^ \ i ■ 3 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS A GENERAL WORKS POLYGRAPHY ADOPTED 191 1 AS IN FORCE JUNE, 1915 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For Bale by the 1915 Superintendent of Documents PHce lOC Oovei-nnient Printiug: OtBoe LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS A GENERAL WORKS POLYGRAPHY ADOPTED 1911 AS IN FORCE JUNE, 1915 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 L. C. card, 15-26002 SYNOPSIS AC COLLECTIONS.— SERIES.— COLLECTED WORKS AE ENCYCLOPEDIAS AG GENERAL REFERENCE WORKS (OTHER THAN ENCYCLOPEDIAS) AI INDEXES AM MUSEUMS.— COLLECTORS AND COLLECTING; PRIVATE CABINETS AN NEWSPAPERS AP PERIODICALS AS SOCIETIES.— ACADEMIES AY YEARBOOKS.— ALMANACS [DIRECTORIES] AZ HISTORY OF THE SCIENCES IN GENERAL; SCHOLARSHIP, LEARN- ING ^H'J'^f^ COLLECTIONS. SERIES. COLLECTED WORKS COLLECTIONS. SERIES. COLLECTED WORKS AC Collections of monographs, essays, etc. Prefer AS for collections published under the auspices of learned bodies (institutions or societies) ; D for collections mainly historical; P for collections like Biblioteca de autores espanoles, Bibliotheca romanica, etc. American and English. 1 Comprehensive collections. Minor collections. Including popular and juvenile collections, home study, etc. 4 Early (to 1850). 5 1850-. Collected works of individual authors. 6 16th- 17th centuries. 7 18th century. 8 19th-20th centuries. Collections in foreign languages. 9 General. (10) Ancient, see P-PM. Medieval/ ^-^^ v\\iderv\. ■44- (Collections/ i M -twA r-.r w\nr£ lav\5)a»<^«%;. 12 Individual authors, A-Z. Prefer Class P. MedievqJ.and modern Latin. 13 Cotle'ctions. 14 Individual,_A-fe aaiV\6^^ Modern/ 1 ^ vrfaa^&a. 15 General, ^ol le^hrnA \AtWf> nr wvore. \a>^iAA^fi% ' Dutch. 16 Collections. Individual authors. 17 16th-17th centuries. 18 18th century. 19 19th-20th centuries. AC LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. AC 20 21 23 25 30-35 40-45 50-55 60-65 70-75 95 901 911 917 921 931 941 951 961 971 995 ^^1 CoY^\y\j^\:c Li«>H^ IA0if.e_wiwi!AopaA\a6 ({vtilujivu! popal»v»^\-£.v^V:>cs, 3 American and Jhinglish. Cf. AI 21. 5 Dutch. 7 French. 9 German. 11 Italian. 13 Scandmavian. 15 Slavic. 17 Spanish and Portuguese. 19 Other. 21 Indexes to individual newspapers e. g. New York Tribune index London Times index, by Palmer. 19 MUSEUMS MUSEOGRAPHY AND MUSEOLOGY 21 MUSEUMS. MUSEOGRAPHY AND MUSEOLOGY. Cf. N 405-490; QH 61-71; T 391-999. 1 Periodicals, societies, collections, etc. Only publicalions devoted to the interests of museume, method- ology, description, etc. Serials or collections of scientific contributions, memoirs, etc., on A other subjects, in AC, AS, B — Z. 6 General treatises>'^^''^^"^''^^^<^" '*"°^' 7 General special. _ (^ C^hildrcN^ Hi-!SctJM.s 9 ^Minor. Pamphlets, etc. Museography. 11 bo By country. Under each country : (1) General. (2) Special states, provinces, etc. (3) Special cities, towns, etc. I fi America. I I United States. 21 Canada. ■R^^tibV1 Rwarica- 23 Mexico. 25 Central America. 29 West Indies. 33 South America. 45 Europe. 41 Great Britain. 44 Austria-Hungary. 46 France. 49 German}^ 52 Greece. 54 Italy. Netherlands. 56 Belgium. 57 Holland. 60 Russia. Scandinavia. 62 Denmark. 63 Norway. 64 Sweden. 23 AM LIBKARY OF CONGRESS AM o , Museography. By country. 4 Europe — Continued. 65 Spain and Portugal. 67 Switzerland. 69 Turkey and tlie Balkan States. ni ~ ^ Asia. ''- '"''''■'' '^" -'•--^'^>' >>■•-*' '^"Z" 72 China. 73 India. 74 Indo-China. 75 Indonesia. 77 Japan. 79 Other^A?.i».-r. , - 20 Africa. 85 British Africa. 87 Egypt. 89 French Africa. 90 German Africa. 91 Other/&pe^val/^-2i. 93 Australia. 99 Pacific Islands. 101 Individual museums, A-Z. Alphabetically by name. Under each (using successive Cutter numbers): (1) Acts of incorporation, statutes, by-laws, rules, and regulations (by date). (2) Administration. List of officers, etc. (2. 5) Examinations. (3) Annual reports. (5) Guide books, catalogs (by date). (6) History. (7) General works. Non-official. (9) Miscellaneous printed matter, circulars, announce- ments (by date), e. g. AM 101. B 81-89, British museum. ((^^ Museology. Museum methods, teclinique, etc. Ill General works. Prefer AM 5. 121 Organization. (123) Architecture, see NA 6700. 127 Equipment. 129 Furniture. 133 The Collections. 135 Collecting. Cf. QHGl. 139 Registration, Accessioning. 24 AM MUSEUMS AM 141 145 151 153 157 Museology. Museum methods, technique, etc. The Collections — Continued. Preparation and Preservation. General. Special methods. Special subjects, see the subheading ^luseums under the subjects in B-Z. Exhibition. Cf. T 391-999. Classification. Arrangement. Labels. Marking. COLLECTORS AND COLLECTING. PRIVATE CABINETS, ETC. General worka only. Prefer special subjects iu Classes B-Z, Periodicals, societies, etc. 200 International. 201 English. 203 French. 205 German. 207 Other. 211 Dictionaries. 213 Directories. 221 History of collecting. 223 Biography of collectors. Collections only; individual biographies in AM 401. 231 General works. 235 General minor. 301-396 By country. 301 America. 322 Panama. 302 North America. 323 West Indies. 303 United States. 324 Bahamas. 304 Colonial period . 325 Cuba. 305 19th-20th centuries. 326 Haiti. 306 New England. 327 Jamaica. 307 South. 328 Porto Rico. 308 West. 329 Other. 310 States, A-Z. 330 South America 311 Cities, A-Z. 331 Argentine Republic 313 Canada. 332 Bolivia. 314 Mexico. 333 Brazil. 315 Central America. 334 Chile. 316 British Honduras. 335 Colombia. 317 Costa Rica. 336 Ecuador. 318 Guatemala. 337 Guiana. 319 Honduras. 338 Paraguay. 320 Nicaragua. 339 Peru. 321 Salvador. 340 Uruguay. 25 AM LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AM Collectors and collect ing. By country — Continued. South America- -Contd. Europe. 341 Venezuela. Turkey and other Balkan 342 Europe. States — Continued . 343 Great Britain. England. 369 Rumania. 344 England-Local. 370 Servia. 345 Scotland. 371 Other. 346 Ireland. 372 Asia. The Orient. 347 Wales. 373 Southwestern Asia. Le- 348 Austria. vant. Turkey in Asia. 349 France. 374 Persia. 350 Germany. 375 Central Asia. 351 Greece. 376 Southern Asia. India. Cey- 352 Italy. lon. 353 Netherlands. 377 Indo-China. 354 Belgium. 378 French Indo-China. 355 Holland. 379 Indonesia. Malaysia. 356 Russia. 380 Dutch East Indies. 357 Scandinavia. 381 Philippines. 358 Denmark. 382 Eastern Asia. 359 Iceland. 383 China. 360 Norway. 384 Japan. 361 Sweden. 385 Northern Asia. Siberia. 362 Spain. Spain and Por- Russian Asia. tugal. 387 Africa. 363 Portugal. 388 Egypt. 364 Switzerland. 389 Other divisions, A-Z. 365 Turkey and other Balkan 390 Australia. States. 391 Special, A-Z. 366 Turkey. 393 New Zealand. 367 Bulgaria. 395 Pacific Islands. 368 Montenegro 396 Special, A-Z. 401 Individual cabinets and collections, A-Z. 501 Collections of spec 3ial classt iS of ( jbiects. Classification by subject in B-Z to be preferred: Arms and Armor, see NK 6600-6699. Cf. U 803-897. Autogi'aphs, see Z 41-43. Bookplates, see Z 993-996. Bric-a-brac, see AM 401. Cf. NK 530-570. Coins and medals, see CJ. Postage stamps, Philately, see HE 6187-6230. Potterv, see NK 3700-4690. 26 NEWSPAPERS 27 NEWSPAPERS AN See Cliecklist in Periodical division. (Arranged by country, following the usual order in other classea; subarranged by place; under the latter, by language and name or title.) 29 PERIODICALS 31 PERIODICALS Classified by language; under languages grouped geographically. AP 73-95 are for modern periodicals for general readei"s only; in case of doubt, classification in class P or D — F is to be preferred. Publications of learned societies in AS. Periodicals devoted to a special science or subject, with the subject, in B-Z. AP 1 International. Polyglot. e. g. Cosmopolis. English. 2 United States. 2.A2 18th century periodicals (to 1810/20). Periodicals of the early 19th cent, whose publication ceased before 1820 may be here included. 2.Z9 Curiosa. Periodicals and magazines in foreign languages pub- lished in the United States, see AP 16, 21, 31, etc. American editions of British periodicals preferably in AP4. Great Britain (and continental Europe). 3 Periodicals to ca. 1800. 4 Periodicals, 1800-. American editions of British periodicals may be classified here. 5 Canada. 6 Western heniisphore. the United States and Canada excepted. 7 AustraHa and Pacilic Islands. 8 Asia . 9 Africa. Dutch and Flemish. Holland and Belgium. 14 Early (to ca. 1800). 15 1800-. 16 America. 17 Other parts of the worhl. 1917°— 15— 3 33 AP LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AP French. 20 France. 21 America. Europe (with the exception of France). 22 Belgium. 24 vSwitzerland. 25 Other countries of Europe. 26 Asia. 27 Africa. 28 AustraHa and Pacific Islands. Grerinan. 30 Germany and Austria. 31 America. 32 Switzerland. 33 Europe (mth the exception of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). 34 Asia. 35 Africa. 36 Australia and Pacific Islands. Italian. 37 Italy. 38 America. 39 Other parts of the w^orld. Scandinavian. 40 General. 41 Icelandic. Danish. 42 Denmark, and other countries except America. 43 America. Norw^egian. 45 Norway, and other countries except America. 46 America. Swedish. 48 Sw cdcn, and other countries except America. 49 America. Slavic. 50 Russian. Not including the files acquired with the Yudin collection. (51) Languages other than Russian, see AP 4, 25, 33, etc. Bohemian. 52 Bohemia, and other countries except America. 53 America. Polish. 54 Poland, and other countries except America. 55 America. 34 AP PERIODICALS AP Slavic — Continued . 56 Senaan and Croatian. Spanish. ^ ' ^•^' '^^ ^^— ^=^-. GO Spain. 61 Philippine Islands. America. 62 United States. 63 Latin America. 64 Other parts of the world. Portuguese. 65 Portugal. 66 South America. 67 United States. 68 Other parts of the world. Swiss, see AP 24: French periodicals — Switzerland. AP 32: German periodicals — Switzerland. AP 39 : Italian periodicals. Celtic. 73 Irish. 75 Scotch. 77 Welsh. 80 Finnish. Hungarian. 82 Hungary and other countries, except America. 83 Aniorica. 85 Greek, Modern. 86 Rumanian. (89 j Other. Se^ Apq\-'^5- General periodicals for Jewish readers. 91 IIe})rew and Yiddish. 92 English. 93 In other languages. Oriental. Mtnl-ern p*>Fiwl4<;'Als for general roatlftrs »nly; o(li«r perit- 201 American and English. (.'. g. Harper's young people, AP201.H2. St. Nicholas, AP201.S3. Youth's companion, AP 201.Y8. 203 French. 205 German. 206 German- American (United States). 207 Italian. 209 Scandinavian. 211 Sp anish and Portuguese . 215 0ther,i<4ioati^fiL:i;_-,«'1- -^^ "^'^'^'^ ill b,v\ij\WyN OR AP PERIODICALS AP PERIODICALS FOR WOMEN. General periodicals for woman readers, nee AP 2-215. N. B. — Make reference entry in shelf li.st, under AP 250-2G5. Periodicals devoted to woman's interests, feminism, etc., see IIQnOl. Suffrage, see JF 847, JK 1880, JN 976, and corresponding divisiona under other countries in JL-JQ. Domestic economy, see TX; fa-hion magazines, needle work, fancy work, etc., see TT. (250) Early. (251) Araerican and Englisli. (253) French. (255) German. (256) German-American. (257) Italian. (259) Scandinavian. (261) Spanish and Portuguese. (265) Other. (:^. 1 J /4 tn ^<^ •' C 'A>1 dund 1^ io<^ / 1 S K 37 ACADEMIES AND LEARNED SOCIETIES 39 ACADEMIES AND LEARNED SOCIETIES Only learned societies of a general character are classified here, societies devoted to the cultivation of a particular science are classified with that science; societies of various description devoted mainly to the promotion of social interests are in IIS. General divisions at the beginning of countries follow the order of AS 1-10 with the addition of subdivisions: (6) History by state, province, etc., A-Z. (7) History by city, A-Z. For subdivisions under countries to which one number is assigned in the sched- ules, and for subarrangement of publications of individual societies see Tables at end of AS. AS 1 Periodicals devoted to the interests of learned societies in general. 2 Yearbooks, etc. Cf. AS 5, AS 8. International associations, congresses, conferences, etc. 3 Withoiit permanent organization. By date. e. g. International congress ef arts and science, St. Louis. 1904. 4 Permanently organized. By distinctive part of name (in English when an English form is current) A-Z, e. g. Association internationale des academies: AS 4.A7. Catholic international scientific congress (Congr^ scien- tifique international des Catholiques), AS 4.C3. Cf. AS 10. AS4-Z^i Traycc-ts f^r iviCttiitat^Ai Aoutpe.'ahoMj by AAtV 5 Historical and descriptive literature. Handbooks. ^ (Handbooks issued periodically, see AS 2 and AS 8.) 8 Directories andTists.^^^'."t'«V/^^'''''*"^-MT;f'' ' Cf. AS 2. ^ 9 International serial publications. Collections of extracts from the transactions of several learned societies. For non-serial collections, see AC. (10) International associations, see AS 3-4, America. 11-20 General. Subdivided like AS 1-10. 41 AS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AS United States. 21-29 General. History. 25 United States. General. 28 Individual states, A-W. ^q c,|-,^., lyr, 30 Learned periodicals. 32 Carnegie institution of Washington. 36 Other individual societies and institutions. A-Z. c\ g. Nebraska University studies, AS 36. N2. Wisconsin Academy of sciences, arts, and letters. Transactions. AS 36.W7. .C(s> CdloraAo British North America. 40 . GeDeral. ' 42 Individual societies and institutions. 60 Spanish America. General ■works, histories, etc. 63 Mexico. Central America. 64 British Honduras. 65 Costa Rica. 66 Guatemala. 67 Honduras. 68 Nicaragua. 69 Salvador. 70 Panama. West Indies. 71 Cuba. 72 Haiti. 73 Jamaica. 74 Porto Rico. 75 Other. 76 Bermudas. South America. 77 General. 78 Argentine Republic. 79 Bolivia. 80 Brazil. 81 Chile. 82 Colombia. 83 Ecuador. Guiana. 84 British. 85 Dutch.. 86 French. 87 Paraguay. 42 AS SOCIETIES. ACADEMIES AS South America — Continued, 88 Peru. 89 Uruguay. 90 A enozuela. Europe. 91-100 (icnernl. Subdivided like ASl-10. Great Britain. 111-120 General. 121 Learned periodicals. 122 Individual societies and institutions. Austria-Hungary/ iw,V.Cx<:x>ui'i.;jvais Hevuclic 131-140 General. 141 Learned periodicals. 142 Individual societies, etc., f\-Z by \f\-hrr . France. 151-160 General. 161 Learned periodicals. 162 Individual societies, etc. Germany. 171-180 General. 181 Learned periodicals. 182 Individual societies, etc. Greece. 191-200 General. 201 Learned periodicals. 202 Individual societies. Italy. 211-220 General. 221 Learned periodicals. 222 Individual societies. Netherlands. 231-240 General. 231 Periodicals devoted to the interests of 1( ties in Belgium and Holland. Belgium. '11 nu'd SKcii'- 241 Learned ])eriodicals. 242 Individual societies. Holland. 243 Learned periodicals. 244 Individual societies. 43 AS LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS AS Russia. 251-260 General. 261 Learned periodicals. 262 Indivifliial societies. Scandinavia. 271-279 General. 280 Learned periodicals. Individual societies. 281 Denmark. 282 Iceland. 283 Norway. 284 Sweden. Spain and Portugal. 291-300 General. Spain. 301 Learned periodicals. 302 Individual societies. Portugal. 303 Learned periodicals. 304 Individual societies. Switzerland. 311-319 General. 321 Learned periodicals. 322 Individual societies. Turkey and the Balkan states. 331-339 General. Individual societies. 343 Bulgaria. 344 Montenegro. 345 Rumania. 346 Servia. 348 Turkey. Asia. 401-410 General. China. 441-450 General. 452 Individual societies. India. 461-470 General. . , •; i 472 Individual societies. Indo-China. 481-490 General. 492 Individual societies. 44 AS SOCIETIES. ACADEMIES AS Indonesia. Dutch East Indies. 511-520 Cionoral. 522 Individual societies. Philippine Islands. 531-539 (iencral. 540 Individual societies. Japan. 541-550 General. 551 Learned periodicals. 552 Individual societies. 559 Korea. 571 Persia. 581 Russian Asia. 591 Turkish empire in Asia. Africa. British possessions. 601-609 General. 611 Union of South Africa. 613 Cape of Good Hope. 615 Natal. 617 Orange Free State. Orange River Colony. 619 South African Republic. Transvaal. 622 Central Africa. Rhodesia. 625 East Afi'ica. Uganda. Zanzibar. 629 Somaliland. 631 West Africa. 633 Nigeria. 639 Other, A-Z. 641-649 French possessions. 651 Algeria. 653 Tunis. 657 Madagascar. 659 Other. 661-669 German possessions. 671 East Africa. 673 Kamerun. 675 Southwest Africa. 679 Other. A-Z. 681 Italian possessions. 685 Kongo (Free State, to October, 1908; Congo beige, November, 1908-). 45 AS LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS AS Africa — Continued. 687 Portuguese possessions. 689 Spanish possessions. Native states. 691 Abyssinia. 693 Egypt. 695 Liberia. 697 Morocco. 699 Other. Oceania. 701-709 General. Australia. 711-719 General. 720 By state, A-Z. 722 Individual societies. Tasmania, see AS 720, 722. New Zealand. 741-749 General. 750 Individual societies. Pacific Islands. American possessions. 761 Guam. 763 Hawaii. Philippine Islands, see AS 531-540. 767 Samoan Islands. British possessions. 771 Fiji. 773 New Guinea. 775 Tonga (Friendly Islands). 779 Other. French possessions. 781 New Caledonia. 785 Oceania (Tahiti, etc.). 790 German possessions. New Guinea. Bismarck Archipelago. Caroline Islands. Kaiser Wilhelm's Land. Marianne Islands. Palau or Pelew Islands. Solomon Islands. Marshall Islands. Samoan Islands. 46 AS SOCIETIES. ACADEMIES AS 911 Associations, ' 'Funds, " and other institutions not else- where provided for in AS 32-852, or with special . , subject in other classes. Table of subdivisions under countries to which one number is assigned in the schedules. General works. .Al Periodicals. .A2 Yearbooks. .A3 Congresses. .As History. Handbooks. .A6 Local. .A7 Directories. Lists. .A8-Z Individual societies. TABLE OF SUBDIVISIONS UNDER INDIVIDUAL SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. The headings and order of publications as indicated are merely suggestive and may be modified to meet the requirements of special cases (for variations see Shelf list). The numbers (1), (2), (3), etc., prefixed to the headings are not part of the nota- tion, but may be used for that purpose in combination with other numbers (Cutter numbers, etc.) when convenient. They are given to facilitate refer- ence. I. (1) Proceedings and transactions. (2) Collections: Contributions, memoirs, etc. (3) Periodicals. (4) Annual reports. (5) Congresses and conferences. Expositions. (6) Constitution and by-laws. (7) Directories. Lists of members. (8) Histoiy and biography. Handbooks. Handbooks issued annually in (2), (3), (4), or (7), a.s the case may be. (9) Addresses, lectures, essays. (9Z) Miscellaneous printed matter: Announcements, Pro- grams, etc. II. (1) Serial publications. (2) Constitution and by-laws, lists of members, etc. (3) Other. 47 AY YEARBOOKS. ALMANACS. DIRECTORIES 1017°— 15 4 49 YEARBOOKS. ALMANACS General popular almanacs and yearbooks only; scientific and technical almanacs under special subjects in AS, B-Z. AY 30'J^ Annuals: Keepsakes, etc. American. ,,^ ^UVoy^ awd 11 To 1860/1900. 12 1860/1900-. 13-14 English (including Canadian). 15-16 French. 17-18 German. 19 Other. Clu-istmas and other special numbers of magazines, etc. PivlerAT. 21 American. Hi^C^r ; ^' ai. .-..». ^ 23 English. i\ v,v - '^-^■"= M 25 French. 1 ",aj-Zi in^v^s^** 27 German. p2. Ca> 29_ Other. l^j^ ^l^^v.^ Almanacs. " p &evvA*.\ 40 universal collections. >,i, Scawivviavxavi Earlv almanacs. '* 5Jpa.^v*V 3° otw \a»\j»^»A-sj^'^ See AY51-57, and 410-1725, subdivision (0) under each country. (41) American (43) English (45) French (47) German (49) Other By country. For subdivisions under foreign countries (AY 410-1725) see Tables at end. United States. Early, to 1800. Prefer AY 101-347. 51 Collections. By thxte of first volume. To 1699: .A001-A699. 1700-1799: .BOO -B99. 53 Serial. By title or editor. 57 Other (occasional issues). By date. 59 Yearbooks (without almanacs). 51 AY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AT By country. United States — Continued. Recent. 61 Collections. By title or editor. 64 General. By title or editor. 67 Newspaper. By name of place, subarranged by title. 68 Magazine and literary. (70) Institutions. Societies. Prefer AM, AS, B-Z. 71 Other. By date. Almanacs in foreign languages; by language (or nationality) . 72 French. 73 German. Cf. AY 78.S9. 74 Italian. 75 Scandinavian (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish). 76 Slavic (Russian, Bohemian, Polish). 77 Spanish. 78 Other, A-Z. e. g. .D8, Dutch. .H8, Hungariaq. _ _-^^ lev^v-s.^. .18, Irish. .S9, Swiss. 81 Almanacs for special classes of persons, by class (age, sex, occupation, etc.), A-Z Popular almanacs onh-; scientific and technical almanacs under special subjects in AS, B-Z. N. B. — Special nationalities, see AY 72-78. .A8, Astrological. .C7, Comic. .C75, Commercial. .E4, Educational. .F3, Farmers'. .F5, Financial. .F6, Firemen's. .G8, Grocers'. .117, Household. .16, Insurance. .J8, Juvenile. Ladies', see H7, Household almanacs. .L8, Lunar. .M4, Medical. M5l, Meteorological. . (Or. 9-^^ .M8, Musical. .P3, Patent medicine. 52 AY YEARBOOKS. ALMANACS AY 81 lol By country. United States.- Almanacs for special classes of persons, l)v^ class (age, sex, occupation, etc.), A-Z — Continued. .P7, Political . .R5-7, Religious almanacs. .R5, By title (except Catholic almanacs), A-Z. .R6, Catholic almanacs. By title, A-Z (ex- cept titles beginning with ' ' Saint " ) . .R7, Titles beginning with "Saint," byname of Saint. e. g., R7A6, St. Anthony. .Wo, Water-cure. .,- a? . , ^ ,^>c Women's almanacs, see .H7, Household. .W7, Workingmen's. -liAU Local by state. Confederate States Almanacs, 1861-1865, see AY ,381., , ,. i v > l. l.h (1) C-oH«ca^ f2)-Local, by plaee- Alabama. Alaska. Arizona Arkansas. California. Colorado. Connecticut. Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. Idaho. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri. 236-7 241-2 246-7 251-2 256-7 261-2 266-7 271-2 276-7 281-2 286-7 291-2 296-7 301-2 306-7 311-2 316-7 321-2 326-7 331-2 336-7 341-2 340-7 Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New Mexico. New York. North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio. Oklahoma . Oregon. Pemisylvania. Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota. Tennessee Texas. Utah. Vermont . Virginia. Washingto ^ West Virginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. 53 AY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AY 3S1 Confederate States almanacs. .Al-5 Collections. Provisionally subarranged by date. Foreign countries. For subdivisions under each, see tables on page 57. British America. 410-420 Canada. 417 French. General almanacs. Special in 419-420 with added entry here 418 Other than English or French. 419 By subject, A-Z. Cf. AY 81. 420 Local, by place, A-Z. 425 Other, A-Z. British Guiana, see 660-669. Latin America. 430-439 Mexico. Central America. 440-449 Costa Rica. 450-459 Guatemala. 460-469 Honduras. 470-479 Nicaragua. 480-489 Salvador. 490-499 Panama. West Indies. 510-519 Cuba. 530-539 Haiti. Jamaica, see AY 425. 550-559 Santo Domingo. 570-579 Porto Rico. 581 Other, A-Z. Bermudas, see AY 425.. South America. 600-609 Argentine Republic. 610-619 Bolivia. 620-029 Brazil. 630-639 Chile. 640-649 Colombia. 650-659 Ecuador. Guiana. 660-669 British. 670-679 Dutch. 680-689 French. 54 AY YEARBOOKS. ALMANACS Latin America. South America — Continued. 690-699 Paraj^uay. 700-709 Peru. 710-719 Uruguay. 720-729 Venezuela. Europe. 750-759 Great Britain. 760-769 Scotland. 770-779 Ireland. 780-7S9 Wales. 800-810 Aust ria-IIungary . 809 By state; 810 By place. 811-819 Hungary. 830-839 France. 850-860 German Empire. 859 By state; 860 By place. 870-879 Greece. 890-899 Italy. 900-909 Netherlands. 910-919 Belgium. 920-929 Holland. 940-949 Russia. Scandinavia. 950-959 Denmark. 960 Iceland. 970-979 Norway. 980-989 Sweden. Spain and Portugal. 1000-1009 Spain. 1010-1019 Portugal. 1020-1030 Switzerland. 1029 By canton; 1030 By place. 1038 Turkey and Balkan States, A-Z. Asia. 1^2 JA-&\h- ° 1 D -i^. British possessions. 1050-1059 India. 1065 Other, A-Z. 1071 Dutch possessions, A-Z. 1076 French possessions, A-Z. 1081 German possessions, A-Z. 1095 Portuguese possessions, A-Z. AY 55 AY LIBKARY OF CONGRESS AY Asia — Continue d . Russian possessions. 1100-1109 Siberia. 1115 Other, A-Z. United States possessions. 1120-1129 Philippine Islands. Native states. Far East. 1140-1149 China. 1150-1159 Japan. 1165 Other, A-Z. Native states. Southwestern Asia. 1185 Persia. Africa. Belgian Congo, see AY 1501. 1201 British possessions, A-Z. 1251 French possessions, A-Z. 1301 German possessions, A-Z. 1351 Italian possessions, A-Z. 1401 Portuguese possessions, A-Z. 1451 Spanish possessions, A-Z. 1501 Congo Free States (to Oct., 1908), Belgian Congo, Native states. 1908-^ 1551 Egypt. 1575 Other, A-Z. 1600-1609 Australia. 1611-1612 New South Wales. 1615-1616 Queensland. 1621-1622 South Australia. 1625-1626 Tasmania. 1631-1632 Victoria. 1635-1636 West Australia. 1651-1652 New Zealand. Oceania. American possessions. 1671-1672 Guam. 1675-1676 Hawaii. 1681-1682 Samoa. 1701 British possessions, A-Z. 1715 French possessions, A-Z. 1725 German possessions, A-Z. 56 AY YEARBOOKS. ALMANACS AY TABLE OF SUBDIVISIONS UNDER COUNTRIES (AY 410-1725). I (Ten numbers). Early, to 1800. (0) Collections, by date of first volume. (1) .A-Z5 Serial, by title or editor. .Z7 Other, by date. (2) Yearbooks (without almanacs). Prefer subjecte: B-Z. 1800-. (3) Collections. (4) General, by title or editor. (5) Newspaper, etc., by name of place, subarranged by title. (6) Other. .A3-Z3, Literary, magazine, almanacs, etc. By title or editor. .Z5 date, Miscellaneous. Occasional issues. By date. (7) Almanacs in foreign languages, by language, A-Z. (8) Special, by subject, A-Z. Cf. A Y81.A8-W7. - p^^,^.,, ,^..,. .ubj..r. b-1 /g') Local, by place, A.—L. e,.^.''TTflpM9t\"caW»»\i«.6.'3a2 fef\i»'a\. 11 (Two numbers). ( 1 ) Collections and general . (2) Local, by place, A-Z. Ill (One number or Cutter number). (1) .A2 Collections. (2) .A3 Serial. (3) .A4-Z Local, by place. -fQOOir DIRECTORIES. , , Directories are classified by subject in B-Z. Those not an current uae may be collected here by affixing a special label ^ 57 AZ HISTORY OF THE SCIENCES IN GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP AND LEARNING 59 HISTORY OF THE SCIENCES IN GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP AND LEARNING Cf. B; CB; D 16; P; Q. AZ Periodicals. 1 Societies. [see AS. Congresses. J Collections, see AC. General works. (21-28) Early (to 1800). ] (31-38) 19th century. see AZ 201-228. (41-48) 20tli century. J 101 Philosophy. Theory. 103 Value, aims, influence, etc. Addresses, lectures. Pamphlets. I OG 10^ Methods, org anization. tA\^\\5v\«ou^ Curiosa. (107) Classification, see BD 240-241. Cf. Z 696, Classification (Bibliography). ,„a Relation to special sciences. c^ , ^,. ^ ^ r. . ...- /O? i ..._ - ovuvVioli) avid rv-.-.M J.S6 111 General works. (121) Philosophy, see B 53. (126) Religion, see BL. (131) Social and political institutions, see II 61, J 71. (136) Law, see K. (141) Education, see L B 41. (151) Art, see N 72. (161) Literature, see P 33, 61 ; PX 4.5-55. (171) Science, see Q 175. (181) Technical sciences; inventions, see T 14-20. His tor}'. General works. Prefer CB; D;P;Q. 200-208 Early. 200 Latin workt^. 211-218 19th century. 221-228 20th century. _ Under each (1) English works; (2 ) French; (3 ) German ; (4 ) Italian ; {S ) Other works . 61 AZ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AZ Hist ory — Continued . By period. Prefer CB; D; P; Q. 301 Antiquity. 311 Ancient oriental. 321 Middle ages. 331 Renaissance. 341 Modern. 346 1 6th-l 7th centuries. 351 ISth century. 356 19th century. 361 20th century. 500-908 By country. Prefer DA-DU; P; Q. Under each: I II III IV 10 nos. 5 nos. 3 nos. 1 no. (0) (1) (1).A1-A3 .A1-A2 Collections. (1) (2) .A5-Z3 .A5-Z3 General works. His- tory. (2) Early. Origins. (3) Middle ages. (4) Modern. (6) General special. Rela- tions, etc. (7) (3) .Z5 .Z5 Addresses, essays, lec- tures. Pamphlets. (8) (4) (2) .Z7A-Z States, provinces, etc. Under each: (1) Collections. (2) History. (3) O t li e r : Minor. [9] fo] [3] [.Z8A-Z] Cities, soo DA-DU; E, F. Countries to which 2 nos. are assigned in the schedule upe subdi- visions (1) and (2) of table III; countries with four numbers: (l)-(4) of table II. 501 America. United States— Cont'd, 502 North America. 513 States, A-Z. 503 United States. [514] Cities, A-Z, see F. 504 Colonial period. 515-516 Canada. 505 J9th-20th centuries. 517-518 Mexico. 507 (ieneral special. Rela- 519 Central America. tions, etc. 521-522 British Honduras. 508 Addresses, essays, lec- 523-524 Costa Rica. tures. Pamphlets. 525-526 Guatemala. 509 New England. 527-528 Honduras. 510 South. 529-530 Nicaragua. 511 West. 531-532 Salvador. 62 AZ HISTORY OF THE SCIENCES ]N CEXEKAL AZ 1li5-1l By country — Continued. 533-534 Panama. Europe — Continued. 535 West Indies. 740-749 Spain. Spain and Por- 537-538 Bahamas. tugal. 539-540 Cuba. 750-753 Portugal. 541-542 Haiti. 755-758 Switzerland. 543-544 Jamaica. 760 Turkey. 545-546 Porto Rico. 761 Other Balkan States. 547 Other. 762 Bulgaria. 548-550 South America . Latin 763 Montenegro. America. (Table II, 764 Rumania. subdiv. (l)-(3). 765 Servia. 551-554 Argentine Republic. 766 Others. 556-557 Bolivia. 770 Asia. The Orient. 560-563 Brazil. 771 Southwestern Asia. 565-568 Chile. Levant. Turkey i n 570-571 Colombia. Asia. 572-573 Ecuador. 773 Persia. Guiana. 775 Central Asia. 574-575 British. 777 Southern Asia. India. 576-577 Dutch. Ceylon. 578-579 French. 779 Indo-China. 581-582 Paraguay. 781 French Indo-China. 583-584 Peru. 783 Indonesia. Malaysia. 585-586 Uruguay. 785 Dutch East Indies. 587-588 Venezuela. 787 Philippines. 600-607 Europe. 789 Eastern Asia. 610-617 Great Britain . England. 791 China. 620-623 England — local. 793 Japan. 625-628 Scotland. 795 Northern Asia. Siberia. 630-633 Ireland. Russian Asia. 635-638 Wales. 800-807 Africa. 640-649 Austria. 810-818 Eg>T)t. 650-659 France. 821 Other divisions, A-Z. 660-669 Germany. 850 Australia. 670-673 Greece. 851-854 New South Wales. 680-68!) Italy. 861-864 Queensland. 690-699 Netherlands. Holland. 866-869 South Australia. 700-709 Belgium. Flanders. 871-874 Tasmania. •710 710 Russia .H 876-879 Victoria. 720-727 Scandinavia 881 West Australia. 728 Denmark. 891 New Zealand. 729 Iceland. 901 Pacific Islands. 730 Norway. 908 Special, A-Z. 731 Sweden. (950) Biography, see CT, and the subdivision Bio-jraphy under special classes and subjects in B-Z. (990) Anecdotes of scholars, professors, etc.. sec PX 0260-6268. 6231. S3. Popular errors, delusions and superstitious. 999 t^ ']\A'1\S V.y- o 63 I *i 4 1 ft UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. tt«RC JII.IJ I BfU UWM JUL 51980 f« r C JUL 11 1955 Atvt 7.4 4-9 i,.t MAR 2 rO' ff-Wl DISCHARGI WAR 15 -URt 980 Form L9-50m-7, '54(5990)444 mrd in URL Qr> THE LIBKART ^, V 7~, iihj 3 1 58 00106 14 UC SOUTHERN RFCION^t I IRRARY FAC" 1^ nil il III ill 1 1 iliiill II!! II AA 001 204 273 5