CENTER OF GRAVITY. Load of Hay. 223. Center of gravity in man. : FIQ - In man the center of gravity is be- tween the hips, and hence, were his feot tied together, and his arms tied to his sides, a very slight inclination of his body would carry the perpen- dicular of his center of gravity be- yond the base, and he would fall. But when his limbs are free to move, he widens his base, and changes this center at pleasure, by throwing out his arms, as circumstances require. When a man runs, he inclines for- ward, so that the center of gravity may hang before his base, and in this position he is obliged to keep his feet constantly advancing, otherwise he would fall forward. A man standing on one foot, can not throw his body forward without, at the same time, throwing his other foot backward, in order to keep the center of gravity within the base. 224. A man, therefore, standing with his heels against a per- pend'cular wall, can not stoop forward without falling, because the wall prevents his throwing any part of his body backward. A person, little versed in such things, agreed to pay a certain sum of money for an opportunity of possessing himself of double the sum, by taking it from the floor with his heels against the wall. The man, of course, lost his money, for in such a posture, one can hardly reach lower than his own knee. 225. The base on which a man is supported, in walking or standing, is his feet, and the space between them. By turning the toes out, this base is made broader, without taking much from its length, and hence persons who turn their toes outward, not only walk more firmly, but more gracefully, than those who turn them inward. 226. In consequence of the upright position of man, he is constantly obliged to employ some exertion to keep his balance. This seems to be the reason why children learn to walk with so much difficulty ; for after they have strength to stand, it re- quires considerable experience so to balance the body as to set one foot before the other without falling. , 223 Where is the center of man's gravity ? Why will a man fall with a slight in- clination, when his feet and arms are tied ? 224. Why can not one who stands with his heels against a wall stoop forward ? 225. Why does a person walk most firmly, who turns his toes outward! 226. Why does not a child walk as soon as he can stand 7 CENTER OF GRAVITY. 53 FIG. 35. 227. By experience in the art of balancing, or of keeping the center of gravity in a line over the base, men sometimes perform things that, at first sight, appear altogether beyond human pow^r, such as dining with the table and chair -standing on a single rope, dancing on a wire, &c. 228. Illustration by Tr$es. No form, under which matter exists, escapes the general law of gravity, and hence vegetables, as well as animals, are formed with reference to the position of this center, in respect to the base. It is interesting, in reference to this circumstance, to observe how exactly the tall trees of the forest conform to this law. The pine, which grows a hundred feet high, shoots up with as much exactness, with respect to keeping its center of gravity within the base, as though it had been directed by the plumb- line of a master builder. Its limbs toward the top are sent off in conformity to the same law ; each one growing in respect to the other, so as to preserve a due balance between the whole. 229. SHEPHERDS OF LANDES. Men, as already noticed, by practice in the art of balancing, pei-form feats which are won- derful to all beholders. The shepherds of Landes, in the south of France, are perhaps the only people who apply this art to the common business of life. These men walk on stilts from four to five feet high ; and their children, when quite young, who are intended to take the places of their fathers as shepherds, are taught this art in order to qualify them for business. To strangers, passing then- district, these men cut a figure at once ludicrous and surpris- ing. Fig. 35. But it is for their own convenience that this singular custom has been adopt- ed, for by this means the feet are kept out of the water which Shepherd of Land 227. In what does the art of balancing, or walking on a rope, consist ? 228. What is observed in the growth of the trees of the forest, in respect to the laws of gravity 1 229. What principle is involved in Fig. 35. 54 CENTER OF INERTIA. covers their land in the winter, and from the heated sand in the summer. Besides these comforts, the sphere of vision over a flat country is materially increased by the elevation, so that the shepherd can see his flock at a much greater distance than from the ground. By -habit, it is said these men acquire the art of balancing themselves so perfectly as to run, jump, and dance on these stilts with perfect ease. They walk with surprising quickness, so that footmen have to do their best to keep up with them. CENTER OF INERTIA, OR INACTIVITY. 230. It will be remembered that inertia (22) is one of the inherent, or essential properties of matter, and that it is in con- sequence of this property, when bodies are at rest, that they never move without the application of force, and when once in motion, that they never cease moving without some external cause. (27.) 231. Now, inertia, though like gravity, it resides equally in every particle of matter, must have, like it, a center in each par- ticular body, and this center is the same with that of gravity. 232. In a bar of iron, six feet long and two inches square, this center is just three feet from each end, or exactly in the middle. If, therefore, the bar is supported at this point, it will balance equally, and because there are equal weights on both ends, it will not fall. Now suppose a bar should be raised by raising up the center of gravity, then the inertia of all its parts would be overcome equally with that of the middle. The center of gravity is, therefore, the center of inertia. 233. But, suppose FIQ 36 the same bar of iron, whose inertia was over- come by raising the center, to have balls of different weights at- Center of Inertia. tacned to its ends; then the center of inertia would no longer remain in the middle of the bar, but would be changed to the point A, Fig. 36, so that, to lift the whole, this point must be raised, instead of the middle, as before. 230. \V1iat effect does inertia exert on bodies at rest ? What effect does it have on bodies in motion ? 231. Is the center of inertia, and that of gravity, the same 1 232. Where is the center of inertia in a body, or a system of bodies 1 233. Why is the point of inertia changed, by fixing different weights to the ends of the iron bar 7 EQUILIBRIUM. EQUILIBRIUM. 234. When two forces counteract, or balance each other, tftey are said to be in equilibrium. 235. It is not necessary for this purpose that the weights opposed to each other should be equally heavy, for we have just seen that a small weight, placed at a distance from the center of inertia, will balance a large one placed near it. To produce equilibrium, it is only necessary that the weights on each side of the support should mutually counteract each other, or if set in motion, that their momenta should be equal. 236. A pair of scales are in equilibrium when the beam is in a horizontal position. To produce equilibrium in solid bodies, therefore, it is only necessary to support the center of inertia, or gravity. 237. If a body, or sev- eral bodies, connected, be FIG. 37. suspended by a string, as in Fig. 37, the point of support is always in a per- pendicular line above the center of inertia. The plumb-line, D, cuts the bar connecting the two balls at this point. Were the two weights in this figure equal, it is evident that the hook, Equilibrium. or point of support, must be in the middle of the string, to preserve the horizontal position. 238. When a man stands on his right foot, he keeps himself in equilibrium, by leaning to the right, so as to bring his center of gravity in a perpendicular line over the foot on which he stands. CURVILINEAR, OR BENT MOTION. 239. We have seen that a single force acting on a body, (183,) drives it straight forward, and that two forces acting crosswise, drive it midway between the two, or give it a diagonal direc- tion, (190.) 234. What is meant by equilibrium? 235. To produce equilibrium, must the weights be equal 1 236. When is a pair of scales in equilibrium ? 237. When a body is suspended by a string, where must the support be with respect to the point ol in- ertia J 239. What is meant by curvilinear motion 1 50 CURVILINEAR MOTION. Curvilinear motion differs from both these ; the direction of the body being neither straight forward nor diagonal, but through a line which is curved. This kind of motion may be in any direction ; but when it is produced in part by gravity, its direction is always toward the earth. 239. A stream of water from an aperture in the side of a vessel, as it falls toward the ground, is an example of a curved line ; and a body passing through such a line, is said to have curvilinear motion. Any body projected forward, as a cannon- ball, or rocket, falls to the earth in a curved line. 240. It is the action of gravity acioss the course of the stream, or the path of the ball, that bends it downward and makes it form a curve. The motion is, therefore, the result of two forces, that of ] -rojection, and that of gravity. 241. In jets of water, the shape of the curve will depend on the velocity of the stream. When the pressure of the water is great, the stream, near the vessel, is nearly horizontal, because its velocity is in proportion to the pressure. When a ball first leaves the cannon, it describes but a slight curve, because its projectile velocity is then greatest. 242. The curves described, by jets of water under different degrees of pressure, are readily illustrated by tapping a tall vessel in several places, one above the other. 243. The action of gravity being always the same, the shape of the curve described must depend on the velocity of the mov- ing body ; but whether the projectile force be great or small, the moving body, if thrown horizontally, will reach the ground from the same height in the same time. This, at first thought, would seem improbable ; for, without consideration, most persons would assert, that, if two cannons were fired from the same spot at the same instant, and in the same direction, one of the balls falling half a mile, and the other a mile distant, that the ball which went to the greatest distance would take the most time in performing its journey. 244. But it must be remembered, that the projectile force does not in the least interfere with the force of gravity. A ball 239. What are examplps of this kind of motion? 240. What two forces produce this motion? 241 On what does the shape of the curve depend ? 242. How are the curves described by jets of water illustrated? 243 What difference is there in re- spect to the time taken by a body to reach the ground, whether the curve be grf at or small ? 244. Why do bod es, forming different curves from the same height, reach the srrouml at the same time ? Suppose two balls, one flying at the rate of a thousand, and the other at the rate of a hundred feet per second, which would descend most during the second 7 CURVILINEAR MOTION". 57 flying horizontally, at the rate of a thousand feet per second, is attracted downward with precisely the same force as one flying only a hundred feet per second, and must, therefore, descend the same distance in the same time. 245. The distance to which a ball will go, depends on the force of impulse given it the first instant, and, consequently, on its projectile velocity. If it moves slowly, the distance will be short; if more rapidly, the space passed over will be greater. It makes no difference, then, in respect to the descent of the ball, whether its projectile motion be fast or slow, or whether it moves forward at all. 246. Falling of Cannon Balls. This may be shown by ex- periment. Suppose a cannon to be loaded with a ball, and placed on the top of a tower, at such a height from the ground, that it would take just four seconds for the ball to descend from it to the ground, if let fall perpendicularly. Now, suppose the cannon to be fired in an exact horizontal direction, and, at the same instant, the ball to be dropped toward the ground. They will both reach the ground at the same instant, provided its surface be a horizontal plane from the foot of the tower to the place where the projected ball strikes. 247. Demonstration. This is demonstrated by Fig. 38, where A is the cannon from which the ball is to be fired, a the ver- tical line of the descending ball, A, B, 1, a, the parallelogram through which the ball passes during the first second. Now the ball dropped in the vertical direction, will descend 16 feet the first second, increasing its velocity according to the law of falling bodies already explained. Meantime the pro- jected ball passing through the diagonal of the upper parallelo- gram, will arrive at 1, while the other falls to a. During the next second the vertical ball will fall to 6, while the other, in consequence of its projectile force, will pass through the diago- nal of the parallelogram 6, 2, C, A. The same laws of descent being continued, it is obvious, that the two balls will reach d, 4 at the same instant. 248. From these principles it may be inferred, that the hoi- izontal motion of a body through the air, does not interfere with its gravitating motion toward the earth, and, therefore, 245. Does it make any difference in respect to the descent of the ball, whether it has a projectile motion or not 1 246. Suppose, then, one hall be fired from a cannon, and another let fall from the same height at the same instant, would they both reach the ground at the same time 1 247. Explain Fig. 33. showing the reason why the two bails will reach the sround at the same time. Why does the ball approach the earih more rapidly in the last part of the curve than in the first parti 248. What ia t:ie inference from these princ pies ? 3* 58 CURVILINEAR MOTION. Path of a Cannon Ball. that a rifle-ball, or any other body projected horizontally, will reach the ground in the same period of time as one that is let fall perpendicularly from the same height. 249. The two forces acting on bodies which fall through curved lines, are the same as the centrifugal and centripetal forces, already explained ; the centrifugal, in case of the ball, being caused by the powder the centripetal, being the action of gravity, (199.) 250. Now the space through which a cannon-ball, or any other body, can be thrown, depends on the velocity with which it is projected ; for the attraction of gravitation, and the resist- ance of the air, acting perpetually, the time which a projectile can be kept in motion through the air is only a few moments. Perpetual Revolution. If the projectile be thrown from an elevated situation, it is plain that it would strike at a greater distance than if thrown on a level, because it would remain longer in the air. Every one knows that he can throw a stone to a greater distance when standing on a steep hill, than when standing on the plain below. 251. Suppose the circle, Fig. 39, to be the earth, and A, a high mountain on its surface. Suppose that this mountain 249. What is the force called which throws a ball forward ? What is that called which brings it to the ground 1 250. On what does the distance to which a projected body may be thrown, depend ? Why does the distance depend on the velocity ? 251. Suppose the velocity of a cannon-ball shot from a mountain 50 miles high to be ten times its usual rate, where would it stop ? GUNNERY. reaches above the atmos- FIG. 39. phere, or is fifty miles high, then a cannon-ball might perhaps reach from A to B, a distance of eighty or a hundred miles, because the resist- ance of the atmosphere being out of the calcula- tion, it would have noth- ing to contend with, ex- cept the attraction of gravitation. Ifj then, one degree of force, or veloc- ity, would send it toB, another would send it to C ; and if the force was increased three times, it would fall to D, and if four times, it would pass to E. If, now, we suppose the force to be about ten times greater than that with which a cannon-ball is projected, it would not fall to the earth at any of these points, but would continue its motion until it again came to the point A, the place from which it was first projected. 252. It would now be in equilibrium, the centrifugal force being just equal to that of gravity, and, therefore, it would per- form another and another revolution, and so continue to revolve around the earth perpetually. 253. It is these two forces which retain the heavenly bodies in their orbits ; and in the case we have supposed, our cannon- ball would become a little satellite, moving perpetually round the earth. Perpetual Revolution of a 254. LAW AND FORCE OF PROJECTILES. Ever since the dis- covery of gunpowder, the laws of projectiles have been studied with attention, as being of importance in the art of war. Many learned and elaborate works have been published on the sub- ject, but our limits will only admit the insertion of a few of the most important principle's of Gunnery. 255. A projectile, as a bullet from a gun, unless it has a Explain Fig. 39. 252. When would this ball be in equilibrium ? Why would not the force of gravity ultimately brin? this hall to the earth ? 253. After the fiist revo- lution, if the two forces continued the same, would not the motion of the ball be per petuall 254. Why are the laws of projectiles viewed important? 255. What two forces act on projectiles 7 What is the path of a projectile called 7 60 GUNNERY. vertical direction, is acted on by two forces, that of projection, which carries it forward, and that of gravity, which draws it downward. Its path, therefore, is a curve, called a parabola. 256. The distance to which the ball will fly, depends on the force of projection, since, if its direction is horizontal, its fall toward the earth by the force of gravity (250) will be the same, whether its velocity be great or small. 257. The resistance of the atmosphere, is the great impedi- ment to the effects of projectile forces. Thus it has been de- monstrated that a 24-lb. cannon-ball, discharged at an elevation of 45, and at the velocity of 2000 feet per second, would, in vacuo, reach the horizon -distance of 125,000 feet, but the re- sistance of the air limit's its range to 7,300 feet. 258. VELOCITY OF THE BALL. There are several methods of computing the velocity of the ball, one of which is by means of the Ballistic pendulum. This is a thick, heavy block of wood, so suspended as to swing freely about on axis, and into this the ball is fired. The weight of the ball, and that of the block being known, the velocity is found, by the degrees of mo- tion given to the pendulum, which is accurately measured by machinery. 259. Recoil of the Gun. Another method of finding the velocity of the ball, is by means of the recoil of the gun. This method is founded on the supposition that the explosive force of the powder, communicates equal quantities of motion to the gun and ball, in opposite directions. Hence, by suspending the gun, loaded with weights, like a pendulum, the extent of its arc of vibration, will indicate the force of the charge, and by knowing the weights of the gun and ball, its velocity is indica- ted. By such means Dr. Hutton constructed the following table : POWDER. VELOCITY PER SECOND. DISTANCE. TIME OF FLIGHT. Ounces. Feet. Feet. Seconds. 2 800 4100 9 4 1230 5100 12 8 1640 6000 14|- 12 1680 6700 151 260. Experiment shows that the velocity of the ball increases 256. On what does the distance of a projectile depend ? 257. What is said of at- mospheric resistance 1 258. What is the construction of the ballistic pendulum 1 859. What is the other method of estimating the velocity of the ball 1 ? PERCUSSION CAPS. 61 with the charge, to a certain extent, which is peculiar to each gun, after which the increase diminishes the force, until the bore is quite full. 261. The greatest velocity of a ball known, is about 2000 feet per second, and this from a cannon. This velocity dimin- ishes, soon after it leaves the gun. 262. Power and Destruction. The penetration of the ball is as the square of its velocity. Hence, when the object is merely to penetrate, as in the breaching of a fortification, the greatest velocity is given. But in naval combats, the utmost velocity is not the most injurious, the most destructive balls being such as merely pierce the ship's sides. MANUFACTURE OF PERCUSSION CAPS. 263. The processes by which percussion caps are made at the establishment of Mr. Mclntyre, in the city of Hartford, Ct., are as follow : 264. First. The copper is rolled to about the thickness of stout brown paper, and is then cut into strips three-fourths of an inch wide, and several yards long. The end of such a strip being placed between the rollers of a cutting and punching machine, invented for this purpose, the whole, without further attention, is cut into star-like pieces of the form and size repre- sented by Fig. 40, A being the piece cut out, and B, the ap- pearance of the strip of copper after the operation. FIG. 40. First shape of the Copper. These pieces are instantly moved, by the same engine, under the punch, by which they are driven through a finely creased die, and are thus formed into caps which fall into a vessel below. These stellate pieces, being struck by the punch in the cen- ter, the extremities are thus brought into contact, but not joined, so that the caps consist of four portions connected at the bottom, like the four quarters of an orange peel. 260. How far does the velocity of the ball increase with that of the charge! 261. What is the greatest velocity of a ball 7 262. What velocity of the ball is most de- structive ? 62 PERCUSSION CAPS. When the caps are exploded by. the hammer, these quarters open and thus prevent the tearing of the metal which, if solid, would be apt to fly into fragments and thus endanger the eyes. 265. Second. The caps are next placed in a revolving cylin- der containing saw-dust, by which they are made clean and bright. They are now ready to receive the fulminating powder, the explosion of which sets fire to the powder in the gun-barrel. The caps are now placed, a handful at a time, on a sheet of iron, three feet long, eight inches wide, and the fourth of an inch thick, pierced with holes a quarter of an inch apart, as shown by Fig. 41. This being placed in a horizontal position, and shaken, the caps find their way into the apertures, with their open ends up, in a manner that is quite surprising. FIG. 41. Mode of Placing the Caps for Fitting. 266. Third. A piece of brass plate, of the exact size of that containing the caps, is pierced with apertures to correspond with each and every cap, but smaller in size, as shown by Fig. 42. FIG. 42. Mode of Filling. This plate, being about the sixth of an inch thick, is laid on a smooth surface, and the fulminating compound, a little moist- ened by gum-water, is rubbed into the apertures with the hand, where it adheres, that remaining on the surface being rubbed off. RESULTANT MOTION. 63 267. Fourth. This brass plate, being laid on that Contain- ing the caps, each aperture corresponding to a cap, the powder, by means of a brush, is made to fall into the caps. ^268. Fifth. The caps are now charged with the powder, in a loose state, and requires a gentle pressure to fix it in its place. This is done by placing the plate, containing them, as above described, under rows of punches, which are worked with a little cam engine, and by which the punches are lifted, while the plate is moved forward, by means of a click and notches, so as to correspond exactly with the fall of the punches, by the press- ure of which, the powder is fixed in its place. 269. Sixth. The best caps are varnished, in order to pro- tect them from moisture. It being the powder only which requires this protection, in France it is done with a little brush on each cap held in the fingers. But Mr. Mclntyre has invented a much more expeditious way, and which insures the same quantity in each cap. This is done by a small machine, consisting of two cams ; a click working in horizontal notches, and a crank, by which the whole is moved. On the platform or bed of this, is laid the plate, Fig. 41, containing the caps, (268,) and on working the machine, two dozen blunt metallic points are alternately dipped into a little trough containing copal varnish, and then into the caps, these being moved by the click, to correspond with the revolution of the cams by which the motions of these points are produced. In this way hundreds of caps are varnished in a few minutes. 270. Seventh. The edges of the best caps are polished, one at a time, by holding them with pliers for a second on a spindle of steel, revolving a thousand times a minute, the point of which enters the cap, the edge rubbing against a shoulder, by which the work is done. With two engines, as above described, the proprietor esti- mates the number of caps made per day, to be about 100,000, a market being always ready for all he can make. RESULTANT MOTION. 271. Resultant motion consists in the operation of two, or inore, forces, the joint action of which, results in unity of effect. 271. What is meant by resultant motion ? Suppose two boats sailing at the same rate and in the same direction, if an apple be tossed from one to the other, what wUJ be its direction in respect to the boats ? 64 RESULTANT MOTION. FIG. 43. Suppose two men to be sailing in two boats, each at the rate of four miles an hour, at a short distance opposite to each other, and suppose as they are sailing along in this manner, one of the men throws the other an apple. In respect to the boats, the apple would pass directly across from one to the other, that is, its line of direction would be at right-angles with the sides of the boats. But its actual line through the air would be oblique, or diagonal, in respect to the sides of the boats, because, in passing from boat to boat, it is impelled by two forces, viz., the force of the motion of the boat forward, and the force by which it is thrown by the hand across this motion. 272. This diagonal motion of the apple is called the re-, sultant, or the resulting mo- ^ tion, because it is the effect or result of two motions resolved into one. Perhaps this will be more clear by Fig. 43, where A B, and C D, are sup- posed to be the sides of the Diagonal Motion. two boats, and the line E F, that of the apple. Now the apple, when thrown, has a motion with the boat at the rate of four miles an hour, from C toward D, and this motion is supposed to continue just as though it had remained in the boat. 273. Had it remained in the boat during the time it was passing from E to F, it would have passed from E to H. But we suppose it to have been thrown at the rate of eight miles an hour, in the direction toward G ; and if the boats are moving south, and the apple thrown toward the east, it would pass in the same time twice as far toward the east as it did toward the south. Therefore, in respect to the boats the apple would pass at right-angles from the side of one to that of the other, because they are both in motion. But in respect to a right line, drawn from the point where the apple -was thrown, and a parallel line with this, drawn from the point where it strikes the other boat, the line of the apple would be oblique. This will be clear, when we consider that, when the apple is thrown, the boats are at the points E and G, and that when it strikes, they are at II and F, these two points being opposite to each other. What would be its line through the air in respect to the boats? 272. What is this kind of motion called f Why is it called resultant motion I Explain Fig 43 273. Why woul'J the line of the apple he actually at right-angles in respect to the boats, but oblique in respect to parallel lines drawn from where it was thrown and where it struck 1 How is this further illustrated 1 HOROLOQT. 65 The line E F, through which the apple is thrown, is called the diagonal of a parallelogram, as already explained under compound motion. 274. On the above principle, if two ships, during a. battle, are sailing before the wind at equal rates, the aim of the gunners will be exactly the same as though they stood still ; whereas, if the gunner fires from a ship standing still, at another under sail, he takes his aim forward- of the mark he intends to hit, because the ship would pass a little forward while the ball is going to her. 275. And so, on the contrary, if a ship in motion fires at an- other standing still, the aim must be behind the mark, because, as the motion of the ball partakes of that of the ship, it will strike forward at the point aimed at. 276. For the same reason, if a ball be dropped from the top- mast of a ship under sail, it partakes of the motion of the ship forward, and will fall in a line with the mast, and strike the same point on the deck as though the ship stood still. If a man upon the full run drops a bullet before him from the height of his head, he can not run so fast as to overtake it before it reaches the ground. It is on this principle, that if a cannon-ball be shot up verti- cally from the earth, it will fall back to the same point ; for. although the earth moves forward while the ball is in the air, yet, as it carries this motion with it, so the ball moves forward, also, in an equal degree, and, therefore, comes down at the same place. HOROLOGY. 277. This term, derived from the Greek, means, to indicate the hour. It is the science of time-keeping. 278. For this purpose, a great variety of instruments have been invented, by some of which, time was measured by the dropping of water, -as in the clepsydra, or water-clock, in others, by the running of sand, as in the hour-glass, or by the revolu- tion of the sun, by means of the gnomon, or sun-dial. But these ancient methods have given place to the modern inven- tion of clocks, regulated by the pendulum, and watches, regu- lated bv a balance -wheel. 274. When the ships are in equal motion, where does the gunner take his aim? Why does he aim forward of the mark when the other ship is in motion ? 275 If a eh p-'m motion fires af one Handing still, where must be the aim ? Why. in this case, imiM the aim be brhinri the mark ? 276. What other illustrations are given of result- ant motion 1 277. What is the meaning of horology 1 278. What were the ancient methods of keeping time ? PENDULUM. PENDULUM. FIG, 44. Pendulum. 2*79. A pendulum is a heavy body, suck as a piece of brass or lead, suspended by a wire or cord, so as to swing backward and forward. When a pendulum swings, it is said to vibrate ; and that part of a circle through which it vibrates, is called its arc. 280. The times of the vibration of a pendulum are very nearly equal, whether it pass through a greater or less part of its arc. Suppose A and B, Fig. 44, to be two pendulums of equal length, and suppose the weights of each are carried, the one to C, and the other to D, and both let fall at the same instant ; their vibrations would be equal in respect to time, the one passing through its arc from C to E, and so back again in the same time that the other passes from D to F, and back again. 281. The reason of this appears to be, that when the pendu- lum is raised high, the action of gravity draws it more directly downward, and it therefore acquires in falling a greater com- parative velocity than is proportioned to the trifling difference of height. 282. Common Clock. In the common clock, the pendulum is connected with wheel-work, to regulate the motion of the hands, and with weights, by which the whole is moved. The vibrations of the pendulum are numbered by a wheel or escapement, having thirty teeth, which revolves once in a minute. Each tooth, therefore, answers to one vibration of the pendulum, and the wheel moves forward one tooth in a second, Thus the second-hand revolves once in every sixty beats of the pendulum ; and, as these beats are seconds, it goes round once in a minute. By the pendulum the whole machine is regu- lated, for the clock goes faster or slower, according to its num- 279. What is a pendulum 1 280. What is meant by the vibration of a pendulum 1 What is that part of a circle called through which it swings? 281. Why doe? the pendulum vibrate in equal time whether it goes through a small or large part of its arc { 282. Describe the common clock. How many vibrations has the pendulum in a minute 1 PENDULUM. ber of vibrations in a given time. The number of vibrations which a pendulum makes in a given time depends upon its length, because a long pendulum does not perform its jour- ney to and from the corresponding points of its arc so soon as a short one. 283. As the motion of the clock is regulated entirely by the pendulum, and as the number of vibrations are as its length, the least variation in this respect will alter its rate of going. To beat seconds, its length must be about thirty-nine inches. In the common clock, the length is regulated by a screw, which raises and lowers the weight. But as the rod to which the weight is attached is subject to variations of length, in conse- quence of the change of the seasons, being contracted by cold and lengthened by heat, the common clock goes faster in win- ter than in summer. In the small clocks of the present day, the pendulum oscillates twice and some- times more in a second, and consequently the escapement must have 60 or more teeth, the second-hand performing two revolutions in a minute. The length of a pendulum beating two seconds is the square of that beating seconds. If the length of the seconds pendulum be 39-}- inches, then that beat- ing two seconds will be about 13 feet. A pendulum beating half seconds is in length, as the square root of that beating seconds, or about 10 inches long. 284. Gridiron Pendulum. Various means have been contrived to counteract the effects of these changes, so that the pendulum may continue the same length the whole year. Among inventions for this purpose, the gridiron pendulum is considered among the best. It is so called, because it consists of several rods of dif- ferent metals connected together at each end. Gridiron Pendulum. 233. On what depends the number of vibrations which a pendulum makes in a given time ? What is the medium length of the pendulum beating seconds 1 Whj does a common clock go faster in winter than in summer? What is necessary in respect to the pendulum, to make the clock go true the year round 1 281. What if the principle on which the gridiron pendulum is constructed 1 68 PENDULUM. 285. The principle on which this pendulum is constructed is derived from the fact that some metals dilate more by the same degrees of heat than others. Thus, brass will dilate about twice as much by heat, and, consequently, contract twice as much by cold, as steel. If, then, these differences could be made to counteract each other mutually, given points at each end of a system of such rods would remain stationary the year round, and thus the clock would go at the same rate in all climates, and during all seasons. 286. Suppose, then, steel bars A B, are firmly fixed to cross bars at each end, as seen by Fig. 45, and that on the lower cross bar, the brass rods 1 2, are also fixed, then the steel bars can expand only downward, and the brass ones, only upward. Now as the pendulum rod passes through the lower cross bar, and is fixed to the upper cross piece of the brass rods, it will be seen that the elongation of the two metals by heat mutually counteract each other, and therefore that the point of suspen- sion, a, and the pendulum weight, 6, will always remain at the same 'distance from each other. It is found by experiment that the expansion of brass to that of steel is in the proportion of 100 to 61. 287. Gravity varies the Vibrations. As it is the force of gravity which draws the weight of the pendulum from the ighest x point of its arc downward, and as this force increases or diminishes as bodies approach toward the center of the earth, or recede from it, so the pendulum will vibrate faster or slower in proportion as this attraction is stronger or weaker. 288. Now it is known that the earth at the equator rises higher from its center than it does at the poles, for toward the poles it is flattened. The pendulum, therefore, being more strongly attracted at the poles than at the equator, vibrates more rapidly. For this reason, a clock that would keep exact time at the equator would gain time at the poles, for the rate at which a clock goes depends on the number of vibrations its pen- dulum makes. Therefore, pendulums, in order to beat second;*, must be shorter at the equator, and longer at the poles. For the same reason, a clock which keeps exact time at the foot of a high mountain, would move slower on its top. 2$5. What are the metals of which this instrument is made ? 286. Explain Fig. 45, and give the reason why the length of the pendulum will not change by the variations ot temperature. 287. What is the downward force which makes the pendulum vibrate? Explain the reason why the same clock would go faster at the poles and slower at the equator. 288. How can a clock which goes true at the equator be made to go true at the poles 1 Will a clock keep equal time at the foot and on the top of a high mountain 1 Why will it not ? PENDULUM. 69 FIG. 46. 289. METRONOME. There is a short pendulum, used by mu- sicians for marking time, which may be made to vibrate fast or slow, as occasion requires. This little instrument is called a metronome, and besides the pendulum, consists of several wheels, and a spiral spring, by which the whole is moved. This pen- dulum is only ten or twelve inches long, and instead of being suspended by the end, like other pendulums, the rod is pro- longed above* the point of suspension, and there is a ball placed near the upper, as well as at the lower extremity. 290. This arrangement will be under- stood by Fig. 46, where A is the axis of suspension, B the upper ball, and C the lower one. Now, when this pendu- lum vibrates from the point A, the up- per ball constantly retards the motion of the lower one, by in part counterbalanc- ing its weight, and thus preventing its full velocity downward. 291. Perhaps this will be more ap- parent, by placing the pendulum, Fig. 47, for a moment on its side, and across a bar, at the point of suspension. In this position, it will be seen that the little ball would prevent the large one from falling with its full weight, since, were it moved to a cer- tain distance from the point of suspension, it would balance the large one so that it would not descend at alt. It is plain, therefore, that the comparative velocity of the large ball will be in proportion as the small one is moved to a greater or less dis- tance from the point of suspension. The metronome is so con- structed, the little ball being made to move up and down on the rod at pleasure, that its vibrations are made to beat the time of a quick or slow tune, as occasion requires. By this arrangement, the instrument is made to vibrate every two seconds, or every half, or quarter of a second, at pleasure. Metronome means time measurer. FIG. 47. Metronome. 2S9 What is the metronome 1 How does this pendulum differ from the common pendulums? 290. Explain Fig. 46. 291. How does the upper ball retard the motion of the lower one ? How is the metronome made to go faster or slower, at pleasure ? CHAPTER IV. MECHANICS. 292. Mechanics is a science which investigates the laws and effects of force and motion. 293. The practical object of this science is, to teach the best modes of overcoming resistances by means of mechanical powers, and to apply motion to useful purposes, by means of machinery. 294. A machine is any instrument by which power, motion, or velocity, is applied or regulated. 295. A^ machine maybe very simple, or exceedingly com- plex. Thus, a pin is a machine for fastening clothes, and a steam-engine is a machine for propelling mills and boats. As machines are constructed for a vast variety of purposes, their forms, powers, and kinds of movement, must depend on their intended uses. Several considerations ought to precede the actual construc- tion of a new or untried machine ; for if it does not answer the purpose intended, it is commonly a total loss to the builder. Many a man, on attempting to apply an old principle to a new purpose, or to invent a new machine for an old purpose, has been sorely disappointed, having found, when too late, that his time and money had been thrown away, for want of proper reflection, or requisite knowledge. If a man, for instance, thinks of constructing a machine for raising a ship, he ought to take into consideration the inertia or weight, to be moved the force to be applied the strength of the materials, and the space or situation he has to work in. For, if the force applied, or the strength of the materials be in- sufficient, his machine is obviously useless ; and if the force and strength be ample, but the space be wanting, the same result must follow. If he intends his machine for twisting the fibers of flexible substances into threads, he may find no difficulty in respect to power, strength of materials, or space to work in, but if the 292. What is mechanics 7 293. What is the object of this science ? 294 What is a machine? 295. Mention one of the most simple, and one of the most complex of machines. DEFINITIONS. 71 velocity, direction, and kind of motion he obtains, be not appli- cable to the work intended, he still loses his labor. Thousands of machines have been constructed, which, so far as regarded the skill of the workmen, the ingenuity of the con- triver, and the construction of the individual parts, were models of art and beauty ; and, so far as could be seen without trial, admirably adapted to the intended purpose. But on putting them to actual use, it has too often been found, that their only imperfection consisted in a stubborn refusal to do any part of the work intended. Now, a thorough knowledge of the laws of motion, and the principles of mechanics, would, in many instances,, at least, have prevented all this loss of labor and money, and spared him so much vexation and chagrin, by showing the projector that his machine would not answer the intended purpose. The importance of this kind of knowledge is therefore ob- vious, and it is hoped will become more so as we proceed. DEFINITIONS. 296. In mechanics, as well as in other sciences, there are words which must be explained, either because they are com- mon words used in a peculiar sense, or because they are terms of art, not in common use. All technical terms will be as much as possible avoided, but still there are a few, which it is neces- sary here to explain. 297. Force is the means by which bodies are set in motion, kept in motion, and when moving, are brought to rest. The force of gunpowder sets the ball in motion, and keeps it moving, until the force of the resisting air, and the force of gravity, bring it to rest. 298. Power is the means by which the machine is moved, and the force gained. Thus we have horse-power, water- power, and the power of weights. 299. Weight is the resistance, or the thing to be moved by the force of the power. Thus the stone is the weight to be moved by the force of the lever or bar. 300. Fulcrum, or prop, is the point on which a thing is sup- ported, and about which it has more or less motion. In raising a stone, the thing on which the lever rests, is the fulcrum. 297. What is meant by force in mechanics ? 295. What is meant by power ? 299. What is understood by weight 1 300. What is the fulcrum 1 301. Are the mechan- ical powers numerous, or only few in number 7 72 LEVER. 301. In mechanics, there are a few simple machines called the mechanical powers, and however mixed, or complex, a com- bination of machinery may be, it consists only of these few in- dividual powers. We shall not here burden, the memory of the pupil with the names of these powers, of the nature of which he is at present supposed to know nothing, but shall explain the action and use of each in its turn, and then sum up the whole for his accom- modation. THE LEVER. 302. Any rod, or bar, which is used in raising a weight, or surmounting a resistance, by being placed on a fulcrum, or prop, becomes a lever. Levers are simple and compound. 303. Simple levers are of three kinds, namely : first, where the fulcrum is between the power and the weight; second, where the weight is between the fulcrum and the power ; third, where the power is between the fulcrum and the weight* 304. First Kind. The first kind is represented by Fig. 48, being a straight rod of iron, called FIG 48 - a crowbar, in com- mon use for rais- ing rocks and oth- er heavy bodies. The stone, B, is the weight. A the 7 Simple Lever. lever, and C the fulcrum j the power being the hand of a man applied at A. It will be observed, that by this arrangement the application of a small power may be used to overcome a great resistance. 305. The force to be obtained by the lever, depends on its length, together with the power applied, and the distance of the weight and power from the fulcrum. 306. Suppose, Fig. 49, that A is the lever, B the fulcrum, D the weight to be raised, and C the power. Let D be considered three times as heavy as C, and the fulcrum three times as far from C as it is from D ; then the weight and power will ex- actly balance each other. Thus, if the bar be four feet long v 302. What is a lever ? 303. What are the three kinds of simple levers ? 304. What is the simplest of all mechanical powers \ Explain Fig. 48. Which is the weight 1 Where is the fulcrum ? Where is the power applied ! What is the power in this ease? 305. On what does the force to be obtained by the lever depend } 306 Sup- pose a lever four feet long, and the fulcrum one foot from the end, what number of pound* will balance each other at the ends 1 LEVER. 73 FIG. 49. Lever Unequal Arms. and the fulcrum three feet from the end, then three pounds on the long arm will weigh just as much as nine pounds on the short arm, and these proportions will be found the same in all cases. 307. When two weights balance each other, the fulcrum is always at the center of gravity between them, and therefore, to make a small weight raise a large one, the fulcrum must be placed as near as possible to the large one, since the greater the distance from the fulcrum the small weight or power is placed, the greater will be its force. FIG. 50. I Q~ Lever Double Weights. 308. Suppose the weight B, Fig. 50, to be sixteen pounds, and suppose the fulcrum to be placed so near it, as to be raised by the power A, of four pounds hanging equally distant from the fulcrum and the end of the lever. If now tlie power A be removed, and another of two pounds, C, be placed at the end of the lever, its force will be just equal to A, placed at the middle of the lever. 309. But let the fulcrum be moved along to the middle of the lever, with the weight of sixteen pounds still suspended to it, it would then take another weight of sixteen pounds, instead cf two pounds, to balance it, Fig. 51. 307. When weights ba'ance each other, at what point between them must the ful- crum be ? 38 Suppose a weight of 16 pounds on the short arm of a lever is coun- terbalanced by 4 pounds in the middle of the long arm. what power would balance this weight at the end of the lever ? 309. Suppose the fulcrum to be moved to the middle of the lever, what power would then be equal to 16 pounds? 4 74 LEVER. FIG. 61. Lever Equal Arms. Thus, the power which would balance sixteen pounds, when the fulcrum is in one place, must be exchanged for another power weighing eight times as much, when the fulcrum is in another place. 310. From these investigations, we may draw the following general truth, or proposition, concerning the lever : " That the force of the lever increases in proportion to the distance of the power from the fulcrum, and diminishes in proportion as the distance of the weight from the fulcrum increases." 311. From this proposition, may be drawn the following rule, by which the exact proportions between the weight or resist- ance, and the power, may be found. Multiply the weight by its distance from the fulcrum ; then multiply the power by its distance from the same point, and if the products are equal, the weight and the power will balance each other. 312. Suppose a weight of 100 pounds on the short arm of a lever, 8 inches from the fulcrum, then another weight, or power, of 8 pounds, would be equal to this, at the distance of 100 inches fro n the fulcrum ; because 8 multiplied by 100 is equal to 800 ; and 100 multiplied by 8 is equal to 800, and thus they would mutually counteract each other. 313. Many instruments in common use are on the FIG. 52. principle of this kind of lever. Scissors, Fig. 52, consist of two levers, the rivet being the fulcrum for both. The fingers are the power, and the cloth to be cut, the resistance to be overcome. TWO Levers. Pincers, forceps, and sugar-cutters, are examples of this kind of lever. 310. What is the general proposition drawn from these results? 311. What is the rule for finding the proportions between the weight and power 1 312. Give an illus- tration of this rulp. 313. What instruments operate on the principle of this lever 7 LEVIR. 75 314. A common scale-beam, used for weighing, is a lever, suspended at the center of gravity, so that the two arms bal- ance each other. Hence the machine is called a balance. The fulcrum, or what is called the pivot, is sharpened, like a wedge, and made of hardened steel, so as much as possible to. avoid friction. 315. A dish is suspended by FIG. 53. cords to each end or arm of the lever, for the purpose of hold- ing the articles to be weighed. "When the whole is suspended at the point a, Fig. 53, the beam or lever ought to remain in a horizontal position, one of common Scale*. its ends being exactly as high as the other. If the weights in the two dishes are equal, and the support exactly in the center, they will always hang as represented in the figure. 316. A very slight variation of the point of support toward one end of the lever, will make a difference in the weights em- ployed to balance each other. In weighing a pound of sugar, with a scale-beam of eight inches long, if the point of support is half an inch too near the weight, the buyer would be cheated nearly one ounce, and consequently nearly one pound in every sixteen pounds. This fraud might instantly be detected by changing the places of the sugar and weight, for then the dif- ference would be quite material, since the sugar would then seem to want twice as much additional weight as it did really want. 317. The steelyard dif- ^ fers from the balance, in having its support near one end, instead of in the middle, and also in hav- ing the weights suspend- ed by hooks, instead of steelyard. being placed in a dish. If we suppose the beam to be 7 inches long, and the hook, C, Fig. 54, to be one inch from the end, then the pound weight, A, will require an additional pound at B, for every inch it is 314 In the common scale-beam, where is the fulcrum ? 315. In what position ought the scale-beam to hang ] 316. How may a fraudulent scale-beam be made 7 How may the cheat be detected '} 317. How does the steelyard differ Irom the balance ? 76 LEVER. moved from it. This, however, supposes that the bar will bal- ance itself, before any weights are attached to it. FIG. 55. Lever of the Second Kind. 318. Second Kind. The second kind of lever is represented by Fig. 55, where W is the weight, L the lever, F the fulcrum, and P a pulley, over which a string is thrown, and a weight suspended, as the power. In the common use of a lever of the first kind, the force is gained by bearing down the long arm, which is called prying. In the second kind, the force is gained by carrying the long arm in a contrary direction, or upward, and this is called lifting. 319. Levers of the second kind are not so common as the first, but are frequently used for certain purposes. The oars of a boat are examples of the second kind. The water against which the blade of the oar pushes, is the fulcrum, the boat is the weight to be moved, and the hands of the man, the power. 320. Two men carrying a load between them on a pole, is also an example of this kind of lever. Each man acts as the power in moving the weight, and at the same time each be- comes the fulcrum in respect to the other. If the weight happens to slide on the pole, the man toward whom it goes has to bear more of it in proportion as its dis- tance from him is less than before. 321. A load at A, Fig. 56, is borne equally by the two men, being equally distant from each other ; but at B, three quarters of its weight would be on the man at that end, because three quarters of the length of the lever would be on the side of the other man. 318. la the first kind of lever, where is the fulcrum, in respect to the weight and power 1 In the second kind, where is the fulcrum, in respect to the weight and power 1 What is the action of the first kind called ? What is the action of the see* ond kind called 1 319. Give examples of the second kind of lever. 320. In rowing a boat, what is the fulcrum, what the weight, and what the power ? 321. What other illustrations ef this principle ar given 1 LEVER. FIG. 56. .A Lever Unequal Arm*. Lever of the Third Kind. I 322. Third Kind. In the third and last kind of lever, the weight is placed at one end, the fulcrum at the other end, and the power between them, or the hand, is between the fulcrum and the weight. This is represented by Fig. 57, where C is the fulcrum, A the power, suspended over the pulley B, and D is the weight to be raised. 323. This kind of lever works to great disadvantage, since the power must be greater than the weight. It is therefore seldom used, except in cases where velocity and not force is required. In raising a ladder from the ground to the roof of a house, men are obliged sometimes to make use of this princi- ple, and the great difficulty of doing so, illustrates the mechan- ical disadvantage of this kind of lever. We have now described the three kinds of levers, and, we hope, have made the manner in which each kind acts plain, by illustrations. But to make the difference between them still more obvious, and to avoid all confusion, we will here compare them together. 322 In the third kind of lever where are the respective places of the weight, power, and fulcrum ? 323. What is the disadvantage of this kind of lever ? Give an example of the use of the third kind of lever 7 LEVflR. FIG. 58. i FIG. 69. no. GO. The Levers Compared. 324. In Fig. 58, the weight and hand both act downward. In 59, the weight and hand act in contrary directions, the hand upward and the weight downward, the weight being between them. In 60, the hand and weight also act in contrary direc- tions, but the hand is between the fulcrum and the weight. 325. COMPOUND LEVER. When several simple levers ar e thread inclines but slightly, it will turn with less power, fr the same reason that a man can roll a heavy weight up a plane but little inclined. Therefore, the finer the screw, or the nearer the threads to each other, the greater will be the pres- sure under a given power. 397. Let us- suppose two screws, the one having the threads one inch apart, and the other half an inch apart; then the force which the first screw will give with the same power at the lever, will be only half that given by the second. The second screw must be turner nearly 62 and a third pounds. Omitting the decimals, a cubic foot of water is commonly estimated at 62 pounds. 441. On the contrary, did the sides of the vessel slope inward exactly the same amount of pressure according to Ihe height, what would be the result 1 442. What is the weight of a cubic inch of water ? 443. What is the weight of a cubic foot of water 7 10* 114 WATER LEVEL. The following table, founded on the above estimates, may be useful in determining the pressure of water in pipes or other vessels, of known depth. DEPTH IN FEET. PRESSURE PER SQUARE INCH. PRESSURE PER SQUARE FOOT. Pounds. Pounds. 1 0.4328 62.3232 2 0.8656 124.6464 3 1.2984 186,9696 4 1.7312 249.2928 5 2.1640 311.6160 6 2.5968 373.9392 7 3.0296 436.2624 8 3.4624 498.5856 9 3,8952 560.9088 10 4.3280 623.2320 Suppose it is required to know the pressure on the bottom of a vessel of water, 1 foot square and 20 feet deep, then it is found by doubling that of 10 feet deep, thus 623.2320x2 = 1246.464 pounds. The pressure on a tube equal to an inch square, and of an equal depth, is found by substituting inches for feet, as above seen. WATER LEVEL. 444. We have seen, that in whatever situation water is placed, it always tends to seek a level. Thus, if several vessels communicating with each other be filled with water, the fluid will be at the same height in all, and the level will be indica- ted by a straight line drawn through all the vessels as in Fig. 91. It is on the principle of this tendency that the little instru- ment called the water level is constructed. 445. Let A, Fig. 100, be a straight glass tube having two legs, or two other glass tubes rising from each end at right- angles. Let the tube A, and a part of the legs, be filled with mercury or some other liquid, and on the surfaces, a 6, of the liquid, let floats be placed, carrying upright wires, to the ends of which are attached sights at 1, 2. These sights are repre- sented by 3, 4, and consist of two fine threads, or hairs, stretched 445. Explain by Fig. 100, how an exact line may be obtained by adjusting th lights. WATER LEVEL. FIG. 100. Improved Water Level. at right-angles across a square, and are placed at right-angles to the length of the instrument. They are so adjusted that the point where the hairs intersect each other, shall be at equal heights abore the floats. This ad- justment may be made in the following manner : Let the eye be placed behind one of the sights, looking through it at the other, so as to make the points, where the hairs intersect, cover each other, and let some distant object, covered by this point, be observed. Then let the instrument be reversed, and let the points of intersection of the hairs be viewed in the same way, so as to cover each other. If they are observed to cover the same distant object as before, they will be of equal heights above the surfaces of the liquid. But, if the same distant points be not observed in the direction of these points, then one or the other of the sights must be raised or lowered, by an adjustment provided for that purpose, until the points of intersection be brought to correspond. The points will then be properly adjusted, and the line passing through them will be exactly "horizontal. All points seen in the direc- tion of the sights will be on the level of the instrument. 44fi. The principles on which this adjustment depends are easily explained : if the intersections of the hairs be at the same distance from the floats, the line joining these intersections will evidently be parallel to the lines joining the surfaces a, 6, of the 446. Explain the principle on which the water level with sights is constructed. 116 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. liquid, and will therefore be level. But if one of these points be more distant from the floats than the other, the line joining the intersections will point upward if viewed from the lower sight, and downward if viewed from the higher one. The accuracy of the results of this instrument, will be greatly increased by lengthening the tube A. 447. Spirit Level The common G m - spirit level consists of a glass tube, a Fig. 101, filled with spirit of wine, ex- <*}~" }* cepting a small space in which there is left a bubble of air. This bubble, spirit Level. when the instrument is laid on a level surface, will be exactly in the middle of the tube, and therefore, to adjust a level, it is only necessary to bring the bubble to this position. The glass tube is inclosed in a brass case, which is cut out on the upper side, so that the bubble may be seen, as repre- sented in the figure. 448. This instrument is employed by builders to level their work, and is highly convenient for that purpose, since it is only necessary to -lay it on a beam to try its level. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 449. If a tumbler be filled with water to the brim, and an egg, or any other heavy solid, be dropped into it, a quantity of the jluid, exactly equal to the size of the egg, or other solid, will be displaced, and will flow over the side of the vessel. Bodies which sink in water, therefore, displace a quantity of the fluid equal to their own bulks. 450. Now, it is found by experiment, that when any solid substance sinks in water, it loses, while in the fluid, a portion of its weight, just equal to that of the bulk of water which it dis- places. This is readily made evident by experiment. 451. Take a piece of ivory, or any other substance that will sink in water, and weigh it accurately in the usual manner ; then suspend it by a thread, or hair, in the empty cup A, Fig. 102, and balance it, as shown in the figure. Now pour water into the cup, and it will be found that the suspended body will lose a part of its weight, so that a certain number of grains 447. Describe the common spirit level, and the method of using it. 448. What is the use of the level 7 449. How much water will an eg* displace? 450. How much less will a cubic inch of any substance weigh in water than in air ] 451. How is it proved by Fig. 102, that a body weighs less in water than in air 1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 117 Weighing in Water. must be taken from the opposite scale, in order to make the scales balance as before the water was pour- ed in. The number of grains taken from the op- posite scale, show the weight of a quantity of water equal to the bulk of the body so suspended. 452. It is on the prin- ciple, that bodies weigh less in the water than they do when weighed out of it, or in the air, that water be- comes the means of ascertaining their specific gravities, for it is by comparing the weight of a body in the water, with what it weighs out of it, that its specific gravity is determined. Thus, suppose a cutfic inch of gold weighs 19 ounces, and on being weighed in water, weighs only 18 ounces, or loses a nine- teenth part of its weight, it will prove that gold, bulk for bulk, is nineteen times heavier than water, and thus 19 would be the specific gravity of gold. And so if a cube of copper weigh 9 ounces in the air, and only 8 ounces in the water, then copper, bulk for bulk, is 9 times as heavy as water, and therefore has a specific gravity of 9. 453. If the body weighs less, bulk for bulk, than water, it is obvious that it will not sink in it, and therefore weights must be added to the lighter body, to ascertain how much less it weighs than water. The specific gravity of a body, then, is merely its weight compared with the same bulk of water ; and water is thus made the standard by which the weights of all other bodies are compared. 454. How to take the Specific Gravity. To take the specific gravity of a solid which sinks in water, first weigh the body in the usual manner, and note down the number of grains it weighs; then, with a hair, or fine thread, suspend it from the bottom of the scale-dish, in a vessel of water, as represented by Fig. 102. As it weighs less in water, weights must be added to the side of the scale where the body is suspended, until they 452. On what principle are specific gravities found? 453. What is the specific gravity of a body 7 454. How are the specific gravities of solid bodies taken ? 118 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. exactly balance each other. Next, note down the number of grains so added, and they will show the difference between the weight of the body in air and in water. 455. It is obvious that the greater the specific gravity of the body, the less, comparatively, will be this difference, because each body displaces only its own bulk of water, and some bodies of the same bulk will weigh many times more than others. 456. For example, suppose that a piece of platina, weighing 22 ounces, will displace an ounce of water, while a piece of silver, weighing 22 ounces, will displace two ounces of water. The platina, therefore, when suspended as above described, will require one ounce to make the scales balance, while the same weight of silver will require two ounces for the same purpose. The platina, therefore, bulk for bulk, will weigh twice as much as the silver, and will have twice as much specific gravity. Having noted down the difference between the weight of the body in air and in water, as above explained, the specific gravity is found by dividing the weight in air by the loss in water. The greater the loss, therefore, the less will be the specific gravity, the bulk being the same. 457. Thus, in the above example, 22 ounces of platina was supposed to lose one ounce in water, while 22 ounces of silver lost two ounces in water. Now, 22 divided by 1, the loss of the platina, is 22 ; and 22 divided by 2, the loss in the silver, is 11. So that the specific gravity of platina is 22, while that of silver is 11. The specific gravities of these metals are, how- ever, a little less than here estimated. 458. TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Antimony, 7 Zinc, 7 Cast Iron, 7 Tin, 8 Cobalt, 8 Steel, 8 Copper, 9 Bismuth, 10 Silver, 10 Lead, 11 Gold, 19 Platinum, 20 " hammered, ... 22 Mercury, 14 Agate, 2* Sulphur, 2 Glass, crown, 2$ " flint, 3i Rock, crystal, 24 Marble, 24 Diamonds, 3i Ruby, (oriental,) 4i This table being intended for common use, the fractions are omitted, and the nearest round numbers only given. 455 Why does a heavy body weigh comparatively less in the water than a lijrht one? 456 Having taken the difference between the weight of a body in air and in water, by what rule is its specific gravity found? 457. Give the example stated, and show how the difference between the specific gravities of platina and silver is found- HYDROMETER. 119 HYDROMETER. 459. The hydrometer is an instrument by which the specific gravities of fluids are ascertained by the depth to which the in- strument sinks below their surfaces. 460. Suppose a cubic inch of lead loses, when weighed in water, 253 grains, and, when weighed in alcohol, only 209 grains, then, according to the principle already recited, a cubic inch of water actually weighs 253, and a cubic inch of alcohol 209 grains, for when a body is weighed in a fluid, it loses just the weight of the fluid it displaces. 461. Water, as we have already seen, (453,) is the standard by which the weights of other bodies are compared, and by ascertaining what a given bulk of any substance weighs in wa- ter, and then what it weighs in any other fluid, the compara- tive weight of water and this- fluid will be known. For if, as in the above example, a certain bulk of water weighs 253 grains, and the same bulk of alcohol only 209 grains, then alcohol has a specific gravity nearly one-fourth less than water. 462. It is on this principle that the hydrom- eter is constructed. It is composed of a hoi- low ball of glass, or metal, with a graduated scale rising from its upper part, and a weight on its under part, which serves to balance it in the fluid. Such an instrument is represented by Fig. 103, of which B is the graduated scale, and A, the weight, the hollow ball being between them. 463. To prepare this instrument for use, weights in grains, or half-grains, are put into the little cup, A, until the scale is carried down so that a certain mark on it coincides exactly with the surface of the water. This mark, then, becomes the standard of comparison be- Hydrometer. tween water and any other liquid in which the hydrometer is placed. 464. If plunged into a fluid lighter than water, it will sink below the mark, and, consequently, the fluid will rise higher on 459. What is the hydrometer ? 460. Suppose a cubic inch of any substance weighs 253 grains less in water than in air. what is the actual weight of a" cubic inch of wa- ter! 461. On what principle is the hydrometer founded ? 462. How is this instru- ment formed ? 463. How is the hydrometer prepared for use ? 464. How is it known by this instrument whether the lluid is lighter or heavier than wafer 7 120 SIPHON. the scale. If the fluid is heavier than water, the scale will rise above the surface in proportion, and thus it is ascertained in a moment whether any fluid has a greater or less specific gravity than water. To know precisely how much the fluid varies from the standard, the scale is marked off into degrees, which indicate grains by weightj so that it is ascertained very exactly how much the specific gravity of one fluid differs from that of another. 465. Water being the standard by which the weights of other substances are compared, it is placed as the unit, or point of comparison, and is, therefore, 1, '10, 100, or 1000, the ciphers being added whenever there are fractional parts ex- pressing the specific gravity of the body. It is always under- stood, therefore, that the specific gravity of water is 1 ; and when it is said a body has a specific gravity of 2, it is only meant that such a body is, bulk for bulk, twice as heavy as water. 466. If the substance is lighter than water, it has a specific gravity of 0, with a fractional part. Thus, alcohol has a specific gravity of 0.809, that is, 809, water being 1000. 467. By means of this instrument, it can be told with great accuracy how much water has been added to spirits, for the greater the quantity of water, the higher will the scale rise above the surface. The adulteration of milk with water, can also be readily de- tected with it, for as new milk has a specific gravity of 1032, water being 1000, a very small quantity of water mixed with it would be indicated by the instrument. THE SIPHON. 468. Take a tube bent like the letter U, and, having filled it with water, place a finger on each end, and in this state plunge one of the ends into a vessel of 'water, so that the end in the water shall be a little the highest ; then remove the fingers and the liquid will flow out, and continue to do so until the vessel is exhausted. 469. A tube acting in this manner is called a siphon, and is 465. What is the standard by which the weights of other bodies are compared ? What is the specific gravity of water? When it is said that the specific gravity of a borly is 2, or 4, what meaning is intended to be conveyed? 466. If alcohol has a specific gravity of 809; what, in reference to this, is the specific gravity of water? 467. In what cases will the hydrometer detect fraud ? 468. In what manner is a Biphon made 1 469. Explain the reason why the water ascends through one leg of .he siphon, and descends through the other 1 BIPHON. 121 represented by Fig. 104. The reason FIG. lot why the water flows from the end of the tube, A, and, consequently, ascends through the other part, is, that there is a greater weight of the fluid from B to A, than from C to B, because the perpendicular height from B to A, is the greatest. The weight of the water from B to A, falling downward by its gravity, tends to form a vacuum, or void space, in that leg of the tube ; but the pressure of the atmosphere on the water in the vessel, constantly forces Siphon. the fluid up the other leg of the tube, to fill the void space, and thus the stream is continued as long as any water remains in the vessel. 470. Ajjplicatian of the Siphon.- The siphon is employed in draining mines, when there is a sufficient fall in the vicinity : it may also be used to convey water over a hill, provided the place where it is wanted is a foot or two lower than the fountain. Application of the Siphon. For this purpose, let A be a spring, Fig. 105, situated be hind a hill, and it is desired to bring the water to B for family use. To do this, a lead tube, with a stop-cock at C, is carried over the hill, having also a stop-cock at each end. This done, and the two ends being closed, fill the two legs of the tube by pouring in water at C ; then C being closed, let one person open the stop-cock at B, and a moment after, open that at A, and the water will instantly begin to flow from the spring to the reservoir, and if C is kept closed, will continue to run so long as the fountain furnishes water. 470. Explain by Fig. 105, how the siphon o/oveys water over a hilL 6 122 INTERMITTING SPRINGS. The principle of the siphon has been explained under Fig. 104. INTERMITTING SPRINGS. 471. The action of the siphon depends upon the same prin- ciple as the action of the pump, namely, the pressure of the atmosphere, and, therefore, its explanation properly belongs to Pneumatics. It is introduced here merely for the purpose of illustrating the phenomena of intermitting springs, a subject which belongs to Hydrostatics. Some springs, situated on the sides of mountains, flow, for a while, with great violence, and then cease entirely. After a time they begin to flow again, and then suddenly stop, as be- fore. These are called intermitting springs. Among ignorant and superstitious people, these strange appearances have been attributed to witchcraft, or the influence of some supernatural power. But an acquaintance with the laws of nature will dis- sipate such ill-founded opinions, by showing that they owe their peculiarities to nothing more than natural siphons, existing in the mountains from whence the water flows. FIG. 106. Intermitting Spring. 472. Fig. 106 is the section of a mountain and spring, show- ing how the principle of the siphon operates to produce the effect described. Suppose there is a crevice, or hollow, in the rock from A to B, and a narrow fissure leading from it, in the form of the siphon, B C. The water from the rills F E, 471. What is an intermitting spring 1 472, How is the phenomenon of the inter mitting spring explained 1 HYDRAULICS. 123 filling the hollow, up to the line A D, it will then discharge itself through the siphon, and continue to run until the water is exhausted down to the leg of the siphon B, when it will cease. Then the water from the rills continuing to run until the hollow is again filled up to the same line, the siphon again begins to act, and again discharges the contents of the reservoir as before, and thus the spring P, at oi*e moment flows with great violence and the next moment ceases entirely. 473. The hollow, above the line A D, is supposed not to be filled with the water at all, since the siphon begins to act when- ever the fluid rises up to the bend D. During the dry seasons of the year, it is obvious, that such a spring would cease to flow entirely, and would begin again only when the water from the mountain filled the cavity through the rills. CHAPTER VI. HYDRAULICS. 474. It has been stated, (410,) thai Hydrostatics is that branch of Natural Philosophy, which treats of the weight, pres- sure, and 'equilibrium of fluids, and that Hydraulics has for its object, the investigation of the laws which regulate fluids in motion. If the pupil has learned the principles on which the pres- sure and equilibrium of fluids depend, as explained under the former article, he will now be prepared to understand the laws which govern fluids when in motion. 475. The pressure of water downward, is in the same pro- portion to its height, as is the pressure of solids in the same direction. 476. Suppose a vessel of three inches in diameter has a billet of wood set up in it, so as to touch only the bottom, and sup- pose the piece of wood to be three feet long, and to weigh nine pounds ; then the pressure on the bottom of the vessel will be 472. Explain Fi2. 106, and show the reason why such a spring will flow and cease lo flow, alternately. 474. How does the science of Hydrostatics differ from that of Hydraulics ? 475. Does the downward pressure of water differ from the downward pressure of solids, in proportion 1 476. How is the downward pressure of water illustrated 1 124 HYDRAULICS. nine pounds. If another billet of wood be set on this, of the same dimensions, it will press on its top with the weight of nine pounds, and the pressure at the bottom will be eighteen pounds, and if a like billet be set on this, the pressure at the bottom will be twenty-seven pounds, and so on, in this ratio, to any height the column is carried. Now the pressure cf fluids is in the same proportion; and when confined in pipes, may be considered as one short column set on another, each of which increases the pressure of the lowest, in proportion to their number and height. 477. If a vessel, Fig. 107, be filled FIG - 107 with water,and three apertures be made in its side at E F G, the fluid will be thrown out in jets, falling to the earth in the curved lines shown. The reason why these curves differ in shape, is, that the fluid is act- ed on by two forces, namely,- the pres- sure of the water above the jet, which produces its velocity forward, and the ac- tion of gravity, which impels it downward. It therefore obeys the same laws that solids do when projected forward, and falls down in curved lines, the shapes of which depend on their rela- tive velocities, (246.) 478. The quantity of water discharged, being in proportion to the pressure, when the orifices are the same, that discharged from each orifice will differ in quantity, according to the height of the water above it. 479. It is found, however, that the velocity with which a vessel discharges its contents, does not depend entirely on the pressure, but in part on the kind of orifice through which the liquid flows. It might be expected, for instance, that a tin v^es- Velocity and Gravity. 477. Why do the lines described by the jets from the vessel, Fig. 107, -differ in shape? What two forces act upon the fluid as it is discharged, and how do these forces produce a curved line? 478. In what proportion do the orifices discharge the fluid 7 479. Does th velocity with which a lluid is discharged, depend entirely on thepressuro? HYDRAULICS. 125 sel of a gwen capacity, with an orifice of, say an inch in diam- eter, would part with its contents^ sooner than another of the same capacity and orifice, whose side was an inch or two thick, since the friction through the tin might be considered much less than that presented by the other orifice. 480. But it has been found, by experiment, that the tin ves- sel does not part with its contents so soon as another vessel, of the sarne height and size of orifice, from which the water flowed through a short pipe. And, on varying the length of these pipes, it is found that the most rapid discharge, other circum- stances being equal, is through a pipe, whose length is twice the diameter of its orifice. Such an aperture discharged 82 quarts, in the same time that another vessel of tin, without the pipe, discharged 62 quarts. 481. This surprising difference is accounted for, by supposing that the cross currents, made by the rushing of the water from different directions toward the orifice, mutually interfere with each other, by which the whole is broken, and thrown into con- fusion by the sharp edge of the tin, and hence the water issues in the form of spray, or of a screw, from such an orifice. A short pipe seems to correct this contention among opposing currents, and to smooth the passage of the whole, and hence we may observe, that from such a pipe, the stream is round and well defined. 482. Proportion between the Pressure and the Velocity of Discharge. If a small orifice be made in the side of a vessel filled with any liquid, the liquid will flow out with a force and velocity equal to the pressure which the liquid before exerted on that portion of the side of the vessel before the orifice was made. Now, as the pressure of fluids is as their heights, it follows, that if several such orifices are made, the lowest will discharge the greatest, while the highest will discharge the least quantity of the fluid. The velocity of discharge, in the several orifices of such a vessel, will show a remarkable coincidence between the ratio of increase in the quantity of liquid, and the increased ve- locity of a falling body. 480. What circumstance, besides pressure, facilitates the discharge of water from an orifice ? In a tube discharging water with the greatest velocity, what is the pro- portion between its diameter and its length ] What is the proportion between the quantity of fluid discharged through an orifice of tin and through a short pipe ? 481. How is this difference explained } 482. What are the proportions between the ve- locities of discharge and the heights of the orifices, as above explained 7 126 HYDRAULICS. 483. Thus, if the tall vessel, Fig. 108, of equal dimensions throughout, be filled with the water, and a small orifice be made at one inch from the top, or below the surface, as at 1 ; and another at 2, 4 inches below this ; another at 9 inches ; a fourth at 16 inches ; and a fifth at 25 inches ; then the velocities of discharge, from these several orifices, will be in pro- portion of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 484. To make this more obvious, we will place the expressions of the several velocities in the upper line of the following table, the lower numbers expressing the depths of the several orifices. FIG. 108. -i Velocity of Discharge. Velocity,. ... Depth, ..... 41 51 61 71 81 91 10 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 Thus it appears, as in falling bodies, that to produce a two- fold velocity a fourfold height is necessary. To obtain a three- fold velocity of discharge, a ninefold height is required, and for a fourfold velocity, sixteen times the height, and so in this pro- portion, as shown by the table, (111.) In order to establish the fact, that the velocity with which a liquid spouts from an orifice, is equal to the velocity which a body would acquire in falling unobstructed from the^surface of the liquid to the depth of the orifice, it is only necessary to prove the truth of the principle in any one particular case. Now it is manifestly true, if the orifice be presented down- ward, and the column of fluid over it be of small height, then this indefinitely small column will drop out of the orifice by the mere effect of its own weight, and, therefore, with the same velocity as any other falling body ; but as fluids transmit pres- sure in all directions, the same effect will be produced, whatever may be the direction of the orifice. FRICTION BETWEEN SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 485. The rapidity with which water flows through pipes of the same diameter, is found to depend much on the nature 483. If in Fig. 108. orifices are made at the distance of 1.4, 9, 16, and 25 inches from the top, then in what ratio of velocity will the water be discharged 1 484. How is it proved that the velocity of the spouting liquid is equal to that of a falling body ? 485. Suppose a lead and a glass tube, of the same diameter ; which will deliver the greatest quantity of liquid in the same time 7 Why will a glass tube deliver most 7 SOLIDS AND FLUIDS. 127 of their internal surfaces. Thus a lead pipe, with a smooth aperture, under the same circumstances, will convey much more water than one of wood, where the surface is rough, or beset with points. In pipes, even where the surface is as smooth as glass, there is still considerable friction, for in all cases, the wa- ter is found to pass more rapidly in the middle^f the stream than it does on the outside, where it rubs against the sides of the tube. 486. The sudden turns, or angles of a pipe, are also found to be a considerable obstacle to the rapid conveyance of the water, for such angles throw the fluid into eddies or currents by which its velocity is arrested. In practice, therefore, sudden turns are generally avoided, and where it is necessary that the pipe should change its direction, it is done by means of as large a circle as convenient. 48*7. Water in Pipes. Where it is proposed to convey a certain quantity of water to a considerable distance in pipes, there will be a great disappointment in respect to the quantity actually delivered, unless the engineer takes into account the friction, and the turnings of the pipes, and makes large allow- ances for these circumstances. K the quantity to be actually delivered ought to fill a two-inch pipe, one of three inches will not be too great an allowance, if the water is to be conveyed to any considerable distance. In practice, it will be found that a pipe of two inches in diam- eter, one hundred feet long, will discharge about five times as much water as one of one inch in diameter of the same length, and under the same pressure. 488. This difference is accounted for, by supposing that both tubes retard the motion of the fluid, by friction, at equal dis- tances from their inner surfaces, and consequently that the effect of this cause is much greater in proportion, in a small tube, than in a large one. 489. flowing of Rivers. The effect of friction in retarding the motion "of fluids is perpetually illustrated in the flowing of rivers and brooks. On the side of a river, the water, especially where it is shallow, is nearly still, while in the middle of a stream it may run at the rate of five or six miles an hour. For the same reason, the water at the bottoms of rivers is much less 486. What is said of the sudden turnings of a tube, in retarding the motion of the fluid? 487. How much more water will a two-inch tube of a hundred feet long dis- charge, than a one-inch tube of the same length ? 488. How is this difference ac- counted for ? 489. How do rivers show the effect of friction in retarding the motion of their waters? 128 RAISING WATER. rapid than at the surface. This is often proved by the oblique position of floating substances, which in still water would assume a vertical direction. Thus, suppose the stick of w r ood E, FIG - 109- Fiff. 109, to be loaded at one end with lead, of the sSne diameter as the wood, so as to make it stand upright in still water. In the current of a river, where the lower end nearly reaches the bottom, it will incline as in the figure, because the water is more rapid toward the surface than at the bottom, and hence the tendency of the upper end to move faster than the lower one, gives it an inclination forward. River Current. MACHINES FOR RAISING WATER. 490. The common pump, though a hydraulic machine, de- pends on the pressure of the atmosphere for its effect, and there- fore its explanation comes properly under the article Pneumatics, where the consequences of atmospheric pressure will be illus- trated. Such machines only as raise water without the assistance of the atmosphere, come properly under the present article. 491. ARCHIMEDES' SCREW. Among these, one of the most curious, as well as ancient machines, is the screw of Archimedes, and which was invented by that celebrated philosopher, two hundred years before the Christian era, and then employed for raising water, and draining land in Egypt. 492. It consists of a tube, made of lead, or strong leather, coiled round a cylinder of wood or iron, as represented by Fig. 110. It has a support at each end, turning on gudgeons, the upper end being sometimes furnished with cog-wheels to give a more easy and rapid motion. Both ends are open, the lower one being placed so far under the water as not to allow the orifice to come above the surface in turning ^ the other dis- charges the water in an uninterrupted stream. 493. The angle at which these machines work depends on the manner of winding the tube on the cylinder ; that is, Explain Fig. 109. 490. What is said of the common pump ? 491. Who is said to have been the inventor of Archimedes' screw? When was this screw invented? 492. Explain this machine, as represented in Fig. 110. and show how the water is elevated by turning it. 493. What must be the inclination of this machine 1 RAISING TTATER. 129 FIG. 110. whether the folds touch each other, or are at a distance apart, for it is obvious that if the tube passes only a few times around the support, this must be in nearly a horizontal position to act ; but if the folds nearly touch, as in the figure, it may be placed at an angle of about 50 with the horizon. It will be apparent that the direction of each fold must be toward the horizon, as the screw turns, otherwise the water would not run. This is shown by the figure. This machine, as above stated, is a very ancient invention, but has been re-invented in modern times, and employed in most parts of Europe. It has been constructed in various ways besides that here represented. One was, to cut a spiral groove in a large log of wood, and cover this with metal, leather, or boards, so as to make it hold the water. The screw being thus sunk into the wood, instead of being on the outside, as commonly represented. 494. When it was necessary to raise the water to a great height, a series, one obliquely above the other, were employed, platforms being constructed, with vessels to contain the water, the lower end of the second screw taking that which was eleva- ted by the first ; the third receiving that carried up by the second, and so on. At present we believe this engine is no where used except as a curiosity, there being better means of raising water. 495. This principle is readily illustrated by winding a piece of lead tube round a walking-stick, and then turning the whole with one end in a dish of water, as shown in the figure. 494. How was water raised to great heights by this machine! 495. How may the principle of Archimedes' screw be readily illustrated ? 6* 180 RAISING WATER. Theory of Archimedes 1 Screw. By the following cut and explanation,. the manner in which this machine acts will be un- derstood. 496. Suppose the FIG. in. extremity 1, Fig. Ill, to be presented up- ward, as. in the figure, the screw itself being inclined as represent- ed. Then, from its peculiar form and po- sition, it is evident, that commencing at 1, the screw will de- scend until we arrive at a certain point, 2 ; in proceeding from 2 to 3, it will ascend. Thus, 2 is a point so situated that the parts of the screw on both sides of it ascend, and therefore if any body, as a ball, were placed in the tube at 2, it could not move in either direc- tion without ascending. Again, the point 3 is so situated, that the tube on each side of it descends ; and as we proceed we find another point, 4, which, like 2, is so placed, that the tube on both sides of it ascends, and, therefore, a body placed at 4, could not move without ascending. In like manner, there is a series of other points along the tube, from which it either de- scends or ascends, as is obvious by inspection. Now let us suppose a ball, less in size than the bore of the tube, so as to move freely in it, to be dropped in at 1. As the tube descends from 1 to 2, the ball of course will descend down to 2, where it will remain at rest. Next, suppose the ball to be fastened to the tube at 2, and suppose the screw to be turned nearly half round, so that the end 1 shall be turned downward, and the point 2 brought to the highest point of the curve 1, 2, 3. 497. The last movement of the spiral, it is evident, would so change the positions of the ascending and descending parts, as to -continue the motion upward, but it must be remembered that the water differs from the ball used for illustration, in hav- ing a constant pressure downward, and consequently upward, and that the ascent of the water depends on this property of the action of fluids. 4%. Explain the manner in which a ball would ascend, Fig. Ill, by turning the screw. 497. On what property of fluids does the ascent of the water depend ? RAISING WATER. 131 498. BARKER'S MILL. For the different modes of applying water as a power for driving mills, and other useful purposes, we must refer the reader to works on practical mechanics. There is, however, one method of turning machinery by water, invented by Dr. Barker, which is strictly a philosophical, and, at the same time, a most curious invention, and therefore is properly introduced here. This machine is called Barker's FIG. 112. centrifugal mill, and such parts D of it as are necessary to understand the principle on which it acts are represented by Fig. 112. The upright cylinder A, is a tube which has a funnel-shaped mouth for the admission of the stream of water from the pipe B. This tube is six or eight inches in diameter, and may be from ten to twenty feet long. The arms, N and O, are also tubes communica- ting freely with the upright one, from the opposite sides of which they proceed. The shaft D is firmly fastened to the inside of the tube, openings at the same time being left for the water to pass to the arms O and N. The Centrifugal Mm. lower part of the tube is solid, and turns on a point resting on a block of stone or iron, C. The arms are closed at their ends, near which are the orifices on the sides opposite to each other, so that the water spouting from them will fly in opposite directions. The stream from the pipe B, is regulated by a stop-cock, so as to keep the tube A. constantly full without overflowing. 499. To set this engine in motion, nothing is required but the force of the water, which being let in by the pipe, descends, and spouting from the opposite orifices, the motion immediately begins, and if the main tube is of sufficient length, and kept full of water, it will in a few minutes acquire a whirling velocity which will astonish any one who has not before seen this curious machine. 498. Describe Barker's centrifugal mill, Fig. 112. 499 How is this mill set In motion 7 132 CHAIN PUMP. 500. With respect to the theory of its motion, Euler, Greg- ory, Brande and others, have written ; and it was formerly sup- posed to depend in part on the resistance of the atmosphere, but on trial it is said to revolve most rapidly in a vacuum. It is therefore difficult to explain very clearly on what its motion does depend. Dr. Gregory says, " In this machine the water does not act by its weight, or momentum, but by its centrifugal force, and the reaction that is produced by the flowing of the water on the point immediately behind the orifice of discharge." Dr. Brande says, " The resistance, or reaction generated by the water issuing from the holes, is such as to throw the vertical pipe with its arms and axis into rapid rotatory motion." A model of the running part of this mill may be made by any tinner, for a few shillings, and may be kept in constant mo- tion, as a curiosity, by the waste water from the water ram de- scribed a few pages hence. The shaft may be from two to four feet. in length, and an inch or two in diameter, the arms being one-half or one-third this size. The orifices in the arms must be small, otherwise too much water will be required, the quan- tity discharged being much greater than might be supposed. After a few revolutions, the machine will receive an addi- tional impulse by the centrifugal force generated in the arms, and in consequence of this, a much more violent and rapid dis- charge of the water takes place, than would occur by the pressure of that in the upright tube alone. The centrifugal force, and the force of the discharge thus acting at the same time, and each in- creasing the force of the other, this machine revolves with great ve- locity and proportionate power. The friction which it has to overcome, when compared with that of other machines, is very slight, being chiefly at the point C, where the weight of the upright tube and its contents is sustained. By fixing a cog-wheel to the shaft at D, motion may be given to any kind of machinery required. Where the quantity of water is small, but its height consid- erable, this machine may be employed to great advantage, it being under such circumstances one of the most powerful engines ever invented. CHAIN PUMP. 501. The principle of this machine is ancient, but instead of flat boards, as in Fig. 113, pots, or deep buckets, were em- 500. What is the theory of Barker's mill ? 501. What is said of the antiquity and use of the chain-pump 1 Describe the construction and action of this machine. WATER WHEELS. 133 ployed. Such engines are numerous along the banks of tho Xile, and in Nubia and Hindostan, at the present day. The construction, as well as the action FIG. 113. of the chain-pump, will be understood by the figure. It consists of a number of square pieces of board, or of thin iron, connected together through their centers by iron rods, so that they can have no lateral motion. These rods are fastened to each other by hooks and eyes, thus forming a chain with long links. The ascending side of this chain passes through a square box, to which these pieces or buckets are closely fitted, but not so as to create much friction. The lower wheel, as well as the lower end of the box, must be placed below the surface of the water to be raised. The action of this machine is described in few words. To the upper wheel is attached a crank ; or if large quantities of water are to be raised, as on board of ships, mill work is added, to multiply the motion of the wheel, in order to give the buckets a more rapid ascent through the box. As the end of the box is constantly under the water, every board necessarily carries up a portion in its ascent, and although a single bucket would elevate but a small quantity up to the end of the box, yet as they follow each other in rapid succession, a constant stream is produced, and thus, when the trunk is a foot in diameter, and the power is sufficient, it will be obvious that a large quantity of water may, in a short time, be elevated by this means. 602. Although this machine is called a pump, it will be ob- served that the atmosphere is not concerned in its action. WATER WHEELS. 503. Water wheels generally consist of a drum, or hollow cylinder, revolving on an axis, while the diameter or exterior sui-tace is covered with flat-boards, vanes, or cavities called r/T2. Does the chain-pump act by the pressure of the atmosphere or not 1 503. Of what do all water wheels consist ? How many kinds of water wheels are there, and what are their names 7 134 WATER WHEELS. buckets, upon which the water acts ; first, to give motion to the wheel, and then to machinery. Such wheels are of three kinds, namely : the overshot, undershot, and breast wheels. 504. Overshot Wheel. This wheel of all others, gives the greatest power with the least quantity of water, and is, there- fore, generally used when circumstances will permit, or where there is a considerable fall, with a limited quantity of water. 505. The overshot wheel, Fig. 114, requires a fall equal at least to its own diameter, arid it is custom- ary to give it a greater length than other wheels, that the cells or buckets may contain a large quan- tity of water, for it is chiefly by the weight, and not the momentum of the fluid that this wheel is turned. 506. In its construction, the drum, or circumference is made water-tight, and to this are fixed narrow Overshot Wheel. troughs or buckets, formed of iron, or boards, running the whole length of the drum. The water is conducted by a trough nearly level, and sometimes in width equal to the length of the wheel. It falls into the buckets on the top of the wheel, and hence the name overshot. 507. The buckets are so constructed as to retain the water until the wheel has made about one-third of a revolution from the place of admission, when it escapes as from an inverted ves- sel, and the wheel ascends with empty buckets, while on the opposite side they are filled with water, and thus the revolution is perpetuated. This whole machine and its action are so plain and obvious as to require no particular reference. 508. From the experiments of Mr. Smeaton, it appears, that the fall and quantity of water, and the diameter of the wheel being the same, the overshot, will produce about double the effect of the undershot wheel. 509. Undershot Wheel. This is so called because the water 504. What is the chief advantage of the overshot wheel? 505. Is this wheel turned by the weight or momentum of the water? 506. Describe its construction. 507. What is said of the construction of the buckets? 508. Circumstances being equal, how much gre&ter powe r has the overshot than the undershot wheel? WATER WHEELS. 135 Undershot Wheel. passes under instead of over the circumference, as in that above described. Hence it is moved by the momentum, not the weight of the water. 510. Its construction, as shown by Fig. 115, is dif- ferent from the overshot, since instead of tight buckets to retain the water, it has flat-boards, standing like rays around the circumfer- ence. 511. Thus constructed, this wheel moves equally well whether the water acts on one or the other side cf the boards, and hence is employed for tide- wheels, which turn in one direction when the tide is going out, and in the other when it is coming in. This wheel requires a rapid flow, and a large quantity of wa- ter, to give it an efficient motion. 512. Breast Wheel This wheel, in its construc- tion, or rather in the ap- plication of the moving power, is between the two wheels already described. In this the water, instead of passing over, or entirely under the wheel is deliv- ered in the direction of its center, Fig. 116. This is one of the most common wheels, and is employed where there is not a suffi- cient fall for the construc- tion of the overshot kind. 513. The breast wheel is moved partly by the weight, and partly by the momentum of the water. But notwithstanding this double force, this wheel is greatly inferior to the overshot, 509. Where does the water pass in the undershot wheel? What kind of force moves this wheel ? 510. How does its construction differ from the overshot wheel ? 511. What is a tide-wheel? 512. How does the breast wheel differ from the overshot and undershot wheels \ Where does the water strike this wheel? 513. By what power is the breast wheel moved ? Why is this wheel inferior to the overshot 1 FIG. 116. Breast Wheel. 136 WATER WHEELS. in effect, not only because the lever power is diminished by the smaller diameter, but also on account of the great waste of wa- ter which always attends the best constructed wheels of this kind. 514. General Remarks. In order to allow any of the above wheels to act with freedom, and to their fullest power, it is ab- solutely necessary that the water which is discharged, at the bottom of the wheel should have a wide and uninterrupted passage to run away, for whenever this is not the case it ac- cumulates and forms a resistance to the action of the buckets or flat- boards, and thus subtracts just so much from the velocity and power of the machine. 515. HYDRAULIC, OR WATER RAM. This beautiful engine was invented by Montgolfier, a Frenchman, (and the same who first ascended in a balloon,) in about 1796. FIG. 117. Hydraulic or Water Ram, The .form and construction of this useful machine, which is very simple in all its- parts, will be understood by Fig. 117. Suppose the pipe A, comes from a spring, elevated a few feet above the horizontal line B, and that it conveys a constant stream of water. At the termination of this pipe, there is a valve, called a spindle valve, capable of closing its orifice when drawn upward ; on the spindle t, are several small weights, by which the valve is made to drop down and remain open when the water is still ; the weight of the whole being so nicely ad- justed, that the movement of the running water will elevate it 514. What cautions are necessary in order to permit any of the wheels described to produce their full effects? 515. Who invented the hydraulic, or water ram 7 Ex- plain its construction by Fig. 117. WATER WHEELS. 18Y to its place, ana thus stop the discharge. The weight of this valve, a nice point in the construction of the machine, must be just sufficient to make it rise by the force of the stream, and sink again when the water ceases to flow, thus rising and falling, and in effect causing the Laid to stop for an instant, and then renew its motion. 516. Now water in motion acquires a momentum in propor- tion to the length of the column, and the height of the source, and when in action exerts a force equal to that of a solid body of the same length and gravity, pressing downward from the same elevation. The inelasticity of the fluid gives it the prop- erty of acquiring motion through the whole length of a tube elevated at one extremity, whenever only a small portion is allowed to escape by its own pressure. Hence, when the valve opens by dropping down, all the water in the pipe, however long it may be, instantly moves forward to supply the place of that which has thus escaped ; and if the pipe is long and the fountain high, ordinary metallic conductors are burst asunder by the shock whenever the stream is interrupted. It is on these principles of the force of water, that the Hydraulic Ram is founded ; for when the stream is stopped by the rising of the valve, as already explained, an outlet is provided by another valve, u, opening upward into an air vessel, having a discharg- ing .pipe, x, and consequently when the spindle valve, , is closed, this valve instantly opens, and the water is thrown with great force into the air vessel, and through the discharging pipe to the place where it is wanted. The stream being thus inter- rupted, and the water becoming still under the lower valve, this instantly opens by falling down, thus allowing the fluid to dis- charge itself at.r, when the motion again raises the valve, and it is stopped, the valve u being raised for its escape as before ; and thus this curious machine, if well constructed, will act with no other power or help, but a little stream of water, for weeks or months. 517. This engine affords the most efficient, cheap, and con- venient means of raising water, for ornamental or farming pur- poses, ever invented. A spring on a hill near the house, or a running brook with an elevation of a few feet, is all the power required to supply an abundance of water for any private, or even public establishment. Mr. Millington, who erected many 516. On what does the momentum of water in a tube depend 1 What is said of the motion of the water in the tube 7 517. What is said of the economy and convenience of the water ram 7 To what heights will it throw water in proportion to the falll 140 PNEUMATICS. 52 Y. Expansion of the Air. On the contrary, when the usual pressure of the atmosphere is removed from a portion of air, it expands and occupies a space larger than before ; and it is found by experiment, that this expansion is in a ratio, as the removal of the pressure is more or less cohiplete. Air also ex- pands or increases in bulk, when heated. 528. If the stop-cock, C, Fig. 118, Be opened, the piston, A, may be pushed down with ease, because the air contained in the barrel will be forced out at the aperture. Suppose the pis- ton to be pushed down to within an inch of the bottom, and then the stop-cock closed, so that no air can enter below it. Now, on drawing the piston up to the top of the barrel, the inch of air will expand and fill the whole space, and were this space a thousand times as large, it would still be filled with the expanded air, because the piston removes the pressure of the external atmosphere from that within the barrel. 529. It follows, therefore, that the space which a given por- tion of air occupies, depends entirely on circumstances. If it is under pressure, its bulk will be diminished in exact proportion ; and as the pressure is removed, it will expand in proportion, so as to occupy a thousand, or even a million times as much space as before. 530. Weight of Air. Another property which air possesses is weight, or gravity. This property, it is obvious, must be slight, when compared with the weight of other bodies. But that air has a certain degree of gravity in common with other ponderous substances, is proved by direct experiment. Thus if the air be pumped out of a close vessel, and then the vessel be exactly weighed, it will be found to weigh more when the air is again admitted. 531. Pressure of the Atmosphere. It is, however, the weight of the atmosphere which presses on every part of the earth's surface, and in which we live and move, as in an ocean, that here particularly claims our attention. The pressure of the atmosphere may be easily shown by the tuba and piston, Fig. 119. Suppose there is an orifice to be opened or closed by the valve B, as the piston A is moved up or down in its barrel. The valve being fastened by a hinge on the upper side, on 526. In what proportion ti the force employed is the bulk of air lessened 1 527. In what proportion will a quantity of air increase in bulk as the pressure is removed from it? 528. How is this illustrated by Fig. 118! 529. On what circumstances, therefore, will the bulk of a given portion of air depend ? 530. How is it proved that air has weight ? 531. Explain in what manner the pressure of the atmosphere is shown by Fig. 119. PNEUMATICS. 141 pushing the piston aown, it will open by the pres- FIG - 119 - sure of the air against it, and the air will make its escape. But when the piston is at the bottom of the barrel, on attempting to raise it again, to- ward the top, the valve is closed by the force of the external air acting upon it. 532. If, therefore, the piston be drawn up in this state, it must be against the pressure of the atmosphere, the whole weight of which, to an ex- tent equal to the diameter of the piston, must be lifted, while there will remain a vacuum or void space below it in the tube. 533. If the piston be only three inches in diam- eter, it will require the full strength of a man to draw it to the top of the barrel, and when raised, if suddenly let go, it will be* forced back again by the weight of the air, and will strike the bottom with great violence. 534. Supposing the surface of a man to be equal to 14-J- square feet, and allowing the 'pressure on each square inch to be 15 Ibs., such a man would sustain a pressure on his whole surface equal to nearly 14 tons. Now, that it is the weight of the atmosphere which presses the piston down, is proved by the fact, that if its diam- eter be enlarged, a greater force, in exact proportion, will be required to raise it. And further, if when the piston is drawn to the top of the tube, a stop-cock, as at Fig. 118, be opened, and the air admitted under it, the piston will not be forced down in the least, because then the air will press as much on the under, as on the upper side of the piston. 535. By accurate experiments, an account of which it is not necessary here to detail, it is found that the weight of the at- mosphere on every square inch of the surface of the earth is equal to fifteen pounds. If, then, a piston working air-tight in a barrel, be drawn up from its bottom, the force employed, be- sides the friction, will be just equal to that required to lift the same piston, under ordinary circumstances, with a weight laid on it equal to fifteen pounds for every square inch of surface. 536. The number of square inches in the surface of a piston 532. The force pressing on the piston, when drawn up.ward. is sometimes called suction. 533. Huw is it proved that it is the weight of the atmosphere, instead of suction, which makes the piston rise with difficulty ? 534. What is the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of a man ? 535. What is the pressure of the atmos- phere on every square inch of surface on the earth ? 536. What is the number of square inches in a circle of one foot in diameter? What is the weight of the atmos- phere on the surface of afoot in diameter? 142 AIR PUMP. of a foot in diameter, is 113. This being multiplied by the weight of the air on each inch, which, being 1 5 pounds, is equal to 1695 pounds. Thus the air constantly presses on every sur- face, which is equal to the dimensions of a circle one foot in diameter, with a weight of 1695 pounds. 537. The air pump is an engine by ivhich the air can be pumped out of a vessel, or withdrawn from it. The vessel so exhausted, is called a receiver, and the space thus left in the vessel, after withdrawing the air, is called a vacuum. Tjie principles on which the air pump is constructed are readily understood, and are the same in all instruments of this ^ind, though the form of the instrument itself is often consider- ably modified. 539. The general principles of its FIG. 120. construction will be comprehended by an explanation of Fig. 120. Jn this figure let R be a glass vessel, or receiver, closed at the top, and open at the bottom, standing on a per- fectly smooth surface, which is called the plate of the air pump. Through the plate is an aperture, which com- municates with the inside of the re- ceiver, and the barrel of the pump. The piston-rod works air-tight Air Pump. through the barrel. At the extrem- ity of the barrel, there is a valve which opens upward, and is closed as the piston rises. 539. Now suppose the piston to be drawn up, it will then leave a free communication between the receiver R, through the orifice to the pump-barrel in which the piston works. Then if the piston be forced down, it will compress the air in the barrel between V and V, and, in consequence, the valve E will be opened, and the air so condensed will be forced out. On draw- ing the piston up again, the valve will be closed, and the ex- ternal air not being permitted to enter, a partial vacuum will be formed in the barrel, from V to V. When the piston rises again, the air contained in the glass vessel, together with that 537. What is an air pump 1 538. Give the names of the different parts of the air pump by Fig. 120. 539. Show the manner in which the air pump works to produce a vacuum. AIR PUMP. 148 in the passage between the vessel and the pump-barrel, will rush in to fill the vacuum. Thus, there will be less air in the whole space, and consequently in the receiver, than at first, be- cause all that contained in he barrel is forced out at every stroke of the piston. On repeating the same process, that is drawing up and forcing down the piston, the air at each time in the receiver will become less and less in quantity, and, in conse- quence, more and more rarefied. For it must be understood, that although the air is exhausted at every stroke of the pump, that which remains, by its elasticity, expands, and still occupies the whole space. The quantity forced out at each successive stroke is therefore diminished, until, at last, it no longer has sufficient force before the piston to open the valve, when the exhausting power of the instrument must cease entirely. 540. Now it will be obvious, that as the exhausting power of the air pump depends on the expansion of the air within it, a perfect vacuum can never be formed by its means, for so long as exhaustion takes place, there must be air to be forced out, and when this becomes so rare as not to force open the valves, then the process must end. DOUBLE-ACTING AIR PUMP. 541. The double air pump has two similar barrels to that above described, and therefore the process of exhaustion is per- formed in half the time. This is represented by Fig. 121, where P P are the cylinders of brass, in which the pistons work, and of which V V are the valves. The piston rods, E E, are toothed to correspond with the teeth of the wheel W, which is worked by the crank D. The exhausting tube T, also of brass, opens by the valves V V, into the cylinders. This has a stop-cock, C, to prevent the ingress of air after the vacuum is made, in case the pistons leak. The receiver, R, is of glass, ground to fit, air-tight, to the plate of brass on which it stands. The exhausting tube opens at O, into the interior of the receiver. The barometer tube H, at its upper end opens into this tube, while at the lower end, M, it is inserted into a cup of mercury. 542. The barometer tube is designed to show the degree of exhaustion, in the receiver, with which it communicates, as shown in the figure. As the exhaustion proceeds, the external 540. Will the air pump form a perfect vacuum"? Why not ? 541. Name the sev- eral parts of the double-acting air pump by Fig. 121, and show how it works. 642. What is the use of the barometer tube, as applied to the air pump! 144 AIR PUMP. FIG. 121, Double-Acting Air Pump. air, pressing on the mercury in the cup, elevates that in the tube, in proportion to the rarety of the air in the receiver. Action. The manner in which the double pump acts, is ex- actly similar to the single one, only that it has two barrels, or cylinders, instead of one. It is, therefore, unnecessary to repeat the explanation given under the last figure. 543. External View of the Air Pump. Having explained the principles and action of the air pump, by figures showing its interior construction, we here present the student with an external view, Fig. 122, of the whole machine. 544. It is a small single-barrel pump, those with more bar- rels being of course more complex in structure, and less easily understood. The barrel, A, is seven inches high and two in diameter ; the plate, K, is eight inches in diameter ; the piston rod, B, works air-tight by means of the packing screw J, which is fitted to the barrel case, I. The piston is kept perpendicular by the guide E, through which it works; the fulcrum prop, H, is eighteen inches high, and the parallel roas, D, connect the piston rod and cross-head, C, with the lever. The dome cap, I, contains a valve opening upward, for the escape of the air when the piston rises, This is the only valve in this pump, except that in the piston, which, as already shown, opens to admit the expanded air from the receiver, and force it 544. Explain all parts of the air pump by Fig. 122. 145 Single-Barrel Air Pump. out at the upper valve. To the dome cap, above the valve, is fitted a curved tube, leading to the cistern, F ; its use is to re- ceive the waste oil which may escape from that used to lubricate the piston. Th globular bell -glass, or receiver, L, is fitted by grinding to the brass plate on which it stands ; the barometer gauge, G. contains mercury, and communicates with the tube leading from the barrel to the receiver ; this shows by its scale what proportion of air is exhausted from the receiver ; within the receiver there is seen a protuberance, showing the end of the exhausting tube, and into which may be screwed receivers or tubes for various experiments. 545. UPWARD ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. The atmosphere, as we have seen, presses in every direction. Its upward pressure is shown by the apparatus, Fig. 123. It consists of a hand air pump, a, with a valve opening up- ward, not shown. This pump is attached to a cylinder of larger size, 6, in which is the piston, c, to which a 56-lb. weight is attached by a cord. This piston must be air-tight, and at the 645. Describe Fig. 123, and show how the weight is elevated and sustained. 7 146 AIR PUMP. Upward Atmospheric Pressure. lower part of the cylinder when FIG. 123. the experiment begins. Now, on working the pump, a vacu- um is formed between the pis- tons in the cylinder 6, and con- sequently the pressure of the air on the under part of c, the cylinder being open, forces it upward, drawing the weight with it. On admitting the air into the large cylinder, from above, the weight instantly de- scends, showing that it is the pressure of the atmosphere from below which sustained the weight. 546. I. If a withered apple be placed under the receiver, and the air is exhausted, the apple will swell and become plump, in consequence of the expansion of the air which it contains within the skin. II. Ether, placed in the same situation, soon begins to boil without the influence of heat, because its particles, not having the pressure of the atmosphere to force them together, fly off with so much rapidity as to produce ebullition. III. If a bladder partly filled with air, and the neck well se- cured, has the external air exhausted, that within will so expand as to burst the membrane. IV. If a flask partly filled with water, be placed, with its neck in a jar of the same fluid, under the receiver, the rarefied air within the flask will drive the water out, but it will rush in again when the air is again let into the receiver. V. If a burning taper be placed under it, the flame soon ceases for want of oxygen to support it. For the same reason no light is seen from the collision of flint and steel in a vacuum. VI. If a bell be struck under the receiver, the sound will grow faint as the air is exhausted, until it is no longer audible. See Acoustics. 547. Magdeburgh Hemispheres. One of the most striking 546. Why does an apple placed in the exhausted receiver grow plump ? Why does ether boil in the same situation? Why does flame cease in a vacuum? Why is a bell inaudible in a vacuum 1 547. Describe the Magdeburgh hemispheres. AIR PUMP. 147 illustrations of atmospheric pressure is FIG. 124. made by means of the before named in- strument, Fig. 124. It consists of two hemispheres of brass, A and B, fitted to each other by grinding, so that when put together they perfectly exclude the air. AYlien put together without preparation, or in the usual manner, they hold no stronger than the parts of a snuff-box; but when the air is exhausted from within, it will take two strong men, if the diam- eter of the hemispheres are six inches, to pull them apart. The air is exhausted by unscrewing the lower handle and connect- ing that part with the exhausting tube of the air pump, and then by turning the key its return is prevented. 548. The amount of force required to separate them, will of course depend on their diameter and may be calculated by Ma s^ur g h Hemisphere* estimating the pressure to be equal to fif- teen pounds for every square inch of surface, this, as we have seen, (536,) being the pressure of the atmosphere. 549. The same principle is involved FIG. 125. when a piece of wet leather, with a string in the center, is pressed on a smooth stone, and then pulled by the string. 550. EXPANSION FOUNTAIN. A very pretty experiment is made, with the air pump, by means of the apparatus, Fig. 125. It consists of two glass globes, the upper one, a, being open at the top, and furnished with a stop-cock and jet tube, reaching nearly to the bottom of the lower globe. The lower one, being nearly filled with some colored liquid, the upper one, with the jet, is screwed to it, as Seen in the fio-urei. Expansion fountain. 548. What is the force required to pull them apart 1 549. Why does a piece of wet leather adhere to a smooth surface! 550. Explain in what manner the fluid in the globes is made to rise, or fall, at pleasure. 146 AIR PU1AP. Upward Atmospheric Pressure. lower part of the cylinder when FIG. 123. the experiment begins. Now, on working the pump, a vacu- um is formed between the pis- tons in the cylinder 6, and con- sequently the pressure of the air on the under part of c, the cylinder being open, forces it upward, drawing the weight with it. On admitting the air into the large cylinder, from above, the weight instantly de- scends, showing that it is the pressure of the atmosphere from below which sustained the weight. 546. I. If a withered apple be placed under the receiver, and the air is exhausted, the apple will swell and become plurnp, in consequence of the expansion of the air which it contains within the skin. II. Ether, placed in the same situation, soon begins to boil without the influence of heat, because its particles, not having the pressure of the atmosphere to force them together, fly off with so much rapidity as to produce ebullition. III. If a bladder partly filled with air, and the neck well se- cured, has the external air exhausted, that within will so expand as to burst the membrane. IV. If a flask partly filled with water, be placed, with its neck in a jar of the same fluid, under the receiver, the rarefied air within the flask will drive the water out, but it will rush in again when the air is again let into the receiver. V. If a burning taper be placed under it, the flame soon ceases for want of oxygen to support it. For the same reason no light is seen from the collision of flint and steel in a vacuum. VI. If a bell be struck under the receiver, the sound will grow faint as the air is exhausted, until it is no longer audible. See Acoustics. 547. MagdelurgJi Hemispheres. One of the most striking 546. Why does an apple placed in the exhausted receiver grow plump ? Why does (ether boil in the same situation 1 Why does flame cease in a vacuum 1 Why is a bell inaudible in a vacuum 1 547. Describe the Magdcburgb. hemispheres. AIR PUMP. 147 illustrations of atmospheric pressure is FIG. 134. made by means of the before named in- strument, Fig. 124. It consists of two hemispheres of brass, A and B, fitted to each other by grinding, so that when put together they perfectly exclude the air. AVlien put together without preparation, or in the usual manner, they hold no stronger than the parts of a snuff-box; but when the air is exhausted from within, it will take two strong men, if the diam- eter of the hemispheres are six inches, to pull them apart. The air is exhausted by unscrewing the lower handle and connect- ing that part with the exhausting tube of the air pump, and then by turning the key its return is prevented. 548. The amount of force required to separate them, will of course depend on their diameter and may be calculated by Ma debur sk Hemisphere* estimating the pressure to be equal to fif- teen pounds for every square inch of surface, this, as we have seen, (536,) being the pressure of the atmosphere. 549. The same principle is involved FIG. 125. when a piece of wet leather, with a string in the center, is pressed on a smooth stone, and then pulled by the string. 550. EXPANSION FOUNTAIN. A very pretty experiment is made, with the air pump, by means of the apparatus, Fig. 125. It consists of two glass globes, the upper one, a, being open at the top, and furnished with a stop-cock and jet tube, reaching nearly to the bottom of the lower globe. The lower one, being nearly filled with some colored liquid, the upper one, with the jet, is screwed to it, as Seen in the fio*UrU Expansion Fountain. 548. What is the force required to pull them apart 1 549. Why does a piece of wet leather adhere to a smooth surface! 550. Explain in what manner the fluid in the globes is made to rise, or fall, at pleasure. 148 CONDENSER. Thus prepared, they are placed under the receiver of the air pump, and as the air is exhausted, that contained in the lower- globe expands, and forces the liquid through the tube into the upper globe. On admitting the air into the receiver, the fluid again returns into the lower one, and this may be repeated any number of times, affording a very interesting experiment. THE CONDENSER. FIG. 126. 551. The opera tion of the condenser is the reverse of that of the air pump, and is a much more simple machine. The air pump, as we have just seen, will deprive a vessel of its ordinary quan- tity of air. The condenser, on the contrary, will double or treble the ordinary quantity of air in a close vessel, according to the force employed. This instrument, Fig. 126, consists of a pump- barrel and piston, A, a stop-cock B, and the vessel C, furnished with a valve opening downward. The orifice, D, is to admit the air, when the pis- ton is drawn up to the top of the barrel. 552. To describe its action, let the piston be above D, the orifice being open, and therefore the instrument filled with air, of the same density as the external atmosphere. Then, on forcing the piston down, the air in the pump-barrel, below the orifice D, will be compressed, and will rush through the stop-cock, B, into the vessel C, where it will be retained, because, on again moving the piston upward, the elasticity of the air will close the valve through which it was forced. On draw- ing the piston up again, another portion of air will rush in at the orifice D, and on forcing it clown, this will also be driven into the vessel C ; and this process may be continued as long as sufficient force is applied to move the piston, or there is sufficient strength in the vessel to retain the air. "When the condensation is finished, the stop-cock B may be turned, to render the confinement of the air more secure. 553. AIR GUN. The magazines of air guns formerly con- sisted of a copper ball, which after being charged with condensed air, was screwed to the barrel, presenting an unseemly and in- Condenser. 551. How does the condenser differ from the air pump ? 552. Explain Fig. 126, and show in what manner the air is condensed. 553. Explain the principle of the air gun. CONDENSER. 149 convenient appendage. That here described, TO - 127 - is a more recent and greatly improved inven- tion. In this, the breach of the gun is made of copper, and without much increasing the size, answers for the magazine, while the barrel serves as the tube of the condenser. 554. At A, Fig. 127, the barrel is screwed on to the breach, in which the air is condensed, by means of the piston, rod, and handle, as shown by the figure. The piston is then withdrawn, the condensed air being prevented from escape by the valve, opening outward, as shown by the figure. The ball being introduced, is fired by pull- ing back the trigger, which opens the valve, and allows a portion of the air to escape. The velocity and force of the ball will de- pend on the amount of condensation in the magazine, and the smaller the tube and piston by which this is made, the greater of course will be the density of the confined air, and the more powerful the force by which the ball is impelled. Where the piston is no more than half or three quarters of an inch in diameter, it is said the ball will have a force not much short of that of a musket-shot. 555. Bottle Imp. A curious philosophical toy, called the Bottle Imp, shows in a very striking manner the effects of condensing a small portion of air. Procure a glass jar, with a neck, as represented by Fig. 128, also a piece of India rubber, and a string to secure it over the mouth of the jar, so that it shall be perfectly air-tight. Next, take a piece of glass tube, about three-eighths of an inch in diameter, and with a file cut off pieces an inch long, and into one end of each put a cork stopper of such size as to make most of the cork swim on the surface when the tube is placed in the water. The tubes must now be partly filled with water, so that they will just balance themselves in the fluid without sinking, the air remaining in their upper halves. Having prepared the tubes with their corks in this manner, Air Gun. 554. With what force will the air gun fhrow a ball 1 555. Explain the manner of constructing the bottle imp. 150 BAROMETER. FIG. 128. and placed them in the jar nearly filled with water, tie on the rubber cap with a good long string, so that no air can escape, and this little apparatus is finished. Now press upon the rubber with the hand, and the floating tubes will immediately begin to de- scend, and will strike the bottom of the jar, one . after the other, with an audible stroke, and will rise again when the pressure ceases. Many a philosophical head, on seeing this ex- periment for the first time, has been puzzled to assign any cause why these little objects should fall and rise in this manner, the hand not going near them, there being several inches of air between the cap and the water. 556. The explanation will be obvious on setting the jar between the light and the eye, and watch- Bottle imp. ing a tube when the pressure is made, for the wa- ter will be seen to rise in it at the moment it begins to fall, and sink again as it rises. The pressure of the hand is transmitted through the elastic rubber and air, to the water, and so to the air in the tube, which being thus condensed, takes in more wa- ter than its buoyancy can sustain, and it sinks rising again when the air is allowed to expand, and drive" out the water. BAROMETER. 55*7. The Barometer is an instrument which, by means of a column of mercury in a glass tube, shows, by its elevation and depression, the different degrees of atmospheric pressure. 558. Suppose A, Fig. 129, to be a long tube, with the piston B so nicely fitted to its inside, as to work air-tight. If the lower end of the tube be dipped into water, and the piston drawn up by pulling at the handle C, the water will follow the piston so closely, as to be in contact with its surface, and ap- parently to be drawn up by the piston, as though the whole was one solid body. If the tube be thirty-five fejet long, the water will continue to follow the piston, until it comes to the height of about thirty-three feet, where it will stop. 559. If the piston be drawn up still further, the water will 556. Explain the reason why the floats in the water imp are influenced by the pres- sure 557. What is the barometer ? 558. Supi ose the tube, Fitf. 129, to stand with its lower end in the water, and the piston A to be drawn upward thirty five feet, how far will the water follow the piston 1 559. What will remain in the tibe between the piston and the water, after the piston rises higher than thirty-three teet 1 BAROMETER. 151 FIG. 129. m not follow it, but will remain stationary, the space from this height, between the piston and the water, being left a void space or vacuum. 560. The rising of the water in the above case, which only involves the principle of the common pump, is thought by some to be caused by suction, the piston sucking up the water as it is drawn upward. But according to the common notion attached to this term, there .is no reason why the water should not continue to rise above the" thirty-three feet, or why the power of suc- tion should cease at that point, rather than at any other. 561. Without entering into any discussion on the absurd notions concerning this power, it is sufficient here to state, that it has long since been proved, that the elevation of the water, in the case 'above described, depends entirely on the weight and pressure of the atmosphere on that portion of the fluid which is on the outside of the tube. Hence, when the piston is drawn up under circumstances where the air can not act on the water around the tube, or pump- barrel, no elevation of the fluid will follow. 562. If an atmospheric pump, or even the suction-hose of a fire engine, be inserted into the side of a tight cask filled with fluid, all the force of what is called suction may be exerted by the pump or engine in vain ; for the liquid will not rise until an aperture, admitting the atmosphere, is made in some part of the cask. It may be objected that wells, though covered several feet deep with earth, still admit water to be drawn from them by pumps, with all the facility of those which are open. But it must be remembered that the ground is porous, admitting the atmosphere to an unknown depth from the surface, and hence wells can not be covered by any common means so as to ex- clude sufficient atmospheric pressure for the purpose in question. That the pump will not raise water without the influence of the atmosphere, will be seen by the following experiment. 503. Proof that the Pump acts by External Pressure. Suppose Fig. 130 to be the sections or halves, of two tubes, one 560. What is commonly supposed to make the water rise in such cases'? Is there any reason why the suction should cease at thirty-three feet ? 561. What is the true cause of the elevation of the water, when the piston, Fig. 129, is drawn up > 562. Will the suction-hose of a fire-engine raise water from a tight cask 7 152 BAROMETER. within the other, the outer one being made en- tirely close, so as to admit no air, and the space between the two being also made air-tight at the top. Suppose, also, that the inner tube being left open at the lower end, does not reach the bottom of the outer tube, and thus that an open space be left between the two tubes every where, except at their upper ends, where they are fastened to- gether ; and suppose that there is a valve in the piston, opening upward, so as to let the air which it contains escape, but which will close on draw- ing the piston upward. Now, let the piston be at A, and in this state pour water through the stop-cock, C, until the inner tube is filled up to the piston, and the space between the two tubes filled up to the same point, and then let the stop- cock be closed. If now the piston be drawn up to the top of the tube, the water will not follow it, as in the case of Fig. 129 ; it will only rise a few inches, in consequence of the elasticity of the air above the water, between the tubes, and in the space above the water, there will be formed a vacuum between the water and the piston, in the inner tube. The reason why the result of this experiment differs from that before described, is, that the outer tube prevents the pressure of the atmosphere from forcing the water up the tube as th piston rises. This may be instantly proved, by opening the stop-cock C, and permitting the air to press upon the water, when it will be found, that as the air rushes in, the water will rise and fill the vacuum,' up to the piston. 564. For the same reason, if a common pump be placed in a cistern of water, and the water is frozen over on its surface, so that no air can press upon the fluid, the piston of the pump might be worked in vain, for the water would not, as. usual, obey its motion. , 565. It follows, as a certain conclusion from such experi- ments, that when the lower end of a tube is placed in water, and the air from within removed by drawing up the piston, that it is the pressure of the atmosphere on the water around 563. How is it shown by Fig. 130. that it is the pressure of the atmosphere wh'ch causes the water to rise in the pump-barrel ? 564. Suppose the ice prevents the at mosplvre from pressing on the water in a vessel, can the water be pumped out ? 665. What conclusion follows from the experiments above described? BAROMETER. 153 the tube, which forces the fluid up to fill the space thus left by the air. 566. It is also proved, that the weight, or pressure of the at- mosphere, is equal to the weight of a perpendicular column of water 33 feet high, for it is found (Fig. 129) that the pressure of the atmosphere will not raise the water more than 33 feet, though a perfect vacuum be formed to any height above this point 567. Experiments on other fluids, prove -that this is the weight of the atmosphere, for if the end of the tube be dipped in any fluid, and the air be removed from the tube, above the fluid, it will rise to a greater or less height than water, in pro- portion as its specific gravity is less, or greater than that fluid. 568. Mercury, or quicksilver, has a specific gravity of about 13 times greater than that of water, and mercury is found to rise about 29 inches in a tube under the same circumstances that water rises 33 feet. Xow, 33 feet is 396 inches, which being divided by 29, gives nearly 13-^, so that mercury being 13-J- times heavier than water, the water will rise under the same pressure 13- times higher than the mercury. 569. Construction of the Barometer. The barometer is constructed on the princi- ple of atmospheric pressure. This term is compounded of two Greek words, baros, weight, and metron, measure, the instrument being designed to measure the weight of the atmosphere. Its construction is simple and easily un- derstood, being m4My a tube of glass, nearly filled with mercury, with its lower end placed in a dish of the same fluid, and the upper end furnished with a scale, to measure the height of the mercury. 570. Let A, Fig. 131, be such a tube, thirty-four or thirty-five inches long, closed at one end, and open at the other. To fill the tube, set it upright, and pour the mer- cury in at the open end, and when it is en- tirely full, place the fore-finger forcibly on FIG. 131. Barometer. 566. How is it proved that the pressure of the atmosphere is equal to the weight of a column of water 33 feet hisrh ? 567. How do experiments on other fluids show that the pressure of the atmosphere is equal to the weight of a column of water 33 feet hijih } 563. How hish does mercury rise in an exhausted tube? How does the height of mercury in the barometer indicate that of water I 7* 154 BAROMETER. this end, and then plunge the tube and finger under the surface of the mercury, before prepared in the cup, B. Then withdraw the finger, taking care that in doing this, the end of the tube is not raised above the mercury in the cup. When the finger i* removed, the mercury will descend four or five inches, and after several vibrations, up and down, will rest at an elevation of 29 or 30 inches above the surface of that in the cup, as at C. Having fixed a scale to the upper part of the tube, to indicate the rise and fall of the mercury, the barometer would be fin- ished, if intended to remain stationary. It is usual, however, to have the tube inclosed in a mahogany or brass case, to prevent its breaking, and to have the cup closed at the top, and fastened to the tube, so that it can be transported without danger of spilling the mercury. 571. Cup of the Portable Barometer. The cup of the port- able barometer also differs from that described, for were the mercury inclosed on all sides, in a cup of wood, or brass, the air would be prevented from acting upon it, and therefore the in- strument would be useless. To remedy this defect, and still have the mercury perfectly inclosed, the bottom of the cup is made of leather, which, being elastic, the pressure of the atmos- phere acts upon the mercury in the same manner as though it was not inclosed at all. 572. Below the leather bottom, there is a round plate of metal, an ift^.in diameter, which is fixed on the top of a screw, so that when the instrument is to be transported, by elevating this piece of metal, the mercury is thrown up to the top of the tube, and thus kept from playing backward ^jid forward, when the barometer is in motion. 573. A person not acquainted with the principles of this in- strument, on seeing the tube turned bottom upward, will be perplexed to understand why the mercury does not follow the common law of gravity, and descend into the cup ; were the tube of glass 33 feet high, and filled with water, the lower end being dipped into a tumbler of the same fluid, the wonder would be still greater. But as philosophical facts, one is no more wonderful than the other, and both are readily explained by th<> principles above illustrated. 569. What is the principle on which the barometer is constructed ? 570. Describe the construction of the barometer, as represented by Fig. 131. 571. How is the cup of the portable barometer made so as to retain the mercury, and still allow the air to press upon it ? 572. What is the use of the metallic plate and screw, under the bot- tom of the cup ? 573. Explain the reason why the mercury does not fall out of the barometer tube when its open end is downward. BAROMETER. 155 574. WATER BAROMETER. It has already been shown, (563,) that it is the pressure of the atmosphere on the fluid around the tube, bv which the fluid within it is forced upward, when the pump is exhausted of* its air. The pressure of the air, we have also seen, is equal to a column of water 33 feet high, or of a column of mercury 29 inches high. Suppose, then, a tube 33 feet high is filled with water, the air would then be entirely excluded, and were one of its ends closed, and the other end dipped in water, the effect would be the same as though both ends were closed, for the water would not escape, unless the air was permitted to rush in and fill up its place. The upper end being closed, the air could gain no access in that direction, and 'the open end being under water, is equally secure. The quan- tity of water in which the end of the tube is placed, is not essen- tial, since the pressure of a column of water, an inch in diameter, provided it be 33 feet high, is just equal to a column of air of an inch in diameter, of the whole height of the atmosphere. Hence the wnter on the outside of the tube serves merely to guard against the entrance of the external air. 575. The same happens to the barometer tube, when filled with mercurv. The mercury, in the first place, fills the tube perfectly, and therefore entirely excludes the air, so that when it is inverted in the cup or cistern, all the space above 29 inches is left a vacuum. The same effect precisely would be produced, were the tube exhausted of its air, and the open end placed in the cup ; the mercury would run up the tube 29 inches, and then stop, all above that point being left a vacuum. 576. The mercury, therefore, is prevented from falling out of the tohpi, by the pressure of the atmosphere on that which remains in the cistern ; for if this be removed, the air will enter, while the mercury will instantly begin to descend. This is called the Cistern barometer. 577. WHEEL BAROMETER. In the common barometer, the' rise and fell of the mercury is indicated by a scale of inches, and tenths of inches, fixed behind the tube ; but it has been found that vpry slight variations in the density of the atmosphere are not readily perceived by this method. It being, however, de- sirable that these minute changes sh'ould be rendered more obvious, a contrivance for increasing the scale, called the wheel barometer, was invented. 574. How high does the fluid stand in the water barometer 7 575. What fills the space above 29 inches, in the barometer tube? 576. What prevents the mercury from falling out of the barometer tube! 577. In the common barometer, how is the rise and fall of the mercury indicated ? Why was the wheel barometer invented 1 156 BAROMETER. 578. The whole length of the tube of the wheel barometer, Fig. 132, from C to A, is 34 or 35 inches, and it is filled with mercury, as usual. The mercury rises in the short leg to the point o, where there is a small piece of glass floating on its surface, to which there is attached a silk string, passing over th.e pul- ley p. To the axis of the pulley is fixed an index, or hand, and behind this is a graduated circle, as seen in the figure. It is obviouS, that a very slight variation in the height of the mercury at o, will be indicated by a considera- ble motion of the" index, and thus changes in the weight of the atmosphere, hardly percepti- ble by the common barometer, will become quite apparent by this. 579. Heights Measured by the Barometer. The mercury in the barometer tube being sus- tained by the pressure of the atmosphere, and its medium altitude at the surface of the earth being 29 to 30 inches, it might be expected that if the instru- ment was carried to a height from the earth's surface, the mer- cury would suffer a proportionate fall, because the pressure must be less at a distance from the earth, than at its surface, and ex- periment proves 'this to be the case. When, therefore, this instrument is elevated to any considerable height, the descent of the mercury becomes perceptible. Even when it is carried to the top of a hill, or high tower, there is a sensible depression of the fluid, so that the barometer is employed to measure the height of mountains and the elevation to which balloons ascend from the surface of the earth. On the top of Mont Blanc, which is about 16,000 feet above the level of the sea, the me- dium elevation of the mercury in the tube is only 14 inches, while on the surface of the earth, as above stated, it is 29 to 30 inches. 580. Diminution of Density. The following table shows at what rate the atmosphere decreases in density, as indicated by the barometer. A part of these numbers are from actual ob- Wheel Barometer. 578. Explain Fig. 132, and describe the construction of the wheel barometer. 5~9. What is stated to be the medium ranjre of the barometer at the surface of the earth 1 Suppose the instrument is elevated from the earth, what is the effect on the mercury? How does the barometer indicate the height of mountains? 580. Explain by the table the correspondence between the height, the fall of the mercury, and the temperature. BAROMETER. servations made from ascents in balloons, and a part from esti- mates. The medium pressure of the atmosphere, at the level of the sea, is estimated at 30 inches, and is expressed by 0. HEIGHT IN MILES. PRESSURE. TEMPERATURE. Inches. Fahr. 30.00 50.0 1 24.61 35.0 2 20.07 19.5 3 16.35 3.4 4 13.06 13.3 5 10.41 30.6 10 2.81 126.4 15 .45 240.6 Thus, according to this estimate, at the height of fifteen miles, the mercury falls to less than half an inch, while the cold is equal to 240 degrees below the zero of Fahrenheit. 581. Principles of the Barometer applied to the Water Pump. As the efficacy of the pump depends on the pressure of the atmosphere, the barometer will always indicate the height to which it can be effectual at any given place. Thus, on Mont Blanc, where the barometer stands at only 14 inches, being less than one-half its height on the sea level, the water pump would only raise the fluid about 1 5 feet. Hence, engineers and others, who visit elevated countries, should calculate by the barometer, from what depth they can raise water by aerial pressure, before they erect works for this purpose. At the city of Mexico and at Quito, for instance, the suction tube can only act to the depth of 22 or 20 feet, while on the Himalay mountains its rise will be only about 8 or 10 feet. 582. USE AS A WEATHER GLASS. While the barometer stands in the same place, near the level of the sea, the mercury seldom or never falls below" 28 inches, or rises above 31 inches; its whole ran^e, while stationary, being only about 3 inches. 583. These changes in the weight of the atmosphere, indf- cate corresponding changes in the weather, for it is found, by watching these variations in the height of the mercury, that when it falls, cloudy or falling weather ensues, and that when 581. How hish will the pump raise water on Mont Blanc? To what height in Mexico and Quito ? 582. How many inches does a fixed barometer vary in height 1 5S3 When the mercury falls, what kind of weather is indicated ? When the mer- cury r s~s. what kind of weather may be expected ? When fog and smoke descenj toward the ground, is it a sign of a light or heavy atmosphere 1 158 BAROMETER. it rises, fine clear weather may be expected. During the time when the weather is damp and lowering, and the smoke of chimneys descends toward the ground, the mercury remains de- pressed, indicating that the weight of the atmosphere, during such weather, is less than it is when the sky is clear. This con- tradicts the common opinion, that the air is the heaviest when it contains the greatest quantity of fog and smoke, and that it is the uncommon weight of the atmosphere which presses these vapors toward the ground. 584. A little consideration will show, that in this case the popular belief is erroneous, for not only the barometer, but all the experiments we have detailed on the subject of specific grav- ity, tend to show that the lighter any fluid is, the deeper any substance of a given weight will sink in it. Common observa- tion ought, therefore, to correct this error, for every body knows that a heavy body will sink in water, while a light one will swim, and by the same kind of reasoning ought to consider, that the particles of vapor would descend through a light atmos- phere, while they would be pressed up into the higher regions by a heavier air. 585. The following indications of the barometer with respect to the weather, may be depended on as correct, being tested by the observations of the author : I. In calm weather, when the wind, clouds, or sun, indicate approaching rain, the mercury in the barometer is low. II. In serene, fine, settled weather, the mercury is high, and often remains so for days. III. Before great winds, and during their continuance, from whatever quarter they come, the mercury sinks lowest, and especially if they come from the south. IV. During the coldest, clear days, when a gentle wind from the north or west prevails, the mercury stands highest. V. After great storms, when the mercury has been lowest, it rises most rapidly. VI. It often requires considerable time for the mercury tc gain its wonted elevation after a storm ; and on the contrary, it sometimes rains without the usual corresponding change in its altitude. VII. In general, whether there are any appearances of change in the horizon or not, we may prognosticate rain whenever the mercury sinks during fine weather. 584. By what analogy is it shown that the air is lightest when filled with vapor 1 685. Mention the indications of the barometer concerning the weather. LIB/ WATER PUMPS. JT ^ V ^ffcr TEE [. When it rains with the mercury high, w$ may be sure that it will soon be fair. 586. USE AT SEA. The principal use of the baroi board of ships, where it is employed to indicate the aj of storms, and thus to give an opportunity of preparing accord- ingly ; and it is found that the mercury suffers a most remark- able depression before the approach of violent winds, or hurri- canes. The watchful captain, particularly in southern latitudes, is always attentive to this monitor, and when he observes the mercury to sink suddenly, 'takes his measures without delay to meet the tempest. During a violent storm, we have seen the wheel barometer sink a hundred degrees in a few hours. 58.7. Preservation by the Barometer. But we can not illus- trate the use of this instrument at sea better than to give the following extract from Dr. Arnot, who was himself present at the time. " It was," he says, " in a southern latitude. The sun had just set with a placid appearance, closing a beautiful after- noon, and the usual mirth of the evening watch proceeded, when the Captain's orders came to prepare with all haste for a storm. The barometer had begun to fall with appalling ra- pidity. As yet, the oldest sailors had not perceived even a threatening in the sky, and were surprised at the extent and hurry of the preparations ; but the required measures were not completed, when a more awful hurricane burst upon them than the most experienced had ever braved. Nothing could with- stand it ; the sails, already furled, and closely bound to the yards, were riven into tatters ; even the bare yards and masts were in a great measure disabled ; and at one time the whole rigging had nearly fallen by the board. Such, for a few hours, was the mingled roar of the hurricane above, of the waves around, and the incessant peals of thunder, that no human voice could be heard, and amidst the general consternation, even the trumpet sounded in vain. On that awful night, but for a little tube of mercury which had given the warning, neither the strength of the noble ship, nor the skill and energies of her commander, could have saved one man to tell the tale." WATER PUMPS. 588. The efficacy of the common pump in raising water, de- pends upon the force of atmospheric pressure, the principles of 586. Of what use is the barometer on board of ships! When does the mercury suffer the most remarkable depression 1 5S7. What remarkable instance is stated, where a ship seemed to be saved by the use of the barometer 1 583. On what does th efficacy of the common pump depend ] 160 WATER PUMPS. FIG. 133. which have been fully illustrated under the articles, Air Pump and Barometer. 589. An experiment, of jvhich few are ignorant, and which all can make, shows the principle of the pump in a very strik- ing manner. If one end of a straw be dipped into a vessel of liquid, and the other end be sucked, the liquid will rise into the mouth, and may be swallowed. The principles which this experiment involves are exactly the same as those concerned in raising water by the pump. The vessel of liquid answers to the well, the straw to the pump log, and the mouth acts as the piston, by which the air is removed. Water pumps are of three kinds, namely, the sucking, or com- mon pump, the lifting pump, arid the forcing pump. 590. COMMON METALLIC PUMP. This (Fig. 133,) consists of a brass or iron bar- rel, A, containing at its up- per part a hollow piston and valve, opening upward. Be- low this there is another valve, also opening upward. The pipe and stop-cock C, are for the purpose of letting the water from the barrel to the tube, which descends into the well. The action of this pump depends on the pressure of the atmosphere, and will be readily understood by the pupil who has learned what is said under the articles air pump and barometer. 591. On raising the lever, D, the piston, A, descends down the barrel, the lower valve, B, at the same mo- ment Closing by the weight Common Metallic Pump. of the water, while the up- 5S9. What experiment is stated, as illustrating the principle of the common pump 1 How many kinds of pumps are mentioned 1 590. Which kind is the common 1 De- scribe the common pump. Explain how the common pump acts. 591. When the ever is raised, what takes place in the pump-barrell When it is depressed, what ,akes place ? WATER PUMPS. 161 FIG. 134. per one opens and lets the water through. Then, on depress- ing the lever, the piston rises, its valve closing, and elevating the water above it. By this action a vacuum would be formed between the two valves, did not the lower one open and admit the water through the pipe above it. The lever again being worked, the same process is repeated, and the water is elevated to the spout in an interrupted stieam. The tube, with the stop-cock C, leading from the barrel to the pipe, is added for the purpose of letting the water escape from the former in cold weather, and thus prevent its freezing. 592. Although, in common language, this is called the suc- tion pump, still it will be observed that the water is elevated by suction, or, in more philosophical terms, by atmospheric pressure, only above the valve A, after which it is raised by lift- ing up to the spout. The water, therefore, is pressed into the pump-barrel by the atmosphere, and thrown out by the power of the lever. 593. LIFTING PTJMP. The lifting pump, properly so called, has the piston in the lower end of the barfll, and raises the water through the whole dis- tance, by forcing it upward, without the agency of the at- mosphere. In the suction pump, the pressure of the atmosphere will raise the water 33 or 34 feet, and no more, after which it may be lifted to any height re- quired. 594. FORCING PUMP. The forcing pump differs from both these, in having its piston solid, or without a valve, and also in having a side pipe, through which the water is forced, in- stead of rising in a perpendicu- lar direction, as in the others. Forcing Pump. 595. The forcing pump is represented by Fig. 134, where A is a solid piston, working 592. How far is the water raised by atmospheric pressure, and how far by lifting? 593. How does the lifting pump differ from the common pump ? 594. How does the forcing pump differ from the common pump ? 162 WATER PUMPS. air-tight in its barrel. The tube, C, leads from the barrel to the air-vessel, D. Through the pipe, P, the. water is thrown into the open air. G is a guage, by which the pressure of the. water in the air-vessel is ascertained. Through the pipe I, the water ascends into the barrel, its upper end being furnished with a valve opening upward. To explain the action of this pump, suppose the piston to be down to the bottom of the barrel, and then to be raised upward by the lever L ; the tendency to form a vacuum in the barrel, will bring the water up through the pipe I, by the pressure of the atmosphere. Then, on depressing the piston, the valve at the bottom of the barrel will be closed, and the water, not find- ing admittance through the pipe, whence it came, will be forced through the pipe C, and opening the valve at its upper end, will enter into the air-vessel D, and be discharged through the pipe P, into the open air. The water is therefore elevated to the piston-barrel by the pressure of the atmosphere, and afterward thrown out by the force of the piston. It is obvious, that by this arrangement, the height to which this fluid may be thrown, wijl depend on the power applied to the lever, and the strength witn which the pump is made. 596. The air-vessel D contains air in its upper part only, the lower part, as we have already seen, being filled with water. The pipe P, called the discharging pipe, passes down into the water, so that the air can not escape. The air is therefore com- pressed, as the water is forced into the lower part of the vessel, and reacting upon the fluid by its elasticity, throws it out of the pipe in a continued stream. The constant stream which is emitted from the direction pipe of the fire-engine, is entirely owing to the compression and elasticity of the air in its air-ves- sel. In pumps, without such a vessel, as the water is forced upward only while the piston is acting upon it, there must be an interruption of the stream while the piston is ascending, as in the common pump. The air-vessel is a remedy for this de- fect, and is found also to render the labor of drawing the water more easy, because the force with which the air in the vessel acts on the water, is always in addition to that given by the force of the piston. 595. Explain Fift. 134, and show in what manner the water is brought up through the pine I, and afterward thrown out at the pipe P. 596. Why does not the air es- cape from the air-vessel in this pump 1 What effect does the air-vessel have on the stream discharged 1 Why does the air-vessel render the labor of raising the water more easy 1 WATER PUMPS. 163 FIG. 135. 597. ATMOSPHERIC AND FORCING PUMP. A curious com bi nation of the atmospheric and forcing pumps, is the following Fig. 135. The atmospheric, is furnished with a rod and piston, with the valve C, opening in the usual manner. The forcing piston B, is of solid metal, working water-tight in its bar- rel. The barrels are joined below the valve D, their pistons being also connected by a cross-bar, A, between the rods, so that they rise and fall together. Now when the lever is depressed, and the pistons raised, the water above the valve C is discharged at the spout in the manner of the common suction pump, and the space is filled by atmospheric pressure through the lower valve D, by the suction pipe. When the pistons descend, this valve closes, and the solid piston B, drives the water through the valve C, and above that piston and to the spout. Thus one piston operates when the lever rises, and the other when it falls, producing in effect a constant stream of water from the spout. In the construction of this pump, it should be considered that as both cylinders are filled at the same time, the suction pipe ought to be large in proportion. 598. STOMACH PUMP. The design of this pump, of which there are several varieties, is to throw a fluid into the stomach, and again to withdraw it without chang- ing the apparatus, but only its position. In cases of poisoning, the contents of the stomach may thus be diluted and withdrawn, including the deleterious matter, and thus the life of the indi- vidual be saved. 599. That here described is from the Journal of the Franklin Institute* It consists of a common metallic syringe, A, Fig. 136, screwed to a cylindrical valve-box, B, which contains two ovoid cavities, in each of which there is a loose, spherical me- tallic valve. The ends of the cavities are pierced, and the valves 597. What is the difference between the pump, ^isr. 135, and the common atmos. pheric and forcing pump 7 598. What is the use of tne stomach pump 1 599. De- scribe the stomach pump, and shgw the reason why it acts in opposite ways on being turned over. Atm 'spheric and Forc- ing Pump. 164 WATER PUMPS. FIG. 136. Stomach Pump. fit exactly, either of the orifices. Thus it makes no difference which end of the valve-box is upturned, the valve falling down and closing the orifices in either direction. The flexible India rubber tubes, C D, are attached to the opposite ends of the cavities. Now suppose the then upper tube is introduced into the stomach, and the lower one into a basin of warm water ; in this position, on working the syringe the liquid would be injected into the stomach, and the poison diluted ; then on reversing the position, by turning the syringe in the hand, without withdraw- ing the tube from the stomach, the valves drop on the other orifices, and the water is pumped from the stomach into the basin, as represented by the figure. This is an interesting and beautiful invention", and no doubt has been the instrument of saving many human lives in cases of poisoning. 600. FIRE ENGINE. The fire engine is a modification of the forcing pump. It consists of two such pumps, the pistons of which are moved by a lever with equal arms, the common ful- crum being at C, Fig. 137. While the piston A is descending, the other piston, B, is ascending. The water is forced by the pressure of the atmosphere, through the common pipe P, and then dividing, ascends into the working barrels of each piston, where the valves, on both sides, prevent its return. By the alternate depression of the pistons, it is then forced into the air- box D, and then, by the direction pipe E, is thrown where it is 600. Explain Fig. 137, and describe the action of the fire engine. What causes the continued stream from the direction pipe of this engine ? WATER PUMPS. 165 FIG. 137. FIG. 13& Fire Engine. wanted. This machine acts precisely like the forcing pump, only that its power is doubled, by having two pistons instead of one. 601. ROTARY PUMP. This is an ancient invention, though more than once re-invented and constructed in various forms in modern times. That here represented, Fig. 138, according to Mr. Ewbank, from whom the cut is taken, is one of the oldest, as well as best, ever constructed. The design is to produce a continued stream, by simply turn- ing a crank, thus converting the piston into cog-wheels, and the vertical motion into a rotary one. Its construction is as follows : Two metallic cog-wheels, with obtuse teeth, are inclosed in a metallic case, so nicely fitted to each other that the water can not escape between them. The teeth also work so accurately between each other as to retain the fluid. The axle of one of the wheels is continued through one side of the case to receive the crank by which it is turned, the joint being secured by a collar of leather. One side of the case being removed in the figure to show the construction, it will be observed that the motion of one wheel. . by the figure. said of the antiquity of the rotary pump 1 Explain its construction What objection to this pump is stated ? 166 WATER PUMPS. will turn the other in the opposite direction, the arrows show- ing the course of the water. Now the wheels being water-ti^ht between themselves and both sides of the case, the only vacant spaces for the water are those between the cogs, as they revolve, and the diameter of the case. The machine being put in motion, the water enters the case by the suction pipe B, is carried up by the cogs in succession, and these being always in contact, it can not escape except at the forcing pipe A, where it issues in a continued stream. This, therefore, is a suction and forcing pump in one. But the friction is such between the metallic surfaces that the machine remains perfect only for a short time, nor does it ap- pear that the recent improvements in this sort of pump have been such as to bring it into general use, and the defects of the plan seem to be insuperable. 602. FOUNTAIN OF HIERO. There FIG. 139. is a beautiful fountain, called the fountain of Hiero, which acts by the elasticity of the air, and on the principle of hydrostatic pressure. Its construction will be understood by Fig. 139, but its form may be varied according to the dictates of fancy or taste. The boxes A and B, together with the two tubes, are made air- tight, and strong, in proportion to the height it is desired the fountain should play. To prepare the fountain for action, fill the box A through the spouting tube, nearly full of water. The tube 0, reaching nearly to the top of the box, will prevent the water from passing downward, while the spout- ing pipe will prevent the air from mero's Fountain. escaping upward, after the vessel is about half filled with water. Next, shut the stop-cook of the spouting pipe, and pour water into the open vessel D. This will descend into the vessel B, through the tube E, which nearly reaches its bottom, so that after a few inches of water are poured 602. How is the fountain of Hiero constructed ? On w^at will the height of the jet from Hiero'g fountain depend 7 DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. 167 in, no air can escape, except by the tube C, up into the vessel A. The air will then be compressed by the weight of the column of water in the tube E, and therefore the force of the water from the jet-pipe will be in proportion to the height of this tube. If this tube is 20 or 30 feet high, on turning the stop-cock, a jet of water will spout from the pipe that will amuse and astonish those who have never before seen such an experiment. CHAPTER VIII. HEAT, AND THE LAWS OF ITS ACTION. 603. In respect to the laws of incidence and reflection, and in many other respects, the phenomena of light and heat are the same. But in respect to transmission, radiation, distribution, effects on other substances, both chemical and mechanical, and the manner in which it affects our senses, there are, it is well known, great differences. DISTRIBUTION OF IIEAT. 604. The rays of heat falling on a body are disposed of in three ways. First, they may be reflected, or rebound from the surface ; second, they may be absorbed or received into the sub- stance of the body ; or third, they may be transmitted, or pass through its substance. 605. Reflection. Radiant heat, that is, heat flowing from any hot body, is like light reflected from polished surfaces, and as in light, the angle of reflection is equal to that of incidence. Those surfaces, however, which reflect light most perfectly, are not always the best reflectors of heat. Thus, polished metals are the best reflectors of heat, while glass, which reflects light most perfectly, is a very imperfect reflector of heat ; thus tin plate reflects about eight times as much heat as a glass mirror. 606. Absorption. Radiant heat is absorbed with very differ- ent facilities by bodies and surfaces of different kinds. Those 603. In what respects are action of heat and light the same ? In -what respects are their phenomena dissimilar ? 604. In what ways are the rays of light diffused 1 605 What is meant by rellection of heat 7 606. What by absorption ? What by radia tion 1 What surfaces reflect heat best 7 Give examples. What surfaces possess the greatest absorbing powers 7 Examples. 168 DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. surfaces which radiate most readily, absorb heat with the great- est, facility, and on the contrary, those surfaces which radiate feebly, do not readily absorb heat. Thus a plate of tin, if painted black, will both absorb, and radiate perfectly ; while, if the surface retains its bright metallic polish, it will neither ab- sorb nor radiate. Hold the black surface near the fire, and the metal will soon become too hot for the fingers ; while the bright surface will not become even warm, by the same exposure There is also a difference between culinary heat and that of the sun, with respect to absorption, for if a piece of plate glass be held before the fire it soon becomes hot, while every window shows by the temperature of the glass, that it does not absorb the heat of the sun. 607. Transmission. Most transparent substances transmit heat, that is, allow it to pass through their pores, with more or less facility; in this respect, however, experiment proves that there are great differencesjn bodies, where from external ap- pearance, little or none might be expected. Thus, rock-crystal transmits heat very perfectly, while alum, though equally trans- parent, admits few of the calorific rays, to pass through it. This difference is so great, that a piece of smoky, brown rock-crystal, which was fifty-eight times thicker than a transparent plate of alum, transmitted 19 rays, while the alum transmitted only 6. The cause of this remarkable difference is unknown, though probably it depends on the crystaline structure of the two substances. 608. Operation of these Laws. The general diffusion of heat seems to depend on the operation of the above described natural laws, and hence it is, that in the same vicinity, two thermome- ters graduated alike, and equally exposed, always indicate the same temperature. 609. When the sun, that universal source of heat, as well as of light, radiates his rays upon the earth, they are absorbed by some bodies, and transmitted or reflected by others, according to their several powers, or natures. But the great means of the general and equal diffusion of heat, is the earth itself, arid the atmosphere with which it is surrounded. Having absorbed the radiant heat of the sun, the ground becomes in its turn, a radiant source to all surrounding objects, while the atmosphere acts as a perpetual absorbent, rising up from the earth, in proportion 607. Give examples of the transmission of heat through substances. 608. What ar? the means of the general diffusion of heat 1 609. By what means is it said this law is illustrated in rooms? THERMOMETER. 169 *o the quantity of heat it obtains, and again sinking down, in cooler places. Thus there is a constant interchange among the warmer, and cooler strata of the atmosphere, while currents in the form of wind, tend to mix these with each other, making the temperature, at the same distance from the earth and in the sane vicinity every where the same. This law of equal distri- bution is strikingly illustrated in rooms warmed by the admis- sion of hot air from beneath, for although the register, or place of admission may be in one corner, or through the partition, still the temperature m in every part of the room, with the exception of over the register, is the same. Even rooms, 30 or 40 feet iu length, and when the air is admitted through only one register, and this in a corner, are made equally comfortable throughout, by this admirable method. THERMOMETER. 610. Did not the heat diffuse itself as above described, the thermometer would be entirely itseless, since several in the same vicinity, though graduated exactly alike, would indicate different temperatures. 611. The term thermometer comes from two Greek words, signifying heat measurer ; and its use strictly corresponds to the name, being an instrument for comparing the degrees of free heat existing in other bodies. This it does by the expansion and contraction of a fine thread of mercury, confined in a glass tube, having a small reservoir of the same metal at the lower end, called the bulb. ' 612. Mercury is employed for this purpose for several rea- sons ; one is that fluids, as alcohol, occupy too much space ; another, that this metal is more uniform in expanding and con- tracting than any other substance ; and lastly, it is not liable to vaporize in the vacuum in which it is placed, and thus, like liquids, to interfere with its own variation in the stem. 613. ALCOHOLIC THERMOMETER. Although mercury, or quicksilver, is the best substance known for the construction of thermometers, and is that universally employed in temperate climates, yet it is objectionable in extreme, or polar latitudes, on account of its liability to freeze. In Siberia, and other north- ern inhabited regons, where the cold is often down to 40 of Fahrenheit's scale, alcoholic thermometers are of necessity em- 610. What issaid of the use of the thermometer without an equal diffusion of h at T 611. What does thermometer mean ? 612. Why is mercury used in thermometers "n preference to liquids ? 613. Why are alcoholic thermometers used 1 8 170 THERMOMETER. ployed, since at that point mercury becomes solid by freezing, and therefore useless. These thermometer tubes are much longer than ordinary, since alcohol expands in a greater propor- tion than mercury by the same increment of heat. 614. Different Mercurial Thermometers. There are three thermometers in general use, namely, Fahrenheit^, which is ir^ed in England, and in this country ; the Centigrade, con- tructed by Celsius, which is generally used in France ; and Reaumur's thermometer, adopted in Germany.' 615. Fahrenheit, (Fah.) In this the intermediate space be- tween the freezing and boiling points is divided into 180 de- grees ; the freezing being marked 32, and the boiling 212. This scale was invented by Fahrenheit, from an erroneous belief that 32 of these divisions below the freezing point of water, which is therefore on -the scale, indicated the zero, or greatest degree of cold. But he afterward discovered his error, and his instrument being in use, corrected it as far as possible, by add- ing a series of descending degrees below his zero, prefixing to them the sign , or minus, that is, below zero. 616. Centigrade, (Cent.) It is also sometimes indicated by Cel, for the name of the inventor. It consists of an arrange- ment of the scale, in which the freezing point is marked 0, or zero, and the boiling point is marked 100. This is a more convenient scale than the other, the freezing and boiling points being even numbers, and all below the former minus. 617. Reaumur, (Beau.) In this the freezing point, as in the laSt, is marked 0, while the boiling f>oint, instead of being 100, is marked 80. The degrees are continued both above and below these points, those below being negative or minus, as in the others. These Thermometers Compared. In books of foreign travels, where the author adopts the thermometer of the country he de- scribes, the reader is often perplexed to know what degrees of temperature are indicated according to his own scale, by what he reads. Figures are therefore added of each, Fig. 140, to- gether with a table showing the correspondence of the three, and the rules for converting one scale into the others. 618. Thus the Centigrade scale is reduced to that of Fahren- heit, by multiplying by 9 and dividing by 5, and that of Reau- 614 What are the names of the mercurial thermometers? 615. What are the div sions of Fahrenheit's scale? 616. What are those of the Centigrade 1 617. Wha' are those of Reaumur 7 618. Ho v is the Centigrade reduced to that of Fahrenheit t Itow is that of Reaumur reduced 'o that of Fahrenheit 7 THERMOMETER FIG. 140. 171 Fahrenheit. Centigrade. Reaumur. mur to that of Fahrenheit, by multiplying by 9 and dividing by 4 ; or that of Fahrenheit to either of the others by reversing these processes. Examples : Cent. 100 X 9 = 900-4-5 = 180+32 = 212 Fah. Reau. 80-' X 9 = 720-4-4 = 180 + 32 = 212 Fah. Fah. 212 32 = 180x5 = 900-4- 9 = 100 Cent. Fah. 212 32 = 180 X4 = 720^- 9= 80 Reau. The following Table from Prof. Hoblyn's Dictionary of Science, shows at a single view the correspondence between these ther- mometers, from the zero to the boiling point of Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit. Centigrade. Reaumur. BOILING. 212 100 80 200 93.33 74.66 190 87.77 70.22 180 82.22 65.77 170 7G.C6 61.33 160 71.11 56.88 150 65.55 52.33 140 60 48 130 55.55 33.55 120 . 48.88 . . 39.11 172 THERMOMETER. Fahrenheit. Centigrade. 110 43.33 . 100 37.77 . 90 32.22 . 80 26.^>fi Reaumur. . . . .34.66 .... 30.22 .... 25.77 21 33 FREEZING* ZERO. 70 21*11 16 88 60 50 15.55 . 10 .... 12.44 . . 8 40 4 44 3 35 32 . . . . 20 6 66 . 5 33 10 . 12.22 . 17.77 . . . . . 9.77 . 14.22 619. Rutherford's Register Thermometer. By this, the high- est and lowest temperatures which occur within a given time are indicated, and made to register themselves. This instru- ment consists of two thermometers fastened to the same plate with their tubes in a horizontal position, as shown by Fig. 141. FIG. 141. Rutherford's Register Thermometer. One of these, A, contains alcohol ; the other, B, contains mer- cury. In the stem of B, a small piece of iron wire acts the part of an index, being propelled forward as the mercury expands, and being left at the point of the greatest expansion when the mercury contracts, thus indicating the highest temperature to which it had been exposed. In the stem of the other, a small piece of ivory, A, is immersed in the alcohol, and by a slight inclination of the instrument, is brought to the surface of the liquid. When the temperature falls, the ivory, by adhering to the liquid, is drawn back with it ; but when it rises, the spirit only advances, leaving the ivory behind, thus indicating the lowest temperature which had occurred since the last observa- 619. What are the indications made by Rutherford's thermometer? Describe the construction of this instrument. What are the peculiar advantages of this in strument 1 HYGROMETER. 173 1FIG - 142 - tion. By inverting the instrument, the particle of ivory is again brought to its place for a new observation. This is a very con- venient thermometer on many accounts. Thus the highest temperature during the day or the week, can be told without watching the instrument, and at a single inspections If it is re- quired to obtain the degree of heat at the bottom of a deep well, or in the depths of the sea, this can be done accurately by letting down the instrument, while the common thermometer would change while drawing it up. 620. DIFFERENTIAL THERMOMETER. This instrument is shown by Fig. 142. It consists of two thin glass bulbs of an inch in diameter, contacted by a glass tube bent at right angles, as the figure shows. This tube is partly filled with col- ored alcohol. Now when one of the bulbs is heated more than the other, the air in it expands, and drives the liquid into the other bulb. 621. It does not, therefore, indicate the temperature of the atmosphere, as the same degree of heat on both bulbs at the same time produces no change, its design being merely to show the difference of tem- perature to which the bulbs are exposed. HYGROMETER. FIG. 143. 622. The name of this instrument, from the Greek, signifies " moisture measurer." Its use is, to show the state of moisture in the atmosphere. Many inventions for this purpose have been tried, but that represented by Fig. 143, is at present considered the best. It is called DanieVs dew-point hygrorz- eter. It consists of two balls, connected together by a bent tube, as shown by the figure, the whole being of glass. The ball B, contains a small quantity of ether, by the boiling of which, the air has been expelled from the tube. In it a small thermometer is placed, with its bulb in the ball. The lower part of this ball is gilded, that the deposited dew __ - may be visible. The other ball, A, is Hygrometer. 174 STEAM ENGINE. covered with muslin, and is kept moist with ether, the evapora tion of which produces cold, which gradually, by the evaporation of the ether in the other ball, reduces the temperature in that to the dew-point, which is indicated by the deposition of moisture on the gilded ball. The degree of temperature at which this deposition takes place, is shown by the thermometer in the tube, and this degree is called the dew-point, and this is effected at a higher or lower degree, according to the moisture in the atmosphere. The ther- mometer on the stem indicates the temperature of the air at tha time when the observations are made. CHAPTER IX. STEAM ENGINE. NOTE. The following description of the steam engine is taken from Prof. Hoblyn's Edition of the Author's Natural Philosophy, published by Adam Scott, Charter-house Square, London. We have however omitted, in this edition, the ingenious ma- chines of Hero, Branca, and Savery, contained in former copies, as merely showing the progress of invention, and being quite unnecessary for the comprehension of the engine, as it exists at the present day. This omission will be found replaced by some of the most important inventions of the present day. The description of Newcomen's engine has been retained, as containing some parts, leading to the explanation of Watt's en- gine, by which it was succeeded. What is meant by the double-action of Watt's engine, con- sisted in the application of steam alternately on each side of the piston, and by which it was moved both up and down, while that of Newcomen was moved only in one direction by the 620. What is the construction of the differential thermometer? 621. What is the use of this instrument ? 622. What is the meaning of the term hygrometer ( What B that here described called 1 Explain its principle, and the manner of using it. BTEAM ENGINE. 175 steam, and in the other by the pressure of the atmosphere over a vacuum. The importance of Watt's invention can hardly be appreciated, since on it is founded the action of all steam engines to this day. 623. NEWCOMEN'S ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE. The drainage of deep mines was a matter of great importance, and the failure of Silvery 's engine in this respect, paved the way to further ex- periment. In 1705, Thomas Newcomen, a smith of Dartmouth, obtained letters patent for the construction of a new kind of steam engine, in which he availed himself of the atmospheric pressure in a different way from that adopted by Savery. 624. The novelty of this plan consists in the admission of steam beneath an air-tight piston, and the condensation of the steam by the injection of cold water into the interior of the cyl- inder. The use of a cylinder and piston may be easily ex- plained. In order that the pressure of steam may be rendered available in machinery, the steam must be confined within an air-tight cavity, so constructed that its dimensions, or capacity, may be altered without altering its tightness. When the steam enters such a vessel, it enlarges its actual cavity, by causing some movable part to recede before it, and from this movable part motion is communicated to machinery. A hollow cylinder, having a movable piston accurately fitted to its bore, constitutes a vessel of this kind ; the piston, thus employed, has an alternate or reciprocating vertical motion, which may be converted into a circular motion by appropriate machinery. The engine em- ployed by Newcomen, in its most improved state, was as fol- lows. Over a boiler a is fixed a cylinder c, containing a piston r, the rod of which is connected with one of the arched extrem- ities of a lever-beam working on a pivot ; to the other extremity of the beam is attached a chain connected with the pump-rod. 625. Such is the simple outline of the atmospheric engine. Its mode of operation is as follows : Steam is admitted from the boiler into the cylinder, through the tube I, by means of a regulating cock, e, which is worked by a handle outside the boiler ; the pressure of the atmosphere above the piston being thus balanced by the force of the steam beneath it, the extremity of the lever-beam to which the piston is attached is elevated by proportionate weights, w, attached to the purnp-rod, and the piston is drawn to the top of the cylinder, the other extremity of the beam being depressed. 623. What was Newcomen's engine called 1 624. What is said to have been the novelty of Newcomeivs plan 7 How can the cavity of a vessel be enlarged by steam and still be tight? 625. Describe this machine by the figure. 176 STEAM ENGINE. FIG. 144. Newcomen's Engine, 626. In order to effect the descent of the piston, the steam in the cylinder must now be condensed. The regulating cock e is accordingly closed, and the further admission of steam pre- vented ; another cock, called the condensing cock, p, is now opened, and a jet of cold water is admitted through a tube from the cistern m, which is placed at a sufficient height to insure a forcible injection ; the steam in the cylinder is instantly con- densed, a vacuum is formed, and the pressure of the atmosphere forces the piston to the bottom of the cylinder, while the pump- rod on the other end of the beam is raised. Such is the gc'i- eral operation of Newcomen's atmospheric engine, which is merely a pump worked by steam. 627. WATT'S DOUBLE-ACTING ENGINE. In considering the applicability of the steam engine to manufactures generally, it I 626. Uow was the steam condensed 1 627. What was Watt's great improvement in the steam engine ? STEAM ENGINE. IVY occurred to Watt, that if lie could contrive to admit steam alternately above and below the piston, and, at the same time, produce a vacuum alternately below and above the piston, a double-acting cylinder would be produced, an impulse thus be communicated by the ascent, as well as by the descent of the piston, and a uniform continuous action be effected. It was de- sirable, also, to convert this reciprocating action into a circulai one. 628. On this subject "Watt observes: "Baring made my single reciprocating engines very regular in their movements, I considered how to produce rotative motions from them in the best manner; and among various schemes which were sub- jected to trial, or which passed through my mind, none appeared so likely to answer the purpose as the application of the crank, in the manner of the common turning lathe ; but as the rota- tive motion is produced in that machine by impulse given to the crank in the descent of the foot only, it requires to be con- tinued in its ascent by the energy of the wheel, which acts as a fly- 629. "Being unwilling to load my engine with a fly-wheel heavy enough to continue the motion during the ascent of the piston (or with a fly-wheel heavy enough to equalize the mo- tion, even if a counter-weight were employed to act during the ascent,) I proposed to employ two engines, acting upon two cranks fixed on the same axis, at an angle of 120 to one an- other, and a weight placed upon the circumference of the fly- wheel at the same angle to each of the cranks, by which means the motion might be rendered nearly equal, and only a very- light fly-wheel would be requisite." In following out this plan, some very important changes were introduced into the ma- chinery of the steam engine: the principal of these are the double-acting cylinder, the parallel motion, the crank, the fly- wheel, and the governor. Each of these will first be severally ( described ; and their operation in the double-acting engine be afterward pointed out. 630. Double-acting Cylinder. The first alteration to be no- ticed in the double-acting engine is that of the cylinder. To insure its double action, it is necessary to provide, at each end of the cylinder, a means of admission of steam from the boiler, and of escape for the steam to the condenser. Hence the double action, which means that the piston is both raised and depressed by the force of steam. 030. What is meant bv the double-acting cylinder ? "8* 178 STEAM ENGINE. Double-acting Cylinder. 631. For this purpose, a steam-box is fixed to eacli end of the cylinder, communicating, in the one case with the upper, in the other with the lower, surface of the piston. In Fig. 145, B is the upper, and B' the lower, steam-box. Each of these boxes is furnished with two valves. 632. I. In the upper steam-box, the up- per, or steam vaWe, S, admits steam from the boiler through a tube, the mouth of which is seen immediately above the valve ; the lower, or exhausting valve, C, permits the escape of the steam from the cylinder to the condenser, through a tube opening immediately below the valve. In this figure, the piston is at the top of the cylinder ; the exhausting valve is therefore represented as closed, and the steam valve as open, for the admission of steam, which rushes through the passage D to the top of the cylinder, in order to force the piston to the bottom. 633. II. In the lower steam-box, a corresponding mechan- ism is observed, and its valves must be worked at the same mo- ment as those of the upper box, but upon an exactly opposite principle. The cylinder is full of steam, and the piston at the top ; the steam valve S' must therefore be closed, and the ex- hausting valve C' opened, in order that the steam may rush out at the passage D', and a vacuum be formed beneath the pis- ton, to give effect to the steam which is now entering above it. 634. In Fig. 146, the piston is at the bot- tom of the cylinder. 1. In the upper steam- box, the steam valve S is accordingly closed, and the exhausting valve C opened, to admit of the escape of the steam from above the cylinder through the passage D into the con- denser, and thus to produce a vacuum above the piston. 2. In the lower 'steam-box, the exhausting valve C' is closed, and the steam valve S opened, in order that steam may rush in by the passage D', and force the piston to the top of the cylinder. From the preceding description, it is evi- dent that the alternate motions of the piston depend on the opening and closing of the valves, alternately, in pairs. When FIG. 146. Double-acting Cylinder. 631. Explain the double-acting cylinder by Figs. 145 and 146. STEAM ENGINE. 179 the piston is at the top of the cylinder, the upper steam valve and the lower exhausting valve are to be opened, while the lower steam valve and the upper exhausting valve are to be closed. When the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder, this process is reversed. 635. PARALLEL MOTION. In the double-acting engine, the pressure of the steam acts alternately on both sides of the pis- ton, which must therefore be pushed upward as well as pulled downward; the connection between the piston-rod and the beam by any flexible medium is, therefore, obviously inadmissi- ble ; a chain can not communicate an upward impulse from the piston to the beam. The difficulty was, to adjust the rectilinear motion of the pis- ton-rod to the circular motion of the beam ; without such ad- justment, it is evident that either the piston-rod, being forced to the right and left alternately, at each motion of ascent and of descent, would be broken or bent ; or that the stuffing-box would be so injured by these derangements of action, as to cease FIG. 147. Parallel Motion. to be air and steam-tight. The contrivance by which these difficulties were removed by Watt, is one of the most happy inventions ever introduced into machinery. It has been termed the parallel motion ; and its mechanism may be understood by means of the subjoined figure, where B represents the end of 635. Explain by Fig. 147, how parallel motion is effected. 180 STEAM ENGINE. the beam, which is pulled downward, and pushed upward, by the motion of the piston-rod R P ; the motion of B is in the direction of the dotted curve ; that of R P is rectilinear. 636. To adjust these counteracting motions, a series of bars are introduced, which are movable on pivots, and which by the balance of their action prevent the piston from deviating to any injurious extent from the straight line. Two fixed points of support are taken, the one at F, as near as possible to the line in which the piston-rod moves ; the other at C, the center of the working beam. Two perpendicular bars, B R and E II, are attached to the beam at B and E ; and two transverse bars, R H and F H, are added, the former connecting the lower ex- tremities of the two vertical bars, the latter connecting the lower extremity of the vertical bar E H with the fixed point F ; all the bars move freely on pivots at all their points of attachment. The head of the piston-rod is connected with the pivot at R. The smaller diagram, Fig. 147, relates to paragraph 639. 637. The action of this machinery is as follows : 1. Let us imagine the end of the beam B to descend in the direction of the dotted curve. During its progress to the horizontal posi- tion, indicated by the dotted line k C, it is continually pushing the perpendicular bar B R outward ; and this effect, if not coun- teracted, would disturb the rectilinear course of the piston-rod. But this outward push of the bar B R is counteracted by an inward pull by the rod R II upon the point R ; the end II of the rod R II is preserved at a proper distance from the line of motion of the piston-rod by means of the rod called the radius rod, H F, which is attached to the fixed point F; and the rod H F, being thus fixed, describes, with its ex- tremity H, the curve d a, which is directed inwardly, and coun- teracts the outward direction of the curve described by B. Hence it follows, that the top of the piston-rod R moves in a direction almost vertical. It is correct to say almost, for it is not strictly so ; the deviation, however, from the vertical motion involves a minute calculation, and it is of comparatively little importance in practical operation. 638. 2. As the beam quits the horizontal position in completing its descent, it is continually pushing the bar B R inward ; tut this inward push of ;the bar B R is now counteracted by the outward pull of the bar H F, which now completes the curve g o, and, by means of the transverse connecting bar II R, main- tains the piston-rod in its nearly vertical direction. 3. It is ob- 636. Explain Watt's engine by means of Fig. 117. STEAM ENGINE. 181 vious, that during the ascent of the beam, the same movements of the bars will secure the vertical ascent of the piston-rod. This beautiful contrivance represents, in fact, a kind of jointed parallelogram, three of the angles of which describe curves, while the fourth, which is connected with the piston-rod, moves nearly in a straight line. 639. MOTION OF THE AIR-PUMP ROD. The same machinery which regulates the motion of the piston-rod of the cylinder, also regulates those of the pump-rod. In the preceding Fig. 147, the upper part of the air-pump rod is represented at A K ; it is connected at the top to the middle of the bar E H, where it works freely on a pivot A. This machinery may be readily understood by means of the smaller figure, in which the bars composing it are separated from the beam, the letters be- ing preserved precisely as in Fig. 147. C E and F H are two bars, working on pivots at the fixed points C and F, and de- scribing curves at their free extremities. The bar E H con- nects these free extremities, upon which it moves by pivots. From the antagonizing action of the two transverse bars, it fol- lows, that the point A, the head of the air-pump rod, will move in a nearly vertical direction. 640. NATURE OF THE CRANK. It has been shown that the alternate motions of the piston-rod, determined by the double- acting cylinder, are communicated to the working end of the beam, to the curved motion of which they are adjusted by the contrivance of the parallel motion. The next object was to con- vert the rectilinear motion, thus produced, into a rotatory motion. 641. So long as the force of steam was employed for the mere purpose of raising water, no such motion was wanted ; but when its application was required for the purpose of turn- ing the wheels of mills of giving effect to the machinery of cotton manufactures and printing presses of propelling- steam vessels and other locomotive engines it became necessary to impart a new direction to its operation. To obtain this object the crank was introduced. 642. The simplest idea of a crank is that of the handle to a wheel; its. action is familiarly illustrated in the process of draw- ing water from a well ; the bent handle attached to the wheel is first pushed out, then pulled in the opposite direction, and thus a continued rotatory motion is produced upon an axle. 639. How is the motion of the air-pump effected ? 640. What is the cranic, and how does it act 1 182 STEAM ENGINE. FIG. 148. The application of this principle to the steam engine, and the variations of pressure on the crank of a steam engine, may be conveniently illustrated by curves. 643. This will be readily perceived by Fig. 148, which rep- resents the lower portion of the connecting-rod, which works at its upper extremity on a pivot connected with the working ex- tremity of the beam. The lower extremity of the rod is connected by a movable joint at I, with the lever I K. The center or axis to which the rotatory mo- tion is to be communicated, is indi- cated by the letter K. Hence it would appear, that as the connect- ing-rod moves upward and down- ward, it would carry the lever I K round the center K, so as to oc- cupy successively the positions de- noted in the figure by the dotted shadows of the lever ; and thus a continued rotatory motion would . be communicated to the axis. 644. Irregular Action of the Crank. On considering more closely the action of the crank, it will be found to be by no means continuous in its motion. There are two positions which the crank assumes in its circuit, in which the moving power has positively no effect whatever in communicating a rotatory motion to it. 645. I. When the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder, the crank will be in the position denoted in the preceding figure; the joint I will be in a perpendicular line between the upper end of the connecting-rod and the center K. It is obvious, that as the piston ascends in the cylinder, the connecting-rod will tend to push the joint I, not to the right nor to the left of the dotted circle, but dirctly downward upon the axis K. 646. II. When the piston is at the top of the cylinder, the crank will have performed half a revolution, and the joint I will be in a perpendipular line below the center K. As the piston descends, the connecting-rod will tend to pull the joint I, not to the right nor to the left of the dotted circle, but directly up- 643. What are the dead points in the motion of the crank 1 Explain this by Fig. 148. STEAM ENGINE. 183 ward upon the axis K. It is evident, that if in either of these positions, the action of the crank were for a moment to cease, it would be out of the power of the piston to put it again into motion. 647. 111. Another difficulty connected with the crank, is the inequality of its motion. In two positions, it has been shown to be actually stationary. There are also two positions, in which its action is most energetic ; and it becomes feebler in propor- tion as the crank moves from these points toward the two sta- tionary positions above described. Let the reader once more direct his attention to the process of drawing water from a well ; let him imagine his own arm to be the connecting-rod ; and the handle of the wheel the crank ; he will find that his force is most effective, when the angle de- scribed by his arm upon the crank is a right angle ; and that his force will become less effective, as the angle of leverage be- comes smaller or greater. The application of this simple illus- tration to the crank of the steam engine is obvious ; and the result of it is a variable, instead of a uniform, unremitting ac- tion. In the following paragraph, a remedy for these incon- veniences will be described. 648. NATURE OF A FLY-WHEEL. In impelling machinery by force, it is frequently necessary that the force should be reg- ulated. Jhis necessity may arise from several causes. There may be a want of uniformity in the f,rst moving power, as in the single-acting engine of James Watt, in which the descent of the piston is effected by the pressure of steam, while its ascent is effected by a totally different means. Or, there may be a want of uniformity in the resistance which the force has to over- come, as in the crank described in the preceding paragraph. To regulate these inconveniences and equalize the motion, a large heavy wheel, called a fy-wheel, is connected with the ma- chinery, so as to receive its motion from the impelling power, to keep up the motion by its own inertia, and distribute it equally in all parts of its revolution. If the moving power slackens, the fly-wheel impels the machine forward ; if the power tends to impel the machine too fast, the fly-wheel slackens it. The object of the fly-wheel, therefore, is to absorb, as it were, the surplus force at one part of the action of the machine, and to give it out when the action of the machine is deficient ; by Leslie it was well compared to a " reservoir which collects the intermittent currents, and sends forth a regular stream." 648. How does the fly-wheel eontinue the motion of the crank ? 184 STEAM ENGINE. 649. Connection of the Fly- Wheel with the Crank. In or- .der to equalize the motion of the crank, Watt attached a fly- wheel to its axis. This wheel is constructed of large diameter, in order that its circumference may revolve rapidly : it is of great weight, being made of iron, that it may acquire consider- able momentum so as to render the motion as uriform as pos- sible; and it is so nicely placed upon the axis, as to be almost free from friction, and thus enabled to communicate its motion to the axis, when this is required from the irregular action of the crank. The objects of the fly-wheel in the steam engine, as here de- scribed, are obviously twofold : first, to extricate the machine from the mechanical difficulties which occur at the two station- ary positions of the crank ; and, secondly, to equalize the effects of the varying leverage by which the first mover acts on the crank. But besides the irregularity in the action of the crank, there are other causes which, in the absence of a fly-wheel, would disturb the uniform velocity of the engine : there are variations of resistance, and of power. The resistance which an engine has to overcome, particularly in manufactures, is continually liable to vary. When the re- sistance is diminished, the quantity of steam admitted through the valves into the cylinder, is increased or diminished, as the case may be. When the resistance is increased, or the moving power dimin- ished, the momentum accumulated in the fly-wheel continues the motion with little diminution of its own velocity. It is not, however, pretended that the equalization of force produced by the fly-wheel, is perfect ; but it is sufficient for ordinary pur- poses ; and its efficiency will be proportioned to the mass of matter in the circumference of the wheel and to the square of the wheel's velocity. The next step in the progress of im- provement was to regulate the velocity of the fly-wheel. 650. THE GOVERNOR. Of all the contrivances for regulating the motion of machinery, this is said to be the most effectual. It will be readily understood by the following description of Fig. 150. It consists of two heavy iron balls, ft, attached to the extremities of the two rods, b e. These rods play on a joint at te in 916 cubic inches of water, we must divide that number by 6, and multiply the result by 4, when we shall have 610 as the number of cubic inches of water wasted. The total quantity of water, therefore, which is turned into steam per hour, to pro- duce a one horse power, is equal to 610 added to 916, namely, 1,526 cubic inches. Hence we see the necessity of the immense capacities of the boilers of large steamboats. 669. Amount of Mechanical Virtue in Coal. For more than thirty years, the engineers of many of the English coal mines have published annual accounts of their experiments with the steam engines under their care, for the purpose of ascertaining the exact amount of coal required to perform certain duties. The results of these experiments are among the most curious and instructive facts which the lights of science at the present day, have thrown upon the manufacturing arts. They were entirely unexpected to the owners of the mines, and equally so to men of science. 667. How many cubic inches of water is required to produce a one horse power? 668. How do you find how many cubic inches of water there are in a one horse power 1 669. What amount of weight is it said a bushel of coal will raise by means of steam! What was the weight raised by (he second trial 1 192 LOCOMOTIVE. In the report of the engineers thus employed, for 1835, it was announced that a steam engine employed at a copper mine in Cornwall, had raised, as its average work, 95 millions of pounds a foot high, with a single bushel of bituminous coal. This mechanical effect was so enormous and so unexpected, that the best judges of the subject considered it beyond the bounds of credulity ; the proprietors, therefore, agreed that an- other trial should be made in the presence of competent wit- nesses : when, to the astonishment of all, the result exceeded the former report by 30 millions of pounds. In this experi- ment, for every bushel of coal consumed under the boiler, the engine raised 125-i- millions of pounds one foot high. 670. On this subject, Dr. Lardner, in his treatise on the steam engine, has made the following calculations : A bushel of coal weighs 84 pounds, and can lift 56,027 tons a foot high, therefore, a pound of coal would raise 667 tons to the same height ; and an ounce would raise 42 tons one foot high, or it would lift 18 pounds a mile high. Since a force .of 18 pounds is capable of drawing two tons upon a railway, it follows that an ounce of coal would draw 2 tons a mile, or 1 ton two miles. (In the common engines, how- ever, the actual consumption of coal is equal to about 8 ounces per ton for every mile.) The great Egyptian pyramid has a base of 700 feet each way, and is 500 feet high ; its weight amounting to 12,760,000,000 pounds. To construct it, is said to have cost the labor of 100,- 000 men for 20 years. Yet according to the above calculations, its materials could have been raised from the ground to their present positions by the combustion of 479 tons of coal. LOCOMOTIVE. 671. This word, from the Latin, means "moving from place to place," and is applied to steam engines used on railroads. Our limits will only allow a short description of this wonder- working machine, which, during the last quarter of a century, has been the means, 'with respect to locomotion, of converting days into hours, and weeks into days. The principal external parts of a locomotive are indicated by the letters on Fig. 152. 670. What weight will a pound of coal raise ? How great a force mav an ounce of coal be made to produce! What is the size and weight of the great pyramid of Egypt 1 What weight of coal would be required to raise its materials to their present elevation ? LOCOMOTIVE. 193 672. The truck wheels, A A, are of cast iron, about two and a half feet in diameter, all Of them connected by an iron frame, in the center of which, the end of the boiler rests on a pivot, so as to allow a revolving motion, in order to accommodate the engine to short curves in the road. FIG. 152. 673. The boiler B, which makes the chief bulk of the loco- motive, is of rolled iron, about 12 feet long, of great weight, and strength, to resist the pressure of the steam. It is put together by iron bolt*, only an inch or two apart, so as to be perfectly steam-tight under the greatest force. 672. What are the truck wheels of a locomotive, and why do they revolve on a cen- fw? 673. What forms the chief bulk of the locomotive 1 194 LOCOMOTIVE. Above R is the fire-box, with a door, not shown, for admis- sion of the wood. The interior of the boiler is composed of about 100 copper tubes, through which the smoke and heat pass to the chimney. These tubes are entirely surrounded by water, which the heat emitted by the tubes, as they pass through it, converts into steam. 674. The pump P, supplies the boiler with water, which it takes from the tender, not shown, but which is connected with the locomotive, and on which the fuel is carried. In cold weather, the waste steam heats this water before it is admitted to the toiler. 675. The steam cylinder 0, communicates with the boiler by a short pipe, for admission of the steam. In this cylinder works the piston, which gives motion to the engine. The cylinder is externally of brass, kept polished in order to prevent the radiation of the heat. Its diameter is about 12 inches, and the movement of the piston 20 inches. This is furnished with valves, working in the same manner as those already described for the steam engine. The alternate, horizontal motion of the piston, is so connected with the driving wheels, as to give them a rotatory motion, by which the engine is moved. 676. This is done by means of the connecting-rods R R, which are jointed to the spokes of the drivers at one end, and to the piston rod I, at the other, thus connecting the force of the steam with that part of the engine by which the whole is actuated. The immense force which the steam exerts, is shown by the power required to draw 20 or 30 cars, loaded with hundreds of tons, at the rate of 20 or 30 miles an hour. And yet a single locomotive'will draw such a load even up an inclined plane. 677. The driving wheels D D, by which the locomotive is moved, are of cast iron, with strong wrought iron tire, so as to withstand any shock which it is considered possible to happen, since on the strength of these, the lives of hundreds of passen- gers may depend, as the fracture of one of them may cast the engine and entire train from the rails. In diameter, they are from 5 to 6 feet. 678. These four wheels are connected together, not only by the connecting-rods, but also by a strong iron frame, and by the 675. Describe the steam cylinder, and tell its use. 676. What are the connecting- rods? 677. What are the wheels which give motion to the locomotive 1 Why are the driving wheels made of great strength ? 678. Why are these fotir wheels con- nected 7 On what principle do these wheels apt 1 LOCOMOTIVE. N 195 axle-trees which revolve with them, so that the greatest amount of adhesion to the rails is obtained. This is a most important point in the construction of the engine, since by this means all the wheels must act together, thus forming by their adhesion to the rails a single fulcrum, acting as a lever of the third kind, (322,) of which the spoke of the wheel is the lever, and the pis- ton, through the connecting-rods, the power. It^ therefore, one of the wheels slips on the rail, they must all slip, it being this connection by which locomotives draw such enormous loads over inclined planes. 679. The lever L, opens the throttle valve, by which the steam is admitted to the cylinder, from the boiler. When the engine is to be started, the engineer opens this communication ; when the piston begins its alternate motion ; the drivers their revolutions, and the engine and train their progress. 680. The reversing handle H, acts on machinery for that purpose, in such a manner as to reverse the motion of the driv- ing wheels, giving them a backward instead of a forward action, in a moment. It is used whenever there is danger of a colli- sion, or when it is desired to give the engine a reverse move- ment on any occasion. The spring balance N, is connected with a graduated scale by which the pressure of the steam is indicated. 681. The safety valve lever S, is connected with a valve, so constructed .as to open when the pressure is above a certain amount, and thus allow the steam to escape. When properly adjusted, this may be the means of saving the engine from one of the most fearful of accidents, that of bursting the boiler. 682. The smoke pipe M, is connected with the fire-box, by means of the copper tubes running through the boiler, already mentioned. Various contrivances have been invented to arrest the sparks which are emitted with the smoke, and which have often set fire to bridges and other buildings. For this purpose a wire gauze placed across the mouth of the pipe, has been the most efficient. The engine frame F, is made of wrought iron, strongly con- nected by rivets, and to which all parts of the locomotive are attciched, and by which they are combined into a single instru- ment, to be moved forward as a great power, by means of which hundreds of tons are to follow. 679. Describe the manner of starting the engine. 680. What is the use of the re- Tersing handle. 681. How does the safety valve act, and for what purpose ? 682. What are the means of arresting sparks from the smoke pipe ? . - 196 THE RAILS. The valve box V, contains the valves of the cylinder, which have already been described while treating of the steam engine. The steam whistle U, is composed of a cylinder, with peculiar internal arrangements, on which the steam from the boiler be- ing admitted, by a valve, makes a well-known sound, heard at the distance of many miles. By its report, the degrees of press- ure of the steam are indicated. The slide valve rod K, works the valve by which the steam is admitted from the boiler to the cylinder, and by which the piston is moved. 683. Springs of the Boiler. The boiler rests on steel springs, composed of many flat pieces of different lengths, laid one on the other, forming a pyramidal pile six or eight inches high, and' of sufficient strength to bear many tons. By the slight motion of these springs, the concussion between the engine and the rails is prevented, and without which neither would preserve its integrity for an hour, under the tremendous shocks, the weight and motion of the engine sometimes give. ADHESION TO THE RAILS. 684. We have already noticed the necessity of so combining the action of the driving wheels, as to make them form an in- dividual fulcrum, by their adhesion to the rails. On this the motion of the engine, and consequently of the whole train depends, and hence the necessity of the enormous weight of the locomotive. On roads, through hilly sections of the country, the weight of the engine is made to correspond to the inclination of the grade. Were this not the case, as the adhesion depends on the weight, the wheels would revolve with- out advancing, and thus the whole train would remain motion- less, because the weight, with the inclination, required a greater force than the power of the engine. On such roads where heavy freight trains are to be drawn, the weight of the engine sometimes amounts to 40 or 50,000 pounds. 685. In all cases, the invariable condition must be, that the force be greater than the resistance, otherwise no progress will be effected ; and as we have already seen, the force depends on the adhesion, and this on the weight, so it is obvious that a 683. What is said of the springs on which the boiler rests? 684. Why are the driving wheels so connected as to form an individual fulcrum ? What is the weight of some engines'? 685. What is said of the proportion between the weight of the en- gine and the grade of the road? What must be the condition with respect to the weight and force ? What is the estimate between the force of adhesion and -the weight of the drivers! THE RAILS. 197 FIG. 153. ponderous engine only, will draw a heavy train over a rapid inclination. It is estimated that the force of adhesion amounts to one-sixth of the weight of the drivers on the rails. 686. Section of the Boiler. It has been noticed above, that locomotive boilers are furnished with copper tubes, passing from the fire-box to the chimney. The ordinary number of these tubes is 120, and their diameters about two inches. If larger than this, they are liable to collapse by the pressure of the steam, and if smaller, they soon become clogged by the soot. The end of such a boiler is repre- sented by Fig. 153. The fire-box with the grate for fuel, is seen at B, above which are the ends of the tubes. In Fig. 152, these parts are above R. A shows the dome, above the fire-box, and which forms a part of the boiler, being open and containing the steam as it is formed. 687. The steam is conveyed to the cylinders from the large pipe, seen at the upper part of the dome, the two arrows showing that it is admitted from all directions. The mouth of this pipe is thus elevated, in order to avoid the admission of the water when in the state of the greatest ebullition. The fire-box is made of thick, rolled iron, with double walls, about three inches apart, the space between them being filled with water, so that the fire is surrounded with water, except at the door where the fuel is admitted. 688. The water is pumped into the side of the fire-box at C, whTch opens into the boiler. The boiler is only about half filled with water, the upper part being devoted to steam. The boiler is made of thiok, rolled iron, strongly riveted to- gether, and in the form of a cylinder, being that which best resists the pressure of the steam. In order to confine the heat, or prevent radiation, boilers are covered with wood, in the form of narrow strips of board, over which there is a covering of sheet iron. 686. Show by Fig. 153, the situations of the fire-box, steam pipe, tubes and grate. 687. Why is the mouth of the steam pipe so high in the dome 7 688. Where is the water admitted to the boiler. Fire-Box and Boiler. 198 ACOUSTICS. 689. Locomotive engines are always on the high pressure principle, because such engines are more simple in structure than those of low pressure, the former not requiring the con- densing apparatus which is indispensable in the latter. CHAPTER X. ACOUSTICS. 690. Acoustics is that branch of natural philosophy which treats of the origin, propagation, and effects of sound. 691. Vibration of Solids. When a sonorous, or sounding body is struck, it is thrown into a tremulous or vibrating mo- tion. This motion is communicated to the air which surrounds us, and by the air is conveyed to our ear drums, which also undergo a vibratory motion, and this last motion throwing the auditory nerves into action, we thereby gain the sensation of sound. If any sounding body, of considerable size, is suspended in the air and struck, this tremulous motion is distinctly visible to the eye, and while the eye perceives its motion, the ear per- ceives the sound. 692. Proof by the Air-Pump, That sound is conveyed to the ear by the motion which the sounding body communicates to the air, is proved by an interesting experi- ment with the air-pump. 693. This is done by a little piece of me- chanism shown by Fig. 154. It consists of a block of lead weighing a pound or two, into which is inserted the standard of the bell A. A piece of wire, also fixed to the lead, is bent over the bell at B, to which is jointed the handle of a small hammer. At half an inch from the joint, the handle passes through the end of the sliding rod 689. Why are locomotives on the high pressure principle ? 690. What is acoustics 7 691. When a sonorous body is struck within hearing, in what manner do we gain from it the sensation of sound 1 692. How is it proved that sound is conveyed to the ear by the medium of the air 7 693. Describe the mechanism, Fig. 154, by which this is proved. FIG. 154. About Sound. DIVING BELL. 199 C, which passes air-tight through the stuffed collar of the glass receiver D. Now it is obvious by the figure, that on working the sliding- rod by its handle, the hammer will strike the bell, the sound of which may be heard to a considerable distance. But if the re- .ceiver be set on the plate of an air-pump, and the air exhausted, its sound will become less and less audible, until a vacuum is formed, when, although the hammer is made to strike the bell, no sound will be heard. The lead should be placed on a piece of cotton batting, so as not to transmit the sound through the solid on which it stands. DIVING BELL. 694. On the contrary, when the air is more dense than or- dinary, or when a greater quantity is contained in a vessel, than in the same space in the open air, the effect of sound on the ear is increased. This is illustrated by the use of the diving bell The diving bell is a large vessel, open at the bottom, under which men descend to the beds of rivers, for the purpose of ob- taining articles from the wrecks of vessels. When this machine is sunk to any considerable depth, the water above, by its press- ure, condenses the air under it with greafr force* In this situa- tion, a 'whisper is as loud as a common voice in the open air, and an ordinary voice becomes painful to the ear. 695. Effects in high Places. Again, on the tops of high mountains where the pressure, or density of the air is much less than on the surface of the earth, the report of a pistol is Eeard only a few rods, and the human voice is so weak as to be in- audible at ordinary distances. Thus, the atmosphere which surrounds us, is the medium by which sounds are conveyed to our ears, and to its vibrations we are indebted for the sense of hearing, as well as for all we enjoy from the charms of music. 696. Solids conduct Sound. The atmosphere, -though the most common, is not, however, the only, or the best conductor of sound. Solid bodies conduct sound better than elastic riuids. Hence, if a person lay his ear on a long stick of timber, the scratch of a pin may be heard from the other end, which could not be perceived through the air. 694. When the air is more dense than ordinary, how does it affect sound? 695. What is said of the effects of sound on the tops of high mountains 1 696. Which ar the best conductors of sound, solid or elastic substances 1 200 ACOUSTICS. 697. The earth conducts loud rumbling sounds made below its surface to great distances. Thus, it is said, that in countries where volcanoes exist, the rumbling noise which generally pre- cedes an eruption, is heard first by the beasts of the field, be- cause their ears are commonly near the ground, and that by their agitation and alarm, they give warning of its approach to- the inhabitants. , 698. The Indians of our country, by laying their ears on the ground, will discover the approach of horses or men when they are at such distances as not to be heard in any other manner. 699. Velocity of Sound. Sound is propagated through the air at the rate of 1,142 feet in a second of time. When com- pared with the velocity of light, it therefore moves but slowly. Any one may be convinced of this by watching the discharge of cannon at a distance. The flash is seen apparently at the instant the gi-nner touches fire to the powder; the whizzing of the ball, if the ear is in its direction, is next heard, and lastly, the report. 700. Blot's Experiment. Solid substances convey sounds with greater velocity than air, as is proved by the following ex- periment, made at Paris, by M. Biot: At the extremity of a cylindrical tube, upward of 3,000 feet long, a ring of metal, was placed, of the same diameter as the aperture of the tube ; and in the center of this ring, in the mouth of the tube, was suspended a clock-bell and hammer. The hammer was made to strike the ring and the bell at the same instant, so that the sound of the ring would be transmit- ted to the remote end of the tube, through the conducting power of the tube itself, while the sound of the bell would be transmitted through the medium of the air inclosed in the tube. The ear being then placed at the remote end of the tube, the sound of the ring, transmitted by the metal of the tube, was first heard distinctly, and after a short interval had elapsed, the sound of the bell transmitted by the air in the tube, was heard. The result of several experiments was, that the metal conducted the sound at the rate of about 11,865 feet per second, which is about ten and a half times the velocity with which it is con- ducted by the air. 701. Sound moves forward in straight lines, and in this re- 697. What is said of the earth as a conductor of sounds'? 608. Ho\v is it said that the Indians discover the approach of horses 1 699. How fast does sound pass through t'he air ] What is said of the firing of cannon with respect to sound 7 700. Which convey sounds with the greatest velocity, solid substances, or air 1 ACOUSTICS. 201 spect follows the same laws as moving bodies, and light. It also follows the same laws in being reflected, or thrown back, when it strikes a solid, or reflecting surface. 7U2. ECHO. If the surface be smooth, and of t considerable dimensions, the sound will be reflected, and an echo will be heard ; but if the surface is very irregular, soft, or small, no such effect will be produced. ]n order to hear the echo, the ear must be placed in a certain direction, in respect to the point where the sound is produced, and the reflecting surface. If a sound be produced at A, Fig. 155, and strike the plane surface B, it will be reflected back in the same line, and the echo will be heard at C or A. That is, the angle under which it approaches the reflecting surface, and that under which it leaves it, will be equal. FIG. 157. A. Echo. Reverberation. FIG. 156. Reflection of Sound. 703. Whether the sound strikes the reflecting surface at right angles, or obliquely, the angle of approach, and the angle of re- flection, will always be the same, and equal. 700. Describe the experiment, proving that sound is conducted by a metal with greater velocity than by the air. 701. In what lines does sound move? 703. Explain Fijr. 156, and show in what direction sound approaches and leaves a reflecting surface. r>* 202 ACOUSTICS. Tliis is illustrated by Fig. 156, where suppose a pistol to be fired at A, while the reflecting surface is at C ; then the echo will be heard at B, the angles 2 and 1 being equal io each other. 704. Reverberation of Sound. If a sound be emitted be- tween two reflecting surfaces, parallel to each other, it will rever- berate, or be answered backward and forward several times. Thus, if the sound be made at A, Fig. 157, it will not only rebound back again to A, but will also be reflected from the points C and D, and were such reflecting surfaces placed at every point around a circle from A, the sound would be thrown back from them all, at the same instant, and would meet again at the point A. We shall see, under the article Optics, that light observes exactly the same law in respect to its reflection from plane sur- faces, and that the angle at which it strikes, is called the angle of incidence, and that under which it leaves the reflecting sur- face, is called the angle of reflection. The same terms are em- ployeM in respect to sound. 705. Reflection in a Circle. In a circle, sound is reflected from every plane surface placed around it, and hence, if the sound is emitted from the center of a circle, this center will be the point at which the echo will be most distinct. Suppose the ear to be placed at the point A, Fig. 158, in the cen- ter of a circle ; and let a sound be produced at the same point, then it will move along the line A E, and be reflected from the plane sur- face, back on the same line to A ; and this will take place from all the plane surfaces placed around the circumference of a circle ; and as all these surfaces are at the same distance from the center, so the re- flected sound will arrive at the point A, at the same instant; and the echo will be loud, in proportion to the number and perfection of these reflecting surfaces. 706. WHISPERING GALLERY. It is apparent that the audi- tor, in this case, must be placed in the center from which the 704. What is the angle under which sound strikes a reflecting surface called? What is the angle under which it leaves a reflecting surface called? Is there any difference in the quantity of these two angles? 705. Suppose a pistol to be fired in the center of a circular room, where would be the echo ? FIG 158. Reflection in a Circle. ACOUSTICS. 203 s sound proceeds, to receive the greatest effect. But if the shape of th room be oval, or elliptical, the sound may be made in one part, and the echo will be heard in another part, because the ellipse has two points, called foci, at ^ne of which, the sound being produced, it will be concentrated in the other. Suppose a sound to be produced at A, Fig. 159, it will be reflected from FIG. 159. the sides of the room, the angles of in- cidence being equal to those of reflection, and will be concentrated at B. Hence, a hearer standing at B, will be affected by the united rays of sound from differ- ent parts of the room, so that a whisper at A, will become audible at B, when it would not be heard in any other part of the room. Were the sides of the room lined with a polished metal, the rays of light or heat would be concentrated in the same manner. Whispering Gallery. The reason of this will be understood, when we consider that an ear, placed at C, will receive only one ray of the sound proceeding from A, while if placed at B, it will receive the rays from all parts of the room. Such a room, whether constructed by design or accident, would be a whisper- ing gallery. 7 07. Successive Reflections of Sound. "Several reflecting surfaces may be so situated in respect to distance and direction, that a sound proceeding from a certain point, will be reflected, first from one surface, and then from another, at a little dis- tance, afterward from a third, and so on ; or it may be reflected from the first surface to the second, and from the second to the third, and from this to a fourth, and so on, even it is said, to the number of eight or ten." 708. According to the distance at which the speaker stands, a reflecting surface will return the echo of several, or of fewer syllables ; for in order to avoid confusion, all the syllables must be uttered before the echo of the first syllable reaches the ear. In a moderate way of speaking, about 3^- syllables are pro- nounced in one second, or seven syllables in two seconds. 706. Explain Fig. 159, and give the reason.- Suppose a sound to be produced in one. of the foci of an ellipse, where then might it be most distinctly heard ? 707. What number of echoes are said to happen from one sound ? 708- How many sylla- bles are pronounced in a second 1 When an echo repeats seven syllables, how far off is the reflecting surface ? Explain this. 204 ACOUSTICS. Therefore when an echo repeats seven syllables, the reflecting surface is 1,142 feet distant; for sound travels at the rate of 1,142 feet per second, and the distance from the speaker to the reflecting object, and ^again from the latter to the former, is twice 1,142 feet. When the echo returns 14 syllables, the re- flecting object must be 2,284 feet distant, and so on. 709. It is stated that a famous echo in Woodstock, (Eng- land,) repeats seventeen syllables in the day, and twenty in the night, and en the north side of Shepley church in Sussex, it is said that an echo repeats distinctly, under favorable circum- stances, twenty-one syllables. 710. Effects of Surface. On a smooth surface, the rays, or pulses of sound, will pass with less impediment than on a rough one. For this reason, persons can talk to each other on the opposite sides of a river, when they could not be understood at the same distance over the land. The report of a cannon at sea, when the water is smooth, may be heard at a great dis- tance, but if the sea is rough, even without wind, the sound will be broken, and will reach only half as far. 711. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. The strings of musical instru- ments are elastic cords, which being fixed at each end, produce sounds by vibrating in the middle. The string of a violin or piano, when pulled to one side by its middle, and let go, vibrates backward and forward, like a pendulum, and striking rapidly against the air, produces tones, which are grave, or acute, according to its tension, size, or length. 712. The manner FIG - 1GO - in which such a ^^~ - string vibrates is ^^^-~~~ shown by Fig. 160. If pulled from E to A, it will not stop again at E, but in Musical string. passing from A to E, it will gain a momentum, which will carry it to C, and in returning, its momentum will again carry it to D, and so on, backward arid forward, like a pendulum, until its tension, arid the resistance of the air, will finally bring it to rest. 713. Tones depend on Size and Tension. The grave or 709. How many syllables is it said some echoes repeat ? 710. Why is it that per- eons can converse on the opposite sides of a river, when they could not hear each other at the same distance over the land 7 711. How do the strings of musical instru- ments produce sounds 7 712. Explain Fig. 160. ACOUSTICS. 205 sharp tones of the same string, depend on its different degrees of tension ; hence, if a string be struck, and while vibrating, its tension be increased, its tone will be changed from a lower to a higher pitch. Strings of the same length'are made to vibrate slow, or quick, and consequently to produce a variety of sounds, by making some larger than others, and giving them different degrees of tension. The violin and bass viol are familiar examples of this. The low, or bass strings, are covered with metallic wire, in order to make their magnitude and weight prevent their vibration from being too rapid, and thus they are made to give deep or grave tones. The other strings are diminished in thickness, and increased in tension, so as to make them produce a greater number of vibrations in a given time, and thus their tones be- come sharp or acute in proportion. 714. JEoiJAx HARP. Under certain circumstances, a long string will divide itself into halves, thirds, or quarters, without depressing any part of it, and thus give several harmonious tones at the same time. The fairy tones of the u^Eolian harp are produced in this man- ner. This instrument consists of a simple box of wood, with four or five strings, two or three feet long, fastened at each end. These are tuned in unison, so that when made to vibrate with force, they produce the same tones. But when suspended in a gentle breeze, each string, according to the manner or force in which it receives the blast, either sounds, as a whole, of is divided into several parts, as above described. The result of which, is the production of the most pleasing combination and succession of sounds, that the ear ever listened to or fancv perhaps conceived. After a pause, this fairy harp is often heard beginning with a low and solemn note, like the bass of distant music in the sky ; the sound then swells as if approaching, and other tones break forth, mingling with the first, and with each other. 715. The manner in which a string vibrates in parts, will be understood by Fig. 161. Suppose the whole length of the string to be from A to B, and that it is fixed at these two points. The portion from B to C vibrates as though it was fixed at -C, and its tone differs from those of the other parts of the string. The same happens from 713. On what do the grave or acute tones of the same strin? depend ? Why ate the ba=s strings ofmstruments covered with metallic wire ? 714. Why is there a va* riety of tones in the ^Eolian harp, since ail the strings are tuned in unison 1 715. Ex- plain Fig 161s showing the manner in which strings vibrate in parts. 206 ACOUSTICS. C to D, and from D to A. While a string is thus vibrating, if a small piece of paper be laid on the part C, or D, it will re- main, but -if plactd on any other part of the string, it will bo shaken off. FIG. 161. JEolian Harp. 716. MONOCHORD. An instrument called monocJwrd "single string," or sonometer " sound measurer," is used to determine the number and theory of musical vibrations, as applied to stringed instruments. It consists of a wooden box, several feet in length, 1, 2, Fig. 162. At A, a catgut or metallic string is fastened, which passing over the bridges B and C, and then over the roller D, has a weight suspended for its tension at E. FIG. 162. Monochord. The bridge C is attached to a scale, on which it moves, so that the string can be shortened at pleasure. There is also provided a number of leaden weights, having slits to the center, to be slipped on the string, and by which its tension can be in- creased or diminished. 717. By means of the monochord, many curious and important inferences, with respect to stringed instruments have been drawn. We extract from Muller a few of the most important of these laws. 716. What is the meaning of monochord, and what its use? Describe the mono chord * WIND INSTRUMENTS. 207 718. The number of vibrations of a string, is inversely as its length. If the string of any instrument makes a given number of vi- brations in a certain time, it would make in the same time, 2, 3, or 4 times as many vibrations, if, with the same tension, we let only , i, or -J- of its length vibrate, and so in these propor- tions, whether it be made longer or shorter. 719. The number of vibrations of a string is proportional to the square root of its stretching weight, or its tension. Thus, if the tension of a given length of string be equal to 4, 9, or 16, then the velocity of its vibrations will be 2, 3, or 4 times as great. 720. The number of vibrations of different strings, of the same substance, is inversely as their thickness. If we take two steel wires of equal length, whose diameters are as 1 and 2, then with the same tension, 1 will make twice as many vibrations as 2 in the same time. 721. Capacity of the Human Ear. From Prof. Hoblyn's, London, edition of this work, we add the following : " The ca- pacity of the human ear for appreciating the vibrations of a son- orous body, is restricted within certain limits. It has been proved by experiment, that the lowest note we are capable of perceiving, is that produced by a body performing 32 half vi- brations, or 16 impulses, in one second of time ; and the highest, that which is performed by 16,000 impulses in the same time. It is stated, however, that a finely attuned ear is capable of ap- preciating, as a distinct sound, a kind of hissing noise, occasioned by 48,000 half vibrations, or 24,000 impulses in a second of time." WIND INSTRUMENTS. 722. In stringed instruments, we have seen that the sounds are produced by the vibration of stretched cords on the air. In musical pipes the tones are produced, in part, by the pass- age of the air through apertures of various forms, and in part by the vibration of the pipes themselves. 723. Organ Pipes. The most complicated, important, and costly instrument is the organ. This, indeed, embraces in its structure nearly every known wind instrument, and therefore may be considered as a collection of such instruments, each of 718. To what is the number of vibrationsof a string proportioned ? 719. How docs tension affect the vibrations 1 720. How does thickness affect vibrations? 721. What is said of the capacity of the ear to appreciate sounds? 722. How are the tones in musical pipes produced ? 723. What instruments does the organ embrace? 208 WIND INSTRUMENTS. FIG. 163. which may be played separately, or, when great power is re- quired, several may be played in unison. 724. Stops. A stop consists of a rank of pipes on a uniform model. Some are only treble, and others only bass stops. In general, however, a stop includes the pipes belonging to each instrument, as the Flute, Trumpet, Hautboy, and'Dulciana stops. 725. The Diapason (which means through all) is the principal stop, and on this all the other stops are founded, or are made to correspond. 726. Flue and Reed Stops. This is the great division of the whole organ, and depends on the mechanism by which the tones are produced, every organ in this respect, having only two stops, or sorts of pipes, however numerous the individual stops may be. 727. flue Pipes. These consist of the body or tube B, Fig. 163, and the foot P, between which there is a diaphragm or partition, having a narrow, transverse aperture to emit the wind from the bellows, as shown by the figure. Over this aperture is a sharp edge called the upper lip, against which the wind is forced, and by which the sound is produced, and which is" modified by the size and form of the pipe. 728. Chestnut Whistle. The chestnut or wil- low whistle, made by every lad in the country, is a good illustration of the flue organ pipe, the construction of both, being precisely on the same principle. 729. Reed Pipes. These differ from the above, in having a piece of thin brass, or other metal, placed in the mouth of the pipe, and called the tongue, the vibration of which produces the sound. The tongue is fastened to a cylindrical piece of metal between C C, Fig. 164, which is called the block. The dotted lines C C, show the tuning wire, which passes through the block, and by the sliding of which, up and down, the tones are Reed Pipe. Flue Pipe. FIG. 164. 724. What is meant by a stop ? 725. What is said of the diapason stop ? 726. Into what stops is the entire organ divided? 727. Show by Fig. 163, the construction of the flue pipes. 728. What is said to be a good illustration of these pipes 1 729. De- scribe the parts of a reed pipe by Fig. 164. WIND INSTRUMENTS. 200 varied, the pitch becoming flat or sharp, as the tongue is made long or short. the reed pipes are generally of metal, the body of which is shown by A B. 730. Structure of the Pipes. The large pipes are commonly made of wood, and are square in form, though some wood pipes are only a few inches long. The largest of these pipes are 32 feet long and 15 inches in diameter. 731. The metal pipes are in the form of a cone or cylinder, most of the smaller ones being of these forms and substance. In a few instances, metallic pipes of immense size and weight have been constructed. The largest ever made, is at Birmingham, England, which is 32 feet Jong and 24 inches in diameter. It is of zinc, in form of a cylinder, standing in front of all the other pipes. 732. Tuning the Organ. The pipes are tuned by various means, depending on frheir forms ; the substance of which they are made, and whether they are open or stopped. 733. Stopped wooden pipes are tuned by a pompion, or stop- per, which is of wood, covered with leather, exactly fitting the end, and which is drawn up, or pushed down, to make the tones more grave or sharp. The stopped metal pipes, have a cap on the top, and by the movement of which, they are tuned on the same principle as those of wood. In some cases, stopped metallic pipes are tuned by means of ears on each side of the mouth, by the bending of which, the tones are varied. Open metal pipes are tuned by a wooden instrument, one end of which is a solid cone* and the other a hollow cone. By this, the tops of the pipes are expanded by introducing the solid end, to make the . pitch sharper, and- contracted by the hollow cone, to make the pitch fatter. The reed pipes, as already noticed, are tuned by the motions of the tuning wire. Reed Pipes vary with the Temperature. The tongues of these pipes vary in length by heat and cold, and hence their tones change, for the same reason that the clock goes faster in winter than in summer, as explained, 283. It is probably on this account that organists find difficulty in keeping these stops in tune. 730. What is said of the structure of these pipes ? 731. Of what size are the largest organ pipes 1 732. How are the pipes tuned 1 733. How are the stooped nines tuned 1 How are the open p, P es tuned ? What is said of the influence ofTemperTuSe on the 210 LARGE ORGANS. 734. ANTIQUITY OF THE ORGAN. The earliest account of any instrument similar to the organ, occurs in the Tenth Book of Vitruvius, a Greek writer, who lived a century before the Christian era. This was moved by water, and hence was called a hydraulicon. The first organ spoken of in France, was of Greek construc- tion, and was sent to King Pepin, the father of Charlemagne, by the Emperor Constantine, about A. D. 757. This was moved by wind. The first of any size known in England, was that of Winches- ter Cathedra], in 951. This had 26 pairs of bellows, which it required 70 men to work. It had 10 keys, and 40 pipes to each key. Notwithstanding the antiquity of this invention, it was not until after the Reformation that any great improvements were made in this instrument. Even so late as 1660, only four organ builders were to be found in Great Britain. This instrument, in our country, was unknown to the common people a century ago ; and at the time of our revolution, com- paratively few persons, except in large cities, had ever heard an organ. It is hardly necessary to add, that the organ, as it now exists, is an entirely different instrument from that so called only fifty years ago, and that, at present, no village having a church of any pretensions, is without an organ. LARGE ORGANS. 735. Perhaps we can not gratify our readers more than to add short notices of a few of the largest organs in the world. Haarlem Organ. This has long been the most celebrated of organs. It was built in 1638, at the cost of $60,000. The case is 108 feet high by 50 feet wide. It has 60 stops ; 12 pair of bellows; 4 rows of keys; 5000 pipes, of which two are 32 feet long and 15 inches wide. The fee for hearing the whole is $5. Freyburg Organ, in Switzerland. It is said that no instru- ment ever was, or ever will be built like this ; the artist, Moser, refusing to build another, and no one being allowed to see the interior. The wonder, and the secret, with respect to this organ, is in its having a stop, the tones of which are so exactly like those of the. human voice, that visitors mistake it for a large choir of singers. It has 68 stops and 4 rows of keys. Music Hall, Edinburgh, Organ. This immense instrument 734. What is said of the antiquity of the organ 7 HARMONICON. 211 has 82 stops, 4 rows of keys, 1 wooden pipe of 32 feet, and several of metal of 16 feet in length. Hamburgh Organ. This organ, in St. Michael's Church, was biiilt in 1762, and cost more than $20,000. It has 4 rows of keys; three pipes of 32 feet, and nine of 16 feet; 10 wind chests and 10 pair of bellows. The pipes of the large pedal stop, are of pure tin highly polished, and placed in front The Weingarten Organ. This is in the Benedictine Monas- tery, in Suabia, and was built about 1750. It has 4 rows of keys ; 3 pipes of 32 feet; 4 of 16 feet, and 4 unisons. It has in the whole, 6,666 pipes ; namely, in the great organ, 2,176 ; in the choir, 1,176 ; in the third organ, 1,274 ; in the echo or- gan, 1,225, and in the pedal organ, 815. Berlin Organ. This organ, at Berlin, Prussia, was designed to be the largest in the world, and to contain 150 stops and 6 rows of keys, besides the pedals, but it remains unfinished. Baltimore Cathedral Organ. This is said to be the largest in the United States. It has 36 stops and 2,213 pipes, the largest being 32 feet long. HARMONICON. This is a musical instrument invented by Dr. Franklin, though i* has been much improved since his day. FIG. 165. o O O Harmonicon. It consists of a number of glass goblets of different sizes, and so attuned to each other as to form the harmonic scale. 212 WIND. * They are firmly fastened to the bottom of a box, their tones being so nicely adapted to the scale, by the artist who con- structs them, as to need no tuning, though one or two of them contain water as a convenience. They are played by touching the edges with the wet finger, and their tones may be prolonged, and made to swell or dimin- ish, like .those of the violin. Perhaps no music to which the human ear has ever listened, is equal in sweetness, delicacy, and smoothness to this. No one can hear it without a thrill of delight, nor for the first time, without astonishment. It is indeed an .JSolian harp under command of the artist. The arrangement and comparative sizes of the goblets, are shown by Fig. 165, which presents the natural key, or C major. The goblets hold from a quart to half a pint, and their tones depend, in part, upon their capacity, and in part upon the weight or thickness. The instrument here represented, is capable of producing all the tones of the most common and simple melodies. We are told that Mr. Francis H. Smith, of Baltimore, furn- ishes Harmonicons, put up in boxes, at various prices, from 18 to 85 dollars. ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA. 736. The term atmosphere is from two Greek words, which signify vapor and sphere. It is the air which surrounds the earth to the height of forty-five miles, and is essential to the lives of all animals, and the production of all vegetables. All meteorological phenomena, with which we are acquainted, depend chiefly, if not entirely, on the influence of the atmos- phere. Fogs, winds, rain, dew, hail, snow, thunder, lightning, electricity, sound, and a variety of other phenomena of daily occurrence, belong to the atmosphere. We have, however, only room for the most common result of atmospheric changes. Wind and Rain. WIND 737. Wind is nothing more than^ air in motion. The use of a fan, in warm weather, only serves to move the air, and thus to make a little breeze about the person using it. 736. What is the atmosphere? How high does the atmosphere extend? What phenomena mentioned, depend on the atmosphere? 737. What is wind? As a natural phenomenon, how is wind produced ; or, what is the cause of wind? How is this illustrated 7 WIND. 213 As a natural phenomenon, that motion of the air which we call wind, is produced in consequence of there being a greater degree of heat in one place than in another. The air thus heated, rises upward, while that which surrounds this, moves forward to restore the equilibrium. The truth of this is illustrated by the fact, that during the burning of a house in a calm night, the motion of the air to- ward the place where it is thus rarefied, makes the wind blow from every point toward the flame. 738. Sea and Land Breeze. On islands, situated in hot climates, this principle is charmingly illustrated. The land, during the day time, being under the rays of a tropical sun, becomes heated in a greater degree than the surrounding ocean, and, consequently, there rises from the land a stream of warm air, during the day, while the cooler air from the surface of the water, moving forward to supply this partial vacancy, produces a cool breeze setting inland on all sides of the island. This constitutes the sea breeze, which is so delightful to the inhabit- ants of those hot countries, and without which men could hardly exist in some of the most luxuriant islands between the tropics. During the night, the motion of the air is reversed, because the earth being heated superficially, soon cools when the sun ia absent, while the water, being warmed several feet below its surface, retains its heat longer. Consequently, toward morning, the earth becomes colder than the water, and the air sinking down upon it, seeks an equilib- rium, by flowing outward, like rays from a center, and thus the land breeze is produced. The wind then continues to blow from the land until the equilibrium is restored, or until the morning sun makes the land of the same temperature as the water, when for a time there will be a dead calm. Then again the land becoming warmer than the water, the sea breeze returns as before, and thus the inhabitants of those sultry climates are constantly refreshed dur- ing the summer season, with alternate land and sea breezes. 739. TRADE WINDS. At the equator, which is a part of the earth continually under the heat of a burning sun, the air is expanded, and ascends upward, so as to produce currents from the north and south, which move forward to supply the place of the heated air as it rises. 738. In the islands of hot climates, why does the wind blow inland during the day and off the land during the night ? What are these breezes called ? 739. What is said of the ascent of heated air at the equator ? What is the consequence on the air toward the north and south 7 How are the trade winds formed 1 214 WIND. These two currents, coming from latitudes where the daily- motion of the earth is less than at the equator, do not obtain its full rate of motion, and therefore, when they approach the equator, do not move so fast eastward as that portion of the earth, by the difference between the equator's velocity, and that of the latitudes from which they come. This wind, therefore, falls behind the earth in her diurnal motion, and consequently has a relative motion toward the west. This constant breeze toward the west is called the trade wind, because a large por- tion of the commerce of nations comes within its influence. 740. Counter Currents. While the air in the lower regions of the atmosphere is thus constantly flowing from the north and south toward the equator, and forming the trade winds between the tropics, the heated air from these regions as perpetually rises, and forms a counter current through the higher regions, toward the north and south from the tropics, thus restoring the equilibrium. This counter motion of the air in the upper and lower regions is illustrated by a very simple experiment. Open a door a few inches, leading into a heated room, and hold a lighted candle at the top of the passage ; the current of air, as indicated by the direction of the flame, will be out of the room. Then set the candle on the floor, and it will sjiow that the current is there into the room. Thus, while the heated air rises and passes out of the room, at the same time that which is colder flows in, along the floor, to take its place. This explains the reason why our feet are apt to suffer with the cold, in a room moderately heated, while the other parts of the body are comfortable. It also explains why those who sit in the gallery of a church are sufficiently warm, while those who sit below may be shivering with the cold. 741. From such facts, showing the tendency of heated air to ascend, while that which is colder moves forward to supply its place, it is easy to account for the reason why the wind blows perpetually from the north and south toward the tropics ; for the air being heated, as stated above, it ascends, and then flows north and south toward the poles, until, growing cold, it sinks down and again flows toward the equator. 740. While the air in the lower regions flows from the north and south toward the equator, in what direction does it flow in the higher regions ? How is this counter current in lower and upper regions illustrated by a simple experiment? 741. What common fact does this experiment illustrate? Explain Fig. 166, and show which way the air passes. WIND. 215 Perhaps these opposite motions of the two better understood by the sketch, Fig. 166. Opposite Currents of Air. Suppose A B to represent a portion of the earth's surface, A being toward the north pole, C toward the south pole, and B the equator. The currents of air are supposed to pass in the direction of the arrows. The wind, therefore, from A to B would blow on the surface of the earth, from north to south, while from E to A, the upper current would pass from south to north, until it came to A, when it would change its direction toward the south. The currents in the southern hemisphere being governed by the same laws, would assume similar di- rections. VELOCITY OF WIND. 742. The velocity of aerial movements amount, according to authors, from to upwards of 100 miles an hour ; but the max- imum is variously stated by different experiments, nor do we see how any great degree of accuracy can be attained on this point. The best method is, to deduce the velocity, by the force of wind ; which is done by an instrument invented for that pur- pose by Dr. Lind, a figure of which we here insert. 743. ANEMOMETER, OR WIND MEASURER. It consists of a glass tube, Fig. 167, bent into the form of the letter U, and open at both ends. The upper end of B is bent to the hori- zontal direction, and is widened at the mouth for the purpose of receiving the wind. The tube being partly filled with water, and exposed to a current of air, the fluid is depressed in that, and of course rises in the other leg of the tube. As the water 743. What is the name of the instrument which measures the force of wind? How is it constructed ? 216 RAIN. is on a level in both branches when the air is FIG. 167. still, if it is depressed to B on one side, it must rise to C on the other, the amount of rise, and consequently the degree of force, be- ing measured by a graduated scale. Now as the pressure of water is as its height, the rise in the tube will not be in direct proportion to the force of the wind, but the velocity of the wind will be in the ratio of the square root of the resistance. The tube is diminished at the base to check the undulations of the water. 744. By this instrument it is found that Anemometer. ' the following popular expressions with respect to aerial currents, are indicated on the scale as here expressed. Velocity of the Wind in miles per hour. Com. appellation of the force of Wind. 1 . Hardly perceptible. 4 Gentle breeze. 6 Pleasant Wind. 10 Brisk wind. 15 Very brisk wind. 20 High wind. 30 Very high wind. 40 A storm. 50 A hard storm. 60 A great storm. 80 A hurricane. 100 A violent hurricane. RAIN. 745. Rain is falling water in the form of drops. It appears to result from the meeting of two clouds of different tempera- tures. In explaining the theory of rain, it must be understood, that warm air has a greater capacity for moisture than cold. It is also ascertained, that this capacity increases at a much faster ratio than the increase of temperature itself, and h'ence it fol- lows that if two clouds at different temperatures, completely saturated, meet and mingle together, a precipitation of moisture 744. What correspondence is there between the velocity of wind, and common ex- pressions? 745. What is rain ? What is said of the ratio of capacity for moisture increasing faster than the temperature in clouds? Explain the reason why, when two clouds meet of different temperatures, rain is the result. RAIN. 17 must take place in consequence of the mixture. This would result from the fact that the warmest cloud contained a greater portion of moisture than is indicated by its temperature, as stated above, while the mixture would form a mean tempera- ture, but the mean quantity of vapor could not be retained, since the sum of their capacities for vapor would thus be di- minished. 746. Suppose for example, that at the temperature of 15 de- grees, air can hold 200 parts of moisture ; then at 30 degrees it would hold 400 parts, and at 45 degrees 800 parts. Now let two equal bulks of this air, one at 15, and the other at 45 degrees be mixed, the compound would then contain 200 and 800 parts of moisture = 1000, that is, 500 each, and the tem- perature of the mixture would be 30 degrees. But at this temperature, air is saturated with 400 parts of vapor, therefore, 100 parts is rejected and falls in the form of rain. This is Dr. Button's theory of rain, and observation has seemed to prove its truth. 747. RAIN GAUGE. This is an instrument designed to measure the quantity of rain which falls at any given time and place. 748. A variety of forms, some quite compli- FIG. J68. cated, have been invented for this purpose. The most simple and convenient, for common pur- poses, is that represented by Fig. 168. It may be two feet high, round in form, and made of tin, or copper, well painted. It is furnished with a small metallic faucet for drawing off the water, and into the stem of this, is inserted a glass tube, as a scale, divided into inches and tenths of inches. This may be done by means of paper, pasted on and then varnished. The water will stand at the same height in the Rain Gau se glass scale that it does in the cylinder, and being on the outside, the quantity may be known at a glance. If the funnel, or top, is twice the size of the cylinder, then, an inch in the scale will indicate half an inch received into the gauge, or these proportions may be a tenth, when much accuracy is required. 746. What is the design of the rain ffaurei " 747. What are the forms and materials of this instrumenl 1 748. Describe the scale, and what it indicates with respect to the size of the funnel and cylinder ? 10 CHAPTER XL OPTICS. 1. This term, derived from the Greek, signifies seeing, or to see. It is that science which treats of vision, and the laws, properties, and phenomena of light. 2. It admits of two divisions, viz., Dioptrics, or a discourse on the laws of refracted light, and Catoptrics, a treatise on reflected light. This science involves some of the most elegant and import- ant branches of natural philosophy. It presents us with exper- iments which are attractive by their beauty, and which astonish us by their novelty ; and, at the same time, it investigates the principles of some of the most useful among the articles of common life. 3. There are two opinions concerning the nature of light. Some maintain that it is composed of material particles, which are constantly thrown off from the luminous body ; while others suppose that it is a fluid, diffused through all nature, and that the luminous, or burning body, occasions waves or undulations in this fluid, by which the light is propagated in the same man- ner as sound is conveyed through the air. 4. The most probable opinion, however, is that light is com- posed of exceedingly minute particles of matter. But whatever may be the nature or cause of light, it has certain general prop- erties or effects which we can investigate. Thus, by experiment, we can determine the laws by which it is governed in its pass- age through different transparent substances, and also those by which it is governed when it strikes a substance through which it can not pass. We can likewise test its nature to a certain degree, by decomposing or dividing it into its elementary parts, as the chemist decomposes any substance he wishes to analyze. 5. Definitions. To understand the science of optics, it is necessary to define several terms, which, although some of them may be in common use, have a technical meaning, when ap- plied to this science. 1. What is the meaning of optics? 2. What are the meaning of dioptrics and cat- optrics? What is said of the elegance and importance of this science? 3. What ar^ the two opinions concerning the nature of light 1 4. What is the most probable opin- ion ? 5. What is light 1 OPTICS. 219 Light is that principle, or substance, which enables us to see any body from which it proceeds. If a luminous substance, as a burning candle, be carried into a dark room, the objects in the room become visible, because they reflect the light of the candle to our eyes. 6. Luminous bodies are such as emit light from their own substance. The sun, fire, and phosphorus are luminous bodies. The moon, and the other planets, are not luminous, since they borrow their light from the sun. 7. Transparent bodies are such as permit the rays of light to pass freely through them. Air and some of the gases are per- fectly transparent, since they transmit light without being visible themselves. Glass and water are also considered transparent, but they are not perfectly so, sines they are themselves visible, and therefore do not suffer the light to pass through them with- out interruption. 8. Translucent bodies are such as permit the light to pass, but not in sufficient quantity to render objects distinct, when seen through them. 9. Opaque is the reverse of transparent. Any body which permits none of the rays of light to pass through it, is opaque. 10. Illuminated, enlightened. Any thing is illuminated when the light shines upon it so as to make it visible. Every object exposed to the sun is illuminated. A lamp illuminates a room, and every thing in it. A Ray is a single line of light, as it coirues from a luminous body. A Beam of light is a body of parallel rays. A Pencil of light is a body of diverging or converging rays. Divergent rays are such as come from a point, and contin- ually separate wider apart as they proceed. Convergent rays are those which approach each other, so as to meet at a common point. Luminous bodies emit rays, or pencils of light, in every di- rection, so that the space through which they are visible, is filled with them at every possible point. Thus, the sun illuminates every point of space, within the whole solar system. A light, as that of a light-house, which 6. What is a luminous body? 7. What is a transparent body ? Are glass and wa ter perfectly transparent ? How is it proved that air is perfectly transparent? 8 What are trans ucent bodies? 9. What are opaque bodies? 10. What is meant by* illuminated } What is a ray of light ? What is a beam .' What a pencil 1 What are divergent rays? What are convergent rays ? In what direction do luminous bodies emit light ? How is it proved that a luminous body fills every point within a certain distance with light 7 220 OPTICS. can be seen from the distance of ten miles in one direction, fills every point in a circuit of ten miles from it, with light. Were this not the case, the light from it could not be seen from every point within that circumference. 11. Motion of light. The rays of lighj, move forward in straight lines from the luminous body, and are never turned out of their course, except by some obstacle. FIG. 169. Motion of Light. Let A, Fig. 169, be a beam of light from the sun passing through a small orifice in the window shutter, B. The sun can not be seen through the crooked tube C, because the beam passing in a straight line, strikes the side of the tube, and there- fore does not pass through it. 12. All illuminated bodies, w r hether natural or artificial, throw off light in every direction of the same color as themselves, though the light with which they are illuminated is white or without color. This fact is obvious to all who are endowed with sight. Thus the light proceeding from grass is green, while that proceeding from a rose is red, and so of every other color. We shall be convinced, in another place, that the white light with which things are illuminated, is really composed of several colors, and that bodies reflect only the rays of their own color, while they absorb all the other rays. 13. Velocity of Light. Light moves with the amazing ra- pidity of about 95 millions of miles in 8- minutes, since it is proved by certain astronomical observations, that the light of the sun comes to the earth in that time. This velocity is so great, that to any distance at which an artificial light can be seen, it seems to be transmitted instantaneously. 11. Why can not a beam of light be seen through a bent tube 1 12. What is the eolor of the light which different bodies throw off? If grass throws off green light, what becomes of the other rays 7 13. What is the rate of velocity with which light moves? Can we perceive any difference in the time which it takes an artificial light to pass to u from a great or small distance ? REFRACTION OF LIGHT. 221 If a ton of gunpowder were exploded on the top of a moun- tain, where its light could be seen a hundred miles, no percept- ible difference would be observed in the time of its appearance on the spot, and at -the distance of a hundred miles. DIOPTRICS, OR THE REFRACTION OF LIGHT. 14. Although a ray of light will pass in a straight line, when not interrupted, yet when it passes obliquely from one transpar- ent body into another, of a different density, it leaves its linear direction, and is bent, or refracted more or less, out of its former course. This change in the direction of light, FIG. 170. seems to arise from a certain power, or quality, which transparent bodies possess in different degrees ; for some substances bend the rays of light much more obliquely than others. The manner in which the rays of light are refracted, may be readily un- derstood by Fig. 170. Let A be a ray of the sun's light, proceeding obliquely toward the sur- Refraction. face of the water C D, and let E be the point which it would strike, if moving only through the air. Now, instead of passing through the water in the line A E, it will be bent or refracted, on entering the water, from O to N, and having passed through the fluid it is again refracted in a contrary direction on passing out of the water, and then pro- ceeds onward in a straight line as before. 15. Cup and Shilling. The refraction of water is beauti fully proved by the following simple experiment. Place an empty cup, Fig. 171, with a shilling on the bottom, in such a position that the side of the cup will just hide the piece of money from the eye. Then let another person fill the cup with water, keeping the eye in the same position as before. As the water is poured in, the shilling will become visible, appearing to rise with the water. ' The effect of the water is to bend the ray of light coming from the shilling, so as to make it meet the eye below the point where it otherwise would. Thus the eye 14. What is meant by the refraction of light 7 Do all transparent bodies refract 1'ght equally? Explain Fig. 170, and show how the ray is refracted in passing into, and out of the water. 15. Explain Fig. 171, and state the reason why the shilling seems to be raised up by pouring in the water. 222 REFRACTION OF LIGHT. could not see the shilling in ^J mo - ITL the direction of C, since the line of vision toward A and C is hidden by the side of the cup. But the refraction of the water bends the ray downward,- producing the same effect as though the ob- ject had been raised upward, and hence it becomes visible. c 1 6. Refraction by Several Cup and shilling. Media. Any transparent body through which light passes, is called a medium, and it is found in all cases, " that where a ray of light passes obliquely from one medium into another of a different density, it is re- fracted, or turned out of its former course" This is illustrated in the above examples, the water being a more dense medium than air. The refraction takes place at the surface of the me- dium, and the ray is refracted in its passage out of the refract- ing substance as well as into it. 1*7. If the ray, after having passed through' the water, then strikes upon a still more dense medium, as a pane of glass, it will again be refracted. It is understood, that in all cases, the ray must fall upon the refracting medium obliquely, in order to be refracted, for if it proceeds from one medium to another per- pendicularly to their surfaces, it will pass straight through them all, and no refraction will take place. 18. Thus, in Fig. 172, let A represent air, B water, and C a piece of glass. The ray D, striking each medium in a perpen- dicular direction, passes through them all in a straight line. The oblique ray passes through the air in the direction of C, but meeting the water, is refracted in the direction of O ; then falling upon the glass, it is again refracted in the direction of P, nearly parallel with the perpendicular line D. 19. In all cases where the ray passes out of a rarer into a denser medium, it is refracted toward a perpendicular line, raised from the surface of the denser medium, and so, when it passes out of a denser, into a rarer medium, it is refracted from the same perpendicular. 16. What is a medium ? In what direction must a ray of light pass from one me- dium to another, to be refracted 1 17. Will a ray falling perpendicularly on a medium be refracted ? 18. Explain Fig. 172. and show how the ray E is refracted. 19. When it passes out of a rarer into a denser medium, in what direction is it refracted ? When it passes out of a denser into a rarer medium, in what direction is the refraction * Explain this by Fig. 173. BEFRACTIQN OF LIGHT. 223 Let the medium B, Fig. 173, be glass, and the medium C, water. The ray A, as it falls upon the medium B, is refracted toward the perpendicular line E D ; but when it enters the wa- ter, whose refractive power is less than that of glass, it is not bent so near the perpendicular as before, and hence it is re- fracted /rom, instead of toward the perpendicular line, and ap- proaches the original direction of the ray A G, when passing through the air. FIG. 173. Water. Glass and Water. Air, Water, and Glass. 20. The cause of refraction appears to be the power of at- traction, which the denser medium exerts on the passing ray; and in all cases the attracting force acts in the direction of a perpendicular to the refracting surface. 21. Refraction by Water. The refraction of the rays of light, as they fall upon the surface of the water, is the reason why a straight rod, with one end in the water, and the other end rising above it, appears to be broken, or bent, and also to be shortened. Suppose the rod A, Fig. 174, to be set with one half of its length below the surface of the water, and the other half above it. The eye being placed in an oblique direction, will see the lower end apparently at the point 0, while the real termination of the rod would be at N ; the refraction will therefore make the rod appear shorter by the distance from O to N, or one- fourth shorter than the part below the water really is. The reason why the rod appears distorted, or broken, is, that we 20. What is the cause of refraction 1 21. What is the reason that a rod, with one end in the water, appears distorted and shorter than it really is? Why does the wa- ter in a pond appear less deep than it really is 7 224 DOUBLE REFRACTION. judge of the direction of the part which is under the water, by that which is above it, and the refraction of the rays coining from below the surface of the water, give them a different direc- tion, when compared with those coming from that part of the rod which is above it. Hence, when the whole rod is below the water, no such distorted appearance is observed, because then all me rays are refracted equally. For the.reason just explained, persons are often deceived in respect to the depth of water, the refraction making it appear much more shallow than it really is ; and there is no doubt but the most serious accidents have often happened to those who have gone into the water under such deception ; for a pond which is really six feet deep, will appear to the eye only a little more than four feet deep. DOUBLE REFRACTION. 22. By double refraction is meant that property in certain native minerals, by which they transmit two images of a single object. This property is most perfect in specimens of carbonate of lime, usually called Iceland spar ; the latter name being form- erly given to the fine specimens from that country. At present, these' rhomboids are found in most primitive limestone countries. A perfect piece, two inches in diameter, will show the lines about a quarter of an inch apart, the greater the thickness the more distant will be the images presented. Sometimes two or three pieces of different sizes, are wanted by the experimenters. If a piece of this spar be laid over a black line, and then be made to revolve slowly, it will be observed that the doubly re- fractive power increases in proportion as the acute angles of the rhomb correspond to the direction of the line, when the refrac- tion is greatest, or the two lines are widest apart. On the con- trary, if the crystal is turned in either direction beyond this point, the refracted lines approach each other, until the short diagonal or obtuse angles, correspond with the line, when the double refraction ceases entirely, and only a single line appears. 22. What is meant by double refraction 7 Explain its cause. REFLECTION Of LIGHT. 225 Explanation. The cause of this difference is, that when the acute angles of the rhomb correspond to the black line, the re- fracted ray is most widely separated from the common ray, which depends on the thickness of the crystal, but when the position is reversed, the common ray is brought into the exact line of the refracted one, thus forming only a single line. CATOPTRICS, OR THE REFLECTION OF LIGHT. 23. If a boy throws his ball against the side of a house swiftly, and in a perpendicular direction, it will bound back nearly in the line in which it was thrown, and he will be able to catch it with his hands ; but if the ball be thrown obliquely to the right, or left, it will bound away from the side of the house in the same relative direction in which it was thrown. The reflection of light, so far as regards the line of approach, and the line of leaving a reflecting surface, is governed by the same law. Thus, if a sunbeam, Fig. 175, passing through a small aper- ture in the window-shutter A, be permitted to fall upon the plane mirror, or looking-glass, C, D, at right-angles, it will be reflected back at right-angles with the mirror, and therefore will pass back again in exactly the same direction in which it approached. FIG. 175. FIG. 176. FIG. 177. Reflection of Light. 24. But if the ray strikes the mirror in an oblique direction, it will also be thrown off in an oblique direction, opposite to that from which it came. 23. Suppose a sunbeam falls upon a plane mirror, at right angles with its surface, \.i what direction will it be reflected ? 24. Suppose the ray falls obliquely on its sur- face in what direction will it then be reflected 1 10* 226 MIRRORS. Let a ray pass toward a mirror in the line A C, Fig. 176, it will be reflected off in the direction C D, making the angles 1 and 2 exactly equal. The ray A C, is called the incident ray, and the ray C D, the reflected ray ; and it is found, in all cases, that "whatever angle the ray of incidence makes with the reflecting surface, or with a perpendicular line drawn from the reflecting surface, ex- actly the same angle is made by the reflected ray. 25. From these facts, arises the general law in optics, that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. The ray A C, Fig. 177, is the ray of incidence, and that from G to D, is the ray of reflection. The angles which A C, make with the perpendicular line, and with the plane of the mirror, are exactly equal to those made by C D, with the same perpendicular, and the same plane surface. 26. Mirrors are of three kinds, namely, plane, convex, and concave. They are made of polished metal, or of glass covered on the back with an amalgam of tin and quicksilver. PLANE MIRROR. The common looking-glass is a plane mir- ror, and consists of a plate of ground glass so highly polished as to permit the rays of light to pass through it with little in- terruption. On the back of this plate is placed the reflecting surface, which consists of a mixture of tin and mercury. The glass plate, therefore, only answers the purpose of sustaining the metallic surface* in its place, of admitting the rays of light to and from it, and of preventing its surface from tarnishing, by excluding the air. Could the metallic surface, however, be re- tained in its place, and not exposed to the air, without the glass plate, these mirrors would be much more perfect than they are, since, in practice, glass can not be made so perfect as to trans- mit all the rays of light which fall on its surface. 27. When applied to the plane mirror, the angles of incidence and of reflection are equal, as already stated ; and it therefore follows, that when the rays of light fall upon it obliquely in one direction, they are thrown off under the same angle in the op- posite direction. What is an incident ray cf light 1 What is a reflected ray of light? 25. What gen- eral law in optics results from observations on the incident and reflected rays 1 26. How many kinds of mirrors are there 1 What kind of mirror is the common look- ing-glass 7 Of what use is the glass plate in the construction ot this mirror 1 27. Ex- plain Fig 178, and show how the image of an object can be seen in a plane mirror when the real object is invisible. MIRRORS. 227 Eyuai Angles. This is the reason why the images of FIG - I7a objects can be seen when the objects themselves are not visible. Suppose the mirror, A B, Fig. 1*78, to be placed on the side of a room, and a lamp to be set in another room, but so situated as that its light would shine upon the glass. The lamp itself could not be seen by the eye placed at E, be- cause the partition D is between them ; but its image would be visible at E, be- B cause the angle of the incident ray, coming from the light, 'and that of the reflected ray which reaches the eye, are equal. 28. An image from a plane mirror appears to be just as far behind the mirror, as the object is before it, so that when a per- son approaches this mirror, his image seems to come forward to meet him ; and when he withdraws from it, his image appears to be moving backward at the sam-e rate. If, for instance, one end of a rod, two feet long, ^e made to touch the surface of such a mirror, this end of the rod, and its image, will seem nearly to touch each other, there being only the thickness of the glass between them ; while the other end of the rod, and the other end of its image, will appear to be equally distant from the point of contact. 29. The reason of this is ex- plained on the principle that the angle of incidence and that of reflection are equal. Suppose the arrow A to be the object reflected by the mir- ror D C, Fig. 179 ; the incident rays A, flowing from the end of the arrow, being thrown back by reflection, will meet the eye in the same state of divergence that they would do, if they pro- ceed to the same distance be- hind the mirror, that the eye is before it, as at 0. Therefore, by the same law, the reflected rays, where they meet the eye at E, appear to diverge from a FIG. 179. Plane Mirror. 28. The image of an object appears just as far behind a plane mirror, Is before it. 29. Explain Fig. 1/9, and show why this is the case. the object 228 MIRRORS. point H, just as far behind the mirror as A is before it, and consequently the end of the arrow most remote from the glass will appear to be at H, or the point where the approaching rays would meet, were they continued onward behind the glass. The rays flowing from every other part of the arrow follow the same law ; and thus every part of the image seems to be at the same distance behind the mirror that the object really is before it. 30. In a plane mirror, a person may see his whole image, when the mirror is only half as long as himself, let him stand at any distance from it whatever. This is also explained by the law, that the angles of incidence and reflection are equal. If the mirror be elevated so that the ray of light from the eye falls perpendicularly upon the mirror, this ray will be thrown back by reflection in the same direction, so that the incident and reflected ray by which the image of the eyes and face are formed, will be nearly parallel, while the ray flawing from his feet will fall on the mirror obliquely, and will be rejected as obliquely in the contrary direction, and so of all the other rays by which the image of the different parts of the person is formed. This will be under- stood by Fig. 180, where the ray of light A B, proceeding from the eye, falling perpen- dicularly on the plane mirror IB D, will be re- flected back in the same line; but the ray C D Mirror half the Length of the Object, coming from the feet, which falls obliquely on the mirror, will be reflected back under the same angle in the line D A ; and since we see objects in the direction of the reflected rays, and the image appears at the same distance behind the mirror that the object is before it, (28,) we must continue the line A D to the feet, E, and for the same reason, the rays A B, from the eye, must be prolonged to F, as far behind the mirror as the line E extends, where the whole image will be represented. Now, the line D E, behind the mirror, is just equal to D A 30. What must be the comparative length of a plane mirror in which a person may see his whole image 1 Explain, by the lines in Fig. 180, why it is that a lady may see herself in a mirror one half her length. MIRRORS. 229 FIG. 181. Convex Mirror. before it ; and the distance of A C is just twice that of B D ; therefore, the whole person is seen in a mirror of half its length, the image being as far behind the reflector as the object is before it. 31. A shorter mirror would not show the whole person, be- cause the rays coming from the feet would fall so obliquely upon it as to be reflected above his head, and thus could not be seen ; but another placed there might see the whole image, though the owner could not. 32. CONVEX MIRRO'R. A con- vex mirror is a part of a sphere, or globe, reflecting from the out- side. Suppose Fig. 181 to be a sphere, then the part from A to O, would be a section of the sphere. Any part of a hollow ball of glass, with an amalgam of tin and quick- silver spread on the inside, or any part of a metallic globe polished on the outside, would form a con- vex mirror. The axis of a convex mirror, is a line, as C B, passing through its center. 33. Divergent and Convergent FIG. 182. Rays. Rays of light are said to diverge, when they proceed from the same point, and constantly re- cede from each other, as from the point A, Fig. 182. Rays of light are said to converge, when they approach in such a direction as finally to meet at a point, as at B, Fig. 182. The image formed by a plane mirror, as we have already seen, is of the same size as the object, but the image reflected from the convex mirror is always smaller than the object. The law which governs the passage of light with respect to the angles of incidence and reflection, to and from the convex mirror, is the same as already stated, for the plane mirror. 34. From the surface of a plane mirror, parallel rays are re- si. Why can not a person see his whole figure in a mirror less than half his length? 32. What is a convex mirror 1 What is the axis of a convex mirror 7 33. What are diverging rays 1 What are converging rays! What law governs the passage of light from and to the convex mirror 7 Rays of Light. 230 MIRRORS. fleeted parallel ; but the convex mirror causes parallel rays fall- ing on its surface to diverge, by reflection. To make this understood, let 1, 2, 3, Fig. 183, be parallel rays, FIG. 183. falling on the surface of the convex reflector, of which A would be the center, were the reflector a whole sphere. The ray 2 is perpendicu- lar to the surface of the mirror, for when continued in the same direc- tion, it strikes the axis, or center of the circle A. The two rays, 1 and 3, being parallel to this, all three would fall on a plane mirror in a perpendicular direction, and consequently would be reflected in the lines of their incidence. But the obliquity of the convex surface, Divergent Rays. it is obvious, will render the direc- tion of the rays 1 and 3 oblique to that surface, for the same reason that 2 is perpendicular to that part of the circle on which it falls. Rays falling on any part of this mirror, in a direction which, if continued through the circumference, would strike the center, are perpendicular to the side where they fall. Thus, the dotted lines, C A and D A, are perpendicular to the surface, as well as 2. Now the reflection of the ray 2, will be back in the line of its incidence, but the rays 1 and 3, falling obliquely, are reflected under the same angles as those at which they fell, and there- fore their lines of reflection will be as far without the perpen- dicular lines C A and D A, as the lines of their incident rays, 1 and 3, are within them, and consequently they will diverge in the direction of E and O ; and since we always see the image in the direction of the reflected ray, an object placed at one, would appear behind the surface of the mirror, at N, or in the direc- tion of the line O N. 35. Plane Surfaces. Perhaps the subject of the convex mirror will be better understood, by considering its surface to be formed of a number of plane faces, indefinitely small. In this case, each point from which a ray is reflected, would act in 34. Are parallel rays falling on a convex mirror, reflected parallel? Explain Fig. 183. 35. How is the action of the convex mirror illustrated by a number of piano mirrors ? Explain Figs. 184 and 185. MIRRORS. 231 the same manner as a plane mirror, and the whole, in the man- ner of a number of minute mirrors inclined from each other. Suppose A and B, Fig. 184, to be the points on a convex mirror, from which the two parallel rays, C and D, are reflected. Now, from the surface of a plane mirror, the reflected rays would be parallel, whenever the incident ones are so, because each will fall upon the surface under the same angles. But it is ob- vious, in the present case, that these rays fall upon the surfaces, A and B, under different angles, as respects the surfaces, C ap- proaching in a more oblique direction than D ; consequently C is reflected more obliquely than D, and the two reflected rays, instead of being parallel as before, diverge in the direction of N andO. * FIG. 184. FIG. 185. Again, the two converging rays A and B, Fig. 185, without the interposition of the reflecting surfaces, would meet at C, but because the angles of reflection are equal to those of incidence, and because the surfaces of reflection are inclined from each other, these rays are reflected less convergent, and instead of meeting at the same distance before the mirror that C is behind it, are sent off in the direction of D, at which point they meet. 36. " Thus parallel rays falling on a convex mirror, are ren- dered divergent by reflection ; converging rays are made less convergent, or parallel, and diverging rays more divergent. The effect of the convex mirror, therefore, is to disperse the 36. What effect does the convex mirror have upon parallel rays by reflection ? What is its effect en con verging rays 1 What is its effect on diverffing rays? Do the rays oflight proceed only from the extremities of objects, as represented in figures, or from all their parts ? Do all the rays of light proceeding from an object enter the eye, or only a few of them 1 232 MIRRORS. rays of light in all directions ; and it is proper here to remind the pupil, that although the rays of light are represented on paper by single lines, there are, in fact, probably millions of rays, proceeding from every point of all visible bodies. Only a comparatively small number of these rays, it is true, can enter the eye, for it is only by those which proceed in straight lines from the different parts of the object, and enter the pupil, that the sense of vision is excited. 37. When, therefore, it is said, that the convex mirror dis- perses the rays of light which fall upon it from any object, and when the direction of these reflected rays are shown only by single lines, it must be remembered, that each line represent* pencils of rays, and that the ligh* not only flows from the parts of the object thus designated, but from all the other parts. Were this not the case, the object would be visible only at cer- tain points. 38. CURVED IMAGES. The images of objects reflected from the convex mirror, appear curved, because their different parts are not equally distant from its surface. If the object A be placed obliquely before the convex FIG< 186 - mirror, Fig. 186, then the converging rays from its two extremities falling obliquely on its surface, would, were they prolonged through the mirror, meet at the point C, behind it. But instead of being thus continued, they Curved image. are thrown back by the mir- ror in less convergent lines, which meet the eye at E, it being, as we have seen, one of the properties of this mirror, to reflect converging rays less convergent than before. The image being always seen in the direction from which the rays approach the eye, it appears behind the mirror at D. If the eye be kept in the same position, and the object, A, be moved further from the mirror, its image will appear smaller, in a proportion inversely to the distance to which it is removed. Consequently, by the same law, the two ends of a straight ob- ject will appear smaller than its middle, because they are further 37. What would be the consequence, if the rays of light proceeded only from the parts of an object shown in diagrams? 38. Why do the images of objects reflected from convex mirrors appear curved? Why do the features of the face appear out of proportion by this mirror? MIRRORS. 233 from the reflecting surface of the mirror. Thus, the images of straight objects, held before a convex mirror, appear curved, and for the same reason, the features of the face appear out of pro- portion, the nose being too large, and the cheeks too small, or narrow. 39. Why Objects appear Large or Small. Objects appear to us large or small, in proportion to the angle which the "rays of light, proceeding from their extreme parts, form, when they meet at the eye. For it is plain that the half of any object will appear under a less angle than the whole, and the quarter under a less angle still. Therefore the smaller an object is, the smaller will be the angle under which it will appear at a given distance. Hence the image of an object, when reflected from the convex mirror, appears smaller than the object itself. This will be understood by Fig. 1&7. Suppose the rays flowing from the extremities of the object A, to be reflected back to C, under the same degrees of con- vergence at which they strike the mirror; then, as in the plane mirror, the image D would appear of the same'size as the ob- ject A; for if the rays from A were prolonged behind the mirror, they would meet at B, but forming the same angle, by reflection, that they would do, if thus prolonged, the object seen from B, and its image from C, would appear of the same dimensions. FIG. 187. FIG. 188. Object Diminished. Convex Mirror. But instead of this, the rays from the arrow A, being rendered less convergent by reflection, are continued onward, and meet the eye under a more acute angle than at C, the angle under which they actually meet, being represented at E, consequently 39. Why does an image reflected from a convex surface appear smaller than the object 1 Why does the half of an object appear to the eye smaller than the whole ? 234 MIRRORS. the image of the object is shortened in proportion to the acute- ness of this angle, and the object appears diminished as repre- sented at O. 40. The image of an object appears less, as the object is re- moved to a greater distance from a convex mirror. To explain this, let us suppose that the arrow A, Fig. 188, is diminished by reflection from the convex surface, so that its image appearing at D, with the eye at C, shall seem as much smaller in proportion to the object, as D is less than A. Now, keeping the eye at the same distance from the mirror, withdraw the object, so that it shall be equally distant with the eye, and the image will gradually diminish, as the arrow is removed. The reason will be made plain by the next figure ; for as the arrow is moved backward, the angle at C, Fig. 189, must be diminished, because the rays flowing from the extremities of the object fall a greater distance before they reach the surface of the mirror ; and as the angles of the reflected rays bear a pro- portion to those of the incident ones, so the angle of vision will become less in proportion, as the object is withdrawn. The effect, therefore, of withdrawing the object, is first to lessen the distance between the converging rays, flowing from it, at the point where they strike the mirror, and as a consequence, to diminish the angle under which the reflected rays convey its image to the eye. 41. Why the Image seems near the Surface. In the plane mirror, as already shown, the image appears exactly as far be- hind the mirror as the object is before it, but the convex mirror shows the image just under the surface, or, when the object is removed to a distance,, a little way behind it. To understand the reason of this difference, it must be remembered, that the plane mirror makes the image seem as far behind, as the object is before it, because the rays are reflected in the same relative position at which they fall upon its surface. Thus parallel rays are reflected parallel; divergent rays equally divergent, and convergent rays equally convergent. But the convex mirror, as also above shown, (36,) reflects convergent rays less convergent, and divergent rays more divergent, and it is from this property of the convex mirror that the image appears near its surface, 40. jflfow is the image affected when the object is withdrawn from the surface of a convex mirror 1 Explain Figs. 187 and 188, and show the reason why the images are diminished when the objects are removed from the convex mirror. What is said to be the effect of withdrawing the object from a convex surface, and what the conse- quence on the angle of reflected rays ? 41. Explain the reason why the image ap- pears near the surface of the convex mirro*. MIRRORS. 235 FIG. 189. ''I-' and not as far behind it as the object is before it, as in the plane mirror. Let us suppose that A, Fig. 190, is a luminous point, from which a pencil of diverging rays falls upon a convex mirror. These rays, as already demonstrated, will be reflected more divergent, and consequently will meet the eye at E, in a wider state of dispersion than they fell upon the mirror at O. Now, as the image will appear at the point where the diverging rays would converge to a focus in a contrary direction, were they prolonged behind the mirror, so it can not appear as far behind the reflecting surface as the object is before it, for the more widely the rays meeting at the eye are separated, the shorter will be the distance at which they will come to a point. The image will, therefore, appear at N, instead of appearing at an equal distance behind the mirror that the object A is before it. CONCAVE MIRROR. 42. The reflection of the concave mirror takes "place from its inside, or concave surface, while that of the convex mirror is from the outside, or convex surface. Thus the section of a metallic sphere, polished on both sides, is both a concave and convex mirror, as one or the other side in employed for reflection. The effects and phenomena of this mirror will therefore be, in many respects, directly the contrary from those already detailed in reference to the convex mirror. From the plane mirror, the relation of the incident rays is not changed by reflection ; from the convex mirror they are dis- 42. What is the shape of the concave mirror, and in what respect dees it differ from the convex mirror ? How may convex and concave mirrors be united in the tame instrument? What is the difference of effect between the concave, convex ind plane mirrers, on the reflected rays 1 236 MIRRORS. persed ; but the concave mirror renders the rays reflected from it more convergent, and tends to concentrate them into a focus. The surface of the concave mirror, like that of the convex, may be considered as a great number of minute plane mirrors, inclined to, instead of from, each other at certain angles, in pro- portion to its concavity. The laws of incidence and reflection are the same, when ap- plied to the concave mirror as those already explained in refer- ence to the other mirrors. 43. Plane Mirrors Inclined. In refer- PIG> 191 - ence to the concave mirror, let us, in the first place, examine the effect of two plane mirrors inclined to each other, as in Fig. 191, on parallel rays of light. The inci- dent rays, A and B, being parallel before they reach the reflectors, are thrown off .at unequal angles in respect to each other, for B falls on the mirror more obliquely than A, and consequently is thrown off more ob- / / liquely in a contrary direction, therefore, the angles of reflection being equal to those of incidence, the two rays meet at C. Thus we see that the effect of two plane mirrors inclined to each other, is to make parallel rays converge and meet in a focus. The effect of this mirror, as we. have seen, being to render parallel rays convergent, the same principle will render diverg- ing rays parallel, and converging rays still more convergent. 44. Focus of a Concave Mirror. The focus of a concave mirror is the* point where the rays are brought together by re- flection. The center of concavity in a concave mirror, is the center of the sphere, of which the mirror is a part. In all con- cave mirrors, the focus of parallel rays, or rays falling directly from the sun, is at the distance of half the semi-diameter of the sphere, or globe, of which the reflector is a part. Thus, the parallel rays 1, 2, 3, lenses, depend on their de- grees of convexity. The focal distance of a single, or plano-convex lens, is the diameter of a sphere, of which it is a section. If the whole circle, Fig. 201, be considered the circumference of a sphere, of which the pla- no-convex lens B A, is a Piano- Convex Lent. 244 CONVEX LENS. section, then the focus of parallel rays, or the principal focus, will be at the opposite side of the sphere, or at C. 57. The focal distance of a double-convex lens, is the radius, or half the diameter of the sphere, of which it is a part. Hence the plano-convex lens, being one half of the double-convex lens, the latter has twice the refractive power of the former ; for the rays suffer the same degree of refraction in passing out of the one convex surface, that they do in passing into the other. 58. Double-Convex Lens. The shape of the double-convex lens, D C, Fig. 202, is that of two plano-convex lenses, placed with their plane surfaces in contact, and conse- qiiently the focal distance of this lens is nearly the center of the sphere of which one of its surfaces is a part. If parallel rays fall on a convex lens, it is evident that the ray only, which penetrates the axis and passes to- ward the center of the sphere, will proceed with- Double-Convex Lens. out refraction, as shown in the above figures. All the others will be refracted so as to meet the perpendicular ray at a greater or less distance, de- pending on the convexity of the lens. 59. DIVERGING RAYS ON A CONVEX LENS. If diverging rays fall on the surface of this lens, they will, by refraction, be rendered less divergent, parallel, or convergent, according to the degrees of their divergence, and the convexity of the surface of the lens. Thus, the diverging rays 1, 2, -" C Solar Spectrum. Suppose S, Fig. 228, to be a ray from the sun, admitted through the window shutter A, in such a direction as to fall on 94. Who made the discovery, that l. Unknown. 41.000 Pallas, 80 266.000.000 1.680 s 41,000 Juno, 1.425 275,000.000 2,008 1 3 45.000 Jupiter, 89.170 490.000000 4.330* 9 56 36.000- Saturn. 79.042 9QO.OOO;000 10.746| 10 16 22,000 Herschel, 3.3.112 l.SOO.O'O.OOO 30.fi37i 070 15,000 Neptune, 35.000 2,850,000,000 166 ys. Unknown. Unk'wn. NOTE. The above table, taken from the last London (Prof. Hoblyn's) edition of our Philosophy, is believed to be correct, according to the most recent observations. It will be seen that in the descriptions of the planets, round numbers are generally employed, as being more easily remembered also that the periodic revolutions ol the planets are given in years, days and hours, instead of days only, as in the table. 117. A Year, what. A year consists of the time which it takes a planet to perform one complete revolution through its 114. What are the bodies called, which revolve around the Sun as a center 1 ? 115 What are those planets called which revolve around these primaries as a center? 116. In what order are the several planets situated in respect to the Sun? How long does it take each planet to make its revolution around the Sun ? 117. What is a year 1 278 ASTRONOMY. orbit, or to pass once around the Sun. Our Earth performs this revolution in about 365 days, and therefore this is the period of our year. Mercury completes his revolution in 88 days, and therefore his year is no longer than 88 of our days. But the planet Herschel is situated at such a distance from the Sun, that his revolution is not completed in less than about 84 of our years. The other planets complete their revolutions in various periods of time, between these ; so that the time of these periods is generally in proportion to the distance of each planet from the Sun. 118. Besides the above enumerated primary planets, our sys- tem contains nineteen secondary planets, or moons. Of these, our Earth has one moon, Jupiter four, Saturn eight, and Her- schel six. None of these moons, except our own, and one or two of Saturn's, can be seen without a telescope. The seven other planets, so far as has been discovered, are entirely with- out moons. 119. All the planets move around the Sun from west to east, and in the same direction do the moons revolve around their primaries, with the exception of those of Herschel, which appear to revolve in a contrary direction. NEW PLANETS AND ASTEROIDS. 120. The following table contains the names of the new planets and asteroids, with the date, place of discovery, and the name of the discoverer. Name. When discovered. By whom. Where. Uranus, . March 13, 1781. Herschel, Slough. Ceres,. . . . Jan. 1, 1801. Piazzi, Palermo. Pallas, . . . March 28, 1802. Gibers, Bremen. Juno, .... Sept. 1, 1804. Harding, Lilienthral. Vesta, . . . March 29, 1807. Gibers, Bremen. Astraea, . . . Dec. 8, 1845. Hencke, Driessen. Neptune, . Sept. 23, 1846. Galle, Berlin. Hebe,. . . . July 1, 1847. Hencke, Driessen. Iris, .... Aug. 13, 1847. Hind, London. Flora,. . . . Oct. 18, 1847. Hind, London. Metis, . . . . April 25, 1848. Graham, Marknee. Hygeia, . . . April 12, 1849. Gasparis, Naples. Parthenope, . May 13, 1850. Gasparis, Naples. Clio, .... Sept. 13, 1850. Hind, London. Egeria, . . . Nov. 2, 1850. Gasparis, Naples. Irene, .... May 20, 1850. Hind, London. New Planet, . July 29, 1851. Gasparis, London. ASTRONOMY. The preceding table is taken from the American Almanac for 1852. With the exception of Uranus, or Herschel, and Neptune, these planets are called Asteroids, meaning star-like, or more recently Planetoids, planet-like, on account of their diminutive sizes, and in order to distinguish them from the larger planets. 121. Mr. Hind proposed Victoria, or Clio, for the name of the planet which he discovered on the 13th of September, and at first the name of the Queen was adopted by many foreign astronomers. But it seems that the scientific world have .long since refused to name planets after their discoverers, or their patrons, or indeed after any mortal individual, choosing to adopt for them the names of heathen deities, thus following the ancient custom in this respect. 122. Number of New, or Recently Discovered Celestial Bodies. In our former edition, the solar system was stated to consist of the Sun, and twenty-nine bodies revolving around him. At the present time, the number has increased to forty- one, namely, the planet Neptune, and eleven Asteroids, the names and dates of discovery of which, are contained in the preceding table. It has been stated also, that an eighth satel- lite of Saturn has been discovered, but of this, we have obtained no certain account. The power and perfection of new astronomical instruments, will probably lead to further celestial discoveries, of which the world at present can have no conception. 123. The following table contains the distances of the Aste- roids, or what recently have been called the Planetoids, from the Sun. The radius of the Earth's orbit, in these computations, is as- sumed to be 95,000,000 of miles. Names. Distances from the Sun in Miles. 1. Flora, 209,160,265 2. Clio, 221,813,220 3. Vesta, 224,302,695 4. Iris 226,159,280 5. Metis, '. . 226,632,665 118. How many moons does our system contain 7 Which of the planets are at- tended by mocns. and how many has each ? 119. In what direction do the planets move around the Sun 7 121. What is said with respect to the names of the planets? 1:22. What number of revolving celestial bodies were formerly known 7 How many have recently been discovered, and what are they called 1 123. In the above table what is the estimated distance of the Sun 7 280 ASTRONOMY. Names. Distances from the Sun in Mile*. 6. New Planet, 227,946,800 7. Hebe, 230,449,670 8. Parthenope, .* . 232,829,135 9. Egeria, 243,206,650 10. Irene, 242,468,785 11. Astrsea, 244,819,465 12. Juno, 253,729,515 13. Ceres, 262,964,845 14. Pallas, 263,421,510 15. Hygeia, 299,255,700 Observations. The periods of the revolutions of many of the recently discovered Asteroids have not been determined. We have, therefore, allowed the old ones to remain in the table with the Planets, as in the former edition. It will be observed that there is a difference between the numbers expressing the dis- tances of these Asteroids from the Sun, in the above, and in the former table. In that the sums are given in the nearest round numbers, while in this, the fractions are detailed. 124. ORBITS OF THE PLANETS. The paths in which the planets move round the Sun, and in which the moons move round their primaries, are called their orbits. These orbits are not exactly circular, as they are commonly represented on pa- per, but are elliptical, or oval, so that all the planets are nearer the Sun, when in one part of their orbits than when in another. In addition to their annual revolutions, some of the planets are known to have diurnal, or daily revolutions, like our Earth. The periods of these daily revolutions have been ascertained, in several of the planets, by spots on their surfaces. But where no such mark is discernible, it can not be ascertained whether the planet has a daily revolution or not, though this has been found to be the case in every instance where spots are seen, and, therefore, there is little doubt but all have a daily as well as a yearly motion. 125. The axis of a planet is an imaginary line passing through its center, and about which its diurnal revolution is performed. The poles of the planets are the extremities of this axis. The orbits of Mercury and Venus are within that of the 124. What i? the orbit of a planet? What revolutions have the planets, besides their yearly revolutions? Have all the planets diurnal revolutions? How is it known that the njanets have daily revolutions? 125. What is the axis of a planet? What is the pole of a planet? Which are the superior, and which the inferior planets 1 ASTRONOMY. 281 Earth, and consequently they are called inferior planets. The orbits of all the other planets are without, or exterior to that of the Earth, and these are called superior planets. 126. That the orbits of Mercury and Venus are within that of the Earth, is evident from the circumstance that they are never seen in opposition to the Sun, that is, they never appear in the west when the Sun is in the east. ' On the contrary, the orbits of all the other planets are proved to be outside of the Earth's, since these planets are sometimes seen in opposition to the Sun. This will be understood by Fig. 232, where suppose S to be the Sun, M the orbit of Mercury or Yenus, E the orbit of the Earth, and J that of Jupiter. Now, it is evident, that if a spectator be placed any where on the Earth's orbit, as at E, he may sometimes see Jupiter in opposition to the Sun, as at J, because then the spectator would be between Jupiter and the Sun. But the orbit of Venus, being surrounded by that of the Earth, she never can come in opposition to the Sun, or in that part of the heavens opposite to him, as seen by us, because our Earth never passes between her and the Sun. FIG. 232. E EUiptical Orbit. Orbits of the Planets. 127. Orbits Elliptical. It has already been stated, that the orbits of the planets are elliptical, (124,) and that, consequently, these bodies are sometimes nearer the Sun than at others. An- 126. How is it proved that the inferior planets are within the Earth's orbit, and the superior ones without it? Explain Fis. 232, and show why the inferior planets never can be in opposition to the Sun. 127. What are the shap'es of the planetary or bits ? What is meant by perihelion 7 What by aphelion ? 282 ASTRONOMY. ellipse, or oval, has two foci, and the Sun, instead of being in the common center, is always in the lower focus of their orbits. The orbit of a planet is represented by Fig. 233, where A D B E is an ellipse, with its two foci, S and 0, the Sun being in the focus S, which is called the lower focus. When the Earth, or any other planet, revolving around the Sun, is in that part of its orbit nearest the Sun, as at A, it is said to be in its perihelion ; and when in that which is at the greatest distance from the Sun, as at B, it is said to be in its aphelion. The line S D, is the mean, or average distance of a planet's orbit from the Sun. 128. ECLIPTIC. The planes of the orbits of all the planets pass through the center of the Sun. The plane of an orbit is an imaginary surface, passing from one extremity, or side of the orbit, to the other. If the rim of a drum head be considered the orbit, its plane would be the parchment extended across it, on which the drum is beaten. Let us suppose the Earth's orbit to be such a plane, cutting the Sun through his center, and extending out on every side to the starry heavens ; the great circle so made, would mark the line of the ecliptic, or the Sun's apparent path through the heavens. The circle is called the Sun's apparent path, because the rev- olution of the Earth gives the Sun the appearance of passing through it. It is called the ecliptic, because eclipses happen when the Moon is in, or near, this apparent path. 129. ZODIAC. The Zodiac is an imaginary belt, or broad circle, extending quite around the heavens. The ecliptic divides the zodiac into two equal parts, the zodiac extending 8 degrees on each side of the ecliptic, and therefore is 16 degrees wide. The zodiac is divided into 12 equal parts, called the signs of the zodiac. 130. The sun appears every year to pass around the ^great circle of the ecliptic, and consequently, through the 12 constel- lations, or signs of the zodiac. But it will be seen, in another place, that the Sun, in respect to the Earth, stands still, and that his apparent yearly course through the heavens is caused by the annual revolution of the Earth around its orbit. To understand the cause of this deception, let us suppose that 128. What isthe plane of an orbit 7 Explnin what is meant by the ecliptic. Why is the ecliptic called the Sun's apparent path 7 129. What is the zodiac ? How doea the ecliptic divide the zodiac 7 How far does the zodiac extend on each side of the ecliptic 1 130. Explain Fig. 234, and show why the Sun seems to pass through the ecliptic, when the Earth only revolves around the Sun 1 ASTRONOMY. 283 S, Fig. 234, is the Sun, A B, a part no. 234. of the circle of the ecliptic, and C D, a part of the Earth's orbit. Now if a spectator be placed at C, he will see the Sun in that part of the eclip- tic marked by B, but when the Earth moves in her annual revolu- tion to D, the spectator will see the Sun in that part of the heavens marked by A ; so that the motion of the Earth in one direction, will give the Sun an apparent motion in the contrary direction. 131. CONSTELLATIONS. A sign or constellation, is a collection of fixed stars, and as we have already seen, the Sun appears to move through the twelve signs of the zodiac every year. Now, the Sun's place in the heavens, or zodiac, is found by his apparent conjunction, or nearness to any particular star in the constella- tion. Suppose a spectator at C, Fig. 234, observes the Sun to be nearly in a line with the star at B, then the Sun would be near a particular star in a certain constellation. When the Earth moves to D, the Sun's place would assume another direc- tion, and he would seem to have moved into another constellation, and near the star A. 132. Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac is divided into 30 smaller parts, called degrees ; each degree into 60 equal parts, called minutes, and each minute into 60 parts, called seconds. The division of the zodiac into signs, is of very ancient date, each sign having also received the name of some animal, or tiling, which the constellation, forming that sign, was supposed to resemble. It is hardly necessary to say, that this is chiefly the result of imagination, since the figures made by the places of the stars, never mark the outlines of the figures of animals, or other things. This is, however, found to be the most con- venient method of finding any particular star at this day, for among astronomers, any star, in each constellation, may be de- signated by describing the part of the animal in which it is 131. What is a constellation, or sign? How is the Sun's apparent place in the heavens found ? 132. Into how many parts are the signs of the zodiac divided, and what are these parts called? Is there any resemblance between the places of the Ftary. and the figures of the animals after which they are called ? Explain why this is a convenient method of finding any particular star in a sign. 284 ASTRONOMY. situated. Thus, by knowing how many stars belong to the con- stellation Leo, or the Lion, we readily know what star is meant by that which is situated on the Lion's ear or tail. 133. Names of the Signs. The names of the 12 signs of the zodiac are, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The common names, or meaning of these words, in the same order, are, the Ram, the Bull, the Twins, the Crab, the Lion, the Vir- gin, the Scales, the Scorpion, the Archer, the Goat, the Waterer, and the Fishes. FIG. 235. Signs of the Zodiac. 134. The twelve signs of the zodiac, together with the Sun, and the earth revolving around him, are represented at Fig. 235. When the Earth is at A, the Sun will appear to be just 133. What are the names of the twelve signs 7 134. Explain why the Sun will be in the beginning of Aries when the Earth is at A, Fig. 235. ASTRONOMY. 285 entering the sign Aries, because then, when seen from the Earth, he ranges toward certain stars at the beginning of that constel- lation. When the Earth is at C, the Sun will appear in the opposite part of the heavens, and therefore in the beginning of Libra. The middle line, dividing the circle of the zodiac into equal parts, is the line of the ecliptic. 135. DENSITY OF THE PLANETS. Astronomers have no means of ascertaining whether the planets are composed of the same kind of matter as our Earth, or whether their surfaces are clothed with vegetables and forests, or not. They have, how- ever, been able to ascertain the densities of several of them, by observations on their mutual attraction. By density, is meant compactness, or the quantity of matter in a given space. (72.) When two bodies are of equal bulk, that which weighs most, has the greatest density. It was shown, while treating of the properties of bodies, that substances attract each other in pro- portion to the quantities of matter they contain. (132.) If, therefore, we know the dimensions of several bodies, and can ascertain the proportion in which they attract each other, their quantities of matter, or densities, are easily found. 136. Thus, when the planets pass each other in their circuits through the heavens, they are often drawn a little out of the lines of their orbits by mutual attraction. As bodies attract in proportion to their quantities of matter, it is obvious that the small planets, if of the same density, will suffer greater disturb- ance from this cause, than the large ones. But suppose two planets, of the same dimensions, pass each other, and it is found that one of them is attracted twice as far out of its orbit as the other, then, by the known laws of gravity, it would be inferred, that one of them contained twice the quantity of matter that the other did, and therefore that the density of the one was twice that of the other. By calculations of this kind, it has been found, that the density of the Sun is but a little greater than that of water, while Mercury is more than nine times as dense as water, having a specific gravity nearly equal to that of lead. The Earth has a density about five times greater than that of the Sun, and a little less than half that of Mercury. The densities of the othei planets seem to diminish in proportion as their distances from 135. How has the density of the planets been ascertained ? What is meant by dens ty ? In what proportion do bodies attract each other 1 136. How are the densities of the planets ascertained? What is the density of the Sun, of Mercury, and of the Earth ? la what preportions do the densities of the planets appear to diminish 7 286 THE SUN. the Sun increase, the density of Saturn, one of the most remote of planets, being only about one-third that of water. 137. The Sun is the center of the solar system, and the grea.t dispenser of heat and light to all the planets. Around the Sun all the planets revolvers around a common center, he being the largest body in our system, and, so far as we know, the largest in the universe. Distance of the Sun. The distance of the Sun from the Earth is 95 millions of miles, and his diameter is estimated at 887,000 miles. Our globe, when compared with the magnitude of the Sun, is a mere point, for his bulk is about thirteen hun- dred thousand times greater than that of the Earth. Were the Sun's center placed in the center of the Moon's orbit, his cir- cumference would reach two hundred thousand miles beyond her orbit in every direction, thus filling the whole space be- tween us and the moon, and extending nearly as far beyond her as she is from us. A traveler, who should go at the rate of 90 miles a day, would perform a journey of nearly 33,000 miles in a year, and yet it would take such a traveler more than 80 years to go round the circumference of the Sun. A body of such mighty dimensions, hanging on nothing, it is cer- tain, must have emanated from an Almighty power. The Sun appeal's to move around the Earth every 24 hours, rising in the east, and setting in the west. This motion, as will be proved in another place, is only apparent, and arises from the diurnal revolution of the Earth. 138. Diurnal Revolution of the Sun. The Sun, although he does not, like the planets, revolve in an orbit, is, however, not without motion, having a revolution around his own axis, once in 25 days and 10 hours. Both the fact that he has such a motion, and the time in which it is performed, have been as- certained by the spots on his surface. If a spot is seen, on a revolving body, in a certain direction, it is obvious, that when the same spot is again seen, in the same direction, that the body has made one revolution. By such spots the diurnal revolutions of the planets, as well as the Sun, have been determined. 137. Where is the place of the Sun in the solar system 7 What is the distance of th Sun from the Earth / What is the diameter of the Sun ? the center of the Sun and that of the Moon's orbit to be coincident, how far would the Sun extend le- yond the Moon's orbit ? 138. How is it proved that the Sun has a motion around hi* own axis? How often does the Sun revolve 7 MERCURY. 287 139. SPOTS ON THE SUN. Spots on the Sun, seem first to have been observed in the year 1611, since which time they have constantly attracted attention, and have been the subject of investigation among astronomers. These spots change their appearance as the Sun revolves on his axis, and become greater or less^ to an observer on the Earth, as they are turned to, or from him ; they also change in respect to real magnitude and numl)er ; one spot, seen by Dr. Herschel, was estimated to t>e more than six times the size of our Earth, being 50,000 miles in diameter. Sometimes forty or fifty spots may be seen at the same time, and sometimes only one. They are often so large as to be seen with the naked eye ; this was the case in 1816. 140. Nature and Design of these Spots. In respect to the nature and design of these spots, almost every astronomer has formed a different theory. Some have supposed them to be solid opaque masses of scoriae, floating in the liquid fire of the Sun ; others, as satellites, revolving round him, and hiding his light from us ; others, as immense masses, which have fallen on his disc, -and which are dark-colored, because they have not yet become sufficiently heated. From these various theories we may infer that, at present, nothing certain is known of the na- ture and design of these spots. 141. Mercury, the planet nearest the Sun, is about 3,000 miles in diameter, and revolves around him at the distance of 37 millions of miles. The period of his annual revolution is 88 days, and he turns on his axis once in about 15 hours. No signs of an atmosphere have been observed in this planet. The Sun's heat at Mercury is about seven times greater than it is on the Earth, so that water, if nature follows the same laws there that she does here, can not exist at Mercury, except in the state of steam. The nearness of this planet to the Sun, prevents his being often seen. He may, however, sometimes be observed just be- fore the rising, and a little after the setting of the Sun. When seen after sunset, he appears a brilliant, twinkling star, showing 139. When were the spots on the Sun first observed 1 What has been the differ- ence in the number of spots observed ? What was the size of the spots seen by Dr. Herschel? 110. What lias been advanced concerning the nature of these spotsl H;ive they been accounted for satisfactorily 1 141. What is the diameter of Mercury, and what are his periods of annual and diurnal revolution ? How great is the Sun's heat at Mercury? At what times is Mercury to be seen? What is a transit of Mercury 1 288 VENUS. a white light, which, however, is much obscured by the glare of twilight. When seen in the morning, before the rising of the Sun, his light is also obscured by the Sun's rays. Mercury sometimes crosses the disc of the Sun, or comes be- tween the Earth and that luminary, so as to appear like a small dark spot passing over the Sun's face. This is called the transit of Mercury. 142. Venus is the other planet, whose orbit is within that of the Earth. Her diameter is about 8,000 miles, being somewhat larger than the Earth. Her revolution around the Sun is performed in 224 days, at the distance of 68 millions of miles from him. She turns on her axis once in 23 hours, so that her day is a little shorter than ours. Her hourly motion in her orbit, is 80,000 miles. Venus, as seen from the Earth, is the most brilliant of all the primary planets, and is better known than any nocturnal lumin- arv except the Moon. When seen through a telescope, she ex- hibits the phases or horned appearance of the moon, and her face is sometimes variegated with dark spots. 143. This planet may often be seen in the day time, even when she is in the vicinity of the blazing light of the Sun. A luminous appearance around this planet, seen at certain times, proves that she has an atmosphere. Some of her mountains are several times more elevated than, any on our globe, being from 10 to 22 miles high. 144. Venus sometimes makes a transit across the Sun's disc, in the same manner as Mercury, already described. The transits of Venus occur only at distant periods from each other. The last transit was in 1769, and the next will not happen until 1874. These transits have been observed by astronomers with the greatest care and accuracy, since it is by observations on them that the true distances of the Earth and planets from the Sun are determined. 145. Motions and Phenomena of Venus. Sometimes Venus appears to recede from the Sun, and then approach him, and as her orbit is within that of the earth, her distance from us 142. Where is the orbit of Venus, in respect to that of the Earth? What is the time of Venus' revolution round the Sun? How often does she turn on her axis? 143. What is said of the height of the mountains in Venus? 144. On what account are the transits of Venus observed with great care ? 145. What is the least and great- est distance of Venus from the Earth ? When is she in her inferior, and when in her tUferior conjunction with the Sun ? Why is she invisible in those two positions 7 V EXITS. 289 FIG. 236. varies from 27,000.000 to 163,000,000 of miles. When near- est the earth she forms her inferior conjunction with the Sun ; that is, she is between us and him, and hence being overpow- ered with his light, is invisible. When at the greatest distance from us, she forms her superior conjunction with that luminary, and for the same reason again becomes invisible to us. These phenomena will be understood by the fol- io wing explanations in con- nection with Fig. 236, which we quote from Dr. Dick. 146. Let the earth be supposed at K, then when Venus is in the position marked A, it is in a line with the Sun as seen from the earth, and is then in its superior conjunction, being in the remotest part of its orbit. When in this position, the whole of its enlightened hemisphere is toward the earth, but is invisible on account of the Sun's light. As it moves from A to B, being from west to east, which is called its direct motion, it begins to appear after sunset as the evening star. When at B, it appears among the stars at L, when it appears in a gibbous shape, nearly half its disc being ( luminous. When at C, it appears among the stars at M, nearly' in the form of a half moon. At D, being at the point of its greatest elongation, it has the form of a half moon, and is seen among the stars at N. It now appears, for some time to be stationary, because moving nearly in a straight line toward the earth, its motion is not seen ; when it again appears to move rapidly, but in a contrary direction from before, or, from east to west, during which it presents, the form of a crescent. It now gradually becomes so overpowered by the Sun's rays as again to be invisible to the naked eye, and when arrived at E, forms her inferior conjunction with the Sun, and her nearest approach to the Earth. . 147. In this position, Venus is 36,000,000 miles nearer the Phases of Venus. 146. Describe by means of Fig. 236, the phases of Venus, from her superior lo her inferior conjunction with the Sun. 13 290 THE EARTH. Earth than when in her superior conjunction, and hence the great difference in her apparent size, and the luster with which she shines upon us. When near her superior conjunction, almost her entire disc is enlightened to us, and yet she appears like a faint star when compared with her luster when near her inferior conjunction, and when only her small crescent is turned toward us. Having passed her inferior conjunction, her light becomes less and less until she again becomes invisible, as she again ap- proaches her superior conjunction, as before. 148. When Venus is in that part of her orbit which gives her the appearance of being west of the Sun, she rises before him, and is then called the morning star ; and when she ap- pears east of the Sun, she is behind him in her course, and is then called the evening star. These periods do not agree, either with the yearly revolution of the Earth, or of Venus, for she is alternately 290 days the morning star, and 290 days the even- ing star. The reason of this is, that the Earth and Venus move round the Sun in the same direction, and hence her rela- tive motion, in respect to the Earth, is much slower than her absolute motion in her orbit. If the Earth had no yearly mo- tion, Venus would be the morning star one half of the year, and the evening star the other half. THE EARTH. 149. The next planet in our system, nearest the Sun, is the t Earth. Her diameter is 8,000 miles. This planet revolves around him in 365 days, 5 hours, and 48 minutes ; and at the distance of 95 millions of miles. It turns round its own axis once in 24 hours, making a day and a night. The Earth's rev^ olution around the Sun is called its annual or yearly motion, because it is performed in a year ; while the revolution around its own axis, is called the diurnal or daily motion, because it takes place every day. The earth's motion in her orbit is at the rate of 68,000 miles per hour. The figure of the Earth, with the phenomena connected with her motion, will be ex- plained in another place. 147. Why is the light of Verms to us so much less at some times than at others? How much nearer the e^rth is this planet at h^r inferior than at her superior con- junction ? 148. When is Venus the morning, and when the evening star? How long is Venus the morning and how long the evening star? 149. How long does it take the Earth to revolve round the Sun ? What is meant by the Earth's annual revolu- tion, and what by her diurnal revolution ? MARS. 291 THE MOON. 150. The Moon, next to the Sun, is, to us, the most brilliant and interesting of all the celestial bodies. Being the nearest to us of any of the heavenly orbs, and apparently designed for our use, she has been observed with great attention, and many of the phenomena which she presents, are therefore better under- stood and explained, than those of the other planets. While the Earth revolves round the sun in a year, it is at- tended by the Moon, which makes a revolution round the Earth once in 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes. The distance of the Moon from the Earth is 240,000 miles, and her diameter about 2,000 miles. Her surface, when seen through a telescope, appears diversi- fied with hills, mountains, valleys, rocks, and plains, presenting a most interesting and curious aspect : but the explanation of these phenomena are reserved for another section. 151. The next planet in the solar system, is Mars, his orbit surrounding that of the Earth. The diameter of this planet is upward of 4,000 miles, being about half that of the Earth. The revolution of Mars around the Sun is performed in nearly 687 days, or in somewhat less than two of our years, and he turns on his axis once in 24 hours and 40 minutes. His mean distance from the Sun is 144,000,000 of miles, so that he moves in his orbit at the rate of about 55,000 miles in an hour. The days and nights at this planet, and the different seasons of the y^ar, bear a considerable resemblance to those of the Earth. The density of Mars is less than that of the Earth, being only three times that of water. 152. Telescopic View of Mars. This planet, to the naked eye, reflects a yellowish, or dull red light, by which he may be distinguished from all the others. His telescopic appearance is quite peculiar, and often interesting, on account of the changes his face presents, being sometimes spotted, then striped, then clouded, and so on ; and sometimes all these figures appear at 150. Why are the phenomena of the Moon better explained than those of the other planets? in what time is H revolution of the Moon about the Earth performed? What is the distance of the Moon from the Earth? 151. What is the d : amf-ter of Mars i How much lo -.^cr is a year at Mars than our year? What is his= rate of mo- tion in his orbit \ 152. What is his appearance through the telescope? How is u proved that Mars has an atmosphere of great density ? Why does Mars sometimes appear to us larger than at others 1 How great is the Sun's heat at Mars 1 292 JUPITER. the same time, presenting a great variety of aspects, some of which are represented by Fig. 237. It is difficult to account for these appearances, though they are attributed to dense vapor in the atmosphere of the planet. FIG. 237. Telescopic Phases of Mars. Mars has an atmosphere of great density and extent, as i proved by the dim appearance of the fixed stars, when seen through it. When any of the stars are seen nearly in a line with this planet, they give a faint, obscure light, and the nearer they approach the line of his disc, the fainter is their light, until the star is entirely obscured from the sight. This planet sometimes appears much larger to us than at Dthers, and this is readily accounted for by his greater or less distance. At his nearest approach to the Earth, his distance is only 50 millions of miles, while his greatest distance is 240 millions of miles; making a difference in his distance of 190 millions of miles, or the diameter of the Earth's orbit. The Sun's heat at this planet is less than half that which we enjoy. To the inhabitants of Mars, our planet appears alternately as the morning and evening star, as Venus does to us. JUPITER. 153. Jupiter is 89,000 miles in diameter, and performs his annual revolution once in about 11 of our years, at the distance of 490 millions of miles from the Sun. This is the largest planet in the solar system, being about 1,400 times larger than 153. What is the diameter of Jupiter 1 What is his distance from the Sun ? What is the period of Jupiter's diurnal revolution ? What is the Sun's heat and light at Jupiter, when compared with that of the Earth ? For what is Jupiter particularly distinguished 1 Is the appearance of Jupiter's belts always the same, or do they change ? What is said of the cause of Jupiter's belted appearance? JUPITER. 293 the Earth. His diurnal revolution is performed in nine hours and titty -six minutes, giving his surface, at the equator, a mo- tion of 28,000 miles per hour. This motion is about twenty times more rapid than that of our Earth at the equator. Jupiter, next to Venus, is the most brilliant of the planets, though the light and heat of the Sun on him is nearly 25 times less than on the earth. This planet is distinguished from all the others, by an ap ^ pearance resembling bands, which extend across his disc. These/ are termed belts, and are variable, both in respect to number* and appearance. Sometimes seven or eight are seen, several of which extend quite across his face, while others appear broken, or interrupted. FIG. 238. Belts of Jupiter. These bands, or belts, when the planet is observed through a telescope, appear as represented in Fig. 238. This appearance is much the most common, the belts running quite across the face of the planet in parallel lines. Sometimes, however, his aspect is quite different from this, for in 1780, Dr. Herscjiel saw the whole disc of Jupiter covered with small curved lines, each of which appeared broken, or interrupted, the whole hav- ing a parallel direction across his disc, as in Fig. 239. 154. Jupiter has four satellites, or moons, two of which are sometimes seen with the naked eye. They move round, and attend him in his yearly revolution, as the Moon does our Earth. They complete their revolutions at different periods, the shortest of which is less than two clays, and the longest seventeen days. 154. How many moons has Jupiter, and what are the periods of their revolutions? 294 Occasional Views of Jupiter. 155. Eclipses of Jupiter* s Moons. These satellites often fall into the shadow of their primary, in consequence of which they are eclipsed, as seen from the Earth. The eclipses of Jupiter's moons have been observed with great care by astronomers, be- cause they have been the means of determining the exact longi- tude of places, and the velocity with which light moves through space. How longitude is determined by these eclipses, can not be explained or understood at this place, but the method by which they become the means of ascertaining the velocity of light, may be readily comprehended. An eclipse of one of these satellites appears, by calculation, to take place sixteen minutes sooner, when the Earth is in that part of her orbit nearest to Jupiter, than it does when the Earth is in that part of her orbit at the greatest distance from him. Hence, light is found to be sixteen minutes in crossing the Earth's orbit, and as the Sun is in the center of this orbit, or nearly so, it must take about eight minutes for the light to come from him to us. Light, there- fore, passes at the velocity of 95 millions of miles, our distance from the Sun, in about eight minutes, which is nearly 200,000 miles in a second." 156. The planet Saturn revolves round the Sun in a period of about 30 of our years, and at the distance from him of 900 155. What occasions the eclipses of Jupiter's moons? Of what uses are these eclipses to astronomers 1 How is the velocity of light ascertained by the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites? 156. What is the time of 'Saturn's periodic revolution round the Sun ? What is his distance from the Sun 1 What his diameter .' What is the pe- riod of his diurnal revolution'? How many days make a year at Saturn? How many moons has Saturn 1 SATURN. 295 millions of miles. His diameter fs 79,000 miles, making his bulk nearly nine hundred times greater than that of the Earth, but notwithstanding this vast size, he revolves on his axis once in about ten hours. Saturn, therefore, performs upward of 25,000 diurnal revolutions in one of his years, and hence his year consists of more than 25,000 days ; a period of time equal to more than 10,000 of our days. On account of the remote distance of Saturn from the Sun, he receives only about a 90th part of the heat and light which we enjoy on the Earth. But to compensate, in some degree, for this vast distance from the Sun^ Saturn has seven moons, which revolve round him at dif- ferent distances, and at various periods, from 1 to 80 days. 157. Rings of Saturn. Saturn is distinguished from the other planets by his ring, as Jupiter is by his belt. When this planet is viewed through a tele- FIG scope, he ap- pears surround- ed by an im- mense luminous circle, which is represented by Fig. 240. There are in- deed IwO lumill- Saturn and his Ring . ous circles, or rings, one within the other, with a dark space bei ween them, so that they do not appear to touch each other. N< ither does the inner ring touch the body of the planet, there bei ng, by estima- tion, about the distance of thirty thousand miles between them. The external circumference of the outer ring is 630,000 miles, and its breadth from the outer to the inner circumference, 7,200 miles, or nearly the diameter of our Earth. The dark space, between the two rings, or the interval between the inner and the outer ring, is 2,800 miles. A third ring, interior to those heretofore known, was discov- ered in 1851, by Mr. Bond, of Cambridge, Mass. This immense appendage revolves round the Sun with the planet, performs daily revolutions with it, and, according to 157. How is Saturn particularly distinguished from all the other planets? What distance is there between the body of Saturn and his inner rin?? What distance is there between his inner and outer ring 7 What is the circumference of the outer ring"? 206 IIERSCHEL. FIG. 241. Dr. Ilerschel, is a solid substance, equal in density to the body of the planet itself. The design of Saturn's ring, an appendage so vast, and so different from any thing presented by the other planets, has always been a matter of speculation and inquiry among astron- omers. One of its most obvious uses appears to be that of re- flecting the light of the Sun on the body of the planet, and possibly it may reflect the heat also, so as in some degree to soften the rigor of so inhospitable a climate. 158. As this planet revolves around the Sun, one of its sides is illuminated during one half of the year, and the other side during the other half; so that, as Saturn's year is equal to thirty of our years, one of his sides will be enlightened and darkened, alternately, every fifteen years, as the poles of our Earth are alternately in thg light and dark every year. Fig. 241 represents Saturn as seen by an eye, placed at right-an- gles to the plane of his ring. When seen from the Earth, his position is always oblique, as repre- sented by Fig. 240. The inner white circle represents the body of the planet, enlightened by the Sun. The dark circle next to this, is the unenlightened space be- tween the body of the planet and the inner ring, being the dark ex- panse of the heavens be- yond the planet. The two white circles are the rings of the planet, with the dark space between them, which also is the dark expanse of the heavens. The eighth satellite of this planet, was discovered by Mr. Bond, the discoverer of this third ring, as above stated. HERSCHEL. 159. In consequence of some inequalities in the motions of Direct View of Saturn. 158 How long is one of Saturn's sides alternately in the light and darkl In what position is Saturn represented by Fig. 210 ) . NEPTUNJE. 297 Jupiter and Saturn, in their orbits, several astronomers had sus- pected that there existed another planet beyond the orbit of Saturn, by whose attractive influence these irregularities were produced. This conjecture was confirmed by Dr. Herschel, in 1781, who in that year discovered the planet, which is now generally known by the name of its discoverer, though called by him Georgium Sidus. The orbit of Herschel is beyond that of Saturn, and at the distance of 1,800 millions of miles from the Sun. To the naked eye, this planet appears like a star of the sixth magnitude, being, with the exception of some of the comets and Neptune, the most remote body, so far ra known in the solar system. 160. Herschel completes his revolution round the Sun in nearly 84 of our years, moving in his orbit at the rate of 15,000 miles in an hour. His diameter is 35,000 miles, so that his bulk is about eighty times that of the Earth. The light and heat of fhe Sun at Herschel, is about 360 times less than it is at the Earth, and yet it has been found, by calculation, that this light is equal to 248 of our full Moons ; a striking proof of the inconceivable quantity of light emitted by the Sun. This planet has six satellites, which revolve round him at various distances, and in different times. The periods of some of these have been ascertained, while those of the others remain unknown. NEPTUNE. 161. The discovery of this planet is a signal instance of the power of mathematical calculations, applied to the motions of the celestial bodies. Astronomers, for more than half a century, had observed from various parts of the world, certain secular perturbations in several of the most remote members of the solar system, espe- cially in Saturn and Uranus. These irregular motions, due to the law of attraction, could not be explained by the influence of any known body, circula- ting around the Sun, and hence the inference that there existed in that region, another planet not yet seen by mortal eyes. 162. Two young astronomers, Adams, an Englishman, and 159. What circumstance led to the discovery of Herschel ? In what year, and by whom was Herschel discovered ? What is the distance of Herscnel from the Sunl ^160. In what period is his revolution round the Sun performed ? What is the diam- *eter of Herschel 1 What is the quantity of light and heat at Herschel. when com p.-ir^d \v : !h that of the Earth 1 162. Hv whom, and in what manner was Neptune dsruvr-.l? jg* 298 NEPTUNE. Leverrier, a citizen of France, unknown to each other, pursuing this suggestion, both demonstrated, not only the existence of this undiscovered body, but showed within a few degrees the point in the heavens where it would be found, and where in truth the discovery was made. Dr. Galle, of Berlin, sweeping the heavens with his telescope, according to the directions of these demonstrators, first saw the planet now called Neptune, on the 26th of September, 1846. Still Leverrier and Adams, by the common consent of astronomers and the scientific world, must have the honor of this discovery, "so that the discovery of Neptune, has happily crowned two heads with laurels." FIG. 242. Herschel Relative Distance of the Planets. 163. This planet was first called Leverrier, but it seems that astronomers have long since determined that new ones shall 163. What is said about calling new planets after their discoverers? NIPTUNE 299 not receive the names of their discoverers, but of some heathen divinity, and hence Herschel, the name of the discoverer, has been changed to Uranus, and Leverrier into Neptune. 164. Distance of Neptune. It is stated in the table of the planets, that the distance of Neptune from the Sun, is 2,850 millions of millions of miles. On this subject, a curious calcu- lator says, " Had Adam and Eve started on a railway, to go from Neptune to the Sun, at the rate of fifty miles an hour, they would not yet have arrived there, for this planet, at the above rate, is more than 6000 years from the center of our system." And yet this orb was discovered by the science of man. RELATIVE SITUATIONS OF THE PLANETS. Having now given a short account of each planet composing the solar system, the relative situations of their several orbits, with the exception of those of the Asteroids, are shown by Fig. 242. In this figure, the orbits are marked by the signs of each planet, of which the first, or that nearest the Sun, is Mercury, the next Venus, the third the Earth, the fourth Mars ; then come those of the Asteroids, then Jupiter, then Saturn, and lastly Herschel. FIG. 243. Relative Sizes of the Planets. COMPARATIVE DIMENSIONS OF THE PLANETS. The compara- tive dimensions of the planets are delineated at Fig. 243. 164. How long would it take to go from our system to Neptune, at the rate of fifty miles an hour 7 300 MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS. MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS. It is said, that when Sir Isaac Newton was near demonstra- ting the great truth, that gravity is the cause which keeps the heavenly bodies in. their orbits, he became so agitated with the thoughts of the magnitude and consequences of this discovery, as to be unable to proceed with his demonstrations, and desired a friend to finish what the intensity of his feelings would not allow him to complete. We have seen, in a former part of this work, (183,) that all undisturbed motion is straight forward, and that a body pro- jected into open space, would continue, perpetually, to move in a right line, unless retarded or drawn out of this course by some external cause. To account for the motions of the planets in their orbits, we will suppose that the Earth, at the time of its creation, was thrown by the hand of the Creator into open space, the Sun having been before created and fixed in his present place. 165. Circular Motion of the Planets. Under Compound Motion, (190,) it has been shown, that when a body is acted on by two forces perpendicular to each other, its motion will be in a diagonal between the direction of the two forces. But we will again here sup- pose that a ball is moving in the FIG ' 244 * line M X, Fig. 244, with a given force, and that another force half as great should strike it in the direction of N, the ball would then describe the diagonal of a -M parallelogram, whose length- would be just equal to twice its Diagonal Motion. bread tli, and the line of the ball would be straight, because it would obey the impulse and direc- tion of these two forces only. Now let A. Fig. 245, represent the Earth, and S the Sun ; and suppose the Earth to be moving forward, in the line from A to B, and to have arrived at A, with a velocity sufficient, in a given time, and without olisturbance, to have carried it to B. But at the point A, the Sun, S, acts upon the Earth with his attractive power, and with a force which would draw it to C, 165. Suppose a body to hp acted on by two forces perpendicular to each other, in what direction will it move? Why does the ball. Fig. 244. move in a straight line? Why does the Earth. Fig 245, move in a curved line? Explain Fig. 245. and show now the two forces act to produce a circular line of motion 1 MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS. 301 Circular Motion of the Planets. in the same space of time that it would otherwise have gone to 13. Then the Earth, instead of passing to B, in a straight line,, would be drawn down to D, the diagonal of the parallelo- gram, AB DC. The line of direction, in Fig. 244, is straight, because the body moved, obeys only the direction of the two forces, but it is curved from A to D, Fig. 245, in con- sequence of the continued force of the Sun's attraction, which produces a constant deviation from a right line. When the Earth arrives at D, still retaining its projectile or centrifugal force, its line of direction would be toward N, but while it would pass along to N without disturbance, the attract- ing force of the Sim is again sufficient to bring it to E, in a straight line, so that, in obedience to the two impulses, it again describes the curve to O. It must be remembered, in order to account for the circular motions of the planets, that the attractive force of the Sun is not exerted at once, or by a single impulse, as is the case with the cross forces, producing a straight line, but that this force is imparted by degrees, and is constant. It therefore acts equally on the Earth, in all parts of the course from A to D, and from D to O, Fig. 245. From O, the Earth having the same im- pulses as before, it moves in the same curved or circular direc- tion, and thus its motion is continued perpetually. 166. The tendency of the Earth to move forward in a straight line, is called the centrifugal force, and the attraction of the Sun, by which it is drawn downward, or toward a center, is called its centripetal force, and it is by these two forces that the planets are made to perform their constant revolutions around the Sun, (197.) 167. Elliptical Orbits. In the above explanation, it has been supposed that the Sun's attraction, which constitutes the Earth's gravity, was at all times equal, or that the Earth was at an equal distance from the. Sun, in all parts of its orbit. 166. What is the projectile force" of the. Earth called ? What is the attractive fore* of the Sun. which draws the Earth toward him, called? 302 MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS, FIG. 246. But, as heretofore explained, the orbits of all the planets are elliptical, the Sun being placed in the lower focus of the ellipse. The Sun's attraction is, therefore, stronger in some parts of their orbits than in others, and for this reason their velocities are greater at some periods of their revolutions .than at others. The Earth, therefore, in its journey round the Sun, moves at very unequal velocities, sometimes being retarded, and then again accelerated, by the Sun's attraction. 168. Planets Pass Equal Areas in Equal Times. It is an interesting circumstance, respecting the motions of the planets, that if the contents of their orbits be divided into unequal tri- angles, the acute angles of which center at the Sun, with the line of the orbit for their bases, the center of the planet will pass through each of these bases in equal times. This will be understood by Fig. 246, the elliptical circle being supposed to be the Earth's orbit, with the Sun, in one of the foci. Now the spaces, 1, 2, 3, &c., though of different shapes, are of the same dimensions, or contain the same quantity of surface. The Earth, we have already seen, in its jour- ney round the Sun, describes an ellipse, and moves more rapidly in one part of its orbit than in another. But what- ever may be its actual ve- locity, its comparative motion * is through equal areas in equal Elliptical Orbits. times. Thus its center passes from A to B, and from B to D, in the same period of time, and so of all the other divisions marked in the figure. If the figure, therefore, be considered the plane of the Earth's orbit, divided into 12 equal areas, answering to the 12 months of the year, the Earth will pass through the same areas in every month, but the spaces through which it passes will be increased, during every month, for one half the year, and diminished, during every month, for the other half. 168. What is meant by a planet's passing through equal spaces in equal times 7 THE EARTH. 303 169. Wliy the Planets do not Fall to the Sun. The reason why the planets, when they approach near the Sun, do not fall to him, in consequence of his increased attraction, and why they do not fly off into open space, when they recede to the greatest distance from him, may be thus explained. Taking the Earth as an example, we have shown that when in the part of her orbit nearest the Sun, her velocity is greatly increased by his attraction, and that consequently the Earth's centrifugal force is increased in proportion. 170. Now, the velocity of the earth increases in an inverse proportion, as its distance from the Sun diminishes, and in pro- portion to the increase of velocity is its centrifugal force in- creased ; so that, in any other part of its orbit, except when nearest the Sun, this increase of velocity would carry the Earth away from its center of attraction. But this increase of the Earth's velocity is caused by it near approach to the Sun, and consequently the Sun's attraction is increased, as well as the Earth's velocity. In other terms, when the centrifugal force is increased, the centripetal force is increased in proportion, and thus, while the centrifugal force prevents the Earth from falling to the Sun, the centripetal force prevents it from moving off in a straight line. THE EARTH. 1 71. Proofs of the Earth's Diurnal Revolution. It is almost universally believed, at the present day, that the apparent daily motion of the heavenly bodies from east to west, is caused by the real motion of the Earth from west to east, and yet there are comparatively few who have examined the evidence on which this belief is founded. For this reason, we will here state the most obvious, and to a common observer, the most convinc- ing proofs of the Earth's revolution. These are, first, the in- conceivable velocity of the heavenly bodies, and particularly the fixed stars, around the Earth, if she stands still. Second, the fact that all astronomers of the present age agree, that every phenomenon which the heavens present, can be best accounted for, by supposing the Earth to revolve. Third, the analogy to be drawn from many of the other planets, which are known 169. How is it shown, that, if the motion of a revolving body is increased, its pro- iectile force is also increased ? 170. By what force is the Earth's velocity increased as it approaches the Sun 1 When the Earth is nearest the Sun, why does it. not fall to him? When the Earth's centrifugal force is greatest, what prevents its flying from the Sun ? 171. What are the most obvious and convincing proofs that the Earth revolves on its axis 1 304 THE EARTH. to revolve on their axes ; and fourth, the different lengths of days and nights at the different planets, for did the Sun revolve about the solar system, the days and nights at many of the planets must be of similar lengths. 172. The distance of the Sun from the Earth being 95 mil- lions of miles, the diameter of the Earth's orbit is twice its dis- tance from the Sun, and, therefore, 190,000,000 of miles. Now, the diameter of the Earth's orbit, when seen from the nearest fixed star, is a mere point, and were the orbit a solid mass of dark matter, it could not be seen, with such eyes as ours, from such a distance. This is known by the fact, that these stars appear no larger to us, even when our sight is assisted by the best telescopes, when the Earth is in that part of her orbit nearest them, than when at the greatest distance, or in the opposite part of her orbit. The approach, therefore, of 190 millions of miles toward the fixed stars, is so small a part of their whole distance from us, that it makes no perceptible dif- ference in their appearance. 173. Now, if the Earth does not turn on her axis once in 24 hours, these fixed stars must revolve around the Earth at this amazing distance once in 24 hours. If the Sun passes around the Earth in 24 hours, he must travel at the rate of nearly 400,000 miles in a minute ; but the fixed stars are at least 400,000 times as far beyond the Sun, as the Sun is from us, and, therefore, if they revolve around the Earth, must go at the rate of 400,000 times 400,000 miles, that is, at the rate of 160,000,000,000, or 160 billions of miles in a minute; a ve- locity of which we can have no more conception than of infinity or eternity. 174. In respect to the analogy to be drawn from the known revolutions of the other planets, and the different lengths of days and nights among them, it is sufficient to state, that to the inhabitants of Jupiter, the heavens appear to make a revo- lution in about 10 hours, while to those of Venus, they appear to revolve once in 23 hours, and to the inhabitants of the other planets a similar difference seems to take place, depending on the periods of their diurnal revolutions. 175. Now, there is no more reason to suppose that tho heavens revolve round us, than there is to suppose that they re- 172. Were the Earth's orbit a solid mass, could it be seen by us at the distance ot the fixed stars? 173. Suppose the Earth stood still, how fast must the Sun move to co round it in 24 hours ? At what rate must the fixed stars move to go round it in 24 hours? 174 If the heavens appear to revolve every 10 hours at Jupiter, and every 24 hours at the Earth, hew can this difference be accounted for, if they revolve at all 7 HORIZON. 305 volve around any of the other planets, since the same apparent revolution is common to them all ; and as we know that the other planets, at least many of them, turn on their axes, and as all the phenomena presented by the Earth, can be accounted for by such a revolution, it is folly to conclude otherwise. HORIZON. 176. The horizon is distinguished into the sensible and ra- tional. The sensible horizon^ is tljat portion of the surface of the Earth which bounds our vision, or the circle around us, where the sky seems to meet the Earth. When the Sun rises, he appears above the sensible horizon, and when he sets, he sinks below it. The rational horizon is an imaginary line pass- ing through the center of the Earth, and dividing it into two equal parts. 177. DIRECTION OF THE ECLIPTIC. The ecliptic, (128,) w*e have already seen, is divided into 360 equal parts, called de- grees. All circles, however large or small, are divided into degrees, minutes, and seconds, in the same manner as the ecliptic. The axis of the ecliptic is an imaginary line passing through its center and perpendicular to its plane. The extremities of this perpendicular line, are called the poles of the ecliptic. If the ecliptic, or great plane of the earth's orbit, be consid- ered on the horizon, or parallel with it, and the line of the Earth's axis be inclined to the axis of this 'plane, or the axis of the ecliptic, at an angle of 2 3 degrees, it will represent the relative positions of the orbit, and the axis of the Earth. These positions are, however, merely relative, for if the posi- tion of the Earth's axis be represented perpendicular to the equator, then the ecliptic will cross this plane obliquely. But when the Earth's orbit is considered as having no inclination, its axis of course will have an inclination to the axis of the ecliptic, of 23- degrees. As the orbits of all the other planets are inclined to the ecliptic, perhaps it is the most natural and convenient method to consider this as a horizontal plane, with the equator inclined 175. Is there any more reason to believe that the Sun revolves round the Earth than round any of 'the other planets ? How can all the phenomena of the heavens be ac- counted for if the planets do not revolve? 176 How is the sensible horizon distin- guished from the rational? 177. How are circles divided? VVnat is the axis of the ecliptic ? What are the poles of the ecliptic 1 How manv degrees is the a^is of the Earth inclined to that of the ecliptic ? What is said concerning the relative position* of the Earth's aiis and the plane of the ecliptie ? 306 HORIZON. ' to it, instead of considering the equator on the plane of the horizon, as is sometimes done. 178. INCLINATION OF THE EARTH'S Axis. The inclination of the Earth's axis to the axis of its orbit never varies, but always makes an angle with it of 23i degrees, as it. moves round the Sun. The axis of the Earth is therefore always par- allel with itself. That is, if a line be drawn through the center of the Earth, in the direction of its axis, and extended north and south, beyond the Earth's diameter, the line so produced will always be. parallel to the same line, or any number of lines, so drawn, when the Earth is in different parts of its orbit. Suppose a rod to be fixed into the flat surface of a table, and so inclined as to make an angle with a perpendicular from the table of 23 degrees. Let this rod represent the axis of- the Earth, and the surface of the table, the ecliptic. Now place on th^e table a lamp, and round the lamp hold a wire circle three or four feet in diameter, so that it shall be parallel with the plane of the table, and as high above it as the flame of the lamp. Having prepared a small terrestrial globe, by passing a wire through it for an axis, and letting it project a few inches Inclination of the Earth's Axis. . 178. Are the orbits of the other planets parallel to the Earth's orbit, or inclined to it? What is meant by the Earth's axis being parallel to itself? DAY AND NIGHT. 307 each way, for the poles, take hold of the north pole, and carry it round the circle with the poles constantly parallel to the rod rising above the table. -The rod being inclined 23- degrees from a perpendicular, the poles and axis will be inclined in the same decree, and thus the axis of the earth will be inclined to that of the ecliptic every where in the same degree, and lines drawn in the direction of the Earth's axis will be parallel to each other in any part of its orbit. 179. This will be understood by Fig. 247, where it will be seen, that the poles of the Earth, in the several positions of A B C and D, being equally inclined, are parallel to each other. Supposing the lamp to represent the Sun, and the wire circle the Earth's orbit, the actual position of the Earth, during its annual revolution around the Sun, will be comprehended, and if the globe be turned on its axis, while passing round the lamp, the diurnal, or daily revolutions of the Earth will also be represented. DAY AND NIGHT. 180. Were the direction of the Earth's axis perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, the days and nights would be of equal length all the year, for then just one half of the Earth, from pole to pole, would be enlightened, and at the same time the other half would be in darkness. FIG. Day and Night. Suppose the line S o, Fig. 248, from the Sun to the Earth, to be the plane of the Earth's orbit, and that N S is the axis of the Earth perpendicular to it, then it is obvious, that exactly 179. How does it appear by Frr. 247, that the axis of the Earth is parallel to itself, in ail parts of its orb ; t ? ISO. How are the annual and diurnal revolurons of the Earth illustrated by Fig 248 7 Explain, by Fg. 248, why the days and nights would every where be equal, were the axis of the Earth perpendicular to the plane of his orbit. 308 SEASONS OF THE YEAK. the same points on the Earth would constantly pass through the alternate vicissitudes of day and night; for all who live on the meridian line between N and S, which line crosses the equator at o, would see the Sun at the same time, and conse- quently, as the Earth revolves, would pass into the dark hem- isphere at the same time. Hence, in all parts of the globe, the days and nights would be of equal length, at any given place. 181. Now it is the inclination of the Earth's axis, as above described, which causes the lengths of the days and nights to differ at the same place at different seasons of the year ; for on reviewing the position of the globe at A, Fig. 247, it will be observed that the line formed by the enlightened and dark hemispheres, does not cojncide with the line of the axis and pole, as in Fig. 248, but that the line formed by the darkness arid the light, extends obliquely across the line of the Earth's axis, so that the north pole is in the light while the south is in the dark. In the position A, therefore, an observer at the north pole would see the sun constantly, while another at the south pole would not see it at all. Hence those living in the north temperate zone, at the season of the year when the earth is at A, or in the Summer, would have long days and short nights, in proportion as they approached the polar circle ; while those who live in the south temperate zone, at the same time, and when it would be Winter there, would have long nights and short days in the same proportion. SEASONS OF THE YEAR. 182. The vicissitudes of the seasons are caused by the annual revolution of the Earth round the Sun, together with the in- clination of its axis to of its orbit. It has already been explained, that the ecliptic is the plane of the Earth's orbit, and is supposed to be placed on a level with the Earth's horizon, and hence, that this plane is consid- ered the standard, by which the inclination of the lines crossing the Earth, and the obliquity of the orbits of the other planets, are to be estimated. 183. The Solstices. The solstices are the points where the ecliptic and the equator are at the greatest distance from each 181. What is the cause of'the unequal lengths of the days and nights in different parts of the world ? 182 What are the causes which produce the seasons of the year? 183. What are the solstices? When the Sun enters the Summer solstice, what is said of the length of the days and nights? When does the Sun enter the Winter solstice, and what is the proportion between the length of the days and nights 1 REVOLUTIONS OF THE EARTH. 809 other. The Earth, in its yearly revolution, passes through each of these points. One is called the Summer, and the other the Winter solstice. The Sun is said to enter the Summer solstice on the 21st of June; and at this time, in our hemisphere, the days are longest and the nights shortest. On the 21st of De- cember, he enters his Winter solstice, when the length of the days and nights are reversed from what they were in June be- fore, the days being shortest, and the nights longest. Having learned these explanations, the student will be able to understand in what order the seasons succeed each other, and the reason why such changes are the effect of the Earth's revolution. REVOLUTIONS OF THE EARTH. 184. Suppose the Earth, Fig. 24P, to be in her Summer solstice, which takes place on the 21st of June. At this period 4he will be at A, having her north pole, N so inclined toward FIG. 249. Seasons of the Tear. the Sun, that the whole arctic circle will be illuminated, and consequently the Sun's rays will extend 23^- degrees, the breadth of the polar circle, beyond the north pole. The diurnal revolu- tion, therefore, when the Earth is at A, causes no succession of day and night at the pole, since the whole frigid zone is within 184. At what season of the year ia the whole arctic circle illuminated ? 310 REVOLUTIONS OF THE EARTH. the reach of his rays. The people who live within the arctic circle will, consequently, at this time, enjoy perpetual day. 185. During this period, just the same proportion of tho earth that is enlightened in the northern hemisphere, will be in total darkness in the opposite region of the southern hemisphere ; so that while the people of the north are blessed with perpetual day, those of the south are groping in perpetual night. Those who live near the arctic circle in the north temperate zone, will, during the Summer, come, for a few hours, within the regions of night, by the Earth's diurnal revolution ; and the greater the distance from the. circle, the longer will be their nights, and the shorter their days. 186. Hence, at this season, the days will be longer than the nights every where between the equator and the arctic circle. At the equator, the days and nights will be equal, and between the equator and the south polar circle, the nights will be longer than the days, in the same proportion as the days are longer than the nights, from the equator to the arctic circle. 187. The Sun always Shines on 180 Degrees of the Earth. It will be observed by a careful perusal of the above explana- tion of the seasons, and a close inspection of the figure by which it is illustrated, that the Sun constantly shines on a portion of the Earth equal to 90 degrees north, and 90 degrees south, from his place in the heavens, and consequently, that he always enlightens 1 80 degrees, or one half of the Earth. If, therefore, the axis of the Earth were perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, the days and nights would every where be equal, for as the Earth performs its diurnal revolutions, there would be 12 hours day, and 12 hours night. But since the inclination of its axis is 23 degrees, the light of the Sun is thrown 23 degrees farther in that direction, when the north pole is turned toward the Sun, than it would, had the Earth's axis no inclination. Now, as the Sun's light reaches only 90 degrees north or south of his place in the heavens, so when the arctic circle is enlight- ened, the antarctic circle must be in the dark ; for if the light reaches 23 degrees beyond the north pole, it must fall 23 de- grees short of the south pole. 188. As the Earth travels round the Sun, in his yearly cir- cuit, this inclination of the poles is alternately toward and from 185. At what season is the whole antarctic circle in the rlark ? While the people near the north pole enjoy perpetual day, what is the situation of those near the south pole ? 186. At what season will the days be longer than the niglits every where be- tween the equator and the arctic circle? 187. How many degrees does the Sun's light reach, north and south of him, on the Earth? REVOLUTIONS OF THE EARTH. 311 him. During our "Winter, the north polar region is thrown be- yond the rays of the Sun, while a corresponding portion around the south pole enjoys the Sun's light. And thus, at the poles, there are alternately six months of darkness and Winter, and six months of sunshine and Summer. 189. While we, in the northern hemisphere, are chilled by the cold blasts of Winter, the inhabitants of the southern hem- isphere are enjoying all the delights of Summer; and while we are scorched by the rays of a vertical Sun in June and July, our southern neighbors are shivering with the rigors of mid- Winter. 190. At the equator, no such changes take place. The rays of the Sun, as the Earth passes round him, are vertical twice a year at every place between the tropics. Hence, at the equator, there are two Summers and no Winter, and as the Sun there constantly shines on the same half of the Earth in succession, the days and nights are always equal, there being 12 hours of light and 12 of darkness. 191. VELOCITY OF THE EARTH. The motion of the Earth round the Sun, is at the rate of 68,000 miles in an hour, while its motion on its own axis, at the equator, is at the rate of about 1,042 miles in the hour. The equator being that part of the Earth most distant from its axis, the motion there is more rapid than toward the poles, in proportion to its greater distance from the axis of motion. 192. The method of ascertaining the velocity of the Earth's motion, both in its orbit and round its axis, is simple and easily understood ; for by knowing the diameter of the Earth's orbit, its circumference is readily found, and as we know how long it takes the Earth to perform her yearly circuit, we have only to calculate what part of her journey she goes through in an hour. By the same principle, the hourly rotation of the Earth is as readily ascertained. 193. We are insensible to these motions, because not only the Earth, but the atmosphere, and all terrestrial things, partake of the same motion, and there is no change in the relation of objects in consequence of it. 1S8. Purin? our Winter, is the north pole turned to or - from the Sun ? At th* poles, how many days and nights are there in the year? 189. When it is Winter in the northern hemisphere, what is the season in the southern hemisphere ? 190. At what rate does the Earth move around the Pun ? What are the seasons at ihe equa- tor? 191. How fast does it move around its axis at the equator? 192. How is the velocity of the Earth ascerlained? 193. Why are we insensible of the Earth's motion ? 312 HEAT .AND COLD. CAUSES OF THE HEAT AND COLD OF THE SEASONS. 194. We have seen that the Earth revolves round the Sun in an elliptical orbit, of which the Sun is one of the foci, and con- sequently that the Earth is nearer him, in one part of her orbit than in another. From the great difference we experience be- tween the heat of Summer and that of Winter, we should be led to suppose that the Earth must be much nearer the Sun in the hot season than in the cold. But when we come to inquire into this subject, and to ascertain the distance of the Sun at dif- ferent seasons of the year, we find that the great source of heat an'd light is nearest us during the cold of Winter, and at the greatest distance during the heat of Summer. 195. It has been explained, under the article Optics, (39,) that the angle of vision depends on the distance at which a body of given dimensions is seen. Now, on measuring the an- gular dimensions of the Sun, with accurate instruments, at dif- ferent seasons of the year, it has been found that his dimensions increase and diminish, and that these variations correspond ex- actly with the supposition that the Earth moves in an elliptical orbit. 196. If, for instance, his apparent diameter be taken in March, and then again in July, it will be found to have dimin- ished, which diminution is only to be accounted for, by suppos- ing that he is at a greater distance from the observer in July than in March. From July, his angular diameter gradually in- creases, till January, when it again diminishes, and continues to diminish, until July. By many observations, it is found, that the greatest apparent diameter of the Sun, and therefore his least distance from us, is in January, and his least diameter, and therefore his greatest distance, is in July. 197. The actual difference is about three millions of miles, the Sun being that distance further from the Earth in July than in January. This, however, is only about one-sixtieth of his mean distance from us; and the difference we should experience in his heat, in consequence of this difference of distance, will therefore be very small. Perhaps the effect of his prox- imity to the Earth may diminish, in some small degree, the severity of Winter. 194. At what season of the year is the Sun at the greatest, and at what season the least d'stance from the Earth'? 195. How is it ascertained that the Earth moves in an elliptical orbit, by the appearance of the Sun } 196. When does the Sun apnpar under the greatest apparent diameter, and when under the least! 197. How much further is the Sun from us in July than in January 1 What effect does this difference produce on the Earth? HEAT AND COLD. 313 198. Temperature of Summer and Winter. The heat of Summer,' and the cold of Winter, must therefore arise from the difference in the meridian altitude of the Sun, and in the time of his continuance above the horizon. In Summer, the sglar ra^s fall on the Earth, in nearly a perpendicular direction, and his powerful heat is then constantly accumulated by the long days and short nights of the season. 199. In Winter, on the contrary, the solar rays fall so ob- liquely on the Earth, as to produce little warmth, and the small effect they do produce during the short days of that season, is almost entirely destroyed by the long nights which succeed. The difference between the effects of perpendicular and oblique rays, seems to depend, in a great measure, on the different ex- tent of surface over which they are spread. 200. When the rays of the Sun are made to pass through a convex lens, the heat is increased, because the number of rays which naturally cover a large surface, are then made to cover a smaller one, so that the power of the glass depends on the num- ber of rays thus brought to a focus. If, on the contrary, the rays of the Sun are suffered to pass through a concave lens, their natural heating power is diminished, because they are dis- persed, or spread over a wider surface than before. 201. Summer and Winter Rays. Now to apply these differ- ent effects to the Sum- mer and Winter rays of the Sun, let us sup- pose that the rays fall- ing perpendicularly on a given extent of sur- face, impart to it a certain degree of heat, then it is obvious, that if the same number of rays be spread over twice that extent of surface, their heating power would be di- minished in propor- FIG. 250. Summer and Winter Rays. 193 How is the heat of Summer, and the cold of Winter, accounted for? 199 Why do the perpendicular rays of Summer produce greater effects than the oblique rays of Winter ? 200. How is this illustrated by the convex and concave lenses ' 14 814 FIGURE OP THE EARTH. tion, and that only half the heat would be imparted. This is the effect produced by the Sun's rays in the Winter. They fall so obliquely on the Earth, as to occupy nearly double the spa^ce that the same number of rays do in the Summer. This is illustrated by Fig. 250, where the number of rays, both in Winter and Summer, are supposed to be the same. But, it will be observed, that the Winter rays, owing to their oblique direction, are spread over nearly twice as much surface as those of Summer. 202. It may, however, be remarked, that the hottest season is not usually at the exact time of the year, when the Sun is most vertical, and the days the longest, as is the case toward the end of June, but some time afterward, as in July and August. 203. To account for this, it must be remembered, that when the Sun is nearly vertical, the Earth accumulates more heat by day than it gives out at night,' and that this accumulation con- tinues to increase after the days begin to shorten, and, conse- quently, the greatest elevation of temperature is some time after the longest days. For the same reason, the thermometer gen- erally indicates the greatest degree of heat at two or three o'clock on each day, and not at twelve o'clock, when the Sun's rays are most powerful. FIGURE OF THE EARTH. 204. Astronomers have proved that all the planets, together with their satellites, have the shape of the sphere, or globe, and hence, by analogy, there was every reason to suppose that the Earth would be found of the same shape ; and several phe- nomena tend to prove, beyond all doubt, that this is its form. The figure of the Earth is not, however, exactly that of a globe, or ball, because its diameter is about 34 miles less from pole to pole, than it is at the equator. But that its general figure is that of a sphere, or ball, is proved by many circumstances. 205. When one is at sea, or standing on the sea-shore, the first part of a ship seen at a distance, is its mast. As the vessel advances, the mast rises higher and higher above the horizon, and finally the hull, and whole ship, 'become visible. Now, were the Earth's surface an exact plane, no such appearance 201. How is the actual difference of the Summer and Winter rays shown ? 202. Why is not the hottest season of the year at the period when the days are longest, and the Sun most vertical 1 203. How is this accounted for ? 204. What is the gen- eral figure of the Earth 1 How much less is the diameter of the Earth at the poles than at the equator ? 205. How is the convexity of the Earth proved, by the ap proach of a ship at sea 1 Explain Fig. 251. TIGURE OF THE EARTH. 815 FIG. 251. Tht Earth's Convexity Spheroidal Fbrm of the Earth. would take place, for we should then see the hull long before the mast or rigging, because it is much the largest object. It will be plain by Fig. 251, that were the ship, A, elevated so that the hull should be on a horizontal line with the eye, the whole ship would be visible, instead of the topmast, there being no reason, except the convexity of the earth, why the whole ship should not be visible at A, as well as at B. 206. We know, for the same reason, that in passing over a hill, the tops of the trees are seen, before we can discover the ground on which they stand ; and that when a man approaches from the opposite side of a hill, his head is seen before his feet. It is a well known fact also, that navigators have set out from a particular port, and by sailing continually westward, have passed around the Earth, and again reached the port from which they sailed. This could never happen, were the Earth an ex- tended plain, since then the longer the navigator sailed in one direction, the further he would be from home. Another proof of the spheroidal form of the Earth, is the figure of its shadow on the Moon, during eclipses, which shadow is always bounded by a circular line. These circumstances prove beyond all doubt, that the form of the Earth is globular, but that it is not an exact sphere ; and that it is depressed or flattened at the poles, is shown by the difference in the lengths of pendulums vibrating seconds at the poles, and at the equator. 207. The compression of the Earth at the poles, and the consequent accumulation of matter at the equator, is considered the effect of its diurnal revolution, while it was in a soft or plastic state. If a ball of soft clay, or putty, be made to revolve 206. What other proofs of the globular shape of the Earth are mentioned 7 207. How is the form of the Earth illustrated by experiment ? Explain the reason why a plastic ball will swell at the equator, when made to revolve. 316 TIGURE OF THE EARTH. rapidly, by means of a stick passing through its center, as an axis, it will swell out in the middle, or equator, and be de- pressed at the poles, assuming the precise figure of the Earth. 208. Centrifugal Force. The effects of centrifugal force are very satisfactorily illustrated in the following manner : Two hoops of thin iron are placed upon FIG. 252. an axis which passes through their poles, as shown by Fig. 252. The two poles of each hoop cross each other at right-angles, and are fastened .together, and to the axis at the bottom. At the up- per end they slide up and down on the axis, which is turned rap- idly by wheel-work as represented. These hoops, before the mo- tion begins, have an oval form, but when turned rapidly, the centrifugal force occa- sions them to expand, or swell at the equator, while they are depressed at the poles, the two polar regions becoming no more distant than A and B. 209. The weight of a body at the poles is found to be greater than at the equator, not only because the poles are nearer the center of the Earth than the equator, but because the centrifu- gal force there tends to lessen its gravity. The wheels of ma- chines, which revolve with the greatest rapidity, are made in the strongest manner, otherwise they will fly in pieces, the cen- trifugal force not only overcoming the gravity, but the cohesion of their parts. 210. It has been found, by calculation, that if the Earth turned over once in 84 minutes and 43 seconds, the centrifugal Depressions of the Poles. 208. Explain Fig. 252, and show how it illustrates the form of the earth. 209. What two causes render the weights of bodies less at the equator than at the poles ? 210. What would be the consequence on the weights of bodies at the equator, did the Earth turn over onee in 84 minutes and 43 seconds ? SOLAR AND SIDERIAL TIME. 31 Y force at the equator would be equal to the power of gravity there, and that bodies would entirely lose their weight. If the Earth revolved more rapidly than this, all the buildings, rocks, mountains, and men, at the equator, would not only lose their weight, but would fly away, and leave the Earth, as the water does from a revolving grindstone. SOLAR AND SIDERIAL TIME. 211. The stars appear to go round the Earth in 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds, while the Sun appears to perform the same revolution in 24 hours, so that the stars gain 3 minutes ajid 56 seconds upon the Sun every day. In a year, this amounts to a day, or to the time taken by the Earth to per- form one diurnal revolution. It therefore happens, that when time is measured by the stars, there are 366 days in the year, or 366 diurnal revolutions of the Earth ; while, if measured by the Sun from one meridian to another, there are only 365 whole days in the year. The former are called the siderial, and the latter solar days. 212. If the Earth had only a diurnal motion, her revolution, in respect to the Sun, would coincide exactly with the. same revolution in respect to the stars ; but while she is making one revolution on her axis toward the east, she advances in the same direction about one degree in her orbit, so that to bring the same meridian toward the Sun, she must make a little more than one entire revolution. 213. Thus, the Earth must complete one revolution, and a portion of a second revolution, equal to the space she has ad- vanced in her orbit, in order to bring the same meridian back again to the Sun. This small portion of a second revolution amounts daily to the 365th part of her circumference, and therefore, at the end of the year, to one entire rotation, and hence, in 365 days, the Earth actually turns on her axis 366 times. Thus, as one complete rotation forms a siderial day, there must, in the year, be one siderial, more than there are solar days, one rotation of the Earth, with respect to the Sun, being lost, by the Earth's yearly revolution. The same loss of 211. The stars appear to move round the Earth in less time than the Sun ; what does the difference amount to in a year 1 What is the year measured by a star called? What is that measured by the Sun called? 212." Had the Earth 'only a diurnal revolution, would the siderial and solar time agree? 213. How many times does the Earth turn on her axis in a vear 7 Why does sh turn more times than there are days in the year? 318 TIME. a day happens to a traveler, who, in passing round the Earth to the west, reckons his time by the rising and setting of the Sun. If he passes round toward the east, he will gain a day for the same reason. EQUATION OF TIME. 214. 'As the motion of the Earth about its axis is perfectly uniform, the siderial days are exactly of the same length, in all parts of the year. But as the orbit of the Earth, or the appa- rent path of the Sun, is inclined to the Earth's axis, and as the Earth moves with different velocities in different parts of its orbit, the solar, or natural days, are sometimes greater and sometimes less than 24 hours, as shown by an accurate clock. The consequence is, that a true sun-dial, or noon mark, and a true time-piece, agree with each other only a few times in a year. The difference between the sun-dial and clock, thus shown, is called the equation of time. 215. The difference between the Sun and a well regulated clock, thus arises from two causes, the inclination of the Earth's axis to the ecliptic, and the elliptical form of the Earth's orbit. That the Earth moves in an ellipse, and that its motion is more rapid sometimes than at others, as well as that the Earth's axis is inclined to the ecliptic, have already been explained and illustrated. It remains, therefore, to show how these two com- bined causes, the elliptical form of the orbit, and the inclination of the axis, produce the disagreement between the Sun and clock. MEAN TIME. 216. Equal, or mean time, is that which is reckoned by a clock, supposed to indicate exactly 24 hours, from 12 o'clock on one day, to 12 o'clock on the next day. Apparent time, is that which is measured by the apparent motion of the Sun in the heavens, as indicated by a meridian line, or sun-dial. 217. Were the Earth's orbit a perfect circle, and her axis perpendicular to the plane of this orbit, the days would be of a uniform length, and there would be no difference between the clock and the Sun ; both would indicate 12 o'clock at the same 214. Why are the solar days sometimes greater, and sometimes less, than 24 hours 1 What is the difference between the time of a sun-dial and clock called ? 215. What are the causes of the difference between the Sun and clock. 216. What is meant by equal, or mean time? 217. Were the Earth's orbit a perfect circle, and aer axis perpendicular to its plane, what would be the effect on tims 1 MOON. 319 time, on every day in the year. But on account of the inclina- tion of the Earth's axis to the ecliptic, unequal portions of the Sun's apparent path through the heavens will pass any meridian in equal times. 218. Thus the elliptical form of the Earth's orbit, her unequal motions and the inclination of her axis, would prevent the agreement of the Sun and clock, except when the Earth is at the greatest distance from the Sun, which is on the 1st of July, and when she is at the least distance, which is on the 1st of January. From these causes the Sun would be faster than the clock, from the 1st of July to the 1st of January, and then slower than the clock, from the 1st of January to the 1st of July. Now these two causes, which result from sources which can not be here explained, counteract each other, so that the Sun and clock agree only when they coincide, or balance each other, which takes place, on, or about the loth of April, the 15th of June, the 31st of August and the 24th of December. On these days the Sun and clock, keeping exact time, coin- cide, or as the Almanac says, are even. 219. The greatest differences between the Sun and clock, are on the 1st of November, when the clock is 16 minutes too fast, and on the 10th of February, when it is 14 minutes too slow. THE MOON. 220. While the Earth revolves round the Sun, the Moon revolves round the Earth, completing her revolution once in 2*7 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes, and at the distance of 240,000 miles from the Earth. The period of the Moon's change, that is, from new Moon to new Moon again y is 29 days, 12 hours y and 44 minutes. 221. The time of the Moon's revolution round the Earth is called her periodical month ; and the time from change to change is called her synodical month. If the Earth had no an- nual motion, these two periods would be equal, but because the Earth goes forward in her orbit, while the Moon goes round the Earth, the Moon must go as much further, from change to change, to make these periods equal, as the Earth goes forward 218. What prevents the agreement of the Sun and clock? When do the Snn and clock agree ? 219. Wtien do they differ most ] 220. What is the period of the Moon's revolution round the Earth ? What is the period from new Moon to new Moon again ? 221. What are these two periods called 7 Why are uot the periodical and ty nodical months equal 1 320 MOON. during that time, which is more than the twelfth part of her orbit, there being more than twelve lunar periods in the year. 222. Illustration by the Hands of a Watch. These two revolutions maybe familiarly illustrated by the motions of the hour and minute hands of a watch. Let us suppose the 12 hours marked on the dial plate of a watch to represent the 12 signs of the zodiac through which the Sun seems to pass in his yearly revolution, while the hour hand of the watch represents the Sun, and the minute hand the Moon. Then, as the hour hand goes around the dial plate once in 12 hours, so the Sun apparently goes around the zodiac once in twelve months ; and as the minute hand makes 12 revolutions to one of the hour hand, so the Moon makes 12 revolutions to one of the Sun. But the Moon, or minute hand, must go more than once round, from any point on the circle, where it last came in conjunction with the Sun, or hour hand, to overtake it again, since the hour hand will have moved forward of the place where it was last overtaken, and consequently the next conjunction must be for- ward of the place where the last happened. During an hour, the hour hand describes the twelfth part of the circle, but the minute hand has not only to go round the whole circle in an hour, but also such a portion of it as the hour hand has moved forward since they last met. Thus, at 12 o'clock, the hands are in conjunction; the next conjunction is 5 minutes 27 seconds past I o'clock; the next, 10 min. 54 sec. past II o'clock; the third, 16 min. 21 sec. past III; the 4th, 21 min. 49 sec. past IV; the 5th, 27 min. 10 sec. past V; the 6th, 32 min. 43 sec. past VI;- the 7th, 38 min. 10 sec. past VII ; the 8th, 43 min. 38 sec. past VIII; the 9th, 49 min. 5 sec. past IX; the 10th, 54 min. 32 sec. past X ; and the next conjunction is at XII. 223. The same principle is true in respect to the Moon ; for as the Earth advances in. its orbit, it takes the Moon 2 days, 5 hours and 1 minute longer to come again in conjunction with the Sun, than it does to make her monthly revolution round the Earth ; and this 2 days 5 hours and 1 minute being added to 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes, the time of the periodical revolution, makes 29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes, the period of her synodical revolution. 224. We only see one Side of the Moon. The Moon always 222. How are these two revolutions of the Moon illustrated by the two hands of a watch? Mention the time of several conjunctions between the two hands of a watch. 223. How much longer does it take the Moon to comg again in conjunction with the Sun, than it does to perform her periodical revolution? 224. Plow is it proved that the Moon makes but one revolution on her axis, as she passes around the Earth 7 MOOIC. 321 presents the same side, or face, toward the Earth, and hence it is evident that she turns on her axis but once, while she is per- forming one revolution round the Earth, so that the inhabitants of the Moon have but one day and night in the course of a lunar month. 225. One half of the Moon is never in the dark, because when this half is not enlightened by the Sun, a strong light is reflected to her from the Earth, during file Sun's absence. The other half of the Moon enjoys alternately two weeks of the Sun's light, and two weeks of total darkness. PHASES OF THE MOON. One of the most interesting circum- stances to us, respecting the Moon, is the constant changes which she undergoes, in her passage around the Earth. When she first appears, a day or two after her change, we can see only a small portion of her enlightened side, which is in the form of a crescent ; and at this time she is commonly called new Moon. From this period she goes on increasing, or show- ing more and more of her face, every evening, until at last she becomes round, and her face is fully illuminated. She then begins again to decrease, by apparently losing a small section of her face, and the next evening another small section from the same part, and so on, decreasing a little every day, until she entirely disappears ; and having been absent a day or two, re- appears in the form of a crescent, or_new Moon, as* before. 226. When the Moon disappears7 she is said to be in con- junction, that is, she is in the same direction from us with the Sun. When she is full, she is said to be in opposition, that is, she is in that part of the heavens opposite to the Sun, as seen by us. 227. The different appearances of the Moon from new iofull, and from full to change, are owing to her presenting different portions of her enlightened surface toward us at different times. These appearances are called phases of the Moon, and are easily accounted for, and understood by the following figure. 228. Let S, Fig. 253, be the Sun, E the Earth, and A, B, C, D, F, the Moon in different parts of her orbit. Now when the Moon changes, or is in conjunction with the Sun, as at A, her dark side is turned toward the Earth, and she is invisible, as repre- 225. One half of the Moon is never in the dark ; explain why this is so. How long is the day and night at thf other half? How is it shown that the Moon shines only by reflected light ? 2C6. When is the Moon said to be in conjunction with the Sun, and when in opposition to the Sun 1 227. What are the phases of the Moon 1 228 D-scr b>v Fijf. *>3, and show how the Moon passes from change to full, and from full to change. -l* '322 Phases of the Moon. sented at a. The Sun always shines on one half of the Moon, in every direction, as represented at A and B, on the inner circle ; but we at the Earth can see only such portions of the enlightened part as are turned toward us. After her change, when she has moved from A to B, a small part of her illumi- nated side comes in sight, and she appears horned, as at 6, and is then called the new Moon. When she arrives at C, several days afterward, one half of her disc is visible, and she appears as at c, her appearance being the same in both circles. At this point she is said to be in her first quarter, because she has passed through a quarter of her orbit, and is 90 degrees from the place of her conjunction with the Sun. At D, she shows us still more of her enlightened side, and is then said to appear gibbous, as at d. When she comes to F, her whole enlightened side is turned toward the Earth, and she appears in all the splendor of the full Moon. During the other half of her revo- lution she daily shows less and less of her illuminated side, until she again becomes invisible by her conjunction with the Sun. Thus in passing from her conjunction a, to her full een computed. Of these, however, there are only three whose periods of re- turn among us are known with any degree of certainty. The 267. On what grounds is it supposed that the fixed stars are suns to other worlds! 269. What number of comets are supposed to belong to our system 1 336 COMETS. first of these has a period ! I?;,f!!: of 75 years ; the second a period of 129 years; and the third a period of 575 years. The third appeared in 1680, and therefore can hot be expected again until the year 2225. This comet, Fig. 260, in 1680, excited the most intense interest among the astronomers of Europe, on account of its great apparent size and near approach to our system. In the most remote part of its orbit, its distance from the Sun was es- timated at about 11,200,000,000 of miles. At its nearest ap- proach to the Sun, which was only about 50,000 miles, its velocity, according to Sir Isaac Newton, was 880,000 miles in an hour ; and supposing it to have retained the Sun's heat, like other solid bodies, its temperature must have been about 2,000 times that of red hot iron. The tail of this comet was at least 100,000,000 of miles long. 270. In the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, article Astronomy, there is the most complete table of comets yet published. This table contains the elements of 97 comets, calculated by different as tronomers, down to the year 1808. From this table it appears that 24 comets have passed be- tween the Sun and the orbit of Mercury ; 33 between the orbits of Venus and the Earth; 15 between the orbits of the Earth and Mars ; 3 between the orbits of Mars and Ceres ; and 1 be- tween the orbits of Ceres and Jupiter. It also appears by this table that 49 comets have moved round the Sun from west to east, and 48 from east to west. 271. Nature of Comets. Of the nature of these wandering planets very little is known. When examined by a telescope, they appear like a mass of vapors surrounding a dark nucleus. When the comet is at its perihelion, or nearest the Sun, its coloi seems to be heightened by the intense light or heat of that luminary, and it then often shines with more brilliancy than the planets. At this time the tail or train, which is always directly opposite to the Sun, appears at its greatest length, but is commonly so transparent as to permit the fixed stars to be 270. How many have had the elements of their orbits estimated by astronomers? How many are there whose periods of return are known? 271. What is said of the tomet of 16SO? PARALLAX. 837 seen through it. A variety of opinions have been advanced by astronomers concerning the nature and causes of these trains, but no satisfactory theory has been offered. A new comet was discovered by Miss Maria Mitchell, of Kantucket, in October, 1847, for which she received the gold medal of the king of Denmark, offered for the first discovery of a new cornet in any country. PARALLAX. 272. Parallax is the difference between the true and apparent place of a celestial body. The apparent place is that in which the body seems to be when viewed fror i the surface of the Earth, the true place being that in which it would appear if seen from the center of the earth. This will be understood by Fig. 261, where if we FIG suppose a spectator placed at G, in the Earth's center, he would see the moon E, among the stars at I, whereas without changing the posi- tion of the moon, if that body is seen from A, on the surface of the Earth, it would appear among the stars at K. Now I is the true and K the apparent place of the moon, the space between them, being the Moon's parallax. The parallax of a body is greatest when on the sensible hor- izon, (170,) or at the moment when it becomes visible to the eye. From this point it diminishes until it reaches the zenith, or the highest place in the heavens, when its parallax ceases entirely. Thus it will be seen by the figure, that the parallax of the moon is less when at D, than it was at E, and that when it arrives at the zenith, Z, its position is the same whether seen from the center of the Earth, G, or from its surface, A. The greater the distance of the heavenly body from the spec- tator, the less is its parallax. Diurnal Parallax. 272. What is parallax ? What is the apparent place of a celestial body ? What \* the true place of such a body ? Explain Fig. 261, and show why there is no parallax when the body is in the zenith ? 15 338 PARALLAX. Thus were the Moon at e instead of at E, her parallax would be only equal to p K, instead of I K. Hence the Moon, being the nearest celestial body, has the greatest parallax, the differ- ence of her place among the stars, when seen from the surface of the Earth, A, and the center G, being about 4,000 miles. 273. Parallax of the Stars. The stars are at such immense distances from the Earth, that the difference of station between the center and surface of the Earth makes no perceptible change in their places, and hence they have no parallax. 274. Diurnal Parallax. This applies to the solar system, and takes place every day in the apparent rotation of the planets around the Earth. The Moon, as above shown, has a parallax when she rises, which diminishes until she reaches the zenith, when it ceases entirely ; the same is the case with the Sun and planets, which have sensible parallaxes. 275. Annual Parallax. This is the difference in the appa- rent places of the celestial bodies, as seen from the Earth at the opposite points of her orbit, during her annual revolution round the Sun. Suppose A, Fig. 262, to be a stationary ce- lestial object, then as the Earth makes her an- nual revolution around the Sun S, this object at one time will appear among the stars at E, but six months after, when the Earth comes to the Opposite point Annual Parallax. in her orbit, the same object will be seen at C, the space from C to E being the an- nual parallax of the object A. But the distances of the stars are so great that the diameter of the Earth's orbit, or 190,000,000 of miles make no difference in their apparent places. Were the fixed stars within 19,000,000,000,000, or 19 trillions of miles, their distance could be told by their parallaxes. But since, as above stated, these celestial points have no sens- ible parallaxes, their distances must be greater than this, but how much is unknown. 273. Why have the stars no parallaxes ? 274. What is diurnal parallax 1 275. What is annual parallax') ELECTRICITY. 339 CHAPTER XIII. ELECTRICITY. 276. THE science of Electricity, which now ranks as an im- portant branch of Natural Philosophy, is wholly of modern date. The ancients were acquainted with a few detached facts de- pendent on the agency of electrical influence, but they never imagined that it was extensively concerned in the operations of nature, or that it pervaded material substances generally. The term electricity is derived from electron, the Greek name of amber, because it was known to the ancients, that when that substance was rubbed or excited, it attracted or repelled small light bodies, but it was then unknown that other substances when excited, would do the same. When a piece of glass, sealing-wax, or amber, is rubbed with a dry hand, and held toward small and light bodies, such as threads, hairs, feathers, or straws, these bodies will fly toward the surface thus rubbed, and adhere to it for a short time. The influence by which these small substances are drawn, is called electrical attraction ; the surface having this attractive powei is said to be excited ; and the substances susceptible of this ex- citation, are called electrics. Substances not having this attrac- tive power when rubbed, are called non-electrics. 277. The principal electrics are amber, resin, sulphur, glass, the precious stones, sealing-wax, and the fur of quadrupeds. But the metals, and many other bodies, may be excited when insulated and treated in a certain manner. After the light substances which had been attracted by the excited surface, have remained in contact with it a short time, the force which brought them together ceases to act, or acts in a contrary direction, and the light bodies are repelled, or thrown away from the excited surface. Two bodies, also, which have been in contact with the excited surface, mutually repel each other. 278. Electroscope. Various modes have been devised for exhibiting distinctly the attractive and repulsive agencies of 276. From what is the term electricity derived 1 What is electrical attraction 1 ? What are electrics 7 What are non-electrics'? 277. What are the principal dec- tries 1 What is meant by electrical repulsion ? 278. What is an electroscope 1 340 ELECTRICITY. electricity, and for obtaining indications of its presence, when it exists only in a feeble degree. Instruments for this purpose are termed Electroscopes. One of the simplest instruments of this kind consists of a me- tallic needle, terminated at each end by a light pith-ball, which is covered with gold leaf, and supported horizontally at its center by a fine point, Fig. 263. When a stick of sealing-wax, or a glass tube, is excited, and then presented to one of these balls, the motion of the needle on its pivot will indicate the electrical influence. FIG. 263. FIG. 264. Electroscope. Electrical Attraction. 279. If an excited substance be brought near a ball made of pith, or cork, suspended by a silk thread, the ball will, in the first place, approach the electric, as at A, Fig. 264, indicating an attraction toward it, and if the position of the electric will allow, the ball will come into contact with the electric, and ad- here to it for a short time, and will then recede from it, show- ing that it is repelled, as at B. If, now, the ball which had touched the electric, be brought near another ball, which has had no communication with an excited substance, these two balls will attract each other, and come into contact ; after which they will repel each other, as in the former case. It appears, therefore, that the excited body, as the stick of sealing-wax, imparts a portion of its electricity to the ball, and that when the ball is also electrified, a mutual repulsion then takes place between them. Afterwards, the ball, being electri- fied by contact with the electric, when brought near another ball not electrified, transfers a part of its electrical influence to that, after which these two balls repel each other, as in the former instance. 280. Thus, when one substance has a greater or less quan- 279. When do two electrified bodies attract, and when do they repel each other? 280. How will two bodies act, one having more, and the other less, than the natural quantity of electricity, when brought near each other 1 How will they act when both have more or Use than their natural quantity 1 841 tity of electricity than another, it will attract the other sub- stance, and when they are in contact will impart to it a portion of this superabundance ; but when they are both equally elec- trified, both having more or less than their natural quantity of electricity, they will repel each other. ELECTRICAL THEORIES. To account for these phenomena, two theories have been advanced, one by Dr. Franklin, who supposes there is only one electrical fluid, and the other by Du Fay, who supposes that there are two distinct fluids. 281. Franklin's Theory. Dr. Franklin supposed that all terrestrial substances were pervaded with the electrical fluid, and that by exciting, an electric, the equilibrium of this fluid was destroyed, so that one part of the excited body contained more than its natural quantity of electricity, and the other part less. If in this state a conductor of electricity, as a piece of metal, be brought near the excited part, the accumulated electricity would be imparted to it, and then this conductor would receive more than its natural quantity of the electric fluid. This he called positive electricity. But if a conductor be connected with that part which has less than its ordinary share of the fluid, then the conductor parts with a share of its own, and therefore will then contain less than its natural quantity. This he called negative electricity. When one body positively and another negatively electrified, are connected by a conducting substance, the fluid rushes from the positive to the negative body, and the equilibrium is restored. Thus, bodies which are said to be pos- itively electrified, contain more than their natural quantity of electricity, while those which are negatively electrified, contain less than their natural quantity. 282. Du Fay's Theory. The other theory is explained thus. When a piece of glass is excited and made to touch a pith-ball, as above stated, then that ball will attract another ball, after which they will mutually repel each other, and the same will happen if a piece of sealing-wax be used instead of the glass. But if a piece of excited glass, and another of wax, be made to touch two separate balls, they will attract each other ; that is, the ball which received its electricity from the wax will attract that which received its electricity from the glass, and will be 281. Explain Dr. Franklin's theory of electricity. What is meant by positive, and wnat by negative electricity ? What is the consequence, when a positive and a neg- ative body are connected by a conductor? 282. Explain Du Fay's theory. When two balls are electrified, one with glass and the other with wax, will they attract or repel each other 1 What are the two electricities called 7 From what substances are the two electricities obtained? 942 ELECTRICITY. attracted by it. Hence Du Fay concludes that electricity con- sists of two distinct fluids, which exist together in all bodies that they have a mutual attraction for each other that they are separated by the excitation of electrics, and that when thus separated, and transferred to non-electrics, as to the pith-balls, their mutual attraction causes the balls to rush toward each other. These two principles he called vitreous and resinous electricity. The vitreous being obtained from glass, and the resinous from wax and other resinous substances. Dr. Franklin's theory is by far the most simple, and will ac- count for most of the electrical phenomena equally well with that of Du Fay, and therefore has been adopted by the most able and recent electricians. 283. It is found that some substances conduct the electric fluid from a positive to a negative surface with great facility, while others conduct it with difficulty, and others not at all. Substances of the first kind are called conductors, and those of the last non-conductors. The electrics, or such substances as being excited, communicate electricity, are all non-conductors, while the non-electrics, or such substances as do not communi- cate electricity on being merely excited, are conductors. The conductors are the metals, charcoal, water, and other fluids, ex- cept the oils ; also smoke, steam, ice, and snow. The best con- ductors are gold, silver, platina, brass, and iron. The electrics, or non-conductors, are glass, amber, sulphur, resin, wax, silk, most hard stones, and the furs of some animals. A body is said to be insulated, when it is supported or sur- rounded by an electric. Thus, a stool standing on glass legs, is insulated, and a plate of metal laid on a plate of glass, is insulated. 284. Electrical Machines. When large quantities of the electric fluid are wanted for experiment, or for other purposes, it is procured by an electrical machine. These machines are of various forms, but all consist of an electric substance of consid- erable dimensions ; the rubber by which this is excited ; the prime conductor, on which the electric matter is accumulated ; the insulator, which prevents the fluid from escaping ; and ma- chinery, by which the electric is set in motion. Formerly a glass cylinder was employed as an electric, but 283. What are conductors? What are non-conductors 7 What substances are conductors 1 What substances are the best conductors 1 What substances are elec- trics, or non-conductors? When is a body eaid to be insulated? 284. What are the several parts of an electrical machine ? ELECTRICITY. 843 more recently, round, flat plates of glass, called plate machines, are used instead of cylinders. This is a great improvement, since both sides of the plate are exposed to electrical friction, while in the cylinder, the outside only could be excited. This machine is represented by Fig. 265, and consists of a circular plate of glass, from one to two or three feet in diameter, turning on an axis of wood which passes through its center. The plate is rubbed as it revolves, by two leather cushions, A FIG. 265. Plate Electrical Machine. and B, fixed at opposite points of its circumference, and by means of elastic slips of wood adjusted by screws, made to press on its surface. On the opposite side are two other cushions not seen, the plate revolving between them. A hollow brass prime conductor, C, supported by a glass standard D, is attached to the frame of the machine. On each side of the conductor are branches of the same metal, at the ends of which are sharp wires nearly touching the glass plate, and by means of which, the electric fluid is collected and conveyed to the conductor. 285. Mode of Action. The manner in which this machine acts is easily understood. The friction of the cushions against the glass plate, transfers the electrical fluid from the cushions to the glass, so that while the glass becomes positive, the cush- ions become negative. Meantime, the fluid, which adheres to the surface of the glass, is attracted by the metallic points and Describe the electrical machine, Fig. 265. 285. Whence comes the electricity, when the plate is turned 1 Why is it necessary to throw the chain on the ground to obtain more electricity 1 344 ELECTRICITY. conveyed to the prime conductor, which being insulated by the glass standard, the electricity is there accumulated in quantities proportionate to the surface of the conductor. If the cushions are insulated, the quantity of electricity ob- tained is limited, consisting of that, merely, which the cushions contained, and when this is transferred to the plate, no more can be obtained. It is then necessary to make the cushions communicate with the ground, the great reservoir of electricity, by laying the chain attached to the cushions on the floor or table, when on again turning the machine, more of the fluid will be conveyed to the conductor. 286. If a person who is insulated takes the chain in his hand,*the electric fluid will be drawn from him, along the chain, to the cushion, and from the cushion will be transferred to the prime conductor, and thus the person will become negatively electrified. If, then, another person, standing on the floor, hold his knuckle near him who is insulated, a spark of electric fire will pass between them, with a crackling noise, and the equili- brium will be restored ; that is, the electric fluid will pass from him who stands on the floor, to him who stands on the stool. But if the insulated person takes hold of a chain, connected with the prime conductor, he may be considered as forming a part of the^conductor, and therefore the electric fluid will be accumulated all over his surface, and he will be positively elec- trified, or will obtain more than his natural quantity of electricity. If now a person standing on the floor touch this person, he will receive a spark of electrical fire from him, and the equilibrium will again be restored. 287. If two persons stand on two insulated stools, or if they both stand on a plate of glass, or a cake of wax, the one person being connected by the chain with the prime conductor, and the other with the cushion, then, after working the machine, if they touch each other, a much stronger shock will be felt than in either of the other cases, because the difference between their electrical states will be greater, the one having more and the other less than his natural quantity of electricity. But if the two insulated persons both take hold of the chain connected with the prime conductor, or with that connected with the 286. If an insulated person takes the chain, connected with the cushion, in his nand, what change will be produced in his natural quantity of electricity 1 If the in- eulatod person takes hold of the chain connected with the prime conductor, and the machine be worked, what then will be the change produced in his electrical state 7 387. If two insulated persons take hold of the two chains, one connected with the prime conductor, and the other with the cushion, what changes will be produced 7 If an insulated person takes the chain, what effect will it produce on him 1 ELECTRICITY. 345 cushion, no spark will pass between them, on touching each other, because they will then both be in the same electrical state. 288. We have seen, Fig. 264, that the pith-ball is first at- tracted and then repelled, by the excited electric, and that the ball so repelled will attract, or be attracted by other substances in its vicinity, in consequence of having received from the ex- cited body more than its ordinary quantity of electricity. These alternate movements are amusingly exhibited by plac- ing some small light bodies, such as the figures of men and women, made of pith, or paper, between two metallic plates, the one placed over the other, as in Fig. 266, the upper plate com- municating with the prime conductor, and the other with the ground. When the electricity is communicated to the upper plate, the little figures, being attracted by the electricity, will jump up and strike their heads against it, and having received a portion of the fluid, are instantly repelled, and again attracted by the lower plate, to which they impart their electricity, and FIG. 266. FIG. 267, Attraction and Repulsion. then are again attracted, and so fetch and carry the electric fluid from one to the other, as long as the upper plate contains more than the lower one. In the same manner, a tumbler, if electrified on the inside, and placed over light substances, as pith-balls, will cause them to dance for a considerable time. 288. Explain the reason why the little images dance between the two metallic plates, Fig. 206. 15* ' 846 ELECTRICITY. 289. Electrometer. Instruments designed to measure' the intensity of electric action, are called Electrometers. Such an instrument is represented by Fig. 267. It consists of a slender rod of light wood, A, terminated by a pith-ball, which serves as an index. This is suspended at the upper part of the wooden stem, B, so as to play easily backward and forward. The ivory semicircle C, is affixed to the stem, having its center coinciding with the axis of motion of the rod, so as to measure the angle of deviation from the perpendicular, which the repulsion of the ball from the stem produces on the index. When this instrument is used, the lower end of the stem is set into an aperture in the prime conductor, and the intensity of the electric action is indicated by the number of degrees the index is repelled from the perpendicular. .The passage of the electric fluid through a perfect conductor is never attended with light, or the crackling noise which is heard when it is transmitted through the air, or along the sur- face of an electric. 290. Several curious experiments illustrate this principle, for if fragments of tin foil, or other metal, be pasted on a piece of glass, so near each other that the electric fluid can pass between them, the whole line thus formed with the pieces- of metal, will be illuminated by the passage of the electricity from one to the other. FIG. 268. Franklin. In this manner figures or words may be formed, as in Fig. 268, which, by connecting one of its ends with the prime con- ductor, and the other with the ground, will, when the electric fluid is passed through the whole, in the dark, appear one con- tinuous and vivid line of fire. 289. What is an electrometer ? Describe that represented in Fig. 267, together with the mode of using it. When the electric fluid passes along a perfect conductor is it attended with light or not ? When it passes along an electric, or through the air, what phenomena does it exhibit? 290. Describe the experiment, Fig. 268, in- tended to illustrate this principle. 5P rLI 2& ELECTRICITY. J7 V- V OF TH^47 291. Electrical Light. Electrical ligfct seems not to differ in any respect, from the light of the. Sun. or of a burning lamp. Dr. Wollaston observed, that when this light was seen through a prism, the ordinary, colors arising from the decomposition of light were obvious. 292. When the electric fluid is discharged from a point, it is always accompanied by a current of air, whether the electricity be positive or negative. The reason of this appears to be, that the instant a particle of air becomes electrified, it repels, and is repelled, by the point from which it received tie electricity. Several curious little experiments are made on this principle. Thus, let two FIG - 269< cross wires, as in Fig. 269, be suspended on a pivot, each having its point bent in a contrary direction, and electrified by being placed on the prime conductor of a ma- chine. These points, so long as the machine is in action, will give oft' streams of elec- tricity ; and as the particles of air repel the points by which they are electrified, the little machine will turn round rapidly, in the direction contrary to that of the stream of electricity. Perhaps, also, the*eaction of the atmosphere against the current of air given off by the points, assists in giving it motion. 293. Leyden Vials. When one part or side of an electric is positively, the other part or side is negatively electrified. Thus, if a plate of glass be positively electrified on one side, it will be negatively electrified on the other, and if the inside of a glass vessel be positive, the outside will be negative. Advantage of this circumstance is taken, in the construction of electrical jars, called from the place where they were first made, Leyden vials. The most common form of this jar is represented by Fig. 270. It consists of a glass vessel, coated on both sides up to A, with tin foil ; the upper part being left naked, so as to pre- vent a spontaneous discharge, or the passage of the electric fluid from one coating to the other. A metallic rod, rising two 01 three inches above the jar, and terminated at the top with a 291. What is the appearance of electrical light through a prism? 292. Describe Fig. 269. and explain the principle on which its motion depends. 293. Suppose one part or side of an electric is positive, what will be the electrical state of the other side or parti What part of the electrical apparatus is constructed on this principle 1 How is the Leyden vial constructed ? Why is not the whole surface of this vial cov- ered with the tin foil ) 348 ELECTRICITY. brass ball, which is called the knob of the jar, is made to de- scend through the cover, till it touches the interior coating. It is along this rod that the charge of electricity is conveyed to the inner coating, while the outer coating is made to communi- cate with the ground. FIG. 270. FIG. 271. Leyden Jars. 294. When a chain is passed from the prime conductor of an electrical machine to this rod, the electricity is accumulated on the tin foil coating, while the glass above the tin foil prevents its escape, and thus the jar becomes charged. By connecting togetl 1 jr a sufficient number of these jars, any quantity of the electric fluid may be accumulated. For this purpose, all the inferior coatings of the jars are made to communicate with each other, by metallic rods passing between them, and finally ter- minating in a single rod. A similar union is also established, by connecting the external coats with each other. When thus arranged, the whole series may be charged, as if they formed but one jar, and the whole series may be discharged at the same instant. Such a combination of jars is termed an electri- cal battery. 295. For the purpose of making a direct communication be- tween the inner and outer coating of a single jar, or battery, by which a discharge is effected, an instrument called a discharg- ing-rod is employed. It consists of two bent metallic rods, terminated at one end by brass balls, and at the other end con- nected by a joint. This joint is fixed to the end of a glass 294. How is a Leyden vial charged ? In what manner may a number of these vials be charged ? What is an electrical battf ry '! 295. Explain the design of Fig. 271, and show how an equilibrium is produced by the discharging-rod. ELECTRfCITY. 349 handle, and the rods being movable at the joint, the balls can be separated or brought near each other, as occasion requires. When opened to a proper distance, one ball is made to touch the tin foil on the outside of the jar, and then the other is brought into contact with the knob of the jar, as seen in Fig. 271. In this manner a discharge is effected, or an equilibrium produced between the positive and negative sides of the jar. 296. When it is desired to pass the charge through any sub- stance for experiment, then an electrical circuit must be estab- lished, of which the substance to be experimented upon must form a part. That is, the substance must be placed between the ends of two metallic conductors, one of which communicates with the positive, and the other with the negative side of the jar, or battery. 297. When a person takes the electrical shock in the usual manner, he merely takes hold of the chain connected with the outside coating, and the battery being charged, touches the knob with his finger, or with a metallic rod. On making this circuit, the fluid passes through the person from the positive to the negative side. Any number of persons may receive the electrical shock, by taking hold of each other's hand, the first person touching the knob, while the last takes hold of a chain connected with the external coating. In this manner, hundreds, or, perhaps, thou- sands of persons, will feel the shock at the same instant, there being no perceptible interval in the time when the first and the last person in the circle feels the sensation excited by the passage of the electric fluid. 298. Atmospheric Electricity. The atmosphere always con- tains more or less electricity, which is sometimes positive, and at others negative. It is, however, most commonly positive, and always so when the sky is clear or free from clouds or fogs. It is always stronger in winter than in summer, and during the day than during the night. It is also stronger at some hours of the day than at others ; being strongest about 9 o'clock in the morning, and weakest about the middle of the afternoon. These different electrical states are ascertained by means of long 296. When it is desired to pass the electrical fluid through any substance, where must it be placed in respect to the two sides of the battery ? 297. Suppose the bat- tery is charged, what must a person do to take the shock? What circumstance ii related, which shows the surprising velocity with which electricity is transmitted 1 293. Is the electricity of the atmosphere positive or negative? At what times doea the atmosphere cont'ain most electricity? How are the different electrical states of the atmosphere ascertained 1 350 ELECTRICITY. metallic wires extending from one building to another, and con- nected with electrometers. 299. It was .proved by Dr. Franklin, that the electric fluid and lightning are the same substance, and this identity has been confirmed by subsequent writers on this subject. If the properties and phenomena of lightning be compared with those of electricity, it will be found that they differ only in respect to degree. Thus, lightning passes in irregular lines through the air ; the discharge of an electrical battery has the same appearance. Lightning strikes the highest pointed ob- jects takes in its course the best conductors sets fire to non- conductors, or rends them in pieces, and destroys animal life ; all of which phenomena are caused by the electric fluid. 300. LIGHTNING RODS. Buildings may be secured from the effects of lightning, by fixing to them a metallic rod, which is elevated above any part of the edifice and continued to the moist ground, or to the nearest water. Copper, for this pur- pose, is better than iron, not only because it is less liable to rust, but because it is a better conductor of the electric fluid. The upper part of the rod should end in several fine points, which must be covered with some metal not liable to rust, such as gold, platina, or silver. 301. No protection is afforded by the conductor, unless it is continued without interruption from the top to the bottom of the building, and it can not be relied on as a protector, unless it reaches the moist earth, or ends in loater connected with the earth. Conductors of copper may be three-fourths of an inch in diameter, but those of iron should be at least an inch in diameter. In large buildings, complete protection requires many lightning rods, or that they should be elevated to a height above the building in proportion to the smallness of their numbers, for modern experiments have proved that a rod only protects a circle around it, the radius of which is equal to twice its length above the building. 302. Thus a rod 20 feet above the building, will protect a space of 40 feet from it in all directions. 299. Who first discovered that electricity and lightning are the same ? What phe- nomena are mentioned which belong in common to electricity and lightning? 300. How may buildings be protected from the effects of lightning? Which is the best conductor, iron or copper? 301. What circumstances are necessary, that the rod mav be relied on as a protector! 302. What diameter will a rod 20 feet above th building protect ? MAGNETISM. 851 -CHAPTER XIV. MAGNETISM. 303. The native Magnet, or Loadstone, is an ore of iron, which is found in various parts of the world. Its color is iron black ; its specific gravity from 4 to 5, and it is sometimes found in crystals. This substance, without any preparation, attracts iron and steel, and when suspended by a string, will turn one of its sides toward the north, and another toward the south. It appears that an examination of the properties of this species of iron ore, led to the important discovery of the mag- netic needle, and subsequently laid the foundation for the science of magnetism ; though at the present day magnets are made without this article. 304. The whole science of magnetism is founded on the fact, that pieces of iron or steel, after being treated in a certain man- ner, and then suspended, will constantly turn one of their ends toward the north, and consequently the other toward the south. The same property has been more recently proved to belong to the metals nickel and cobalt, though with much less intensity. 305. Still more recently, it has been found by Prof. Faraday, that when a strong electro-magnet is employed, the following metals are acted upon with varying intensity, and therefore must be added to the list of magnetic metals, viz., manganese, chromium, cerium, titanium, palladium, platinum, and osmium. 306. The poles of a magnet are those parts which possess the greatest power, or in which the magnetic virtue seems to be concentrated. One of the poles points north, and the other south. The magnetic meridian is a vertical circle in the heavens, which intersects the horizon at the points to which the magnetic needle, when at rest, directs itself. 307. The axis of a magnet, is a right line which passes from one of its poles to the other. The equator of a magnet, is a line perpendicular to its axis, arid is at the center between the two poles. 303. What is the native magnet or loadstone ? What are the properties of the loadstone \ 304. On what is tlie whole subject of magnetism founded ? What other metals besides iron possess the magnetic property? 305. What metals besides iron, nickel, and cobalt, are magnetic ? 306. What are the poles of a magnet 7 307. What is the axis of a magnet 1 What is the equator of a magnet 7 352 MAGNETISM. 308. Leading Properties. The leading properties of the magnet are the following : It attracts iron and steel, and when suspended so as to move freely, it arranges itself so as to point north and south ; this is called the polarity of the magnet. When the south pole of one magnet is presented to the north pole of another, they will attract each other ; this is called mag- netic attraction. But if the two north, or two south poles be brought together, they will repel each other, and this is called magne tic rep u Ision. 309. When a magnet is left to move freely, it does not lie in a horizontal direction, but one pole inclines downward, and con- sequently the other is elevated above the line of the horizon. This is called the dipping, or inclination of the magnetic needle. Any magnet is capable of communicating its own properties to iron or steel, and this, again, will impart its magnetic virtue to another piece of steel, and so on indefinitely. 310. If a piece of iron or steel be brought near one of the poles of a magnet, they will attract each other, and if suffered to come into contact, will adhere so as to require force to sep- arate them. This attraction is mutual ; for the iron attracts the magnet with the same force that the magnet attracts the iron. This may be proved, by placing the iron and magnet on pieces of wood floating on water, when they will be seen to approach each other mutually. 311. force of Attraction. The force of magnetic attraction varies with the distance in the same ratio as the force of gravity ; the attracting force being inversely as the square of the distance between the magnet and the iron. 312. The magnetic force is not sensibly affected by the in- terposition of any substance except those containing iron, or steel. Thus, if two magnets, or a magnet and piece of iron, attract each other with a certain force, this force will be the same if a plate of glass, wood, or paper, be placed between them. Neither will the force be altered, by placing the two attracting bodies under water, or in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump. This proves that the magnetic influence passes equally well through air, glass, wood, paper, water, and a vacuum. 308. What is meant by the polarity of a magnet ? When do two magnets attract, and when repel each other? 309. What is understood by the dipping of the mag- netic needle 1 310. How is it proved that the iron attracts the magnet with the same force that the majrnet attracts the iron 1 31 1. How does the force of magnetic attrac- tion vary with the distance ? 312. Does the magnetic force vary with the interposi- tion of any substance between the attracting bodies J MAGNETISM. 353 313. Destroyed by Heat. Heat weakens the attractive power of the magnet, and a white heat entirely destroys it. Electricity will change the poles of the magnetic needle, and the explosion of a small quantity of gunpowder on one of the poles, will have the same effect. 314. The attractive power of the magnet may be increased by permitting a piece of steel to adhere to it, and then suspend- ing to the steel a little additional weight every day, for it will sustain, to a certain limit, a little more weight on one day than it would on the day before. 315. Small natural magnets will sustain more than large ones in proportion to their weight. It is rare to find a natural magnet, weighing 20 or 30 grains, which will lift more than thirty or forty times its own weight. But a minute piece of natural magnet, worn by Sir Isaac Newton, in a ring, which weighed only three grains, is said to have been capable of lifting 746 grains, or nearly 250 times its own weight. 316. Artificial Magnets. The magnetic property may be communicated from the loadstone, or artificial magnet, in the following manner, it being understood that the north pole of one of the magnets employed, must always be drawn toward the south pole of the new magnet, and that the south pole of the other magnet employed, is to be drawn in the contrary direc- tion. The north poles of magnetic bars are usually marked with a line across them, so as to distinguish this end from the other. Place two magnetic bars A and B, Fig. 272, so that the north end of one may be nearest the south end of the other, and at such a distance that the ends of _,_______ the steel bar to be touched, \MwJ c may rest upon them. Hav- Artificial Magnets. ing thus arranged them, as shown in the figure, take the two magnetic bars, D and E, and apply the south end of E, and the north end of D, to the middle of the bar C, elevating their ends as seen in the figure. Next separate the bars E and D, by drawing them in opposite directions along the surface of C, still preserving the elevation 313. What is the effect of heat on the magnet 1 What is the effect of electricity, or the explosion of gunpowder on it 1 314. How may the power of a magnet be in- creased ? 315. What is said concerning the comparative powers of great and small magnets 1 316. Explain Fig. 272, and describe the mode of making magnet. 354 MAGNETISM. of their ends ; then removing the bars D and E, to the distance of a foot or more from the bar C, bring their north and south poles into contact, and then having again placed them on the middle, C, draw them in contrary directions, as before. The same process must be repeated many times on each side of the bar, C, when it will be found to have acquired a strong and per- manent magnetism. 317. If a bar of iron be placed, for a long period of time, in a north and south direction, or in a perpendicular position, it will often acquire a strong magnetic power. Old tongs, pokers, and fire shovels, almost always possess more or less magnetic virtue ; and the same is found to be the case with the iron window bars of ancient houses, whenever they have hap- pened to be placed in the direction of the magnetic line. 318. A magnetic needle, such as is employed in the mariner's and surveyor's compass, may be made by fixing a piece of steel on a board, and then drawing two magnets from the center toward each end, as directed at Fig. 272. Some magnetic needles, in time, lose their virtue, and require again to be mag- netized. This may be done by placing the needle still suspend- ed on its pivot, between the opposite poles of two magnetic bars. While it is receiving the magnetism, it will be agitated, moving backward and forward, as though it were animated ; but when it has become perfectly magnetized, it will remain quiescent. FIG. 273. Magnetic Rotation. 319. Magnetic Rotation. It is quite interesting to observe the different" directions the needle of a small magnetic compass 317. In what positions do bars of iron become magnetic spontaneously? 318. How may a needle he magneti/.ed without removing from its pivot 1 MAGNETISM. 355 will assume when moved round a bar magnet. If the latter be laid on the table, and the former carried slowly around it, from S, or south, to N, or north, and so back again on the other side, the needle will alternately take all the positions shown by Fig. 273. 320. DIP OF THE MAGNET. The dip, or inclination of the magnetic needle, is its deviation from its horizontal position, as already mentioned. A piece of steel, or a needle which will rest on its center, in a direction parallel to the horizon, before it is magnetized, will afterward incline one of its ends toward the earth. This property of the magnetic needle was discov- ered by a compass-maker, who, having finished his needles before they were magnetized, found that immediately after- ward, their north ends inclined toward the earth, so that he was obliged -to add small weights to their south poles, in order to make them balance, as before. 321. The dip of the magnetic needle is measured, by a grad- uated circle, placed in the vertical position, with the needle suspended by its side. Its inclination from a horizontal line, marked across the face of this circle, is the measure of its dip. The circle, as usual, FIG. 274. is divided into 360 degrees, and these into minutes and seconds. 322. Dipping Needle. Fig. 274 is said to represent a convenient form of the dip- ping needle. It is a strongly magnetized steel needle, turning on the center of grav- ity A B, in a brass frame which is suspend- ed by a thread. Thus the needle has universal motion. The scale is omitted as unnecessary for the present purpose. 323. The dip of the needle does not vary materially at the same place, but dif- fers in different latitudes, increasing as it is carried toward the north, and diminishing as it is carried toward the south. At London, the dip for many years has varied little from 72 degrees. In the latitude of 80 degrees north, the dip, according to the observations of Captain Parry was 88 de- Dipping Needle. grees. 320. How was the dip of the magnetic needle first discovered? 321. In what manner is the dip measured 7 356 MAGNETISM. 324. VARIATION OF THE MAGNET. Although, in general terms, the magnetic needle is said to point north and south, yet this is very seldom strictly true, there being a variation in its direction, which differs in degree at different times and places. This is called the variation, or declination, of the magnetic needle. 325. This variation is determined at sea, by observing the different points of the compass at which the sun rises, or sets, and comparing them with the true points of the sun's rising or setting, according to astronomical tables. By such observa- tions it has been ascertained that the magnetic needle is contin- ually declining alternately to the east or west from due north, and that this variation differs in different parts of the world at the same time and at the same place at different times. 326. The annexed table shows at once, the dip, or inclina- tion, and the variation or declination of the needle, for a series of years. It was formed from observations made at Brussels, and by it there appears to be a gradual, but constant diminu- tion of the angle, both of inclination and declination, in Europe. Month. Year. Inclination. Declination. October, . . 1827, * 680, 56', 5" 220, 28', 8" March, . ... 1830, 680, 52', 6" 220, 25', 3" March, . . 1832, 680, 49/, i// 220, 19/, 0" March, . . 1833, 680, 42/, 8" 220, is/, 4// April, . . 1834, 680, 38/, 4" 22, 15', 2" March, . . . 1835, 680, ss/ 0" 220, 6', 7" March, . . 1836, 680, 32/, 2" 220, 7/ ; 6" March, . . . 1837, 680, 28', 8" 220, 4/, 3// March, . . 1838, 680, 26', 1" 220, 3/,7/x March, . . . 1839, 680, 22', 4" 210, 53/ 6'' 327. The difference in the declination, which may be of much importance, as on it may depend the safety of ships at sea, is very material in different countries, and at different periods. Thus at present it is about 24 west, at London. At Paris, 22 west. At New York, 5 25' west, and at Hart- ford, about 6 west. Before 1660, the variation at London, was toward the east, and on that year the needle pointed due north. From that 323. What circumstance increases or diminishes the dip of the needle 7 324. What is meant hy the declination of the magnetic needle? 326. What changes does the above table indicate 7 327. Why is the difference of declination of importance to ships 1 i ELECTRO-MA GXETISM. 357 time to the present, it has gained from two to six degrees to- ward the west every year. The greatest variation of the magnetic needle, recorded, was that observed by Capt. Cook, which was about 43 west. This was in S. lat. 60, and E. longitude, 92 36'. CHAPTER XV. ELECTRO. MAGNETISM. 328. When two metals, one of which is more easily oxyda- ted than the other, are placed in acidulated water, and the two metals are made to touch each other, or a metallic communica- tion is made between them, there is excited an electrical or gal- vanic current, which passes from the metal most easily oxy dated, through the water, to the other metal, and from the other metal through the water around to the first metal again, and so in a perpetual circuit. FIG. 275. FIG. 276. Galvanic Current. Galvanic Battery. o2 v J. If we take, for example, one slip of zinc, and another of copper, and place them in a cup of diluted sulphuric acid, Fig. 275, tiieir upper ends in contact and above the water, and 328. What conditions aie necessary to excite the galvanic action ? From which metal does the galvanism proceed 7 329. Describe the circuit by Fig. 275. 358 ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. their lower ends separated, then there will be constituted a galvanic circle, of the simplest form, consisting of three ele- ments, zinc, acid, copper. The galvanic influence being excited by the acid, will pass from the zinc Z, the metal most easily oxydated, through the acid, to the copper C, and from the cop- per to the zinc again, and so on continually, until one or the other of the elements is destroyed, or ceases to act. The same effect \vill be produced, if instead of allowing the metallic plates to come in contact, a communication between them be made by means of wires, as shown by Fig. 276. In this case, as well as in the former, the electricity proceeds from the zinc Z, which is the positive side, to the copper C, being conducted by the wires in the direction shown by the arrows. 330. The completion of the circuit by means of wires enables us to make experiments on different substances by passing the galvanic influence through them, this being the method em- ployed to exhibit the effects of galvanic batteries, and by which the most intense heat may be produced. When the two poles of a battery are connected by means of a copper wire of a yard or two in length, the two parts being supported on a table in a north and south direction, for some of the experiments, but in others the 'direction must be changed as will be seen. This wire, it will be remembered, is called the uniting wire. 331. Theory. In theory, the r'tive electricity is produced the mutual action of the acid, water, and zinc ; the water, in small quantity, being decom- posed. If this action is too vio- lent, that is, if the acid is too strong and the hydrogen pro- duced in too large quantity, the electrical current is diminished, or ceases almost entirely. 332. GALVANIC BATTERY. One of the most convenient forms of a galvanic battery for ex- periments described in this work is represented by Fig. 277. It consists of a cylinder of sheet copper, within which is another U. How is positive dectrieity produced 1 FIG. 277. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 359 of zinc. The zinc has for its bottom a piece of sheep-skin, or bladder, tied on with a string, and is suspended an inch or two from the bottom of the copper cylinder. Or, the whole inner cylinder may be made of leather with a slip of zinc within it. This is done to prevent the fluid which the inner cylinder contains from mixing with that contained between the two ; and still, the leather being porous, the water it contains conducts the galvanic influence from one cell to the other, as already stated. The diameter of the outer cup may be five or six inches, and the inner one three or four. The zinc may be suspended by making two holes near the top and tying on a piece of glass tube or a slip of wood. This part has often to be removed and cleaned, by scraping off the black oxyd, which, if it remains, will pre- vent the action of the battery. The action will be sustained much longer if the zinc is amalgamated by spreading on it a little mercury before it is used, and while the surface is bright. The cups P N", are the positive and negative poles. They may be made of percussion caps, soldered to the ends of two copper wires ; the other ends being connected by soldering, or other- wise, one with the zinc, and the other with the copper, cylinder. The inner cup is to be filled with water, mixed with about a twentieth part of sulphuric acid, while the cell between the two contains a saturated solution of sulphate of copper, or blue vitriol. In order to keep the solution saturated, especially when casts are to be taken, some of the solid vitriol is to be tied in a rag and suspended in it. This battery, it will be seen, differs materially from that hereafter to be described under the name of Grove's battery, but for common purposes it is equally useful ; is much more readily made, and costs only a tenth as much. GROVE'S BATTERY. 333. This is the most powerful arrangement, according to its size and cost, which has been proposed, and is that generally used for telegraphic purposes. Fig. 278 shows a battery of twelve cups, each of which consists of a cylinder of amalgamated zinc, within which is a cup of unglazed clay ; these being placed within an outer cup of glass. To the zinc is attached a con- ducting arm of the same metal, which reaches to the next series of cups, and at the end of which is attached a thin piece of platina, which dips into the porous cup, as shown by the figure. 332. Explain Fisr. 277, and show the action ef the battery. 333. Describe the prin- ciple of Grove's battery, Fig, 278, 360 ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. FIG. 278. &rave'a Twevle-Cup Battery. The battery is charged,, by filling the clay cup with nitric acid, and the space within and around the zinc, which is open at the bottom and side, with sulphuric acid, diluted with 30 parts of water. The action is strong, and requires very little expense. 334. Tobacco Pipe Battery. For telegraphic batteries the vessels are about four inches high, but for common experiments any one may make a miniature battery in the following man- ner, and at a very trifling expense. Procure six toy tumblers, an inch and a half high. Cut from sheet zinc, strips of such size as to form cylinders to FIG. 279. go within these tumblers. Cut one end of each strip nearly off, and a quarter of an inch wide, as shown at A, Fig. 279, and turn it up so as to make a con- necting arm with the next cup. At the end of this arm cut a slit B, into which put a little slip of platina foil, half an inch wide, and an inch long. In this manner the whole can be made without sold- ering the arm to the CUp, which, Tobacco Pipe Battery. when amalgamated, will drop off. Next take six tobacco pipes, and breaking off the stems, stop the orifices of the bowls with sealing-wax, and the elements of your little battery is finished. Now take a little mercury in a bowl, and touching the zinc 334. How is the tobacco pipe battery made? ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 361 cylinders to it, a little will adhere to the metal, and may be spread over its surface with a wisp of cotton. The action is thus much increased. 335. Lastly, put the bowls within the zinc cylinders, and these into the tumblers, and then fill the bowls with nitric acid, and the tumblers with sulphuric acid diluted with 30 parts of water, fixing the arms so that the platina will dip into the bowls, and the action will commence instantly. AVith this little battery, which any one of ordinary ingenuity can make, all the common experiment with a galvanic battery may be performed. 336. Circular Motion of Electro- Magnetism. In conse- quence of the circular magnetic currents which seem to emanate from the regular influence of the battery, the fluid may be FIG. 280. made to act so as to produce a continued rotation of the conducting wire, or the magnet. Magnet Revolving Around the Conducting Wire. The arrangement shown by Fig. 280, and which causes the magnet to revolve around the conducting wire, consists of the mag- net N S, having an angular bend in the middle, where it becomes hori- zontal, while the extremities are vert- ical. To the north pole, or lower end of the magnet N, is attached a piece of brass, at a right-angle with the magnet, which has a little pro- jection, forming a pivot, which rests in an agate cup, fixed to the stand. A wire loop attached to the upper pole of the magnet S, encircles the conducting wire, and thus keeps the magnet in its place. The galvanic current is conveyed by this wire, the lower end of which dips into a little cup of mercury on the horizontal Revolving Magnet. portion of the magnet. 337. The wire has a brass cup at A, containing mercury, and into which the pole of the battery is inserted. From this cup 335. With what is this battery charged ? 16 362 ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. FIG. 281. projects a bent wire, as seen in the figure, the end of which dips into a circular cistern of mercury, contained in a brass cup, and through which the magnet revolves. A wire passes through the side of the cistern to the mercury, and terminates in the screw-cup B, into which the other pole of the battery is placed. Now on making the connection, the current flows down by the side of the upper pole of the magnet to the middle, and then takes the direction of the cup B, so as not to act on the lower pole, the galvanic force being between the mercury in the cistern and the bent wire, and by the attraction of which the magnet revolves rapidly around the conducting wire. On changing the poles the rotation will be in a contrary direction. 338. REVOLVING SPUR-WHEEL. Many curious experiments are made by combining the action of electricity with that of magnetism. Such a combination is shown by Fig. 281 where W is a copper wheel cut into points, and made to revolve be- tween the legs of a U magnet fixed in an upright position. The axis of the wheel is supported by strips of brass fastened to the magnetic poles N and S. The trough T may be of brass or wood, and is placed between the bifurcation of the magnet. This contains a little mercury, into which the teeth of the wheel just dip, as they revolve. 339. On the platform or stand, to which the magnet is fastened, are two screw-cups to which the opposite poles of the battery are fastened. One of these cups is connected with the magnet, and through that, with the axis of the wheel, and the other with the mercury in the trough. Now on making the connection be- tween the poles of the battery, the wheel begins to move, in con- sequence of the attraction be- tween the points of the wheel and the mercury, and if the cur- Revolving wheel. rent is strong the wheel turns with great velocity, snapping and striking fire as the point* VIBRATING WIRE. 363 approach the fluid metal. The points of the wheel should be amalgamated to make the experiment succeed well. CLOCK-WORK VIBRATING WIRE. 340. This is a curious and singular arrangement, and will quite astonish those who are not conversant with motions com- municated by galvanic influence. The cut, Pig. 282, shows a connection between the spiral ribbon, A, and the single Grove's battery, B, by means of a FIG. 282. Clock-work Vibrating Wire. copper wire. The bent wire C C, suspended in the middle, is set in motion by a spring below the milled-head F, and is made to vibrate rapidly by clock-work, the ends of the wire dipping alternately in the glass cups C C, containing mercury. The spring is wound up by turning the milled-head. The glass cups are open at the bottom to allow the mercury to come in contact with the brass pillars on which they stand. Both of these pillars are connected with one of the screw -cups D D, while the other cup is connected with the middle brass pillar E, on which is a brass cup of mercury. From the latter cup ascends a vertical wire, attached to the vibrating wire, as the figure shows. 341. Such a quantity of mercury is put into the brass cup as to keep the end of the vertical wire covered, and enough into the glass cups C C, to allow one end of the vibrating wire to leave the mercury in the cup, before the other end dips into that metal. 342. The spiral ribbon is made by cutting strips of sheet copper, an inch wide, into lengths, and soldering them together. 864 BELL ENGINE. Then having covered the whole with cotton cloth, and rolled it into a spiral, like a watch-spring, the article in question is formed. At each end, the ribbon being sometimes 100 feet long, there is fixed a screw-cup to contain mercury for the poles of the bat- tery. In the above, one end is connected with the battery, and the other with the screw-cup D, and so to E, on the platform. The current must be transmitted through the two instru- ments in succession, by connecting one of the screw-cups with one of those attached to the spiral wire, and the other with the pole of the battery ; the remaining cup on the spiral being made to communicate with the other pole of the battery. 343. Action. On making the connection with the spiral, as shown, and turning the milled-head to put the vibrating wire in motion, a brilliant spark will be seen, and a loud snap heard, at the alternate rupture of the contact between the ends of the wire and the mercury in the cups C C. With a battery of a few pairs of large sized plates, the size of the spark will be greatly increased. A strong shock may also be given, especially when the mer- cury in the cups C C are covered with a little oil. [The author is indebted for the above, as well as for several other cuts of the same kind, to Davis's "Manual of Magnetism," Boston, 1850. This work contains the most complete and extensive set of figures, and their descriptions, on the subjects of Magnetism and Electricity, ever published in this country. Price $1,00. The number of figures, 184.] REVOLVING BELL ENGINE. S44. This curious arrangement is the invention of Mr. Page. It consists of a U shaped magnet, the north and south poles, N S, being fixed in the base board. Between these is a small electro-magnet of iron, surrounded with insulated copper wire. This is fixed to a revolving axis, or wire, the upper end of which is confined in the bend of the large magnet, and the lower one running in a support below the electro-magnet. On the outside of the U magnet are the connecting screws for the opposite poles of the battery, by which the machine is oper- ated. On the axis, and connected with the notches of the wheel, is an endless screw, and with this is connected the ham- mer, which strikes the bell, seen as a crown on the figure. 345. Action. The operation, or motion, of this curious little BELL ENGINE. 365 engine, depends on the alternate FIG. 283. attraction and repulson of the poles of the U magnet, and those of the small electro-magnet bet ween them. The magnetism of the latter de- pends on the influence of the bat- tery with which it is connected, and therefore ceases when this connection is broken. The revo- lution is therefore caused by the mutual repulsion, and then the mutual attraction between the two opposite poles of the two magnets, as the connection is broken and the poles of the electro-magnet are reversed. The hammer is made to strike by a pin on the wheel, moved by the endless screw, and which press- es back the handle until it is re- leased, when a spiral spring on the handle impels it against the bell. 346. If the wheel has 100 teeth, as in the cut, the electro-magnet must revolre 100 times in order to produce one revolution of the wheel, and consequently one stroke on the bell. The velocity of the electro -magnet in this machine, as shown by the striking of the hammer, is some- times equal to 6000 revolutions in a minute. 347. VIBRATION OF A WIRE. A conducting copper wire W, Fig. 284, is suspended by a loop from a hook of the same metal, which passes through the arm of metal or wood, as seen in the cut. The upper end of the hook terminates in the cup P to contain mercury. The lower end of the copper wire just touches the mercury, Q, contained in a little trough about an inch long, formed in the wood on which the horseshoe magnet, M, is laid, the mercury being equally distant from the two poles. The cup, N, has a stem of wire which passes through the wood of the platform into the mercury, this end of the wire being tinned, or amalgamated, so as to form a perfect contact. Bell Engine. 347. Explain Fig. 2S4, and describe the course of the electric fluid from one cup to the other. How must the points of the vibrating wire be adjusted in order to act 7 366 BELL ENGINE. Vibration of a Wire. 348. Having thus prepared the apparatus, put a little mer- cury into the cups P and N, and then form the galvanic circuit by placing the poles of the bat- tery in the two cups, and if every thing is as it should be, the wire will begin to vibrate, being thrown with considerable force either toward M or Q, accord- ing to the position of the mag- netic poles, or the direction of the current, as already explained. In either case it is thrown out of the mercury, and the galvanic circuit being thus broken, the effect ceases until the wire falls back again by its own weight, and touches the mercury, when the current being again perfect- ed, the same influence is repeated, and the wire is again thrown away from the mercury, and thus the vibratory motion becomes constant. This forms an easy and beautiful electro-magnetic experi- ment, and may be made by any one of common ingenuity, who possesses a galvanic battery, even of small power, and a good magnet. The platform may be nothing more than a piece of pine board, eight inches long and six wide, with two sticks of the same wood, forming a standard and arm for suspending the vibrating wire. The cups may be made of percussion caps, exploded, and soldered to the ends of pieces of copper bell wire. The wire must be nicely adjusted with respect to the mer- cury, for if it strikes too deep or is too far from the surface, no vibrations will take place. It ought to come so near the mer- cury as to produce a spark of electrical fire, as it passes the surface, at every vibration, in which case it may be known that the whole apparatus is well arranged. The vibrating wire must be pointed and amalgamated, and may be of any length, from a few inches to a foot or two. 349. ROTATION OF A WHEEL, similar to, but more simple, than Fig. 281. The same force which throws the wire away from BELL ENGINE. 367 Rotation of a Whed. the mercury, will cause the ro- FIG. 255. tation of a spur-wheel. For this purpose the conducting wire, in- stead of being suspended, as in the former experiment, must be fixed firmly to the arm, as shown by Fig. 285. A support for the axis of the wheel may be made by soldering a short piece to the side of the conducting wire, so as to make the form of a fork, the lower end of which must be flat- tened with a hammer, and pierced with fine orifices, to receive the ends of the axis. The apparatus for a revolving- wheel is, in every respect, like that already described for the vi- brating wire, except in that above noticed, the wheel may be made of brass or copper, but must be thin and light, and so suspended as to move freely and easily The points of the notches must be amalgamated, which is done in a few minutes, by placing the wheel on a flat surface, and rubbing them with mercury by means of a cork. A little diluted acid from the gal- vanic batteiy will facilitate the process. The wheel may be from half an inch to several inches in diameter. A cent ham- mered thin, which may be done by heating it two or three times during the process, and then made perfectly round, and its diameter cut into notches with a file, will answer every purpose. This affords a striking and novel experiment; for when every thing is properly adjusted, the wheel instantly begins to revolve on touching with one of the wires of the battery the mercury in the cup P, the other pole being in N. When the poles of the magnet, or those of the battery, are changed, the wheel instantly revolves in a contrary direction from what it did before. It is. however, not absolutely necessary to divide the wheel into notches, or rays, in order to make it revolve, though the 349. Explain Fig. 285. In what manner may the points of the spur-wheel be amal- gamated 1 If the motion of the fluid is changed, what effect does it have on the wheel 7 368 BELL ENGINE. motion is more rapid, and the experiment succeeds much better by doing so. 350. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION. Experiment proves that the passage of the galvanic current through a copper wire renders iron magnetic when in the vicinity of the current. This is called magnetic induction. The apparatus for this purpose is represented p FIG - 286 - by Fig. 286, and con- ^ ^ sists of a copper wire coiled, by winding it around a piece of wood. The turns of the wire should be close together for actual experiment, Electrical Helix. they being parted in the figure to show the place of the iron to be magnetized. The best method is, to place the coiled wire, which is called an electrical helix, in a glass tube, the two ends of the wire, of course, pro- jecting. Then placing the body to be magnetized within the folds, send the galvanic influence through the whole by placing the poles of the battery in the cups. 351. Steel thus becomes permanently magnetic, the poles, Kowever, changing as often as the fluid is sent through it in a contrary direction. A piece of watch-spring placed in the helix, and then suspended, will exhibit polarity, but if its position be reversed in the helix, and the current again sent through it, the north pole will become south. If one blade of a knife be put into one end of the helix, it will repel the north pole of a mag- netic needle, and attract the south ; and if the other blade be placed in the opposite end of the helix, it will attract the north pole, and repel the south, of the needle. 352. TEMPORARY MAGNETS. Temporary magnets, of almost any power, may be made by winding a thick piece of soft iron with many coils of insulated copper wire 1 and passing the gal- vanic influence through it. The best form of a magnet for this purpose is that of a horse- shoe, and which may be made in a few minutes by heating and bending a piece of cylinder iron, an inch or two in diameter, into this form. 350. What is meant by magnetic induction 1 Explain Fig. 286. What is the figure called ? 351. Does any substance become permanently magnetic by the electrical helix ? How may the poles of a magnet be changed by the helix 1 352. How may temporary magnets be made I THERMO-ELECTRICITY. 369 The copper wire (bell wire) may be insulated by winding it with cotton thread. If this can not be procured, common bon- net wire will do, though it makes less powerful magnets than copper. 353. The coils of wire FIG. 287. may begin near one pole of the magnet and term- inate near the other, as represented by Fig. 287, or the wire may consist of shorter pieces wound over each other, on any part of the magnet. In either case, the ends of the wire, where several pieces are used, must be soldered to two strips of tinned sheet copper, for the combined positive and negative poles of the wires. To form the mag- Temporary Magnet. net, these pieces of cop- per are made to communicate with the poles of the battery, by means of cups containing mercury, as shown in the figure, 01 by any other method. 354. The effect is surprising, for on completing the circuit with a piece of iron an inch in diameter, in the proper form, and properly wound, a man will find it difficult to pull off the arma- ture from the poles ; but on displacing one of the galvanic poles, the attraction ceases instantly, and the man, if not careful, will fall backward, taking the armature with him. Magnets have been constructed in this manner, which would suspend ten thousand pounds. THERMO-ELECTRICITY. 355. This means electricity by heat, and its principles will be understood, when it is stated that if any two metals of dif- ferent kinds be joined together and then heated, a current of electricity will pass from one to the other. Thus, if two wires of a few inches in length, German-silver and brass, have their ends soldered together, and the junction heated with an alcohol 353. For what purpose dire the ends of the wires to be soldered to pieces of cop- >r 1 355. What is meant by thermo-electricity 1 16* perl 570 ELECTROTYPE. lamp, or by other means, a current of electricity will flow from the silver to the brass, which may be detected by the gal- vanometer, or by the common electrical needle. 356. Composition of German-silver. As this alloy is cheap, and is much used for electrical purposes, we give its proportions. In 100 parts, it consists of copper 50, zinc 30, and nickel 20. This alloy is a positive electric to all other metals except bis- muth, to which it is negative. FIG. ssa yhermo- Electricity. Writers give a great variety of combinations of different metals, with the amount of electrical influence indicated by each. Among these, that shown by Fig. 288, is among the most easily constructed and most powerful. It consists of ten strips of German -silver, and as many of brass, rolled thin and laid on each other with their alternate ends soldered together. Strips of pasteboard are placed between the adjacent metals, so that they touch only at the ends where they are soldered. Now by heating the end opposite the poles with a spirit lamp, and bring- ing the poles in contact, an electrical current will flow from one side or pole, to the other, in the direction of the arrows. ELECTROTYPE. 35 Y. The art of covering the 'base metals, as copper, and the alloys of zinc, tin, &c., with gold and silver, as also of copying medals, by means of the electrical current, is called electrotype or voltatype. This new art is founded on the simple fact, that when the galvanic influence is passed through a metallic solution, under certain conditions, decomposition takes place, and the metal is deposited in its pure form on the negative pole of the battery. The theory by which this effect is explained is, that the 356. Explain by Fig. 288, how thermo-electricity is developed ? 357. What is elec- trotype 1 On what fact is it said this art is founded? On which pole is the metal deposited 7 What is the theory by which this effect is explained 1 ELECTROTYPE. 37l hydrogen evolved by the action of the acid on the positive pole of the battery combines with the oxygen of the dissolved metal foiming water, while the metal itself thus set free, is deposited at the negative side of the battery. Many of the base metals, as copper, the alloys of zinc, and tin, may by such means be covered with gold, or silver, and thus a cheap and easy method of gilding and plating is effected. This art, now only a few years old, has excited great interest, not only among men of science, but among mechanics, so that in England many hundreds, and perhaps thousands of hands are already employed in silvering, gilding, and coppering, taking impressions of medals and of copperplates, for printing, and of performing such other work as the art is capable of. Volumes have been written to explain the different processes to which this art is applicable, and considering its recent discovery and the variety of uses to which it is already applied, no doubt can exist that it will finally become of great importance to the world. In this short treatise we can only introduce the pupil to the subject, by describing a few of the most simple processes of the art in question, and this we hope to do in so plain a manner, that any one of common iigenuity can gild, silver,, or copper, and take impressions of medals at his leisure. 358. COPYING OF MEDALS. This new art has been applied very extensively in the copying of ancient coins and medals, which it does in the utmost perfection, giving every letter, and feature, and even an accidental scratch, ex-actly like the original. When the coin is a cameo, the figures or letters ^eing raised, it is obvious that if the metal be cast directly upon */, the medal will be reversed, that is, the figures will be indented, and the copy will be an intaglio instead of a cameo. To remedy this, a cast, or impression must first be taken of the medal, on which the electrotype process is to act, when the copy will, in all re- spects, imitate the original. There is a variety of ways of making such casts, according to the substance used for the purpose. We shall only mention plaster of Paris, wax, and fusible metal. 359. PLASTER CASTS. When plaster is used, it must be, what is termed baked, that is, heated, so as to deprive it of all mofeture. This is the preparation of which stereotype casts are made. The dry powder being mixed with water to the con- sistence of cream, is placed on the medal with a knife to the thickness of a quarter or half an inch, according to its size. In a few minutes the plaster sets, as it is termed, or becomes hard. 372 ELECTROTYPE. To insure its easy detachment, the medal is rubbed over with a little oil. The cast thus formed is first to be coated with boiled linseed oil, and then its face covered with fine pulverized black lead, taking care that the indented parts are not filled, nor the raised parts left naked. The lead answers the purpose of a metallic surface, on which the copper is deposited by the galvanic current. This is a curious and very convenient discovery, since wood cuts, engraved stones, and copies in sealing-wax, can thus be copied. To insure contact between the black lead on the face of the cast and the wire-conductor, the cast is to be pierced with an awl, on one of its edges, and the sharp point of the wire passed to the face, taking care, after this is done, to rub on more lead, so that it shall touch the point of the wire, and thus communi- cate with the whole face of the medal. 360. WAX CASTS. To copy medallions of plaster of Paris, place the cast in warm water, so that the whole may be satura- ted with the water, but keeping the face above it. When the cast has become warm and moist, remove, and having put a slip of paper around its rim, immediately pour into the cup thus formed bees wax, ready melted for this purpose. In this way copies may be taken, not only from^)laster casts, but from those of other substances. To rer ler the surface of the wax a conductor of electricity, it is to he covered with black lead in the manner directed for plaster casts. This is put on with a soft brush, until it becomes black and shining. The electrical conductor is now to be heated and pressed upon the edge of the wax, taking care that a little of its surface is left naked, on, and around which the black lead is again to be rubbed, to insure contact with the whole surface. Both of the above preparations require considerable ingenuity and attention, in order to make them succeed in receiving the copper. If the black lead does not communicate with the pole, and does not entirely cover the surface, or if it happens to be a poor quality, which is common, the process will not succeed; but patience, and repeated trials, with attention to the above descriptions, will insure final success. 361. FUSIBLE METAL CASTS. This alloy is composed of 8 parts of bismuth, 5 of lead, and 3 of tin, melted together. It melts at about the heat of boiling water, and hence may be used in taking casts from engraved stones, coins, or such other substances as a small degree of heat will not injure. ELECTROTYPE. . 373 To take a cast with this alloy, surround the edge of the medal to be copied, with a slfp of paper, by means of paste, so as to form a shallow cup, the medal being the bottom. Then hav- ing melted the alloy in a spoon, over an alcohol lamp, pour it in, giving it a sudden blow on the table, or a shake, in order to detach any air, which may adhere to the medal. In a minute or two it will be cool, and ready for the process. Another method is, to attach the medal to a stick, with seal- ing-wax, and having poured a proper quantity of the fused alloy on a smooth board, and drawn the edge of a card over it, to take off the dross, place the medal on it, and with a steady hand let it remain until the cast cools. Next, having the end of the copper wire for the zinc pole clean, heat it over a lamp, and touch the edge of the cast there- with, so that they shall adhere, and the cast will now be ready for the galvanic current. To those who have had no experience in the electrotype art, this is much the best, and most easy method of taking copies, as it is not liable to failure like those requiring the surfaces of the molds to be black leaded, as above described. 362. GALVANIC ARRANGEMENT. Having prepared the molds, as above directed, these are next to be placed in a solution ot the sulphate- of copper, (blue vitriol) and subjected to the elec- trical current. For this purpose only a very simple battery is required, especially where the object is merely a matter of curiosity. For small experiments, a glass jar holding a pint, or a pitcher, or even a tumbler will answer, to hold the solution. Provide also a cylinder of glass two inches in diameter, and stop the bottom with some moist plaster of Paris, or instead thereof, tie around it a piece of bladder, or thin leather, or the whole cylin- der may be made of leather, with the edges sewed nicely to- gether, and stopped with a cork, so that it will not leak. The object of this part of the arrangement is, to keep the dilute sul- phuric acid which this contains, from mixing with the solution of sulphate of copper, which surrounds it, still having the texture of this vessel so spongy as to allow the galvanic current to pass through the moisture which it absorbs, water being a good con- ductor of electricity. Provide also a piece of zinc in form of a bar, or cylinder, or slip, of such size as to pass freely into the above described cylinder. Having now the materials, the arrangement will readily 374 SMEE'S BATTERY, FIG. 289. be understood by Fig. 289, where c is the ves- sel containing the solution of sulphate of cop- per ; a, the cylinder of leather, or glass ; 2, the zinc, to which a piece of copper wire is fastened, and at the other end of which, is the cast m, to be copied. The proportions for the vessel, a, are about 1 part sulphuric acid to 16 of water by measure. The solution of copper for c, may be in the proportions of 2 ounces of the salt to 4 ounces of water. The voltaic current passes from the positive zinc to the negative amalgam cast, where the pure copper is deposited. In order to keep the solution saturated, a little sulphate of copper is tied in a rag, and suspended in the solu- tion. In 24 or 36 hours, the copper, (if all is right,) will be sufficiently thick on the cast, the back and edges of which should be covered with varnish to prevent its deposition except on the face. If the copper covers the edges, a file or knife will remove it, when by inserting the edge of the knife between the two metals, the copy will be separated, and will be found an exact copy of the original. If the acid in the inner cylinder is too strong, the process is often too vigorous, and the deposition, instead of being a film of solid copper on the cast, will be in the form of small grains on the lower end of the wire. The weakest power consistent with precipitation should therefore be applied. BMEE 7 S BATTERY. 363. This is an improved method of copying casts, or molds, in copper. It consists of two glass vessels, each holding a pint, or less, one of which holds the battery, and the other the de- positing apparatus. These arrangements will be understood by Fig. 290, of which 1 is a little mercury on the bottom of the vessel, containing the battery. Just above this is a piece of platinum foil, suspended in the center. A piece of zinc, 4, rests against the side of the vessel. A curved copper wire, 3, descends through the liquid, insulated by a glass tube. This wire, by the mercury, connects the zinc plate with the metallic cup on the top of the jar, and by the wire, 2, with the other jar. The wire, 5, descends from the screw-cup into the depos- iting cell, to the end of which the cast, 6, is suspended. The plate 7, is a piece of copper suspended in the solution of sulphate ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 375 of copper, in order to keep it always of the same strength, a portion being dissolved, while another portion is deposited on the cast. The liquid in the bat- tery is composed of one part sulphuric acid, and 20 or 30 of water. That in the depositing side, is composed of 2 ounces of sulphate of copper, 1 ounce of sulphuric acid, and 15 Smee's Battery. ounces of water. The general directions for obtaining casts have been given above, and need not be repeated. MAGNETISM BY ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 364. The apparatus, Fig. 291, is designed to communicate strong and permanent magnetism to steel. It consists of a small Smee's battery, with its opposite poles connected with the horizontal U magnet, which is closely wound with insulated copper wire. Of course the wires convey the electrical influence from the positive to the negative sides of the battery. FIG. 291. Magnetism by Electro-Magnetism. The cut represents a U magnet in the process of being mag- netized. This is done by drawing it from the bend, across the electro -magnet to the poles, and repeating this on both its sides, taking care to do it in the same direction. A steel bar may be 376 ELECTRO-GILDING. magnetized by the same process, or, if a short one, by applying it as an armature to the poles of the electro-magnet ; the north pole becoming the south pole of the new magnet. 365. To remove the magnetism of a steel magnet of the U form, it is only required to reverse the process, that is, to place one of its poles on each pole of the electro-magnet, and draw it over them, in the direction contrary to the indication of the arrow seen in the figure. In the vertical magnet, the letters N S, indicate its north and south poles. ELECTRO-GILDING. 366. Gilding without a Battery. After the solution is pre- pared, the process of electrotype-gilding is quite simple, and may be performed by any one of common ingenuity. The solution for this purpose is cyanide of gold dissolved in pure water. This is prepared by dissolving the metal in aqua- regia, composed of one part nitric, and two of muriatic acid. Ten or fifteen grains of gold, to an ounce and a half of the aqua-regia may be the proportions. The acid being evaporated, the salt which is called the chloride of gold is dissolved in a solution, made by mixing an ounce of the cyanuret of potash with a pint of pure water. The cyanuret of potash is decom- posed and a cyanide of gold remains in solution. About 20 grains of the chloride of gold is a proper quantity for a pint of the solution. The cyanuret of potash, and the chloride, or oxyd of gold, may be bought at the apothecaries. Having prepared the solution, the most simple method of gilding is to pour a quantity of it into a glass jar, or a tumbler, and place in it the silver, copper, or German-silver to be gilded, in contact with a piece of bright zinc, and the process will im- mediately begin. No other battery, except that formed by the zinc, and metal which receives the gold, is required. The zinc at the point of contact must be bright and well fastened to the other metal by a string or otherwise. The process will be hastened by warmth, which may be applied by placing the jar and its contents in a vessel of warm water. So far as the author knows, this simple process originated with himself, and answers admirably as an experiment in the electrotype art. The gold, however, is apt to settle upon the zinc, but which may be pre- vented by a little shellac varnish rubbed on it, except at the point of contact. The handles of scissors, silver spectacles, pen- cils, &c., may be handsomely gilt by this process. ELECTRO-PLATING. 37 7 367. GILDING WITH A BATTERY. If the operator desires to extend his experiments in the art of electro -gilding, a small bat- tery must be employed, of which, there are many varieties. The best for more extensive operations, is that composed of platinized silver, and amalgamated zinc. For this purpose the platina is first dissolved in aqua-regia, in proportion of 10 grains to the ounce, and then precipitated on the silver. The silver is in sheets, such as is used for plating, no thicker than thin writing paper. This may be obtained of the silver- platers, and being well cleaned, is ready for the process. These plates being covered with platina, are insoluble in the acid employed, and hence they will last many years. The amal- gamated plates are also durable, and do not require cleaning. 368. These platinized sheets ar^ confined between two plates of amalgamated zinc. The process of amalgamation consists in rubbing mercury, with a little mass of cotton wool held in the fingers, on the clean zinc. These plates may be fixed half an inch apart by means of little pieces of wood, with the sheets be- tween them, but not touching each other. The plates, having a metallic connection, form the positive side of the battery, while a copper wire soldered to the silver sheet makes the nega- tive side. The dimensions of these plates may be four or five inches long, and three or four wide. For experimental purposes, however, a less expensive battery may be used, that represented by Fig. 289, made of copper and zinc, being sufficient. To gild by means of a battery, place the solution, made as above described, in a glass vessel, and connect the article to be gilded with the pole coming from the zinc side of the battery, letting the other wire, which should be tipped with a little piece of gold, dip into the solution. The gilding process will imme- diately begin, and in three or four hours a good coat of gold will be deposited on the article immersed. To keep the solution quite pure, the tips of the poles where they dip into the fluid should be of gold. If they are of copper, a portion of the metal will be dissolved and injure the result. ELECTRO-PLATINO. 369. The process of silvering copper, or the alloys of the metals, such as German-silver, is done on the same principle as that described for gilding, but there seems to be more difficulty in making the process succeed to the satisfaction of the artist than there is in depositing gold. 378 ELECTRO -PLATING. The following is the method employed by Mr. Sumner Smith, of this city, the most experienced electrotype artist within our acquaintance. It will succeed perfectly in the hands of those who will follow the directions. Make a solution of cyanuret of potash in pure water, in the proportion of an ounce to a pint. Having placed it in a glass vessel, prepare the battery for action as usual. Then attach to the pole of the silver, or copper side of the battery, a thin plate of silver, and immerse this in the cyanuret solution. The pole from the zinc side being now dipped into the fluid, the electro- chemical action on the silver plate instantly begins, and a rapid decomposition of the metal is effected, and in a short time the solution will be saturated with the silver, as will be indicated by the deposition of the metal on the end of the copper pole coming from the zinc side of the battery. The solution is now ready for use, but the remains of the silver, still undissolved, must not be removed before immersing the articles to be plated, since the solution is thus kept saturated. This solution is much better than that prepared by dissolving the silver separately in an acid, and then re-dissolving in the cyanuret of potash as is usually done, for in the latter case the silver is apt to be deposited on German-silver, brass, iron, and other metals, without the galvanic action, in which case it does not adhere well, whereas the solution made as above directed is not liable to this imperfection. During the preparation of the fluid, only a very small copper wire should be employed on the zinc side of the battery. The articles to be plated must be well cleaned before immer- sion. To effect this, dip them into dilute sulphuric acid for a few minutes, then rub them with sand or whiting, and rinse in pure water. Now having exchanged the small copper pole of the zinc side of the battery, for a larger one of the same metal, tipped with silver, connect the article to be plated with this, the other pole with the silver plate attached being still immersed in the solution. The process must now be watched, and the silver attached to the copper side raised nearly out of the fluid, in case bubbles of hydrogen are observed to rise from the pole on the other side, or the articles attached to it. The greater the surface of silver in the fluid, the more energetic will be the action, short of the evolution of hydrogen from the other pole, but when this is observed, the decomposing silver must be raised so far out of the fluid as to stop its evolution. ERICSSON'S CALORIC ENGINE. 379 By this method a thick and durable coat of silver may be placed on old copper tea-pots, candlesticks, or other vessels of this sort, where the silvering has been worn off by long use. ERICSSON'S CALORIC ENGINE. Description of the plates. The following description of the plates, and explanation of the working of the caloric engine, was furnished for Appleton's Magazine by Capt. Ericsson himself, from which this is abridged. The plates are an exact working drawing of the stationary test engine, that being more available for illustration than the engines of the ship. a, Air receiver, b 6, supply cylinder ; e', self-acting valve for letting air into, and e' e', self-acting valve for letting air out of the same, c, supply piston ; c', piston-rod of the same, con- FIG. 292. Caloric Engine. nected to the working beam of the engine, d d, working cylin- der ; d' d', holes at the junction of the two cylinders, through which the atmospheric air passes in and out freely, e e, work- ing piston ; d" d", rods connecting the two pistons together. e", air-tight vessel suspended below the working piston, filled with clay and charcoal, to prevent transmission of heat from below. //, regenerator ; /', disks of wire-net placed vertically in the regenerator box. y, valve worked by the engine for ad- S80 ERICSSON'S CALORIC ENGINE. mitting air into the regenerator and working cylinder ; A, valve for letting the air out of the same, i i, pipe, open to the at- mosphere, for carrying off the air after having passed through the engine ; k, fire-place. I m n, thermometers inserted to ascertain the temperature within, o, working beam, p, connect- ing-rod. <7, crank, s, pipe from cylinder to receiver. Operation. A slow fire being kept up at k for about two hours, until the parts within the brick-work shall have become moderately heated, the air receiver is charged with air by means of a hand-pump ; as soon as the internal pressure shall have reached about six pounds to the square inch, effected in less than two minutes, the hand-pump is stopped, and the valve g opened by a starting lever ; the compressed air from the re- ceiver, thus admitted under the valve #, rushes through the partially heated wires /' into the working cylinder, forcing its piston e upwards, as also the supply piston c, by means of the connecting-rods d" d" ; the atmospheric air contained in the upper part of b will, by this upward movement of the supply piston, be forced through the valve e" into the air receiver ; when the working piston has reached three-fourths of the full up-stroke, the valve g is closed by the engine ; and when the piston has arrived at the full up-stroke, the valve h is opened. A free communication with the atmosphere being thereby es- tablished, by means of the open pipe i i, the air under the working piston passes off, and, owing to the removal of pressure under the working piston, it will instantly begin to descend by its own weight. The heated air from under the working piston, in passing off through the wires /', gives out its caloric to the same so effect- ually, that, on reaching the thermometer m, the temperature never exceeds that of the entering air at I by more than 30 ; on the other hand, the cold air from the receiver, in circulating through the meshes of wires in its passage to the working cyl- inder, becomes so effectually heated that, on passing n, its tem- perature is increased to upwards of 450, when the machine is in full operation. During the descent of the supply piston c, the outlet valve e" remains closed by the pressure from the receiver, whilst the in- let valve e' is kept open by suction, and hence that & fresh quan- tity of air enters the supply cylinder at each down stroke of its piston, and by the up-stroke is forced into the receiver. The regenerator measures 26 inches in height and width ; each disk of wire-net contains 676 superficial inches, and the net has 10 meshes to the inch ; each superficial inch therefore contains 100 CALORIC ENGINE. 381 meshes, which, multiplied by 676, gives 67,600 meshes to each disk ; 200 disks being employed, it follows that each regenerator contains 13,520,000 meshes, and, consequently, if we consider FIG Caloric Engine. that there are as many small spaces between the disks as there are meshes, we shall find that the air within the regenerator is distributed in 27,000,000 of minute cells. In explanation of the wonderful efficiency of the regenerator, it may be stated that each disk contains 1140 feet of wire in length, and each regenerator 228,000 feet, or41 miles of wire; 382 DAGUERREOTYPE. the superficial measurement of which is 2014 square feet, which is equal to the entire surface of four steam-boilers, forty feet long and four feet diameter ; and yet the regenerator displaying that great amount of heating surface is only a two foot cube, less than -iViTo" of the bulk of said boilers. DAGUERREOTYPE. 3*74. This branch of photography was the invention of M. Daguerre, an ingenious French artist, and is entirely independ ent of the art of taking impressions on paper, as above de- scribed. In that the pictures are reversed, in this they are in the natural position, and instead of paper, the picture is on silver. As an art, this is one of the most curious and wonderful discoveries of the present age ; for when we witness the variety of means necessary to the result, it would appear equally im- probable that either accident or design could possibly have produced such an end by means so vario*us and complicated, and to which no other art, (save in the use of the camera obscura,) has the least analogy in the manner in which the ob- ject is accomplished. This being a subject of considerable public interest, and, withal, a strictly philosophical art, we shall here describe all the manipulations as they succeed each other in producing the result, a human likeness. The whole process may conveniently be divided into eight distinct operations. 1st. Polishing the plate. 2d. Exposing it to the vapor of iodine. 3d. Exposing it to the vapor of bromine. 4th. Adjusting the plate in the camera obscura. 5th. Exposing it to the vapor of mercury. 6th. Removing the sensitive coating. 7th. Gilding the picture. 8th. Coloring the picture. 1. Polishing the Plate. The plates are made of thin sheets of silver, plated on copper. It is said that for some unknown reason the photographic impression takes more readily on these plates, than on entire silver. The silver is only thick enough to prevent reaching the copper in the process of scouring and polishing. The polishing is considered one of the most difficult and im- portant manipulations in the art, and hence hundreds of pages have been written to describe the various methods devised and employed by different artists or amateurs. We can only state here, that the plate is first scoured with emery to take off the impressions of the hammer in plenish- ing ; then pumice, finely powdered, is used, with alcohol, to DAGUERREOTYPE. 383 remove all oily matter, and after several other operations, it is finally given the last finish by means of a velvet cushion cov- ered with rouge. 2. Iodizing the Plate. After the plate is polished, it is in- stantly covered from the breath, the light, and the air, nor must it be touched, even on the edges, with the naked hand ; but being placed on a little frame, with the face down, it is carried to a box containing iodine, over which it is placed as a cover. Here it remains for a moment or two in a darkened room, being often examined by the artist, whose eye decides by the yellowish color to which the silver changes, the instant when the metal has combined with the proper quantity of iodine. This is a very critical part of the process, and requires a good eye and much experience. The vapor of iodine forms a film of the iodid of silver on the metal, and it is this which makes it sensible to the light of the camera, by which the pic- ture is formed. If the film of iodine is too thick, the picture will be too deep, and dark ; if too thin, either a light impres- sion, or none at all, will be made. 3. Exposure of the Vapor of Bromine. Bromine is a pe-- culiar substance, in the liquid form, of a deep red color, ex- ceedingly volatile, very poisonous, and having an odor like chlorine and iodine, combined. It is extracted from sea water, and the ashes of marine vegetables. This the photographic artists call an accelerating substance, because it diminishes the time required to take the picture in the camera obscura. The iodized plate will receive the picture without it, but the sitter has to remain without motion before the camera for sev- eral minutes, whereas by using the bromine, the impression is given, in a minute, or in a minute and a quarter. Now as the least motion in the sitter spoils the likeness, it is obvious that bromine is of much importance to the art, especially to nervous people and children. The bromine is contained in a glass vessel closely covered, and is applied by sliding the plate over it for a few seconds. 4. Adjusting the Plate in the Camera. The plate is now ready for the photographic impression by means of the camera. If a likeness of a person is to be taken, he is already placed before the instrument, in a posture which the artist thinks will give the most striking picture, and is told that the only motion he can make for a half a minute to a minute, is winking. The artist now takes the plate from a dark box, and undej 884 DAGUERREOTYPE. cover of a black cloth fixes it in the focus of the lens. This is done in a light room, with the rays of the sun diffused by means of white curtains. The artist having left the sitter for the specified time, returns, and removes the plate for the next operation. Still, not the least visible change has taken place on the bright surface of the silver. If examined ever so nicely, no sign of a human face is to be seen, and the sitter who sees the plate, and knows nothing of the art, wonders what next is to be done. 5. Exposure to the Fumes of Mercury. The plate is next exposed to the fumes of mercury. This is contained in an iron box in a darkened room, and is heated by means of an alcohol lamp, to about 180 degrees, Fah. The cover of the box being removed, the plate is laid on, with the silver side down, in its stead. After a few minutes, the artist examines it, and by a faint light now sees that the desired picture begins to appear. It is again returned for a few minutes longer, until the likeness is fully developed. If too long exposed to the mercury, the surface of the silver turns to a dark ashy hue, and the picture is ruined ; if re- moved too soon, the impression is too faint to be distinct to the eye. 6. Removal of the Sensitive Coating. The next operation consists in the removal of the iodine, which not only gives the silver a yellowish tinge, but if suffered to remain, would darken, and finally ruin the picture. Formerly this was done by a solution of common salt, but experiment has shown that the peculiar chemical compound called hyposulphate of soda, an- swers the purpose far better. This is a beautiful transparent crystalized salt, prepared by chemists for the express purpose. A solution of this is poured on the plate until the iodine is entirely removed, and now the picture, for the first time, may be exposed to the light of the sun without injury, but the plate has still to be washed in pure water, to remove all remains of the hyposulphate, and then heated and dried over an alcohol lamp. 7. Gilding the Picture. This is called, fixing, by the chlo- ride of gold. Having washed the picture thoroughly, it is then to be placed on the fixing stand, which is to be adjusted previously, to a perfect level, and as much solution of chloride of gold as the plate can retain, poured on. The alcohol lamp is then held MORSE'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. 385 under all parts of it successively. At first the image assumes a dark color, but in a few minutes grows light, and acquires an intense and beautiful appearance. The lamp is now removed, and the plate is again well washed in pure water, and then dried by heat. Before gilding, the impression may be removed by repolish- ing the plate, when it is perfectly restored ; but after gilding, no polishing or scouring will so obliterate the picture, as to make it answer for a second impression. Such plates are either sold for the silver they contain, or are re-plated by the electrotype process. 8. Coloring the Picture. Coloring daguerreotype pictures is an American invention, and has been considered a secret, though at the present time it is done with more or less success by most artists. The color consists of the oxyds of several metals, ground to an impalpable powder. They are laid on in a dry state, with soft camel-hair pencils, after the process of gilding. The plate is then heated, by which they are fixed. This is a very deli- cate part of the art, and should not be undertaken by those who have not a good eye, and a light hand. The author is indebted to Mr. N. G. Burgess, of 192 Broad- way, New York, for much of the information contained in tho above account of the daguerreotype art. Mr. B. is an experi- enced and expert artist in this line. MORSE'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. 375. The means by which Mr. Morse has produced his won- der-working and important machine, is the production of a temporary magnet, by the influence of the galvanic fluid. We have already described the method of making tempo- rary magnets of soft iron, by covering the latter with insulated copper wire, to each end of which the poles of a small gal- vanic battery is applied. The description of Fig. 2 87, with what is said before on the subject, will inform the student how the power is obtained by which the philosopher in question has brought before the world such wonderful and unexpected effects. The machine itself is sufficiently simple, and will be compre- hended at once, by those who have made electro-magnetic experiments, by the annexed diagram and description. The temporary magnet A, Fig. 2 94, enveloped with its insu- lated copper wire, is fastened to the wooden frame B G, by means of cords or otherwise. 17 386 MORSE'S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. FIG. 294. Principle of Morse's Telegraph. This frame also supports the standard H, which sustains the revolving drum F, on which the paper to receive the emblem- atical alphabet is fixed, M being the edge of the paper. To the arm G, is appended the lever C, of wood, which has a slight vertical motion, in one direction by the steel spring D, and in the other, by the armature of soft iron E. The two poles of the magnet rest in two little cups of mer- cury, into which are also to be plunged the poles of the mag- netic battery, (not shown in the drawing,) of which P is the positive, and N the negative. The steel point I, attached to the lever, is designed to mark the telegraphic alphabet on the paper. Having thus explained the mechanism, we will now show in what manner this machine acts to convey intelligence from one part of the country to another. It has already been explained that when a bar of soft iron surrounded by insulated copper wire, as shown at A, has its two poles connected with the poles of a galvanic battery, the iron instantly becomes a magnet, but returns to its former state, or ceases to be magnetic, the instant the connection between them ceases. To break the connection, it is not necessary that both of the poles should be detached, the circuit being broken by the sepa- ration of one only. Supposing then, that N and P are the poles of such a bat- tery, on placing N into the cup of mercury, the wires from the soft iron being already there, the armature E is instantly at- VELOCITY OF ELECTRICITY. 387 tracted, which brings the point I against the paper on the re- volving wheel F. If N is instantly detached after the point strikes the paper, then only a dot will be made, for the mag- netic power ceasing with the breaking of the circuit, the spring D withdraws the point from the paper the instant the pole is removed. If a line is required in the telegraphic alphabet, then the pole is kept longer in the vessel of mercury, and as the alphabet consists of dots, and lines of different lengths, it is obvious that writing in this manner can not be difficult The understanding of the alphabet is another matter, though we are informed that this may be done with facility. The marks of the point I, are made by indenting the paper, the roller on which it is fixed being made of steel in which a groove is turned, into which the paper is forced by the point. The paper is therefore raised on the under side like the printing for the blind. The roller F is moved by means of clock-work, having an uniform motion, consequently the dots and lines depending on the time the point is made to touch the paper, are always uniform. Now with respect to the distance apart at which the tem- porary magnet and writing apparatus, and the battery are placed, experiment shows that it makes little difference with respect to time. Thus, suppose the battery is in Hartford, and the magnet in New York, with copper or iron wires reaching from one to the other. Then the telegraphic writer at Hartford, giving the signal by means of an.alarm bell, that he is ready to communicate, draws the attention of the person at New York to the apparatus there the galvanic action being previously broken by taking one of the poles from the battery at Hartford. If now we suppose the letter A is signified by a single dot, he at Hartford dips the pole in the cup of the battery, and in- stantly at New York the soft iron becomes a magnet, and a dot is made on the paper, and so, the rest of the alphabet. . The wires are carried through the air by being wound around glass caps supported by iron L shaped arms, which are driven into wooden posts about 20 feet from the ground. These posts are erected for this purpose chiefly on the railway lines from 50 to 100 feet apart. VELOCITY OF ELECTRICITY. 376. The long experience of the officers of the United States government on the coast survey, with telegraphic lines, have 388 HOUSE'S PRINTING TELEGRAPH. enabled them to measure the velocity of the galvanic current with uncommon accuracy. From experiments and calculations thus made, it appears that its velocity is about fifteen thousand four hundred miles per second. The period of its transit between Boston and Bangor, was re- cently measured, and the result was, that the time occupied in its passage, was the one hundred and sixtieth of a second. Ac- cording to this experiment the velocity is at the rate of 16,000 miles per second, which it appears is about 600 miles per second more than the estimates made on the coast survey. Annual Scientific Discoveries. Telegraphs in the Country. According to a recent estimate, the length of telegraphic lines in the country, in actual opera- tion, is not far from 15,000 miles. The most remote points in communication are Quebec and New Orleans ; their distances apart, following the circuitous routes of the wires, being about 3,000 miles. Number of Stations. The number of towns and villages ac- commodated with stations, and from which, therefore, intelli- gence by telegraph, from one to the other, or from one to all the others can be interchanged, are between 450 and 500. MORSE'S TELEGRAPHIC ALPHABET. Alphabet. A - B C -- - D E - F G H I -- K L M Alphabet. N o p Q R 8 T U V w X T Z Alphabet. &- --- Numerals. HOUSE'S PRINTING TELEGRAPH. 377. This instrument, one of the wonders of our time, prints all communications in Roman capitals, and that much more rapidly than the most expert compositor. To go into a description of all its parts would probably so confuse the mind of the reader, that in the end none of it would be understood. We shall, therefore, describe only such portions r\ HOUSE'S PRINTING of the machinery as are necessary to show 'how the result is produced. In the first place, when a communication is to be made from one city to another, notice is given, by an electrical current on the wires, which occasions a vibration of a part of the ma- chinery, and by which the attendant knows that a message is to be sent. At every station there is an electrical battery, con- sisting of 12 or 14 cups, the power most commonly used being that known as Grove's battery, a description of which may be seen in another place. The forms of all visible parts of the instrument are shown by Fig. 295. That portion by which the printing is performed consists of a soft iron, or electro-magnet contained in the cylin- der A, of an escapement B, moved by condensed air, by means of the pump G, above which is seen the band ' by which that part of the machinery is turned ; D is the printing apparatus, the projecting portion being the lever ; E is the inking band, by which the type are inked for printing ; F is a strip of paper for printing. FIG. 235 House's Printing Telegraph. This engine is moved by a boy, who turns the wheel by the lever shown, and by which air is condensed by the pump G, and by the force of which, the printing portion of the machinery is actuated. 890 PRINTING PRESS. The action of the electricity in this telegraph is merely to produce a correspondence of motion in the machinery at the different ends of the line. All the mechanical results are pro- duced by local, mechanical power, connected with the printing apparatus at each station, where manual force is employed for this purpose. 378. The letters on the keys, moving by the touch like those of the piano, are the instruments by which the different letters are, one by one, printed from one station to the next. Thus one letter of the 26, on the different keys, will be printed at. the other end of the line, when that letter is depressed. This is done by converting a piece of soft iron into a magnet at the next station, on the principle already explained and illustrated, in the description of Morse's telegraph, only that the letter, instead of the point, is made to act or advance. This 'is a most complicated machine as a whole, though its different parts are sufficiently simple. The effect, though the means are so difficult to understand, is highly curious and inter- esting, as it prints Roman capitals at the rate of 150 or 200 in a minute. This is done on strips of paper an inch wide ; and when in operation, any one may print a sentence, as his own name, by touching the keys on which the letters are placed, which spells the sentence. PRINTING PRESS. 3*78. It is said that the Chinese printed from blocks of wood, with letters engraved on them, before the Christian era. But the first printing on metallic type, was executed on the celebrated Mentz Bible, in about 1450. The next specimen of printing known was the Psalter, done in Germany, m 1457. It is said that these books are printed in such a style of beauty and finish, as to command the astonishment of all printers who behold them, and that even at the present day, with all our boasted inventions and improvements in the arts, it is difficult to imitate, and hardly possible to excel, these as specimens of work in the art of printing. Of the mechanical means by which printing has been, and still is performed, many singular and curious examples might be described, but our limits will only admit descriptions of two figures, representing Ramage's press and the cylinder press. 379. Ramage's Press. This press was that most commonly used on both sides of the Atlantic, until within the last 20 years. In addition to this, the Stanhope and Smith presses were used INKING BALLS. 391 in England, and the Clymer and Washington in this country. These may be considered as varieties of the Ramage ; and their description would possess no interest, except to the antiquated printer who had worked at them with the inking balls, now long since disused, as we shall see. The' Ramage press is repre- FIG. 296. sented by Fig. 296, and will be understood by the following de- scription : The cheeks A A, are the sides of the wooden frame which supports the other parts, and sustains the force of the screw by which the impression is made. The bed B, is that part on which the type are laid for printing. The ball C is seen Ramage's Press. on a little shelf, called the rack, made for that purpose. [This will be described hereafter.] The frisket, F, turns down, and confines the sheet on the tym- pan. The bar or lever L, turns the screw by which the force is given and the impression on the type made. The platen, P, is fastened to the lower end of the screw, being the part by which the impression is made. It is of cast iron, about two feet square, thick at the center, and strong, so as to give a heavy force. The tympan, T, is covered w r ith parchment to re- ceive the sheet, confined by the frisket, and then run under the platen to be printed. Action. The type being ^et, and locked firmly in an iron frame, called a form, this is laid on the bed, and the type inked by the balls ; the sheet is next laid on the tympan, and covered by the frisket, which has open spaces for the pages, as seen in the figure. The type and sheet spread over them, are then moved under the platen by the action of a lever, connected with a wooden cylinder, surrounded by leather straps, and called the rounce. The impression is then made by pulling the lever, by the action of which, on the screw, the platen is forced upon the paper, and this on the type. The bed is then " run out," the type again inked by dabbing with the balls, and the whole is again ready to be run in for another impression, and so on to the end. INKING BALLS. 380. The former method of distributing the printing ink on the type, consisted iu the use of a pair of balls, represented by 392 INKING ROLLER. FIG. 297. Inking Balls. Fig. 297. These were made of sheeps' skin, undressed, and tech- nically called pelts were six or eight inches in diameter, stuffed with wool, and furnished with wood- en handles. One of these being struck on the board where the ink, a little thicker than cream, was spread, took up a small quantity, which, by turning the balls skillfully on each other, was equally spread over both. They were then taken, one in each hand, and dabbed, or rapidly struck on the type, until the ink was nicely distributed over their faces, and thus they were made ready to give an impres* sion. This was a critical and laborious operation, requiring much experience and a strong arm, like that of a blacksmith, in order to cover the type speedily and equally with the ink. [Printer's ink is made of oil and lampblack.] 381. Invention of the Roller. The ancient method of inking the type, as above described, was destined to give place to an improvement, which, among printers, formed an era long to be remembered. FIG. 298. Inking Roller. Ihis was the invention of the roller which is composed of molasses, glue, and tar, intimately mixed and combined by heat. This composition has all the qualities to be desired for this pur- pose, namely, softness, elasticity, and readiness to receive and impart the ink. This being cast into a cylinder, on a wooden support, and fitted to an iron frame, with handles, as shown by Fig. 298, form the important instrument in question. Rollers have also been made of India rubber. As the ends of the support revolve easily in the frame, all that it is necessary to do to spread the ink on the type, is first CYLINDER PRESS. 393 to pass the roller a few times over the board on which the ink is spread, and then revolve it over the type two or three times. This invention completely obviated the most laborious and unpleasant portion of the art of printing by hand ; and in ma- chine printing, these rollers are so absolutely indispensable, that without them that mode of printing, without which the world would now remain in comparative ignorance, would have to be relinquished. These rollers are from two to eight inches in diameter; and for machine work, from three to six feet in length. DOUBLE CYLINDER PRINTING MACHINE. 382. This printing press, when compared with the ancient or former one of Ramage, already described, will be seen to present an entirely new invention, or series of inventions ; for many years were consumed in devising and adapting its several parts to each other, and bringing it to the state of perfection in which it now exists. Instead of printing, as did the hand presses in old times, 2,000 copies a day, by means of ten hour's hard labor of two men, this engine, driven by steam, will, with the help of two boys to fix the sheets in their places, print from 3,000 to 6,000 sheets per hour, or from 30,000 to 60,000 copies per day. Such are the improvements in printing machines within the last twenty years. 283. Description. This is a length, or side view of the ma- chine ; the length of the printing cylinders and inking rollers being about four feet. The length here shown of the whole machine, is from 8 to 10 feet, and the height to the upper cylinder 4 feet. The ink, about the consistence of cream, is taken from the trough, which is of the length of the small, rapidly revolving roller, by which it is taken up, and from it is taken by adhe- sion to another and larger roller, from which it is derived by the type, over which it passes with a reciprocating motion. At, or during each impression, the ink on the type is re- newed by the continually revolving rollers. Thus, while this engine is in action, being generally moved by steam, nothing more is necessary than to supply the ink by putting it in the trough, and to place the ends of the sheets under the revolving cylinders, which latter work is done by two boys, as shown by the cut. 17* SHARP'S RIFLE. 395 384. The parts of the press shown by the Fig. 299, are marked as follows : The bed A, on the left, corresponds to the same part in the hand press already explained. This has a re- ciprocating or in and out motion ; the type which rest on it, being alternately run out to be inked, and run in to be printed. The revolving cylinders B B, receive the paper and press it upon the type, by which it is almost instantly printed. The cam C moves the flies D D, by which the printed sheets are carefully laid away in a pile. This movement is communicated by the cam to the flies, by the long iron bar seen oh the left. The pulley E, moved by a .strap connected with the steam power, gives motion to the entire machine by-means of gearing. The revolving wheels G G, give motion to the cylinders and inking rollers. The tape wheels, so called, H H, are the wheels over which run tape bands, not shown, which convey the printed sheets from the form to the flies. The printed sheets shown at I, have been laid off by the flies, and are ready for circulation, or the bindery, as the case may be. [The author has thus tried his best to give an idea of print- ing presses to those who never saw them ; but he would advise all those who desire to know how printing is done, especially by a cylinder press, to go and see with their own eyes, which they can do now in nearly every village in the country.] SHARP S RIFLE. 385. This is undoubtedly for the purpose designed, the most perfect and efficient single instrument of destruction ever in- vented ; and of which, we here propose to give such a descrip- tion, with illustrations, as to make all its peculiarities readily understood. The barrel is about 22 inches long, and the bore of the size to admit round balls of 32 to the pound ; but being elongated, or acorn-shaped, the number is only 18 to the pound. This rifle loads at the breech, the form of the ball inclosed in its cartridge being shown at A, Fig. 300, introduced into its place. The slide B, which takes the place of the breech pin in other guns, is a solid piece of steel, represented depressed for the in- troduction of the ball. The cone E, is that part on which the percussion cap, or its substitute, is exploded, and which in- flames the charge in the gun. The manner in which the breech slide is depressed, will be understood by the section, Fig. 301, where D is the lever by 396 FIG. SCO. Sharp's Rifle. which it is drawn down for the introduction of the ball, and then elevated preparatory to the discharge. The upper and anterior portion of the slide, has a cutting edge, seen above B, Fig. 298, which separates the end of the paper cartridge, thus exposing the powder to the action of the percussion priming, by which it is inflamed and the gun discharged. 386. The Priming. The former mode of discharging this rifle was by means of Maynard's patent priming, which con- sisted of kernels of percussion powder, inclosed in varnished paper. But this mode the inventor of the rifle found objec- tionable on several accounts, and especially as it became useless on exposure to moisture. He therefore invented a new, and an entirely original mode of prming, which has been recently patented, and which he has allowed the author to figure, and explain for the use of this work. This consists of the tube A, Fig. 300, of iron, about the one- fifth of an inch in diameter and two inches long, called the magazine. In the lower part of this is a spring, above which are the priming discs, consisting of thin, round envelopes of cop- per, containing the percussion powder, completely protected from moisture, so that they may remain under water for hours, or weeks, without damage. Each tube holds 60 of these primers, one of which is forced up against the slide C by the spring. When the hammer is drawn to the back notch, the slit B, working on the arm of the slide C, which is fastened to the plate of the lock, draws it back from over the tube A, and admits one of the percussion discs in front of the slide at C, and by which, when the trigger is pulled, it is thrown forward, between the face of the hammer 397 FIG. 301. Sharp's Rifle. and the cone, where it is instantly exploded, and the rifle dis- charged. One of the most singular and curious results of this mechan- ism, is, that the percussion disc is struck, as it were, " on ' the wing," or while it is flying between the hammer and the cone; and yet it never fails to explode in the proper place and dis- charge the gun, let its position be vertical or horizontal. 387. Practical effects of this Rifle. We have seen this arm fired at a target at the several distances of 300, 500, 600, and 700jards, being respectively 900, 1,500, 1,800 and 2,100 feet. The target was a pine board 30 inches square, and by the inventor was hit on the average, twice out of three shots. By experiments and calculations lately made in France, it was found that a man, at the distance of 1,638 feet, appears to the naked eye only one-fifth his real size, and therefore, by this estimate, a target of 30 inches in diameter, at the distance of 2,100 feet, appears less than six inches square, a small object truly in practice, and requiring an accuracy of aim so minute, that the tenth of an inch in the direction of the sight, would carry the ball far aside of such a mark, and yet it was pierced twice out of three shots. 388. Adjusted Sight. This rifle has an adjusting sight, which is elevated, or depressed and fixed, according to the dis- tance of the mark. All the shots were made, with the gun in the hands, or without a rest, and also, with the striking pecu- liarity of being placed on the left shoulder. at the Distance of a Mile. Although in the above 398 SHARP'S RIFLE. trial, the distance was only 700 yards, the inventor has proved by experiment, that this rifle throws its ball with a force equal to the destruction of human life to the distance of a mile. In battle, therefore, the approaching enemy can be effectually assailed with this arm, at that distance, the aim, of course, being more and more sure, as the distance diminishes. Number of Balls Thrown. The rapidity with which this arm may be loaded and fired is such, that if one ball be sent along the surface of water, another may be made to follow before the first ceases its motion. The inventor loads and fires it ten times in a minute ; but estimating that in battle the number of balls fired by each sol- dier would be only six in a minute, then 1,000 men would dis- charge 6,000 in a minute, or 360,000 in an hour. 389. Invention of Gunpowder. In Europe, the invention of gunpowder is attributed to Roger Bacon, who died in 1292 ; but it seems to have been known to the Chinese long before that period. The first account of its use in European war, was at the bat- tle of Cressy, in 1346, and from that time it superseded, chiefly, all other means of destruction on the battle-field. Effects of this Invention. There is no doubt but this inven- tion has proved a humane a merciful discovery in the art of war. Before its use, the instruments of death in battle were the barbed arrow, the halbert and spear, various kinds of swords, and the war-club. The combatants fought hand to hand, each one trying to in- flict the most cruel tortures on the other; and, indeed, the in- struments employed, were much better calculated for this pur- pose, than for the infliction of sudden and quiet death. On the contrary, gun-shot wounds, when not instantly fatal, afford a prospect of recovery, while those made by the barbed arrow and spear, more commonly portend a miserable death, after protracted agony. Besides, if we examine the accounts of ancient battles, we shall find, that including the carnage on the field, and the num- ber who died of their wounds afterward, the destruction of human life, where an equal number were engaged, was much greater than it was, after the invention and use of gunpowder. 390. Conclusion. Although there is no doubt but the use of fire-arms, in warfare, has heretofore diminished the horrors of the battle-field, this circumstance, as history informs us, has SHARP'S RIFLE. 399 had no influence on our species, except to foster an increasing desire to render the instruments of death more and more per- fect, so that in the day of battle, the carnage should be as sud- den and as great as possible. And hence, within a few years, great improvements have been made on fire-arms in France, England, Germany, and America, all tending of course, to the increase of their destructive effects. The inventors of these improvements in the arts of human destruction, are by no means considered by political, or even by moral and religious writers, as enemies of the human race, but are viewed, at least, by many such, as the pioneers of uni- versal peace, if, indeed, fallen man should ever cease to learn and practice the art of war. 391. Settlement by Arbitration Improbable. The history of man affords no foundation* for the belief that national quarrels will be settled by the intervention, or arbitration of other nations, and hence, there can be little doubt, if the moral and political condition of the world remain as heretofore, that " nation will continue to lift up its arm against nation," and that the time when " man shall learn war no more," is not at hand, unless indeed, it should be by the approach of the millenium. Under this view of the case, the only prospect of universal and permanent peace, is in such a degree of perfection in the art of war, that certain death awaits at least five out of six of all who enter as combatants on the field of battle ; and in naval war- fare, an equal proportion of ships shall as certainly be buried in the ocean. Until such a state of things exist, men will continue to en- gage each other in mortal strife ; and it is on this account that moralists of the present day, look with favor on the im- provements in fire-arms, knowing that the paramount design of all such inventions is to render escape more difficult, and death more sudden and certain on the battle ground. Nor is it probable that the time is far distant, when at least ten will foil on the field, where with an equal number of com- batants, only one fell 30 years ago ; the result being solely from the more deadly power of the fire-arms employed. The author having served as surgeon on the frontier, in the U. S. Army, in the war of 1812-15, is able to appreciate, in a measure, the difference between the destructive power of the fire-arms then furnished by the government, and those now to be introduced into the Army of the United States. 392. Contrast between Old and New Arms. -To those who 400 have examined this subject, and are acquainted with the arms employed formerly, and those now going into general use, it will not be considered an over estimate to suppose, that 100 men armed with Sharp's rifle, and Colt's revolvers, would com- mit greater carnage, on the battle ground, than 1,000 men could do, with the flint lock, government muskets, in former use. 393. Who indeed will enlist into a military service when he knows that his enemy will oppose him with messengers of death, at the rate of 600 per minute, or 36,000 per hour, for every 100 men, and this at the distance of a mile, or less; and with the same number of such messengers, in half that time, when within any distance between 20 yards, and the reach of the bayonet ; which will be the case when armies are supplied with Sharp's rifles, and Colt's revolvers. From such sources only, according to the present aspect of the nations of the earth, can we look for permanent peace. COLT'S REPEATING PISTOL. 394. This celebrated fire-arm has been brought to its present degree of perfection, only after years of experience, trial, and invention, by the original patentee Col. Samuel Colt, of Hart- ford, Conn. An account of this weapon is introduced here, as an inven- tion with which all the civilized nations of the earth, are now, or are soon, to become acquainted. As Americans, therefore, we are bound to know something, at least, of the history and mechanism of so important an invention. The examination and trial of Colt's revolvers at the World's Fair, and the award passed upon them there by the best judges, and the most experienced military men of the age, are ample, and sufficient proofs that this, for the purpose for which it is designed, is the most efficient and perfect fire-arm ever invented. The immense demand for the article in foreign countries, as well as in our own country, evinces, also, that no substitute exists for this weapon. About 400 artificers, we understand, are employed in their manufacture, which number, it is stated, is to be increased to 1000, in order to supply the demand. The United States government have adopted Colt's repeat- ing pistol, as the best weapon known, for mounted men, both for offensive and defensive use. And in the Mexican war, no COLT'S PISTOL. 401 officer who could obtain a revolver, ever went a day without one, and those who could not, often considered their lives in peril, in consequence. 395. In 1851, the President of the United States in a mes- sage to the Senate, states, that " Such is the favorable opinion entertained of the value of this arm, particularly for mounted corps, that the secretary of war has contracted with Mr. Colt, for four thousand of his pistols," without waiting a special appropriation of Congress. This contract, of course, was confirmed by the Senate. Such is considered the importance of this arm as a weapon of defence, that the military committee of the House of Rep- resentatives, recommend that it should be furnished to emi- grants, as the following shows. " We, the undersigned, members of the military committee of the House of Representatives, understanding that an appli- cation is pending before your committee, favorably commended by the ordnance department, for the purchase of a suitable number of Colt's pistols, and authorizing the department to furnish the same, to emigrants at government prices, and to de- liver the same to the States, under the act of 1808, for arming the militia, recommend the same to your favorable considera- tion, and believe that such a clause in the army bill would be desirable and proper." Signed by the committee, nine in number, January, 1851. 396. Description of Colt's Pistol. Why these arms are called revolvers, and by what means they are made the most efficient of fire-arms, for certain purposes, will be understood by Fig. 3 02, and the following explanation. The letters by which the principal FIG - 302 - parts of the pistol are denoted, are the following, as seen on the cut. The barrel B, is from three, to eight inches in length according to the size cwfa Pistol. and design of the pistol. The cylinder C, is the part which revolves, and from which the arm takes its distinctive name. The mechanism by which the rotary motion is performed, can not be shown by a single figure. The cylinder is pierced with six apertures, called 402 MC CORMICK'S REAPER. chambers, each of which, when ready for action, contains a charge of powder and a ball. Caps are then put on the tubes, corresponding to each charge, and now the arm is ready for the discharge of six balls, as rapidly as the hammer can be drawn to the back notch and the trigger pulled. The hammer H, being drawn back to where it now stands, is made to strike, with its face," the cap on the tube, by which it is exploded, and the pistol discharged. Then on drawing the hammer back for another discharge, the mechanism makes the cylinder revolve one notch, by which the next cap is brought under the hammer, and by pulling the trigger is discharged, and so of all the other charges. The trigger requires no expla- nation, being in all tire-arms the same. The ramrod R, is con- nected with the lever L, by the united action of which, the ball is pushed down the chamber to the powder. 397. Having explained the references, we will give tho inventors own directions for loading, &c. " Draw back the hammer to the half notch, which allows the cylinders to be rotated ; a charge of powder is then placed in each chamber, and the balls, without wadding, or patch, are put, one at a time, upon the mouths of the chambers, turned under the rammer, and forced down with the lever below the mouth of the chamber. This is repeated until all the cham- bers are loaded. Percussion caps are then placed on the tubes, when, by drawing back the hammer to the full catch, the arm is in condition for a discharge by pulling the trigger ; a repeti- tion of the same motion produces like results." When this arm is prepared, therefore, all that is required in defence, or in action, is to draw back the hammer, and pull the trigger, until the six balls are discharged, which is done in less than half a minute. MC CORMICK'S REAPER. 398. The principal, or cutting apparatus of this famous ma- chine, is shown by Fig. 303. The entire machinery, consisting not only of the four wheels on which the whole rests, but also of bands, cranks, cog-wheels, driver's seat, and platform for the grain the whole being connected and supported by braces in all directions ; it is obvious, is too complicated an engine for the purposes of a school book. Nor are these parts necessary to show the mystery, in which the public are chiefly interested, viz., how it is possible that a MO CORMICK S REAPER. FIG. 803. 403 McCormick's Reaper. machine drawn by horses, can do what only the hands of man have heretofore performed with the sickle and cradle. The above drawing is designed merely to illustrate and ex- plain this wonder. The angular pointed projections, marked by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, are called the fingers. They are firmly driven into a beam of wood, at the distance of 4- inches from the center of one to that of the other, and their length is about the same number of inches. They are of cast iron, without cutting edges. At the base of the fingers, and between their angles, are seen the sickles, angular in form, and composed of sections of steel plate riveted to an iron strap, about an inch wide, which strap is movable to the right and left on the beam of wood into which the fingers are driven. 399. The sickles have thin cutting edges, which are finely serrated, similar to a common sickle, the teeth standing right and left from the center or angle of each. While the fingers are fixed to the beam, the sickles have a reciprocating motion of about 4 inches, alternately to right and left by means of a crank, turned by the force of the wheels, by which the whole machine is moved. This is the effective or cutting portion of McCormick's reaper. All the other parts are adjuvants to this, being the means by which this is moved and actuated. The divider A, is a piece of iron which extends forward of the fingers, and is designed to separate the grain to be cut from that which is to be left standing. This, as its shape indicates, 404 bends the grain to be cut inwards, leaving that which remains in a well-defined and perfect line, until the return of the reaper. The strips of wood, B, fastened to the beam on which the sickles work, show where the force, by means of horses, is ap- plied, and by which the whole is drawn on four wheels of mod- erate size. 400. Action of the Reaper. It will be observed that the effective or cutting portion of the machine, extends to the right of the place where the moving force is applied, and hence that the horses work on the side of the standing grain. The grain, therefore, is cut by beginning on the outside and going around the field, the horses passing that which has been cut, while the sickles extend about six feet into that which is standing. The cutting is performed by the alternate, or reciprocating motions of the sickles against the grain, which is kept from re- ceding by the oblique, angular form of the fingers, as shown by the figure, after the inspection of which, no further descrip- tion will be required to show how the operation is performed. As the grain is cut, it falls upon a platform, where a man stands, with a rake, to gather and remove it to the outside of the machine, and where it is bound by men who follow for this purpose. Thus the way is cleared for the return of the horses and reaper. It is stated that the fields of wheat thus cut, present a very smooth and, to the eyes of the farmer and others, beautiful ap- pearance the stubble presenting a level and even surface throughout. The inventor of this reaper not only received the highest pre- mium at the World's Fair, in England, but also the gold medal, in the States of Ohio and Illinois, for the most complete, and best working machine of this kind presented. It is stated that such is the demand for this reaper, that sev- eral thousands will probably be sold in the course of the present year. The price is about $120. The inventor also constructs mowing machines, on the same principle as the reaper. INDEX. A. Ball, cannon, velocity of, 58,60 Colt's revolver, 400 Comets, 335 ACOUSTICS, 198 Accidents 189 path of, 58 Barkers' mill, 131 Battery, galvanic, 358 tobacco pipe, 360 Biot, on sound, 200 Bodies, properties of, . . 7 fall of li"ht, 35 Concave mirror, effects of, 239 to the rails, 196 Counter currents, 214 Convex lens, 243 Condenser, 148 Cornea too convex, .... 251 Cornea, too flat, 252 Action and reaction, . . 40 ^Eolian harp 205 Air, elasticity of, 139 expansion of, 140 in every crevice, . . 138 compression of, ... 139 weight of, 140 n S> Constellations, 283 Body, definition of, .... 7 Crank, nature of, 181 Artificial magnet 353 Ascent of bodies, 32 Air-ffun, 149 Boat', and bellows, 41 Battery, galvanic, 358 Grove's 360 Cup and shilling ... 2ii2 Cylinder steam . . . 178 D. pump, 1** double-acting, 143 experiments with, . 14 Atmospheric pump, . . . 160 Atmosphere, pressure of, 146 phenomena of, 140 conveys sound, 198 Atmospheric electricity, 349 Anemometer, 215 construction of, ... 150 use of, at sea, 159 wheel 155 Day and night,' 310 weather glass, 157 Decomposition, 10 Definition, 172 measures heights, . 156 Differential thermometer. 173 Density, 20 diminution of, .... 157 of the planets 285 Dick Thomas .. 264 Ascent of bodies, 32 Brittleness,' 21 Astraea, **a Attraction in general,.. 12 of built 16 Brick, reading through a, 241 Burning glass 240 Divisibility of matter, . . 9 Dioptrics, 221 Diving bell 199 capillary 13, J 7 of cohesion, 13 chemical 18 C. Caloric engine, 379 Camera obscura, . . 266, 380 Cask, bursting of, 107 Ductility, .' 22 Double refraction, 224 Dipping needle,. . . 352, 355 E. Tort I, 200 of gravitation, 15 electrical, 20 magnetic, .... 19, 352 proportionate to mat- ter, 30 Capstan, 82 Card machine, 100 axis of, 290 Angle of vision,... 245,254 Cannon ball, velocity of, 60 fall of 58 distance from sun,. 290 diurnal motion of,. 290 revolution of, 290 falling to Sun 29 form of, 314 definition of, 276 physical, 276 revolution of, 59 practical, 276 Ceres ' 278 Archimedes' screw, 128 Asteroids 277 Centrifugal force, . 46, 316 Centripetal force, 46 Center of gravity, 48 velocity of, 311 Ecliptic 282 Atwoods' machine, 28 Axis of a planet, 280 of the earth, 290 lunar, 325 Chronomete'r 332 solar, 328 Echo 325 B. Balance, 117 Chromatics, 269 Clock, common, 66 Clio 278 Egeria, 278 Electricity 339 theories of, 341 Circus rider, 45 Electrical machine, .... 342 Ball, movement of,. . 11, 50 revolution of, 59 Coal, power of, 191 Colors of objects, 272 attraction, 21 battery, 348,356 helix. ... . . 368 406 INDEX. Elasticity, 20 Electrical telegraph,... 386 bodies, :..... 339 Electro-magnetism. . . . 357 laws of; 357 motion of, 361 Electroscope, 361 Electrotype, 370 Electrometer, 346 Electro-gilding, 376 plating, 377 Engine, steam, 174 Engine, atmospheric, . . 175 caloric, 379 fire, 165 Equal forces, 32 Equation of time, 318 Equilibrium, 55 Erect image, 250 Extension, 8 Eye, human 248 of an ox, 250 F. Falling bodies,... . 26 light 35 direction of, 25 velocity of, 26 Figure of bodies, 8 of the earth 315 Fire engine, 165 Five mechanical pow- ers 101 Flora, 278 Fluids, what 103 discharge of, 124 Focus, principal, 237 Form, change of, 21 Fly-wheel, 184 Focal distance, ... 232, 243 'Force, what, 71 equal, 31 not created, 86 of gravity, 12 Fountain of Hiero, 166 expansion, 147 Friction of machinery,. 86 of fluids, 126 Fulcrum, 72 G. Galvanism, 357 Gallery, whispering, ... 202 Galvanic battery, 358 Grove's, 360 Globular form, 14 Gold leaf, 9 G overnor, steam, 185 Gravity terrestrial, .... 24 force of, 24 Gravitation, 15 Gravity, center of, 48 in man 52 how taken, 48 specific, .- 116 table of, 118 Gregory's telescope, . . . 263 Gun, air, 149 59 H. Harmonicon, 211 Hay, load of, 52 Heat, absorption of, ... 167 distribution of, . . . . 167 by concave mirror, 240 radiation of, 167 reflection of, 167 transmission of, ... 168 20 Harp, ajoliuu 205 Hebe 278 Herschel, planet, 296 his telescope, 2G3 Hiero's fountain, 166 Helix, electrical, 368 High pressure engine,.. Hoblyn, Prof., 188 174 Horizon, 189 308 Horology, Hydraulics, 65 123 Hydrostatic bellows, . . . 110 press, 110 Human face magnified, 238 Hydrometer, 119 Hydrostatics, 136 102 Hydrostatic paradox, . . 108 Hygrometer, 173 itygeia, 278 I. Impenetrability, Inertia, center of, 7 54 Imp, bottle, Inclined plane, 150 93 motion on, 93 256 Indestructibility, Instruments, musical,.. 9 204 Irene 278 Iria 278 3. Juno, 278 Jupiter, 292 293 distance of, 292 K. 80 L. 268 Latitude, what, 329 how found, 330 Lenses, what, 243 forms of, 243 refraction by, Leyden jar, 242 348 51 Lens, concave, 245 convex, 243 double-convex,.... 244 Level, water 115 spirit, 116 Lever, what 72 simple, 72 compound, 78 compared, 78 knee, 80 Lightning rods, 350 Light, convergent rays, 237 diverging rays of,. . 244 refraction of, 221 reflection of, 225 decomposition of, . 269 motion of, 220 re-composition of, . 270 velocity of, 220 Locomotive, 192 boiler, 197 Locomotive, described, 193 Longitude, what, 330 how found, 332 Lunar, eclipses, 324 M. Machine, what, 70 for raising water, . . 128 Mars 291 Malleability, 22 Magic lantern 268 Machinery, use of, .... 70 Magnetism, 351 Magnitudes, judged of,. 254 Magnets, artificial, .... 353 temporary, 355 Magnetic needle, 355 rotation, 354 dip of, 287 Magdeburg hemispheres, 146 Mechanics, 70 Mercury, 383 Metronome, 69 McCormick's reaper, . . . 402 Metis 278 Microscope, simple, 256 compound 257 solar, 258 Momentum, 39 Mountain, rupture of,. . 112 Mechanical powers, ... 72 Mirrors, what, 226 concave, 235 focus of, 237 convex, 229 metallic, 240 plane, 226 plane inclined, 235 Morse's telegraph, 383 Moon, 291 fall to earth, 29 phases of, 321 surface of, 323 eclipses of, 384 Motion, what, 36 absolute, 37 axis of, 43 center of, 46 compound 43 circular, 45 INDEX. 407 Motion, crank, 182 Perkins' experiments, . . 103 Sound, propagation of, 200 reflection of 201 curvilinear 55 diagonal, 44, 64 parallel 179 reflected, 41 cylinder, 393 Prismatic spectrum, . . . 269 Properties of bodies, ... 7 Projectiles . 60 reverberation of, . . 200 velocity of, 200 Solar spectrum, 269 system, 276 relative, 37 resultant, 63 Motion, retarded, 38 Pump, air, 142 atmospheric, 160 chain 132 Spectacles, 247, 245 Summer and winter,. . 313 Specific gravity, 116 Spring, intermitting,.. 122 System of pulleys, 89 Steel-yard, 75 uniform, 3 forcin" ' 163 vertical, 33 lifting? 161 String, vibration of, . . 204 Musical strings, 204 instruments, 204 Monochord 206 stomach, 16 Steam cylinder,... 178,186 water,' 159 N. Neptune, 297 engine, 174 modern, 187 low pressure, 188 high pressure, 188 White's,'- 92 New plant, 278 Needle dipping 355 R. Rails, adhesion to, .... 196 Rain 216 Watt's, 176 Newcomen's, 176 0. Objects seen erect, 253 btwna pump, .. 286 distance of, 286 eclipses of, 328 Optics, 218 Optics, definition of, ... 218 Optical instruments,... 256 definitions, 219 guage, 217 Ravs, convergent, 229 'divergent, 230 Rainbow, 272 revolution of, 286 Siphon 121 Orbit, what 280 elliptical " 281 Rariety, 20 Reaper, McCormick's, . 402 Ret .. .37 T. Table of velocities, 38 Temporary magnets, ... 259 TeleJcope,.. 258 Organ 207 construction of, . . 208 invention of, 210 ant quity of, 210 larae, .. 210 Revolver, Colt's 400 Revolving bell engine, . 364 whiel 36-2 pipV... 208 P. Revolution of wheels, . . 47 oftheearth, 309 principle of, 260 refracting 260 of planets, 59 381 Pallas 278 Paradox, hydrostatic, . . 109 Reflection bv mirrors,. . 225 of sound 201 Telescope, reflecting, . . 262 Rosse's, 264 Telegraph . . . 386 . annual, 338 diurnal, 338 Refraction, what, 221 oflight, 223 laws of, 222 House's 383 Pipes, organ 208, 209 Piaster, casts of, 374 Plane, inclined, 93 Planetoids, 279 double, 224 by glass, 223 by water 222 ofwood 22 of metals, 23 Thermo-electricity, .... 369 solar . 317 Retina, 248,250 distances of, 277 density of 285 Recapitulation, 23 Rifle. Sharp's, 395 Rotation of a wheel, . . 4"t River, currents in, 12"* Rosse's telescope, 264 3. Saturn, 294 alcoholic, 169 comparison of, .... 170 Rutherford's, 172 Leslie's, 172 motion of, 277 situation of . 279 table of 278 Tides, 327 u , . . Trade wind, 212 Penumbra, 326 U. Umbra, 326 Phenomena, atmospher- Scales 75 Seasons 310 ic, 212 379 Philosophy defined,.... 7 Piledriver 40 heat and cold of, . . 312 Screw 96 V. Variation magnetic,... 356 Archimedes', 12t perpetual, 9J Power, what, 71 power of, 97 Shepherds of Landes, . . 5J table of, 356 Velocity of fall ing bodies, 2t accelerated, 38 varying, 84 Dmae U8llcrjr "* 408 INDEX, VeJbcity of a ball,, retarded . . .... 60 .... 38 Visual angle, 254 206 196 347 84 103 103 106 112 128 114 223 128 127 159 114 117 136 Water wheels, .... . 133 Vibration of cords, .... of solids, Weight, what, 24,47 .. 85 .. 47 of the earth . 311 Wheels, system of, . Wheel, revolving, . . of light 220 Vial, Leyden, 37 W. Watch-work flv 184 of certain bodi table of, , ., of wind es... 38 38 216 134 breast, ... 135 .. 130 of electricity, V enus .. 337 288 Water, what, elasticity of, equal pressure of, 104, Wheel and axle .. 85 .. 47 289 Wed^e 96 evening star,.. .... 290 Whispering gallery, . Wind instruments, . . Wind, what, .. 202 .. 207 .. 2J2 213 morning star, . Vibrating wire, . . . ....290 .... 363 245, 253 242 .... 251 friction of, level, angle of, perfect, refraction by, raising of, velocity of, Windlass, 215 .. 83 indistinct, Vertical motion, . . Vrtn 251 256 33 278 pumps, table of pressure, . . weighing in, Z. Zodiac, .. 283 7b ram, ERRATA, Astronomy, p. 114, insert the Asteroids as in p. 120. In p. 122, omit the last clause, and look to Saturn for the correction. The rela tive size of Neptune can not be shown on the page. LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LUAINI UtKlo THIS BOOK IS DUE BEFORE CLOSING TIME 3 ON LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW - REC > D IB AffP r *" ^2 -3 PM 6 5 - i LD62A-30m-2,'71 (P2003slO)9412A-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley --, (F2336slO)476B Berkelef ,-**