Iij' .»n suggests an arched window, either triple, as shown in the sketch, or double or single, as desired. If used as a window, the boxes are concealed behind the pier, which may be semi-circular, as shown in the left arch, or square, as in the central arch. It used as an open arcade or loggia, the piers may be either round or square, or stone shafts may be substituted. If the square pier is used, the caps and bases ma\,' be of brick ; but if the round shaft is used, the caps and bases will be of stone or terra-cotta, and ma\', of course, be enriched, as shown on the left. The wall bases may, in any case, be of brick. The arches can be furnished of any desired railius. In the illustra- tion their radius is one toot ten inches. The columns shown in this illustration are foiu' feet seven inches in height, including cap and l)ase, and, whether round or square, are about eight and a (piarter inches in diameter. The sill will be of stone or terra-cotta, or, if desired, of bricks on edge, tor which pur[jose No. 505 will be suitable. 8 0> n > m £ A NAVE ARCADE HK suggestion on the opposite page is for the nave arcade of a church, the interior of which is brick\vorl<. The onl)' parts of the design not intended to be carried out in brick are the caps and bases of the nave piers, cohmins of the trilorium, and the pierced slab above them ; these would preterably be made of stone. The nave piers are about two feet eight inches in diameter and twenty feet centre to centre. The radius of the laroe arches is ten feet six inches. .Slightly modified, the .same sketch will answer as a motif for an extensive front, (^ne bay of the first fioor may be modified into an important entrance. The effect of a similar arcade may be seen in the illustration, page one huntlred and ninety-two. V^ f) p\ ^ AN ENTRANCE TO AN IMPORTANT BUILDING ?Bft ffltjlX this example ot the use of plaui and >^ ^a! moulded bricks, the entire composition is of brickwork, except the columns, the pilaster- caps and bases, and the circular slabs, which are marble, and the keystone and consoles, which are terra-cotta. The pavement of the vestibule is a mosaic of colored brickwork. For additional brick mosaics, see pages thirty-five, thirty-seven, antl thirty- nine. The opening is twenty teet six inches high, and nine feet wide from coliunn to colimin. .Shoultl the building be of sufficient size, the same motif could be used for a loggia ; as such it may be seen in perspec- tive on page forty-nine. 13 A DOORWAY SUGGESTION is here offered as to the use of bricks in torming a simple, classical, or Renaissance doorway. The head is carried on a suitable iron bar. The size of the opening of the dcjor shown in the sketch is three feet nine inches wide by seven feet high. 14 J a. izjii y//7F P{//// aMKlJI^L\. _J -r-T~T~T^ r I ^e 5 I I l^/nirti'^.'^r ism^ 'HH^f^ r^>^^ p r ' nn-'p^f )ppil^'n'"^ ■' r /^l 5ofei \Juj ill' "■ 'i M'S. scale:- Hu ll E AN ARCHED ENTRANCE HIS example shows a simple treatment of an entrance suitable for a hank, a dwellint;-, or a small semi-public building-. The effect of this design may be varied by increasing" the width of the arch moulding and a greater degree of richness obtained by the use of the egg and dart and water- leaf The soffit of the arch may be made plain in- stead of panelled. The reveal may be changed to suit a wall of any thickness. The design is entirely for brickwork, except that the steps are stone and the doors of wootl. The arch is five teet radius, and the door-opening eleven feet six inches high, and seven feet nine inches wide. These dimensions may, of course, be varied at will. i6 T rZ°I] t) +'o I ; 4ie. -<^ A GROUP OF WINDOWS I IE uj^per window, which is Itahan i^mthic in style, is all of l)rick except the columns. This window might be used with uood effect, even if the columns, the small arches, and the work above them, enclosed within the large arch, were remo\ed. The clear opening in that case would be nine feet six inches. The lower window to the left is suitable for a church. Brickwork alternates with arch stones. The clear opening is four feet wide and eleven feet si.x inches high. This may, of course, be varied. The lower window to the right is Renaissance in style, and is all of brickwork except its stone sill and the three terra-cotta ornaments of the arch. By widening the pilasters, and correspondingly increasing the face of the arch, this wintlow may be enlarged to a pfreat extent without iniurin''- the desiyn. It will be noticed that all three ot these windows may be modi- lied into doorways. i8 -410 3^1^' U \it^^ rw5^ f^ 3^nui ■,^oi I 1 1 I ii'iJlDnniNtfmmimirmMniirimiinowtniWB^A^j I ^■;;itfl.^.tt ;::Jni;ij,]iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiLi K ill;, null ii|ii|lff| TujiBw-~-i-;^^ .. ., .,., ^„..,..^.. ,.,.„,..,.,„_. .„. _. ... jL'J|j.:.j — I I 1 _i _j , I ^^^ m 1-^—1- ..'1 uJ I , , .1 I . I .' . . I I I ysoAi I ii ii^ 1 ■_^J!':JJV;i^M^^,^/i'^,W-'i'rr.'^ _ 5CALDb AN ARCHED WINDOW lis example is entirely of brickwork, except- ing' the sill and the column. Kven these may be made ol brick l)y using No. 505 for the sill, and building a small pier in place of the column. It should be noted that the bricks of the outer arch are not erouml. Init that tlie circular arrange- ment is produced by using a wedge-shaped mortar- joint, the effect of which is very good where the radius is not too small. In the illustration the radius of the smaller arches is thirteen inches, and of the larger three feet. These may, of course, be varied at will. A somewhat similar window may be .seen in the illustration, page two. e r 4.1 e. A'^^ 463 SCALE:- liii d PEEIT ARCHITRAVES HE sketches opposite afford suggestions for tlie treatment of architraves around windows and doors. Those shown are enriched in various ways. Plain moulded architraves ma)' be selected from parts B and D of the catalogue. 24 Library of ALFRED W. m. ARCH MOULDINGS HE designs on the opposite page afford sug- gestions for the treatment of arch mould- ings. Some of them are plain and others enriched, and they are of various widths, trom iour inches to sixteen inches. Other bricks suitable tor similar purposes will be found in parts ]> and I ) ot the catalogue, as well as among the ornamental bricks, part K. 26 o ^ L Mm I .iii^L .M'-'i^'^L' L L L L i_ L LL 27 CORNICES HE cornices shown opposite are entirely of brickwork. The upper is provided with overhani^ini^" eaves, the rafter-ends l^eing cut to a pattern, hi the lower no eaves are shown. In either case they may be used or not, as requiretl. The height of the ui)per cornice is about sixteen inches ; its projection is about thirteen inches. The height of the lower cornice is about two leet ; its pro- jection is about fourteen inches. Projections may be diminished by lessening the overhang ot the corona. 28 29 CORNICES PiE cornices shown opposite are entirely of brickwork. The upper is proxided with overhangint;- eaves, the rafter-ends being cut to a pattern. In either case they may be used or not, as rec|uired. The height of tlie upper cornice is about twenty inches ; its projection is about four- teen inches. The height of the lower cornice is about seventeen inches ; its projection is aliout twel\-e inches. Projections may be diminished by lessening the over- hany' of the corona. »>^ 31 CORNICES HE cornices shown opposite are entirely of brickwork. The upper is provided witli overhanging eaves, the rafter-ends being cut to a pattern. In either case they may be used or not, as required. The height of the upper cornice is about three feet six inches ; its projection is about fourteen inches. The height of the lower cornice is about twelve inches ; its projection is seven inches. Projections may be diminished by lessening the over- hang of the corona. 32 ^ BRICK MOSAICS BANDS AND DIAPERS llE upper diagrams suggest possibilities of arrangement in band patterns, while the lower give two patterns for diaper-work. It will be noticed that all the designs are made by the uniform use of stretchers. The proportions and sizes of the designs could be materially changed by the use of headers. The pattern at the bottom suggests the use of bricks of three different shades, — one for the body of the wall, one for the simple diagonal pattern, the other for the more intricate pattern. The coloring is optional ; but, as a rule, strong contrasts in such work should be avoided. 34 — iBia4*J _^itaiB — ; — iii-iMi) ____(fti.ii;4j iVM4aA ^.__| (naa mmjM , \ t„f„/i , ifc ay- — —j' ^/^.J v iU ,it A 1_ — I -x-'j^i ua^ I icAi^i^d^^ I ] i-j//;7nr.Jj^ \ ^w^ " ^ ^^ — ' — ' — ' — ' ^iiii^ii'iiiii,^ .". .1 .,^1 .ij„_J. .. _ , „ , . , , , ,, , _j_n^,;ia - . -^<~.^ — i',ud&3 s-tatea^ — ve^at^ \'^^//^^ — \w£'y?7r~ Ki^ffAT — va^m- _J I yi/'J/Zif ■//,//,» 1 f wfij/^X'tr//ffA 1 \ Vy?(j^fii/arA \ \}frr„rA -rrif,. \^i/i^ {t\. 1 'i/f//fft J"*Tr'f * -ij/ft^i i* 't/^fA i -,ifj/?A }^i/yn \ VA^f I I \'/l lJJ^'t7rJf,\ I I „..I1j'"_,-1j I I .li.i lt'- ■'■ I fllJ^^I'l/t ' I I VlM'j^ v J'i''l'A I L ,.. -: .A . ,..,,. A I '""^^- — - - ._.—.. ■■-r ay.ji W itf T tyifiai I ..J "T7.,, .j " -i4iC^ ft* *M9jif^ L Ift'^',/-^^!*//^*^*^ < _^__J l4^_uJ t*.jjj^ ^ ^ I v r/ f,/ii Wff A I ifiM/A vt/. , ^_^ _ _ . ^^^ I ilH.*l^>.^>| '^/JjV/^ J _ . Z — fXAAiii J^i^d^__)'.i*i.iiJ — ~iW////i I'^aiaaii — ZT^iiJ y^iji&e — ^ya^a^ ioLiua i^^^iSe Ittl I V l/""\ "l/lti J l \ /--,^i\ - ^'Vf/'^ I I vi,,. /A ir-.i/'A I |' .,,/,|',i-./.-...'l I 1 tiiii^ aiuSa , I I ,.,,^|.|'/« X'UiCU I ii/f/fA )- ^-.jj.-/ , t ~ n.-1- fVj , . xf^/zz-n \,j..-r,k V-Uii^^ | t,,,f.A fi„,/ /,\ i i//^i Ka-//J \'/jjuA '/Jy//A yi.tyff^ \ ' ///J/A t''',/j7Z^ i-n>I^A\ I '/t,y/AA \ -^fff^'A •, '^j/yf^i iT^^fil I ^./^^//i IV/z-^f*^ ^ ■// f/jA // f I l 'A y^y V X/^>V-i I J ^//,fyri fi^////i1 1 \' /bf/^Ji V£/^A1 J I f,,//lfl '^///fl I |.^|^^^/^ '^fy^^n j |'"*-^'^' '^^ I'y.tjv, ■ ^■'■'— f/l i"y^|t--/j tv//yj f,\ y///f (^ \ •/'/ //»» I ■/-lty{ \ I'Ai^ % •///, //i I ■""'/^ [" V ^/il ' \v////r, , J '/li/t ''I tilt 1 ■_ — VU^JAjLi ■ ///fj'/.i 1 wyff/^if.ffM ( i ;/M/A'i^/y,}i I iniitiiijaaitt I \'iiiyt^ . //j/^^ i _ I i - yf>/^ ) r/ui,,A I I I I I I I I -/jii/iA |_^ \ /////k 1 I J I , I t f/t/jjiri. I ,, .■ . I .-■■ , i- i ^ '■'■'i if "V I 1 > 1 \'ij,i,jA ' V .' ^ A ■ ' -' . A \ - j/,,ii( , I 1 1 I 1 Zl_^ I I I I I 1 ■ " , I I l.il'.i':\..li -S\'....' X~^^ I I j 1 I ' I .f/A I'/^yf-^ '////l.\ \'I^ UOA—n I—, llMyjJ 1 jlL-_J —J „ J —J —J , ■- I I —— J_ !_, r-^— J^ — I -V^-J ■-■-■'fJ ZLtT^ , " ■" j./j//,< ET,/^f 1 <.^//^j I . ; ■ t ^-J J^ ■ I I . . , //| , , . . , I ■..,..1 ni"y«j)^r^^^ • ■■ -{if //.i.\ _J 1 / ^-aA ■■■-■■ 'i ^ ""fl I f ' /< J — -. i J / < ^,4 .1 t ^^JJZjiVUi^ il.y*.//f y,, ^,| jli^t* / ' J ^^fl 1 J . .'k I ' ) uiiiiA T ~"^ J .>- » I I i_^zd ) I /' . /I I \ ^J2^ T~' 77/ . - I I T " J I 1 I 1 I 1 l*i/iWl I -^'-"^ ' ' -1 ■ , -I 1 -j — 1 -J— p ^ ■^i£lA » I '/^^ Yi'll^i I 1 ■■ ■„,< * **i/f'" I — ^ J .--. - J 1 , I •UiiliA J t ^■'■'■< I I t^td£A - ^ J . I 5CAL£;»i ! ^ ^ FEET- 35 BRICK MOSAICS FRIEZES AND BANDS HESE diagrams suggest possibilities in friezes or broad wall bands. Much stronger con- trasts are admissible in such work than in the all-over pattern shown on page thirt)-five. The expense of grinding bricks to such small pieces, as shown in some of the secondary bands, may be obvi- atetl by the use of whole bricks of solid color, pro- ducing nearly the same general effect, but less crisp in detail. Attention is called to the ease with which the Greek fret can be made ; a simple halving being the only cut necessary. The bands are drawn seven feet four inches in width, Init this may be varied at will. 36 I I r- "—' 't-^ 't- ^^^■^t^^'iL^ t-^ (L^ ft. ''^L.-*-°i]S t^^^^ ^_/?_/^.,--'g_,'^_^^^?_,^?„.^ =il5 *»lfSM»»MMMiK^ 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ m m^mm m. Dtp ..R.Fl .R.- .',■■' „,H .,".H, Fn 'U"i.i'„ H.. i' .. i'... l 'i'O i| IH l»l l"l P'l t'l li'l I "! |" l 1 1 W" \ id^K^L:I^^/2^ . . . . . ....... ■■. . , ^ — -^ ] '/////// A '''^^y-AT/i vy///y/^ '////y// i 1 '■^■-■1 ■ ' /^iJ//A ''^ ir^r . > / H'VA A Ji^ A. Ai^ J<\A. AkAkJik A^JtKM\^/\^\y 1 3: M N X X yflfTKA ^l(Ik^,<11I^-xl(tV^^f^^,.^lv.(;iJ ^M^ftf/SKAIt^/^ ^/\ 1 1 f 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 — ) 1 1 1 1 ._J 5CALE= A CHIMNEY-PIECE FOR A LARGE ROOM I^^^IPPOSITE is seen a suox)t;stion for a chimney- iW.'w/ piece, suitable for a club, hotel, railroad station, or other semi-public buildiny. 1 he design, even to the hearth, is entirely of brickwork. This chimney-piece is about ten feet wide, and ten feet six inches high. The fire opening is about four feet wide, and three feet fi\e inches hiyh. 40 41 A CHIMNEY-PIECE FOR AN ENTRANCE HALL HE desii^m suggests a chimney-piece suitable for a hall-way or other large room. It is entirely of brickwork, except the keystone, and is about nine feet six inches wide, and seven feet three inches high. The fire-place radius is two teet. This design shows the manner in whicli moulded bricks adapt themselves to use in forming arches ot small radius. 42 ::':( If S liilPli'!-' 'I "'■'''■' liiiiiiiSliJi 1!u '''"''*' If|lf1«i'lt' 111 iiili" set so* *' *,#!* 43 TWO FIRE-PLACES HE upper design suggests a simple treatment suitable for dwelling houses. The shelf is, of course, ot wood or stone. All other parts, including the hearths, are brickwork. This mantel is about seven feet six inches wide, and five feet high. The fire-opening is three feet si.x inches wide, and two feet three inches high. The lower fire-place, like the upper, is intended for use in a dwelling. Its greater dimensions and more elaborate design render it suit- able for a room of more im[)ortance. It is entirel)' of brick, with the exception of the shelf which ma\' be of stone or wood. The panels above the shelf may be made more ornate Ijy the use of the water-leaf No. 304. The chimney-piece is about eight feet six inches wide, and seven feet six inches high. The fire- place opening is four feet wide, ami two feet seven inches h\oa soj 47 A BALCONY i^^^N the opposite pa^'e a balcony, composed en- .W^ Ji tirelv of brickwork, is shown. Its dimen- sions are, approxmiately, — length, sixteen feet ; projection, three feet six inches ; height from bottom of corbels to top of string course, seven teet six inches ; from top of string course to top ot bal- cony rail, three feet six inches. This balcony may, of course, be used with three arches in place ot tour. The amount of projection and depth of corbels, as well as the length of the balcony, can be varied to suit different cases. The illustration to the right shows this balcony and a loggia in perspective. The loggia may readily be modified into a window. 48 49 A PIER AND ARCH r^-i N the opposite page a suggestion is offered ^. 67 ^oo]ox<:r>)o<::;:>«ooooo<:3>o»c3>ooMci>oo<:r>oo<::z>oo<^^ ROMAN BRICK. No. 734- For sizes of tlicsL- lirirl<>, see- prcLcdin;,' pay bo>cr>i'oo()<:3>;oci3.oo<:c>oocr>oo(X)c:5oo<:z>(Kioo<^ 6S Old Style Bond. New Style Bond. This brick saves labor and llio waste of clipping, and makes a stronger wall than does the old style of bond. STRETCHER BOND BRICK. kio<::>()(>oiKZ>o()cz>oo<:z='00<:i>oooo<3>oo<:::>oooo<:i>oo<:z>o()c3> 69 SERIES B ANGLE BRICKS, JAMB AND ARCH MOULDINGS ANY of the bricks shown in this series are IwSi'jRjjl particularly suitable for use in antjles of buildings. This is especially true of Nos. 2 I I and 2 I 2, which can be used to turn an angle of any number of degrees. Other bricks suitable for use in jambs and arches may be fountl in Series D, E, G, and K. Many of the bricks included in this section and Section D are useful in forming piers, as shown on page fifty-nine. 7' 2(Bc:::>;ooo)ooo<3>oo<3>)o<:^>oo<:z:>oo<:::2>oo<:z>o(>oo Abave bricks are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Roman thickness, if desired. 5oKr^o(Kr>cooi)<35TO<:z>ooitooc3>oooocz>oo»ci>o()io)o<:3>)o<^>oo<:::>Do<::3>io<:c>)o<:>oo<:>oooo)ooo< THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. 73 2oo)o3ooo<:;>)ooooo<::>oooooo)o^^ No. 211, in connection with No. 233 and No. 212, with plain square brick, can be used to turn any angle for bay windows or for buildings on lots of irregular shape. yVoais Above bricks are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Roman thickness, if desired. Mcz^oi><:i>co<::^m<::::>w<^>oo<:r>)o<^:>oo'^:i>oiic:::::>oo<^^ 74 ^ooiox)<:z>io<»<:z>(ij<:z>m<::^ THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. ooc<;r>oi>oocz>ooi)o<:i>otic(ooc:r>o0oo«<3;^»cz>;i^^ 75 3oo)CKcr>w)tfoo)ujoo(K:3>ooM<;r>ocK:^>oo<;i5oo<^ Wo £16 yVo eia- Wo £11 Above bricks are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Roman thickness, if desired. )OiKC:>cocoo()cz>wooc3>oi)ooc::>oo<:^o()oocr>i»oo)()<^;r>)o)occ>)o<)o<;3>oo<::r>oo<:r>oi)ooo()< THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )co<:z:>oooooo<:3>oooo<:r>oooooooo<:3>oooo 77 Doojo<;r30o<::i>oo<3>»oo<:3>oo<3>oouocz>oo)o<:z>ooa^ Wo £S5 Aid ssa ; V / Wo £54- Wo £51 y^o a so No e.'S.e- Above bricks are all standard she. but can be made standard length and Kdnian thickness, if desired. 7« 2^i(i<^:::>io}ooo<:z:^ THESr. PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. oooiy:z:>coi>o<==>m=>oo<:::>)0oo<:z:>oo<:r>m<^ 79 2oo)ooo)ooo<:3>oo<::>)o<:3>«o<:::::>ooiMCZ>oooo<:i5oo^ A/o SBT Binder for 233. Binder for 232. Binder for 2^1. Binder for 230. Aljove bricks are all standard size, Init can be made standard length and Roman thickness, if desired. (5oio(Kcr>oo<:r>ooc;:>coci)c::>o()<:z:>oo<:z>ooooooc^ So D(»<:r>)oc:r>oo<:c>3ooooo)ooo<:i:>oooo<:i>o()<:r5oo<:r^ THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. »t<;>oc<3>oooocz5(io<:3>ooc;:>c[>ooc:r>oDC^oooo<;r>»cz>oi)cr:>(io5 yx<:::>o(Kz::>)o>o<::>ooxyc::::>)i>oi^^ Woe4s Binder for No. 245. WoSAS Starter for Xo. 230. No. 241, Starter for No. 231. No. 242, Starter for No. 232. No. 243, St.irter for No. 233. Above bricks are all st.mdard si/.c, but can be made standard length and Human thickness, if desired. kiooooooo<:3>ooo(K:zi>oo<:r>oocz>ooc:>woocr>ooc;:^o^ 82 3(Xi<^r>j(>»oow<;r>ooooooo()oooo<)iiQ THESE PROP-ILKS ARE HALF FULL SIZE. x)(>c:r>oc<:z>ooo()ooMic:^>o()cr>oo<:z>o[)c:z>oooooocr>o()c^ RADIUS BRICKS 4/^ra^(lK.CULAR work, as in a column, pier li ^^S^' exterior ot an anse or tower, may be built ot any rathus greater than four and a halt inches with the bricks shown in this section. For a radius greater than tour feet, the several radii made are sufficiently close to each other to enable their use for an)' intermediate radius ; tor e.\ample, a brick of five teet seven inches radius can be used to turn a circle ot either five teet or si.x teet radius. P'or radii over thirty ttx-t, the brick become practically straight, and it is not necessary to make them in special moulds. 30o)i><::r>w<:3>jooo)o<:i>iooi)<:r:>oo<:^oooo«o<:r^ Wo 2S5 V 1 / R.VDlUi; BRICKS. No. 290.— 4i in. radius. No. 263.— 2 ft. 9 in No. 275-— .5 in. No. 277.^ 3 ft. in No. 260. — 6 in. No. 269.— 3 ft. 6 ill No. 291 — 7* in. No. 270. — 4 ft. 6 in No. 2'6i.— 8* in. No. 271. — 5 ft. 7 in No. 262.— 10 in. No. 272— 6 ft. 9 in No. 263.— 13 in. No. 273.— 8 ft. in No 264.— 15 in. No. 274.— 10 ft. in No. 265.— 18 in. .No. 380.— 12 fi. in No. 266. — 20 in. No. 381.— 10 ft. in No 267.-24 in. No. 395.-29 ft. in radius. Nos. 380. 381, and 395 are Roman size. Starter fur No. 260. — 6-in. radius. No. 298, Starter for No. 291. — 7 1 in. radius. No. 281. Starter for No. 261. — 8A in. No. 283, Starter for No. 263. — 13 in. " liricks from 4^ In. to 10 ft. rafllus are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Roman thickness. 5o£o{k:=>oo<::i>oocz>w<3>oo<^>oooocz>dooo<^ S6 50()<:z>)o<:r>»<:z>)o<^:>oo<:::50ooooooooooo<;r>o()<:r>M <=>00g THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. ooi)oo<:z5ooo(Kri>oooo<:r>ooo()<::;r>oo<::z>oo<:r>w S7 SERIES D JAMB AND ARCH MOULDINGS IK bricks sliown in this section are especially desionetl tor use in jambs and arches. Other bricks suitable for these uses may be found in Series B, E, l\ H, and K. Some combinations of such bricks may be seen on pages twenty-five and twenty-seven, and in the jambs of the windows, ])ages nineteen and t\vc-nt\'()ne. 89 20oc:ixo<3>oo<::>jooo<^o<:z>oo<:^>oo<:i>oooocz>o()<:z>)o<:z>ooooQ / r^ Wo 50S i r i^ Above bricks are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Kdnian thickness, if desired. kic<;^oc)ooo«oooc::>«o<::::>oooo<::>oooo<;>()oocK^^ 90 3M<:z»o<:^oo<:z>j(x;^oo<:^>oo<:3>oooo i)o-c:>o!)oo»2 Wo 503 .\V THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. ki(ocKcr>ooo()cz>cocz>ooc:r>oocr>oocz>ooocooo[<:z5()o5 91 3o«:::i>)o^:>)o)ooooo]o<:i>oi!ooMcz>ooso<:i^ //0B05 \L L //0504 Return made for Xo. 304. / WOSO6 /V0306 Above bricks can be made only of standard thickness. X )0(K3:>i)o<::>ccK:::>oo«o<:i>ooc»cr>oooooooc<:::>»<::z>oD<^ 92 20ocr>0()oooo<^>)ooo<^>)o<:c>oooocz>oooog s Woj&oe THESE rROFlLKS ARE HALF FULL SlZl oococ)()<::z>o()<3>«o<^=>oo<:>otKrriOo<^i>oooooccDcz>oi>Ci>c!^ 93 2oxrr50oc:r50«oox)<;r>oo<:z>«o<:r>ooMoo)ooo<^^ Wo5oq Wo 508 Return made for No. 308. Wo 51 Wosio Return m.ule for Xo. 310. Above bricks are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Roman thickness, if desired. )oi>c^i>oooo[Kcr>TO<:z:>oooo<:z>Oi)C3>c>Dc::>oooc<:z>ooooc:^ 94 ;K3o<:r>)ooo'C:>oo<3>)OcC2'iio<3>oo<:z>oooa<:z>ooooooQ Wosio THESE Pr)o<:>)o)o<:r>ooooMoo<::z>05<:z5 Return made for N'o. 312. W0S:5 Wo 514- V. Return made for No, 314. Aliovc l)ricks are all standard size, l)iit ran he made standard len;4ih ,ind Roman thickness, if desired. )0(oo<^:>oooow<::::>ooooc::>o()oo<::>Moo 20iKC2>0(><:z>)o<:3>)o^^oo)ooooooooo<^>ooooo()p y^o SI2, Wo 513 THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FL'LL SIZE. :'5o<3>ccJC<::r>:!)<3:5TO<:::>ooci>oocr>oo<:z>oooooocr>o(^^ 97 Qoo<:i::>)iKz:>jo)coooooo)o<3>ooM<::r>oooo<^ OOQ s Wosn Wo SIS Return made for No. 316. Kcturn made for No. 318. Above bricks are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Roman thickness, if desired. ooocz>ooo(>ci>o()c:r>oo<^:>oo<::>o(K;r>ooo()<3>oocr>Mi»cz>o 98 2oo30)o<:z^oo<::^o<::r>)oco<:r:>oo<:z>M<:^oo<::::>)i)"cr>oO' THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )oc<:r>oo<:::>)0o()oo<=>oooo<:r>ooooc^oooooo3i)<::>oo<:35oooo<:::r>oo<:>flO'Ci:><)i>c::s'Oo oooo<:::5oooo<::>oog Return made for No. ^20. A / //0 3e,3 / t \ A Wo.sai \. ^ ' / Ketiiin nidde I'dt Nu, 322. Above bricks are all standard size, but can be made standard length and Roman thickness, if desired. 100 2oo<:r>)oioc;>)()wio)<<^>oii'Ci>oo<:::^oo<:^>)o<::3>oo<^>()OQ THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )ooo()o()cc>o()<:zr>oo<:=>ooc:r>)ooo<:3>ooooooMcr:>oi)cr^ 3oo)o<:35oi)oooooooooo<::;>jo<:^ ^O 50 2, 1 AlO 50\ V / Return made for No. 501. W0.504- \ , aVosos V / Kcturii m.idc tor No. 503. 3ix)<;r>)o<::::^>(XK:r>)ooooo)o<:rr>oo<::^ooMo())ooooi)[iox)c:>ooc;:>oo<::z>oooo<:c>oooooooocr:>a I03 20()c:r>)(>ooc:r>)o<^>oooooooooo<:::><)o<^ Return made fur No. 506. /Josaq % A/OSO& (/ / Return made for No. 508. »o<^>o(yc:>«()cc>o(ooc:r>o(K:zr>ooc::^ooooco» 104 3ftKz:>)()<;;>oo<::;;::^oco)o<:;:>)o)ooo<3>ofl<:i>oooi>cr>c()o()c::::>(iooo«o<^>oooooooo»cr>o '05 Doo)t<:z>xKC>io<;:>oo<:3>x)oo<:r>ocK:i>oo<:3>iMoojooo<3>a)Q Wo -b 5 1 ROMAN SIZE. Reverses on No. 352. a/o sse ROMAN SIZE. Reverses on No. 351 Wo. S5 5 RO.MAN SIZE. /' Wo^54-- ROMA.N- SIZE. 106 5(io)o<::^>oooooo<2:>oo<:z>oo<;>oooc>^^K<;n>o]<:>«Q THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )OiKC:>i()<:3>ooiiooo<:^>o()<:z50ocr300oooo()o<:;>oocz>coc:^ 107 30<)<:3>ii>)o<3>)0oo<:c>w<::r>io<:^>C()<::r>oo<:i>ooooo FA,CE- Wo55e F/SCE ROMAN SIZE. Angle 45° /Vo S51 ROMAN SIZE. /VO.S)55 ROMAN SIZE. »CKC>()coi)ocK^^oo)cooc:c>oooooo<:i>oo)o<:z>M<:::>oo)o<:;:^oo<::r>)o<::2>oooo<:^>o(oo<:i:>oo< Wo 3S5- THESE I'ROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )ooci>oo)0<:::::>ocKCZ>co<:3>oo«ooocz>oocz>oooooo<:z>o lOy SERIES E PANEL MOUI-DINGS RICKS such as 430 ami 431, wltli their mitre, are suitable tor forniin^- panels in walls or in posts where the panels are not on adja- cent faces. Bricks such as 430X, which reverses on itself, with its mitre, are suitable for tormina- jjanels at the angle of a wall, or in a post, two adjacent sides of which are panelled. Many of the liricks oi Series B, D, F, G, and K, may also be used in panels. Suggestions as to ways ol doing this will be lound on page fifty-nine. Panel mitres are matle tor any bricks ordered tor use in [)anels. DO(ycz:s<:i^>fKz:>)o(io(io<:::>oo<:z::>m<^ Reverses on itself. Return made fur Xo. 430. I'anel mitre for Nos. 430 and 431. Panel mitre for 430 X. io[oo)0<^>o()c:z>oo<:i2>oo«ooooooo«)oo<3>ooc::5^ 112 2ooic)o)o<:z2'Oooo<:::>oo<3>ooM<^>oooo<:r:>oO' ^•0.4-51 THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. 5ooc:>oo<:3>o()c:z>oooococ:>oo<3>oo<::r>ooocoo<^ ioooooci>Mo()cz>oo<:r>oooi><3>oo<:z><)o Return made for No. 433. Panel mitre for Nos. 433 and 434. 114 <:r>x<:::>ooioiiy:z::>w^^ Ai 0-4-35 AJO-^3-^ • 2 THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. Qoci<:z>oo<:2>oo<:z:>o()ooooooc:>o(o()ot<;>ocooc::>)(K^ ^Tt i SERIES F STRING COURSES IIP^ Ijricks shown in this section are designed tor use in string- courses, but nearly all of thf-m are also useful in cornices. Several of them are also useful for other purposes, e.g'., the checker bricks, for enriching flat surfaces, as shown around the arches at the top of this page. ( )ther bricks suitable tor use as string courses may be found in .Series B, D, G, H, and K. 117 oooc^:>)ocz>(w<:z>(ji)oocz>oooooa<::i>oooocoooci>o()0 AiOA&6 /mm A\ 'iiiiN^ii \j]]] ////A/ //A /F/ 4 /MO 4 ST AlO-4-'=iO ry^^^y^pilF^f^l!^ ^AAAAAAa I 2 5 iiS goocr>)o<:z>oo<:^oo<:r>oooooo<::3:>oo0(K:i:>floo()]oc~>oog AI0 48S AlO-46e A10AQ& THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE Sooocooco<:2>oooo<::r>ooc()o()oocr>oocz:>ooci:>ot^^ 119 2oooo)ooo<3>)o<:z>oo<:z>ociMoooo<:z^ AlOA-OS. .'Vo 4-03 Also made stretcher and return. Also made stretcher and return. ^O A-OA Also made stretcher and return. A/o>l-Oi Also made stretcher and return. A/o ^oa A/O A-Ol Also made stretcher and return. Also made stretcher and return. /^O A-oe> yVO-^IO .'Mso made stretcher Also made stretcher and return. and return. 120 2oo<:z3fl<>)o<3>)ooi))ooo<::r:>ooMoooo<:z5M' A/o+oa / No A-O'b o(KZ>o{>cz>oooooo<::z>c»ocooooocoocz>o(K^ io)oooxKrr>oo«ooooo<:;:>ooMooQ A/o4-n Also made stretcher and return. Also made stretcher and return. Also made stietcher and return. ^O ^14- W0.41D Also made stretcher and return. Also made stretcher and return. ,MO.>V(5 )oc()CKc::><(0ot>c:>()o«coocc;>oocc>oo<;i>oooo<:z^^ 2oo)(>o<:i2>oo)o)oooM<:z>oooo<:rr>MM Wo -=5-1-5 ^ /^OA~\A- TIIF.SE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. oc(oi)oocr:5CO<:i:>oocoo£KC:>M<^oooo<:r>wcr^ 3(»<:::^(KCi>xK::;>)o<:r>oo<^>oo<:z>(iooi)<:r50ooooo<;r>oo)o)ocr>Ji)<:=>oooo<:3>oo<::^ Wo'Via THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. io»i)()o()o()cz:>oooocz>oooo<::^o()oo<:z>ooc«cz>o(^^^ 125 Qooc:::>oooo<:z>oo<:r>oooo<:::^oocz>oo<:r>ooci3>0()<:r:>oooofloc;:>0(K / ^BmHWimmw mwmmmww mimiii Also made Header and Return. MOAA\ Also made Stretcher .ind Rrturn ,Y mmmrr/ s AiOAAb Also made Return. 8i»ooci>oo<::>ooooc:>oo<::r>oo<^:>Docr>oi)cr>oocr>oooocr>oocz>occ 126 goo<:r>jo<;r>oooooooooo<:r3«o<:cr>0()oo^z>0(><:c>oo<^^ AlOA-AQ AJO-4^( MOA^L A40AA5 THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. 8oooo<:::>oooooo<:z3-o()oooo<::r>ooococcc>o(>c^^ 127 g(»c:^>ocoooo<:::>oo<:::r>ooooooo()<:;r>oo]o<:ir?<)o<)o AiO AAS AiOAAl AiO AA'=\ Return made lor No. 441; I 6oooocr>oo<:3>«owcoc:r>o()ooo(K^>oooc<:;>ooc::r>ooooc 12S 30ocr>)oM<:r>oo<:r>oocr30ocz::>oo<^>oOoooooo<:z>Oi)oooo< AJ044S AlOAAl Aio-a^-^ 5 o 9 8 THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. 8ooooc:;r>oooo<;>oo<3>ooocKC>ocoooocrr>ocoocr>oooooooo<:r>oooo<:r>ooc:z>oo<:i>«ooo<3>oo-c2>()0( WO-4£l Return made for No. 45 t. W0 4££ /^0-4-55 8coooci>ooooci>Mooo()oo<:^>o(K::::>ooc:3>ococ<:z>ooc:::^ goocr>3o<:r>Mooooci:>ooo()(Mooo()oocc>oooocz>oooo<:z>«(>c3>o(ioooo<:c>oocz>oocr:>o(K:3>w 2ooci::50o<:3>ooMooci:>oo<:^30oc:^>ooci>ooooooooooooo '\ % K,!\> AJ0-4£S AOA'^'^- Al04£l 5oo<;:>oocc>ooooc:r>cooocrr>ooooooocc3>oocz>oco(<;r>ooC g(wcr50o<:r:>oi!<:z>oo<::z>ooooci>oo<:z>oo<:i>ooo()oo<:z>)o<)o< ^. /^0-A5S- AiOA'^^ Wo 451 THESE rkOFlLES ARE HALF I'ULL SIZE. 8oo<:z>oocr>ocKr>oooooo<:z>oo<:z>ooociooci>occ:>oi>cr>oo<::3:>wc '33 30()<:z::>)»«ooo>^rxi()<3>oo<:z>M<^>oooo<:::3>Mooo()o()m<::::>oocc>co<:z;>ooci>oooo<:z>oooo<^>ooci:>a "34 2ooooJo)o<::::30oooiooocz>oo<:^MCi>o()oo)o<:>ooQ AlO-^SH /VO -4-60 THESF. rROFlLKS ARE HALF FULL SIZE. Oo(K::^o(>oocr3o(KC>oocr>oo<:z>oo()ooo^ 135 2(X)<:c:>oo»<:z>oooo<:r>oooo<:i>)ooo<::z>Moo)3a a;o4-tt Also made return. Also made header and return. Eiii<oo<:::>>o<:::>sd>o<:^wio<>o<^ 1.36 '^o(Kz:>i(><:z>x<::::>soi)o<::>oo<:::>ii><:z:>i<>w<:>m<:^co<^^ THESE r'ROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. 6o(K::r>o()ooo()<350o<=>ooccr>«o<::r>oooocr>oooo<:i>oocr>ot<^ •37 Qoocr>)ocr>oooo<::3>oocz>oo<:zisoo<:3>oo<:z>»0fr^^ AJ0 4TI Made (Jiilv header and return. n Wo 4-T5 ) 7 AUii in.ide header and return. MOA-TA- Albu ni.ule he.ider and return. MoA■'^s Also made header and return. ijS poiKCr>)o<:;:>oooo<::r>oo<:z>oo<:Z50o<:z>oooo<:i>0( AJo-4r-^ /Mo-^T-S- THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. w<3>oo<:z>ooc:r><»<^>oooooo<::>ooooc:>oooocc>«>cz>)oc^:>(ioc Ij9 D0()oo<:z>)ooo<::3>oo<:r>oo<::r>oooo<3>oooo0ii<::z5oo<^^ fliMMG t AiOA&O Al04ai AlO-^S-^ k)i0(KC3><)0<^>oo<:3>oo<:i:>oooo<:z>oooooo<:r>oooo<:i:>o[>cr>«S 140 2M<::i>oooooooo<:r>oooocz2'OoMoooo<;r>oo«og Aj04ao AlO^SI Alo-4a4-- THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )0(0()«c>coor>oocrr>oooooooo<::>ooo9cz>:oc35aic 141 |»'jiaij«j>i iC'SiiS'Bt^. -_*■< IJI - -::^---~— '- — T^ SERIES CORNICb MO G ULDINGS Ijricks shown in this section have been designed for use in cornices, and their effect when so used may be seen in the cornices, pages twenty-eight to thirty-three. Many ot them may also be used as jambs or in string courses. Additional bricks suitable for use in cornices ma)' be found in Sections B, D, E, F, and K. 143 'm;z:>i(>i)<>oo<:::>oo(io<:z:><:::><>i>M<:i^x Wo soo No 50I Reverse with itself. See page 102. Reverses with No. 502 See page 102. AfO.SOS y^o.sos Reverses with No. 504. See page 102. AV0SO6 A/OS'OS Reverses with No. 507, Reverses with No. 509. See page 104. See page 104 Returns are made for all the above bricks. 'w<:z:>iaio<:::>ii()K<::>oo<:r>o'<::>oo<::>oo<^ ■14 THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. »(ici>c(K::::3K)CKC>c(>cr2<)oo(Kir>oo<:c>oooowc^ '45 20()]o)ooo(K))o<3>)0'Ci:>oooooo<^^ y^os-io A/o 511 m — 1 va. A/o. 5 IE A/O- 513 A/o S14- Also m.ule stretcher Made hnlf brick aiul return, only. 5 I4t) 20ocr>)o)oc:r:>)ooo<:z>oo<:z>ooc:z>oo<:^oooo<::^>oo <;;>«< s Wo-si z. ^ N.a 513 ^ /VosiA- THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )0[ooooo(K3>oo<:::riOOcrr>cooi)crr>oooooo()ocr:>ooc^ 147 Panel mitres aie made for these brick. HoA-ze Reliirns can be made for the above bricks. 5oooocr>)()ooc3:>oocz:>oooooo<3>i)()<:2:>oocr>ooooo 148 io)ocr>oo<:z>)o<::z>)oc3>cooo<:::5oo<:r>o()<:r>ooM THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. )Oi>c>o(>cz>)oo()(«<::r>oo<:z>otKcr>oooo<:r>ooMc:>oo cz>oocooo5 149 SERIES H BASE MOULDINGS III", bricks shown in this section are especially suitable for bases. Their effect in combina- tion will be seen on page one hundred and fifty-four. Other bricks suitable for use as base mouldings will be found in .Series B, D, E, F, G, and Iv. 151 2oo]o30oooo<:i:><)o<^:>io<;i>jooo-c::>M()0' Alo.5\a \ Mos\^ Also made stretcher and return. Wo 4-0& Al'^^Si.o No.5Z.\ /Vosas. Returns are made for all the above bricks. 152 3oo0()»<::r>)o<:iaoo)ooooo<:r>ooMoo<::::5oo<:::>o()< TllKSK I'KOKILES ARM HALF FULL S1ZI-: '53 2»Kr>:o<:::;>M<3>)c<:i>oox))ooooo<:z>oooo<;z>ooMoo Combi nations of base bricks. 5<)coc<:r>oocz>oo<:z:>co<:=:>oocz>)0oocr>oooo<:z>(»<^ '54 Doo<:3:5()o)ocz>)ooo<:^>ooci>oo<:^oo<::^oooO' THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE x)()i)o«ci<::>oiK:^>coooc3>«iK:=>)ooooo<:r>(»oo<^ 155 SERIES K ORNAMENTAL BRICKS HE bricks of this series are useful for a vari- ety of purposes. As they are here shown by drawings made from the bricks them- selves, their actual appearance is readily understood. 157 owoooooo^r>ooooo()0()oooo<:r>oo<3>«oooooooooci>ooooooc:::>ocoi<:;:>wo 15S gooc;:>)ooocz>oocr>oocz>oooo<:z>()o<:=>0()<::r>)oooco< TIIF.SE I'ROl'ILES ARE MALI' FULL SIZE. 8coo()<3>o()c3>occ:>oo<^:>oo<::;>o(KCi>o()ooci>oo<:3>«o<:z:>oc^ IS9 3(»oo<:z>oo<:c>ooooc;r>ooc:3>oo)ooo<:z>oo<:zr>oo0()<3>o()<:r>ooc Wo Tl-q- mmmmimimmmmmmmmnmmmwmnwww mmmnmrnmnmimmmwimmnmimimmimmmmnii) hmmimmimiwmminmimmmtmmmimmimim'm)})) )mmmwimmimm)))mmm)))mm)nmmwm)m)'m)i ■ i-".';;'"rii— >i mmmwmpw/imtm Wii^mm^Mmi A(OT£5 y^O-lL-^ ,,# iwiWUUlU(UWlllUlllUlllUlUUl'fflllll(llllllllllllllll)llllll)lll)ll)ll»)l»» *■/ ) # ,,.biiiwuiiiiawuHiuiiwiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)w A/O le^R. Riturn fur No. 724. 8oooocr>oocc>oo<:zr>ooooo(K::r>ococoooooc<:i>ooc:i>coc 160 Q()ocz5<)o<:rr>oooo-cz>oo<:r>oo^r:50ooo<:3i00c=>o(Krr>)oo<>oooocr>ooooM<3>oo<:r>oo<3>oooooo<:z>5ooocr>ooc3;^ g«Kcr>flooooo<^;>ooooc^>oo<:z>oo<3>oooo<3>ooooci>oo^ Mo. 7S6 /40. ?£? 6 Al0.7Eft Boo<:^>oooocrr>oooo<:r>ooc:r>oo<:r>oooooooocrr>oo»c 162 Qoocz::>oo<;z>oo<::z>oo<:3>oo<:z>ooooo()oooo<:r>oo<:r>oo()o<^>!()< AlO 7e6 AIO,7e7 AJ0.7ES THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. >oocz>('oci>oooo<:c>oocir>ooocci>oooo<:3>oi)c:>ooci>o()c:r>ooS 163 »o<)<:3>oooo<:z>oooooooo)oooci>oo< AiOTE'^ AJO 730- I'.inel Mitre for No. 729 »<:z>oo<:z>oo<3>ooooooci2>oooo<3>o«<:r>oocz><)i 164 »ci:>oo-^r>oo^i>ooooci>oooooo<:r>oooo)(<:r>oo<:r>o(K Mo-7£^ S7SO- THESE PROF'ILES ARE HALF FULL Si;^E. >no<:i>oiiocoocr>ooo(K;r>mc2>oooocr>oocr>(»c:>oocii>coc 165 c«)<:z:=oooooo<:;i>oocr>oo<:ir:>ooooc:r>ooccz>oooooooi)ooo S 8 Wo 151 Ai015£ /-'V- AJO.755 5oooocz>oo<:c>oo<3>oooo<:r>o()ooooc:^oocri>oocz>oocz>coc:r>()OC 166 gwcr:>)ocz>oooooo<:r50o<::r:3(ioc^>o(>cz>oo<:r>(!o)o)o)op Mo 151 '\ AJ015& \\ V \> ,'> 1/ AI0 153 THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. 5 5 167 ooo«ooo<:r>oo<:::;>oo<:r:>oooooo<:z>oooooi)<:z>oo<:i>^ s #1^, ^&*lll|l||iijt/*// ////////////// AJo 751 and Re torn >ooci>ooci>coooooooccioooocr>oocz:>o(<:r><>()cr:>MC i68 2wc:^>)o<:^>oo<:z:>ooofl<:z>0ocr>oocz:>oo<::z>oo<:=>ooooc^ THESE PROFILES ARE lEALF I'ULL SIZE. 5coooci:>ooc:>oo<:z> oo<:r>oooocr>ocKc:>ooci2>oo<:z>o()cir>oocr:5M5 169 ooocoM<:3>oooooooo<3>oiKr:r>oo]ooooo<:c>cp<3>ooc:>oooo<::>oooocttioocr>oooocz>o(<3:5«)c 170 Qoo)ocr>oooa<:r>oooo<::r>oooooo<^:>oo<3>cijo<:z>o()0 Wosoe Ajoaio THESE PROFILES ARE HALF FULL SIZE. >oo<:3>oocz>oooo<:r>oocr>o(Kc:>oo<:3>otoocr>ooc::>()ocz>oi>ci:>(>o5 171 2oo)o»cz>)ooooo<:z>oooo<3>Moooi)<:3>ooo()Q ioi)cooooo<::::;>co<3:>oooooocr:>oo<:i:>oo<:r>oooocr>o(>cr::>()oc g()oci::30o<^:30o<::::>oooooocz500<:=>oo<:^>oooo<:r50oooc:50(K > AiO&lA THESE PROI IM:s AKl-, HALF FULL SIZE. 8oo<:r>ooc:r>oo'C:>oocz>oooo<:;r>oo<:r>oooo<:i>oo<::^>oocz>oc<::z>oocri>iicc "73 DO()oo<:z>oo<:c>)ooooo<:2>iooo<:z3ooM<)coooo^ )Oto(>o()c:=>o()czr>ooc(K:i>o()cz>ooci>oooooocr>oi^^ "74 2()()c:30ow)ooo<:::>)0"C:>)o)ocr:>oo<::>Mo()<;r>oo<:z>M <=>00g THIS UKICK OXE HALF FULL SIZE. This brick is also made as No. 9 i6, as shown on page 174. )0(<:r>oooo0()<:z:>(iooo«(K:i>oocz>oocr>oooooocz>o^^ "75 o»cr>.\>cz>:oc:rxi»oo<3>oo)o<:z>co<:r;>oo<^>MocKc:>«ojoo Showing use of corner bricks. 176 2(M!(J»)o<:^oo>^:>oooo<:350oca<::r>M<;:>0()coi30' THIS BRICK ONE HALF FULL SIZE. Tliis brick is also made as Ni>. 918, as slidwn on page 176. )ocoo«oc::::>o[Krr>w<:=:>ootcK:r>(ioooci>oo<^>oooocr>oc<^ 177 oooc3>oooo<:z>oooo<:c>oo<::r:30ooo<:z2500<:c:>ooc:::>flooo<::r><)ooo< Standard Size Rock-Face lirick. AlO££(5 Roman Length. Standard Thickness, Be\el Edtje, Rock-Face lirick. 8 8oooo<:CD'00ci>coooooooci>ooooooc3>oocr>oi<:i>oocz:>[)CC 178 E mi INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING RICKS ordered by mistake or in excess of reciuirements will not be taken back. (Jrder moulded shapes eight weeks before you rec]uire them. Furnish details for arches eight weeks before you require them. Order as long as possible in advance of require- ments, — better service can thus be obtained. Mention date ot catalogue from which shape num- bers are specified. Intormation as to sizes of bricks is given on page si.xty-seven. 183 SEMI-CIRCULAR ARCHES WE CAN MAKE THESE WITH MOULDED REVEALS GIVH THH FOLLOWING DETAILS: Width of opcniiii^-. Radius. I )u|)th of reveal or soffit. Hfii;ht of face. If on j)iers, ij^ivi' width of pier. Bricks can lie around for arclies to be laid around segments, as in a tower or circular hay. 1S4 SEGMENT ARCHES WE CAN MAKK THKSH WITH MoUI.DHl) RKVHAI.S GIVE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS: W'itith ot oi)enini;-. Radius. Depth of reveal or soffit. Heiofht of face. — Give inches, if laid with cut stone in skew-hack. Give nimiber of courses, it laid with bricks in skew-back. It on piers, i^ixe width ot pier. l>ricks can be around tor arches to be laid around segments, as in a tower or circular bay. 1S5 ELLIPTIC OR THREE- CENTRED ARCHES WE CAN MAKE THESE WITH MOULDED REVEALS GIVE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS : Width of openini:^. Each of the three nulii. Rise or spring of arch. Depth of reveal or soffit. Height of face. It on |)iers, gi\e widtli ol pier. l')ricll GIVE THH FOLLOWING DHTAILS : Width of opening. Rise or sjjrinu- ot arch. Radius. Depdi of reveal or soffit. Height of face. If on piers, give width oi pier. Unless otherwise specified, Gothic arches will Ik ground to one radius, as shown above. Bricks can be groiuid tor arches to be laid arounc segments, as in a tower or circular bay. 1 87 FLAT ARCHES E cannot make flat arches with moulded re- veals. We can make moulded reveals in segment arches with llat top. When i^round from gold, mottled, or Fompeiian bricks, the reveals of flat arches will show lighter color than tace ot arch. When ground to skew-back tor llat arch, with radius i'; times width ot opening: ( )ne .Standard .Stretcher gives height e([ual to three courses Standard size laid llat. One Roman .Stretcher gives height equal to si.\ courses Roman size laid flat. One Header, either .Standard or Roman, gives height of three and an eighth to three ami a ([uarter inches. Multiiiles of any of tlu- above give [)roporti()nate height. When radius is not as much as i', times the width of opening, it still lurthcr reduces the height obtained from each brick. When onl\- four inches of reveal is retpiircd, we can make face ot arch aiiv height desired b\' grinding api)arenl headers troui stretchers. ■ 88 WK CANNOT MAKH HLAT ARCHHS WITH MoULDKI) RHVKAI.S T b- I 3;>TAriDAWD; \ r I """'^^ L ! R&VE.A.i_ S" 'I i\ I /I \ i / \ I ' \ I -/ \ ' / ' I / \ I ; ^ I / GIVE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS: \\ itlth of oin-nini^'. Ratlins. 1 )c'[)th ol rc'\'caL Heij^'ht of face. — Ciive inches, if laid with cut stone in skew-back. (ji\'e number of coiu'ses, it laid with bricks in skew-back. If on piers, g'i\'e witlth ot pier. P)ricks can be yrounil tor arches to be laitl arountl segments, as in a tow(-r or circular bay. 189 SEGMENT ARCHES WITH FLAT TOPS WE CAN MAKE THESE WITH MOULDED REVEALS GIVE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS: W'itlth (if openino*. Radius. l)e})tli ol rcx'cal. Heio-ht of face. — Give inches, if laid with cut stone in skew-back. Give number ot courses, it laitl with bricks in skew-back. If on pit-rs, L^i\e widtli ot ])ier. F)ricks can be i^round tor arches to hit laid around ses^ments, as in a tower or circular Lay. lyo MITRES State whether tor return in slrlii;^ courst; around pilaster, or tor ])anel niitre. Always specify whether external or nitenial ani^le. We show each ot above in followin"- cuts. Refer to nuvibcr (A cut when orcleriuLi'. No. I. External Anijit;. — Stiincr Course. No. 2. Internal .Antjle. — Strin" Coinse. No. 3. Kxternal Panel Mitre. ^1 No. 4. Internal I'anel .Mitre. THE "HYDRAULIC-PRESS" W. "Hydraulic-Press" Prick Co., ot St. Louis, has, within the past t\vent)'-se\en years, so developed the art of brickmaking, that its productions have fouml fa\or in distant markets ; and, to meet the wide-spread and growing demand tor bricks ot its manutactiu'e, has, troni time to time, erected new works in various localities, as shown on the opposite page. P)ricks made bv the " I IvdraLilic-Press" Prick Co., and its \arious branches, may be seen in tin- finest brick buiUlings of the i^rincipal cities in the I'nited .States. The Companies manufacture over three hundrtxl million bricks per annum. 194 THE COMPANIES' OFFICES 11'. offices of thf various Coin|)anics are located as l)clo\v. Atldress the in-arest Company tor samnles and prices. H\ ni< ali.ic-Pki'.ss Brick Co. . . . KAsri'lKN Ihl)KALI,IC-I'KKSs ]5kiCK Co. Nkw York Washinc.ton " " ',' Chicago Kansas Crrv " FiNDLAY Omaha Illinois NoKTIIEKN Akron St. Louis, Mo. riiil,ulcli)liia, Fa. Rochester, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Chicago, 111. Kansas City, Mo. l'"iii(.ilay, ( )hio. Omaha, Neb. .St. Louis, Mo. Minneapolis, MiniL Cle\'elaiui, ( )iiio. .Salesroom for New York and New pji^lainl is locatetl Room 4, ninth story, Metropolitan lUiildin^-, Twenty-thirtl and Madison Avenue, New \ ork City. 195 t Un\y. OF CALIF. LlSnAP L 005 855 158 ■.m9 SOUTHERN BEGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY III" I !||li||l|!ll|i|«ilfir"i|iirii D 000 572 593 2