Ex Libris C. K.OGDEN | THE CAMPANILE AT PISA 3/ieH>eruf tiie suAsidtfUZ* (fete Sbundatom,; Jolm. Williams . Library of Arts . Great Rufsell Street Bloomsbury THE ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, AND OPERATIVE BUILDER'S CONSTRUCTIVE MANUAL; OR, A PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC TREATISE OS THE CONSTRUCTION OF ARTIFICIAL FOUNDATIONS FOR BUILDINGS, RAILWAYS, &c. WITH A COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE APPLICATION OF PILING AND CONCRETING TO SUCH PURPOSE; ALSO AN INVESTIGA- TION OF THE NATURE AND PROPERTIES OF THE MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN SECURING THE STABILITY OF BUILDINGS. THE WHOLE ILLUSTRATED BY EXAMPLES SELECTED FROM THE MOST IMPORTANT ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING WORKS OF THIS COUNTRY. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN ANALYSIS OF THE PRINCIPAL LEGAL ENACTMENTS AFFECTING THE OPERATIONS OF THE PRACTICAL BUILDER. ILLUSTRATED BY NOTES OF CASES OCCURRING IN ACTUAL PRACTICE. BY CHRISTOPHER DAVY, ARCH. & C.B. SECOND EDITION. LONDON : JOHN WILLIAMS, LIBRARY OF FINE ARTS, 106, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY. 1839. DRURY, PRINTER, 18, Took's Court, Chancery Lane, London. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE author of the following treatise is happy to avail himself of the present opportunity of tendering his respectful acknowledgments to the members of the Architectural and Engineering professions, and to the public generally, for the very flattering manner in which the first part of the " Manual " has been received. The very rapid sale of the work, and the still increasing demand for it, have more than realised the anticipations of the author. A second edition having been called for, the writer has been enabled to make such corrections and improvements as have appeared desirable, and which, he hopes, will render it more worthy of the approbation of those for whose use it has been written. The success of the first edition having assured the author of the support of the pro- 2017708 VI fession, he naturally feels greater confidence in the task which he has undertaken, and is stimulated to exert his utmost endeavours to retain so honour- able a mark of distinction. In consequence of the vigorous condition of engineering practice, the author considered that a correct analysis of those mineral substances which comprise the greatibt portion of building materials would add materially to the practical value of the work. For this purpose, he has made a collection of British specimens, and has subjected them to minute chemical analysis. The result of these examinations will be given in the forthcoming part ; and it is hoped that the information thus laid before the profession will prove to be of con- siderable importance. The second part will contain chapters on the following subjects : 1 . On the sands of the plastic clay formation. 2. On the analysis of the principal mineral substances employed in building. 3. On concrete, asphaltic, and other cements. 4. The construction of foundations on various soils. 5. On the machines and scaffolding used in excavating and building. Vll 6. Description of machines for proving the strength of materials, 7. On railway works and estimates. The whole of the chapters in the second part will be fully illustrated with original drawings explanatory of the text. The liberal patronage bestowed upon the first part of this treatise has induced the publisher, Mr. Williams, to secure the talent of Mr. T. C. Dibdin, whose pencil will be employed (under the direction of the author) in delineating some views (taken expressly for this work), illustrative of the geological formations of this country, and also of important railway works, showing the progress of their construction. The analytical portion of the work having occupied a greater length of time than was originally contem- plated, it was considered indispensable to publish it in parts to prevent greater delay. The author trusts that this explanation will atone for the slight breach of his original engagement. C. D. No. 3, Furnival's Inn, 24th Jan., 1839. CONTENTS >F PART I. A REGISTER Page Of the principal Geological Formations in each of the Counties of England and Wales, with Observations on the Quality of the Materials to be derived therefrom, and applicable to the purposes of Building ; also, the situation of the principal Stone Quarries, Lime Works, &c, v CHAPTER I. Preliminary Observations. Remarks on the General Order and Succession of Strata. On the Examination of Strata, and Description of Boring Apparatus employed for that purpose. Nature of Strata above the London Clay. Sections of Strata in the neighbourhood of London, &c f CHAPTER II. On Pile Driving and Piling 35 CHAPTER III. On the Nature and Application of BETON. Translated from " BELIDOR ARCHITECTURE HYDRAULIQUE." 75 . CHAPTER IV. On the Analysis of Limestone 94 CHAPTER V. On the Calcination of Limestone. Observations on British Limestones Action of Acids thereon, &c 116 CHAPTER VI. , On the Proportion and Admixture of Ingredients employed in the Composition of ordinary Mortar. Quality of Sands, Sand- tones, &c. . i* . -'. 156 ADVERTISEMENT. THE ramification of railways throughout the king- dom has so extended the sphere of the engineer's operations, as to render a knowledge of the geolo- gical formations peculiar to each county through which his passage lies, of considerable, nay, of essen- tial importance. Geological knowledge is now to the engineer indispensable, inasmuch as it forms the source from which his supplies must be drawn, and, at the same time, forms the index by which may be ascertained the nature of that foundation upon which his construction is to rest. In the ordinary routine of architectural prac- tice, it is notorious that information of this kind has been rarely sought for until the time has arrived for carrying the intended works into execution. The uncertainty and delay incident to this mode of inquiry has not unfrequently entailed ruinous con- sequences upon both architect and builder. If proofs were wanting, we should be prepared to show from specifications on the one, and breach of contracts on the other side, instances of defective informa- tion, and consequent difficulties and extravagance of execution, fully corroborative of this opinion. It is evident therefore, that the engineer should be pre- pared with such information as will enable him to avail himself of the resources of each particular district, and to apply them with promptitude and decision. The calcareous and siliceous deposits of this country have hitherto received but little attention from the profession ; and we may add, that with respect to the nature and properties of the materials, we are as yet " upon the threshold of our know- ledge." The great and increasing demand for geolo- gical information applicable to architectural and engineering purposes, has induced the author to prefix to the following Treatise a Register * of the principal geological formations in each of the coun- ties of England and Wales, with observations on the quality of the materials to be derived therefrom, and applicable to the purposes of building; also, the situation of the principal stone quarries, lime works, &c. In compiling this " Register," the author has attempted to give a concise view of the resources of each county, in order that the draft of the specifi- cations for important works may be made with In consequence of the extent occupied by this additional matter, (which has much exceeded our original plan,) the " Introduction," which is chiefly historical, is deferred till the publication of the second part of the " Treatise." Ill greater accuracy than heretofore, and that the builder may be directed to the sources from which he may obtain his materials with facility and economy. To trace the extent and disposition of the strata, the engineer must necessarily consult an accurate geological map ; for this purpose, the " Index Map," by J. Philips, Esq., F.R.S., G.S., and the large map by Messrs. Walker, will supply much valuable information. The reader will perceive, from the authorities which are given, that the author has, in the following compilation, freely availed himself of such informa- tion as was afforded by reference to the works of the most eminent writers on geological science ; and having, also, visited and carefully examined most of the northern and western counties of England during the last two summers, he trusts that the variety of facts and data thus collected and brought under immediate observation, may meet with the approbation of the members of that profession to which he has the honour to belong. 3, Furnivul's Inn, Nov. 1838. A REGISTER OF THE PRINCIPAL GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS IN EACH OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE QUALITY OF THE MATERIALS TO BE DERIVED THEREFROM, AND APPLICABLE TO THE PURPOSES OF BUILDING ; ALSO, THE SITUATION OF THE PRINCIPAL STONE QUARRIES, LIME WORKS, &c. Northumberland. THE county of Northumberland contains, 1. Moun- tain or carboniferous limestone. 2. Coal. 3. Basaltic and porphyritic trap. And, 4. Old red sandstone, with the accompanying beds of conglomerates, grit- stones, variegated marls, and cornstones. The building materials supplied by this county chiefly consist of limestone, limestone marble, and sandstones. The quarries are plentifully distributed throughout the county. Limestone abounds in the districts of Bamborough Ward and part of Glen- dale Ward, east of the river Till ; it is also quarried at the following places Sprouston,Stodridge,Shilbot- tle, Long Franlington, Hartburn, Ryall, Corbridge, and Aldstone Moor. Blue, red, gray, and brown whinstone is procured from Bamboroughshire, the VI Cheviot mountains, and adjacent places. It is generally employed for repairing the roads. The limestones of Northumberland vary con- siderably in quality ; they may be classified in the following order: 1. Highly crystalline. 2. Slightly crystalline. 3. Ferruginous. 4. Bituminous. And, 5. Calcareo-siliceous. The strongest lime is to be obtained from the calcination of Nos. 3 and 4. The crystalline varieties are best adapted for wrought masonry or architectural fa9ades. For engineering works, or the substructure of important buildings, the sandstones, associated with the carboniferous deposits, are highly valuable. The following are the varieties: 1. Slate sill a fine-grained mi- caceous, slaty rock, of a gray colour, used as a roofing slate in many villages of Northumberland and Durham. It is the uppermost bed in the section of Heley field. 2. Freestone sills fine-grained quartzose sandstones, used for building. 3. Hazles hard, ferruginous, fine-grained sandstones. 4. Mill- stone grit a coarse, white, quartzose sandstone ; it crops out on the Derwent, and is quarried for mill- stones. The quarries are at Muggleswick Fell, and between Wolsingham and Stanhope, in Weardale. A similar rock is found at Scrainerstone, in the north-eastern part of Northumberland, and at Craster, near Howick. The castle of Dunstanborough is built with this stone. 5. Grindstone sill a fine- grained yellowish sandstone found at Alstone Moor (Durham), Coalcleugh, Allenheads (Northtimber- VII land), Nenthead, and on the summit of Cross Fell. The grindstones made from this material are said to be much inferior to those of Newcastle. Below the limestone, in the Aldstone Moor section (Durham), are the following sandstones : 1. Whetstone sill a fine-grained micaceous sand- stone, at Burtreeford. 2. Ironstone sill a ferrugi- nous sandstone, containing an abundance of iron pyrites. 3. Firestone a fine-grained, porous sand- stone, used for furnaces. 4. Pattisoris sill a very hard, gray sandstone, containing mica. 5. The coal sills similar to the above. And, 6. Water sill, or tuft a very porous, soft, light-coloured sand- stone. The durability of sandstone chiefly depends upon its texture or state of induration. It has been remarked,* that when a porous sandstone is exposed to the weather, or placed in such situations where water may enter and penetrate its crevices, mere change of temperature will cause much misfihief ; but on the occurrence of a frost, the expansion be- comes so great, that a single winter may cause a disaggregation of the entire mass. Durham. The county of Durham contains, 1. Coal. 2. Millstone grit. 3. Magnesian limestone. 4. Mountain limestone. And, 5. Trap. See Brande's Journal, vol. iii. p. 381. Vlll The great limestone of Frosterley, in Weardale (Durham), is a dark gray shelly marble, extensively quarried for lime, ornamental purposes, &c.; it con- tains 96 per cent, of carbonate of lime. The scar lime- stone is similar to the above ; it crops out in the Nent rivulet. The cockle-shell limestone a dark, iron-gray, shelly limestone; it crops out on Aid- stone Moor. The Tyne-bottom limestone an encri- nal limestone of three strata ; it forms the bed of the Tyne for four miles, from Tyne Head to Garri- gill Gate. Robinson's great limestone and the Mel- merby scar limestone, are carboniferous beds of con- siderable thickness ; the former is the lowest in the Dufton section, and the latter bassets out at Mel- merby Cliff. At this place the bed is twenty-one fathoms in thickness. An account of the magnesian limestone of Durham, and an analysis of some specimens will be found in the 4th chapter of this Treatise. Magnesian limestone, when calcined, pro- duce* lime possessing peculiar properties, which are hereafter noticed. As a material for masonry, it is much superior to the tender oolitic varieties of the west of England. The atmosphere acts with much less intensity upon the fine-grained and mag- nesian limestone than upon the coarser and oolitic kinds. The superficial hardening which takes place upon the surface of the Bath oolite, when exposed to the weather, is very deceptive, inasmuch as it is followed by a rapid disaggregation of the stone. The Castle of Clare, in the county of Suffolk, is in IX part built with magnesian limestone. A portion of one of the bondstones from the keep of that structure, was procured by the author during the past summer. Upon examination it was found nearly perfect, while a specimen of oolite from the same building crumbled to calcareous sand. This building was erected some time previous to the year 1190. The millstone grit and other sandstones of the county of Durham do not differ materially from the sandstones of Northumberland already described; such variations as occur being more interesting to the geologist than to the engineer, we omit any further notice of them. The sandstone from the Heddon (Heddon- on-the-Wall) quarries, Northumberland, must not, however, be omitted in our Register. This stone is a hard, light-coloured quartzose sandstone, with rather a coarse grain, but admirably adapted for engineer- ing works. Some of the earliest edifices in the county, constructed with this stone, yet remain to attest its durability. The quarries recently opened at Heddon communicate with the Tyne river by a railway. The basalt, graywacke, new and old red sandstone, &c., are chiefly worked and employed for local pur- poses. The other materials will be described in the account of those counties where such formations assume a greater importance. Cumberland. Cumberland contains, 1. New and old red sandstone. 2. Trap. 3. Granite. And, 4. Clay slate. The principal free stone quarries (chiefly red and white siliceous and quartzose grits), are in the neighbourhood of Whitehaven ; from whence it is shipped to various places. Quarries for grindstone grits are situated near Ivegill and Barngill. The blue slate quarries are at Bassenthwaite, Borrow- dale, Buttermere, Cockermouth, and Ulpha. In this county there is also coal and its accompanying limestone, but the principal deposits from which building stone is drawn are the new and old red sandstone formations. Westmoreland. Westmoreland contains formations similar to the above, with the addition of a development of the Silurian system. These rocks furnish, 1. Mica- ceous sandstones, limestones, and sandy shales. 2. Subcrystalline limestone shale. 3. Gritstones, then limestones and sandstones. And, 4. Calcareous and argillaceous flags. The prevailing stratum of the southern and eastern parts of the ^county is carboniferous limestone, associated with quartzose grits. Limestone marble is quarried within three miles of Kendal, also near Ambleside, and a bitu- minous limestone near Kirby Lonsdale and Ken- XI dal Fell. The great slate quarries occupy the western mountains. A valuable quarry of fine blue slate (the property of Lord Lowther) is worked at Great Langdale, and is known as the " Thrang Crag slate quarry." Whinstone or Whintin (a slaty flag- ging, containing a small proportion of mica), and slate is also procured from the north western moun- tains. The dark gray limestone of Windermere and its vicinity is quarried for lime, chimney pieces, &c. ; red felspathic granite, and another variety, much harder, and of a green colour, occurs at Wasdale. The specific gravity of Westmoreland slate varies from 2797 to 2732 ; it is blasted from the quarries in large masses, and afterwards split and dressed, chiefly by hand.* Yorkshire. Yorkshire contains, 1. Coal. 2. Millstone grit. 3. Carboniferous limestone. 4. Trap. 5. Moun- tain and magnesian limestones. And, 6. Clays and crag. Building materials may be obtained as fol- lows. Quarries of freestone and millstone grit are to be found at and near Gatherley Moor, near Richmond, Renton near Boroughbridge, west of Sheflield, Penistone, Huddersfield, Bradford, Otley, Harrowgate, Ripley, Masham, Rainton quarry, * A particular account of the several varieties of slate, with the mode of working the quarries, machinery for cutting slate, &c., will be found in the second part of the "Treatise." Pateley quarry, Moorstone quarry, all within a few miles of Ripon. Quarries at Bramley, Mexborough, Holton, Kirby, Leeds, Idle, and Sheffield ; all these are quartzose grits. Magnesian limestone quarries, Brodsworth, Quarry Moor, Ripon, and at Doncaster. Mountain limestone quarries Roach Abbey and near Richmond, &c.* Limestone and marble are also found in the Western Moorlands. A roofing flag slate (siliceous) is dug near Wensleydale. Lias is sufficiently near to ba procured for lime. Lancashire. Lancashire contains, 1. Coal. 2. Millstone grit. 3. Mountain and magnesian limestones. 4. New red sandstone. The quarries of freestone are situated in that part of the county south of the sands. Flagstones are also raised in the same district. Blue slate quarries are most numerous in the northern parts of High Furness. * The prices of Roche Abbey and Brodsworth stone for the present year, 1839, are as follows : Roche Abbey (best) 16 to 18 pence, per foot cube-. Ditto (inferior) 12 to 14 ditto ditto / Shipped at Brodsworth (best) 12 pence ditto i Doncaster. Ditto (inferior) 9 ditto dittQ ) There are several other limestone quarries in the vicinity of Roche Abbey and Brodsworth, but the blocks of stone procured from them are of inferior dimensions. The best Roche Abbey stone is not much inferior to white marble in closeness of grain ; it is consequently well adapted for monumental works, carving, &c. xni Anglesea. Anglesea contains, 1. Gneiss. 2. Mica schist. 3. Granite. 4. Coal. 5. Old red sandstone. 6. Car- boniferous or mountain limestone. 7. Trap. And, 8. Clay-slate. The quarries of the Isle of Anglesea have fur- nished a crystalline limestone, which appears well adapted for architectural facades ; its use, however, has as yet been very limited, arising probably from the expense of carriage or freight. The most noted edifice erected with this material is the Birmingham Town Hall. Caernarvon. Caernarvon contains, 1. Graywacke. 2. Trap. 3. Gneiss. And, 4. Mica schist. The great bulk of building materials employed in this country is derived from calcareous and siliceous deposits. The peculiar nature and com- position of the primary rocks prohibit their employ- ment for the ordinary purposes of building; in England, therefore, the supply drawn from these sources is almost exclusively confined to granite and slate. The county before us, and most others in the principality of Wales, exhibit these formations in considerable grandeur ; we accordingly take this opportunity to offer a few general remarks on the structure and composition of the primary system of XIV rocks, or at least such of them as appear to com- mand the particular attention of the engineer. The primitive rocks are, by geologists, usually classed as follows: 1. Granite. 2. Gneiss. 3. Mica slate. 4. Clay-slate. 5. Primitive limestone. 6. Primitive trap. 7. Serpentine. 8. Diallage rock. 9. Porphyry. 10. Quartz* The constituents of common granite will be found in the sixth chapter of this Treatise ; on this subject it is only necessary to add, that the propor- tion per cent, of oxygen contained in this substance, and the particles of which it is composed, according to Mr.'De la Beche, are as follows: 100 granite = 52 metallic bases + 48 oxygen. 100 quartz = 48.4 metallic + 51.6 oxygen. 100 felspar = 54 metallic bases + 46 oxygen. 100 mica = 56 me- tallic bases + 44 oxygen.f (See De la Beche's Geological Manual, 2nd edition.) According to its locality, granite is known by various names; thus in Corn wall it is usually called " moorstone" (Smeaton) ; in Scotland, whinstone or sandstone (Jamieson), while among antiquarians the * " Jamieson's Mineralogy." For an account of the subdivisions of these rocks and other geological information concerning them, the reader is also referred to that work; " Philip's Treatise on Geology," vol. i. ; and " De la Beche's Geological Manual." f Quartz is a compound of a metallic basis, silicium, and the air or gas oxygen. Felspar is a compound of silkium, calcium, potassium, &c., each united with its own proportion of oxygen. Mica is a compound of silicium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, &c., similarly combined with oxygen. (Philips's Treatise on Geology, vol. i. p. 31.) XV term granite has been applied to every rock possess- ing a granular structure. Popular opinion has con- ferred upon this material a character for durability exceeding every other kind of stone; it is nevertheless subject to rapid disaggregation and even decay, in proportion to the quantity and quality of its consti- tuents. From numerous observations derived from chemical and mechanical experiments, it appears that the particles of granite most acted upon by the atmosphere, are those which form the great mass of its composition, namely, felspar. In judging the quality of a building stone we may rest satisfied that the greater the quantity of argillaceous or earthy matter contained in it, the more certain and rapid will be its decomposition. Felspar appears to be a substance of an earthy or argillaceous character ; thus, if we finely pulverize a portion of felspar, and add a small portion of water to the powder, we produce a paste forming a tolera- ble substitute for clay;* and it has been remarked,f that clay -slate " is not very distinct, chemically speaking, from decomposed felspar which has lost or changed the condition of its potash by the opera- tion of water." " Hence," continues Mr. Phillips, " under particular circumstances (which permit the access of alkali and great heat) that blue slate is actually transformed to white and glassy crystalline * See " Philips's Treatise on Geology," p. 124. t Ibid. XVI grains of felspar :" this discovery was made by Mr. W. V. Harcourt, of Yorkshire. Although this granitic compound is, per se, liable to premature decay, it cannot be denied that granitic rocks offer greater resistance to the action of the atmosphere than most others. The difference of quality observable in granites is very striking ; the coarse grained granites of Devon and Cornwall, compared with the finer grained and harder kinds of Aberdeen, exhibit a difference of strength of 14 to 22.* The strength of granite depends, first, upon the proportion of its constituent parts ; and, secondly, upon the chemical state of those particles. The constituents of Herm granite (sienitic) are felspar, quartz, and hornblende, with a very small quantity of black mica ; the whole being in a highly crystal- line state. The Brittany granites generally contain a considerable quantity of mica, which, from its fra- gile nature, or want of cohesion, deteriorates the quality of the stone; the Guernsey granites are tole- rably free from this substance. A black granite, much used near London for mending the roads, is almost wholly composed of black masses of mica ; in the sienite of Malvern, red felspar predominates, and in the Dublin granite, white opaque felspar, intermixed with a moderate quantity of black mica, are the chief constituents of the mass. * For a practical application of these varieties, the student is referred to Waterloo Bridge ; the ballustrades are formed out of the Aberdeen granite. XV11 These varied proportions and qualities of the compounds create a very sensible difference in the quality of the stone ; thus, in the sienitic granite of Herm the absence of micaceous particles gives place to hornblende, which is hard and crystallized in small prisms (Lukis, Trans. Inst. C.E.), thereby increas- ing the specific gravity of the stone. In the British granites, the felspar is mostly opaque ; in the Herm granite it is crystallized and partly transparent ; in the Dublin granite, the opaque felspar is the most prevalent ; and in some of the English varieties exists in large cubical masses : again, in most British granites the quartz is comparatively small in quan- tity, but in the harder and more durable varieties, both quartz and felspar are abundant, and trans- parent or crystallized. With these facts before us, it isjiot difficult to arrive at just conclusions respecting the quality of this material ; but in the event of any doubts arising in the mind of the reader, we refer him to the first volume of the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, in which will be found a paper describ- ing a series of important experiments on various kinds of granite, made under the direction of the late Mr. Bramah. Among these experiments, we find that 2 cubes of Herm granite (4x4x4) weighing 6 Ibs. 6 oz. were fractured with a mean pressure of 4.77 tons upon the superficial inch, and wefe crushed with a mean pressure of 6.64 tons per inch b superficial, while the remaining fpecimens, consisting of Aberdeen (blue), Haytor, Dartmoor, Peterhead (red), and Peterhead (blue gray), declined gradually in strength, the two cubes of the last specimens weighing 51bs. 3^ oz., and 5 Ibs. 4 oz., being frac- tured with a mean pressure of 2.86 tons upon the inch superficial, and crushed with a force of 4.36 tons upon the inch. For the locality of the prin- cipal English granites, the reader is referred to the account of the counties of Cornwall and Devon. The constituents of mica schist and gneiss are analogous to those of granite, but arranged in laminae; the former is of a slaty structure, composed of continuous sheets of mica, with grains of quartz : quartz rock and primary limestones are also inter- posed among the beds of mica schist (Phillips). Gneiss accompanies mica schist; its composition is very similar to granite, but the mica is disposed in patches, and occasionally much contorted, instead of being disseminated throughout the mass as in common granite. These rocks are not generally suitable for building materials, and being sparingly exhibited in England, do not demand the attention of the en- gineer ; we may, however, remark, that an assem- blage of grains consisting of quartz, schist, felspar, and particles of mica, &c., agglutinated with a va- riable cement, form the "psammites" of Mr. Vicat. fhose, he observes (p. 46, Treatise on Cements), are the most important which are slaty, of a yellow, XIX red, or brown colour, fine grained, unctuous to the touch, producing a clayey paste with water. These belong to the primitive schistose formations, and cannot exist except in situ, being found in " beds or veins, forming part of the schist of which they are merely a decomposition." In the composition of mortar, the schistose sands or "psammites" are feebly energetic,* namely, causing the mortar to set from the tenth to the twentieth day, and that acquires the hardness of dry soap after a year's immersion. Acid will act upon the clay of these sands, causing it to yield after maceration a portion o^iron, and from -^ to -f- of its alumina. The clay-slate and graywacke system exhibits a series of fine and coarse grained argillaceous, in- durated, fissile rocks and sand, with conglomerates and limestone bands ; the subdivisions consisting of dark flag-like slates, limestone, green slate frag- mentary rocks, and dark soft slate. The tran- sition limestone of Plymouth is associated with the graywacke series ; it is a variegated limestone, having a splintery fracture, but, like most calcareous rocks, is not proof against the action of water and marine animals (vide the Plymouth breakwater) ; graywacke, basaltic trap, &c., are not to be recom- mended for engineering works, where other mate- rials may be readily obtained. * Pure sands are inert substances. (See Vicat on Cements, by Smith.) XX Silurian rocks* (Murchison). The Ludlow rocks consist of beds of sandstone shale and lime- stone, with the following subdivisions : 1. Lami- nated sandstone (Upper Ludlow rock). 2. Lime- stone ( A.ymestry limestone). 3. Sand shale and clay, with concretions of earthy limestone (Lower Ludlow rock). The Wenlock and Dudley rocks consist of strata of limestone and shale, with the following subdivisions. 1. A mass of highly concretionary gray and blue sub-crystalline limestone (Wenlock arid Dudley rocks). 2. Argillaceous shale, liver and dark gray coloured, Barely micaceous, with nodules of earthy limestone (Wenlock and Dudley shale). Horderly and Mayhill rocks. Conglomerates, sandstones and limestones. Subdivisions. 1 . Thin bedded impure shelly, limestone ; and finely lami- nated, slightly micaceous greenish sandstone. 2. Thickly bedded, red, purple, green, and white fre- stones ; congiomoritic quartzose grits, sandy and gritty limestones. Builth and Llandeilo rocks. Beds of dark co- loured flags, mostly calcareous, with some sand- stone and schist. We now proceed to complete the enumeration of the Welsh counties, and the index to the foregoing classes of rocks and strata. * This classification is from J. and C. Walker's elaborate and beautiful "Geological and Railway Map of England," &c., recently published. Denbigh. The county of Denbigh contains, 1. Clay- slate. 2. Graywacke. 3. Silurian rocks ; and bor- ders on the carboniferous limestone. Flint. The county of Flint contains, 1. Coal. 2. Mill- stone grit. 3. New red sandstone. 4. Silurian rocks. 5. Trap. And, 6. Carboniferous limestone and lias, near the detached part of the county. The parish of Whiteford in this county, contains a stratum of valuable bituminous limestone, which furnishes a lime of great strength, and when in a state of hydrate, will rapidly harden under water. (Seep. 114). Merioneth. The county of Merioneth contains, chiefly, graywacke. Montgomery. The county of Montgomery contains, 1. Coal 2. Trap. 3. Clay -slate and graywacke. 4. Silu- rian rocks. And, 5. Old red sandstone. Cardigan. The county of Cardigan contains, 1. Coal. 2. Millstone grit. 3. Silurian rocks. And, 4. New red sandstone. XX11 Radnor. The county of Radnor contains, 1. Trap. 2. Clay-slate. 3. Silurian rocks. 4. Graywacke. And, 6. Old red sandstone. Brecknockshire. Brecknockshire contains, 1. Old red sand- stone. 2. Silurian rocks. 3. Clay-slate and gray- wacke. 4. Carboniferous limestone; and skirts the coal of Glamorganshire. Caermarthen. The county of Caermarthen contains, 1. Si- lurian rocks. 2. Clay-slate and graywacke. 3. Coal. 4. Old red sandstone. And, 5. Carbonifer- ous limestone. Pembroke. The county of Pembroke contains, 1. Clay- slate and graywacke. 2. Coal. 3. Trap. And, 4. Old red sandstone. Glamorgan. The county of Glamorgan contains, 1. Coal. 2. Millstone grit. 3. Old red sandstone. And, 4. Lias. The lias beds of this county furnish the material from which the celebrated Aberthaw lime is made. XX111 MonmoutJL The county of Monmouth contains, 1. Silurian rocks. 2. Coal. 3. Old and new red sandstone. And, 4. Carboniferous limestone. For local purposes, the geological formations of the Welsh counties may supply abundant materials for engineering operation*; but the peculiar compo- sition of most of these deposits renders them com- paratively useless in any other district, particularly when it is remembered that great facilities are now afforded to the engineer in obtaining the more valu- able and workable materials of the calcareous and carboniferous series. Cheshire. The county of Cheshire is mostly occupied by the new red sandstone formation. The sandstones of this formation are generally of a red colour, and not micaceous (Phillips). The subdivisions consist of marl, red sandstone, and conglomerates (Burr). The sandstones consist of a great diversity of colours, and, from this circumstance, the entire formation has received the name of " variegated sandstone/' " bun- ter sandstein," (Werner); and " red rock," "red ground," and " red marl," of other geologists. The new red sandstone is thus described by Mr. Aikin, in a paper on " The Wrekin and the Great Coal Field of Shropshire" (Geol. Trans., vol. i. p. 192): " This rock consists, for the most part, of rather fine grains of quartz, with a few spangles of mica, ce- XXIV mented by clay ancjpoxyde of iron. Its colour is generally brownish red, and it has but little cohe- sion, on which account, large tracts of loose deep sand are found in many parts of it. Sometimes it occurs nearly of a cream colour, and is then suffi- ciently hard to form an excellent building stone. It does not effervesce with ^cids, and, to the best of my knowledge, never contains shells or other or- ganic remains." The arenaceous deposits of the new red sand- stone system exhibit; considerable diversity of cha- racter ; thus, at Kirkby-Stephen, the deposit con- tains a brecciated rock, with limestone fragments ; at Nottingham, a pebbly conglomerate ; at Runcorn, one with few pebbles ; at Penrith Beacon, a coarse red grit ; a fine kind, suitable for building, at Meri- den-hill, near Coventry, and colour, white or green (Warwickshire).* Although the new red sandstone is not generally applicable for building, yet, in some districts, a very suitable and durable kind may be obtained. The principal quarries in Cheshire are at Runcorn, Manley, Peckforton, and adjacent places. Buildings constructed with this material may be seen on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway ; and a fine section of the rock, showing its peculiar vertical fissures, may be examined with advantage at Olive Mount, the deep rocky cutting near the entrance of the Liverpool Tunnel. Stockport church, Cheshire (Basevi, architect), is mostly built with * Philips's "Treatise on Geology," p. 184. XXV Runcorn stone ; and the bridge over the Dee, at Chester, by Harrison, is faced with a light-coloured stone from the quarries of Manley and Peckforten. The two courses of arch stones in the river abut- ments of Chester bridge are of Scotch granite (Craignair) ; the key course, with one on each side, and the quoins all through, are of Anglesea and similar limestone, from Wagbur quarries, at Burton, in Kendale. The tower of Kenton, in Devonshire, is also constructed with a durable stone belonging to the red sandstone series.* 1 The unsightly and rusty appearance oi' some of the worst varieties of this stone, may be seen in many old buildings in the ancient city of Chester, including the cathedral. The student should be informed that, in this country, the new red sandstone is always associated with the rock salt and gypseous deposits, hence the name, " saliferous." The limestones associated with the new red sandstone exhibit considerable variety ; their colours are white, gray, smoky, yellow, and red (Phillips), often containing much magnesia, hence their name, " magnesian limestones." The texture of these calcareous beds are oolitic, cellular, granular, nc-wdery, and, in Nottinghamshire, granu- lar and crystallized. Derby. Derbyshire contains, 1. Coal, consisting of al- ternations of coal, sandstones, shales, and ironstone * Conybeare. XXVI beds. 2. Millstone grit, namely, quartzose grits with shales, coal, ironstone, &c. 3. Carboniferous or mountain limestone, namely, limestone either in one mass or divided by shales, gritstones, ironstones, and coal. And, 4. Trap.* A description of the carboniferous limestone will be found in Chapter 4 of this Treatise. Mr. Party, in his " Agricultural Survey of Derbyshire," enumerates forty-six limestone quar- ries in this county, and sixty-three lime kilns, from whence great quantities are conveyed and sold in this and some of the neighbouujpg counties. The largest quarries are at Ashover, Buxton, Crich, and Calver, near Barslow. A considerable quantity is sent from Calver into Yorkshire, and from Buxton into Cheshire and Staffordshire. The marble quar- ries are nineteen in number, and are situated near Bakewell and Matlock. The number of stone quar- ries are one hundred and thirty-eight, in some of which an excellent building stone may be obtained. The best quarries for this kind of stone are situated in the parish of Wingerworth. Millstone grit is obtained from nineteen quarries ; and other finer kinds of sandstone from thirteen quarries.^ The best quarries for the latter are at Codnor Park and Woodthorpe.f The sandstones of the carboniferous series are amply described under the head " Nor- thumberland." * The magnesian limestone is adjacent to the county. t Farey's "Survey of Derbyshire." XXV11 Nottingham. The county of Nottingham contains, 1. New red sandstone. 2. Magnesian limestone ; with coal on the Derby side and lias on the Lincoln side. The prevailing deposit in this county is the new red sandstone, already described. Limestone is burnt in various parts of the county, both from the lias and magnesian deposits ; from the former, on Beacon-hill, near Newark. The quarries for the best building and paving stone are situated at Mansfield, Maplebeck, Beacon-hill, and at Linby, a few miles to the south-west of Mansfield.* The new red sandstone of this county is mostly of a loose and friable texture. Lincolnshire. The county of Lincoln contains, 1. Chalk. 2. Green sand. 3. Upper, middle, and lower oolite. 4. Lias ; with much marsh or fenny land. The materials peculiar to these formations will be found noticed under the several counties where the forma- tions are more largely developed, namely, Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Northamptonshire, &c. It may be observed, however, that the lower chalk beds have a ferruginous or red stain.t The strata immediately under the Lincolnshire * "Agricultural Survey." t A similar variety exists in the East Riding of Yorkshire. chalk is described, by Mr. Bogg,* as consisting, first, of a coarse, ferruginous, pebbly, quartzose sand. Secondly, a stratum of oolitic limestone and calca- reous clay, in nearly equal proportions. In certain parts of this bed, the clay divides the seams of stone into regular strata. The next stratum is that of a quartzose sandstone of different shades of colour. Notwithstanding these indications of strata capable of furnishing building materials, Lincolnshire does not possess any of sufficient importance to merit the attention of the engineer. The soil of the Louth marshes consists of un- stratified clay and sand, under which is the chalk ; but a considerable denudation has been effected in Lincolnshire, whereby the upper oolitic beds have been removed. In consequence of the vast extent of fenny land in this county, the foundations of many of the oldest buildings rest upon piles; pro- bably the earliest English examples of this mode of constructing foundations. Rutland. The county of Rutland contains, 1. Lower oolite. 2. Lias. This county does not supply any building materials worth the particular attention of the en- gineer ; but its situation with respect to other coun- ties, furnishing an ample supply of stone, lime, and brick, is such, that no difficulty is likely to arise * Mr. Bogg, " On the Lincolnshire Wolds." Geol. Trans., vol. iii. p. 394. from the want of materials in the immediate locality. The ferruginous sandy beds of the lower oolitic series supply calcareo-siliceous materials, which were formerly much employed in some of the adjoining counties. The materials derived from these beds are very inferior and unsightly for architectural purposes.* The sandstone series is generally sepa- rated from the great oolite by a thick clay (Cony- beare). Leicester. The county of Leicester contains, 1. Lias. 2. New red sandstone. And, 3. Sienitic granite, trap, and graywacke of Mount Sorrel. Roofing slate is quarried at Swithland, east of Charnwood forest. The principal limestone quarries are at Bredon, Cloud-hill, and Barrow-upon-Soar. Freestone, of the new red sandstone species, is found in most parts of the county, also brick earth. Sienitic granite is quarried at Mount Sorrel ; much of it is used for metalling the roads. Stafford. The county of Stafford chiefly contains new red sandstone and coal. The quarries situated in this cc^nty are very numerous. Excellent free- stone, mostly derived from arenaceous deposits, is quarried largely. There are several quarries at * The old buildings in and about Northampton, Ban bury, &c., are built with stone procured from the strata alluded to. xx Gornal, Bilston, Sedgley, Tixall, Wrottesley, Bre- wood Park, Pendeford, and the Rowley-hills. The stone from the latter place is much employed for paving ; it is called Rowley rag-stone, and is found in heaps similar to the " stone shatter," or Kentish rag. In the neighbourhood of Tamworth there are several quarries, within a mile and a half of each other, from which is raised a durable building stone, provincially termed " whinstone." The railway viaduct now building at one end of Tamworth, is being constructed with this stone. The viaduct crosses the Tame river and two roads, and rises to an elevation of twenty feet above the town, and consists of eighteen square apertures of thirty feet span each, and a skew arch of sixty feet span. The stone is a grit of fine texture, and brownish colour. The quarries for this stone are at Dost-hill and Stokes quarry, Amington. Limestone abounds in this county. Extensive lime works are situated at Caldon Low and near the Weaver-hills. Brick earth of good quality is excavated in many places. The limestone marble peculiar to this county is valuable, but not of sufficient importance (to the engineer, at least) to require further notice. Salop. Shropshire contains, 1. Coal and Trap. 2. New red sandstone. 3. Lias. 4. Silurian rocks. 5. Old red sandstone. 6. Magnesian limestone. And, 7. Carboniferous limestone. XXXI Shropshire presents abundance of materials to the notice of the engineer, but the limits of this Register will only permit the enumeration of the principal quarries. In addition to the limestone near Oswestry and Chirk, a long range of stony strata (silurian) exr tends from Colebrook Dale, by Wenlock, to Lud- low. The most extensive lime works are at Lille- shall. Limestone quarries are worked at Steiraway ; and lime and stone may be obtained in the Glee- hills, and, to a limited extent, in the south-western districts. At the eastern extremity of the Wrekin, and at some other lime works, a red lime of the hydraulic kind is made. The best lime of this county is made from the limestone of the lias beds. The principal sandstone quarries are at Grimshill and its neighbourhood, near Bridgenorth, Orton Bank, parish of Bettws (stone slate), on the south- western verge of the county ; Coondon hill (flag- ging), Swinney quarries, near Oswestry ; Bowden quarry, in the hundred of Mun'slow and Soudley (flagging), in the parish of Eaton and franchise of Wenlock. The principal hills are, 1. Lawley-hill, a kind of granite and loadstone. 2. Caer Caradoc- hill, schistus. And, 3. The Wrekin, chiefly com- posed of reddish chert and quartz. The Oswestry hills are a coarse-grained sandstone* * Lewis's Top. Die. The student is also referred to an elaborate paper " On the Wrekin and on the great Coal Fields of Shropshire," by Arthur Aikin, Esq. Geol. Trans., vol. i. p. 191. XXX11 Hereford. Herefordshire contains, 1. Old red sandstone. And, 2. Silurian rocks. The greater portion of this county is occupied by the old red sandstone formation ; this deposit, therefore, will now demand our attention. The old red sandstone consists of "beds of sandstones, conglomerates, clay, and concretionary limestone of various colours, but mostly red ;" the subdivisions consist of quartzose conglomerates and sandstones, coloured marls, concretionary limestones, and flag- stone series (Walker map). This sandstone is generally of a dirty iron-red, or dark brown, occa- sionally passing into gray ; it rests upon graywacke rock, into which it passes insensibly ; it is mica- ceous, coarse-grained, and apparently constituted of abraded quartz, felspar, and mica ; it alternates with argillaceous beds. Subordinate to it are some un- important beds of limestone. In general appear- ance it approaches to the sandstones of the millstone grit series (Conybeare, " Geology of England and Wales," p. 362). The limestone beds below the surface near Snodhill castle, were originally worked for the kind of marble they afford ; the marble (red and white) is said to have been in much estimation during part of the seventeenth century. In addition to the quarries of red sandstone* distributed through- * It is observed (Brande's Journal, vol. iii.p.381), that "the fitness of the different species of sandstone for the purpose of building, may, in a great measure, be judged of by immersing the specimens in water, XXX111 out the county, an inferior kind, called " dunstone," is also quarried. Much of the limestone of this each being previously weighed, and all of one size, the excellence of the stone will be inversely to the quantity of water absorbed." A perfect analysis is, however, for many reasons, to be preferred. The most perfect one that has fallen under the notice of the author, is accu- rately described in No. 13 of the " Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal." It is a translation from the German of Dr. Buehner, profes- sor in the University of Vienna. The following is the method, extracted from the " Journal :" " A piece of gray sandstone weighing 30f ounces, was laid in distilled water for twenty-four hours ; and on being taken out and weighed, it was found to have increased six grains, hardly two per cent., thus affording a good proof of its closeness of formation, and small power of absorption. The water in which the stone had been laid was evaporated to an ounce, and a yellowish residuum was obtained, which, on being subjected to reagents, was found to consist of sulphate of lime and sulphate of soda, mixed with organic matter. A piece of the sandstone was pulverized, and 100 grains of it treated with muriatic acid, and a partial dissolution effected by the development of carbonic acid gas. The remaining acid having been renewed by evaporation, the residuum of quartz sand was washed and cleaned with warm water, and found to weigh 57 grains. The muriatic residuum was subjected to nitrate of ammonia, whereby alumina was produced, with a portion of oxide of iron. It weighed, on careful trial, 3J grains. The solution filtered from the aluminous precipitate was treated with oxalic ammonia, to produce deposition of the lime, which was exposed to the fire, to convert the oxalate of lime into carbonic acid gas, and by which 24 grains of carbonate of lime was produced. The fluid filtered from this was acted upon by phosphate of natron, and a precipitate of phosphate of ammonia and magnesia appeared, which, by heat, was reduced to neutral phosphate of magnesia, which was calculated as 13 per cent of carbonate of magnesia. The composition of the stone was, consequently, Quartz 57 Alumina 3.5 Carbonate of lime 24 Ditto magnesia 13 Loss 2.5 100 XXXIV county being argillaceous, burns to lime of good quality. Worcester. The county of Worcester contains, 1. Lias. 2. New red sandstone. And, 3. Sienitic granite (Mal- vern hills). In Worcestershire, Bath stone and lias lime is extensively used ; but the building materials in the immediate locality consist of sandstone of the new red formation, and limestone of the lias and Silurian beds. Lime and limestone is procured at South Littleton, Witly, and Huddington. Quarries of cal- careous flagstone (lias) are worked in the vale of Evesham, in the parishes of Badsey, Three Little- tons, and Prior's Cleeve. Lias limestone is also quarried in the vicinity of Stoke Prior. The Mal- vern sienite is occasionally used for metalling the roads. The bricks manufactured in the county are firm, and of a bright red colour. Warwick. The county of Warwick contains, 1. Coal. 2. New red sandstone. 3. Lower oolite. And, 4. Lias. " From these results it was proved that the sandstone of Waakirchen was a good building material, and fully capable of resisting the effects of air and water, as its component parts were not liable to decomposition, and its texture did not admit the introduction of their mechanical force. It is evident that it is only by such trials that the true qualities of materials are to be ascertained, as mere mechanical action, or a trial of temperature, affords no criterion of the chemical constitution by which injuries of weather are caused." XXXV Freestone quarries of the new red sandstone and lias formations are to be found near Warwick, Lea- mington, Kenilworth, Coventry, &c. Limestone quarries are also situated near Bearley, Grafton Court, Stretton, Princethorpe, Upton, Harbury, Wilncote, Bidford, Newbold-on-Avon, and on the borders of Oxfordshire and Leicestershire. Blue flagstone (lias) is quarried at Bidford and Wilncote. A ferruginous sandstone is to be met with at Oldbury and Merevale. Other kinds of stone are used in this county, namely, Gornal stone (prices, 1838), Is. 4Jd. per cube foot ; Wharton stone, Is. 3d. ; blue stone, for paving, lOd. to Is. ; Bath stone, 2s. 9d. ; Painswick stone, 3s. Bricks (red), 23s. to 26s. per thousand, according to distance. Northampton. The county of Northampton contains, 1 . Lias. 2. Lower oolite. Building stone is raised at Brack- ley Kingsthorpe, near Northampton. Stone slate, or thin flagging, is dug at Collyweston, near Stam- ford. The oolite called " Ketton stone " is found near Stamford, and quarried there. The lime of this county is mostly of the lias kind, and is quar- ried on the western side. The older buildings of the county have been constructed with the rusty sandstone from the upper beds of the lower oolitic series. The bricks are of two kinds, red and light-coloured; many of the c2 XXXV111 ings at Cambridge is from the Whitby, Portland, Pafnswick, and Ketton quarries. Norfolk. The county of Norfolk contains, 1. Crag and diluvian. 2. Chalk. 3. Green sand and upper oolite. In this county the materials, with the excep- tion of brick, must be obtained from the adjoining counties, or brought coastwise from the principal stone quarries of England. The most ancient buildings in the counties of Suffolk and Norfolk, are constructed with flint or boulder walls, and limestone (oolitic) or brick quoins. Suffolk. The county of Suffolk contains, 1. Crag. 2. London and plastic clay. 3. Chalk. And, 4. Green sand. With respect to building stone and brick, the observations above will apply also to this county ; but the local deposit called " crag " requires a passing notice. The extent of this marine deposit is not yet ascertained (Conybeare). The districts with which we are best acquainted are the eastern parts of Nor- folk and Suffolk, extending to Walton Naze, in Essex. This deposit consists of an heterogenous XXXIX mass of matter, namely, sand, gravel, blue and brown marl, and broken shells. In some places it assumes the character of a soft, stratified rock, com- posed almost entirely of corals, sponges, and echini ; in other parts it consists in alternations of sand and shingle, destitute of organic remains, and more than two hundred feet in thickness, as in the Suffolk cliffs, between Dunwich and Yarmouth (Lyell). The more consolidated portions are occasionally employed for ordinary building purposes, and quar- ries of it are worked at Southwold, and on the southern bank of the river Orwell, in Suffolk (Conybeare). The bricks manufactured in Suffolk are from a light clayey loam ; they burn to a very light colour, and are much used for facings. Essex. The county of Essex contains, 1. London clay. And, 2. Plastic clay. The materials supplied by this county chiefly consist of bricks of good quality, and septaria, or English cement stone, procured from the Harwich cliffs. The peculiar nature of the London and plastic clays, and the composition of septaria will be found duly noticed in the 1st and 5th chapters of the " Treatise." Much of the lime used in this county is pro- cured from Purfleet and Grays ; it is, also, occasion- ally brought from Dorking, Greenhithe, &c., on the other side of the river Thames. The London clay constitutes a very large part of the soil of Suffolk, nearly the whole of Essex, including Hainhault and Epping forests, quite to the sea, the whole of Mid- dlesex, and portions of Berkshire, Surrey, and Kent (Phillips). The London clay is often found imme- diately under the alluvial soil, but is more frequently covered with a diluvial coating of gravel, of consi- derable thickness. Hertford. Hertfordshire contains, I. Plastic clay. And, 2. Chalk. The soils of Hertfordshire are chiefly gravel, clay, and chalk. The gravel tract lies in the south eastern part of the county, and contains 17,280 acres. The chalk district, extending along the whole border of the northern part of the county, contains 46,720 acres. The clay districts are situated, one on the southern, and the other (the largest) on the eastern side of the county. The materials of this county are bricks of good quality and chalk lime. Bedford. Bedfordshire contains, the Upper, middle, and lower oolitic series, bounded by green sand. xli With the exception of some very inferior sand- stone belonging to the upper beds of the oolitic series, the strata of Bedfordshire does not supply stone fit for the purposes of masonry. Its contiguity to the counties of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Northamptonshire will, however, enable the architect or engineer to draw his supplies with facility, should the materials peculiar to these coun- ties be considered suitable for the intended works. Lime and bricks may be procured on the borders of Hertfordshire. Buckingham, Buckinghamshire contains, 1. Plastic clay. 2. Chalk. 3. Green sand. 4. Upper, middle, and lower ooolite. The first important development of the oolitic series of rocks is to be found in this county, and from which the whole of the series may be successively traced, namely, through Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somersetshire, Glou- cestershire, &c. The Aylesbury or Portland limestone first makes its appearance in that part of Buckingham- shire which lies west of the Grand Junction Canal. It forms the central and lower regions of a chain of hills capped by the Iron sand : at Brill Hill, the Portland beds rise nearly to the summit, having at xlii that spot only a slight covering of iron sand (Cony- beare). The Aylesbury limestone quarries contain a series of beds of unequal quality, namely, a fine- grained white oolite, a loose granular limestone, of earthy aspect, and of various shades of yellowish gray ; and, more rarely, a compact cretaceous lime- stone, having a conchoidal fracture (Conybeare). The more oolitic variety of the upper series (Port- land) and the argillaceous variety above the Portland (Purbeck) is described in the account of the Port- land and Purbeck quarries. In addition to the limestone quarries already mentioned, marble was formerly quarried in this county, but. it was found incapable of retaining a good polish, or withstanding the effects of the atmosphere ; its use has, therefore, been discontinued. (Lewis, Top. Die.) Oxford. Oxfordshire contains, 1. Green sand. 2. Chalk. 3. Upper, middle, and lower oolite, and is adjacent to the lias formation. The oolitic system is more extensively deve- loped in this than in the former county, but the materials drawn from the middle or coral rag divi- sion of the oolitic series (the one under notice), are of a very inferior description, being highly objec- tionable for the finer purposes of masonry, and the xliii different beds (near Oxford and in Wiltshire) are exhibited in the following progression, commencing from the top. 1. A calcareous freestone of tolerably close texture, more or less oolitic, but full of commi- nuted shells, and passing into beds of a large oviform grain, forming the "pisolite" of Mr. Smith. The colour of these beds is of a yellowish white, becoming palest in the most oolitic, and passing occasionally into shades of light gray. This bed affords a tole- rable material for building, but is objectionable on account of its being traversed by lines of division oblique to the plane of stratification (Conybeare). Much of this stone has been used in the colle- giate and ecclesiastical buildings of Oxford, where the peculiar defect of its stratification may be ob- served in the scaling or peeling off of the outer surface, after exposure to the weather : this stone contains a considerable quantity of sand. The coral rag immediately follows the bed of stone already described, and consists of a loose rubbly limestone, made up of several species of aggregated and branching madrepores; it is used for lime and mending the roads (Conybeare). The beds of coral rag form an elevated platform, rising on the south-west of Otmoor, and supports the still higher ridge (Portland beds and iron sand) which constitutes the summit of Shotover Hill. The quarries are situated on this platform, and are very numerous ; the principal quarries are those of Head- ing-ton, two miles east of Oxford (Conybeare). xliv The several clays * which divide the oolitic series, require no further observation, than that they afford to the engineer or builder an opportunity of procuring a supply of bricks throughout a very extensive district in which limestone is abundant. Gloucester. Gloucestershire contains, 1. Lower oolite. 2. Lias. 3. New red sandstone. 4. Mountain lime- stone. 5. Old red sandstone. And, 6. Coal. The upper beds of the lower oolitic series furnish a considerable quantity of lime and lime- stone, which is much used in the Cotswold district. The principal upper beds of this series (in Glou- cestershire) are the corn-brash or corn-grit, forest marble, Stonesfield slate, &c. The Corn-brash is a loose rubbly limestone, of a gray or bluish colour, especially near the superincumbent clay, but on the exterior brown and earthy ; it rises in flattish masses, rarely more than six inches thick. It is not fit for any purpose, excepting for lime and the repair of the highways ; but at Malmesbury, where it is thick and solid, it is much quarried for building. It may readily be discovered by the red soil which constantly attends itf (Conybeare). * The Oxford or clunch clay is a dark blue adhesive clay, containing septaria : it underlies the limestone already described, separating the infe- rior or lower oolite from the former. f We may here observe, that beds of forest marble are worked near Woodford (Bucks), and at Marsh Gibbon, Ambrosden, Merton, and xlv The greatest thickness of the lower oolitic beds,* is exhibited in the continuous chain of hills, known as the Cotswold hills. Many quarries are worked on these hills, and others are situated near Bad- mington Park. In Gloucestershire, the great oolite always crowns the brow of the escarpment of the hills. The loftiest point of these hills is Cleeve hill, near Cheltenham (Conybeare). The limestone of the Forest of Dean, Lang- hope, and adjacent places is quarried for building, but the lime is inferior to that made from the vast limestone beds of the southern extremity of the county. (See Chapter iv. of the " Treatise.") Freestone is raised from the Cotswold quarries, and paving stone is raised at Frampton, Cotterell, Winterbourne, Iron Acton, Mangotsfield, Stapleton, and in the Forest of Dean; the latter place sup- plies millstone, and other grits of excellent quality. Stone slate may be procured on the Cotswold s. Wiltshire. Wiltshire contains, 1. A small portion of plas- Bletchingdon (Oxon). From the latter quarries, the stone for the pillars in the inner quadrangle of St. John's college, Oxford, were procured (Cony- beare). The calcareous slate quarries of Stonesfield, near Woodstock, are situated in the valley immediately on the south of Stonesfield village. The forest marble is composed of little else but a mass of shells (Ibid.) * The limestone of the Cotswold district, is arranged in beds, from two to ten inches in thickness. In this district, the fields are not divided by hedge rows, but by walls built with the stone brush, without mortar. xlvi tic day. 2. Chalk. 3. Green sand. And, 4. The oolitic series. The limestone beds of the upper division of the oolitic series (Purbeck, Portland, and Kimmeridge beds) are extensively quarried in Wiltshire. The principal quarries are at Fonthill, Tisbury, Chicks- grove, and Chilmark. Berkshire. Berkshire contains, 1. Plastic clay. 2. Chalk. 3. Green sand. 4. Upper and middle oolite. The building materials of this county are chiefly bricks and chalk lime. The brick earth belongs to the plastic clay formation, and is exca- vated in considerable quantities at the Catsgrove fields, near Reading, and other large quarries of brick earth on Saint David's hill, west of Read- ing, where this formation is about forty feet in thickness. (Buckland's Geology Trans, vol. iv.) The red clay of Reading, on the north of the Hog's-back, and at East Horsley, is perfectly iden- tical with that of Meudon in France ; nor has this colour been found equally intense in any other clay. The bricks made of this clay are of a bright Roman ochre colour. (Conybeare, Geology of England and Wales, Notes.) The quarries of chalk in the neighbourhood of Reading are extracted largely from under the sands xlvii and clays, by means of shafts and levels, to be burnt into lime (Buckland). Siliceous grit stones (called sarsden stones and the gray weathers) are distributed in a loose state over the Berkshire and Wiltshire downs, and ap- parently, do not belong to the contiguous strata. Middlesex. The county of Middlesex contains, London and plastic clay. A particular account of the London clay will be found in the first Chapter of this Treatise, accom- panied by some sections of the strata. The first fifteen or twenty feet of the clay stratum is of a chesnut colour, but at a greater depth, changes to light blue ; and finally, passes into a dull black. The upper stratum is generally used for bricks, and the lower ones for tiles ; either will answer the pur- pose for brick making, but the blue clay will burn to brick of a deep red colour. This may, however, be prevented by the admixture of a certain propor- tion of chalk with the clay (in a pug mill), which will then burn to a bright straw or ochre colour. The number of brick fields in Middlesex is consider- able. Immense quantities have been made at Hack- ney, Kingsland, City-road, Hounslow, Brentford, and Cowley, near Uxbridge. The bricks from the latter field are much valued, on account of their bright yellow colour, and general good quality. xlviii Surrey. The geological formations which are devfeloped in this county , consist of the chalk, green sand, and Wealden. The chalk division comprises, 1. The upper chalk. 2. The lower chalk. And, 3. The chalk marie. The green sand division contains, 1 . The upper green sand, containing sand intermixed with green par- ticles (chlorite), indurated marie, and calcareous sandstone. 2. The gault, consisting of a series of clay beds passing into calcareous marie. 3. The lower green sand, containing beds or strata of gray, yellow, and greenish sands, ferruginous sands, sandstones, clays, &c., and siliceous limestones. The Wealden contains, 1. Weald clay. 2. A series of sand, sand- stones, clays, and calcareous grits passing into limestone. The material furnished by this county, for architectural or engineering purposes, is now chiefly confined to the supply of lime for the use of the me- tropolis, and adjacent places; the best kind is that manufactured from the indurated chalk marie. The kilns are situated at Dorking, Croydon, Hallam, Riddlesdown, Merstham, Guildford, Reigate, Sutton, Carshalton, &c. ; and the principal quarries are those of Croydon, Dorking, Sutton, Epsom, Leatherhead, Bookham, Effingham, Horsley, Clau- don, Stoke, Guildford, and Puttenham, on the north- zlix fern side of the Downs; and those at Godstone, Catterham, Reigate, Merstham, Buckland, and Betchworth, on the southem side, The upper green sand division supplies a sand- stone which was formerly employed in important buildings, and we are informed that a patent of Edward III. exists, authorizing the working of the quarries at Gatton and contiguous places, for the supply of stone for Windsor Castle. Henry the Seventh's chapel at Westminster, and the church at Reigate, &c., also furnish examples of its employ- ment as a building stone. The older quarries are now abandoned, and the stone has been for some years past procured at Merstham. According to an examination made by Mr. Webster,* its constituents appear to be siliceous sand and mica, cemented by an earthy carbonate of lime, with a very small quantity of dark green par- ticles. Mr. Webster observes, that " this latter substance is not so abundant as is generally the case in the green sand formation, a glass being necessary to observe it, but it is never totally wanting." The stone from these quarries is very unfit for the purposes of masonry, in consequence of the car- bonate of lime contained in it being impregnated with earthy matter. If used without the precaution of drying, it soon falls to sand; but it may be employed with advantage as a fire stone, or in such situations as may secure it from the attacks of the weather. * See Geological Transactions, vol. v. part 2. p. 355. d 1 The calcareo-siliceous grits of the green sand formation vary considerably in their state of indura- tion : stone has recently been procured from Leith Hill, about six miles from Dorking, of a much better quality than the Merstham stone. The villa of Mr. Spottiswoode, and some other buildings lately erected near this place, may be referred to as practical examples of its application. The bricks manufac- tured in the county of Surrey are mostly of a red colour, but are much inferior in quality to the gray stock of Middlesex, Kent, and other districts covered by the London clay. Fire bricks and tiles of good quality are ma- nufactured at Ewell, the materials being derived from the beds belonging to the plastic clay formation, and, occasionally, blocks of an indurated sandstone are obtained from the deposit, called Bagshot sand (upper marine formation), sufficiently firm for the purposes of masonry. These two latter deposits are, however, but feebly represented in the county of Surrey. Kent. The maritime county of Kent contains portions of the following formations : 1. London clay. 2. Plastic clay. 3. Chalk. 4. Green sand. And, 5. Upper oolite. Building materials of the following kinds may be obtained with facility from various parts of the li county: 1. From the London clay, Septaria, or English cement stone, from the Isle of Shcppy j 2. From the chalk, thalk marie ; Lime-kilns and chalk-quarries are situated at Greenhithe, Northfleet, Gravesend, Rochester, Chatham, Chevening, Dover, and at other places on the coast; 3. From the green sand, Kentish rag : the western part of the county of Kent is the principal depository for the Kentish rag-stone. The rock forms the sub-stratum of a soil, called hassock, or stone shatter, which is a mixture of sandy loam and fragments of the rock ; blocks of stone, of considerable dimensions, are fre- quently obtained within a few inches of the surface. This stone belongs to the lower green sand formation ; it is a calcareo-siliceous grit, possessing a consider- able degree of induration, and is much used in various parts of the county ; it is a substantial building stone. The beds between the chalk and oolites also contain sandstones of various kinds : at Penshurst, a tender ferruginous sandstone (from the iron sand formation) is quarried for building ; and in the neighbourhood of Tunbridge, a hard quartzose ferruginous stone is extensively employed; the latter is esteemed as a good weather stone ; 4. From the upper oolite. The argillo-calcareous beds of the oolitic formation, in the county of Kent, are occasionally worked fi the lime- stones they afford, but the stone is not sufficiently durable for masonry. The limestones of this series are subsequently noticed by the names of Petworth and Purbeck marble. The plastic clay formation d2 "lii supplies brick earth and sands of excellent quality, immense quantities of stock and other bricks have been supplied to the London builders from the fields at Erith, Lewisham, Bromley, &c. Sussex. The maritime county of Sussex contains, 1. Chalk. 2. Green sand. And, 3. The upper division of the oolitic series. The materials supplied by the chalk and green sand formations, are similar to those found in the counties of Surrey and Kent. Lime from the chalk marie may be procured at Lewes, Brighton, Shoreham, Worthing, East Grinstead, Rye, &c., and at many other places in the chalk district. The weald of Sussex contains limestone, limestone marble, sandstone, and ironstone. The ironsand deposit (one of the beds between the chalk and oolites) is laid open at Horsham, Hastings, &c., and produces a very durable sandstone. The groin work at Battle Abbey is of freestone belonging to this series ; it is also used for copings, and in the neighbourhood of Horsham this formation yields flagstones for paving.* The tender limestone called P|[worth marble, is procured from the weald clay in the neighbourhood of Petworth ; its texture is earthy and friable ; the stone is therefore unfit for exposure. The quarries (with the exception of those * Conybeare, Geol. of England and Wales. Notes, p. 137. near Kirdford and North Chapel, in Surrey) are now abandoned. Hampshire.* The county of Hampshire contains, 1. London clay. 2. Plastic clay. 3. Chalk. And, 4. Green sand. The chalk hills cross the county from east to west. The chalk is quarried extensively throughout this district, and near the coast ; two kinds of lime are produced, one from the white and the other from the gray chalk ; the lime from the latter is equal to the Dorking lime, and is much used. The plastic clay and green sand formations of this county and the Isle of Wight produce sandstones and conglomerates available for building. The following varieties are ordinarily used as building materials. 1. Between Milton and Christ- church a ferruginous sandstone. 2. A porous grit or quarry stone, obtained from the northern foot of the Downs, and found in detached masses. 3. A liver-coloured, ferruginous sandstone from the southern part of the island. 4. A calcareous grit from the marl pits eastward of Staples heath. 5. A close gray limestone procured from the northward of Arereton downs. 6. A marly variety of freestone. And, 7. Conglomerates, used for paving and flooring ; these are procured in large quantities from near Sandown * The Isle of Wight contains the following formation. 1. Fresh water beds. 2. Plastic day. 3. Wealden. 4. Green sand. And, 5. The Chalk. liv fort. Brick earth and potter's clay of excellent quality abound in various parts of the county, and the bricks from Southampton are a substantial and elegant material for building. Dorsetshire. The county of Dorset contains, 1. Plastic clay. 2. Chalk. 3. Green sand. 4. The Oolitic series. 5. Lias. A considerable portion of the county of Dorset is occupied by the chalk formation and its accom- panying beds, above and below. The information already given, concerning the beds of this formation, and the materials which they supply, will be found sufficiently indicative of the resources of such part of this county as is occupied by these formations. To the engineer or builder, the most important part of the county of Porset is that occupied by the Isles of Portland and Purbeck, the grand depositories of the finer architectural materials of this county. The island of Portland consists of black shiver, covered with limestone (Middleton). The north end of it is about 400 feet above the sea, and that of the south is supposed not to exceed 100 feet in height. The quarries are on the eastern and western sides of the island, and the cap of stone averages 100 feet in thickness. The stone is in layers, varying in thickness, with partings of clay, shiver, flint, &,c. The best quarries are at Kingston, Worth, Langston, and Swanwich ; other quarries are situated at Wareham, Morden, and near Dunshay. The quarries are also known by various names, such as Waycroft quarry, Goslings quarry, Winspit quarry, Maggott quarry, &c., and lias is extensively quarried at Lyme llegis. The quality of the Portland and Purbeck stone, lias, &c., will be found described in the 5th chapter. Somerset. The county of Somerset contains, 1 . Green sand. 2. Loiver oolite. 3. Lias. 4. New red sandstone. 5. Coal. 6. Mountain limestone. 7. Clay-slate, gray- wacke, and some small patches of chalk. The lower division of the oolitic series is well developed in this county, and extensively worked for the supply of the well-known Bath stone. The quarries around Bath are very numerous ; the most important are Box, Coombe down, and Farley down, near Bath ; and at Doulting, near Shepton Mallet, are some celebrated quarries of valuable freestone. The lias, which forms the base of the oolitic series, is extensively quarried in this county ; a considerable quantity is procured from the quarries near Bath, and at Watchet, St. Decuman's, Glastonbury, Somerton, Shepton Mallet, &c. Mr. Horner, in describing the Somersetshire lias,* observes, that " all the strata of this limestone, * Geology of the south-western pail of Somersetshire, by Mr. Ilorner, Geol. Trans., v.pl. iii. Ivi though externally very similar, are not of the same mineralogical composition, for they have very distinct properties. Some of them yield a lime which pos- sesses, in a most eminent degree, the property of setting under water : these are generally the thinnest strata, are of a light blue colour, and compact earthy texture; on each surface of the stratum, and at the joints, the colour is changed to a light brownish yel- low or cream colour, which is of different thicknesses ; in some places extending so far into the interior of the stratum, that the blue colour is nearly obliterated. The other variety of the limestone is of a much darker colour, but is most particularly distinguished by the strong foetid smell it gives out wiien struck by the hammer, and when it is burning in the kilns. It is always in thicker strata than the other variety, and abounds in organic remains ; it is also very much penetrated by pyrites in many places. These foetid strata have much less the property of setting under water, and are best adapted for agricultural purposes, for which the other are very unfit." The first mentioned variety of limestone is by the quarry-men called blue lias or building lime, and the latter, black lias or ground lime ; the strata are generally less adapted for building lime the lower they go. The limestone on the eastern side of the Quantock hills is chiefly of the crystalline kind, but of variable quality, and accompanied by the red sandstone and graywacke of the county. The prin- cipal Quantock quarries in the south-western part t>f Ivii Somersetshire, may be enumerated as follows : Binfords, Westcot, Treborough,* Leigh, Doddington, Triern farm, Ely green, Cannington park, &c. (Homer). A very fine grained granite, provincially called " pottle stone" was formerly quarried at the foot of a hill a few miles north-east of Taunton.f The quality of the various kinds of Bath stone is fully described in the 5th chapter of the Treatise. Devonshire. The county of Devon contains, 1. Green sand. 2. New red sandstone. 3. Millstone grit. 4. Granite, trap, &c. 5. Clay-slate. And, at Chudleigh, a por- tion tfclay. The granite quarries are situated on the ele- vated tract called Dartmoor, in the south-western part of the county, and are surrounded by a district of argillaceous slate. The transition slate occupies the northern part of the county, including Exmoor. The red sandstone occupies the lesser tracts of the county, and skirts the base of the last-mentioned dis- trict, extending north-eastward into Somersetshire, and westward as far as Hatherleigh. The green At Treborough, a very excellent roofing slate is to be procured. Horner, Geol. Trans. \ There are .extensive limestone quarries iu the neighbourhood of Bristol. Iviii sand constitutes the largest portion of the hills in the south-eastern part of the county (Lewis). The extensive quarry of Heavitree (red sand- stone formation) is situated about a mile and a half from Exeter, on the road to Honiton. The stone is a stratified conglomerate, compact and tenacious, but passes into a tender and friable sandstone. Dr. Ber- ger * (to whom we are indebted for this information) states, that owing to the presence of a considerable quantity of calcareous particles in the stone, it might be very easily mistaken for limestone ; it also con- tains particles of other rocks. Poucham quarry is about two miles N. N. w. of Exeter. The rock is an amygdaloid, the nodules of which are chiefly calcareous, and much stained with the oxide of iron. There are three or four quarries at Thorverton, seven or eight miles north of Exeter, in the same amygdaloid al rocks ; but the composition of the rock varies considerably in different places. The limestone of the cliffs from Stonehouse Pool to Catwater and Mount Batten is formed of a compact limestone, which breaks into large flakes with a semi-conchoidal fracture. It is of a yellowish white colour, and, when quarried, is blasted with gunpowder. On the side of Catwater this limestone is of a bluish colour, and crystalline grain, but inter- sected by veins of calcareous spar, in many places. * Dr. Berger " On the Physical Structure of Devonshire and Corn- wall." Geol. Tians. vol. i. p. 101. Hx The transition limestone of Plymouth has al- ready been sufficiently described ; there is, however, a quarry of it on the left bank of the Plym, belong- ing to Lord Borringdon. The stone is of a blackish brown colour, containing rhomboidal plates of calca- reous spar. It is remarkable, that in the same stratum, it suddenly assumes all the characters of a shining slate, and, in this state, effervesces less briskly with acids. Cornwall. The county of Cornwall contains, 1. Millstone grit. 2. Granite. 3. Trap rocks. 4. Clay and graywacke slate. The greater part of the county of Cornwall is occupied by the Killas, a coarse argillaceous schist, which is found in every part of Cornwall with the exception of the spaces occupied by the granite. The granitic districts are four in number. The first is nearly bounded by the church towns of Northill, St. Neot's, Blislind, St. Breward, and St. Clether ; the second, by Llanlivery, Roach, St. Den- nis, St. Stephen's, St. Austell, and St. Blazey ; the third, by those of Constantine, Crowan, Redruth, and Stithians ; the fourth occupies the western extremity of the county, from St. Paul and Tennor, to the Land's End. There are also four small spots of granite ; the first between Calstock and Callington, the second east of Redruth, a third west of Breage and St. Michael's Mount. Ix There are some thin beds of crystalline lime- stone near Padstow, in the parishes of Carantoe and Lower St. Columb, also between Liskeard and the Tamar. Beds of china and other clay are found in various parts of the county (Lewis). It would appear that the granitic rock of Cal- stock possesses a certain degree of stratification, for in working the stone, the quarry men split it with a great number of wedges. The pool holes are first sunk with the point of a pick, about four inches apart, according to the size and supposed strength of the stone. Mr. Smeaton states, in his " Narrative," that he has frequently seen, in this county, " posts of granite twelve feet long, and not above eight inches square, used instead of wood, for the mere purpose of supporting a hovel" "But it is to be constantly observed," he continues, "that the strength of the stone on each side of the bisection is so managed, as to be nearly equal, otherwise the split will con- stantly encroach on the weaker side." Isle of Man. The Isle of Man contains, 1. Mountain lime- stone. 2. Clay slate. And, 3. New red sandstone. In this island there are several quarries of valuable freestone. The dark gray or black marble so much employed in the time of Wren, was pro- cured from this island. The external steps of St. Ixt Paul's cathedral were, it is stated, procured from these quarries. The intermediate strata of the formations which we have enumerated are of almost infinite variety, but, when considered as substrata for building upon, may be arranged in the following order Bog earth, Clay, Gravel, and Sand. We shall have occasion in the course of the following Treatise, to point out in detail, the precautions necessary to be adopted, when building upon soils so varied in character ; in this place, however, few general remarks appear necessary. The most recent and successful in- stance of forming a foundation on moss or bog, is exhibited on the Liverpool and Manchester railway. Chat Moss is a vast morass, situated on the north side of the turnpike road, leading from Manchester to Liverpool, containing about 6,000 statute acres, the entire extent covering about twelve miles. The composition of this bog is identical with the red bog of Ireland, and the white flow moss of Scotland. The vegetable mass retains the water similar to a sponge. Every fibre contains a portion of water, and the tenacity with which it continues to hold it, gives to the whole a semi-fluid quality, not always free from danger to the neighbouring land. The depth of this bog is, in some parts, forty feet, resting, of course, on what was the original sur- face; the general drainage was therefore accom- plished with little difficulty. The Liverpool and Manchester railway crosses Chat moss, in a line of Ixii nearly five miles in length. In forming the em- bankment at the eastern boundary (twenty feet in height), an immense mass of earth was thrown in and disappeared, before anything like a palpable foundation for the road could be obtained. In forming the embankments on the moss, 677,000 cubic yards of bog earth were dug up, and the water being ejected, so as to render it solid and fit for the purpose, its quantity was reduced to about 277,000 cubic yards. The embankment across Parr's Moss, three quarters of a mile in length, was composed of 144,000 * cubic feet of clay and stone, procured from the Sutton inclined plane.f In building upon a substratum of London clay, it is highly necessary that the excavations should be continued below what may with propriety be called the weather line. The London and other similar clays, are remarkable for the natural fissures which they contain, many of which are either wholly or parti- ally filled with calcareous spar or sulphate of barytes, but in exposed situations, and in the summer season, many additional cracks become visible, and extend to a considerable depth. On an atmospherical change taking place, the fissures close, and the clay swells ; the enormous pressure thus exerted by the water contained on or below the substratum, will effectually disturb the equilibrium of buildings of moderate weight. Great attention is also required * Qy. yards ? t See " Wheeler's History of Manchester," 1836. Ixiii in passing from one stratum to another. In all cases of soft soils, the upper stratum should be either wholly cut through, or a sufficient depth of the natural soil should be left under the foundations, equal to bear the superincumbent pressure. Great danger is, therefore, to be apprehended in breaking the upper crust of a new stratum ; if a new stratum is to be passed into, the excavation should be carried down to the more consolidated part. The blue and brown argillaceous deposit so exten- sively distributed over the eastern counties, contains nodules of chalk, and masses of various other rocks and fossils from nearly every secondary formation in England. Doctor Mitchell, in a paper lately read at a meeting of the Geological Society (November 5th, 1838), gives the following localities, near which the peculiar features of this deposit may be traced ; Norfolk : Cromer, Norwich, Harleston, and Diss. Suffolk : Lowestoff, Southwold, and Woodbriclge. Essex : Maldon, Kelvedon, Braintree, Castle Hed- dington, Navestock, and Upminster. Cambridge- shire : Ely, Caxton, and Arrington. Huntingdon- shire : The district behind Huntingdon and Peter- borough, Huntingdon and Caxton. Bedfordshire : Castle hill near Bedford. Buckinghamshire : The line of the London and Birmingham Railway, near Fenny Stratford, and the Linslade tunnel, near Leighton Buzzard. Middlesex : Finchley and Mus- well hill. The principal localities for the accumu- lation of rocks from distant formations, are the Stag Ixiv Inn, near Diss; Holy well, near Norwich ; Ballingdon Hill, near Sudbury; Newnham, near Baldock, and Muswell Hill, Middlesex ; at each of which points are found nearly all the following rocks : hard and soft chalk, with tabular and other flints, oolite, cornbrash, lias, mountain limestone, trap porphyry, sienite, and granite,* Should the substratum consist of a gravelly deposit, its nature and extent should if possible be ascertained previous to the commencement of the works, for strata of this description offer more remarkable phenomena to the notice of the engineer than any other. It should be remarked, that although sands and gravel " faithfully represent those rocks from which they are derived," yet vast accumulations of gravel are deposited in many parts of the country, derived from rocks whose localities are far removed from those deposits. The post-diluvian aggregations, notwithstanding their great thickness in some places, are generally loose and shingly in their nature, and, if adopted as a substratum for important works, re- quire considerable artificial consolidation. In the vicinity of London, the gravel chiefly consists of rolled flint pebbles, probably derived from the chalk formation ; but to the westward of the metropolis, the gravel under the alluvium is intermixed with a considerable quantity of quartzose pebbles. It appears that the nearest quartzose rocks in situ, * Athenaeum, No. 576, p. 811. Ixiii are those which constitute the Lickey range, near Bromsgrove, in Worcestershire ; the vast ruin of whose rocks has been traced* from their source through Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, and the valley of the Thames downwards, towards London. The gravel pits of Hyde Park and Kensington contain a considerable quantity of quartzose debris, much of which is either in a state of comminution or decomposition. Deposits of this nature are easily identified by their loose structure and heterogeneous composition, while the real diluvium is mostly held together With a calcareous or ferruginous cement, in considerable stratified beds. The gravel of Lichfield is an example of a de- composing stratum, well worth the attention of the student or engineer. *f Foundations upon sandy beds have been formed with considerable success. The erection of the light- house upon Spurn Point, by the late Mr. Smeaton, is a useful example to the student, and shows that a firm sand will resist the insertion of piles after the depth of nine feet. J The bridge over the estuary of the Lary, at Plymouth, is another successful example of building upon a sandy bottom. An excellent memoir on this subject will be found in the first volume of the " Trans. Inst. C. E." * See Dr. Buckland on this subject, vol. 5, part ii., Geol. Trans, f See Aiken on the Lichfield Gravel, Geol. Trans, vol. 4. See Smeaton's Narrative." Ixiv Piling an alluvial sands, in low situations, or on the banks of rivers, is highly objectionable, inasmuch as the absorption of water from above, or the upward filtration from a subjacent retentive stratum, com- bined with the influence of the tides, will most cer- tainly subject the buried timber to those changes of temperature, and alternate dryness and moisture, which are so destructive to even the most compact and solid materials. The following materials have been carefully examined and experimented upon. The results will be given in the course of the Treatise : Strata above the Chalk. From the London clay and sands above: Highgate and Bagshot sands, and septaria from Primrose-hill. Sands from the plastic clay forma- tion. From the chalk : Merstham and Dorking chalk marie ; lime made from ditto. From the Green sand: Sandstone from the Merstham and Leith-hill quarries, Surrey ; Kentish rag from the Weald. Ixv From the Weald clay : Specimen from Pet- worth, and specimen of Purbeck from the foundation of Old London Bridge. From the Iron sand: Sandstone from Pens- hurst, Kent, and Sandy, Bedfordshire. Oolitic series, upper division : Limestone from Aylesbury, Purbeck, and Portland. Middle division: Red sandstone from Wey- mouth; Limestone from Chippenham (Wilts,) and Lincoln. Lower division: Limestones from Ketton, (Northamptonshire), Coombe Down, Lansdown, Farley Down, and Box quarries, Bath (Somerset), Stamford (Huntingdonshire), and Newport Pagnel (Bucks) ; Sandstones from Northampton, Fenny Compton, Blisworth, and Daventry. Lias : From Bath (Somerset), and from near Stoke Prior (Worcestershire). New red sandstone : From the Liverpool tun- nel, and Oldbury (Warwickshire), Tamworth (Staf- fordshire), andRuncorn (Cheshire). Magnesian limestones : From Brodsworth, Ripon, Doncaster, Quarry Moor (Yorkshire), Dur- ham, and Nottingham. Transition limestone : Plymouth. From the carboniferous series : Limestones from Chesterfield and Matlock (Derbyshire), Roach Abbey, Richmond (Yorkshire), Dost-hill quarries (Staffordshire) ; Sandstones Warsall stone, Rainton Ixvi quarry, Pateley stone, Moor stone, Bramley Fall, Mexborough stone, Holton stone, Kirby stone, Leeds flagging, Idle flagging, and Sheffield stone (York- shire), Heddon quarry (Northumberland), and Stokes quarry, Amington (Staffordshire). Granites, Sienite : From Great Malvern, Dublin, Hayter (Devonshire), Constantine (Corn- wall), Aberdeen (Scotland), and Sandstone from the Cragleith quarries (Scotland). CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. REMARKS ON THE GENE- RAL ORDER AND SUCCESSION OF STRATA. ON THE EXAMINATION OF STRATA AND DESCRIPTION OF BORING APPARATUS EMPLOYED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NATURE OF STRATA ABOVE THE LONDON CLAY. SECTION'S OF STRATA IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF LONDON, &c. THE great importance attached to the study of the Science of Architectural Construction, and the vigour with which analytical investigations on this subject have of late years been followed up, has given to the opinions of the British Architect a weight and respectability of character, that yields to none of his professional brethren of continental note. The impetus given to that branch of architectural science called Civil Engineering, by the vast and numerous projects for the purpose of railroad con- veyance, has called into operation a further develop- ment of those energies which had previously been so successfully employed in the art of Bridge Build- ing, and which called forth the following elegant encomium upon native talent and individual enter- prise, from a celebrated French engineer who (al- luding to Waterloo Bridge) in a memoir addressed B to the French Institute, thus apostrophizes his subject : " If, from the incalculable effect of the revolu- tions which empires undergo, the nations of a future age should demand one day what was formerly the new Sidon, and what has become of the Tyre of the West, which covered with her vessels every sea? the most of the edifices devoured by a destructive climate will no longer exist to answer the curiosity of man by the voice of monuments; but the Water- loo Bridge, built in the centre of the commercial world, will exist to tell the most remote generations : here was a rich, industrious, and powerful city ! The traveller, on beholding this superb monument, will suppose that some great prince wished, by many years of labour, to consecrate for ever the glory of his life by this imposing structure. But if tra- dition instruct the traveller that six years sufficed for the undertaking and finishing of this work if he learns that an association of a number of private individuals was rich enough to defray the expense of this colossal monument, worthy of Sesostris and the Ca3sars, he will admire still more the nation in which similar undertakings could be the fruit of the efforts of a few obscure individuals lost in the crowd of industrious citizens." It is not, however, the skill or ability displayed by the architect in the structure alone, that enables us to judge of his merits as a practical builder, or that evinces his judgment as an engineer. The attributes of foresight and prudence, so eminently calculated to command success in every relation of life, is, in the case of the architect, a matter of con- stant and particular application, and upon the due observance of which depends his fame and character as an artist, and his success as a skilful practi- tioner. To the many, the scientific labours of the architect are but little known and less understood. Buried beneath the bed of rapid rivers, surrounded by the waves of the ocean, or deeply seated upon the firm consolidated stratum of its parent bed, the foundations of his works the practical application of the study of years lay concealed from the view of the thousands that admire or impugn the taste of him whose labours are supposed to end with the pro- duction of a tasty facade from the drawing board. The important points involved in the considera- tion of the present subject has induced the Author to devote this Chapter to some general observations concerning the nature of stratification, and, above all, to point out to the inquiring student the neces- sity of his considering the study of the science of Geology, as embracing a most valuable and signifi- cant acquisition to his stock of scientific information. " Geology (says the Rev. W. D. Conybeare*) being the knowledge of the earth's structure, as far as it lies open to our observation, the fundamental point on which it rests is the ascertaining the order in which the materials constituting the surface * Geology of England and Wales. B "2 of our planet (far beyond this our observation cannot penetrate) are disposed. The superficial and hasty observer might suppose that these mate- rials are scattered irregularly over the surface, and thrown confusedly together ; but a slight degree of attention will prove that such a conclusion would be entirely erroneous." The continued change of locality to which man in his less civilized state was subject, must undoubtedly have led to some particu- lar observations relative to the soil that was to yield him its produce for his support. But the extension of his observations, for any further purpose on this point, may be readily doubted, when we consider the migratory character of his life, and the temporary structure of the rude abode that was formed, rather for the purposes of present shelter and repose than for those domesticated comforts and conveniences that mark the progressive stages of his civilization and refinement. In directing attention to a com- paratively modern branch of study, namely, Geology, we shall endeavour to show in what manner the truths unfolded by that science may be rendered of the greatest available service to the student in archi- tecture, and its professors, whether civil or military. The researches of the geologist having placed before us certain facts relative to the formation of the strata, of our globe, it will be necessary, in treating on this subject, to adopt, to a certain extent, that methodical arrangement exhibited in their most approved treatises. But while we shall have occasion to recur to geological formations in treating on the varieties of building stone, the discussions on the natural phenomena connected with our investigations embrace such an extensive field of inquiry, and is withal so peculiarly the province of the scientific geologist, that a reference* on the part of theAuthor to those standard productions that are most likely to reward the researches of the student must be considered sufficient for this purpose. We profess only to point out the application of this study to the purposes of architectural science. The distribution of the various strata that form the crust of the earth are, by an Intelligent Cause, so placed before the observation of man, as to point out readily the peculiar characteristics of a country suitable either for the establishment of a city, the occupation of the agriculturist, or the site of the cyclopean works of the workers in metal. The manner in which the various strata a?e successively presented to view on the surface of the earth is by what is termed (geologically) the " out- crop, or basset of the strata." This remarkable ap- pearance originates in consequence of the different strata successively overlapping and emerging from beneath each other, f thereby forming a series of * Phillips and Conybeare, " Geology of England and Wales." In the elegantly written introduction to that work, numerous references are given of considerable importance, and to these I must refer the student who wishes to extend his geological inquiries, only adding to them the late celebrated " Bridgewater Treatise" of Professor Buckland. t This natural arrangement of the strata enables us to become zones or belts, marking the variations of soil, and distinguishing in many instances one county from another. From whatever point we proceed, consi- dering (for example) London as the centre, the same phenomena and' the same distribution of strata exist subject, however, to occasional inter- ruptions, dislocations, &c., arising from the external agency of atmospherical influences, irruptions of water, or of the no less violent agency of volcanic fires. The operations of the architect, in his search after a solid substratum, do not extend to any very great depth ; for should the soil prove treacherous, he has other and artificial aids for remedying a defect which would probably otherwise require extensive excavations. Previous to entering upon a description of these artificial methods, it will be requisite to point out some of the more prominent strata that will be most likely to command the attention of the young architect or engineer. Geo- logists have generally agreed to the following classi- fication of the strata as they appear on the surface of the earth : The alluvial, the diluvial, and the regular strata, consist of various beds or layers of sand, clay, and limestone, each of which, with their separate layers, are also designated by the compre- hensive terms of siliceous, argillaceous, and calca- reous masses, the most prominent of which in this island are the chalk and the limestone. acquainted with the nature and properties of the beds or layers, other- wise inaccessible from their extreme depth in a vertical direction. The alluvial stratum is that peculiar deposit which is formed under our immediate observation, and consists of accumulations of sand and shingle along the sea-coast, in estuaries, the alluvial depo- sitions forming new lands on the banks of rivers, lakes, &c., and other apparently minor causes, but which in process of time gradually operate and effectually change the face of well-known localities. The immense quantity of shingle or beach which is now, and has, for some time past, been collect- ing together at the foot of the town and port of Dover, is an example of the formation of this kind of deposit worthy the attention of the engineer.* The diluvial deposit is that extensive coating or layer of sand and gravel indifferently covering all the solid strata, and appears to warrant the opinion of Geologists, that the derivation of this universal stratum may be traced to one great con- vulsion which has ^partly destroyed or broken up the solid strata ; this opinion is further verified, or borne out, in consequence of the gravelly portion of the deposit being in all cases composed of debris of that particular rock most abundant or peculiar to the site. In addition to this, Mr. Conybeare observes, * The harbour of Dover is frequently impassable, in consequence of a bar of shingle being formed across the mouth during the preva- lence of south-westerly winds. The immense expense attendant upon the extensive alterations of the works, and the question that arises as to their ultimate efficacy, would lead us to infer that the engineers had overlooked that slow, but certain, operating cause which appears to mock their endeavours, namely, the natural formation of an alluvial dspoxit, on this site. " that between these accumulations of fragmented rocks and the valleys traversing the present surface of the earth, there clearly exists a close relation ; that, namely, between the breaches that have been opened in the ruined strata, and the materials which have been removed from those breaches. The same causes that have excavated the one have heaped up the other ; and these causes have evidently (as appears from a general examination of the pheno- mena) acted at once on all the strata, and at a period subsequent to their original formation and consoli- dation : hence they must be assigned to the last violent and general catastrophe which the earth's surface has undergone; whatever has occurred since being either the great action of causes still conti- nuing to operate, or convulsions, violent, indeed, but of very limited and local extent." The ' regular strata forms the next general division, and is composed of sand, clay, marie, and limestone, &c. The interminable number of beds alternating with each other in the order already represented, would prove a source of infinite perplexity to the geologist as well as the student, were not the general arrangements of the former to comprise the numerous alternating strata of one kind or genus under one comprehensive head, thus : the alternating beds of sand and clay, or chalk and flint, are, however numerous, referable to the ge- neral heads of those two great divisions. The great chalk formation has been with propriety chosen as the leading feature for the consideration of the geological character of this country : its peculiarity of situation, and the guide that it forms to the observation of other phenomena connected with geological inquiries, have justly rendered this conspi- cuous stratum of first-rate importance in these and similar investigations. One of the most important features of the chalk deposit is that scarcely per- ceptible dipping under all the other strata before mentioned forming, when viewed as one great and comprehensive whole, an extensive hollow or basin,* interrupted only by the line of coast : this formation, consequently, becomes the highest of the English strata, as will appear by referring to what has been already stated when speaking of the " outcrop or basset" of the strata. We have hitherto con- sidered the nature of the strata geologically, and in an extended and general sense. The archi- tect will have to judge of the practical value of his substratum for building purposes, by examining the soil more in detail ; and, indeed, this portion of his labours is arduous and exciting in the extreme ; his excavating operations frequently extending through numerous subordinate strata, in most cases imperfectly consolidated. Other instances occur in which the depth of one stratum (the London-clay, for instance) is of too great a thickness to allow The most northerly of these basins, including the metropolis, is on that account called the London Basin. 10 of its penetration to its entire depth. In order to examine the nature of soils for the purpose of build- ing upon, or for the supply of water, recourse has been had to boring the earth to a considerable depth, thereby enabling us to examine what is brought to the surface by the shell of the boring- rod. The apparatus merits a description in this place, as one of the means, the uses and appliances of which should be distinctly understood by the architect and engineer. The following invention, together with the drawings and description, have been kindly furnished by my esteemed and inge- nious friend, Luke Hebert, Esq., C.E. The implements made use of are extremely simple, and may be understood by reference to the above drawings : A, is the cross handle of the borer for two men to work. B, the chisel borer, which is made to screw into A. C, the auger which also screws into A. D, a lengthening rod, screws also into A, at one end, and at the other end it has a hollow screw, into which is either fitted the chisel or auger, or another piece of rod. A great number of these lengths of rod are kept generally in readiness, which are screwed one into the other, so as to proceed to the depth of several hundred feet. E, a forked iron, used to lay across the hole to 11 support the rods at the joints, whilst the pieces are being screwed and unscrewed. F, a spanner, used to screw on and unscrew the various tools and lengths of rod. G, a clearing chisel, with a probe or piercer attached to guide it. H, the spring bar used to produce a vibrating, up-and-down motion to the chisel, when used to peck away hard or rocky ground. I, iron chain, to connect the cross handle of the tools to the spring bar. J, two men at work, boring with the chisel. K, the lower pulley of a pair of blocks sus- pended fo compasses above. L, the compasses. M, winch or crane to work the blocks, when great weights are to be raised. O, three lengths of rods, and the chisel in the act of boring perforation, about 42 feet. P, spiral worm or auger. Q, square iron bar passing through the square tube of the spiral worm. R, chains to draw up the spiral worm along the bar. S, top plate of spiral worm, to which the chains are affixed. T, upper view of plate, showing the square hole through which the bar passes. U, angular point of square bar. V V, cutting auger edges. W, underside view of the bottom, cutting parts of the spiral auger. As a preparatory measure, a' large circular hole is usually dug to the depth of seven or eight feet, at the bottom of which a floor is formed by means of some planks for the men to work, and pace round upon, whilst using the implements.* If the earth is very soft, the only tool requisite is the auger C, of three to four inches diameter, which is screwed into the cross handle A, and the per- foration is easily effected by the mere turning of it round by two men, as shown in the drawing. When the auger has penetrated to nearly the depth of the tube, it is withdrawn and cleared of its contents ; it is then let down again, and the perforation con- tinued to the length of the instrument. To proceed to a greater depth, the lengthening rods before de- scribed are put into requisition, the auger is detached from the handle by unscrewing it, a piece of rod D, is screwed in its place, and the auger screwed on to the rod. With the instrument thus lengthened seven or eight feet, the boring is renewed by means of the auger as long as the earth is found to be sufficiently soft and yielding : whenever it proves otherwise, or hard and rocky, the auger is detached from the rod, and the chisel B, which is from three to four inches in diameter at its edges, is screwed on in its place. * * Instead of this, sometimes a stage is erected, from ten to fourteen feet above the ground, where the men turn the boring implements, assisted by a man or two underneath it. 13 If the ground is not very hard, the boring may be continued with the chisel, by the workmen pressing upon it as they turn it round ; but when the earth is too hard to be operated upon by the chisel in this way, recourse is had to pecking, which is done by lifting up the implement and striking it against the opposing substance till it is chipped away, or re- duced to powder, to a certain depth. The rod and chisel are then again drawn up, and the auger sub- stituted for the chisel, for the purpose of extracting the pulverized stony matter contained in the hole. The chisel and the auger are thus employed alter- nately where the ground is hard and stony the one for chipping away, or pulverizing, and the other for clearing out. As the perforation deepens, the process of pecking becomes very laborious ; recourse is there- fore had to a very simple contrivance, called the spring-bar (see H), which affords the most effectual aid. This is a strong pole, placed horizontally over the well, at the height of three or four feet from the ground, with one end inserted into a spot, or other strong hold. The chain I is attached to this bar, and the handle of the borer is suspended to the hook of the chain, which supports its weight ; a slight vibrating motion is then given to the bar by the workmen, which causes the chisel to peck with great rapidity. As the weight of the implements becomes too 14 great to be drawn up by hand, when the boring has proceeded to a considerable depth, the mechanical aid of a pair of pulley blocks, K, is used for the purpose, which are usually suspended to a tripedal standard (or triangle as it is called), fixed over the hole. In withdrawing the rods for the purpose of bringing up the materials bored through, or for changing the tools, every piece is successively unscrewed, and upon re-introducing it upon the hole, every piece is necessarily screwed on again, which renders the operation exceedingly tedious. This incon- venience, it appears, might be greatly lessened, by erecting a more lofty standard, such as is used in shifting the masts of ships, called compasses, which are formed of two long mast spars, connected to- gether at top with ropes, passing from the summit in a cross direction to the ground (so as to form a quadrangular figure at the base) to secure the com- passes in their position. A crane, or simple winch and ratchet wheel, might then be fixed to one of the legs of the compasses at M, which should work tackle blocks, or a single wheel and axle suspended to the upper part of it ; which would enable the workmen to raise a great length of rod safely, with- out the necessity of the almost incessant screwing and unscrewing, which occupies full three-fourths the time and labour. Considering the compasses as preferable to the tripedal standard, it is here intro- duced in lieu of it ; see L. In the manner described the boring proceeds, changing the tools to such as may be best suited to cut through the various strata ; whether of a soft, indurated, or stony texture, until the main spring is arrived at, when the water flows up the newly formed tube to the height of the distant spring from which it is derived. If that be at a greater altitude than the surface of the earth bored, the water rises above the ground, producing a perpetual fountain; on the contrary, if it be below the surface, a well must be sunk, of some capacity, lower down than the level of the adjacent spring, into which the water will flow and form a reservoir, to be drawn up by means of a pump. The earth is sometimes bored by the before- mentioned simple instrument, to the depth of two, three, or four hundred feet, either for the purpose of obtaining water, or to ascertain the presence of minerals. To carry on the operation of these im- mense depths, it is of course necessary to employ a greater power than that of the two men in the drawing ; but any degree of force may evidently be obtained by lengthening the cross bar or levers, and working them above ground, as a capstan on board a ship ; or a horse may be employed to turn the boring shaft the same as in a mill. These contriv- ances, however, are only suggestions, and must be obvious to every body. When the hole is bored, a pipe of cast iron, or other metal, is forced down, to prevent its being 16 filled up again by the falling in of the surrounding earth, and likewise to keep out the impure land springs, which might taint the water. Reflecting upon the excessive labour and te- diousness of the ordinary method of boring the earth, I was led to consider of some means by which the operation might be carried forward at great depths, and the earth be extracted without the necessity of withdrawing the rod, and thus save full nine-tenths of the time and labour, which are occu- pied in the almost perpetual screwing and unscrew- ing of the various pieces composing its length every time it is let down or drawn up. The method by which this desirable object is to be obtained is ex- tremely simple, and may be described as follows : An auger is to be made with a spiral worm, wind- ing round a cylinder, which is to form its centre.* The cylindrical part is not to be solid, but to be perforated throughout its whole length with a square hole of two indies or more diameter, for the pur- pose of receiving within it an iron bar of the same figure and admeasurement. The bar will thus serve the double purpose of a spindle, or shaft, to work the auger, and cause it to bore ; and as a slide, upon which it may be drawn up with facility from very great depths to the surface in a few seconds of time, * This figure may perhaps be better understood by comparing it to a circular staircase, winding round, and supported by a column or newell in its centre. 17 contents be discharged, and let down again, as quickly to proceed in the perforation of a fresh portion of earth. It is perhaps worthy of notice, that an auger with a spiral worm is, independently of the other circumstances mentioned, much better adapted to 18 boring the earth, than the common auger. First, because it requires less power to force the earth up the inclined plane of the spiral auger, than perpendi- cularly up the common auger ; consequently; the latter, by the application of an equal force, cuts its way more slowly. Secondly, because the weight of the earthy contents in the spiral auger, lying sup- ported on its inclined plane, adds force to the cutting, while in the common auger the perpendi- cular column of earth in its centre has a bearing against the edge of it, prejudicial to the cutting. That a part of the contents of the spiral auger may not fall out, when being drawn up, the worm or thread is not to be left open, but to have a per- pendicular border, raised upwards at right angles with the plane of the thread as shown in the draw- ing ; the aperture between the upper edge of this border, and the next thread, is left open for clearing out the auger with facility ; see P. The square bar, or spindle of the auger, is shown at Q. E, are the chains attached to the top plate S of the auger, and passing over a pulley. T shows an upper view of the plate of the auger, with the square hole through it. U is the angular point of the bar, which may be formed as a chisel or any other figure. V V are the side cutting edges of the auger. W is an un- derside view of the auger, showing also the two under edges which are connected with those at V V, and form right angles with them. It is evident that various kinds of tools may be ftxed^at the 4 , I f" = F B e ^ COOOS BORINO APPARATUS 19 bottom of this auger so as to peck, &c. ; but to go into particulars on these minor points will perhaps be tedious, and extend this description, already, I fear, too lengthy. I must not, however, close it without remarking, that the auger may be easily latched or bolted in its situation, should it be considered requisite, and unfastened on pulling the chains tight ; but I am of opinion, that the weight of the instrument would render the fastening of it down unnecessary, as any required force might be given by loading the upper part. The various figures referred to are fully exhibited in plate 1. Considerable ingenuity has been displayed from time to time in the construction of the various im- plements used for boring the earth. The apparatus invented by Mr. John Good is considered efficacious, and possesses an additional advantage in the great simplicity of its construction. The following is a description, from a commuuication furnished by L. Hebert, Esq., of the instruments invented by Mr. Good. The reader is referred to plate 2 for the illustrative drawings. It will be noticed that all the instruments, except four, have a screw at their tipper ends, which' are tapped to one thread, so as to fit uniformly into the rod or rods by which the process of boring is conducted. Every rod is screwed in like manner, so that any number of rods may be connected by their screws, end to end, and on the lowermost of the series of rods is fixed the boring implement, c 2 20 Fig. 1 represents the principal instrument employed for boring through soft earth, such as clay, loam, chalk, &c. : it is of a cylindrical form, with an opening or slit down its whole length, equal in width to one third of the circumference of the cylinder ; this construction having been found by the patentee to be the best suited for earths of a compact .but not very hard nature. When, how- ever, the earth is very soft and yielding, an auger with a narrower slit is provided, only proportioning that part to the degree of tenacity of the earth which is to be extracted. At the bottom of this auger a cutting edge is fixed at a, by screws, and adapted so as to take off and on as may be required, either to change or sharpen the instrument. Fig. 2 is an implement of a hollow conical form, with a spiral worm wound round it; which is for the purpose of boring through very loose sandy soils; the sand, as the boring proceeds, passing along the inclined plane of the screw, until it arrives at b, when it is discharged into the hollow receptacle of the core. Fig. 3 represents another form of auger, which is employed for extracting mud, sand, and other very soft matter ; it is a close cylinder, with a valve at c, part of the cylinder being broken away to bring it into view. It has a cutting edge, A, at bottom, as Fig. 1, and is employed in like manner: upon turning this auger, the soft, yielding, or fluid matter passes through the valve and fills the cylin- 21 der, which, on being drawn up, the valve closes, and secures the conveyance of the contents. Fig. 4 is a close cylindrical vessel, of the nature of a bucket with a valve at the bottom (as shown). Having "a rope fixed to the upper end, it is dropped down the hole, and, being alternately raised and let fall, it acts as a pump, to extract the liquid or floating matter that may be contained in the hole. Fig. 5 is another pumping tool, more complete than the former ; the cylinder being fitted up in the manner of the common lifting pump with a rod and bucket, e. In this instrument the rod is lifted at every stroke, instead of the whole appa- ratus, as in fig. 4, and has the preference more particularly in great depths. There are two stops and a guide piece at f, to limit the extent of the strokes. Fig. 6 is an instrument for extracting rods when broken in the hole : in its upper part it is like a pair of tongs, having at the lower end a cylindrical tube, and above it, at g, a chisel-edged tongue, which is pressed downwards by a spring. Upon lowering this instrument into the hole, the upper end of the broken rod passes through the tube, pressing back the tongue, which holds it fast and prevents its returning, so that it may then be drawn up out of the hole. This last mentioned form of instrument is sometimes employed with two pressing edges or tongues, similar to those shown in fig. 7, at h, which is employed for precisely the same purpose ; the operation and construction of 22 which will be best understood by referring to the engraved representation. Fig. 8 is another tool for raising broken rods, and adapted so as to lay hold of the rods by means of its chain underneath their joints, and by that means be drawn up. Fig. 9 is an improved chisel-punch, employed for perforating stony matter by repeated pecking; the projecting middle piece, which strikes first, the patentee finds to be of great advantage ; the blow is more effectual, and the fractured stone is thereby more easily displaced. Fig. 10 is another form of chisel, for chipping away hard substances, and by its peculiar construction likewise adapted to the operation of boring ; the sides of the instrument are bent in an angular form, so as to present cutting edges, rounding and perfecting the whole as it is turned by the workmen. Its peculiar form is shown by the edge view, Fig. 11, i Fig. 10, and i Fig. 11, representing the same parts. Fig. 12 is the apparatus employed for ramming down the iron or other metal tubes which line the perforation after being completed. A block of wood, k, has an iron rod, I, fixed perpendicularly in it ; on this rod a weight, m, is made to travel or slide by a hole being passed through it ; the wooden block being fitted into and over the edge of the upper end of the metal tube, n, the weight is raised by cords, and let fall upon the wooden block, thereby forcing down the pipe. When a piece of tube has thus been driven down even with the surface of the earth, shown at o, another piece is fitted into it, and the ', 23 operation of ramming down renewed as before. Another instrument for this purpose is sometimes employed, of the shape of an acorn, shown at Fig. 20, which is made to screw into the end of the perforating rods, and being let down into the hole, the lower part of the aCorn tool enters the pipe, and the projecting rim, resting upon the edge of the tube, admits of its being forced down with an even bearing pressure. Fig. 13 is an instru- ment constructed like a pair of tongs, armed at each end with two projecting cutting edges, as at p, which, on being turned round, cut like the sides of an auger or gimblet, and are thus employed in paring or widening the perforation. Fig. 14 is a tool formed like a double bow, employed for pressing out any indentations that may be accidentally made in the lining tubes, wrtich are sometimes made of a soft metal, such as lead, or of a thin substance, such as copper or tinned sheets. Fig. 1& is another tool for the same purpose, forming a quadruple bow ; it is adapted for rubbing down smaller indentations, or to finish the work of the double bow tool. They are both fixed like the other tools by screwing into the end of the rod, or series of rods, and operate by simply turning them round. Fig. 16 is a pair of circular clans employed for holding or turning round the tubes when being sunk ; being fastened together by means of screws, the pipe may be firmly held within their grasp. Fig. 17 is a tool, of a pine-apple shape, used 24 for drawing up a piece of tubing when required. It is jagged all over like a rasp, and being struck down forcibly within the tube, it takes fast hold, and allows of its being drawn up. Fig. 1 9 is another implement for effecting the same object; it is a kind of spear with four prongs : being forced down, the points pierce the tube, and enables it to be withdrawn. Fig. 18 is a triangular instrument with jagged teeth, used for getting up loose stones which some- times lie in the hole and impede the work: upon being struck down, the stone becomes fixed between the notches of the prongs, and is then extracted. At twelve or -more feet from the ground, a stage is erected over the hole. Upon this stage is fixed a double-handed winch, with tackle complete, for two or more men to work, in'raising or lowering the instrument, &c., which becomes of great weight when the perforation has proceeded to a consider- able depth. Between this stage and the ground the men are employed either in turning round the instru- ments in the act of boring (which they do by the assistance of iron levers fastened crosswise to the boring rods by means of screw bolts), in screwing or unscrewing the rods and tools, or in the various other operations before described. The examination of the strata may be con- ducted in various ways. The geologist observes the position and quality of the strata, as shown on the surface of the earth, by its " m outcrop or basset," by 25 the natural sections laid open to his observations in the cliffs of the sea shore, or by descending mines,, quarries, and pits. The architect, it is true, has also these sources of observation at his command; but his investigations must be of a more searching character, and being confined to a certain spot, his proceedings must be modified according to the exigencies of the case. These are neither few nor altogether easy of attainment ; for, although we have observed (p. 6) that " the opera- tions of the architect, in his search after a solid substratum, do not extend to any very great depth," it must be understood, that the observation is applied as a comparison between the excavations necessary for the erection of public works, and the more extensive operations of the same kind that are effected in the mining districts of Europe.* What- * The following are the depths of the deepest Shafts in the world : Fathoms. Feet. 1. The shaft called Rochrobichel at the Kitspiiel in the ) 430 2 760 Tyrol J 2. A Copper Mine, not now at work, at the Southampton } ** 2226 Silver Mine at Andreasburg, in the Hartz . . . j 3. Valenciana Silver Mine at Guanaxuato, Mexico .. . 295 1,770 Began in 1791, and reached its depth in 1809, when it was stopped by the Revolution ; it is probably the finest in the world, being octan- gular, 30 feet in diameter, and a great part walled with masonry ; expense of sinking esti- mated by Humboldt at 220,000. 4. Pearce's Shaft at the Consolidated Mines (Copper), I 2 44 1 464 Cornwall '.......)' Not sufficiently productive to repay the draining. 26 ever may be the depth for the proposed foundation- levels of a building, the scrutiny of the architect or the engineer should in no wise rest there; the stratum which underlies the intended works, is not unfrequently discovered to be of such nature as to subside gradually as the weight is added, carrying with it that portion of the building which stands thereon, together with its artificial foundation. Hence the expedient of boring the earth to ascer- tain the nature and number of the different strata, and, as far as is practicable by such means, to decide upon the quantity of earth to be excavated, and the length of piling" required, should that method be adopted for the construction of the underworks. This preliminary procedure in practical operations is the more essential, as it places us in possession of certain facts and data, relative to the nature of the Fathoms. Feet. 5. Wheal Abraham Copper Mine, Cornwall .... 242 1,452 6. Dolcoath Copper Mine, Cornwall . 235 1,410 Produces nearly half the amount of the Conso- lidated. 7. Ecton Copper Mine, Staffordshire 230 1,380 Once one of the principal mines in England, hut now inconsiderable. 8. Woelf s Shaft at the Consolidated ' . -225 1,350 The bottom of this shaft is nearer the centre of the earth than any other known point. The deepest coal Pit near Newcastle is Innou Pit, near } Ig5 99Q South Shields, which is > Working below the bottom of the pit . . . .-.'..' 12 J 75 Total . . 177J 1,065 27 subsoil, without which the necessary examination of the foundation-levels must have been both tedious and expensive. The excavations necessary for building purposes being generally commenced from the surface, and carried on in a vertical di- rection downwards, we must be allowed to consider the chalk stratum as the lowest, in contradistinc- tion to the geological arrangement that places it as the highest stratum, when viewed with reference to its outcropping position. The strata immediately resting upon the chalk basin of London, consists of a series of layers, loose and friable in their tex- tures, namely, white sand, pebbles, marl, and shells ; upon this succeeds the " plastic clay formation," and above this the great formation, called the " London clay." This latter stratum is in some parts immediately under the vegetable soil, and forms the general substratum of the metropolis ; hence its name. As there are certain exceptions respecting the depth at which this stratum first appears, we may observe, that occasionally it is covered with the general diluvial deposit to some considerable depth. The following remarkable instance of the position of the London clay was exhibited in preparing for the reception of the foundations of St. Paul's Ca- thedral. The circumstance being barely mentioned by some, and incorrectly described by other writers, the author submits the following extract from the " Parentalia," as the most authentic description of the proceedings of the architect (Sir C. Wren), in 28 his search after a solid substratum.* " In the progress of the works of the foundations, the sur- veyor met with one unexpected difficulty : he began to lay the foundations from the west end, and had proceeded successfully through the dome, to the east end, where the brick-earth bottom was very good ; but as he went on to the north-east corner, which was the last, and where nothing was expected to intercept, he fell, in prosecuting the design, upon a pit, where all the pot earth had been robbed-f by the potters of old time. It was no little perplexity to fall into this pit at last ; he wanted but six or seven feet to complete the design, and this fell in the very angle north-east. He knew, very well, that under the layer of pot-earth there was no other good ground till he came to the low-water mark of the Thames, at least forty feet lower; his artificers proposed to him to pile, which he refused : for though piles may last for ever, when always in water (otherwise London Bridge J would fall), yet, if they are driven through dry sand, though some- times moist, they will not. His endeavours were to build for eternity. He, therefore, sunk a pit of about eighteen feet square, wharfing up the 'sand with timber, till he came, forty feet lower, into water and sea-shells, when there was a firm sea-beach ; * " Parentalia; or, Memoirs of the Family of Wrens," by Stephen Wren, Son of Sir Christopher Wren ; folio, edit. 1750, p. 286. f Taken from, or dug out. J In allusion to the old structure, now removed the timber of the piles and the iron shoes at their extremity, were found sound. 29 which confirmed what was before asserted, that the sea had been, in ages past, where St. Paul's now is. He bored through this beach till he came to the original clay ; being then satisfied, he began from the beach a square pier of good solid masonry, ten feet square, till he came within fifteen feet of the present* ground ; then he turned a short arch un- derground to the former foundation, which was broken off by the untoward accident of the pit." The number of extensive works with which the me- tropolis abounds, and the number of wells, of almost every description of depth, which have been excavated, present us with a mass of information connected with the sections of the strata immediately above the great chalk formation, which is of signal service to the architect and engineer, should his operations occur in the locality of one of these chalk basins. The extreme density of the London clay is shown to afford a highly favourable substratum for the erection of heavy works, where it is not intersected by the river or streams. The plastic clay formation, on the contrary, is exhibited as containing numerous springs, and is altogether of such a nature as to require the adoption of extreme precautionary mea- sures previous to the erection of foundation walls, &c. &c. The greater part of the London clay stratum is of one uniform colour, extreme density, and variable thickness. It is so impervious to water, that that necessary article cannot often be obtained until after 30 the stratum has been perforated to the depth of the plastic clay formation. The inhabitants of London and its vicinity have, however, a resource which forms one of the greatest manufacturing conve- niences of the metropolis. This consists in the im- mense quantities of water held by the alluvium, forming supplies to many of our factories, without the intervention 'of land springs, at a greater depth. Examinations of the strata near London ** have been made by several scientific gentlemen. A few observations made on the subject of the blue clay stratum, by Mr. Parkinson, in a paper published in the " Transactions of the Geological Society," states the depth to be 200 feet in thickness ; f its colour for a few feet in the upper part was observed to be of a yellowish brown, but the remaining por- tion exhibited that dark bluish gray colour which marks its genera. It has been suggested, that the difference of colour remarked between its superior and inferior part arises from a difference in the degree of oxidation of the iron present in it: the result of a more particular examination would ap- pear to justify the supposition, that it arises rather from a difference of quantity, than the degree of oxidation mentioned above ; for " it is probably occa- sioned," observes Mr. Parkinson, " by the washing away of this metal in the water which percolates * Transactions of the Geological Society, vol. i. p. 336. " Mr. Parkinson on the Strata and Fossil Remains near London." f The particular locality is not mentioned. At Epping, near High Beach, it is about 700 feet in thickness. See Conybeare and Phillips. 31 through it, and which runs off laterally by the nu- merous drains made near the surface." The fol- lowing sections, afforded by the preparation for the progress of several public works, will further exhi- bit the nature and uniformity of the London strata, and will also serve as a guide to the examination of other strata situated within or near the localities of the several chalk basins. The indentity of strata on the French coast, opposite Dover, with that of our own chalk formation, will be dwelt upon in treating on the Manufacture of Bricks. -'. "' SECTIONS OF STRATA ABOVE THE CHALK BASIN OF LONDON. Names of Works. Depths examined. Kr ras H:?e'ct,^- F? Authorities consulted. sz. i enow ciay, aooiu . 3. London clay (hard) Thames Tunnel. South Shaft, chiefly in the plastic clay formation. Boring at Brentford, near Londpn. 82 no water Feet. In, i 1. London clay 90 i 2. Loose watery sand and grav. 26 8 3. Blue clay 30 ) 4. Loam 51 5. Blue clay with shells, chiefly | cythefea | 6. Hard conglomerate rock,) consisting of flint gravel, > 7 6 with a calcareous cement) 7. Light blue laminated clay, \. ' S with pyrites J? Feet. Brick earth . 9 Sandy gravel 7 Loam ... 5 varies from 1 to 9 feet Blue clay 200 225 Boringdiscontinued still in clay. Seabrook,Esq. 9 > Conybeare. W. Gravatt, Esq. (See Trans, of In- stitution of Civil Engi- neers, vol. i. p. 151.) Names of Works. Depths examined. Authorities consulted. /This Tunnel passes through the plastic"^ Primrose Hill clay formation. The water percolated Tunnel for I . rapidly through the brickwork near the \ r n Birmingham \ entrance (Feb. 1837) ; but the remain- Railway, ing part of the Tunnel is dry and well ^ventilated. fin the first place, after excavating the upper stratum of gravel and loose soil, four cast-iron curbs were sunk, each six feet long ; the lowest of these en- tered the clay about 3 feet ; the dig- ging was then continued through the Particulars of clay to the depth of 140 feet, and a John Donkin a well sunk at curb of brickwork within the iron curb Esq. (See the Excise- j was sunk the whole depth in the ordi- Trans, of In- offlce inBroad A nary way, the iron curb serving merely stitution of Street, Lon- to support the upper stratum, and to Civil Engi- don. prevent the land water getting into the neers, vol. i. well. Boring was then resorted to, p. 155.) to the depth of about 20 feet, when the water appeared, and rose to within 60 feet of the top of the well ; a copper pipe was then driven through the last mentioned 20 feet, to keep the passage open for the supply. Church of St. f This church (Tower) stands upon an^ Paper by Mr. Mary-le-Bow, J ancient concrete causeway 18 feet be- George Gwilt. Cheapside. ( low the present level, which present \ (See " Vetusta (See Engrav- level has been artificially raised during j Monumenta)" ing, Plate 3.) j^the course of some centuries. I 33 Our observations upon the strata immediately above the chalk need not be extended any further, since from experience and investigation the following facts may be deduced: 1st. That there are only two strata of the series alluded to, which possess the advantage of sufficient consolidation for the support of works of magnitude ; these are the gravel and the London clay. As the thickness of all strata varies considerably, some general rule ought to be adopted for preventing, as much as possible, a premature set- tlement in the intended structure. Referring to the former stratum we may remark, that when there occur a series of thin beds, almost approaching to laminae, they should be wholly discarded, or such means adopted as are hereafter mentioned, to render the substratum of sufficient density for the intended purpose. But when the bed of gravel is consolidated, or partaking of the nature of a conglomerate, and of a thickness equal to the mean distance between the principal points of support, then the foundation may be deemed secure and built upon accordingly. The London clay stratum is so well known to most metro- politan builders and architects, as to need but slight remark from us. Its extreme density and uniformity of character renders it one of the most secure of the natural strata. The extent of its subsidence by compression is trifling, and its thickness for the most part is very considerable. There are, however, certain situations near the banks of the Thames where this stratum exhibits a sudden deficiency of depth, conse- 34 quently piling has been resorted to in many ex- tensive works in that locality. It will appear obvious that much must be left to the skill and ability of the architect ; his proceedings may have to undergo considerable modifications according to the exigencies of the cases as they occur in practice ; for, although we may cite precedents for professional guidance, it will be necessary, in the first instance, to point out the difficulties that are most likely to beset the practitioner in the course of his operations, and the means best adapted for the successful accomplishment of the end he has in view. 35 CHAPTER II. ON PILE DRIVING AND PILING. WITHOUT some artificial means for consolidating loose and friable strata, extensive excavations must frequently be made for works, whose extent and magnitude are not otherwise of sufficient importance to warrant so costly a proceeding. On the other hand, where the removal of exten- sive tracts of objectionable strata would be desirable, but is prevented by the interference of some colla- teral cause, then the operation of artificial consolida- tion must be resorted to, either by piling or con- creting the entire surface. The artificial substratum, so frequently met with in the metropolis and its suburbs, technically termed made earth, consists of dry rubbish and refuse, with which deep hollows are refilled ; or otherwise, consist of loose earth, thrown up from the excavations of a contiguous work. Mounds of this kind, or the treacherous surfaces of newly raised ground, are excessively annoying, and, if built upon, require extreme precautionary mea- sures. The foundations of the celebrated Albion Mills, near Blackfriars, were laid upon a substratum of this kind, and afford a good example of the D 2 36 successful application of scientific resources to a work of considerable magnitude and difficulty. Mr. Farey* thus describes the plan: "The building for the Albion Mills was erected upon a very soft soil, consisting of the made ground at the abutment of Blackfriars Bridge. To avoid the danger of set- tlement in the walls, or the necessity of going to a very unusual depth with the foundations, Mr. Rennie adopted the plan of forming inverted arches upon the ground, over the whole space on which the building was to stand, and for the bottom of the dock. For this purpose the ground upon which all the several walls were to be erected, was rendered as solid as is usual for building, by driving piles where necessary, and then several courses of large flat stones were laid, to form the foundations of the several walls; but to prevent any chance of these foundations being pressed down, in case of the soft earth yielding to the incumbent weight, strong in- verted arches were built upon the ground, bet ween the foundation courses of all the walls, so as to cover the whole surface included between the walls ; and the abutments or springing of the inverted arches being built solid into the lower courses of the foundations, they could not sink, unless all the ground beneath the arches had yielded to com- pression, as well as the ground immediately beneath the foundation of the walls. By this method the foundations of all the walls were joined together, so Treatise on the Steam Engine, by John Farey, p. 515. 37 as to form one immense base, which would have been very capable of bearing the required weight, even if the ground had been of the consistency of mud, for the whole building would have floated upon it, as a ship floats in water; and whatever sinking might have taken place, would have affected the whole building equally, so as to have avoided any partial depressions or derangements of the walls ; but the ground being made tolerably hard in addi- tion to this expedient of augmenting the bases by inverted arches, the building stood quite firm." Notwithstanding the considerable density ex- hibited by the London clay, such density is by no means invariable. The sandy, loose, and muddy layers, which occasionally intervene throughout this formation, have been repeatedly met with, and caused considerable annoyance and interruption in the pro- secution of works that required extensive excavating operations. The excavations of the Albion Mills, the Highgate Tunnel, the Thames Tunnel, the Catherine Docks, and many other public works in this metro- polis, have proved to be so many exceptions to the invariable density of the London clay. It must be evi- dent, therefore, that piling is of necessity resorted to in those instances where the thickness of the loose stratum is too great to admit of a denuding operation being effected. There is another circumstance which merits particular notice as connected with the foundations of buildings upon the clay. This is, the sudden shelving or thinning of thestratumnearthebanksof the Thames 38 on the Kentish or Surrey shore. The perforation of a few feet from the surface enables us to pierce through the London clay, and enter the next formation, called the plastic clay. Now the nature of this latter stratum is frequently such as to yield considerably, with the addition of a moderate weight placed upon its surface. Its depth being considerable, piling is not always advantageous, as, on the one hand, the density of the soil will not admit of sufficient fraction on the sides of the piles, and on the other, the depth being too great for the feet or pointed ends of the piles to pierce entirely through and rest upon the chalk. In a case of this kind, therefore, a concretion of the entire surface is, perhaps, the most secure artificial substratum. Buildings may, however, be erected upon a yielding soil when certain means are taken for their proper equilibration, as is shown in the example of the Albion Mills. Piles and piling are of various denominations. The square pile, for heavy works, consists of a long piece (or stick, as it is technically termed) of timber, roughly squared, bound at the upper end with a hoop of iron to prevent its splitting from the blows of the ram, and protected at the lower extremity with iron shoes forged to the shape required, in order that the pile may be driven with greater certainty, and through any obstacle that may obstruct its pro- gress downwards. Previous to entering upon an investigation of the nature of piling, we shall direct the attention of the reader to the various 39 machines used for the purpose of driving piles into the ground. The old pile machine represented in the annexed figure, is composed of two upright i grooved posts B, supported by side braces G G, fixed upon the sole F, and attached to the back stay E ; this is connected above to the two uprights, and below to the forked framing H, also secured to the sole F. The ladder for mounting to the top of the machine is shown on the back stay E. The ram A, 40 destined to drive the pile D, is, in this instance, supposed to be a large block of well-seasoned wood, firmly bound with iron, top and bottom, to prevent it from splitting. It has two tenons or ears stopped with keys, driven in behind, for the purpose of keep- ing it between the grooved posts. There is also a ring to receive a hook K fastened to two cords, each passing over a pulley placed at the top of the two uprights. The weight of a wooden ram is generally about 800 Ibs., so that the effectual working of this machine would require at least a gang of twenty men, whose exertions, indivi- dually considered, would represent a very effective force, but, collectively employed upon the machine we have represented, will show a very serious loss of power, considering the means employed. In order to ascertain the defects of this pile-engine, it will be necessary to examine the manner in which the com- bined energies of the workmen are directed to pro- duce the action of the ram. The arrangement of this machine is that of a cord passing over a fixed pulley. The tension of the cord being uniform throughout its length, it follows, that in an applica- tion of this kind the power and weight are equal. For the weight stretches that part of the cord which is between the weight and pulley, and the power stretches that part between the power and the pulley. And since the tension throughout the whole length is the same, the weight must be equal to the power.* * Lardner. -,.-, ,-;,, 41 Theoretically considered, we obtain no me- chanical advantage by this use of the pulley, but in its practical applications we are enabled to give to the moving power a more advantageous direction, and with greater facility than without such adventi- tious aid. Muscular energy may therefore be exerted variously by the means already described. By mus- cular exertion a man may so far overcome the resistance as to raise his own weight: but in ordinary cases, in raising the arms to lay hold of the cord, and then bending himself as low as is convenient, he can scarcely raise above 70 Ibs. ; which is about half the weight of his body, commonly estimated at 140 Ibs. We have supposed the cord to be drawn vertically ; for if it was drawn sideways, the weight or force applied to it would decrease as the obliquity increases. To apply this reasoning to the machine in question, we are to consider that the ten men who are exerting their powers at the ends of the cords attached to the main ropes I L, can only draw obliquely to the vertical line I N, and the same also with respect to the main ropes, I L; since in both cases they form a circle, in which those who are opposite to the others destroy reci- procally a part of their power, which is here an inevitable defect, since it is necessary that the ten men should be placed around the machine in order to act together. It is not the same with the obliquity I L; this may be applied in a more vertical direction, by passing the cord MIL over a wheel, 4 or 5 feet in diameter, instead of the pulley, 42 which seldom exceeds 10 or 1 1 inches. The improve- ment effected by the use of the wheel experience has fully confirmed; sixteen men being enabled thereby to effect the work of twenty men by the former method. It remains now to be shown in what manner the machine is to be constructed, to supersede the use of the pulley. By referring to figs. 1 and 2 will be seen the plan and side elevation FIG. 1. FIG. 2. of the apparatus. To render the pile-machine sus- ceptible of the preceding advantages, it is only necessary to modify the top part of the machine. A marks the two grooved uprights, crowned with a cap B ; each of the posts is connected with a piece placed horizontally 3 feet under the cap B ; these pieces are fastened together with a cross-quarter of timber, supported by the back stay G, which is fixed in such manner as not to obstruct the posi- tion of the wheel E F, which has its nave pierced with a square iron, from which the axle projects, and rests upon its bearings D. A steadier action and greater solidity is gained by this method than if they were not united with the square iron inserted 43 into the nave of the wheel. The wheel is supposed to be 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, measuring from the rope channel, and distant from the posts A, about 3 feet. This arrangement enables the men to ope- rate with greater facility, having more room for placing themselves around, and enabling them to pull in a more vertical direction at the other end E H ; the more so, as the back stay and ladder G not being in the way, the sixteen men are employed in pulling only one rope, and not divided into two separate gangs the action in the fetter case never being perfectly alike. Another advantage to be derived from the use of the wheel is, that there is only one movement required to counterpoise it, namely, about one-third of the circumference of the wheel for each blow it becoming greater by the acceleration that the ram acquires. The pulley, on the contrary, in consequence of the smallness of its diameter, makes nearly two revolutions when the ram rises or falls, thereby causing additional resist- ance by the stiffness of the cords. In conclusion, we may remark, that, rude as the present contrivance may appear, a pile may be driven by it with great expedition, as it is effected by a series of smart shocks given in succession. The workmen should, however, take advantage of the rebounding of the ram by pulling immediately that effect takes place ; much labour may be saved by attention to this point. The advantage of this form in isolated situations is obvious. A workman, unaccustomed to the arrange- ments of machinery, may in a few hours construct a 44 powerful machine like the one represented. By in- clining the grooved upright posts (technically termed shears) the machine may be altered for the purpose of driving piles in inclined positions for embank- ments, abutments, &c. It must at the same time be distinctly understood, that it will not bear to be brought into competition with the machines now in general use, where two men, with the aid of a wheel and pinion, will effectually perform the driving of larger piles that would require sixteen men using the one described, and for which the above calculations have been made. Figs. 3 and 4 are further improvements on the ordinary machine, and are intended for raising a weight or ram 12 or 1500 Ibs. by the action of three or four men applied to the windlass A, fig. 3, or the capstan B, fig. 4. It is evident that longer time is required for working this machine, but the force is considerably greater: therefore machines com- bining this arrangement are more generally em- ployed for heavy works, such as bridges, &c. The power, however, is far from being applied in a vertical direction ; and time is also lost in releasing the hook C from the weight E, as well as in re- placing it after the ram has descended. The ad- vantages of fig. 3 chiefly consist in its capability of being used for driving piles in angles, as well as the addition of the hook C for releasing the ram by pulling the rope F, which could not otherwise be accomplished. When piles are driven in rows fig. 4 is more convenient, as it admits of being easily FIG. 3. FIG. 4. 46 removed from place to place. The shears are placed in the centre of the triangular framing. Fig. 3 has no shears, but simply an upright post. The ram slides on this, and is guided by two pieces of bent iron, or ears, instead of the grooves. Piles driven in horizbntal positions are either driven by an engine similar to a battering-ram, or, according to Belidor, by slinging ropes round a long and heavy piece of timber, and throwing it forward by the united power of six or eight men against the head of the pile. The successive additions and improvements effected in the construction of the pile-engine were the pincers or tongs, under several modifications; followed by the engines of Valone and Bunce. A FIG. 5. FIG. 6. 47 further improvement on the last-mentioned machine has left the pile-engine in that state of perfection in which we now find it. Its simplicity and efficacy are such, that it has nearly superseded all others, and is the modification now universally employed in large works where piling is required. Figs. 5 and 6 represent the improved pile-engine. A A are the grooved upright posts, having pieces bolted on, forming the grooves for the cast- iron ram B B to slide in. Two men working at the handles E E cause the drum to revolve, round which the rope coils. The motion of the drum is communicated by a pinion fixed on the axle of the fly-wheel F, and takes into a toothed wheel placed on the axle of the drum. On this axle also is a ratchet and pall, to prevent the ram falling should the workmen leave the engine. The pincers A A and D D (figs 7 and 8) are fixed to a block of wood, C C, (same as fig. 8) called the follower, 48 sliding in the same grooves with the ram. The rope is fixed to the iron B B (figs. 7 and 8) in the centre of the follower. Now, the ram being raised, the ends of the pincers will pass between the inclined planes D, at the top of the engine (fig. 6), and by compressing the top of the tongs will open the lower ends of them, which clip a ring on the top of the ram, and consequently liberate the weight and allow it to fall on the head of the pile. The pall is then released from the ratchet, and the tongs and follower slide down and again lay hold of the ring on the top of the ram D (fig. 7). Occa- sionally the tongs are made with rollers, A A (fig. 8), on the ends, in order that they may pass with greater ease between the inclined planes. When the tongs were first introduced, a strong spring was fixed upon one of the levers to keep them closed when they had taken their hold of the ram. This is now discontinued ; for, if made with sufficient weight of metal, they will hold with equal security. To estimate the power of these machines we must multiply the weight raised into the velocity it acquires in falling. Let w weight of ram v = velocity of feet per second Then w -f- v = momentum of stroke upon the head of the pile. As per example, let us suppose the weight of the ram = 800 Ibs., and the height fallen through in one second of time = 16 feet,* then 800 + 16 = 12- * See Law of Falling Bodies. 49 800, the force with which the pile is struck by the ram. If pulleys or a windlass be employed to raise the weight to a considerable height and then sud- denly disengage it, and the momentum of the stroke will be as. the square root of the space fallen through. The inductive reasoning on this subject by an intelligent Engineer (Mr. NICHOLSON) is thus explained : " Notwithstanding the momentum or force of a body in motion is as^ the weight multi- plied by the velocity, or simply as its vetocity when the weight is given, or constant ; yet the effect of the blow will be nearly as the square of that velocity, the effect being the quantity the pile is driven into the ground by the stroke. For the force of the blow, transferred to the pile, being destroyed in some, certain definite time by the friction of the part within the earth, which is nearly a constant quantity, and the spaces in constant forces being as the squares of the velocities, or, which is the same thing, nearly as the height fallen by the ram to head of the pile." The following formula is employed by an eminent Engineer for the purpose of ascertaining the resistance of a driving or driven pile : Let w = Weight of ram i _ _. ., .. f In Cwts. p = Ditto of pile ) h = Height fallen through by ram, in inches. d = Descent of pile by one blow of ram. Then w. JP ) C = The weight which will just sink the pile. dtw+p) Having now minutely examined the mecha- E 50 nical construction and practical effects of these machines, we proceed with our inquiry relative to the degree of security afforded to the foundations of buildings by the application of piling. We esteem the opinion of those men whose genius, talents, and industry, aided by extensive practice, have con- tributed so powerfully to raise architecture to its distinguished position in the rank of sciences ; and upon the authority^ of one* (corroborated by the experience of ages) who stood proudly pre-eminent in mathematical skill, and its application to the above noble purposes, do we affirm, that the dura- bility of piling, when properly employed, will outlast the durability of the superstructure itself. The premature decay that has occasionally occurred to the piling employed im many extensive works, has not arisen, in any instance, from the inefficiency of the material employed that is, when the ma- terial (timber) has been selected from among the best of its kind. A sine qua non with us in the judicious application of piling, is the most complete and perfect imbedding of the piles in the sub- stratum ; and also, the most effectual covering of their surface, by the masonry or other material being perfect in-bed, and well flushed with the mortar or other cement employed. Alternating exposures to heat and cold, dry and moist, together with the never-failing destructive effects of that * , * Sir Christopher Wren. 51 most powerful of all menstruums, the atmosphere, are among the real and most active enemies of piling operations. Another and no less insidious enemy exists in the " pile worm ;" a creature that resolutely attacks the timbers, and speedily destroys them. A few years since the Author had an opportunity of examining the remains of some piling which had been destroyed by them : the piling was completely riddled with holes, and the interstices partially filled with sea-sand. The dikes of Holland have suffered severely from their ravages; but a method has been devised* for the protection of the piling, and appears to answer tolerably well. In this country Kyanised timber (as it is termed) has been extensively employed, and its beneficial effects, as a remedy for the dry-rot, have been most satis- factorily proved 1 . The most important applications of piling to the purposes of architectural construction may ^ classified under the following heads : 1st. Of piling for the foundations of bridge and other piers. 2nd. The application of piling to river, wharf, and em- bankment or retaining walls, including the varieties of close, grooved, plank, and inclined piling. The practice of piling for the support of such a cumbrous mass of materials as the bearing piers of a bridge, has been most generally observedj and is generally found to be adequate to the purpose. To confirm these observations, we shall instance at least three See Philos. Trans., No. 455, Sect. 5. E2 52 important desiderata that are attained by a judicious application of piling: 1st. As a convenient and secure method of passing through a loose soil to one of sufficient density for the support of great masses of weighty materials. 2nd. As a powerful assistant in consolidating loose or wet soil to a considerable depth. And, lastly, piling may be properly con- sidered as the insertion of a firm strata opposed to an inferior one, by being placed at right angles to it. The piling and interstices between the pile, taken collectively, may be considered as a solid mass, whose friction against the sides of the surrounding earth will have a hold upon the soil, at least in proportion to its actual superficies. In a tenacious or compressed soil the amount of friction is the same for a single pile, fully demonstrating the security of this application of timber 1 to the purposes of a most important branch of construction. The %pimdations of the bearing piers of Southwark iron bridge exhibit a very favourable illustration of the application of piling to pontile architecture. (See plate 2.) The piers were surrounded with a coffer- dam, constructed with three rows of piles of whole timber, enclosing a space elliptical on the plan. Each pier rests upon a massive timber platform, supported by piles ; close to the outer edge of the offsets of the pier a row of timber sheeting piles were driven : this uniform belt of timber forms as it were a close stationary dam, preventing the substratum upon which the piles rest from being SOUTHWARK IRON BRIOCE PtERS. 58 pressed outwards by the weight of the pier ; a, cir- cumstance that frequently takes place where piling is employed, and the work heavy. This circumstance is well known to miners, and may be thus described : If a level (in a mine) be driven one or two hundred yards underground through the solid rock, there will be no danger of its not continuing entire for an indefinite length of time ; but if the sides and roof only of the level be formed in the rock, and the bottom be cut through into a bed or substratum of clay, however strong and stubborn it may be, being pressed by the weight of the superincumbent rocks, it will by slow degrees swell and rise up in the level ; and, unless it be continually pared down or pre- vented by some means, the level will, in no great length of time, be entirely choked up.* In tunnel- ling operations this tendency of the soft stratum to swell and rise up is effectually counteracted by the inverted arch formed under the roadway of the tunnel. The Blis worth cutting on the Birmingham line of railway also exhibits an example of the inverted arch, adopted as a precautionary measure against the rising of the soil. In the latter work this mode of proceeding became the more necessary, as the rocky stratum through which the cutting passes was underset or supported by retaining walls, in con- sequence of the intervention of the weald clay\ which underlies the rocky stratum. Close piling is executed * Seaward on the rebuilding of London Bridge. t This stratum is subject toslips, carrying with it the superincumbent stratum. The presence of moisture in this clay converts it into mud. 4 by driving two piles at a distance apart ; these are connected together by bolting pieces of timber to them longitudinally, technically termed wailing- pieces. Grooved and plank piling is executed by grooving the piles, and introducing the edge of a plank of timber into the grooves. This latter description of piling is more frequently employed in the construction of coffer-dams, as it generally super- sedes the necessity of puddling the joints with clay ; grooved piling is, however, very liable to disarrange- ment. When the pier is completed (in bridge build- ing), the piles forming the damare with drawn. The timber generally employed is either oak, elm, or beech. The coffer-dams of the new London Bridge were of an elliptical form, and consisted of three rows of piles dressed in the joints, without grooving ; some of them measured between eighty and ninety feet : they were all puddled with clay, and shod with iron. The foundations of the piers are raised upon piles of beech wood, on the heads of which were laid two rows of sleepers, 12+12 inches, covered with level planking, six inches in thickness. Occasionally a strong grating of timber is laid, and between the openings or chequer- work of the framing the piles are inserted, and driven. Border piling is also driven round the exterior of this grating. An essential precaution is necessary in commencing the piling in this instance; 'namely, by driving the first piles in the centre of the framing, and proceeding with the work outwards, 55 to prevent the earth becoming too compressed in the centre ; which would be the case if the piling was commenced at the outer row of interstices, or on the border of the grating. In some situations, the grating of timber, is covered with thick planking, and the pier is built upon it, without piling. In coffer-dams the larger piles face the water, and the double or triple rows are of smaller scant- ling. Plank or other piling driven obliquely into the earth is only bevelled on one side of the lower end ; and such piles, if of small scantling, are charred on their extremities, instead of being shod with iron. The thickness of short piles may be allowed = -^ of their length ; but for long piles the average dia- meter is 14 inches. Plank piles are from 3 to 5 inches thick, according to their lengths. It is a fact worthy of observation, that some failures have occurred in buildings of magnitude, in con- sequence of the premature destruction and decay of their artificial foundations, and not from a subsidence of the soil ; it therefore becomes a highly import- ant consideration to trace the causes originating these destructive effects, and to suggest such re- medies as appear to us based upon a philosophical and scientific view of 'the subject. The most perni- cious effects have hitherto resulted from a practice which, by force of example alone, has gained considerable ascendancy ; we allude to the practice of raising the superstructure upon planking, or balks 56 of timber laid flat upon the soil, without any further preparation than the mere levelling and ramming o the ground. As the proximate cause of most failures is sup- posed to arise from the subsidence of the substratum, the intervention of an artificial stratum of greater density is the most obvious means to remedy this de- fect. It is probable, therefore, that a stratum of sound timber laid horizontally was supposed to meet the difficulties of the case. Upon a slight consideration, it will be* perceived that a more unscientific plan could not well have been adopted. In the employ- ment of timber for the purpose of receiving or counteracting the effects of heavy strains, the force should be directed in such a manner as to cause compression of the fibres at the extremities of those fibres, or an extension of them by causing the force or thrust to be exerted in the direction of their length. A longitudinal framework of timber, laid horizontally and subjected to an enormous pressure by the weight of the superincumbent materials, will so far compress the fibres of the materials in the direction of their breadth, as to cause a serious and alarming disturbance in the equilibrium of the building ; and eventually to ensure its destruction. The extensive settlements of the store-houses at .Chatham and Woolwich, have, in a great measure, arisen from this reprehensible mode of construction. With a view to show the enormous weight that timber will bear when used as vertical columns or 57 prisms, we here subjoin the crushing weight of different species of timber, deduced from an ex- tensive set of experiments made by the late Mr. Rennie. Ibs. Elm ~\ s 1284 ^ White deal S Cubes of one inch < 1928 f Crushing weight. English oak > C 3860 > Prisms of seasoned oak two inches square, and in height two, four, and six feet, were crushed by vertical pressures of 17,500, 10,500, and 7,000 Ibs. If four inches square, and of the same altitudes, the following loads were required to crush them; namely, 80,000, 70,000, and 50,000 Ibs. Another vital objection to the practice of planking, &c., is, that a great portion of the timber remains exposed to the action of alternate damps, and the corresponding destructive influence of the atmo- sphere. Light sandy soils, in low situations and near large rivers, are particularly subject to the influence of the tides ; filtrating upwards- with the flux, and again becoming dry with the reflux : con- sequently the timbers are alternately subjected to dryness and moisture, by being placed on the surface of the ground, instead of being buried be- neath it. On a clay soil the evil is not of less magnitude. JUie retentive nature of the clay will continually expose a wet surface to the underside of the timber, while the other surfaces will remain in various states and temperatures : decay rapidly ensues, and the building fails, by the premature 58 destruction of the very means adopted for its pre- servation. While we justly condemn this mode of building, on defect of principle, we are bound to mention that there is every reason to hope that the preservation of timber from the premature effects of the rot has at length been effectually accomplished. To counteract the destructive influence of the atmosphere, and to secure timber from the effects resulting from exposed situations, has occupied the attention of the scientific experimentalist for a long succession of years. The antiseptic qualities of coal-tar have been long known, and in many in- stances, where perseveringly applied, have been pro- ductive of considerable benefit. Although the recent invention of Mr. Kyan would appear to leave nothing to be desired, yet there are still many who place considerable" reliance on the former me- thod of preserving wood and metal. The simplicity of the operation, and the cheapness of the materials employed, are urged as additional recommendations to the use of the anti-corrosive composition. In the year 1822, Mr. John Oxford procured letters patent for an improved method of preventing " Decay in Timber, Metallic Substances, and Canvass, &c." This was proposed to be accomplished by the fol- lowing method : The essential oil *>f. the tar is first extracted by distillation, and at the same time saturated with chlorine gas. Certain proportions* of oxide of lead, carbonate of lime, and carbon of * See specification in the Repository of Arts, Vol. Ixiii., N. S. 59 purified coal -tar, are well ground, and mixed with the oil ; the composition is then applied in thick coatings to the substances intended to be preserved. The penetrative qualities of this compound are con- siderable, and may be employed with advantage in many cases. An American patent has very recently been granted for a similar purpose ; and the ingre- dients of the antiseptic fluid are nearly identical with those already described ; the metallic oxide, however, consists of iron. Since the year 1812, a gentleman of the name of Kyan prosecuted an immense number of experiments on the preserva- tion of timber ; and et at length ascertained that albumen was the primary cause of putrefactive fer- mentation, and, subsequently, of the decomposition of vegetable matter." The affinity of corrosive sublimate for this material was not unknown ; but the credit is due to Mr. Kyan for successfully following up by a well-conducted series of experi- ments, and .ultimately deciding in a most satisfactory manner, that vegetable matter may, by saturation with the bichloride of mercury, be effectually made to resist the effects of putrescent fermentation. This, therefore, forms the basis of an invention* which is likely to prove, above all others of a similar kind, a most powerful agent for the inde- finite preservation of a great variety of vegetable substances. Its application to the preservation of * Now in the hands of a respectable company, called " The Anti Dry Rot Company." 60 timber may justly be ranked among the most important benefits conferred upon society by the hand of science. The application of iron for the purpose of piling has recently been adopted in some situations that are likely to prove severe tests of its applicability, and, if successful, to warrant a more extended use of this material in a variety of situa- tions where timber piling might be considered objectionable from its exposed position. In an admirable memoir on the subject of iron piling, published in the first volume of the " Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers," it is therein stated, that the introduction of metal for the purpose of piling originated with Mr. Mathews, of Brid- lington, previous to the year 1822. A gentleman of the name of Ewart (now of Her Majesty's Dock Yard at Woolwich) secured by patent, in 1822, a plan for the construction of iron piling, applicable to the formation of coffer-dams. It appears that this invention was not originally contemplated for the purposes of permanent piling ; notwithstanding which, subsequent adaptations to the latter purpose lead us to infer that they are all derivable from the mechanical arrangement exhibited in the plans of Messrs. Mathews and Ewart. The priority of in- vention, however, is most justly due to the former gentleman; Mr. Ewart having matured his invention without a previous knowledge of the proceedings of Mr. Mathews. Mr. Ewart's plan has been most successfully Ji, metier Fig; IRON PILING. 61 carried into execution, under the able direction of Mr. Milne, the Engineer of the New River Company, at Broken Wharf, and by Mr. Hartly, of the Liverpool Docks, at the basin of George's Dock at Liverpool. A detailed illustration of the construction of the piling is shown in plate 3,* which is fully explained in the accompanying reference to the various figures. Fig. 1 is a plan of three metal piles, united together by cramps of cast-iron. The cramps B are made to fit and slide easily on the dovetailed ribs or ledges a, when the piles are placed side by side, yet sufficiently dove- tailed to retain the piles or plates in their proper situations in relation to the cramps. Fig. 2 is a plan of the heads or upper parts of the piles, and cross sections of the cramps for securing them at their vertical joinings. Fig. 3 is a back elevation of the piles as seen in the inside of the coffer-dam, showing also the horizontal joinings where additional lengths of piles are required. Fig. 4 is an end view of one portion of a pile, detached at the horizontal joint. Figs. 5 and 6 are views of the cramp and wedge for securing the piles at their joints. Fig. 7 is a side view of one of the vertical cramps B. Fig. 8 is a view of that part of the same cramp which is applied next to the piles. Fig. 9 is a cross section of the lower part of the same cramp, through the line op. Fig. 10 is a horizontal plan, of the form of a coffer-dam, for the * Collated principally from the Specifications given in the 43rd volume of the Repertory of Patent Inventions. 62 foundation of a pier. Fig. 1 1 is a plan of part of a coffer-dam, showing how the piles are arranged round it. Fig. 12 is an end view or elevation of part of the same. Fig. 13 is a plan of three piles, the middle one being curved to admit of expansion and contraction in the line of piles on each side of it. Fig. 14 is a horizontal section of two cast-metal piles, united at their vertical joints by cramps cast in one piece with the piles. 'Fig. 15 is a horizontal section of three piles of wrought-iron, united at their vertical joints by cramps of wrought-iron or cast-metal. The patentee states, in his speci- fication, that the piles are made in portions of various lengths, generally from 10 to 15 feet, but shorter or longer when required. The vertical cramps are also made of various lengths, corre- sponding to the lengths of the piles, along which they are continued from top to bottom ; but so that the joints of the cramps, end to end, shall never be in the same horizontal line with the joints of the piles which they connect. When necessary, these cramps are strengthened by making them thicker than shown in the drawings, or by adding a rib to them as represented at c, Fig. 1. The construction of this kind of piling has been successfully modified in its application to various works, by Messrs. Walker, Cubitt, Sibley, and others ; the plan de- vised by Mr. Sibley exhibits the greatest deviation from the original idea ; and, in fact, may be almost considered as a distinct invention. These piles were made hollow, and when driven, were filled with 63 concrete. With respect to the effect produced by the pile-engine in driving iron piling, it may be justly inferred that considerable care and attention must be requisite, in order that a blow of the ram should fall with its due effective force upon the exact centre of the pile-head. The great danger of striking piles of timber obliquely, when it is the intention of the engineer to drive them at right angles to the horizon, has been strikingly exem- plified at Westminster Bridge, where the rupture of two arches of that structure was occasioned by a defect of this kind. The iron piles at the Bruns- wick Wharf were driven with a ram weighing from 13 to 15 cwt., with a fall of three feet six inches only ; in some cases the fall was even limited to a less extent. The crab-engine was invariably used for this purpose. The tendency of iron piles to start from their position when struck with a heavy blow, suggested the propriety of driving them by a series of smart shocks given in succession. By these means the driving may be conducted with great security and facility, care being taken in the first instance to cap the head of the pile during the operation with a sound piece or plank of timber to transmit the shock more equally on the metallic surface.* * For a more elaborate detail of the preparations required for driv- ing iron piling, such as boring the ground to receive the pile, cutting trenches, &c., &c., the reader is referred to the first Volume of the "Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers," published by Weale, of Holborn, 1836. 64 We shall now advert to the comparative per- manency of iron piling. It has been practically demonstrated that iron, buried in the earth under water, and kept perfectly free from atmospheric influence, will not sensibly corrode for an indefinite length of time : indeed it may be safely affirmed that nothing short of volcanic agency or great intestinal commotions and changes, which in most cases occur only at intervals of great distance of time, will produce a decomposing effect upon iron thus situated. A change, however, occurs in the material; for it has been proved that iron thus buried will, in process of time, obtain an extraordi- nary degree of tenacity. The action of water upon iron effects a result totally different, a certain che- mical combination taking place, producing, within a comparatively short period, a material resembling- plumbago. This effect also takes place upon the pistons of steam engines that have been subjected to much work, the interior parts, consisting of the wedges, &c., being readily cut with a knife. These remarkable facts being known, it becomes an in- quiry of great practical importance to ascertain the cause or causes of such change of structure in this metal, and also to discover some new compound that will effectually resist the decomposing action of water upon it. Experiments have not hitherto been made to that extent as would funiish sufficient data for a more close chemical investigation of this subject. Until this be effected, the practice of iron CURVATURE OF WING arid itl 65 piling must be regarded with a much less fogree of reliance than that of timber piling, securecnty satu- ration with the bichloride of mercury. In addition to the perpendicular pressure acting upon the hori- zontal surfaces of piling, an enormous lateral thrust is to be resisted in cases where river or sea walls, or embankments, are raised upon piling. Considerable care and attention is likewise requisite, in order to give to the masonry that degree of facial curvature most capable of resisting the effects of a lateral thrust. The subjoined method has been employed with uniform success in works where the thrust has been great, or where land-slips have been appre- hfcnded. The following is the construction of the diagram shown in plate 4. Let A B, B C, be given, join A' C, and bisect it in D, make D G = C B -H- 4, join C G, G A, bisect them at I and K, let H I, K J = ? join C J, J G, G H, H A, and so on ad injinitum. 9 C, J, G, H, A, are points in a curve, that is a tangent to A B, and projects B C. Fig. 2 represents a retaining wall, with a cur- vature produced from the foregoing formula. River, wharf, and sea walls have occasionally to withstand violent forces acting from without, caused by moor- ing vessels thereto, or, by warping them in and out of harbours, docks, and basins. The mooring-rings are secured to the iron land-ties, and these latter are firmly bolted to piles driven into the ground at the back of the wall, in a slightly inclined position. The 66 enormous horizontal strain to which these piles are subjectS frequently causes them to yield, and conse- quently the whole force is transferred to the backing of the wall, which is mainly protected from being pulled outwards by the security afforded by its batter, or slope, and the strength of the fender piling, with which the outer work is generally faced. As an improvement on this method, we would suggest the application of Mr. Mitchell's " Patent Screw Moor- ing," fixed horizontally, and to which the tension rod, forming the land-tie, might be firmly fixed. A screw mooring of 3 feet diameter would thus have a secure hold of an area not less than ten superficial feet.* There are certain circumstances connected with the practical operations of pile driving that require a passing notice. 1st. It has been frequently found that when piles have been driven to the depth that was at first deemed desirable, another blow with the ram will, to the great surprise of the engineer, suddenly sink the pile to a greater depth than was effected in the first instance. This effect may arise from several causes : among the most probable of these may be mentioned the sudden transition from a dense to a looser soil, or the intervention of a stone immediately under the foot of the pile, where the immediate stratum is known to be sand. Now a smart blow, accidentally given in an oblique direction, will cause * For drawings, &c. of this excellent invention, see " The Public Works of Great Britain," and " Mechanic's Magazine," No. 756, Vol. 28. 67 the pile to swerve from its original upright position, and to pass still further into the stratum, that was at first supposed to be sufficiently consolidated to resist the further efforts of the pile machine. Again : when the head of tfte pile has been much bruised by the action of the ram, the force becomes deadened, and ultimately nullified by the comparative softness of the abraded surface. In this case the top of the pile should be cut off, and the driving continued on the new and firm surface thus exposed to the ram. Mr. Timperly* argues from these facts, that all theories must be uncertain which profess " to ascer- tain the actual weight a pile will bear, by having given the weight of the ram, the fall, and the depth, driven at one blow." This, however, is not the case, as the theory has for one of its principal conditions, the su^JDosed uniformity of the strata, through which the pile is intended to be driven. The most conclusive evidence in favour of the enormous friction on the sides of a pile, and the con- sequent degree of security to be relied thereon, is shown by the immense power required to withdraw them from their position, when once firmly driven into the soil. The gentleman above alluded to has given a particular statement of some operations of this kind. " In removing the temporary bridges and coffer-dams,t the piles were principally drawn by * Account of the Hull Docks. 1st vol. Trans. Inst C. E. t Hull Docks. Ibid. F 2 68 the engine crabs,* with double blocks and chains, and so firmly did they hold, that some of them required sixteen men with four crabs to remove them ; but in general half this power was sufficient : after the piles were started, one crab witlf four men (assisted by the buoyancy of the waterf) accomplished the business. The power applied to some of these piles was not less than from fifteen to twenty tons. There being occasion in the course of the week to draw several of the sheeting piles in the Whitefriar-gate lock pit, a 4-inch screw was used, and one of the piles, 14 feet long by 12 inches wide, required, on the most moderate calculation, a power of 18 tons to draw it, the soil being nearly a- pure sand; another pile could not be drawn by even a greater force, until a hole was dug around it ; but the others, being in softer ground, moved more easily. 3 * It is further stated, that some of the permanent bearing piles sustain a weight = 20 tons, without settle- ment. The operation of piling requires so much heavy timber, and is withal of so expensive a nature, that effective machinery for withdrawing piles from the bed of rivers is a great desideratum. The timber may afterwards be employed in other service, or in works of the same description. In 1747 Marshal Belleisle passed the Var to the army of the Allies, The construction of a crab-engine is described further on. f Query? Weight of the water. 69 for the purpose of conquering an adjacent province (Nice) ; and to facilitate the communication with France, he caused to be constructed across that river two magnificent bridges, measuring in length about 300 toises each, and of sufficient solidity to resist the force of one of the strongest currents in Europe, at a time, too, when the river was most subject to them. When the evacuation took place in 1749, the bridges were destroyed. The founda- tions, to use the words of M. Belidor, comprised a " forest of piles." This writer communicated with M. Guil, brigadier-general of the king's army, the design of the machines shown in plate 5, figs. 1 and 2, as it was deemed necessary to withdraw the whole of the piles, many of which were buried at the depth of 12, 13, and 15 feet in the bed of the river, and in an extremely tenacious earth. After repeated trials to no effect, arising from the cords breaking, they employed nine to each machine, and the piles were then drawn with great expedition, each in less than four or five minutes.* The general construction of this machine is explained by figs. 1 and 2. A beam, G L, is placed upon a support or fulcrum, B ; the end of the beam G is bound with iron straps, having a hook, Z, to lay hold of the cord or chain, which is fastened to the pile C, by means of a short bar or rod of iron driven through the pile; the beam is elevated for this purpose by the windlass P, and when made fast * Belidor, Architecture Hydraulique, Vol. I., p. 121, 122. 70 at one end (Z) is released at L : consequently the beam is allowed to fall by its own gravity, drawing the pile C upwards. The length of the beam, in this case, is supposed to be 18 feet, and the length, G K, two feet ; but, in all cases, whatever the length of the beam may be, divide the same into nine equal parts, and allow one part for the length from the extremity to the fulcrum at K. The action of the apparatus may be rendered more powerful by the workmen mounting upon the end, L, and thrusting it downwards. The substance of M. Belidbr's calculation of the power of this machine is as follows : Let us suppose the beam to be 18 feet long and 12 + 12 inches, and, as we have before stated, G K will be 2 feet long, and K L 16 feet in length. Now a cubic foot of dry oak weighs about 60 Ibs. ; let us take this as the basis of the formula. For greater accuracy, make K H = G H, in order to consider these two parts of the beam as being equilibrated. Imagine that the rest of the weight H L is united in the middle A, the centre of gravity of the part H L to take the place of the power which is to act upon the pile ; recollecting that this power will be = 840 Ibs., which is the weight of 14 cubic feet of dry oak, answering to the arm of the lever K A, 9 feet, whilst the K G, in regard to its effect, is only 2 feet. Thus, in the state of equilibrium, the power A of 840 Ibs. will be, to its action in drawing the pile, as KG is to K A, or as two to nine. 71 Following the rule, we shall find that this action = 3780 Ibs., which can be augmented by the thrusts given to it by the workmen mounted upon " the end, R L. If we suppose four men acting to- gether by supporting themselves by the cords D D, fig. 2, suspended from the top of the machine to prevent them falling, it will appear, that weighing together 600 Ibs. at the extremity of the lever K Q, which is equal to six times K G, their effect upon the pile will be 3600 Ibs., which, added to 3780, gives 7380 Ibs. for the force with which the pile C will be drawn upwards. The power of the machine may again be indefinitely increased, should the pile refuse to move from these exertions: displace the pullies from their position, M N, and fix a ring, F, to the end of the beam, which will be kept raised by the hook Z laying hold of the chain or rope attached to the pile; a pulley is then .fixed at the foot of the machine, and a cord or rope passed through the ring F and the pulley at the bottom ; the workmen will then pull horizontally at the bottom, and draw the beam downwards with great power. This machine may be also made to answer the purpose of the ordinary pile machine, by fixing a heavy ram at one end; it is then raised and allowed to fall as usual, or might be worked after the manner of a tilt-hanimer. Fig. 3 is another apparatus for withdrawing piling. C is a screw supported in a square timber framing, worked with the levers B A in the manner of a capstan. The pile D is attached 72 to the hook at the bottom by cords or chains, and is of course drawn upwards. This may be readily removed by boats from one place to another, its principal defect is, that if the pile is very firmly fixed, the stand will not remain so steady as might be desirable for the purpose of its operation. The weighing machine for withdrawing piles simply consists of a flat-bottomed craft or barge, having at one end a windlass, and at the other a strong chain, which is also fixed round the pile intended to be raised. In the centre of the barge are two stout planks or beams, laid longitudinally, forming a tram road for a truck, loaded to the amount of several tons weight; the truck is made fast to the chain coiled round the drum of the windlass. The mode of operation is as follows: the truck is first drawn to that end of the barge nearest the pile, which depresses the -head of the barge in the water; the chain is then fixed round the pile; the windlass is now, in its turn, put into operation, drawing the truck towards the opposite extremity of the barge; the other end now becomes depressed and raises the pile at the other end. At Waterloo Bridge, Bramah's pump was used for the purpose of withdrawing the piling. Fig. 4, plate 5, shows the arrangement employed: A A exhibits part of the piling of the coffer-dam ; B is the pump fixed upon the top of the piling; by working the lever, or handle C, water is withdrawn from the cistern D, and forced through the copper PILE WITHDRAWING MACHINERY. 73 pipe E, into an iron cylinder enclosed within a casing of wood, F, firmly bolted to the piles ; the solid plunger, G, is thus forced upwards, and raises a beam, H, placed upon the fulcrum, I ; a loose ring of iron, L, is dropped over the pile K, and the chain M is passed several times round the beam H. The loose ring, L, being drawn upwards, will shift itself into an angular position, and M'ill take a purchase upon the sides of the piles, causing it to follow with the elevation of the beam H, until it is completely withdrawn from its position. We shall now proceed with an examination of those artificial substrata, which, by their peculiar preparation and properties, are included in the class or genera of concreting mixtures. The first that claims our most particular attention is the bbton of the French. This substance has been (erroneously we think) considered by several writers as identical with our Concrete and the Smalto of the Italians. In order that the reader may fully comprehend the nature and properties of this important artificial conglomerate, we offer in the following chapter a translation from the highly valuable work of "M. Belidor,* containing a detailed analysis of its com- position and use. The composition called beton is understood (in a popular sense) to be a kind of mortar used by * Architecture Hydraulique, vol. 4, section 2. De la maniere d'employer le beton pour les fondationa faites au fond de 1'eau sans batardcaux ni epuisemens. 74 the French engineers, consisting of the following materials and their proportions. Twelve parts of pozzolano, or Dutch trass, six of good sand, nine of unslacked lime, the best that can be had, thirteen of stone scraplings, not exceeding the size of an egg, arid three parts of iron scales from the forge. These, being well worked together, must be left standing for twenty-hour hours, or till it becomes so hard as not to be separated without a pickaxe. The mortar being thus prepared, a bed of rubble stone, not very large, is thrown into the coffer, and spread all over the bottom as nearly level as possible. They then sink a box full of this hard mortar broken into pieces, till it comes within a little of the bottom ; the box is so contrived as to be overset or turned upside down at any depth ; which being done, the pieces of mortar soften, and so fill up the vacant space be- tween the stones ; by these means as much of it is deposited as will form a bed of about twelve inches deep ; another bed of stone rubble is now thrown in, and thus one layer of bbton and one of stone is alter- nately deposited till the work approaches near the surface of the water, when it is levelled to receive the regular courses of masonry. The text minutely describes the precautions necessary in the erection of large works, and the general method of the pro- ceedings adopted by the most scientific engineers. 75 CHAPTER III. ON THE NATURE AND APPLICATION OF 'BETON. FROM THE FRENCH OF M. BELIDOR. To initiate those who have had but little experience in works such as these in question, we shall preface our observations with a general and popular view of the subject, that they may the more clearly compre- hend the detailed description that we intend offering to their consideration. With this view, therefore, let us suppose that the services of the architect or engineer are required to direct the construction of the foundations for a fort or jetty in the sea, at the depth of fifteen, twenty, or even twenty-five feet. The works should be commenced by forming the neoessary boundaries to mark the extent of the pro- posed erections. The usual examinations of the nature of the ground, the state of the levels, &c., need not in this particular instance be made, for the space so enclosed may be permanently raised, and com- pleted at leisure, by filling it in with such materials as are hereafter described. The foundations, there- fore, need not extend beyond the enclosure required for the walls, care being taken that they have a thick- ness proportionable to the depth of the water. The 76 interior surface being perfectly level, and the exterior having a slope of a fifth or sixth of its height, as in common revete?nens, in order to avoid unnecessary toil and expense. The works, being marked out by buoys, and guarded from the action of the waves by a temporary counter mole, if judged necessary, are commenced, by erecting a coffer-dam of the usual construction, by piling, &c. This dam, how ever, need not be so complete in its appliances as those generally employed for the purposes of bridge building, where the water is required to be withdrawn from the in- terior of the dam, but is nevertheless to be constructed with such regard to security as will enable it to with- stand the force, &c. of water^from without, and the pressure of materials, water, &c. from within. The water of the interior will consequently be displaced by throwing in the beton, with such apparatus as we shall presently describe. It being of the first import- ance that the cement should subside upon the natural and consolidated layer, or stratum, means must be employed to clear the bed of the river or sea from all extraneous deposits : this can be effected by removing the ground to the necessary depth, with a machine a cuilliere placed on the summit of the coffer, which may be advanced as the work proceeds, and will lay open the ground to the depth of the firm stratum, which, in most instances, will be but a few feet below the alluvial deposit. Should the stratum itself be found to consist of a muddy, loose, or friable qua- lity, the common precautions mnst be resorted to. SIDE ELEVATION Or THE MACHINE. fvr iin/nfrsi/ia tfi< "Biicn 77 The coffer may now be filled with masses of beton to the level of low water mark; but as this mortar, in falling, would nevertheless have to pass through a great head of water, it would lose much of its value by the greater part of the lime being washed away; means have therefore been found, by a certain contrivamce hereafter men- tioned, to lower it without the risk of having its pro- perties destroyed. Although the coffer intended to contain the masonry in question be very simple in its construction, our description will be rendered more intelligible by reference to the subjoined illustra- tions, which represent the coffer in its working state. Fig. 1, plate 6, represents a side elevation; the letters A B show the high water mark, and C D the bed of the sea. The piles A B belong to the ranges driven on both sides, to form the encaissement for a distance of no more than 10 or 12 toises (so as not to encumber the work, which, in most instances, requires to be executed with extraordinary expedi- tion). They are headed with a cap, D, to which the higher pieces, E, are fixed, and the lower, G, sus- pended by holdfasts or irons attached to H, to sup- port the timbers, F, which compose the coffer, on whose edge two thick planks, O, serving as a plat- form to the rollers, R, carrying the machine for throwing in the beton. The line I K marks the bottom of the trench cut below the bed of the sea C D ; and, lastly, the sides I, L, M, R, enclose the 78 btton mixed with stones, wherewith the foundations are commenced. Fig. 1, plate 7, represents a plan of the coffer and machine, another elevation, which will be found in fig. 1, plate 8 : thus these illustra- tions, studied together, with reference to the letters which mark the same throughout, leave no part of the subject unexplained. The width of the coffer being equal to the ' thickness of the masonry, the rule is, when carrying on works such as operations in the interior of a haven, to -calculate this thickness at one-half of the depth of the water ; but should the masonry be ex- posed to the open sea, or a strong current, then it ought to be two-thirds. By this rule, also, you will judge of the proper distance between the two ranges of piles, the strength of which will be proportionate to the height of masrony and beton, and to the depth they must be driven so as to penetrate some feet in firm ground ; thus rendering them capable of sustaining the impetus of the waves, and preventing the masonry from spreading until it has acquired solidity. On this account, according to the nature of the soil, they must be armed with iron (lardoirs et frettess), and the timbers, F, cut off at three or four feet above the level of the highest tides, so as to secure the work against the action of the waves, when it shall be sufficiently raised to encounter them. These piles should be distanced according to the height of the masonry, s6 that their common PLAN OF THE MACHINE fif inimcrAina flit "littfn" LONGITUDINAL ELEVATION OF THE MACHINE, frr i/nmersitifi tJir'Rttfn. " 79 resistance may be proportionate to the power they will have to overcome from its spreading ; always re- gulated, however, according to its height : whenever that does not exceed 10 feet, 6 feet from the centre of one pile to the centre of the next will be sufficient. At about 16 feet they should be 4 feet apart, but when it rises to the height of 20 or 25 feet, the dis- tance of 3 feet apart should not be exceeded. All the piles should be securely bound together by a cap, the two opposite rows being keyed together at intervals, and having cross quarters traversing the top of the coffer, the more effectually to secure it against opening > these may be removed when the bbton is consolidated, and completed by its uppermost course of common masonry. These piles will be again bound by two bands* placed internally, so as to serve for supports to the vanages, the upper one a great deal thicker than the lower, so as to admit sufficient space for the sloping of the bank piling, as much on one side as the other (which is seen in the front elevation), wherever a pier or isolated jetty is to be constructed. But if the question refer to the casing of a quay, or the foundation of a breakwater, then the slope need only extend along the exterior side, the inte- rior being perpendicular, so as to allow for the pres- sure that the masonry will have to sustain from the weight of the soil. Thus it will be readily seen that * Wailing pieces. 80 the two corresponding heads on the inner side should be equal, or nearly so, according to the intended slope, care being taken to place the second a third or fourth of the water's depth, according to the height of the coffer ; the only means of fixing these are by suspension, with iron holdfasts, or ropes attached to piles above high water, as may be seen at H, thereby affording space to work. Respecting the plank-piling, there is- a visible necessity for making them not only of a thickness proportionate to the height of water, and spread of masonry, but also to the depth which may be considered necessary for the trench (cut to carry off the sand at the bottom of the encaissement, from the firm ground), into which it is necessary that they should be driven at least two feet. These obser- vations are equally applicable with respect to the piles; the quality of the soil should be examined by frequent borings before the work is commenced, which will, at the same time, determine the amount of labour required for this portion of the opera- tions. Further, we shall merely premise that the plank-piling should be well bound together by grooves and wedges, according to the usual prac- tice, and cut down level with the cap of the piles, each being fastened to the bands, leaving no aper- ture, however small, at the joints, in .order to secure every particle of the lime and pozzolano within the ELEVATION OF A MACHINE frr cuatsio French**, fw Fcurvdatioru tlfwUt Wmtfr 81 proper limits, so as to preserve the masonry free from flaws: this being accomplished, the ma- chine a cuilltire* will be required to clear away the sand. We may observe en passant that the foregoing description of a good encaissement is applicable to coffer-dams, erected when it is requisite to drain some part of the sea to enable us to clear away the remains of ancient sunken works, which operation sometimes costs more than that of their original erection ; this proves the necessity of making marine- works perfectly solid, taking into consideration every possible circumstance that might happen to cause pre- mature decay, or the chance of a remote failure. Our knowledge of antique monuments evidently proves, that with good materials, it is generally the fault of those who know not how to employ them properly, that their works are far from promising a lasting durability, falling for the greater part to ruin during the lifetime of their constructor. The pieces form- ing the base of the machine in question, consist only of three soles or logs A B, fastened to the transverse beams C D, the two first being again strengthened by the cross quarters E F. In the engraving these are only dotted in like the rest, the base being partly covered by the upper parts, but its position may be readily ascertained, as it is shown in the * Dredging Machine? (Translator.) G 82 side elevation, where the frame G H I K is repre- sented raised on the third sole A B ; this frame serving, with two others like it, to sustain the axle of the wheel and cuilliere. A little examination will be sufficient to explain it. The machine is constructed on the model of those employed for clearing Toulon harbour; all the apparatus is carried on two small beams, , 6, placed across the top of the encaissement, and progressing gradually, after having cut one part of the trench as far as is required. The handle of its cuilliere passes between two rollers L M, against which it works, viz., against the first, L, in descend- ing, and the second, M, when ascending. This motion is caused by the action of the wheel, and the two principal ropes attached to the cuilliere ; the first, N Z Y, causes it to dig or penetrate into the ooze, and raises it again when full; this is done by turn- ing the wheel from right to left. The second, T V S O (the tire arriere), passing over the pulley S, and against the rollers V, causes the cuilliere or scoop to descend, after having emptied its contents into a mud-boat, by opening the trap or valve, sup- posed to be situated at Q, which is done by turning the wheel in a contrary direction. Towards the extremity of the handle, a third rope O P is bound, the other end of which is belayed three or four times to the third sole G K to steady the cuilliere by means of the fastening at P ; to drive it into the 83 ground, according to the progress of the wheel, and to direct it so as to dig equally over the whole width of the bottom ; when filled it can be raised by slackening the rope. Lastly there is a fourth cord X, passing over the pulley x, with which the foregoing operation is sometimes effected, so as to assist in raising the cuilliere when laden more than usual. It is necessary to observe that this machine can not only be used for raising the ooze from the bed of the sea, but also on all other occasions where it is necessary to excavate deep trenches in marshy lands, moss, or moving bogs, in order to erect embank- ments or causeways cased with masonry, &c. &c. Two parallel rows of plank piling must first be driven into the earth, the length and thickness of them being proportioned to the depth that they are required to be driven. They should be driven as far as possible into the firm ground, and the loose soil should then be removed entirely from the encaissement or inclosure. One or more dredging machines must now be employed to excavate the remaining portion of the trench, until a secure and firm substratum is obtained. The entrance of the water into the inclosure is of no immediate consequence, if sufficient care be taken to sustain the exterior pressure by a judicious arrangement of the cross quarters, keys, framing, &c. Having obtained a good substratum, it must be cleared as much as possible, and a gentle slope given to that side opposite to the facing of stone, to G 2 84 secure the foundations against the pressure the lining will have to sustain, taking care that it be sufficiently wide to dispense with counterfeits, as it is probable that considerable difficulty might arise in attempting to excavate short transverse trenches, from the little play the. scoop could possibly have. It is not requisite to level the ground with any great degree of accuracy; even the masonry em- ployed does not require it; on the contrary, the little interstices that remain contribute to bind the work more firmly together. If the firm ground is discovered to lie very low, so that you are compelled to build upon ground of an inferior degree of con- sistency, then it is only necessary to dig six or seven feet below the bottom of the water; after which drive piles, placed chequerwise, three feet apart, as far as you can with a heavy beetle; let their heads reach just four feet above the ground at the bottom of the foundations, without levelling them, which can even be done in the water by the aid of false stakes ; then cover these piles, and it will form a compact mass. But if the ground should prove marshy, you must excavate as deep as possible, sink a timber grating, and drive the piles in the reticu- lations, leaving them jutting as before; throw in the beton as usual, and level it carefully over the entire surface, so as not to load the grating more on one side than on the other. It is of the utmost importance that the plank piling employed for the coffer-dam should be of the 85 maximum degree of strength, well bound together by redoubled wailing. The piles should be driven as far as possible into the firm ground, to prevent so soft a soil, as we have supposed, from giving way when laden with the superincumbent masonry. Observe, that the weight of the masonry should contribute as much as possible to its firm consolida- tion ; the greater portion of the water with which the btion is saturated being expressed or forced out by this means. It must be acknowledged that, by placing the foundation thus, there can be no ob- stacles presented, by the state of the ground, but what may be successfully overcome ; in fact it is doubtful that the before-mentioned cases could be otherwise accomplished, for there can be no question about the necessity of the dams, the erection of which might be as difficult as that of the principal work. Would it not be easy to prevent the leakage, and 'keep the foundations continually dry ? To finish the descrip- tion of the drawings, explanative of the machinery for laying or immersing the bbton, it only remains to be observed, that it consists of two uprights raised on a frame Y, carried on two rollers R, serving to move it along the encaissement : these uprights, which are bound together by two tie-beams S T, sustain the axle, from whence is suspended the chest W, by two ropes always kept equidistant by two rollers X, moving on one of the tie-beams-. This chest is three feet square ; its bottom Z b is made to move in the manner of a pump valve, on two pivots 86 b, and fastened when shut by a catch m, below which to a ring Z is attached a cord a Z, made fast to an iron pin a ; the length of this cord must be regu- lated, so that the case, being let down to within about four feet of the bottom, can go no lower without its weight forcing the catch to let go the bottom, which then opening, permits the bbton to fall out. This bottom is supported on two sides, by the ends of the chains n fastened to the lower edge of the chest, to support it in the position as it appears (dotted) in the plate. When, by reversing the mo- tion of the rollers, the chest rises, then re-fasten the catch by drawing the attached cord rid; this is done when out of the water by pressing the handle b d, the catch m may then be loosed, thereby enabling it to resume its vertical position, and to sustain the bottom as before. We may now raise the chest to a convenient height, and re-fill it ; to effect this, the wheel must be fastened by tying the cord f to part of the frame. It is requisite that the inside of the chest should be very smooth, and the joints well caulked ; that it be pitched without, and shut with a ground lid ; that the column of water displaced by its descent may not carry away any of the b&ton. A layer of gravel is required to be laid in the chest before filling it, in order that the b&ton or cement may not adhere to the bottom. The interior of this chest, which is three feet cube, contains twenty- seven cubic feet of b&ton. It may be made larger, in proportion to the foundation you have to make ; 87 nevertheless (for fear of retarding the action of the apparatus), it should not exceed four feet cube, which will give a solid content of sixty -four cubic feet. Vitruvius, speaking of beton, says, " it should be composed of two parts of pozzolano to one of lime." He undoubtedly means the latter to be measured unslacked, and slacked when the cement is made ; so that the consequent effervescence may throw off a greater quantity of the salts contained in the brocaille, and the incorporated pozzolano. It is further supposed that this substance is equally at- tainable as in Italy. M. Milet de Montville, who has acquired (in the kind of building we are treating of) an experience enlightened by good principles, has made numerous experiments on the best manner of compounding the beton having proved it most successfully in the works which he has superintended. Having chosen an even and well-beaten ground, take twelve parts of pozzolano (Terrasse de Hollands, or Cendre de Tourney), of which you will form a circular wall of five or six feet in diameter, on which place six parts of sand well sifted, free from earthy matter, and evenly spread. Fill the interior of this circle with nine parts of quick lime, well calcined and pulverized with an iron beetle, and to cause it to slack more quickly (in maritime works) throw on sea-water in small quantities, stirring it from time to time with an iron spatula. As soon as it is reduced to a paste, incorporate the pozzolano and the sand. 88 The whole being well mixed, throw in thirteen parts of unhewn stone, and three parts of iron dross well pounded. If this latter ingredient cannot be obtained, sixteen parts (instead of thirteen parts) of rough stones or pebbles must be added, of a size not larger than a pullet's egg. Let this composition be well amalgamated for the space of an hour, after which it must be left in heaps to coagulate ; for this purpose the space of twenty-four hours will be suf- ficient in summer or in warm climates, but in winter it often requires the space of three or four days. Observe to keep it protected from the rain, and not to use it until it has sufficiently hardened to require breaking with a pickaxe. It must be borne in mind, that, though the bhon is employed in a consolidated state, when it has passed through the water and has reached the bottom it spreads and settles. The plunging machine is advanced, according as a bed of ten or twelve inches in thickness is spread over the whole foundation ; after which place unhewn stones of moderate size, the largest not exceeding the fourth part of a cubic foot. These stones should be carefully arranged side by side : they will sink into the mortar, which is now in a soft state, but which will, in the space of three or four months after- wards, become indissolubly united, and its firmness will increase with its age. This bed of stones having been again covered with a fresh stratum of btion, commence another, and so on alternately, even to within six or seven feet of the surface of the water. . . 89 The use of the chest may now be dispensed with, and the bbton may be thrown in with buckets or baskets, care being taken that they be emptied very near the surface of the water, it being essen- tial to prevent the dilution of the cement, which would otherwise be the case if it had to pass through a great head of water ; for, the heaviest parts sink- ing more rapidly than the others, all the strength of the lime would be lost. It is evident that, by this method the masonry may be looked upon as being done according to the best rules of the art, as it is composed of very small portions of materials, pre- senting at the same time a large surface to the bbton ; therefore, a great quantity of the salts neces- sary to the concretion are detached. It has also this convenience, that it may be laid without the assist- ance of a mason, the simplest means only being required to place it in its proper position, all the workmen required for this purpose being a few car- penters to make the chest ; besides, it is better to keep the chest in which the artificial masonry has been made, particularly in places exposed to the waves of the sea or a rapid current of water. By the foregoing method one of the jetties at Toulon was constructed in the year 1 748. The engineers of that place not being acquainted with any method more available for fixing solid ma- sonry in the sea without vexatious impediments, it may be justly considered the best method of insur- ing the most complete success. It is not to be 90 apprehended that a facing stone, being detached, would be followed by many others, and that all in the water would fall successively to ruin ; and let us ask, should we not calculate greatly on the economy of being able to work without dams or draining, which sometimes costs as much as the work itself ? Is there not reason to be surprised, that a practice of which the ancients made such good use should be so little employed, except on the Mediterranean coasts ? Nevertheless, it is equally applicable to seas and rivers, to erect a quay, or the piers of a bridge, in places which are never dry, and where there is always a great head of water ; being preferable, in most cases, to foundations made in " caissoons" laid along the bottom of the river. M. Milet de Montville having filled a chest containing 27 cubic feet of beton, sunk it in the sea, where it remained during two months, after which it was drawn up to ascertain the consolidation it had acquired. On inspection it was found to be con- verted into so compact a body that more difficulty was experienced in separating its parts, than those of a block of the hardest stone. If a long foundation is required to be made, and the work is exposed to the violence of the waves, it is at first only necessary to drive the piles of the encaissement following the intended lines, and only form the coffer with plank piling, in parts of six toises in length, to fill it im- mediately with masonry, that each part may resist the violence of a heavy sea, which would probably 91 overturn an empty encaissement* In order to com- mence the work again after having continued the encaissement, the side partitions formed with plank piling are to be removed ; if the beton is already firm, some apertures must be made in the side, by which means the new masonry will key or bind better with that already erected. If, on the contrary, it has not become a uniform body, it will incline itself along the encaissement, and will naturally join with the beton which is thrown over it. It is almost needless to observe that, according to the circumstances of situation, &c., boats or lighters must be in attendance with proper rigging, to carry the materials and rafts of timber round the encaisse- ment to assist in the work. The foundation having been left, at least during the winter, to allow it to harden, the masonry must be raised by regular courses ; the fencing should be of good hard and picked unhewn stone, whether for the construction of a mole, jetty, battery, or a fort. If the surface is exposed, and likely to be abraded by the action of the sea, or by continual concussions arising from external forces as is the case in quays, &c. ; it is imperatively necessary that the edging of stone should be of sufficient substance, the headers and stretchers placed " en coupe" joggled together with iron dowels run with lead. If works of magnitude are to be erected, jutting far out and of considerable length such as a jetty 92 or a mole it is sufficient to make an encaissement all round, to inclose the beton masonry : then fill the space so inclosed with unhewn stone, after which continue to raise the same lining of good masonry in freestone, placed in regular courses up to the top of the platform, allowing a moderate size for the en- caissement, so as not to create useless expense. In order that a greater degree of solidity may be allowed where necessary, the opposite walls should be bound by chain bars, placed at regular distances, effected either by encaissement or by beton masonry. It may be added, that in building the circummuring of a fortification, or of any other work much exposed to the open sea, and when, notwithstanding the counter-jetty with which it is guarded, there is rea- son to fear that the waves might dash against the face of the work, causing much damage by their violence, the exposed works should be protected by covering them with inch-and-half or two-inch plank- ing, securely bound together with cramps, and per- manently fixed against the masonry for the first year, until the whole should have time to consolidate and harden, and that the joints should not open. As there are some remarkable particulars connected with the use of beton, we shall probably interest those concerned in its use, by subjoining the results afforded by its extensive application at Toulon. The statement contains the quantities of each kind of materials contained in a cubic toise of this 93 masonry, and their weight. To fill a foundation containing sixteen cubic toises, is as follows : Cubic Feet. Ibs. 942 Of Red Pozzolano, at 90 Ibs. the foot, making 84,780 471 Of Sand, at 115 Ibs 54,165 235 Pounded Iron Dross, at 80 Ibs 18,800 1,020 Rubble Stone, at 110 Ibs 112,200 706 Quick Lime, at 76 Ibs. each 53,656 618 Stones, at 160 Ibs 98,880 3,992 Total cubic feet, weighing 422,481 Ibs. Thus it is seen that to make 16 cubic toises of bkton masonry, there is used 3,992 feet of materials, although these sixteen feet only contained 3,456 solid feet, thus the difference is 536 cubit feet, caused by the vacuity between the parts of the materials em- ployed ; respecting which it is to be remarked, that M. Milet de Montville has often proved that 2 cubic feet of rough sand, incorporated with 1 foot of slacked lime, would not produce more than 2 feet of mortar ; from which it follows, that in the account of the materials employed in this masonry, care should be taken to make proper deduction for the lime. 94 CHAPTER IV. ON THE ANALYSIS OF LIMESTONE. THE extraordinary phenomena exhibited by the combination of lime with siliceous matters, and the variable results that are effected by modifying the proportions of the component parts in the com- position of cements and mortars, for building pur- poses, are of the utmost importance to the prac- tical builder. An elucidation of the facts connected with this portion of our labours is of so much practical and scientific interest, that we shall offer no apology for taking, as far as our limits will permit, a comprehensive view of the subject. There are two theories relating to the formation of lime. The first of these was promulgated by the earlier geologists, and up to the present time, has been advocated by several scientific men. This theory .contends for the origin of limestones from organized substances, or, in other words, that it may be " an animal product, combined by the powers of vitality from some simple elements." The arguments deduced in opposition to this hypothesis have been ably pointed out by Mr. Lyell, 95 in his " Elements of Geology," who contends that lime is formed by the evolution of carbonic acid, and a small quantity of carbonate of lime on the sites of springs. The immense deposits of carbonate of lime originating from springs in volcanic districts, he attributes, with great propriety of reasoning, to the solvent power of carbonic acid ; and instances that, " as acidulous waters percolate calcareous strata, they take up a certain portion of lime, and carry it up to the surface, where, under diminished pressure in the atmosphere, it may be deposited, or, being absorbed by animals and vegetables, may be secreted by them." Limestone,* when burned, is deprived of its carbonic acid, &c., and becomes converted into lime, its chief constituents being a metallic oxide^ com- bined with oxygen. For the manufacture of mortar, lime requires slacking, which is accomplished by wetting it with a certain proportion of water, a compound is thus formed, bearing the chemical name of " hydrate of lime." It is evident that, to acquire practical informa- tion concerning the properties of various limes, an analysis of a series of limestones must be the first step to obtain the requisite information. The stu- dent should, nevertheless, be apprised that chemical examination alone will not enable him to decide upon the quality of the material, but that his research * Limestones are compounds of carbonic acid with salifiable bases. t The metallic base of lime ia " Calcium," and was discovered by Sir H. Davy, in the yar 1808. .96 should, in all cases, be accompanied by actual expe- riment. Calcareous minerals are commonly distin- guished by their effervescing and dissolving in acid, and the readiness with which their surfaces may be cut or scratched with a knife ; their elements may be readily and accurately ascertained by the analytical process hereafter described. The analyses contained in this chapter have been mostly derived from the " Transactions of the Geological Society of London," a series of publica- tions containing papers of great practical value to the engineer, &c. From the authenticity of those records, and the scientific eminence of the writers, it is anticipated that the various analyses thus col- lected and brought under immediate observation, will not fail to assist in developing the nature and quality of a most important class of building materials. Lime may be obtained from an immense variety of stones ; indeed, any stone exhibiting the indica- tions mentioned above, will burn to lime ; varying in quality in proportion as it is more or less impreg- nated with silex, alumina, iron, &c., the pure lime- stones furnishing the weakest lime* Chalk is the most common variety of calcareous mineral from which lime is obtained ; its physical character is so well known as to need no remark. We shall merely observe, that when quarried, the less exposure it * M. Vicat states, " that no hydraulic mortar exists without silica, &c." An exception has, however, been observed by Captain Smith, in favour of the lime made from Dolomitic or magnesian limestones. (See Captain Smith's translation of " Vicat on Cements.") 97 has received from the atmosphere, the better will be the quality of the lime. Most of the lime used in the neighbourhood of London and its suburbs is procured from Dorking, in Surrey. This lime is produced by burning masses of indurated chalk,, or chalk marie. Chalk forms an extensive and con- spicuous geological feature in this island ; its great abundance, and the ease with which it is obtained, renders it a most available medium for the manu- facture of lime. The specific gravity of an ordinary specimen of chalk is 2.3, and, according to the analysis of Bucholz, contains Lime 56 5 Carbonic Acid . . 43 Water 5 100 In its purest state it is a carbonate of lime ; but the usual varieties contain much siliceous matter, which is separated from it by pounding and washing. Chalk may with propriety be considered as a "tender earthy limestone," the second in the scale of materials from which lime is made. Thus we consider lime made from the varieties of argillaceous limestones, 1st ; chalk, 2nd ; and that made from shells, the 3rd. Near Dorking is one of the escarpments of the chalk range, and at two-thirds or three-fourths of the depth H 98 of the chalk strata, a very hard chalk is obtained, having a brownish tinge ; this is quarried, broken, and burned, and forms the substance so well known by the name of Dorking lime. In proportion to the depth at which the chalk is obtained, so is its state of induration, in this respect not differing from other strata. It has been remarked, that within a few yards of the bottom of the chalk formation, there are one or more beds of it so hard as to be nearly equal to the best Portland stone. In many places its induration is so great, that it has been quarried for the purposes of masonry ; the following may be cited as instances of its employment as a building stone : The abbey of Sturley, and its parish church, Berkshire : abbey of St. Omer's ; mullions and arches of St. Catherine's chapel near Guildford, Surrey, &c.* A lime obtained from Merstham in the same county (Surrey), is also extensively used ; it is obtained from an indurated chalk marie (clay and chalk), the kilns used for burning it into lime are distri- buted in various parts of the county ; those at Mers- tham are situated at the lowest level at which the marie is fit for the kiln, beneath which it becomes much harder and partakes of the nature of stone.f The more argillaceous forms of chalk marie, accord- ing to the analysis of Mr. Phillips, indicate carbonate of lime nearly 30 per cent. ; and the more cretaceous varieties 82 per cent, carbonate of lime, 18 silex and * Conybeare. f Middleton. Communication, Monthly Magazine, 1812. 99 alumine, chiefly the former, and a trace of the oxide of iron. For the greater convenience of the reader, we shall follow (as closely as the subject will admit) the regular geological succession of strata, in order to exhibit successively the limestones peculiar to each formation. The limestone from which the greater number of the varieties of lime have been made and experimented upon, were of the sub-species.* According to Dr. Ure, compact limestone com- mon to the English mining districts is a carbonate of lime, having variable and minute portions of silica, alumina, iron, magnesia, and manganese ; it effer- vesces with acids and burns into quicklime. Sp. gr. 2.6 to 2.7. Oolitic series. 1. Portland. The summit of the Portland beds, called the cap, is only burned for lime. The cap is No. 4 of the layers of the quarries ; it is a cream-coloured stone in three layers, with partings of clay, and so hard as to turn the steel points of chisels and pickaxes. 2 . Cornbrash. A loose mbbly limestone, affords lime of tolerable quality. 3. Forest marble, a very shelly limestone. 4. Bath stone. Now extensively worked for the purposes of masonry : it is a tolerably pure car- bonate of lime, but as a lime, possesses no remark- able features. The oolitic series contain such an * For this enumeration, see lire's Chemical Diet. Art. "Limestone." H2 100 immense number of intermediate beds of stone, capable of being converted into lime of variable quality, that the bare enumeration of them would occupy a very considerable space. It is sufficient for our present purpose to observe, that throughout the whole tract of country occupied by these forma- tions,* little difficulty is experienced in procuring limestone fit for the purposes of the arts, particularly that of masonry. They are, in fact, the grand de- positories from whence we draw the materials for our supply of building-stone ; and furnish, besides, inexhaustible materials for the use of the brick- maker and lime-burner.'f The series alluded to above (geologically speak- ing) include all the strata between the iron sand and the red marie. These comprise three great divisions, called the upper, the middle, and the lower oolitic systems or divisions ; each separated in a remarkable manner by an extensive argillaceous district or valley. This important circumstance so well defines the boun- dary of each division, that the architect or engineer may readily detect the general quality of the sub- soil by the locality of the separations. The stony beds of the first division are the Purbeck, Portland, Tisbury, and Aylesbury limestones, &c. Then fol- lows the valley of clay, known generally as the oak- * Comprising a zone having nearly thirty miles average .breadth, and extending across the island from Yorkshire, on the north-east, to Dorsetshire, on the south-west. (Conybeare). f The chapter on building-stone will describe the more remarkable divisions of the strata. 101 tree clay. 2nd. Coral rag, &c. &c., divided by the Oxford or clunch clay. 3rd. Corn-brash, or corn- grit, forest marble, great and inferior oolite, contain- ing the Bath stone, &c. The lias, and lias marie, forming the base of the whole. For the manufacture of cement, the lias lime- stone must be allowed to hold the most prominent place in the above series. In the neighbourhood of Bath, the dislocations and disruptions of the in- ferior oolite, together with quarrying through the strata of stone, have laid open the lias formation; from hence is supplied the lias lime, so exten- sively used in Wiltshire and the adjacent districts. In the recent alterations at Heywood House,* at Westbury, and at other extensive works in Wiltshire, the lias lime has been used as a cement in all under- ground or damp situations: its known property of setting under water renders it invaluable for such * In Wiltshire and Somersetshire, the provincial terms for the beds of stone available for building, and procured from the Box-stone-quarries, are, 1. Corngrit; 2. Scalit; 3. Ground stone; 4. Farley-down stone; and 5. Coombe-down stone. The corn-grit and scalit are of a tolerably fine texture, but not weatherproof. Ground stone is an excellent weather stone, though somewhat coarse : it is well adapted for plinths, quoins, and projections that are much exposed to the weather. Farley-down stone ought to be employed for carvings and mouldings in interior work, but is not proof against the weather; if employed externally, sufficient time should always be allowed for the rock water (which it contains) to eva- porate, otherwise the first attack of frost will disintegrate the whole mass, causing it rapidly to fall to pieces : it should not be used in damp situations. Coombe-down stone is of a coarser quality than Farley- down stone, it is much harder, and of a gray colour : it is generally considered by masons as weatherproof, and may be used for almost any external purpose : the top beds are considered the best. 102 purposes. In the immediate neighbourhood, it is known among masons by the name of Bath brown lime, and when prepared for cementing, or in com- bination with the patent metallic cement, is what is locally termed " wind slacked-," namely after hav- ing been burned, it is placed in covered sheds, but open at the sides, the atmosphere being allowed to operate upon it; should the slacking proceed too slowly, a small quantity of water may be sprinkled upon it to stimulate the process, but on no account should water in a considerable quantity be added; it is therefore much better (if possible) to allow the atmosphere to act for this purpose. The lime, when thus slacked, is converted into fine granulated particles, and is among workmen said to be " alive," as it will run from an iron shovel similar to quicksilver. The colour of the lias, pre- vious to burning, is blue; when it has passed the kiln, it is brown. The uniformity of its mine- ralogical character is well retained throughout, in- cluding also its foreign localities, which are very extensive : a correct knowledge of the lias limestone is, therefore, of almost universal application. Al- though a minute analysis of the lias limestone has not yet been made, we may calculate upon the greater number of specimens containing as much as 90 per cent, of carbonate of lime, the residuum in all probability consisting of alumen and iron. Mr. Smeatori experimented upon the following varieties of lias lime, by dissolving 40 grains of 103 each in aquafortis, and obtaining a precipitate from each amounting to the. following quantities : Graiiia. Yellow Lias, of Axminster 5| Do. with shining spangles . . 05 Yellow Such-stone, of Glastonbury . . 5 Blue Lias, of Watchet 4.| Do. Aberthaw (Wales) ... 4^ Do. Bath 4 Do. Axminster* 3 The next important limestone deposit f is that associated with the red marie, or new red sandstone. This is denominated the newer magnesian, or con- glomerate limestone, from its containing an excess of magnesian earth. The chemical and external characters of this limestone are, a granular sandy structure, glimmering lustre, and a yellow colour ; it contains about 20 per cent, of magnesia. The abundance of this limestone in England renders it an important object of notice, and the analysis of its varieties will not fail to furnish useful information to the engineer. It should be observed, however, that in the composition of rocks (and more par- ticularly the one in question) the same anomalies present themselves that we find occurring so re- peatedly in experiments upon the strength and stress of materials, where it has been found, that * Conybeare, Geol. Eng. and Wales, p. 263. t " The limestone of St. Vincent's rocks near Bristol (associated with the lias), when calcined, yields a very pure lime; large quantities of it are exported for the use of the sugar works in the West Indies, in an unslacked state, and packed in tight casks, it is used extensively in building.'' Dr. Bright on the strata in the neighbourhood of Bristol, vol. 4, Geol. Trans, p. 200. t Also called dolomite. 104 scantlings of the same size, from the same mass, and apparently of the same quality, offer results widely differing from each other : so, in the mag- nesian limestone formations, in one place we meet with a common limestone, and in another spot not far distant an excess of magnesia ; even the same stratum (observes Dr. Gilley) " will vary in its colour, hardness, and general structure, in different parts of its course." With the rationale of this phenomenon we have, at present, nothing to do ; the fact is here mentioned with a view to guard the inquirer against the apparent contradiction that may arise in the course of his investigations. The principal range and extent of the magnesian conglo- merate formation is from Sunderland to Notting- ham. It makes its appearance in various other parts of this island, as will be seen by the localities described in treating of the several specimens selected for analysis. The continuity, however, is most apparent through the line of country alluded to above. A specimen of the magnesian limestone of Yorkshire, has been analysed by Smithson Tennant, Esq. ; it was procured from the stone of which York Minster is built, and found to contain as follows : Carbonic acid . . 47 00 Lime 33 24 Magnesia . . . 19 3G Iron and Clay . . 40 100 105 - A similar variety, namely, that of Westmin- ster Hall, yielded results nearly alike, but exhibiting about two per cent, less of magnesia. The magnesian limestone of Sunderland is situated to the north-west of the red sandstone. The northern extremities of the western boundary of the magnesian limestone are exposed in the cliffs at Cullercoats in Northumberland. On the coast in the vicinity of South Shields, in the county of Dur- ham, the formation becomes extensive, and may be followed till it readies tfye Tees below Winston- bridge, thirty miles south-west of that river's junction with the sea, and for four miles from the Tyne at South Shields. The celebrated quarry at Whitby, near Cullercoats, offers an admirable opportunity for the examination of the limestone of this district, and is minutely described by N. J. Winch, Esq. (4th vol. of the Geological Transactions), to whom we are indebted for a highly valuable paper, on the geology of Northumberland and Durham, from which the following account is extracted : " A hollow space, formed like a basin or trough, is filled with the limestone ; the length of this from east to west is about a mile ; the breadth from north to south four hundred yards ; the depth seventy feet. The beds pass over the Ninety-fathom Dike, which has occasioned in them no confusion or dislocation ; so that there can be little hazard in stating-, that the beds of the magnesian limestone belong to a more recent formation than those of the Coal-field. 106 The limestone has been quarried across its whole breadth, and a numerous set of thin strata are thus exhibited to view. At the surface loose blocks of a bluish gray coralloid limestone, the produce of the lead mine district, are found imbedded in the soil. Three or four of the uppermost strata of the quarry are of white slaty limestone, which being nearly free from iron, burns into a pure white lime. Below these an ash gray firm-grained stratum is met with, which strongly resembles a sand-stone, and seems to contain nearly as much iron as the ferri-calcite of Kirwan, becoming magnetic by the action of the blow-pipe : it produces a brownish yellow lime, less esteemed for agricultural purposes than the former. The beds next in succession are of an ash gray colour, are compact in texture, and conchoidal in fracture ; these afford a buff-coloured lime, which sells for nearly the same price as the white : near the bottom of the quarry the limestone alternates with shale ; the whole rests upon a stratum of shale on the southern side, and upon a thick bed of sand- stone on the northern. The shale has been cut through to a considerable distance from the kilns in the direction of North Shields, for the purpose of laying a railway to the Tyne. The thickness of the limestone strata varies from three or four inches to as many feet. Small strings of galena have been found here, and in one of the strata, that was walled up when I visited the quarry, a few organic remains have been noticed. The stone intended to be burned 107 is detached from the rock by the agency of fire, during which process those portions which contain iron become of a brick-red colour. Considerable quantities of fuel are found necessary at the kiln, and some parts of the rock are too apt to vitrify in the process ; an accident to which the crystalline limestone of Sunderland is not liable." The limestone quarried in the vicinity of Sun- derland is of a brown colour; it contains inflammable matter, and, consequently, requires less fuel for its conversion into lime.* The Northumberland and Durham limes exhibit the following products from an analysis of 100 parts of each : By the Rev. J. Holme, from Denton, near the Tees. Carbonate of Lime 63 Ditto of Magnesia 30 Alumina, Red Oxide of Iron and Bitumen 2 25 Water . 25 100 By Sir H. Davy, from Eldon. Carbonate of Lime 52 Ditto of Magnesia 45 2 Iron 11 Residuum 17 100 * The exportation of lime from Sunderland is chiefly to Scotland, and amounts to from forty-two to forty-five thousand chaldrons, of thirty bushels each, annually. 108 By Sir H. Davy, from Ay cliff. Carbonate of Lime 45 9 Ditto of Magnesia . . . ....,,- . . . 44 6 Iron 1 57 Residuum . ' ; ' ; ' . . 28 100 Some specimens of this lime have the pro- perty of setting under water ; and, when mixed with bullock's blood, forms a strong iron cement, occasionally used for repairing boilers. The lime from Leigh and Ardwick was employed at Drury- lane Theatre, and used as a Tarras in those works. In the neighbourhood of Bristol there is a remark- able instance of the conglomerate limestone appear- ing in contact with the new red sandstone. The basis of the red ground, or new red sandstone, is in most cases a common limestone ; but at the village of Portishead, near Bristol, a discovery was made by Dr. Gilby, of a limestone containing a consider- able quantity of magnesia ; the stone was of a yellow colour, resembling the Yorkshire magnesian limestone. In some strata it is so mixed with sand as to give more than 20 per cent, of insoluble matter. The fragmented portions are generally limestone or red sandstone ; but it is found that other strata are destitute of sand and fragments, forming, in fact, a hard compact magnesian lime- stone. This variety will give 36 or 38 per cent, of 109 carbonate of magnesia. A compact variety yields as follows : Carbonate of Lime 53 5 Ditto of Magnesia 37 5 Oxyde of Iron 08 Insoluble matter 70 Loss . .' ;.' .. '."". ....... 12 100 A small ridge of rock, about four miles north- west of Bristol, upon which Lord de Clifford's house is built, is entirely composed of a magnesian lime- stone. A specimen yields as follows : Carbonate of Lime 58 Ditto of Magnesia 38 Oxide of Iron 11 Silica and Bituminous matter .... 15 Loss 1 4 100 0* The quantity of magnesia contained in lime- stone does not appear to operate injuriously upon lime employed for building purposes, although its presence, when used for agricultural purposes, is anything but favourable to vegetation. The pre- sence of magnesia in limestone used for building produces scarcely any other effect than to render the proportion of clay greater in relation to the * Dr. Gilby on the magnesian limestone in the neighbourhood of Bristol. Vol. iv., Geol. Trans., p. 212. lip proportion of carbonate of lime. In order to ap- preciate the qualities of a calcareous stone as a lime- stone, it is sufficient to determine the quantity of argile and magnesia contained in it. The simple process by which this is effected is thus described by M. Berthier in the Annales de Chimie.* " Pul- verise the stone, and pass the powder through a silken sieve ; put ten grains of this powder into a capsule, and pour over it a little at a time, muriatic acid, nitric acid, or vinegar diluted with a small quantity of water, agitating it at the same time with a glass tube or small stick ; discontinue adding the acid when it ceases to effervesce; then evaporate the solution with a gentle heat, until the whole is reduced to a pasty consistence ; dilute it in about half a litre of water, and filter it ; the clay remains on the filter, and must be dried in the sun or by a fire, and weighed ; or it will be better before weighing' to calcine it to a red heat in an earthen or metal crucible. Pour very limpid lime-water into the solution, as much as to cause a precipitate ; collect this precipitate, which is the magnesia, as quickly as possible upon a filter ; wash it with pure water, calcine or otherwise dry it as much as pos- sible, and then weigh it. If there be any iron or manganese in the solution, they will precipitate with the magnesia. It would be superfluous to attempt to separate these three substances from each other." * See also Repertory of Patent Inventions, vol. 43, N.S., p. 185-6. Ill Carboniferous Limestone. Associated with the all-important coal districts of this country is a vast geological formation known by the above name, which significantly points out its characteristic lo- cality, and at the same time serves materially to mark the distinction between the magnesian lime- stone beds associated with the red ground or new red sand-stone. This rock exhibits generally a close and compact body, capable of a good polish, and imperfectly crystalline,* prevailing colour gray. The purest beds contain about 96 per cent, of cal- careous matter. By admixtures, not common to the pure species, it passes into magnesian, ferruginous, bituminous, and foetid limestone. For the manu- facture of lime, possessing all the essential qualities of a cement, capable of the highest degree of indu- ration, the carboniferous limestone of England is upon the whole the most important in the class of calcareous minerals. From some unaccountable reason, the valuable properties of this mineral have not been sufficiently appreciated by the profession ; its use has, consequently, been very limited in our metropolitan works. In engineering operations good lime is a material that ought to be obtained, regardless of expense. Indeed, when it is con- sidered, that artificial hydraulic limes, such as are generally used in the metropolis, are obtained from a variety of ingredients collected in various districts * Conybeare. 11-2 distant from each other, and subjected to careful manipulation, it becomes a question whether the conveyance of the best varieties of this mineral to the London market would not prove of sufficient practical value to counterbalance the excess of outlay required in its general employment in our public works. The carboniferous limestone of Flintshire, North Wales (parish of Whiteford), exhibits in an eminent degree the valuable properties of the bitu- minous limestone. A careful analysis of a variety, consisting of 100 parts, was made at the request of Mr. Pennant, by Edward Daniel Clarke, LL.D., Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cam- bridge, and published in the fourth volume of The Geological Transactions. We subjoin the process adopted, together with the results ; these afford an admirable example of chemical investigation, adapted to the examination of that description of minerals which forms so prominent a class in the economy of engineering. The specific gravity of the lime- stone (alluded to above), estimated in, pump-water at a temperature of 50 Fahrenheit = 2,670. It is of a dark brown colour, and, when breathed upon,* exhales an earthy odour, denoting the pre- sence of iron oxide, in combination with alumine ; but its colour is owing to bitumen rather than to iron." 1 . One hundred grains being placed upon red * All the shaly limestones may be tested by this method. 113 hot iron for the expulsion of the water of absorp- tion, were* thereby diminished -fa of a grain. 2. The remainder being reduced to powder in a porcelain mortar, and exposed to diluted muriatic acid until all effervescence ceased, there remained an insoluble residue of the original dark colour of the limestone, which, when carefully washed and dried, weighed ten grains ; allowing, therefore, for the weight of the carbonic acid and lime, after the expulsion of the water of absorption, 89^ grains. 3. The supernatant acid used in this experi- ment being decanted, and neutralized by the addi- tion of an alkali, yielded no precipitate of iron to the tincture of galls ; but the prussiate of potass threw down a blue precipitate, upon which, how- ever, no reliance can be placed, as it is well known that the prussiate of potass is not a satisfactory test of the presence of iron when this metal exists -in an inconsiderable proportion. 4. The ten grains of dark brown powder, men- tioned in No. 2, being collected, washed, and dried, were exposed to the heat of a flame of a candle, urged by the common blow-pipe, when combustion instantly ensued, accompanied by a lambent flame, which continued during some seconds, the powder thereby losing its colour and becoming white ; attended also by a loss of weight, amounting to J- of a grain. Hence it is manifest that the colour is owing to bitumen. 5. To ascertain the proportion of alumine, 114 (which, from its chemical combination with silex, remained insoluble in the muriatic acid,) a plan recommended by Mr. Holme was adopted. One hundred other grains of the same limestone were calcined in a platinum crucible, and the loss of weight, owing to the expulsion of the carbonic acid was found to equal 40 T J T grains. 6. The calcined residuum being placed in muria- tic acid, a solution now took place both of the lime and the alumine, and there remained at the bottom of the vessel only an insoluble portion of pure silex, in the form of a white powder, which, when care- fully washed and dried, weighed -f- of a grain. Deducting, therefore, this weight of the silex from the weight of the silex and alumine, which remained in No. 4 after the combustion of the bitumen, the weight of the alumine is ascertained, which, of course, = 8-j%- grains." Thus we have, by the foregoing analysis, as follows : Carbonic Acid . . 40 10 8 80 Silex 60 60 Water . 25 100 The valuable property of the mortar prepared from this limestone is owing to the presence and 115 proportion of alumine, and to its property of rapidly absorbing water. It may be added, that the cement possesses all the properties of the pulvis puteolanus of the Romans.* The following chapter contains observations on the nature and properties of other specimens of British limestone. With respect to the limestone of the continent, the admirable trans- lation of M. Vicat's work, by Captain Smith, and some papers by M. Berthier, translated, and in- serted in the 43rd Vol., N. S., of the Repertory of Patent Inventions, are references of which the student may readily avail himself with considerable advantage. We have now placed before the reader an analysis of the grand divisions of the limestone formations of this country. Each sub-division of the limestone deposit may, however, be found to vary in its component parts, and in its relative situation. In the choice of stone, and in its application, the analysis already given will materially assist any further investigation ; for the rest, observation and experience must decide. * An analysis of this substance will be found in the following chapter. i2 116 CHAPTER V. ON THE CALCINATION OF LIMESTONE. OBSERVATIONS ON BRITISH LIMESTONES, &c. LIME has not hitherto been found in a pure or native state ; but in combination with acids and earths it exists in vast quantities. In order to free it, as much as possible, from carbonic acid gas, water, &c., and to render it fit for the purposes of the arts, the limestone must undergo the process of calcination, or burning. The effect of various degrees of cal- cination upon limestone has been carefully noted by Dr. Bry Higgins,* who, in the year 1775, in- stituted a series of experiments for this purpose. Having ascertained, from the experiments and re- searches of Dr. Black, that calcareous stones, which burn to lime, contain a considerable quantity of acidulous gas, and that this gas, in chemical com- bination with earthy matter, formed the greater * " Higgins on Calcareous Cement," 8vo. 1780. Since the publication of this work, the progress of chemical science has been so rapid, and the results of later discoveries have elicited so many new and important facts, that the philosophical deductions of the writer have been thereby rendered obsolete. It must be admitted, however, that the scientific data obtained from several of his experiments are of the highest value ; among these may be instanced the observations (No. 1 to 17) on the calcination of limestone, given in the text. 117 portion of the mineral known as limestone, he (Dr. Higgins) proceeded to make the following experi- ments, upon a scale sufficiently extensive to attest the value of the results. " It should be observed, that the difference be- tween chalk lime and the lime obtained from the va- rious limestones chiefly consists in the greater reten- tion or expulsion of the carbonic acid gas contained in them. Specimens of different limestones and chalk were procured and broken into small pieces ; these were burned in close crucibles, lined with lime, to prevent adhesion and vitrification. Similar speci- mens and quantities were also operated upon in perforated crucibles, thereby admitting a free cur- rent of air through them during the firing pro- cess. Specimens, of three pounds in weight each, were also subjected to a distillating process over a graduated fire, in an earthen retort, of a size barely sufficient to hold this quantity. The neck of each retort was lengthened with a conical glass tube, luted on with four parts of lime, one of fine sand, and as much common glue as was sufficient to form a paste. This luting was found impervious, and in every way sufficient for the success of the experi- ments. The extremity of the glass tube was im- mersed in mercury, and by inverting a bottle filled with mercury over the extremity of the tube, what- ever water or gas was expelled from the calcareous matter by the action of the fire was carefully col- 118 lected and measured. The following observations were deduced from the foregoing processes : " 1. Limestone or chalk heated to redness only, in a covered crucible, or in a perforated crucible, through which the air circulates freely, loses about one-fourth of its weight, however long this heat be continued. The sort of lime so formed effervesces considerably in acids, slakes slowly and partially to a powder, which is not white, but is gray or brown, and heats but little in slaking. " 2. Limestone or chalk, exposed to a heat barely sufficient to melt copper, whether in a perforated crucible or otherwise, loses about one-third of its weight in twelve hours, and very little more in any longer time. This lime effervesces but slightly in acids ; it heats much sooner and more strongly than the foregoing when water is sprinkled on it, and it slakes more equally, and to a whiter powder. In a variety of trials this lime appeared to be in the same state with the best pieces of lime prepared in the common lime-kilns ; for the quantities of acidulous gas obtainable from both by a stronger heat, or in solution, were nearly equal. They slaked in equal times, with the same phenomena, and to the same colour and condition of the powder. " 3. Lime burned in perforated crucibles, or in the naked fire, is whiter than that burned in common crucibles; in which case the air has not so free access to it, although the loss of weight be the same 119 in both; but this latter kind of lime, in slaking, affords as white a powder as any other which has lost equally of its weight. " 4. When dry chalk or limestone is used, in the process above described for making lime in close vessels, and for examining the matter which is expelled by fire, the quantity of water obtainable from it by heat is so inconsiderable as to deserve no notice in our mensuration of that matter. " 5. Chalk or limestone heated gradually in these close vessels, loses very little acidulous gas until it begins to redden ; after this the elastic fluid issues from it the quicker as the heat is made greater, and continues to issue until the retort glows with a vivid white heat, sufficient to melt steel. " 6. Forty-eight ounces of chalk yield twenty- one ounces of elastic fluid, the first portions of which are turbid as they issue, but soon become clear, without loss of bulk, by the condensation of the watery vapour ; the remaining portions issue transparent and invisible. " 7. The residuary lime of forty-eight ounces of chalk, urged with such heat to the total expul- sion of the elastic fluids, weighs only twenty-seven ounces, whilst it is red hot. When it cools it weighs more by reason of the air, which it imbibes as the fire escapes from it. " 8. When no more heat is employed than is necessary for the expulsion of these elastic fluids, 120 the residuary matter is found contracted sensibly in volume, and is good lime, although not so white as lime prepared in the usual way. With water it slakes instantly, grows hissing hot, and perfectly white. The slaked powder is exceedingly fine, except in those parts of the lime which lay in contact with the retort, which are always superficially vitrified, because clay and lime promote the vitrification of each other. " 9. The lumps of this lime, immersed in lime water, or boiling water, to expel the air which such spongy bodies imbibe in cooling, dissolve in muri- atic acid without showing any sign of effervescence. "10. Limestone or chalk, gradually heated in a crucible, or in the bed of a reverberatory furnace, or in contact with the fuel in a wind-furnace, does not become perfectly non-effervescent and similar to the lime last described, in slaking instantly, and growing hissing hot when water is sprinkled on it, until it has, after a strong red heat of six or eight hours, sustained a white heat for an hour or more. "11. Limestones heated sufficiently to reduce them to lime, which slakes instantly, with the signs above described, and which is perfectly non-efferves- cent, do not, in general, lose so much of their weight as chalkstone does, under similar treatment. Some limestones lose little more than the third of their weight. Those which lose the most, slake the quickest, and to the finest powder ; and those which lose the least, slake the slowest, and to a gritty 121 powder, composed of true lime and particles, chiefly gypseous. " 12. The quantity of gypsum, or of other earthy matter, in well-burned lime, is discoverable in dilute muriatic acid ; for this dissolves and washes away the lime, leaving the gypsum to be measured when dry, the part of the gypsum which dissolves being too small to deserve any attention. And if any other earthy matter, or any saline matter ex- isted in the limestone, it vitrifies with part of the calcareous matter in the heat necessary for making non-effervescent lime, and is separable by the means last mentioned, and even by a fine sieve, in most instances. " 13. When limestone or chalk is suddenly heated to the highest degree above described, or a little more, if vitrifies in the parts which touch the fire vessels, furnace, or fuel, and the whole of it becomes incapable of slaking freely, or acting like lime. Limestone is the more apt to vitrify in such circumstances, as it contains more gypseous or argil- laceous particles, and oyster-shells or cockle-shells vitrify more easily than limestone or chalk, when they are suddenly heated, which may be imputed to their saline matter; for when they are long weathered they do not vitrify so easily. "14. The agency of air is no further necessary in the preparation of lime, than as it operates in the combustion of the fuel. " 15. Calcareous stones acquire ths properties of 122 lime in the most eminent degree, when they are slowly heated in small fragments, until they appear to glow with a white heat, when this is continued until they become non-effervescent) but is not aug- mented. The art of preparing good lime consists chiefly in attending to these particulars. "16. That lime is to be accounted the purest and fittest for experiment, whether it be the best for mortar or not, which slakes the quickest, and heats the most in slaking; which is finest and whitest when slaked ; which, when wetted with lime-water, dissolves in muriatic acid or distilled vinegar with- out effervescence, and leaves the smallest quantity of residuary undissolved matter. "17. The quick slaking, the colour of the slaked powder, and the former acid, are the most convenient, and, perhaps, the best tests*of the purity of lime. The whiteness denotes the lime to be freed from metallic impregnation, the others show any imperfections in the process of burning, and the heterogenous matter inseparable from the calcareous earth by burning." The results of the foregoing experiments are, perhaps, of greater importance to the scientific expe- rimentalist than to the practical lime burner. The calcination of limestone in small quantities may be effected with tolerable success and uniformity of operation in the laboratory ; but, on a comparison with the effects produced by the more extended operations of kiln-burnings, certain anomalies present 123 themselves, which (as yet) have not been satisfac- torily explained. Before adverting more particu- larly to these, we proceed with a description of the various kilns (suited to particular districts), and best adapted for the calcination of limestone on an exten- sive scale. Several attempts have been made to economise the calcination of limestone by the simultaneous pre- paration or manufacture of other materials that required the agency of heat. We may particularly instance the manufacture of coke, and the operation of brick-burning in conjunction with lime-burning. The first of these contrivances namely, " a combination of coke-ovens with a lime-kiln" was the subject of a patent granted several years ago to Mr. Heathorn, of Maidstone. This gentleman had, for upwards of ten years, been employed in examin- ing and experimenting upon a variety of kilns, and eventually succeeded in constructing a kiln that should prepare coke, at the same time that the lime- stone underwent the process of calcination. By this process the whole of the fuel employed is saved by its being converted into coke ; in addi- tion to this, the drawing of the lime may be accom- plished with a facility equal to that of a common tunnel-kiln ; the chalk or stone is also calcined so gradually that no refuse is left, and consequently the operation of sifting is dispensed with. Kilns on this construction are in operation at Maidstone, Hack- ney, and at Hastings. 124 The following description of the kilns, and the mode of working, is derived from an account fur- nished by the patentee, and inserted in the " Re- gister of Arts and Journal of Patent Inventions."* " The drawing, Fig. 1, Plate 10, represents a vertical section of the lime shaft and coke-ovens ; A A are the side walls (about four feet in thickness), of a rectangular tower, the internal space being filled with limestone from the top to the iron bars, B B, at bottom, whereon the whole column rests. The limestone is raised in a box D, or other proper re- ceptacle, to the top of the building, by means of a jib and crane, E, or other tackle, which is fixed at the back of the tower, together with a platform pro- jecting from beyond the walls, for affording security and convenience for landing. When the limestone is raised as represented, the jib is swung round, and the lime box tilted, by which the whole contents are thrown into the shaft. " The coke-ovens, of which there may be two, or a greater or lesser number, according to the mag- nitude of the works, are constructed and arranged in connexion with the lime shaft, in the same man- ner as the two represented in the drawing at F F. These ovens are supplied with coal through iron doors in the front wall (not seen in the section), the doors have a long and narrow horizontal opening in the upper part of them to admit sufficient atmo- * No. 91, Vol. iv., pp. 290-91. H EATHO R N'S KILN U KSH t * t * I 1-N. SCOTT ISM K I Ul FOR CAL.CIt|INC LIMESTONE 125 spheric air, to cause the combustion of the bituminous or inflammable part of the coal ; the flames pro- ceeding from thence pass into the lime shaft through a series of lateral flues (two of which are brought into view at G G), and the draft is prevented from deranging the process in the opposite oven by the interposition of the partition wall, H, which directs the course of the heat and flames throughout the whole mass of the lime ; the lowermost and prin- cipal portion of which attains a white heat, the upper a red heat, and the intervening portions the inter- mediate gradations of temperature. " When the kiln is completely charged with lime, the openings in front or beneath the iron bars, at I I, are closed and barricaded by bricks, and an iron cased door, which is internally filled with sand, to effectually exclude the air, and to prevent the loss of heat by radiation. " Therefore, when the kiln is at work, no atmo- spheric air is admitted but through the narrow aper- tures before mentioned in the coke-oven doors. When the calcination of the lime is completed, the barricades at I I are removed, the iron bars at B B are drawn out, by which the lime falls down and is taken out by barrows. It sometimes happens, however, that the lime does not readily fall, having caked or arched itself over the area which incloses it, in which case a hooked iron rod is employed to bring it down. To facilitate this operation inevery part of the shaft, where it may be necessary, a series 126 of five or six apertures, closed by iron doors, are made at convenient distances from the top to near the bottom of the shaft : two of these are brought into view at K K, where their utility is made appa- rent in the drawing. Two similar apertures are shown in section at the coke-ovens at L L, which are for the convenience of stoking or clearing out the lateral flues, G G, from any matter that might ob- struct the free passage of the flames and heated air. " When the coals have been reduced to coke, the oven doors in front (not shown) are opened, and the coke taken out by the peel iron, the long handle of which is supported by a swinging jib, that acts as a moveable fulcrum to the lever or handle of the peel, and thus facilitates the labour of taking out the contents of the oven." The combination of a brick-kiln with a lime- kiln is suited to particular districts, where coals are scarce, or where economy is much studied. The combustibles employed are faggots or furze, &c. ; and when limestone is thus calcined, it is techni- cally termed " flare " or " flame burnt." The construction of these kilns is as follows : If they are built independent of any other support, the walls should be from four to five feet in thick- ness, and the face of the work made to batter up- wards. In external appearance, they are in the form of a truncated pyramid, whose base externally measures between twenty and thirty feet, and the altitude about fifteen feet. The furnaces of the kiln 127 consist' of several arched openings (the number varying with the size of the kiln) ; these openings extend from the front to the rear, and are arched throughout with large loose pieces of the lime- stone intended to be burnt. Upon the crown of the arches the limestone is now heaped up to the height of eight or more feet, and upon the top are laid from fifteen to twenty thousand of new un- burnt bricks. When the kiln is about to be fired, small quantities of fuel are placed under the arches, and the external openings are then bricked up nearly to the top sufficient room only being left to add to the fuel as occasion may require. A kiln of the above form and dimensions will calcine the whole of the limestone (about 120 quar- ters), and burn the bricks in the space of forty hours.* All permanent or perpetual draw-kilns should be well dried by fire, previously to their being em- ployed for burning the lime. The great heat to which they are subjected renders this precaution necessary to prevent their premature destruction by expansion.f The practice adopted in some parts of Scotland for the calcination of limestone, is by means of a * See Wild's Instructions to Emigrants : a work containing much valuable information on the subject of economical building. t A recent examination of a furnace for reducing iron ore, at Staveley, near Derby, showed an expansion of nearly eighteen inches. The furnace is built of brick, and similar to a lime-kiln in form ; the diameter at the widest part outside is about seventeen feet. 128 kiln constructed according to the drawing "Fig. 2, plate 10. This kiln is a modification of one called " Booker's kiln," and is considered by competent judges to be superior to most others where coal or other smoky fuel is employed. A particular account of the kiln has appeared in the Gardener's Maga- zine, from the communication of C. J. S. Monteath, Esq., a gentleman wh^fcas had extensive experience in the quarrying and burning of lime. The following remarks, extracted from Mr. Monteath's paper, apply more particularly to the arrangements and proportions to be attended to in its construction : " The kiln is built in a similar situation to ' Booker's kiln ' (on the side of a bank) ; is of an oval form, and thirty-five feet in height ; the dia- meter at the bottom, next the fuel chamber, is only twenty -two inches; but gradually extends, till, at the height of twenty feet, it is five feet ; which di- mension is continued to the top, where the oval (ellipse) is nine feet by five. There is an arched cover to the top (as represented in the drawing), mounted on small wheels, and is drawn off and on by windlasses H H, and has two small openings 1 1, serving as chimneys for the exit of the smoke. " As the fuel chamber to this kiln is very broad in proportion to its depth, three separate doors or openings are : found necessary, as well as advanta- geous, for 'more speedily and easily drawing out the lime. In some cases, instead of a moveable 129 cover, a permanent roof of masonry may be adopted, which should have proper openings to admit the supply of lime and fuel (closed by sliding shutters or hinged doors), while on the roof there should be a chimney for the escape of the smoke. " The chief use of a cover, whether fixed or moveable, is, of course, to retain the heat ; but where it is a fixed structure, and sufficiently large, some- thing will be gained by placing the fuel and lime- stones there, to be dried and heated before they are thrown into the kiln. Three-fifths of the ' close- burn oval kiln may be drawn out every day ; and when it is closed at top and bottom, the fire will not go out for five or six days." Yorkshire Lime Burning. Yorkshire abounds in a variety of limestones ; some of them being particularly fitted for the pur- poses of agriculture (such are those obtained from the southern edge of the eastern moorlands), and others no less excellent for building purposes, namely, the limestones of Brodsworth, Roach Abbey, and adjacent places. In a country possessing such an abundant sup- ply of this mineral, and where its use and exporta- tion are so extensive, it may be readily supposed that efficient means for its calcination have not been forgotten. The drawings, figs. 3, 4 X 5, plate 10, 130 exhibit the construction of the Yorkshire lime-kilns. The fuel used in these kilns consists of small coal interstratified with the limestone. A correspondent in the Mechanics' Magazine, a resident in the county (vol. vii. p. 178), observes, that in fixing on a place to build a kiln, the side of a hill, near the rock from which the limestone is obtained, should be chosen. The operations of the workmen are commenced by excavating a suffi- cient space to receive the back of the kiln ; in erect- ing the shaft, two walls are to be carried up with a space between them. The vacuity is to be filled with " small rubble" (or sand) in order to prevent the radiation of heat, and the inner wall must be faced with a grit stone facing, about a foot or eighteen inches wide. This stone will stand an in- tense heat ; when repairs are required, the wall in the rear prevents the materials from falling in. The cost of the kiln, built according to the drawings, will not exceed 30Z. Fig. 3 is an eleva- tion of the kiln built against the limestone rock. Fig. 4, plan of ditto, and fig. 5 represents a section through the centre of the kiln. The various de- tailed dimensions are annexed to the drawings. The reader will observe that the construc- tion of the above kiln is similar to the furnaces employed for reducing iron ore, in some parts of Derbyshire. In certain districts of Yorkshire, Shropshire, Wales, and Scotland, where lime is required for ma- FIG 3 DORKINC LIME. KILN 131 nure, a singular practice prevails of calcining the limestone without the use of kilns. The limestone is calcined according to the method usually adopted for preparing charcoal. The stone is taken in large pieces, placed in a cavity in the ground, and heaped up in a conical form (called coaks), and, to retain the heat and flame, is covered over with sods and earth. Dorking has been long celebrated for the qua- lity of its lime. It has been for many years exten- sively employed in and about London for works, which at least have acquired the reputation of being constructed with the most approved materials. One of the most extensive establishments for quarrying and burning this lime, is that of Messrs. Bothwell, situated at Dorking, on the spot where some of the best rock chalk is to be obtained. The arrangement of the kilns differs materially from those already described (see plate 10). Through the kind- ness of the proprietors, we are enabled to give the drawings of one of these kilns (see plate 11), which is of excellent construction, and found to answer the purpose in the most efficient manner. Fig. 1 (plate 11) represents the elevation of the kiln. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal section of the same, (taken through the throat and furnace?) and fig. 3 represents the ground plan. The several dimen- sions and references are subjoined, in order to render the construction more intelligible and available to the engineer. K2 132 The limestone of Ireland is, for the greater part, crystalline much of it, in fact, being marble, of ex- cellent quality. The form of the Irish permanent kilns is generally that of the " egg placed upon its narrower end, having part of its broader end cut off." The compact texture of the limestone requiring con- siderable heat for its calcination, this form has been adopted, and is said to possess the following advan- tages : 1st. "The upper part of the kiln being con- tracted, the heat does not fly off so freely as it does out of a spreading cone. 2nd. " That when the cooled lime is drawn out at the bottom of the furnace, the ignited mass, in the upper parts of it, settles down, freely and evenly, into the central parts of the kiln ; whereas, in a conical furnace, the regular contraction of its width, in the upper as well as the lower parts of it, prevents the burning materials from settling uniformly, and level- ling downward. They 'hang' upon the sides of the kiln, and either form a dome at the bottom of the burning mass, with a void space beneath it, thereby endangering the structure, if not the workmen em- ployed ; or, breaking down in the centre, form a fun- nel, through which the unburnt stones find their way to the draft holes. The contraction of the lower part of the kiln has not the same effect ; for, after the fuel is exhausted, the adhesion ceases, the mass loosens, and, as the lime cools, the less room it re- quires. It therefore runs down freely to the draft 133 holes, notwithstanding the quick contraction of the bottom of the kiln or furnace. Lastly, " That with respect to the lime furnace, the fire requires to be furnished with a regular sup- ply of air. When a kiln is first lighted, the draft- holes afford the required supply. But after the fire becomes stationary in the middle, or towards the upper part of the kiln (especially of a tall kiln), the space below is occupied by burnt lime, and the supply from ordinary draft-holes becomes insuffi- cient. If the walls of the kiln have been carried up dry or without mortar, the air finds its way through them to the fire. " In large deep kilns that are built with air-tight walls, it is common to form air-holes in their sides, especially in front,, over the draft-holes. But these convey the air, in partial currents, to one side of the kiln only, whereas, that which is admitted at the draft-holes passes regularly upward to the centre, as well as to every side of the burning mass ; and, moreover, tends to cool the burnt lime in its passage downward, thereby contributing to the ease and health of the workmen. " Hence it is thought that the size of the draft- holes ought to be proportionate to that of the kiln, and the size of the stones taken jointly (air passing more freely among large, than among small stones), and that the required supply of air should be wholly admitted at the draft-holes. By a sliding or a shifting valve, the supply might be regulated, and 134 the degree of heat be increased or diminished at pleasure."* In opposition to the foregoing recommendations, it is held that, although a (partial) reverberation is effected, the opening at the top of the kiln is suffi- ciently large to admit of a great escape of heat. But, admitting that a sufficient reverberation takes place to throw back the heat upon the limestone, it also throws back the carbonic acid gas which it is the main object of the calcination of the limestone to expel ; add to which, the uninflammable nature of the gas alluded to serves to extinguish the flame. If, in other respects, a trifling advantage may appear, we feel persuaded that the difficulty expe- rienced by the workmen, in attempting to clear the hollow sides of an oval or elliptical kiln, will prove fatal to their general employment.^ Irish kilns are filled with alternate layers of turf and limestone, of two feet and one foot in thickness, and are fired by igniting the turf at the bottom. The only observation of general importance, made by lime-burners, is, that the quantity of stone calcined with a given quantity of fuel depends upon the quality of that fuel. Lime-kilns have, accord- ingly, been constructed with greater regard to the quality of the fuel employed, than to the nature of * Nicholson, Arch. Diet. Art. "Kiln." f A drawing of a kiln of the figure alluded to above is given in Captain Smith's translation of " Vicat on Cements," and is there in- stanced as " a bad form of kiln:' See plate 1, fig. 9, of that work. 135 the stone to be calcined, or the operation of different descriptions of fuel upon the various species of lime- stones, during the period of their calcination. Captain Smith observes, " That the effects of calcination are not confined to driving off the water of crystallization and carbonic acid from compound limestones; it further modifies the constituent oxides, one by the other. In fact, if we treat an argillaceous carbonate of lime by a weak acid, it forms a deposit more or less abundant. After calcination, on the contrary, a complete solution is effected ; the clay, therefore, has entered into combination with the lime." The important fact pointed out by Dr. Gilby, relative to the variety of character exhibited in the same mass of limestone rock, or in contiguity there- to, induces us to express a doubt of the possibility of constructing a lime-kiln capable of calcining the whole mass of materials in a perfect manner. It is, probably, owing to the unequal distribution of the constituent parts of the limestone in the same mass, that unburned pieces, dead lime, sub-carbonates, vitrified masses, &c., are formed ; for it is evident, that, to calcine the whole mass perfectly, the degrees of heat must be as varied as the quality of the ma- terials. When the quality of the limestone is well ascertained, and found to be of uniform character (as in the case of Dorking lime), the experience derived from actual practice will soon point out the necessary temperature required for its proper cal- 136 cination, and the kind of fuel best adapted for the purpose. The calcination of limestone upon scientific principles has been the subject of several English patents ; the following list, obligingly furnished by Mr. L. Hebert,* of Birmingham, will be found extremely valuable to those whose attention may be directed to the further improvement of a process so important to the arts. List of English Patents granted for Lime Burning. When granted. Name of Patentee. Nature of Patent. July 5, 1796 Close Improved Lime Kiln. Oct. 3, 1796 Pepper, Jun. . . . Ditto ditto July 20, 1801 Stanhope .... Ditto Burning. Feb. 13, 1809 Grellier Ditto Kiln. May 9, 1809 Brooker Erecting Lime Kilns. May 19, 1818 Leger Lime Burning. June 1, 1819 Geldart Heating Kilns. Oct. 7, 1824 Benecks .... Making Lime. Nov. 17, 1824 Heathorn .... Improved Lime Kiln. June 6, 1825 Apsden Making Lime. In order to point out the nature and peculiari- ties of some of the most important limestones indi- genous to this country, we subjoin the following par- ticulars, which have been deduced from actual expe- riment. The various specimens were procured on the spot, and each chosen as ordinary examples of the kind to which they refer. Inventors and patentees may consult a complete and valuable register of all the patents which have been granted since the passing of the Patent Laws, by application, at Mr. Hebert's Office, No. 12, Staples Inn. The author is happy to bear testimony to the great talent and integrity of Mr. Hebert as an Engineer and Patent Agent. 137 OBSERVATIONS ON VARIOUS BRITISH LIMESTONES ACTION OF ACIDS THEREON, &c. Dorking Limestone (Chalk). This limestone consists of an indurated chalk marie (clay and chalk) of a dull gray colour, is opaque, and in minute soft grains. When treated with muriatic acid previous to calcination, it effer- vesces violently, and deposits a considerable quantity of clay (according to Smeaton, one-seventeenth part of its weight). After calcination it is light, friable, and of a yellowish tinge. If calcined sufficiently, and immersed in dilute muriatic acid, the whole is taken up, or held in solution. This limestone is more or less intermixed with extraneous matter, depending upon the nature or peculiarity of the adjacent strata. Thus, the chalk limestone at Greenhithe, Gravesend, and Dover, is associated with flint ; that at Mersham and Dorking with clay, sand, and a description of sandstone. Some ordinary specimens of Dorking lime, taken from Messrs. Bothwell's kilns, and slacked soon afterwards into a paste, formed a light cream- 138 coloured tenacious mixture, slightly effervescent with acid. The lime evolved great heat in slacking, and rapidly fell to powder. When the Dorking lime- stone is reduced from the state of a carbonate to that of lime, by calcination, it should be used imme- diately, in consequence of its falling to powder by exposure ; its strength is much impaired thereby, and more lime is required for its conversion into good mortar. The peculiar fitness of Dorking lime for the ordinary purposes of building is noticed further on. Kentish Mag (Green Sand formation). This stone is to be found abundantly in the Weald of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, &c. It is com- pact, hard, and of a dark gray colour; effer- vesces violently in dilute muriatic acid,* and deposits a considerable portion of sand after the lime has been taken up by the acid. The greater part of the sand is large, and in transparent, colourless, and angular grains. It is interspersed, however, more or less, with green and red particles, of a silicious nature. After the effervescence the acid remains turbid. * In all these examinations the author has employed dilute muriatic acid as the solvent, and the products were examined with the micro- scope. Each specimen, before its dissolution, was about the size of a hazel nut. 139 This stone forms a pleasing ornamental ma- sonry when properly displayed. It is durable, and forms excellent quoins for flint walls. In the county of Kent, a cubic yard of this stone is called a cord. It requires twenty cords of stone to form a rod. The rod = 272^ feet super one foot thick. This masonry requires one hundred of lime and two yards of sand to the rod. Value per rod 13/. Worked quoins are of the value of Is. 6d. per foot, labour only. Portland (Oolitic). This stone is procured from the Isle of Portland. Similar varieties are also procured at Tisbury (Wiltshire), and Aylesbury (Bucks). The Portland stone effervesces violently in muriatic acid, and deposits a small portion of very sharp fine-grained transparent sand. After the effer- vescence has ceased the acid is left tolerably clear. Portland stone chiefly consists of small egg-shaped particles of carbonate of lime closely connected together, and of a dull white or gray colour. After the fire, in 1666, the quarries in the Isle of Port- land were extensively worked, and supplied stone for the masonry of nearly all the buildings erected by Wren, and subsequent architects. The employment of Portland stone for building has decreased materially within the last quarter of 140 a century. It has been superseded by Bath stone, another of the oolitic series, which we shall presently notice. The action of the atmosphere upon Port- land stone is very destructive, in consequence of the more soluble parts of the carbonate of lime becom- ing decomposed under its influence. The organic remains with which the stone abounds are conse- quently loosed from their matrix and fall out. The internal structure of the stone, becoming exposed, is now attacked, and rapid decay follows. In London, the effect of the atmosphere upon Portland stone is in other respects very remarkable. The projections of cornices, soffits, throatings, carvings, &c., are, in the interval of a few years, coated with a black sta- lactical substance, giving that dingy appearance so often remarked as being peculiar to the public buildings of the metropolis. Upon testing a quan- tity of this substance with muriatic acid, a strong effervescence took place, leaving a considerable residuum of carbonaceous matter. We offer the following as the most probable cause of this phe- nomenon : To a certain height, the atmosphere of London is strongly impregnated with carbonic acid gas, and also carbonaceous matter floating therein ; the for- mer, being carried up in a heated state from the numerous fires, &c., combines with the water (particu- larly in the case of rain) of the atmosphere, and is thrown by the wind, &c., against the buildings. 141 Now it is known that water containing carbonic acid gas becomes a solvent for carbonate of lime, consequently when the impregnated water settles, a slow decomposition will take place, and the loosened and undissolved particles of the stone, accompanied with the- carbonaceous matter, will flow down the weatherings, &c., and settle upon the lower edges and surfaces of the ornamental or other projections, when it is dried, and forms the black mouldering substance above alluded to. To strengthen the fore- going supposition, we may remark, that in propor- tion to the height of the building, so are these effects more or less observable ; the more lofty buildings, such as church towers, &c., being comparatively free from the black substance, near their summits, but increasing as we approach the level of the house tops. A few years ago, an attempt was made by Mr. Henning, the sculptor and medallist, to protect exposed specimens of sculptured masonry, by coating the stone with a peculiar composition (we think it was wax and oil). How he succeeded we are unable to say, but are certain that an effective composition for the above purpose would prove of incalculable value in staying the rapid progress of decay, to which all buildings, constructed with limestone masonry, are particularly liable in this humid and changeable climate. 142 Bath Stone (Oolitic). The following varieties of Bath limestone are oolitic in their structure, and are carbonates of lime, having but little extraneous matter. The whole of the series consist of minute egg- shaped grains of carbonate of lime, imbedded in a matrix of a softer nature, in which is mixed an immense number of very small comminuted shells. Farley Down Stone. Cream-coloured, effer- vesces violently in acid, and leaves a dark-coloured residuum. After effervescence the acid is left turbid, and of a dark yellow colour. It is unfit for damp situations, such as plinths. Box Scalit, No. 1.- Lighter coloured than Farley Down Stone effervesces strongly, and leaves little residuum. It contains small crystals of carbo- nate of lime. This stone is unfit for exposure. Box Scalit, No. %. Cream-coloured, coarsely oolitic, strongly effervescent, and leaves little resi- duum. Unfit for exposure. Box Corn Grit. Cream-coloured, coarsely oolitic, intermixed with larger particles of shells effervesces strongly, leaves no residuum. This stone is adapted for works above ground. Box Ground Stone. Coarsely oolitic (some oolitic particles being much flattened), dark cream- 143 colour, effervesces strongly, leaves more residuum than the others. This stone is a good weather stone. Coombe Down Stone. Coarsely oolitic, darker colour than the above, with small shining crys- tals of carbonate of lime. This stone effervesces strongly, and leaves little residuum. It is a good weather stone. In addition to the foregoing specimens, pro- cured from the quarries, another specimen was exa- mined, but with very different results. This speci- men was obtained by the author, at Worcester, during the present summer (1838). It is a frag- ment from a block of Bath stone, which was being prepared for the restoration of the pinnacles at the eastern front of the Cathedral. The stone bears every resemblance to the Box Corn Grit ; it effer- vesces strongly, but deposits a considerable number of oolitic particles, perfectly insoluble. These parti- cles, when examined with the microscope, were observed to be of a yellow colour, semi-transparent (in the moist state), and sufficiently tender to be crushed by a fine steel point. In the dry state the same particles were opaque and white. Another piece of the same stone gave the former residuum, with the addition of a few grains (apparently) of silex. The action of acid on the oolitic grains of the carbonate indicated that the grains con- sisted of two or more concentric layers of lime, as it could be distinctly perceived that each layer 144 was, in its turn, attacked by the acid. Whether each of these grains have a nucleus, or whether some are only hollow, we have not, as yet, been able to determined To ascertain the cause of the form and deposit of oolitic particles in limestone, is a subject well worth the serious attention of the practical chemist. The investigation of this subject might probably serve to account for the production of boiler balls in some steam-engine boilers.* Brodsworth .Limestone (Oolitic). Brodsworth Stone. This limestone is procured from Brodsworth, in the county of York, 5J miles from Doncaster. It is a tender limestone, of a light cream colour, works to a good face, and forms good ornamental masonry. In its internal structure, it approaches to the soft powdery appearance of chalk, but is slightly oolitic. It effervesces violently in acid, leaves little residuum, the acid is left turbid, of a dark yellow colour, with a scum floating on the surface. * For a description of these remarkable deposits, see " Armstrong on Steam Boilers," Part iii., pp. 77-8. 145 Purbeck (Wealden Group). Purbeck. A very compact, smooth-grained calcareo-silicious stone, effervesces in acid, and yields a considerable quantity of mixed sand, namely, rounded and angular. The sand is varied in colour, being composed of brown, green, and transparent grains, the latter particles being the most numerous. After effervescence the acid remains tolerably clear. This stone is practically so well known that its uses need not be pointed out. , Lias, from near Bath. Colour, dark gray, effervesces strongly in acid, depositing a dark-coloured clay. The solution con- tains much iron, is very turbid, and of a dark green colour. A few hard black grains of a metallic lustre remain refractory in the liquid. No. 2. A very compact specimen of lias, from near Stoke Prior, Worcestershire, afforded, under a similar examination, corresponding results. Many specimens of the lias limestone form a very durable masonry. The pedestal of the great chimney shaft at the British Alkali Works, at Stoke Prior, is built with this kind of stone. The pedestal is 75 feet in height, 36 feet diameter at the base or plinth, and 32 feet diameter above the plinth, which L 146 is ten feet six inches in height. The whole height of the shaft is 308 feet. Septaria* from the London Clay, May be properly classed among the hydraulic limestones indigenous to this country. It consists of " ovate or flattish masses of argillaceous lime- stone," arranged in nearly horizontal layers, chiefly found imbedded in the London clay. This sub- stance is sometimes coated with a calcareous spar, or sulphate of barytes ; it forms the basis of some well- known hydraulic cements of good quality. A speci- men procured from the excavation of the Primrose- hill Tunnel (London arid Birmingham. Railway), effervesced considerably in dilute acid, and deposited a greater quantity of clay than lias ; the colour was also much darker. Roche Abbey stone (carboniferous series) is a compact crystalline limestone,, of a gray colour. It effervesces slowly in acid, without leaving any residuum, and the solution is but little discoloured. This stone works to an excellent face, and forms durable masonry.f Previous to the institution of certain experi- ments on water cements, by the late Mr. Smeaton, * Also called Sheppy and Harwich Cement Stone, from its be in obtained in considerable abundance at those places. t A complete analysis of the principal British limestones will be given when treating of the quality of lime they afford. 147 an opinion had prevailed among practical men, that calcined chalk produced the weakest lime, in con- sequence of its being obtained from the most tender limestone. To prove the truth or fallacy of this opinion, experiments were made with two specimens of lime- stone, apparently of very opposite qualities, the one being a piece of common chalk,* and the other an equal quantity of Plymouth limestone ; the result proved that no perceptible difference existed in the quality of the two limes, but that each was of the same crumbling and weak nature ; satisfactorily proving that the quality of the lime was not owing to the density of the limestone. Succeeding experi- ments, made by the same engineer, established a fact of much greater importance, namely, that pure limestones, or those carbonates of lime which dissolve in acids without residuum, are almost useless for the manufacture of building lime, when compared w.ith those that are alloyed with a certain portion of clay. On the subject of Dorking lime, which has an alloy of this kind, he thus speaks : " From the experiments now related, I was convinced that the most pure limestone was not the best for making mortar, espe- cially for building in water : and this brought to mind a maxim I have learnt from workmen, that the best lime for the land was seldom the best for building purposes; of which the reason now ap- Common Chalk is nearly pure. Chalk Marie is a vry< different substance, although belonging to the same geological formation. L 2 148 peared, which was, that the most pure lime, affording the greatest quantity of lime salts, or impregnation, would best answer the purposes of agriculture : whereas, for some reason or the other, when a lime- stone is intimately mixed with a proportion of clay, which, by burning is converted into brick, it is made to act more strongly as a cement* This suggested to me the idea, that an admixture of clay in the composition of limestone, when treated as above specified, might be the most certain index of the validity of a limestone, for aquatic buildings ; nor has any experience since contradicted it, as all the limestones in repute for water works, that I have met with, have afforded this mark. Even the J)orking lime, much esteemed for those, uses in London, and in the country round about, is plainly nothing but a species of chalk, impregnated with clay, of which it makes full one-seventeenth part of its original weight." * The ordinary class of calcareous minerals furnish the following descriptions of lime upon calci- nation : 1. rich lime; 2. poor lime ; 3. slightly hy- * It must not be wondered at that workmen generally prefer the more pure limes for building in the air, because, being unmixed with any uncalcareous matter, they fall into the finest powder, and make the finest paste, which will of course receive the greatest quantity of sand, (generally the cheaper material) into its composition, without losing its toughness beyond a certain degree, and requires the least labour to bring it to the desired consistence : hence, mortar made of such lime is the least expensive ; and in dry ivork the difference of hardness, compared with others, is less apparent." Smeat&n's Narrative, fyc. of Eddystane Lighthouse. Fol. Edit. 1793, p. 108. 149 draulic lime ; 4. hydraulic lime ; and, 5. eminently hydraulic lime. The quality of these limes varies with the proportion of silex, alumen, iron, &c. &c. contained in the stone ; and the quality of the lime is further modified by the degree of calcination to which the specimens are subjected.* Our pre- sent observations are confined to two of the above kinds, namely, the hydraulic lime and the rich lime. The annexed series of British limestones -\ are, from the proportion of the alloy in their composition, eminently calculated to produce strong hydraulic lime upon calcination. It will be observed that they are chiefly of the lias species. Species of Limestone. |* Colour of the Clay. Reduction of weight by burning. Colour of the Brick. Aberthaw 3 4 to 3 Watchet 2 3 3 Ditto , 4 to 3 25 3 Ditto 3 to 2 Gray stock brick. Long B^nnington .. 14" Ditto Dirty blue. Sussex Clnnch Dorking .1 Ash Ditto 3 to 2 Ash colour. Berryton Gray Lime <; uili]t<.rd 1 T TT 2 Ditto Sutton (Lancashire) 1 9 ~l~6 Brown * See also " Vicat" on Mortars and Cements. Translated by Captain. Smith, p. 9. t Extracted from Smeaton's Narrative, &c. 150 Effect of Iron on Calcareous and Silicious Matter. Iron appears to be a very active and energetic agent in the formation of natural cements. Its com- bination with some of the calcareous, and nearly all the silicious deposits, exhibits much diversity of cha- racter, and, in many instances, can only be separated by careful analysis, aided by considerable chemical experience. The lias deposit contains iron in con- siderable quantity, but the calcareous rocks above the lias (with the exception of the lower Bath oolite) contain little oxide or carbonate of iron.* In sub-aqueous works, it is highly necessary to in- crease the hydraulic properties of the lime employed, by the admixture of certain substances whose con- stituents will operate energetically upon it. These substances, whether natural or artificial, are termed Puzzolanos* The expense attending the importa- tion of the natural volcanic Puzzolano from Italy, almost prohibits its employment in the engineering works of this country; but several efficient substitutes * See " Phillips's Treatise on Geology," vol. i. p. 202. t This mineral is found in the greatest abundance at Puteoli, in Italy (now called Puzzuoli). It is of the lava genus, magnetic, and easily melts per se into a black slag. It suddenly hardens when mixed -with one-third of its weight of lime and water, forming a cement more durable under water than any other. Bergman found one hundred parts of it to contain fifty-five to sixty of silicious earth, twenty of argil- .laceous, five or six of calcareous, and from fifteen to twenty of iron: this last constituent is considered to be the cause of its property of hard- ening under water. The iron decomposes the water of the mortar; and thus, in a very short time, a new compound is formed. Stuart, Arch. Die, 151 have been discovered, in all of which iron forms a material constituent ; the composition, mode of pre- paration, &c. of these artificial Puzzolanos, will be subsequently adverted to. The admixture of pul- verized forge scales, or iron dross, with calcareous matter, produces a very strong hydraulic mortar. A composition of this kind was used at the works of the Eddystone Lighthouse, and appears to have originated with the Engineer (Mr. Smeaton) from observations incidentally made on the cementing property of iron when disseminated in a gravelly or silicious matrix. Having recently witnessed an extraordinary instance of the effects of iron when in contact with silicious matter, we now direct the attention of the reader to the following particulars: The foundations of the piers of Westminster Bridge were originally laid in caissons in the following manner : A massive raft of timber was constructed of a form and size suitable to the pier ; furnished with a bot- tom, ends, and sides, but the ends and sides were secured together in such manner that they might be readily detached from each other when neces- sary : a portion of the pier was erected in this sort of flat-bottomed barge ; and, when ready, water was admitted in order to sink it, the descent being regulated by guide ropes : the load of ma- sonry having been deposited on the bed of the river (previously levelled and prepared to receive it), the sides and ends of the caisson were withdrawn 152 from the raft to be again used as occasion might require ; the piers were protected externally, around the bases, by permanent piling, driven into the bed of the river, their lower extremities being pointed in the usual manner and shod with iron.* The defective nature of a foundation thus constructed became evident previous to the completion of the structure ; since that period repairs have been fre- quent and extensive, and at the present time some considerable operations of this kind are being effected by Messrs. Cubitt. In the course of the works it became necessary to withdraw some of the fender or sheeting piles, which had been driven into a gravelly substratum, and it was found that their lower extre- mities were coated with a concreted mass of coarse flinty gravel, of extreme density. Upon examining this concretion, we found that the greater portion of the iron with which the feet of the piles were pro- tected had oxidized and combined with the gravel. On fracture, the substance exhibited the same ap- pearance as iron-sand, or stone, when strongly im- pregnated with the metalic oxide : when treated with diluted muriatic acid it effervesced considerably, and evolved an odour similar to sulphuretted hydro- gen; lastly, a pulverized portion of the concrete having been thrown into lime water, restored the solution (lime water) to a pure state. From the foregoing examination, we deduce the following conclusions : * See Mechanics' Magazine, vol. xiii. p. 322. 153 1st. That iron, imbedded in a gravelly and silicious stratum, will oxidize and disseminate its decomposed particles in the surrounding matrix, forming a ferrugino-silicious concrete of extreme density. 2nd. That a concrete thus formed becomes an energetic artificial Puzzolano, indicated by its effer- vescing with acid and decomposing lime water. It is highly probable that the decay of the foundations at Westminster Bridge may have been, in some degree, retarded by the formation of this concrete around the base of the piers, and the pointed end of the piles. On the Use of Rich Lime. Those limestones which dissolve freely without discolouring the acid, and leave little or no precipi- tate after the effervescence is completed, are gene- rally capable of furnishing rich lime. Calcined shells produce a lime of this description, and we are informed by the author of the " Parentalia," that the mortar used for the " under drawing and inside work" of " St. Paul's Cathedral" was composed of " calcined shells" and produced excellent mortar. This statement induced the late Mr. Smeaton to investigate the quality of " shell lime ;" upon trial, he found it to set hard, and readily, without any admixture of sand, trass, or other matter. In short, 154 for water work, trass scarcely appeared to improve its natural quality. On being put into water, after it was set, it did not dissolve, but did not acquire additional hardness ; on the contrary, by degrees it macerated and dissolved, not internally, but gradually fro m the surface inwards ; and hence he concluded it totally unfit for use. He was afterwards informed that a part of the work at Ramsgate Pier had been done with this kind of lime, but was subsequently taken up, on its dissolving quality in sea water being discovered.* A recent examination of the principal buildings erected by Sir C. Wren has satisfied the author that, although rich lime was extensively em- ployed in their construction, there yet remains suffi- cient evidence to show that the architect did occa- sionally introduce materials, in conjuction with the mortar, of somewhat remarkable character. During the recent repairs of the parish church of St. Vedast, Foster-lane, an opportunity was afforded to institute a minute examination and ad- measurementt of the tower and spire, completed by Sir C. Wren, in the year 1697. In the course of the examination, particular attention was directed to the state and quality of the mortar originally em- ployed in that building. The vertical joints of the masonry composing the spire were considerably * Smeaton's Narrative, &c., p. 106. t For the kindness of the architect, Mr. S. Angell, in permitting the necessary survey to be made, the author begs to return his sincere acknowledgments. 155 opened (probably caused by the expansion of the metal cramps), and the mortar was found to be in a weak and crumbling state, but the base of the obelisk terminating the spire, was discovered to be laid on a thick mortar joint in which was imbedded two courses of flat oyster shells: these, together with the mortar, had remained uninjured for nearly one century and a half. We are not yet prepared to offer a satisfactory solution of this phenomenon ; the necessary experi- ments will require considerable attention and occupy much time. For the present we refer the reader to the note* at the bottom of the page, in which is * " It is remarkable that oysters, and shells which, like them, are composed of distinct broad lamella of alternating membrane and car- bonate of lime, have resisted in almost all rocks, argillaceous, calcareous, arenaceous, the chemical changes to which venerida, trigoniae, and others of an apparently compact texture, have completely yielded. While the former retain their lamella and pearly surfaces, the latter have often been wholly dissolved in limestone rocks, and their places left vacant ; while a cast of the inside of the shell, and an impression of the outside, disclose completely the history of the change. A further process is frequently superadded, by which the cavity is again partially or wholly filled with crystals of carbonate of lime, which has been in- troduced by filtration through the surrounding rock. In other cases, silicious matter, pyrites, and other substances, have passed by a similar process. The common fossil, called belemnites, of the same group as the cuttle, is a remarkable instance of the force of the original struc- ture in controlling the effects of chemical agencies ; for in clay, sands, chalk, flint, limestone, pyrites, this singular fossil generally retains its fibrous structure, colour, translucency, and chemical properties ; while in the same masses echini are changed to calcareous spar, and sponges to flint, and many shells have totally vanished." Phillips'* Geology, vol. i. pp. 78, 79. 156 contained some observations that may possibly supply data for a further investigation. The remarks made by Mr. Smeaton, on the quality of rich lime, have been confirmed by the more recent experiments of M. Vicat; and it is now decided that rich lime is incapable of furnishing a good mortar, and that the admixture of quartzose, silicious sands, or other inert substances so beneficial to hydraulic limes, is positively injurious to rich lime.* * Captain Smith states, that the quality of rich lime is much im- proved by adding a small quantity of coarse sugar to the water with which it is to be worked up. (See his Translation of Vicat, note, pp. 84, 85.) 157 CHAPTER VI. ON THE PROPORTION AND ADMIXTURE OF THE INGRE- DIENTS EMPLOYED IN THE COMPOSITION OF ORDI- NARY MORTAR, QUALITY OF SANDS, SANDSTONES, &c. AMONG the recent investigations which have materially assisted in promoting a more perfect theory of the consolidation of mortars, those of Professor Fuchs are entitled to hold a prominent place. The various compounds of lime and sand, constituting the materials of common mortar, and the admixture of unslacked lime, with broken stones, ballast, or gravel, forming the basis of the strongest concrete, severally possess certain proper- ties, and exhibit distinct phenomena, referrible to a most important chemical and mechanical combi- nation. In the course of his investigations, Professor Fuch's noted certain facts, from which he concluded that the induration of various kinds of mortar de- pended upon the formation of silicates of lime, and sometimes also alumina of silicates. He dis- covered that these silicates retain the water and acquire the hardness of masses of stone, while the hydrate of lime in excess is gradually united with 158 carbonic acid, so that the indurated mortar may be considered as a compound of carbonate of lime and zeolite. Opal, pumice-stone, obsidian, and pitch-stone, simply pulverized, form a good cement with hydrate of lime, while quartz and sand only produce an hydrated silicate upon the surface of each grain. Although the mass is thus connected, it does not readily become solid. If the quartz has been reduced to a fine powder, the more solid will the mass become. Now, if one-fourth part of lime be mixed with the quartz, and the whole be well calcined, so that the mass becomes a frith, and the whole be afterwards pulverized and mixed with one-fifth part of lime, an hydraulic mortar or cement is obtained, which attains a sufficient hardness to admit of being polished. Felspar with lime hardens slowly, and only at the end of five months ; but if calcined with a small quantity of lime it becomes much better. Water abstracts from this mortar six per cent, of potash. Common potter's clay, which is worth absolutely little or nothing when uncalcined, pro- duces, when calcined with lime, a cement which hardens perfectly well, provided it contains only a small portion of iron. Professor Fuchs also found that steatite,* which had been heated to a bright red heat, would not combine with lime, and, concluding that magnesia possessed a very strong affinity for silicious acid, he *. Soap stone, a sub-species of rhomboidal mica. Ure, 159 tried the employment of calcined dolomite (magne- sian limestone) for the cement instead of common lime, and found that it greatly surpassed the latter, both for the preparation of common mortar and for that of hydraulic mortar. He also obtained good mortar of the latter kind with calcined marl.* The greater number of specifications prepared by surveyors for the erection of buildings, direct that the mortar shall be composed of stone-lime and sharp river-sand, to be mixed in the proportions of one part of lime to three parts of sand. These proportions will make excellent mortar if properly compounded ; but, as the quality of the lime varies considerably, so will it take more or less sand. Builders employ two methods of compounding their mortar : First, when it is required to convey it in a dry state to the work, it is done by forming a bed of lime, surrounding it with sand, and then throwing on the lime a sufficient quantity of water to slack it, and covering it up immediately with sand ; after it has remained some time in this state, it is turned over, and, if necessary, screened. The mixture is now in the state of a dry powder, and can be carted to the work, where more water is added and it is chafed up for use. The other method is employed when there is convenience for making it up at the work. In this case it is what is termed " larryed. " Thus : the lime is put into the middle of a bed of sand, and a large quantity * See Repertory, 1837. 160 of water thrown on, and with lime-hoes mixed up immediately until completely incorporated. It is tfyen allowed to remain for a few hours, when it becomes set, and of proper consistency for use. The lime when turned up in this way will admit of a larger quantity of sand, as all the particles of lime are dissolved, whereas by the first method there are always small particles of the lime which cannot be properly mixed, however much it may be chafed up. From observations recently made, it was found that seventy-two bushels of stone-lime required eighteen yards of sand, making good " larryed mor- tar" the cubic contents of which =315 feet. Chalk-lime mortar requires two parts of lime to three of sand, and is now chiefly used for plasterers' work. The theoretical investigations connected with the composition of mortars have for a considerable period occupied the attention of the most celebrated French chemists. In researches of this nature they are considerably in advance of us ; but the repu- tation of the English builders for practical expe- rience in the manipulation of mortars is, on the other hand, well known and appreciated by all those whose attention has been directed to these important investigations. The professional practice of English architects, relating to the composition of mortars employed in public or other works, is best exemplified by extracts from their original specifi- cations. We subjoin a few, which will show the 161 relative degree of importance attached by different architects and engineers to this division of their instructions, and the proportions of materials, mode of manipulation, &c., adopted by each. Ordnance Works. Not less than thirty-nine bushels of lime * to every rod of brick-work. The lime to be slacked under cover, and the mortar made on a stone or brick floor, and properly worked until all the parts are thoroughly incorporated. Farm-house and Farmery. Erected at Greenford, 1832. Good fresh gray lime and river sand properly screened, and in the proportion of one of lime to three of sand, well tempered together. Stockport Church, Cheshire. Buxton lime (Cheshire) mixed with two-thirds of sand. * Thirty-nine bushels of lime equal one hundred and a half of lime, and would require seventy-five bushels of sand to make enough mortar for a road. In the printed contract no distinction is made as to chalk or stone lime. 162 Bankrupts Courts, Basinghall Street, London. The mortar to consist of one-fourth of good Dorking lime, and the remaining three-fourths of clean sharp river sand. Turkey Street Bridge, Enfield, 1827. The brick-work to be laid in Dorking stone, or blue lias lime mortar, and clean sharp Thames sand, in the proportions of three parts of sand to two of lime-, to be made in a pug-mill and used hot. The grout to be in the same proportions. Exeter Higher Market, Devon, 1836. Mortar for the brick-work is to be made with well-burnt stone lime (Plymouth) and good clean sharp grit sand, in proportions of one and a quarter to three. The lime is to be thoroughly slacked with an abundant quantity of water as soon as it is brought on the premises, and imme- diately after, well protected from the action of the atmosphere by a thick covering of the ingredient with which it is to be mixed; in this state it is to lie until quite cool, and then mixed together in the above proportions. This mixture is afterwards to be sifted through a wire sieve, and made up with such a quan- tity of water only as will render the compound of the 163 consistency of damp sand. It is to be well tempered in a pug-mill, and to be laid in heaps from two to three weeks, being protected during this period, so as effectually to prevent it becoming dry or setting. Ultimately it is to be worked up for use. The mortar for the free-stone is to be made up of fine lime putty, and bright coloured fine sharp sand, washed clean, and well tempered together. Silk Mill and Engine House for Messrs. Grout, Bay Us, 8f Co., at Great Yarmouth, 1825. The mortar for the mill, engine, and boiler house to be composed of the best Dorking lime and sharp sand, in the proportion of three parts of sand to one part of lime. The mortar for the chimney (one hundred feet in height) to be the same as before described, but for the other parts, to consist of one- third part of the best chalk lime (Yarmouth], used fresh from the kiln, and two-thirds of clean sharp sand, well worked together. House in Orion's Buildings, Southwark Bridge Road, in the Liberty of the Clink, London. Mortar to be composed of Merstham stone lime and sharp drifts and from above London Bridge, in the proportion of one heaped bushel of lime to two striked bushels of sand, well tempered. M 2 164 Works at the Berkeley and Gloucester Canal. The mortar must be made of clean sharp sand and Aberthaw lime (Wales), in the following propor- tions; that is to say, for works under water, and ex- posed to the river Severn in front, two measures of sand to one of lime ; for backing all work under water, and exposed to water, three measures of good sand to one of lime; and for all other backing, four measures of sand to one of lime. J J The mortar required for the locks and the outer gates of the basin to be intimately mixed in a pug- mill. The limestone is to be brought to the ground and burned upon the site of the works, the contrac- tor having the use of any kilns now thereon ; but he is to erect others if necessary.* Greenwich Railway. The mortar to be composed of the best Hailing lime and sharp river sand from above London Bridge, in the proportions of one of lime to two and a half of sand. London and Birmingham Railway. Mortar for all the works near the London sta- tion to be composed of the best burnt Dorking or * Blunt's Civil Engineer. Division A. 165 other lime of equal quality and clean sharp river sand, in the proportion of three of sand to one of lime; the compost is to be mixed in a dry state, and passed through a pug-mill with a proper quantity of water. Watford Tunnel. The mortar to be used in the tunnel shall be made with the best fresh burnt Merstham or Dor- king lime, or other lime which the Engineer may deem equally good. It shall be ground under edge stones in its dry or unslacked state. The sand must be sharp and clean, and mixed with the lime in the proportion of three measures of sand to one of lime. Blisworth Division. The mortar to be used in the beds and faces of buttresses, walls, sides, or drains, and invert arch, to consist of one part of lime to three parts of clean river or other unexceptionable sand. The sand to be passed through a quarter-inch screen; the lime to be fresh and well intermixed by a thorough beating. The mortar for running into the upright joints of the courses, and for filling in the work sound, to consist of one part lime to four parts of small un- screened gravel, to be well mixed and beaten to a tough consistency, and liquefied in tubs or other 166 vessels, to be properly adapted to run into and fill up all vacuities. The mortar to be used as hot as is consistent with the safety of the work, and the sand and gravel to be perfectly free from any loamy or other particles of a muddy nature. The limestone rock, found in the excavation, may be used for the mortar specified to be used in the retaining walls of this contract. The foregoing extracts from the original speci- fications, respecting the composition of mortar, exhibit a tolerable agreement with each other ; and, with the exception that the preliminary directions of some are more copious and explanatory than others, may be considered as affording a concise and satisfac- tory view of the modern practice adopted by some of the most eminent builders and architects, grounded upon careful observation, and great practical expe- rience. The quality of the sand required for the composition of mortar should undergo careful exa- mination, as it operates with considerable influ- ence on the quality of the mortar. In districts where sand of the requisite energy and sharpness is unattainable, road-drift has been employed, and, in some instances, recommended in the specification of works. Where the re- pair of roads has been effected with a mixture of good flint and quartz gravel, and the drift thoroughly screened to separate the muddy and other extraneous particles, such sand may afford 167 a tolerable substitute. But in cases where broken granite has been employed for road-making, the drift arising therefrom should in no wise be em- ployed for the compounding of mortar. Granite consists of distinct aggregations of quartz, felspar, mica, and hornblende, each in a crystalline form. Felspar is of a whitish, some- times of a reddish, colour, quite opaque, and occa- sionally crystallized in a rhomboidal form ; quartz is less abundant, somewhat transparent, and of a glassy appearance ; mica is dispersed throughout in small glistening plates, the colour is dark and the appearance metallic;* hornblende (a simple mi- neral) is sometimes present, and is the same mineral which imparts the deep green colour to the Plutonic rocks, greenstone and basalt. The road-sand, derived from the pulverization of granite, is, generally speak- ing, a very unfit ingredient, and ought not to be employed in the fabrication of mortars. The tritu- ration of the micaceous particles forms a dust of no coherence, and the harder particles become rounded by attrition, thereby destroying a form so essential to a proper adjustment when mixed with lime, viz., sharpness and angularity. There is also a description of granite much used in the neighbourhood of London, for mend- ing the roads, which forms a road-sand of very inferior quality. This granite is of a very dark colour, almost black ; it essentially consists of mica * Jamieson, " Mechanics of Fluids," note G, page 459. 168 and white felspar, the former in great abundance. When pulverized, it becomes a gray powder, te- nacious and clay-like while wet, but drying to a fine micaceous dust, containing a portion of iron. In the neighbourhood of Great Malvern, the roads are repaired with the sienitic granite of the locality. The sand, produced from the decompo- sition of a portion of the rock, is red,* opaque, and angular, in large grains. When washed it yields a small portion of reddish-coloured residuum, which contains iron. Acid has no effect upon the stone. The sand mostly used in London and its vicinity for the manufacture of good mortar, is pro- cured from the bed of the river Thames, above the bridges. This sand has acquired a standard reputa- tion among the principal architects and builders of London, and we shall presently show that its good qualities have not been over estimated by the profession. The river Thames passes through a country where the contiguous stratum is calcareo- silicious and argillaceous. The immense number of weirs, culverts, road-drains, &c., which are dis- charged into the river, deposit an immense mass of heterogeneous matter, consisting of calcareous,ybssi/, guartzose,^ and flint-sands, particles of coal al- luvium, and much iron.^ Sea-sand, flints, and marine debris are also washed backwards and for- * A very considerable portion of the rock is composed of red felspar, f From the pulverized particles of road gravel, which contains much quartz. J Iron mixed with the road-sand. In Mr. Babbage's interesting 169 wards with the flux and reflux of the tide, dis- tributing a sand of coarser quality than that deposited by the inland tributaries. The Thames sand, therefore, requires to be well screened and washed, previous to its admixture with the lime, in Avhich state it will be found to consist of two kinds of materials the first a fine shingle, mixed with calcareous particles, and the second a fine angular silicious and quartzose sand. The accidental cir- cumstances which occasion the deposit of a fine and coarse sand in the bed of the river Thames are the chief causes of its superiority as an ingredient in the composition of mortar, for the interstices between the larger and more quartzose particles be- come partly occupied by the angular and sharp frag- ments of the finer sand, which firmly unite with the cement, wedging and dovetailing them together. It is almost unnecessary to observe, that washed sea-sand will produce precisely the same effects. Thames ballast (used for concrete) is an ad- mixture of sand and small stones, charged with the impurities mentioned above ; it is procured from below Blackfriars Bridge. A sample of this mix- ture, tested with acid, effervesces considerably, and deposits much clay containing iron. A washed fossil or pit-sand, of very fine quality (gray colour), work on the " Economy of Machinery," it is stated, that "every coach which travels from London to Birmingham distributes about eleven pounds of wrought iron along the line of road between those two places." The result of this calculation was derived from observations made by Mr. Macneill, the superintendent (under the late Mr. Telford) of the Holyhead roads. 170 used by plasterers, also effervesces with acid. Silver sand, for fine stuff, is procured from the Isle of Wight. This sand is angular, transparent, and colourless ; acid has no effect upon it, and it is per- fectly free from impurities. The fossil and land-sands of Bagshot Heath, Highgate, and Hampstead (when washed and cleansed from the impurities which they contain), are employed for internal work, such as plas- tering, &c. These sands are exceedingly nume- rous and diversified ; the quantity of extraneous matter contained in some samples is shown by the following Analysis of Three Samples of Bagshot Sand.* No. 1. SiliciousSand . . lli ..; . 82 Alumine 2 . Oxide of Iron 7 Lime . . . '"''-.' ..... Vegetable Matter ...... 9 100 No. 2. (Partaking of a Clay appearance?) Silex and Silicious Sand ... 85 Alumine . . -. ." .... 6 Oxide of Iron 5 Lime !} : '.''.. .*-' '.'' ' . ... 1 Vegetable Matter 3 100 * From some specimens in the " Polytechnic Institution," Ilegent Street. - 171 No. 3. Silicious Sand 90 Alumine 1 Oxide of Iron 4 Lime 2 Vegetable Matter i '..,.;. . 3 100 A section afforded by the excavations made during the progress of the works at the North London Cemetery,, High gate, induced us to examine some other specimens of these sands in detail. Im- mediately under the alluvium is a coarse, gravelly, or craggy bed, in which is contained a broken stratum of indurated sand, highly impregnated with metallic oxide. The stratum next in succession con- sists of a series of red sandy beds, much intermixed with loam, followed by a thick stratum of very fine light-coloured sand, nearly free from impu- rities. A cursory analysis of these sands enables us to give the following particulars concerning their quality, &c. The ferruginous mass of sand or sand-rust (as it is provincially termed), is stratified and highly indurated ; upon examination with a strong lens, the particles appear to consist of crystallized quartz, which in themselves are chiefly transparent and colourless, but are much stained by contact with the ferrugino-silicious cement which connects the mass. The external appearance of the sand is highly 172 metallic, and of a dark brown colour ; when pul- verized and washed, it leaves scarcely any deposit, and is not affected by the action of acid. After maceration in dilute sulphuric acid, and the liquor being filtered, the iron is separated from the sand in the form of a dense blue precipitate, by adding prussiate of potass ; or, a cloudy precipitate (iron) of a reddish brown colour, in considerable quantity, may be obtained, by adding a solution of pure am- monia to the impregnated acid. The red sand from the loamy beds, when washed and separated from the clay, consists of very fine seed-like transparent grains, of a reddish brown colour. The clay, or loam, is of a bright yellow colour, and very tena- cious ; it contains less iron than the previous speci- men. The last specimen is a light-coloured glassy sand, nearly pure, and consists of finely commi- nuted angular fragments of silicious matter ; it does not appear to contain iron, but is nevertheless ad- mirably adapted for the manufacture of mortar. A specimen of concreted sand procured from Sandy, in Bedfordshire, when microscopically exa- mined, exhibited appearances analogous to the spe- cimen of iron-sand before described. Considerable difficulty was experienced in cleansing this and the former specimen, from the metalliferous cement which connected the quartzose particles together. Frequent washing had no other effect than that of detaching the more earthy particles from the mass ; CO LOUR OF CLAY S WHEN SEPARATED FROM THE STONE. LEEDS FLAGGING. BLACK GRANITE. 1 IDLE FLAGGING KEXBORO' SAND STONE ENSHURST SAND STONE MALVERN SIFNIT \ FOREST OF DEAN SANDSTONE L DRECTOF DEAN SANDSTONE 173 but, upon macerating the sand in dilute sulphuric acid * for four or five days, the iron became sepa- rated, and the sand, after being washed, was left in nearly a pure state. The sand consists of large quartzose particles, colourless, transparent, and of very irregular figure, but much worn and rounded by attrition. The test of ammonia applied to the filtered acid, gave a more dense and copious deposit than any other specimen submitted to examination. The geological deposit to which this description of sand belongs, t contains a sandstone of great hard- ness and durability. It is much used in Kent, Sussex, and some parts of Norfolk, as a paving and building stone. The groin work of Battle Abbey, in Sussex, is mentioned by Mr. Conybeare, as being constructed with a free-stone belonging to this series. The sands derived immediately from the dis- aggregation of sandstone rocks^ next demand our attention. The following series of sandstones are princi- pally aggregations of quartzose particles, cemented together with a portion of clay ; the clay consist- ing of silex, alumina, and iron, in combination * A more detailed account of the action of acids on clays, sands, &c. will be given in another part of this work. It will be perceived that our present observations chiefly apply to the quality of a few varieties of the quartzose sands and sandstones. t Iron sand. I The nature and quality of sandstones, and the uses to which they may be applied in engineering operations, will form the subject of a distinct chapter. 174 In one instance, only, was effervescence perceived, viz. in the specimen of stone, No. 1, from the Forest of Dean. The stones were examined in the following manner : A specimen of each was pulverized, and a por- tion of the sand was carefully washed, in order to se- parate the aluminous powder, &c. Dilute sulphuric acid was now added, and the sand was again washed and examined with a good microscope, to detect its quality. The clay, being subjected to the action of the acid, in order to separate the iron, was left to mace- rate, for some time ; the acid from the clay was then filtered through white filtering paper, digested, and finally tested with a solution of pure ammonia, which precipitated the iron, &c. The clays were then dried and reserved for further examination. Bramley Fall Sandstone, No. 1 (Yorkshire). A brown-coloured sandstone of coarse grain. This stone is difficult to work to a good face, but is nevertheless a good weather stone. It is now much used in situations where granite was formerly em- ployed,* and is in some respects superior to it, which will be hereafter explained. This stone pul- verizes to a coarse brown sand. When separated * Such as bases to columns and plinths, springing stones to arches, :c. &c. 175 from the clay, &c. by washing, it exhibits a sand composed of large rounded grains of quartz. Some of the grains are colourless and transparent, many are tinged with brown, and others are white and opaque. Acid has no effect upon the sand from this stone, but the clay (remarkably small in quantity, and of a fine buff colour) yields a portion of iron when tested as above described. Bramley Fall, No. 2. A light-coloured specimen, finer grain than the above. The sand, when washed, appeared angular, transparent, and colourless. Clay, buff-colour, small in quantity, and yielded a slight trace of iron. Acid produces no effect upon the stone. Holton Sandstone (Yorkshire). A light brown sandstone of fine grain. Stra- tification widely separated. The sand, when sepa- rated from the clay by washing, appeared in the form of fine, round, seed-like transparent grains, of a light brown colour, interspersed with micaceous particles. Acid has no effect upon this stone, but the clay (light drab colour) yields iron in tolerable quantity. 176 Kirby Sandstone (Yorkshire). A drab-coloured sandstone of coarse grain. Stratification widely separated. When pulverized, the sand is of a light brown colour. Washed and separated from the clay, the particles of sand are found to consist of angular quartzose grains, trans- parent and opaque, intermixed with scales of mica. The colour of the clay is light brown, and yields iron. Acid has no effect upon the stone. Leeds Flagging (Yorkshire). Light drab-coloured sandstone of fine grain, closely stratified, but splits readily at the matrices or divisions, which are very smooth, and coated with mica. When pulverized, gives a fine light brown sand. Washed and separated from the clay, the particles of sand exhibit the appearance of very fine quartz -like grains, having a brown tinge, and particles of mica intermixed with the sand, colour of clay, dark yellow. The test (ammonia) gave little or no indication of iron. Acid has no effect upon the stone. Mexborough Sandstone (Yorkshire.) A drab-coloured sandstone of coarse grain. Stratification widely separated. When pulverized, 177 gives a fine light brown sand. Washed and se- parated from the clay, the grains appear like small fragments of gum, some of which are transparent. Colour of clay, yellow, and contains iron. Acid has no effect upon the stone. Green Moorstone (light coloured) (Yorkshire). A dark drab-coloured stone, of very compact texture. Stratification indistinct. Exhales an earthy odour when breathed upon, and sulphurous smell freely rubbed with an iron point. When pul- verized, gives a fine light drab-coloured sand, which forms a stiff tenacious paste, when mixed with a small quantity of water. The sand, when washed and separated from the clay, exhibits minute seed- like transparent grains, of a brown colour. When the acid from the clay is tested with a solution of ammonia, much iron is precipitated. The clay is of a drab colour. Acid has no effect upon the stone. Moorstone (light coloured), No. 2 (Yorkshire). A very compact stone, fine grain, gray colour, and indistinct stratification. When pulverized, gives a fine light gray sand. The grains of sand, when washed and separated from the clay, are of a dull 178 white colour, transparent, minute, and rounded. Colour of the clay, dark drab ; contains much iron. Acid has no effect upon the stone. Idle Flagging (Yorkshire). A dark cream-coloured sandstone, closely stratified, and possessing a fine grain. When pul- verized, gives a very light brown sand, or powder. Washed and separated from the clay, the grains appear in small, sharp, transparent, silicious par- ticles, slightly tinged with brown. Colour of the clay, light brown, contains iron, which is preci- pitated slowly. Acid has no effect upon the stone. Penshurst Sandstone (Kent). A tender sandstone, fine grain, deeply tinged with iron oxide throughout its substance. When washed and separated from the clay, the sand appears in fine, seed-like, red grains. Acid has no action on the stone. The colour of the clay is a dark brown, approaching to red, and contains much iron. Sheffield Stone (Yorkshire). A light gray sandstone, fine grain, and com- pact texture. When pulverized, gives a light gray 179 sand. Washed and separated from the clay, the grains of sand appear rounded, seed-like, and nearly colourless. Colour of clay nearly white; contains much silex and little iron. Acid has no effect upon the stone. Sandstone, from the Forest of Dean. No. 1. A remarkably hard light gray stone, with a slight tinge of red. The grain is coarse, but the stone is capable of being worked to a smooth face. When pulverized, it gives a coarse pink-coloured sand. Washed and separated from the clay, the sand appears slightly granitic, of various colours, viz., red, brown, opaque, colourless, and transparent. The colour of the clay is a dull red, and contains much iron. This stone effervesces slowly in acid. Sandstone, from the Forest of Dean. No. 2. A very hard light gray-coloured sandstone, finer grain than the above, and works to a good face. When pulverized, gives a light drab-coloured sand. Washed and separated from the clay, the sand appears in small quartzose grains, colourless and transparent. Colour of the clay, drab. Acid has no effect upon the stone. * Lighter colour than Kirby-stone. 180 Each of the above specimens of sandstone is described as containing clay;* this ingredient, however, varies considerably in quality. In some of the specimens, the alumina is so small in quan- tity as to be with difficulty separated from the mass. The relative value of the various sands, as ingredients in the composition of mortars, stands next in order for our attention. * We had some doubt of the propriety of naming these deposits from the sand of sandstones " clays," as it was found that when per- fectly dry, most of them might be readily pulverized. Upon microscopic examination, they also exhibited very fine silicious particles ; but upon discovering that they could be instantly formed into an unctuous paste, when remixed with water, we have on that account ventured to retain the term. END OF THE FIRST PART. DRUEY, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. Preparing for Publication, A SCIENTIFIC and DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT of the TOWER and SPIRE attached to the Parish Church of ST. VEDAST, FOSTER LANE, IN THE CITY OF LONDON. SIR C. WREN, ARCH. 1697. 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Copies of the Plan, with a full description on One Sheet, may be obtained of Mr. WILLIAMS, LIBRARY OF ARTS, 106, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY; Where, also, may be had, SUGGESTIONS relative to the RE- BUILDING of the ROYAL EXCHANGE, BY CHRISTOPHER DAVY, ARCH. & C.E. Publishing Catalogue for 1839. LIBRARY OF ARTS, 106, GREAT RUSSELL STREET. NEW AND ORIGINAL WORKS ON ARCHITECTUEE, CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERING, MECHANICS AND THE FINE ARTS, Recommended as likely to suit the taste of the enlightened CONNOIS- SEUR, deserving the admiration of the EDUCATED PROFESSOR, and applicable to the wants of the PRACTICAL MECHANIC. 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The arrangement is clear, and style familiar ; the illustrations are upon a large scale, and in express imitation of the original Drawings made for the purpose ; the subjects are represented under every variety of local circum- stance, and in contrasted modes of construction, accompanied by detailed Specifications, accurate Descriptions, and appropriate Remarks. The whole of the information necessary for this Treatise is derived from the only legitimate source the direct communications of the Engineers to the several works, who have kindly sanctioned and promoted the undertaking. The following seltction from the numerous Plates is subjoined, as a Specimen of the various and essentially useful information not found in any Engineering Work yet published : GRAND JUNCTION RAILWAY : Joseph Locke, Esq., M.I.C.E., Engineer. Aqueduct for the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal. Details of Iron Bridges. Details of Iron Foot Bridge. 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The following classification of afeiv of the more important features of this work will at once exhibit its comprehensiveness as a Manual to the Architectural Student and Engineer, and, as a work of useful and practical reference, of the highest importance to the successful operations of the Practical Builder. 1st. On the consideration of the quality of the different Strata of E.rths, and of tlie sub- soil. 2nd. The construction, calculations, and use of the different varieties of the Pile Driving Engine, and their effects in the operation of Piling. 3rd. On the varieties of Piling, and its application to specific Bui/ding purposes. arising from the obscurity with which certain cl:iuses are worded. The information collected on each and all of these subjects is of great interest and of Ihe first authenticity. A sort of chamber counsel, to be consulted by all who would wish to build lasting fabrics on secure foundations, and steer clear of the law and its manifold meshes. Bat to the matter of the w^>rk ; what, after all, is the matter to be most looked to ; the Part (1.) before us contains 1st. A chapter of excellent observations on strata and subsoil, with descrip- tions of the best sort of boring apparatus and modes of using them. 2nd. Another chiefly on timber and metallic piling. 3rd. A full ac- ci -tint of the composition and application of Jliiilding Stone, and their employment in foiiri- j Beton (translated from the French of M. Keli- dation?. The various subjects comprised in this dor.) 4th. An analysis of British limestones. work will be further illustrated by useful Tables 5th. Modes of calcining limestones, including and Memoranda, collected together from nume- j Dr. Hijgius's experiments and descriptions of rons sources of acknowledged worth, and illus- , the most approved English, Scotch, and Irish tratcd with numerous Cuts. The Building Act, I kilns. And, 6th. Professor Fuch's experiments divested of its legal technicalities, will also be j on mortar Constituents of ordinary mortar explained, accompanied by notes and illustra- Examples from public works Varieties of sand applicat 4th. On the present use of Concrete, its nature, varieties and application ; its employment in important government establishments ; valuable experiments relative thereto. 5ih. Compara- tive view of Piling and Concreting for founda- tions. 6lh. On the manufacture, quality, and employment of Vrick, for foundations, SjC. 7th. On the varieties and composition of Mor- tars and Limes. 8lh. On the varieties of tions of such points as nre of doubtful import, Examples from the disaggregatiou of British or as may appear to require further elucidation*, I iandtones Action of acids on sands, &c. &c. The Publisher feels much pleasure in announcing the above as an entirely original work, of the greatest utility to the Amateur, Engineer, Architect, and Practical Builder ; Mr. Davy being expressly authorised, by the Master- general of the Ordnance, to give in this work all the experiments and highly important results made under the direction of the Board of Ordnance at Woolwich. The above valuable Compendium also contains a Register of the principal Geological Formations in each of the Counties of England and Wales, with the situation of the principal Stone Quarries, Lime Works, &c., expressly compiled for the use of Architects, Railway Contractors, and others, forming an invaluable index to the various depositaries from whence building materials may be procured. Vol. 2 is preparing for tne Press. Now Ready, THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS Erected in the West of England, from the Designs, and under the Superintendence of JOHN FOULSTON, ARCH. Price ft 4s, in 1 vol. royal 4to., cloth, gold lettered. AT PLYMOUTH : the Royal Hotel, Assembly Rooms, and Theatre .; the Athenceum, Public Library, Exchange, St. Andrew's Chapel, and the Interior of St. Andrew's Church, as altered. At DEVONPORT : the Town Hall, Public Library , Mount Zion Chapel, and the Column erected to commemorate the event of changing the name from Plymouth Dock to Devonport. This Work comprise Buildings erected in the Greek, Egyptian, Hindoo, Old English, Ornamental, and Rustic Cottage Styles, &c. Correct Plans, Elevations, and Sections are given of each, in which the best examples have been selected, and the most scrupulous attention paid to the Proportions, Mouldings, and Ornaments of the Architectural parts, according to their respective styles, and to the public, domestic, or other purposes for which they were erected, that they may be adhered to, and adopted with perfect confidence. Correct copies are given of the Working Drawings for each building, and descriptions of the various parts worthy of attention. IN CORNWALL: the Plans, Elevations, and Sections, of the County Lunatic Asylum, erected near Bodmin, the boundary wall of which incloses nine acres. This Building is also erected secure from fire. The particular construction of the Iron Roofs, Floors, Doors, Windows, &c. are detailed from the Working Drawings. Extracts from the descriptions of these Buildings, published by different persons, who have expressed their feelings and opinions in their own way : Royal Hotel, Assembly Rooms, and Theatre. ample of domestic Architecture, built by Richard "The design and execution of this noble pile Bromley, Esq. The usual nursery toy of cockney sufficiently attest the professional eminence of origin di nominated a 'Villa,' is brought into the Architect, to whose truly classical taste the wholesome ridicule by the two residences just town is indebted for this, atifl the numerous alluded to, which really are ' Villas ' in a sense other specimens of his art, which adorn our that Mecienas himself would have admitted, streets, and excite just and universal admira- The eastern part of this extensive suburb is also tion." Panorama of Plymouth, by the Rev. distinguished by the architectural pretensions of S. Ro'jae. 1821, p. 40. j numerous other residences, lately built, or now "On the right is an edifice in the Egyptian erecting." style of architecture, which is now used as the Plymouth." Princess Sqvare, is essentially Devonport Public Library. Here again the Architectural in character, and deserves the talents of Mr. Foiilston have been successfully notice of the visitor; this is also from the de- exerted. ' Much judgment,' observes the Rev. i signs of John Foiilston, Esq., the first modern S. Rowe, 'has been displayed by the Architect [ Architect of eminence, who essayed to give a in combining the massive parts appropriate to this j classic tone to Plymouth: how successful has style with the greatest effect ; and when the de- I been that essay, his followers will honestly sign wasshown(byMr.Cole,Sir John StAubyn's I avouch, while they gratefully regard him as a stewar