■*tf If III— W^Wi^ftW^WM ilH tmsamMmmmtm^jm aUM»m*.f t mu m M ^ 9 I^MAMMrtfOHM tf 1 ■ I k WAR DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE FILE (Revised Edition) A SUBJECTIVE DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION WITH A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL INDEX FOR USE OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE ARMY From data furnished by the various bureaus of the War Department, the initial classification published January, 1914, reprints of June, 1915, and July, 1917, and abridged edition, September, 1917 By Maj. MARCEL S. KEENE Aijulanl General Mr. CLAY S. WORICK Army Field Clerk, Mr. RALPH G. HERSEY Army Field Clerk Mr. H. M. McLARIN Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army MAY. 1918 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 r- A .--^ War Department, The Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C, May 1, 1918. Instructions as to the application of the War Department Cor- respondence File, a subjective, decimal classification for arranging and fiUng correspondence of the Military EstabUshment as contained in the initial classification pubhshed January, 1914, reprints of June, 1915, and July, 1917, and the Abridged Edition, September, 1917, are rescinded and in heu thereof the following instructions are pub- lished for the information and guidance of all concerned. By order of the Secretary of War: Peyton C. March, Major General, Acting Chief of Staff. Official: H. P. McCain, The Adjutant General. (3) r)2r)7i3 PREFACE. Successful filing involves not only the actual operation of placing papers in a file or other receptacle, according to a simple and, eco- nomical system, until such time as they may be called for, but more especially the production of such specific papers, upon request or call therefor, with the minimum time involved. It is primarily for the latter purpose that files and systems of filing are introduced. Filing may thus now be appropriately called a science and no longer a knack, as it was formerly when papers were theoretically thrown into a "bar- rel," the then so-caUed best file, without systematic arrangement, with the only assurance of finding the papers being the fact that they were at one time placed therein. The method of numbering and arranging the subjects in this classi- fication is based upon the Dewey Decimal System of Library Classi- fication devised by Mr. Melville Dewey. His system divided the subjects of human knowledge into not more than 10 main classes, represented by the Arabic numerals to 9, both inclusive. These 10 classes were each in turn subdivided into not more than 10 sub- classes, and in turn the 100 subclasses thus created were each divided into not more than 10 divisions and so on. The numerals repre- senting the 10 main classes in this volume are expressed in numbers of three digits, as 000, 100, 200, 300, and so on to 900. The first digit to the left represents a main class, the second digit represents a subclass of the main class, and the third digit a division of the sub- class. After the subdivision of these numbers as hereinbefore pro- vided has been exhausted, further subdivision of the divisions is effected by affixing additional digits to each number, separated there- from by a decimal point. Therefore, each digit added to the right of a number represents a subdivision of the subject, represented by all the digits to the left. The general subjects have first been treated, and then the detailed features thereof derived in sequence as sub- classes, divisions, and subdivisions. The two simplest symbols that can be used in systems of filing may be said to be the Arabic 1, 2, 3, 4, and the alphabetical a, b, c. This edition of the War Department Correspondence FUe is based upon the use of both, and in this connection it will be noted that while the underlying principles are based upon the use of Arabic characters, resort to the use of alphabetical fifing, within the groups (5) of subjects represented by numerical characters, is had in many instances. This procedure is not a departure from the basic prin- ciples of decimal classification. The results produced thereby are twofold, viz, first, it makes a closer subdivision, and second, it gives much more elasticity to the system, which at this tune is imperatively necessary, due to the multiplicity of subjects already involved and the addition of many new ones in correspondence handled by the War Department and its adjunct offices. The chief merits of the decimal system of classification lie in the fact that the subject of correspondence determines the exact location; that it is applicable to the most varied subjects; that, by analogy, subjects, provisions for which have not been specifically made, can be associated with correlated subjects for which provisions have been specifically made; that not only are all papers on one subject found together, but those closely allied therewith precede or follow, they in turn being preceded and followed by other aUied subjects as far as possible. In the compilation of this book it has been the aim to upset as few of the prior classifications as was compatible with the principles governing, viz, improvement, simplicity and flexibility, and in cases where changes have been made it is beheved that the same will pro- duce more satisfactory results than if they had not been effected. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS AS TO THE USE AND APPLICATION OF THE SYSTEM. 1 . The classifications that are hereinafter set forth ^^^P^f^ ^^ have been constructed with the view of their representing cations. a general subject index to the files of each office. The subject matter of the paper determines the classification thereof (its file number) and therefore its location in the file. 2. The nine (9) general classes of the War Department General ^-^ -, -r-^.•| Classes of Correspondence l^ile are: the Corres- Class 000— General. pondence Class 100 — Finance and accounting. Class 200 — Personnel. Class 300 — Administration. Class 400 — Supplies and equipment. Class 500 — Transportation. Class 600 — Buildings and grounds. Class 700 — Medicine, hygiene, and sanitation. Class 800 — Rivers and harbors. Class 900— 3. A brief resume as to the character of the subjects Character of assigned to the general headings or divisions of the File, eluded In ^" referred to in the preceding paragraph, follows: Each Class. Class 000, GENERAL. The general class is, what the name implies, a class for filing general correspondence; by this is meant cor- respondence which is so general in its nature that it can not be properly classified into one of the other eight classes. A paper should never be classified under this gi'oup until it has been definitely determined that there is no suitable number in one of the specific groups. The subjects in this group are not confined to civil matters but apply to mihtary as well. The subjects which neces- sarily fall in this group because of their general nature are, primarily: politics, religion, historical, crimes and criminals, penal institutions other than those of the Army, educational institutioi;s other than the Army schools and colleges, convention-, fdire, soldiers' homes, (7) 8 weights and measures, enterprises of all kinds, either civil or militar}'', including Liberty loans, war-risk insur- ance, factories and photography; gratuity, charity, holi- days, fine arts, laws and legal matters which include legal instruments, civil matters, courts and persons con- nected therewith; jurisdiction of the War Department, the President and Congress, the Executive Departments of the Government, statistics, maps, inventions, societies and associations, such as the Red Cross and the Y. M. C. A. Provision is also made for the filing of indexes per- taining to cities, towns, counties, countries, mountains, etc. There is also a place provided in the general group for filing indexes of new subjects which may arise, and a precedent file for decisions and papers which form precedents. Class 100, FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING. To this class belong all subjects of a fiscal nature, such as appropriations, disbursements, accounting for funds, accounting for property and supplies, claims of all kinds, accounts, contracts and all subjects incidental to con- tracts. Although the subjects in this class are used primarily for index purposes, they may be used also for the purpose of filing correspondence of a general nature; in other words, correspondence aflfecting the method or manner of making contracts, or general instructions relative to the letting or making of contracts. If it is simply a contract for supplies or buildings or accessories for a riv^er or harbor, the papers may be classified under the particular kind of supplies or the particular kind of buildings, etc., processed with the process number in the process groups of 400, 600, or 800, for contracts. Class 200, PERSONNEL. This class is designed to include all subjects pertaining to persons, either commissioned officers^ enlisted men, civilian employees, or civilians. The number 201 is used to file papers or indexes relative to a particular indi- vidual, either an officer, enlisted man, or civilian, and within the number referred to, the file is arranged alpha- betically by names of individuals. The 200 group takes in all matters affecting pay and allowances, discipline, including morals and conduct, trials by courts-martial, militarv prisons, questions of race, funerals and burials. 9 Class 300, ADMINISTRATION. This class takes iii all matters on administration of the Army except discipline, including business methods and procedure, such as record systems, methods and forms of correspondence, means of communication; organization of the Army, including tactical and geographical organ- ization; military control, efficiency of troops, muster rolls and returns, inspections, boards and councils, honors and ceremonies, foreign and international affairs ; recruit- ment, recruits, assignment and enlistment of, and identi- fication of; education and training of all branches of the Army, including the Army schools and staff colleges, target practice, practice marches, maneuvers, athletics, amusements, aviation, aeronautics, employment and movement of troops, plans and preparations for war and peace. Class 400, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES. The first part of the 400 class is used for the different things that may happen to supphes and equipment, such as selection, adoption, sale, purchase, manufacture and distribution, and may be processed with the latter part of 400, which deals with the concrete supplies, such as building material, hardware, machines, tools, instruments, clothing, personal equipment, subsistence supphes, clean- ing supplies, medical supphes, dental and laboratory sup- phes, veterinary supphes and instruments, suppUes and equipment for transportation, including horses, vehicles, airplanes and harness, packing supphes, and supphes for boats; books, office and school supphes, fuel, forage, ice, supplies for funerals, armament and ammunition of all kinds, submarine mine equipment, rental services, tele- phone and telegraph services, sanitary services and various other services. Class 500, TRANSPORTATION. This group comprises all subjects pertaining to trans- portation of persons or supphes, either by land or water; tariff rates, transportation accounts and contracts. Army Transport Service and harbor boat service. Class 600, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. The 600 class is similar to the 400, in that the first part of the classification is taken up with the different things which may happen to buildings and groimds, such 10 as construction, repair, and protection of; and the latter part deals with the specific kinds of buildings and grounds, such as grounds, target ranges, etc., barracks and quarters for officers, enlisted men, and civilians; post buildings, hospitals, bakeries, kitchens, factories and shops, minor construction, fortifications, plants, and systems of various kinds, and reservations. Class 700, MEDICINE, HYGIENE AND SANITATION. This class deals with all matters affecting the health and sanitation of the Army, including medical examina- tions, surgical operations, admission of patients to hos- pitals, hygiene of the air and ground, ventilation, veter- inary sanitation, diseases of all kinds, treatment for and prevention of; special treatments and practices, physi- ology and anatomy. Class 800, RIVERS AND HARBORS. The 800 class is also similar to the 400, in that the first part comprises the things that are done to rivers and harbors, and the latter part treats of the specific things, such as rivers, lakes, harbors, piers, bridges, wharves, etc. Extent of 4. The use of any or all classes is not restricted to any cfasses. office, or division thereof, in which the system is author- ized or prescribed, and no attempt should be made by any office to conffiie the classification of its correspond- ence to any one class, to the exclusion of the other eight. Study of the 5. UNLESS THE INDIVIDUAL WHO IS TO DE- System. TERMINE THE CLASSIFICATION TO BE AS- SIGNED TO A PARTICULAR PAPER UNDER- STANDS THE SUBJECTS PRESENTED THEREIN AND IS SCHOOLED IN THE PROCEDURE OF ASSIGNING CLASSIFICATIONS, HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO INTELLIGENTLY OPERATE THE SYSTEM, AND ANY ATTEMPT TO ASSIGN CLASSIFICATIONS UNDER SUCH CONDITIONS WILL RESULT IN CONFUSION AND THE FIL- ING OF RECORDS UNDER ERRONEOUS CLASSI- FICATIONS. TO OBVIATE THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH CONDITIONS ARISING, OFFICERS AND CLERKS CHARGED WITH THE OPERA- TION OF THIS SYSTEM SHOULD MAKE A CAREFUL STUDY OF THE PRINCIPLES AND 11 THE PROCEDURE OF OPERATION AS HEREIN PRESCRIBED. The system is simple, and by careful study and appli- cation the principles can be grasped and understood in a few days. 6. A Ivnowledge of the ten (10) principal classes of the^^^^'r'^S classification should be acquired by all concerned, prior to of the ten their attempting to operate the system, so that a subject Pjj'nclpal will readily suggest a general class number under which it falls, without reference to the table in paragraph 2. 7. In thinking or speaking of the class numbers, to Method avoid confusion always divide at the decimal point speaking of and name it, e. g., 470.4 should be read "four seventy Classiflca- point four." If "point" was omitted the ear might ^j^^g^ readily interpret 470.4 as 474, while "four seventy point four" can never be misunderstood. 8. There are many subjects introduced in the classifi-U^e of Sub- cation that are primarily intended for index purposes, dex Pur- although no attempt can be made to specifically define P<^^®s. which are, or are not, for the purpose in question. It will be necessary at times to use the subjects and numbers therefor for actual fihng of correspondence, particularly when the subject pertains, for example, to changes in regulations, customs, instructions, laws, methods, con- tracts, etc., or rules and decisions relative thereto, or when only such subjects and no other concrete ones are involved. 9. The words set opposite the decimal figures in this Classifying volume represent the subjects of papers and not the names of Docu- of the papers themselves ; hence the correspondence must ment. be classified by the subject thereof and not by the name except as herein otherwise provided. For example: 300.4 is "orders," but in this group not a single order will be filed. The orders, themselves, considered as cor- respondence, wiU be filed according to the subject, or purpose of the order under the subjects, as for instance, orders for the change of station of the Seventeenth In- fantry from Madison Barracks, N. Y., to Fort McPherson, Ga., would be filed under Seventeenth Infantry-370.5, as being the proper classification for that subject. 10. Practical experience discloses the fact that many M®**^**^ of communications are of such character as to permit and the Subjects warrant their being filed correctly under any one of two, ^^ Commu- ,. , X 1, j-x. 1 vc ^- nlcatlons. or more subjects, in such cases, the proper classification wiU be determined by deciding what is the most definite, 12 Use of Indexes. Preparation of Indexes. Correcting Errors in Classifica- tions As- signed Doc- uments. Subjects not Provided for In the Clas- sification. important, and concrete subject appearing in the corres- pondence, and then by covering the remaining possible subjects, by the preparation thereunder of indexes, as by such subjects the correspondence may be called for or thought of at some subsequent date. Indexes will be prepared on the printed form pro- vided therefor. (See Appendix A.) This form shows the file number for the index, a concise and succinct brief of the communication and the file number under which the original papers are to be found. If several indexes are to be made on one communication and the same brief or purport wiU answer for all the indexes desired, carbon copies of the form in question can be made at one time, omitting at the time of the writing thereof, the index file numbers, and then completing the index sheets by enter- ing on each the proper index filing number. Index numbers on correspondence may be indicated under the file number assigned to such correspondence on the record copy thereof, by placing before such file numbers as are intended for index purposes, an "X," thus: 201 — Jones, John, 1st Lt. C. A. C. (Classifica- tion number assigned to a communication.) X210.3 Ft. Screven, Ga. 1 1 . When papers are classed and filed incorrectly, or a number of papers on the same subject classed and filed under different heads, they should be brought together under the proper subject head, and an "incorrect classi- fication sheet" (see Appendix C) prepared and placed in the folder where the wi-ongly classed papers were originally filed. An adequate description should be made of this misfiled paper on the "incorrect classification sheet," so that the subject matter contained thereon will furnish sufl&cient information to readily identify the wrongly classed paper. Much time and labor will be saved by the use of the above described method, and by withdrawing from the files papers mcorrectly classed and indexes per- taining thereto. 12. There will be some subjects in correspondence which have not been provided for in the classification specifically by name. There will be found in the classifi- cation, however, subjects of a correlated or similar nature or class, so that when a subject is not found it should be looked for under the class to which it logically belongs. 13 The new subject should be given the number repre- sentmg the class to which it belongs, or the subject to which it is most closely related, and indexed on index sheets under the name of the new subject, and the sheets in question filed imder 009 arranged alphabetically. Nota- tion of new subjects should then be entered in ink in the classification and alphabetical index in the manual. Obviously, it is impractical to provide for every subject specifically. 13. THE ADDITION OF, NEW NUMBERS, OR Inhibition DECIMAL SUBDIVISIONS, OR FURTHER EX- J,t\on^Netf " TENSION OF NUMERICAL DECIMAL SUBDI- Numbers. VISIONS, HEREIN PROVIDED, IS ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED. A STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THIS INHIBITION ON THE PART OF ALL CON- CERNED IS ENJOINED. WHEN THE NECESSITY FOR NEW NUMBERS OR DECIMAL SUBDIVI- SIONS DOES ARISE THE SAME WILL BE THE SUB- JECT OF REPORT TO THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE ARMY, DIRECT, FOR CONSIDERATION. 14. However, further extension of the classifications Methods of in this volume beyond those set forth is efifected as here- the^CIassffl- inafter provided. flcatlons. Numerical classifications, the last digit of which Use of Mis- is nine (9) have been reserved throughout this work, Groups and as far as practicable, to represent a miscellaneous classi- Divisions. fication, for divisions or subdivisions, for the purpose of providing a classification, under which correspondence will be filed, the subject of which no provision has been specifically made within the division or subdivision to which it logically belongs. In assigning a numerical classification, in which the last digit is nine, to a piece of correspondence, such classification will be followed by a word or short, concise, explanatory phrase, in paren- thesis, setting forth the purport of the communication, this for the purpose of alphabetical fihng within the numerical classification, which is prescribed in such cases For example, under 210.6 details, provision has been made for only a limited number thereof. Let us assume that a detail in charge of confidential mail is the subject of correspondence; no provision for this detail has been specifically made by name in the extension of the classi- fication, under the subdivision 210.6. Therefore, to pro- vide for the necessary expansion and flexibility, and at the same time not violate the provisions of paragraph 13. 14 recourse must be had to the miscellaneous classification, and the correct file number assigned to the doeument in question would be 210.69 (confidential mail). Similar procedure will accordingly govern in other instances. Use of Clas- It is to be noted that a number of the subdivisions Smcatlons ^ • ■, ^ .^ ^ ^ ' J. i i- Pertaining herem, have under the general subject a number oi to General specific subjects, printed in small type, as for example, Covering 421 uniforms, and provisions for expansion of such a Number of subdivisions is provided for by the arrangement alpha- Ones, betically within the munerical classification, of the specific printed subjects, to which reference has just been made. Addition of These subjects printed in small type, it must be ^*r ^" d" remembered, are only suggestions as to the possible Procedure In ones that are capable of being classified under the groups Use Thereof . jj^ question, and alhed or correlated subjects, of which no specific mention has been made, are authorized to be added as exigencies and governing considerations war- rant. In the use of such groups, use the printed decimal number representing the general subject, and in parenthe- sis thereafter, place either the name, if any, of the de- sired extended specific subject appearing in small type under the particular classification to be used, or the new subject which should be added thereto. In ex- pressing the subject, use the name of the concrete subject first, followed by qualifying or descriptive words. For example under 413. 8 there are mentioned a varied class of machines. If a communication is received concerning a machine not thereunder specifically mentioned, and which should, from its character, be given the aforesaid classification, the same would be effected by assigning to the correspondence in question, the nmnber 413.8 and writing thereafter in parenthesis, the name of the machine which is the subject of the paper, as — 413.8 (Tiering). 671 (Plants, filtration). 421 (Shoes, field). By this procedure unlimited extension and flexibility is introduced in such subdivisions, but again not by the addition to, or the further extension decimally of, the numbers that represent such groups. Alphabet!- 15. Alphabetical filing within any numerical classifica- ca ng. ^^^^ ^^y i^Q followed whenever desired, provided such procedure is rendered possible by the general character of the subject covered by the classification. For ex- 15 ample, under 410.2 metals, correspondence pertaining to specific metals can be advantageously filed alphabet- ically, by name of each specific metal, within the nu- merical classification, by assigning to the correspondence the number 410.2 and writing thereafter in paren- theses the name of the specific metal, which may be the subject of the correspondence. Likewise imder 411.6 alphabetical filing of correspondence on the subjects therein mentioned can also be effected, if desired, by assigning to correspondence relating to any specific subject, of those in question, the number 411.6 and writing thereafter, in parentheses the name of the specific subject, as for example, 411.6 (glue). Again in similar maimer, imder 112 Appropriations Proper, alphabetical filing by names of appropriations and by fiscal years is possible, if so desired. 16. An alphabetical index of all subjects herein isA'P^*^®*" provided in order that any particular subject in the and Use classification may be readily possible of location. When- Thereof. ever a subject is found in the index, the number to which reference is made will be consulted in the classi- fication, as the same may be further subdivided or there may be other numbers in the same group more appro- priate for use than the one located in the index. 17. The index referred to, supra, is to be used only Purpose of as a guide in directing those who are not thoroughly ^ ^^' familiar with the classification to the proper section of the book in which the specific subject matter may be found. It is in no way an essential, and failure to con- sult the classifications as herein provided, after reference to the index, will inevitably result not only in erroneous but absurd classifications. 18. In order that aU correspondence which pertains Creo&raph- to one place, locality, or organization may be filed oTorganiza- together, file drawers will be arranged so that there will tional (Tac- be space for papers which do not relate to any particular dJ^isIoSs of place or organization in one group of file drawers. This tli© Files. is the general file. In addition to this general file, wherein provisions will be made for fifing correspond- ence embracing subjects from 000 to 800, there may be arranged in separate filing drawers guide cards for the numbers 000 to 800, for each place, organization, or vessel and in these drawers there will be filed all corre- spondence for such places, organizations, and vessels; e. g., if it is desired to file aU correspondence concerning 16 Fort Screven, Ga., in one place, a guide card marked Fort Screven will be placed in the proper drawer of the geographical file; following this guide card there will be guides showing the nine numbers 000 to 800, and all correspondence pertaining specifically to Fort Screven will be filed behind these guide cards. All important subjects appearing in the correspondence affecting Fort Screven wiU be indexed in the general file, so that prece- dents and matters of policy, etc., may be located when the name of the place is not known. Thus, in large offices, there may be two sections of the files — one having the numbers running consecutively from 000 to 800 (general file) and the other having the numbers arranged from 000 to 800 for each city, post, station, depot, organization, vessels, etc. (geographical or organiza- tional file). Papers which do not relate to any particular place or organization will be marked simply with the classifica- tions number, but papers which do relate to some par- ticular place or organization will be marked with the classification number, followed by the name of the place or organization to which they pertain and filed accord- ingly in the appropriate geographical or organizational file. Processing 19. In groups 210, 220, 230, 400, 600, and 800 there and Method \ f J i.- ^ / . v.- ^ Thereof. ^^® ^ number 01 concrete subjects (a concrete subject is something that can be seen, touched, weighed, has form and substance, is material as distinguished from abstract subjects, such as officers, enlisted men, employees, various kinds of supplies and equipment, various build- ings and plants), to which concrete subjects various operations or processes are common; for instance, to all grades of officers the processes of appointment, ex- amination, promotion and retirement are common. The same is true of enUsted men and employees, with certain well-defined differences of methods and forms of processes. To all classes of supplies and equipment the processes of selection, adoption, purchase, manufacture, inspection, use and keeping in repair or maintenance are common. To all kinds of buildings, structures and grounds the processes of construction, installation, im- proving, maintaining, preserving, repairing and altering are common. To these processes, which are common to the various subjects, there have been assigned numbers between the group designations and the succeeding sub- 17 divisions of these group numbers; 210-211, 220-221, 230-231, 400-401, 600-601, and 800-801. Thus all pro- cesses are represented by numbers containing the cipher next to and preceding the decimal point. In practical use, the number indicating the concrete subject wiU be used for correspondence filing, but this number will be used, in conjunction with, and subdivided by, the numbers representing the processes. For this purpose, the three digits which precede the decimal point of the number representing the process are dropped and the remainder of the process number affixed after a dash to the num- ber representing the concrete subject. This is illustrated as foUows: Ammunition for seacoast guns is 471.3, manufacture of, 400.17; therefore for a communication regarding the manufacture of ammimition for seacoast guns, the file number would be 471.3-17, the 400 having been dropped. Musicians, 221 ; nonmilitary employment of enlisted men, 220.4; therefore for a communication regarding the employment of musicians of the Army outside of the service, the file number would be 221-4, the 220 having been dropped. Other illustrations can be taken from the text of the classification. 20. The process numbers under 210 may be used only I^^niitations with concrete subjects under 211; the process numbers Process under 220 only with concrete subjects under 221; the Numbers. process numbers under 230 only with concrete subjects under 231; the process numbers under 400 only with concrete subjects between 410 and 490; the process num- bers under 600 only with the concrete subjects between 610 and 680; and the process numbers under 800 only with concrete subjects between 810 and 830. 21. A great deal of correspondence of the Military Classifying Establishment, especially in the field, is entirely relative Correspond- to prospective or individual officials, officers, enlisted menence Per- and employees of the War Department. Whenever an in^jyif u^is. individual connected with the department is the subject of correspondence there has been assigned one number, 201, under which all such correspondence will be filed. Under this number, guide cards will be placed, alpha- betically arranged, behind which the folders (one for each name) containing correspondence relative to the indi- vidual officials, officers, enhsted men and employees will be placed in alphabetical order, by the names of the individuals. The correspomlence filed under 201 should 61127—18 2 18 Advantages in Filing Un- der 201. Filing of Correspond- ence Per- taining to Civilian Firms or In- dividuals. Arrange- ment of Papers In a File. Precedent File and In- structions for Opera- tion Thereof. be indexed to the proper subject. The paper is filed under 201, because the individual is the important object of the communication, although not the subject; the sub- ject under which the paper is indexed is ordinarily used for statistical data only. Whenever the names of several individuals are men- tioned in correspondence, the papers will be properly classified and filed under the subject of the paper, and proper indexes will be made under each individual's name under 201. 22. The advantage of filing under 201 is that in the folder for each person will be found everything concern- ing the individual regardless of its character, while if the papers in question were filed under the actual subject thereof it would be necessary to examine the indexes placed in the 201 folder and then withdraw the documents from the various folders of the subjects filed in different places. Filing under 201 facilitates producing all corre- spondence concerning any one person in that it is found in the first place for which looked, viz, under the name. 23. The so-called persoiuiel, or 201 file, may also be used either for purposes of filing correspondence pertain- ing to, or indexing names of, firms or corporations and individuals that are not connected with the Military Establishment nor form an integral part thereof. Where practicable, this class of correspondence may be appro- priately classified and filed under the subject of the paper and indexed under the name of the firm or individual with whom the correspondence is had. This procedure will facilitate the finding of the papers when a call therefor is made. 24. Alphabetical, chronological, or other appropriate subdivisions of papers under any file number may be used whenever necessary. 25. A precedent file wiU be established in each office, in which will be filed copies of all decisions, opinions, and unusual cases which may be valuable in the future, for guidance of the office in similar cases. The file number 008 is arbitrarily selected and designated as the number under which these copies will be filed. Decisions and opinions may arise under any or all of the subjects of the classification, and when they do copies of the indorse- ments, letters, orders, etc., containing decisions showing the particular file number of the classification under 19 ,■• which the decision has arisen, will be filed under the num- ber selected to hold the preceilent file — 008. The copies of decisions, opinions, etc., filed under this number will be placed so that the papers with the smaller file numbers are in the front, running to the larger file numbers in the rear, arranged in the same order as the file numbers are arranged in the classification. 26. On incoming mail. — ^After the subject of the com- Instructions mimication has been determined, the proper classification p®^^j^^®(.|^g_ file number therefor will be entered in the upper right- siflcation hand corner, about 1 or 1^ inches from the top and along ^"^g_®^^ ^" the right edge of the original paper and carbon copy spondence. thereof, if one has been received, and also on all inclosures thereto. Preceding the classification number there will be entered the office designation and immediately there- under there may also be entered the date that the classifi- cation was effected. For this purpose a two-line mortise rubber stamp, with changeable dates, has proved very satisfactory. Following the instructions as herein set forth, the file number on a communication in question would appear in the following form: TTn F Anr 16 IQIS ^^^' Jones, John, 1st Lt. C. A. C. On outgoing mail. — On original letters only the number thereof, together with such office initials and proper explanatory phrases as are necessary, will be entered in the upper left-hand corner. Commimications which are returned or forwarded by indorsement, the file number pertaining to the latter will be placed immediately above the indorsement, on the left-hand side of the page, and in a line with the serial number of the indorsement, and will be the same as that assigned to the communica- tion upon receipt thereof in the office taking action, which wiU be indicated, as previously described, along the right edge of the original copy of the communication. In pre- paring record copies of this class of correspondence for file, the procedure therefor will be the same as set forth in the case of incoming mail. 27. The file number assigned to any piece of corre- FUe Num- spondence consists not only of the Arabic characters but whaTxhey all initials, explanatory phrases, or words used in con- Consist, junction therewith, both of which must be stated when reference is had to a file number. 20 Suspension or FoUowup File and Instructions for tlie Operation Thereof. Instructions for Filing Documents. Finding Sheets or Lists of Papers. 28. In one file drawer there will be filed copies of letters and indorsements requiring replies or compliance with directions contained therein. These copies will be arranged under the names of the months and within the months by days thereof between appropriate guide cards. Each day this file will be examined, checked and the necessary follow-up letters written. In order to keep successfully a check on suspended cases a definite plan must be adopted and known to each officer and clerk conducting correspondence. The fol- lowing scheme has been worked successfully in connec- tion with the War Department Correspondence File : ar- bitrarily fix a date on which papers must be returned or reply received, and in writing the indorsement or letter place in the upper light-hand corner of indorsement or letter the date that has been decided on for return or reply, to wit: if the indorsement or letter is written on September 1 and the return of the paper or reply is de- sired by September 10, place in parenthesis in the posi- tion indicated above, the figures representmg the month, day and year that response is desired, as (9/10/17). 29. Documents and records will not be filed until all necessary action has been taken. In filing observe the following points: 1. Examine records and documents and ascertain if all necessary action has been taken. 2. Examine records and ascertain if the necessary cross references have been made. 3. Examine records and ascertain if a suspended case, and if so, see that the necessary suspension sheet has been made and filed. 4. File no papers unless such action has been spe- cifically indicated thereon by a duly authorized executive. 5. In filing, see that the folder is properly numbered and placed in the right place in the file. 6. If a paper or record is taken from the files CHARGE IT TO THE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS DELIVERED, on forms provided for the purpose, or on sheets of paper (see Appendix D). 30. A sheet is provided for listing papers which may accumulate under any one subdivision of the file, which is called a finding sheet or list or papers, the object of which is to find a particular paper in a file without having 21 to handle each individual paper separately. (See Apj)en- dix E.) 31. The papers are listed on the "finding sheets" ^nterinff by date and subject thereof, serially and chronologically, cations on according to the date of their receipt. The serial num- ^i^^^i^S bers on the finding sheet will be the same as those indi- cated on the corresponding individual cases, of which it forms a brief. When a communication is received which is closely related to or forms a part of a previous one, the former will invariably be filed with the latter in its proper chronological sequence, but on the finding sheet a chrono- logical entry thereof will be made regardless of its relation to any previous papers, and the following entry will be made in the column provided for the serial number: ''Filed with number " (insert the appropriate number of the case to which the papers have been attached). 32. Finding sheets will be filed in the same folder as Filing of the papers to which they pertain but should not be bound sheets.^* thereto. They should be kept separate and bound together, as circumstances render such action necessary. 33. Finding sheets should never accompany previous Removal of papers when they are removed from the file, the advan- f i!^*^^"?, oi-i-i 1 I1I1 1 1 Sheets From tage of this bemg that even though all the actual records the File. are out of the files the finding sheets being left therein will show what papers the files should contain. 34. In using the finding sheet to locate specific commu- lustruc- nications in a file, first locate on the sheet in question the Relative Use purport or brief of the correspondence. Having found of Finding the same note the serial number assigned thereto on the ' finding sheet, and then with this number as a key or argu- ment enter the file of papers, and the correspondence can be readily located. 35. A description of the filing equipment necessary for J"'''"^^ ,, 4.- f 4.1 ■ + 4- 1 1 Equipment. the operation ot this system follows: Vertical Jilimj units. Guide cards. — Made of pressboard with projecting tabs. Folders. — Manila, one-half inch shorter than the guide card, and cut with tabs of one or two divisions as desired. Fasteners. — Required to bind papers together. Acco or similar fastener. Punch. — Required to punch holes in papers for inser- tion of fastener. 22 Set rubber type. — Box containing figures and letters, in two styles type, one size one-half inch, one size one-fourth inch in height. Office stamps. — Such rubber or metal stamps as are required. Blank 35^ "pj^g blank forms appearing in Appendixes A to E, in Opera- inclusive, are prescribed for use in all offices using the tion of Sys- -^^r Department correspondence file, except the bureaus of the War Department, in which the use of the forms in question is optional. InstaUatlon 37 Arrange the vertical filing drawers in groups in the tern. most convenient manner. Prepare the necessary guide cards for the file, by stamping the number of at least every tenth subdivision of the classification on the tab of the guide card, the num- bers to be used being 000, 010, 020, 030.. 040, 050, 060, 070, 080, 090, 100, 110, 120, etc., and also guide cards with tabs in first position, necessary for the name of each place or organization, as explained under paragraph 18 herein, arranged alphabetically and numerically in sepa- rate drawers from the decimal numerical guide cards. Distribute these cards equally throughout the drawers, commencing with the smallest number and starting with the drawer on the upper left-hand corner, working the cases down or crosswise, and secure the cards by running through the eyelet at the bottom thereof the fastening rod in the drawer. Labeling Label the outside of each drawer showing what Drawers of . 1,1.^ Filing Units, classifications are to be accomodated therein; for ex- ample 000 to 150, 151 to 199. The file is then ready for the reception of records and documents, w^hich, however, must not be placed in the drawers except in the manila folders provided for that purpose. Use of Fold- 38, After the uisertion of guide cards, as indicated in the preceding paragraph at the installation of the system, guide cards and folders will be made up and placed in the files only as required. Folders will not be made up and placed in the files until there are papers actually to be filed in the folders. Proportion 39, jj^ ^^g operation of the files it has proved effective of Guide^ . ^ ^ . ^ ., in Cards to to insert appropriate guide cards for every 15 or 20 Folders. folders. 23 40. Papei-s will be filed flat in folders, in the vertical Arr a nge- drawers. The face of the paper, when placed in the folder, pers in Files. will be toward the front of the drawer, the left-hand edge resting on the bottom of the file case. The classifica- tion niimbei*s in each drawer will be placed so that the smaller numbers are in front rinuiing to the larger ones in the rear, arranged in the same order as the numbers are arranged in this classification. 41. The remarks in this introductory note call to the Summary, attention of the reader m a very general manner some of the salient points m the operation of the system. It is impracticable to attempt to treat in the abstract of specific cases, which will confront all operators. A study of the character of the correspondence appertaining to each office, experience and the application of ingenuity will suggest short cuts and methods of filing and clarify many points which at this place may not be thoroughly understood, and will produce better results than to at- tempt herein an explanatory, abstract discourse. APPENDIX A. O O Punch Punch File under No. INDEX SHEET. [Printed on yellow paper.] SYNOPSIS. Documents filed under No. Instructions: Under "Synopsis" make brief entry showing date of communication and from whom received, and s3mopsis sufficient to identify the papers. When these index sheets become numerous under a subject they will be entered on the consolidated index sheet and then destroyed. Q. M. Form No. 489. (25) APPENDIX B. O Punch o Tuncli Instructions: This form will be used to consolidate indexes that become numerous under any number. CONSOLIDATED INDEX SHEET. File under No. Date. Documents Filed Under. Q. M. Form No. 489a. (26) H ^ CO < (^ APPENDIX C. INCORRECT CLASSIFICATION SHEET [Printed on light green paper in red ink.] Papers originally misfiled under Correct classification number XSaHS NOIXV0WISSV10 XOaHHOONI Q. M. Form No. 437. (27) S From: Dated: m CO 13^ fe To: Rec'd: hri ^ 2 P SYNOPSIS: ^ < s fe CO CO o '^ 2 CO APPENDIX D. File No. OUT-CHARGE SHEET. [Printed on blue paper.] Date charged out Charged to Remarks : Instructions: If a document or record is taken from the files, charge it to the person to whom de- livered. Make charge sheet in duplicate. Place one in record file and one in suspendecj file, used for follow up on "out-charge sheet." O. M. Form No. 492. (28) APPENDIX E. O Punch o Punch LIST OF PAPERS [Printed on light manila.] File' under No. Serial Number. From — Date. To- Synopsis. Instructions: When papers on a subject become numerous they will be numbered serially and brief entries made on this form. Q. M. Form No. 490. (29) CLASSIFICATION. GENERAL HEADINGS. 000 General. 100 Finance and accounting. 200 Personnel. 300 Administration. 400 Supplies, equipment and services. 500 Transportation. 600 Buildings and grounds. 700 Medicine, hygiene and sanitation. 800 Rivers and harbors. 900 000 GENERAL. 010 Laws and legal matters. 020 War Departmeiit. (Powers, fnrtctiGiis, etc.) 030 President and Congress of the United Staiep. 040 Executive departments of the United StaJcs. 050 Statistics. 060 Maps, charts, and tables. 070 Inventions. 030 Societies and assaciations, 093 Local affairs. 01127- -IS 3 (33 000 GENERAL. 000. 1 Politics. 000. 2 Political. (Parties, campaigns, demons) rations, oleotions, ploflion day, C'ondscatious, slaves, slavery, extradition, neutrality. ) (For offen.ses see 000.51.) 000.3 lleligioii. (('hurdles, denominations, sect.^, order."!, organizations, cere- monies, serx'iccs in the Army, Sunday observance, desecration of churches, clergy, clergymen, ministers, preachers, priests, monks, bishop:-, cardinals, ehlers, deacons, mis.sionaries, friars, vicars, nuns, sisters of charity.) 000. 4 Historical. (Antiquities, relics, curios, Declaration of Independence, coals of arms, museums. Northwest Territory, historical landmarks, ruins, archaeological sites, reconstruction period, massacres, etc.) 000. 5 Crimes, offenses and criminals. 000. 51 Crimes and offenses. (Anarchy, briberj', collusion, treason, conspiracy, counter- feiting, felony, forgery, fraud, graft, illicit traflic, murder, mutiny, perjury, piracy, robbery, theft, smuggling, swin- dling, abandonment, nonsupport, discrimination against uniform, revolutions, rebellions, seces-sions, sedition, assas- sinations, sabotage, rioting, disrespect to flag, Qva,sion of military or naval service. 000. 52 Offenders and criminals. (Adventurers, anarcljists, counterfeiters, impostors, incen- diaries, outlaws, pirates, sm.ugglers, slackers, murderers, thieves, robbers, traitors, agitators.) 000. 59 Miscellaneous. 000. 6 Penal institutions, civil. (For military, see 252.) (Prisons, penitentiaries. r(>torinatories.) 000. 7 Publicity and ptiblic press. 000. 71 Interviews and giving out information 000. 72 Secret and confidential matters. 000. 73 Censorship. 000. 74 Press agents. 000. 75 Press clippings. 000. 76 Newspapers and magazines. 000. 761 Press syndicates, Associated Press. 000. 77 Newspaper correspondents, writers and photogra- phers. 000. 78 In aid of mihtia. 000. 79 Miscellaneous. 000. 9 000. 91 000. 92 000. 93 000. 94 000. 95 000. 96 000. 961 000. 962 000. 963 001 36 000. S Educational iiistitutions, civil. (For military, sec 350.) (Legislalion and law? affecting gi-adiiates of puljlic and normal schools, colleges and universilies, soclarian schools and colleges, cadets in National Guard; military training of cadets; cadets as part of National Guard; degrees.) Miscellaucoiis. Camouflage. Fires, cyclones, hurricanes, storms. Accidents. Animals, birds, reptiles, vermin, rodents, rats, mice, insects, bugs, snakes, worms. Homesteads, grants, bounties. Traffic. Traffic regulations. Nuisances. Deaths. Conventions, expositions, fairs, reunions, meetinfjs, ce!ebrat!OKS. jubilees, etc. (Exhil)its and lectures at.) 002 Soldiers' Homes, and admission to. (National, Volunteer, Confederate.) 003 Weights, measures, and monetary systems. (Metric system, cc.dns and coinage.) 004 Commercial enterprises, projects, and plartts. 004. 001 Taken over by Governmen-t. 004. 002 Commandeered. 004. 00.'> Protecting, guarding. 004. 004 Priority orders. 004. 01 Addresses and names of. 004. 02 Agents and powers of attorney. 004. 03 Business standing. 004. 04 Firms and corporations. 004. 041 Hotels, restaurants, stores, cafes, saloons, lunch rooms, boarding houses, lodging houses, and other. 004. 05 Civil hospitals. (For military, see 323.7.) 004. 1 Merchants and merchandising. 004.11 Cooperative stores. 004. 12 Business. 004. 2 Banks and banking. 004. 21 Investments. 004. 3 i^oans. 004. 31 Loan sliarks. 004.311 Usury. 004. 32 Pawnbrokers and shops. 004. 33 Loans to ITjiited States Govornment. 004.331 Liberty loans. 004. 332 War saving stamps; tluil't stamps. 004. 34 Loans of U. S. Government to otiiers, as allies. ('04. 30 Miscellaneous. 00 i. 4 I'a'-tories and manufacturing establishments. (Powder factories, airplane factories, a'ainuiiitioii lai lories, etc.) (H) k 101 Capacity or output. 004. 402 Night operatiojis. 004. •") Photography. 001. 5 1 Pho tography (s till) . (M»4. 511 Photographs, pictures, titles a.'ui sub- titles of. 004. 52 Movijig pictures, ])liotography. 004. 521 Moving pictures, titles antl subtitles of. 004. 6 In.surance. 004. 61 Life. (!0 1.611 Govornment insurance. 004. 612 War risk insurance. 004.6121 Applications for. 004.6122 Credit sales. 004. 612.3 Premiums for. 004.6124 Certificates. 004. 6125 Transfer to civilian companies. 004. 6126 Policies, and changes in forms of policies. 004. 0129 Miscellaneous. 004. 62 Fire. 004. 63 Marine. 004. 69 Miscellaneous. 004. 7 Agencies. (See also 004.02.) 004. 71 Emplo}mient agencies. 004 8 Govermnent cojitrol, including I'-iilroads, vessels, aiul other utilities, 004 . S 1 Government ownershi]) . 004. 9 Miscellaneous. 004. 9 1 Shipyards and shipbuilding plants. 005 Gratuity and charity. (Gratiiitic?!, prizes, cdn'riSulioas, '^ii'tsaii'l presenlfs, douatifnis.) 38 006 Holidays. 007 Fine arts. (Music, r.citioi:al anthems, patriotic songs, miscellaueoiis airs, portraits, p-.iintings, sculpture.) 008 Precedents. {A precedent file will he established in each office in which will he filed cojnes of all decisions, opinions, and unusual cases which may he valuable in the future for guidance of the office in similar cases. The file number OOS is arbitrarily selected and designated as the number under which these copies will he filed. Decisions and opinions, may arise under any or all of the subjects of the classification, and when they do copies of the indorsements, letters, orders, dc, containing decisions showing the particular file number of the classification under which the decision has arisen will he filed under the numher selected to hold the precedent file— 008. The copies of the decisions, opinions, etc. filed under this number will be placed so that the papers with the smaller file numbers are in the front, running to the larger file numbers in the bacJc, arranged in the same order as the file numbers are arranged in the classification.) 009 New subjects. 39 010 Laws and legal matters. 010. 1 Constitutional law, State rights. 010. 2 Ijiternational law. 010. 3 United States laws and statutes. (Revised Statutes and amendments, slalutos at laijje, codes and codifications, penal code, civil code, special piil)lic laws, inchidiii^^' post laws as to auto speed, etc.; laws affecting Nationa' Guard.) 010. 4 State and Territorial Laws. (Probate laws, common law.) 010.5 Municipal ordinances. 010. 6 Military laws. 010. 7 Maritime laws. 010. 8 Ti(^gidations (other than military). (Authority to prescril e, construction, waiver ) 010. 9 Miscellaneous. 010.91 Foreign laws. Oil Enactment of laws. Oil. 1 Affecting organization of the War Department. Oil. 2 Affectiiifr oro-anization of the Armv. Oil. 8 Affecting personnel of the Army. Oil. 4 Afl'ecting pay of the ArJn^^ Oil. 5 Affecting civilians conn(!ctetl with the Army. Oil. 6 Affecting Militia or National Guard. 011.9 Miscellaneous. 012 Taxation and tariff. ()V2. 1 Exemption from. 012. 2 Taxes. (Inheritance, income, iuternal ie\cni;e ilam]), land, eti.) 012.3 Taxation. 012. .301 Licenses. 012. 31 I'nder State ami Tei-ritorial laws. 012. 311 Govermnent property or operations. 012. 312 Government agencies. 012. 313 Officers and soldiers. 012. 314 Ex-soldiers, pensioners. 012. 315 Militia or National Guard, or property of. 012. 319 Miscellaneous. 012. 32 Under laws of possessions. 012. 33 Under laws of the United States. 012. 34 Under foreign laws. 012. 39 Miscellaneous. 40 {)\-2.4 Tarn? duties. 012. 41 Free entry into Unitevl States. 012. 411 Personal property. 012.412 , Public property. 012. 42 Free entry into foreign countries. 012.421 Personal property . 012. 422 Public property. 012. 13 Port dues and charges. 012. 44 Tonnage dues. 012. -19 Miscellaiieous. 013 Legal instruments, persons, actions, and representatives. 013. 1 ' Legal inslrunK-nty nwA vtixpors. (Caveat, search, and other v.virrauts, writ of haV)eas corjms, o ith=; and afFidavits, deeds and mortgages.) 013. 2 J^c^rsoiis pertaining to law and courts. (Judges and justices, juries and jurors, counsel, and aj)})lic'a- tions for, parties, plaintiffs, and defendants; solicitors and attorneys, admission and disbarment; witnesses, notaries ])uMic, coroners.) 013. 3 Aciions, proceedings, trials. 0J3. 31 Condemnation proceedings. 013. 32 Injunctions. 013.33 Indictments. 013. 34 Judgments. 013. 35 Inquests. 013. 36 Evidence and testimony. 013. 361 Depositions. 013. 362 Siil)paMias. 013. 37 Trials. 013. 39 Miscellaneous. 013. 4 Legal representatives. (llcii.-^, parents, guardians, guardianship, receivers, trustees, executors, administrators.) Oil Civil mailers. 014. 1 Civil government. 014.12 Civil authorities. (State, Territorial, county, city, municipal. town,'>hip authorities; as governors, mayors, aldermen, sheriffs, bailiffs, detectives, chiefs of police, policemen, con- stables, councilmen. State representatives, senators, etc.) 014. 13 llclations between civdl and military authorities. 014. 14 Jurisdiction oi local governments over Federal ])roperty and operations 41 oil '2 Civil lil'o and process. 014. I] Civil status ami relations. 014.31 Aliens. 014. 311 Alien enemies, and rights of. 014.32 Naturalization. (Klijiblc.-!, n()iu'li;4il)les. qiialiiicalion.'^. coiirlK haviii,' jiirifidiction, proccHliiro, manner of iialuralixalion.) 014.33 Citizenship. (Acquisition of: lo.ss of; restoration of; repatriation, expatriation, i 011.34 Kesideuce. (Tomponnv, le al residence or domicile, change of. ■ 014.35 Voni\g. (Quail 'calion.s pnvciilied liy Slates, dis(|ualircation.« a? dc^erler.-^, etc.) 014. 36 Civil niarriagi^s. 014.37 Occupations, trades, vocations, or i)i'ofessions. 01 1. 38 (^ilizens" naines, and cluinges of. 014. 39 ^liscelhmeous. 014. 391 Iinmigi'anls. 014. 392 Emigrants. 014. 393 Deportation or exile. 014.4 Civil ol)ngations, iluties, fnnctions, rights, etc.; as constitutional privileges, slaiut(^ of lindtations, franchises^ freetlom. 014. 5 Civil prisoners or convicts. 014. 51 Use of by Government. 014.52 Escape of. 014. 521 Apprehension of. 014. 53 Death of 014. 54 Pardon of. 014. 59 ^liscellaneous. 014. 6 Civil expenses. 014. 7 Holding office. (Civil or niili'ar} .) 014.9 Miscellaneous . 015 (oiirts. 015. 1 Supreme Court of the United Sta'es. 015.2 Circuit courts of appe:il and dis'ricl courts. 015. 3 Territorial and other Cnited States courts. 015. 4 State courts. (Supreme courts of Stales, aj)i)'>liate couri.s. trial cDurts."* 015. 5 Prize courts and courts of claims. 015.0 Municipal or city coin-ts: police court. 015.9 Miscellaneous. 42 016 Decisions and Opinions. (Attorney General, Judge Advocate General, ('omj)troller of (he Treas- ury, Auditor for \\'ar Department, War Department, Secretary of War, Chief of Staff, Provost Marshal General, Heads of War De- partment bureaus, department, division, briy^ade, post commanders and staffs.) 017 Maritime matters. 017. 1 Navigation charges. 017. 2 Navigation regulations. 017.3 Salvage. 017. 9 Miscellaneous. 43 020 War Department (powers, functions, jurisdiction, admin- istration). 020. 1 Secretary's office, and the Secretary of War. 020. 2 Assistant Secretaries' oflices, and Assistant vSecretarics. 020. o Assistant and Chief Clerk's office, and Assistant and Chief Clerk. 020. 4 Divisions. (Disbursiug, appointment, mail and record, supply, re(iuiHi- tions and accounts, correspondence, telegraph, advertising.) 020. 5 Shops and stables. (Carpontor shop, bindery, stables.) 020. 6 National military park commissions. 020. 7 Panama Canal and Panama Railway Co. 020. 8 Bureau of Insular Affairs. 020. 9 Miscellaneous. 021 Adjutant General's Office. 022 Office Quartermaster General. 023 Office Chief of Ordnance. 024 Office Surgeon General. 024. 1 Army Medical Museum and Library. 025 Office Chief Engineers. 026 Office Chief Signal Officer. 027 Office Inspector General. 028 Office Judge Advocate General. 029 Miscellaneous. 029. 1 Ofiicer in charge of public buildings and grounds 029. 2 Superintendent of State, War, and Navy Departinoiit^ buildings. 029. 21 Assignment office rooms. 029. 3 Office Chief of Mihtia Bureau. 029. 4 Office Chief of Tank Corps or Bureau. 029. 9 Miscellaneous. 4 { The President and Congress of the United Slates. * 0;il The President (The White House). (Veto power, inauguration, proclamations.) ();!I. 1 The President as Commander in Cjiicf of Army and Navy. 0.">1. 2 The President personally. 031. 8 The Secretary to the President. 032 Congress. (Acts, of joint resolutions, thanks of , congressional action, legis- lation, Congressmen, Library of Congress, Capitol, jcint com- mittees and reports of.) {);J2. 1 House of Representatives. (Speaker, officers of, Representatives; resolutions, bills, docu- ments, committees and reports of, Office Building.) 0:52. 2 ' Senate. (Vice-President or presiding officer, officers of, Senators, resolutions, bills, documents, committees and reports of. Office Building.) 032. 3 Requests from for information. -If) 040 Executive departments of the United States. 04(\ 1 Governruojit Print inpro|)iiaiu)iis. Miscellaneous. Reimbursements and transfers. Methods and procedure. Between War Department appropriations. To or from appropriations of other departments. To or from militia or National Guard appropriatiojis. Miscellaneous. 101 102 lie 1 no .01 no .1 no . 11 no, .12 no, .2 no. .3 no. 31 no. 32 no. 33 no. 34 no. 39 Ill 111. 1 111. 2 111. 3 111. 4 111. 5 111. 9 112 112. 1 112. 2 112. 3 112. 4 112. 5 112. 6 112. 7 112. 8 112. 9 113 113. 1 113. 2 113. 3 113. 4 n3. 56 120 Funds, disbursement. (Laws and regulations as to systems and methods, station num- bers, etc.) 120. 1 Expenditure, or payment, of funds. 120.11 Authority for. 120. 12 For supplies and equipment. 120. 13 For land and buildings. 120. 19 Miscellaneous. 121 Apportionment and Supply of funds. 121. 1 Letters of apportionment. (Issue, method and time of; data on which based, instructions regarding, deposits to cover overdrafts, reductions, requests, and estimates for apportionments, increases and decreases, changes, corrections, withdrawals, cancellations, apportion- ment accounts and re]iorts.) 121. 2 Letters of allotment of apportioimients. (Issue, method and time of: data on which based, instructions regarding, deposits to cover overdrafts, reductions, requests, and estimates for allotments, increases and decreases, changes, corrections, withdrawals, cancellations, allotment accounts and reports.") 121. 3 Invoices and lists of, showing supplies transferred. (Methods and prodecure, instructions, lists submitted, invoices returned to be listed, charges and deposits to cover.) 121. 4 Estimates for fimds and requisitions on Treasury. (Methods. ])rocedure, instructions, estimates for funds sub- mitted , requisitions on Treasury, advice of deposit by Treasury to meet requisitions.) 121. 5 Reports of savings and losses. (Forms and methods of handling, reports of savings, reports of unallotted balances, reports of saA^ings on rations, reports of losses.) 121. 6 Cost records and reports. (Forms and methods of handling, cost reports, cost accounts and records, consolidated cost reports.) 121. 7 Reports and financial statements. (Reports of transportation liabilities, reports of trans])ortation charges paid, reports of telegraph accounts paid, reports of out- standing liabilities, etc.) 121 9 Miscellaneous. 57 122 Checks and depositaries. (Laws and regulations as to.) 122. 1 Checks, money orders, drafts. (Forms and methods of handling, numerical syjnbols, sxipply and transfer of blanks, questions as to payment or nonpayment, cancellations, indemmty bonds covering, stolen, destroyed, forgeries, alterations, reports of oiit- standing checks, on relief of disbursing officer and out- standing three years or more, miscellaneous checks.) 122. 15 Duplicate and second originals. (Indemnity bonds covering.) 122. 16 Lost, stolen, and destroyed. 122. 2 Depositaries, Treasury and other. (De.-ignations and changes in, deposits and transfers funds between, balances and overdrafts.) 123 Funds, money, and Savings. (Public, special, contributed, conscience, contingent, working balances, post funds, post exchange funds, laundry funds, hos- pital funds, bakery funds, savings, prison funds, slush funds, recruiting funds, miscellaneous post funds, company and regi- mental funds, band funds, mess funds, ration funds, sub- sistence savings, etc.). 123. 1 Laws and regulations as to. 123. 2 Methods of supplying. 123. 3 Safe-keeping of. 123. 4 In personal possession. 123. 5 Shortages, lost, stolen, misplaced. 123. 6 Transfers between officers. 123. 7 Exchange of foreign money. 123. 8 Working fund. 58 130 Accounting for funds, money. (Laws and regulations as to, forma and methods, forms approved by comptroller, disbursing officers (including acting disbursing officers), powers, duties, obligations, etc.) 131 Funds received, deposited, and on hand. (Certificates or reports of deposit, cash transactions, cash on hand, proceeds of sales of supplies and stores and services and real property, etc.; receipts from rents and rights of way, receipts from damages and losses, refunds of overpayments, refunds from erroneous payments, mileage deductions, refunds account ship- ment excess baggage, proceeds of laundries and ice plants, fares and freight on transports, unexpended balances, funds in hands of disbursing officers outstanding throe years or more, miscella- neous receipts, etc.) 132 Accounts of funds, money, and special deposit accounts. 132. 01 Laws and regulations relating to. 132. 1 Kendition of. (Delinquency in by disbursing officers, delinquency in by administrative officers, waiver or extension of time limit, etc.) 132. 2 Administrative examination, and analysis. (Auditing vouchers, abstracts, and other j^arts of accounts; errors and iiTegularities, etc.) 132. 6 Statements of differences or difference sheets. (Suspensions of accounts, disallowances of accounts, revisions of suspensions and disallowances, by auditor, by comptroller, etc.) 132. 7 Reports of open-market purchases. 132. 9 Miscellaneous. 59 ,» 140 Accounting for property, supplies, stores, etc. 140, 1 Laws and regulations as to. 140. 2 Property accounting systems; unit accountability systems, etc. 140. 3 Methods and forms of systems in use. 140. 9 Miscellaneous. 141 Post and field property accounts. (Property accounts of posts, depots, stations, organizations; field property accounts; vouchers and other papers: correcting, num- bering, posting, etc.) 141. 5 Memorandum receipts and accounts. 141. 6 Dropping and taking up property, expendable and nonexpendable articles. 141. 7 Shortages, losses, damaged or destroyed property. 141. 71 Personal charges for, 141. 8 Reports of survey. 141. 81 Inventory and inspection reports. 141. 9 Miscellaneous. 142 Property on hand, transferred, etc. 142. 1 Inventories and reports of property, stores, supplies on hand. 142. 2 Statements of balances on hand. 142. 3 Lists of property, stores, supplies, transferred to other accountable officers. 142. 4 Maximum and minimum quantities. 142. 5 Invoices and receipts. 142, 51 Invoices. 142. 52 Receipts. 142. 9 Miscellaneous. 143 Returns of property and supplies. (Returns: Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual; vouchers, and other papers; correcting, numbering, etc.) 1 43. 5 Memorandum receipts and accounts. 143. 6 Dropping and taking up property, expendable and nonexpendable articles, dropping allowances. 143. 7 Shortages, losses, damaged, destroyed. 143. 71 Personal charges for. 143. 8 Reports of survey, inventory, and inspection reports. 143. 9 Miscellaneous. 60 150 Claims and accounts. (Claims are uncertain, out of date, and often unliquidated; accounts are certain, recent, liquidated.) (Methods of presentiTig, laws aTid regulations affecting, assign- ment, assignment of funds arising from, calls for evidence, records of services, reports of boards, submission to Congress.) 151 Claims on account of wars. 152 Claims for personal injuries, disease, etc. 153 Damage claims (other than 151, act Mar. 3, 1885). 154 ^ Claims for pay, wages, salaries, mileage, etc. 155 Reimbursement traveling expenses. (See 248.7.) 156 Reimbursement. 157 Burial expenses. 158 Miscellaneous accounts against army, except transportation Accounts. (For supplies, for services as reporters, etc.; telegraph, telephone, advertising, job printing, etc.) 159 Miscellaneous accounts and claims in favor of the United States against others (except transportation matters). 61 160 Contracts. (Authority: Of Congress, express, implied from appropriation, optional; laws relating to: Convict labor, protection labor and material men, eight-hour law, distinct and separate contracts for each work (R. S. 3717), written contracts (R. S. 3744), in excess of appropriations (R. S. 1136, etc.) 161 Formalities. (Oral agreements, written proposals, and acceptances, written contracts; parties and agents: Contracting officers, contractors, individuals, personal representatives, partnerships, corporations; Congress, interest of Members of; with persons in Government service; agents, authority of; powers of attorney; interest of contracting officers; ])reparation and execution of contracts, methods of signing, forms and instructions, changes and cor- rections, approval or acceptance, distribution of contracts and copies; filing in Returns Office, delinquencies; filing in Auditor's Office; copies of, lists of, etc.) 162 Advertisements for proposals. (Advertisements required, R. S. 3709), exceptions: Personal services, emergency purchases, purchases of limited amounts, competition useless, previous advertising without result, pur- chases from another department, extras under existing contract, contract following default.) 163 Bids. (Canvassing, opening, received after time set for opening, re- turned unopened, alternate, equal prices in, instructions and regulations, error as ground for relief, award to lowest bidder, waiver of irregularities, delay in mails, other irregularities, acceptance, rejection, withdrawal, bidders; bankrupt, defaulting etc.) 164 Performance or nonperformance. (Time of performance, delays, suspensions of work, defaults, annulments, abandonments, terminations, deliveries under, calls on contractors, increase or decrease, waivers, release, trans- fer of contracts, involuntary assignments, voluntary assignments, subletting, etc.) 165 Classes of Contracts. (Supplemental contracts, extension of tiiiie, other modifications, renewal of contracts, continuing contracts, executory contracts, foreigners' contracts, emergency and exigency contracts, etc.) 166 Damages, penalties. (Penalty, licjuidated damages, actual damages.) 167 Settlements and Claims. (Bills, checks, vouchers, certificates of inspection and receipts, authority to collect payments, partial payments, advance pay- ments, deferred or suspended payments, wdthheld payments, retained percentages, set-offs, etc.) 62 168 Bonds. (Date, seal, by partnerships, by corporations, authority to officer or agent, official: Duties requiring bonds, Examination and approval, examination as to sufficiency of sureties and amounts, renewal; contract: Examination and approval, for supplies, for services other than public works, waiver, for public works, clause for payment of labor and material men; copy of contract and bond; bidder's guaranties; certified checks to secure loans of property to colleges and schools; other loans, indemnity bonds, annual bonds or guaranties, individual sureties, justification, persons disqualified, surety companies, release of sureties, modi- fication of contract with and without consent, etc.) 169 Miscellaneous. 200 PERSONNEL. 210 Commissioned. 220 Enlisted. 230 Civilian employees. 240 Pay and allowances 250 Discipline. 260 Pensions. 270 280 290 Miscellaneous. (63) 200 PERSONNEL. 200.1 Absence. (See also 210.7, 220.7, 230.5.) 200.2 Examination. (See also 210.1, 220.1, 230.11.) 200.3 Assignment; allotment. 200.4 Inquiries. 200.5 Accidents. 200.9 Miscellaneous. 201 Personal records. 201.1 Methods and forms of keeping. 201.2 Commendations, and complaints, debt and other. 201.21 Appeals. 201. 22 Commendations. 201. 23 Complaints. 201.24 Indebtedness. (See also 243.3, 242.4, 230.74.) 201. 29 Miscellaneous. 201.3 Individual histories, descriptive lists, historical records. etc. 201.31 Descriptive and assignment cards. 201. 32 Descriptive cards. 201.33 Descriptive lists. 201.34 Historical records. 201.35 Individual histories. 201. 36 Service records. 201.37 Preference cards. 201.38 Flight records. 201. 39 Miscellaneous. 201.4 Distinguished services. 201.41 Heroic conduct. 201. 5 Physical tests. 201. 501 Annual physical examinations. 201.51 Riding tests. 201.52 Walking tests. 201.53 Obstacle rides, and other exercises. 201. 54 Excused from. 201.59 Miscellaneous. 201.6 Efficiency, mental and physical. 201.601 Disability. 201.61 Efficiency reports. 201.62 Personal reports. 201. 624 Arrivals and reports of. 201. 625 Departures and reports of. 61127—18- — 5 (65) 66 201. 7 Change of names or addresses and records of. 201. 71 Addresses, and changes. 201. 72 Changes of name. 201. 8 Certificates. 201. 9 Miscellaneous. 201. 91 Delays. 201. 92 Support. 67 210 Commissioned or officers. 210.01 Classification of. 210. 1 Appointments. 210. 101 Temporary. 210. 102 Provisional. 210. 103 Probational. 210. 104 Reappointment. 210. 105 Candidates for. 210. 106 Announcements of appointments. 210. 11 Eligibility and qualifications. 210. 12 Examination, physical and mental. 210. 121 Papers and questions. 210. 122 Exemptions from. 210. 13 Disqualifying defects. (Temperamental peculiarities, deafness, vision, age, height and chest measurement, corpulency, underweight, insanity, etc.) 210. 14 Commissions and contracts. (Nomination and confirmation, acceptance and oath, recess, duplicate, recommission.) 210. 19 Miscellaneous. 210.2 Promotions. 210.21 Eligibility and qualifications. 210.22 Examination, physical and mental. 210.221 Papers and questions. 210. 222 Exemptions from. 210. 23 Disqualifying defects. (Temperamental peculiarities, deafness, vision, age, height and chest measurement, corpulency, underweight, insanity, etc.) 210.24 Commissions. (Nomination and confirmation, acceptance and oath, recess, duplicate, recommission.) 210. 25 Suspensions from promotion. 210.26 Reductions. 210.27 Grading and regrading. 210.29 Miscellaneous. 210.3 Assignment, change station, transfer. 210.31 Assignment. 210.311 Commanders: Departments, divisions, field armies, Army corps, etc. 210.312 Staff officers. 210.313 Line officers. 210.314 Oflicers of native troops. 210.315 Attachment. 210.319 Miscellaneous. 68 210. 32 Change of station. 210.321 Staff corps and departments. 210. 322 line of the Army. 210. 323 Officers of native troops. 210. 324 On account of ill health. 210.329 Miscellaneous. 210. 33 Transfer. 210.3301 Examination for transfer. 210.331 Staff corps or departments. 210.332 Line of the Army. 210.333 Officers of native troops. 210.334 On account of ill health. 210. 335 Detached officers' permanent list. 210. 339 Miscellaneous. 210.4 Duties and service. 210.41 Employment by corporations and others, United States agents. and as 210. 42 Examinations for civil office. 210. 43 Acceptance of civil office. 210. 45 Duty tours and status. 210. 451 Status. 210. 452 Tour of duty. 210. 453 Temporary duty. 210. 454 Special duty. 210. 455 Active duty. 210. 4551 Inactive duty. 210. 456 Relief from duty. 210. 457 Excused from duty. «% 210. 458 Report for duty. 210. 459 Miscellaneous. 210. 46 Line of duty. 210. 461 Not in line of duty. 210. 47 Mounted duty. 210. 48 Detached service. 210. 481 Foreign service. 210. 482 Travel duty. 210. 484 Returned to duty. 210. 49 Miscellaneous. 210. 491 Service. 210.5 Rewards, badges, medals, and decorations. (China, Civil War, corps, foreign decorations, Indian, Philippine, Spanish, Cuban, Mexican, distinguished service cross. Army Cuban Pacifica- tion, Congressional, honor, replacing, etc.) 69 210. 6 Details. 210. 601 Relief from details. 210. 602 With Philippine Scouts. 210. 603 With Philippine Constabulary. 210. 604 Officer in charge of casuals. 210. 605 Commanding officer troops on transports - and other vessels. 210. 606 In charge of funds. 210. 607 In charge of military police, or provost officer. 210. 61 Staff corps and departments. 210. 62 Recruiting service, active and retired. 210. 63 Army service schools. 210. 631 As instructors. 210. 632 As students. 210. 64 Schools and colleges, civil. 210. 65 Militia or National Guard, active and retired. 210. 651 Inspector instructors. 210. 66 As students for technical instruction at civil colleges. 210. 67 Camps of instruction, target practice and ranges, and maneuvers. 210. 671 Camps of instruction. 210. 672 Target practice and ranges. 210. 673 Maneuvers. 210. 68 Foreign. 210. 681 Military attache. 210. 682 Envoys. 210. 683 Coronations. 210. 684 Observations at maneuvers and wars. 210. 685 Military and civil schools. 210. 69 Miscellaneous details. (All details not herein specifically provided for by name will be assigned this number with the name of the detail concisely and briefly written thereafter, and filed within the classification alphabetically.) 210. 691 To make inspections and investigations of varous kinds. 210. 692 Surveying officers. 210. 693 Conventions, expositions, fairs, carnivals, horse shows, etc. 210. 694 Aides. 210. 695 Umpires, referees, judges. 210. 696 Courtsjmartial. i 70 Miscellaneous details — Continued. 210. 697 To deliver lectures. 210. 698 R epresen ta ti ves . 210.699 Miscellaneous. 210.7 Absence, rank and command. 210.71 Absence. 210.711 With leave; leave of absence. 210.712 Without leave. 210. 713 wSick leave. 210. 714 Hunting leave. 210.715 Passes. 210.716 Permission to go beyond the sea. 210.717 Not in line of duty; due to misconduct. 210.718 Witness duty. 210.719 Miscellaneous. 210. 72 Rank and command and precedence thereof. 210. 721 Conflict of authority. 210. 722 Intermediate commanders. 210. 723 Brevet rank. 210. 724 Lineal rank. 210.725 Relative rank. 210.726 Between regular and other officers, as Mihtia, National Guard, Reserve or National Army. 210. 727 Assignment to command other than rank. 210. 729 Miscellaneous. 210.8 Separations. *^ 210.801 Discharges. 210.81 Dismissals. 210. 82 Eliminations. 210. 83 Resignations and annulments of contracts. 210. 84 Restorations, and reinstatements. 210. 85 Retirement. 210.851 Retired officers. 210. 86 Death. 210. 861 Suicide. 210. 87 Effects and estates. 210.871 Effects and funds. 210. 872 Estates. 210. 873 Wills, testaments. 210. 9 Miscellaneous. 71 211 Titles and grades: Aerial observers. Anesthetists. Army field clerks. Aviators (senior and ju- nior grades). Balloonists. Brigadier generals. Cadets. Cadet aviators. Captains. Chaplains. Chemists. Chief nurses. Chiropodists. Colonels. Consultants. Contract surgeons. Dental surgeons. Experts. Expert riflemen. Field clerks. Field marshals. First lieutenants. Flyers. Generals. Inspector instructors. Instructors. Judges Laryngologists. Liaison oflScers. Lieutenants. Lieutenant colonels. Lieutenant generals. Majors. Major generals. Matrons. Mess officers. Nonflyers. Nurses. Observers. Officers of the day. Officers of the guard. Optrometrists. Osteopaths. Pay clerks. Photographers. Photostat operators. Pilot aviators. Psychiatrists. Radiologists. Range officers. Recruiting officers. Referees. Roentgenologists. Second lieutenants. Specialists. Statisticians. Superintendents. Superintendents of nurses. Umpires. Veterinarians. X-Ray operators. INSTRUCTIONS. — Additional titles, grades and designations, created by law, orders, regulations, detail, etc., may be carried under No. 211, arranged alpha- betically, and will be indexed one time for each under No. 009. 72 220 Enlisted. 220. 01 Classification of. 220. 1 * Appointment. 220. 101 Temporary. 220. 102 Provisional. 220. 103 Probational. 220. 104 Reappointments. 220. 105 Candidates for. 220. 106 Announcement of appointments. 220. 109 Miscellaneous. 220. 11 Eligibility and qualification. 220. 12 Examination, mental and physical. 220. 121 Papers and questions. 220. 122 Exemption. 220. 13 Disqualifying defects. (Temperamental peculiarities, deafness, vision, age, height and chest measurement, corpulency, underweight, insanity.) 220. 14 Warrants. (Acceptance or declination.) 220. 19 Miscellaneous. 220. 2 Promotion. 220. 21 Eligibility and qualifications. 220. 22 Examinations, mental and physical. 220. 221 Papers and questions. 220. 222 Exemptions from. 220. 23 Disqualifying defects. (Tempermental peculiarities, deafness, vision, age, height and chest measurement, corpulency, underweight, insanity.) 220. 24 Warrants. (Acceptance or declination.) 220. 25 Suspension from promotion. 220. 26 Reductions. 220. 27 Change in grade. 220. 271 Rating. 220. 272 Disrating. 220. 29 Miscellaneous. 220.3 Assignment, change of station, transfer, 220. 31 Assignment. 220. 313 Attachment. 220. 32 Change of station. 220. 33 Transfers. 220. 39 Miscellaneous. 73 220. 4 Duties and service. 220.41 Employment by corporations or others. 220. 42 Examination for civil office, civil service. 220. 43 Acceptance of civil office. 220. 45 Duty tours and status. 220. 451 Status. 220. 452 Tour of duty. 220. 453 Temporary duty. 220. 454 Special duty. 220. 455 Active duty. 220. 4551 Inactive duty. 220. 456 • Relief from duty. 220. 457 Excused from duty. 220. 458 Report for duty. 220. 459 Miscellaneous. 220. 46 Line of duty. 220. 461 Not in line of duty. 220. 47 Mounted duty. 220. 48 Detached service. 220. 481 Foreign service. 220. 482 Travel duty. 220. 483 Extra duty. 220. 484 Returned to duty. 220. 49 . Miscellaneous. 220.491 Service. 220. 5 Rewards, badges, medals, and decorations. (China, Civil War, corps, foreign decorations, Indian, Philippine, Spanish, Cuban, Mexican, Army Cuban Pacification, Congressional, honor, replacing old with new, life-saving, Philippine Insurrection, small-arms practice competitions, other target practice competitions, distinguished service cross, good conduct badges and lists, certificates of merit, badges, replacing, etc.) 220. 6 Details. 220. 601 Rehef from details. 220. 61 Staff corps and departments. 220. 62 Recruiting service, active and retired. 220. 63 Army service schools. 220. 631 As instructors. 220. 632 As students. 220. 64 Schools and colleges, civil. 220. 65 Militia or National Guard. 220. 651 Instructors. 220. 66 As students for technical instruction at civil colleges. 74 Details — Continued. 220. 67 Camps of instruction, target practice and ranges, and maneuvers. 220. 671 Camps of instruction. 220. 672 Target practice and ranges. 220. 673 " Maneuvers. 220. 68 Foreign. 220. 69 Miscellaneous details. (All details not herein specifically provided for by name will be assigned this number with the name of the detail concisely and briefly written thereafter, and filed within the classification alphabetically.) 220. 691 Extra duty. 220. 692 Daily and special duty. 220. 693 Mine planters. 220. 694 Umpires, referees, judges. 220. 7 Absence, rank and precedence. 220. 71 Absence. 220.711 With leave; furlough. 220. 712 Without leave. 220. 713 Sick. 220. 714 Hunting. 220. 715 Passes. 220. 716 Permission to go beyond the sea. 220. 717 Not in line of duty; due to misconduct. 220. 718 Witness duty. 220. 719 . Miscellaneous. 220. 7191 Making good time lost. 220. 72 Rank and precedence. 220. 721 Noncommissioned officers. 220. 722 Privates and rated men. 220. 726 Between regular and other noncommis- sioned officers, as Militia, National Guard, Reserve or National Army. 220. 727 Assignment to command other than rank. 220. 8 Discharges, and other separations. 220. 801 Discharge of undesirables. (As under A. R. 148J, inaptitude, inadapta- bility, habits and traits of character, unsuita- bility, disqualification through misconduct, service not honest and faithful, general worth- lessness, etc.) 220. 802 Discharge of deserters physically unfit. 220. 803 Discharge for convenience of Government. 220. 804 Discharge account dependent relative. 75 Discliargos, aiid other separations — Continued. 220. 805 Discharge for insanity. 220. 806 Discharge by favor. 220. 807 Discharge at expiration term of enlistment. 220. 808 . Discharge for minority. 220. 811 Discharge for disability. 220. 812 Discharge of rejected recruits. 220. 813 Discharge for fraudulent enlistment. 220. 814 Discharge by purchase. 220.815 Discharge for sentence imprisonment civil court. 220.816 Discharge when ordered by Secretary of War. 220. 82 Dishonorable discharge. 220. 821 By court-martial sentence. 220. 822 By sentence military commission. 220. 83 Discharge without honor. 220. 84 Certificate of service. 220. 841 Certificate in lieu of lost discharge. 220. 842 Character on discharge. 220. 85 Retirement. 220. 851 Retired enlisted men. 220. 86 Death. 220. 861 Suicide. 220. 87 Effects and estates. 220. 871 Effects and funds. 220. 872 Estates. 220. 873 Wills and testaments. 220. 88 Furlough to reserve. 220. 89 Miscellaneous discharges and separations. 220. 9 Miscellaneous matters affecting enlisted personnel. 220. 91 Restorations and reinstatements. 76 221 Titles and grades. Acting cooks. Aerial observers. Artificers. Assistant bakers. Assistant engineers. Assistant packmasters. Assistant wagonmasters. Assistants. Attendants. Aviators. Bakers. Balloonists. Band corporals. Band leaders. Band sergeants. Barbers. Battalion quartermaster ser- geants. Battalion sergeants major. Battalion supply sergeants. Battery quartermaster ser- geants. Battery supply sergeants. Blacksmiths. Blacksmith-horseshoers. Buglers. Cadets. Cargadors. Carpenters. ChauflFeurs. Checkers. Chemists. Chief bakers. Chief buglers. Chief loaders. Chief mechanics. Chief planters. Chief trumpeters. Clerks. Cobblers. Color sergeants. Commissary sergeants. Company clerks. Company quartermaster ser- geants. Company supply sergeants. Cooks. Corporals. Coxwains. Dental assistants. Distinguished pistol shots. Drum majors. Drummers. Electrical workers. Electricians. Electrician sergeants. Electricians and linemen. Engineers. Enlisted specialists. Experts. Expert pistol shots. Expert riflemen. Farriers. Firemen. First-class grades. First sergeants. Flyers. Foragemasters. Foreman engineers. Foreman laborers. Gardeners. Gun conmianders. Gun pointers. Gunners. Horseshoers. Hospital sergeants. Hospital stewards. Instructors. Janitors. Junior grades. Laborers. Laborer-gardeners. Lance noncommissioned of- ficers. Linemen. Loaders. 77 Titles and grades — Continued. Marksmen. Master electricians. Master engineers. Master gunners. Master hospital sergeants. Master signal electricians. Mechanics. Mess sergeants. Messengers. Motormen. Nonflyers. Observers. Operators. Orderlies. Ordnance sergeants. Overseers. Packers. Packmasters. Painters. PUots. Planters. Photographers. Photostat operators. Plotters. Plumbers. Police sergeants. Principal musicians. Privates. Provost sergeants. Quartermaster sergeants. Quartermaster sergeants, Quartermaster Corps. Radio sergeants. Regimental commissary ser- geants. Regimental sergeants major. Regimental supply sergeants. Saddlers. School-teachers. Second-class grades. Senior grades. Sergeants. Sergeants, fiist-class. Sergeant buglers. Sergeants major. Sharpshooters. Shoemakers. Signal sergeants. Stable'sergeants. Specialists. Statisticians. Supply sergeants. Switchboard operators. Tailors. Teamsters. Telegraph operators. Telephone operators. Tinners. Trumpeters. Wagoners. Wagonmasters. Warehousemen. Watchmen. X-Ray operators. Radio operators. INSTRUCTIONS. — Additional titles, grades, designations, etc., created by- law, orders, regulations, detail, etc., may be carried under No. 221, arranged alphabetically, and indexed one time for each under No. 009. Documents for specific grades or classes may be numbered as follows: 221 Sgt. Icl. MC; 221 Elec. Sgt. 2cl. QMC; 221 QM. Sgt. sr. gr. QMC; 221 Bn. Sgt. Maj. Inf ; 221 Pvt. Icl. SC; 221 Pvt. 2cl. Inf., etc. 78 230 Civilian employees. 230. 01 Designation of positions. 230. 02 Applications and recommendations. 230. 021 In outlying places and far distant stations. 230. 03 . Bequests for information in regard to positions. 230. 031 In outlying places and far distant stations. 230. 04 Legislation and laws. 230. 041 Civil-service act. 230. 042 Preference laws. 230. 05 KuleS; regulations, and practices. 230. 051 General civil-service rules. 230. 052 Labor regulations of Civil Service Com- mission. 230. 053 Special rules and regulations of the War Department. 230. 06 Civil-service systems and methods. 230. 061 Apportionment by States. 230. 062 The district system. 230. 1 Entrance into service. 230. 11 Eegister of eligibles. 230, 111 Estabhshment and maintenance 230. 112 Examination. 230. 1121 Questions and tests, including samples. 230. 1122 Standardizing. 230. 1123 Boards of examiners. 230. 113 Candidates for examination. 230. 1131 Physical qualifications. 230. 1132 Moral qualifications. 230. 1133 Age qualifications. 230. 1134 Graduation from approved colleges and schools. 230. 1135 License qualifications. 230. 1137 Willingness for foreign service. 230. 1139 Miscellaneous. 230. 12 Announcements of examinations. 230. 121 Reports of results of examinations. 230. 122 Requestsf or information as to examinations. 230. 123 Positions excepted from examinations. 230. 13 Certificates of ehgibles. 230. 131 Methods of certifymg and obtaining certi- fications. 230. 132 Lists of eligibles called for and returned. 230. 133 Positions offered to eligibles, acceptances or declinations. 79 » Certificates of eligibles — Continued. 230. 134 Examination papers called for, furnished, and returned. 230. 1341 Receipts for examination papers. 230. 135 Reports of action on lists of eligibles. 230. 139 Miscellaneous. 230. 14 Hire of employees. 230. 1401 Laws and legislation as to. 230. 1402 Child labor. 230. 1403 Convict labor. 230. 1404 Strikers and strikebreakers. 230. 1405 Union labor. 230. 1409 Miscellaneous. 230. 141 Temporary. 230. 1411 Substitutes for, sick, absent, suspended. 230. 1412 In emergency. 230. 1413 Pending certification of eligibles. 230. 1414 Reports of hire. 230. 1419 Miscellaneous. 230. 142 Additional. 230. 143 To fill vacancy. 230. 1431 Report of vacancy not to be filled. 230. 144 Contract for hire of. 230. 145 Employment local labor and hired labor generally. 230. 146 Employees for camp, maneuvers, joint instruction camps, etc. 230. 147 Employees for target ranges. 230. 149 Miscellaneous. 230. 2 • Appointments. 230. 21 Methods of appointing. 230.211 Oath of office. 230. 212 Antedating appointments. 230. 213 Declarations of appointees. 230. 214 Notice of appointments. 230. 2141 Acceptance or declination. 230. 2142 Canceled or recalled. 230. 215 Appointment by Executive orders. 230. 216 Appointment through Civil Service Com- mission. 230. 217 Probational appointments. 230.2171 Certificates of. 230.2172 Reports of. 80 Methods of appointing — Continued. 230. 219 Miscellaneous. 230. 2191 Irregular appointments. 230. 2192 Temporary appointments, and to ex- cepted positions. 230. 22 Qualifications and status. 230. 221 Personal status. 230.2211 Sex. 230. 2212 Married or single. 230. 2213 Married women. 230. 2214 Members of family in service. 230. 2215 Dependents. 230. 2216 Whether of proper age, i. e., not chil- dren involving employment child labor. 230. 2219 Miscellaneous. 230. 222 Eace. 230. 2221 Negroes or colored. 230. 2222 Filipinos. 230. 2223 Japanese. 230. 2224 Chinese. 230. 2225 Indians or Eskimos. 230. 2229 Miscellaneous. 230. 223 NationaUty. 230. 2231 Foreigners. 230. 2232 Representatives of foreign Govern- ments. 230. 2239 Miscellaneous. 230. 224 Veterans and enlisted men. 230. 225 Mental, moral, and physical status. 230. 229 Miscellaneous. 230. 23 Reinstatement. 230. 231 Requests and applications for. 230. 232 Nominal reinstatements. 230. 233 After performing military service. 230. 234 Certificates of. 230. 24 Transfer to War Department from other depart- ments. 230. 241 AppHcations for. 230. 242 Requests for, from other departments. 230. 243 Reports of absence. 230. 249 Miscellaneous. 81 230.3 Status, changes, transfers, within service. 230. 301 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230. 31 Status of employees. 230.311 Civil or military. 230.312 Jurisdiction civil autiiorities over. 230.3121 Liability to public duty, road work, witnesses, jury duty. 230.3122 Government defense of suits against employees. 230.313 Classified or unclassified under civil-service rules. 230.3131 Application for classification. 230.3132 Recommendations and requests for classification. 230.3133 Reclassification of employees. 230.3139 Miscellaneous. 230.314 Apportionment by States. 230.315 Relations with Civil Service Commission. 230.319 Miscellaneous. 230. 32 Promotions. 230.321 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230. 322 Recommendations and applications for. 230. 323 Recommendations from authorities for. 230. 324 Reports of promotions. 230. 325 Jumping grades in promotions. 230. 326 Promotions from subclerical grades. 230. 329 Miscellaneous. 230. 33 Demotions or reductions. 230.331 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230. 332 Preferring charges in making demotions. 230. 333 Recommendations from authorities for re- ductions. 230. 334 Reports of reductions. 230. 339 Miscellaneous. 230. 34 Efficiency. 230. 341 Efficiency systems. 230.3411 Methods of keeping records and re- ports. 230. 342 Efficiency boards. 230. 343 Rules and regulations as to. 230. 344 Data as to. 230.3441 Ability to perform tropical service. 230. 3442 Reports of quahfications. 82 Efficiency — Continued. 230. 345 Examinations and tests. 230. 3451 Examination for promotion from sub- clerical grade. 230. 3452 Keports of. 230. 3459 Miscellaneous. 230. 346 Keports of efficiency. 230.3461 Annual. 230. 3462 Semiannual. 230. 3463 Montlily. 230. 3464 Individuals. 230. 3469 Miscellaneous. 230. 347 Complaints and protests against ratings. 230. 349 Miscellaneous. 230. 35 Details. 230. 351 Between War Department and other Gov- ernment establishments. 230. 352 Between bureaus of War Department. 230. 353 From departmental to field service. 230. 354 From field to departmental service. 230. 359 Miscellaneous. 230. 36 Transfers and changes of station. 230. 3601 Apphcations for. 230. 361 Between bureaus of the War Department. 230. 362 Departmental to field. 230. 363 Field to departmental. 230. 364 Between Army and civiUan employees. 230. 365 From United States to far-distant stations. 230. 366 From far-distant stations to United States. 230. 3661 Assignment upon return to United States. 230. 367 Change of stations within United States. 230. 3671 Exchange of positions within service. 230. 368 Assignment and allotment of employees to offices and stations. 230. 3681 Requests for assignment of employees 230. 369 Miscellaneous. 230. 37 Changes in designations. 230. 38 Reports and returns. 230. 381 Reports of changes to bureaus. 230. 382 ^ Reports of changes to Secretary of War. 230. 383 Reports of changes to Civil Service Com- mission. 230. 384 To the Auditor for War Department. 230. 385 Returns of crews and employees. 230. 386 Lists of employees. 83 230.4 Duties and service. 230. 41 Duties of employees. 230.411 Assignment of duties. 230.4111 Instruction as to duties. 230.4112 Inquiries as to duties. 230.412 Unusual or additional duties. 230. 413 Duties outside regular hours. 230.414 Notarial duties or functions. 230. 415 Witnesses for United States. 230. 416 Duties requiring bonds. 230. 4161 Bonds. 230.417 Reports and statements as to duties and assignments. 230. 419 Miscellaneous. 230. 42 Temporary duty involving travel. 230. 421 Laws and legislation. 230. 422 Rules and regulations. 230. 423 Travel orders. 230. 424 Absent on duty. 230. 425 Unusual trips. 230. 428 Reports of travel by employees. 230. 429 Miscellaneous. 230. 43 Conduct of offices, depots, factories. 230. 431 Regulations of the War Department. 230. 432 Office rules and regulations. 230. 4321 Use of elevators. 230. 4322 Employees performing work at home. 230. 433 Labor regulations. 230. 434 Canvassing and circulating subscription Usts, collecting. 230. 435 Circulating information, printed matter. 230. 436 Allotment of room space and office rooms. 230. 437 ' Scientific management. 230. 438 Time checks. 230. 439 Miscellaneous. 230. 44 Hours of labor. 230. 441 Laws and legislation. 230.4411 Enforcement and violation. 230. 4412 Exceptions and exemptions. 230. 4413 Interpretation of. 230. 442 Eight-hour law. 230. 4421 Enforcement and violation. 230. 4422 Exceptions and exemptions. 230. 4423 Interpretation of. 84 Hours of labor — Continued. 230. 443 Departmental rules and regulations. 230.4431 Office hours. 230. 444 Complaints, protests and inquiries as to 230. 449 Miscellaneous. 230. 45 Overtime and Sunday work. 230. 451 Laws and legislation. 230. 452 Departmental rules and regulations. 230. 4521 Overtime. 230. 4522 Sunday work. 230. 453 Reports of overtime. 230. 459 Miscellaneous. 230. 46 Holidays and early closing. 230. 461 Laws and legislation. 230. 462 Departmental rules and regulations. 230. 463 State holidays. 230. 464 Legal holidays. 230. 4641 New holidays proposed. 230. 465 Observance of Mondays after holidays. 230. 466 Saturday afternoons. 230. 467 Eve of regular holidays. 230. 468 Special holidays by Executive orders. 230. 4681 For deaths and funerals. 230. 469 Miscellaneous. 230. 5 Absence. 230. 51 Laws, rules, and regulations. 230. 511 Departmental rules and regulations. *., 230. 512 Field service rules and regulations. 230. 513 Methods of calculating. 230. 514 Absence on Sundays and holidays, when calculating leave. 230. 519 Miscellaneous. 230. 52 Statistics, statements. 230. 521 Records of leaves. 230. 522 Statistical statements as to. 230. 53 Reports as to leaves. 230. 531 Daily reports. 230. 532 Weekly reports. 230. 533 Monthly reports. 230. 534 Sixty-day reports. 230. 535 Semiannual reports. 230. 536 Annual reports. 230. 539 Miscellaneous. 85 230. 54 Annual leave of absence. 230. 541 Applications for. 230. 542 Complaints and inquiiies as to. 230. 543 Cumulative or accrued. 230. 544 Eve of resignation. 230. 545 ' Transport and harbor boat employees. 230. 546 Per diem employees. 230. 547 Temporary employees. 230. 548 Arsenal employees. 230. 549 Miscellaneous. 230. 5491 Involving the employment of substi- tutes. 230. 5492 ' Employees outlying stations. 230. 55 Sick leave. 230. 551 Applications for. 230. 552 Complaints and inquiries as to. 230. 553 On account of contagious diseases or quar- antine. 230. 554 Transport and harbor boat employees. 230. 555 Per diem employees. 230. 556 Temporary employees. 230. 557 Arsenal employees. 230. 558 Involving the employment of substitutes. 230. 559 Miscellaneous. 230. 56 Without pay, furloughs, without leave. 230. 561 Applications for. 230. 562 Complamts and inquhies as to. 230. 563 Extended periods. 230. 564 Furloughed or "laid off." 230. 565 Without leave. 230. 57 Absence for public duties. 230. 571 National Guard or MiUtia duty. 230. 572 -' For votmg. 230. 573 For jury duty. 230. 574 For witness duty. 230. 579 Miscellaneous. 230. 58 Absence for special events or classes of employees. 230. 581 Religious celebrations. 230. 582 Deaths and funerals. 230. 583 Unveiling statues. 230. 584 On account of weather conditions. 230. 585 Patriotic events and celebrations. 230. 589 Miscellaneous. 86 230. 6 Privileges and welfare. 230. 61 Safeguarding health. 230. 611 Sanitation places of employment. 230. 613 Care of consumptives. 230. 615 Luncheon facilities. 230. 619 Miscellaneous. 230. 62 Burials and funerals. 230. 63 Effects and estates, and property of. 230. 64 Retirement, pensions, superannuations. 230. 65 Unions, associations, societies, clubs. 230. 651 Labor'unions. 230. 652 War Department Beneficial Association. 230. 653 Civil Service Retirement Association. 230. 659 Miscellaneous. 230. 66 Statements and reports. 230. 661 To President. 230. 662 To Congress. 230. 663 To Congressmen. 230. 664 To Civil Service Commission. 230. 665 To Secretary of War and other department officials. 230. 669 Miscellaneous. 230. 67 Attendance at conventions, exhibitions, expo- sitions. 230. 69 Miscellaneous. 230. 7 Personal records, affairs, and relations. 230. 71 Personal record files. (Individual records under 201.) 230. 711 Historical records. 230. 712 Records of addresses. 230. 713 Names and addresses of nearest relatives. 230. 714 Requests for records of service, addresses, etc., of employees and former employees. 230. 7141 From bonding or surety companies. 230. 7142 From Pension Office. 230. 7143 From Department of Justice. 230. 7144 From Congress or Congressmen. 230. 7145 Mail to be forwarded. 230. 715 Certificates of service. 230. 716 Voter's certificates. 230. 717 Changes in name. 230. 719 Miscellaneous. 87 230. 72 Commendations, recommendations, testimonials. 230. 721 By War Department officials. 230. 722 By Army officers. 230. 723 By civilian employees. 230. 724 Commendations for bravery. 230. 7241 By War Department officials. 230. 7242 By Army officers. 230. 7243 By civilian employees. 230. 729 Miscellaneous. 230. 73 Influence, congressional and other. 230.731 For legislation. 230. 732 For appointment or employment. 230. 733 For promotion or increase of pay. 230. 734 Reprimands for use of. 230.739 Miscellaneous. 230. 74 Complaints, charges, and reprimands. 230. 741 Complaints by or on behalf of. 230. 742 Complaints against. 230. 743 Complaints of indebtedness. 230. 7431 Measures to enforce payments. 230. 744 Charges preferred against. 230. 745 Reprimands. 230. 746 Suspensions. 230. 7461 Reports of. 230. 7462 Remission of unexpired portion of term. 230. 7463 Under charges. 230. 7469 Miscellaneous. 230. 747 Other punishments. 230. 749 • Miscellaneous. 230. 76 Business affahs of. 230. 761 Money lendmg. 230. 762 Holding municipal or similar offices. 230. 763 Coaching for civil-service examinations. 230. 764 Contracts by, with United States Govern- ment. 230. 765 Engaging in outside business. 230. 766 Agents for concerns doing business with Government. 230. 767 Using letter heads showing connection with United States Government. 230. 769 Miscellaneous. 88 230. 77 Politics. 230. 771 Political activity. 230. 772 Political contributions. 230. 779 Miscellaneous. 230. 78 Incapacitated employees. 230. 79 Miscellaneous. 230. 8 Separations. 230. 801 Inquii'ies as to. 230. 81 Kesignations. 230. 82 Discharges and dismissals. 230. 821 Authority to discharge. 230. 822 Discharge for desertion. 230. 823 Discharge as punishment. 230. 824 Discharge for good of service. 230. 825 Discharge without prejudice. 230. 826 Protests against. 230. 827 Reports as to cause of. 230. 828 Discharge certificates. 230. 829 Miscellaneous. 230. 83 Reduction in forces. 230. 84 Retention in service. 230. 841 Application and requests for. 230. 842 Temporary employees. 230. 843 Recommendations from authorities for. 230. 849 Miscellaneous. 230. 85 Deaths from injuries, reports of. 230. 86 Deaths from natural causes, reports of. 230. 87 Replacing by enlisted men. 230. 88 Annulment of contract for services. 230. 89 Miscellaneous. 89 231 Titles and grades. 231. 1 Officials appointed by commission of the President. (Commissioners of national parks and cemeteries, officials of the War Department, etc.) 231. 2 Technical, professional, and experts. 231. 21 Engineers. (Civil, consulting, superintendents of construction, superintending, electrical, mechanical, heating, ven- tilating, marine, automobile, superintendents marine construction, aviators, aeronauts, flying instructors, etc.) 231. 22 Inspectors. (Clothing, materials, hats, caps, shoes, leather, rubber, wagons, automobiles and trucks, tableware, band instruments, hardware, lumber, tents, miscellaneous supplies, electrical, marine, hull, boiler, subsistence stores, ordnance, animals, examiners and assistant inspectors, etc) 231.23 Medical. (Doctors, dentists, oculists, opticians, osteopaths, physicians, chiropodists, chiropractors, dermatologists, dietitians, neurologists, pathologists, veterinarians- hippologists, ophthalmologists, clinical experts, med- icalTexpertSjffpharmacists, chemists, specialists, micro- scopists, optometrists, orthoepists, roentgenologists, pediatrictitians, pedriatists, bacteriologists, X-ray oper, ators, etc.) 231. 24 Architects, draftsmen, and surveyors. (Architects, draftsmen, surveyors, rodmen, assistants, transitmen, tracers, etc.) 231. 25 Lawyers and law clerks. 231.26 Chaplains. 231. 27 Experts. (Transportation, food, financial, wool, forage, real estate, textile, mining, accounting, correspondence, and others.) 231. 3 Clerical. (Clerks, freight and passenger rate clerks, stenographers, typewriters, reporters, accountants, appraisers, statisti- cians; Agents: purchasing, disbiu^ng, transportation, quartermaster, horse buying, dispatch, etc.; teachers, instructors, interpreters, translators, undertakers, em- balmers, telephone, telegraph, and radio operators; time- keepers; addressograph, multigraph, and graphotype operators, secretaries, material men, expediters, tracers, etc.) 90 231. 4 Superintendents, caretakers, guards, guides, laborers,etc. (Superintendents of parks, cemeteries, grounds, piers, stables, etc.; caretakers, custodians, farmers, gardeners, foresters, forest rangers, guards, policemen, detectives, watchmen, guides, scouts, spies, nurses, messengers, mail carriers, dispatch bearers, janitors, matrons, scrub- bers, charwomen, laborers, foremen of laborers, chauf- feurs, elevator conductors, scorers, spotters, markers, miscellaneous, housekeepers, maids, cooks, laundresses, etc.) 231. 5 Mechanical trades. (Engineers, firemen; enginemen for locomotives, bridges, trains, stationary engines, steam shovels, etc.; printers, photographers, electricians, linemen, armorers, molders, machinists, targeteers, mechanics, plumbers, steam fitters, tinners, mechanicians, carpenters, masons, paint- ers, wheelwrights, saddlers, furriers, blacksmiths, harness makers, horseshoers, submarine net makers and layers, bricklayers, etc.) 231. 6 Depot, factory, and shop employees. (Storekeepers, warehousemen, packers, shippers, check- ers, clothiers, tailors, cutters, seamstresses, folders, trimmers, spongers; other operatives, foremen, super- intendents and assistants, matrons, tentmakers, and skilled workmen making equipage, etc.) 231. 7 Post, pack and wagon train employees. (Packers, pack masters, forage masters, cargadors, train masters, wagon masters, wagoners, teamsters, superin- tendents of corrals, horse trainers, wranglers, stablemen, scavengers, hostlers, cooks, bakers, stock tenders, etc.) 231. 8 Transport, harbor-boat and dock employees. 231. 81 Transport employees. (Deck department, engine department, steward's department; masters, mates, and other officers, pilots, divers, yeomen, boatswains, carpenters, masters-at- arms, storekeepers, wheelmen, deck hands, seamen, deck boys, cabin boys, coal passers, electricians, firemen, stokers, oilers, plumbers, machinists, water tenders, engineers, cooks, sailors, bakers, stewards, stewardesses, butchers, messmen, janitors,^watchmen, waiters, bell boys, etc.) 231. 82 Harbor-boat employees (including mine planters, cable steamers) . (Masters, mates, officers, boatswains, wheelmen, deck hands, seamen, sailors, deck boys, coal passers, firemen, oilers, engineers, cooks, etc.) 23 1 . 83 Dock or wharf employees . (Superintendents, foremen, stevedores, laborers, watch- men,|]etc.) 231. 89 Miscellaneous. 91 240 Pay and allowances. 240. 01 Expenses. 240. 1 Systems of paying. 240. 2 Methods of paying. 240. 21 At encampments and maneuvers. 240. 3 Places of paying. 240. 4 Times of paying. 240. 5 Paying officers. 240. 6 Pay Federal employees as militiamen and National Guardsmen. 240. 7 Students at officer's training camps. 240. 8 Payments. 240. 9 Miscellaneous. 240. 91 Pay for instruction drills or Armory service. 241 Officers, nurses, field clerks, veterinarians. (Methods and forms used in paying, advance pay, partial payment before settlement of accounts, payment on dupli- cate papers, etc.) 241. 1 Bands and rates of pay entitled to. 241.11 Base pay of grade. 241. 12 Longevity. 241. 13 Foreign service. 241.14 Higher or increased command. 241. 15 Pay for mounts. 241. 16 Extra for aids. 241. 17 Staff details. 241. 18 Ketired pay and allowances, and on active duty. 241. 19 Miscellaneous. 241.2 Correcting, payments, stoppages, and deductions. (Short payments, credit for; overpayments, double payments, absence from duty, misconduct, absence without leave, excess leave, stoppage circular, date for and issuance of, etc.) 241. 3 Collecting charges against. (Indebtedness and dues, hospital dues, income tax, debts to private parties, debts to United States (other than specified herein), fines and forfeitures, errors in pa>'ing, errors in authorizing expenditiires, errors in disbursing funds (not pay), damage to or loss of property, alimony, exceeding allowances, etc.) 241. 4 Pay accounts proper. (Assignment or transfer of, indorsed for deposit, where or by whom paid, suspension by the auditor, etc.) 241. 5 Final pay. 241. 51 Certificates of nonindebtedness. 241. 8 Reports regarding'pay of. 241. 9 Miscellaneous. 92 242 Pay of enlisted men. (Methods, forma, times, and places for payment of troops; date of commencement, increases and decreases, pay after expiration term of enlistment, payments while residing abroad, payment on descriptive lists, etc.) 242. 1 Kinds and rates of pay entitled to. 242.11 Base pay of grade. 242. 12 Service pay, foreign, war, or increased. 242, 121 Enlistment periods, various. 242. 122 Prior service other than Army. 242. 13 Extra-duty pay. 242. 14 Additional pay. 242. 141 Certificate of merit badges. 242. 142 Marksmanship or gunners. 242. 143 Special details, mess sergeants, plotters, cooks, etc. 242. 15 Pay and bonus on reenlistment. 242. 16 On promotion or reduction. 242. 17 On discharge. 242. 18 Retired pay and allowance. 242. 19 Miscellaneous. 242. 2 Pay withheld, delayed, or paid to others. (In arrears; when in hands of civil authorities; during absence, furlough, or otherwise; undrawn or partial pay- ments; delay or nonreceipt of; paid to others for, as com- manding officers; prisoners or convicts; deserters.) 242. 3 Correcting payments, stoppages, or deductions. (Credit for short payments, overpayments, double pay- ments, absence from duty, misconduct, absence without leave, absence in excess of furlough allowance, erroneous deductions of allotments, retiirned pay.) 242. 4 Collecting charges and dues. (Indebtedness and dues, post-exchange dues, laundry dues, subsistence charges, to company or regimental funds, to privateTparties, to United States other than specified herein, fines, forfeitures, rewards for apprehen- sion, retained or detained, damages to or loss of property, alimony, exceeding allowances as clothing, etc.) 242. 5 Pay roUs and muster roUs. (Amendments and corrections.) 242. 6 Final pay. (Data for, methods of settlement, final statements, irregu- ^ larity in or loss of, irregular or lost final statements, assignment of final statements, charges and deductions, purchase of discharge, overpayments on final state- ments, short payments on final statements.) 93 242. 7 Pay and checks of deceased soldiers. 242. 8 Reports regarding pay enlisted men. 242. 9 Miscellaneous. 243 Allotments of pay. 243. 1 Original and duplicate. 243. 2 Changes and corrections. (Corrections, ingreases or decreases, addresses of allottees) names of allottees, dates of allotments.) 243. 3 Charging allotments on pay rolls. (Correction of records, nondeductions noted, over, deductions noted, refundments of overpaid allotments. 243. 4 Nonpayment of allotments. 243. 5 Discontinuance of allotments. (Requests for, reports of, declined or refused, discharge or desertion, death of allottee, death of allotter.) 243. 6 Suspensions. (To pay fines, pending trial, absence, misconduct.) 243. 7 Validity of allotments. 243. 8 Settlements of allotments and charges. 243. 9 Miscellaneous. 244 Deposits of enlisted men. 244. 1 Records and reports of. (Lost deposit books.) 244. 2 Interest. 244. 3 Deserters. 244. 4 Dishonorably discharged men. 244. 5 Claims for unpaid. 244. 9 Miscellaneous. 245 Allowances of officers, nurses, field clerks, and students at officers* training camps. (Accounts and vouchers, advances or partial payments, overpayments or short payments, orders or authorities for, places, special service or journey, special conditions as on discharge, special means.) 245. 1 Quarters. 245. 2 Heat and light, including fuel. 245.3 Forage. 245. 6 Mileage, travel pay or actual expenses; routes and distances. 245. 7 Family allowance. 245. 8 Commutation of allowances. (Accounts and vouchers, advances or partial payments, tables of distances, overpayments or short payments, orders or authorities for, special service or journey, special conditions as on discharge, special means.) 94 Commutation of allowances— Continued. 245. 81 Quarters. 245. 82 Heat and light, including fuel. 245. 83 Forage. 245. 84 Mileage, travel pay or actual expenses. 245. 89 Miscellaneous. 245. 9 Miscellaneous. 246 Allowances of enlisted men. (Accounts and vouchers, advances or partial payments, overpayments or short payments, orders or authorities for, places, special services or conditions, special classes of troops.) 246. 1 Quarters. 246. 2 Heat and light, including fuel. 246. 4 Rations and subsistence. 246. 5 Clothing. 246. 6 Travel pay. (Routes, distances.) 246. 7 Family allowances. 246. 8 Commutation of allowance. (Accounts and vouchers, advances or partial payments, overpayments or short payments, orders or authorities for, routes, distances, places, special services or conditions, special classes of troops.) 246. 81 Quarters. 246. 82 Heat and light, including fuel. 246. 84 Rations or subsistence (including lay days in ports). 246. 85 Clothing. 246. 86 Travel pay. 246. 89 Miscellaneous. 246. 9 Miscellaneous. 247 Beneficiary money and records, and burial expenses. (Laws and regulations, designations of beneficiaries, change of name of beneficiary, death of beneficiary, death of officer or soldier, claim for beneficiary money.) 248 Salaries, pay, wages, and allowances. (EMPLOYEES.) (Reports and statements as to salaries and wages.) 248. 1 Estimates and appropriations for. (Estimates for, reports to accompany estimates, laws, rules, regulations, appropriations for, laborers paid from special appropriation, employees paid from emergency appropriations, use and availability of appropriations.) 95 248. 2 Methods and time of payment. (Pay rolls, frequency and times, in advance, during leave or suspension, due deceased employees.) 248. 3 Rates and calculations. (Entrance salaries in excess $150 a month, calculation of, services at far-distant stations, grading salaries and wages, and scales thereof; special classes, in special localities or places.) 248. 4 Kinds and classes of salaries and wages. (Salaries per month or per annum, wages per diem or by piecework, extra pay for overtime, double or additional compensation, pay for overtime, pay per diem employees for holidays and Sundays, retirement pay, employer's liability payments, board wages or pay including sub- sistence.) 248. 5 Allowances. (Subsistence money allowance, rations or messing for employees, subsistence, forage, money allowance for quarters, quarters in kind, notarial fees and allowances, special classes employees, special localities, compensa- tion for injuries, laws, rules, regulations, reports of in- juries, reports of termination of disability.) 248. 51 Family allowances. 248. 6 Assignments, stoppages, charges. (Assignments and allotments, stoppages, collection of charges against, assessments.) 248. 7 Traveling expenses. (See 155 for claims.) (Reimbursement, receipts and vouchers for expenditures, items of allowance tips, length of time expenses allowed, per diem allowance in lieu of actual expenses, classes of employees allowed traveling expenses, employees on duty, new appointees, employees changing station, em- ployees terminating service, discharged or dismissed employees, disabled employees, employees of other departments performing ser^ices for War Department, employees under contracts, travel incidental to contract employees, reports and statements.) 248. 8 Increases and reduction in. (Increases (see 230. 32), exceptional increases, recom- mendations from authorities for, requests and applica- tions for, reductions (see 230. 33), rewards for sugges- tions and improvements.) 248. 9 Mscellaneous. 96 250 Discipline. (Military discipline, military offenses, military justice, military executions (see also crimes, 000. 51).) 250. 1 Morals and conduct. (Use of liquor, drugs and intoxicants; introduction and sale of intoxicants and drugs on Indian reservations, in insular possessions and on or in immediate vicinity of; drunkenness in the Army, use of obscene language, introduction of obscene reading matter at military posts and camps, seduction, breach of promise, bastardy, rape; sodomy, practice of in the Army; sexual perversion; houses of prostitution, frequenting of by officers and enlisted men; concealed weapons, carrying of by officers and enlisted men; civilians, ill treatment by officers and enlisted men; lynchings by soldiers; loot and looting; torture; water cure; mistreatment of enlisted men; reports of immorality; misconduct, duplicating pay accounts, gambling, use and sale of narcotic drugs, malingering.) 250. 3 Correction and punishment. (Fines, assessments pro rata, pledges, censure, reprimand, arrest, confinement, officers and enlisted men in hands of civil authorities.) 250. 4 Courts martial. 250. 401 Jurisdiction (general, special, other mihtary courts and tribunals). 250. 402 Instructions (general, special, other military courts and tribunals). 250. 403 Appointing powers. ^ 250. 41 Courts. 250.411 General courts martial. 250. 412 Garrison courts martial. 250. 413 Special courts martial. 250. 414 Summary courts martial. 250. 419 Miscellaneous. 250. 42 Convening and dissolving. 250. 421 General courts martial. 250. 422 Garrison courts martial. 250. 423 Special courts martial. 250. 424 Appointment of summary courts martial. 250. 429 Miscellaneous. 250. 43 Members. 250. 431 Judge advocates. 250. 4311 Assistant judge advocates. 250. 432 Summary court officers. 250. 439 Miscellaneous. 97 250. 44 Counsel. 250. 45 Charges, proceedings, trials. 250. 451 Charges (amendment, return, other dis- position). 250. 452 Proceedings (irregularities, correction, loss of. Evidence. 250. 46 250. 461 Subpoenas. 250. 462 Witnesses. 250. 463 Testimony. 250. 464 Interrogatories and depositions. 250. 465 Conviction of previous offenses. 250. 469 Miscellaneous. 250. 47 Sentence. 250. 471 Remission. 250. 472 Mitigation. 250. 473 Suspension. 250. 479 Miscellaneous. 250. 48 Quorum. 250. 49 Miscellaneous. 250. 491 Reports. 250. 492 Transfer of cases to other jurisdictions. 250.5 Other courts and tribunals. 250. 51 Provisional courts. 250. 52 Courts of inquiry. 250. 53 Provost courts. 250. 59 Miscellaneous. 250. 6 Influence, improper use of, by officers and enlisted men. 250.7 Business enterprises of officers and enlisted men. 250.8 Organization of secret and other societies in Army. 250.9 Miscellaneous. 251 Desertion and deserters. 251.1 Desertion. 251.11 Prevention of. 251.12 Removal of charge. 251.13 Reports of. 251.19 Miscellaneous. 251.2 Deserters. 251.21 Apprehension. 251.211 Reward for. (See 242.4.) 251.22 Surrender. 251.23 Making good time lost while in desertions. 01127— 38- — 7 9B Deserters — Continued. 251.24 Pardon. 251.241 Restoration to duty without triai. 251. 25 Deserter's release. 251. 26 Deserter's circulars. 251. 27 Property lost by. 251.28 Failure of commanding officers to report. 251.29 Miscellaneous. 252 Military prisons. (Establishment of, board of commissioners, regulation manufactures, donations.) 253 Military prisoners. 253. 1 Clemency. 253. 11 Pardon. 253. 12 Restoration to military service. 253. 13 Good conduct time allowance. 253. 131 Forfeiture of. 253. 2 Parole. 253. 3 Donations. 253.4 Maintenance of ex-prisoners. 253.5 Use of on construction work. 253.6 Escape, and report of escape. 253. 61 Apprehension. 253.611 Reward for. 253.9 Miscellaneous. 253. 91 Transfer of. 253. 92 Release of. *. 253. 93 Handcuffing, shackhng, placing in irons. 253. 94 Reports and returns. 253. 99 Miscellaneous. 254 Detention and internment camps. 255 Camps and prisons for prisoners of war. 99 260 Pensions. 290 Miscellaneous. 291 Geneology and race. 291.1 Genealogy. 291.2 Race. (Descendants, marriages, parentage, heredity, nativity, nationality.) (Negroes and Negro race; Filipinos and tribes, American Indians.) 292 Quasi-military persons. (Families of officers, families of enlisted men, servants, sutlers, and post traders, stragglers, veterans, camp followers.) 293 Funerals and burials, and reports of. 293. 1 Honors, body and pall bearers, escorts. 293. 2 Officers and families, volunteer and ex-officers, and nurses. 293. 3 Enlisted men and families, volunteer and ex-soldiers. 293. 4 Civilians and others, including Confederates. 293. 5 Cemeteries, burial expenses, assignments of burial lots. 293. 6 Monuments and tombstones. (Location and size, inscriptions, contributions.) 293. 7 Headstones and footstones. (Applications for and shipment of; erection of.) (For supply see 468.) 293. 8 Removals and reinterments. (Officers and families, enlisted men and families, civil- ians and others.) 293. 9 Miscellaneous. (Bodies, corpses, cadavers, remains, the dead, recovery of, disposal of.) (For sanitary measures see 722.) 300 ADMINISTRATION. 310 Business methods and procedure. 320 Organization of the Army. 330 Military control. 340 Recruitment. 350 Education. 360 Aviation and aeronautics. 370 Employment, use, and movement of troops. 380 War and peace. 390 101) 300 ADMINISTRATIOxN. 300. 1 Laws rolating to administration of Army. 300. 2 Articles of War. (Amendment and revision, interpretation and const ruc- tion.) 300. 3 ■ Army regulations. (Amendments, interpretation and construction, changes and revisions.) 300. 4 Orders. (Executive, general, special including travel, court- martial, field orders or messages, secret or sealed orders, obituary.) 300. 5 Circulars and bulletins. (War Department circulars, bureau circulars, uniform and national cemetery regulations, amendment and revisions, bulletins.) 300. 6 Memoranda, notes, (Artillery, General Staff, National Guard.) 300. 7 Drill regulations or tactics, manuals. (Systems of tactics, mobile army; regulations arms of the service, inquiries on points; manual of arms, in- quiries on pfs, ])arber shops, etc. (Establishment of, regulations, civilians operating.) 331. 51 Laundries. 331. 52 Tailor shops. 331. 53 Barber shops. 331. 59 Miscellaneous. 331. 6 Kitcliens and gardens, etc. 331. 9 Miscellaneous. 332 Flags, trophies, and personal property. (For supply, see 400.) 332. 1 Flags. (Captured, Confederate, .National, desecration, misuse, use for advertising purposes, inscriptions of battles on silver bands and rings.) 332. 2 Trophies. (National, Nevada, Palma, Soldier of Marathon.^ 332. 3 Personal property. 332. 31 Civilian clothing. (Wearing of, by ollicers, wearing of, by enlisted men, sale of cast-off clothing by recruits.) 118 Personal property — Continued. 332. 32 Officers. (Disposition of and storage of.) (See 400. ) 332. 33 Enlisted men. (Disposition of and storage of.) (See-lOO.) 332. 34 Civilian employees. (Disposition of and storage of.) (See 400.) 332. 39 Miscellaneous. 332. 9 ^Miscellaneous. 333 Inspections and investigations by inspectors general and other officers, and reports of. (Methods and manner of ma^dn.i,', regiilations gov- erning, special instructions.) 333. 1 Military posts, hospitals, de{)()ts, arsenals, armories, stations, districts, and cemeteries, in their entirety. 333. 2 Maneuvers, target practices, tournaments, field marches. 333. 3 Organizations of troops. (Including all units Regular Army, \ati( nal Army, Rod ( ro.'is, and volunteer units, i 333. 31 In the field. (Cantonments, mol)ili/.ati(>n and coincutrntion camps.") In garrison or (jiiarters. Militia or National Guard organizations and property. In field. In garrison or .jiuirters. Investigations. Buildings, reservations, as to condition, np'^eep, repair. \>ssels, Army transports, and harhor hoats. Business methods. Accounts. Money acconnts. Pro|)erty accounts. Reports, Miscellaneous. Other property and sup[)lies as to condition, upkeep and repair. 333. 35 333. 4 333. 44 333. 45 333. 5 333. 6 333. 7 333. 8 333. 81 333. 811 333. 812 333. 82 333. 9 333. 91 119 334 Boards, coimcUs, coniinissions. 384. 1 Examining })oards and reports. 334. 2 Regulations and equipment boards, and reports. 334. 3 Service boartls, and reports. 334. 4 Efficiency boards, and reports. 334. 5 College inspection, and reports. 334. 6 Retiring, and reports. 334. 7 Boards, other, and proceedings of. 334. 8 Commissions, committees, and councils, missions, and reports. 334. 9 Miscellaneous. 335 Honors and ceremonie|^ 335. 1 Honors. 335. 11 Official courtesies. 335. 12 Salutes. 335. 13 Saluting stations. 335. 14 Entertainment of distinguished guests. 335. 15 Testimonials and thanks. 335. 16 Rolls of honor. 335. 17 Honorary degrees. 335. 19 Miscellaneous. 335. 2 Ceremonies. (Precedence of troops; reviews, inirudep, roll calls, musters, receptions, inspections.) 335. 29 Miscellaneous. 335. 291 Service calls. (ReviUe, retreat, uuard mount, changes, new calls.) 336 Foreign and international alTsirs and relations. 336. 01 International agreements. 336. 1 Foreign commerce and customs r ^gulalions. 336. 2 Foreign armies. 336. 21 Movement of troops on V. S. Ti>rritory. 336. 22 Noncoinmissioncd oflicers. 336. 23 Privates. 336. 29 Miscellaneous, 336. 3 Foreign navies. 336. 31 Foreign vessels. 336. 4 Foreign officers. 336. 5 International ))Oundary. 336. 6 International conferences. 336. 7 I'or.Mgners and foriMgn s!il)jncts. 33r). 8 Activities of roT(M<.';ii(>rs in I'nit' d S(;;("s. 336. 9 Miscellaneous. 336. 91 Foreign ambassadors, ministers, envoys, i-ei)re- sontatives. 336. 02 Consuls and consular agents. 336. 93 Foreign attaches. 336. 94 Foreign embassies. 336. 95 Foreign rulers, potentates, kings, queens, em- perors, presidents. 336. 96 Transfer or release of foreign subjects from U. S. service to foreign service and from foreign service to U. S. service. 337 Conferences, military, qiival, and other. iL'L 3!3 recruitment. CIl Recruiting. oil. 1 Army at largo. 841. '2 ])c])artiurntal aiul rogiiucnial. 841. '.] Special rocruitiiig for arms of sorvico. 341. 4 Ilecriiiting regulations. I Instructions to govern, recruiting circulars or posters, trimonthly reports, night recial enlistment for staff departments. 342. 18 Ineligibles, special authority for enlistment of aliens, Indians, married men, military prisoners. 342. 19 Miscellaneous. 34'> 1 •2-2 Recruits. (Qualitications, moral, medical examination, iagtruc- tion.) 343. 1 Application for recruits, ])y: (Staff departments. Medical Department, Military Academy detachments, Ordnance Department, Qnartermaster Corps, Sitrnal Corps, line of the Army, Coast and Field Artillery, colored, white. Cavalry, Engineers, Infantry. nati\e troops.) 3i3. 2 Assignment. (Available for, staff departments, line of the Army, select, conducting to stations, reports of comniand- ing officers on, quality of, reports by commanding orticers.) 343. 9 Miscellaneous. 344 identification. 344. 1 Systems of. (Finger print, outline figure card, photographic, personal marks, number system.) 344. 2 Charts, tables, use of identification tags. (For supply see 421.) 344 3 ' Calls on commanding officers to correct defective finger l^rints, [)liotographs, or make new ones. 12;] 350 Education. 3.30.001 Lectures. 350. 01 Literature for use of tJie Army. 350. 02 Eeadiug matter. 350.03 Language, study of ami proficiency in. 350. 04 Military nuisuems. 350. 05 Military informatioiv, collect ioji. 350. 051 Dissemination of. 350. 06 Military pi'oblems. 350. 07 Military observations. 350. 08 Military topography. 350. 09 Miscellaneous. 350. 1 Foreign military schools, attendance officers and en- listed men. 350. 2 Foreign officers, attendance at military schools in United States. 350. 3 Civilians, attendance at military schools in United States. Instruction reports from arms of the service. Illiteracy in the Army. Tactical rides and walks. Tactical rides; staff rides. Tactical walks. Military Academy. Officers of, superintendent, professors, comman- dant of cadets, treasurer, disbursing of- ficer, adjutant. Quartermaster Corps officers, master of the sword, teachere, instructors, organists. 351.011 Transfer of. 351. 02 Detachment of eidisted men. 351.03 Band. 351. 04 Regulations. 351.05 Departments. 3')1. 051 Curriculum or courses of ii)structi«.>n. 351.052 Weights. 351.053 Class standing. 351. 054 Demotion (turjuul back). 351. 055 Suspension of duties. 351. 050 Miscellaneous. 351. OG Acndemic l)oard and Board of Visitoi's. 350. 4 350. 5 350. 6 350. 61 350. 62 351 351. 01 J24 351. 1 Cadets. 351. 11 Appointment and reappointment. 351. 12 Altcniates. 351. 13 Probation. 351. 14 Keinstatement. 351. 15 Examination, pliysieal and jnental. 351. 151 Cadets at the aeadeiny. 351. 152 Deficient in examination. 351. 153 Candidates. 351. 154 Reexaminatioji. 351. 159 Miscellaneous. 351. 16 Demerits. 351. 17 Punishment. 351. 18 Appeals. 351. 19 _ Hazing. 351. 21 Absence. 351. 22 Distinguished. 351. 23 Graduation list. 351.24 Separation . 351. 241 Resignation. 351.242 Dismissal. 351. 243 Suspension. 351. 25 Vacancies. 351. 26 Use of, to instruct niiUtni. 351. 27 Circulars of iiiformatio]i. 351.28 Candidates. 351.281 Admission of. ^ 351. 2S2 Oaths. 351. 283 Date to report. 351.284 Districts. 351.2') Rolls (Coii(lu(.-l, ins'rit, aniiuul, s^Tlioii.) 351.33 Uniforms. 3-")l. 35 Change of name. 351.30 Warrants . 351.37 Residence. 351. 38 Admission and educnliou of for^'igners. 351. 39 Corps of cadets. 351. 391 Appoiiitment of cadet ofhcers. 351. 392 Appointment cadet, noncommissioned. 351.41 Encampment. 351. 42 Cadet store. 351.9 Miscellaneous. 125 352 Army service schools and staff colleges. 352.01 Establisluncnt of. 352. 1 1 Course of instruction. 352. 12 Examinations. 352. 121 Questions for examinations. 352. 122 Reexaminations. 352. 13 Essays and lectures. 352. 14 Service School journals. 352. 15 Students. 352. 151 Excused from attendance. 352. 152 Exemption. 352. 16 Instructors. 352. 17 Graduates. 352. 171 Post graduate cDurses. 352. 18 Proficiency nnd deficiency. 352. 181 Profici'.^iU'v 352. 182 Doiiciency. 352. 183 Dip'.on:).as and certificates. 352. 184 Honcr rolls. 352. 19 Miscellancou.^1. 352. 191 Dotaclmients at. 352. 192 Officers of. (Commandants, superintendents, etc.) 352. 3 Garrison schools. 352.31 Course of instruction. 352. 32 Examination. 352.321 Questions for examinations. 352. 322 Reexamination. 352. 33 Essays and lectures. 352. 34 Service Schools journals. 352. 35 Students. 352. 351 Excused from attendance. 352. 352 Exemption. 352. 36 Instructors. 352. 37 Graduates. 352. 371 Post graduate course. 352. 38 Proficiency and deficiency. 352. 381 Proficiency. 352. 382 Deficiency. 352. 383 Reexamination. 352. 384 Diplomas and certificates. 352. 385 Honor rolls. 352. 389 Miscellaneous. 352. 39 Miscellaneous. 352. 9 MisccUaneous schools. (Post schools, ('oncsjxmdcnco schools.) 126 353 Training. (Cooperation in ffiilitary training, citizens" (rainini;-.) 353. 01 Schedules. 3.53. 02 Instruction. (Instruction viyits.) 353. 03 ■ Night training. 353. 1 Target practice. 353. 11 Target year; suspension of; target season. 353. 13 Signal Service. 353. 14 Small arms firing. (Classification, figure of merit. Coast Arlillery, colleges, gallery, macliine-gun platoons, special course for National Guard.) 353. 15 Marksmanship. (Qualification, classificatioTi, certificate of marks- manship.) 353. 16 Artillery, Field. 353. 17 Artillery, Coast. (Rapid fire, machine gun, moriar, .siege gun. batteries at posts, assignment to guns and calibers and batteries; night practice; subcaliber and mine practice, figure of merit, records and reports, reports of mine practice.) 353. 2 Small arms competition. (Teams, entrance and other fees, officials, prizes, international, national. Army, Xali-'nal (Juard. State, interstate, department, aud division, annua; reports.) 353. 3 National shooting matches. (Tryouts, teams, entrance and other fees, ofiicials, prizes, rifie clubs and teams. ) 353. 4 Firing. (Tests of, circuits for sea(>oas(s, sahos and salvo points, proof firing.) 353. 5 Drills and exercises. (Competitive, exhibitiun, prize, .signals and signal- ing (including telegraph and telephone), e(|uita- tion, horse racing, guard duty, instruction drills, practice marches, itineraries, tests, trench warfare, trench building, j)hysical exercise, walking, run- ning, horsemansliip, fencing and similar drills, tournaments, military, swordsmanship, camouflage training and instruction, bayonet exercises, gun- ners; radio, first aid and grenade instruction, gas defense.) 353.51 Excused from. 127 ?,')•.]. G War games. (Aviation, see 373.) 3o3. 7 Musical training. (Vocal, instrumental, teachers, instruction, orcTie."- tra, strins:, brass, hugio calls.) :]53. s Alhleti<'s and amusements. (lioxiuii;, prize lighting, jiu jitsu, wrestling, swiui- niing, gymnastics, wall scaling, games, liaseball, basket l>all, liilliards, bowling, footljall, golf, f-olo, })()()1, tennis, amusements, concerts, dances, en- tertainments, exJiibitions, handball, hockey, j ,353. 9 Miscellaneous. (Cooking.) 353, ()i ^^)(•ati<)nal and industrial training. (Reeducation ol' disabled soldiers,) 354 Field camps. 354. 1 Camps of instruction. 354. 1 1 Establishment of. 354. 12 Discontinuance of. 354. 13 Extension of limits of. 354. 14 Contraction of limits of. 354. 15 Headquarters of. 354. 16 Commanders of. 354. 161 Authority of. 354. 162 Duties of. 354. 17 Staff oflicers of. (As chief of staff, adjutant, quartermaster, sur- geon, and other staff otiicers,) 354. 171 Authority of. 354. 172 Duties of. 354. 18 llules and regulations. 254. 19 Miscellaneous. 354. 2 Maneuvers. 354. 21 Organization of. 354. 22 Discontinuance of. 354. 23 Rules and regulations. 354. 25 Headquarters of. 354. 26 Commanders of. 354. 261 Authority of. 354. 262 Duties of. 354. 27 Staff officers of. (As chief of staff, adjutant, quartermaster, sur- geon, and other staff oflicers.) 354. 271 Authority of. 354. 272 Duties of. 128 Manoiivers — Continued. 3.>4. 2S Rules and regulations. ;^34. 29 Miscellaneous. 354. o Mobilization camps. 354. 81 Establishment of. 354. 32 Discontinuance of. 354. 33 Extension of limits of. 354. 34 Contraction of limits of. 354. 35 Headquarters of. 354. 36 Commanders of. 354. 361 Authority of. 354. 362 Duties of. 354. 37 Staff officers of. (As chief of staff, adjutant, quartermaster, sur- geon, and other staff ofhcers.) 354.371 Authority of. 354. 372 Duties of. 354. 38 Rules and regulations. 354. 39 Miscellaneous. 354. 4 Concentration camps. 354. 41 Establisliment of. 354. 42 Discontinuance of. 354. 43 Extension of limits of. 354. 44 Contraction of limits of. 354. 45 Headquarters of. 354. 46 Commanders of. 354. 461 Authority of. «^ 354. 462 Duties of. 354. 47 Staff officers of. (As chief of staff, adjutant, quartermaster, sur- geon, and other staff officers.) 354. 471 Authority of. 354. 472 Duties of. 354. 48 Rules and regulations. 354. 49 Miscellaneous. 354. 5 Cantonments. 354. 51 Establishment of. 354. 52 Discontinuance of. 354. 53 Extension of limits of 354. 54 Contraction of limits of 354. 55 Headquarters of 354. 56 Commanders of 354. 561 Authority of 354. 562 Duties of 129 Cantonments — Continued. 354. 57 Staff officers of. (As chief of staff, adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon, and other staff officers.) 354. 571 Authority of. 354. 572 Duties of. 354. 58 Rules and regulations. 354. 59 Miscellaneous. 354. 6 Training camps. 354. 61 Establishment of. 354. 62 Discontinuance of. 354. 63 Extension of limits of 354. 64 Contraction of limits of. 354. 65 Headquarters of. 354. 66 Commanders of. 354. 661 Authority of. 354. 662 Duties of 354. 67 Staff officers of. (As chief of staff, adjutant, quartermaster, sur- geon, and other staff officers.) 354. 671 Authority of. 354. 672 Duties of. 354. 68 Rules and regulations. 354. 69 Miscellaneous. 354. 7 Recuperative and convalescent camps, 354. 71 Establishment of. 354. 72 Discontinuance of. 354. 73 Extension of limits of. 354. 74 Contraction of limits of. 354. 75 Headquarters of. 354. 76 Commanders of. 354. 761 Authority of. 354. 762 Duties of. 354. 77 Staff officers of. (Adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon and other staff officers.) 354. 771 Authority of. 354. 772 Duties of. 354. 78 Rules and regulations. 354. 79 Miscellaneous. 354.9 Miscellaneous. (Arrange alphabetically by names of camps and subdivide as outlined supra as in 354. 7.) 61127°— 18 ^9 4 130 360 Aviation and aeronautics. 360. 01 Policy of War Department as to development, and laws and regulations as to licenses. 360. 02 Study of, as problem. (Reports of officers and enlisted men, reports of officers observing foreign and enemy aircrafts.) 370 Employment, operation, and movement of troops. 370. 01 Mobilization and concentration. 370. 02 United States troops passinoj through foroi<)^n ter- ritory. 370. 03 Invasion. 370. 0-4 Siege. 370. 05 Evacuation. 370. 07 Damages caused by military activities. 370. 09 Miscellaneous. 370. 091 Escorts, guards and convoys. 370. 092 Reenforcements. 370. 093 Military police. 370. 094 Snipers and Sniping. 370. 095 ' Secret Service. 370. 1 To give aid and relief in time of disaster. 370. 11 Accidents, railroad and other. 370. 12 Earthquakes. 370. 13 Famine. 370. 14 Floods. 370. 15 Storms, cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes. 370. 16 Fires. 370. 19 Miscellaneous. 370. 2 Operations and reports of. 370. 22 Expeditions and campaigns. 370. 23 Scouts and skirmishes, 370. 24 Engagements. 370. 25 Explorations. 370. 26 Joint Army and Navy operations. 370. 28 Camouflage operations. 370. 29 Miscellaneous. 370. 3 Protection of seacoast. 370. 31 Submarine mine defense. 370. 32 Harbor defenses. 370. 4 ('(>mmunication,.ways and means. 370. 41 Line of communication. 370. 42 Establishment of base lines. 370. 43 Base sections. 370. 44 Advance sections. 370. 45 Intermediate sections. 370. 49 Miscellaneous. 370. 5 Assignments, changes of stations. (Reports of arrival and (loi)arture.) 132 370. 6 Su])pression of lawlessness. 370. 61 Riots and strikes. 370. 62 Filibustering. 370. 63 ■ Insurrections. 370. 64 Guerrilla warfare. 370. 6.5 Indian depredations and dances. 370. 66 Troops as posse comitatus. 370. 69 Miscellaneous. 370. 7 Exhibitions and parades. (Applications for from societies, fairs, horse shows, inauguration ceremonies, tournaments, use of air- craft.) 370. 8 Martial law, provost marshals. 370. 9 Miscellaneous. 371 Field of operations. 371. 1 Service of information. 371. 2 Service of secu^it3^ 371. 9 Miscellaneous. 372 Field administration. (Field service regulations.) 372. 1 Service of interior. 372. 2 Service of theater of operations. 372. 3 Zone of the advance. 372. 4 Zone of the line of communications. 373 Aerial operations, all sorts. ( Photographing.) 133 380 War and peace. (Under this head, matters and terms rehiling to making peace and war, terminating, carrying on wars have been placed.) (Interventions, civil war, foreign war.) 381 Preparations and preparedness for war, plans, tables, instruc- tions, statistics, etc. 381.1 War footing. 381. 2 War strength. 381.3 Materials for war. 381. 4 Reserves for war. 381. 5 Promotion of target practice. (Army, Militia, National Guard, pducatioiial in- stitutions, clubs, home guards.) 381. 9 Miscellaneous. 382 Beginning war. 382. 1 Proclamation. 382. 2 Declaration of v/ar. 382. 9 Miscellaneous. 383 Conduct of war with relation to persons and ccmmercial firms. 383. 01 Internment. 383. 1 Safe conduct. 383. 2 Noncombatants. 383. 3 Clemency or pardon. 383. 4 Spies, espionage. 383. 5 Hostages. 383. 6 Prisoners of war. (For prisons for, see 255.) 383. 7 Refugees, reconcentrados and interned persons. (For detention and internment camps, see 254.) 383. 8 Commercial firms; blacklisted; enemy trading. 383. 9 Miscellaneous. 384 Conduct of war with relation to places, organizations, commands. 384. 1 Surrenders or abandonments. 384. 2 Capture or capitulation. 384. 3 Blockades or bombanhnents. 384. 4 Barred or restricted zones. 384.9 ^liscellaneous. 385 Methods and manner of conducting war. 385. 1 Non-intercourse. 385. 2 Weapons. 385. 3 Retaliation. 385. 4 Flags of truce. 385. 5 Embargo. 385. 9 Miscellaneous. 134 386 Property rights involved in war. 386. 1 Destruction in battle or under military necessity. 386.2 Occupancy and use and billetino;. 386. 3 Captured property. 386. 4 Borrowed from allies. 386.5 Contraband. 386.6 Internment. (For seized or interned ships see 546.) 386.9 Miscellaneous. 387 Terminating war. 387. 1 Amnesty. 387. 2 Treaties (see 388.1). 387. 3 Protocols. 387.4 Armistice. 387. 5 Arbitration and mediation (see 388.2). 387.6 Indemnities. 387.7 Proclamations. 387. 9 Miscellaneous. 388 Preserving peace. 388. 1 Treaties (see 387.2). 388. 2 Arbitrations (see 387.5). 388. 3 Disannament. 388.4 Militarism. 388.9 Miscellaneous. 3S0 Miscellaneous. 400 SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES. 410 Building material, machines and hardware. 420 Clothing, equipage, and toilet articles. 430 Subsistence stores. 440 Medical, surgical, dental, veterinary supplies, equipment and instru- ments. 450 Supplies for transportation, animals and packing supplies. 460 Other supplies. 470 Armament and ammunition. 480 Services, other than personal. 490 (135) 400 SUPPLIES, SERVICES, AND EQUIPMENT. . 400. 1 Selection, ado])tion, and acquisition. 400. 11 Selection and adoption. 400. Ill New articles and inventions or patents offered for use of Army. 400. 112 Tests, trials, analyses, investigations of arti- cles of supply, equivalents, experi- ments. 400. 113 Changes and improvements in articles of supply. 400. 114 Specifications, standard samples, drawings, designs, charts, data, patterns, sizes, measurements. 400. 1141 Specifications. 400. 1 142 Standard samples. 400. 1143 Drawings. 400. 1144 Designs. 400. 1145 Charts. 400. 1146 Patterns. 400. 1147 • Sizes. 400. 1148 Measurements. 400. 1149 Miscellaneous. 400. 115 Types, kinds and classes of su])plies to be used for which no specifications nor standard samples are adopted. 400. 12 Procurement. 400. 1201 Methods of. 400. 1202 Commandeering. 400. 1203 Lease or hire of. 400. 121 Advertising and under formal contract. 400. 122 Advertising and proi)osal and acceptance. 400. 13 Purchases. 400. 1301 Priority. 400. 131 Requests for authority to purchase. (Pur- chase request.) > 400. 132 Authority to purchase without request. 400. 133 Approval of action in making purchases. 400. 134 Subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals. 400. 135 Purchases from other departments or bu- reaus. (137) 138 Purchases — Continued. 400. 136 Purchases abroad. 400. 137 Reports of purchases made, and market conditions. 400. 138 Purchase orders. 400. 139 Miscelhineous. 400. 1391 Open-market purchases. 400. 1392 Emergency purchases. 400. 1393 Purchases for export. 400. 14 P)ids, abstracts, awards, contracts. 400. 141 Bids. 400. 1411 Circulars to bidders and advertise- ments. (Copies of, contents, conditions in.) 400. 1412 Authority to invite bids. 400. 142 Abstracts. 400. 1421 Of i)ro|)osals and bids. 400. 1422 Of awards. 400. 143 Awards. 400. 145 Contracts. 400. 146 Proposal and acceptance agreements. 400. 147 Complaints and protests of bidders. 400. 148 (V:)mplaints and protests of contractors. 400. 149 Miscellaneous. 400. 15 Advertisements, catalogues, l)idders' lists. 400. 151 Advertisements, circulars, samples. 400. 1511 . Advertisements. 400. 1512 Circulars. 400. 151)5 Samples. 400. 152 Catalogues. 400. 153 Offers to sell supplies to United States. 400. 154 l\of| nests for information as to how to pro- ceed to obtain Government busi- ness, lists of purchasing officers. -lOO. 1541 Kequests for information. 400. 1542 Lists of purchasing officers. 400. 155 Lists of bidders and contractors. 400. 1551 Lists of bidders. 400. 1552 Lists of contractors. 400. 156 Introductions and credentials of represen- tatives of business houses. 400. 157 Govermnent recommendations or testi- monials. 400. 1 58 Use of Government name in advertisements. 400. 159 ^liscellaneous. 139 400. 16 Marking, packing, and inspection of. 400. 161 , Marking. 400.1611 Branding. 400. 162 Packing. 400. 1621 Baling. 400. 163 Inspecting. 400. 164 Samples and reports of articles inspected. 400. 165 Inspections for other branches of Govern- ment. 400. 16!) Miscellaneous. 400. 1 7 Manufacture of. 400. 171 Methods of manufacture. 400. 1 72 Allowances of materials for manufacture. 400. 173 Manufactures authorized at depots or arse- nals by operatives. 400. 174 Priority. 400. 179 Miscellaneous. 400. 18 Bids, abstracts, awards, contracts, for manufac- ture from materials furnished by United States, 400. 181 Bids. 400. 1811 Circulars to bidders and advertise- ments. 400. 1812 Authority to invite bids. 400. 182 Abstracts. 400. 1821 Of proposals and bids. 400. 1822 Of awards. 400. 183 Awards. 400. 185 Contracts. 400. 186 Proposal and acceptance agreements. 400. 187 Complaints and protests of bidders. 400. 188 Complaints and protests of contractors. 400. 189 Miscellaneous. 400. 19 Miscellaneous. 400. l!)l Statistics, price lists, costs, descriptive cards. 400.1911 Statistics. 400. 1912 Price hsts. 400. 1913 Costs. 400. 1914 Descriptive cards. 140 M iscellaneous —Continue d . 400. 192 Reports as to supplies and equipment pur- chased, manufactured, condition, progress. 400. 1921 Reports as to supplies and equipment purchased. 400. 1922 Reports as to supplies and equipment manufactured. 400. 1923 Reports as to conditions. 400. 1924 Reports of progress. 400. 1929 Miscellaneous. 400. 2 Handling, storing, transf(UTing, preparing for use. 400. 21 Administration of depots and arsenals. 400. 211 Stocks to be carried. 400. 212 Replenishments of stocks. 400.213 Transfers of stocks between depots or ar- senals. 400. 215 Additions to stocks. 400. 216 Capacity to manufacture. 400. 219 Miscellaneous. 400. 22 Transfers and exchanges, and shipment of. 400. 221 Transfers between posts, and stations. 400. 222 Transfers with organizations or individuals. changing station. 400. 223 Exchanges betweeen posts and depots. 400. 224 Exchanges with and returns from militia or National Guard. 400. 225 Transfers between bureaus or staff corps. 400. 226 Shipment of (see also 523). 400. 229 Miscellaneous. 400. 23 Reserve stocks and field supply depots. 400. 231 Supplies placed in reserve. 400. 232 Field supply depots. 400. 24 vStoring or storage of supplies. (For service of storage see 486. 1) 400. 241 Methods of storing and preserving. 400. 242 Space and utilization of same. 400. 25 Preparing for use. 400. 251 Salting or curing. 400.2511 Tanning. 400. 252 Canning or preserving. 400. 253 Cooking or baking. 400. 2531 Cooking. 400. 2532 Baking. i > 141 Preparing for use — Continued. 400. 254 Inlying or desiccating. 400. 2541 Drying. 400. 2542 Desiccating. 400. 255 Mounting. 400. 25G Dismounting. 400. 257 Dyeing. 400. 258 Waterproofing. 400. 259 Miscellaneous. 400. 2591 Shrinking. 400. 2592 Sponging. 400.26 Hauling. 400. 27 Galvanizing, electroplating, plating, etc. 400. 271 Galvanizing. 400. 272 Electroplating. 400. 273 Welding and forging. 400. 274 Planing. 400. 275 Stabilizing. 400. 276 Plating. 400. 279 Miscellaneous. 400. 29 Miscellaneous. 400. 291 Reports of stock on hand. 400. 3 Distribution of. 400. 301 Classification for purposes of distribution. 400. 302 Methods and points of supply. 400. 303 Priority of supply. 400. 311 Methods of preparing and submitting requi- sitions. 400. 312 Requisitions for supplies, repairs, and alter- ations, etc. 400. 313 Directions to supply or directions to sub- mit requisitions, 400. 314 Estimates or data as to needs of posts, sta- tions, organizations. 400.315 Complaints of delay or nonreceipt of sup- plies called for on requisitions. 400. 316 Criticisms of supplies furnished on specified requisitions. 400. 317 Reports as to unfilled requisitions or inabil- ity to furnish supplies called for. 400. 318 To foreign governments. 400.319 Miscellaneous. 142 400. .32 Sales. 400. 321 To officers and their families, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. 400. 322 To enlisted men and their families, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. 400. 323 To employees and their families. 400. 324 To militia or National Guard and militia- men or national guardsmen. 400. 325 To other bureaus and departments, and employees. 400. 326 To cadet store, soldiers' homes, post ex- changes, Y. M. C. A., K. of C, Red Cross Society, etc. 400. 327 To Y. M. C. A. secretaries, postmasters, civilians' libraries. 400. 32S Applications from unauthorized civilians to make purchases and requests for information as to where supplies can be purchased. 400. 329 ■ To miscellaneous. 400. 3291 Manufacturers and inventors. 400. 3292 Military or semimilitar}^ organizations. 400. 3293 Volunteers. 400. 3294 Rifle clubs and schools. 400. 3295 Foreign governments. 400. 3299 Miscellaneous. 400. 33 Loans. '' 400. 331 To other bureaus and departments. 400. 332 To patriotic, charitable, and similar organi- zations. 400. 333 vSpecially authorized by Congress. 400. 334 To Mihtia or National Guard and schools. 400. 335 Donations. 400. 336 To foreign governments. 400. 339 Miscellaneous. 400. 34 Allowances. 400.3401 For Artillery target practice. 400.3402 For small-arms target practice. 400.3403 For camps of instruction. 400.3404 For the national match. 400.3409 Miscellaneous. 400.341 To officers, nurses, field clerks. 400.342 To enlisted men. > 143 Allowances — Continued. 400. 343 To employees. 400. 344 To others, milians, prisoners. 400. 345 To organizations. 400.346 To posts and stations, depots, arsenal. camps. 400. 347 To buildings, offices, libraries. 400. 348 To militia or National Guard. 400. 349 To miscellaneous units (as horses, scho(^ls, instruction purposes, etc.). 400. 35 Issues of. 400. 3501 Methods of issuing. 400. 3502 Prices at which issued. 400. 3503 Gratuitous issues. 400. 3504 Special and extra issues. 400. 3509 Miscellaneous. 400. 351 To officers. 400. 352 To enlisted men, nurses, restored enlisted men. 400. 353 To employees. 400. 354 To other persons, civilians, prisoners, etc. 400. 355 To organizations. 400. 356 To posts and stations, depots, arsenals, camps. 400. 357 To buildings, offices, libraries. 400. 358 To militia or National Guard. 400. 3581 Laws and regulations as to. 400. 3582 Conditions of. 400. 3583 At camps. 400. 3584 Suspension of. 400. 3589 Miscellaneous. 400. 359 To miscellaneous units (as horses, schools, etc.). 400. 3591 To foreign Governments. 400. 36 Expenditure of, or consumption of. 400. 37 Supplies for expeditions. 400. 38 Rehef of destitutes. 400. 39 Miscellaneous. 400. 4 Using, wearing, utihzing, maintaining, and operating, methods of. 400. 401 Using, utilizing, wearing. 400. 402 Maintaining, caring for. 400. 403 Operating, and methods of. 144 400. 41 Installation, and location of, 400.411 Installation. 400. 412 Location of. 400. 42 Defects in. 400. 43 Accidents and damage to. 400.44 Accidents and damage from blasts from ordnance. 400. 5 Repairs and alterations, roaching, frosting. 400. 51 Conversion and alteration. 400. 52 Overhauling and repairing. 400. 521 Eelining. 400. 522 Eeleveling. 400. 523 Renovating. 400. 529 Miscellaneous. 400. 53 Roaching. 400. 54 Frosting. 400. 59 Miscellaneous. 400. 6 Reclamations and replacements. 400. 61 Shortages, discrepancies. 400. 62 Broken articles or packages. 400. 63 Damaged or deteriorated. 400. 631 Destroyed to prevent contagion. 400. 64 Defective. 400. 69 Miscellaneous. 400. 7 Disposition of. 400. 701 Unserviceable. 400. 702 Obsolete. 400. 703 Surplus. %» 400. 704 Unclaimed or stray. 400. 705 Condemned. 400. 709 Miscellaneous. 400. 71 Sales at auction. 400. 72 Unlawful. 400. 73 Losses and thefts. 400. 74 Waste. 400. 75 Turned in. 400. 79 Miscellaneous. 400. 8 Conservation of, or saving of. 400. 9 Miscellaneous. 400. 91 Breeding. 400. 92 Training. 400. 93 Salvaging. 401 Systems of supply and distribution. 145 402 Miscellaneous papers. 402. 1 Requests for samples, specifications, illustrations, re- cipes. 402. 2 Requests for information as to articles of supply. 402. 3 Complaints and criticisms, 402. 4 Professional and technical papers in re. 402. 5 Samples and descriptions of equipment foreign armies. 402. 9 Miscellaneous. 403 Farming operations. 403. 2 Crop reports. 403. 3 Gardening. 403. 4 Dairying and poultry raising. 403. 5 Farm and dairy products. 403. 51 Sale of. 403. 9 Miscellaneous. 404 Remount Service. (See 484.) 404, 3 Remount depots and other stations, auxiliary, field, etc, (Reports and operations.) 404. 9 Miscellaneous. 61127 —18 10 146 410 Building material, machines, and hardware. 410. 1 Hardware. 410. 2 Metals, all classes (see 470. 1). 410. 9 Miscellaneous. 411 Building and other material. 411. 1 Lumber, wood, timber, poles, posts, piles, etc. 411. 2 Flooring and roofing, tan bark, tent floors, etc. 411. 3 Fixtures and equipments. (Screens, storm doors, windows, vestibules, shutters, window shades, awnings, ventilators, ventilating fans, wall lockers, fire escapes, ladders, etc.) 411.4 Frames and sashes for doors and windows, portable houses. 411.5 Steel and iron, framework, sheeting, corrugated wire, fencing (see 410.2). 411. 51 Steel remforcing for concrete construction. 411. 6 Paints, oils, varnishes, kalsomine, creosote, turpentine, glass, celluloid, putty, ghie, etc, 411. 7 Builders' hardware. (Metal fixtures, locks, keys, door knobs, hinges, window weights, metal materials, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, chains, rivets, brads, tacks, tin, wire, etc.) 411. 73 Rope, cordage, twine, etc. 411. 8 Cement, stone, etc. (Asphalt, tar, road oils, cement, lime, waterproofing materials, concrete, sand, mortar, crushed stone, brick, stone, tiling, paving blocks, resin, gravel, etc.) 411.9 Miscellaneous. 412 Mechanical and electrical equipment. 412. 1 Heating and lighting equipment. (Radiators, registers, boilers for heating, electric-light fixtures, gas and other light fixtures, heating stoves and ranges, stovepipe, furnaces, fireplaces, andirons, supplies, and parts.) 412. 2 Plumbing and sewer materials and equipment, engme and boiler supplies. (Iron pipe, joints, elbows, connections, water heaters, hydrants, drinking fountains, sewer pipe, joints, elbows, connections, closets, tanks, flushes, urinals, bathtubs, sinks, washtubs, lavatories, shower baths, asbestos, pack- ing for joints; metals, babbitt, and other welding and packing compounds and materials; lubricating oils, greases, waste, boiler compounds, solder, okum, etc.) 147 412.3 Machinery. (Air compressors, boilers and equipment, ice and re- frigerating machinery, ice-cutting tools, laundry ma- chinery, ammunition machinery, baking and cooking machinery, pumps and equipment, safety devices, smoke consumers, fuel economizers, pulleys, belting, bellows, etc.) 412. 4 Electrical machinery equipment and material. 412. 41 Electrical machinery. (Electrically driven engines, generators, generating sets, dynamos, motors, etc.) 412. 42 Electrical equipment and material. (Switchboards, power panels, operating boards, trans- formers, storage batteries, cells, magnetos, wire cables, blocks, signal blocks, master blocks, mine blocks, rec- tifiers, arresters, reels, spools, etc.) 412. 5 Engines, motors, and parts. (Engines, internal combustion type, and others; ball bearings, carbureters, auxiliary parts of engines, such as auxiliary air intakes and oxygen generators, cylinders, cylinder heads, battery ignition parts, and conductors, manifolds, mufflers, propellers, propeller hubs and parts thereof, spark plugs, spark caps, tanks, fuel, oil, pistons, wrist pins, wrist-pin bushings, grease cups, bushings, barings (not ball bearings), starters and all parts and connections thereto, gaskets, cam shafts, cam shaft bear- ings; valves and parts, such as tappets, push rods and connecting-rod bearings, bolts, etc.; crank shafts, crank- shaft bearings; timing gears, including cover and cover bolts and screws; oil pumps and parts thereof, crank cases, sumps, oil gauges, gasoline gauge, air compressors, etc.) 412. 9 Miscellaneous. 413 Tools, instruments, and machines. 413. 1 Tools and implements. 413. 11 Ammunition tools, loading tools. 413. 12 Carpenters' tools. 413. 13 Plumbers' tools. 413. 14 Electricians' tools. 413. 15 Blacksmiths' tools. 413. 16 Tailors' tools. 413. 17 Pioneer tools. 413. 18 Agricultural, farm, and laws tools. 413. 19 Miscellaneous tools. 413. 191 Painters' tools. 413. 192 Saddlers' tools. 148 Miscellaneous tools — Continued. 413. 193 Cobblers' tools. 413. 194 Farriers' tools. 413. 195 Wlieelwrights' tools. 413. 2 Fire-figbting apparatus and supplies. (Fire engines, trucks, hose and reel carts, fire extin- guishers, hand grenades, charges for extinguishers, chemical gases, hose, barrels, buckets, etc.) 413. 3 Musical and band instruments. (Band instruments and parts, band equipment, music stands, holders, pouches, trumpets, bugles, fifes, drums, whistles, musical instruments, pianos, organs, guitars, phonographs, graphophones, automatic pianos and players, music rolls, phonograph records, sheet music, etc.) 413. 4 Telephone and telegraph. 413. 41 Telegraph instruments, supplies and equipment. 413, 42 Telephone instruments, supplies and equipment. 413. 43 Cable instruments, supplies and equipment. 413. 44 Wireless and radio instruments, supplies and equipment. 413. 45 Telautophones, telautographs, and telegrapho- phones. 413. 46 Bell and buzzer systems. 413. 47 Megaphones, speaking tubes. 413. 49 Miscellaneous. 413. 5 Office machines, reproducing and printing machines, photographic machines and equipment. 413. 51 Office machines. (Typewriters, dictaphones, addressographs, adding machines, computing machines, bookkeeping macliines, stamping machines, letter-opening machines, sealing machines, punches, perforators, etc.) 413. 52 Printing and duplicating machmes, and equip- ment for. (Presses, multigraphs, mimeographs, and other repro- ducing machines, electrotyping and etching machines, etc.) 413. 53 Photographic machines and equipment for. (Cameras, camera guns, kodaks, stereopticons, moving- picture cameras and machines, etc.) 413. 59 Miscellaneous. 149 413. 6 Testing and measuring instruments, machines, and tools. (Electric, gas, water, blast, rheostats, gauges, scales, clocks, watches, other time measures, registers; meas- ures and meters of distance, quantity, etc.; testing- machines, models, jigs, templets, meteorological instru- ments, thermometers, barometers, speedometers, etc.) ^13. 68 Range finding and firing data instruments, etc. 413. 681 Plotting boards. 413. 682 Range and position finding instruments. 413_ 683 Firing data instruments and accessories. 413. 684 Sound ranging and other aerial range find- ing instruments. 413. 689 Miscellaneous. 413. 7 Nautical, surveying, drawing, and observing instru- ments. 413. 71 Nautical instruments. 413. 72 Surveying instruments. 413. 73 Drawing instruments. 413. 74 Observing instruments, telescopes, periscopes. 413. 75 Optical instruments. 413. 76 Reconnaissance outfits. 413. 77 Signaling and aeronautical instruments, supplies and equipment. (Signaling pistols, signaling cartridges, flares, rifle signal lights, smoke-producing p.vrotechnics, illuminat- ing rockets, signal bombs, illuminating flares, rifle signal lights, heliograph, etc.) 413. 79 Miscellaneous. 413. 8 Machines. (Road machines, cement guns, floor grinders, steam shovels, rock breakers and crushers, road machinery, concrete mixers, snow plows, sewing, buttonhole, cloth- ing, stitching, lathes, harness making, cutting, reloading, manufacturing, mowing, harvesting, hoisting, pulling, jacks, cranes, derricks, pile drivers, machines for pre- paring and handling fuel, saw and planing mills, shoe repairing, saws, machines for preparing and handling forage, baling, loading, wire winding, and similar machines.) 413. 9 Miscellaneous. 150 414 Furniture, utensils, etc. 414. 1 Furniture and furnishings. (Office furniture, desks, tables, safes, chairs; cases: Filing, book, record; ticklers, heavy furniture for offi- cers' quarters, floor coverings, rugs, matting, carpets, mats, refrigerators, ice boxes, water coolers; furniture for chapels, gymnasiums, libraries, halls, schools, etc.; mess and kitchen furniture, camp tables, barrack chairs, mirrors, curtains, frames, cushions, baskets, cuspidors, etc.) 414. 2 Cooking stoves and ranges, equipment and utensils for. (Ranges, permanent and field; ovens, permanent and field; post bakeries, field bakeries, and kitchens, rolling kitchens, cooking outfits for field use, fireless cookers, gas, oil, alcohol, and steam cooking stoves and ranges, etc.) 414. 3 Kitchen utensils, tableware. (Bread and dough tools and equipment; coffee mills, roasters, and machines; tools, as can openers, potato peelers, fire kindlers, scoops, sieves, knives, basting spoons, meat tools, etc.; utensils, pots, pans, kettles, coffee pots, tableware, plates, dishes, glasses, cellars, bowls, silverware, knives, forks, spoons, mess equipment or gear, dishwashing machines, potato-peeling machines, scales, bins, racks, etc.) 414. 4 Equipment for cleaning, sanitation, and general pur- poses. (Brooms, brushes, mops, sponges, cleaning and polishing machines, portable laundries, incinerators, field laundries, septic tanks, sterilizers, fumigators, filters, water bags, sprayers, disinfecting plants, latrines, troughs, odorless excavators, garbage cans, ash barrels and sieves, garbage screens and stands, basins; buckets of wood, canvas, or iron, etc.; dippers and similar tinware; clothespins, washboards, scrubboards, washtubs, washstands, step- ladders, clothes bars, and dryers, latrine buckets, urinal cans, etc.) 414. 5 Lamps, lanterns, gas burners. (Electric or incandescent lamps and bulbs, gas or acety- lene lamps or burners, candlesticks, flash lights, oil or gasoline lamps and burners, lanterns, candles, street lamps, wicks, burners, chimneys, and shades for lamps and lanterns, etc.) 414. 9 Miscellaneous. o 151 415 Signboards, posters, placards, signs, car cards, etc. 416 Target-range equipment and war games. (Targets, supplies, and parts for; artillery targets, small- arms targets, flags, disks, markers, etc.) 417 Ponton equipment and supplies. 418 Equipment for athletic training. (Polo, baseball, football, scaling walls, basket ball, golf, handball, and track equipment, etc.) 418. 1 Bowling equipment. 418. 2 Gymnasium equipment. 419 Miscellaneous. 152 420 Clothing, equipage, toilet articles. 421 Uniforms. (Hats, caps, helmets (see 470.72 for gas masks, etc.), coats, jackets, overcoats, shirts, breeches, trousers, shoes, leg- gings, boots, oA'ershoes, chevrons, cords, stripes, cap bands, brassards, ornaments, insignia, letters, coat and overcoat l)iittons, medals, riltbons, badges, rosettes, iden- tification tags, moccasins, jerkins, toques, aviators' clothing, etc.) 422 Clothing other than uniforms. (Fatigue or working clothing, clothing for prisoners and deserters, underclothing, stockings, socks, sweaters, jerseys, collars, ties, belts, suspenders, studs, laces, garters, gloves, gauntlets, mittens, transport and harbor boat clothing, Alaskan clothing, oilskin clothing, skiis, snowshoes, etc.) 423 Materials for manufacture of clothing and equipage. (Woolen cloths, flannels, kersey, serge, furs, cotton cloth, blue denim, linings, thread, buttons (other than coat and overcoat) ; buckles and other material for clothing and equi- page; webbing; canvas duck for tents, tarpaulins, bags, etc.; other materials for tents, tarpaulins, and bags; bunting, silk, and other material for flags, etc., leather, rubber, felt, asbestos, cartridge-bag material, imitation leather and rubber, drill, fiber, denim, fabrics, etc.) 424 Tentage, ponchos, slickers, tarpaulins, flags, etc. (Tents complete; tents and flies (parts of tents); tent pins, poles, plates, and other parts; tarpaulins, wagon covers, mantas, flags, guidons, colors, penants, banners, flag and color staffs, poles and parts, slings, rings, ponchos, slickers, rain- coats, waterproof cloth, camp stools, etc.) 425 Toilet articles. (Toilet kits, recruit kits, housewives, towels, handkerchiefs, toilet supi^lies, paper, soap, borax, tooth and talcum powder, shoe blacking and polish, shoe dressing, toilet utensils and tools, nail clips, hones, brushes, combs, shoe stretchers, button fasteners, etc., barber's supplies and tools, clothes hangers, whisk brooms, pins, etc.) 426 Personal equipment. (Belts, cartridge; bandoleers, suspenders, saber, sword, revolver, waist and shoulder, and for clubs and knives; scabbards, bayonet; bolo, machete, Hospital-Corps knife; saber, sword; spurs and straps, saber knots, gun slings, revolver lanyards and holsters, canteens, haversacks, gunners' pouches, knapsacks, cartridge boxes, tin cups, knives, forks, spoons, mess kits, wire cutters, axes, pick-axes, shovels, spades, hatchets, armor, shields, etc., chaplain's and other special outfits.) 153 427 Beds, bedding, cots, and blankets. (Bedsteads, bunks, standees, cots, sleeping bags, bedding rolls, mattresses, pillows, bedsacks, mattress covers, pillow sacks, sheets, pillow cases, mosquito bars, nets, shields, blankets, covers, parts, etc.) 428 Field desks, trunk lockers, kits, bags, and other containers. (Field desks, trunk lockers and keys, telescope cases, valises, suit cases, blanket rolls and bags, clothing rolls, ration and mess boxes, pouches, tins, packs, dispatch cases, money bags, and similar pouches, mail bags, barrack bags, laundry bags, clothing bags, surplus kit bags, field chests and cases tool and repair kits, commissary chests, field kits, pouches, surplus kits, ammunition kits, flag kits, etc.) 429 Miscellaneous. (Handcuffs, balls and chains, shackles, etc.) 154 430 Subsistence stores. 430. 1 Meals, lunches, meal tickets, recipes. 430. 2 Rations and component parts. (Army, garrison, Alaskan, field, haversack, reserve, travel, Filipino, emergency, etc.) 430. 3 Exceptional articles of subsistence. 43 9 Miscellaneous. 431 Meats and fish. (Live animals, cattle, turkeys, poultry, fresh meats, pork, beef, mutton, sausage, fresh dressed poultry, turkey, chicken; meats, canned or pickled; meats, cured or salt; ham, bacon, tongue, sausage; chowder and soups made from meats; fresh fish, oysters, lobsters; canned, cured, pickled, dried, or salt fish and oysters, etc.) 432 Fruits, vegetables, and nuts. (Vegetables, fresh; vegetables, canned; vegetables, desic- cated; fruits, fresh, canned; fruits, dried or evaporated; vegetables, dried or evaporated; pickled or bottled fruits or vegetables; beans, almonds, pecans, walnuts, filberts, etc.) 433 Breads, flour, cereals, grains. (Grain for flour and meal, flour, meal, yeast, baking powder, malt, hops; bread, hard or soft; biscuit, corn bread, crackers, zwieback, rice, hominy, grits, macaroni, oatmeal, mush, corn flakes, shredded wheat, cereals, etc.) 434 Butter, eggs, oils, milk, cheese, lard. (Lard and substitutes therefor, butter and substitutes therefor, olive oil and similar oils; eggs, milk, cream; fresh milk and ci'eam; condensed milk and cream; powdered, malted, or evaporated milk and cream; cheese, etc.) 435 CofiFee, tea, beverages, drinks. (Water, effervescent and other; soft drinks, fruit juices, ginger ale. Coco Cola, lime and grape juices, beer, whisky, wines, liquors; coffee: green, roasted, compressed, liquid, ground, and substitutes therefor; tea and substitues there- for; cocoa, cacao, chocolate, etc.) 436 Sugar, sirup, candy, preserves, jelly. (Sugar, saccharin, sirups, molasses, gelatin, tapioca, corn- starch, candies, jams, jellies, preserves, chewing gum, honey, etc.) 437 Spices, condiments, sauces, extracts, vinegar. (Pepper, salt, spices, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, sauces, pepper, Tobasco, Worcester, tomato, cranberry, mustard, horse-radish, catsup, caviar, flavoring extracts, vinegar, etc.) 155 438 Supplies for cleaning, preserving, disinfecting, laundering, etc. (Soap: issue, laundry, scouring, etc.; Blanco, Sapolio. Elec- trosilicon, Leatherfude, harness oil and soap; potash, lye, saltpeter, alcohol, ammonia, cleaning and polishing pow- der, emery cloth and paper, plating powder, cleaning ma- terial of all kinds, laundry sta-rch, bluing, dyes, dyestuffs; preservatives, as benzoate of soda; neat's-foot oil, disin- fectants, calcium chloride, germicides, rat poisons, fly paper, naphthalene, insect traps, etc.) 439 Tobacco and smoking articles. (Tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and papers, pipes, etc.) 156 440 Medical, surgical, and veterinary supplies, equipment, and instruments. 441 Medicines, drugs, and chemicals. 441. 01 Preventive medicines. 441. 1 Drugs. (Opiates, opium, poisons, quinine, radium, salvarsan, anesthetics, etc.) 441. 2 Chemicals (for chemicals and gases as weapons and defenses from, see 470,6 and 470.7). 441. 3 Acids. 441.4 Medicines. 441. 5 Gases, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. 441. 6 Patent medicines. 441. 7 Proprietary medicines. 441. 9 Miscellaneous. 442 Surgical supplies, dressings, and materials. (Hospital supplies, antiseptics, disinfectants, bandages, etc.) 443 Medical and surgical instruments, and equipments, and cases. (Artificial limbs, litters, stretchers, artificial eyes, etc.) 444 Supplies and equipment for special treatments. 444. 1 First-aid packets or pouches, trusses. 444. 2 Vaccine and serums for smallpox, typhoid, etc., anti- toxins, prophylaxis, sera, virus, etc. 444. 3 Electrical equipment. X-ray machines, skiagraphs. 444. 4 Dental. ^ 444. 5 Laboratory. 444. 9 Miscellaneous. 445 Veterinary medicines, drugs, and chemicals. 446 Veterinary supplies, dressings, and materials. 447 Veterinary instruments and equipment. 448 Veterinary supplies and equipment for special treatments. (Mallein.) 157 450 Supplies and equipment for transportation, aeronautical supplies, packing supplies, and animals. 451 Vehicles. 451. 01 Parts and accessories. 451. 1 Passenger automobiles. 451. 11 Parts and accessories. 451. 2 Motor and auto trucks. (Ammunition trucks, supply trucks, repair trucks, anti- aircraft gun trucks, machine-gun trucks, etc.) 451. 21 Parts and accessories. 451. 3 Tractors and trailers. (Tractors, caterpillar type; tractors, wheeled type; tractors, machine shop; trailers and trail wagons; trailers, caterpillar type; trailers, wheeled type, etc.) 451. 31 Parts and accessories, 451. 4 Bicycles, motorcycles, side cars, rear cars, etc. 451. 41 Parts and accessories. 451. 5 Carriages, buggies, buckboards, etc. 451. 51 Parts and accessories. 451. 6 Passenger carts and wagons. 451. 61 Parts and accessories. 451. 7 Wagons and carts (not passenger). (Escort, Army, farm, water, sprinkler, combat, and ammunition wagons; dump, medical, trench, and am- munition carts; drays, hearses, etc.) 451. 71 Parts and accessories. 451. 8 Ambulances. 451. 81 Parts and accessories. 451. 9 Miscellaneous. 451. 91 Sleiglis. 451. 911 Parts and accessories. 451. 92 Tires, all lands. 451.93 Platform, warehouse, and office trucks; wheel- barrows, etc. 451. 931 Parts and accessories. 158 452 Aircraft and aeronautical supplies and equipment. 452. 1 Airplanes. 452. 11 Parts and accessories. 452. 2 Hydroaeroplanes, sea sleds, sea planes, aerial torpedo boats, etc. 452. 21 Parts and accessories. 452. 3 Balloons, dirigible balloons, captive balloons, kites, etc. 452. 31 Parts and accessories. 452. 32 Balloon baskets. 452. 33 Parachutes. 452. 331 Parts and accessories. 452. 4 Dirigible airships, gjrroplanes, and other aircraft. 452. 41 Parts and accessories. 452. 5 Safety devices, stabilizers, gyroscopes, etc. 452. 51 Parts and accessories. 452. 7 Equipment. (Breathing apparatus, etc.) 452. 9 Miscellaneous. (Means of identification.) 453 Railway equipment (steam or electric) engines, cars, spare parts, tracks, ties, scales, and other equipment. 453. 1 Railway cars for guns. (For 3-inch guns and under; for 6-inch and 8-inch guns; for 10-inch guns; for 12-inch guns; for 14-inch guns; for 16-inch guns, etc.) 453. 2 Railway cars for howitzers. (For 4.7-iuch howitzers; for 6-inch howitizers; for 7-inch to 10-inch howitzers, inclusive; for 12-inch howitzers; for 14-inch howitzers; for 16-inch howitzers, etc.) 454 Animals. 454. 01 Pack. 454. 02 Draft. 454. 03 Riding. 454. 1 Horses. 454.2 Mules. 454. 3 Dogs. 454. 4 Reindeers. 454. 5 Oxen. 454. 6 Caribou or caribao. 454. 7 Guinea pigs, white mice, ferrets, frogs, goats, sheep, elk, deer, etc. 454. 8 Pigeons. 454. 9 Miscellaneous. 159 455 Harness, horse, and pack equipment. (Harness, bridles, bits, and other liarness and saddlery hardware; saddles, riding; blankets, cloths, stirrups, bags, covers, nose bags, feed bags, shoe pockets, pack saddles, panniers, aparejos, pack outfits (for machine and mountain guns), horse covers and blankets, lap robes, whips, artillery harness, cinchae, coronas, etc.). 456 Stable and garage equipment. (Stalls, feed boxes, racks, mangers, watering troughs, brackets, hangers for saddles and harness, currycombs, brushes, clippers, grooming kits, branding irons, picket pins, lariats, ropes, halters, horseshoes, nails, pads, etc.) 457 Packing supplies and materials for same. (Boxes, crates, barrels, kit packs, drums, carboys, tin cans, buckets, bottles; paper wrapping, and packing; burlap and other wrappings; bags and sacks of cotton, paper, burlap, and jute; cartons and similar packages, lacquer, wax, paraffin, sawdust, excelsior, tags, labels, brands, marks, marking outfits, stencils, etc.) 458 Special equipment, supplies and apparatus for harbor boats and transports. 458. 1 Equipment and apparatus. 458. 11 Life-saving and preserving apparatus and de- vices, 458. 12 Spare parts, hydraulic pipe lines, etc. 458. 13 Diving, signaling, and radio apparatus for boats. 458. 14 Mooring buoys, lines, etc. 458. 15 Deck equipment, gangplanks, etc. 458. 16 Engine equipment for boats. 458. 17 Steward's equipment. 458. 19 Miscellaneous. 458. 2 Supplies for boats. 458. 24 Navigator's charts, books, supplies, equipment, etc. 458. 25 Deck supplies. 458. 26 Engine supplies for boats. 458. 27 Steward's supplies and stores. 458. 29 Miscellaneous. 458. 5 Equipment and apparatus for mine planting. 458. 6 Equipment and apparatus for cable work, 458. 9 Miscellaneous, 160 460 Other supplies. 461 Publications, books, periodicals. (Books, text and technical; codes, law books, decisions, opinions, reference books, dictionaries, atlases, almanacs, directories; school books and equipment, as chalk, slates, blackboards, etc.; newspapers, magazines, calendars, em- placement books, social lists, mimeographs, bureau pam- phlets, price lists, special circulars and bulletins, rebellion records, manuals, regulations, professional and technical books and papers, registers, rosters. Congressional Record, postal guides, Statesman's Year Book, Navy Department publications. Biennial Navy Registers, Congressional Direc- tory, foreign publications, service journals, fort records, etc.) 462 Office supplies, stationery, paper, blank books. (Paper for writing, drawing, blue print, carbon, stencil, blotting, etc.; cards, cardboard, blank books, envelopes, jackets, pens, pencils, ink, rubber bands, typewriter ribbons, pins, clips, seals, tapes; rubber stamps, holders and pads; paper cutters, mucilage, sponge cups or stands, check pro- tectors, etc.) 463 Fuel, light, and power. 463, 1 Electric current, water power. 463. 2 Gas and acetylene, carbide. 463. 3 Coal. 463. 4 Wood. 463. 5 Charcoal and coke. 463. 6 Mineral oil or kerosene, coal oil. 463. 7 Gasoline. 463. 8 Crude oil, fuel oil, distillate. "^ 463. 9 Miscellaneous. 464 Forage, fertilizer, and manure. 464. 1 Grain, rye, corn, oats, barley. 464. 2 Meal, bran, middlings, linseed meal, cottonseed meal, oil cake. 464. 3 Mixtures and crushed foods. 464. 4 Hay and straw for feeding and bedding. 464. 5 Grass, pasturage, cutting hay. 464. 6 Fertilizer and manure. 464. 7 Fish and meat for animals, dog food. 464. 8 Seeds, all kinds. 464. 9 Miscellaneous. 465 Ice, and harvesting ice. 466 Matches. 467 Camouflage supplies and equipment. 468 Supplies for funerals. (Coffins, caskets, embalming fluids, lowering devices, headstones, etc.) 469 Miscellaneous. ;, 161 470 Armament, ammunition, and other similar stores. 470. 1 Metals for use in manufacture of armament. (See 410.2.) (Aluminum, iron, bronze, steel, copper, zinc, brass, monel metal, nickel, gold, silver, quicksilver, mercury, platinum, etc.) 470. 2 Dummy armament. (Dummy and drill cartridges, dummy powder bags, projectiles, cannon, carriages, etc.) 470. 3 Searchlights and outfits. (Portable and other searchlights, seacoast lights, etc.) 470. 31 Parts and accessories. (Projectors, mirrors of glass or metal, accessories, bal- ancer sets, carbons, clutches, controllers, obturators, shutters, curtains, stops, cable, etc.) 470. 4 Turrets. (Armor structures, ammunition hoists, handling gear, electrical equipment, traversing gear, mounts, rammers, etc.) Armor plate and Navy armor. Chemicals and gases for fighting. (Explosive lethol, incendiary and lachrymose gases and chemicals, smoke effects, liquid fire, etc.) Apparatus for using and protecting from chemicals and gases. Apparatus for using. (Gas flasks, projectors, valves and weapons, flame projectors, etc.) Apparatus for protection. (Gas masks, goggles, gas helmets, absorbents, etc.) Armored cars and tanks. (Gasoline propelled, steam propelled.) Parts and accessories for. Miscellaneous. Ammimition. (Illuminating, star and antisubmarine, shells, etc.) For mobile gmis. (Subcaliber guns; 2.3-inch, 2.95-inch, 75 mm., 3-inch, 3.8-inch, 4.7-inch, 6-inch, 7.6-inch, and 8-inch, and 12-inch, 16-inch, and over.) 61127''~18 11 470. 5 470. 6 470. 7 470. 71 470. 72 470. 8 470. 81 470. 9 471 471. 1 162 471. 2 Shrapnel (2.95-inch, 3.8-inch, 4.7-inch, 6-inch, 7.6-inch, and 8-inch, 9.5-inch, and 12-inch, 16-inch, and over.) 471. S Ammunition for seacoast guns. (Subcaliber and 3-inch (15-pounder), 4-inch, 4.7-inch, and 4.72-inch, 5-inch, and 6-inch, 8-inch, and 10-inch, 12-inch, 14-inch, 16-inch, and over; ammunition for mortars, general; for trench mortars, lightweight, heavy- weight, etc.) 471. 4 Ammunition for small arms. 471. 41 Rifle ball cartridges. 471. 42 Revolver and pistol balls. 471. 43 Blank cartridges. 471. 44 Guard and multiball cartridges. 471. 49 Miscellaneous. (Shotgun and gallery practice.) 471. 5 Powder and powder charges. (.30-caliber, .30 and .45 caliber, 1-pounder, 6-pounder, 2.95-inch, subcaliber, 3-inch, 3.2-inch gun, 3.8-inch gun, 3.6-inch mortar, 4-inch gun, 3.8-inch howitzer, 4.7-inch gun, 4.7-inch howitzer, 4.72-inch gun, 5-inch gun, 6-inch gun, 6-inch howitzer, 8-inch gun, 7-inch and 7.6-inch howitzer, 8-inch howitzer, 7-inch mortar, 10-inch gun, 12-inch gun, 12-inch mortar, 14-inch gun, 16-inch gun; maneuver, smokeless, black, saluting, igniting, and shrapnel powder, etc.) 471. 6 Bombs, grenades, darts, etc. (Grenades in general and aerial darts, hand grenades, rifle grenades, drop bombs, incendiary, smoke, poison- ous, demolition, and fragmentation bombs; aerial tor- pedoes, etc.) 471. 8 Part land accessories. 471. 81 Components. (Tracers, bands for projectiles, caps for projectUee, plungers, covers, etc.) 471 82 Fuses, plugs, bushings, adaptors. (Combination, ignition, detonating, electric, friction, • percussion, nondelay, small arms, etc.) 47 L 84 Bullets. (Cannelured, foreign, sharp-pointed, soft-noseJ, smoke, etc.) 163 Parts and accessories — Continued. 471. 85 Ingredients of powder and explosives. (Ammouia, benzol, phenol, toluol, charcoal, glycerin, naphthalene, ether, alcohol, dipenylamine, graphite, sulphur, pyrite, sodium nitrate, saltpeter, or potassium nitrate, cotton, alkali, acids, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, oxanilid, aniline, methylaniline, oxalic acid, etc.) 471. 86 Explosives and explosive materials. (Ammonium, picrate, picric acid, explosives "A" and "D," nitroglycerin, dynamite, maximite, guncotton, trinitrotoluol or T. N. T., ammonium nitrate, amatol (ammonium nitrate and T. N. T.), tetryl (tetranitro- methyl), T. N. A. (tera nitro aniline), fulminate, chlorates, sodium nitrate, etc.) 471. 87 Containers for ammunition. (Baskets, powder bags, kegs, barrels, howitzer bags, gun and mortar bags, kegs, or drums (black powder, .30 caliber), powder boxes, cartridge cases, cartridge stor- age cases, shrapnel cases, cartridge clips, cans, etc.) 471. 88 Ammunition service. (Shell rooms, powder bins, racks, skids, loading trays, tables, trolleys, tongs, ammunition hoists, powder, and projectile hoists, etc.) Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Ammunition for aerial guns. Cannons or guns. Mobile guns. (Subcaliber guns, 2.38-inch and 2.95-inch guns, 3-inch guns, 3-inch English guns, siege guns, 3.8-inch guns, 4.7-inch guns, 6-inch guns, 7.6-inch guns, 9.5-inch and 12-inch guns, 16-inch guns, and over.) 472. 2 Howitzers. (3-inch, 3.8-inch, 4.7-inch, 6-inch, 7.6-inch, 8-inch, 9.5-inch, 12-inch, 16-inch, and over.) 472. 3 Seacoast guns. (Subcaliber and 3-inch (15-pounder), 4-inch, 4.7-inch, and 4.72-inch, 5-inch, and 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch, 12-inch, 14-inch, 16-inch, and over.) 472. 4 Mortars. (Trench mortars, light weight, heavy weight.) 472. 5 Machine and automatic guns. (Benet-Mercie, caliber .30 Colt (old type and Marlin Arms Co.); Vickers, model 1915; Colt; Browning water cooled; Maxim, model 1904, 1-pounder guns, etc.) 472. 6 Navy guns for submarine chasers and other purposes. 471. 89 471. 9 471. AT) 91 472. 1 164 472. 8 Parts and accessories. 472. 81 Parts. (Forgings and castinga, jackets, tubes, hoops, sleeves, breech mechanisms, blocks, firing mechanisms, lanyards, safety devices, etc.) 472. 82 Accessories. (Sponges, staves, sights, subtarget-gun machines, ram- mers, staves, covers for cannon, cleaning devices, etc.) 472. 9 Miscellaneous cannon. 472. 91 Aerial guns. 472. 92 Life-saving guns. 472. 93 Anti-aircraft guns. 473 Carriages, mounts and tripods. 473. 1 For mobile guns. (For subcaliber guns, 2.38-inch and 2.95-inch, 3-inch guns, 3.8-inch guns, 4.7-inch guns, 6-inch and 7.6-inch guns, 9.5-inch guns, 12-inch guns, 16-inch and over.) 473. 2 For howitzers. (For 3-inch howitzers, 3.8-inch and 4.7-inch howitzers, 6-inch howitzers, 7.6-inch howitzers, 8-inch howitzers, 9.5-inch howitzers, 12-inch howitzers, 16-inch howitzers and over.) 473. 3 For seacoast guns. (For subcaliber, 3-inch (15-pounder), 4-inch, 4.7-iQch, 4.72-inch, 5-inch and 6-inch in general; 5-inch, 6-inch barbette Armstrong, 6-inch B. C, model 1900; 6-inch B. C, model 1910; 6-inch B. C, model 1917; 6-inch D. C, model 1898; 6-inch D. C, model 1903; 6-inch D. C, model 1905; Ml and M2; for 8-inch and 10-inch general; 8-inch B. C, model 1892; 8-inch B. C, model 1918; 8-inch D. C, model 1894; 8-inch D. C, model 1896; 10-inch B. C, model 1893; 10-inch D. C, L. F., model 1894; 10-inch D. C, A. R. F., model 1896; 10- inch D. C, L. F., model 1896; 10-inch D. C, model 1901; for 12-inch in general; 12-inch B. C, model 1892; 12- inch B. C, model 1917; 12-inch D. C, model 1896; 12-inch D. C, model 1897; 12-inch D. C, model 1901; 12-inch gun lift and altered gim lift; for 14-inch in general; 14-inch D. 0., model 1907 and Ml; for 16-inch in general; 16-inch D. C, L. F., model 1912; 16-inch D. C, model 1917, etc.) 473. 4 Mortar carriages. (Trench mortar mounts; light weight, heavy weight; 12 inch M. C, model 1891; 12-inch M. C, model 1896; Ml, M2, and M3, 12-inch M. C, model 1908, etc.) 165 473. 5 Mounts for machine guns. (Benet-Mercie, Colts, Maxim, model 1904, Lewis, Vick- ers, model 1915, etc.) 473. 6 Mounts for Navy guns. 473. 8 Parts and accessories. 473. 81 Fixed parts. (Top carriage and racer, chassis and cradle, trail, base ring, scales, range quadrants, scales, shields, wheels, axles, poles, etc.) 473. 82 Mechanisms. (Elevating arms, bands, disks, gear, locks, racks, scales, wheels, traversing brakes, circles, shafts, gears, pinions, rollers, stops, wheels, ratchets, retracting clutches, eyes, motors, gears, recoil and counter-recoil bands, brakes at stops, buffers, cylinders, springs- counterweights, throttling bars, valves, tripping gears, leathers, rods, pawls, etc.) 473. 83 Electrical equipment, magnetos, wiring, circuits, conduits, telephone, terminal boxes, etc. 473. 84 Spare parts. 473. 85 Sights and carriages. (Front, rear, bore, panoramic, telescopic, 2-inch tele- scopic, 3-inch, night, trench mortar sights, etc. 473. 86 Caissons, limbers, covers, etc. 473. 861 Caissons. (75-mm. gun caissons, 3-inch gun caissons, 3.8, inch caissons, gun and howitzer; 4.7-inch caissons, gun and howitzer; 6-inch howitzer caissons, 155-mm. howitzer caissons, etc.) 473. 862 Limbers. (75-mn). gun limbers; 3-inch limbers, gun and howitzer; 3.8-inch limbers, gun and howitzer; 4.7-inch limbers, gun and howitzer; 6-inch howitzer limbers, 155-mm. howitzer limbers, 7.6-inch howitzer limbers, 9.5-inch and 12-inch howitzer limbers, etc.) 473. 863 Reels and carts. (Hand reels, reels and caissons, reels (2-horse), reels and carts (6-horse). 473. 864 Observation towers. 473. 865 Covers for carriages. 473. 866 Platforms, etc. 473. 869 Miscellaneous. 166 Parts and accessories — Continued. 473. 87 Brackets and braces for: Fuse setters, lamps, range finders, telephones, telautographs, sights, firing materials, etc. 473. 88 Containers and carriers. (Armament chests: For gun carriages, mortar carriages, howitzer carriages; ammunition chests, forge and bat- tery wagons, forge limbers, store limbers, store wagons, battery wagons; ammunition trucks, etc.) 473. 89 Miscellaneous. 473. 9 Carriages for miscellaneous guns. (For aerial guns, life-sa\dng guns, subcaliber guns, etc.) 474 Small arms. 474. 1 Magazine or United States rifle. 474. 2 Automatic rifles. 474. 3 Gallery practice rifle. 474. 4 Other rifles, Enfleld, cadet, Krag, etc. 474. 5 Carbines. 474. 6 Revolvers and automatic pistols. 474. 7 Side arms and fencing equipment. (Sabers, swords, bayonets. Hospital Corps knives, bolos, machetes, masks, fencing sticks, gloves.) 474. 8 Parts and accessories, small arms. (Parts of small arms, barrels, bands, stocks, ejectors, triggers, magazines, swivels, hammers, sights for small arms, front, rear, open, battle, night, telescopic, sightijig bar and hood, cartridge holders, appendages for small arms, ramrods, drift slides, oilers, thongs, cases, thong brush, cleaning rods, covers for rodi, silencers (Maxim), etc.) 474. 87 Containers and carriers, arm chests and lockers, arm racks, covers, carriers and holders, etc.) 474. 89 Miscellaneous. 474. 9 Miscellaneous. (Shotguns and outfits.) 475 Equipment of troops. 475. 1 Artillery equipments. 475. 2 Cavalry equipments. 475. 3 Infantry equipments. 475. 4 Engineer equipments. 475. 5 Medical equipments. 475. 6 Machine-gun equipments. 167 475. 7 Signal Corps equipments. 475. 73 Aeronautical equipments. 475. 731 Bombing equipment. 475. 732 Gunnery equipment. 475. 739 Miscellaneous. 475. 79 Miscellaneous. 475. 8 Trench warfare equipment. 475. 9 Miscellaneous. 476 Submarine mines and equipment. 476. 1 Equipment for mining. (Mines, mine cases, compound plug and assembling jig, circTiit closer, mine transformer, fusfes, fuse cans, mine caps and domes, anchors, explosives, moorings, dis- tribution boxes, junction boxes, automatic and other switches, etc.^ 476. 2 Cables and equipments. (Reels, frames, drums, trucks, measuring reels and frames, cable tests and testing sets, clips, Turk's heads, protection against fouling, cable crossings, etc.) 476. 3 Tools and supplies. (Supply list, boat telephones, drying ovens, cable cuttere, etc.) 476. 4 Torpedoes. 476. 9 Miscellaneous. 477 Submarine nets and similar appliances. 478 Demolition equipment. 479 Miscellaneous. 168 480 Rentals and services other than personal. 481 Rentals, except for recruiting purposes. 482 Rentals and all other services for recruiting purposes. 483 Telegraph, telephone, radio, and mail service. 483. 1 Telegraph and tariffs. 483. 2 Telephone and tariffs. 483. 3 Cable, submarine signal, fire alarm, watch-time service, etc. 483. 4 Mail or postage. 483. 9 Miscellaneous. 484 Caring for animals (see 404). 484. 1 Shoeing animals, hocking, etc. 484. 2 ■ Stabling and feeding animals. 484. 3 Veterinary services (see 728). (Sanitary inspections, vaccination and immunization, use of serums, quarantine, infectious diseases and dis- infection, parasites of animals, aid to injured animals, etc.) 484. 4 Protection from casualties, accidents, etc. 484. 5 Disposal of dead animals. 484. 9 Miscellaneous. 485 Sanitary services. 485. 1 Scavenger service. 485. 2 Collecting garbage. 485. 3 Disposal of trash and waste paper. 485. 4 Disposal of manure. 485. 9 Miscellaneous. ^ 486 Various services. 486. 1 Storage, cold and other; stevedoring services. 486. 2 Drayage and hauling (see 536). 486. 3 Laundering, renovating, cleaning. 486. 4 Printing and binding. 486. 5 Advertising. 486. 6 Packing and crating. 486. 7 Disinterring remains, embalming, furnishing coffins, etc. 486. 8 Engraving, lithographing, and making half tones. 486. 9 Miscellaneous. 486. 91 Plumbing services. 486. 92 Towel services. 1 500 TRANSPORTATION. 510 Transportation of persons. 520 Transportation of supplies. 530 Transportation by land. 540 Transportation by water. 550 Transportation rates, tariffs, accounts, contracts, tickets. 560 Harbor boats and vessels. 570 Transports and Army transport service. 580 590 (169) 500 TRANSPORTATION. (Data and facilities for war use.) 501 Railway associations or commissions. (Central Passenger Association, Southwestern Passenger Association, New England Passenger Association, South- eastern Passenger Association, Trunk Line Association, Western Line Association, Transcontinental Passenger Association.) 501. 1 Representatives. 501. 11 . Identification cards. 501. 12 Insignia (as armlets, buttons, etc.). 501. 13 Information to representatives. 501. 19 Miscellaneous. 502 Demurrage. 503 Car orders. 504 Car situation. 504. 1 Car shortage. 504. 2 Congestion. 505 Loading and unloading. 506 Working file. 507 Complaints. 508 Switching. 509 Miscellaneous. (171) 172 510 Transportation of persons. 511 Organizations. (Change of station, to and from maneuvers and encamp- ments, to and from target practice, recruit detachments, militia or National Guard organizations, to tournaments, horse shows, parades, to foreign countries, overseas, allow- ances, etc.) 512 OflScers, nurses, Army field clerks, field clerks. Quartermaster Corps. (Change of station, inspection and similar trips, upon retirement, resignation, or dismissal, families of officers. National Guard officers, allowances of transportation, cadets, candidates for officers' training camps, etc.) 513 Enlisted men, recruits. (Change of station on reenlistment, on duty, upon retire- ment or discharge, families of enlisted men, National Guard enlisted men, allowances of transportation, prisoners, deserters, stragglers, etc.) 514 Employees and officials of War Department. (Change of station, on inspection or similar trips, upon resignations or discharge, families of, allowances, etc.) 515 Employees, enlisted men, officers, and officials of other depart- ments. (Enlisted men and officers of Navy, enlisted men and officers of Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Public Health Ser-'/ice, officials of other departments, employees of other depart- ments, etc.) 516 Civilians, witnesses, former soldiers, former employees. (Witnesses for courts, camp followers, and attendants, former soldiers, former employees, native of island pos- sessions, servants, stowaways, indigent citizens, reporters, etc.) 517 Members of Congress, territorial officials, etc. (Members of Congress, territorial and State officials, secre- taries, officials, and employees of associations, societies, etc.) 518 Remains, corpses, ashes, human bones, bodies, etc. (Officers, enlisted men, niu-ses, recruits, employees and officials of War Department, employees, enlisted men, and officials of other departments, civilians, former soldiers, former employees, etc.) 519 Miscellaneous. 173 520 Transportation of supplies or property. 521 Animals, public. (Belonging to war or other departments, attendants for, etc.) 522 Officers' horses. (Attendants for, change of station, purchase from remount depots, horses of deceased officers; upon officers' retirement, resignation, or dismissal; National Guard officers, allow- ances, to shows, parades, matches, tournaments, etc.'^ 523 Supplies and public property. 523. 01 Methods of billing and rules as to shipping. 523. 02 Freight. 523. 03 Express. 523. 04 Parcel post or mail. 523. 05 Authority for. 523. 06 Reports of shipments. 523. 061 Reports of arrivals of shipments. 523. 07 Priority of. 523. 071 Priority certificates and forms. 523. 08 Shortages and losses. 523. 09 Miscellaneous. 523. 091 Routing. 523. 092 Tracing. 523. 093 Release of. 523. 094 Use of car cards and placards. 523. 095 Embargo. 523. 097 Instructions to stop shipments. 523. 098 Unclaimed or stray shipments. 523. 099 Miscellaneous. 523, 1 War Department bureaus. 523. 2 Other departments of the Government. 523. 3 Supplies belonging to National Guard of States. 523, 4 Supplies to and from National Guard. 523, 5 Property of organizations, regiments, companies, etc. 523. 6 Money, funds, badges, medals. 523, 7 Records, mails, documents. 523. 8 Explosives and ammunition. 523. 9 Miscellaneous. 523. 91 Property of foreign Governments. 523. 92 Property of societies and associations. 523. 93 Tonnage and estimates of. 523. 99 Miscellaneous. 174 524 Baggage, household goods, professional books, and other personal property. 524. 01 Methods of billing aud rules as to shipping. 624. 02 Allowances. 524. 03 Excess. 524. 09 Miscellaneous. 524. 2 Baggage and household goods. 524. 21 Officers, nurses, Army field clerks, field clerka, Quartermaster Corps. 524. 22 Enlisted men, recruits. 524. 23 Employees of War Department. 524. 24 Employees and members of other departments. 524. 25 Civilians and others. 524. 29 Miscellaneous. 524. 3 Professional books. 524. 4 Christmas and similar boxes and packages. (Officers, enlisted men, recruits, nurses, employees of War Department, employees and members of other de- partments, civilians, and others.) 524. 9 Miscellaneous. 529 Miscellaneous. 175 530 Transportation by land. 531 Railroad. 531. 01 Employees, officials, agents, directors, owners, etc. 531, 1 Passenger. (Day coaches, tourist cars, baggage cars, etc.) 531. 2 Sleeping and parlor cars. (Pullman sleeping cars, railroad sleeping cars, parlor cars, chair cars, etc.) 531. 3 Subsistence accommodations. (Dining and buffet cars kitchen cars and equipment, mess cars, etc.) 531. 4 Refrigerator and other special cars. (Refrigerator and cold-storage cars, palace horse cars, hospital cars, and trains, etc.) 531. 5 Freight. (Freight cars, stalls in freight cars, etc.) 531. 6 Fires. (Baggage car fires, freight car fires, and others.) 531. 7 Train service. 531. 8 Railroad station service. (Terminal facilities, ticket ofiices, etc.) 531. 9 Miscellaneous. 532 Street-car transportation. 533 Carriages, cabs, and similar vehicular transportation. 533. 1 Hire of. 536 Drayage and hauling. 537 Automobiles and motor truck transportation. 537. 1 Hire of. 537. 2 Use of automobiles in lieu of carriages. 537. 3 Use of auto and motor trucks in lieu of teams, wagons, 537. 4 Rules and regulations as to use. 537. 5 Accidents, damages, coUisions. 537. 9 Miscellaneous motor transportation by land. 539 Miscellaneous. 176 540 Transportation by water. 540. 1 Navigation laws, customa, and regulations. 541 On transports. 541. 1 Persons. 541. 2 Supplies, property, animals. 541. 3 Subsistence on board. 541. 4 Staterooms and sleeping quarters. 541. 5 Stalls, stables, and forage for animals. 541. 6 Transportation of pay passengers. 541. 9 Miscellaneous. 542 On harbor boats (subdivide as 541, if necessary). 543 On other Government vessels (sudivide as 541, if necessary). 544 Transportation on commercial vessels. (Bids, abstracts, and contracts for.) 544. 1 Ferry service. 544. 2 Freight. 544. 3 Passenger. 544. 9 Miscellaneous. 545 Commercial. 545. 01 Data concerning capacity and suitability for Government use, offers to charter or hire, and reports as to registry, etc. 545. 02 Charter or hire of commercial vessels, bids, ab- stracts, contracts, charter parties, refitting, restoration, etc. 545. 1 Substitute boats (subdivide as 545, if necessary). 545. 2 Ferry and transport service (subdivide as 545, if neces- sary). 545. 3 Wrecking and towing service (subdivide as 545, if nec- essary). 545. 4 Towmg targets for artillery practice (subdivide as 545, if necessary) . 545. 9 Miscellaneous. 546 Seized or interned vessels. 548 Pilotage, tolls, wharfage. 548. 1 Pilotage. 548.2 Tolls. 548. 3 Wharfage. 548. 4 Lighterage. 548. 9 Miscellaneous. 549 Miscellaneous. 549. 1 Reports of operation of water transportation; state- ment and comparison of cost. 177 550 Transportation rates, tariffs, accounts, contracts, tickets, etc. 550. 1 Blank forms of accounts and vouchers. 550. 2 Method of computrng; and handhng- accounts. 550. A Accounting. 550. 9 Miscellaneous. 551 Tariffs, rates, equalization agreements, schedules. (War Department publications as to tariffs, railroad pub- lications as to tarift's. Interstate (^)nimerce Commission publications, etc.) 551. 1 Passenger. (Military fare basis, classification as fii'st and second class, party fares, passenger arrangements, etc.) 551.2 Freight. (Government freight-rate basis, classifications for rate- making purposes, etc.) 551. o Express. 551. 4 Excess baggage. 551. 5 ■ Sleeping and parlor-car service. 551. 6 Land-grant and bond-aided railroads. 551. 9 Miscellaneous. 552 Transportation requests, bills of lading, and tickets. 552. 01 Transportation requests. 552. 02 Bills of lading. 552. 1 Purposes and methods of using and settling. 552. 2 Blank transportation requests and bills of lading. (Requests for books of transportation requests.) 552. 3 Lost, destroyed, or misplaced. (Transportation requests or bills of lading.) 552. 4 Disposition of unused. (Transportation requests or bills of lading.) 552. 6 Errors or irregularities. (Transportation requests or bills of lading.) 552. 6 Cancellation. (Transportation requests or bills of lading.) 552. 7 Copies of and reports of transportation requests and bills of lading issued. 552. 8 Tickets. (Cancellation, copies, destroyed, lost, misplaced, dis- position of unused, eiTors, irregularities, purchase, supply, use, allowances, railroad, street-car, subway, elevated train, ferry, etc.) 552. 9 Miscellaneous. 01127 —18 12 178 553 Passenger transportation accounts and contracts. 553. 1 Abstracts, bids, and contracts. 553. 4 Accounts. 553. Miscellaneous. 554 Freight transportation accounts and contracts. (General avorayes.) 554. 1 Abstracts, bids, and contracts. 554. 4 Accounts. 554. 9 Miscellaneous. 555 Express accounts. 556 Storage and demurrage accounts. 556. 1 Demurrage accounts. 556. 2 Storage accounts of railroads. 556. 3 Accounts for weighing cars, switching, occupancy. 556. 4 Surcharges, etc. 556. 9 Miscellaneous. 557 Accounts against carriers for shortages, breakages, etc. 558 Reports and statements. 559 Miscellaneous. > 179 560 Vessels. 560. 01 560. 02 560. 1 561 561. 1 .561. 2 561. 21 561. 22 561. 3 561. 4 561. 5 561. 6 561. 9 562 563 .563. 1 563. 11 563. 12 563. 2 563. 21 563. 22 563. 3 563. 4 .563. ,5 563. 51 563. 52 563. ,53 563. .54 (Including harbor boats and harbor- boat service, floating plants, mine planters, cable steamers, coastwise and small craft, etc.) (Scows, lighters, hoppers, rock ])roakinc; and snag boats. barges, ilats, rowboats, canoes, lifeboats, other small boats, motor and gasoline launches, nianeu\er, boats, quarter boats. steam launches, derricks, pile drivers, graders, drill boats, steamers, tugs, tow and survey boats, colliers, water boats, supply A'essels, floating dry docks, mine planters, cable steamers, refrigerator ships, hospital ships, and other vessels. ) (For transports see 570.) Reimbursement for loss of vessels. Accidents. Regulations for vessels; harbor-boat regulations. Acquisition and construction of vessels. Requests or requisitions for vessels. Purchase and transfer between departments. Purchase. Transfer between departments. Catalogues, offers to seU, advertisements. Construction. (Designs, specifications, plans, bids, abstracts and contracts. ) Conversion of vessels and refitting. Commandering. Miscellaneous. For equipment, supplies, and apparatus, see 458. Operation, care, and maintenance. Embarking and discharging passengers. Embarking passengers (or loading passengers.) Discharging passengers (or unloading passengers.) Quarters on shipboard, and assignment troops to duty on. Quarters on shipboard. Assigmnent of troops to duty on shipboard. Subsistence accommodations on board. (Messes, saloon mess, ship's officers' mess, ship's petty officers' mess, crew's mess, troops' mess, armed guards' mess, hospital mess, etc.) Docking and storage of vessels. Cargo or freight. Loading. Discharging or uuloadmg. HandUng cargo on board. Stalls for annuals. 563. 58 563. 59 563. 591 563. 6 563. 7 563. 72 563. 73 563. 8 563. 801 563. 81 563. 9 563. 91 563. 911 563. 92 180 Cargo or freight — Continued. Ballast. Miscellaneous. Tonnage and estimates of. Services for vessels. (Laundry services, renioviiiij ashes, fiiiniiiaLiim, olc) Coaling and taking water. Coaling. Taking water. Work to be done by crew and methods employed. (Cleaning and washing.) Replacing civilians by enlisted men. Strikes of crews. Miscellaneous. Arming. Armed guards on vessels. Dunnage. (As mats, battens, sailors' baggage, etc.) 564 Repairs and alterations. (Reports of cost of, contracts for, requisitions for, dry- docking, additions, new installations, and equipment, radio installations, etc.) 565 Movements. 565. 1 Schedules. 565. 2 Arrivals and departures. 565. 3 Voyages and trips, sailing orders. 565. 301 Sailing orders. 565. 31 Reports of voyages. ^ 565. 32 Reports of expenditures on voyages. 565. 4 Transfers and assignments of boats to stations. 565. 5 Loan of vessels. 565. 6 Duties, and placing out of commission or in reserve. 565.61 Duties. (Planting mines, laying cables, rejjairiug cables, and carrying mail.) 565. 62 Placing out of commission, or in reserve. 565. 7 Special expeditions or movements, and performances of. 565. 9 Miscellaneous. 566 Inspection of vessels and boilers, other than by inspectors general, and reports thereof. 566. 1 By civilian inspectors of War Department, 566. 2 By inspectors of Steamboat-Inspection Service. 567 Terminal facilities. 567. 1 Equipment of. 567. 2 Congestion of supplies at 569. 9 Miscellaneous. ;, 181 569 Miscellaneous. 569. 1 Reports as to vessels. 569. 11 Of pu])lic service rendered by vessels. 569. 12 Of cleaning or condition of boilers. 569. 13 Of cleaning, painting, or condition of bottoms. 569. 14 Of accidents, damages to or collisions. 569. 15 Of operating expenses and annual statement float- ing plant. 569. 16 Of expenditures on account of vessels hired. 569. 17 "Of coal and water received on vessels. 569. 18 Of irregularities and deficiencies. 569. 19 Miscellaneous. 569. 2 Logs and extracts thereof. 569. 3 Lists of passengers and assignments. (Passenger lists and reports, lists of assignments, lists and reports of crews, etc.) 569. 4 Manifests. 569. 5 Data as to dimensions, size, capacity, etc. (Data sheets, dimensions and size, cabin and stateroom capacity, other passenger capacity, etc.) 569. 54 Lifeboat capacity. 569. 56 Cargo and freight capacity. 569. 6 Pictures, plans, descriptions, and lists of vessels. 569. 7 Sale or other disposition of vessels. 569. 8 Passes and permits. 569. 9 Miscellaneous. 569. 91 Stowaways. 569.911 Preventing. 182 570 Transports and Army transport service. (Rowboats, canoes, lifeboats, other small boats, motor, gaso- line and steam launches, quarter boats, and other craft /or transports.) 570. 01 - Reimbursement for loss of. 570. 02 Accidents. 570. 1 Regulations for, transport regulations. 571 Acquisition and construction of vessels. 571. 1 Requests or requisitions for vessles. 571. 2 Purchase and transfer between departments. 571. 21 Purchase. 571. 22 Transfer between departments. 571. 3 Catalogues, offers to sell, advertisements. 571. 4 Construction. (Designs, specifications, plans, bids, abstracts, and contracts.) 571. 5 Conversion of vessels and refitting. 571. 6 Commandeering. 572 For equipment, supplies, and apparatus see 458. 573 Operation, care, and maintenance. 573. 1 Embarking and discharging passengers. 573. 11 Embarking passengers (or loading passengers). 573. 12 Discharging passengers (or unloading passengers). 573. 2 Quarters on shipboard, and assignment troops to duty on. 573. 21 Quarters on shipboard. 573. 22 Assignment of troops to duty on shipboard. 573. 3 Subsistence accommodations on board. (presses, saloon mess, ship's ofhcers' mess, ships petty o.iruers" mess, crew's mess, hoops' mess, armed guards' mess, hos])ital mess, etc.) 573. 4 Doclvuig and storage of vessels. 573. 5 Cargo or freiglit. 573. 51 Loading. 573. 52 Discharging or unloading. 573. 53 Handling cargo on board. 573. 54 Stalls for animals. 573. 58 Ballast. 573. 59 Miscellaneous. 573. 591 Tonnage and estimates of. 573. 6 Services for vessels. (Laundry services, removing ashes, fumigating, etc.) 573. 7 Coahng and taking water. 573. 72 Coaling. 573. 73 Taking water. 573. 801 573. 81 573. 9 573. 91 573. 911 573. 92 183 573. 8 Work to bo done by croAv and luothods cnn)l()ycd. (Cleaning and washing;.) Replacing civilians by eidisled men. Strikes of crews. Miscellaneous. Arming. Armed guards on transports. Dunnage. (As mats, battens, sailors, ba.tjgage. etc) 574 Repairs and alterations. (Reports of cost of, contracts (<>r. reijiiisltioiis for. dry docldng, additions, new installations and e(iuipment. radio installations, etc.) 575 Movements. 575. 1 Schedules. 575. 2 Arrivals and departures. 575. 3 Voyages and trips, sailing orders. 575. 301 Sailing orders. 575. 31 Reports of voyages. 575. 32 Reports of expenditures on voyages. 575. 4 Transfers and assignments of boats to stations. 575. 5 Loan of vessels. 575. 6 Duties and jdacing out of commission or in reserve. 575. 61 Duties. (Planting mines, laying cables, repairing cables, carry- ing mail, etc.) 575. 62 Placing out of commission, or in reserve. 575. 7 Special expeditions or movements, and performance of. 575. 9 Miscellaneous. 576 Inspection of vessels and boilers other than by inspectors general and reports thereof. 57G. 1 By civilian inspectors of War Department. 576. 2 By inspectors of Steamboat-Inspection Service. 577 Terminal facilities. 577. 1 Equipment of. 577. 2 C\>ngestion of supplies at. 577. 9 Miscellaneous. 184 579 Miscellaneous. 579. 1 Reports as to transports. 579. 1 1 Of public service rendered by vessels. 579. 12 Of cleaning or condition of boilers. 579. 13 Of cleaning, painting, or condition of l)ottoms. 579. 14 Of accidents, damage to or collisions. 579. 15 - Of operating expenses. 579. 1 6 Of expenditures on account of transports or aux- iliary vessels hired. 579. 17 Of coal and water received on vessels. 579. 18 Of irregularities and deficiencies. 579. 19 Miscellaneous. 579. 2 Logs and extracts thereof. 579. 3 Lists of passengers and assignments. (Passenger liate and reports, list of assignments, lists and reports of crews, etc.) 579. 4 Manifests. 579. 5 Data as to dimensions, size, capacity. (Data sheets; dimensions and size, cabin and stateroom, capacity, other passenger capacity.) 579. 54 Lifeboat capacity. 579. 56 Cargo and freight capacity. 579. 6 Pictures, plans, descriptions, and Usts of vessels. 579. 7 Sale or other disposition of transports and auxiliary vessels. 579. 8 Passes and permits. 579. 9 Miscellaneous. 579. 91 Stowaways. 579. 91 Preventing. > 600 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 610 Grounds and drainage. 620 Barracks and quarters. 630 Post buildings. 640 650 Minor construction. 660 Fortifications. 670 Plants and systems. 680 Reservations. 690 (185) 600 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. 600. 01 Size of post or station. 600. 02 Capacity. 600. 03 Location of. 600. 04 Number of. 600. 05 Name or designation. 600. 09 Miscellaneous. 600. 1 Construction and installation. 600. 11 Methods of; bids, abstracts, awards, contracts. 600.111 Bids. 600. 1111 Advertisements, circulars to biddei-s. 600. 1112 Authority to invite bids. 600.112 Abstracts. 600. 1121 Of proposals and bids. 600. 1122 Of awards. 600. 113 Awards. 600. 114 Contracts. 600. 115 Open market. 600. 116 Emergency. 600. 117 Proposals and acceptance agreements. 600. 118 Hire of labor and purchase of material. 600.119 . Miscellaneous. 600. 1191 Complaints and protests of bidders. 600. 1192 Complaints and protests of contrac- tors. 61)0. 12 Projects. 600. 121 General. 600. 122 Provisional. 600. 123 Standard. 600. 124 ' Subprojects. 600. 129 Miscellaneous. 600. 13 Plans and specilicationa. 600.131 Uniform or standard, tyi)ical. 600. 132 General and miscellaneous data. 600. 133 Preparation and approval of. 600. 139 Miscellaneous. 600. 15 Estimates and requisitions. 600. 151 Estimates. 600. 152 Requisitions. (187) ' ■■ 188 Construction and installation — Continued. 600, 16 Advertisements, bidders' lists, etc. 600. 161 Advertisements. 600. 1611 Catalogues and circulars. 600. 162 Requests for information. 600. 163 Lists of constructing officers of GovernuK^it. 600. 164 Lists of bidders. 600. 165 List of contractors. 600. 166 Introductions and credentials of representa- tives of bidders and contractors. 600. 167 Government recommendations and testi- monials. 600. 168 Use of Government name in advertisements. 600. 169 Miscellaneous. 600. 17 Supervision and inspt^ction. 600. 171 Inspection. 600. IS Operation, care, and maintenance. 600. 181 Operation. 600. 182 Care and maintenance. 600. 19 Miscellaneous. 600. 2 Equipping (subdivide as 600.1). 600. 3 Preserving, repairijig, painting, whitc^wasliing, clean- ing, oiling, etc. (subdivided as 600.1). 600. 4 Altering, changing, widening, enlarging, etc. (sub- divided as 600. n. 600. 5 Relocating, rebuilding, modcirnizing, etc. (subdivided as 600.1). K 600.6 Wrecking, demolition, etc. (subdivide as 600.1). 600. 7 Wiring, lighting, etc. (subdivide as 600.1). 600. 8 Plumbuig, heating, etc. (subdivide as 600.1). 600. 9 Miscellaneous data and statistics regarding reserva- tions, posts, stations, as plij^sical geo- graphical entities. 600. 91 Reports and observations. 600.911 Historical record of l)uildings and struc- tures. 600. 912 Reports of condition. 600.913 Reports and records of lires and other accidents. 600. 914 Reports of progress of work. 600.915 Reports of fuel consumptioji and boiler efficiency. 600.919 Miscellaneous. > 189 Miscellanoous daia and statistics — Continued. 600. 92 Maps, cliarts, pIiotograi)hs, bhui i)riuts, etc. 600. 921 Maps, charts, blue prints. 600. 922 Photographs. 600. 98 BouiKhirics, acreages, surveys, etc. 600.981 Boujidaries, acreages. 600. 982 vSurvcys. 600. 94 Miscellaneous data and descriptive^ matter or historical information, and stateuK^nts and reports of costs. 600. 95 Miscellaneous requests for miscellaneous in- formation regarding. 600. 96 Protecting, guarding, bombproofhig. 600. 97 Destruction. 600. 971 By fire. 600. 972 By storm, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, etc. 600. 99 Miscellaneous. 601 Acquisition of real property or land, and ownership of. 601. 01 Titles, deeds, mortgages, and recordhig same. 601. 1 By purchase or condemnation. 601. 2 By gift or donation. 601. 3 By cession or grant. 601. 4 By transfer from other bureaus, departments, and from public lands. 601. 5 By licenses and permits (as for rights of way). 601. 52 ^ Licenses and permits, 601. 53 Leases, loans. 601. 59 Miscellaneous. 602 Disposition of real property or land. 602. 01 Titles, deeds, and recording same. 602. 1 Abandonment of reservations. 602. 2 Sales of land, buildings, structures, exchanges, etc. 602. 3 Transfers of land, buildings, structures, etc., to other departments. 602. 4 Applications for purchase of land belonging to United States. 602. 5 Return of land to original owners, 602. 6 llestoration of hand to public domain. 602, 7 Lciases, loans. 602. 9 Miscellaneous. 190 610 Grounds, drainage. 611 Roads, walks, driveways, sidewalks, tunnels, subways, viaducts, gutters, etc. 612 See 825.1 for wharves, docks, piers, ferry slips, etc. 613 See 824.1 for seawalls, ripraps, embankments, retaining walls, and 829.12 for beacons. 614 Target butts, revetting ranges, etc. 615 Filling and grading, filling old cisterns, ponds. 616 Drainage and ditching. 616. 1 Draining and ditching. 616. 2 See 821.1 for canals, irrigation and other. 616. 3 See 800.425 for dredging. 616. 4 Removal of sand, earth or gravel. 616. 9 Miscellaneous. 617 Railroads, track scales. 617. 1 Tramw^ays. 617. 2 Cable roads. 617. 3 Steam roads. 617. 4 Electric roads. 617. 9 Miscellaneous. 618 Parade grounds, recreation grounds. 618. 1 Grounds, parade and drill; fields, etc. 618.2 Recreation and play grounds, tennis courts, baseball and football fields, handbaU courts, polo fields, golf links, etc. 618. 3 Ornamentation and concealment. 618. 31 Tests of soils. 618. 32 Ornamentation with trees, shrubs, plants, grass. 618. 33 Concealment of fortifications or screening. 618. 34 Care, cultivation, and preservation of trees, shrubs, orchards, plants, grass; sodding, seedmg, etc. 618. 35 Cutting dead trees from, and clearing reservations. 618. 36 Forestry. 618. 37 Trees. 618. 38 Sodding and seeding. 618. 39 Miscellaneous. 619 Miscellaneous. 619. 3 Historic sites, buildings, ruins, structures. 619. 4 Parking space for automobiles. 191 620 Barracks and quarters. 621 Barracks for enlisted men. (Squad rooms, dormitories.) 622 Quarters for hospital stewards, nurses. 623 Quarters for noncommissioned officers. 624 Quarters for civilian employees, postmasters, associations, lodges, etc., 625 Quarters for commissioned officers. 626 Lavatories and similar buildings. 627 Prisons and guardhouses, detention barracks. 192 630 Post buildings. 631 Administration, recreation, and drill buildings. (Office buildings, post offices, administration buildings, post exchanges, gymnasiums, swimming pools, libraries, clubhouses, schools, chapels, memorial halls; drill, riding, amusement halls; assembly rooms, etc.) 632 Hospitals, infirmaries, dispensaries, laboratories, dental offices, operating pavilions, wards, isolation wards, mortu- aries, etc. 633 Bakeries, laundries, storehouses. (Bakeries, kitchens, mess halls, mess shelters, lunch rooms, laundries, gas houses, coal trestles, crematories and inciner- rator buildings, issue rooms, storehouses, sheds, tanks, caches, coal boxes, and houses, root cellars, arsenals, armor- ies, magazine and powder depots, ordnance depots, ware- houses, etc.) 634 Miscellaneous buildings. (Stables, gi'ooming sheds, veterinary hospitals, abbatoii's, harness rooms, I)arns, garages, hangars,. sheds for wagons and vehicles, wash rooms, sheds for guns and ammunition wagons, latrines and similar houses; pump, boiler, and trans- former houses; garl)age and ash houses, fire houses, green- houses, waiting rooms, morgues, portable outbuildings, mausoleums, etc.) 635 Factories and shops. Government. (Powder factories, gun factories, forging plants (all kinds), (dothing factories, tent and equipage factories, testing and proving plants, shops, miscellaneous, printing, repair, salvage, motor repair, etc.) ., 193 650 Minor construction. 651 Shooting galleries and buildings at target ranges. 652 Miscellaneous or temporary buildings ar camp, maneurer, proving grounds, and cantonments. 653 Viaducts, culverts, wagon scales, auto scales. 654 Corrals, pounds, picket lines, fences, stone walls, gates, stock- ades, and arbors. 655 FlagstafiTs, rostrums, band stands, settees, signal masts. 656 Riding and obstacle courses, hay racks, wind breaks. 657 Water troughs, horse dips, cesspools, manure pits. 658 Boat and bathhouses, sentry boxes, watch houses, scale houses, smokestacks, bases, and platforms, chimneys. 659 Miscellaneous. 659. 1 Station buildings. (Telephone and telegraph stations.) 61127° — 15i VA 194 660 Fortifications. 660. 1 Foreign. 660. 2 Land-defense and coast-defense works. 660. 3 Defensive sea areas; mine areas. 660. 9 Miscellaneous. 661 Field fortifications. (Earthworks, intrenchments, trenches, redoubts, military field engineering, parados, entanglements, etc.) 662 Gun and mortar batteries. (Emplacements, turrets, and platforms for gun and mortar batteries, mortar beds, etc.) 663 Mine structures. (Casemates mining, cable tanks, battle rooms, switchboard rooms, dormitories, loading rooms, mine wharves, store- houses, magazines, and sheds for mines and torpedoes, mine racks, dynamite rooms, etc.) 664 Cable structures. (Cable stations, terminals, huts, galleries, tanks, houses, shelters, test rooms, tramways, etc.] 665 Fire-control installations. 665. 01 Reports on, reports and progress. 665. 02 Fire control diagrams. 665. 1 Stations. 665. 11 Field of view from. 665. 12 Protection for. ^ 665. 2 Commanders' and other stations. (Battle, fort, fire, battery, observing, signal, wireless, radio, fog, plotting rooms, meteorological, tide, switch- board, range finding, crows' nests, etc.) 665. 9 Miscellaneous. 666 Searchlight structures. (Shelters, towers, etc.) 669 Miscellaneous. 195 670 Plants and systems. 671 Water. (Water-distributing systems, pumping plants, wells, reser- voirs, cisterns, tanks, aqueducts, water supply, consump- tion, analysis, meter readings, water reports, purification and filtration plants, plumbing systems, fire protection, etc.) 672 Sewage, drainage, purification. (Sewage, disposal of. 673 Ice, cooling, and refrigerating. 674 Heating. (Ice plants, cold-storage plants, refrigerating systems, ventilation and ventilating systems.) (Steam and electric heating systems, hot-air heating sys- tems, hot-water heating systems, central heating plants, etc.) 675 Lighting and power. (Power plants; electric-lighting systems, interior and exterior; gas-lighting systems, searchlight plants, etc.) 676 Telephone, telegraph, and cable. 676. 1 Telephone systems. 676.2 Telegraph systems. 676.3 Wireless or radio systems. 676.4 Cable systems. 676.9 Miscellaneous. (Target range comm tems, etc.) 677 Oil-burning plants and systems. 679 Miscellaneous. (Compressed-air and gas-generating plants, sawmills, plan- ing mills, windmills, rock-quarry plants, rock-crushing plants, distillation plants, shrinking plants, sorting plants, acid concentration, ether and alcohol plants, etc.) 196 680 Reservations. 680. 1 Location and establishment of, and change in grade. 680. 2 Jurisdiction, government, rules and regulations. (Questions as to who has jurisdiction over particular places, including property, land, etc.; transfers or changes of jurisdiction or authority, government rules, regulations, admission of visitors, guides, hours of open- ing and closing, taking photographs, admission of vehicles, authority given to display various kinds and sizes of flags, protection of wild game and fish, etc.) 680. 3 Use and occupation. 680. 31 For pasturage, grazing, burial sites, mining, cut- ting hay, farming. 680. 311 For pasturage and grazing. 680. 312 For burial sites. 680. 313 For mining. 680. 314 For farming and cutting hay. 680. 319 Miscellaneous. 680. 32 For rehgious, school, hospital purposes, 680. 33 For camp grounds, cantonments (miUtary). 680. 34 For quarters, offices. 680. 341 Assignment of rooms in building as offices, quarters, etc. 680. 35 For pubhc gatherings such as memorial services, encampments of veterans, etc. 680. 30 By mihtia or National Guard. 680. 37 By civiUan mihtary organizations. ^ 680. 39 ^fiscellaneous. 680. 4 Leases, licenses, and permits affecting Government property. 680. 41 Leases of Government property to others. 680. 42 Permission granted to individuals. 680. 421 To fish, hunt, and camp. 680. 422 To take photographs and moving pictures. 680. 423 To install motors in buildings. 680. 424 To make surveys or measurements. 680. 425 To land at Government wharves. 680. 429 Miscellaneous. 680. 43 Licenses for rights of way. 680. 44 Licenses for other purposes. 680. 45 Permission to change inscriptions on headstones or tombstones. 680. 46 Permission to decorate graves, as by plants. 197 680. 47 Permission to erect or construct vaults, monu- ments, memorials, tombstones. 680. 48 Concessions. 680. 49 Miscellaneous. 680. 5 Trespassing, damaging, or destroying Government prop- erty or reservations. 680. 9 Miscellaneous. 681 Depots (subdivide as 680) . 682 Arsenals and armories (subdivide as 680). 683 Forts, posts, and hospitals (subdivide as 680). 684 Target ranges (subdivide as 680). 685 Camp, cantonment and maneuver grounds, camp sites (subdi- vide as 680). 686 Aviation fields, landing places, stations (subdivide as 680). 687 Cemeteries (subdivide as 680.) 688 National parks, battlefields, roadways (subdivide as 680) . 689 Miscellaneous places (subdivide as 680). 700 MEDICINE, HYGIENE, AND SANITATION. 710 Diseases. 720 Health and prevention of diseases. 730 Schools of medicine and treatments. 740 Physiology and anatomy. 750 760 770 780 790 (189) 700 MEDICINE, HYGIENE, AND SANITATION. 700. 1 . Theory, laws, and philosophy. 700. 2 Essaj^s, lectures, treatises, researches. 700. 3 Training in medicine, surgery, nursing, climes. 700. 4 Legal medicine. Pharmacopoeia. 700. 5 State or United States control. 700. 6 Medical museums and collections. 700. 7 Professional papers. 700. 8 Rules and regulations. 700. 9 Miscellaneous. 701 Medical attendance. (Officers, enlisted men, nurses, employees, civilians, cadets, foreigners, aliens, interned persona, prisoners, miscella- neous.) 701.1 Prescriptions. 701.2 By civilians. 701.9 Miscellaneous. 702 Medical examinations. (Officers, enlisted men, nurses, employees, civilians, cadets, foreigners, aliens, interned persons, prisoners, etc.) 702.1 Specimens. 702.2 Temperature. 702.3 Tests, various kinds. 702.4 Cultures. 702.9 Miscellaneous. 703 Dental treatment. (Officers, enlisted men, nurses, employees, civilians, cadets, foreigners, aliens, interned persons, prisoners, miscella^ neous.) 704 Casualties, wounds, and wounded. 704. 01 Vitality. 704. 1 Sick, wounded and invalid. 704. 11 Disposition and transfer of. 704. 2 Convalescents. 704. 5 Reports of morbidity and mortality. 704. 9 Miscellaneous wounds. (201) 202 705 Admission to hospital and patients in hospital. 705. 1 General hospitals. (Officers, field clerks, enlisted men, nurses, employees, civilians, cadets, foreigners, aliens, interned persons, prisoners, miscellaneous.) 705. 2 Post hospitals (subdivide as 705.1). 705. 3 Field hospitals (subdivide as 705.1). 705.4 Saaitariums (subdivide as 705.1). 705. 5 Base hospitals (subdivide as 705.1). 705. 6 Civil hospitals (subdivide as 705.1). 705. 9 Miscellaneous. 706 Medical histories. (Officers, field clerks, enlisted men, nurses, employees, cadets, civilians, foreigners, aliens, interned persons, prisoners, miscellaneous.) 707 Surgical operations. (Officers, field clerks, enlisted men, nurses, employees, civilians, cadets, foreigners, aliens, interned persons, prisoners, miscellaneous.) 707. 1 Sterilization. 707. 2 Autopsies, post mortems. 707. 3 Resuscitation. 203 710 Diseases, injuries, affections, afflictions, etc., and reme- dies therefor. 711 Epidemics. 712 Injuries. 713 Remedies. 204 720 Health and prevention of disease. 720.1 Food. 720. 11 Adulterations of. 720. 12 Storage of. 720. 13 Diet kitchens. 720. 14 Diet for the sick. 720. 15 Milk supply. 720. 19 IVIiscellaneous. 720.2 Water supply. 720. 21 Analysis. 720.22 Pollution. 720.3 Vaccination and immunization, inoculation 720. 31 Use of serums. 720.4 Quarantine. 720.5 Disinfection. 720. 51 Fumigation. 720. 52 Deodorization. 720. 54 Use of heat as a disinfectant. 720. 55 Use of chemicals. 720. 59 Miscellaneous. 720.6 Sewers and sewerage. 720.7 Garbage and waste, disposal of. 720.8 Excreta, disposal of. (Fecal matter and feccB.) 720.9 I^Iiscellaneous. 721 Sanitary inspections. 721. 1 Ships. 721.2 Trains. 721.3 Posts. 721. 4 Camps and trenche*. 721.5 Sanitary reports. 721.6 Health reports. 721.9 Miscellaneous. 722 Disposal of the dead as aflfecting health. 722.1 Cremation. 722.2 Burial. 722.3 Embalming. 722.4 Disinfection of the dead. 722. 41 Use of ice. 722.9 Miscellaneous. 723 Hygiene of the air and ground. 723.1 Air pollution. 723. 11 Dust. 723. 12 Smoke. ;, 205 Air pollution — Continued. 723. 13 Noxious gases. 723. 14 Vegetable trades. 723. 15 Animal trades. 723. 19 Miscellaneous. 723. 2 Ground pollution. 723. 21 Conditions of soil as affecting health. 723. 22 Ground in camps, cities, and towns. 723. 23 Nuisances. 723. 3 Trench sanitation. 723. 9 Miscellaneous. 724 Ventilation. 724. 1 Heating and lighting. 724. 2 Cleanmg. 724. 21 Vacuum cleaning system. 724. 3 Temperature. 724. 4 Sunlight, heat and light, effects of. 724. 9 Miscellaneous. 725 Insects, disease-bearing. 725. 1 Mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. 725. 11 Prevention and restriction. 725. 9 Miscellaneous. 726 Hygiene of diseases and diagnosis. 726. 1 Venereal, Genito-urinary, prostitution and sex vices. 726. 2 Occupational. 726. 3 Transmissible. 726. 4 Tropical. 726. 5 Physical training and exercises. 726. 6 Smoking, the habit of. 726. 9 Miscellaneous. 727 Clothing and personal hygiene. 727. 1 Cleanliness of the body. 727. 2 Bathing facihties. 727. 3 Feet, care of. 727. 4 Delousing facihties. 727. 9 Mscellaneous. 728 Veterinary sanitation, hippology (see 484.3). 728. 1 Infectious and other diseases of domestic animals. 728. 2 Parasites of animals. 728. 3 Animal diseases communicable to men. 728. 4 Care and housing of animals. 728. 5 Feeding of animals (see 484,2). 728. 6 Transportation of animals. 728. 7 Slaughter of animals. 728. 9 Miscellaneous. 206 729 Miscellaneous. 729. 1 Climate and climatic conditions. 729. 2 Germs, organisms, and parasites; destruction and pre- vention of. 729. 3 Protection of live from casualties, accidents. 729. 4 Aid to injured. 729. 5 Rats, rodents, vermin, roaches, extermination of. 207 730 Special treatments and practices. (Gynecology, homeopathy, neurology, obstetrics, pediatrics, opthalmology, optometry, orthoepy, osteopathy, podriatics, pathology, pharmacy, psychiatry, roentgenology, X ray,' therapeutics, therapy, dermatology, bacteriology, chem- istry, chiropody, etc.) 208 740 Physiology and anatomy. 740. 1 Breeding, 741 Hearing and vision, deaf and deafness, blind, and blindness, age weight, height, etc. 742 Blood and circulation. 743 Nervous system. 744 Skin and other parts of the body. 749 Miscellaneous. 800 RIVERS AND HARBORS. 810 Natural divisions and accessories. 820 Artificial divisions and accessories. 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 Gil 27 —18 14 (20'n 800 RIVERS AND HARBORS. 800. Oi Size or capacitv. 800. 02 J^ocation. 800. O;-; Number of. 800. 00 Miscellaneous. 800. 1 Construction or installation work. 800. 11 Methods of; bids, abstracts, awards, contracts. 800. 1 1 1 Bids. 800. nil Circulars to bidders, advertising. 800. 1112 Authority to invite ])ids. 800. 112 Abstracts. 800. 1121 Of proposals and bids. 800. 1122 Of awards. 800. 113 Awards. 800. 114 Contracts. 800.115 Open market. 800. 116 Emergency. 800. 117 Proposal and acceptance agreements. 800. 118 Hire of labor and purchase of material. 800. Ill) Miscellaneous. 800. 1191 Complaints and protests of bidders. 800. 1192 Com])laints and protests of contrac- tors. 800. 12 Projects. 800. 121 General. 800. 122 Provisional. 800. 123 Standard. 800. 124 Subprojects. 800. 129 Miscellaneous. 800. 13 Phms and specifications. 800. 1301 Plans. 800. 1302 Specifications. 800. 131 Uniform, standard and tyi>ical. 800. 132 General or miscellaneous data. 800. 133 Preparation of. 800. 134 Approval under State authority. 800. 135 Approval of, wlien authorized by Congress. 800. 136 Ap]n-ovjil by War Department. 800. 139 Miscellaneous. (211) 212 800. 14 Estimates and requisitions for. 800. 141 Estimates, 800. 142 Requisitions, 800. 16 Advertisements and bidders' lists, etc. 800. 161 Advertisements. 800. 1611 Catalogues and circulars. 800. 162 Lists of constructing officers of Govern- ment. 800. 16 Requests for information. 800. 164 List of bidders. 800. 165 Lists of contractors. 800. 166 Introductions and credentials of representa- tives of bidders and contractors. 800. 167 Government recommendations or testimo- nials. 800. 168 Use of Government name in advertisements 800. 169 Miscellaneous, 800. 17 Supervision and inspection. 800. 18 Reports and returns of operations. 800. 19 Miscellaneous. 800.2 Controlling, maintaining, operating, and using. 800. 21 Rules and regulations. 800.211 Navigation. 800.2111 Prevention of collisions. 800.2112 Speed of vessels. 800. 212 Anchorage. "* 800.2121 Moorings, 800. 213 Dumping. 800. 214 Logging, 800. 215 Rafting, 800.216 Ferries. 800.219 Miscellaneous. 800. 22 Control of rivers and harbors. 800. 221 Opening and closing. 800. 222 Rights, riparian and flowago. 800. 223 Title to soil under. 800. 224 Pollution of water. 800. 225 Use of water power. 800. 229 Miscellaneous. 800.3 Preserving and repairing. 800. 31 Preserving. 800. 32 Repairing. 213 800.4 Improving, altering, eh; nging, widening, deepening, enlarging, and straightening. 800. 41 Improving, 800. 42 Altering and changing 800. 421 Widening 800. 422 . Deepening. 800. 42;i Enlarging. 800. 424 Straightening. 800. 425 Dredging. 800. 4251 Removing rock, sand, and graved. 800. 43 By local interests cooperating with United States. 800. 49 Miscellaneous, 800. 5 Permits and licenses. 800. 501 Occupancy. 800. 502 Leases and loans. 800. 51 Extension of time and other modifications. 800. 52 Transfer of. 800. 53 Suspension of. 300. 54 Recalled, revoked, or canceled. s,00. 59 Miscellaneous. 800. 6 Limitations. 800. 7 Deterioration and damage. 800.71 Collisions. 800. 72 Fire. 800. 73 Storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricr.nes 800. 79 Miscellaneous. 800. 8 Clearing obstructions to navigation. 800. 81 Marking. 800. 82 Putting on charts and issuing notices, 800. 83 Anchoring or mooring. 800. 84 Removing. 800. 85 Sinking. 800. 86 Destroying. 800. 89 Mscellaneous. 800. 9 Miscellaneous. 800. 91 Maps, charts, i)hotographs, and blue ])rints. 800. 911 Maps, charts, and blue prints, 800. 912 Photographs. 800. 92 Examinations and surveys. 800. 921 Examinations. 800. 922 Surveys. 800. 93 Protecting. 800. 99 Miscellaneous, 801 Laws and legislation affecting. o 214 810 Natural divisions and accessories. 810. ] Rivers. 810. 2 Lakes. 810. 3 Waterfalls. 810. 4 Bays. 810. Straits. 810. 6 Basins. 810. 9 Miscellaneous. 811 Channels. 812 Physical characteristics and scientific data. 812. 1 Low water. 812. 101 Lo w-w ater m arks . 812.11 Mean low water. 812. 2 High water. 812. 21 High-water marks. 812. 3 Bench marks. 812. 4 Water levels. 812. 5 Discharge measurements. 812. 6 Soundings and sweepings. 812. 7 Current observations. 812. 8 Drainage areas. 812. 9 Miscellaneous. 812. 91 Tide and wave actions. 812. 92 Tidal fluctuations and rangcv- 813 Harbors. 813. 1 Harbors of refuge. 813. 2 Ice harbors. 813. 3 Anchorage areas and basins. 813. 31 Terminal facilities. 813. 32 Harbor hues. 814 Floods and overflows, prevention of. 814. 1 Washouts. 814. 2 Glacial floods. 814. 3 Diversion of water. 814. 4 Cut-offs. 814. 9 MiscoUaneous. > ■Jir) 820 Artificial divisions and accessories. 821 Canals, locks and dams, slackwaters. 821.01 Lockage and locking. $2 1 . 02 Walls, doors, and foundations. 821. 0:i Buildings. 821. 04 (laics and macliincM-y. 821.00 Miscellaneous. 821. 1 Canals and locks. (Ship navigation, iirii^aliuii, livci, and UtlltTS.) 821.2 Dams. (Water power, canul, cotlcrdanis, and o it hers.) 821. 3 Reservoirs. 821. 9 Miscellaneous. 822 Artificial channels for rivers. 823 Bridg es. 823. 1 Arched and tul)ular. 823. 2 Cantilever. 823. 3 Girder. 823.4 Suspension. 823. 5 Truss. 823.6 Trestle. 823.7 ^lovable and miscellaneous. 823. 71 Bascule, knife, and lift. 823. 72 DraA\' and swing. 823. 73 Temjiorary. 823. 74 Foot. 823. 75 Miiitarv. 823. 76 Pontoon. 823. 77 Compound structures. 823. 78 Fixed bridges. 823. 70 Miscellaneous. 823. 8 Parts of bridges. 823. 81 Bridge lights. 823. 82 S])ans. 823. 83 Girders, 823. 84 Stresses and strains. 823. 85 Abutments. 823. 86 Draws. 823. 87 False works. 823. 88 Fenders and draw rests. 823. 89 Miscellaneous. 823. 891 Piers. 216 824 Bank and shore protection. 824. 01 Erosion of banks. 824. 1 Revetments, embankments, sea walls, retaining walls, and ripra]>s. 824. 2 Dikes, wing dams, groins, current deflectors. 824. 4 Levees. 824. 9 Miscellaneous. 825 Structures in waters. 825. 01 Unauthorized. 825. 02 Beyond harbor lines. 825. 1 Docks, piers, wharves. 825. 2 Floats, landing places, landing stages. 825. 3 Jetties. 825. 4 Breakvvaters. 825. o Booms. 825. 6 Bulkheads. 825. 7 Water mains, intakes, outlets, water-supply cribs. 825. 8 Tunnels, pipe lines. 825. 9 Miscellaneous. 825. 91 Fish traps, ])ounds, lobster pots, wheels, weirs 825. 92 Spars, piles, ])iling, })ird roosts, racks, duck blinds. 826 Marine construction works and appurtenances. 826. 1 Marine ways. 826. 2 Launch ways. 826. o Dr}' docks and dry docking. 826. 4 Boat and shipyards. «^ 826. 9 Miscellaneous. 828 Obstructions to navigation. S2S. 1 Kocks, reefs, and bai's; uncliarted obslmctions N2S. 2 Logs, driftwood, deadheads, and rafts. y2S. o Aquatic plants. 828. 5 Wrecks. S2S. ')l Rights of owners. S2S. 52 Abandoned or occupied. 828. 9 Miscellaneous. 829 Miscellaneous. 829. 1 Aids to navigation. 829. 11 Buoys. 829. 12 Lighthouses, beacons. 829. 13 Lightsliips. 829. 14 Signaling dovices, signal to \'er-; 829. 2 Navigation data. 829. 3 Commerce on. 829.31 Commercial statistics 829. 32 Tonnage. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. A. A band on 000. Abandoned posts, records of 314. Abandonment: Contracts 164 In war 384. Posts, reservations 602. Abatement, sentences 253. Abattoirs 634 .\bbre^dations 312. Able-bodied 342. Ability, employees 230. Abrasions 710 Abroad, purchases 400. Abscess 710 Absence: Cadets 351. Employees 230. Annual leave 230. Application for 230. Arsenal employees 230. Complaints and inquiries 230. Cumulative or accrued 230. EA'e of resignation 230. Furlough 230. Harbor boat employees 230. Holidays 230. Invohdng employment sulisti- tutos 230. Outlying stations 230. Per diem employees 230. Temporary employees 230. Trausi^ort employees 230. Laws, rules and regulations as to. 230. Departmental 230. Field service 230. Methods of calculating 230. On duty 230. On Sundays and holidays 230. Public duties 230. Jury 2:50. National Guard or Militia 230. Voting 230. Witness 230. Reports 230. Aonual 230. 51 2 1 1 1 4 1 34 136 21 5 54 541 548 542 543 544 56 545 514 5491 5492 546 547 545 51 511 512 513 424 514 57 573 571 572 574 53 536 Absence — Continued . Employees — Continued . Reports — Continued . Daily 230.531 Monthly 230. 533 On transfer 230. 243 Semiannual 230. 535 Sixty day 230. 534 Sundays 230.514 Weekly 230. 532 Sick leave 230. 55 Account of contagious diseases or quarantine Applications Arsenal employees Complaints and inquiries. . . . : Harbor boat emi)loyees Involving the em])loyment of substitutes Per diem employees Temporary employees Transport employees Special events Deaths and funerals Patriotic events and celebra- tions 230. 585 Religious celebrations 230. 581 Unveiling .statues 230. 583 \\'eather conditions 230. 584 Statistics and statements 230. 52 Records of leaves 230. 521 Statistical statements 230. 522 With leave 230. 54 Without leave 230. 565 Without pay 230. 56 Applications for 230. 561 Complaints and inquiries 230. 562 Extended periods 230. 56.3 Furloughed or laid off 230. 564 Enlisted men 220. 71 Deductions of pay for 242. 3 Furloughs 220. 711 Deductions of pay for excess... 242. 3 To Army Reserve 220. 88 Hunting leaves 220. 714 230. 553 230. 551 230. 557 230. 552 230. 554 230. 558 230. 555 230. 556 230. 554 230. 58 230. 582 (217) 218 A bsence — Contin ued . Enlisted men — Continued. Making good time lost 220. 719 Makinggood time lost in desertion 251. 23 Misconduct, not in line of duty, etc 220.717 Deducting pay for 242. 3 Passes 220. 715 Pay during 242. 2 Permission to go beyond the sea. 220. 716 Sick leave 220. 713 Sickness, not in line of duty .... 220. 717 Suspension allotments for 243. 6 With leave 220. 711 Without leave 220. 712 Deduction of pay for ■ 242. 3 ifaking good time lost in deser- tion 251.23 Witness duty 220. 715 Militia, from muster in 325. 456 Militia, from muster out 325. 457 National Guard, from muster in 325.456 National Guard, from muster out.. 325.457 Officers 210. 71 Hunting leave 210. 714 Not in line of duty 210. 717 Passes 210. 715 Permission to go beyond sea 210. 710 Sick leave 210. 713 Stoppage of pay for 241. 2 With leave 210. 711 Stoppage of pay for excess 241. 2 Without leave 210. 712 Stoppage of pay for 241 . 2 Witness duty 210. 718 I'ersonnel, general 200. 1 -Absentees: Militia or National Guard, from muster in 325. 45(i Militia or National Guard, from muster out 325. 457 Absorbents, gas and chemical 470. 72 Abstract questions 312. 1 Abstracts of awards: Construction (iOO. J 122 Manufacture of supplies and eciuip- ment 400.1822 I\i^•er and harbor work 800. 1 122 Sui)plies and equipment, purchases 400. 1422 Abstracts of bids: ( 'barter or hire of vessels 545. 02 ( 'onstruction buildings and grounds 600. 1121 Construction of vessels 561. 4 Transports 571. 4 l)ra\-age and hauling 536 Abstracts of bids — Continued. Manufactures from materials fur- nished by United States. . 400. 1822 River and harbor work 800. 1121 Supplies and equipment 400. 1 421 For manufacture of 400. 1821 Transportation, freight 554. 1 Transporation, passenger 55;>. 1 ( ommercial vessels 544. ;> .Vbstracts of funds 132. :5 Abstracts of pro])osals: Buildings and grounds constiuctiou (lOO. IKl River and harbor work 800. 1121 Supj)lies and e<|uipment 400. I 421 -Vbstracts, propo.^als, and bids 162 -Abuses 250. 1 -\l)Utments. bridge 823. 85 Academic Hoard. Military .Vcademy. 351.0(1 Academy 000. 8 Academy, Military 351 Academic Hoard 351 . 06 -\])pointments 351. 11 ( 'adet n.mcommissioned ofhcers. . 351. 392 ( 'adet oflicers 351. 391 Reappointments 351. 11 -\ppropriatioii for 112 Estimates for ill Rand 351.03 Board of \isitors 351. 0(i ( 'adet store 351 . 42 Cadets 351. 1 -Vbsence 351.21 Alternates 351. 1 2 Annual roll 351. 29 Appeals 351. 18 Appointment, reappointment. . . 351.11 ('audidales 351. 28 Circulars of information 351 . 27 Conduct roll 351. 29 Corps of ( 'adels 351 . 39 Demerits 351. 16 Discharges 351 . 242 Dismissals 351. 242 Distinguished 351. 22 Encampment 351. 41 Examination, physical and men- tal 351. 15 Boards for 334. 1 Cadets at the academy 351. 151 Candidates 351. 153 Deficient in examination 351. 152 Reexaminations 351. 154 Foreigners, admission and educa- ^ion 351.38 Graduation list 351. 23 Academy, Military — Continued . Cadets — Coni inued . JIazing 351. 19 Merit roll 351. 29 Xame, change of 351. 35 Probation 351. 13 Puuishnient 351. 17 Reexamination 351. 154 Reinstatement 351. 14 Residence 351. 37 Resignation 351. 241 Separation 351. 24 Suspension 351. 243 Uniforms 351. 33 Use of, to iui^tiiicl militia 351. 2(5 ^'acancies 351. 25 Warrants 351. 30 1 'andidates 351. 28 Admission of 351. 281 Date to report 351. 283 Districts 351. 284 Oaths of 351. 282 t'ourse of instruction 351. 051 Departments 351. 05 Detachments, enlisted men 351. 02 Applications for recruits for 343. 1 Recruits availalile 343. 2 Instructors 351: 01 Military history 314. 7 (Officers of 351. 01 (Organists 351. 01 Reexaminations 351. 154 Regulations 351. 04 Rolls, conduct, merit, section 351. 29 Sales to cadet store 400. 32G Teachers 351. 01 Transfers of officers, olticiaLs. in- structors 351. Oil .\cademy, Naval 045. 8 .\cceptance: Appointments, employees 230. 2141 Bids, construction, installation, buildings, and grounds — GOO. 117 Bids for contracts 1()3 ( Ivil ollice, enlisted men 220. 43 ( "ivil of lice, officers , 210. 43 ( 'ommLssion 210.14 <'ommission, officers, promotion . . . 210. 24 ( ontracts 101 Positions, employees 230. 133 Proposal and acceptance of agree- ments 400. 140 •2W Acceptance — Continued . Rivers and harbors work 800. 1 i 7 Altering 800. 42 Repairing 800. 32 Proposals, written Kil Purchases, supplies under proposals and bids 400. 1 22 Warrants, enlisted men: Appointments 220. 14 Promotions 220. 24 Accessories : Airplanes 452. 11 Aircraft safety devices, stabil- izers 452. 51 Airships, gyroplanes 452. 41 Ammunition 471. 8 Armored cars and tanks 470. 81 Automobiles, passenger 451. 11 Bicj'cles, motorcycles, side cars, rear cars 451. 41 Carts 451. 71 Guns 472. 82 Cleaning devices 472. 82 Covers for cannon 472. 82 Rammers and staves 472. 82 Sponges and staves 472. 82 llydroaeroi)lanos, sea sleds, sea planes, aerial torpedo boats 452. 21 ]Motor and auto trucks 451. 21 Parachutes 452. 331 Rivers and harbors 810 Searchlight and lights 470. 31 Sleighs 451. 911 Small arms 474. 8 Tractors 451. 31 Trailers 451. 31 Vehicles 451. 01 Wagons 451. 71 Accidents 000. 93 Auto and motor 537. 5 Taused by military activities 370. 07 Employees, compensation for in- jury 248. 5 Employer's liability payments .... 248. 4 Personnel 200. 5 Protection, animals 484. 4 Protection of life fi'oni 729. :! Reports of: Buildings and grounds (iOO. 9 1 3 Vessels. 509.14 Transports 579. 14 Supplies and equipment 400. 43 From ordnance blasts, truulire. . . 400. 44 220 Accidents — Continued. Transports 570. 02 Use of troops, relief work 370. 11 Vessels SfiO. 02 Accommodations on reservations fi80. 3 On posts, and other stations 083 Accommodations, subsistence, rail- road 531 . 3 Accountability: Money 130 Property 140 Questions as to 102 Accountants, employees 231. 3 Accoimting 100 Funds, money 130 Disbursing officers 130 Powers, duties, obligations 130 Forms and metliods 130 Forms approved by comptroller. 130 Laws and regulations 130 Property, supplies and stores 140 Forms and metliods 140. 3 Laws and regulations 140. 1 Systems 140. 2 Systems 101 Transportation 550. 3 Accounts 150 Against the Army 158 Allotment 12L 2 Apportionment 121. 1 Claims 150 Cost 121. 6 Demurrage 556. 1 Disallowances 132. 6 Division of War Department 020. 4 Enlisted men, alloAvances 240 Funds, money 132 Administrative examinatii»Ji 132. 2 Auditing 132. 2 Errors and irregul iritios 132. 2 Laws and regulations 132. 01 ^liscellaneous against Array 158 For ser\dce8 158 Advertising 158 Job printing 158 Telegraph 158 Reports of, paid 1 21. 7 Telephone 158 For supplies 158 Miscellaneous in favor of United States against others 159 Miscellaneous reports 132. 9 Money accounts 132 Inspections of 333. 811 Nurses: Allowances 245 Accounts — Continued . Officers: Allowances 245 Commutation of 245. S Partial payments to, before settlement of accounts... 241 Pay accounts 24 1. 4 Open-market purchases, reports of. 132. 7 Pay {see Pay) 241. 4 Property 141 Correcting, numbering, and post- ing 141 J T |14L6 Dropping and takmg up >. ,, ,. Expendable and nonexpend-1141. (i able [143. () Field 141 Memorandum receipts 141. 5 Posts 141 Reports of survey 141. 8 Inventory and inspection reports 141. 81 Shortages, losses, damages, and destroyed 141. 7 Personal charges for 141. 71 V^ouchers and other papers 141 Rendition of 132. 1 Delinquency in, by adminis- trative officers 132. 1 Delinquency in, by disbursing officers 132. 1 Waiver or extension of time limit. 132. 1 Re^^sions 1 32. 6 By auditor 132. (i By comptroller 132. (> Settlements under contracts 167 Statements of differences, dif- ference sheets 132. 6 Storage 556.2 Suspensions 132. 6 Transportatioji 550 Blajik forms and vouchers 550. 1 Express 555 Against carriers, breakages, shortages 557 Claims of express companies... 555 Disputed for settlement by auditor 555 For instructions as to settlement 555 Militia 555 Payable by other departments . 555 Payable from appropriations War Department other than Army transportation. 555 0.)l ArcoiiiilK- Conliiuicd. Transportation^ — Continued. Exi)ress — Continued. Settlement of o55 Unsupported by bill of lad- ing 555 I'roiirht 554. 4 Abstracts. })ids, and contracts. 554. 1 Militia 554. 1 War Department bureaus. . . 554. 1 Carriers, lireakages, sliortagee.. 557 Claims of railroads 554. 4 Improper deductions 554. 4 Militia 554. 4 Payable by otber departments. 554.4 Payable from appropiiations, ^^'ar Department, other than Army transportation. 554.4 Unsupported by l)ill of jail- ing 554. 4 Methods of computing and han- dling 550.2 Passenger 553. 4 Abstracts, bids and contracts. . 553. 1 Detachments 553. 1 Militia 553. 1 Organizations changing sta- tion 553. 1 Organizations to camps 553. 1 Organizations tn shows, pa- rades, tournaments 553. 1 Recruits 553. 1 Against carriers, breakages, shortages 557 Claims of railroads 553. 4 Improper deductions 553. 4 Disputed, forwarded to auditor. 553. 4 Instructions requested as to settlement 553.4 Militia 553.4 Payable by other departments. 553.4 Payable from War l)(])artment appropriations other than Army transportation 553. 4 Unsupported l)y transportation request 553. 4 ^\'eighing cars, switching, oc- cupan(>y 556. 3 Vouchers ajid other pa]>ers 132 Accounts and Supplies, Navy De- partment 045. 2 Accoutrements 475 -Vccrued leaves, employees 230. 543 Acetylene 463. 2 Acetylene lamps 414. 5 Acids 441.3 Acids, ijigicdicjits for ])owd('r 471. 85 Acknowledgment , letters of 312. 1 Acne 710 Acquisition of citizenship 014. 33 .\cquisition of real properly or land . . 001 .\cquisition of vessels 561 Transports 571 Acreages COO. 93 Acting cooks 221 Additional pay 242. 143 .'Vction, congressional 032 Actions, legal 013. 3 Active duty: Assignment reserves to 326. 02 Enlisted men 220. 455 Officers 210. 455 Retired oflicers, pay and allow- ances 241. IS Relief of reserves from 326. 03 .\ctivities, foreigners in United States 336. 8 Acts of Congress 032 Acts, relief, appropriations for 112 Adapters, ammunition 471. 82 Adding machines 413. 51 Addison's disease 710 Additional employees, hire of 230. 142 Additional pay, enlisted men and nurses 242. 14 Additionals, manner of making, etc. . 313. 2 Additions to stocks 400. 215 Additions to transports 574 Additions to vessels 564 Addresses: Allottees of pay 243.2 Commercial enterprises and project. 004. 01 Employees 201. 71 Nearest relatives 230. 713 Records of 230. 712 Requests for 230. 714 Enlisted men 201. 71 Firms 004. 01 Letter writing 312. 4 Officers 201. 71 Personnel 201. 71 Vessels 565. 2 Transports 575. 2 Addreesograph operators 231. 3 Addressogi-aphs 413. 51 Adenoids 710 Adjutant general 321 . 2 1 Adjutant General of the Army, Tlie.. 321. 21 Office of 021 Office organization and administra- tion 021 222 Adjutant General's Department 32J . 2 Officers of 321.21 Adjutants: Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duty...^ 323.772 Artillery districts 323. 47 Authority 323.' 471 Duty 323. 472 Assignment of 210. 312 Brio-ades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duty 322. 9912 Camps 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duty 354. 172 ( 'amps of instruction 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354.172 Cantonments 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 Duties 354. 572 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Concentration camps 354. 47 Authority 354. 471 Duties..^ 354. »2 Departments 323. ^ Authority 323; 3?1 Duties 323. 372 Details of 210. 61 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Divisions (geographical) 323. 37 Authority. 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Divisions (tactical) 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hospitals, field 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hospitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Hospitals, post 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties ■- . 323. 772 Maneuver camps 354. 27 Authority 354. 271 Duties 354.272 Mobilization camps 354. 37 Authority 354. 371 Adj iitants — Continued . Mob ilizatio n camps — Co ntinued . Duties 354. 372 (Organizations, such as armies, regi- ments, etc 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Ports of debarkation 323. 927 Authority 323. 9271 Duties 323. 9272 Ports of embarkation 323. 917 Authority 323. 9171 Duties 323. 9172 Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 77 Authority 354. 771 Duties 354. 772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Tactical organizations 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Training camps 354. 67 Authority 354. 071 Duties 354. 672 Adjutants general, States 323. 82 Authority 323. 821 Duties 323. 822 Administration 300 Army, laws relating to 300. 1 Arsenals, as to supplies and equip- ment 400.2) Camp administration 381 Councils of, post, camp and com- pany exchanges 331 . 3 Depots,as to suppliesand equipment 400. 21 Field 372 Offices: Adjutant General 021 Chief of Engineers 025 Chief of Ordnance 023 Chief Signal Officer 026 Inspector General 027 Judge Advocate General 028 Quartermaster General 022 Surgeon General 024 War Department offices 020 Post administration 331 Administration buildings 631 AdministratiA^e examination of ac- counts of funds 132. 2 223 Adiuinistrative olliccrs: Arsenals :V23. 77 Authority 823. 77 1 Duties 323. 772 Assignment of 210. 312 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 991 1 Duties 322.9912 Camps of instruction 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Cantonments 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 Duties 354. 572 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties. . ". 323. 572 Concentration camps 354. 47 Authority 354. 471 Duties. 354. 472 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Depots 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Details of administrative olficers. . . 210. 69 Districts 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Districts, Artillery 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Divisions (Geographical) 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Forts 323.77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 Hospitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 Mobilization camps 354. 37 Authority 354. 371 Duties. 354. 372 Posts 323.77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties..'. 323. 772 Administrators 013. 4 Admirals 045. 5 Admission : l-'oreigners to I nitod States Military Academy 35 1 . 38 Of solicitors and attorneys 013. 2 To hospitals (see Hospitals, admis- sion to) 705 To xMilitary Academy 351. 281 To National Soldiers Home 002 To reservations 680. 2 To sanitariums (see Sanitariums, admission to) 705. 4 Admonitions 250. 1 Adoption: New forms 315 Supplies and equijiment 400. 11 Advance payments Allowances — Enlisted men 246 Commutation of 246. 8 Nurses 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Officers 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Employees 248. 2 Officers, pay clerks, veterinarians.. 241 Under contracts 167 Advance sections 370. 44 Advance, zone of 372. 3 Adventist Church 000. 3 Adventurers ' 000. 52 Advertisements 400. 151 1 Contracts 162 Exceptions 162 Competition useless 162 Contracts following default 162 Emergency purchases 162 Extras under existing contract.. 162 Personal services 162 Previous adv(rtising without re- sult 162 Purchases from another depart- ment 162 Purchases of limited amounts . . . 162 Of firms 400. 151 Purchases 400. 122 Formal contracts 400. 121 Purchases of vessels 561. 3 Transports 571. 3 KequireuKsnts for ]>roposals, con- tracts 162 To bidders, rivers and harbors work 800.1111 To bidders, supplies and equipment 400. 141 1 224 Advertisements — Continued. Use of Government name: Buildings and grounds work .... (iOO. ItiS River and harbor work 800. 168 Supplies and equipment 400. 158 Advertising: Accounts 158 Division, War Department 020. 4 For recruits 415 For supplies 400. 121 National flag used f"r 382. 1 Sale 400.1511 Services 486. 5 Aerial darts 471. 6 Aerial guns 472. 91 Carriages, moimts, tri])0(ls for 473. 9 Aerial navigation 373 Aerial observations 373 Aerial observers: Enlisted men 221 Officers 211 Aerial operations 373 Aerial sound-rauging instruments 413. C84 Aerial torpedo boats 452. 2 Parts and accessories 452. 21 Aerial torpedoes 471. 6 Aero companies 322. 173 Aero squadrons 322. 172 Aerograms 311. 23 Federal supervision of 311. 201 Aeronautical detachments 322. 7 Aeronautical equipment 452 Aeronautical matters 360 Aeronautical supplies 452 Aerial torpedo boats 452. 2 Aerial torpedoes 471. 6 Aeroplanes 452. 1 Aircraft 452.4 Aii'ships, dirigible 452. 4 Balloons 452.3 Breathing apparatus 452. 7 Hydroaeroplanes 452. 2 Instruments 413. 648 Kites 452.3 Aeronauts 231. 21 Aeroplanes 452. 1 Requests for, for fairs, tourna- ments, celebrations 370. 7 Affairs, foreign and international 336 Affairs, local 090 Affections, physical 710 A ffidavits 013. 1 AlHictions 710 Age: Employees — Appointment 230. 221(i Civil service requirements 230. 1133 Enlisted — Appointment 220. 13 Enlistment 342. 15 Promotion 220. 23 Enlistment — Waived by regulations 342. 15 Waived by Secretary of War. . . . 342. 15 Oihcers — Appointment 210. 13 Promotion 210. 23 Agencies {see 004.02) 004. 7 Employment agencies 004. 71 Map reproduction 061. 02 License of taxation of 012. 301 Relations between civil and mili- tary authorities 014. 13 Agencies, Indian 046. 2 Agents: Authority of, bonds under contracts. 168 Authority of, contracts 161 Commercial enterprises and projects 004. 02 ( 'onsular, fortugn 336. 92 Department Justice. .■ 044. 1 Employees 231. 3 Disbursing 231. 3 Dispatch 231. 3 Employees, for iirms doing busi- ness vriih United States. . . 230. 766 Horse biiying 231. 3 Quartennaster agents 231. 3 Transportation agents 231. 3 Firms . 004.02 Government 013 Officers, as of United States and others 210.41 Postal agents 043. 1 Power of attorney, couimercial en- terprises 004. 02 Press 000. 74 Railroad 531. 01 Recruiting for volunteers 324. 3 Representatives making contracts. . 161 Societies and associations 084 Agitators 000. 52 Agreements: Internationa] 336. 01 Oral 161 Proposal and acceptance, buildings and grouuds 600. 1 1 7 Agreements — Continued . Proposal and acceptance, river and harbor work 800. 117 Proposal and acceptance, supplies and equipment 400. 146 Written 161 Agricultural operations, farming 403 On reservations 680. 31 Agricultural tools and implements. . . 413. 18 Agriculture, Department of 047 Bureaus 047. 2 Animal industry 047. 2 Chemistry 047. 2 Forest Service, and Plant Indus- try 047.2 Officers 047. 1 Weather 047. 2 Secretary of Agriculture 047. 1 Assistant secretaries 047. 1 Aid to injured or wounded 729. 4 Aids: Department, division commanders. 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Details as '. . 210. 694 District commanders 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 District commanders, artillery 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Extra pay as 241. 16 Posts, forts and other station com- manders 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Tactical organizations conimand- ers 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Aids to navigation 829. 1 Aiguillettes 421 Aiming devices 473. 85 Air compressors 412. 3 Air hygiene 723 Air, pollution 723. 1 Aircraft 452 Factories 004. 4 Identification 452. 9 Operation of 373 Reports of officers observing foreign 360.02 Use of 373 For fairs, tournaments, exposi- tions 370.7 61127 —18 15 225 Airplanes 452. 1 Factories 004. 4 Identification of 452. 9 Parts and accessories 452. 11 Use of, for fairs, celebrations etc. . . 370. 7 Airs, musical 007 Airships 452. 4 Dirigible 452. 4 Parts aud accessories 452. 41 Alarm systems, fire 676. 9 Alaska, change of station of troops, and United States 370. 5 Alaska Military Telegraph System. . . 676. 2 Alaskan clothing 422 Alaskan Engineering Commission 046. 4 Alaskan Indians 046. 2 Alaskan rations 430. 2 Albuminuria 710 Alcatraz Island, military prison at 252 Alcohol, ingredient of powder 471. 85 Alcohol, subsistence stores 438 Alcohol stoves 414. 2 Alcoholism 710 Alderman 014. 12 Ale, ginger 435 Alienists 231. 23 Aliens 014. 31 Admission to hospitals 705 Base hospitals 705. 5 Civil hospitals 7'>5. 6 Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Dental treatment 703 Enemies 014. 311 Enlistment of 342. 1 Medical attendance, treatment 701 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Rights of aliens 014. 311 Special authority for enlistment. . . 342. 18 Surgical operations 707 Alimony: Enlisted men 242. 4 Officers 241. 3 Alkali 471. 85 Allegiance 014. 4 Alleys bowling 418. 1 Allies, property borrowed from 386.4 Allies, purchasing supplies 400. 136 Allotment: Accounts and reports 121. 2 Appropriations 112. 4 Estimates for, funds 121. 2 Letters of, funds 121. 2 226 Allotment — Continued . Employees to offices and stations. . 230. 368 Enlisted men, erroneous deduct- ' tion of pay 242. 3 Personnel 200. 3 Allotments of pay (see Pay, allot- ments of) 243 Allowances {see also Pay and allow- ances) 240 Beneficiary 247 Employees 248 Commutation of quarters 248. 5 Commutation of subsistence, ra- tions 248.5 Compensation for injuries 248. 5 Family allowance 248. 501 Notarial fees 248. 5 Quarters in kind 248. 5 Quarters, money allowance 248. 5 Eations or messing 248. 5 Special class and locality 248. 5 Subsistence money allowance 248. 5 Travel expenses 248. 7 Enlisted men 246 Charges for exceeding 242. 4 Commutation of 246. 8 Family allowance 246. 7 Retired enlisted men 242. 18 Good conduct time allowance, pri- soners 253. 13 National matches 400. 3404 Nurses 245 Officers 245 Charges for exceeding 241 . 3 Commutation of 245. 8 Family allowance 245. 7 Retired officers 241. 18 Students' allowances, officers' train- ing schools and camps 245 Supplies and equipment 400. 34 Animals 400. 349 Buildings 400. 347 Camps of instruction 400 . 3403 Civilians 400.344 Dropping allowances 143. 6 Employees 400. 343 Enlisted men 400. 342 Libraries 400. 347 Maneuvers 400. 3403 Material for manufacture 400. 172 Militia 400.348 Miscellaneous units (to horses, schools, for instruction pur- poses) 400. 349 Allowances — Continued . Supplies and equipment — Contd. Nm-ses 400.342 Officers. 400. 341 Offices 400. 347 Organizations 400. 345 Posts, stations, depots, arsenals.. 400.346 Prisoners „ . . 400. 344 Target practice: Artillery 400. 3401 National match 400. 3404 Small arms 400.3402 Vessels 458. 2 Transports 458. 2 Transportation: Animals 522 Baggage and household goods: Civilians 524. 25 Employees and members other departments 524. 24 Employees, War Department . 524. 23 Enlisted men, recruits and niu"ses 524. 22 Officers 524. 21 Deserters 513 Employees of War Department.. 514 Enlisted men 513 Of militia 513 Nurses 514 Officers 512 Officials of War Department 514 Organizations 511 Commutation of 511 Prisoners 513 Professional books, officers' 524. 3 Recruits 513 Tickets 552. 8 Vessels 458. 4 Transports 458. 4 Almanacs 461. Ahnonds 432 Alterations: Blank forms and books 315 Buildings and grounds 600. 4 Checks 122. 1 Rivers and harbors 800. 42 Supplies and equipment 400. 51 Requisitions for 400. 312 Vessels 564 Transports 574 Altering buildings 600. 4 Boards 334. 7 Alternates, Military Academy 351. 12 Aluminum 470. 1 227 Alveolar abscess 710 Amatol 471. 86 Amaurosis 710 Ambat:;- 471. 81 Carriers ii^jv- 474. 87 Carts vii A. .-n&imiL . . . 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451 . 71 Chests 473. 88 Containers 471. 87 Covers ! 471. 81 Demolition materials 471. 6 Explosive materials 471. 86 Explosives 471. 86 Factories 004. 4 Fuzes 471. 82 Gallery cartridges 471. 49 Guard cartridges 471. 44 Hoists 471. 88 Turrets 470. 4 Kits 428 Loading trays 471. 88 Ammunition — Continued. Machinery 41 2. 3 Mobile guns 471. 1 Multiball cartridges 471. 44 Parts and accessories 471. 8 Pistol-ball cartridges 471. 42 Plugs 471. 82 Plungers 471. 81 Powder and powder charges 471. 5 Prijners 471. 82 Projectiles 471 Racks 471. 88 Revolver-ball cartridges 471. 42 Rifle-ball cartridges 471. 41 Seacoast guns 471. 3 Service 471. 88 Sheds for, wagons 634 Shell for mobile guns 471. 1 Shipments 523. 8 Shotgun cartridges 471. 49 Shrapnel 471. 2 Skids 471. 88 Small arms 471. 4 Storage of 471. 88 Tables 471. 88 Tongs 471. 88 Tools 413. 11 Transportation of 523. 8 Trolleys 471. 88 Trucks -'!73. 88 Parts and accessories 473. 88 Wagons 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Sheds for 034 Amnesty 387. 1 Amusement halls 631 Amusements ; Vwc-qjEii^ 353. 8 Analysis: Accounts of funds ..... ... 132. 2 Supplies and equipment 400. 112 Water 671 Water supply 720. 21 Anarchists 000. 52 Anarchy 000. 51 Anatomy 740 Ancestors 291. 1 Anchorage, areas and basins 813. 3 Anchorage, rules and regulations .... 800. 212 Anchoring, obstruction to navigation. 800. 83 Anchors: Automatic 476. 1 Mine 476. 1 Mushroom 476. 1 Andirons 412. 1 Anemia, chlorosis 710 228 Anemometers 413. 6 Anesthetics 441. 1 Ane^'thetists 211 Aneurysm 710 Angina pectoris 710 Animal diseases 728. 3 Animal Industry, Bureau of 047. 2 Animal trades, air pollution 723. 15 Animals 454 Allowances to 400. 349 Bedding for 464. 4 Board of inspection 334. 7 Breeding of 400. 91 Capacity, vessels, for carrying 569. 56 Transports 579. 56 Carabaos 454. 6 Care and housing of 728. 4 Caring for 484 Cattle, subsistence 431 Combat trains 322. 2 Diseases of 728. 3 Disposal of dead 484. 5 Draft 454.02 Dogs 454.02 Horses 454. 02 Mules 454.02 Oxen 454.02 Reindeer 454. 02 Embarkation depots for 323. 91 Feeding 484. 2 Sanitary 728. 5 Feeding and watering, on vessels . . 563. 5 Transports 573. 5 Field trains 322. 2 Fish and meat for 464. 7 Forage 464 On transports ' 541. 5 Hire of 454 Draft 454.02 For militia 454 Mounts 454. 03 Packs 454.01 Hocking 484. 1 „ . (484. 2 Housing 1^28.4 Inspectors of 231. 22 Issues to 400. 359 Live, subsistence 431 Miscellaneous, other than supplies: Birds, bugs, cats, worms, dogs, insects, locusts, mice, rats, snakes 000. 94 Pack 454.01 Horses 454. 01 Mules 454.01 Trains 322.2 Animals — Continued. Parasites 728. 2 Protection 484. 4 Riding 454. 03 Horses 454. 03 Mules 454. 03 Ponies 454. 03 Sanitary slaughtering of 728. 7 Shoeing 484. 1 Stables and stalls on transports for. 541. 5 Stabling 484. 2 Stallions 454. 1 Stalls on vessels for 563. 54 Transports 573. 54 Training of 400. 92 Transportation 521 Horses 521 Private 521 Public 521 Sanitary 728. 6 Transportation of 521 On transports 541. 2 Veterinary service 484. 3 Wagon trains 322. 2 Ankylosis 710 Ankylostomiasis 710 Announcements of appointments, en- listed men 220. 106 Announcements of appointments, of- ficers 210.106 Announcements of examinations, em- ployees 230.12 Annual appropriations 110. 11 Specific annual 110. 31 Annual bonds 168 Annual leaves, employees 230. 54 Annual reports 319. 1 Annual reports, small-arms competi- tions 353. 2 Annual roll. Military Academy ca- dets 351.29 Annual statements, floating plant. . . 569. 15 Annuities 004. 6 Annulments of contracts 164 Employees 230. 88 Officers 210.83 Annunciator system 413. 46 Anonymous correspondence 312. 1 Absurd inquiries and requests 312. 1 Antedating appointments of employ- ees 230.212 Antedating, promotion employees — 230. 32 Anthem, National 007 Anthrax 710 Anthritis 710 229 Anti-aircraft guns 472. 93 Anti-aircraft gun trucks 451. 2 Paris and accessories 451. 21 Antiquities 000. 4 Antiseptics 442 Anti-submarine ammunition 471 Antitoxin 444. 2 Ants 000. 94 Aparejos 455 Apoplexy 710 Apparatu.s: Breathing, aviation use 452. 7 Cable work 458 Transports 458 Fire fighting 413. 2 For protection from gases, chemi- cals 470.72 For using gases and chemicals in fighting 470.71 Gymnasium 418. 2 Mine planting 458 Transports 458 Submarine mine 476 Vessels 458 Transports 458 Appeals 201. 21 Boards of. National Army 327. 241 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 18 Courts of 015. 2 Employees 201. 21 Enlisted men 201. 21 National Army 327. 24 Boards of 327. 241 Officers 201. 21 Appellate courts 015. 4 Appendages, small arms 474. 8 Appendicitis 710 Applicants for enlistment 342. 1 Accepted 342. 1 Elopement 343. 1 Physical examination 342. 15 Reports 343. 15 Probations 342. 1 Rejected 342. 1 Appointing power, courts-martial 250.403 Appointing power, military office 014. 7 Appointment Division, War Depart- ment 020. 4 Appointmeats: Cadets, Military Academy 351. 1 1 Cadet noncommissioned officers. . 351. 392 Cadet officers 351. 391 Civil office, power of 014. 7 Appointments — Continued. Employees 230. 2 Influence to secure 230. 732 Methods of 230. 21 Antedating 230. 212 By executive orders 230. 215 Declaration of appointees 230. 213 Miscellaneous 230. 219 Irregular appointments 230. 2191 Temporary appointments, and to accepted positions. . 230. 2192 Notice-of 230. 214 Acceptance or declination. . . 230. 2141 Canceled or recalled 230. 2142 Oath of office 230. 211 Probational 230. 217 Certificates of 230. 2171 Reports of 230. 2172 Through Civil Service Com- mission 230. 216 Nationality 230. 223 Foreigners 230. 2231 Representatives of foreign Governments 230. 2232 Personal status 230. 221 Dependents 230. 2215 Married or single 230. 2212 Married women 230. 2213 Members of family in service. . 230. 2214 Sex 230. 2211 Whether of proper age, i. e., not children involving child labor 230. 2216 Qualifications and status 230. 22 Mental, moral, and physical. . . 230. 225 Race 230. 222 Chinese 230. 2224 Filipinos 230. 2222 Indians or Eskimos 230. 2225 Japanese 230. 2223 Negroes or colored 230. 2221 Reinstatements 230. 23 After performing military serv- ice 230.233 Certificates of 230. 234 Nominal 230. 232 Requests and applications for. 230.231 Transfers to War Department from other departments. . . 230. 24 Applications for 230. 241 Reports of absence 230. 243 Requests for, from other de- partments 230. 242 230 Appointments — Continued. Enlisted men 220. 1 Acceptance or declination 220. 14 Announcements of 220. 106 Candidates for 220. 105 Discharges, convenience of the Government to accept. . . . 220. 803 Disqualifying defects 220. 13 Age 220.13 Corpulency 220. 13 Deafness 220. 13 Height and chest measurement 220. 13 Temperamental peculiarities. . 220. 13 Vision 220. 13 Eligibility and qualifications 220. 11 Examination for United States Military Academy 351. 15 Examination, physical and men- tal 220.12 Exemptions from 220. 122 Papers and questions 220. 121 Examining boards, noncommis- sioned staff 334. 1 Probational appointments 220. 103 Provisional appointments 220. 102 Temporary appointments 220. 101 Military office, power of 014.7 Officers 210. 1 Announcements of 210. 106 Cadet officers, Military Acad- emy 351.391 Candidates for 210. 105 Disqualifying defects 210. 13 Age 210.13 Corpulency 210. 13 Deafness 210. 13 Height and chest measure- ment 210.13 Temperamental peculiarities 210. 13 Vision 210.13 Eligibility and qualifications.. 210.11 Enlisted candidates for second lieutenant 210. 1 Examination, physical and mental 210. 12 Exemptions from 210. 122 Papers and ([uestions 210. 121 Probational appointments 210. 103 Provisional appointments 210. 102 Temporary appointments 210. 101 Volunteer officers 324. 2 Presidential 231. 1 Commissioners, National Parks and Cemeteries 231.1 Appointments — Continued. Presidential — Continued . Official of War Department 231. 1 Volunteer officers 324. 2 Apportionment: Appropriations 112. 5 Employees: By States 230. 314 Civil Service system of 230. 061 Funds 121 Letters of 121. 1 Appraisement, boards of inspec- tion 334.7 Appraisers, employees 231. 3 Apprehension: Deserters. . . J.\ . ■:^iVi^ .ciiTJ. r.^ ^ 251. 21 Rewards for 251. 211 Enlisted men, rewards for 242. 4 Escaped civil convicts or pris- oners 014. 521 Escaped military prisoners. 253. 61 Appropriations 110 Apportionments of 112. 5 Balance 112. 7 Budget system of 110. 01 Contracts in excess of 160 Estimates for Ill Civil and legislative 111 Civil public works Ill Data for 111. 3 Directions and submission 111. 4 Hearings 111. 5 Laws, rules, and regulations 111. 1 Methods and forms 111. 2 Military Ill Military public works Ill Miscellaneous Ill Kinds of 110 Annual 110. 11 Continuous 110. 12 Current 110. 1 Permanent 110. 3 Indefinite unlimited 110. 33 Specific annual 110. 31 Specific continuous 110. 32 Trust and special 110. 34 Recurrent 110. 2 Pay, employees 248. 1 Proper 112 Allotment on assignment 112. 4 Apportionment 112. 5 Balances 112. 7 Civil and legislative 112 Civil and public works 112 231 Appropriations — Continued. Proper — Continued . Construction or interpretation. . . 112. 2 By Attorney General 112. 2 By bureaus of the War Depart- ment 112.2 By comptroller 112. 2 By Judge Advocate General.. . 112. 2 Laws governing 112. 1 Methods of making 112. 3 Military 112 Military public works 112 Miscellaneous 112 Reports and statements 112. 8 Warrants for 112. 6 "Reimbursements and transfers 113 Civil and legislative 113 Civil public works 113 Methods and procedure 113. 1 Military 113 Military public works 113 Miscellaneous 113 To or from appropriations other departments 113. 3 To or from militia appropriations. 113. 4 Within War Department 113. 2 Approvals: Bonds 168 Contracts 161 Purchases, supplies and equip- ment 400. 133 Rivers and harbors, construction, repairs, and alterations (see Rivers and Harbors). . 800. 1 Aquatic plants, obstructions to navi- gation 828. 3 Aqueducts 671 Arbitrations: Peace 388.2 War 387.5 Arbors 654 Archaeological sites 000. 4 Arched bridges '. 823.1 Architects 231. 24 Supervising Architect, Treasury Department 042. 1 Archives, War, Confederate and Southern Confederacy 314. 8 Areas, anchorage 813. 3 Areas, defensive sea 660. 3 Areas for dumping grounds 800. 213 Arm carriers 474. 87 Arm chests 474. 87 Arm covers 474. 87 Arm holders 474. 87 Arm lockers 474. 87 Arm racks 474. 87 Armament 470 Chests 473. 88 Dummy 470. 2 Cannon or guns 470. 2 Carriages ". 470. 2 Cartridges 470. 2 Projectiles '. 470. 2 Powder bags 470. 2 Guns 472 Metals for use in manufacture 470. 1 Aluminum 470. 1 Bronze 470. 1 Copper 470. 1 Gold 470. 1 Iron 470. 1 Monel metal . . . ."."..' 1 "„V™'.'. . 470. 1 Nickel 470.1 Silver 470. 1 Steel 470. 1 Zinc 470.1 Searchlights 470. 3 Turrets 470. 4 Armed guards on vessels 563. 911 On transports 573. 911 Armies, Civil War 051 Confederate 051 Union 051 Armies, field 322. 11 Armies, foreign 336. 2 Arming vessels 563. 91 Transports 573. 91 Armistice 387. 4 Armlets, representatives of railway associations 501. 12 Armor: Navy 470. 5 Personal equipment 426 Plate, supplies 470. 5 Turrets 470. 4 Armored motors, cars, tanks 470. 8 Parts and accessories 470. 81 Armored turrets 470. 4 Armorers 231. 5 Armories 633 Buildings 633 Inspections — By inspectors general and other officers 333. 1 Of militia in 333. 45 Instruction of militia in 325. 526 Pay for 240. 9 1 232 Arms: Coats of 000.4 Elevating 473. 82 Of ser\ace 322 Side 474. 7 Small {see also Small arms) 474 Ammunition for 471. 4 Primers 471. 82 Army 322 Accounts against 158 Administration of 300 Laws relating to 300. 1 Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Brigades 322.14 Oivil War 051 Commanders and staffs 322. 98 Competitions 353. 2 Confederate 051 Confederate and Southern Confed- eracy, records of 314. 8 Continental 322 Cooperation of militia with Regular . 325. 32 Corps 322. 12 Cuban occupation, medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Cuban pacification, medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Details, service schools: Enlisted men 220. 63 Officers 210.63 Directory 461 Distribution of, by arms of serv- ice 323.2 Divisions 322. 13 Enactment of laws affecting civil- ians of Oil. 5 Enactment of laws affecting organ- ization of 011.2 Enactment of laws affecting pay of. Oil. 4 Enactment of laws affecting person- nel of 011.3 Enlisted strength 320. 22 Expeditionary forces 322. 22 Field 322.11 Field clerks 211 Foreign 336. 2 Movement of troops on United States territory 336. 21 Samples, descriptions of equip- ment of 402.5 A rmy — Continued . Inspections of joint Army and mili- tia maneuvers, target prac- tice, tournaments, field marches 333. 2 Inspections of the Regular Army . . 333. 3 Insular 093. 1 Joint Army and Navy operations. . 370. 26 Medical boards 334. 3 Militia orizanization, conformity with Regulars 325. 43 Militia relations with Regular 325. 31 Organization of secret and other so- cieties in 250. 8 Paper work in 319. 22 President as Commander in Chief of 031.1 Rations 430. 2 Regiments of 322. 17 Regulations 300. 3 Board 334.2 Religious services in 000. 3 Reserves 326. 1 Enlistments for 342. 01 Furlough or transfer to 220. 88 Service detachment. Military Acad- emy 351.02 Staff of commanders of armies 322. 991 Statistics 056 Civil War 051 Confederate 051 Foreign 056 Mil! tia 056 National 056 Regular 056 Union 051 Volunteer 056 Target practice, promotion of 381. 5 Army and militia maneuvers 354. 2 Army and Navy joint board 334. 3 Army and Navy joint maneuvers 354. 2 Army field clerks 211 Pay of 241 Shipment of household goods 524. 21 Transportation of 512 Army lists 461 Army Medical Museum and Library. . 024. 1 Army service schools and colleges — 352 Army Field Engineer School 352 Detachments, enlisted men at. . . 352. 191 Details, enlisted men 220. 63 Details, officers, Regular Army and Militia 210. 63 233 A nny service schools and colleges — Con . Army Field Service and Corres- pondence School for Med- i<-al Officers 352 Detachments, enlisted men at. .. 352.191 Details, enlisted men 220.'63 Details, officers, Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Army Medical ScIiduI 352 Detacliments, enlisted men at. . . 352. 191 Details, enlisted men 220. 63 Details, officers, Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Army School of the Line 352 Detachments, enlisted men at. . . 352. 191 Details, enlisted men 220. 63 Details, officers. Regular .\iiny and Militia 210. 63 Army service schools 352 Detachments, enlisted men 352. 191 Details, enlisted men. Regular Army and Militia 220. 63 Details, officers. Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Transfers to detachments, en- listed men 220. 33 Army Signal School 352 Detachments, enlisted men at... 352. 191 Details, enlisted men 220. 63 Details, officers. Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Array Staff Colleges 352 Detachments, enlisted men at... 352. 191 Details, enlisted men 220. 63 Details, officers, Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Arrears, pay enlisted men 242. 2 Arresters 412. 42 Arrests 250. 3 Officers, enlisted men in hands civil authorities 250. 3 Arrivals: Reports of, personnel 201. 624 Employees 201. 624 Enlisted men 201. 624 Officers 201. 624 Reports of, supplies and prop- erty 523.061 Reports of, troops 370. 5 Vessels 565. 2 Reports of 565. 2 Transports 575. 2 Transports 575. 2 Arsenals 323. 7 Administration of 400. 21 Allowances to 400. 346 Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Buildings 633 Capacity to manufacture 400. 216 Command"'-s 323. 76 Commandeis' staffs 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Discontinuance of 323. 72 Employees, annual leaves 230. 548 Employees, sick leaves 230. 557 Establishment of 323. 71 Estimates for appropriations Ill Extension or contraction of limits.. 323. 73 Headquarters of 323. 75 Inspection of 333. 1 Issues to 400. 356 Manufactures at 400. 1 73 Reservations 682 Staff 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Stocks 400. 211 Additions to 400. 215 Replenishments 400. 212 Transfers between depots and . . . 400. 213 Arterial sclerosis 710 Articles of War 300. 2 Amendment 300. 2 Interpretation and construction . . . 300. 2 Artificers 221 Artificial divisions and accessories, rivers and harbors 820 Artificial eyes ,443 Artificial limbs 443 Artillery: Coast 322. Oil Assignment, companies to bat- teries, calibers, guns 353. 17 Bands 322. 16 Board 334. 3 Camps of instruction 354. 1 Coast-defense exercises 353. 5 Joint, with militia 353. 5 Companies 322. 173 Districts {see Districts, Artillery) . 323. 4 Division 321. 14 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Excused from 353. 51 Infantry exercises by 353. 5 234 Artillery — Continued. Coast — Continued . Engineer company 322. 173 Enlisted specialists 322. 995 Equipment 475. 1 Mine commands 322. 972 Mine companies 322. 173 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Noncommissioned staff 322. 992 Eecriiits 343 School 352 Detachments at 352. 191 Details, enlisted men, P.egular Army and militia 220. 63 Details, officers, Regular Army and militia 210.63 Small-arms firing 353. 14 Supports 370. 3 Target or service practice {see also Target practice, Artillery, Coast) 353. 17 Torpedo companies 322. 173 War game 353. 6 Field, Light, Heavy, Horse, Moun- tain 322.012 Bands 322. 16 Battalion noncommissioned staff. 322. 992 Battalions 322. 171 Batteries 322. 175 Boards 334. 3 Regulations 334. 2 School of Fire for Field Artil- lery Board 334. 3 Camps of instruction 354. 1 Division of 321. 16 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Excused from 353. 51 Equipment 475. 1 Harness 455 Headquarters batteries 322. 175 Headquarters detachments 322. 7 Mounted orderlies 322. 94 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Recruits 343 Regimental noncommissioned staff 322.992 Regiments 322. 17 Siege 322. 012 Siege batteries 322. 176 Siege trains 322. 2 Supply batteries 322. 175 Target or service practice 353. 16 Allowance for 400. 3401 Marine 045. 3 Memoranda, notes 300. 6 Artillery engineer, Coast Defense 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Artillery ordnance officer, Coast De- fense 323.57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Artillery, siege 322. 012 Arts, fine 007 Asbestos 412. 2 Asbestos clothing aud equipage . . 423 Asbestos plumbing material 412. 2 Ash barrels 414. 4 Ash houses 634 Ashes, disposal of 485. 3 Ashes, removal of, vessels 563. 6 Transports 573. 6 Ashes, transportation of human 518 Asphalt 411. 8 Asphyxiation 710 Assassination 000. 51 Assault 000. 51 Assembling jigs 476. 1 Assembly rooms 631 Assessments, employees 248. 6 Assessments, pro rata, as punish- ment 250.3 Assignments: Accounts 150 Appropriations 1 12. 4 Burial lots 203. f Claims 150 Coast Artillery to guns, calibers.etc. 353 17 Commanders 210. S] 1 Contracts 164 Involuntary 164 Voluntary 164 Copyrights 073 Employees 230. 368 Duties 230. 411 Offices and space 230. 436 Offices and stations 230. 368 Reports and statements of 230. 417 Requests for 230. 3681 Upon return to United States. . . 230. 3661 EnUsted men 220. 31 Command other than rank 220. 727 Final statements 242. 6 Noncommissioned, and noncom- missioned stafi officers 220. 31 Privates and rated men 220. 31 Replacing civilian employees by 230. 87 Funds arising from claims and ac- counts 150 Involuntary, contracts 164 235 Assignments — Continued . List of passengers 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Office rooms 680. 341 War Department 029. 21 Officers 210. 31 Command other than rank 210. 727 Commanders 210. 311 Department and dlAdsion com- manders 210. 311 Line officers 210. 313 Native troops, officers 210. 314 Pay accounts 241. 4 Staff officers 210. 312 Patents 072 Pay accounts, officers 241. 4 Pay, employees 248. 6 Personnel .-.■.■..;.'.. 200. 3 Recruits 343. 2 Available for 343. 2 Line of the Army 343. 2 Staff departments 343.2 Select 343. 2 Reserves to action duty 326. 02 Trade-marks 074 Troops 370 Change of stations 370. 5 To duty on vessels '. . 563. 22 Vessels 565. 4 Transports 575. 4 Voluntary, contracts 164 Assistance from societies and associa- tions 081 Assistant and Chief Clerk, War De- partment 231. 1 Assistant bakers, enlisted 221 Assistant band leaders, enlisted 221 Assistant engineers, boat service 231. 82 Assistant engineers, enlisted 221 Assistant inspectors 231. 22 Assistant judge advocates, courts martial 250. 4311 Assistant packmasters, enlisted 221 Assistant Postmaster General 043. 1 Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. . . 047. 1 Assistant Secretary of Commerce. . . . 048. 1 Assistant Secretary of Interior 046. 1 Assistant Secretary of Labor 049. 11 Assistant Secretary of Navy 045. 1 Assistant Secretary of State 041. 1 Assistant Secretary of Treasury 042. 1 Assistant Secretary of War 020. 2 Assistant wagonmasters, enlisted 221 Assistants : Dental, enlisted men 221 Rodmen 's, employees 231. 24 Associated Press 000. 761 Associations 080 Assistance from 081 Employees' associations 230. 65 Loan of supplies to 400. 332 Quarters for 624 Railway associations 501 Secretaries, officials, representa- tives, agents, etc 084 Shipments, supplies and property of 523. 92 Storage of property of 082 Use of Government buildings, res- ervations by 083 Young Men's Christian Association 080 Asthenopia 710 Asthma. 710 Astigmatism 710 Athletic officers (for details see De- tails) : Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 822. 9912 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Depots 323.77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Districts 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Districts, artillery 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Divisions, geographical 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Forts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Hospitals!, general and post 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 236 Athletic affairs — Continued . Posts 323.77 Authority 323. 771 Duties..^ 323.772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 Athletics 353. 8 Boxing 353. 8 Equipment for -4 18 Gymnastics 353. 8 Jiu ji tsu 353. 8 Prize fighting 353. 8 Swimming 353. 8 Wall scaling 353. 8 Wrestling 353. 8 Atlantic coast defenses 370. 32 Atlases 461 Atrophy of the liver 710 Attaches, details officers as military. . 210. 681 Attaches, foreign 336. 93 Attachment, enlisted m en 220. 313 Attachment, officers 210. 315 Attendance : (Jamps of instruction 354. 1 Civilians, at United States military colleges, schools 350 3 Foreign officers, military schools, colleges in United States. 350. 2 Garrison schools: ]VIilitia officers 352. 35 Kegular Army officers 353. 35 Maneuvers 351. 2 Medical 701 Cadets 701 Civilians 701 Employees 701 Enlisted men 701 Officers 701 Nurses 701 Officers and enlisted men. foreign military, colleges, schools. 350. 1 Post schools : Children 352. 9 Enlisted men 352. 9 Nonconmiissioned officers 352. 9 Attendants: Camp, transportation of 516 Employees, at conventions, exhi- bitions, expositions 230. 67 Enlisted men 221 Enlisted men for horses 221 Transportation of 522 Attending surgeons: Dei)artments, districts, geograph- ical divisions 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties. . " 323. 372 Attorney General 044. 1 Coiistruction and inter] iretati on of appropriations 112. 2 Decisions and opinions 016 Attorney, ])o\ver of, agents of con- tractors 161 Attorney, power, firms 004. 02 Attorneys 01 3. 2 Admission and (^'isbarment 013. 2 Department of Justice 044. 1 Employees 231. 25 Auction sales 400. 71 Proceeds of 131 Auditing, accounts of funds 1 32. 3 Auditor for the War Department and other departments 042. 1 Contracts filed with 161 Decisions and opiiiions 016 Disputed freight accounts for- warded for settlement 554. 4 Disputed passenger accounts, for- warded for settlement 553. 4 Reports o! chanpei^ in employees to. 230. 384 Tie .ision of siisj)ension or disallow- ance 132.6 Suspension pay accounts officers. . . 241. 4 Australia. 091 Austria-Hungary 091 Authentification of records 313. 5 Use of official seals 313. 5 .\uthorities: Police, State and city 015. 6 Relations between civil and mili- tary 014.13 State and Territorial 014. 12 War Department 020 .Authority: Adjutants general of States 323. 821 Allovrances: Enlisted men 246 Commutation of 246. 8 Officers and nurses 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Collection of payments under con- tracts 167 Commanders: Armies 322. 981 Arsenals 323. 761 237 Authority — Continued . Commanders — Continued. Artillery districts 323. 461 Batteries 322. 981 Brigades 322. 981 Camps 354. 161 Camps of instruction 354. 161 Cantonments 354. 561 Coast defenses , 323. 561 Concentratio7i camps 354. 46] Corps 322. 981 Departments 323. 361 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 661 DiA-isions, geographical 323. 361 Forts 323. 761 Hospitals, general 323. 761 Maneuver camps 354. 261 Mobilization camps 354. 361 Organizations, such as armies , regiments, battalions, squadrons, troops 322,981 Pons of debarkation 323.9261 Ports of embarkation 323. 9161 Posts 323. 761 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 761 Stations 323. 761 Tactical organizations 322. 981 Training camps 354. 661 Conflict of, officers 210. 721 Discharges, employees 230. 821 Expenditure of funds 120. 11 Governors of States 014. 12 Inspector instructors of militia 210. 651 Instructors of militia, enlisted 220. 651 Manufactures at depots and arse- nals by operatives 400. 173 Officer or agent, bonds under con- tract 168 Payment of funds 120. 11 Purchases, supplies, and equip- ment, request for 400. 131 Purchases, supplies, and equip- ment without request 400. 132 Quartermaster general of militia.. 323.831 Staff officers: Armies 322. 9911 Arsenals 323. 771 Artillery districts 323. 471 Batteries 322. 9911 Brigades 322. 9911 Camps 354. 171 Camps of instruction 354. 171 Cantonments 354. 571 Coast defenses 323. 371 Authority— Continued . Staff officers — Continued. Concentration camps 354. 471 Corps 322. 9911 Departments 323. 371 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 671 Divisions 322. 9911 Forts 323. 771 Hospitals, general 323. 771 Maneuver camps 354. 271 Mobilization camps 354. 371 Organizations, such as armies, regiments, battalions, squadrons, troops, etc 322. 9911 Ports of debarkation 323. 9271 Ports of embarkation 323. 9171 Posts 323. 771 Recuperative and convalescent camps 323. 771 Stations . 323. 771 Tactical organizations 322. 9911 Training camps 354. 67] State or United States control of medicine, hygiene, sani- tation 700.5 To in\-ite bids: (Construction, buildings, and grounds 600. 1112 River and harbor work 800. 1112 Supplies and equipment 400. 1412 For manufacture of 400. 1812 To prescribe regulations 010. 8 Transportation of supplies and property 523. 05 Autointoxication 710 Automatic anchors 476. 1 Automatic guns 472. 5 Carriages for 473. 5 Colts 472. 5 Maxim 472. 5 Mounts for 473. 5 Tripods for 473. 5 Automatic pistols 474. 6 Automatic rifles 474. 2 Automobiles 451. 1 Accidents, damages, collisions 537. 5 Hire of 537.1 Parking space 619. 4 Passenger 451. 1 Parts and accessories 451. 11 Eules and regulations 537.4 Transportation 537 Use of in lieu of carriages 537 . 2 Use of in lieu of teams and wagons. 537. 3 Autopsies 707. 2 238 Auto scales ' 653 Auto trucks 451. 2 Hire of 537.1 Transportation 537 . Use of in lieu of teams and wagons. 537. 3 Aviation 360 Corps 322. 082 Enlisted men 322.0822 Officers 322. 0821 Fields 686 Use of reservations 686 Instruction in 353 Landing places 686 Laws relating to 360. 01 Licenses 360. 01 Policy of War Department 360. 01 Practice flights 373 Reports of officers and enlisted men 360. 02 Reports of officers observing for- eign aircraft 360.02 Request for Government craft to take part in fairs, tourna- ments, exhibitions 370.7 Rules and regulations 360. 01 School 352 Details, enlisted men 220. 63 Details, officers 210.63 Establishment of 352.01 Naval 045.8 Babbitt metal 412. 2 Bacon 431 Bacteriologists 231.23 Bacteriology 730 Bad conduct 250. 1 Badges: Additional pay for - - - - 242. 141 Certificate of merit 220. 5 Pay for 242.141 Enlisted men 220.5 Additional pay for 242. 141 China 220.5 Civil War 220.5 Corps 220. 5 Foreign decorations 220. 5 Good conduct 220. 5 Indian 220. 5 Mexican 220. 5 Philippine 220. 5 Replacing badges 220. 5 Spanish 220. 5 Naval 045. 9 Officers 210. 5 China 210.5 Aviation — Continued . Stations 686 Study of, as problem 360. 02 Supplies and equipment 452 Tenders of service from individ- uals and organizations 324. 3 Training in 353 Use and operation of air craft 373 Aviators : Clothing 421 Enlisted men 221 Employees 231.21 Officers 211 Awards: Board of awards 040. 5 Construction work, buildings and grounds 600.113 Abstracts of 600.1122 Contracts to lowest bidder 163 River and harbor work 800. 113 Abstracts of 800.1122 Supplies and equipment 400. 143 Abstracts of 400. 1422 Manufacture of 400.183 Abstracts of 400.1822 Awnings 411. 3 Axes. {See Tools.) Axles, gun carriages 473. 81 Azimuth instruments 413. 682 B. Badges — Contined . Officers — Continued. Civil War Corps Foreign decorations Indian Mexican Philippine Replacing badges ". .•..■.. . . Spanish Ribbons for Transportation of Uniform insignia ; . . . Baggage cars Baggage, sailors ' dunnage On transports Baggage, transportation of {see trans- portation, Baggage) Bags: Barrack Blanket Canvas for Cartridge, material Clothing 210.5 210.5 210.5 210.5 210.5 210.5 210.5 210.5 421 523.6 421 531.1 563. 92 573. 92 524.2 428 428 423 423 428 239 Bags — Continued. Cotton, packing 457 Duck for 423 Feed 455 Laundry 428 Mail 428 Material for 423 Money 428 Nose 455 Packing 457 Paper 457 Powder 471.87 Dummy 470. 2 Saddle 455 Sleeping 427 Surplus kit 428 Water 414.4 Bailiffs 014. 12 Bake ovens 414. 2 Bakers: Employees 231.7 Enlisted men 221 Assistant baker 221 Chief baker 221 Bakers and Cooks School 352 Detachments enUsted man 352. 191 Details, officers. Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Details, students and instructors, enlisted men, Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Bakery 633 Field 414.2 Funds 123 Savings 123 Baking machinery 412. 3 Baking of supplies 400. 2532 Baking powder 433 Balance: Appropriations 112. 7 Cash on hand 131 Funds in depositaries 122. 2 Reports of stock 400. 291 Reports of unallotted funds 121. 5 Statement of property 142. 2 Unexpended funds 131 Outstanding three years or more. 131 Working funds 123. 8 Balancer sets, searchlight 470. 31 Balanoposthitis 710 Baling 400. 1621 Baling machines 413. 8 Ball bearings 412. 5 Ball cartridges: Multiball 471. 44 Pistol, revolver 471. 42 Rifle 471. 41 Ball and chain 429 Ballast, vessels 563. 58 Transports 573. 58 Ballistics 353. 8 Balloon baskets 452. 32 Balloon detachments 322. 7 Balloonists: Enlisted men 221 Officers 211 Balloons 452. 3 Parts and accessories 452. 31 Band corporal 221 Band equipment 413. 3 Band funds 123 Band instruments 413. 3 Inspectors of 231. 22 Band leaders 221 Assistant band leader 221 Band sergeants 221 Band stands 655 Bandages 442 Bandoleers 426 Bands: Army 322.16 Cap 421 Cavalry 322. 16 Coast Artillery 322. 16 Competition with civilian 322. 16 Engineers 322. 16 Field Artillery 322.16 Flagstaff, inscriptions on 332. 1 Infantry 322. 16 Marine 045. 3 Military Academy 351. 03 Miscellaneous, as depot, post 322. 16 Musical 322. 16 Philippine scouts 322. 16 Projectiles 471. 81 Recoil and counter recoil 473. 82 Rubber 462 Small arms 474. 8 Volunteer 322. 16 Bank erosion, rivers and harbors 824. 01 Bank protection, rivers and harbors.. 824 Banking 004. 2 Bankrupt bidders 163 Bankruptcy 013. 3 Banks and banking 004. 2 Banners 424 240 Baptist church 000. 3 Bar and hood sighting 474. 8 Barber shops 331. 53 Buildings 626 Barbers 221 Supplies and tools 425 Barges 560 Barley 464. 1 Barns 634 Barometers 413. 6 Barrack bags 428 Barrack chairs 414. 1 Barracks, accommodations 62] Barracks, disciplinary {see Discipli- nary prisons) 252 Barracks and quarters 620 Bombproofing 600. 96 Detention barracks 627 For enlisted men 621 Guardhouses 627 Lavatories and similar buildings. . . 626 Prisons 627 Protection of 600. 96 Quarters for civilians, civilian em- ployees, lodges 624 Quarters for hospital sergeants, nurses, stewards 622 Quarters for noncommissioned offi- cers 623 Quarters for officers 625 Barred zones 384. 4 Barrels: Ash 414.4 Fire 413.2 Packing 457 Powder 471.87 Small arms 474. 8 Bars: Mosquito 427 Obstructions to navigation 828. 1 {920 5 Throttling 473. 82 Bascule bridges 823. 71 Base hospitals 322. 15 Base lines 370. 42 Base pay, enlisted men 242. 11 Base pay, officers 241. 11 Base ring, fung carriages 473. 81 Base sections 370. 43 Baseball 353. 8 Baseball equipment 418 Baseball fields 618. 2 Bases, naval 045. 9 Bases and platforms 658 Basins 414. 4 Basins, harbor or river 813. 3 Basket ball 353. 8 Equipment 418 Baskets, ammunition 471. 87 Baskets, balloon 452. 32 Baskets, furniture 414. 1 Bastardy 250. 1 Bath houses 658 Bathing facilities 727. 2 Baths, shower 412. 2 Bathtubs 412. 2 Battalion fund 123 Battalion noncommissioned staff: Engineers 322. 992 Field Artillery 322. 992 Infantry 322. 992 Philippine Scouts 322. 922 Signal Corps 322. 992 Battalion quartermaster sergeants 221 - Battalion supply sergeants 221 Battalions 322. 171 Commanders 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Duties of 322. 382 Engineers 322. 171 Field Artillery 322. 171 Infantry 322. 171 Signal Corps 322. 171 Batteries, miscellaneous 322. 175 Battery, Coast Artillery 662 Assignment organizations to 353. 17 Bombproofing 600. 96 Commanders 322. 98 Authority of 322. 981 Duties of 322. 982 Stations 665. 2 Commands 322. 973 Emplacements 662 Gun batteries 662 Mortar batteries 662 Mortar beds 662 Platforms 662 Wiring 662 Battery commanders' stations 665. 2 Battery, Field Artillery 322. 175 Batteries, A, B, etc 322. 175 Funds 123 Indebtedness enlisted men to 242. 4 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Supply sergeants 221 Wagons 473. 88 Battery, siege artillery 322. 175 Battery, storage 412. 42 241 Battery wagons 473. 88 Battle commauders 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Charts 063. 1 Duty 322. 982 Stations 665. 2 Battle commands 322. 97 Battle sights, small arms 474. 8 Battlefields 688 Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Maps of 06]. 1 Reservations 688 Battles 370. 24 Battles, destruction of property in. . . 386. 1 Battles, inscription of, on flags 332. 1 Battles and reports, statistics 052 Chronological list of 052 Bayonet exercises 353. 5 Bayonets 474. 7 Scabbards 426 Bays 810. 4 Beacons 829. 12 Bearers, body and pall 293. 1 Bearers, dispatch 231. 4 Bed covers 427 Bedding rolls 427 Bedding, straw 464. 4 Beds and bedding and parts 427 Beds, furniture 427 Beds, mortar 662 Bedsacks 427 Bedsteads 427 Beef 431 Beer 435 Bell and buzzer systems 413. 46 Bellows 412. 3 Belting 412. 3 Belts, clothing 422 Belts, personal equipment (bando- leers, cartridge, revolver, saber, shoulder, suspend- ers, sword, and waiaL) .... 426 Bench marks 812. 3 Beneficiary 247 Biu-ial expenses 247 Change of name of 247 Claim for money 247 Death of 247 Death of employees, enlisted men, nurses, officers 247 Designation of 247 Laws and regulations 247 oney 247 Records 247 61127—18 16 Benzoate of soda 438 Benzol 471. 85 Beriberi 710 Beverages 435 Beyond the sea: Furloughs with permission to go. . . 220. 716 Leaves to oflScers to go 210. 716 Bicycles 451. 4 Parts and accessories 451. 41 Bidders 163 Award to lowest 163 Bankrupt 163 Circulars to, supplies 400. 1411 Building and grounds 600. 1111 Rivers and harbors 800. 1111 Complaints and protests, supplies.. 400. 147 Manufactures 400. 187 Complaints of, buildings and grounds 600. 1191 Defaulting 163 Guaranties 168 Introductions and credentials: Buildings and grounds 600. 166 River and harbor work 800. 166 Supplies and equipment 400. 156 List of: Buildings and grounds 600. 164 River and harbor work 800. 164 Supplies 400. 1551 Bids 163 Buildings and grounds 600. Ill Abstracts of 600. 1121 Authority to invite 600. 1112 Contracts (see Contracts, bids) 163 Manufacture of supplies and equip- ment 400. 181 Abstracts of 400. 182 Authority to invite 400. 1812 Rivers and harbor work 800. Ill Abstracts of 800. 1121 Authority to invite 800. 1112 Supplies and equipments 400. 141 Abstracts of 400. 142 Authority to in\ite 400. 1412 Transportation : Drayage and hauling 536 Freight 554. 1 Passenger 553. 1 Vessels: Alterations to 564 Transports 574 Construction of 561. 4 Transports 571. 4 Hire of commercial, refitting, restoring 545. 02 242 Bids — Continued . Vessels — Continued . Repairs to 564 Transports 574 Transportation, commercial 544 Biennial directories and registers .... 461 Biliary calculi 710 Biliousness 710 Billeting 386. 2 Billiards 353. 8 Billing supplies and property, meth- ods of 523.01 Bills 150 Against Army (see Accounts) 158 House of Representatives 032. 1 Senate 032. 2 Settlement under contracts 167 United States accounts against others 159 Bills of lading 552 Blanks 552. 2 Cancellation 552. 6 Copies of 552. 7 Destroyed 552. 3 Disposition of unused 552. 4 Errors or irregularities 552. 5 Freight accounts unsupported by. . 554. 4 Lost ■. 552. 3 Methods of using and settling 552. 1 Misplaced 552. 3 Reports of issue 552. 7 Bindery, War Department 020. 5 Binding and printing services 486. 4 Bins, kitchen 414. 3 Bins, powder 471. 88 Bu'd roosts, structures in waters 825. 92 Birds 000. 94 Births 291. 1 Statistics 053 Biscuits 433 Bishops 000. 3 Bites, venemous 710 Bits, harness 455 Blackboards, school supplies 461 Blacking, shoe 425 Blacklisted person, and firms 383. 8 Blacksmith and horseshoer, enlisted. . 221 Blacksmiths ; Employees 231. 5 Enlisted men 221 Blacksmiths' tools 413. 15 Blanco 438 Blank "cartridges 471. 43 Blank checks 122. 1 Blank forms and books 315 Adoption of new forms and tests . . 315 Bills of lading 552. 2 Books 315 Complaints 315 Distribution and supply 315 Requisitions for 315 Instructions and models of forms. . 315 Methods of procuring and supply- ing 315 Obsolete 315 Requisitions for 315 Revisions and alterations 315 Surplus 315 Tests 315 Transportation accounts and vouch- ers 550. 1 Transportation requests 552. 2 Blanket bags 428 Blanket rolls 428 Blankets, bedding 427 Blankets, horse 455 Blankets, saddle 455 Blast meters 413. 6 Blepharitis 710 B lind 741 Blindness 741 Blindness, snow 710 Blinds, duck 825. 92 Blisters 710 Blockades 384. 3 Blocks: Breech 472. 81 Electrical equipment 412. 42 Master 412. 42 Mine 412. 42 Paving 411.8 Signal 412. 42 Blood 742 Blotting paper 462 Blue demin cloth 423 Blue prints 061. 03 Distribution of 061. 05 Of buildings and grounds 600. 92 Paper for 462 Bluing 438 Board wages, employees 248. 4 Boarding houses 004. 041 Boards 334 Academic, Military Academy 351.06 Appeals, National Army 327. 241 Awards 040. 5 243 Boards — Continued. Civil service examiners 230. 1123 College inspection 334. 5 Commissioners, militaiy prisons 252 District civil service 040. 2 Efficiency 334. 4 Of employees 280. 342 Examining 334. 1 Miscellaneous 334. 9 Of officers 334 Registration, National Army 327. Ill Hegulations and equipment 334. 2 Reports of, claims and accounts 150 Retiring 334. 6 Service 334. 3 The President's Boards 334. 7 United States Geographic 040. 7 Visitors, Military Academy 351. 06 Boards, operating 412. 42 Boards, plotting 413. 681 Boards, scrub 414. 4 Boat houses 658 Boat telephones 476. 3 Boat yards 826. 4 Boats (see also Vessels) 560 Aerial torpedo 452. 2 Clothing for employees of 422 Crew 231. 8 Employees 231. 8 Annual leaves 230. 545 Sick leaves 230. 554 Equipment 458 Inspections, sanitary 721. 1 Naval vessels 045. 92 Navigation charges 017. 1 Navigation regulations 017. 2 Port dues and charges 012. 43 Salvage 017. 3 Small, acquisition of 561. 1 Submarines 045. 92 Tonnage dues 012. 44 Transportation on: Commercial boats 544 Harbor boats 542 Other Government boats 543 Boatswains, employees 231. 81 Bodies, human 293. 9 RemoA'al and reinterment of 293. 8 Shipment of 518 Body bearers 293. 1 Body cleanliness 727. 1 Boiler compound .* 412. 2 Boiler equipment 412. 3 Boiler houses 634 Boilers 412. 3 Heating 412. 1 Inspections of, in buildings 600. 171 Inspections of, on vessels, by civil employees of War Depart- ment 566.1 Transports 576. 1 Inspections of, on vessels by Steam- boat Inspection Service... 566. 2 Transports 576. 2 Inspectors of, employees 231. 22 Reports of cleaning or condition of: Vessels 569. 12 Transports 579. 12 Reports of efficiency of 600. 915 Bolos 474. 7 Scabbards 426 Bolts 411. 7 Bombardments 384. 3 Bombing equipment, aeronautical. . . 475. 731 Bombproofing 600. 96 Batteries 600. 96 Bombs 471. 6 Bond-aided railroad rates 551. 6 Bond-aided freight 551. 6 Bond-aided passenger 551. 6 Bonding companies 168 Requests for records of service of employees. 230. 7141 Bonds 168 Annual, or guaranties 168 Authority to officer or agent 168 Bidders' guaranties 168 Certified checks 168 Contract 168 Examination and approval 168 For supplies and service 168 Waiver 168 Corporations' 168 Date 168 Duplicate checks 122. 15 Employees' 230. 4161 Indemnity 168 Covering checks 122. 15 Individual sureties 168 Justification 168 Persons disqualified 168 Official 168 Examination and approval 168 Renewal 168 Sufficiency of amounts and sure- ties 168 Partnerships 168 244 Bonds — Continued. Public works 168 Copy of contracts and bonds 168 Payment of labor and material men 168 Seal 168 Surety companies and sureties 168 Modification of contract 168 Release of sureties 168 Requests for records of service of employees 230. 7141 To secure loans and property 168 Colleges and schools 168 Other loans 168 Bones, human, shipment of 518 Bonus, reenlistment 242. 15 Book cases 414. 1 Book records 313. 2 Fort record books 313. 2 Bookkeeping machines 413. 51 Books (see Publications) 315 Blank (by name or number) 315 Blank, stationery 462 Circulation by employees 230. 435 Copyrights 073 Deposit, lost 244. 1 Fort record 313. 2 Publications 461 Militia codes, manuals 325. 12 Professional 461 Shipment of 524. 3 Technical 461 Supplies 461 Law, decisions, opinions 461 Reference 461 School 461 Technical. 461 Text 461 Transportation requests 552. 2 Booms 825. 5 Boots 421 Borax 425 Bore sights, gun carriages 473. 85 Bottles, packing 457 Bottom of vessels, reports of cleaning, painting, or condition of. . 569. 13 Transports 579. 13 Boundaries 600. 93 Extension or contraction of limits: Arsenals 323. 73 Artillery districts 323. 43 Camps 323. 73 Coast defenses 323. 53 Boundaries — Continued . Extension or contraction of lim- its — Continued. Departments 323. 33 Depots 323. 73 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 63 Divisions, geographical 323. 33 Forts 323. 73 Hospitals 323. 73 Posts 323. 73 Stations 323. 73 International 336. 5* Reservations 600. 93 Bounties 000. 95 Bounty and bounty land 324. 9 Bowling 353. 8 Bowling alleys 418. 1 Bowls, tableware 414. 3 Boxes: Cartridge 426 Coal 633 Distribution, mine 476. 1 Feed 456 Ice 414.1 Junction, mine 476. 1 Mail 311. 122 Mess 428 Packing 457 Ration 428 Sentry 658 Terminal 473. 83 Boxing, athletics 353. 8 Boycotted persons, firms 383. 8 Braces, gun carriages 473. 87 Brackets and braces, gun carriages, for 473. 87 Firing material 473. 87 Fuse setter 473. 87 Lamps 473. 87 Range finder 473. 87 Sights 473.87 Telautograph 473. 87 Telephone 473. 87 Brackets, harness 456 Brackets, saddle 456 Brads 411. 7 Bradycardia 710 Brakes: Recoil and counter recoil 473. 82 Traversing 473. 82 Bran 464 . 2 Branding irons 456 Branding supplies, animals 400. 1611 Brands, packing 457 245 Brassards 421 Bravery, commendation of employees for 230.724 Breach of promise 250. 1 Bread (biscuit, corn bread, crackers, hard, soft, zwieback) 433 Bread tools 414. 3 Breakages, reclamations and replace- ments 400. 6 Breaks, wind 656 Breakwaters 825. 4 Breathing apparatus, aircraft equip- ment 452.7 Breech blocks 472. 81 Breech mechanism, guns 472. 81 Breeches 421 Breeding animals, pigeons, etc 400. 91 Breeding human 740. 1 Brevet rank 210.723 Bribery 000. 51 Brick 411. 8 Bricklayers, employees 231. 5 Bridges 823 Arched 823. 1 Bascule 823. 71 Cantilever 823. 2 Compound structures 823. 77 Draw 823. 72 Fixed 823. 78 Foot 823. 74 Girder 823. 3 Knife 823. 71 Lift 823.71 Military 823. 75 Movable 823. 7 Obstructions to navigation 828 Parts of 823. 8 Abutments 823. 85 Draws 823. 86 Falseworks 823. 87 Fenders and draw rests 823. 88 Girders 823. 83 Lights 823. 81 Piers 823.891 Spans 823. 82 Strains 823. 84 Stresses 823. 84 Pontoon 823. 76 Suspension 823. 4 Swing 828. 72 Temporary 823. 73 Trestle 823. 6 Truss 823. 5 Tubular 823. 1 Bridles 455 Brigades 322. 14 Assignment of commanders of 210. 311 Commanders. 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Decisions 016 Duties 322. 982 Marine brigades 045. 3 Staff officers of 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Brigadier generals 211 Bright's disease 710 Brokers, pawn 004. 32 Bromidrosis 710 Bronchitis. 710 Bronze 470. 1 Brooms 414. 4 Whisk 425 Brushes 414. 4 Horse 456 Thong, small arms 474. 8 Toilet articles 425 Buckboards 451. 5 Parts and accessories 451. 51 Buckets 457 Fire 413.2 Latrine 414. 4 Packing 457 Water 414. 4 Buckles 423 Budget systems of appropriation 110. 01 Buffers, recoil and counterrecoil 473. 82 Buffet cars 531. 3 Buggies 451. 5 Parts and accessories 451. 51 Bugle calls 335. 291 Buglers 221 Chief bugler 221 Sergeant bugler 221 Bugles 413. 3 Bugs 000. 94 Builders' hardware 411. 7 Building material 411 Buildings 600 Administration 631 Allotment office rooms, War Depart- ment 029. 21 Allowances 400. 347 Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Armories 633 Arsenals 633 Assignment office rooms 680. 341 246 Buildings — Continued. Assignment of quarters 680. 341 Bakeries 633 Band stands 655 Barracks (see also Barracks) 620 Bathhouses 658 Boathouses 658 Boiler houses 634 Cable structures 664 Camp 652 Capacity of 600. 02 Chapels 631 Clothing factories 635 Crematories 633 Dam 821. 03 Detention barracks 627 Drill halls 631 Equipage factories 635 Estimates for appropriations Ill Exchanges 631 Fire houses 634 Garages 634 (ireenhouses 634 (irooming sheds 634 Gim factories 635 Gymnasiums 631 Historic 619. 3 Hospitals 632 Veterinary 634 Inciherators 633 Infirmaries 632 Inspection of 333. 6 Issues to 400. 357 Kitchens 633 Latrines 634 Laundries 633 Lavatories 626 Lease of 601. 53 Libraries 631 Location of 600. 03 Lock 821.03 Lunch rooms 633 Magazines 633 Maneuver and camp 652 Materials 411 Memorial halls 631 Mess halls 633 Mess shelters 633 Mine structures 663 Minor construction 650 Number of 600. 04 Office 631 Outhouses 634 Payment for buildings 120. 13 Buildings — Continued. Portable buildings G34 Post 630 Post exchanges 631 Powder depots 633 Prisons 627 Proving grounds, at 652 Proving plants 635 Public buildings and grounds. War Department, officer in charge 029.1 Pump houses 634 Quarters (see also Quarters) 620 Radio stations 676. 3 Riding halls 631 Rostrums 655 Schools 631 Searchlight structures 666 Senate office 032. 2 Sheds for ammunition wagons 634 Sheds for gims 634 Sheds for vehicles, wagons 634 Shooting galleries 651 Shops 635 Stables 634 State, War, and Navy, Superin- tendent of 029.2 Store sheds 633 Storehouses 633 Switchboard houses 665. 2 Target range , 651 Tent factories 635 Testing plants 635 Transformer houses 634 Use of by societies and associations. 083 Wireless stations 676. 3 Buildings and grounds 6C0 Acquisition of real property or land. 601 Cession 601 . 3 Condemnation 601. 1 Deeds 601. 01 Donation or gifts 601. 2 Grant 601.3 Lease of 601. 53 Licenses 601. 5 Mortgages 601. 01 Permits 601. 5 Purchase 601.1 Recording deeds, mortgages, and titles 601.01 Titles 601.01 Transfers from other bureaus, de- partments and from public lands 601.4 247 Building and grounds — Continued. Acreages 600. 93 Altering, changing, enlarging, widening 600. 4 Bids and contracts 600. 4 Complaints, protests of bidders and contractors 600. 4 Estimates 600. 4 Inspection 600. 4 Boilers 600.4 Methods of 600. 4 Bids and contracts 600. 4 Open market, proposal and by hire of labor, and purchase of material 600. 4 Plans and specifications 600. 4 Data for 600.4 Preparation and approval 000. 4 Standard, typical or uniform . . 600. 4 Projects 600. 4 General 600. 4 Provisional 600. 4 Standard 600. 4 Requisitions 600. 4 Supervision 600. 4 Bids 600.111 Blue prints 600. 92 Boundaries 600. 93 Changing 600. 4 Charts 600. 92 Cleaning 600. 3 Construction and installation 600. 1 Abstracts 600. 112 Of awards 600. 1122 Of proposals and bids 600. 1121 Advertisements 600. 161 Use of Government name in. . . 600. 168 Awards 600. 113 Bids 600.111 Authority to in\ite 600. 1112 Circulars to bidders 600. 1111 Capacity 600. 02 Complaints and protests, bid- ders 600.1191 Complaints and protests, con- tractors 600. 1192 Contracts 600. 114 Estimates 600. 15 Inspections 600. 171 Of boilers 600. 171 Introductions and credentials, representatives of bidders and contractors 600. 160 List of bidders 600. 164 Building and grounds— Continued. Construction and installation — Con. List of constructing officers 600. 163 Location of. 600. 03 Methods of 600. 11 Bids and contracts 600. ] 11 By hire of labor and purchase of material 600. 118 Emergency 600. 116 Open market 600. 115 Proposal and acceptance agree- ments 600. 117 Plans and specifications 600. 13 Data for GOO. 132 Preparation and approval 600. 133 Standard, typical, unifori i.. . . 600. 131 Projects 600. 12 General 000. 121 Pro\isional 600. 122 Standard 600. 123 Subprojects 600. 124 Requests f jr information 600. 162 Requisitions 600. 15 Siipervision 600. 17 Data and statistics 600. !) Deeds j601-0i ] 602. 01 Destruction 600. 97 By fire 600. 971 By starm, hurricane, tornado 000. 972 Disposition of 602 Abandonment, posts and reser- vations 602. 1 Application for purchase 602. 4 Deeds 602. 01 Lease or loan 602. 7 Recording deeds and titles 602. 01 Restoration of land to public domain 602. 6 Return of land to original owners. 602. 5 Sales 602. 2 Titles 602.01 Transfers to other departments. . . 602. 3 Donations of 001. 2 Enlarging 600. 4 Equipping buildings and grounds. . 600. 2 Guarding 600. 96 Heating 600. 8 IIist:)rical information, miscellane- ous data and des-riptive matter 600. 94 IIist:>ri( al records 600. 911 Information, miscellaneous re- quests for 600. 95 248 Buildings and grounds — Continued. Land grants 601. 3 Lease of 601. 53 Lighting 600. 7 Maintaining 600. 182 Bids 600. 182 Complaints, protests, of bidders and contractors 600. 182 Estimates 600. 182 Inspection 600. 182 Boilers 600. 182 Methods of 600. 182 Bids and contracts 600. 182 Open market proposals and by hire of labor, purchase of material 600. 182 Plans and specification 600. 182 Data for 000.182 Preparation and approval 600. 182 Standard, typical, uniform 600. 182 Projects 600. 182 General 600.182 Provisional 600. 182 Standard 600. 182 Subprojects 600. 182 Requisitions 600. 182 Supervision 600. 182 Maps 600.92 Materials for 411 Modernizing 600. 5 Mortgages P^- ^^ 1602. 01 Name or designation 600. 05 Operating 600. 181 Painting 600. 3 Photographs 600. 92 Plumbing 600. 8 Preserving 600. 3 Protecting, guarding 600. 96 Rebuilding '. . . . 600. 5 Recording deeds, mortgages, titles. i„.„' ., (ovZ. 01 Relocating, rebuilding, moderniz- ing 600. 5 Bids 600. 5 Complaints, protests of bidders and contractors 600. 5 Estimates 600. 5 Inspections 600. 5 Boilers 600. 5 Methods of 600. 5 Bids and contracts 600. 5 Open market, proposals and by hire of labor and purchase of materials. 600. 5 Buildings and grounds— Continued. Relocating, rebuilding, moderniz- ing — Continued. Plans and specification 600. 5 Data for 600. 5 Preparation and approval 600. 5 Standard, typical, uniform 600. 5 Projects 600. 5 General 600. 5 Provisional 600. 5 Standard 600. 5 Requisitions 600. 5 Supervision 600. 5 Repairing, cleaning, oiling, paint- ing, preserving 600. 3 Bids 600.3 Complaints, protests of bidders and contractors 600. 3 Estimates 600. 3 Inspection 600. 3 Boilers 600. 3 Methods of 600.3 Bids and contracts 600. 3 Open market, proposals and hire of labor and purchase of material 600. 3 Plans and specifications 600. 3 Data for 600. 3 Preparation and approval 600. 3 Standard, typical and uniform. 600.3 Projects 600. 3 General 600. 3 Provisional 600. 3 Standard 600. 3 Subprojects 600. 3 Requisitions 600. 3 Supervision 600. 3 Reports and observations 600. 91 Accidents 600. 913 Boiler efficiency 600. 915 Condition 600. 912 Fires 600. 913 Fuel consumption 600. 915 Historical records 600. 911 Progress of work 600. 914 Sales of 602. 2 Size of post or station 600. 01 Surveys 600.93 Titles 1^^^-^^ ^^^^^ 1602.01 Transfers to other departments 602. 3 Wliitewashing 600. 3 Widening 600. 4 Wiring 600. 7 Wrecking 600. 6 249 Bulbs, electric 414. 5 Bulkhead line 825.6 Location of 825. 6 Regulation 825. 6 Relocation or modification 825. 6 Bulletins 300. 5 Special, War Department 300. 5 Bullets 471. 84 Cannellured 471. 84 Foreign 471. 84 Sharp-pointed 471.84 Smoke 471. 84 Soft-nosed 471 . 84 Bunions 710 Bunkers, coal: Trimming 563. 72 Transports 573. 72 Bunks 427 Bunting silk 423 Buoys, aids to navigation 829. 11 Buoys, life 458. 11 Buoys, mooring 829. 11 Mines 476 Vessels 458. 14 Transports 458. 14 Bureau chiefs, decisions and opin- ions of 016 Bureaus: Accounts and Supplies (Navy) 045. 2 Agriculture Department 047. 2 American Republics 040. 6 Animal Industry 047. 2 Census 048. 2 Chemistry 047. 2 Children's 049. 12 Circulars of 300. 5 Coast and Geodetic Survey 048. 2 Coast Guard 042. 2 Commerce Department 048. 2 Construction and interpretation of appropriations by heads of War Department 112. 2 Construction and Repair (Navy)... 045. 2 Customs 042. 2 Dead-letter office 043. 2 Decisions of chiefs of 016 Forest Service and Plant Industry. 047. 2 General Land Office 046.2 Hydrographic Office, Navy De- partment 045. 2 Immigration 049. 12 Indian Affairs 046. 2 Insular Affairs, War Department . . 020. 8 Interior Department 046. 2 Bureaus — Continued . Internal Revenue 042. 2 Justice Department 044. 2 Labor Department 049. 12 Labor Statistics 049. 12 Life-Saving Service 042. 2 Lighthouses 048. 2 Loans of supplies to 400. 331 Mines 046. 2 Naturalization 049. 12 Navigation 048. 2 Navigation, Navy 045. 2 Opinions, of chiefs of 016 Ordnance, Navy 045. 2 Parcel Post System 043. 2 Patent Office 046. 2 Pension Office 046. 2 Philippine Government 093 Post Office 043. 2 Postal ('onvention 043. 2 Postal Savings System 043. 2 Postal Union 043. 2 Printing and Engraving 042. 2 Public Health 042. 2 Purchases supplies from 400. 135 Reports of changes in employees to . 230. 381 Returns Office, Interior Depart- ment 046.2 Revenue-Cutter Service 042. 2 Rural Free Delivery 043. 2 Sales to 400. 325 Secret Service Division and Section Surety Bonds 042. 2 Standards 048. 2 State Department 041. 2 Steam Engineering, Navy 045. 2 Steamboat Inspection Service 048. 2 Transfers land and buildings from, other than War Depart- ment 601.4 Treasury Department 042. 2 War Department 020 Decisions, opinions by heads of. . 016 Exchanges supplies and equip- ment between 400. 225 Miscellaneous 029 Shipment of property and sup- plies of 523.1 War Risk Insurance Bureau 042. 2 Weather 047. 2 Yards and Docks, Navy 045. 2 Burial expenses, claims 157 Burial of the dead 722. 2 Burial privileges 230. 62 250 Biirial sites 680. 31 Burials {see also Funerals and burials) 293 Claims for expenses 157 Expenses, employees, enlisted, nurses and officers 247 Headstone 293. 7 Lots, assignment of 293. 5 Of dead, as affecting health 722. 2 Records of death and interment. . . 314. 6 Military prisoners 314. 6 Supplies 468 Burlap 457 Biu-ners, lamp 414. 5 Acetyline 414. 5 Gas 414.5 Gasoline 414. 5 Oil 414.5 Burners, lantern 414. 5 Burning records 313. 6 Obsolete 313. 6 Useless 313. 6 Burns 710 X-ray 710 Bursitis 710 Bushings, ammimition 471. 82 Business 004. 12 Cabinets 414. 1 Cabins, vessels 563. 21 Capacity 569. 5 On transports 579. 5 Staterooms 563. 21 Transports 573. 21 Staterooms 573. 21 Cable (mine cable 476.2) 412.42 Boats, and cable-boat service 560 Clothing for employees 422 Employees 231. 8 Equipment and apparatus 458 Regulations 560. 1 Use of, for laying cable 565. 61 Use of, for repairing cable 565. 61 Houses 664 Instruments 413. 43 Interruptions 311. 221 Mine 476. 2 Clips 476.2 Crossings 476. 2 Drums 476. 2 Frames 476. 2 IMeasuring reel and frame 476. 2 Protection against fouling. . . 476. 2 Reels 476.2 Test and testing sets 476. 2 Turk head 476.2 C Business affairs of employees 230. 76 Employees engaged in outside 230. 765 Business enterprises of enlisted men and officers 250. 7 Business enterprises and projects 004 Business, Government, requests for information 400. 154 Business houses, introductions and credentials of representa- tives 400.156 Business men's camps of instruction. . 354. 1 Business methods, inspection of 333. 8 Business methods and procediu'e 310 Business, reports as to condition 319. 1 Business standing of firms 004. 03 Butchers, enlisted 221 Butter and substitutes 434 Button fasteners, shoe 425 Buttonhole machines 413. 8 Buttons: C'lothing material 423 Coat 421 Of railway repres3ntatives 501. 12 Butts, target 614 Buzzer systems 413. 46 Cable — Continued . Reels 413. 43 Mine 476.2 Repairing, use of vessels for 565. 61 Roads 617. 2 Searchlight 470. 3 Services 483. 3 Stations 664 Structures 664 Galleries 664 Houses 664 Huts '. 664 Shelters 664 Stations 664 Tanks 664 Terminals 664 Supplies and equipment 413. 43 Equipment and apparatus for vessels 458 For transports 458 Systems 676. 4 Trucks 476. 2 Cablegrams 311. 22 Federal supervision of 311. 201 Cabs 451.5 Transportation 533 Hire of 533.1 Cacao 435 251 Caches 633 Cadavers 293. 9 Cadet aviator 211 Cadet rifles 474. 4 Cadet store 351. 42 Sales to 400. 326 Cadets: Admission to hospitals and sanita- riums 705 Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Sanitariums 705. 4 Civil institutions 000. 8 In militia 000. 8 Part of militia 000. 8 Training, military 000. 8 Dental treatment 703 Enlisted men 221 Marine 045. 3 Medical attendance 701 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Military Academy 351. 1 Absence 351. 21 Admission to hospitals and sani- tariums 705 Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Sanitariums 705. 4 Alternates 351. 12 Annual roll 351. 29 Appeals 351.18 Appointment, reappointment. . . 351. 11 Cadet officers, appointment 351. 391 Candidates 351. 28 Circulars of information 351. 27 Commandant of 351. 01 Conduct roll 351. 29 Corps of Cadets 351. 39 Demerits 35] . 16 Dental treatment 703 Dismissals 351. 242 Distinguished 351. 22 Encampm.ent of cadets 351. 41 Examination, candidates, physi- cal and mental 351. 15 Board 334.1 Cadets at the academy 351. 151 Deficient in examinations 351. 152 Foreigners, admission and educa- tion 351.38 Cadets— Continued. Military Academy — Continued. Graduation list 351. 23 Hazing 351. 19 Medical attendance 701 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Merit roll 351. 29 Naval cadets 045. 8 Officers 211 Surgical operations 707 Transportation of 512 On commercial vessels 544. 3 On harbor boats 542 On other Government vessels 543 , On transports 541. 1 Cafes 004. 04 1 Caissons 473. 861 Calcium chloride 438 Calibers, seacoast guns, assignments to 353.17 Calls, bugle 353. 7 Calls, service 335. 291 Cameras and supplies 413. 53 Camouflage 000. 91 Operations, troops 370. 28 Supplies and equi2)ment 467 Training and instruction 353, 5 Camp attendants, transportation of 516 Camp chairs or stools 424 Camp followers , 292 Transportation of 516 Camp grounds 685 Use of reservations for 680. 33 Camp sites 685 Camp tables 414. 1 Campaigns: Badges — Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Military 370. 22 Supplies for 400. 37 Political , 000. 2 <^amps 354 Administration 331 Allowances, supplies 400.3403 Militia 400. 348 Attendants, transportation of 516 Buildings at 652 Detention camps 254 Exchanges 331. 3 Field camps 354 252 Camps— Continued . Camp followers 292 Transportation of 516 Grounds 685 Use of reservations for 680. 33 Hire of civilian employees 230. 146 Internment camps 254 Introduction and sale of intoxicants 250. 1 Introduction of obscene reading matter 250. 1 Issues to 400. 3583 Methods of paying at 240. 21 Pollution of grounds 723. 22 Prisoners of war, camps for 255 Reservations 685 Sanitary inspections 721. 4 Sites 685 Training camps 354. 6 Transportation: Organizations 511 Bids, abstracts, contracts 553. 1 Mounts for officers 522 Camps of instruction 354. 1 Administration 331 Allowances for 400. 3403 Militia 400. 348 Attendance 354. 1 Attendants, transportation of 516 Buildings at 652 Coast Artillery 354. 1 Coast Artillery and militia 354. 1 Commanders 354. 16 Authority 354. 161 Duties 354. 162 Contraction of limits of 364. 14 Details: Enlisted men 220. 67 Officers 210. 67 Discontinuance of 354. 12 Establishment of 354. 11 Exchanges 331. 3 Extension of limits of 354. 13 Followers 292 Transportation of 516 Grounds 685 Use of reservations for 680. 33 Headquarters of 354. 15 Hire of civilian employees 230. 146 Inland 354. 1 Introduction and sale of intoxicants 250. 1 Introduction of obscene reading matter 250. 1 Camps of Instruction— Continued. Issues to 400. 356 To militia 400. 3583 Methods of paying at 240. 21 Militia 354. 1 Officers' camps 354. 1 Passes and permits 680. 42 Pollution of grounds 723. 22 Reports 354. 1 Rules and regulations 354. 18 Sanitary inspections 721. 4 Staffs of commanders of 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 State 354. 1 Students, civil schools 354. 1 Transportation : Mounts of officers 522. Organizations 511 Bids, abstracts, contracts 553. 1 Canal Commission, Isthmian 020. 7 Canals 821. ] Dams 821. 2 Gates 821. 04 Irrigation 821. 1 Military 821. 1 Lock floors 821. 02 Lock foundations 821. 02 Lock walls 821. 02 Lockage and locking 821. 01 Military 821. 1 Panama Canal 821. 1 Ship 821. 1 Cancellation : Appointments of employees 2.'!0. 2142 Bills of lading 552. 6 Checks 122. 1 Drafts 122. 1 Letters of apportionment 121. 1 Money orders 122. 1 Permits and licenses, rivers and harbors 800.5 Tickets 552. 8 Transportation requests, warrants.. 552. 6 Cancer 710 Candidates: Cadetships, Military Academy 351. 28 Civil service examinations 230. 113 Civilian, for appointments as offi- cers 211 Employees 2.30. 113 Enlisted, for appointments 220. 105 253 Candidates — Continued . Examinations, cadets, Military Academy 351. 153 Officers, for appointments 210. 105 Officers training camps, transpor- tation 512 Candies 436 Candles 414. 5 Candlesticks 414. 5 Canuellured bullets 471. 84 Canning 400. 252 Cannon (see also Guns) 472 Accessories 472. 82 Aerial guns 472. 91 Breechblocks 472. 81 Breech mechanisms 472. 81 Castings 472. 81 Cleaning devices 472. 82 Colt's automatic guns 472. 5 Covers for 472. 82 Dummy 470. 2 Firing mechanisms 472. 81 Forgings .' 472. 81 Hoops 472. 81 Howitzers 472. 2 •Jackets 472. 81 Lanyards 472. 81 Life-saving guns 472. 92 Machine and automatic guns 472. 5 Machiue rifle, model 1909 472. 5 Maxim automatic guns 472. 5 Mobile guns 472. 1 Mortars 472. 4 Navy guns 472, 6 Parts of 472. 81 Rammers and staves 472. 82 Safety devices 472. 81 Seacoast guns 472. 3 Sleeves 472. 81 Sponges and staves 472. 82 Subcaliber guns 472. 3 Supplies 472. 8 Tubes 472. 81 Canoes 560 Cans: Ammunition 471. 87 Fuze 476. 1 Garbage 414. 4 OU 414.5 Openers 414. 3 Tin 457 Urinal 414. 4 Canteens 426 Cantilever bridges 823, 2 Cantonments 354. 5 Commanders of 354. 50 Authority 354. 561 Duties 354. 562 Contraction of limits 354. 54 Discontinuance of 354. 52 Establishment of 354. 51 Extension of limits 354. 53 Headquarters of 354. 55 Reservations 685 Rules and regulations 354. 58 Staff officers of 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 Duty 354. 572 Use of reservations for 680. 33 Canvas 423 Canvassing by employees 230. 434 Cap bands 421 Capacity: Buildings 600. 02 Factories 004. 401 Manufacturing depots and arsenals. 400. 216 Posts, stations 600. 01 Rivers and harbors construction work 800.01 Altering 800. 42 Repairing 800. 32 Vessels 569. 5 Animal-carrjang 569. 56 Transports 579. 56 Cabin and stateroom 569. 5 Transports 579. 5 Cargo and freight 569. 56 Transports 579. 56 Commercial vessels 545. 01 Lifeboat 569. 5 Transports 579. 54 Passenger, other than cabin 569. 5 Transports 579. 5 Capitol 032 Capitulation 384. 2 Caps: Ammunition 471. 81 Mine 476. 1 Projectile 471. 81 Uniform 421 Bands for 421 Captains 211 Captive balloons 452. 3 Parts and accessories 452. 31 Captured flags 332. 1 Captiu-ed property 386. 3 Captured records 314. 4 Captures 384. 2 254 Car cards, use of 523. 094 Carabaos 454. 6 Carbide 4G3. 2 Carbines 474. 5 Carbon copies for records 313. 1 Carbon paper 462 Carbons, searchlight 470. 31 Carboys 457 Carbuncles 710 Cardboard 462 Cardiac dilation 710 Cardiac hypertrophy 710 Cardiac palpitation 710 Cardinals 000. 3 Card-index systems 313. 2 Cards: Descriptive 201. 32 Descriptive and assignment 201. 31 Descriptive of supplies and equip- ment 400. 191 Error 319. 23 Identification 344. 2 OfBce supplies 462 Outline figure 344. 1 Postal 312. 2 Preference 201. 37 Cards and cardboard 462 Care of animals, veterinary 728. 4 Care of memorials and monuments... 293. 6 Care of trees, shrubs, orchards, plants, grass 618.34 Care of vessels 563 Of transports 573 Caretakers, employees 231. 4 Caring for animals 484 Caring for supplies and equipment. . . 400. 402 Cargadors: Employees 231. 7 Enlisted 221 Cargo or freight, vessels 563. 5 Capacity for 569. 56 Transports 579. 56 Discharging 563. 52 Transports 573. 52 Feeding and watering animals 563. 5 Transports 573. 5 Handling 563. 53 Transports 573. 53 Loading 563. 51 Transports 573. 51 Mail 565. 61 Transports 575. 61 Space 563. 5 Transports 573. 5 Cargo or freight, vessels — Continued. Stalls for animals , 563. 54 Transports 573. 54 Transports 573. 5 Carnivals 001 Attendance employees 230. 67 Details enlisted men to 220. 69 Details officers to 210. 693 Transportation organizations to 511 Troops for 370. 7 Carpenter shop, War Department 020. 5 Carpenters: Employees 231. 5 Transports 231. 83 Enlisted 221 Tools 413. 12 Carpets 414. 1 Carriages 451. 5 Automobiles in lieu of 537. 2 Parts and accessories 451. 51 Transportation by 533 Hire of 533. 1 Carriages for guns 473 Aerial guns 473. 9 Automatic guns 473. 5 Covers for 473. 865 Dummy 470. 2 Electrical equipment 473. 83 Field guns 473. 1 Howitzers 473. 2 Life-saving guns 473. 9 Machine guns 473. 5 Mechanisms 473. 82 Elevating 473. 82 Recoil. . , 473. 82 Retracting 473. 82 Traversing 473. 82 Tripping 473. 82 Mobile guns 473. 1 Mortars 473. 4 Navy guns 473. 6 Parts and accessories 473. 8 Seacoast guns 473. 3 Siege guns 473. 1 Sights 473. 85 Bore 473. 85 Front 473. 85 Night 473. 85 Panoramic 473. 85 Rear 473. 85 Telescopic, 2-inch 473. 85 Telescopic, 3-inch 473. 85 Spare parts 473. 84 Subcaliber 473. 9 255 Carriages, transportation 533 Hire of 533. 1 Carriages, transportation supplies 451. 5 Carriers, accounts against for break- ages, shortages 557 Carriers, ammunition 474. 87 Carriers, arm 474. 87 Carriers, mail 231. 4 Cars: Armored motor 470. 8 Parts and accessories 470. 81 Baggage 531. 1 Buffet 531. 3 Car orders .' 503 Chair 531.2 Cold-storage 531. 4 Congestion of 504. 2 Dining 531. 3 Fires in 531. 6 Freight, stalls in 531. 5 Hospital 531. 4 Horse, palace 531. 4 Kitchen, and equipment 531. 3 Loading cars 505 Mess 531. 3 Palace horse 531. 4 Parlor 531.2 Rates 551. 5 Railroad 453 Fires in 531. 6 Railway cars 453 For guns, cannon 453. 1 For howitzers 453. 2 Refrigerator 531. 4 Shortages in cars 504. 1 Situation 504 Sleeping 531. 2 Pullman 531. 2 Raib-oad 531. 2 Rates 551. 5 Tourist cars 531. 1 Unloading cars 505 Cart and reel 473. 863 Cartons 457 Cartridge-bag material 423 Cartridge belts 426 Cartridge boxes 426 Cartridge cases 471. 87 Cartridge clips 471. 87 Cartridge storage cases 471. 87 Cartridges (see Ammunition, small- arms) 471. 4 Cartridges, dummy 470. 2 Carts 451. 7 Ammunition 451. 7 Field Artillery 451. 7 Hose, fire 413. 2 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Passenger 451. 6 Parts and accessories 451. 61 Reel, fire 413. 2 Casemate, electricians 221 Casemates, mining 663 Cases: Book.... 414. 1 Cartridge 471. 87 Cartridge storage 471. 87 Courts-martial, transfer to other jurisdictions 250. 492 Dispatch 428 Field 428 Filing 414. 1 Mine 476. 1 Oiler, small-arms 474. 8 Record 414. 1 Shrapnel 471. 87 Telescope 428 Thong, small-arms 474. 8 Cash, transactions, and cash on hand . 131 Caskets 468 Castings, gun 472. 81 Casual officers, details 210. 604 Casuals: Detachments of 322. 7 Details officers in charge of 210. 604 Quarters for — On vessels 563. 21 Transports 573. 21 Casualties 704 Protection of life from 729. 3 Catalogues: Buildings and grounds work 600. 1611 River and harbor work 800. 1611 Supplies and equipment 400. 152 Vessels 561. 3 Transports 571. 3 Cateracts 710 Caterpillar tractors 451. 3 Parts and accessories 451. 31 Caterpillar trailers 451. 3 Parts and accessories 451. 31 Catholic: Greek Church 000. 3 Roman Church 000. 3 Catsup 437 Cattle, subsistence 431 256 Cavalry 822.02 Bands 322.16 Board 334. 3 Camps of instruction 354. 1 Drill regulations 300. 7 Board 334.2 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Enlisted men 322. 022 Equipment board 334. 2 Headquarters detachments 322. 7 Machine gun company 322. 173 Machine gun platoon 322. 8 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Officers 322. 021 Recruits 343 Regimental noncommissioned staff. 322. 992 Regiments 322. 17 Squadron noncommissioned staff.. 322.992 Squadrons 322. 172 Supply troops 322. 174 Troops, A, B, etc 322. 174 Caveat 013.1 Caviar 437 Celebrations 001 Absences employees for 230. 585 Religious 230. 581 Air craft for 370. 7 Attendance employees 230. 67 Details enlisted men to 220. 69 Details officers to 210. 693 Exhibits at 001 Transportation officers' horses to. .. 522 Transportation organizations to 511 Troops for 370. 7 Cellars, root 633 Cellars, tableware 414. 3 Cells, storage 412. 42 Cellulitis 710 Celluloid 411. 6 Cement 411. 8 Cement guns 413. '8 Cemeteries 687 Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Inspections of 333. 1 National 687 Commissioners of 231. 1 Regulations for 300. 5 Reservations 687 Superintendents of 231. 4 Examining boards 334. 1 Censorship 000. 73 Censorship of communications. . . 311. 7 Censure 250. 3 Census 050 Bureau of 048. 2 Civil 059 Central heating plants 674 Central Passenger Association 501 Centralization 323. 1 Cereals 433 Ceremonies 335. 2 Details enlisted men for 220. 69 Details officers for 210. 693 Musters 335. 2 Parades 335. 2 Precedence of troops 335. 2 Receptions 335. 2 Religious 000. 3 Reviews 335. 2 Roll calls 335. 2 Saturday inspections 335. 2 Troops for 370. 7 Certificates 312. 1 Army schools and colleges 352. 183 Civil service eligibles 230. 13 Deposit of funds 131 Discharge, employees 230. 828 Discharge, enlisted 220. 84 Character on 220. 842 Certificate in lieu of lost 220. 841 Eligibles, employees 230. 13 Identification 344. 2 Inspection and receipts under con- tracts 167 Marksmanship 353. 15 Nonindebtedness, officers 241. 5 Of merit 220. 5 Badges 220. 5 Pay for 242. 141 Personnel 201. 8 Priority of transportation 523. 071 Probational appointments 230. 2171 Reinstatements, employees 230. 234 Service, employees 230. 715 Service, enlisted 220. 84 Voters, employees 230. 716 War-risk insurance 004. 6124 Certification of records 313. 5 Use of ofiicial seals 313. 5 Cession, land 601. 3 Cesspools 657 Chain 411.7 Lifts 412.3 Moorings 476. 1 Chair cars 531. 2 257 Chairman: Of House of Repreeentativee 032. 1 Of Senate 032. 2 Chairs 414. 1 Barrack 414. 1 Camp 424 Chalazion 710 Chalk 461 Chancre 710 Chancroid 710 Change of name and addresses and records of 201. 7 Changes: Contracts 161 Grades, enlisted 220. 27 Disrating 220. 272 Bating 220. 271 T.etters of allotment 121. 2 Letters of apportionment 121. 1 Militia organizations 325. 451 Name 201. 72 Beneficiaries of employees, en- listed men, niurses, and officers 247 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 35 Regulations, manuals, etc 300. 3 Army Regulations 300. 3 Drill regulations or tactics 300. 7 Field-service regulations 300. 8 Small -arms firing regulations. . . . 300. 8 Report of. Government Hospital for Insane 046. 39 Supplies and equipment 400. 113 Changes of name 201. 72 Beneficiaries 247 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 35 Employees 230. 717 Enlisted men 201. 72 Officers 201. 72 Changes of station : Employees 230. 367 Enlisted 220. 32 Noncommissioned and noncom- missioned staff officers. . . . 220. 32 Privates and rated men 220. 32 Transportation 513 Officers 210. 32 Account of ill health. 210. 324 Line officers 210. 322 Native troops 210. 323 Staff corps or department 210. 321 Transportation 512 Mounts 522 Organizations, transportation of — 511 61127—18 17 Changes of station — Continued. Troops (see Troops, change of stations) 370. 5 Changing buildings and grounds 600. 4 Channels of correspondence 312. 8 Between War Department and field offices 312. 3 Civil and with civilians 312. 3 Departmental 312. 3 Military 312. 3 Within War Department 312. 3 Channels of rivers and harbors 811 Artificial for rivers 822 Changing course of 811 Deepening 811 Depths 811 Dredging 811 Ranges 811 Straightening 811 Chapels 631 FiuToiture for 414. 1 Chaplains 211 Employees 231. 26 Equipment 426 Examining boards 334. 1 Character, enlisted men 220. 842 Discharge for traits of 220. 801 Charcoal, fuel 463. 5 Charcoal, ingredients for powder .... 471. 85 Charges: Allotments on pay rolls 243. 3 Collecting from employees 248. 6 Collecting from enlisted men 242. 4 Collecting from officers 241. 3 Courts-martial 250. 45 Demotions, employees 230. 332 Deposits of funds to cover 121. 3 Desertion, removal of 251. 12 Final pay of enlisted men 242. 6 Fire extinguisher 413. 2 Fimds, and deposits to cover 121. 3 Navigation 017. 1 Port 012. 43 Powder 471. 5 Preferred against employees- 230. 744 Property shortages, losses, damaged, destroyed 141. 7 Reimbursement for, paid 156 Subsistence, enHsted men 242. 4 Charitable organizations, loans of supplies to 400. 332 Charitable societies and associa- tions 080 Charity and gratuity 005 258 Charter of commercial vessels 545. 02 Charter parties, vessels 545. 02 Charts: Battle commanders 063. 1 Buildings and grounds 600. 92 Harbor 061. 2 Fire commanders 063. 1 Identification 344. 2 Mine commanders 063. 1 Navigators 458. 24 Transports 458. 24 Obstructions to navigation noted on 800. 82 Rivers and harbors 800. 13 Supplies and equipment 400. 114 Charwomen 231 . 4 Chassis, gun carriages 473. 81 Chauffers 231. 4 Enlisted 221 Check protectors 462 Checkers 231. 6 Checks, money orders, drafts 122. 1 Cancellations 122. 1 Certified, bidders' guaranties 168 Deceased soldiers 242. 7 Duplicate 122. 15 Indemnity bonds covering 122. 15 . Forms and methods of handling 122. 1 Frauds, forgeries, and altera- tions 122.1 Laws and regulations 122 Lost, stolen, destroyed 122. IG On relief of disbursing officer 122. 1 Outstanding three years or more.. . 122. 1 Protectors 462 Questions as to payment or nonpay- ment 122. 1 Reports of, outstanding 122. 1 On relief of disbursing officer 122. 1 Outstanding three years or more. . 122. 1 Settlement of contracts 167 Supply and transfer of blank 122. 1 Time checks, employees 230. 438 Cheese 434 Chemicals 441. 2 Fire extinguisher 413. 2 For fighting 470. 6 Apparatus for protection 470. 72 Apparatus for using 470. 71 Medical supplies 441. 2 Use as disinfectant 720. 55 Veterinary 445 Chemistry 730 Bureau of 047. 2 Chemists: Employees 231. 23 Enlisted men 221 Officers 211 Chest measurements: Appointments — Commissioned 210. 13 Enlisted 220. 13 Promotion — Commissioned 210. 23 Enlisted 220. 23 Chests: Ammunition 473. 88 Arm 474. 87 Armament 473. 88 Commissary 428 Field 428 Chevrons 421 Chewing gum 436 Chicken 431 Chicken, dressed 431 Chicken pox 710 Chief bakers 221 Chief buglers 221 Chief Clerk, War Department 020. 3 Ofldce of 020. 3 Chief loaders 221 Chief mechanics 221 Chief musicians 221 Chief nurses 211 Chief of Coast Artillery Division 321. 141 Chief of Engineers 321. 71 Decisions and opinions 016 Office of 025 Office organization and adminis- tration 025 Chief of Field Artillery Division 321. 161 Chief of Militia Bureau 321. 151 Decisions and opinions 016 Office of 029.3 CMef of Mobile Army Division 321. 131 Decisions and opinions 016 Chief of Ordnance 321. 81 Decisions and opinions 016 Office of 023 Office organization and adminis- tration 023 Chief of police 014. 12 Chief of staff, camps of instruction. . . 354. 17 Chief of staff, cantonments 354. 57 Chief of staff, concentration camps.. . 354. 47 Chief of staff of departments, divisions 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duty 323. 372 259 Chief of staff, maneuvers 354. 27 Chief of staff, mobilization camps 354. 37 Chief of Staff of the Army 321. 101 Decisions and opinions 016 Office of 321. 11 Chief of the Quartermaster Corps 321. 51 Decisions and opinions. 016 Office of 022 Office organization and adminis- tration 022 Chief of Tank Corps 321. 171 Decisions and opinions of 016 Office of 029. 4 Chief of War College Division 321. 121 Decisions and opinions 016 Chief planters 221 Cliief Signal Officer of the Army 321. 911 Decisions and opinions 016 Office of 026 Office organization and adminis- tration 026 Chief trumpeters 221 Chigre 710 Chilblain 710 Child labor, hire of 230. 1402 Children, attendance post schools 352. 9 Childrens' Bureau 049. 12 Chimneys, lamp, lantern 414. 5 Chimneys, structures 658 China 091 Cliina campaign badges: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Chinese, appointments, employees. . . 230. 2224 Chirography 312. 4 Chiropodists, commissioned 211 Chiropodists, employees 231. 23 Chiropody 730 Chiropractors 231. 23 Chlorates 471. 86 Chloride, calcium 438 Chocolate 435 Cholangitis 710 Cholecystitis 710 Cholera 710 ' Chorea 710 Chowder 431 Christian Church 000. 3 Christian Science 000. 3 Christmas boxes and packages, trans- portation of 524. 4 Civilians 524. 4 Employees and members other de- partments 524. 4 Employees, War Department 524. 4 Christmas boxes and packages, trans- portation of — Continued . Enlisted men 524. 4 Nurses 524. 4 Officers 524. 4 Choroiditis 710 Chronological lists 052 Churches 000. 3 Boards on claim of, in Philippine Islands ■ 334.7 Desecration of 000. 3 Chyluria 710 Cigarettes and papers 439 Cigars 439 Cinches 455 Cinnamon 437 Cipher letters 311. 5 Cipher writers 311. 5 Ciphergraph, use of in communication 311. 5 Cii'cles, traversing 473. 82 Circuit closers, mine 476. 1 Circuit courts 015. 2 Circuits, firing, seacoast 353. 4 Circuits, gun carriages 473. 83 Circulars 300. 5 Bidders 400. 141 Buildings and ground work 600. 1111 Bulletins 300. 5 Bureau. , 300. 5 Deserters 251. 26 Firms, etc 400. 151 Letters 312. 1 Military Academy 351. 27 National cemetery regulations 300. 5 Recruiting 341. 4 River and harbor work 800. 1111 Special, War Department 300. 5 Stoppage 241. 2 Supplies and equipment 400. 151 Uniform regulations 300. 5 War Department c 300. 5 Special SOO. 5 Circulars, of supplies 400. 1512 Circulation blood 742 Cirrhosis of the liver 710 Cisterns 671 Filling 615 . Cities 094 Affairs 090 Aircraft to take part in expositions, fairs, etc 370. 7 Courts 015. 6 Ordinances 010 5 Police powers 014. 12 Pollution of soil 723. 22 Troops for celebrations, etc 370. 7 260 Citizens: Deportation of 014. 393 Training 353 Training campa 354. 1 Citizenship 014.33 Acquisition of 041. 33 Bureau of 041. 2 Evidence of 014.33 Loss of 014.33 City authorities 014. 12 City courts 015.6 Civil authorities 014. 12 City 014.12 County 014.12 Jiu-isdiction over employees 230. 312 Jurisdiction over Federal property or operations 014. 14 Municipal 014. 12 Officers and enlisted men in hands of 250.3 Pay of enlisted men in hands of . . . 242. 2 Relations with military 014. 13 State 014.12 Civil code 010.3 Civil colleges 000. 8 Details enlisted men 220. 64 Details enlisted men for technical instruction 220. 66 Details officers 210.64 Details officers for technical in- struction 210. 66 Civil convicts 014. 5 Escape of 014. 52 Civil correspondence, channels of... 312.3 Civil courts, discharges of enlisted men imprisoned by sen- tence of 220. 815 Civil duty 014. 4 Civil educational institutions 000. 8 Civil employees' status 230. 311 Civil engineers 231. 21 Civil expenses 014. 6 Civil functions 014. 4 Civil government 014. 1 Relation between civil and military authorities 014. 13 State, Territorial, and municipal authorities 014. 12 Civil hospitals 004. 05 Admission to 705. 6 Civil and legislative appropriation. . . 112 Estimates for Ill Reimbursements 113 Transfer of 113 Civillife 014.2 Civil marriages 014. 36 Civil matters 014 Civil obligations 014. 4 Civil office: Acceptance, enlisted men 220. 43 Acceptance, officers 210. 43 Examination enlisted men for 220. 42 Examination officers for 210. 42 Holding of 014. 7 Appointing power 014. 7 Emoluments 014. 7 Tenure 014. 7 Vesting 014. 7 Civil police powers 015. 6 Civil prisoners 014. 5 Death of 014. 53 Escape of 014. 52 Pardon of 014. 54 Use of by Government 014. 51 Civil public works: Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Reimbursements and transfers. . . 113 Civil relations 014. 3 Civil rights 014. 4 Civil schools 000. 8 Details enlisted men 220. 64 Details enlisted men for technical instruction 220. 66 Details officers 210. 64 Details officers for technical in- struction 210. 66 Details officers to foreign 210. 685 Civil service: Act 230. 041 Boards 040. 2 Classified, unclassified employees.. 230. 313 Coaching for examinations 230. 763 Commission 040. 2 Appointments employees through 230. 216 Employees relations with 230. 315 Reports of changes to 230. 383 Reports to, as to employees 230. 664 Discharges enlisted men to accept positions 220. 803 Examination, enlisted men 220. 42 Rules, regulations, practices 230. 05 General rules 230. 051 Labor regulations 230. 052 Systems and methods 230. 06 Apportionment by States 230. 061 District system 230. 062 Civil Service Retirement Association. 230. 653 261 Civil statistics 059 Civil status 014. 3 Civil War 380 Badges, enlisted men 220. 5 Badges, officers 210. 5 Records of 314.8 Statistics 055 Civilians: Admission to Government Hospital for Insane 046. 3 Employees 046. 3 Ex-regular officers and soldiers. . 046. 3 Ex- volunteer officers and soldiers. 046. 3 Admission to hospitals and sani- tariums 705 Field hospitals 705.3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Sanitariums 705. 4 Allowances, supplies, and equip- ment 400.344 Attendance at military schools, colleges in United States . . 350. 3 Bands, Army bands in competi- tion with 322.16 Camps of instruction for 354. 1 Permits at 680. 4 Candidates for commission 211 Channels of correspondence 312. 3 Clothing 332. 31 Sale of cast-off, by recruits 332. 31 Wearing of, by enlisted men 332. 31 Wearing of, by officers 332. 31 Concessions, maneuver camps 680. 4 Deaths: In field hospitals 705. 3 In general hospitals 705. 1 In post hospitals 705. 2 Dental treatment 703 Employees 230 Examining boards, for second lieu- tenant 334.1 Funerals and bmials of 293 111 treatment by officers and en- listed men 250. 1 Inspectors of War Department: Inspections of vessels 566. 1 Transports 576. 1 Issues to 400. 354 Medical attendance 701 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Civilians — Continued . Operating laundries 331. 51 Permits at camps of instructions. . . 680. 4 Quarters 624 Reinterments and removals of bodies of, and families 293. 8 Sales to 400. 327 Sales to employees of other bureaus, departments 400. 325 Shipment baggage and household goods 524. 25 Allowances 524. 25 Excess 524. 25 Shipment of Christmas boxes and packages, and other simi- lar 524.4 Supplies for relief of destitute 400. 38 Surgical operations 707 Transportation of 516 Remains of 518 Claims 150 Accounts miscellaneous against Army except transporta- tion 158 Appropriations for war claims 112 Assignment 150 Funds arising from 150 Beneficiaries of employees, en- listed men, nurses, and officers 247 Burial expenses 157 Call for evidence 150 Churches in Philippine Islands, board on 334. 7 Contractors' 167 Court 015. 5 Damage 153 Deposits, enlisted men 244. 5 Laws and regulations as to 150 Methods of presenting 150 Pay, mileage 154 Personal injuries, disease 152 Railroads: Freight transportation accounts. . 554. 4 Improper deductions 554. 4 Passenger transportation accounts 553. 4 Improper deductions 553. 4 Records of services requested 150 Reimbursement for charges and expenses 156 Reimbursement traveling expenses 155 Reports of boards 150 262 Claims — Continued. Salaries, wages 154 Services 158 Advertising 158 Job printing 158 Reporters 158 Telegiaph 158 Telephone 158 Settlement of 167 Supplies 158 Traveling expenses 155 United States, against others 159 War claims 151 Appropriations for 112 Class standing. Military Academy. . . 351. 053 Classification: Application employees for 230. 3131 Enlisted men 220. 01 Officers 210. 01 Recommendations and requests employees for 230. 3132 Small-arms firing 353. 14 Supplies and equipment for dis- tribution 400. 301 Target practice 353. 15 Classified employees 230. 313 Cleaning: Buildings and grounds 600. 3 Devices, gun 472. 82 Equipment 414. 4 Machines 414. 4 Powder 438 Rods, small-arms 474. 8 Covers for 474. 8 Sanitary 724. 2 Vacuum systems 724. 21 Services 486. 3 Supplies for 414. 4, 438 Vessels 564 Boilers, reports of 569. 12 Of transports 579. 12 Bottoms, reports of 569. 13 Of transports 579. 13 By crew 563. 8 Of transports 573. 8 Transports 574 Cleanliness, body 727. 1 Clearing reservations 618. 35 Clemency: In war 383. 3 Military prisoners 253. 1 Clergy 000. 3 Clergymen 000. 3 Clerical employees 231. 3 Clerks 231. 3 Admission of pay clerks to Govern- ment Hospital for Insane.. 046.3 Army field 211 Company 221 Employees 231. 3 Law 231. 25 Pay as militiamen 240. 6 Enlisted 221 Field clerks 211 Pay clerks 211 Climate 729. 1 Clinical experts 231. 23 Clippers, horse 456 Clippings, press 000. 75 Clips: Cable 476. 2 Cartridge 471. 87 Nail 425 Office supplies 462 Clocks 413.6 Closers, circuit, mine 476. 1 Closets, plumbing material 412. 2 Closing navigation 800. 221 Cloth 423 Blue denim 423 Canvas 423 Cotton 423 Duck 423 Emery 438 Flannel 423 Harness 456 Kersey 423 Saddle 456 Serge 423 Testing and measuring instruments. 413. 6 Waterproof 424 Woolen 423 Clothes hangers 425 Clothespins 414. 4 Clothiers, employees 231. 6 Clothing 420 Alaskan 422 Allowances: Enlisted men 246. 5 Charges for exceeding 242. 4 Nurses 246. 5 Charges for exceeding 242. 4 Aviators 421 Bags 428 Belts 422 Boat 422 Canvas for , 423 263 Clothing — Continued. Civilian 332. 31 Sale of cast-off by recruits 332. 31 Wearing of by enlisted men 332. 31 Wearing of by oflBcers 332. 31 Cloth for 423 Collars 422 Deserters' 422 Duck for 423 Factories 635 Fatigue or working 422 Garters 422 Gauntlets 422 Gloves 422 Hangers 425 Harbor boat 422 Hygiene of 727 Inspectors of 231. 22 Jerseys 422 Laces 422 Materials for 423 Asbestos 423 Buckles 423 Buttons 423 Canvas 423 Cotton cloth 423 Denim 423 Duck 423 Felt 423 Flannels 423 Furs 423 Kersey 423 Leather 423 Lining 423 Rubber 423 Serge 423 Thread 423 Woolen cloth 423 Mittens 422 Oilskins 422 Other than uniform 422 Rolls 428 Sale of cast-off, by recruits 332. 31 Slickers 424 Socks 422 Stockings 422 Studs 422 Suspenders 422 Sweaters 422 Ties 422 Transports 422 Underclothing 422 Uniforms 421 Clothing machines 413. 8 Cloths, saddle 455 Clubhouses 631 <^'lubs 080 Belts for 426 Employees' 230. 65 Officers' 331. 2 Promotion of target practice 381. 5 Rifle 353. 3 National shooting matches 353. 3 Teams 353.3 Sales to 400. 3294 Secretaries, officials, representa- tives, agents, etc 084 Clutches: Retracting 473. 82 Searchlight 470. 3 Coaches, passenger 531. 1 Coaching, civil service examinations. 230. 763 Coal 463. 3 Boxes 633 Bunkers, vessels, trimming 563. 72 Of transports 573. 72 Houses 633 Passers 231. 82 Reports of efficiency tests on ves- sels 569.17 Transports 579. 17 Reports of, received on vessels 569. 17 Transports 579. 17 Test, Bureau of Mines 463. 3 Trestles 633 Coaling vessels 563. 72 Transports 573. 72 Trimming coal bunkers 563. 72 Transports 573. 72 Coast Artillery Corps {see Artillery, Coast) 322. Oil Enlisted men .322. 0112 Officers 322. 0111 Coast Artillery districts (see Districts, Artillery) 323. 4 Coast Artillery Division 321. 14 Chief of 321. 141 Coast Artillery reserves 326. 2 Coast Artillery School 352 Detachments, enlisted men at 352. 191 Details, enlisted men, Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Details, officers, Regular Army and militia 210. 63 Coast defense 323. 5 Commanders 323. 56 Authority 323. 561 Duties 323. 562 264 Coast defense — Continued. Establishment 323. 51 Extension of limits 323. 53 Headquarters of 323. 55 Coast defense exercises 353. 5 Coast, defense of 370. 3 Coast defense works 660. 2 Coast and Geodetic Survey 048. 2 Maps 061.7 Coast Guard Service (Bureau) 042. 2 Coastwise vessels 560 Coat of arms 000. 4 Coats 421 Buttons 421 Cobblers 221 Coca-Cola 435 Cocoa 435 Codes: Books 461 Civil 010. 3 Law 010.3 Militia 325.12 Penal 010. 3 Secret 311.5 Telegraphic 311.5 Codification, law 010. 3 Coffee and substitutes 435 Coffee mills 414. 3 Coffee pots 414. 3 Coffee rpasters 414. 3 Cofferdam 821. 2 Coffins 486 Furnishing, services 486. 7 Coin 003 Coinage 003 Coke 463.5 Cold-storage cars 531. 4 Cold-storage plants 673 Colitis 710 Collars 422 Collections: Authority for, under contracts 167 Charges against employees 248. 6 Charges against officers 241. 3 Indebtedness and dues 241. 3 Employees collecting 230. 434 Indebtedness, charges and dues, enlisted men 242.4 Medical museum 700. 6 Military information . . . , 350. 05 Collectors of customs 042. 1 Colleges: Army {see Schools and Colleges, Army) 352 Bonds to secure loans to 168 Civil 000. 8 Camps of instruction for students of 354.1 Civil-service qualifications of graduates 230. 1134 Details enlisted men to 220. 64 For technical instruction 220. 66 Details officers to 210.64 For technical instruction 210. 66 Inspection boards 334. 5 Loans of supplies to 400. 334 Sales to 400. 3294 Sectarian 000. 8 Small-arms firing 353. 14 Target practice, promotion of 381. 5 Foreign 350. 1 Attendance, military, enlisted men and officers 350. 1 Details, officers 210.685 Military: Attendance foreign officers at, in United States 350. 2 Civilians 350.3 Naval 045. 8 Navy War College 045. 8 Colliers 560 Collisions: Auto and motor truck 537. 5 Reports of, by vessels 569. 14 By transports 579. 14 River and harbor collisions 800. 71 Rules and regulations to prevent. . . 800. 2111 Collusion 000. 51 Colonels 211 Lieutenant 211 Colonial and Indian Wars 055 Colonial War, records of , 314. 8 Colonies 093 Bureaus of governments of 093. 6 G overnors, officials, secretaries, commissioners 093.7 Color sergeants 221 Colored race appointments, em- ployees 230. 2221 Colored race and colored people 291. 2 265 Colored troops 322.999 Colors, flags 424 Colt's automatic gvins 472. 5 Combat trains 322. 2 Combat wagons 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Combination fuzes 471. 82 Combination primers 471. 82 Comba, curry 456 Combs, toilet articles 425 Command, oflScers 210. 72 Commandant of cadets, Military Academy 351.01. Commandants, Army schools and col- leges 352.192 Commandeered: Utilities, enterprises, plants, busi- ness 004. 002 Commandeering : Supplies and equipment 400. 1202 Vessels 561.6 Transports 571. 6 Commander in chief 322. 98 Authority 322.981 Duties 322.982 Commanders: Armies 322. 98 Arsenals 323. 76 Artillery districts 323. 46 Assignment of, of armies 210. 311 Authority {see Authority). Batteries, Coast Artillery Corps . . . 322. 98 Battalion 322. 98 Battle 322.98 Brigades 322.98 Camps 354. 16 Camps of instruction 354. 16 Cantonments 354. 56 Concentration camps 354. 46 Coast defenses 323. 56 Company 322. 98 Departments 323. 36 Depots 323.76 Details of, of troops on vessels, transports, etc 210. 69 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 66 Divisions, geographical 323. 36 Failure to report deserters 251. 28 Fire 322.98 Commanders — Continued . Forts 323.76 Hospitals 323.76 Intermediate, rank and precedence of 210.722 Maneuver camps 354. 26 Mine 322. 98 Mobilization camps 354. 36 Organizations, as armies, regi- ments, battalions, squad- rons, companies, troops, etc 322.98 Payments for enlisted men made to. 242. 2 Ports of debarkation 323. 926 Ports of embarkation 323. 916 Posts 323.76 Precedence 210.72 President as Commander in Chief . . 031. 1 Rank of 210. 72 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 76 Regimental commanders 322. 98 Squadron commanders 322. 98 Station commanders 323. 76 Support commanders 322. 98 Training camps 354. 66 Troop commanders 322. 98 Troops on transports and other ves- sels, detail of 210. 69 Commands: Assignment enlisted men to, other than rank 220.727 Assignment officers to other than rank 210.727 Battery commands 322. 973 Battle commands 322. 97 Conduct of war with relations to.. 384 Discontinued, records of 314. 3 Fire commands 322. 971 Mine 322. 972 Officers 210. 72 Pay for higher or increased 241. 14 Commendations 201. 22 Employees. 230. 72 For bravery 230. 724 Enlisted men 201. 22 Nurses 201. 22 Officers 201. 22 Troops 330. 13 266 Commerce: Department of 048 Bureaus 048. 2 Census 048. 2 Coast and Geodetic Survey. . . 048. 2 Lighthouses 048. 2 Navigation 048. 2 Standards 048. 2 Statistical interdepartmental committee 048. 2 Steamboat-Inspection Service 048. 2 Officers 048. 1 Secretary of Commerce 048. 1 Assistant secretaries 048. 1 Foreign 336. 1 On rivers and harbors 829. 3 Statistics 829. 31 Tonnage 829. 32 Commercial enterprises and projects. 004 Addresses and names of 004. 01 Agents and powers of attorney. . . . 004. 02 Business standing 004. 03 Enlisted men engaging in 250. 7 Officers engaging in 250. 7 Commercial societies and associations 080 Commercial vessels 545 Hire or charter of {see Vessels, hire or charter of) 545. 02 Transportation on 544 Commissary chests 428 Commissary sergeants, regimental 221 Commission, vessels out of 565. 6 Transports 575. 6 Commissioned officers {see Officers). . . 210 Commissioned strength 320. 21 Of Militia 325. 441 Commissioners, employees 231. 1 Commissioners, military prisons, board of 252 Commissioners, National Parks 231. 1 Commissioners, pension 046. 2 Commissioners, possession and col- onies 093.7 Commissions 334. 8 Appointment officers 210. 14 Acceptance and oath 210. 14 Duplicate 210. 14 Nomination and confirmation. . . 210. 14 Eecess 210. 14 Civil Service 040. 2 Economy and Efficiency 334. 8 Commissions — Continued. Enlisted candidates for appoint- ments as second lieuten- ants 211 Examining boards: Civilian candidates 334. 1 Enlisted men 334. 1 Keep Commission 334. 8 National Military Park 020. 6 Presidential appointments, officials 231. 1 Commissioners of national parks and- cemeteries 231. 1 Officials of War Department 231. 1 President's, The 334. 8 Promotion of officers 210. 24 Acceptance and oath 210. 24 • Nomination and confirmation. . . 210.24 Recess 210. 24 Railway commissions and com- mittees 501 Volunteers 324. 21 Application and examination for. 324. 21 Appointments by President 324. 21 Examining boards 334. 1 Volunteer eligible list 324. 21 Committees 334. 8 General Supply Committee 040. 5 Board of awards 040. 5 Hearings on estimates for appro- priations, and data for. . . . 111. 5 Joint committees of Congress, and reports of 032 Senate committees, and reports of. . 032. 2 Statistical interdepartmental com- mittee, Bureau of Naviga- tion 048. 2 Common law 010. 4 Communication 311 Line of, troops 370. 41 Secret and confidential 311. 5 Cipher letters and dispatches 311. 5 Ciphergraph and cipher writers. . 311. 5 Codes, secret 311. 5 Codes, telegraphic 311.5 Secret writing 311. 5 Ways and means, troops 370. 4 Zone of line of communication 372. 4 Communication officer, fort 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Communications, confidential 312. 1 267 Commutation of allowances : Employees {see Allowances, em- ployees) 248. 5 Enlisted men 246. 8 Accounts and vouchers 246. 8 Advances or partial payments. . . 246. 8 Clotliing 246. 85 Heat, light, fuel 246. 82 Orders and authority 246. 8 Overpayments or short payments. 246. 8 Quarters 246. 81 Rations, subsistence 246. 84 Routes, distances, places 246. 8 Special classes of troops 246. 8 Special services or conditions... 246.8 Travel pay 246.86 Officers and nurses 245. 8 Accounts and vouchers 245. 8 Advance or partial payments 245. 8 Forage 245.83 Heat, light, fuel 245. 82 Mileage or travel pay 245. 84 Orders or authority for 245. 8 Overpayments or short payments. 245. 8 Quarters 245. 81 Routes, distances, places 245. 6 Special conditions, on discharge, etc 245.8 Special means 245. 8 Special service or journey 245. 8 Transportation of organizations, troops 511 Companies 322. 173 Aero 322. 173 Ambulance 322. 173 Aviation ! 322. 173 Clerks 221 Coast Artillery Corps ■ 322. 173 Engineer 322. 173 Mine 322. 173 Commanders 322. 98 Disciplinary 322. 173 Engineers 322. 173 Exchanges 331.3 Fund 123 Indebtedness enlisted men to 242. 4 Headquarters companies 322. 173 Engineers 322. 173 Infantry 322. 173 Philippine Scouts 322. 173 Porto Rican Regiment of Infan- try 322.173 Hospital Corps 322. 173 Companies— Continued . Indian 322. 173 Infantry 322. 173 Machine-gun 322. 173 Machine-gun 322. 173 Drills and exercises. '. 353. 5 Infantry 322. 173 Medical Department 322. 173 Noncommissioned officers of: Coast Artillery Corps 322. 993 Engineers 322. 993 Infantry 322. 993 Medical Department 322. 993 Philippine Scouts 322. 993 Porto Rican Regiment of Infan- try 322.993 Philippine Scouts 322. 173 Quartermaster sergeants 221 Recruit 322. 173 Shipment of supplies and property. 523. 5 Signal Corps 322. 173 Aero 322. 173 Skeleton 322. 173 Supply companies 322. 173 Supply sergeants 221 Torpedo 322. 173 Company Officers, School for 352 Details to 210. 63 Comparison of cost water transporta- tion 549.1 Compensation of employees 248 For injuries 248. 5 Laws, rules, regulations 248. 5 Reports of 248. 5 Reports of termination of disa- bility 248.5 Rewards for suggestions and im- provements 248. 8 Competition: Advertisements excepted when use- less 162 Bands in, with ci\'ilians 322. 16 Competitions, other than small-arms: Medals, enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Competitions, small-arms (see Target practice, Small-arms com- petitions) 353. 2 Medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Competitive drills and exercises 353. 5 Compilations 319. 25 268 Complaints: Bands in competition with civilians 322. 16 Bidders: Buildings and grounds work 600. 1191 River and harbor work 800, 1191 Supplies and equipment 400. 147 For manufacture of 400. 187 Blank forms and books 315 Contractors: Buildings and grounds work .... 600. 1192 River and harbor work 800. 1192 Supplies and equipment 400. 147 For manufacture of 400. 187 Employees 230.741 Absences without pay, furloughs, without leave 230. 562 Against 230.742 Against discharges 230. 826 Annual leave 230. 542 By or on behalf of 230. 741 Efficiency ratings 230. 347 Hours of labor 230.444 Indebtedness 230. 743 Sick leave 230. 552 Enlisted men 201. 23 Indebtedness 201. 24 Miscellaneous as to supplies and equipment 402. 3 Nonreceipt or delay of supplies 400. 315 Officers 201. 23 Personal 201. 23 Transportation 507 Composition, letter-writing 312. 4 Compound, boiler 412. 2 Compound bridge structures 823. 77 Compound plugs 476. 1 Compound, welding 412. 2 Compressed-air plants 679 Comptroller of Treasury 042. 1 Construction and interpretation of appropriations 112.2 Decisions and opinions 016 Revision of suspension or disallow- ances 132.6 Computing machines 413. 52 Concealed weapons, carrying o li>' officers and enlisted men.. 2ij 1 Concealment of fortifications 618. 33 Concealment of grounds 618. 3 Concentration 323. 1 Concentration camps 354. 4 Commanders of 354. 46 Authority of 354. 461 Duties 354. 462 Concentration camps — Continued. Contraction of limits 354. 44 Discontinuance of 354. 42 Establishment of 354. 41 Extension of limits 354. 43 Rules and regulations 354. 48 Staff officers of 354. 47 Authority 354.471 Duties 354. 472 Concerts 353. 8 Concessions: Maneuver camps 680. 48 On reservations 680. 48 Concrete 411. 8 Steel reinforcement 411. 5 Concrete mixer 413. 8 Concussion 710 Condemnation proceedings 013. 31 Buildings and land 601. 1 Condemned property, supplies, equip- ment, disposition or sale of. 400. 705 Condensed milk and cream 434 Condiments 437 Condition of boilers of vessels: .Reports of 569. 12 Transports 579. 12 Condition of bottoms of vessels: Reports of 569. 13 Transports 579. 13 Condition of buildings and grounds, reports of 600. 912 Conditions in advertisements for sup- plies and equipment 400. 1411 Conduct: Good conduct badges and lists 220. 5 Heroic conduct 201. 41 Rolls, Military Academy cadets... 351.29 Time allowance, prisoners 253. 13 Forfeiture of 253. 131 Conductors, elevator 231. 4 Conductors, railroad 531. 01 Conduits, gun carriage 473. 83 Confederacy, Southern, records of war of 314.8 Confederate flags 332. 1 Confederate prisoners of war 054 Confederate Soldiers' Home 002 Confederate War, records of 314. 8 Confederates, funerals and burials of. 293. 3 Conference, international 336. 6 Conference, military, naval, etc. 337 Confidential : Communication 311. 5 Cipher letters and dispatches 311. 5 269 Confidential — Continued. Communication — Continued . Ciphergraph and cipher writers.. 311. 5 Codes, secret 311. 5 Codes, telegraphic 311. 5 Correspondence 312. 1 Documents 312. 1 Instructions 312. 1 Letters 312. 1 Reports 312.1 Maps 061.2 Matter, publicity of 000. 72 Confinement 250. 3 Officers and enlisted men in hands civil authorities 250. 3 Confirmation, commission, officers 210.14 Confirmation, promotion, officers 210.24 Confiscations 000. 2 Conflagration, sickness from 710 Conflict of authority, civil and mili- tary authorities 014. 13 Conflict of authority of officers 210. 721 Congestion: Car congestion 504.2 Of kidneys 710 Of lungs , . . . . 710 Supplies at terminals for vessels. . . 567. 2 For transports 577. 2 Congregational Church 000. 3 Congress 032 Acts of 032 Appointments in volunteers by authority of 324. 21 Approval of river and harbor work by authority of 800. 135 Altering 800.43 Repairing 800. 32 Authority for contracts 160 Confederate and Southern Confed- eracy, records of 314. 8 Hearings on estimates for appropria- tions 111.5 Joint committees and reports 032 Joint resolutions 032 Library of 032 Loans of supplies authorized by. . . 400. 333 Members' inter-at in contracts 161 Reports to, as to employees 230. 662 Requests for information 032. 3 Requests for records of service of employees 230. 7144 Thanks of 032 Congressional action 032 Congressional Directory 461 OongreBs — Continued . Congressional influence, use of 250. 6 Congressional medals, enlisted men 220. 5 Congressional medals, officers 210. 5 Congressional Record 461 Congressmen 032 Correspondence, channels of 312. 3 Reports to, employees 230. 663 Requests for records of service of employees 230. 7144 Transportation of 517 Use of influence of 250. 6 Conjunctivitis 710 Connections, plimibing material 412. 2 Connections, sewer 412. 2 Conscience funds 123 Conscripted men 327. 3 Conscription 327. 02 Conservation 400. 8 Consolidated cost reports 121. 6 Conspiracy, criminal 000. 51 Conspiracy, political 000. 2 Constables 014. 12 Constabulary, insular 093. 3 Constipation 710 Constitutional law 010. 1 State rights 010. 1 Constitutional privileges 014. 4 Construction : Buildings (see Buildings and grounds) 600. 1 Map 06L 04 Naval 045.2 Officers, lists of 600. 163 Rivers and harbors (see Rivers and harbors) 800. 1 Superintendents of 231. 21 Marine 231. 21 Transports 571. 4 Supplies and equipment 400. 17 Use of military convicts for 253. 5 Vessels 561. 4 Bids, abstracts, contracts 561. 4 Transports 571. 4 Designs 561. 4 Transports 571. 4 Specifications, plans 561. 4 Transports 571. 4 Construction and interpretation: Of appropriations 112. 2 Army regulations 300. 3 Articles of War 300. 2 By Attorney General 112. 2 By bureaus of War Department. . 112. 2 270 Construction and interpretation — Continued . Of appropriations — Continued. By comptroller 112. 2 By Judge Advo(?ate General .... 112. 2 Field-service regulations 300. 8 Regulations 010. 8 Small-arms firing regulations 300. 8 Construction and Repair, Bureau of, Navy 045.2 Consular agents, foreign 336.92 Consular Service 041. 2 Consuls, foreign 336. 92 Consultants, medical 211 Consumers, smoke 412. 3 Consumption (disease) 710 Consumption, fuel, reports 600. 915 Consumption, supplies 400. 36 Consumption, water 671 Consumptive employees, care of . . . . 230. 613 Contagion 710 Reclamations and replacements supplies destroyed to pre- vent 400. 631 Contagious diseases {see Diseases) 710 Containers 457 Ammunition 471. 87 Baskets 471. 87 Cans 471. 87 Cartridge cases 471. 87 Cartridge clips 471. 87 Cartridge storage cases 471. 87 Powder bags 471. 87 Powder barrels 471. 87 Powder kegs 471. 87 Shrapnel cases 471. 87 Small arms 474. 87 Continental army 322. 1 Contiagent expenses: Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Contingent fund 123 Memo receipts for property 141. 5 Continuous appropriations 110. 12 Contraband of war 386. 5 Contract surgeons 211 Admission to Government Hospi- tal for Insane 046. 3 Contracting officers 161 Interest in contracts 161 Contractors 161 Complaints and protests: Construction work, buildings and grounds 600.1192 Contractors — Continued. Complaints and protests — Continued. River and harbor work 800. 1192 Supplies 400. 148 List of contractors : Buildings and grounds work 600. 165 River and harbor work 800. 165 Supplies and equipment 400. 155 Contracts 160 Advertisements for 162 Exceptions 162 Competition useless 162 Contract following default 162 Emergency purchases •. . . 162 Extras under existing contracts 162 Personal services 162 Previous advertising without result 162 Purchases from another de- partment 162 Purchases of limited amounts. 162 \\Tien required 1 62 Annulment of officers' contracts. . . 210. 83 Authority of Congress 160 Express 160 Implied from appropriation 160 Optional 160 Bids 163 Acceptance 163 Alternate 163 Award to lowest bidder 163 . Bidders 163 Bankrupt 163 Defaulting : . . . 163 Canvassing 163 Equal prices in 163 Error as ground for relief 163 Instructions and regulations 163 Opening 163 Received after time 163 Rejection 163 Returned unopened 163 Waiver of irregularities 163 Delay in mails 163 Other irregularities 163 Withdrawal 163 Bonds. {See Bonds.) Buildings and grounds 600. 114 Classes of 165 Continuing 165 Emergency and exigency 165 Executory 165 Foreigners 165 271 Contracts — Continued. Classes of — Continued . Renewal 165 Supplemental 165 Extension of time 165 Other modifications 165 Construction vessels 561. 4 Damages 166 Actual damages 166 Liquidated damages 166 Penalty 166 Employees: Annulment 230. 88 Contracts with United States.. . . 230. 764 Interested in 230. 764 Formalities 161 Approval or acceptance 161 Changes and corrections 161 Congress, interests of Members in. 161 Contracting officers 161 Contractor 161 Corporations 161 Individuals 161 Partnerships 161 Hire of labor 230. 144 Hire of vessels 545. 02 Laws relating to 160 Manufacture supplies and equip- ment 400. 185 Patented articles used under 072 Performance or nonperformance. . . 164 Annulment, abandonment 164 Defaults 164 Deliveries under 164 Increase or decrease 164 Waivers 164 Release 164 Termination 164 Time of 164 Delays 164 Suspension of work 164 Transfer 164 Involuntary assignments 164 Subletting 164 Voluntary assignments 164 Personal representatives 161 Interest of contracting officer 161 Oral agreement 161 Parties and agents 161 Agent, authority of, power of attorney 161 Preparation and execution 161 Forms and instructions 161 Methods of signing 161 Contracts — Continued . Personal representatives — Continued . Written 161 Written proposal and acceptance . 161 Repairs and alterations, vessels... 564 Rivers and harbors 800. 114 Settlements and claims 167 Advance payments 167 Bills, checks, and vouchers 167 Certificates of inspection and receipts 167 Collection payments 167 Deferred or suspended payments. 167 Partial payments 167 Retained percentages 167 Set-offs 167 Withheld payments 167 Supplies and equipment 400. 145 Transportation : Commercial vessels 544. 01 Drayage and hauling 536 Freight 554.1 Passenger accounts 553. 1 Travel expenses, employees 248. 7 Contributed funds 123 Contributions 005 Political, employees 230. 772 Control, Government, of utilities, vessels, railroads, etc 004. 8 Control, military (see Military control). 330 Control, rivers and harbors 800. 22 Control, State or United States of hygiene, medicine, sani- tation 700.5 Controllers, searchlight 470. 31 Contused wounds 710 Contusions 710 Convalescent camps 354. 7 Convalescent hospitals 322. 15 Convalescents 704. 2 Convening and dissolving courts- martial 250. 42 Conventions 001 Attendance employees 230. 67 Details enlisted men to 220. 64 Details officers to 210. 693 Exhibits at 001 Conversion of supplies and equip- ment 400. 51 Conversion of vessels 561 . 5 Transports 571. 5 Convict labor, hire of 230. 1403 Convictions, courts-martial, previ- ous, as evidence 250. 465 272 Convicts, civil 014. 5 Deaths of 014. 53 Escape of 014. 52 Apprehension 014. 521 Pardon 014. 54 Use of by Government 014. 51 Convicts, military 253 Pay withheld 242. 2 Use of, on construction work 253. 5 Convoys: MUitary 370.091 Naval 045.4 Cookers, fireless 414. 2 Cooking, of supplies 400.2531 Field outfits 414. 2 Machinery 412. 3 Cooks and acting cooks 221 Additional pay 242. 143 Bakers' and Cooks' School 352 Details, students and instructors: Enlisted men. Regular Army and militia 220. 65 Officers, Regular Army and militia 210.65 Employees 231. 7 On boats 231.82 Pay of enlisted men as 242. 143 Coolers, water 414. 1 Cooperation of militia with Regular Army 325. 32 Cooperative stores 004. 11 Coordinates, map construction 061. 04 Copies: Advertisements for supplies and equipment 400. 1411 Bills of lading 652. 7 Bonds for contracts for public works 168 Carbon 313.1 Contracts 161 Making copies of correspondence. . . 312. 4 Of records, application for, and refusal to furnish 313. 5 Photographic 313. 1 Press 313. 1 Record 313.1 Tickets 552. 8 Transportation requests 552. 7 Typewritten 313.1 Copper 470. 1 Copyrights 073 Assignment of 073 Books and pamphlets 073 Effect of 073 Infringements 073 Copyrights — Continued . Persons entitled to 073 Pictures and illustrations 073 Publications 073 Royalties on 073 Cordage 411. 73 Cords, uniform 421 Com 464. 1 Com bread 433 Com flakes 433 Corns 710 Comstarch 436 Coronas 455 Coronations, details, officers 210. 683 Coroners 013. 2 Corporals 221 Corporations 004. 04 Bonds under contracts 168 Contracts 161 Employment enlisted men by 220. 41 Employment officers 210. 41 Index names of 201 Corps of Cadets, Military Academy.. 351.39 Corps: Army 322. 12 Commanders and staffs 322. 98 Minor organizations 322. 5 Aviation 322. 082 Badges — Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Disinterring 322. 5 Fife and drum 322. 5 Volunteer Army 324. 5 Invalid 324. 5 Life-saving 324. 5 Telegraph 324. 5 United States Guard 324. 5 Corpses 293. 9 Transportation of 518 Corpulency: Appointments — Commissioned 210. 13 Enlisted 220. 13 Promotion — Commissioned 210. 23 Enlisted 220. 23 Corrals 654 Superintendents of 231. 7 Correction: Allotments of pay 243. 2 Charges on pay rolls of allotments. . 243. 3 Contracts 161 Courts-martial proceedings 250. 452 273 Correction — Continued . Discipline 250. 3 Letters of allotment 121. 2 Letters of apportionment 121. 1 Muster rolls 330. 311 Pay on 242.5 Pay rolls 242. 5 Payments to enlisted men 242. 3 Payments to officers 241. 2 Post and field property accounts... 141 Records 313. 4 Returns — Organizations 330. 321 Posts 330. 331 Correspondence 312 Abstract or hypothetical 312. 1 Anonymous or crank 312. 1 Absurd inquiries or requests 312. 1 Certificates, issue of 312. 1 Channels of 312. 3 Between War Department and field offices 312.3 Civil and with civilians 312. 3 Departmental 312. 3 Militarj^ 312. 3 With Congressmen 312. 3 Within War Department 312. 3 Circular letters 312. 1 Confidential 312. 1 Documents 312. 1 Instructions 312. 1 Letters 312. 1 Reports 312. 1 Employees using letterheads 230. 767 Indorsements, forms of 312. 2 Irregularities in 312. 6 Letter writing 312. 4 Abbreviations 312. 4 Address 312. 4 Chirography and use of typewriter 312. 4 Erasures 312. 4 Interlineations 312. 4 Making copies 312. 4 Phraseology and composition 312. 4 Signatures 312. 4 Facsimile 312. 4 Initials 312. 4 1 ubber stamps 312. 4 Letters 312. 2 Letters of acknowledgment 312. 1 61127—18 18 Correspondence — Contin ued . Letters of introduction 312. 1 Official 312. 1 Paper work in Army 319. 22 Personal or private 312. 1 Postal cards 312. 2 Systems of 312. 5 Correspondence courses 352. 9 Army 352. 9 Correspondence Division, War De- partment 020. 4 Correspondence schools : Army 352. 9 Civil 000. 8 Militia 325. 522 Correspondents, newspaper 000. 77 Corrosive poisoning 710 Corrugated material 411. 5 Cost: Accounts 121. 6 Consolidated cost reports 121. 6 Prices at which supplies issued 400. 3502 Records 121. 6 Reports and statements of build- ings and grounds 600. 94 Statistics 059 Supplies and equipment 400. 1913 Water transportation, statements and comparisons of 549. 1 Cots 427 Cotton bags 457 Couches 427 Councilmen 014. 12 Councils 334. 8 Councils of Administration, post, camp, and company ex- exchanges 331. 3 Counsel 013. 2 Application for 013. 2 Courts-martial 250. 44 Counterfeiters 000. 52 Counterfeiting 000. 51 Counter-recoil mechanisms 473. 82 Counterweights, recoils, and counter- recoil 473. 82 Counties 092. 1 ■ Authorities of 014. 12 Countries 091 Couriers 311. 4 Course of rivers and harbors, changing 811 274 Coui'ses : Armj schools and colleges 352. 11 Correspondence 352.9 Army 352. 9 Garrison schools 352. 31 Military Academy 351. 051 Militia..... 325.525 Obstacle 656 Post graduate, garrison schools 352. 31 Riding 656 Small-arms firing, special, for militia 353.14 Courtesies, official 335. 11 Courts 015 Appellate 015. 4 Circuit and district 015. 2 City courts 015. 6 Claims 015.5 Discharges, enlisted men for sen- tence by civil 220. S15 Handball 618.2 Jiu^isdiction, naturalization cases.. 014.32 Persons, pertaining to 013. 2 Police 015.6 Prize 015. 5 Production of records in 313. 5 State 015.4 Supreme Court of United States. . . 015. 1 Supreme courts of States 015. 4 Tennis 618. 2 Territorial and other United States courts 015.3 Trial 015. 4 Courts and tribunals (other than courts-martial) 250. 5 Courts of inquiry 250. 52 Provisional courts 250. 51 Courts-martial 250. 4 Appointing power 250. 403 Charges 250. 451 Convening and dissolving 250. 42 Appointment summary courts. . . 250. 424 Garrison courts-martial 250. 422 General courts-martial 250. 421 Special courts-martial 250. 423 Counsel 250. 44 Details oflScers: 210. 696 Evidence 250. 46 Conviction previous offenses 250. 465 Interrogatories and depositions. . 250.464 Subpoenas 250. 461 Testimony 250. 463 Witnesses 250. 462 GaiTison 250. 412 General 250. 411 Courts-martial — Continued . Instructions 250. 402 Judge advocates of 250. 431 Assistants 250. 4311 Jurisdiction 250. 401 Manual of 300. 7 Members 250. 43 Orders 300. 4 Proceedings 250. 452 Provost courts 250. 53 Quorum 250. 48 Reports 250. 491 Sentence 250. 47 Special courts 250. 413 Summary courts 250. 414 Transfer cases to other jurisdic- tions 250.492 Trials 250. 45 Volunteer officers dismissed by 324. 22 Covering, floor 414. 1 Covers: Ammunition 471. 81 Arm 474. 87 Bed 427 Cleaning rod, small arms 474. 8 Gun 472.82 Gun carriage 473. 865 Harness 455 Horse 455 Mattress 427 Rod, small arms 474. 8 Saddle 455 Wagon 424 Coxswains 221 Crackers 433 Cradles, gun carriage 473. 81 Cranes 413 . 8 Crank correspondence 312. 1 Crates, packing 457 Crating services 486. 6 Cream : Condensed 434 Evaporated 434 Fresh 434 Credentials 312. 1 Representatives of bidders, build- ings and grounds 600. 166 Representatives of bidders, river and harbor work 800. 166 Representatives of bidders, supplies and equipment 400. 156 Credit, post, camp, company ex- changes 331. 3 Credit sales, war-risk insurance 004. 6122 Cremation 722. 1 275 Crematorie? 633 Creosote 411. 6 Crew: Harbor boats 231. 82 Mine planters 220. 693 Quarters for 563. 21 Transports 573. 21 Reports of 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Returns of 230. 385 Strikes of, on vessels 563. 81 On transports 573. 81 , Transports 231. 81 Vessels 231. 82 Replacing civilians by enlisted men 563.801 Of transports 573. 801 Work to be done by 563. 8 Cleaning and washing 563. 8 On transports 573. 8 Cleaning and washing 573. 8 Cribs, water supply 825. 7 Crimes 000. 51 Crimes and criminals 000. 5 Criminals 000. 52 Criticism 330. 14 Blank forms and books 315 Camps of instruction 330. 14 Discrimination against militia 325. 2 Maneuvers 330. 14 Supplies and equipment 402. 3 Furnished on requisitions 400. 316 Troops 330. 14 Crop reports 403. 2 Crossings, cable 476. 2 Crow's nest, range-finding station 665. 2 Crude oil 463. 8 Crushed food, forage 464. 3 Crushers, rock 413. 8 Crushing rock, plant for 679 Dacryocystitis 710 Daily duty, details enlisted men 220. 692 Daily reports 319. 1 Dairying 403. 4 Dairy products 403. 5 Sales of 403. 51 Damages: Actual, contracts 166 Auto and motor truck 537. 5 By enlisted men 250. 1 Charges for, to supplies and prop- erty 242.4 Charges against officers for, to sup- plies and property 241. 3 D. Cuba 091 Maps of 061. 2 Medals, enlistedmenforcamj)aignsin 220. 5 Medals, officers', for campaigns in. . 210. 5 Cultivation, trees, shrubs, orchards, plants, grass 618. 34 Cultures 702. 4 Cumulative leaves, employees 230. 543 Cups: Mucilage 462 Sponge 462 Tin 426 Curing supplies 400. 251 Curios 000. 4 Current appropriations 110. 1 Current deflectors 824. 2 Current, electric, fuel and light 463. 1 Current observations, rivers and har- bors 812. 7 Curriculum, Military Academy 351. 051 Currycombs 456 Curtains 414. 1 Poles 414. 1 Searchlight 470. 31 Cushions 414. 1 Cuspidors 414. 1 Custodians 231. 4 Customhouses 042. 2 Customs, collectors of 042. 1 Customs officers 042. 1 Customs Service, Bureau of 042. 2 Cut-offs, water 814. 4 Cutters: Employees 231. 6 Paper 462 Wire 426 Cycles, motor 451. 4 Cyclometers 413. 6 Cyclones 000. 92 Cylinders, recoil and counter-recoil. . 473. 82 Cystitis 710 Damages — Continued. Claims 153 Funds received for 131 Liquidated, contracts 166 Military activities causing 370. 07 Property accounts 141. 7 Returns 143. 7 Reclamations and replacements 400. 6 Rivers and harbors 800. 7 Supplies and equipment 400. 43 From gunfire 400. 44 Under contracts 166 Vessels, reports of 569. 14 Transports 579. 14 276 Dam buildings 821. 03 Dams 821. 2 Buildings and reservoirs 821. 3 Canal 821.2 River and harbor 821. 2 Rules and regulations 821. 2 Water power 821. 2 Dances 353. 8 Troops for suppression of Indian. . . 370. 65 Darts, aerial 471. 6 Data 050 Compilations and gathering 319. 25 Dissemination of 319. 251 Estimates for appropriations Ill Hearings on 111. 5 Letters of allotment 121. 2 Letters of apportionment 121. 1 Map construction 061. 04 Miscellaneous matters 319. 25 Navigation 829. 2 Posts, reservations, stations 600. 9 Rivers and harbors 800. 132 Supplies and equipment 400. 114 Needs of organizations, posts, sta- tions 400.314 Vessels, commercial 545. 01 Dates: Allotments 243. 2 Antedating appointments, em- ployees 230. 212 Appointments in volunteers: By governors 324. 21 By President 324. 21 Bonds 108 Payments to employees 248. 2 Payments to troops 242 Datum points 353. 4 Day coaches 531. 1 Deacons 000.3 Dead 293.9 Disinfection of 722. 4 Use of ice 722. 41 Disposal of 722 Recovery of 293. 9 Removals and reinterments 293. 8 Deadheads, obstructions to naviga- tion 828.2 Dead-letter office 043. 2 Deaf 741 Deafness 741 Appointment: Commissioned 210. 13 Enlisted 220. 13 Deafness — Continued . Promotion: Commissioned 210. 23 Enlisted 220. 23 Deaths 000. 963 Absence, employees, account of . . . 230. 582 Allottee, discontinuance allot- ments 243.5 Allotter, discontinuance allot- ments 243.5 Beneficiaries of employees, en- listed men, nurses, offi- cers 247 Beneficiary money 247 Civilians, other than employees, in hospitals: Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Convicts 014. 53 Employees 230. 86 Employers' liability payments. . . 248. 4 From injuries 230. 85 Reports of 230. 85 Reports of 230.86 Enlisted men 220. 86 Beneficiary money, records, bur- ial expenses 247 Discontinuance allotments 243. 5 Holidays, account of 230. 4681 Nurses, beneficiary money, rec- ords, burial expenses 247 Ofiicers 210. 86 Beneficiary money, records, bur- ial expenses 247 Prisoners 014. 53 Records of death and interment 314. 6 Of military prisoners 314. 6 Statistics 053 Debarkation, ports of 323. 92 Debts (''je Indebtedness): Employees 230. 743 Enlisted men 242. 4 Officers and nurses 241. 3 Deceased employees, payments due. . 248. 2 Deceased officers, transportation of horses 522 Deceased soldiers, pay and checks of. 242. 7 Decentralization 323. 11 Decimal flat filing record system 313. 2 Decisions and opinions 016 Attorney General 016. Auditor for the War Department. . . 016 277 Decision and opinions — Continued. Books of 461 Brigade commanders and staff 016 Comptroller of Treasury 016 Department commanders and staff. 016 Division commanders and staff. . . . 016 Heads of War Department bureaus. 016 Judge Advocate General 016 Post commanders and staff 016 Secretary of War and Chief of Staff. 016 Staff officer 016 Deck boys 231. 82 Deck equipment 458. 1 5 Transporis 458. 15 Deck hands 2.S1. 82 Transports 231. 81 Deck supplies 458. 15 Transporis 458. 15 Declaration, employees' appointment 230. 213 Declaration of Independence 000. 4 Declarations of war 382. 2 Decorations : Enlisted men — Foreign 220. 5 Replacing 220. 5 Officers — Foreign 210. 5 Replacing 210. 5 Decreases : Allotments of pay 243. 2 Allowances, ein])loyees 248. 8 Delivery under contracts KM Letters of allotment 121. 2 Letters of apportionments 121. 1 Pay employees 248. 8 Pay, enlisted men 242 Deductions: Mileage 131 Pay of enlisted men 242. 3 Of final pay 242. 6 Pay of officers, pay clerks, veter- inarians, and nurses 241. 2 Transportation accounts: Freight 554.4 Passenger 553 . 4 Deeds 013. 1 To buildings and land on acquisi- tion 601.01 To buildings and land on disposi- tion 602. 01 Deer 454. 7 De facto officers 324. 21 Default, bidders 163 Default, contracts 164 Advertisement excepted 162 Defects: Disqualifying enlisted men — For appointments 220. 13 For enlistment 342. 15 Waived l)y regulations 342. 15 Waived by Secretary of War.. 342.15 For promotions 220. 23 Disqualifying officers — For appointments 210. 13 For promotions 210. 23 Identification records 344. 3 Supplies and equipment 400. 42 Reclamations and replacements. 400.64 Defendants 013. 2 Defense, military 381 Board of fortilication and defense, Philippine Islands 334. 7 Coast-defense works. 660. 2 Harbor 370. 32 Land 660. 2 National Land Defense Board. . . 334. 3 Mine 660. 3 Employment troops for 370. 31 Seacoast 660. 2 Employment troops for 370. 3 Submarine mine 660. 3 Employment troops for 370. 31 Defense, naval 045. 9 Defense of siuts against employees. . . 230. 3122 Defenses, coast (see ( 'o:ist defenses) . . . 323. 5 Defensive sea areas 660. 3 Defensive works, officer in charge: Departments, divisions 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Defiinencies Cadets, Military Academy 351. 152 Officers, garrison schools 352. 382 Vessels, reports of 569. 1 8 Transports 579. 18 Deflectors, current 824. 2 Deformity 710 Degrees, civil colleges 000. 8 Degrees, honorary 335. 1 7 Delays 201. 91 Complaints of, in filling requisitions. 400. 315 Contracts 164 Enlisted men .» 220. 71 Officers 210. 71 Payments of enlisted men 242. 2 Delirium tremens 710 Deliveries under contracts 164 278 Delivery system, rural free 311. 121 Delousing facilities 727. 4 Dementia 710 Demerits, cadets, Military Academy. 351. 16 Demolition material and equip- ment , 471. 6 Demonstrations, political 000. 2 Demotion, cadets, Military Academy. 351. 054 Demotions, employees 230. 33 Demurrage 502 Demurrage accounts 556. 1 Dengue fever 710 Denim cloth 423 Denominations, religious 000. 3 Dental assistants 221 Dental caries 710 Dental Corps 322. 053 Enlisted men 322. 0532 Officers 322. 0531 Dental instruments and .equipment . . 444. 4 Dental office Iniildings 632 Dental officers 211 Dental supplies 444. 4 Dental surgeons 211 Examining boards 334. 1 Dental treatment 703 Aliens 703 Cadets 703 Civilians 703 Employees 703 Enlisted men 703 Foreigners 703 Interned persons 703 Nurses 703 Officers 703 Deodorization 720. 52 Department commanders 323. 36 Assignment 210. 311 Authority 323. 361 Change of station 210. 321 Decisions and opinions 016 Duties 323. 362 Staff of 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Department competitions, small arms. 353. 2 Departments: Agriculture 047 Channels of correspondence 312. 3 Commerce 048 Executive 040 Interior 046 Justice 044 Labor 049 Departments — Continued. IjOSlh of supplies to 400. 331 Military Academy 351. 05 Military (Geogr^aphical) 323. 3 Commanders 323. 36 Assignment of 210. 311 Authority 323. 361 Duties 323. 362 Discontinuance of 323. 32 Establishment 323. 31 Extension of limits 323. 33 Headquarters of 323. 35 Staff officers of 323. 37 Navy 045 Post Office 043 Sales to, and employees of 400. 325 Staff departments 321 Details enlisted men 220. 61 Details offices 210.61 Records of 314. 1 State 041 Treasury 042 Departments other than "War Depart- ment: A1>stratts, bids, contracts, freight transportation 554. 1 Draying and hauling for 536 Freight trans])ortation, accounts payable by 554. 4 Passenger transportation, accounts payable by 553. 4 Shipment, supplies and property . . 523. 2 Transfers, land and buildings from. 601. 4 Departures, reports of 201. 625 Employees 201. 625 Enlisted men 201. 625 Officers 201.625 Troops 370. 5 A^essels 565. 2 Transports 575. 2 Departures, vessels 565. 2 Transports 575. 2 Dependent relatives, discharge en- listed men 220.804 Dependents of employees 230. 2215 Deportation 014. 393 Deposit books 315 Lost 244.1 De} ositaries 122. 2 Designations and changes in 122. 2 Deposits and transfers, funds be- tween balances and o^er- drafts 122.2 Treasury and other 122. 2 279 Depositions 013. 301 Depositions and interrogatories, courts-martial 250. 404 Deposits 131 Accounts of special 132 Certificate of 131 Charges and deposits to cover funds. 121. 3 Enlisted men's pay 244 Books 315 Claims for unpaid 244. 5 Deserters 244. 3 Dishonorably discharged men. .. 244. 4 Interest on 244. 2 Lost deposit books 244. 1 Records and re]K>rts 244. 1 Funds in depositaries 122. 2 Overdraft of letters of allotment . . . 121. 2 Pay accounts of officers 241. 4 Reports of ] 31 Treasury notice of 121.4 ^^'ith ])aymasters 244 Dei)ot employees 231. 6 Depot posts, recruiting 341. 7 Depot quartermasters 323. 76 Authority 323. 761 Duties 323. 762 Depots 323. 7 Administration of 400. 21 Allowances to 400. 346 Bands 322. 16 Capacity to manufacture 400. 216 Commanders 323. 76 Authority 323. 761 Duties 323. 762 Conduct of employees 230. 43 Contraction of limits 323. 74 Discontinuance of 323. 72 Employees of : 231. 6 Establishment of 323. 71 Exchanges, supp^ . js and equipment with posts 400. 223 Extension of limits 323. 73 Field supply: For supplies and equipment 400. 232 Reserve stocks at 400. 23 Headquarters of 323. 75 Inspections of 333. 1 Issues to 400. .S56 Manufactures at 400. 173 Powder 633 Quartermasters 323. 77. Recruiting 341. 6 Remount 404. 3 Reservations 681 Depots — Continued . Staff of 323.77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Stocks of 400. 211 Additions 1o 400. 215 replenishment of 400. 212 Transfers between 400. 213 Depredations, Indian 370. 65 Depression position finders 413. 682 Depths, channel 811 Dermatitis, venenata 710 Dermatologists 231. 23 Dermatology 730 Derricks 413. 8 Vessels 560 Transports 570 Descendants 291. 1 Description : Buildings and grounds 600. 94 Supplies and equipment, foreign armies 402. 5 Vessels 569. 6 Transports 579. 6 Descriptive and assignment cards. . . 201. 31 Descriptive cards, personal 201. 32 Supplies 400. 1914 Descriptive lists 201. 33 Payments on •. . 242 Desecration : Church 000. 3 National flag 332. 1 Deserters 251. 2 Apprehension of 251. 21 Reward for 251. 21 1 Collection of 242. 4 Circulars 251. 26 Deposits 244. 3 Discharge, unfit for service 220. 802 Disqualificu,tion for voting 014. 35 Faihire to report 251. 28 Making good time lost 251. 23 Pardon 251. 24 Restoration to duty without trial. 251. 241 Pay withheld 242.2 Property lost by 251. 27 Release 251. 25 Restoration to duty 251. 241 Surrender of 251 . 22 Transportation 513 Desertion 251. 1 Discontinuance of allotments 243. 5 Employees discharged for 230. 822 Prevention of 251. 11 280 Desertion — Continued . Removal of charge 251. 12 Reports of 251 . 13 Desiccated vegetables 432 Desiccating supplies 400. 2542 Designation : Beneficiaries 247 Buildings and grounds 600. 05 Changes in, of employees 230. 37 Militia organizations 325. 455 Positions of employees 230. 01 Designs : Memorials and monuments 293. 6 Supplies and equipment 400. 1144 Vessels 561.4 Transports 571. 4 Desks 414.1 Field 428 Destitutes, supplies for relief 400. 38 Destruction : Buildings and grounds 600. 97 By fire 600.971 By storm, hurricane, tornado 600. 972 Mail 311.13 Obstructions to navigation 800. 86 Parasites 729. 2 Property 386. 1 Property, accounts of 143. 7, 141. 7 Records 313. 6 Obsolete 313.6 Useless 313. 6 Supplies to prevent contagion, re- clamations 400. 631 Detached officers, permanent list, transfer 210.335 Detached service: Enlisted men 220.48 Foreign 220. 481 Travel duty 220.482 Officers 210. 48 Foreign 210. 481 Travel duty 210. 482 Detachments 322. 7 Academy, Military 351. 02 Aeronautical 322. 7 Balloon 322. 7 Casual 322. 7 Headquarters 322. 7 Cavalry 322. 7 Field Artillery 322. 7 Infantry 322.7 Messenger 322. 7 Orderly 322. 7 Ordnance 322. 7 Detachments — Continued . Pioneer, engineers 322. 7 Recruits, transportation 511 Schools and colleges. Army 352. 191 Transfers to 220. 33 Ser\'ice school 352. 191 Transportation 511 On transports 541 . 1 Details: Employees 230. 35 Between bureaus of War Depart- ment 230. 352 Between departments of the Government 230. 351 ■ From departmental to field serv- ice 230.353 From field to departmental 230. 354 Enlisted men 220. 6 Additional pay for special 242. 143 Army service schools (Regular Army and militia) 220. 63 Camps of instruction, target practice and ranges 220. 67 Colleges for technical instruc- tion 220.66 Foreign 220. 68 Judges 220.694 Militia 220. 65 Duties and status 220, 65 Instructors 220. 651 Miscellaneous 220. 69 Daily and special duty 220. 692 Extra duty 220. 691 Mine planters 220.693 Police sergeants 220. 69 Recruiting ser\ice, active, re- tired 220.62 Referees. 220. 694 Replacing ci^^lian employees by 230.87 School and colleges, civil 220. 64 Staff corps and departments. . . 220. 61 Relief from 220. 601 Umpires 220. 694 Officers 210. 6 Adjutants of departments, posts, stations, regiments, liat- talions, squadrons 210. 61 Administrative, posts and sta- tions 210.69 Aides 210.694 Army service schools (Regular Army and militia) 210. 63 Aviation school or section 210. 63 Details — Continued . Officers — Continued. Camps of instruction, target practice, ranges, umpires. . 210. 67 Casual officers 210. 69 Colleges for technical instruc- tion 210. 66 Commanding officers' troops on transports, vessels 210. 605 Conventions, expositions, etc. . . . 210. 693 Court-martial 210. 696 Engineer officers, departments, posts, etc 210. 61 Foreign 210. 68 Coronations 210. 683 Military attaches 210. 681 Military and vi\ il schools 210. 685 Observers at maneuvers and wars 210.684 General staff 210. 61 Horse shows 210. 693 In charge — Casuals 210. 604 Funds 210.606 Militai-y police 210. 607 Inspectors — Brigades, departments, divi- sions 210.61 Inspector, instructors 210. 651 Other inspectors 210. 691 Intelligence officers, l)rigades, de- partments, divisions, posts, etc 210.61 Judge advocates, brigades, de- partments, divisions 210. 61 Of courts-martial 210. 696 Judges 210. 695 Militia, active and retired 210. 65 Inspector instructors 210. 651 Duties and status 210. 651 Miscellaneous 210. 69 Aids 210. 694 Inspections, various kinds. . . . 210. 691 Investigations 210. 691 Surveying officers 210. 692 National Guard 210. 65 Ordnance officers, l)rigades, de- partments, divisions, posts, regiments, etc 210. 61 Philippine Constabulary 210. 603 Philippine Scouts 210. 602 Provost officers 210. 607 281 Details — Continued . Officers — Continued . Quartermasters, brigades, de- partments, divisions, posts, regiments, etc 210. 61 Recruiting service, active, re- tired 210.62 For volunteers 324. 3 Referees 210. 695 Relief from 210. 601 Schools and colleges, civil 210. 64 Signal officers, brigades, depart- ments, divisions, posts, regiments, etc 210. 61 Staff Corps and de])artments. . . 210. 61 Summary court 210. 696 Surgeons, brigades, departments, divisions, posts, regiments, etc 210.61 Transports and other vessels. . 210. 605 Surveying officers 210. 692 To deliver lectures 210. 697 Detectives 014. 12 Employees 231. 4 Detention barracks 627 Detention camps 254 Deteriorated supplies, reclamations replacements 4OO. 63 Deterioration, rivers and harbors 800. 7 Detonating fuzes 471. 82 Devices : Cleaning guns 472. 82 Lowering, funeral su})])lies 468 Safetj— Aircraft 452. 4 Guns 472. 81 Machinery 412. 3 Signaling, navigation 829. 14 Diabetes 710 Diagnosis 726 Diagrams 061. 03 Fire control 665. 02 Diaries, war 314. 81 Diarrhea 710 Dictaphones 413. 51 Dictionaries 461 Dietitians 231. 23 Diet kitchens 720. 13 Diet, sick 720. 14 Difference sheets, accounts 132. 6 Differences, statements of accounts. . 132. 6 Dikes 824. 2 282 Dimensions of vessels 569. 5 Transports 579. 5 Dining cars, transportation 531. 3 Di])henylamin 471. 85 Diplomas, Army schools and colleges 352. 183 Diplomatic Bureau 041. 2 Dippers 414. 4 For vessels 458. 1 Transports 458. 1 Dips, horse 657 Diphtheria 710 Director of Mints 042. 1 Director of Railroads 531. 01 Directories and registers 461 Other than War Department 461 War Department or service 461 Dirigible airships 452. 4 Dirigible balloons 452. 3 Parts and accessories 452. 31 Disability 201. 601 Employees 201. 601 Incapacitated 230. 78 Reports of termination 248. 5 Traveling expenses 248. 7 Enlisted men 201. 601 Discharges for 220. 811 Officers 201. 601 Disallowances of accounts 1 32. 6 Revision of 132. 6 Disarmament 388. 3 Disasters, troops for relief work 370. 1 Disbandment of militia organiza- tions 325.453 Disbursement of funds 120 Charges against officers for errors in. 241. 3 Disbursing Division, War Depart- ment 020. 4 Disbursing officers 130 Delinciuency in rendering accounts 132. 1 Funds in hands of 131 Military Academy 351. 01 Powers, duties, obligations 130 Unexpended balances in hands of.. 131 Discharge : Cadets, Military Academy 351. 242 Employees {see Separations) 230. 8 Transportation of 514 Traveling expenses 248. 7 Enlisted men 220. 8 Allotments discontinued 243. 5 Army Regulations 1 48^ 220. 801 Certificate 220. 84 Certificate in lieu of lost 220. 841 Character on 220. 842 Discharge — Continued. Enlisted men — Continued . Convenience of Government. . . . 220. 803 Court-martial sentence 220. 821 Dependency of relatives 220. 804 Deserters physically unfit 220. 802 Disability 220. 811 Dishonorable 220. 82 Disqualification of conduct 220. 801 Expiration term of enlistment. . . 220. 807 Favor 220. 806 Fraudulent enlistment 220. 813 Habits and traits of character — 220. 801 Imprisonment sentence civil court 220.815 Inadaptability 220. 801 Inaptitude 220. 801 Insanity 220. 805 Military commission sentence . . . 220. 822 Minority 220. 808 Pay on discharge 242. 17 Final pay on purchase of dis- charge 242.6 Purchase 220. 814 Recruits, rejected 220. 812 Service not honest and faithful . . 220. 801 Transportation on 513 Undesirables 220. 801 Unsuitability 220. 801 When ordered by Secretary of War .' 220.810 Without honor 220. 83 Worthlessness 220. 801 Officers 210. 801 Annulment of contracts 210. 83 CommTitation of allowance on — 245. 8 Dismissals 210. 81 Eliminations 210. 82 Volunteer officers 324. 22 By court-martial sentence 324. 22 Discharge measurements, water 812. 5 Discharging cargo, vessels 563. 52 Of transports 573. 52 Discharging passengers, vessels 563. 1 Transports 573. 1 Disciplinary companies 322. 173 Disciplinary detachments 322. 7 Disciplinary prisons of United States. 252 Atlantic Branch, Governors Is- land 252 Pacific Branch, vVlcatraz Island. . . 252 Discipline 250 Business enterprises of enlisted men and ofiicers 250. 7 283 Discipline — Continued. Correction and punishment 250. 3 Courts and tribunals 250. 5 Courts of inquiry 250. 52 Provisional courts 250. 51 Courts-martial 250. 4 ICmployees 230. 747 Influence, improper use of 250. 6 Military 250 Military executions 250 Military justice 250 Military offenses 250 Morals and conduct 250. 1 Officers and enlisted men in hands of civil authorities. . 250. 3 Organization of secret and other societies 250. 8 Discontinuance: Camps of instruction 354. 12 Cantonments 354. 52 Concentration camps 354. 42 Maneuvers 354. 22 Mobilization camps 354. 32 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 72 Training camps 354. G2 Discontinuance of geogi'aphical divi- sions : Arsenals 323. 72 Artillery districts 323. 42 Camps 354. 12 Coast defenses 323. 52 Departments 323. 32 Depots 323. 72 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 62 Divisions (geographical) 323. 32 Forts 323. 72 Hospitals 323. 72 Ports of debarkation 323. 922 Ports of embarkation 323. 912 Posts .323. 72 Stations 323. 72 Discontinuance of issues to militia. . . 400. 3584 Discontinued commands, records of.. 314.3 Discrepancies, supplies and equip- ment 400.61 Discrimination against militia 325. 2 Discrimination against uniforms 000. 51 Disease-bearing insects 725 Diseases 710 Claims as result of 152 Contagious 710 Diagnosis of 726 Reclamations and replacements, supplies destroyed 400. 031 Diseases — Continued . Remedies for 713 Sick leave employees, account of. . 230. 553 Disembarking passengers, vessels 563. 1 Transports 573. 1 Dishes 414. 3 Dishonorable discharges, enlisted men 220. 82 Deposits of 244. 4 Disinfectants 438 Chemicals as 720. 55 Heat as 720. 54 Medical 442 Disinfecting dead 722. 4 Use of ice 722. 41 Disinfecting, supplies for 438 Disinfection 720. 5 Deodorization 720. 52 Fumigation 720. 51 Use of chemicals 720. 55 Use of heat as disinfectant 720. 54 Disinterring corps 322. 5 Disinterring remains 486. 7 Disks, elevating 473. 82 Disks, target ranges 416 Dislocations 710 Dismissals : Cadets, Military Academy 351. 242 Employees 230. 82 Traveling expenses 248. 7 Officers 210. 81 Transportation 512 Of mounts 522 Volunteer officers 324. 22 By coiu-t-martial sentence 324. 22 Dismounting supplies and equipment 400. 256 Disorder, enlisted men 250. 1 Dispatch agents 231. 3 Dispatch bearers 231. 4 Dispatch cases 428 Dispatches, cipher 311. 5 Dispensaries 632 Disposal, manure, services 485. 4 Disposal of dead 293. 9 Disposition, court-martial charges 250. 451 Disposition, maps 061. OS Disposition of excreta 720. 8 Disposition of garbage, sanitary 720. 7 Disposition of personal property: Employees 332. 34 Enlisted men 332. 33 Officers .332. 32 Disposition of real property or land . . 602 Disposition of records 313. 6 Obsolete 313. 6 Useless 313. 6 284 Disposition of sewage 672 Disposition of sick, wounded, and invalids 704. 11 Disposition of supplies and equip- ment (see Supplies and equipment, disposition of). 400. 7 Disposition of transports 579. 7 Disposition of trash, services 485. 3 Disposition of unused bills of lading. . 552. 4 Disposition of imused tickets 552. 8 Disposition of unused transportation request 552. 4 Disposition of vessels 569. 7 Disposition of waste, hygienic 720. 7 Disposition of waste paper, services. . 485. 3 Disqualiiication, enlisted men dis- charged for 220. 801 Disqualification, sureties on bonds. . . 168 Disqualification, voting, as deserters. 014. 35 Disqualifying defects : Appointment: Commissioned 210. 13 Enlisted men 220. 13 Enlistment 342. 15 Promotion : Commissioned 210. 23 Enlisted men 220. 23 Disrating 220. 272 Disrespect to flag 000. 51 Dissemination of information and data 319.251 Dissemination of military information 350. 051 Dissolving courts-martial 250. 42 Distances : Allowances enlisted men for travel 246 Allowances officers and nurses for travel 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Measures and meters of 413. 6 Distillate oil 463. 8 Distillation plants 679 Distinguished cadets, Military Acad- emy 351.22 Distinguished guests, entertainment. 335. 14 Distinguished pistol shots 221 Distinguished pistol shots, medals. . . 220. 5 Distinguished service 201 . 4 Distribution: Army 323. 2 Blank forms and books 315 Ilequisitions for 315 Blue prints 061. 05 Contracts 161 Drawings 061. 05 Maps 061. 05 Distribution — Continued. Publications 461 Sketches 061. 05 Supplies 400. 3 Supplies and equipment to foreign Governments 400.318 Systems 401 Tracings 061. 05 Distribution box boats 560 Employees 231. 8 Distribution boxes, mine 476. 1 District, candidates. Military Acad- emy 351.284 District civil-service boards 040. 2 District civil -service system 230. 062 District courts 015. 2 District engineer officers 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Districts, military 323. 6 Coast Artillery 323. 4 Commanders 323. 46 Authority 323. 461 Duties 323. 462 Establishment 323. 41 Extension of limits 323. 43 Headquarters of 323. 45 Staffs 323.47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Coast deienses 323. 5 Commanders 323. 56 Authority 323. 561 Duties 323. 562 Establishment 323. 51 Extension of limits 323. 53 Headquarters of 323. 55 Commanders 323. 66 Authority 323. 661 Duties 323. 662 Engineers' districts 323. 6 District engineers 323. 67 Establishment 323. 61 Extension of limits 323. 63 Headquarters of 323. 65 Inspections of 333. 1 Recruiting 341. 8 Staff officers 323.67 Authority 323. 671 Duties. . ". 323. 672 Districts, naval 045. 9 Disturbances by enlisted men 250. 1 Disturbances by Government agencies, civilians, and other 250. 1 Ditching 616. 1 285 Divers, employees 231. 82 Diversion of water, floods 814. 3 Divinsr apparatus 458. 13 Transports 458. 13 Division commanders, geographical. . 323. 36 Assignment 210. 311 Authority 323. 361 Change of station 210. 321 Decisions and opinions 016 Duties 323. 362 Staff of 322. 37 Authority 322. 371 Duties 322. 372 Division competitions, small arms. . . 353. 2 Divisions : Army 322. 13 Commanders 322. 98 Authority 322. 371 Duties 322. 982 Staff officers 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Assignment of commanders 210. 311 Assignment of staff 210. 312 General Staff {see Staff Corps and departments) 321 Military (geographical) 323. 3 Commanders 323. 36 Authority 323. 361 Duties 323. 362 Establishment 323. 31 Extension 323. 33 Headquarters of 323. 35 Staff officers 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 War Department 020. 4 Dock employee.? 231. 83 Dock lines 825. 1 Location of 825. 1 Regulations 825. 1 Relocation or modification 825. 1 Docking, dry 826. 3 Docking vessels 563. 4 Trans])orts 573. 4 Docks 825. 1 Beyond harbor lines 825. 02 Dry 826.3 Floating 560 Military 825. 1 Rules and regulations 825. 1 Unauthorized 825. 01 Doctors 231. 23 Documents 312. 1 Confidential 312. 1 House of Rei)resentatives 032. 1 Senate 032. 2 Shipment 523. 7 Superintendent of 040. 1 Dogs 454. 3 Food for 464. 7 Domes, mine 476. 1 Domicile, legal 014. 34 Domicile, volunteers 324. 1 Donations 005 Land and buildings 601. 2 Military prison 252 Military prisoners 253. 3 Supplies and equipment. 400. 335 Door frames 411. 4 Door knobs 411. 7 Door sashes 411. 4 Doors 411. 3 Storm 411. 3 Dough tools 414. 3 Draft animals 454. 02 Hire of 454. 02 Draft, Army 327. 02 Drafted men 327. 3 Acceptance 327. 34 Induction 327. 31 Instruction 327. 32 Objectors 327. 36 Rejection 327. 35 Reporting 327. 33 Drafts, checks 122. 1 Draftsmen 231. 24 Drauiage 616 Drainage, area 812. 8 Drainage-purification systems 672 Draining 616. 1 Drawbridges 823. 72 Draw rests, bridge 823. 88 Drawinsis 061 . 03 Distribution of 061. 05 Supplies and e.iuipment 400. 1143 Dravvdng instruments 413. 73 Drawing paper 462 Draws, bridge 823. 86 Drayage. 536 Drays 451. 7 Hire of 533. 1 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Dredger employees 231. 8 Dredges 560 286 Dredging 800. 425 Hydraulic and other 800. 425 Military 800. 425 Channels 800. 425 Harbors 800.425 Dressings, medical supplies 442 Surgical 442 Veterinary 446 Drift slides, small arms 474. 8 Driftwood 828. 2 Drill boats 560 Drill buildings 631 Drill cloth 423 Drill grounds 618. 1 Drill hall 631 Drill regulations (see Regulations) . . . 300. 7 Arms of the service 300. 7 Changes or amendments 300. 7 Inquiries on points 330. 7 Changes or amendments 300. 7 Manual of arms 300. 7 Inquiries on points 330. 7 Mobile army 300. 7 Systems of 300. 7 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Corai)etitive 353. 5 Equitation 353. 5 Horse racing 353. 5 Excused from 353. 51 Exhibition drills 353. 5 Guard duty 353. 5 Instruction drills 353. 5 Artillery, Coast 353. 5 Infantry field exercises 353. 5 War game 353. 5 Artillery, Field 353. 5 Cavalry 353. 5 Engineers 353. 5 Hospital Corps 353. 5 Infantry 353. 5 Field exercise by Coast Artil- lery 353. 5 Machine - gun platoons, com- panies, etc 353. 5 Medical Department 353.5 Mine companies and planters, instruction and reports of . 353. 5 Miscellaneous 353. 5 Pay for 240.91 Signal Corps 353. 5 Physical exercises 353. 5 Bayonet 353. 5 Fencing and similar drills, swordsmanship 353. 5 Drills and exercises — Continued. Physical exercises — Continued . Running 353. 5 Walking 353. 5 Prize drills 353. 5 Signals and signaling 353. 5 Tournaments, military 353. 5 Drinking fountains 412. 2 Drinks, soft . 435 Drivers, pile, boats 560 Drivers, pile, machinery 413. 8 Driveways 611 Driving, reckless 000. 51 Drop bombs 471. 6 Drowning 710 Drug habits 710 Drugs 441. 1 Medical supplies 441. 1 Sale of narcotic 250. 1 Use of narcotic 250. 1 Veterinary 445 Drum Corps 322. 5 Drum major 221 Drummer 221 Drums: Mine cable 476. 2 Musical instruments 413. 3 Packing supplies 457 Drunkenness in Army 250. 1 Dry docking 826. 3 Army vessels 564 Transports 574 Dry docks 826. 3 Floating 560 Rules and regulations 826. 3 Drying ovens, mine 663 Drying supplies 400. 2541 Duck 423 Duck blinds, structures in waters 825. 92 Dues: Enlisted men 242. 4 Laundry 242.4 Post-exchange 242. 4 Officers and nurses 241. 4 Hospital 241.4 Port 012.43 Tonnage 012. 44 Dummy armament 470. 2 Cannon 470. 2 Carriages 470. 2 Cartridges 470. 2 Guns 470.2 Powder bags 470. 2 Projectiles 470. 2 287 Dump carts 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Dumping grounds and areas 800. 213 Dumping, rivers and harbors 800. 213 Rules and regulations for 800. 213 Dunnage 563. 92 On transports 573. 02 Duplicate allotments of pay 243. 1 Duplicate checks 122. 15 Indemnity bonds 122. 15 Duplicate commissions, ofHcers 210. 14 Duplicate contracts, officers 210. 14 Duplicate honor medals, enlisted men 220.5 Duplicate papers, pay of officers on.. 245.8 Duplicating machines and supplies. . 413. 52 Duplicating pay vouchers. 250. 1 Dust, air pollution 723. 11 Duties and service: Adjutant generals of States 323. 822 Civil duty 014. 4 Employees . . .' 230. 4 Conduct of offices, depots, fac- tories 230.43 Allotment of room space and office space 230. 436 Canvassing and circulg,ting sub- scriptions lists, collecting. 230.434 Circulating information, print- ed matter 230. 435 Labor regulations 230. 433 Office rules and regulations 230. 432 Performing work at home . . . 230. 4322 Use of elevators 230. 4321 Regulations of the War Depart- ment 230. 431 Scientific management, "Tay- lor System" 230.437 Duties 230. 41 Assignment of 230. 411 Inqiures as to duties 230. 4112 Instruction as to duties 230. 4111 Duties outside regular hours. . 230. 413 Duties requiring bonds 230. 416 Bonds 230. 4161 Notarial duties or functions. . . 230. 414 Reports and statements as to. . 230. 417 Unusual or additional 230. 412 Witnesses for United States . . . 230. 415 Holidays and early closing 230. 46 Departmental rules and regula- tions 230. 462 Eve of regular holidays 230. 467 Laws and legislation 230. 461 Duties and service — Continued. Employees — Continued. Holidays and early closing — Continued. Legal holidays 230. 4G4 New proposed 230 4641 Observance of Mondays after. . 230. 465 Saturday afternoons 230. 466 Special holidays, Executive or- ders 230.468 For deaths and funerals 230. 4681 State holidays 230. 463 Hours of labor 230. 44 Complaints, protests, and in- quiries 230. 444 Departmental rules and regula- tions 230. 443 Office hoiu-s 230. 4431 Eight-hour law 230. 442 Enforcement and violation.. 230.4421 Exceptions and exemptions. 230.4422 Interpretation 230. 4423 Laws and legislation 230. 44 1 Enforcement and violation.. 230.4411 Exceptions and exemp- tions 230. 4412 Interpretation 230. 4413 Overtime and Sunday work . . . 230. 45 Departmental rules and regu- lations 230. 452 Overtime 230. 4521 Simday work 230. 4522 Laws and legislation 230. 451 Reports of overtime 230. 453 Public duty road work, witnesses, jury duty 230. 3121 Absence for public duty 230. 57 For jury duty 230. 573 For militia or national guard duty 230.571 For witness duty 230. 574 Temporarj' duty involving travel . 230. 42 Absence on duty 230. 424 Laws and legislation 230. 421 Reports of travel 230. 428 Rules and regulations 230. 422 Travel orders 230. 423 Unusual trips 230. 425 Enlisted men 220. 4 Acceptance of civil office 220. 43 Active duty 220. 455 Assignment reserves to 326. 02 Relief reserves from 326. 03 Deserters restored without trial.. 251. 241 Detached service 220. 48 288 Duties and service — Continued. Enlisted men — Continued. Details 220.6 Daily duty 220. 692 Extra duty 220.691 Special duty 220.692 Employment by corporations and others 220.41 Examinations for civil office and civil service 220. 42 Excused from 220. 457 Foreign 220. 481 Guard duty 220. 49 Inactive duty 220. 4551 Instructors of militia 220. 651 Line of duty 220. 46 Mounted duty 220.47 Relief from duty 220. 456 Report for duty 220. 458 Special duty 220. 454 Status 220.451 Temporary duty 220. 453 Tour of duty 220. 45 Travel duty 220. 482 Witness duty 220. 718 Governors of States 014. 12 Officers 210. 4 Acceptance of civil office 210. 43 Active duty 210. 455 Commanders' duties: Arsenals 323.762 Artillery districts 323. 462 Batteries 322. 982 Brigades 322.982 Camps 354.162 Camps of instruction 354. 162 Cantonments 354. 562 Coast defenses 323. 562 Concentration camps 354. 462 Departments 323. 362 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 662 Divisions geographical . . 323. 362 Forts 323.762 Hospitals, general 323. 762 Maneuver camps 354. 362 Organizations, such as armies, regiments, battalions, squadrons, troops 322.982 Ports of debarkation 323. 9262 Ports of embarkation 323. 9162 Posts 323.762 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 762 Duties and service — Continued. Officers— Continued. Commanders' duties — Contd. Stations 323. 762 Tactical organizations 322. 982 Training camps 354. 662 Detached service 210. 48 Foreign 210. 481 Travel duty 210. 482 Employment by corporations, others 210.41 Examination for civil office 210. 42 Excused from duty 210. 457 Inactive duty 210. 4551 Inspector-instructors of mili- tia 210. 651 Line of duty 210. 46 Mounted duty 210. 47 Relief from duty 210. 456 Report for duty 210. 458 Special duty 210. 454 Staff officers' duties: Arsenals 323. 772 Artillery districts 323. 472 Batteries 322. 9912 Brigades 322. 9912 Camps 354. 172 Camps of instruction 354. 172 Cantonments 354. 572 Coast defenses 323. 572 Concentration camps 354. 472 Dei^artments 323. 372 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 672 Divisions 323. 372 Hospitals, general 323. 772 Maneuver camps 354. 272 Mobilization camps 354. 372 Organizations, such as armies, regiments, battalions, squadrons, troops, etc. . . . 322.9912 Ports of deljarkation 323. 9262 Ports of embarkation 323. 9162 Posts 323. 772 Recuperation and convalescent camps 354. 772 Stations 323. 772 Tactical organization 322. 9912 Training camps 354. 672 Status 210. 451 Temporary duty 210. 453 Tour of duty 210. 452 Travel duty 210. 482 Witness duty 210. 718 Quartermasters general of States. . . 323. 832 289 Duties and service — Continued. Reserves — Assignment to active duty 326. 02 Relief from active duty 326. 03 Troops 370 Assignment to duty on vessels. . . 563. 2 On transports 573. 2 Duties, customs or tariff 012. 4 Free entry 012. 41 Personal jjroperty 012. 411 Public property 012. 412 Earth, removal of 616. 4 Earthquakes, use of troops 370. 12 Earthworks 661 Economizers, fuel 412. 3 Economy and Efficiency Commission. 334. 8 Eczema 710 Education 350 Foreigners at Military Academy. . . 351. 38 Mihtia 325. 52 Educational institutions, civil 000. 8 Cadets 000. 8 Graduates 000. 8 Laws and legislation affecting 000. 8 Promotion of target practice 381. 5 Educational institutions, military. . . 352 Effects 332. 3 Employees 230. 63 Enlisted men 220. 871 Officers 210. 871 Efficiency 330. 1 Efficiency boards. Army 334. 4 Efficiency, boiler, reports of 600. 915 Efficiency, employees 230. 34 Ability to perform tropical service. 230. 3441 Boards 230. 342 Complaints and protests against ratings 230. 347 Data as to 230. 344 Ability to perform tropical serv- ice 230.3441 Reports of qualifications 230. 3442 Examination and tests 230. 345 Promotions from subclerical grades 230. 3451 Reports of : 230. 3452 Records and reports, methods of keeping 230.3411 Reports of 230. 346 Annual 230. 3461 Individuals 230. 3464 Monthly 230. 3463 Semiannual 230. 3462 61127—18—19 Duties, customs or tariff — -Continued. Free entry into foreign countries . . . 012. 42 Personal property 012. 421 Public property 012. 422 Dyeing supplies and equipment 400. 257 Dynamite 471. 86 Dynamite rooms 663 Dynamos 412. 41 Dysentery 710 E. Efficiency, employees — Continued. Systems Taylor system Efficiency, mental and physical .... Reports Efficiency, organizations Commendations Criticisms Militia Reports of Troops Efficiency reports Efficiency tests: Reports of, coal or vessels Transports Eggs Egypt Eight-hour law Contracts Employees Ejectors, small-arms Elbows: Plumbing material Sewer Elders Election Election day Electric bulbs Electric current, fuel and light Electric engines Electric heating systems Electric lamps Electric-light fixtures Electric lighting systems Exterior Interior Electric meters Electric motors Electric primers Electrical engineers Electrical equipment Buildings and grounds, installation. 230. 341 230. 437 201. 6 201. 61 330.1 330. 13 330. 14 330.1 330. 1 330.1 201. 61 569. 17 579. 17 434 091 010.3 160 230. 442 474.8 412.2 412.2 000.3 000. 2 000.2 414.5 463.1 412. 41 674 414. 412. 675 675 675 413.6 412. 41 471. 82 231. 21 412.4 600.2 .5 1 290 Electrical equipment — Continued. Gun carriages 473. 83 Machinery 412. 4 Material 412. 4 Medical and surgical 444. 3 Turrets 470. 4 Electrical inspectors 231. 22 Electrical machinery 412. 41 Electrical material 412. 4 Electrical treatments 444. 3 Electrical workers, enlisted 221 Electrician and linemen 221 Electrician sergeants: First-class, Coast Artillery and Quartermaster Corps 221 Second-class, Coast Artillery and Quartermaster Corps 221 Electricians: Casemate 221 Employees 231. 5 Ship 231.81 Master, Coast Artillery Corps 221 Master, Signal Corps 221 Quartermaster Corps — Enlisted men 221 Electrician and lineman 221 Sergeant, first class. Coast Artillery Corps and Quartermaster Corps 221 Sergeant, second class. Coast Artil- lery Corps and Quarter- master Corps 221 Tools 413.14 Electricity 463. 1 Electroplating 400. 272 Electrosilicon 438 Electrotype 413. 57 Electrotyping outfits, supplies, and products 413. 57 Elevated-railroad tickets 552. 8 Elevating mechanisms, gun carriage (arms, bands, disks, gears, locks, racks, scales, wheels). 473. 82 Elevation tables 063. 2 Elevator conductors, employees 231.4 Elevators 412. 4 Use of, by employees 230. 4321 Elevators, grain 412. 3 Eligibility: Appointments — Employees 230. 22 Enlisted men 220. 11 Officers 210. 11 Eligibility — Continued. Promotion — ■ Enlisted men 220. 2 Officers 210. 21 Eligible list, commissions in volunteers 324. 21 Eligibles: Certificates of employees 230. 13 Lists of 230. 132 Reports of action on 230. 135 For naturalization 014. 32 Register of 230. 11 Establishment and maintenance. 230. Ill Elimination of officers. . . 210. 82 Elk 454. 7 Elopement of applicants for enlist- ment 342. 1 Embalmers, employees 231. 3 Embalming fluid 468 Embalming, sanitary 722. 3 Embalming services 486. 7 Embankments, reservations 824. 1 Embankments, rivers and harbors 824. 1 Embargo, shipments, supplies, and property 523. 095 Embarkation depots for animals 323. 91 Embarkation, ports of 323. 91 Embarking passengers 563. 1 On transports 573. 1 Embassies, foreign 336. 94 Embolism 710 Emergency contracts 165 Emergency employees, hire of 230. 1412 Emergency purchases 400. 1392 Advertisements excepted 162 Orders for 400. 138 Supplies and equipment 400. 1392 Emergency rations 430. 2 Emergency, river and harbor work. . . 800. 116 Emery cloth 438 Emery paper 438 Emigrant 014. 392 Emoluments, civil office 014. 7 Emperors 336. 95 Emplacement book 461 Emplacements 662 Employees 230 Absence (see Absence) 230. 5 Addresses 201. 711 Admission to Government Hospital for Insane 046. 3 Admission to hospitals and sani- tariums: Field hospitals 705.3 291 Employees — Continued . Admission to hospitals and sanita- riums — Continued. General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Sanitariums 705. 4 Allowance (see Pay) 248. 5 Of supplies and equipment 400. 343 Appointment (see Appointment) . . . 230. 2 Assignment of — Requests for 230. 3681 Beneficiarj' money on death 247 Boat 231. 8 Burials of 230. 62 Business affairs 230. 76 Agents for concerns doing busi- ness with Government 230. 766 Coaching for ciAol-service exami- nations 230. 763 Contracts by, with United States Government 230. 764 Engaged in outside business 230. 765 Holding municipal or similar offices 230. 762 Money lending 230. 761 Using letterheads showing con- nection with Government. 230. 767 Caretakers 231. 4 Certificates of eligibles 230. 13 Examination papers called for and returned 230. 134 Receipts for 230. 1341 Lists of eligibles called for and returned 230. 132 Methods of certifying 230. 131 Positions offered to, acceptances or declinations , 230. 133 Reports of action on lists of 230. 135 Changes 230. 3 Changes in designations 230. 37 Changes in name 230. 717 Charwomen 231. 4 Chauffeurs 231. 4 Chemists 231. 23 Civil-service systems and methods. 230. 06 Apportionment by States 230. 061 The district system 230. 062 Clerical 231. 3 Accountants 231. 3 Agents, disbursing, dispatch, horse buying, purchasing, quartermaster, transporta- tion 231.3 Employees — Continued . Clerical — Continued . Appraisers 231. 3 Clerks 23 1 . 3 Embalmers 231. 3 Instructors 231. 3 Interpreters 231. 3 Operators, telephone, telegraph, careless 231. 3 Statisticians 231. 3 Stenographers 231. 3 Teachers 231. 3 Translators 231. 3 Typewriters 231. 3 Commendation 230. 72 Commutation of allowances 248. 5 Compensation for injuries 248. 5 Custodians 231. 4 Deaths: From injiu-ies 230. 85 From natural causes 230. 86 Beneficiary money 247 Demotions or reductions 230. 33 Laws, rules, and regulations 230. 331 Preferring charges in making 230. 332 Recommendations from authori- ties for 230. 333 Reports of 230. 334 Dental treatment 703 Depot, factory, and shop 231. 6 Checkers 231. 6 Clothiers 231. 6 Cutters 231. 6 Folders 231. 6 Foremen 231. 6 Matrons 231. 6 Operatives 231. 6 Packers 231. 6 Seamstresses 231. 6 Shippers 231. 6 Spongers 231. 6 Storekeepers 231. 6 Tailors 231. 6 Tentmakers and other skilled workmen making equi- page 231. 6 Trimmers 231. 6 Warehousemen 231. 6 Details (see Details) 230. 35 Detectives 231 . 4 Disability 201. 601 Compensation for 248. 5 Reports of termination of 248. 5 292 Employees— Continued. Discharges (see Separations) 230. 8 Dispatch bearers 231. 4 Duties and service (see Duties and service). Efficiency 230. 34 Boards 230. 342 Complaints and protests against ratings 230. 347 Data as to 230. 344 Ability to perform tropical serv- ice 230.3441 Reports of qualifications 230. 3442 Examinations and tests 230. 345 Promotions from subclerical grades 230. 3451 Reports of 230. 3452 Records and reports, methods of keeping 230. 3411 Reports of 230. 346 Annual 230. 3461 Individuals 230. 3464 Monthly 230. 3463 Semiannual 230. 3462 Systems 230. 341 Elevator conductors 231. 4 Entrance into service 230. 1 Announcements of examina- tions 2.30.12 Positions excepted from 230. 123 Reports and results of 230. 1 21 Request for information as to. . 230. 122 Candidates for examination 230. 113 Age qualifications 230. 1133 Graduation from approved col- leges 230.1134 License qualifications 230. 1135 Moral qualifications 230. 1132 Physical qualifications 230. 1131 Willingness for foreign service. 230. 1137 Examinations 230. 112 Board of examiners 230. 1123 Questions and tests 230. 1121 Standardizing 230. 1122 Expenses, traveling 248. 7 Farmers 231. 4 Foresters 231. 4 Forest rangers 231. 4 Funerals 230. 62 Gardeners 231. 4 Guards 231. 4 Guides 231. 4 Harbor-boat service 231. 82 Engineers and assistants 231. 82 Employees — Continued. Hire of 230. 14 Additional 230. 142 Camps, maneuvers 230. 146 Child labor 230. 1402 Contracts for 230. 144 Convict labor 230. 1403 Employment local hired labor. . . 230. 145 Laws and legislation 230. 1401 Strikers and strike breakers 230. 1404 Target ranges 230. 147 Temporary 230. 141 In emergency 230. 1412 Pending certification of eligi- bles 230.1413 Reports of 230. 1414 Substitutes 230. 1411 To fill vacancy 230. 143 Reports of vacancy not to be filled 230.1431 Union labor 230. 1405 Incapacitated for duty 230. 78 Issues to 400. 353 Janitors 231. 4 Laborers 231. 4 Foreman of laborers 231. 4 Legislation and laws 230. 04 Civil-service act 230. 041 Preference laws 230. 042 Mail carriers 231. 4 Markers (target) 231. 4 Mechanical trades 231. 5 Armorers 231 . 5 Blacksmiths 231. 5 Carpenters 231. 5 Electricians 231. 5 Engineers and enginenien, loco- motives and stationary engineers 231. 5 Farriers 231. 5 Firemen 231. 5 Harness makers 231. 5 Horseshoers 231. 5 Linemen 231. 5 Machinists 231. 5 Masons 231. 5 Mechanics 231. 5 Molders 231. 5 Painters 231. 5 Photographers 231. 5 Plumbers 231. 5 Printers 231. 5 Saddlers 23L 5 Steam fitters 231. 5 293 Employees — Continiu'd . Mechanical trades — Cont iuued . Tinners 231. 5 Whoehvritrhts 231. 5 Medii'al attendance 701 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Messengers 231. 4 Officials appointed by commission of President 231. 1 Commissioners of National Parks and Cemeteries 231. 1 Officials of the War Department. 231. 1 Pay (see Pay) 248 Pay as militiamen 240. G Personal equipment 42G Personal property 332. 34 Disposition of 332. 34 Storage of 332. 34 Personal records, affairs and rela- tions 230.7 Commendations, recommenda- tions, testimonials 230. 72 By Army officers 230. 722 By civilian employees 230. 723 By War Department officials. . 230. 721 Commendations for ))ravery. . . 230. 724 By Army officers 230. 7242 By civilian employees 230. 7243 By War Department officials. 230. 7241 Complaints, charges, reprimands. 230. 74 Charges preferred against 230. 744 Complaints against 230. 742 Complaints by or on behalf of. 230. 741 Complaints of indebtedness 2.30. 743 Measures to enforce pay- ment 230.7431 Other punishments 230. 747 Reprimands 230. 745 Suspensions 230. 746 Remission of unexpired por- tion 230. 7462 Reports of 230. 7461 Under charges 230. 7463 Influence 230. 73 For appointment or employ- ment 230.732 For legislation 230. 731 For promotion or increase of pay 230.733 Reprimands for use of 230. 734 Personal record files 230. 71 Certificates of service 230. 715 Historical records 230. 711 Employees— Cont inu«>d. Personal records, affairs and rela- tions — Contfnued. Personal record files — Continued. Names and addresses of nearest relatives 230. 713 Names, change of 230. 717 Personal reports 201. 62 Records of addresses 230. 712 Requests for records of service, addresses 230. 714 From bonding or surety com- panies 230. 7141 From Congress and Congressmen 230. 7144 From Department of Justice. . . 230. 7143 From Pension Office 230. 7142 Mail to be forwarded 230. 7145 Voter's certificates 230. 716 Policemen 231. 4 Politics 230. 77 Political activity 230. 771 Political contributions 230. 772 Positions — Application and recommenda- tions for 230. 02 In outh-ing places and far- distant stations 230. 02 J Designation of 230. 01 Requests for information in 230. 03 In outljdng places and far- distant stations 230. 031 Rules, regulations, and practices. 230. 05 General ci\T.l-service rules 230. 051 Labor regulations, civil service. 230. 052 Special rules and regulations of the War Department 230. 053 Post exchange, camp and company exchanges 331. 3 Post, pack, and wagon train 231. 7 Bakers 231. 7 Cargadors 231. 7 Cooks 231. 7 Foragemasters 231. 7 Horse trainers 231. 7 Hostlers 231. 7 Packers 231. 7 Packmasters 231. 7 Scavengers 231. 7 Stablemen 231. 7 Superintendents of corrals 231. 7 Teamsters 231. 7 Trainmasters 231. 7 Wagoners 231. 7 \\'agonma8ters 231 . 7 Wranglers 231 . 7 •294 Employees — Continued. Fii"\ ileces and welfare 230. 6 Attendance at conventions, ex- hibitions, and expositions. 230. 67 Burials and funerals 230. 62 Effects and estates 230. 63 Retirement, pensions, superan- nuation 230.64 Safeguarding health 230. 61 Care of consumptives 230. 613 Luncheon facilities 230. 615 Sanitation places of employ- ment * - 230.611 Statements and reports -. . . 230. 66 To Civil Service Commission . . 230. 664 To Congress 230. 662 To Congressmen 230. 663 To President 230. 661 To Secretary of War and other department officials 230. 665 Unions, associations, societies, and clubs 230.65 Civil Service Retirement Asso- ciation 230.053 Labor unions 230. 651 War Department Beneficial Association 230. 652 Professional 231. 2 Promotion. (See Promotion.) Quarters 624 Railroad 531 . 01 Reduction in force 230. 83 Register of eligibles 230. 1 1 Establishment and maintenance . 230. 1 1 1 Reinterments 293. 8 Replacing by enlisted men 230. 87 Replacing civilian crews by en- listed men 563.801 Of transports 573. 801 Reports and returns 230. 38 Lists of employees 230. 386 Reports of changes to auditor . . . 230. 384 Reports of changes to bureaus . . . 230. 381 Reports of changes to Civil Serv- ice Commission 230. 383 Reports of changes to Secretary of War 230.382 Reports, personal 201. 62 J Returns of crews and employees. . 230. 385 Resignations 230. 81 Retention in ser\ace 230. 84 Applications and requests 230. 841 Recommendations from authori- ties ,.. 230.843 Employees — Continued. Retention in service — Continued. Temporary employees 230. 842 Sales to, and to families of 400. 323 To employees of other depart- ments 400. 325 Scorers (target) 231. 4 Scouts 231. 4 Scrubbers 231. 4 Separations (see Separations) 230. 8 Service and duties 230. 4 Spies 231. 4 Spotters 231. 4 State employees, instruction of 325. 527 Status 230. 31 Apportionment by States 230. 314 Civil or military 230. 311 Classified or unclassified under civil-service rules 230. 313 Application for classification. . 230. 3131 Reclassification 230. 3133 Recommendations and re- quests for classifications. . . 230. 3132 Jurisdiction, civil authorities over 230.312 Government defense of suits against 230. 3122 Liability to public duty, road work, witnesses, jury duty. 230. 3121 Ivaws, rules, regulations 230. 301 Relation with Civil Service Commission 230. 315 Stevedores 231 . 83 Superintendents, cemeteries, grounds, parks 231. 4 Surgical operations 707 Technical 231. 2 Technical or professional: Architects 231. 24 Chaplains 231. 26 Draftsmen 231. 24 Engineers 231. 21 Aviators, aeronauts 231. 21 Civil 231.21 Electrical and mechanical 231. 21 Marine 231. 21 Superintendents of construc- tion 231.21 Superintendents marine con- struction 231. 21 Inspectors 231. 22 Animals 231. 22 Boilers 231.22 Clothing and materials 231. 22 295 Employees— Continued . Technical or professional — Continued. Inspectors — Continued . Electrical 231. 22 Examiners and assistant in- spectors 231. 22 Marine 231. 22 Subsistence and ordnance stores 231. 22 Wagons, tableware, band in- struments, and other mis- cellaneous supplies 231. 22 Lawyers and law clerks 231. 25 Medical 231. 23 Chemists 231. 23 Clinical experts 231. 23 Medical experts 231. 23 Pharmacists 231. 23 Physicians 231. 23 Veterinarians 231. 23 Rodman and assistants 231. 24 Surveyors 231 . 24 Time checks 230. 438 Titles and grades 231 Transfers. {See Transfers.) Transportation 514 Baggage and household goods — 524. 23 Employees of other depart- ments 524.24 Christmas and similar boxes 524. 4 Employees of other depart- ments 524. 4 Remains 518 Employees of other depart- ments 518 War Department employees 514 Transports 230. 81 Deck department 231. 81 Divers 231. 81 Engine department 231. 81 Masters 231. 81 Mates 231. 81 Pilots 231. 81 Quarters for 573.21 Travel expenses 248. 7 Vessels 231. 8 Quarters for 563. 21 Wages (see Pay) 248 Watchmen 231. 4 Wharf 231. 83 Employers' discrimination against militia 325.2 Employers' liability payments to employees 248. 4 Employment: Civilian employees 230. 14 Annual leaves involving employ- ment substitutes 230. 5491 Influence to secure 230. 732 Sick leaves involving employ- ment substitutes 230. 558 Strikers and strikebreakers 230. 1404 Enlisted men: Acceptance of civil office 220. 43 By corporations and others 220. 41 Officers: Acceptance of ci^ il office 210. 43 By corporations and others 210. 41 Troops 370 Employment agencies 004. 71 Enactment of laws Oil Encampments 354. 1 Allowances for 400. 3403 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 41 Camps of instructions 354. 1 Maneuvers 354. 2 Methods of paying at 240. 21 Transportation of organizations 511 Encampments of veterans: Use of reservations for 680. 35 Encephalitis 710 Endocarditis 710 Enemy, alien 014. 311 Enemy trading 383. 8 Enemy's country, employment of troops 370. 02 Engagements, military 370. 24 Engineer companies 322. 1 73 Engineer companies. Coast Artillery Corps 322. 173 Engineer Corps 322. 03 Engineer Corps, enlisted men 322. 032 Engineer equipment 475. 4 Engineer instruments 413. 7 Engineer officers 322. 031 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties. .' 323. 372 Depots 323. 77 Authorit^v 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 296 Engineer officers — Continued. Districts 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Districts, artillery 323. 47 Authority ' 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Divisions (geographical) 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Forts 323.77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Engineer School 352. Detachments, enlisted men 352. 191 Details: Enlisted men, Regular Army and militia 220.63 Officers, Regidar Army and mi- litia 210.63 Engineer School, Army Field 352 Detachments, enlisted men 352. 191 Details Enlisted men, Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Officers, Regular Army and mi- litia 210.63 Engineering societies and associations 080 Engineering works, military field .... 661 Engineers: Employees 231. 21 Aeronauts 231. 21 Aviators 231. 21 Civil 231.21 Electrical 231. 21 Harbor boat 231. 82 Locomotive 231. 5 Marine 231. 21 Mechanical 231. 21 Stationery engines 231. 5 Superintendents of construction. 231. 21 Superintendents of marine con- struction 231. 21 Transports 231. 81 Enlisted men: Assistant 221 Aviation 221 Coast Artillery Corps 221 Engineers — Continued . Enlisted men^Continued. Master 221 Quartermaster Corps 221 Foreman-engineer 221 Engineers, Chief of 321. 71 Office 025 Organization and administration. 025 Engineers, Corps of 322. 03 Board 334. 3 Board for examining candidates for second lieutenants 334. 1 Chief of 321. 71 Officers 322. 031 Property, supplies and equipment. 400 Recruits 343 Engineers, troops 322. 03 Bands 322. 16 Battalion, regimental noncommis- sioned staff 322. 992 Battalions 322. 171 Companies 322. 173 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Headquarters companies 322. 173 Mounted 322. 94 Pioneer corps 322. 5 Regiments 322. 17 Supply companies 322. 173 Enginemen, employees 231.5 Engines 412. 5 Electric 412. 41 Employees for 231. 5 Equipment 412. 5 Vessels 458. 16 Transports 458. 16 England 091 Engraving services 486. 8 Enlarging buildings and grounds 600. 4 Enlarging rivers and harbors 800. 4 Enlisted men 220 Absences 220. 71 Furloughs 220. 711 Deductions of pay for excess... 242. 3 To Army Reserve 220. 88 Hunting leaves 220. 714 Making good time lost by absence, misconduct not in line of duty, etc 220.717 Making good time lost in desertion 251. 23 Misconduct, not in line of duty, etc 220.717 Passes 220. 715 Permission to go beyond sea 220. 716 Sick leaves 220. 713 297 Enlisted men — Continued . Absences — Continued . With leave 220. 711 Without leave 220. 712 Witness duty 220. 715 -Vddresses 201. 71 Admission to Government Hospital for the Insane 046. 3 Admission to hospitals and sani- tariums 705 Field hospitals 705. 3 Post hospitals 705. 2 General hospitals 705. 1 Sanitariums 705. 4 Age: Disqualifjdng defect for appoint- ment 220.13 Disqualification defect for pro- motion 220.23 Allotment of pay 243 .\llowances 246 Supplies and equipment 400. 342 Appointment (see also Appoint- ment) 220.1 Appointment, civil 230. 224 Appointment and reappointment, Military Academy 351. 11 Arrest 250. 3 Assignment 220. 31 To command other than rank. . . 220. 727 Attendance, foreign military schools 350. 1 Attendance, post schools 352. 9 Badges 220. 5 Barracks 621 Beneficiary 247 Burials, and burials of families of. . 293. 3 Candidates for second lieutenant... 221 Examining boards 334. 1 Carrying concealed weapons 250. 1 Cavalry 322. 022 Censures and reprimands 250. 3 Changes in grade 220. 27 Changes of name 201.72 Changes of station 220. 32 Civilian clothing, wearing of by. . . 332. 31 Classification of 220.01 Toast Artillery Corps 322. 0112 Commendation 201. 22 Commutation of allowance 246. 8 Confinement 250. 3 Damages by 250. 1 Deaths 220. 86 Beneficiary money 247 Enlisted men — Continued. Decorations, foreign 220. 5 Deductions for damage to or loss of property 242. 4 Dental Corps 322. 0532 Dental treatment 703 Deposits 244 Deserters and desertion 251 Making good time lost 251. 23 Detached service 220. 48 Detachments 322. 7 Army schools and colleges 352. 191 Military Academy 351. 02 Details 220. 6 Disability 201. 601 Discharges 220. 8 Disqualifying defects for appoint- ment 220. 13 Disqualifying defects for promo- tion 220. 23 Disturbances by 250. 1 Drunkenness 250. 1 Duties and service 220. 4 Relief from duty 220. 456 Temporary duty 220. 453 Effects and estates 220. 87 Employment by corporations and others 220. 41 Engineer Corps 322. 032 Examination: For appointment 220. 12 For civil office, civil service. . . . 220. 42 For promotion 220. 22 Excused from drills, exercises, target practice 353. 51 Excused from duty 220. 457 Families of 292 Field Artillery 322. 0122 Foreign service 220. 481 Forfeiture of pay 242. 4 Frequenting houses of prostitution . 250. 1 Funds of deceased 220. 871 Funerals of, and families 293. 3 Furloughs 220. 711 To Army Reserve 220. 88 Grades 221 Identification of 344 111 treatment of civilians by 250. 1 Improper use of influence 250. (i In hands of civil authority 250. 3 1 ndebtedness 242. 4 Infantry 322. 042 Issues to 400. 352 To restored enlisted men 400. 352 298 Enlisted men— Continued. Licenses required of 012. 313 Line of duty 220. 46 Lynchings by 250. 1 Making good time lost by absence. misconduct 220. 717 Making good time lost in desertion. 251. 23 Medals 220.5 Medical attendance 701 Medical Corps. 322. 052 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 70G Messes 331.4 Misconduct " 250. 1 Absence through 220. 717 Deduction of pay for 242. 3 Making good time lost 220. 719 Mistreatment 250. 1 Mounted duty 220. 47 National Guard reserves 320. 42 Native troops 322. 0922 Navy 045. G Ordnance Corps ?!22. 062 Pay 242 Pay and allowances of retired 242. IS Personal equipment 426 Personal property 332. 33 Disposition 332. 33 Storage of 332. 33 Personal reports 201. 62 Philippine Scouts 322. 0932 Porto Rican Regiment Infantry. . . 322. 0942 Precedence 220. 72 Promotion 220. 2 Quartermaster Corps 322. 072 Quarters on vessels 563. 21 Transports 573. 21 Rank ; 220.72 Reinstatement to 220. 72 Rating 220. 271 Reductions 220. 26 Reinstatement to rank of non- commissioned officer 220. 721 Reinterments and removals of bodies of, and of family. . . 293. 8 Relief from duty 220. 456 Replacing civilian employees by. . 230. 87 Report for duty 220. 458 Reports on aviation matters 360 Reprimands 250. 3 Reserve Corps 326. 22 Retired 220. 851 Detail militia 220. 65 Detail recruiting service 220. 62 Pay and allowances , . . . 242. 18 Enlisted men — Continued. Retirement 220. 85 Rewards 220. 5 Sales to, and to families: Army, Marine Corps, Navy 400. 322 Militiamen 400. 324 Sanitary Corps 322. 0542 Separations 220. 8 Service 220. 4 Signal Corps 322. 0811 Status 220. 45 Stoppage of pay for absence, mis- conduct, etc 242.3 Strength 320. 22 Of militia 325. 442 Surgical operations 707 Tank Corps 322. 0912 Taxation 012. 313 Time lost, absence, misconduct, etc., making good 220. 717 Time lost in desertion, making good . 251. 23 Titles and grades 221 Tour of duty 220. 45 Transfers 220. 33 111 health 220.33 To Army Reserve 220. 88 Transportation of (see Transporta- tion, persons) 513 Baggage and household goods 524. 22 Christmas and similar boxes 524. 4 On commercial vessels 544 On transports 541. 1 Remains 618 Of other departments 518 Travel 220. 482 Use of liquor and intoxicants 250. 1 Use of obscene language 250. 1 Veterinary Corps 322. 0552 Warrants, appointment 220. 14 Warrants, promotion 220. 24 Wills and testaments 220. 873 Enlisted specialists 322. 995 Enlisted strength 320. 22 Militia 325. 442 Enlistment 342 Applicants for 342. 1 Accepted 342. 1 Age disqualifications 342. 15 Aliens 342.18 Disqualifying defects 342. 15 Waived by regulations 342. 15 Waived by Secretary of War. . 342.15 Elopement 342. 1 Indians 342. 18 Ineligibles, special authority for. 342. 18 299 E nlistme iit — Oontinii e d . Applicants for — Continued. Married men 342. 18 Mental disqualifications 342. 15 Military prisoners 342. 18 Physical disqualifi( ations 342. 15 Physical examinations 342. 15 Reports 342.15 Rejected 342. 1 Special for staff departments. . . . 342. 17 Army reserve 342. 01 Fraudulent 342. 03 Papers 342. 05 Period 342. 02 Making good time lost by ab- sence, misconduct 220. 719 Making good time lost in deser- tion 251.23 Rates of pay for 242. 121 Probation 342. 1 Reenlistment 342. OG Reports 342. 04 Enlistment periods 342. 02 Making good time lost by absence, misconduct 220. 719 Making good time lost in desertion. 251. 23 Pay for 242. 121 Enrolling officers, volunteers 324. 1 Enrollment of unorganized militia. . . 325. 411 Enrollment of volunteers 324. 1 p]nteritis 710 Enterocolitis 710 Enterprises, commercial 004 Addresses and names 004. 01 Commandeered 004. 002 Government control 004. 8 Taken over by Government 004. 001 Entertainment of distinguished guests 335. 14 Entertainments 353. 8 Entomologists 231. 23 Entry, free from tariff duty 012. 41 Personal property 012. 411 Public property 012. 412 Enuresis 710 Envelopes 462 Penalty, use of 311. 15 Envoys, details officers as 210. 682 Foreign 336. 91 Epidemic 711 Prevention of 720 Epididymitis 710 Epilepsy 710 Epilepsy, Jacksonian 710 Episcopal Church 000. 3 Epistaxis 710 Equipage 420 Materials for 423 Equipage factories 635 Equipment (see Supplies and equip- ment) 400 Aeronautical 475. 73 Artillery (Coast, Field, Mountain, Siege) 475. 1 Athletic 418 Baseball 418 Football 418 Polo 418 Band 413. 3 Baseball 418 Boats, vessels 458 Transports 458 Boiler 412.3 Bombing equipment 475. 731 Bread and dough 414. 3 Building 411.3 Cable 413.43 Cavalry 475. 2 Cavalry board 334. 2 Cleaning 414. 4 Demolition 478 Electrical 412 Electrical , gun carriage 473. 83 Electrical, machinery and material 412. 4 Electrical, medical and surgical. .. 444. 3 Electrical, turrets 470. 4 Engineers 475. 4 Engines 412. 5 Fencing 474 7 Fire-fighting 413. 2 Football 418 Garage 456 Gunnery equipment 475. 732 Harness 455 Heating 412.1 Horse 455 Hospital Corps 475. 5 Infantry 475. 3 Infantry board 334. 2 Kitchen car 531. 3 Lighting 412. 1 Machine-gun platoon 475. 6 Mechanical 412 Medical Department troops 475. 5 Me^s 414. 3 Mine 476. 1 Pack 455 Personal 426 Plumbing 412. 2 300 Equipment — Continued. Polo 418 Pontoon 417 Pump 412.3 Radio 413. 44 Railroad 453 Range 414. 2 Range, target 416 Sanitation 414. 4 Sewer 412. 2 Signal Corps 475. 7 Signaling instruments and supplies. 413. 77 Stable 456 Stall 456 Stove 414.2 Submarine mine 476 Target-range 416 Supplies and parts for 416 Telegraph 413. 41 Telephone 413. 42 Terminal facilities for vessels 567. 1 For transports 577. 1 Troops 475 Artillery 475. 1 Cavalry 475.2 Engineers 475. 4 Infantry 475. 3 Philippine Scouts 475. 3 Machine gun platoons, companies 475. 6 Medical Department (Hospital Corps) 475.5 Signal Corps 475. 7 Types of 400. 115 Wireless 413. 44 Equipping, buildings and grounds. . . 600. 2 Equitation 353. 5 Horse racing 353. 5 Equivalents, supplies and equipment 400. 112 Erasures 312. 4 Erection of memorials, monuments, tablets 293. 6 Erosion of banks 824. 01 Error cards 319. 23 Errors 319. 23 Accounts of funds 132 Bids for contracts 163 Bills of lading 552. 5 Correspondence 312. 6 In authorizing expenditures 241. 3 In disbursing funds 241. 3 In paying 241. 3 Tickets 552. 8 Transportation requests 552. 5 Erysipelas 710 Escape, civil convicts 014. 52 Escape, military prisoners, reports of. 253. 6 Escapes, fire 411. 3 Escorts for insane 046. 3 Escorts, troops 370. 091 Escort wagons 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Espionage 383. 4 Esquimos (or Alaskans) 046. 2 Appointment as employees 230. 2225 Essays 352. 13 On medicine, hygiene, sanitation.. 700. 2 Establishment: Army ser\'ice schools and staff col- leges 352.01 Arsenals 323. 71 Artillery districts 323. 41 Coast defenses 323. 51 Aviation School 352. 01 Camps of instruction 354. 11 Cantonments 354. 51 Concentration camps 354. 41 Departments 323. 31 Depots 323. 71 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 61 Divisions 323. 31 Forts 323. 71 Hospitals 323. 71 Mobilization camps 354. 31 Ports of debarkation 323. 921 Ports of embarkation 323. 911 Post offices ard routes of mail 311. 12 Posts... 323.71 Prisons, military 252 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 71 Reservations 680. 1 Stations 323. 7 1 Training camps 354. 61 Estates: Employees 230. 63 Enlisted men 220. 872 Officers 210. 872 Estimates: Allotment of funds 121. 2 Apportionment of funds 121. 1 Appropriations Ill Laws and rules Ill Construction of buildings 600. 151 Funds 121.4 Pay of employees 248. 1 Reports to accompany. . , 248. I 301 Estimates — Continued. Supplies and equipment 400. 312 Directions to submit 400. 313 Methods of 400. 311 Needs of organizations, post, sta- tions 400.314 Etching 413. 52 Etching outfits, supplies 413. 52 Ether 471. 85 Evacuation 370. 05 Evacuation ho.spitals 322. 15 Evaporated fruit 432 Evaporated milk and cream 434 Evaporated vegetables 432 EvasioL of military or naval serv- ice 000. 51 Evidence 013. 36 Accounts 150 Citizensliip 014. 33 Claims 150 Courts-martial 250. 46 Conviction of previous offenses . . 250. 465 Interrogatories and depositions. . 250. 464 Subpoena 250. 461 Testimony 250. 463 Witnesses 250. 462 Examinations: Accounts of funds 132. 2 Appointments, enlisted men 220. 12 Exemption 220. 122 Papers and questions 220. 121 Appointments, officers 210. 12 Exemptions 210. 122 Papers and questions 210. 121 Army service schools and colleges . 352. 12 Questions for 352. 121 Reexamination 352. 122 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 151 Medical 702 Coaching for civil service 230. 763 Commission, volunteers 324. 21 Deficiency in examination, cadets, Military Academy 351. 152 Deficiency in examination, garri- son schools 352. 382 Employees 230. 112 Announcements of 230. 12 Positions excepted from 230. 123 Reports of results 230. 121 Requests for information 230. 122 Boards of examiners 230. 1123 Candidates 230. 113 Age qualifications 230. 1133 Examinations — Continued . Employees — Continued. Candidates — Continued . Graduation from colleges, schools 230. 1134 License qualifications 230. 1135 Moral qualifications 230. 1132 Physical qualifications 230. 1131 Willingness for foreign service. 230. 1137 Coaching for civil service 230. 763 Efficiency tests 230. 345 Exemption 230. 1138 Medical 702 Promotion from sub clerical grade 230. 3451 Questions and tests, including samples 230. 1121 Sample questions 230. 1121 Standardizing 230. 1122 Enlisted men: Appointments 220. 12 Exemption 220. 122 Papers and questions 220. 121 Civil office, civil service 220. 42 Medical 702 Promotion 220. 22 Exemption 220. 222 Papers and questions 220. 221 Exemption : Enlisted men: Appointment 220. 122 Promotion , 220. 222 Officers: Appointment 210. 122 Promotion 210. 222 Harbors 813 Medical 702 Aliens 702 Cadets 702 Civilians 702 Employees 702 Enlisted men 702 Foreigners 702 Interned persons 702 Nurses 702 Officers 702 Recruits 343 Tests 702. 3 Military Academy, candidates for cadets,phy8ical and mental 351.15 Cadets at Academy 351. 151 Deficient in examination 351. 152 National Army 327. 21 302 Examinations — Continued. Officers : Appointment 210. 12 Exemption 210. 122 Papers and questions 210. 121 For civil office 210. 42 Medical 702 Physical, annual test 201. 5 Riding test 201. 51 Walking test 201.52 Promotion 210. 22 Exemption 210. 222 Papers and questions 210. 221 Transfers 210. 3301 Papers and questions: Employees 230. 1121 Enlisted men — Appointment 220. 121 Promotion 220. 221 Officers — • Appointment 210. 121 Promotion 210. 221 Personnel 200. 2 Physical, applicants for enlist- ment 342.15 Reports of 342. 15 Physical, officers' annual test 201. 5 Positions excepted from 230. 123 Proficiency, garrison schools 352. 381 Promotion — Employees. {See Employees.) Enlisted men 220. 22 Exemption 220. 222 Papers and questions 220. 221 Officers 210. 22 Exemption 210. 222 Papers and questions 210. 221 Questions — Employees 230.1121 Enlisted men — Appointment 220. 121 Promotion 220. 221 Officers — Appointment 210. 121 Promotion 210. 221 Records, examination of 313. 5 Recruits, moral and medical 343 Reexamination, garrison school 352. 383 Reports of results, applicants for en- listment 342. 15 Reports of results, employees 230. 121 Requests for information, employ- ees 230.122 Rivers and harbors 800. 17 Standardizing, employees 230. 1122 Examiners: Boards of, for appointment employ- ees 230.1123 Employees. 231. 22 Examining boards (see Boards, exam- ining) 3.34.1 National Army 327. 211 Excavators 414. 4 Excelsior 457 Exceptional articles, subsistence 430.3 Excess allowances, officers 241. 3 Excess baggage and household goods: Civilians 524. 25 Employees and members, depart- ments other than War 524. 24 Employees, War Department 524. 23 Enlisted men 524. 22 Nurses 524. 23 Officers 524. 21 Excess-baggage rates 551. 4 Excess transportation, officers' pro- fessional books 524. 3 Exchange, foreign money 123. 7 Exchanges, company and post 331. 3 Exchanges, supplies and equipment. 400. 22 Excreta, disposal of 720. 8 Excused: Attendance Army schools and col- leges 352. 151 Enlisted men, from duty 220. 457 From drills, exercises, target prac- tice 353. 51 From garrison schools 352. 351 From physical test 201. 54 Officers, from duty 210.457 Executions, military ' 250 Executive departments of the United States 040 Executive orders 300. 4 Appointments, employees 230. 215 Special holidays 230. 468 Executors 013. 4 Executory contracts 165 Ex-employees, transportation 516 Of remains of 518 Exempted registrants. National Army 327. 222 Exemption: Army schools and colleges 352. 152 Employees, eight-hour law 230. 4422 Employees, hours of labor 230. 4412 Examination — Appointment — Employees 230. 112 Enlisted men 220. 122 Officers 210. 122 303 Exemption — Continued . Examination — Continued. Promotion : Employees 230. 112 Enlisted men 220. 222 Officers 210. 222 From military service 327. 22 Income tax 012. 2 National Army 327. 22 Taxation, tariff and duties 012 Exemption boards, National Army... 327. 221 Ex-enlisted men, funerals and burials 293. 3 Exercises 353. 5 Athletics 353. 8 Coast defense 353. 5 Excused from 353. 51 Infantry field, by Coast Artillery Corps 353. 5 Joint Coast Artillery Corps and militia 353. 5 Physical 353. 5 Hygienic 726.5 Exhibitions 001 Amusement 353. 8 Attendance, employees 230. 67 Details, enlisted men 220. 69 Details, officers 210. 693 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Exhibits at 001 Troops for 370. 7 Applications for 370. 7 Exhibits at carnivals, fairs, exposi- tions, exhibitions, celebra- tions, shows, etc 001 Exigency contracts 165 Exile 014. 393 Ex-officers, funerals and burials 293. 2 Expatriation 014. 33 Expediters and tracers 231. 3 Expeditions, military 370. 22 Supplies for 400. 37 Use of vessels for special 565. 7 Transports 575. 7 Expenditures: Funds 120.1 Authority for 120.11 Errors in authorizing 241. 3 Receipts and vouchers for travel- ing expenses, employees. . 248. 7 Supplies and equipment 400. 36 Vessels, reports of hire 569. 16 Transports 579. 16 Expenditures — Continued. Vessels, reports of, on voyages 565. 32 Transports 575. 32 Expenses 240. 01 Accounts for burial 157 Allowances, officers 245. 6 Appropriation for contingent 112 Estimates for Ill Burial, employees, enlisted, nurses, officers 247 Civil 014.6 Claims for burial 157 Reimbursement for 156 Traveling 155 Of employees 248. 7 Vjessels, reports of operations 569. 15 Transports 579. 15 Experiments, supplies and equip- ment 400. 112 Expert pistol-shot badge 220. 6 Expert riflemen 221 Badges. (See Badges.) for 242. 142 Experts : Accounting 231. 27 Clinical 231. 23 Officers 211 Correspondence 231. 27 Financial 231. 27 Food 231. 27 Forage 231. 27 Medical 231. 23 Enlisted men 221 Mining 231. 27 Real estate 231. 27 TextUe 231. 27 Transportation 231. 27 Wool 231. 27 Explorations, military 370. 25 Explosive A and D 471. 86 Explosive materials 471. 86 Ammonium picrate 471.86 Dynamite 471. 86 Explosive A and D 471. 86 Grenades, hand and rifle 471. 6 Guncotton 471. 86 Maximite 471. 86 Mines 476. 3 Nitroglycerin 471. 86 Picric acid 471. 86 Trinitrotoluol 471. 86 Trotol 471. 86 304 Explosives 471. 86 Explosives, shipment of 523. 8 Explosives, submarine mine 471. 86 Export: Purchases for 400. 1393 Expositions 001 Attendance employees 230. 67 Details enlisted men to 220. 69 Details officers to 210. 693 Exhibits at 001. Request for Government aircraft to take part in 370. 7 Troops for 370. 7 Exposure, sickness from 710 Express: Contracts, authority of Congress 160 Rates, tariffs, agreements, sched- ules 551. 3 Shipments 523. 03 Transportation accounts 555 Fabrics 423 Facsimile signatures 312. 4 Factories 635 Airplanes 004. 4 Ammunition 004. 4 Clothing 635 Commercial 004. 4 Capacity or output 004. 401 Employees of 231. 6 Conduct of, by 230. 43 Equipage 635 Government control 004. 8 Gun 635 Night operations 004. 402 Powder 635 Commercial 004. 4 Priority orders 004. 004 Proving plant 635 Tent 635 Testing plant 635 Factory buildings 635 Fairs 001 Aircraft to take part in 370. 7 Attendance employees 230. 67 Details enlisted men 220. 69 Details officers 210. 693 Exhibit at 001 Transportation, organizations 511 Troops for 370. 7 False works, bridge 823. 87 Families: Employees — Allowances 248. 501 Ex-prisoners, maintenance of 253. 4 Ex-soldiers: Funerals and burials 293. 3 Taxation 012. 314 Transportation 516 Remains 518 Exterior electric lighting systems 675 Extinguishers, fire 413. 2 Charges for. 413. 2 Extra duty, details enlisted men 220. 691 Extra duty pay 242. 13 Extra issues, supplies 400. 3504 Extracts, flavoring 437 Extracts of logs 569. 2 Transports 579. 2 Extradition 000. 2 Ex- volunteers, funerals and burials. . 293. 3 Eyes, artificial 443 Eyes, retracting, mechanism 473. 82 Eyesight. {See Vision.) F. Families — Continued . Employees — Continued . Appointment members of 230. 2214 Reinterments, removals of bodies of 293.8 Sales to 400. 323 Transportation, employees of War Department 514 Enlisted men 292. 2 Allowances 246. 7 Funerals and burials 293. 3 Reinterments, removals of bodies of 293.8 Sales to. Army, Marine Corps, Navy 400.322 Transportation 513 Officers 292 Allowances 245. 7 Funerals and burials 293. 2 Reinterments, removals of bodies of 293.8 Sales to, Army, Marine Corps, Navy 400. 321 Transportation 512 Officials of War Department, trans- portation 514 Famine, relief work by troops 370. 13 Pans, electric 412. 42 Fans, ventilating 411.3 Fares, funds received, deposited for fares to Guam on transports 131 Farm products 403. 5 Sale of 403. 51 305 Farm tools and implements 413. 18 Farm wagons 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Farmers, employees 231. 4 Farming on reservations 680. 314 Farming operations 403 Cultivating reservations 080. 31 FaiTiei's; Employees 231. 5 Enlisted men 221 Tools 413. 15 Farriers and Horseishoers' School 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details enlisted men Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Details officers Regular Army and militia 210. 63 Fasteners, button 425 Fatigue clothing 422 Febricula 710 Fecal matter 720. 8 Feces 720. 8 Federal employees, pay as militia- men 240. G Federal projierty or operations, juris- diction of civil authority.. 014. 14 Federal recognition: Militia or National Guard 325. 35 Withdrawal of 325. 351 Federal service: Calls of militia or National Guard into 325. 36 Draft of militia or National Guard . 325. 37 Federal supervision of wirele.ss, radio- grams, aerogi'ams 311. 201 Feed bags 455 Feed boxes 456 Feed racks 456 Feeding animals 484. 2 On vessels 563. 5 On transports 573. 5 Sanitai-y 728. 5 Fees, notarial, employees 248. 5 Fees, small-arms competition.^ 353. 2 Entrance and other 353. 2 Army 353.2 Department 353. 2 International 353. 2 Militia, State and interstate 353. 2 National 353. 2 Shooting matches 353. 3 Feet, care of 727. 3 Feigned disease 710 Felony 000. 5 1 (i 1 127— IS 2(» Felt, clothing, oquii)ag(' 42;> Fences 654 Wiie fencing 411. 5 Fencing 353. 5 Drills 3,53. 5 Equipment 474. 7 Gloves 474. 7 Masks 474. 7 Sticks 474. 7 Fencing, wire 411. 5 Fenders, bridge 823. 88 Fermentation, intestinal 710 Ferrets 454. 7 Ferries 560 Charter or hii'e of 545. 02 Commercial ferry service 544. 1 Rules and regulations 800. 216 Service 544. 1 Slips 825. 1 Tickets 552. 8 Transportation on commercial 544. 1 Fertilizer 464 Fever 710 Dengue • 710 Hay 710 Hemoglobinuric 710 Malta 710 Relapsing 710 Rheumatic 710 Scarlet 710 Typhoid 710 Typhus 710 Yellow 710 Fiber 423 Field administration 372 Field armies 322. 11 Field Artillery (see Artillery, Field). . 322. 012 Boards, regulations, and equipment 334. 2 Division 321. 16 Chief of 321. 161 Enlisted men 322. 0122 Officers 322. 0121 Field Ai-tillery School of Fire 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details enlisted men Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Details officers Regular Army and militia 210. 63 Field bakeries 414. 2 Field camps 354 Field cases 428 Field chests 428 Field clerks 211 Pay 241 306r Field clerks — Continued. Shipment baggage and household goods.. 524.21 Transportation 512 Field cooking outfits 414. 2 Field desks 428 Field engineering, military 661 Field Engineer School, Army 352 Detachments, enlisted men 352. 191 Details, enlisted men Regular Army and Militia..... 220.63 Details, officers Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Field exercises. Infantry, by Coast Artillery 353.5 Field fortifications 661 Field glasses 413. 74 Field guns 472. 1 Carriages, mounts, tripods 473. 1 Field hospitals 322. 15 Admission to {see Hospitals, field, admission to) 705. 3 Field inspections 333. 34 Field kitchens 414. 2 Field kits 428 Field laundry 414. 4 Field marches (see Marches, field) 353. 5 Field Marshals 211 Field messages 300. 4 Field notes: Map construction 061. 04 Field Officers, School for 352 Field of operations 371 Details officers 210. 60 Field officers, channels of correspond- ence between War Depart- ment 312. 3 Field orders 300. 4 Field packs 428 Field pouches 428 Field property accounts 141 Field rations 430. 2 Field service 330. 2 Field Service School for Medical Offi- cers 352 Detachments, enlisted men 352. 191 Details, enlisted men 220. 63 Details, officers 210. 63 Field Service Regulations (see RBgu- lat ions, Field Serviced .... 300.8 Field supply depot t< 400. 232 Field trains 322. 2 Animals 454 Field of view, fire-control stations. . . 665. 1 1 Fields 618. 1 Aviation 686 Use of reservations 686 Baseball 618. 2 Football 618.2 Polo 618.2 Fife and drum corps 322. 5 Fifes 413.3 Fighting men, statistics 059 Figure of merit: Service practice. Coast Artillery Corps 353. 17 Small-arms firing 353. 14 Filariasis 710 Filberts 432 Files, record, suspended or follow-up. 313. 2 Filibustering, troops for suppression. . 370. 62 Filing cases 414. 1 Filipinos and tribes 291. 2 Appointments, employees 230. 2222 Ratiors 430. 2 Trans] )(jrtation 516 Filling CiSterns 615 Filling and grading 615 Films: Moving picture 4 1 3. 53 Photographic 41 3. 53 Filtration pl.uits 671 Filters 414. 4 Final pay, enlisted men 242. 6 Final pay, officers 241. 5 Final statements 242. 6 Assigned 242. 6 Irregular or lost 242. 6 Overpayments on 242. 6 Pay on 242.6 Short i^ayments on 242. 6 Finance and accounting 1 00 Budget systems 110. 01 Financial statements 121. 7 Finders, position 413. 682 Finders, range ' 413. 682 Brackets and braces for 473. 87 Fine arts 007 Fines 250.3 Enlisted men 242. 4 Officers 241.3 307 Fines — Continued . Suspensions of allotments, en- listed men because of 243. (i Finger-print identification system 344. 1 Finger prints 344. 1 Calls for corrections or new ones. . . 344. 3 Fire 000. 92 Alarm services 483. 3 A larm systems 670.9 .Vpparatus and supplies for fighting. 413. 2 Barrels 413. 2 Buckets 413. 2 Commands 322. 971 Destmction buildings by 600. 971 Engines 413. 2 Equipment for fighting 413. 2 Escapes 411. 3 Extinguishers 413. 2 Charges for, chemicals, gases 413. 2 Forest, use of troops. 370. 16 Hose 413.2 Hose and reel carts 413. 2 Houses 634 Kindlers 414. 3 Protection systems 671 Railroad cars 531. 6 Regulations 300. 9 Reports and records of 600. 913 Rivers and harbors 800. 72 Trucks 413. 2 Fire commanders 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Charts 063. 1 Duties 322. 982 Stations 665. 2 Fire control 665 Battery commander's stations 665. 2 Battle commander's stations 665. 2 Commander's stations 665. 2 Crow's nests 665. 2 Fire commander's stations 665. 2 Meteorological stations 605. 2 Observing rooms 665. 2 Observing stations 665. 2 Plotting rooms 665. 2 Range-finding stations 605. 2 Signal stations 665. 2 Signal stations, fog 665. 2 Signal stations, wireless 665. 2 Switchboard houses, rooms 665. 2 Tide stations 065. 2 Fire-control installations 065 Diagram 665. 02 Reports on 005. 1 r'ire control stations 065. 1 Field of view from 665. 1 1 Protection for 005. 12 Fireless cookers 414. 2 Fireman: Employees 231.5 Boat service 231. 82 Transports 231. 81 Enlisted men 221 Coast Artillery Corps 221 Quartermaster Corps 221 Fireplaces 412. 1 Firing 353. 4 Circuits for seacoast 353. 4 Damages to supplies from gun 400. 44 Other damages 370. 07 Data instruments 413. 68 Materials, brackets and l)rac^es for 473. 87 Mechanisms 472. 81 Proof 353.4 Salvos and salvo points 353. 4 Small arms 353. 14 Regulations 300. 8 Tables of 353. 4 Tests 353. 4 Firms 004. 04 Addresses and names 004. 01 Agents and powers of attorney 004. 02 Business standing 004. 03 Complaints from bidders and con- tractors 400. 147 Buildings and grounds 600. 1192 Employees as agents for 230. 766 Introductions and credentials of representatives 400. 156 Requests for information as to ob- taining Government busi- ness 400.154 First-aid instruction 353. 5 L^st-aid packets and pouches 444. 1 First class grades enlisted men 221 First-class pistol shots 221 First lieutenants 211 First sergeants 221 Fiscal, statistics 059 Fiscals, civil authorities 014. 12 Fish 431 Canned 431 Cured, pickled, salt 431 Dog food 464. 7 Dried 431 Fresh 431 Nets, pounds, and traps 825. 91 308 Fish — Continued. Protection on reaervation 680. 2 Wheels 825.91 Fishing on reservation, permits 680. 421 Fistula 710 l<'itters, steam 231. 5 Fixed bridges 823. 78 I'ixed parts of guns 473. 81 Fixtures: Building 411.3 Electric light 412. 1 Gas ■ 412.1 Light 412.1 Metal 411.7 Post, camp, and company ex- changes 331. 3 Flag poles and posts 655 Rings, slings, staffs, and parts 424 Flags 332. 1 Captured 332. 1 Confederate 332. 1 Display of, on reservations 080. 2 Inscriptions of battles on 332. 1 Materials for 423 National 332.1 Desecration and misuse 332. 1 Supply of 424 Truce 385.4 Use for advertising 332. 1 Use of in communication, signal- ing 311. 6 Signaling 413. 77 Supply of 424 Flagstaffs 655 Rings, slings, staffs, and parts 424 Flame projectors 470. 71 Flannel 423 Flares 414.5 Flash lights 414. 5 Flasks, gas 470. 71 Flat filing record systems 313. 2 Numerical flat filing 313. 2 Numerically folded papers 313. 2 Flat foot 710 Flats (boats) 560 Flavoring extracts 437 Fleet, Navy 045. 4 Flies, disease-bearing 725. 1 Flights, aviation practice 373 Flight records 201. 38 Floating dry docks 560 Floating plant and service (see also Vessels) 560 Annual statement of 569. 15 Moating plant and service — Contd. Reports of operating expenses 569. 1 5 Floats 825.2 Floods 814 Diversion of water 814. 3 Glacial 814.2 Relief work by troops 370. 14 Floor coverings 414. 1 Floor grinders 413. 8 Flooring 411. 2 Floors 411.2 Canals 821.02 Flotillas 045.4 Flour 433 Flowage rights 800. 222 Grain for 433 Flushes 412. 2 Flypaper 438 Flyers, enlisted men 221 Flyers, officers 211 Fog signal stations 665. 2 Folders, employees 231. 6 Folders, office supplies 462 Followers, camp 292 Follow-up files 313. 2 Food 430 Adulteration 720. 11 ('rushed, forage 464. 3 Dog 464. 7 Hygiene of 720.1 Hygienic storage of 720. 12 Poisoning by 710 Football....". 353.8 Equipments 418 Fields 618.2 Foot bridges 823. 74 Footing, war 381 . 1 Footstones 293. 7 Forage 464 Allowances, officers 245. 3 Commutation of 245. 83 Barley 464. 1 Bran 464.2 Corn 464. 1 Crushed foods 464. 3 Dog foods 464. 7 I^'ish and meat for animals, dog food 464. 7 Grain 464. 1 Grass 464. 5 Hay 464.4 Lnseed meal 464. 2 Machines for handling and pre- paring 413. 8 309 Forage — Continued . Meal 464.2 Middlings 464. 2 Mixtures 464. 3 Oats 464. 1 On transports 541. 5 Rye 464. 1 I'Virage masters: Employees 231. 7 Enlisted 221 Forces, naval 045. 7 I'\)reign: Affairs and relations 336 Aircraft, reports of officers on 360. 02 Ambassadors 336. 91 Armies 336. 2 Movement of troops on United States territory 336. 21 Samples and descriptions of equipment 402. 5 Statistics 056 Attaches 336. 93 Bullets 471.84 Colonies 093 Commerce 336. 1 Consular agents 336. 92 Consuls 336. 92 Countries 091 Furloughs, enlisted men to visit. 220. 716 Leaves, officers to A'isit 210. 716 Paj-ments enlisted ineji resid- ing in 242 United States troops j^assing through 370. 02 Decorations: EnUsted men 220. 5 Officers 210.5 Details: Enlisted men 220. 68 Officers 210.68 Coronations 210. 683 Envoys 210. 682 Military attaches 210. 681 Military and civil schM)!.-^ 210. 685 Observers at wars. niuK'inciS. 210.684 Duty: p}mployees 230. 4 1 Enlisted men 220. 481 ( >fficer8 210. 481 Troops 330. 2 Embassies 336. 94 Envoys 336. 91 Exchange of foreign money 123. 7 Fortifications 660. 1 ^'oreign — Continued . Governments: Appointments representatives of, as employees 2W. 2232 Distribution suj)plies to 400. 318 Issues supplies to 400. 3591 Loans, supplies 400. 336 Sales supplies to 400. 3295 Transportation, supplies and property of 523. 91 Laws 010. 91 Taxation under 012. 34 Licenses 012. 301 Maneuvers 354. 2 Detail officers as observers 210. 684 Military schools, attendance, offi- cers and enlisted men 350. 1 Ministers 336. 91 Money exchange 123. 7 Navies 336. 3 Noncommissioned officers 336. 22 Officers 336. 4 Attendance, military schools in United States 350. 2 Officials, transportation of 517 Possessions 093 Privates 336. 23 Publications 461 Relations 336 Repregentati\es 336. 91 Rulers, poteulates, kings, queens, emperors, presidents 336. 95 Service 330. 2 Employees: Annual leaves 230. 5492 Rates of pay 248. 3 Transfers from 230. 366 Transfers to 230. 365 Willingness for 230. 1137 Enlisted mini 220. 481 Pay for 242. 12 Officers 210. 48J Pay for 241.13 Troops 330. 2 Subjects 336. 7 Transfer or release in allied armies 336. 96 Taxation 012. 31 Territory, I'nited States troops pass- ing through 370. 02 Vessels 336. 31 Seized or raj)* ured 386. 3 Wai- 380 Statistics of 055 310 P'oreigners 336. 7 Activities of, on Unit 0(1 Slates terri- tory 336.8 Admission and education at Mili- tary Academy 351 . 38 Admission to hospitals 705 Base hospitals 705. 5 Civil hospitals 705. 6 Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Appointments of, as employees 230.2231 Representatives of foreign go\- ernment 230.2232 Contracts 165 Dental treatment 703 Medical attendance 701 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Surgical operations 707 Foreman, employee 231. 4 Depots, factories, shops, prisoners. . 231 . 6 Dock and wharf 231. 83 Foreman-engineer, enlisted 221 Foreman-laborer, enlisted 221 Forest fires, use of troops 370. 16 Forest rangers 231. 4 Forest Ser\-ice, Bureau of 047. 2 Foresters 231. 4 Forestry 618. 36 Forfeitiu-es: Good conduct time, i>risoners . . 253. 13 Pay, enlisted men 242. 4 For absences, misconduct, etc 242. 3 Pay, officers 241. 3 For alisences. mi-scoiuluct, etc 241. 2 Forge wagons 473. 88 Forgery 000. 51 Of checks 122.1 Forging 400. 273 Forging ])!ant buildings 635 Forgings, gun 472. 81 Forks 426 Kitchen 414. 3 Silverware 414. 3 Formalities 161 Forms: Accounting for funds 130 Approved by comptroller 130 Accounting for property, supi)lies, and stores 140. 3 Blank, (see Blank forms and books) 315 Contracts 161 Forms — Continued . Correspondence 312. 2 Indorsements 312. 2 Letters 312.2 Postal cards 312. 2 Cost records 121. 6 Cost reports 121. 6 Paying officers, pay clerks, and veterinarians 241 Payment enlisted men 242 Personal records 201. 1 Priority, transportation 523. 071 Reports of savings and losses 121. 5 Fort record books 313. 2 Fortification boards 334. 7 Ordnance and fortifications 334. 3 Panama fortifications 334. 7 Philippine Islands 334. 7 Fortification index plats 061. 2 Fortifications. 660 Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Bombproofing 600. 96 Gun and mortar batteries 662 Cable structures 664 Concealment of, screening 618. 33 Defensive sea areas 660. 3 Field 661 Earthworks 661 Intrenchments 661 Military field engineering 661 Redoubts 661 Fhe-control installations 665 Foreign 660. 1 Gun batteries 662 Land defense 660. 2 Mine structures 663 Mortar batteries 662 Mortar beds 662 Platforms 602 Protection of 600. 96 Pepaus 600. 3 Forts 323.7 Comm.anders 323. 76 Authoritv 323. 761 Duties 323.762 Discontinuance of 323. 72 Establishment of 323. 71 Extensions of limits 323. 73 Headquarters of 323. 75 Reservations 683 Staff 323.77 Authoritv 323. 771 Duties 323.772 I'oiiling cables, ])rotection against 476. 2 Fomidations. canal 821. 02 Fountains, drinking 412. 2 Fractures 710 Frames : Hu.ilding material 411. 5 Cable 476.2 Cable measuring 476. 2 Door 411.4 Furniture 414. 1 Window 411.4 Framework -. . . 411. 5 France 091 Franchises 014. 4 Franking privileges 311 . 152 Fraternal societies and associations. . . 080 Fraud 000.51 Fraudulent enlistments 342. 03 Discharges for 220. 813 Free Delivery System, hural (mail). 311.121 Free entry into foreign countries 012. 42 Personal property 012. 421 Puldic property 012. 422 Free entry into United States 012. 41 Personal property 012. 411 Public property 012. 412 Freedom 014. 4 Freight: Accounts, transportation 554. 4 Cars 531 . 5 Stalls in 531. 5 Contracts, transportation 554. 1 Funds for, on transports to Guam . . 131 On vessels 563. 5 On transports 573. 5 1 ates 551.2 Shipments of supplies and property 523.02 Shipments on commercial vessels. . 544. 2 Transportation, railroad 531. 5 Freight and passenger rate clerks 231. 3 Friction primers 471. 82 Frogs 454 7 Front sights: Gun carriages 473. 85 Small arms 474. 8 !''rostbite 710 Frosting supplies 400. 5 Fruit juices 435 Fruits 432 Bottled 432 ( 'anned 432 Dried 432 I-'vaporated 432 Fresh 432 Fruits — Continued . Pickled 432 Fuel, heat, and light 463 Acetylene 463. 2 Allowances, enlisted men 246.2 Commutation of 246. 82 Allowances, officers and nurses. . . . 245. 2 Commutation of 245. 82 Charcoal 463. 5 Coal 46.3.3 Economizers 412.3 Electric current 463. 1 Gas 463.2 Machines for hatidling 413. 8 Machines for preparing 413. 8 Oil 463.8 Reports of consumption 600. 915 Vessels 463 Transports 463 Wood 463. 4 Fulminate 471. 86 Fumigating vessels 563. 6 Transports 573. 6 Fumigation 720. 51 Fumigators 414. 4 Functions, civil 014. 4 Funds 123 Accounts of 132 Apportionment 121 Accounts and reports 121. 1 Letters of 121. 1 Appropriations 110 Budget systems 1 10. 01 Estimates for , Ill Reimbursements and transfers. . 113 Assignment of, arising from claims and accounts 150 Beneliciary, employees, enlisted men, nurses, oflicers 247 Cost records and reports 121. 6 Consolidated cost reports 121. 6 Cost accounts and records 121. 6 Cost reports 121.6 Forms and methods of hand- ling 121. (i Deceased enlisted men 220. S7 i Deceased oflicers 210. 871 Depositaries 122. 2 Deposits 131 Details of oflicers in charge of.... 210.606 Disbursement 120 Errors in 241. 3 Laws and regulations as to 120 Systems and methods 120 312 Funds — Continiied . Estimates for and rG(iuisitions on Treasury 121. 4 Advice of deposit by Treasury to meet requisitions 121. 4 Estimates for funds submitted . . 121. 4 Methods, procedure, instructions. 121. 4 Requisitions on Treasury 121. 4 Expenditure of 120. 1 Authority for 120. 11 Invoices and lists of, sho^^^ng sup- plies transferred 121. 3 Charges and deposits to cover. . . 121. 3 Invoices returned to be listed . . . 121. 3 Lists submitted 121. 3 Methods, procedure, and instruc- tions 121.3 r^etters of allotment of apportion- ments 121.2 Allotments, accounts, and re- ports 121.2 Changes, corrections, with- drawals, cancellations 121. 2 Tata on which based 1 2] . 2 Deposits to coA'er oA'erdrafts and reductions 121. 2 Increases and decreases 121. 2 Instructions regarding 121. 2 Issue, method and time of 121.2 Requests and estimates for allot- ments 121.2 Letters of apportionment: Changes, corrections, withdraw- als, cancellations 121. 1 Data on which based 121.1 Deposits to co-\er oveidraft, re- ductions 121. 1 increases and decreases. 121. 1 Instructions regarding 121. 1 [3; ue, method and time 121. 1 Requests and estimates for ap- portionments 121. 1 Money 123 Exchange of foreign money... - 123.7 In personal possession 123. 4 Laws and regulations 123. 1 Methods of supplying 1 23. 2 Safekeeping 1 23. 3 Shortages, lost, stolen, misplaced. 123. 5 Transfers between ofiicers 123. 6 Money, accounting for 130 Money, company, battery troop, and regimental 123 Band fimds 123 Funds— Continued . Money, company, battery troop, and regimental — Contd. Mess funds 123 Indebtedness, enlisted men to. 242. 4 Ration funds 123 Subsistence savings 123 Money, public 123 Conscience 123 Contingent 123 Contributed 123 Post 123 Bakery funds and savings 123 Hospitals 123 Indebtedness, enlisted men to. 242. 4 Laundry 123 Miscellaneous 123 Post exchange 123 Prison 123 Recruiting 123 Slush 123 Special 123 Working balances 123. 8 Received and deposited 131 Balances unexpended in hands of disbursing officers 131 Outstanding three years or more 131 Cash transactions 131 Certificate or reports of deposit. . 131 Fares and freights on trans- ports 131 Ice plants 131 Mileage deductions 131 Miscellaneous receipts 131 Proceeds of laundries 131 Proceeds of sales 1 31 Real property 131 Services 131 Supplies and stores 1 3 ! Receipts from damages and losses. 1 3 1 Recei])ts froju rents and lights of way 131 Refunds for overpayment, erro- neous payment 131 Reimbursenients, api)ro])riations. . . 113 Reports, miscellaneous 121. 7 Financial statements 121. 7 Outstanding liabilities 121.7 Telegraph accounts paid 121.7 Transportation charges paid 121. 7 Transportation liabilities 121. 7 Savings and losses 121. 5 Forms and methods of handling . . 1 21 . (i 313 Funds — Continued . Savings and losses — Continued. Reports of losses 121. 5 Keports of savings 121. 5 Keports of savings on rations 121. 5 Reports of unallotted balances.. 121.5 Shipment of 523. Supply of 121 Transfer between depositaries 122. 2 Funerals and burials 293 Absences, employees' account of. . . 230. 582 Assignment of burial lots 293. 5 Civilians and others 293. 4 Claims for expenses 157 Employees 230. 62 Enlisted men and families 293. 3 Escorts 293.1 Holidays, employees, arcoimt of. . . 230. 4681 Honors* ." 293. 1 Body and pallbearers 293. 1 Escorts 293.1 Nurses 293. 2 Officers and families 293. 2 Pallbearera 293. 1 Removals and reinterments 293. 8 CiWlians and othere 293. 8 Enlisted men and families 293.8 Officers and families 293. 8 Supplies 408 Caskets, coffins, embalming flu- ids 468 Headstones 468 Ivowering de\'ires 468 Gauis 319.24 Galleries: Cable 664 Shooting 651 Ctallery practice 353. 14 Cartridges 471. 49 Rifles 474.3 (ialvanizing 400. 271 Galvanometers 413. 6 Gambling in the Amay 250. 1 Game, protection of, on resen-ations. . 680. 2 Game, war 353. 6 Games 353. 8 Ganglion 710 (iangplanks 458. 15 Transports 458. 15 Gangrene 710 Garages 634 Equipment 456 G Furloughs: Employees f urloughed 230. 564 Enlisted men 220. 711 Pay during 242. 2 Deductions for exceeding. 242. 3 Permission to go beyond the sea. 220. 716 To Army Reserve 220. 88 Furnaces 412. 1 Furnishings, office and other 414. 1 Furniture 414. 1 Chapels 414. 1 Gymnasiums 414. 1 Halls 414.1 Heavy, for officers' quarters 414. 1 Kitchen 414. 1 Libraries 414. 1 Mess 414. 1 Office 414. 1 Schools 414. 1 Vessels 458 Transports 458 Furs 423 Furuncle 710 Fuze cans, mine 476. 1 Fuze setters 471. 82 Brackets and braces for 473. 87 Fuzes 471. 82 Combination 21 or 31 second 471. 82 Detonating 471. 82 Mine 476. 1 Percussion 471 . 82 Specimen board 471. 82 Setters for fuzes 471 . 82 Garbage: Cans 414.4 Collecting 485. 2 Houses 634 Sanitary disposal 720. 7 Service 485. 2 Gardeners: Employees 231 . 4 Enlisted men 221 Gardening 403. 3 Gardens 331. 6 Garrison courts-martial 250. 412 Garrison ins]»ections. 333. 35 Garrison rations 430. 2 Garrison schools {see Schools, garrison) 352. 3 Garters 422 Gas 463. 2 Fuel 463.2 Light 463. 2 314 Gas ammunition 471 Gas burners 414. 5 Gas-defense instruction 353. 5 Gas fixtures 412. 1 Gas flasks 470. 71 Gas-generating plants 679 Gas helmets. 470. 72 Gas houses 633 « Gas lamps - 414. 5 Gas-lighting systems 675 Gas masks 470. 72 Gas meters 413. 6 Gas ranges 414. 2 Gas stoves 414. 2 Gases 441. 5 Absorption of deleterious 710 For fighting 470. 6 Apparatus for ])roter'tion 470. 72 Apparatus for using 470. 71 For fire extinguishers 413. 2 Noxious, air pollution. 723. 13 Gasoline 463. 7 Gasoline lamps and burners 414. 5 Gasoline launches 560 For transports 570 Gastritis 710 Gastroenteritis 710 Gates 654 Gates, canal 821. 04 Gauges 413.6 Gauntlets 422 Gear: Ammunition handling 470. 4 Elevating ^. 473. 82 Handling, turret ammunition hoists 470.4 Ilecoil and counter-recoil 473. 82 Retracting 473. 82 Traversing 473. 82 Turret 470.4 Tripping 473. 82 (i olatin 436 Gelatin process, map reproduction.. . 061. 021 Genealogy 291. 1 General courts-martial 250. 411 General hospitals 323. 7 Admission to {see Hospitals, admis- sion to) 705. 1 Reservations 683 General Land Office 046. 2 Maps 061.5 General matters 000 (General officers, Confederate and Southern Confederacy. . . . 314. 8 General orders 300. 4 General projects. [See Projects.) General Staff boards for selection 334. 7 General Staff Corps {see Staff corps or departments) 321. 1 General staff memoranda, notes 300. 6 General Supply Committee 040. 5 Board of awards 040. 5 Generals : Brigadier 211 Lieutenant 211 Major 211 Generating sets 4 12. 41 Generators, electric 412. 41 Genito-urinary diseases, hygiene of.. 726. 1 Geodetic positions, majj construction. 061.04 Geographic Board, United States. 040. 7 Geographic names, boai'ds on, in United States and Philip- pine Islands 334. 7 Geographical divisions 323 Geological Survey 046. 2 Maps 061.6 Germany 091 Germicides 438 Gifts 005 Buildings a: id land 601. 2 To military prisou'no 253. 3 To military prisons 252 Ginger 437 Ginger ale 435 Gingivitis 710 Girder bridges .823. 3 Girders, bridge 823. 83 Glacial (looda 814. 2 Glacoma 710 (Tlandcrs 710 Glass 411.6 Glass mirrors, searchlight 470. 3 1 Glasses : Field 413.7 Sand 413.0 Tableware 414. 3 Glassware 414. 3 Glossitis 710 Gloves 422 Fencing 474. 7 Glue 411.6 Glycerin 471. 85 Glycosuria 710 Goats 454. 7 Goggles, protection from gas and chemicals 470. 72 Goiter 710 Gold 470.1 Gold plating searchlight mirrors 470. 31 315 Golf 353. 8 Equipment 418 Links 618. 2 Gonococcus infection 710 Gonorrheal artliritis 710 Gonorrheal bubo 710 Gonorrheal disease of the eye 710 Gonorrheal epididymitis 710 Gonorrheal infection 710 Gonorrheal urethritis 710 Good conduct 250. 1 Badges 220. 5 Lists 220. 5 Good-conduct time allowance : Military prisoners 253. 13 Forfeiture of 253. 131 Gout 710 Government: Civil 014. 1 Insular possessions and colonies 093 Loans by United States 004. 34 Loans to United States 004. 33 Philippine Islands 093 Use of civil prisoners by 014. 51 Use of military prisoners by 253. 5 Use of name of, in advertisements. . 400. 158 Use of name in advertisements, river and harbor work. . . 800. 168 Utilities, enterprises, plants, com- mandeered by 004. 002 Utilities, enterprises, plants, taken over by 004.001 Government agencies and agents 013 Disturbances by 250. 1 Jurisdiction civil authorities over Federal property ov op- erations 014. 14 Licenses 012. 301 Tlelatioiis between civil and mili- tary 014.13 Taxation 012. 312 Government business, requests for in- formation, how to obtain. . 400. 154 Government control, utilities, vessels, railroads 004.8 Government Hospital for Insane 040. 3 Government life insurance 004. 611 War risk 004. (]^2 Government Printing Office 040. 1 Government property: Taxation 012. 31 1 Use by societies and associations. . . 083 LTse of name of, in advertising for buildings and grounds work (iOO. 168 Government property or operations, jurisdiction of civil au- thorities over 014. 14 Government supervision of wireless, radiograms, aerograms 311.201 Government vessels, transportation on 540 Other than harbor boats and trans- ports 543 Governors of Philippine Islands 093. 7 Governors of States 014. 12 Appointments in volunteers by 324. 21 Authority 014. 12 Duties 014. 12 Graders, boat 560 Grades: Change in, enlisted men 220. 27 Employees 231 Enlisted 221 Change in 220. 27 Officers 211 Grading 615 Officers 210. 26 Graduates: Army schools and colleges 352. 17 Civil educational institutions 000. 8 Candidates for examination for appointment as employees 230. 1134 Graduation list, cadets, Military Academy 351.23 Graft 000. 51 Grain 464. 1 For flour and meal 433 Grain elevators 412. 3 Grant, land 601. 3 Grants 000. 95 Grape juices 435 Graphite 471. 85 Graphophones 413. 3 Graphotype operators, employees 231. 3 Grass 464. 5 Care, cultivation, preservation 618.34 l'\irage '164. 5 Ornamentation with 618. 32 Gratuities 005 C.ratuition issues 400. 3503 Gratuity 005 Beneficiary money, records, burial expenses 247 Change of name of beneficiary.. . 247 Claim for money 247 Death of beneficiary 247 Death of employees, enlisted men, nurses, officers 247 Designation o; lieneficiary 247 Lawsand rcgidations 247 316 Gravel 411.8 Removal of G16. 4 Graves, headstones for 293. 7 Graves, permission to decorate G80. 40 Grazing 680. 31 Greases 412. 2 Great Britain 091 Maps of 001 . 93 Greenhouses 034 Grenade instruction 353. 5 Grenades, hand fire extinguishers 413. 2 Grenades, hand and rifle 471.0 Grinders, floor 413. 8 Grits 433 Groins, river and harbor 824. 2 Grooming kits 450 Grooming sheds 034 Grounds 010 Appropriation for public grounds. . 112 Estimates Ill Buildings at proving 052 Concealment of 018. 3 Cultivation of reservations 080. 31 Cultivation of trees, shrubs, plants, etc 018.34 Drill 618.1 Dumping 800. 213 Lease of 001. 53 Ornamentation of 618. 3 Parade 018. 1 Play 618.2 Pollution of - - 723. 2- Public, officer in charge of 029. 1 Becreation 618.2 Superintendents of 231. 4 Titles to, under rivers and har- l)ors 800. 223 Guam 093 Funds received, deposited for fares and freight to Guam on transports 131 Introduction and sale of intoxi- cants 250. 1 Pay passengers on transports to 541. Transportrtion natives of 510 (xuaranties 168 Bidders 168 (inard cartridges 471. 44 Guard duty 353. 5 Guard mount 335. 2 Guard-mount call 335. 291 Guardhouses 027 Guardians 013. 4 Guardianship 013. 4 Guarding : Buildings and grounds 000. 90 Plants and projects 004. 003 Guards: Armed, on vessels 563. 911 On transports 573. 911 Employees 231. 4 Funeral escorts 293. 1 • Home volunteers 324. 5 Guerrilla warfare 370. 64 Guests, distinguished, entertainment 335.14 Guides 231. 4 To reservations 680. 2 Guidons 424 Guinea pigs 454. 7 Guitars 413. 3 Gulf-coast defense 370. 32 Gum, chewing 436 Gun batteries {see also Batteries, gun and mortar) 002 Gun carriages {see Carriages) 473 Gun commanders 221 Gun factories 035 Gun mounts 473 Gun pointers 221 Gun practice 353. 17 Gun sheds 634 Gun slings 426 Gun tripods 473 Guncotton 471. 86 Gunners: Additional pay of 242. 142 Badges 220.5 Drills and instruction. 353. 5 First-class 221 Master 221 Pouches 420 Second-class 221 Gunnery equipment, aeronautical. . . 475. 732 Guns 472 Accessories 472. 82 Aerial guns 472. 91 Antiaircraft 472. 93 Automatic 472. 5 Breech mechanisms 472. 81 Breechblocks 472. 81 Carriages {sec Carriages) 473 Castings 472. 81 Cement 413. 8 ( leaning devices 472. 82 Colt's automatic guns 472. 5 Covers for 472. 82 Dummy 470.2 Field 472.1 Firing mechanisms 472. SI I Guiifi — Contiiuicil. I'lring of 353. 4 Accideuts, damages, to supplies. 400.44 Other accidents and damages . . 370. 07 Circuits for seacoast 353. 4 Proof firing 353. 4 Salvos and salvo points 353. 4 Tables of 0G3. 2 Tests 353.4 Forgings 472. 81 Uoops 472. 81 Howitzers 472. 2 Jackets 472. 81 Lanyards 472. 81 Life-saving 472. 92 Machine and automatic 472. 5 Machine rifle, model 1909 472. 5 Mobile 472.1 Shell for 471. 1 Mortars 472. 4 Mounts 473. 4 Habeas corpus 013. 1 Habits, discharges enlisted men for. . 220. 801 Halftones 413. 52 Hall furniture 414. 1 Hall of Records 040. 8 Hails: Amusement 631 Drill 631 Memorial 631 Mess 633 Riding 031 Hallux valgus 710 Halters 456 Ham 431 Hammer toe 710 Hammers, small arms 474. 8 Hand grenades 471.6 Handball 353. 8 Handball courts 618. 2 Handball equipment 418 Handcuffing prisoners, militar\- 253. 93 Handcuffs 429 Handkerchiefs 425 Handling gear, tm-rets 470. 4 Handling supplies and equipment. . . 400. 2 Handwriting 312. 4 Hangars '. . - . 634 Hangers, clothes 425 Hangers, saddle and harness 45() H Guns — Continued. Navy 472. 6 Parts of 472. 81 Railway cars for 453. 1 Rammers and staves 472. 82 Safety devices 472. 8 1 Seacoast 472. 3 Ammunition for 471. 3 Assignment, Coast .\rtillery to.. . 353. 17 Small arms 474 Ammunition 471 . 4 Tripods 473 Gutters 611 Gymnasiums 631 Apparatus 418. 2 Buildings 631 Furniture 414. 1 Gymnastics 353. 8 Gynecology 730 Gyroplanes 452. 4 Parts and accessories 452. 41 Harbor boats 500 Clothing 422 Employees 231. 8 Regulations 560. 1 Service 563. 6 Harbor charts 061. 2 Harbor defenses 370. 32 Harbor lines 813. 32 Docks, piers, wharves beyond 825. 1 Location of 813. 32 Regulations 813. 32 Relocating or modification 813. 32 Harbors {see Rivers and harbors) .... 813 Appropriations for rivers and har- bors 112 Estimates for Ill Dredging 800. 425 Ice 813.2 Military 813 Navigation charges 017. 1 Navigation regulations 017. 2 Of refuge 813. 1 Protection 813 Hard bread 433 Hardtack 433 Hardware 410. 1 Builders' 411. 7 Harmonists Church 000. 3 Harness 455 318 Harness — Continued . Artillery 455 Brackets 456 Cloth 455 Equipment 455 Hangers 456 Machines 413. 8 Makers 231. 5 Rooms 634 Harvesting: Hay 464.4 Ice 465 Machines 413. 8 Hats 421 Hauling 536 Supplies 400. 26 Haversack ration 430. 2 Haversacks 426 Hawaii, maps of 061. 2 Hawaiian Islands 093 Introduction and sale of intoxicants. 250. 1 Transportation, natives of 516 Hay 464.4 Cutting of 464. 4 Hay fever 710 Hay racks 656 Hazing, cadets, Military Academy . . . 351. 19 Headache 710 Headquarters: Arsenals 328. 75 Artillery districts 323. 45 Camps 354. 15 Camps of instruction 345. 15 Cantonments 354. 55 Coast defenses 323. 55 Concentration camps 354. 45 Departments 323. 35 Depots 323. 75 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 65 Divisions 323. 35 Forts 323.75 Hospitals 323. 75 Maneuvers 354. 25 Mobilization camps 354. 35 Posts 323. 75 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 75 Stations 323. 75 Training camps 354. 65 Headquarters companies 322. 173 Engineers 322. 173 Keld Artillery 322. 173 Infantry ' 322. 173 Headquarters companies— Contd. Philippine Scouts 322. 173 Porto Rican Regiment of Infantry. 322. 173 Headquarters detachments 322. 7 Cavalry 322. 7 Field Artillery 322. 7 Infantry 322. 7 Headquarters troops, Cavalry 322. 174 Headstones 468 Application for, and shipment of . . . 293. 7 Erection of 293. 7 Graves 468 On reservations 293. 7 Permission to change inscriptions. . 293. 7 Health 720 Bureau of Public Health 042. 2 Disposal of dead as affecting. . 722 Prevention of disease 720 Reports 721. 6 Safeguarding of employees 230. 61 Care of consumptives 230. 013 Sanitary places of employment. . 230. 611 Soil conditions affecting 723. 21 Statistics 053 Transfers, enlisted men account of ill health 220. 33 Transfers, officers account of ill health 210.33 Health and prevention of disease 720 Health Service, Public, transporta- tion, officials 515 • Hearing 741 Appointment: Enlisted men 220. 13 Officers 210.13 Promotion: Enlisted men 220. 23 Officers 210. 23 Hearing on estimates for appropri- ations 111. 5 Hearses 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Heart disease 710 Heat 463 Allowances, enlisted men 246. 2 Commutation of 246. 82 Allowances, officers 245. 2 Commutation of 245. 82 Use as disinfectant 720. 54 Heat exhaustion 710 Heaters, water 412. 1 Heating boilers 412. 1 Heating buildings 600. 2 ojy o Heating equipnient 412. J Heating plants and systems 674 Central 674 Electric 674 Hot ail- 674 Hot water 674 Steam 674 Heating ranges 412. 1 Heating, sanitary 724. 1 Heating stoves 412. 1 Height 741 Appointment: Commissioned 210. 13 Enlisted 220. 13 Promotion: Commissioned 210. 23 Enlisted 220. 23 Heirs 013. 4 Heliographs 413. 77 Helmets 421 Helmets, gas 470. 72 Hematuria 710 Hemiplegia 710 Hemoglobinuria fever 710 Hemophilia 710 Hemoptysis 710 Hemorrhage 710 Hemorrhoids 710 Hemp ports 093. 4 Heredity 291. 1 Hernia 710 Heroic conduct 201. 41 Herpes 710 Hiccough 710 High water and high water marks. ... 812. 2 Highways 611 Hinges 411.7 Hippologists 231. 23 Hire: Automobiles 537. 1 Commercial vessels 545. 02 Drays 536 Employees {see Employees) 230. 14 Of labor, construction and installa- tion ))uildings and grounds by 600.118 Of labor, rivers and harbors con- struction work by 800.32 Altering 800. 42 Eepairing 800. 32 Motor trucks 537. 1 Supplies and equipment 400. 1203 Trans]iortation : Animals 454 Hire — Continued. Transportation — Continued. Animals Continued . Draft 454. 02 For militia 454 Mounts for oflicers 454. 1 Pack 454.01 (^abs, carriages, vehicles and other 533.1 Vessels 545. 02 I'eports of expenditures ac- count of 569. 16 Of transports 579. 16 Historic buildings, ruins, sites, struc- tures 619.3 Historical OOO. 4 Landmarks 000. 4 Massacre, etc oOO. 4 r ecords 201. 34 Buildings and structures 600. 911 Employees 230. 711 Kuins 000. 4 Societies and associations 080 Histories, individual 201. 35 Histories, medical 706 Aliens, foreigners, interned persons 706 Cadets 706 Civilians 7O6 Employees 706 Enlisted men 706 Nurses 706 Officers 706 Histories, military 314. 7 Bureaus 314. 7 Offices 314. 7 Organizations 314. 7 Posts 314. 7 Reservations 314. 7 Schools 314. 7 Hockey 353. 8 Hocking auinial.s 484. 1 Hoisting machines 413. g Hoists: Ammunition 471. 88 For turrets 470. 4 < hain lifts 41 3. 8 Powder 471. 88 Projectile 471. 88 Holders : Arm 474. 87 Music 413. 3 Office supplies 462 Holidays 0O6 Emi)loyees 230. 46 320 Holidays — Continued . Employees — Continued . Leaves of absence 230. 514 Legal 230. 464 New proposed 230. 4641 Observance Mondays after 230. 465 Patriotic events 230. 585 Pay 248.4 Religious celebrations 230. 581 Saturday afternoons 230. 466 Special by Executive orders 230. 468 Deaths, funerals 230. 4681 State 230. 463 Holsters 426 Home guards 324. 5 Homeopathy 730 Homes : Employees performing work at 230. 4322 Soldiers and sailors 002 Admission to 002 Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Confederate 002 National 002 Admission to 002 Sales to 400. 326 Volunteers 002 Homesteads 000. 95 Homing pigeons 454. 8 Cummunication by 311. 9 Hominy 433 Hones. 425 Honey 436 Honor, medals of: Enlisted men 220. 5 Replacing old with new 220. 5 Officers 210.5 Replacing old with new 210. 5 Honor, rolls of 335. 16 Army schools and colleges 352. 184 Honorary degrees 335. 17 Honors 335. 1 Courtesies, official 335. 11 Entertainment distinguished guests. 335. 14 Funeral 293. 1 Honorary degrees 335. 17 Rolls of 335. 16 Salutes 335. 12 Saluting stations 335. 13 Testimonials and thanks 335. 15 Hoods, sighting 474. 8 Hooks, sister 476. 1 Hoops, gun 472. 81 Hoppers, boats 560 Hops 433 Hordeolum 710 Horse Artillery 322.012 Horse blankets 455 Horse brushes 456 Horse cars 531. 4 Horse clippers 456 Horse covers 455 Horse dips 657 Horse equipment 455 Horse racing 353. 5 Horse shows 001 Details: Enlisted men 220. 69 Officers 210. 693 Transportation: Officers' mounts 622 Organizations 511 Contracts for 553. 1 Troops for 370. 7 Horse trainers 231. 7 Horse wranglers, employees 231. 7 Horsemanship 353. 5 Horse-raddish 437 Horseshoe nails 456 Horseshoe pads 456 Horseshoers: Employees 231. 5 Enlisted men 221 Blacksmith and horseshoer 221 School for Farriers and Horseshoers. 352 Detachment enlisted men at. . . . 352. 191 Details, enlisted men Regular Army and Militia 220. 03 Details, officers 210. 63 Horseshoes 456 Horses 454. 1 Agents for purchasing 231. 3 Attendants for officers' 221 Hire of: Draft 454. 02 For militia 454. 1 Mounts for officers 454. 1 Pack 454.01 Inspectors of 231. 22 Pack 454.01 Riding 454. 03 Transportation of officers' (see Transportation, supplies and property) 522 Hose carts 413. 2 Hose, fire 413. 2 Hospital buildings 632 Veterinary 634 321 Hospital cars, transportation 531. 4 Hospital Corps (Medical Department) 322. 05 Ambulance companies 322. 173 Companies 322. 173 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Equipment 475. 5 Field hospitals 322. 15 Commanders and staffs 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Duties 322. 982 Knives 475. 5 Noncommissioned officers 322, 993 Corporals 221 Hospital sergeants 221 Master hospital sergeants 221 Sergeants 221 Sergeants, first-class 221 Privates 221 Sanitary squads 322. 91 Sanitary troops 322. 054 Hospital funds, money 123 Hospital sergeants 221 Hospital stewards' quarters 622 Hospital supplies 442 Hospital trains 322. 2 Hospitals: Admission to 705 Civil hospitals. 004. 05 Admission to 705. 6 Field hospitals — base, convales- cent, evacuation, etc 322. 15 Admission to 705. 3 Commanders of 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Duties 322. 982 Staff officers of 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 General hospitals 323. 7 Admission to 705. 1 Commanders of 323. 76 Authority 323. 761 Duties 323.762 Contraction of limits 323. 74 Discontinuance 323. 72 Establishment 323. 71 Extension of limits 323. 73 Headquarters 323. 75 Staff officers of 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 61127—18 21 Hospitals — Continued . Government Hospital for the In- sane 046.3 Admission, Army officers 046. 3 Contract surgeons 046.3 Pay clerks 046. 3 AdmissioTi of civilians 046. 3 Civilian employees 046. 3 Ex-Regular officers and sol- diers 046. 3 Ex- Volunteer officers and sol- diers 046.3 Admission of enlisted men. Regu- lar Army 046.3 Admission Philippine Scouts 046.3 Admission Volunteers 046 . 3 Escorts for insane 046. 39 Reports of changes 046. 39 Headquarters of hospitals 323. 75 Inspections of hospitals 333. 1 Naval hospitals 045. 9 Patients in hospitals 705 Post hospitals 323. 7 Admission to 705.2 Commanders of 323. 76 Authority 323. 761 Duties 323. 762 Contraction of limits 323. 74 Discontinuance 323. 72 Establishment 323. 71 Extension of limits 323. 73 Headquarters of 323. 75 Staff officers of 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duty 323.772 Reservations 683 Staff officers of hospitals: Field hospitals 322. 991 Post and general hospitals 323. 77 Use of reservations for hospi- tals 680. 32 Hostages 383. 5 Hostlers 231. 7 Hot-air heating systems 674 Hotels 004. 041 Hot-water heating systems 674 Hours of labor 230. 44 Office hours 230. 4431 Early closing 230. 46 Employees' duties outside regu- lar 230.413 322 Household goods: rransportation or shipment 524. 2 Allowances 524. 02 G^'ilians (not employees) 524. 25 Employees, War Department 524. 23 Employees, other departments. . . 524.24 Enlisted men 524.22 Excess 524 . 03 Officers, Army field clerks, field clerks 524. 21 House of Representatives 032. 1 Housekeepers, employees 231. 4 Houses: Ash 634 Bath 658 Boat 658 Boiler 634 Cable 664 Coal 633 Garbage 634 Gas 633 Pump 634 Scale 658 Switchboard 665. 2 Transformer 634 Watch 658 Houses of prostitution, frequenting of. 250. 1 Housewives 425 Housing animals 728. 4 Howitzers 472. 2 Carriages, mounts, tripods for 473.2 Railway cars for 453. 2 Human bones and bodies, shipment of 518 Hunt, permission to, on reservations. 680. 421 Hunting leaves: Enlisted men 220. 714 Officers 210.714 Hurricanes 000. 92 Damages, rivers and harbors by 800. 73 Destruction buildings and grounds by 600.972 Huts, cable 664 Hyacinths, water, obstructions to navigation 828. 3 Hydatid tumor of the liver 710 Hydrants 412. 2 Hydraulic pipe lines, vessels 458. 12 Transports 458. 12 Hydroaeroplanes 452. 2 Parts and accessories 452. 21 Hydrocele 710 Hydrographic Office 045. 2 Hydrometer 413. 6 Hydroplanes 560 Hygiene {see also Sanitation) 700 Clothing 727 Diseases 726 Occupational 726, 2 Physical training and exercise. . . 726. 5 Transmissible diseases 726. 3 Tropical 726. 4 Venereal 726. 1 Essays on 700. 2 Laws of 700. 1 Lectures on 700. 2 Personal 727 Bathing facilities 727. 2 Cleanliness of the body 727. 1 Feet, care of 727.3 Philosophy of 700. 1 Professional papers 700. 7 Rules and regulations 700. 8 State control 700. 6 Theory of 700. 1 Treatises 700. 2 United States control of 700. 5 Hygiene and sanitation 700 Aid to injured 729. 4 Air pollution 723. 1 By animal trades 723. 15 By dust 723.11 By noxious gases 723. 13 By smoke 723. 12 By vegetable trades 723. 14 Analysis of water 720. 21 Burial 722. 2 Cleaning 724. 2 Vacuum cleaning systems 724. 21 Climate 729. 1 Cremation 722. 1 Deodorization 720. 52 Diet for the sick 720. 14 Diet kitchen 720. 13 Disinfection 720. 5 Use of chemicals as a disinfectant. 720. 55 LTse of heat as a disinfectant 720. 54 Use of ice as a disinfectant 722. 41 Disinfection of the dead 722. 4 Disposal of the dead 722 Embalming 722. 3 Excreta, disposal of 720. 8 Food 720.1 Food adulterations 720. 11 Food, storage of 720. 12 Fumigation 720. 51 Garbage 720. 7 Ground in camps, cities, and towns. 723. 22 Ground pollution 723. 2 328 Hj^iene and sanitation — Continued. Heating 724. 1 Insects, disease-bearing 725 Lighting 724. 1 jVIilk supply 720. 15 Mosquitoes 725. 1 Prevention and restriction 725. 11 Nuisances 723. 23 Parasites, destruction and preven- tion of 729.2 Protection of life from casualties, accidents 729. 3 Quarantine 720. 4 Sanitary inspections 721 Sewers and sewerage 720. 6 Soil, conditions of, as affecting health 723. 21 Ice 465 Boxes 414. 1 Harbors 813. 2 Harvesting 465 Machinery and tools 412. 3 Piers 825. 1 Plants 673 Funds received from 131 Use of, as disinfectant 722. 41 Vessels, supply of 465 Transports 465 Identification 344 Aircraft 452. 9 Cards 344. 2 Of representatives, railway asso- ciations 501. 11 Charts 344. 2 Letters of 312. 1 Records, correction of 344. 3 Systems of 344. 1 Finger-print 344. 11 Number system 344. 1 Outline figure card 344. 1 Personal marks 344. 1 Photographic 344. 1 Tables 344. 2 Tags, supplies 421 Tags, use of 344. 2 Ignition primers 471. 8 Illicit traffic 000. 51 Illiteracy in the Army 350. 5 lUtreatment of civilians by officers and enlisted men 250. 1 Illuminating ammunition 471 Illuminatiug flares 413. 77 Illuminating rockets 413. 77 Hygiene and sanitation — Continued. Simlight 724. 4 Temperature 724. 3 Vaccination and immunization 720. 3 Use of serums 720. 31 Ventilation 724 Waste 720. 7 Water pollution 720. 22 Water supply 720. 2 Hyperchlorhydria 710 Hyperidrosis 710 Hypermetropia 710 Hypochlohydria 710 Hypochondriasis 710 Hypothetical questions 312. 1 Hysteria 710 Illustrations: Copyrights 073 Requests for, of supplies and equip- ment 402. 1 Immigrant 014. 391 Immigration, Bureau of 049. 12 Immorality 250. 1 Immunization 720. 3 Use of serums 720. 31 Impetigo 710 Implements 413. 1 Impostors 000. 52 Imprisonment 250. 3 Discharges, enlisted men for, by civil court 220. 815 Officers and enlisted men in hands of civil authorities 250. 3 Improvements ; Rewards to employees for 248. 8 Rivers and harbors 800. 4 Supplies and equipment 400. 113 Inactive duty: Enlisted men 220. 4551 Officers 210. 4551 Inadaptability, discharge enlisted men for 220. 801 Inaptitude, discharge enlisted men for 220. 801 Inauguration ceremonies, troops for. . 370. 7 Incandescent lamps and bulbs 414. 51 Incapacitated employees 230. 78 Incendiaries 000. 52 Incendiary ammunition 471 Incendiary apparatus 470. 71 Incendiary bombs 471. 6 Incinerator buildings 633 324 Income tax 012. 2 Collecting from officers 241. 3 Increases: Allotments of pay 243. 2 Delivery under contracts 164 Letters of allotment 121. 2 Letters of apportionment 121. 1 Pay of employees 248. 8 Pay of enlisted men 242 Indebtedness: Accounts against Army {see Ac- counts) 158 Army against others 159 Employees 230. 743 Enlisted men 242. 4 Alimony 242. 4 Clothing 242. 4 Company, troop, battery, regi- mental funds 242. 4 Damages to or loss of property. . . 242. 4 Exceeding allowances 242. 4 Fines, forfeiture 242. 4 Laundry dues 242. 4 Post-exchange dues 242. 4 Private parties 242. 4 Reward for apprehension 242. 4 Subsistence charges 242. 4 To United States, miscellane- ous 242.4 Officers 241. 3 Alimony 241. 3 Certificates of nonindebtedness. . 241. 5 Damages to or loss of property. . . 241. 3 Errors in authorizing expendi- tures 24L3 Errors in disbursing funds (not pay) 241.3 Errors in paying 241. 3 Exceeding allowances 241. 3 Fines, forfeitures 241. 3 Hospital dues 241. 3 Income tax 241. 3 Private parties 241. 3 To United States, miscellan- eous 24L3 Personnel 201. 2 Indefinite unlimited appropriations.. 110. 33 Indemnities 387. 6 Indemnity bonds 168 For duplicate checks 122. 15 Independence, Declaration of 000. 4 Independent militia, organization of. 325. 42 Independent organizations, volun- teers 324.5 Index systems, record 313. 2 Card index 313. 2 India 091 Indian Affairs, Bureau of 046. 2 Indians 291. 2 Agencies 046. 2 Appointments of 230. 2225 Badges, Indian campaign: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Companies of 322. 173 Dances, troops for suppression .... 370. 65 Depredations, troops for suppres- sion 370. 65 Enlistment of 342.18 Prisoners 046. 2 Reservations, sale of intoxicants on 250.1 Schools 046. 2 Scout organizations 322. 93 Tribes 046. 2 Wars, records of 314. 7 Indictments 013. 33 Indigent citizens, supplies for relief of 400. 38 Individual histories 201. 35 Individuals 201 Indorsements 312. 2 Induction, Militia or National Guard into Federal service 325. 4521 Industrial training 353. 91 Ineligible applicants for enlistment. . 342. 18 Infantry 322. 04 Bands 322.16 Battalion noncommissioned staff. . . 322. 992 Battalions 322. 171 Board 334.3 Camps of instruction 354. 1 Companies 322. 173 Drill regulations board 334. 2 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Enlisted men 322. 042 Equipment 475. 3 Board 334.2 Field exercises by Coast Artillery Corps 353.5 Headquarters companies 322. 173 Headquarters detachments 322. 7 Macliine-gun companies 322. 173 Machine-gun platoons 322. 8 Mounted 322.94 Mounted orderlies 322. 94 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Officers 322. 041 325 Infantry — Continued . Philippine Scouts 322. 093 Porto Rico Regiment 322. 094 Recruits 343 Regimental noncommissioned staff. 322. 992 Regiments 322. 17 Supply companies 322. 173 Infirmaries 632 Influence: Use of, by employees 230. 73 Use of, by officers and enlisted men. 250. 6 Influenza 710 Information: Dissemination of 319. 251 Employees circulating 230. 435 GiAong to press 000. 71 Military Academy, circulars of 351. 27 Military, collection and dissemina- tion 350. 05 Requests for, as to articles of sup- ply 402.2 Requests for, employees' examina- tion 230. 122 Requests for, in regard to positions. 230. 03 Requests for, regarding buildings and grounds 600. 95 Requests from Congress for 032. 3 Ser\Ticeof 371.1 To representative of railway asso- ciations 501. 13 Infringements 000. 51 Copyrights 073 Patent 072 Trade-marks 074 Ingredients of powder 471. 85 Ingrowing nails 710 Inheritance tax 012. 2 Initials 312.4 Injunctions 013. 32 Injured, aid to 729.4 Injuries 712 By animals 712 Claims 152 Compensation, employees for 248. 5 Deaths, employees from 230. 85 Reports of 230. 85 Employer's liability payments 248. 4 Ink 462 Inland camps of instruction 354. 1 Inquests 013.35 Inquiries: Absences of employees 230. 562 Annual leaves of employees 230. 542 Anonymous or crank 312. 1 Inquiries — Continued . Hours of labor 230. 444 Personnel 200. 4 Separations of employees from serv- ice 230. 801 Sick leaves of employees 230. 552 Whereabouts of employees 230. 712 Whereabouts of enlisted men 201. 71 Whereabouts of officers 201. 71 Inquiry, courts of 250. 52 Insane: Discharges, enlisted men 220. 805 Disposition of enlisted men 220. 805 Quarters on vessels 563. 21 Transports 573.21 Insane, Government Hospital for the. 046. 3 Admission, Army officers 046. 3 Contract surgeons 046. 3 Pay clerks 046. 3 Admission, civilians 046. 3 Civilian employees 046. 3 Ex-Regular officers and soldiers . 046. 3 Ex- Volunteer officers and soldiers 046. 3 Admission, enUsted men. Regular Army 046.3 Admission, Philippine Scouts .... 046. 3 Admission, Volunteers 046. 3 Escorts for 046. 39 Reports of changes 046. 39 Insanity 710 Promotion: Enlisted men 220. 23 Officers 210. 23 Statistics 053 Inscriptions: Battles on flags, silver bands, rings. 332. 1 Memorials and monuments on res- ervations 293. 6 Monuments and tombstones 293. 6 Insect traps 438 Insects 000. 94 Insects, disease-bearing 725 Insignia: Badges: Enlisted men 220. 5 Campaign 220. 5 Certificate of merit 220. 5 Corps 220. 5 Foreign 220. 5 Good conduct 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Campaign 210. 5 Corps 210. 5 Foreign 210. 5 326 Insignia — Continued . Medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Campaign 220.5 Congressional 220. 5 Honor 220. 5 Replacing old with new 220. 5 Life-saving 220. 5 Small-arms practice 220. 5 Target practice competitions . . 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Campaign 210. 5 Congressional 210. 5 Honor 210. 5 Replacing old with new 210. 5 Life-saving 210. 5 Small-arms practice 210. 5 Target practice competitions . . 210. 5 Representatives, railway associa- tions 501.12 Small-arms firing 353. 15 Uniform clothing 421 Insomnia 710 Inspecting supplies and equip- ment 400.163 Inspections (Army officers) 333 Accounts 333.81 Armories 333. 1 Arsenals 333. 1 Boards: Animal inspection 334. 7 College inspection 334. 5 Inspection and appraisement 334. 7 Boilers in buildings (other than by inspectors general) 600. 171 Buildings 333. 6 Buildings and grounds (other than by inspectors general) 600. 171 Business methods 333. 8 Cemeteries 333. 1 Certificates of, under contracts 167 Depots 333.1 Details (commissioned) 210. 691 Field marches 333. 2 Joint Army and militia 333. 2 Militia 333. 2 Regular Army 333. 2 Hospitals 333. 1 Maneuvers 333. 2 Joint Army and militia 333. 2 Militia 333. 2 Regular Army 333. 2 Methods and manner of making 333 Military districts , , 333. 1 Inspections (Army officers) — Contd. Military posts 333. 1 Military stations 333. 1 Militia organizations and property or National Guard 333. 4 In field 333.44 In garrison or quarters 333. 45 Instruction at property, inspec- tions 325. 528 Miscellaneous 333. 9 Organizations of troops 333. 3 • Infield 333.34 In garrison or quarters 333. 35 Property 333. 91 Records 333. 8 Regulations governing 333 Reservations 333. 6 River and harbor work: Alterations 800. 42 Construction 800. 17 Repairing 800. 32 Sanitary 721 Camps and trenches 721. 4 Pobts 72L3 Ships 72L1 Trains 721. 2 Saturday 335. 2 Special instructions 333 Supplies 333. 91 For adoption or acquisition 400. 163 For other branches of the Govern- ment 400. 165 Reports of 400. 164 Target practice 333. 2 Joint Army and militia 333. 2 Militia 333. 2 Regular Army 333. 2 Tournaments 333. 2 Joint Army and militia 333. 2 Militia 333. 2 Regular Army 333. 2 Vessels 333 7 Vessels ("other than by inspectors general) 566 Inspections by civilian inspectors of War Department: Boilers of transports 576. 1 Reports 576. 1 Boilers of other vessels 566. 1 Reports 566. 1 Vessels 566. 1 Reports 566.1 Transports 566. 1 Reports , 566. 1 327 Inspections by Steamboat-Inspec- tion Service: Boilers of transports 576. 2 Reports 576.2 Boilers of vessels 566. 2 Reports 566.2 Vessels 566.2 Reports 566.2 Transports 576. 2 Reports 576.2 Inspector General of the Army 321. 31 Office of 027 Organization and administration 027 Inspector General 's Department 321, 3 Details In 210. 61 Property, supplies and equipment. 400 Inspectors: Department and division 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Inspections by 333 Investigations by 333 Employees 231. 22 Animals 231. 22 Band instruments 231. 22 Boilers 231. 22 Of vessels by inspectors of War Department 566. 1 Of transports 576. 1 Clothing and materials 231. 22 Electrical 231. 22 Examiners and assistant inspec- tors 231.22 Marine 231. 22 Miscellaneous supplies 231. 22 Ordnance 231. 22 Subsistence 231. 22 Tableware 231. 22 Wagons 231. 22 Sanitary 323. 37 Boards of 334. 7 Small-arms firing 353. 14 Steamboat-Inspection Ser\T[ce — Inspection of vessels 566. 2 Boilers 566. 2 Transports 576. 2 Boilers 576.2 Inspectors general: Inspections by {sec Inspections by inspectors general and other officers) 333 Investigations by 333. 5 Inspectors instructor of militia 211 Details as 210. 651 Duties and status 210. 651 Inspectors instructor of Philippine Scouts 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Details 210. 61 Duties 323. 372 Installations: Buildings and grounds 600. 1 Fire-control 665 Radio, on vessels 564 On transports 574 Rivers and harbors 800. 1 Supplies and equipment 400. 41 Transports 574 Vessels 564 Institutions, educational, civil 000. 8 Instruction 353. 02 Allowances, supplies for 400. 349 Aviation 353 Camouflage 353. 5 Camps of {see Camps of instruction) . 354. 1 Courses of — Army schools and colleges 352. 11 Garrison schools 352. 31 Military Academy 351. 051 Details, enlisted men for technical, at civil colleges 220. 66 Details, officers for technical, at civil colleges 210. 66 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Artillery, Coast 353. 5 Artillery, Field 353.5 Cavalry 353. 5 Engineers 353. 5 Hospital Corps (Medical De- partment) 353. 5 Infantry 353. 5 Machine-gun platoons 353. 5 Mine companies and planters 353. 5 Miscellaneous 353. 5 Signal Corps 353. 5 First-aid 353. 5 Gas defense 353. 5 Grenade 353. 5 Gunners 353. 5 Militia — At property inspections 325. 528 Systems and methods of 325. 521 Use of Military Academy cadets for .351.26 328 Instruction — Continued. Musical 353. 7 Radio or wireless 353. 5 Reports from arms of service of edu- cational 350. 4 State employees 325. 527 Visits 353.02 Instructions 312. 1 Bids for contracts 163 Blank forms 315 Confidential 312. 1 Contracts 161 Court-martial 250. 402 Inspections by officers 333 Recruiting 341. 4 War 381 Instructors: Army schools and colleges 352. 16 Details enlisted men — To Army service schools as 220. 63 With militia 220. 651 Duties and status 220. 651 Details officers — To Army service schools as 210. 63 With militia 210. 651 Duties and status 210. 651 Employees 231. 3 Enlisted men 221 Military Academy 351. 01 Officers 211 Of militia — Enlisted men 221 Officers 211 Instrumental musical training 353. 7 Instruments: Aeronautical 452. 7 Cable 413.43 Dental 444. 4 Drawing 413. 73 Engineer 413. 7 Firing data 413. 68 Legal 013. 1 Medical 443 Meteorological 413. 6 Musical 413. 3 Band 413.3 Band equipment 413. 3 Graphophones 413. 3 Guitars 413. 3 Organs 413. 3 Phonographs 413. 3 Piano 413. 3 Automatic . . ,,.,.,,.,.., 413. 3 Instruments— Continued . Musical — Continued . Piano — Continued . Player 413. 3 Nautical 413.71 Observing 413. 74 Optical 413. 75 Periscopes 413. 74 Position findings 413. 682 Quadrants 413. 72 Radio 413.44 Range finding 413. 682 Aerial 413. 684 Reconnoissance 413. 76 Signaling 413. 77 Sound-ranging, aerial 413. 684 Surgical 443 Surveying 413. 72 Telegraph 413. 41 Telephone 413. 42 Telescopes 413. 74 Testing and measuring 413. 6 Clocks 413.6 Gauges 413. 6 Jigs 413.6 Meters 413. 6 Models 413.6 Powder 413. 6 Templets 413. 6 Watches 413. 6 Veterinary 447 Wireless 413. 44 Insular Affairs, Bureau of 020. 8 Insular army 093. 1 Insular constabulary 093. 3 Insular police 093. 2 Insular possessions and colonies 093 Changes of stations of troops 370. 5 Governors of 093. 7 Hemp ports 093. 4 Insular army 093. 1 Insular constabulary 093. 3 Insular police 093. 2 Introduction and sale of intoxi- cants 250.1 Native troops 322. 092 Policies and government 093. 5 Transportation natives of 516 Insurance 004. 6 Fire 004. 62 Life 004.61 Government insurance 004. 611 War-risk insurance 004- 612 329 Insurance — Continued. Life — Continued . War-risk insurance — Continued. Applications for 004. 6121 Certificates 004. 6124 Credit sales 004. 6122 Policies, and change in form of policies 004. 6126 Premiums 004. 6123 Transfer to civilian companies. 004. 6125 Marine 004. 63 Insurance officers 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Insured mail 311. 191 Insurrections 370. 63 Philippine 370. 63 Medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Prisoners of war in 253 Parole of 253.2 Statistics of 055 Statistics of Whisky Insurrection. 055 Troops for suppression of 370. 63 Intakes 825. 7 Intelligence officers (for details, see Details): Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 232. 772 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Coast-defenses 323. 57 Authority 323.571 Duties 323. 572 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Depots 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Districts 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Districts, Artillery 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Di\Tfiions 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Forts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Intelligence officers — Continued. Forts — Continued . Duties 323. 772 Hospitals (general) 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 232. 772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Interdepartmental boards 334. 7 Interest on deposits 244. 12 Interior Department 046 Bureaus 046. 2 General Land Office 046. 2 Geological Survey 046. 2 Government Hospital for the Insane 046. 3 Indian Affairs 046. 2 Mines 046. 2 Patent Office 046. 2 Pension Office 046. 2 Commissioner of 046. 2 Kecords 046. 2 Reclamation Service 046. 2 Returns Office 046. 2 Officers 046. 1 Interior electric-lighting systems 675 Interior, service of 372. 1 Interlineations 312. 4 Intermediate commanders 210. 722 Interment records 314. 6 Of military prisoners 314. 6 Internal revenue tax 012. 2 International affairs and relations 336 International agreements 336. 01 International boundary 336, 5 International competitions, small- arms 353. 2 International conferences 336. 6 International law 010. 2 Interned persons: Admission to hospitals 705 Base hospitals 705. 5 Civil hospitals 705. 6 Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Dental treatment 703 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Surgical operations 707 330 Interned prisoners: Medical attendance 701 Interned vessels 546 Internment: Camps 254 Persons 383. 01 Property 386. 6 Interpretation and construction: Appropriations 112. 2 By Attorney General 112. 2 Bureaus of War Department 112. 2 Comptroller 112. 2 Judge Advocate General 112. 2 Army Regulations 300. 3 Articles of War 300.2 Field service regulations 300. 8 Small-arms firing regulations 300. 8 Interpreters, employees 231. 3 Interrogatories and depositions 250. 464 Interruptions, cable 311. 221 Interstate Commerce Commission 040. 3 Interstate competitions, small-arms. . 353. 2 Interventions 380 Interviews, press 000. 71 Intestinal parasites 710 Intoxicants: Introduction and sale of 250. 1 Use of 250.1 Intoxication in the Army 250. 1 Intrenching tools 413. 17 Intrenchments 661 Introduction: Letters of 312. 1 Representatives of bidders and con- tractors, buildings and grounds work 600. 166 Representatives of bidders and con- tractors for river and har- bor work 800. 166 Representatives of business houses. 400. 156 Invalid corps 324. 5 Invalids 704. 1 Transfer or disposition of 704. 11 Invasions 370. 03 Inventions 070 Articles offered for use of Army 400. Ill Inventors, sales to 400. 3291 Inventory and inspection reports: Of property 141. 81 Returns 143. 8 Inventory, ^property, supplies, stores. 142. 1 Investigations : By inspectors general and other offi- cers 333 Investigations — Continued . Details, officers to make 210. 691 Supplies and equipment 400. 112 Investments 004. 21 Invoices: Charges and deposits to cover 121. 3 Funds 121. 3 Lists submitted 121. 3 Methods and procedure, instruc- tions 121.3 Property 141 and 143 Transferred 142. 5 Retvu-ned to be listed 121. 3 Ireland 091 Maps of 061. 93 Iritis 710 Iron 4n.5 For manufacturing armament 470. 1 Iron buckets 414. 4 Irons, placing prisoners in 253. 93 Iron, shackles 429 Irregularities: Accounts of funds 132 Bids for contracts 163 Bills of lading 552. 5 Correspondence 312. 6 Courts-martial proceedings 250. 452 Final statements 242. 6 • Mail 311.13 Tickets 552. 8 Transportation requests 552. 5 Vessels: Reports of 569. 18 Transports 579. 18 Irrigation canals and locks 821. 1 Irrigation canals, military 821. 1 Islands 096 Issue rooms 633 Issues: Blue prints 061. 03 Drawings 061. 03 Duplicate honor medals, enlisted men 220.5 Duplicate honor medals, officers. . . 210. 5 Maps 061. 05 Publications 461 Reports of issue of War Department publications 461 Sketches 061. 03 Supplies and equipment 400. 35 Foreign governments 400. 3591 National Guard 400. 358 Posts, stations, depots, arsenals, camps 400. 356 Schools - , , 400. 359 331 Issues — Continued . Tracings 061. 03 Isthmian Canal Commission 020. 7 Jackets: Gun 472.81 Office supplies 462 Uniform 421 Jacks 413. 8 Jams 436 Janitors 221 Employees 231. 4 Enlisted men 221 Japan 091 Japanese, appointment as employees. 230. 2223 Jellies 436 Jerkins 421 Jerseys 421 Jetties 825. 3 Jews, absences of Jewish employees, religious celebrations 230. 581 Jigs 413.6 Assembling 476. 1 Jiujitsu 363. 8 Joint Army and militia, inspection during maneuvers, target practice, tournaments, field marches 333. 2 Joint Army and NaA^^ boards 334. 3 Joint Army and Navy maneuvers. . . 354. 2 Joint Army and Navy operations. . . . 370. 26 Joint coast-defense exercises 353. 5 Joint committees of Congi-ess, and re- ports of 032 Joint resolutions of Congress 032 Joints: Plumbing material 412. 2 Sewer 412. 2 Joiu"nals : Army service schools 352. 14 Service journals 461 Jubilees 001 Judge Advocate General of the Army. 321. 41 Construction and interpretation of appropriations 112. 2 DecieiouB and opinions of 016 Office of 028 Organization and administration. 028 Judge Advocate General's Depart- ment 321.4 Details officers in 210. 61 Italy 091 Itineraries: marches 353. 5 Itinerary, troops 370. 2 J. Judge Advocate General's Depart- ment — Continued . Property, supplies, and equipment. 400 Judge advocates: Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Artillery districts 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Assignment of 210. 312 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Camps 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Camps of instruction 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Cantonments 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 Duties 354. 572 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Concentration camps 354. 47 Authority 354. 471 Duties 354. 472 Courts-martial 250. 431 Assistants 250. 4311 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Details of 210. 61 Of courts-martial 210. 696 Districts, miscellaneous 323.67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Divisions 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hospital, field 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hospitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 332 Judge advocates — Continued. Hospitals, post 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Maneuver camps 354. 27 Authority 323. 271 Duties 323. 272 Mobilization 354. 37 Authority 354. 371 Duties 354. 372 Organizations, such as armies, regi- ments, etc 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Ports of debarkation 323. 927 Authority 323. 9271 Duties 323. 9272 Ports of embarkation 323. 917 Authority 323. 9171 Duties 323. 9172 Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Tactical organizations 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Training camps 354. 67 Authority 354. 671 Duties 354. 672 Judges 013. 2 Enlisted men 221 Details as 220. 694 Kalsomine 411.6 Keep Commission 334. 8 Kegs, powder 471. 87 Keratitis 710 Kerosene 463. 6 Kersey 423 Kettles 414. 3 Keys 411.7 Kings 336. 95 Kitchen cars and equipment 531. 3 Kitchen furnitm-e 414. 1 Kitchen utensils 414. 3 Basting spoons 414. 3 Bins 414.3 Bread andjdough tools 414. 3 Can openers 414. 3 Coffee mills 414. 3 K Judges — Continued. Officers 211 Details as 210. 695 Judgments 013. 34 Juice, fruit 435 Grape 435 Lime 435 Junction boxes 476. 1 Junior grade 221 Juries 013. 2 Absence of employees for duty .... 230. 573 Liability of employees for duty 230. 3121 Jurisdiction: Civil authorities over employees . . 230. 312 Civil government over Federal property or operations .... 014. 14 Court, in naturalization 014. 32 Courts-martial 250. 401 Transfer of cases 250. 492 State or United States control of medicine, hygiene, and sanitation 700. 5 War Department 020 Jurors 013. 2 Justice, Department of 044 Bureaus of 044. 2 Court of Claims 015. 5 Officers 044. 1 Attorney General and Solicitor General 044. 1 Attorneys, agents, and solicitors. 044. 1 Requests for employees' records. . . 230. 7143 Justice, military 250 Justices 013. 2 Jute 457 Kitchen utensils — Continued. Coffee pots 414. 3 Fire kindlers 414. 3 Kettles 414. 3 Knives 414. 3 Machines 414. 3 Meat tools 414. 3 Pans 414. 3 Potato peelers 414. 3 Pots 414.3 Racks 414. 3 Roasters 414. 3 Scales 414.3 Scoops 414. 3 Sieves 414. 3 Tools 414.3 Kitchens. , , ,.,.,,.,., 331. 6 333 Kitchens — Continued. Bviildings 633 Diet 720. 13 Field 414. 2 Kites 452. 3 Parts and accessories 452. 31 Kits 428 Ammunition 428 Field 428 Surplus 428 Grooming 456 Mess 426 Packs 457 Recruit 425 Repair 428 Surplus 428 Toilet 425 Labels 457 Labor: Clause in bonds for payment under contracts 168 Convicts, contracts 160 Hii-e of 230. 14 Additional 230. 142 Child. 230. 1402 Construction work, buildings and grounds 800. 118 Construction work, rivers and harbors 800.1 Contracts for 230. 144 Convict 230. 1403 Strikers and strikebreakers 230. 1404 Temporary 230. 141 Union labor 230. 1405 Hours of employees 230. 44 Eight-hour law 230. 442 Office hours 230. 4431 Overtime 230. 4521 Sunday work 230. 4522 Organized, discrimination against, Militia 325.2 Regulations, employees 230. 433 Secretary of Labor 049. 11 Assistant secretaries 049. 11 Skilled employees 231. 6 Use of military convicts on con- struction work 253. 5 Labor, Department of 049. 1 Bureaus 049. 12 Children's 049. 12 Immigration 049. 12 Labor statistics 049. 12 Kits — Continued . Tool 428 Knapsacks 426 Knife bridges 823. 71 Knights of Columbus 080 Knives: Belts for 426 Hospital Corps 474. 7 Scabbards for 426 Kitchen 414. 3 Medical Department 474. 7 Personal equipment 426 Silverware 414. 3 Knobs, door 411. 7 Kodaks, supplies for 413. 53 Krag rifles 474. 4 Labor, Department of — Continued. Bureaus — Continued. Naturalization 049. 12 Officers 049. 11 Secretary of Labor 049. 11 Assistant secretaries 049. 11 Labor regulations 230. 433 Labor Statistics, Bureau of 049. 12 Labor unions 085 Army bands in competition with civilians 322. 16 Discrimination against militia 325. 2 Employees membership in 230. 651 Laboratories 632 Buildings 632 Supplies and equipment 444. 5 Laborers: Employees 231. 4 Appropriation for 248. 1 Dock and wharf 231. 83 Foreman of 231. 4 Enlisted men 221 Foreman-laborer 221 Lacerated wounds 710 Laces, clothing 422 Lachrymose gases and chemicals 470. 6 Lacquer 457 Lake surveys, maps of 061. 4 Lakes 810. 2 Lamp chimneys 414. 5 Lamp shades 414. 5 Lamps 414. 5 Acetylene 414. 5 Electric 414. 5 Gas 414.5 334 Lamps — Continued . Gasoline , 414. 5 Gun-carriage, brackets for. 473. 87 Incandescent 414. 5 Oil 414.5 Street 414. 5 Supplies: Chimneys and shades 414. 5 Oil cans, wicks, burners 414. 6 Lance-noncommissioned officers 322. 994 Land : Acquisition of 601 By cession 601. 3 By donation 601. 2 By gift 601.2 By gi'ant 601. 3 By leases 601. 53 By licenses 601. 52 By permits 601. 52 Application for purchase from United States 602.4 Condemnation of 601. 1 Disposition of 602 Lease or loan of 601. 53 Lease or loan of by Government to others 602.7 Payment for 120. 13 Purchase of 601. 1 Restoration to public domain 602. 6 Return to original owners 602. 5 Sales of 602.2 Transfers from other departments. . 601. 4 Transfers to other departments 602. 3 Land bounty 324.9 Land defense maps and surveys 061. 2 Land defenses 660. 2 National Land Defense Board 334. 3 Land -grant railroad rates 551. 6 Freight 551. 6 Passenger 551. 6 Land offices 046. 2 Land ownership 601 Land tax 012. 2 Land transportation 530 Landing facilities, for vessels 567 For transports 577 Landing places. 825. 2 Aviation 686 Landmarks 000. 4 Languages 350. 03 Study and translation, proficiency in 350.03 Use of obscene 250. 1 Lanterns 414. 5 Lanterns— Continued . Burners 414. 5 Chimneys 414. 5 Shades 414. 5 Wicks 414. 5 Lanyards: Gun 472. 81 Revolver 426 Lap robes 455 Lard and substitutes 434 Lariats 456 Laryngitis 710 Laryngologist 211 Lasts, shoe 413. 193 Lathes 413. 8 Latrine buckets 414. 4 Latrines 634 Troughs 414. 4 Launches, gasoline, motor, and steam. 560 Clothing for 422 Employees 231. 8 Navigation charges 017. 1 Navigation regulations 017.2 Salvage 017. 3 Transports' launches 570 Launchways 826. 2 Laundering services 486. 3 For vessels 563. 6 Transports 573. 6 Laundering supplies 438 Laundresses, employees 231. 4 Laundries 33L 5 Buildings 633 Civilians operating 331. 5 Dues, enlisted men 242. 4 Establishment of 331. 5 Field 414.4 Funds 123 Proceeds of 131 Machinery 412. 3 Portable 414. 4 Regulations 331. 5 Services 486. 3 For transports 573. 6 Other vessels 563. 6 .Supplies 438 Soap 438 Starch 438 Laundrj^ bags 428 Lavatories 626 Equipment 412. 2 Law books 461 Law clerics 231. 25 Lawlessness, troops for suppression. . . 370. 6 385 Lawn mowers 413, 8 Lawn tools and implements 41 3. 18 Laws 010 Affecting accounting for property, supplies, and stores 140. 1 Affecting accounts and claims 150 Affecting administration of theArmy 300. 1 Affecting appropriations 112. 1 Estimates for 111. 1 Affecting aviation 360. 01 Affecting beneficiary money, rec- ords, burial expenses 247 Affecting checks and depositaries. . 122. 1 Affecting contracts 160 Affecting employees 230. 04 Absences 230. 51 Civil-service act 230. 041 Compensation for injmnes 248. 5 Demotions, reductions 230. 331 Estimates for pay 248. 1 Hire of 230. 1401 Holiday and early closing of offices 230.461 Hoiu's of labor 230. 441 Preference laws 230. 042 Promotion 230. 321 Status, changes, transfers 230. 31 Temporary duty involving travel 230. 421 Affecting funds, money 123. 1 Accounting 130 Accounts 132. 01 Disbursement 120 Affecting hygiene, medicine, sani- tation 700.1 Affecting militia 010. 3 Codes and manuals 325. 12 Issues to 400. 3581 To prevent discrimination against 325. 2 Affecting navigation 540. 1 Affecting organization of the Army . 320. 1 Affecting rivers and harbors 801 Civil code 010. 3 Common 010. 4 Constitutional 010. 1 State rights 010. 1 Eight-hour law 010. 3 Eight-hour law, employees 230. 442 Enactment of Oil Affecting civilians connected with the Army Oil. 5 Affecting Militia Oil. 6 Affecting organization Army Oil. 2 Affecting organization "War De- partment Oil. 1 Laws — Continued. Enactment of — Continued. Affecting pay of the Army Oil, 4 Foreign laws 010. 91 International 010. 2 Maritime 010. 7 Martial law 370. 8 Military 010. 6 Municipal ordinances 010. 5 National Ai-my 327.01 Penal code 010. 3 Persons pertaining to law 013. 2 Probates 010.4 Revised statutes and amendments. 010. 3 Special public 010. 3 State and Territorial 010. 4 Licenses and taxation under State 012.31 Under Territorial, and laws of possessions 012. 32 Statutes at Large 010. 3 United States laws and statutes.. 010.3 Codes and codifications of 010. 3 Lawyers 013. 2 Admission and disbarment 013. 2 Employees 231. 25 Laying cables, use of vessels for 565.61 Leases: Buildings and grounds acquired by . 601. 53 Leased by Government to others . 602. 7 For supplies and equipment 400. 145 On reservations 680. 4 Rivers and harbors 800. 502 Leather 423 Leatherfude 438 Leathers, tripping 473. 82 Leave of absence: Employees (see Absence) 230. 5 Payments during 248. 2 Officers 210. 711 Hunting leaves 210. 714 Permission to go beyond sea 210. 716 Sick leaves 210. 713 Stoppage of pay for excess 241. 2 Without leave 210. 712 Leavenworth, Fort, military prison at. 252 Lectures 350. 001 Army schools and colleges 352. 13 Details officers to deliver 210. 697 Hygiene, medicine, sanitation 700. 2 Legal actions 013. 3 Legal holidays 230. 464 Legal instruments and papers 013. 1 Caveat 013. 1 336 Legal instruments and papers — Con. Deeds and mortgages 013. 1 Oaths and affidavits 013. 1 Search and other warrants 013. 1 Writ of habeas corpus 013. 1 Legal matter 010 Legal medicine 700. 4 Legal persons 013. 2 Legal proceedings 013. 3 Legal representatives 013. 4 Legal residence 014. 34 Leggins 421 Legislation affecting civil educa- tional institution 000. 8 Legislation affecting employees 230. 04 Civil Service act 230. 041 Hire of 230. 1401 Holidays and early closing of offices 230.461 Overtime and Sunday work 230. 451 Preference laws 230. 042 Travel and temporary duty 230. 421 Use of influence 230.731 Legislation affecting rivers and har- bors 801 Legislation to prevent discrimina- tion against Militia 325. 2 Legislative appropriations 112. 1 Leprosy 710 Lethal, explosive 470. 6 Letter-opening machine 413. 51 Letter writing 312. 4 Abbreviations 312. 4 Address 312.4 Chirography 312. 4 Composition 312. 4 Erasures 312. 4 Interlineations 312. 4 Phraseology 312. 4 Signatures 312. 4 Facsimile 312. 4 Initials 312.4 Rubber stamp 312. 4 Use of typewriter 312. 4 Letters 312.2 Acknowledgment 312. 1 Allotment of apportionment 121. 2 Cipher 31L 5 Circular 312. 1 Confidential 312. 1 Insignia 421 Introduction 312. 1 Night 311.211 Of identification 312. 1 Leucemia 710 Levees 824. 4 Levels, water 812. 4 Liabilities, funds, reports of out- standing 121. 7 Liability payments to employees 248. 4 Liaison officers 322. 991 Authority of 322. 9911 Duties of 322. 9912 Liberty Bell 000. 4 Liberty loans. United States 004. 331 Libraries 331. 1 Allowances, supplies, and equip- ment 400. 347 Buildings 631 Congressional Library 032 Furniture 414. 1 Issues to 400. 357 Sales supplies to 400. 327 Licenses 012. 301 Aviation 360. 01 Buildings and land acquired by. . . 601. 52 Employees qualifications 230. 1135 Exemption from 012. 1 Ex-soldiers, pensioners 012. 314 Government agencies 012. 312 Government property or opera- tions 012. 311 Militia or militia property 012. 315 Officers and soldiers 012. 313 Patented articles used by Govern- ment under 072 Rivers and harbors 800. 5 Under foreign laws 012. 34 Under laws of States 012. 31 Under laws of Territories and possessions 012. 32 Under laws of United States 012. 33 Life-saving apparatus 458. 11 Tests and trials 458. 11 Transports 458. 11 Tests and trials 458. 11 Life-satving corps 324. 5 Life-saving guns 472. 92 Carriages, mounts, tripods 473. 9 Life-saving medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Life-Saving Service, Bureau of 042. 2 Lif tbridges 823. 71 Lifts, chain 413.8 Light 463 Allowances enlisted men 246. 2 Commutation of 246. 82 337 Light — Continued . Allowances, officers 245. 2 Commutation of 245. 82 Electric current 463. 1 Fixtures 412. 1 Electric 412. 1 Gas 463. 2 Light Artillery 322. 012 Lighterage 548. 4 Lighters 560 Employees 231. 8 Lighthouse tenders 560 Lighthouses 829. 12 Lighthouses, Bureau of 048. 2 Lighting: Buildings and grounds 600. 7 Equipment 412. 1 Sanitary 724. 1 Lighting plants and systems 675 Electric 675 Exterior 675 Interior 675 Gaa 675 Searchlight 675 Lightning stroke 710 Lights, bridge 823. 81 Lights, portable 470. 3 Lightships 829. 13 Limbers 473. 862 Limbs, artificial 443 Lime 411. 8 Lime juice 435 Limit, passenger: Vessels 569. 5 Transports 579. 5 Limitation, statute of 014. 4 Limitations, rivers and harbors 800. 6 Limits, extension or contraction of: (See Boundary.) Line, Army School of 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details enlisted men Regular Army and Militia 220. 63 Details officers Regular Army and Militia 210.63 Line, base 370. 42 Line of communication 370. 41 Zone of 372. 4 Line of duty: Enlisted men 220. 46 Officers 210. 46 Line of the Army: Assignments officers. .T 210. 313 Change of station officers 210. 322 61127 —18 22 Line of the Army — Continued. Transfers enlisted men 220. 33 Transfers, officers 210. 332 Lineal rank 210. 724 Lineman : Employees 231. 5 Enlisted men 221 Electrician and lineman, Quarter- master Corps 221 Lines, mooring 458. 14 Transports 458. 14 Lines, picket 654 Lining, clothing 423 Links, golf 618.2 Linoleum 414. 1 Linseed meal 464.2 Liquid fire 470. 6 Liquor, introduction and sale of 250. 1 Liquor, use of 250. 1 Lists: Bidders 400. 1551 For construction work, buildings and grounds 600. 164 Rivers and harbor work 800. 164 Circulation of subscription, by em- ployees 230. 434 Civil service register of eligibles. . . 230. 1 Construction officers of Govern- ment buildings and grounds work fiOO. 163 Contractors 400. 1552 Buildings and grounds, construc- tion work 600. 165 River and harbor work 800. 165 Descriptive 201. 33 Eligibles, employees 230. 11 Eligible for volunteer commissions. 324. 21 Employees 230. 386 Funds 121. 3 Good conduct 220. 5 Graduation, cadets. Military Acad- emy 351.23 Mailing. 319. 26 Passenger 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Passenger assignments on vessels.. 569.3 Transports '. 579. 3 Price list of supplies 400. 191 Price, War Department 461 Property, stores, supplies transfer- red 142.3 Purchasing officers of Government. 400. 154 Reports of action on, of eligibles. . . 230. 135 Supply, submarine mine 476. 3 338 Lists— Continued. Transfers, detached officers per- manent list 210. 335 War Department publications 461 Literature for use of the Army 350. 01 Lithographing outfit, supplies and products 413. 52 Lithographing services 486. 8 Lithographs 413. 52 Litters 443 Loaders 221 Chief 221 Loading: Cars 505 Vessels: Passengers 563. 11 Transports 573. 11 Loading machines 413.8 Loading rooms 663 Loading tools 413. 11 Loading trays, ammunition 471. 88 Loading vessels 563. 51 Transports 573. 51 Loan sharks 004. 31 Loans 004. 3 Bonds to secure 168 Buildings and grounds acquired by. 601. 53 Loaned by Government to others 602. 7 Money, by employees 230. 761 Property borrowed from allies in war 386.4 Rivers and harbors 800. 502 Supplies {see Supplies and equip- ment, loans) 400. 33 Supplies and equipment: To foreign governments 400. 336 To National Guard 400. 334 To United States Government 004. 33 Liberty loans 004.331 United States Government to others 004. 34 Vessels 565. 5 Transports 575. 5 Lobsters - - 431 Local affairs 090 Location of buildings 600. 03 Location of bulkhead lines, dock lines, harbor lines, pierhead lines. 800. 02 Location of monuments, tombstones.. 293. 6 Location of river and harbor works — 800. 02 Location of supplies and equipment. 400. 41 Location of vessels 565 Transports 575 Lock buildings and machinery, canal. 821 Lock floors, canal 821. 02 Lock gates, canal 821. 04 Lockjaw 710 Lock walls, canal 821. 02 Lockage, canal 821. 01 Lockers: Arm 474. 87 Tmnk 428 Wall 411. 3 Locking, canal 821. 01 Locks: Canal 821.1 Irrigation 821. 1 Rules and regulations 821. 1 Ships canal 821. 1 Elevating 473. 82 Hardware 411. 7 Locomotives 453 Employees for 231. 5 Locomotor ataxia 710 Lodges 080 Quarters for 624 Lodging houses 004. 041 Lodgings 482 Logging rules and regulations 800. 21 Logs and extracts, vessels 569. 2 Transports 579. 2 Logs, obstruction to navigation 828. 2 Longevity pay, enlisted men 241. 12 Longevity pay, officers 241. 12 Loose-leaf system 313. 2 Loot and looting 250. 1 Lorches 560 Employees for 231. 8 Losses: Bills of lading 552. 3 Charges against enlisted men for property 242. 3 Charges against officers for property. 241. 3 Checks 122.16 Citizenship 014. 33 Courts-martial proceedings 250. 452 Deposit books 244. 1 Final statements 242. 6 Funds 123 Funds received for losses 131 Mail 311. 132 Miscellaneous matters 319. 24 Property, supplies and equipment. 400. 73 Accounts of 143. 7 By desertion 251. 27 Records 313.7 Reports of losses, funds 121. 5 Supplies and property in shipment . 523. 08 Tickets 552. 8 339 Losses — Continued . Time, enlisted men, absence, mis- conduct, making good 220. 717 Time in desertion, making good. . . 251. 23 Transportation requests 552. 3 Statistics of losses 053 Vessels, reimbursements for 560. 01 Transports 570. 01 Losses and gains, miscellaneous 319. 24 Lots, burial, assignment of 293. 5 Lawlessness, troops for suppres- sion 370. 6 Lowering devices, funeral sup- plies 468 Macaroni 433 Machetes 474. 7 Scabbards 426 Machine gun companies 322. 173 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Equipment 475. 6 Infantry 322. 173 Small arms firing 353. 14 Machine gun platoons 322. 8 Cavaky 322.8 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Equipment 475. 6 Infantry 322. 8 MacMne gun practice, Coaat Artillery Corps 353.17 Machine gun troops 322. 174 Cavalry 322.174 Machine guns 472. 5 Carriages, mounts, tripods 473. 5 Pack outfits for 455 Trucks 451. 2 Parts and accessories for 451. 21 Machine rifles 472. 5 Machine shop tractors 451. 3 Parts and accessories 451. 31 Machinery 412. 3 Air compressors 412. 3 Ammunition 412. 3 Baking 412. 3 Boilers and equipment 412. 3 Canal and lock 821. 04 Cooking 412. 3 Electric 412. 4 Electrical 412. 4 Engines and equipment 412. 3 Fuel economizers 412. 3 Ice and refrigerating 412. 3 Laundry 412. 3 Low water and low-water marks . 812. 1 Mean low water 812. 11 Loyalty 324. 9 Lubricating oils 412. 2 Lumber 411. 1 Lunch rooms 633 Commercial 004. 041 Luncheon facilities 230. 651 Lunches 430. 1 Lutheran Church 000. 3 Lye 438 Lymphadenitis 710 Lymphangitis 710 Lynchings by soldiers 250. 1 M. Machinery — Continued. Lock and canal 821. 04 Pumps and equipment 412. 3 Road 413. 8 Safety devices 412. 3 Smoke consumers 412. 3 Machines 413. 8 Adding 413. 51 Addressograph 413. 5 Buttonhole 413. 8 Calibration of 413. 6 Cement guns 413. 8 Cleaning equipment 414. 4 Coffee 414.3 Computing 413. 51 Duplicating, and supplies 413. 52 Floor grinders 413. 8 Forage handling 413. 8 Fuel handling and preparing 413. 8 Harvesting 413.8 Hoisting and pulling 413. 8 Kitchen 414. 3 Loading 413. 8 Mimeographs 413. 52 Moving-picture 413. 53 Mowing 413. 8 Multigraphs, and supplies 413. 52 Numbering 413. 51 Office 413. 51 Photographic, and supplies and products 413. 53 Polishing 414. 4 Portable laundry 414. 4 Printing, and supplies 413. 52 Road 418. 8 Rock crushers 413. 8 Sewing 413. 8 Steam shovels 413. 8 340 Machines — Continued. Stereopticons 413. 53 Stitching 413. 8 Testing and measuring 413. 6 Typewriters 413. 51 Wire-winding 413. 8 Machinists 231. 5 Of transports 231. 81 Magazine rifles 474. 1 Magazines, publications 000. 76 Giving information to 000. 71 Subscriptions to 400. 134 Supply of. 461 Magazines, small -arm 47.4. 8 Magazines, storage, for explosives 633 Mine 663 Powder 633 Magnetos 412. 42 For gun carriages 473. 83 Maids, employees 231. 4 Mail 311.1 Bags 428 Boxes 311.1221 Carried on vessels 565. 61 On transports 575. 61 Carriers 231. 4 Employees, to be forwarded 230. 7145 Establishment of post offices and routes 311.12 Extension of Rural Free Delivery. 311. 121 Forwarding and readdressing 311. 18 Insured 311. 191 Irregularities 311. 13 Lost or destroyed 311. 13 Parcel post 311. 16 Penalty envelopes and franking privilege 311. 15 Postage stamps, use of 311. 14 Registered mail 311. 17 Regulations and rules, postal and other 311.11 Services 483. 4 Transportation of 523. 7 Transportation of supplies and equipment by 523. 04 Wagons 311. 122 Mail and Record Division, War De- partment 020. 4 Mailing lists 319. 26 Mains, water, use of in river and har- bor work 825. 7 Maintaining buildings and grounds. . 600. 182 Maintaining rivers and harbors 800. 2 Maintaining supplies and equipment. 400. 4 Maintenance of ex-prisoners 253. 4 Maintenance of vessels {see also Ves- sels, operations and main- tenance) 563 Transports 573 Major generals 211 Majors 211 Making good time lost by absence, misconduct, etc 220. 717 Making good time lost in desertion. . . 251. 23 Malaria 710 Malformation 710 Malingerers 250. 1 Malingering disease 710 Mallein 448 Malt 433 Malted milk and cream 434 Malto fever 710 Maneuver camp sites 685 Maneuver grounds 685 Maneuvers 354. 2 Allowance for 400. 3403 Army and militia 354. 2 Attendance 354. 2 Boats 560 Buildings at maneuver camps 652 Commanders 354. 26 Authority 354. 261 Duties 354. 262 Criticisms 354. 2 Details: Enlisted men 220. 67 Officers 210. 67 Officers as observers at foreign. . 210. 684 Discontinuance of 354. 22 Foreign maneuvers 354. 2 Grounds 685 Headquarters of - 354. 25 Hire of civilian employees 230. 146 Inspections of 333. 2 Joint Army and militia 333. 2 Militia 333.2 Regular Army 333. 2 Maps 061.1 Methods of paying at 240. 21 Militia and Army 354. 2 Naval 045.93 Organization of 354. 21 Referees, umpires 210. 695 Reports 354. 2 Rules and regulations 354. 28 Staff officers 354. 27 341 Maneuvers^Continued . Staff officers — Continued. Authority 354. 271 Duties 354. 272 State 354.2 Transportation mounts of officers . . 522 Transportation organizations 511 Bids, contracts for 553. 1 Mangers 456 Manifests 5G9. 4 Of transports 579. 4 Manning tables 320. 4 Mantas 424 Manuals 461 Militia 325. 12 War Department 461 Manufactures: At depots and arsenals 400. 173 At military prisons 252 Supplies and equipment 400. 17 Abstracts 400.182 At depots and arsenals 400. 173 Awards 400. 183 Bids 400.181 Authority to invite 400. 1812 Contracts 400.185 Priority of 400. 174 Manufacturing establishments 004. 4 Capacity and output 004. 401 Night operations 004. 402 Priority orders 004. 004 Manure: Disposal of, services 485. 4 Mapping 061. 01 Maps 061 Battle fields, maneuver and war 061. 1 Buildings and grounds 600. 92 Coast and geodetic 061. 7 Confidential 061. 2 Construction of 061. 04 Disposition of 061. 08 Distribution 061. 05 Drawings, tracings, and sketches. . . 061. 03 General Land Office 061. 5 Lake surveys 061. 4 Mapping and map work 061. 01 Ordnance survey, Great Britain and Ireland 061. 93 Parcel post 061. 8 Post route 061. 8 Progre88i\e military 061. 3 Purchase of 061. 07 Reproduction 061. 02 Maps — Continued . Rivers and harbors 800. 91 Sale of 061. 06 Scale of 061. 04 Topographic or relief 061. 9 Marches 353. 5 Inspection of field 333. 2 Joint Army and militia 333.2 Militia 333. 2 Regular Army 333. 2 Iractice 353. 5 Test 353. 5 Marine brigades 045. 3 Marine construction, superinten- dents of 231. 21 Marine Corps 045. 3 Artillery 045. 3 Band 045.3 Brigades 045. 3 Cadets 045. 3 Sales to — Enlisted men and families. . . 400. 322 Officers and families 400. 321 Transportation — Enlisted men 515 Officers 515 Marine engineers, employees 231. 21 Marine Hospital Service, Bureau of. . 042. 2 Marine inspectors 231. 22 Marine ways 826. 1 Maritime laws 010. 7 Maritime matters 017 Markers, employees 231. 4 Markers, grave 293. 7 Markers, target range 416 Market conditions, reports of 400. 137 Marking obstructions to navigation. . 800. 81 Marking outfits 457 Marking supplies and equipment 400. 161 Marks: Packing 457 Personal, identification 344. 1 Water 812.101 Marksmanship 353. 15 Additional pay for 242. 142 Certificate of 353. 15 Classification 353. 15 Qualification 353. 15 Marksmen 221 Pins. {See Badges.) ReserA'es 326. 5 Marriages 291. 1 Marriages, civil, in Phili])pine Island? . 014. 3 6 342 Married men: Appointments, employees 230. 2212 Special authority for enlistment of. 342. 18 Married women, appointments, em- ployees 230.2213 Marshals, provost 370. 8 Martial law, employment of troops.. 370.8 Masks, fencing 474. 7 Masks, gas 470. 72 Masons, employees 231. 5 Masons, secret order 080 Massacres, historical 000. 4 Master blocks 412. 42 Master electricians 221 Master engineers 221 Master gunners 221 Master hospitals sergeants 221 Master of the sword. Military Acad- emy 351. 01 Master signal electricians 221 Masters: Boat 231. 81 Forage, employees 231. 7 Train , employees 231. 7 Vessels 231.81 Transports 231.81 Mastoiditis 710 Masts, signal 655 Matches, shooting, national 353. 3 ■Matches, supplies 466 Matches, transportation officers horses to 522 Materialmen 231. 3 Material officers: Artillery districts 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Coast-defense 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Forts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Materials (see also Su]jplies) 400 Allowances of for manufacture sup- plies and equipment 400. 172 Building 411 Cartridge-bag 423 Clothing 423 Inspectors of 231. 22 Electrical 412. 4 Equipage 423 Materials — Continued . Manufactures from, furnished by United States 400. 18 Metal 411.7 Packing 457 Plumbing 412. 2 Sewer 412. 2 War 381. 3 Mates, vessels employees 231. 81 Matrons 231. 6 Mats 414. 1 Matting 414. 1 Mattresses 427 Covers 427 Mausoleums 634 Maxim automatic guns 472. 5 Maxim silencers 474. 8 Maximite 471. 86 Maximum property on hand, trans- ferred 142.4 Mayors 014. 12 Meal 433 Forage. 464 Grain for 433 Linseed, forage 464. 2 Meal tickets 430. 1 Meals 430.1 Measles 710 Measurements, special, for clothing.. 421 Measurements, supplies and equip- ment 400.114 Measurements, water discharge 812. 5 Measures, time 413. 6 Measures and weights 003 Measuring instruments 413. 6 Measuring machines 413. 6 Measuring reel and frame, cable 476. 2 Measuring tool 413. 6 Meat for animals, dog food 464. 7 Meat tools 414. 3 Meats 431 Canned or pickled 431 Cured or salt 431 Dried 431 Fresh 431 Mechanical engineers 231. 21 Mechanical equipment 412 In'ftallation, buildings and grounds. 600. 2 Mechanical trades, employees 231. 5 Mechanics, employees 231. 5 Mechanics, enlisted men 221 Chief mechanics 221 343 Mechanics and Saddlers' School 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details, officers, Regular Army and militia 210.63 Details, students and instructors, enlisted men. Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Mechanisms: Breech 472.81 Firing 472.81 Gun carriage 473. 82 Elevating 473. 82 Recoil 473. 82 Retracting 473. 82 Traversing 473. 82 Tripping 473. 82 Medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Army Cuban Pacification 220. 5 Congressional 220. 5 Honor 220. 5 Replacing old with 220. 5 Life saving 220. 5 Philippine Insurrection 220. 5 Replacing 220. 5 Small-arms target- practice 220. 5 Target-practice competitions 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Army Cuban Pacification 210. 5 Congressional 210. 5 Honor 210. 5 Replacing old with 210. 5 Life-saving 210. 5 Philippine Insurrection 210. 5 Replacing 210. 5 Small-arms target-practice 210. 5 Target-practice competitions 210. 5 Transportation of 523. 6 Uniforms 421 Medical attendanc^e 701 Aliens, foreigners, interned persons. 701 By civilians 701. 2 Cadets 701 Civilians 701 Employees 701 Enlisted men 701 Nurses 701 Officers 701 Medical Board, Army 334.3 Medical carts 451. 7 Medical collections 700. 6 Medical Corps 322.05 Enlisted men 322. 052 Officers of 322. 051 Medidal Department 321. 6 Medical Department troops 322. 05 Ambulance companies 322. 173 Companies 322. 173 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Enlisted men 322. 052 Equipment 475. 5 Field hospitals 322. 15 Commanders 322. 98 Authority 322.981 Duties 322. 982 Staffs 322. 991 Authority 322.9911 Duties 322. 9'912 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Corporals 221 Hospital sergeants 221 Master hospital sergeants 221 Sergeants 221 Sergeants, first-class 221 Officers 322. 051 Privates 221 Recruits 343 Sanitary troops 322. 054 Medical employees 231. 23 Chemists 231. 23 Clinical experts 231. 23 Medical experts 231. 23 Pharmacists 23L 23 Physicians 231. 23 Veterinarians 231. 23 Medical equipment 440 Medical examinations 702 Cadets 702 Civilians 702 Employees 702 Enlisted men 702 Nurses 702 Officers 702 Recruits 343 Medical experts, employees. 231. 23 Medical histories 706 Cadets 706 Civilians 706 Employees 706 Enlisted men 706 Nurses 706 Officers 706 Medical museums 700. 6 Medical officers 322. 052 Details 210.61 To Army Medical School 210. 63 To correspondence school 210. 63 Examining boards 334. 1 344 Medical officers' correspondence school 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details officers 210. 63 Medical Reserve Corps 326. 2 Officers 322. 051 Medical School, Army 352 Detachment enlisted men 352. 191 Details — Enlisted men 220. 63 Officers, Regular Army and militia 210. 63 Medical specialist 231. 23 Medical supplies 440 Acids 441. 3 Artificial limbs 443 Chemicals 441. 2 Dressings and materials 442 Drugs 441. 1 Electrical equipment 444. 3 Equipment 443 Equipment for special treatments. . 444 First-aid packets or pouches 444. 1 Gases 441. 5 Instruments — Medical 443 Surgical 443 Medicines 441. 4 Patent medicines 441. 6 Proprietary medicines 441. 7 Special treatments 444 Surgical 442 Surgical equipment 443 Vaccine — Smallpox 444. 2 Typhoid 444. 2 Medical supply depots 323. 7 Commanders 323. 76 Authority 323. 761 Duties 323. 762 Staffs 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Medicine, hygiene, sanitation 700 Essays 700. 2 Laws of 700. 1 Lectiu-es 700. 2 Legal 700. 4 Philosophy of 700. 1 Professional papers 700. 7 Rules and regulations 700. 8 State control 700. 5 Theory 700. 1 Training in 700. 3 Training in nursing 700. 3 Medicine, hygiene, sanitation — Con. Training in surgery 700. 3 Treatises on 700. 2 LTnited States control 700. 5 Medicines 441. 4 Medicines, supplies 441. 4 Patent 441. 6 Proprietarj' 441. 7 Preventive 441. 01 Vaccine 444. 2 Veterinary 445 For special treatments 448 Megaphones 413. 47 Melancholia, involutional 710 Members of courts-martial 250. 43 Memoranda, notes 300. 6 Artillery 300. 6 General Staff 300. 6 Militia 300. 6 Memorandum 300. 6 Memorandum accounts 141. 5 Memorandum receipts 141. 5 Memorial halls 631 Memorial services, use of reservations for 680.35 Memorials 619. 3 Authority for erection and care 619. 3 Permission to erect on reservations. 680. 47 Selection of designs, inscriptions, sites 619.3 Meningitis 710 Mental defects, applicants for enlist- ment 342.15 Mental efficiency 201. 6 Mental examinations : Candidates for cadets. Military Academy 351. 15 Enlisted men- Appointments 220. 12 Promotions 220. 22 Officers — Appointments 210. 12 Promotions 210. 22 Mental status, employees, for appoint- ment 230. 225 Merchandising 004. 1 Merchants 004. 1 Merciuy 470. 1 Merit, figure of, Coast Artillery Corps service practice 353. 17 Merit, figure of small-arms firing 353. 14 Merit rolls, cadets. Military Academy 351. 29 Mess allowances, employees 248. 5 Mess boxes, pouches, tins, packs ^^,428 345 Mess cars 531. 3 Mess equipment 414. 3 Mess hinds 123 Mess furniture 414. 1 Mess halls 633 Mess jackets 421 Mess kits 426 Mess officers 331. 4 Mess sergeants 221 Additional pay .• . 242. 143 Mess shelters 633 Messages ■ 311 Field 300. 4 Flag and other signal 311. 6 Homing pigeons 311. 9 Secret and confidential 311. 5 Cipher letters and dispatches 311. 5 Ciphergraph and cipher writers. . 311. 5 Codes, secret 311. 5 Codes, telegraphic 311. 5 Telegraph 311. 2 Cablegrams 311. 22 Cable. 311. 22 Telegrams, 311. 21 Wireless, radiograms, aerograms . 311.23 Federal supervision of 311. 201 Telephone 311.3 Messengers: Employees 231. 4 Enlisted men 221 Detachmentaof 322. 7 Use of, in communication 311. 4 Messes 331. 4 Enlisted men 331. 4 Mess sergeants 221 Funds 123 Officers 331. 4 Mess officers 331. 4 Vessels 563. 3 Hospital 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Sailors and firemen 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Saloon 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Ships' officers 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Ships' petty officers 563.3 On transports 573. 3 Transports 573. 3 Troops 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Metal fixtures 411. 7 Metal material 411. 7 Metal mirrors, searchlight 470. 31 Metals 410. 2 Babbitt 412. 2 For manufacture of armament 470. 1 Gold 470. 1 Monel 470. 1 Silver 470. 1 . Welding compound 412. 2 Metatarsalgja 710 Meteorological instruments 413. 6 Meteorolorical observations 047. 2 Meteorological stations 665. 2 Meter readings 671 Meters: Blast, electric, gas, rheostat, water. 413. 6 Distance 413. 6 Methodist Episcopal Church 000. 3 Methodist, South 000. 3 Methods of billing baggage, house- hold goods, professional books, or private property. 524. 01 Methods of billing and rules as to ship- ment of supplies and prop- erty 523.01 Methods, business 310 Inspection of 333. 8 Methods of computing and handling transportation accounts. . . 550. 2 Methods of construction and installa- tion, buildings and grounds 600. 11 Methods of construction work, rivers and harbors 800. 11 Methods of issuing supplies 400. 3501 Methods of operating supplies and equipment 400. 4 Methods of preserving supplies 400. 241 Methods of purchase 400. 1201 Methods of storing supplies 400. 241 Methods of submitting requisitions for supplies 400. 311 Methods of supply 400. 302 Methylaniline 471. 85 Metric system 003 Mexican badges, enlisted men 220. 5 Mexican badges, officers 210. 5 Mexican War 055 Mexico 091 Mice 000. 94 White mice, supplies 454. 7 Microscopists 231. 23 Middlings, forage 464. 2 Midshipmen 045. 8 Migraine 710 346 Mileage, ofBcers 245.6 Allowance 245. 6 Commutation of 245. 8 Claims 154 Deductions 131 Military Academy (see Academy, Military) 351 Academic board 351. 06 Appropriations for 112 Band 351. 03 Board of Visitors 351. 06 Cadets 351. 1 Course of instruction 351. 051 Departments 351. 05 Detachments of enlisted men 351. 02 Officers (adjutant, commandant of cadets, master of the sword, professors, Quartermaster Corps officers, superintend- ent, treasurer, and disburs- ing officer) 351. 01 Regulations 351. 04 Suspension of duties 351. 055 Military activities, damages caused by 370. 07 Military administration 300 Military and civil authorities, rela- tions between 014. 13 Military appropriations 112 Military attaches 041. 2 Military attaches, details 210. 681 Military control 330 Posts and camps 331 Camp administration 331 Gardens 331. 6 Kitchens 331. 6 Laundries 331. 51 Civilians operating 331. 51 Establishment 331. 51 Regulations 331. 51 Libraries 331. 1 Messes 331. 4 Enlisted men 331. 4 Officers 331.4 Officers' clubs 331. 2 Post administration 331 Post and company exchanges 331. 3 Councils of administration . . . 331. 3 Credit 33L 3 Employees 331. 3 Establishment 331. 3 Officers 331. 3 Operation reports 331. 3 Profit 331. 3 Regulations 331. 3 Stock, fixtures, and supplies . . 331. 3 Military departments, divisions (geo- graphical) 323.3 Military depots 323. 7 Military discipline 250 Military districts 323. 6 Military divisions (geographical) .... 323. 3 Military employees 230 Military executions 250 Military field engineering 661 Military histories (see Records; His- tories) 314.7 Military information 350 Military information, collection and dissemination 350. 05 Military justice 250 Military laws 010. 6 Military museums 350. 04 Military observations 350. 07 Military offenses 250 Military office, holding of 014. 7 Military organizations 322 Sales to 400. 3292 Military parks 688 Appropriations for 112 Military persons, quaisi 292 Military police 370. 093 Details, officers in charge 210. 607 Military posts 323. 7 Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Inspection , 333. 1 Military prisoners 253 Military prisons 252 Board of commissioners 334. 3 Military problems 350. 06 Military public works, appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Reimbursement and transfers of . . . 113 Military schools (see Schools) 352 Military service. (See Service.) Military service, exemption of per- sons from 327. 22 Military stations 323. 7 Military statistics 059 Fighting men 059 Military topography 350. 08 Military tournaments 353. 5 Militia or National Guard 325 Absence employees for duty with. 230. 571 Adjutant General 323. 82 Authority 323. 821 Duties 323. 822 Allowances 300. 348 347 Militia or National Guard — Contd. Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Reimbursements and transfers. . . 113 Attendance, officers, garrison schools 352. 35 Cadets as part of 000. 8 Cadets in 000. 8 Calls into Federal service 325. 36 Camps of instruction 354. 1 Joint, with Regular Army 354. 1 Joint coast - defenses exercises with Coast Artillery 353. 5 Commendation 330. 13 Commissions: Enlisted men, holding 210. 14 Officers, holding 210. 14 Competitions, small arms 353. 2 . Details: Enlisted men, Regular Army with 220. 65 Enlisted men, militia to Army service schools 220. 63 Milita officers to Army service schools 210.63 Officers, Regular Army, with 210. 65 Development and improvement. . . 325. 5 Educations (see also 350) 325. 52 Armory instruction 325. 526 Correspondence schools 325. 522 Courses of study 325. 525 Instruction at property in- • spections 325. 528 Instruction State employees. . . 325. 527 Standardization 325. 524 State schools 325. 523 Systems and methods of in- struction 325. 521 PoUcies and plans 325. 51 Discrimination against 325. 2 By employers of members 325. 2 By Federal departments 325. 2 By organized labor : . . 325. 2 Criticism and condemnation of. . 325. 2 Laws and legislation to prevent. 325. 2 Draft into Federal service 325. 37 Efficiency of 330. 1 Federal recognition 325. 35 Withdrawal of 325. 351 Geographical division 323. 8 Induction into service 325. 4521 Inspections of organizations and property 333. 4 In field 333. 44 In garrison or quarters, armory. 333. 45 Militia or National Guard — Contd. Inspection of organizations and pro perty — Con tin ued . Maneuvers, marches, target prac- tice, tournaments 333. 2 Joint Army and militia 333. 2 Inspectors-instructor of, officers. . . 211 Instructors of, enlisted men 221 Issues to 400. 358 At camps 400. 3583 Conditions of 400. 3582 Laws and regulations 400. 3581 Suspension 400. 3584 Laws affecting {see also 011.6) 010. 3 Laws and regulations 325. 1 Codes 325. 12 Manuals 325. 12 Regulations 325. 11 Licenses 012. 301 Loans to 400. 334 Maneuvers 354. 2 Memoranda, notes 300. 6 Mobiilzation 370. 01 National Militia Board 334. 3 Naval 045. 7 Officers 210 Boards 334. 7 Rank and command 210. 726 Transportation 512 Mounts of officers 522 Organization 325. 4 Conformity with Regular Army.. 325.43 Independent to organize 325. 42 Organizations 325. 45 Changes in 325. 451 Designations of 325. 455 Disbandment 325. 453 Muster in 325. 4521 Muster out 325. 4522 Privileged 325. 456 Transfer of units between arms. 325. 454 Strength 325. 44 Commissioned 325. 441 Enlisted 325. 442 Pay of Federal employees as mili- tiamen 240. 6 Publicity and public press as an aid 000.78 Quartermasters general, States. . . . 323. 83 Powers 323. 831 Duties 323. 832 Rank and precedence between, and Regular Army, enlisted. . . 220. 726 348 Militia or National Guard — Contd. Relations with AVar Department. . . 325. 3 Cooperation with Regular Army . 325. 32 Relations with Regular Army . . . 325. 31 Status as militia 325. 33 Status when in Federal service. . 325. 34 Reserves 326. 4 Sales of supplies and equipment. . 400. 324 Small-arms firing 353. 14 Strength 325. 44 Commissioned 325. 441 Enlisted 325. 442 Supplies and equipment 400 Exchanges with and returns from 400. 224 Target practice, promotion of 381. 5 Taxation 012. 315 Training 353 Transportation: Accounts, freight 554. 4 Accounts, passenger 553. 4 Enlisted men 513 Hire of animals 454 Mounts of officers 522 Organizations 511 Supplies and property 523 Supplies belonging to militia. 523. 3 To and from militia 523. 4 Unorganized 325. 41 Enrollment 325. 411 Use of reservations for 680. 36 Militia Bureau 321. 15 Chief of 321. 151 Office of 029. 3 Militia affairs, officers in charge of, departments, divisions 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Milk and cream: Condensed 434 Evaporated 434 Fresh 434 Malted 434 Powdered 434 Milk, supply, hygiene and sanita- tion of 720.15 Mills, coffee 414. 3 Mills, planing 413. 8 Mills, saw 413. 8 Mimeograph letters 461 Mimeograph machines and supplies. . 413. 52 Mimeographs, War Department pub- lications 461 Mimeoscope map reproduction 061. 02 Mine anchors 476. 1 Mine blocks 412. 42 Mine cable 476. 2 Mine caps 476. 1 Mine casemates 663 Mine cases 476. 1 Mine commanders 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Duties 322. 982 Mine commands 322. 972 Mine companies 322. 173 Diills and exercises 353. 5 Instruction 353. 5 Planting instruction 353. 5 Transfers, enlisted 220. 33 Mine defense, troops for 370. 31 Mine domes 476. 1 Mine fuze cans 476. 1 Mine magazines 663 Mine moorings 476. 1 Mine planters and ser\-ice 560 Clothing for 422 Details enlisted 220. 693 Employees 231. 82 Instruction, mine planting, and reports of 353. 5 Regulations 560. 1 Mine planting 353. 5 By vessels 565. 61 Equipment and apparatus '458 Instruction and reports of 353. 5 Mine practice. 353. 17 Reports of 353. 17 Mine project or defense 660. 3 Troops for 370. 31 Mine racks 663 Mine structures 663 Casemates 663 Drying ovens 663 Dynamite rooms 663 Loading rooms 663 Racks 663 Sheds 663 Storehouses 663 Walls 663 Mine supplies 476. 3 Boat telephones 476. 3 Explosives 476. 1 Mine supply list 476. 3 Mine tools 476. 3 Mine transformers 476. 1 Mineral oil 463. 6 349 Mines: Bureau of 046. 2 Tests of coal 046. 2 Naval 045. 9 Submarine 476 Apparatus 476 Equipment 476 Mine defenses 660. 3 Troops for 370. 31 Supplies 476. 3 Boat telephones 476. 3 Equipment 476. 1 Explosives 476. 1 Supply list 476. 3 Tools 476. 3 Transformers 476. 1 Minimum property on hand, trans- ferred 142.4 Mining casemates 663 Mining on reservations 680. 31 Ministers, diplomatic 041. 2 Foreign 336. 91 Ministers of the gospel 000. 3 Minor buildings 650 Minors, discharge of 220. 83 Mint, Director of 042. 1 Mirrors 414. 1 Searchlight 470. 31 Glass 470. 31 Gold plating 470. 31 Metal 470. 31 Nickel plating 470. 31 Silver plating 470. 31 Miscellaneous 290 Miscellaneous correspondence 312. 1 Miscellaneous matters, military 319.2 Miscellaneous papers 402 Miscellaneous reports 319. 1 Miscellaneous troops 322. 999 Misconduct 250. 1 Employees 250. 1 Enlisted men 250. 1 Discharges for 220. 83 Stoppage of pay for 242. 3 Suspension of allotments 243. 6 Officers 250. 1 Stoppage of pay for 241. 2 Misdemeanors 250. 1 Misplaced funds 123. 5 Missionaries 000. 3 - Mistreatment of civilians by officers and enlisted men 250. 1 Mistreatment of enlisted men 250. 1 Mitigation of sentences 250. 472 Mittens 422 Mixed forage 464. 3 Mobile Army Division 321. 13 Chief of 321. 131 Mobile guns 472. 1 Carriages, mounts, tripods for 473. 1 Shell for 471. 1 Mobilization 370. 01 Mobilization camps 354. 3 Commanders of 354. 36 Authority 354. 361 Duties 354. 362 Contraction of limits 354. 34 Discontinuance of 354. 32 Establishment of 354. 31 Extension of limits 354. 33 Headquarters of 354. 35 Rules and regulations 354. 38 Staff officers of 354. 37 Authority 354. 371 Duties 354. 372 Moccasins 421 Models of forms 315 Models, measuring and testing instru- ments 413. 6 Molasses 436 Molders 231. 5 Monday, observance after holidays... 230. 465 Monel metal 470. 1 Monetary systems 003 Money 123 Accounts 132 Inspection of 333. 8 Bags 428 Beneficiary 247 Claim for 247 Foreign exchange of 123. 7 Lending of, by employees 230. 761 Loan of 004. 3 Orders, checks 122. 1 Shipment of 523. 6 Systems of 003 Monks 000.3 Monthly reports 319. 1 Monuments, memorials, tombstones: Absence of employees for unveil- ing... 230.583 Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Monuments on reservations 293. 6 Designs 293. 6 Erection and care 293. 6 Inscriptions 293. 6 Permission to erect 680. 47 Sites 293.6 350 Monuments, etc. — Continued. Other monuments and tombstones. 293. 6 Contributions 293. 6 Inscriptions 293. 6 Location and size 293. 6 Mooring buoys: Mine 476.1 Vessels 458.14 Transports 458. 14 Mooring chain, mine 476. 1 Mooring line, vessels 458. 14 Transports 458. 14 Mooring rope 476. 1 Mooring rules and regulations 800. 2121 Mooring shackles 476. 1 Mooring sister hooks 476. 1 Mooring sockets 476. 1 Moorings, mine 476. 1 Moorings, obstruction to navigation. . 800. 83 Mops 414. 4 Moral examination, recruits 343 Moral qualifications, employees 230. 1132 Moral societies and associations 080 Moral status, appointments, employ- ees , 230. 225 Morals and conduct 250. 1 Morbidity, reports of 704. 5 Morgues 634 Mormon Church 000. 3 Mortality, reports of 704. 5 Mortality statistics 053 Mortar 411. 8 Mortar batteries 662 Mortar beds 662 Mortar practice 353. 17 Mortars 472. 4 Carriages, mounts 473. 4 Mortgages 013. 1 Mortgages on buildings or land 601. 01 Mortuaries 632 Mosquito bars 427 Mosquito nets 427 Mosquito shields 427 Mosquitoes 725. 1 Prevention and restriction 725. 11 Motor cars 451. 2 Motor cars, armored 470. 8 Motor launches 560 Transports 570 Motor oil 463. 7 Motor repair shop 635 Motor trucks 451. 2 Accidents, damages, collisions 537. 5 Parts and accessories 451. 21 Transportation 537 Motor trucks — Continued. Hire of 537. 1 Rules and regulations 537. 4 Use of in lieu of carriages 537. 2 Use of in lieu of teams and wagons 537. 3 Motor vehicles 451. 2 Parts and accessories 451. 21 Transportation by 537 Motorcycles 451. 4 Parts and accessories 451. 41 Motormen, enlisted 221 Motors: Armored 470. 8 Electric 412. 41 Permission to install in buildings. . 680. 423 Retracting 473. 82 Mountain artillery 322. 012 Boards 334. 3 Equipment 475. 1 Mountain-gun pack outfits 455 Mountains 097 Mounted drills and exercises 353. 5 Cavah-y 353. 5 Field Artillery 353. 5 Mounted duty, enlisted men 220. 47 Mounted duty, officers 210. 47 Mounted engineers 322. 94 Mounted infantry 322. 94 Mounted orderlies, Infantry 322. 94 Mounted orderlies, Field Artillery. . . 322. 94 Mounted rangers 322. 94 Mounted scouts 322. 94 Mounted Service School 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details enlisted men 220. 63 Details officers 210. 63 Mounting supplies and equipment. . . 400. 255 Mounts, animals 454. 1 Attendants, enlisted men 221 Transportation of 522 Hire of 454 Pay of officers for 241. 15 Transportation of 522 Mounts, gun 473 Automatic guns 473. 5 Field 473. 1 Howitzers 473. 2 Machine guns 473. 5 Mobile guns 473. 1 Mortars 473. 4 Navy guns 473. 6 Parts and accessories 473. 8 Seacoast guns 473. 3 Siege guns ' 473. 1 Turrets 470.4 351 Mounts, turret 470. 4 Movable bridges 823. 7 Movements of combat, field, pack, and wagon trains 370. 5 Movements, naval vessels and troops. 045. 92 Movements of transports 575 Movements of troops 370 Changes of station 370. 5 Reports of arrivals, departures 370.5 United States troops passing through foreign territory 370. 02 Movements of vessels 565 Moving pictiu-e films 413. 53 Moving pictiu-e machines 4l3. 53 Moving pictm'e photography 004. 52 Moving pictiu-es 004. 521 Permits to take on reservations 680. 422 Titles and subtitles of 004. 521 Mowing machines 413. 8 Mucilage 462 Mucilage cups, stands 462 Mules 454. 2 Attendants, enlisted men 221 Hire: Draft 454. 02 For militia 454 Pack 454.01 Inspectors of 231. 22 Pack 454.01 Riding 454. 03 Multiball cartridges 471. 44 Multigraph machines and supplies. . . 413. 52 Multigraph operators 231. 3 Mumps • 710 Municipal affairs 090 Municipal authorities 014. 12 Municipal courts 015. 6 Municipal offices, employees holding. 230. 762 Municipal ordinances 010. 5 Municipalities 094 Murder 000. 51 Murderers 000. 52 Muscle, ruptured 710 Museums 000. 4 Medical 700. 6 Military 350. 04 National 040. 4 Mush 433 Mushroom anchors 476. 1 Music 007 Instruction in 353. 7 Instrumental 353. 7 National anthems 007 Patriotic songs 007 Music — Continued . Miscellaneous airs 007 Sheet 413. 3 Vocal 353. 7 Music holders 413. 3 Music pouches 413. 3 Music rolls 413. 3 Music stands 413. 3 Music teachers 353. 7 Musical instruments 413. 3 Musical training 353. 7 Bugle calls 353. 7 Instruction 353. 7 Orchestra, string and brass 353. 7 Teachers 353. 7 Vocal and instrumental 353. 7 Musician : Chief 221 Principal. . . .-. 221 Musicians 221 Army bands competing with civil- ian 322.16 Musketry, school of 352 Detachments, enlisted men 352. 191 Details, enlisted men, Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Details, officers, Regular Army and militia 210. 63 Mustard 437 Muster 335. 2 Muster, volunteers 324. 1 Muster-in 324. 1 Mustering regulations 324. 1 Muster-out 324. 1 Remuster 324. 1 Residence at time of enrollment or muster-in 324. 1 Muster-in, militia or National Guard. 325.4521 Absentees 325. 456 Muster-out, militia, or National Guard 325. 4522 Absentees 325. 457 Muster-out, officer of volunteers 324. 22 Muster rolls 330. 31 Pay on 242. 5 Amendments and corrections 242. 5 Rendition and correction 330, 311 Mutiny 000. 51 Mutton 431 Mycosis 710 Myelitis 710 Myiasis 710 Myocarditis 710 Myopia 710 Myositis 710 352 N. Nail clips, toilet 425' NailB 411. 7 Horseshoe 456 Names: Allottees of pay 243. 2 Change of 201. 72 Beneficiaries 247 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 35 Employees 230. 717 Enlisted men 201. 72 Officers 201. 72 Geographic, boards on, in United States and Philippine Islands 334.7 Of buildings and grounds 600. 05 Of commercial enterprises and projects 004. 01 Of firms : 004. 01 Of relatives of employees 230. 713 Use of Government name in adver- tising buildings and grounds work 600. 168 Use of Government name in adver- tising river and harbor work 800 . 168 Use of Government name in adver- tising for supplies 400. 158 Naphthaline 438 Narcotic drugs, use and sale of 250. 1 Narcotic poisoning 710 National anthems 007 National Army 327 Appeals 327. 24 Boards of appeal 327. 241 Calls and quotas 327. 23 Draft or conscription 327. 02 Drafted men 327. 3 Acceptance 327. 34 Induction 327. 31 Instruction 327. 32 Objectors 327. 36 Rejection 327. 35 Reporting 327. 33 Examination 327. 21 Examining boards 327. 211 Exemption : Exempted registrants 327. 222 Exemption boards 327. 221 Laws and regulations 327. 01 Questionnaire 327. 112 Records 327. 92 Registration and registration boards 327. 1 Reports 327.91 National board for promotion of rifle practice 334. 3 National Cemetery (see Cemetery, National) 687 National Cemetery Regulations 300. 5 National competitions, small-arms. . . 353. 2 National flags 332. 1 National Guard 325 Absence employees for duty with. . 230. 571 Calls into Federal service 325. 36 Details of officers with 210. 65 Draft into Federal service 325. 37 Federal recognition 325. 35 Withdrawals of 325. 351 Geographical divisions 323. 8 Induction into service 325. 4521 Inspection of organizations and property 333.4 Issues to 400. 358 Loans to 400. 334 Rank, command, precedence of officers 210. 726 Reserves 326. 4 Sales to 400. 324 Taxation of, or property of 012. 315 Use of reservations by 680. 36 National land defense board 334. 3 National Military Park Commis- sion 020. 6 National Militia Board 334. 3 National Museum 040. 4 National parks 688 Appropriation 112 Estimates for Ill Bureau of 046. 2 Commissioners 231. 1 National reserves 326. 4 National shooting matches 353. 3 Allowances for 400. 3404 National Soldiers' Home 002 Admission to 002 National trophies 332. 2 Nationality 291. 1 Appointments of employees 230. 223 Nativity 291. 1 Race 29L 2 Native troops 322. 092 Enlisted men 322. 0922 Officers 322. 0921 Assignment 210. 314 Change of station 210. 32 Transfer 210. 33 353 Native troops — Continued . Philippine Scouts 322. 093 Bands 322. 16 Battalion noncommissioned staff. 322. 992 Battalions 322. 171 Companies 322. 173 Equipment 475. 3 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Porto Rican Regiment of Infantry. . 322. 094 Band 322. 16 Battalion noncommissioned staff. 322. 992 Battalions 322. 171 Companies 322. 173 Enlisted men 322. 0942 Equipment 475. 3 Headquarters detachments 322. 7 Machine gun companies 322. 173 Machine gun platoon 322. 8 Mounted orderlies 322. 94 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Officers 322. 0941 Regimental noncommissioned staff 322.992 Supply company 322. 173 Recruits 343 Natives, insular possessions, trans- portation 516 Natives, quarters on vessels 563. 2 On transports 573. 2 Nativity 291. 1 Naturalization 014. 32 Courts having jurisdiction 014. 32 Persons excluded 014. 32 Procedure 014. 32 Qualifications 014. 32 Naturalization, Bureau of 049. 12 Nautical instruments 413. 71 Naval Academy 045. 8 Naval badges 045. 9 Naval bases 045. 9 Naval cadets 045. 8 Naval conferences 337 Naval construction and defense 045. 9 Naval convoys 045. 4 Naval defense 045. 9 Naval districts 045. 9 Naval fleets 045. 4 Naval forces 045. 7 Naval hospitals 045. 9 Naval maneuvers 045. 93 Naval midshipmen 045. 8 Naval militia 045. 7 Naval mines 045. 9 61127 —18 23 Naval officers 045. 5 Transportation of 515 Naval operations 045. 93 Naval patrols 045. 7 Naval records 045. 9 Naval regulations 045. 7 Naval reserves 045. 7 Naval reviews 045. 91 Naval schools 045. 8 Naval squadrons 045. 4 Naval stations 045. 4 Naval vessels 045. 92 Naval War College 045. 8 Naval war game 045. 9 Naval war records 045. 9 Naval warfare 045. 9 Navies, foreign 336. 3 Navigation: Aids to 829. 1 Buoys 829. 11 Lighthouses 829. 12 Lightships 829. 13 Pilot service 548. 1 Signaling devices 829. 14 Bureau of (Department of Com- merce) 048. 2 Bureau of, Navy 045. 2 Charges 017. 1 Clearing obstructions to 800. 8 Anchoring 800. 83 Destroying 800. 86 Issuing notices 800. 82 Marking 800. 81 Mooring 800. 83 Putting on charts 800. 82 Removing 800. 84 Sinking 800. 85 Data 829. 2 Obstructions to 828 Bars 828. 1 Bridges 823 Driftwood 828. 2 Logs 828. 2 Piles 825.92 Reefs 828.1 Rocks, uncharted 828. 1 Water hyacinths 828. 3 Wrecks 828. 5 Abandoned 828. 52 No menace to navigation 828. 5 Owners' rights 828. 51 Opening and closing 800. 221 Regulations 017. 2 354 Navigation — Continued . Regulations, rules, customs, laws affecting Army transporta- tion 540.1 Navigators' books 458. 24 Transports 458. 24 Navigators' charts 458. 24 Transports 458. 24 Navigators' supplies and equipment. 458. 24 Transports 458. 24 Navy 045. 4 Enlisted men 045. 6 Sales to, and to families of 400. 322 Transportation 515 Foreign 336. 3 Joint Army and Navy Board 334. 3 Joint Army and Navy maneuvers. . 354. 2 Joint Army and Navy operations. . . 370. 26 Officers of 045. 5 Salesto 400.321 President as Commander in Chief of 031.1 Sailors 045. 6 Secretary of the 045. 1 Assistant Secretaries 045. 1 Transportation officers and enlisted men 515 Navy and Army, joint operations 370. 26 Navy armor 470. 5 Navy Department 045 Bureaus 045. 2 Construction and Repair 045. 2 Hydrographic Office 045. 2 Navigation 045. 2 Ordnance 045. 2 Steam Engineering 045. 2 Yards and Docks 045. 2 Officers 045. 1 Publications 461 Secretary of the Navy 045. 1 Navy guns 472. 6 Carriages, mounts, tripods 473. 6 Navy Register 461 Neat's-foot oil 438 Necrosis 710 Negroes and Negi'o race 291. 2 Appointments, civil 230. 2221 Neostyle 413. 52 Nephritisi 710 Nephrolithiasis 710 Nervous system 743 Nets, fish, harbor rules and regula- tions 825.91 Nets, mosquito 427 Nets, submarine 477 Nemalgia 710 Neurasthenia 710 Neuritis 710 Neurologists 231. 23 Neurology 730 NeutraUty 000. 2 Nevada trophy 332. 2 New England Passenger Association . . 501 New subjects 009 Newspapers 000. 76 Correspondents 000. 77 Giving information to 000. 71 Photographers 000. 77 Subscriptions to 400. 134 Supply of 461 Writers 000. 77 Nickel 470. 1 Nickel-plating searchlight mirrors. . . 470. 31 Night letters 311. 211 Night operations, factories, plants, etc 004.402 Night practice. Coast Artillery Corps. 353. 17 Night sights, gun carriage 473. 85 Night target practice 353. 1 Coast Artillery Corps 353. 17 Night training 353. 03 Nitrate, ammonium 471. 86 Nitrate, sodium 471. 86 Nitroglycerine 471. 86 Nomination to the Senate: Appointment commissioned officers 210. 14 Promotion commissioned officers. . . 210. 24 Noncombatants 383. 2 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Appointment cadet noncommis- sioned officer. Military Academy 351.392 Assignment 220. 31 Attendance post schools 352. 9 Cavalry, regimental, squadron, troop 322.992 Change of station 220. 32 Coast Artillery Corps 322. 992 Details with militia 220. 65 Engineers, regimental, battalion, company 322. 993 Field Artillery, regimental, bat- talion, battery 322. 993 Foreign 336. 22 Infantry, regimental, battalion, company 322.993 Philippine Scouts 322. 993 Quarters 623 355 Noncommissioned officers — Continued. Rank and precedence 220. 721 Rank and precedence between Regular Army and militia 220. 72G Reinstatement 220. 721 Titles and grades 221 Noncommissioned staff officers 322. 992 Assignment 220. 31 Cavalry 322. 992 Change of station 220. 32 Coast Artillery Corps 322. 992 Engineers 322. 992 Examining boards for appointment. 334. 1 Field Artillery, light, mountain, and horse 322. 992 Infantry 322. 992 Philippine Scouts 323. 992 Post 322. 992 Reinstatement 220. 721 Nonflyers, enlisted men 221 NonMyers, officers 211 Nonintercourse in war 385. 1 Nonperformance of contracts 164 Nonsupport 000. 51 Normal schools 000. 8 Northwest Territory 000. 4 Nose bags 455 Nosetalgia 710 Notary, employees' duties as 230. 414 Fees and allowances 248. 5 Notary public 013. 2 Notes, field, map construction 061. 04 Notes, memoranda 300. 6 Notice of obstructions to navigation . . 800. 82 Noxious gases 723. 13 Nuisances 000. 962 By officers or enlisted men 250. 1 Detrimental to health 723. 23 Number of buildings 600. 04 Number of post and field property accounts 141 Number of rivers and harbors con- struction works 800. 03 Oaths 013. 1 Employees' oath of office 230. 211 Military Academy candidates 351. 282 Officers' commission 210. 14 Officers' promotion 210. 24 Oatmeal 433 Oats 464. 1 Obesity 710 Obituary orders 300. 4 O Number system, identification 344. 1 Numbering machines 413. 51 Numbers, station 120 Numerical flat filing record system.. 313.2 Numerically folded papers record system 313. 2 Nuns 000. 3 Nurse corps 322. 5 Nurses 211 Admission to hospitals and sani- tariums 705 Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Sanitariums 705. 4 Allowances 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Allowances, supplies 400. 342 Beneficiary money 247 Chief nurses 211 Commendation 201. 22 Dental treatment 703 Funerals and burials 293. 2 Issues to 400. 352 Medical attendance 701 Medical examination 702 Medical histories 706 Pay 241 Quarters 622 On vessels 5«3. 21 On transports 573. 21 Superintendent of 211 Surgical operations 707 Transportation 514 Baggage and household goods... 524.23 Allowance 524. 23 Excess 524. 23 Remains 518 Travel pay 246. 86 Nursing, training in 700. 3 Nutmeg 437 Nuts, builders' hardware 411. 72 Obligations, civil 014. 4 Obscene language, use of 250. 1 Obscene reading matter, introduction of, at military posts 250. 1 Observation towers 473. 864 Observations: Current, of rivers and harbors 812. 7 Meteorological 047. 2 Military 350. 07 356 Observers: Enlisted men: First class 221 Second class 221 Officers 211 Details 210.67 Foreign maneuvers, wars 210. 684 Observing instruments 413. 74 Observing rooms 665. 2 Observing stations 665. 2 Obsolete blank forms 315 Obsolete property, supplies and equip- ment, disposition or sale of. 400. 702 Obsolete records, disposition of 313. 6 Obstacle courses 656 Obstetrics 730 Obstructions to navigation 828 Clearing 800. 8 Obturators 470. 31 Occupancy of property in war 386. 2 Occupancy of rivers and harbors. . . . 800. 501 Occupation 014. 37 Occupational diseases, hygiene of. . . 726. 2 Oculists '. 231. 23 Odometer 413. 6 Odorless excavators 414. 4 Offenders 000. 52 Offenses, military 250 Previous convictions as evidence . . 250. 465 Offenses, political 000. 51 Office buildings 631 Office, civil: Acceptance by enlisted men 220. 43 Acceptance by officers. 210. 43 Examination enlisted men 220. 42 Examination officers 210. 42 Office furniture 414. 1 Office, holding of: By employees 230. 762 By volunteers 324. 21 Vacation of office 324. 22 By accepting another 324. 22 By discontinuance 324. 22 By muster-out 324. 22 By^sentence court-martial .... 324. 22 By summary dismissal 324. 22 Civil or military 014. 7 Appointing power 014. 7 Emoluments 014. 7 Tenure 014.7 Vesting 014. 7 Higher than rank, by commis- sioned officers 210. 727 Higher than rank, by enlisted men. 220. 727 Office hours, employees 230. 4431 Duties outside regular 230. 413 Early closing 230. 46 Office machines and tools 413. 5 Office methods 316 Office rooms: Assignment 680. 341 Assignment, State, War, and Navy Building ". 029.21 Employees, allotment of space. . . . 230. 436 Office rules and regulations 230. 432 Office supplies 402 Blank books 462 Cards and cardboard 462 Check protectors 462 Clips 462 Envelopes 462 Holders and pads 462 Ink 462 Jackets 462 Mucilage 462 Paper (blue-print, blotting, carbon, drawing) 462 Paper cutters 462 Pencils and pens 462 Pins 462 Rubber bands 462 Seals 462 Sponge cups 462 Stamjis, rubber 462 Stationerj^ 462 Tapes 462 Typewriter ribbons 462 Office tools and machines 413. 5 Office trucks 451.93 Parts and accessories 451. 931 Officer, de facto. Volunteers 324. 21 Officer in charge defensive works: Departments, districts, divisions... 323.37 Authority 323. 371 Duties.." 323. 372 Officer in charge Militia affairs: Departments, divisions, etc 323. 37 Authority 323. 37J Duties. .'. 323. 372 Officer in charge of Public Buildings and Grounds 029.1 Officer of the day 211 Officer of the guard 211 Officers 210 Absence 210. 71 Hunting leave 210. 714 Passes 210. 715 Permission to go beyond sea. . . . 210. 716 Sick leave 210. 713 357 Officers — Continued . Absences — Continued . Without leave 210. 712 Witness duty 210. 718 Addresses 201. 71 Admission to Government Hos- pital for Insane 046. 3 Admission to hospitals and sani- tariums 705 Field hospitals 705. 3 General hospitals 705. 1 Post hospitals 705. 2 Sanitariums 705. 4 Agriculture Department officers . . . 047. 1 Allowances 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Supplies and equipment 400. 341 Announcement of appointments. . . 210. 106 Annulment of contracts of 210. 83 Appointments 210. 1 Army schools and colleges 352. 192 Arrest of 250. 3 Arrivals, reports of 201. 624 Assignment 210. 31 Assignment to command other than rank 210. 727 Attendance foreign military schools. 350. 1 Attendance garrison schools — Militia 352. 35 Regular Army 352. 35 Attendance military schools, United States, by foreign . . 350. 2 Attendants for horses of 221 Transportation 522 Authority, bonds under contracts. . 168 AAdation Section or Corps 322. 0821 Badges 210.5 Beneficiary money 247 Boards of 334 Burials of 293. 2 Ex-officers 293.2 Families of 293. 2 Cadet, Military Academy, appoint- ment 351.391 Camp exchange officers 331. 3 Camps of instruction for 354. 1 Candidates for appointment 210. 105 Carrying concealed weapons 250. 1 Cavalry 322. 021 Change of name 201. 72 Change of station 210. 32 Classification of 210. 01 Clubs 331.2 Coast ArtUlery Corps 322. 0111 Officers — Continued . Command 210. 72 Commanding. {See Commanders.) Commendation 201. 22 Commissioned 210 Commissions 210. 14 Commissions in militia 210. 14 Company exchange officers 331. 3 Confederate and Southern Confed- eracy 314. 8 Confinement of 250. 3 Conflict of authority 210. 721 Contracting 161 Customs 042. 1 Deaths 210. 86 Decorations, foreign 210. 5 De facto 324. 21 Dental 322. 0531 Dental Corps 322. 0531 Dental treatment 703 Department of Commerce officers. . 048. 1 Department of Justice officers 044. 1 Department of Labor officers 049. 11 Departures, reports of 201. 625 Details 210. 6 As representatives 210. 698 Commanding officers, troops on vessel, transports 210. 605 Horse shows 210. 693 In charge of casuals 210. 604 In charge of funds 210. 606 In charge of military police 210. 607 Relief from 210. 601 Disability 201. 601 Discharges 210. 801 Dismissals 210. 81 Dismissals, volunteer officers by court-martial sentence 324. 22 Drunkenness of 250. 1 Duty- Active 210. 455 Excused from 210. 457 Inactive 210. 4551 Relief from 210. 456 Report for 210. 458 Special 210. 454 Temporary 210. 453 Efficiency boards 334. 4 Efficiency boards, volunteers 334. 4 Efficiency reports 201. 61 Eliminations 210. 82 Employment by corporations and others '.... 210.41 Engineers 322.031 358 Officers — Continued. Enrolling 324. 1 P^qiiipment, personal 426 Examining boards 334. 1 Excused from drills and exercises.. 353. 51 Excused from garrison schools 352. 351 Ex-Regular Army, admission to Government Hospital for Insane 046. 3 Ex-Regular Army, funerals and burials 293. 2 Ex- Volunteer, admission to Govern- ment Hospital for Insane. . 046. 3 Ex- Volunteer, funerals and burials. 293. 2 FamiUes of 292 Transportation 512 Field 210 Field Artillery 322. 0121 Foreign 336. 4 Attendance military schools, United States 350. 2 Forfeitures of pay 241. 3 For absence, misconduct, etc 241.2 Frequenting houses of prostitution . 250. 1 Funerals and burials 293. 2 Ex-officers 293. 2 Families of 293. 2 Grades 211 Grading 210. 26 Hire of mounts 454 Ill-treatment of civilians by 250. 1 In hands ci\il authorities 250. 3 Indebtedness and dues 241. 3 Infantry 322. 041 Influence, use of 250. 6 Inspections by 333 Intermediate commanders 210. 722 Interior Department officers 046. 1 Investigations by 333. 5 Issues to 400. 351 Licenses 012. 313 Line 210 Assignment 210. 313 Change of station 210. 322 Transfer 210. 332 Line of duty 210. 46 Marine Corps 045. 3 Transportation 515 Medals 210. 5 Medical 322. 051 Medical attendance 701 Medical examinations 702 Medical histories 706 Medical Reserve Corps ^22. 051 Officers — Continued . Mess officers 331. 4 Messes for .__^331. 4 Military Academy 351. 01 Militia 210 Boards 334. 7 National Guard Reserves 326. 41 Native troops 322. 0921 Navy 045. 5 Navy Department officers 045. 1 Obscene language, use of 250. 1 Obstacle rides 201. 53 Ordnance Corps 322. 061 Ordnance Department 322. 061 Pay and allowances 241 Pay of enlisted men in hands of . . . 242. 2 Pajdng officers 240. 5 Personal property 332. 32 Personal records 201 Personal reports 201. 62 Philippine Scouts 322. 0931 Physical tests and examinations. . . 201. 5 Porto Rican Regiment Infantry . . . 322. 0941 Post exchange officers 331.3 Post Office Department officers 043. 1 Precedence 210. 2 Promotion 210. 2 Quarters 625 Furniture for 414. 1 Rank 210. 72 Rank between militia and regular officers 210. 726 Reduction 210. 27 Regrading 210. 26 Reinstatement 210. 84 Reinterments, removals of bodies of, and families 293. 8 Relief from duty 210. 456 Reports on aviation 360. 02 Reprimands and censures 250. 3 Reserve Corps officers 326. 21 Resignations 210. 83 Retired 210. 851 Retired pay and allowances 241. 18 Revenue officers 042. 1 Riding tests 201. 51 Sales to, and families of 400. 321 Sales to Marine Corps, and families of 400.321 Sales to Navy, and families of 400. 321 Sanitary Corps 322. 0541 School for company officers 352. 192 School for field officers 352. 192 Senate officers 032. 2 359 Officers — Continued . Separations 210. 8 Service 210. 4 Signal Corps 322. 081 Staff 210 Assignment 210. 312 Change of station 210. 321 Transfer 210. 331 State Department officers 041. 1 Strength, commissioned 320. 21 Strength, militia 325. 441 Suicide 210. 861 Surgical operations 707 Surveying officers 211 Details 210. G92 Tank Corps 322. 0911 Taxation 012. 313 Temporary duty 210. 453 Teste, physical 201. 5 Titles 211 Transfers funds between 123. 6 Transfers, staff 210. 331 Transportation 512 Baggage and household goods 524. 21 Christmas and similar pack- ages 524. 4 Militia 512 Mounts 522 Professional books 524. 3 Remains 518 Treasiu-y Department officers 042. 1 Use of liquor and intoxicants 250. 1 Vessels' officers 231. 81 Veterinary Corps 322. 0551 Volunteers 210 Walking tests 201. 52 Wearing of civilian clothing by 332. 31 Offices: » Allowances, supplies, and equip- ment 400. 347 Collecting and canvassing in 230. 434 Conduct of, by employees 230. 43 Field, channels of correspon- dence 312.3 Inspections 333. 8 Issues to 400. 357 Post offices 043. 2 Buildings 631 Establishment 311^12 Ticket, railroad 531. 8 War Department 020 Official correspondence 312. 1 Official courtesies 335. 11 Official seals 313. 5 Officials : Departments, otlicr than War, transportation 515 Remains 518 Employees 231 . 1 Appointed by the President. ... 231. 1 Commissioners, National Parks and Cemeteries 231. 1 War Department 231. 1 Foreign, transportation 517 Possessions and colonies 093. 7 Railroad 531. 01 Small-arms competitions 353. 2 Army 353. 2 Department and division 353. 2 International 353. 2 Militia, State or interstate 353. 2 National 353. 2 Shooting matches 353. 3 . Societies and associations 084 State, transportation 517 Territorial, transportation of 517 War Department, transportation... 514 Remains 518 Young Men's Christian Association, transportation 517 Oil 411.6 Crude 463. 8 Distillate 463. 8 Gasoline 463. 7 Kerosene 463. 6 Lubricating 412. 2 Mineral 463. 6 Motor 463. 7 Neat's-foot 438 Olive and other table 434 Road 411. 8 Oil-burning plants and systems 677 Oil cans 414. 5 Oil lamps 414. 5 Oil ranges 414. 2 Oil stoves 414. 2 Oiler cases, small arms 474. 8 Oilers, employees 231. 8 Harbor boats 231. 82 Ships 231. 82 Oilers, small-arms 474. 8 Cases for 474. 8 Oiling buildings and grounds 600. 3 Oilskin clothing 422 Okum 412. 2 Oleomargarine 434 Olive oil 434 Onychia 710 360 Opi'ii-niarket proposals, construction and installation 600. 115 Open-market proposals, rivers and harbors work 800. 117 Open-market purchases, supplies and equipment 400. 1391 Orders for 400.1391 Reports of 132. 7 Open sights, small arms. . , 474. 8 Opening navigation 800. 221 Operating boards, electric machinery 412. 41 Operating buildings and grounds GOO. 181 Operating expenses 059 Supplies and equipment 400. 191 Vessels 569. 15 Transports 579. 15 Operating methods, supplies and equipment 400. 4 Operating pavilions 632 Operating rivers and harbors 800. 2 Operations: Air craft 373 Farming 403 Federal operations, jurisdiction, civil authorities 014. 14 Field of 371 License or taxation of Government operations 012. 311 Naval 045.93 Night operations factories, plants. . 004. 402 Priority, at factories, plants, etc. . . 004. 004 Reports, buildings and grounds 600. 91 Reports of post exchange 331. 3 Reports, rivers and harbors con- struction 800. 18 Reports of troops 370. 2 Surgical 707 Aliens, foreigners, interned per- sons 707 Cadets 707 Civilians 707 Employees 707 Enlisted men 707 Officers 707 Nurses 707 Troops 370. 2 Camouflage operations 370. 28 Vessels 563 Transports 573 Operators, employees: Addressograph 231. 3 Depot, factory, shop 231. 6 (Jraphotype 231. 3 Multigraph 231. 3 Operators, employees — Continued . Radio, wireless, switchboard, tele- graph, telephone 231. 3 Opera,tors, enlisted men 221 Radio or wireless 221 Switchboard 221 Telegraph 221 Telephone 221 Opiates 441. 1 Opinions 016 Attorney General ! 016 Auditor for War Department 016 Books of 461 Comptroller of the Treasury 016 Heads of War Department bureaus. 010 Judge Advocate General 016 Secretary of War and Chief of Staff 016 Opium 441. 1 Opthalmologists 231. 23 Opthalmology 730 Optic neuritis 710 Optical instruments 413. 75 Opticians 231. 23 Optometrist, commissioned 211 Optometrists, employees 231. 23 Optometry 730 Oral agreements 161 Orchards 618. 34 Orchestras 353. 7 Orchitis 710 Orderlies 221 Detachments of 322. 7 Mounted, Field Artillery 322. 94 Mounted, Infantry 322. 94 Orders 300. 4 Authorizing allowances, enlisted men 246 Commutation 246. 8 Authorizing allowances, officers 245 Commutation 245. 8 Car orders 503 Court-martial 300. 4 Executive 300. 4 Appointments, employees 230. 215 Granting holidays 230. 468 Field orders or messages 300. 4 I'^raternal society 080 General 300. 4 Obituary 300. 4 Open-market purchases 400. 1391 Priority of at factories, plants 004. 004 Purchase 400. 138 Religious 000. 3 361 Orders — Continued. Sailing 505. 301 Transports 575. 301 Sealed or secret 300. 4 Special 300.4 Travel 300. 4 Travel, employees 230. 423 Ordinances, municipal 010. 5 Ordnance 472 Ordnance, accidents to supplies from ])lastsof 400.44 Ordnance Board 334. 3 Ordnance, Bureau of, Navy 045. 2 Ordnance, Chief of, of the Army 321. 81 Office of 023 Organization and administration . 023 Ordnance Corps 322.06 Enlisted men 322. 062 Ordnance Department 321. 8 Details, officers 210. 61 Property, supplies and equipment. 400 Recruits 343 Ordnance detachments 322. 7 Ordnance and Fortifications Boards. . 334. 3 Ordnance inspectors 231. 22 Ordnance officers 322. 061 Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Camps 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Depots 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Districts 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Districts, artillery 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Divisions 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Forts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Ordnance officers — Continued. Forts — Continued. Duties 323. 772 Hospitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Maneuver camps 354. 27 Authority 354. 271 Duties 354. 272 Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Regimental 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Ordnance sergeants 221 Ordnance Survey maps 061. 9 Organists : Military Academy 351. 01 Organization of the Army 320 Enactment of laws affecting Oil. 2 Laws, regulations 320. 1 Tables of 320. 3 Organization of militia 325. 4 Organization of offices: Adjutant General 021 Chief of Engineers 025 Chief of Ordnance 023 Chief Signal Officer 026 Judge Advocate General 028 Inspector General 027 Surgeon General 024 Organization of War Department, en- actment of laws affecting. . Oil. 1 Organizations : Army 322 Aeronautical 322. 082 Allowances, supplies, and equip- ment to 400. 345 Artillery: Coast 322. Oil Field 322. 012 Cavalry 322. 02 Disciplinary 322. 999 Engineers 322. 03 Hospital Corps 322. 05 Indian scout :i22. 93 Infantry 322. 04 Medical Department troops 322. 05 National Guard, inspection of . . . 333. 4 Native troops 322. 092 Nurse Corps 322. 5 362 Organizations — Continued . Army — Continued. Philippine Scouts 322. 093 Porto Rican Regiment of Infan- try 322.094 Secret in the Army 250. 8 Signal Corps 322. 08 Conduct of war with relation to 384 Efficiency of 330.1 Militia 330. 1 Estimates or data as to supplies needed 400. 314 Inspections 333. 3 In field 333. 34 In garrison or quarters 333. 35 Issues to 400. 355 Loans, supplies, to patriotic, char- itable and other 400. 332 Military histories of 314. 7 Inspections of, and of property . . 333. 4 Infield 333.44 In garrison or quarters 333. 45 Religious 000. 3 Sales to military or semimilitary. . . 400. 3292 Secret and other societies in Army. 250. 8 Shipments, supplies, and property. (See Transportation, Supplies, and Property.) State volunteers 324. 4 Tenders of aviation service 324. 3 Tenders of service in volunteers . . . 324. 3 Transfers supplies and equipment on changing station 400. 222 Transportation 511 Allowances 511 Commutation of 511 Change of station 511 Militia 511 Recruits 511 To and from maneuvers and en- campments 511 To and from target practice 511 To tournaments, horse shows, parades, etc 511 United States volunteers 324. 4 Volunteers 322 Independent organizations 324. 5 Home Guards 324. 5 Invalid Corps 324. 5 Life Saving Corps 324. 5 Telegraph Corps 324. 5 Records of 314. 5 Organized labor. (See Labor.) Organs 413. 3 Ornamentation of grounds 618. 32 Ornaments, uniform clothing 421 Orthoepists 231. 23 Orthoepy 730 Osteomyelitis 710 Osteopaths, employees 231. 23 Osteopaths 211 Osteopathy 730 Otitis, Media 710 Outbuildings 634 Outfits: Electrotyping, and supplies 413. 52 Etching, and supplies 413. 52 Field cooking 414. 2 Lithographing 413. 52 Marking 457 Pack 455 Reconnoissance 413. 76 Searchlight 470. 3 Shotgun 474. 9 Outlaws 000. 52 Outlets, river and harbor 825. 7 Outline figure card identification sys- tem 344.1 Output of factories, commercial 004. 401 Outstanding checks, reports of 122. 1 Outstanding liabilities, reports of 121. 7 Ovens: Drying, mine structures 663 Field 414. 2 Permanent 414. 2 Overcoats 421 Overdrafts: Deposit to cover, of apportionment. 121. 1 Deposits to cover, of allotment 121. 2 On depositaries 122. 2 Overexertion 710 Overflow, river and harbor 814 Overhauling supplies and equipment. 400. 52 Overpayments: Enlisted men 242. 3 Allowances 246 Commutation of 246. 8 On final statements 242. 6 Refund of, allotments 243. 3 Nurses 241. 2 Allowances 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Officers 241. 2 Allowances 245 Commutation of 245. 8 Refund of 131 Overseers 221 Overshoes 421 363 Overtime, employees 230. 4521 Extra pay for 248. 4 Reports of 230. 453 Owners, railroad 531. 01 Ownership, Government, utilities, vessels, railroad, etc 004. 81 Ownership of real property or land. . 601 Pacific coast defenses 370. 3 Pack animals. 454. 01 Hireof 454.01 Pack employees 231. 7 Pack equipment 455 Pack outfits (machine and mountain guns) 455 Pack panniers 455 Pack saddles 455 Pack trains 322. 2 Animals 454. 01 Employees 231. 7 Equipment 455 Packers: Depot and factory employees 231. 6 Enlisted men 221 Pack-train employees 231. 7 Packets, first-aid 444. 1 Packing 400. 162 Packing for joints, plumbing ma- terial 412. 2 Packing materials 457 Packing services 486. 6 Packing supplies 457 Bags, cotton, paper 457 Barrels 457 Bottles 457 Boxes 457 Brands 457 Buckets 457 Burlap 457 Cartons 457 Crates 457 Excelsior 457 Kit packs 457 Labels 457 Lacquer 457 Marking outfits 457 Marks 457 Papjr 457 Pa'-'iff n 457 Sa':-ks, cotton, paper 457 Oysters: Canned 431 Fresh 431 Oxalic acid 471. Oxanilid 471. Oxen 454. 85 85 5 Packing supplies — Continued. Sawdust 457 Stencils 457 Tags 457 Tin cans 457 Wax 457 Packmasters: Employees 231. 7 Enlisted men 221 Assistant 221 Packs: Field 428 Kit 457 Mess and ration 428 Pads, horseshoe 456 Pads, oflSce supplies 462 Paint 411. 6 Painters, employees 231. 5 Painters, enlisted men 221 Painters' tools 413. 191 Painting bottoms of vessels, reports ' of 569.13 Transports 579. 13 Painting buildings 600. 3 Painting vessels 564 Transports 574 Paintings 007 Palace horse cars, transportation 531. 4 Pall bearers 293. 1 Palma trophy 332. 2 Pamphlets (see Blank forms and books) 461 Circulation of, by employees 230. 435 Copyrights 073 War Department 461 Panama: Maps of 061. 2 Panama Canal 020. 7 Panama Canal Zone, change of station of troops 370. 5 Panama Canal Zone, introduction and sale of intoxicants 250. 1 364 Panama Canal Zone, introduction of obscene reading matter 250. 1 Panama fortifications board 334. 7 Pan-American Union 040. 6 Panels, power 412. 42 Panniers, pack 455 Panophthalmitis 710 Panoramic sights, gun carriages 473. 85 Pans 414. 3 Paper: Blotting 462 Blue print 462 Carbon 402 Drawing 4(52 Emery 438 Fly 438 Packing 457 Stencil 462 Toilet 425 Waste, disposal of 485. 3 Wrapping 457 Writing 462 Paper bags, sacks 457 Paper cutters 462 Paper work in Army 319. 22 Papers: Confidential 312. 1 Enlistment 342. 05 Examination, employees 230. 134 Receipts for 230. 1341 Examination, enlisted men, ap- pointment 220. 121 Promotion 220. 221 Examination, officers, appointment. 210. 121 Promotion 210. 221 Legal 013.1 Professional and technical, in re- gard to supplies and equip- ment 402. 4 Papers, cigarette 439 Parachutes 452. 33 Parts and accessories 452. 331 Parade grounds .' 618. 1 Parades 001 Attendance employees 230. 67 Details enlisted men 220. 69 Details officers 210. 693 Military 335. 2 Transportation officers' horses to. . . 522 Transportation organizations to 511 Troops for 370. 7 Applications for 370. 7 Parados 661 Paraffin, packing 457 Paralysis 710 Paranoia 710 Paraphimosis 710 Paraplegia ataxic 710 Parasites, destruction and prevention of 729.2 Parasites of animals 728. 2 Parcel post 311. 16 Maps 061 . 8 Stamps 483. 4 Stamps, use of 31 1. 14 System 043. 2 Transportation supplies and prop- erty by 523. 04 Pardons : Civil prisoners 014. 54 Deserters 251. 24 Restoration to duty without trial . 251. 241 In war 383. 3 Military prisoners 253. 1 Parentage 291. 1 Parents 013. 4 Park Commissions, National Military. 020. 6 Parking space, automobiles 619. 4 Parks 688 Appropriation for military 112 Estimates for Ill Appropriation for National 112 Estimates for Ill Commissioners of National 231. 1 Superintendents : . . 231. 4 Parlor car rates, service 551. 5 Parlor car transportation 531. 2 Paroles, military prisoners 253. 2 Paronychia :. . . 710 Parties: Contracting 161 Legal 013. 2 Political 000. 2 Recruiting 341. 5 Partnerships, contracts 161 Bonds 168 Parts: Ammunition 471. 8 Bridges 823. 8 Carriages for guns 473. 8 Gun 472.81 Breech blocks 472. 81 Breech mechanism 472. 81 Castings 472. 81 Firing mechanism 472. 81 Forgings 472. 81 Hoops 472.81 Jackets 472. 81 365 Parts — Continued . Gun — Continued . Lanyards 472. 81 Safety devices 472. 81 Sleeves 472. 81 Tubes 472. 81 Mounts for guns 473. 8 Small arms 474. 8 Bands 474. 8 Barrels 474. 8 Ejectors 474. 8 Hammers 474. 8 Magazines 474. 8 Stocks 474. 8 Swivels 474. 8 Triggers 474. 8 Spare, for gun carriages, mounts, tripods (see also Parts, spare) 473.84 Parts and accessories: Airplanes 452. 11 Airships, gyroplanes 452. 41 Ambulances 451. 81 Armored cars and tanks 470. 81 Automobiles, passenger 451. 11 Balloons 452. 31 Bicycles, motorcycles, side cars, rear cars 451. 41 Carriages, buggies, buckboards 451.51 Guns 472.8 Hydroaeroplanes, sea planes, sea sleds, aerial torpedo boats 452.21 Kites 452.31 Lamps, lanterns, etc 414. 5 Motors and auto trucks 451. 21 Of aircraft safety de\'ices, stabil- izers 451. 51 Parachutes 452. 331 Passenger carts and wagons 451. 61 Platform, warehouse, and office trucks 451.931 Sleighs 451. 911 Small arms 474. 8 Tractors 451. 31 Trailers 451. 31 Vehicles '. 451. 01 Wagons and carts 451. 71 Wheelbarrows 451. 931 Parts of the body 744 Party fares, transportation 551. 1 Passenger arrangements, transporta- tion 551. 1 Passenger lists 569. 3 Vessels 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Passenger rates. (See Rates, passen- ger.) Passenger transportation accounts 553. 4 Passenger transportation, commercial vessels : 544. 3 Passenger transportation contracts .. . 553.1 Passenger transportation, railroad 531. 1 Passengers: Harbor boats 542 Limit of 563. 12 Transports 573. 12 Lists of 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Lists of assignments 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Other Government vessels 543 Pay passengers 541. 6 Quarters for 563. 2 Reports of 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Transports 541. 1 Embarking and discharging 573. 1 Quarters for 573. 2 Vessels — Loading or embarking 563. 11 Passes: Enlisted men 220. 715 Officers 210. 715 To vessels 569. 8 To transports 579. 8 To visit posts, reservations, etc 680. 42 Passports 041. 2 Pasturage, forage 464. 5 Pastiu-age on reservations 680. 31 Patent medicines 441. 6 Patent Office 046. 2 Patents 072 Assignment 072 Effect of letters patent 072 Infringement 072 Offered United States 400. Ill Persons entitled to 072 Royalties on 072 Supplies and equipment for Army. 400. Ill Use of patented articles by Gov- ernment 072 Under contract 072 Under license 072 Pathologists 231. 23 Pathology 730 366 Patients 705 Admission to hospitals {see Hos- pitals, admission to) 705 Patriotic events 001 Absence of employees 230. 585 Patriotic societies and associations. . . 080 Loans of supplies to 400. 332 Patriotic songs 007 Patrol systems, naval 045. 7 Patrols, naval 045. 7 Patterns of supplies and equipment. . 400. 1146 Pavilions, operating 632 Paving blocks 411. 8 Pawls, tripping 473. 82 Pawnbrokers 004. 32 Pawnshops 004.32 Pay and allowances 240 Pay: Allotments of 243 Changes and corrections 243. 2 Addresses of allottees 243. 2 Corrections 243. 2 Dates of allotments 243. 2 Increases and decreases 243. 2 Names of allottees 243. 2 Changing on pay rolls 243. 3 Correction of record 243. 3 Nondeduction noted 243. 3 Overd eduction noted 243. 3 Refundment of overpaid 243. 3 Discontinuance of 243. 5 Death of allottee 243. 5 Death of allottor 243. 5 Declined or refused 243. 5 Discharge or desertion 243. 5 . Reportsof 243.5 Requests for 243. 5 Nonpayment of allotments 243. 4 Original and duplicate 243. 1 Settlement of and charges 243. 8 Suspensions 243. 6 Absence, misconduct 243. 6 For fines 243. 6 Pending trial 243. 6 Validity of 243. 7 Allowances to employees 248. 5 Compensation for injm-ies 248. 5 Laws, rules, and regulations. . . 248. 5 Reports of 248. 5 Reports of termination of disa- bility 248.5 Money allowance for quarters 248. 5 Notarial fees and allowances 248. 5 Quarters in kind 248. 5 Rations or messing 248. 5 Pay — Continued . Allowances to employees — Contd. Special classes employees 248. 5 Subsistence money allowance . . . 248. 5 Allowances to enlisted men 246 Accounts and vouchers 24G Advance or partial payments 246 Clothing 246. 5 Heat and light, including fuel . . . 246. 2 Orders or authority for 246 Oyer payments or short payments 246 Quarters 246. 1 Rations or subsistence 246. 4 Routes, distances, places 246. 6 Special class of troops 246 Special service or condition 246 Travel pay 246. 6 Allowances to ofiicers and nurses . . 245 Accounts and vouchers 245 Advances or partial payments. . . 245 Forage 245.3 Heat and light, including fuel. . . 245. 2 Mileage or travel pay 245. 6 Orders or authority for 245 Over payments or short pay- ments 245 Quarters 245. 1 Routes, distances, places 245. 6 Special conditions, as discharge.. 245 Special means 245 Special service of journey 245 Army field clerks 241 Beneficiary money and records 247 Change of name of beneficiaries. . 247 Claim for money 247 Death of beneficiary 247 Death of officer or soldier 247 Designation of beneficiaries 247 Laws and regulations 247 Claims 154 Commutations of allowances to en- listed men 246. 8 Accounts and vouchers 246. 8 Advances or partial payments. . . 246. 8 Clothing .' 246. 85 Heat and light, including fuel. . . 246. 82 Orders or authority for 246. 8 Overpayments or short pay- ments 246. 8 Quarters 246. 81 Rations or subsistence 246. 84 Routes, distances, places 246. 8 Special class of troops 24G. 8 Special service or conditions 216. 8 Travel pay 246.86 367 Pay — Continued . Commutations of allowances to offi- cers and nurses 245. 8 Accounts and vouchers 245. 8 Advances or partial payments. . . 245. 8 Forage 245. 83 lleat and light, including fuel. . . 245. 82 Mileage or travel pay 245. 8 Order or authority for 245. 8 Overpayments or short payments . 245. 8 Quarters 245. 81 Routes, distances, places 245. G Special conditions, as on dis- charge 245. 8 Special means 245. 8 Special service or journey 245. 8 Deposits with paymasters 244 Claims for unpaid 244. 5 Deserters 244. 3 Dishonorably discharged men . . . 244. 4 Interest on 244. 2 Records and reports of 244. 1 Lost deposit books 244. 1 Drills, instruction 240. 91 Employees 248 • Absences without pay 230. 56 Assignments, stoppage, charges.. 248. 6 Assessments 248. 6 Assigimients 248. 6 Collection of charges against. . . 248. G Stoppage 248. 6 Estimates and appropriations for. 248. 1 Appropriations for 24S. 1 Estimates for 248. 1 Laborers paid from $1,000 248. 1 Laws, rules and regulations 248. 1 Reports to accompany esti- mates 248. 1 Use and availability in 248. 1 Increases and reductions in 248. 8 Increases 248. 8 Influence to secure 230. 733 Exceptional increases 248. 8 Recommendations from author- ities for 248. 8 Reductions 248. 8 Requests and applications 248. 8 Rewards for suggestions and improvements 248. 8 Kinds and classes of 248. 4 Additional compensation 248. 4 Board wages 248. 4 Double compensation 248. 4 Employer's liability 248. 4 Pay — Continued . Employees — Continued. Kinds and classes of — Continued. Extra for overtime 248. 4 Holiday and Sunday pay 248. 4 Per diem employees 248. 4 Piecework 248. 4 Salaries per month or per an- num 248.4 Wages per diem 248. 4 Methods and time of payment. . . 248. 2 Due deceased employees 248. 2 During leave 248. 2 Frequency and times 248. 2 In advance 248. 2 Pay rolls 248. 2 Rates and calculations of 248. 3 Calculation of 248. 3 Entrance salaries 248. 3 Excess $150 per month 248. 3 Grading salaries and wages 248. 3 In special localities 248. 3 Services at distant stations 248. 3 Special classes 248. 3 Reports and statements as to 248 Traveling expenses 248. 7 Classes of employees allowed traveling expenses 248. 7 Changing station 248. 7 Disabled 248. 7 Discharged or dismissed 248. 7 New appointees 248. 7 Of other departments per- forming service for the War Department 248. 7 On duty 248. 7 Terminating service 248. 7 Under contracts, travel inci- dental thereto 248. 7 Items of allowances, tips 248. 7 Length of time expenses al- lowed 248.7 Per diem allowance in lieu of 248.7 Receipts and vouchers 248. 7 Reimbiu^ement 248. 7 Reports and statements 248. 7 Enlisted men 242 Abroad 242 Collecting charges and dues 242. 4 Alimony 242. 4 Damages or loss of property 242. 4 Exceeding clothing allowances 242. 4 Fines and forfeitures 242. 4 368 Pay — Continued . Enlisted men — Coutd. Collecting charges and dues— Con. Indeb tedness and dues 242. 4 Laundry dues 242. 4 Post-exchange dues 242. 4 Subsistence charges 242. 4 To company or regimental funds 242.4 To private parties 242. 4 To United States other than specified 242.4 Retained or detained 242. 4 Correcting payments, stoppages . . 242. 3 Absence from duty, miscon- duct 242.3 Absence without leave 242. 3 Double payments 242. 3 Erroneous deductions 242. 3 Excess fiirlough 242. 3 Overpayments 242. 3 Returned pay 242. 3 Short payments, credit for 242. 3 Date of commencement 242 Deceased soldiers 242. 7 Expu'ation term of enlistment. . . 242 Final pay 242. 6 Assigned final statements 242. 6 Charges and deductions 242. 6 Data for and methods settle- ment 242.6 Final statements for settlement 242. 6 Irregular final statements 242. 6 Lost final statements 242. 6 Overpayments 242. 6 Purchase of discharge 242. 6 Short payments 242. 6 Increases and decreases 242 Kinds and rates entitled to 242. 1 Additional 242. 14 Certificate of merit, badges. . 242. 141 Marksmanship or gunners. . . 242. 142 Special details, mess ser- geants, plotters 242. 143 Base pay of grade 242. 11 Extra duty 242.13 On discharge 242. 17 On promotion 242. 16 On reduction 242. 16 On reenlistment 242. 15 Methods and forms used 242 On descriptive lists 242. Pay rolls and muster rolls 242. 5 Amendments and corrections.. 242.5 Pay — Continued. Enlisted men — Continued. Reports pay enlisted men 242. 8 Retired pay 242.18 Service pay, foreign, war 242. 12 Enlistment periods, various. . . 242. 121 Prior service other than Army. 242. 122 Travel pay 246. 6 Withheld, delayed, or paid to others 242.2 Delay or nonreceipt of 242. 2 Deserters 242. 2 During absence, furlough 242. 2 In arrears 242. 2 Paid to others for 242. 2 Commanding officers 242. 2 Prisoners or convicts 242. 2 Underdrawn or partial pay- ments 242.2 When in hands of civil authority. 242. 2 Federal employees as militiamen. . . 240. 6 Field clerks 241 Methods of paying 240. 2 At encampments and maneuvers. 240. 21 Militia 240 Officers, pay clerks, and veterina- rians 241 Accounts proper 241. 4 Assignment or transfer of 241. 4 Indorsed for deposit 241. 4 Suspension by the auditor 241. 4 Where or by whom paid 241. 4 Advance of pay 241 Certificates of nonindeb tedness. . 241. 6 Collecting charges against 241. 3 Alimony 241. 3 Damages to property 241. 3 Errors in authorizing expendi- tures 241.3 Errors in disbursing funds 241. 3 Errors in paying 241. 3 Exceeding allowances 241 . 3 Fines and forfeitures 241. 3 Indebtedness and dues 241.3 Hospital dues 241. 3 To private parties 241. 3 To United States (other than specified) 241.3 Correcting payments, stoppages, and deductions 241. 2 Absence from duty, misconduct 241. 2 Absence without leave 241. 2 Double payments 241. 2 Duplicate papers, pay on 241 369 Pay — Continued . OflScers, pay clerks, and veterina- rians — Continued. Correcting payments, stoppages, and deductions — Contd. Excess leave 241. 2 Final pay 241. 5 Overpayments 241. 2 Short payments, credit for 241. 2 Stoppage circular, data for, and issuance of 241. 2 Kinds and rates, entitled to 241. 1 Base pay of grade 241. 11 For aids 241. 16 For mounts 241. 15 Foreign service 241. 13 Higher command 241. 14 Increased command 241. 14 Longevity 241. 12 Retired pay and allowances. . . 241. 18 Staff details 241. 17 Methods and forms used in 241 Partial payments before settle- ment of accounts 241 Reports regarding 241. 8 Pay clerks. (See Pay — officers.) Paying officers 240. 5 Places of paying 240. 3 Students at officers training schools and camps 245 Systems of paying 240. 1 Times of paying 240. 4 Veterinarians. (*See Pay — officers.) Vouchers or accounts, duplicating . 250. 1 Pay clerks 211 Admissions to Government Hos- pitals for Insane 046. 3 Examination boards 334. 1 Pay and allowances 241 Pay passengers 541. 6 Pay rolls 242. 5 Amendment and correction 242. 5 Charges of allotments on 243. 3 Employees 248. 2 Payments 120. 1 Authority for 120. 11 Authority to collect under contracts 167 Beneficiary money 247 Checks, questions as to 122. 1 Clause in contract bonds for pay- ment of labor 168 Deferred, under contracts 167 Deserters 242. 2 Employees (see Pay — employees). . . 248 61127—18 24 Payments — Continued. Enlisted men 242 Advance or partial, of allowances. 245 After expiration term of enlist- ment 242 Corrections in 242. 3 Date of commencement 242 Deduction for absences in excess of furlough 242. 3 Deduction for absences and mis- conduct 242.3 Deduction for absence without leave 242. 3 Delay or nonreceipt 242. 2 Erroneous deductions of allot- ments 242. 3 On descriptive lists 242 Overpayments 242. 3 Overpayments on final statements 242. 6 Overpayments or short payments of allowances 246 Residing abroad 242 Short payments, credit for 242. 3 Short payments on final state- ments 242. 6 To others for 242. 2 Commanding officers 242. 2 Undrawn or partial 242. 2 Erroneous 131 For land and buildings 120. 13 For supplies and equipment 120. 12 Methods of 240. 2 Encampments and maneuvers. . . 240. 21 Militia 240 Nurses 241 Officers 241 Advance or prtial, of allowances. 245 Of commutation 245. 8 Correcting 241. 2 Enor in 241. 3 Error in authorizing expendi- tures 241. 3 Error in disbursing funds 241. 3 Overpayments 241. 2 Overpayments or short payments of_allowances 245 Of commutation 245. 8 Short payments 241. 2 Personnel 240. 8 Partial, under contracts 167 Places of 240. 3 Prisoners or convicts 242. 2 Refund for erroneous 131 Suspension of, under contracts. . . 167 370 Pay ments — Continued . Systems of 240. 1 Time of 240. 4 Troops, methods, forms, times, places of 242 Withheld, under contracts 167 Peace 380 Preserving 388 Arbitrations 388. 2 Disarmament 388. 3 Treaties 388. 1 Pecans 432 Peddling property, supplies, and equipment, unlawful 400. 72 Pediatrics 730 Pediatrictitian 231. 23 Pediculosis 710 Pedometer 413. G Pedriatists 231. 23 Pellagra 710 Pempliigus 710 Penal code 010. 3 Penal institutions, civil 000. 6 Penal institutions, military 252 Penalties, contracts 166 Penalty envelopes, use of 311. 15 Pencils 462 Penitentiaries 000. 6 Pennants 424 Pens 462 Pension Office 046. 2 Commissioner of 046. 2 Records of 046. 2 Records of service of employees 230. 7142 Pensioners, taxation of 012. 3 Pensions 260 Commissioner of 046. 2 Employees 230. 64 Records of Confederate 314. 8 Pepper 437 Percentage retained under contracts . 167 Percentages, losses and gains 319. 24 Percussion caps 471. 81 Percussion fuzes 471. 82 Percussion primers 471. 82 Per diem allowance, employees 248. 7 Per diem employees: Annual leaves 230. 546 Pay, holidays, Sundays 248. 4 Sick leaves 230. 555 Wages of 248. 4 Perforators 413. 51 Performance of contracts 164 Pericarditis 710 Period of enlistment 342. 02 Periodical reports 319. 1 Periodicals 461 Magazines .• 46 L Newspapers 461 Subscriptions to 400. 134 Periostitis 710 Periscopes 413. 74 Peritonitis 410 Perjury 000. 51 Permanent appropriations 110. 3 Permits: Acquisition of buildings and grounds by 601. 5 Camps of instructions 680. 42 Fishing and hunting 680. 421 Installation of motors in buildings. . 680. 423 Landing at Government wharves.. 680.425 Maneuver camps 680. 42 Photographing 680. 422 Reservations 680. 4 Rights of way 601. 52 Rivers and harbors 800. 5 Surveying or measuring. 680. 424 To vessels 569. 8 To transports 579. 8 To visit posts, reservations, etc 680. 42 Rules and regulations for 680. 2 Personal affairs, employees 230. 7 Personal correspondence 312. 1 Personal equipment 426 Personal hygiene 727 Personal marks, identification sys- tem 344. 1 Personal property 332. 3 Employees 332. 34 Enlisted men 332. 33 Free entry into foreign countries.. 012.421 Free entry of 012. 411 Officers 332. 32 Personal records 201 Employees 230. 7 Personal relations, employees 230. 7 Personal reports 201. 62 Employees 201. 62 Enlisted men 201. 62 Officers 201. 62 Personal services, exceptions, adver- tisement requirements 162 Personnel 200 Absence 200. 1 Accidents 200. 5 Allotment of 200. 3 Assignment 200. 3 371 Personnel — Continued . Commissioned officers 210 Employees, civilian 230 Enactment of laws affecting Oil. 3 Enlisted men 220 Examination 200. 2 Inquiries as to 200. 4 Personnel officer's: Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Brigades 322.991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Depots 323. 77 Authority 323.771 Duties 323. 772 Districts 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Districts, Artillery 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Divisions 322. 991 Authority ". . . 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Forts 323.77 Authority 323.771 Duties 323. 772 Hospitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323.771 Duties 323. 772 Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323.771 Duties 323. 772 Persons pertaining to law courts 013. 2 Persons, transportation of 510 On commercial vessels 544. 3 On harbor boats 542 On other Government vessels 543 On transports 541. 1 Perversion, sexual 250. 1 Pesos 003 Pharmacists 231.23 Pharmacy 730 Pharyngitis 710 Phenol 471. 85 Philippine campaign badges: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Philippine Government 093 Bureaus of 093. 6 Philippine insurrection 370. 63 Medals: Enlisted men 220. 5 Officers 210. 5 Prisoners of war in 253 Parole of 253. 2 Statistics 055 Philippine Islands 093 Boards of church claims 334. 7 Boards on geographic names 334. 7 Bureaus of 093. 6 Changes of stations troops 370. 5 Civil marriages in 014. 36 Commissioners of 093. 7 Defense and fortification boards... 334.7 Government of 093. 5 Governors of 093. 7 Introduction and sale of intoxi- cants 250. 1 Officials of 093.7 Maps of 061. 2 ^liHtary prisoners in 253 Native troops 322. 092 Secretaries of departments of 093. 7 Transportation of natives 516 Philippine Scouts 322.093 Admission to Government Hospital for Insane 046. 3 Assignment officers 210. 314 Bands 322. 16 Battalion noncommissioned staff... 322.992 Battalions 322. 171 Companies 322. 173 Details officers 210. 602 Enlisted men 322. 0932 Equipment 475. 3 Examining boards 334. 1 Headquarters companies 322. 173 Inspector-instructor of 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Noncommissioned officers 322. 993 Officers 322. 0931 Supply companies 322. 173 Transfers officers 210. 332 Philosophy of hygiene, medicine, san- itation 700.1 372 Phimosis 710 Phlebitis 710 Phonographs 413. 3 Records 413. 3 Photographers, employees 231. 5 Photographers, enlisted men 221 Photographers, newspapers and mag- azine 000.77 Photographers, officers 211 Photographic copies for records 313. 1 Photographic identification system . . 344. 1 Photographic machines, supplies, products 413. 53 Photographs 004. 511 Buildings and grounds 600. 92 Identification, calls for 344. 3 Of reservations, rules and regula- tions 680.2 Permits to take on reservations 680. 422 River and harbor work 800. 912 Photography 004. 5 Moving picture photography 004. 52 Photostat operators, enlisted men 221 Photostat operators, officers 211 Phraseology, letter writing 312. 4 Phychiatriste 211 Physical defects, applicants for en- listment 342. 15 Physical efficiency 201. 6 Physical examination 201. 501 Applicants for enlistment 342. 15 Reports of 342.15 Candidates for cadets, Military Academy 351. 15 Enlisted men for appointments 220. 12 Enlisted men for promotion 220. 22 Officers for appointment 210. 12 Officers for promotion 210. 22 Physical exercises (see Drills and ex- ercises) 353. 5 Physical exercises and training, hy- gienic 726.5 Physical qualifications, appointment employees 230. 1131 Physical status, appointment em- ployees 230. 225 Physical teats 201.5 Excused from 201. 54 Physicians 231. 23 Medical attendance by 701. 2 Physiology 740 Piano players 413. 3 Pianos 413. 3 Automatic 413. 3 Pick mattocks 413. 17 Picket lines 654 Picket pins 456 Picric acid 471. 86 Pictures 004. 511 Copyrights 073 Moving 004. 521 Titles and subtitles of. . . .* 004. 521 Of vessels 569. 6 Transports 579. 6 Titles and subtitles of 004. 511 Piece work, employees, pay for 248. 4 Pierhead lines 825. 1 Location of 825. 1 Regulations 825. 1 Relocation or modification 825. 1 Piers 825.1 Beyond harbor lines 825. 02 Bridge 823. 891 Ice 825.1 Military 825. 1 Rules and regulations 825. 1 Unauthorized 825. 1 Pigeons 454. 8 Pigeons, homing, use of in communi- cation 311. 9 Pile drivers 560 Employees 231. 8 Machines 413. 8 Piles 411. 1 In rivers and harbors 825. 92 Obstruction to navigation 825. 92 POing, structiu-es in waters 825. 92 Pillow cases 427 Pillow sacks 427 Pillows 427 Pilotage aviators, enlisted men 221 Pilot aviators, officers 211 Pilot service 548. 1 PUots 231.81 Rules and regulations 548. 1 Pinions, traversing 473. 82 Pins, first-class pistol shots. (See Badges.) Pins, marksman's. {See Badges.) Pins, office supplies 462 Pins, picket 456 Pins, toilet articles 425 Pioneer corps, engineers 322. 5 Detachments 322. 7 Pioneer tools 413. 17 Pipe, iron 412. 2 Pipe lines, hydraulic 458. 12 Transports 458. 12 373 Pipe lines, river and harbor 825. 8 Pipe, eewer 412. 2 Pipes, smoking 439 Piracy 000. 51 Pirates 000. 52 Pistol ball cartridges 471. 42 Pistols 474. 6 Pits, manure 657 Pityriasis 710 Placards 415 Use of 523.094 Plague 710 Prevention of 720 Plaintiffs 013. 2 Planes, sea 452. 2 Planing 400.274 Planing mills 679 Machines 413.8 Plans for buildings 600. 13 Altering 600.4 Construction 600. 13 Maintaining 600. 182 Repairing 600.3 Plans for river and harbor work 800. 13 Plans for vessels 569. 6 For construction 561. 4 Transports 579. 6 For construction 571. 4 Plans for war 381 Plant, floating 560 Reports on 569. 15 Plant Industry, Bureau of 047. 2 Planters 221 Planters, chief 221 Planters, mine {see Mine planters) . . . 560 Planting mines, use of vessels for 565. 61 Planting trees 618. 34 Reforestation 618. 36 Plants, aquatic obstractions to navi- gation 828.3 Plants: Care, cultivation, preservation .... 618. 34 Commandeered 004. 002 Government control 004. 8 Guarding and protecting 004. 003 Map reproduction 061. 02 Night operations 004. 402 Ornamentation of grounds 618. 32 Piiority orders 004. 004 Taken over by Government 004. 002 Plants, aquatic, obstructions to navi- gation 828.3 Plants and systems 670 Cold-storage 673 Compressed-air 679 Plants and systems — Continued. Distillation 679 Filtration 671 Gas-generating 679 Heating 674 Ice 673 Oil-burning 677 Power 675 Pumping 671 Purification 671 Searchlight 675 Plate, armor 470. 5 Navy 470. 5 Turret 470.4 Plates, tableware 414. 3 Platform trucks 451.93 Parts and accessories 451. 931 Platforms 658 Gun and mortar batteries 662 - Guns 473.866 Plating 400.276 Plating powder 438 Plating searchlight mirrors: Gold 470.31 Nickel 470. 31 Silver 470.31 Platinum 470. 1 Platoons 322. 8 Platoons, machine-gun 322. 8 Cavalry 322. 8 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Equipment 475. 6 Infantry 322. 8 -Target practice 353. 14 Plats, fortification index 061. 2 Player pianos 413. 3 Playgrounds 618. 2 Pledges 250. 3 Pleurisy 710 Plotters 221 Additional pay of 242. 143 Plotting boards 413. 681 Plotting rooms 665. 2 Plugs, ammunition 471. 82 Plugs, compound 476. 1 Plumbers, employees 231. 5 Ship employees 231. 82 Plumbers, enlisted men 221 Plumbers' tools 413. 13 Plumbing buildings and grounds 600. 8 Plumbing equipment 412. 2 Plumbing material 412. 2 Plumbing services 486. 91 Plumbing systems 671 Plungers 471.81 374 Pneumonia 710 Pockets, shoe 425 Podriatics 730 Points, datum 353. 4 Points, salvo 353. 4 Poison for rats 438 Poisoning 710 Corrosive 710 Food 710 Irritant 710 Narcotic 710 Ptomaine 710 Poisonous bombs 471. 6 Poisons 441. 1 Poles 411. 1 Curtain 414. 1 Flag and color, and parts of 424 Gun carriages 473. 81 Police 014.12 Police, chief of 014.12 Police courts 015. 6 Police, insular 093.2 Police, military 370. 093 Details, officers in charge 210. 607 Police powers, State and city 014. 12 Police sergeants, details of, on trans- ports and other vessels 220. 69 Police sergeants, enlisted men 221 Policemen, civil 014. 12 Policemen, employees 231. 4 Policies: Development and improvement of militia 325. 51 Insular possessions and colonies . . . 093. 5 War Department as to aviation. . . 360. 01 War risk insurance 004. 6126 Poliomyelitis 710 Polish, shoe 425 Polishing machines 414. 4 Polishing powder 438 PoHtical 000. 2 Political activity, employees 230. 771 Political campaigns 000. 2 Political confiscations 000. 2 Political contributions, employees. . . 230. 772 Political demonstrations 000. 2 Political offenses 000. 51 Political parties 000. 2 Political societies and associations. . . 080 Politics 000. 1 Employees 230. 77 Political activity 230. 771 Political contributions 230. 772 olo 353. 8 Polo equipment 418 Polo fields .' 618. 2 Pollution of air 723. 1 Pollution of ground 723. 2 Polkition of rivers and harbors 800. 224 Pollution of water supply 720. 22 Polypus, nasal 710 Pompholyx 710 Ponchos 424 Ponds 615 Ponies 454. ] Pontoon bridges 823. 76 Pontoon equipment and supplies 417 Pool 353.8 Pools, swimming 631 Pork 431 Port charges " 012. 43 Port dues 012. 43 Portable buildings and houses 634 Portable laundries 414. 4 Portable searchlights and lights 470. 3 Porto Rican Regiment Infantry 322. 094 Assignment of officers 210. 314 Bands 322. 16 Battalions 322. 171 Companies 322. 173 Enlisted men 322. 0942 Examining ];)oard 334. 1 Headquarters company 322. 173 Headquarters detachment 322. 7 Machine-gun company 322. 173 Mounted orderlies 322. 94 Officers 322. 0941 Regimental, battalion, company noncommissioned staff 322. 992 Supply company 322. 173 Transfers, officers of 210. 332 Porto Rico 093 Introduction and sale of intoxi- cants 250.1 Transportation natives 516 Portraits 007 Ports, hemp 093. 4 Ports of debarkation 322. 92 Commanders of 323. 926 Authority 323. 9261 Duties 323. 9262 Contraction of, limits of 323. 924 Discontinuance of 323. 922 Establishment of 323. 921 Extension of limits of 323. 923 Staff officers of 323. 927 Authority of 32.3. 9271 Duties 323. 9272 375 Porta of embarkation 323. 91 Commanders of 323. 916 Authority of 323. 9161 Duties 323. 9162 Contraction of limits of 323. 914 Discontinuance of 323. 912 Establishment of 323. 911 Extension of limits 323. 913 Staff officers of 323. 917 Authority of 323. 9171 Duties of 323. 9172 Position-finding instruments 413. 682 Positions: Discharge enlisted men to accept Goverimient 220. 803 Designation of employees 230. 01 Employees holding municipal or other offices 2.30. 762 Enlisted men: Discharge to accept Government. 220. 803 Employed by corporations and others.'. 220.41 Examination for civil office, civil service 220.42 Excepted from examination 230. 123 Offered to eligibles 230. 133 Requests for information regarding. 230. 03 Temporary appointments 230. 2192 Posse comitatUB, troops as 370. 66 Possessions and colonies: Bureaus of 093. 6 Commissioners of 093. 7 Governors of 093. 7 Insular 093 Introduction and sale of intoxi- cants 250. 1 Native troops 322. 092 Officials of 093. 7 Secretaries of bureaus of 093. 7 Taxation under laws of 012. 32 Transportation of natives 516 Post bands 322. 16 Post buildings 630 Post commanders 323. 76 Authority 323.761 Decisions of 016 Duties 323. 762 Post employees 231. 7 Post-exchange buildings 631 Post-exchange dues 242. 4 Post-exchange funds, money 123 Post exchanges 331. 3 Camp and company exchanges 331. 3 Post exchanges — Continued. . Council of administration 331. 3 Credit 331. 3 Employees 331. 3 Establishment 331. 3 Indebtedness enlisted men 242. 4 Officers 331. 3 Operation reports 331. 3 Profit 331.3 Regulations 331. 3 Sales to 400. 326 Stocks, fixtures, and supplies 331. 3 Post funds, money 123 Post-graduate course, garrison schools . 352. 371 Post hospitals 323. 7 Post libraries 331. 1 Post mortem 707. 2 Post noncommissioned staff 322. 992 Post office buildings 631 Post Office Department 043 • Bureaus 043. 2 Dead-letter office 043.2 Mail carried on vessels for 565. 61 On transports 575. 61 Officers 043. 1 Postmaster General 043. 1 Postmasters 043. 1 Post offices 043. 2 Establishment of 311. 12 Post property accounts 141 Post route maps 061. 8 Post schools {see Schools, Post) 352. 9 Post traders 292 Postage ser\'ice 483. 4 Postage stamps 483. 4 Use of 311.14 Postal agents 043. 1 Postal cards 312. 2 Postal convention 043. 2 Postal Guide 461 Postal regulations 311. 11 Postal Savings System 043. 2 Postal Union 043. 2 Posters 415 Posters, recruiting 341. 4 Postmaster General 043. 1 Postmasters 043. 1 Sales to 400. 327 Posts 323.7 Abandonment of 602. 1 Administration of 331 Allowances, supplies, and equip- ment 400.346 376 Posts — Oontinued . Appropriations 112 Estimates for 111 Contraction of limits 323. 74 Data regarding ' 600. 9 Discontinuance of 323. 72 Establishment of 323. 71 Estimates or data as to supplies needed 400.314 Exchange of supplies 400. 223 Extension of limits 323. 73 Headquarters of 323. 75 Histories of 314. 7 Inspections of 333. 1 Introduction of obscene reading matter at 250. 1 Introduction and sale of intoxi- cants 250.1 Issues of supplies to 400. 356 Maps and plats of 061. 2 Military 323. 7 Poles 411. 1 Records of abandoned 314. 2 Recruit depot 341. 7 Reservations 683 Sanitary inspection 721. 3 Size of 600. 01 Statistics 600. 9 Transfers supplies and equipment. . 400. 221 Potash 438 Potato peelers 414. 3 Potentates - 336. 95 Pots, coffee and kitchen 414. 3 Potts disease 710 Pouches 428 Field 428 First-aid 444.1 Gunners 426 Magazine 426 Music 413. 3 Rations and mess 428 Poultry 431 Dressed 431 Poultry raising 403, 4 Pounds 654 Pounds, fish 825.91 Rules and regulations 825. 91 Powder: Ammunition 471. 5 Charges 471. 5 Ingredients of 471. 85 Testing and measuring instru- ments 413. 6 Baking 433 Powder — Continued . Cleaning 438 Plating 438 Polishing 438 Powder bags 471. 87 Dummy 470. 2 Powder barrels 471. 87 Powder bins 471. 88 Powder charges 471. 5 Powder depota 633 Powder factories 004. 4 Buildings 635 Powder hoists 471. 88 Powder kegs 471. 87 Powdered milk and cream 434 Power 463 Water power 463. 1 Power of attorney: Agents of contractors 161 Commercial enterprises and proj- ects 004. 02 Of firms 004. 02 Power panels 412. 42 Power plants 675 Power, use of rivers and harbors as water 800. 225 Powers and duties: Adjutants general of States 323. 821 Quartermaster generals of militia . . . 323. 831 Powers, War Department 020 Practice: Gallery 353. 14 Mine 353.17 Night, target, Coast Artillery 353. 17 Rifle 353. 14 Siege gun, Coast Artillery 353. 17 Target 353.1 Practice flights, aviation 373 Practice marches 353. 5 Practices, medical special 730 Preachers 000. 3 Precedence, enlisted men 220. 72 National Guard 220.726 Precedence, officers 210. 72 Between National Guard and other officers 210. 726 Precedence of troops 335. 2 Precedents 008 Preference cards 201. 37 Preference laws as to employees 230. 042 Preference, statement of 201. 39 Prelates 000.3 Premiums: War-risk insurance 004. 6123 377 Preparation, «fupplie3 and equipment for use 400, 25 Preparations for war 381 Presbyopia 710 Presbyterian Church 000. 3 Prescriptions 701. 1 Presents 005 Preservatives 438 Preservers, life 458. 11 Tests of 458. 11 Transports 458. 11 Tests of 458. 11 PreserA'es, subsistence stores 436 Preserving buildings 600. 3 Preserving and canning supplies 400. 252 Preserving peace 388 Preserving rivers and harbors 800. 3 Preserving supplies and equipment. . 400. 241 Supplies for 438 Preserving trees, shrubs, orchards, plants, grass 618. 34 President of the United States 031 Commander in Chief of Army and Navy 031. 1 Commission and boards 334. 7 Economy and Efficiency Com- mission 334. 7 Keep Commission 334. 8 Personally 031. 2 Reports as to employees 230. 661 Secretary to 031. 3 Veto power 031 Volunteer appointments 324. 21 Presidents, foreign 336. 95 Presiding officer. Senate 032. 2 Press 000. 7 Press agents 000. 74 Press clippings 000. 75 Press copying records 313. 1 Press syndicates. Associated Press. . . 000. 761 Presses, machines and supplies 413. 52 Presses, printing and supplies 413. 52 Preventative medicines 441. 01 Preventing stowaways 569. 91 On transports 579. 91 Prevention of diseases 720 Prevention of flies 725. 11 Prevention of mosquitoes 725. 11 Prevention of parasites 729. 2 Price lists 400. 1912 Price lists, supplies and equipment. . 400. 191 Prices: Equal, in bids for contract 163 Issue, supplies 400. 3502 Reports of market conditions 400. 137 Prickly heat 710 Priests 000, 3 Primers 471. 82 Combination 471. 82 Electric 471. 82 Friction 471. 82 Ignition 471. 82 Percussion 471, 82 Small arms 471. 82 Principal musicians 221 Printed matter, circulating 230. 435 Printer, Public 040. 1 Printers, employees 231. 5 Printers, enlisted men 221 Printing accounts 158 Printing and Engra\dng, Bureau of. . 042. 2 Printing in the Army 486. 4 Printing machines and supplies 413. 52 Printing Office, Government 040. 1 Printing Office, War and Navy 040. 1 Printing presses and supplies 413. 52 Printing 6er%dces 486. 4 Printing shop 635 Priority: Certificates and forms, transporta- tion supplies and property. 523. 071 Manufacture of supplies 400. 174 Of supply 400. 303 Orders of factories, plants, etc 004. 004 Purchases, supplies and equipment 400. 1301 Transportation supplies and prop- erty 523.07 Prison buildings 627 Prison funds, money 123 Prison guards 322. 984 Prisoners: Civil 014. 5 Apprehension of 014. 521 Death 014. 53 Escape 014. 52 Indian 046. 2 Interned: Medical attendance 701 Military 253 Allowances to 400. 344 Clemency 253. 1 Clothing i22 Deaths and interments, records of 314.6 Escape of 253. 6 Apprehension 253. 61 Report of escape 253. 6 Reward for 253. 611 Establishment of 52 Ex-prisoners, maintenance 263. 4 378 Prisoners — Continued . Military — Continued. Good-conduct time allowance 253. 13 Handcuffing, shackling, placing in irons 253.93 In Philippine Islands 253 Issue to 400. 354 Pardon 253.11 Parole 253.2 Pay 242. 2 Quarters on vessels 563. 21 On transports 573. 21 Regulations 252 Release of 253. 92 Reports and returns 253. 94 Restoration to service 253. 12 Returns and reports 253. 94 Special authority for enlistment . 342. 18 Transfer of ". 253. 91 Transportation 513 Use of, on construction work 253. 5 Pardon of 014. 54 Use of by Government 014. 51 Prisoners of war 383. 6 Camps and prisons for 255 Statistics 054 Confederate 054 Union 054 Volunteers 383. 6 Parole 383.6 War with Spain and Philippine Insurrection 383. 6 Parole 383.6 Prisons 000. 6 Board of military prison commis- sioners 334. 3 Buildings 627 For prisoners of war 255 MiUtary 252 Atlantic Branch, Governors Is- land 252 Board of commissioners 252 Donations 252 Fort Leavenworth, Kans 252 Guards 322.7 Manufactures 252 Pacific Branch, Alcatraz Island . . 252 Regulations 252 Private correspondence 312. 1 Privates 221 Assignment 220. 31 Change of station 220. 32 Foreign 336. 23 Rank and precedence 220. 722 Transfer 220. 33 Privileges: Camps of instruction 680. 42 Constitutional 014. 4 Employees 230. 6 Maneuver camps 680. 42 On reservations 680. 4 Prize courts 015. 5 Prize drills and exercises 353. 5 Prize fighting 353. 8 Prizes 005 Prizes, small-arms competitions 353. 2 Army 353. 2 Department and diAdsions 353. 2 International 353. 2 Militia, State or interstate 353. 2 National 353. 2 Shooting matches 353. 3 Probate laws 010. 4 Probational app oil itment : Employees 230. 217 Enlisted men 220. 103 Officers 210. 103 Probations, applicants for enlistment. 342. 1 Probations, cadets, ^Military Acad- emy 351. 13 Problems, militan,' 350. 06 Proceedings: Condemnations 013. 31 Court-martial ' 250. 45 Legal 013. 3 Proceeds: Ice plants 131 Laundries 131 Sales 131 Real property, etc 131 Services 131 Supplies and stores 131 Process, civil 014. 2 Proclamations of war 382. 1 Proclamations terminating war 387. 7 Proctitis 710 Procurement: Supplies and equipment 400. 12 Profession 014. 37 Professional books, officers, shipment of 524.3 Allowances 524. 3 Excess 524. 3 Professional books of War Depart- ment 461 Professional and business men's camps of instruction 354. 1 Professional employees 231. 2 Professional papers, hygiene, medi- cine, sanitation 700. 7 379 Professional papers as to supplies and equipment 402. 4 1 'rofessors, Military Academy 351. 01 Professors of military science and tactics, details, officers 210. 64 Proficiency in languages 350. 03 Proficiency, officers, garrison schools. 352. 381 Profits, post, camp, company ex- changes 331. 3 Progress, reports of, buildings and grounds 600. 914 Progress, reports of, manufactures of supplies and equipment. . 400. 192 Progressive military' maps 061. 3 Projectile hoists 471. 88 Projectiles 471. 2 Bands for 471. 81 Caps for 471. 81 Covers for 471. 81 Dummy 470. 2 Hoists 471. 88 Projection, map construction 061. 04 Projectors: Flame 470. 71 Gases and chemicals 470. 71 Searchlight 470. 31 Projects: Buildings and grounds 600. 12 General 600. 121 Pro\-isional 600. 122 Standard 600. 123 Commandeered 004. 002 Commercial 004 Communication 370. 4 Government control 004. 8 Rivers and harbors 800. 12 General 800. 121 Provisional 800. 122 Standard 800. 123 Taken over by Government 004. 001 Promotions: Employees 230. 32 From subclerical grades 230. 326 Jiunping grades 230. 325 Laws, rules, and regulations 230. 321 Recommendations and applica- tions for 230. 322 Recommendations from authori- ties for 230. 323 Reports of 230. 324 Use of influence to secure 230. 733 Enlisted 220. 2 Disqualifying defects 220. 23 Age 220. 23 Promotions — Continued. Enlisted — Continued. Disqualifying defects— Contd. Corpulency 220. 23 Deafness 220. 23 Height and chest measurement 220. 23 Insanity 220. 23 Temperamental peculiarities. . 220. 23 Vision 220. 23 Eligibility and qualifications 220. 21 Examination, physical and men- tal 220.22 Papers and questions 220. 221 Pay on 242. 16 Suspensions from 220. 25 Warrants 220. 24 Acceptance or declination 220. 24 Officers 210. 2 Disqualif jdng defects 210. 23 Age 210.23 Corpulency 210. 23 Deafness 210. 23 Height and chest measurement 210. 23 Insanity 210. 23 Temperamental peculiarities.. 210.23 Vision 210. 23 Eligibility and qualifications 210. 21 Examination,physical and mental 210. 22 Papers and questions 210. 221 Examining boards 334. 1 Suspension from 210. 25 Proof firing. ." 353. 4 Property 400 Accountability 140 Accounting 140 Accounting systems 140. 2 Accounts 141 Correcting, numbering, and post- ing 141 Dropping and taking up 141. 6 Articles expendable and non- expendable 141.6 Field 141 Inventories 142. 1 Invoices and receipts 141 Lists transferred 142. 3 Maximum and minimum quan- tities 142. 4 Memorandum receipts 141. 5 Posts 141 Receipts 141 Reports of survey 141. 8 Inventory and inspection re- ports 141. 81 380 Property — Continued. Accounts — Continued. Shortages, losses, damaged and destroyed 141.7 Personal charges for 141. 71 Statements of balances 142. 2 Vouchers and other papers 141 Affected by war 386 Borrowed from allies 386. 4 Captiired or seized 386. 3 Contraband 386. 5 Destruction in battle 386. 1 Destruction under military neces- sity 386.1 Occupancy and use 386. 2 Bonds to secure loans and 168 Buildings and land 600 Acquisition 601 By cession or grant 601. 3 By condemnation or purchase. 601. 1 By donation or gift 601. 2 By license or permit 601. 5 By transfers 601. 4 Titles and deeds, and record- ing 601.01 Disposition 602 Abandonment of reservations. 602.1 Applications for purchase of United States land 602. 4 Restoration of land to public domain 602. 6 Return of land to original own- ers 602.5 Titles and deeds, and record- ing 602.01 Transfers to other departments . 602. 3 Charges against enlisted men for damages or losses 242. 4 Charges against officers for damages or losses 241. 3 Engineer property 400 Federal property, civil jurisdiction over 014. 14 Free entry into foreign countries . . 012. 42 Personal 012. 421 Public 012. 422 Inspections 333. 91 Inspector General's Department property 400 Judge Advocate General's Depart- ment property 400 Land 600 Acquisition of 601 Disposition of 602 Property — Continued . Lost by desertion 251. 27 Medical property 400 Militia property 400 Accounts for transportation of . . . 554. 4 Inspections 333. 4 National Guard: Inspection of 333. 4 Prophylactic immunization 720. 3 Prophylactic stations 322. 15 Prophylaxis sera 444. 2 Proposals: Abstracts of 400. 1421 Advertisement for, contracts 162 Agreements, supplies and eqtiip- ment 400. 146 Mamifacture supplies 400. 186 Construction and installation, buildings and grounds 600. 1121 Abstracts of 600. 1121 Purchases, supplies, and equip- ment under 400. 122 Rivers and harbors work 800. 1121 Abstracts of 800. 1121 Altering 800. 42 Repairing 800. 32 Written 161 Proprietary medicines 441. 7 Prostatitis 710 Prostitution 000. 51 Prostitution, houses, frequenting by officers and enlisted men.. 250. 1 Protecting: Buildings and grounds 600. 96 Plants and projects 004. 003 Rivers and harbors 800. 93 Protection: Bank and shore 824 Buildings, fortifications, struc- tures 600. 96 Cable 476. 2 Fire 671 Fire-control stations 665. 12 Harbor 813 Seacoast, use of troops for 370. 3 Protectors, check 462 Protests: Army bands in competition with civilians 322. 16 Bidders: River and harbor work 800. 1191 Bidders, buildings and grounds 600. 1191 Bidders on construction, buildings and grounds 600.1191 881 Protests — Continued . Bidders for manufacture supplies.. 400. 187 Contractors for construction, build- ings and grounds 600. 1192 Contractors for manufacture sup- plies 400. 186 Contractors, river and harbor work. 800. 1192 Employees against discharges 230. 826 Employees, efficiency ratings 230. 347 Hours of labor 230.444 Protocols 387.3 Provinces 092. 1 Pro\ing grounds, buildings on 652 Proving plants 635 Provisional appointment, enlisted men 220.102 Officers 210. 102 Provisional courts 250. 51 Provisional projects: Buildings and grounds 600. 122 Rivers and harbors work 800. 122 Provisional regiments 322. 17 Provost courts 250. 53 Provost Mai-shal General 370. 8 Provost marshals 370. 8 Provost officers, details 210. 607 Provost sergeants 221 Psoriasis. 710 Psychasthenia 710 Psychiatry 730 Psychosis 710 Psychosis polyneuritica 710 Psychosis, senile 710 Pterygium 710 Public buildings and grounds 600 Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Officer in charge of 029. 1 Transfers from War Department. . . 602. 3 Transfers to War Department 601. 4 Public business, reports on 319. 1 Public duty, absence employees for.. 230. 57 Public duty, liability of employees for 230.3121 Public funds 123 Public grounds 600 Appropriation 112 Estimates for Ill Public Health, Bureau of 042. 2 Public Health Service, transportation of employees and officials. 515 Public lands, transfers from War Department 602.3 Public lands, transfers to War Depart- ment 601.4 Public press 000. 7 Public Printer 040. 1 Public property, free entry 012. 412 Into foreign countries 012. 422 Public schools 000. 8 Public service, reports rendered by vessels 569. 11 Transports 579. 11 Public works, bonds for contractors.. 168 Publications 461 Army 461 Copyrights 073 Distribution 461 Foreign 461 Other than War Department 461 Reports of issue 461 Service journals 461 Subscriptions to 400. 134 War Department 461 Publicity and public press 000. 7 Aid of militia 000. 78 Confidential matter 000. 72 Interviews and giving out informa- tion 000.71 Secret matter 000. 72 Pulleys 412.3 Pulling machines 413. 8 Pullman sleeping cars 531. 2 Pulmonary congestion 710 Pulmonary emphysema 710 Pump houses 634 Pumping plants 671 Pumps and equipment 412, 3 Punches 413. 51 Punishment 250. 3 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 17 Discipline 250. 3 Employees 230. 747 Discharges 230. 823 Purchase orders 400. 138 Purchase requests 400. 131 Purchases: Advertisements excepted, for emer- gency 162 Advertisements excepted, for lim- ited amounts 162 Advertisements excepted, pur- chases from another de- partment 162 Land and buildings 601. 1 Maps 061. 07 382 Purchases — Coniinued . Materials for construction and in- stallation 600. 118 Materials for rivers and harbors construction 800. 118 Reports of open market 132. 7 Supplies and equipment (see also Sales) 400. 13 Abroad 400. 136 Approval of action 400. 133 Authority 400. 132 Requestsf or 400. 131 For export 400. 1393 From other departments, bu- reaus 400.135 Methods of 400. 1201 Advertising and proposal and acceptance 400. 122 Advertising and under formal contract • 400. 121 Emergency 400. 1392 Open market 400. 1391 Quadrants 413. 7 Range quadrants for gun carriages. 473. 81 Quakers 000. 3 Qualifications: Appointments, employees 230.22 Age 230. 1133 Graduates of colleges, schools 230. 1134 Licenses 230. 1135 Moral 230. 1132 Physical 230. 1131 Appointments, enlisted men 220. 11 Appointments, officers 210. 11 Naturalization 014. 32 Promotions, enlisted men 220. 21 Promotions, officers 210. 21 Recruits 343 Reports of employees 230. 3442 Target practice or marksmanship . . 353. 15 Voting 014. 35 Quarantine 720. 4 Sick leave, employees, account of. 230.553 Quarries, rock 679 Quarter boats 560 Quarterly reports 319.1 Quartermaster agents, employees. . . . 231. 3 Quartermaster Corps 321. 5 Chief of 321. 51 Office 022 Office organization and adminis- tration 022 Q. Purchases — Continued. Supplies and equipment— Con td. Priority 400. 1301 Reports of 400. 137 Subscriptions to magazines, news- papers, periodicals 400. 134 Tickets 552. 8 Vessels 561. 21 Transports 571. 21 Purchasing agents 231. 3 Purchasing officers, lists of 400. 154 Pure-food law 010. 3 Purification, drainage systems 672 Purification plants 671 Purpura 710 Putty 411. 6 Pyelitis 710 Pyelonephritis 710 Pyemia 710 Pyonephrosis 710 Pyorrhoea alveolaris 710 Pyrometer 413. 6 Quartermaster Corps — Continued. Details officers 210. 61 Enlisted men 322. 072 Officers 322. 071 Of Military Academy 351. 01 Property, supplies, equipment 400 Recruits 343 Replacing civilian employees by enlisted men 230. 87 Quartermaster General of the Army. . 321. 51 Office of 022 Office organization and administra- tion 022 Quartermaster generals, states 323. 83 Authority 323. 831 Duties 323. 832 Quartermaster sergeants: Battalion 221 Company 221 Quartermaster Corps 221 Senior grade 221 Regimental 221 School for. 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details enlisted men Regular Army and militia 220. 63 Details officers 210. 63 Quartermasters : Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 7 72 383 Quartermasters — Con tinned . Artillery districts 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323. 472 Assignment of 210. 312 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Camps 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Camps of instruction 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Cantonments 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 Duties 354. 572 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Concentration 354. 47 Authority 354. 471 Duties 354. 472 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Details of 210. 61 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Divisions 322. 991 Authority. , 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hospitals, field 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hospitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Hospitals, post 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Maneuver camps 354. 27 Authority 354. 271 Duties 354. 272 Mobilization 354, 37 Authority 354. 371 Duties 354. 372 Organizations, such aa armies, regi- ments, etc 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Ports of debarkation 323. 927 Authority 323. 9271 Quartermasters — Continued . Ports of debarkation — Continued. Duties 323. 9272 Ports of embarkation 323. 917 Authority 323. 9171 Duties 323. 9172 Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Tactical organizations 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Training camps 354. 67 Authority 354, 671 Duties 354. 672 Quarters 620 Civilian employees 624 Allowances in money 248. 5 In kind 248. 5 Enlisted men 621 Allowances 246. 1 Commutation of 246. 81 For associations, societies 624 Hospital stewards 622 Noncommissioned officers 623 Nurses 622 Allowances 245. 1 Commutation of 245. 81 Heavy furniture for 414. 1 Protection of 600. 90 Use of reservations for, offices 680. 34 Vessels 563. 2 Y. M. C. A. secretaries 624 Quasi-military persons 292 Questionnaire 327. 112 Questions: Ci\dl service, and samples of 230. 1121 Examination — Army schools and colleges 352. 121 Employees 230. 1121 Enlisted men, appointments 220. 121 Officers, appointments 210. 121 Officers, promotion 210. 221 Garrison schools 352. 321 Quicksilver 470. 1 Quinine 441. 1 Quorum: Courts-martial 250. 4 Quotas: National Army 327. 23 384 R. Rabies 710 Race 291. 2 Filipinos and tribes 291. 2 Indians — American 291. 2 Negroes and Negro race 291. 2 Qualifications for appointments aa employees 230. 222 Racer, gun carriage 473. 81 Racing, horse 353. 5 Racks: Ammunition 471. 88 Arm 474.8 Elevating 473. 82 Feed 456 Hay 656 Kitchen 414. 3 Mine 663 Structure in waters 825. 92 Radiators 412. 1 Radio apparatus, vessels 458. 13 Transports 458.13 Radio eqmpment 413. 44 Radio installations: Vessels 564 On transports 574 Radio instruction drills 353. 6 Radio instruments 413. 44 Radio operators, employees 231. 3 Radio operators, enlisted men 221 Radio sergeants 221 Radio sets 41.S.44 For vessels 458. 13 For transports 458. 13 Radio stations 676. 3 Fire control 665.2 Radio supplies 413. 44 Radio systems 676. 3 Radiograms 311. 23 Federal supervision 311. 201 Radiologist 211 Radium 441. 1 Rafting, rules and regulations for 800. 215 Rafts, obstructions to na\dgation 828. 2 Railroad accidents, troops for relief work 370.11 Railroad cars 453 Railroad engines 453 Railroad equipment 453 Railroad station service 531. 8 Railroad tickets 552. 8 Railroad ties 453 Railroad time tables 531. 7 Railroad tracks, rails, etc 453 Railroads 617 Accounts 550 Against carriers, shortages and breakages 557 Blank forma of accounts and vouchers 550. 1 Demurrage 556. 1 Freight 554. 4 Claims 554. 4 Claims for improper deduc- tions 554. 4 Methods of computing and hand- ling 550. 2 Passenger 653. 4 Claims 553. 4 Claims for improper deduc- tions 553. 4 Storage 556.2 Weighing cars, switching, occu- pancy 556. 3 Bills of lading 552 Bond-aided 551. 6 Cars 453 Parlor car and chair car trans- portation 531. 2 Sleeping car transportation 531. 2 Contracts 550 Freight 554. 1 Passenger 553. 1 Employees, officials, agents, direct- ors, owners, etc 531. 01 Engines 453 Equipment 453 Government control 004. 8 Land-grant 551. 6 Rates, schedules, tariffs, equaliza- tion agreements 551 Scales 453 Station service 531. 8 Steam 531 Supplies 453 Tickets 552. 8 Ties 453 Time-tables 531.7 Tracks 453 Transportation 531 Transportation requests 552 Railway associations 501 Representatives of 501. 1 Identification cards 501. 1 1 Information to 501. 13 Insignia 501. 12 Railway commissions 501 Railway supplies and equipment 453 Raincoats 424 Rainfall 047.2 Rammers and staves, gun 472. 82 Rammers, turret 470. 4 Ramrods 474. 8 Range finders 413. 68 Brackets for. 473. 87 Range officers 211 Range quadrants 473. 81 Range table 063. 2 Range-finding instruments 413. 68 Aerial 413. 684 Range-finding stations 665. 2 Rangers: Forest 231. 4 Mounted 322. 94 Ranges, channel 811 Ranges, cooking 414. 2 Equipment and utensils 414. 2 Field 414. 2 Permanent 414. 2 Steam, alcohol, gas, oil 414. 2 Ranges, heating 412. 1 Ranges, target 684 Buildings and galleries at 651 Details, enlisted men 220. 67 Details officers 210. 67 Revetting ranges 614 Target butts 614 Rank and command, officers 210. 72 Assignment to command other than rank 210.727 Between Regulars and Militia 210. 726 Brevet rank 210. 723 Conflict of authority 210. 721 Intermediate commanders 210. 722 Lineal rank 210. 724 Relative 210. 725 Rank and precedence, enlisted men. 220. 72 Assignment to command other than rank 220. 727 Between Regulars and Militia, non- commissioned officers 220. 726 Noncommissioned officers 220. 721 Reinstatement to rank 220. 721 Privates and rated men 220. 722 Reinstatement 220. 722 Rape 250. 1 Rapid-fire practice. Coast Artillery Corps 353.17 Rat poisons 438 Ratchets, traversing 473. 82 61127—18 25 385 Rated men 221 Assignment 220. 31 Change of station 220. 32 Rank and precedence 220. 72 Rates, excess baggage 551. 4 Rates, express 551. 3 Rates of pay, employees 248. 3 Rates, transportation 551 Bond-aided 551. 6 Freight 551. 6 Passenger 551. 6 Excess baggage 551. 4 Express 551. 3 Freight 551. 2 Bond-aided 551. 6 Classification for rate-making pur- poses 551. 2 Land-grant 551. 6 Land-grant 551. 6 Freight 551. 6 Passenger 551. 6 Parlor car 551. 5 Passenger 551. 1 Bond-aided 551. 6 Classification 551. 1 Land-grant 551. 6 Sleeping car 551. 5 Ratings and disratings: Employees, complaints, protests against efficiency 230. 347 Enlisted men, 220. 271 Ration boxes 428 Ration funds, money 123 Ration packs 428 Ration pouches 428 Ration tins 428 Rations 430. 2 Alaskan 430. 2 Allowance — To employees 248. 5 To enlisted men 246. 4 Army 430. 2 Commutation of employees 248. 5 Commutation of, enlisted men... 246.8 Emergency 430. 2 Field 430. 2 Filipino 430. 2 Funds 123 Funds, reports of savings 121. 5 Garrison 430. 2 Haversack 430. 2 Savings 123 Travel 430. 2 386 Rats 000. 94 Extermination of 729. 5 Readdressing mail 311. 18 Reading matter 350. 02 Readings, meter, water 671 Real property, acquisition of GOl Real property, disposition of 602 Reappointments, cadets. Military Academy 351. 11 Reappointments, enlisted men 220. 104 Reappointments, officers 210. 104 Rear cars motor cycles 451. 4 Rear sights, gun carriages 473. 85 Rear sights, small arms 474. 8 Rebellion records 4G1 Rebellions 000. 51 Statistics of War of 055 Whisky rebellion 055 Rebuilding 600. 5 Receipts 141. 5, 143. 5 Certificate of, under contracts 167 Complaints of nonreceipt of sup- plies 400. 315 Funds for damages, losses 131 Funds for rights of way 131 Funds, miscellaneous 131 Letters of acknowledgment of cor- respondence 312. 1 Memorandum 141. 5, 143. 5 Rents 131 Traveling expenses, employees 248. 7 Receivers, legal 013. 4 Receptions 335. 2 Recess appointments, officers 210. 14 Recess promotions, officers 210. 24 Recipes 430. 1 Reckless driving 000. 51 Reclamation Service, Interior De- partment 046. 2 Reclamations, supplies and equip- ment 400.6 Reclassification of employees 230. 3133 Recoil mechanisms, gun carriage 473. 82 Recommendations, employees 230. 72 For appointment 230. 02 For promotion 230. 322 Recommendations, Government, of business houses 400. 157 Recommendations, Government, river and harbor work 800. 167 Recommission, officers 210. 14 Reconcentrados 383. 7 Reconnoissance outfits 413. 76 Reconstruction period 000. 4 Record cases 414. 1 Record Division, War Department. . 020.4 Recording deeds, mortgages, titles to buildings and land : On acquisition 601. 01 On disposition 602. 01 Records 313 Abandoned posts 314. 2 Access to 313. 5 Accidents, buildings, grounds 600. 913 Amendment and correction of 313. 4 Authentification 313. 5 Use of official seal 313. 5 Beneficiary 247 Captm-ed 314. 4 Care of 313. 3 Certification 313. 5 Use of official seal 313. 5 Copies, application for and refusal of 313.5 Correction of 313. 4 Cost 121. 6 Death and interment 314. 6 Prisoners 314. 6 Deposits, enlisted men 244. 1 Destroj'-ed 313. 7 Discontinued commands 314. 3 Disposition of (destroying, etc.). . . 313.6 Obsolete 313. 6 Useless 313. 6 Efficiency, employees 230. 3411 Fire 600. 913 Hall of 040.8 Historical : Buildings and structures 600. 911 Personnel 201. 34 Histories, military 314. 7 Offices and bureaus 314. 7 Organizations 314. 7 Posts and reservations 314. 7 Schools 314. 7 Identification 344. 1 Inspections of 333. 8 Keeping of 313. 2 Book records 313. 2 Fort record books 313. 2 Filing and indexing systems. . . . 313. 2 Card index 313. 2 Decimal flat filing 313. 2 Numerical flat filing 313. 2 Numerically folded papers 313. 2 Self-indexing 313. 2 Subjective classifications 313. 2 Loose-leaf systems 313.2 Suspended or follow-up files 313. 2 Leaves, employees 230. 521 387 Records — Continued. Lost or destroyed 313. 7 Making 313. 1 Carbon process 313. 1 Cop\-ing by hand or typewriter. . 313. 1 Photographic copies 313. 1 Press copying 313. 1 National Army -327.92 Naval 045.9 War 045. 9 Pension 046. 2 Permission to examine 313. 5 Personal 201 Manner and forms of keeping 201. 1 Personal, employees 230. 7 Photograph 004. 511 Production in court 313. 5 Services, for claims 150 Services of employees 230. 714 Shipment 523. 7 Staff Corps and Departments 314. 1 Storage and care of 313. 3 Target practice, Coast Artillery 353. 17 Transfer of 313. 3 Transportation 523. 7 Use of 313. 5 Volunteer organizations 314. 5 Wars 314. 8 Civil War Records 314. 8 Colonial 314. 8 Confederate and Southern Con- federacy 314. 8 Arcliives, records, and rolls — 314. 8 Ai-my of 314. 8 Congress of 314. 8 General officers 314. 8 Pensions 314. 8 Seal of 314.8 Diaries 314. 81 Indians 314. 8 Revolutionary War and War of 1812 314.8 Spanish War 314. 8 Recovery of dead 293. 9 Recreation buildings 631 Recreation grounds 618. 2 Recruit companies 322. 173 Recruit depot posts 341. 7 Recruit depots 341. 6 Transportation of recruits 511 Recruit kits 428 Recruiting 341 Army at large 341. 1 Departmental 341. 2 Recruiting — Continued . Depots 341. 6 Recruit companies 322. 173 Districts 341. 8 Funds, mouey 123 Officers 341. 91 Parties 341. 5 Posters 341. 4 Regimental 341. 2 Regulations 341. 4 Instructions to govern 341. 4 Night recruiting 341. 4 Recruiting circulars 341. 4 Tiimonthly reports 341. 4 Rentals for purposes of 482 Ser\'ice, details, active and retired — Commissioned 210. 62 Enlisted 220. 62 Services .'. . 482 Special, for arms of service 341. 3 Stations 341. 8 Opening and closing 341. 8 Volunteers 324. 3 Agents 324. 3 Details 324. 3 Recruitment 340 Recruits 343 Applications for 343. 1 Line of the Army 343. 1 Staff departments 343. 1 Assignments 343. 2 Available for 343. 2 Line of the Army 343. 2 Staff Departments 343. 2 Conducting to stations 343. 2 Reports to commanding officers on 343.2 Select 343.2 Discharge of rejected 220. 815 Instructions of 343 Medical examination 343 Moral examination 343 Qualifications 343 Quality of 343. 2 Reports by commanding officers. 343. 2 Quarters on vessels 563. 21 On transports 573. 21 Sale of cast-off civilian clothing. . . 332. 31 Transportation 513 Allowances 513 Bids and contracts 553. 1 Detachments from depots 511 Of remains 518 Rectifiers 412. 42 388 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 7 Commanders of 1 354. 76 Authority of 354. 761 Duties of 354. 762 Contraction of limits 354. 74 Discontinuance of 354. 72 Establishment of 354. 71 Extension of limits 354. 73 Rules and regulations 354. 78 Staff officers of 354.77 Authority of 354. 771 Duties 354.772 Recurrent appropriations 110. 2 Red Cross 080 Sales to 400. 326 Redoubts 661 Reduction, employees 230. 33 Pa> and allowances 248. 8 Replacing by enlisted men 230. 87 Separations account of, in force . . . 230. 83 Reduction, enUsted men 220. 26 Disrating 220.272 Pay 242 Pay on reduction in grade 242. 16 Reduction, officers 210. 27 Reduction of letters of allotment 121. 2 Reduction of letters of apportion- ment 121. 1 Reefs 828. 1 Reel cartS; fire 413. 2 Reels 412. 42 Cable, mine 476. 2 Cable, telegraph etc 413. 43 Field Artillery 473. 863 Measuring, cable 476. 2 Reenforcements 370. 092 Reenlistments 342. 06 Pay and bonus on 242. 15 Transportation on 513 Reexamination, Army schools and colleges 352.122 Reexamination, Military Academy. . . 351. 154 Reexamination officers, garrison schools 352.322 Referees: Details officers as 210. 695 Enlisted men, details 220. 694 Officers 211 Reference books 461 Refitting vessels 561. 5 Chartered 545. 02 Transports 571. 5 Reforestation 618. 34 Reformatories 000. 6 Reformed church 000. 3 Refrigerating machinery 412. 3 Refrigerating systems 673 Refrigerator cars, transportation 531. 4 Refrigerators 414. 1 Refuge, harbors of 813. 1 Refugees 383. 7 Refunds, overpayments, erroneous payments 131 Overpaid allotments enlisted men. . 243. 3 Regimental adjutants 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Regimental commanders 322. 98 Authority 322. 981 Duties 322. 982 Regimental funds 123 Indebtedness enlisted men 242. 4 Regimental noncommissioned staff... 322.992 Cavalry 322. 992 Engineers 322. 992 Field Artillery, horse, light, moun- tain 322. 992 Infantry 322. 992 Regimental ordnance officers 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Regimental quartermasters 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Regimental recruiting 341. 2 Regimental signal officers 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Regimental supply officers 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Regiments 322. 17 Cavalry 322. 17 Engineers 322. 17 Field Artillery 322. 17 Infantry 322. 17 Provisional 322. 17 Transportation of, supplies and property 523. 5 Registered mail 311. 17 Registers 461 Eligibles for appointment, em- ployees 230. 11 Establishment and maintenance. 230. Ill Heating 412. 1 War Department registers, service registers 461 Registrants, exempted 327. 222 389 Registration: Boards 327. Ill National Army 327. 11 Registry, stamps, postage 883. 4 Use of 311.14 Registry of vessels, reports of 545. 01 Regrading of officers 210. 26 Regular Army. (See Army.) Regular Army reserves 326. 1 Regulations 010. 8 Absences, employees 230. 51 Accounting of funds, money 130 Accounting for property, supplies, stores 140. 1 Accounts 150 Accounts of funds, money 132. 01 Army 300. 3 Amendment and revision board.. 334. 2 Amendments and changes. . .- 300. 3 Interpretation and construction. . 300. 3 Revisions 300. 3 Authority to prescribe 010. 8 Automobiles 537. 4 Aviation 3G0. 01 Beneficiary money, records, burial expenses 247 Bids 163 Bulldiead lines 825. 6 Camps of instruction 354. 18 Cantonments 354. 58 Cavalry drill 300. 7 Board 334.2 Changes and amendments 300. 7 Checks 122 Civilian employees 230. 05 Claims 150 Coast Artillery Corps 300. 7 Changes and amendments 300. 7 Combat trains 300. 7 Compensation employees for in- juries 248. 5 Concentration camps 354. 48 Conduct of offices, depots, factories, by employees 230. 431 Construction of 010. 8 Demotion, reduction, employees... 230.331 Disbursement of funds 120 Dock lines 825. 1 Drayage and hauling 536 Drill 300.7 Arms of the service 300. 7 Changes or amendments 300. 7 Inquiries on points 300. 7 Regulations — Continued. Drill — Continued . Changes or amendments 300. 7. Manual of arms 300. 7 Inquiries on points 300. 7 Mobile army 300. 7 Systems of 300. 7 Efficiency, employees 230. 343 Employees 230. 05 Estimates, pay, employees 248. 1 Field Artillery 300.7 Boards 334. 2 Changes or amendments 300. 7 Field service 300. 8 Interpretation and construction . . 300. 8 Re\ision 300. 8 Field trains 300. 7 Fire 300. 9 Funds 123. 1 Harbor lines 813. 32 Holidays and early closing 230. 462 Hours of labor 230. 441 Inspections 333 Issue to militia 400. 3581 Labor regulations, employees 230. 05 Civil Service Commission 230. 052 Conduct of offices, depots, fac- tories 230. 433 Special regulations of War Depart- ment 230. 053 Laundry 331. 51 Mail, postal and other 311. 11 Maneuvers 354. 28 Medicine, hygiene, and sanitation. 700. 8 Military Academy 351. 04 Military prisons. 252 Militia 325. 11 Mobilization camps 354. 38 Mustering, volunteers 324. 1 National Army 327. 01 National Cemetery 300. 5 Naval 045.7 Navigation 017. 2 War Department transportation. . 540. 1 Office 230.432 Organization of the Army 320. 1 Pierhead lines 825. 1 Postal 311.11 Post-exchange, camp or company exchange 331. 3 Prison 252 Promotions, employees 230. 321 Publications 461 390 Regulations — Continued . Recruiting 341. 4 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 78 Rivers and harbors 800. 21 Small-arms firing 300. 8 Special 300. 9 Board 334. 2 Interpretation and construction. 300. 8 Revision and changes 300. 8 Status, changes, transfers of em- ployees 230. 301 Temporary travel duty employees . 230. 422 Traffic 000. 961 Training camps 354. 68 Uniform 300. 5 Vessels 560. 1 Cable steamers, harbor - boats, mine planters, etc 560. 1 Transports 570. 1 Waiver of 010. 8 War Department 461 Regulations and equipment boards. . 334. 2 Reimbursements: Appropriations 113 Charges paid, claims and ac- counts 156 Compensation for injuries, employ- ees 248.5 Expenses paid, claims and accounts 156 Loss of vessels 560. 01 Transports 570. 01 Overpaid allotments 243. 3 Overpayments 131 Traveling expenses, claims and ac- counts 155 Traveling expenses, employees 248.7 Reindeer 454. 5 Reinforcements 370. 092 Reinstated enlisted men, issues to. . . 400. 352 Reinstatements: Cadets, Military Academy 351. 14 Employees 230. 23 Enlisted men to rank of noncom- missioned officers 220. 721 Noncommissioned officers 220. 721 Officers 210. 84 Reinterments 293. 8 Civilians, and others 293. 8 Enlisted men and families 293. 8 Officers and families 293. 8 Rejection of bids 163 Relapsing fever 710 Relations, civil 014. 3 Relations, civil and military au- thorities 014.13 Relations, foreign and international.. 336 Relations, militia with Army 325. 31 Relations, militia with War Depart- ment 325.3 Relative rank 210. 725 Relatives: Employees — Addresses and names of 230. 713 Appointments of members of families 230. 2214 Enlisted men — Families of 292 Funerals and burials 293. 3 Officers — Families of 292 Funerals and burials 293. 2 Releases: Contracts 164 Deserters 251. 25 Foreign subjects allied armies 336. 96 Military prisoners 253. 92 Shipments supplies and property. . 523. 093 Sureties on bonds 168 Releveling supplies and equipment. . 400. 522 Relics 000. 4 Relief: Appropriations for relief acts 112 Estimates for Ill Bids, account of error 163 Reserves from active duty 326. 03 Supplies for destitute 400. 38 Troops used for, in disaster 370. 1 Relief from details: Enlisted men 220. 601 Officers 210. 601 Relief from duty: Enlisted men 220. 456 Officers 210. 456 Relief maps 061. 1 Religion 000. 3 Sunday observance 000. 3 Religious celebrations, employees absences 230. 581 Religious ceremonies or services 000. 3 Religioiis denomination 000. 3 Religious orders 000. 3 Religious organization 000. 3 Religious purposes, use of reservation for 680. .32 Religious sects 000. 3 Religious services 000. 3 Religious services in the Army 000. 3 1 391 Religious societies and associations . . . 080 Relining supplies and equipment 400. 521 Relocating buildings 600. 5 Relocation or modification, bulkhead lines 825.6 Relocation or modification, dock lines. 825. 1 Relocation or modification, harbor lines 825.02 Relocation or modification, pierhead lines 825.1 Remains 293. 9 Disinterring services, embalming, furnishing coffins 486. 7 Shipment of bones and bodies not identified 518 Transportation 518 Remedies 71.3 Remission of sentence, court-martial. 250. 471 Remount depots 404. 3 Transportation officers' horses 522 Remount service 404 Breeding animals 400. 91 Training animals 400. 92 Remount stations 404. 3 Removal of charge of desertion 251. 12 Removal of earth 616. 4 Removal of gravel 616. 4 Removal of sand 616. 4 Removals and reinterments 293. 8 Civilians and others 293. 8 Enlisted men and families 293. 8 Officers and families 293. 8 Removing obstructions to navigation . 800. 84 Remuster of volunteers 324. 1 Renewal of bonds 168 Renewal contracts 165 Renovating 400. 523 Rentals 480 Except recruiting 481 Other than personal 480 Receipt of funds 131 Recruiting piuposes 482 Telegraph 483. 1 Telephone 483. 2 Rents, funds received from 131 Reorganization of the Army 320 Repair kits 428 Repair shops and factories, buildings. 635 Repair trucks 451. 2 Parts and accessories 451. 21 Repairing buildings and grounds 600. 3 Repairs: Buildings and grounds 600. 3 Buildings and grounds, electrical and mechanical equipment 600. 2 Repairs — Continued . Cable, use of vessels for 565. 61 Rivers and harbors 800. 32 Supplies and equipment 400. 52 Vessels 564 Transports 574 Repatriation 014. 33 Replacement troops 322. 96 Replacing: Badges, medals, decorations, etc., enlisted men 220.5 Badges, medals, decorations, etc., officers 210. 5 Civilian employees by enlisted men 230.87 Crew of vessels 563. 801 Of transports 573. 801 Supplies and equipment 400. 6 Troops 370. 5 Replenishments, stocks of depots and arsenals 400.212 Report for duty: Enlisted men 220. 458 Officers 210. 458 Reporters 231. 3 Accounts of 158 Transportation 516 Reports 319. 1 Accounts 132. 9 Allotment 121. 2 Annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily. . . 319. 1 Apportionments 121. 1 Appropriations 112. 8 Arrivals and departures 201. 62 Employees 201. 62 Enlisted men 201. 62 Officers 201. 62 Troops 370.5 Vessels 565. 2 Transports 575. 2 Aviation: By enlisted men 360. 02 By officers 360.02 By officers observing foreign air- craft 360.02 Battle 052 Board on claims and accounts 150 Buildings and grounds 600. 91 Accidents 600. 913 Boiler efficiency 600. 915 Condition 600. 912 Cost 600. 94 Fires 600. 913 Fuel consumption 600. 915 392 Reports — Continued . Buildings and grounds — Continued. Historical records 600. 911 Progress of work 600. 914 Causes of discharge 6i employees. . 230. 827 Changes of employees 230. 38 Changes of inmates, Government Hospital for Insane 046. 39 Condition of public business 319. 1 Confidential 312. 1 Congressional committees 032 Consolidated cost 121. 6 Cost 121. 6 Cost, water transportation 549. 1 Court-martial 250. 491 Crop 403.2 Daily 319.1 Death and interment records 314. 6 Deposit, funds 131 Desertion 251. 13 Failure of commanding officers to submit 251. 28 Disbursement of funds 120 Discontinuance of allotments 243. 5 Efficiency 201. 61 Efficiency of troops 330. 1 Employees: Absence on transfer to War De- partment 230. 243 Action on lists of eligibles 230. 135 Changes: To auditor 230.384 To bureaus 230. 381 To Civil Service Commission. . 230. 383 To Secretary of War 230. 382 Compensation for injuries 248. 5 Deaths from injuries 230. 85 Duties and assignments 230 417 Efficiency examinations and tests 230. 3452 Leaves 230.53 Annual reports 230. 536 Daily reports 230. 531 Monthly reports 230. 533 Semiannual reports 230. 535 Sixty-day reports 230. 534 Weekly reports 230. 532 Lists of employees 230. 386 Method of keeping efficiency 230. 3411 Overtime work 230. 453 Probational appointments 230. 2172 Promotions 230. 324 Reports — Continued . Employees — Continued. Qualifications 230. 3442 Reductions 230. 334 Results of examination for ap- pointment 230. 121 Salaries and wages 248 Temporary hire of 230. 1414 Termination of disability 248. 5 To accompany estimates for pay of employees 248. 1 To Civil Service Commission 230. 664 Congress 230. 662 Congressmen 230. 663 President 230. 661 Secretary of War and others. . . 230. 665 Travel 230. 428 Traveling expenses 248. 7 Enlistments 342. 04 Escape of prisoners 253. 6 Expenditures: Funds 120.1 Voyages of vessels 565. 32 Transports 575. 32 Fire-control installations 665. 01 Garrison schools 352. 3 Government Hospital for Insane changes 046. 39 Health 721. 6 Histories, military 314. 7 Bureaus 314. 7 Offices 314.7 Organizations 314. 7 Posts 314.7 Reservations 314. 7 Schools 314. 7 Instruction reports from arms of service 350. 4 Inventory and inspection reports. . < ,.0' g ' Issues of War Department publica- tions 461 Losses of funds 121. 5 Market conditions 400. 137 Mine instruction, mine companies and planters 353. 5 Mine practice, Coast Artillery Corps 353. 17 Monthly 319. 1 Morbidity 704. 5 Mortality 704. 5 National^Army 327.91 393 Reports — Continued . On aviation by enlisted men 360. 02 On aviation by officers 360. 02 On aviation by officers observing foreign aircraft 360. 02 Open-market purchases 132. 7 Operation: Of troops 370. 2 Post exchanges 331. 3 Rivers and harbors construction work 800.18 Water transportation 549. 1 Outstanding checks 122. 1 Outstanding liabilities 121. 7 Pay of employees 248 Pay of enlisted men 242. 8 Pay of officers 241. 8 Periodical 319. 1 Personal 201. 62 Employees 201. 62 Enlisted men 201. 62 Officers 201. 62 Physical examination, applicants for enlistment 342. 15 Prisoners, military 253. 94 Progress, supplies 400. 1924 Purchases made 400. 137 Quarterly 319. 1 Recruiting trimonthly 341. 4 Recruits 343. 2 Conducted to stations 343. 2 Quality 343. 2 Registry of vessels 545. 01 River and harbor work 800. 18 Sanitary 721. 5 Savings of funds 121. 5 Savings on rations 121. 5 Semiannual 319. 1 Senate committees 032. 2 Shipments supplies and prop- erty 523.06 Reports of arrival of 523. 061 Small-arms competitions, annual . . 353. 2 Supplies and equipment 400. 192 Conditions 400. 192 Inspected 400. 164 Manufactured 400. 192 Needs of organizations, posts, stations 400. 314 Progress 400. 192 Purchased 400.192 Stock onhand 400.291 Unfilled requisitions 400. 317 Survey 141.8,143.8 Reports — Continued . Target practice, Coast Artillery Corps 353. 17 Mine practice 353. 17 Telegraph accounts paid 121. 7 Transportation charges paid 121. 7 Transportation liabilities 121. 7 Transportation rates, tariffs, ac- counts, contracts, etc 558 Trimonthly 319. 1 Trimonthly, recruiting 341. 4 Unalloted balances 121. 5 Vacancies, employees, not to be filled 230.1431 Vessels 569. 1 Accidents, damages to, collisions. 569. 14 Transports 579. 14 Annual statements 569. 15 Transports 579. 15 Cleaning or condition of boilers.. 569. 12 Transports 579. 12 Cleaning, painting, or condition of bottoms 569. 13 Transports 579. 13 Coal efficiency tests 569. 17 Transports 579. 17 Coal and water received 569. 17 Transports 579. 17 Expenditures of hired 569. 16 Transports 579. 16 Expenditures on voyages 565. 32 Transports 575. 32 Inspections: Boilers by civilians of War De- partment 566. 1 Transports 576. 1 By civilian inspectors, Steam- boat-Inspection Service... 566.2 Transports 576. 2 By civilians of War Depart- ment 566. 1 Transports 576. 1 Transports 576. 2 Irregularities and deficiencies. . . 569. 18 Transports 579. 18 Operating expenses 569. 15 Transports 579. 15 Passengers and crews 569. 3 Transports 579. 3 Public service rendered 569. 11 Transports 579. 11 Registry 545. 01 Saving life or property 569. 1 Transports 579. 1 394 Reports — Continued. Vessels — Continued . Voyages 565. 31 Transports 575. 31 Water 671 Weekly 319. 1 Representatives : Business houses, introductions and credentials 400. 156 Commercial enterprises 004. 02 Contractors 161 Details of officers as 210. 698 Foreign 336. 91 Foreign governments, appointments as employees 230. 2232 House of Representatives 032. 1 Bills 032.1 Committees and reports of 032. 1 Documents 032. 1 Office building 032. 1 Officers of 032. 1 Representatives 032. 1 Resolutions 032. 1 Speaker 032. 1 Legal 013. 4 Railway associations 501. 1 Identification cards 501. 11 Information to 501. 13 Insignia 501. 12 Societies and associations 084 State legislatures 014. 12 Reprimands 250. 3 Employees 230. 745 For using influence 230. 734 Reproduction map 061. 02 Reptiles 000. 94 Republics, Biireau of American 040. 6 Requests, purchase 400. 131 Requests, transportation 552 Requisitions 400. 312 Additions to vessels 564 Transports 574 Alterations, vessels 564 Transports 574 Blank forms and books 315 Cleaning vessels 564 Transports 574 Construction buildings and grounds 600. 15 Drydocking 564 Transports 574 For vessels 561. 1 Transports 571. 1 Funds, on Treasury 121. 4 Requisitions — Continued . Installations and equipment of vessels 564 Transports 574 Painting vessels 564 Transports 574 Repairs to vessels 564 Transports 574 Supplies and equipment 400. 312 Complaints of delay or nonreceipt 400. 315 Criticisms of supplies furnished on 400.316 Directors to submit 400. 313 Directions to su^ ply 400. 313 Funds 121.4 Memoranda as to needs of organi- tions - 400.314 Memoranda as to needs of posts. . 400. 314 Methods of preparing, submitting 400. 311 Repairs, vessels 564 Reports to inability to furnish supplies 400. 317 Reports to unfilled 400. 317 Supplies, vessels 458 Transportation request blanks 552. 2 Vessels 561. 1 Apparatus and equipment 458. 1 Stores and supplies 458. 2 Transports 571. 1 Apparatus and equipment. . . . 458. 1 Stores and supplies 458. 2 Requisitions and Accounts Division, War Department 020.4 Reservations 680 Abandonment of G02. 1 Admission of vehicles 680. 2 Burial sites 680. 312 Camp grounds 680. 33 Cantonments 680. 33 Changing inscriptions on headstones or tombstones 680. 45 Concessions on 680. 48 Damaging or destroying property. . 680. 5 Data regarding 600. 9 Encampments of veterans 680. 35 Establishment of 680. 1 Farming 680. 314 Flags, display of kinds 680. 2 Game and fish, protection 680. 2 Government 680. 2 Grazing 680. 31 Guides 680. 2 Hospital purposes 680. 32 395 Reservations — Continued . Hours of opening and closing 680. 2 Introduction and sale of intoxi- cants 250.1 Introduction and sale of obscene reading matter 250. 1 Jurisdiction 680. 2 Question as to who has 680. 2 Transfer of jurisdiction 680. 2 Leases 680. 4 Leases of, to others 680. 41 Licenses 680. 4 Licenses for rights of way 680. 43 Licenses for various purposes 680. 44 Location 680. 1 Maps of 06L2 Memorial services 680. 35 Military history of 314. 7 Mining 680. 31 Office buildings 680. 34 Assignment of rooms in 680. 341 Passes 680. 42 Pasturage 680. 31 Permits 680. 4 Granted to individuals to take photographs and moving pictures 680. 422 To change inscriptions on head- stones or tombstones 680. 45 To decorate graves 680. 46 To erect memorials, monuments, tombstones, vaults 680. 47 To fish and hunt 680. 421 To install motors in buildings. . . 680. 423 To land at Government wharves. 680. 425 To make surveys or measure- ments 6S0.424 Photographing 680. 2 Photographs, permission to take 680. 422 Quarters, offices 680. 34 Assignment of rooms 680. 341 Regulations 680. 2 Religious purposes 680. 32 Rules 680. 2 Schools 680. 32 Statistics 600. 9 Superintendents of 231. 4 Trespassing on 680. 5 Use and occupation 680. 3 Use of — By civilian military organiza- tions 680.37 Reservations — Continued . Use of — Continued. By militia 680. 36 By National Guard 680. 36 By societies and associations 083 Visitors, admission of 680. 2 Reserve rations 430. 2 Reserve supplies and equipment 400. 23 Placed in reserve 400. 231 Reserves 326 Assignment to active duty 326. 02 Coast Artillery reserves 326. 2 Descriptive cards of reservists 201. 32 Descriptive lists of reservists 201. 33 Enlistments for Army reserve 342. 01 Furloughs to Regular Army 220. 88 Marksmen 326. 5 Medical Reserve Corps 326. 2 Medical Reserve Corps officers 326. 21 Militia 326. 4 National Guard 326. 4 Naval 045. 7 Regular Army 326. 1 Relief from active duty 326. 03 Reserve Corps 326. 2 Enlisted men 326. 22 Formation of 326. 01 Officers 326. 21 Reserve officers' training corps 326. 6 Transfer or furlough to 220. 88 Volunteer 324. 6 War 381. 4 Reservoirs 821. 3 Dam 821. 2 Residence 014. 34 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 37 Change of 014. 34 Legal residence or domicile 014. 34 Temporary 014.34 Volunteers, at time of enrollment or muster-in 324. 1 Resignations: Cadets, Military Academy 351. 241 Employees 230. 81 Annual leaves 230. 544 Transportation War Department. 514 Traveling expenses 248. 7 Officers 210. 83 Transportation 512 Of mounts 522 Officials of War Department, trans- portation 514 396 Resin 411. 8 Resolutions: House of Representatives 032. 1 Joint resolutions of Congress 032 Senate 032.2 Resorts, houses of prostitution 250. 1 Restaurants 004. 041 Restorations: Chartered vessels 545. 02 Deserters, to duty without trial. . . . 251 Enlisted men to rank of noncommis- sioned officers 220. 721 Military prisoners to service 253. 12 Noncommissioned officers 220. 721 Officers 210. 84 Prisoners restored to duty 253. 11 Restored enlisted men, issues to 400. 352 Restricted zones 384. 4 Restriction on reservations 680 Rests, drawbridge 823. 88 Resuscitation 707. 3 Retained pay, enlisted men 242. 4 Retaining walls 824. 1 Rivers and harbors 824. 1 Retaliation in warfare 385. 3 Retention of employees in service 230. 84 Retinitis 710 Retired employees, traveling ex- penses 248. 7 Retired enlisted men 220. 851 Details recruiting service 220. 62 Pay and allowances 242. 18 Transportation 513 Retired officers 210. 851 Details recruiting service 210. 62 Details with militia 210. 65 Pay and allowances 241. 18 Transportation 512 Of mounts 522 Retired pay: Enlisted men 242. 18 Officers 241. 18 Retired volunteers 324. 6 Retirement: Employees 230.64 Enlisted men 220. 85 Officers 210. 85 Retiring boards 334. 6 Retracting mechanism, gun carriage . 473. 82 Retreat, evening ceremony 335. 291 Return to station, enlisted men 220. 32 Return to station, officers 210. 32 Returns 330. 3 Crews and employees 230. 385 Employees 230. 38 Operations, rivers and harbors, construction 800. 18 Organizations 330. 32 Rendition and correction 330. 321 Post 330. 33 Rendition and correction 330. 331 Prisoners, military 253. 94 Property and supplies 143 River and harbor work 800. 18 Reunions 001 Reveille 335. 291 Revenue-Cutter Service: Bureau of 042. 2 Transportation officers and men of. 515 Revenue, Internal: Bureau of 042. 2 Officers 042. 1 Stamps 012. 2 Tax 012.2 Revenue officers 042. 2 Revenue stamps 012. 2 Revetments 824. 1 Revetting ranges 614 Reviews, naval 045. 91 Reviews of troops 335. 2 Revised Statutes 010. 3 Amendments 010. 3 Revisions: Army Regulations 300. 3 Articles of War 300. 2 Blank forms and books 315 Field-ser\ice regulations 300. 8 Small-arm firing regulations 300. 8 Revocations, permits and licenses, rivers and harbors 800. 54 Revolutionary War: Record of 314. 8 Statistics 055 Revolutions 000. 51 evolver belts 426 Revolver holsters 426 Revolver lanyards 426 Revolvers 474. 6 Rewards: Apprehension deserters 251. 211 Apprehension enlisted men, de- ducting pay 242. 4 Apprehension escaped military prisoners 253. 61 397 Rewards — Continued. Employees for suggestions and improvements Enlisted men Officers Rewards, badges: Enlisted men Officers Rewards, medals: Enlisted men Officers Rheostats Rheumatic fever Rheumatism Rhinitis Ribbons, typewriter Ribbons, uniform Rice Rickets Rides, staff Rides, tactical Riding Drills and exercises Horse racing Riding animals Riding courses Riding halls Riding saddles Riding tests Rifle ball cartridges Rifle clubs National shooting matches. Sales to Teams of Rifle Practice, National Board for Promotion of Rifle signal lights Riflemen, expert Rifles Automatic Cadet Gallery practice Grenades for Krag Machine, United States model 1909. Magazine Small arms United States Rights, aliens'. Rights, civil Rights, flowage Rights, riparian Rights, State 248.8 220.5 210.5 220.5 210.5 220.5 210.5 413.6 710 710 710 462 421 433 710 350. 61 350. 61 353.5 353.5 353.5 454. 03 656 631 455 201. 51 471. 41 353.3 353.3 400. 3294 353.3 334. 3 413. 77 221 474 474.2 474.4 474.3 471.6 474.4 472.5 474.1 474 474.1 014. 31 014.4 800. 222 800. 222 010.1 Rights of way: Funds received from 131 Land and property 601. 5 Rings: Base, gun carriage 473. 81 Flag pole 424 Flagstaff, inscriptions on 332. 1 Rioting 000. 51 Riots, troops for suppression 370. 61 Riparian rights 800. 222 Riprap work 824. 1 Ripraps 824. 1 Rivers and harbors 800 Aids to navigation lighthouses; beacons 829. 12 Altering, enlarging, improving, widening 800. 4 Bids 800.4 Hire of labor and purchase of materials 800. 4 By local interests 800. 43 Capacity 800. 01 Contracts 800. 4 Inspection 800. 4 Location 800. 4 Methods of 800. 4 Number of 800. 4 Open market 800. 4 Plans and specifications, maps, charts, photos 800. 4 Approval by State authority. . 800. 4 Approval by War Department. 800. 4 Approval of when authorized by Congress 800. 4 General or miscellaneous data. 800. 4 Preparation of 800. 4 Standard 800. 4 Typical 800. 4 Uniform 800. 4 Projects 800. 4 General 800. 4 Provisional 800. 4 Standard 800. 4 Proposal and acceptance 800. 4 Reports of operations 800. 4 Returns of operations 800. 4 Size ■- 800.4 Supervision 800. 4 Surveys 800. 4 Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Banks 824.1 Booms 825. 5 398 Rivers and harbors — Continued. Breakwaters 825. 4 Bridges 823 Bulkheads 825. 6 Channels 811 Artificial 822 Changing course of 811 Deepening 811 Depths 811 Ranges 811 Straightening 811 Charts 800. 91 Collisions on 800. 71 Collisions, prevention of 800. 2111 Commerce on 829. 3 Construction or installation 800. 1 Abstracts 800. 112 Advertisements 800. 161 Catalogues and circulars 800. 1611 Use of Government name 800. 168 Bids 800.111 Authority to invite 800. 1112 By hire of labor and purchase of materials 800.118 Capacity 800. 01 Contracts 800. 114 Emergency 800. 116 Inspection 800. 17 Introductions and credentials of representatives of bidders and contractors 800. 166 Lists of bidders 800. 164 Lists of contractors 800. 165 Location 800. 02 Methods 800. 11 Number of 800. 03 Open market 800. 115 Plans and specifications 800. 13 Approval by War Department. 800. 136 Approval under State au- thority 800. 134 Approval when authorized by Congress 800. 135 General or miscellaneous data 800.132 Preparation of 800. 133 Standard .• 800. 131 Typical 800. 131 Uniform 800. 131 Projects 800.12 General 800.121 Provisional 800. 122 Standard 800.123 Proposal and acceptance 800. 117 Rivers and harbors — Continued. Construction or installation — Con. Proposal and acceptance agree- ments 800. 117 Reports of operations 800. 18 Reports and returns of operations. 800. 18 Requests for information 800. 163 Returns of operations 800. 18 Size 800. 01 Supervision 800. 17 Controlling 800. 2 Damages 800. 7 Dams 821 Deterioration or damages 800. 7 Dikes 824. 2 Docks 825. 1 Beyond harbor lines 825. 1 Unauthorized 825. 1 Dredging 800. 425 Dry docking 826. 3 Dry docks 826. 3 Dumping 800. 213 Embankments 824. 1 Enlarging 800. 4 By local interests 800. 43 Surveys 800. 4 Examinations 800. 921 Fii-es 800. 72 Fish traps 825. 91 Floats 825. 2 Harbor lines 813. 32 High water 812. 2 Ice piers 825. 1 Improving 800. 4 By local interests 800. 43 Surveys 800. 4 Inspection of construction work 800. 17 Installation 800. 1 Intakes 825. 7 Jetties 825. 3 Landing places 825. 2 Launch ways 826. 2 Laws and legislation affecting 801 Leases 800. 502 Levees. . 824. 4 Licenses 800. 5 Low water 812. 1 Maps 800. 91 Marine construction and appurte- nances 826 Boats and shipyards 826. 4 Dry docks and dry-docking 826. 3 Launch ways 826. 2 Marine ways 826. 1 Rivers and harbors — Continued. Natural divisions and accessories... 810 Navigation charges 017.1 Navigation, clearing obstructions to 800. 8 Navigation of, general 800. 211 Obstructions to navigation 828 Aquatic plants 828. 3 Logs, driftwood, deadheads, rafts. 828. 2 Rocks, reefs, bars 828. 1 Uncharted obstructions 828. 1 Wrecks 828. 5 Occupancy 800. 501 Operating and using 800. 2 Permits and licenses 800. 5 Cancellation 800. 54 Extension of time 800. 51 Recalled 800. 54 Revocation 800. 54 Suspension of 800. 53 Transfer of 800.52 Photos 800. 912 Physical characteristics and scien- tific data 812 Pierhead lines 825. 1 Piers 825.1 Pilots 548. 1 Plans and specifications 800. 13 Approval Congress 800. 135 Approval State authority 800. 134 Approval War Department 800. 136 General 800. 132 Preparation of 800. 133 Standard 800. 131 Typical 800. 131 Uniform 800. 131 Pollution of 800. 224 Preser\ing 800. 3 Protecting 800. 93 Protection 800. 93 Purchases, open-market 800. 115 Regulations 800. 21 Repairing, preserving 800. 3 Bids 800.3 By hire of labor and purchase of material 800. 3 Capacity 800. 3 Contracts 800. 3 Inspection 800. 3 Location 800. 3 Methods of 800. 3 Number of 800. 3 Open market 800. 3 Plans and specifications, maps, charts, photos 800. 3 399 Rivers and harbors — Continued. Repairing, preserving — Continued. Plans and specifications, maps, charts, photos — Contd. Approval by War Department. 800. 3 Approval when authorized by Congress 800. 3 Approval under state authority 800. 3 General or miscellaneous data. 800. 3 Preparation of 800. 3 Standard 800. 3 Typical 800. 3 Uniform 800. 3 Projects 800. 3 General 800. 3 Provisional 800. 3 Standard 800. 3 Subprojects 800. 3 Proposal and acceptance 800. 3 Returns of operation 800. 3 Size 800.3 Supervision 800. 3 Revetments 824. 1 Riparian rights 800. 222 Riprap work 824. 1 Rules and regularions 800. 21 Logging 800. 214 Rafting 800. 215 Shipyards 826. 4 Shore protection 824 Snagging 800. 425 Specifications 800. 1302 Straightening 800. 424 Structures in waters 825 Fish traps, wheels, pounds, lob- ster pots, weirs 825. 91 Spars, piles and piling, bird roosts, duck blinds, racks. 825. 92 Supervision of construction work. . 800. 17 Surveys 800. 922 Titles to soil under 800. 223 Tolls 548. 2 Tunnels, pipe lines 825. 8 Use of water as power 800. 225 Vessels, speed of 800. 2112 Walls, retaining 824. 1 Water mains 825. 7 Water marks 812. 21 Wharves 825. 1 Bej ond harbor lines 825. 02 Unauthorized 825. 01 Widening 800. 4 By local interests 800. 43 Surveys 800. 922 400 Rivets 411. 7 Roaching 400. 5 Road machinery 413. 8 Road machines 413. 8 Road oils 411. 8 Road work, liability of employees. . . 230. 3121 Roads. 611 Roads, cable 617, 2 Roadways, reservations 688 Roasters, coffee 414. 3 Robbers 000. 52 Robbery 000. 51 Robes, lap 455 Rock 411.8 Rock breakers, vessels 560 Rock crushers 413. 8 Rock-crushing plants 679 Rock quarries 679 Rock, removal of, from rivers and harbors 800. 4251 Rocks, uncharted 828. 1 Rodents 000. 94 Extermination of 729. 5 Rodmen and assistants 231. 24 Rods, tripping 473. 82 Roentgenologist, commissioned 211 Roentgenologist, employees 231. 23 Roentgenology 730 Roll calls 335. 2 Rollers, traversing 473. 82 Rolling kitchens 414. 2 Rolls: Bedding 427 Blanket 428 Clothing 428 Confederate and Southern Con- federacy 314. 8 Honor 335. 16 Army schools and colleges 352. 184 Military Academy cadets: Annual roll 351. 29 Merit roll 351.29 Music 413.3 Muster 330.31 Pay on 242. 5 Rolls of honor 335. 16 Roofing 411.2 Rooms: Allotment of office, for employees. . 230. 436 Allotment of space for employees. . 230. 436 Dynamite 663 Harness 634 Loading 633 Lunch 633 Observing 665. 2 Rooms — Continued . Plotting 665. 2 Shell 471. 88 Switchboard 665. 2 Roosts, bird, structures in waters 825. 92 Root cellars 633 Rope, builders' 41L 73 Rope, mooring 476. 1 Ropes, halter, stable, garage, etc 456 Rosettes 421 Rostrums 655 Roumania 091 Routes, mail 311. 12 Routes, travel, officers 245 Routing shipments 523. 091 Routing shipments supplies and property 523. 091 Rowboats 560 For transports 570 Royalties, copyrights 073 Royalties, patents 072 Rubber, clothing, equipage 423 Rubber bands 462 Rubber-stamp signatures 312. 4 Rubber stamps 462 Rugs 414. 1 Ruins, historical 000. 4 On reservations 619. 3 Rulers, foreign 336. 95 Rules 010.8 Automobiles 537. 4 Aviation 360. 01 Camps of instruction 354. 18 Cantoimaents 354. 58 Concentration camps 354. 48 Drayage and hauling 536 Employees 230. 05 Absences 230. 51 Compensation for injuries 248. 5 Demotion, reduction 230. 331 Efficiency 230. 343 Estimates for pay 248. 1 General civil-service 230. 051 Holidays and early closing of offices 230. 462 Hours of labor 230.443 Labor regulations of civil-service commission 230. 052 Office 230. 432 Overtime and Sunday work 230. 452 Promotions 230.321 Special rules of War Department . 230. 053 Status, changes, transfers 230. 301 Temporary travel duty 230. 422 Estimates for appropriations 111. 1 Maneuvers 354. 28 Rules — Continued . Medicine, hygiene and sanitation. . 700. 8 Mobilization camps 354. 38 Motor trucks 537. 4 Postal and otbor mail 31 1 . 1 1 Recuperative and convalescent camps 354. 78 Rivers and harbors 800. 21 Shipping, baggage, household goods, professional books and pri- A ate property 524. 01 Saber belts 426 Saber knots 426 Saber scabbards 426 Sabers 474. 7 Sabotage 000. 51 Saccharin 436 Sacks, packing (cotton and paper). . . 457 Sacks, pillow 427 Saddle bags 455 Saddle blankets 455 Saddle brackets 456 Saddle cloths 455 Saddle covers 455 Saddle hangers 456 Saddlers : Employees 231. 5 Enlisted men 221 School for Mechanics and Saddlers . 352 Saddlers" tools 413. 192 Saddles: (loth for 455 Pack 455 Riding 455 Safe conduct 383. 1 Safeguarding buildings, fortifications, structures 600. 96 Safekeeping funds, money 123. 3 Safes 414. 1 Safety dcA-ices 412. 3 Guns 472. 81 Machinery 412. 3 Safety dcAices, aiicraft 452. 5 Parts and accessories 452. 51 Sailing orders, A'esvsels 565. 3 Transports 575. 3 Sailors and soldiers' homes 002 Appropriations 112 Estimates for Ill Sailors' baggage 563. 92 On transports 573. 92 Sailors 045. 6 61127—18 26 401 S. Rules — Continued . Shipping, supplies and property. . . 523. 01 Training camps 354. 68 Running 353. 5 Ruptured muscles 710 Ruptured organs 710 Rmal Free Deli\ cry 311 . 1 LM Bureau of 043. 2 Extension of 311. 121 Russia 091 Rye 464. I Salaries: Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Claims 154 Employees 248 Sales: Blue prints 001. 06 Clothing, cast off In- recruits 332. 31 Drawings 061. 06 Farm and dairy products 403. 51 Intoxicants on reservations, posts, camps and insular possessions . . . 250. 1 Land and buildings 002. 2 Maps 061. 06 Narcotic drugs 250. I Proceeds of 131 Real property, etc 131 Services 131 Supplies and stores 131 Sketches 061. 06 Supplies and equipment 400. 32 Applications for, from nonmilitary persons 400. 328 Auction 400. 71 Bureaus and departments other than \\'ar 400. 325 Cadet store 400. 326 Ci^ilians 400. 327 Condemned 400. 705 Employees and families 400. 323 Enlisted men and families 400. 322 Inventors. 400. 3291 Manufacturers 400. 3291 Military or semimilitary organi- zations 400. 3292 Militia and militiamen 400. 3241 Obsolete 400. 7021 Officers and families 400. 32 1 Post exchanges 400. 326 Postmasters 400. 327 Red Cros8;.Soamp 414. 5 Lantern 414. 5 Window 411.3 Shafts, traversing 473. 82 Sharks, loan 004. 31 Sharp-pointed bullets 471. 84 Shar])shooters 221 Badges. {See Badges.) Pay 242. 142 Sheds 633 Ammunition wagon 634 Grooming 634 Gun 634 Harness 634 Mine 663 Torpedo 663 Vehicle 634 Wagon 634 Ammunition wagon 634 Sheep 454. 7 Sheeting 411. 5 Sheets, bed 427 Shell, mobile gun 471 . 1 Shell rooms. 471. 88 Shelters: Cable 664 Mess 633 Searchlight 470. 3 Sheriffs 014. 12 Shields: Gun carriages 473. 81 ISIosquito 427 Personal equipment 426 Ship canals and locks 821. 1 Shipbuilding plants 004. 91 Shipments: Animals, sanitary 728. 6 Routing, railroad 523. 091 Supplies and equipment 400. 22 409 Shipments — Coutiniied . Supplies and property (see Transpor- tation of supplies and pro])- erty) 523 Embargo 523. 095 Foreign governments : 523. 91 Instructions to stop shipments. . . 523. 097 Priority of 523. 07 Release of 523. 093 Reports of 523. 06 Routing 523. 091 Shortages and losses 523. 08 Societies and associations 523. 92 Tracing 523. 092 Unclaimed or stray ship]uents. . . 523. 098 Shippers, employees 231. 6 Ships (see Vessels) 560 Shipyards 004. 91 Shirts 421 Shoe blacking 425 Shoe lasts 413. 193 Shoe pockets 455 Shoe polish 425 Shoe repairing machines 413. 8 Shoe stretchers 425 Shoeing animals 484. 1 Shoes 421 Shoes, horse 456 Shooting galleries 651 Shooting matches, National 353. 3 Shops 635 Bindery, War Department 020. 5 Carpenter, War Department 020. 5 Employees 231. 6 Pawn 004. 32 Printing 635 Repair 635 War Department 020. 5 Shops, Army organizations 322. 6 Shore protection 824 Short payments 131 Enlisted men 242. 3 Allowances 246 On final statements 242. 6 Nurses 241. 2 Allowances 245 Officers 241. 2 Allowances 245 Shortages: Cars 504.1 Poinds, money 123. 5 Property accounts of 143. 7, 141. 7 Supplies and property in shipment. 523. 08 Supplies, reclamations and re- placements 400. 61 Shotgun'cartridges 471. 49 Shotgun outfits 474. 9 Shotguns 474. 9 Shoulder belts 426 Shovels 413. 17 Steam 413. 8 Shower baths 412. 2 Shows 001 Air craft to take part in 370. 7 Details enlisted men 220. 69 Details officers 210. 693 Transportation officers' horses to . . . 522 Transportation organizations to 511 Abstracts, bids, contracts 553. 1 Shrapnel 471. 2 Shrapnel cases 471. 87 Shredded wheat 433 Shrinking 400. 2591 Shrubs 618. 32 Care, cultivation, preservation 618. 34 Ornamentation of grounds with 618. 32 Shutters, searchlight 470. 31 Sick, diet for 720. 14 Sick leaves: Employees 230. 55 Enlisted men 220. 713 Officers 210. 713 Sick, quarters for on vessels 563. 21 Transports 573. 21 Sick, transfer or disposition of 704. 1 1 Sick and wounded 704. 1 Sickness 710 Forfeitures enlisted men for, not in line of duty 242. 3 Forfeitures officers for, not in line of duty 241.2 Side arms .• 474. 7 Side cars, motor cycles 451. 4 Sidewalks 611 Siege 370. 04 Siege artillery 322. 012 Siege artillery batteries 322. 175 Siege artillery equipment 475. 1 Siege artillery trains 322. 2 Siege gun practice. Coast Artillery Corps 353.17 Siege guns 472. 1 Carriages, mounts, tripods 473. 1 Sieges 370. 04 Sieves: Kitchen 414. 3 Sanitation equipment 414. 4 Sight, eyesight (sec Vision). Sighting bar and hood 474. 8 410 Sights: Carriages, gun 473. 85 Bore 473. 85 Brackets for 473. 87 Front 473.85 Night 473. 85 Panoramic 473. 85 Rear 473. 85 Telescopic, 2-inch 473. 85 Telescopic, 3-inrli 473. 85 Small arms 474. 8 Battle 474.8 Front 474. 8 Open 474. 8 Rear 474.8 Sighting bar hood 474. 8 Telescopic 474. 8 Signal blocks 412. 42 Signal bombs 413. 77 Signal Corps 322. 08 Aeronautical companies 322. 173 Balloon detachments 322. 7 liattalious 322. 171 Companies 322. 173 Detachments 322. 7 Details, officers 210. 61 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Enlisted men 322. 0811 Equipment 475. 7 Instruments, supplies, and equip- ment 413. 77 Officers 322. 081 Property, supplies, and equipment. 400 Recruits 343 Squadi'ons, aviation 322. 172 Troops 322.08 Balloon detachments 322. 7 Battalions 322. 171 Companies 322. 173 Signal Corps (department ) 321. 91 Signal masts 655 Signal officers: Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duty 323.772 Artillery districts 323. 47 Authority 323.471 Duty 323.472 Assignment of 210. 311 J5rigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Camps 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Signal officers — Continued. Camps of instruction 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Cantonments 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 Duties 354. 572 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties. . " 323. 572 Concentration 354. 47 Authority 354. 471 Duties. 354. 472 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Details of 210. 61 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Divisions 322. 99J Authority 322. 99 1 1 Duties 322. 9912 Hospitals, field 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hosjjitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323.771 Duties 323.772 Hospitals, post 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Maneuver camps 354. 27 Authority 354. 271 Duties 354. 272 Mobilization 354. 37 Authority 354. 371 Duties 354. 372 Organizations, such as armies, regi- ments, etc 322.991 Authority 322. 991 1 Duties 322. 9912 Ports of debarkation 323. 927 Authority 323. 9271 Duties 323. 9272 Ports of embarkation 323. 91 7 Authority 323. 9171 Duties 323.9172 Posts 323.77 Autliority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 Tactical organizations 322. 991 411 Signal oftiters — Coutinued. Tactical organizations — Continued . Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 'J'raining camps 354. 67 Authority 354. 671 Duties 354. 672 Signal sergeants, first class 221 Signal service, submarine 483. 3 Signal service, target practice 353. 13 Signal stations 665. 2 Fire control 665. 1 Fog 665.2 Radio or wireless 665. 2 Radio or wireless 676. 3 Signal towers, aids to navigation. . . . 829. 14 Signaling 311. G Apparatus, vessels 458. 13 Transports 458. 13- Cartridges 413. 77 Devices, aids to na^^gation 829. 14 Drills and exercises 353. 5 Flag and other 311. 6 Instruments 413. 77 Pistols 413. 77 Signals 311. 6 Signatures 312. 4 Facsimile 312. 4 Initials 312. 4 Rubber stamp 312. 4 To contracts 161 Signboards 415 Signs 415 Silencers 474. 8 Maxim 474. 8 Silk bunting 423 Silver 470.1 Silver bands, inscriptions on 332. 1 Silver plating searchlight mirrors. . . . 470. ^ Silverware 414. 3 Sinking obstructions to navigation . . . 800. 85 Sinks 412. 2 Sirups 436 Sister hooks 476. 1 Sisters of charity 000. 3 Sites: Archaeological 000. 4 Camp or maneuver 685 For memorials and monuments 619. 3 Historic 619. 3 Size sticks 413. 1 Sizes: Extension or contraction of limits of departments, di\isions, posts, etc. {See Boundary.) Sizes — Continued . Of monuments, tombstones 293. Of posts, stations 600. Rivers and harbors, construction work 800. Supplies and equipment 400. Uniform, special measurement. . . . 421 Vessels 569. Transports 579. Skeleton companies 322. Sketches 001. Distribution 061. Sale 061. Skiagraphs 444. Skids, ammunition 471. Skiis 422 Skilled labor, employees 231. Skin 744 Skirmishes 370. Slack waters 821 Slackers 000. Slates 461 Slaughtering animals, sanitary 728. Slavery 000. Slaves 000. Sleds, sea 452. Sleeping bags 427 Sleeping car rates 551. Sleeping car transportation 531. Pullman 531. Railroad 531. Sleeping quarters, transports 541. Sleeves, gun 472. Sleighs 451. Parts and accessories 451. Slickers 424 Slides, drift, small-arm 474. Slings: Flagpole 424 Gun 426 Slips, ferry 825. Slush funds 123 Small arms 474 Appendages 474. Parts and accessories 474. Bands 474. Ban'els 474. Ejectors 474. Hammers 474. Magazines 474. Sights 474. Stocks 474. Subcaliber tubes 474. Su-ivels 474. Triggers 474. 6 01 01 1147 5 5 173 03 05 CG 3 88 6 23 52 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 4 81 91 911 8 412 Small-arms ammunition 471. 4 Primers 471. 81 Small-arms competitions {see Target practice; Small-arms com- petitions) 353. 2 Small-arms firing (.S Squadron funds 123 Squadron noncommissioned staff. Cavalry 322. 992 Squadron supply sergeants 221 Squadrons 322. 172 Aero 322.172 414 Squadrons — Continued. Cavalry 322. 172 Naval 045. 4 Squads 322. 91 Sanitary 322. 91 Stabilizers, aircraft 452. 5 Parts and accessories 452. 51 Stabilizing 400. 275 Stable equipment and supplies 456 Stable sergeants 221 Stablemen, employees 231. 7 Stables G34 Transport 541. 5 War Department 020. 5 Stabling animals 484. 2 Staff, Chief of: Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties. . ! 323. 372 Staff, Chief of, of the Army 321. 101 Decisions and opinions of 016 Staff Colleges, Army 352 Detachments enlisted men 352. 191 Details enlisted men. Regular Army and Militia 220. 63 Details officers Regular Army and Militia 210. 63 Staff corps or departments 321 Adjutant General's Department. . . 321. 2 The Adjutant General of the Army 321.21 Assignment officers of 210. 312 Corps of Engineers 321. 7 The Chief of Engineers 321. 71 Details of enlisted men 220. 61 Details of officers 210. 61 Exchanges of supplies between 400. 225 Generar Staff Corps 321. 1 Board on selection for details in. . 334. 7 Coast Artillery Division 321. 14 The Chief of Coast Artillery Division 321. 141 Militia Affairs Division 321. 15 The Chief of Militia Affairs Division 321. 151 Mobile Army Division 321. 13 The Chief of Mobile Army Division 321. 131 The Chief of Staff of the Army. . . 321 . 101 War College Division "321 . 12 The Chief of War College Di- vision 321.121 Inspector General's Department. . . 321. 3 The Inspector General of the Army 321.31 StafI corps or departments— Contd. Judge Advocate Genoral's Depart- ment 321.4 The Judge A dvocate of the Army . 321.41 Medical Department 321. 6 The Surgeon General of the Army 321.61 Ordnance Department 321. 8 Tlie Chief of Ordnance of the Army 321.81 Pay of oiPicers detailed in 241. 17 Quartermastoi- Corps 321. 5 The Quartermaster General of the Army 321.51 Records of 314. 1 Recruits for 343 Signal Corps 321. 91 The Chief Signal OfTicer of the Army 321.911 Special enlistments for 342. 17 Transfers enlisted n\en 220. 33 Transfers olTicers 210. 332 Examining boards 334. 1 Staff departnients 321 Staff, noncommissioned: Assignment 220. 31 Cavalry 322. 992 Change of station 220. 32 Coast Artillery Corps 322. 992 Engineers 322. 992 E.xamining boards for appoint- ments 334.1 Field Artillery, light, mountain and horse 322. 992 Infantry 322. 992 Post 322.992 Staff ollicers: Arsenals 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duty 323.772 Artillery districts 323. 47 Authority 323. 471 Duties 323.472 Assignment of 210. 312 Brigades 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Camps 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties. 354. 172 Camps of instruction 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties..'. 354.172 Cantonments 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 415 Staff ofHcers — Continued. Cantonments — Continued . Duties ( 'oast defenses Authority Duties ( 'onrentration Authority Duties Departments A uthority Duties Details of staff ofUcers Districts, miscellaneous Authority Duties Divisions Authority Duties Hospitals, lield Authority Duties ] fospitals, general Authority Duties Hospitals, post Authority Duties Maneuver camps Authority Duties ^fobilization Authority Duties Organizations, such as armies, regi- mentci, etc A uthority Duties I'orts of debarkation Authority Duties Ports of embarkation Authority Duties Posts Authority Duties Stations A uthority Duties Tactical organizations Authority Duties 354. 572 323. 57 323.571 323. 572 354. 47 354. 471 354. 472 323. 37 323. 371 323. 372 210. 61 323. 67 323. 671 323. 672 322. 991 322. 991 1 322. 9912 322. 991 322. 9911 322. 9912 323. 77 322. 771 323. 772 323. 77 323. 771 323. 772 354. 27 354. 271 354. 272 354. 37 354. 371 354. 371 322. 991 322. 9911 322. 9912 323. 927 323. 9271 323. 9272 323. 917 323. 9171 323. 9172 323. 77 323. 771 323. 772 323. 77 323. 771 323. 772 322. 991 322. 9911 322. 9912 Stulf officers — Continued. Training camps 354. 67 Authority 354. 671 Duties 354. 672 Staff rides 350. 61 Staffs, color and flag 424 Stages, landing 825. 2 Stall equipment 456 Stallions 454. 1 Stalls for animals on vessels 563. 54 On transports 541. 5 Stalls, in freight cars 531. 5 Stamp taxes 012. 2 Stamping machine 413. 51 Stamps: Internal revenue 012. 2 Postage 483. 4 Use of 311. 14 Revenue 012. 2 Rubber 462 Signatures by 312. 4 Thrift 004. 332 War saving 004. 332 Standard: Plans and specifications, buildings. 600. 131 Plans and specifications, rivers and harbor work 800. 131 Projects, construction and installa- tion, buildings and grounds 600. 123 Projects, rivers and harbors work. . 800. 123 Samples, supplies and equipment. . 400. 1142 Standardization, militia education. . . 325. 524 Standards, Bureau of 048. 2 Standees 427 Stands: Band 655 Mucilage 462 Music 413. 3 Sponge 462 Star ammunition 471 Starch 438 Starvation 710 State authorities 014. 12 State camps of instruction 354. 1 State competition, small-arras 353. 2 State control, hygiene, medicine, sanitation 700. 5 State courts 015. 4 State Depart ment 041 Assistant Secretaries of State 041. 1 Bureaus 041. 2 Citizenship 041. 2 Passports 041. 2 416 State Department — Continued. B ureaus^Oontinued . Consular 041. 2 Consular Service 041. 2 Diplomatic 041. 2 Ambassadors and ministers 041. 2 Officers 041. 1 Secretary of State 041. 1 State employees, instruction of 325. 527 'state holidays 230.463 State laws 010. 4 Licenses and taxation under 012. 31 State maneuvers 354. 2 State militia (geographical divi- sions) 323.8 State officials 014. 12 State officials, transportation of 517 State police powers 015. 6 State qualificatiohs for voting 014. 35 State representatives 014. 12 State rights 010. 1 State schools, militia 325. 523 State, Secretary of 041. 1 State senators 014. 12 State supreme courts 015. 4 State volunteers, organizations of 324. 4 State, War, and Navy Building: Assignment office rooms 029. 21 Superintendent of 029. 2 Statement of preferences 201. 37 Statements: Appropriations 112 Balances property on hand 142. 2 Cost of buildings and grounds 600. 94 Costs, water transportation 549. 1 Differences 132. 6 Employees 230. 66 Duties and assignments 230. 417 Privileges and welfare. (Sec Re- ports.) Statistical of absences 230. 522 Traveling expenses 248. 7 Financial, funds 121. 7 Floating plant 569. 15 Transportation rates, tariffs, ac- counts, tickets 558 Stateroom capacity 569. 5 Transports 579. 5 Staterooms on vessels 563. 21 (Quarters for employees and nurses not entitled to 573. 21 Transports 541. 4 Quarters for employees and nurses not entitled to 573. 21 States 092 Approval rivers and harbors work . . 800. 134 Governors 014. 12 Authority, powers, duties 014. 12 Statesman's Yearbook 461 Station numbers 120 Stationery 462 Employees using letterheads 230. 767 Stations 323. 7 Allowances, supplies, and equip- ment 400.346 Aviation 686 Cable 664 Change of. [See Change of stations.) Commanders of 323. 76 Authority 323. 761 Duties. .' 323. 762 Commanders' stations 665. 2 Battery 665.2 Battle 665.2 Fire 665.2 Data regarding 600. 9 Discontinuance of 323. 72 Establishment of 323. 71 Estimate or data as to supplies needed 400. 314 Extension of limits 323. 73 Fire control 665. 1 Field of view from 665. 1 1 Protection for 665. 12 Fog 665.2 Headquarters of 323. 75 Inspection of 333. 1 Issues to 400. 356 Meteorological 665. 2 Naval 045.4 Observing 665. 2 Prophylactic 322. 15 Radio or wireless 676. 3 Radio or wireless, fire control 665. 2 Railroad station service 531. 8 Range-finding 665. 2 Recruiting 341. 8 Opening and closing 341. 8 Remount 404. 3 Reservations 683 Return to stations enlisted men. . . 220. 32 RetiU'n to stations officers 210. 32 Saluting 335. !'■"> Signal 665.2 Size of 600.01 Staff of commanders 323. 77 Authority 323.771 Duties 323.772 417- Stations — Continued . Statistics 600. 9 Tide 6G5.2 Transfers supplies and equipment between 400. 221 Wireless 676. 3 Stations of troops 323. 7 Statistical Interdepartmental Com- mittee 048.2 Statisticians 231. 3 Enlisted men 221 Officers 211 Statistics 050 Absences, employees 230. 52 Armies of the Civil War 051 Confederate. 051 Union 051 Army 056 Battles and battle reports 052 Civil 059 Conmiercial, on rivers and har- bors 829.31 Compilations and gathering data 319. 25 Cost 059 Fiscal 059 Military 059 Fighting men 059 Posts 600. 9 Prisoners of war 054 Confederate 054 Union 054 Reservations 600. 9 Supplies and equipment 400. 1911 Vital 053 Health 053 Insanity 053 Losses 053 Mortality 053 War 381 Wars 055 Statues 293.6 Absences, employees for imveiling of 230.583 Status: Civil 014.3 Employees 230. 31 Personal status for appoint- ment 230.221 Enlisted men 220. 45 Instructors of militia 220. 651 Rank and precedence 220. 72 Militia 325. 33 In Federal service 325. 34 61127—18 27 Status — Continued . Officers 210. 45 Inspector instructors of militia.. 210. 651 Rank and precedence 210. 72 Statute of limitations 014. 4 Statutes, United States 010. 3 At large 010. 3 Revised Statutes and amendments . 010. 3 Stages and rammers, gun 472. 82 Staves and sponges, gun 472. 82 Steam Engineering, Bureau of 045. 2 Steam fitters 231. 5 Steam heating systems 674 Steam launches 560 Transports 570 Steam railroads 617. 3 Steam shovels 413. 8 Steamboat-Inspection Service : Bm-eau of 048. 2 Inspection of vessels 566. 2 Transports 576. 2 Steamers {see Vessels) 560 Steel 411. 5 For armament 470. 1 Reinforcing 411. 51 Stencil paper 462 Stencils 462 Stenographers 231. 3 Stepladders 414. 4 Stereopticon machines 413. 53 Sterilization 707. 1 Sterilizers 414. 4 Stevedores 231. 83 Stevedores, employees 231. 83 Stevedoring services 486 Stewardesses, transport employees. . . 231. 81 Stewards equipment: Vessels 458. 17 Transports 458. 17 Stewards' stores and supplies: Vessels 458. 27 Transports 458. 27 Stewards, transport employees 231. 81 Sticks, fencing 474. 7 Sticks, size 413. 1 Stings, venomous 710 Stirrups 455 Stitching machines 413. 8 Stockades 654 Stockings 422 ' Stocks: Depots and arsenals 400. 211 Additions to 400. 215 Replenishments 400. 212 418 Stocks — Continued. Depots and arsenals — Continued. Transfers between 400. 213 Post, camps and company ex- changes 331. 3 Small arms 474.8 Reports of, on hand. 400. 291 Reserve 400. 23 Supplies in reserve 400. 231 Stomatitis 710 Stone 411. 8 Crushed 411.8 Stone walls 654 Stools, camp 424 Stoppage circulars 241. 2 Stoppages: Pay of employees. 248. 6 Pay of enlisted men 242. 3 Pay of officers and nurses 241. 2 Stops: Recoil 473.82 Searchlight 470. 31 Traversing 473. 82 Storage: Accounts 556. 2 Ammunition 471 Food, hvffienic 720. 12 Personal property, employees 332. 34 Personal property, enlisted men. . . 332. 33 Personal property, officers 332. 32 Property of societies and associa- tions 082 Records 313.3 Services 486. 1 Supplies and equipment 400. 24 Methods 400.241 Space 400.242 Vessels 563. 4 Transports 573. 4 Storage batteries 412. 42 Storage cases, cartridge 471. 87 Storage services 486. 1 Store, cadet, Military Academy 351. 42 Store, cadet, sales to 400. 326 Store wagons 473. 88 Storehouses 633 Storehouses, mine structures 663 Storekeepers: Employees... 231. 6 Deck department, transports 2r?l. 81 Engine department, transports... 231. 81 Enlisted men 221 Stores 004. 041 Accounting for 140 Cooperative 004. 11 Stores — Continued. Funds received from sale of 131 Inventory 142. 1 List of stores transferred 142. 3 Proceeds of sales 131 Returns of 143 Subsistence 430 Stores, cooperative 004. 11 Storm doors 411. 3 Storms 000. 92 Destruction buildings and grounds by 600.972 Storms, relief work by troops 370. 15 Stovepipe 412. 1 Stoves 414.2 Cooking 414.2 Alcohol 414. 2 Equipment 414. 2 Field 414.2 Gas 414.2 Oil 414.2 Permanent 414. 2 Steam 414.2 Utensils 414. 2 Heating 412.1 Stowaways 569. 9 On transports 579. 9 Preventing stowaways 569. 91 On transports 579. 91 Transportation of 516 Stragglers 292 Transportation 513 Straightening channels 811 Straightening, rivers and harbors 800. 424 Strains, bridge 823.84 Straits 810. 5 Straps, spur 426 Straw for bedding animals 464. 4 Stray property, supplies, equipment, disposition 400. 704 Stray shipments, suppllies and prop- erty 523.098 Street car tickets 552. 8 Street car transportation 532 Street cars 453 Street lamps 414.5 Strength: Army 320. 2 Commissioned 320. 21 Enlisted 320. 22 Militia 325.44 Commissioned 325. 441 Enlisted 325. 442 War 381.2 Stresses, bridge 823.84^ 419 Stretchers 443 Stretchers, shoe 425 Stricture 710 Stricture, urethral 710 Strikebreakers, hire of 230. 1404 Strikers, hire of 230. 1404 Strikes: Crews of vessels 563. 81 Of transports 573.81 Troops for suppression of 370. 61 Stripes 421 Strips, thi-ottling bar 473. 82 Structures: Cable 664 Compound bridge 823. 77 Historic 619.3 In waters 825 Mine 663 Protection of 600. 96 Sale of 602.2 Searchlight 470.3 Shelters 470.3 Towers 470. 3 Trucks 470.3 Turrets 470.4 Students: Army schools and colleges 352. 15 Details: Enlisted men Regular Army and militia 220.63 Officers Regular Army and militia 210.63 CIatlI schools and colleges, camps of instruction 354. 1 Pay at officers' training camps and schools 240.7 Studs, clothing 422 Study: Aviation 360. 02 Reports of officers and enlisted men 360. 02 Reports of officers obserAdng for- eign aircraft 360. 02 Courses in garrison schools 352 . 31 Courses of militia 325. 525 Languages, and proficiency in, trans- lation of 350. 03 Subcaliber guns 472. 3 Carriages for 473. 3 Subcaliber practice, Coast Artillery Corps 353. 17 Subcaliber tubes, small -arms 474. 8 Subclerical grades, examination for promotion 230. 3451 Subclerical grades, promotions 230. 326 Subdistricts, artillery 323. 5 Subjective classification record sys- tem 313. 2 Subletting contracts 164 Submarine mine defense use of troops. 370. 31 Submarine mine instruction 353 5 Submarine mine project or defense... 660. 3 Submarine mines and apparatus {see also Mines) 476 Mines and equipment, property, supplies 476. 1 Mines 476. 1 Submarine nets 477 Submarine signal service 483. 3 Submarine torpedoes 476. 4 Submarines, naval '. 045. 92 Subpoenas 013. 362 Subpoenas, courts-martial 250.461 Subprojects: Building and grounds 600. 124 Rivers and harbors 800. 124 Subscriptions, employees circulating lists 230.434 Subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals 400. 134 Subsistence 430 Allowances, enlisted men 246. 4 Allowances in money, employees.. 248.5 Allowances, nurses 245 Charge against enlisted men 242. 4 Commutation of. {See Commuta- tion.) Exceptional articles 430. 3 Inspectors of 231. 22 Lunches 430. 1 Meals 430.1 Savings, funds 123. Stores 430 Wages or pay employees, including. 248. 4 Subsistence accommodations on rail- roads 531. 3 Buffet cars 531. 3 Dining cars 531. 3 Kitchen cars and equipment 531. 3 Mess cars 531. 3 Subsistence accommodations on ves- sels 563.3 Hospital 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Sailors and firemen 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Saloon 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 420 Subsistence accommodations on ves- sels — Continued . Ship's officers 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Ship's petty officers 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Transports 573. 3 Passengers 541. 3 Troops 563. 3 On transports 573. 3 Substitute boats, charter or hire of. . 545. 1 Substitutes : ' Butter 434 Coffee 435 Employees: Hire of 230. 1411 Employment during annual leaves 230. 5491 Employment during sick leaves 230. 558 In time of war 324. 9 Lard 4.34 Tea 435 Subtitles: Of mo^ ing pictures 004. 521 Of pictures 004. 511 Subway tickets 552. 8 Subways 611 Suffocation 710 Sugar 436 Suggestions for blank forms and books. 315 Suggestions, rewards to employees for 248.8 Suicide 220. 861 Enlisted men 220. 861 Officers 210. 861 Suit cases 428 Suits against employees. Government defense of 230. 3122 Sulphur, ingredient of powder 471. 85 Sulphuric acid 471. 85 Summary court. 250. 414 Detail of officers 210. 696 Officers 250. 432 Sunburn 710 Sundays: Holidays on, obserA'ance of Mon- days 230.465 Leaves of absence employees 230.514 Pay of employees for 248. 4 Per diem employees 248. 4 Religious obserAance of 000. 3 Work on by employees 230. 4522 Sunlight sanitation 724. 4 Sunstroke 710 Superannuation, employees 230. 64 Superintendents 231. 4 Ai-my schools and colleges 352. 192 Cemeteries 231. 4 Examining boards 334. 1 Construction 231. 21 Marine construction 231. 21 Corrals 231. 7 Dock and wharf 231. 83 Documents 040. 1 Grounds 231. 4 Military Academy 351. 01 National park commissioners 231. 1 Nurses 211 Officers 211 Parks 231. 4 Reservations 231. 4 State, War, and Navy Building. . . 029. 2 Supervising Architect 042. 1 Supervision of construction building and grounds 600. 17 SuperA'ision of construction riA'ers and harbors 800. 17 Super\ision, Federal, of wireless, cablegrams, aerogi-ams, ra- diograms 311. 201 Supplemental contracts 165 Supplies 400 Accounting for 140 Accounts for 158 Funds received from sale of 131 Miscellaneous 460 Returns of. {See Property and supplies.) Transportation of 523 Supplies and equipment 400 Abstracts of awards 400. 1422 Accidents and damages to 400. 43 Accidents and damages to, from blasts from ordnance 400. 44 Administration of depots and arse- nals 400.21 Additions to stocks 400. 215 Capacity to manufacture 400. 216 Replenishments of stock 400. 212 Stocks to be carried 400. 211 Transfers of stocks between de- pots and arsenals 400. 213 Adoption. {See Selection and adop- tion.) Advertisements for 400. 151 Aeronautical 452 Ammunition 471 421 Supplies and equipment — Contd. Armament 470 Armor plate 470. 5 Athletic equipment 418 Barber 425 Baseball equipment 418 Bedding for animals 464. 4 Beds, bedding, cots, etc 427 Bids, abstracts, awards and con- tracts 400. 14 Abstracts of 400. 142 Authority to invite 400. 1412 Circulars to bidders and adver- tisements 400. 1411 Blank checks 122. 1 Blank forms and blank books 315 Bonds to secure loans 168 Bonds under contracts 168 Books and periodicals 461 Branding 400. 1611 Builders' hardware 411. 7 Building material 411 Burial and funeral 468 Cable 413. 43 Camouflage 467 Camp exchange 331. 3 Catalogues 400. 152 Charges against enlisted men for damage or loss 242. 4 Charges against officers for damage or loss 241.3 Chemicals 470. 6 Circulars 400. 1512 Cleaning 438 Clothing 420 Company exchange 331. 3 Complaints and criticisms 402. 3 Complaints and protests of bidders. 400. 147 Complaints and protests of con- tractors 400. 148 Condemned 400. 705 Congestion at terminals for vessels. 567. 2 For transports 577. 2 Conservation of 400. 8 Consumption of 400. 36 Containers for ammunition 471. 87 Contracts 400. 145 Costs 400. 191 Defects in 400. 42 Demolition material 471. 6 Dental equipment and instruments 443 Dental supplies 442 Discrepancies 400. 61 Disinfecting 438 Supplies and equipment — Contd. Dismounting of 400. 256 Disposition of 400. 7 Distribution 400. 3 Classification for purpose of 400. 301 Methods and points of supply 400. 302 To foreign governments 400. 318 Donations 400. 335 Electrical equipment 412. 4 Gun-carriages 473. 83 Equipage 420 Materials for 423 Equipment, personal 426 Equipment for troops 475 Equivalents 400. 112 Exchange of 400. 22 Expeditions 400. 37 Expenditure of 400. 36 Experiments 400. 112 Explosive material 471. 86 Explosives 471. 86 Fertilizer 464 Field bags, desks, kits, lockers, and other containers 428 Fire-fighting apparatus 413. 2 Football equipment 418 Forage 464 Fuel 463 Funeral and burial 468 Furniture 414 Gases 470. 6 General Supply Committee 040. 5 Government recommendations and testimonials 400. 157 Heating and lighting 412. 1 Hire of 400. 1203 Hospital 442 Ice 465 Implements 413. 1 Inspecting 400. 163 Inspections of, by officers 333. 91 Inspection of, for other branches of the Government 400. 165 Installation of 400. 41 Instruments 413 Introduction and credentials of agents. 400.156 Inventions 400. Ill Inventories of 142. 1 Issues of 400. 35 Gratuitous 400. 3503 Methods of issuing 400. 3501 Prices at which issued 400. 3502 Special and extra issues 400. 3504 422 Supplies and equipment — Contd. Issues of — Continued. To buildings 400. 357 To civilians 400. 354 To employees 400. 353 To enlisted men 400. 352 To libraries 400. 357 To militia 400. 358 At camps 400. 3583 Conditions of 400. 3582 Laws and regulations 400. 3581 Suspension of 400. 3584 To miscellaneous units (as horses, etc.) 400.359 To nurses 400. 352 To officers 400. 351 To offices 400. 357 To organizations 400. 355 To posts and stations 400. 356 Kitchen-car equipment 531. 3 Laboratory 444. 5 Lamps and lamp supplies 414. 5 Lanterns and lantern supplies 414. 5 Laundering 438 Lease of 400. 1203 List of bidders and contractors. . . . 400. 155 List of supplies transferred 142. 3 Loans of 400. 33 Donation 400. 335 Specially authorized by Con- gress 400. 333 To foreign Governments 400. 336 To militia 400. 334 To other bureaus and depart- ments 400. 331 To societies and organizations . . . 400. 332 Losses 400. 73 Losses by desertion 251. 27 Machinery 412. 3 Machines 413 Equipment and supplies for: Duplicating 413. 52 Electrotyping 413. 52 Etching 413.52 Lithographing 413. 52 Mimeograph 413. 52 Moving picture 413. 53 Multigraph 413. 52 Photographic 413. 53 Presses 413. 52 Printing 413.52 Stereopticon 413. 53 Magazines. . . , 461 Supplies and equipment — Contd. Manufacture or construction of 400. 17 Allowances of materials for 400. 172 Bids, abstracts and contracts for, of materials furnished by United States 400. 18 Manufactures authorized at de- pots, arsenals 400. 173 Methods of manufacture 400. 171 Manure 464 Marking 400. 161 Matches 466 Materials tor clothing and equipage. 423 Mechanical and electrical 412 Medical and surgical 440 Mounting of 400. 255 Newspapers 461 Obsolete 400. 702 Offers to sell to the United States.. 400. 153 Office 462 Packing 400. 162 Patents for Army 400. Ill Payment for 120. 12 Personal equipment 426 Placards, posters, signboards, signs. 415 Plumbing and sewer material 412. 2 Polo equipment 418 Pontoon equipment and supplies. . 417 Post exchange 331. 3 Posters 415 Preparing for use, mounting, dis- mounting 400. 25 Canning or pre8er\ing 400. 252 Cooking or baking 400. 253 Drying or dessicating 400. 254 Salting or curing 400. 251 Preserving supplies 438 Price lists 400.191 Priority of 400. 174 Priority orders, at factories, plants, etc 004.004 Proceeds of sales of 131 Professional and technical papers.. 402.4 Proposal and acceptance agree- ments 400.146 Purchases 400. 13 Abroad 400.136 Approval of action in making. . . 400. 133 Authority to purchase: Requests for 400. 131 Without request 400. 132 From other departments or bu- reaus 400.135 423 Supplies and equipment — Contd. Purchases — Continued. Methods of 400. Advertising and proposal and acceptance 400. Advertising and under formal contract 400. Emergency purchases 400. Open -market purchases 400. Reports of those made 400. Subscriptions to newspapers 400. Purchases for export 400. Purchasing officers, requests from firms for lists 400. Radio 413. Railroad 453 Railway or railroad 453 Reclamations and replacements 400. Broken articles or packages 400. Damaged or deteriorated 400. Defective 400. Destroyed to prevent contagion.. 400. Shortages 400. Relief of destitutes 400. Remounts 404 Rentals and services 480 Repairs and alterations 400. Conversion and alteration 400. Overhauling and repairing 400. Releveling 400. Relini^g 400. Reports as to manufactured 400. Reports as to purchased 400. Reports of stock on hand 400. Requests for illustrations of 402. Requests for information 402. Requests for samples 402. Requests for specifications 402. Requisitions for (see Requisitions. . 400. Reserve stocks 400. Returns of 143 Sales at auctions 400. Sales of 400. Applications for from nonmili- tary persons 400. To cadet store 400. To civilians 400. To employees and their families. 400. To enlisted men and their fami- lies 400. To foreign Governments 400. To inventors 400. To libraries 400. To manufactures 400. To military or semimilitary 400. 1201 122 121 1392 1391 137 134 1393 154 44 6 62 63 64 631 61 38 5 51 52 522 521 192 192 291 1 2 1 1 312 23 71 32 328 326 327 323 322 3295 3291 327 3291 3292 Supplies and equipment — Contd. Sales of — Continued. To militia and militiamen 400. 324 To oflacers and their families 400. 321 To other bureaus and depart- ments 400. 325 To post exchanges 400. 326 To postmasters 400. 327 To rifle clubs 400. 3294 To soldiers' homes 400. 326 To volunteers 400. 3293 To Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation officials 400. 327 Salvaging 400. 93 Samples 400. 151 Samples of foreign armies 402. 5 Samples and reports of articles in- spected 400. 164 Sanitation 414. 4 Saving of 400. 8 School 461 Searchlights and outfits 470. 3 Seed 464. 8 Selection and adoption. 400. 11 Analyses or tests. 400. 112 Changes and improvements in. . . 400. 113 Designs 400. 114 Determining kinds and classes.. . 400. 115 Drawings 400. 1143 Improvements in articles of sup- ply 400. 113 Investigations 400. 112 New articles offered, inventions. 400. Ill Samples, standard 400. 1142 Specifications 400. 1141 Tests and trials 400. 112 Shipments of: Reports of 523. 06 Reports of arrival of 523. 061 Signaling instruments and supplies. 413. 77 Signboards and signs 415 Small arms 474 Statistics 400. 191 Storing 400. 24 Methods of 400. 241 Space and utilization of 400. 242 Straw bedding 464, 4 Submarine mines and apparatus 476 Subsistence stores 430 Surplus 400. 703 Systems of supply and distribution. 401 Target-range equipment 416 Targets and target supplies 416 Flags, disks, markers 416 Telegraph 413. 41 424 Supplies and equipment — Contd. Telephone 413. 42 Tests of 400. 112 Thefts of 400. 73 Tickets 552. 8 Toilet articles 425 Tools 413.1 Transfers and exchanges 400. 22 Exchanges between posts and de- pots 400.223 Exchanges with and returns from militia 400. 224 Transfers between bureaus or staff corps 400.225 Transfers between posts 400. 221 Transport supplies and equipment. 458 Transportation 523 Authority for 523. 05 Transpiitation: Short! ges and losses 523. 08 Transportation, land 450 Troops' equipment 475 Turned in 400. 75 Turrets 470. 4 Types of 400. 115 Unclaimed or stray 400. 704 Unlawful disposition of 400. 72 Unserviceable 400. 701 Using 400. 4 Utensils 414 Utilizing 400. 4 Vessels' supplies and equipment. . . 458 Veterinary 440 War game equipment 416 Waste 400. 74 Wearing 400. 4 Wireless 413. 44 Supply: Priority of 400. 303 Manufacture 400. 174 Purchases 400.1301 Transportation 523. 07 Supply batteries. Field Artilley 322. 175 Supply Committee, General. 040. 5 Supply companies, Engineers 322. 173 Supply companies. Infantry 322. 173 Supply depots, field 400. 232 Supply Division, War Department... 020.4 Supply list, submarine-mine supplies. 476. 1 Supply, methods and points of 400. 302 Supply officers 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Supply sergeants: Battalion or squadron 221 Company, battery, troop 221 Supply systems 401 Supply troops. Cavalry 322. 174 Supply trucks 451. 2 Parts and accessories 451. 21 Supply vessels 560 Supply, water 671 Support commander. Coast Artillery Corps 322.98 Authority 322. 981 Duties 322. 982 Support of ex-prisoners 253. 4 Support, personnel 201. 92 Support, request from dependents of enlisted men and officers for aid 243 Supports. Coast Artillery Corps 370. 3 Suppression of lawlessness 370. 6 Supreme court of States 015. 4 Supreme Court of United States 01 5. 1 Surcharges, transportation 556. 4 Sureties on bonds 168 Sureties, release of 168 Surety companies 168 Modification of contract 168 Release of sureties 168 Request for records of ser\dce of employees 230. 7141 Surgeon General of the Army 321. 61 Ofiiceof 024 Office organization and administra- tion 024 Smgeon's certificate of disability, dis- charge, enlisted men 220. 811 Surgeons: Arsenals 323.77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Artillery districts 323.47 Authority 323.471 Duties 323. 472 Assignment of 210. 311 Attending surgeons 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Brigades 322.991 Authority 322.9911 Duties 322. 9912 Camps 354. 17 Authority 354.171 Duties 354. 172 425 Surgeons — Continued . Camps of instruction 354. 17 Authority 354. 171 Duties 354. 172 Cantonments 354. 57 Authority 354. 571 Duties 354. 572 Coast defenses 323. 57 Authority 323. 571 Duties 323. 572 Concentration 354. 47 Authority 354. 471 Duties 354.472 Dental surgeons 211 Examining boards for 334. 1 Departments 323. 37 Authority 323. 371 Duties 323. 372 Details of staff officers 210. 61 Districts, miscellaneous 323. 67 Authority 323. 671 Duties 323. 672 Divisions 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Employees 231. 23 Forts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323.772 Hospitals, general 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Hospitals, field 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Hospitals, post 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Maneuver camps 354. 27 Authority 354. 271 Duties 354. 272 Mobilization 354. 37 Authority 354. 371 Duties 354. 372 Organizations, such as armies, regi- ments, etc 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties 322. 9912 Ports of debarkation 323. 927 Authority 323. 9271 Duties 323. 9272 Ports of embarkation 323. 917 Authority 323. 9171 Duties 323. 9172 Surgeons — Continued . Posts 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Stations 323. 77 Authority 323. 771 Duties 323. 772 Tactical organizations 322. 991 Authority 322. 9911 Duties .322. 9912 Training camps 354. 67 Authority 354. 671 Duties 354. 672 Surgery, training in 700. 3 Surgical dressings 442 Surgical operations 707 Cadets 707 Civilians 707 Employees 707 Enlisted men 707 Nurses 707 Officers 707 Surgical supplies 442 Surplus blank forms 315 Surplus kit bags 428 Surplus property, supplies and equip- ment, disposition or sale. . 400. 703 Surrenders 384. 1 Surrenders of deserters 251. 22 Survey boats 560 Survey, reports of on supplies 141. 8 Surveying instruments 413. 72 Surveying officers 211 Details 210. 092 Surveyors, employees 231. 24 Surveys 600. 93 Appropriations for 112 Estimates Ill Buildings and grounds 600. 93 Permission to make of reservation . . 680. 424 Property and supplies < , . g' g Reports of survey 141. 8 Surveying officers 211 Details 210. 692 Rivers and harbors 800. 922 Suspended belts 426 Suspended files 313. 2 Suspenders 422 Suspension bridges 823. 4 Suspensions: Accounts 132. 6 Revision of 132. 6 Allotments of pay 243. 6 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 243 426 Suspensions — Continued . Contract work 164 Employees 230. 746 Remission of unexpired portion . . 230. 7462 Reports of 230. 7461 Under charges 230. 7463 Enlisted men from promotion 220. 25 Issues to militia 400. 3584 Officers from promotion 210. 25 Pay accounts officers 241. 4 Payments under contracts 167 Permits and licenses, rivers and harbors 800. 53 Target practice 353. 11 Sutlers 292 Sweaters 422 Sweepings, rivers and harbors 812. 6 Swelling, white 710 Swimming 353. 8 Swimming pools 631 Swindling 000. 51 Swing bridges 823. 72 Switchboard houses and rooms 665. 2 Switchboard operators, employees . . . 231. 3 Switchboard operators, enlisted men. 221 Switching 508 Swivels, small-arms 474. 8 Sword belts 426 Sword, Master of the, Military Acade- my 351.01 Sword scabbards 426 Swordmanship 353. 5 Swords ,. 474. 7 Symbols, numerical of checks, etc. . . 122. 1 Syndicates, press 000. 761 Synovitis 710 Syphilis 710 Systems : Accounting for property 140. 2 Bell and buzzer 413. 46 Budget systems of appropriation. . . 110. 01 Tables: Ammunition 471. 88 Identification 344. 2 Manning 320. 4 Of firing 063.2 Of organization of Army 320. 3 Office furnitme 414. 1 Railroad time tables 531. 7 Range tables 063. 2 Salvo tables 063. 2 Tide tables 063. 2 War 381 Tablets, memoriil 293. 6 T. Systems — (/ontinued . Cable 676. 4 Correspondence 312. 5 Disbursements of funds 120 Distribution 401 Drainage, purification 672 Electric-heating 674 Electric-lighting 675 Exterior 675 Interior 675 Gas-lighting 675 Heating, hot-air 674 Heating, hot-water 674 Identification .• . 344. 1 Finger print 344. 1 Outline figure card 344. 1 Personal marks 344. 1 Photographic 344. 1 Instruction of militia 325. 521 Measures 003 Metric 003 Monetary 003 Naval patrol 045. 7 Oil-burning 677 Paying 240. 1 Plumbing 671 Radio 676. 3 Record-k' 473. 88 Forge 473. 88 Inspectors of 231. 22 Mail 311.122 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Passenger 451. 6 Parts and accessories 451. 6 1 Store 473.88 Trail 451.3 Transport 473. 88 61127—18 29 Vouchers — Continued. Assignment of pay vouchers, offi- cers 241. 4 Blank forms for transportation 550. 1 Enlisted men, allowances 240 Funds 132. 2 Nurses, allowances 245 Officers — Allowances 245 Commutation 245. 8 Assignment 241 . 4 Pay 241.4 Duplicating 250. 1 Pay on duplicates 241 Property accounts |i4q c: Settlement of contracts 167 Traveling expenses, employees 248. 7 Voyages of vessels 565. 3 Reports of 565. 31 Of transports 575. 31 Reports of expenditures on 565. 32 Of transports 575. 32 Transports 575. 3 W. Wagons — Continued . Use of auto and motor trucks in lieu of 537. 3 Waist belts 426 Waiting rooms 634 Waivers : Bonds for supjilies and services, contracts 168 Deliveries under contract 1 64 Irregularities in liids f( r contracts. 163 Of regulations 01 0. S Walking 353. 5 Walking tests 201. 52 Walks, ground 611 Walks, tactical 350. 62 Wall lockers 411. 3 Walls 824. 1 Lock, canal 821. 02 Mine structures 824. I Retaining 824. I Retaining, rivers and harbors 824. 1 Sea 824. 1 Stone 654 Walnuts 432 War 380 Articles of War 300. 2 Assistant Secretarv of 231 . i 450 War — Continued . Badges: Enlisted men 220. 5 OfBcers 210. 5 Beginning 382 Declaration of 382. 2 Proclamation of 382. 1 Civil 380 Clainis on account of 151 Appropriations for 112 Estimates for Ill Conduct of. with relation to persons . 383 Clemency 383. 3 Espionage 383. 4 Hostages 383. 5 Noncombatants 383. 2 Pardon 383. 3 Prisoners 383. 6 Volunteers 253 Reconcentrados 383. 7 Refugees 383. 7 Safe conduct 383. 1 Spies 383.4 Conduct of, with relation to places, organizations: Blockades 384. 3 Bombardments 384. 3 ( 'apitulation 384. 2 Capture 384. 2 Commands 384 Surrenders 384. 1 Foreign 380 I,>ctails, officers as ol)servers 210. 084 ^faps 061.1 Methods and manner of conducting. 385 I'Mags of truce 385. 4 Xonintercourse 385. 1 Retaliation 385. 3 Weapons 385. 2 Pay, enlisted men 242. 12 Preparations for 381 Materials for 381. 3 Promotion of target prac^tice 381. 5 Army 381.5 Chibs 381.5 Educational instil utions 38 1 . 5 IMilitia 381.5 Reserves for war 381. 4 War footing 381 . 1 War strength 381. 2 Property rights 3^^) Borrowed from allies 386. 4 Captured 386. 3 Contraband 386. 5 War — Continued . Property rights — Continued. Destruction in battle 386. 1 Destruction under military ne- cessity 386. 1 Occupancy and use 386. 2 Records of 314 8 Secretary of 020. 1 Assistant 020. 1 Secretary of, decisions and opinions. 016 Statistics 055 Civil War or War of Rebellion. . . 055 Confederate 055 Union 055 Colonial 055 Foreign 055 Indian 055 IMexican 055 Philippine insurrection 055 Prisoners of war 054 Revolutionary 055 Spanish War 055 War of 1812 055 Whisky Rebellion Insurrection. . 055 Terminating 387 Amnesty 387. 1 Arbitration 378. 5 Armistice 287. 4 Indemnities 387. 6 Proclamations 387. 7 Protocols 387. 3 Treatises 387. 2 War College, Army 352 Deta,chments, enlisted men 352. 191 Details, enlisted men, Regular Army and militia , 220. 63 Details, officers. Regular Army and militia 210.63 War College, Naval 045. 8 War College Division 321. 12 Chief of 321.121 War Department (powers, functions, jurisdiction) 020 Assistant and chief clerk's office. . . 020. 3 Assistant Secretary's office 020. 2 Auditor for the War Department.. . 042. 1 Decisions and opinions 016 Bureaus 020 Decisions and opinions of heads of 016 Shipment supplies and property. 523. 1 Channels of correspondence within. 312. 3 Channels of correspondence be- tween and field officers. . . 312. 3 War Department — Continued. Circulars 300. 5 Construction and interpretation of appropriations by heads of bureaus 112.2 Decisions and opinions of 016 Divisions 020. 4 Advertising 020. 4 Appointment 020. 4 Bindery 020. 5 Carpenter shop 020. 5 Correspondence 020. 4 Disbursing 020. 4 Mail and Record 020.4 Requisitions and accounts 020. 4 Stables 020. 5 Supply 020. 4 Telegraph 020. 4 Employees 230 Regulations for conduct of offices, depots, and factories 230. 431 Shipment of Christmas and simi- lar packages 524. 4 Transportation 514 Of remains 518 Militia relations with 325. 3 Miscellaneous offices, bureaus, etc. . 029 Officials: Transportation 514 Of remains 518 Organization of, laws affecting Oil. 1 Policy as to aviation 360. 01 Publications 461 Reimbursement and transfer of ap- propriations 113 Secretary's office 020. 1 War Department Beneficial Associa- tion 230.652 War diaries 314. 81 Wards, hospital 632 Warehousemen, employees 231. 6 Warehousemen, enlisted men 221 Warehouse trucks 451. 93 Warehouses 633 Mine 663 Warfare, guerilla, troops for suppres- sion 370.64 Warfare, naval 045. 9 War games 353. 6 Equipment for 416 Naval 045.9 War records, naval 045. 9 War Risk Insurance Bureau 042. 2 War Risk life insurance 004. 612 451 War savings stamps 004. 332 Warrants: Appropriation 112 Cadets, Military Academy 351. 36 Enlisted men: Appointments 220. 14 Acceptance or declination 220. 14 Legal instruments 013. 1 Search and other 013. 1 Transportation warrants 552 Washboards 414. 4 Washing on vessels: By crews 563. 8 On transports 573. 8 Washouts 814. 1 Washrooms 414. 4 Washstands 414. 4 Washtubs 414. 4 Plumbing material 412. 2 Waste : Cleaning material 412. 2 Disposal, hygiene 720. 7 Disposal of, services 485. 3 Paper, disposal of 485. 3 Property, supplies and equipment. 400. 74 Watch houses 658 Watch time services 483. 3 Watches 413.6 Watchmen: Employees 231. 4 Dock and wharf 231. 83 Enlisted men 221 Water: Analysis (see 720.2) 671 Aqueducts 671 Cisterns 671 Consumption 671 Distributing systems 671 Diversion of, floods 814. 3 Drinking and mineral 435 Fire protection 671 Meter readings 671 Plants 671 Filtration 671 Pumping 671 Plumbing systems 671 Purification of 671 Reports 671 Of, received on vessels 569. 17 On transports 579. 17 Reservoirs 671 Use of, as power 800. 225 Vessels taking on 563. 73 Transports 573. 73 452 Water — Continued . Wells 671 Water bags 414. 4 Water buckets 414. 4 Water-closets 62G Water coolers 414. 1 Water cure 250. 1 Waterfalls 810. 3 Water heaters and supjjlios and parts 412.2 Water hyacinths 828. 3 Watering animals on vessels 563. 53 On transports 573. 53 Watering troughs 456 Water mains, use of in river and har- bor work 825. 7 Watermarks: Bench marks 812. 3 Discharge measurements 812. 5 High water marks 812. 21 Low water marks 812. 101 Mean low water 812. 11 Soundings and sweepings 812. 6 Water level 812.4 Water meter readings 671 Water meters 413. 6 Water pollution, hygiene and sanita- tion 720. 22 Water pollution, rivers and harbors. . 800. 224 Water power 800. 225 Water-power dams 821. 2 Waterproof, cloth 424 Waterproofing 400. 258 Waterproofing materials 411.8 Water reports 671 Water supply 67 1 Water supply cribs 825. 7 Water supply, sanitary 720. 2 Analysis (see also 720.2) 671 Water tenders, employees 231. 81 Water transportation 540 Water troughs 657 Water vessels 560 Water wagons 451. 7 Parts and accessories 451. 71 Wave and tidal data 812. 91 Wax, packing 457 Ways for vessels 826. 1 Weapons, concealed 250. 1 Weapons, gas and chemicals 470. 71 Weapons, use of in warfare 385. 2 Wearing of civilian clothing: Enlisted men 332.31 Officers 332.31 Wearing, supplies and equipment . . . 400. 4 Weather, absences employees ac- count of 230. 584 Weather Bureau 047. 2 Weekly reports 319. 1 Weight 741 Appointment: Commissioned 210. 13 Enlisted men 220. 13 Promotion: Commissioned 210. 23 Enlisted men 220. 23 Weights, window 411. 7 Weights and measures 003 Weirs 825. 91 Welding. 400. 273 Welding compound 412.2 Welfare, employees 230. 6 Wells 671 Western Lines Association 501 Wharf employees 231. S3 Wharfage ..." 548. 3 Wharfingers, employees 231. 83 Wharves ". 825. 1 Beyond harbor lines 825. 02 Military 825. 1 Permission to land 680. 425 Mine 663 Rules and regulations 800. 21 Unauthorized 825. 01 Wheelbarrows 451. 93 Parts and accessories 451. 931 Wheelmen employees 231. 82 Wheels: Elevating 473. 82 Gun carriage 473. 81 Traversing 473. 82 Vehicles, various {see Vehicles) 451 \A'heelwrighls: E'mijloyees 231. 5 Enlisted men 221 Wheelwright's tools 413. 195 Whereabouts: 1 nquiries as to 201. 71 Employees 230. 712 Enlisted men 201. 71 Officei-s 20L71 Whisk brooms 425 Whisky 435 Whisky Rebellion and Insurrection. 055 Whistles 413.3 White House 031 White mice 454. 7 While sweliin- 710 453 Wliitcwadhing (JOO. 3 Whoopiug cougli 710 Wicks, lamp, lantern 414. 5 Widening buildings and grounds 600. 4 Widening rivers and harbors 800. 4 Wills, enlisted men 220. 873 Wills, oflioers 210. 873 Windbreaks 65ility of employees 230. 3121 Transportation 516 Women, appointments of married . . . 230. 2213 Wood, building material 411.1 Euel 463.4 Woolen cloth 423 \\V)rk: Accounts for 158 Bond for public 1G8 Employees performing at home 230. 4322 Suspension of contract 164 To be done by crews of vessels 563. S On transports 573. 8 Use of military convicts oji con- struction 253. 5 Working balances 123. 8 Working clothes 422 Working file, transportation 506 Working fund 123. 8 Worms 000. 94 Worthlessness, discharge enlisted men for 220. 83 Wounded 704 Aid to 729. 4 Quarters on vessels for 563. 2 On transports 573. 2 Transfer or disposition of 704. 11 Wounds 704. 9 Wranglers, employees 231. 7 Wrapijing supplies, paper and other. 457 Wrecking buildings, structures 600. 6 Wrecking service 545. 3 Wrecks, obstructions to navigation . . 828. 5 Abandoned or occupied 828. 52 No menace to naWgation 828. 5 Owner's rights 828. 51 Removal 828. 5 Wrestling 353. 8 Writers, newspapers and magazine. . . 000. 77 Writs of habeas corpus 013. 1 X-ray operators, enlisted men 221 X-ray operators, officers 211 X-ray practice and treatment 730 Young Men's Christian Association. . 080 Quarters for secretaries 624 Sales to secretaries 400. 327 Transportation of secretaries and officials 517 454 z. Zinc 470.1 j Zones: Zincograph map reproduction 061. 021 Barred or restricted 384. 4 Zwieback 433 . Of advance 372.3 I Of line of communication 372. 4 o IS.. 1» J t a lW < ^<^■ ^i1Ml | ; ' J l ll l ^, l ,. ^ " ll .. i K. M I — ■ ■' ■Ilii i l. 'i'Vl il i l i il . i.|l l ■■*W'*'" ■>»»■ \ !J I ft— iiiiwiwmii'Bi M rirn— lit ■»w w I * *. * -i— !■ '<' » » ^^■WJ 'Mg m'—t* "^'' ■•■nMnMkw