ity,r.Vi^,-B• Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18232 (Haines), anonymous. (The plate of John P. Haines ii'ifhout inscription.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Haining. Srr Pringle. 13233 Hairby, James, m.d. Hundleby Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale crest Chippendale En- graved label Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Pi-inted label Seal Crest Seal Crest Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Franks Collection of Book Plates. Namk, Date, and Engbaver. 13234 Hairstens of Craigs. (This is very similar to the plate in NisheVs Heraldry, hut is slightly larger. Arms. Hairstens quartering Gladstanes.) 13235 Haistwell, Edward, of the ^liddle Temple, Esqr. mdccxviii. 13236 Hake, Engelbeii, 13237 Hake, George. {The plate of Engelhert Hahe with inscrip- tion altered.) 13238 Haldane of Gleneagles. {The plate of the Honhle. John Haldane luith altered inscription.) 13239 Haldane, Alexander. {Arms. Haldane im2)aling Hard- castle. Alexander Haldane married 1822 Emma Corsbie, daughter of Josejih Hardcastle of Hatcham House, CO. Surrey.) 13240 Haldane, The Honble. John, of Gleneagles. {Arms. Haldane quartering Lennox and Menteith.) 1707. *578 Haldane, The Honble. John, of Gleneagles. {Another imjyression of the last jylatc.) 1707. 13241 Haldane, Willm. Haddington 13242 Haldimand, George. {Arms. Haldimand impaling Prinsep.) 13243 Haldimand, Wm 13244 (Hale.) Ivingswaldcn 13245 Hale, Bernard, Esqr. 13246 Hale, C 13247 Hale, George. {Arms. Hale impaling . . . .) 13248 Hale, I 13249 Hale, Mrs. {Arms. Hale imjutling Evcrard) 13250 (Hale), Coll. Reg. Medic. Lond. Legavit Ric. Hale, m.d. .. 13251 Hale, The Revd. Robert 13252 Hale, Robert B. Alderley. {A)-ms. Hale impaling Hol- ford. Robert Blagden Hale married 1832 Anne Jane, daugliter of George Peter Holford of Wcstonhirt, CO. Gloucester ; died 1883.) 13253 Hale, William. {Arms. Hale impaling Everard) .. 13254 Hale, Wm. Jno. {Arms. Hale quartering Gascoyne) 13255 Hale, Wm. Jno. Chudleigh. {The last plate tvith inscrip- tion altered.) 13256 Hale, Wm. Jno. Chudleigh. {The last plate reivorhed) .. 13257 Hales, Sr. Edward, Bart. {The plate of Philip Hales with inscription altered. Sir Edward succeeded as 5th Baronet in 1744 ajid died 1802.) 13258 Hales, John 13259 Hales, The Honble. John, Esqr., Gouvernor, of the Royal Hospital near Chelsea Midlesex. {Governor of Chelsea Hospital 1702-1714.) *237 Hales, The Honble. John, Esqr., Gouvernor of the Royal Hospital near Chelsea, Midlesex. {Another im,pres8ion of the last plate.) 13260 Hales, Revd. John Dixon, A.M. .. 13261 Hales, Mary Barbara 13262 Hales, Mary Barbara. {The last plate printed in red .) Style. Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial supporters Armorial Early Armorial supporters Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Ax'uiorial Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Earlj' Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial lozenge Seal Armorial lozenge B 2 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engkaveu. 13263 13264 13265 13266 13267 13268 13269 13270 13271 13272 13273 13274 13275 13276 13277 13278 13279 13280 13281 132H2 13283 13284 13285 13286 13'2H7 132H8 13'289 i:!200 13291 13292 13293 13294 Hales, ]Mrs. (Arms. Hales impaling Linton ! ivith Sam- ford .' on an escutcheon.) Hales, Philip, Esqr. (Haley), anomiiious Halfhead, Revd. William, m.a. (J. Warwick sc. 145 Strand) Halfhead, William. {Arms. Abbot quarteriiig Bryan, impaling Harris. See the plate of Charles Abbot D.D.) Halford. Sir Henry, Bart. {Created a Baronet 1809 ; K.H. 1.S25 and G.C.H. a few years later ; died 1844.1 Halford, R Halford, T. F (Halford), anonynaous. {Arms. Halford quartering Yates, iinth Cress well on an escutcheon.) (Halford), anonymous. {The first state of the plate of Sir Hcnnj Halford.) (Engraved by R. L. Wright.) Haliburton, David, Esqr. Haliburton, David Esqr. Haliday, Daniel. See Halliday. Haliday, Robert .. Haliday, Robert. {A different plate) . . Haliday, William (Haliday), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks. " P. Ha nir plate and in ink Alexr. Haliday, Belf 1753.") Halifax, Baron. See Montagu. Halifax, Viscount. Sec "Wood. Halifax, Earl of. See Montagu. Halkerston of that Ilk . . A. H. (Halkett) Halkett, Charles Craigie, Esqr. {Arms. Halkett quartering Craigie.) (A. Wilson sc.) Halkett, Sir Peter, Baronet, of Pitfirran. {According to Burke Sir Peter did not succeed to the Baronetcy till imi and died 1839.) 1824. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Halkett, R. C, Esqr ( Halkett ?) anonymous . . Hall [Fra] Hall, Alexander Hall, A. W. Hall, Heriiard. Hall, Charles Hall, riiiirles Hall, Charles Henry Hall, Crosalev {.Arms. Hall impaling Tiflry.) Style. Hall, Edward Hall, Francis, Esqr. 1.329.T Hall, Frederick, m.r.c.s. .. Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Jacobean trophy Armorial Festoon Armorial supporters Crest and cypher in an oval frame Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial lozenge Jacobean bookpile Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Platef^. 5 Name, Date, and Engraver. 13296 Hall, George 13297 Hall, Henry 13298 Hall, Henry 13299 Hall, Hem-v. Watling Street 13300 Hall, Henry F. Leigh House, Datchet 13301 Hall, Hilkiah Bedford. (Arms. Hall, quartering Bed- ford, impaling Feilden /) 13302 Hall, Hilkiah Bedford. {The last plate printed on pink pajier.) 13303 Hall, Hilkiah Bedford. {The last plate printed on yellow paper.) 13304 Hall, James 13305 Hall, James. (These are the arms and crest of Cressy.) .. 13306 13307 13308 13309 13310 13311 13312 13313 13314 13315 Hall, James Hall, James. Greenside Hall, Jasper Hall, Ex Dono Johannis, s.t.p., Coll. Pembr. Magistri et Episcopi Bristoliensis. {Appointed Bishop of Bristol 1691 ; died 1710.) Hall, The Gift of Doctor John, late Lord Bishop of Bristol. (B. Cole, sculp.) (Hall, Bishop of Bristol,) anonymous. (A bookplate ?) Hall, John Hall, John. («' Wyon." Note by Sir A. AV. Franks) Hall, John. (A smaller plate.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Hall, John, M.D. (Arms. Hall impaling Hicks') .. 13316 Hall, John Ashley 13317 Hall, John Charles 13318 Hall, John H 13319 Hall, John Kobert 13320 Hall, Joseph. Margate.. 13321 Hall, Joseph 13322 Hall, Joseph, Esqr. (Arms. Hall impaling Calvert) 13323 HaU, J. Burnham. Counter Hill 13324 HaU, J. W. Cressy. (Harry Soane del.) 13325 Hall, Mr. (Arms. Hall imjmling Cromp)ton. Probably the plate of Edward Hall of Moncton Manor, co. Devon, who married 1773 Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Crompton of Greville House, Paddington, and died 1798.) 13326 Hall, Peter 13327 Hall, Peter. (A different plate) 13328 Hall, The Arms of Phinehas. (Arms. HaU impaling Machie.) 13329 Hall, Richard 13330 Hall, Robert 13331 Hall, Robt 13332 Hall, Robert Gream. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) Style. Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Crest Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Ainuorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Amiorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Crest Printed label Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Annorial. Arms in a garter Crest in a garter Crest Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engravee. 13333 Hall, Revd. Samuel 13334 Hall, Ex Libris Sophia Elizabeth. 1894. (John Williams) 13335 Hall, Spencer 13336 (Hall), Insignia S. W. Halli. Armiger 13337 (Hall), Insignia S. W. Halli Armiger. {The last plate reworlied.) 13338 Hall, Thomas. Saffron Walclen, Essex. {Arms. Hall quartering Oldfield.) (Neele, sculpt.) 13339 Hall, Thos., Esqr 13340 13341 13342 13343 13344 18345 13346 13347 13348 13349 13350 13351 13352 13353 13354 13355 13356 13357 13358 13359 13360 13361 13362 13.%3 13364 13365 13366 18367 1336H Hall, Thomas Henry Hall, W., Esqr. Bevere, Worcestershire. impaling Rcid.) Hall, AValter Hall, Williana {Arms. Hall Hall, Willm., Esqr. Hall, Willm., Esqr. {Arms. Hall quartering Gurdon ?) .. Hall, William, m.d., &c. &c. &c. Cotton.) Hall, William James {Arms. Hall impaling Hall, William James Hall, Wm. John Hall, Wm. John. {The last plate with an outer frame) Hall, W. J Hall, William T (Hall), anonymous [Hall, John] , anonymous. {The last plate with name in MS.] [Hall, John Hancock] , anonymous. {Arms. Hall with . . . 071 an escutcheo7i.) (Hall, Joseph Mayer), anonj-mous. (Doddrell, sculp.) (Hall, Joseph Mayer), anonymous. {Tlie last i^late reivorhed and j>>'inted in blue.) (Doddrell, sculp.) (Hall, Joseph Mayer), anonymous. {A reprint of the last plate.) (Doddrell, sculp.) [Hall, Robert] , anonymous THall, Thos.] , anonymous (Hall), anonymous or mutilated (Hall), anon;>'mous. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Hall), anonymous. {The Arms and Crest of Cressy, but ire the. plate of James Hall.) (Hall), anonymous. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. I'Vanks.) Hallam, llov. .1. {A bookplate ?) Hallaran, Wm. .. Hallaws, Jas. {Srr also Hallows) Hnllet, Jiinies ]\s(|r. Essex Style. Armorial Pictorial Printed label Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon crest Festoon Armorial Chippendale Pic- torial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Nasie, Date, and Engraveb. 13390 13391 13392 13393 13394 13395 13396 13397 13398 13399 13400 13401 13369 Hallett, E. K. Hughes, r.n 13370 Hallett, James 13371 Hallett, John 13372 J. H. (Hallett) 13373 Hallett, WiUm., Esqr., of Canons 13374 Hallett, William. (Pasted over Willm. Hallett of Canons) 13375 Hallewell, Joseph. Longfield House. {Arms. Hallewell impaling Tetley.) 18376 Haliday, Daniel. {The plate of William Haliday with inscription altered.) 13377 Halliday, Daniel, m.d. {The last plate loith inscription altered.) 13378 Halliday, Daniel, m.d., m.r.i.a. {The last plate ivith in- scription again altered.) 13379 Halliday, Francis Delap 13380 HalUday, Francis E 13381 Halliday, John Delap, Esqr. {Arms. Halliday impaling ToUemache, the tinctures of the Tollemache coat being reversed. John Delap Halliday married 1771 Jane, daughter of the Srd Earl of Dysart.) 13382 Halliday, Thomas 13383 Haliday, WUliam 13384 Halliday, W. Halliday .. 13385 Hallifax, John. {Arms. Hallifax impaling Smythe) 13386 Hallifax, John, Esqr. Kenilworth. {The last plate re- worhed.) 13387 Hallifax, Thomas, Esqr. {Arms. Halifax quartering Savile.) 13388 (Halliley), anonymous .. 13389 Halliwell, Samuel. Newcastle Halloran, Laurence Hynes. (Ezekiel, sculp.) Hallows, James . . Hallows. See also Hallaws. Hallward, N. W. {Arms. Hallward impaling Leslie.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Halse, Isaac Halsey, Elizh. Halstead Place Library . . Halsted Halsted. (The last plate reworked) .. Halsted. Rowley. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, bp. Cony's Lancashire. Vol. I. 1825.") Halsted, Captain, r.n. .. Halsted, Capt. G. A. Royal Navy Halsted, L. Style. " Not a 13402 (Halsted), anonjTuous Crests Armorial Armorial Crest and cypher Chippendale Ainnorial Printed label Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'iuorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Pic- torial AiTuorial Chippendale Pic- torial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Carolian shield pendant from a ribbon within two branches in orle Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Engraved label Printed label Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Festoon Armorial 8 Fi'anl-s Colhciinu of Book Phttes. Name, Date, and Engraver. 13403 (Halsted?), anonymous. {Aniis. Halsted imjialing 13404 13405 13405a 13406 13407 13408 13409 13410 13411 13412 13413 13414 13415 13416 13417 *551 Halton. See Rothschild. Hambly, AVilliam Hambro, Baron .. E. F. H. (Hambro) Hamel, Alh-erl J. . . Hamel, 3Iary Annette. {"■From the Ex LibHs Jl." Note on back.) (F. L. (Lister).) (Hamelyn ?), anonymous Ham Covirt. See Martin. Hamer, Henry, Esqr. Hamerton, Edwd. Hamerton, Jaines Hamerton, James. Trin. Coll. Camb. fptarferinfj Chiseiiliale.) Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. (" Wyon." Franks.) Hamerton, llobt. Tisdall Hamill, Hugh, Junr. {Anns. Hamerton Note by Sir A. W. (Douglas-Hamilton), His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. (Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton), anonjnnous (Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton), anonymous. [Another impreHsion of the last plate.) 13418 (Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon), anonvnious. 13419 (Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon), anonymous. [This may he a dedication plate.) (Hiller sculp.) 13420 (Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon), anonymous. (Tliis rnust he the p)l(it<^ o/ the 10th DuJic of Hamilton, joho succeeded 1819 and died lH.-,2.) 13421 (Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon), anonymous. {A smaller plate.) 13422 (Douglas-Hamilton, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon), anonymous. (^4 smaller plate.) 13423 (Hamilton.) S. E. H. B. and C. {Susan Euphemia, dtnujlitrr and co-heir of Win. Bedford, married 1810 Alexander, Duke of Hamilton, Brandon, and Chatel- hrrault.) 13424 Hamilton, The Ri<,'ht Honble. .Tames, Earl of Abercorn in thf FuMgdoni of Great Britaine and Viscount of Strabane in the Kingdom of Ireland. 1707. •478 Hamilton. The l{i<,'ht Honble. James, Earl of Abercorn in the Kingdom of Great Britaine and Viscount of Strabane in the Kingdom of Ireland. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1707. Style. Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial lozenge Wreath and ribbon Annorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Amiorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial shield coronet and supporters on a mantle Early Armorial Early Annorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial trophy Armorial shield in a garter on a mantle Armorial shield in a garter on a mantle Armorial shield in a garter on a mantle Cypher and coronet Early Armorial Early Armorial Franks Collection of Book Phifes. 9 Name, Date, and Engbavek. *565 Hamilton, The Right Honble. James, Earl of Abercorn in the Kingdom of Great Britainc and Viscount of Strabane in the Kingdom of Ireland. (The first state of the last 2)1(1 ft- ivitli a different crest.) 1707. 13425 (Hamilton. Viscount Hamilton), anonymous. {A dedica- tion plate ? James, Viscount Hamilton, elder son of John James, 1st Marquess of Abercorn, horn 1786, died vita patris 1814.) (C. Catton, k.a., del. F. Chesham sculp.) 13426 (Hamilton), Anne Jane Abercorn. {Anne Jane, daughter of Arthur, 2nd Earl of Arran, married 1st Henry Hatton, and 2ndly,in 1800, as his Srd wife, John James, 1st Marquess of Abercorn. He died 1818; sJie died 1827.) 13427 Hamilton, Castle Howard 13428 (Hamilton), The Right Honble. Thomas, Earl of Hadinton. {Probably the plate of the 6t]t Earl, who succeeded 1685 and died 1735. Arms. Hamilton quartering Melrose.) 13429 (Hamilton, Earl of Hadinton), anonymous. {A pen and ink copy of the last plate.) *563 (Hamilton), The Right Honble. Thomas, Earl of Hadinton. (Anotlier impression of the last pilate.) 13430 (Hamilton, Viscount Limerick), anonymous. {James Hamilton, created Viscount Limerick 1719 and Earl of Clanbrassil 1756.) 13431 (Hamilton, Earl of Clanbrassil), anonymous. {The last plate reworked.) 13432 (Hamilton), Kirkwall. {Viscount Kirkwall by courtesy on the death of his father in 1820 and Earl of Orkney on the death of his graiidmother in 1831.) 13433 (Hamilton), The Right Honorable John Lord Belheaven. {Probably the plate of the 3rd Baron, who succeeded 1708 and died 1721.) *552 (Hamilton), Tlie Right Honorable John, Lord Belheaven. (Anotlier imp>ression of the last jdate.) 13434 (Hamilton), Lord Belhaven and Stenton 1647, Lord Hamilton of Wishaw 1831. {Robert Montgomery, 6tJi Baron Belhaven and Stenton, succeeded 1814; created Baron Hamilton of Wishaw 1831; died 1868.) 13435 (Hamilton, Baron Belhaven), anonymous. {Not a bookplate) 13436 H. (Hamilton) " 13437 Hamilton 13438 Hamilton of Gilkerscleugh 13439 Hamilton of Gilkerscleugh 13440 Hamilton, Alexr., Esqr. 13441 Hamilton, Alexander, of Inverdovat .. 13442 Hamilton, Alexander, of Inverdovat. (.4 different plate ; j)rinfed in red.) 13443 Hamilton, Anthony. {Arms. Hamilton impaling Far- quhar. Probably tlie plate of the Bevd. Anthony Hamilton, Prebendary of Lichfield, who married Charity Greeme. daughter of Sir Walter Farquhar, 1st Baronet.) Style. Early Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Pictorial crest and coronet Earlv Annorial Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ainnorial Crest surmounted by the coronet of a viscount Early Ai'uiorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial crest Festoon crest Jacobean Armorial Ai'morial Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial 10 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. *548 Hamilton, INIi-. Archibald, of Dalserfe, Advocat 13444 Hamilton, Archibald, of Dalserfe, Esqr. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 13445 Hamilton, Archibald 13446 Hamilton, Archibald 13447 Hamilton, Archibald, M.D. 13448 Hamilton, Revd. Archibald Robert 13449 Hamilton, Charles 13450 Hamilton, The Honble Charles, Esqr. 13451 Hamilton, The Honble. Charles, Esqr. (S. G. (Gribelin)) . . 13452 Hamilton, Charles. (Arms. Hamilton imjialing Clarke.) (W. Moore sculp.) 13453 Hamilton, Charles, of Hamwood 13454 Hamilton, Major Charles, of Fairholm Style. 13455 13456 13457 13458 13459 13460 13461 13462 13463 13464 Hamilton, Edward, M.n. Hamilton, Edwd. M. .. Hamilton, Francis. [Arins. Hamilton, impaling O'Reilly.) Hamilton, F. H. {Arms. Hamilton impaling Croshie. Francis Henry Hamilton, '6rd son of Sir Robert North Collie Hamilton 6th Bart., married 1867 Maria Theresa daughter of Charles Croshie of Northlands co. Sussex, and widow of Major Rose.) (" Wvon " note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Hamilton, Fred. Cary, Esqr. {Arms. Hamilton, quartering Cary, imjjaling Gore. Frederick Cary Hamilton, son of Henry Cary of Dungivcn, married Elizabeth daughter of Sir Ralph Gore, ith Bart.) F. S.'h. (Hamilton) Hamilton, The Honble. George {Srd soil of the Itli Earl of Ahi rrorn ; Canon of Windsor ; died 1787.) Hamilton, G. B. .. Hamilton, Gustavus Hamilton, Hans, M.P. .. 13465 Hamilton, Revd. Haus .. 18466 Hamilton, [Harry] Rice 13467 Hamilton, Henry 13468 Hamilton, Henry Parr, f'.r.s.. Dean of Salisbury {born 1794; appointed Dran of Salisbury 1850; r/jc/ 1880.) 13469 Hamilton, Sir Hew Dalryniple, of North Berwick and liargany, Bart. (I'rolxtbly the plate of the Ath Baronet udio succeeded 1800 and died 1834. 13470 lla.m\\toTV,\[\\\. (printed on yellow paper) 13471 Hamilton, IsubfUa 13472 Hamilton, J 13473 Hamilton, James 13474 Hamilton, James Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Armorial spade shield in a wreath Chippendale Armorial Seal crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest and cypher Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Annorial spade shield Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Vesica Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Crest in a garter Crest Armorial Franks Collection of Hook Plates. 11 Name, Date, and Engraver. 13475 13476 13477 13478 13479 13480 13481 13482 13483 *549 *550 13484 13485 13486 13487 13488 13489 13490 13491 13492 13493 13494 13495 13496 13497 13498 13499 13500 13501 13502 13503 13504 13505 Hamilton, James, M.D. .. Hamilton, James, Esqr., of Bangowr. Hamilton, James, Esqr. of Bangom- (a modern copy of the last ■plate). Hamilton, Capt. James, of Broomhill, {Anns. Hamilton, qitarterituj Birnie, with Hamilton on an escutcheon.) Hamilton, Sir James, Belfast . . Hamilton, James Archcl. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Li/oiis Book.'' Arms. Hamilton impaling Bunhury.) Hamilton, J. G. C. {James Glencairn Carter Hamilton, created Baron Hamilton of Dalzell, 1886. Hamilton, J. G. C. {Arms. Hamilton in^paliyig Leslie Melville. John Glencairn Carter Hamilton of Dalzell, married 1864 Emily Eleanor daughter of David Earl of Leven and Melville.) Hamiltonus, Johannes, in Cantij Comitatfi Armiger. {Pro- bably the plate of John Hamilton of Chilston, co, Kent, son of the Honble. William Hamilton by his wife Margaret daughter of Sir Thomas Colepeper.) Hamilton, John .. Hamilton, John, of Barncluith Hamilton, John .. Hamilton, John Genl. Sir John, died 1835.) Baronet. {Created a Hamilton, Lieut. Baronet 1814 ; Hamilton, John . Hamilton, John .. Hamilton, John Leveson. {Arms. Hamilton impaling Woodward I) Hamilton, John William Hamilton, Newburgh Hamilton, Newbm-g Hamilton, Newburgh Hamilton, N. E. S. A. .. Hamilton, R., Esqr. Advocate. (I. Beugo. sculp.) .. Hamilton, Rph., Olivestob. {Arms. Hamilton with Greene on an escutcheon.) Hamilton, Rebecca, London. Arms. Hamilton imiJaling Atford /) Hamilton, Robt., of Wishaw Esqr. .. S. H. (Hamilton) Hamilton, The Arms of Thomas Bramston .. Hamilton, T. N. .. W. H. (Hamilton) Hamilton, AValter Hamilton, Walter, f.r.g.s. {Adapted from a plate called •' William Hogarth.'') 1872. Hamilton, Walter Kerr, d.d., Bishop of Salisbury. {Ap- poittted Bishop of Salisbury ISHi; died 1869.) 1854. Style. Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial supporters Armorial suppoi-ters Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Aa-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Eai-ly Jacobean Armorial Crest Pictorial crest Armorial spade shield Crest in a radiated oval Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Crest and cypher in a wreath Seal Armorial Crest Crest and cypher Crest in a garter Cypher in a Jacobean frame Vesica Armorial 12 Franka Collectiovi, of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 13506 Hamilton, William l;}')07 Hamilton, William. (Swan sc.) *545 Hamilton, Mr. William, of Wishaw 13508 Hamilton, Mr. William. (The last plate ivith altered inscrijjtion.) 13509 Hamilton, William John 13510 Hamilton, W. Digby .. 13511 (Hamilton, Baronet), anonymous. {The plate of Lieut, Gcnl. Sir John Hamilton, Baronet, without inscription.) 13512 [Hamilton, Mary], anonymous. {Arms. Hamilton im- paling Hayes. Mary daughter of Sir Samuel Hayes of Drumboe Castle co. Donegal, 1st Baronet married the Revd. Andrew Hamilton.) 13513 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Arms. Hamilton qtiartering Douglas, Gerard and Spencer.) (Austin, sculp.) 13514 (Hamilton), anonymous). {Arms. Hamilton quartering Douglas and Dunbar.) 13515 (Hamilton), anonymous. (Arins. Hamilton quartering Kelsn. Probably the plate of Alexander Hamilton Kilso, luho assumed the name and arms of Hamilton in 1809.) 13516 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Arms. Hamilton quartering Douglas, impaling . . . .) 13517 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, '' Dyons Book.") 13518 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Note Inj Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.") 13519 (Hamilton), anonymous. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.") 13520 (Hamilton), anonymous 13521 (Hamilton), anonymous 13522 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W, Franks, " Lyons Book.") 13523 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Noir by Sir A. W. Franks '• ! Sir Wm. Hamiltou.") 13.524 (Hamilton), anonymous .. 13525 (Hamilton), :irionymous. {Printed in blue. Note by Sir A. ir. l<'r(ntks, ^' Lyons Book.") 13.526 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Printed in red. Note by Sir A. ir. Franks, ''Lyons Book.") 13527 (Hamilton), anonymous. (Arms. Hamilton impaling Abrrcromby /) 13528 (Hamilton), anonymous 18529 (Hamilton), anonymous. {Arms. Hamilton quartering Mel- riisr, Ijiiilir, and Baillir. Probably tlic plate of Sir George Hamilton, K.C.H,, P'.nvoy Plxtraordinary and Minister ple-.iipotentiary at Florence ; hor?i 1198 ; died 18G0.) Style. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Early Armorial arms on an oval shield Early Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Chippendale Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial supporters Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge ? Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial arms within the rib- bon of the Order of the Bath, with supporters Chippendale crest Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Franks CoUerfion of Book Plates. Jo Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 13530 (Hamilton), anonymous. Johnstone.) (" Wyon." 13531 (Hamilton), anonymous . . 13535 13536 13537 13538 13539 13540 13541 13542 13543 13544 *227 13545 13546 13547 (Arms. Hamilton impaling Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 13532 (Hamilton), anon jTnous . . 13533 Hamilton Palace Library, Beckford Collection 13534 Hamley, Giles . . Hamley, Osbertus John. (Printed on silk.) .. Hamlin, Francis, of Lindfield, in Sussex, Esqr. (Arms. Hanilyji impaling Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Bar- (Hamlyn), anonymous. roiv /) (" Baker." Hammersley, Charles. {Arms. Hammersley impaling Thomson. Charles Hammersley of G-reat Cumberland Place, London, married Emily, daughter of John Thomson of Boehampton, who assumed in 1814 the Surnames and Arms of Buncombe and Poulett.) Hammersley, Charles. (A different plate.) .. Hammersley, George Hammersley, Thomas. (Arms. Hammersley impaling G^reenwood.) Hammond Hammond, A., Esqr. Hammond, Anthony, Huntingdon, Esqr. Hammond, Anthony, Hmitingdon, Esqr. plate.) 1700. Hammond, Anthony Hammond, Edmund Hammond, Francis (Arms. Hammond quartering of Somersham, in the County of 1700. of Somersham, in the County of (Another impression of the last 13548 Hammond, Francis. Forde /) 13549 Hammond, Fras. Thos., Esqr. . . 13550 Hammond, Lieutenant Colonel Fr. Thomas, St. James Square. 13551 Hammond, Colonel. (The last plate reworked) 13552 Hammond, George 13553 Hammond, James 13554 Hammond, James John. (Arms, Hammond impaling . . .) 13555 Hammond, The Revd, John 13556 Hammond, J. L. . . 13557 Hammond, Richard 13558 Hammond, Sir Thos., Knt., Plmnton. (The plate of Colonel Hammond reworked, K. C. H. 1819.) 13559 Hammond, T. D., Hull. (Printed on yellow paper.) 1828. J. Greenwood. 13560 Hammond, William 13561 Hamm.ond, William 13562 Hammond, Wilhn., Esqr.. of East Kent 13563 Hammond, Revd. William. [Ashdon Hall.j Style. Armorial Chippendale ' Armorial Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale Annorial Ai-morial Jacobean Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Festoon Annorial Armorial Pictorial IBookpile Armorial Festoon Annorial Chippendale Annorial Annorial shield in a garter 14 Franks Collect/ 071 of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 13564 13565 13566 13567 13568 13571 13572 13573 13574 13575 Hammond, William A. .. (Hammond), anonymous. (Copied from the plate of Anthony Hamilton.) (John Senex sculpt.) (Hammond, G. C. H.), anon^THOus. {General Sir Francis Thomas Hammond of Plumpton, co. Suffolk, G. C. H., 1827. Lieutenant Governor of Edinburgh Castle.) Hamnell.Edw. 1793 Hamond, James .. 13569 Hamond, Philip, Esqr. (Arms. Hamond, quartering Case, with Hoare, quartering Giirney, on an escutcheon. Philip Hamond of Loivestoft, co. Suffolk, married 1866, Louisa Gurney, dmighter and. coheir of Samuel Hoa re. ) 13570 Hamond, William, Esqr., of Carshalton, Surry Hamond, William Parker. [Arms. Hamond impaling Mating. W. P. Hamond of Haling House and Pampis- ford Hall, co. Cambridge, m,arried 1824, Margaret, datighter of John Maling of the Grange, co. Durham, and ividoio of Robert Nicliolson of Bradley.) (Hamond), anonymous. {The pilate of Philip Hamond ivithout inscription.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Hampden,!. Hampden, Insignia Armor. Johis. .li-m. (Hampden ?) anonymous 13576 Hamper, Willm. 13577 Hampson . . 13578 R. H. (Hampson) 1887 13579 Hampton, Edward C. {Pasted into a " Book of Common 13579t Hampton, Margaret. Prai/rr.") 1721. Hampworth Lodge. See Morison. 13580 Hanbury, Alfred 13581 Hanbury, liarnard. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 13582 Hanbury, C. A. {Printed on blue paper) 13583 Hanbury, Charles 18584 13585 13586 •183 •436 13587 13588 13589 Hanbury, George. Kelmarsh .. Hanbury, John .. Hanbury, John, of Pontpoole, in the Coimtv of Monmouth, Es(ir. 1704. Hanbury, John, of Pontpoole, in the County of Monmouth, Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1704. Hanbury, John, of Pontpoole, in the County of Monmouth, Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1704. Hanbury, Mrs. Osgood .. Hanbury, Robert. {Arms. Hanbury impaling Smith. Robert Hanbury married 1849 Caroline, daughter nf Ahrl Smith of Wondhall Park, co. Hertford.) Hanbury, Robert. {A smaller plate) Style. Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Amiorial Chippendale Aiinorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and rib bon. label Armorial Pictorial Armorial spade shield Stamped leather label Engraved Armorial Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Earl}- Armorial Early Armorial Engi-aved label Armorial Armorial Franks ColJection of Booh Plates. 15 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. Hanbury, Robert, Jum-., Esqr. Hanbury, William, Esqr.. of Kelmarsh in Northampton- shire. {Arms. Hanbury quartering Waller and Clarke.) 13592 Banbury, William, Esqr., of Kelmarsh, in Northampton- shire. (The last ])late until inscription reivorJced.) 13593 Hanbury, William, Esqr., of Kelmarsh, in Northampton- shire. {TJie last plate reworJied. Arms. Hanbury ivitli Western on an escutcheon. Wm. Hanbury viarried Sarah, daughter of William Western.) 13594 (Hanbury), anonj'mous. {Ai-ms. Hanbury quartering Harling and Edwards quarterly.) 13595 Hanchett, John 13596 Hancock, E. Kuntsford. 1809 13597 Hancock, Elizabeth 13598 Hancock, Thos., M.D. 13599 Hancock, T. S. (Arms. Hancock impaling Austen) 13600 Hancock, Gulielmus. Ex. Hosp. Lincoln. .. 13601 13602 13603 13604 13605 13606 13607 13608 13609 13610 13611 13612 13613 13614 13615 13616 13617 13618 13619 13620 (Hancock), mutilated or anonjTiious .. Hancocke, Morer. (Cole so.) .. Hancocke, Peter, Esqr., of Twining in Com. Gloc. .. Hand, Newton Dickinson. (Arms. Hand quartering Dickinson.) Hand, Thom. de Medio Templo Londini gener. Handcock. (The Christian name is stopped out) .. (The last plate with inscription Joseph, Knt. (Sir Joseph Probably not a book- Handcock, Robt. Handcock, Robert, d.d. altered.) (Handcorne), anonymous Handisyde, Thos. Handyside. (Lizars sculp.) Hankey, The Arms, of Sr Hankey born 1696 died 1769, plate.) Hankey, Robt., Esqr. (Arms. Hankey impaling Penton. Robert Hankey, 2nd, son of Sir Thomas Hankey, Knt., married Miss Penton.) Hankey, Thomas Hankey, Thomson Hanley, Revd. J. .. Hanmer, John. (Arms. Hanmer impaling Chetwynd. Sir John Hanmer, 3rd Baronet, created Baron Hanmer 1872, married 1833 Gcorgiana, daughter of Sir George Chetwijnd, Bart.) 1834. Hanmer, The Revd. J. (Arms. Hanmer impaling Which- cote. The Rev. John Hayimer married 1816 Catherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Whichcote, 5th Bart.) (W. Hughes sc.) Hanmer, Job Walden Hanmer, Job Walden, a.m. (The last plate xvith inscription altered.) Crest Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armoi'ial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Armorial Printed label Engraved label Crest Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Aniiorial Early Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Amiorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Ifi Franks CoUection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 13621 Haniner, Latham. Liverpool .. 13622 *124 13623 *130 13624 13625 13626 13632 13633 13634 1363.': Haniner, Sr. Thomas, of Hanmer, m Com. Flint, Baronet. (Arms. Hanmer with Bennet on an escutcheon. Sir Thomas Hanmer, M.P., Ath Baronet, married 1698 Isabella cortntess of Arlington, daughter and heir of Henry, Earl of Arlington, and widow of Henry 1st Dul-e of Grafton.) 1707. Hanmer, Sr. Thomas, of Hanmer in Com. Flint, Baronet. (Another impression of the last j^late.) 1707. Hanmer, Sr. Thomas, of Hanmer, in Com. Flint, Baronet. (A smaller plate withorit all the Hanmer quarterings.) 1707. Hanmer, Sr. Thomas, of Hanmer in Com. Flint, Baronet. (Another impiression of the last plate.) 1707. Hanmer, Col. William. (The smaller plate of Sr. Thomas Hanmer reivorhed.) 1739. [Hanmer, C. J., Shrewsbury] , anonymous. (E. Lewis, Salop) Hanna, Rhoda 13627 Hannah, John 13628 Hannam, E. P. 13629 Hannam, William 13630 Hannay, Sir Samuel, Bart. (Samuel Hannay of KirJcdale served heir in 1783 to Sir Bobert Hannay of Mochrum, Bart.) 13631 Hannay, Sir Saml. of Mochrum, Bart. (Hannay), anonymous. (Arms. Hannay quartering Rainsford.) (» Wyon." Note by Su- A. W. Franks.) Hannen, Sir James. (Pugh Bros. London) . . Hanning, James, Esqr., j.p. (Arms. Hanning impaling Skrine. James Hanning of Kilcrone, co. Cork, married Frances Catherine, daughter of Henry Skrine of War- leigh.) (Pugh Bros. Lincoln's Inn.) Hannyngton, George. (Printed on blue paper) Style. 13636 Hansard, Thomas Curson. (Lee sc.) .. 13637 (Hansard ?), anonymous 13638 Hansen, Ex Bibliotheca Geo. Lud., M.n. 13639 (Hanson ?), Rastrick 13640 Hanson, Alfred. (Arms. Hill yard and Mcrvyn ?) 13641 Hanson, Benjamin 1.3642 Hanson, Jolin Hanson quartering Bastrick, 13643 Hanson, John Oliver. (Anns. Hanson impaling Scott. John Oliver Hanson, son of John Hanson of Osmond- tliorpe, CO. York, married 1819 Bebccca, daughter of William Scott.) 13644 Hanson, Mary. St. Ednumd's Bury, Suffolk. (.1 repro- duction.) 1773. Engraved label. Name in a modern Chip- pendale frame. Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial suppoi'tei-s Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Oval seal Armorial Armorial Pictorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade sliield Armorial spade shield Printed label Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. 17 Name, Date, and Engraver. 13645 13646 13647 13648 13640 13650 13651 13652 13653 13654 13655 *296 13656 *263 *356 l;]657 13658 13659 (Terry sculp.) {The last 2}^(tt(^ reworked) {The last ^;?rt/e again reworked.) Hanson, Richard. Hanson, Samuel . Hanson, Samuel. Hanson, Samuel. (T. :\ronnf:; sc.) Hanson, William. {Ar7)is. Hanson impaling Keene. WiUiam Hanson of Osniondthorpe married 1755 the dnugJifrr of Thomas Keene of Bristol.) (Hanson), anonymous .. Hapgood, :\relvin H. Hartford, Conn., U.S.A. 1887 Harberton, Viscoimt. See Pomeroy. (Harbord), Edward, Lord Suffield. (Arms. Harhord quartering Morden, with Vernon on an escntcheon. The Honhle. Edward Harhord, luho succeeded 1821 as 3rd Baron Siiffirld, married 1809 as his 1st ivife Georgiana, daughter and heir of George, 2nd Baron Vernon ; died 1835.) Harbord, Edward Harbord, H., Esq. Christ's College. (Stephens fee.) 1752 Harbord, .Tolin. {Arms. Harbord imjmling Hamond. The Honhle. and Rrvd. John Harhord married 1857 Caroline Penelope, daughter of Anthony Hammond of Westacre, co. Norfolk.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Harborough, Earl of. See Sherard. Harborough, Dr. John, m.d., late of Emmanuel College in Cambridge, now of the City of London. Harborough, Dr. John, m.d., late of Emmanuel College in Cambridge, now of the City of London. {A smaller 2)lafe.) Harborough, Dr. John, m.d., late of Emmanuel College in Cambridge, now of the City of London, {Another 7)n2>ressio7i of the last plate.) Harborough, Dr. John, m.d., late of Emmanuel College in Cambridge, now of the City of London. (Another imj^rtssion of the last plate.) Harby, Wm., M.A. Harcourt, George Simon, Viscount Nuncham. (Succeeded 1777 as 2nd Earl Harcourt.) (Franker, sculpt.) Harcourt, George Simon, Earl. {Died 1809) 13660 Harcourt, George Simon, Earl of 13661 Harcourt, William, Earl of. (The plate of George Simon, Earl of Harcourt, with inscription altered. Succeeded 1809 as 3rd Earl; died 1830.) 13662 Harcourt, Field Marshall William, Earl, g.c.b. 13663 (Harcourt, Viscountess), anonymous. {A dedication lilate. Arms. Harcourt with Le Baas, quartering Moyer, on an escutcheon. Behecca, daughter and heir of Charles Le Baas, married 1735 Simon, 2nd Viscount Harcourt, created Earl Harcourt 1749.) (Davois sculp.) 13664 Harcourt, Clai-cncc. (Arms. Harcourt quartering Hali- day, impaling Sandby.) VOL. II. Style. Engraved label Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Chippendale en- graved label Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial oval shield on a mantle Armorial oval shield on a mantle Armorial shield on a mantle Jacobean Armorial Armorial 18 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. 1366.5 Harcotirt, Egex-ton V. .. 13666 Harcourt, George William Richard . . 13667 H. F. V. H. (Harcourt) 13668 Harcotirt, E. Libri Jacob!, s.T. p. 17 — 13669 Harcourt, E, Libris Jacobi, s.t.p. {The last plate re- ivorked /) 17—. 13670 Harcourt, John 13671 Harcovirt, Lewis Vernon. I\Iaria Theresa Lewis Nepoti dilectissimo in Memoriam legavit. (Soane ? Signatui'e cut off.) 13672 Harcourt, Philip. (Arms. Quarterly of 9. 1. Harcourt; 2. Camville ; 3. Nod ; 4. BcTie ; 5. St. Clerc ; 6. Sta^de- ton ; 7. Barcntinc ; 8. Lee ; 9. Astleij.) 13673 Harcourt, Sr. Simon, of Stanton-Harcourt in ye County of Oxon, Knight, Her Majesty's SoHcitor General. 1702. *299 Harcourt, Sr. Simon, of Stanton-Harcourt m ye County of Oxon, Knight, Her Majestj^'s Solicitor General. (Ajiothcr impression of the last plate.) 1702. 13674 W. V. H. (Harcourt) 1.3675 13676 (Harcourt), anon3-nious. (Arms. Harcourt impialing Holroyd. Edward Williajn Harcourt married 1849 Susan Harriet, daughter of George, 2nd Earl of Shrfficld.) (Harcourt), anonymous.. 1.3677 Hardcastle, I 13678 Hardcastle, John 13679 Hardcastle, Josepli 13680 Hardern. (Arms. Hardcrn, or Ardcn, quartering Thorni- er oft and Bullock !■) 1.3681 Hardie, James, Writer .. 13682 (Hardie), anonymous, or mutilated 13683 Harding. (Mussctt, London) 13684 Harding, Charles. {Arms. Harding impaling Sutton !) .. 13680 Harding, Edward 13686 Harding, J. J 13687 Harding, Thomas. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, ''Lyons Bonk.") 13688 Harding, Thomas Wrey 13689 Harding, William Daniel. (Pugh Bros. Lincolns Inn. •■ Baker " Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 1.3690 Harding, William Septimus 1.3691 Hardinge, General Viscount, South Park. 18.53 .. 13692 Hardinge, C. and J 13693 Hardinge, George, of the Mid. Temple, Esqr. 1.3694 Hardinge. Nicholas, Esqr. 13695 Hardinge, Nicholas, Esqr. (a smaller plate) .. Style. Crest Armorial Crest Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Annorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Crest and cj-pher in a gai Armorial Armorial shield and crests in a garter Armorial spade shield Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale crest Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wrcatli and rib- bon Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Chip))endalc Armorial Chipi)cndale Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 19 Name, Date, and Ekgbaveb. 13696 Hardingham, George Gatton 13697 Hardman, Edward 13698 Hardman, Henry 13699 Hardman, William 13700 Hardwick, Philip Hard wicke. Baron, and Earl of. se ! on an escutcheon.) 13751 Hare, Sir Thomas, liaronet, of Stow Hall, in Norfolk. (Arms. Hare impaling Newhy. Thomas Hare, who succeeded 1732 as 4th Baronet, married liosamond, daughter «f Charles Newhy of Hootov, co. Yorli.) 17:54. 13752 Hare, Sir Thomas, Bart. 13753 |Hare, Tho.], anonymous Style. Badge ? Crest in an oval frame Crest in an oval fi'ame Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Early Armorial Earlj' Armorial Arimnial Cliippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial arms in a garter Armorial Printed label Jacobean Armorial .\rmorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Jacobcati Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 21 Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 13754 (Hare), anonymous or mutilated. {This seems to be the first state of the last jylate.) 13755 (Hare), anonymous. (^4 reversed impression. Probably not a bookplate. Arms. Hare impaling Bcllingham I) Hareston liibrary. See Wood. Harewood, Baron and Earl of. See Lascelles. 13756 Harford, Abraham Gray. (Burnell sc.) 13757 Harford, Abraham Gray. {The last plate reworhed.) Bui-nell sc. 13758 Harford, Charles Gray. (Burnell sc.) 13759 Harford, Charles Joseph. (S. llawle sc.) 13760 Harford, Charles Joseph, F.A.s. 13761 Harford, Edward 13762 Harford, Edward, Jun. 1741 13763 Harford, E Bibliotheca Henrici, .\.D. 1779 13764 Harford, Henry 13765 Harford, Henry, Esqr. .. 13766 Harford, Jno. Scandrett. (J. D. s.) 13767 13768 13769 13770 13771 13772 13773 13774 13775 13776 13777 13778 13779 13780 13781 13782 13783 Harford, Joseph. {Tliis seems to be altered from a plate of " Charles Harford.") Harford, S. LI., Frenchay Harford, William Henry Hargrave, Francis. {A7-7ns. taine.) Hargraves, Jolm . . Hargreaves, John. an escutcheon. Hargrave imj^aling Fon- {Arms. Hargreaves with Ormerod on Col. John Hargreaves marned Char- lotte Anne, daughter and lieir of Laivrence Ormerod of Ormerod, co. Lancaster.) Hargrove, Alfred E. Hargrove, Alfred E. {The last plate reiuorlicd) Harington, Edward C, Clerk .. Harington, Gostlet, of Marshfeild, in the Coun. of Glocester, Cent. [Arms. Haringtoii qnarteri)ig Gostlet.) 1706. Harington, Gostlet, of Marshfeild, in the Coun. of Glocester, Gent. (^-1 modern rcprodurtinn of tJir last plate.) 1706. Harington, The Herd. Henry Duke Harington, Sr. James, Bart. {The QtJi Baronet, who suc- ceeded Ji is great uncle Sir Edward, and died 1782.) 1741. Harington, The lievd. John, of Corston. {Arms. Haring- ton impaling Bushcll .') Harington, Anna liicardi, et Cecilie uxoris ejus. {Arms. Hiningto7i impali)ig Smith. The Bcvd. Bichard Harington, D.D., married 1833, Cecilia, daughter of the Bevd. Samuel Smith, D.D., Dean of Ch. Ch., Oxford ; died 1853.) Harington, llichd. {The plate of Sr. James Harington reicorked.) Harington, Arma Roberti, et Carolette uxoris ejus. {Arms. Harington quartering Mutton, Colepepper and Doijleij, ivith Stuart on an escutcheon. Bobert Harington married 1830, Charlotte, daughter of Andrew Stuart of Torrance, co. Lanark ; died 1864.) Style. Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial .Jacobean Armorial Engraved label Armorial Crest Pictorial Armorial Urn .Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial I:^arly Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial 22 FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. 13784 13785 13786 13787 13788 13789 13790 13791 13792 13793 13794 13795 13796 13797 13798 13799 *398 13800 13801 13802 nsi 13808 *338 13804 13805 13806 13807 13808 Harison, Richard, Esqr. Harison, Richard, Esqr. {The last jplate printed in sepia) Harkness, Revd. Robert Harland, Robert . . Harland, Robert . . Harland, William Charles. {Arms. Harland quartering Hoarc.) Harley, The Right Honble. The Lord. {Arms. Harley with Cavendish quartering Holies on an escutcheon. Edward Lord Harley, succeeded as 2nd Earl of Oxford, 1724, married, 1713, Lady Henrietta Cavendish Holies, daughter and heir of John, last Duke of Newcastle.) 1714. Harley, The Right Honble. Edward, Lord. 1717 .. (Harley), Henrietta Cavendish Holies, Oxford and Mortimer. Given me by [my Lord] . {Although Lady Oxford has dated this 1717 the jdate cannot have been engraved before 1724, in which year her husband succeeded to the Earldom.) [1717.] (Vertue, not signed.) (Harley), Henrietta Cavendish Holies, Oxford and Mortimer. Given me by [Sigr. Bononcini, Composer.] [1724.] (Harley), Henrietta Cavendish Holies, Oxford and IMortimer. Given me by [Mr. Hmnfrey Wanley.] [1725.] (Harley), Henrietta Cavendish Holies, Oxford and Mortimer. Given me by [my Lord.] [1739.] Harley, Henrietta Cavendish Holies. September 1720 Harley, Margaret Cavendishe. July 1732, Wimpole Harley Harley, Edward, Esqr. .. Harley, Edward, Esqr. {Afiother impiression of the last plate.) Harley, I., Esqr. .. Hai'ley, John Pritt Harley, Robert, of Bramton Castle, in the County of Hereford, Esqr. {Succeeded to Bramton on the death of his father in 1700; created Baron Harley, Earl of Oxford and Earl of Mortimer, 1711 ; died 1724.) Harley, Robert, of Bramton Castle, in tlic County of Here- ford, Esqr. {Another imp)ression of the last plate.) Harley, Robert, of Bramton Castle, in the County of Here- ford, Esqr. {A smaller plate.) Harley, Robert of Bramton Castle, in the County of Here- ford, Esq. {Another impression of the last p>late.) Harley, The Right Honble. Thos. {Born 1730; Lord Mayor of London 1767; died 1804.) (Harley), anonymous Harling, William, m.a. .. Harlowe, Stephen Harlowe. {Arms. Harlowe impaling Secroft ?) (CuUcton 25 Cranbournc St. London, W.C.) [Harman, B.] [1760.J (Sold by J. Kirk, St. Pauls Church Yard.) Style. Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Printed label Armorial spade shield Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Library interior Library interior Library interior Library interior Autograph Autograph Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Earlv Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Engraved label Franhs CoUection of Booh Flafes. 23 Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 13809 Harman, Edward, Clay Hill 13810 Harman, Edward, f.s.a. Clay Hill. (Aruis. Harman impaling Bawlins ' and Mills. Edward Harman mar- ried, as his 2}id wife' Marianne daughter of Thomas Mills of Saxham Hall, co. Suffolk.) 13811 Hai-man, Isaac, on the Narrow Wall, Near the Old Barge- House. 13812 Harman, Jerh 13813 Harman, John 13814 Hai'man, Jolm 13815 Harman, John 13816 Harman, Samuel. {Arms. Harman quartering Cahu^ac.) Hax'old, Earl of. Sec G-rey. 13817 Harper, G. Coll. .En. Nas. Sodus 13818 Harper, George. Hector of Stepney . . 13819 Harper, George. Whitchurcli 13820 Harper, Philip Harry 13821 Harper, li. J., F.S.A. (Mutlow sculpt.) 13822 Harper, R. J., f.s.a. {The last plate rcworhed.) (Mutlow sculpt.) 13823 Harper, Ivevd. S., m.a., f.r.s. {Arms. Harper impaling Lane /) 13824 Harper, Revd. S., M. a., F.R.S. {The last plate reworlicd) Style. 18825 13826 13827 13828 * *424 13829 18830 13831 13832 Harper, Revd. S., m.a., f.r.s. Crest reworJccd.) {The last i^latc with the Harper, Wmus., v.d.p. Gemens and 1760 sperans .. Harpur, The Rt. Honble. Lady Caroline. {Arms. Harpnr impaling Ma)iners. Caroline daughter of Jolin 2nd Duke of Rutland married Sir Henry Harpur 5th Bart,, who died 1748.) Harpur, The Honble. Catherine Lady. {Arms. Harpur quartering Hamburg, with Crewe on an escutcheon. Catherine daughter and coheir of Thomas Lord Crewe of Stene married Sir John Harpur -itJi, Bart., who died 1741.) Harpur, The Honble. Catherine Lady. {Another imjn'es- sio)i of the last plate.) (Harpur), anonymous. {Arms. Harpur impaling . . .) (Lee.) Harries, Edward, a.m. {Arms. Harries quartering Phili2)s) Harries, Edward. {The last plate with inscription altered) Harries, Eras. Blithe. Arms. Harries impaling Jenkins. Francis Blithe Harries of Bcnthall Hall married Armorial Armorial Printed label Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon, with motto on a Chippendale scroll Armorial spade shield with motto on a Chippendale scroll Armorial spade shield with motto on a Chippendale scroll Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Chippendale Armorial Chippcndixle Armorial Armorial 24 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 13833 Emma Gertrude, daughter of Edward Jenkins of Charlton Hill, co. Saloj).) Harries, John. Middle Temple, London 13834 Harries, Lucia. {Arms. Harries impaling Blithe) 13835 Harries, Margaret. {Arms. Harries quartering Adams) . . Harrington, Earl, and Countess. See Stanhope. 13836 Harrington, George 13837 Harrington, G. D 13838 Harriott, Edwd.,M. A. Helmdon, Northamptonshire. {Note on the back. " Edw. Harriott Lincoln Coll : Ox : B.A. May 4, 1748; M.A. Mch. 14, 1750.") 1.3839 Harriot, John Staples 13840 (Harris, Earl of ^lalmesbury), anonymous. {Arms. Harris imjialing Bennet. James Hoivard 3rd Earl of Mahnes- bury, .succeeded 1841, married 1830, as his 1st wife, Emma, daughter of Charles Auqustus 5th Earl of Taiikcrvillc. She died 1876; he died 1889.) 13841 (Harris, Earl of Malmesbury,) anonymous. {A bookplate?) (185 — wmk. in paper.) 13842 Harris, Lord 13843 Harris of Cork. {Originally engraved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations " and afterwards re- worked and used as a bookjilatc.) 13844 Harris, Cr., Esqr. Haine. {Arms. Harris qtiartering Haine.) 13845 Harris, C. Fiske .. .. _ 13846 Harris, Edward. (Printed in red.) 13847 Harris, Eustace. (.-1 modern reproduction of an old i^late ' ) (1882 wmk. in paper.) 13848 Harris, Frederic. {Arms. Harris impaling Price ?) 13849 Harris, Harry Bultcel. The j^lute of John Harris with inscription altered.) 13850 Harris, Henry 13851 Harris, Henry. {A different plate) .. 13852 Harris, Henry 13853 Harris, James 13854 Harris, -lames, Esqr. Style. 13855 *534 13856 13857 13858 13859 13860 13861 13862 Harris, Johannes, D.D.jF.R.s. (Arms. Harris imiiaUng Fuller) Harris, Johannes, n.u., f.r.s. (Another impression of the last plate.) Harris, John. Radford.. Harris, Honble. John Hyde, m.l.g. District Judge, Otago. (Arms. Harris quartering Hydr.) (" I>aker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Harris, Joseph Harris, Joseph Harris, Joshua Harris, .1. D. iV A. {Arms. Harris impaling Yorkr) (John Hidon Engraver & Printer, 27 Cheapside London.) Harris, Louisa Margaret Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Armorial lozenge Crest Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Armorial arms in a garter Armorial Armovial Armorial spade shield Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Engraved label Armorial Armorial lozenge Franks Collection of Book Plates, 25 Name, Date, and Engbaver. Style. 13863 Harris, Mary. {Printcdin blue) Armorial spade shield 13864 Harris, The Gift of Mrs., widow of the Revd. Dr. William Harris, of Honiton. Printed label 13865 Harris, R. London Crest 13866 Harris, R. P. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 13867 Harris, Thomas .. Armorial shield in a garter 13868 Harris, Honble. Thos. Alfred. {2nd son of the 1st Earl of Mahneshurij; torn 1782; (/uy? 1823.) Armorial 13869 Harris, Wilhu. .. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 13870 Harris, "William . . Armorial 13871 Harris, "William. .. Armorial 13872 Harris, Wintour. (Dodrell, sculpt.) .. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 13873 Harrison. Norfolk, Ao Dni Armorial 13874 Harrison. {A stencilled jjlatc) Armorial 13875 (Harrison.) Snelston Hall Crest 13876 Harrison, A. Crest 13877 Harrison, Agnes. {Anns. Harrison quartering Hodgson) Ai-morial lozenge 13878 Harrison, Anthy. Crest 13879 Harrison, Arthur. {Printed in sepia.) (Han-ison York) .. Festoon Armorial 13880 Harrison, Benjamin Armorial 13881 Harrison, Charles Armorial 13882 Harrison, Edward. (J. "Warwick, sc. 145 Strand) .. Armorial 13883 Harrison, Emma Marion Armorial 13884 Harrison, George .. .. Armorial spade shield 13885 Harrison, George. {Arms. Harrison with Buntinge on an escutcheon.) Armorial 13886 Harrison, George. {A different jdate) Armorial 13887 Harrison, Geo. H., Rogers-, F.s. A. Armorial shield on a mantle 13888 Harrison, H. Armorial 13889 [Harrison, Henry Maria] This Book belongs to Printed label 13890 Harrison, J. (Welch) .. Pictorial 13891 Harrison, James Hargrave. {Arms. Harrison quartering Margrave and Fly, i)npaling 1. Dolnian quartering Qua'rles, Smith <(■ Burton ! 2.' Owen.') 1868. Armorial 13892 Harrison, Jasper. Newcastle. {Arms. Harrison quartering Chippendale Pearce.) Armorial 13893 Harrison, Jerh., near Leeds .. Chippendale Armorial 13894 Harrison, John . . Armorial spade shield 13895 Harrison, John. Birmingham Engi-aved label. Name in a wreath 13896 Harrison, John .. Chippendale Armorial 13897 Harrison, John. {Arms. Harrison impaling Garforth) . . Wreath and ribbon Armorial 13898 Harrison, John .. Armorial 13899 Harrison, John Butler. Amer^- in Alton Hants. {Arms. Chippendale Harrison impaling Griffin .') Armorial 26 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 13900 J. B. H. (Harrison) Armorial 13901 Harrison, Jo. St. Engraved label 13902 Harrison, Lawrence Armorial 13903 Harrison, Ivalph.. Crest 13904 Harrison, Richard Acklom Armorial spade shield 13905 Harrison, Piichardson .. Armorial spade shield 13906 Harrison, Richardson. (Arms. Harrison, quartering Armorial spade Sicalc .' with More on a?i escutcheon.) shield 13907 Harrison, Robert A. Armorial 13908 Harrison, Sal. Engraved label 13909 Harrison, Saml., Esqr. {Arms. Harrison impaling Bird,) Armorial spade (Seed sc. Southton.) shield 13910 Harrison, Thomas. (Le Blond sc. 4 Wal brook) Armorial 13911 Harrison, Thomas. {Arms. Harrison qnarlcring Bun- tinge.) Armorial 13912 Harrison, Thomas, a.b. Coll. Regin. Cantab Socins Armorial spade shield 13913 Harrison, Thomas, a.b. Coll. Regin. Cantab Socius. {The Armorial spade last plate rcivorJied.) shield *365 Harrison, Thomas, of Copgi-ave, in the County of York, Esqr. 1698. Early Armorial 13914 Harrison, T. H. .. Armorial 13915 Harrison, AV., d.d. Fellow of C.C.C, Oxon. (R. M. (Moim- Chippendale taine) .) Armorial 13916 Harrison, AYilliam Chippendale Armorial 13917 Harrison, William .. .. .... Aimorial 13918 Harrison, William. (Maclure Macdonald & Macgregor, Mam-.) Armorial 13919 Harrison, William. {Printed in colours. Arms. Harri- son impaling Corbet.) Armorial 13920 Harrison, William, f.s.a. Seal Armorial 13921 Harrison, William, F.s. a. {A smaller plate) Seal Armorial 13922 (Harrison), anonymous. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. AV. Franks.) Armorial 13923 [Harrison, Frederick Morton] , anonymous .. Armorial spade shield 13924 (Harrison), anonymous. {A reversed iynpression. Not a hooliplate. Arms. Harrison impaling Pindar ^) Armorial 13925 Harrisson, Edward. {The same p)latc as " Edward Harri- ■sn»," unth the spelling of the surname altered.) (J. Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Armorial 13926 Harrisson, Jones Armorial 13927 Harrop, John Interlaced initials in a garter 13928 Harrop, Joseph, Esqr .. Harrow School. See School Libraries and Premiums. Harrowby, VyM\ of. Sec Ryder. Harsant, Cliarles. Sec Thurston. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 13929 Ilarston, llcvd. Edward Engraved label 13930 Hart. {The plate ofC. F. Hart with inscription altered) .. Armorial 13931 Hart, Anthy., Es(ir. Armorial 139; 52 Hart, C. F.' Armorial 13933 Hart, Dr. Charles Armorial Franks GoUection of Booh Plates. 27 Name, Date, and Engbaveh. 13934 Hart, G. Stradella, Ealing. (Harry Soane, London) 13935 Hart, George 13936 Hart, George. {A different plate) 13937 Hart, Henry Cornelius 13938 Hart, John Blackburn. 1794 13939 Hart, John Thomas 13940 Hart, Naphtaly. (Terry del. et sculp. Pater-noster Row) .. 13941 Hart, Naphtaly. {The last jildte reivorlied.) (Terry del. et sculp. Pater-noster I'ow.) 13942 Hart, Richard 13943 Hart, Tliomas, Esqr 13944 Hart, Thomas Barnard. [Anns. Hart quartering Vanghan) 13945 Hart, AVilliam 13946 Hart, William Nevil 13947 (Hart?), anonjanous. {Arms. Hart qtiartering Forth?) .. 13948 Harte, W. (Bemigeroth Sc. Lips.) 13949 Harter, Ethel M. 13950 Harter, George Gardner .. .. .. ..... 13951 Harter, George Gardner. {Arms. Harter with Beard on an escutcheon. The Revd. Geo. Gardner Harter of Cranfield Court, co. Bedford, married Elizabeth Jessie, daughter of the Revd. James Beard.) 13952 Hartigan, William, M.D. Hartington, Marquess of. See Cavendish. 13953 Hartley, Alfred Octavius, m.a. Steeple Ashton Vicarage, Wilts. {Arms. Hartley quartering Bishoj) and Barnes.) 13954 Hartley, Geo., Esqr 13955 Hartley, George .. 13956 Hartley, John 13957 Hartley, Leonard L., Esqr. {The plate of George Hartley ivith inscription altered.) 13958 Hartley, Leonard L., Esqr. {A diffei'ent plate) 13959 Hartley, Leonard L., Esqr. 13960 Hartley, yaml 13961 Hartley, Samuel Style. 13962 13963 13964 13965 13966 Hartley, Winchcombe Henrj*. {Arms. Hartley impaling Lumley. W. H. Hartley married 1798 Louisa, daughter of Richard, 4th Earl of Scarborough.) (Hartley), anonymous .. [Hartman, G. A.] , anonymous Hartmann, General Major. {Probably not an English plate.) Hartopp, Sir Edmund C. {Arms. Hartopip, quartering Cradocli, impaling Eden. Edmund Cradock Hartopp, who succeeded 1833 as ^nd Bart., married 1824 Mary Jane, daughter of Morton, 1st Baron Henley ; died 1849.) Crest Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Printed label Armorial Festoon crest and c^^pher Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Anuorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Arnaorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Armorial Armorial Crest Wreatli and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Literary Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 28 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 13967 13968 13969 13970 Hartopp, Sir Edmund C, Baronet. (The last plate re- xvorked.) Hartopp, Sir John C, Baronet. {Arms. Hartopp impaling Howard. John William Cradock Hartopp, who suc- ceeded 1864 as Ath Baronet, married 1855 Charlotte Francis, daughter of Edward Gyles Howard; died 1888.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Hartopp, William Edmund Hartsheath 13971 (Hartsheath.) {The first state of the last plate) 13972 13973 13974 13975 13976 13977 13978 13979 13980 13981 13982 1.3983 13984 1.3985 13986 13987 13988 13989 13990 13991 1.3992 13993 13994 13995 Hartshorne, Charles Henry .. Hartshorne, Charles Henry, M..\. Hartshorne, John Hartshorne, John. {A different j^^ate) Hartshorne, Thomas (Hartstonge), John, Lord Bishop of Ossor^-. ()^rd son of Sir SfaitdisJi Hardstonge, Bart., one of the Barons of the Exchequer in Ireland; horn 1654; Bishop of Ossorij 1693; translated to Derry 1704; died 1717.) 1709. Hartstonge, Dr., Lord Bishop of Ossory. 1710 Style. {A smaller plate.) ((18)12. Hartwell tvith . on an Hartstonge, Matthew Weld Hartstonge, Matthew Weld. Wmk. in paper.) Hartwell, Francis. {Arms. escutcheon.) Hartwell, F. J., Esqr. {Arms. Hartwell impaling Elphin- stone. Francis John Hartwell, created a Baronet 1805, married 1781 A^ma Charlotte Maria, daughter of Capt. John Elphinstone, B.N.) Hartwell, George, Esqr. Harvard, Sigill. Coll. Sec College Libraries. Harvest, Geo., B. A., of Magd. College, Cambridge .. Harvey, Alexr. of Broadland, Esqr. .. Harvey, Booty, Esqr., c.B., R.N. Harvey, Charles. {Srd son of Robert Harvey, Mayor of Norwich; assumed the name and arms of Savill 0)ilry in 1822.) Harvey, Charles Musgrave. {Arms. Harvey quartering Musgrave and Bond.) Harvey, Daniel Wliittle. {The arms and crest of Whittle.) Harvey, Edward.. Harvey, Admiral Sir Eliab. {Born 1758; K.C.B. 1815; '//',/ 1H30.) Harvey, l-Lnoch. Aigburth, Liverpool Harvey, George. {Arms. Harvey with Bcevor on an r.sciilrhro7i. Cicorgc Harvey of Thorpe Grove, Norfolk, horn 1755, married Marianne, daughter and Jiriress of Dr. Becvor, D.D.) (1827. Wmk. in paper.) Harvey, George C. [1831.] (Ilickson) Harvey, George C. {A different plate.) (Hickson) Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Wreath and ribbon crest Armorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Crest Early Armorial shield witliin branches of palm A mitre in a Jacobean frame Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Armoi'ial Armorial Jacobean Annorial Wx-eatli and ribbon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial modern Armorial Aimorial FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 29 Najme, Date, and Engraver. 13996 Harvey, Geo. D. lo997 Harvey, Geo. D. {The last 2)lafe reworked) 13998 Harvey, Henry, Royal Navy. (Arms. Harvey imimling PoiwaUis .') 13999 Harvey, Henry Wise 14000 Harvey, James Widdrington Sliand, of Castle Semple. (" leaker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14001 Harvey, John .. 14002 Harvey, John. {Arms. Harvey imimling Kerruon. John Harvey of Tliorpe Lodge, co. Norfolk, 2nd son of Bohert Harvey, Mayor of Norwich, married 1783 Frances, daughter of Sir Boger Kerrison of BrooJie House ; died 1842.) 14003 Harvey, John. {The last x>late printed in blue) 14004 Harvey, John. {The last j^late printed in red) 14005 Harvey, Jno., Esqr., Killiane Castle .. 14006 Harvey, John, Esq. Ick\vell Bury, Bedfordshire and Finningley Park, Yorkshire. {Arms. Harvey, quarter- ing Bonfoy, impaling Browne !) 14007 Harvey, Jolm Springett. Middle Temple 14008 Harvey, Joseph Massey. Cork 14009 Harvey, Eev. J. Mitchell 14010 Harvey, K *316 Harvey, Mr. Eobert, of Stockton, in the County of Warwick. 1702. 14011 Harvey, Robert. {The lAatr of Edward Harvey with inscrijjtio7i altered.) 14012 Harvey, Robt., Junior . 14013 Harvey, Robert John. (Anns. Harvey with Harvey on an escutcheon. Sir B. J. Harvey, K.C.B., K.T.S., K.C.B.A., married 1815 Charlotte Mary, daughter and heir of Bohert Harvey of Watton.) 14U1 1 Harvey, S. 14015 Harvey, Samuel .. 14016 Harvey, Sauil. Sandwich. (Printed on blue j^etj^er) 14017 Harvey, Sanil. Sandwicli. {The last plate i^rinted on yellow paper.) 14018 Harvey, Stanhope 14019 Harvey, T 14020 Harvey, Sir Tliomas. (Arms. Harvey imjialing Harvey. Admiral Sir Thomas Harvey, K.C.B., horn. 1775, married 1805 Sarah, d aught rr of Captain John Harveti; K.C.B.,\m'd; diedlMl.) 14021 Harvey, Wm. H. (J. Warwick scu., 145 Strand) .. Style. Armorial spade shield on a mantle Aniiorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon engraved label Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Crest Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon crest Armorial Cliippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Wreatli and ribbon Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole Armorial arms in a garter 30 Franh Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavek. 14022 (Harvey), anonymous 14023 Harward, Chas. .. 14024 Harward, John .. 14025 Harwood, E., A.M. 14026 Harwood, Henry Hanvood. (Anns. Forfti/th on an escutcheon.) 14027 Harwood, William Harwood with Style. 14028 I Harwood, B., Xt. College Cambridge], anonymous 14029 Hase, Henry .. .. .. 14080 Hase, Henry. (Arms. Hase iwjialing Hnglics ^) .. 14031 Haselfoot, E. C. {Arms. Hasclfoot quartering Peacock) 14032 Haskins, James Frederick 14033 Haskins, Miss 14034 Haslam, Samuel Holker, {Arms. Haslani imx>aling Harrison /) 14035 Haslewood, Ashby Blair. (•' Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14036 Haslewood, Francis 14037 Haslewood, Eevd. Frederick G., ll.d. (Arms. Haslewood impaling Lyon.) 14038 Haslewood, Joseph. {Stamped in gold on vellum) 14039 Haslewood, Lewis H. . . 14040 Hassall, Henry 14041 Hassard, Patrick S. S. Drutamon House, Bailieboro' 14042 Hassard, B. S 14043 Hassell, Bichard, Esqr., of Lincoln's Inne. 1745 .. 14044 Hassell, Bichard, Esqr., of Lincoln's Inne. (The last 'plate without the date.) 14045 Hassell, Bichard, Esqr., of Barnet. {The last plate tvitli inscription altered.) 1768. 14046 Hassell, W. St. John's College, Cambridge, a.d. 1757 .. 14047 Hasted 14048 Hasted, l^lward. (Probably the j^lfite of Edward Hasted of Hnntivgfield Court, co. Kent, father of the Kentish. hislorian.) 14049 (Eawdon-Hastings), Henry, Marquis of Hastings. {Suc- ceeded 1851 as 4th Marquess; died 1868. Ai'ms. 1. Hastings and Pawdon quarterly ; 2. Plantagcnet ; 3. Holland ; 4. Plantagcnet ; 5. Plantagcnet ; 6. Ncvill.) 14050 (Bawdon-Hastings, Marquess of Hastings), anonymous. (.1 bookplate .') 14051 (Rawdon-Hastings), B. H.. G. de B. (Barbara, Marchioness (f Ha.'itings, Baroness (Irey dc Puthyn.) 14052 (Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon), anonymous. {Arms. 1. Hastings; 2. Hung erf ord : 3. Pole; 4. Plantagcnet ; 5. la2)er) 14090 (Hatton, 13aronet), anonjanons. (Prohahly the plate of Sir John Hatton, who sticcceded 1787, as 9th Baronet, and died 1811.) 14091 (Hatton, Finch), anonymous. (Arms. Hatton, quartering Finch, impaling Harcourt. The Honhle. Murray Edward Gordon Finch-Hatton, ivho succeeded 1887, as 11th Farl of WinrJi ilsca , married 1875, Edith, daughter of Edward Wm. Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt.) ('• Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14092 Havighton 14093 Haughton 14094 Haughton, ]\[. C. 14095 Haughton, Richard 14096 Haiitenville, William 14097 Haiitenville, William 14098 Hautenville, Mr. William 14099 Havard, Neast, Tewkesbury 14100 Havart, W. .T 14101 Haveloek, Colonel Acton Chaplin. 1892. (C. W. Sher- born, London.) 14102 Havergal, Francis T., d.d., Yicar of Uiton IMshop. Sub Treasurer Preb. de Colwall. (Arms. 1. New College. 2. The See of Hereford. 3. The Deanery of Hereford.) 1888. (Harry Soane.) 141 0;; Havers, Tliomas .. 14101 Haviland, Francis, Queen's Bays 1410") Haviland, Jacobus, c.f.a.m. Coll. Nov. Soc, Oxon. (Arms. Haviland imimling Parl- Sir A. W. Franks.) 14206 Hay, C. E. {Arms. Hay impaling Rae quartering Forbes ?) (J. IMoffat scnlp.) 14207 Hay, Edward, M..\. (Bntterworth Livesay & Co. sculpt.) .. 14208 Hay, Edward Wm. Ain-iol Drmnmond-, Esq., H.B.M. Consul General at Tangier. 14209 Hay, Mr. George 14210 Hay, Hugh, of Park, Esqr 14211 Hay, T. of Hopes 14212 Hay, Jean. Pitfour. {An altered p)taie / Jean, daughter of Sir Andrei V Hay of Keillor, and sister to John, 11th Earl of Errol, married as his 1st ivife James Hay of Pitfour. This however is too late a plate to have belonged to her.) 14213 Hay, The Honourable John, of Lawfield, Esqr. 14214 Hay, Sir John, Bart., of Smithfield and Haystoun. {Suc- ceeded as 5th Bart. 1810; died 1830.) (Drawn and Engd. by Kirkwood & Son.) 14215 Hay, Sir John, Bai't., of Smithfield and Haystoun. {A s)naller plate.) (Drawn and Engd. by Kirkwood & Son.) 14216 Hay, Sir John, Bart., of Smithfield and Haystoun. {A jnoof of the Inst plate on cardboard.) (Drawn and Engd. by Kirkwood & Son.) 14217 Hay, J. Stuart. {Arms. Hay impaling Fairlie. John Stuart Hay Nnolon of Neu)toii married 1829 Margaret Eliza, daughter of Willinm Fairlie ; died 1863.) 14218 Hay, Miss .. ' .. ' .. 14219 Hay, Patrick, Esqr 14220 Hay, Richard 14221 Hay, Thomas, Esqr. 14222 Hay, Thomas 14223 Hay, Thomas Farrcn .. Festoon Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms in a garter, with supporters Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Annorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Annorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Jacobean ? Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Franks Collection of Book Plates. O'T o7 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 14224 14225 14226 14227 14228 14229 14230 14231 14232 14233 14234 14235 14236 14237 14238 14239 14240 *210 14241 *404 14242 14243 14244 14245 14246 14247 14248 14249 14250 14251 14252 14253 14254 14255 14256 Hay, Thomas Jourdain . . Hay, William Hay, William Robert, Esqr. Hay, William Robert, Esqr. {The last plate reworked) Hay, William Robert, Esqr. {Arms. Hay impaling Wagstaffc. William Bohert Hay married 1793 Mary, daughter of William Wag staff e and loidow of -John Astley.) Hay, William Robert, m.a. (The last plate with altered inscription.) [Hay, Chas.] , anonymous [Hay, M. J.] , anonymous (Hay), anonymous (Hay), anonymous Hayden, Revd. Fredk. Wm. Haydock, James Haydock Haydon, George Henry. 1876. (G. H. H.j Haydon, William Haye, Anthony Oneal Hayes, Charles, Esqr. Hayes, Elizabeth. {The plate of Stanley Hamilton Hayes reworJicd.) Hayes, Francis, of the Inner Temple, Esqr. {Arms. Hayes quartering Gerton.) Hayes, Francis, of the Inner Temple, Esqr. {The last plate reworked.) Hayes, Francis, of the Inner Temple, Esq,. {The last plate again reworked.) Hayes, Rev. James B. . . Hayes, Rev. James B., o.s.a. {The last plate tuith inscrip- tion altered.) Hayes, Joannes McNamara. Chirurgus Hayes's, M. 1814 Hayes, Stanley Hamilton Hayes, William (Hayes), anonymous (Hayes?), anonymous Hayford, Wm. Leeds. Hayle, George 1790 Hayley, Mary. {Arms. Hayley impaling Wilford) Hay ley, Thomas, Esqr., of Chichester, in ye county of Sussex. {Arms. Hayley quartering Hallow /) Haylock, John. West Wratting, Cambridgeshire . . Hayman, Matthew. (Codling sculp.) Hayman, Matthew, Esq. South Abbey, Youghal. {Eii- graved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations.") Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial supporters Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Pictorial Armoi'ial Armorial Ai-morial supporters Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial W^reath and ribbon Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Printed label Festoon Armorial Seal Armorial 38 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 14257 Hayman, Revd. Samuel, b.a. {The last plate with altered inscription, used as a bookplate.) 14258 Hayne, Richard James .. 14259 Hayne, Thomas, {Aryns. Haynes impaling Thwaites ?) . . Haynensis Bibliotheca. See Tliynne, Lord John. 14260 Haynes, Revd. D. ((18)22. Wmk. in paper.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 14261 Haynes, D. F. {Arms. Haynes impaling ...).. 14262 Haynes, George. {Arms. Haynes impaling Blackburne ?) 14263 Haynes, Hotchkin. {The plate of Eobert Haynes ivith inscription altered.) (H. Salt, Heraldic Office Lincoln's Inn.) 14264 Haynes, J. B. Middle Temple. {Arms. Haynes impaling Hammond.) 14265 Haynes, Joseph. (Roberts sc.) 14266 Haynes, Joseph. (Heraldic Office, Grt. Turnstile, Lincoln's Inn.) 14267 Haynes, M. S 14268 Haynes, Robert. (H. Salt, Heraldic Office, Lincoln's Inn) 14269 Haynes, Robert W 14270 Haynes, T. N 14271 (Haynes ?), anonymous. {In the Ex Libris Journal this plate is attributed to " Gibbon:') (E. W. Delt. W. H. fc. (Henshaw).) 14272 Hays, Benjamin, Esqr. {Arms. Hays with Treby on an escutcheon.) 14273 Hays, John Wetherell. {Arms. Hays quartering Wetherell) 14274 Hayter, Francis .. 14275 Hayter, Jonathan 14276 Hayter, Jonathan. {The last plate reiuorhed) 14277 Hayter, William 14278 Hayter, William Goodenough .. 14279 Hayter, William Goodenough. {Arms. Hayter impaling Puhford. The Rt. Hoyible. W. G. Hayter, created a Baro7iet 1858, married 1832 Anne, daughter of William Puhford of Linslade, co Buckingham.; died 1878.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14280 Hay thorne, Joseph. (Burnell sc.) 14281 Hayton, Carolus, A.M. .. 14282 Hayward, Arthur C. Curtis. {Arms. Hayward quartering 14283 Hayward, Christopher George. (Pugh Bros. Lincoln's Inn. " Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14284 Hayward, Christopher George. (The last plate with' the crr.Hf reworked.) (Pugh Bros. Lincoln's Inn.) 14285 Hayward, E. C. {Arms. Haytuard quartering Cotterell) 14286 Hayward, Fran. (Arms. Hayward quartej-ing Foote !) (T. King, sculp. Homerton, Hackney.) Style. Seal Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Ai-morial Ai-morial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial shield on a mantle Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield in a wreath Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Pictorial Armoriiil Franks Collection of Book Plates. 39 Name, Date, and Engraver. 14287 14288 14289 14290 14291 14292 14293 14294 14295 14296 14297 14298 14299 14300 14301 14302 14303 14304 14305 14306 14307 14308 14309 14310 14311 14312 14313 14314 14315 14316 14317 Haywrard, Joans., a.m. Aul de Clare Cantabs. Haywrard, John .. Hayward, The Revel. John Hayward, Jolm Curtis. Quedgeley .. Hayward, John Samuel Hayward, Nathl. {Arms. Hayward impaling Broch) HayTvard, Richd. Weston in Arden, Warwickshire Hayward, Wm. Webb. {Arms. Hayward quartering Wchh.) Hayward, William. (" Ovenden's booJi." Notr hi/ Sir A. W. Franks.) (Hayward, Samuel, e Coll. Exon.), umtilated Hayw^ood, Francis. {Ar))ts. Hayivood imjyaling Vernon. Francis Haywood of SilUns, Co. Worcester, married 1826 Lucy, daughter of Thos. Slirawley Vernon of Shrawley and widow of R. B, Waldron of Sillins.) Hazard, Daniel .. Hazel, William .. (Hazel), anonjTnous. {The plate of William Hazel with the name stopped out.) Hazell, Elizabeth. February 20, 1788 Hazlitt, William ., [Heacock, Thomas] , anonymous. {Arms. Heacock, rr.s granted in 1746, witJi Bold .- on an escutclieon.) (Heacock) anonymous .. Head, Dr. .. Head, Edmund W. {Born 1805 ; succeeded 1838 as 8th Baronet; Governor-General of Canada 1854-61; died 1868.) Head, Erasmus, m.a., Prebendary of Carlisle .. Head, (ieorge Head. Rickerby Head, Sr. Francis, Baronet. {Arms. Head with Smythsbye, quartering Green, on an escutcheon. Sir Francis Head 2)id Baronet married Margaret, daughter and coheir of James Smythsbye.) 1709. Head, Hugh Stanley, m.d. xxxvii. Head, I. Helston Headfort, Marquess of. Sec Taylovir. Headlam, Ex Libris Hugh R. 1894 Style. Headlam, John, m.a., Headlam, John, m.a. Headlam, T. E., m.d. T. E. Headlam Archdeacon of Richmoiul {Anns. Headlam imp/ding Loraine. of Newcastle upon Tync married 1811 Isabella, daughter of Sir William Loraine, 4th Bart.) Heald. Co. Lancaster . . (Heald.) This book belonged to the library of the Revd. Thomas Jackson, which library was purchased bv James Heald, Esqr., of Parr's wood, near Stockport, and Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale en- engraved label Jacobean Armorial Crests Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Printed label Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Pi'inted label Crests Early Armorial Pictorial Armorial Engraved label Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 40 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 14318 14320 14321 14322 14323 14324 14325 14326 14327 14328 14329 14330 14331 14332 14333 14334 14335 14336 14337 14338 14339 14340 14341 14342 14343 14344 14345 14346 14347 14348 14349 14350 by him generously presented to The Wesleyan Theo- logical Institution in the year 1859. (Heald.) This Book belongs to William Chandler Heald of Elmston Court, in the county of Kent. Heale, Richard. (Arms. Heale impaling Ayhvin ?) Heale, Slater AV Heales, Alfred. London. {Printed in colours. These seem to he the arms and crest of Earle of Boston, co. Lincoln.) Healey, C. E. H. Chadwyck, Hospitii Lincolniensis socius Healey, Chas. E. H. Chadwyck, of Lincoln's Inn, Esqr. (Sherborn ft.) Healey, Charles Edward H. Chadwyck. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) 1888. Heane, J. P. {Though this plate has the Badge of Ulster tJie Henii or Hene Baronetcy is said by Burke to have become extinct circa 1700.) Heane, "William C. Heanley, John. 1890 Heanley, Ex Libris John Heap, William Edmund Heard, Su- Isaac . . Heard, Isaac, Esqr., Lancaster Herald. {Appointed Lancaster Herald, 1761 ; Norroy King of Arms 1774 ; Clarenceux 1180 ; Garter 1184 ; died 1822.) (M.Moses Sculpt. Forth.) Heard, John (Heard), anonymous (Heard), anonymous. {The last plate reworked) Hearne, John {Arms. Hearne impaling Neivm,an ?) Hearne, John. Hearon, H. Heath, Jiaron Heath, Baron. Heath, D. D. Heath, John. Strand.) Heath, [John] {Arms. Heath impaling Bland ?) King's Coll. Cambridge. (Warwick sc. 145 {Anns. Heath impaling . . .) Style. Heath, J. Ji. {Arms. Heath impaling Bland ?) Heath, John Benjamin .. Heath, John Moore Heath, llichard. {The plate of Richard Blood with inscription altered.) Heath, Robert A. Heath, Robert A. {Arms. Heath impaling Keen) Heath, Robert Amedlate.) (Herbert), anonymous. Edtvard Herbert.) (Herbert ?) anonymous. {A dedication plate eopied front {Proof of the Plate of Charles (Arms. Herbert impaling Bland.) Hercy, John Hereford, Viscount. Sec Devereux. Hereford, Bishop of. See Beauclerck. Hereford, Bishop of. See Humphreys. Hereford, Bishop of. See Huntingford. Hereford .. Hereford, [Chars.] Herford, Arthur Fcnton, Macclesfield. {Printed in red. Arms. Herford quartering Wood, Berenden ! and Barnesley I) A. F. H. (Arthur Fcnton Herford.) (E. F. L.) Herford, Henry Francis. {Arms. Herford impaling Mackay.) Heriot of Kamornie. (Hr. Gavin sc.) . . (Heriot?) anonj'uious. {Not a bookplate) (Heriot ?) anonjTnous. {Arms 1 and 4. Heriot of Tra- hrowti ; 2 and 3. McCall or Macaulay.) Hermand. {The Crest and inotto of Ferguson.) Hermand. {The last plate printed on broivn tinted jinpcr.) Hermione, see Fitzgerald, Duchess of Leinster Heme, Basil. [1747] Heme, J. B. {The arms and Crest of Bucktvorth.) Heme, William .. Herne, Sir William Heron, Denis Caulfeild .. Heron, Patrick of Heron, Es(jr. Heron, I'atk., West Lodge Hamps. Gent. (B. Cole sc.) .. Heron, Patk. 1748. ^B. Levi Sculp.) Heron, Robert. (Arms. Heron, quarteritig Ford. Cornwall, and (rrry of Horton, irith Maim, quartering Noel, and Hicks, on an escutcheon. Robert Heron, who succeeded 1895 as 2nd Bart., married 1792 Amelia, daughter of Sir Horatio Mann 2nd Baronet.) Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Armorial lozenge Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Crest Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial supporters Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial supporters Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chipjicndale Armorial Aitnorial Franks Collection, of Book Plates. 49 Name, Datk, akd E^•GRAVEK. SXYLK. 14572 Herriek, John Edward. (Green Cork.) 14573 14574 14575 14576 14577 14578 14579 14580 14581 14582 14583 14584 14585 14586 14587 *280 14588 14589 *372 14590 14591 14592 14593 14594 VOL. Herriek, William Herries, Baron, see Maxwell. Herries, Robert .. Herring impaling Hill .') See Conway. See Oxford. See Hatton. Herries, Robert .. Herries, Sir Robei't Herring, F. M. (Arms. Herring, Tlionias Hertford, Earl of. Hertford College. Hertford College. Hertslet, Charles.. Hertz, Janus. (•' Wyon " Note by Sir A. W. Franks,) .. Hervey, Tlie Riglit Hoiible. John Lord, created Baron of Ick\\orth in Coin Suil". :\rarch tlie 23rd 1702. {See his tu>o plates as John Harveij of Ickiuorth 1698.) Hervey, The Right Honble. John Lord, created Baron of Ickwortli in Com Suff. March 22rd 1702. (A reprint of ilic last plate.) Hervey. The Right Honble. Jolni Lord, created Baron of Ickworth in Com Suff. March tlic 23rd 1702. {A smaller 2}latc.) Hervey, John Augustus Lord. [Eldest son of the Ath Earl of Bristol ; died vita patris 1796.) (Hervey, Lord), anonymous. {The plate of John Augustus, Lord Hervey without inscription.) Hervey, Mary Lady. {Arms. Hervey witJi Lepell on an escutcheon. Mary, daughter of Brigadier General Nicholas Lcpcll married 1720 Jolin Lord Hervey eldest son of John 1st Earl of Bristol. He died vita patris 1743 ; she died 1768.) Hervey, John, of Ickworth in 90111. Suff. Esqr. {Artm. Hervey with Carr and Felton on escutcheons. Joh?i Hervey, created Baron Hervey 1702 and Earl of Bristol 1714, married 1st Isabella, daugliter and heir of Sir Bohert Carr Bart, and 2ndly 1695 Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Felton of Play ford co, Suf'olk Bart.) 1698. Hervey, John, of Ickworth, in Com Suff. Esqr. i)n2)ressio>i of the last plate.) 1698. Hervey, John, of Ickworth in com. Suff. Esqr. on card of the last plate.) 1698. Hervey, John, of Ickwortli in Com. Suff. Esqr. plate.) 1698. Hervey, John, of Ickworth in Com. Suff. Esqr. iuqjression of the last j^late.) 1689. Hervey, John, Esq. Hervey, Julie (Hervey). anonymous or mutilated Heseltine, William Heseltine, William Keale a. Annorial shield on clouds Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial (Another {A nprint (A smaller (Another Armorial Early Armorial Earlj' Armorial Earlv Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge on a mantle Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial siipportcrs Chippendale Annorial Annorial Armorial R 50 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 14595 (Heseltine), anonymous. {This plate, froDi the crest, is perhaps Carter.) 14596 Hesilrige, Colonel. {Arms. Hesilrige impaling Wall, the tinctures of the latter coat being incorrect. Frovi the mark of Cadency this tmist be the plate of Charles Hesilrige, ith son of the 1th Baronet, who married Sarah Wall.) 14597 Hesilrige, R. G 14598 Hesilrige, Thos., Esq. Eman : Coll : (W. S. (Stephens.)) 14599 Hesilrige, Thos. {The last plate ivith inscription altered.) [1764.] (W. S. (Stephens)) 14600 Hesilrige, Sir Thos. ^Nlaynarcl. {Succeeded 1805 as 10th Baronet ; died 1817.) 14601 Hesketh, Edward. 1772. (M. Gregson sculp.) 14602 Hesketh, Lloyd Hesketh Bamford, Gwrych Castle. {Arms. Hesketh impaling Lygon. LI. H. B. Hesketh married 1825 Emily Esther Anne, daughter of William 1st Earl Beauchamp ; died 1861.) 14603 Hesketh, Roger. {Arms. Hesketh with Fleetwood on an escutcheon. Roger Hesketh of North Mcols Co. Lane, married 1733 Margaret, daughter and coheir of Edward Fleetwood of Eossall.) 14604 Hesketh, Robert, Esqr. Heysham, Lancre. 14605 Hesketh, Thomas, Armig. de Rufford in com. Lane. (Js. Kirk sculp.) 14606 Hesketh, Sr. Thos., Bart, of Rufford Lancashire. {Created a Baronet 1761; died 1778.) (The Engraver's name illegible.) 14607 Hesketh, Su- Thomas, Bart 14608 Hesketh, Sir Thomas, Bart. Rufford Hall, Lancashire 14609 Hesketh, William 14610 Hesketh, William 14611 (Hesse), anonymous 14612 Hessey, Francis .. 14613 Hessey, Francis, d.c.l. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 14614 (Hessey), anonymous. {The last plate toith inscription not printed.) 14615 Hetherington, George .. 14616 Hetherington, G. B., Market-Place, Reading 14617 Hetherington, Wilson .. 14618 Heugh, John 14619 Heusch, Willm., Esqr 14620 (Haver), anonymous. {Arms. Hever impaling .... and Hever.) 14621 Heward, Mr. R 14622 Hewrer, Hewer Edgley, of Hanover Square in ye County of Middlesex Esqr. {Arms. Edgley impaling Stuart. Hewer Edgley, who assumed the surname of Hewer, viarHed Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Simeon Stuart of Hartley Uauduit 2nd Bart. ; died 1728.) Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Crest Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial ? Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Printed label Crest Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Engi-aved label Armorial shield on a mantle Franks Collection of Book Plates. 51 Name, Date, and Engbaver. 14623 Hewer, Wra., of Clapham in the County of Surry. Esqer. (Died 1715.) 1699. *282 Hewer, Win., of Clapham in the County of Surrey Esqer. (Another imjircssion of the last 2^1 ate.) 1699. 14624 Hewes, Arthur, Esqr, 14625 Hewes, Geo. 14626 Hewetson, Christopher, of Thomas-town Esqr. county Kilkenny. (Note by Sir A. W. Frajihs " Lyons bool-r) 14627 Hewett, Augustus 14628 Hewett, George, Catherine Hall 14629 Hewett, Graham, R.x. .. 14630 Hewison, Ions .. 14631 Hewison, Ions. (Anns. Hewison impaling Graham.) 14632 Hewison, Mrs. L. (The lAate of Ions Hewison loith in- scription altered.) 14633 Hewit, Charles, Esquire, Captain Royal Navy 14634 Hewitson, M. (Bewick?) 14635 (Hewitt), James, Lord Liftbrd. (Created Baron Liford 1768 a7id Viscount Lifford 1781 ; died 1789.) 14636 Hewitt, Augustus. (Arms. Hewitt impaling Key.) 14637 Hewitt, F. 14638 Hewitt, Henry 14639 Hewitt, Honble. Jolin P. (The Honhle. and Bevd. John Pratt Hewitt 2nd, son of the 2nd Viscount Lifford; born 1796 ; died 1880.) 14640 Hewitt, Thomas. (This seems to he the 2)late of F. Hewitt HjifJi inscription altered.) 14641 Hewitt, Thomas. (The last p>late p)rinted in blue.) 14642 Hewitt, Thos. Wall. (Arms. Hewitt with Lloyd on an escutcheon. T. W. Hewitt of Clancoole Co. Cork married Anne, daughter and Coheir of Lloyd of Berghill Ellesmere.) (Green Cork.) 14643 Hewson, John 14644 Hewson, John, (A different jilate.) .. 14645 Hewson, John. (The last plate reworked.) .. 14646 Hewson, John. (Arms. Hewson impaling Montgomerie.) (Green sc. Clifton.) 14647 Hext, Frances Margery, Lostwithiel .. 14648 Hext, George, b.d. c.c.c. Oxon 14649 Hext, Thomas, Trenarren 14650 (Hext), anonymous. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Gertrude Hext afterwards Mrs. Daniel Parsons.'') 14651 Hey, Christian 14652 Heygate, Arma Gul : U., ct Constantitc uxoris Ejus. (Arms. Heygate imjjaling Beaumont. Wm. Unwin Heygate of Roecliffe Hall co. Leicester married 1852 Constance Mary, daughter of Sir George Beaiimont Sth Baronet.) (B. Wyon, Regent Street.)' 14653 Heyland, Langford, Esq. Bovagh 14654 Heyland, M. (Arms. Heyland impaling MacDonald.) .. 14655 Heylyn Style, Bookpile cypher Bookpile cypher Early Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial sliield on clouds Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest and spade shield without arms on clouds Seal Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial arms in a garter G 2 52 Franks CoUection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 14656 14657 14658 14659 14660 14661 14662 14663 Heysham, Stagenhoe Park. HeijsJiam.) Heysham, I. C. .. {Arms. TJiornton quartering 14679 14680 14681 14682 14683 14684 140W6 Heysham, Thomas Coulthard . . Heysham, Thomas Coulthard. {The last plate printed on rose coloured paper.) Heysham, Will., Esqr. Greenwich in Kent . . Heytesbiiry House, sec A' Court. Hey"WOod., B. A., Esqr. {Adapted from the plate engraved hif Bnrtolozzi for Sir Foster Cnnlifc) (" Etched by Miss Birch.") Heywood, Elizabeth Mary Hey wood, Isaac .. 14664 Heywood, I 14665 Heywood, .James 14666 Heyw^ood, James Modyt'ord, Maristow Devon. {Arms. Heijwood, quartering Modyford and Slanning, tvith Hartopp on an escutclieon.) 14667 Heywood, Nathan. {Arms. Heywood impaling Gough.) 14668 Heywood, Oliver 14669 Hejrwood, S 14670 Heywood, Samuel. {Printed in red.) (W. H. (Henshaw)) 14671 Heywood, Thomas. {Arms. Heyivood impaling Barton. Thos. Heywood of Hopie End Co. Hereford married. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Barton of Swinton Co. Lancaster.) (J. Buck, sc.) 14672 Heyw^ood, Thomas, Surgeon 14673 Hibbert, George 14674 Hibbert, Arma -Johannis. Nembhard, Clialfont House. {Arms. Hibbert impaling Alexander. J. N. Hibbert married 1833 Jane Anjie, daughter of Sir Robert Alexander 2nd Bart.) 14675 Hibbert, Thomas. {Arms. Hibbert impaling Mansfield. Thomas Hibbert of Agualta Vale married 1792 the daughter of J. Itushton Mansfield of Thrapstone Co, Northampton.) 14676 Hibbert, Washington, Esqr 14677 Hibbins, .James, M.D. 14678 Hibbins, Lucius Heni'v, of Gray's Inne Esqi'. Hibernian Academy. See School Premiums. Hichens, Ji^x Libris Andrew Iv. .. Ilichens, 11. Hichens, W. Hickie, D. B. (J. Hunt) Hickie, William, Jane Mount. Hickie, William C, Kilclton. Hickman, Barnt. {If a boohplate this must be the plate of Sir Nevil Hickman, who succeeded 1720 as Mt Bmnnet. and died 1733.) Hicks, .\rthur P. . . (F. Wynn Cork) (I'\ Wynn Cork) Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern i Chippendale Ai-morial Crest Chippendale AiTQorial Ai'morial Seal Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armoinal Armorial Crest in a garter Crest in a garter .Jacobean Annorial Armorial Frank.^ CoIIccfion of Book Fhifet^. 53 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 14687 Hieks, Charles Cyril, m.d. (Ar))is. Hicks with Clough!-, quartering Nugent and Hicks, on, au escutcheon.) (•' Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14688 Hicks, Edward Lee 14689 Hicks, G. M 14690 Hicks, Julian 14691 Hicks, William 14692 Hicks, William Henry 14693 Hiekson, Charles 14694 Hiekson, George Blake . . 14695 Hiekson, George Blake. (A dijferent plate) . . 14696 Hiekson, I 14697 Hiekson, I. (The last plate reworked) 14698 Hide, Mr. (J. Harley sc. Cui'tain Road) 14699 Hide, Thomas, Cambridge. (Artns. Hide quartering Hill.) (W. H. (Henshaw.)) 14700 Higden, G. JByfield. (Arms. Higden, quartering Byfield, impaling Frankhjn.) (Neele sc. Sti'and.) 14701 (Higden), anonymous 14702 (Higdenl. anonymous. {Arms. Higden impaling Carij.) (Geo. liiokham junr. sculpt.) 14703 Higgins, Charles Fitzgerald, Esqr., Trafalgar Park, co. Mayo. (Engraved for '• Burke's Heraldic Illustra- fio7is." Arms. Higgi)is quartering Ouseley.) 14704 Higgins, Charles Longuet, m.a. Turvey Abbey, a.d. 1874. 14700 Higgins, Henry. (1799. Watermark in paper) 14706 Higgins, The IleA-. .Joseph, Eector of Eastnor, co. Hereford. {Engraved by Emslie fur '' Burke's Heraldic Hlustra- tions.'" Arms. Higgins, quartering Clinton, Parlies, and Yonge.) 14707 Higginson, Nesta 14708 Higgon, John. (Home sc.) 14709 Higgs, Wm. Simonds, f.s.a. 14710 Higgs, Wm. Simonds, F.s. A. (A different plate) 14711 Higgs, Wm. Simonds, f.s.a., Kensington. 1819 14712 Highmore, Anth. 14713 Highmore, N. 14714 Highmore, Natlil. (Terry sculp. Paternoster Row) 14715 Highmore, W. E., M.D. 1779. (Lake sc.) 14716 Highmore, W. R., m.d. (^1 modern impression of the last /ilatr.) 1779. (Lake sc.) 14717 Hig-nett, John Hignett 14718 Hildyard. (Arms. Hildyard finarfrring Welhy ' Lake mtd ]\'/tiehcote.) Armorial Engraved label Greek motto in a wreatli Armorial AiTiiorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Annorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai-morial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Pictorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Landscape Ar- morial lozenge Armorial Pictorial crest Pictorial crest Pictorial crest Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial spade shield Armorial Armorial 54 Franks CoUection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 14719 Hildyard. {A smaller plate) .. 14720 Hildyard, John 14721 Hildyard, Sr. Eobt., Bart. (Probably the plate of the drd Baronet, who succeeded 1729 and died 1781.) 14722 Hildyard, Sir Robert D'Arcy, Bart. [Arms. Hilyard imimliny Dering. Sir Eobert D'Arcy Hilyard, 4th and last Baro7iet, succeeded 1781, married Mary, daughter of Sir Edtvard Dering, Bart., died 1814.) 14723 W. H. (Hildyard) 14724 Hildyard, William. (J. Warwick sc. 145 Strand) .. 14725 Hilgrove, Thomas, Jersey 14726 G. H. (Hilhouse.) (Johnson sc.) 14727 Hilhouse, James M. (Burnell sc.) 14728 (Hill), Lord Berwick. [Arms. Quarterly, 1. Hill and Harivood quarterly ; 2. Noel ; 3. Lovelace ; 4. Went- worth.) 14729 (Hill), Lord Berwick. (Arms. Hill impaling Vernon. Noel Hill, created Baron Berwich, 1784, married 1768, An7ie, daughter of Henry VernoJi of Hilton ; died 1789.) 14730 (Hill), S. B. {''Sophia. Baroness Berwick.'' Note by Sir A. W. Frafilcs.) 14731 (Hill, Viscount Hill), anonymous 14732 Hill of Gressenhall 14733 Hill, Albert J., a.m. 14734 Hill, Ann. 1825. (Austin) 14735 Hill, Ann Newell .. 14736 Hill, Ben .. 14737 Hill, Catherine .. 14738 Hill, Edward Stock. {Arins. Hill impaling TicJcell. Colonel E. S. Hill, C.B., 1881; K.C.B., 1892; married 1866, Fanny, daughter of General Bichard Tickell, C.B.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. AV. Franks.) 14739 E. H. (Hill). 1817 14740 14741 14742 14743 14744 14745 14746 Hill, George A. . . Hill, Sir George FitzGerald, Bart. {Arms. Hill impaling Bn-esford. Sir G. F. Hill, 27id Bart., married 1788, Jane, daughter of the Bt. Honble. John Beresford ; died 1839.) Hill, George Gosset Hill, George James Hill, Granville D. Hill, II., D.D. {Arms. Hill with Cojmigcr on an escut- cheon.) Hill, Henry Style, 14747 Hill, Henry. {A smaller plate) Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest and cypher in a beaded oval Armorial Printed label Crest and cypher in a frame Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters Armorial spade shield with supporters Initials and coronet Armorial Armorial trophy Armorial Pictorial Crest Armorial lozenge Crest Wreath and rib- bon Armorial lozenge Armorial Wreath and rib- bon Crest and cypher Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chii)pcndale Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 55 Name, Date, and Engraver. 14748 Hill, Henry Eclmiind, c.c.c, Oxon. (The larger plate of Hcnrif Hill loith altered inscription.) 14749 Hill, Hugh 14750 J. H. (Ilill) 14751 J. H. (Hill) 14752 Hill, I., M.D. Acad. Reg. Scient. Buvd. kc. Socius. 14753 Hill, James 14754 Hill, James. Gart Loch 14755 Hill, James Matthew 14756 Hill, Jeremiah. {Arms. Hill impaling Dawson /) (Geo. Johnson sc.) 14757 Hill, John 14758 Hill, John 14759 Hill, John. (H. S. M. (Marks)) 14760 Hill, John, Derby. (B. Clare sc. Derby) 14761 Hill, John, of Sontly, in the county of Denbigh, Esqr. {A reproduction.) 14762 Hill, John, Esqr. (Note hij Sir A. W. Frazils. " This j)late is in W. Stephens' scrap-hooli with cartouche blank.") 14763 Hill, John David Hay, Esqr. (Fenner Sculp.) 14764 Hill, Joseph. (Pugh Bros. Lincoln's Inn) .. 14765 Hill, Lord Marcus. {Stamjjed in gold in vellum. Lord Arthur Marcus Cecil Hill succeeded 1860 as Baron Sandys and died 1863.) 14766 Hill, Marcus Samuel. {Arms. Hill imjmling Barnard. Capt. Marcus Saml. Hill, B.N., 4th son of Sir Hugh Hill, 1st Bart., married Marij, daughter of the Revd. Henry Barnard, D.D.) 14767 Hill, ]\I. D., Esqr. {Printed on vellum) 14768 Hill, Noel. {Arms. Hill quartering Harwood and Noel. Noel Hill, M.P., created Baron Berwick 1784; died 1789.) 14769 Hill, Eegmald Hay 14770 Hill, Richd., Esqr. Thornton 14771 Hill, Rowland 14772 Hill, Rowland, A.M. (HoUoway Sculpt.) 14773 Hill, Rowley Gorges, Esqr 14774 Hill, E Libris Samuel T 14775 Hill, Sidney 14776 Hill, Thomas 14777 Hill, Thomas. (Green, Cork) 14778 Hill, Thomas 14779 Hill, Thomas Finimorc 14780 Hill, Thomas Rowley Style. Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Ai'morial lozenge Wreath and rib- bon Crest and cypher Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Festoon Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Crest in a garter Crest Festoon printed label Landscape Armorial Wi'eath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial shield in a garter Annorial Armorial Armorial 56 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbavee. 14781 14782 14783 14784 14785 14786 14787 14788 14789 14790 14791 14792 14793 14794 14795 14796 14797 14798 14799 14800 14801 14802 14803 14804 14805 14806 14807 14808 Hill, Thomas Kowley. {A (liferent plate) Hill, Thomas William .. ' .. Hill, Wm., Esqr. Falmouth .. {The Hill, William Bearsley. Tiin. Coll. Cambridge. plate of Henry Edmund Hill reworked.) Hill, William Buitow (Hill, Baronet), anonymous. (Ar>HS. Hill with Clegg on an escutcheon. Sir Bowland Hill, Ath Bart., who suc- ceeded, 1842, as 2nd Viscount, married 1831 An7ie, daughter and heir of Joseph Clegg of Peploiv Hall, CO. Saloj).) (Hill), anonymous. {Arms. Hill impaling C'urnish. Eliza- beth Rhodes, daughter of Philip Cornish, married 1795 John, eldest son of Sir John Hill, 3rd Bart. He died vita p)atris 1814.) Hill House Library. See Fleetwood. Hillary, Sir William, Bart. {Created a Baronei 1805 ; died 1847.) (Eaban Fecit, Palais Roval 95.) Hillary, William, m.d. Bath. 1743. (J. S. (Skinner).) Hillbank. See "Wise. (Hillersdon), anonymous. 1736 (Hillersdon), anonymous. {Arms. Hillersdon iynpaling Brown .') Hilliard, Edward Hilliard, William Edward. [ArntH. Hilliard quartering Crosier.) Hillier, H. B. C Hillier, Xathanael, Gent. Hillier, Xathanael, Gent. [Tlic last plate reworked) (Hillsi, Bishop of Columbia. {George Hills apjjointed Bishop of British Columbia 1859.) C'Wvon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Hillsborough, Earl oi. Ser Hill. Hilton, David, Esqr. {Arms. Hilton loit/i . . . on an escutclicon.) Hilton, Francis F. ('• Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) Hilton, Ilevd. J. D Hilton, Rcvd. Robt., a.m. (Hilton), anonymous. {Arms. Hilton quartering Miis- grave and Stapleton.) (Hilton), anonymous. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Hinchinbrook, discount. Sec Montagu. Hinchsliffe, .T. W Hincks, Rcvd. Edward. (.T. Thomson sculpt. Belfast) Hincks, Rev. Edward, 1).]). Hincks, Thos. Cowper. Es(|. (Armx. Hinekx ijnarlirivg Con-pcr, Conipcr and Allen.) Hind, .Tiimcs. (Privfed on green paper) Style. Armorial Armorial Jacobean Book- pile Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Armorial supporters Early Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Jacobean Annorial •Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippcudah; Bookpile Ar- morial Armorial Crests Armorial spade shield Annorial Crests Festoon Armorial Crest Wreatli and ribbon Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 57 Name, Date, and Engkaveb. Style. 14809 Hind, John 14810 Hinde, George 14811 Hinde, John Hodgson. (Arms. Hodgson with Comjiton on an escutcheoti. J. H. Hinde of Stclling Hall and Acton House, co. Northtoaberland, married 1833 i Isabella, daughter and coheir of Anthony Compton of Carliam Hall.) 14812 Hinde, Robert, Esqr. (PHnted in sepia) .. .. . . 14813 Hinde, Capt. Robt. Near Hichin, Herts 14814 Hinde, Thos. [Arms. Hinde quartering Ghamhcr) (S.Yates sc. Liverpool.) 14815 (Hinde), anonymous. {Called '' Surcott" in W. H. Finchani's " Artists and Engravers of Boohplates,^^ hut from the crest Hinde is more probable. The tinctures arc not correct for the coat of either family.) 1785. (W. H. Wood Ext.) 14816 (Hinde), anonymous. (Arms. Hinde impaling Hodgson) . . 14817 Hindley of HimUey 14818 (Hindley of Hindley), anonymous. (The last plate tvithout inscription.) 14819 Hindley of Hindley. (The last plate witJi Crest added) .. 14820 Hindley, -John Haddon Hindlip, Baron. See Allsopp. 14821 Hinds, Benjamin. Escp-. (G. Johnston sc. Bristol) i 14822 Hinds, William. (B. Wyon Sc.) ! Historical Society of tlic Reformed Church in the United I States. See Societies. 1482.3 Hingston 14824 Hingston, James, A.M. [1736] j 14825 Hingston, Reyd. Jiunes, ll.r. {Note by Sir A. W. Frank-.i. ' '• Lyons iSooA-.") Hinton Admiral Library. See Gervis. 14826 Hinton, Frederic. Lyme. [Ar)ns. Hinlon i}npaling Harcourt.) 14827 Hinton, Mary. 1783 14828 Hinxman 14829 Hipkins, M.A. Her Book 14830 Hippisley, Alfred E. (-Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14831 Hippisley, John Coxe, ll.d. {Arms. Hijypislcy vnjmling Stuart. John Coxe Hippisley, created a Baronet 1796. married 1789, as his 1st wife, Margaret, daughter of Sir John Stuart, 3rd Bart, of Allanbanh.) 14832 Hippisley, Sir .John Cox, Bart., ll.d., f.r.s., f.a.s. {Part (f tlir inscription seems to have been cut off. Arms. Hippisley ini]ioling Stuart and Horner. Sir J. C. Hippisley married, as his 2nd wife, Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Thos. Horner of Mells Park, co. Somerset, and widoio- of Henry Hippisley ; died 1825.) Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial arms in a garter Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter AiTiiorial Armorial Chippendale Annorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Stamped Icatlicr label Armorial spade shield Printed label Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Armorial supporters 58 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 14833 Hippisley, Sir John Cox, Bart., ll.d., f.r.s., f.a.s. {The last idate with the inscription altered,) 14834 Hippisley, Sir John Cox, Bart., ll.d., f.r.s., f.a.s. {The last -plate luitli outer frame added.) 14835 Hippisley, Sir John Cox, Bart., ll.d., f.r.s., f.a.s. .. 14836 14837 14838 14839 14840 14844 14845 14846 14847 14848 14853 14854 14855 148.'56 14857 14858 (Hippisley), mutilated. {Note on the hack, '■^ Margt. Hijipisley. Arms. Hippisley quartering Organ and Preston, impialing Coxe. The Bcvd, John Hippisley of Stow, CO. Gloucester, married Margaret, daughter of John Hippisley Coxe of Stone Easton.) Hippisly, Ann. Shepton-Mallet, Somerset .. Hipsley, John Cox Hirst. E Libris Bibliotheca Gnlielmi, Armigeri. Hirtzel, Frederic D. L. .. (L. Jewitt) 14841 Hirtzel, Mr. Geo. Exeter. (Adams Xon) 14842 (Hirtzel), anonjTQOus. {The plate of Frederic D. L. Hirtzel 'Without inscription.) 14843 Hitch, Charles, Esqr Hitch, Charles, Esqr. East Ham, Essex. {The last plate irith inscripition altered.) Hitchcock, E. A. U.S. Army.. Hitchcock, "William Hoadly, John, ll.d. {Arms. Hoadly inq)aUng Ashe. John Hoadly, Poet and Dramatist, youngest son of Benjamin Hoadly, Bishop of WiiicJiestcr ; born 1711, 7narricd Miss Ashe; died 1776.) (17)52. (R. M. so. (Mountainc).) Hoar 14849 Hoar. George 14850 Hoar, George 14851 Hoar, WilHam 14852 Hoar, William, Joyncr, att Epsom in Surry Hoare. County of Cork, &c. Quartering Barrv, Lyons, Phillips. Hoare, Charles. {Aryns. Hoare impaling Bohinson. Charles Hoare, son of Bichard Hoare of Barn Elms by his 27id wife, Frances Ann, davgliter (f Bichard Acland, married 1790 Frances Dorothea, daughter of Sir George Boldnson, Bart.) Hoare, Edward, Esqr. {Arms. Hoare imp>aling Hatch, Edward Hoare, born 1723, married Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Jolin Hatch, M.P.) Hoare, Edward, Esqr. Factory Hill, co. Cork. 1860 Hoare, Fras. Ann Hoare, II. .. 14859 Hoare, Henry, Goldsmith in London. 1704.. Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial. Two shields accole with supporters Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Vesica Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Pictorial Chipptndale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Franks Collection of Boole Plates. 59 Name, Date, and Engbavee. Style. 14860 Hoare, Henry 14861 Hoare, Henry. (A different lAatc) 14862 Hoare, The Gift of Henry, Esqr., who died March 12, 1724, Aged 47. 14863 Hoare, The Gift of Henry, Esqr. (A diff'e^-ent plate) 14864 Hoare, The Gift of Henry, Esqr. {A diff'erent plate) 14865 Hoare, The Gift of Henry, Esqr. {A diff'erent plate) 14866 Hoare, The Gift of Henry, Esqr. (A diff'erent plate) 14867 Hoare, The Gift of Henry, Esqr. {A smaller plate) 14868 Hoare, The Gift of Henry, Esqr. (A different plate) 14869 Hoare, Hy. Hugh, F.L.s. .. .. ' 14870 Hoare, Henry Merrik 14871 Hoare, Henry Merrik. {The last p>late reiuorked) .. 14872 Hoare, J. S 14873 Hoare, Richard. {Arins. Hoare quartering T idly) 14874 Hoare, Richard .. 14875 Hoare, Sr. Richard, Knt. {The last plate with inscription altered. Probably the plate of Sir Bichard Hoare, Lord Mayor 1745.) 14876 Hoare, Samuel 14877 Hoare, Samuel .. 14878 Hoare, Sophia Merrik 14879 Hoare, William 14880 Hoare, William 14881 Hoare, William. Iden, Staplchurst. {Arms. Hoare im- X>aling Eamsdrn.) 14882 (Hoare.) Stourhead Library. {Sir Richard Colt Hoare, 2nd Barf., succeeded 1787; died 1838.) 14883 (Hoare), anonymous. {The last plate without the frame or inscrijitio?!.) 14884 (Hoare), anonj-mous. {Proof from unfinished plate) 14885 (Hoare), anonjTUous or mutilated. {A bookplate !) 14886 (Hoare), anonymous. {Arms. Hoare impaling Hornby. William O'Bryen Hoare, Capt. li.N., 2nd son of Sir Joseph Wallis Hoare, 3rd Bart., married 1834 Caro- liyie, daughter of John Hornby of the Hook, Co. Southamjiton.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 14887 (Hoare), anonymous. {A reversed itninrssion. Not a bookjdate. Arms. Hoare impaling Acland. This may have been engraved for Henry Hugh Hoare, who married 1784 Maria Palmer, daughter of Arthur Acland, and succeeded 1838 as 'Srd Baronet.) Jacobean Amiorial Jacobean Amiorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest Library Interior Pictorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Pictorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle 60 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 14888 (Hoare), anonjonous. (A reversed impression. Not a hoollate with engraver's signature erased.) Holland, E Libris Henrici Thuvstan. {Succeeded as 2iid Baronet 1873 ; created Baron Knutsford 1888.) Holland, James. {Anns. Holland impaling Bell. (Suf- field sculpt.) Holland, Jno., Esqr. Holland, I. M. {Printed in red) Holland, Lancelot. {Arms. Holland inipaling Fctcrs) .. {The last plate retoorked) {A smaller plate) {The last jilate reworked) Holland, Lancelot. Holland, Lancelot. Holland, Lancelot. Holland, Matthew Holland, P. Bolton Holland, Eiciiard Holland, Robert . . Holland, Roger . . Holland, Samuel. {Arms. Holland impaling Carter.) (W. S. (Stephens).) Holland, Samuel, m.d. (Arms. Holland impaling Erskine.) Holland, Revel. Sanuicl, a.m. Cc ji.d. {The last plate with inscription altered.) Holland, Revd. Dr., Precentor of Chichester. {The last plate with inscription again altered.) Holland, Stephen Holland, Stephen G. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Holland, Swinton C. (1818. Wmk. in paper) Holland, Thomas Style. 15098 Holland, Wm 15099 Holland, Revd. W. {The arms of Fo.c) 15100 Holland, Revd. W. W. Chichester 15101 (Holland), anonymous . . 15102 (Holland, John), anonymous. {The Is/ state. As Ij this l>lal'' see Ex Lib. Jour. vol. Hi. p. 1.) (Hogarth.) 1510.3 I Holland, John), anonymous. (The Ind state.) (Hogarth) 15104 (Holland, John), anonymous. (C. Scarlett Fecit) .. 15105 (Holland), anonymous, (Proof of the plate of Henry Lancelot Holland.) 15106 (Holland?), anon;\Tnous .. 15107 (Holland ?j, anonymous. {Arms. Holland impaling Muschampi ■') 15108 (Holies), The Most Noble John Duke of Newcastle, Marquis and Earl of Clare, Baron Haughtnn of Haughton, and Knight of ye Most Noble Order of the Garter. {Arms. Armorial Armorial Vesica crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale engraved label Armorial spade shield Armorial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Piclorifil Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial iUunorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Vesica Armorial Earl^- Armorial Franks CoUtdion of Buok Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. *20 15109 15110 15111 15112 15113 15114 15115 15116 15117 15118 15119 15120 15121 15122 15123 15124 15125 15126 15127 15128 15129 Holies luitli Cavendish on an. escutcheon. John, Earl of Clare, married Margaret, daughter and coheir of Henry, 2nd Duke of Nciocastle and was created Mar- quess of Clare and Duke of Newcastle 1694 ; died 1711.) (Holies), The Most Noble John, Duke of Newcastle, Marquis and Earl of Clare, Baron Haughton of Haughton, and Knight of ye Most Noble Order of the Garter. {A different plate.) 1702. (Holies), The Most Noble John, Duke of Newcastle, Marquis and Earl of Clare, Baron Haughton of Haughton, & Knight of ye most Noble Order of the Garter. {A smaller plate.) Holliday, Evan .. HoUiday, John, Esqr. Lincoln's Inn. {Printed in blue. Arms. Holliday with Harrison on an escutcheon. John Holliday called to the Bar 1771 ; married the daughter of Mr. Harrison of Dilhorne Hall, co. Staford; died 1801.) Hollier Hollingsworth, Nathaniel (Arms. Hollins witlt liohcrts on an in blue. Arms. Hollins, William escutcheon.) Hollinshead, Hy. Brock. (Printed Hollinshcad quartering Brock.) Hollinshead, Law. Brock HoUinworth, Jolin [Hollinworth, John.] (The arms and crest are not engraved.) (Hollinworth), anonjinous Hollis, George. Winchester. (Arms. Hollis with Parry .' 071 an escutcheon.) Hollist, E Libris Henrici. Oct. 26, 1748 HoUist, Rd., Esqr Hollist, Rd. Esqr. (Arms. Hollist quartering Winckley l) Hollond, Ellen Julia. (Arms. Holland with Teed on an escutcheon. Ellen Julia, daughter of Thomas Teed of Sfanmorc Hall, co. Middlesex, married 1840 Eobcrt Hollo}2d, M.P. He died 1877 ; she died 1884.) Hollond, Robert .. Holloway, M. Genl. Sir C, Kt. (Born 1749; Knighted ISO'S; died 1827.) (1830. Watermark in paper.) Holloway, Henry Holloway, Horatio F. K. Holloway, W. C. Elphinstone, c.ii., Royal Engineers. (Arms. Holloway, quartering Elphinstone, ivith Elphinstone on an escutcheon. William Cuthbert Holloway, n-lio assumrd the additional unrnamc of Elphinstone in 1825, married Amelia, daughter and coheir of Captain J'homas El/du'nstonr. 11. X. : C.B. 1831 ; died 1850.) (Lambert, Newcastle.) Style. Early Armorial shield in a garter Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Autograph Armorial spado shield Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial F 2 68 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 15130 Holm, I. D. 15131 Holman, Samuel . . 15132 Holme, Jacob 15133 Holme, Robert 15134 Holme, Thomas. Holme Hill 15135 (Holm.e), anonymous. {A reversed imjn-ession) 15136 (Holme), anonymous. {Ar7ns. 1. Holme; 2. Hastings; 3. Plantagenet ; 4. Dcvcreux ; 5. Plantagenet ; 6. Banlxcs.) 15137 Holmes, Cecil Frederick. [Arms. Holmes quartering Loxdale or Oliver.) 15138 Holmes, Cecil Frederick, St. John's College, Cambridge. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 15139 Holmes, Emra .. 15140 Holmes, Francis, Darlington .. 15141 Holmes, Frederick. (Arms. Holmes imjMlijig Loxdale or Oliver.) 15142 Holmes, Gervas, M. A. 15143 Holmes, Lt. Col. H. {Arms. Holmes quartering Lovctt ! This is x>i'ohahlij the j;Z«Y6' of Lieut. Genl. Henry Holmes, 3rd son of Hcnrij Holmes of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, and brother of Baron Holmes of Kihitallock ; died 1762.) 15144 Holmes, Mr. Henry 15145 Holmes, Henry. His Book. Anno Domini 1732. (See also the ^^ZaYc of Saml. Crompton.) (Printed by S. Drewry, Derby.) 15146 Holmes, James Ogle. (Arms. Holmes, quartering Ogle, im2)aling Mnrsliall.) 15147 Holmes, James Parke 15148 Holmes, J. P 15149 Holmes, James S. (These mr the Arms of Home quor- tcring Fepdir.) 15150 Holmes, Jasper. [Arms. Holmes J impaling Peto) 15151 Holmes, Jolm 15152 Holmes, Jolm 15153 Holmes, Jolm. ol Holt in Norfolk, a.d. 1755.. 15154 Holmes, John, ^Maidstone, Kent 15155 Holmes, Revd. John. Gawdy Hall 15156 Holmes, Testameuto legavit Johannes, s.T.i-. nupcr Socius. (Brasenose College.) 15157 Holmes, Joseph. (Arms. Holmes imi)aling Gorham) 15158 Holmes, J. Sancroft. (Arms. Holmes quartering Wogan a7id Sancroft.) 15159 Holmes, Leonard Troughear. (Arms. Holmes and Lovctt ! q)iarterhj, quartering Troughcar, with Tyrrell on an escutcheon. The lievd. Leonard Troughcar, who assumed the Surname and Arms of Holmes, and was created Baron Holmes in 1797, married Elizabeth Tgrrclt.) 1.31 (lU Holmes, Oliver Wendell Style. Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Chippendale engraved label Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Chippendale iVi-morial Jacobean printed label Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Engraved label Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Annorial Armorial Annorial spade shield Pictorial Fi'anhs Collection of Booh Plates. 69 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 15161 Holmes, Peter, Esqr. (Note by Sir A. W. Franlis " Lyons hook.") ir)102 Holmes, W., St. J. 15. Coll. (Cole, Oxon. sculp.) .. ir.l63 15164 1516r) 15166 inic; 15168 15169 15170 15171 15172 15174 15175 15176 15177 15178 15179 ^273 15180 15181 15182 Style. Holmes, William, Brookfield, W. J. 0., Esqr. {Arms. Holmes impaling Flower, quartering Squire. The lievd. William Holmes, married Jemima, daughter of Sir Charles Flower, Bart., and had a son, William James Owen Holmes of Strumjyshaw Hall, co. Norfolk. Perhaps an altered i)latc.) (Holmes), anonymous. (Proof of the plate of Cecil Frederick Holmes.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Holroyd), John, Lord Sheffield, Sheffield Place, Sussex. (John Baker Holroyd, created Bnron Shrfield, 1781, and Earl of She^eld, 1816 ; died 1821.) Holroyd, Anne Freda. Cathe. (G. Holroyd, etched and printed.) Holroyd, Edward Holroyd, George Chaplin. Stevensoti .') Holroyd, George Sowley, Chaplin. Sir George Kings Bench, married {Arms. Holroyd impaling {Arms. Holroyd impaling S. Holroyd, Judge of the 1787, Sarah, daughter of A^nos Cliaplin of Brydges Street, Covent Garden ; died 1831.) Holroyd, Mr. Justice. {The plate of George Sowley Holroyd loith inscription altered.) Holroyd, Henry . . 15173 Holroyd, J. Baker, Esqr., Sheffield Place, Sussex HolrcVM, James John and Sophia, White Hall. {Arms. Holroyd impaling Tyssen, quartering Bodicote.) (Culle- ton. 2 Long Acre, London.) Holroyd, James John and Sophia, White Hall. (^4 different plate.) (Culleton, 2 Long Acre, London.) Holroyd, James John. (J. J. H. Feet.) Holroyd, Thomas. {Arms. Holroyd impaling Morgan) . . Holt, Frederic W. Holt, TJie Right Honble. Sr. John, Knight. Lord Chief Justice of ye Court of Queens Bench and one of Her Majesties Most Honble. Privy Council. 1702. Holt, The Right Honble. Sr. John, Knight. Lord Chief Justice of ye Court of Queens Bench and one of Her Majesties Most Honble. Privy Council. {Another im- ptression of the last plate.) 1702. Holt, John. {Arms. Holt quartering Motteux) Holt, John, Walton. 1800. (H.Rogers) (Holt), anonymous 15183 (Holt), anonjiiious 15184 (Holt), anonymous or mutilated. {Arjns, Holt quartering Fanshaio ?) Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and rib- bon Armorial lozenge Armorial Amiorial Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Earlj' Armorial Earlv Aniiorial Armorial Pictorial Jacobean Armorial Aniiorial spade shield Armorial 70 FranJcs CoJJection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engravee. 15185 151SG 15187 15188 Holte, Sr. Lister, of Aston, in Warwicksliiro. Bavnt. (Suc- ceeded 1729 an r>th Baronet, died 1769. Note hy Sir A. W. Franks. ^^ Altered from Sir Charles Holte. Bom 1679, ob. 1722.") Holte, Si*. Lister, of Aston, in Warwickshire, Barnt. [A different jplate.) Holwell Holwell, Lt. Coll. (Strongitharm sc, Dean St. Solio) 15189 Holwell, John Zephaniah, Esqr. 1758 15190 Holy, T. B 15191 Holyoake, George. {Arms. Hohjoake impaling Pigott /) 15192 Holyoake, Henry 15193 Homan, Cramer. {The plate of Philip Homan vith in- scription altered.) 15194 Homan, Philip 15195 Homan, Philip. (Arms. Homan inqjaling Cramer) 15196 Homan, Ex Libris Guliehni Jackson. (Created a Baronet 1801.) Iyl97 Home, The Pdght Honble. Alexander Earle of. Lord Dan- glass and Coldingame. {Succeeded 1706 as Ith Earl, died 1720.) 1710. 15198 (Home, Earl of), anonymous. {The last plate ivith inscrip- tion and date erased.) 15199 (Home, Earl of), anonymous. {A modern impression from the last p)lo-tc reworked.) 15200 (Home, Earl of), mutilated. {Probably the plate of the 9th Earl, who succeeded 1761, and died 1786.) 15201 (Home, Earl of), anonymous 15202 (Home, Countess of,) anonymous. {Arms. Home, quar- tering Pepdie, with Abernethy ? on an escutcheon. Probably the plate of the widoio of Williain, 8th Earl of Home, ivho died in 1761. 67; f was a Mrs. Laws of Albemarle Street.) 15203 (Home), The Honble. Lord Khnniergham. 1718 .. 15204 (Home), The Honble. Lord Kimmergham. {The last j^late witJi tlie date erased .) 15205 Home, Dr. A. G., of Whitfield 15208 Home, Chas. {Arms. Home impaling MelciUe or Ogle) ., 15207 Home, Everard 15208 Home, Everard, r.n. (Griffiths and Weigalls, 3 St. James's Sti'.) 15209 Home, Everard, e.n. {The last plate with the engraver's signature erased.) 15210 Home, Everard, r.n. {The last plate reworked. Everard Home succeeded 1832 rts 2nr? Baronet.) 15211 Home, George Drunnnond, of Blairdrummond 15212 Home, Henry, of Karnes 15213 Home, Henry, of Kames, Judge in the Coui-ts of Session and Justiciary. Style. Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Urn Armorial Engi-aved label trophy Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Jacobean Armorial Earlv Armorial Early Armorial Eai'ly Ai'morial Jacobean Armorial Crest and coronet Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Annorial Armorial AVreath and ribbon Armorial shield in a garter Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Annorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 71 Name, Date, and Engraver. 15214 Home, James, Writer to the Signet 15215 15216 15217 15218 15219 15220 15221 15222 15223 15224 15224a 15225 15226 15227 15228 15229 15230 15231 *306 *440 15232 15233 15284 15235 15236 15237 15238 {The last jplate re- {The plate again re- Home, John H., Esqr., of Longformacus Home, Eodham CD. Home, William Arcliibald Homfray, Revd. I,, a.b. & f.s.a. Homfray, Revd. I., a.b. & f.s.a. worked.) Homfray, Revd. I., a.b. & f.s.a. luorlicd.) Homfray, John. Mert. Coll. Oxon. .. Homfray, John, mdcclxviii. {Arms. Hoynfraij impaling Parr. John Homfray of All Saints, Dcrhg, married Sarah, daughter of John Parr of Derby and widoio of Thomas Dalhy ; died 1804.) [Homfray, H. R.J {The x>t(ite of Bevd. I. Homfray with the inscription not pi^ in ted.) Homfrey, John, berj-e sable IIII palys of Ermyn 1390 Homfrey, John. {A different plate) .. Honan, ]\I. {Stamped by hand) Hone, Ellen, Senr. Hone, Nathaniel . . Hon. Artillery Company. See Military Bookplates. Hony, Wm. Honyman, George Essex. Middle Temple . . Honywood, Ph. {Printed in blue) Honjrwood, Thomas. (Jarrett, London) Hoo, John, of the Inner Temple, London, Esqr. Hoo, John, of the Inner Temple, London, Esqr. imjjression of the last plate.) 1703. (Hood, Viscount), anonymous .. (Hood), Viscount Bridport, Duke of Bronte Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Hood, The Honorable Alexander Nelson. {Elder son of the Ind Baron Bridport ; succeeded as drd Baron 1868, and was created Viscount Bridport the same year.) Hood, Charles Hood, Henry Hood, John Hood, John 1703 .. {AnotJier (" Wyon. 15239 Hood, John 15240 Hood, Robt. Jacomb 15241 Hood, Thos. 15242 Hood, Thomas Pelham 15243 15244 15245 15246 15247 Hood, Thomas Pelham, of Spring-jMount in the County of Antrim, Esqr. {Arms. Hood qnartenng Kennedy and Stevenson.) Hood, W. Charles Hood, W. Charles. {Arins. Hood impaling Willett) Hood, William. (Johnson sc.) Hook, Ay. 15248 Hooke, B. D., Esqr. Style. Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Crest in a beaded oval Crest Armorial Armorial Earl;^' Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Engi-aved label with Coronets Crest Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial Crests in a garter Mock Heraldic Jacobean Ar- morial modern Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield 72 Franlcs Collection of liooh Plates. Name, Datk, axd Exgbavee. 15249 Hooke, E., Soc. Coll. Mag. Oxon. (R. M. (Mountaine).) .. 15250 Hooke, Jolm. Serjeant at Law. 1703 *461 Hooke, John, Serjeant, at Law. (AiidfJirr iDijircssion of the lastjilatc.) 1703. 15251 Hooke, Jolm. Esqr. iAruifi. Hool-r q/unicriiif/ Tiicl-cr).. 15252 Hooker, Charles, Esqr. *350 Hooker, Charles, Esqr. {Auotln r inijircssioii of tlw last phitc.) 15253 Hooker, E(l\v(l., Esqr. (F. Gardner sculp.) .. 15254 Hooker, Jolui ]\Iurshall . . 15255 Hooker, W. Instnniicnt Maker & Chart Seller to the U.S. Navy and Agent for the Nautical Store 202 "Water Street, New York. (.4 Trade Card used as a hoohjAatc /) 15256 Hookey, Eras. B. {Arms. Hool:r)i qua rtn-iiuf Bond) 15257 Hooper 15258 Hooper, Alderman 15259 Hooper, Edmund Huntley. [Arms. Hooper impaling Stuart. E. H. Hooper married. 1867 Alice Maud, daughter of Charles Knox. 4fh Earl of Castlestuart.) 15260 Hooper, Fr., s.t.p. Trin. Coll. Cant. Soc. Senr. Bono dedid Rectoribus de Fakenham. (W. S. (Stephens).) 15261 Hooper, Fr., s.t.p. Trin. Coll. Cant. Soc. Senr. Dono dedit Rectoribus de Fakenham. (The last plate with tlic Engraver's signature erased.) 15262 Hooper, George Norgate. {Arms. Hooper impialing Fielder) 15263 Hooper, John 15264 Hooper, John. {Printed on hi ue paper) 15265 Hooper, John. {Arms. Hoopier with Fill-in, quartering Grant, on an escutcheon.) 15266 Hooper, Richard . . 15267 Hooper, Richard, Clerk 15268 Hooper, Robert 15269 Hooper, Thos. Surgeon .. 15270 Hooper, William. ]Jowden. 1775 15271 Hoops, Alcxr. {Note hij Sir A. W. Franls - Lyons booh ") 15272 Hoops, Mr. Robert. iThr phtle of Alr.rr. Hoops irith in- scription altered.) Hooton Library. Sec Stanley. 15273 (Hope, Earl of), Hopetoun 15274 (Hope, Earl of), Ilopctoun. {A smaller 7)latc) 15275 Hope 15276 Hope 15277 Hope. (Arms. Hope impaling Smyth) 15278 (Hope), Caniden. {Arvis. Hope impaling Kinnaird . Vice- Admlral Sir James Hope, It.N., ' G.C.B., married Fredcrica EU::a. daughter of Charles, 8fh Baron Kinnaird; diedlSSI.) Style. Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Earlj- Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale crest and cypher Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Festoon Armca-ial Chippendale Aa-morial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean ? Armorial supporters Ai'morial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial FranJi's Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. {A different 2}l(ttc) Hope iiiipalinfj . , 15279 (Hope), Lnflhess .. 15280 Hope, A 15281 Hope, Alcxamlev J. Jicresford 15282 Hope, Alexander -T, Beresford. 15283 Hope, Fred. William. (Arm a. 15284 G. H. (Hope). Canitlen 15285 Hope, Hugh 15286 Hope, II. P 15287 I. H. (Hope) 15288 Hope, James 15289 Hope, James 15290 Hope, Jac. Rob. Scholaiis de Merton. mdcccxxxix. 15291 Hope, Jolm 15292 Hope, Gonl. John. {Arvis. Hope, witli Scott on an escutcheon, impaling Macclougall. Genl. Sir John Hope, G.C.H., married 1st 1806 Margaret, daughter and heir of Robert Scott of Logic, and Indhj 1814 Jane Hester, daughter of John MacdougaJl (f Ardintriva.) 15293 Hope, Sr. John Bruce, of Kinros, Bart. {The 1th Baronet ; died 1766.) l.>294 Hope, John Thomas 15295 Hope, AV. H. St. John. (H. S. ?) 15296 Hope, 8r. William, Bart., Dep. Govr. of the Castle of Edin- burgh. President. Gladiatorum Scoticorum Soeietatis Picgalis symbolum. Erected 1692. 15297 Hope, William, b.a. St. Catharine's Hall, Cambridge 15298 (Hope), anonvmous. (Note by Sir A. W. Fra7iks, " Marl- Hope Lt.^19 Madras Foot:') 15299 (Hope), anonymous. (C. P. Kent, sculpt.) 15300 (Hope), anonymous. {The last plate ivithout the engraver's sigii'ifure.) 15301 Hoper 15302 (Hoper), anonymous. (Arms. Holder impaling Gardiner ') Hopetovm, Earl of. See Hope. 15.303 Hopkins, Benjamin Bond. (Arms. Hopkins, eptartet-ing Bond, with . . . on an escutcheon.) 15304 Hopkins, Evan. Middle Temple 15305 Hopkins, Henry .. 15306 Hopkins, Henry. {Arms, Hopkins impaling Chamberlaine quartering Bond. Capt. Henry Hopkins, 2nd Life Guards, married Marianne, daughter of Capt. George Cluimbcrlaine.) 15307 Hopkins, Ex Libris Hugo C. .. 15808 Hopkins, Mr, J. W '. 15309 Hopkins, IMartin Edward. (Arms. Ho2)kins impaling Ma n ley.) 15310 Hopkins, Thomas. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 15311 Hopkins, Tlios., Esqr. Newland. Gloucester-shire. (Arms. The two coats of Hopkins quarterly.) Style. Armorial supporters Jacobean ? Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest and cypher Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribljon Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Crest Armorial Jacobean Armorial sujiporters Ai'morial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial modern Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Interlaced initials Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial 74 Franks CoUeefioJi of Booh Phdes. Name, Date, and Engeavee. Style. 15312 Hopkins, "Willm. (Arms. Hopliins quartering Weekes) .. 15313 Hopkins, Willm. and Mary. {Arms. Hojildns, rpiarfcring Weelrs, impalinrj Blrssct.] (Shavpo «c.) 15314 Hopkins, \V. R. Innes 15315 Hopkins, "William Randolph Innes. Grey Towers Library 15316 (Hopkins), anonymous .. 15317 (Hopkins), anonymous. ("AVyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 15318 (Hopkins), anonymous .. .. ,, .. .. .. 15319 (Hopkins), anonymous. (Proof of the jihdc lujicfi Ho2)lins.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) .. 15320 Hopkinson, Arthur 15321 Hopkinson, C 15322 Hopkinson, Sir C, Kt., c.B. 15323 Hopkinson, Charles. Queen's Coll., Oxford 15324 Hopkinson, Edmund 15325 Hopkinson, Edmund. Edgeworth Manor House, Gloucester- shire. 15326 Hopkinson, Insig. F., ll.d., f.s.a. Concessa temp. Eliz. Reg. olim a comit. Line. Hodie apud Malvern "Wells. 1881. 15327 Hopkinson, Francis. {A rejirodnctioii.) (H. Dawkins sculpt. 15328 Hopkinson, William 15329 [Hopkinson, Samuel] , anonymous. [1790] 15330 Hopkirk, Thomas 15331 Hopkirk, Thomas 15332 Hopkyns, Arma D.D., de Sybford Gower in Com. Oxon. .. 15333 Hoppe, James Henry 15334 A. M. H. (Hopper). Coll. Div. Joann. ap. Cantabr. Soc. .. 15335 Hopper, Augustus M. (Arms. Hojypcr quartering Carlcss) 15336 Hopper, George .. 15337 Hopper, E Libris Johannis 15338 Hopper, Thomas 15339 Hopper, Walter Carless. (Copied from thr plate of George Hopper.) 15340 Hopper, Walter Carles. (Arms. Hopper impaling Carless. Perhaps an altered plate. Mr. Hoj^per's mother was Ann, daughter und heir of the Bevd. Walter Carless.) 15341 Hopper, W. A. Lincoln's Inn 15342 (Hopper), anonjTnous. (The plate of Augustus IV. Ho2^2^er wiiliout inscription.) 1,5343 Hopson, Ex Libris W. F. Newhaven. 1893. (W. F. H. (Hopson).) 15344 Hopton, John, of Can-frome, in the County of Hereford. {The plate of liichard Hopton reivorked and inseriplion altered.) 15345 Hopton, Michael Cope. (Born 1120 ; died 1808) .. Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Crest Armorial Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Crests Seal Armorial I'ictorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Franhii Collection of Booh Plaffs. Name, Date, aud Engbaveb. Style. 15340 15348 15349 15350 15351 15352 15353 15354 15355 15356 15357 15358 15359 15360 15361 15362 15363 15364 15365 15366 15367 15368 15369 15370 15371 15372 15373 15374 15375 15376 15377 15378 15379 15380 15381 Frauls, " Lyons namr '' ]ViIJi(t))i Ilopton, Richard, of Can-fromc. in tho County of Horeforcl. Esqr. Ilopton. Sec Knill. Hopwell Hall. See Pares. (Ilopwood), anonymous. {Printed in hhir) .. Horan, George Hord, :\riss P. C. H Hore, Philip Herbert, Esqr. Pole Hore Hore, Thomas Hore, Thomas. (^4 different jdatc) .. (H.ove), anonymous. '{Note by Sir A. W. Book." This plate exists with the Hore" engraved on it.) (Clark sc.) Horlock, Isaac J. Webb, Esqr. The Kocks. co. Gloucester. (Arms. Horloek quartering Webb, Smith, Grace, and Elhington.) Horn of that Ilk . . Hornby, C. H. St. -Tohn. {Arnis. Hornby imjmling Turton) Hornby, E Libris Hugh Frederick Hornby, Hugh F. {Arms. Hornby inqyaling Langton. Hugh Frederick Hornby of Sandown, near Liverpool, married 1859 Mary Christina, daughter of Skiniier Zachary Langton of Barroiu House, co. Cumberland.) Hornby, James John. {Arms. Hornhy with Atherton quartering Gillman, Leigh, and Leigh on an escutcheon. The Bevd. James John Hornby, rector of Winioick, married as his 1st wife Hester, daughter and coheir of Bobert Vomon Atherton of Atherton.) Hornby, John Hornby, John Hornby, John Hunter .. Hornby, John Hunter, Esqrc. Lincoln's Inn. ((18)27. Wmk. in paper.) Hornby, Nathaniel Hoi-nby, Robert .. Hornby, Thomas Hornby, Thomas Dyson Hornby, AVilliam. {Arms. Hornby quartering Starkey) Hornby, Windham, Royal Navy Horncastle, AVilliam. {Arms. Horncastle imjjaling Bag- nail .') (Horncastle), anonymous Home, C. . . Home, Donald. (Lizars sculpt.) .. Home, Edmd. T. Warren, Esqr. {Arms. Home quarter- ing Warren.) Home, Edward. (Suffield sculp.). Home, Henry Homeman, Frederick Edward . . Horner, Leonard . . Horner, Leonard. {The last j^late reivorked) Homer, Mary. (Thew, sculp.) Homidge, Marmaduke. crest of Gwinnett.) {These seem to be the arms and Jacobean Armorial i Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Ai'morial Festoon crest Festoon crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial • Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Ai-morial Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial Landscape Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial lozenge Armorial 76 Franks Collect ioij, of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engravkr. lo3S2 ] r,my 15384 15385 1 5386 15387 15388 15389 15390 15391 15392 15393 15394 15395 15396 *204 15397 15398 15399 15400 15401 *244 15402 15403 15404 15405 15406 15407 1540S Hornyold, Carolus Gandolphus. Blackmove Pavk, Worcester- shire. {Arjns. Honri/oid, quartering GrnidoJjjhi, Bussell of StrensJiam and Windsor, impaling Cabrera . Thomas Charles Gandolfi Hornyold, Diikc of Gandolfi, married 1878 Maria Theresa Charlotte Louisa Sophia, daughter of Marshal Cabrera Connt de Morella and Marquis del Ter.) Hornyold, John Vincent, of Blackmore Park, and Hanley Castle Hornyliold, Thos., Esqr. Blackmore Park .. (Hornyold,) anonymous. (Ar}iis. Hornyold impaling Langdale. John Vincent Gandolfi, who assumed the name and arms of Hornyold in 1859, married 1846 Charlotte Mary, daughter of the Honhle. Charles Langdale.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Horrex, Edmund. (Dent, sculpt. Ball Alley, Lombard Street.) Horroeks, Peter. (Warwick, sc, 145 Strand) Hoiry, C. L. Pinckney, of Hampton House, S. Carolina. {Arms. Horry quartering Fi)ickney and Lucas.) Horsbrugh. Thomas. (Ari7is. Horshrngh quartering Tail.) Horsebvirgh of Horseburgh Horseman, John, b.d. Fellow of St. John's Coll. Cam- bridge .. Horsfall, E Libris Joannis Horsford, Piobert Marsh. {Arms. Horsford impaling Maddison quartering Marley. (Gingell sc. Bath.) Horsley, John, M.D. (T. E.) .. Horsley, Jno. AYm. Chiswick . . Horsman, Edward, of Stretton, in the County of Rutland, Esqr. 1703. Horsman, Edward, of Stretton, in the County of Rutland, Esqr. {Another imp>rcssion of the last plate.) 1703. Horsmanden, Danll., Esqr. {Arms. Horsmandcn quarter- ing Walsall.) Hort.John. {Note by Sir A. W. Fra7}ks, ''Lyons Bool-:') Hort, John, Esqr. Dub. {The last plate with i)iscriptio)i. altered.) 1757. Hort, Josiah, Esqr. er Horton, Alexander, of Lincoln's Inn, Esqr. .. Horton, Alexander, of Lincoln's Inn, Esqr. {Anofh impression of the last plate.) Horton, Euss. {Arms. Horton impaling Davenpiort) Horton, George. (Silvester sc. 27 Strand) .. Horton, Isaac Horton, .James, a.m. [at Guilsborough in Xortliampton sliirc] . {The plate of Alexander Horton with inscrip Hon altered.) Horton, James, a.m.. of Guilsborough, Northamptonsliire (The last plate n-ith inscription altered.) Horton, S. Horton, Rev. Tlio. Coll. D. Joli. Cantab. Soc. Coin. Style. Seal Armorial Two shields accole Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chipj^endalc [)ic'- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Early .Jacobean Armorial Franks Collection of BooJc Plates. i I Name, Date, and Engraver. ir,.iOO l.-.llO 154U 15412 15413 15414 15415 15416 15417 15418 15419 15420 15421 15422 15423 15424 15425 15426 15427 15428 15429 15430 15431 15432 15433 15434 Horton, Thomas .. Horton, William, Esqr. Cliaiievton .. Horton, "NVillm.. F.sqr. Ch ulerton Horton, Sr. William, ]5art. ChadLrtoii. l]\'iUiam Horton created a Baronet 1764; died 1774.) (Horton), anonymous Hose, Cliffordir Elizabeth. (Warwick sc. 145 tStrand) Hose, John Daniel Hosea, AVilliam, Esqr. {Th<: arms arc tliose of Ormr of Magdriiin.) Hoseason, Thomas, Esqr. (Amis. Hoseason quartering Bruce.) Hoskins. {The anonymous plate toith name added) Hoskins, Edward. Peers Comt Hoskins, Henry William. {Arms. Hoskins imjyalimj Paget quartering Moore, Bradford and Snow. H. W. HosJiins married 1851 Jane Blaiiche Sonicrville. daughter of John Moore Paget of Cranmore Hall, co. Somerset. See also the j'^'^te of Henrij William Hoslnjns.) HoskiiTS, Kcdgwin, Esqr.. m.i'. Birch House, co. Here- ford. (Engraved originally by Emslic for ^' BurJce's Heraldic Illusti-ations'' and affenvards used as a booh- plafe.) (Hoskins), anonymous .. Sept. 5, 1894. (Hoskins), anonymous .. Hoskyns, lilanchc. North Perrott Manor. (Monk E.P.E.) Hoskyns, Jilanchc Hoskyns, Chandos Drew. ^Vroxall Abbey, Warwickshire. {Arms. Hoskyns, quartering Wren, ivith Wren on an rsc7(tchcon, imjialing Ricketts. C. W. Hoskyns married 1st 1837 Theodosia Anne Martha, daughter of Chris- tojyhcr Boherts Wren of Wro.vall Abbey, and 2ndly 1846 Anna Jane, daughter of Charles Milncr Bickeffs.) (Sherborn, not signed.) Hoskyns, Henry William. {See the plate of Henry William Hoskins.) Hoskyns, Sir Hungerford, IJart. Harcwood. {Arms. Hoskyns impaling Philips. Sir H. Hoskyns, 1th Baronet, married 1803 Sarah, daughter of John Philips of Bank Hall. co. Loncasfcr: died 1862.) (]\Iutlow sc. London.) Hoskyns, f ^ydia . . Hossack, C, M.I). Hostage, John Hotclikin, Pialpli Hotchkin, Pobert C. H. i'l'lie plate of Ralph Hotchkin reworked.) Hotchkis, Leonard, A.M. Style. Festoon Armorial Jacobean Ai'inorial Chiiipendalc pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial lozenge Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean bookpile Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armori il Jacobean bookpile Armorial Armorial Chippendale Engraved label Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Printed label Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial 78 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 1 Name, Date, and Engraver. 15435 15436 15437 15438 15439 15440 15441 15442 *603 15443 15444 15445 Hotham, Sr. Charles, of Scorbrough, in Com. Ebor., Bart. {Ar»is. Hotham impalinrf Stanliope. Sir Charles Hotham, 5tk Baronet, married 1724 Gertrude, daughter of Philijh Earl of Chesterfield ; died 1737.) Hotham, Frederick Hotham, William (Hotham), anonjnxious .. Houblon, Jacob, Esqr. (Momitaiue, not signed or the signature erased.) Houblon, John Archer. [Arms. Houhlon quartering Eyre and Archer, impalmg Dundas, quartering Cum- ing ? and Deans, and Oswald. John Archer Houblon of Hallingbury Place, co. Essex, married \st 1B29 Ann, daughter of Admiral Sir J. W. Deans Dundas, and Indly 1848 Georgiana Aime, daughter of Geyieral Sir John Oswald, G.C.B.) [Houblon, John] , anonj-mous. {The plate of Jacob Houblon without the inscription.) Houchen, John. {Arms. Houchen imp>aling . . . ) Hough, John, Lord Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield. {Bishop of Oxford 1690, translated to Coventry and Lichfield 1699 a7id to Worcester 1717; died 1743.) 1703. Hough, Stephen Henry. {Arms. Hough quartering Tofte ?) (T. Dinrnore so. 3 City Eoad.) Hough, Thomas George. {Arms. Hough impaling Bower) I. H. (Honghton) Style. 15446 Houghton, Kichard, Surgcou .. 15447 Houghton, William. (Culleton. London) 15448 (Houghton), anonymons. (Mutlow sculpt.) . . 15449 Houlditch, Revd. Edwd., A.M. Speen, Berks. 15450 Hoult 15451 Houlton, Arthur. {Arms. Hordton quartering White and Flowde !) 15452 Houlton, Cap. Geo. (Huntly sc. Bath) 15453 Houlton, H. W. {The arms of the Poulterers Company) .. 15454 Ho\ilton, Jolin, Esqr. Farley Castle, Somerset 15455 Houlton, John. Farley Castle 15456 Ilounsfiold, G. Hounslow Parochial Library. See ParocJiial Libraries. 15457 Hounsom, II. J. Funtington .. 15458 Houston, Blakiston. {Arms. Houston quartering Blakis- ton. 15459 Houston, James .. 15460 Houstoun, James, M.D. 171-2.. 15461 (Houstoun), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a })r. lii/ars sculi)t.) 15463 Houstoun's of Johnstone. {The la.'il plate j);-t///(V? on brown tinted 2)aper.) (W. and D. Lizars sculpt.) Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Wreath and ribbon lozenge Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial spade shield Armori ;i 1 Crest Crest Armorial Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Fratiks CoUedion of Booh Plates. 79 Name, Date, and Engraver. *505 15464 15465 15466 15467 15468 15469 15470 15471 15472 Houstoun, Sr. Jolin, of tliat Ilk, Baronet. (Succeeded 1696 as 2,iul Baronet.) Houstoun, Sir John, of tliat Ilk, Baronet. {A smaller plate.) 1711. Houstoun, rtobert Houstoun, Wallace. {Printed on yellow paper) Houstoun, "William. (Arms. Houstoun impaling Mait- land. General Sr. Wm. Houstoun. G.C.B. and G.C.H., created a Baronet 1836, married 1808 Jane, daughter of James, 1th Earl of Lauderdale.) Hovell Hovell, -Tames. (Arms. Hovell inqyaling Storey. James Hovell married 1786 Mary Storey.) Hovell, James Hovenden, John Eykyn Hovenden, Miss .. Style. 15473 Hovenden, Robert. 1874 • 15474 How, Geoe. Augustus 15475 How, Ivevd. George Augustus ]\Iayo, m.a. 15476 How, K., Aspley Beds. 15477 (How), anonymous 15478 Howard, Duke of Norfolk. (Ahoolplate !) 15479 (Howard), Edward, Duke of Norfolk, Earle Marshall of Eng- land. (Succeeded 1732 as 9fh Dule and died 1777.) 15480 (Howard.) Belonging to the Library- bequeathed by the Will of Edward, Duke of Norfolk, to remain in his family. Henry Howard and Thomas EjTe, Esquires, Executors. 15481 (Howard), Henry Charles, Duke of Norfolk. (Succeeded 1842 as \3th Duke; died 1856.) 15482 (Howard), Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, luirle Marshall of England. (Succeeded 1701 as 8lh Duke and died 1732.) 15483 (Howard), Flora, Duchess of Norfolk. (Arms. Howard impaling Hastings. Flora Faxdyna Hetty Barbara, daughter of Charles Frederick Baron Donington, by his wife Edith, Countess of Loudoun, married 1877 Henry Fit::alan, loth Duke of Norfolk; died 1887.) (G. A. Lee del., Monypenny so.) 15484 (Howard), Chai-lotte, Countess of Surrey. (Ar)ns. Howard impaling Leveson-Gowcr. Charlotte Sophia, daughter of George Granville, Isi Duke of Sutherland, married 1814 Hcnrif Charles, Earl of Surrey, who succeeded his father as 13th Duke of Norfolk 1842.) 15485 (Howard), The Bight Ilonble. the Earl of Berkshire, r.ord Marshall of England anno 1720. (Henry Bowes, -illi Earl of Berkshire, declared Deputy Earl Marshall in 1708; succeeded 1745 as Uth Earl ofSufolk; died 1757.) 15486 Howard, The Eight Ilonble. Henry Bowes, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. 1750. 15487 (Howard), The Et. Honble. The Earl of Suffolk and Berk- shire. (Arms. Howard impaling Gaskarth .' Probably the plate of Jolui Howard u-Jio succeeded 1783 as loth Earl of Suffolk and Sth Earl of Berkshire. He married Julia, daughter of John Gaskarth of Penrith.) Early Armorial supporters Early Armorial supporters Armorial .\i'moriaI Armorial supporters Crest Festoon Armorial Annorial Armorial Stamped leather label Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armgrial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Printed label Seal Armorial Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters and coronet 80 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaveb. Style. 15488 15489 15490 15491 15492 15493 15494 15495 *79 15496 15497 15498 15499 15500 15501 15502 15503 15504 15505 (Howard, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire) (Howard, Viscouut Andover), anonymous. {Arms. Howard im])aUng Finch. William ViacoiDit Andover, eldest son of Henry Bowes, 11th Earl of Sujfolk and Ath Earl of Berlxsldrc, married Mar ij, daughter of Hcneage, Ind Earl of Aylesford and died 1756 vita j^atris.) (Howard), Francis, Earl of Effingham. {Succeeded 1725 as Itli Baron Howard of Effingham ; created, Earl of EfpngJiani, 1731, and constituted Deputy Earl Marshal of England the same year ; died. 1742-3.) (Howard, Earl of) Effingham. {The last 'jjlatc with the Earl Marshal's baton erased, and the inscrlj^tion altered.) (Howard, Earl of) Eftingham. (^-1 different jplate) .. Initials and coronet Jacobean Armorial (Howard), E. Eftingham. {Arms. Howard iinjniling Bechford. Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Beckford, Sjyeaker of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, married Thomas, 2nd Earl of Effingliam, who died 1763.) (Howard), Katherine, Coimtess of Effingham. {Arms. Howard iniiialing Proctor. Katherine, daughter of Metcalfe Proctor, of Thorpe, co. York, married 1765 Thomas, 3rd Earl of Effingham, who died 1791.) (Howard), Katlievinc, Comitess of Effingham. {T]ie last plate printed in green.) Howard, The Eight Honble. Thomas, Lord, Baron of Effingham. 1725.) (How^ard, Earl (Vachcron ft. (Howard), Earl (Succeeded, 1694 as 6lJi Baron : died of Stafford), Dnaci.) of Wicklow. anonymous. plate {A reprint.) of Howard, (The Baron Chumore, reworked. Arms. Hoicard impaling Hamilton. Williani Forward, Baron Cloinnore, who succeeded 1818, as 4th Earl of Wickloiv, married, 1816, Cecil Frances, daughter of John Janiea, 1st Marquess of Ahercorn. ; died 1869.) (Howard, Baron) Clonmorc (Howard, Baron Clonmore), anon,\inous. [Proof of the la tit plate.) Howard, Francis Edward, of Glossop. {Succeeded 1883 as 2nd Baroti.) ("Baker." Note by Sir Franks.) Howard of Glosso]i. Fraiu'is Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Howard), Diana Lanerton. {Diana, daughter of tin Honble (leorge Pottso)ibg. married. 1842, Admiral the Honble. J'!dn:ard Granrille (feorge Howard, who was created Baron Lanerton 1874, and died ISSQ ,• she died 189."..) (Howard,) Corby Castle. (AV. H. K.) (Howard,) Castle Howard. {Arms. Hoicard impaling Brooke. Robert Howard of Castle Hoicard. eo. Wick- low, married Lctitia Deborah, daughter of Francis Brooke of Cole Bro(d:e, eo. Frrina nagh .) Howard, Charles Edward, Baron. (" A. AV. Baker." i Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Chippendale Armorial I Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield FranJca Collection of Booh Plates. 81 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. 15506 15507 15508 15509 15510 15511 15513 15514 15515 15516 15517 15518 15519 15520 15521 15522 15523 15524 15525 15526 15527 15528 15529 15530 Howard, Charles W. G. The Gift of The Rt. Hon. Sir David Dundas, Ivnt., of Ochtertyre. md.ccc.lxxvii. (C. W. Sherborn, not signed.) Howard, Dorothea Lloyd. {Arms. Hoivard quartering Conway and Lloyd.) Howard, Edward Howard, Frances How^ard, F. G. Howard, Honble. Sir George, ll.d. . . 15512 Howard, George and Rosalind. {Arms. Hoivard imjjaling Stanley. George Javies Hoivard, ivlio succeeded 1889 as 9th Earl of Carlisle, married, 1864, Rosalind Frances, daughter of the %id Lord Stanley of Alderley.) 1888. (C. W. Sherborn, fecit.) Howard, Henry, of Greystoke . . Howard, Esqr. How^ard, Esqr. Howard, Esqr. Howard, Henry Charles, of Henry Charles, of Henry Charles, of {A smaller opiate.) James K. {Arms Gveystock in Cumberland, Greystock in Cumberland, Greystock in Cumberland, Hoivard impaling Fitz Maurice. The Honhle. James Kenneth Howard, 4^/i son of Thomas, 16th Earl of Suffolk, married, 1845, Louisa, daughter of Henry, Brd Marquess of Lans- doivne; died 1882.) Howard, James Kenneth. {Arms. Hoivard impaling Petty, quartering FitzMaurice. See last plate.) Howard, James Kenneth. {The last plate with an outer frame added.) How^ard, John Howard, John Broadley Howard, John Garton. {Arms. Hoivard quartering Gar- shall, impaling Gorham.) (Snffield, sculpt.") Howard, Joseph Jackson Howard, J. J., F.s. A. Howard, J. J., ll.d. Maltravers How^ard, J. J., LL.D. Maltravers J. J. H. (J. J. Howard.) Maltravers Herald Extraordinary Howard, Mary. {Artns. Howard, quartering TJpton, with Howard, quarterijig Brotherton, Warren, Fitzalan, Grahame, Bowes, and Bagot on an escutcheon. This must he the plate of Mary, daughter and heir of Bichard Hoivard of Elf or d, co. Staff'ord. She married 1807, The Ho7ible. Fulke Greville Upton, who assiimed the name and Arms of Howard, and died 1846.) Howard, Ex Libris Maurice. 1890. (C. W. S. (Sher- born)) Howard, Philip, of Norfolk Style. Armorial Armorial lozenge in a garter Crest Engraved label Crest Armorial trophy supporters Armorial Architectural Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Landscape Interlaced initials within a collar of SS. Armorial 15531 Howard, Philip, of Norfolk. {A smaller pilate) VOL. II. Crest Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial a 82 FranJis ColJtdlon of BooJc Plates. Name, Datk, a>"u E>-gkaver. 15532 15533 15584 15536 15537 15538 15539 15540 15541 15542 15543 15544 15545 15546 *331 15547 15548 15549 15550 15551 15552 15553 15554 15555 Howard, Phillip, of Coi-by, Es<]r. Howard, Philip Henrj-, Esqr., Corby Castle, co. Cumber- land. (Arms. Howard ivitJi Canning on an escut- cheon. P. H. Howard married, 1843, Eliza Minto, daughter of Major John Canning. Originally en- graved hy Becker for ^' Burlie's Heraldic Illustrations,''' and afterwards used as a boolylate.) Howard, Ralph Stanclish, Esqr. Style. Howard, Honble Richard How^ard, Richard, Esqr. (Arms. Bagot.) (Yates, sculp.) Hoivard quartering Howard, Stanley'.. Howard, William, Hartley House, Devon Howard, Honble. William Howard, W. N (Howard,) anonjTiious or mutilated . . (How^ard,) anonpiious. (This seems to be the 1st state of the plate of F. G. Hoivard.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) How^den, Baron. See Cradock or Caradoc. Howden, Frans. .. (Howdon,) anonymous or mutilated . . Howe, The Rt. Honble. Charlotte, Viscountess. (Arms. Howe, quartering Scrope and Tiptoft, impaling Kiel- mansegge. Mary Sopihia Charlotte, daughter of Baron Kiehnansegge, married, 1719, Emanuel Scrope, 2nd Viscount Howe. He died 1735 ; she died 1782.) Howe, The Honble. Collonel, Groom of his Majesties Bedchamber. (Arms. Hoiue quartering Bavaria. Emanuel Scrope Howe, Ath son of John Gruhham Howe, by Lady Annabella his tvife, natural daughter and coheir of Emanuel, Earl of Sunderland , married Buperta, natural daughter of Prince Bupert ; Brigadier General 1704; died 1709.) Howe, The Honble. Collonel, Groom of his Majesties Bed- chamber. (Another im2)ression of the last jdate.) Howe, i\Iary Juliana. (Daughter of Richard, 4:th Viscount Howe, 7vho tvas created Earl Howe, 1788.) Howe, Lady Mary, (The last pilatc with altered inscrip- tion.) (Howe, Baronet), anonymous. (Probably the plate of Sir Bichard Howe of Compton, who succeeded 1703 as 3rd Baronet, and died 1730.) (Howe), anonymous. (.1 reversed imp)rcssion. Probably not a boolplate.) Howell, Augustus. 1851 Howell, Edward. (Arms. Howell imj)aling Langford) ., Howell, James. (Arms. Howell imjialing Jellicoe) Howell, Thomas. (Arms. Howell quartering Bowe.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Howell, Williu. .. Jacobean Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Festoon crest Crest in a garter Crest Crest Jacobean Armorial Crest Chippendale engraved label Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial lozenge in a mantle Armorial lozenge on a mantle Jacobean Armorial Festoon Aniiorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Amaorial Franl's CoUedion of Booh Plates. 83 Name, Date, and Emgraver. 15556 (Howell), anonymous .. 15557 (Howell), anonymous 15558 Howes, John, N. 13, Fleet Street. (Prohahhj the Minia- ture j^aintci' who died in 1793.) 15559 Howes, John. {The last plate with the inscription altered.) (John Howes invt. et scu.) 15560 Howey. {A watercolour drawing) 15561 Howland, Ex Libris, A.D. 1894 15562 Howland, :\rercdith 15563 (How^lett), anonymous .. 15564 Howley, William. {Arms. The See of London, impaling Howh'ij. Bishop of London, 1813; Archbishop of Canterbury, 1828; died 1848.) 15565 (Howley), W. Cantutir. {Arms. The See of Canterbury impaling Howley.) 15566 Howman .. 15567 How^man, Edward 15568 Howman, Edward. {A reprint of the last i^late !) .. 15569 (Howman), anonymous or mutilated. {This seems to be the 1st state of the plate of Edward Howman.) 15570 (Howman), anonymous. {Arms. Howman impaling Falgrave. Edward Hoiuman, M.D., of Norwich, married Margaret, daughter and coheir of Thomas Palgrave, M.P. for Norwich.) 15571 Howarth, E. L 15572 [Howarth, William], anonymous. {The plate of B. L. Howarth, without inscription.) 15573 Hoy, Elizth. {Arms. Hoy impaling Bradley. Elizabeth. daughter of James Bradley, B.N., married M. Hoy of Medenbury House, co. Hants.) 15574 Hoy, James Barlow. {Arms. Hoy quartering Barlow) .. 15575 Hoyle, Charles 15576 Hoyle, Fretwell Wm 15577 Hoyle, John Theodore 15578 Hoyle, Richard 15579 Hoyle, William Aubone 15580 Hoyt's, Mary, Book 15581 Hoyte, George 15582 Hubbald, J. (J, Kirk sc.) Style. 15583 15584 15585 15586 15587 15588 15589 (Hubbald), anonymous . . John. {Arms. Hubbard impaling Prety- Hubbard, man .-) Hubbersty, John Lodge. Lincoln's Inn Hubbersty, Zachary. {Aryns. Hubbersty, modern, quarter- ing Hubbersty, ancient, until Curteis on an esctitcheon.) (Mutlow, sc. York Str. Covent Garden.) Hubert, Michael, Esqr. . . Hucks, J. (Ezekiel sculp.) . . . . (Hucks), anonymous. {The plate of J. Hucks without inscription.) (Ezekiel, sculp.) Armorial Armorial spade shield Pictorial Pictorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial ? Early Armorial ? Early Armorial ? Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Printed label Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Annorial Aiinorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial G 2 84 Franl-fi Collection of Boole Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 15590 15591 15592 15593 15594 15595 15596 15597 15598 15599 15600 15601 Style. 15602 15603 15604 15605 15606 15607 15608 15609 15610 15611 15612 15613 15614 15615 15616 15617 15618 15619 15620 15621 15622 Hiiddleston, Baron. (Arms. Huddleston quartering Beaxiclerh. Sir John Walter Huddleston, Baron of the Exchequer, died 1890.) Huddleston, John Huddleston, I. W. Temple .. Huddleston, R. B. (Griffiths & Weigall. 8 St. James's St.) Huddlestone, J. Newark Huddlestone, Jno. Newark. (D. Martin Invt. et Sculpt.) Hudson. [1783] Hudson Hudson, Charles Grave, Esqr. . . Hudson, Sir Chas. Grave, of Wanlip, in the County of Leicester, Bart. (Arms. Hudson with Palmer on an escutcheon. Charles Grave Hudson, created a Baronet 1791, married 1766 as his first wife Catherine Susan, daughter and coheir of Hniry Palmer of Wanlip.) Hudson, Edward . . Hudson, George. {Arms. Hudson impaling Nicholson. George Hudson, called " the BailwaTj King,'' married 1828 Elizabeth, daughter of James Nicholson; died 1871.) Hudson, Gerda .. Hudson, Giles Hudson, Harrington. {A modern copy of the plate of John Hudson.) Hudson, John, Ji.B., F.R.s. Hudson, John Samuel. {Arms. Hudson quartering Palmer.) (Jones & Barriff, sc, opposite Bedford Row.) Hudson, Richard Hudson, Robert .. Hudson, Thomas. {Arms. Hudson witJi . ... on an escutcheon.) (Suffield, sculp.) Hudson, T. C [Hudson], anonjinous. {The plate of Charles Grave Hudson printed without inscription.) (Hudson), anonjTBOus. {Printed in blue) Huggan, Andrew, m.d. Huggins, Revd. Carols. Rector Chinner, in Com. Oxon. .. Huggins, Frank W. {The arms of By field ?) Huggins, Hastings C. Inner Temple ' Huggins, Jean, Jun. {A reversed impression. A plate ?) Huggins, John Huggins, John .. Huggins, William, Esqr., of Heath House, Hants. .. (Huggins), anonymous .. Huggup, Mr. II, G. hook- Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Cypher on a radiated star Urn Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Anuorial Amiorial Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon. Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Annorial Armorial Jacobean Annorial Amiorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Engraved label Franks Collection of Booh Platf^s. 85 Name, Date, and Engraver, 15623 (Hughes), Lord Dinorben. {Arms. Hughes impaling Grey. William Lewis Hughes, created Baron Dinorben 1831, married 1804 as his Ist wife Charlotte Margaret, daughter of Ralph William Grey of BacJi worth, co. Northumberland.) 15624 (Hughes, Lord Dinorben), anonymous. {The last plate without inscription.) 15625 (Hughes), Lord Dinorben. {Arms. Hughes impaling Grey and Smyth. William Lewis, 1st Baroyi Dinorben, married 1840 as his 2nd wife Gertrude, daughter of Grice Smyth of Ballynatray, co. Waterford ; died 1852.) (G. Barclay, sc. 22 Gerrard St. Soho.) 15626 (Hughes), Lord Dinorben. {The last plate without the engraver's signature.) ("'Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 15627 (Hughes.) Kimmel Park. {Arms. Hughes impaling Liddell. Hugh Robert Hughes of Kimmel married 1853 Florentia Emily, daughter of Henry Thomas, \st Earl of Ravensworth.) 15628 Hughes 15629 Hughes. {The last plate reworked) .. 15630 Hughes, Anne 15631 Hughes, Benjn. 15632 Hughes, Charles Cluikc, M.i). .. 15633 Hughes, David. Bibliothecae Coll. ivegin. Nuper propntses legavit. MDccLxxvii. 15634 Hughes, Edwd. Robt. 1883. (C. W. S. (Sherborn)) 15635 Hughes, Emily F. S 15636 Hughes, Hu., Esqr 15637 Hughes, Hugh Robert, of Kinmel and Dinorben, co. Den- bigh, Esqr. 15638 Hughes, Hugh Robert, of Kinmel and Dinorben, co. Den- bigh, Esqr. {A bookjylate ?) (R. R. Baker, sc.) 15639 Hughes, Hugh Robert. {Arms. Hughes impaling Lance. Hugh Robert Hughes of Bache Hall, co. Chester, married 1826 as his 2nd wife Anne, daughter of Thomas Lance of Wavertree, co. Lancaster.) 15640 Hughes, James. 1776 15641 Hughes, Revd. James Ilcury. [Anns. Hughes impaling Macleod.) 15642 Hughes, John 15643 Hughes, John, of Qucinton, Gloucestershire. {On the back. " E dono Johannis filii Johannis Hughes olim de Qucin- ton Comit. Gloccster Filius Johannis hoc Temporis. [Octoh. 25, 1759] est Dominus Mayicrii de Strctton Super Fotte com. Vigorn. Ejus Mater Freeman. Patris Mater Rutter." Arms. Hughes quartering Rutter and Freeman.) 15644 Hughes, John, of Brecon, Esqr. 1745. ;^J. Skiur. sculpt.) 15645 Hughes, John. {Arms. Hughes im2)aling Bristoioe.) 1S13 15646 Hughes, John Ncwington. {Arms. Hughes quartering Newington.) (1819. Wmk. in paper.) 1.1647 Hughes, Ob., of London 15648 Hughes, Robt. (L. Bourn, sculpt.) Style. Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Festoon Armorial Armorial Printed label Pictorial Armorial lozenge Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial trophy Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial j 86 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. Style. 15649 Hughes, Robert, Esq. Ely House, Wexford. {Originally engraved by Becker for " Burl-e's Heraldic Illustra- tio7is,'' and afterwards used as a booJijylate.) 15650 Hughes, Samuel, Esq. Corranbrook, co. Carmarthen. Col. E.i.c.s. & c.B. (Arms. Hughes quartering Grey, with Gordon quartering Taylor on an escutcheon.) 15651 Hughes, Samuel. (" Wyon." Note by Sh- A. W. Franks) 15652 Hughes, Tho 15653 Hughes, Tho 15654 Hughes, Thomas Bridges. (Arms. Hughes quartering Lloyd, Bridges, and Rodney.) 15655 Hughes, Thomas Hughes Forde, Esquire 15656 Hughes, Willm. Bulkeley, Esq. Has Coch, Anglesey. (Arms. Hughes with Nettleship on an escutcheon. W. B. Hughes married 1825 Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Jonathan Nettleship of Mattersey Abbey, CO. Nottingham, and widow of Harry Wormald.) (Emslie, sc.) 15657 Hughes, "William Hughes, Juiu". Inner Temple. {Arms. Hughes impaling Oldham.) 15658 Hughes, W. L 15659 Hughes, Willm. Lewis. Kinmel Park 15660 (Hughes), anonymous. {The plate of Hughes without inscription.) (Engraver's signature erased.) 15661 (Hughes.) Name erased 15662 (Hughes), anonymous. {A pencil drawing for the plate of Hugh Robert Hughes of Kinmel.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 15663 Hugo, Rev. Tho. (T. H. (Hugo)) 15664 Hugo, From the Bewick Collection of The Rev. Thomas. {A reproduction ? from a design by Bewick.) (Bewick.) 15665 Hugonin, Frank. (R. Mountaine ? Not signed) ., 15666 Huish. {Arms. Huish quartering Richards) 15667 Huish, Geo 15668 Huish, Marcus .. 15669 Huish, Mark. {Printed in red ; a )i altered pAate !) 15670 Hulbert, John. (Arms. Hulbert impaling Youngc) 15671 (Hulbert), anonvmous .. 15672 Hulkes .. " 15673 Hulkes, James. (Silvester, sc. 27 Strand).. 15674 Hull, E Libris R. P., c coll. Mn. Nas. Oxon 15675 Hull, William Darley 15676 (Hullock?). Name erased. {Sec also Hurlock) .. 15677 Hulme Armorial Armorial Armorial Bookpile Armorial arms on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Pictorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield in a garter on clouds Franks Collection of Booh Flutes. 87 Name, Date, axd Engbavee. Style. 15678 Hulme. (18—. Wmk. in paper) 15679 Hulme, Eobcrt T. 15680 (Hulme), anonjiuous. (The plate v/ llobert T. Hulme ivitlwiit inscription.) 15681 Hulse, Charles 15682 Hulse, Richard, of Lincolns Inn, Esqr. 15683 Hulse, Richard, Esqr. {Tlic lad plate reworked) .. 15684 Hulse, Samuel G. 15685 Hulse, Thomas. (2 (Stephens)) 15686 Hulton, Revd. A. H 15687 Hulton, Thomas 15688 Humber, John 15689 Hum.ber, Richard. {Anns. Barruiu with Cra(jcjs on an escutcheon.) (1827. "Wmk. iii paper.) 15690 (Humber), anonj-mous. (Proof of the plate of John Hnmher.) 15691 Humbert, Chas. F. Little Pascot Watford, Hertfordshire 15692 (Humberston), anonvmous 15693 Humble, F. Durham. (Lambert) 15694 Humble, Joseph . . 15695 (Humble), anon^TQous .. 15696 Hume, The Right Honble. Patrick, Earl of ^Nlarchmont, "S'iscount of J31asonberry, Lord Polwarth of Polwarth, &c., Lord High Cliancellor of Scotland. 1702. *560 Hume, The Right Honble. Patrick, Earl of ^larchniont, Viscomit of Blasonberrv, Lord Polwarth of Pohvarth, &c., Loi'd High Chancellor of Scotland. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1702. 15697 Hume, Sii' Abraham, Bart. (Arms. Hume quartering Pepdie, impaling Egerton. Abraham Hume, who succeeded 1772 as 2nd Baronet, married 1771 Amelia, daughter of the Et. Revd. John Egerton, Bishop of Durham and sister of John Wm., 1th Earl of Bridge- luater.) 15698 Hume, Sir Abraham, Bart. 15699 Humie, The Honble. Sr. Andi'ew. (Son of Patrick, 1st Earl of Marchmont ; appointed a Lord of Session 1714 ; died 1730.) 1707. *571 Hume, The Honble. Sr. Andrew. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1707. 15700 Hume, Arthur. (E. D.) 15701 Hume. David, Esqr. [The Historian; burn 1711; died 1776.) 15702 Hume, David, Esqr. (A different plate) 15703 Hume, George. 1738 15704 Hume, Gilbert Langdon 15705 Hume, Joseph 15706 Hume, Joseph, Esqr., of Nine wells Festoon Ai-morial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Chippendale Ajrmorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Eai'l}- Armorial Pictorial Ai'morial spade shield Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade sliield Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial spade shields 88 Franks CoUtctioii of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbavee. Style. 15707 Hume, Joseph Burnley. {Anns. Hume quartering Burnley.) 15708 Hume, Josephus, M.D. .. 15709 Hume, Nicas. Loftus, Esqr. {Arms. Loftus quartering Hume, Creiukerne ? and Loftus, with Hume quartering Hamilton on an escutcheon. Nicholas Loftus, who sticceeded as 2rw? Viscount and was created Earl of Ely 1776, married 1736 Mary, daughter and coheir of Sir G^istavus Hume of Castle Hume, Bart.) 15710 (Hume), mutilated 15711 Humfrey, Charles 15712 Humfrey, Hem-y 15713 Humfrey, Hem-y . . 15714 Humfrey, John, Clk., A.M. Wroxhani 15715 Humphrey, Thomas Craven. {A sepia draiving) .. 15716 Humphrey, Henry B. .. *592 Humphreys, Humphrey, Lord Bishop of Hereford. {Arms. The see of Hereford impaling Humphreys. Bishop) of Bangor 1689 ; translated to Hereford 1701 ; died 1712.) 1702. 15717 Humphry 15718 Humphry, Ozias, Esqr. (5om 1742 ; fZmZ 1810) . . 15719 Humphry, Ozias . . 15720 Humphry, Ozias, Arm. Societ. Autiq. ft Asiat,. Acadcm. Reg. Flo. Bonon. et Parm. Soc. {A reprint .') 15721 Humphry, Ozias, Arm. Societ. Antiq. et Asiat. Acadcm. Reg. Flo. Bonon. et Farm. Soc. {A reproduction of the last plate.) 15722 (Humphry), anon;>-mous. {The plate of Ozias Hump)hrey, Arm. without inscrip>tion.) Humphry's Circulating Library, Chichester. See Circu- lating Libraries. 15723 Humphry s, William Charles .. 15724 Himdleby, Geo 15725 (Hungerford, Baronet), anonymous. {Arms. The two coats of Hungerford quarterly.) (Faithorne ?) 15725t (Hungerford, Baronet), anonymous. Another impression of the lant 2)lafc j)asted into a volume entitled '■'■Hist, of Gavelkind 1663.") 15726 Hungerford 15727 Hungerford, George 15728 Hungerford, George 12729 Hungerford, Iloldicli. {Arms. Hungerford quartering Holdich.) (Gritliths & Wcigall, 8 St. James' Street.) 15730 Hungerford, I., Esqr. .. 15781 Hunloke, Sir Henry. Wingcrvvorth. {Succeeded 1816 as 6f/i Baronet.) 15732 Ilunlock, Sr. Henry, of Wingcrworth, in Derbyshire, ]5art., in ye cscocheon of pretence is yc Armcs of Kathcrine his I/fidy who wjis sole daughter and hcyrc of Francis Turwhit of Kcttlcby of Luicolnshirc, Esqr., ye last of Armorial Festoon crest Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial arms in a garter Armorial Seal Armorial Pictorial Jacobean Armorial Engraved label Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest Early Armorial Fra7iks CoUection of Book Plates. 89 Name Date, and Engbaveb. ye eldest branch of that great and antient faniilj' the 424 Bart, by Creation. {'This iJ iff crs from the j^lafe repro- duced in the 1st ser. of Bookplates by Griggs and viaij not be a booTcplatc. Succeeded 1648 as 2nd Bart. ; died 1714.) 15733 Hiint of Aylesbury, Bucks 15734 Hunt, This Book belongs to Charles Philip Francis 15735 Hunt, Edward. {Arms. Hunt inqfaling Le Mesuricr, quarterinq Saionarez and Andros.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. 'W. Franlis.) 15736 Hunt, Jno. Trin. Coll. Oxon 15737 Hunt, John 15738 Hunt, Lt. -Colonel John. ( W. Lcwiy, Xurthgate St., Bath) 15739 Hunt, Robert 15740 Hunt, Robert Holdsworth Carcw 15741 Hunt, Rowland .. 15742 Hunt, Rowld., Esqr. Boreatton House, Salop 15743 Hunt, S., M.D. {Arms. Hunt quartering Lawes) . . 15744 Hunt, Thomas 15745 Hunt, Thomas, Esqr. {Arms. Hani quartering JRobartes. This ntust be the plate of Thomas Hunt, 2nd son of Thomas Hunt of Mollington, by his wife Mary Bobarfcs, sister of Henry, ord Earl of Badnor.) 15746 Hunt, Wm. Lincoln's Inn 15747 Hunt, Wm. Stratford. {Arms. Hunt impaling Oakes !) 15748 Hunt, W. C. Dartmouth 15749 Hunt, Wm. Ogle. {Arms. Hunt impaling Browne I) 15750 Hunt, William Powell 15751 (Hunt), anon^nnous or mutilated. {Note by F. H. Tumor Barniuell .' "Hunt of Walshatn in the Willoivs, co. Suffolk.-} 15752 (Hunt), anonymous 15753 (Hunt), anonymous. {Anns. Hunt impaling Ingram) . . 15754 Hunter, Alexander 15755 Hunter, Alexr. Gibson, of Balskelly. {Arms. Hunter impaling Gibson.) 15756 Hunter, Andrew .. 15757 Hunter, Andrew. {The last plate reworked) Style. 16758 Hunter, Anne 15759 Hunter, Archibald. Dawkins.") 15760 Hunter, Charles .. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " by Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a gai-ter Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield on clouds Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Crest Chippendale Ajrmorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial trophy Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial arms in a beaded oval pendant from a ribbon C;s^her on a lozenge pendant from a ribbon Chippendale Armorial Armorial 90 Franks Collection of Boole Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 15761 Htinter, Frederic Coleman. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Armorial shield Franks.) on a mantle 15762 Hunter, H., D.D. .. Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon 15763 Hunter, Henrietta H. . . Crest 15764 Hunter, Heny., Esqr. (Anns. Hunter quarlcriny Bar- Jacobean nard .') Armorial 15765 Hunter, I., Esqr. Armorial 15766 Hunter, James. Hafton Armorial 15767 Hunter, James, Esqr. West Sheue, Surry .. Chippendale Pic- torial Armorial 15768 Hunter, James, Esqr., of Thurston .. Armorial spade , shield 15769 Hunter, John Armorial 15770 Hunter, John. (Arms. Hunter im][ialing Lloyd !) Armorial shield on a mantle 15771 Huntei% John Armorial 15772 Hunter, John. [A smaller jjlate) Armorial 15773 Hunter, E Libris Josephi Armorial 15774 Hunter, Capt. Pat. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 15775 Hunter, Eichd. .. Chippendale Armorial 15776 Hunter, Kichd. {The last ])late reworked) .. Chippendale Armorial 15777 Hunter, Robert, Esquire, of Pohnood.. Early Armorial 15778 Hunter, His Excellency Robert, Esqr., Captain General Jacobean and Chief Governour of Jamaica. {A])])omtcd Gover- Armorial nor of Jamaica 1729 ; died 1734.) (A. Johnston sculp.) 15779 Hunter, R. Rollo Armorial 15780 Hunter, Robert Scott Seal Armorial 15781 Hunter, Thomas . . Armorial 15782 Hnnter, Thos. Orby, Esqr. .. Chippendale Armorial 15783 Hunter, William. (A bool-j^lafc .') Armorial 15784 Hunter, William Frederick. (The j^late of Janiea Hunter, Hafton, witJi iiiscrijifion altered.) Armorial 15785 Hunter, Wm. Jno. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 15786 [Hunter, Wm.] , anonymous .. Armorial shield on a mantle 15787 (Hunter, ot Upper Grosvenor Street), anonymous .. Armorial 15788 (Hvmter), anonymous Armorial 15789 (Hunter), anonymous .. Huntingdon, Earl and Countess of. Sec Hastings. Armorial arms in a garter 15790 Huntingford, G. I. (Bishop of Gloucester 1802 ; trans- Engraved label. la (rd In Hereford 1815; r7tVf?"l832.) name and mitre 15791 Huntingford, The Rcvd. Tlios. Chippendale Armorial 15792 Hvmtingford, Tiic Revd. Thos. [The last plate reworked) Chippendale Armorial 15793 Huntingford, The Rcvd. Tlios. {The last lAatc printed in Cliippendalc rrd.) Armorial 15794 Huntington, John Barker Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 91 Name, Date, and Engraver. 15795 (Hurleston), anonymous 15796 Hurlock, Jos., Junv. 15797 Hurly, Rev. R. Conway. (Ann8. Hurhj quarterijig Fitz- gerald and Conway.) 15798 W. C. H. (Hurry). Obiit. 12 Jan. 1862. ^Etatis suae 71 .. Hursley. Sec Heathcote. 15799 Hurst 15800 G. H. (Hurst) 15801 Hurst, "William. {Notchy Sir A.W.Franks. '• Lyon'shooh.'') 15802 Hurt, Charles 15803 Hurt, Charles. 1780. (J. Ellis bct.) 15804 Hui't, Charles. {The last xAaic tvUlt Ihe Engraver's siyua- tnre and date erased.) 15805 Hurt, Charles, Junr. 1.5806 Hui't, Edward Nicholas. {Artns. Hurt, (j[uartering Luwc of Denby, Lowe of Alderwasley, and Fawne, impaling Sfrntt. E. N. Hurt married, 1823, Caroline, daughter of Jose])h Strutt of Derby.) 15807 Hurt, Edward Nicholas. {The last plate reworked) 15808 Hurt, Edward Nicholas. {A different x^late) 15809 (Hurt), anonymous 15810 Husband, T 15811 Huson, John, Esqr., Counsellor at Law 15812 Hussey, James. {Arms. Hussey impaling Henchman) .. 15813 Hussey, John, Esqr. Marnhull, Dorset. (Fenner sculp.) 15814 Htissey, P., Esqr. {Arms. Hussey impaling Fowler. Phincas Hussey of Little Wyrlcy, co. Staff'ord, married Fanny Fowler.) (Pye, invt. et sculpt.) 15815 Hussey, Thomas . . 15816 Hussey, W. W 15817 (Hussey), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks. '• / English. Same plate cut out in Bibl. Nat. Paris.'') 15818 (Hussey), anonymous. {Arms. Hussey quartering Lake) 15819 (Hussey), anonj'uious 15820 Hustler, James of Acklam in Cleveland in the North Riding of the County of Yorke, Esqr. {This is the plate of Sir William Hustler, 1702, altered). 1730. 15821 Hustler, James, of Acklam in Cle^•eland in the North Riding of the County of York, Esqr. 1730. 15822 Hustler, John, Undcrcliffe. {Printed on rose coloured j^oj^cr.) 15823 Hustler, Robt. S. 15824 Hustler, Robt. S. {Tlie last plate reworked) 15825 Hustler, Robt. S. {Arms. Hustler impaling Oakcs. Lt. Col. Bobert Samuel Hustler, B.E., married Elizabeth Frances, daughter of OrbcU Bay Oakcs of Nowton Court, CO. Sufolk.) 15826 Hustler, William 15827 Hustler, Sr. William, of Acklam, in Cleveland, in the North Riding of the County of Yorke, Knt. 1702. Style. Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Chippendale Armorial Crest and cypher in a beaded oval Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Jacobean Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial 92 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. "388 15828 15829 15830 Hustler, Sr. William, of Acklam, in Cleveland, in the North Eiding of the County of Yorke, Knt. {Another imjnrs- sion of thelast x>^at(^-) 1702. (Hustler), anonymous or mutilated Huteheson, Charles. (Swan.).. Hutcheson, Everd. 15831 Hutcheson, F., M.D. 15832 (Hutcheson), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. FranJis. " The large Hutcheson plate occurs as a frontispiece to a collection of treatises relating to National Debts and Fiends 1717-1719, by Archibald Hutcheson of the Middle Temple, London, Esqr., and member of Parlia- ment for Hastings in Sussex. London, 1721. It occurs in a copy irresented by him to the Speaker, Arth, Onslow:') 15833 (Hutcheson), anonymous. {Another impression of the last plate.) 15834 Hutchesson. {Arms. Hutchesson quartering Perry and Ingram.) 15835 Hutehins, s.T.B. .. 15836 Hutehins, Lcmau, Esi^r. 15837 C. I. H. H. (Hutchinson) 15838 Hutchinson, Sir Edwd. Synge, Bart. {Succeeded 1846 as 4th Baronet.) 15839 Hutchinson, Sir Frans., Bart. {Created a Baronet, 1782; died 1807.) 15840 Hutchinson, George Henry Hely 15841 Hutchinson, George Henry Hely 15842 Hutchinson, H. {The jAateof I. Hutchiiisun tcith inscrip- tion altered.) 15843 Hutchinson, Henry Hely 15844 Hutchinson, I. .. 15845 Hutchinson, J. H. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 15846 Hutchinson, Jno., St. Jno's. College, Cambridge. {Arms. Hutchinson quartering Rich)nu)id !) 15847 Hutchinson, Jno., St. Jno's. College, Cambridge. {Tlie last 2)late printed in red.) 15848 Hutchinson, John. (Alfred Adlard so.) 15849 Hutchinson, John. {Arms. Hutchinson quartering Culliii- son.) (Lambert.) 15850 Hutchinson, John Hely. (Warwick so., 145 Strand) 15851 Hutchinson, Julius 15852 Hutchinson, P. O. 1«81 15853 Hutchinson, Richd. Hely, Esq. (Anns. Hutchinson quar- tering Hely and Nixon.) 15854 Hutchinson, S. .. 15855 Hutchinson, Thomas 15856 Hutchinson, Thomas, liichmond 15857 Hutchinson, Thomas. {A reversed imjyression. A book- pJalr.') 15858 Hutchinson, W. T Style. Early Armorial Armorial Crest Early Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest and cypher Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Printed label Festoon Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Jacobean engi-aved label Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial FranJcs Collection of Bool: Plates. 93 Name, Date, and Engraver. 15859 (Hutchison). Carlowrie 15860 Hutchison of Ireland. {Originally engraved by EnisHc far " Burl-e's Heraldic Illustrations," and afterwards used as a hvohplate.) 15861 Hutchison, G. A. .. .. .. 15862 Hutchison, .James. {Arms. Hutchison impaling Graham q na rtering Maxwell.) , 15863 Hutchison, John. {Arms. Hutchison imjialiiig Hyatt .■) 15864 Hutchison, Robert. (Metcalf sc, 8 Pall Mall) 15865 Huth, E Libris Alfredi Henrici. (Harry Soane, ft. London) 15866 Huth, E Libris Alfredi Henrici. {The last plate reworTced.) (Harrj' Soane, ft. London) 15867 Huth, Alfi-ed Henry 15868 Hutt, The Eight Honorable William. {Arms. H^itt im- paling Stanhope. Sir Wm. Hutt, K.C.B., married, 1861, Fanny Anna Jane, daughter of Major the Honhle. Sir Francis Charles Stanhope, K.C.H., and widmo of Col. James Hughes, C.B. ; died 1882.) 15869 Hutt, Rt. Honble. Sir William, M.P., K.c.B 15870 Hutton 15871 Hutton, Charles Henry. {Arms. Hutton qtiartering PcppereU.) 15872 Hutton, Henry 15873 Hutton, Henry, M. A., Woburn Parsonage 15874 Hutton, Hugh. (Allen sc, Birmingm.) 15875 Hutton, John, Esq., Marske .. 15876 Hutton, Laurence. (E. H. B. CBelln 15877 Hutton, Robert .. 15878 Hutton, Thomas 15879 Hutton, Thomas Palmer 15880 Hutton, W. B., London 15831 (Hutton), anonymous. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 15882 Huxham, John 15883 Huxley, Lucy, Macclesfield 15884 Huxley, Thomas, Middle Temple. (Timbrell & Harding feet.. No. 28 Strand.) 15885 Huxley, Thos., Middle Temple 15886 Huxtable, John 15887 Huyshe, Arms & Quarterings of, of Sand, co. Devon. {A hooliplate ?) (W. Day, Lithr. to the King, 17 Gate.) 15888 Huyshe, Francis Jolin. {Arms. Huyshe quartering Avenell, Bourchier and Reynell.) 15889 Huyshe, Wentworth. (Jarrett, London) 15890 Hyatt, Henry, Esqr *59 (Hyde), The Right Honourable Henry, Earl of Clarendon. {Arms. Hyde qicartering La7igdale, Aylesbury, and Denman ' with BacJchouse on an escutcheon. Henry, 2«fZ Earl of Clarendon, married as his 2nd wife. Flower, daughter and heir of Wm. Bachhouse of Sallowfield, and widow of Sir William Backhouse, Bart. ; died 1709.) 1699. Style. Aiinorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole Armorial Armorial shield in clouds Armorial Crest Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Annorial Pictorial Annorial Festoon Armorial Festoon engi-aved label Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Earlv Armorial 94 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. *106 (Hyde), The Right Honble. Laurance, Earl of Rochester, Knight of the I\Iost Noble Order of the Garter. {Created Viscount Hyde, 1681; Earl of Rochester, 1682; K.G., 1685; died 1711.) *101 (Hyde), The Right Honble. Laurance, Earl of Rochester, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. {A smaller lAate.) 15891 Hyde, Arthur, of Castle Hyde 15892 Hyde, George 15893 I. H. (Hyde?) 15894 Hyde, John 15895 Hyde, John. (Seare & Co. 23 St. James's Stt.) 15896 Hyde, John, Esqr Hyde Mechanics Institute. See Institutions. 15897 Hyett, W, Henry, Esqr. Painswick House, co. Gloucester. {Arms. Hyett quartering Adams. Originally engraved by Enislie for " BiirJie's Heraldic Hlustrations," and afterwards used as a boolylate.) 15898 Hylan, Thomas. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks ''Lyons Book.") 15899 Hyland, Jane. {Arms. H yl and im'paling Lane ?) 15900 Hylton, John, of Hylton Castle in the County of Durham, Esqr. 15901 Hylton, John Scott 15902 (Hylton), anonymous 15903 Hynam. {The plate of Benjn. Hyyiam with inscription altered.) 15904 Hynam, Benjamin 15905 Hynam, Benjn. .. 15906 Hynam, Benjn. {The last plate with iyiscription reworked) Hyndford, Earl of. See Carraichael. 15907 Hynes, P. S 15908 Hyvernat, E.\ Libris R. Dm. Xav. Henrici, d.d., in Univer- sitate Washingtoniana Professoris. 15909 A. H Style. 15910 A. H. 15911 A. F. H. See Herford. B. H 15912 C. H. {A stencilled plate) Early Armorial shield in a garter Earlj' Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Armorial Engraved label Crest Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon i\rmorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Jacobean Armorial supporters Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial spade shield Armorial ? , Cypher and Coronet of a Countess Initials in a wreath Chippendale Cypher and Coronet of a Countess Crest (a mai-tlet in front of an oak tree) and initials Franks CoUection of Book Plates. 95 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 15913 C. A. H Initials in a wreath 15914 C. S. H Interlaced initials in a square frame 15915 K H Cypher 15916 E. B. H Interlaced initials in a square frame 15917 F. H Crest (out of ducal coronet a rose slipped between two wings) and cypher 15918 F. H Pictorial 15919 G. H Crest (a tower, domed) and cjTpher 15920 G. H. (Johnson sc.) Crest (an arm embowed in armour, the hand ppr. grasping an arrow) and cypher 15921 G. E. H Cj^pher 15922 H. H. {Printed in red) .. Crest (an arm erect vested, the hand holding a heart) and cypher 15923 H. H Wreath and ribbon c^^-pher 15924 H. H. {The arms and crest are appareyitly those of the Frehe fa m ily.) Early Armorial 15925 H. H., Ex Libris, Nov. Eborac. {Stamjwd in gold on Interlaced initials leather.) in an oval frame 15926 H. M. J. H Cypher in a WTeath 15927 I. H I. H. See Hodges. Crest (a crescent charged with a cross patee) and cypher 15928 I. H. Chippendale c^-pher 15929 I. H. Cypher 15930 I. H Cypher 15931 I. A. H. Univ. Coll. Oxon Crest (a talbot's head erased, collai'cd, be- tween two ostrich feathers) and cypher 15932 J. S. H Chippendale cypher 15933 M. H. (" Marij Henry:' Note by Sir A. W. Fra7iks) Cypher 96 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 15934 M. I. H Initials in a garter with a foreign coronet 15935 M. S. H Crest (a talbot's head couped, collared) and cypher 15936 P. H. Crest (a griffin's head couped) and cypher in a beaded oval 15937 P. A. H Crest (an eagle displayed with two heads) and cypher 15938 H. H Chippendale cypher 15939 R. H Crest (a demi lion rampant, double queued, holding a buckle) in a garter 15940 R. H. (W. Mathews so. Oxford) Crest (a boar's head erased) in a garter 15941 R. H. New Inn Hall, Oxford Crest (a boar's head erased) and initials 15942 R. C. H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Vesica interlaced 15943 S. H. S. H. H. See Hodgson. 15944 T. H 15945 T. H , 15946 T. H. 15947 W. H. 15948 W. H 15949 W. H. (Craig, Lee) initials Crest (a demi pelican vulning herself) and initials Cypher in a beaded oval Crest (an arm couped, erect, the hand holding an ear of corn) and inter- laced initials Crest (a wolf's head erased) and initials Crest (a lion's head erased with a cap of maintenance on its head) and cypher Pictorial Pictorial crest (a demi lion ram- pant) and cypher Franks Collection of Book Plates. 97 Name, Date, and Engraveb. 15950 W. H. (The last plate printed on yellow-brown paper) 15951 W. H W. H. See Hodges. 15952 W. H. I. F. R Style. 15953 W. H. Regin. Coll. Cantab. 15954 W. H. H. 15955 W. R. H. 15956 r Anson, Jas. (Welch) 15957 I'Anson, M. {Printed in sepia) (E. B. H. del.) .. 15958 I'Anson, William Andrew. Denton Hall, Northumberland. 1889. (Sherborn ft.) 15959 Ibbetson. {Arryis. Ibhetson quartering Bennet) .. 15960 Ibbetson. {Arms. Ibhetson ivith Parke, quartering Robin- son, on an escutcheon.) 1.5961 Ibbetson, C 15962 Ibbetson, C. H. {The last plate loith inscription altered) .. 15963 Ibbetson, James, d.d. {Arms. Ibhetson ivith Short on an escutcheon.) 15964 Ibbetson, .James, D.D. {The last plate reworked) .. 15965 Ibbetson, John .. 15966 Ibbetson, John Holt. {Arms. Ibbetson quartering Short) 15967 Ibbetson, Lady 15968 Ibbetson, Samuel 15969 Ibbetson, Samuel 15970 (Ibbetson, Baronet), anonymous. {Probably the plate of Hetiry Ibbetson, created a Baronet 1743; died 1761.) 15971 (Ibbetson), anonymous .. 15972 (Ibbetson), anonjTnous. {The last plate reworked) 15973 (Ibenvsrorth?), anonymous Iddesleigh, Earl of. See Northcote. 15974 Ideson, Luke 15975 Idle, Christr. {Arms. Idle impaling ...).. 15976 Idle, George. {Arms. Idle impaling Morison) VOL. II. Pictorial crest and cypher Cypher Festoon crest (a bull's head erased) and cj^her Crest (a talbot's head erased) and cypher Crest (a falcon) and cypher on a shield Crest (on a mount, a crane holding a stone in its claw) and cypher Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Chi^Dpendale Armorial Chippendale " Aimorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Engraved label Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon crest Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial 98 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 15977 15978 15979 15980 15981 15982 15983 15984 15985 15986 15987 15988 15989 15990 15991 15992 15993 15994 levers. See Ivors. Iggulden, Edward Iggulden, Maria G. Ilehester, Earl of. Ilehester, Earl of See Fox. See Strang-ways. Ilderton, Sanderson, of Ilderton, Esq Ilderton, Thomas. {Arms. Ilderton impaling Francis. The Revd. Thomas Ilderton of Ilderton Hall, co. North- umherland, married 1834 Mary Susan, daughter of W. Francis of Chesterton, Lieut. B.N.) lies, Revd. Thos. Hodgson, a.m. Iliff, F Iliff, Frederick IlifFe, John Arthur'. Iliffe, John Arthur. (Harrison).) Illingworth, Thos. 1894. (T. E. H. (Harrison)) .. {A smaller lilate.) 1894. (T. E. H. Image, Revd. John, a.m. Image, Revd. Thomas, a.m. Image, William Edmund, b.l., f.r.c.s. Image, William Edmund, Bmy St. Edmunds (Image), anonymous. (The plate of the Revd. John Image without inscription.) (Image), anonymous. (An earlier state of the last plate.) Impey, Archibald Lovibond. (J. Clements, sc, Oxford) .. Impey, Elijah Style. 15995 Ince, Edward Gumming. (Arms. Ince quartering Boives) 15996 Ince, Pigot 15997 Ince, Piggott. (The last plate ^vith inscription altered) .. 15998 15999 16000 16001 16002 Inchiquin, Earl of. Ingall, Samuel Inge of Stonygate Inge of Stonygate. Ingelow William Ingham, Robert See O'Brien. (The last plate reworlced) 16003 16004 16005 Wood. (Arms. Ingham quartering Shepley, impaling Penrose, quartering Fitzgerald and Uniack. R. W. Ingham of Sugivas Court, co. Hereford, married 1876 Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the Revd. J. D. Penrose of Woodhill, co. Cork.) (" Balier." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Ingham, Robert Wood. (T]ie last plate reworked) Ingham, Wm. (Smj-th, sc, Halifax) Ingilby, The Honble. Alicia Margaret, Dame. (Arms. Ingilhy with Robertson on an escutchcori. Alicia Margaret, daughter and coheir of David Robertson of Ladykirk, M.P., created Baron Majoribanks 1873, married 1862 Sir Henry Day Ingilby, 2nd Bart.) (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) Armorial Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar-morial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale engraved label Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 99 Name, Date, and Engraver. 16006 Ingilby, Elizabeth. {Arms. Ingilhy tvith Amcotts on an escutcheon. Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Wharton Amcotts of Littlethorpe, co. Lincoln, married 1780 John Ingilby, ivho loas created a Baronet 1781 and died 1815.) 16007 Ingle, John. 78th Highlanders 16008 Ingle, John. {Arms. Ingle initialing Currie) 16009 Ingleby, Clement. (Cottrell, set.) 16010 Ingleby, Clement, {The last plate ivith the engraver's signature erased.) 16011 Ingleby, Rupert 16012 Inglefield, Captain, r.n., f.r.s., f.r.c.s., &c., &c. Inglieh, Isabel. See Dr. Patrick Anderson. 16013 Inglis of Cramond. {Probably the plate of the Ath Baronet, who succeeded 1772.) 16014 Inglis, Alexander, of Murdostoun. {Arms. Inglis quar- tering Hamilton and Elphinstone.) 16015 Inglis, Alexr., of Murdostoun .. 16016 Inglis, Charles Dickson. {Arms. Inglis impaling Clarice. Charles D. Inglis, B.N., married 1877 Leila Carlotta Douglas Augusta, daughter of Augustus Terry Clarke of Achareidh, co. Nairn.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16017 Inglis, D. D., Esqr. {Arms. Inglis impaling Bridgman) 16018 Inglis, George 16019 Inglis, Henry. (Ku-kwood) 16020 Inglis, Henry 16021 Inglis, Hugh, Esqr 16022 Inglis, James. (1805. Wmk. in paper) 16023 Inglis, John J 16024 Inglis, John William. {The arms and crest of Meade) 16025 Inglis, Robert 16026 Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, Bart. {Arms. Inglis, quartering Bussell and Johnson, impaling Biscoe. Sir B. H. Inglis of Milton Bryant, co. Bedford, 2nd Bart., married 1807 Mary, daughter of Joseph Seymour Biscoe of Penhill, CO. Surrey. (Warwick, sc, 145 Strand.) 16027 Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, Bart. {The last plate printed on green card.) (W^arwick, sc, 145 Strand.) 16028 [Inglis, Robt. Harry] , anonjTuous. [1807] 16029 (Inglis), Ex Libris .... mutilated. (Gray & Son) 16030 (Inglis), anonjTnous 16031 (Inglis), anonjTnous. {Arms. Quarterly of 9. 1 and 9. Inglis; 2. Cleghorn ! ; 3. Russell; 4. Johnson; 5. John- son ; 6. Chatterton and Chetham quarterly ; 7 ; 8. Wolsey.) 16032 (Inglis), mutilated • 16033 (inglis), anonymous 16034 Inglish, Jams 16035 Ingraham, Edward D. .. 16036 Ingraham, Edward D. {The last plate printed in red) .. Sttlb. AiTnorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Ai-morial Armorial Armoi-ial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Annorial Chippendale Armorial II 2 100 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 16037 Ingraham, Edwd. D 16038 Ingram 16039 Ingram, Archibald, Esqr. 16040 Ingram, Frans. .. 16041 Ingram, Henry .. 16042 Ingram, John 16043 Ingram, The Honble. Mrs. MejTiell. {Arms, higram, quartering Meynell, Poyntz, and Littleton, impaling Wood, quartering Barker, Tliom])son, and Buck. Emily Charlotte, daughter of Charles, 1st Viscount Halifax, married 1863 Hugo Francis Meynell Ingram of Hoar Cross, co. Stafford, who died 1871.) 1889. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) 16044 Ingram, Eichard . . 15045 Ingram, Richard. {The last plate printed in hlue) 16046 Ingram, Eobt 16047 Ingram, Robt 16048 Ingram, Robert. {The plate of Archibald Ingram with inscription altered.) 16049 Ingram, T. {Arms. Ingram impaling Garnault) . . 16050 Ingram, William. Glasgow 16051 (Ingram), anonymous. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16052 Inman 16053 Inman, Thomas, m.d. Innerpaffray, The Library of. See Drummond, Lord Madderty. 16054 Innes, Alexr. Mitchell, of Ayton and Whitehall 16055 Innes, Anna 16056 Innes, Colonel 16057 Innes, Revd. Geoe. College, Warwick 16058 Innes, Harrie, Esqr. 16059 Innes, John 16060 Innes, Robert 16061 Innes, Wm. {Arms. Innes impaling Chalmers) 16062 Insole, Arma Jacobi Harvey. (J. S. & A. B. Wyon. 287 Regent St., W.) Inverness Royal Academy. See Premiums. 16063 (Irby), Lord Boston T 16064 (Irby), Lady Boston. {Arms. Irby impaling Methuen. Christiana, daughter of Paul Methuen of Corsham House, CO. Wilts., marHed 1775 Frederick, 2nd Baron Boston. He died 1825 ; she died 1832.) •176 Irby, Sr. Edward, of Boston in Com Lincolne Baronet. {Arms. Irby, quartering Stringer, impaling Paget. Edward Irby. created a Baronet 1704, married Dorothy, daughter of the Honble. Henry Paget.) 1704. Style. Engraved label Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon crest Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale en- graved label Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Chippendale Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield Crest Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial spade shield, sup- porters and coronet Early Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 101 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 16065 Irby, The Honble. Sr. William, of Boston, Lincolnsh. Bart (Succeeded 1718 aa 2nd Bart. ; created Baron Boston 1761.) 16066 Irby, The Honble. William. {The plate of Sr. William Irby reworked.) 16067 Irby, The Honourable William Henry 16068 Irby, Honble. William Henry. {Arms. Irby with Black- man, quartering Warren, on ayi escutcheon. William Henry Irby, 2nd son of William, 1st Baron Boston, married 1781 Mary, daughter and coheir of Roivland Blackman of Antigua ; died 1830.) 16069 Irby, Honble. William Henry. 1807 16070 Irby, Honble. William Henry. {The last plate reworked.) 1807. 16071 Ireland. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. 16072 Ireland, .John James 16073 Ireland, Saml 16073a Ireland, Saml. {The last plate with the motto reworked) .. 16074 Ireland, Saml. {The last plate tvith inscription reivorked.) 16075 Ireland, Thomas James. {Arms. Ireland impaling Welby ?) 16076 Ireland, Walter Foggo 16077 Ireland, W. H, {The plate of Saml. Ireland with inscrip- tion altered.) Irene. See Royal Plates. 16078 Ireton, S. Herald Painter, 1, Denton Buildings, Chapel Path, Somers Town, 16079 Irish, Edward • 16080 Irish, W. {Printed on yelloio paper) .. 16081 Ironside, Edward 16082 Ironside, Edwd. 1750 16083 Ironside, Wm. Houghton le Spring, Durham 16084 Irton, Edmd. Lamplugh, of Irton Hall in the County of Cumberland Esqr. 16085 Irton, Edmond Lamplugh, of Irton Hall in the Coimty of Cumberland Esqr. {A different plated) 16086 Irton, Geo. of Irton Hall in the County of Cumberland Esqr, 16087 Irvin, John 16088 Irvine, Alexr. Esqr. of Drum 16089 Irvine, Ai-thur Henry .. 16090 Irvine, Arthui- Henry 16091 Irvine, James 16092 Irvine, James, Esqr. of Kingcausie 16093 Irvine, Walter Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial supporters Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield with sup- porters Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield 102 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 16094 16095 16096 16097 16109 16110 16111 16112 16113 16114 16115 16116 16117 16118 16119 16120 16121 16122 16123 16124 16125 (Irvine), anonymous. {Arms. Irvine impaling BrooTce. This is probably the plate of William D'Arcy Irvine of Castle Irvine, co. Fermanagh, zvlio married 1817 Maria, daughter of Sir Henry Brooke of Cole-Brooke, Bart.) Irving, G. C. Irving, Henry Irving, James, Esqr. 16098 Irving, John. Inner Temple .. 16099 Irving, Major 16100 Irving, Robert. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 16101 Irving, Thomas 16102 (Ir'win.) Beechwood, Roscommon 16103 Irwin. Tanrego, Sligo 16104 (Irwin.) Tanrego in the Comity of Sligo. (J. Taylor sculpt.) 16105 Irwin, F. G 16106 Irwin, John 16107 Irwin, John, Esqr 16108 (Irwin), name erased 17 [86] , Irwine, Sir John, Kt. of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Iinwine, The Right Honourable Sir John, Knight of the Bath, etc. (The last plate with inscription altered.) Isaac, E. (Arms. Isaac impaling Whitmore. E. Isaac of Boughton, co. Worcester, married Harriet, daughter of William Whitmore of Dudmaston, co. Salop.) Isaac, Edward Isaacson, Antonius Isaacson, Frederick Wootton. A. W. Franks.) Isaacson, Sarah . . ("Wyon." Note by Sir Style. Isabella. (Note on the hack " Isabella M. Heathcote") Isabella. (Printed in red and black) .. Isacke, Matthew . . Isacke, Robert M. Isham, Just, of Lamport, Northn. Shr., Esqr. Isham, Just, of Lamport, Northn. Shr., Esqr. (A Tnodern impression of the last plate.) Isham, The Rt. Worshipfull Sr. Justinian, of Lamport in Northamptonshire, Baronet. (" Not a bookplate.'' Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Isham), anonjnnous. (As to this plate and the next, both engraved by David Loggan for Sir Thomas Isham in 1676, see "Book-Plates" by W. J. Hardy, 1897, p. 8.) (Isham), anon^Tnous. (A modern impression of the hist plafr.) (Isham, Baronet), anonymous .. Armorial spade shield Crest in a garter Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Crest Ai'morial spade shield Chippendale pic- torial Ai-morial Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Ai'morial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Decorative Decorative Engraved label Engi-aved label Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Earlv Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 103 Name, Date, and Engraver. 16126 16127 16128 16129 16130 16131 (Isham, Baronet), anonymous. the last plate.) (Isham, Baronet), anonymous . {A modern impression of 16132 16133 16134 16135 (Isham, Baronet), anonymous. [A modern impression of the Inst plate.) Isher'svood. {Arms. Isherwood impaling Talstoch ?) IsherAvood, Revd. C. Brotherton Isherwood, John, of I\Iarple and Wyberslegh Halls in Cheshu'e and of Bradshawe Hall in Lancashire. {A7-7ns. Isherwood, quartering Bradshatv, Bagshaiv, Winnirigton, Offerton, and Barcroft, with Bancroft on an escutcheon. John Isherwood married 1812 Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of the Revd. Thomas Bancroft, Vicar of Bolton le Moors.) Islington, Dame Alice Owen's school. See School Libraries. Ismay, E Libris Jos. Com. Cumbriae. Coll. Christ. Alumn. 1732. Isted, Ambrose, Esqr. {The plate of Thomas Isted with inscription altered. Amhrose Isted of Ecton, co. Northampton, son of Thomas Isted of St. John's Square, Middlesex, and of Ecton ; born 1717-18; died 1781.) Isted, Thomas, of the Middle Temple, Esquire. {Thomas Isted of St. John's Square, Middlesex, and Ecton, co. Northampton, son of Ainhrose Isted of St. John's Square; born 1677 ; died 11 SI.) Itchener, George, of Great-Badow 16136 Ivens, William, St. Michaels 16137 Ivers, Ex Libris G. P 16138 (Ivers), George Parker levers, Esqr. Middle Temple 16139 [Ivera, Henry Norton, Esqr.] , mutilated 16140 Ives, Ed., Esqr. [To his son Jno. Rich. Ives, 1785] 16141 Ives, I 16142 Ives, John. Yarmouth .. 16143 Ives, John Chapman, Esqr. 16144 Ives, M. Tombland 16145 Izard, Robert. Royston. {Arms. Izard impaling Cox) 16146 Izzard, James 16147 I.I 16148 Jack, Frances Wilson 16149 Jack, Richard, Teacher of mathematicks in Edinburgh Style. Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Engraved label Armorial Printed label Early Armorial Early Armorial Printed label. Name in a Chip- pendale frame Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Engraved label Early Ai-morial Armorial Cypher and coro- net of a countess Armorial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Armorial 16150 Jackaman, W. B. (H. Salt, Heraldic Office, Lincoln's Inn, London.) 16151 Jackson. Sneed Park. (R. M. (Mountaine)) . . | Chippendale Ar- I morial trophy 104 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 16152 Jackson, Alexr. Cosby .. 16153 Jackson, Alexr. Cosby. {Arms. Jackson imjoaling Mitchell.) 16154 Jackson, Eevd. Andrew . . 16155 Jackson, Benjn., Junr. .. 16156 Jackson, Charles P. C. Kains-. (A. W. (Wright)) .. 16157 Jackson, Charles E. M 16158 Jackson, Edwd., a.m. Style. 16159 16160 16161 16162 16163 16164 16165 16166 16167 16168 16169 16170 16171 16172 16173 16174 16175 16176 16177 16178 16179 16180 16181 16182 16183 16184 Jackson, Arma Eduardi Patten, et Margarettse Annse Uxoris Ejus. (Arms. Jaclxson impaling Saunderson. E. P. Jackson married 1865 Margaret Ann, daughter of Geo. Saunderson of Green Bank, Birkenhead.) Jackson, Edward Steane, m.a. .. Jackson, E. T. erased. {The plate of Stephen Arms. Jack- ( Jackson, ffisher), name Jackson reworked.) Jackson, fSsher. {The last plate reworked. son quartering Fisher.) F. J. (.Jackson) Jackson, Francis James Jackson, George . . {The last plate printed in sepia) Jackson Hall, Coleraine. {Note by Sir " Lyons Book.'') Jackson Hall, Coleraine. {The last Jackson, George. Jackson, George. A. W. Franks, Jackson, George. plate printed in green.) Jackson, George .. Jackson, George. {Anyis. Jackson impaling Woodville. Sir George Jackson of Fork Hill, co. Armagh, mar-ried 1814 Anne Day, daughter of William Woodville.) Jackson, George. Glenmore . . Jackson, George Vaughan. Christ Coll. Cambge. . . Jackson, George Vaughan, Esq. Carramore, Co. Mayo. {Engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions." Arms. Jackson quartering Cuffe, Aungier, Rutledge, Vaughan d Vaughan.) Jackson, Geo. Vernon. E. Coll. Wadh. Jackson, George W. C. . . Jackson, Gilbt. . . Jackson, Gilbt., d.d. {The plate of Richd. Jackson, D.D., with inscription altered.) Jackson, G. B., 43rd Regt. Jackson, Henry. {Printed on pink paper) .. Jackson, Henry IMathcr. {Succeeded 1876 as Ind Bart. ; died 1881.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Jackson, Henry Mather Jackson, Sir Henry Mather, Baronet, of Llantilio Crosseney in the county of Monmouth. {Arms. Jackson with Somerset on an escutcheon. Sir H. M. Jackson, Srd Baronet, married 1886 Ada Frances, daughter of General Edioard Arthur Somerset.) 1892. Jackson, .James .. Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal AiTnorial Ai-morial Engraved label. Name on an escallop shell Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Seal Annorial Crest in a garter Armorial Crest in a garter Franks Collection of Book Plates. 105 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 16185 16186 16187 16188 16189 16190 16191 16192 16193 16194 16195 16196 16197 16198 16199 16200 16201 16202 16203 16204 16205 16206 16207 16208 16209 16210 16211 16212 16213 16214 16215 16216 Jackson, James. {A different plate) .. Jackson, James. {The last plate printed on brown-tinted paper.) Jackson, Joannes. Londini. (Arms. Jackson impaling Baker.) Jackson, John. {Arms. Jackson quartering Taylor) Jackson, John Jackson, John Jackson, John. {A7-ms. Jackson, quartering Hijjpisley, impaling . . . , quartering Jessop.) Jackson, John, Gent. Inner Temple Jackson, John, Junr. Lincoln's Inn . . Jackson, John, d.d., Bishop of Lincoln. {Arms. The See of Lincoln impaling Jackson. Born 1811 ; Bishop of Lincoln 1853 ; translated to London 1868 ; died 1885.) Jackson, Kevd. John Jackson, John C. (Photo-Litho, Whiteman & Bass, London.) Jackson, John Ley Jackson, J. L. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. Jackson, Honble. Judge. {Arms. Jackson impaling . . .) Jackson, Sir Keith George, Bart. {Succeeded as 4th Baronet 1857.) Jackson, Louis Stuart. {Arms. Jackson quartering Cecil, Robinson and Drummond.) Jackson, Louis Stuart. {A different plate) .. Jackson, Michael Jackson, Philip .. Jackson, Philip. {Arms. Jackson impaling Williams) .. Jackson, Richd., D.D. Jackson, Rd. Oldfeld. {Arms. -Jackson quartering Old- feld.) Jackson, R. D. R. D. J. (Jackson). {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Found under an anonymous plate with the same crest and Jackson arms.") Jackson, Robert .. Jackson, Robert. (H. S. M. (Marks)) Jackson, Robert, m.d. Jackson, Stephen Jackson, Thos. Witter. Witter.) Jackson, W. Jackson, W. E., Esqr. .. {Arms. Jackson qtiartering Crest in a garter Crest in a garter Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Vesica Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest in a garter Crest i Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armoi'ial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Al'iuorial Crest Crest and cypher Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Jacobean Armorial Annorial Festoon Armorial '? Armorial spade shield 106 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 16217 16218 16219 16220 16221 16222 16223 16224 16225 16226 16227 16228 16229 16230 16231 16232 Jackson, W. C. .. W. C. J. (Jackson) Jackson, William Jackson, Sigil. Guil., s.t.p., Archidiaconi Carliolensis. (Arms. Jackson impaling Crump. The Ven. Wm,. Jackson, D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle, married, 1829, ■Tulia Eliza, daughter of John Gregory Crum,p of Allen Bank, co. Westmoreland.) Jackson, William. {Arms. Jackson impaling Hughes. William Jackson of the Manor House, Birkenhead, M.P., created a Baronet, 1869, married, 1829, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hughes of Liverpool.) (" Wyon," Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Jackson, William Charles Ward (Jackson), anonymous. {Unfinished proof of the plate of William Jackson.) (Jackson), anonymous. {Arms. Jackson quartering Doivnes.) (E. K.) (Jackson), anonymous or mutilated .. (Jackson), anonymous .. (Jackson), anonymous. {Proof of the plate of William Charles Ward Jackson.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Jackson?) anonymous. {Arms. Jackson, quartering Holmes, impaling Draper ?) Jacob, Ebenr. Jacob, Edw., f.s.a. {Arms. Jacob with Long on on escut- cheon. Ed'ward Jacob of Faversham, co. Kent, married as his 2nd ivife, Mary, daughter and heir of Stephen Long of Sandivich.) Jacob, George Le Grand. {Arms. Jacob quartering Long) Jacob, George Ogle Style. 16233 Jacob, Herbert, Esqr., of St. Stephens in Kent 16234 Jacob, John, Commandant of the Sinde Irregular Horse . . 16235 Jacob, John, Commandant of the Scinde Irregular Horse. {Arms. Jacob quartering Long.) 16236 Jacob, John, Commandant of the Scinde Irregular Horse . . 16237 Jacob, M., Esqr. 16238 Jacobson, Esco. . . 16239 Jacobson, William. {Arms. .Jacobson impaling Turner. William Jacobson, appointed Bishop of Chester, 1865, ■married, 1836, Eleanor Jane, daughter of Dawson Turner of Great Yarmouth; died 1884.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16240 (Jacobson), WiUiam Chester. {Arms. The see of Chester impaling Jacobson.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16241 (Jacobson, Bishop of Chester), anonymous. {The first state of the last plate.) 16242 Jacomb, Frederick William 16243 Jacson, Mary Anton. {Arms. Jacson impaling Johnson. Mary Anton .Johnson married, 1801, the Revd. Roger Jacson, Rector of Bebington.) Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Ai'inorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 107 Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 16244 Jaeson, W. Shalcross. {Arms. Jacson quartering Fitz- herbert, Shalcross, and Poole ?) 16245 Jago, Darell Robert 16246 Jago, F. Vyvyan. {Note by Sir A. W. Frank's " Ovenden's book." Arms. Mayow .^ ii7ipaling Jago ?) (Adams. Xon.) 16247 Jago, F. V^^yan. {Note by Sir A. W. Frank's " Ovenden's book." Arms. Jago ? impaling May ow ?) 16248 Jago, John 16249 Jagoe, Nicholas B. (Green, Cork) Jamaica, Bishop of. See Lipscombe. Jamaica, Bishop of. See Spencer. 16250 (James), Walter Charles Lord Northbourne. {Arms. James with Ellison 07i an escutcheon. Sir Walter Charles James, Ind Baronet, created Baron Northbourne, 1884, married, 1841, Sarah Caroline, daughter of Cuthbert Ellison of Hepburn Hall, co. Durham ; died 1893.) (Harry Soane, London.) 16251 (James), Walter Charles Lord Northbourne. {The last plate with the engraver's signature erased.) 16252 James, [Mary] 16253 (James), anonymous. {The first state of the last plate) 16254 James 16255 James, Alfred. {Amis. James quartering Evans, Price, and Edwards ?) 16256 James, Alfred A 16257 James, Charles T. C 16258 James, E 16259 James, Frank Linsly. 1881. (Harry Soane) 16260 James, George, Royal Artillery 16261 [James, H., 39 Milsom Str.] {Printed on green paper) .. 16262 James, Han-y, Exeter .. 16263 James, Haughton, Esqr. {Arms. James quartering Emley and Haughton.) 16264 James, Hugh Septimus . . 16265 James, Hugo, Esqr., Middle Temple .. 16266 James, H. W. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. \Y. Franks) .. 16267 James, James Henr^-, Middle Temple. {Arms. James impaling . . . quartering Clarke.) 16268 James, John. (Burnell so.) 16269 James, John Kingston, Esqr., Dublin. {Arms. James im- paling Cash / Johyi Kingston James, created a Baronet, 1823, married, 1812, Charlotte Rebecca, daughter of Alderman John Cash of Dublin.) 16270 James, Jonathan . . 16271 James, Jn., 1789 16272 J. J. (.James.) (Pain) 16273 James, Joseph 16274 James, Mr 16275 James, Murdock, of Lincoln's Inn 16276 James, Richard. (Artns. James with Fleming on an escut- cheon.) Style. Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Ai'morial Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Ai-morial Crest Armorial Crest Armorial Crest Printed label Armorial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Crest Armorial Ai'morial Ainnorial Armorial shield in a garter Jacobean Armorial Autograph Chippendale cj^her Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale ? Annorial Festoon Armorial 108 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaveb. Style. 16277 16278 16279 16280 16281 16282 16283 16284 16285 16286 16287 16288 16289 16290 16291 16292 16293 16294 16295 16296 16297 16298 16299 16300 16301 16302 16303 16304 16305 16306 16307 16308 16309 16310 James, Richard. {Arms. James quartering Van Hcest- recht ? and Morskin.) James, Dr. Eobert James, Sarah Caroline. {Arms. James impaling Ellison. See the plate of Lord Northbourne.) T. J. (James) James, Thomas Smith, Birmingham .. James, W. A. James, Walter Henry. {Arms. James ivith Ellison on an escutcheon. The Honble. Walter Henry James, eldest son of Walter Charles, \st Baron Northbourne, by Sarah Caroline Ellison, his wife. Succeeded 1893 as 2nd Baron.) 1888. (T. E. H. (Harrison.)) James, E Libris Gualteri Henrici, e dono Matris. a.d. 1888. James, William .. James, William, Deckham Hall James, Wm. James, Wm. Ford W. J. J. (James.) {Walter 1791, died 1829.) J. James created a Baronet, James, William Rhodes . . (James), mutilated. {This pilate exists with the inscription " Eobert'') (James), anonymous (James), anonymous (James), anonymous, {Arms. James impaling Woodhouse. Probably the plate of William James of DecMam's Hall, CO. Durham, who bore these Arms. He married, 1803, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Woodhouse of Scotsivood, CO. Northumberland.) Jameson, Alexander Jameson, Andrew Jameson, Andrew, Alloa Jameson, Anna. {Born 1794; d. 1860) Jameson, Mr. James Jameson, Robert, Mercht., Lieth Jameson, Thomas Jameson, William George and Henrietta Frances. Jameson impaling Haig quartering Veitch.) Jamieson, .T. A. . . Janes, Johannes, Londinensis . . {Arms. {The Janes, Johannes. (Interioris Templi Socius) Londini. last plate reworked.) J' Anson, Sir Thomas Banks, Baronet, of Corfe Castle, Dorset. 1783. Janvrin, Daniel Jones . . Janvrin, Daniel Philip. (Dolby, Regent St.) Jaqii^ri, Jean Elie, de Moudon en Suisse ; N^ en 1732. 17.'>5. (M. Skinner Exon sculp.) Jaques, John. {Arms. Jaques with Rogers on an escutcheon) Armorial shield on clouds Crest Seal Armorial Crest Pictorial Engraved label Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest and cypher with the Ulster badge Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale crest Armorial Armorial Crest Jacobean pic- torial Armorial Jacobean pic- torial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 109 Name, Date, and Engravek. [The last plate ivitJi inscription {The last lAate printed on broivn 16311 Jaques, Richard Machel 16312 Jaquier, L. D 16313 Jardine, Sir Alexander, of Applegarth, Bart. (Succeeded 1807 as 6th Baronet, died 1821.) 16314 Jardine, D., Middle Temple 16315 Jardine, Henry 16316 Jardine, Henry .. 16317 Jardine, Henry. {The last plate reworked) . . 16318 Jardine, Henry .. 16319 Jardine, Henry 16320 Jardine, Sir Henry 16321 Jardine, Sir Henry. alte7'ed.) 16322 Jardine, Sir Henry. tinted paper.) 16323 Jarman, Edward . . 16324 Jarrett, H.N 16825 Jarvis, C. M. G 16326 Jarvis, E. G 16327 Jarvis, Georgii, et Amicorum 16328 Jarvis, George Ralph Payne. {Anns. Jarvis impaling Blackwell and Sturges. Lt. Col. G. B. P. Jarvis, married 1st 1802, Philadelphia, daughter of Ehenezer Blachivell, and Indly, 1830, Frances, daughter of the Bevd. John Sturges, LL.D.) 16329 (Jarvis ?) anonymous 16330 (Jary), anon^nnous. (J. Himt) 16331 JeafFreson, John . . 16332 Jeaffreson, R. P 16333 Jebb, A. T. 16334 Jebb, John, d.d., Canon of Hereford. {Arms. paling Bourke. The Bevd. John Jebb, 1831, Frances, daughter of General Sir Bourke, G.C.B.) 16335 Jebb, John, d.d., f.r.s.. Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe. {Born, 1775; Bishop of Limerick, 1822; died, 1833.) 16356 Jebb, Richard 16337 Jebb, Richard, Esqr. (Arms. Jebb quartering De Witt ? and Boruer.) 16338 Jebb, Robert Bowker 16339 Jee, T Styli;. Jebb im- married, Bichard 16340 JefFcock, John T. (Arms. Quarterly, 1. and 4. Jeff cock ; 2. and 3. Parkin and Bawson quarterly.) 16341 JefFcock, Parkin 16342 Jefferies, The Rt. Honourable George Lord, Baron of Wenim, Lord Chancellor of England, &ca. (A repro- duction.) Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Pictorial Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Ai-morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial spade shield in a garter Wreath and ribbon Armorial spade shield in a garter Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Ajrmorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial , Armorial Cypher on a I shield j Armorial I Armorial Armorial IIU Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbavee. 16343 Jeffers, Patrick David 16344 Jefferson, Josh 16345 Jeffery, Barthw 16346 Jeffery, Jac, Aul. Pemb, Soc. 1719 16347 Jeffery, John .. : 16348 Jeffery, Morton. {The plate of John Jeff ery retvorTted) 16349 [Jeffery, George] , anonymous . . 16350 Jefferys, Geo. (Arms. Jefferys impaling Gould i) 16351 Jefferys, John 16352 Jefferys, John. [The last plate reivorlced) .. 16358 Jefferys, N. N. (Bennett sc.) 16354 Jeffrey, R. 16355 Jeffreys, Edwd. Salop 16356 Jeffreys, James Style. "256 "285 Jeffreys, Sr. Jeffrj-, of the Priory in Brecknockshire and of the Citj' of London, Kt. {Arms. Jeffreys quartering Givynne and Loive ?) 1701. Jeffreys, John, of Llywell in the County of Brecknock and of the City of London, Esqr. Jeffreys, John Jeffreys, Robert, Esqr., of Acton. His Book, Anno Domini 1711. 16359 Jeffreys, Walter 16357 16358 16359a 16360 16361 16362 16363 16364 16365 16366 16367 16368 16369 "268 "458 "336 16370 16371 (Jeffreys), anonymous. (B. Cole delin. et sculp.) . . Jeffries, Dr. John Jeffryes (Jeffryes), anonjTnous .. Jegon, Robert Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee, lint. Bombay, East Indies. {Knighted 1842; created a Baronet 1857; died 1857.) Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee. {A different jilate with the badge of Ulster.) Jeken, John Jekyll, Herbert Jekyll, Herbert. {Ariyis. Jehyll, quartering Stocker, Eayney, and Brituxton / with Graham on an es- cutcheon. Col. Herbert Jekyll, C.M.G., B.E., married Agnes, daughter and coheir of William Graham of Urrard, co. Perth and Langley House, co. Lancaster.) (C. W. S. ft. (Sherborn).) Jekyll, John, Magd. Coll. Oxon. Jekyll, Sr. Joseph, Knight. {Knighted 1700; appointed Master of the Rolls 1717 ; died 1738.) Jekyll, Sr. Joseph, Knight. {Another impression of the last plate.) Jekyll, Sr. Joseph, Knight, one of her Maties. Sargeants at Law. {The last plate ivith inscription altered.) 1703. Jekyll, Joseph. Lincoln's Inn Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial. Early Armorial Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Festoon Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jekyll, Joseph. erased.) (The last plate toith "Lincoln's Inn'' Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield •"J ''cffry hmriL^oj'mcJncrrj LTihm^ nocK^ftu re ^ohfic C itu of'Z^ondon^i^\} :_Cg_^— x_/ Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Ill Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 16372 Jekyll, T., of Lincoln's Inn .. Early Jacobean Armorial 16373 Jelf, James Armorial 16374 Jelf, Sir James. {The last plate reworked) .. Ai-morial 16375 Jelf, Revd. W. E. Armorial 16376 Jemmett, G. E. .. Armorial 16377 Jenings, John "Wilson Wreath and ribbon Armorial 16378 Jenison W alworth, Count. {Born 1764 ; died 1824) Armorial spade shield with supporters and coronet 16379 Jenison, Ra., Esq. (Arms. Jenison with Alleyn ? on an Chippendale escutcheon.) AJrmorial 16380 (Jenison), mutilated. {Arms. Jenison impaling . . .) .. Festoon Aimorial 16381 Jenkins, Abraham Lionel, m.d. Jacobean Armorial 16382 Jenkins, Anthy. (Timbrell & Harding ft No 28 Strand) . . Pictorial Armorial 16383 Jenkins, Edward, of the Gi'ove in the county of Esq. 1892. Radnor, Armorial 16384 Jenkins, Henry. New Inn . Engraved label 16385 Jenkins, Henry .. .. Chippendale Armorial 16386 Jenkins, Henry. {Arms. Ashe impaling Marleton or Ai-morial Nicholson.) (Suffield sculp.) 16387 Jenkins, Richard . . * • • Crest 16388 Jenkins, Richd., Esq. (R. W.) . Jacobean Armorial 16389 Jenkins, Rich., Esqr. {The last plate reworked.) (R. W.) Jacobean Armorial 16390 Jenkins, Richd., Esqr. Salop.. . Chippendale pic- torial Ai-morial 16391 Jenkins, Wm., Esqr. . • Festoon Armorial 16392 (Jenkins?), anonjnuous. {A reversed impression. Arms. Chippendale Jenkins luith Fuller on an escutcheon^ Ajmorial 16393 Jenkinson, T. R. . Jacobean Armorial 16394 ( Jenkinson), anonymous. {A dedication plate) . Wreath and ribbon Armorial 16395 Jenner, C, a.m., Fellow of Brazen-Nose Coll., Oxon. {Arms. Jacobean Jenner quartering Poe.) Armorial 16396 Jenner, Robert, Esqr. Wenvoe Castle . . Armorial 16397 Jenney, Henry, Esq. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Lyons Chippendale Book.") Ajrmorial 16398 Jennings. {Arms. Jennings impaling Beckwith or Whit- Chippendale bread.) Armorial 16399 Jennings, Edmund, of the Middle Temple, Esqr. ■ Chippendale Armorial 16400 Jennings, George, Esqr. {Arms. Jennings quartering Chippendale Payne .^) Aimorial 16401 Jennings, George . Armorial 16402 Jennings, Harnett Ellison, m.a., c.c.c, Camb. {Arms. Ai-morial Jennings, quartering Balderston, Fintiis and Harnett, impaling Jeken, quartering Broadrip.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16403 Jennings, John. {Note by Sir A. W. Frariks " Lyons Chippendale Book.'') Armorial 112 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 16404 Jennings, John. 1768 . . 16405 Jennings, John. St Ives. 16413 16414 16415 16416 16417 16418 16419 16420 16421 16422 16423 16424 16425 16426 16427 16428 16429 16430 16431 16432 16433 16434 16435 16436 16437 (Stephens ?) 16406 Jennings, Rev. Jos. Evesham 16407 Jennings, Nathl. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 16408 Jennings, Nathaniel 16409 Jennings, Peter Harnett 16410 Jennings, Robert. Hull 16411 Jennings, Robert John. 16412 Jennings, Upton 18- {Proof of the plate of Peter ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. {Arms. Jennings impaling . . .) {Arms. Jennings, quartering (Jennings), anonymous. Harnett Jennings.) Franks.) (Jennings), anonymous . (Jennings), anonymous. (Jennings), anonpuous. Collins / and Kennedy, im,paling Smith.) Jenour Jenoure, Sir John, Bart. {Sticceeded 1744 as 6th Baronet; died 1755). (G. Bickham.) Jenoway, R. 0. . . I. M. J. (Jenyns). {Arms. Jenyns impaling Esdaile) Jen37xis, Soame, Esq. (Jenyns), anonymous or mutilated Jephson. Mallow, Ireland. {Ai'ms. Quarterly of 9. 1. and 9. Jephson; 2. and 8. Norreys ; 3. Lovell ; 4, Andreives? 5. Moore; 6. . . . ; 7. Starkey.) Jephson, Denham, Esq., M.P., &c., &c., &c. [1804] Jephson, H. Jephson, Mr. Joseph, mdccxxxvii. .. Jephson, William, Serjeant at Law .. Jerdon, Archibald, of Bonjedward. (Lizars) Jerdon, Archibald, of Bonjedward. {The last plate printed on brown tinted pa2)er.) (Lizars.) Jeremy, George .. Jeremy, Henry, Mid. Temp. {The plate of George Jeremy ivith altered inscription.) [Jeremy, H.] , anonymous. (Smith sc. 1 Clements Inn) .. Jermy, William, Esqr. .. (Jermy), anonymous. {Arms. Jermy impaling Richardson. William Jermy of Bayfield co. Norfolk, married 1785 Elizabeth, daughter of William, Baron Cramond.) Jermyn Style. Jermyn. Jermyn (A different plate) Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Printed label Armorial Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial trophy Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 113 Name, Date, and Engraver. 16438 Jermyn, Edmund and Katherine. {Arms. Jermijn im- paling Tarlcfon?) 16439 Jermyn, H 16440 Jermyn, H. 16441 (Jermyn), anonymous .. 16442 Jerningham, de Cossey Eques Anglus et Dynasta Manerii in Provincia Norfolciae. (A reprint.) (Vacheron fecit Duaci.) 16443 Jerningham, Chas. Edward. (Arms. Jerningham quarter- ing Howard, Plantagcnet and Stafford.) 16444 Jerningham, Charles Edward. (F. Durrant, 27 Old Bond Street.) 16445 Jerningham, Edward .. 16446 Jerningham, Edwd., Esqr. Lincolns) Inn. {Arins. .Jer- ningham quartering Hoioard and Stafford. Edward Jerningham, 3rd son of Sir WiUia7)i Jerningham, born 1774; died 1822.) 16447 Jerningham, Sr. George. (Artns. Jerningham impaling Plowdcn. George Jerningham, who succeeded 1737 as 5th Baronet, married 1733 Mary, daughter of Francis Plowden; died 1174.) 16448 Jerningham, Sr. George. (A reprint of t?ie last plate) 16449 Jerningham, Hubert Edward Henry. Longridge Towers.. 16450 Jerningham, Sir Willm., Bart. Cossey. {Arms. Jer- ningham ijupaling Dillon, William Jerningham, who succeeded 1774 as Qth Barf., married 1767 Frances, daughter of Henry, 11th Viscount Dillon ; died 1809.) 16451 Jerningham, Sir Willm., Bart. Cossey. {The last plate reworked.) 16452 (Jerningham, Baronet), anonymous. {Probably an early plate of Sir George Jerningham, 5th Baronet, with Plowdcn, his wife's coat, incorrectly tricked.) 16453 (Jerningham), anonymous .. .. 16454 (Jerningham), anonymous 16455 (Jerningham), anonjiuoua 16456 (Jerningham), anonymous. {Proof of the last plate.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Jersey, Earl of. See Villiers. Jerusalem, Bishop of. See Alexander. 16457 (Jervis, Earl St. Vincent.) Rochetts. {Admiral John Jervis created Earl St. Viiicent 1797; died 1823.) 16458 (Jervis, Earl St. Vincent), anonymous. {A reversed im- pression. Not a bookplate. Arms. 1. Jervis ; 2. Jervis with Parker on an escutcheon. Earl St. Vincent married Martha, daughter of Sir Thomas Parker, chief Baron of the Exchequer.) 16459 Jervis, George 16460 Jervis, John, Esqr., of Darlaston 16461 Jervis, John, Esqr., of Darlaston 16462 Jervis, Martha H. G VOL. II. Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Anuorittl Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial shield in a wreath com- posed of Stafford knots Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial. Two oval shields accole Armorial Chippendale Armorial] Festoon Armorial Armorial lozenge I 114 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 16463 16464 16465 16466 16467 16468 16469 16470 16471 16472 16473 16474 16475 19476 16477 16478 16479 16480 16481 16482 Jervis, Swynfen, of the Middle Temple, Esqr. Jcrvis quartering Swijnfen.) Jervis, Thomas. Middle Temple 16483 16484 16485 16486 16487 16488 16489 {Arms. Jervis, Thomas Best. {Arms. Jervis impaling Paget) .. Jervis, W., LL.B. .. Jervis, William. E Coll. Exon. Oxon. Jervoise, George Pm'efoy. Herriard House, Hants. {Arms. Jervoise quartering Purefoy and Purefoy.) Jervoise, Harry Clarke. {Arms. Jervoise quartering Clarhe.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Jervoise, Ex Libris Eichardi, Armigeri de Britford in Com. "Wilts. {Richard Jervoise of Britford, Ind son of Thomas Jervoise of Herriard, M.P.) Jesse, John, Esqr. Style. Jessel, George. Jesson, Glover Lincoln's Inn Jessop, George Jessop, John. {Arms. Jessoj) impaling De Burgh. Probably the j^late of Major John Jessop) who married Martha Matilda, daughter of the JRevd Thomas de Burgh ofArdcatiny, co. Limcrich.) (J. Allen sc. Birm.) Jessop, Eevd. Thos., m.a. {Note by Sir A. W. Frajihs, " Lyons Booh.'') Jessop, William .. (Jessopp), anonj-mous. Jessopp, Hem-y .. (Portens, 15 Catherine Stt. Strand) Jessopp, Hem-y .. Jessopp, Thomas Augustus, Esqr., of Walthamstow, Essex. ((17)94. Watermark in paper.) (Timbury sc. Fetter Lane.) Jessopp, Thomas Augustus, Esqr., of Waltham Abbey, Essex. {The last plate with inscription altered.) (Timbury sc. Fetter Lane.) Jesus College. Sec. Cambridge. Jesus College. See Oxford. Jesus College. See Edwards. Jeune, Francis, D.c.L. Jeune, Francis H. Inner Temple. {Arms. Jeune quarter- Roscoe and Daubeny.) (Pugh Bros. London.) Jeune, Francis Henry. Inner Temple. {Arms. Jeune quartering Daubeny and Dyne.) Jeune, Francis Henry. {Arms. Jeione impaling Stewart- Mackenzie. The Bt. Honble. Sir Francis H. Jeune marHed 1881 Mary Susan Elizabeth , daughter of Keith Wm. Stewart-Maclienzie of Sea forth and widow of Col. The Honble. John Constautine Stanley.) (" Wyon." Note by Sii- A. W. Franks.) Jevine, J. F. Jewers, Arthur John, F.s. a. 1880 Jewerni, Arthur John, F.s. a. {Arms. .Jewers impaling Money.) 1882. Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon Arinorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Jacobean . Ai-morial Crest Jacobean Annorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Airmorial shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 115 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 16490 16491 16492 16493 16494 Jewers, Arthur John, f.s.a. (The last plate pHnted on yellow 2^aper.) 1882. Jewers, Arthur J.] [1869] ^Jewers, Arthur John, F.S.A. ] [1879] Jewitt, E Lib. Bibl. Llewellj-nn, f.s.a., et Elizabetha uxor ejus. {Arms. Jciuitt impalmg Sage, Llcwellynn Frederick Win. Jewitt, born 1816 ; married 1838 Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac Sage of Bath; died 1886.) (L. Jewitt, F.S.A. del.) (Jewkes), anonymous. (Ai'ms. JewJces quarte^'ing Jojies) 16495 Joachim, John. {These seem to be the arms and crest of Inglehy.) 16496 Jobber, Thomas, Esqr 16497 Jobling, John. Newcastle 16498 Jobling, Mark C. (Arms. Johling quartering Lambert) .. 16499 JobUng, Thomas 16500 Jobson, Andw. Dundee 16501 Jobson, John 16502 Jobson, John 16503 (Jocelyn), Earl of Roden, {Probably the plate of the Srd Earl who succeeded 1820 and died 1870.) 16504 Jocelyn, Hon. John 16505 Jocelyn, Eobt., Esqr. 16506 Jodrell, Gilbert, Esqr., of Lincoln's Inn 16507 Jodrell, John Willm. Henbury 16507t Jodrell, Paul, of Duffield in ye County of Derby, Esqr., Clerk of ye Honble. House of Commons. {Born 1646; died 1728.) 16508 Jodrell, Paul, of Duffield in the county of Derby, Esqr., Clerk of the Honble. House of Commons. (.4 smaller plate.) 16509 Jodrell, Paul, of Duffield in the County of Derby, Esqr. Clerk of the Honble. House of Counnons. (Another imjiression of the last plate which has been bound up with the volume.) 16510 Jodrell, Su- Richard Paul, Bart. {Arms. Jodrell quarter- ing Hase, Bepps, Sheldon, Smythe, and Lonibe, impaling King. B. P. Jodrell, who succeeded 1817 as 2nd Bart., married 1814 Amelia Caroline, illegitimate daughter of the 2nd Earl of Kingston ; died 1861.) 16511 JodreU, Heredum Fidei Comisit T. J. Phillips, ob. 3 Sept. 1889. {Arms. Jodrell quartering Phillips.) 16512 T. J. [Joel, Tho. Gray' s Inn] . . 16513 John, George 16514 John, Thomas 16515 Johnes, Thos., Esqr. {Arms. Johncs impaling Knight. Thomas Johnes of Llanvairclydogr, M.P., married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Bichard Knight of Croft Castle, co. Hereford.) 16516 Johns, .L.sper Wilson. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Annorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Chippendale en- gi-aved label Engi-aved label Armorial Crest and coronet Crest Early Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Annorial Early Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Cypher Wreath and ribbon Annorial Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Armorial Armorial I 2 116 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 16517 Johns, Jasper Wilson. {The last flate reiuorhed) .. 16518 Johns, Mary Charlotte. {Arms, Johns i^npaling Bur- hett ?) 16519 Johnson 16520 (Johnson), mutilated. {Arms. Johnson impaling Wolfe. The full inscription should be " JohnsoJi, Atty, Congle- ton,'' and the plate should be signed by Yates.) 16521 Johnson. Byker 16522 Johnson, B 16523 Jolinson, Benjn. (Mordecai Scu.) 16524 Johnson, E Libris Charles Plumptre. 1889. (A. R. (Robertson).) 16525 Johnson, Cuthbert, m.d. 16526 Johnson, Edward 16527 (Johnson), E. R. Calcutta. {Edavard Ralph Johnson appointed Bishop of Calcutta 1876.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16528 Johnson, Edward W. Chichester 16529 Johnson, Francis, M.D. .. 16530 Johnson, Francis Bulkeley Bulkeley. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16531 [Johnson, Frederic] 16532 Johnson, George W. 16533 Johnson, Godschall 16534 Johnson, Henry . . 16535 Johnson, Sir Henry Allen, Bart., k.w. {Arms. 1. John- son; 2. Johnson, impaling FhUipse. H. A. Johnson, tvho succeeded 1835 as 2nd Bart., married 1818 Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of Fred crick Philijise of Philipse- bzirg, New York ; died 1860.) 16536 Johnson, James. {Arms. Johnson impaling Yates.) (Suffield sculp.) 16537 Johnson, J., Ebor. M.B. 16538 [Johnson, John, Ebor. m.b,] , anonymous, {The last plate without the inscription.) 16539 Johnson, Joannes, s.t.p., de Petworth Coll. S. Marise Magdalene apud Oxon Socius et Eccles. de Northchapel in Agro Sussexiensi Rector mdcccxxv. {Arms. John- son quartering Lntman.) 16540 Johnson, John 16541 Johnson, John 16542 Johnson, Jno., ji.d. 16543 Johnson, John, of Lutterton, Lincolnshire. 1760 .. 16544 Johnson, John Bulkeley .. .. !. 16545 Johnson, John Henry. Mountains. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16546 Johnson, John James .. 16547 Johnson, Jo. Noble, m.d. 16548 Johnson, Joseph Bulkeley. {The 2>latc of John Bulkeley Johnson with inscription altered.) 16549 Johnson, T. Martin. {The arms and crest of Hunter.) (WarA'ick sc. 145 Strand.) Style. Armorial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial shield on a mantle Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Library interior Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Pictorial Crest Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Annorial. Two shields accole with supporters Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Printed label Armorial Crest Armorial Pictorial engraved label Armorial Armorial FrauJcs Collection of Booh Plates. 117 Name, Date, and Engraver. 16550 Johnson, M., Hon. Soc. I. Templi & Antiq. Lond. S. & Gen. Spaldg. Inst. & Seer. 1735. {Arms. Johnson ivith Ambler on an escutcheon, Maurice Johnson of Ayscoxigh-Fec Hall married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Wm. Ambler of Kirton ; died 1755.) (G. V. sc. (Vertue).) 16551 (Johnson), anonymous. (Proof of the last plate before the inscription was added.) 16552 Johnson, M., Hon. Soc. I. Templi & Antiq. Lond. S. & Gen. Spaldg. Inst. & Seer. 1735. {The last plate reiuorked.) 16553 (Johnson), anonymous. {Pen and ink sketch for the last plate.) 16554 (Johnson.) {A pen and ink draioing of the arms and quarterings.) 16555 Johnson, Maurice, Esq. Ayscough-Fee Hall, co. Lincoln 16556 Johnson, Mrs. M. 16557 Johnson, Richard. 1780. (Shepperd sc) . . 16558 Johnson, Richard. {The last plate reworked.) 1780, (Shepperd sc.) 16559 Johnson, Robt., Esqr. .. < 16560 Johnson, Robert. {Arms. .Johnson, quartering Atkirke, impaling . . . .) 16561 Johnson, R. A. {Arms, Johnson impaling Craven) 16562 Johnson, R. r 16563 Johnson, E Libris Samuelis. Trin. Coll. Cantab. .. 16564 Johnson, Stuart Henry James. 1891. (T. E. H. (Harrison).) 16565 Johnson, T. {The plate of B, Johnson loith inscription altered,) 16566 Johnson, T. B. (Howarth sc.) 16567 Johnson, Thomas. Coll. Trin. Cam. May 3, 1692 16568 Johnson, Thomas 16569 Johnson, Thomas. E Coll. Mn. Nas. Oxen. 16570 Johnson, Thomas, m.a. Liverpool. {Arms, Johnson impaling Crompton,) 16571 Johnson, W. 16572 Johnson, Guli., a.m. Coll. Regal. Cant. Soc. 16573 Johnson, W. L. {A modern copy of the plate of Wm, S. Johnso7i.) 16574 Johnson, Wm. S., l.l.d. 16575 (Johnson), anonymous .. 16576 Johnston .. 16577 Johnston 16578 Johnston, Alexander. Writer to the Signet. (Artns. Johnston quartering Mar and Garioch of Caskieben, amd McLeod .') 16579 Johnston, Alexander, of Vicwficld. (Arms. Johmton impaling Boss.) bl'YLE. Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Annorial Engraved label Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Printed label Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spads shield Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial spade shield Pictorial Armorial Armorial 118 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaveb. IdoSO Johnston, Alexander. {The last plate loith inscription altered.) 16581 Johnston, Alexander J. .. 16582 Johnston, Alexander Keith 16583 Johnston, Andw. 16584 Johnston, Andrew Gregory. {Arms. Johnston quartering Gregory.) 16585 Johnston, Bertram M. ("Baker," Note by Sir A. W. Franlis.) 16586 Johnston, Chas. .. 16587 Johnston, E. (Suffield sculpt. j 16588 Johnston, Edward 16589 Johnston, Edwd., Esqr. 16590 Johnston, Edwin I. (" Wyon." Note by bir A. AV. Franks) 16591 Johnston, Ernest R. 16592 Johnston, Francis. {The plate of Andw, Johnston with inscripition altered.) 16593 Johnston, Frederick, Lieut. Colonel . . 16594 Jolanston. Lt. Coin. Frederick, of Hilton. {Originally engraved by BecJcer for " Burhe's Heraldic Illustra- tions" and afterivards used as a boolplate.) 16595 Johnston, George . . . . . . . . . . 16596 Johnston, George. {Anns. Johnston impaling Stewart.) (Lake, sc.) 16597 Johnston, George, Esq. .. ... 16598 Johnston, George, m.d. Berwick upon Tweed. (Kirk- wood.) 16599 Johnston, G. W., M.D. .. 16600 Johnston, Lieut. Henry, r.n. . . 16601 Johnston, James . . 16602 Johnston, Jane, {xirms. Johnston impalLug Campbeii) .. 16603 Johnston, John .. 16604 Johnston, John. {The last plate tvith inscription reworked) 16605 Johnston, John .. 16606 Johnston, John. (Maverick sculpt.) . . 16607 Johnston, John. {Arms. Johnston impaling tSmyt/i) 16608 Johnston, John. Danson, Kent. {The last 2>l(fte with inscription altered.) (1812. Wmk. in paper.) 16609 Johnston, Eevd. John. (D. Watt, Edinr.) 16610 Johnston, Lewis F. C. . . 16611 Johnston, Mr 16612 Johnston, 'ATatthcw Truitcr 16613 Johnston, Nicholas, Esqr. 16614 Johnston, Robt. .. 16615 Johnston, T. R 16616 Johnston, William. Writer to the Signet Style. Armorial Crest in a garter Crest and cypher in a frame Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Jacobean Armorial Crest Crest Crest Chippendale Armorial Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Annorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armoi'ial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Armorial Crest Armorial Franks CoIIectio)i of Book Plates. 119 Name, Date, and Engraveb. 16617 16618 16619 16620 16621 16622 16623 *480 16624 16625 *476 16626 Johnston, Willm., Esqr. {Anns. Johnston, with an cscutcJieon of Nova Scotia, imjpallng Bacon. William Johnston, who succeeded as Itli Baronet in 1794, married \st Mary, daughter of John Bacon of Shrub- land Hall, and 2ndlij Maria, only daughter of John Bacon of Fry em House; died 1844.) Johnston, William Johnston, "William, Esqr. Johnston, Eevd. W. D. {Arms. Johnston with Buckside / 071 an escutcheon.) [Johnston, Charles B. M.] , anonymous (Johnston), anonjniious . . (Johnston), anonymous.. (Johnstone, Marquess of) Amiandale. {William, 'drd Earl of Annandale, created Marquess of Annandale 1701 ; k.T. 1704; died 1721.) (Johnstone, Marquess of Annandale), anonj^mous. {George, drd Marquess of Annandale, succeeded 1730, died 1792.) Johnstone, The Eight Honble. James Lord. {James, eldest son of William, 1st Marquess of Annandale, succeeded as 2nd Marquess 1721.) Johnstone, The Right Honble. James Lord. {Another impression of the last plate.) Johnstone 16627 Johnstone of Wamphray 16628 Johnstone, Peirce De Lac}- H. 16629 Johnstone, Eobt. B. {Arms. Johnstone impaling Garrard) 166.30 (Johnstone), anonymous 16631 (Johnstone?), anonymous 16632 Jolit, Isaac, M.D. .. 16633 Jolley, T., Esq., F.s.A 16634 Jolley, Thos., Esq., F.s.A 1663-5 Jolley, Thos., Esqr., F.s.A. {A smaller j^latc) 16636 Jolliffe. (W. H. (Henshaw)) 16637 Jolliffe 16638 Jolliffe, George. {Arms. JolUlfc quartering Hylton, Mus- grave, and Hedworth.) 16639 Jolliffe, Hedworth Hylton 16640 (Jolliffe), anonymous 16641 Jolly, John Keith. {Ar)ns. Jolly impaling . . . .) 16642 (Jones, Viscount) Eanelagh. {Probably the plate of the 1th Viscount, who succeeded 1820.) (Swan, sc.) 16643 (Jones, Earl of Eanelagh). Cranborne 16644 Jones 16645 Jones. Surgeon and Man Midwife. London 16646 Jones of Trewythcn and of Ehiewport, co. Montgomery. {Engraved by Becker for ''Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions.''') 16647 Jones, Admiral. (1816. Wmk. in paper) Style. Armorial spade shield with supporters Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade' shield Armorial Ai'morial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ai'uiorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Crest Crest Engraved label, Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial iVi'morial Armorial 120 Frayiks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. Style. 16648 Jones, Catherine Penelope. (The plate of Walter Jones rcivorJicd.) 16649 Jones, Catherine Penelope. {Arms. Jones with Iremonger on an escutcheon.) 16650 Jones, Charles 16651 Jones, Chas. (Arms. Jones imjpaluig Kent or Kennet) .. 16652 Jones, Cheret, Esqr. 16658 Jones, Christopher Hircl 16654 Jones, Daniel 16655 Jones, David Francis. (Arms. Jones with Topping, quar- tering Bohinson, on an escutcheon. David Francis Jones, who assumed the name and arms of Atcherley on succeeding to the Marton estate in 1834, married 1817 Anne Margaret, daughter and coheir of James Topping of Whatcroft Hall, eo. Chester, by his wife Sarah Margaret, daughter and heir of William Robin- son of Whatcroft Hall.) 16656 Jones, E. Fellow of Kings Coll. Camb. (W. H. (Hen- shaw).) 16657 Jones, Edward .. 16658 Jones, Edward Henry .. 16659 Jones, Eiddo Owen. Llundain 16660 Jones, Rcvd. Ellis. {Arms. Jones impaling . . . .) (Warwick so. 145 Strand.) 16661 Jones, Francis. (M. Mosses sculpt.) 16662 Jones, F. E. {Printed in red) . . 16663 Jones, Griffith 16664 Jones, The Eevd. G. Leuis 16665 (Jones), G. L., Bishop of Kilmore. {Appointed Bishop of Kilmore 1774; translated to Kildare 1790.) 1774. 16666 Jones, Geo. Lewis, d.d., Lord Bishop of Kildare. 1790 .. 16667 H. J. (Jones). {Printed in sepia.) (H. J. (Jones)) . . 16668 Jones, Hannah. 1828 16669 Jones, Harvey Bowen .. 16670 Jones, Henry, Esqr. (Stephens?) 16671 Jones, Henry. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) .. 16672 Jones, Henry D 16673 Jones, J 16674 Jones, Rev. J Wilds, Ptcv. W. 16675 J. J., Revd. (Jones) W. W., Revd. (Wilds) 16676 Jones, Rovd. J 16677 Jones, Jaiu«« Armorial Annorial Armorial ? FcBtoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendak Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Library interior Stamped leather label Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Wreath and ribbon Engraved label Engraved label Annorial spade shield Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 121 Name, Date, and Ekgbaver. 16678 Jones, Lt. Colonel James, k.h., k.c.s. {Arms. Jones quartering Johnson, Eure, and Scropc.) 16679 Jones, J. G. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Ovcndens Book.'") (Ovondcn set. Butcher Eow.) 16680 Jones, John 16681 Jones, John, Esqr. 16682 Jones, John, Esqr. {Anns. Jones with Wilson on an escutcheon. Probably the ])late of John Jones of Cefn Coch, CO. Denbigh, who married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Edward Wilson of Liverpool.) 16683 Jones, John, Junr. (H. Mutlow set.) . . 16684 Jones, John Bromwell. {Anns. Jones impaluig Holden) 16685 Jones, John Inglis. Dery Ormond 16686 Jones, John Vipan, {Arms. Jones quartering Vipan or Vipont.) (The engraver's signatui'e erased.) 16687 Jones, Lawrence J. 16688 (Jones), Llewellyn Newfoundland. (Apipointcd Bishop of Newfoundland 1818.) (" Wyon." Note by Su- A. W. Franks.) 16689 Jones, Martin 16690 Jones, Mary Oliver 16691 Jones, Michael 16692 Jones, Michael. (H. Shaw sculpt., July lSo4) 16693 Jones, Michael. {The last plate with the date erased.) (H. Shaw sculpt.) 16694 Jones, Peter. 1829 1669.5 Jones, Pitman. {Arms. Joyies impaliyxg Brock.) (Silvester sculp., 27 Strand, London.) 16696 Jones, Richard, Esqr. {Arms. Herbert, alias Jones, with Griffith on an escutcheon.) 1707. *225 Jones, Richard, Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1707. 16697 Jones, Richard 16698 Jones, Richard 16699 Jones, R. D. G. (The jildto of Richard Jones with altered inscrip)tion.) 16700 Jones, R. H. (Eddowcs, Printers) 16701 Jones, Rd. Maurice 16702 Jones, Robt. Surgeon. {Arms. Jones impaling Marshall !) 16703 Jones, Samuel. {Arms. Jones impaling Lake. The two Lake coats are impaled instead of being borne quarterly.) 16704 Jones, Samuel, Esqr. (Dawkins sc.) . . 16705 S. W. J. (Jones) 16706 Jones, Thcophilus, Esqr. *577 Jones, Thomas , of Osberatown , in the County of Kildare, Esqr. Style. Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Engraved label, name in a decorative frame Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Stamped leather label Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Wreath and ribbon En- graved label Pictorial Pictorial Printed label Chippendale Axmorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial 122 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engravek. 16707 Jones, Thomas .. 16708 Jones, Thomas. (Mutlow sc, York St., Covent Garden) .. 16709 Jones, Thomas, of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law, Llanerchrugog Hall. 16710 Jones, E Libris Sir Thomas, Bart., of Stanley Hall, com. Salop. {Ar7)is. Jones impaling Williams, Thomas Jones, created a Baronet 1808, married 1791 Harriet Beiecca, daughter of Edivard Williams of Eaton, co. Salop; died 1811.) 16711 Jones, Thomas, Esqr. {Note by Sir A. W. Fraiiks " Lyons book.") (P. Simms sculpt.) 16712 Jones, Thomas .. 16713 Jones, Thomas 16714 Jones, Thomas, London . . 16715 Jones, Valentine. {Arms. Jones impaling Groeine) 16716 Jones, Walter. {Arins. Jones, quartering Heward, Eld .' and Cuffe, impaling Iremonger. Walter Jones married 1805 Catherine Penelope, daughter of the Bevd. Las- celles Iremonger of Wherivell.) 16717 Jones, William, v.D.M. .. 16718 Jones, William, Esqr. .. 16719 Jones, Wm 16720 Jones, Eevd. Wm. 16721 Jones, William West 16722 Jones, Sir Willoughby. {Succeeded 1845 us ord Bart. ; died 1884.) 16723 Jones, Sir Willoughby, Baronet. Cranmer Hall, Norfolk . . 16724 W. A. J. (Jones) : 16725 Jones, W. E. {Arms. Jones impaling Bridges) .. 16726 (Jones), anonj-mous. {Note by Sir A. W. FranTts " Robert Henry Jones,") 16727 [Jones, Sam., New Bond Street] , anonymous 16728 [Jones, Valentine, Esqr.] , anonymous 16729 (Jones), anonjTUOus. {Note by Sir A. W. Frajiks ^^ Lyons Book." This is the plate of William Jones, Esqr. without the inscription.) 16730 (Jones), anonj-mous 16731 (Jones), anonymous 16732 (Jones), anonymous. [Arms. Junes quartering Mont- gomery.) 16733 (Jones), anonymous. {This is the smallest bookplate in the collection.) 16734 (Jope), anonymous 16735 [Jopling, .Joseph] , anonymous 16736 Jopp, Charles 16737 Jopp, Keith Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Al'morial Crest ? Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Annorial Festoon engraved label Crest Armorial Crest Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Wrcatli and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. VIS Name, Date, and Engeaver. 16738 Jopp, James, Esqr. {Arms, Joj)p impaling Davison) 16739 Jordan ^ 16740 Jordan, Alexander 16741 Jordan, Francis. {Printed in red. Nutc by Sir A. W, Franks ''Lyons Boole.'') 16742 Jordan, Francis. {The last plate re%vor'ked) .. 16743 Jordan, Francis .. 16744 Jordan, Richard . . 16745 Joseph, Samuel S. (Sherboru il. i'. E, 1891) 16746 Josephs, Arthur Leven. {Arms. Josephs impialiny W'ynn 16747 Joshua, J. M 16748 Josling, Thomas 16749 (Josselyn), anonymout> .. 16750 Jouvencel, Cuchet 16751 Jowers, Mr. F. W. E 16752 Jowling, E Lib. The, a.m. licet, de Alcester 16753 Joy, George 16754 Joy, Henry, Dublin 16755 Joy, H. L. 16756 Joy, Michael. {Printed in green) 16757 16758 16759 16760 16761 16762 16763 16764 16765 16766 16767 16768 16769 16770 16771 16772 16773 (Joy, Michael), anonymous or mutilated. {Printed in blue) Joy, Percival Holt, Trin. Coll. Oxon. {Arms. Joy impaling Holt.) Joyner, William. (Johnson sc, Bristol) Joynes, Samuel .. Joynson, John Judd, John Phillipps, lUckliug. (Anns. Judd impaling Scott, quartering Naylor, Weekes ? and Charlton.) Judd, M. {Tlie plate of W. Judd with inscription altered) Judd, 0. W Jiidd, W (Judd), anonj-mous. {TJie plate of John Phillijips Judd ■uiithout inscription.) (Judd), anonymous Jukes, Andrew. (JaiTett, Luudun) Jukes, E., Stourpoiii Julius, Frederic G. {Arms. Julian with Smith on an escutcheon.) Julius, G. C. Junior United Service Club. See Club Libraries. Jupp, Edward Basil, F.s. A. Justice, Philip. {Ar)ns, Justice quartering Cottoti) 16774 C. J. Style. Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial AVreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Printed label Armorial shield on clouds Festoon Ai*morial Interlaced initials in a garter Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield Pictorial Ai"morial Chippendale Armorial Crest (a demi griffin and cj-pher 124 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 16775 C.J 16776 C.J. {Thelast jjlate with crest added) 16777 E. L. J. (MUlersc. Lambeth) .. 16778 F.J. (B. E. 1860) 16779 F.J. (G. Smith sculp.) 16780 H.J. {The jylate of B. J. reworked) 16781 J.J J. J. See J. James. 16782 J. P. J. {Note on the back. " licv. J. P. Johntton ") 16788 M. J 16784 O.J. 16785 R. J. 1854 16786 R. J 16787 R. F. J. (Huntly sc. Bath) 16788 R. L. J. 16789 S. J. 16790 S. J. J. 16791 S. M. J. 16792 T. J. 16793 W. J. 16794 W. P. J. 16795 W. S. J. Style. Kandy, Trinity College. Sec College Libraries. 16796 Kane, James 16797 Karr, George Seton. {Arin». Karr quartering Scton) Chippendale cypher Chippendale crest (out of a mural coronet, a demi lion) and cypher Crest (a garb) and initials in a garter Pictorial Pictorial Crest and initials Cj'pher in a garter on clouds Interlaced initials Cj^her in a lozenge shaped frame Pictorial Crest, (seven arrows, 6 in saltire and 1 in pale), and initials C;>'pher in a wreath Crest (a bird standing on a, bush) and cypher in a garter Cypher in a garter Crest (a covered cup in front of 2 swords in saltire) and cypher in a garter Crest (a demi bull) and cypher Cypher Chippendale cypher Crest (a demi griffin couped) and cypher Interlaced initials in a garter Crest (a goat's head couped) and initials Armorial '■ Armorial Franls Collection of Boole Platen. 125 Name, Date, and Engraver. 1G798 Katenkamp, Mr. I. F. 16799 Kater, Edward. (Printed o)i yellow paper. Arms. Katcr quartering licvc and Gilbert.) 16800 Kater, Edward. {The last plate printed on brown tinted paper) 16801 W. K. (Kavanagh). Borris Library .. 16802 (Kavanagh), Gracefield. [Arms. 1. Kavanagh ; 2. Grace. Morgan Kavajiagh married 1792 Alicia, daughter and heir of Michael Grace of Gracefield, died 1804.) 1799. 16803 Kay, Sir Edward. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 16804 Kay, Edward E. (H. Salt, Heraldic Office, Grt. Turnstile Lincoln's Inn.) 16805 Kay, Mr. John. {Arms. Kay impaling Mcllish. Printed in gold.) 16806 (Kay), Reverendus Vir Rogerus Kay, a.m. Hujus olim Collegii Socius, dein Rector Ecclesiaj de Fittleton in agro Wiltoniensi Benignissimo erga Nos affectu Centura Minas libris coemendis impendendas Testamento legavit Coll. Sti. Johan. 1732. 16807 Kay, Samuel 16808 Kay, Sir William, Bart. {Succeeded 1807 as 2nd Baronet ; died 1850.) 16809 (Kay), name cut off 16810 Kaye. (" W. Sharp " ? Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 16811 (Kaye), anon janous. {Proof from uiifinishcd xilate.) (W. Sharp •?) " 16812 Kaye, Charles. {Arms. Kaye impaling Aitke7i) .. 16813 Kaye, James 16814 Kaye, Sr. John Lister, of Grange, near Wakefield in ye County of York, Bart. {John Lister Kaye of Grange succeeded 1726 as 4<7i Baronet and died 1789. Arms. Kaye quartering Copley /, Lister and Savile.) 16815 Kaye, Sir John Lister, Bart. Grange. {Arms. Lister- Kaye impaling Grey. J. Lister Kaye created a Baronet 1812, married 1800 Amelia, daughter of George Harry, 5th Earl of Stamford and Warrington ; died 1827.) (Huntly sc.) 16816 Kaye, Sir John Lister, Bart. Grange. {The last plate ivith the engraver's signature erased.) 16817 Kaye, Sir John L. L., Bart. Denby Grange 16818 J. L. L. K. (Lister-Kaye) 16819 Kaye, Mr. {Note by Sir A. W. FranJcs, " Oveiiden's book ") 16820 Kaye, Richard, Vinerian Scholar of the Laws of England in Oxford. 1758. 16821 Kaye, Richard, Esqr 16822 Kaye, Wilkinson Lister, Esqr. {Anns. Kaye impialiyig Kennedy ?) (Kirkwood.) 16823 Keane (Baron) 16824 (Keane, Baron), anonj-mous. {Sir John Keane, G.C.B., G.C.H., created Baron Keane 1839 / died 1840.) 16825 (Keane, Baron), anonymous. {Unfinished proof of the last j>late.) 16826 Keane, C. F. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. 16827 Keane, Jarae* Style. Wreath and ribbon Ai-morial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial shield on clouds Annorial. Two shields accol^. Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Wreath and ribbon Annorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Annorial Armorial Crests Crests and cji^her Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale pic- torial armorial Armorial Crests and coronet Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter 126 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 16828 16829 16830 16831 16832 16833 16884 16835 16836 16837 16838 Keane, Sir John, Bart. (Created a Baronet 1801 ; died 1829.) Kearney, Michael, Fellow Trin. Coll. Dublin Kearney, Eichd. Cusack (Kearney), anonj-mous or mutilated .. ... (Kearney), anonymous. " Lyons Book.") Keate, George (Note by Sir A. W. Franls, Keate, Henry Hoo, Bart., of Hoo in Hertfordshr. [Arms. Keate ivitli Hoo on an escutcheon. Jonathan Keate, 1st Baronet, quarried Susannah, sister and heir of Thomas Hoo of the Hoo, and had a son Gilbert Hoo Keate, who was father of Sir Henry Hoo Keate, who succeeded 1705 and died 1744.) Keate, John, d.d. (Arms. Kentr impalinff Atherton ?) .. Keating, James . . Keating, John, Esqr. Keating, Nics., Esqr. 16839 Keating, William Cooper 16840 Keble College. See Oxford. (Keble), Hunc Librimi quondam e Libris Johannis Keble, A.M., cujus in piam memoriam Hoc Collegium Fundavit amantium admirantium Pietas, Bibliotheca Keblensi Munificentissimi tradidit Frater ejus amantis- simus Oct. MDCCCLXX. 16841 Keck, Anthony, of Great Tew in the County of Oxford, Esqr. {Arms. Tracy, quartering Keck, imjialing Hamilton, quartering Douglas. Anthony Tracy, tvho assumed the surname of Keck, married Susan, daughter of James, 4th Duke of Hamilton and 1st Duke of Brandon; died 1769.) 16842 Keek, Anthony, Esqr. {Anns. Keck quartering Boiven ?) 16843 Kedington, R 16844 Keeling, Elizabeth. Hull 16845 Keeling, Frederic Page. (Artns, Keeling impaling Leigh ?) 16846 Keeling, John 16847 Keeling, John, Esqr 16848 Keeling, Jos., Esqr 16849 Keeling, Wm. Oakingham, Berks 16850 Keene, E Libris Caroli .. 16851 Keene, E Libris Caroli. {The last ji^ate pri?ited in broion) 16852 Keene, The Rcvd. Chas. E. Rucke. Swyncombe House, Co. Oxford. (Arms. Keene, quartering Rucke, im- jialing Shifj'ncr, qxiartering Bridger. Clias. EdmuTul Style. Armorial arms in a garter Chippendale Aj-morial Armorial Pictorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale en- gi'aved label Interlaced initials in a frame Interlaced initials in a frame Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 127 Name, Date, and Engraver. Ruche Keene married 1821 Eebecca Frances, daughter of Sir George Shifner, Ist Baronet.) 16853 Keene, Edmund .. " 16854 Keene, James 16855 Keene, John. Bath. 1789 16856 Keene, Morgan. Sarum 16857 Keene, Thomas H 16858 (Keene), anonynaous 16859 Keese, John. (Maverick sculpt.) Keeth, The Eight Honble. William. See Keith. 16860 Keiller, Dr 16861 Kelly, A Keir. See Stirling. 16862 Keir, Archibald 16863 Keir, John.. .. 16864 Keir, John, Esqr. 1811. (Richd. Smirke del. Abrm. Raimbach sculpt.) 16865 Keir, John. {Ar)7is. Keir impaling Malcolm quartering Orme and Tliomas. John Keir of Westfield, co. Edin- burgh, married 1880 Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Neill Malcolm of Polfalloch.) 16866 Keir, John. 1830 16867 Keir, John, Esqr. {Arms. Keir impaling Burgess.) (Suffield sculpt.) 16868 Keir, John, Esqr. {The last plate reworked.) 1820. (Suffield sculpt.) Keith, Baron. See Elphinstone. 16869 Keith of Dunottar 16870 Keith, Sir Alexander, ICnight Marischal of Scotland 16871 Keith, Francis Mouat. {Arms. Mouat impaling Keith) 16872 Keith, Robert, of Craig, Esqr 16873 Keith, Robert, Esqr. {Arms. Keith quartering Murray) 16874 Keith, Sir Robert Murray, K.B. 16875 Keith, Thomas. (Hewitt sculp. 10 Pickett Str.) .. *487 (Keith), The Eight Honble. William Keeth, Earle IMarshall of Scotland. {William Keith, 9th Earl Marischal, suc- ceeded his father in 1694, and died 1712.) 16876 (Keith), anonymous. {This is the plate of Alexander Keith of Usan, shipmaster in Montrose.) 16877 Kekewich, Trehawke. {Arms. Kehewich quartering Trehawhe.) Style. Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Festoon printed label Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Engraved label Armorial Chippendale Armorial Annorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters Armorial shield in a garter with supporters Annorial spade shield with supporters Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Annorial supporters Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial 128 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 16878 16879 16880 16881 16882 16883 16884 16885 Kelham, Augustus Kelham, Augustus. {Arms. Kelham, modern, quartering Kelham, ancient, Langdale and Phillij)s.) Kelham, Augustus. {The plate of Robert Kelham Kelham with inscription altered^ Keliiam, Robert Kelham, Esq. Bleasby Hall, co. Notts. {Engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions.") E. K. (Kellett) Kellett, Richard. Kellett, AVilliam Kellett, W. A. {Artns, Kellett quartering Haddoch) .. 16886 Kellner, Ernest Augustus 16887 Kellogg, Justin Perkins 16888 (Kelly), Castle Kelly 16889 Kelly 16890 Kelly. A different plate) 16891 Kelly. {A different plate copied from the last) 16892 Kelly, Arthur, Kelly 16893 Kelly, Ex Libris Df H., The O'Kelly .. 16894 Kelly, FitzRoy 16895 Kelly, FitzRoy. {Arms. Kelly with Mason on an es- cutcheon. Sir FitzRoy Kelly, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, married 1821 as Ids first wife Agnes Scarfh, daughter of Captain Mason of LeitJi.) 16896 Kelly, FitzRoy ' .. 16897 Kelly, Sir FitzRoy. {The last jylate reworked) 16898 Kelly, Sir FitzRoy. {The last 2>l(tte 7uith the escutcheon of pretence erased.) 16899 Kelly, Sir FitzRoy, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. {The last plate with inscri2)tion altered.) 16900 Kelly, T. (R. Mountaine Winton) 16901 Kelly, James 16902 Kelly, James, Esq. Newtown House, Co. Galway. {En- graved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions.") 16903 Kelly, James Birch. Temple 16904 Kelly, Lewis 16905 Kelly, P 16906 Kelly, Patrick, ll.d. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 16907 Kelly, Reginald. 1892. (W. H. Foster Plym.) 16908 Kelly, Reginald. Kelly 16909 Kelly, Samuel 16910 Kelly, Presented by the Right Honble. Thomas, Lord jMayor. February 6th, 1837. {Arms. Kelly quarter- ing Talbot.) 16911 Kelly," WiUiam 16912 Kelly, William, f.s.a., f.r.h.s. {The last plate reivorkcd) .. Style. Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest and cypher Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial arms in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Arniorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spad« shield Franks Collection of Book Plates. 129 Name, Date, and Engravke. 16913 16914 16915 16916 16917 16918 16919 16920 16921 16922 16923 16924 16925 16926 16927 16928 16929 16930 16931 16932 16933 16934 16935 *140 16936 16937 16938 16939 16940 16941 16942 16943 16944 16945 16946 16947 Kelly, Wm. Bellew Kelly, William French. {Arms. Kelly imjialiny French) (Kelly), anonymous. [The plate of Thomas Kelly loith inscription not printed.) (Kelly), anonjTUOus. {A reversed impression. Not a book- plate.) (Kelly), anonjrmous (Kelly), anonjinous Kelsall, Elizabeth Kelsall, Oldfeld. Chester. (Ariyis. Kelsall quartering Browne '?) Kelsall, Thomas, Esqr. . . Kelsey, Nathaniel J. {Arms. Kelsey quartering Hall) . . A. K. (Kelso). Sauchrie J. K. (Kelso). Dankeith Kelson, Charles. (Arins. Kelson impaling Holden) Kelson, Mr. George Kelson, Kevd. Henry, m.a. {Arms. Kelson quartering Mortimer.) Kelson, Joseph James. (Lauder) Style. Kelson, Thomas Mortimer Kemble, Charles .. Kemble, E. B Kemble, Johannes Philippus. Kemble, John Towgood . . {Stamped leather label) Kemble, Saml. Kemble, Stephen George Kemeys, Sr. Charles, Bart. {Succeeded 1702 as Ath Baronet; died 1735.) 1706. Kemmis, Henry, Esqre .. Kemmis, Henry. {The last plate reworked) Kemmis, Thomas Arthur. {Arms. Kemmis impaling Kemeys-Tynte. Thomas A. Kemmis, Captain Grena- dier Guards, married 1833 Henrietta Anne, daughter of Charles Kemeys Kemeys-Tynte of Cefn Mably, co. Glamorgan.) Kemp, Sigil. Alfredi Francklin. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Kemp, George. {Arms. Kemp impaling Wynter ?) Kemp, John Young Kemp, Thomas Lindley, m.d. . . Kemp, Thos. Read. {Arms. Kemp impaling Baring. T. B. Kemp of Dale Park, Co. Sussex, married 1806 Frances, daughter of Sir Francis Baring, \st Bart.) Kemp, William. {Arms. Kemp impaling Marsh, quartering Taylor.) Kemp, Sir William, Bart. {Succeeded 1804 as 10th Baronet ; died 1874.) (Hewitt sculpt. Pickett Street.) (Kemp), anonjTiious (Kemp ?), mutilated 16948 (Kemp), mutilated 16949 (Kemp), anonymous VOL. II, Armorial trophy Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial lozenge on a mantle Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Printed label Ai-morial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Armorial Earl;\' Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial 130 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 16950 Kempe, Charles Earner. Old Place Lindfield, Co. Sussex. (C. W. S. sculpt. (Sherborn).) 16951 Kempe, Charles Earner. (C. W. Sherborn, not signed) .. 16952 Kempe, John Tabor, Esq. 16953 [Kempe, Wm., Esq., South Mailing, Sussex], anonymous. {Arms. Russell with Kemp on an escutcheon. William Mussell, son of Richard Russell, M.D., F.R.S., by his tvife, a daughter of William Kempe of South Mailing, assumed the name of Kempe.) 16954 Kemplay, James. (Home, Temple Bar) 16955 Kempson, Gul. Hen., b.a., sedis Christi apud Oxonienses Alumnus. 16956 (Kemys), anonymous (See ^' Ex Libris Journal,'' vol. v., p>. 167.) (Johnson sc. Bristol.) 16957 Kendall, Edward 16958 Kendall, Edward Nicholas. {Anns. Ketidall impaling Kay) 16959 Kendall, James John, Esqr. 16960 Kendall, John Ward 16961 Kendall, N., Esqr. Trin. Coll. Oxon. 16962 Kendall, N. {The last plate reworked) 16963 Kendall, Peter. {Arms. Kendall impaling Russell) 16964 Kendrick, James, m.d. Warrington 1865. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, ^^ From the original Copper, others lithographs.'') 1865. 16965 Kendrick, James, m.d. Warrington. {A lithograph.) 1865. 16966 Kendrick, James, m.d., f.l.s. {A tnodern copy of an old 2)late ?) 16967 Kendrick, E Libris Jacobi, m.d. de Warrington. 1853. (J. Kendrick direxit. H. J. Bellars des. et fee.) 16968 Kenealy Kenmare, Earl of. See Brow^ne. 16969 Kenmir, George J. Kenmore, and Kenmuir, Viscount. See Goi'don. 16970 (Kennard.) Crawley Court, Winchester. {Arms. Kennard with Hegan on an escutcheon. Adam Steinmelz Kennard married 1861 as his \st tvife Grace Ellen, daughter and coheir of Joseph Hegan of Dawpool, co. Chester.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16971 Kennard, E, H. (Arms. Kennard ivith Hegan on an escutcheon. Edmund Hegan Kennard of Dawpool, CO. Chester, married 1868 Agnes, daughter and coheir of Joseph Hegan of Daivpool.) 16972 Kennard, Hugh Coleridge. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 16973 Kennard, Hugh Coleridge. {The last plate printed in red) 16974 Kennard, Mrs 16975 Kennard, Robt. Wm 16976 (Kennaway.) Escot. {Probably the plate of Sir John Kennaway, who succeeded 1836 as 2nd Baronet and died 1873.) Style. Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and rib- bon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Crest in a garter Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 131 Name, Date, and Engraver. (Wilson, sculpt.) .. Kennedy q^iiartering 16977 M. K. (Kennaway). (Rickard sculp. Exeter) 16978 M. K. (Kennawav) 16979 Kennaway, W. E 16980 (Kennedy), David, Earl of Casillis. {Succeeded 1775 as 10th Earl ; died 1792.) 16981 Kennedy, Benjamin Hall, M..\. . . 16982 Kennedy, Charlotte I Clark. {Arms. Kennedy impaliny Ciist quartering Broionlow. Charlotte Isabella, daughter of Col. The Honble. Peregrine Francis Cust, married 1859 Col. John Clarl Keniiedy, C.B.) 16983 D. K. (Kennedy) 16984 Kennedy, Gilbert George 16985 Kennedy, John Clark. (Arms. Kennedy quartering Bandall.) 16986 Kennedy, Michael. {Arms. Kennedy imjialing Williamson) 16987 Kennedy, Nicholas Ward 16988 Kennedy, Thomas Stuart 16989 Kennedy, Tristram 16990 [Kennedy, Eobt.] , anonymous 16991 (Kennedy), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks. " Lyons book.") 16992 (Kennedy), anonymous or mutilated. 16993 (Kennedy), anonymous. {Arms. Najner.) 16994 (Kennedy), anonjTnous .. 16995 Kennett. {Arms. 1. Kennett imjjaling Barrington, the tinctures incorrect; 2. per f ess, in chief Calabrella ? and in base Kennett impaling Barington. This is probably the plate of Cajjt. Vincent Fredk. Kennett, who married' 1837 Arabella Henrietta, daughter of Sir Jonah Barrington, and widoxo of Edward Baron Calabrella.) 16996 Kenmett, Brackley. Aged 33 years and 360 Days. 1747. 16997 Kennett, Brackley. Printed on the River Thames near Whitehall Stairs, January 26, 1739-40, in the 13th. Year of Iving George the Second. 16998 Kennett, Matthew 16999 Kennett, Mr 17000 Kennett, Wh., d.u. Decau. Petrib. {Dean of Peterborough 1707-8; Bishop of Peterborough Ills ; died IIW.) 17001 Kennett, White 17002 (Kennett), W. H. de Burgo St. Petri. si,d,ccxx 17003 (Kennett), W. H. De Burgo St. Petri. m,d,ccxx. {A modern impression of the last plate.) 17004 Kenney, Revd. Edwd. Herbert. (Green, Cork) 17005 (Kenning?), anonjanous 17006 Kennion, John, Esqr. . . 17007 Kenriok, Nantclwyd 17008 Kenrick, Elizabeth Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial lozenge Crest in a garter Seal Armorial Annorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Decorative Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial. Two shields accole with supporters Printed label Printed label Armorial Crest Early Armorial Jacobean Book- pile Armorial Jacobean Book- pile Ainiiorial Jacobean Book- pile Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial lozenge K 2 132 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 17009 Kenrick, Frances Anne. {Arms. Kenrich, quartering Setvard, ivith Mascall on an escutcheon.) 17010 Kenrick, Jarvis, a.m. {The plate of Matthew KenricJc with inscrii^tion altered.) 17011 Kenrick, The Eevd. Jarvis. Blechingley 17012 Kenrick, John, of London Gent. 17013 Kenrick, John 17014 Kenrick, Matthew, of ye Middle Temple Esqr 17015 Kenrick, Matthew, LL.B. 17016 Kenrick, Richai-d Kyffin 17017 Kenrick, Scawen. Rector of Hambleden, Bucks. . . 17018 Kenrick, Wm. {The plate of Mattheiu Kenrick, LL.B., luith inscription altered.) 17019 (Kenrick), anonymous. (0. B. fet. cit.) 17020 (Kenrick), anonymous. {The plate of Hichard Kyffin Kenrick without inscription.) Kensington, Baron. See Edwardes. Kent, Earl and Duke of. See Grey. 17021 Kent, Charles 17022 Kent, Sir Charles E 17023 Kent, Edwd., Esqr 17024 Kent, James. Trin. Coll. Camb 17025 Kent, John, Esqr., of Winterslow in the County of Wilts. {A7-ms. Quarterly. 1 a7id 4. Herbert and Windsor quarterly; 2 and 3. Kent. John Kent of Salisbury married Charlotte, daughter of Thomas, 1st Viscount Windsor, by his loife Charlotte, daughter and heir of Philip, Earl of Pembroke.) (W. Tringham Fecit.) 17026 Kent, Lieut. Mark, R.N 17027 Kent, Robt. Thos. {Arms. Kent impaling Kent) . . 17028 Kent, Saml. Luck 17029 (Kent), anonymous. {Arms. Kent quartering Eccleston or Haddock.) 17030 (Kent), anonymous 17031 Kentish 17032 Kentish. {The last plate reworked) .. 17033 Kentish, Edwd., M.D 17034 Kentish, John. {Arms. Kentish, quartering Vanderplank, impaling Kettle. The Bevd. John Kentish of St. Albans and Birmingham married Mary, daughter of John Kettle of Birminghatn.) 17035 Kentish, Miss M. A 17036 (Kentish), anonymous. {Arms. Kentish ivith Smyth / on on escutcheon.) 17037 Kenworthy, J. B. T 17038 Kenwrick, George. E coll. Pemb. Oxon. . Style. Armorial lozenge Jacobean Ar- morial shield on a mantle Armorial Jacobean Armorial shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Book- pile Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest in a beaded oval Engraved label Chippendale Armorial supporters Engraved label Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 133 Name, Date, and Engraver. 17039 17040 17041 17042 17043 17044 17045 17046 17047 17048 17049 17050 17051 17052 17053 17054 17055 17056 *r-,n 559 17057 17058 17059 17060 17061 17062 Kenyon, Lloyd, Lord, Baron of Gredington. {Arms, 1. Kenyon; 2. Righy ; 3. Lloyd of the Bryn ; 4. Eddowes; 5. Owen of Bodsilin ; 6. Gore and Ormsby qicarterly ; 7. Tyrell ; 8. Kenyon, ancient. The Tyrell badge is pendant from the shield.) 1892. (C. W. Sherborn.) M. E. K. {Mary Eliza, ivife of John Robert Kenyon, Q.C., of Pradoe.) Kenyon, George, of Peel, Esqr. G. T. K. (Kenyon). {The Honhle. George Thomas Kenyon Ind son of the 3rd Baron Kenyon.) Kenyon, Lloyd. {Lord Chief Justice of England ; created Baron Kenyon 1788; died 1802.) Kenyon, Houble. T., Pradoe, Salop. {Arms. Kenyon im- paling Lloyd. Honble. Thomas Kenyon, married 1803 Louisa Charlotte, daughter of the Revd. John Robert Lloyd of Aston Hall.) (Bowley sc.) Keogh, William . . (Keppel), Earl of Albemarle. (B. Wyon, sc, 287 Regent St.) (Keppel), Countess of Albemarle (Keppel), Countess of Albemarle. {Arms. 1. Keppel; 2. Miller. Anne, daughter of Sir John Miller of Chichester, Bart., married 1770 George, 3rd Earl of Albemarle, K.G. He died 1772 ; she died 1824.) Keppel, Elizth. .. Keppel, Frederick. {Arms. Keppel impaling Clive. Frederick Keppel of LexJiam Hall, co. Norfolk, married 1796 Louisa, daughter of George Clive.) Keppel, Henry Keppel, Henry Keppel, Thomas Robert. {Arms. Keppel impaling Lennard, quartering Barrett. The Honble. and Revd. Thos. R. Keppel, married 1833 Frances, daughter of Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, 1st Baronet.) (Keppel), anonymous (Keppel), anonymous. (Proof of the plate of Henry Keppel.) (Ker), The Right Honble. John, Earl of Eoxburghe, Lord Ker Cesfoord and Cavertoun. {Succeeded as 5th Earl 1696; created Duke of Roxburghc 1707; died 1741.) 1703. (Ker), The Right Honble. John, Earl of Roxburghe, Lord Ker Cesfoord and Cavertoun. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. (Ker, Duke of Roxburgh), anonjanous. {This and the next are reversed impressions and seem not to be bookplates.) (Ker, Duke of Roxburgh) , anonj'mous Ker, of Little Dean. {Arms. Ker quartering Ainslie. Engraved by Robert Mylne for Nisbefs Heraldry.) Ker, H. B. Lincoln's Inn Ker, James, Esqr., of Blacksheills Ker, The Right Honble. Lord John. {Third son of the 1st Marquess of Lothian.) Style. Armorial Interlaced initials Chippendale Armorial Seal Ai'morial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Aiinorial Engraved label Armorial. Two shields accole on a mantle Engraved label, name in a ^vTeath Armorial Crest Armorial AiTUorial Armorial spade shield Crest Early Armorial Early Annorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Pictorial Crest Early Armorial supporters 134 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeayek. Style. *481 Ker, The Eight Honble, Lord John. {Another imj}ression of tlic last i^late.) 17063 Ker, Mr. Mark .. 17064 Ker, Anna Eoberti, de Argrerman 17065 Ker, Robert W 17066 Ker, "William 17067 Kerby, Lanct. (R. M. (Mountaine)) 17068 Kercher, Robert, of Wyards in ye County of Southampton, Esqr., Eldest son of Robert, who was Eldest son of Dr. Robert Kercher in ye said Place. {A reprodvc- tion.) 17069 (Kerr), The ]\Iost Honble. William, Marquiss of Lothian. {Si(cceeded 1703 as 2nd Marquess; K.T. 1705; died 1722.) *558 (Kerr), The Most Honble. William, Marquiss of Lothian. {Another impression of the last jilate.) 17070 (Kerr), Schomberg Henry, Marquis of Lothian. {Succeeded as 9th Marquess 1870.) 17071 (Kerr, Earl of Ancram), anon^inous. {A dedication 2^tate, printed on the title-page of " Triangles JRectilignes et spheriqiies. Dediee a Messire Robert Kar, Comte d'Ancrame, gentil-homme de la Chambre du Boy de la Grand Bretagne.'') 17072 (Kerr), Earl of Ancram .. 17073 (Kerr, Earl of Ancram), anonjrmous .. 17074 Kerr. {Arms. Kerr impaling Thompson) .. 17075 Kerr, Charles, Jamaica. 17 [72] 17076 Kerr, Lord Charles, Director of his Majesty's Chancellary. {Second son of the 1st Marquess of Lothian, ap>pointed Director rm; died 11^5.) 17077 Kerr, Lord Henry. {Second son of the 6t7i Marqxiess of Lothian, horn 1800 ; died 1882.) 17078 Kerr, Louisa Hay. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17079 M. R. K. (Lord Mark Robert Kerr) 17080 Kerr, Lord R. {Fourth son of the bth Marquess of Lothian ; born IISQ; died IM^.) "(1801. Wnik. in paper.) 17081 Kerr, Rev. R. H 17082 Kerr, Robert 17083 Kerr, Robert IMalcolm . 17084 Kerr, R. Hutchison .... 17085 Kerr, William Scott, of Chatto 17086 (Kerr), anon jiiious. {The idate of Kerr without the inscrip- tion.) 17087 (Kerr), anonymous. {The plate of Louisa Hay Kerr with- out inscription.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17088 Kerrich, Jno., Harleston Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial spade shield on a mantle Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale crest and coronet Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Wreath and rib- bon, engraved label Early Aimorial Armorial Crest Cypher on a Sun, the Kerr crest Crest Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial trophy Armorial Armorial Armorial ^^'reath and ribbon Anuorial Crest Landscape Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. 135 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 17089 Kerrich, Samuel, s.t.p. {Arms. KerricJi with Postle- thwaite on an escutcheon. Rev. Samuel Kerrich of Dersingliam, co. Norfolk, horn 1696, married Barbara, daughter and, heiress of Rev. M. Postlethwaite ; died 1768.) (Stephens ?) 17090 Kerrich, Samuel, s.t.p. (A modern iynjjressiori of the last plate.) 17091 Kerrison. {Arms. Kemson impaling . . .) 17092 Kerrison, Robt. Masters. {Arms. KerHson impaling Hayter /) ((18)15. Winli. in paper.) 17093 Kerrison, Robt. Masters, m.d., f.r.s. {The last p)l7. (N. Kettle sculp.) 17118 H. K. (Kettle) 17119 Kettle, John Style. Chippendale Ai'morial Chippendale Aa-morial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean cypher Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Printed label Stencilled label Jacobean Annorial Crest Early Armorial Early Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Autogi-aph Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest Chippendale crest Chippendale pictorial crest Armorial 136 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 17120 Kettle, William 17121 Kettlewell, Henry William 17122 Key, Hem-y Cooper. Ch. Ch. Oxon 17123 Key, H. G, {Arms. Key, quartering Garrett, impaling Cresacre ? quartering Jervis.) 17124 Key, John 17125 Key, J. C. {Arms. Key impaling Johnstone) 17126 Key, Thos. Hewett .. 17127 Key, W. C. {Arms. Key impaling Do^vn ?) 17128 Keysall, John, m.a., f.a.s., Rector of Bredon, Worcestershire 17129 Keyse, Eobert, Gent, of Ross. .. 17130 Keyser, Henry. {These are the arms and crest of Nor den, granted 1771.) 17131 Keyt, Wm. Edd.. a.m., Student of Ch. Ch 17132 Kibble, James 17133 Kibblewhite, JaracR 17134 Kift, John Thos 17135 Kift, John Thos 17136 Kift, John Thos. {The last plate 2^rinted in blue) .. 17137 Kilborn, William, {Arms. Kilborn, quartering Aston, with Bevel ? on an escutcheon.) (J. Kirk sculp.) 17138 Kilburn, Thomas Kilconnel, Baron. See Trench. Kildare, Bishop of. See Jones. 17139 (Kilderbee), anonymous 17140 (Kilderbee), anon3'mous. {Arms. on an escutcheon.) 17141 Kilgour, Martin, of Burnrigg, m.d. Killaloe, Bishop of. See Carr. Killaloe and Kilfenora, Bishop of. See Mant. 17142 Killigrew, Sr. Peter, of Arwenack in Cornwall Knight and Baronet. {Peter Killigretv succeeded as 2nd Bart. 1665 and died 1704.) *228 Killigrew, Sr. Peter, of Arwenack in Cornwall Knight and Jjaronet. {Another impression oftJie last plate.) Killmorey, Viscount and Earl of. See Needham. Kilmore, Bishop of. Sec Jones. 17143 Kilner Kiltanon Library. See Molony. 17144 Kimball, Eliphalet Kimberley, Earl of. See Wodehouse. Kimbolton Castle. See Montagu. Kimmergham, Lord. Sec Home. 17145 Kimpton, John William, M.n.c.s. 17146 Kincaid, Geoi'ge .. 17147 Kincaid, Patrick Style. Kilderbee with Horsey Musselburgh . . 17148 Kincaid, Patrick.. Kincardine, Earl of. 17149 Kinchela, Lewis C. Scf Bruce. 171 ')0 Kindelan. 17151 Kinder, T 17152 Kinderley, George This is p)pvhaps a Biirrard philc) Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Ci'est in a wreath on clouds Annorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Crest Early Armorial Early Annorial Annorial lozenge Printed label Crest in a garter Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. 137 Name, Date, and Engraver. 17153 17154 17155 17157 17158 17159 17160 (The plate of George Kinderley (Kinderley), anon^Tnous. without inscri2)tion.) (King, Earl of Lovelace), anonjTHOUs. {Arms. King, quartering Troye I with Byron, quartering Wentivortli, Noel, and Lovelace, on an escutcheon. William, 8th Baron Ki7jg, luho assumed in 1860 the additional sur- name and arms of Noel, married 1835 Augusta Ada Beron, daughter and heir of George Gordon, 6th Baron Byron. Lord King was created Visco7mt Ochham and Earl of Lovelace in 1838.) (King), The right Honble. Robert, Lord Kingsborough. {Note by Sir A. W. Franhs, " Lyons book." Sir Robert King, 4th Bart., created Baron Kingsborough 1748, died 1755. Arms. King quartering Basset, Blayney, and Gore.) 17156 K. (King, Viscount Kingsborough). {Probably the plate of Robert, Viscount Kingsborough, who succeeded his father as 2nd Earl of Kingston iv 1797.) King King, Baronettus de Corravd, in Com. de Fermanagh King, Alfred King, Charles Style. 17161 King, Charles. (Silvester sc.) 17162 King, Edwd., Esqr 17163 King, Edward 17164 King, Edwd 17165 King, Edwd. {The last plate luith an otiter frame added) 17166 King, Edwd. (Barlow, sculp.) .. • 17167 King, Edward. {Arms. King impaling Bleamire ?) 17168 E. R. K. (King) .. 17169 King, Captn. G. St. Vincent, R.N 17170 King, The Honble. Henry. {Probably the 2nd son of the 1st Earl of Kingston.) 17171 King, Hulton 17172 King, James King, Esqr. Staunton Park, co. Hereford. {Engraved by F. B. Becher for '■'■Burke's Heraldic Illustrations.") 17173 King, E Libris Johannis Ric. .. 17174 King, John Wallace 17175 King, Joseph 17176 King, Joseph. Cork 17177 King, J. Applcford, Berks 17178 King, J. V. Herald Painter. (W. West sculpt. J. V. K. inv.) 17179 King, J. V. Herald Painter. {The last plate nrith the engraver's signature erased.) 17180 King, "Morris 17181 King, Richard. {Printed on greeti paper) 17182 King, Richd Crest Armorial Jacobean Annorial Initial and coronet Amiorial Annorial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Amiorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Al'morial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Annorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Printed label Pictorial Pictorial crest Chippendale Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial 138 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 17183 17184 17185 17186 17187 17188 17189 17190 17191 17192 17193 17194 1719a King, Robert. King, Robert Eustace. King, Rcl. Bassett, Esqr. Royal Artillery. {The arms and q^uarterings of Basset of Beaupre.) King, Richd. John King, Richard Meade. {Arms. King quartering Meade.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. {Arms. King, quartering Moss, impaling Probably the jylate of Robert King of Grosvenor Place, who married 1841 Frances Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of General Sir William Cornwallis Eustace, K.C.H., C.B.) King, Rufus. (Maverick sculpt.) King, T King, Thomas King, Thomas King, Thomas G. King, Tho. W., f.s.a, King, Tho. W., f.s.a altered inscription.) King, W College of Arms York Herald. {The last plate with Style. 17196 King, W., Richmond. (Berkeley King ex. et litho.) 17197 King, W., Richmond. {The last p)late ^^-z'/i/ri^/ on rose- coloured p)apcr.) (Berkeley King ex. et litho.) 17198 King, W., Richmond. {The last plate jmntcd on green paper.) (Berkeley King ex. et litho.) 17199 King, W., Richmond. {The last ^j/aie printed on blue X)apicr.) (Berkeley King. ex. et litho.) 17200 King, W., Richmond. {The last j^lat^ ^mw^ccZ on blue- green paper.) (Berkeley King ex. et litho.) 17201 King, W., Richmond. {The last plate printed on ycUoiu pcqjrr.) (Berkeley' King ex. et litho.) 17202 King, W., Richmond. {The last plate printed on orange piajjer.) (Berkelev King ex et litho.) 17203 King, Walter George' 17204 King, AVilliam Clark. {The plate of Charles King with inscription altered.) (Silvester sc. 27 Strand.) 17205 King, William Warwick. {The x>latc of T. King with inscription altered.) 1720G King, William Warwick 17207 [King, Aldn.] , anon jnnous. [1760] .. 17208 (King), anonymous 17209 (King), anonymous. {The last plate pi-inted on lilac paper) 17210 Kingdom, Henry 17211 Kingdom, John 17212 Kingdom, John M. T. {The plate of Henry Kingdom with altircd inscription.) 17213 Kingdom, Samuel. {Arms. Kingdom impaling Eyre.) (Lewis sculpt.) 17214 Kinglake 17215 Kinglake, Robert, M.D. .. Kingsborough, Baron. See King. Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial shield in a garter Pictorial engi-aved label Pictorial engraved label Pictorial engraved label Pictorial engraved label Pictorial engraved label Pictorial label Pictorial engi'aved engraved label Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Printed label Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial .:Vi-morial Armorial Armorial FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 139 Name, Date, and Engeaver. Style. 17216 17217 17218 17219 17220 17221 17223 17224 Kingsbury, Archdeacon. {The jtlate of the Bevd. Thomas Kingshiinj with inscription altered. Arms. Kings- hitrij impnJinri . . .) (Lyons, Fecit.) Kingsbury, Pievd. Thomas, (Lyons, Fecit) . . Kingsbury, Thomas, Esqr. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks. " Lyons Book.") Kingsbury, Thomas, Esqr. {The last plate rcivorked) See Cambridge. Kings College. Kingseote Kingsford, Henr^-. {Arms. Kingsford with Cure quartering Finch on an escutcheon.) ((18)28. Wmk. in paper.) 17222 Kingsford, Samuel. {Arms. Kingsford impialing . . .).. Kingsland, Mscount. See BarneAvall. Kingsley, Charles Kingsley, Chas., Esqr, {Arms. Kingsley quarteHng Loder and Fothcrby, with Mattheiu ': on an escutcheon.) 17225 Kingsley, G. H., M.D., F.L.s. 17226 Kingsley, Sai-ah Maria Kingslej'. {Arms. Kingsley im- paling Haschuood. Probably the xAate of Sarah Maria Kingsley, who married 1864 her second cousin, Henry Kingsley.) King's Lynn, Stanley Library. Sec Public Libraries. 17227 Kingsmill, Henry 17228 Kingsmill, Sir Eobert, Bart, {Created a baronet 1800 ; died 1805.) 17229 (Kingsmill), anonymous or mutilated King's School. See Canterbury, Kingston, Duke and Duchess of. Sec Pierrepont, Kingston, Earl of. See Pierrepont, 17230 Kingston of Dorchester 17231 Kingston, William H. G Kingswralden. Sec Hale. 17232 Kington, Thomas, Esqr, Charlton House, {Ar772s. King- ton impaling Miles. Thomas Kington married Charlotte Miles.) (Johnson sc.) 17233 Kinloch, A, J,, of Park, m.d. {Printed on pink paper, a modern copy of an old plate ?) 17234 Kinloch, A, J., of Park. m.d. {The last plate printed on green x>ap)er.) 17235 Kinioch, George R. Edinburgh 17236 Kinloch, Thos., of Killrie, Esq. Kinmel Park. See Hughes, 17237 Kinnard, Johannes. Pharmacopoeus . . 17238 Kinnard, "William. {Arms. Kinnard impaling Petit ?) .. 17239 [Kinnard, William] , anonymous. {The plate of Johannes Kinnard without inscription.) 17240 Kinnear, Thomas 17241 Kinnersly, Mr. Edward Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Annorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield in an oval Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Annorial Printed label Crest Annorial shield in a garter Chippendale Annorial Chippendale Annorial Crest Jacobean Annorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial 140 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 17242 Kinnersly, Mr. T 17243 Kinnersly, Thomas, Esqre. 17244 Kinnersly, Mr. W. S Kinnoull, Earl of. See Hay. Kintore, Earl of. See Falconer. 17245 Kirby, Henry, m.a. {Arms. Kirby quartering Baker and . . .) 17246 Kirby, John Roberts. Great Holland 17247 Kirk, Henry. (Clements, Oxford) 17248 Kirkby, J. (Printed in red) 17249 Kirkes 17250 Kirkham, Cuthberd. {Arms. Kirhliam impaling Crule?) 17251 Kirkham, Cuthbert. {The last p/a^e loith inscription altered.) 17252 Kirkham, Sarah. {The plate of Cuthberd KirMiam with altered inscription.) 17253 (Kirkland), anonymous. {A photograph from a painting. Arms. 1. Kirhland of Brampton ; 2. KirMand of Kirhland ; 3. Brampton ; 4. Coupland ; 5. Ingham ; 6. Watton ; 7. Oketon ; 8. Hophinson ; 9. Tomlinson.) 17254 Kirkley, William. {Arms. Kirl-lrij impnling Broiighton ?■) 17255 Kii-kman, Abrm. 17256 Kirkman, Joseph. (Jas. Irish sc.) 17257 Kirkmann. (J. Cross, sculpt.) 17258 Kirkness, William .. .. 17259 Kirkpatrick, John Sinclair 17260 Kirkpatrick, Robert, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law .. 17261 (Kirkpatrick), anonymous. (Stuart sc.) Kirkwall, Viscount. See Hamilton. 17262 Kirkwood, John 17263 Kirton, G. H. Great Prescots Street 17264 Kir'wan, John Stratford. {Arms. Kirwan, quartering Stratford and French, impaling Hastings, quartering Baivdon, Hastings, Pole and Plantagenet. J. F. S. Kirwan of Moync House, co. Gal way, married 1859 Victoria Maria Louisa, daughter of George Augustus Francis, 2nd Marquess of Hastings.) 17265 Kirwan, Matthew .. ' .. 17266 V. M. K. (" Lady Victoria Kirwan." Note on the back.) (G. A. Lcc.) 17267 Kitchen, William Henry 17268 Kitchin, T. Milward. (Evans & Webb sc. London) 17269 Kitchiner, William Brown. {Arms. Grave impnling Edge- worth.) (H. Hall, sc.) 17270 Kitching, Walton. {Arms. Kitchen impaling Mac- kcnzie.) 17271 [Kitching, John] , anonymous .. 17272 (Kitching?), anonymous 17273 Kitson, G. York"; , Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in an oval frame Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial shield in a garter Armorial spade shield on clouds Armorial spade shield on clouds Armorial spade shield on clouds Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield Vesica Interlaced initials Armorial Seal Armorial Annorial Armorial Urn Armorial Chippendale Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 141 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 17274 17275 17276 17277 17278 17279 17280 17281 17282 17283 17284 17285 17286 17287 17288 17289 17290 17291 *380 17292 17293 *270 17294 17295 Kitson, Sir James, Bart. {Ariiis. Kitaon imjmling Smith. James Kitson, created a Baronet 1886, married 1881 as his 2nd wife Mary Laura, daughter of Edward Fisher Smith of the Priory, Dudley.) (Kitson), anonymous. {Arms. Kitson impaling Atkyns or EicJimond.) Kittridge, Saml. Yarmouth .. (Kittson.) {A water-colour drawing, the shield and mantling being engraved.) Knapp, Charles. Middle Temple Middle Temple. {A different plate) Knapp, Charles. Knapp, Hambly Knapp, Hambly escutcheon.) Knapp, Henry. Knapp, with Wyatt / on an (Arms. 1840. (Arms. 1. (£• 12. Knapp ; 2. Martin ?- ; 8. CoUett; i. Howland ; 5. White; 6. May?; 7. Bucke- ridge; 8. Noke ' ; 9. Goddard ; 10. Hambly ; 11. Cox.) Knapp, Henry, Clerk, a.m. St. John's, Oxford. {Arms. Knapp impaling Kcnyon.) Knapp, Ex Libris Thomie Georgii filii Hieronymi, Armigeri do vico dicti Norwood in comitatu Surreiee, ct Sarse Elizabethte, Filiae Wilhelmini Hambly, Armigeri, uxoris ejus ; quorum alter obiit v die Januarii anno salutis MDCccxLiii setatis sute lxxvi. Altera, viae superstes XXVIII die ejusdem mensis, anno setatis suae lxvi. In inemoriam Parentum huncce librum conservari voluit Maria Anna Grimaldi. 1843. (Knapp), anonymous (Knapp), anonjTnous. {The plate of Hambly Knapp with- out inscription.) Knaresbro', Mic. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks. " Lyons book.'') Knarebro', Mic. {The last plate reivorked.) (Lyons) Knai'esbro', Mic. {The last plate printed in green.) (Lyons) Knatchbull, Sir Norton Joseph, Bart. Mersham Hatch. {Succeeded 1849 as 10th Baronet ; died 1868.) Knatchbull, Thomas, Esqr., third son of Sr. Thomas Knatchbull of Mershamhatch in the County of Kent, Baronet. {Arms. Knatchbull quartering Astley, L'Estrange, and Constable.) 1702. Knatchbull, Thomas, Esqr., third son of Sr. Thomas Knatchbull of Mershamhatch in the County of Kent, Baronet. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1702. Knatchbull, Sir Wyndham, Bart. Mersham Hatch. {Suc- ceeded 1871 as 12th Baronet.) (Knatchbull), anonjTnous Kneller, Sr. Godfry, Kt., Principall Painter to his Majestv. 1701. Blnibbs, John Hans (Knight, Baron Luxborough), anonymous. [Eoberf Knight created Baron Luxborougli 1746 and Viscount Barrells and Earl of Cathcrlough 1762; died 1772. Arms. Knight quartering Cadogan?) Ai-morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial modern Armorial Festoon Aiunorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Early Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Jacobean Armorial Early Ai'morial Crest in a garter Armorial 142 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 17296 17297 17298 17299 17300 17301 17302 17303 17304 17305 17306 17307 17308 17309 17310 17311 17312 17313 17314 17315 17316 17317 17318 17319 17320 17321 17322 17323 17324 17325 {The plate of (Knight, Earl of Catherlough), anonymous. Baron Liirhorough rcwortxcd.) Knight A. K. (Knight) Knight, Sir Arnold J. Knight, [Charlotte] Knight, C. I. and E. {Arms. Knight imjmling BurMtt, For this tatter coat, which is not given in Pajpioorth, see the bool-plate of Alexr. Sheaf e Burhitt.) Knight, Edward. {Arms. Knight quartering Austen and Leigh.) (" Wyon." Note by Sii- A. W. Franks.) Knight, Edward B. Knight, Edward Butt. (Suffield, sculpt.) Knight, [Eiuma] {Arins. Knight iinijaling Foster ?) Knight, The Honoiirable Henrietta. [Arms. 1. Kniglit ; 2. St. John. Hc7irietta, daughter of Henry, Viscount St. John, married 1727 Robert Knight of BarrelJs, co. Warwich, who luas created Baron Luxborough.) (Ths. Worlidge, fecit.) Knight, The Honble Hentta Knight, Henry, Esqr., Tythegston, Glamorganshire. {Arms. Kniglit quartering Rogers, Croasdaile ? and Hare.) Knight, .J Knight, 'Jno., Esqr. {Arms, ■ Knight iDijjallng Caning- hamc.) Knight, Arma Joannis Watson, et Mariae uxoris ejus. {Arms. Knight impaling Harrison.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Knight, Joseph. (Suffield, so.) Knight, Ex Libris Joseph. 1881. (AY. B. S. (Scott)) Knight, Joseph, MDCccLXXxni. .. R. K. (Ivnight) • Knight, Richard .. Knight, Richard. (A. K.) Knight, Richard Freeman Knight, Ri\aere. {The plate of Richard Kniglit with altered inscription.) Knight, R. B Knight, R. H Knight, Samuel, Arcliitect Knight, Walter, of Ruscombe, Esqr. {Arms. Knight quartering Blagrave ?) Knight, William .. (Knight), anonymous. (Arme. Knight impaling Heath. This must he the plate of the Honble. Henry Kniglit, only son of Robert, Baron Lurborough. He married 1750 the daughter of Thos. Heath of Stan- stead.) Style. Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial. Two oval shields accole Stamped leather label Armorial spade shield Anuorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Crest Library interior Portrait Pictorial Armorial Crest and cyplicr Wreath and ribbon x\j.-morial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Wreath and ribbon Armorial Printed label Armorial Vesica crest Jacobean Ai'morial Crest Armorial shield with supi^orters F ranis Collection of Booh Plates. 143 Name, Date, and Engraver. 17326 (Knight), anonymous. (Arms. Knight quartering Brodnax and May. This must be the plate of Thomas Brodnax, who assumed the name of May in 1726, and the name of Knight in 1738; died 1781.) 17327 (Gally-Knight), anonymous. (Arms. Gaily quartering Knight.) (Suffield, sculpt.) 17328 Knill, Stuart 17329 (Knill), anonymous. [This is probably a Hopton plate, though called Knill in H. W. Fincham's book on Engravers of Boohplates.) (E. Hancock, sculp.) 17330 Knipe 17331 Knipe, Revd. Isaac 17832 Knipe, Eandolph 17333 Knoblock, H 17334 (Knollys, Earl of Banbury), mutilated. {This is prohaliy the plate of Charles Knollys, who on the death of his father in 1740 assumed the title of Earl of Banbury ; died 1771.) 17335 (Knollys), M. C. Wallingford. (Arms. Knollys impaling Cocks .' Possibly thcjdate of the widow of Charles, Vis- count Wallingford, ivho died in the lifetime of his father, Charles Knollys, claiming to be Earl of Banbury.) 17336 Knollys, Francis, Esqre. 17337 (Knollys), anonymous or mutilated. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks. " Ovendins book.'' Arms. The two coats of Knollys quarterly, with Hallifax on an escutcheon.) 17338 Knott, Susannah, Kendal 17339 Knott, Thomas 17340 (Knott), anonymous 17341 Knottesford, Revd. Francis Fortcscue, Bridgetown House. (Arms. Fortcscue quartering Knottesford, impaling Doivning, quartering Chambers, Wollcy, and Hughes ?) 17342 Knowlys, Newman, Esqr,, Middle Temple .. 17343 (Knox, Earl of), Ranfurly 17344 (Knox, Earl of), Ranfurly 17345 Knox, Andrew. (Fleming, sc.) 17346 Knox, Andrew. (Printed in blue and red) .. 17347 Knox, Andrew Alexander, Trinity College, Camb. (A. H. (Hartphorne\ J. C. L.) 17348 Knox, Arthur, Esqr 17349 Knox, Arthm- 17350 Knox, Charles Henry 17351 Knox, Revd. Edmond F. 17352 Knox, F. B 17353 Knox, F. Blake. (Arms. Knox quartering Blake.) 17354 Knox, Honble George. (Fifth son of the 1st Viscount Northland.) 17355 Knox, Rt. Honble. George 17356 Knox, George, b.a.. Sidney Sussex Coll. Camb. (•' Wyon." Note by Sir A. "\V. Franks.) Style. Chippendale AiTuorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Early Jacobean Ai-morial Armorial spade shield Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest and coronet Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial crest Armorial Crest Chippendale Ar- morial modei'n Armorial Festoon Ai'morial Armorial arms in a garter Armorial 144 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 17357 Knox, George J. . . Crest 17358 Knox, G. Grogan. {Note hy Sir A. W. Franks. " Lyons Chippendale book," and written on the hack in ink " Lyons Seal Armorial Cutter.'') 17359 Knox, Harry Blake, J. P. Armorial 17360 Knox, Henry B. . . Crest 17361 Knox, Hem-y B. {A diferent plate) .. Crest 17362 Knox, Henry B. {The last plate printed on pink 2}a2)er) .. Crest 17363 Knox, Henry N., R.N. Armorial shield in a garter 17364 Knox, John, Esqr. Chippendale Armorial 17365 Knox, John F. .. Armorial 17366 Knox, Thomas Armorial 17367 Knox, The Honble. Thos. {Succeeded 1818 as 2nd Viscount Armorial shield Northland; created Earl of Ranfurly 1831; died and supporters 1840.) 17368 Knox, Thomas Pery Armorial arms in a garter 17369 Knox, Willm., Esqr. Chippendale Armorial 17370 Knox, William George . . Armorial 17371 Knox, William George, Trinidad Armorial 17372 KJnyvett, Charles W. {Arms. Knyvctl, qnurleriiuj Buur- chier, Phmtagcnet and Berners.) Armorial 17373 Knyvett, Henry I. (Engraver's signature erased) .. Armorial 17374 Kock, Henry Chippendale Armorial 17375 Kortright, Charles E. K., Esqre. Armorial 17376 Kough, Edward . . Crest in a garter 17377 Kraiise, Revd. W. H. . . Armorial 17378 Kunkelmann, J. C. Crest in a garter 17379 Kyle, Eevd. John Torrens Armorial 17380 Kyle, Samuel, F. T. C. D Armorial 17381 Kyle, Samuel Moore, ll.d., Archdeacon of Cork. {Ari)is. Kyle itnpaling Cotter. Eevd. S. M. Kyle married 1833 Jane Cotter of Ashton, co. Cork.) Armorial 17382 Kyle, William Cotter Ai'morial 17383 (Kyle), anonymous Early Armorial 17384 Kymer, John Armorial spade shield on a mantle 17385 Kymer, Thos., Esqr. Armorial spade shield on a mantle 17386 Kynaston, Herbert, Ch. Ch. Armorial 17387 Kynaston, J. K, .. Armorial 17388 Kynaston, Thomas. {Arms. Kynaston, as derived from Meredith ap Bleddyn, quartering the coat granted in 1569.) Armorial 17389 Kynnersley, Edmund C. S. Crest 17390 Kynnersley, Thomas C. Sneyd Crests in a garter 17391 (Kyrle, Money), anonymous. {Arms. Kyrle quartering Money.) C. K. {In ''Ladies Bookplates,'" hy Miss N. Labouchere Armorial 17392 Cypher and this lylate is called " Countess of Kensington ," btif no coronet of a such Earldom seems ever to have been created. It is Countess Franks Colledioii of Booh Plates. 145 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. possibly thr plate of Cwr aline, wife of the 2nd Earl of Kingston.) 17393 F. O. K 17394 H. K. 17395 I. G. K. M. E. K. See Kenyon. V. M. K. See Kirwan. 17396 Labouchere, Henrj-, Esqr. 17397 Lacam, B. (Printed in blue) . . 17398 Lack, Richard William . . 17399 Lacy 17400 Lacy, John, of Liucohi's Inn, Esqr. 17401 Lacy, Richard 17402 Lacy, Richard 17403 Ladbroke, Felix 17404 Ladd, Edward Nicholas . . 17405 Lade, John 17406 Lade, Nicholas 17407 Ladeveze, John, Esqr. .. 17408 [Ladeveze, John], anonymous. {The last plate without inscrij)tion.) 17409 (Laffan), anonymous. (Arms. Laffan impaling , . .) Lahore, Bishop of. See French. 17410 Lahy, James. (Ovenden, Butcher Row, set.) 17411 Lahy, James. {The last plate printed in red.) (Ovenden, Butcher Row, set.) 17412 Laing, Charles Coleman. (" Baker." Note by Su- A. W. Franks.) 17413 Laing, James. (Arms. Laing impaling Stewart !) 17414 Laing, Revd. James 17415 M. L. (Laing). {Arms. Laing quartering Mason) . . 17416 Laing, Malcolm. Trin. Coll. Cambridge 17417 Laing, Malcohn, son to James Laing, Merchant in Eday Orknay. 17418 Laing, Robert. Lincoln's Inn . . 17419 Laing, S VOL. II. Crest (an ana couped fessways in ai-mour, the liand ppr. liold- ing a sword) and c^^jher Crest (an escallop) and initials Crest (a cock) and cjToher Armorial Armorial '! spade shield in a beaded oval Crest in a garter Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale crest Seal Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest 146 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavek. 17420 17421 17422 17423 17424 17425 17426 17427 17428 17429 17430 17431 17484 17435 17436 17437 17438 17439 17440 17441 17442 17443 17444 17445 Laird, James, Esq. Book.'' Arms. escutcheon.) Laird, John. IMiddlepenny Lake, Atwill {Note by Sir A. W. Fnniks, ''Lyons Laird with Cuninghauie on an Lake, Sr. Atwill, Eart. {Arms. Lake with Winter on an escutcheon. Atwill Lake, who succeeded 1744 as 2nd Bart., married Mary, daughter and heir of James Winter of Mile End.) Lake, Benjaiuin Greene.. Lake, Cliarles. (Johnson Eng. Cheltm.) Lake, Edward Lake, Edward. {The last plate reworked) Lake, Sr. James Winter, Bart. Trin. Coll. Camb. {Suc- ceeded 17— as Brd Baronet; died 1807.) (AV. S. (Stephens).) J. W. L. (Lake) Lake, IMary Beatrice (Greene). Lake, The Eevd. Mr. 1893. (E. A. Greene) 17432 Lake, lleginald John. {Arms. Lake imjialiug Greene. Reginald John Lake married 1879 Beatrice, daughter of John Greene and grand-daughter of Benjamin Greene of Bury St. Edmunds.) 17433 Lakeland, Robert Lamb, Ex Libris Jacobi Barr. Lamb, Revd. John. {Arms. (G. B. H. (Halkett)) Lamh impaliiig Brooke ?) Lamb, Revd. John, d.d. . . Lamb, Sr. Mathew, Bart. {Matheiv Land) Hall, CO. Hertford, created a Baronet 1768.) Lamb, Thos., Esqr. of Brocket 1755, died Lamb, Warren Maude . . (Lamb), anonymous. {Arms. Lamh quartering Maude.) (Lambert.) (Lamb), anonymous. {The first state of the [date of the Revd. JoJni Lamh, D.D.) (Lambarde), anonymous. (Arms. Quarterly, 1. Lain- harde ; 2. Home ; 3. Deanc ; 4. White.) (Lambart, Earl of) Cavan. {Arms. Lamhart, quartering Davies,im2)aling Gould, quartering Huekmore. Richard, Itli Earl of Cavan, married 11S2 as his 1st wife Honora Margarctta, daughter and coheir of Sir Henry Gould, Knt.) Lambart, George. (This scons to be the original j'^ate from which Ireland's coj)y u.ics of Ay ton, co. Berwick.) Lancaster, Benjii. Lancaster, John. Bilton Grange, Rugby Lancaster, John. Bilton Grange, Rugby. (^4 different pilatc) Lancaster, Thomas Lancaster, Thomas. {Arms. Lancaster impaling Molyneux ?) Landale, David . . {Arms. Landell impaling . . . .) {Arms. Lander impaling . . . .) Landell, William Wright. Lander, David. Poole. Lander, John. Poole .. Landon, Samuel. {Arms. Landor, H. Eyres, Esqi Noble and Savage.) La)idon imjjaling Maude f) . . (Arms. Landor quartering Ai-morial Ai'morial Armorial Ai'morial spade shield Annorial Spade shield Armorial Armorial Chippendale Aiinorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Jacobean Armorial Crest Ai'morial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Annorial Printed label Chippendale c^'pher Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Amiorial Crest Armorial Annorial Aiinorial Armorial Armorial i Franls CoUection of Bool- Plates. 149 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 17517 Landor, Wr. Festoon Armorial 17518 Lane Armorial 17519 Lane, The Gift of Benjamin, Esqr. Desed. who died 19 Oct. Early Jacobean 1723. (Xicholls sculp.) Armorial 17520 Lane, The Gift of Benjamin, Esqr. who died 19 Oct. 1723. Early Jacobean Armorial 17521 Lane, Charles Ai-morial 17522 Lane, Charles Armorial 17523 (Lane.) Belonging to Mr. C. Lane's Library. {Printed on green jjaper.) Engi-aved label 17524 Lane, Frederick .. Ai-morial 17525 Lane, F. AV. Lillistone .. Armorial 17526 Lane, Hem-y Chaiies Crest 17527 Lane, Henry Charles. {The last j^tate reworl-ed) .. Crest 17528 Lane, Henry Charles. {Arms. Lane quartering Dohle) .. Seal Armorial 17529 Lane, Hem-y Chax'les. 2nd Life Guards Armorial shield in a gai-ter 17530 Lane, Hem-y Mm:ray. {Arms. Lane quartering Wyrley and Fowler.) Ai-morial 17531 Lane, Horatio Powys. {The anonymous jjlate tvith inscrip- Wreath and ribbon tion added.) Armorial 17582 Lane, I. (W. H. sc. (Henshaw)) Chippendale Armorial 17533 Lane, James. {The plate of William Lane ^nth altered Chippendale iiiscription.) Armorial 17534 Lane, James. (Printed in green) AVreath and ribbon Armorial 17535 Lane, John Annorial 17536 Lane, JohiT Pictorial 17537 Lane, Ex Libris John. (A. W. (Wright)) Pictorial 17538 Lane, John, of the City of London Chippendale AJrmorial 17539 Lane, Leveson Armorial 17540 Lane, Richard .. .... Wreath and ribbon Anuorial 17541 Lane, Riclid. (Fothergill sculp.) Crest in a wreath 17542 Lane, Piichard Jas. {The plate of Richard Lane ivitJi Wreath and ribbon altered inscription.) Ai-morial 17543 Lane, Eobert Chippendale crest 17544 Lane, Thomas Armorial spade shield 17545 Lane, Thomas Ash. {Arms. Lane impaling Rcynell.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Armorial 17546 Lane, "William Chippendale Aj-morial 17547 Lane, "William Annorial arms in a WTeath 17548 Lane, William Pictorial Armorial 17549 Lane, William Ai-morial 17550 (Lane), anonymous Wreath and rib - bon Armoi-ial 17551 (Lanel, anonj-mous. (J. Warwick sculp.) Armorial 17552 (Lane), anonymous. {The last plate with the engraver's signature erased.) Armorial 17553 (Lane), anonymous. {Arms. Lane impaling Ecynell.) (•' Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Armorial 17554 (Lane), anonymous Armorial 150 FranJiS Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 17555 17556 17557 17578 17579 17580 17581 17582 17583 17584 17585 17586 (Lane), anonymous. {Proof of the last lilate.) (" Baker." Kote by Sir A. W. Franks.) Lanerton, Baroness. See Howard. Lanesborough, Earl of. See Butler. Lang, David Lang, Gabriel 17558 Lang, Henry 17559 Lang, Henry. {Arms. Lang 7vith . . . on an escutcheon.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17560 Lang, Henry 17561 Lang, Eobert 17562 Lang, Eobert. Bristol. (Lander) 17563 Lang, Robt. {Arms. Lang imjyaling Gilmer ?) Langdale, Baron. See Bickersteth, 17564 Langdale, E. F., Hampton Com't 17565 Langdale, G 17566 Langdale, Marmaduke. New Ormond Street 17567 Langdale, IMarmadnke Robert. {Arms. Langdale with Jourdan on an escutcheon. M. B. Langdale of Gorston House, Godstone, co. Surrey, married 1812 Louisa, daughter and coheir of George Jourdan.) 17568 Langdale, Philip . . 17569 Langdale, W. A. {Arms. Langdale impaling Hansler. William AtMnson Langdale married Mary Anne, daughter of Sir John Jacob Hansler, Knt.) 17570 (Langdale), anonymous. {Arms. Langdale quartering Jourdon.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17571 Langdon, Augustus 17572 Langdon, Augustus 17573 Langdon, Henry Dominick 17574 Langford, Edwd. .. 17575 Langford, Edwd., of Penzance. {The last plate with in- scription altered.) 17576 Langford, Wm., m.a 17577 (Langford ?), anonymous Langham, Sr. James, Bart. Cottesbrooke, Northampton- shire. {Arms. Langham ivith Musgrave on an es- cutcheon. Sir James Langham, 1th Baronet, married 1767 Juliana, sister and heir of Thomas Musgrave of Old Clccve, CO. Somerset ; died 1795.) Langhorne, John Bailey Langhorne, William Bailey Langlands of Langlands. (D. Lizars, invt.) Langley, Alfred F. Langley, Alfred Francis Claringbold Chichester. {Printed ill colours.) Langley, Arnold. Lincoln's Inn. {Arms. Langley quar- tering Jurin. For this quartering, which is not given in PajJworth or Burke, see the plate of B. M. Trench Chiswell.) Langley, F. Lilnis Edwardi Langley, E Libris Edwardi Style. Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Crest Crest in a garter Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Arnidiinl Seal Armoriiil Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Engraved label Franks CoUection of Bool- Plates. 151 Name, Date, and Engraver. 17587 17588 17589 17590 17591 17592 17593 17594 17595 17596 17597 17598 17599 17600 17601 17602 1760:! 17604 17605 17606 17607 17608 17609 17610 17611 17612 17613 17614 Langley, Henrj- .. Langley, Captn. Henry. [1805.] (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) Langley, Honble. Marmaduke. {The Honhle. MarmacJuhe Datcnaij, ivlio assumed 1824 tlic surname and arms of Lancjlcy, died 1851.) Langley, Honble. Marmaduke. {The last plate reiuorked and altered.) Langley, Nicholas, (Esqr.) {The last jilate with inscription {Arms. Langley quartering Higgins {Arms. Langley, Nicholas. (iJlrred.) Langley, Revd. Thos. and Cohe.) Langmead, Thomas, P. Taswell of Lincoln's Inn. Ijangmead quartering Taswell.) Langmore. {Arms. Langviore impaling . . . .) (T. King sculp. Homerton.) Langmore, C. (Varley sc. 80 Fleet St.) Langslo-w, Robert, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. (Arms. Langslow impaling Thackeray.) 1823. Langslow, Robert Langslow, Robert William, b.a. {Arms. Langslow im- paling . . . .) Langston, Earle Augustus. (Clements, Oxford.) .. Langston, J. H. Sarsden Langston, Revd. Stephen, a.m. {Arms, Langston impaling PrvercU !) Langston, Thos. .. Langston, Thos. {A different jdate) .. Langston, William. {Arms. Langston impaling Remington) Langton, Augustus Wenman. E Coll. Cai. Cant. .. Langton, T. Langton, Thomas Langton, Thomas, Esqr. Teeton, Northamptonshire Langton, ^^"illm. {Printed in red) .. (Langton), anonj'mous .. Lanham, J. (The Engraver's signature erased. Sir A. W. Franks, " Lake in. scu.'") Lansdown, Baron. See Grandville. Lansdowne, Marquess of. See FitzMauriee. Laprimaudaye, Revd. Charles J. Laprimaudaye, Peter . . Note by 17615 L'Archevesque, Jno. 17616 Lardner, James. {Arms. Lardner impaling Baratty) 17617 Larken, Ai-thur Staunton. {Arms. Larhen quartering F.Uiston ! and Higgins.) 17618 Larken, Francis Roper. {Arms. Larken impaling Upipleiy) 17619 Larken, T. L. {Arms. Larken impaling Tennant.) (Culleton, London. " Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Style. Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest on clouds Armorial spade shield Pictorial crest Pictorial crest Festoon Aimorial Armorial shield on clouds Jacobean Aimorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Annorial spade shield Pictorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Annorial spade shield Annorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial 152 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 17620 Larkliam, Guls., a.m. e. c.c.c. Oxon. 1752 17621 Larking, Charles. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17622 Larking, John, Esqr. {Arms. Larhing iynpaling Style. John Larhin married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Charles Style, bth Baronet.) 17623 Larking, John AVingfield 17624 Larking. L. B. E coll. iEn. Nas 17625 Larking, L. B. E coll. ^En. Nas. [A different x>latc) 17626 Larkins, Henrv. Lmcoln's Inn 17627 Larkins, T. " 17628 Larkins, T. {The last plate printed in red) 17629 Larkins, T., Esqr 17630 Larkins, William 17631 Larpent, George G. De Hochepied. {Created a Baronet 1841 ; died 1855.) (Suffield so. 233 Strand.) 17632 Larwood, Joshua 17633 (Lascelles), Edward, Lord Harewood. {Created Baron Hareivood 1796 ; Viscount Lascelles and Earl of Hare- tvood 1812; died 18'20.) 17634 (Lascelles), Edward, Earl of Harewood. {The last plate reworked.) 17635 Lascelles .. 17636 Lascelles, Rowley, Esqr. {Arms. Lascelles inipalinq Gould.) 17637 Lascelles, Thomas 17638 Lascelles, Thomas Allen 17639 Lascelles, W., Armr., i.t.s. (R. 0. (Ovenden) delin. & sculp.) 17640 Lascelles, William Sebright 17641 (Lascelles), anonymous. {This seems to he the frst state of the plate of Thomas Allen Lascelles.) 17642 Lashmar, Charles, M.D., F.G.S., &c. 17643 Lateward 17644 17645 17646 17647 Latham, Henry, M. a. Latham, Henry, m.a. {Arms. Latham, quartering Meyer, Arderne, and Done, with Halliwell ! on an escutcheon. This must he the plate of the liev. Hejiry Latham, 3rd son of John Lathom of Bradivell Hall, co. Chester, by his ivife Mary, daughter and coheir of the Bcvd. Peter Meyer by his wife Martha, daughter and coheir of John Arderne of Sutton. The Revd. Henry Latham married 1824 Maria, daughter and coheir of James Halliwcll of Broomfield, co. La)icaster.) Latham, Henry, m.a. {Arms. Latham, with HalUmell I on an escutcheon, impaling Warren.) (H. Salt, Heraldic Office, Gi-t. TuiTistile Lincolns Inn.) Latham, Henry, m.a. {Thr last plate with tin- I-lin/nirci-'s signature erased.) Crest in a medal- lion pendant from a ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Crest Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Armorial supporters Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Book- pile Ai'morial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Jacobean Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Earlj' Jacobean Armorial Ai'niorial Armorial I Armorial Armorial Franlis Collection of Bool; Platen. 153 Name, Date, and Engraver. 17648 Latham, J. 17649 Latham, John 17650 Latham, John. (The last i)late lirinted on brown tinted 2)a2)er.) 17651 Latham, Eevd. Richard. {Arms. Latham impaling Wag- staff.) 17652 Latham, Thomas. {" Wyon." Note by Sh- A. AY. Franks.) 17653 Latham, AYilliam 17654 Latham, William Ashby. {Arms. Latham quartering Ashby.) 17655 Latham, William Thomas. {Arms. Latham quartering Coldon.) 17656 [Latham, John, Surgeon.] {The plate of J. Latham with- out inscription.) 17657 (Latham), anonymous .. Lathom, Earl of. See Wilbraham. 17658 Lathropp, E. W. F. {Priiitcd in sepia) 17659 Latimer, Isaac 17660 Laton, C. {The plate of S. Laton with altered inscription) 17661 Laton, S 17662 La Touche, Charles cle 17663 La Touche, David, Esqr. {Arms. La Touche impaling Leeson. David La Touche of Marlay married 1789 Cecilia, daughter of Joseph, 1st Earl of Milltown.) 17664 La Touche, George Digges 17665 La Touche, James Digges 17666 La Touche, James Digges. {The last 2^^<^to reivorJ^ed " Lyons book." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17667 La Touche, John, Esqr. . . 17668 La Touche, John, Esqr 17669 La Touche, John David. {Arms. La Touche impaling Tottenham. J. D. La Touche married 1799 Caroline, daughter of Charles Tottenham of Neu> Boss, co. We,v- ford.) 17670 La Touche, I'evd. J. J. Digges. {The x)late of Peter Digges La Touche with inscription altered.) 17671 La Touche, John James Digges 17672 La Touche, Peter, Junr. {Arms. La Touche impaling Maude, the tinctures incorrect. Peter La Touche of Bellevne, co. Wicklow, married Charlotte, daughter of Cornwallis, \st Viscount Hawarden.) 17673 La Touche, Peter Digges. {The plate of James Digges La Touche with inscription altered.) 17674 La Touche, Peter Digges Style. Chippendale Armorial Armorial Ai'iiiorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Ai'morial shield on a mantle AVreath and ribbon Armorial spade shield in a Chippendale frame Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Ai'morial shield in a garter Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Engi-aved label Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial spade shield Annorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial 154 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb, 17675 La Toviche, E., Junr. 17676 17677 17678 17679 17680 17681 (La Touche), anonjinous. (Anns. La Touche impaling Marlaij. The Right Honhle. David La Touche married 1762 Elizabeth, daughter of George Marlay, D.D., Bishoj) of Dromore.) Latter, Robert James, 30th Eegt. N.I., Bengal Latter, T., Esqr., Bengal Army. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Latter, T., Bengal Army. (The last plate ivitli inscription altered.) Lattie, Arthur P. Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park [Latton] , anonymous. (C. Gardner sculpt.) Style. 17682 Lavider, of Fountain Hall, Bart. 17683 Lander of Fountainhall. (Engd. by W. H. Lizars) 17684 Lauder, Atcheivement of Sr. John, of Fountain-hall Ivnight & Baronet one of ye Senators of The Colledge of Justice & ct. (It is uncvrtain whether this j^late was ever used as a hoohplate.) (C. Norton, sculp. Edinburgh.) 17685 Lavider, Sir John Dick, Bart. Fountain Hall, (Arms. Lauder, quartering Dick, with Cumin on an es- cutcheon. Succeeded 1848 as Sth Baronet ; died 1867.) 17686 Lauder, Sir Thos. Dick, Bart. (Arms. Lauder, (quartering Dick, with Cumin on an escutcheon. T. Dick Lauder, who succeeded 1820 as 1th Bart., married 1808 Charles Anne, daughter and heir of George Cumin of Belugas ; died 1848.) 17687 Lauder, Sir Thomas North Dick, of Grange and Fountain Hall, Bai-t. (Succeeded 1867 as 9th Baronet.) 1882. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) 17688 Lauder, Sir Thomas North Dick, of Grange et Fountain Hall, Bart. 1889. (C. W. Sherborn, London.) 17689 Lavider, Ex Libris Thoui* N. Dick, a.d., md.ccclxxxviii. .. 17690 Lauder, Ex Libris Thomai N. Dick 17691 Lauder, Thos. N. Dick 17692 (Lauder), T. N. D. L. (Printed in red) 17693 (Lauder), T. N. D. L 17694 Lauder Library Lauderdale, l^arl of. See Maitland. 17695 Laugharne, John Phillips. Inner Temple. (The Arms and Crest of Phillips.) 17696 Laurence, Joseph 17697 S. L. (Laurence). Clapham Park 17698 Laurence, Sydney. (Arms. Laurence impaling . . .) 17699 Laurence,/. 17700 Laurie, James. (Haldane) 17701 Laurie, James 17702 Laurie, P^obert 17703 Lauth, Thomas 17704 Lautour, Arthur Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Early Armorial Armorial supportera Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Ai'morial supporters Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Ci'est Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbrm Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Festoon engraved label Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 155 Name, Date, and Engraver. 17705 17706 17707 17708 17709 17710 17711 17712 17713 17714 17715 17716 17717 17718 17719 17720 17721 Lavender, .To. (.T. Snf&eld sc. Evesham) Lavie, E Libris Germain. Hampstead com. Mid. {AriHs, Lavir .' impaling Manscl.) Lavington (Law), Charles Edmund Lord EUenboroiigh. {Sncceedecl 1871 as 3rd Baron ; died 1890.) Law of Pittillock . . Law, Recorder of London Law, Charles Ewan. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) Law, Elizabeth Sophia. {Arms. Law impaling Nightin- gale. Elizabeth Sophia, daughter of Sir Edward Nightingale, Bart., married 1811 Charles Ewan Laiu, Q.C., Recorder of London.) Law, Ex Libris Frederici Henrici, M.A., Presbvteri .. Law, G. H. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W.'Franks) Law, G. H. [A dif event plate.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.)* Law, G. H. (The last plate reworlfed.) (Huntlv so. 74 Bond St.) Law, G. H Law, Geo. H. {Arms. The see of Bath and Wells im- paling Law. George Henry Law, D.D., appointed Bishop of Chester 1812 ; translated to Bath and Wells 1824 ; died 1845.) (Huntlv sc. 74 Bond St.) Law, Geo. H., Bishop of Bath and "Wells. {The last pilate reworl-cd.) Law, Sigillum Georgii Henrici . . Law, John Style. 17722 Law, John, M.D. .. 17723 Law, J. Warren 17724 Law, Richard 17725 Law, Richard 17726 Law, Robert William. (1823. Wmk. in paper) .. 17727 Lawes, Edward. {Arms. Lawes impaling Bowrn.) 1851 17728 Lawes, Mrs. Elizabeth. {Arms. Lawes with Gibbons on an escutcJiron.) 17729 Lawes, John liennet, Esq. Rothamsted 17730 Lawes, John Bennet, Esq, Rothamsted. {A different 2)late.) 17731 Lawes, Revd. I. T., A.M. 17732 (Lawes), anonjinous. {The first state of the plate of Edward Lawes.) 17733 Lawford, Edward. {Arms. Laioford, quartering the four coats of Maud nit and Wright, impaling Langtoii.) 17734 Lawford, Edward. {A smaller plate) 17735 Lawford, Edward Melville 17736 Lawford, Hemy Baring. {The j^late of Edward Melville Lawford reivorhed.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17737 Lawford, Lancelot Edward. ("Wvon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 17738 Lawford, Rhilip. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 17739 Lawley, Cordelia. {Note by Sir A. W. Franlts, " Cordelia ith d. of Sir Robert L. 'died 1842.") Festoon crest Armorial Crest Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Vesica Armorial Armorial Armorial AiTOorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Chippendale engraved label Chippendale printed label Crest Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'moi'ial [ Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge 156 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver, Style. 17740 *328 17741 17742 17743 17744 17745 17746 17747 17748 17749 17750 17751 17752 17753 17754 17755 17756 *429 *373 17758 17759 17760 17761 17762 17763 17764 17765 Lawley, Honble. Fras. C. (4^7; son of the 1st Baron WenlocTi) Lawley, Eichard, Esqr., of Sussex. 1698 Lawley, Richard Thompson, VII. (Queen's Own) Hussars. {2nd son of tJie 2nd Baron Wenloch, Arms. Thomj}- son quartering Lawley.) Lawley, S. B. {Note bjj Sir A. W. FranJcs, ''Sarah Bcttina eldest daur. of Sir Bob. L. died 1857.") (Lawley, Baronet), anonymous (Lawley, Baronet), anon}^nous. {A smaller plate. A lithographic rejjrodiiction.) Lawlor, John Shea. {Arms. Laivlor quar'tering Shea) . . Lawlor, Michael. (O'Donovan, Cork) Law^rell, James, Esqr. Eastwick. {Arms. Lawrell im- pialing Pearson.) Lawrell, James, Esqr. {The last plate tvith inscription altered.) Lawrell, Jas., Esqr. {Arms. La ivrellimpaling Sumner) Lawrell, John . . . . . . Lawrence, Arthur Johnstone. {Arms. Laivrence im- paling Eyre. Col. Sir Arthur J. Lawrence, K.C.B., married 1854 Jacintha Charlotte Eyre.) Lawrence, Barnes. {Arms, Lawrence quartering Barnes) Lawrence, Revd. Benjn. La''77renee, Charles. Lawrence impaling D'Aguilar, Charles Lawrence of Fairfield, Jamaica, and Mossley Hill, near Liverpool, married 1800 Bose, daughter of S. D'Aguilar.) Lawrence, Charles Law^rence, Law^rence, Knight, Lawrence, Ivnight, Law^rence, ing Ais Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence, Charles, Esqr. Sr. Edward, of St. Ives, Huntington Sheir Sr. Edward, of St. Ives, Huntington Sheir {Another impression of the last plate.) Elizabeth Sophia. {Arms. Lawrence quarter- lahie.) (C. Knight sculpt. 1826 set. 83.) George. {Arms. Lawrence imp)aling Spence) Geo, B. {Arms. Lawrence iinpaUng Fisher .') H., Esqr. {Arms. Lawreiice impaling Belli) Lawrence, Henry "NValdemar. (Pugh Bros. London) Lawrence, J. E. .. Law^rence, Richd., Esqr. Lawrence, This Book belongs to Richard H., Oscaleta Lodge. {Stamped in colours.) Lawrence, Richd. Jas. (Hughes fecit.) 17766 Law^rence, S. Timer Temple .. 17767 Lawrence, S. {The last plate with inscription allrrrd) Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Jacobean Ar- morial trophy Jacobean Ar- morial trophy Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest Armorial Ai-morial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial spade shield Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial lozenge Amiorial Annorial Chippendale Ai'morial Armorial Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Ar- morial spade shield Armorial spade sliield in a beaded oval Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Franks Collection of Book Plates, .0( Name, Date, axd Engravek, 17768 17769 17770 17771 17772 17773 17774 17775 17776 17777 17778 17779 17780 17781 17782 17783 17784 17785 17786 17787 17788 17789 17790 17791 17792 17793 17794 17795 17796 17797 17798 17709 Lawrie quarter- (M. and M. W. {Created a (Ar)ns. Lawrence, Thos. . . Lawrence, Thomas. (Anns. Lawrence quartering Tanner.^) Lawrence, Wni. .. Lawrence, William, Esqre., Alderman. {Arms. Lawrence iin])aling Clarlic. William Lawrence married 1817 Jane, clauglitcr of James Clarke of Wimeswold, co. Leicester.) ("John Biden, Engi-aver and Printer 37 Cheapside, London." Stamped on the back.) (Lawrence), name cut oft' (Lawrence), anonjnnous. {xirms. Lawrence impaling Movshcnd.) (Ezekiel Exon.) Lawrence Fvmd. Sec Boston Public Library. Lawrie, .Tames Lawrie, W. B. K., of Woodhall. (Arms, ing Kenncdij.) Lawrie, Wm. Kennedy .. Laws, Hubert. Laws, William George. Lambert, Newcastle.) Lawson of Holmshaw Lawson, Cavolus, Sccundus Lawson, Chas. -Jno., Esqr. Middle Temple.. Lawson, Ex Libris Sir Edward Levy, Bart. Baronet 1892.) (.J. L. (Leighton).) Lawson, Francis, of the Inner Temple, Esqr. Lawson imxialing Wood I) Lawson, Francis, Esqr. {The last plate with altered inscription.) Lawson, Sir Henry, Bart. {Probably the plate of the Ath Baronet who succeeded 1739 and died 1781.) Lawson, E Bibliotheca .Johannis, Med. Doctoris Colleg. Sionensi legata. mdccv. Lawson, John Ancram . . Lawson, -Tonn. {The arms and crest are those of the Walher family of Leighton Buzzard, It seems to he the 2>tate of Hescldah Walker with the arms slightly altered.) Lawson, Mansft. dc Cardoncl . . Lawson, MansfeldtdcCardonuel-, Esqr. {Arms. Quarterly. 1. and 4. Lawson and De Cardonuel quarterly ; 2. and 3. Hilton,) Lawson, Wilfred, Esqr. . . Lawson, Sir Wilfrid. Bravton. (Succeeded 1867 as Ind Baronet.) (•' Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Lawson, Willm. Norton Law^ton, Richard. {Printed on j^ink paper) . . Lawton, W. F (Lawton), anonjinous .. Lax, Anthony Lay, George William A. H. L. (Lavard). {Sir Austen Henry Layard, G.C.B., born 1817\- died 1894.) tJIYLE. Layard, Bcfiiard Granville. Clarke and Ca)nbridgc !) {Arms. lanyard impaling Festoon Ai-morial Ai'morial Festoon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Ai'morial Crest Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Ai-morial Jacobean bookpilc Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Festoon Armorial Ai'morial Crest within the collar of the Order of tlic Bath Armorial 158 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 17800 Layard, Sigillum Danielis Petri, m.d. {Arms. Layarcl impaling .... Born 1721 .• rd Baron 1710 ; died 1737-R. A hoolplafe ?) 17998 Leigh, Lord 17999 (Leigh, Baron), anonymous. {A hooliplate ?) (S. Wale de. B. Green s.) 18000 Leigh, Baron. {Arms. Leigh impaling Willes, quartering Williams. Chandos Leigh, created Baron Leigh 1839, tnarried 1819 Margarette, daughter of the Eevd. Wm. Shippen Willes ; died 1850.) 18001 (Leigh), Stoneleigh Abbey 18002 Leigh, Chandos, Esqr. {Stamped in gold on vellum. Arms. Leigh impaling Willes.) 18003 Leigh, Edwd 18004 Leigh, Egerton 18005 Leigh, Egerton .. 18006 Leigh, Egerton, Esqr 18007 Leigh, Sir Egerton, Bart. {Arms. Leigh with Boughton on an escutcheon. Sir Egerton Leigh, 2nd Bart., married Theodosia Beauchamp, daughter of Sir Edward Boughton, Bart., and widow of John Donnellan ; she ivas heir to her brother, Sir Theodosius Boughton, 1th Bart., who died 1780.) 18008 Leigh, Egerton, Esq. The West Hall, High Leigh, co. Chester. 18009 Leigh, Egerton, Esqre. {Arms. Leigh impaling White. Egerton Leigh of the West Hall, High Leigh, co. Chester, married 1874 Elizabeth Mary Gore, daughter of Wm. Henry, 3rd Earl of Bantry.) (Pugh Bros., Lincoln's Inn.) 18010 Leigh, Eleanor Lucy. {Arms. Leigh imjyaling Hawkes. Eleanor Lucy, daughter of Thomas Haiukes of Himlcy, CO. Stafford, M.P., married 1st 1843 the Hoiible. Humble Ward, 2ndly 1872 Gerard Leigh of Luton Hoo, and Srdly 1883 M. dc FaJhe, Danish Ambassador.) 18011 Leigh, Francis .. 18012 Leigh, Francis, Esqr 18013 Leigh, George 18014 Leigh, Holt. {Arms. Leigh, quartering Holt and Hcrle ?, witJi Owen, quartering Bispham, on an escutcheon. Holt Leigh of Whitley Hall, married Mary, daughter and coheir of Thomas Owen of Bispham.) Style. Armorial spade shield in a garter Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Crest and coronet Armorial Chippendale AiTQorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 165 Name, Date, and Engravek. 18015 18016 18017 18018 18019 18032 18033 18034 18035 18036 18040 18041 18042 Leigh, James, Esqr., Adlestrop. {Arms. Leigh iynpaling Bnjdges. James Leigh married 1755 Caroline, daughter of Henry, Duke of Chandos ; died 1774.) Leigh, Jas. Edud. Austen Leigh, John Robert. {Arms. Leigh impaling Fitzgerald. John Eohert Leigh married 1822 Dorothea Aime, daughter of Edivard Fitzgerald of Carrigoran Co. Clare; died 1827.) Leigh, Joseph Leigh, Mary Style. 18020 Leigh, Peter 18021 Leigh, Robert 18022 Leigh, Roger 18023 Leigh, Theo. Toft 18024 Leigh, Willm 18025 Leigh, Wm. Rushall, Staffordshire 18026 Leigh, Wm. Rushall, Staffordshire. {The last plate 2iTinted in red.) 18027 Leigh, Revd. Willm. Rushall HaU, Staffordshire. (Yates, sculp.) 18028 (Leigh), name cut off 18029 (Leigh), anonymous 18030 (Leigh), anonymous. 18031 (Leigh), anonjinous (Bickhaui) (Leigh), anonymous. {Proof of the plate of Jas. Edivd. Atisten Leigh.) (Leigh), anonymous. {The j^lC'i'i of Jas. Edwd. Austen Leigh without inscription.) (Leigh), anonjiuous. {A different plate) Leighton. {Arms. Leighton impaling Pinfold. Probably the plate of Lt. Genl. Francis Leighton who married Rcnea, daughter of Col. Charles Pinfold, Governor of Barbados.) Leighton. {Printed on hlne paper) 18037 Leighton. {Printed on buff paper) 18038 Leighton, Baldwin F 18039 Leighton, Charlotte Leighton, David . . . . ' . . Leighton, Francis. {Arms. Leighton impaling Adams. Rcvd. Francis Leighton married Clare, sister and coheir of John Boynton Adams of Cambleforth Co. York.) (Yates, scul.) Leighton, Francis. {Arms. Leighton with Adams on an escutcheon. See last plate.) Jacobean Armorial Crests Ai-morial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Crest Crest in a garter Seal Armorial Engraved label Ai'morial shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield and crest on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Eai'ly Armorial Chippendale Al'morial Wreath and ribbon Ai'iuorial Crests Crests Crests Festoon Armorial Circular engraved label Circular engi'aved label Armorial Armorial lozenge in a wreath Crest Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval 166 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. {The last plate reiuorhed) .. {The last ;plate ivith a Coat of 18043 Leighton, Francis Henry 18044 Leighton, Geor. E. St. Louis .. 18045 Leighton, James .. 18046 Leighton, Johannes 18047 Leighton, Johannes. {The last -plate ivith the hordure jirinted in red.) 18048 Leighton, John. (Kitchin sculpt.) 18049 Leighton, John, f.s.a. 18050 Leighton, John, f.s.a. 18051 Leighton, John, f.s.a Arms pasted on.) 18052 Leighton, John, F.S.A. .. 18053 Leighton, John 18054 Leighton, John, f.s.a., m.k.i. .. 18055 Leighton, John, f.s.a. Onnonde Regent's Park 18056 Leighton, J .... 18057 (Leighton, John), anonymous. {Printed in red) 18058 Leighton, John. {Printed in broivn on huff paper) 18059 (Leighton, John), Luke Limner 18060 Leighton, John. {Printed in hroivn on huff' paper) 18061 (Leighton, John), anonymous .. 18062 (Leighton, John). Sudbury Court _ 18068 (Leighton, John), anonymous. {Printed in red) 18064 Leighton (John) 18065 Leighton, John. Limner. {Printed in hroivn on pale hroivn piajier.) 18066 (Leighton, John), anonymous. 18067 (Leighton, John), anonymous. {Printed in red) {Printed in red) 18068 Leighton, Johannes 18069 (Leighton, John), anonymous .. 18070 (Leighton, John). Sudbury Court 18071 (Leighton, John), anonymous .. 18072 (Leighton, John), anonymous .. 18073 (Leighton, John), anonymous .. 18074 Leighton, W. A 18075 Leighton, Wm 18076 [Leighton, Mr.] , anonjiuous. {Arms. Leighton impaling Wood !) 18077 (Leighton), anonymous. {Arms. Leighton zoith Mytton ! on an escutcheon.) 18078 Leightonhouse, Saml. .. Leinster, Duke of. See FitzGerald. 18079 Leith of Freefield and Glenkindie. {Arms, Leith qiiarter- ing Strachan.) 18080 Leith of Freefield. {Not a bookplate) 18081 Leith of Leithhall. {Not a bookplate) 18082 Leith, Sir George, Bart. {Arms. Leith impaling Vaughan. Major General Sir George Alexander William Leith, K.CiB. Ind Baronet married 1798 Albinia, daughter of Style. Festoon Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Portrait Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Engraved label Engraved label Pictorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade shield in a frame Interlaced initials in a garter Pictorial Crest Armorial arms in a garter Pictorial seal Armorial Vesica Armorial Vesica Armorial Pictorial Armorial Vesica crest Seal crest Pictorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Aiiuorial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Franl's Collection of Book Plates. 167 Name, Date, and Engraveb, Thos. Wright VaugJian of Moiilsey, co. Surrey ; died 1824.) 18083 Leith, I. F. (Cook, sc. 44 Rupert St.) 18084 Leith, Colonel and Mrs. Forbes, J. J. F. L. & W. H. S. F. L. of Whitehaugh. 18085 Leith, Colonel and Mrs. Forbes, J. J. F. L. & W. H. S. F. L. of Whitehaugh. {The last plate printed in gold.) 18086 (Leith), J. J. F. L. & W. H. S. F. L. {The last plate with- otct the inscription or meter frame.) 18087 "W. H. S. F. L. {Williamina Helen Stewart Forbes Leith.) 18088 Leith, John, of Whitehaugh, Esqr 18089 Leith, Walter. (Arms. Leith impaling Lee /) 18090 Leith, Rev. William Forbes, m.a., Oxon., of Whitehaugh ,. 18091 Leith, Lady. (Aryns. Leith with Cope on an escutcheon.) 18092 Leith, Mrs. Col. Forbes. Whitehaugh 18093 Leith, Mrs. Col. Forbes. Whitehaugh. {The last plate reworked.) 18094 Leith, Mrs. Col. Forbes. Whitehaugh. {Proof of the last p)late on card.) 18095 Leith, Mrs. Col. Forbes. W^hitehaugh. {The last plate printed in gold.) 18096 Leith, Mrs. Stewart Forbes, of Whitehaugh 18097 (Leith), anonymous. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Leitrim, Baron, and Earl of. See Clements. 18098 Le Keux, E Libris Johannis Henrici . . 18099 Leland, John. {The plate of Thomas Leland D.D. ivith altered inscription.) 18100 Leland, Richard, Esqr 18101 Leland, Thomas. (1818 wmk. in paper) 18102 Leland, Thomas, d.d., Senior Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. 18103 Lem, Josh. Willm 18104 Leman, J., m.a. .. 18105 Leman, I., m.a. (Coelavit Gu. Stephens Cantab. 1736) 18106 Leman, Thomas. (Henshaw sc.) 18107 Leman, Thomas. {The last plate printed in red.) Hen- shaw, sc.) 18108 Leman, Revd. Thos. m.a. & f.a.s. Chancellor of Cloyne. {Arms. Leman, quartering Sperling and Naunton, impaling Martin f) 1797. 18109 Le Marchant, Denis. ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18110 Le Marchant, Eleazor, fs. de Wm, Seigneur du Comte, Guernsey. 18111 Le Marchant, John 18112 Le Marchant, L. M. Thomas. {Arms. Le Marchant, quartering Thomas, impaling Foulkes ? quartering Douglas or St. John.) 18113 Le Marchant, Thos Style. Armorial Armorial supporters Aniiorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Festoon Armorial Pictorial crests Pictorial crests Pictorial crests Pictorial crest Pictorial Armorial Armorial Seal Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Al'morial Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean AiTnorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Amiorial arms in a garter Crest Anuorial supporters Crest Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial 168 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. {A different label) Le Mesurier Le Marchant. See also Thomas. 18114 Le Mesurier, Frederick. {Arms. Le Mesurier, quartering Saumarez and Andros, iin;paling BrocJi.) (Silvester sc. 27 Strand.) 18115 Le Mesurier, Henry, of Guernsey. (Arms. Le Mesurier impaling Dobree.) 18116 Le Mesurier, Henry. Guernsey ' 18117 Le Mesurier, Henry. Guernsey. 18118 Le Mesurier, Henry, Jun. of Guernsey 18119 Le Mesurier, John, of Alderney. (Arms. impaling Dobree.) 18120 Le Mesurier, John, Governor of Alderney. {Arms. Le Mesurier luith Perchard on an escutcheon. General Le Mesurier, hereditary Governor of Alderney, married Martha, daughter and coheir of Peter Perchard, Lord Mayor of London; died IMS.) (Silvester, sc.) 18121 Le Mesurieur, Nichs., son of Henry. {Arms. Le Mesurier impaling Priaulx /) 18122 Le Mesurier, T. e Coll. Nov. Oxon 18123 Le Mesurier, T. e Coll. Nov. Oxon. {The last plate reworked.) 18124 (Le Mesurier), anonj'rnous. {Arms. Quarterly of 6. Land 6. Le Mesurier; 2. Andros; 3. arid 4. . . . ; 5. Saumarez impaliyig Stetvart quartering Lorn.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Le Mesurier Prize. See School Premiums. Lemon, Sir Charles. {A7-7ns. Lemon impaling Fox- Strangivays. Sir Charles Lemon of Carcleiu, co. Corn- wall, 2nd Bart., married Charlotte Anne, daughter of Henry Thomas, 2nd Earl of Ilchester.) Lemon, John Style. 18125 18126 18127 18128 18129 18130 18131 18132 Lemon, The Revd. Thomas William, m.a. Lemon, Sir William, Bart. {Arms. Lemon impaling Buller. Willia7n Lemon, created a Baronet 1774, married Jane, daughter of James Buller of Downes, M.P. ; died 1824.) Lemperly, Paul .. Lempriere Lempriere, Vice-Admiral George Oury. {Arms. Lem- priere with Dumaresq on an escutcheon. Admiral G. 0. Lempriere married 1833 Frances, daughter and heir of William Dumaresq of Pelham; died 1864. This seems to be a reduced copy of the plate in Payne's " Armorial of Jersey.") Lempriere, Philip R. 18133 Lempriere, William C. . . 18134 (Lempriere), anonjiuous 18135 Le Neve, John, Gent 18136 (Lennard, Baron), Dacre. {Arms. Lennard quartering Barrett. Thomas Barrett Lennard succeeded 1755 as 11th Baron Dacre ; died 1186.) (Austin sculp.) Armorial Festoon Armorial Printed label Printed label Printed label Chippendale pic- torial Ai'morial Pictorial trophy Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Amiorial spade shield on a mantle Annorial Festoon Armorial spade shield on a mantle Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Annorial spade shield with supporters Early Armorial Chippendale Aj.-morial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 169 Name, Date, and Ekgravee. 18137 Lennard, H. B 18138 Lennard, H. B. {Arms. Lennard quartering Barrett, with Pridcaiix on an escutcheon. The Bcvd. Henry Barrett Lennard married 1821 Hehe Dorothy, daughter and coheir of Edmund Prideaux of Hexiuorthy, co. CorniuaU.) 18139 Lennard, St. Aubj-n Barrett 18140 Lennard, Thos. Barrett 18141 Lennox, Charles, Duke of Richmond, Lennox and Aubigny Knight of ye most noble order of the Garter. (Probably the plate of the 2nd Dule who succeeded 1723; K.G. 1726 ; died 1750.) 18142 Lennox, Duke of Richmond. {Not a boohplate.) (B. Clowes invt. et sculp.) 18143 (Lennox), C. Richmond. {Charlotte, daughter of Alexander, Ath Duke of Gordon, and wife of Charles, DuJce of Richmond.) 18144 (Lennox), M, Richmond. {Mary, daughter and coheir of Charles, drd Earl of Ailesbury, ayid ivife of Charles, drd Duke of Richmond.) 18145 Lennox, Lord Arthur. {Seventh son of the 4:th Duke of Richmond; born 1S06 ; died ISGi.) 18146 Lennox, Lord George. Stoke, near Chichester, Sussex. {Arms. Lennox impaling Kerr. Lord George Lennox second son of the 2nd Duke of Richmond, married 1758 Louisa, daughter of Wm, Henry, Ath Marquess of Lothian ; died 1805.) 18147 Lennox, Lord George 18148 Lennox, Maitland. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18149 Lennox, Lady Mary L. .. 18150 W. P. L. (Lennox). {Probably the plate of Lord William Pitt Lennox.) (" Wyon." Note by Sii- A. W. Franks.) 18151 (Lennox), anonymous 18152 Lenny, C, D.D. {Arms. Lenny impaling MacSiuiny !) .. 18153 Le Noir, Maria Antonietta 18154 Lens, [William] 18155 [Lens, William] , anonymous. {The last plate without in- scription.) 18156 (Lentaigne), Liber E Museo Johannis Lentaigne, c.B. De Tallaght Com. Dubl. Ann. Dom. mdccclxxv. {Arms. Lentaigne, quartering O'Neill and Phmket, with Magan on an escutcheon. John Francis Lentaigne married Mary, daughter and coheir of Francis Magan of Emoc, CO. Wcstmeath.) 18157 (Lentaigne), Liber E Musco Johannis Lentaigne, c.B., de Tallaght Com. Dubl. Eques Auratus. 18158 Lentaigne, John O'Neill 18159 L'Epinasse, C. {A reprint) Style. 18160 Lepine, S. .. Armorial Armorial Crests Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Armorial Engi-aved label Festoon name and coronet Armorial supporters Ai'morial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Engraved label Crest and cypher Armorial supporters Armorial Cypher on a lozenge pendant from a ribbon Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Anuorial Anuorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial 170 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 18161 Lepla 18162 18163 18164 ♦486 18165 18166 18167 18168 18169 18170 18171 18172 18173 18174 18175 18176 18177 18178 18179 18180 18181 18182 Le Quesne, Philip Lermitte, James Henry . . Leroux, Jacob, Esquire. {Printed in sej)ia) .. (Leslie), The Eight Honble. John, Earl of Rothes. 1708 (Leslie), The Right Honble. John, Earl of Rothes. {The last plate reworJced.) 1708. Leslie, C. H. {Arms. Leslie quartering Ahernethy.) (" Baker." Note by Sur A. W. Franks.) Leslie, Colonel K. H., of Balquhain. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Leslie, Edward, m.a. {Arms. Leslie impaling Higginson. The Revd. Edward Leslie of Anahill, co. Doiun, 7narried Margaret, daughter of the Bevd. Thos. Edward Higginson of Lambeg.) Leslie, Edward, b.d. {The last plate loith inscription altered.) Leslie, Ernest, of Balquhain, Esqr. H. Q. L. (Leslie) Leslie, H. G., Esqr. {Arms. Leslie loith Gron of Christiansand, Norway, on an escutcheon.) Leslie, James, Esqr. Leslie, James Edward. Leslie, John, Surgeon Leslie, Belongs to John. Leslie, Sir John, Bart. Baronet 1876.) J. L. (Leslie ?) . . (Green, Cork) 1815 Glaslough House. {Created a Leslie, the Honble. Thomas. {Third son of John, 8fh Earl ofBothes; died 1172.) Leslie, Thomas. {Arms. Leslie impaling Dalrymple, quartering Horn and Elphinstone. Thomas Coats Leslie married 1857 Henrietta Marion, daughter of Sir Robert Dalrymple Elphinstone, 1st Bart. ; died 1862.) Leslie, William. Warthill (Leslie), anonymous or mutilated {Arms. UEstrange impaling Carle- 18183 L'Estrange, Carleton. ton.) 18184 L'Estrange, Mary. {Arms. L'Estrange toith Carleton on an csctitcheon. Mary, daughter and coheir of Chris- topher Carleton of Market Hill, co. Fermanagh, married Henry Peisley L'Estrange of Moystoivn, King's Co.) Lethbridge, J. C. Baron Lethbridge, Sir John Hesketh, Bart., of Sandhill Park, co. Somerset. {Succeeded as 3rd Baronet 1849 ; died 1873. Arms. Lethbridge quartering Pcriani, Giffard and Buckler. Not a bookplate.) 18187 Lethieullier, Christor., Esqr. .. 18185 18186 Style. Chippendale Ajrmorial Annorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters and coronet Armorial Armorial Jacobean crest Crest and cypher Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Armorial Interlaced initials in a square frame Chippendale Ai'morial Seal Armorial Armorial Annorial shield in a garter Armorial Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Annorial Armorial supporters Chippendale Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 171 Name, Date, and Engraver. 18188 Lethieullier, John, Esqr., Remembrancer of the City of London. 18189 Lethieullier, John, Esqr., Remembrancer of the City of London. {The last plate reworhed.) 18190 Lethieullier, Mr. Smart, of Alldersbrook in Com. Essex. {Son of John Lethieullier of Alldersbrook by his ivife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Joseph Smart of Havering ; born 1701 ; died 1760.) 18191 Lethievillier, Smart, Esqr., of Aldersbrook in Com. Essex. {The last plate retvorked.) 18192 Lethieullier, William 18193 Lett 18194 Lett, Thomas 18195 Letts, Sigillum Eraesti Frederici, m.a. {Arms. Letts impaling Farrar.) 18196 Lettsom, John Coaklej', M.D., F.E.s. London 18197 Lettsom, Samuel Fothergill Leven and Melville, Eail of. See Melville. 18198 Lever, Sir Ashton. {Anns, Lever impaling Bayley. Ashton Lever of Alkrington, Knighted 1118; quarried Frances, daughter of James Bayley of Manchester; died 1788.) 18199 Lever, Darcy, Esquu-e, of Alki-ington in comitat. Lancast. {Darcy Lever succeeded to Alkrington in 1718 and was Knighted 1737.) (B. Cole, sculp.) 18200 (Lever), mutilated. {Apparently unsigned. This seems to be an earlier state of the last plate.) 18201 Lever, John C. W 18202 [Leverett, James] , anonymous 18203 Leverington, Robert 18204 Leversage, Peter. {Arms. Leversage quartej-ing Sajides and Stormey ?) 18205 Leversage, Peter. (Huntly sc. 74 Bond St.) 18206 Levett, Egerton 18207 Levett, Louisa Frances. {Arms. Levett, quartering liode and Bird, impaling Bagot. Louisa, daughter of the Rev. Walter Bagot, married the E^v. Richard Levett.) 18208 Levett, Theophilus. {Arms. Levett impaling Templer. Theophilus Levett married Henrietta, daughter of the Revd. John Templer.) 18209 Levett, Theophilus John. Wychnor Park, co. Staff. 18210 Levett, Thomas. {Arms. Levett impaling Gresley. The Revd. Thos. Levett of Packington marHed Wilmot Maria, daughter of Sir Nigel Boivyer Gresley, 1th Bart.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 18211 Levi, N. P. {Arms. Levi impaling Goldsmid.) 18212 Levi, S. Phihp 18213 Levick, Joseph 18214 Levien, Francis. (A. R. (Robertson)) .. 18215 Levien, John 18216 Levinge, Eliz. Anne. {Arms. Levinge, quartering Corbyn and Kennedy, impaling Parkyns. Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Thomas Boothby, 1st Baron Rancliffe, Style. Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Ai'morial Jacobean Armorial Ai-morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Vesica Armorial Engraved label Crest in a garter Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Anuorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial lozenge Anuorial Armorial Anuorial Armorial Crest and name on a mantle Crest Pictorial Armorial Armorial 172 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. married 1810 Sir Richard Levinge, 6th Baronet, ivho died 1848. She died 1853.) 18217 Levinge, Godfrey. {Arms. Levinge quartering Corhyn, Greene and Kennedy.) 18218 Levy, Adolphus 18219 Levy, Moses Isaac 18220 Lewer, Thompson James. (E. Weedon sc. Pimlico) 18221 Lewers, William 18222 Lewin, Edward B., Esqre 18223 Lewin, Edward B 18224 Lewin, Edward B 18225 Lewin, G. A. {Sir Gregory Allnuit Lewin, so7i of Richard Lewin of Eltham, Co. Kent.) 18226 Lewin, Malcolm. {Arms. Lewin impaling Stevens. Malcolm Lewin, son of Richard Lewin of Eltham, CO. Kent, married Maria Stevens.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 18227 Lewin, Thos. {Arms. Leioiii impaling Hale. Thomas Lewin of Halfway Street, Co. Kent, married Mary, daughter of General John Hale of Gtiishorough, co. York.) 18228 (Lewin), anonjTQOus. {This plate exists with the inscrij}- Hon " i?. Lewin,''' and was engraved for Richard Lewin of Eltham, co. Kent, prior to his marriage with Hendrina Aletta Vander Poel, tvhe^i he had a new plate engraved impaling her arms.) 18229 Lewin, anonymous. {The last plate reworked and the mark of cadency changed from a crescent to an annulet. The alteration was made for Henry Lewin of Eltham, fifth son of Richard Lewin.) 18230 Lewin, Stephen. Boston 18231 Lewin, Willm 18232 Lewis, Charles. (Home 233 Strand.) 18233 Lewis, Kevd. D., A.M 18234 Lewis, David Jones. Gilfach, co. Carmarthen. {Originally engraved by Emslic for Burke's ^^Heraldic Illustra- tions," and afterivards used as a bookplate. Arms. Lewis quartering Aubrey.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18235 Lewis, Edward . . 18236 Lewis, Edward. {Arms. Lewis impaling Howard.) (Cleghorn.) 18237 Lewis, George Corncwall. {Born 1806 ; died 1863) 18238 Lewis, Sir George Corncwall, Baronet. {Succeeded 1855 as 2nd Baronet.) 18239 Lewis, James. (Arms. Lewis impaling Lynch -Blossc. James Lewis, M.P., married Charlotte Diana, daughter of Sir Robert Lynch-Blossc, 8th Baronet.) 18240 Lewis, James Henry Frederic. 24 Essex St. Strand 18241 Lewis, Jane. St. Pierre. {Arms. Lewis with Gordon of Niton on an escutcheon.) 18242 Lewis, John 18243 Lewis, John, of Llanfihangel, Esqr. {Printed in blue) Style. Armorial Engi-aved label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Armorial spade shield Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Ai'morial spade shield Armorial spade shield Ai'morial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 173 Name, Date, and Engraver. 18244 Lewis, John Delaware, (Stamped leather label) 18245 Lewis, John Delaware. {Stamped leather label) 18246 Lewis, J. Harvey 18247 Lewis, J. Harvey. (Arms. Leiois ivith Ball on an es- cutcheon.) 18248 Lewis, Matthew, Esqr. (Arms. Lewis quartering Gregory) 18249 Lewis, Miss 18250 Lewis, Morgan, Esqr. (Said to he by Maverick. See " American Bookplates" by C, D. Allen, 1895, p. 236.) 18251 Lewis, N. Ivy Lodge, Barnes.. 18252 Lewis, Nichs. W. (The plate of Robert Lewis with in- scription altered.) 18253 Lewis, Owen 18254 Lewis, Percival 18255 Lewis, Percival. (Arms, Lewis, quartering Pott, Locke and Tancred, loith Craye, quai'tering Compton, on an escutcheon.) 18256 Lew^is, Richard Fraser. (Arms. Lewis quartering Taylor.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 18257 Lewis, Robert 18258 Lewis, Timothy 18259 Lewis, Thos. Fraiikland. (Born 1780 ; created a Baronet 1846 ; died 1855.) 18260 Lewis, Villiers William, Esqr. (Arms. Lewis quartering Stephens and Villiers.) (Michell Bond Strt.). 18261 Lewis, William 18262 Lewis, William 18263 Lewis, William. (A different plate) .. 18264 Lewis, William, Jvmr. .. 18265 Lewis, William Stone. (The plate of William Lewis tvith altered inscrijition.) 18266 [Lewis, Ezekiel, Esqr.] , anonymous . . 18267 (Lewis ?), anonymous 18268 (Lewis ?), anonymous 18269 (Lewis ?), anonymous Lewisham, Viscount. See Legge. 18270 Ley, Capt 18271 Ley, Carrington. (Arms. Ley ivipaling Denham) 18272 Ley, Jacob, Student of Ch. Ch. and Vicar of St. Mai-y Magdalene, Oxford, a.d., mdcccxlvii. 18273 Ley, R., M.A. B. N. Coll 18274 Leybome, Willm. L 18275 Leybourn, Samuel 18276 Leybourn, Thos 18277 (Leyeester), Toft Hall. (Arms. Leycester impaling Leigh. Ralph Leycester of Toft Hall, co. Chester, M.P. for Shaftesbury, born 1764, married Stisanna, daughter of the Revd. Egerton Leigh.) (Haj's sc. 30 Mary-le- bone St. Picy.) 18278 (Leycester), Toft Hall. (The last plate reworked.) (Hays sc. 30 Mary-le-bone St. Picy.) Style. Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Aniiorial Armorial lozenge Festoon Anuorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Annorial spade shield Annorial Festoon Annorial Chippendale Armorial AiTnorial Armorial spade shield Crest Pictorial Ai'morial Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Ai-morial arms in a garter Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale en- gi'aved label Armorial Annorial 174 Franks Collection of Book Plates. 4.' Name, Date, and Engraver. 18279 Leycester, Joseph. (Green, Cork) 18280 Leycester, Joseph. {The last ;plate ivith the Engraver' s signature erased.) 18281 Leycester, Joseph. (Green, Cork) 18282 Leycester, William Wrixon. {Arms. Leicester impaling Macaulay.) 18283 Leyland, John 18284 Liardet 18285 Libbie, Frederic J 18286 Libbie, Ex Libris Frederic J. Boston. 1895. (W. F. H. (Hopson).) 18287 Libbie, Frederic James. (J. P. Simonds jr. Aug. 9th, 1892. Des. Eng.) Lichfield, Earl of. See Anson. Lichfield, Bishop of. See Hacket. 18288 Lichigaray, Samuel 18289 Lichtenstein, Richard C. Boston, Mass. 1893. (J. L. van Tiffelin, Geo. Moore eng.) 18290 Liddel, Charles, Esqr 18291 (Liddell, Baron Ravensworth.) Ravensworth Castle 18292 (Liddell, Baron Ravensworth), anonymous. (Watson sculpt.) 18293 (Liddell, Baronet.) Ravensworth Castle. {Arms. Liddell impaling Simxison, Sir Thomas Heyiry Liddell, 6th Baronet, created Baron Bavensworth 1821, married 1796 Maria Susanna, daughter of John Simpson of Bradley.) 18294 Liddell, Robert 18295 Liddell, Robert 18296 Lidderdale, Thomas, m.d. .. 18297 Liebert, Edmund B 18298 Liell, Tho. {Arms. Liell quartering Child or Sayer) 18299 Lievre, John Sturges, a.m. (Mutlow sc. York St. Covent Garden.) Lifford, Baron. See Hewitt. 18300 Lightfoot, E Libris Josephi B., s.t.p., Episcopi Dunelm- ensis. {Ar)7is. The see of Durham impaling Light- foot. Joseph Barber Lightfoot appointed Bishop of Durham 1879; died 1889.) ("Wyon." Note by Su- A. W. Franks.) 18301 Lightfoot, Thos 18.302 Lightfoot, Thos, {The last plate reworked) 18303 Lightfoot, Thomas. {Arms. Lightfoot 7oith Streatfeild on an escutcheon.) 18304 Lighten, Revd. Sir C. R., Bart. {Succeeded 1844 as 6th BaroJict ; died 1875.) 18305 Lightwood, John Style. Armorial spade shield in a garter Armorial spade shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Literary Decorative Festoon Armorial Library interior Early Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Tjandscape AiTnorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Seal Anuorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Crest in a garter Pictorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 175 Name, Date, and Engraver. 18306 18307 18308 18309 Ligonier, Sr. John. {JoJni Ligonier, Knighted at the Battle of Dcttingen 1742, was created Viscoxmt Ligonier 1757 and Earl Ligoiner 1766 ; difd 1770.) Lilburn, Charles .. Iiilbiim, George Sarmon. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. See Powys. Franks.) Lilford, Baron. Lill, Godfrey 18310 Lilley, William 18311 Lillingston, Lydia. {Arms. Lillingston, quartering Spooner, impaling BrooJis, quartering Horde, Cheyney ? and Hall) Limerick, Viscount. See Hamilton. Limerick, Earl of. See Pery. Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe, Bishop of. See Jebb. Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton. Lincoln, Bishop of. See Green. Lincoln, Bishop of. See Jackson. Lincoln, Bishop of. See Pretyman. Lincoln College. See Oxford. Lincolniensi. S. Vicecomitis de comitatu. See Miscel- laneous Plates. 18312 Lind, Alexander, of Gorgie, Esqr. 18313 Lind, Elizabeth 18314 Lind, F. {Anns. Lind impaling Cooper '^) . . 18315 Lind, Francis M 18316 [Lind, G.] {The plate of Elizabeth Lind without inscrip- tion.) 18317 Lind, James, of Gorgie, Esqr. {The plate of Alexander Lind with altered inscription.) 18318 Lind, James P., M.D. (Fenner, sculpt.) 18319 Lind, John, m.d. {Arms. Lind impaling Player. John Lind married 1789 Elizabeth Lydia, daughter of William Player of Byde, Isle of Wight.) 18320 Lind, Mountague. {The plate of Elizabeth Lind with altered inscription.) 18321 Lindegren, Andrew. {Anns. Lindegren impaling Han- bury.) 18322 Lindesay, Frederic. {Arms. Lindesay impaling Sandys) 18323 Lindesay, Frederick John Sandys. (Heraldic Office Grt. Turnstile Lincolns Inn.) 18324 Lindesay, H 18325 Lindesay, Colonel Patrick 18326 Lindo, Zechariah, M.D., M.R.C.S.E., &c. 18327 Lindoe, Robei-t Frederick, Esq., m.d. Wells, co. Somerset. {Arms. Lindoe quartering Baker. Originally engraved i}y Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations " and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 18328 (Lindsay), Earl of Craufurd. {Probably the plate of George, 22nd Earlof Craioford,who succeeded 1778 and died 1808) Stylb. Late Jacobean Ai-morial Armorial Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial supporters Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield 176 Franks Collection of Book Plates, Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 18329 18330 18331 18332 18333 18334 18335 18336 18337 18388 18339 18340 18341 18342 18343 18344 18345 18346 18347 18348 18349 18350 18351 18352 18353 18354 18355 18356 18357 (Lindsay, Earl of Crawford and Balcan-es), anonymous. (Amis. Lindsay impaling Pennington. James, 24:th Earl of Crawford and 1th Earl of Balcarres, married 1811 Maria Margaret Frances, daughter of John, 1st Baron Mttncaster ; died 1869.) I/indsay, Ludovic, xxvi Earl of Crawford. {Succeeded 1880.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Lindsay, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres.) Bibliotheca Lindesiana. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Lindsay, Baron.) Observatory, Dunecht. ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Lindsay.) Balcarres .. (Lindsay), Portincross. Fullarton, Lindsay quartering Fullarton.) nature cut off.) L. (Lindsay) Lindsay, Alexander Lindsay, Alexr. . . Lindsay, Honble. Hugh Lindsay, Honble. Mrs. Hugh. {Arms. Lindsay impaling Gordon. Jane, daughter of the Honble. Alexander Gordon, Lord BocTcville, married 1799 the Honble. Hugh Lindsay, ivho died 1844; she died 1862.) Lindsay, Hugh Hamilton. {Son of the Honble. Hugh Lindsay ; born 1802, died 1881.) Lindsay, John M. Lindsay, Honble. Mr. .. Overtoun. {Arms. (The Engraver's sig- Lindsay, M. Lindsay, Ralph. Lindsay, Ralph. altered.) Lindsay, Walter escutcheon.) Lindsay, Willm. . . Lindsay, Mr. Willm. (Lindsay), anon;ymous. {The ^;?a^e of Willm with the inscHption not printed.) (Lindsay), anonymous .. (Lindsay), anonymous . . {Arms. Lindsay impaling Mason) {The last plate retvorked and the motto {Arms. Lindsay with Jephson on an Li7idsay Lindsay, Eai-1 of. Lindsay, John See Bertie. Lindsay, William. Antigua Lindstedt, Frederick W. Lingard, John {Arms. Lindstedt impaling . . . .) Lingard, John, [Alexr.]. {The last plate with the crest reworked and the name alta-ed in MS.) Lingard, R. M. B. {Arms. Lingard, quartering Bowson, Monk, Boughcy, and Jennings, impaling Lingard. Bichard Boughcy Monk Lingard, v'ho assumed 1875 the surname and arms of Monk, married 1849 Elizabeth Frances, daughter of Alexander Lingard.) Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Ai'morial sup- porters Armorial spade shield Annorial spade shield Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Fra7iks Collection of Book Plates. 177 Name, Date, akd Engraver. 18358 18359 18360 18361 18362 18363 18364 18365 18366 1836'i 18368 18369 18370 18371 18372 18373 18374 18375 18376 18377 18378 18379 18380 18381 18382 18383 18384 18385 18386 18387 18388 18389 18390 18391 18392 VOL. Lingard, The Anns of Thomas Dewhurst Lingen, Henry. {Arms. Lingcn quartering CIojjLoh (duI Walivijn.) Lingwood. (Johnson sc. Cheltenham) Ling"wood, Robert M. . . Linlithgow, Earl of. See Livingston. Linsingen, Count. (Griffiths & Weigall 3 St. James' Stt.) (Linton), Sydney Riverma. {Consecrated 188i) Linzee, Edward Hood .. Linzee, Robert George . . (Lipscomb.) The Bishop of Jamaica. {Cliristoplier Lipscomb, Bishop of Jamaica 1824-1843.) (Griffiths & Weigalls 3 St. James' St. London.) Liptrap, John, Esqr., f.a.s. {Arms. Liptrap'? impaling Hunt.) Lisbvirne, Viscount, and Earl of. See Vaughan. Lisle, Baron. See Lysaght. Lisle, Fermer. {A hooTxplate ?) Lisle, John. Apothecary. (B. Cole, sculp.) Lisle, Tobias (Lisle), anonymous Lister. {Arms. Priestley impaling Lister) Lister. {Arms. Lister quartering Lister) .. Lister, Edward. {Note by Sir A. W. Franhs, " .' cheque ") Lister, Geo. Arthur. (Ar^ns. Lister quartering Bancroft.) (Home, 233 Strand.) Lister, James. {Arms. Lister impaling Hardy) .. Lister, N. . . Lister, Thomas, of Westby, in the County of York, Esqr. Lister, Thomas. {Arms. Lister, quartering de Bolton, Assheton, and Fletcher, impaling Bury, quartering Scale. Thomas Lister of Armitagc Park married as his 1st wife Harriett Anne, daughter of John Scale of Mount-boone, co. Devon.) Lister, Thomas, Esqr., L.L.D. Armitage Park Lister, Thomas Villiers . . Lister, Thomas Villiers. {Proof uf the last plate.) (' ' Baker. ' ' Note bv Sir- A. W. Franks.) Lister, AVilliam N. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) [Lister, H., a.m.], anonvmous.. Listen, I. 1792. ("Williams sc.) Style. Listen, E Libris Montrose W. Litchfield, Ai-thur Litchfield, John .. Litherland, John (Lithgow), name cut ol! Little of Liberton, Esqr. Little, Adam James II. (E. J. Wheeler) Seal Annorial Chippendale Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial sup- porters and coronet An:norial Annorial Ai'morial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Annorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Annorial Early Armorial Annorial Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Annorial Armorial Early Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Library interior Armorial Armorial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Earh' Annorial Ai'morial N 178 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 18393 Little, Archibald . 18394 Little, Archibald. 18395 Little, James 18396 Little, Eevd. Saml. 18411 18412 18413 18414 1841.', 18416 147 {A smaller plate) 18397 Little, William 18398 (Little), anonpiious. {The j)late of Adam James Little toitliout inscription.) Littlecote. See Popham. 18399 Littledale, Anthony. [Arms. Littledale, quartering Langton and PatricJcson, impaling Daivson, ivitli 20 quarterings.) (Wyon sc. Regent St.) 18400 Littledale, Anthony. {The last plate reworked.) (Wyon sc. Regent St.) 18401 Littledale, Henry Anthony. ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18402 Littledale, Ex Dono Joseph!, eq. aur. e Judicibus Curiae Banci Regis Collegii hujus olim socii qui praster alia sui in collegium studii indicia Libras cc in Libros coemendos impendendas testamento legavit. a.d. mdcccxlii. (-S7. John's College, Cambridge.) 18403 Littledale, Mary Elizabeth. {Arms. Littledale, quartering Langton and Patrickson, iynp)aling Armytage, quarter- ing Wcntworth and Woodhouse. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Armytage, married 1845 Henry Anthony Littledale of Bolton Hall, co. York.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18404 (Littledale), anonymous. {The plate of Mary Elizabeth Littledale without inscription.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18405 (Littledale), anon^-mous. ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. Franks.) 18406 Littlehales 18407 Littlehales, Edmd A.W. Franlis.) 18408 Littlehales, I., m.d, 18409 Littlehales, Richd. W, M.D. (" Lyons book." Note by Sir 18410 Littlehales, Rowland Little Harewood. See Clayton. Littler, R. D. M. Inner Temple. (Cullcton, London) Littler, R. D. M. Middle Temple. {The last plate with inscription altered.) (Cullcton, London.) Littleton, Arma Alfred! Henric!, ct Rosalindas uxoris ejus. {Arms. Littleton, quartering Wrottesley, impaling Thomas.) (" Wyon." Note bV Sir A. W. Franks.) Littleton, Sr. Edw., Bart. {Probably the 2Jlatc of the 3rd Baronet, who succeeded 1709 and died 1742.) Littleton, Nicholas Littleton, Sr. Thomas, Baronet, Treasurer of Her Majesties Navy. {Arms, Littleton quartering Poi/tifz. Sue- rerdrd 1681 as 3rd Baronet, died 1110.) 1702. Littleton, Sr. Thomas, ]3aronct, Treasurer of Her Majesties Navy. {Another imprcsHion of the laet plate.) 1702. Style. Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial lozenge Armorial lozensre Ai'morial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. 179 Name, Date, and Engraver. Darling feet Newport St.) Livesey, quartering Bancroft, 18417 (Littleton), anonjinous. {These are the Arms of Sir Edward Littleton, created Baron Littletoji of Moiins- low 1640. It must have been engraved before he was created a peer, and, as it bears an esquire's helmet, probably before he ivas knighted in 1634. It may have been intended for a bookplate, but it occurs as a frontispiece to the copy of the so-called Littleton's Eeports in the Lincoln's hm Library published in 1683, though it is not nsually to be found in copies of that wo7-h.) (Will. Marshall sculpsit.) 18418 (Littleton), anonymous. {Another impression of the last plate which seems to have been bound in by the edge.) (Will. Marshall sculpsit.) Littleton. See also Lyttelton. 18419 Litton, Edward, Esqr. {The plate of Thomas Litton with inscription altered.) 18420 Litton, Thomas, Esqr 18421 Litton, Thomas, Esqr. (W. 18422 Livesey, Everard W. 18423 Livesey, Joseph. {Arms. impaling Eeade.) 18424 Livesay, J. E., c.s. {Arms. Livesay quartering O'Hara and Bourl-e.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18425 Livesey, Ralph, Esqr. ,. 18426 Livesey, Ralph, Esqr. Robert Bell Livesey, Kildale. {A modern impression of the last plate with new in- scriptio7i.) 18427 (Livesey), anonj-mous. {Arms. Livesey, quartering Ban- croft and Rcade, impaling Marshall.) 18428 (Livingston), The Right Honble. James, Earl of Linlith- gow and Earl of Callender. {James, 4th Earl of Callender, succeeded 1695 as 5th Earl of Linlithgow and was attainted of high treason 1715. Arms. Livingston quartering Callender; over all an es- cutcheon for the title of Linlithgoiv.) 18429 Livingston, Archd., a.m. 18430 Livingston, Edward. {Sec Ex Libris Journ. Vol. I. pi- 83. Arms. Livingston quartering Hepburn and Callender.) (Maverick sculpt.) 18431 Livingston, I. W. {Printed in blue) .. 18432 Livingston, Mr., of Airds 18433 Livingston, Robert L. .. 18434 Livingston, Robt. R., Esqr., of Cler Mont. (Maverick set.) 18435 Livingston, William, Junior .. 18436 Livingston, William, Junior. {A reproduction of the last plate.) lSi;J7 Livingstone, Sir Thos., Bart., of that Ilk. {Succeeded 1795 as 10th Baronet; died 1853.) (Kirkwood and Son set.) 184.S8 Livingstone, William. {Name in Arabic) .. 18439 Livius 18440 Livius, Chief Justice of Quebec. {The last plate re worhed. Arms. Livius with Mason' 07i an escutcheon. Peter Livius, Chief Justice of Quebec 1777-1786, married Anne Elizabeth, daughter of John Tufton Mason.) Style. Early Armorial Early Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Armoi'ial Armorial Armorial Chippendale book- pile Armorial Chippendale book- pile Amiorial Armorial Early Armorial Engi-aved label Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Annorial Early Armorial Annorial supporters Crest Armorial Armorial N 180 Franks Collection of Book Plates, Name, Date, and Engraver. 18441 Livius, Barhani John. (The i)late of John BarJiam Livius with inscription altered.) 18442 Livius, George 18443 Livius, George. {The last plate reivorhcd) .. 18444 Livius, George 18445 Livius, John Barham Llanbedr College. See Burgess. Llandaff, Earl of. See Mathew. Llandaff, Bishop of. See Ollivant. Llandaff, Bishop of. See Shipley. 18446 Llewellin, AVilham 18447 Llewellin, WilHani. {Arms. Llewellin impaling Lloyd ? and Price.) (Jarrett, London.) 18448 Llewelyn, Fannj'. {Arms. Lleiuelyn, quartering Givyn, with Manson / on an escutcheon.) 18449 Llewelyn, The Gift of Thos., Esqr., ll.d., obiit 7 Aug. 1783. {Ar7ns. Llewelyn impaling Barrett.) (W. Gingell sc. Bath.) 18450 (Lloyd, Baron Mostyn.) Pengwern. (Sir Edward Price Lloyd, Barf., created Baron Mostyn 1831, married 1794 Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart. ; died 1854.) 18451 (Lloyd, Baron Mostyn.) Pengwern. {The last plate printed on pale brown 2)aper.) 18452 Lloyd 18453 Lloyd 18454 Lloyd. {A diferent plate) 18455 Lloyd .. ' 18456 Lloyd. Christ's College 18457 Lloyd of Trowscoed. {Arms. Lloyd imjjaling . . . . Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Bool:'') 18458 Lloyd, Ann 18459 Lloyd, Charles. {Arms. Lloyd quartering Farmer) 18460 Lloyd, David 18461 Lloyd, Edward. 12 Upr. Mount Street 18462 Lloyd, Evan 18463 Lloyd, Evan 18464 Lloyd, Francis. (T. Radclylfe set.) 18465 Lloyd, Revd. F. B., M.D. 18466 Lloyd, Gamaliel .. 18467 Lloyd, Gamaliel. {The last plate reworked) 18468 Lloyd, Gamaliel 18469 Lloyd, George, Esqr. (Billinge sculp.) Style. Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Aniiorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a frame Armorial Aniiorial Crest Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ar- morial shield on a mantle Crest Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Chippendale Armorial Frcinhs Collection of Book Plates. 181 Name, Date, a>'d Esgbavek. laiTO 18471 18483 18484 18485 18486 18487 18488 18489 18490 18491 *231 18492 18493 18494 Lloyd, George, Esqr. sculp.) Lloyd, Griffith ( Th e last pla te rcworlrd.) (Billinge Style. 18472 Lloyd, Henry Hastings, Esqr 18473 Lloyd, Sir Herbert, Bart. (Arms. Lloyd imjiaJiuri PowcU. Herbert Lloyd of Peterwell, co. Cardigan, created a Baronet 1763, married Beatrix, sister of Dr. Powell ofNaideos; died 1769.) 18474 Lloyd, H. R., a.m. Dm. c.t. Archiep. Cantuar. a sac. Dom. {Arms. Lloyd imj)ali)ig Grey.) 18475 Lloyd, James Martin Carr-, of Lancing Manor in ye County of Sussex, Esqr. (A^-ms. Carr quartering Lloyd, impaling Wodeliouse. J. M. Carr-Lloyd married 1875 Alice Katherine, daughter of Col. Edwin Wodehousc, C.B.) 1881. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) 18476 Lloyd, John 18477 Lloyd, John 18478 Lloyd, John, Clerk. E Coll. Jesu Oxon. {Arms. Lloyd ■with WatJiin on an escutcheon.) (F. Prothero sculp.) 18479 Lloyd, Jo., iEdis Xti. Alumnus. 1730 18480 Lloyd, The Reverend John, a.m. 173-. (Bicldiani Junr. Fecit 1734.) 18481 Lloyd, John, a.m. {The last idate reioorhed. The en- graver's name seems to have been erased though traces of it reynain.) 17 —. 18482 Lloyd, Revd. John, a.m Lloyd, John. Carmarthen. 1796 Lloyd, John Bullock, Esqr. Brecon. {Arms. Bel field .' tuitli Lloyd on an escutcheon.) Lloyd, John Duplan Lloyd, Joseph. (Warwick Ft. 145 Strand) . . Lloyd, Ai-ms of J. Youde Wm., of Clockfaen, Co. of Mont- gomery, and late of Plas Madog, Co. of Denbigh, Esqr. Lloyd, J. W Lloyd, J. W. lungston, Herefordshire K. D. LL. (Lloyd). {Note on the bacJc, '■^ King Dod Lloyd.") Lloyd, Lady. {Arms. Lloyd impaling Leighton. Jane, daughter of Sir Edward Leighton of Watlcsborough, Bart., and widow of Thomas Jones of Shrewsbury, viarHed Sir Charles Lloyd of Garth, 3rd Bart. ; she died 1734.) Lloyd, ]\Iountagu, a.m.. Fellow of Trinity College in Cam- bridge. 1706. Lloyd, Mountagu, a.m., Fellow of Trinity College in Cam- bridge. {The last plate reworlccd.) 1706. Lloyd, Revd. M. I. {Arms. Lloyd imjmling Car well .') .. Lloyd, Ex Legato Dom. Nath., Militis ll.d. a.d. 1741 18495 Lloyd, Phil 18496 Lloyd, Richard, a.d. 1887. (C. W. D. (Dempsey)) 18497 Lloyd, Richard Bateman, Esqr. Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Vesica Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Engi'avcd label Pictorial Crest and cypher Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Stamped leather label Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 182 FrcmTcs Collection of Bool:' Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 18498 18499 18500 18501 18502 18503 18504 18505 18506 18507 18508 18509 18510 18511 18512 18513 18514 18516 18517 18518 18519 18520 18521 18522 18523 Lloyd, Eichavd jMyddelton. (Anns. Lloyd quartering Salusbnry.) Lloyd, Robei-t Jones Lloyd, Robert Jones Saunderson, of Ardnagowan, Co. Roscommon. {Arms. Lloyd quartering Hicks and Lister.) Lloyd, Richard "SValmesley, Esq., Representative of the Houses of Plj-mog, Gwerclas, Coldcoates and Bashall. {Originally engraved by Becker for ^^ Burke's Heraldic Illustrations " and afteriuards used as a Jjookj^tlate.) Lloyd, Richard Walmesley, Esq., Representative of the Houses of Plj-mog, Gwerclas, Coldcoates and Bashall. {The last ])late reworked : see the 20th quartering.) Lloyd, Rossdle., of Aston Com. Salop, Esqr. {Cojned fro77i tJie plate of Thos. Lloyd.) Lloyd, Sampson Coysgarne Lloyd, Thomas. {Arms. Lloyd impaling Pennefather) .. Lloyd, Thos., of Aston, Com. Salop, Esqr. .. Lloyd, Thomas. Lincoln's Inn . . Lloyd, Thomas, Esqr. (J. W. B.) Lloyd, Thomas Henricus, Coll. Regal. Cantab. Lloyd, Will., Episcopus Vigorn. {Born 1627; Bishoj) of St. Asaph 1680, translated to Lichfield and Coventry 1692, and to Worcester 1700; died 1717.) 1717. Lloyd, Willm Lloyd, Willm. .. .. ..... Lloyd, \Vm., Queens Coll., Cam. Lloyd, William, of Maes-annod, in the Vale of Clwyd, Denbighshire, North Wales. 1764. (Printed by J. Ross, Cannarthen.) (Lloyd), anonymous. {Arms. Lloyd impaling Lumley, Probably the 2}l(ite of the Bevd. Dr. Bobcrt Lloyd, who claimed the Barony of Lumley in 1123. His ancestoi'y Humiyh rey Lloyd, of Denbigh, married Barbara, daugh ter of George Lumley, son of John, r^th Baron Lumley.) (Lloyd), anonymous (Lloyd), anonymous. {Copied from the plate of David Lloyd.) (Lloyd), anonymous or mutilated (Lloyd), anonymous. {A bookplate ^ (Lloyd), anonymous. {Anns. Lloyd quartering Salus- bury.) (Lloyd ?) anonymous (Lloyd ?) anonymous (Lloyd?) anonymous. (Engd. by W. West).. Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial spado shield Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Annorial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial shield on a mantle Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spado shield Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 183 Name, Date, and Engraver. 18524 18525 18526 18527 18528 18529 18530 18531 18532 18533 18534 18535 18536 18537 18538 18539 18540 18541 18542 18543 18544 18545 18546 18547 18548 18549 18550 18551 18552 18553 18554 18555 18556 Lobb, Mr. Joseph IjOcIi, George, Esquire .. Loch, George, of Drylaw. {This seems to he the second plate of James Loch iuith inscription altered.) Loch, George, Junr. G. G. L. (Loch) Loch, James, of Drylaw., Loch, James, of Drj-law. {A different ])late) Loch, John. {The first plate of James Loch with altered inscription.) Lock, M. 1758 Lock, The Revd. Mr. Thos., m.a., Student of Christ Ch., Oxford. Dean's Yard, Westminster. {Note by Sir A. W. Franlvs: '' B.A. 1752; M.A. 1755. Usher West- minster School, 1759.") Lock, Walter Elphinstone. {Ar?7is. Lock impaling Knox) Locke, Charles Wollaston Locke, John Locke, Robt. Locke, Revd. S., d.d. Locke, Ex Libris Gulielmi Johannis, a.d. mdocc. (C. Davies Sherborn.) Locker-Lampson, Dorothy. (K. G. (Greenaway)) Locker, Edward Hawke, f.r.s., f.s.a. {Arms, Locker im- paling Boucher. Edward H. Locker married 1815 a daughter of the Revd. Jonathan Boucher ; died 1849.) Locker, Eleanor Bertha Mary . . Locker, Frederick. {Arms. Locher with Parry on an escutcheon. See the plate of his grandfather, Captain William Locker.) Locker, Frederick. (H. S. M. (Marks)) {The last plate printed on buff' paper.) Style. (^1 smaller- plate.) (H. S. M.) {The last plate printed in hroion.) {The last plate printed in sepia.) {A very small plate.) (H. S. M. Locker, Frederick. (H. S. M.) Locker, Frederick. Locker, Frederick. (H. S. M.) Locker, Frederick. (H. S. M.) Locker, Frederick. (Marks).) Locker, E Libris BibliotheciE Domesticae Frederici. Ao. Dni. 1874. {Ar^ns. Locker quartering Parry.) Locker, Frederick. (Walter Crane) .. Locker, Frederick. {Arms. Locker impaling Bruce and Lampsoyi. Frederick Locker married 1st 1850 Lady Charlotte Bruce, and Indly Hannah Jane, daughter of Sir Curtis M. Lampson, Bart.) (K. G. (Greenaway).) Locker, Frederick. {The last plate printed in sepia.) (K. G.) Locker, Frederick Locker, Frederick. {The last pilate printed in sepia) F. L. (Frederick Locker) . . Armorial Crest in a square frame Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial modern Crest Jacobean Anuorial Jacobean Anuorial Jacobean Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Anuorial Armorial Library interior Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Annorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Anuorial Pictorial Armorial Annorial Pictorial Annorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial 184 Frunhs CoUectioit of Book Flutes. 2s', Date, and Engravek. 18557 Locker-Lampson, Godfrey. (K. G. (Greenaway)) . . 18558 Locker-Lampson, Maud. (K. G. (GreenawnyV) 18559 Lockei', William . . 18560 Lockei', Capt. Wm., Eoyal Navy. {Arms. Lochcr imjyaling Farry. Capt. Wm. Locker, Lieutenant-Governor of Greenwich Hospital, married 1770 Lucy, daughter of Admiral William Parry; died 1800.) (Darling feet., Newport St.) 18561 (Locker), anonpnous 18562 Lockett .. .. 18563 Lockett, Henry. {Printed on yellow j^apcr) 18564 Lockhart of Cleghorn . . 18565 18566 *546 18567 18568 18569 Lockhart, Archd. (Swan, So.) Lockhart, George, of Carnwath Lockhart, George, of Carnwath. the last ijlate.) Lockhart, George, of Carnwath. Lockhart, George, of Carnwath worlied.) Lockhart, J. {Another impression of {A smaller plate) {The last pilate re- 18570 Lockhart, John .. 18571 Lockhart, John, of Lee, Esqr. 18572 Lockhart, L 18573 Lockhart, Wm., Esqr., Craighouse 18574 (Lockhart-Wishart, Count), anonymous 18575 Lockwood, Alice. {Arms. Loch wood quartering Cutts, Tothill, and Dowdeswell. The plate of John Loclavood with inscrip)tion altered.) 18576 Lockwood, John . . 18577 Lockwood, John. (^4. different pilate) .. .. ' .. 18578 Lockwood, John, Esqr. {Arms. Lochwood impaling Conyers. John Lockwood, second son of Bichard. Lock- wood, by Jiis wife Matilda, sister of Sir Thomas Ver)wn, married Matilda, daughter of Conyers of Coptpcd Hall, CO. Essex.) 18579 Lockwood, Joshua 18580 Lockwood, Miss .. 18581 Lockwood, Richard, Esqr., Dews Hall, Essex 18582 18583 18584 18585 Lockwood, Willm. {Fifth son of Richard Lockwood of Dews Hall by his tvife Matilda, sistei' of Sir Thomas Vernon of Sudbury.) Lockwood, William Joseph, Esqr., Dews Hall, Essex. {Cojnrd from the plate of Richard Lockwood.) Lockyer, Edmund Leopold Lockyer, Edmund Leopold, m.a. {Arms. Lockyer quar- liriiig Penrose, Braifhwaitc, and Bruton, im2)aling Woo'dfordr. The Pn-d. E. L. Lockyer, Rector of Wcs't- Style. Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial supporters Crest Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial supporters Festoon Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial supporters Armorial Chippendale Engraved label Armorial trophy Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest in a garter Wreath and rib- bon Armorial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Fmnlcs Collection of Booh Plates. 185 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 18586 18587 18588 18589 18590 18591 18592 18593 18594 cote Barfou, co. Oxon., married 1839 Julia Mary, (laughter of the Bcvd. Thomas Woodforde, Rector of Ansford and Pointington, co. Somerset.) Lockyer, Edmund Stoughton Braithwaite, Major, Royal Horse Artillerj'. {Arms. Loclyer impaling Dives. E. S. B. Lockyer married 1882 Florence Anne, daughter of Thomas Dives of Clapham.) Lockyer, Elizabeth, Bath, Oct. 4, 1768 Lockyer, George. (Jarrett, London) .. Lockyer, George. (^-1 different plate.) (Jarrett, London) Lockyer, James. {The Arms and Crest of Dyer) .. Lockyer, William. (Silvester sc., 27 Strand) (Lockyer), anonymous. (Silvester sc., 27 Strand) ,. Loder, Edwd. Loder, Edmund Giles Style. 18595 Lodge, Edmd., Carshalton 18596 Lodge, Edward T 18597 Lodge, Ex Libris Henrici 18598 Lodge, Ex Libris Henrici, Armiger, Riveljm, Liverpool. {The last plate reworked.) 18599 Lodge, John 18600 Lodge, John. (Warwick sc, 145 Strand) 18601 Lodge, M., 1738 18602 Lodge, Matthew 18603 Lodge, Ralph, Gray's Inn 18604 Lodge, Robert J 18605 Lodington, Revd. I 18606 Lofft, Capel. {The Arms and Crest of Capel) 18607 Loft, J. H. {Arms. Loft imjmling . . .) 18608 Loftie 18609 Loftie. {A reprint of the last plate) 18610 18611 18612 18613 18614 1861J W. J. L. (Loftie) (Loftie), anon jinous (Loftie), anonj-mous. {A modern impression from an old plate!) (Loftus, Marquess of) Ely. {Probably the plate of the 2nd Marquess, 7vho succeeded 1806, aiid died 1845.) (Loftus), A. M. Ely. {Anna Maria, daughter of Sir H. W. Dashwood, Bart., married 1810 John, 2nd Marquess of Ely, K.P. ; she died 1857.) Loftus, Henry, Esqr. 18616 Loftus, Nicholas, Esqr., 1st Regt. of Horse .. 18617 Loftus, W. K. (Small & Hill, Newcastle) 18618 (Loftus), anonymous. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Amiorial arms in an oval frame pendant from a ribbon Crest Vesica Armorial Vesica Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Autograph Jacobean Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial trophy Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest Festoon Aimoiial Crest within the collar of the order of St. Patrick Engraved label Jacobean Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest 186 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 18619 18620 18621 18622 18623 18624 18625 18626 18627 18628 18629 18630 18631 18632 18633 18634 18635 18637 18638 18639 (Logache, Colonel, of Jersey), anonymous Logan, Walter Logan, Will-m. .. Logan, William Hugh Logan, William Hugh. tinted paper.) Loganian Library {The last plate printed on hrotvn Loggan, Thomas . . (Lohr, Revel. Charles William), anonymous .. Lomax, of Harwoocl Lomax, Carolus, e soce. pharm. Londin. 1776 Lomax, John Lomax, John. {Arms. Lomax quartcri7ig Grimshaio and Clayton.) Lomax, John, Esqr. Clayton Hall, co. Lancaster. {Origin ally engraved by BecJcer for " Burhe's Heraldic Illus tratio7is" and afterwards used as a bookj^late.) Lomax, John Joseph Lombard, Esqr. Cork. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Bequeathed his Library to the Cork Library 1794.' The plate is engraved " Geo. Lombard" but the Chris tian name is not printed.) Lombard, Geo. Esqr. Cork Lombe, Lady. {Arms. Turner Elizabeth, daugJiter of John Kent, son of Thomas Turner Margaret, daughter and coheir Rotherhithe, married Sir Thomas Lombe, Alderman of London ; he died 1739 ; she died 1753.) quartering Theobald Turner of Ileden co of Ileden by his wife of Peter Theobald of 18636 Lombe, Thomas. Cambridge Londesborough, Baron. See Denison. London, Bishop of. Sec Blomfield. London, Bishop of. London, Bishop of. London, Bishop of. London, Bishop of. London, Bishop of. See See Compton. See Ho'wley. See Randolph. See Robinson. Sec Tait. London and Middlesex Archaeological Society. Societies. Londonderry, Marquess of. See Tempest. (Long), Bight Honourable Lord Farnborough. {Arms. I.Long; I.Long imj^aling Hume. The Rt. Honble. Sir Charles Long, G.C.B., created Baron Farnborough 1826, married 1793 Amelia, daughter of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. ; died 1838.) Long, Beeston, Esqr. Long, Charles, Esqr. {Arms. Long impaling Probably an early 2^l(^i<^ of Charles Long, Baroyi Farnborough 1826.) 18640 Long, Right Honourable Sir Charles, G.c.B. .. 18641 Long, Chas, Esqr, 'C, L. feet. (Long)) Hume, created Style. Armorial Festoon crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Anuorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial. Two shields accoltS Armorial spade shield Armorial spado shield Annorial. Two shields accole with supporters Pictorial Armorial FrnnJcs Colleetim of Boole Plates. 1S7 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 18G42 Long, Chas. Esqr. {The last j)late reioorked.) (C. L. feet. (Long).) 18643 Long, Charles. Hurts Hall. (Arms. Long, quartering North, im;paling Long. Charles Long married Jane, daughter of Bccston Long and died 1813.) 18644 Long, Charles Beckford, Esqr. (Arms. Long, quartering Tate and Beckford, with TucJicr on an escutcheon. Charles Bedford Long, third son of Edward Long by Mary, daughter and heir of Thomas Beckford, married Frances Monro, daughter and heir of Lucius Tucker.) 1864i'5 Long, Charles Beckford . . 1864G Long, Charles Beckford. {The last plate ivith the Crest reworked.) 18647 Long, Charles E 18648 Long, Charlotte Anna. {Arms. Long with Hume on an escutcheon. Charlotte Anna, daughter and heir of the Bt. Honhle. W. W. F. Dick, formerly Hume, of Hume- wood, married 1853 Bichard Penruddocke Long of Bood Ashton ; he died 1875.) 18649 C. A. L. (Charlotte Anna Long) 18650 C. A. L. (Charlotte Anna Long.) {A smaller 'plate) .. 18651 Long, Daniel Jones 18652 Long, Edward. {Arms. Long, quartering Tate and Zouche, with Beckford on an esciitcheon. Edward Long of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law , Chief Justice of the Vice Admiralty Court of Jamaica, 7narried Mary Ballard, daughter and heir of Thomas Beckford and luidoio of John Ballmer.) 18653 Long, Edward Beeston. {Arms. Long with Thomlinson on an escutcheon. Edward Beeston Long of Hamp- ton married Mary daughter of John Thomlinson, M.P.) 18654 Long, Edward Beeston, Esqr. {A different plate) .. Long, George Long, H. G. S Long, John Long, John St. John. {Arms. Long quartering St. John.) (O'Connor, scp.) 18659 Long, Robert 18655 18656 18657 18658 18660 18661 18662 18663 18664 18665 18666 18667 18668 18669 18670 ton Long, Bobert Long, Robert. {The last plate reworked) Long, Robert. Arm. {Arms. Long impaling Troughton) Long, M. General Robt. (J. P. Elven set.) Long, Robert B. .. Long, Samuel Long, Samuel, Esqr. {TJie last plate with inscriptl altered.) Long, Samuel Long, Samuel. {The last plate reworked) Long, Thos. {Arms. Long impaling Hart) Long, Walter Pictorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Anuorial Crest Armorial lozenge Armorial lozenge Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial 188 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 18671 18672 18673 18674 18675 18676 18677 18678 18679 18680 18681 18682 18683 18684 18685 18686 18687 18688 18689 18690 18691 18692 18693 18694 18695 18696 18697 Long, Walter, Esq. Preshaw, Hants. {Arvis. Lonfj im- 2)aUng Carnegie. Walter Long married 1810 Mary, daughter of William 1th Earl of Northesh. Engraved by BccTxivith for '■'■ BurTie's Heraldic Ilhistratio7is.") Long, William Long, William, m.a., f.s.a. (Arms. Long impaling Joliffe. William Long of Wrington co. Somerset married 1841 Elizabeth Hare, daughter and heir of James Hare Joliffe.) Long, Eevd. William Long, Willm., Esqr. {Ar7ns. Long tvitli Dawson on an escutcheon. William Long of Marwell Hall co. Hants married Alice, daughter of Edmund Daivson of Warton, CO. Lancaster.) (Long), anonymous. {The i^ate of Samuel Long without inscrijition.) (Long), anonymous (Long), anon^-mous. (Arms. Long imjpaling Wal/pole. Henry Latoes Long of Hamjiton Lodge married 1822 Catharine, daughter of Horatio Ind Earl of Orford.) (Long), anonymous. (The last plate in-inted in sejna) (Long), anonjTaous. (Cleghorn) Longbottom, Abram P. (Arins. Longbottom with Ains- tvorth : on an escutcheon.) Longbottom, Abram P. (Arms of the toivns of Bradford and Leeds surmounted by the American Eagle.) C. R. L. (Longclen) Longden, Hem-y .. Longden, John Piobert, Esqr. Cliaimian.) Longden, E. (Arms. Longden quartering Longden, T. H. (Arms. Longde^i impaling Johnson 1) . . Longden, T. 11. (A smaller plate) Longe, Francis, of Spixwoi-th Hall, Norf. Longe, Francis. Spixworth Park, Norfolk. (Arms. Long, quartering Frerc, with Warde having Jachson on a canton, on an escutcheon. Francis Longe married Katherine, daughter of Sir George Jackson Bart, and coheir of her mother Mary, daughter and coheir of William Warde of London.) (Hixon sc.) Longe, Francis, Spixworth Park, Norfolk. (The last plate reworked.) Longe, John. Spixworth Hall. The pilate of Francis Longe with inscription altered.) Longe, Eevd. John. Coddenham, Suffolk Longfello^v, Henry W. . . Longfleld, John . . Longfleld, Mr Longfield, Mountifort Style. Seal Avmnvir Ai'morial Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest and cj^her Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Chippendale Aji'morial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters Armorial spade shield Jacobean Ar- morial Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Stamped leather label Armorial shield on clouds Franks Collection of Book Plates. 189 Name, Date, and Ekgravee. 18698 18699 18700 18701 18702 18703 18704 18705 18706 18707 18708 18709 18710 18711 18712 18713 18714 18715 18716 18717 18718 18719 18720 18721 18722 18723 18724 18725 18726 18727 liongley, Charles T. (Longley), C. T, Cantuar. (Charles Thomas Longley, Head-master of Harrow 1829; Bishop of Ripon 1836; Bishop of Durham 1856; Archbishop of York 1860; Archbishop of Canterbury 1862; died 1868.) Longley, Sir Henry, k.c.b. {Arnis. 1. Longley quartering Sir Henry Longley married of John Davenport.) 1890. Style. Longman impaling Barloiv) Bond. 2. Davenport. 1861 Diana daughter (C. W. Sherborn, fecit.) Longman, John Thomas Longman, William Longman, William. {Arms. Longman, Wm, Churchill (Longman), anonymous. {The plate of William Longman without inscription.) (Longman), anonj'mous.. Longmore, John . . Longmore, Joseph. (Radford sc. Cheltm.) .. Longmore, Sir Thomas. {Arms. Longmore impaling Moorsom. Surg. Genl. Sir Thos. Longinore married 1862 Mary Rosalie Helen, daughter of Captain Moor- som, C.E.) [Longraft, Charles John,] anonymous Longridge, George Henry. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) Longridge, George W^m. (Lambert) .. Longridge, INIich, Gent. Wallbottlc. {Printed in red.) ('' Barber's Plate." Note by Sir A. W. Franlis.) Longridge, Michael Longridge, Thos. Gateshead .. Longstaff", Revd. W., M.A. LongstafF, Genl. Hilton. {A modern copy of an old plate? Anns. Longsta^ff quartering Hilton.) Longueville, Viscountess. See Yelverton. Lonsdale, Arthur Pemberton Heywood. {Arms. Lonsdale, quartering Heywood, impaling Neilson. A. P. Heywood Lo7isdale married 1863 Frajices EUzdbetli, daughter of Daniel Neilson of Hundliill, co. YorJc.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. FranlvS.) Lookup, George, Esqr. .. Lopes. {Arms. Lopes quartering Franco) .. Lorain, James, of Angelraw, Esqr. Loraine, J. Lambton Loraine, J. Lambton. {TJie last plate printed on blue paper.) The Lord Chief Baron. See Pollock. Lord, Henry W. West Wind Farms .. Lord, Robert Lord Mayor's Library. (Longmatc 41 Berwick St.) Lorimer, Ex Libris George. 1894. (J. F. N. (Nixon)) , . Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial spade shield Armorial. Two shields accole Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield pendant from a ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial xVrmorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pecorative 190 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 18728 18729 18730 18731 18732 18733 18734 18735 18736 18737 18738 18739 18740 18744 18745 18746 18747 18748 18749 18750 Lorimei', Jac, Jur. Pub. Profr. {Arms. Stodart, quartering Turnbull.) Loriraer, John, m.d. Lorivier imiyaling {The Arms and Crest lioring, Eevd. Henry Lloyd Lorymer, Jno. Powell. Peiiih^Te. of Herbert.) Loscombe, C. W. Loscombe, Joseph Liosh, James. (Lambert ?) Loten, John Gideon, f.r.s. & f.s.a. Lothian, Marquess of. See Kerr. Lothian, E. Lothian, Maurice Lothian, Mauiice Lott, Thomas. {Arms. Lott imjjallng Grcciiacre !) Loudon or Loudoun, Earl of. See Campbell. Loudon, John Claudius, F.R.S. .. 18741 Loudon, I. C, f.l. h.g. z.s. &c. Lough Fea. See Shirley. 18742 Loughnan, James 18743 (Louis, Baronet), anonymous . Bayswater anonymous Mert. Coll. Mert. Coll. (Louis, Baronet), London.) Lousada, Percy. Ski]} with,) Lousada, Percy. gold on dark blue paper.) Lousada, Percy. Mert. Coll. Skij)with.) Louth, Earl of. See Bermingham Lovaine, Baron. See Percy. Lovat, Master of. See Fraser. Love, Edward Missendcn, a.m. Love, James Frederick, c.b. & k.h. Love, M. .. (Silvester sc. 27 Strand, {Arms. Lousada impaling {The last plate printed in {Arms. Lousada quartering 18751 Love, William 18752 18753 18754 18755 ^87 Loveband, William Chorion . (.Puyh Bros. Loudon i Loveday, General Lambert Loveden, Edwai-d Loveden, Esqr. Buscot Park, Berks. {Edward Loveden Townshend assumed the name and arms of Loveden in 1772.) Loveden, Edward Loveden, Esqr. {Anns. Loveden with Prijsc on an csrufelicon. Edward, Loveden Loveden married Margaret, daughter and heir of Lewis Prysc of Gogerddan.) Lovel, Baron. See Coke. Lovelace, The Pviglit iloiiblc. John Lord, Baron of Hurley in C'oiTi. Bucks. {Succeeded 1693 as Afh Baron ; died 1709 while Governor of New York.) 1704. Style. Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Chippendale Armorial Landscape Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Jacobean Armorial ^Vi'morial Annorial Armorial spade sliield Armorial spade shield Early Armorial Franks Collect ion of Book Plates. 191 Name, Date, and Engraver. 18756 Lovelace, John, A. B. (Lovelace sc.) .. 18757 Loveland, Richard Loveland. (Anns. Loveland quarter- ing . . .) (H. Salt, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.) 18758 Lovell, The Reverend Edmund, LL.D. . . 18759 Lovell, Edward 18760 Lovell, Edwin. {Anns. Lovell imjjaling Broderip. Edivin Lovell of Chilcote Manor, co. Somerset, married 1836 Elizabeth Charlotte, daughter of Edmund Broderip of Cossington, in the same county.) (183-. wmk. in paper.) 18761 Lovell, E Libris Johannis 18762 Lovell, Robert, Junr. (Cook sc.) 18763 Lovett, Jonathan, Esqr. Liscombc, Com. Bucks. {TJie 2)late of Robert Lovett with altered inscription. Born 1722 ; died 1770.) 18764 Lovett, Robert, Esqr. Liscombc, Com. Bucks. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyotis book.'') 18765 Lovett, The Revd. Robert. Bath. {Arms. Lovett with Soames on an escutcheon. The Revd. R. Lovett married, as his 1st wife, Frances, daughter and heir of William Aldwin Soamet of Langdon Hills, co. Essex.) 18766 Lovett, The Revd. Robert. Bath. {The last plate printed on green paper.) 18767 Lovett, Sackville H 18768 Lovett, Vemcy. Trin. Coll. Cant. {Printed in red.) (W. Henshaw sculpt.) 18769 Lovett, W.M 18770 (Lovett), anonj-mous. [Arms. Lovett imjmling Soames. See the plate of the Revd. Robert Lovett.) 18771 Loveybound. (W. I. ?) 18772 Lovibond, G. B. M. {Arms. Lovibond impaling Hatfield. George Brudenell Michelscn Lovibond of Hatfield Pevercll, co, Essex, married 1826 Frances, daughter of Alexander Hatfield of T ivickenham.) 18773 Low. {Arms. Low impaling Gallon?) 18774 Low, John 18775 Low, T., M.D 18776 Lowdell, [Geo.]. {The plate of Stephen Lowdell with inscription altered.) 18777 Lowdell, Stephen 18778 Lowdell, Stephen. {Arms. Lowdell impaling Grantham) 18779 (Lowdell), anonymous .. 18780 Lowder, Revd. Mr. Cardiff 18781 Lowder, Thomas, ll.b. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, '' Lyons Book:') 18782 C. L. (Lowdham) 18783 Lowe, Alfred Edward Lawson. {Arms. Lowe quartering Hurst, Wilson and Smith.) Style. Jacobean Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Engraved label Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Architectural Armorial ? Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest and cypher in a \VTcath Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Annorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean pictorial Armorial 192 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 18784 Lowe, Frederic PyncLir 18785 Lowe, James. Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane . . 18786 Lowe, John, Esqr. 18787 Lowe, John, Esqr. {Arms. Lowe imi)aliuri Ho2:>c) 18788 Lowe, John. {The last xAate with inscrij)tion aUcrccl) 18789 Lowe, John & William. Temple 18790 Lowe, Eobert. {Arms. Lowe quartering Bcchcr, Slier- hrooTie and Lee.) 18791 Lowe, Robert. {The last plate jprintedin blue) 18792 Lowe, William Henry 18793 Lowe, W. H., m.d. {Ar)ii)i. Lowe inqjaling Boy- dell.) 18794 (Lowe), anonj-mous. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18795 (Lowe), anonjmous. {Arms. Lowe imjjaling Otter. Pro- bably the j^ldte of Alfred Edward Lawson Loive, ivho married 1872 Emily, daughter of the Bcvd. George Otter.) 18796 Lowell, John. (N. Hurd sop.) 18797 Lowell, John, Jr. (Annin and Smith sc.) 18798 Lowell, John Amory. {Arms. Lowell quartering Lever- sage.) 18799 Low^ell, S., Minister of the Gospel 18800 Lower, Mark Anthony. {Born 1813 ; died 1876) . . 18801 Lowes, John, Esqr. Ridley Hall 18802 Lowfield, Thos 18803 Lowinan, Moses, of Clapham . . 18804 Lowndes, Charles 18805 Lowndes, H. D 18806 Lowndes, James. (Home sc. Temple Bar) . . 18807 Lowndes, I. & F. {Arms. Lowndes impaling Barry. Probably the plate of John Lowndes of Arthurlie, Co. Renfrew, born 1766 ; married Frances, daughter of James Parry of Bath.) 18808 Lowndes, I. K. {Arms. Lowndes impaling Taylor .') (Ncelc Sculpt. 352 Strand.) 18809 Lowndes, M. D. (Eng. by W. Coutts Liverpool) .. 18810 Lowndes, B. {Arms. Lowndes impaling Brougham. Richard Lowndes of DorJdng, co. Surrey, married 1787 Rebecca, daughter of Henry Brougham of Brougham Hall, en. Westmorland.) 18811 Lowndes, R. {The last plate reworked) *437 Lowndes, Robert, Esqr. 1702 *205 Lowndes, Robert. {The last j^ldte reworked.) 1702 18812 Lowndes, Tliomas 18813 Lowndes, TIic Honblc. William, Esqr., Secretary to yc Right Honblc. Sidney Lord Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of England. ' 1702. Style. Crest in a garter Engraved label. Crest ? Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Early Amiorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial spade shield Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Anuorial spade sliield Early Armorial Earl J' Armorial Festoon Armorial Earlv Armorial FranTxS Collection of Book Plates. 193 Name, Date, and Engraver. *199 Lo-wmdes, Tlic Honblc. William, Esqr., Secretary to ye Right Honble. Sidney Lord Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of England. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1702. 18814 LoAwndes, William, Esqr. Chesham . 18815 ( Lowndes), anon jinous .. 18816 (Lowndes), anonymous or mutilated .. 18817 Lowrey, Edward. (Arms. Loiurey quartering Bell, Bicharclson and Rutherford.) 18818 Low^ry, James. 7 Fitzwilliara Place . . 18819 Lowry, James. Dublin. {Note by Sir A. W. Frai^hs, " Lyons Booh.") 18820 Lowry, John 18821 Lowry, Mar^^ Anne. Durranhill House, Cumberland. {Arms. Lowry quartering Porter.) 18822 Lowry, Richard 18823 18824 18825 18826 18827 18828 18829 18830 18831 18832 18833 18834 18835 18836 18837 18838 18839 18840 18841 18842 18843 18844 18845 18846 Lowther. {Stamped in gold on dark blue paper) .. [Lowther, Alexdr.] Low^ther, Gorges Paulin Low^ther, J., Esqr. Lowther, The Right Honble. Lady Mary. {Arms. Lowther impaling Stuart. Mary, daughter of John, Earl of Bute, married 1761 Sir James Loivther, Bart., created Earl of Lonsdale 1784.) Lowther, Ponsonby. {The name not printed. Arms. Lowther quartering Beresford, Ponsonby, and St. George.) Low^ther, Sigillum Guliehni W. L. (The Honble. William Lowther). Lo^\iiher Lodge .. (Lowther?), anonymous. {A ^jcn a7id ink drawing. Arms. Loxuther ? impaling Hynde.) Loxdale. Salop . . Loxdale, George Henry . . Loxdale, J. Salop. {The plate of Loxdale ivith inscrip- tion altered.) Loxdale, James, b.a. Loxdale, James . . Loxdale, Richard, Junr. Loxdale, Tliomas Loxham, William, m.a., Cler. Longton. Loxley, Thos. A. (Loyd, Baron) Overstone. {Aryns. Loyd impaling Wright. Samuel Jones Loyd created Baron Overstone 1860, married 1829 Harriet, daughter of Ichabod Wright of Map2)erley Hall, Co. Nottingham ; died 1883.) Luard, Arthur Charles . . Style. Luard, Revd. Edward Luard, Edward Chauneey. Franks.) Luard, F. .. Luard, William . . (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. VOL. II. Earlv Armorial Armorial Early Aniiorial Pictorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Printed label Crest Pictorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest o 194 Frankfi Collection of Boole Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 18847 Lubbock, John 18848 J. "W". L. (Lubbock). (Arms. Liihhocli impaling Entivistle. John William Luhhock, who succeeded 1816 as 2nd Baronet, married. 1799 Mary, daughter of James Ent- ivistle of Rushohnr. Manchester.) 18849 Lubbock, Sir John WiUiani, Bart. {The last plate reworked.) 18850 Lube, John 18851 Lubeck, Louise, E Libris suis .. 18852 Lucas, Carolus. Pharmacopoeus Dublinensis. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.'') 18853 Lucas, Charles, M.D. 18854 Lucas, Edward 18855 Lucas, E. W 18856 Lucas, E. W. Eaconnel 18857 Lucas, Geo., Esqr. 18858 Lucas, Geo., Esqr. (A smaller plate) 18859 Lucas, H. W 18860 Liicas, H. W 18861 Lucas, I 18862 Lucas, I., Esqr 18863 J. L. (Lucas) 18864 J. L. (Lucas). {A smaller plate) 18865 Lucas, E Libris Bibl. Johannis Fossick, Arrnig. (L. Jewitt, F.s.A. Derby del. & sc.) 18866 Lucas, John Eobert. {Arms. Lucas quartering Adams) . . 18867 Lucas, John R. {Arms. Lucas quartering Butler ? and Vernon, with Adams on an escutcheon.) 18868 Lucas, Philip 18869 Lucas, Phillip. [29 Bartletts Buildgs. Holborn] 18870 Lucas, Mrs. P 18871 Lucas, R. B 18872 Lucas, Thos. {Arms. Lucas, quartering Hclyar f impaling Page or Curzon f) 18873 Lucas, Thomas, a.m. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons book.") 18874 Lucas, William. {Arms. Lucas quartering Kniglit) 18875 Lucas, William. {The last plate reworked) . . 18876 Lucas, Willm 18877 Lucas, Willm. {The last flatc printed in blue) 18878 Lucas, William H. (W. Mattlicws sculpt.) 18879 (Lucas), anon_>anous 18880 Luce, W. Seaborn 18881 Luck. ('Baker." Note bv Sir A. W. Franks) Style. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Pictorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Crest in a garter Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest Cx'est in a square frame Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial spade shield Crest and cj^pher Crest and cj'pher Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial arms in a garter on a mantle Armorial arms in a garter on a mantle Crest in a frame Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Aimorial AiTuorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 195 Name, Date, and Engraver. 18882 (Luck), anonymous. 18883 Luck, Tlios..'Esqr. 18884 nil 18885 18886 18887 18888 18889 18890 18891 18892 18893 18894 18895 18896 18897 18898 18899 18900 18901 18902 18903 18904 18905 18906 18907 (Proof of the last plate) Liickes, Henrv Eichards Lucy, Si\ Barkelev, of Netley in Hantshire, Baronet. (Suc- ceeded a.s S)rf Baronet about 1678 ; died 1759.) 1705. Lucy, William, Esqr., of Charlecote in Warwickshire. (This must be the plate of the Bevd. William Lucy, D.D., tvJio succeeded to Charlecote 1721 and died 1723-4.) (Lucy, Bishop Lucy born of St. David's), 1591, consecrated 1660 ; died 1677.) (Lucy), anonj-mous. Franks.) Ludford, John, Esq. anonymous. (William Bishop of St. David's (" Lyons book." Note by Sir A. W. Ludgater, Henry . . Ludgater, John . . Ludlam, James .. Ludlow, Abraham. (Arms. Ludlow ivith Gibbs on an escutcheon. Abraham Ludlow married 1799 Susanna, daughter and heir of Gaisford Gibbs of Heywood House, CO. Wilts.) Ludwell, riiilip, of Green-Spring in Virginia, Esqr. (Smith sculp.) Luflfness. See Hope. Lvike, Albert F. . . Luke, George Ponsford. Lukin, L. .. (Lukis), anon3^nous Lukyn, Robert. (Probably the j^lcte of Robert Lukyn, Mayor of Faversham ; born 1702; died 1784.) Lumb, Thomas. Silcoats. (Arms. Lumb / imjialing Ken worthy .') Lumisden, Anw. (Born 1720; Secretary to Prince Charles Edward 1145-1168 ; died 1801. Engraved by his brother-in-law Sir Robert Strange.) (R. Strange sculpt.) (Lumley), The Right Honble. the Earl of Scarborough. (Richard. 2nd Earl of Scarborough, succeeded 1721 ; k.G. 1724; died 1740. Arms. Thweng quartering Lnmley.) Lumley, Fredk, Loudon.) Lumley, James ing . . . .) Lumley, John qnartering Savile.) Lumley, Oswald J. Lumley, AVilliam. (Suffield sculpt.) .. Lumm, Thomas, of Lumville, Esqr. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, ''Lyons Book.'' Arms. Lumm, quartering Purcfoy, impaling Heaton. Thomas Lumm, son of Elnathan Lumm by his wife Dorothea, sister and heir of Colonel Wm. Purefoy, married Sarah, daughter and Style. ,, Esqr. Tickhill Castle. (Fenner sc. Rutherford. (Arms. Rutherford impal- Savile. (Arms. Lrimley or Thweng Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest in a garter Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Carolian arms on a plain shield between palm branches Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Late Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Anuorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Anuorial Crest Armorial Seal Anuorial Crest Anuorial Jacobean Armorial o 2 196 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. Style. coheir of Francis Heaton of Mount Heaton King's Co.; died 1743.) 18908 Lumsdaine, Sandys, of Lumsdaine. {Arms. Lumsdaine quartering Sandys.) (Mathews, sc. Oxford.) 18909 Lumsdaine, Sandys, of Lumsdaine. {Arms. Saiidys quartering Lumsdaine.) (W. INIathews sc. Oxford.) 18910 Lumsdaine, Francis G. Sandj^s. (W. Mathews sculpt.) 18911 Lumsden " 18912 Lumsden's 18913 Lumsden, Hugh, of Pitcaple .. 18914 Lumsden, H. T 18915 Lumsden, H. W 18916 Lum.sden, James Grant. {Arms. Lumsden impaling Grey.) 18917 Lumsden, John . . 18918 Lund, John, Junr. York 18919 Lund, Thos. (W. Burch set.) 18920 Lund, Thomas 18921 (Lund), anonymous. {Printed in colours) .. 1S922 (Lundin.) Auchtermairnie 18923 Lundin of that Ilk. (Ard. Burden sculp.) 18924 Lundin of that ilk 18925 Lunell, W. P 18926 Lupton, Harry 18927 Luscombe. {Arms. Luscombe quartering Manning and Ha u'kins.) 18928 Luscombe, John Luscombe. E Coll. Pemb. Oxon. (I. Adams. Exon.) 18929 Lushington, Dr. Doctor's Commons 18930 Lushington, Edward Harbord. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 18931 Lushington, Francis James Wildman. Norton Court. {Arms. Lnshingto7i qtiartering Wildman.) 18932 Lushington, Sir James Law, G.c.B. .. 18988 Lushington, Stephen, Esqr. {Arms. Lushington inqjaling Pcthy. Stephen Lushington of Sittinghourne, horn before 1678, married as his 2nd wife Jane, daughter of Prtlry and widoru of Edmond Fowler of Ash.) 18984 Luther, John, Esqr. {Arms. Luther quartering Dealtry ?) 18985 18936 18937 18988 18989 Luther, Richard Lviton Library. Lutwidge, Chas. See Stuart Marquess of Bute. Lutwridge, Charles. Holm Rook Lutwidge, R. W. Skcflington. {Arms. Luturidgr quarter- ing Mdlyneuj-.) (*' Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Lutwidge), anonymous Luxborough, Baron. See Knight. Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial "Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Jacobean Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Engraved label Armorial Annorial Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale crest Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Annorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 197 Name, Date, and Engraver. 18940 Luxmoore, Eevd. Chas. 18941 Liuxmoore, Coivndon H., f.s.a Cufhhert/) 18942 Luxmoore, C. S. .. 18943 Luxmoore, J. H. M. 18944 Lyddell, Charles, Esqr. .. {Arms. Luxvioore impaling Style. 18945 Lyddell, The Revd. Mr. Charles, ll.b. {The last plate ivifh inscription altered.) 18946 Lydekker, Richard 18947 (Lydius ?), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Under 07ie in Chetham Library is printed I. H. LYDIUS.") 18948 Lyell, Chai-les, Esqr. Kinnordy 18949 (Lygon, Baron) Beauchamp 18950 (Lygon, Earl Beauchamp), anonymous 18951 (Lygon), Countess of Beauchamp 18952 Lygon, E Libris Frederic! 18953 Lygon, Henry Beauchamp 18954 Lygon, Lady Louisa 18955 Lygon, William, Esqr. {Arms. Lygon with Denn on an escutcheon. Wm. Lygon of Madresfield, created Baron Beauchamp 1806 and Earl Beauchampi 1815, married 1780 Catherine, daughter and heir of James Denn; died 1816.) 18956 Lygon, William, Esqr. (^1 different plate) .. 18957 Lygon, William Beauchamp. 18 — 18958 Lygon, Honble. AVm. Beauchamp. {Became Viscount ElmlcTf by courtesy ivhen his father tvas created Earl Beauchamp in 1815; succeeded 1816 as ^nd Earl; died 1823.) 18959 (Lygon), anonymous. {The plate of Henry Beauchamp Lygo7i imthout inscription.) 18960 Lyle, Acheson Lymington, Viscount. See Wallop. 18961 A. L. (Lynch) 18962 Lynch, George 18963 Lynch, John, d.d. Dean of Canterbury. {John Lynch of Groves, co. Kent ; born 1697 ; Dean of Canterbury 1734 ; died 1760.) 18964 Lynch, Marcus 18965 Lynch, Marcus. {The last plate with the crest reworked) .. 18966 (Lynch), Groves. East Kent. {A reprint. Arms. Lynch quartering Wake. This must he the plate of Willia^n Lynch of Groves, K.B. ; M.P. for Canterbury and Envoy to the Court of Turin 1769 ; son of John Lynch, D.D., Dean of Canterbury, by his luife Mary, daughter of Wm. Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury.) Lyndhurst, Baron, and Baroness. See Copley. 18967 Lyndon, Willm, Escp 18968 Lyne, Edward 18969 Lyne, Henry Lynedoch, Baron. Crest in a garter Armorial arms in a garter Crest Crest Earlj' Jacobean Annorial Early Jacobean Armorial Ai'uiorial spade shield Chippendale Ajrmorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest and coronet Vesica Annorial Annorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Crest and cypher Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Armorial with supporters and the Order of the Bath Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Sec Graham, 198 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaveb. Style. 18970 (Ljran), Southwich. (Arms. Lynn with . . . on an escutcheon.) Armorial 18971 liynn, Chas. Seymour, Esqr. {Arms. Ljjiin imjialing Seymour.) Festoon Armorial 18972 Lynn, James Armorial 18973 Lynn, Willm. Lynns, Baron. See Townshend. Bookpile Armorial spade shield 18974 Lynns, I. W. Armorial 18975 (Lyon), The Right Honble. John, Earl of Strathmore. (Succeeded as Ath Earl 1695 ; died 1712.) Early Armorial 18976 (Lyon), The Right Honble. Thos., Earl of Strathmore. Jacobean (Succeeded as 8th Earl 1735 ; died 1753.). Armorial 18977 Lyon, Benjamin. (Ai-ms. Lyon impaling Cotnyns) Pictorial Armorial 18978 Lyon, David. Goring, Sussex .. Crest in a garter 18979 Lyon, John Armorial 18980 Lyon, John, Esqr. Warrington Chippendale Armorial 18981 M. A. E. L. (Lyon). (Anns. Lyon luith Colly er on an escutcheon.) Armorial lozenge 18982 Lyon, Ralph, D.D. Crest 18983 Lyon, Ralph, d.d. (The last 2)late with inscription recut.) Crest 18984 Lyon, Thomas Armorial 18985 Lyons, Colley, of River Lyons, Esqr. (Arms. Lyons Early Jacobean quartering Colley.) Armorial 18986 Lyons, John, Clk. Armorial 18987 Lys.. Armorial spade shield 18988 Lys. (A smaller plate) .. Armorial spade shield 18989 Lys, M Armorial 18990 (Lys), anonymous Chippendale Armorial 18991 (Lysaght), Lord Lisle. (John Lysaqht, created Baron Lisle Chippendale of Mountnorth 1758; died 1781.) Armorial 18992 Lysaght, Arthur . . Armorial 18993 Lysaght, John Ai'iuorial 18994 Lysaght, William Henry Armorial 18995 (Lysaght), anonymous .. Armorial 18996 Lyslsy, William John. Inner Temple. (Arms. Lysley imjniling Marshall. W. J. Lyslry married 1828 Caroline, daughter of John Marshall of Ardwick House, co. Lancaster.) Armorial 18997 Lyslsy, William John. Inner Temple. (Arms. 1 and 4. Lysley ; 2. Lysley, ancient ; 3. Pitt ; impaling Marshall.) Armorial 18998 Lysons, Samuel. E Coll. Oriel, Oxon. Chippendale Armorial 18999 Lysons, Samuel. E Coll. [Exon] , Oxon. [The last plate Chippendale ivith inscription altered in MS.) Armorial 19000 Lystsr, Fielding .. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 19001 Lyster, Henry Crest 19002 Lyster, Richard. Rowton Armorial spade shield 19003 [Lystsr, R.. Charlbury] Bookpile Franks CoUectiun of Booh Plates. 199 Name, Date, akd Engraver. 19004 19005 19006 19007 19008 19009 19010 (Lyster), mutilated or anonjinous. {This seems to he the plate of Fielding Lyster before the motto scroll tvas added.) Ly te, Henry Francis Lyte, Henry Francis. (A different plate) Jjyte, Ex Libris Henrici C. Maxwell. 1881 . . (Lyte), anonymous. (Arms. Lyte quartering Maxwell) (Lyte), anonpiaous. {The last plate reworked) (Lyttelton, Baron), anonymous. {Probably not a bookplate) 19011 (Lyttelton, Baron), anonjiuous. {The last plate reworked) 19012 (Lyttelton, Baron), anonymous. {This plate and the next appear on the titlepages of " The History of the life of King Henry the Second," by George, Lord Lyttelton, London 1767-1771, and probably were never used as bookplates.) (B. Green, sc.) 19018 (Lyttelton, Baron), anonymous. (^4 different plate, used only in the voliinie ]}ublished in 1771.) 19014 (Lyttelton, Baron), anonymous. {A third variety of the two former plates, perhaps engraved for the 2nd edition of Lord Lyttelton' s work.) 19015 Lyttelton, Revd. Charles, LL.D. 19016 Lytton, Sii- Edward Lytton Bulwer, Bart. Ivnebworth Park, CO. Herts. {Arms. Quarterly of 6. 1 and 6. Lytton and Bulwer quarterly ; 2. Bulwer ; 3. Earle ; 4. Warhurton ; 5. Norreys. Created a Baronet 1838, and. Baron Lytton of Knebworth 1866; died 1873. Originally engraved by Becker for ^'■Burke's Heraldic Illustrations " and afterivards used as a bookplate.) L. (Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne). See Royal Plates. 19017 L 19018 A. L 19019 A. L 19020 A. L 19021 C. L. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " / a cheque." 19022 E. L 19023 E. L 19024 E. L. (Leslie ?) Style. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Chippendale Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Cypher and coronet of a marquess Crest (on a ducal coronet a pelican vulning herself) and cypher Cj'pher and coronet of a countess Interlaced initials in a frame Armorial spade shield and c;^13her Chippendale cypher Wreath and ribbon cypher Intei-laced initials in a frame 200 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 19025 G. L. (B. L. 20 Feby. 1832) . . 19026 G. H. L. (Lys ?) 19027 I. L. 19028 I. L. 19029 J. L. {Printed in blue) 19030 J. Ij. (Leslie ?) . . 19031 J. J. L 19032 J. & S. Ij. (A bookplate ?) 19033 L. L 19034 P. M. L. {Stamped in colour) 19035 R. L. Coll. Exon. Oxon. . . 19036 R. D. L. {Printed in green) 19037 S. L 19038 S. L. 19039 W. L. 19040 W. L. 19041 W. A. L. .. 19042 W. H. R. L. W. H. S. F. L. See Leith. Style. Crest (a demi lion holding a pair of balances) and cypher Festoon crest (a fleiir de lis), and cypher Crest (out of a ducal coronet a demi talbot) and cypher Crest (a horse's head bridled, charged with a lozenge) and cypher Wreath and ribbon cypher in an oval frame Interlaced initials in a frame Cypher Festoon crest (on a ducal coronet a leopard's head) and cypher Floral cypher Crest (a gi-iffin pas- sant) and cypher Cypher Interlaced initials in an oval frame Crest (a lion's head erased, charged with a crescent) and cypher Crest (a demi lion ducally crowned) and cypher Wreath and ribbon initials and coronet of a countess Interlaced initials in a garter Cypher in a wreath Crest (a tiger sejant support- ing an escut- cheon charged A\ith an arm cmbowed hold- ing a wreath) and initials Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 201 Name, Date, and Engeavek. 19043 Mabel 19044 Maber, Peter 19045 Maberly, Alfred William 19046 Maberly, Joseph 19047 Maberly, W. L 19048 McAdam 19049 McAdam, Loudon. {Arms. McAdam imimling NicJioll. This inust be the plate of John Loudon McAdam, who married 1756 Gloriana Margaretta, daughter of William Nicoll of Islij}, Long Island, America ; died 1836.) (Biu'iiell, sc.) 19050 (McAdam), anonymous. {The plate of McAdam ^vithout inscription.) 19051 Macaire, John Francis. {Arms. Macaire impaling Hardy) Style. 19052 Macalister, Alexander 19053 Macalister, Alexander. tinted jiaper.) 19054 [McAll ? Eobei-t. His Book. {The last plate printed on hroivn 1790] 19055 McAllister, Hall 19056 Macan, Turner 19057 Macan, Turner 19058 McAnally, Richd. Frans. {Note hij Sir A. W. Franks '^ Lyon's Book.") 19059 McAndrew, Catherine .. 19060 Macandrew, Sir John, K.c.B. .. 19061 McAndrew, Eobert 19062 Macarmick, Leonora. (Longmaid, sculp.) . . 19063 Macarthur, Revd. Archd. (C. Thomson, sc, Cross Edmr.) 19064 Macarthur, Sir Edward, k.c.b. {Arms. 1. Macarthur. 2. Macarthur impaling Neill. Lt. Genl. Sir Edward Macarthur married Sarah, daughter of Lt, Col. William Smith Neill.) 19065 McArthur, John 19066 McArthur, William. (187- wnik. in paper) 19067 Macartney, The Right Honble. Sir George, Knight of the Order of the White Eagle and of the Bath. 19068 Macartney, The Right Honble. Geo. Lord, I^ight of the Order of the White Eagle and of the Bath. {The last jilate reworked. Sir George Macartney was created Baron Macartney, 1776.) 19069 Macartney, The Right Honble. Geo. Lord, Knight of the Order of tlie White Eagle and of tlie Bath. (.1 difcrcnt plate.) 19070 Macartney, The Right Honble. Geo. Lord, Knight of the Order of the White Eagle, and of the Bath. {The last plate reworked.) 19071 Macartney, George, Earl of, Kniglit of tlic Order of the White Eagle and of the Bath. {Created an Earl 1794 ; died 1806 ; tJie last plate reworked.) 19072 Macartney, George, Earl of, Knight of the Order of the White Eagle and of the Bath. {The last plate again reworked.) Crest in a garter Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Aiiuorial Armorial Seal Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Chippendale pictorial Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole Engraved label Armorial Armorial arms in a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle 202 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 19073 Macartney, Arthur Chichester . . 19074 Macartney, G. H. 19075 Macartney, John 19076 Macartney, John 19077 Macartney, John. 19078 Macartney, John. 19079 Macaulay, George 19080 Macaulay, Geo, M. 19081 19082 19083 19084 19085 19086 19087 19088 19089 19090 19091 19092 19093 19094 19095 19096 19097 19098 19099 19100 19101 19102 19103 19104 19105 19106 19107 {The last plate retoorl-efJ) [Printed on green paj)er) Macaulay quartering Macaulay impaling Macaulay, Hector, Quebec. 1773 Macaulay, J. Jermy. {Arms. Clarice? and Jermy). Macaulay, John Sinicoe. {Arms. Ernley ?) Macaulay, T. Babington. {Thomas Babington Macaulay horn 1800; created Baron Macaulay of Rothley 1851 ; died 1859.) Macaulay, Zachary. {Born 1768; died 1838) Macaulay, Zachar}'. {A smaller j^late) (Macaulay), anonymous. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) McBain, Jas. Macbride, J. D. {Ar^ns. Machride impaling ffolkes. Probably the plate of John Machride, who married Ursula, daughter of William ffolkes.) (Macbride), anonymous. {Arms. Machride impaling Pick- ford. John David Macbride, Princij^al of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, married 1805 Mary, daughter of Sir Joseph {Pickford) Badcliff'e, Bart., and widow of Joseph Starkie.) (Warwick sc, 145 Strand.) (Macbride), anonymous. {TJic last j^^^'^c without the Engraver's signature.) McBurnie, Agnes, Grenada. (1810 wmk. in paper) McCall, Robert .. McCall, Robert Alfred. {These are the Arms and Crest of Cnllum.) MacCarthy, Glas. MacCarthy, Glas. {The last plate reworked) MacCarthy (MacCarthy), anonymous. {Proof of the last plate) MacCarthy, Charles MacCarthy, Denis Florence Style. MacCarthy, Egcrton Francis Mead, ji.a. Hartshorne) inv. et del.) McCarthy, I. (A. H. (Albert MacCarthy, John George McCarthy, Justin. (1794. wmk. in paper) .. MacCarthy, J. G. and J. McCarthy, "William Jerh. McCarty, Ex Libris Fanny. (P. R. (P. Riera)) Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai-morial spade shield Printed label Armorial Armorial Engraved label Armorial Armorial Arn^orial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon engraved label Crest Armorial Seal Armorial Seal ArmoriaJ Crest Crest Festoon Armorial Ai-morial supporters Armorial Anuorial shield on clouds Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Printed label Festoon Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 203 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 19108 McCausland, Conolly, R.E. 19109 McChesney, Ex Libiis Joseph, Holywood, co. Devon. {Printed in red.) (IMarcus Ward & Co. Ld.) 19110 McClary. James 19111 McClellan, John. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 19112 (.McClellan), anonymous. {Proof of the last plate.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Macclesfield, Earl and Countess of. See Parker. 1911o McClintoek, John, Esqr. 19114 McClintoek, William 19115 McCombie, William, of Easterskene and Lynturk. {Arms. McCombie impaling Forbes /) 19116 McConnel, Hem-y. {Printed in colours) 19117 M'Coy, E. {The Arms and Crest of Forbes.) ((18)22. wmk. in paper.) 19118 McCraw, James. (" Baker." -Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 19119 McCrea 19120 MeCrea. {Arms. McCrea quartering Westhorp)) .. 19121 McCrea, J. B 19122 McCrea, J. B. {Anns. McCrea impaling Westhorp) McCready. See Macready. 1912o McCulloch, John S. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks '' Lijons Bool-.") 19124 McCulloch, John W. {Arms. McCulloch impaling Jenner.) 19125 McCulloch, J. R. 19126 McCulloch, J. R. {A different plate) 19127 J. R. McC. (McCulloch.) {Stamjjed in crimson) .. 19128 J. R. McC. (McCulloch.) {Stamped in lilac) 19129 J. R. McC. (McCulloch.) {Stamped in broivn) 19130 McCulloch, Ex Bibliotheca Joannis R. 19131 McCulloch, William. Arms. McCulloch with . . . on an escutcheon.) 19132 McCulloh, Henry Eustace 19133 MacDermot, Myles, Esqr. Coolavin. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.'') 19134 McDermott, G. A. 1826. (Berkeley King ex. et Litho.) . . 19135 McDermott, Henrv Thomas ("Baker." Note bv Sir A. W. Franks.) "^ 19136 McDermott, Mr 19137 Macdonagh, Francis, Esip-., Q.c. {Printed in gold) 19138 (Macdonald), Sandside 19139 Macdonald of St. Martins 19140 Macdonald of Ulva. (Engd. by Kirkwood & Sons) 19141 MacDonald, Angus, m.d. (Arms. MacDonald impaling Ord !) 19142 Macdonald, Archd. M., 40th Regiment 19143 A. C. M. (Macdonald). {Arms. Macdonald impaling Ogle quartering Bertram, the tinctures of the last coal being incorrect. Sir James Macdonald 2nd Baronet married Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Crest Crest Crest Crest Ai-morial supporters Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial spade shield with a foreign coronet Printed label Crest Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai-morial spade shield Ai'morial lozenge pendant from a ribbon 204 Franks Colleciion of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 1826 as his 2nd luife Anne Charlotte daughter of the Bevd. J. Savile Ogle of Kirkley Hall co. Northumber- land. He died 1832; she died 1886.) Macdonald, Duncan Macdonald, D. Eobertson, Esqr., of Kinlochmoidart. {Anns. Robertson with Macdonald on an escutcheon.) Macdonald, D. M. Eobertson. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Macdonald, D. M. Eobertson. {The last jplate reivorked) .. MacDonald, F. E. 19144 19145 19146 19147 19148 19149 19150 19151 19152 19153 19154 19155 19156 19157 19158 19160 19161 19162 19163 19164 19165 19166 19167 19168 19169 19170 19171 Macdonald, Ex Libris J. E. Moreton. Largie. 1895. (A. S. Leslie.) MacDonald, Louisa, m.a. & Fellow Univ. Coll. Lond. 1894. (F. J. N. (Nixon.)) Macdonald, ^Malcolm Melville .. McDonald, Lady Margaret MacDonald, William Bell, Esqr. Eamnierscales, Co. Dum- fries. {Arms. Macdonald quartering Bell. Originally engraved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions " and afterwards used as a bookplate.) MacDonald, William Bell, Esq. Eamnierscales, Co. Dum- fries. (The last jylate 2)rinted on blue paper.) [Macdonald, Donald] . Elcho Castle (MacDonald), anonymous (Macdonald), anonymous or mutilated McDonell, ^neas E. . . Style. 19159 Macdonell, Charles Eanaldson, of Glengarry & Clanranald (McDonell), anonjTnous. without inscription.) Franks.) (McDonell), anonymous. {The plate of JSneas B. McDonell (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. (McDonnell, Earl of Antrim), anonymous. {Arnns. McDon- nell quartering Plunket. Randall William &th Earl of Antrim succeeded 1115 ; died 1791.) (McDonnell, Earl of Antrim), anonymous. {The last plate rcivorkrd.) (McDonnell, Earl of Antrim), anonymous. {A different plate) (McDonnell, Earl of Antrim), anonymous. (Lyons & Ford Fecit.) McDonnell, Arnia Hugh Seymour, Comes do Antrim. (Snccn-dnl 1835 as 9th Earl ; died 1855.) McDonnell, Arma Hugh Sepnour, Comes de Antrim. {The last plate reworked.) McDonnell, John MacDonnell, John MacDonnell, J. E. Edwd. MacDonnell, Matthias. (1816 wmk. in paper) Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial spade shield Armorial Pictorial Armorial Ai-morial arms in a garter Chippendale Engraved label Ai'morial Armorial Pictorial crest Armorial Armorial Ai'morial supporters Ai'morial. Two shields with supporters Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest and coronet Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Franks Collection oj Booh Plates. 205 Name, Date, and Engraver. 19172 McDonnell, Mrs. {Arms. McDonnell impaling O'Brien. Cailurine daughter of Sir Edward O'Brien of Dromo- land Bart, married 1760 Charles McDonnell of New Hall Co. Clare.) 19173 McDonnell, Mr. Randle 19174 (McDonnell), anonjinous. {Arms. McDonnell, differenced. with a canton, quartering Phelps, with McDonnell, quartering Plnnkett, on an escutcheon. Edmund Phelps, who assumed the name and arms of MacDonnell, married 1817 Anne Catherine Countess of Antrim; died 1852.) 19175 MacDonogh, F. B., Esqr 19176 McDonough, Wm 19177 McDoviall, Mr. And., Advocat 19178 McDouall, Andw., Esqr. Lord Bankton. {The last plate with inscrip)tion altered.) 19179 McDouall, Patrick, of Culgi-ott, Esqr. 19180 MacDougall, Alexander William 19181 MacDougall, Mr. Justice 19182 McDowall, John, of Logan L. R 19183 Mcdowall, William, of Castlesemple Esqr. .. 19184 Macdowall, William, Esqr. (Lizars Sculpt.) 19185 Macdowall, William, Esqr. of Cai-ruth. (Lizars, sc.) 19186 (McDowall), anonymous. {Arms. McDowall impaling Grevis or Green quartering Eeade and Baron quarterly.) 19187 MacDowell, Edward 19188 MacDowell, Thomas 19189 Mace, Cha. (W. S. (Stephens)) 19190 Mace, Charles. Agent & Consul General at Algiers 19191 Mace, Charles. Agent & Consul General at Algiers. {The last plate reworlicd.) 19192 Mace, Geo. 19193 McEgan. {Arms. McEgan quartering Whitley T) 19194 McEvoy, Christopher, Esqr. 19195 McEvoy, Joannes 19196 Macew^an, George 19197 Macfadyen, Dr. (J. Scott, Glasgow) 19198 Macfarlane 19199 Macfarlane, Alexander Ogilvy. {The plate of W. D. McF with inscription altered.) Style. Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial sup- porters and coronet Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Annorial Jacobean Annorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest Earlj' Jacobean Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Engi-aved label name in a wreatli Annorial Pictorial Annorial Festoon Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial supi^orters Armorial 206 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 19200 Maefarlane, John . Writer to the Signet Jacobean Armorial 19201 McFarlane, John Armorial 19202 VV. M. (Maefarlane). {Proof from unfinished plate) Jacobean crest 19203 Maefarlane, W. A. Comyn. Coll. D. Jo. Bapt. Oxoi {Arms. Macfarlanr quartering Comyn and Grieve.) 1. Armorial 19204 W. D. McF. (McFarlane) Armorial 19205 (McFarlane), anonymous Chippendale Armorial 19206 (McFarlane), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a Armorial spade bookplate.) shield with supporters in a beaded oval 19207 Macfie, Robert Armorial 19208 (McGill. Viscount Oxenford or Oxfurd), anonymous. ( A Chippendale boolplate ?) Armorial 19209 McGill, John Jacobean Armorial 19210 (McGill), anonymous. {Note by Sir A, W. Franks, " Lyor is Jacobean book.'') Armorial 19211 McGillivray, Simon. (Griffiths & AVeigalls 3 St. Jame Street.) s' Armorial 19212 McGowan, Edward Txurner. {Printed in red. The Arms Crest of Turner.) d Armorial 19213 McGowran, N. F. R. Crest 19214 MacGregor Armorial supporters 19215 MacGregor of Ardgarten Glencroe Annorial supporters 19216 Macgregor of Brediland Armorial 19217 Macgregor ab Inneregnj- Armorial 19218 Macgregor ab Inneregny. {Arms. Macgregor impaling . . .) Armorial 19219 MacGregor, Alexander .. Armorial 19220 Macgregor, Charles. {Succeeded 1846 as 3rd Baronet died 1879.) ; Armorial 19221 Macgregor, Charlotte Mary. {Arms. Macgregor impalii Jar dine.) ig Armorial lozenge 19222 MacGregor, Mr. Courtlandt. {Arms. Macgregor qtiarte i)ig Sheath ') r- Annorial 19223 MacGregor, Sir Evan, of MacGregor. {Arms. 1. Ma c- \ Armorial. Two gregor ; 2. MacGregor impaling Murray. Major Gen I. shields accole Sir Evan John MacGregor K.C.B., G. C. H. marrit d 1808 KUzahrth, daughter of John 4th Duke of Atliolc ) 19224 MacGregor, William Armorial 19225 [McGregorl , anonymous Pictorial Armorial supporters 19226 (MacGregor, ]3aronet), anonymous .. Armorial supporters 19227 (MacGregor), anonymous. {Printed on blue pax>er. Arm MdcGrrgor impaling . . .) s. Armorial 19228 McGrigor, Lord .. Early Armorial 19229 McGrigor, Alexr. B. Armorial 19230 Machell, J. Madeline Armorial lozenge 19231 Machen, Ivlward . . Armorial 19232 McHenry, George. (I. li. Isaac sc. Liverpool^ Armorial 19233 Machin, F. Swaffham .. . ] Jacobean crest 19234 Machin, Henry Annorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 207 Name, Date, and Engbaver. 19235 Macie, John Aberdeen. 1780 19236 Mcintosh. This book belongs to James, 19237 Maclntyre, Donald 19238 Mclnty re, Robert 19239 (Mclntyre), anonymous. {Printed iti red) .. 19240 Mack, J. S. {Arms. Mack impaling Logan) 19241 Mack, James S. St. Helen's, Trinity 19242 Mack, John 19243 Mack, AVm. G 19244 Mack, Wm. G., ll.b. {Arms. MacJc impaling Kelly.) (Kirkwood.) 19245 Mackarness, George Richard, m.a. 19246 Mackarness, Revd. George Richard, m.a. Ham Vicarage, Near Ashbourne, Derbyshii-e. 19247 Mackarness, George Richard, d.d. Bishop of Argyll and the Isles. {AjJjiointed BisJwp 1814 ; died 1883.) 19248 Mackarness. The Seal of George Richard, d.d. Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, a.d. 1874. 19249 (Mackay), Eric, Lord He&y. {Probably the j^lf^te of the 1th Baron ivho succeeded 1797 and died 1847.) 19250 (Mackay), Bighouse 19251 (Mackay), Bighouse. {The last plate printed on brown tinted p)aper.) 19252 M. (Mackay) 19253 Mackay„ Alex. Geo. 19254 Mackay, Charles, LL.D. {The arms and crest of Peel) 19255 Mackay, George. (Kirkwood sc.) 19256 Mackay, James St. John 19257 Mackay, John. (D. Watt, Edmr.) 19258 Mackay, John W. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 19259 Mackay, M., LL.D. Dunoon 19260 (Mackay), anonymous. {Arms. Mackay impaling Moore ?) 19261 Mackean, T. W. L. {Arms. Mackean with Ashenlmrst on an escutcheon.) 19262 Mackellar, D 19263 McKenna 19264 McKenna, Theobald, Esqr 19265 Mackennal, Patrick, Esqr., of Merk .. 19266 McKenny, John, Esqr. 20 Upper Gardner St. Dublin .. 19267 McKenny, William 19268 (Mackenzie), The most Honble. Kenneth, Marquis and Earl of Seafoi-t, Viscount of Fortrose, Lord Mackenzie and liintail, and Baron of Ardelfe. {Succeeded 1740 as 6th Earl and 3rd Marquess ; died 1761. Arms. Mac- kenzie quartering Kennett.) 19269 (Mackenzie), The Right Houom-able George, Earl of Cromei'tie. {The 3rd Earl; attainted 11A5.) 19270 Mackenzie. Fawlej' Coni't. {Arms. Mackenzie impaling I)(iJ;:iil. Edward Mackenzie of Faivley Court married 1839 as Jiis first wife Mary, daughter ofWillia)n Dalziel of ilie Craigs, co. Dumfries.) (Clements, Oxford.) 19271 Mackenzie, Alexr. 19272 Mackenzie, Alexander Style. Chippendale Armorial Printed label Crest Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Crest in a garter Pictorial Ai'morial Vesica Armorial Crest in a garter Crest Crest Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Annorial lozenge pendant fi-om a ribbon Ai'morial Ainnorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Jacobean Annorial Jacobean Annorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial 208 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveh. 19273 McKenzie, Alex. G. (Ar7ns. McKenzic impaling Kitson.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 19274 Mackenzie, Andrew John 19275 Mackenzie, Charles 19276 Mackenzie, Charles, Esqr., of Kilcoy .. 19277 Mackenzie, Revd. Charles 19278 Mackenzie, F. G. 19279 Mackenzie, General 19280 Mackenzie, Geo., m.d. Coll. Reg. Med. Edinburg. Soc. (Andr. Johnston Fecit.) 19281 Mackenzie, H. (Warwick so. 145 Strand) 19282 Mackenzie, James 19283 Mackenzie, James D. Findon 19284 Mackenzie, I. H. 19285 Mackenzie, Joannes, et Christina Garioch Mansfield uxor ejus. {Arms. Mackenzie impaling Mansfield.) 19286 Mackenzie, John . . 19287 Mackenzie, John, Esqr. 19288 Mackenzie, Coll. Jon. .. 19289 Mackenzie, Lt. Genl. Jno. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 19290 Mackenzie, John Ord 19291 Mackenzie, John AV., Esqr. {Ar))is. Mackenzie, quartering Millar, Hamilton and McCulloch, with Gordon on an rscnfcheon.) 19292 Mackenzie, Kenneth 19293 Mackenzie, K. F. 19294 Mackenzie, L. Johannis Whitefoord, Armigeri 19295 Mackenzie, L. Johannis Whitefoord, Armigeri. {The plate pri7ited in colours.) 19296 Mackenzie, L. Johannis Whitefoord, different plate.) 19297 Mackenzie, L. Johannis AVhitefoord, different plate.) 19298 Mackenzie, IMylord Nicolas. {Nicolas, younger son Williani, 5th Earl and 2nd Marqncss of ScafortJi, his wife Mary, daughter and heir of Nicholas Kennett of Co.rhow, Co. Northumberland.) (Nonot Fecit.) 19299 (Mackenzie, Nicolas), anonymous. {A smaller p)late) Style. Armigeri. Armigeri. last {A {A of by 19300 Mackenzie, Stewart, of Seaforth 19301 Mackenzie, Stewart, of Seaforth. {A different x)late) 19302 Mackenzie, William, Esqr. 19303 Mackenzie, Wm., Esqr. 19304 Mackenzie, William, Esqr., of Suddie 19305 Mackenzie, \V. D 19306 (Mackenzie), anonymous. {The Ind 2)late of Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth without inscription.) Armorial Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crests Crest Crest Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Crest Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Annorial Seal Armorial Jacobean Ai'inorial supporters and coronet Jacobean Annorial supporters and coronet Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Crests Chippendale Armorial suppoi-tcrs Festoon Annorial Crest in a garter Armorial supporters FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. 209 Name, Date, and Engraver. 19307 (Mackenzie), anonjonous 19308 (Mackenzie), anonjanous or mutilated. {Arms. Mac- kenzie quartering Hutnberston, impaling Prohij. This must he the plate of Francis Humhertson Mackeiizie who married 1782 Mary, daughter of Baptist Probij, Dean of Lichfield, and teas created Baron Seaforth 1797.) 19309 (Mackenzie), anonymous. {A bookplate ? Arms. Mac- kcnzie im])aUng Halyburton.) 19310 McKerrell, Robt. 19811 McKerrell, Eobert Mure, of Hillhouse. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 19312 Mackey, Matthew, Junr. 1892. (H. J. Stock) 19313 Maekglashan, Pa., Surgeon 19314 McKie, A. Mui-ray 19315 MacKiernan's Arms 19316 19317 19318 19319 19320 19321 19322 19323 19324 19325 19326 19327 19328 19329 19330 19331 19332 19838 19834 19335 19336 19337 VOL. Mackinlay, Thomas D. M'K. (Mackinnon ?), anonymous .. Mackintosh of Mackintosh, Captain of Clan Chattan (" Baker." Note by Clan Chattan. (The last plate Mackintosh, Chief of Clan Chattan Sir A. W. Franks.) Mackintosh, Chief of reworked.) Mackintosh, Ewen Mackintosh, James Mackintosh, Su- James . . Mackintosh, Sir James. {A different plate) Mackintosh, Lachlan John, of Dalmunzie. Mackintosh quartering Murray and Galloway.) Mackintosh, Lachlan John, of Dalmunzie, k.t.s. . Mackintosh, L. R. {Arms, Mackintosh, R. D., m.d. {Arms. Mackintosh, quartering Galloway, with Hill on an escutcheon.) (Mackintosh), anonjanous. {The first state of the plate of Ewen Mackintosh.) (Mackintosh), anonymous Maclin, Roseingi-ave. {Arms. Wilsoyi impaling Patten) . . Mackness, James, m.d. Hastings McKnight, John Hartigan. {Arms. McKnight quartering Hartigan.) Macknight, Thomas, Esqr. Mackreth, Eobert Mackworth, Digby Mackworth, Digby. {Arms. Mackworth, quartering Evans, with Deere? on an escutcheon. Probably the 2)lafe of Digby Mackworth, wlto succeeded 1794 as 3rd II. Style. Crest Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Aiinorial Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Ar- morial shield with supporters and a Baron'a coronet Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Crests and cypher Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Aimorial supporters Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Seal Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial shield on clouds Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial 210 Franl-s Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 19338 19339 19340 19341 19342 19343 19344 19345 Baronet and married as his first wife Jane, daughter' and heir of the Bevd. Matheiu Deere.) Mackworth, Sir Digby, Bart. {Arms. 1. Mackiuorth ; 2. Machworth impaling Mann. Sir Bighij Mackworth, 4th Bart., married 1823 as his 2nd tvife Sophia Noel, daughter of James Mann of Linton; died 1852.) Mackworth, Ex Bibliotheca Elisse Annse Mackworth, Herbert, of Buntingsdale m the county of Salop and of Neath in the county of Glamorgan, Esq. {Arms. Machworth, quartering Evans, impaling Digby. Herbert Machworth horn 1687, married 1730 Juliana, daughter of William, 5th Baron Digby, and died 1765.) Mackworth, Herbert. [1758] (Mackworth), anonjTuous. {This seems to be the last plate mutilated, or without inscription, and with a single line frame added.) Mackworth, Sr. Humphrey, of Neath? in ye county of Glamorgan, of Pencreeg in ye county of Monmouth, and of Betton in ye county of Salop, Ivnight. {The inscription is mutilated. Arms. Machworth luith Evans on an escutcheon. Humphrey Machiuorth Knighted 1682, married 1686 Mary, daughter and heir of Sir Herbert Evans of Neath ; died 1727.) MacLachlan, Lachlan .. Maciaine of Lochbuy Style. 19346 McLaine, Murdoch, of Lochbuy 19347 19348 19349 19350 19351 19352 19353 19354 19355 19356 19357 19358 19359 19360 19361 19362 Mcljaiighlin, Domk. 183- McLaiirin. (Lizars sc. Edinburgh) . . Maclean, A. Pennycross. (Lizars sc. Edim-.) Maclean, Allan, Esqr. Coll. .. Maclean, Charles Donald, Madras Civil Service. Maclean impaling Gaunter ?) Maclean, John S. K. {Arms. Maclean, John, Esqre, f.s.a., etc. {Arms. Maclean quarteriicg Bogers ?, Haydon and Hoshyns, with Billing, quartering Bluet, Soldon and Prideaux, on an escutcheon.) Maclean, Tone. Gnal. Maclean, Sarah. {The plate of John S. K. Maclean with inscription altered.) Maclean, William (Maclean), anonymous .. Macleans, Revd. Arthur John. {Arms. Macleane im- 2^aling Hitchcn ?) Maclear, G. F., d.d., Coll. S. August. Cantuar. Custus. 1880 McLennan Macleod, R. B. iEneas, Esqr., Advocate Macleod, Alexander, of Muiravonside. {Arms, Macleod impaling Dalmahoy /) Ai'uiorial. Two shields accole Ai'morial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Chippendale Aimorial Early Armorial Ai'morial Armorial supporters AiTnorial supporters Armorial Armorial supporters Crest Armorial Ai'morial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modem Annorial Armorial Ai-morial Vesica Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Annorial Franks CoUedion of Booh Plates. 211 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. 19363 19364 19365 19366 Macleod, Archd. (Jno. Carmichael sc.) Macleod, Archd. N., Esqr., of Sunny Bank. (Sutherland, Aberdeen.) McLeod, Donald, of Geanies, Esqr., Advocate. {Arms. McLeod impaling Petley. Donald McLeod married Jane, daughter of Charles Petley of Eiverhead, Co. Kent, and widoio of Kenneth Mackenzie of Tarbat House, N.B.) (lui-kwoods.) McLeod, Dond., Esqr., Advocate 19367 Macleod, John, of Mukavonside, Esqr., Advocate .. 19368 Macleod, Revd. Rod 19369 Macleod, Thomas Harrison. (These seem to he the Arms and Crest of Macmurdo ; the quarterings are Corrie ' and Harrison.) 19370 Macleod, Wm. (" Wyon." Note by Sk A. W. Franis.) 19371 (Macleod), mutilated 19372 (Macleod of Colbecks), anonymous 19373 (McLeod), anonymous .. 19374 (McLeod), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a hooTiplate. Arms. McLeod impaling Kerr. Major General John McLeod married 1783 Wilhelmina Frances, daughter of William Henry, ^th Marquess of Lothian, K.T.) 19375 McMahon, Donat, of Clenagh . . 19376 McManus, Alexander, Esqr. Mount Davis .. 19377 McManus, James, Esqr. [1734] 19378 Macmath, William, F.s. a. Scot. 19379 MacMillan, Alexander, Esq. .. 19380 MacMillan, Alexr. The Elms, Streatham Lane, Upper Tooting. 19381 Macmillan, E Libris Frederick 19382 McMullen, Alexr., M.D., A.M., T. CD. .. 19383 Macmurdo. 1880 19384 MacMurdo, G. L. (Engd. by Kirkwood & Sons Edinr.) .. 19385 McNab, Alexander 19386 McNab, D. R. {Arms. McNab quartenng Oliver .-) 19387 McNab, D. R. {The last plate reiuovTced) 19388 (McNab), anonymous ,. 19389 McNachtan of That Ilk's Arms. {This plate seems to he much later than the date on it, and, according to Burke, it is helieved that the Clan was without a head from 1689 to 1818.) 1764. (A. H.) 19390 Macnaghtan, Edward Style. Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial supporters Early Armorial supporters Festoon Armorial Bookpile Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial supporters Armorial p 'i 212 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. Style. 19391 McNair 19392 MacNally, Leonard, Barrister. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " LT/071S Book.'') 19393 McN ally, Leonard, Barrister .. 19394 Macnamara, Michael .. 19395 Macneil, Arma Johannis, de Dmidalk. {Stamped leather label. Arms. Macneil impaling Mercer.) 19396 McNeil, Li memory of R 19397 McNeile, D. J., Bengal Civil Service. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 19398 McNeill, Duncan. (Lizars) .. .. 19399 MacNeill, John. (1818. wmk. in paper) 19400 McNeill, John, Esq. CoUonsay, Scotland. {Originally engraved for ^'Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,'' and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 19401 McNeill, Sir John. {Bom 1795 ; G.C.B. 1839; died 1883) 19402 (McNeill), anonjonous. {Proof of the last plate) ., 19403 (McNeill), anonymous .. 19404 IMEacnemara, Mich., M.D. 19405 McNeven, Guliel Jacob, m.d. . . 19406 McNicol, Daniel 19407 Maconochie, Alexander . . 19408 Maconochie, LA. 19409 Maconochie, I. A. {The last plate retvorked) 19410 Maconchy, Arthur 19411 Maconchy, John .. 19412 (MacPherson). Catanach 19413 (Macpherson.) Glentruim House 19414 McPherson, Mr. Alexr. . . 19415 Macpherson, Evan. {Aryns. Macpherson impaling Holford, quartering Price and Jackson.) 19416 MacQueen 19417 McQueen, John 19418 McQueen, Reverend .John 19419 Macqueen, Robert, of Braxfield 19420 Macqueen, Thos. Potter. {Arms. Macqueen quartering Potter and King ? qxiarterly.) 19421 McQuoid, Thomas. {Arms. McQuoid impaling Kirwan. T. McQuoid married 1818 Elizabeth Frances, daughter of Hyacinth Kirwan.) 19422 McQuoid, AVilliam 19423 Macready, William Charles 19424 McCready, WiUiam Charles 19425 Macro, Ralph, Coll. Gon. Caii, Aug. 3, 1713 19426 T. M. (IMacro). {This plate is described by D. Parsons in " The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer," No. 13, Vol. ni.,p.Q, 1883.) Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Ai-morial Seal Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest Ai'morial Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Crest Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Crests Printed label Jacobean Armoi'ial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 213 Name, Date, and Engraver. 19427 Macrory, Edmimd 19428 McTaggart, John 19429 McVeagh, H. C 19430 Madden, Revd. Dodgson 19431 Madden, Sir Frederick, k.h. {Boryi 1801; K.H. 1832; died 1873.) 19432 J. E. M. (Madden) 19433 Madden, Jno. French, Esqr. (Arms. Madden quartering French.) 19434 Madden, Eichard Robert 19435 Madden, Samuel, of Hillton. {Note by Sir A. W. FranJcs, " Lyons Book." Arms. Madden impaling Ryder. Samuel Madden of Hilton married Catherine, daughter of the Bevd. Charles Dudley Ryder.) 19436 Madden, WUliam, M.D, .. 19437 Madden, Willm. Jno., Esqr. {Arms. Madden imimling Cater!) 19438 Madden, William Jno., Esqr. {The last plate retvorked) . . Madderty, Lord. See Drummond. 19439 Maddock 19440 Maddoek. {The plate of Henry Maddock ivith inscription altered.) 19441 Maddock, Henry. {Note on back, " Barrister at Law. Author of Maddock' s Reports and Maddock and Geldart:') 19442 Maddock, H. W., M. A 19443 Maddock, Eichard 19444 Maddock, Samuel, Brazennose College, Oxford 19445 (Maddock), anonymous. {Proof of the plate of H. W. Maddock.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 19446 Maddy, Edwin. {Arms. Maddy impaling Wood. Edwin Maddy of Watson House, co. Gloucester, married 1827 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Mattheio Wood, 1st Baronet.) 19447 Maddy, Edwin. {A differeyit plate) 19448 Madocks, John, Esqr. Fron iw mdcccxi. {Arms. Williams of Fron iw quartering Madocks, said to be the coat of Sir Robert Pounderlinge or Penderling.) (Bowley Salop.) 19449 Madocks, John. Vron iw Madras, Bishop of. See Dealtry. 19450 Magarry, C Magdalen College. See Oxford. Magdalene College. See Cambridge. 19451 Magee, Eevd. Thomas Perceval 19452 Magens, Mageus Dorrien, Esqr. {Arms. Magens, quartering Dorrien, impaling Rice, quartering Talbot and De Cardonncl quarterly. M. D. Magens married 1788 Henrietta Cecilia, daughter of George Rice of Newton by his wife, Cecil Baroness Dynevor.) Style. Seal Annorial Armorial spade shield Annorial spade shield Ai-morial spade shield Armorial Armorial Annorial trophy spade shield Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Ai'iuorial Annorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Festoon Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Wreath and I'ibbon Ai-morial Armorial 214 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Maghull. Sec Mangnall. 19453 Magill, John, of Gillhall in the county of Downe in the Kingdom of Ireland, Esqr. {Arms. Magill quartering Hawkins. John Hawkins, eldest son of John Hawkins of Batlifriland, co, Dotvne, assutned the name and arms of Magill in 1701 on succeeding to Gillhall.) 19454 Magill, John, Esqr. {Arms. Magill impaling Savage) .. 19455 Magniac, Charles. Colworth. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 19456 Magrath 19457 Magrath, Revd. M. {Printed in blue) 19458 Magrath, Nicholas 19459 Maguire, Edward 19460 [Maguire, Wm.] , anonjanous .. 19461 Maher, Martin Charles, Esqr. Woodlands, Co. Somerset. {Arms. Maher, loith Wintle on an escutcheon, im- paling Mackenzie. M. C. Maher married 1st, 1824, Mary Anne, daughter and coheir of Henry Francis Wintle of Walworth, Co. Surrey, and 2ndly, 1836, Matilda Pugh, daughter of Charles Mackenzie and widow of Capt. Thomas Blair. Engraved originally by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations," and afterwards used as a bookplate.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 19462 Mahon, Hem-y Pakenham. {Arms. Mahon quartering Palienham, Sandford, Cuffe, Aungier, and Boyle.) 19463 Mahon, John, Esqr 19464 Mahon, Maurice, Esqr. .. 19465 Mahon, Mr., of Cavetown, C. Eoscomon. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.'') 19466 Mahon, O'Gorman. Co. Clare. {Arms. Mahon quartering 0' Gorman,) 19467 Mahony, Rev. Alexander 19468 Mahony, Timothy. (Casey scut. Cork) 19469 Mahony, Ex Libris Jacobi Josephi, Comitis de. {Lieut. Gent, in the Neapolitan Service, elder son of General Daniel Mahony, Count Mahony of the Spanish Service, and nephew of Col. Dermot Mahony of Rosbin, who fell at AngJirim fighting for King James II.) (Franc. Cepparuli scul.) 19470 Mahood, Allan Edwd., M.D 19471 Maidment, James 19472 Maidment, James. {The last j^late with an outer frame added.) 19473 Main, George 19474 Maine, John, His book. Dumfries, August 1, M,Dec,LXX,vii. Maine Historical Society. Sec Societies. 19475 Maingay, 13. 19476 Maingy, Rcvd. Peter Mainsforth Library. See Surteos. Style. Early Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Crest in a garter Crest in a beaded oval Jacobean Armorial Armorial Annorial spade shield on a mantle Festoon Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Annorial spade shield in a frame Chippendale Armorial Printed label Crest Crest Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 215 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 19477 19478 19479 19480 19481 19482 19483 19484 19485 19486 19487 19488 19489 19490 19491 19492 19493 19494 19495 Mainwaring, Augustus. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Mainwaring, C. B. Lee. {Arms, Mainwaring quartering Lcc.) Mainwaring, G. H. C. Thornhill. Sans Souci. {Arms. Mainwaring impaling Bradley quartering Dyne. Capt. George Mainwaring married Elizabeth, daughter of A. H. Dyne Bradley of Gore Court, co. Kent, and widow of M. Hoy of Medenhury Hotise, co. South- amj)ton.) Mainwaring, Sir HemT, Bart. {Sir Henry Mainwaring , ith Baronet ; born a baronet 1726 and died 1797.) Mainwaring, John. {Arms. Mainwaring impaling Flower) Mainwaring, John, s.t.b. {A bequest plate. St. John's College, Cambridge.) 1807. Mainwaring, T. F. C. (Oblin sculp, a Paris) (Mainwaring, T. F. C), anonjanous. {The last plate without inscrijMon.) (Oblin sculp, a Paris.) Maior, Wm. F. {Arms. Maior? quartering Osborn ?) Mair, Arthur Mair, Hem-y Baring. {Arms. Mair impaling Baring. Perhaps an altered plate. Hugh Mair married 1798 Mary, daughter of Charles Baring.) Mair, John Mair, Lt. Colonel Philip. Bognor, Sussex .. Maire, Ex Libris Francisci, de Hardwick in Com. Dunelm. Armigeri. Maister, Arthur, Esqr. {A reprint) .. Maister, Arthur, of Kingston upon Hull. 1815 Maister, Henry, of Kingston upon Hull (Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale), anonj-mous . . (Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale), anonymous. 1716. {A tvoodcut.) 19496 (Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale), anonjinous. {A woodcut) 19497 (Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale), anonymous. (Ard. Burden sculp.) 19498 (Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale), anon;ynnous .. 19499 (Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale), anonymous. {A repirint of the last plate on India jiapicr.) 19500 (Maitland), Earl of Lauderdale 19501 Maitland 19502 Maitland. {Printed in blue; the plate of Eb. Maitland with inscription altered.) 19503 Maitland, Adam . . 19504 Maitland, Major Arthur, of Pittrichie Esqr. 1754.. 19505 Maitland, Lieut. Col. Chas., of Craigieburn. (1808, vn-nk. in paper.) (Kirkwoods.) Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Ai'morial Printed label Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest Armorial shield on a mantle Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Festoon Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial arms in a ^\Teath Early Anuorial ? Escutcheon and coronet on a single supporter within a wreath Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest in a garter Jacobean Ar- morial trophy Armorial 216 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. (The last plate reworked) .. {The last plate printed in blue) . . (E. H. B. (Bell)) {The last plate printed in red.) 19506 Maitland, David. Rankeilour . . 19507 Maitland, Eb 19508 Maitland, Eb. {The last plate printed in blue) 19509 Maitland, Fuller. {Arms. Maitland tvith Ellis, quartering Fuller, an escutcheon.) 19510 Maitland, [Esther] Fuller 19511 Maitland, George F. Hermand. {The plate of Thomas Maitland, Dundrennan, ivith altered inscription.) 19512 Maitland, J. A. Fuller. {Copied from the plate of Eh. Maitland.) 19513 Maitland, J. A. Fuller. 19514 Maitland, J. A. Fuller. 19515 Maitland, J. A. Fuller. 19516 Maitland, J. A. Fuller. E. H. B. (Bell).) 19517 J. A. F. M. (Maitland) 19518 Maitland, Anns of Sir James Eamsay Gibson, Bart. {Succeeded 1876 as Ath Baronet.) 19519 Maitland, Richard. 1769 19520 Maitland, S. R 19521 Maitland, S. R. St. John's College, Cambridge .. 19522 Maitland, E Libris S. R 19523 Maitland, E Libris S. R. {A smaller plate) 19524 Maitland, Thomas 19525 Maitland, Thomas. Dimdrennan 19526 (Maitland.) Dundreiman 19527 Maitland, Thomas, Esq. Duiubennan, Co. Kirkcudbright. {Originally engraved by BecTcer for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations''' and afterwards zised as a bookplate.) 19528 Maitland, Thomas, Esq., of Pogbie. {The pilate of Lieut.- Col. Chas. Maitland with inscription altered.) 19529 Maitland, Hon. Thomas 19530 (Maitland), anonymous.. 19531 (Maitland), anonymous. {Proof from an unfinished plate ?) 19532 Majendie, Henry Lewis .. 19533 Mojendie, Lewis Ashhiirst. {Arms. Majendie, quartering Ashhurst, with Hoghton on a canton.) (" Wyon." Note by Su- A. W. Franks.) 19534 (Majendie), anonj-mous. {Proof of the jj?a^e of Lewis Ashhurst Majendie.) 19535 (Majendie), mutilated .. 19586 (Majendie), anonjiuous. W. II. (Hcnshaw)) 19537 Major, Rcvd. Alexander .. 19538 Major, John Richardson 19539 Major, R. H., F.S.A., &c. Style. Armorial Pictorial Ai'morial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Ai-morial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon in an ornamental oval frame Crest Crest Printed label Printed label Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Crest in a garter Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest Crest in a decora- tive frame Armorial shield within a collar of the Order of the Tower and Sword Franks Collection of Book Plates. 217 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. 19540 Major, Thomas .. 19541 (Major), name erased 19542 19543 19544 19545 19546 19547 19548 19549 19550 19551 19552 19553 19554 19555 19556 19557 19558 19559 19560 19561 19562 19563 19564 19565 19566 {The last plate without the inscrip- {The (Major), anonjiBous. Hon.) Makdougall, Sir Henry Hay, Bart, of Makerstoim. ith Baronet, died 1825.) Makins, Liber E Bibliotheca Domestica Gulielmi Thomae, Ao. Gra. 1874. Malan de Merindol, Sigil. 1850 Malbon, Ex Dono Samuelis. (" Brasenose Coll.''' Note by Sir A. W. FranJis. Arms. Malbon ' impaling Wyke- ham.) (Harmar sculp. 164 Piccadilly.) Malcher, Cecil. London Malcolm, Captain Sir Charles, r.n. {Aritis. Malcolm impaling Pasley. Sir Charles Malcolm married as his 1st ivife Magdalene, daughter of CJiarles Pasley.) (Henry Hays. 168 Regent St.) Malcolm, Rear Admiral Sir Chai'les. (The last plate ivith inscription altered.) 1846. Malcolm, George John. {The plate of Sir CJiarles Malcolm reworked.) Malcolm, Henry, Esqr. {Arms. Malcolm impaling Eamsay.) Malcolm, Liber Hemici, Clerici L. M. (Malcolm). {Arms. Malcolm impaling Shirley) .. Malcolm, Neill, of Poltalloch. {Ar7ns, Malcolm with Orme, quartering Thomas, on an escutcheon. Neile Malcolm married 1797 Mary Anne, daughter and heir of David Orme of Lamorbey, co, Kent.) (Griffiths & Weigalls, 3 St James's Strt.) Malcolm, Neill .. Malet, Harold. {Arms. Malet impaling Friend) .. Malet, 0. W. (Wai-wick Ft. 145 Strand) (Malet), anonjiBOUS. {The Bt. Honble. Sir Edward Bald- ivin Malet, G.C.M.G. The impaled coat seems to be intended for the ancient arms of Malet of Enmore.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Malid, Thomas, M.D. {Arms. Malie quartering ....).. Malim, M. Malkin, Thomas. {Arms. Malkin, quartering Jago } impaling Molynexix.) Mall, Joannes, a.m. {Arms. Mall impaling Mablethorpe) Style. Mallard, Chas, E. Mallard, I. 1792 Mallet, J. B. L. ., Mallet, J. P. Trin. Coll. 19567 Mallet, Eevd. T. K. 19568 Mallet, William .. 19569 Mallock .. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Chippendale Ajrmorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade and shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Ai-morial shield in a gai-ter Ai-morial shield in a garter Armorial Interlaced initials Ln a fi-ame Seal Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Aa'morial Crest Festoon Ai-morial Printed label Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Armorial 218 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. Style. 19570 Mallory, George . . Malmesbury, Earl of. See Harris. Crest 19571 Malone, Edm., et Amicorum .. Malpas, Viscount See Cholmondeley. BookpUe Annorial arms on a mantle 19572 Maltby, Brough George . . Ai-morial 19573 Maltby, Edward, d.d. {Arms. Maltby, quartering Beau- mont, impaling Harvey?) Armorial 19574 Maltby, Edward, d.d., f.r.s., s.a. {Arms. Maltby impaling Green.) (Warwick Ft. 145 Strand.) Armorial 19575 Maltby, Edward, D.D, 1818 Printed label 19576 (Maltby), anonymous Chippendale Armorial 19577 W. M. (iMalton). (B. Wyon, Sc.) Armorial 19578 Man, Captain Crest 19579 Man, James, Junr. Crest 19580 Man, James, Junr. {Altered in MS. to " John Man ") Crest 19581 Manaton, Henry, Esqr., Kilworthy, Devon. 1762. (Coffin ChipxDendale Exon.) Ajrmorial 19582 Manbey, William Armorial spade shield 19583 Manbey, William John . . Armorial 19584 Manby, Aaron. {Artns. Manby imxmling Leverton ?) (Suifield, sculp.) Ai'morial 19585 Manby, Charles. (Suffield, sculp.) Armorial 19586 Manby, Joseph Lane. (Suffield, sculp.) Armorial 19587 Manby, Thos., Esqr., Captn. Royal Navy. {Arins. Manby Chippendale quartering Bliodes, ivith Pepper on an escutcheoii. Armorial John Manby, born 1710, married Grace, daughter and heir of Mattheio Pepper of Gainsborough, co. Lincoln. This seems to be a inodern copy of the next plate.) 19588 (Manby), anonymous or mutilated Manchester, Earl and Duke of. See Montagu. Manchester, Bishop of. See Lee. Chippendale Armorial 19589 Mander, [Tho.J Chippendale Armorial 19590 Mander, Thomas. {The last plate reivorked) Chippendale Ai-morial 19591 (Mander ?) anonymous . . Armorial 19592 Manderstrbm, L. Annorial sup- porters and coronet 19593 Mandevile, Charles Chippendale Armorial 19594 Manesty, John. {Arms. Mancsty ? impaling Bold.) (R. Armorial spade AValker, sc.) shield 19595 Mangey, Tho., Canon Dunclm, s.t.p. {Note by Sir A. W. Jacobean Franhs " Canon 1721-55.") Annorial 19596 Mangin, Edwd. .. Crest 19597 Mangles, Albert. {Arms. Mangles impaling Scott, quar- tering Ncioton.) Ax'morial 19598 Mangles, James , . Armorial 19599 Mangles, James. {A smaller 2>late) .. Armorial 19600 Mangles, James, 66 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park. 1849. Armorial Franlis Collection of Book Plates. 219 Name, Date, and Engrayek. 19601 Mangles, James, Woodbridge, SiuTey. (Arms. Mangles impaling Hughes.) 19602 Mangles, John, Hurley, Berkshire 19603 Mangles, Mary Ann. {Arms. Mangles impaling Baynor I) (G. Poore sc, Plymouth) 19604 Mangles, Robert 19605 Mangnall, James. {Arms. Mangnall imjyaling Wolley) . . 19606 Mangnall, John, Manchester. (Smith Engr., St. Mary's Gate.) 19607 Mangnall, Richmal. {Schoolmistress ; daughter of James Mangnall of Hollinhurst, co. Lancaster ; born 1759; died 1820.) (Pigot, scupt.) 19608 (Mangnall), anonymous or mutilated .. 19609 Manigault, Peter, of the Inner Temple, Barister at Law, South Carolina. (Yates Fecit, Royal Exchange.) 19610 Manley, Isaac George. {Second son of John Mardeg, by Anne, daughter and coheir of Thomas Hammond; entered the Boyal Navy 1772; sailed with Captaiyi Cook on his Isf voyage round the world ; Lieut, on board the Prince George in Lord Rodney's victory, 12 Ap. 1786; Admiral of the Bed, 1837. The plate of John Manley ivith altered inscription.) 19611 Manley, John, Esqr. 19612 Manley, John, Esqr. {Arms. Manley, quartering Whetten- hall, with Hammond on an escutcheon. John Manley, Barrister at Law, married Anne, daughter and coheir of Thomas Hammond of London.) 19613 Manley, John. {Arms. Manley impaling Adams) 19614 Manley, John, R.N. , Plj-mouth.. 19615 Manley, John Shawe 19616 Manley, Joseph Henry. (Green, Cork) 19617 Manley, William G. N 19618 Mann, Alfi-ed Octavian .. 19619 Mann, C. {Arms. Mann impaling Mann) . . 19620 Mann, C. F. {Printed on pink paper.) (Le Blond, 4 Walbrook.) 19621 Mann, Caleb Scholefield 19622 Mann, Henry 19623 Mann, Sir Horace, Bart. {Sir Horatio Maim, K.B., created a Baronet 1755; Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Florence ; died 1786.) 19624 (Mann, Su' Horace, Bart.), anonymous. {The last plate with the inscription stopped out.) 19625 Mann, Horatio. (W. S. (Stephens)) 19626 Mann, Sr. Horatio. {Succeeded 1786 as 2nd Baronet; died 1814.) 19627 Mann, II Cavalier. (Canocchi ? fece.) 19628 Mann, II Cavalier 19629 (Mann), anonymous. {A dedication plate ! Printed on the title page of an Italian translation of extracts from the Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Landscape Armorial Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon in a Chip- pendale frame Chippendale Aj.'morial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Annorial Aiinorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial AiTuorial Crest Chippendale Armorial supporters Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale engraved label Chippendale engi'aved label Chippendale Annorial 220 FranJcs Collection of Boole Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 19680 19631 19632 19633 19634 19635 19636 19637 19638 19639 *72 19640 19641 *91 *99 19642 19643 19644 19645 19646 19647 19648 19649 19650 Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, published at Leghorn in 1754. Arms. Mann quartering Guise, Beauchamp, and Botterell ?) Mann, Isaac Mann, John Cley . . Mann, Mary R. M. (Mann) Mann, Eobei-t. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Manchester. (Lizars, sc.) Mann, Revd. Thomas (Manners), The Most Noble John, Duke of Rutland, {John, 9th Earl of Rutland, succeeded 1679; created Duke of ButlandllOS; died 1111.) (Manners), The Most Noble John, Duke of Rutland. {A smaller plate.) Manners, Duke of Rutland. {Not a Booliplate) Manners, The Right Honble. Rachel, Lady Roos. {Arms. Mannors impaling Russell, This plate is curious, as the wife of Lord Roos loas Catherine, daughter of William, Lord Russell. Rachel Russell, her elder sister, married, the 2nd Duke of Devonshire.) 1700. Mannors, The Right Honble. Rachel, Lady Roos. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1700. Mannors, John, Loi*d Roos, eldest son and heir apparent to the Right Honble. John, Earl of Rutland. {The plate of Rachel, Lady Roos, with inscription altered.) 1700. Mannors, John, Lord Roos, eldest son and heir apparent to the Right Honble. John, Earl of Rutland, sect. {A smaller p)late.) 1700. Mannors, John, Lord Roos, eldest son and heir apparent to the Right Honble. John, Earl of Rutland, sect. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1700. Mannors, John, Lord Roos, eldest son and heir apparent to the Right Hon. John, Earl of Rutland, sect. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1700. (Manners), Charles, Lord Roos. {This must be the p)late of Charles, 2nd son of John, Marquess of Granbij ; born 1754, became Baron Roos by Courtesy on the death of his elder brother in 1760, and Marquess of Granby on the death of his father in 1770 ; succeeded his grand- father as 4th Duke of Rutland in 1779.) Manners, (Baron) Manners, Edward Manners, George Manners, Louisa Julia .. Manners, Lady Robert. {Arms. Manners with Diggcs on an escutcheon. Mary Diggcs married 1756 Lord Robert Manners, son of the 2nd Duke of Rutland ; she died 1829.) (Manners), anonjinous or mutilated .. Manning, Chas. John. (Sufficld, sculp.) Manning, The Revd. Charles Robertson, m.a., Diss Rectory, Norfolk. 1883. (C. J. W. Winter, del. et aqua.) Style. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest on a lozenge Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Crest in a wreath Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 221 Name, Date, and Engraver. 19651 19652 19653 19654 19655 Manning, Rev. Charles Upwood, b.a. 1884. (C. J. W. Winter, Feet.) Manning, Rev. Chaa-les Upwood, b.a. {The last plate re- worked.) 1884. (C. J. W. Winter, Feet.) Manning, Frederick. (Sufi&eld, sculp.) Manning, Janies, of Lincoln's Inn Manning, loannes, m.d. . . Style. 19656 Manning, John. (Scott, fecit.) 19657 Manning, T., A.M., Oxon. 19658 Manning, William. [Note by Sir A. W. Fra7iks " Father ofCardl M.") 19659 Manning, William, Junr. 19660 (Manning), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a bookplate. Arms. Manning impaling Halliley.) 19661 Manningham 19662 Manningham. {A smaller plate) 19663 Mannock, Thos. {Artns. Mannoch impaling Doughty. Thomas Mannoch, loho succeeded 1778 as 8th Baronet, marned as his first wife, Mary, daughter of Geo. Brownlow Doughty of Snarford Hall, co. Lincoln.) (Yeats, Fecit, Royal Exchange.) 19664 Mansel, The Right Honble. Thomas, Ld. Mansel of Christ- church, Oxon. {Thomas Mansel succeeded his grand- father 1723 as 2nd Baron and died 1748.) (M. Cole, Oxon., sculp.) 19665 Mansel, Iscoed .. 19666 Mansel, Henry Longueville 19667 Mansel, Henry Longue^'ille. {The last plate tvith motto added.) 19668 Mansel, R., of Court Carm 19669 Mansel, Spencer Perceval. (Girtin, set.) 19670 Mansel, Sr. Willm., Bai't. {Probably the plate of the 5th Baronet.) 19671 Mansell *284 Mansell, Thomas, Esqr., of Brittonfen-y in Glamorganshire, South Wales. 19672 Mansell, William Washington. {For a later state of this 2)Iate,seeMaunseU.) ('"Wyon." Note by Su- A.W. Franks) 19673 Manser, Alfred 19674 Mansergh, Richard Southcote, Tipperary 19675 Mansergh, Ex Libris Richard Southcote, Tipperary. (Marcus Ward & Co. Ltd.) 19676 Mansergh, Richard Southcote. {Printed in colours.) 1894. (Marcus Ward & Co., Ltd.) 19677 Mansergh, Richard Southcote. {A^'ms. Mansergh quar- tering Southcote.) 1894. (C. W. S. ft. (Sherborn.)) 19678 Mansergh, Richard Martin Southcote, Esqr. Mansfield, Earl and Countess of. See Murray. 19679 Mansfield, William Rose, Baron Sandhurst. {Created a Peer 1871 ; died 1876.) Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Ainnorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorinl 222 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 19680 19681 19682 19683 19684 19685 19686 19687 19688 19689 19690 *219 19691 19692 19693 19694 19695 19696 19697 19698 19700 19701 19702 19703 19704 19705 19706 19707 (Mansfield), William, 2nd Baron Sandhurst.. Mansfield, Robert John Mansfield, William. (Arms, Mansfield imj^aling Mack- worth.) Mant, Richd., Trin. Coll. Oxon. Mant, Richard, d.d., Bishop of I^Ualoe and Kilfenora. (Appointed 1820; translated to Doiun and Connor 1823 ; died 1848.) Mant, Rd., Oriel Coll. 1801 Mant, The Rev. Rd., m.a. Mant, Revd. Robert M., a.m. Mant, Walter B Mantell, George .. Mantle, Edward .. Manvers, Earl and Countess. See Pierrepont. Manwaringe, Arthur, of Ightfield in the county of Salop Esqr. (Arms. Mamvaringe quartering Brooh or St. Barbe.) 1702. Manydo-wn Park. See Witlier. Mapletoft, John, m.a. (The anonymous plate reiuorlied) .. Mapletoft, Rd. (Mapletoft, John, M. A.), anonymous .. (Mapletoft), anonymous (Mapletoft, Rd.), anon;yT3ious. (Stephens sculp.) .. Style. (Mapletoft), anonymous. (Stephens sculp.) Maquay, George .. Mar, Earl of. See Erskine. March, John (The last plate reworlied.) 19699 March, William Marchant, John. (Arms. Marchant impaling Burrell) .. (Marckner), anonymous. (A reprint.) (J. Draper, 5 Little Tower Strt. London.) Marchmont, Earl of. See Hume. Margaret. Sec Scrope. Marillier, Fc. W. H Marillier, Jacob .. Marindin, G. E. .. Marindin, Samuel and Isabella. (Arms. Marindin, quar- tering Webb and Bradbournc, impaling Colvilc. Bev. S. Marindin of Chesterton married 1834 Isabella, daughter of Andrew Colvile of Ochiltree and Comhie.) 1848. Marion. See Merrill. Marissal [Nics.] .. Armorial Engraved label Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Autograph Crest Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Crest Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Armorial spade shield in a frame Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Crest in a garter Seal Marjoribanks, Signum Johannis, Bart. as 3rd Baronet; died 1884) (Succeeded 1834 Jacobean Annorial Seal Crest Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 223 Name, Datk, and Enqbaver. 19708 Marjoribanks, Philip. {Arms. Marjoribanks impaling Ayhvorth). 19709 Mark 19710 Mark, John 19711 Markby, Alfred 19712 Marke, Sedly B. (Longmaid sc.) 19713 Markham, In the collection of Anne Emily Sophia. {Arms. MarMiam impaling Grant. Anne Emily Sophia, daughter of Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A., married William Thos. Markham of Becca Hall Co. York, who died 1886 ; she died 1880.) 1879. 19714 Markham, E Libris Clementis R., et Amicorum. {Arms. Markham, with Chichester on an escutcheon. Sir Clements Robert Markham, K.C.B., married 1857 Minna, daughter of the Eev. J. Hamilto7i Chichester of Arlington Co. Devon). 19715 Markham, David F 19716 Markham, G 19717 Markham, G 19718 Markham, John 19719 Markham, John. {A smaller plate) .. 19720 Markham, Osborne, Esqr 19721 Markham, Osborne, Esqr. Lincoln's Inn. {The last p>late with inscription altered). 19722 Markham, Revd. Robt 19723 S. M. (Markham.) (J. Kirk sc. St. Pauls) .. 19724 Markham, Thos. 1780. (Harmar sculp. London) 19725 Markham, William, Esqr. Becca Lodge, Yorkshire 19726 Markland, James Heywood, f.r.s., s.a. Inner Temple 18—. 19727 Markland, James Heywood, f.r.s., s.a. {Arms. Mark land quartering Waltheiv.) (Utting sc.) 19728 Markland, James Heywood, f.r.s., s.a. (Cleghorn) 19729 Markland, Mary. 1783. (S. H. sculpt.) .. 19730 Markland, Robt. (Tunbridge sculp.) 19731 Marks, Alfred. 1885. (H. S. M. (Marks.)) .. 19732 Marks, Edwin 19733 Marks, H. S. (H.S.Marks. Not signed) .. 19734 Marks, H. S. {Another impression on tinted paper) 19735 Marks, H. S. (H. S. M. (Marks) J. E. Wood. Plymo) 19736 Marks, H. S. {A different plate.) 1891. (H. S. M. (Marks)) 19737 Marks, John. 20 Cook Street, Cork 19738 Marks, John. 20 Cook Street, Cork. {Printed on green paper.) 19739 Markwich, James Marlborough, Duke of. See Churchill. Marlborough Coll. The Adderley Library. See College Libraries. Style. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Decorative Armorial Seal Armorial AiTnorial Early Jacobean Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Ai'morial xlrmorial spade shield Crest Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Armorial Lozenge Wreath and ribbon Anuorial Library Interior Initials in a floral frame Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial Printed label Printed label Jacobean Armorial 224 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 19740 19741 19742 19743 19744 19747 19748 19749 19750 19751 19752 19753 19754 19755 19756 19757 19758 19759 19760 19761 19762 19763 19764 19765 19766 19767 19768 Marley, John Marling, Sir Samuel Stephens, Bart. {Anns. Marling iynpaling Cartiv right. S. S. Marling, created a Baronet 1882, married 1834 Margaret Williayna, daughter of William Bentley Cartioright of Devizes; died 1883.) (Marochetti, Baron), anonymous Marr, Capt. R. . . Marriott 19745 Marriott [Thos.] 19746 Marriott [T. C] Marriott, Anne .. Marriott, Edmund C. (Arms Marriott, Isabella. [1784] {The last plate with the crest retoorJced.) Marriott impaling Praed) Marriott, Reginald, of Parsons Green in the County of Middx., Esqr. Marriott, William (Marriott or Mariet), anonymous. {Arms. Mariet quartering Bolls l and Faldoe. This viust he the plate of a member of the family of Mariet of Whitchurch, CO. Warwick. See the plate of the arms of Thomas Mariet in the 5th edition of Guillim''s Heraldry, 1679.) (Faithorne. Not signed, but see "Bookplates" by W. J. Hardy, 1897, p. 36.) (Marriott or Mariet), anonymous. {A smaller plate.) (Faithorne.) (Marriott), anonymous. Stowe and Adams.) (Marriott), anon;ymous. {Arms. Marriott quartering {Proof of the plate of Edmund C. Marriott.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Marryat, Charles. {Died 1884) Marryat, Charlotte. {Arms. Marryat impaling Von Gcyer. Joseph Marryat married Charlotte, daughter of Frederic Von Geyer of Boston, U.S.A.) Marryat, Horace . . Marryat, Joseph. {M.P. for Sandwich) Marryat, Joseph. {A smaller plate) ., Marryat, Joseph. {A different plate) Marryat, Joseph, Junr. {Born 1790; died 1876.) .. Marryat, Samuel. ( Third son of Dr. Thomas Marryat, horn 1761 ; died 1829.) Marsden, James. Junr. Liverpool (Marsden), Samuel Edward Bathurst. {Appointed Bishop of Bath urst 1869 ; resigned 1885.) ('-Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Marsden, W. Marsden, W., M.D. Marah, Edward. Holly Lodge, Winchmorc Hill Style. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial shield and clouds Armorial Lozenge Armorial Armorial Lozenge pendant by a ribbon from a pedestal Early Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest in a garter Armorial Aniiorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Engraved label Franks Collection of Book Plates. 225 Name, Date, and Engraver. 19769 19770 19771 19772 19773 19774 19775 19776 19777 19778 19779 19780 19781 19782 19783 19784 19785 19786 19787 19788 19789 19790 19791 19792 19793 19794 19795 19796 19797 19798 19799 19800 19801 19802 Marsh, George, A. B. Marsh. Sir Henrv, Bart. {Arms. Marsh quarteHiig Taylor.) Max'sh, Henry Goilfrey, Esqr., J.p. Marsh, Henry Godfrey, Esqr., J.r. {The last plate re- worthed.) Marsh, H. C. Marsh, Herbert Charles . . Marsh, I., a.m., Fell. Trin. Coll. Camb. (W. H. (Henshaw)) Marsh, .John Marsh, .Tohn. Marsh, -John. {Printed in red) {Arms. Marsh impaling Marsh, John Marsh, John Fitchett. Fitchett.) Marsh, Willm. (Marsh), anonj'inous {Arms. Marsh quartering (Marsh), anon_^•mous. {The plate of John Marsh ivithout inscription.') Marshall . . Marshall, of Killcairney Marshall, Charles, a.m. .. Marshall, Chas. Robt., M. A. Marshall, Rev. Edward, m.a. Oxford. {Ar)ns. Marshall, quartering Taylor, impaling Burton. Brv. E. Marshall married 1814 Mary Anne, daughter of James Burton, D.D., Canon of Christcliurch.) Marshall, Rev. Edward, m.a. Sandford. {A different plate.) Marshall, Rev. Edward, m.a.. f.s.a. Sandford St. ^fartin. ( TJie last plate with inscrii)tion altered.) Marshall, Rev. Edward, m.a., f.s.a. Sandford St. Martin. Vicar. {The last plate reworked.) Marshall, Rev. Edward, m.a., i'.s.a. C.C.C. Oxou. ol. Soc. Marshall, F. A. .. Marshall, Frederick Earnshaw. {Arms. Marshall quarter- ing Earnshaw.) Marshall, George. {Arms. MarshaU impaling . . .) Marshall, George. {Arms. Marshall impaling Layton .') Marshall, George W., LL.M. Marshall, George W., ll.d., f.s.a. {The last plate with inscription altered.) Marshall, George W., ll.d., f.s.a. (.1 different plate) Marshall, Henry. {Arms. MarshaU! quartering Hod- son.) (Rickard Se. Exeter.) Marshall, James . . Marshall, James. Bridgnorth Style. 19803 Marshall, Jolm. a.m. VOL. II. Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Arinorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial lozenge Festoon Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Annorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Q 226 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 19804 19805 19806 19807 19808 19809 19810 19811 19812 19813 19814 19815 19816 19817 19818 19819 19820 19821 19822 19823 19824 19825 19826 19827 19828 19829 19830 19831 19832 19833 19884 19835 19836 19837 19838 Marshall, John. Middle Temple Marshall, John Willoughby Marshall, Joseph Head. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.'') Marshall, E Libris Juliani. {Coined and reduced from a full-page printer's mark, one of the Junta family of Venice.) Marshall, E Libris Juliani. {A smaller plate) Marshall, Lucy. Jan. 10, 1753 Marshall, Richard Marshall, Richard. {Arms. Honywood impaling Fair- brother.) Marshall, Robert Marshall, Rt., M.D. Marshall, Thos. .. Marshall, Victor Alexander Garth Marshall, "William, E. I. Compys. Service .. Marshall, "William. {Arms. Marshall impaling Miller) . . Marshall Style. or anonymous. {Arms. {Arms. Marshall Marshall quarte7%ng (Marshall), mutilated impaling Dawes /) (Marshall, Maria E.), anonymous quartering Earnshaiu ) (Marshall), anonymous .. (Marshall), anon\-mous. {The plate of George W. Marshall luithout in8crij)tion.) (Marshall), anonjTnous. {Arms. Bruce, Hey wick? and Browne.) Marsham, Lord. Arlington Street Marsham, George A. . . (Marsham), anon_Aniious. {Said to be the plate of John Marsham of Whoyne's Place, Cuxton, co. Kent, born 1602; Knighted 1660; created a Baronet 1663; died 1685.) (Marsham, Baronet), anonymous. {Probably the 5th Bart. created Baron Romney 1716.) (Marsham), anonymous.. Martelli, Horatio. {Arms. Martelli with Holloway and Taylor imptaled on an escutcheon.) Marten, Alfred George, Esqr. Inner Temple. {For a proof of this j^late see Martyn.) (Martin.) Ham Court .. Martin, E Libris Caroli Trice . . Martin, Charles T. 1888 Martin, Ex Libris Claudii. {See " Artists and engravers of British and American Bookplates," by H. W. Fincham, 1807, p. XV.) (Bidl. del. set.) Martin, Col. Claude Martin, Major General Claude .. C. M. (Claude Martin). (Stothard I'inxt. Birrell Sculpt. London.) Martin, Elias. Leicester Street, Leicester 'ibouf 1740; A.R.A. 1771 ; died 1811.) Martin, Francis. Windsor Herald. (Bluemantle Pursiii vant 1796; Windsor Herald 1819; Norroy King of Arms 1839; Clarencenx King of Arms 1846; died 1848.) Fields. (Born (Elias Martin.) Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Armorial Seal crest Crest Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest Armorial Armorial Engraved label Crest in a garter Carolian shield within branches Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 227, Date, and Enguayee. 19839 Martin, Francis, Windsor Herald. (Griffiths & Weigall, 3 St. James Street.) 19840 Martin, The Seal of Francis, Esqr., Norroy King of Arms. 19841 Martin, Francis, Norroy King of Arms 19842 Martin, Francis, Clarenceux King of Arms. (The hifst plate iintli inscription altered.) 19843 Martin, Francis John. ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 19844 Martin, G. Hull 19845 Martin, George. {Arms. Martin tvith Nicholson or NicMeson on an escwtclieon. Probably the j>Me of George Martin, Surgeon of St. Thomas's Hospital who married 1754 Mary, daughter of John Nickleson of Stanmore, Co. Middx., and coheir of her brothers John and Richard NicMeson.) 19846 Martin, Adml. Sir George 19847 Martin, George Anne. {Arms. Martin quartering Nickle- son, impaling Hankins. Geo. Anne Martin of Worthing, Co. Sussex, married 1804 Anne, daughter of William Hankins of the Custom House; died 1842.) (1805. wmk. in paper.) 19848 Martin George Anne, m.d. 19849 Martin, Cpt. George B., r.n. {Arms. Martin imjmliiig Briggs. George Bohun Martin of Crabbs Abbey, Co. Norfolk, C.B., B.N., married 1835 Isabella Harriet, daughter of Admiral Sir Thomas Briggs, G.C.M.G.) 19850 Martin, Henry Byam .. 19851 Martin, Sir Henry W., Bart. {Henry William Martin, succeeded as 2nd Bart. 1794; died 1842.) 19852 Martin, Hezekiah, m.a.. Vicar of Thatchani. (Arms. Martin impaling Toll.) 19853 Martin, James 19854 Martin, James. {The last jdate reioorked) .. 19855 Martin, James. Ross House .. 19856 Martin, James Thomas . . 19857 Martin, John 19858 Martin, John 19859 Martin, Kevd. John Charles. (Ariin^. Martin quartiiing Ending or Pembroke.) 19860 Martin, Liber Joannis S. (.4 block of six impressions) 19861 Martin, Ex Libris John S. (E.L.Dick) 19862 Martin, Ex Libris John S. 1893. (J. D. Michie dclt. Edinbm-gh.) 19868 Martin, Joseph James, Esq. Ham Court, Co. Worcester. {Engraved by Appleby for " Burke s Heraldic Hlustra- tions.'') 19864 Martin, Peter 19865 Martin, Piers Edgcumb. (Jarrett, London) .. 19866 P. F. M. (Martin). {Arms. Martin impaling Durrant !) .. Style. Armoiial shield on a tabard Seal Ai'morial Armorial shield on a tabard Ai-morial shield on a tabard Armoi-ial Pictorial Chippendale Aimorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Annorial spade shield Armorial Crest Crest Architectm-al Armorial Armorial Engraved label in a decorative fi-amc Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Ajrnorial Festoon Armorial q2 228 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 19867 Martin, Richard 1986S Martin, Kobt., of Thetforcl, Norfolk 19869 S. M. (Sam. Martin) 19870 Martin, Thomas, of Lincoln's-Inn 19871 Martin, Thomas. {The plate of Peter Ma it hi irith altered inscription.) 19872 Martin, Tho. London Style. 19874 19875 19876 (Born 1773; K.C.B. 1815; died 1854.) Alexr., AVriter to the Signet. (Hr. 19877 19878 19879 19880 19881 19882 19883 Martin, Thomas Byam . . Martin, Thomas Byam G.C.B. 1813; Martin, William Gavin.) Martin, William Bennet. {Arms. Martin, quartering Edmonds, Wentivortli, Carrington, Vincent, Neivce, Offley, ClarJi-e and Bohtvn, impialing Clialoner. W. B. Martin of Worshro' Hall, Co. York, married 1831 Augusta Marcia, daughter of the Revd. John Chaloner of Newton Kyme.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Martin, William Bennett, Esqr., Worsbro, Co. York. iOriginalhj engraved by Emslie for ^^ Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,'" and afterwards used as a bookplate.) Martin, William Edward Martin, William Fanshawe. {Arins. Martin imp)aling Hurl. Wm. F. Martin, who succeeded 1863 as ^th Baronet, married 1838, as his 2nd wife, Sophia Eliza- beth, daughter of Bichd. Hurt of Wirksivorth, co. Derby.) (Martin.) Name erased (Martin.) Name erased. {Ar})is. Martin impaling Savage.) (Martin.) Name erased. {Arms. Martin impaling Savage.) (Martin.) Name cut oti' 19884 (Martin), anonymous 19885 (Martin), anonymous. (Arms. Martin impaling UJ^ley) . . 19886 (Martin ?), anonymous .. 19887 Martindale, Chas. Montagu 19888 Martineavi, .John. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 19889 Martineau, Joseph. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 19890 Martineau, The Honblc. Mrs 19891 Martineau, Mary 19892 Martins, Sir William. {Knighted 1840) 19893 Marton, George. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. 19894 Martyn, Bendall. Esqr 19895 Martyn, The Kevd. Charles John, m.a. Palgi-ave Priory, Suffolk. (Arms. Marfrpi impaling Har7-isnn.) 19896 Martyn, John Waddon . . ' . . 19897 Martyn, Oliver. M.I) Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Cypher Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial AiTuorial Ai-morial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armoi'ial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Crest in a garter Crest Armorial Interlaced initials Armorial lozenge Armorial Crest in a garter Chippendale AaTQorial Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Franks Collect io)i of Booh Plates. 229 Name, Date, and Engravee. 19898 Martyn, Serjt. (Arms. Marty n impaling Wetherall) 19899 (Martyn), anonjTDOus. {Printed in sepia.) (Lyons Ex) .. 19900 (Marty n), anonymous. (Lyon) 19901 (Martyn), anonymous. {Proof of the plate of Alfred George Marten.) 19902 Marvin, Revd. W. S. {Arms. Marvi?i impaling Brierley ?) 19908 Marx ' .. Marylebone Free Library. Sec Public Libraries. 19904 Maryman, Martin. {Note by Sir A. W. FranJiS, " Lyonn Book.'') 19905 Mascall, Eobt 19906 Masey, Arthm- Adair. Inner Temple . . 19907 Maskall, lliehd. (Arms. 1. Maskall ; 2. Brierley) 19908 Maskell, Liber Willielmi, Clerici 19909 Maskelyne, Edmund, Esqr 19910 Mason, Dame Anna Margaretta, Relict of Sr. Richard Mason Kt. Late Clarke Comtroler of the Green Cloath to King Charles and King James the Second. {Arms. Mason imj^aling Long. Sir Bichard Mason married Anna Margaretta, daughter of Sir James Long of Draycot Came, Co. Wilis.) 1701. *151 Mason, Dame Anna Margaretta, Relict of Sr. Richard Mason Kt. Late Clerke Comtroler of the Green Cloath to King Charles and King James the Second. {Another impression of the last ])late.) 1701. *324 Mason, Mrs. Anne, of Bishops Castle in the county of Salop late Countess of Macclesfeild and one of the Daughters and Coheires of Sr. Richard Mason Kt. {Anne, ivife of Charles, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield, was divorced April 2nd, 1698.) 1698. 19911 Mason, 13. {Arms. Mason quartering Finch) 19912 E. H. M. (Mason). {Arms. Mason, quartering Battray, impaling Grey ?) 19913 Mason, Hy. B. B. 19914 Mason, John Finch. (18 — . wmk. in paper) 19915 Mason, J. Heron 19916 Mason, John Monck, Esqr. .. 19917 Mason, John Monck. Esqr. {2'hr last plate reworked) 19918 Mason, Monck 19919 Mason, Mowbrav Pincknev 19920 Mason, Nash '.. 19921 Mason, Nash. {A different plate, printed in blue) .. 19922 Mason, Robert H. Monck 19923 Mason, T. H.. R.N Style. Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Ar- morial. Two spade shields accole Interlaced initials in a frame Chippendale Aj-morial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial. Arms in a lozenge Armorial spade shield Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial ' Chippendale Aimorial Armorial Armorial Chip]icndalc Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest 230 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 19924 19925 19926 19927 19928 19929 19930 19931 19932 19933 19934 19935 19936 19937 19938 19939 19940 19941 *420 19942 *451 19943 19944 19945 Mason, W. (Mason), anonymous. {Note on the had-, '^ Lf. Col. G. H. Mason." A7-ms. Mason impaling . . .) (Silvester sc. 27 Strand.) (Mason), anonymous. {The plate of Mowhray Pincl-nej/ Mason without inscription.) Massey (Baron) . . (Massey, Baron) Clarina. {Arms. Massey impaling Barton. Eyre, Srd Baron Clarina, married 1828 Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh Barton of Straff an, Co. Kildare; died 1872.) Massey, Eichardi Middleton, de Wisbeche m.d. e Societate Eegia. Massey, Samuel. Leeds Style. Massey, Saml., m.d. (I. H.) .. Massey, Thomas Stanley. Puddington. {Arms, Stanley, quartering Massey, impaling Salvin. Thomas Stanley Massey, ivho succeeded as Itli Bart. 1794, married Catherine, datighter of William, Salvin of Coxdale, Co. Durham.) Massey, W. Wandsworth Massey, William Massie of Coddington. E. M. (Massie) (Dean at the + ) Massie, Richd., Esqr, of Coddington, Cheshu'e Massie, Richd., Esqr., of Coddington, Cheshire. {The last plate printed in red.) Massie, Richd., of Coddington, Cheshire. {The last jjlate with tnscription altered.) Massie, T. L. Massingberd, P>urrell, of South Ormesbye in Com Lincolne, Esqr. {BurrrU Massingberd of Ornieshy, elder son of Sir Drayner Massiiigberd by his roife Anne, daughter of Hc7irjf Mildmay of Graces, Co. Essex ; died 1728.) Massingberd, Burrell,of South Ormesbye in Com Lincolne, Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) Massingberd, Mrs. Margaret. {Arms. The two coats of Massingberd quarterly.) 1704. Massingberd, Mrs. i\Iargaret. {Anotlier im2)ression of the last plate.) 1704. Massy, Edward Taylor. Cottesmore. {Arms. Massy, quartering Taylor, impaling Peel. Edward T. Massy married 1835 Helen, daughter of Jonailian Peel of Cottesmore, Co. Pembroke.) Massy, Francis, Esqr., of Rixton, Lancashire. {Born 1704; died 1748. Arnts. Massy quartering Pij-ton and Hnrton.) 1739. (.J. Skinner Bath Sculpt.) Massy, Francis, Esqr., of Rixton, Lancashire. {A repro- duction of the last plate.) 1739. (J. Skinner Bath Sculpt.) Chippendale Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale en- gi-aved label Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean ' Armorial Jacobean Armorial ' Chippendale Ar- morial modern Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Annorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 231 Name, Date, and Engbaver. 19946 Massy, Honble. Geo. Wm. (2nd5 Son of Hugh ^rd Baron Massy ; horn 1794 ; died 1835.) (O'Connor Sept.) 19947 Massy, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Dillon. (Arms. Massy impaling Rochfort ?) (O'Connor Sept.) 19948 Massy, Hugh Francis . . 19949 Master, Alfred. (Arms. Master impaling ThirMll ?) 19950 Master, Alfred. {The last jdate reivorked and altered) 19951 Master, Alfred, f.r.cs. Eng. {The last plate with inscrip- tion reworked.) 19952 Master, F. C 19953 Master, George Streynsham 19954 Master, Legh, of Newhall in the county of Lancaster, Esqr. {Arms. Master, quartering Streynsham and Wight- man, ivith Launder and Smith on escutcheons. Legh Master of Codnor Castle, M.P., married 1st Margaret, daughter and heir of Launder of Newhall, and Indly 1739 Anne, daughter and coheir of Charles Smith, of Islesworth.) 19955 Master, Mrs. {Arms. Asgill quartering Strode and Mascall.) 19956 Master, Mrs. Dorcas Rachel. {Arms. Master quartering Mainwaring ?) 19957 Master, Oswald. (W. Mathews Sculpt.) 19958 Master, Streynsham 19959 (Master), anonymous 19960 Masterman, Henrietta .. 19961 Masterman, Henry, Esqr. {Arms. Masterman impaling Metcalfe ?) 19962 Masters, R., B.D., f.s.a. (W. S. (Stephens).) 19963 Masters, R., b.d., f.s.a. {A reprint of the last plate.) (1886. mnk. in paper.) (W. S. (Stephens).) 19964 Mateham, Nelson. {Arms. Matcham quartering Nelson) 19965 Mather, John. (1811. wink, in paper) 19966 (Mathew, Earl of) Llandaff. {Arms. Mathew impaling La Touche. Francis James, Ind Earl of Llandaff, succeeded 1806, married 1797 Gertrude, daughter of John La Touche of Harristoivn, co. Kildare ; died 1838.) 19967 Mathew, Lord. Albemarle Street 19968 Mathew. Pentlow Hall, Essex. {Arms. Mathew quar- tering Coldham and Brice.) 19969 Mathew, Daniel 19970 Mathew, Daniel. {Arms. Matheiv, quartering Van Leem- putt, impaling Byam. Daniel Mathew of Felix Hall, CO. Essex, married as his 2nd wife Mary, daughter of George Byam of Antigua.) 19971 Mathew, Daniel Byam. {Arms. Matheiv, quartering Van Leemputt, impaling Bering. Daniel Byam Matheiv of Felix Hall, co. Essex, married Eliza, daughter of Sir Edward Bering, Bart.) 19972 Mathew, Daniel Dering. Caius College, Cambridge 19973 Mathew, Ed. Wm 19974 Mathew, Revd. E. W. {The last plate reworked) .. Style. Chippendale Ar- morial modern Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest in a garter Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Crest in a garter Jacobean Ai'morial Armorial Armorial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Engraved label Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 232 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 19975 Mathew, Captain George, Coldstream Guards 19976 Mathew, I. M 19977 I. M. M. (Mathew) 19978 Mathew, I. Mee 19979 Mathew, Wm., f.l.s, Pentlow Hall, Essex. {Arms. Mathew with CoJdham on an escutcheon.) 19980 Mathew, William, Esqr. (Arms. Mathew, quartering Van Leemputt, with Hill on an escutcheon, imj^aling Smith, quartering Williams. General Wm. Mathew, Governor-General of the Leeward Islands, married 1st Anne, daughter and heir of Lieut. -Genl. Hill, and Indly Anne, daughter and heir of M. Smith, Lieut. - Governor of the Island of Nevis.) 19981 Mathew, William, Esqr. {Arms. Mathew impaling Brograve. Willm. Mathew, S07i of George Wm. Mathew, married Catherine, daughter of Sir B. Bro- grave, Bart.) 19982 (Mathew), anonymous, {Arms. Mathew, quartering Van Leemputt and Smith, luith Handley on an escutcheon.) 19983 TMathew, Geo. Benvenuto, Esqr., C.B.], anonymous 19984 Mathewes, Danl., a.m. {Arms. Mathewes impaling Bentlrg.) 19985 Mathew^s, Anne .. 1998G Mathews, Charles. {The plate of William MatJiews tuith altered inscription.) 19987 Mathews, Charles. {The last plate reworhed) 19988 Mathews, Ex Libris Caroli Elkin. (18)89. (A. R. (Robertson).) 19989 Mathews, Ex Libris Caroli Elkin. (A smaller plate.) (18)89. (A. R. (Robertson).) 19990 J. B. M. (J. Brander Mathews). (E. A. Abbey) 19991 Mathews, Thomas George 19992 Mathews, William. [Aul. Pemb. Cantab.] 19993 Mathias, Gabriel. London .. .. .. 19994 Mathias, James. London 19995 Mathias, Cpt. J. V 19996 Mathison, Gilbert. {Arms. Mathison impaling Farquhar. Gilbert Mathison of Jamaica married Catherine, daughter of Sir Walter Farquhar, 1st Baronet.) 19997 Mathison, William. {Arms. Mathisoji quartering Ogilvy.) (Culleton, 23 Cranboum St. London, W.C.) 19998 (Mathison), Bibliothecie CoUegii Sanct. et indiv. Trinitatis Cant. IMaria uxor superstes Gulielmi Collings IMathi- lion, A.M., hujus Collegii quondam Vice Magistri Dono Dedit. A.S. M.DCCCLXX. 19999 Matthew, .Tames E. 1877. (Harry Soane ft.) 20000 Matthew, James E. (The last plate without tite engraver's signature or date.) 20001 Matthew, Thomas. Inner Temple 20002 Matthews, Arnold Jerome Povoleri. {Arms. of 6. 1. Mattheivs; 2. HosJq/ns ; 3. Wollcy / more; ii. Scudamorr ; 6. Gifford.) 20003 Matthews, H. \\ " Style. Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Annorial Quarterly 4. Scnda- Wreath and ribbon Armorial Amiorial supporters Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial W^reath and ribbon engi-aved label Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial Engraved label Festoon Ai-morial Festoon Armorial Chippendale AaiBorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Decorative Decorative Jacobean Armorial Annorial sup- porters and coronet Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 233 Name, Date, and Engraveb. 20004 Matthews, Joseph 20005 Matthews, Joseph. {The last ■plate reworked) 20006 Matthews, Mrs 20007 Matthews, Theodosia, Her Book. 1793 20008 Matthews, William. Bath 20009 Matthews, Wilham. Bath. {A different plate) .. 20010 Matthews, William. Great-Coggeshall, Essex 20011 Matthews, Wm. Sharpe 20012 W. S. M. (Matthews) 20013 (Matthews?), anonymous 20014 Matthey, Richard. {Arms. Matthey impaling Felly) 20015 Maturin, Rev. Edmund 20016 Maturin, Gabriel James, Esqr. 20017 Maturin, Washington Shirley, Esqr. {The plate of Gabriel James Maturin with inscription altered.) 20018 Maud, Johan. Philochim. ad insig. Clav. Aurat. in Vico vulgo vocato Aldersgate Street, Lond. {Art)is. Maud iinpaling Caches.) 20019 (Maude), Frances Anne, Viscountess Hawarden. {Arms. Maude impaling Agar. Frances Anne, daughter of Charles, Earl of Normanton, Archbishop of Dublin, married 1798 Thomas Balph, 2nd Viscount Hawarden, who died 1807.) 20020 Maude, Edward Jas. {Printed in colours) .. 20021 Maude, Francis. Trin. Coll. Cambridge 20022 Maude, Frederick 20023 Maude, Frederic Philip 20024 Maude, Henry Hallett 20025 Maude, John. {The plate of Thomas Maude altered in MS.) 20026 Maude, John 20027 Maude, John, of Moor House 20028 Maude, John, of Moor House. 20029 Maude, John, of Moor House. (Sam Topham sculp. Leeds.) 20030 Maude, John, of Moor House. (J. Cousin Set.) 20031 Maude, John, Esq. Moor House, Co. York. {Engraved by Emslie for ''Burke's Heraldic Hlustrations.'") 20032 Maude, John. AVakefield (Sam Topham sculp. Leeds) {The last plate reivorked.) 20033 Maude, John Milthorp 20034 Maude, Tliomas . . 20035 Maude, Revd. Thomas 20036 Maude, Wm., r.n. 20037 (Maude), mutilated 20038 Maudslay, Henry 20039 Mauduit, Wm. {Arms. Four coats quarterly all attri- buted to Mauduit.) 20040 (Maule, Baron Panmure.) Panmure Library. {Arms. Quarterly of 4. 1. and 4. Maule; 2. De Valoniis ; 3. Barclay and Wishart quarterly. The Honble. Style. Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Engraved label Printed label Printed label Printed label Printed label Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Eax'ly Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale Anuorial Armorial Urn Armorial Armorial 234 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. William Bamsay, second soti of the Stli Earl of Dal- housie, assumed the name and Arms of Maiile, ajid was created Baron Panmure, 1831 ; died 1852.) 20041 Maiile, Geo., Esqr. {Arms. Maule impaling Cog geshall?) 20042 Maule, H. St. John 20043 Maule, John. {Printed in blue.) (Huntly sc.) 20044 20045 20046 20047 20048 20049 20050 20051 20052 20053 20054 20055 Maule, Mr. Baron. (John Maule of Invcrkeilor, son of Harry titular Earl of Panmure, by his ^7id wife Anne, daughter of the Honhle. Patrick Lindsay of Kilburnic ; Baron of the court of Exchequer in Scotland; died 1781.) Maule, Mr. Baron Maule, Mr. Baron. {The last plate reworked) Mauleverer (mutilated) . . Mavmdrell Maundrell Maunsell. {For an earlier state of this plate see the plate of Wm, Washington Mansell.) [Maunsell, Dorothy] , mutilated Maunsell, G. E. {Arms. Maunsell impaling Palmer and ToUemache. The Bev. George Edmond Maunsell, Bector of Thorpe Malson Co. Northampton, married 1st 1846 Theodosia Mary, daughter of Sir John Palmer Bart., and 2ndly 1869 Matilda Anne Frances, daughter of the Honble. and Bev. H. F. ToUemache.) Maunsell, Thomas, of the Middle Temple, Esqr. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.") Maunsell, Revd. Thomas Style. {Note by Sir (Arms. Maunsell Maunsell, Thomas Ridgate, Esqr. of A. W. Franks, ''Lyons Book." quartering Bidgate.) 20056 Maunsell, William.' (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, ''Lyons Book.") 20057 Mauran 20058 Maurice, Fred. Guill 20059 Maurice, Mrs. Maria Max'garetta .. .. " 2U060 Maurice, The Revd. Theodorus, Ai-chdeacon of Tuam. {Note by Sir A. W, Franks, " Lyo)is Book.") 20061 Maving, Wm. Newcastle 20062 Mawbey, Sr. Joseph, Bart. (Joseph Mawbey created a Barvnrt 1765; died 1798.) 20063 Mawbey, Sr. Joseph, Bart. (Arms. Mawbey with Pratt on an escutcheon. Sir Joseph Mawbey \st Bart, married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Biehard Pratt of Vauxhall.) 20064 Mawbey, Sr. Joseph, Bart. (The last plate reworked) 20065 Mawby, Thomas Wm. (-4 copy of an \ old jdate ? Sec •' Wealc dc Warwick.") 20066 Mawe, P. E W^reath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial shield on a mantle Crest Crest Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Bookpile Armorial arms on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Early Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 235 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. 20067 Maxey, Charles Puckle. (Arms. Maxey imjMling By- field !) 20068 (Maxey), anonymous. {Arms. Maxey imjMling Williams ?) 20069 C. F. M. (Maxse). Effingham Hill. {Arms. Maxse im- IMling Berkeley. Lady Caroline Fitzhardinge Berkeley married 1829 James Maxse. Note by Sir A. W. Franks, ''Lady C. F. Maxse jnirchased Effingham Hill, Surrey, in 1869,") 1869. ("Wyon." Note by Su- A. W. Franks.) C. F. M. (Maxse). Effingham Hill. {The last plate re- worked.) 1869. (Maxwell), The Right Honble. Wm., Earl of Nithsdaill. {Succeeded 1685 as 5th Earl; attainted 1716; died 1744.) 1708. (Maxwell), The Eight Honble. Wm., Earl of Nithsdale &c. {Prohahly the plate of the 6th Earl, titular, of Niths- dale ; succeeded 114:4: ; died 111 6.) (Maxwell, Baron Herries,) anonymous. (" Baker " Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Maxwell), Lord Farnham. {Arms. Maxwell impaling Stapleton, quartering Fane, Nevill and Spencer. Henry 1th BaroJi Farnham married 1828 Anna Frances Esther, daughter of Thomas 22nd Baron Le Despencer ; died 1868.) 20074 (Maxwell), Lord Farnham. {A different plate.) 20075 (Maxwell), Lord Farnham. {The last plate reworked.) 20076 (Maxwell), Lord Farnham, K.p. 20077 (Maxwell), Lord Farnham, k.p. {The last plate reworked.) 20078 (Maxwell, Lord) Farnham 20079 Maxwell 20080 Maxwell of Carriden 20070 *474 20071 20072 20073 Style. 20081 Maxwell of Polloc 20082 Maxwell, Archibald 20083 Maxwell, David, of Bogmill Esqr 20084 Maxwell, Edward 20085 Maxwell, Francis, Liverpool. (Maclure Macdonald & Macgregor Set.) 20086 Maxwell, Geo. Booth. {Arms. Maxwell, quartering Parker, impaling Prescott ■ ) (J. A. Latham sc. 7 Featherstone Buildings Holborn.) 20087 Maxwell, Hamilton, Esqr. {Copied from the plate of Sir Wm. Maxwell of Monreith, Bart.) 20088 Maxwell, Helen Frances, Twjoiing Com. Glouc. {Arms. Maxivell quartering Handcock.) 20089 Maxwell, Henry, Esqr., m.p. {Arms. Maxwell impaling Stapleton. See Lord Farnham.) 20090 Maxwell, Henry Hamilton 20091 Maxwell, Liber Herberto Eustacio, Baronetto de Monreith, dilectus. {Succeeded 1877 as 1th Baronet.) . 20092 Maxwell, James. {Arms. Maxwell quartering Dennis- tnlin.) Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Armorial Early Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield in a frame Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest in a frame Armorial Jacobean Anuorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Anuorial Armorial supporters Armorial spade shield 236 Franks CoUeetioii of Book Flutes. Name, Date, and Engraver. 20093 Maxwell, Jas., of Carnsalloch Esqr. .. 20094 Maxwell, Sir John, Bart. Poloc, Co. Eenfrew. {Succeeded 1844 as 8th Baronet ; died 1865.) 20095 (Maxwell, Sir John, Bart.) anou^Tnous. (Proof of the last 2)1 ate.) 20096 Maxwell, Marmaduke Constable 20097 Maxwell, P. Benson 20098 Maxwell, Robert. (O'Connor set.) 20099 Maxwell, Saml 20100 Maxwell, Sr. William, of Monreith Bart. {Succeeded as 3rd Baronet 1730 ; died 1771.) 20101 Maxwell, Sir William, of Monreith Bart. {Perhaps the plate of the ith Baronet ; succeeded 1771; died 1812.) 20102 Maxwell, Sir Wm. of Springkell, Bart. {Succeeded as 2nd Baronet mS; died 1760.) 20103 Maxwell, Eevd. W. G. Twyning in com. Gloc. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 20104 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling 20105 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling.. 20106 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling 20107 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling . . 20108 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S 20109 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling . . 20110 (Stirling -Maxwell), William Stirling . . 20111 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling printed in sepia.) 20112 (Stirling-Maxwell), E Libris Gulielmi Stirling 20113 (Stirling-Maxwell), E Libris Gulielmi Stirling. plate printed on blue j^apcr.) 20114 (Stirling-Maxwell), E Libris Gulielmi Stirling. plate printed on yellow jiaper.) 20115 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S 20116 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. ]\I 20117 (Stirling-Maxwell), Kcir 20118 (Stirling-Maxwell), AVilliam Stirling. (ind brown o)i bhie pajier.) 20119 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling prinfcd In black and red.) 20120 (Stirling-Maxwell), \\illiam Stirling. reworked.) 20121 (Stirling-Maxwell), Keir 20122 (Stirling-Maxwell I, W. S. 20123 (Stirling-Maxwell), W.S. ajul brown.) 20124 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. and red.) 20125 (Stirling Maxwell), William Stirling. ijrJloir paj^ir.) 20126 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (Printed (Did rid.) Style. (The last plate {The last {The last {Printed in black {The last 2)late {The last plate (Printed in black and blue.) .. (The last 2date printed in black (The last plate printed in black (Prijitcd in red 07i in black Jacobean Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Crest Crest Chippendale Ar- morial modern Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Aiunorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a decorative frame Armorial anns in a decorative frame Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Annorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Annorial Annorial Interlaced initials Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 237 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. {The last plate printed in blue Keir. Keiv. [Printed in red.) (The last plate printed 20127 (Stirling-Maxwell), anonymous. (Printed in black and red.) 20128 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (Printed in gold and colours.) 20129 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. 20130 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. and gold.) 20131 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., 20132 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., 171 red on yellow paper.) 20133 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keir. (The last plate pi'inted in blue and gold.) 20134 (Stirling-Maxwell), "William Stirling. (Printed in pmple.) 20135 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (The last plate printed in green.) 20136 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (The last plate printed in crimson.) 20137 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (Printed in green.) 20138 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (The last plate printed in blue on mauve paper.) 20139 ( Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (The last plate printed in purple.) 20140 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (Printed in blue.) .. 20141 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (The last plate printed hi red.) 20142 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. printed on green paper.) 20143 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. 20144 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. printed in red.) 20145 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. printed on green paper.) 20146 (Stirling-Maxwell), Keir. (Printed omjellow p)aper.) Seal Armorial Armorial Interlaced initials Interlaced initials Interlaced initials Interlaced initials Interlaced initials Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial (The last plate Armorial (Printed in blue.) (The last plate (The last plate 20147 (Stirling-Maxwell), Keii-. (The last plate printed in blue.) 20148 (Stirling-Maxwell), Keir. (The last plate printed in red.) 20149 (Stirling-Maxwell), Keir. (The last plate printed on blue paper.) 20150 (Stirling-Maxwell), Keir. (Priyited in red. This seems to be an earlier state of the last plate.) 20151 (Stirling -Maxwell), anonymous. (Printed in black and blue.) 20152 (Stirling-Maxwell), anonymous. (The last plate printed in black and red.) 20153 (Stirling-Maxwell), anonymous. (The last plate printed in black and brown.) 20154 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keiv 20155 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keir. (The last plate printed on yellow jjaper.) Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a decorative frame Ai'morial arms in a decorative frame Armorial arms in a decorative frame Armorial arms in a decorative frame Armorial arms in a decorative frame Armorial Armorial Armorial Interlaced initials in a frame Interlaced initials in a frame 238 Franks Colleciion of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 20156 20157 20158 20159 20160 20161 20162 20163 20164 20165 20166 20167 20168 20169 20170 20171 20172 20173 20174 20175 20176 20177 20178 20179 20180 20181 20182 20183 20184 20185 20186 20187 20188 20189 20190 20191 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keir. darJ: yellow j^aj^er.) (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keir. on rcd-hrown paper.) (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. {Printed in blue and gold) .. (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. {A different plate printed in blue and gold.) (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keir. (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keir. iji red.) (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S., Keir. jyaj^er.) Keir. {The last plate printed on {The last plate printed {Printed in blue) {The last ^j?aic pirinted {Printed in red on yellotu {The last plate printed {Printed in blue) . . {The last plate (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. 7 71 2}ii)ple.) (Stirling-Maxwell), AV. S (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling printed in purple.) (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S (Stirling-Maxwell), anonj-mous (Stirling-Maxwell), anonymous. (Printed in gold) (Stirling Maxwell), William Stirling. {Printed in blue) .. (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. {The last plate printed on pink paper.) (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (" Leighton." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Stirling-Maxwell), anonJ^nous. {The last plate withotit inscription.) (Stirling-Maxwell), [William Stii'ling] . {A pen and ink draiuing.) Maxwell, William Stirling Maxw^ell, William Stirling Maxwell, William Stirling. blue.) Maxwell, William Stirling. red.) Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. red.) Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. jrink 2>aper.) Maxwell, William Stirling. green jxiper.) (Maxwell, William Stirling), anonymous. {Printed in blue.) (Maxwell, William Stirling), anonymous. printed in red.) (Maxwell, William Stirling), anonymous. printed on blue paper.) (Maxwell, William Stirling), anonymous. j)rinted on ijelloiv jinper.) (Maxwell), W. S. M. {Printed in red) Maxwell, William Stirling. {Arms. Stirling quartering Maxwell, impaling Leslie, quartering Melville. Sir {The last plate printed in {The last plate printed in {Printed in blue) {The last plate printed in (Printed on green paper) {Printed on yelloio paper) {The last plate printed on {The last _pZaic printed on {The last plate {The last plate {The last plate Style. Interlaced initials in a frame Interlaced initials in a frame Interlaced initials Interlaced initials Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Interlaced initials Crest Crest Armorial Pictorial Seal Cypher Cypher Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 239 Name, Date, and Engraver. 20192 20193 20194 20195 20196 20197 20198 20199 20200 20201 20202 20203 20204 20205 20206 20207 20208 20209 20210 20211 20212 20213 20214 20215 20216 20217 20218 20219 20220 20221 20222 20223 20224 20225 William Stirling Maxwell married 1865 as his 1st ■wife, Anna Maria, daughter of David, 8th Earl of Lev en.) Max-well, William Stirling. {The last plate printed in blue.) {Printed in sepia) {The last plate imnted in Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. red.) Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. red.) Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. red.) Maxwell, Williani. Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. red.) Maxwell, William Stirling Maxwell, William Stirling. red.) Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. paper.) Maxwell, William Stirling. yellow piaper.) Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling. yellow paper.) Maxwell, William Stirling. {Printed on purple p)aper) Maxwell, AVilliam Stirling. {Printed on grey piaper. Copied from a design by L. Gaultier, 1606.) Maxwell, William Stirling. {The last plate printed on {Printed in sepia) {The last plate printed in {Printed in blue) {The last plate printed in {Printed in blue) {The last j;Zafe printed in {The last plate printed in {Printed in red) {Printed on blue paper) {Printed in red on inauve {The last plate printed on {Printed, on purple paper) {The last plate printed on Style. bhie pa2:)er.) Maxwell, William Stirling. blue on blue i^ajjcr.) Maxwell, William Stirling. Maxwell, William Stirling Maxwell, William Stirling (Stirling-Maxw^ell), William Maxwell Stirling. in blue.) (Stirling-Maxwell), William Maxwell Stirling. plate printed in red.) (Stirling-Maxwell), William Maxwell Stirling. in blue.) (Stirling-Maxwell), William Maxwell Stii'ling. plate printed in red.) Maxwell, Sir William Stirling, Bart., k.t. {Printed on grey pajmr.) Maxwell, Sir William Stirling, Bart., k.t, printed in blue on blue paper.) Maxwell, Sir William Stirling, Bart., k.t Maxwell, Sir William Stirling, Bart., k.t printed in blue.) Maxwell, Sir William Stirling, Bart., k.t, pirinted in red.) (Stirling- Maxwell), William Stirling {The last ^jZa^e j^finted in {Printed in red) {Printed {The last {Printed {The last rinted on {The last plate {The last plate {The last jjlate Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Interlaced initials 240 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 20226 (Stirling-Maxwell), William Stirling. (The last plate ivitli name added.) 20227 (Stirling-Maxwell), "William Stirling. {The taut plate printed in gold.) 20228 Maxwell, William Stirling. (Pri7ited in red and black) . . 20229 (Maxwell), anonymous. {A xjen and ink drawing. Arms. Maxivell impaling Bruce.) t20229 Maxwell, William Stirling. {A very large plate. Arms. Stirling quartering Maxwell with the initials W. S. M. over the Arms.) t20229A Maxwell, William Stirling. {The last pilate printed in blue.) t20229B Maxwell, William Stirling. {The last plate printed in red.) t20229c Maxwell, William Stirling t20229D Maxwell, William Stirling. {The last plate printed in blue.) t20229E Maxwell, William Stirling. {The last plate printed in red.) 20230 Maxwell, William Stirling 20231 Maxwell, William Stirling. [The last plate printed in blue.) 20232 Maxwell, William Stirling Maxwell. {The last plate printed in red.) 20233 Maxwell, William Stirling 20234 Maxwell, William Stirling. {The last plate printed in red.) t20234 Maxwell, Sir William Stirling, Bart., k.t. {Printed on grey p)^P^'^'-) t20234A Maxwell, Sir AVilliam Stirling, Bart., k.t. {The last plate pirinted on blue paper.) t20234B (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. M. {Printed in red) . . t20234c (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S. M. {Pnnted in red. A different plate.) t20234i) (Stirling-Maxwell), anonymous. (Printed in. dark crimson atid black. The Arms of Stirling of Keir.) 20285 (Stirling-Maxwell), W. S " .. 20236 (Maxwell), unonj-mous .. 20237 (Maxwell), anonymous. (Maverick, sc.) 20238 (Maxwell), anonymous. (The last plate with the engraver's signature erased.) 20239 (Maxwell, Baronet), anonymous or mutilated. {Arms. Maxwell impaling Maxiuell, quartering Denniaton.) 20240 (Maxwell ?) anonymous . . 20241 (Maxwell?) anonymous.. 20242 May, Edward 20243 May, Edwin Newton. (Mussett, London. "Baker." Note by Sir A. AV. Franks.) 20244 May, John. {Arms. May impaling Wyborne.) (Silvester sc, 27 Strand.) Interlaced initials Interlaced initials Armorial Aimorial Ai'morial i^u'morial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Decorative Armorial Decorative Ai-morial Decorative Armorial Armorial arms in a decorative frame Armorial arms in a decorative frame Armorial Armorial Interlaced initials Interlaced initials Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Anuorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Franks ColJection of Booh Plates. 241 Name, Date, and Engraver. 20245 May, Thomas 20246 May, Waylett. 20247 Mayall {Arms, May impaling Waylett or Willett) 20248 Mayer, John, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. {Arms, Mayer %vith Lever on an escutcheon.) 20249 Mayer, Samuel Ealph Townshencl and Gertrude Mary 20250 Mayers, Henry Adams .. 20251 Mayers, Henry Adams. {Arms, Mayers impaling PerTiins) (Burnell sc.) 20252 Mayhew, Thomas and Ann. 1793 20253 Mayhewe, Arthur. {Arms. Mayheive, quartering Oldham, impaling Wright. Arfhtir Mayheive of Compton Wood, Eastbourne, co. Sussex, married 1874 Alexe Edith, daughter of James Wright of Ferntoiver House, co. Perth; she died 1877.) (" Wyon." Note by Su' A. W. Franlis.) 20254 (Mayhewe), anonymous . . 20255 Maynard, Charles Lord. {Succeeded 1745 as 6th Baron ; created Viscount Maynard 1766; died 1775.) 20256 Maynard, Charles Lord. {The last ptlate reivorhed) 20257 Maynard, The Honble. Charles, Esqr. {Eighth, hut fourth surviving son of Banaster, drd Baron Maynard ; suc- ceeded 1745 as 6th baron and died 1775.) 20258 Maynard, John .. 20259 Maynard, T 20260 Maynard, William 20261 (Maynard, Baronet), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks ' " Sir W. Maynard, Bt., created 1681, died 1685.") 20262 Maynard, of Chesterfield, co. Derby), anonjinous. {Arins, Maynard quartering Lax.) 20263 Mayne, John 20264 Mayne, John Thomas. (Arms. Mayne quartering Ryde) . . 20265 Mayne, Eobert 20266 Mayne, Robert D 20267 [Mayne, Richd.] , anonymous. .. 20268 [Mayne, Eobertus] , anonymous. 1748. (Debrie fee. Lisb.) 20269 [Mayne, Thomas] , anonymous. 1748. (Debrie fee. Lisb.) Maynooth, R. C. College, See College Libraries. Mayo, Earl & Countess of. See Boxirke. 20270 Mayo, Charles 20271 Mayo, John 20272 Mayo, Theodore 20273 (Mayo), anonymous 20274 Mayo, Henry VOL. II. Style. Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean pic- torial Armorial Crests Armorial Armorial Stamped leather label Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield in a wreath Armorial spade shield Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Engraved label Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial R 242 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 20275 Mayor, Mary 20276 Mayor, J. E. B 20277 Mayor, Orlando 20278 Mazzanti, Mr 20279 Mead, George 20280 (Mead), anonymous. {Prubably a plate from some book dedicated to liichard Mead, M.D.) 20281 Meade, Horace T. N., m.d. Trin. Col. Dub 20282 Meade, John, Esqr. Earsham Hall. {Arms. Meade quartering Dalling and HaivJiins, im-paling Ibbetson. John Meade married 1846 Elvira, daughter of Robert Ibbetson.) 20283 Meade, Richard 20284 Meade, Richard. (Arms. Meade impaling Kinge T) 20285 Meade, Richard John 20286 Meade, Lieut. General the Honble. Robert. {Arms. Meade quartering Hawlcins. Second son of the 1st Earl of Clanivilliam by Theodosia daughter and heir of Bobert Hawldns Magill, born 1772; died 1852.) 20287 Meade, The Honble. Robert Hem-y. {Arms. Meade, quartering Magill and IJaiohins, imjjaling Lascelles. The Honble. E. H. Meade, second son of Bichard Zrd Earl of Clanivilliam, married 1865 as his 1st wife Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Henry 3r^ Earl of Harewood.) 1879. (C. W. Sherborn not signed.) 20288 Meade, Rev. The Honble. Sidney. {Arms. Meade quarter- ing Magill and Hawhins. The Honble. S. Meade, third son of Bichard 3rd Earl of Clanwilliam, born 1830, married 1868 J.ucy Emma, daughter of J. H. Jacob of the Close, Salisbury.) (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) 20289 Meade, Rev. The Honble. Sidney. {The last plate printed on brown tinted paper.) (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) 20290 Meade, Thomas 20291 Meade, Rev. William Robert, Temple-Michael Glebe 20292 Meadows, Arthur. {Printed in blue) .. *261 Meadows, Sr. Philip, Knight. 1704 20293 Meakin, Mary Lucas 20294 Mealy, R. R. Parry, a.m. {Adapted from the plate of 0. Parry which is probably by W. Stephens.) 20295 Meara, Charles 20296 Meare, William 20297 Meares, George G. {Arms. Meares, quartering Piers, impaling King.) (]3urnell sc.) 20298 Meares, John. Meares Court . . 20299 20300 20301 20302 Meason, Gilbert, of Lindertis. (Kirkwood sc.) Measure, John. Lincoln's Lm. {The Arms of Brabant.) (J. Warwick 145 Strand.) Measure, John. Lincoln's Inn. {Arms. Measure or Le Mesurier quartering Brabant.) Meath, Earl of. See Brabazon. Meath, Bishop of. Se'- Moreton. Medley, WilUam. Iver, Buckinghamshire. [Arms. Medley inijialing Xecdham quartering Foivler.) Chippendale Ar- morial Lozenge Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Crest in a garter Armorial Early Armorial Armorial ^Vi'morial Festoon Ai'morial Printed label Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Jacobean Amiorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Franlis Collection of Booh Plates. 243 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 20303 Medlicot, Thomas, Esqr. of St. Martins in the Fields Westminster. {The anonymous plate reivorhed.) 20304 Medlycott, Honble. Barbara Cockayne. {Ar7ns. Cockayne, impaling O'Brien, ivith Hill impaling Medlycott, on an escutcheon. Barbara, daughter and heir of George Hill of Bothwell Manor, co. Northampton, married the Honble William Cochayne. Both the O'Brieji and Medlycott impalements seem intended for quarterings.) 20305 Medlycott, the Honble. Barbara Cockayne. {Arms. Cockayne, quartering O'Brien, with Hill impaling Medlycott on an escutcheon.) 20306 [Medlycott, Charles, Esqr., PajTiiaster and Commissary Genii, to his Majesties fforces in Portugal] anonymous. {This is an earlier state of the plate of " Thomas Medlicot ") 1714. 20307 [Medlycott Riggs, Thomas] anonymous. 1733 .. 20308 Medlycott, Thos., Esqr., of Cottingham, Northamptonshire 20309 (Medlycott), anonymous 20310 (Medlycott), anonymous. {The last plate reworked. Probably the plate of William Coles Medlycott, created a Baronet 1808.) 20311 Mee, Benjn. 20312 Meech, Thomas, m.d. {Arms. Meech / with Weare and JolUife impaled on an escutcheon.) 20313 Meehan, J. F. Ye Old Booke Shoppe, Bath. {The Arms of the City of Bath.) 20314 Meek, George. {Arms. Scudainore ? quartering Tregoz, Huntercomb and Osborne, impaling Weston qtiartering Samiuayes.) 20315 Meek, George 20316 Meek, James, d.d. 20317 Meek, Mrs. John _ .. 20318 (Meek), anonymous or mutilated. {Stamped in gold on vellum. 20319 Meeres 20320 Megget, Aitken 20321 Meggy, Robert. {The Arms and crest of Turner of Sivan- wich.) 20322 Meggy, Thomas. {The last plate with altered inscription.) 20323 (Meiggs?), M. A. M. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 20324 Meigh, Charles 20325 Meigh, Charles. {The Arms and crest of Keeling.) 20326 Meigh, Chas " 20327 (Meinertzhagen ?), anonj-mous Melbourne, Bishop of. See Perry. 20328 Meldon, Charles Henry 20329 Meldrum of Hatton. (Rob. Mylne, sc.) 20330 Mellin, H. F 20331 Mellin, Richard John Sutcliffe. {Arms. Mellin ? impaling Molyneux.) (1828 wmk. in paper.) Style. Jacobean Armorial Armorial Lozenge Armorial Lozenge on a mantle Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial modern Jacobean Ar- morial modern Armorial arms in an oval shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter AVreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Ai'inorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Interlaced Initials in a ribbon Ai'morial Armorial Pictorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Crest Armorial supporters 11 2 241 FranJiS CoUeotion of Book Piatt's. Name, Date, and Engraver. 20332 20333 20334 20335 20336 20337 20338 20339 20340 20341 20342 20343 20344 20345 20346 20347 20348 20349 20350 20351 20352 20353 20354 20355 20356 Mellisli, Catherine M. (Arms. MelUsh qtcartering Gore.) Mellish, Charles, Esqr. Lincoln's Inn Style. Mellish, Charles, Esquire. impaling Stapleton!-) Mellisli, Edward .. Bl]>-th, Notts. {Arms. Mellish Mellish, Wm Mellor, Charles Esq. {Originally engraved hy Apjoleby for ''Burke's Heraldic Illustrations," and afterwards used as a boolylate.) Mellor, Charles, Esq. {The last j^late printed on greeyi xiaper) I. M.( Mellor). Attorney at Law. Ashton Underline Mellor, T .. Melmoih, Eeuben. {Arms. Melmoth quartering Johnson of Gainsborough.) (Nicholls sculp.) (Melvill), anonj-mous Melville, Viscount. See Dundas. (Leslie-Melville), John Earl of Leven and Melville. {Suc- ceeded 1860, as 9th Earl of Lcven and 8th Earl of Melville ; died 1876.) Melville, David .. Melville, James Moncrieff Melville, Whjiie, of Bennochy and Strathkinness. (Griffiths & Weigalls 3 St. James' St. " Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Melville, Honourable William Leslie. {Arms. Melville quartering Leslie.) (Melville, Leslie), name cut oft' Memes, Revd. J. S., LL.D. Menabilly. See Rashleigh. Mendes da Costa, Emanuel Mendes, Isaac. London. 1746. (Levi sculp.) (Mendes), anonymous ., (Mendes), anonymous. {A different plate) .. (Mendes), anonymous (Mendes), anonymous Menteath, C. G. Stuart. Closeburn, Dumfries Shire. {The plate of Jas. Stuart Menteith tvith inscription altered.) 20357 Menteath, Jas. Stuart. Closeburn, Dumfries Shire 20358 (Menzies), Castle Menzies Library 20359 Menzies, John Stewart, Esq. Chesthill, co. Perth. {Originally engraved for " Biirkc's Heraldic Illustra- tions " and afterwards used as a hooliplatc.) 20360 Menzies, John Stewart, Esq. Chestliill, co. Perth. {The last plate printed on red-br own paper.) 20861 Menzies, John Stewart, Esq. Chesthill. co. Perth. (The last plate printed on green paper.) Armorial Lozenge Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Crest Crest and coronet Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial shield on a mantle with supporters Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean bookpile Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Jacobean Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 245 Name, Date, and Engraveb. 20362 20363 20364 20365 20366 20367 20368 20369 20370 20371 20372 20373 20374 20375 20376 20377 20378 20379 20380 20381 20382 20383 *467 20384 20385 20386 20387 Menzies, William, Esqr. [Menzies, Koberfc, of CuUerallars] , anonjTuous (Menzies), anonymous .. Mercantile Academy, Dublin. Sec School Premiums. Mercator, Nicholas, a Descendant of the Kauffmans of Prague in Bohemia, Coadjutors with Luther in the Reformation. {See " Book-Plates;' hy W. J. Hardtj, 1891, p. 179,) Mercatorum Scissorum Societatis Insignia. See London City Companies. Merchant Taylors Company. Mercer Mercer. (The last plate printed in colours) . . Mercer Mercer of Gorthie Mercer, A. Mercer, George. (J. B. (Baldry)) Style. Mercer, George Mercer, George Mercer, William, of Aldie, Esqr. Mercer, William Thomas, m.a, Oxon . . (Mercer), anonymous Meredith, Barry CoUes, Esqr. {Armn. Meredith impaling Colles. Probably this plate tvas engraved for Joshua Paul Meredith who married Susannah, daughter and heir of Barry Colles of Kilcollen. Barry Colles Meredith, tvJio succeeded as 1th Baronet, was the eldest son of this marriage.) Meredith, Robert Meredith, Robert F. {The last plate with inscription altered.) Meredith, Thomas Richard Meredyth, Sir Joshua Colles, Kt. et Baronet. {Succeeded 1818 as 8th Baronet ; died 1850.) Meredyth, Henry, Esq. . . Meres Meres, Sr. Thomas, of the City of Lincoln, Knight. {Arms. Meres quartering Bardolf?, Tempest, Hoghton, Nevill, and Deyncourt.) 1705, Merewether. {Printed in blue) Merewether, Hy. Alworth, Serjeant at Law. {Arms. lifcrewefher impaling Lochycr.) Merewether, William Lockyer. {Arms. Merewether impaling Lockyer.) Merle. William Henrv. {Arms. Merle quartering Ball.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest and eyphev Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Crest Printed label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armoi'ial 246 FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 20388 Merrick, John 20389 (Merrill), Marion. (Sherborn Fecit, a.d. 1888) 20390 H. G. M. (Merriman) 20391 Merriman, Samuel, m.d. {Arms. Merriman with Merri- inaji quartering Dance on an escutcheon. Samuel Merriman horn 1771 ; married 1799 Aiine, daughter and heir of Samuel Merriman by his wife a daughter and coheir of William Dance of Marlborough ; died 1852.) 20392 Merriman, Sam., m.d. .. 20393 Merriman, Thomas. (Ar)ns. Merriman impaling ClarTie) 20394 Merriman, AVilliam H. E 20395 Merry, Anthony 20396 Merry, Charles 20397 Merry, Charles 20398 Merry, James. (Printed in colours) .. 20399 (Merry, Elcharrl, Esqr.), mutilated. {Arms. Merry with Foster on an escutcheon. Richard Merry married Sarah, daughter of Abraham Foster by Anna his tvife, sister of Sir Jasper Cullum, Ath Bart.) 20400 Merry, Eichard, Esqr. (.4 reproduction of the last plate) .. 20401 Merry, Eichard, Esqr 20402 Merry, Eobert 20403 Merry, Eobert. (Hand fecit No. 409 Oxford Street) 20404 Merry, ^Yilliam. {Arms. Merry impaling Mason. William Merry of Highlands, co. Berhs, married Anne, daughter of Render Mason of Beel House, co. BucTiingham.) 20405 Merry, Williaui Henry .. 20406 (Merry), anonymous. (Arms. Merry quartering Coveley ?) Merthyrma'wr. See Nicholl. Merton College. See Oxford. 20407 Meslin, John, Esqr. Leeds 20408 Mesman *361 Messenger, John, of Fountains in the County of York, Esqr. 1698. 20409 Messenger, Ex Libris Mariic Gerard. 1895. (E. D. French sc.) 20410 (Metaxa, Count), anonymous .. 50411 Metcalf, Thos 20412 Metcalfe, Cornelius 20413 Metcalfe, Henry. Esqre. 20414 Metcalfe, James Style. Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield Annorial spade shield in a beaded oval Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Ai'morial spade shield Pictorial Ai-morial Armorial Annorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Early Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Engra^•ed label Franks CoUeetioii of Book Plates. 247 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 20415 M. M. (Metcalfe) 20416 Metcalfe, Philip, Esqv., F.R.s. and F.A.s. 20417 Metcalfe, Robert 20418 Metcalfe, Theopliilus 20419 Metcalfe, Thomas 20420 Metcalfe, Thos 20421 Metcalfe, William 20422 Metcalfe, John Hem-y 20423 Meteyard, H. W. Middle Temple 20424 Metge, Peter P. Athlumney. {Arms, Metge quartering Lyon.) (Griffiths & Weigall 3 St. James St. London.) 20425 Methold, Frederic John. {Arms. Quarterly of 9. 1. Methold; 2. Toller; 3. Ncthcrcotes ; 4. Chester; 5. Cave; 6. Cranmcr ; 7. Aslackton ; 8. Wood; 9. Wol- laston.) (J. F. B. (Bentley).) 20426 Methold, Frederick John. a.d. 1882. (C. W. D. (Dempsey).) 20427 Methold, Henry. {Arnis. Methold impaling Porter) 20428 Methold, Ex libris Henrici Tindal. (H. T. M. (Methold).) 1896. 20429 Methold, Thomas Tindal. {Arms. Methold imjjaling James) 20430 Methuen, Jane Da. {Adiis. Mcthncii, qiiarto-iiig Cohhe, im])aling Mikhnay, quartering St. John. Jane Dorothea, daughter of Sir Hem-y Paulet St. John Mildmay, Bart., married 1810 Paul Methuen of Corsham, created Baron Methuen 1838.) 20431 Methuen, Sr. Paul. {Sir Paul Methuen, Comptroller of the Household and Ambassador at the Court of Madrid, born. 1672; K.B. 1725; died 1757.) 20432 (Methuen), anonymous. (I. Parkin sc.) Methven Castle. See Smith. 20433 Metivier, G. (Suffield sculp.) 20434 Mettayer, The Revd, Mr. Auty 20435 B. M. (Meux) 20436 Meux, Henry. {Arms. Meux impaling Smith. Henry Meux, created a baronet 1831, married 1814 Elizabetli Mary, daughter of Thos. Smith of Castlebar House, Co. Middlesex.) 20437 Meux, Henry, Elizth. {A luater colour drawing) .. 20438 Meux, Sir Henrj', Bart. {Arms. Quarterly, 1. Meux, 2. Huntercoinbe ? 3. Massingberd ; 4. Massingberd.) 20439 Meux, Eichard, Esqr. {Arms. Meux impaling Boxby. Richard Meux married 1792 Eliza, daughter of Henry Eoxby of Clapham Bise.) 20440 Mew, James A. . . 20441 Mewburn, Francis. {Arms. Meivburii impaling Small) 20442 Meymott, Edward. {Arms. Meymott impaling Deacon) .. 20443 Meynell, Chas., Esqr. {The plate of Hugo Meynell re- worked.) 20444 Meynell, Edgar J., Esqre. {Arms. Quarterly of 6. 1. and 6. Meynell; 2. Catterich ; 3. Catferick, ancient; 4. Tempest ; 5. Umfreville.) Meynell, Edwd., Esqr. .. Style. Crest and cj-pher Armorial spade shield Ai'morial Early Armorial Armorial Crest Engraved label Armorial Crest '? in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Vesica Armorial Armorial Armorial shield ou an imperial eagle Jacobean Armorial supporters Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippcudale Armorial 248 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engravee. 20446 Meynell, Godfrey, Esqr. Meynell Langley .. 204-i7 Meynell, Hugo, Esqr. {Arms. Meynell quartering Foyutz and Littleton.) 20448 Meynell, Hugo, Esqr. {The last ])late reworlied) .. 20449 Meynell, Thos., Esqre. North Ivilvington and the Fryerage near Yarmn. {Arms. Meynell impaling Wright. Thos. Meynell married 1804 Theresa Mary, daughter of John Wright of Kelvedo7i, Co. Essex.) 20450 Meyrick, Edmund Edward 20451 Meyrick, John .. 20452 Meyrick. Samuel Rush. {Arms. Meyrick quartering Bush.) 20453 (Meyrick), anonymous. {Arms. Meyrick, quartering two other coats of Meyrick, impaling Vane, quartering FitzBoy. Lt. Col. Wm. Henry Meyrick married Laura, daughter of William Henry, 1st Duke of Cleveland.) 20454 (Meyrick), anonymous or mutilated. {Arms. Meyrick with Bush on an escutcheon. John Meyrick of Fulham, co. Middlesex, married Hannah, daughter and coheir of Samuel Bush of Ford House, Co. Hert- ford, and Chislehurst, co. Kent.) 20455 Meysey, Chas. Watkins, Esqr. {Arms. Meysey quartering Watkins.) 20456 Michael, Alec. 1883. (A. G. S.) 20457 Michael, Michael John. Swansea 20458 Michaelson, Robert 20459 (Michaelson), anonj-mous 20460 Michel, C. W., Esqr. Northerwood, Lj-udhui-st .. 20461 Michel, Jno. Francis 20462 Michel, R. New Sergts. Inu 20463 Michell, C. N. Oriel Coll. 20464 Michell, George, Esqr. .. Style. 20465 Michell, General George 20466 Michell, George A 20467 Michell, H., A.M 20468 Michell, Jolin, Esqr. 20469 Michell, John, Esq. Forcett Hall, co. York. (Originally engraved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions," and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 20470 Michell, John Henry, M. A. 20471 Michell, John Henry, of Liucolns Inn 20472 Miohell, Robert Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Armorial Crest in a garter Pictorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Crest in a garter Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial shield on a mantle Crest Armorial spade shield on a mantle Annorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Annorial spade shield Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Festoon Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 249 Name, Date, and Ekgeaver. *459 Micklethwaite, Thomas, of Swine in the County of York, Esqr. 1704. *399 Micklethwaite, Thomas, of Swine in ye Comity of York, Esqr. (^1 sviallcr 2}latc.) 1704. 20473 Micklethwaite, Thomas, of Swine in the Comitv of York, Esqr. (S. G. Sculp. (Gribelin).) 20474 Middlemore, J. K. (W. S. (Stephens).) 20475 Middlemore, Jean Francois Richard. {A hookjylate ^) 20476 Middlemore, W. E. {The plate of J. B. Middlemore with inscription altered.) (W. S. (Stephens).) 20477 Middlemore, W. R. {A different plate.) (Stephens?) .. 20478 (Middleton, Earl of Middleton), anonymous. {Charles, 2nd Earl of Middleton, succeeded 1678; attainted 1695 ; died 1719.) 20479 (Middleton, Baron Barham.) Teston Library. {Sir Charles Middleton, Bart., created Baron Barham 1805; died 1813.) (Brook sc. Engraver to his Majesty 302 Sti'and.) Middleton, Lady. See Willoughby. 20480 Middleton, Dr 20481 Middleton, J 20482 Middleton, John Charles. {Inscription i7i Arabic.) 1777.. 20483 Middleton, J. H 20484 Middleton, John Henry 20485 Middleton, John J 20486 Middleton, Marmaduke Middleton, Esq. Learn, co. Derby. {Arms. Middleton quartering Carver. Marmaduhe Middleton Carver assumed the name and Arms of Middleton in 1792. Originally engraved by Emslie for ^'Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,'' and afterivards used as a bookplate.) 20487 Middleton, Marmaduke Middleton, Esq. Leam, co. Derby. {The last plate j^rinted on red brown papier.) 20488 Middleton, Nichos. London. 1753. (Wells del. et sculp.) 20489 Middleton, Peter, M.D. (J. Lewis, sc.) 20490 Middleton, Peter, Esqr., M.D 20491 Middleton, Thomas 20492 Middleton, Thomas. {The last plate reworked) 20493 Middleton, T. F., d.d., f.r.s. {Bishop of Calcutta 1814; died 1822.) (J. Warwick sc. 145 Strand). 20494 Middleton, William, Esqre 20495 (Middleton), William. (Swan sc.) 20496 Middleton, William. {The last plate reworked and altered.) (Swan sc.) 20497 Middleton, Sir William, Bart. Belsey Castle, Northumber- land. {Succeeded as 5th Bart. 1768 a^id died 1795. Arms. Middleton qtiartering Stryvelin and Lambert.) Style. Eai-ly Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial arms on a mantle Pictorial Wreath and ribbon crest Ai'morial shield in a garter Urn Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial trophy Jacobean Ar- morial trophy Engraved label. Name and mitre Chippendale Armorial Crest Crest Armorial spade shield 250 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 20498 20499 20500 20501 20502 20503 20504 20505 20506 20507 20508 20509 20510 20511 20512 20513 20514 (Middleton, Baronet), anonymous. (Prohably the plate of Ihc 3rd Baronet, ivho succeeded 1717 and died 1757.) Midford .. Midford, Francis. {The last plate tvith inscrijption altered) Midford, G., m.d. {Arms. Midford with Biissell on an escutcheon.) Midford, T. Herbert .. ' Midford, William. His Book. Anno Dom. 1696 . . Midgeley, Henry . . Midleton, Viscoimt. See Brodriek. Mieville. {Arms. Mieville impaling Broivne I) Miland, John Milbank, Aline. {Arms. Milhanh impaling Don qtiartering Cunningham. Alexina Harriet Elizaheth, daughter of Sir Alexander Don, married 1844 Frederick Acclom Milbank, created a Baronet 1882.) (" Wvon." Note by Sir A. W. Franlcs.) Milbank, Ex Libris H. V. {Arms. Milbank quartering FitzBoy.) (Hirsch Gra\T. a Paris.) Milbank, Ex Libris H. V. {A smaller plate.) (Hirsch Gravr. k Paris.) J. C. M. (Milbanke.) {Arms. Milhanke impaling Chambers. John Milhanke married Cornelia, daughter of Sir William Chambers ; died 1800.) Milbanke, Sir Ealph. {Arms. Milbanke impaling Noel, quartering Wentworth and Lovelace.- Sir Ralph Mil- banke, 6th Baronet, married 1777 tlie Honble. Judith Noel; assumed the name and arms of Noel 1815 ; died 1825.) Milbome, Johamies, ji.d. Milbourne, "William, Esc[r. of Lincolns Inn . . Style. Mildmay, The Right Honble. Charles, Lord Fitzwalter Egremont Burnell and Bottetoft. (Arms. Mildmay, quartering Fairfax, Badcliffe, and Fitziualtcr, impaling Bertie. Lord Fitziualter married Elizabeth, daughter of the Honble. Charles Bertie of XJffington ; died 1728.) 1701. *83 Mildmay, The Eight Honble. Charles, Lord Fitzwalter Egi-emont Burnell and Bottetoft. {Another imjyression of the last plate.) 1701. 20515 Mildmay. 1729 20516 Mildmay, Arundell St. John 20517 Mildmay, Carew Anthony St. John. {Arms. Mildmay, quartcnng St. John, impaling Waldegravc. The Ven. C. A. St. John Mildmay, Archdeacon of Essex, married 1836 Caroline, daughter of William, 1st Baron Bad- stock.) 20518 Mildmay, Carew Anthony St. John. {The last plate reworked.) 20519 Mildmay, Carew Anthony St. John. {A different plate) .. Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Festoon Armorial Amiorial Engraved label. Name in a garter Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Ai-morial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crests Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 251 Name, Date, and Engraver. {A smaller lAate) 20520 Mildmay, Edward St. John. {Arms. Mildmay imjMling Perceval quartering Loci-wood. Edward St. John Mild- may, seventh son of Sir H. P. St. John Mildmay, married 1835 as his 2nd wife Frances Lucy Penelope, daughter of Edward Loci-wood Perceval of Dews Hall, co. Essex.) 20521 H. A. St. J. M. (St. John-Mildmay) 20522 Mildmay, Henry Bingham. {Arms. Mildmay impaling Biiltcel quartering Crocl'cr. Henry Bingham Mildmay of Shoreham Place, co. Kent, married 1860 Georgina Frances, daughter of John Crochcr Bulteel of Flete.) (" Wyon." Note by'Sir A. W. Franks.) 20523 Mildmay, Henry Bingham. {A different plate) 20524 Mildmay, Henry Bingham. {The last plate reivorhed) 20525 Mildmay, Sir Henry Paulet St. John, Bart. {H. P. St. John, ^uho assumed the name and arms of Mildmay, succeeded 1784 as ?,rd Baronet; died 1808.) 20526 Mildm.ay, Paulet St. John. {Arms. Mildmay impaling Bouverie. P. St. John Mildmay married 1813 Anna Maria Wyndham, daughter of the Honble, Bartholomew Bouverie.) 18 — . 20527 (Mildmay.) Dogmersfield Library 20528 (Mildmay.) Dogmersfield Library 20529 (Mildmay.) Dogmersfield Library 20530 Mildemaye, liber Walteri 20531 Mildred, D 20532 Mildred, Frederic 20533 Miles, Eevd. Geo. 20534 Miles, I 20535 Miles, John. {Arms. 20536 Miles, John, l.l.b. 20537 Miles, Joseph 20538 Miles, Philip 20539 Miles, Willm 20540 Miles, William. {Arms. Miles impaling Jebb. William Miles married Frances Harriott, daughter of Joshua Jebb of Walton, co. Derby.) (Bm'nell, sc.) 20541 (Miles), anonymous. {Arms. Miles imjxding Whetham. Probably the plate of Philip John Miles of Leigh Court, CO. Somerset, who married 1795 Maria, daughter of the Very Eevd. Arthur Whetham, Dean of Lismore.) (Cook & Johnson sculpt.) Milford, Baron. See Phillipps. 20542 Milford, Richard 20543 Mill of Blair 20544 Mill, Charles. {Charles Mill, fourth son of Sir Bichard Mill, hth Bart., born 1722, succeeded 1781 as 9th Baronet; died 1792.) (R. M. (Mountaine).) 20545 Mill, David 20546 Mill, David 20547 Mill, David, Esqr Miles impaling Harrison) Style. Armorial Crests Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Armorial Armorial Autogi-aph Armorial Armorial Festoon Ai'morial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Crest Crest in a beaded oval Chippendale Armorial Armorial Ai-morial shield in a garter Chippendale Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Autograph Chippendale Al-morial Armorial spade shield in an oval frame 252 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 20548 Mill, Henry. {Henry, third son of Sir RicJiard Mill, 5th Baroni't, succeeded 1780 as Sth Baronet; died 1781.) (Pi. Mountaine Winton.) 20549 Mill, Henry. {The last plate reworked.) (E. Mountaine "^'inton.) 20550 Mill, Herciiles. Ipswich 20551 Mill, Jacob .. ., 20552 Mill, James. London . . 20553 Mill, John, of Fearn 20554 Mill, John, of Old Montrose 20555 Mill, John 20556 Mill, John Hoby, Esqr. {Arms. Milt, quartering Hohy, itnyaling Comyn. John, second son of Sir Richard Mill, 5th Baro7iet, assumed the additional surname of Hohy; hornVil^ ; married Elizabeth Comyn; succeeded to the Baronetcy 1770 ; died 1780.) 20557 Mill, Richd. Mottisfont. {Richard, eldest son of Sir Richard Mill, 5th Baronet, succeeded 1760 as 6th Baronet; died 1770.) (R. Mountaine Winton.) 20558 (Mill, Baronet) , anonjinous. {Sir Richard Mill, 5th Baronet ; died 1760.) (R. Moiantaine sculp.) 205.59 Mill, W. H. 20560 Mill, W. H. {A different jilate) 20561 Mill, Wilhu., of Bonniton Esqr. {Printed in red) . . 20562 (Millais), anonymous. {Arms. Millais, quartcriny Le Jarderay, Bertram, Fallot, Fautrart, Baudouin, Maurice do la Ripandiere, and Le Geyt, impaling Gray. John Everett Millais, R.A., created a Baronet 1885, married 1855 Euphcmia Chalmers, daughter of George Gray of Botoerswell, co. Perth. This plate luas designed and, etched by Sir J. E. Millais for J. Bertrand Payne's " Armorial of Jersey.") Millar of Temple and Killoch . . Millar, Alexr., Esqr. Millar, James F. . . Millar, S Millard, C. F., B.A Millard, Charles . . Millard, Jacobus Ehvin, s.t.p. Collegii S. M. Magd. Oxou, Socius. Millard, James Elwin, d.d. (Harry Soane, London) Millard, .Joseph Thomas. {Arms. Millard impaling Fleming ') (Millard), anonymous. {The plate of Jacobus Elwin Millard tvithout inscrii)tion .) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) A. E. M. (Miller?) Miller, Boyd, Esq. Collierswood, co. SuiTcy. {Arms. Miller impaling Mnnfgomerie. Boyd Darby, ivho assumed the name of Miller in 1800, married Margaret, daugJttcr of Robert Montgomerie of Craig House, co. Ayr. Engraved by Becker for '^Burke's Heraldic itlustraHons.") 20563 20564 20565 20566 20567 20568 20569 20570 20571 20572 20573 20574 Chippendale Aj-morial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Crest Chippendale Ai'morial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ai'ioaorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Ai'morial Early Armorial Crest Crest Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial Armorial ! Armorial ' Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Franks CoUectlon of Booh Plates. 25:5 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 20575 20576 20577 20578 Miller, Charles Sanderson Miller, Edward, m.a. [Arms. Miller impaling Walton. The Bevel. Edwcl. Miller, Hector ofBiiclinell, co. Oxford, married 1856 Emily Anne Walton.) Miller, Fiennes Sanderson, Esqr. Radway . . Miller, George. {Printed in blue) Style. 20579 Miller, Geoe. Jno. 20580 Miller, Hale 20581 Miller, Henry. {The plate of Savmel Miller with inscrip- tion altered.) 20582 Miller, James. Glasgow 20583 Miller, James, M.D. 20584 Miller, I. F .. 20585 Miller, Miss Jane Charlotte 20586 Miller, John, Esqr. Dunstable 20587 Miller, John Castleton . . 20588 Miller, Michael, Jvmior. {Ar77is. Miller ? impaling Elton. Michael Miller married Mary, datighter of Isaac Elton Mayor of Bristol.) 20589 Miller, ]\Iontgomerie. (J. Cross & Son sc. 18 Holborn) 20590 Miller, Patrick, of Dalswinton Esq. .. 20591 Miller, E. Montgomerie. (J. Cross & Son sc. 18 Holborn) 20592 Miller, Samuel, M.D 20593 Miller, Samuel, at Winkinghurst 20594 Miller, Stanley 20595 Miller, Thomas, Esqr 20596 Miller, Sir Thomas, Bt. {Arms. Miller quartering Comber, with Edwards on an escutcheon. Sir Thomas Miller 5th Bart, married as his 2nd wife Miss Edioards ; died 1816.) 20597 T. M. (Miller) 20598 Miller, Ex Libris Gulielmi, Armigeri . . 20599 Miller, William. {Arms. Miller impaling Levinge. Lt. Col. Wm. Miller married 1814 Frances daughter of Sir Charles Levinge 5th Baronet.) 20600 Miller, Will., his book 10 Feb. 1767 20601 Miller, W 20602 Miller, W. {The last plate printed in red) 20603 Miller, Wm. Hy. {The plate of Samuel Miller, which had been altered to Henry Miller, loith the inscription again altered.) 20604 Miller. This Book belongs to W. H. . . 20605 (Miller), anonymous 20606 (Miller), anonymous. {Printed on greeti paper. A modern copy of an old jilate.) Festoon Armorial Anuorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon cypher Armorial Armorial Engraved label Crest Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial modern Chippendale Armorial Printed label Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Autograpli Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial 254 FranJxS CoUection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 20607 Milles, Jeremiah, d.d. {The Antiqiiary. Born 1714; died 1784.) 206CS Milles, Eichard, A. M 20609 Milles, Eichard. {The last ■pT-O-is with inscription altered) 20610 Milles, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. {Horn 1671; Bishop of Waterford and Lismore 1708; died 1740.) 1710. 20611 Milles, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. {A modern impressioyi from an old plate.) 1710. 20612 Milles, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Waterford and Lismore. {This, and the last plate, are print cd> on the same card.) 1710. 20613 Milles, William Hickes. {Arms. Milles impaling Horndon, Major Wni. Hichcs Milles married Elizabeth daughter of William Hichs Horndon.) (Lewis.) 20614 Millett, Charles 20615 Millett, Charles. {Arms. Millett impaling Eobinson.) (Huntly sc. 74 Bond St.) 20616 Millett, Charles. {The last plate reivorJced.) (Huntly sc. 74 Bond St.) 20617 Millett, Frederic 20618 Millett, George. {Arms. Millett impaling Cogan ?) 20619 Millett, Eevd. George, m.a 20620 Millett, George Bown, of Penzance Cornwall. {Arms. Millett quartering Towers.) 1876. (Joseph Blight, sc.) 20621 Millett, George Bown, of Penzance Cornwall.) {The last plate with the date erased.) (Joseph Blight sc.) 20622 Milligan, David. {Arms. Milligan quartering Clarhe) .. 20623 Milliken, Halley Benson. {Aryns. MiUihen quartering Andreivs or Entwistle.) 20624 Milliken, James, Esqr. of Milliken 20625 Milliken, James, Esqr. of Milliken. {A smaller pilate) 20626 Milling, J. 20627 Millington, Thomas, of Gosfeild Hall in Com Essex Esqr. 1703. *291 Millington, Thomas, of Gosfeild Hall in Com Essex Esqr. {Another impression of the last jdate.) 1703 20628 Millington, Thomas, of Gosfeild Hall in Com Essex Esqr. {A smaller plate.) 1703. *294 Millington, Thomas, of Gosfeild Hall in Com Essex Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. 20629 Mills, Abraham 20630 Mills, Arthur 20631 Mills, Cecil 20632 Mills, Charles 20633 Mills, Mrs. C. {Arms. Milln impaling Digbij. Jane daughter of the Honhlc. Wrintliesley Digbt/ married Charles Mills M.P. who died 1826.) 20634 Mills, Edward Style. Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial, shield within palm branches Early Armorial Arms on an oval shield within palm branches Mitre and inscription Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Early Armorial Early Ai-morial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest Franks Collection of Book Plates. 255 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 20635 20636 20637 20638 20639 20640 20641 20642 20643 20644 20645 20646 20647 Mills, Edward James Mills, Fras. Mills, George Mills, George Dallas Mills, George Galway, Esqr. 071 an escutcheon.) Mills, George Galwey, Esqr. Mills, Henry {Arms. Milts with Farrell ? {A smaller jplatc) Style. Mills, John Mills, John. (1810 wmk. in paper) . . Mills, John. {Arms. Mills imjpaling Wacjstaff) .. . . i Mills, John Remington. {Arjyis, Mills quartering Savage, Coldham and Day.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Mills, Paitfield. Inner Temple Mills, Peter Mattw. Esqr. {Arms. Mills impaling Hamil- ton.) 20648 Mills, Peter Matw., Esqr. {Printed in red) 20649 Mills, Eose Edith 20650 Mills, Samuel 20651 Mills, Samuel. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 20652 Mills, Samuel, Esqr 20653 Mills, Samuel Gillam 20654 Mills, Samuel Gillam. {A dif event plate) .. 20655 Mills, Simon. (Is. Knk sc.) " 20656 Mills, Thomas 20657 Mills, Thomas. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. 20658 Mills, William. {Ar^ns. Mills impaling Dighy. William Mills of Bistcrne co. Southampton married 1786 Eliza- beth daughter of the Honhle. Wriothesley Dighy.) 20659 Mills, William. {Arms. Mills impaling Bohinson) 20660 (Mills), anonjTaous 20661 (Mills), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a hook- pilate. Arms. Mills impaling Chaivder ?) 20662 Milman. {Not a hooTtplate) 20668 Milman, Henry Hart 20664 Milman, Gulielmus H. Jildis Christi Alumnus. (Mathews sc.) 20665 Milman, Sir William, Bart. {Succeeded 1857 as Zrd Baronet; died 1885.) 20666 Milne, Davd., Esq. Advocate. {Arms. Milne impaling Home quartering Pepdie. David Milne married 1832 Jean, daughter and coheir of William Forman Home.) 20667 Milner. Mercht. {Note by Sir A. W. Frajihs. " Original plate found at Milner's Wharf Sunderland belongs to I. W. N. Bohinson.") 20668 Milner, Charles. (Hewitt sculpt. Pickett Street) .. 20669 Milner, Isaacus, s.t.p. Decanus Carleolensis. {Dean of Carlisle 1791 ; died 1820.) 20670 Milner, Joannis, a.m. E Coll. Sti. Pet. Cantabr 20671 Milner, Marcus Henrv Armorial Crest Printed label Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial spade shield Pictorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon crest Festoon crest Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean ? Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial 256 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. 20672 Milner, T., m.d. 20673 Milner, Thomas Henry 20674 Milner, Thomas Wheeler 20675 Milner, Thomas Wheeler. (The last plnte reivorl-cd) 20676 Milner, Thomas Wheeler. Arms. Milne}- quartering Wheeler.) 20677 W. M. (Milner), Nun- Appleton 20678 Milner, A\411iam Peel . . 20679 Milnes, Governor. {Arms. Milnes im;pali7ig Bentincl-. Robert Shore Milnes, Governor of Lower Canada, created a baronet 1801, married Charlotte Frances, daughter of Captain John Albert BentincJ:.) 20680 Milnes, James, Thornes House. {Arms. Milnes quartering Woodliouse, Becket / and . . . .) 20681 Milton, Henry, {The j)late of William Milton luith altered inscri^ition.) 20682 Milton, John. {Arms. Milton imjmlitig Breton) .. 20683 Milton, William 20684 Milward, Alfred 20685 Milward, Charles Samuel. (J. K. Eaymoncl sculp.) 20686 Milward, Edward. {Arms. Milward with Colly cr on an escutcheon.) (Moses and Levy so.) 20687 Milward, Richard, Esq., Thurgai-ton Priory, Notts. {Arms. Milward quartering Parkinson, impaling Martin, quartering Sailing! Eichd. Mihvard. married 1840 Marianne, daughter of Charles Martin.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir- A. W. Franlis.) 20688 Milward, Thomas. (Gh-een, Cork) Style. 20689 Mimpriss, T. E. 20690 Minchin. 1832. (H. C. M.) 20691 Minchin, Wm. Eussell. {Arms. Minchin quartering Bussell.) *419 The Mine Adventurers of England . . 20692 Minet, Alice 20693 Minet, William 20694 Mingay, James, Esqr. {Arms. Mingay quartering Fuller^ and Barker.) 20695 Mingay, James, Esqr., Inner Temple .. 20696 Minnitt, Francis Allen, Trinity College, Cambridge 20697 Minnitt, Wm., Esqr. 20698 Minoch, Justinian 20699 Minot Minot, Cliarles. Sec Harvard Coll. 20700 Minshull, C. {Arms. Minshull quartering Rowland and Hardujick.) 20701 Minshull, George Rowland, Inner Temple 20'J02 Minshull, John Bellamy dc (Minshull), Sec also Mynshull. Chippendale Ar- morial shield on a mantle Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest and cypher Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Engraved label name on a ribbon Chippendale Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Earlj- Armorial Library interior Pictorial crest Pictorial Armoria Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial Franhs CoUection of Booh Plates. 257 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 20703 20704 20705 20706 20707 20708 20709 20710 20711 20712 20713 20714 20715 20716 20717 20718 20719 20720 20721 20722 20723 20724 20725 20726 20727 20728 Minto, Earl of. See Elliot. (Minto House.) See Elliot. Minto Minturn, Eliza Theodora Minyei", John. {Note hy Sir A. W. Franks " Ovcndens book:') Minzies, William Missing, John Missing, Thomas . . Mistley Hall. See Rigby. Mitchel, Andrew, Esqr. . . Mitehel, James . . (Mitchell, Forbes), Thainston. (" Wvon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Mitchell. (Ingrey, Lithog., 310 Strand) Mitchell of Bandi-ith Mitchell of Westshore and Berry, n.b. 1672-1700. Mitchell quartering Umjihray.) Mitchell, Alexander {Ar7}is. Mitchell, Alexander Mitchell, Andrew, Esqr. {The 2:)late of Andreto Mitchel tuith inscription altered.) Mitchell, Ex Libris Charles William. 1890. (T. E. H. (Harrison).) Mitchell, Duncan Forbes, Thainston. {Arms. Forbes quar- tering Mitchell, impaling Bromley. D. Forbes Mitchell married 1824 Maria, daughter of Lt. Col. Eobert Anthony Bromley.) ("Wyon." Note by Sh- A. W. Franks.) Mitchell, Edward Mitchell, E. Jemima. {Arms. Mitchell impaling Mitchell) Mitchell. This book belongs to F., Chard. 1896. (Will. Foster del. et sculp.) Mitchell, Frances Sarah. {Arms. Mitchell zuith Pell on an escutcheon.) Mitchell, Frank Johnstone, Llanfrechfa Grange. {Arms. Mitchell impaling Rolls quartering Barnett. F. J. Mitchell married 1860 Elizabeth Harcourt, daughter of John Etherington Welch Rolls of the Hendre, co. Mon- mouth.) Mitchell, Frank Johnstone, Llanfrechfa Grange. {The last plate reioorked.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Mitchell, E Libris Bibl. Frank Johnstone, f.s.a., et Eliza- betha Harcom't Uxor Ejus, Llanfrechfa Grange, co. Monmouth, Mitchell, H. S Mitchell, James. {Arms. Mitchell impaling Davies ?) .. Style. Engraved label Armorial lozenge Armorial spade shield Festoon engraved label Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Pictorial Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial lozenge Library interior crest Armorial Armorial VOL. II. Ai'morial Seal Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial s 258 Franks Collection of Bool: Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver, 20729 Mitchell, James, M.D. {Arvra. Mifrlirll rjnarfrriiir/ Rufinell) 207o0 Mitchell, James. {Arms. MifcheU quartering Bennett.) (Ii. M. (Mountamo).) 20731 Mitchell, James William. {Annit. MilcJwtl irifJi Streeter ? on an escutcheon.) 20732 Mitchell, James William, riotlicsay Herald 20733 Mitchell, James William, Eothesay Herald, Lyon Clerk Depute. 1886. 20734 Mitchell, John, Dumfries. {The plate of Mitchell of Band- rith ivith inscription altered.) 20735 Mitchell, Knight. {Arms. Mitchell f[uartiruifj Bennett.) (Mountaine '?) 20736 Mitchell, Marie Adele 20737 Mitchell, M. G. {Printed on green paper) .. 20738 M. G. M. (Mitchell.) {Printed inline) 20739 Mitchell, Robert Griffin 20740 Mitchell, Robert W. T. (" Baker." Note bv Sir A. W. Franks) 20741 Mitchell, Rowland ' 20742 Mitchell, Theophilus 20743 Mitchell, William. (Henrv Havs sc, 168 Regent St.) 20744 Mitchell, William .. ' .'. 20745 Mitchell, William. (The last pilate X)rinfed in hlael; and red.) 20746 Mitchell, Liber Willehni 20747 Mitchell, Arma Gulielmi 20748 Mitchell, Arma Gulielmi. {Thr last jilate o-eworked) 20749 Mitchell, William Owen 20750 [Mitchell, Saml.] , anonjTiious. {The plate of William Owen Mitchell without inscription.) 20751 Mitchell. {The Clnistian name is illegible) 20752 (Mitchell), anonymous or nmtilated. {This seems to he the jdate of Theophilus Mitchell reu.'orked.) The Mitchell Library. See Public Libraries. Mitchellhill, Peter. (Engd. by C. Thomson, 204 High St., Edinr.) Mitchelson, John, of Midleton, Esqr. Style. 20753 20754 20755 20756 20757 20758 20759 20760 20701 Mitchinson, John, Ricker-gate, Carlisle Mitchinson, John, Carlisle Mitford, Bertram Mitford, A. Bertram Freeman-, c.b. {Arms. Mitford, ([uarteriyig Freeman, imjialing Ogilvij. A. B. Freeman- Mitford, C.B., M.P., marriedlSlA Clementine Gertrude Helen, daughter of the 1th Earl of Airlie.) 1886. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) Mitford, John, of Newtown, Hauipshire. (Arms. Mitford quartering Edwards.) 1744. Mitford, Joh. Int. Temp, ct Hosp. Line. Soc. {Arms. Mitford quartering Powell and J^dward-s.) (Oven- den sc.) Mitford, Joh. Int. Tern]), et Hosp. Line. Soc. (Neele sculp. 352 Strand.) Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial AiTuorial Wreath and ribbon Armoi'ial Chippendale Armorial Crest Crest and cj^jher Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a decorative frame Crest in a decorative frame Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crests Jacobean Armorial Printed label Chippendale j\l-morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield in an ova frame Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Frcinl'R CoUoction of Bool: PlafP!^. 2r^[) Name, Date, and Engraver. 20762 Mitford, John, Es(ir. (Sherwin) 20763 Mitford, John Philip Osbaldeston. (Arms. Mitford, quartering Oshaldestov, impaling Mitford. Lt. Col, J. P. Osbaldeston Mitford onarried 1844 Fanny, daughter of Charlrs Mitford of Pittshill, co. Sussex.) 20764 Mitford, R. (Arms. Mitford impaling Dunmure. Admiral Bohcrt Mitford of Mitford. Castle, co. Northumherland, married 1830 Margaret. daugJtter of James Dnnninre of Edinhurgh ; died 1S70.) 20765 Mitford, R. [The last plate printed on hruien-finted jmper.) 20766 Mitford, William, Esqr. 20767 Mitford, Willm., of Gilbury, Hampshire. (TJie plate of John Mitford ivith altered inscription.) 1769. 20768 Mitford, William, of Exbuvy, Hampshire. {Arms. Mitford quartering Wharton, Powell and Bevcley.) 20769 Mitford, Wm. Pittshill. (17)73. (J. Sherwin fecit) 20770 (Mitford), anonymous or mutilated. {Arms. Mitford quartering Hevelei/.) Moberly Library. See Winchester College. 20771 Moberly, E Libris' Georgii, J. C. D. Episcopi Sarisburi- ensis. 1869-1885. 20772 Moeran, Revd. Edward B 20773 Moffat, William. (Arms. 1797. 20774 Moffat, William. {Arms. (jMutlow sc. York St.) 20775 Moffatt, E Libris Bibliothecfe Georgii 20776 J. M. (Mogg) 20777 T. M. (Mogg) 20778 Mohun, AVilliam, Esqv Style. 20783 20784 20785 20786 20787 20788 20789 Moffat impaling Palmer.) Afofat impaling Harington.) 20779 Moir, Alexr. W. {Arms. Moir impaling Binncy) .. 20780 Moir, AVilliam, of Lonmay, ERqr Moira, Earl of. See Rawdon. 20781 Moises, Edwd., A.M 20782 Moland, Richard. {Arms. Moland impaling Fisher) Molesworth, The Right Honble. Richard Lord Viscount. {Arms. Molesworth quartering Mortimer, Benning- worth, Ennys and Bysse. The Honble. Bichard Moles- worth succeeded as 3rd Viscount 1726 and died 1758.) Molesworth, Ai-thur. {Note by Sir A. W. Franls, " Lyons book.") Molesworth, Hender Molesworth, Revd. I. . . Molesworth, John Molesworth, Sir William. {Probably the pilate of the 8th Baronet, who succeeded 1823 and died 1855.) Molesworth, Guillaume. {A boolplate '? From the marks of cadency fhrse must he the arms of Wui. Molesworth, sixth son of the Honble. Bysse Molesioorth, seventJi son of the 1st Viscount Molesworth.) Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial shield on a mantle Armorial Pictorial Armoria Chippendale Ar- morial modern Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Annorial Jacobean Armorial 200 Franl'^ ColJeeilon of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 2C790 Molesworth, rievil. AVilliani E. 20791 Molineux, George 20792 Molinevix, Mr. Joseph . . 20793 Molineux, Thomas 20794 Moller 2079.") Molleson, "Wilhn., Esqr. {Arms. MoUcson, quartering Sinclair and Wcnn/s ? with BiisscU on, an escutcheon.) 20796 Moiling, Frederick ' 20797 Molloy, Chas. Wilhn 20798 iMolony), Kiltanon Library. {Arms. Molotn/ impaling Wilder quartering Trevor. James Molony of Kiltanon married 1828, as his 2nd wife, Lucy, daughter of Sir Trevor Wheler, Bart.) (Burnell so.) 20799 Molony, David P. 20800 Molony, Francis Joseph 20801 Molony, Js. Kiltannon 20802 (Molony), anonymous. (A reversed impression. Not a hoolxplatc. Arms. Molony impaling Mills. James Molony of Kiltanon married 1780 Sclina, daughter of the Bevd. John Mills of Barford, Co. Warivic'k.) 20S03 (Molynevix, Viscount), Croxteth Library. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, '■'■From the only impression of this plate left at Croxteth in the possession of the Earl of Sefton." Arms. Molyneux impaling Brudenrll. Francis, 5th Viscount Molyneux, wJio succeeded 1717 and died 1738, married Mary, daughter of Francis Lord Brudenell.) 20804 (Molynevix), Charles William, Earl of Sefton. (Succeeded 1838 as 3rd Karl; died 185.5.) 2080.5 (Molyneux, Earl of Sefton.) Abbeystead. {William Philip, Ath Earl of Sefton, succeeded 1855; K.G. 1885.) (" Baker." Note "by Sir A. W. Franks.) 20806 Molyneux, Anthony Lancaster. {Arms. Molyneux im- paling Harqravc.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 20807 Molynevix, [Capel] 20808 Molyneux, Emma. Castledillon. {Arms. Molyneux im- paling Green. Emma Green married 1837 Sir Geo. King Adlercron Molyneux, 6th Bart., who died 1848. She married as her 2nd husband W. E. Fox and died 1874.) 20809 Molyneux, lligby, of Preston, Esqr. {Arms. Molyneux imjxiling Marton. Bigby Molyneux, son of Thomas Molyneux of Preston, married Mary, daughter of Oliver Marton of Lancaster.) 20810 Molyneux, General 20811 Molyneux, Lieut. Genl. Sir Thomas, Bart. Castledillon. {Succeeded 1832 as 5th Baronet ; died 1841. The plate (f Grneral Moli/ncur reworhed.) 20812 Molynevix, Thomas, M.D., of Dublin *413 Mompesson, Charles, of Bathampton in Wiltshire, Esqr. (Ar)ns. Quarterly of (j. 1. Mompesson ; 2. Godwyn; 3. Drewe; 4. Wa'tldns; 5. Munn? ; 6 ) 1705. Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Crest Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Earlv Armorial ^mJSTONtrrJ^ Pranks Collection of Booh Plates. 2G1 Name, Date, and Engraver. "468 2081c 20814 2081i Mompesson, Charles, of Bathampton in Wiltshire, Esqr. (^■1 smaller x>late without the quartcrings.) 1705. Monck, Chas. Atticus, Esqr. {Arnm. Monch, quartering Middleloii, impaling Bidley, quarteri)ig White. C, A. Monck, elder son of Sir Charles M. L. Monck, Bart,, married 1836 Laura, daughter of Sir Mathew Wliite Bidley, Bart.; died vita jjatris 1856.) (Wax'wick Sc. 124 Regent St.) Monck, Sir Charles M. L.,Bart. Belsay Castle, Northum- berland. {Charles Miles Lambert Middleton succeeded 1795 as 6th Baronet and assumed the name and arms of Monck in 1799; died 1867.) (Monck), anonymous. {Printed in red) Style. 20816 (Monck, Baronet) , anonymous . . 20817 Monckton, D. Henry. 1887 20818 Monckton, D. Henry. 1887 20819 Monckton, The Honble. Edward. Sumcrford Hall, County of Stafford. {Ar))is. Monckton impaling Pigol, Tlie Honble. Ediod. Monckton, fifth son of the 1st Viscount Galway, married 1776 Sophia Bigot.) 20820 Monckton, Horace W., F.G.s 20821 Monckton, John 20822 Monckton, John 20823 Monckton, The Honble. Mary 20824 (Monckton), mutilated. {Note on the back, " Elizabeth Susanna Monckton." This is the plate of the Honble. Mary Monckton with the name cut off.) 20825 Moncrieff, Alexander, Advocate. {Arms. Moncrieff im- paling Pattison, quartering Bobertson.) 20826 Moncrieff, Pertinct ad Bibliothecam Alcxandri 20827 Moncrieff, Alexander 20828 Moncrieff, Alexander. {A different plate) .. 20829 Moncrieff, G ' 20830 Moncrieff, Hugh. {The plate of Alexander Moncrieff', Advocate with inscription altered.) 20831 Moncrieff, Scott, of Fossaway. {Arms. Scott quartering Moncrieff'.) (Lizars sc.) 20832 (Monci'ieff), anonjTLnous. 20833 Money of Walthamstow, Co. Essex. {Originally engraved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations " and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 20834 Money, George Henry, 9 Berkeley St., Berkeley Sqr. {Arms. Quarterly of 8." 1. Money; 2. Doyly?; 3. Tregoz ; 4, Kyrle ; 5 ; 6. Scudamore ; 7. Scudamore ; 8. Stoughton.) 2U835 Money, George Henry, 9 Berkeley St., Berkeley Sqr. 20836 Money, Kj-rlc Ernie Aubrey. {Arms. Money with Smith !- on an escutcheon.) 20837 Money, Wm. Taylor. (182-. wmk. in paper) 20838 Monins, Eaton. {An altered plate I) . . 20839 Monk, James Boughcy Monk Lingard. {Arms. Monk, quartering Lingard, Bowson, Boughcy, and Jennings, Early Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial lozenge Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial supporters Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial 262 FranJi's Collect io)i of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavek. 20840 20841 20842 20843 20844 20845 20846 20847 20848 20849 20850 20851 20852 20853 20854 20855 20856 20857 20858 20859 20860 20861 20862 20863 *11 20864 impalin(j Walimle, quartering liobsart, Crane / and Hyde. J. B. M. Lingard Monk, married 1876 Diana Caroline, daughter of Reginald Bohcrt Walpole, of Haiislojjc, CO. BucMngham.) (Hy. Soane sc, London). Monk, Ex Libris Jacobi Boughey Mouli LiugarcT. (Harry Soane sc.) Monk, J. E. 1894. (J. E. AVood) Monk, James Henry Monk, John Monk, Pi. B. M. Lingard. {Anns. Monk impaling Lin- gard. Bichard Boughey Monk Lingard, who assumed tlie additional Surname and Arms of Monk in 1875, married 1849 Elizabeth Frances, daughter of Alex- ander Lingard of Cheadle Moseley, co. Chester.) Monk, Ex Libris Ricardi Boughey Monk Lingard . . Monk, Ex Libris W. May 22, 1894. (W. Monk, del.) .. Monks, Jams. [Monkhonse, M.] Monkhouse, W. H., Newcastle Monkland, George, Bath Monoux, Philip, Sandy. (Succeeded 1757 as 5th Baronet; died 1805.) (R. M. (Mountaine).) Monoux, Sr. Philip, Bart., Sandy. (The last plate ivith inscription altered.) (R. M. (Mountaine).) Monro, Alexander, Junr., Craiglockhart. (Lizars) .. Monro, Alexander, Craiglockhart. {The last plate with the engraver's signature erased.) Monro, Charles. (Suffield sculpt.) Monro, David Binning . . Monro, Edward Thomas Monro, Jolm Boscawen . . (Monsell, Baron Emly), Tervoe. {The Monsell created Baron Emly 1874.) (Greene) .) Monsell, Saml., a.m., t.c.d. Curate of Mallow Style. Bt. Honhl. Win. 189a. (E. A. G. Monsell, William, Esq., Tervoe, co. Limerick. {Arms. Monsell impaling Quin. Wm. Monsrll, created Baron Emly 1874, married 1836 as Jiis 1st wife Anna Maria Charlotte, daughter of Wyndham Henry 2nd Earl of Dunraven. Engraved hy Becker for " Burke's Heraldic ni us t rations.'') Monson, Lad}'. {Arms. Monson impaling Capel. Elixa- heth, daughter of William ith Earl of Essex, married nil John, 3rd Baron Monson. He died 1806; she died 1834.) Monson, H. Montague, The Rt. Noble Ralph, Duke of. (Balph 3rd Baron Montague, created Earl of Montague 1680, and Marquis of Monthcrmer and Duke of Mviitague 1705; died 1709.) 1705. Montague, The Most Noble John, Diikc of. {The last plate reworked.) 1700. Armorial Library interior Annorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Jacobean Book- pile Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge with supporters and coronet in an oval frame Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 263 Name, Date, and Engeavee. 20865 20866 20867 20868 20869 20870 20871 20872 *10o 20873 20874 20875 20876 20877 *68 20878 *71 *80 20879 (Montagu, Duke of Montagu), anonymous. (Arms. Montagu ivith Chun-hiU on an eacutclieoji. John 2nd Duke of Montagu succeeded 1709; married Mary, daughter and coheir of John 1st Duke of Marlborough ; died 1739.) (Montagu, Duke of ]\Iontagu) , anonymous (Montagu, Duke of ]\Iontagu), auonj-mous. [A dijf event jAate copied foin the last.) (Montagvi, Earl of Cardigan), anonymous. (George Earl of Cardigan, married Mary, daughter and coheir of John 2nd Duke of Montagu; assumed the name and Arms of Montagu, and was created Duke of Montagu 1766 ; died 1790.) (Montagu, Dulie of Montagu), anonymous Montagu Lord. (This is xirohabhj the plate of the Hoiihle. John Montagu, son of George 4:tJi Earl of Cardigan ; created Baron Montagu of Boughton 1762; became Marquess of Monthermer by courtesy on Jiis father being created Duke of Montagu in 1766; died 1770.) (Montagu, Baron), Ditton Park. (Arms. Montagu im- paling Douglas. Henry James Scott 2nd Baron Montagu, married Jane daughter of Archibald Baron Douglas ; died 1845.) Montagu, The Right Honble. Charles, Earl of Manchester Viscount Mandevile and Baron Montagu of Kimbolton. (Succeeded 1692 as 4:tJi Earl; created Duke of Man- chester 1719 ; died 1721-2.) 1704. Montagu, The Right Honble. Charles, Earl of Manchester Viscount Mandevile and Baron Montagu of Kimbolton. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1704. Montagu, Robert, Earl of Manchester Viscount Mandevile and Baron Kimbolton. (Succeeded as ord Duke 1739 ; died 1762. The last plate reworked.) Montagu, Robert, Duke and Earl of Manchester, Viscount Mandevile and Baron Kimbolton. (A modem ini2)res- sion of the last plate.) (Montagu, Dulve of [Manchester.) Kimbolton Castle (Montagu), Elizabeth Duchess Dowager of Manchester. (Arms. Montagu impaliny Dashwood. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Dashwood Bart, married 1762 George Ath Duke of Manchester. He died 178S ; she died 1882.) (Montagu), The Rt. Honble. Charles Lord Halifax. (Created Baron Halifax 1700 ; Earl of Halifax 1714 ; died 1715.) 1702. (Montagu), The Right Honble. Charles, Lord Halifax. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1702. (Montagu), The Rt. Honble. Charles Lord Halifax. (A smaller plate.) 1702. (Montagu), The Right Honble. Charles Lord Halifax. [Another impression of the last plate.) 1702. (Montagu), The Rt. Honbl. Charles Lord Halifax. (An- other impression of the last plate.) 1702. (Montagu), The Rt. Honble. George Earl of Halifax. (Arms. Montagu inipaling Dunk, witJi Dunk on an escutcheon. George 2nd Earl of Halifax succeeded Style. Armorial tropliy Crest in a garter Crest in a garter Jacobean Ai'morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Eai'lv Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial lozenge and supporters on a mantle Early Ai'morial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Ai'uiorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial 264 Fratiks CoUecfion of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engravek. 20880 •"oil 20881 20882 20883 20884 20885 20886 20887 20889 20890 20891 *218 20892 20893 20894 20895 20896 20897 20898 20890 20900 1739 ; married Anne, daughter of William Richards, and on succeeding to the estate of Sir Thomas Dunk in right of his wife assumed the name of Dunk ; died 1772.) (Montagu), The Eight Honble. Edward Lord Viscount Montague, of Hinchingbrook. {Edward Richard Vis- count Hinchingbrook, son of Edward 3rd Earl of Sandwich, died 1722 vita patris.) 1706. (Montagu), The Rt. Honble. Edward, Lord Viscount Montague of Hinchingbrook. {Another imjjression of the last plate.) (Montagu), The Et. Honble. the Countess of Sandwich. {Arms. Montagu, quartering Monthermer, with Wilmot on an escutcheon, impaling Wilmot quartering Mallet. Elizabeth, daughter of John 2nd Earl of Rochester, and sister and coheir of Charles %rd Earl of Rochester, mar- ried Edward Srd Earl of Sandwich who died 1729.) (Montagu), Et. Honble. the Countess of Sandwich. {The last plate reworked.) (Montagu, Viscount) Hinchingbrook. {Arms. Montagu impaling Lowry-Corry. George John Viscount Hinch- ingbrook, who succeeded as 6th Earl of Sandwich 1814, married 1804 Louise, daughter of Armar 1st Earl of Belmore.) (Montagu, Viscount Hinchingbrook), anonymous. {The last plate tvithout inscription.) (Montagu), Blanche Sandwich. {Arms. Montagu paling Egerton, Blanche, daughter of Francis Earl of Ellesmere married 1865, John William Earl of Sandwich, who died 1884.) (Montagu, Earl of Sandwich), anonymous .. Montagu, Charles. {A bookplate ?) .. Style. im- 1st 1th 20888 Montagu, Christopher. (W. Stephens Sculpt. Cant. Montagu, Edward Sheffield Montagu, F. C. Lackham, Wilts Montagu, George, Esqr. 1705 Montagu, George, Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1705. Montagu, Henry Seymour Montagu, Capt. J. (W. H. (Henshaw).) Montagu, James. Ivings Mews. p)aling Scatchard.) Montagu, Montagu (Montagu), anonymous . . {Arms. Montagu im- on [Montagu, George, Esqr.], anonymous. {The last plate with inscrip)tion in MS.) (Montagu), anonymous. {Arms. Montagu tvith . an escutcheon.) Montague, Viscount. See Brow^ne. Monteagle of Brandon, Baron. Sec Rioe. Monteath, Lt. Colonel Thomas. {Arms. Montcath im paling Boilcau.) (Metcalf Sc. 8 Pall Mall.) Montefiore, E. Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Annorial AiTuorial Ai'morial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Early Armorial Early Ai-morial Crest on clouds Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon iViiuorial Armorial Chippendale ^^•morial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Engraved label Franks Collection of Boole Plates. 265 Name, Date, and Engraver. 20901 Montefiore, Sir Francis, Bart. (Created a Baronet 1886) 20902 20903 20904 20905 20906 Montefiore, Henrietta. (Armn. Montefiore ivijjaling BofJischUd. Henrietta, daughter of Meyer A. Roth- schild of Frankfort, married Abraham Montefiore of Stamford Hill, Co. Middlesex.) Montefiore, Jacob Montefiore, M. {Arms. Montefiore impaling Cohen. Moses Montefiore, created a Baronet 1846, married 1812 Judith, daughter of Levi Barent Cohen; died 1885.) (18—. wmk. in paper.) Montefiore, Sir Moses, f.r.s. {The plate of M. Montefiore reivorJicd.) Montefiore, Sir Moses, F.R.S. .. 20907 Montefiore, Sir Moses, Bart. {The last plate rcworhed) .. 20908 Montefiore, Sir Moses, F.R.S 20909 Montefiore, Sir Moses, Bart. {The last plate reworked) .. 20910 Monteith's Arms. {Printed in blue. Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book.'') 20911 Monteith, Hemy, of Carstairs. (Swan Sc.) .. 20912 (Montgomerie, Countess of Eglinton), anonymous. {Arms. Montgomerie impaling Kennedy. Susanna, daughter of Sir Archibald Kennedy of Culzean, Bart., married, as his Srd tvife, Alexander, 9th Earl of Eglinton, -who died 1729.) 20913 (Montgomerie), Archibald, Earl of Eglintoune. {Succeeded 1769 as llth Earl; died 1796.) 20914 (Montgomerie), Hugh, Earl of Eglinton. {Succeeded 1796 as 11 Earl; died 1S19.) 20915 Montgomerie, Marj'. {Arms. Montgomerie ivith Mont- gomerie on an escutcheon. Mary, daughter and coheir of Archibald, llth Earl of Eglinton, married 1803 Archibald Lord Montgomerie, eldest son of Hugh, 12th Earl of Eglinton. He died vita patris 1814. She married 1815, as her 2nd husband, Sir Charles Lamb, Bart., and died 1848.) 20916 Montgomerie, Mary Style. 20917 Montgomerie, Frederick 20918 Montgomerie, George, Esqr. 20919 Montgomerie, George, Esqr. 20920 Montgomerie, Hugh, Esqr. 20921 Montgomerie, Hugh Edmonstone, f.s.a. {Arms. Mont- gomerie impaling Tumor.) 20922 Montgomerie, .James. (Swan Sc.) 20923 (Montgomerie), anonymous. {Arms, Munlgomcrie im- paling Metham /) Ai'morial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield with supporters Ai-morial shield with supporters Armorial. Two shields accole with supporters Armorial. Two shields accole with supporters Festoon Armorial Crest Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial lozenge with supporters and coronet Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial supporters Seal Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial 266 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbavee. Style. {Note hi) Sir {A smaller 20924 Montgomery. (The plate of Saml. Montgomery altered inscription.) 20925 Montgomery, Alexander 20926 Montgomery, A. V. 1895 20927 Montgomery, A. V. {A dijjc rent plate.) 1895 20928 Montgomery, Hamilton, of Xewton. {Arms. Montjonienj imjjaling Hamilton.) (Lizars Sculpt.) 20929 Montgomery, Howard B., M.D. Madras Army 20930 Montgomery, Sir Jas., Bart., of Stanhope. {James Mont- gomery, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland, created a baronet 1801 ; died 1803.) 20931 Montgomery, James G. 20932 Montgomery, John. Ballyleck, Monaghau. A. W. Franks, "Lyons Booh.'') 20933 Montgomery, Jolm. Ballyleck, Monaghan jjlate.) 20934 Montgomery, .John C 20935 Montgomery, Leslie Sydney . . 20936 Montgomery, Nathaniel, Esqr. 20937 Montgomery, Eichard 20938 Montgomery, Robert. (179. wmk. in paper) 20939 Montgomery, Robert. {Arms. Montgomery iuquding Mason. Robert Montgomery married 1811 Elizabeth, daughter of Bryant Mason of Biishey, Co. Hertford; died 1854.) (Hr. Gavin.) 20940 Montgomery, Robt., of Gray's Inn, Esqr. 20941 Montgomery, Saml. 20942 Montgomrey 20943 Montolieu, Lewis. {Son of the Baron do St. Hippolile) . . 20944 Montresor, Hem-y Tucker. {A bookplate /) . . 20945 (Montresor), anonjTnous Montrose, Diike of. See Graham. 20946 Monypenny, Alexr. (W, & D. Lizars Sculpt.) 20947 Monypenny, R. J 20948 Monypenny, Thomas Gybbon, Esq. Hole Hou^c. Kent. {Originally engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,'' and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 20949 Monypenny, W. T 20950 (Monypenny), anonymous. {Arms quarterly of 6. 1. Mony- pienny ; 2. Cathcart ; 8. Gybbon; 4. Philips ; 5. Black- well ; 6. Lyte.) 20951 Moodie, James 20952 Moodie, Captain James, late Couiinander of his Majesties ship Prince George. {The 1st and 4^/i quarterings are an honourable Augmentation granted by Queen Anne to Captain James Moodie for the relief of Denia in Spain during the tvar of the Spanish Succession. Captain Moodie was killed by Jacobites at Kirkwall 1725.) 20953 Moodie, James of Melsetter, Esqr. {The last plate tvith inscription altered.) 20954 Moody 20955 Moody of Suflulk. {The plate of liobcrt Baker Moody reworked.) with Urn Armorial Armorial Aiinorial Annorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Urn Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters Armorial spade shield Crest Arniorial Crest Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 267 Name, Date, and Engbavee. 20956 Moody, Joliu Baker. (The jilate of liobt. Balder Moody with altered inscription.) 20957 Moody, John Baker. {Arms. Moody, quartering Baker and Patterson, imimling Maunsell, quartering Barrett.) 20958 Moody, Robt. Baker 20959 Moody, Thomas liSloanc. (Arms. Moody quartering Nicholas.) 20960 Moon, Fairny 20961 (Moore, Earl of) Drogheda. {Probably the plate of Charles, 6th Earl of Drogheda; succeeded 1758; created Marquess of Drogheda 1791; died 1821. Arms. Quarterly of 8. 1. and 8. Moore ; 2. Archer; 3. BoJcing- ham ? ; 4. . . . ; 5. Cliford; 6. Savage; 7. Loftus.) 20962 Moore, The Rt. Honble. Charles, Lord Tullamoore. {Suc- ceeded as 2nd Baron 1725 ; created Earl of Charleville 1758 ; died 1764.) 20963 (Moore), Lord Tullamoore 20964 Moore 20965 Mooi'e. {Arms. Moore impaling Sykes) *220 Moore, Arthm-, of Fetcham in Com. Surry, Esqr. {Arms. Moore impaling Smith.) 1707. 20966 Moore, Cecil, m.a., Exeter College, Oxford. {Arms. Moore quartering Lakington ?) 20967 Moore, Sr. Charles. {Succeeded 1733 as Ath Baronet ; died 1754. The family seem to have assumed a different coat of Arms in later years.) 20968 Moore, Charles P. 20969 Moore, Daniel, (of Lincoln's Inn.) (1823). (Audinet sc.) 20970 Moore, Reverend David Christmas 20971 Moore, Edward. {Arms. Moore, quartering More, Broughton, Bold l ; Darley and Harroioden, impaling Jones ? quartering Eldred.) 20972 (Moore), E. C. M. Mooresfort 20973 Moore, Emma Style. 20974 Moore, The Revd. Fowke 20975 20976 20977 20978 *492 20979 20980 20981 20982 20983 *594 Moore, George Moore, George Moore, George Peter, Esqr. " Ovendens Book.'') Moore, Henrietta. (Fred. Warren Inv., Geo, Sculpt.) Moore, The Honble. and Reverend Henry, a.m. of Henry drd Earl of Drogluda. Rector of Malpas and Winslow, Co. Chester.) 1708. Moore, Heiu:y {Note by Sir A. W. Franks Boyse {Third son Moore, Henrv Talbot Moore, H. T."^ Moore, James. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Lyons Book.") Moore, 1. Daniel, m.d. {Artns. Moore impaling Meredith .') Moore, John, Lord Bishop of Norwich. {Bishop of Nonvich 1691, translated to Ely 1707 ; died 1714.) 1702. Chippendale Armorial Armorial Cliippcndalc Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Ci'est and coronet Crest Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Seal Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield Pictorial Early Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial 268 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 20984 20985 20986 20987 20988 20989 20990 20991 20992 20993 20994 20995 20996 20997 20998 20999 21000 21001 21002 21003 21004 21005 21006 21007 21008 21009 21010 21011 21012 21013 21014 *532 21015 21016 21017 21018 21019 Moore, John Moore, Johu .. . .. .. .. •■ Moore, John. Hjde Park Moore, John. Plymouth . . . . . • . . Moore, John, Esqr. Moore, John Arthui-. (Annn. Moore impaling Yeates) .. Moore, John Bramley, Esq. Aigburth, Liverpool. {Origin- i allg engraved hij Emslie for '' Bur'kc's Heraldic Illus- trations " and afterwards used as a hoohjjlate.) \ Moore, Johu Bramley, Esq. {The last plate reioorked) Moore, John Wilson Moore, ^Ir. Joseph. "West Bromwich, Staflbrdshu-e. 1777 Moore, Joseph, A.M., M.D. {Arms. Moore impaling Blades ') Moore, Lady, {Arms. Moore impaling Long. Catherina Maria, daughter of Samuel Long of Longville, Jamaica, | married Sir Henry Moore of Jamaica 1st Baronet, Governor of the Province of New York, who died 1769.) Moore, Lorenzo, Esqr. {Arms. Moore with Janssen on an escutcheon.) Moore, Eobcrfc Moore, Robert Moore, Eobt. Moore, The Honblc. Robt. {The last pdate with inscription altered. Son of Edward 5th Earl of Drogheda, by his 2nd wife Bridget, daughter of Wm. Southwell, horn 1743; ^ie(U831.) Moore, Selena Maria Moore, Septimus Peche . . Moore, Thomas. {Stamped in gold on green leather) Moore, Thomas . . Moore, Thomas. {The last plate reworked) .. Moore, Thomas. (Note by Sir A. W. Franlis " The Poet. See my book ivith his autograph.'') Moore, Verner, Esqr. Moore, William, Esqr. {Arms. Moore impaling Osborne. Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons Book:') Moore, Will, Esqr. Moore, William Bramley, m.a. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franlvs.) Moore, Wm. Deuis. (Arms. Moore quartering Denis.) .. W. D. M., (Moore.) {Arms. Moore, quartering Denis and Banks, impaling Hirtzell.) (Lewis. Exeter.) Moore, William John Moore, William P (Moore), anonymous. {Anns. Moore impaling Smith. The 1st state of the plate of Arthur Moore.) (Moore, Baronet), anonvmous. (Thomas Moore succeeded 1790 as 6th and last Baronet ; died 1807.) (Mooi'e), anonymous, {'^ Lyons hook." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Moore), anonymous. Franks.) (Moore), anonvmous, Moore."} Moorhouse, Thomas ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. (Note on the hack *' ^Vm, Gurdon Crest Armorial shield on clouds Crest in a garter Printed label Festoon Armorial Armoi'ial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Festoon Armorial Lozenge Festoon Armorial Crest Crest Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Lozenge Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial FranlcH Collection of Booh Plafffi. 269 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. {Sticceedcd 1828 as 3>-d of Sir 21020 (.Moorslieacl, Sir Warwick, Bart.) Baronet.) 21021 (Moorshead, Baronet), anonymous. {The plate Wafwich Moorshead without inscription.) Moor Park. Sec Williams. 21022 Morant, Alfred William. Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk 21023 Morant, Edward. Brokenhm'st. {Arms. Morant with (loddard on an escutcheon. Edward Morant, M.P., married 1762, as his 2nd wife, Mary Whitehornc, daitrfhtcr and heir of James Goddard.) 1764. 21024 Morant, George . . 21025 Morant, John. {Arms. Morant iniparuuj Somerset. John Morant of Brokenliurst Park married 1855 Henrietta Louisa Priscilla, daughter of Henry, Ith Dnke of Beaufort.) 1862. 21026 Morant, J. Lushington . . Morar, The Knight of. See Fraser. 21027 Mordant, Elizabeth, Mar. 18th, 1761. 21028 Mordaunt, Sr. Charles, Bart. Walton, Warwickshire. {Succeeded 1721 as 6th Baronet; died 1778.) 21029 Mordaunt, Sr. Charles, Bart. Walton, Warwickshire. {TJic last plate reivorhed.) 21030 Mordaunt, Elizabeth. {Arms. Mordaunt, luith Proivse, quartering Newhorough, on an escutcheon. Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Thomas Proiuse of Axhridge co. Somerset ynarried Sir John Mordaunt 1th Baronet who died 1806.) 21031 Mordaunt, Sr. John. {Son of Lieut. Gcnl. The Honble. Harry Mordaunt, M. P., Treasurer of the Ordnance, luho tvas the second son of John 1st Viscoiint Mordaunt of Avalon ; K. B. 1749.) 21032 Mordaunt, Thos. Osbert 21033 Morden, Ex Libris W. E. & J. 1880. (E. Elliot del. H. Gardner sc.) 21034 Morden, Ex Libris, W. E. & J. {The last plate with the spelling of the engraver's name corrected.) 1880. (E. Elliott del. H. Gardner sc.) Mordington, Baron. See Douglas. 21035 More, Joseph Edmonds. {Arms. More, quartering More, Broughton, Bold, Barley, and . . . , ioith Edmonds on an escutcheon. Sir Cleave More 2nd Bart, married Anne, daughter and heir of Joseph Edmonds, and dying 1729-30 was succeeded hy his son Joseph Edmonds More.) 21036 More, R. H. G., M.A. Larden .. 21037 More, T. P. M 21038 (More), anonymous 21039 (More), anonymous .. .. _ .. 21040 (More), anonymous. {A reversed impression ; not a book- plate. Note on the back, " Miss More." Arms. More quartering Cophurst.) 21041 Moreau, C. F., Esqr 21042 Moreau, C. F. {The last plate with inscription altered) .. Style. Armorial Annorial Seal Landscape Armorial Crest Armorial Crest Printed label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Lozenge Chippendale Armorial supporters Chippendale Armorial Engraved label Engraved label Jacobean ArmOrial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial 270 Franhs ColJecfion of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaveh. 21043 Morehead, William, Esqv 21044 [Moreland, I., Esqr. of Kendal] , anonymous. {Arms. Moreland impaling Ltidlow /) 21045 Morell, T., d.d., f.r.s. & s.a. {Arms. Morell impaling Barhcr, quartering Biirley. Thomas Morell, hor^i 1703; D.D. 1743; married 1738 Anne, daughfcr of Henry Barker of Chiswiclx ; died 1784.) 21046 Morell, Thomas 21047 Mores, Edward Eowe, m.a. & f.a.s. {Born 1730 ; died 1778) 21048 (Mores, Edward Eowe), anonymous. (R. Van Bleeck pinx. I. Mynde sc.) 21049 Mores, Edward Eowe 21050 (Moreton), Elizabeth Countess of Ducie. {Elizabeth, daughter of John, 2nd Baron Sherborne, married 1826 Henry George Francis, 2nd Earl of Ducie, who died 1853. She died 1865.) *586 (Moreton), William, Lord Bishop of Meath. (Arms. The Sec of Meath impaling Moreton and Jordan of Maccles- field quarterly dimidiated. William Moreton, ap)pP^'-) on clouds 21489 F.M Crest (a Saracen's head) and cypher 21490 F. E. M Crest (an eagle displayed) and initials 21491 P. T. M Crest (a demi- dragon reguard- ant, holding an escutcheon charged with a pellet) and initials 21492 H. M Cypher and coronet of a Duchess 21493 H. A. M. {Printed in red) H. H. M. See Parker, Countess of Maccclsfield. Initials in a wreath 21494 I.M Crest (a hawk's head erased) and cypher 21495 I.M Chippendale C3'pher 21496 I. M. {The motto in Hebrew is from Ecclesiastes, CJi. V. 13) Chippendale cj'pher 21497 I.M. {The last plate reworhed) Chippendale cypher 21498 I.M Bookpile cj'pher 21499 I.M Cj-pher and coronet of a Duchess 21500 I. H. M. (Baronet) Trophy ci^-pher 21501 I. W. Mc. M Festoon crest (an arm embowed in armour, tlie hand holding a baton) and cypher 21502 M. M C^T^her and coronet of a Duchess 21503 M. A. M M. G. M. See Mitchell. M. H. M. See Morse. Cypher 21504 N. M Cypher 21505 P. M Crest (a martlet) and initials in a garter 21506 P.M. {The last flate printed on grey paper) Crest Franl's ColUciion of Book Plates. 287 Name, Date, and Engeavee. 21507 R. M. 21508 R. M. 21509 R. M. M. 21510 R. O. M. {Stamped leather label) 21511 S. M. 21512 T. M. 21513 T. M. 21514 W. M. 21515 W. M. 21516 W. M. 21517 W. S. M. W. S. M. See Matthews. Style. Cypher Chippendale cypher Festoon crest (an eagle's head erased, ducally cro^vTied, hold- ing an olive branch in its beak) and cypher Crest (a lion ramp, holding a sword) and interlaced initials Crests (1. a flaming mountain. 2. a pelican in her piety) and cypher Modern Chippen- dale crest (a tower) and cj-pher Festoon crest (a lion rampant, holding a sceptre) and cypher Festoon cj'pher Crest (a wolf's head sm*- mounted by a scimetar blade) and cypher Pictorial Crest (a demi- leopard) and initials 21518 Nabb, William 21519 (Naesmith), anonymous. (R. Chalmers, sculp.) 21520 Naesmyth, Anna, de Possau, Baronetti. {An earlier state of the plate of James Nasmyth.) 21521 Naesmyth, Sigilhmi, de Posso . . 21522 Nasmyth, James. {Succeeded 1816 as 5th Baronet) 21523 Nasmyth, Robert. (Lizars, sculpt.) .. 21524 Naghten, Thomas 21525 Naghten, Thomas, Esqr. {Arms. Naghten impaling Bracy or Lay of the plate of Cosmas Nevill.) 21688 Nevill, George 21689 Nevill, George, Esqrc Nevill, The Ven. Henry Ralph, m.a. Archdeacon of Norfolk Nevill, Richard, Esqr. .. Nevill, S. Tarratt, d.d. Bishop of Dunedin 1871. (J. S. & A. B. AVyon sc. 287 Regent St.) (Nevill), anonymous (Nevill), anonjnuous (Nevill), anonymous (Neville -GriflB.n), Lord Bruybrooke. {Arms. Grijjin quar- tering Neville.) (Neville-GriflBn), Lord Braybrooke. {Arms. Griffin, quar- tering Neville, with Coniivallis on an escutcheon. The Honble. Richard Neville Griffin, who succeeded 1825 as 'drd Baron Braybrooke, married 1819 Jane, daughter of Charles, %id Marquess Cornwallis ; died 1858.) (Neville -Griffin), Lord Braybrooke. {A different plate) .. Style. Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean bookpile Armorial Jacobean bookpile Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial arms, supporters, crest, badges and coronet Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Festoon Armorial Vesica Armorial Festoon Ai'morial Armorial Ainnorial Armorial Armorial ^U'morial 294 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 21699 (Neville), Lord Braybrooke. {Arms. Neville iinpaliyig Maude. The Honble. Charles Cornwallis Neville, tvho succeeded 1861 as 5th Baron Braybrooke, married 1849 Florence Priscilla Alicia, daughter of Cornivallis Srd Viscount Haivarden.) 21700 Neville, Honble. Catherine 21701 21702 21703 21704 21705 21705a 21706 21707 21708 21709 21710 21711 21712 21713 21714 21715 21716 21717 Neville, Honble. C. C Neville, Revd. Frederic Neville, m.a. (Queen's College, Oxford. Neville, Honble. Richd. Neville, Honble. Eichd. {Tlic last ]}late with two badges added.) New College. See Oxford. New Lodge, Windsor Forest. See Van de Weyer. New Park. See Pennefather. New Sarum. See Salisbury. New York Society Library. See Societies. New York, Bishop of. See Provost. New, Revd. Francis Thomas. (Arms. Neiv, quartering Bull and Evans quarterly, impaling Payne. Bevd. F. T. New married 1828 Sarah Eliza, daughter of Charles Payne.) (New), anonymous Newall, H. Gerard. (Arms. Ncwall, quartering Kyrshagh and Litholrcs, imxialing Gibb. Henry Gerard Fenton Newall, of Hare Hill Littleborough co. Lancaster, married 1876 Barbara Sharj), daughter of Henry Gibb of Erlyer, Victoria, Australia.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Newark, Viscount and Viscountess. See Pierrepont. Newbery, Samuel, 5 Hatton Gardens (Newbery), anonymous. (Osborne London) Newbolt, John Henry . . Newbolt, .Jn. Monk. Coll. Mug. Oxon. (,ii. M. (,Mouutaine).j Style. Newbolt, AV. Newborough, Bai-ou, Newborougli, Baron. Newbury, Thomas. Newcastle, Duke of. Newcastle, Duke of. See Pelham. Newcastle, Duke of. See Clinton. Newcastle under Lyne. See L. C, Newcome, Eichd., Esqr. {Arms. Moslcy, impaling Rawson.) Newcome, Revd. I. (Brook sc. 302 Strand) Newcome, "William. Edburton. {Arms. Newcome quarter- ing Smith.) (Newcome), anonymous. {A dedication plate.) (Guls. Stephens Coela\it.) Newdigate, Edmondus, M.D. .. See Cholmondeley. See Wynn. {Arms. Newbury impaling Williams) See Holies. Neiocome, quartering 21718 Newdegate, Edward Ncwdigatc. (/I modern impression from the plate of liichard Newdigatc 1702 with altered ivscription.) 21719 Ncwdigate, E. Libris Francisci W Armorial Armorial lozenge and badges Crest and badges Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial Seal Armonal Franks Collection of Book Plates. 295 Name, Date, and Engraver. SrVLK. *364 Newdigate, John, of Harefielcl in ve County of Middlesex Esqr. 1702. 21720 Newdigate, John, of the Inner Temple, London, Esqr. {The last plate ivith inscrij^tion altered.) 1702. 21721 Newdigate, Eichard, Esqr. 1702 *371 Newdigate, Richard, Esqr. {Another iDipresaioii of the last plate.) 1702. 21722 Newdigate, Sr. Eicliard, of Arbury, in the county of Warwick, Baronet. {The plate of John Newdigate with inscription altered.) 1709. 21723 Newdigate, Sr. Roger, Bart. {Succeeded 1734 as 5th Baronet and died 1806.) 21724 Newdick, Shirley 21725 (Newdick), anonymous or nuitilated. {Arms. Newdick impaling Goodricke /) 21726 Newenham, George. (Forde sculpt.) 21727 G. N. (Newenliam) 21728 Newenham, John. {Anns. Newenham impaling Bobiu- son .') 21729 Newenham, Thomas 21730 Newenham, Thomas. {Arms. Newenliam quartering Sandcs .') 21731 Newenham, Thomas 21732 Newenham, Willm. Henry 21738 W. W. N. (Newenham). {Printed in red. For a similar plate, see " J. T. Bacon.") 21734 (Newenham), anonj-mous 21735 (Newent ?), anonj^nous. {Arms. Newcnt ! with Hoskyns on an escutcheon. This is called. Newent '■ by Sir A. W. Franks, but may be a " Buller " plate.) Newfoimdland, Bishop of. See Jones. 21736 Newland, John. Eltham 21737 Newlaud, Wm., of Great Gearys in com. Essex, Gent. 21738 Newland, Wm. Chichester 21739 Newling, Charles. {Arms. Quarterly of 8. 1. Newling ; 2. Bumbold ; 3. Calcroft ; 4. Newcome ; 5. King; 6. Scrivenj 7. Baleigh ; 8. Davies ?) 21740 Newling, Edvardus, Regise Scholse Salopiensis Alimmus MCCLXIX. 21741 Newling, John . . 21742 Newman. (T. Thompson 37 Cheapside) 21743 Newman. (Walkingshaw, sc.) 21744 Newman. Thornbury Park. (Burnell sc. Bristol) 21745 Newman, Edward 21746 Newman, Henry Wenman, Esq. Thornbury Park, co. Gloucester. {Engraved by Bcckivitli for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations.'") Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Crests and cypher Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Bookpile Armorial spade shield on a scroll surmounted by musical instrmnents Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale En- graved label Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Ai'morial spade shield Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Ai'morial 296 Franks Collection of Booh Ptates. Name, Date, and Engeavek. 21747 21748 21749 21750 21751 21752 21753 21754 21755 ♦52 21756 21757 21758 21759 21760 21761 21762 21763 21764 21765 Newman, John . . Newman, John. {Arms. Neivman imjpaling Fourdrinier ?) Newman, John . . Newman, William. {Arms. Newman ? impaling ...).. {Arms, Newman impaling Newman, William Lewin. Sherwood.) (Newman), anonymous. {These Arms were granted to William Ahiah Newman, D.D.) New^nham, Geo. Lewis, Esqr. {Arms. Newnham quarter- ing . . ., Thomson, and Chaworth ?) Newnham, Tho., Esqr. 1750. (R. M. (Moimtaine).) Newnham, Thomas, Esqr. (Newport.) The Right Honble Francis, Earle of Bradford, Viscount Newport, Baron of High Arcall in Shropshire. {Arms. Newport quartering Ercall, Grey ' Woodtvai'd ' and BromleTj. Francis, ^nd Baron Newport, created Viscount Neivport 1675 and Earl of Bradford 1694; died 1708.) Newport, Christopher .. Newport, G. S. .. Newport, James W. Hanley Court. {Arms. Newport quartering Burkett ?) Newport, Simon. 1748 Newport, William Newsell's Library. See Circulating Libraries. Newsham, John, of Chadshunt in Com. Warwick, Esqr. {Arms. Neiusham, quartering Miles .' impaling Craggs. John Neivsham viarried Anne, daughter and coheir of the Rt. Honble. Janies Craggs.) Newsham, Margarctta .. Newsham, Revd. T. P Newstead Abbey. See Wildman. Newte, Thos. {Anns. Neivte impaling Hoiighton !) Newton, {The plate of John Newton reworked) Style. 21766 Newton, Andrew, Esq. . . 21767 Newton, Captn., R.N. 21768 Newton, Chas 21769 Newton, Charles Milnes 21770 Newton, Courtcnay 21771 Newton, Hay, of Newton 21772 Newton, James Antrobus 21773 Newton, John Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Annorial Chippendale Armorial trophj' Chippendale Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial Chi^jpendalc Ar- morial tropliy Franks Collection of Book Plates. 297 Name, Date, and Engraver. 21774 Newton, Jose^ph, a.m. 21775 J. N. (Newton). {The last plate without the inscription) 21776 Newton, Newton Dickinson Hand. quartering Hand and DicMnson.) 21777 Newton, W. E 21778 Newton, William, Esqr. 21779 21780 21781 21782 21783 21784 21785 21786 21787 21788 21789 21790 21792 21793 21794 21795 21796 21797 21798 21799 21800 {Arms. Nctvton Newton, William Newton, William Leaper-, Esq. Mickleover, Co. Derby. {Originally engraved by Becker for " BurJce^s Heraldic Illustrations,'' with the inscription ^^ Robert N. Leaper- Neioton" and afterwards used as a bookplate by Williain Leaper-Neiuton.) (Newton), anonymous .. (Newton), anonymous .. (New^ton), anonymous. {A bookplate ? impaling Feney or Fenne.) Arms. Newton Niblie, Archibald. {Arms. Douglas quartering Bwton) . . Nicholas, Charles. Lincoln's Inn. {The second plate of Edivd. Richmond Nicholas with altered inscription.) Nicholas, Charles. 1814. (C.N.) Nicholas, Edward, Esqr., of Gillingham in the county of Dorset. {Arms. Nicholas with Windham on an escutcheon. Edivard Nicholas married Rachel Wind- ham. He succeeded to Horsley on the death of his father, Sir John Nicholas, in 1704, and died 1726.) 1703. Nicholas, Edward, Esq., of Gillingham in the County of Dorset. {A smaller plate.) 1703. Nicholas, Edward, of West Horsley in the County of Surry, Esqr. {The larger plate o/1703 ivith altered inscrip- tion.) 1705. Nicholas, Edwd. Richmond 21791 Nicholas, Edwd. Eichmond. {A different plate) {Note by Sir A. W. Nicholas, John. (Johnson sc.) Nicholas, Thomas (Nicholas), anonymous or mutilated, Franks, " Ovendens book.") NichoU, Edward Powell Nicholl, Iltid. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) Nicholl, Iltyd I. N. (Nicholl). Nicholl, John, ctitcheo7i.) Nicholl, John, ll.d. Doctors Commons. {Arms. NichoU, quartering Buckley, 7mth Birt on an escutcheon. The Rt. Honblc. Sir John Nicholl, Dean of Arches and Judge of the Prerogative Court, married. 1787 Judy, daughter of Peter Birt of Wenvoc Castle.) Merthyrmawr . . {Arms. Nicholl ivitli Parr on an es- Sttle. Chippendale crest and cypher Chippendale crest and cypher Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield in a %vreath Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Crest Crests in a garter Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial 298 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbavee. 21801 Niclioll, Sir John, Knt. {Arms. NichollimjpaUng Birt) .. 21802 Nicholl, Et. Honble. Sir John, Kt 21803 Nicholl, John Cole. Merthyr Mawr. {Printed in red and black.) 21804 Nicholl, John Cole. Merthyr Mawr. Glamorganshire 21805 Nicholl, John Cole. Merthyr Mawr, Glamorganshire. {The last plate printed on green paper.) 21806 Nicholl, Revel. Eobt., A.M 21807 (Nicholl), anonymous 21808 Nicholles, John 21809 Nicholls, Frank. Coll. Exon. Oxon 21810 Nicholls, Nathaniel 21811 Nicholls, Eevd. Norton 21812 Nicholls, Solomon. {Anna. Nicholls ivith Corker on a)i escutcheon.) 21813 Nicholls, Thos. (F. Garden, sculp. London) 21814 Nicholls, Thos. Middle Temple 21815 Nicholls, Willm., Esqr., of Trereife, Cornwall. (The plate of Frank Nicholls luith inscrijytion altered ?) 21816 (Nicholls), anonymous or mutilated. {Arms. Nicholls impaliiir) Braunch or Wcsthrook.) 21817 [Nicholls, Robt.] , anonymous [1729] 21818 (Nicholls), anonymous. {Another impression of (he last jilatc.) 21819 (Nicholls), anonymous. {The plate of the'Revd. Norton NiclioUs without inscription.) 21820 (Nicholls), anonymous. {The pilate of Solomon Nicholls without inscrijition.) 21821 Nichols, Charles, mdcccxiv. (" Etched by John Sell Cotman." Note on the back.) 21822 Nichols, Francis M 21823 Nichols, Sigillum Geo. W 21824 Nichols. Tliis Book belongs to Mr. James, Pruitcr, 46 Hoxton Square. 21825 1. N. (Nichols) 21826 Nichols, S 21827 Nichols, William 21828 Nichols, Capt. William, L. B.V.I. St. James's. {Arms. Nichols impaling a coat which seems to be intended for the Arms of the Company of Embroiderers of London.) 1814. 21829 [Nichols, John, Esq.]. anonymous, {Arms. Nichols im- paling Cradock and Green. John Nichols, F.S.A., married 1st 1766 Anne, daughter atul heir of Willia)n Cradock ayid Indhj 1778 Martha, daughter of William Green of Hinckley, Co. Leicester ; died 1820.) Schncb- belie del. Basire so.) 21830 (Nichols, J.), anonymous. (The last p>late with the en- graver's signature erased or perhaps scratclied out in this impression.) Style. Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Crest in a frame Seal Armorial Seal Armorial AVreath and ribbon Armorial Vesica crest Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Seal crest Printed label Armorial spade shield Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial trophy Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 299 Name, Date, and Engraver. 21831 21832 21833 21834 Nicholson . . Nicholson . . Nicholson, Aiitho. of the Inner Temple 21835 21836 21837 21838 21839 21840 21841 21842 21843 21844 21845 21846 21847 Nicholson, Alexander. {Arms. Nicholson, quartering Mclnnes, ivitli Innes on an escutcheon. Alexr. Mclnnes, luho assumed 1821 the surname and Arms of Nicholson, married 1812 Cecilia, daughter of Peter Lines of Fraca- field, Shetland, N.B.) (Griffiths & Weigalls 3 St. James' Street.) Nicholson, B. A. E. Nicholson, Captn. Thehvall Lea. (The plate of Thos. Nicholson with inscrij^tion altered.) (Pye deltn. et set.) Nicholson, Captn. Thehvall, Lea. {The last jilate printed on broiun tinted paper.) (P^'e delin. et set.) Nicholson, Charles. {Printed on yellow paper) Nicholson, Charles, m.d. Nicholson, Sir Charles . . Nicholson, Chrisr., Esqr. Co. of Meath. {A reprint') .. Nicholson, E. Sea Street, Newport, Isle of Wight. (H. Love, Typ.) (Nicholson.) The gift of the Magistrates of the county of Berks to the Eevd. Edward Nicholson. Nicholson, Geo. Dm-ham. 1778 Nicholson, George Stewart. (J. Warwick 145 Strand) Nicholson, Gilbert, of Balrath in the county of Meath, Esqr. (1669 is not the real date of the plate, luhich, in the opinion of Sir A. W. FranJcs, was engraved about 1722. See also the plate of Thomas Carter.) 1669. Nicholson, G. T. Style. 21848 Nicholson, G. T. {The last plate reworked) 21849 21850 21851 21852 21853 21854 21855 21856 21857 21858 21859 21860 21861 21862 21863 21864 Nicholson, George T. Nicholson, Isaac. (1829. Nicholson, James Holme Nicholson, John . . Nicholson, Lucas. Leeds wmk. in paper) Nicholson, L. D. {Printed on blue paper) .. Nicholson, M. S., Esqr., of Carnock .. Nicholson, M. S., Esqr., of Carnock. {The last plate 2)rinted on broiun-tinted paper.) Nicholson, Ralph. {Arms. Nicholson impaling Ellison) Nicholson, Robert. {Arms. Nicholson impaling Matins ?) Nicholson, Robert. Ballow. 1832 .. Nicholson, Robert Steele. Ballow House. {Arms. Nichol- son quartering Steele.) Nicholson, S. {Arms. Nicholson impaling Rhodes. This must be the plate of Stephen Nicholson of Boundhay Park, CO. York, ivho married 1807 Sarah, daughter of Matthew Rhodes of Canipfield, near Leeds.) Nicholson, Thos. Stockport. 1798, (Pye delin. et set.) . . Nicholson, William. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) Nicholbon, William Crest Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Printed label Printed label Ai-morial Jacobean Ai-morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Crest Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 300 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 21865 21866 21867 21868 21869 21870 21871 21872 21873 21874 21875 21876 21877 21878 21879 21880 21881 21882 21883 21884 21885 21886 21887 21888 21889 21890 21891 21892 21893 21894 21895 Nicholson, W. N. {The i^late of Isaac Niclwhon loith inscription altered.) (Nicholson), anonymous. {Arms. Nicholson quartering de Cardonel or Spyer.) (Nicholson), anonjTuous (Nicholson), anonymous or mutilated (Nicholson), anon jTnous Nicholsonianis, E Libris. ((18jol, vvmk. in paperj Nicol, Mr. James L.M.N. {''Nicol'' Noteby Sir A.W. Franl-s) .. Nicol, Rob. {Arms. Nicol quartering Wilson ?) .. Nicolas Nicolas, Sir Harris, g.c.m.g. {These supporters ivere granted to Sir Harris in 1840. Engraved by Emslie for " BurTce's Heraldic Illustrations.'") Nicholas, Sir Harris, G.C.M.G. .. Nicolas, Sir Harris, K.C.M.G., K.H. [Nicolas, Capt, J. Toup] , anonymous. {Captain John Toup Nicholas received the word " Pilot " as an augmentation to his crest in 1816 ; he died in 1851. Art7is. Nicholas quartering Keigivin ? and Busvargus.) (Nicolas), anonymous .. Nicolay, C. AV. {Arms. Nicolay impaling Dacres !) Nicolay, Frederick, Junr. Nicolay, G. F. L. Nicoll, Donald Nicoll, John Esq. {Arms. Nicolay impallny Montlield, Sussex . . .) Nicoll, Saml., Esqr. Nicolls, F. H. G. {Arms. Nicholls impaling Hill) Nicolls, Jasper Hume Nicolls, Lieut. Col. (Nicolls?), anonymous .. Nicolson, Arthur. (Lizars Sculpt.) . . Nicolson, Sir James, Bart. {The plate of Sir William Nicolson ivith inscription altered.) (E. C. fecit (Cooper).) Nicolson, Sir William, Bart. (R. C. fecit (Cooper).) Style. Nightingale, John Nightingale, John. ivor/ii'd.) Nightingale, John {TJic last plate %vith the crest re- 21896 Nightingale, W. E 21897 Nimmo, P., M.D 21898 Nimmo, William Hcm-y. (Arms. Nimmo impaling Ixobcrfson.) 21899 Ninau, Casper Andrews. (Nolo by Sir A. W. Franks, " Out of an English translation of the Tcphillott or Jewish ])rayer book printed A.M. 5530 = 1770.") 21900 Nisbet of Dirleton. {A bookplate !) Crest Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and rib- bon cypher on a shield Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial arms on a banner with a single supporter Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Annorial Anuorial Crest Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. PM Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 21901 21902 21903 21904 21905 21906 21907 21908 21909 21910 21911 21912 21913 21914 21915 21916 21917 21918 21919 21920 21921 21922 21923 21924 21925 21926 21927 21928 21929 21930 21931 21932 21933 21934 21935 Nisbet of Northfield. {A hoohplatc) .. Nisbet, David, Surgeon . . Nisbet, Harry Curtis Nisbet, John Marjoribanks R. N. (Nisbet) Nisbet, Walter . . Nisbet, William, of Dirleton, Esqr. Nissen. {Arms. Nissen, or Nilson, qtiartermg Hill) Nithsdaill or Nithsdale, Earl of. See Maxwell. Niven, William, f.s.a., Udny House, Teddington. (Arms. Niven imjyaling Boustead. Wm. Niven married 1876 Helen, daughter of E. Boustead of Clapham Park, CO, Siirrcy.) Nixon, Revd. Francis Eussoll, St. John's College Oxford. (Arms. Nixon quartering BnsseU.) Nixon, Francis Russell, d.d. Bishop of Tasmania mdcccxlii. (Bishop of Tasmania 1842-1864.) (Proof. B. AVyon sc.) Nixon, George. Summer Street Nixon, John. Summer Street . . Nixon, John. (Arms. Nixon impaling . . ,) Nixon, M. B. E. H. (Arms. Nixon impaling Mills) Nixon, This book belongs to Richard . . Nixon, Revd. Robt. (Arms. Nixon impaling BnsseU. The Bevd. Bobt. Nixon married 1799 Anne BnsseU.) Nixon, Revd. Robt., b.d., f.s.a. (The last plate ivith in- scription altered.) Nixon, Revd. Robt., b.d., f.r.s., f.s.a. (The inscription again altered.) [Nixson, Thos., of Newington Surrey] , anonymous Noakes, George, Attorney at Law, Sandwich. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Noakes, Wm. (Wigzell sculpt.) No bbes, Thomas . . Noble Noble Noble, Andrew Noble, George Noble, George p)aper.) Noble, John Noble, John, Clerk (Arms. Nohle quartering Napier f) (The last i)late printed on h roiun-tinted Noble, John, Clerk. (A reprod^(,ction of the last plate) Noble, John Hatt. Leckhamstead, Berks. (Arms. Halt quartering Noble.) Noble, The Revd. j\Iark, f.a.s. of h. & e. mdcccii. .. Noble, Revd. Robert Noble, Wilson. (Harry Soane. London) Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Ai*morial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean bookpile Annorial Jacobean bookpile Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armoi'ial Armorial Armorial 302 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 21936 Noblett, George 21937 Noblett, Henry 21938 Nodes, Alice 21939 (Noel), The Eight Honble. Baptist, Earl- of Gainsborough, Viscount Campden, Baron Noel of Eidlington & Baron Hicks of Ihnington &c. (Succeeded 1690 as 3rd Earl; died 1114. Arms. Quarterly of 9. 1. Noel ; 2. Ho2)ton; 3. Heavon ; 4. Doivnton ; 5. St. Owen; 6. Tyrrell; 7. Hicl-s; 8. Artliur ; 9. Fanshaive.) 1700. 21940 (Noel), The Eight Honble. Baptist, Earl of Gainsborough, Viscount Campden, Baron Noel of Eidlington & Baron Hicks of Ilmington &c. {A smaller i^late witJiout the quarterings.) 1700. 21941 (Noel), The Eight Honble. Dorothy Countess of Gains- borough. {Arms. Noel imjyaUng Manners. Bajitist, 3rd Earl of Gainshorougli, married Dorothy, daughter of John, Duhe of Rutland.) 1707. *89 (Noei), The Eight ' Honble. Dorothy Countess of Gains- borough. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1707. 21942 (Noel), The Eight Honble. Dorothy Countess of Gains- borough. 1710. 21943 (Noel), The Eight Honble. Baptist Earl of Gainsborough Viscount Campden of Campden Baron Noel of Eidlington and Baron Hicks of Ihnington. {The plate of Dorothy, Countess of Gainsborough, with altered inscrip)tion. A modern impression, the piaper being watermarked ISO-.) 1710. 21944 (Noel), The Eight Honble. Dorothy, Countess Dowager of Gainsborough. 21945 Noel, Albert Leland. {Arms. Noel with Molyneux on an escutcheon. A. L. Noel married 1859 Ella, daughter and coheir of the Revd. Caj^el Molyneux.) 21946 Noel, Bapt. June 13 cioioclxxvij 21947 Noel, Baptist Wriothesley. {Arms. Noel impaling Baillie. The Hon. and Revd. B. W. Noel, tenth son of Sir Gerard Noel Noel by Jiis wife Diana Baroness Barham, married 1826 Jane, daughter of Peter Baillie of Dochfour ; died 1873.) 21948 Noel, The Honble Berkeley Octavius. {Eighth son of Sir Gerard Noel Noel by his ^uife Diana, Baroness Barham, bornll^4t; died 1941. Arms. Quarterly of 16. land 16. Noel; 2. Middleton; 8. Manners; 4. Bryan; 5. Douglas ; 6. the arms of the Empire ; 7. Plantagenet; 8. Harington ? ; 9. Edwards; 10. Hicks; 11. Bertie; 12. Hamilton; 13. Stewart; 14. Montagu; 15. Bruce.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 21949 Noel, Charles. Bell Hall. {Arms. Noel, quartering Pcrrott, impaling Wyldc. Charles Noel married 1828 Mary, daughter of the Revd. John Wylde of Aid ridge, CO. Stafford.) 21950 Noel, Hon. Frederick, r.n. {Arms. Noel, quartering Middleton, imjmling Woodlcy, quartering Payne. Cap- tain the Honhlc. Frederick Noel, si.vth son of Sir Gerard Noel Noel, married 1815 Mary, daughter of William Woodley; died 1833.) Style. Festoon Armorial Armorial Early Chippendale Armorial lozenge Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Ai'morial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Armorial Autograph Armorial Armorial Armorial Aniiorial Franhs CoUedion of Book Plates. 303 Name, Date, and Engraver. 21951 21952 21953 *426 21954 21955 21956 21957 21958 21959 21960 21961 21962 21963 21964 21965 21966 *421 *444 21967 Noel, Gerard. Catmose. {The Bf. Honhle. Gerard James Noel, second son of Charles, 1st Earl of Gainsborough.) Noel, Gerard T. {Arms. Noel hnpaling O'Brien. The Honhle. and Bev. Gerard Thomas Noel, Canon of Winchester, second son of Sir Gerard. Noel Noel, married 1806 Charlotte So;phia, daughter of Sir Lucius O'Brien of Dromoland, Bart. ; died 1851.) Noel, Gerard T. {A different ]}late) .. Noel, The Honble. John, Esqr. Second Son to the Right Honble. Baptist Late Lord Viscount Campden. 1701. Noel, John Perrott. {Arms. Noel, quartering Perrott, impaling AmjMett, John Perrott Noel of Bell Hall, CO. Worcester, married Margaret, daughter of John Amphlett of Clent House, co. Stafford.) Noel, The Honble. William Middleton. {Ai-ms. Noel with Yates, quartering More, on an escutcheon. The Honhle. W. M. Noel, M. P., fifth son of Sir Gerard Noel Noel, married 1817 Anne, daughter and heir of Joseph Yates of Clanna Falls, co. Gloucester.) (Warwick Sc. 145 Strand.) Noel. See also Edwards. Noguier, John Anthy, Lincoln's Inn. {The arms of Bosanquet .') Nolte, Ex Libris E. F., M.D. Style. Nonsuch House. Norbui'y, George Norbiiry, John Srr Norreys. Co. Worcester. Heraldic Ulus- Noi'bury, John Norbviry, J. F. . . Norbury, Thomas, Esqr. Sherridge, {Engraved by Emslie for '^ Bttrhc's trations.") Noreliffe, Isabella Norcliffe, N. {Arms. Noreliffe, quartering Wray,hn]}aling Foulis. Major-Genl. Norcliff^e Norcliffe of Lang ton Hall, CO. Yorh, K.H., married 1824 Decima Hester Beatrix, daughter of John Bobinson Foulis.) Norcliffe, T. {Arms. Norcliffe with Wilson on an escutcheon. Tlios. Dalton, who assumed the name and arms of Norcliff'e in 1807, married 1784 Anne, daughter and heir ofWtn. Wilson of Allerton Gledhow, co. Yo7-h.) Norcliffe, William, of the Inner Temple London Esqr. {Arms. Norcliff'e quartering Bambrugh, Bambrugh, Aylioard or Alured, Armytage, and Beriff'e.) 1703. Norcliffe, William, of the Iimer Temple London Esqr. {Another imptression of the last plate.) 1703. Norcliffe, William, of the Inner Temple London Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. (Norcliffe), anonjnnous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, "1. Norcliff'e. 2. Eland. 3. Bambrugh. 4. Vavasour. 5. Hesheth. Fairfax Norcliff'e married 1693 Mary d. and coh. of Thomas Hesheih. He died 1720. Son Thomas N. died 1768. Revd. C. B. Norcliffe sent up original drawing in colours very like this but not so good, Wm. Brack delin. He died 1744.") Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Annorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Armorial lozenge Armorial Ai-morial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial spade shield on a mantle 304 Frcml'fi Collection of Bool: Platen. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 21968 21969 21970 21971 21972 21973 21974 21975 21976 21977 21978 21979 (NorclifFe), anomniious .. Norcott, E. N., E.N. (Arms. Norcott imj)aJing . . .) Worcott, E. N., E.N. {The last plate printed on blue 2'>a2')er.) Noreott, John Norfolk, Duke and Duchess. Norfolk, Horatio E. Norford, Wm., m.d. See Howard. Norford, The Revel. Wm. {Arms. Norford, quartering Watso7i, impaling Allington, HopMns, and Knight.) Norgate, The Eevd. BuiToughs. {Arms. Norgate quarter- ing Pyhe.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Norie, William H. Norman, George . . Style, Norman, Herbert G. H. Holland.) Norman, James . . {Arms. Norman impaling 21980 Norman, Jerome. Bristol 21981 Norman, John Burton, m.a. {Arms. Norman impaling Troulhcck.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 21982 Norman, John Manship, Esqr., Co. Sussex. {Arms. Norman, quartering Manship, impaling Bethune, quartering Balfour. J. M. Norman married Catherine Eliza, daughter' of the Bevd. G. M. Bethune. En- graved by Becker for ^^ Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions.'") 21983 Norman, Richard, Esqr. {Arms. Norman impaling Manners. Richard Norman married 1798 Elizabeth Isabella, daughter of Charles, Ath Duke of Rut- land, K.G.) 21984 (Norman ?), Chateau Norman. (Engraved by H. F. Downey.) 21985 (Norman ?), Norman Grange. {The last plate reioorked) .. Normanby, Marquess of. See Phipps. Normanby, ^larquess of. See ShefiBeld. Normanton, Earl and Countess of. See Agar. 21986 (Norreys), Nonsuch-House 21987 (Norreys), anonymous .. 21988 (Norreys), anonymous . . 21989 (Norreys?), anonymous. {Arms. Norreys Richards, Lutman, Courtenay and Pryce ?) Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 21990 (Norreys), anonymous. (Suffield sculpt.) 21991 (Norrill?), anonymous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " ? a book 2^1 ate. Lyons Book.") 21992 Norrington, Charles 21998 Norris. (Note by Sir A. W. Fra?iks, " Under Norris of Hackney.") 21994 Norris of Hackney 21995 Norris, Charles 21996 Norris, Edward quartering (" Wyon." Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Ai'morial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Annorial Jacobean Armorial Ai'morial Chippendale Annorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Annorial FranJis Collection of Booh Plates. .S05 Name, Date, and Engraver. 21997 Norris, G. Norfolk. 1782 21998 Norris, George . . 21999 Norris, James. {Arms. 22000 Norris, James. Norf. Norris imjyaUng Rotliwell ?) 22001 Norris, James. Norwich 22002 22003 22004 22005 22006 22007 22008 22009 22010 22011 22012 *84 22013 *94 22014 2201. '3 2201 G 22017 22018 22019 22020 22021 22022 22023 22024 22025 22026 22027 22028 22029 22030 22031 VOL. Norris, James, Esqr. Norris, John, Esqr. Norris, John Freeman. Inner Temple Norris, John Thomas Norris, Richard . . Norris, Saml. (I. H. s.) Norris, William .. (Norris), anonymous. {Ar77is. Norris quartering Watson ?) Norrisian Prize. (C. F.) Norsworthy, William P. W. . . North, The Eight Honble. Francis, Baron of Guilford. 1703. North, The Right Honble. Francis, Baron of Guilford. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. North, The Right Honble. William Lord, of Carthlage and Baron Grey of RoUeston. (Arms. North quartering Grey.) 1703. North, The Right Honble. William Lord, of Carthlage and Baron Grey of Rolleston. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. North, The Right Honble. William Lord, of Carthlage and Baron Grey of Rolleston. (A smaller jil ate ivifhont the Grey quarterinq.) 1703. (North, Earl of Guilford). O APXnN THZ lONIKHZ AKAAHMIAZ KOMHZ TVIA^OPA. (The engraver's signature is illegible.) (North, Earl of Guilford), O APXfiN THZ lONIKHZ AKAAHMIAZ KOMHZ rVIA*OPA. (A different plate.) (North), Earl of Guilford. Wroxton Abbey . .' (North, Earl of Guilford), anonymous. (Frederick, 5th Earl of Guilford, succeeded 1817 ; died 1827.) (North, Earl of Guilford), anonymous. (The last plate reiuorhed.) North, The Honble. , Esqr. 17— North, Alfred. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. North, Alfred. (A different pilate) (North, The Honble. Ann.) Name cut off. (S. G. (Gribelin).) North, Edward Roger. Trin. Coll. Camb. (Polak sculp) . . North, Fountain, Esqr. .. North, Frederick, Esqr. (The plate of Fountain North with iiiscription altered.) North, The Honble. Frederic North, The Honble. Frederic. (.4 different plate) .. North, E Libris Katherine. Her book. 17 [29] North, E Libris Mont. Coll. Jes. Cant. 17— North, North. Thurland Castle II, Style. Festoon printed label Armorial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Amiorial Pictorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Aniiorial Armorial AiTOorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Printed label Printed label Crest X 306 Franlis ColUdion of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. •22032 North, Thomas Cox. (An^is. NorfJt impaling Ajilehy ?) Style. 22033 22034 22035 22036 22037 22038 22039 22040 *387 *465 22041 22042 *260 *340 *449 22043 22044 *224 2204". 22046 (North), anonymous (North), anonymous. (The 2)l(ite of Fountain North with- out inscription.) Northampton, Earl and Marquess of. See Compton. Northbourne, Baron. See James. (Northcote, Earl of) Iddesleigh. {Stafford Henry North- cote, created Earl of Iddesleigh 1885; died 1887.) Northcote, Alice S. {An illustration from " Ladies' BooTi- Plates" by N. Labouchere.") 1888. (Sherborn.) Northcote, Honble. Sir H. Stafford, Bart. {Arms. North- cote impaling Stephen. The Honble. Henry Stafford Northcote, created a Baronet 1887, married 1873 Alice, adopted daughter of George, 1st Baron Mountstej^hen.) (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) Northcote, Stafford H. . . Northcote, William, Surgeon . . [Northcote, H., M.D.] 1781 Northesk, Earl of. See Carnegie. Northern Education Society. See Sutcliffe, Eevd. John. Northey, Dame Ann, Wife of Sr. Edward Northey Ivnight her Majestyes Attorney Generall. {Arms. Northey impaling Jolliffe. Sir Edwd. Northey married 1687 Ann Jollife of St. Martin OutwicJi in the City of London.) 1703. Northey, Dame Ann, wife of Sr. Edward Northey Knight her Majestyes Attorney Generall. {The last plate with the sinister coat reworked.) 1703. Northey, Sr. Edw., Knight her Majestyes Attorney Generall. 1703. Northey, Sr. Edw., Knight her Majestyes Attorney Generall. {The last plate with the motto reioorked.) 1703. Northey, Sr. Edw., Knight her Majestyes Attorney Generall. {Another impression of the last pilate.) 1703. Northey, Edward, Esqr. Second son to Sr. Edward Northey Knight her Majestyes Attorney Generall. 1703. Northey, Edward, Esqr., Second son to Sr. Edward Northey, Knight, her Majestyes Attorney Generall. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. Northey, Edward Richard, Esq., Woodcote, co. Surrey. {Engraved by Emslie for ^^ BurJce's Heraldic Illustra- tions.'') Northey, William, Esqr., Eldest son to Sr. Edward Northey, Knight, her Majestyes Attorney Generall. {The plate of Edward Northey, Esqr. rcworhcd.) 1703. Northey, William, Esqr., Eldest son to Sr. Edward Northey, Knight, her Majestyes Attorney Generall. (Another imjiression of the last plate.) 1708. Northey, William. 1708 Northey, William. (Another imptrcssion of the last plate.) 1708. Northey, William. (Henshaw, Feet.) Armorial shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest in a garter Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Ai-morial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale pic- toiial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates, 307 Name, Date, and Engraver. 22047 Northey, William. (A modern impression of the last 2)latc.) (Henshaw, Feet.) Northington, Earl of. Sec Henley. 22048 (Northmore), anonjiaious 22049 22050 22051 22052 22053 22054 22055 22056 22057 ^167 22058 22059 22060 22061 22062 *443 22063 22064 22065 22066 22067 22068 22069 22070 22071 22072 22073 North Queensland, Bishop of. Sec Stanton. Northumberland, Duke and Duchess of. See Percy. Northumbei'land, This volume belongs to the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Northwiek, Baron. See Rushout. Norton, Brett {A water Brampton, in (Succeeded the 1691 county of as 3rd Norton, Charles Eliot . . Norton, Charles Grantley Campbell, mdccclxix. colour drawing.) Norton, Elizth. .. Norton, Geo. {Arms. Norton impaling Rose) Norton, Robert F., Lincoln's Inn Norton, Walter Miller . . Norwich, Sr. Erasmus, of Northampton, Baronet. Baronet, and died 1720.) Norwich, Sr. Erasmus, of Northampton, Baronet. last plate.) Norwich, Bishop of. Sec Moore. Norwich, Bishop of. See Stanley. Norwich Pviblic Library. See Public Libraries Norwood .. Norwood. {Arms. No7'wood, quartering Weller and Cogayi ? quarterly, impaling Dobree, quartering Le Mesurier and Home ? quarterly.) Norwood, E Libris Cor. Style. Brampton, in the county of {Another impression of the Noteutt, Thos. F., Ipswich 1694. Esqr. Nott, Fettiplace, of the Inner Temple, London, Esqr. Nott, Fettiplace, of the Inner Temple, London, {Another impression of the last plate.) 1694. Nott, Fettiplace, Esqr., of the Middle Temple, London. {The last plate reworhed.) Nott, Frederick Lewis, Esqr. {The plate of Fettiplace Nott ivith altered inscription.) Nott, George Frederick . . Nott, George Frederick. {The last plate reivorlced) Nott, George Frederick . . Nott, George Frederick, Winchester . . J. N. (Nott) Nott, John Neale Pleydell, Esq., Great Lodge, Bradon Forest, Wilts. {A reproduction.) 1763. Nott, Thomas Edward, of London, and late of Stamford in the county of Lincoln, Esqr. 1808. (Suffield sc.) Notter, James Lane [Nottingham Police Library], Presented to the, Jany. 1868, by [H. W.] of Richmond, Virginia, America, and Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Aimorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Engraved label Armorial Pictorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Armorial Jacobean Aniiorial Chippendale engraved label Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon crest Festoon crest Armorial Armorial Festoon crest and cypher Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Engraved label X 2 .-308 Franks CalUdioyi of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 'Style, Volunteer Nurse in the Cholera Wards of the London Hospital in 1866. Nottingham. See Cooper Memorial Library. 22074 Novelli, Lewis 22075 Nowell, Ex Libris Arthur Trevothin. CR. A. Boll. dt. 93) .. 22076 Noyes, Thos. Herbert, Esqr 22077 Noyes, Willm. Packwood 22078 Nvigee, Andrew 22079 (Nugent, Viscount Clare), anonymous. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Viscount Clare, 1767-1776.") 22080 (Nugent, Earl of Westmeath), anon jTnous .. 22081 (Nugent, Earl of Westmeath), anonjTnous. {TMs must he the plate of the 6th Earl, who succeeded 1754 a7id died 1791.) 220S2 Nugent, Admiral 22083 Nugent, Admiral. (A different plate) 22084 Nugent, Admiral. {The last plate reworl-ed and altered) .. 22085 Nugent, Arthur, Esq., Cranna, co. Galway. {Engraved by Becker for ''Burle's Heraldic Illiistratinns.'"] 22086 Nvigent, Barbara. 1785 22087 Nugent, Edward, Esqr 22088 Nugent, George 22089 Nugent, George, Esqr i 22090 Nugent, George j 22091 Nugent, Su' George. {Created a baronet ^f^0() ; died 1849) 1 22092 Nugent, Georgina Charlotte 22093 Nugent, Revd. Josepli 22094 Nugent, Michael 22095 R. N. (Nugent) 22096 Nugent, Walter 22097 [Nugent, James] , anonymous. {Printed in red) .. NT.m-Appleton. See Milner. Nuneham, Viscount. See Hareourt. 22098 Nunn, W. A. D 22099 Nunn, William. {Arms. Nunn quartering Bridgewater and . . . .) 22100 Nuree, Ex Libri« Hpuvv W. 1894. (W. H. Foster, del.) .. 22101 Nutt .. .. 22102 Nutt, C, Esq. {Not a boohplate) 22103 Nutt, John. {Arms. Ntitt impaling Wilson) 22104 Nuttall, John. (Esdall, del. & sculp.) 22105 Nuttall, Robei-t Kennedy. {The plate of John Nuttall witli inscrij^tion altered.) (Esdall, del. & sculp.) 22106 (Nuttall), anonjmous .. 22107 Nutting, John George. (Suffield, sculpt.) 22108 Nyblett, Dr., m.a.. k.r.s.l., f.s.a., Belsize Manor, Hamp- stead. Armorial Pictorial Wreath and rib- bon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial shield supporters and coronet on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Crest Crest Crest Armorial Printed label Festoon Ai-morial Festoon Armorial Crest La a wreath Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial lozenge Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai-morial Crest Festoon Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Library Interior Armorial Armorial Wi'eath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest in a garter Seal Armorial Franks CoJIedioii of Book Plates. 309 Name, Date, and Engraver. 22109 N. {Stamped in gold on green leather' 22110 E.N Style. 22111 E. N. 22112 I. E.N 22113 I.P.N. (A stencilled pi (tie) 22114 M. A. N 22115 P.N R. N. See Rushout, Baroness NorthwicV. 22116 R. W. N 22117 T.N 22118 Oakeley, Sii* Charles. (Arms. Oakeley quartering Strachan. Prohably the pilate of the '2nd Baronet, who succeeded 1826 and died 1829.) 22119 Oakeley, Edward 22120 Oakeley, Herbert 22121 Oakeley, Herbert S. {The last plate reivorThus Oughton of TacJibrooJc, Bart. ; born 1720 ; appointed Lieut. Genl. 1770, and made a K.B. about the same time; married Mary, sister of Capt. John Ross ; died 1780.) Oughton, Sir Adolphus . . Oulton Hall. See Pitman. Ouseley, Sir Gore, Baronet, Grand Cordon of the Persian Order of the Lion & Sun, & Grand Cross of the Imperial Russian Order of Saint Alexander Newski. {Arms. Ouseley impaling Wliiteloche. Gore Ouseley, created a Baronet 1808, married 1806 Harriet Gear- giana, daughter of John Whitelocke ; died 1844.) Ouseley, The Right Honorable Sir Gore, Baronet, Grand Cordon of the Persian Order of the Lion & Sun, & Grand Cross of the Imperial Russian Order of Saint Alexander Newski. Ousley, Ralph, Esqr. (E. Lyons & J. Ford, Fecit.) Ouvry, Frederic. {Ar)7is. Ouvry quartering Garnault) .. Ouvry, Frederic .. Ouvry, Frederic, f.s.a. {The last 2Jlate with inscription altered.) Ovenden, E. T. {Note by Sir A. W. Frajihs '' Engr. by Ovcnden for his son,") T. O. (Ovenden.) 1813. (T. Ovenden, sculpt.) Overbury, Joseph W. . . Overstone, Baron. See Loyd. Overton, E. S H. O. (Overton.) {Ar77is. Overton impaling Dawson !) .. Style. 22487 Owen of Woodhouse Owen, Dame Alice. See School Libraries. 22488 Owen, Mrs. Anna Maria Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole with supporters Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Arixiorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Urn Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial troph}' Armorial trophj' Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Ai-morial Pictorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Early Chippendale Armorial lozenge FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 823 Name, Date, and Engbavee. 22489 Owen, Anna Maria. {The last plate reivorlted) 22490 Owen, Arthur, Esqr. {Arms. Owen impaling Thurshy. Arthur Owen, Lt. Col. 8rd Foot Guards, married Anne, daughter of John Harvey of Ahington, who assumed the name and Arms of Tliurshy.) 22491 Owen, Charles, (W. S. (Stephens).) 22492 Owen, Edward E. {Arms. Owen impaling Harwood?) (W. Mathews sc, Oxford.) 22493 Owen, E. Pryce, m.a. {The plate of Pryce Owen, M.D., with ijiscription altered.) 22494 Owen, Coronel H. 22495 Owen, ]\Ir. Henry Travers 22496 Owen, Hugh. {Arms. Owen impaling Owen) 22497 Owen, Ex Libris Hugh, f.s.a. (Alice B. Woodward pinx. 1887. Meisenbach phot. 1894. John Bellows, Gloucester Typ.) 22498 (Owen), Soc. Ant. Lond. From the Fund Given by Hugh Owen, f.s.a. 1894. 22499 Ow^en, Hugh. {Arms. Owen quartering Higham ?) 22500 Owen, Jacob 22501 Owen, James H 22502 Owen, Eevd. Octavius Freire, m.a., f.s.a., Ex Mde Christi, Oxon. {Arms. Owen quartering Travers, impaling Montagu, quartering Stephens.) 22503 Owen, Revd. Octavius Freire, m.a., f.s.a., Ex MAe Christi, Oxon. {The last plate retvorhed.) 22504 Owen, Pryce, m.d. 22505 Owen, R. C. R... 22506 Owen, Robert Brisco, m.d. & s.L.s. {Arytis. Owen, quartering Brisco, impaling Gardner.) (Johnson Engr. Cheltenham.) 22507 Owen, Samuel. Gray's Inn. {Arms. Owen impaling Ogle ?) 22508 Owen, William. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) .. 22509 (Owen), anonymous or mutilated. {The plate of Owen of Woodhouse with the Crest altered.) 22510 (Smythe-Owen), anonymous. {Anns. Smythe, quartering Leighton and Owen quarterly, impaling Townsend, quarteririg Hare. Nicholas Owen Stnythe-Oiveyi of Condover married Henrietta Jemima, daughter of Chauncey Hare Townsend of Bruce Castle Co. Middle- sex ; died 1804.) 22511 (Owen ?), anonymous Owen's Circulating Library. See Circulating Libraries. Owens College. See College Libraries. 22512 Owston, Robt Oxford, Earl of. See Harley. Oxford and Mortimer, Countess of. See Harley. Oxford, Bishop of. See Talbot. Style. Early Chippendale Armorial lozenge Ai'morial spade shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Ai'morial spade shield Portrait Portrait Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Crests Armorial spade shield Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial V 2 324 Franks Collection of Book Plates. I Name, Date, and Enokavkr. Oxford, Bislu)p of. .SV,^ Wilberforce. 2251H O 22514 B. O 22515 E. O. I. H. C. O. See Boyle, Countess of Cork and Orrerv, 22516 J. O. 22517 L. R. O M. C. O. See Boyle, Countess of Cork and Orrerv. 22518 T. O T. O. See Orchard. T. O. See Ovenden. Style. ) (N. Hurd, Rcp.) impali?ig Balguy.) (AVar- 22519 Pace, Heni'y. {Printed in blue 22520 Pacey, H. B., Esqr. 22521 Pack, John, L.L.B. 22522 Pack, Bichard. {Ar7}is. Pack wick sc, 145 Strand.) 22523 Packe, Charles James, Esqr. 22524 Packe, Charles James, Esqr. 22525 Packe, Charles William. (Arms. Packe, quartering Wil- loughhy, Hussey, Hussey, Danheny and Paulet, impaling Beading. Chas. Wni. Packe of Presfwold Hall Co. Leicester married 1822 Kitty Jenkin, daugh- ter of Thos. Hurt. She afterwards assumed the na^ne and arinn of Heading,) 22526 Packe, Henry, {The plate of Charles James Packe ivith inscription altered.) 22527 Packe, AVilliani 22528 Packwood, The Revd. R. P. {Arms. Packwood quartering Porter.) 22529 Padley, Revd. Charles, Enville Rectory. {Arms impaling Padley or Pedley.) 22530 Padley, J. S. {Arms. Padley impaling Vesey) 22531 Page, Admiral. {Arms. Pa^je unth Herbert on an escutcheon. Admiral Benjamin Wni. Page married Elizabeth (laugh fer and heir of John Herbert of Totness ; died 1845.) Crest (a dove with an olive branch in its beak) and initial on a shield Chippendale cypher Chippendale cypher Crest (a thistle slipped) and initials Crest (on a mural coronet a stag's head erased) and interlaced initials Crest (a demi lion) and cypher Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Amiorial Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 325 Name, Date, and Engraver. 22032 22533 22534 22535 22536 *337 *434 22537 22538 22539 22540 22541 22542 22543 22544 22545 22546 22547 22548 22549 22550 22551 22552 22553 22554 22555 22556 22557 22558 22559 22560 22561 22562 1703 Esqr. {Another Esqr. (Another Page quartering Page, Admiral and Mrs. (Arms. Page, quartering Cod- rington / and Leman, with Herbert on an escutcheon.) (Page), anonymous. (Proof of the last plate) Page, Captn. B. AV., Royal Navy. (Dallinger sc.) Page, Captn. B. W., Royal Navy. (The last plate reivorked and the engraver's signature erased.) Page, Francis, of the Inner Temple Esqr. Page, Francis, of the Inner Temple inqn-ession of the last plate.) 1703. Page, Francis, of the Inner Temple impiression of the last plate.) 1703. Page, Fras., Middle Aston. (Arms. Bourne.) (W. H. (Henshaw).) Page, Frederic Page, George Augustus . . Page, John, Esqr. Page, John, b.d., b.n. coll. Page, Joseph, Page, P. (Arms. Page, imjjaliiig Barker, quartering Dobbins.) Page, P. (Ar7ns. Page toith Barker on an escutcheon) .. Page, Peter Page, Revd. Page, Robert. (Arms. Page, quartering Hyde and Devereux, imjialing Woodtvard. Perhaps an altered plate as Bobt. Page was the son of Sir Thomas Hyde Page by his 2nd wife Mary Albinia, daughter of Cap- tain 'Woodward, r.n.) Page, Robert. (Ar77is. Page imp)aling Phelps) Page, Robert, Knight of the Royal Portuguese Order of the Tower & Sword. Page, Robt. Leman Page, R. C. M., m.d. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) T. S. P. (Page) mutilated. (The arms on the escutcheon of piretence are probably intended for " Coggs.") Page, William Page, Wm., Ditton. (Lake, sc.j Page, Guil. Emm., ^d. Christi Oxon. Alumims Page, W. R. B. (H. Salt, Heraldic Office, Lincoln's Inn) . . Page, W. AV Page, W. W. (Tlie last plate printed on pink paper) (Page), anonymous. (The plate of Guil. Emm, Page with- out inscription.) [Page, E Libris Cyrilli G., ^dis Xti. Alumni] , anonymous. (The last jilate with inscription in MS.) [1830.] (Page), anonymous. (Arms. Quarterly, 1. and 4. Page; 2. Hyde; 3. Woodward.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Pageitt, Thos. Style. Arnaorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Chippendale Armorial AiTnorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Ci-est Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean Armorial 326 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaveb. *117 *90 22563 22564 22565 22566 22567 22568 22569 22570 22571 22572 22573 Pagett, The Rt. Honble. William Lord, Baron of Beaude- sert. Appointed Envoy Extraordinary for his Majtie. King William III to ye Emperor of Germany Leopold ye first An. 1689 & afterwards Ano. 1691 sent Embassadr. Extraordinary to ye Ottoman Port where Ano. 1698 he was by particular Commission fi'om his Majtie. Declared Mediator and Plenipotentiary for the Treaty of Carlo- witz in Su'mia where a Peace was happyly Concluded between ye German Emperor & his Allies ye Czar of Moscovy ye King & Eepublick of Poland as .also ye State of Venice and the Emperor of Turkey Sultan Mustapha Han &c. Ld. Leiutent. of ye County of Stafford and Custos Rotulorum of the same County. 1703. Pagett, The Right Honble. William Lord, Baron of Beaude- sert. {A smaller jjlate.) 1703. (Paget, Baron), anonymous. {Henry Bayley, eldest son of Sir Nicholas Bayley, succeeded as 9th Baron Paget 1769 ; created Earl of XJxhridge 1714 ; died 1812. Arms. Quarterly of 12. 1. and 12. Paget; 2. Bayley; 3. Bagcnal; 4. Hall; 5. Clobet-y ? ; 6 7. Preston ; 8, Knolles ; 9. Knolles ; 11. Willington.) (Paget, Baron), anonymous. {A smaller plate) (Paget), Jane, Countess of Uxbridge. {Arms, quartering Bayley, impaling Chamjyagne. daughter of the Very Bevd. Arthur Champagne, Dean of Clonmacnoise, onarried 1767 Henry Bayley, 9th Baron Paget.) Paget, The Honble. Berkeley. {Sixth son of the 1st Earl of Uxbridge ; horn 1780 ; died 1842.) Paget, Lord Berkeley. {Fourth son of the %id Marquess of Anglesey ; horn 1844.) Paget, Charles Paget, E Libris Edvardi Paget, E. A. Satchville Paget, John. {Aryns. Paget impaling Bathhone. John Paget, Metropolitan Police magistrate, second son of Thomas Paget of Ibstock and Humbcrston Co. Leicester, married 1839 Elizabeth, datighter of Wm. Bathbone of Greenhank, Liverpool.) (Home, 233 Strand.) Paget, John Moore Style, Lambart 10. Cave ; Paget, Jane, Paget, John Moore. {The last p)latc reivorhed. Paget quartering Moore, Bradford, and Snow.) Arms. 22574 Pagst, Majr. General. {Arms. Paget impaling Bagot. Genl. The Honble. Sir Edward Paget, G.C.B., married 1805 Frances, daughter of William 1st Baron Bagot ; died 1849.) 22575 Paget, William 22576 Paget, William 22577 (Paget), anonymous. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) *191 Pagett, The Honble. Henry, of Beaudcsert in the County of Stafford, Esqr. {Arms. Pagett ivith Catcshy on an Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Early Armorial The Tl^ }I o i i' WlLlJ AM I. ord PAGE IT i aron oi^Q^\x<^i^^r^.Av pointed Envoy Extraordaiiai-y/<>7- ku^ilaj?^ ^^^ Wiliiam •^a.^o^limpercn- of \Ge/'r?2^nj/Ijeo-poldpJi/ytAx\:Ti6Q^. &l a/^errfordf An. ibqi.J^e /it ~^ JEnit>arsad*"Xxtraordinai'y tj if Ottonigiilbr t rvherd-Arv-iS^e he was \^'otcti\i'd.rv for thi^ Treaty ^'Carlo^witz in SirmisL/v/^ertf aTeace w^ hoDpyli/ Conrluded beaucdnif Gei-manJE^mverortc /lify^/Ii^s ij Czar of yliJjcovy yl^ijT^ icllepuJ?Uc£afTo[andas qfVentce anA thi? Tr?zp/^07''-ofTurAei/-StdtziriVi\S\vi^\v^ H^JliC^. Jj^Zelu/eri^q/jf-to//^^ ofiStqffor dafid Cu/l-oj Tiotidorum ofthc/ame Countu. jp ej . Franks Collection of Book Flutes. 327 Name, Date, and Engeaver. Paine impaling . . . . ) {Arms, Paine quartering Wale delin. C. Grignion sculp.) Painter impaling Tliompson) . . escutcheon. The Honblc. Henry Paget, created Baron Burton 1712, married as his 1st wife Mary, daughter and coheir of Thos. Catesby of Whiston Co. North- ampton.) 1707. 22578 Pain, David 22579 Pain, Edward 22580 Pain, George Kichd. 22581 Pain, James. {Printed in blue) 22582 Paine 22583 Paine, Cornelius. {Arms. 22584 C. P. (Paine) 22585 Paine, Francis Bearsley. Bearsley.) 22586 Paine, James, Archit. (S. 22587 Paine, Nath 22588 Paine, Robert Treat 22589 Painter, Willm. {Arms. Paisley Free Library. See Public Libraries. 22590 Pakenham. Ex Libris Honblis. Henrici. {Fifth son of the 2nd Baron Longford; born 1787; died 1863.) 22591 Pakenham, John Henry. {The plate of Thomas Pakenham with altered inscription.) 22592 Pakenham, Thomas, Esqr. 22593 Pakington, Sir John, Bart. Westwood. {Succeeded as 5th Baronet 1748 ajid died 1762.) 22594 Pakington, John S. {Arms. Pakington, quartering Russell, impaling Slaney, quartering Aglionby. John Somerset Bussell, who assumed the name and Arms of Pakington 1830, married 1822 as his 1st wife Mary, daughter of Moreton Aglionby Slaney of Shifnal.) 22595 (Pakington, Baronet) , name erased. {Arms, 1. Pakington; 2. Pakington with De Crespigny on an escutcheon. The Bight Honble. Sir John Somerset Pakington, created a Baronet 1846, married as his 3rd wife 1851 Augusta Anne, daughter of T. C. Champion De Cres- pigny and widoio of Colonel Davies M.P. Sir John 'Was created Baron Hampton 1874 and died 1888.) 22596 Paleske, Lewis 22597 Paley .. 22598 Paley, John, Ampton. {Arms. Paley impaling Strutt. John Paley of Ampton Co. Suffolk married 1871 Clara Emily Charlotte, daughter of John James Ind Baron RayleigJi ; died 1894.) 22599 Paley, Robert, M.D. (Stott Set. Halx.) 22600 Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis 22601 (Palgrave), anonymous. {Note on the back " W. Gifford Palgrave.'") 22602 Palk, Lady Elizabeth, The Rectory Enfield. 18—.. 22603 Palk, Robert. (Adams, Xon) 22604 (Palk), anonymous. (Ezekiel Sculpt.) 22605 (Palk), anonymous. {A different plate) 22606 Palles, Andrew Christopher 22607 Palles, Christopher Style. Armorial arms on an oval shield Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Crest Ai-morial Pictorial Literary crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial two shields accole with supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 328 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 22608 Palman, Frederick Amelia 22609 22610 22611 22612 22613 22614 22615 22616 22617 22618 22619 22620 22621 22622 22623 22624 22625 22626 22627 22628 22629 22680 22631 22632 22633 Palmer, A. [Thej^late of T. Palmer \vith inscription altered) Palmer, Charles. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Sir Charles Hudson Palmer. Succ. 1813 and took the name of Palmer alone; died 1827."), Charles .., Charles, descended from John Palmer of Harlipe in Com. Kent, 19th j-ear in ye Eeign of Q. Elizabeth. (S. Boyce sculpt.) Palmer, Charles, Surgeon Palmer, Charles. (Arms. Palmer imiyaling Fane) Palmer, Charles, Wanstead Essex, mdcglxxxiii. {The last jilate luitJi inscrix>tion altered.) Palmer, Charles John, f.s.a. {Arms. Palmer impaling Lacon, quarterhig Ward, Stirling and Graham. Charles John Palmer married 1840 Amelia Graham, daughter of 'John Mortlock Lacon by Jane, sister and coheir of William, Stirling Graham of Duntrune.) Palmer, Charles M. {Arms. Palmer impaling Taijlor. George Palmer of Neivcastle-^ijJon-Tyne, the father of Charles M. Palmer, married Maria, daughter of Thomas Taylor of Monktvearmoritli.) Palmer, Charles Mark .. Palmer, Edward Howley Palmer, Elizabeth. {Arms, but see next plate.) Palmer, Elizabeth. {Arms. The last plate reworked.) Palmer, Francis .. Palmer, Geo. Palmer, George Thomas, m.a V/hite 'I on an escutcheon.) Palmer, H. Palmer, H., St. John's College, Oxford Palmer, Henrj' Palmer, Henry Spencer . . Palmer, Herbert, Esqr. of Wickham Breux, Kent Style. Thornley 1 impaling Palmer, Palmer impaling Thornley. (Arms. Palmer ^oith Palmer, James Palmer, James Palmer, James. Palmer, John Bristol. (Doddrell, Fecit 1789) 22634 Palmer, John Palmer, John. See St. John's College, Cambridge. 22635 Palmer, John Hindc 22636 Palmer, John Horsley 22637 Palmer, Josa 22638 Palmer, Joseph. (The plate of John Palmer with inscrip- tion altered.) Chippendale Ar- morial two oval shields accole Chippendale crest Armorial supporters Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chi[:)pendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Festoon crest Ariiiorial Armorial Chippendale Ajmorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Crest Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial FranTiS: Collection of Booh Plates. 329 Name, Date, and Engraver. 22639 Palmer, J. Mansergh 22640 Palmer, Miss, Upper Grosvenor Street 22641 Palmer, Ralph Charlton 22642 Palmer, Eichd., Esqr 22643 Palmer, Robt., Esqr. {Arms. Palmer, quartering Gryce and Wall!) 22644 Palmer, Eoundell. {Created Baron Sclboriie 1872 and Viscount Wolmer and, Earl of Selborne 1883 ; died 1895.) 22645 Palmer, T. 22646 Palmer, Thomas 22646 1 Palmer, Thomas, of Lydeard. {Pasted^in " The History of the Quakers 1722.") 22647 Palmer, Thos., Bromley, Kent. {Not a bookplate. See Ex Libris Journal, Vol. VI., p- 4.) 1773. 22648 Palmer, William 22649 Palmer, William, Ironmonger's Hall .. 22650 Palmer, Wm. Finch 22651 Palmer, W. H 22652 (Palmer), anonymous. {Arms. Painter impaling Fane. The plate of Charles Palmer, Surgeon, without the in- scription and reworTicd.) 22653 (Palmer), anon;)Tinous 22654 (Palmer), anonymous. {A different plate) .. 22655 (Palmer), anonjinous. {A Chiaro oscuro engraving) 22656 (Palmer), anon jTDous or mutilated 22657 [Palmer, E. J.] , anonymous. (Christmas Junr., sculpt.) 22658 (Palmer), anonymous or mutilated. {Arms. Palmer im- paling Finch.) 22659 (Palmer), anonymous. {Proof of the plate of Charles Mark Palmer.) Palmerston, Viscount. See Temple. 22660 (Palmes), anonymous Panmure Library. See Maule. Panshanger. See Cow per. 22661 Panther, Jane. 1843 22662 Panton, Francis, Jimr. (Maverick, set.) 22663 Panton, Paul, Esqr., Bagillt, Flintshire 22664 Panton, Paul, Esqr. {Arms. Panton quartering Lloyd and .... with Acton'! on an escutcheon.) 22665 Panton, Thos. {Arms. Panton impaling Douglas, a dimidiated coat.) (G. Tcrrcnj, sc.) 22666 Papillon, Thomas, Esq., Acrisc, co. Kent, and Crowhurst, CO. Sussex. {Arms. Papillon quartering Pclham, im- Style. Armorial Engi-aved label Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Chippendale crest Armorial spade shield Printed label Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ajmorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Stamped leather label Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial 330 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. paling Oxenden. Thos. Papillon of Crowhtirst Park, CO. Sussex, married 1825 Frances Margaret, daughter of Sir Henry Oxenden, Bart. Originally engraved for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations," and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 22667 Papillon, Thomas, Esqr. {The last plate with the lower line of the inscription erased.) 22668 (Papillon), anonymous. (J. Cole, sculp.) 22669 Parbury, George. {Arms. Parbury with Ellis on an cscutcheoji.) 22670 Pardee, J. S 22671 Pares, T., Junr 22672 Pares, Thomas John 22673 Pares, Thomas John. {Printed on green paper. Arms. Pares quarteri)ig Crompton !) 22674 (Pares), Hop well Hall 22675 (Pares), anonymous 22676 (Pares), anonymous. {Arms. Pares impaling Mackmurdo. Thos. Pares of Hopwell Hall, co. Derby, married 1821 Octavia, daughter of Edward Langdon Mackmurdo of Clapton, CO. Middlesex.) 22677 Parfect, Susan. {Arms. Parfect impaling Young, quar- tering Manby.) 22678 Parfltt, The Very Eevd. Charles. {Arms. Parfitt quar- tering Hopkins. Charles Parfitt of Cottles, co. Wilts, elder son of John Parfitt of Burton ; Canon of Clifton, and Chamberlain of Honour to H. H. the Pope.) 22679 Parfitt, The Very Revd. Charles. {The last plate re- ■worked.) 22680 Paris, Ferdinando John, of the Iimer Temple, London, Gent. {Printed in red.) 22681 Parish, John 22682 Parish, Woodbine. {Arms. Parish with Headley on an escutcheon. Woodbine Parish married Elizabeth, daughter of the Bevd. H. Headley.) 22683 Parish, "Woodbme, F.R.s. 22684 Parish, Woodbine, Esqr. {Arms. Parish, quartering Headley and Gibbon, with Morse on an escutcheon. Woodbine Paiiah married 1819, as his 1st luife, Amelia Jane, daughter of Leonard Beecher Morse.) 22685 Parish, AVoodbine, Esqr. {Arms. Parish with Morse quartering Aiken? on an escutcheon. The last plate reworked.) 22686 Parish, Sir AVoodbine, k.c.h. [K.C.H. 1837 ; died 1882.) (W. West so.) 22687 (Parish), anonymous. (" Wyon." Note by Sh- A. W. Franks.) 22688 Park, James Allan, of Lincoln's Inn .. 22689 Park, James Allan, of Lincoln's Inn .. 22690 Park, James Allan, of Lincoln's Inn. (Silvester sc, 27 Strand.) 22691 Park, James Allan, of Lincoln's Inn. {The last plate ivith the engraver s signature erased.) 22692 Park, James Allan. {The last plate with inscription altered.) Style. Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Pictorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial lozenge Armorial shield sux-mounted by an ecclesiastical hat Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Festoon Armorial Annorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 331 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. 22693 Park, Sir James Allan. {Knighted ISIQ ; died 1S^%) 22694 Park, John James, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. (J. S. Messenger Sc.) 22695 Park, J. E., M.D 22696 Park, John Steele 22697 Park, William Philip. {Printed on green paper) 22698 (Parke, Baron) Wensleydale. {Arms. Parke with Barlow on an escutcheon. The Right Honhle. Sir James Parke, created Baron Wensleydale 1856, married 1817 Cecilia Arabella Frances, daughter of Samuel Francis Barloio of Middlethorpe, co. York; died 1868.) 22699 Parke, Frances Margaretta. {Arms. Parke quartering Burnett.) 22700 Parke, This Book is the Property of Gilbt., of Kentish Town, Middlesex. 22701 Parke, John 22702 Parke, R., Aul. Pemb. Cant. Socius 22703 (Parker, Earl of Macclesfield), anonymous. {Arms. Parker with Carrier on an escutcheon. Thos. Parker, created Baron Parker, 1715-16, and Earl of Macclesfield 1721, tnarried Janet, daughter and coheir of Charles Carrier of Wirkworth, co. Derby; died 1732.) 1725. (B. Picart dir.) 22704 (Parker), A My Lord comte de Macclesfield, Viscount Parker de Ewelme, Baron de Macclesfield. {A dedica- tion plate.) 1725. (B. Picart dir.) 22705 (Parker, Earl of Macclesfield), North Library. 1860 22706 (Parker, Earl of Macclesfield), South Library. 1860 22707 (Parker), Elisa, Countess of Macclesfield. {Elisa, daughter of William Breton Wolstenholme, of Holly Hill, co. Stcssex, married 1807 Thomas, 5th Earl of Macclesfield, ■who died 1850 ; she died 1862.) 22708 (Parker, Countess of Macclesfield), H. M. M. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, ^^ Hart. Mary, Ctesa. of Macclesfield, m. 1777 ; d. 1830.") 22709 (Parker), Lord Boringdon. {Probably the plate of the 2nd Baron; succeeded 1788; created Viscount Boringdon and Earl of Morley 1815 ; died 1840.) 22710 (Parker), Earl of Morley. (J. Vining sc. , 120 Pall Mall) . . 22711 (Parker, Viscount), anonymous. (B. Wyon sc.) .. 22712 Parker, Christopher, of Bradkirke, in Com. Lancaster, Esqr. 22713 Parker, Edmundus, Clericus 22714 Parker, Edw., Pet. Coll. Camb. (W. S. (Stephens).) 22715 22716 22717 22718 Parker, Edward, Browsholme, Yorkshire. {Arms. Parker, quartering Tempest, with Fleming on an escutcheon. Edward Parker of Browsholme, married 1750 Barbara, daughter and coheir of Sir Willia7n Fleming of Bydall Hall, Bart.) Parker, Ellen M. {Printed in red) Parker, George .. Parker, Geor., Esqr., of Chichester .. Style. Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Engraved label Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Crest and cypher Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Engraved label Engraved label Jacobean Armorial 332 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 22719 22720 22721 22722 22723 22724 22725 Parker, Militar. Collection of the Honble. Lt. Genl. G. L. (Lt. Gcnl. The Honble. George Lane ParJi-er, second son of George, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield ; died 1791.) Parker, Sir Harry, Bart. {Succeeded about 1783 as QtJi Baronet ; died 1812.) Parker, Henry Parker, Hyde Parker, Hyde. {A smaller plate) Parker, James, Esqr. Parker, John, Borringdon Style. 22726 Parker, John 22727 Parker, The Revd. John. (Ar^ns. Quarterly of ^. Land 6. Farl-er ; 2. Gotliam ' ; 3. Gotham; 4. Carrier; 5, Whiteliall.) 22728 Parker, J. B. (Neele so., 352 Strand) 22729 Parker, John Skipwith 22730 Parker, Kenyon Stevens ; 22731 Parker, Robert, f.a.s 22732 Parker, R. Townley. mdccclviii. {Arms. Parker quartering Banastre, Townley, Brooke, Charnocke and Molyneux.) Parker's, Samuel. {Of Boxhury, Mass. See ^^ American Book-plates;' by Charles Dexter Allen, 1895, p. 260.) [1802.] Parker's, Samuel. {The last plate printed in red.) [1805.] Parker, Saml. Parker, Stephen . . 22733 22734 22735 22736 22737 *201 22738 22739 22740 22741 22742 Parker, Thomas, of the Inner Temple, Esqr. 1704 Parker, Thomas, of the Inner Temple, Esqr. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1704. Parker, Thomas, of the Inner Temple, Esqr. {Arms. Parker quarteriyig Gotham? Gotham and Carrier.) (Theo. Spendelow Sou.) Parker, Thomas, of the Inner Temple, Esqr. {The last plate with the engraver's sigjiature erased.) Parker, Thos. {The p)lfite of .John Parker reioorked) Parker, Thos., Esqr. Inner Temple . . Parker, T. Townley Townley-. {Arms. Parker imx>aling Blackburnc. Thomas T. Townlcy-Parker of Cuerden Hall, CO. Lancaster, married 1846 Katherine Margaret, daughter of the Revd. Thomas Blackburne, Hector of Prestivich.) ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 22743 Parker, Sr. Walter, Baronet, of Ratton. {Succeeded as '6rd Baronet 1726; died 1750.) 22744 Parker, Walter Mantell 22745 Parker, W. A 22746 Parker, AN'illiam. Melford Hall, Sullolk. {Succeeded 1812 as 1th Baronet; died 1830.) 22747 Parker, William, Esqrc. Lyswavs Hall 22748 Parker, Willm., Esqr. Warwickshire Armorial sup- porters and coronet Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ariiiorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Engraved label Crest Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 338 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 22749 Parker, Wui 227a0 Parker, William liiuusey. (Arniii. I'tokfr qii-rst reivorked) Parys impaling Lamhe) 22848 Pascoe, .James 22849 Pascoe, James {The last plate reworTced) .. 22850 Pascoe, Tho. (F. Garden Sou.) 22851 Pascoe, Tho. {The last plate reworlied.) (F. Garden Sou.) 22852 22853 22854 22855 22856 22857 22858 22859 22860 (Pascoe), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a hooTi- pilate.) (Paske), anonymous (Paske), mutilated Pasley, Charles. {Arms. Pasley impaling McTavish, quartering Thomson. Charles Pasley, horn 1781, married Mary McTavish ; died 1821.) Pasley, Charles, Royal Engineers Pasley, Charles, Royal Engineers. {A different plate) Pasley, .John. Colnej'hatch Pasley, John. {Arms, Pasley impaling Durham. John Pasley married Margaret Durham ; died 1858.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Pasley, Robert 22861 Pasley, William 22862 [Pasley, Mr. Thos.] , anonymous 22863 (Pasley, Baronet), anonjTnous 22864 (Pasley ?), anonymous or mutilated {Arms. 22865 Pasmore, Edward James Tweedie.) 22866 Pasmore, The Revd, John. (Jno. Jenkyn) . . 22867 Passmore, Udny .. 22868 Paston, Jacobus, M.D. 22869 Paston, William, Esqr. Horton Pasmore impaling Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Annorial Festoon Amaorial Pictorial Armorial trophy Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Wreath and ribljon Armorial supporters Wreath and ribbon Armorial supporters and coronet Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Crest in a garter Festoon Armorial Armorial Wreath and rib- bon Armorial Arms on an oval shield Festoon Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Printed label Jacobean Annorial supporters Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. 3P.7 Namk, Datjj, \yD Exgravkr. 22870 (Paston), anonymous William Paston.) 22871 Patch, Jacobus. Chivurgus Londinensis 22885 22886 22887 22888 (An earUer state of the plate of 1703 .. .. .. {Another impression of 22872 Patch, James 22873 Pate, Thomas, of Grevs Inn, Esqr *169 Pate, Thomas, of Greys Inn Esqr the last plate.) 1703. 22874 Pater, Chas. Dudley, Esqr., Rear Admiral of the "Wliite .. 22875 (Pater), anonjanous. {The last 2)late without inscription) Paterson, Major General Alex, See P. Paterson. 22876 Paterson, Evan, Gent. (F. Garden sculp.) 22877 Paterson, Francis 22878 Paterson, George, Esqr. 22879 Paterson, George, of Castle Huntly Esqr. {Arms. Paterson impaling Gray. George Paterson married 1776 Anii, daughter of John, 12th Lord Gray : died 1817.) 22880 Paterson, George Dacres 22881 Paterson, G. M. {The 2nd state of the anonymous plate ■with inscription added.) (Mathews & Son Sc. Oxford.) 22882 Paterson, James . . 22883 Paterson, James . . 22884 Paterson, James, 'M.T*. .. Paterson, Sir John, of Eccles Bart. {Arms. Paterson impaling Hume. Sir John Paterson of Eccles, Bart., married 1755 Anne, daughter of Hugh, Srd Earl of Marchmont.) Paterson, P. Major General Alex. Paterson Paterson, Pilchard Paterson, Samuel. Lukenbooths Edinburgh Style. 22889 Paterson, Wm., Esqr 22890 (Paterson), anonymous. (Mathews & Son Sc. Oxford.) 22891 (Paterson), anonymous. {The last p>late reworked. (Mathews & Son Sc. Oxford.) 22892 Patersone, Sr. Hugh, of Bannockburn Barronet. 1709 .. *509 Patersone, Sr. Hugh, of Bannockburn Barronet. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1709. 22893 (Pateshall), mutilated 22894 (Pateshall ?), anonymous 22895 Patey, James, Esqr. {Arms. Patey impalinq Edmonds ?) 22896 Patman, Philip R ' 22897 Paton, Geo., Custom House, Edr 22898 Patrick, Edwd *593 Patrick, Simon, Lord Bishop of Ely. {Bishop of Chichester 1689; translated to Ely 1691; died 1707.) 1703. 22899 Patrick, William Ralston, of Rougliwood. {Arms. Patrick quartering Ealston.) VOL. 11, ' • Jacobean Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial AVreatli and ribbon Armorial Armorial trophy shield on a mantle Crest in a garter Chippendale en- graved label Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest in a garter Crest in a garter Early Armorial arms on an oval shield Early Armorial arms on an oval shield Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale crest Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial 338 Franlcs Collection of Booh Plates, Name, Date, and Engeaver. 22900 Patrick, William Ealston, of Roughwood. (TJie last plate 2')rinted in colojirs.) 22901 Patrickson, Hugh. (This seems to be a p>i'Oof, as it is jmnted on the hacJi of a hootniaT\-efs advertisement.) 22902 Patten, James 22903 Patten, Saml 22904 Patten, Thos., of Bank Esqr 22905 Patten, Thos., of Bank Esqr. {The last plate reworhed) .. 22906 Pattenson, Jomi. Skelton 22907 Patterson, A. T 22908 Patterson, Jane, Her Book. (R. A. B. (Bell)) 22909 Patterson, Jane, Her Book. {The last ^j/a^e printed in hrown.) (R. A. B. (Bell).) 22910 Patterson, John 22911 Patteson, Edward 22912 Patteson, Henry Tyrwhitt Staniforth 22913 Patteson, Thos. C 22914 Patteson, William Frederick 22915 Patteson, William Frederick. {The last x>late reworhed) .. 22916 (Patteson), anonjaiious . . 22917 Pattinson, Hugh Lee 22918 Pattinson, William Watson 22919 Pattison, James. (1794 wmk. in paper) 22920 Pattison, Revd. Mark James. {Ai'ms. Pattison / impaling Winn. Marh James Pattison, Rector of Hai^kswell, CO. Yorh, married Jane, daughter of Frayicis Winn of Richmond, co. York.) 22921 Pattisson, W. H. 22922 Pattisson, William Wallman. (C. Hammond Set. Bir- mingham.) 22923 Patton, George, of Caimies 22924 Pattrick, C. T 22925 Paul, Ester. {Arms. Paul quartering Colvill .- and Cnrtoys quartcrlij.) 22926 Paul, G., Tetbury 22927 Paul, Henrv. (18— wmk. in paper) 22928 Paul,!. .' 22929 Paul, Ex Libris Jac. Balfour, Adv 22930 Paul, Onesiphorus, Arm. Coll. S. Jo. I'^apt. Gen. Com. (Cole Oxon Sc.) 22931 O. P. (Paul). {The last p)late with cyp)her instead of inscription.) (Cole Oxon Sc.) 22932 Paul, Sam. Woodfield, Lincoln's Inn 22933 Paul, William Gun 22934 [Paul, Joshua] , anonymous 22935 Paul, Walter Stuckey. {Arms. Paul imp)aling Coultliurst) *7 (Pauleti, The Right Noble Charles Duke of Bolton. (Arms. Paulrt quartering Poynings, St, John, and Scrope.) 1705. Stylk. Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Crest Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Chippendale Ar'morial Armorial lozenge Festoon Armorial Crest Chippendale crest Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Early Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 3J^9 Name, Date, and Engraver. 22936 (Paulet, Marquess of "Winchester), anonpiious. {Arms. Paulet quartering St. John, Strange, and Poynings.) 22937 Paull, John Richards. {Arms. Paiill quartering Bieharils) Paiilswalden. See Gilbert. 22938 Pauncefort, Edw.,Esqr. {TJie plate of Grimhold Pauncfort with inscription altered.) 22939 Pauncefort, Edwd., Esqr. (Printed in red) 22940 Pavmeefote, Sir George, Bart. {George Smith, ivho suc- ceeded as 2nd Baronet, asst(7ned the name and arms of Pauncefote, ivhich he afterwards relinquished for those of Bromley. Arms. \. Pauncefote ; 2. Hoioe : 3. Tij^- toft ; 4. Grubham; 5. Scrope.) 22941 Pauncefote, Arm. Juliani 22942 Pauncefote, Robert. {Arms, Pauncefote quartering Smifli and Cotton /) 22943 Pauncfort, Edward, Esqr. Anno 1704 *456 Pauncfort, Edward, Esqr. Anno 1704. {Another impres- sion of the last 2)l(ite.) *279 Pauncfort, Grimbold, of the Inner Temple London, Esqr. 1704. 22944 (Pavy), anon;yTiious 22945 Pawlet, Edward 22946 Pawlett, William, Esqr. 22947 Pawson, John EUerton. {A?'ms. Pawson impaling EUerton.) 22948 Paxton, Francis Everest. {Arms. Paxton quartering Everest.) 22949 Pay ler, Thomas. {Arms. Payler quartering Turner) 22950 (Payler), anonymous 22951 Payn, Franciscus, Decanus Insulas de Jersey. {Arms. The arms of the Deanery impaled loitli Payn. Dean of Jersey 1729-1775.) 22952 Payn, Revd. Thomas. (G. Larbalestier So.) 22958 [Payn, R.] , anonj-mous. {These are the arms and crest of Wilder.) 22954 Payne, C. H. {Arms. Payne, quartering Coventry, Richardson / Bobarts, and Millington, with Bacon, quartering CocJcs, on an escutcheon.) (Sadler, High St.) 22955 Payne, Frederick. (W. West so. Margaret St.) 229.56 Payne, George, Sulby 22957 Payne, Henrj\ {Arms, Payne ivith Towndrow on an escutcheon. Henry Payne of NewarTc, Co. Leicester, married Elizabeth, da^tghter and heir of Edward Towndroiv of Nottingham. Both these coats were granted in 1826.) 22958 Payne, Hen. Thos., m.a. {The plate of the Revd. Thos. Payne reworked.) 22959 Payne, James Style. Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Annorial Early Armorial Jacobean Aiinorial spade shield on a mantle Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial iU'morial spade shield •Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Festoon Arniorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Z 2 340 Frrmkfi Colh'ciion of Booh Plates, % Name, Date, and Engravee. 22960 Payne, John 22961 Payne, John. {The plate of Saml. Payne with inscription altered.) 22962 Payne, J. Vaughan 22963 PayTie, Mattw 22964 Payne, Kalph, Esqr 22965 Payne, Saml 22966 Payne, Thos., m.a 22967 Payne, Thomas. Cheapside . . 22968 Payne, The Kevd. Thos., m.a. {Arms. Patjne impaling Stapylton.) 22969 (Payne), anonymous or mutilated. {Anns. Payne quarter- ing Standish.) 22970 (Payne), anonjTuous 22971 (Payne), anonymous. {A smaller jilate.) 22972 (Payne), anonj'mous or mutilated. (W. J. Linton Fecit.) . . 22973 (Payne), anonymous 22974 Paynter, James Aylmer, Eear Admiral. {Arms. Paynter, quartering Whitivorth, with . . . on an escutclieon.) 22975 Paynter, Samuel.. 22976 Paynter, Emily. X Queensberry Place. (G. A. Lee Fecit) 22977 Paynton, Dorothy. Ami. Dom. 1626 22978 Peace, John. Bristol. (H. 8. Storev del. et sculp.) 22979 W. K. P. (Peace) 22980 Peach, Amelia. {Arms. Peach, quartering Small and Paynter, impaling Bailey.) 22981 Peach, S. P., Tockington. {Arms. Peach impaling Daw- son !) 22982 Peache, Clement 22983 (Peachey), AVestdean Library. {Note on the hack, " John Pcachey created Baron Selsey of West Dean 1790.") 22984 (Peachey), Westdean Library. {A di-fferent plate.) . . 22985 Peachey, John, Esqr. 22986 Peachey, John, Esqr. {The last plate with date added.) 1782. 22987 Peachy, William. Gosport. (R. M. (Mountaine).) 22988 Peacock, Anthony, Esq. Eauceby, Co. Lincoln. {Origin- ally engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illus- tratio7is," and afterwards used as a bookplate.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 22989 Peacock, John 22990 Peacock, John. {A different j^late ivith no mantling) 22991 Peacock, John. {A smaller jilatr) 22992 Peacock, Mark Bcaucharap 22993 Peacock, P. A. (" Baker." Note bv Sir A. W. Franks) .. 22994 Peacock, Richard 22995 Peacock, Thomas. Northampton, September 1st. 1759 .. 22996 Peacock, "William 22997 (Peacock), anonymous. {Artns. Peacock quartering Bliqh.) 2299H Peacocke, William Style. Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial crest Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial lozenge Prmted label Library interior Armorial Armorial Lozenge Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Printed label Printed label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Annorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Printed label Jacobean Cypher Armorial Festoon Armorial Franhs Collection of Book Plates. 341 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 22999 23000 23001 23002 23003 23004 23005 23006 23007 23008 23009 23010 23011 23012 23013 23014 23015 23016 23017 23018 23019 23020 Pead, Leonard. {Arms. Pead quartering . . . and Butter- field.) [Peak] , anonymous Peake, Ex Libris Emily Augusta. (C. W. S. (.Sherborn).) 1894. Peake, Girton Esqr. (Arms. Peake ivith Girton on an cscntclicon.) Peake, Hugh Budgen. Middle Temple. {Arms. Quarterly of 9. 1. and 9. Peake; 2. Hilton ' ; 3. De Pontefract ; 4. Netvjjort ; 5. Brierley ; 6. Clare or Clarke; 7. Gar- nett ; 8. Budgen.) Peake, H. Loyalty Peake, Thos., Esqr. Lincoln's Lm .. Peale, R. .. Pearee, Charles. {Arms. Pearee impaling Cuningliame) Pearee, Charles. {Arms. Pearee imxMling Coxon or Hand- cocke.) Pearee, Charles Thomas Pearee, Edward. {Anns. Pearee, quartering Edgecombe, Philips and Price.' impaling Palmer guartering Bey- nolds, Edward Pearee of Somerleigh Co. Dorset, married 1848 Clara Jane, daughter of the Bevd. Canon Palmer of Great Torrington.) (Harry Soane Sc. London.) G. P. (Pearee). {The plate of H. P. reworked) H. P. (Pearee). {Note by Sir A. W. Franks '' Over Kitty Blagdon and J. Pearee Surgeon.") Pearee, Henrj". Birmingham . . Pearee, J., Surgeon Pearee, John Robert. (Jas. Josih. Neele sc. 352 btrandj .. Pearee, William. (Culleton Sc. 25 Cranbourn St. London.) Pearee, AVilliam. Richmond, Surrey. {Arms. Pearee im- paling Monins / ) Pearee, The Very Revd. William, Dean of Ely, Master of Jesus Coll. Cambridge. {Arms. 1. The Arms of the Deanery ; 2. Pearee with Serocold on an escutcheon. Wm. Pearee, Dean of Ely 1797, married Anne, daughter of the Bevd. Walter Serocold.) (Pearee, The Very Revd. William) anonymous. {An earlier state of the last plate without inscription.) Peard, John. Penryn in Cornwall Style. 23021 Peard, John. Penryn in Cornwall. {The last plate re- worked^ 23022 Pearkes, The Revd. John, LL.B 23023 Pearse, Brice. (Lake sc.) 2.3024 Pearse, George Godfrey. {Arms. Pearse impaling Steward quartering Tucker.) 23025 Pearse, Henry, Esqr. 23026 Pearse, John. {The plate of Niohs. Pearse with inscription altered.) (Lake s.) 23027 Pearse, Nichs, (Lakes.) Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale crest Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial crest Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial. Two shields accole Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Axmorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Aj.-morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Crest Wreath and ribbon Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial 342 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 23028 Peai'se, Thomas Deane 23029 23030 23031 23032 23033 23034 23035 23036 23037 23038 23039 23040 23041 23042 23043 23044 23045 23046 23047 23048 23049 23050 23051 23052 23053 23054 23055 23056 23057 23058 23059 23060 23061 23062 23063 Pearse, T. D. {Arms. Pearse, AVilliam .. (Pearse), anonjinous. Pearse impaling Abew ■-) .. {Arms. Pearse impaling Carleton) (Pearse), anonjinous Pearson. {Arms. Pearson quartering Hyde ') Pearson. (F. A. (Father Ansehn Baker) Langton s.) Pearson of Kippenross. {A reprint.) (A. Burden S.) Pearson, Charles . . Pearson, Revd.C.B. {Arms. Pearsonimpaling Inge or Judge) Pearson, Geo., Esqi*. Durham Pearson, George. {Arms. Pearson quartering Pearson and Rainey quarterly.) Pearson, George .. Pearson, James . . Pearson, John Pearson, John Pearson, Revd. John. Pearson, Revd. I. M. {Arms. Pearson impaling Bayly) Pearson, Justly. {Arms. Pearson, quartering Bad/ord, Gifford /, Bestar /, West, Cantelupe, Fitzjncrs /, Forte, Peverell, Delaiuarr ? Gresley and Gresley, impaling Simpso7i.) Pearson, M. Pearson, Mr. Pearson, Nicholas Pearson, Robert Henry . . Pearson, Samuel. {Arms. Pearson quartering Barrow) .. Pearson, Saml. {The last plate reiuorhed) .. Pearson, Saml. {The last plate again reworked) .. Pearson, Thomas Pearson, Thomas Pearson, Thomas (Pearson), anonjinous . . Peart, Joshua, of the City of Lincoln, Gentleman Peart, Joshua. Lincoln's Inn Fields. {The last plate tvith inscription altered.) Pease, J. A. (" Wyon." Note by Sii' A. W. Franks) Pease, John William Pease, Joseph Robinson . . Pease, Joseph Walker. {Arms. Pease impaling Palmer, J. W. Pease of Hesslewood, Co. YorJi, married 1848 Barbara Catherine, daughter of the Revd. Henry Palmer of Withcote Hall, Co. Leicester ; died 1882.) Style. Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Urn Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ar-morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ajnnorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Crest Armorial i Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 343 Name, Datk, and Engraver. 23064 23065 23066 23067 23068 23069 23070 23071 23072 23073 23074 23075 23076 23077 23078 23079 23080 23081 23082 23083 23084 23085 23086 23087 23088 23089 Pease, Joseph Whitwell. Hutton Hall, Gisborough. {Arms. Pease, quartering Qurncy, impaling Fox. Joseph Whitwell Pease created a Baronet 1882, married 1854 Mary, daughter of Alfred Fox of Falmouth.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Pease, Joseph W. Hutton Hall, Gisborough. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A W. Franks.) (Pease), anonymous Peat, John Peat, John, M. A. .. Peat, Eevd. Sir Robert, Kt. {Arms. Peat quartering Heron ?) Peberdy, This Book belongs to John . . Peehell, Lt. Colonel. {Arms. Pechell with BrooTxc, quartering Wilmot, on an escutcheon. Lt. Col. Paul Pechell created a Baronet 1797, married 1752 Mary, daughter and heir of Thomas Broole of Pagglesham, Co. Essex.) Pechell, Harvey. {Arms. Pechell, modern, quartering Pechell, ancient, with Shelley quartering Belknaj), Sudeley and Shelley, on an escutcheon. Harvey Charles Pechell married 1874 Blanche Henrietta Johnes, daughter and heir of Sir John Villiers Shelley, Bart.) Peek, Edward Ansley. ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. FranliS.) Peek, F. C Peck, Jasper Peck, John, Esqr. Peck, R. J. {The i)late of F, C, Peck ivith iiiscription altered.) Peek, Willm (Peck), anonymous. {A reprint ?) (Peek), anonjTQOus Peckard, Peter, d.d., Master of Magdn. College. {Arms. Peckard quartering Ferrar. Master of Magdalen College 1781 ; D.D. 1785 ; died 1797.) Peckham, Harry. {Ar7)is. Peckham quartering Norton) Peckham, Harry. Middle Temple. {The last plate with inscription altered.) (Peckham), anonymous. ("Wyon," Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Peckitt, Henry, M.A. Peckitt, Henry, m.a. tinted paper.) (Peckitt), anonymous. Style. {The last plate printed on brown- {The last plate without inscription) Armorial Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Peckitt, Henry Peckitt, Henry, {The last plate reworked) .. Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Aimorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial 344 Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaveb. Style. 23090 23091 23092 23093 23094 23095 23096 23097 23098 23099 23100 23101 23102 23103 23104 23105 23106 23107 23108 23109 23110 23111 23112 23113 23114 23115 23116 23117 23118 23119 28120 23121 23122 23123 Peckover, Alexander. Franks.) Peckwell, Heurj- . . ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Armorial Pedder, [J.] Pedder, Edward, Junr. IbOO Pedder, Edward, Junr. 1800 .. Pedder, Edward. {Ar)7is. Pedder quarteriuy Newaliam) .. Pedder, Henry Newsham Pedder, James Pedder, Jane. {Arms. Belchier quartering Lewis) H. W. P. (Pedlar ?) Peed, Robert Jephson. (A?i old iilate iviUb allered iriscrij^tion ?) Peek, Henr3' William Peek, Henry William. {A smaller jjlatc) Peel Peel, Laiu-encc. (1829. wmk. in paper) Peel, Laurence. {The last iiJato iirinted on pink jjupcr) Peel, Eobert. {Arms. Peel imjjaling Floijd. The Bt, Honble, Robert Peel, who succeeded 1830 as 2nd Bart., married 1820 Julia, daughter of Genl. Sir John Floyd, Bart. ; died 1850.) Peel, Sir Eobert, Bart. Whitehall Gardens . . Peel, Et. Honble. Sir Eobert, Bart. Whitehall Gardens .. Peel, Eight Honble. Sir Eobert, Bart. Dra^'ton Manor Peel, Eight Honble. Sir Eobert, Bart., Draj-ton Manor. {A smaller plate.) Peel, Et. Honble. Sir Eobert, Bai-t., Drayton Manor. {Arms, 1. Peel; 2. Peel impaling Haij. Sir Roht. Peely 3rd Bart., married 1856 Emily, daughter of George, 8th Marquess of Twceddale.) Peel, In Memoriam Eoberti, Harroviensis. See School Libraries. Peele, Joshua John Peele, Joshua John. {A di;fferent plate) Peene, W. G., M.A. Peene, W. G., m.d. {The last plate with inscripition altered) Peene, W. G., m.d.. Coll. Eegal. Med. Socius. {The last j)late ivith inscription again altered.) Peers Peers, John, of St. Olive Hart Street, London, or Bromley St. Leonard, Middlesex. Peers, Newsham, de Alveston Com. War. Arm. 1720 quar Peet, Thomas. {A^'ms. Feet impaling Heton ?) Pegge, Chr., m.b., Ch. Ch. Oxford. {Arms. Pcgge tcring Stevenson ? and Hyde.) Pegge, Chr., Eq. Aur. Med. Prof. Eeg. Oxon. {Born 1765 ; Knif/hfrd 1799 ; dird 1822.) Pegge, William Morley. {Arms. Pegge quartering Morlcy.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Armorial spade shield Armorial Ai'morial arms in a radiated oval frame Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Lozenge Crest Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Aimorial Armorial Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole, with supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial oval shield Armorial oval shield Armorial o\^\ shield Chippendale Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Eai'ly Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 345 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 23124 Peiree, Jer., Bath. {Arms. Peirce imjialing Salter ?) 23125 Peiree, John James. (Warwick sc, 145 Strand) 23126 Peirse of Bedale, co. York. {Originally engraved hy Einslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations," and after- wards used as a bookplate.) 23127 Peirse, Sir Henry Beresford, Bart., of Bedale, Yorkshire. {Arms. Peirse, guartering Beresford, impaling Bernard. Sir Hy. Monson De la Poer Beresford- Peirse, ord Baronet, married 1873 as liis 1st wife Adelaide Mary Lucy, daughter of Francis, 3rd Earl of Bandon.) 23128 Peirse, Thomas, of Peirseburgh, Cleaveland, in the North Elding of the County of York. 23129 (Peirse), anonymous. (AY. H. sc. (Henshaw).) 23130 Peirson, Frans., Esqr., Pontefract. {Arms. Peirson ivith Asltmolc on an escutcheon.) (E. Cole, sculpt.) 23131 Peirson, George. {A pen and ink drawing.) 1806 23132 Peirson, E. {An altered plate ?) 23133 Peirson, William *321 Peisley, William, of The Middle Temple, EsL^r. 17U3 23134 (Peisley ?) anon;\-mous. {Arms. Peisley gimrtering Slater) 23135 (Pelham), The Earl of Chichester _ .. 23136 (Pelham), The Earl of Chichester. {The last plate printed on yelloio paper.) 23137 Pelham, (Baron) 23138 (Pelham, Baron) Yarborough, Appuldiu'combe. {Anns. Pelhatn quartering Anderson.) 23189 (Pelham, Baron) Yarborough, Brocklesby 23140 Pelham 23141 Pelham, Arthur Lowther. [Anus. Pelham impaling Cust. The Honble. A, L. Pelham, foxirth son of Henry Thomas, Srd Earl of Chichester, married 1879 Evelyn Georgiana, daughter of Sir Beginald John Cust.) 23142 Pelham, Frederick T 23143 Pelham, Henry 23144 Pelham, Thomas, of Stanmer in Sussex, Esqr. 23145 Pelissier, AVm. St. Geo 23146 Pell, M. 1826 23147 Pell, Oliver Claude 23148 Pellew, Viscount Exmouth. {A bookplate /) (C. N. Elvin del., T. Home sc.) 23149 (Pellew, Edward ?) name cut off 23150 Pellew, Fleetwood 23151 Pellew, George 23152 Pelly, Sir Henry C, Bart. {Arms. Petty quartering Hinde, Blake, and Carstairs. Succeeded 1864 as 3rd Baronet ; died 1877.) 23153 Pelly, John Henry. {Arms. Pelly impaling Boulton. John Henry Pelly, created a Baronet 1840, married 1807 Emma, daughter of Henry Boulton of Thorncroft, CO. Surrey ; died 1852.) Early Jacobean Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial W\'eath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Badge and coronet Badge and coronet Badge and coronet Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Crest and badge in a garter Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Stamped leather label Crest Crest Armorial Crest Armorial Ai'morial Ai'morial 346 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 23154 23155 23156 23157 23158 23159 23160 23161 23162 23163 23164 23165 23166 23167 23168 23169 23170 23171 23172 23173 23174 Pelly, Sir John Henry, Bart. Pelly, Percy John. (Arms. Pelhj, quartering Hinde, Blake and Rigge, impaling Butler. Percy J. Pelly married 1879 Florence Marion, daughter of Henry Butler of Ehntree, Cliipstead.) Pemberton, Christopher R. {Arms. Pemherton imxmling Peach.) (Huntly sc, 74 New Bond St.) Pemberton, Edward Owen Pemberton, Henry AV. {Arms. Pemherton with Pemher- ton on an escutcheon.) Pemberton, J. .. Pemberton, John James Pemberton, Lof tns Leigh Pemberton, Oliver. ((18)61. wmk. in paper) Pemberton, Oliver, Chirurgus. {Arms. Pemherton im- jjaling Harvey or Wheatley. Cojned from tlie plate of Thomas Pemherton.) (J. Allen Sc, Birmm.) Pemberton, E., Boldon.. Pemberton, Richard Lawrence, The Barnes and Hawthorn Tower. Pemberton, Richard Lawrence, The Barnes and Hawthorn Towei". {Arms. Pemherton imiialing Stapylton. B. L. Pemherton married 1854 as his 1st wife Jane Emma, daughter of the Bevd. Martin Sta^^ylton ofBarlhorongh, CO. Derhy.) Pemberton, R. Boileau . . Pemberton, R. N. (Bowley, Salop.).. Pemberton, Robert N. {Arms, Pemherton, quartering More, impaling Pechell. The Bevd. Bohert Norgrave Pemherton, Bector of Church Stretton, married 1820 Caroline, daughter of Augustus Pechell.) Pemberton, Thomas Pemberton, W. A. S Pemberton, The Revd. Willm. . . (Pemberton), anonjinous. {The plate of Bichard Laiv- rence Pemherton without inscription.) Pembroke, Countess of. See Herbert. Pembroke College. See Cambridge. Pembroke College. See Oxford. Pembroke College, Cambridge. See Andrews. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Style. Pembroke Hall. Pembroke, Chas. See Cambridge See Atwood. See Beatson. See De Coetlogon. See Quarles. acription altered.) {The plate of Wm. Peinhrolic ivillt in- 23175 Pembroke, Wm. 23176 Pembroke, AVilliani, dell.) Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crests Crest Chippendale Ar- morial modern Landscape Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial (Arms. Pemhroke quartering Flin- Jacobean Ar- morial spade shield on a mantle Jacobean Ar- morial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 847 NA3IE, Date, and Engraver. 23177 23178 23179 23180 23181 23182 23183 23184 23185 23187 23188 23189 23190 23191 23192 *288 23193 23194 23195 23196 23197 23198 28199 23200 23201 Pendarves, T. W. (Anns. 1. and 4. Trist ; 2. Broivse; 3. Hoare f) Pender, Danll. 1753 Pender, John. {Ayins. Pender with Denison on an escut- cheon. John Pender, K.C.M.G. 1888, married 1851 Emma, daughter of Henry Denison of Daybrook, co. Nottingham.) Pender, John. {The last plate retvorJced) Pender, John. (A sepia drawing for the last plate) (Pendleton), anonymous Penfold, Edward Bambridge Penfold, Hugh C. Penfold, James .. 23186 Penfold, Miles Poole Penfold, William. (J. Harewood 26 Feuchurch St. Londn.) Peng-wern. See Lloyd, Baron Mostyn. Penn, Baron. See Ciirzon. Penn, Granville, Esqr. Stoke Park, Bucks. {Arms. Penn impaling Forbes. Granville Penn, who succeeded to StoTie Park in 1834, married 1791 Isabella, daughter of General Gordon Forbes.) Penn, Richard Penn, Sophia. (R. M. (Mountaine).) .. Penn, Thomas, of Stoke Pogeis in the Comity of Bucks, First Proprietor of Pensilvania. {The plate of William Penn reworked.) Penn, William, Esqr., Proprietor of Pensylvania. 1703 .. Penn, William, Esqr. Proprietor of Pensylvania. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. Penn, William, Esqr. Proprietor of Pensylvania. {A modern copy of the last plate, ptrinted on old paper. It differs in 77iany respects from the original, the copper pilate of which was altered for Thomas Penn.) 1703. Penn, W., Ch. Ch (Penn), anonymous (Penn), anonymous or mutilated Pennant, Edward Gordon Douglas. {Arms. Pemiant, quartering Douglas, impaling FitzRoy. The Honble. Edivard Gordon Douglas, who assumed the name and arms of Pennant in 1841 and was created Baron Penrhyn in 1866, married 1846 as his 2?id wife Mary Louise, daughter of Henry, 5th Duke of Grafton.) Pennant, Henry, Esqr. 1742. (J. Skinr. Sculp.) .. Pennant, E Libris Thomse. [1739] Penne, Captain .. Penneok, Richd. (Stephens ?) Style. Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Crest Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial 348 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 23202 Pennefather, Revd. John. {Arms. Pennefather quartering Lysaght and Deane.) (Green, Cork.) 23203 Pennefather, John L 23204 Pennefather, Mathew, Esqr. i^Anim. Pennefather, quar- tering Pen7iefather, a dimidiated coat, impaling Connor, Probably the plate of Matheiv Pennefather ofNeiu Park, CO. Tipperary, tvho married 1814 Anna, daughter of Daniel Connor of Ballybricken, co. Cork.) (Green, Cork.) 23205 Pennefather, Richard .. 23206 Pennefather, Richard, Newpark 23207 (Pennefather.) New Park. {Arms. Pennefather hnpaling Connor.) 23208 [Pennicott, William] , anonymous 23209 Penniman, The Property of Asa, Boston 23210 (Penning), anonymous .. 23211 (Pennington, Baron Muncaster), anonymous 23212 (Pennington, Baron Muncaster) Muncaster Castle 23213 Pennington 23214 Pennington. {A smaller plate.) (18 — . wiak. in paper) 23215 C. P. (Pennington). {Arms. Pennington quartering Bay ney) 23216 Pennington, Ferdinand.. Pennington, Isaac. See St. John's College, Cambridge. 23217 Pennington, I,, m.d. {Arms. Pennington quartering Eaiulinson.) 23218 Pennington, I., M.D. (The last plate reworked) 23219 Pennington, Thos., a.m. of Bledlow, Bucks. {Arms. Pen- nington with Massey ?■ on an escutcheon.) 23220 Pennington, Thos. d.d. of Tunstall, Kent. (Lake sc.) 23221 Pennington, Thos., ud. of Tunstall, Kent, {x-irins. Pen- nington impaling Carter. Thomas Pennington married Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Carter, D.D. ; died 1802.) (Lake sc.) 23222 Pennington, William George. {A luoodcut. Arms. Cotto7i impaling Pennington.) 23223 Penny, Benjamin 23224 Penny, The Revd. Edward. (1834. wmk. iu paper) 23225 Penny, Ex Libris Edvardi Lewton, s.t.p. Bermudienses apud Insulas infelicitcr submersis et turpiter iuhonoratis Anno Salutis mdccclxxxv". 23226 Penny, Henry Harwood 23227 Penny, Henry Harwood. {Arms. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Penny and Thornhill ? quarterly; 2 and 3. Harivood ; with Forsyth on an escutcheon.) 23228 Penny, Josh. Isaac 23229 Penny, Nicholas. 1700 23230 Penny, Peter Armorial shield in a garter Crest Armorial shield in a garter Crest Armorial spade shield on clouds Armorial Pictorial Printed label Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Fraiihs Collection of Booh Platen. 349 Name, Date, and Engbaver. 23231 Penny, Robert. (B. Cole sculp.) 28282 Penny, Sarah 23233 Pennyman, James, Esqr. 23234 Pennyman, "William, Esqr. {The i)late of James Pennyman until altered inscription.) 23235 Pennyman, Sir AVilliam, Bart. {Arms. Pennyman, quar- tering Warton, impaling Robinson, Sir Win. Henry Pennyman, 7th Baronet, married Charlotte, datigliter of Bcthell Bohijison.) 23236 Penrhyn, Edward. {Arms. Leycester impaling Stanley. Ediuard Leycester, who assumed the name of Penrhyn about 1817, married Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of Edward, 13th Earl of Derby.) (" AVyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23237 Penrice, Thomas 23238 Penrose, Thos. {Note by Sir A. W. Franhs, ''Lyons Bool:") 23239 Penton, Ann Style. 23240 *454 23241 23242 Penton, E. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franlis) Penton, Henrj', of Lincoln's Inn, Esqr. 1704 Penton, Henry, Esqr. {The last plate with inscrij^tion altered.) [Penton, I.] , anonj-mous Penzance, Baron. See Wilde. 23248 Pepper, Henry. (E. Lyons Ex.) 23244 Pepper, I., Momit joy Square .. 2'^.245 Pepper, Prescott. {Arms. Pipart or Pepper quartering Prcscott.) 23246 Pepper, Prescott. {The last plate reivorhed) 23247 Pepper, William 23248 (Pepperell, Baronet), anonymous. Probably the plate of William Pepiperell of Massachusetts ; created a Baronet 1746 ; died 1759. Mr. C. D. Allen in " American Boole- plates,'^ attributes this plate to Sir William's grandson, William P. Sparhawh, who assumed the name and arms of Pepperell and %vas created a Baronet 1774, but the plate may well be earlier.) 23249 Peppin, Samuel, Newbury. {The plate of Sydenham Peppin with inscription altered.) 23250 Peppin, Sydenham, Surgeon . . 23251 [Peppin, Thomas] , anonymous. {Arms. Peppin quartering Williams.) 23252 (Pepys, Earl of Cottenham.) Tandridge Court Library . . 23253 Pepys, Charles Edward 23254 Pepys, Revd. Henry 23255 Pepys, Revd. Henry. {The last plate reworhed) .. 28256 Penys, Lucas. Ch. Ch. Oxon. {Born 1741; created a Baronet 1184.; died 1830.) Chippendale Armorial Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai-morial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial lozenge Crest Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial 350 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 23257 S. P. (Samuel Pepys) 23258 (Pepys, Samuel, of Brampton in Huntingtonsliire Esqr., Secretaiy of the Admivalty to his Maty. King Charles the Second : Descended of ye antient family of Pepys of Cottenham in Cambridgeshire), mutilated. 23259 Pepys, Sam., Car. et Jac. Angl. Piegib. A Secretis Admiraliae. (G. Ivneller pinx. : Pi. White, sculp.) 23260 Pepys, Sam., Car. et Jac. Angl. Piegib. A Secretis Admu-alise. (Pi. W. sculp.) 23261 (Pepys), anonymous. {In this ;plate the shield is left hlanli) 23262 (Pepys), anonj-mous. {The last 2)late reworl-ed. Arms. Pepiis quartering Talbot.) 23263 Pepys, William Weller. Ch. Ch. Oxon. {The plate of his younger brother, Lucas Pejpys, tvith altered inscri;ption. W. W. Pepys was created a baronet 1801 ; died 1825.) 23264 Pepys, William Weller. Lincoln's Inn. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 23265 (Pepys), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a booJc- p)late. Arms. Pejnjs impaling Leslie. Lucas Pe2)ys, created a Baronet n84:,married 1112 Lady Jane Eliza- beth Leslie, who S2icceeded 1773 as Countess of Bothes.) 23266 Perceval, Viscountess. {A7-ms. Perceval impaling Wynne, the tinctures of the latter coat being incorrect. This must be the plate of Bridget, daugJiter of Lt. Col. Glynne Wynne and wife of John Viscount Perceval, ivho succeeded his father in 1822 as ^th Earl of Egmont.) 23267 [Perceval, Visctss.] , anonymous, (The last plate without inscription.) 23268 (Perceval, Baron Arden), anonymous .. 23269 (Perceval), Charles, 7th Earl of Egmont. {Succeeded 1874.) 1874. (Harry Soane fecit.) 23270 Perceval, Catherine Mary 23271 Perceval, Charles George. {Ar7ns. Perceval quartering Yverye, Arden and Lovel.) 23272 Perceval, Charles George, Piector of Calverton Bucks. {The last 2}l(ite reworked.) 23273 Perceval, Liber Caroli Spencer 23274 Perceval, Hemy 23275 Perceval, Johannes 23276 Perceval, :Mary 23277 Perceval, Mary. Bruton. {Printed on yellow satin.) 1804 23277 % [Perceval, Pioberto.j Trin. Coll. Dub Praemium. {Pasted into a volume of '^ Horace.") 1775. 2.3278 S. P. (Perceval) 23279 Perceval, Ilonble. Spencer. {Arms. Perceval ijnjjaling }\'ihon. The Bight Honblc. Sj>cncer Perceval married 1790 Jane, daughter of Sir Thovuis Spencer Wilson, 6fh Baronet, and, ivas assassinated 1812.) 23280 [Perceval, Chas.] , anonMiious.. 23281 (Perceval), anonymous . . 23282 Perchard, John. (T. King sculpt. Homerton) 23283 Percival, John Ld., Baron of Burton in the County of Cork in Ireland. 1715, Styi-e. Pictorial. Two cabled anchors in saltire Early Armorial Portrait Portrait Early Ai'morial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Amiorial Seal Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial lozenge Prmted label Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial supporters Pictorial Amiorial Jacobean Armorial FranTcs CoUection of Booh Plates. 351 Name, Date, and Engraver. 23284 Percival, John, Earl of Egmont. {The last plate reworTced.) 1736. 23285 Percival, Charlotte Isabella. (Harry Soane London) 23286 C. I. P. (Percival). {Note by Sir A. W. FraiiTis, " Charlotte I. Percival by B. B. Balers) 23287 Percival, Charlotte Isabella. {Arms. Percival imjxding Perceval. Charlotte Isabella, daughter of the Honble. and Bevd. Arthur Philip Perceval, married 186.5 the Bevd. James Stanley Percival.) 23288 Percival, Edwd. Lockwood 23289 Percival, Edward Lockwood. Bishops Hall Essex 23290 [Percival, Isabella Ann] , anonymous *153 Percivale, Sr. .John, Baronet of Burton in the County of Cork in Ireland. {Succeeded 1691 as 5th Baronet; created Baron Percival 1715 and Earl of Egmont 1733 ; died 1748.) 23291 Percivale, Sr. John, Baronet of Burton in the County of Cork in Ireland. {The last plate reworked and crest and motto added.) 1702. *160 Percivale, Sr. John, Baronet of Burton in the County of Cork in Ireland. {Another impression of the last p)late.) 1702. 23292 Percivale, ce Li\Te appartient a Monsr. Jean, 1690 23293 Percivale, Thomas, Esquire 23294 (Percy, Duke of Northumberland), anonymous. {The 2nd Duhe, luho succeeded 1786 and died' 1817.) Terry & Batley Sculpt. Paternoster Piow.) 23295 (Percy, Duke of Northumberland), anonymous. {Sir Hugh Smithson succeeded his father-in-law as Earl of Noi-th- umherland in 1750; K.G. 1757; created DioJce of Nortltumberland 1766; died 1786.) 23296 (Percy, Duke of Northumberland), anonyanous. 1867 23297 (Percy, Duke of Northumberland), anonymous. {The last plate without the date.) 2.3298 (Percy, Duke of Northumberland), anonymous. (Ortnev & Houle Sc. 3 St. James's St.) 23299 (Percy, Dioke of Northumberland), anonymous. {A different jilate.) 23300 (Percy, Duke of North vmiberland), anonymous (Percy,) Hugh, Duke of Northumberland. See St. John's College, Cambridge. 23301 (Percy), Algernon George, Duke of Northumberland. {Suc- ceeded 1867 as eth Duhc ; died 1898.) (C. W. Sher- born ft.) 23302 (Percy, Dulve of Northumberland), anonymous. (C. W. Sherborn. Not signed.) 23303 (Percy), Dutchess of Northumberland. Northumberland House. 23304 (Percy), Dutchess of Northumberland. Syon House. {The Crest of Seymour.) 23305 (Percy), C. F. Northumberland. {Arms. 1. Percy within a garter, 2. Percy, impaling Clive, qiiartering Herbert. Charlotte Florentia, daughter of Edward, 1st Earl Powis, married 1817 Hugh, 3rd Duhe of Northumber- land, who died 1847 ; she died 1866.) Style. Jacobean Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Autograph Bookpile Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial badge and coronet Badge and coronet Badge and coronet Badge in a garter Badge in a garter Wreath and ribbon badge Seal Armorial Badge m a garter and coronet Crest and coronet Crest and coronet Armorial. Two shields accole ^52 Franhs Collection of Boole Plaice. Name, Date, and Engraver. 23306 (Percy), E. N, (Eleanor Duchess of Northuniberland). 1864 23307 (Percy), L. N. (Duchess of Northumberland). {Arms. Percij ivith Dnuuvwnd on an escutcheon. Louisa, daughter and coheir of Henry Drummond of Albury, Co. Surrey, M.P., married 1845 Algernon George, 6th Duke of Northumberland. She died 1890.) 23308 (Percy, Baron Lovaine), anonjanous. {Arms, Percy im- paling Burrcll. Algernon, 2nd Baron Lovaine of Alnwick, created Earl of Beverly 1790, married 1775 Isabella Susanna, daughter of Peter Burrell of BecTcen- ham, Co. Kent ; died 1830.) (Longmate sc.) 23309 (Percy, Baron Lovame), anonymous. (Longmate sc.) 23310 (Percy), Lord Lovaine 23311 (Percy, Earl of Beverley), anonymous or mutilated. {The first plate of Baron Lovaine rcioorhed.) 23311a (Percy, Earl Df Beverley ?), anonymous 23312 Percy, Algernon ' 23313 Percy, Hugh 23314 Percy, Honble. Hugh. {The last plate with inscripition altered.) 23315 Percy, Joceline .. 23316 Pereira. ("Baker." Not? bv Sir A. W. Franks) .. 23317 Pereira, F. E ' Perfect. See Gleane. 23318 Perigal, Arthur. {Born 1784 ? ; died 1847) 23319 Perigal, Edward 23320 Perinton, I. (Doddrell sc.) 23321 Perkins, Alfred Thrale .. 23322 Perkins, Algernon. {Arms. Perkins impaling Soltan) .. 23323 Perkins, Augustus F. {Arms. Perkins, quartering Mosley and . . ., impialing Clarke, quartering Carlos.) 23324 Perkins, Augustus Samuel 23325 Perkins, Frederic. Chipstead Place, Kent . . 23326 Perkins, Frederick. Chipstead Place, Kent . . 23327 Perkins, Henry. Blackman Street 23328 Perkins, Henry. Springfield, Surry. {The last plate with inscrij^tion altered.) 23329 Perkins, Henry. Hanworth Park, Middlesex 23330 Perkins, E Libris Hugh 23331 Perkins, James, Esqr. {A^-ms. Perkins, qxiartering Hens- low, with Horton on an escutclieon.) 23332 Perkins, Johannes, a.m. E Societate Collegii sive Aula? Divae Katliarinai Virginia et Martyris. 1771. 23333 Perkins, Eichard 23334 Perkins, Saml. Steele, Esqr. {Arms. Quarterly, 1. and 4. Perkins ; 2. Steele I qtcartcring Beardsley ; 3. Farmer quartering Moore? ivith Shirley on an escutcheon. Saml. Steele Perkins married Mary, daughter and coheir of .Toseph Shirley of Bur-ton on Trent.) 23335 Perkins, Thomas Marriott. {Arms. Perkins quartering Marriott and Bcalc.) Style. Cypher. Badge and coronet Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon. Badge and coronet Crest Crest Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Annorial supporters Armorial supporters Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Wreath and ribbon cypher Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 353 Name, Date, and Engravee. 23336 Perkins, William. (Aryns. PerHns quartering Hopkins) 23337 (Perkins), anonjnnous. {Arms. Perkins, quartering Steele ? Beardsley, Farmer and Shirley, tvitli Duncomhe on an escutcheon, impaling Sliarpc, quartering Johnstone. Shirley Farmer Steele Perkins of Orton Hall, Co. Leicester, married 1st 1793 Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Joseph Duncomhe of Sutton Coldficlds, Co. Warwick, and Indly Susan Sharpe, sister of General Sharpe of Hoddom Castle.) 23338 Peronneau, Robert 23342 23343 23344 23345 23346 Style. 23339 (Perraro ?) anonymous. Da Costa.) 23340 Perreau .. 23341 Perrin (Arms. Perraro ' impaling Mendcs Perrin, James Dudden. {The last plate -with inscription altered.) S. P. [Sarah Perrin.] Bloomsbm-y Square . . Perring, Ph. {Arms. Perring with Jackson on an escutcheon. Philip) I'erring married 1799 Sarah, daughter and heir of Thomas Jackson of Camberwell.) Perrins, James Dyson. ("Baker." Note bj' Sir A. "\V. Franks) Perrot, James 23347 Perrot, James Leigh. {Arms. Perrot, quartering Leigh, impaling Cholmeley. James Leigh Perrot married Jane, third daughter of Bobert Cholmeley and granddaughter of James Cholmeley of Easton.) 23348 Perrot, Tho., LL.D 23349 Perrott 23350 Perrott, xindrew, Armiger. {Arms. Perrott quartering Vaus or Wayz /) 23351 Perrott, Edmund Thos. {Arms. Perrott impaling Byrch ) 23352 Perrott, George. Erinville 23353 Perrott, Hum. [Coll., Oriel Socius. 1735] 23354 Perrott, John W 23355 (Perrott), anon;)auous 23356 Perry ' 23357 Perry 23358 Perry, Adam Bettesworth 23359 (Perry), Charles Melbourne. {Born 1807; Bishop of Mel- bourne \M1-\S1& ; died \S^1.) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23860 Perry, Sir Erskine. {Arms. Perry impaling McElkiney ! Thomas Erskine Perry married 1834, as his \st wife Louisa, daughter of .Tames McElkiney.) 23361 E. P. (Erskine Perry.) {The last plate without inscription) VOL. II. Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial modern Jacobean Ar- morial modern Cypher Armorial Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean bookpile Armorial Ai-morial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modem Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Armorial Armorial 2 A 354 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 23362 Perry, Frederick 23363 Perry, Henry James 23364 Perry. In memoriani James, To his grandchildren. Inch- more Library. 1858. 23365 Perry, John, Jmir. 23366 Perry, John George 23367 Perry, Eichard 23368 Perry, Thomas Aloj'sius. {Arms. Perry wnjoaling Knight. Thos. A. Perry of Bitham House, Co. WarwicTi, married 1840 Helen daughter of William Knight of Houghton, Co. Lancaster.) (" Wyon." Note by Sh' A. W. Franks.) 23369 Perry, WilHam Henry 23370 (Perry), anonymous. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23371 Perryn, Eichd., Esqr. {Born 1723; Baron of the Ex- chequer 1776 ; died 1803.) 23372 Perryn, Mr. Baron. {The last x>latc with inscrijition altered.) 23373 Perryn, Major 23374 Perryn, Col. {The last plate luith inscription altered) 23375 Persse, Eobert Parsons .. Perth, Diike of. See Drummond. 23376 (Pery), Earl of Limerick. {Arvis. Pcry quartering Hart- stonge.) 23377 (Pery, Baron) Glentworth 23378 Pery, Jane 23379 Pescod, Wm., Esq. (T. Gardner Sculpsit) 23380 Peshall, Elizh. Maria 23381 (Peshall, Baronet), anonymous. {Probably the plate of the Bevd. John Peshall, eldest son of Thomas Peshall of Halne, co. Worcester, who claimed the baronetcy on the death of his kinsman. Sir Thomas Peshall, 3rd baronet in 1712. The Bevd. Sir John Peshall died 1778.) 23382 Pestell, Will 23883 Peter, David MacGregor 23384 Peter, John, Esqr. (G. S. f.) 23385 Peter, Sir John, {Arms. Peter quartering Pringlc) 23386 Peter, Sir John. {The last plate tvith inscription reioorkcd) 23387 Peter, Walter, Esqr. 23388 Peter, William Peterborough, Earl of. See Mordaunt. Peterborough, Bishop of. Sec Kennett. Style. Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield Armorial Amiorial spade shield Armorial Crest in a circular frame Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial spade shield with sup- porters and Viscotmt's coi'onet Printed label Jacobean Armorial Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Araiorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Armorial Franhs Collection of Booh Plates. 355 Name, Date, and Engraver. 23389 Peters, Charlotte Mary. 23390 Peters, Henrv 28391 23392 23398 23394 23395 23396 23397 23398 23399 23400 23401 23402 23403 23404 23405 23406 28407 23408 2;i409 23410 23411 23412 23413 {Arms. Peters impeding Morison.) Peters, Henry. {Arms. Peters impaling Campbell.) Peters, William. Newcastle-upon-Tjiie. (^Vai'wick sc. 145 Strand.) Peters, William Winpenny. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Peters), anonymous. {Arms. Peters impialing Campbell.) (Peters), anonpuous. {The plate of William Winpenny Peters without inscription.) ("Wyon." Note % Sir A. W. Franks.) Petersham, Viscount. See Stanhope. Petheram, W. Comer. Temple Petit, John Hayes Petit, John Lewis, Esqr. {Son of John Petit of Little Aston, Co. Stafford; M.D. 1766; died 1780.) Petit, John Lewis, m.d., f.r.s. Bloomsbury Square Regal. Petit Med. Lon. ivith . . . Soc. S. R. S. Petit, Jno. Lewis, m.d. Coll. and S. S. A. {Arms, retit wtt/i 07i an escutcheon.) Peto, S. Morton, {Arms. Peto impaling Kelsall. Sir Samuel Morton Peto, born 1809, married 1843 as his 2nd wife Sarah Ainsworth, daughter of Henry Kelsall of Rochdale ; died 1889.) Peto, William Herbert . . Petre, Robert Lord, Baron of Writtle. {Succeeded as 1th baron 1707; died 1711-12.) Petre, The Right Honble. Robert Edward Ld. Thorndon in Essex. {His father's plate reivorJied. Arms. Petre with Hoivard on an escutcheon. Robert Edward Petre who succeeded as 9th baron Petre 1742, married 1762 as his 1st wife Anne, daughter and co-heir of Philip Howard of BucJcenJiam, Co. Norfolk.) (Petre, Baron) anonymous. {Arms. Petre qiiartering Wahnesley, with Howard on an escutcheon, impalivg Howard. Robert Edward, 9th Baron Petre married 1788 as his 2nd wife Juliana, daughter of Henry Howard of Glossop ; died 1801.) Petre, The Right Honble. Robert James Ld. Thorndon in Essex. {Arms. Petre impaling Radcliffe. Robert James born 8th Baron Petre 1713, married 1132 Anne, daughter of James 3rd Earl of Derwentwater ; died 1742.) Petre, William Bernard Lord. {Arms. Petre impaling Cliff'ord. Succeeded 1850 av 12t.h Baron Petre; married 1843 Mary Theresa, daughter of the Honble. Charles Thomas Clifford ; died 1884.) Petre, The Honble. Edwar. I Petre, Oreste .. Petre, William. (Engraved by Valenti, Rome) Petrie, Alexander Petrie, Martin. {Arms. Peine impaling Greene !) Petrie, Saml. Style. Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Ai-morial spade shield Armorial Armorial spade shield Engi-aved label Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean xlrmorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield with sup- porters crest and coronet Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial 2 a 2 356 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 23414 Petrie, Samuel 23415 (Petrie ?) mutilated 23416 Pett, Samuel 23417 Pettat, John, M.A, .. : 23418 Petteward, Daniel. {A hoohiAate ?) {Born 1791 ; died 1865.) (Arms. PctflngaJ qiiartering {Arms. Pettit 23419 Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph, f.l.s, 23420 Pettingal, Revel. Chas. Thos. Loig and Macfarlane.) 23421 Pettit, James, Esqr., Queens Coll. Oxon quartering Dauntdelion.) 23422 (Pettiward), Bibliotbecse Coll. S.S. Trin. Cant. Legavit Dan. Pettiward, a.m. 1833. 23423 Pettiward, Roger, Finborough Hall. [Note by Sir A. W. FranTis ^'occurs in W. Stephens'' scrap booh: perhaps by him" ; compare hoiuever with the " Pierse" plate which is signed by Henshaio. Arms. Pettiward quar- tering Sandwcll.) 23424 Pettman, Hatfeild E 23425 (Petty), The Right Honble. Henry Lord Baron of Shelburne in ye I^ingdom of Ireland. {Arms. Petty impaling Boyle. See next plate.) 1707. *.587 (Petty), The Right Honble. Henry Lord Baron of Shelburne in ye Kingdom of Ireland. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1707. 23426 (Petty),, The Right. Honble. Hem-y, Earl of Shelburne. (Arms. Petty impaling Boyle. Henry Petty, created Baron Shelburne 1699 and Earl of Shelburne 1719, tnarried, 1699 Arabella, daughter of Charles Baron Clifford ; died 1751.) 28427 Petty, James, Lord Viscount Dunkerron of the Kingdom of Ireland. (Arms. Petty tuitli Clavering on an escut- cheon. James Viscount Dunkerron only soti of Hem-y Earl of Shelburne married 1737 Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Sir James Clavering, Bart ; died 1750.) 23428 Petty, William. (AVarwick Sc. 145 Strand) 23429 (Petty), anonymous Petty. See also Fitzmaurice. 23430 Pew, Lt. Col. Peter LawTrie, Bengal Artillery. {Originally engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions" and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 23431 Peyton, Abel 23432 Peyton, Abel. ("Baker" Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23433 Peyton, Sr. Charles, Bart. {Succeeded as 6fh Baronet 1748 ; died 1760.) 23434 Peyton, Sr. Thos., Bart, of Hackbccch Hall Norfolk. (Succeeded as 3rd Baronet 1717 ; died 1771.) 23435 Peyton, John 23436 Peyton, Samuel 23437 (Peyton), anonymous 23438 Phare, George 23439 Phelan, Joseph, M.D. Style. Armorial spade shield Crest ia a garter Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial spade shield in a gai'tcr Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 357 Name, Date, and Engraver, 23440 Phelips, Constance, Montacute. 1893 22441 Phelp, James, Esqr. 23442 Phelps, James 28443 Philan, Joseph, M.D, Philadelphia, the Library Companies of. Sec Public Libraries. 23444 (Philipps, Baron) Milford. {Ao'ms. Philipips iinpaling Gordon. Richard Bulkeley Philijjps, created Baron Milford 1847, married as Ids 1st wife Eliza, daughter of John Gordon of Hanwcll co. Middlesex; she died 1852.) 23445 Philipps, Charles, jMonmouth. {Arms. Phili])])s qtmrter- ing Seymour.) 23446 Philipps, Erasmus. {Arhis. PJdlijjps impaling Pritzler, the tinctures oftJie latter coat being incorrect.) (Barber Sculpt. Ratcliff Cross.) 23447 Philipps, Sr. Jas., Bart. {Sir John Philiixps 6th Baronet died 1764.) 23448 Philipps, John Lloyd, M.A., E Coll. ^n. Nas. Oxon 23449 Philipps. This book belongs to L. LI 23450 Philipps, William 23451 Philipps, William. {The last plate reworked) 23452 Philipps, William. {The last plate again reworked) 23453 Philipps, William Thomas. (1826 wmk. in paper.) (Burnell sc.) 23454 (Philipps), anonymous. {The plate of William Thomas Pliilipps printed ivitJioiot the name.) (Burnell sc.) 23455 (Philipps), anonymous. {Arms. Philipps quartering Seymour.) 23456 Philips 23457 Philips, Lincolnshire. {The coat on the inescutcheon is jyrobably Spence, though here the bordure is or instead of gules.) 23458 Philips, Lincolnshu-e .. .. .. • 23459 Philips (Lincolnshire). {Arms. Philips quartering Spence, impaling Champagne.) (Matthews & Hodgson 113 Regent St. W.) 23460 Philips, Caroline 23461 Philips, George. {Arms. Philips quartering Stuhhs) 23462 Philips, Revd. Gilbert H., m.a. {Arms. Philips impaling Dixon. The Revd. Gilbert Henderson Philips, Rector of Bolton Percy co. York, married 1853 Emily Geor- qiana, daughter of Lt. Col. Henry Diron.) 23463 Philips, Mark" 23464 Philips, N. 23465 Philips, William Morton. {Arms. Philips impaling Stopford. William, M. Philips married 1882 Caroline Anne Kate, daughter of Major George Stopford R.E.) 1889. (C. W. Sherborn.) Style. Festoon engraved label Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial troph\- CJiippendale Armorial Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Bookpile Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial 358 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. {The last plate printed on {A smaller plate) {The last plate reworlced and {Another plate without the 23466 (Philipse), anonymous .. 23467 Philipson, Geo. Hare. {Arms. Philipson impaling At- hinson f) 23468 Philipson, John, Newcastle upon TjTie 23469 Philipson, Nicholas John 23470 Philipson, Nicholas John manvc paper.) 23471 Philipson, Nicholas John. 23472 Philipson, Nicholas John. altered.) 23473 Philipson, Nicholas John quartcriiigs.) 23474 Phillimore, Charles Bagot. {Arms. Phillimore impaling Randolph. Chas. B. Phillimore married 1860 Caroline Sophia, daughter of the Revd. Thos. Bandolph Rector of Much Hadham 'Co. Hertford.) ('' Baker" Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23475 Phillimore, Charles Bagot, Hurley Manor House. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 23476 Phillimore, Sir John 23477 Phillimore, Joseph, d.c.l. {Arms. Phillimore impaling Bagot. Josep)h Phillimore of Shiplake House married Elizabeth, daughter of the Rcvd. Walter Bagot Rector of Blitlifield and Leigh co. Stafford.) 23478 Phillimore, William. {Arms. Phillimore imjyaling Thorn- ton. Wm. Phillimore of Deacon's Hill, co. Hertford married Almeria, daughter of Godfrey Thornton of Mogerhanger co. Bedford.) (Suffield sculp.) 23479 Phillimore, William Robt 23480 (Phillimore), anonjonous. {Arms. 1. Phillimore ; 1. Philli- more impaling Fortescue. Admiral Sir Augustus Phillimore, K.C.B., married 1864 Harriet Eleanor, daughter of the Honhle. George Fortesctte.) 23481 Phillip, Liber E Bibliotheca Johannis, r.a. {R.A. 1859 ; died 1867.) 23482 I. P. (Phillip) 23483 Phillipps, Ambrose Lisle, of Garendon, {Ar)ns. Quarterly, 1. and 4. Phillipps quartering March ; 2. and 3. Listed) 23484 Phillipps, Robert, of Longworth Co. Herefd., Esquire. {Arms. Phillipps, quartering Ravcnliill, impaling Bidduljoh quartering Overton, Greneway ? and Hall. Roht. Phillij^jjs married Mary Anne, daughter of Michael Biddulph of Ledbury.) 23485 Phillipps, Robert Biddulph, Esqr., Longworth, Hereford- shire. {Arms. Phillijjps impaling Barnehy. Robt. B. Phillipipis married 1834 Elizabeth, daughter of John Barnehy of Broclham pton Co. Hereford.) 23486 Pnillipps, Robert Biddulph, Esq. Longwoi-th co. Hereford. {Originally engraved by Emslie for '^ Burlie's Heraldic lUnsfrafinns " and afterwards tised as a bookplate.) (•' Wvon." Note by Sir A. AV. Franks.) 28487 Phillipps, Thos. . . Style. Ai'morial spade shield Armorial Crest Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Crest Armorial two oval shields accole Initials in an oval frame Initials joined with a knot in an ornamental frame Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Ai'morial aiins in a garter Franks Collection of Book Plates. 359 Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 23488 23489 23490 23491 23492 23493 23494 23495 23496 23497 23498 23499 23500 23501 23502 23503 23504 23505 23506 23507 23508 23509 23510 23511 23512 23513 23514 23515 23516 23517 28518 23519 23520 23521 28522 Phillipps, Thomas, Middle Hill, Worcestershire Phillipps, Thos. John, Landue. {A)-ms. Phillipps im- paling Trehy. Thos. John Phillipps married Caroline d-aughter of Paul Trehy Trehy of Goodamoor Co. Devon.) Phillipps, Thos., Newport House. (The last plate with inscrip)tion altered.) (1810 wnilc. in paper.) [Phillipps, Thos. John, Newport House] , anonjaiious Phillipps. See also De Lisle. Phillips Phillips. (C. AV. T.) Phillips, Edward, Rector of Maesmynys Phillips, Edward, Melksham. (Ezekiel Exon. soul.) Phillips, Edward . . Phillips, Edward, Junr. . . Phillips, George .. Phillips, George Faudel Phillips, Guy. {Arms. Phillips impaling the coat home hy the Earls of Warwich of the Beaumont or NcwhurgJi family.) Phillips, John, F.R.s. St. Mary's Lodge York Phillips, John Ledj'ard. {Arms. Phillips, quartering ' ' - ■ -■ .) (Huntly, sc.) {Arms. Phillips quartering (Warwick sc. Style. (Arms. Pliillips impaling Ledyard, impaling . Phillips, I. R. Spencer Spencer of Newcastle - upon - Tyne.) 145 Strand.) Phillips, Mary Dorothea Phillips.) Phillips, M. John. {Printed on green pajjer) Phillips, S., me jui-e tenet Phillips, Silvanus Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Thos., of Ickford in the county of Bucks Gent. (Grave a Liege par du Vivier.) Phillips, Thomas, Yswain [February 15th 1851] .. Phillips, Thomas Bacon, M.D. .. Phillips, William. (Arms. Phillips with . . . oi an escutcheon.) Phillips, William, Esqre. [Anns. Phillips impaling Massy !) Phillips, William Page Thomas. (Arms. Phillips impaling Broiuning .) [Phillips, E.] , anonymous (Phillips), anonj-mous. (Printed in red.) (18)92 (G. W, Eve.) Phillipson, LB Phillipson. Ralph Park. {The plate of Nicholas John Philipson with inscription altered.) Phillott, Revd. Chas., m.a. Ch. Ch. Oxford. (Arms. Phillott quartering Fane !) Phillott, Henry Rodney, Madras Army. {Arms. Phillott impaling Lowndes Phillott, Revd, James Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Printed label Festoon Armoi'ial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ariuorial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial lozenge Ai-morial Printed label Armorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Armorial Jacobean Armorial Printed label Ai'morial Ai'morial Ai'morial Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Crest 360 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 28523 23524 23525 23526 23527 23528 23529 23530 23531 23532 23533 23534 23535 23536 23537 23588 23539 23540 23541 23542 23543 28544 PhiUaft itnpaling SacTiville ?) Bishop of Exeter. {A {Arms. Phillpotts Phillott, Johnson. (Arms. (Huntly, Bath.) Phillpotts, The Seal of Henry, d.d. hooTcplaie?) 1830. Phillpotts, .John, Jimr. Gloucester qitartering Glover.) (Phillpotts), anonymous. {The last plate without inscrip- tion.) Phillpotts Library. Truro. See Boscawen Viscount Falmouth. Philpot, Benj. Chr. Coll. Cant. Soc Philpot, Stephen . . Philpott, Rich. St'p'r, m.a. Prebendary of Wells. Eiver House Hammersmith. 1884. (E. H. N. (New).) Phirm, Thomas .. (Phipps), The Right Honble. Constantine Lord ]\Iulgi-ave, Baron of New Ross, in the Kingdom of Ireland. (Arms. Phipps ivipaling Harvey. Constantine Phipps, created Baron Mulgrave 1767, married 1743 Lepell, darighter of John, Baron Hervey of Ichworth ; died 1775.) (Phipps), Constantine John, Baron Mulgrave of New Ross in the Kingdom of Ireland. (Succeeded 1775 as 2nd Baron; created Baron Mulgrave of Mulgrave 1790; diedll^2. Arms. Phipps quartering Darnley, Annesley, Dennis, Chandos, Damory, and Altham.) (Phipps), Right Honble. Constantine John, Baron Mulgrave. (A smaller plate ivith different supporters.) (Phipps), Constantine John. Baron Mulgrave of New Ross in the Kingdom of Ireland. Style. (Phipps), Henry Baron Mulgrave, of Mulgrave in Yorkshire & of New Ross in the Kingdom of Ireland. (Succeeded 1792 as 3rd Baron ; created Baron Mulgrave of Mul- grave 1794 and Viscount Normanby and Earl of Milgrave 1812.) (Phipps, Earl of Mulgrave), anonpnous. (Arms. Phi])jjs impaling Russell. Geo. Aug. Constanti7ie, Earl of Mulgrave, ^vho succeeded 1863 as 2nd Marquess of Normanhy, married. 1844 Laura, daughter of Captn. Robert Russell, R.N.) (Phipps, Marquess of Normanby), anonymous (Phipps, ]\Iarqviess of Normanby), anonymous. (The last ptlate printed on green paper.) (Phipps, Marquess of Normanby), anonymous. (The last 2ylate 2>rintcd on brown-tinted paper.) Phipps Phipps Phipps, Honble. Augustus. Lincolns Inn. (Fifth son of Ihr Ut Baron Mulgrave, born 1762; died 1826.) Phipps, Honble. Augustus. (The last plate tvitJi inscription altered.) Phipps, Honble. & Revd. Augustus F., Boxford Rectory, Suffolk. (Arms. Phipps impaling FitzRoy. Honble. and Revd. Aug. Frederick Phipps inarried 1837 Mary Elizabeth Emily, daughter of Henry, 5ih Duhc of Grafton.) Armorial shield in a garter Vesica Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale book- pile Armorial Pictorial lozenge Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 361 Name, Date, and Engbaver. 23545 23546 23547 *278 23548 23549 23550 *411 23551 23552 23553 23554 23555 23556 23557 23558 23559 23560 23561 23562 23563 23564 23565 23566 23567 23568 23569 23570 23571 Phipps, Honble. Charles. {Second son Mnlgrave; borm 1183 ; died 1786.) Phipps, Hoiible. Charles of the 1st Baron {Lord Phipps, Constantine, of the Middle Temple Esqr CJiancclIor of Ireland 1710.) 1703. Phipps, Constantine, of the Middle Temple Esqv. {Another iiniyression of the last jjlatc.) 1703. Phipps, Honble. Constantine John. {Eldest son of the 1st Baron Mitlgrave, horn 1744; succeeded as 2nd Baron 1775.) Phipps, Honble. Edmund. {Fourth son of the 1st Baron Mnlgrave, born 1760; died 1837.) Phipps, Honble. Edmund. {The plate of the Honble. Charles Phijjps reworTxed.) Phipps, George, of Oxford Esqr. {Arms. Phipps, with Phisey ? on an escutcheon, impaling Vincent. George Phipps married Catherine, daughter of Sir Francis Vincent, 5th Bart.) 1705. Phipps, Jno. Warner Phipps, Josiali Phipps, L. E., Middle Temple.. Phipps, Lt. Colonel P. {Arms. Phipjys impaling Arnold. Lt.-Col. Pownall Phipps, E.I.C. Service, married Sophia Matilda, daughter of General Benedict Arnold.) Phipps, Mr. Wathen (Phipps), anon;^anous (Phipps), anonymous or mutilated. {Arms. Phippis, quartering Waller, Berkerolles ?, Bunce, and Allen, impaling Slack. Jonathan Wathen Phip)p>s, -who as- sumed the name and arms of Waller in 1814 and was created a Baronet 1815, marned Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Slack of Braybrick Lodge.) Phipson, Ex Libris Ricardi Makilwaine Phythian, John . . Picard, John Trenchard . . Pieard, Valle., Canterbm-y [Picard, Geo.] , anonj^mous (Picard), anonymous. {A different plate'] Pickance, Wm., Liverpool Pickering, Edward Pickering, Edward Rowland. {Arms. Pickering, quartering Umfreville, Meeres, and Weld, with Vere, quartering Proctor, on an escutcheon.) Pickering, Roger, Gent. Pickering, Mr. SI. Pickering, T. A. . . (Pickering), anonymous. (A later impression of the plate of Boger Pickering without inscription.) Pickersgill, William C. , . . . .... Style. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial supporters Wreath and ribbon Armorial Ai'morial shield on a mantle Early Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai-morial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Crest Chippendale Armorial Crest in a square frame Crest in a square frame Chippendale xlrmorial Ai-morial spade shield Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial 362 Franlis Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 23572 Pickett, Willm., Esqr. 23573 (Pickett), anonymous. {The last 2>late without inscription) 23574 23575 23576 23577 23578 23579 23580 23581 23582 23583 23584 23585 23586 *107 *38 *49 *97 23587 23588 23589 23590 Style. [Pickett, William, Alderman] , anonymous. {The last plate with inscription in MS.) Piekford, Frances. {Arms. Q^barterly. 1 and 4. Radcliffe ; 2. Piekford ; 3. Sunderland.) Piekford, John Piekford, John. {The last plate with motto added) Piekford, Josepli. Esqr. Piekford, Joseph, Esqr. {Arms. PicTcford luith Perceval on an escutcheon. See next plate.) Piekford, Joseph, Esqr. {Arms. Pichford luith Perceval on an escutcheon, impaling Sunderland. Joseph PicTc- ford, horn 1744, married 1st 1763 Katherine, daughter and heir of Thomas Perceval of Roy ton Hall, co. Lan- caster, and Indly 1765 Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Bichard Sunderland of High Sunderland, co, York.) Piekford, Revel. Joseph, a.m. {The first plate of Joseph Piekford, Esqr., with inscription altered.) Piekford, Revd. Joseph, a.m. {Arms. Piekford, quartering Sunderland, impaling Grant. Bevd. Joseph Piekford, horn 1766, married Mary, daughter of Sir John Archi- bald Grant of Monymusk, Bart.) Pieton, Sir James AUanson, f.s.a. {Born 1805 ; knighted 1881. " Pidroek, John Pierce, Eichard. Wexford Pierce, William L. (Maverick Sculpt.) Pierce Fund. See Boston Public Library, Pierpont, The Eight Honble. Evelin, Earl of Kingston. 1703. Pierrepont, The Eight Honble. Evelin, Earl of (.1 Hinaller plate.) 1703. (Pierrepont), The Eight Honble. WUliam, Earl of Kings- ton. {The plate of Viscottiit Newark with inscription altered.) 1707. (Pierrepont), The Eight Honble. William, Lord Viscount Newark. 1706. (Pierrepont, Duke of Kingston), anonymous. {Ai'ms. 1. Pierrcjjont ; 2. Chudleigh. Evelyn, 2nd Duke of Kingston, E.G., married 1769 Elizabeth, daughter of Col. Thomas Chudleigh; died 1773.) (Pierrepont), Earl Manvers. Thoresby Park, Notts. (Neele sc. 352 Strand.) (Pierrepont), Earl !Manvers. Thoreshy I'ark, Notts died 1889.) Kingston. (Pierrepont, Earl) IManvers. Thoresby Picrrej)ont impaling de Franqnetof. Herbert, Sid Earl Manvers, succeeded 1852 Georginc Jane Elizabeth, danghler Coigny.) I'ark. {Arins. Sydney Wm. 1860; married of the Duke de Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade sliield on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial lozenge Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Earl}' Armorial Cliippendale Armorial. Two shields accole Armorial spadr shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 363 Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 23591 (Pierrepont), Anne Newark. {Arms. Pierrepont luitli Mills on an escutcheon. See the jylate of Charles Pierre- l)ont.) 23592 (Pierrepont), Anne Man vers. {The last lAate reiuorlcccl) .. 23593 (Pierrepont), Anne Manvers. Holme Pierrepont .. Pierrepont, Charles, {Arms. Pierrepont, quartering Manvers, Heriz, Talbot, Harris and Evelyn, with Mills on an escutcheon. Charles Medows, ivho assumed the natne and arms of Pierrepont in 1788 and was created Baron Pierrepont and Viscount Neioarh in 1796, and Earl Manvers 1806, married in4An7ie Orton, daughter of William Mills of Richmond. He died 1816; she died 1832.) Pierrepont, Charles, of Thoresby Park, Notts. {The last p)late with inscription altered.) Pierrepont, Evel.)Ti. (Neele sc. Strand) Style. 23595 23596 23597 23598 *410 *450 23599 23600 23601 23602 23603 Pierrepont, Henry Manvers Pierrepont, Philip Sidney. Evenley Hall, Northampton- shire. {Arms. Pierrepont ivith Browne on an es- cutcheon. The Honble. P. S. Pierrepont married 1810 Georgiana, daughter and heir of Herbert Gwynne Broiune of Tinley Parh, co. Merioneth and widoio of Pryce Edioards of Talgarth ; died 1864.) Pierrepont, The Honble. William, of Notiugham, Esqr. 1703. Pierrepont, The Honble. William, of Notingham, Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. Pierson, Charles . . Pigeon, Eichard Hotham. {Arms. Pigeon impaling Whiting f) Pigg, Thomas. Newcastle .. .. .. .... Piggott, John. {ComjJare this with the plate of " William Hogarth " and " Onslow " anonymous, which seem to be by the same engraver.) (Piggott), anonymous 23604 Pigot 23605 Pigot, Charles, Esqr. Peplow 23606 Pigot, Creswell. {The plate of Charles Pigot with inscrip- tion altered.) 23607 Pigot, Vice Admiral Sir Hugh 23608 Pigott, Captam 23609 Pigott, Charlotte, at Whilton, Middlesex. 1737 . . 23610 Pigott, Edward, of Whitton in ye Parish of Twickenham, Middx., Gent. {The plate of Nathaniell Pigott re- worhed.) 1737. 23611 Pigott, Francis Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial lozenge and supporters on a mantle Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Armorial Armorial Earl}' Armorial Earl}' Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Pictorial Jacobean Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Aj'morial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial 364 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 23612 Pigott, Franciscus. Int. Templi Socius 23613 Pigott, Francis, Esqr., Barrister at Law. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 23614 Pigott, Francis, Esqr. {Arms. Pigott, as granted 1775, with Paynton on an escutcheon. Francis Pigott married Anne Dolby, daughter and heir of Richard Paynton of Banbury House, co. Oxford.) 23615 Pigott, Gillery. (Johnson sc. Bristol) 23616 Pigott, Jams 23617 Pigott, Nathaniell, of the Inner Temple, London, Esqr. 1703. 23618 Pigott, The Revel. Shveeve Botry ^ 23619 Pigott, Southwell, de Kilfenny in Com. Limerick, Arm. . . 23620 Pigott, Thomas Digby. ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. AV. Franks.) 23621 Pigott, W., LL.B 23622 Pigott, Sir William, Bart. {The inscription is not engraved on the ])late.) 23623 Pigott, Wm. Jackson 23624 (Pigott, Baronet), anonymous. {The plate of Sir William Pigott without inscription.) 23625 Pigou, Charles Edward 23626 Pigou, Frederick. {Arms. Pigou impaling Wilson ?) 23627 Pilgrim, Charles. Hampstead . . 23628 Pilgrim, Charles H. {Arms. Pilgrim with Holford on an escutcheon. Charles Henry Pilgrim married Mary, daughter of Charles Holford of Hamp)stead, Co. Middlesex.) 23629 Pilkington, Charles 23630 Pilkington, Henry. {Arms. PilMngton quartering Andrews, imj^aling Forster.) (J. Pi. Isaac sc. 62 Castle Street, Liverpool.) 28631 Pilkington, John, Esqre. Bolton. (Arms. Pilhiyigton quartering Shaw.) 28632 Pilkington, William 23683 (Pilkington, Baronet), anonj-mous. {Anus. PilMngton quartering Swinncrton and Milborne.) 23634 Pillans,J 28635 Pilling, William 23636 Pincke, Thos. Alured. {Arms. Pincke quartering Aldrcd, Prendcrgast .- and Clifton.) 23637 Pindar, Thomas, Esqr. Bromby-wood Hall, Lincolnshire 23638 (Pindar, Baronet), anonymous. (Sir Paul Pindar, Srd and last Baronet, died 1704-5.) (B. Cole dclin. et sculp.) 2.86.39 (Pindar, Baronet), anonymous. (A smaller plate.) (B.Cole dclin. et sculp.) 2.3640 Pinder 23641 Pinder, Revd. John Hothersall. {Arms. Pinder quartering Hothersall.) Style. Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Crest Early Jacobean Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Annoi-ial Armorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Early Armorial Early Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Platrs. 365 Name Date, and Engeavee. 23642 Pinfold, Arabella 23643 Pinfold, Chas,, L.L.D 23644 Pinfold, Chas., L.L.D. {A different opiate) 23645 Pinfold,' Chas., l.l.d. Governor of Barbados. {The lasf plate with inscription altered.) 23646 Pinfold, Louisa 23647 Pinker, Charles 23648 Pinkerton 23649 Pinkerton, .John 23650 Pinkerton, Mr 23651 Pinkerton, William, F.S.A., F.A.s.L. 23652 Pinkney, Robert 23653 Pinkstan, Fleming. {Aryns. Pinkstan quartering Fleming) 23654 Pinney, John, Esqr. (Arms. Pinney quartering Pretor) .. Pinney, John Charles Pinnock, The Revd. Mr. {Arms. Pennoch or Pinnocl- quartering Harris.) 23657 Pinsent, T. 23658 Piper, Stephen Edward 23659 Pipon, Thomas Earle. {Arms. Pipon quartering Earle) 23660 Pippet, Hem-y Dixon 23661 Pirie, Neil B 23662 Pitcairn, Elizabeth. {Arms. Pitcairn impaling Almacl-. Elizabeth, daughter ofWilliam Almack, married David Pitcairn, M.D., ivho died 1809.) Pitcairn, J. {Arms. Pitcairn quartering Ramsay '!) Pitcairn, John, of Pitcairns. (Lizars, Set.) . . Pitcairn, John, Esqr., Pitcairns, co. Perth. {Originally engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illastra- tio7is,'' and afteriuards used as a bookplate.) 23666 Pitcairn, Robert, Writer to the Signet. (Engd. by W. D. Lizars.) 23667 Pitches, Robei-t 23668 Pitchford, John 23669 Pitfeild, Charles, of Hoxton in the Parish of St. Leonards Shoreditch in jMiddlesex Esqr. descended of the ancient family of the Pitfeilds of Symsbury in Dorsetshire, and is now maried to Winefrid one of the Daughters and Cceheyrs of John Adderley of Cotou in Stafordshne Esqr. {See the plate of his Arms as Sir Charles Pitfeild, Kniqht, in the 5th Edition of Guillini's Heraldry, 1679.) 23670 (Pitman), Oulton Hall. {Arms. Pitman quartering Bell) 23671 Pitman, Thomas. {The Anns and Crest of Dye or Dickes.) 23672 (Pitt, Baron Camelford), anonymous. {Probably the plate of Thomas Pitt of Boco7inoc, created Baron Camelford 1784 ; died 1793.) 23673 (Pitt), Lord Rivers 23674 Pitt, Geoe. Style. Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Ai-morial lozenge Ai-morial spade shield Crest Pictorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Landscajje crest Chippendale Annorial Armorial spade shield Crest in a garter Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Pictorial Armorial lozenge Ai-morial Armorial Arnaorial Armorial Armorial Crest Early Armorial Ai-morial Annorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield 366 FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engkaveb. 23675 Pitt, John *500 Pitt, Robert, Esqr. {Arms. Pitt impaling Villiers. Robert Pitt of Boconnoc married Harriet, sister of John, Earl of Gi'andison.) 23676 Pitt, Thomas 23677 Pitt, William 23678 Pitt, WUliam. {A different plate) 23679 Pitt, William, of Binfield, Berks., Esqr. (Arms. Pitt quartering Grey, impaling Wyndliam. William Pitt, son of George Pitt of Strathfieldsaye, by his 2nd wife, Lora, daughter and heir of Audley Grey of Kirigston, CO. Dorset, married Elizabeth Wyndliam ; died 1774.) 23680 (Pitt), anonj-mous. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks. } First Lord Camelford.) 23681 (Pitt), anonymous. {Arms. Pitt impaliiig Bivers) Pitt Clvib. See Cambridge. 23682 Pittman, James . . 23683 Pittman, Mr. {Arms. Pittman imjmling Hill !) .. 23684 Pittman, William 23685 Pix, G. B 23686 Pixell 23687 Pixell, C. H. V. {The last plate with inscription altered) .. 23688 Pixley, Ex Libris Bibliothecse Francisci Gulielmi, a.d. 1889. (C. W. D. (Dempsey).) 23689 Place, Edwd 23690 Plagaven, Geo 23691 Plampin, John . . 23692 Planch^, James Robinson, Rouge Croix Poursuivant of Arms. 23693 Planeh6, James Robinson, Somerset Herald. (Born 1796; Rouge Croix Pursuivant 1854; Somerset Herald 1866; died 1871. The last plate retoorked.) • 23694 Plasket, T. Hem-y, (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23695 Piatt, Jno. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 23696 Piatt, Ex Grege Johannis, Xmas'. 1892. (J. D. B. (Batten).) 23697 Piatt, Joshua 23698 Piatt, Willm. Frans., v.R.M 23699 Player, Henry, Malmesbury 2.3700 Player, Perry", Gent 23701 Playfair, (Baron). (Sir Lyon Play fair, K.C.B., created a Peer 1892 ; died 1898.) 23702 Playne, William 23703 Plenderleath, C. W. M., r.n. ( The plate of David Plcnder- Icath luifh inscription altered.) 23704 Plenderleath, Dayid, of Glen, Esqr Style. Chippendale Armorial Earlj' Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon pictorial Armorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Seal Armorial Seal Annorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Franks CoUection of Book Plates. 367 Name, Date, and Engraver. 23705 Plendei'leath, William Charles. {Arms. Plenderlcath quartering Bulmer, imjmling Braytliivaite ? quartering Breton.) 23706 Pleydell, John Cleeve, Esqr 23707 . Pleydell, Wm. Morton 23708 (Pleydell), anonymous. {An earlier state of the plate of John Cleeve Pleydell without iiiscription.) 23709 (Pleydell), anonymous. {Arms. Pleydell, quartering Pratt, Walden, and Kirkhy ^ with Steivart on an escutcheon. Mark Stewart Pleydell, created a haronet 1732, married 1719 Mary, daughter and heir of Bohert Stewart ; died 1768.) 23710 Plimpton, "William. (Ovenden set.) 23711 Plincke, William 23712 Plow, Eev. Henry Anthony, B.D., F.s. A., F.E. A. s. 23713 Plowden, Edmond, Esqr., of Plowden. {Sitcceeded to Plo'wden in 1754 ; died 1768.) 23714 Plowden, Mr. William 23715 Plowden, W. H. C. {Arms. Plowden quartering Ayliffe and Chicheley.) 23716 Plowden, Wm. H. Chicheley. {Arms. Plowden impaling Campbell. W. H. C. Plotoden of Eivhurst Park, co. Southampton, married Annette, daughter of Edward Camphell.) 23717 Plowman, Joseph, Oxford 23718 (Plunibe), anonjinous .. 23719 Plumer, Sir Thos. {Arms. Plumer, quartering Hall, Leventhorp ? and Morgan ? impaling Turton. Thomas Plumer, born 1753; Solicitor-General 1807; Vice Chan- cellor 1813; Master of the Rolls 1818; married 1794 Marianne, datighter of John Turton of Sugnall, co. Stafford ; died 1824.) 23720 Plumley, Peter. (18 — . wmk. in paper) 23721 Plummer of Middlestead. {Arms. Plummer quartering Kerr.) 23722 Plummer, Charles 23723 Plummer, John 23724 Plummer, Thos. Willm. {Arms. Plummer impaling Thompson.) 23725 Plummer, Thos. Wm 23726 Plumptre, Charles J 23727 Plumptre, Edward Hajes. {Arms. Plumptre impaling Maurice. Edward Hayes Plumptre, D.D., born 1821; Dean of Wells 1881 ; married 1848 Harriet Theodosia, daughter of the Bevel. M. Maurice; died 1891.) 23728 Plumptre, Eevd. Henry 23729 Plumptre, John 23730 Plumptre, Robert. {Arms. Plumptre with Ta/ppes on an escutcheon.) 23731 (Plumptre), anonymous.. Style. Armorial Armorial trophy Armorial spade shield in a border Armorial trophy Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon engraved label Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Armorial AiTnorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Wreath and ribbon crest Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial 368 Fratiks Collect ion of Booh Platen. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 23732 23733 23734 23735 23736 23737 23738 23739 23740 23741 23742 23743 23744 23745 23746 23747 23748 23749 23750 23751 23752 23753 23754 23755 23756 23757 23758 *125 23759 23760 Style. {Arms. Poer quartering Brotonc) (knighted 18'61) .'. '.'. Poer, George Beresfovd. Poingdestre, John Poland, Sir William Henry. Pole, Caroliis Pole, Charles, Esqr. {Arms. Pole impaling BuUer. Charles Pole of Wyck Hill House, co. Gloucester, who resumed in 1853 his paternal surname of Van Notten before th^t of Pole, married 1795 Fclizarda Matilda, daughter of Biehard Bulln- ; died 1864.) Pole, German, of Eaclbourne. {Succeeded to Badhournc 1735 ; died 1765.) Pole, Sir John of Shute in the coiintv of Devon IJaronet. {Succeeded 1695 as 3rd Baronet ; died 1707.) 1699. Pole, Reginald. {The plate of Carolus Pole with inscrip- tion altered.) Pole, William, of Bally-Finn Esqr. (Plunket, Baron), anonj-mous .. Plvmket, David. {Arms. PlunJcet impaling Aldridge) .. Plunkett, James, Earl of Fingall. (Succeeded 1738 as 1th Earl ; died 1793.) Plnnkett, Joseph, Esqr. . . (Plvmkett), anonjiTious .. (Plunkett), anonjnnous .. Plymouth, Earl of. See Windsor-Hickman. Plymouth, Countess of. See Pitz-Charles. Pochin, George, Barkby Hall, Leicestershire.. Pocklington, Joseph. 1783 .. Pocklington, Joseph, Newark, Nottinghamshire. 17 — . (W. S. (Stephens).) Pocklington, Joseph, Carlton, Nottinghamshire. {The last ^j?afe loith inscription altered.) 17- — . (W. S. (Stephens).) Pocklington, Joseph, Newark, Nottinghamshire. 17 [611. (W. S. (Stephens).) Pocklington, Joseph, Carlton, Nottinghamshire. {The last plate with inscrip)tion altered.) Ill — . (W. S. (Stephens).) Pocklington, Joseph, Carlton, Nottinghamsliire. {The last plate ivith the last figure of the date erased.) 17 — . (W. S. (Stephens).) Pocklington, Ex Libris Joseph Nelsey, clerc., m.a. .. (Pocklington), anonymous PoGock, Lewis, f.s.a. Pocock, Thomas P. Pocock, William .. (Pocock), anonpnons Poe,_ Mr. & The Honble. Mrs. William. {Arms. Poc impaling Skeffington, William Thomas Po'e married 1854, as his second ivife, Elizabeth Mary, daughter of ' Thomas Henry, Ind Viscount Ferrard.) Poer, Baroness Le Poer. {A bookplate .') Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Late Jacobean Armorial Late Jacobean Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Vesica Armorial •Jacobean Armorial Seal Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield in a beaded o^al Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Early JacobcaJi Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Fi'ank.'i Collection of Booh Plates. 309 Name, Date, and Engeavee. 23761 *190 23762 *243 23762 1 23763 23764 *254 28765 23766 23767 23768 23769 *423 23774 23775 23776 23777 Foley, Edmund, of Badley in Com Suffolk, Esqr. 1707 .. Foley, Edmund, of Badley in Com Sufifolk Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1707. Foley, Edmund, of Badley in com Suffolk Esqr. (A smaller plate. This seems to be the plate of Henry Foley rewo7'ked.) 1707. Foley, Edmund, of Badley in Com Suffolk Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1707. Foley, Edmund, of Badley in Com. Suffolk Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate pasted in a volume entitled ^' A True and Perfect Relation of the Proceedings at the several Arraignments of the late most barbarous Traitors.") 1707. Foley, George Weller Esqr. Boxted Hall, co. Suffolk. {Arms. Quarterly of 10. 1. Poley ; 2. Weller; 3. Poley, ancient; 4. Badwell; 5. Leyes ; 6. Knighton; 7. Weyland ; 8. BocJcell ; 9. Blyant ; 10. Shaa. Origin- ally engraved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illus- trations," and afterwards used as a bookplate.) Foley, Henry of Badley in Com Suff. Esqr. 1703 .. Foley, Henry, of Badley in Com Suff. Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. Foley, William. March 30, 1703 (Foley;, anonymous (Foley), anonymous. {Arms. Poley, with Barrett on an escutcheon. '■'■ Bev. W. W. Poley drawn by B. used.") Folhill, Frederick. {Arms. Polhill, qtiartering de Buck- land, impaling Dakeyne. Frederick Polhill ofHoiubury Hall, CO. Bedford, married 1824 Frances Margaretta, daughter of Osmond Dakeyne of Old Hall, East Bridgeford.) Folhill, John, Esqr. (W. S. (Stephens).) quartering Weller, Note on the back, Almack F.S.A. not 23770 Follard, Joseph. Newcastle . . 23771 FoUen, Eevd. George. 1787 23772 FoUen, Revd. G. P. Boileau. {Arms. Pollen quartering Boileau.) 23773 FoUen, John, Esqr. (F. Gardner S.) Follexfen, Nicholas, of Waddon in Com. Surry Esqr. {Arms. Pollexfen impaling Yarborough.) Folloek, A. Russell Follock, A. Russell. [1858] Folloek, Carlile. (Maverick set.) Follock, David. {Arms. Pollock with Atkinson, quarter - ing Fisher, on an escutcheon. David Pollock, Chief Justice of Bombay, 1846, married 1807 Elizabeth Gore, daughter of John Atkiyison ; died 1847.) 23778 Follock, Frederick. {Arms. Pollock impaling Bivers. Jonathan Frederick Pollock, created a baronet 1866, married 1813, as his 1st loife, Frances, daughter of Francis Bivers.) 23779 Follock, Frederick. {The last plate retuorked) VOL. II, Style. Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Landscape Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial Ai'morial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 2 B 370 Franhs Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 23780 23781 23782 (Pollock), The Lord Chief Baron. {Arvis. Pollock impaling Langslotv. Sir Jonathan Frederick Pollock, appointed Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer 1844, married 1834, as his Ind wife, Sarah Anne Amowah, daughter of Cap)t. Richard Langsloiv of Hatton, co. Middlesex ; died 1870.) Pollock, Frederick. 1888. (C. W. S. (Shcrborn).) .. Pollock, Su- Frederick . . 23783 Pollock, George 23784 Pollock, Sir George, G.c.B. (Arms. 1. Pollock ; 2. Pollock impaling Wollaston. Field Marshall Sir George Pollock, created a Baronet 1872, married 1852, as his 2nd tvife, Henrietta, daughter of George Hyde Wollaston ; died 1872.) 23785 Pollock, George Frederick 23786 Pollock, Hugh 23787 Pollock, John 23788 Pollock, Walter Herries, M.A. 1893. (A. C. (Castle).) 23789 Pollock, William 23790 Pollock, W. F. {William Frederick Pollock succeeded 1870 as 2nd Baronet; died 1888.) 23791 Pollok, Sir Hew Crawfurd, of Pollok, Baronet. [Printed in colours. Arms. Quarterly, 1. and 4. Pollok ; 2. and 3. Crawfurd and Barclay qua^'terly.) *568 Pollok, Sr. Robert, of that ilk Baronet. 1707 23792 Pollok, Sr. Robert, of Pollok Bartt 23793 Polwhele, Richard G., Esq. Polwhele, Cornwall. {Origin- ally engraved by Emslie for ^' Burke's Heraldic Uhis- trations," and afteriuards tised as a bookplate.) 23794 (Pomeroy), Viscount Harberton 23795 Pomeroy, Henry, Esqr. .. 23796 Pomery, J. Redi-uth Pomfret, Earl and Countess of. See Farmor and Fermor. 23797 Pomier, Andrew . . 23798 (Ponsonby, Earl of) Bessborough 23799 (Ponsonby), H. F. Bessborough. {Henrietta Frances, daughter of John, 1st Earl Spencer, married 1780 John, ^rd Earl of Bessborough and died 1821.) (G. B. Cipriani inv. F. Bartolozzi sculps. R.A. London. Pubd. Deer. 30, 1796 by F. Bartolozzi.) 23800 (Ponsonby, Countess of Bessborough), H. F. B 23801 (Ponsonby, Baron), anonymous. {Arms. Ponsonby, qxiarter- ing Margrtson, impaling Villicrs. John, 2nd Baron Ponsonby, succeeded 1806; created Viscount Ponsonby 1839 ; married 1803 Frances, datighter of George, 4tli Earl of Jersey ; died 1855.) 23802 (Ponsonby, Baron), anonAinous. {A dijfcrcnt plate) 2M803 (Ponsonby, Baron) De IMaulcy. {Arms. Ponsonby, quartering Ashley Cooper, impaling Ponsonby. The Honble. Charles Frederick Ashley Cooper Ponsonby, Style. Armorial Annorial Armorial supporters Wreath and ribbon Armorial Annorial. Two shields accole with supporters Armorial Crest in a garter Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest and badge of Ulster Armorial supporters Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial supporters Armorial Annorial Festoon Ai'morial Printed label Festoon Armorial Engi-aved label Pictorial Cypher on a mantle Armorial Ai'morial Festoon Annorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 371 Name, Date, and Engraver. ioho succeeded 1855 as 2nd Baron de Mauley, married 1838 Maria Jane Elizabeth, daughter of John William, 4th Earl of Besshorough.) 23804 Ponsonby, Edwin 23805 Ponsonby, F 28806 Ponsonby, F 23807 Ponsonby, Honble. F. (Dugdale) .. 23808 Ponsonby, Frederick J. W 23809 Ponsonby, E libris Geraldi. 1880 . . 23810 G. P. (The Honble. Gerald Ponsonby) 23811 Ponsonby, Gerald. 1888. (Curwen Dublin) 23812 Ponsonby, Gerald. {The last plate printed in broivn.) 1888. (Curwen Dublin.) 23813 Ponsonby, Geraldine. 1882 23814 Ponsonby, Henry & Mary. (Arms. Ponsonby impaling Bulteel, The Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Frederick Ponsonby, G.C.B., married 1861 The Honble. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John CrocTcer Bulteel of Flete.) 23815 Ponsonby, Miles, Esq. Hale Hall, Co. Cumberland. (Originally engraved by Appleby for ^'Burke's Heraldic Illustrations," and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 23816 Ponsonby, Theobald Brabazon. 1891. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).)| 23817 Ponsonby, William Ashley Webb 23818 Ponsonby, William Ashley Webb. [The last plate printed on grey paper.) 23819 Ponsonby, W. G. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 23820 Pontet, M. A 23821 Pontifex, Frederick. {Arms. Pontifex impaling . . .) (Pugh Bros. Lincolns Inn.) 23822 Pontifex, William. ((18)08. wmk. in paper) 23828 (Pontifex), anonymous. {Arms. Pontifex impaling Holds- worth.) 23824 Poole, Charles 28825 Poole, I. e Coll. Omn. An. Soc. 1762. {Arms. Poole quartering Wadesley .') 23826 Poole, Jacob. Growtown 23827 Poole, Thomas, Esq. Maj'field, Co. Cork. {Originally en- graved by Becker for '■^Burke's Heraldic niustrations," and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 23828 Poole, William. Homend. {Arms. Poole quartering Bedell, Allan and Wadesley T) 23829 (Poole), anonymous or mutilated 23830 Pooley, Dr. John, Lord Bishop of Rapho. {Dean of Ossory 1675 ; Bishop of Cloyn 1697 ; translated to Bapho 1702; died 1713.) 23831 Poor, Henry Varnum 23832 Poor, Henry William 28833 Poore, George 23834 Poore, George Collins. {Arms. Poore, quartering Collins, impaling Meares ? quartering . . . .) Style. Crest Printed label Crest Crest Armorial Engraved label. Name in a beaded oval Crest Bookpile Armorial Bookpile Armorial Festoon engraved label Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial 2 B 2 372 FmnJcs Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 23835 Poore, J, M. E 23836 Poore, Kevd. John. (Seed set.) 23837 (Poore ?), anonymous. (Timbiary & Browne, Fetter Lane sc.) 23838 23839 23839} 23840 23841 Pope, Alfred Crosby, m.d. Pope, Archdeacon. {Arms. Pope impaling Bigg) .. Pope, La. Beata. April 3, An. Dom. 164L (Beata, daughter of Sir Henry Poole, married 1636 Sir Tliomas Pope, ivlio succeeded 1660 as drd Earl of Doivne. Pasted in a volume entitled " a Discourse of Eternitie.'") Pope, John. (Bottomley sc.) . . R. P. (Pope) Style. 23842 Pope, Robert 23843 Pope, Thomas 23844 Pope, W. A. 23845 Pope, William Evans. Franks.) 23846 (Popham.) Littlecote 23847 Popham, Alexander ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. 23848 Popham, Alexander. Middle Temple. 1798 23849 23850 23851 23852 23853 23854 23855 23856 23857 23858 23859 23860 23861 23862 23863 23864 Popham's, Miss Sarah, Book .. (Popley), anon;yixious. {Arms, Popley qiiartering Aldred) Poppe, C (Popple?), anonymous. {The impaled coat is probably Brisco, the dexter coat is perhaps Wynn with the field azure instead of vert.) Popplewell, John. Woodford, Essex .. Porcher, Charles. {Arms. Porclier impaling Bedhead. Charles Porcher of Clyffe, co. Dorset, married 1828 Ellinor, daughter of Thomas Bedhead.) Porcher, George. {Arms. Porcher impaling Chamier. The Bevd. George Porcher married Amelia, daughter of John Chamier.) Porcher, George Porcher, Henry Porcher, Henry. Porcher, Henry. Porcher, Josias {A smaller plate) {A smaller plate) .. {A7-ms. Porcher impaling Peirce) Du Pre. {Arms. Porcher impaling Burnaby. Josias du Pre Porcher of Winslade House, CO. Devon, married Charlotte, daughter of Admiral Sir William Burnaby, Bart.) Porkington Library (Port), anonymous Portal, Charles Septimus. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) Portal, E Libris Bibliothecaj Georgii Raymondi de, Armi- geri. (O. Jewitt.) Portal, John and Elizth. {Arms. Portal impaling Drum- mond. John Portal of Freefolk Priors, co. Southamp- ton, married 1815, as his 2nd tvife, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Drummond of the Grange.) Crest Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Festoon bookpile Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Printed label Jacobean Armorial Bookpile Festoon Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Engi-aved label Jacobean Armorial Armorial Vesica Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 373 Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 23866 Portal, Jos. (R. M. Sculp. (Mountaine).) 23867 23868 23869 23870 Portal, E Bibliotheca Melville de, De Laverstoke .. Portal, E Bibliotheca Melville de, De Laverstoke, Armig. (O. J. (Jewitt).) Portarlington, Earl of. See Dawson. (Porteous), anonymous. {Arms. Porteous quartering Scott) Porter, Anna Margaretta 23871 Porter, Benjamin 23872 Porter, Charles 23873 Porter, Edward Clark 23874 Porter, George. (Sharpe Sculp.) 23875 Porter, John, Esqr 23876 Porter, The Arms of John, Esqr. (Probably not a book- plate.) 23877 Porter, Ex Libris Josephine E. S. 1895. (W. F. Hop- son N. H.) 23878 Porter, Ludovic 23879 Porter, Sinckler 23880 Porter, Thomas 23881 Poi'ter, William. (The arms luere granted in 1804.) (1794. wmk. in paper.) (Merrifield 11 Piccadilly.) 23882 W. P. (Porter) " 22883 Porter, \V. H., Junr. 23884 Porter, William Henry. man.) 23885 Porter, Willoughby M. . 23886 (Porter ?), anonymous . (Arms. Porter impaling Bate- 23887 Porteus, Beilby. (Born 1731 ; Bishop of Chester 1776 ; translated to London 1787; died 1808.) (2 (W. Stephens).) 23888 Porteus, Thomas Portincross, (Fullarton. 23889 Portington, Henry. Overtoun.). See Lindsay. Portland, Earl of. See Bentinck. Portland, Duchess of. See Bentinck. *309 Portman, Henry, of Orchard in ye County of Sommerset, Esqr. (Arms. Portman impaling Hasletvood ? This tnust be the plate of Henry Seymour, toho assumed the name and arms of Portman on inheriting Orchard Portman. The coat impaled is probably that of his 1st wife Penelope, daughter of Sir Win. Hasletvood.) 1702 Portsmouth, Earl and Countess of. See Wallop. Portsmouth, Bishop of. See Virtue. 23890 Post, Edward 23891 Post, Ex bibliotheca L. D., v.i.D, 23892 Post, Wright E 23893 Postle Style. Chippendale Ajrmorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Ai*morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Ai-morial Seal Armorial Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Early Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Crest 374 Franks Collection of Boole Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 23894 Postle, B 23895 Postle, Edward 23896 Postle, Edw., de Ringsfield in Com. Suff. & Coll. S. S. Trin. Cant. 23897 Postlethwaite, Mr. H. J. W 23898 Pote, Jos. King's College, Cambridge 23899 Potenger, Eichard. {Arms. Potenger quartering . . . .) (J. Warn-ick sc. 145 Strand.) 23900 Pott, Anna Louisa 23901 Pott, Arthm-. [Arms. Pott quartering Clarke and Fletcher.) (Suffield sculp.) 23902 Pott, Arthur, Esq. Bentham Hill, co. Kent. (Engraved by Appleby for " BurTie's Heraldic Illustrations.'") 23903 Pott, Charles. {Arms. Pott impaling CocJccs.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 2.3904 Pott, Sigillu Ffncisci. Anno Salutis 18— ., 22905 Pott, Harry Kerby 23906 Pott, James S. ((18)13. ^vmk. in paper) .. 23907 Pott, Joseph Compton 23908 Pott, WUliam. (Suffield sc.) 23909 (Pott), anonymous. {Arms. Pott impaling Monro) 23910 Potter, Ai-chibald Gilchrist 23911 Potter, Ex Libris George, mdcccxciv. (Fredk. Smith, Jany. 1894.) 23912 Potter, Ex Libris George, mdcccxciv. {An impressioyi from the defaced plate.) (Fredk. Smith, Janv. 1894.) 23913 Potter, George William Killctt . . 23914 Potter, G. W. K. {A modern impression from the plate of Samuel Joyner ivith altered inscription.) 23915 Potter, Harold 23916 Potter, Henry Glasford 23917 Potter, Henry Glasford. {A different plate) 23918 Potter, Rupert, Lincolns Inn .. 23919 Potter, Thomas, of the Middle Temple. 1745 23920 (Potter), anonj-mous. {John Potter, Bishoj) of Oxford 1715-1737 ; Archbishop of Canterbicry 1737-1747. Pro- bably not a bookplate.) 23921 Potts, Arthur. {Arms. Potts with Wardell on an escut- cheon. Arthur Potts of Hoole Hall co. Chester married 1854 Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William Wardell of Abbotsfield co. Chester.) 23922 Potts, Cuthbcrt. {Arms. Potts with Rich on an escut- cheon.) 23923 Potts, Lipton Hutton 23924 Potts, Samuel 23925 Pouch6e. {Arms. Pouchee impaling Howard) 23926 C. F. P. (Countess Poulett). {Charlotte Fanny daughter of Hi-nry Berkeley Portman married 1820 Johti 5th Earl Poulett. He died 1864 ; she died 1877.) Style. Autograph Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Aj-morial Armorial Engraved label name in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Crest Chippendale Aiinorial Ai'morial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial Initials and coronet Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 375 Name, Date, and Engraver. 23927 23928 23929 23930 23931 23932 23933 23934 23935 23936 23937 23938 23939 23940 23941 23942 23943 23944 *262 23945 23946 23947 23948 23949 Poulett, Honble. Vere. {Fourth son of the 4:th Earl Poulett ; born 1781 ; died 1812.) Pountney, Humphrey, m.a. Powderham Castle. See Courtenay Earl of Devon. Powell Powell. (Mussett, name stamped on the back) (Powell), Lamberton Park. {Artns. Poiuell q^uartering Stueetnian.) Powell, Chancery Lane. {A hooTcplate ?) Powell, Caleb .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Powell, Cranfield Spencer Powell, Edwd. Powell, Edwd. Powell, Edward Armett . . Powell, Francis, a.m., Colchester a.d. 1736. Poivell, quartering Wiberd and Wiberd, Reynolds.) Pow^ell, Frank Powell, Gabriel .. (Arms, iynpaling (J. Cross sc. 18 Holborn.) .. {A modern imjpression Powell, George. Pow^ell, Henry Powell, I., of Penland Radnorshire. froin an old plate.) Powell, James Powell, The Honble. John, I{jat. one of ye Justices of Her INIajesties Court of Queens Bench. 1702. Powell, John, Esqr. Powell, John Allan Pow^ell, John Harcourt . . Powell, John Kynaston, Esqr., Hardwick. {Arms. Poivell, quartering Kynaston, Kynaston and . . . ., impaling Corbet.) (Bowley Feet.) Powell, J. Cottrell 23950 Powell, J. Powell,«Esqr. 23951 Powell, Joseph 23952 Powell, Richmond 23953 Powell, Robert. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) 23954 Powell, Revd. Robert, M. A., Worcester Coll. Oxford . . 23955 Powell, Samuel, Esqr. {Arms. Poivell impaling Richmond. Samuel Poivell of Hammerton Hall co. York and Brandlesome Hall co. Lancaster married 1796 Frances, daughter of Henry Richmond of Bath.) 23956 Powell, Thomas. (Lecomte Rouen.) . . 23957 Powell, Thomas. (Stern d, Paris) 23958 Powell, Thos. Harcourt 23959 Powell, Thomas John. {The plate of Thomas Harcourt PoivcU with altered inscription.) 23960 Powell, Walter Style. Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Crest and initials in a garter Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest and initials in a garter Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial H76 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. 23964 23965 23966 23967 23968 23969 23970 23971 23972 23973 tering Beilly, 28961 Powell, Ex Bibliotheca Gulielmus 23962 Powell, William, Esqr., of the Middle Temple 23963 Powell, William Edward, Esq. m.p. Nanteos, co. Cardigan. {Arms. Powell hnpaling Hiitton. Wrn. Ediud. Poivell, married 1841, as his 2nd tuife, Harriott Dell, daughter of Hy. Hutton of Cherry Willingham co. Lincoln and ■widow of George Ackers. Originally engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations " and after- wards used as a bookplate.) Powell, W. T, R. {Arms. Poivell ivith Cherry on an escutcheon. Wm. Thos. Rotvland Powell of Nanteos married 1839 Rosa Edwyna, daughter and coheir of Wm. George Cherry of Buckland Co. Hereford.) (Powell ?) anonymous . . Power, Alexander, f.l.s., Ashford, Kent Power, Christina.. Pow^er, Francis .. Power, John. (E. C. Price del. et lith.) Power, John Francis. {Arms. Power quar Strickland ? and Taylor ?) Power, Revd. J. P. {Arms. Poiver impaling . . . . ) Power, Patrick, Giffords Hall, Suffolk. (Griffiths & Weig- alls sc. 3 St. James Street.) Power, Richard, Esqr., Ban-ister at Law Powerscourt, Viscount. See Wingfield. Powis, Duke of. See Herbert. Powis, Earl of. See Herbert. Powis, Countess of. See Clive, 23974 Powis, Benjn 23975 Powis, Philip, Esquire. {This is 2^(!Thaps an altered plate as it has the helmet of a knight or baronet.) 23976 (Powis), anonymous. {Proof of the plate of Benjn, Powis) 23977 Powles, R. Cowley 23978 Powles, R. Cowley, 1841 23979 (Powlett), Harry George, Dul^e of Cleveland. {Sticceeded 1864 as Uh Duke; died 1891.) 23980 (Powlett, Baron) BajTiing. {Arms. 1. and 4. Potolett ; 2. Toiunshend ; 3. de Vere. This must be the plate of Henry Srd and last Baron Bayning, who assumed the name and arms of Powlett in 1823; died 1866.) 23981 (Powlett, Baron Bolton), anonymous .. 23982 (Powlett, Baron Bolton), anonymous. {Arms. Powlett, quartering Orde, impaling Poivlett. Thos. Orde mamcd 1778 Jean Mary, natural daughter of Charles 5th Duke of Bolton, and assumed the surname and arms of Powlett in 1795. He ivas created Baron Bolton in 1797 and died 1807. ("Bewick." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23983 Powlett, Right Honble. the Lady Ann. {Arms. Poivlett impaling Bonnet. Probably the plate of Lady Anna- hella Bennet, daughter of Charles 1st Earl of Tanker- ville, ivJio married William eldest son of Lord William Powlett.) 23984 Powlett, Cs., Itchin. (The Ecvd. Charhs Powlett, Rector of Itchin, eldest illegitimate son of Charles drd Duke Style. Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Crest Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Aiinorial Armorial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial arms in a garter Armorial Crest and coronet Armorial spade shield with supppi-ters Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Cliippcndale Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 377 NAiiE, Date, and Engraver, of Bolton by Mrs. Lavinia BestwicJc {Polly Peachum) whom he afterwards married as his 2nd ivife.) (R. M. (Mountaine).) 23985 Powlett, Geo. Esqr. (R. M. (Mountaine).) 23986 Powlett, William Powlett 28987 (Powlett), anonymous. (" Hogarth " Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 23988 Pownall 23989 Pownall, Rev. C. C. Beaty, m.a 23990 Pow^nall, Hem-y. {Arms. Pownall i^njpaling Waterhouse) 23991 Pownall, John, Esqr 23992 Pownall, Thomas. {Ar^iis. Pownall impaling .... Thomas Pownall born 1722; Lieutenant Goverrior of New Jersey 1755 ; Governor of Massachusetts 1757 ; Governor of Carolina 1759 ; died 1805 ; married 1st 1765 Harriet, natural daughter of General Charles Churchill and widow of Sir Everard FawTiener, and 2ndly 1784 Hannah, daughter of the Bevd. Benjamin Kennett, and widow of Bichard Astell of Everton House, CO. Huntingdon.) 23998 Pownall, Thomas. {Arms. Pownall impaling Hardie, the last plate reworked.) 23994 (Pownall), mutilated. {Arms. Poionallimpaling Majendie) 23995 Powney, G. E. {Printed on bhie paper) 23996 Powney, Richard 23997 (Powney), anonymous .. 23998 (Powys), Lord Lilford 23999 (Powys), Lord Lilford. {A different plate) . . 24000 (Powys, Baron Lilford), Library, Lilford 24001 (Powys, Baron Lilford), Anti Room, Lilford.. 24002 Powys, John, Esqr 24008 Powys, Sr. Thomas, Kt., Her Majties. First Serjeant at Law. 1703. *274 Powys, Sr. Thomas, Kt., Her Majties. First Serjeant at Law. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. 24004 Powys, Thos. Jelf, Esqr 24005 Powys, Thos. Jelf. {The last plate with inscription altered.) 24006 Poynder, E Libris Johannis. {Arms. Poynder impaling Brown. John Poynder, born 1779, married 1807 Elizabeth Brown; died 1849.) (1827. wmk. in paper.) 24007 Poynder, Thomas, Esqr 24008 Poynter, Ambrose. (T. W. (Willement).) 24009 Poynter, Ambe. L 24010 Poynter, Ambrose Lyon. {Arms. Poynter with Peck on an escutcheon. Ambrose Lyon Poynter married Thomasine Anne Peck.) 24011 Poynter, Edward J 24012 Poyntz, Newdigate Style. Chippendale Aimorial Armorial spade shield Jacobean pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Bookpile Armorial Bookpile Armorial Chippendale Armorial Engraved label Armorial Armorial Crest and coronet Crest and coronet Printed label Printed label Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Ai-morial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial spade shield 378 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeavee. 24013 fPoyntz, Robert, Esqr.), mutilatecl 24014 24015 24016 24017 24018 24019 24020 24036 24037 (Poyntz), anonymous. [Arms. Poyntz tvith Browne on an esczitcheon. Probably the plate of William Stephen Poyntz of Midgham, co. Berks., -who viarricd 1794 Elizabeth Mary, daughter of Anthony Joseph, 1th Vis- count Montague, and heir to her brother George Samuel, 8th Viscount.) Prado, Samuel Praed, Bulkley John Mackworth. {Arms. Praed qriar- tering Mackworth, Slaney, and Gerbridge ?) Praed, W. Mackworth .. Prance, Courtenay Connell Prance, William Henry. quartering Penrose.) Prankerd, Richard {Arms. Prance impaling Coode, 24021 Prat, R. {The plate of B. P. P. reworked) 24022 R. P. P. (Prat) 24023 (Prat), anonj^nous. {The plate of E. Prat ivithout inscrip- tion.) 24024 (Pratt), Lord Camden. {Sir Charles Pratt created Baron Camden 1765, and Viscount Bayham and Earl CamjnleJi 1786 ; died 1794.) 24025 (Pratt), Lord Camden .. 24026 (Pratt, Earl of) Camden 24027 (Pratt), Earl of Camden. {The last plate reworked) *536 Pratt, Benjamin, d.d., Senr. Fellow of Trin. Coll. Dublin .. *574 Pratt, Benjamin, d.d., Senr. Fellow of Trin. Coll. Dublin. {Another impression of the last plate.) 24028 Pratt, Su' Charles, Lincoln's Inn Fields. {A reproduction. ' Arms. Pratt with Jeffreys on an escutcheon. Sir Charles Pratt married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Nicholas Jeffreys, of the Priory, co. Brecknock.) (J. Gretton, fecit.) 24029 Pratt, Edward Roger Murray, Ryston Hall. {Arms. Pratt quartering Gylour.) 24030 Pratt, Elizabeth 24031 Pratt, Fred R. Tidd 24032 Pratt, Frederick Thomas, D.C.L., Doctors Commons 24033 Pratt, Geo. 24034 Pratt, James. (W. H. (Henshaw).) 24035 Pratt, Jery. {The plate of Bichd. Pratt with inscription altered.) (Mountaine, Sculp.) I Pratt, Jennyn] , anonymous . . Pratt, Jei-myn, Ryston Hall. {Anns. Pratt, quartering Gylour, impaling Murray. The Bcvd. Jermijn Pratt of Byston Hall, co. Norfolk, married 1847 Mary Style. Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial AVreath and ribbon Armorial Seal Ai-morial Chippendale cj'pher Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Chippendale Aj-morial Armorial spade shield Annorial arms in a garter Armorial anns in a garter Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon Crest Crest Festoon Armorial Chippendale Annorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Annorial supporters FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. 379 Name, Date, and Engeaveh. Louisa, daughter of the Rt. Bevd. George Murray, Bishop of Rochester.) (Warwick & Son, 124 Kegent Street.) 24038 Pratt, Jermyn. {The last plate reiuorked) .. 24039 Pratt, Mr. Jermyn, Ryston Hall 24040 Pratt, John Tidd, Inner Temple. (E. & E. Williamson sculpt., 14 Moore Place, Lambeth.) 24041 Pratt, Joseph. (Warwick sc, 145 Strand) .. 24042 Pratt, Mervyn, Esqr. {Arms. Coach impaling Pratt. Probably tlie plate of Mervyn Pratt, M.P. for co. Cavan, son of Joseph Pratt by his 1st wife, the daughter and heiress of Col. Thomas Coach.) 24043 Pratt, Eichd. (Mountaine, sculp.) 24044 Pratt, Eobert. {Arms. Pratt quartering Tracy. Note on the back, ^^ Robert Pratt, M.P., Master in Chancery, son of John Pratt of Wilderness, Kent, by his 2nd wife, Dorothy, daughter of lion. R. Tracy ; died 1775.") 24045 Pratt, Roger. {Died 1111.) (Levi sculp.) 24046 Pratt, Thomas Octavius, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London. 24047 Pratt, W. Tidd 24048 (Pratt), anonymous. {Arms. Pratt quartering Wynter) . . 24049 (Pratt?) anonjTuous. ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 24050 Prattinton, Peter. {Peter Prattinton of Bradley, co. Worcester, M.B,,'died 1848. Arms. Prattinton quar- tering Wilder.) 24051 Prattinton, Peter. {The last plate printed in sepia) 24052 Prattinton, Peter. {The last plate printed in blue) 24053 Prattinton, Peter, B.M.,Bewdley, Worcestershire. {Printed in sepia. The last ])late reworked.) 24054 Prattman, Revd. W. L. {Arms. Prattman with Neivton ? on an escutcheon.) 24055 Prebble. (jiVo^e on the back. " George Henry Preble, Rear Admiral United States Navy ; author of Hist. American Flag. Hist, of Preble Family, etc.") Press Vicarage. See Allen, John. 24056 Prendergast, Francis 24057 Prendergast, Doctor John 24058 Prendergast, Thos 24059 Prentice, Thos. {Note by Sir A.W.Franks," Lyons book") 24060 Prescot, Revd. Charles. (W. H. (Henshaw)) 24061 Prescot, Rt. Hodgkinson. {TJie Arms and crest of Hodg- kinson.) 24062 Prescott, Arabella. {Arms. Prescott impaling North, quartering Cooke.) 24063 Prescott, George Beeston 24064 Prescott, Sir George Beeston, Bart. {Succeeded 1801 as 2nd Baronet ; died 1850.) Style. Armorial si;pporters Crest Festoon Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean pictorial Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield in a frame Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Pictorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Ai'morial spade shield Armorial lozenge Pictorial Crest 380 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 24065 Prescott, G. W., Esqr 24066 Prescott, George William, {Arms. Prescott impaling Long. George William Prescott of Hardshaio Hall, CO. Chester, created a baronet 1794, married 1774 Sarah, daughter of Beeston Long of Carshalto7i ; died 1801.) 24067 Prescott, Hem-y W 24068 Prescott, Eobt., Esqr. {Arjns. Prescott impaling Saunderson!) (Mitchell Bond St.) 24069 Prescott, Eobt., Esqr. {The last plate tvith the crest re- worked.) (Mitchell Bond St.) 24070 Prescott, Royal Blood Prescott, Hon. William. See Harvard College. 24071 Prescott, William George 24072 Prescott, William H. A. & S. (Annan & Smith) . . 24073 Prest, Edward. {These arms tvere granted 1823 to Edivard Prest of the city of York.) 24074 Prest, Willm. {ArtJis. Prest quartering ) . . 24075 Preston, Viscount Gormanston. {Probably the plate of the 10th Viscoiint iv7io died 1757.) 24076 (Preston, Viscoimt Gormanston), anonymous or mutilated. {A smaller plate.) 24077 Preston, Anthony, Viscount Gormanston. {Succeeded 1737 as 11th Viscount; died 1786.) (Austin Fecit.) 24078 (Preston), Lady Tara. {Harriet, daughter of Thos. Jelf Powys of Berwick House, co. Salop), married 1801 John Baron Tara who died 1821.) 24079 Preston. {Arms. Preston with Sebright ? on an es- cutcheon.) 24080 Preston, Edmund 24081 Preston, Edmd. {Arms. Preston impaling Smith ? quarter- ing Rust.) 24082 [Preston, Fredk.] {Arms. Preston impaling Cann and Harrison.) 24083 Preston, George 24084 Preston, Geo. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks " Ovenden's Book.") 24085 Preston, George. {Arms. Preston, quartering Appleton ? Isack, and Cock ?, impaling Bedingfeld.) 24086 Preston, Henry E 24087 Preston, J., Queens Coll., Cambridge .. 24088 Preston, J. D. J 24089 Preston, E Libris John Norcliflfe, of Flasby, Yorks. 1890 24090 Preston, Nathaniel. (Warwick sc, 145 Strand) 24091 Preston, Robert B 24092 Preston, Robert B. {The last plate reworked) 24093 Preston, Robert B. (^4 different plate j^^'intcd on green paper.) 24094 Preston, Samuel Tolver 24095 Preston, Thos., D.D 24096 W. P. (Preston) Style. Crest and name on a mantle Armorial spade shield in a beaded oval Crest Armorial spade shield Ai'morial spade shield Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield and supporters on a mantle Engraved label Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Ai-morial Armorial spade shield Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial FranJcs Collection of Booh Plates. 881 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. 24097 (Preston, Baronet), anonymous. {Probably the plate of Sir George Preston of Valleyfield xvho succeeded 1741 as 4th Baronet, and died 1779.) Prestongrange, Lord. See Grant. Prestongrange. See Suttie. 24098 Prestwieh. (Note by Sir A. W. FranJcs "Lyons Booh." Arms. The tiuo coats of Prestwieh quarterly.) 24099 [Pretor, Sam.] , anonymous 24100 Pretyman 24101 Pretyman, Arthur Charles. {Arms. Pretyman ivith Baxter on an escutcheon. Arthur Charles Pretyman of Haugh- ley ParTi, co. Suffolk married 1858 Mary, daughter and coheir of Henry Baxter of Idvies, co. Forfar.) 24102 Pretyman, Baron, Esqr. 24103 Pretyman, Baron, Thetford, Norfolk. 1750 24104 Pretyman, George, Bishop of Lincoln. {Appointed Bishop of Lincoln 1787; translated to Winchester 1820; died 1827.) 24105 Prevost, Anne Elinor . . 24106 (Priaulx), anonymous. {Note on the bach " Osmond de Beaiivoir Priaulx, Gtcernsey, died 1889.") (W. P. inv. et sculp.) 24107 Price, The Anns of the Family of, Descendants of Sir Ed. Price of Gogerthan in the county of Cardigan Kt. and Bart. 9. Aug. 1641. {Printed in red. The plate of John Price, Esqr., of Sunbury with inscrip- tion altered.) 24108 Price, Bartholomew, Pembroke College, Oxford. {Master of Pembroke College ; born 1818 ; died 1898. Arms. 1 and 6. Price ; 2. Howell Boose ; 3. Meredith ap Madock ; 4. Hotuell ap Griffith Goch; 5. Ednyved Vychan.) 24109 Price, Charles 24110 Price, Charles, Esqr., of Bloimts Com-t in the county of Oxford. 24111 Price, Sir Charles. {The last plate retvorked.) 24112 Price, Sir Charles, Bart 24113 Price, Sir Charles, Bart. {Arms. Price impaling Bugge. Charles Price of Spring Grove, Richmond, co. Surrey, created a Baronet 1804, married 1773 Mary, daughter of William Bugge of Conduit Street, London; died 1818.) 24114 Price, Sir Charles, Bart. {Arms. Price impaling King. Charles Price, who succeeded 1818 as 2nd Baronet, married 1798 Mary Ann, daughter of William King of King Street, Covent Garden; died 1847.) 24115 Price, Charles Rugge. {Printed in gold on vellum) 24116 Price, Francis Lysons .. 24117 Price, Francis Lysons. {The last plate reworked) .. 24118 Price, Francis William, of Loveston and Gogarthan, Esqre. {Arms. Price impaling Lake.) (Warwick sc, 145 Strand.) 24119 Price, Francis William, of Loveston and Gogarthan, Esqre. {The last plate with the engraver's signature erased.) Style. Jacobean Armorial supporters Festoon Armorial Armorial Festoon Annorial Armorial Chippendale ib-morial Printed label Armorial spade shield Armorial lozenge Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 382 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 24120 24121 24122 24123 24124 24125 24126 24127 24128 24129 24130 24131 *229 24132 24133 24134 24135 24136 24137 24138 24139 24140 24141 24142 24143 24144 1894. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) toith .... on an Priee, Frederick George Hilton Price, George Price, Gryff^'dd. {Arms. Price escutcheon.) Price, John, Esqr., of Sunbui-y, Middlesex .. Price, John Lloyd, Esq. Glangwilly, co. Carmarthen. {Originally engraved by Becker for ^^ Burhe's Heraldic Illustrations" and afterwards used as a hookplate.) Price, John Robinson Price, Liscombe .. Price, Mansfield, LL.D. (W. S. (Stephens).) .. Price, Miss Price, Ralph Charles. {Arms. Price impaling Price. Ral2:)h Charles Price of Carshalton, co. Surrey, married 1835 Eliza Albinia, daughter of Sir Charles Price 2nd Bart.) Price, Richard. {Arms. Price impaling Heyman. Bichd. Price of the Lawn, South Lambeth, married 1805 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Heyman.) Price, The Honble. Robert, Esqr., one of the Barons of her Maties. Court of Exchequer. {Arms. Price impaling Bodd } quartering Bodd and Neale. Bobert Price, appointed Baron of the Exchequer 1702, married 1679 Lucy, daughter of Bobert Bodd of Foxley, co. Hereford, by his ivife Anna Sophia Ncale ; died 1733.) 1703. Price, The Honble. Robert, Esqr., one of the Barons of her Maties. Court of Exchequer. {Another imp7'ession of the last plate.) 1703. Price, Revd. Robert, LL.D. {Arms. Price ivith Faiohener ? on an escutcheon.) Price, William Price, William, of Vaenol in Flintshire, Esqr., Ano. Dni. 1718. Price, William, Esqr., at Rhiwlase in Merthshire Ac. Dni. 1755. Price, W. I (Price), anonymous. {Arms. Price with Cleveland on an escutcheon. Francis Pryce of Bryn-y-Pys and Castle Lyons, married Alice, daughter and eventual heir of John Cleveland of Birkenhead, co. Chester.) (Price), anonymous. (Ar)7is. Price impaling Lyon. Colonel Barrington Price of Bcckct, co. Gloucester, married Mary, daughter of John 9th Earl of Strath- more and Kinghorne.) (Price), anonymous (Price), anonymous. {Ai-ms. Price impaling Browning.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Price), anonymous. {Proof of the xAate of Bartholomew Price.) (Price), anonymous Style. Prichard, Octavius, m.p. Prickett, ^larm, (Esqr.) erased ?j (Stephens. With the signature Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Crest Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Armorial Chippendale Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 383 Name, Date, and Engraver. 24145 24146 24147 24148 24149 24150 24151 24152 24153 24154 24155 24156 24157 24158 24159 24160 24161 24162 24163 24164 24165 24166 24167 24168 24169 24170 24171 24172 24173 24174 Prickett, Mduke, Junr. . . Prickett, Mduke. {The last plate with inscription altered) Prickett, Marmaduke Prickett, Thomas. {Arms. Prickett impaling PacJcington or jRolleston.) (Prickett, William), name cut off. {Arms. Prichett quartering Hodgson.) (Silvester so. 27 Strand.) Pride, Halcott B. (Maverick sculp.) .. Prideaux, Sir Edmund S., Netherton Hall. {Succeeded 1833 as 9th Baronet; died 1875. Arms. Quarterly of 8. 1 and 8. Orcharton or Prideaux ; 2. Prideaux ; 8. Gifford ; 4. Ashe ? ; 5. Spencer ; 6. Huddy ; 7. Adeston.) Prideaux, George Prideaux, George Prideaux, George. Prideaux, George. Prideaux, S. T. .. Prideaux, Walter Prideaux, Walter. an escutcheon.) Prideaux-Brune . Priestley, Edward {The last plate with a frame added) {A smaller plate) {Arms. Prideazix ivith Williams on See Brune. Priestley, George. {Arms. Priestley, quartering Cople- stone or Leigh, with Kirkman ? on an esctotcheon.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) Priestley, Joseph. (Allen set. Birmingham) Priestley, Joseph Priestley, Miss .. (Priestley), anonymous .. Primatt, Humphry Primatt, Lacey. {Arms. Primatt impaling Knapp. Lacey Primatt marHed Elizabeth, daughter of the Bevd. Mattheiu Knapp by his wife Catherine, daughter of Humphry Primatt. {The plate of William Primatt ^vith inscription altered.) Primatt, Nathaniell. {The plate of Humphry Primatt with inscription altered.) Primatt, William. {Arms. Primatt impaling Knapp. William Primatt married Charlotte, daughter of the Bevd. Matthew Knapp.) Prime, Arthur. {Arms. Prime impaling Machell. Captain Arthur Prime married Mary Matilda, daughter of the Bevd. Bobert Machell and widow of George Fisher.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Prime, Richard. {Arms. Prime quartering Wilmot) Prime, Sr. Samuel, Kt. .. S. P. (Prime) S. P. (Prime). {The last plate reworked) Primerose, Sr. James of Carington Baronet. {Succeeded 1687 as ^rd Baronet ; created Viscount Primrose 1703; died 1706.) Style. Chippendale Aj.*morial Chippendale Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial supporters Engraved label Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Engraved label Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ai'inorial Crest and cypher Crest and cj'pher Early Armorial 384 Franhs CoUection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 24175 Primerose, The Honble. Mistris 24176 24177 24178 24179 24180 24181 24182 24183 24184 24185 24186 (Primrose), Earl of Rosebery .. (Primrose ?), anonymous Prince, Charles Leeson . . Prince, Charles Leeson. 1882. Bi'ighton.) Prince, Mary Prince, Philip Alexander. {Arms. Prince impaling Bees ?) (F. V. Hadlow sc. Prince, Phil. Alex. Parker Prince, Samuel .. Prince, Thomse, Liber, Anno Domini 1704. {A repro- (hiction.) (Prince), anonymous Pringle. 17(53). (Mountaine sculp.) 24187 Pringle. {The last plate reworhed.) (Moimtaine sculp.) . . 24188 Pringle of Clifton. (Kirkwood) 24189 Pringle of Clifton. The Haining Library. (Kirkwood Sculp.) 24190 Pringle of Clifton. Haining Library. (W. & D Lizars sculpt. Edinr.) 24191 (Pringle.) Haining 24192 Pringle of Whitebank. {Not a bookplate) 24193 Pringle, Alexr., of Whitebank 24194 Pringle, John, Esqr 24195 Pringle, John Eliot. {The plate of John Henry Pringle with inscription altered.) ("Wyon," Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 24196 Pringle, John Henry 24197 Pringle, Norman 24198 [Pringle, Hy] , anonymous. {Arms. Pringle impaling EKot) 24199 Prinsep, John. {Arms. Prinsep impaling Auriol. John Prinsep married a sister of James Peter Auriol, secretary to tlic Government of Warren Hastings.) 1800. 24200 Prinsep, William Haldimand 24201 (Prinsep), anonymous. {The plate of William Haldimand Prinsep without inscription.) 24202 Prioleau, Thomas G 24203 Prior, A. E 24204 Prior, Andrew Redmond, Esq. Queens co. Ireland. {Arms. Prior impaling Call quartering Batty. A. It. Prior married 1814 Catherine, daughter of Sir John Call, Bart., and widow of General Machiymon. Originally engraved by Emslie for *^ Burke's Heraldic llhistra- tions " and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 24205 Prior, B. C. A. {Arrns. Prior quartering Anstey ?) (CuUeton, 25 Cranbourn St. W.C. "Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Style. Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Armorial Pictorial Engraved label Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Printed label Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Ar- morial modern Chippendale Ar- morial modern Crest Armorial Armorial spade shield Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 385 Name, Date, and Engravee. Style. 24206 Prior, Henry Wallis. (Arjns. Prior tvith Phillipps ?■ on an escutcheon.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 24207 Prissiek, William, Barrister at Law. Salop. {The arms and crest of Prestwich.) (W. Bowley Feet.) 24208 Pritchett, G. E., F.s.A "' 24209 Pritchett, Eichd., a.m. Rector of Kichds. Castle, Salop .. 24210 Pritchett, Eichd., a.m. {The last plate reworl-cd) . . 24211 24212 24213 24214 24215 24216 24217 24218 24219 24220 24221 24222 24223 24224 24225 24226 24227 24228 24229 24230 24231 Pritchett, Eobert Taylor, F.s.A. &c, Pritchett, E. T (Prittie, Baron) Dunalley. {Arms. Prittie impaling Maude. Henry, 2nd Baron Dunalley, married 1826 as his 2ud wife Emily, daughter ofCornwallis, 1st Viscoiint Hawarden ; died 1854.) (Proby, Baron Carysfort), anonymous. {Arms. Prohy with Allen on an escutcheon. The Right Hon. Sir John Prohy, created Baron Carysfort 1752, married 1750 Elizabeth, daughter of John, Ind Viscount Allen, and coheir of her brother John, ^rd Viscoicnt ; died 1772.) (Proby, Earl of Carysfort.) Elton Hall. {Arms. Prohy, quartering Allen, impaling Grenville. John Joshua, 2nd Baron Carysfort, created Earl of Carysfort 1789, married 1787 as his 2nd wife Elizabeth, daxighter of the Bt. Honhle. George Grenville ; died 1828.) Proby Proby, Eevd. Dr., Dean of Lichfield. {Arms. Proby im- paling Eussell. Baptist Proby, Dean of Lichfield, fifth son of John Proby of Elton, married Mary, daughter of the Bev. John Bussell.) Proby, Mrs. Charles J. . . (Proby), anonjTiious [Probyn, Julian J. W.] , anonjTiious. [I860] Procter, Charles Edward. {Arms. Watts ivith Ellis on an escutcheon.) Procter, James. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) . . Procter, Tho. Thomas, m.a. {Arms. Procter impaling Proctor impaling Hume) Procter, Eevd, Smythe I) Proctor, A. A. H. {Ai'ms. Proctor, George. {Arms. Proctor impaling Hale. George Proctor of Mardochs married Elizabeth Mary, daughter of William Hale of Kingsivalden.) Proctor, Eevd. George. {Arms. Proctor impaling Maples- den ?) Proctor, George Beauchamp, Esqr. {Arms. Proctor im- paling Palmer. George Beauchamjj Proctor of Thetford married 1789 Charlotte, eldest daughter of Bobert Palmer of Sunning.) Proctor, Mary Proctor, Eobert .. Proctor, Sir Thomas Beauchamp, Bart. {Arms. Proctor, quartering Beauchamp, hnpaling Palmer. Sir Thomas Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ar- morial modern Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Pictorial crest Armorial VOL. II, Chippendale Armorial Armorial arms within the collar of the Order of St. Patrick Armorial Armorial spade shield Engraved label Jacobean Armorial Armorial Festoon Annorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Ai-morial spade shield Crest Engraved label Armorial spade shield 2 c nsn Franl's CoUccliou of Bool: Platei^. Name, Datk, and Esgravek. BeaucJiamj) Proctor, 2nd Bart., married 1778 Mary, second daughter of Bohcrt Palmer of Sunning ; died 1827.) 24232 Proctor, Sir Thomas Beauchamp, Bart. {The last plate reworhed.) 24233 Proctor, Sr. Wm. Beauchamp, Bt. &c. &c. &c. {WiUiam Beauchamp Proctor created a Baronet 1745 ; died 1773.) 24234 A. B. P. (Prole). ("Baker." Note by Sh- A. W. Franks.) 24285 Prole, William Sandys. (Johnson sc. Cheltm.) 24236 Propert, Ex Libris John Lumsden. 1893. (Aubrey Beardsley.) 24237 Prosser .STi'LK. 24288 24239 24240 24241 24242 •24243 [Prosser, G. W.] , anonymous. (The last plate ivithont inscription.) Protheroe Protheroe, AVm. Ford. [Arms. Protheroe quartering Ford.) (Hewitt sculpt. Pickett St.) Provoost, Saml. {Arms. Provoost impaling . . , Samncl Provoost, Bishop of New York 1786.) (Maverick Sculpt.) Provost, Saml., Esqr. Coll. Pet. Cant. (Maverick, not signed. See " American Bookplates," bv C. D. Allen, 1895, page 272.) (Provost), anonjTnous .. 24244 Pro wse, Geo., Esqr. Wicken Park 24245 Prowse, J. A. 24246 Pruen. (W. Woodthorpe 27 Fetter Lane) 24247 Prixen, Thomas, (Rich sc.) 24248 Priijean, Francis, of Sutton Gate Essex, Esqr. 24249 (Pryce.) Duffryn. {Arms. Pryce with Austin? on an escutcheon. John Knight, who assumed the name of Bruce in 1805 ayid that of Pryce iji 1837, married 1807, as his 1st wife, Sarah, daughter of the Bevd. Hugh Williams Austin.) 24250 Pryce, Chas., Esqr 24251 Pryce, Revd. D. F 24252 Pryce, John Wyndham Bruce . . 24253 Pryce, Josiab. {Arms. 1. Pryce ; I.Pearson) 24254 Pryce, Rich., Surgeon. (R. W.) 24255 Pryce, Richard 24256 Pryce, Thomas Eastman. {Arms. Pryce ? impaling Drew?) (Folkard sc. 260 Regent St.) 21257 (Pryce, Baronet), anonymous. {Perhaps the plate of Sir ■John Pryce of Nrirfon, who svcrccdcd ahont 1720 as ''fJi Baronet and died 1748.) Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial shield on clouds Arinorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Aimorial Chippendale Armorial Engi-aved label in a floral frame Armorial Literary Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial. Two oval shields accol^ pendant from a ribbon Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plaiea. n8' Name, Date, and Engraver, 24258 24259 24260 24261 24262 24263 24264 24265 24266 24267 24268 24269 24270 24271 (Ar)))s. Pry or impaling (Pryce ?), anonymous. {Arms. Prijce impaling Busliell or Hill.) Pryme, George .. Pryor, E Liljris Felix, a.m. NortoJi.) Pryor, John Izard Pryor, Marlbh. Pryor, Richard Vickris . . Pryor, Robert Pryse, Margaret. Woodstock Pugh, Benjamin, m.d. {Arms. Pugh impaling Wollaston and . . .) Pugh, Charles. ("Warwick sc. 145 Strand) .. Ptigh, David. Llanerchydol. {Arms. Pugh impaling Vanghan. David Pugh married 1814 Anne, daughter and heir of Evan Vaughan of Beguildij, Co. Radnor.) Pugh, David, Esqr. Llanerchydol, Co. Montgomery. {Arms. Pugh with Vanghan on an escutcheon. Originally en- graved by Bechwith for " Burhe's Heraldic Illustra- tions " and afterwards used as a bookplate.) Pugh, Edward Pugh, .John. (W. et W. sculp.) Style. 24272 Pugh, John 24278 Pugh, John, {The last 2^late reworked and. altered) 24274 Pugh, Maurice. E Coll. Bal 24275 (Pugh), anonymous 24276 Pughe, Edwd., of Ty Gwyn Esqr 24277 Pugin, Augustus de. {Printed in red) 24278 (Puleston), anon^inous . . Pull Court, Worcestershire. See Dowdeswell. 24279 Pulleine, Wingate, Esqr., of Carleton. {Anns. Pulleine impaling Carr. Wingate Ptdleine married, as his 2nd wife, Frances, daxighter of Ealph Carr of Cocken Hall, CO. Durham.) 24280 Pullen. Revd. John. {The plate of the Revd. William Pullen with inscription altered.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 24281 Pullen, Rev. William. (Warwick sc. 145 Strand) .. 24282 Pulleyn, Thomas, Esqr. {Arms. Pullcyn, quartering Fairfax or Maude, ^vith Kynaston on an escutcheon.) 24283 [Pulleyn, T.] , anonymous, {the plate of Thomas Pulleyn ivithout iiiscription.) [1730.] 24284 Pulling, Alexander. Inner Temple. {Arms. Pulling im- pialing Moyscr.) 24285 Pullyn, Peter. {Arms. Pullyn quartering Smyth. This is a fifth pilate of the type of Chambers, Davy, Leman and Rede.) 24286 Pullyn, Philip. {Anns. Pullyn, or Foley, quartering Blake.) 24287 Pulman, James. {Arms. Pulman impaling Walker.) (Warwick sc, 145 Strand.) 24288 (Pulman), anon^-mous .. 24289 Pulsford .. ' Chippendale Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Crest Crest Crest Printed label Chippendale Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Seal Araiorial Festoon crest and cypher Armorial Araioi'ial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Jacobean Pic- torial Armorial Jacobean Pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial 2 c 2 388 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 24290 Pulsford, Eobert. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) 24291 Pulteney, Eichard, m.d. et Reg. Societ. Sodalis. {Born 1730; died l^Ql.) (M. Darly sc.) 24292 Pulteney, Eichard, m.d. R. S. S. et Coll. Med. Lond. Licentiatus. {The last plate with inscription altered.) (M. Darly sc.) 24293 Pulteney, Revd. Richard. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 24294 Pulteney, Revd. Richard. {The last plate reworhed) 24295 Punchard, J. (Culleton 25 Cranbourn Street London. " Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 24296 Purcell, W. P. J. Middle Temple 24297 (Purcell), anonymous or mutilated. {Probably engraved abroad.) 24298 Purchas, Henry Ansley 24299 Purchas, John. Cambridge 24300 (Purchon), anonymous .. 24301 H. P. (Purdon) 24802 Purdon, Henry 24303 Purdon, Rowan 24304 Pvirdon, William John 24305 Purdon, William John. {The last plate reivorTaling Crestvick. Sir Joseph married 1807 as his 3rd wife, Elizaheth, daughter of Richard Cresivick of She-ffield and died 1819.) Radcliffe, Sir Joseph, Bart. Ruddmg Park. {Arms. Radcliff'e iminiling Macdonnell. Joseph Radcliff'e, ivho suceeeded 1819 as 2nd Baronet, married the same year Jacobina Maria, daughter of General John Macdonnell of Leagh Co. Inverness.) Radcliffe, T. H., Esqr. Bank House near Clitheroe Radcliffe, W., Esqr. Style. 24454 Radcliffe, W. {The last plate reworked) 24455 Radcliffe, W. {The last plate again retvorkcd) 24456 (Radcliffe), mutilated. {Arms. Radcliff'e quartering Hussey .') Radcliffe Library. See Oxford. 24457 Radclyffe, William. Rouge Croix. College of Arms. {Arms. Radclyffe quarteHng Vincent, Carrington ? and Harington with 07i an escutcheon.) (J. B. Sc.) 24458 Radford 24459 Radford, W. T. (0. Jewitt del. sc.) Radnor, Earl and Countess of. Sec Bouverie. RadBtock, Baron. See Waldegrave. 24460 Rae, David, Esqr. Advocate. {Arms. Rac quartering Forhes.) 24461 Raffles, Thos., LL.D 24462 Raffles, Thos, d.d., ll.d. {Arms. Raffles with Hargreaves on an escutcheon. The Bcvd. Thos. Raffles of Liver- pool married 1815 Mary Catherine, daughter and eventual lulr nj Jnntcs Hargreaves of Liverpool.) Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Stamped leather label Chippendale cypher Chippendale Armorial Ai*morial Crest Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Architectural AiTuorial Jacobean Ai-morial Crest Annorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 395 Name, Date, and Engbavek. 24463 Raffles, The Revd. Thomas, ll.d., d.d. Liverpool. (Origin- ally engraved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Illus- trations'" and afterwards reworked and used as a book- plate.) 24464 Raffles, T. Stamford 24465 Raffles, Su- T. Stamford. (Arms. Baffles impaling Hull. Sir Thomas Stamford Baffles married 1816, as his 2nd wife, Sophia, daughter of J. Watson Hull of Baddow, Co. Essex; died 1826.) (Huntly sc. 74 New Bond St.) 24466 (Raffles), anon;>'mous. {First proof of the plate of Thomas Baffles, D.D., LL.D.) 24467 (Raffles), anonymous. {Second proof of the last plate) 24468 Ragland, Thos. G. {Arms. Bagland impaling Birch.) (Silvester sc.) 24469 Ragsdale, John . . 24470 Ragueneau, Edwd. 24471 Raikes, Henry, St. Petersbm-g. (Suffield sculp.) 24472 Raikes, J. M. {Arms. Baikcs impaling Bayly. Probably the plate of Job Mathews Baikcs of London, who viarried 1798 Charlotte, daughter of Nathaniel Bayly.) 24473 Raikes, Robert, Welton House 24474 Raikes, Robert. {Arms. Baikes impaling Taunton, Bobert Baikes of Treberfydd, co. Brecon, married 1841 Frances, daughter of Sir William Elias Taunton.) 24475 Raikes, Robert Taunton. {Arjns. Baikes, quartering Armstrong and Williamson, impaling Monro. B. T. Baikes married 1868 Sophia Jane, daughter of Henry Monro, M.D.) 24476 Raikes, Thomas 24477 Raikes, Thomas 24478 Raikes, Thomas. {Arms. Baikes impaling Digby and Hargood. Major General Thos. Baikes, C.B., married 1st 1848 Leonora Jane, daughter and coheir of Thos. Digby, and 2ndly 1871 Catherine, daughter of Admiral Hargood; died 1880.) 24479 Raikes, Willm 24480 Railton, Isaac 24481 Raine, James Raine, Jonathan and Matthew. Sec Trinity College, Cambridge. 24482 Raines, Revd. F. R., m.a., f.s.a. {Arms. Baines imjjaling Bcswicke. Francis Bobert Baines, born 1805 ; F.S.A. 1843 ; married 1836 Honora Elizabeth, daughter of Major John Beswicke of Pike House, Littleborough ; died 1878.) 24483 Raines, Sigillum Francisci Roberti, m.a., f.s.a. 24484 Rainey, John 24485 Rainsford, Chas 24486 Rainsford, Charles 24487 Rainsford, Savage Charles Sttle. Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield on clouds Chippendale Armorial 396 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaveb. {The last plate lyrinted on yellow 24488 Rainstorp 24489 Rainy, George. {Arms. Bainy impaling Darroch. George Bainy of Baasy married Margaret Jarietta Louisa, daughter of General Dtcncan Darroch.) 24490 Raisbeek, Leonai'd. {Arms. Baisbcch, quartering Heron ? with Bobinson, quartering Barker and Cottingham, on an escutcheon.) 24491 Rait, D. C 24492 Raitt, George, M.D. 24493 Raleigh 24494 Ralli, Pandeli. 1888, (C. W. Sherborn, not signed) 24495 Ralli, Stephen A 24496 Ralston, Gavin, of that Ilk 24497 Ralston, I. C 24498 Ram, Stopford James 24499 Rambouillet, Margt. .. 24500 (Ramsay), Earl of Dalhousie 24501 (Ramsay), Bamton 24502 (Ramsay), Barnton 2)a2}er.) 24503 A. R. (Ramsay) 24504 Ramsay, Alexander 24505 Ramsay, Sir Alexander, of Balmain, Bart. {Probably tlie 2>late of the Ind Baronet, who succeeded 1810, and died 1852.) 24506 Ramsay, Lady, of Balmain. {Arms. Bamsay ivith Banner- vian on an esctctchcon. Elizabeth, daughter and co- heir of Sir Alexander Bannerman, Ath Bart., married 1782 Alexander Burnett, toho assumed the nnmo and Arms of Bamsay, and was created a Baronet 1806. He died 1810 ; she died 1844.) 24507 Ramsay, Lady, of Balmain 24508 Ramsay, Revd. Edward B. 24509 Ramsay, Eevd. Edwd. B., m.a., f.r.s.e. {The last ploite with inscription reworked.) 24510 Ramsay, General. {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Visiting Card also used as a bookplate, as appears by book in Craig s Library. ^^) 24511 Ramsay, General. {Probably a visiting card, but like last plate picrhaps also used as a bookplate.) Mochetti, incise.) 24512 Ramsay, George ., 24513 Ramsay, Geo., Esqr., Bath. (W. Gingell so.) 24514 H. N. R. (Ramsay) 24515 Ramsay, John 24516 Ramsay, John. {Artns. Bamsay, quartering Baiuicrman, imjmling Hilton. John Bamsay married 1876 Florence Mary, daughter and heir of Bichard .J. Hilton of Preston House, Favcrsham.) (Wyon, Regent St.) 24517 Ramsay, John, No. 17 Earl Street, Black Friars. {The Arms of the Company of Distillers.) Style. the (G. Chippendale Aimorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon engraved label Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest and c^'pher Festoon crest Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest Crest Pictorial Pictorial Crest Festoon Armorial Crest Annorial Armorial Armorial spade sliicld with supporters Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 397 Name, Date, and Engbaveb. Style. 24518 24519 24520 24521 24522 24523 24524 24525 24526 24527 24528 24529 24530 24531 24532 24533 24534 24535 24536 Ramsay, Sir John, of Bamff, Bart. Baronet ; died 1783.) {Succeeded 1782 as 6th Ramsay, Mr., of Mungall, Stirlingshire. (W. & D. Lizars sciilpt., Edinr.) Ramsay, Patrick Eigg .. Ramsay, Eobert .. Ramsay, Eobert. {Printed on rose coloured paper .) (J. & J. Johnstone sc.) Ramsay, E. B. Wardlaw. {Arms. Bamsay, quartering Wardlaiv and Valance quarterly, impaling Hay. Eobert Balfour Wardla^u Bamsay married 1841 Louisa Jane, daughter of George, 8th Marquess of Tiuecddale.) Ramsay, William, University of Glasgow. (J. Scott) Ramsay, William, Junr. Ramsay, William Maule (Ramsay), anonymous. {Arms. Bamsay quartering Kcr) (Ramsay), anonymous (Ramsay), anonymous. (Ramsay?) anonymous {A smaller plate) Ramsden, Frank. (Jarrett, London) . . Ramsden, John G., St. John's Coll. .. [Ramsden, John], anonymous. {The last plate 'without inscription.) (Ramsden), anonymous. {Arms. Bamsden impaling Dundas. Probably the plate of John Charles Bamsden of Buckden, co, York, who married 1814 Isabella, daiiglitcr of Thomas, 1st Baron Dundas.) Ramsey, Bartholomew .. Ram.sey, Ex Bibliotheca Caroli Ernesti, Prse Consul, Elbing. {Engraved abroad. He was probably a son of Charles Aloysius Bamsey of Elbing in Prussia, writer on Steno- grapihy, who was descended from a noble Scotch family.) Ramus, Charles, Esqr. {Arms. Bamus impaling Pick- ering ?) 24537 24538 24539 Ramus, Charles, Esqr. {A different plate) Ramus, Charles, Esqr., Merry Hill. {A reprint. The last plate with altered inscription.) 1795. 24540 Ramus, Joseph .. Rancliffe, Baroness. See Parkyns. 24541 Randall, [Edwd.]. {The plate of John Bandall with the Christian name not printed.) 24542 Randall, James. (Suffield sculp.) 24543 Randall, John 24544 Randall, John. {Arms. Bandall impaling Cruttendon.) (Lake sc, Bartholomew Lane.) 24545 (Randell or Rendel), anonymous 24546 Randolph, Felton George Armorial spade shield with supporters Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Crest Crest in a square frame Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Annorial Armorial 398 Franks Collection of Bool Plates^. Name, Date, and Engraver. 24547 Randolph, Herbert, Esqr. 24548 Randolph, The Revd. H., ll.b. {The plate of Herbert Bandoljph with inscription altered.) 24549 Randolph, Herbert, b.d. 24550 (Randolph, Bishop of London), anonj-mons. {John Ban- dolph, Bishop of Oxford 1799, translated to Bangor 1807, ayid to London 1809; died 1813. A hook- plate ?) Ranelagh, Viscount. See Jones. Ranfurly, Earl of. See Knox. 24551 Ranken 24552 Ranken, William 24553 Rankin, John 24554 Ranking, Augustus 24555 Ranking, George . . 24556 Ranking, Joseph Rannie, Sophia, from. ^Y. G. F. 1823 2455 24558 24559 24560 24r)61 24562 24568 24564 24570 24571 24572 24f Style. Ransford, Edwin Rant, H. (E. Rooker ft.) Raper, R. W. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) I Raper), anonymous Rapho, Bishop of. See Pooley. Raphoe, Bishop of. See roster. Rapley, "William . . Rashdall, John, a.m. Presbj-ter Rashleigh, Charles 24565 Rashleigh, John, Esqr. .. 24566 Rashleigh, Jonathan. (B. Warwick sc. 124 Regent St.) 24567 Rashleigh, Peter. {Arms. Bashleigh impaling Trelawuy ?) 24568 Rashleigh, Philip. 1764 ' 24569 Rashleigh, Thomas 24574 Rashleigh, Wm. {The plate of Philip Bashleigh with inscrijjtion altered.) Rashleigh, AVilliam. (Warwick sc. 124 Regent St.) Rashleigh, William. {Arms. Bashleigh impaling Stuart. William Bashleigh of Menahilly married 1843 Catherine, daughter of Bohei't Walter, 11th Baron Blantyre.) (Rashleigh), J. R. IMenabilly. {Arms. Bashleigh with Pugh, quartering Parke, on an escutcheon. Jonathan Bashleigh of Menabilly married 1869, as his 2nd wife, Jane Elizabeth, datightcr and heir of Arthur Pugh of Lissadrone, co. Mayo.) Rasti'iek. iSV* Hanson. Ratclife. Sec Radclife. Ratcliffe, Edmund T. (Pugh Bros, London) Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Stamped leather label Armorial Chippendale Armorial . Jacobean Ai-morial Aimorial Armorial Ai-morial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Chi^^pendale Armorial Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon ChijDpendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Seal Armorial Franks Collection of Book Flutes. 399 Name, Date, and Engraver. 24575 24576 24577 24578 24579 24580 Rate, John, His Book. Deptford. 1783 Rate, Lucy, Her Book. Deptford. 1783 Rathbone, Theodore W., Allerton Priorj' Ratray, William .. Rattray, James, Esq. Capt. r.n. Barford House, Co. War- wick. {Arms. Battray impaling Vivian. Captain Rattray married Emily, daughter of John Vivian of, Claverton, co. Somerset. Engraved by Becker for " Burke's Heraldic Ilhistrations") Rattray, Thos., Writer .. Style. 24581 Rattray, Will, Esqr. Lieut. Coll. Bengal Artillery 24582 *389 24583 24584 24585 24586 *265 24587 24588 24589 24590 Raulins, Thomas, of Kilreeg in Herefordshire Esqr. Raulins, Thomas of Kilreeg in Herefordshire Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) Raven, Henry. (Bassett sc.) . . Raven, Henry. {The last plate printed in red.) (Bassett sc.) Raven, Thos. Milville. {Arms. Raven impaling WhitaJccr?) (Raven), anonjonous or mutilated Ravenel and Lister. {Arms. 1. Ravenel; 2. Lister) Ravenel, Daniel, Charleston, S.C. 1890 Ravenel, Ex Libris Daniel, Charleston, S.C. {The last plate with, inscription altered.) 1890. Ravenhill, George Ravenhill, John. University College Oxford 24591 Ravenhill, Willm 24592 Ravenhill, Willm. {The last plate reworked) 24593 Ravenscroft, Edward. {Ai-ms. Ravcnscroft impaling Boycott. Edward Ravenscroft married 1793 Emma, daughter of Thomas Boycott of Boycott.) 24594 Ravenscroft, Edward James . . 24595 Ravenshaw, Edward C. 24596 Ravenshaw, George C. {Arms. Bavenshatv quartering Withers.) 24597 Ravenshaw, John G. .. 24598 Ravenshaw, E Libris Thomse F Ravensworth, Baron. See Liddell. Ravensworth Castle. See Liddell. 24599 Rawbone, I., m.a. St. Mary Hall Oxon. bone impaling Egerton.) (J. Cole Oxon. 24600 Rawdon, Lord . . ' 24601 Rawdon, Lord {Anns. Sc.) Raw- 24602 (Rawdon), Earl of Moira. {Arms. Rawdon, quartering Strathern, Graham, Conway and .... impaling Hastings, quartering Plantagenet, Pole, and Devereux. Sir John Rawdon, created Baron Rawdon 1750 and Earl of Moira 1761, married 1752 as his 3rd wife Printed label Printed label Crest in a garter Armorial Seal Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial AVreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield on clouds Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Armorial Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial 400 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Elizabeth, daughter of Theoj^hilus, 9th Earl of Hunt- ingdon ; died 1793.) 24603 Rawdon, C. Liverpool.. 24604 Rawdon, C. Wyndham 24605 Rawdon, Sr. John 24606 Rawdon, Sr. John, Bart. 24607 24608 24609 24610 24611 24612 24613 24614 24615 24616 24617 24618 24619 24620 24621 24622 24623 24624 24625 24626 24627 24628 24629 Rawdon, Honble. John. {The first plate of Sr. John Baivdon reworked. Second son of the 1st Earl of Moira, born 1756; died 1808.) Rawle, William Brooke. {Arms. Raiole quartering Brool-e.) Rawle, William Henry. {Arms. Bawle impaling Kad- wall!) Rawlings, Edward. {Prijited in hroivn) Rawlings, James Rawlings, Thomas. {The plate of William Baivlings ivitli altered inscription.) (Ames sc. Bristol.) Rawlings, William. (Ames sc. Bristol) Style. Rawlins .. Rawlins .. Rawlins, Henry John Eastman. supporters of S^itherland.) Rawlins, John Rawlins, Tho., de Pophills Warw. {The arms, crest, and, Rawlins, William Rawlinson, Abraham Rawlinson, Charles William. (Mussett, London. "Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Raw^linson, Christophorus, Armiger, De Cark Hall in Com. Lancaster. {Arms. Bawlinson, quartering Cur- wen and Monch. Christopher Batulinson, second, son of Curwen Bawlinson of Cark Hall, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of NicJiolas Monck, Bishop of Hereford, and niece of George, Duke of Albemarle ; born 1677; died 1733.) Rawlinson, Christopher. {Arms. Bawlinson imp)aling Sidebottom ! Probably the plate of Sir Christoi^licr Bawlinson, born 1806 ; knighted 1847 ; married 1847 Georgina Maria, daughter of Alex. Badclyffe Side- bottom ; Chief Justice of Madras 1849-59 ; died 1888.) Raw^linson, I., Gent. Raw^linson, John Rawlinson, Lady. {Arms. Baivlinson impaling Lad- broke. Sir Walter Bawlinson married a daughter of Sir Bobert Ladbroke, Lord Mayor of London.) Rawlinson, Bichardus, E Coll. Di. Joan. Bapt. Oxon. {No)ijuring Bishop ; born 1690; died 1755.) Raw^linson, Itichardus, a.b. E Coll. Di. Joan. Bapt. Oxon. {The last plate reworked .) Rawlinson, liichardus ll.d. E Coll. Di. Joan. Bapt. & R.S.S. {The inscripttion again altered.) Oxon. Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Armorial supporters Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Ai-morial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield pendant from a ribbon Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 401 Name, Date, and Engraver. 24630 Rawlinson, Eic, a.m. e Coll. Di. Jo. Bapt. Oxon. et R.S.S. (M. B. (Burghers).) 24631 Rawlinson, Eic, ll.d. e Coll. Di. Jo. Bapt. Oxon. et E.S.S. {The last plate reivorlied.) 24632 Rawlinson, Eic., a.m. e Coll. Di. Jo. Bapt. Oxon. et R.S.S. [A smaller plate.) (M. B.) 24633 Rawlinson, Eichardus, ll.d. e Coll. Di. Joan. Bapt. Oxon. et E.S.S.) 24634 Rawlinson, Thomas Abm. {Arms. Bawlinson impal- ing . . .) 24635 Rawlinson, Sr. Walter, Knt., of Stow Hall in the county of Suff. F.R.s. & F.s.A. {Knighted 1774; died 1805.) 24636 Rawlinson, Wm., Gent. .. .. 24637 (Rawlinson), anonjanous. (Arms. Bawlinson impialing WJiite.) 24638 (Rawlinson), anonymous 24639 (Rawlinson), anonymous. {Probably an early plate of Sir Walter Batvlinson.) 24640 (Rawlinson), anonjTuous. (The last plate reivorlied) 24641 24642 24643 24644 24645 24646 24647 (Rawlinson), anonjonous Rawortli, Benjamin Clarke. HeycocJc.) Rawson, Christopher. ford?). Rawson, Christopher Rawson, Christopher. Rawson, Christopher {Arms. Batvorth quartering (Arms. Bawson quartering Cra- (Kirkwood Scul.) {Arms. Bawson impaling Wright, Christopher Bawson of Woolwich married 1840 Ellen Frances, daughter of John Naylor Wright of Liver- pool.) Rawson, Thomas Jekyll. {Arms. Bawson impaliyig . . .) 24648 Rawson, Thos. Saml. 24649 24650 24651 24652 24653 24654 Rawson, Thomas William. {Arms. Bawson impaling Busfeild. T. W. Bawson of Greenroyd married 1840 Octavia, daughter of Currer Fothergill Busfeild of Cottingley Bridge, Co. York ; died 1864.) Rawsthorn, John Rawstorne, E. Atherton Rawstorne, Eobert Atherton .. Ray, James J. R. (Eay). {Arms. Bay with Wyott on an escutcheon) . . 24655 Ray, Susanna 24656 Ray, William. Coll. Emman. Aug 23, 1694 24657 Rayley, Eichard. {Ai-ms. Baylcy quartering Barrett) .. 24658 Rayment 24659 (Raymond, Baron), anonymous. (Probably the plate of the Ind Baron, who succeeded 1732 and died 1753. Arms. Baymond quartering Fishe.) (J. Clark so, Grays Inn.) VOL. II. Style. Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Early Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Chippendale Axmorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Seal Armorial Pictorial Crest Crest Festoon crest Chippendale Aj-'morial Chippendale Armorial Printed label Armorial Pictorial Annorial Jacobean Armorial 2 P 402 Franl-s Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaveb. 24660 Raymond, Francis. {The Arms and Crest of De Mont- morency.) 24661 Rasnnond, George, of Catharine-Hall in Cambridge May 12 1669. 24662 Raymond, Hugh, of Baling Hall Esqr. in Essex 24663 Raymond, Eoberfc, of Graj'es Inn Esqr. {Created Baron Eaijmond 1730 ; died 1732-3.) 1704. 24664 (Raymond, Samuel), mutilated 24665 Raymond, Samuel. {The last plate retvorhed) 24666 [Raymond, Mary] , anonymous 24667 RayTie, Robert 24668 Rayne, Wm., Surgeon 24669 Rayner, William. [1867] 24670 Raynsford, Eliza, of Finedon . . 24671 Raynsford, Francis 24672 (Raynsford?), anonymous. {Arms. Baynsford, quartering Randall, ivitli Raynsford on an escutcheon.) 24673 [Rea, John] , anonymous. {Printed in red) .. 24674 Read, Edward. (Neele sc. 352 Strand) 24675 Read, Mary Ann 24676 Read, Septimus. {Arms, Read impaling Bligh '.) .. 24677 Read, Thos., Esqr. {"Lyons Bool:'' Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 24678 Reade, Edward Anderdon 24679 H. C. R. (Reade) 24680 Reade, Sir John. {Probably the plate of the 6th Baronet, who succeeded 1789 and died 1868.) 24681 Reade, Philip, Esq. Wood Parks, Cos. Galway & Clare. {OrirfinaUy engraved by Emslie for " Burhe's Heraldic Illustrations,'" and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 24682 Reade, Philip, Esq. Wood Parks, Cos. Galway & Clare. (The last p)late printed on blue paper.) 24683 Reade, Philip, Esq. Wood Parks, Cos. Galway & Clare. {TJie last 2)late printed on greeyi paper.) 24684 Reade, E Libris Unton, A.M. Anno Dom 17 [13] .. 24685 Reade, William Moms .. 24686 (Reade), anonymous. (W. M. Sc. (Milton).) 24687 (Reade), anonymous. {Originally engraved by Becker for '^ Burke's Heraldic Illustrations," ivitli the iiiscription " John Reade Esq. Ipsden co. Crford" and afterxuards used as a bookplate.) 24688 (Reade), anonymous. {Arms. Reade, qxiarteHng Revell, impaling Colquhoun. John Page Reade of Sfnffon, Co. Suffolk, married, as his \st wife, Miss Colqithoiin.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Style. Axiuorial oval shield on a mantle Printed label Jacobean Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Printed label Chippendale Aj.'morial Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Annorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Early Jacobean Armorial Crests in a garter Pictorial Armorial Annorial Annorial Franhs Colhetion of Booh Plates. 403 Name, Date, and Engraveb, 24689 Reader, E. F. Stratton .. 24690 Eeadshaw, C. {A reprint) 24691 24692 24693 24694 24695 24696 24697 24698 24699 24700 24701 24702 24703 24704 24705 24706 24707 24708 24709 24710 24711 24712 24718 24714 24715 24716 24717 24718 24719 24720 24721 24722 24723 24724 Reaston, E Libris F. B., Utriusq Templi Soc. No\t. 80. {The Crests of the Inner and Middle Temples.) Reaston, Peter Acklom . . Reay, Baron. See Maekay. Reay, Henry Utrick. Killingworth. {Arms. Beay, quarter- ing Cuthbert ? and Stevenson quarterly, with Newman, or Harrison, on an escutcheon.) (" Bewick." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Reay, John Reay, John. {TJte last plate reworked) Reay, Joseph. ("Barbers Plate." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Rebello, David Alves Rebello, David Alves. {The last plate printed in red) Rebotier, Charles Rebo-w, John Gurdon. {Arms. Echow quartering Gurdon) Rebow, I. L., of Colchester. {Died VIM) {Arms. Behow Rebow, Isaac Lemyng, of Colchester. quartering Lemyng.) (Redborne), anonjT:nous . . Reddington, Johannes, a.m. Reddy, Roberts S. Rede, T., Junr. Redfoord, Eliza .. Redington, Thomas Redington, Thomas. Mtrehill Redington, Thomas. Eyehill Redington, Thomas N., Esq., m {Arms. Bedington quarter graved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,' and afterwards used as a bookplate.) Redman, George C. Redmayne, William Trasure. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Redmond, Henry Thompson .. Redmond, William Redpath, Leopold. {Arms. Bedpath imptaling Sherman.) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Redpath, Peter. {Arms. Bedpath impaling Wood) Reeee, Richard, f.s.a. p. Kilcornan, Co. Galway. ing Dowell. Originally en- Style. Reece, Robert Reed, Archibald .. Reed, Archibald. (Lambert St.) Reed, Charles Reed, Christopher Reed, Christopher. (Arms. Beed quartering Nevill.) (Lambert) Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon crests Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield pendant from a ribbon Crest and cj'pher Crest and cypher Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Annorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Crest in a garter Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial trophy Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Initials in a garter Crest in a garter Armorial Pictorial Crest in a garter Armorial 2 D 2 404 Fratiks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 24725 Reed, Christopher. {Arms. Reed imjnding C oiling looocl. The Bevel. Christr. Reed, Vicar of Tynemouih, married 1836 Annie, daughter of John Collingwood of Chirton.) 24726 Reed, Francis. {Arms. Reed impaling . . .) 24727 Reed, Isaac. (Dent sculp.) 24728 24729 24730 24731 24732 24733 24734 24735 24736 24737 24738 24739 24740 24741 24742 24743 24744 24745 24746 24747 24748 24749 24750 24751 24752 24753 24754 24755 24756 24757 24758 Reed, James. {Arms. Reed impaling Bell) Reed, James Reed, James. {A different plate) Reed, John. {The arms on the escutcheon of pretence are perhaps intended for Nevill though the tinctures are reversed.) Reed, Thomas Reed, William Reekie, Joannes, (^iXoXo'yor Rees, Jonn. (Rees), anonjrmous. {Arms. Rees, quartering Boiven, with Horton and Stanley imj^alcd on an escutcheon. This must be the plate of Captn. Charles Rees, 7vho married 1813 Harriet Susannah, daughter and heir of Sir Watts Horton, Bart., by his wife Henrietta, daughter of James Lord Stanley.) Reeve Reeve Reeve, Hem-y Reeve, Henry. Reeve, James. Reeve, John Reeve, Samuel ner sc.) Reeve, Thos. Reeve, Thomas. {Arms. Reeve impaling Colvile ?) Reeve, Wm. Napier. 1875 Reeves, Charles .. D. E. R. (David E. Reeves). 1892. (H. J. (Jones).) Reeves, Edwd. Hoare Reeves, Edward Hoare Reeves, Fred. {Arms. Reeves, Fredk. J. H. quartering Rowe.) Reeves, James. {Arms. Reeves impaling Bowles quarter- ing Garnault. James Reeves of Danemore Park, Co. Kent, married Jane Mary, daughter of Hem-y Carring- ton Bowles of Enfield, Co. Middlesex.) Reeves, John Style. {The last plate reworTced) Thorpe Ht. Norwich . . {Arms. Reeve impaling Webber.) (Fen- Reeves impaling MolenicJc ?) {Arms. Reeves impaling TJnwin Reeves, John, Esqr. Reeves, John, Esqr. 27 Strand.) Reeves, John, Esqr. signature erased.) Reeves, Pelsant. Arborfield, Berks {A smaller plate.) (Silvester sc. {The last plate with the engraver's Amiorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Crest Crest "Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Pictorial Armorial 24759 Reeves, Richard Gibson . . 24760 Reeves, W. T. {Arms. Reeves impnlinq Griffith) 24761 Reeves, William IVfaunsell Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Crest Aiinorial Festoon Annorial Festoon Armorial Ai'morial Crest Pictorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Mock Amiorial I\Iock Armorial Mock Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plafps. 405 Name, Date, aisd Engraver. Style. 24762 24763 24764 24765 24766 24767 24768 24769 24770 24771 24772 24773 24774 24775 24776 24777 24778 24779 24780 24781 24782 (Reichel), anonymous. {Arms, Reicliel impaling Hur- lock. The Bcvd. Samuel Budolph Reichel married 1836 Matilda, daughter of Joseph Hurloclc of Oxted, CO. Surrey ; he died 1857 ; she died 1871.) Eeid. {Arms. Beid impaling Clifford) Reid, Ann. {Arms. Beid impaling Holland) Reid, Dora Loraine. {The arms of Fraser of Auchnagarne) Reid, George Boilean. {Arms. Beid impaling Miller.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Reid, Ex Libris G. W., f.s.a. Auo. Dmi. mdccclxxx. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) Reid, Ex Libris G. W., f.s.a. Ano. Dmi. mdccclxxx. {The last plate printed on p)ale hroivn paper.) (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) Reid, Ex Libris G. W., f.s.a. Auo. Dni. m''d°ccc''l"xxx"'. {The last plate reiuorhed.) (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) Reid, Ex Bibliotheca H. C, F.S.A. Reid, Henrj' Stewart Reid, Sir James, of Barra, Bart. {Succeeded 1750 as 2nd Baronet; died 1111.) Reid, James, Junr. Reid, John. Wright in Glasgow Reid, Rev. John. {The anonymous plate with the inscrip- tion in type.) Reid, John F. M. Reid, John Rae . . Reid, Lestock Robert. London.) Reid, Louisa Margaret. Reid, Mr. Richard T. Reid, Robert Reid, Robert (Mutlow sc. York St. Govt. Gardn. {Arms. Beid impaling Barclay /) Trinity College 24783 Reid, Robert. {A diff'erent plate) 24784 24785 24786 24787 Reid, Thomas Reid, Thomas, m.d., f.a.s. {The last plate tvith inscription altered.) Reid, Thos. {Arms. Beid ivith Goodfelloiv on an es- cutcheon. Thomas Beid of Eivell Grove, created a Baronet 1823, married 1791 Elizabeth, daughter and heir of John Looke Goodfelloto of Newbury ; died 1824.) (Reid), anonymous {Arms. Bold impaling Geldart quarter- {Arms. Beid quartering Ker ? and {A different plate ivith the same 24788 (Reid), mutilated. (^ 24789 ing Meyer.) (Reid), anonjaiaous 24790 24791 (Reid), anonymous (Reid), anonjTnous. Bruce.) 24792 (Reid), anonjTBOUs. 24793 quarterings.) (Reid), anonymous!. quartering Strachan.) {Arms. Beid impaling Oakelcy Seal Armorial lozenge Armorial Armorial lozenge Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest Chippendale engraved label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Crest Ai'morial Armorial Crest Crest Armorial shield on clouds Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Annorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Crest AiTBorial Armorial Armorial 406 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 24794 Reierson, P 24795 Reilly, A. Adams. Belmont .. 24796 Reilly, James Miles 24797 Reilly, John. (Arms. Bcilhj with Mathews ? on an es- cutcheon.) 24798 I. R. (Reilly). Scai-va 24799 I. R. (Reilly). Scarva. {The last plate reivorked) .. 24800 I. L. R. (Reilly). Scarva. {The last plate ivith inscription altered.) 24801 Reilly, John, of the Middle Temple, Esqr. {Note by Sir A. W. Franl-s, ''Lyons Book.'') 24802 Reilly, John, of the Middle Temple, Esqr. {Another im- pression of the last plate.) 24803 Reilly, John, of the Middle Temple, Esqr 24804 Reilly, Revd. Lam-. Owen. (E. Lyons Ex.) 24805 Reilly, Thomas 24806 [Reilly, Hugh] , anonymous. {Note hy Sir A. W. Franks '' Lyon's Book.") 1754. 24807 Reily, Robt. Esqr. {Note hy Sir A. W. Franks ''Lyons Book.") 24808 Relhan, Anthony, M.D. .. 24809 Remnant, Samuel. {Arms. Bemnant impaling Hutchinson) 24810 Rendel, Stuart Baron, of Hatchlands, Chateau de Thorenc. {Created a peer 1895.) 24811 Rendel, G. W., Condercum, E.L.s. Rendlesham, Baron. See Thellusson. 24812 Renell, Robert Prudom 24813 Rennard, Jos 24814 Rennell, James, Esqr. . . 24815 Rennell, T. T., Esqr. {A modern copy of the plate of James Rennell,) 24816 (Rennell), anonymous .. 24817 Renny, P 24818 Renny, P., M.D. (Suffield sc.) 24819 Renny, W. {The plate of P. Renyiy xvith inscrijition altered.) 24820 Renny, "William, of Danevale .. 24821 Rermy, AVilliam, of Danevele. {A different plate) .. 24822 Renny, William John, of Danevale. {Arms. Benny im- 2)aling Bohcrtson.) 24823 (Renny), anonymous. {Copied from the plate of P. Renny, M.D.) 24824 Renton, Alexr. C, Esqr., July 1823. (C. Thomson Sc. (Cross) Edinr.) 24825 Renton, John, Esqr 24826 Renton, John. (C. Thomson Edinr.) Crest Seal Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Spade shield pic- torial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial shield on a mantle Chippendale Aj'morial Chippendale Ajrmorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Seal Armorial Pictorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Crest FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 407 Name, Date, and Engbavek. 24827 Renwick, Thomas, M.D. (R. Walker Sc. Castle St.) 24828 Repps, John 24829 Repton, Adey 24830 Repton, Adey. {The last j^laie alteredin Indian Ink) 24831 Repton, Humphry. {Arms. BejJton impaling Clarke. Humphry Bepton, Landscapte Gardener, horn 1752 ; married 1773 Mary Clarke; died 1818.) 23832 Repton, Humphry. {The last plate reworked) 24833 Reresby, Thomas, Esqr. {Arms. Quarterly of 20. 1. Reresby; 2. Deyncourt ; 3. Normanville J ; 4. Pies- ley; 5. Normanvile ; 6. Gotham; 7. . . • ; 8. Tam- worth ; 9. Leake; 10. Clement; 11. Bell; 12. Holland; 13. Leverton; 14. Barnake ; 15. Preston; 16. Dighy ; 17. T7eZZe«<;.^- 18. Ashby ? ; 19 ; 20. £on(ie.) 1708. *470 Reresby, Thomas, Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1708. 24834 Reveley, Henry. (Is. Kirk Sc.) 24835 Reveley, Hugh, LL.B., of Christ Church Oxford 24836 Reveley, Hugh J. {Arms. Beveley, quartering Oiven, impaling Beveley. Hugh John Beveley of Bryn-y- Givyn Co. Merioneth, married 1850 Jane, daughter of Algernon Beveley of Cheltenham.) (Wyon, Regent St.) 24837 Revell 24838 Revell, Henry 24839 Revell, Major, Eoimd Oak 24840 Revell, Saml. (18— \vmli. in paper) 24841 Revington, J. Huleatt, Ardmayle Rectory. 1886 .. 24842 (Reymeld), anonjauous. {Note on back " Bey meld-cor oner for Essex aht. 1750.") (J. Smith Fecit.) 24843 (Reymeld), anonj-mous. {The last plate reworked.) (J. Smith Fecit.) 24844 Reynard, S. ]\Iai-tini Masoni 24845 Reynardson, A. H. Bu'ch. {Arms. Beynardson quaiiering Birch.) C' Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 24846 Reynardson, Jacob. {A bookplate ^) . . 24847 Reynell (mutilated). (J. Allen set. Bu-mingm.) 24848 Reynell, Sir Thomas, Bart. {Succeeded 1829 as 6th Baronet; died 1848.) 24849 ReyneU, William 24850 (Reynell), anonjTBOus .. 24851 Reynolds, Chas. Edwd., Attorney. (V. Woodthorpe sc. 27 Fetter Lane.) 24852 Reynolds, Edward. (Matthews Sc. Oxford) 24853 Reynolds, Foster 24854 Reynolds, Foster. {A different plate) 24855 Reynolds, Foster. {Arrns. Beynolds, quartering Morris, impaling Fry ?) 24856 Reynolds, Francis, Esqr. 24857 Reynolds, Hannah Style. Ai'morial spade shield Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Pictorial Pictorial AVreath and ribbon Aiinorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Ajrmorial Armorial Seal Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon engraved label 408 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 24858 Reynolds, James . . 24859 Reynolds, James J. (Arms. Rerjnolds quartering Jones.) (Mathews sculpt.) 24860 Resmolds, J. J 24861 Reynolds, Jn 24862 Reynolds, John 24863 Reynolds, John 24864 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. (F. Bartolozzi, fecit.) 24865 Reynolds, Kobei-t. [Aryyis. Beynolds impaling Palmer) . . 24866 Reynolds, Robert Foster. {Arms. Reynolds impaling Felly, quartering Hinde and Blake. B. F. Beynolds tnarried 1833 Emm,a Eugenia, daughter of Sir John Henry Felly, 1st Bart.) 24867 Reynolds, T. A. F. (H. Salt, Heraldic Office, Lincoln's Inn) 24868 Reynolds, William Foster 24869 Reynolds, William Foster, Carshalton House 24870 (Reynolds), anonymous. {Arms. Beynolds iynpaling Brest on.) 24871 (Reynolds), anonymous. {Arms. Beynolds quartering Freston.) 24872 (Reynolds), anonymous. {The last p)late retuorhcd) 24873 [Reynolds, J.] , anonjonous. {The first state of the plate of James Beynolds.) [1826.] 24874 Reynous, Isaac .. 24875 Rhames, Fredk .... 24876 (Rhames), anonymous or mutilated. {Frinted in blue) 24877 Rhoades, Thos 24878 24879 24880 24881 24882 24883 24884 24885 24886 24887 24888 24889 24890 Rhodes, Charles Henry. ((18)22. wmk. in paper) Rhodes, Charles H. E. (H. Salt, Heraldic Office, Lincoln's Inn.) Rhodes, Edward D., B.D. Rhodes, George Ambrose, Esqr. {Arms. Bhodes quar- tering Sleech aiid Chohvick. Geo. A. Bhodes died 1842.) Rhodes, Godfrey .. Rhodes, James. {Arms. Bhodes impaling . . . .) Rhodes, M. I. .. .. .. .. .. ,. Rhodes, William, Northwich .. Riach, Hugh Heugh. {Copied from the plate of William Hogarth.) Ricardo, Arma Alexandri Ludov., et Florentise uxoris ejus. {Arms. Bicardo impaling Camjjbcll. Ale.v. L. Bicardo, Capt. Grenadier Gtiards, married 1865 Florence, daughter of Bobert Campbell of Buscot Park; died 1871.) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Ricardo, J. Ricardo, Arma Joannis Ludov., et Catarinae uxoris ejus. {Arms. Bicardo impaling Duff. John Lewis Bicardo married 1841 Lady Katherinc Duff, sister of James, bth Earl of Fife ; died 1869.) Ricardo, John Lewis, Esq., m.p. Foimdcr of the lirst Electric Telegraph for national purposes. 1858. Style. Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Crest Crest in a garter Pictorial Chippendale Aimorial Ai-morial Armorial Engi'aved label Engraved label Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Bookcase Jacobean cypher modern Seal Armorial Armorial Seal Annorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 409 Najie, Date, and Engraver. 24891 24892 24893 24894 24895 24896 24897 24898 24899 24900 24901 24902 24903 24904 24905 24906 24907 24908 24909 24910 24911 24912 24913 24914 24915 24916 24917 24918 Ricardo, John Lewis, Esq.', m.p. Founder of the first Electric Telegraph for national purposes. (The last 2)late reworl-ed.) 1858. (B. Wyon, Regent St.) Ricardo, Osman .. Ricardo, Ralph .. Ricardo, Walter. {Arms. Bicardo impaling Craven) (Spring-Rice, Baron) Monteagle of Brandon Rice Spring-Rice, C. T Rice, John Spring-Rice, Stephen Edmond, Mount Trenchard. (Eldest son of the 1st Baron Monteagle, born 1814; died 1865.) Spring-Rice, T. . . Rich, Sh' Charles. (Arms. Rich tvitJi Rich on an escrit- cheon. The Revd. Charles Bostock married 1784 Mary Frances, daughter and heir of Sir Robert Rich, Bart. He assumed the name and Arms of Rich, and was created a baronet 1791 ; died 1824.) Rich, Sir. Charles Henry. (A reprint ? Arms. Rich im- paling Lethbridge. C. H. Rich, ivho succeeded 1824 as Ind Bart., married 1806 Frances Maria, daughter of Sir John Lethbridge, 1st Bart. ; died 1857.) (Seed so.) Rich, Sir Charles Henry Stuart. {Succeeded 1866 as Mh Baronet.) Rich, Sir Charles Henry Stuart, Bart., Claxton Abbey, Ano. Mi. Suae 29, Ano. Dmi. 1887. (Arms. Quarterly. 1. and 4. Rich qtiartering Rich ; 2. and 3. Sullivan.) (C. W. D. (Dempsey).) Rich, E Lib. Donii. Carol. Henric. Stuart, Baronetti Societ. Antiq. Lon. Socii in Cast. Devizes in com. Wilts, conservatis. Anno 'Doixi 1890. (C. W. D. (Denipsey) .) Rich, Mrs. E. {Arms. Style. Rich impaling Minshull) Rich, John. (Engd. by W. West) Rich, Willm. B., Bermondsey. (J. Phillips sculp.) .. Rich, William Osborne. (Third son of the 1st Baronet ; died 1847.) (1816. wmk. in paper.) (Rich, Baronet), anonymous. (Arms. Rich impaling Griffith. Sir Robert Rich, Ath baronet, married the daughter of Col. Griffith, one of the Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth to Queen Anne ; died 1768.) Rich. See also Bostock. Richards, Cassandra, Hoe Street, Plymouth Richards, Edward Vaughan, MA\s. Xti. Alumnus . . Richards, Edward Windsor. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Richards, George Richards, Revd. George. (J. Allen sc, Birmingm.) Richards, Geo. Wm. Richards, Georgiana. {The plate of John Baker Richards ivith an engraved label pasted over.) Richards, John .. Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Festoon Ai-morial Seal Armorial Armorial shield m a gai-ter Annorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Ai-morial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Crest Armorial Armorial 24919 Richards, John, Shrewsbury. {Probably a trade card) Chippendale Armorial Printed label Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial 410 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. 24920 24921 24922 24923 24924 24925 24926 24927 24928 24929 24930 24931 24932 24933 24934 24935 24936 24937 24938 24939 24940 24941 24942 24943 24944 24945 24946 24947 24948 24949 24951 24952 Richards, John, Junr., f.s.a. {Arms. Ricliards impaling May. John Eichards married Fannij, daughter of John May.) Richards, John, Junv., f.s.a. {The last plate tvith inscrip- tio)t reworhed.) Richards, John Baker. [Arms. Richards impaling Peters) Richards, Revd. Joseph .. Richards, Joseph Loscombe . . Richards, Richard. {Arms. Eichards impaling Dennett. Eichard Eichards married 1814 Harriet, daughter and coheir of Jonathan Dennett.) (Mutlow sc, York St.) Richards, Robert, Esqr. Richards, Stephen. {Arms. Eichards impialing Greenhill ?) Richards, S. More. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) Richards, Walter John Bruce, D.D. Richards, William. (Smith sc, 87 Cornhill) Richardson Richardson. {Arms. Richardson quartering Gibson?) (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Richardson's, Lisburn. {Stamped in gold oii black paper) Richardson Richardson of Pitfour, Bart. {Probably the plate of the 13th haroyiet, served heir in 1837 to his hinsman the 12fh baronet, who died 1821.) (Gardners sc, Perth.) Richardson, Aldborough. {Arms. Eichardson impal- ing . . . .) Richardson, Ann Richardson, Richardson, Harris.) Richardson, Georges.) Richardson, Richardson, Richardson, Richardson, Richardson, Richardson, Richardson, Richardson, Richardson, Charles Danl., Esqr. (Arms. Eichardson impaling Ford. [Arms. Eichardson quartering Geoffry Guildford Barker . . Henry, m.a. Henry, M. A. {The last plate reworked) The Revd. Henry, Carlisle Henry S. .. Hosier .James Coxon, Swansea John, Merct. 24950 Richardson, E Libris Johans. . . John (Jones & Barriff sc 36 Tlico- 24953 Richardson, Richardson, Ijulds Rd. Richardson, John Sir John. Style. -Tohn, Jvnu'. Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Anxiorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Annorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial lozenge Armorial supporters Armorial Wreath and rib- bon Armorial lozenge Armorial Chippendale Armorial trophy Armorial Armorial Annorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale cypher Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial FranJcs CoUection of Booh Platen. 411 Name, Date, and Engeaver. 24954 24955 24956 24957 24958 24959 24960 24961 24962 24963 24964 24965 24966 24967 24968 24969 24970 24971 24972 24973 24974 24975 24976 24977 24978 24979 24980 24981 ^408 24982 Richardson, Joseph John. (18)24. wmk. in paper) Richardson, Eichd., d.d. {Arms. Richardson impaling Eden. Riclid. Richardson, D.D., Chancellor of St. Paul's, married Mary, daughter of Sir Robert Eden, Srd Barf.) Richardson, Robert Richardson, R. .. Richardson, Sanil. Richardson, Thomas, Writer to the Signet. (Kirkwood sculpt.) Richardson, Thos., Iron Acton, Gloucestershire T. F. R. (Richardson). (Arms. Richardson quartering Dalzell.) Richardson, Sir William. {Arms. Richardson impaling Small.) Richardson, William, Pemith Richardson, AV. 17 — .. Richardson, William Ridley . . Richardson, William Stevens . . Richardson, William Stevens. {The last plate reworked) Richardson, Wormley Edward, Esq. Riccall Hall, Co. York. {Engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illu8tratio7is.") [Richardson, John Hem\y] , anonymous (Richardson), anonjanous. {Arms. Richardson quartering Howe. This is prohahly the j^late of the Revd. Roht. Richardson, rector of St. Anne's, Westminster, the only son of William Richardson, D.D., by Anne, daughter and heir of William Howe of Cheshire.) (Stephens ?) (Richardson), anonjTnous (Richardson?), anonymous Richbell, Lt. Coll. Edw. Riches, Robert. Hempnall Riches, T. H Richmond, Duke of. See Lennox. Richmond, Henry L. R. (Richmond). {Note by Sir A. of the Dairyman's Daughter.") Richmond, R., ll.d. Lancastriensis Style. W. Franks, " author (Billinge Sc.) (2 (W. Stephens).) .. Richmond, Robert Richmond, Silvester Richmond, Thomas, alias Webb of Rodbourne Cheney in the County of Wilts Esqr. {Arms. Richmond quarter- ing Richmond, Pollen, and St. Low.) 1703. Richmond, Thomas, alias Webb of Rodbourne Cheney in the County of Wilts Esqr. {Another impression of the last plate.) 1703. (Richmond), anonymous Richmond Hospital, School of Anatomy. See School Premiums. Crest Armorial Armorial Landscape Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Wreath and ribbon. Engraved label Festoon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon cypher Jacobean AiToorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial trophj' Engraved label Crest Armorial Pictorial crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Chippendale Armorial 112 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Enqravee. 24983 Rickards, Charles 24984 Rickards, George. {Arms. Richards impaling Kettilby. George BicTiards ofBijilcy, co. Surrey, married Frances, daughter of the Revd. Samuel Kettilby, D.D.) 24985 Rickards, S., Pershore .. 24986 Ricketts, Geoe. Willm., Trin. Coll. Cambridge. (Holland Sculp.) 24987 Ricketts, Henry. (.Johnson sc.) 24988 Ricketts, Mordaunt. (Arms. Richetts quartering Poyntz) 24989 Ricketts, Mrs. Poyntz, Baker Street 24990 Ricketts, This Book belongs to Richard, Coombe Bank 24991 Ricketts, Will. Hen 24992 Ricketts, Willm. Henry. (18—. wmk. in paper) . . 24993 Rickford, T. Parker, Royal Welch Fusiliers. [Arms. RicJiford ivith Wyndliam ? on an escutcheon.) 24994 Rickman, S. P. {Arms. RicTtynaii impali^ig Hohson) 24995 Rickman, Thos. Clio. {Born 1761 ; died 1834.) (Steven- son Sculp. Mark Lane.) 24996 Ridden 24997 Riddell of Ardnamurchan. {Not a bookplate) 24998 Riddell of Riddell Bart. {Arms. Riddell quartering Buchanan. Probably the plate of Sir John Buchanan Riddell, 9th Baronet ; succeeded 1784; died 1819.) 24999 Riddell, Richard Brooke, The Bequest of his dear Aunt 5: Godmother. 23d Jany. 1830. 25000 Riddell, Thomas 25001 Riddell, Sir Thomas Milles, Bt. {Succeeded 1861 as 3rd Baronet; died 1883.) 25002 Riddell, William. {Printed on pinJc paper) .. 25003 Riddell, William. {The last plate printed on mauve paper) 25004 Riddell, Revd. Wm 25005 B. T. R. (Ridding). (R. Mountaine Sc.) 25006 Ridding, Thomas. {The plate of B. T. R. reworked) (Mountaine Sc.) 2.5007 Ridding, Thomas 25008 Rider 25009 Rider, Isaac, of Greenwich 25010 Ridex', .Jacob 25011 Rider, Thomas. Octob. 7, 1737 25012 [Rider, W.] , anonymous. {Arms. Rider impaling Ward.) 25013 (Rider), anonjTnous. {The plate of Isaac Rider with in- scription erased.) 25014 Ridgate, Phil., Esqr. J.U.D 2.5015 Ridge, Mr. Benjamin 25016 Ridge, Captain John. 60th or Royal American Regt. of Foot. {Arms. Ridge quartering Holman /) Style. Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Engi-aved label Printed label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Annorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial spade shield with supporters Engraved label Crest Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Crest Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Ai'morial Annorial Jacobean Amiorial Festoon Armorial Printed label Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Franks Collection of Book Plates. 413 Name, Date, and Engraver. 25017 25018 25019 25020 25021 25022 25023 25024 25025 25026 25027 25028 25029 25030 25031 25032 25033 25034 25035 25036 25037 25038 25039 25040 25041 25042 25043 25044 25045 25046 25047 Ridgeway, Willm. {Note hy Sir A. W. Franls, " Lyons Bool:") Ridgway, Alexander (Ridgway, Alexander.) (The last i^ate %vith the name not ])rinted.) Ridgway, Anna Maria. {Arms. Ridgway im^paling Kingsley.) Ridgway, John. {Printed in blue) .. Ridgway, John. {The last plate ^printed in red) .. Ridgway, John Clare, mdccclxxi. {The plate of John Ridgway with altered inscription.) Ridgway, Joseph, Ridgmont. {Arms. Ridgway impaling Wyatt.) Ridgway, Joseph, Eidgmont. {Arms. Ridgtvay impaling Wyatt and Kingsley.) Ridgway, Thomas. Wallsuches, (Sheffield sculpt.) (Ridgway), anonymous .. Ridings, George .. Ridley. Hambleden, Henley on Thames. (1830 wmk. in paper.) Ridley, Fredk. Henry .. Ridley, Henry, a.m. {Arms. Ridley impaling Surtees. The Revd. Henry Ridley Rector of Hertingfordbury married 1781 Frances, daughter of Aubone Surtees.) Ridley, Henry John, a.m. {Arms. Ridley impaling Ellis.) Ridley, Lady. {Arms. Ridley, quartering White, with Colborne on an escutcheon. Sarah, daughter and heir of Benjamin Colborne of Bath married 1777 Sir Matthew White Ridley 2nd Bart, who died 1813.) (Ridley), anonymous (Ridley), anonymous. {The plate of Lady Ridley without inscription, but probably engraved for her husband.) (Ridley), anonymous. {A different plate of Sir Matthew White Ridley.) [Ridley, Charles William, Esq.] , anonymous. {Arms. Ridley, quartering White, impaling Browne quartering Monck. Major Genl. Charles William Ridley, C.B., inarried 1843 Henrietta Araminta Monck, daughter of the first Baron Oranmore ; died 1867.) (Ridout), anonymous. {Arms. Ridout quartering Rochester) (Ridout), anonjonous. Ridsdale, Eevd. Robt. Rigaud, S. J. Rigby {Arms. Ridout impaling Nicholls) a.m. (Samuel Topham Sculp. Leeds) Rigby Rigby, Edward . . Rigby, Francis Hale. {Arms. Rigby quartering Hale. Lt. Col. Francis Hale luho assumed the name and Arms of Rigby on succeeding to Mistley Hall on the death of his uncle the Right Honble. Richard Rigby in 1788.) F. H. R. (Francis Hale Rigby.) Mistley Hall (Rigby), anonjinous. (^4 reversed impression. Not a book- plate. Arms. Rigby impaling ) SlYtiE. Chippendale Aimorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge modern Festoon Ai-morial Festoon Armorial Festoon Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Festoon Armorial Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Ai-morial Chippendale Ai-morial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Engraved label Chippendale Armorial 414 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. Style. 25048 (Rigden), anonymous Armorial 25049 (Rigg), Downfield Wreath and ribbon Armorial 25050 Rigg, R. J Armorial 25051 Rigg, Thomas, Advocate .. Bookpile Armorial 25052 Rigge, John Wreath and ribbon crest 25053 Rigge, John . . . . Armorial shield and crest in a beaded oval 25054 Rigge, John Thomas Armorial shield and crest in a beaded oval 25055 Riggs, Ex Libris E. F Riggs, Thomas Medlycott. See Medlycott. Crest 25056 Riggs, William H. (J. Eeyl sc. Dresden) Armorial 25057 Righton, W. A .. Crest 25058 Rigley, Joseph James Ward. (Warwick Sc. 145 Strand) .. Armorial 25059 (Rigley), anonymous. {Proof of the last plate) , , Armorial 25060 Riley, William Felix. {Arms. Biley impaling Eamshottom) Armorial 25061 (Riley), anonymous. {Arms. Biley ivitli Gibbon escutcheon.) on an Armorial 25062 Rimington, Alexander .. Seal Armorial 25068 Rimington, James. (Warwick Sc. 145 Strand) Armoi-ial 25064 Rimington, John Wilson Armorial 25065 Rind, Lieut. Coll. Wreath and ribbon Armorial 25066 Ring, Rebecca. Bristol . . Engraved label 25067 Ring, Rebecca. Worcester Engraved label 25068 Ring, Sophia. Bristol . . Engraved label 25069 Ringrose, John .. Crest 25070 Rioii, Stephen, of London. {Died 1780) •• Chippendale Armorial 25071 Riou, Stephen, of London. {The last plate printed in red) Chippendale Armorial 25072 Ripley, Edward. Ch. Ch. (J. Clements sc. Oxford) Armorial 25073 Ripley, George . . Armorial 25074 Ripley, Henry W. (" Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks) Armorial 25075 Ripley, Horatio . . ■ ■ Chippendale Armorial 25076 Ripley, Richard, Esqr. . . Chippendale Armorial 25077 Ripley, Willm. . . Ripon, Marquess of. See Robinson. Ripon, Bishop of. See Bickersteth. Armorial 25078 Rippley, R. & A. 1801 Festoon printed label 25079 Rippon. {Printed in sepia.) (Howe set.) Pictorial Armorial 25080 Rippon. (Lambert) Ai-morial 25081 Rippon, Cuthbert Armorial 25082 Risdon, Eli5;a H. .. Armorial 25083 Risdon, John Armorial 25084 Riseholme Palace Library. {The Amis of the Liiirobi.) Sec of Armorial 25085 Rishton, Martin Folkcs, Esqr. {ArniK. 1. Bishton ; Festoon Armorial. 2. Allcyn.) Two shields accole Franks Collection of Book Plates. 415 Name, Date, and Engeaveb. 25086 [Rishton, Edward] , anonymous 25087 25088 25089 25090 25091 25092 25093 25094 25095 25096 25097 25098 *405 25099 25100 25101 25102 25103 25104 25105 25106 25107 25108 25109 25110 25111 25112 Rising, Robert. (Arms. Bising quartering Tilney ?) Rising, Robert. Horsey Rising, William . . Risley, Risley, Esqr. Chetwood, Bucks. {Arms. Bisley with Whitaker on an escutcheon, Bisley Bretvcr, who assutned by act of Parliament the name and Arms of Bisley, married Ann, daughter of Sir Edward WhitaJcer.) (Cole Oxon sc.) Risley, W. Cotton Ritchie, Charles .. Ritchie, Francis. Mount Pottinger . . Ritchie, John Ritchie, William. (The plate of John Bitchie with in- scription altered.) Ritso, F. H. I Riverina, Bishop of. See Linton. Rivers, Baron. See Pitt. Rivers, Lieut. General Fox Pitt. (Arms. Pitt quartering Fox.) C' Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Rivers, James, Esqr., Colonel of one of her Majesties Regunent of Foot. {Fourth son of Sir John Bivers, 37'd Baronet; died at the siege of Barcelona. Arms. Bivers quartering the coat of Augmentation.) 17 — . Rivers, James, Esqr., Colonel of one of her Majesties Regunent of Foot. (Another impression of the last plate.) 17—. Rivers, Sr. Peter, Bart. (The plate of James Bivers re- worked. The Bevd. Peter Bivers succeeded as 6th Baronet 1142; died 1190.) Rivers, John. (Lyons) . . (Rivers, Baronet), anonymous. (Probably the plate of Sir Henry Bivers, tvho succeeded 1805 as 9th Bart.) Riversdale, Baron. See Tonson. Rivington, John. (Arms. Bivington impaling Maxey ?) (Stamped on the back, " John Biden Engraver & printer 37 Cheapside London.") Rivington, John. (The last plate with the sinister Coat reworked. Arms. Bivington impaling Williams ?) Rivington, John. (The last plate retvorked) Style. F.E.C.S.E., L.s.A. St. Neots, Huntingdon- Rivington, John . Rix, Joseph, f.l.s. shire. Rix, Joseph, m.d., f.r.c.s.e., l.s.a. St. Neots, Huntingdon- shire. Rix, Joseph, f.l.s. shire. 1857. f.r.c.s.e., l.s.a. St. Neots, Huntingdon- (S. W. R. Frat. Cariss.) Rix, Joseph, f.l.s., f.r.s.c.e., l.w.c.a. St Huntingdon. (A smaller plate.) 1857. 1857. Roach, Willm. [Roach, John] , anonymous. (Tolley set. I . . Roadley, Charlotte Neots, (S. W. Co. R.) Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Crest Crest Printed label Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Festoon Armorial Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial Seal crest Printed label Printed label Pictorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest 416 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 25113 25114 25115 25116 25117 25118 25119 25120 25121 25122 25123 25124 25125 25126 25127 25128 25129 25130 25131 Roadley, George. {Arms. Roadley or Ridley impaling Kciujye.) (Robartes), anonymous. {A7-ms. Bohartes impaling Booth. The Honble. Bussell Bohartes, second son of Robert Vis- count Bodmin, eldest son of John, 1st Earl of Radnor, married Mary, daughter of Henry Earl of Warrington.) (S. G. (Gribelin).) Robarts Style. Robarts, Abraham Robarts, Abraham George. (Arms. Boharts, quartering Harwood, impaling Smyth, quartering Wheatley, Foxley and Thornton? George Boharts married Elizabeth Sarah, daughter of John Henry Smyth of Heath Hall, co. YorJi.) Robarts, Abraham John. {Arms, Boharts impaling Smyth.) Robarts, Henry .. Robarts, James Thomas Robarts, James Thomas Robarts, James Thos. {Arms. Boharts imjjaling Lloyd?) (1817. wmk. in paper.) Robarts, Nathaniel Robarts, "William Tierney Robb, Andrew, Senior, In Eibbald of Carsebonny, His Book. December 16, mdcclviii. Robbins. Clay Hill House Gloucestershire . . Robbins, Edmund Robbins, Thomas, A.D. [1849] Robbins, William. (T. Radcliffe set. Birmm.) Roberdeau Roberts 25132 Roberts, By the King's Bargehouse near Lambeth Chm-ch 25133 Roberts. By the King's Bargehouse near Lambeth Church. {The last p)late ivith the jjart of the inscription ivhich is usually cut of not printed.) 25134 Roberts 25135 Roberts 25136 Roberts 25137 Roberts 25138 Roberts 25139 Roberts, B. L., Surgeon.. 25140 Roberts, Captn. .. 25141 Roberts, C. H 25142 Roberts, Chris 25143 Roberts, C. J., m.d. (Riddell delt.) 25144 Roberts, Daniel .. 25145 Robei'ts, Eevd. Edwd Festoon Armorial Jacobean . Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial Armorial shield on a mantle Crest Armorial Prmtcd label Armorial Festoon Armorial Literary Armorial Festoon Annorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Ai'morial Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest in a wi-eath Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Franks Collection of Book Plates. 417 Name, Date, and Engraver. 25146 25147 25148 25149 25150 25151 25152 Roberts, Sir Frederick Sleigh, Bart. {Created a Baronet 1881 ; Baron Roberts of Kandahar 1892; Earl Boherts 1901.) Roberts, George C. M., M.D. Baltimore. 18 — Roberts, Hugh Beaver . . Roberts, Revd. I. (Howe set.) Roberts, Jane Roberts. I. B Roberts, .Jean. {A bookplate ?) 25153 Roberts, John. (Johnson so.) . . 251.54 25155 25156 *379 25157 25158 Roberts, John Roberts, John. (Snffield sculpt.) Roberts, John, of Lincolns Inn, Gent. 1703 Roberts, John, of Lmcoln's Inn, Gent. {Another impres- sion of the last plate.) 1703. Roberts, John D. Roberts, Mary Ann. (I. D. (Doddi-ell).) 25159 Roberts, The Seal of Mary Ann 25160 Roberts, Mr. (Anns. Boberts with Fenton ? on an escutcheon.) 25161 Roberts, R. Lawton, m.d. Ruabon, N. Wales 25162 Roberts, Robert. {The plate of Bev. Edward Boberts with inscription altered.) 25163 Roberts, Samuel Edward. {Arms. Boherts ivith Degon on an escutcheon.) 25164 Roberts, Thos 25165 Roberts, Thomas . . 25166 Roberts, The Revd. Thos., m.a. Llanruth. Denbighshire .. 25167 Roberts, Revd. Thos., A.M 25168 Roberts, Thomas. {Arms. Boberts quartering Saunders.) (Warwick sc. 145 Strand.) 25169 Roberts, Br. Thomas, of Glastenbury in the county of Kent, Baronet. {Succeeded as r^th Baronet 1706 ; died 1729-30.) 25170 Roberts, Sr. Walter, of Glastenbury in the County of Kent, Baronet. {The pilate of Sr. Thomas Boberts with in- scription altered. Sir Walter succeeded as 6th Baronet 1729-30 ; died 1745.) 25171 Roberts, William. Beechfield.. 25172 Roberts, William A. {Arms. Boberts quartering Hob- son f) (■' Baker." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 25173 Roberts, William Lewis . . .. .. 25174 Roberts, Wilson Aylesbury, of Packwood in the county of Warwick, Esqr. {Arms. Boberts quartering Ayles- bury, the tinctures of the latter coat being reversed.) 25175 (Roberts), anonymous. {The plate of Chris. Boberts with- out inscrij^tion.) 25176 (Roberts), anonj-mous. {The plate of I. B. Boberts with- out inscription. Note by Sir A. W. FranAs, " Lyons Bool:'') VOL. II. Style. Armorial supporters Literary Crest in a garter Festoon Aimorial Armorial lozenge Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Crest Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial Festoon engraved label Seal Armorial lozenge Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Wreath and ribbon Annorial Armorial Early Jacobean Ai'morial Early Jacobean Armorial Crest Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreatli and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Annoi-ial 2 E 418 Franlcs Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaveh. 25177 25178 25179 25180 25181 25182 25183 25184 25185 25186 25187 251S8 25189 25190 25191 25192 25193 25194 25195 25196 25197 25198 25199 25200 25201 25202 25203 25204 (Roberts), anonymous .. (Roberts), anonymous. {Proof of an early plate of Earl Roberts before lie was created a Baronet.) (Roberts) , anonymous. {Proof of the 2^late of Sir Frederick ("Baker." Note by Sir A. W. {Arms. Roberts impaling . . .) . . {This is a proof of the plate of Slcigli Roberts.) Franks.) (Roberts), anonymous. (Roberts), anonymous. John Charles Williams.) (Robertson), Lord Benholme. {Arms. Robertson quarter- i7ig Scott. Hercules James Robertson, Lord of Session 1853-74.) Robertson Robertson, A. Robertson, Alexander . . Robertson, Arethusa. {Daughter of W. Wybrow Robert- son by liis luife Arethusa, daughter of the Rt. Houble. Thomas Milner-Gibson. A modern copy of the jilate of Miss Browne.) Robertson, Ex Libris Arthur, r.p.e. 1892. (A. 1!., Dawson sc.) Robertson, D. (A. Wilson set.) Robei-tson, Eben. Kingston. Jamaica Robertson, Eben . . Robertson, Francis, Esqr, {Arms. Robertson impaling Ross. Probably the plate of Francis Robertson of Chilcote, CO. Derby, born 1765; marrird Laura Dorothea, datighter of William Sutherland Ross ; died 1852.) Robertson, G. C. Robertson, Helen Laing Robertson, Henrici, Academiae Jacobi VI. Edinburgi, jr.i). (W. H. Lizars Sculpt.) Robertson, Henry Robertson, Hercules James, Esqr. Robertson, James Robertson, James. {Arms. Robertson, quartering Mac- donald, impaling Stuart.) Robertson, James, d.d. Leith Robertson, James, Esqr. (Ar)ns. Robrrfson iiii/}i(ling White.) Robertson, James Craigie. See Ecclesiastical Libraries. Robertson, James Thomas. lAr))is. Robertson impaling Stuart, quartering Atholl.) Robertson, J. Clinton .. Robertson, J. Stewart. Edradynate .. Robertson, Jolin Stuart Struan Robertson, John Thos. Leith Style. 25206 Robertson, Patk. 25207 Robertson, Patrick Francis 2520H Robertson, Peter . . Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial supporters Amiorial Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial lozenge Portrait Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Engi-aved label Crest Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Armorial Engi'aved label name in a garter Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Engi'aved label name in a garter Festoon crest Armorial Armoi-ial supporters Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 419 Name, Date, and Engraveb. 25209 Robertson, Robert, Esqr., Advocate. {Arms. Robertson qiiarti ring Seton.) 25210 Robertson, Robert, Advocate. {The last x>late reworked) .. 2.5211 [Robertson, Robert.] (The last jitnte without inscription) 25212 Robertson, Robex-t, Esqr. Advocate. (The last plate again rewo)-ked and printed in gold.) 25213 Robertson, Samuel 25214 Robertson, Thos. 25215 Robertson, Walter, Lynn R—S 25216 25217 25218 25219 25220 25221 25222 25223 25224 25225 25226 25227 25228 25229 25230 25231 25232 25233 25234 25235 25236 Robertson, William Robertson, William, Esqr., Advocate.. William, one of the Senators of Senators of Robertson, The Honble. the College of Justice, Robertson, The Honble. William, one of the the College of Justice. (^4 smaller plate.) Robertson, William, M.D. (Lizars Edmr.) .. Robertson, B. Genl. Wm., of Lude. {Arms. Robertson imjyaling Halilane, quartering Lennox and MenteitJi. General Robertson married Margaret, daughter of George Haldane of Glcneaglcs.) (Engraved by Kirk- wood & Sons.) Robertson, Anna Willelmi Archibaldi Scott, et Marise Isabellse Uxoris Ejus. {Arms. Robertson impaling Moore.) Robertson, Arma Willelmi Archibaldi Scott, et Marise Isabellie Uxoris Ejus. {The last plate reivorhed.) Robertson, William Donald. (AVarwick sc. 145 Strandj . . I Robertson, John] , anonymous. (Aliens' Lithog.) [Robertson, John], anonpnous. (The last plate printed on green piaper.) (Aliens' Litliog.) (Robertson), anonjinous (Robertson), anon3^nous (Robertson), anon^^nous (Robertson), anonymous. {Arms. Robertson imi^aling Wilson. Charles Robertson of Kindeace married 1868 Helena Emma, daughter of Sir John Mary on Wilson, 9fh Bart.) (Robinson, Baron) Grantham. {Arms. Robi)ison quarter- ing Weddell. Probably the plate of Thomas Philip, Brd Baron Grantham, mho succeeded 1833 as Earl de Grey.) (Robinson), Thomas Philip, Earl de Grey. Wrest Park. {Arms. De Grey quartering Robinson, Yorke, Camp- bell and Lucas. Thomas Philip, 3rd Baron Grantham, succeeded as Earl de Grey 1833 and therejipon assumed the surname and arms of de Grey, having j^reviausly assumed the surname of Weddell in lieu of Robinson.) (Robinson, Earl de Grey.) Wrest Park (Robinson, Earl) de Grev and Ripon. (" Wvon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) (Robinson, Earl) de Grey and Ripon .. (Robinson), George Frederick Sauuiel, Earl dc Grey and Ripon. {Arms. Robinson impali)ig Vyner. Geo, Fredk. Saml. Viscount Goderieli, who succeeded his Style. AiTTioiial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Early Jacobean Armorial Festoon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Anuorial Armorial Armorial spade shield with supporters Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Annorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Crests in a garter Crest Crest in a garter Seal Armorial 2 K 2 420 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 25237 25238 25239 25240 25241 25242 25248 25244 25245 25246 25247 25248 25249 25250 25251 25252 25258 25254 25255 25256 25257 25258 25259 25260 25261 25262 25263 25264 25265 25266 25267 25268 father in 1859 as Ind Earl of Ripon, and his uncle as Earl dc Grey and loas created Marquess of Rip on 1871, married 1851 Henrietta Ann Theodosia, daughter of Capt. Henry Vyner of Gauthy Hall, co. Lincoln.) (Robinson), George Frederick Samuel, Earl de Grey and Ripon. (Arms. Robinson quartering Yorhe, Camp- hell, de Grey, Hohart and Bertie.) (Robinson), George Frederick Samuel, Marquess of Ripon (Robinson, j\Iarquess of) Ripon (Robinson), H. de G. (Countess de Grey) Robinson .. Robinson .. Robinson of Rokeby Robinson, Arthur. Robinson, Benjn. (Stephens ?) Robinson, Benjamin Coulson. Middle Temple Robinson, Benjamia Coulson. Serjeant at Law Robinson, C. Lincoln's Inn .. Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Robinson, Chas. .. Robinson, Chas. B. (Arms. Robinson, quartering Barne. impaling Norton or Prinsep.) Robinson, Charles Best. (Arms. Robinson quartering Best.) s, {Arms Robijison impaling {The last plate printed on Robinson, Charles Francis. Barloiv.) Robinson, Charles Francis. rose-coloured paper.) Robinson, Charles Frederick. {Arms. Robinson, quarter- i)ig Ro7ve, with Rocke on an escutcheon. Chas. Frcdh. Robinson, R.N., married. Eleanor, daughter of John Helyar Rocke of Closivorth.) (Warwick 124 Regent St.) Robinson, Charles John Robinson, Chr., LL.D. Doctors Conuiions .. Robinson, This Book belongs to Edward Robinson, Francis Robinson, Frederic, Inner Temple Robinson, F. B. . . Robinson, Frederick Scudamorc, P'sq. Leicestershire. (Arms. Robinson with Scudamorc on an escutcheon. Engraved bij Emslic for " Burke's Heraldic Illustra- tions.") Robinson, Geo. .. Robinson, George Robinson, George Robinson, George Henry. (Arms. S/iipfnn? quartering GrcnfrU.) Robinson, George J. Robinson impaling Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Crest in a garter Cyi^her and coronet Armorial Armorial Crest and badge of Ulster Chippendale Armorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Armorial Armorial Engraved label Printed label Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest, and badge of Ulster Armorial Crest in a garter Franks Collection of Book Plates. 421 Name, Date, and Engraver. 25269 Robinson, G. R. (18 — . wmk. in paper) 25270 Robinson, Geoge. Thos. 25271 Robinson, Henry 25272 Robinson, Henry Crabb. {Born 1775 ; died 1867.) (Jones & Barriff sc. 36 Theobalds Road.) 25273 Robinson, Captain Hercules, r.n. {Anns. Bohinson with Wood, quartering Widman, on an escutcheon. Admiral Hercules Bohinson of Rosmead, co. Westmeath, married^ 1822 Frances Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Henry Widman Wood; died 1864.) 25274 Robinson, Isabella, Her Book. 1896. (C. H. R.) . . 25275 Robinson, James 25276 Robinson, James 25277 (Robinson), E bibliotheca Reverend! admodum in Christo Patris ac Domini Dni. Johannis Robinson Episcopi Loudinensis quam mihi inter alios quinquepartitam moriens legavit April. 11. 1723. Job. Dubourdieu, A. B. Aul. Cath. Cantab. 25278 (Robinson), E bibliotheca Reverendi admodum in Christo Patris ac Domini Dni. Johannis Robinson Episcopi Londinensis quam mihi inter alios quinquepartitam moriens legavit, April 11. 1723. {The last jilate without the name of Joh. Dubourdieu.) 25279 Robinson, John, of Milden-Hall Suffolk Gent. London, Printed in the year 1732. {A bookplate ?) 25280 Robinson, John .. 2.5281 Robinson, John, Civil Engineer. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 25282 Robinson, John. Queen's College, Cambridge 25283 Robinson, John . . 25284 Robinson, John, Esqr. {Arms. Bobinson imxnding Grim- ston /) 25285 Robinson, John, Esqr. {A different plate) .. 25286 Robinson, John Stephen. XArms. Bohinson impaling Denny, quartering Collingwood. John Stephen Bohinson. of Boheby, who succeeded as 'drd Baronet 1847, married 1841 Sarah Blackett, daughter of Anthony Denny of Barham Wood, co. Hereford.) 25287 Robinson, Sigil. Johannis Stephani, Baronetti 25288 Robinson, Sigil. Johannis Stephani, Baronetti. {The last 2)Iate reivorked.) 25289 Robinson, Joseph Barlow, Sculptor &c. Derby 25290 Robinson, Joseph Benjamin .. 25291 Robinson, Katherine Gertrude. {Arms. Bobinson impal- ing Harris. Katherine Gertrude, daughter of James Harris, M.P., and sister of James, 1st Earl of Malmcs- bury, married 1785 the Honhle. Frederick Bobinson, ivJio died 1792.) 25292 Robinson, Lionel George 25293 Robinson, Mary Anne .. 25294 Robinson, Matthew, Esqr, 2.5295 Robinson, Nicholas, Esqr. by Emsliefor " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations.'') 25296 Robinson, Peter Style. 1711 Sudlev, Liverpool. {Engraved Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Engi-aved label Crest Pictorial Earlv Armorial Early Armorial Pictorial Crest Crest Chippendale Ai'inorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial Seal Armorial Vesica Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest in a garter Armorial lozenge Early Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial 422 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engravkk. 25297 Robinson, Eamsay 25298 Robinson, Richard. {Areprint. Arms. Eohiiiwii quartering Ridley? Layton, and Walters. Probably an early plate of Bicliard Robinson, ArckbisJioj) of AniuiyJi, created Baron Rokeby 1777, fourth, but third surviving, son of William Robinson of RoJceby by his ivife Anne, daughter and heir of Robert Walters of Cundale, co. York.) 25299 Robinson, Eichd., Esqr. Herrington. ("Barbers Plate." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) 25300 Robinson, Robert, M.D. 1742 25301 25302 25303 25304 25305 25306 25307 25308 25309 25310 25311 25312 *135 25313 2.5314 *311 25315 25316 25317 Style. Robinson, Robt. Robinson, R. M. escutcheon.) Robinson, The, Chesterton. (T. Holloway Fecit) (Arms. Robinson luith Robinson on an Coll. Mert. Socius. (Hulett Scul.) Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Robinson, E Libris Thorn*. 1716 (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, "In same booh as 'plate of Tlios. Robinson of Roohby in the county of York.'') Robinson, Thomas, of Rookby in the county of York Esqr. Robinson, The Honble. Sr. Thos., of Rookby Park in the county of York Bart., one of ye Commissioners of his M'stie's Revenue of Excise & f.e.s. &c. {Amis. Robin- son i)n2)aling Howard. Thomas Robinson, created a Baronet 1730, married 1728 Elizabeth, daughter of Charles, 3rd Earl of Carlisle, and loidow of Nicholas, Baron Lechmere ; Commissioner of Excise 1735-1742; died nil.) Robinson, Thomas. {A bookplate /) . . Robinson, T. R. .. Robinson, T. W. N Robinson, Sr. "William, Baronett, of Newby in the North Riding of the Comity of Yorke. 1702. Robinson, Sr. "William, Baronett of Newby in the North Riding of the County of Yorke. {AnofJier imjjrcssion of the last plate.) 1702. Robinson, Sr. "William, Baronett of Newby in tlic North Riding of the County of Yorke. (TJiis is the pilate of the \st Baronet, 1702, with the crest coronet reworked and the date altered.) 1762. Robinson, Sr. "William, Knight. 1704 Robinson, Sr. William, ICnight. (Atiotlur impression of the last plate.) 1704. Robinson, William, e coll. Jc^. Soc. Coiii. {Thr arms of Norreys.) Robinson, Wm. .. Robinson, William, of Nelo. 1758 .. Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield pendant from a ribbon Jacobean Armorial Pictorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Jacobean book- case Armorial Crest Crest Autograph Jacobean Armorial supporters .Jacobean Armorial Jacobean Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest in a garter Early Armorial Early Annorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Franks Collectiou of Booh Plates. 423 Name, Date, and Engeaver. Style. 25318 Robinson, Kevd. Wm , 25319 Robinson, William 25320 Robinson, "\Vm. LL.D. Tottenham 25321 Robinson, William, 1889. (Sherborn) 25322 (Robinson, Archbishop of Armagh), anonymous. {Avnm. The See of Artnagli impaJin;/ Rohinsoi). Richard Bohinson, Arclihishop of Armagh 1765; created Baron Roheby 1777 ; died 1794.) 25823 (Robinson, Archbishop of Armagli), anonjanous. (A different plate.) 25324 (Robinson, Archbishop of Armagh), anonjnnous 25325 (Robinson), anonymous. {Note hij Sir .1. IT. Franks, ''Lyons Book:') 25326 (Robinson), anonymous. {The plate of Wni. Robinson, LL.D., without inscription.) 26327 (Robinson), anonymous, {Arms. Robinson impaling Shawe.) 25328 [Robinson, Jno.] , anonymous, (^4 bookplate /) 25329 (Robinson), anonymous, (.4 reversed impression. Not a bookplate. Arms. Robinson impaling Knightley.) 25330 (Robinson), anonymous. {A reversed impression. Not a bookplate. Arms. Robinson impaling Barlow.) 25331 (Robison,) Etloe Hoiase, Lejiion, Essex 25332 Robison, James 25333 Robson 25334 Robson, John 25335 Robson, Thomas. (Lamberts) 25336 Robson, William . . 25337 Robson, William 25338 Robson, William 25339 (Robson), anonymous .. 25340 (Robson), anon;ymous. {The last plate reivorked) .. 25341 Roby, J. N. 25342 Roch, Nicholas. (Burnell sc.) . , 25343 Roche, Edward, Esq., Trabolgan, co. Cork. {Arms. Roche, quartering Coghlan, with Curtain on an escutcheon. Edward Roche, who succeeded to Trabolgan in 1828, married 1805 Margaret Honoria, daughter and heir of W7n. Curtain. Originally engraved by Baker for "Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,'' and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 25344 Roche, Garrard. (Mutlow sc, York St.) 25345 Roche, James. (Warwick sc, 124 Regent St.) 25346 Roche, Steplien Rochester, Bishop of. See Thorold. Rochester, Earl of. See Hyde. Rochetts. See Jervis, Earl St. Vincent. Armorial Crest Armorial Pictorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Festoon Avmoiial Ai'iuor'ial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial arms in a garter Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Ar- morial modern Armorial Wreath and ribbon Amiorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Ai-morial Arn)orial Crest Festoon Armorial 424 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. Style. Eochfort, Earl of. See Nassau. 25347 Rochfort, David. (E. Lyons, Exd.) •• Armorial spade shield 25348 Rochfort, John . . Jacobean Armorial 25349 Rochfort, John D. .. Armorial 25350 Rochfort, Gustavus. [Anns, Eochfort, quartering . H^umc, Armorial im])aling Nixon. Colonel Gustavus Eochfort, M.P., married 1806 Dora Nixon.) 25351 Rock Annorial spade shield 25352 Rock, Daniel, Canon, d.d. Pictorial 2535B Rock, "William Rockingham, Earl of. See Watson. Wreath and ribbon Armorial Rockingham, Marquess and Marchioness of. See Watson. 25354 (Rockley), anonymous. {Probably not a hooJij^late) Rocksavage, Earl of. See Cholmondeley. •■ Ai-morial 25355 Rodbard, E Chippendale Ai'- morial lozenge on a mantle 25356 Rodd ■■ Wreath and ribbon Armorial 25357 Rodd, Edward , , Armorial 25358 (Rodd), anonymous or mutilated Festoon Ai'morial 25859 Roddam, Robert .. Roden, Earl of. See Jocelyn. Jacobean Armorial 25360 Rodes, Cornelius Heathcote. {Arms. Eodes quai Hcatlicotc.) •tering Festoon Armorial 25361 Rodes, Cornelius Heathcote Ai-morial shield on a mantle 25362 Rodes, Mary, Her Book. Derby, Printed January 9, 1729. Printed label 25363 Rodger, J. F ". . . Crest 25364 Rodgers, John. (Sam. Topham so.) .. Armorial 25365 Rodgerson, William Armorial 25366 Rodie, Thos. (Codling Sc.) Armorial 25367 Rodney. {Arms. Eodney imxialing Morgan, qiiai •tering Armorial Gould, George, 3rd Baron Eodney, married 1819 Charlotte Georgiana, daughter of Sir Charles Gould Morgan of Tredegar, Bart.; died 1842.) 25368 Rodney, Lord • ■ Armorial spade shield 25369 (Rodney), anonymous. {The last plate tvithout inscription) Armorial spade 25370 (Rodney, Baron), anonymous .. Armorial 25371 Rodwell, Christopher, Swaffham, Norfolk Printed label 25372 Rodwell, E. K Crest 25373 Rodwell, E Libris Georgii Farrer Vesica Ai-movial 25374 Rodwell, Hunter . . Crest in a gartei' 25375 Rodwell, Thos, {Arms. Eodwell i})ipiiU>iri . . . .) Armorial spade shield 25376 Roe Armorial 25377 Roe, Andi-ew, Esqr., Rockwell .. Chippendale Armorial 25378 Roe, Charles Festoon Armorial 25379 Roe, Chas. {Arms. Roe impaling ....).. Festoon Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 425 Namk, Date, and Engeaveb. 25380 Roe, Charles 25381 Roe, Charles William 25382 Roe, Eugene Mervin. (The plate of diaries Boe reioorlxed.) 25383 Roe, William. {Arms. Bog imjialing Shaw. William Boe of Liverpool married Hannah, daughter of Samuel Sliaiv.) 25384 Roe, W. G. Hamilton I 25385 Roempke, John Frederic 25386 Rofe, J 25387 Roger, Revd. Charles, Dunino . . 25388 (Rogers, Baron Blachford), anonymous. {Arms. Bogers impaling Colvile. Frederick Bogers, who succeeded 1851 as 8th Bart., a7id was created Baron Blachford 1871, married 1847 Georgiana Mary, daughter of Andretu Colvile of Ochiltree ; died 1889.) 25389 Rogers 25390 Rogers 25391 Rogers. (J. Warwick sc, 145 Strand) 25392 Rogers. {Arms. Bogers with Neivman on an escutcheon. The Bevd. James Bogers, D.D., of Bamscombe, co. Wilts., married 1788 Catherine, daughter and coheir of Francis Newman of Cadhury House, co. Somerset.) 25393 Rogers, Stanage, Radnorshire . . 25394 Rogers of Dowdeswell, co. Gloucester. {Originally engraved by Emslie for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,'" and afterwards used as a bookplate.) 25395 Rogers, Daniel, Esqr. {Arms. Bogers quartering Badford and Beaiifoy ?) 25396 Rogers, E., Liverpool .. 25397 Rogers, Edward . . 25398 Rogers, Francis, Junr. .. 25399 Rogers, Francis. 1745. (W. M. F. (Milton).) 25400 Rogers, F. Leman. {Arms. Bogers quartering Leman. Succeeded 1111 as 5tli baronet; died 1797.) 25401 Rogers, F. Leman. {The last plate reivorked) 25402 Rogers, George. {Arms. Bogers impaling Ty as !) 25403 Rogers, Hugh, of the Burrough of Helstone, in the coimty of Cornwall. 1753. 25404 Rogers, Hugh. {The last plate reworked) .. 25405 Rogers, [John] , of the Burrough of Helstone, in the county of Cornwall. {The plate of Hugh Bogers, altered in MS.) 1753. 25406 Rogers, John 25407 Rogers, John 25408 Rogers, John. {Arms. Bogers impaling Jope. The Bevd. John Bogers of Penrose, co. Cornwall, married 1814 as his 1st wife Mary, daughter of the Bevd. John Jope, Vicar of St. Clere.) Style. Crest in a garter Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Festoon Ai'morial Crest in a garter Crest Armorial Armorial Seal Ai'morial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Ai-morial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Printed label Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Wreath and ribbon Ai'morial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Ajrmorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial 426 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 25409 25410 25411 25412 25413 25414 25415 25416 25417 25418 25419 25420 25421 25422 25423 25424 *390 25425 25426 25427 25428 25429 25430 25431 25432 25433 25434 25435 25436 25437 25438 25439 Rogers, Eevd. John, m.a. Rogers, -John Jope. (Arms. Rogers, quartering Bawden and BisJioj), impaling Hichens, quartering Cradock ! John J. Rogers of Penrose, co. Cornwall, married 1844 Maria, daughter of Wm. Hichens of the Grove, Camber- well.) (Warwick Sc, 124 Regent St.) Rogers, Dr. Nathaniel. (Angel, Exeter) Rogers, P. . . Rogers, Robert. Bm-y St. Edmunds. 1760 . . Rogers, Revd. Robert Roe. {Arms. Rogers qnartrring Roc) Rogers, Samuel. (The Poet; horn 1763; died 1855. Arms. Rogers quartering Radford and Beaiifoy /) Rogers, Samuel Parks . . Style. Rogers, Thomas . Rogers, Thomas. Matthew.) Rogers, Thos. (Arms. Rogers quartering Neale and Rogers, Sigill. Thome, Clerici. (Note hij Sir A. W. FranJcs, •• Precentor of Durham. Bij Lc Keux.'") Rogers, Rev. Thomas, Ji. A. Rogers, Thomas Engleby. (Arms. Rogers quartering Robinson, Lloyd, and Pichering.) Rogers, T. E (Rogers, William, of Dowdeswell in the County of Glocester Esqr.), umtilated. (1700.) Rogers, ^Villiam, of Dowdeswell in the County of Glocester Esqr. (Another impression of the last plate.) 1700. Rogers, William, of Dowdeswell in the County of Glocester Esqr. (A reprint of the last plate.) 1700. Rogers, William .. Rogers, William. Lincoln's Inn. (The last plate with inscription altered.) Rogers, William, Esqr. .. Rogers, Rev. AVm. John. 1866 Rogers, William Lorancc (Rogers), anonymous. (Copied from the plate of Francis Rogers by Milton.) (Rogers), anonymous Roget, Peter M., m.d. {Peter Mark Roget horn 1779; died 1869.) Rohde, iNIajor Rokeby, Jjangham, Esqr. (Arms. Rokehy quartering Langham. Langham Rokeby of Artliing worth, only son of Benjamin Rokeby by Rebecca, daughter and heir of Thomas Langliam of Arthing worth.) Rokeby, Thos., Esqr. (Arms. Rokehy, quartering Lang- lunn, with Scott on an escutcheon, Thomas Rokehy of Arfhingwnrth married 1745 Elizabeth, daughter and heir nf ('ol. John Scott of (ralashieJu.) J. G. R." (John Gage Rokt-wood). (T. W. iWillemcnt) Ih-ficld Sc.) Rokewood, John Gage. (Arms. Rokewood quartering (rage.) (T. W. (Willcrapnt) Ryfi.'ld Sc.) Rolfe, E. Heacham, Norfolk. {Arnts. Rolf e with If olkea, quartering Taylor, Stewart and Hovel, on an escatcJieon. Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Bookpile Armorial Printed label Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial spade shield Crest Armorial Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Eai'ly Armorial Crest Crest Armorial Printed label Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern Crest Ai'morial Amiorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Crests Armorial Armorial spade shield Franks Collectioit of Booh Plates. 427 Name, Date, and Engraver. Edmund Bolfe married 1764 Dorotliy, daughter of William ffolkcs of Hilling ton and coheir of her mother Ursula, daughter and heir ofSamiiel Taylor.) (Hughes Fecit.) Rolfe, John Rolfe, Eobert Monsey. {Born 1790; created Baron Cran- worfh 1850; Lord Chancellor 1852; died 1868.) Rolfe, S. C. E. Neville. Heachaiu Hall. (Arms, quartering Neville.) Rolfe, William 25440 25441 25442 2544;:5 25444 25445 Bolfe Rolfe, Williu. D. (TJie plate of William, Bolfe with in- scription altered.) Rolland, Ad. , Advocate . . Style. 25446 Rolle, Ambrose . . 25447 Rolleston, Ex Libris Josephi . . 25448 Rollinson, Lock. {Arms. Bollinson quartering Loch) .. 25449 Rollo (Baron). (liirkwood & Son) 25450 Rollo, Bernard F. 25451 Rollo, George. (Marcus Ward) 25452 Rollo, The Honble. Henry, Esqr. {Arms. Bollo im- jMiling Buthvcn. Henry, second son of Bobert, Atli Baro7i Bollo, married Anne, sister of James, 3rd Baron Butliven.) 25453 Rolls, John Etherington Welch, Esq. The Hendre, Co. Monmouth. {Engraved by Becher for " Burhe^s Heraldic Illustrations." Anns. Bolls, quartering Coyshe and Barrett, impaling Long, quartering Trenchard, Hijjpisley and Blachwall.) 25454 Rolt, John. {Arms. Bolt impaling ...).. 25455 Rolt, John David 25456 Rolt, John Hem-y. {Arms. Bolt quartering Pett and Price /) (B. Warwick Ft. 124 K-egent St.) 25457 Rolt, John Henry. {The last plate reivorhed.) (B. Warwick 124 Eegent St.) 25458 Rolt, Peter. (Arms. Bolt quartering Pett, Price I and Purser.) 25459 Romaine, The Revd. Wm. {Arms. Bomaine impaling Price. The Bevd. William Bomaine, born 1714, married 1755 Miss Price ; died. 1795.) 25460 Romer, John 25461 Romilly 25462 Romilly. Porthkerry 25463 Romilly, Peter 25464 Romilly, Samuel . . 25465 (Romilly), anonymous. {Arms. Bomilly iinpalinq Gar- nault. This must be the plate of Peter Bomilly, who married Margaret, daughter of Aime Garnault.) 25466 Romsey, J. George Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Arniorial Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial trophy Festoon Armorial Anuorial spade shield Armorial Crest Pictorial crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Crest and coronet Seal Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Engi'aved label. Name on a ribbon 428 Franks Collection of Book Plates. Name, Date, and Engbaver. 25467 Romsey, Robert Frederick. {Arms. Eomsey quartering Astley /) 25468 Ronald, J. G 25469 Ronalds, Ex Libris G. (Alexis David Gravr. Paris) 25469 1 Rooe, Kogi-. {A trade card used as a hootiidate. Pasted into a volume entitled " Niveloji's Rudiments of Genteel Behavior.'') 25470 Rooke, Charles. {Arms. Rooke impalhig Watson I) 25471 Rooke, Daniel. {Arms. jRool-e impaling Turner) *366 Rooke, The Right Honble. Sr. George, Kt. Vice Admiral, & Lieutenant of ye Navy & one of Her Majesties most Honble. Privy Councel. {Arins. Boole quartering Finch. Born 1650 ; died 1709.) 1702. 25472 Rooke, George, Esqr. {Arms. Booke im/paling Marriott. Frohahbj the plate of Col. Geo. Boohc, who married 1774 Mary Marriott and died 1807.) 25473 Rooke, Revd. George 25474 Rooke's, Miss 25475 Rooke, Setonius P., E Coll. Oriel. (0. Jewitt del. & sc.) .. 25476 TRooke, Willoughby] , anonymous Roos, Lord and Lad}-. Sec Manners. 25477 Roose, E. C. Robson, m.d. {Arms. Boose imjmling . . .) 25478 Roose, J 25479 Roosevelt. (J arrett London) .. 25480 Rootes, Philip 25481 Roots, George. (Williams, sc.) 25482 25483 25484 *28 25485 *27 25486 25487 25488 25489 25490 25491 Roots, William. {Arms. Boots imjjaling Smith) .. Roots, William. {Arms. Boots with Smith on an es- rutrheon.) Roper, Tiie Right Honble. Henry, Baron of Teynham. 1703 Roper, The Right Honble. Henry, Baron of Teynham. {Another impression of the last p)latc.) 1703. Roper, The Right Honble. Henry, Baron of Teynham. (,1 smaller jylate.) 1703. Roper. The Right Honble. Hem-y, Baron of Teynham. {Another imjiression of the last plate.) 1703. (Roper, Baron) Dacre. {Arms. Boper, quartering Lennard, Dacre and Trevor, with Fludyer on an escutcheon. Charles Trevor Boper, who succeeded 1786 as 18th Baron Dacre, married. 1773 Mary Jane, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Fhidyer, Kniglit, He died 1794; she died 1808.) (Roper), IMary Jane Dacre Roper, Charles Roper, Charles Harriott Roper, Franciscus. See St. John's College, Cambridge. Roper, Freeman C. S. .. Roper, John, Esqr. 1707 Style. Armorial Armorial Vesica Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Early Aimorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Armorial Armorial lozenge pendant from a ribbon on a mantle Seal crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Ai'morial shield pendant from a ribbon on clouds Armorial Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Early Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial lozeugo Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Franks CoUeetion of Booh Plates. 429 Name, Date, and Engeaver. biYLi;. 25292 Roper, Thomas Henry . . 25493 Roper, William Oliver. 1890. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) 25494 Rorke, James H. . . 25495 Roseoe, Js. 25496 25497 25498 25499 25500 25501 *497 25502 25503 25504 25505 25506 25507 25508 25509 25510 25511 25512 25513 25514 25515 25516 25517 25518 25519 25520 25521 25522 25523 25524 25525 25526 25527 See Rose, Constance Lydia. (H. Gough. J. Sachs So. " Ladies Bookplates " by Miss N. Labouchere.) Rose, Geo., Esqr. {Arms. Rose impaling Dues ? The Rigid Honble. George Rose, born 1744, married Theo- dora, daughter of John Dues of Antigua; died 1818.) Rose, The Eight Honorable George . . Rose, The Right Honorable George, Old Palace Yard Rose, George, Esqr. {Ar^ns. Rose impaling Cherry. Geo. Rose married Mary Anne, daughter of George Cherry.) Rose, Hugh, younger of Kilraick Rose, Hugh, younger of Kilraick. {Another impression of the last plate.) Rose, Hugh James Rose, James Anderson. (H. Holbein del. C. W. S. sculpt.) Rose, James Anderson. {Arms. Rose impaling Chadivich) Rose, Hon. John, Esqr. Dr. of Physick Rose, John, Esqr. {Note by Sir A. W. FranJcs, ''Lyons Book.'') Rose, John, Druggist in Leeds. {A trade label which seems to have been used as a boolplate.) Rose, Revd. John, a.m. {The plate of John Rose, Esqr. with inscription altered.) Rose, Joseph. {Arms. Rose quartering East ^) Rose, Joseph. {A modern reproduction of the last plate) .. L. R. (Rose) Rose, Mrs. . . Rose, Philip Rose, Richard Croke. Rose, Toby {Anns. Rose quartering Croke) Rose, William Stewart .. Rosebery, Earl of. See Primrose. Roseingrave, [John] Rosewarne, H., Truro .. Rosewarne, Henry Rosher, Edward. {Arms. Rosher quartering Burch) Rosher, William . . Rosher, W. H. B Rosher, W. H. B. {The last plate retvorked) (Ross), Lord Ankerville. {David Ross, Scotch Lord of Session, appiointcd 1776.) Ross of Craigie & Innernethie. {The plate of Rosse of Craigie reivorked.) A. R. (Ross) Ross, General A. .. Crest Crest and inter- laced initials Wreath and ribbon Annorial Chippendale pic- torial Armorial Pictorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Early Armorial supporters Earlj' Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Engi'aved label Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Pictorial crest ? Engraved label Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Crest in a gai-ter Festoon Armorial Printed label Chippendale Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Jacobean Armorial Crest and cypher Armorial 430 Franks Collection of Bool- Plates. Name, Date, and Engraveb. 25528 25529 25530 25531 25532 25533 Ross, Alexander Mackenzie Ross, Charles. {Arins. Boss, quartering Bisset ? ivitli CormvalUs on an escutcheon. Charles Boss married 1825 Mary. daugJitrr and colieir of Charles, Ind Mar- quess CornwaUis.) Ross, Chas. Robt. Ross, David Ross, Edward Charles. (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Robs, George Style. 25534 Ross, George, Advocate .. 25535 Ross, George, Inner Temple 25536 Ross, George, of Pitcalnie 25537 Ross, James, Esqr. of Pitcalnie 25538 25539 25540 25541 25542 25543 25544 25545 25546 25547 25548 25549 25550 25551 25552 25553 Ross, Sir John, o.b. k.c.s., k.s.a. kc. kc. Captain in the Pioyal Navy. (Anns. Boss imixding Jones. Sir John Boss married 1834 as Ins 2)id wife a daughter of T. Jones.) Ross, Sir John, c.b., k.c.s., k.s.a. &c. &c. Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy. {Tlie last ])late reworhed.) Ross, John Leith, of Arnage & Bourtie. (Arms. Boss with Anderson on, an escutcheon. John Leith Boss married 1807 Elizabeth, daughter of William Young of SJied- dnchsley, and coheir of her maternal uncle, Alexander Anderson of Bourtie.) Ross, L. {Arms. Boss qii art cring Melville) Ross, Mary. {Arms. Boss ivitli Cornivallis on an es- cutcheon. See the x>late of Cliarles Boss.) Ross, P., of Inncrnethie Esqr. .. Ross, T. B. Ross, Thomas Ross, Thos., Royal Artillery Ross, William (Ross), anonymous. {Arms. Boss quartering Corsatie) .. (Ross), anonymous (Ross), anonymous. {Arms. Boss impaling Cohc. Prob- ably the j}late of Cai^tain A. Boss, B.N., who married 1873 Louisa. Diana, daur/Jilcr of Bichard George Cohe.) (Ross), anonymous. {Arms. 1. Boss ; 2. Boss impaling Sydr)iham. Major-General Sir Patrick Boss, G.C.M.G., K.C.IL, of Craigie and Innernethie, married 1805 Amelia, daughter of General William Sydenham.) (Ross), anonymous. (.4 reversed, impression. Not a buoh- plate. Arms. Boss quartering Cockburne.) Rosse of Craigie & Innernethie . . 25554 Rosset, Auguste Crest in a garter Armorial Armorial Armorial Crest Armorial spade shield on a mantle Crest Armorial Armorial supporters Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Amiorial spado shield Armorial Wreath andriljlion Armorial Armorial tropliy Chippendale Armorial supporters Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole with supporters Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial FranJi's Collection of Book Plate!?. 481 Name, Date, and Engraver. 25555 (Rosseter), anonymous Style. 25556 25557 25558 25559 25560 25561 25562 25563 25564 25565 25566 25567 25568 25569 25570 25571 25572 25573 25574 25575 25576 25577 25578 25579 25580 25581 25582 25588 Rosslyn, Earl of. See Wedderbiim. Rotch, T. D (Rotch), anonymous. (Proof of the last 2}^ate) Rothe, George. (Ar^ns. Eotheimpaling Jejihson ?) Rotherham, John Rotheram, John. (The last jylate reworked) Rotheram, John . . Rothery, H. Cadogan Rothery, W. {Ar7ns. Bothery imjmUnr/ Cailogan) Rothes, Earl of. See Leslie. A. R. (Rothschild). Halton Bucks. {Printed in sejda) .. Rothschild, Charles. 1890. (Sherborn) Rothschild, Leopold de. (Printrd o/? yellow 2m2:)er.) (" Leighton." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Rothschild, Leopold de. (The last i^latc lyrinted on brown tinted paper.) Rothschild, Lionel Walter. 1886. (C. W. Sherborn) Rothwell, Peter. {Arms. Eothwell qiiartering Heywood and Crompton.) Rothwell, Peter {A different plate) .. Rotton, Charles .. Rotton, John. {Arms. Rotton with Evans on an escut- cheon.) Rotton, Richard. {Arms. Eotton with Gibson ! on an escutcheon.) Rovich, Revd. Frederick, m.a. {A stencilled plate. Arms. Bouch impaling Datves.) J. H. R. (Rougemont ?) Roughton, Wentworth C, M.A. Roulliev, De la Bibliotheque de IMiss . . Roulston, W., Esqr. {Arms. Bonlston impaling Vere. Note by Sir A. W. Franhs " Lyons Bool:.") Round, Anna Christiana. {Arms. Round quartering Creffeild. Anna Christiana, youngest daughter of James Round of Birch Hall 'hy his wife Thamer, daughter and heir of Peter Creff'eild of Colchester.) Round, John. {Arms. Bound impaling Caswall, quar- tering Bolt. John Bound of Danhury Park, co. Essex, married 1815 Susan Constantia, daughter of George Caswall of Sacomhc Park, co. Hertford, and West Bergholt, co. Essex.) (Griffiths & Weigall sc, 3 St. James's St.) Round, John. (Arms. Round vrith Caswall, quartering Rolt and Newmayi, on an escutcheon.) Roundell, Charles Savile Roundell, Danson, e Coll. Univ. Aiinorial spade shield on a mantle Armorial Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Aj-morial Armorial Armorial Armorial Cypher in a \vi-eath Decorative ]\Ionogram in a garter Monogram in a garter Crest Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Annorial Festoon Annorial Crest in a garter Pictorial Armorial spade shield on a mantle Chippendale Ar- morial Inzer ge Armorial 25584 Roundell, H. Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Ar- morial modern 432 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 25585 Roimdell, Pi.. University College, Oxford 25586 25587 25588 25589 25590 25591 25592 25593 25594 25595 25596 25597 25598 25599 25600 25601 25602 25603 25604 25605 25606 25607 25608 25609 25610 25611 25612 25613 25614 25615 25616 25617 Roundell, Ricliarcl Henry Roundell, William Style. Rous, George Rous, Sr. Robert, Bart latp reworked) Routh. (Doddrell soul.) Routh, William, Gray's Inn Routh, William, Lincoln's Inn. (The last j^lfflc with in- scription altered.) (Routh), anonymous. {The plate of Bouth without inscrip- tion.) (Doddrell sciil.) Row, James Row^, Wm. Ro'w, Wm., Junr. Rowan, x\. B. Rowan, F. C. {Arms. Boivan impaling Titford ?) (" Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Rowan, Robt. (Lyons) . . (Rowan), anonymous. {Arms. Bowan quartering Stewart and Bedmond.) Rowand, Alexander. (Swan sc.) Rowand, Michael, of TJnthouse. (18 — . wink, in paper.) (Swan Sc.) Rowden Rowden. {The last jilate reivorked) .. Rowe Rowe, George Robert, M.D., F.s. A. Rowe, Ex Libris Henry Sherburne. 1«94. (V.. D. French) I. R. (Rowe) Rowe, Jane Rowe, John Row^e, Sir Joslnia. {Arms. Botve imjMtling Bate. Joshua Bowr, Cliief .Justice of Jamaica, knighted 1S32, married 1823 the daughter of James Bate.) Chippendale Armorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial Festoon Annorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial shield in a garter Festoon Armorial Festoon Armorial Crest and name in a garter Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial Armorial Annorial Armorial sliield on a mantle Library interior Festoon Annorial Festoon Armorial lozenge Chippendale Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 433 Name, Date, and Engkaveb. 25618 25619 25620 25621 25622 25623 25624 25625 25626 25627 25628 25629 25630 25631 25632 25633 25634 25635 25636 25637 25638 25639 25640 25641 25642 25643 25644 25645 25646 25647 25648 25649 25650 25651 25652 VOL. Howe, Sir Joshua. {The last plate reworlied. Sir Joshua was made a C.B. in 1848.) Eowe, J. Brooking, f.s.a. Rowe, jNIarianne . . Rowe, Miles Rowe, Milwai'd. {Arms. Eoive, quartering Price, imjjaling Fitzivarine or Broclihampton I) (Ro"we, Mil ward), mutilated. {The last plate tuith the motto reworlied.) Rowe, William Walton . . Rowland, A. W., Lewisham Rowland, A. W. {The last plate reworked) Row^land, Danl. .. Rowland, George Tempest Rowland, John H. {The plate of A. W. Rowland tvith inscription altered.) Rowlandson, John Todd Rowles, Hemy .. Rowles, James .. Rowley, Alex. Butler, Lancaster Rowley, Alexr. Butler. {Arms. Roioley quartering Btitler ivith . ... on an escutclieon.) Rowley, Hercules Rowney, Edw., MA.. Christi Alumnus. {Arms. Bowney quartering Noel.) Rowney, Tho., of the City of Oxford, Esqr. (Arms. Bowney impaling Noel. Thomas Bowney was M.P. for Oxford in several Parliaments.) 1713. Roxburgh, Wm. (AVillm. Roxburgh, Old Kent Eoad) Roxburghe, Earl of. See Ker. Roxby, H., Clapham Rise. 1814 Royal Artillery. See Military Bookplates. Royal Geographical Society. See Societies. Royal Society. See Societies. Royal Literary Fund. See Institutions. Royall, Isaac, Esqr. Royce, Mr. John, of London, Mercer, founded Abingdon School a.d. 1563. {A modern impression from an old p)late.) Royds, R. W Royer, Jacques. {A bookplate ?) Ruck, John. {Anjis. Ruck quartering Bush) Ruck, John. {The last plate retvorked) Rucker, Caroline. {Arms. Bucker impaling Gardner) . . ■ Style. Rucker, Daniel Henry, Esqr. . . Rucker, John Anthony. {Arms. croft.) (Rucker ?), anonjonous . . Rucker impaling Ban- Rudd, Ex Libris Agnes J. (Warrington Hogg) Rudd, Barthw., Esqr., ll.b., Barrister at Law. {Arms. Rudd iynpaling Robinson.) Rudd, Edvardus, s.t.b. Trin. Coll. Cant. Soc. 1712 II. Armoi'ial Annorial Armorial Festoon Aiinorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Annorial Crest Ai'morial Annorial Ai'morial Armorial Ai-morial Crest Armorial Chippendale Annorial Printed label Armorial Ai'morial Early Annorial Early Armorial Wreath and ribbon Crest Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Annorial Crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial Ai'morial Armorial shield on clouds Festoon Armorinl Armorial shield on clouds Wreath and ribbon Armorial Pictorial Armorial spade shield Early Armorial 2 F 434 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engeaver. 25653 Rudd, Edvarclus, s.t.p. Trin. Coll. Cant. Soc. {The last plate reivor'hed.) 1717. 25654 Riidd, William. The legacy of Ann Bathnrst 25655 Riiddiman, The, a.m. Fac. Jurid. Edinb. Bibliothecarius . . 25656 Ruddimanni, Ex Libris Thomae, a.m. 25657 Ruddle, George 25658 Ruddock, Joshua 25659 Rudge, Edmund 25660 Rudge, William Newland 25661 Ruding, John Clement, Jum*. . . 25662 Ruding, Rogers. (Born 1751 ; died 1820) 25663 Ruding, Walter 25664 Rudsdeil, John. (Yates sculp.) 25665 Rudston. Hayton in Yorkshire, and the Town of Ely in Cambridgeshire. Rugby School. See School Libraries. 25666 Rugge, Willm., Esqr 25667 (Ruggles.) Spains Hall, Finchingfield, Essex. {Arms. Buggies quartering Brise.) 25668 Rule, Edward. {Arms. Rule quartering Nohle) .. 25669 Rule, AVilliam Noble 25670 Rumbold, Thomas 25671 Rumbold, Thomas. (Arms. Uumhold impaling Law. Thomas Bumbold created a Baronet 1779, married as Jits 2nd wife Joanna, daughter of Edmund Laio, Bisho]} of Carlisle ; died 1791.) 25672 (Rumbold), anonymous.. 25673 (Rumney), anonymous . . 25674 Rumsey. (Arms. The two coats of Eumsey quaricrlij) .. 25675 Rumsey, John, f.a.s. 25676 Rundall, Thomas. (1820. wmk. in paper) 25677 R. R. (Bundle). (Osborne London) 25678 Rush, John 25679 Rush, Mountague 25680 Rush, William Beaumauricc 25681 Rushbrooke, Robt., Esqr. (Arms, liushhroohc, quartering Edwards and Herbert quart erhj, impalijig Davcrs, qtiartering Jermyn and Rushhrookc quarterly. Col. Roht. Rushhroole of Rushbrooke, Co. Suffolk, married 1808 Frances, illegitimate daughter of Sir Charles Davcrs ofRougham,^fh and last Baronet.) (Ovcndcn sc.) 25682 Rusher, Emma. ]5anbury 2568.3 (Rushout), Jiaron Northwick. (H. Hays sc. 168 Regent St.) 25684 (Rushout), Lord Northwick. (Johnson sc. Cheltm.) Stvli:; Early Armorial Printed label Chippendale engraved label Printed label Armorial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial shield in a garter Armorial spade shield Annorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Annorial spade shield Festoon Armorial Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Crest Armorial shield on a mantle Wreath and ribbon crest and cypher Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 435 NaMK, DaTK, k^M ESGRAVKli. 25685 (Rushout), Lord Novthvvick. {TIlc last jilate reioorkcd.) (Johnson sc. Cheltni.) 25686 Rushout, Honorable Anne 25687 Rushout, Sr. John, Bart. (Succeeded as Ath Baronet 1711 ; died 1775.) 25688 (Rushout), R. N. {Bebecca, Baroness Nor tJuvick) . . 25689 Rushton, T. G. A. (Arms. Bmhtoii impaling Westall) .. 25690 Rushton, W 25691 Rushworth, Edwd 25692 Rushworth, Edwd. (A different plate) 25693 Rushworth, Edward Everard. (Arms. Rushworth quarter- ing Holmes and Worsleij.) 25694 Ruspini, Mr 25695 Russel of Mayfield. (Scott & Ferguson Edinr.) 25696 [Russel, George] 25697 Russel, Jno., of Rathen 25698 25699 *17 25700 25701 25702 25703 25704 25705 25706 25707 25708 25709 25710 Russel, R. Seaton Ironworks . . (Russell), The Most Noble Wriothesley, Duke of liedford, Ivnight of ye Most Noble Order of the Garter. (Stic- ceeded 1700 as 2nd Duke; died 1711.) 1703. (Russell), The Most Noble Wriothesley, Duke of Bedford, Tinight of ye Most Noble Order of the Gax-ter. (Another impression of the last plate.) (Russell), The Most Noble John, Duke of Bedford. (Suc- ceeded 1732 as Mh Duke; died 1771.) 1736. (Russell, Duke of) Bedford. (Arms. Russell impaling Gordon. John, 6th Duke of Bedford, succeeded 1802, married 1803 Georgiana, daughter of Alexander, Ath Duke of Gordon ; died- 1839.) (Russell), John, Duke of Bedford. (The last plate ivith inscription altered.) (Russell), John, Duke of Bedford. (The last plate re- worked.) (Russell), Francis, Duke of Bedford. Oakley House. (Arms. Russell impaling Stanhope. Francis, 1th Duke of Bedford, succeeded 1839, married Anna Maria, daughter of Charles, 3rd Earl of Harrington; died 1861.) (Russell), Francis, Duke of Bedford. Cople. (The last plate with inscription altered.) (Russell, Francis, Duke of Bedford), anonymous. (Proof of the last plate.) (Russell, Francis, Duke of Bedford), anonymous .. (Russell), Arma Ducis de Bedford (Russell), William, Duke of Bedford. Woburn Abbey. (Succeeded 1861 as 8th Duke; died 1872.) 186.'). (Russell), Francis Charles Hastings, Duke of Bedford. (Arms. Russell impaling West. The 9th Duke, suc- SiVl^E. Armorial Engraved label Jacobean xVrmorial Wreath and ribbon cypher and coronet Armorial Festoon Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial Name in MS. in a Chippendale frame Chippendale Armorial Printed label Early Armorial shield in a garter Jacobean Armorial Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial arms on a mantle Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial shield m a garter Seal Armorial Armorial Seal Armorial 436 Franks Collection of Booh Plates, Name, Date, and Engravee. 25711 25712 25713 25714 25715 25716 25717 25718 25719 25720 25721 *110 25722 25723 25724 25725 25726 25727 25728 25729 25730 25731 Wobuvn Abbey. Woburn Abbey. ceeded 1872, married Elizabeth, daughter of George John, 5th Earl Delaioarr ; died 1891.) (Russell), Francis Charles Hastings, Duke of Bedford. Woburn Abbey. {The last plate tvith inscription altered.) (Russell, Duke of Bedford), anonjTnous. 1873. (Russell), Hastings, Duke of Bedford. (Harry Soane Del.) (Russell, Duke of Bedford.) B. Woburn Abbey (Russell, Duke of Bedford.) B. Hundreds Farm (Russell, Duke of Bedford.) B. Woburn Abbey (Russell, Duke of Bedford), anonjiiious (Russell, Duke of Bedford), anonymous (Russell, Duke of Bedford.) B. "^ (Russell), Anna Maria, Ducbess of Bedford . . (Russell), Georgiana Bedford . . (Russell), The Eight Honble. Edward, Earl of Orford, {Created Earl of Orford 1697 ; died 1727.) (Russell, Viscount), Boyne. {Arms. Bussell, qtiartering Hamilton, with Bussell on an escutcheon.) Gustavus Frederick, 1th Viscouyit Boyne, succeeded 1855, married 1828 Emma Maria, daughter of Mattheiu Bussell of Brancepeth Castle, Co. Durham; assumed the name and arms of Bussell 1850; died 1872.) Russell. {Arms. Bussell qiiartering Palmer and Savile) .. Russell, of Ashiesteel. {Anns. Bussell impaling Hall. Sec the 2)1 ate of Sir James Bussell.) Russell, Alexi'., m.d. Russell, Alexander George Russell, Arthur. (Printed in red and blacJc) Russell, E Libris Arthuri. Anno Domini mdccc. . . A. R. (Russell) Russell, Revd. Bartholomew Thos., o.s.d. (O'Donovan Cork) Russell, Claud. (Morrison sculp. Moorfields) 25732 Russell, Claud. {Arms. Bussell impaling Pigott) 25733 Russell, Claud. {Arms. Bussell impialing ...).. 25734 Russell, Arma Edvardi Southwell. {Arms. Bussell quarter- ing Clifford, impaling Elliot. The Honble. Edward Southioell Bussell, rvho succeeded 1874 as 20th Baron de Cliford, married 1853 Harriet Agnes, daughter of Admiral Sir Charles Elliot, K.C.B.; died 1877.) 25735 Russell, Ela Monica 25736 E. S. R. (Russell) 25737 Russell, Francis .. 25738 Russell, Francis John .... 25739 Russell, Fredk Style. Seal Ai-morial Crest and coronet Armorial. Two shields accole Initial and coronet Initial and coronet Initial in a garter Armorial shield in a garter Crest in a garter Cypher and coronet Armorial Armorial shield on a mantle Early Armorial Armorial Chippendale Ai'morial Armorial Chippendale Aj-morial Crest Armorial Armorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Amiorial Seal Armorial Armorial lozenge Crest Jacobean Armorial Crest Engraved label. Name on an escallop FranJcs Collection of Book Plates. 437 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 25740 25741 25742 25743 25744 25745 25746 25747 25748 25749 25750 25751 25752 25753 25754 25755 25756 25757 25758 25759 25760 25761 25762 25763 25764 25765 25766 25767 25768 25769 25770 Russell, Frederick Russell, George. Ch. Ch. Oxon. Russell, George Lake it'ortJi.) Russell, Harriet . . Russell, Hastings Russell, Lord Henry. {Eighth son Bedford ; born 1816 ; died 1842.) Russell, Herbraud. {Succeeded 1893 Bedford.) (J. & J {The {Arms. Russell quartering] Whit- of the 5fh Duke of as 11th DuJie of Russell, James. Russell, James stone.) Russell, Lieut. Genl. Sir {Arms. 1. Bussell ; Johnstone So.) last plate reioorhed.) (J. John- Jas. Russell, k.c.b., of Ashiesteel. 2. Russell impaling Hall. Sir James Russell married 1834 Katherine Mary, daughter of Sir James Hall of Dunglass, Bart.) Russell, J. Watts. {Arms. Russell, quartering Watts differenced tvith a canton, with Watts on an escutcheon. Jesse Russell, luho assumed the additional surname and Arms of Watts in 1817, married Mary, daughter and heir of David Pike Watts.) Russell, Jesse Watts, Esqr. Ham Hall, Co. Stafford. {Originally engraved by Baker for " Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,'" and perhaps afterwards used as a book- plate.) Rvissell, John, Clerk to the Signet Note by Sir Russell, John, Clerk to the Signet Russell, John. Lemonfield. ("Baker. A. AV. Franlis.) Russell, John Alexander Russell, John E. Russell, Revd. John Lecky, a.m. Russell, John Scott. {Arms. Russell impaling Osborne. John Scott Russell, Civil Engineer, born 1808; died 1882.) Russell, John William . . Russell, Martha .. Russell, Maud. (C. W. S. (Sherborn).) Russell, E Libris Odonis Russell, Arma Odonis, et uxoris ejus, a.d. mdccclxii. {Arms. 1. Russell; 2. Villiers. Lord Odo Wm. Russell, created Baron Ampthill 1881, married 1868 Emily Theresa, daughter of the ith Earl of Clarendon.) Russell, Eichard. (J. Best Sculp.) .. Russell, Richard Harold Russell, Sir Robt. Frankland, Bart. Baronet 1831 ; died 1849. Arms. ing Russell.) Russell, Sackvillc. His Booke, a.d. mdccc. Russell, E Libris Thomse, Guildfordiensis Russell, Thomas. {Arms. Russell impaling Sc. 145 Strand.) Russell, Mr. Thomas {Succeeded as 7 th Frankland quarter- .) (Warwick Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Crest Crest Crest Crest Festoon Annorial Festoon Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole Armorial Annorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale crest Armorial Crest in a garter Pictorial Armorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Festoon Armorial lozenge Decorative Armorial Armorial. Two shields accole Festoon Armorial Seal Armorial Armorial Armorial Printed label Armorial Armorial 438 Franlis CoUedion of Bool- Plates. Name, Date, akd Engraver. Style. 25771 25772 25773 25774 25775 24776 25777 25778 25779 25780 25781 25782 25783 25784 Russell, Thomas John, Esq., Eepresentative of the Barons of Killongh. {Engraved by Becker for " Burhe's Heraldic Illustrations.'') Russell, Mr. Sergeant. {Arms. OhhiallimjMling Williams. William Oldnall horn 1785 ; assumed the name of Russell 1816; Serjeant-at-Law 1827; Chief Justice of Bengal and Knighted 1832 ; married 1825 Louisa Maria, daughter of John Lloijd Williams; died 1833.) (1826. wnik. in paper.) Russell, William.. {Succeeded 1839 as 2nd {The last plate without Ensscll imijaling Russell, Sir William, Bart. c.b. Baronet ; died 1892.) 1878. Russell, Sir William, Bart. c.b. the date.) Russell, William Ccngi-eve. {Arms. Webster (Metcalf Sc. 8 Pall Mall.) Russell, William Congreve, Esqr. Moore Green, Co. Worcester. {Engraved by Emslie for " BurJie's Heraldic Illustrations.'") Russell, Mr. Thomas Macnamus] , anonj^iious Russell, W.] , anonymous (Russell), anonjTQOus. {Arms. Russell, quartering Whit- worth, impaling Pery, quartering Nevill, Cecil and Wray. George Lahe Rttssell married Caroline Alicia, daughter of Edmund Henry, 1st Earl of Limericl\) (Russell), anonymous {A reversed imjrression. Not a Russell imjyaling Barnes.) {Note by Sir A. W. Franks, (Russell), anonj-mous. bookplate. Arms. (Russell), anonymous. " Lyons Book.'') (Russell), anonj'mous 25785 (Russell), anonymous 25786 (Russell), anonymous. {Printed on green 2)<^per) .. 25787 (Russell), anonymous. {Arms. Russell %vith Best on an escutcheon.) 25788 (Russell), anonymous 25789 (Russell), anonymous. (Sotain Sc.) .. 25790 (Watts-Russell), anon jiBOus .. (Russell), anonymous. See Kempe, Wm. 25791 Rust 25792 Rustat, Munificentia Tobise. {Born about 1606; died 1694.) 25793 Ruston, Joseph. Moaks Manor, Lincoln. 1895. (C. W. Sherborn ft.) 25794 Rutherfoord, Esqr., of I^owsouth 25795 Rutherfoord, Archibald H 25796 Rutherford of Ashintully 25797 Rutherford, Geo. 2579S Rutherford, John. Antigua 25799 Rutherford, John, M.D. .. Ai-morial shield in a garter Armorial Earlj' Jacobean Armorial Armorial Armorial Armorial Amiorial shield on a mantle Armorial Crest Armorial Festoon Armorial Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Chippendale Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Ajmiorial Armorial shield in a garter Crests Armorial Seal Ai-morial Pictorial crest Jacobean Armorial Armorial shield on clouds Armorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Festoon Armorial Franks Collection of Booh Plates. 439 Name, Date, and Engraver. Style. 25800 Rvitherford, John, m.d. (The last plate reworked) 25801 Rutherfurd, And. 25802 Rutherfurd, Andi'ew, Advocate 25803 Rutherfurd, John, of Faldonsidc M.D. 25804 Rvitherfurd, Robert. (G. L. F.) 25805 25806 25807 25808 25809 25810 25811 25812 2581.3 2.5814 25815 25816 25817 2.5818 25819 25820 25821 25823 25824 25825 25826 25827 Ruthven, Lord. (Succeeded 1864^ as 6th Baro7i) .. Ruthven, James Lord. (Probably the plate of the Mh Baron, who succeeded 1783 and died 1789.) (17 — . wnik. in paper.) Rutland, Duke of. See Manners. Rutter, Henry, ll.b. (Arms. Butter quartering Kingsley and Spurstotue?) ("Wyon." Note by Sir A. W. Franks.) Rvitter, L, M.D. (J. T. F.) Rutter, I., M.D. (The last plate reworked ?) (J. T. F.) .. Ruttledge, [Annie E.] .. Rutton, Hy Loftie Ruxton, Richard. (1809. wink, in paper) Ruxton, Willm. Parkinson. (Arms. Buxton quartering Parkinson.) Ryan, Anthony of Clements Inn, Esqr. (Arms. The two coats of By an quarterly.) Ryan, Danl. Fredk. Ryan, Edward. (Arms. By an impaling Whit more. Sir Edward By an, Kt., married Louisa, daughter of Wm. Whitmore of Dudmaston Hall, co. Saloj).) [Ryan, Edward], anonymous. (The last plate ivithotd inscription.) Ryan, Wm. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks. *' Lyons (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, " Lyons By croft and Nelso7i Probably the plate (Ryan), anonymous. Book.") (Ryan), anonymous. Book.") Ryeroft. (Arms. Quarterly. 1 and 4. quarterly; 2 and 3. Stonehewer. of Sir Bichard Henry Charles Bycroft, 37-d Baronet, who succeeded 1827 and died 1864.) 25822 C. A. W. R. (Ryeroft). (Charles Alfred William Bycroft, second son of Sir Bichard Henry Charles Bycroft, 3rd Baronet; 6om 1838; died\SS4.) (Ryder), Earl of Harrowby. (Arms. Byder impaling Leveson-Gower. The Honble. Dudley Byder, who suc- ceeded 1803 as 2nd Baron Harrowby and was created Earl of Harrowby 1809, marned 1795 Susan, daughter of Granville, 1st Marquess of Stafford ; died 1847.) (Ryder, Earl of Harrowby), anonj-mous. (The last plate ivithout inscription.) Ryder, T Rye Rye, W. Beauchamp, Ex Mi. Xti. Ahim. (Note by Sir A. W. Franks, '' B.A. June 9th 1743." Arms. Bye quartering Beancliamp.) (Cole So.) 25828 (Rye), anonymous Festoon Anuorial Crest in a garter jNIonogi-am Jacobean Armorial Chippendale Anuorial Crest Chippendale Armorial Seal Armorial Pictorial Pictorial Armorial Armorial Crest in a garter Armorial spade shield Jacobean Armorial Armorial spade shield Armorial Armorial Wreath and ribbon Armorial Chippendale Ai-morial Chippendale Annorial Armorial Crest Annorial Annorial Armorial Festoon Armorial Jacobean Armorial Eai'ly Jacobean Armorial 440 Franks Collection of Booh Plates. Name, Date, and Engraver. 25829 (Rye), anonymous 25830^ (Ryede), anonymous 25831 Ryland, Mr. Frederic. {The plate of Bevel. Bidul. Bylancl with inscription altei'cd.) 25832 Ryland, Eevd. PiicM 25833 Rylands,y. Paul 25834 Rylands, J. Paul, f.s.a. (Note on the had-, " Merchant's Mark of Nicholas del Bylandes 1430, Westhojtghton Co. Lane.'") 25835 Rylands, J. Paul, f.s.a. {The last plate reworJced) 25836 Rylands, John Paul. Warrington 25837 Rylands, J. Paul, of Highfields, Thelwall Co. Chester. 1871. 25838 Rylands, John Paul. {Stamped in blue) 25839 Rylands, John Paul. {Stamped in gold ore hlacJc jyaper) .. 25840 Rylands, J. Paul, f.s.a. Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire. 1875. (F. Anselm, delt.) 25841 Rylands, J. Paul, f.s.a. Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire. (The last plate luith the engraver's signature erased.) 25842 Rylands, J. Paul, F.S.A. Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire .. 25843 Rylands, J. Paul, f.s.a. Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire. {The last plate reworked.) 25844 Rylands, J. Paul, [f.s.a. Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire. {The last plate printed on grey pa2}er.) 25845 Rylands, J. Paul, f.s.a. Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshne. [Tlie last i^late reivorked and date added.) 1877. 25846 Rylands, John Paul. {The last plate loith inscrijition altered.) 1877. 25847 Rylands, Ex Libris Johanis Pauli, de Medio Templo Arni. & Marise Isabellas uxoris ejus. a.d. 1890. 25848 Rylands, Ex Libris Johanis Pauli, de Medio Templo Ann. & Marise Isabellse uxoris ejus. a.d. 1890. {A smaller pdatc.) 25849 Rylands, Peter, Massey Hall .. 25850 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook . . 25851 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook, Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire. {The last pilo-te luith inscription altered.) 25852 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook, Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire. {A differe7it ptlate.) 25853 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook, Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshii-e. {The last plate reivorked and printed on grey paper.) 25854 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook, Highfields, Thelwall, Cheshire. {A smaller jAate, priiited on grey paper.) 25855 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook, f.s.a., f.l.s., f.g.s., f.r.a.s., Highfields, Thelwall. 25856 Rylands, W. H 25857 Rylands, W. Harry 25858 Rylands, W. Harry. (The last plate reivorked and pHnted ^y: ■- I - P ■ I :l ■'< : K ; 'i ■ mi-mmm ).h „_ . ^H-u\ ii\iv*x»-*. ; . kij^%r%v