When in England in 1879 tne writer passed several weeks en-
deavoring to ascertain the early history of the Slocombes. Much
time was spent in the British Museum Library, London, and a tour
was made through central and southwestern England. In my
rambles over the hills and through the combes, or valleys, several
parishes were visited in hope of finding something definite in the
registers concerning those who founded the name in America
about the year 1637 ; but those books, when found of a period
antedating that year, were generally in such bad condition from
long neglect in damp and mouldy corners of churches as to be
mainly illegible. In the Parish of Huish Champflower, Somerset-
shire, about fifteen miles west of Taunton, the family was early
prominent judging from the list of wills seen at Taunton ; and the
name was found in someof the legible parts of records in the earliest
register, but to no purpose. The oldest well-preserved register ex-
amined bore date from "Anno Regni Elizabeths Primo,A. D. 1558."
This was in Clatworthy Parish adjoining Huish Champflower
where the name first appeared at a date later than the first emi-
gration to America ; see Appendix name of Robert Slocombe.
Durston Parish was visited but the old registers could not be found.
That there were several families of the name in the vicinity of
Taunton in the West Division of Somersetshire in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries, is proven by the following list of wills
which I collected in the Taunton Probate Office, viz. :
Name of Testator.
of Will.
Name of Parish.
date from,
1 64 1
Not feeling inclined at the time of my visit to give continued
personal attention to the old records in Somersetshire, I did not
look for these wills amongst the old and rather carelessly-kept
papers at Taunton. Upon visiting Wells two wills were there
found registered. An English genealogist, Captain A. E Lawson
Lowe, was afterward engaged to continue the investigation, and,
after visiting those places, he reported to me as follows :
"The wills proved in a number of old courts were deposited in the
District Probate Court at Wells. The principal of these are (i) the
Consistory Court of the Lord Bishop of Wells; (2) Consistory Court
of the Dean and Chapter of Wells ; (3) Consistorial Archidiaconal
Court of Wells ; and (4) Consistory Court of the Dean of Wells. The
first of these is said to date from 1543, but there are only a very few
wills prior to about the year 1600. In this Court only two wills of
Slocombes were found, viz. :
1. "The will of Charity Slocombe, of the parish of Old Cleave, in the county of
Somerset, widovy, is dated November 21st, 1642. She devises 20 shillings to the
poor of Old Cleave, and 20 shillings to the poor of Gothurst. To her brother,
Aldred Bickham, her sister, Joane Studdier, and her kinswoman, Isoll Oatford, she
gives a piece of gold to each. She devises small legacies to Richard Bickham and
John Studdier, the younger. To Isoll Bickham she gives ' a hood and safe gard
and petecoat and wascoat, and one handkercheife with a broad lase.' To her kins-
woman, Mary "Wills, of Envier, widow, she gives her 'best cloake.' To Mary Gey,
she gives her 'best hatt,' her 'ould petecoat and one doulis smock and a blew apron
and an under coat of gingerline.' She also gives legacies to Anne Sully, the daughter
of Thomas Sully, and to Mary Willis. To each of her god children she gives two
shillings, and gives ten shillings to be distributed amongst her brother Aldred Bick-
ham's servants, that is twelve pence to each. The whole residue she gives to her
son, Giles Slocombe, whom sTie appoints her sole executor. This will was proved
January 26, 1643."
2. "The will of Robert Slocombe, the elder, yeoman, of Plainsfield within the
parish of Over Stowey, is dated February 14, 1670. He names as heirs his sons,
Humphrey, John, and William Slocombe, and his grand-children Robert, Richard
Joane, and Elizabeth Slocombe, and also, several persons of other names. An
inventory of his personal goods, dated May 13, 1670, and amounting to ^222. 5.5-. od.
is annexed."
" In the calendars of the second named Court, which embraces few
wills and does not date back beyond 1660, the three following names
were found, all of the parish of Bishop's Lydeard, viz : George Slo-
combe, 1707; Richard Slocombe, 1729; and Elizabeth Slocombe, 1730.
These are 'administrations' only, and contain no genealogical particu-
lars. They are, moreover, too late to be of any service in the present
enquiry, but serve to show the existence of a family of the name at
Bishop's Lydeard, 5^ miles N. W. of Taunton."
"The third Court that I have mentioned also dates from 1660, and
no reference to any person of the name was to be met with in the books
belonging to the same."
_ t
Slocums, Slocumbs and Slocombs
of america,
Embracing Eleven Generations of the First-named Family
from 1637 to 1881 :
In treasuring up the memorials of the fathers, we best manifest our regard for
posterity. Rev. Abner Morse, A. M.
Truair, Smith & Bruce, Printers and Binders.
2-^ 33;
He that to ancient wreathes can bring no more
From his own worth, dies bankrupt on the score.
John Cleveland.
I am one
Who finds within me a nobility
That spurns the idle pratings of the great,
And their mean boast of what their fathers were,
While they themselves are fools effeminate,
The scorn of all who know the worth of mind
And virtue.
James Gates Percival.
The reputation of a man is like his shadow : It sometimes follows and some-
times precedes him ; it is sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than his natural
size. French Provek b.
General Index.
Additions and Corrections 590
Appendix of Isolated Families and Names 552
Arms, Slocombe Coat of, in England 25
Aylsworth Family, Genealogy of the 125
Bass Family Genealogy 369, 371
Chancery, Suits in, in England 24
Cincinnati, Society of the 97
Combe, meaning of the word 17
Coroner's Inquest concerning the death of John 2 Slocum 35
England, Researches in 20 to 26
Friends, Society of, and the Slocums in relation to 27 to 32
First Meeting-house of in Dartmouth 51
Number of 30
Number of Places of meeting in Dartmouth in 1859 5 2
Genealogies, Uncertainty of the early English 24
Heralds' Visitation of Devonshire, England, A. D. 1620 23
Herald's Visitation of Somersetshire, England, A. D. 1573 25
Holder Family Genealogy 53
Hull Family Genealogy 72
Index to Names other than Slocum, Slocumb, and Slocomb... After Index to Slocombs
Index to Slocombs After Index to Slocumbs
Index to Slocums 593
Index to Slocumbs After Index to Slocums
Indian Captive, Frances Slocum, the 219
Monk, Maria, Book on the Disclosures of 383
New England, Source of Civil and Religious Liberty in 28
New Plymouth, King Philip's War in 28
New Plymouth United with Massachusetts in 1691 56
Old, New, and Middle Tenor money 71
References to Books, Records, etc., where information has been obtained.
American Independence, Barnes's One Hundred Years of 483, 487
Chalkley, Thomas, Journal of 66
Congress, United States, Lannman's Dictionary of 490
Douglas Family, Genealogy of the 24
English Records 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 56, 383, 572, 573
Friends' Certificate of Marriage 31
Certificates of Removal 32
Library 46, 52, 66
Piety Promoted 46
Records 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 41, 50, 65
Records in Massachusetts 45, 51, 52, 53, 66
Records in New Jersey 50
Records in New York 65
Records in Rhode Island 27, 30, 31, 32, 41, 46, 53, 62, 67, 68
Georgia, History of, by Rev. William B. Stevens 56
Harleian MS., London 25
Haven Family Genealogy, by Josiah Adams 504
Hyde Family Genealogy, by Reuben H. Walworth, LL.D 585
Immigrants, Original Lists of some of the 26
Massachusetts, Books and Records of.. ..27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38,
39. 43. 5i, 5i, 52, 57. 7i. 236, 431. 500, 501, 502, 504, 505, 518, 534
Michigan, Biographical History of Eminent Men of 194, 307, 458
Names, Christian Names, Books on 12
Surnames, Books on 17
New England Genealogical Dictionaiy 23, 35, 92
New England Historical and Genealogical Register 19, 26, 51, 577
Newcomb Family, Genealogical Memoir of ., 19
New Plymouth, Books and Records of, see Massachusetts
New Jersey, Records in 41, 42, 43, 50, 65
Newport Historical Magazine 91, 92
New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 19
New York State, Records in 129, 216, 229, 369, 552
North Carolina, Wheeler's History of 487
Obituaries, Extracts from... 46, 91, 105, 138, 176, 189, 193, 194,214,
224, 225, 226, 249, 273, 383, 401, 413, 432, 448, 495, 513, 518, 534
Ohio, History of Ashland County in 235, 388
Pennsylvania, Records and Books of. .65, 123, 216, 217, 223, 226, 353, 355
Rebellion, Medical and Surgical History of the War of the 405
Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore 449, 571, 585
Researches among the British Archives, Account of . 23
Revolution, American, Diary of the 93
Loyalists of the, by Lorenzo Sabine 73, 142
Privateer " Sturdy Beggar " of the 577
Traditions and Reminiscences of the 487
Women of the, by Mrs. Elizabeth Ellet 487
Revolutionary War Rolls 73, 75, 93, 100, 128, 501, 503, 504, 505, 50S
Rbode Island, Books and Records of 28, 30, 31, 37, 38, 39, 41,
44, 45, 46, 50, 54, 62, 68, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 86, 87, 88,
91, 92, 93, 98, 103, 122, 126, 160, 436, 443, 449
Richardson Family Memorial 502, 504, 518
Roll of Honor, United States, Names recorded in, 261, 262, 273,
275, 2 352, 356, 362, 443, 556, 583, 2 5S4, 2 585," 586, 3 587," 588, 2 58g 2
Tilley Family Genealogy, by R. H. Tilley 44, 53, 63
Virginia, History of, by Henry Stith 56
Whitney Family of Connecticut, Genealogy of the 369
Researches in England 20 to 26
Slocomb Family, Genealogy of the 50010551
Slocombe, Etymology of the Name 17
Slocombes, Different Emigrations of to America. ..26, 486, 500, 572, 573, 577, 581
Slocombes not numerous now in England 25
Slocombeslade, Hamlets of Upper and Lower 24
Slocum, Etymology of the Name 17
Slocum's Coi-ners, North Kingstown Township, R. 1 106
Slocum's Creek, near New Berne, North Carolina 488
Slocum Family, Founders of the, in America 26,33,36
Slocum Family, Genealogy of the 3310485
Slocomb Family, Genealogy of the 48610499
Slocum's Grove Postoffice, Muskegon County, Mich 457
Slocum Hollow, Lackawanna County, Pa 124,218, 351, 353
Slocum's Island, Buzzard's Bay, Mass 66
Slocum's Island, Detroit River, Mich 457
Slocum's Island, Pleasure Bay, New Jersey 43
Slocum, John, 2 Coroner's Inquest concerning the death of 35
Slocum, Joshua, Life of, by his son John, 58
Slocum's Junction, Wayne County, Mich 458
Slocum's Neck, Bristol County, Mass 5 1
Slocum Place, Duchess County, New York 94
Slocum Postoffice, Luzerne County, Pa 225
Slocum's River, Bristol County, Mass 34, 5 1
Slocums, Census of, in Rhode Island in 1774 75
Slocum Station, Lackawanna County, Pa 355
Slocum's Station, Scioto County, Ohio 171
Slocum Township, Luzerne County, Pa 225
Slocumville, Jefferson County, New York 198
Slocumville Postoffice, Washington County, Rhode Island 106
.Sloe Fruit and Tree, Account of the 17
Small-pox in Rhode Island in 1739 68
Smith Family of Dartmouth, Mass., Genealogy of the 197
Subscribers for this Book, List of After the Indexes
Surnames, Changes of Orthography in 19
" Five Classes of 17
Not in early use 19
Tillinghast Family of Rhode Island, Genealogy of the 92
Traditions in the Slocum Family 19, 26, 56, 486, 487
Will of Benjamin 4 Slocum of Dartmouth, Mass 7 1
Will of Charity Slocombe of Somersetshire, England 21
Will of Christopher Slocombe of Somersetshire, England 22
Will of Edmund Slocombe of London, England 24
Will of Eliezer 3 Slocum of Dartmouth, Mass 57
Will of Giles 2 Slocum of Portsmouth, R. 1 39
Will of Robert Slocombe of Somersetshire, England 21
Will of Robert Slocombe, Jr., of Somersetshire, England 22
Wills of Slocums in New Jersey 43
Wills, List of at Taunton, England 20
Wills at Wells, England 21
Wright Families, Genealogies of the 229, 417
Coat of Arms Frontispiece.
Matthew Barnard Slocum To Face Page 246
Judge William Henry Slocum " 39
Laton Slocum 349
Joseph Slocum 353
Caleb Wright Slocum " 369
Humphrey Slocum " 375
Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Enos Slocum " 4 2
Doctor John Ostrander Slocum " 44
Major-General Henry Warner Slocum " 45
Colonel John Stanton Slocum " 44
Giles Bryan Slocum " 45
Doctor John Caleb Slocum " 45
Doctor Charles Elihu Slocum " 47
John Newton Slocum " 47 2
This book is the result of a desire which was awakened in the
mind of the writer some years ago to know more regarding his
ancestry than could be learned from his immediate relatives, and of
the stimulation this desire has received from the genealogical his-
tories which have been published, especially during the last decade.
The work in its present extent and form far exceeds my earlier
anticipations ; but one step encouraged another until there
seemed no other course to take than to publish my gleanings
that those who have become interested in my labors might share
in the result of them. I have been aware, however, that this publi-
cation will interest, particularly, only those whose names, with the
names of their ancestors, are recorded in it ; and in this connection
it seems desirable to state that I was not actuated to these re-
searches by a hope that vast unclaimed estates could be found, or
that pecuniary profit would in any way accrue to me. The work
was engaged in, and has been prosecuted, wholly in the spirit of
legitimate genealogical research ; and, as in most undertakings
of the kind, the subcriptions for the book do not pay even the
expense of its publication to say nothing of the far greater
expense which has attended its preparation. But should the
attention thus called to the subject have an influence even
slight and in limited circles to stimulate commendable family
pride and emulation, and incline the younger members of the
families more to the paths of higher culture and to the religion
of the early fathers that they may guard with zealous care the
honor and fair fame of the name they bear, then the considerable
amount of time and money which the work has cost will not
have been expended in vain.
The difficulties which are met with in gathering material for
a work of this character are very great. The quaint lines of
Anthony a Wood (1632-1695) relative to antiquarian research
in his time are fully applicable here, for " a painful work it is, and
more than difficult, wherein what toyle hath been taken, as no
man thinketh, so no man believeth, but he that hath made the
triall."* References to the authorities for the sketches of the
earlier generations are freely given in those sketches, while the
authorities for the records of the later generations are preserved
by the writer in form of reports received from the families them-
selves or from their relatives or friends. To induce fullness,
system, and accuracy in those reports, a large blank-form con-
taining a list of fifty-eight questions, and an extended explanatory
circular, were distributed to all persons bearing the name Slocum,
Slocumb, or Slocomb, and to the families allied to these names,
whose addresses could be ascertained from relatives, friends,
genealogists, postmasters, and directories. A few of the packages
thus sent out were returned by postmasters, showing that those
for whom they were intended had either died or changed their
residence. Others have been retained by those addressed, or
their relatives, together with the addressed envelopes and stamps
enclosed for their return, and notwithstanding the subsequent
sending of two additional circulars, and in many instances letters,
with special requests for reports. Most of the blanks, however,
have been returned with many of the questions carefully
answered, and I desire here to express my thanks to all who
have thus aided and encouraged me in the work. In an especial
manner would I acknowledge the kindly interest manifested in
my labors by Judge William Henry Slocum of Ocean Port,
N. J., Mr. Lewis Henry Slocum of Pittsburgh, Pa., Dr. Alfred
Marshall Slocum of Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. John Slocum of
Wyoming, R. I., Miss Lida Swan Slocum of Ashland, Ohio,
Mrs. Margaret Almy of South Portsmouth, R. I., and Mr.
Humphrey H. H. C. Smith of Detroit, Mich., who, with great
and continued courtesy, have answered my many letters and
questions and contributed much information concerning the
families of their immediate relatives, and in some instances much
relating to other families in their respective communities. I am
*For an interesting account of some of the difficulties in gathering family
records and history the reader is referred to the publication entitled ' ' The Descend-
ants of Joseph Loomis," by Elias Loomis, LL.D., Professor of Natural History and
Astronomy in Yale College. The several genealogical publications of Professor
Loomis show a remarkable degree of patient and persevering effort notwithstanding
the many and great obstacles met with in their preparation.
also indebted to many young men and women for reports which
but for them would not have been received. The interest
manifested in the work by the young people has been particularly
cheering to me and is considered a good omen for the family
name. I also gratefully acknowledge the receipt of a number
of voluntary contributions from gentlemen, residing in different
parts of the country, who are interested in genealogical studies
but who are not related to these families.
The research and the efforts to make this a full and trust-
worthy genealogical history have probably been as thorough as
in most undertakings of the kind ; and it is believed that no
considerable number of families have borne the surname Slocum,
Slocumb, or Slocomb, in America who are not herein represented.
Completeness, however, may be considered an impossibility in a
work of this character, covering so many years and with so many
scattered families and lost records, and, withal, where so many
who could aid in the work are disinclined to do so. Where the
records or reports have been fragmentary or indefinite marks of
doubt (?) are inserted, particularly if any inference is expressed.
Wherever present time is intimated the reader may understand
that the year 1880 is the time referred to.
It is thought that the arrangement of the genealogy which
differs but little from the plan used in the Register of the New
England Historic, Genealogical Society, is as simple as it can
well be and still be complete. References from the children of
families in the different generations forward to the biographical
sketches of the same can readily be made by means of the Arabic
numerals opposite the names and the corresponding numerals
over the sketches. It has been my aim to keep the style of these
sketches simple and clear and to avoid prolix and laudatory histo-
ries. Those who may regret the brevity of the sketches given
of their ancestors will please consider that the facts necessary for
a full and authentic history have been wanting. I regret that
more details have not been ascertained in many cases, particu-
larly concerning those who are deceased ; but it is an axiom,
probably more applicable to the past than to the present, that
much of that which is of most value in the lives of mankind is
seldom permanently recorded and does not long survive them.
And with the imperfect and careless manner of recording and
preserving vital statistics which still prevails in most families it
would not be strange that the dates of their births and deaths
should, after a length of time, become known only by tradition ;
and eventually, that varying rumor dying, even their very names,
the last that memory retains of them, may also fail among men
and they that are become as unknown, and past finding out, as
though they had never lived. There are many still who agree, in
theory and practice, with Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682), anti-
quary and physician, who, in his Discourse on Sepulcral Urns
(1648), looked upon the disregard of ancestors as unavoidable by
the masses though not without regret for the few, saying : " Our
fathers find their graves in our short memories and tell us how
we may be buried in our survivors. Oblivion is not to be hired.
The greater part must be content to be as though they had not
been, to be found in the register of God, not in the record of man."
Care has been exercised to maintain correct orthography in
names. It is probable, however, that errors will be found in this
particular as the writing has been obscure in many records. In
cases of doubt regarding the less common christian names the
vocabularies of names in Webster s Dictionary, Arthur s Diction-
ary of Family Christian Names, and the History of Christian
Names* have been taken as guides so far as practicable ; but
these publications have been of no usefor those names so written
as not to indicate the sex of those who bear them, and for many of
the modern aestheticisms and pet names, as well as for a number of
names obtained from sources unknown to the writer, and where
only the initials were given in the report.
Palfrey, in his History of New England (1859), states that
there is probably not a county in England which is
occupied by a population of purer English blood than is that of
the New England people. The same may as truly be said of
many of the Slocums of to-day, and of all until a few later inter-
marriages. The last common ancestor, Giles Slocombe, removed
from England in the time of the absolute and despotic reign of
King Charles I, and settled in Portsmouth Township, Rhode
Island. Two of his sons reared families in Rhode Island,
two others in Dartmouth Township, New Plymouth, now
^History of Christian Names, by the author of Landmarks of History, etc. ; 2
vols. 12 mo., London, 1863,
Massachusetts, and one in Shrewsbury Township, East New
Jersey. Of those descendants who remained about Narragan-
sett Bay, Rhode Island, and those who resided near Buzzard's
Bay, Massachusetts, many have been sea-faring men, very
many of these becoming master-mariners in different branches
of the service, sailing through every sea. The largest portion
of the descendants, however, have been engaged in agricultural
pursuits, and in the succeeding generations many have kept
abreast of the emigration westward, and have acted important
parts as pioneers in subduing the forests and in developing
America's unequaled resources. The descendants have not been
so numerous in the aggregate as have those of some other names.
The reader should bear in mind that the style of dates intro-
duced into Roman Catholic countries by Pope Gregory XIII,
A. D. 1582, was not adopted by England and her Colonies until
the year 1752 ; and previous to this year the dates are in the
Old Style the year commencing with the 25th day of March,
and March being called the First month of the year and Febru-
ary the Twelfth. The inconvenience resulting from the use of
both styles in Europe at the same time, gave rise to the frequent
expression of both years in all dates between the 1st of January
and the 24th of March, as " the 7th of First month commonly
called March, 163I" (1637-8). The old or Julian Calendar may
be made to correspond with the new or Gregorian Calendar by
adding ten days to the dates between A. D. 1582 and 1701, and
eleven days to dates between A. D. 1700 and September 2d, 1752.
A careful study of the history of any family for a period of
two hundred and forty years, or of a much shorter time indeed,
will furnish abundant illustrations for the sociologist and the
moralist. It has been, however, no part of the writer's plan to
comment or to moralize, but simply to record the more general
facts as they have been found. Of the Slocum Family it may be
said that the teachings and examples of the Society of Friends
during the earlier generations still have their influence on the
character of most of the descendants, however scattered and
affiljated with other organizations. As a people they have been
comparatively free from aspiration for political and other public
favors, and it is here stated with gratification that criminal taint
has rarely if ever tarnished the family name. So far as the
writer's acquaintance extends the families have very generally
been religious, moral, and thrifty ; have
" held the golded mean,
And lived contentedly between
The little and the great ;
Felt not the wants that pinch the poor,
Nor plagues that haunt the rich man's door.
Embittering all his state."
The name Slocum has an honorable record in every one of our
Country's wars, from early Colonial times. Notwithstanding the
teachings of the Society of Friends, of which the earlier
Slocums of America were all members, the name was quite
well represented in the Revolutionary War, and in the War of
1812. The number of Slocums engaged in the War against
the Southern Rebellion (1861-65) was relatively large, in some
instances three, four, and even five sons of a family entered the
service, and their patriotism and valor were well tried and found
not wanting. The history of these soldiers is not so generally
and fully given here as I have desired; and a number whose
lives were sacrificed on the altar of their Country and whose
names are recorded in the United States Roll of Honor* are not
connected with their ancestors on these pages for want of proper
reports. See Appendix.
" There is a moral and philosophical respect for our ancestors
which elevates the character and improves the heart." "Any
labor that adds to our knowledge of the descent of a family or
gathers the scattered facts of a genealogical line into a simple
history, is of the highest value and deserving of the warmest
praise."| All that is good and exemplary in the lives of man-
kind should be recorded with as great care, at least, as is the
appraisement of their pecuniary estates, and cherished, that the
children and the children's children to the latest time may have
the examples for their instruction and emulation. It is not too
much to hope that the family records of the future may be so
complete as to be valuable also for studies of heredity or the
law of transmission of the physical and psychical qualities of
parents to their offspring.
* Roll of Honor : Names of Soldiers who died in Defense of the American
Union and are interred in the National Cemeteries; 6 vols. 8 vo., Washington,
D. C, 1869.
\ The Literary World ; Boston, January, 1882.
By way of explanation to those subscribers who have been
desirous for the early appearance of the book, I will state that
the delay of one year or more in its publication has been due to
dilatory correspondents, to delays on the part of the printer, and
the desire of the writer to make the volume as complete as
possible. These delays have resulted, however, in the extension
of the plan of the work so as to include the Slocumb and Slo-
comb families, and in the addition of many details to different
parts of the work.
Reports are still solicited from all persons who can add to this
history by the correction of any error that may be found on its
pages, or by additional items that may be suggested by its
perusal or in any way brought to light. Should sufficient
additional matter be thus obtained, supplementary pages will be
published for all who possess the book.
Finally, I can but express the hope that I may yet have the
pleasure of personally meeting the many excellent people whose
courteous communications have given me a feeling of acquaint-
anceship with and of friendship towards them which will remain
a bright page in my memory.
June 28th, 1882. Charles E. Slocum, M. D.
Part First.
Several theories have been advanced relative to the mode of
origin of the surname Slocum, but the promulgators of most of
these theories have fallen into the error to use the words of
Lower in his Patro?iymica Britannica concerning many of the
statements made in Bowditch's book on the surnames of Suffolk
County, Mass., of regarding the apparent rather than the actual
derivation and original meaning of the name.
When arranged according to their etymology all surnames are
divisible into five classes, viz. :* (i) Baptismal or personal names
(Patronymics) as Thomson, from Thomas' son ; Fitzgerald,
Gerald's son ; Powell, from Ap-Howell (Howell's son), etc., in
great variety. (2) Names derived from place (local surnames).
(3) Names from office as Earl, Knight, Marshall, Spencer,
from "Despencer" (Dispenser), Squire, etc. (4) Names from
occupation as Cook, Gardiner, Shepherd, Sherman from
Shearman, etc. (5) Soubriquet or nicknames as Brightman,
Russell, Brown, Morell, etc. " The names of local origin bear
by far the larger proportion to the whole." To this class belong
Hill, Athill, Field, Wood, Washington, Townsend, Holcombe,
Slocombe, and numerous others that will readily come to mind.
The surname Slocombe probably originated from an abundant
growth of the Sloe f in one of the numerous Combes (cup-shaped
*See English Surnames, Their Sources and Significations, by Charles W. Bards-
Icy, M. A.; 2d ed., London, 1875. Also Lower's Paironymica Britannica.
f The Sloe is the fruit of the English wild spiny Plum-tree which is also known as
the Sloe-tree, Sloe-thorn, and Black-thorn. The fruit was so named from its pecu-
liar astringent action on the mouth, known in English as "setting the teeth on edge,"
hut which is conceived in other languages as blunting them ; hence, harsh, blunt or
depressions, ridgy hollows, or valleys in the hills,) of south-western
England, hence called the Sloe Combe, and the man, John, resid-
ing in that locality, becoming designated as John at the, or of
the, Sloe-combe. Thus, in the most natural manner, the require-
dull, is the primary signification of the word. The botanical name of the tree is
Primus spinosa of the Natural Order Rosacea. The various properties, medicinal
and other, of this small tree including its wood, bark, leaves, flowers and fruit,
have been discussed and employed from the earliest period of history. It was first
recorded in Asia where the name primus (proui/inos) originated, and it was introduced
into Great Britain early in the history of that Island, if, perchance, it was not indig-
enous there, and from it have been propagated all of the varieties of English culti-
vated plums (Primus domes tied). It is found in the different countries of Europe,
and, sparingly, in the middle United States. It grows usually from ten to fifteen
feet in height ; is seldom seen over twenty feet though it may occasionally attain the
height of thirty feet. The branches are numerous and end in a spine. The leaves
are dark-green, somewhat obovate (improperly shown in the frontispiece as ovate-
lanceolate), smooth and downy beneath, and sharply serrate. The flowers appear
before the leaves, are small, snow-white, and solitary ; calyx campanulate with lobes
blunt and longer than the tube. The fruit is small, globose, black when npe, and
covered with a beautiful blue bloom ; is very austere to the taste and only palatable
with a large quantity of sugar, or after a frost. In France the unripe fruit has been
used as a condiment, when pickled with salt and vinegar, like olives. It has also
been employed, when crushed, as a black dye. " In domestic economy a very good
preserve is made of the ripe fruit" (?). In Germany, Russia, and England, the juice
of the ripe fruit, expressed in water on account of its very viscid nature, has been
fermented and distilled into spirits ; it has also been used to color and impart rough-
ness to port wine, and in the manufacture of a spurious port. By the addition of
sulphate of iron, a "beautiful black ink with indelible properties" has been made of
this juice. The juice of unripe fruit, evaporated to dryness by gentle heat, forms
the German acacia which was formerly sold under the name of Egyptian acacia, and,
on account of its astringent property, was employed in mucus diarrhea, dysentery
and other bloody discharges. The dried leaves have a pleasant aromatic flavor and
were considered at one time the best substitute for Chinese tea that had been tried in
Europe ; but they fell into disfavor from their astringent action, and their clandestine
use in the adulteration of Chinese tea. The fruit, bark, and leaves, have been known
as a styptic at least from the time of Dioscorides and Galen Greek and Roman
medical writers who flourished in the second century of the Christian era who
included them in their materia medica. Though an active astringent before fully
ripe, the fruit becomes laxative when beginning to soften from decay ; and the flowers
and their calyxes have also been employed as a mild purgative. The bark held at
one time a prominent place in the materia medica as a febrifuge, and as a bitter tonic.
A decoction of the bark has been used for the tanning of leather, and also as a yel-
low dye when mixed with an alkali. " The Sloe-shrub forms a better dead hedge than
Hawthorn," but when alive the root^ have too great a tendency to spread and sprout
to be popular around cultivated fields. "Throughout Europe walking sticks were
formerly more frequently taken from the upward shoots of the Sloe-tree than from
any other. The bark, which is precisely of the color of the horse-chestnut fruit and
as smooth and bright, needs no polish ; and, ornamented by the numerous knots, the
stick is the very prettiest that can be conceived." (Cobbett's Woodlands). The Sloe-
shrub, when well cared for, forms a pleasing ornament to lawns. The blossoms appear
before the leaves and present a beautiful and welcome appearance in the early spring ;
and they, with the fruit, have been objects of frequent allusion by the English song-
For a more extended account of the Sloe-tree and its fruit see I he Arboretum el
Fruticettim Britannicum, by J. C. London, F. L. H. S. etc. ; I ,e\\ is' Materia Medica :
The Cyclopeedia, or Universal Dietionaiy, by Abram Kees, D. D.; and ./// Encyclo-
pedia of Useful and Ornamental Plants, by Gilbert T. Burnett, Esq., Professor of
Botany at King's College, London, 1852. Mr. Governeur Emerson, in The Amer-
ments of increasing population and the changes in orthography
permanently fixed Slocombe as the hereditary surname of the
family.* The name has been very uniformly printed as Slocombe
in England. But once have I found it spelled otherwise and that
as " Slocum " in the report of the Heralds' Visitation of Devon-
shire in the year 1620, as published by the Harleian Society,
London, 1872. The clerks of different records and places in
New England, however, wrote the surname of the first American
families in various ways, principal among which were Slocomb,
Slocome, Slocom, Slocumb, Slocume, and Slocum. The form
" Slocum " became well established as shown by various
records before the year 1700, and has been quite uniformly
adhered to by the descendants of Giles 2 Slocombe (see sketch
No. 2) who settled in what is now Portsmouth Township, Rhode
Island, in the year 1638 (?), and died there in the year 1682. f
icon Farmers' Encyclopedia, 3d edition, Philadelphia, 1844, writes that "the Amer-
ican species of Sloe-shrub belong to the Viburnum family, and are not to be con-
founded with the hedge Black-thorn."
* Surnames were first employed in England about A. D. 1050, but their use was
confined to a few persons for three centuries or more thereafter and then the custom
gradually spread amongst the different classes.
Many Hollanders of the early emigrations to New York in the seventeenth cen-
tury possessed but one name ; see the New York Genealogical and Biographical
Record, vol. I. In the wilder districts of Wales the people have not yet adopted the
use of surnames ; see Chambers' Encyclopedia, ed. 1880.
Edgecumbe House in Devonshire, England, derived its name from its location at
the beginning of a valley edge of the "cumb," or "combe," extending from the
parish Church of Molton Abbot to the River Tamar, a distance of about two miles.
Part of the present house was erected by " Richard de Eggecumbe," A. D. 1292.
The great number of names of persons and places in Devon and Somerset, England,
in which the word "combe" enters, is particularly noticeable to all who have occa-
sion to consult directories or maps of those counties.
f Very few, if any, surnames have escaped the greatest diversity of spelling, and
many have become fixed in forms different from the originals. The name "Seymour "
was derived from St. Maur the name of a town in Normandy, France. The name
Larcom was formerly. Lacombe (Burke), and "Orcutt" was derived from Harcourt.
In the Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb Family, published in 1874 by John B.
Newcomb of Elgin, Illinois, we are informed that he has found his surname written
Neweom, Newcome, Newcomb, Newcombe, Newcum, Newkom, Newkum, Nucom,
Nucome, Nucombe. Nucomb, Nucuni, etc. In the New England Historical and
Genealogical Register for 1S77 we read that the name Cressey has been found written
in twenty-three different ways, and from another source we are informed that the
name Shirecliff has been found spelled in fifty-five, and the name Mainwaring iri
one-hundred-and-fifty-one, different ways. The word Combe was often written in
the Domesday Book of England (A. D. 1 080-1086) as "come" and "cume"; comb-
wick as " comich " and "commiz," etc.
Some families hold a tradition that three Slocombe brothers first came to America,
and, before separating, entered into an agreement to spell their surname differently
that the descendants of each could the better be distinguished ; and hence the forms
Slocomb, Slocumb, and Slocum, as now held in America. This tradition probably
does not bear a very early date.
When in England in 1879 tne writer passed several weeks en-
deavoring to ascertain the early history of the Slocombes. Much
time was spent in the British Museum Library, London, and a tour
was made through central and southwestern England. In my
rambles over the hills and through the combes, or valleys, several
parishes were visited in hope of finding something definite in the
registers concerning those who founded the name in America
about the year 1637; but those books, when found of a period
antedating that year, were generally in such bad condition from
long neglect in damp and mouldy corners of churches as to be
mainly illegible. In the Parish of Huish Champflower, Somerset-
shire, about fifteen miles west of Taunton, the family was early
prominent judging from the list of wills seen at Taunton ; and the
name was found in someof the legible parts of records in the earliest
register, but to no purpose. The oldest well-preserved register ex-
amined bore date from "Anno Regni Elizabethce Primo , A. D. 1 558."
This was in Clatworthy Parish adjoining Huish Champflower
where the name first appeared at a date later than the first emi-
gration to America ; see Appendix name of Robert Slocombe.
Durston Parish was visited but the old registers could not be found.
That there were several families of the name in the vicinity of
Taunton in the West Division of Somersetshire in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries, is proven by the following list of wills
which I collected in the Taunton Probate Office, viz. :
Name of Testator.
of Will.
Name of Parish.
date from,
Marie Slocombe
James Slocombe
Alice Slocombe
H enrv Slocombe
Robert Slocombe
Thomas Slocombe
Thomas Slocombe
Joane Slocombe
Walter Slocombe, Sr..
Thomas Slocombe
Robert Slocombe
Walter Slocombe
Nicholas Slocombe
George Slocombe
Christopher Slocombe
Robert Slocombe .
Huish Champflower
Dunster 1560
Crowcombe 1641
Over Stowey 1645
Selworthy ID 73
do 1673
Minehead 1548
Selworthy 1673
Huish Champflower
Canni ngton j 1 563
Thorne St. Margaret
Over Stowey 1645
Not feeling inclined at the time of my visit to give continued
personal attention to the old records in Somersetshire, I did not
look for these wills amongst the old and rather carelessly-kept
papers at Taunton. Upon visiting Wells two wills were there
found registered. An English genealogist, Captain A. E Lawson
Lowe, was afterward engaged to continue the investigation, and,
after visiting those places, he reported to me as follows :
"The wills proved in a number of old courts were deposited in the
District Probate Court at Wells. The principal of these are (i) the
Consistory Court of the Lord Bishop of Wells; (2) Consistory Court
of the Dean and Chapter of Wells ; (3) Consistorial Archidiaconal
Court of Wells ; and (4) Consistory Court of the Dean of Wells. The
first of these is said to date from 1543, but there are only a very few
wills prior to about the year 1600. In this Court only two wills of
Slocombes were found, viz. :
1. "The will of Charity Slocombe, of the parish of Old Cleave, in the county of
Somerset, widow, is dated November 21st, 1642. She devises 20 shillings to the
poor of Old Cleave, and 20 shillings to the poor of Gothurst. To her brother,
Aldred Bickham, her sister, Joane Studdier, and her kinswoman, Isoll Oatford, she
gives a piece of gold to each. She devises small legacies to Richard Bickham and
John Studdier, the younger. To Isoll Bickham she gives ' a hood and safe gard
and petecoat and wascoat, and one handkercheife with a broad lase.' To her kins-
woman, Mary Wills, of Envier, widow, she gives her 'best cloake.' To Mary Gey,
she gives her 'best hatt,' her 'ould petecoat and one doulis smock and a blew apron
and an under coat of gingerline.' She also gives legacies to Anne Sully, the daughter
of Thomas Sully, and to Mary Willis. To each of her god children she gives two
shillings, and gives ten shillings to be distributed amongst her brother Aldred Bick-
ham's servants, that is twelve pence to each. The whole residue she gives to her
son, Giles Slocombe, whom sTie appoints her sole executor. This will was proved
January 26, 1643."
2. "The will of Robert Slocombe, the elder, yeoman, of Plainsfield within the
parish of Over Stowey, is dated February 14, 1670. He names as heirs his sons,
Humphrey, John, and William Slocombe, and his grand-children Robert, Richard
Joane, and Elizabeth Slocombe, and also, several persons of other names. An
inventory of his personal goods, dated May 13, 1670, and amounting to 222. $s. od.
is annexed."
" In the calendars of the second named Court, which embraces few
wills and does not date back beyond 1660, the three following names
were found, all of the parish of Bishop's Lydeard, viz : George Slo-
combe, 1707; Richard Slocombe, 1729; and Elizabeth Slocombe, 1730.
These are 'administrations' only, and contain no genealogical particu-
lars. They are, moreover, too late to be of any service in the present
enquiry, but serve to show the existence of a family of the name at
Bishop's Lydeard, 5^ miles N. W. of Taunton."
"The third Court that I have mentioned also dates from 1660, and
no reference to any person of the name was to be met with in the books
belonging to the same."
" The fourth named Court likewise dates from 1660, and in one of
the calendars I met with one Slocombe will, viz : Hugh Slocombe, of
Carhampton, 1703. This was all that Wells afforded, and I fear that
it adds little."
"At Taunton I was disappointed to find that nearly all the old wills
had been lost or destroyed. At some period, doubtless during the Duke
of Monmouth's rebellion in the year 1685, the wills and other docu-
ments were removed for safety to a neighbouring village. It is said that
many of them were never brought back, and those that were, were
deposited in disorder in the tower of St. Mary's Church, where they
remained for some years. The unfortunate result of this is, that with
the exception of a few odd bundles and one old volume into which some
early wills have been copied, there are no wills whatever prior to the
year 1660, since which period they are tolerably perfect. I was unable
to find any Slocombe wills amongst the few old ones that are left, and
consequently only two out of all your list are to be seen at this
day, viz :
1. "The will of Christopher Slocombe of Durston in the county of Somerset,
husbandman, is dated May 20, 1660. He devises a legacy to each of the following
persons : to his sister, Anne Slocombe ; to John, Deanes, and Margaret Slocombe,
his brother's children ; and to William, Thomas, Joane, and Susanna Slocombe, and
styles his brother 'their father.' Margery, his wife, he appoints his sole executrix.
This will was proved at Taunton February 16, 1660-1."
2. "The will of Robert Slocombe, the younger, of the parish of Over Stowey,
in the county of Somerset, yeoman, is dated August 22, 1660. He devises legacies
as follows : to Alice (Sloadenby ?), daughter to his brother Richard Slocombe ; to his
sister Elizabeth, wife of John Howlase ; and to Humphrey, John, William, and
Joane Slocombe, his brothers and sister. He gives to Robert Slocombe, the elder,
his father, all the lands, meadows, and pastures, which he holds conjointly with his
brother, Richard, and appoints his father his sole executor. This will was proved at
Taunton December 7, 1660. An inventory of his personal goods, dated December
5, 1660, and amounting to ,74.00.00, is annexed."
"The absence of the earlier wills at Taunton presents a formidable
obstacle, and I should be glad of your opinion as to the best course to
pursue under the circumstances. It is sufficiently clear that no further
assistance can be obtained from wills ; and the only available source of
information left to us seems to be the parochial registers bearing date
from a sufficiently early period. You will observe that the name of
Anthony, Edward, or Giles, [the founders of the Slocum family in
America] does not occur except in the will of Charity Slocombe, of
Old Cleeve, who names her son 'Giles Slocombe.' This was in Novem-
ber, 1642, and Giles Slocombe, of Portsmouth, in Rhode Island, is
assumed to have settled in America before that time. Now, had Charity
Slocombe's son, Giles, been in America at the time when she made her
will she would hardly have appointed him her sole executor. Ports-
mouth, in Rhode Island, is said in your letter to have been founded in
1638; and you add that Giles Slocombe settled there at that time, or
soon after. If it be possible that he did not settle there until 1643, he
may be identical with this Giles, who might be conjectured to have
emigrated so soon as he inherited what his mother had to leave. She
names no other children, but as there is evidence that Anthony Slo-
combe was in America in 1637, and Edward Slocombe may have also
been there about that time, it might reasonably be supposed that they
were likewise her sons, and their absence abroad would be quite sufficient
to account for the omission of their names from their mother's will.
This, of course, is mere conjecture, based upon the supposition that
Anthony, Edward and Giles were brothers.* You will judge how far it
is reasonable, and whether you deem that this clue should be followed
out. I will find out when the registers of Old Cleeve commence ; but
as Charity Slocombe left money to be distributed amongst her brother
Aldred Bickham's servants, and as three of the Bickham family witness
her will, she very probably was living in her brother's house during her
widowhood, and we are again at a loss to know where her husband had
resided. The bequest to the poor of the parish of Goathurst (5^ miles
N. of Taunton) must not, however, be overlooked as implying some
former connection with that place. I should be glad of your opinion on
these points."
The research is still being continued, and additional reports
are expected.^
The report of the Heralds' Visitation of the County of Devon in
the year 1620, as published by the Harleian Society, London, 1872,
informs us that Roger Dimond, 2d, of Tiverton, married Elizabeth,
daughter of " Slocum of Devon," and had a grand-daughter
who was seven years of age in 1620. Also that "John Lande
of Tiverton married Maude, daughter of Davy Slocombe of Wis-
combe, County Somerset," and had eight children, the eldest,
Dorothy, being twenty-one years of age in that year (1620).
Gordon W. J. Gyll, Esq., in his Histoty of Wraysbury
Parish, and Town of Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, published in
London in 1862, gives the name of John Slocombe who died
A. D. 1607, leaving a son Edmund who was baptized 14 Sep-
tember, 1600, and died in 1668 leaving a son John who was
living in Colnbrook in 1682. The writer visited Wraysbury in
1879 DUt could learn nothing in addition to the above.
*Mr. Savage in his New England Genealogical Dictionary presumed that An-
thony and Giles Slocombe were brothers but he found no positive evidence that such
was the relationship.
fin the book entitled "Result of some Researches among the British Archives
for information relative to the Founders of New England, made in the years 1858,
1859, and i860," by Samuel (I. Drake of Boston, we read that "whoever goes to
England expecting to find the genealogy of any particular family settled in New
England at an early day, is pretty sttre, in at least nine cases out of ten, to meet with
disappointment For the descendant of a New England emigrant
to find his ancestor among the nobility or landed gentry of the period of the emigra-
tion, is about as certain as it would be to find him among those classes of the present
Edmund Slocombe, " a citizen and habadasher of London,"
died A. D. 1668, leaving a will which was proved in the Pre-
rogative Court of Chancery in that city 26 January, 1669. His
brother John was one of the executors ; and the heirs named
were the testator's son Edmund and daughter Mary.
The " Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the Reign
of Queen Elizabeth" (A. D. 1558-1603) were printed in three
folio volumes in 1827-32. On page 68 of volume iii the
following title is given, viz. : "John Slocombe, plaintiff, Thomas
Slocombe, defendant. Object of suit : Claim under a will, and
for relief against fraudulent practices of the defendant to defeat
the same. Premisses ; Lands and tenements in the parish of
Whiteheythefyed, and Stogumber Awlecombe in the parish of
Dunster, Wolston in the parish of Bickenaller, lands called
Cattes Closes and Deane, in the parish of Bisshopps Liddiard,
County Somerset."
In Brendon Parish, Lynmouth, Barnstaple, Devonshire, there
are two hamlets called Upper and Lower Slocombeslade, or
Slocomslade. " Slade " signifies a meadow, and it is inferred that
the hamlets derived their name from the proprietor of the
meadow lands on which they were built. The dates of their
origin are unknown to the writer. On account of an arbitrary
ruling of the authorities at Exeter, relative to the copying of
day ! As the great body of emigrants to New England took no pains to transmit to
their descendants any account of their ancestors, or even the places whence they
came, it is pretty evident they had nothing to expect from the one, or any special
regard for the other Parish registers seldom indicate any connection
with the so-called higher classes."
William Courthorpe, Somerset Registrar of the College of Arms, London, has
also expressed himself frankly on this subject, as follows : " Seldom or never can we
connect the families of emigrants to America as early as the year 1645 with their rela-
tives in England ; they were probably designedly left out of the English pedigree,
and unless they carried with them to their adopted country a clue to their English
ancestry it was soon lost altogether." See The Douglas Genealogy.
Apropos to this subject are the statements of the distinguished English historian,
Edward A. Freeman, who has proved most positively that few families in England,
even, could trace a descent from scions of the fourteeth century, and he mentions
only some five or six families whose history could be proved as belonging to the time
of William the Conqueror. As to those who could show that their ancestors were of
true Saxon blood before the Conquest, there were only two or three in all England.
The history of a family is always exceedingly difficult to trace, and often, when it is
lost, inventive power comes in, and ingenuity supplies the facts. Innumerable
English genealogical trees were shattered by Mr. Freeman's expose. He further
states that the ' Domesday Book ' (A. D. 1080-1086) alone upsets in a moment
countless false pedigrees ; but, without some other evidence, it gives very little help
toward establishing a true one. See The New York Times, 1880.
records or making extracts from them, nothing can be done at
present with the wills in Devonshire if there be any there of
interest to this enquiry.
It is inferred from an examination of the directories of a
number of English cities and counties, and from enquiries made
in different parts of Great Britain, that the name Slocombe is
not very common there at the present time.
The Coat of Arms of "Slocombe of Somersetshire," roughly
sketched with pen and ink has been seen by the writer in the
British Museum Library, London, in Harleian MS. No. 1385
which represents, in part, the report of the Heralds' Visitation
of Somersetshire, England, about the year 1573. This coat of
arms is described in the larger books on heraldry as follows :
"Argent on a fess gules between three griffins' heads couped sable, as
many sinister wings or. Crest A griffin's head gules between two wings
expanded or." *
A careful search was instituted to determine the names of the
ancestors and descendants of its owner, but without success.
Upon visiting the College of Arms I was informed by the Herald
in charge that there is now no claimant for this coat of arms ;
and he exhibited a copy of " the only coat of arms now belonging
to a Slocombe family in England," which is very different from
that above described, and was granted in the year 1672 a
generation after the first emigration to America to David
Slocombe of the Parish of Bishop's Lydeard, Somersetshire,
who gave the name of his father as David Slocombe but did not
give the name of his grandfather. This coat of arms is not
described in the general publications on heraldry. Whether the
first grant lapsed with the emigration to America, or otherwise,
* x Argent silver; gules red; couped cut off smooth; sable black; or gold.
The fess is a broad band crossing the middle of the shield laterally, and "represents
the waist-belt or girdle of honor which was one of the insignia of knighthood."
A griffin is a chimerical creature retained from ancient times, and is most frequently
represented with the body and legs of a lion, and the head, neck and wings, of an
eagle, with ears. The classical conception of this character was watchfulness,
strength, and swiftness.
is not known to the writer. .An engraving of it is presented as
a frontispiece to this book according to the copy tricked in the
Harleian MS. and the description given in the books on heraldry,
with the addition of foliage under the shield. Various forms of
scroll with motto, or other ornamentation, have been represented
extraneous to the shield and crest, the device being often chosen
with reference to some characteristic, real or fancied, of the
person or family bearing the arms. There being nothing of the
kind found in this case I have had engraved a representation of
sprigs of the Sloe-tree in flower, leaf,* and fruit, as significant of
the origin of the name Slocombe.
The name Slocum (Slocombe) first appeared in America, so
far as the writer has been able to determine,! with the persons
of Anthony, Giles, and Edward Slocombe. The relationship
that existed between them has not been definitely ascertained.^;
The name of the ship in which they were passengers from
England and the date and place of their landing, are also lost
*The leaves of the Sloe-tree (Primus spinosd) are rather obovate in form, not
ovate-lanceolate as shown in the frontispiece.-
f The name of " Dauey [Davey] Slawcome, Carpenter," appears in a list of names
with the following heading, but no further mention of him has been found : " These
men Whose names are heere vnder written belonginge vnto the Friendshipe of Lon-
don, nowe ridinge att An Ankere in the reuer of Themes bound for Vergenia ;
March 1636." See the book entitled "The Original Lists of Persons of Quality;
Emigrants ; Religious Exiles ; Political Rebels ; Serving Men sold for a term of
years ; Apprentices ; Children Stolen ; Maidens Pressed ; and others who went from
Great Britain to the American Plantations from A. D. 1600 to 1700, etc.," compiled
from MSS. preserved in the State-paper Department of Her Majesties Public Record
Office, England, by John C. Hotten, 1874. This publication includes the names of
but a part of those who removed to America in the seventeenth century ; no record
has been found of the larger portion of them.
\ The tradition that three Slocum (Slocombe) brothers from England were the
founders of the name in America, is, perhaps, the most widely held of all the various
traditions among the Slocums, Slocumbs, and Slocombs,, of the present time.
In a sketch of some of the early American families or Slocums, published in the
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, October, 1880, I classed Anthony
as the father of Giles from the fact of his having referred to, his sons (grand-sons ?)
in a letter (see sketch of Anthony Slocombe ; No. i), and no descendants being
found other than from the children of Giles ; and also that the children of Giles
succeeded to the possession of the land where Anthony was last known to reside.
points in their history, and probably past recovery, as is the
case concerning so many of the pioneers to America.
Anthony is recorded* as one of the first purchasers of
Cohannet, New Plymouth, now Taunton and its vicinity in
Massachusetts, in the year 1637 ; and it is also written that
most of the " first and ancient purchasers'" of that territory
several of whom were also from the vicinity of Taunton, Eng-
land, came immediately from Dorchester, Massachusetts, where
landings were made from the year 1630.
Giles settled in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, in the
year 1638 (?), and there died in 1682.
Edward is recorded! as one of the two " Supvisors of the
Highwaies for Tanton" June 1, 1647. His name does not
appear in the list of inhabitants over sixteen and under sixty
years of age who were subject to military duty in Taunton in
the year 1643 ; nor has anything further been found definitely
relating to him.
The history of the Society of Friends in New England dates
from the year 1656, and some points in this history are here
sketched inasmuch as the Slocombes (Slocums) early became
active members of the Society and the succeeding generations
have continued their membership in some lines to the present
It is inferred that Giles 2 Slocombe (sketch No. 2) became a
member early in the Society's history in Rhode Island. The
records of the Friends' Monthly Meeting for Portsmouth, R. I.,
are preserved only from the date of Twelfth month 10th, 1676,
and these records show that " Giles Slocum, senior," was a
member of committees in the business of the Society. In his
will, dated October 10, 1681, he remembered his " Louing
*See An Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth, by Francis Baylies ;
Boston, 1830.
f See Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England. Court Orders,
vol. ii, p. 115.
friends the people of God called Quakers " with a bequest ; see
sketch No. 2. The old record of the births of Friends' children
is still preserved near Newport. It begins with the names of
two children born in the year 1638, three born in 1640, and
three in 1642, Johanna, daughter of this Giles Slocum, being
one of the number born in the last named year.
The government of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
being in the hands of the Baptists and Friends no religious perse-
cution was effected therein, and these Societies should have the
honor accorded them of being the founders, and for a long time
the only sustainers, of civil and religious liberty, not only in
these Plantations but in New Plymouth and Massachusetts as
well, and against great odds. They well deserve the name of
the " Protestants of the Puritans."*
No positive evidence has been found showing that Anthony
Slocombe joined the Society of Friends, but there is good
circumstantial evidence that he did unite with them about the
year 1662, and that such union was the cause of his removal to
Dartmouth and his exclusion there from the rights of citizenship ;
see sketch No. 1. It is believed that the early settlers of Dart-
mouth either thought they were settling within the bounds of
Rhode Island, the land of liberty, or sought that region,
isolated from the settled parts of New Plymouth, for the peace-
able enjoyment of their religious convictions.
After the widespread destruction of life and property by the
Indians in the disastrous contest known as King Philip's War,
the General Court of New Plymouth promulgated the following
document under date of the 4th of October, 1675, Vlz - '
" This Court, taking into theire serious Consideration the tremendus
dispensations of God towards the people of Dartmouth, in suffering the
barborous heathen to spoile and destroy most of their habitations,! the
enimie being greatly advantaged thervnto by theire scattered way of
liueing, doe therefore order, that in the rebuilding or resettleing thereof,
*In their petition to Charles II for a Charter in i662-'63, the people of Rhode
Island declared "how much it is in our hearts to hold forth a lively experiment,
that a most flourishing civil state may stand, and best be maintained, with a full
liberty of religious concernments." The Charter was granted in accordance with
their wishes ; and "nowhere in the world" says Bancroft in his History of the
United States, "were life, liberty, and property, safer than in Rhode Island."
fThe Indians under Philip "burned nearly thirty houses in Dartmouth, killing
many people after a most barbarous manner, as skinning them all over alive, some
only their heads, cutting off their hands and feet The inhabitants
that they soe order it as to Hue compact together, att
lage, as they may be in a capassitie both to defend themselues from the
assault of an enemie, and the better to attend the publicke worship of
God, and Minnestry of the word of God, whose carelesnes to obtaine
and attend vnto, wee fear, may haue bine a prouocation of God thus to
chastise theire contempt of his gospell, which wee earnestly desire the
people of that place may seriously consider off, lay to hart, and be
humbled for, with a Sollisitus indeauor after a reformation thereof by a
vigorous puting forth to obtaine an able, faithfull dispenser of the word
of God amongst them, and to incurrage him therin, the neglect
wherof this Court as they must not, and, God willing, they will not
prmit for the future.
Alsoe this Court doth order, that the people of Middlebury doe attend
the like course in theire rebuilding and resettleing, as is ordered for Dart-
mouth. And that none shall for the future erect any house or cottage
without speciall lycence giuen him, in any place soe farr remote from
the publicke worship of God that they can not comfortable attend the
Three sons and one daughter of Giles 2 Slocombe of Ports-
mouth, Rhode Island, removed to Dartmouth Township, New
Plymouth, to begin life for themselves, Giles 3 in 1669, six years
before Philip's War, and Peleg, Mary, and Eliezer, soon after the
war. They were all members of the Society of Friends ; and
the Friends and Baptists comprised the larger portion of the
residents of that township. Notwithstanding their superior
numbers the persecutions of these sects, for refusing to support
the Colonial Church, were continued with vigor in Dartmouth
and Tiverton the only townships in New Plymouth continuing
inflexible in their resistance of the tax levied for that church
while they faithfully paid all other rates. One indictment
followed another for many years. In 1724 Dartmouth voted not
to raise the imposed tax of ^100 to sustain the Colonial Church,
but to raise ^700 to sustain the Selectmen in not making the
rate they to be allowed a certain sum for each day passed in
prison on account of their non-compliance with the Court Order.
Two men of Dartmouth and two of Tiverton Baptists and
were most of them Quakers." This war cost the Colony six hundred men and one
million dollars. See " Church's Entertaining Passages relating to Philip's War";
"Present State of New England"; "Brief and True Narration," etc. See, also,
the sketch of Anthony Slocombe (No. i) in this book.
"Contributions made by diurs Christians in Ireland for the releiffe of such as are
impouerished, distressed, and in nessesitie by the late Indian warr, was, as it respects
this Collonie, proportioned as followeth, 6 March, 16767, viz. : To Taunton, 10 ;
Dartmouth, 21 ; Rehoboth, ^32 ; Swansey, "2\ ; Middlebury, ,4. icw.," etc.
New Plymouth Court Records.
Friends were sent to Bristol jail where they remained about
eighteen months, or until the act of the General Court under which
they were imprisoned was annulled by the King of England.*
The early records of the Society of Friends in New England
were generally quite full, and they are now mostly in a good, state
of preservation. There were books for recording the marriages,
births, and deaths, occurring among the members, and books, kept
by another clerk, for the business transactions of the monthly
meetings. Thus much has been preserved concerning individ-
uals, of interest to their descendants, that otherwise would have
been irrecoverably lost. The following transcripts may serve as
illustrations of their method of recording events affecting, or liable
to affect, their interests :
"At a monthly man and woman's meeting in the house of Jabez
Greene [in East Greenwich Township, Rhode Island,] this 5 th of 12 th
month, 1699, its the mind of this meeting that Ebenezer Slocum[ of
Jamestown Township, R. I. ; see sketch No. 6,] and Daniel Cogshall are
chosen to appoint where a meeting house shall be built and set up for this
purpose, to wait upon God in, and to worship him in spirit and in truth."
This meeting-house was built on the land of John Spencer,
about one-half mile southwest of the present Village of East
Greenwich, and near the four corners.!
* ' ' The Quaker never would pay tithes ; never yielded to any human law which
traversed his conscience. He did more ; he resisted tyranny with all the moral
energy of enthusiasm, bearing witness against blind obedience not less than against
will worship The heaviest penalties that bigotry could devise
never induced him to swerve a hair's breadth from his purpose of speaking freely
and publicly. This was his method of resisting tyranny."
"The Friends were among the worst persecuted of religious sects, but they never
showed any spirit of retaliation. When urged to denounce their enemies they invari-
ably answered, 'We leave them with the Lord.' They bore all imprisonment
patiently and unflinchingly. They were the true pioneers of freedom ; asked no
privilege for themselves that they were not willing to concede to others ; they advo-
cated entire freedom of opinion and expression for Protestant and Romanist,
Christian and Infidel. They did not profess to have discovered new truth or to aim
at the establishment of a new creed ; they sought to effect a reform in manners
rather than in belief."
"The Friends have probably never at any one time exceeded 200,000 in number.
But the purity of their lives and their constant outspoken testimony against all
immorality, war, intemperance, and especially against slavery, have exercised an
influence over the opinions and practices of the civilized world altogether greater
than that of any other body of men of . no greater numbers that has existed in
modern times. The number in the United States is now estimated to be about
100,000, and in all other countries combined about 50,000." See Bancroft's History
of the United States ; The American Cyclopedia ; Backus' Church History of New
England ; Cough's History of the Quakers ; The Journal of George Fox ; The
Friends' Library, etc.
f See History of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, by D. H. Greene, M. D.; Provi-
dence, 1877.
"This Yearly Meeting being the 12 th , 13 th , 14 th and 15 th of y e 5 th
month, 1700, having taken into consideration the baits and snares that
have been laid to betray the innocent, would revive this our ancient tes-
timony by way of exhortation to all Friends ; and it is our desire that all
Friends and their children stand clear in their testimonies against wars
and fightings and learning to war ; and also against paying directly or
indirectly for not training or bearing arms, but to suffer patiently or
gladly the spoiling of our goods, or what the authority shall see fit cause
to inflict upon our persons for the testimony of our consciences accord-
ing to Christ's examples ; and also against the paying the hireling priest
or towards the maintaining or repairing houses ; or anything contrary to
the testimony of truth.
Given forth at our Yearly Meeting and signed by those appointed from
y e several monthly meetings and also Quarterly in Newport and to be
read in the monthly and quarterly meetings.
James Burriel
Jacob Mott [see sketch No. 3.]
Ebenezer Slocum [see sketch No. 6.]
[and others.]"
The reference to " the hireling priest " in the above exhorta-
tion applied to all New England excepting Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations, and particularly to the Townships of
Dartmouth and Tiverton in New Plymouth.
"Where as Ebenezer Slocum [sketch No. 28], Son of Eleazer Slo-
cum (sketch No. 1 1 ) Late of Dartmouth, in the County of Bristol, in
the Province of Massachusetts Bay in Newengland yeoman deceased
and Eliphel his wife, and Bathsheba Hull Daughter of Trustum
[Tristram] Hull late of Kingstown in the Colony of Rhoad Island and
Providence Plantations in Newengland Yeoman Deceast and Eliza-
beth his wife, Having Declared their Intentions of Taking Each Other
in Marriage beefore Several Public Meetings of the People of God
Called Quakers in Rhode Island According to the good Order Used
amongst them whose Proceeding therein after Deliberate Consideration
there of were Approved by the Said Meetings Nothing Appearing to
hender their Said intentions and having Consent of Parents and all
Others Concerned Now these Are to Certifie all whom it May Concern
that for the Accomplishing their Said Intentions this fourth Day of the
Second Month Called April in the Year According to the English
Account One Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Eight they the
Said Ebenezer Slocum and Bashabe Hull appearing in the Publick
Assembly of the aforesaid People and Others Mett together in their
Publick Meeting house att Newport on Rhode Island and in a Solemn
manner he the Said Ebenezer Slocum taking the Said Bathshebe Hull
by the hand and Openly Declared as followeth Friends I Desire You to
be my Witnesses that I take this my friend Bathshebe Hull to be my
Wife Promising Through the Lords Assistance to be to her A Loving
and faithful Husband Until it Shall Please God By Death to Seperate
us And then and there in the said Assembly the said Bathshebe Hull
in Like Manner Declared as folio weth Friends I Desire You to be my
Witnesses that I take this my friend Ebenezer Slocum to be my Hus-
band Promising Through the Lords Assistance to be to him A Loving
and faithful wife Untill it shall Please God by Death to Seperate us
And the Ebenezer Slocum and Bathshebe Hull now Bathshebe
Slocum as a further confirmation there of Did then and there to these
Presents set their hands And we whose Names are hereunto Subscribed
Being Present Among Others at the Solemnising of their Said Marriage
and Subscription in Manner as aforesaid As Witnesses have hereunto
also to these Presents Subscribed our Names the Day and Year before
The above certificate was signed by about fifty Friends of
those who witnessed the ceremony.
" To the Monthly Meeting of Friends at New York :
Dear Friends : This Meeting having been informed that Christopher
Slocum [sketch No. 131] is placed as an apprentice with a Friend
of your city and application having been made on his behalf for a
Certificate there, may inform that he has a right of membership with us
and as far as appears is clear of M arriage engagements ; we therefore
recommend him to your friendly care and regard.
From a Monthly Meeting held at Portsmouth for Rhode Island, the
30th of the 1 2th mo., 1794 and signed on behalf of the same by
Samuel Thurston, Clerk."
Certificates to Thomas Stille Slocum (see family No. 61) on
his removal from Newport, R. I., to Swansea, Mass., 27th of
9th month, 1796, and on his return to Newport the 31st of 7th
month, 1798, contain the wholesome intelligence that " upon
inquiry not anything appears but that his temporal concerns are
adjusted to satisfaction, and he is clear of marriage engage-
Part Second.
Anthony 1 Slocombe is recorded (as "Anthony Slocum ")* as
one of the forty-six "first and ancient purchasers," A. D. 1637,
of the territory of Cohannet which was incorporated 3 March,
1639, with the name of Taunton in New Plymouth, now Massa-
chusetts, and from which the present Townships of Taunton,
Raynham, and Berkley have been organized. The interests of the
several purchasers were in the ratio of six, eight, and twelve, the
subject of this sketch purchasing eight shares. His name also
appears in various records as follows :
August, 1643. In a list for Taunton of "The Names of all the
Males [fifty-four in number] that are able to beare Armes from xvj
Yeares old to 60 Yeares w th in the seu r all Towneshippes." f
October 29, 1650. As a juryman in a case of accidental drowning.
June 10, 165 1. Again as juryman in a like case at Taunton.
June 6, 1654. As one of the two "Survayers of the Highwaies" for
June 3, 1657. In the list of "Freemen a mitted this Court, and
June 7, 1659. In the list of twenty persons "Sworne as the Grand
December 28, 1659. In the list of " The names of those inhabitants
within the township of Taunton, who are to have their division of land
now agreed upon, December 28, 1659, whose proportion is to be
according to the rate here following, together with the quantity of land,
lots and heads, at two acres to the head, two acres to the shilling, and
two acres to the lot." Under this agreement he is recorded with a
rating of nineteen shillings and four pence ; six heads ; and fifty-three
acres. X
June 3, 1662. As one of the two " Surveyors of the Highwaies "
for Taunton.
* See An Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth, by Francis Baylies ;
part i, p. 286.
^Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, in New England; Boston, 1855.
% Baylies' Memoir of New Plymouth, part ii, page 270.
This is the last date at which his name appears as a resident
of Taunton. We are informed by Baylies* and Ricketsonf that
he disposed of his rights in Taunton to Richard Williams and
removed, probably about the year 1662. to that part of New
Plymouth which was incorporated in 1664 with the name of Dart-
mouth Township, and of which he and one Ralph Russell were
the first settlers. The subject of this sketch settled near Pasca-
manset River which has since been more generally known as
Slocum's River. f His subsequent history has not been ascer-
tained. His name does not appear in any of the " exact lists of
all freemen in Dartmouth " made from time to time and dating
certainly as early as 29 May, 1670. This exclusion from the
rights of citizenship was probably a result of his union with the
Society of Friends ; see page 28.
There has been preserved a fragment of a letter written by him
in Dartmouth to his " brother-in-law, William Harvey, in Taun-
ton," as follows, date not preserved :
" To the Church of Christ in Taunton, and Mr. Shove [the pastor]
and yourself in particular, I desire to be remembered, whose prayers I
doubt not I and mine are the better for, and whose welfare I earnestly
wish and pray for. Myself, wife, and sons, and daughter Gilbert who
hath four sons, remember our respects and loves, and my sons are all
married, &c."*
It is inferred from this letter that he married a sister of
William Harvey who was also one of the first purchasers of
Taunton in equal interest with him. William Harvey remained
in Taunton where he became a prominent citizen and for several
successive years was chosen Deputy to the General Court being
evidence conclusive that he was not a member of the Society of
Friends. The Court Records for New Plymouth contain the
information that " At a Court of Assistants, William Harvey
and Joane Hucker of Cohannett were marryed the second of
Aprill, 1639." No record of Anthony Slocombe's marriage
having been found, it is presumed that he was married before
his arrival in the colonies.
* Baylies, op; cit. See, also, The Ministry of Taunton, by Rev. Samuel H.
Emery, 2 vols. 12 mo. Boston, 1853 ; vol. i, p. 171. Mr. George Shove who is
mentioned in the above letter, was ordained the third pastor at Taunton 19 Nov.
1665, but was a resident of that place previous to this date ; he died 21 April, 1687.
f See The History of New Bedford, by Daniel Ricketson ; 12 mo., New Bed-
ford, Mass., 1858.
Mr. Savage, in his Genealogical Dictionary,* presumes that
the "sons" referred to in Anthony Slocombe's letter, as given
above, were Eliezer Slocum (see sketch No. u), Giles Slocum
(No. 5), and Peleg Slocum (No. 8), who were among the
proprietors of Dartmouth in the year 1694. This presump-
tion is undoubtedly erroneous ; they were sons of Giles 2 Slocombe
of Portsmouth, Rhode Island (sketch No. 2), as the records of
Rhode Island and Dartmouth clearly show. They may have
been grand-sons to Anthony, however, as grand-sons were called
"sons" at that time, and nephews were called "cousins."
Anthony Slocombe's household of six heads, recorded in
Taunton 28 December, 1659, ma y have been composed of him-
self and wife, their daughter and her husband John (?) Gilbert,
and two grand-sons ; or, one, two, or three servants may have
been counted to make up the number six. If Anthony had own
sons living in Dartmouth they probably died young perhaps
were, with him, killed in Philip's War in 1675. No further
mention has been found of them, and no one has been identified
as descendants of theirs. f
Anthony Slocombe, by his wife Harvey, had the fol-
lowing children (?) :
2. i. Giles,| married Joan ; died in Portsmouth Township,
R. I., A. D. 1682.
ii. Edward, resided in Taunton, N. P., 1 June, 1647; see P- 2 7
iii. A daughter, married John (?) Gilbert and had four sons living in
Dartmouth, N. P., in the latter part of the seventeenth century,
iv. John, born A. D. 1641-2, in Taunton ; died in March, 165 1.
* A Genealogical Dictionary of the first settlers of Nexv England, showing three
generations of those who came before A/ay, 1692, etc. By James Savage, LL.D.,
4 vols. 8vo ; Boston, 1862.
f The records of Dartmouth Township previous to the year 1725 were destroyed
by fire, and thus much relating to its early history was lost. Benjamin Crane, sur-
veyor, was able, however, to transfer many of his former land-surveys from his
memorandum-book. See Ricketson's History of New Bedford, p. 179.
\ While the question of the degree of relationship that existed between Anthony,
Giles, and Edward Slocombe, must remain somewhat in doubt until further infor-
mation is obtained, the writer has thought best to let this record show as above after
considering all of the evidence found ; see the third note on page 26.
The value of human life, and the care and fullness with which records were
kept in the early history of New Plymouth, are illustrated in the following extract
taken from the Records of the Colony of JVew Plymouth in New England ; Court
Orders, vol. ii, p. 174, viz.:
" Taunton, June the 10, anno 165 1. The verdict of the inquest in the towne of
Taunton, conserning the death of John Slocume, of Taunton, the sonn of Anthony
Slocume, of Taunton, as followeth, viz. :
" Wee, whose names are heervnto subscribed, being the day and yeare abouesaid,
Giles 2 Slocombe {Anthony 1 ), the common ancestor of all the
Slocums whose American lineage has been found to date from
the seventeenth century, was born in Somersetshire (?), England,
and, coming to America, he settled in what is now the Township
of Portsmouth, in Newport County, Rhode Island, probably in
the year 1638. His name does not appear in the list of the
nineteen persons who were the first to settle there the " 7th of
First month, commonly called March, 163I," but additions were
made to that number previous to the 13th of Third month when
the first town-meeting was held. The township was given the
name of Pocasset at this meeting, and " it was voted that none
should be received as inhabitants, or freemen, to build or plant
upon the island [then called Acquidneck] but such as should be
mett together to enquire and consider of the death of the said John, doe find as
followeth :
"Imprimis, that on the 251 of Febreuary last the said John, goeing with a com-
panie of psons, to the number of twenty, Vnto a pond called the Fowling Pond,
about two miles from the towne, to gather cramberies, in his returning, made som
stay behind ye said companie, about a mile from his house, vpon confidence of his
knowlidge of the way home, being nine yeares of age, but mis;ng of the path,
strayed in the woods, and returned not againe.
" Item, that immediately vpon the mise of him, his father went to the place wher
hee made his stay to seeke for him ; and when hee could not find him, nor heare
his voyce neare and of a good distance about, he returned home, hoping that hee
had taken som other path home ; but then finding him not, hee went againe about
the woods, and yet not coming to any knowlidge of him, hee raised the towne, and
with a considerable companie the whole night following, with drum, guns, and loud
voyces, and 3 daies after with great dilligence sought him, but could not find him.
" Item, the 5* of January, that John Lincolne in his following the heard of cattell,
found the skull of the said John, haueing the braine not wholly consumed ; and
January the 9th hee found som other parts of the corpse, with pte of his clothes
scattered in smale peeces about the place by a certaine pond at the head of the Mill
Riuer, 3 miles from the towne, and two miles from the said Fowling Pond.
" Item, wee considering that the said John being thinly clothed because the day
of his lose was temperate, and the next day stormy, and very cold, and soe likewise
the fourth, and vpon view beholding a certaine place containing the length and
breadth of his body, which was moist and black, and the weeds turned backward
euery waies, and his clothes torne into small peeces, and despersed into diuers
places, as allsoe certaine bones found in sundry places, and in one place som part
as wee coneue [conceive] of his bowells not quite consumed, wee doe apprehend
that the said John when he strayed away, wandered with much labour, and being
spent with wearines and cold, perished among the brushy shrubs, and was devoured
and torne, and the pts of his carkeis despersed with rauenus creatures.
" And heervnto wee subscribe our hands,
Wiixam Parker. Jonah A Austin.
(mirgeHau. James Wyate.
Edward Case. John Deane.
Walter Deane. Nathaniell Woodward.
Richard R Paule. James Bates.
Willam Hailstone. Henery Andrewes, Junier."
received in by consent of the body and submit to the govern-
ment that was, or should be, established." * The first year
was one of great enterprise and advancement in the new settle-
ment. A number withdrew from the compact, however,
perhaps on account of the shallowness of the water at the
landing, and were the first to form a settlement at Newport,
about six miles south, the 28th day of Second month, 1639.
Twenty-nine persons remained in Pocasset, reorganized the gov-
ernment, and, July 1st, 1639, changed the name of the township
to " Portsmouth " which it has since retained, f
The following transcripts and abstracts have been made by the
writer from the old and much-worn Township Records of Ports-
mouth, R. I., the Rhode Island Colonial Records, the Records of
the Colony of New Plymouth, and from records of deeds etc.
now in the cities of Perth Amboy and Trenton, New Jersey,
viz :
" At a Meetinge of the free inhabitants of the towne of Portsmoth
Sepember the 4 th 1648 there was graunted by the disposers of Land,
and since Laid out unto Gyles Slocom with in the bounds of the towne
of portsmoth above said and in the peacable possestion of the said
Gyles Slocom thirty ackres of land more or less for which the Tresurer
is paid and is butted and bounded as ffolloweth with Land bought by
the Said Gyles of John Cranston, one the South Side with lands partly
belonginge to Ralph Cowland, and partly with Land belonginge to the
Said Gyles Slocom, and the west end it buttinge upon the comon, to
haue and to hould and peacably to posses and injoy to him his heires
and assignes for Euer. Where as it is Ordered that for Eury Ackre of
Land that is impropriated, two Shillings is to be paid in to the tresury
I haue Receued of Gyles Slocom three pounds which is for thirty ackres
of Land graunted to him September the 4 th 1648 and is Laid out.
I Say Receued by me the 10 th of September 1648 three pounds
03 00 00 William Baulston
Entred Upon Record accordinge
to Order to Order by me Richard
Bulgar Recorder for y e Towne of
portsmoth "
The 24th of January, 1650, he received a deed of land from John
Cranston of Portsmouth.
In the year 1651 he gave to Thomas Guinnings a deed of land in
*See History of the State of Rhode Island; Philadelphia, 1878.
f The name of the island was changed from Acquidneck to Isle of Rhodes, or
Rhode Island, March 13, 1644.
In 1655 he was recorded as a freeman of Portsmouth as shown by
"The Roule of y e Freemen of y e Colonie of everie Towne."
The 4th of January, 1657, he received a deed of land from John
Cranston of Portsmouth.
The 14th of January, 1657, he received a deed of land from John
Randall of Portsmouth.
The 2d of February, 1657, he received a deed of land from Thomas
Cooke, Jr., of Portsmouth.
The 6th of March, 1657, he received a grant of land from the
Township of Portsmouth.
The 20th of May, 1667, he received from Robert Carr of Newport,
Rhode Island, a deed of land at Navisink, New Jersey.
The 23d of February, 1668, he received a deed of land from William
" The earemarke of Gyles Slocom [for his live-stock] is a Crope
[crop] in the Right Eare and a hapeny [half- penny] under the same
one the lime [i. e. leading ?] eare, with a slitt in the left eare and ahapeny
under of thirty years standing and is entered upon Record this 25 th
of April 1668 by me
Richard Bulger towne Clerk " *
The 15th of October, 1669, he received a deed of i-24th part of the
purchasers Township of Dartmouth, in New Plymouth, from Nathaniel,
William, and Wrestling Brewster, it being the same land that was
" a gift from our [their] Dear Mother Mistress Sarah Brewster." The
price of this purchase (^36) was " paid by Ralph Earle in behalf of
Gyles Slocome." f
The 28th of February, 1670, he received from John Wood of New-
port, R. I., for a consideration of 30, a deed of " one share of land
lying and being within the Liberties and precincts of Norwatacunck in
the Jurisdiction of New Jersey Neer New York near Adjoining to the
Land of John Slocum [his son, see sketch No. 4] now there Inhabiting."
The 3d of April, 1670, he received from Thomas Lawton of Ports-
mouth, R. I., a deed of two shares of land in or near Shrewsbury
Township, New Jersey.
The 1st of April, 1672, he received from Thomas Lawton of Ports-
mouth, R. I., a deed of two shares of land in or near Shrewsbury
Township, New Jersey.
He gave a deed of land in Portsmouth, R. I., to his son Giles 3 [sketch
No. 5], "the first day of Aprill in the three and twentieth yeare of the
Raigne of our Souerraine Charles the second King of England Scotland
fraunce and Ireland 1672."
The 2d day of Eleventh month, 1676, he gave to his son, John'
Slocum (No. 4) of Shrewsbury Township, New Jersey, a deed of one-
fourth of one share of land in Shrewsbury, and, also, the tracts at
Navisink, near Shrewsbury, which he purchased in 1667 and 1670.
* This record, copied by the writer from the first book of minutes of Portsmouth
may be considered good evidence that Giles Slocombe became a resident of what is
now Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, in the year 1638.
f Copied by the writer from the records in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
The 2d of Eleventh month, 1676, he gave to his "daughter Joanna
Mott " (sketch No. 3), a deed of three-fourths of one share of land in
or near Shrewsbury, N. J.
He owned rights in the Township of Taunton, New Plymouth, and
sold them to Nicholas White, senior, previous to the year 1675.*
He made purchases and sales of land in addition to those here
mentioned, but enough have been cited to show that he was a
very energetic and prosperous man, and that he was possessed
of the characteristic English desire for a large landed estate.
Giles Slocombe and his wife were early members of the Society
of Friends ; see page 27. The Friends' records for Portsmouth,
R. I., show that "Joan Slocom the wife of old Giles she Dyed
at Portsmouth the 31 st 6 mo 1679." No record has been found
to inform us of her maiden name or of the time and place of their
marriage. He died in the year 1682 leaving the following will :
"Seeing it pleaseth God to give me this opportunity being in good & sound
memory it is with me to setle my out ward Estate that the Lord hath blessed mee
with all unto whome I give the glory whoe is god over All blessed for Ever more
amen now Know all people whoe may bee concerned hearin That I Gyles Slocom
now of the Towne of Portsmouth one Road Island and in ye Kings Providence
Plantation of New England in Amerrica sinnair I doe make this my last will & Tes-
timent in manar & forme ase ffolloweth my will is that my depts bee first payd by
my Executrix hereafter named Item I doe give & beequeath unto my Louving
sonn Samuell Slocome five shillings in Lawfull monyes of New England Item I
give & beequeath unto my sonn John Slocom five shillings Lawful monyes of
New England Item I doe give and beequeath unto my Louving sonn Gyles
Slocom him his heires And asignes for Ever all my Lands and housing to mee bee-
longinge and apertaining beeing and Laying in or one Rhod Island in the Towne
of Portsmouth and now in my occupation Excepting foure accors of Land with one
Small Teniment one it laying in the Towne of Portsmouth in Rhod Island and now
in the occupation of Will Rickinson house carpenter Item I give unto my sonn
Giles Slocom one great Chest one table one bedsteed one great chaire Item I give
unto my son Ebenezer five shillings Lawfull monyes of New England Item I
give unto my son Nathaniell Slocom two shars of Lands Laying neere the Towne
of Shrosbury in New Jersey to him his heires and asignes for Ever Item I give
and bequeath unto my son Peleg Slocom halfe A sheare of Land Lying and bee-
ing in the Towne of Dartmouth with all the Rights priueledges theare untobeelong-
ing to him his heires and asignes for Ever Item I give and bequeath unto my son
Eliezer Slocom one quarter of a sheare of Land Laying and beeing in the aforesaid
Towne of Dartmouth in the Colonye of Plimouth to him his heires and Asignes for
Ever Item I give and beequeath unto my Louing Darter Johanah Mott three
quarters of a sheare of Land situate and Laying neare Shorsbury [Shrewsbury] in
New Jersey to her her heires and asignes for Ever Item I give and beequeath unto
my Loueing Dauter Mary Tucker foure accars of Land with one small Teniment
* See Baylies' Memoir of New Plymouth, part ii, page 280.
one it Laying in the Towne of Portsmouth one Rhod Island and now in the occu-
pation of Will Rickinson house carpenter to her and her heires for Ever Item I
give and bequeath unto my Dafter Mary Tucker sxteen accors of Land situate
and Laying up one the Island of Cononicut which wase formerly in the posstion of
Robert Hasard to her her heires and asignes for Ever Item I give unto my son
Eliezer Slocom two oxem foure cowes one horse Item I give and beequeath unto
my Dafter Johanah Mott five pounds Lawful monyes of New England to bee
payd her out of my stocke when when solde Item I give and bequeath unto my Dafter
Johanah Mott my Riding horse Item I doe give and beequeath unto my Loueing
friends the peple of God called Quakers foure pound Lawfull monyes of New Eng-
land to bee payd into the mens meeting one Road Island Item I give and bee-
queath unto my three children Nathaniell Eliezer Slocom and Johanah Mott all my
beding equaly devided beetwixt them Item I give unto all my Grand children
each of them five sheepe A peace Item All the Remainder of my Estate undis-
posed of I give and beequeath unto my five chilldren Nathaniell Peleg Eliezer
.Slocom Johanah Mott Mary Tucker to bee Equalye devided bee twen them
Item my will is that all my legises bee truly payd by my Executrix within six
months after my deseas Item my will is that after my dessease my sonn Gyles
Slocom shall give one mounthes [months] time unto my Executrix for the Removing
and taking all my stock ase cowes oxen sheepe horskine and household goods
Lastly I doe heare by nominate constitute and apoynt my trusty and well beloved
Dafter Johanah Mott to bee my full and sole Executrix of this my Last will and
Testament nulling and makeing void all other wills formerly by mee made what
soever And this to stand for my Last will and Testament furder I doe desire my
Loueing friends John Easton Simn Water Charles and Arthur Cooke all of Road
Island to see this my Last will performed unto which I have heare unto set my
hand & seale the Tennth day of ye Eight mounth called October in the yeare one
Thousand sx hundred Eighty and one 1681
the mark
of Gyles X Slocom [seal] "
" Signed sealed published and
declared in the presen of
the mark
of John C Cooper
the marke of
Mary Cooke Arthur Cooke
Margret Cooke
"John Cooke the son of the deceased Capn Cooke, and Mary his wife, And
Margrett Cooke the wife of Arthur Cooke all of the Towne of Portsmouth on
Rhode Island, being the persons whose names are subscribed witnesses to the within
written will and Testament, Appearing and being Sollemnly Engaged [sworn]
according to Law Testefyeth that they saw the within Testator signe and seale the
same, and heard him declare the same to be his last Will and Testament, And that
to the best of their understandings he the Testator at that time was very Rational!
in perfect sence and memory Taken the 12th day of March 168$
before us Wm Cadman Asistnt
" The above written is a George Lawton Asistant "
True Copy of the originall
Entered and Recorded the
16th of the 1st moneth 1683 *$ me John Anthony Town Clerke "
The children of Giles 2 and Joan Slocombe, were:*
3. i. Johanna, born 16th of 3d mo., 1642; married Jacob Mott.
4. ii. John, born 26th of 3d mo., 1645; mar. Meribah Parker (?).
5. iii. Giles, born 25th of 1st mo., 1647 ; married Anne Lawton.
6. iv. Ebenezer, b. 25th of 1st month, 1650; mar. Mary Thurston.
7. v. Nathaniel, b. 25th of 10th mo., 1652 ; mar. Hannah .
8. vi. Peleg, born 17th of 6th mo., 1654; married Mary Holder.
9. vii. Samuel, was the heir mentioned first in his father's will.
10. viii. Mary, born 3d of 5th mo., 1660; married Abraham Tucker.
11. ix. Eliezer, b. 25th of 10th mo., 1664; mar. Elephel Fitzgerald.
Johanna' Slocum (Giles? Anthony * ) was born in Portsmouth
Township, Rhode Island (?), the 16th day of Third month, 1642.
She married Jacob, son of Adam Mott who was born in Cam-
bridge, England, A. D. 1 596, and his wife Sarah born in 1604,
who came to America in the ship "Defense" in 1635. Jacob
Mott became distinguished as a minister in the Society of
Friends ; see pages 3 1 ; 48. It is also written f that the Mott
family have ever been highly respectable. The sixth Jacob
occupied the homestead in Portsmouth Township, R. I., in the
year 1853. Johanna Mott is named in her father's will (page 40)
as sole executrix of his estate. Children :
i. Hannah Mott, born in November, 1663. She became the
second wife of Abraham Tucker in 1690 ; see sketch No. 10.
ii. Mercy Mott, born 8 January, 1666, in Portsmouth, R. I.
iii. Sarah Mott, born 3 February, 1670, in Portsmouth, R. I.
iv. Elizabeth Mott, b. 12 September, 1672, in Portsmouth, R. I.
v. Jacob Mott (?), born , in Portsmouth, R. I.
vi. Samuel Mott, b. 4 September, 1678, in Portsmouth, R. I.
Capt. John 3 Slocum (Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Ports-
mouth Township, Rhode Island, the 26th day of Third month,
1645. He removed to East New Jersey, where, in May, 1668,
he subscribed to the following oath as a freeholder :
"The Names of the Inhabitants of Midleton upon Nauesink that
doe Subscribe to the Oath of Aleagance to the King and Fidelitie to
the Lords Proprietors.
* Copied by the writer from the Friends' records, for eastern Rhode Island, now
in the keeping of Thomas B. Buffum who resides near Newport.
f See History of Rhode Island, by Rev. Edward Peterson ; New York, 1853.
"And the Oath is this that you and euery of you will haue true faith
and allegeance to our Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second and his
Lawfull Successors and to be true and faithfull to the Lords Proprietors
and their Successors and the Gouernment of this Prouince of New
Jarsey as Long as you shall Continue a Freeholder and an Inhabitant
under the Same without any Equivocation or Mental reservation what-
soeuer so help you God." *
He received from his father deeds of lands in New Jersey
dating from the year 1676, or earlier, and he also purchased
largely of different persons until he became possessed of exten-
sive tracts of land in East New Jersey. The following are
specimen documents of that time and place :
"By the hono ble Phillip Carteret Esq e Gouerno r of the Province of
East New Jersey.
" The Right Hono ble the Lady Elizabeth Carteret Barones the
prsent Lady Proprietrix of the Prouince aboue Said Haue Giuen and
Granted and by these p r sents doe Giue and Grant unto Cap* John
Slocum 372 acres of Land within the bounds of Shrewsbery being In
two parcells prticularly Exprest w th buttings and boundings as does
apeare by the Surueyer Generalls Certifficate Upon Record Inf a 134
To haue and to holde to him and his Heires for Euer Yeilding and pay-
ing Yearly the Quit Rent at a halfe penny p r acre & tc Ut Supra To be
holden as of the manner of Est Greenwitch &tc The first pay ment of
Which Land Rent to begin from the 25 th March that Was In the Yeare
1670 Giuen Under the Seale of the prouince y e 15 th of Decemb r 1681 "
"Friend Samuel Moore:
This is to Lett thee know that I haue Receiued the two Attachments
that thee Sentest me and was willing and ready to Serve them that
Care or any other as far as in me Lyeth but I being unskilled in Such
business did Neglect and Richard Hartshorne came between him and
me and prevented me. I not Expecting any Could or would have
served me So. And so I rest your Louing Friend
Septemb. y e 3i st 1676. John Slocum.
This Note enclosed in a Letter of my sending to John Slocum w th
M r Lesleys Execution and M r Shrimptons Attachement with a Copy of
Court Records Receiued from the hands of John Bound the 19 th day of
October 1676. I say Receiued By Samuel Moore Provost Marshall
Examined & in the first Line (haue) Canceld then agrees with the
Elisha Debree
John Hyndshaw."
"An 1679. John Slocum of Nauasink made appear in that Court
that he was the Attorney to the Right heir of the Estate of George
Cheute and hath giuen Security to Administer, and Letter granted."
* Copied by the writer from records in the Surveyor General's Office, Perth
Amboy, New Jersey.
The records at Perth Amboy, N. J., also show his name as
surety on different bonds, and that he was appointed 14 January
1692, to assist the Surveyor General in laying out the lands in
Shrewsbury Township. He was married, previous to the year
1674, to Meribah Parker (?), and died without children. His will
was dated 6 April, 1698, and was proved 2 February, 1702.* In
this will his " wife Meribah " is named executrix of his estate,
and " Cousin John Slocum son of my brother Nathaniel, Cousin
Peter Parker son of Joseph deceased, and Cousin Patience
Tucker" (see family No. 10), are named as heirs. f
Hon. Giles 3 Slocum (Giles,* Anthony, 1 ) was born in Ports-
mouth Township, Rhode Island, the 25th day of First month
(March), 1647, and was married the 26th of Third Month, 1669,
to Anne, daughter of Thomas Lawton of Portsmouth. He
removed to Dartmouth Township, New Plymouth, in the year
1669, or before,^ and became a resident of Portsmouth, R. I.,
again previous to 30 April, 1678, at which date he was admitted
*This will can be found in the State-house at Trenton, N. J., and, also, the wills
of the following named Slocums who were residents of East New Jersey, viz. :
Nathaniel 3 (sketch No. 7), will dated 28 July, 1702 ; Samuel 4 (No. 18), dated
22 August, 1732 ; John 4 (No. 19), dated 19 December, 1735 ; NathanieP (family
No. 18), dated 12 October, 1759; Peter 5 (No. 44), dated 20 July, 1759; and
Jonathan 6 (No. 45), dated 23 August, 1782. The wills of residents of Monmouth
County of later dates can be found at Freehold, N. J.
f Judge William H. Slocum of Ocean Port, N. J., communicated to the Long
Branch Neivs of 11 April, 1867, an amusing legend of a wrestling contest between
John Slocum and an Indian of East New Jersey who was chosen by his tribe for
the purpose the stake being a gift to Slocum by the Indians of as much land as he
could walk around in a day's time if he proved victor, otherwise he was to leave
East New Jersey to the undisputed possession of the Indians. Mr. Slocum, who
was of large size and very athletic, finally vanquished his antagonist whose body
was nude, and had been greased for the contest and thereupon he was permitted
to make choice of and occupy that part of Long Branch territory extending from the
seashore to Turtle Mill Brook and embracing all lands situate north of the main
road from the sea to Eatontown and between these points to the South Shrewsbury
River, excepting Fresh Pond and Snag Swamp. It is stated that he settled on the
part known as Parker's Neck, or Farms, where the Metropolitan, Coopers, and
Atlantic hotels now stand ; and he included in his favorite territory Slocum's Island
in Pleasure Bay. A considerable portion of the above described lands remained in
possession of the Slocums of Long Branch descendants of his brother Nathaniel
as late as the year 1835,
% The 7th of March, 1670, '.' Nathaniel Soule complained against Gyles Slocom,
of Dartmoufh, that said Slocome entered into and upon the rights of said'Soule in
his absence and refused to surrender the same The jury find for the defend-
ant." Again, 5 July, 1671, " Nathaniel Soule of Duxburrow, and George Soule of
Dartmouth complaineth against Gyles Slocome of the towne of Dartmouth,
late of Rhode Island that he did in 1669, in absence of the first named,
freeman of that township. His name is connected with a
number of land purchases and sales, both in Portsmouth and
Dartmouth, and he is named as one of the proprietors of Dart-
mouth Township in the confirmatory deed of Governor William
Bradford 13 November, 1694. The following entry appears
among the records of Portsmouth, viz :
" The eare marke of the Cattle of Giles Slocum Jun r is A crop on
the Right Ear and a halfpeney on Each side the same and A slit in the
left Eare with A halfpeney under the same. Entered and Recorded
the 12 th of 5 th month 1679
artition of lands, and the court granted a non-suit. See Records of the
Colony of New Plymouth, vol. vii, Judicial Acts ; also third note on page 43, ante.
* In \'\t year 1858 there were fourteen places for Friends' meetings within the
boundary of the old Township of Dartmouth. In the year 1849 the Society's
membership aggregated 825 in that territory being a decrease during the fifty
years preceding. See Ricketson's History of New Bedford.
\ See the Friends' Library, vol. iv, page 83.
bequests was one of ^10 to the Friends' Monthly Meeting in
Dartmouth. The Friends' records for eastern Rhode Island con-
tain the following entry :
" Mary Slocum, the widow of Peleg Slocum late of Dartmouth, died
the 20 th of 7 th mo., 1737, aged 75 years, 4 months and 14 days; and
Departed this Life at her Son in Law Peter Easton in Newport the 3 Day
of 8 week and was Buried the 5 Day following in Friends new Buriing
place at Newport by [the side of] her Son Giles. She was the Daughter
of Christop 1 " Holder."
The following is an account of Mary (Holder) Slocum's ances-
try so far as known :
Edward (Francis?) Marbury, =Bridget Dryden,
of Lincolnshire. England, Rector i great-aunt of the poet
of St. Martin Vintry. London. i Dryden.
Richard Scott=Catharine*Marbury, Anne*Marbury,
born in England ; was in 1 resided at Atford near Boston born in England in i S91 ; mar.
Boston, Mass , in 1654 ; England. Was imprisoned Rev. William Hutchinson,
joined the Friends in 165S ; | and whipped in Boston, Mass., Was in Boston Mass.. in 1654;
settled in Providence, R. I. I for her religious opinions. was killed by Indians near New
Rochelle, N. Y., in Aug., 1643.
Christopher Holder, =Mary Scott, Patience Scott.
born in Gloucester, England, in 163 1 ; came
to Boston Mass., in 1656 and was there im-
prisoned, and whipped, and his right ear
was cut off, as punishment for being a
Friend ; " but he hearkened no better after
these modes of persuasion, and flourished on |
transplantationtoProvider.ee, K. I., in 1665."
mar. 12 Aug. 1660.
These sisters were imprisoned, with their
mother, at Boston, Mass., as Friends.
Peleg' Slocum,=Mary Holder, Elizabeth Holder,
born 17th t) mo., 1654 ; 1 born 16th 7 mo., 1661 ; mar. in born 4 January, 1665 (?).
died A. D 17JZ. ' 1680 (?) ; died zoth 7 mo., 1737.
Children : f
i. Mary, born 8th month 29, 1681, or, as another account reads,
29 Oct., 1682. She mar. 6th month 24, 1699, John Hedley
who was born 8 March, 1678, son of John and Mary Hedley
of Newport, R. I. They had sons John and Henry.
ii. Deliverance, born 10th of 12th month, 1684; married
Ralph Chapman, Jr., 4th month 8th, 1702. She died n
August, 17 1 1, in Newport, R. I. Children: John, born in
February, 1707; Peleg, Mary, and Anne.j
* For an interesting account of the sufferings of these remarkable women see
The Secret Workes of a Cruel People made Manifest ; London, 1659. A copy of
this rare book can be found in the Philadelphia Library, 2252, Q.
f The record of this family and their descendants has been gathered from various
sources but principally from the Friends' and the Township records of Dartmouth,
Mass., and from a Bible printed in the year 1697 and now in the possession of
Mrs. Julia Almy (Slocum) Peirce (see family No. 227) of New Bedford.
\ See Genealogy of the Tilley Family.
iii. Content, born 5th month 3d, 1687. She married Peter
Easton, Jr., 17 April, 1705, and resided in Newport, R. I.
iv. Elizabeth, born 12th month 12th, 1689. She married 1st
Isaac Barker of Duxbury, Mass., 8th month 23d, 1707, and
married 2d Poacher (?).
20. v. Peleg, b. 1st mo., 24, 1692; mar. Rebecca Williams ; d. 1728.
vi. Giles, born 12th month 21st, 1694-5 ; died in his infancy.
21. vii. Holder, born 4th mo. 14th, 1697; mar. 1st Hannah Hull.
22. viii. Giles, b. A. D. 1699; mar. Elizabeth Wanton ; d. 1720.
23. ix. Joseph, b. 3d mo. 13th, 1701 ; mar. Susannah Wanton.
x. Silvester, b. 9th mo. 1st, 1704, in Dartmouth; died young.
Samuel 3 Slocum (Giles, 2 Anthony ,1) was born, probably,
about the year 1657. He was the heir first named in his father's
will in 1681 ; see page. 39. He probably married and resided in
or near Newport, Rhode Island.* Children (?) :
24. i. Giles, mar. 23 Nov., 1704, Mary Paine of Freetown, Mass.
ii. Joseph, usually styled " Joseph in the woods," was admitted
freeman of Newport, R. I., A. D. 1727.! Perhaps he
removed South and there reared a family ; see the first page
of Part Third name of Joseph Slocumb.
Mary 3 Slocum {Giles 2 Anthony?} was born in Portsmouth
Township, Rhode Island, the 3d day of Fifth month, 1660, and
her name is recorded in the list of early settlers and proprietors
of Dartmouth Township in New Plymouth, now Massachusetts.
She married, Eighth month 30th, 1679, Abraham Tucker who was
born Tenth month 13th, 1653, son of Henry and Martha Tucker
of Dartmouth. Mary died Seventh month 25th, 1689, and her
husband married, second, Hannah Mott (see page 41) in 1690.
He died in the year 1725. Children :
10. * i. Henry Tucker, b. 8 mo. 30, 1680; mar. Phebe Barton of R. I.
ii. Mary Tucker, b. 12th mo. 1st, 1683; mar. Cornell;
d. 12 mo. 5, 1769.
iii. Martha Tucker, twin, born 9th month 28, 1686; married,
in 1708, George Thomas of Portsmouth Township, R. I.
*The records of Newport, R. I., previous to 6 December, 1779, were carried
away during the Revolutionary War, and remained in a vessel submerged in the
East River, New York, three years. The books were recovered, but were in such
bad condition that much of their contents was lost past recovery.
\ See Rhode Island Colonial Records, vol. iv.
iv. Patience Tucker, twin, born 9th month 28th, 1686. She
is named in the will of her uncle, John 5 Slocum of Shrews-
bury Township, New Jersey ; see page 43.
v. Abigail Tucker, born 10th month 21, 1688; married in
1710, Joseph Clark of Swansea Township, Massachusetts.
Abraham Tucker by his second wife, Hannah Mott, had seven
children whose names have not been ascertained by the writer.
The children of Henry 3 and Phebe (Barton) Tucker, were :
i. Susan Tucker, b. 4th mo. 8, 1706, d. 10 mo. 29, 17 16.
ii. Mary Tucker, b. 5 mo. 12, 1708, in Dartmouth Township,
iii. Patience Tucker, b. 8th mo. 31, 17 10; d. 12 mo. 3, 1778.
iv. Henry Tucker, b. 2d mo. 8, 17 13, in Dartmouth Township,
v. Benjamin Tucker, b. 8th mo. 24, 17 16, in Dartmouth.
io.^ vi. Abraham Tucker, born 12th month 16, 17 18; married
Rebecca, daughter of John and Rebecca (Ricketson)
Russell of Dartmouth.
The children of Abraham 4 and Rebecca (Russell) Tucker,
were :
i. Patience Tucker, b. 10 mo. 19, 1739, in Dartmouth, Mass.
io c ii. Benjamin Tucker, b. 9 mo. 19, 1741; mar. 1st Sylvia Rick-
etson, 2d Sarah Barney (?).
iii. Rebecca Tucker, b. n mo. n, 1743, in Dartmouth, Mass.
iv. Phebe Tucker, b. 12th mo. 1, 1745; d. 9th mo. 12, 1747.
v. Henry Tucker, b. 3d mo. 2, 1754; d. 10th mo. 10, 1822.
\o c
Benjamin 5 Tucker married first, the 27th of Tenth month,
1763, Sylvia, daughter of William Ricketson, Jr., and his wife
Hannah Russell ; and married, 2d, Sarah Barney (?). Children,
by first wife :
i. Abraham Tucker, b. 6th mo. 17, 1764; d. 5th mo. 3, 1839.
ii. Hannah Tucker, born nth mo. 24, 1766; married Collins
Smith ; see note to family No. 214/
iii. Patience Tucker, b. 3d mo. 26, 1769, in Dartmouth, Mass.
iv. Phebe Tucker, b. 5th mo. 17, 1772 ; d. 10th mo. 20, 1810.
By second wife :
v. Henry Tucker, b. n mo. 22, 1778; d. 4th mo. 26, 1839.
vi. Sylvia Tucker, b. 6th mo. 19, 1780, in Dartmouth, Mass.
vii. Griffin Tucker, b. 7th mo. 31, 1786, in Dartmouth, Mass.
viii. Sarah Tucker, b. 6th mo. 8, 1793, m Dartmouth, Mass.
ix. Benjamin Tucker, b. 9th mo. 19, 1796, in Dartmouth, Mass.
Eliezer 3 Slocum [Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Portsmouth
Township, now in Newport County, Rhode Island, the 25th day
of Tenth month, 1664, and became a resident of Dartmouth
Township, New Plymouth, in the year 1684, or before.* He
married Elephel Fitzgerald f and resided in Dartmouth as a
yeoman. In the confirmatory deed of Governor William Brad-
ford, 13 November, 1694, Eliezer Slocum and his brothers Giles
(page 43) and Peleg (page 50) were named among the proprietors
of Dartmouth which then included the present Townships
of Dartmouth, New Bedford, Westport, and Fairhaven. He
dealt quite extensively in lands, and was very successful in the
accumulation of property considering the newness of the country
and the various unfavorable circumstances of his time.
The oppressions of the New Plymouth and Massachusetts
governments^: show a marked contrast between the civil standing
of these brothers, and all other members of the Society of Friends,
* See third note on page 43, and second note on page 51.
f The name " Elephel" was probably either taken from the Bible, 1 Chr. xi, 35,
or was derived from Eahljled (Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic), signifying hall, all or
increase. Tradition agreeing in families widely separated for generations says
that Elephel Fitzgerald was a lady of high birth, and some families hold that she
was among the number of young women who were forcibly brought to America and
sold for wives to respectable purchasers the purchase money in this instance
amounting to about $600. This tradition is possibly true. The " children stolen,"
" maidens pressed," and political prisoners (see second note on page 26) from England
were in great demand in the American Colonies and many women were brought
who were "young, handsome, and well-recommended for their virtuous education
and demeanour, and were sold as wives to the planters fetching from one hundred
and twenty to three hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco, i. e. from 1% to ^52
sterling." See Stith's History of Virginia, page 197. " This traffic continued for
many years. The battles consequent on the civil wars of the Kingdom furnished
large numbers for the trade. Scots taken at Dunbar [A. D. 1650] and two hundred
and seventy of the royalist prisoners taken by Cromwell at the Battle of Worcester,
[A. D. 165 1] were landed and sold in New England." John Cotton, the minister
at Boston, wrote to Cromwell that they were "kindly used, having been sold for a
limited servitude in a country where their labour was welcome, and not ill-rewarded."
The insurrectionists of Penruddock, Roman Catholics from Ireland, and nearly one
thousand state prisoners eagaged in the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion, A. D. 1685,
were shipped to the colonial freeholders. See Knight's History of England. Also
A History of Georgia, by Rev. William B. Stevens, M. D., etc.
Mrs. Julia (Ferris) Pearce (see family No. 25) of Pawling, N. Y., a descendant
of Eliezer 3 and Elephel (Fitzgerald) Slocum, communicated to the writer in 1881
the tradition held in her family concerning the coming of Elephel Fitzgerald to
America, as follows : A daughter of Earl Edmund (?) Fitzgerald of Dublin became
affianced to an English officer, against her father's will, and eloped with him taking
with her a younger sister, this Lady Elephel, whom they brought to America,
perhaps to further the success of their plans.
\ New Plymouth Colony was united with the Colony of Massachusetts Bay in the
year 1691.
who settled in Dartmouth and those who resided in Rhode Island.
The former were excluded from the rights of citizenship and the
privilege of holding office, though they were obliged to bear their
proportion of the governmental burden ; while the presence and
counsel of the latter were much sought in directing public affairs.
Eliezer Slocum's will was proved 30 July, 1727, and his estate
was appraised at .5,790. iSs. lid. personal ^665. 18s. nd. ;
real .5,125 exclusive of the former gifts to his children.
" Elephel Slocum, widow and relict of Eliezer Slocum," made a will
the 19th day of 1st mo. called March, 1 745-6," in which she devised
a considerable estate. Her will was proved 4 October, 1748.
The following is a copy of Eliezer Slocum's will made by the
writer from the original will which is still preserved in the probate
office at Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts :
"I Eliezer Slocum of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol In His Majesties
Province of the Massachusetts Bay In N" England Yeoman, Being of perfect mind
and sound memory, Thanks be given unto God, Calling to mind the Mortality of
my Body and Knowing that it is apointed for all men once to die, do make and
Ordain this my last will and Testament, That is to say Principally and first of all,
I give and Commend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, And my Body
I recommend to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the discretion of my Executors.
And as Touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me
in this life, I give, Demise, and Dispose of the same in the Following Manner
and form
Imprimis. I will that all my Debts and Funerall Charges be paid and Dis-
charged, By my two sons Eliezer Slocum and Ebenezer Slocum whome I also
Constitute and appoint Joynt Execut" to this my last will and Testament.
Item I give and bequeath Elephell my Beloved Wife ; the sum of twenty
pounds *$ annum of Good and Lawful money of N w England, to be paid Yearly
and Every year By my Execut During her Naturall life
Item I give and bequeath to Elephell my Beloved Wife an Indian Girl named
Dorcas During the time she hath to Serve by Indenture she fulfilling all articles
on my Behalf
Item I give and Bequeath to Elephell my Beloved Wife, The great low room
of my Dwelling house with the two bedrooms belonging together with the Chamber
over it and the Bedrooms belonging thereto, and the Garrett and also what part
of the N w Addition she shall Choose and one half of the Cellar, During her
Naturall life.
Item I will that my Executors procure and supply Elephell my wife with fire-
wood sufficient During her Naturall life, And whatsoever Provisions and Corn
shall be left after my Decease, I give to Elephell my Wife for her Support, and
also the Hay for Support of the Cattle. The above Gifts and Bequests is all and
what I intend for Elephell my Wife instead of her Thirds or Dowry.
Item I give and Bequeath to Eliezer Slocum my well Beloved Son and to
His heirs and Assigns for Ever all that Northerly part of my Homestead ffarme
both upland and Meadow where is (now) Dwelling house Stands Containing by
Estimation One hundred Acres Divided and sett out from the rest of my Home-
stead ffarme together with the Houses Barns, and Orchard thereon standing,
Beginning at a Stake one Hundred and thirty Rods from the Northwest Corner of
my Homestead and in Aliens line, thence East fourteen Degrees North one
Hundred and forty nine Rods a white Oak Marked and on the Same Course to the
Creek in the Saltmarsh, thence Bounded by the Creek and Cove till it Comes to the
North Easterly Corner of the Said Homestead, Northerly Bounded by the land of
Peleg Slocum West on Phillip Aliens Land.
Item I give and Bequeath to my said son Eliezer Slocum His Heirs and
Assigns for Ever My Sedge matt called the horsfflatt Lying to the eastward of
Aliens Pond and near the little Harbour.
Item I give and Bequeath to my Said Son Eliezer Slocum his Heirs and
Assigns for Ever Two Acres of Saltmarsh Joyning to the Creek near unto where
wee Cart over.
Item I give and bequeath to my well Beloved son Ebenezer Slocum his Heirs
and Assigns for Ever all that Southerly part of my Homestead ffarme, on which my
Dwelling house Stands, together with the Said Dwelling house Outhouses Orchard
and BaiTie sett of and Divided from the rest of my Homestead, Beginning at a
Stake In the middle Bound In Aliens line between my Homestead and the Home-
stead of Phillip Allen Specified by Benj" Crane (the Surveyor) In his returne
Running thirty Rods from that stake Southward, thence East ffifty ffive Degrees
North to a heap of stones lying a little to the West of the Northwest Corner of
the Orchard wall Thence along In the Range of said wall East twelve Degrees
North to the Northwest Corner thereof, Thence South thirty seven Degrees and
halfe East to the edge of the Pond and from thence East Eight Degrees South
aCross the Pond to a great pine Tree on the East Side of the Pond and on the
same Course into the sea or Salt water. Thence Bounded Round by the water East
and Southerly, Westerly Bounded by James Aliens Homestead.
Item I give and bequeath to my said Son Ebenezer Slocum His Heirs and
Assigns for Ever all my Meadows Beach Saltmarsh and Sedge lying at the point
of the neck, and Joyning to the mouth of Pascamasett river [Pascamanset or
Slocum's River, see page 34,] and is sett of as ffolloweth, Beginning at a Stake on
the Beach about two Rods from the point of upland, Thence North ffifty Seven
Degrees West twelve Rods Thence Bounded Round by upland of Said Neck
Untill it comes to the Northwest point thereof Thence West Into the Cove and
also one quarter of an Acre for a watering place to be from the Stake in the Beach
aforementioned up into a fflag Pond near adjoining to be laid as Convenient as
may be for water and otherways Bounded Round by the saltwater or sea.
Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved sons Eliezer and Ebenezer Slocum
their heirs and assigns for ever all that middle part of my Homestead farme
(excepting two acres which I have before given to my son Eliezer Slocum) the rest
contains by estimation One hundred and Eight acres or thereabouts together with
all the Salt marsh Sedge and Beach Joyning thereto, to be Equally Divided betwixt
them, the whole Tract is butted and Bounded as followeth Beginning at that Stake
called one Hundred and thirty Rods Running Down to a Stake with Stones about
it in the Middle Bounds In Aliens line Thence Thirty Rods Southward Thence
East fifty five Degrees North to a Heap of Stones Lying a little to the West of the
Northwest corner of the Orchard wall, Thence along in the range of said wall
East Twelve Degrees North to the Northeast Corner thereof Thence South Thirty
seven Degrees and half, East to the Edge of the pond, and from thence East Eight
Degrees South a Cross the Pond to a great pine Tree on the East side of the Pond,
and on the same Cours into the Sea or saltwater, Thence Bounded by the Sea or
Saltwater Easterly and from the Saltwater to a Stake Standing about two Rods from
the Hill, Thence North fifty seven Degrees twelve Rods Thence Bounded Round
by upland of said Neck Until it comes to the North West point Thereof Thence
West into the Cove and so bounded by the Cove to the Creek and so along to that
line wc h Comes from the White Oak Tree and thence to the said White Oak tree
and from thence One hundred forty nine Rods to the first mentioned Stake Called
One Hundred and Thirty Rods. The above mentioned Sedge, Saltmarsh and
Beach is not Counted part of the One Hundred and Ten Acres but given with and
besides the One hundred and Ten Acres.
Item I give and bequeath to my said well beloved sons Eliezer and Ebenezer
Slocum their Heirs and Assigns for ever two acres of Cedar swamp Commonly
Called, Deerfield Swamp and also one quarter of an acre of Undivided Cedar swamp
to be equally Divided Between them.
Item I give and bequeath to Ebenezer Slocum my Beloved son one pair of
Oxen and one pair of three years and vantage old Steers, and also Eight Cows and
two Heifers of two year old and also Twelve pounds of good and Lawfull money
of New England To Him and His Heirs forever
Item I will that all the rest and Residue of my stock, Both Horskine, Cattle,
Cows, sheep & Hoggs or of what Kine soever Be Equally Divided between my
two sons Eliezer and Ebenezer Slocum their Heirs and Assigns.
Item If it so happen That my son Ebenezer Slocum Should Die without Law-
full Issue I will Then That all the Estate and Inheritance I have given and
bequeathed unto him shall then be possessed and enjoyed By my Son Eliezer
Slocum His Heirs and Assigns for Ever.
Item I give and bequeath to Benjamin Slocum my Grand child and son of
Benjamin Slocum Deceased One Hundred Pounds of good and Lawful money of
New England to be paid by my Executors when when he is Come of Age.
Item I give and bequeath to my said Grand Child Benjamin Slocum His Heirs
and Assigns for ever all my Sedge flatts Lying in Aliens Pond near the going over,
and also a small piece of Meadow which Lyeth at the Land that was Josiah Aliens
Homestead near the spring Creek
And whereas Meribah Slocum the Widow of my son Benjamin Slocum Deceas*
being with Child, and if the same should prove a male Child I then give and bequeath
to the Same Male Child (as yett not Born) one Tract of Land Lying near to John
Kirbys with a Dwelling house and Orchard thereon and also one Tract of Land
Lying in Aarons Country so Calld and also one Tract of Land Lying on the otherside
and Joyning to Coacksett river, and also two acres of meadow lying near the Gun-
ning Island Commonly Called the Miery flatt and also two Acres of Cedar Swamp
Commonly Called Quanpoge Swamp all which Said upland meadows and Swamps I
give and bequeath to him and His Heirs for Ever, He the said Male Child paying
unto his Brother Benjamin the Sum of Two hundred and fifty Pounds of good and
Lawfull Money of New England when his said Brother Benjamin Shall be of Age
But if the Child which is not yet born should prove a Female Child All the
Inheritance as lands Meadows and swamps which I have here given to it being a
male Child shall be given to Benjamin Slocum aforesaid His Heirs and Assigns
for ever, to be by him ffreely possessed and Injoy d He the said Benjamin paying
to his Sister ffifty pounds of good and Lawfull money of N w England when she
arrives or Comes to Eighteen years of age.
Item I give and Bequeath Two Hundred pounds of Good and Lawfull money
of N w England for the Bringing up of my son Benjamins two Children to be paid
by my Execuf Twenty pounds pr. year for Ten years which will make up Two
hundred pounds and I will that the said money be paid into the hands of the
Guardians to be by them paid for the Childrens Support as they shall see meet or
Needfull But if they both should Die before the money be all paid the remainder
thereof shall be Equally Divided between my Executors If so be that eather of
the two Children of my son Benjamin Should die without Lawful Issue, Then I
will that the Deceased his inheritance which I have here given him shall be given
to his Surviving Brother to be by him possessed and injoyed his heirs and
Assigns for ever But if they Both should die and leaving no Lawfull issue Then I
will that all the Lands and meadows whatsoever which I have here given and
bequeathed unto both my two Grand Children and also the money if any there be
shall then Returne to my two Sons Eliezer and Ebenezer Slocum and Equally to
be Divided betwixt them, Their Heirs and Assigns for Ever, my will and Meaning
is that the Twenty Pounds a year be paid into the hands of Holder Slocum
Ebenezer Slocum whome their father appointed in his will to be their Guardians
and to be paid by them as before Exprest.
Item I will that all Necessary and Convenient ways be allowed to and By,
Each and Every one of my sons their heirs and Assigns forever, good and Sufficient
Drift ways to pass and Repass to each their Lands and Meadows &c as Need shall
Require Together with all the Rights and privileges I have in the Town.
Item I give and Bequeathe to my Beloved Daughter Meribah Rickettson the
wife of W m Rickettson fifty pounds of good and Lawfull money of New England
to be paid by my Executor Six Years after my Decease
Item I give and Bequeathe to my Beloved Daughter Johannah Wheedon the
wife of Dan 1 Wheedon fifty pounds of Good and Lawfull money of New England
to be paid by my Execut" Six years after my Decease
Item I will That all the Money that I shall leave in the House at my Decease
Shall pay Debts so farr as it Can. All the Rest and Residue of my Estate of what Kind
soever I give and Bequeathe to my Execut to be equally Divided between them.
And I Do hereby Disallow all and every other former Testaments wills Legacies
and bequests and executors by me in any wise before named Willed and bequeathed
Ratifieing and Confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed my seale this
Eleventh Day of the first month Called March and in the thirteenth year of his
Majesties King George his Reign 1726-7 Annoqu Dom.
Eliezer f Slocum [seal]
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said Eliezer Slocum as
his last will and Testament in presence of us the subscribers
Phillip Allen
J a" Allen
W M Hart jr. "
The children of Eliezer 5 and Elephel (Fitzgerald) Slocum
were :
25. i. Meribah, b. 28 April, 1689; mar. William Ricketson, Jr.
ii. Mary, b. 22 August, 169 1, in Dartmouth Township, Mass.
26. iii. Eliezer, b. 20 Jan., 1693-4; mar. Deborah Smith; d. 1738-9.
iv. John, b. 20 January, 1696-7 ; died unmarried. His will was
proved 28 December, 1727.
27. v. Benjamin, b., 14 Dec, 1699; mar. Meribah Earl; d. 1726.
vi. Joanna, b. 15 July, 1702. She married, 2 March, 17 20-1,
Daniel, son of John Weeden of Jamestown, R. I. A son
was named Gideon Slocum Weeden.
28. vii. Ebenezer, mar. Bathsheba Hull 4th of 2d mo., 1728.
Johanna 4 Slocum ( Giles? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in
Dartmouth Township, New Plymouth, the 9th day of Eighth
month, 1672, and was reared in Portsmouth Township, Rhode
Island, where she was married, 16 April, 1690, by Isaac Lawton,
Assistant, to Christopher, son of Christopher and Elizabeth Almy
of Portsmouth. Children :
i. Ann Almy, born 29 September, 1695, in Portsmouth, R. I.
ii. William Almy, born 22 June, 1699, in Portsmouth, R. I.
Mary 4 Slocum ( Giles? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dart-
mouth Township, New Plymouth, now Massachusetts, the 30th
day of Eleventh month, 1675. Her parents soon after her birth
returned to Portsmouth, Rhode Island, where she was reared,
and married to John Coggeshall, Jr., 18 March, 169?, by Gover-
nor Walter Clark. Children :
i. Elizabeth Coggeshall, b. 29th 1 mo., 1698, in Portsmouth.
ii. John Coggeshall, b. 30th 1st mo., 1699; d. in his infancy.
iii. John Coggeshall, b. 19th 6th mo., 1701; d. 9 Oct., 1795.
iv. Giles Coggeshall, b. 5th 2dmo., 1703; d. 8th 12 mo. 1703.
v. Giles Coggeshall, b. 3d 10th mo., 1704, in Portsmouth.
vi. James Coggeshall, b. 10th 10th mo., 1706, in Portsmouth,
vii. William Coggeshall, b. 31st 11 mo., 1708, in Portsmouth,
viii. Mary Coggeshall, b. 6th nth mo., 17 10, in Portsmouth.
Hon. Giles 4 Slocum ( Giles? Giles,' 2 - Anthony? ) was born in
Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, the 8th day of Tenth
month, 1680, and was there married to Anne Borden as shown
by the following certificate :
"Portsmouth, Rhode Island January 15 th 1701-2, this may certify
all persons whom it doth concern that Giles Slocum the son of Giles
Slocum and Anne his wife and Anne Borden the daughter of Matthew
Borden and Sarah his wife all belonging to the town of Portsmouth above
said (viz) that he the said Giles Slocum Jun r and Anne Borden were
joined in marriage according to law on the day and year above written
Me Joseph Sheffield Assistant.
The above is a true Copy
Recorded by Wm. Sanford Town Clerk."
They settled in Portsmouth where he was admitted freeman
in the year 1703, and chosen Deputy to the Rhode Island Gen-
eral Assembly in 1704 which office he held for many years. He
was chosen Assistant in 1722 and '23 (?) ; see page 44. The
records of Portsmouth Township show, under date of 1 April,
1745, that
" Giles Slocum gave an article of manumission to a negro slave Jack
and a negro woman Heleno they paying him therefor one hundred and
fifty pounds in good currant bills of publick credit of the Colony."
The Friends' record of his death reads as follows :
" Giles Slocum of Portsmouth aged 68 Years 9 months and 12 Days,
and Departed this Life at his own House the 4 th day of the week the
20 th of y e 7 mo - 1749 and was Buried the 6 day of y e week following
by Portsmouth Meeting House. And as he was Zealous for true
Church Discipline so he was much made use of by the Church and was
serviceable among his neighbours having a Gift beyond some others ;
his Death is therefore Lamented by the Church as well as his Neigh-
bors and his own Family."
His will is an interesting document of its kind and is now
treasured by William H. Slocum, Esq, (sketch No. 329) of
Brooklyn, N. Y. Children :
i. GILES, born the ist of 9 mo., 1702,") " deceased together 22d
ii. Matthew, b. 31st of 10 mo., 1703,)" of 4th mo., 1712,"*
iii. Sarah, b. 12th of 11 mo., 1704; married Barker.
*John Barber, in his Notes of Rhode Island History, writes that an Indian was
hung near Newport in the year 1712 for the murder of two boys, sons of Giles
Slocum. He was hung in chains (gibbeted) at " Monotomyny Hill " (a hill in the
north part of the present City of Newport named from the Indian Wonnamatonna-
mee ?), and was left on the gallows until 1715, or until his bones fell apart from
decay of the flesh and ligaments. Tradition says the children were killed (drowned ?)
by a servant belonging to the family probably the Indian above referred to. The
full entry in the Friends' records concerning the death of the children is given
above opposite their names.
iv. Anne, b. 17th of 3d mo., 1707; married Easton.
29. v. MARY,b. 7th 12 mo., 1708; m. 1st John Cook; 2d Palmer.
30. vi. Elizabeth, b. 8th of 9th mo., 171 1 ; married Preserved Fish.
31. vii. Giles, b. 14th of 5th mo., 1713; mar. Susannah Brownell.
32. viii. Matthew, b. 12th of 2d mo., 1715 ; mar. Hannah Tallman.
ix. Ruth, b. 1st of 4th month, 17 17 ; married Edward Easton.*
x. Benjamin, b. 29th 7th mo., 1720; d. nth of nth mo., 1723,
xi. Joanna, twin, b. 30th 10th mo., 1722; d. 1st 6 mo., 1724.
xii. Abigail, twin, b. 31st of 10th mo., 1722 ; mar. Brownell.
xiii. Hannah, b. 26th of 8th month 1726, in Portsmouth, R. I.
John* Slocum ( Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Ports-
mouth Township, Rhode Island, the 22d day of Seventh month,
1682. He received a deed of land in Dartmouth, Massachusetts,
from his father 11 January, 1705; was admitted freeman of
Portsmouth in the year 1707, and died there 7 April, 1740. He
may have resided in Newport, or North Kingstown, sometime
between these dates. His wife was named "Barbara" in his
will ; her maiden name has not been ascertained. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
^ i. Thomas, b. 26 June, 1707; resided in Portsmouth, R. I.
34. ii. John, married Phebe ; resided in North Kingstown.
iii. Ann, mar. Isaac Gould of Newport, R. I., 26 February, 1732.
iv. Elizabeth, was named in her father's will made 29 Oct., 1738.
v. Mary, mar. Oliver Greenbarge (?) of R. I., 13 Oct., 1752.
35. vi. Giles, b. 1731 ; mar. Mary Taylor; died 17 Dec, 1803.
vii. Comfort, mar. . A son, William, was born in 1756.
Hon. Samuel 4 Slocum ( Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was
born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown Township, Rhode Island,
2 March, 1684, and married Hannah . He was chosen
Deputy (Representative) to the Rhode Island General Assembly
for Jamestown in 171 8. He removed to North Kingstown
Township, R. I., ("the Narragansett country") previous to the
year 1729, and was there admitted freeman in 1734. His estate
was administered in North Kingstown 4 April, 1741. Children :
i. Mary, b. 12th 8 mo., 1708 ; died 29th of 9th mo., 1708.
ii. Hannah, b. the 5th of 2d mo., 17 10, in Jamestown, R. I.
36. iii. Samuel, b. 9th of 7th mo., 171 1; mar. 1st Ann Gould.
* See The Tilley Genealogy,
iv. Ebenezer, b. 21st 10th mo., 1714; died in his infancy.
37. v. Ebenezer, b. 24th of 8th mo., 17 16; mar. Mary Northup.
38. vi. Edward, b. 14th of nth mo., 171 7 ; mar. Mary Watson.
39. vii. Moses, b. A. D. 1720, in North Kingstown, R. I. ; d. T748.
40. viii. William, b. A. D. 1722, in North Kingstown; m. Sarah .
ix. Maria, married Watson (?). She is named in her
brother John's will as a favored legatee.
x. Peleg, is mentioned as an " infant " (minor) in a writing
dated 18 June, 1741 ; see sketch No. 36.
xi. John, died in North Kingstown Township. R. I., un-
married. His will was proved 17 Jan., 1756; and his age
was then given as twenty-four years.
Giles* Slocum ( Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in
Jamestown Township, Rhode Island, the 19th day of Twelfth
month, 1695. He married Mary and settled in Warwick
Township, R. I., and was there admitted freeman in the year
1723. They died in Warwick he, 26 March, 1750; she, 2
January, 1763. He was a farmer, and dealer in land ; was a
slaveholder and gave to his daughter Desire, at the time of her
marriage, a negro woman named Clara. His estate was appraised
at ^1,890. 145. \\d. Children :
41. i. Desire, b. 14 Jan., 1720 ; mar. James Greene 4th mo., 1738.
ii. Mary, born A. D. 1722. She married John (?) Hall, and
had children, Abigial and Slocum Hall.
iii. Ebenezer, born 17th of 2d month, 1724. He was married
in Friends' meeting, East Greenwich, 25th of 5th month,
1745, to Mary Wightman (or Whitman) who was born
19th of 2d month, 1723, daughter of John and Phebe
Wightman. He was admitted freeman of Warwick in the
year 1745, and was for many years a magistrate in that
township and a prominent man. His household numbered
eight heads in the year 1774; see note to sketch No. 31. He
died in Warwick 28th of 8th month, 1781, without children.
His widow died in January, 181 5.
iv. Mercy, born A. D. 1726. She married Ebenezer Spencer
subsequent to 1750 and had a son Ebenezer.
Samuel-* Slocum ( Nathaniel, 1 Giles? Anthony? ) was born in
Shrewsbury Township, East New Jersey, the nth day of Tenth
month, 1682. He is named in his father's will which bears the
date of 28 July, 1702, as joint executor of the estate with his
mother, Hannah. He married Deborah subsequent to
30th December, 17 10. His will was proved in Shrewsbury 2d
August, 1733. Children, given in the order named in his will :
i. Nathaniel, died in Shrewsbury, N. J. His will was proved
16 November, 1759; it names his wife Susannah, and his
children, Margaret, Athaliah (mar. Cook ?) and Ruth.
ii. Amaziah, born in Shrewsbury Township, New Jersey.
iii. Peleg, mar. Hannah and died early, leaving a son
Peleg, who, with his mother, deeded land in Shrewsbury,
N. J., to John West 18 April, 1788.
42. iv. Samuel, b. about 1718; mar. Lydia Cook of Shrewsbury (?).
v. Easthaliah. vi. Margaret.
John 4 Slocum ( Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in
Shrewsbury Township, East New Jersey, the 14th day of Ninth
month, 1694. He went to New York City in early life and
learned a trade as shown by the following entry copied from the
Friends' records for that vicinity, viz :
"Married the 6 th day of y e 2d mo. 1717, At Flushing, John Slocum
of New York, ship carpenter, and Susannah Hunter of the same place,
His wife's name appears on a birth certificate, as witness, in
New York City the 25th of Seventh month, 1720. They after-
ward removed to Shrewsbury, N. J., for the records of Delaware
County, Pennsylvania, inform us that
"John Slocum of Shrosebury township Munmouth Co., N. J., and
wife Susanna, grant, Lease & Release, August 2 & 3, 1734, for undi-
vided sixth of messuage & 391 acres in Middletown township, Chester
[now Delaware] Co., Pa., late property of her father Peter Hunter,
deceased, who with wife Jane came from Ireland in 17 16" *
John 4 Slocum's will was proved 10 December, 1736, in Shrews-
bury Township, N. J. His widow married Thomas Holmes previous
to 7 August, 1739. Children, given in the order named in his will :
43. i. John, b. 1721 ; mar. Rebecca . He died 26 June, 1791.
44. ii. Peter, b. 1723 ; mar. Catharine Hulet. He d. 18 Aug., 1760.
45. iii. Jonathan, b. 1731 ; mar. Mary Webley. He died in 1788.
iv. Hannah. v. Meribah.
* Peter Hunter brought to Arherica a certificate of membership in the Society of
Friends from "a meeting held att Ballycaine (Ireland) the 13 th of the 11 th mo.
1716." He purchased land in Middletown Township, Chester (now Delaware)
County, Pennsylvania, 30 July, 1 7 17, and died there about the year 1730.
Peleg 4 Slocum ( Peleg? Giles,' 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dart-
mouth Township, Massachusetts,* 24 March, 1 6gf , and there
married Rebecca Williams. He died in Dartmouth " the 3d day
of First month, commonly called March, 1728-9." His widow
married Edward Wing the 5th of Fifth month, 1733. Children :
i. Catharine, born 21 July, 1723. She was married 2 Sep-
tember, 1756, to Job Almy of Portsmouth, R. I., by
William Anthony, Jr., J. P., of Newport,
ii. Giles, b. 2 January, 1724; a premature and stillbirth.
46. iii. Giles, b. 13th 2d mo., 1725 ; mar. Sylvia Russell; d. 1789.
47. iv. Peleg, b. 9th 6 mo., 1727 ; mar. Elizabeth Brown; died 1810.
48. v. Jonathan, b. 3 April, 1729; mar. 2d Bethiah Rogers (?).
Capt. Holder* Slocum {Peleg* Giles, 1 - Anthony? ) was born
in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, the 14th day of Fourth
month, 1697. He was a sea-faring man in early life and became
a master-mariner. He married first Hannah Hull, 27 April,
172 1, daughter of Captain John and Alice (Tiddeman) Hull of
Jamestown, Rhode Island.f
Thomas Chalkley, a distinguished minister in the Society of
Friends, wrote that Holder Slocum was prominent among
Friends as early as the time of his marriage with Captain Hull's
daughter. Thomas Chalkley visited Dartmouth, Mass., in the
year 1737, and was entertained at the house of Captain Slocum.
His Journal, on that occasion, contains the following entry :
" Holder Slocum lent us his shallop to go over to Nantucket ; but
the wind not favoring, we had a satisfactory meeting at a large farm of
his on an island bearing his own name, and after the meeting set sail
for Nantucket ; had several large meetings there, and I rejoiced to see
the growth and increase of Friends on the island, where God hath
greatly multiplied his people and made them honorable." \
Slocum's Island, referred to above, was probably one of the
Elizabeth group in Buzzard's Bay. Holder's wife Hannah died
at her father's house in Jamestown, Rhode Island, the 28th of
* New Plymouth Colony was united with the Colony of Massachusetts Bay in
the year 1691.
f Hannah (Hull) Slocum's lineage is given in sketch No. 28.
JSee the Friends' Library, vol. vi, p. 103. Also The Journal of Thomas
Chalkley, p. 368.
Eighth month, 1725, and was buried there in Friends' ground.
He was published, for second marriage, to Rebecca Almy of
Tiverton, R. I., the 4th of First month, 1733 or '34. His will was
dated 24 April, 1758, and was admitted to probate soon thereafter.
His widow, Rebecca, died 20 October, 1 773. Children by first wife :
i. Alice, born 19th of 1st mo., 172^. She was published to
Job Almy, "the younger" of Newport, R. I., 28th Dec,
1742, and was mar. with him 27 Jan., 1743. They had
children, Christopher, Holder, Elizabeth, and Job.
ii. Mary, died previous to the 20th of 8th month, 1736.
Children by second wife :
iii. Ann, b. 28th 12th mo., 1735 5 mar - Abner, son of Jonathan
Ricketson of Dartmouth, and had children, Peleg, Abner,
and Alice Ricketson.
iv. Mary, born 20th of 8th mo., 1736 ; was published for mar.
to William Tucker the 16th and 30th of Nov., 1754. The
publishment was forbidden by her parents, but they were
mar. in 3d month, 1756 (?), and had children, Holder and
Content. Mary married 2d, Henry Wildes (?).
v. Christopher, b. 27th 9th mo., 1738 ; d. unmarried, 1783 (?).
49. vi. Peleg, b. 16th of nth mo., 1740; mar. 1st Amy Russell,
vii. Elizabeth, b. 24th of 3d mo., 1742. She mar., 7th mo.
31st, 1760, Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Abigail Russell.
50. viii. Rebecca, b. 26th of 9th mo., 1743; mar. Humphrey Smith.
51. ix. Holder, b. 17th istmo., 1747-8 ; mar. Abigail Tucker, 1771.
Giles 4 Slocum {Peleg? Giles, 2 - Anthony? ) was born in Dart-
mouth Township, Massachusetts, A. D. 1699. He married
Elizabeth, daughter of Governor John Wanton of Rhode Island,
and was admitted freeman of Newport, R. I., in May 1720. The
Friends' records for Newport inform us that " Giles Slocumb
son of Peleg and Mary of Dartmouth, hee Departed this life at
his house one y e poynt in newport on Rhoad Island y e 15 th day of
v e gth month 1720 and was bureyed in friends bureying ground
neare our meeting house, aged about 21 Yeares." His widow
married John Cuppitt 2 November, 1723, and died 13 March,
1740, at Newport. Child :
i. J< Mary y e daughter of Giles Slocumb and Elizabeth his wife
was born at his father-in- Laws John Wanton in Newport
y e 21 st day of 6 th month 1720." She was married to Baze
Manchester of Portsmouth, 20 March, 1740, by Gideon
Cornell, Assistant.
2 3
Joseph* Slocum {Peleg? Giles, 2 Anthony? ) was born in Dart-
mouth Township, Massachusetts, the 13th day of Third month,
1701 ; was married in Newport, Rhode Island, in the year 1721,
to Susannah Wanton who was born in 1704. He was admitted
freeman of Newport in 1722 ; was named in his father's will, 13
January, 173 1, as joint executor with his brother Holder, but in a
letter dated at Newport 5 February, 1732, he declined to act in
that capacity and requested Holder to assume entire control of
the estate. Joseph succeeded his father in the possession of
Patience Island in Narragansett Bay, R. I. The Friends' records
for Newport inform us that
" Susannah Slocum the wife of Joseph Slocum of Newport Aged
Years & Departed this Life at Costes=harbour [Coasters' Harbor] with
the Small-Pox the of the 1739 and was Buried there. She was
the Daughter of John Wanton."*
" John Wanton Governour of the Colony of Rhode Island aged 68
Years died .... the 5 th of 5 th month 1740 formany years
he was a valuable public friend."
The probate records show, under date of 24 April, 1741, that
Joseph Slocum transferred to Henry Collins and others, two
shares in the Newport " Town wharf." Children :
i. Peleg, b. 23d of 12th mo., 1722, in Newport, Rhode Island.
ii. Mary, m. William Barker, Jr. (?) in Middletown, 5 Nov., 1744.
52. iii. John, b. 5th of 5th mo., 1727 ; mar. Hannah Brown, 1754.
2 4
Giles 4 Slocum {Samuefr (?J, Giles? Anthony?} was born in or
near Newport, Rhode Island. He was married there 23 Novem-
ber, 1704, by Joseph Sheffield, Assistant, to Mary Paine, daughter
of Ralph and Dorothy Paine, of Freetown, Massachusetts. He
was admitted freeman of Newport in May, 1707, and died there
previous to the year 1724.J Children:
53. i. Joseph, b. 30th 11 mo., 1706 ; mar. Patience Carr in 1724.
54. ii. Peleg, b. 3d of 7th mo., 1707 ; mar. Avis Stanton in 1728.
* There were 101 cases of smallpox, and 27 deaths therefrom, in Rhode Island
in the year 1739. Joseph Slocum and his sons Peleg and John also had the disease
at ^Coasters' Harbor near Newport which was the principal place for its treat-
ment. See The Newport Historical Magazine for July, 1881, p. 35.
f From the records of Portsmouth and Newport, and the Rhode Island Colonial
55. iii. Martha, b. 20th 7th mo., 1709; mar. Adam Lawton, 172
56. iv. John(?), b. 15th 8th mo., 171 1 ; mar. Deborah Keen (?).
57. v. Benjamin, b. 30th 11 mo., 17 14; mar. 1st Elizabeth White.
Meribah* Slocum (Eliezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in
Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, the 28th day of Second
month, 1689, and was married there, the 25th of Seventh month,
1708, to William Ricketson, Jr., who was born the 26th of
Twelfth month, 1686. Children :
i. John Ricketson, b. 21st 4 mo., 1709 ; d. 4 mo. 18, 1721.
ii. Mary Ricketson, b. 10th 1 mo., 1713, in Dartmouth, Mass.
iii. Elizabeth Ricketson, b. 1 mo. 17, 17 15, Dartmouth, Mass.
iv. William Ricketson, b. 3 mo. 9, 1717; d. 10 mo. 15, 1796.
v. Elephel Ricketson, b. 2 mo. 7, 1722; d. 8 mo. 23, 1727.
vi. Culbud Ricketson, b. 7 mo. 4, 1724; d. 7 mo. 25, 1724.
25. * vii. Joanna Ricketson, b. 9 mo., 9, 1725; mar. 1st William
Howland, and 2d Nathaniel Howland.
viii. Meribah Ricketson, b. 5th of 3 mo., 1729, in Dartmouth.
Joanna Ricketson was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts,
the 9th day of Ninth month, 1725, and married there, first in 1741,
William, son of William and Elizabeth Howland. She married second,
October 15, 1746, Nathaniel Howland who was born in November,
1725, son of John and Mary (Cook) Howland. Children by first
husband :
i. William Howland, b. 30 Jan., 1744 ; mar. Hope Almy.
Children by second husband :
ii. Meribah Howland, b. 16 Oct., 1747 ; mar. Benammi Shaw.
25/ iii. Mary Howland, b. 13 April, 1749 ; mar. Benjamin Ferris.
iv. Peleg Howland, b. 14 Feb., 1752 ; mar. Elizabeth Aikin.
v. Nathaniel Howland, b. 2 Aug., 1756; mar. Aikin.
vi. Deborah, vii. Rhobea Howland, mar. Jacob Haviland.
viii. Sarah Howland, remained unmarried,
ix. Diadama Howland, married Shadrach Sherman.
Mary Howland was born in Dartmouth Tp., Bristol Co., Massa-
chusetts, 13 April, 1749, and married Benjamin Ferris who was born
in 1738, son of Benjamin and Phebe (Beecher) Ferris. They removed
to Pawling Tp., Duchess Co., New York. Children :
i. Walter Ferris, b. 1768; mar. Sarah Morgan; d. 1806.
ii. Lillius Ferris, b. A. D. 1769; died in his childhood.
iii. Wayman Ferris, born 25 September, 177 1; married Pris-
cilla Dodge; died in 1846.
iv. Edwin Ferris, born 20 February, 1778; married Clara
Winans; died in 1839.
v. Peleg Ferris, born 21 January, 1781 ; married 1st Mary
Sherman; 2d Sarah Sweet; died 24 January, 1838.
25/ vi. Eber Ferris, born 26 May, 1784; married Elizabeth Ferris,
vii. Phebe Ferris, born 28 January, 1788; married William
Meech; died in 1839.
Eber Ferris was born 26 May, 1784, and married, in 1805, Elizabeth
Ferris of Newtown, Conn. They were both descendants, in the fourth
generation, of Samuel Ferris who came from England perhaps about
the year 1655. They removed to Unadilla, Otsego Co., N. Y.
He died in the year 1852. Children :
i. Zachariah Benjamin Ferris, b. A. D. 1 806 ; d. in infancy,
ii. Zachariah Ferris, b. A. D. 1808; died in 1825.
iii. Benjamin Ferris, b. 1810 ; mar. Maria Rogers; died 1847.
iv. Phebe Ferris, born A. D. 181 2; died in 1816.
v. Mary Ferris, born A. D. 1814; married Job Scott.
vi. Julia A. Ferris, b. A. D. 1816; mar. Nathaniel Pearce.
They reside in Pawling Tp., Duchess Co., N. Y. The
writer is under obligations to Mr. Pearce for several com-
munications and much information concerning the Slocums
of Duchess County,
vii. Wayman Ferris, born A. D. 181 8; married Sylvia Davis,
viii. Peleg Ferris, b. A. D. 1820; married Philura Ingersoll.
ix. Edwin Ferris, b. 1822; mar. Margaret Steele; d. 1877.
x. Eliza Ferris, born A. D. 1825.
xi. Sarah Ferris, born A. D. 1828; died in 1857.
xii. A child, born in the year 1831, died at the age of one day.
Eliezer^ Slocum (Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?} was born in
Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts (formerly New Plymouth),*
the 20th day of Eleventh month (January), 169!. He was there
married, Seventh month 20th, 1716, to Deborah 3 Smith who
was born Seventh month 13th, 1695, daughter of Deliverance
and Mary Smithf who were among the early settlers and pro-
prietors of Dartmouth. The subject of this sketch settled in
Dartmouth as a yeoman and trader, and there died. His will was
* New Plymouth Colony was united with the Colony of Massachusetts Bay in the
year 1691.
\ See the Smith Genealogy in note to sketch No. 214.*
dated 18 January, 1738-9, and was proved 20 March, 1738-9.
His estate was appraised at ,5,729. 6s. 8d., probably in Old
Tenor.* Children :
58. i. John, b. 4 Aug., 17 17 ; mar. Deborah Almy 25 Dec, 1738.
ii. David, born 25 September, 17 19; died the 18th of 7th
month, 1738, in Newport, R. I., at the house of Peter
Easton (see page 54) to whom he was apprenticed. See
Friends' records for Newport, R. I.
iii. Mary, b. 29 September, 1721; married, 2d month 2d, 1741,
Daniel Howland, son of Nicholas and Hannah Howland.
iv. Eliezer, born 6 December, 1723. An Eliezer Slocum, or
Eleazer Slocomb, was Chaplain of the Massachusetts troops
under William Pepperell at the Capture of Louisburg, Nova
Scotia, 17 June, 1745.
v. Elephel, born 26 September, 1728. She married, 3d month
12th, 1748, Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Deborah Allen.
59. vi. Humphrey, b. 18 Feb., 1730; mar. Amy Chase 5 Jan., 1758.
vii. Ann, born 6 March, 1732 ; mar. Job Almy, Jr., in 1750.
viii. Deborah, born ; mar. Prince Howland 27 Dec, 1752.
2 7
Benjamin 4 Slocum {Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in
Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 14 December, 1699, and
married there Meribah Earl, daughter of Ralph Earl (or Earle)
who was an early settler and proprietor of that township, f
Benjamin died in the year 1726. His will which was dated
Dartmouth 25 November, 1726, and was proved 27 December,
1726, styled him a merchant and gave his estate which was
afterward appraised at .1,235. Js. id. to the keeping of his
widow, Meribah, until his son, Benjamin, became of lawful age
when he should assume control and pay to " the child unborn if
it be a son .250 ; if a daughter .100 when she arrived at the
age of twenty-four years.":}: The testator's brother Eliezer and
his cousin Holder Slocum (page 66) were named as joint
executors of the estate. His widow, Meribah, married John
Wanton of Newport, Rhode Island, the 14th of 3d month, I746(?).
* Old Tenor, New Tenor, and Middle Tenor, were names used to designate the
different issues of paper money by the American Colonial Governments during the
eighteenth century.
f See Baylies Memoir of New Plymouth.
\ Copied by the writer from Benjamin Slocum's will which is still preserved in
the Probate Office at Taunton, Bristol Co., Mass. See also the will of Benjamin's
father, Eliezer Slocum, ante page 59, for other reference to the posthumous child,
John 5 Slocum.
The children of Benjamin 4 and Meribah (Earl) Slocum, were :
60. i. Benjamin, b. 6 Feb., 1725; mar. Phebe Wing; d. in 1786.
61. ii. John, b. 22 May, 1727; mar. Martha Tillinghast ; d. 1791.
Ebenezer* Slocum {Eliezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in
Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts, about the
year 1705. He married Bathsheba Hull in Friends' meeting,
Newport, Rhode Island, the 4th of Second month, 1728.* They
dwelt in Dartmouth several years, then removed previous to
1756 to Tiverton Township, Newport County, Rhode Island,
where they resided in the year 1774 with a household of twenty-
one heads; see note to sketch No. 31. The following is the
lineage of Bathsheba Hull, and also that of Hannah Hull who
married Capt. Holder Slocum (page 66) :
of Somersetshire, England. J
Rev. Joseph Hull,=Agnes
4th son, b. 1594. A. B. of Oxford, Rector of
Northleigh, Devonshire, and first minister at
Weymouth, Mass., in 1635. Died in 1665.
Capt. Tristram Hull,=Blanch
2d son, b. in Northleigh, 1624. Shipowner
and merchant at Barnstable, Mass. He sym-
pathized with the persecuted Friends. Died in
Joseph Hull,=Experience,
b. in June, 1652.
Settled in South
Kingstown, R. I.,
and became a
prominent minis-
ter in the Society
of Friends.
dau. of Robert and
Deborah (Perry)
Harper of Sand-
wich, Mass., who
were among the first
of the Friends.
Capt. John Hull,=Alice Tiddeman,
b. in Barnstable, Mass., ; dau. of Capt. Edmund
in March, 1654. Sea- Tiddeman of London,
captain of Newport and England.
London. Member of the
Society of Friends in
Jamestown,' R. I. Died
in 1732.
Capt. Holder 4 Slocum, = Hannah Hull,
of Dartmouth, Mass. See b. 1 mo. Mi l6 97,
page 66. Jamestown, R. I-
William Dyer,=Mary .
of Boston, Mass., I Was hanged on Boston Common 1 June, 1660, for
,0 35- I preaching as a Friend.
Charles Dyer,=Marv .
of Newport, R. I. I
Tristram Hull, = Elizabeth Dver,
b. in Barnstable, Mass., I mar in Friends' meeting,
8 Oct., 1677. Resided in | Newport, 19 Dec, 1698.
South Kingstown, R. I. (^
Ebenezer 4 Slocum=Bathsheba Hull.
Children :
* Their marriage certificate is given on page 31 of this book.
Charles, b. 19 Feb., 1729 ; mar. Sarah Allen ; d. April, 1777.
Abraham, born 29 June, 1730; married Abigail Smith.
Ebenezer, b. 9 May, 1732, in Dartmouth, Mass.; died young.
Desire, born 23 Feb., 1734; was mar. with William Cook
of Portsmouth, R. I., 8 June, 1755, by William Hale, J. P.
64. v. Samuel, born 4 Nov., 1736; mar. Ruth Hall for 2d wife.
vi. Mary, born 1 Oct., 1738; was married with Caleb Cory of
Portsmouth, R. I., 16 Dec., 1756, by William Anthony, Jr.,
J. P. They had children, Bathsheba and William.
65. vii. David, b. 23 Sept., 1740; mar. Phebe Manchester; d. 1818.
viii. Eliezer, born 7 May, 1742; married Thankful , and
had one daughter living in 1781. He resided in Hamp-
shire County, Massachusetts, in 1777, in which year he was
a soldier in the Continental Army under Captain John
Hamilton and Col. John Moseley for the Defense of New-
port;* he also served under Col. Nathan Sparrowhawk at
Saratoga. He afterwards removed to New Brunswick, with
his nephew Ebenezer Slocum (sketch No. 132), arriving at
St. John by the ship Union in 1783.! He was a large
muscular man and possessed the strength of a giant.
66. ix. Elijah, b. 23 June, 1744; mar. Comfort , in Tiverton.
x. Stephen, born 24 June, 1746; mar. Elizabeth Fisher (?).
67. xi. Edward, born 1748; mar. ; died about 1822.
xii. Ebenezer, born 26 May, 1750; married, 4 June, 1778, widow
Rebecca (Burgess?) Briggs of Dartmouth, Mass., and had
a child Mary. He was Lieutenant in the Second Company
of Tiverton soldiers in 1775 and '76, and member of a
Rhode Island Regiment in 17814
Mary 5 Slocum ( Giles* Giles? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in
Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, the 7th day of Twelfth
month, 1708-9. She was married in Friends' meeting, Ports-
mouth, 15 May, 1727, to John Cook, son of Joseph and Susannah
Cook of that township. She married second Palmer (?).
Children :
i. Mary Cook, ) twins, born 23 December, 1728, in Ports-
ii. John Cook, j mouth, R. I.
iii. Giles Cook, born 20 April, 1730, in Portsmouth, R. I.
iv. Joseph Cook, born 15 Aug., 173-1, in Portsmouth, R. I.
v. Matthew Cook, born 20 April, 1733, in Portsmouth, R. I.
vi. Ann Cook, born 6 November, 1734, in Portsmouth, R. I.
* See the Revolutionary War Rolls in the Secretary of State's office, Boston, Mass.
(See Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, etc., by
Lorenzo Sabine ; 2 vols. 8vo., Boston, 1864.
% Rhode Island Colonial Records.
vii. Ruth Cook, born 17 May, 1736, in Portsmouth, R. I.
viii. Sarah Cook, born 20 March, 173$, in Portsmouth, R. I.
ix. Deborah Cook, born 8 October, 1739. m Portsmouth, R. I.
Elizabeth 5 Slocum ( Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was
born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, the 8th day of
Ninth month, 171 1, and was married there 9 July, 1735, to
Preserved Fish, by William Brown, J. P. They resided in
Portsmouth. Children :
i. Ruth Fish, born 7 September, 1736, in Portsmouth, R. I.
ii. Ann Fish, born 24 November, 1737, in Portsmouth, R. I.
Hon. Giles 5 Slocum ( Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was
born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, the 14th day of
Fifth month, 17 13, and married there in Eighth month, 1747,
Susannah, daughter of Stephen and Martha Brownell of that
township. He was admitted freeman of Portsmouth in the year
1734, and elected Deputy to the Rhode Island General Assembly
in 1757. His household numbered nineteen heads in 1774.*
In May, 1785,
"It was voted and resolved [in the Rhode Island General Assembly]
that sixteen pounds sixteen shillings, lawful money, be allowed to Mr.
Giles Slocum, it being reported to be due to him for stock drove off
his estate in December, 1776; and that the general treasurer give his
note for the same payable on demand, with interest."
They died on their farm in Portsmouth and were there buried
in Slocum Cemetery, five miles northeast of Newport. Children :
i. Ann, born 3 October, 1748; married, 10 January, 1790,
Thomas Gould, son of John Gould (?).
68. ii. Giles, b. 20 Dec, 1750; mar. Susannah Brownell in 1772.
69. iii. Matthew, b. 21 March, 1752; mar. Elizabeth Cundall.
iv. Elizabeth, born 20 June, 1754; married, 11 December,
1794, Joshua, son of Peter Easton.
v. Susannah, born 6 July, 1756; married, A. D. 1782, John,
son of William and Amy Barker, of Dartmouth Township,
Mass. They removed to White Creek Township, Wash-
ington County, New York, and there died.
70. vi. Stephen, b. 10 May, 1759; mar. Rhoda Tabor ; d. 1838 (?).
vii. Phebe, born 10 July, 1762, in Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
* The following names of heads of families, with an enumeration of their house-
holds, have been gathered from the "Census of the Inhabitants of the Colony of
3 2
Matthew 5 Slocum ( Giles,* Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was born
in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, the 12th day of Second
month, 1715, and married, 24th of Eighth month, 1739, Hannah,
daughter of James and Hannah Tallman. He was admitted
freeman of Portsmouth in 1739 They died in their native town-
ship she, 15 August, 1797, aged seventy-three years; he, 1
January, 1799. Child ;
i. Hannah, born 14th of 9th month, 1745; married Nicholas
Easton 9 November, 1768.
Rhode Island and Providence Plantations taken by order of the General Assembly
in the year 1774," as arranged by John R. Bartlett, Secretary of State, and printed
in Providence in 1858 :
fc- S
Benjamin Slocum.
Benjamin Slocum.
Charles Slocum. ..
Ebenezer Slocum.
Ebenezer Slocum.
Ebenezer Slocum.
Edward Slocum..
Giles Slocum
Giles Slocum
Giles Slocum
John Slocum
John Slocum
John Slocum
Jonathan Slocum.
Matthew Slocum.
Moses Slocum
Samuel Slocum. ..
Samuel Slocum, Jr
Thomas Slocum.
William Slocum
William Slocum.
North Kingstown.
North Kingstown.
North Kingstown.
East Greenwich...
North Kingstown.
Males. Females.
1 O
i I
| O
i 2
. .
In some instances those under sixteen years of age here enumerated, were,
perhaps, the children of relatives and not of the name Slocum. In other cases
some children were from home and were not included in the enumeration.
Negro servants after their emancipation often retained the surname of their former
master, as was formerly the case with servants in other countries. The Massa-
chusetts Revolutionary War Rolls, and the Rhode Island Colonial Records, show
that there were in the Revolutionary War several negro soldiers with the name
Thomas 5 Slocum ( John? Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was born
in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, 26 June, 1707. The
names of his wife, or wives, have not been ascertained. He was
admitted freeman of Portsmouth in the year 1744, and removed
from that township to the adjoining township of Middletown 30
October, 1774 ; but he may have resided meantime in Newport
or in the Narragansett country west of the Bay. Children, per-
haps not all born in the order here given :
i. Mary, was married to Job Durfee, Jr., of Tiverton, Rhode
Tsland, 10 March, 1765, by Jonathan Freeborn, J. P.
ii. Rebecca. iii. Catharine.
71. iv. John, married Elizabeth Fish. He died in the year 1842.
John 5 Slocum ( John? Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in
Rhode Island about the year 1709, and married Phebe .
He purchased land in Warwick, R. I., of James Green 5 January,
1741-2, and sold the same to Francis Knight 15 March, 1748,
after which he resided in North Kingstown ; see note on page
75. In April, 1777, ne n h three neighbors, "having the
welfare of their country at heart, and willing to defend it with
their lives, also believing that the enemy [the British] were about
to make an attack," raised a company " to guard the town of
Updike's Newtown," in North Kingstown, R. I. They petitioned
the General Assembly and were " granted a corporation as a dis-
tinct military company, not to exceed sixty-four men, for special
protection, to be called the Newton Rangers."*' His will was
proved in North Kingstown 13 December, 1784. Children:
72. i. John, born 1734; mar. Ellin or Spink, 30 September, 1756.
ii. Martha, mar. Reynolds, 28 November, 1757.
iii. William, was executor of his father's will in Dec, 1784.
73. iv. Thomas, b. about 1740; mar. 1st Mary Carder; d. in 1825.
"Slocum" who had belonged to the Slocums of those Colonies. It is not known
to the writer how numerous their descendants now are. Several participated in
the War against the Southern Rebellion and some were killed in battle, as is shown
by the United States Roll of Honor. Several families now (1880) reside in Paw-
tucket, R. I., and probably some in Providence. The writer is not aware that any
of their names are included in this book ; and the statement in the Preface that probably
no considerable number of families have borne the name of Slocum in America who
are not represented in this publication, applies wholly to those of European blood.
* See the Rhode Island Colonial Records, vol. viii.
Giles 5 Slocum ( John? Giles, 1 Giles? Anthony? ) was born in
Newport (?), Rhode Island, A. D. 1 73 1 . He was married in
Little Compton, R. I, 8 October, 1752, by Joseph Wood, to Mary t
daughter of John and Joanna Taylor of that township. They
settled in Middletown Township, R. I., where their household
numbered eight heads in the year 1774,* and where they died
she, the 26th of First month, 1797, aged about 66 years; he,
17 December, 1803, and were buried on their farm. Children :
74. i. William, born in 1754; married Mary Bailey; died 28
November, 1839.
ii. Avis, born 5 April, 1755; died unmarried the 10th of 9th
month, 18 19, and was buried in her father's private ground.
iii. Phebe, born 13 November, 1761 ; married, 5th of 9th month,
1782, Thomas, son of Thomas and Alice Gould. Her
daughter, Mary, born 27 July, 1792, married Giles Slocum :
see sketch No. 150.
iv. Mary, born 22 October, 1764; died in 10th month, 1796;
was buried in family burying ground,
v. Giles, born 5 Jan., 1767, in Middletown Township, R. I.
Hon. Samuel 5 Slocum (Samuel, 4 Edeneser? Giles, 1 Anthony? )
was born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown Township, Rhode
Island, the 9th day of Seventh month, 171 1. He removed with
his parents to North Kingstown Township, R. I., previous to the
year 1729, and was there married in 1733 by George Thomas,
J. P., to Ann Gould of that place. He was admitted freeman of
North Kingstown in 1734, but returned to Jamestown where he
and his wife Ann, under date of 18 June, 1741, deeded a certain
tract of land in Exeter Township, R. I., to his " infant [minor]
brother Peleg Slocum of North Kingstown for his better support
and living." He was chosen Town Sergeant for Jamestown 20
April, 1742, and Deputy to the Rhode Island General Assembly
in 1743, and also in 1772 and '73. In the year 1757 he was
referred to in the Colonial Records as Captain of Militia, and he
was that year chosen enlisting officer for Jamestown. He mar-
ried second, Hannah Bill, 27 November, 1746, and his household
numbered seven heads in 1774; see note on page 75.
* See note on page 75.
Children by first wife :
i. Annice, born 14 May, 1734, in North Kingstown Tp., R. I. ;
married, 26 September, 1761, Gideon Northup, son of
Nicholas Northup of that place.
75. ii. Ebenezer, b. 27 July, 1736; mar. Alice , in Portsmouth.
76. iii. Samuel, b. n Feb., 1738; mar. 1st Hannah Tew; d. 1821 (?).
Children by second wife :
iv. Hannah, born 21 December, 1747; was married in James-
town 26th of 3d month, 1767, by Oliver Hull, Warden of
the Peace, to George Tennant, son of John and Freelove
Tennant of that township.
v. Peleg, born 28 January, 1749, in Jamestown Tp., R. I.
vi. Sarah, b. ii March, 1752 ; mar. James Awick, 3 Jan., 1773.
vii. Penelope, born 20 April, 1754, in Jamestown Tp., R. I.
viii. Rhoda, born 14 April, 1756, in Jamestown, R. I.
77. ix. Abel, born 13 October, 1758; married Miriam Allen.
Ebenezer* Slocum ( Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? )
was born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown Township, Rhode
Island, the 24th day of Eighth month, 1716, and married, 8 June,
1738, Mary, daughter of Stephen and Damaris Northup. They
settled in North Kingstown Township, R. I., where he was
admitted freeman in the year 1747, and where his household
numbered seven heads in the year 1774; see note on page 75.
On the 12th of April, 1757, he and his wife, Mary, deeded land
in Exeter Township, R. I., to Joseph Sweet. Children, perhaps
not born in the order here given :
i. Desire, born 7 February, 1739; married Josias Fowler of
North Kingstown, 9 April, 1758.
78. ii. John, b. 19 Oct., 1743 (?) ; mar. Mary Cooper 5 Dec, 177.
iii. Abigail, b. 17 Dec, , in North Kingstown, R. I.
79. iv. Ebenezer, b. 2 Nov., 1747 (?); mar. Sarah Casey, 1772.
Capt. Edward 5 Slocum {Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?)
was born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown Township, Rhode
Island, the 14th day of Eleventh month, 171 7. He removed
with his father to North Kingstown Township, R. I., previous to
the year 1729 and. was there admitted freeman in May, 1739.
He was married in North Kingstown 20 August, I74i,by Robert
Hall, J. P., to Mary, daughter of Samuel Watson of that township.
He was early a Second Lieutenant in the Colonial Army, and
was recommended to the Rhode Island General Assembly by
General George Washington for the "New Establishment " in
October, 1776. In February, 1777, he was a First Lieutenant
in the First Continental Battalion, and in May, 1779, was
recommended by Congress for promotion to a Captaincy, the
commission to bear the date of 26 May, 1778. He is recorded
as a resident of Newport, R. I., in the year 1774; see note on
page 75. If he had children their names have not been identified
as such.
Moses s Slocum ( Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was
born in North Kingstown Township, Rhode Island, about the
year 1720. His will was proved there 10 October, 1748. It
styled him a mariner, and a resident of Exeter Township. The
name of his wife has not been ascertained. The following
children were named in his will :
i. Mary, born 29 October, 17 , in North Kingstown, R. I.
ii. Moses, born 7 March, 1748. He was a resident of North
Kingstown, R. I., in the year 1774; see note on page 75.
William 5 Slocum ( Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles, 2, Anthony, 1 ) was
born in North Kingstown Township, Rhode Island, A. D. 1722.
He married there Sarah , and was admitted freeman of that
township in the year 1757. He was a farmer, and, probably, a
coasting-trader ; was recorded with a household of fifteen heads
in 1774 ; see note on page 75. Children, perhaps not all born in
the order here given :
80. i. Jonathan, mar. Elizabeth Chadsey; died in 1794-5.
81. ii. Peleg, b. A. D. 175 1 ; mar. Elizabeth Underwood ; d. 1827.
82. iii. Ebenezer, b. A. D. 1752 ; mar. 1st Mary Guilliam ; d. 1810.
83. iv. Samuel, b. 25 July, 1756; mar. Margaret Spike; d. 1827.
v. Ruth, born in North Kingstown, R. I. ; mar. Fones.
vi. Sarah, born in North Kingstown, R. 1. 5 died unmarried.
vii. Mary, born in North Kingstown ; married Dickerson.
viii. Wealthy Ann, born in North Kingstown ; mar. Davis.
ix. Martha, born in North Kingstown, R. I. ; died unmarried.
84. x. Joseph, b. 26 July, 1767 , mar. Mary W. Robinson; d. 1858.
80. xi. William, mar. Elizabeth (Chadsey) Slocum, wid. of Jonathan.
xii. Phebe, born in North Kingston, R. I. j married Sweet.
xiii. Elizabeth, born in North Kingstown, R. I. ; married Samuel
Gardner, Jr., 24 March, 1789.
4 1
Desire 5 Slocum ( Giles* Ebenezer, 1 Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was
born in Warwick Township, Rhode Island, 14 January, 1720.
She was married the 15th clay of Fourth month, 1738, to James
Greene, son of William and Sarah (Medbury) Greene, and grand-
son of John Greene one of the original purchasers of Warwick
from Miantonomoh, a Narragansett Indian Chief. This John
was also the progenitor of Colonel Christopher and General
Nathaniel Greene, of the Revolutionary War. James Greene
died 30 May, 1792, in the 79th year of his age, and was buried
in the Greene Cemetery, Warwick. Mrs. Greene died in War-
wick sometime after her husband. Children:*
i. William Greene, died in his infancy, ii. Mary Greene.
hi. Sarah. iv. Giles, died young. v. Elizabeth.
vi. Desire Greene, married Spencer. Merrill. They died and
were buried in the Greene Cemetery.
vii. Almy Greene, married Jabez Comstock of Chatham, Conn.
A daughter, Lucina, born in 1787, married in 1808 Dr.
Sylvester Knight who was born in Cranston, R. I., in 1787
and practised his profession at Centreville about thirty years,
from 1806, then removed to Providence where he died 15
March, 1841. Lucina died 22 December, 1819, leaving
four children, two of whom are now living, viz. : Ex-Mayor
Jabez Comstock Knight of Providence, R. I., and Nehemiah
Knight of Brooklyn, N. Y.
41.* viii. James Greene, b. 1755; mar. 1st Rebecca Pitman; d. 1825.
ix. Rachel Greene, married Thomas Whitaker of Haverhill,
N. H. Gen. Josiah Whitaker and Thomas Whitaker, both
formerly of Providence, R. I., were their children.
Capt. James Greene was born at Centreville, Warwick Township,
Rhode Island, A. D. 1755. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary
War and rose to the rank of Captain previous to September, 1788. He
was married, first by Rev. Joseph Snow, Congregationalist, 17 Novem-
ber, 1782, to Rebecca, daughter of Saunders Pitman. She died 7 July,
1806, aged forty-four years. He married second, Mercy, daughter of
* See Fuller's History of Warwick, Rhode Island.
Captain William Waterman of Warwick. Captain Greene was a man of
fine presence, tall, muscular, and commanding; he resided at Centre-
ville in the house built by his father one of the first three houses of
that village. He there died 14 October, 1825, and was buried in the
Greene Cemetery. His widow died 28 February, 185 1, in the 71st
year of her age. Children, perhaps not all born in the order here given :
i. William Greene, b. 17 Oct., 1783; d. in Philadelphia in 1838.
41.* ii. Mary Knight Greene, b. 1785; mar. William Anthony.
hi. Almy Greene, mar. Resolved Slack; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
iv. Eliza Greene, married Dr. Stephen Harris. They resided
in Centreville, R. I., some years, and he afterward became
a successful cotton manufacturer at River Point. She died
23 March, 1820; he died 10 October, 1858, aged 72 years.
Children : Cyrus, Stephen, Caleb T., and several others who
died young. The deceased members of this family were
buried in Greene Cemetery, and afterwards removed to
Swan Point Cemetery.
v. Abigail Susan Greene, born A. D. 1795; married John
Greene of Centreville. She died 6 May, 18 14, leaving one
child who married the late Daniel Howland of East Green-
wich, Rhode Island.
vi. Joseph Warren Greene, resided in Brooklyn, N. Y.
vii. Sarah Ann Greene, married Stephen Arnold of Providence.
They buried four children in the Greene Cemetery at
Centreville the first in 1825.
viii. James Greene, married Mary A. Westcott. He died in
Providence 27 July, 1840; she died 27 February, 1870.
They were both buried in Greene Cemetery, Centreville.
There were ten children in this family, of whom two died in their
Mary Knight Greene, was born in Centreville, Warwick Township,
Rhode Island, 31 October, 1785. She married William Anthony who
was born in North Providence 25 October, 1775. They resided in
Coventry, R. I., where he died 17 May, 1845. Mrs. Anthony died 25
March, 185 1. They were both buried in Greene Cemetery, Centreville.
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. General James G. Anthony, died at Anthony Village,
Coventry Township, R. I.
ii. Henry B. Anthony, born 1 April, 181 5, in Coventry, R. I.
He was graduated at Brown University, class of 1833, a "d
he edited The Providence Journal for a period of over
twenty years from 1838. He was elected Governor of
Rhode Island in 1849, an d 1850, and declined a second
re-election; was chosen United States Senator in 1859
as a Union Republican to succeed Philip Allen, Democrat,
and was re-elected in 1864, in 1870, and again in 1876.
He has served on several important committees of that
body, and was chosen President of the Senate pro tempore
23d March, 1869, and again 10 March, 1871. He was a
delegate to the Loyalists' Convention in Philadelphia in
1866. He resides in Providence, R. I., when Congress is
not in session,
iii. Eliza H. Anthony, married Francis E. Hoppin of Provi-
dence, Rhode Island.
There were seven children in this family; four are deceased and
buried with their parents in Greene Cemetery, Centreville, R. I.
Samuel s Slocum ( Samuel* Nathaniel, 1 Giles? Anthony, 1 )
was born near the Long Branch, East New Jersey, about the
year 1718, and married there Lydia Cook (?) whose mother was
probably a Webley. They settled on a farm in their native
township (Shrewsbury) and there died. Children : *
85. i. Samuel, mar. Susannah, daughter of Peter Slocum (No. 44).
86. ii. William, born 10 Jan., 1759; mar. Hannah ; d. 1808.
87. iii. Jesse, b. A. D. 1760; mar. 2d, Elizabeth Burch; d. in 1822.
John* Slocum ( John,* Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was
born near the Long Branch, then in Shrewsbury Township, East
New Jersey, A. D. 1721, and married Rebecca . He
resided on or near his native farm, and there died 26 June, 1791 ;
was buried in the Independent Methodist Episcopal Cemetery
near the present Oceanville, N. J. Children :
i. Sarah, born in 1756; died 19 August, 1826, unmarried;
was buried in Branchburgh Cemetery.
88. ii. Meribah, b. 23 Oct., 1758; mar. John West; d. 1 Jan., 1835.
89. iii. John, b. 26 Feb., 1760; d. 9 June, 1831, in Shrewsbury, N. J.
90. iv. Samuel, b. 19 Aug., 1764; mar. Elizabeth Eaton; died 1842.
v. Hannah, twin, born 13 October, 1766; married Joseph
Parker, a farmer. She died 10 March, 1828, leaving
three children : Richard, Peter and Elizabeth. Peter was
living in 1880 with a married daughter in Orange, N. J.
91. vi. Rebecca, twin, born 13 Oct., 1766; mar. John Lippincott.
* See the account of Reuben Slocum in the Appendix.
Peter 5 Slocum ( John* Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony? ) was
born near the Long Branch, then in Shrewsbury Township,
East New Jersey, A. D. 1723, and married Catharine Hulet.
They settled on a farm near Long Branch and there died he,
18 August, 1760 ; she, 27 February, 1788. Children :
i. Susannah, b. 20 July, 1750; mar. Samuel Slocum (No. 85).
ii. Elizabeth, born 5 February, 1752; married Benjamin
Wardell and died without children.
92. iii. John, born 20 January, 1754; married 1st Lydia Wardell.
iv. Jonathan, born 8 March, 1756; died 16 March, 1774.
v. Hannah, born 29 September, 1759, at Long Branch, N. J.
Jonathan 5 Slocum ( John? Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony? )
was born A.D. 173 1, near the Long Branch, then in Shrewsbury
Township, East New Jersey. He married Mary Webley, born
A. D. 1734, only daughter of John Webley. They settled on a
farm near Long Branch and there died he, in the year 1788 ;
she, in 1809. Children:
93. i. Peter, b. 17 Aug., 1760; mar. Abigail Newman; d. 1842.
ii. Thomas, b. 4 Oct., 1762; d. 14 Jan., 1770. in Shrewsbury,
iii. Elizabeth, born 21 December, 1765; married Michael
Casey. She died without children 18 January, 1841,
and was buried in Shrewsbury Village Cemetery.
iv. Margaret, born 22 November, 1767; married Peter
Wardell. She died leaving one child, Mary, who married
1st Ezekiel Slocum (See family No. 90), and 2d Gottlieb
Rahberg of Long Branch, by whom she had one child,
Mary Louisa, who mar. Bennet, and now resides at
Long Branch, N. J.
v. Thomas, born n February, 1770; married Ruth West
9 June, 1810. He was a farmer; died 20 April, 1814;
was buried in Shrewsbury Village Cemetery. He had but
one child, Ruth West, born 28 February, 181 1, who
married John W. Slocum ; see sketch No. 381.
94. vi. Ann, born 23 December, 1773 ; married Asher Brinley.
Giles 5 Slocum ( Peleg? Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony? ) was born in
Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, the 13th day of Second
month, 1725. He there married, first the 29th of Ninth month,
1748, Sylvia, daughter of Benjamin and Abigail Russell ; he
married second Mercy who survived him. He resided
in Dartmouth as a yeoman, and there died 23d of Fifth month,
1789. Children, all by first wife :
95. i. Jonas, b. 11 July, 1749; mar. Mary Morrell 29 Aug., 1782.
96. ii. Elihu, b. 26 Nov., 1751 ; mar. Sarah White of Dartmouth,
iii. Catharine, b. 4 March, 1755; married Howland, and
had a son Giles,
iv. Abigail, b. 4 Oct., 1757 j mar. Isaac Howland 1 May, 1777.
97. v. Giles, b. 7 June, 1761 j mar. Rebecca Smith 19 Aug., 1790.
Peleg 5 Slocum {Peleg* Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in
Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts, the 9th
day of Sixth month, 1727. He married, 28th of Ninth month,
1748, Elizabeth Brown who was born the 19th of Second month,
1727, daughter of William and Hannah Brown, of that township.
They settled on a farm in Dartmouth and there died she, the
14th of Tenth month, 1797; he, the first of Sixth month, 1810.
Children :
i. Hannah, twin, born 4th month 28th, 1751 ; died 3d month
29th, 182 1, unmarried,
ii. Rebecca, twin, born 4 month 28th, 1751 ; died 7 month, 1757
iii. Deborah, born 1st month 19, 1755; was published for
marriage to Philip Howland 5th month, 14, 1788. She
died 12th month 21, 1826, leaving a son, Peleg Slocum
98. iv. Rebecca, born 9th month 5, 1758 ; married George Folger ;
died 1832.
99. v. Williams, born 7 mo. 23, 1761 ; mar. Anna Chase; d. 1834.
vi. Mehitable, b. 12th mo. 18th, 1764; d. ioth mo. 10th, 1804,
100. vii. Caleb, b. 12th month 15th, 1766 ; mar. Mehitable Gifford.
Jonathan* Slocum {Peleg* Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was
born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 3 April, 1729. He
married first, ; and was published in Dartmouth 24 May,
1777, for marriage to Bethiah Rogers of Marshfield (?). Child :
1 01. i. Jonathan, born about 1770; was published to Lydia Cush-
man 5 November, 1796.
Peleg 5 Slocum ( Holder* Peleg^ Giles? Anthony? ) was born
in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, Eleventh month 16th,
1740. He was there published for marriage to Amy Russell
of that township, First month 12th, 1760, and they were married
in Tiverton, Rhode Island, 7 October, 1760, by Restcome Sanford,
Justice of the Peace. He married second, Lucy, daughter of
James and Elizabeth Howland, First month 25th, 1767 (1769?).
They resided on a farm in Dartmouth. His will was proved 29
July, 1828, and his widow, Lucy, died sometime after that date.
Children by first wife :
i. Otis, b. 5 mo. 15, 1760; d. 4 mo. 21, 1771, in Dartmouth.
ii. Alice, born 1st month 13th, 1763. She was published for
marriage to William, son of Ebenezer Allen, 8 January,
1782, and was married 21 March, 1782. They had seven
children, viz. : Christopher, Slocum, William, Lucy, Amy,
Abigail, and (a daughter).
102. hi. Peleg, b. 1st mo. 4, 1764; mar. Elizabeth Ricketson; d. 1839.
Children by second wife :
103. iv. Christopher, b. 10 mo. 1st, 1769; mar. Phebe Wilcox, 1790
104. v. Holder, b. 1772; mar. Hannah Sherman; d. Nov., 1830.
105. vi. Amy, married Godfrey Cornell 20 March, 1794.
vii. Cook, born 5 August, 1777; was published, 2 March, 1815,
for marriage with Ruth Brown of Little Compton, Rhode
Island. They died without children.
Rebecca 5 Slocum (Holder? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was
born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, the 26th of Ninth
month, 1743, and was married there the 25th of Third month,
1762, to Humphrey 4 Smith who was born 4th of Twelfth month,
1740, son of Humphrey and Mary (Wilcox) Smith ; see the Smith
genealogy in note to family No. 214.' She died early, and he
married 2d, Sylvia Howland 26th of Third month, 1770. Child :
i. Mary Smith, born 5th 2d mo., 1763 ; married George Smith.
The children of George and Mary 5 (Smith) Smith, were :
i. Holder Smith, b. 13th 3d mo., 1783 ; d. 3d of 3d mo., 1781.
ii. Humphrey Smith, born 29th 6th mo., 1785, in Dartmouth.
iii. Rebecca Smith, b. 16th nth mo., 1787 ; d. 2d 7th mo., 1822.
iv. George Smith, b. 26th 4th month, 1790 ; d. 8th 5 mo., 1870.
v. Charles Smith, b. 16th 7th mo., 1792; d. 14th 8 mo., 1818.
vi. Mary Smith, b. 20th 8 mo., 1795 '> d. 26th 4th mo., 1841.
vii. Abigail H. Smith, b. 23d 3d mo., 1798 j d. 24th 5 mo., 1861.
viii. Benjamin H. Smith, b. 13 10 mo., 1801 ; d. 29 istmo., 1839.
ix. Moses Smith, born 3d 9th mo., 1803, in Dartmouth, Mass.
x. Franklin Smith, b. 17th 6 mo., 1806; d. 12th 3 mo., 1832.
5 l
Hon. Holder 5 Slocum {Holder,* Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was
born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts,
the 17th day of First month, 1747-8, and was there reared on a
farm. He married, 8 October, 1770, Abigail, daughter of James
and Ruth Tucker of that place. He soon became prominent
in his township and county and served them as Representative
in the Massachusetts Legislature for many years the first term
being, perhaps, in 1805, or before, and the last term in 1826.
In the year 1820 he was chosen a delegate to the Conven-
tion for the revision of the Constitution of Massachusetts.
He took a very active part in the discussions of that body
and the published proceedings, now before the writer, show
that he possessed a vigorous and well-ordered mind at that
time notwithstanding his advanced age. The College of Rhode
Island,* in Providence, conferred on him the honorary degree of
Master of Arts in the year 1801. Mr. and Mrs. Slocum resided
on their farm at Apponegansett in Dartmouth, and there died
he, 30 April, 1827; she, 14 April, 1831, and were buried in
Apponegansett Cemetery. The settlement of his estate was
closed 3 May, 1831, and showed an appraisement of $4,257.06
$3,296 being real and $961.06 personal. Children :
106. i. Elihu, born in October, 177 1 ; married Sarah Smith; died 23
May, 1852.
ii. Holder, born 4 July, 1774; married Maria Reynolds. He
was a farmer, and Justice of the Peace; died in Dart-
mouth 9 June, 1849, and was buried in Apponegansett
Cemetery. He had no children.
5 2
John 5 Slocum ( Joseph,"' Peleg, 1 Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born
in or near the Village of Newport, Rhode Island, the 5th day of
*The name of "The College of Rhode Island" was changed to the present
name of Brown University in the year 1S05.
Fifth month, 1727. He married Hannah Brown, 20 June, 1754,
in Middletown Township, Newport County, R. I., where they
afterward resided on a farm. He married second, Catharine
Eason (?). His household numbered eleven heads in the year
1774 ; see note on page 75. Children :
107. i. John, born 20 Dec, 1756; married Mrs. Phebe Durfee.
108. ii. Joseph Wanton, b. 18 Nov., 1762; mar. Rhoda Stoddard.
109. iii. Peleg, b. A. D., 1766; mar. Hannah Stoddard ; d. 1838.
iv. Mary, b. 4 May, 1767, in Middletown, Newport Co., R. I.
1 10. v. William Brown, b. 26 April, 1770 ; m. Olive Joslin ; d. 1823.
Hon. Joseph 5 Slocum ( Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony? )
was born in Newport, Rhode Island, the 30th day of Eleventh
month (January), 1706, and was married there with Patience
Carr, as shown by the following certificate :
" These are to certifie all persons whom it doth concern that Joseph
Slocum son of Giles Slocum late of Newport deceased and Patience
Carr daughter of Caleb Carr of Jamestown were lawfully joyned
together in marriage at the house of Samuel Dyre in Newport the 27
Sep 1 1724.
^ Jonath 1 * Nichols Asst
Recorded Julv 20 th 1728
f} W M Coddington Town Clerk " *
They removed to East Greenwich Township, R. I., where he
was admitted freeman in the year 1732, and where he became a
farmer and dealer in land the money paid, and received, in some
instances of land transfer amounting to between ^1000 and
.2000, perhaps in Old Tenor. The East Greenwich records
inform us that his live-stock was distinguished by marks, as
follows :
" Joseph Slocum son of Giles his eare marke is a crop of the right
eare and a half penny under the left. Brand marke is I S j on the nir
thye. Entered upon Record June y e 22 nd 1733
Tho s Spooner Town Clerke "
He married second, Hannah , in the year 1743. He
was chosen Deputy to the Rhode Island General Assembly from
West Greenwich after the division of the township in the
years 1741, '42 and '44. But little has been ascertained concern-
* Records of Newport Township, Rhode Island.
ing his later history. It is presumed that he removed to the
Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, about the year 1768, as he is
named as one of the early settlers there by Charles Miner, Esq.,
in his History of Wyoming, page 137. Children* by first wife :
i. Joanna, born 4 April, 1725, in Newport, Rhode Island (?).
ii. Mary, born n Nov., 1726, in Newport, Rhode Island (?).
iii. Desire, born 1 Oct., 1731, in East Greenwich Township, R. I.
in. iv. Jonathan, b. 3d mo. 1st, 1733; mar. Ruth Tripp; d. 1778.
v. Abigail, b. 7 mo. 4, 1740, in W. Greenwich Township, R. I.
vi. Patience, b. 9 mo. 19, 1742, in W. Greenwich Township, R. I.
Child by second wife :
112. vii. Martha, born 1st month 9th, 1744-5; married Philip Ayls-
worth, Jr., 14 June, 1762.
Peleg 5 Slocum {Giles*- Samuel, 1 Giles, % Anthony?) was born
in Newport, Rhode Island, the 3d day of Seventh month, 1707,
and married there the 14th of Ninth month, 1728, Avis, daughter
of Benjamin and Martha Stanton of Newport. He was admitted
freeman of Newport in the year 1729. They afterward removed
to Middletown Township, R. L, where she died the 27th of
Seventh month, 1749. Children :
i. Martha, born 9th of 6th month, 1731, in Newport, Rhode
ii. Avis, born 28 June, 1739, in Middletown, Rhode Island.
Martha 5 Slocum (Giles* Samuel? Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born
in Newport, R. I., the 20th day of Seventh month, 1709. She
was married 24 October, 1727, by Job Lawton, J. P., to Adam
Lawton of Portsmouth, R. I., where they afterward resided.
Children :
i. Giles Lawton, born 4 August, 1729, in Portsmouth, R. I.
ii. Ruth Lawton, born 16 October, 1 731, in Portsmouth, R. I.
iii. Peleg Lawton, born 11 Nov., 1735, in Portsmouth, R. I.
iv. Hannah Lawton, b. 3 March, 1739-40, in Portsmouth, R. I.
v. Sarah Lawton, b. 24 February, 1748, in Portsmouth, R. I.
*The record of this family was copied from the township records of West Green-
wich, R. I. The births of Desire and Jonathan are also recorded in East Green-
wich Township.
John 5 Slocum {Giles* (?), Samuel? Giles,' 1 Anthony?) was born
in Newport, Rhode Island, the 15th day of Eighth month, 171 1.
He was published for marriage with Deborah Keen in Dart-
mouth, Massachusetts, 26 October, 1754 (?). He resided in
Middletown, R. I. Child :
113. i. John, married Elizabeth Allen of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
Benjamin 5 Slocum (Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born
in Newport, Rhode Island, the 30th day of Eleventh month, 1714,
and was published for marriage with Elizabeth White of Little
Compton Township, R. I., 2 April, 1734. The record of the
births of his children by this marriage was copied from the books
of Exeter Township, R. I. He married second Mrs. Mercy
(Smith) Scott, widow of Nathaniel Scott, son of Sylvanus. She
was born in the year I7i4and died in 1799. He held office
(Justice of the Peace ?) under the Colonial Government ; resided
in Smithfield Township, R. I., in the year 1774 with a household
numbering five heads ; see note on page 75. Children by first wife :
i. Hannah, born 5 July, 1737, in Exeter Township, R. I., (?).
ii. Mary, b. 12 December, 1738, in Exeter Township, R. I., (?).
114. iii. Peleg, b. 29 July, 1740; mar. Hannah Stoddard in 1783 (?).
iv. Elizabeth, b. 3 September, 1742, in Exeter Township, R. I.
v. Sarah, born 14 February, 1743, in Exeter Township, R. I.
Children by second wife :
1 15. vi. Achsah, mar. Daniel Sherman ; d. in Adams Township, Mass.
116. vij. Benjamin, b. 1751 , mar. Sarah Mowry; died about 1826.
John 5 Slocum (Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born
in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts, 4
August, 1717, and married there 25 December, 1738, Deborah
Almy, daughter of John and Deborah Almy of that township.
He resided in Dartmouth as a yeoman and merchant, and there
his children were born, viz. :
i. Job, born 20 December, 1739. He was a great admirer of
the horse, and, it is said, was pecuniarily interested in some
of the speediest horses of his time. He was very small in
9 l 7S^- He married Alice and resided in Ports-
mouth Township, R. I. Children :
i. Edward, born n Dec, 1774; was a resident of Tiverton
Tp., R. I., in 181 1 (?). His widow (?), Eunice, died in
Tiverton in 1826, leaving children, Clarissa and Edward.
ii. Alice, b. 3 Feb., 1776, in Portsmouth Tp., R. I.; died young.
168. iii. Charles, b. 6 March, 1778; mar. Mary Brownell; d. 1850.
iv. Alice, b. 12 Sept., 1781, in Portsmouth Tp., Rhode Island.
v. Lillis, born 28 June, 1784, in Portsmouth Township, R. I.
Capt. Samuel 6 Slocum (Samuel, 5 Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in North Kingstown Township, Rhode Is-
land, n February, 1738. He removed, when quite young, with
his father to Canonicut Island, Jamestown Township, R. I., and
he was there admitted freeman in 1760 and was married, March
11, 1760, to Hannah, daughter of William and Dean Tew. He
married second, Sophia (?). He is recorded as a resident
of Jamestown in the year 1774 with a household of eight heads ;
see note on page 75. He was a sea-captain for some years, then
removed to Hopkinton Township, R. I., probably during the
Revolutionary War, and there died about the year i82i(?).
Child by first wife :
169. i. Peleg, born in 1661 ; mar. Anna, daughter of John Dyer.
Children by second wife :
170. ii. William, b. 17 Aug., 1780; mar. Lydia Perry; d. Sept., 1844.
171. iii. Stephen, born in Hopkinton, R. I. ; married Helen Eccleston.
Capt. Abel 6 Slocum {Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown Township,
Rhode Island, 13 October, 1758, and married Miriam Allen,
probably in North Kingstown Township, R. I., where they
afterward resided several years. He purchased land near
Pawtuxet in Warwick Township, 15 December, 1787, and
his family afterward resided there. He was a sea-faring
man ; became a master-mariner, and was lost at sea between
Providence and New Orleans previous to the year 1817. His
widow married Simeon Potter (?). Children, perhaps not all
born in the order here given :
i. Sarah, born 25 June, 1779, m North Kingstown Tp., R. I.
172. ii. Abel, b. 17 Oct., 1780; m. Phebe A. Fenner; d. 12 Ap., 1850.
iii. Elizabeth, born 25 March, 1782 ; married James Pratt of
Providence, 12 August, 1803.
iv. Smith Peirce, was born near Pawtuxet, R. I. ; married,
first, Maria ; second, Paulina Hallett. His arms
were mutilated by the premature discharge of a cannon in
the year 1817. He died at Pawtuxet late in the year 1832.
Children: 1. James, was accidentally killed in New York;
2. Lucy, married George Lawton of Warwick ; 3. Elizabeth ;
4. William, and 5. Evelina,
v. Nancy, married William (Cyrus ?) Pratt in Providence, R. L,
10 March, 1805. She died in Boston, Massachusetts,
vi. Serena, mar. Samuel Reynolds of Pawtuxet, where she died.
173. vii. Benjamin Thomas, born 1793; mar. Partheni A. Brayton.
John 6 Slocum (Ebenezer, 5 Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles?
Anthony, 1 ) was born in North Kingstown Township, Washing-
ton County, Rhode Island, about the year 1743 ; was married
there 5 December, 177-, by Elder Philip Jenkins, to Mary,
daughter of James and Almy Cooper, of that township. He
died in North Kingstown. His widow married, 10 January, 1793,
Stephen, son of Rufus and Mary Northup of that place. The
children of John and Mary (Cooper) Slocum, were :
174. i. George Washington, b. 1777; m. Anstace Thomas ; d. 1872.
ii. Susannah, born 18 June, 1780; married O'Hara.
They removed to New York City where she died ; was
buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn,
iii. Mary, born 19 October, 1782; married Colson Gardner.
They removed to New York City and there died; were
buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn.
Ebenezer 6 Slocum (Ebenezer,* Samuel,"' Ebenezer? Giles?
Anthony? ) was born in North Kingstown Township, Rhode
Island, 2 November, 1747 (?), and was there married by George
Thomas, J. P., n October, 1772, to Sarah, daughter of Gideon
Casey, of that township. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary
War, and died about the time that he was to
home. His widow married Judge Babcock, of South Kingstown,
R. I., and had a child, George, by this marriage. The child of
Ebenezer Slocum, was :
175. i. Ebenezer, born A. D. 1774 (?) ; married Alice Spencer, of
East Greenwich.
Jonathan 6 Slocum ( William? Samuel,'' Ebenezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in North Kingstown Township, Rhode Island,
about the year 1749 (?). He married there Elizabeth, daughter
of Jabez and Honora Chadsey of that township. She was born
16 January, 1761, and died 21 February, i860. He was a
mariner, and died near the Island of Cuba of yellow fever.
Letters of administration on his estate were granted to his widow
10 August, 1795. His widow married his brother, William
Slocum. Children, the first three by Jonathan, the first husband :
i. Louis, died young in North Kingstown Township, R. I.
ii. Elizabeth, died in North Kingstown Tp., R. I., unmarried.
iii. Martha, born A. D. 1793. She is still living on her father's
homestead in North Kingstown ; postoffice, Davisville, R. I.
iv. Archibald, born 10 May, 1799; mar - a daughter of Rufus
Hunt. He died 9 Feb., 1867, leaving two daughters who
married and now have children.
v. Ann S., married Shaw~. She died some years ago.
Capt. Peleg 6 Slocum ( William? Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in North Kingstown Township, Rhode
Island, A. D. 175 1, and married Elizabeth Underwood. They
settled in Bristol, R. I., subsequent to the year 1800 and there
died he, according to the Newport Mercury, 18 January, 1827,
aged seventy-six years. He was a sea-captain. The records of
Bristol Township, R. I., contain the following entry :
" Died 1 January, 1849, Mrs. Elizabeth Slocum aged ninety- five years.
She was the widow of the late Peleg Slocum, and a pensioner under
Government for services rendered by her husband during the Revolution."
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. William, was a mariner. ii. James. iii. Phebe.
iv. Ebenezer, b. 1783; d. 7 July, i8ot, in North Kingstown*
v. John, was drowned 20 Jan., i8ot, then aged about 17 years,
vi. Ruth. vii. Sarah, viii. Hannah, ix. Mary. x. Charlotte.
176. xi. John Duty, b. 9 April, 1800; mar. Maria B. Ellis, 1820.
xii. Ebenezer, was at one time a resident of North Carolina (?).
Capt. Ebenezer 6 Slocum ( William.? Samuel* Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in North Kingstown Township,
Rhode Island, A. D. 1752. He went to sea, became a master-
mariner and was captured with his ship by British cruisers soon
after the commencement of the Revolutionary War. He was
confined in Dartmouth Prison, England, about one year, then
taken on board a British man-of-war where he was forced to
serve against his country until peace was declared when he
received the sum of ninety guineas for his services. Returning
to North Kingstown, R. I., he married, 1st January, 1788,
" Mary Guilliam late from Europe." She was born in 1759 and
died 18 August, 1802. He married second, Sarah Reynolds of
North Kingstown, where they lived and died he, 15 October,
18 10. Children perhaps not born in the order here given by
first wife (?) :
i. Nancy, was four times married and died leaving one child.
She was married in Bristol, R. I., 2 July, 181 1, to Francisco
Brownson, by Henry Wight, clerk,
ii. Charlotte, born A. U. 1793 , died in the year 1798.
Children by second wife :
iii. George, married ; died at sea, without children.
iv. Jonathan, born A. D. 1805 ; married . He
was a seaman; died 27 August, i860, in North Kingstown
Township, R. I., without children,
v. William, was a shoemaker early in life, and, later, a sailor.
He was killed at Norfolk, Va., about the year 1847, by
falling from the mast-head of his vessel. He married
but had no children.
vi. Sarah, married Tourgee, a widower with three children,
of Natic Mills, R. I. She was a church-member and well
respected. She had no children,
viii. Amanda, married Thomas Hutter of Natic Mills, R. I., but
had no children.
Samuel 6 Slocum ( William' 1 Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in North Kingstown Township, Washington
County, Rhode Island, 25 July, 1756, and was reared there on a
farm and as a coasting-mariner. He entered the Continental
Army and participated in the Battle of Bennington, Vermont, 16
August, 1777 ; one report states that he was promoted to a cap-
taincy. He married, in the year 1777, Margaret Spike who was
born 29 May, 1755. They dwelt on a farm in Bennington Town-
ship, Vermont, until about 1796, then removed to the adjoining
Township of Shaftsbury, and thence, one year later, to Salem Tp.,
Washington Co., New York, and thence, about the year 1800, to
Northumberland Tp., Saratoga Co., N. Y. They returned to
Shaftsbury, Vt, in 1804, and there died- he, 22 December, 1827,
and were buried at Shaftsbury Centre. He was a tall mus-
cular man and possessed great decision of character. Children :
177. i. Daniel, born 17 October, 1778; mar. Margaret Coffinger.
178. ii. Samuel, b. 1780; m. Elizabeth Whitney; d. 22 Mar. 1864.
iii. Jonathan, born 1 April, 1781 ; married Freelove Bowen.
He died in Shaftsbury, Vt. A daughter, Belinda, married
John Montgomery of Shaftsbury. A son, James, resides in
Erie County, Pennsylvania,
iv. Belinda, born 15 Nov., 1783, in Bennington, Vermont,
v. William, born 29 April, 1785; married . A son,
William, resides on a farm at Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y.
vi. Mary, born 29 Oct., 1786; in Bennington Township, Vt.
vii. Elizabeth, born 18 July, 1788, in Bennington, Vermont,
viii. Lavinia, born 3 July, 1790, in Bennington, Vermont.
179. ix. Martin, b. 13 March, 1792; m. 1st Mary Olin ; d. 1868.
x. Julia, born 10 August, 1793, in Bennington, Vermont.
180. xi. Moses, born 4 April, 1798; married Elizabeth Squire.
Joseph 6 Slocum ( William? Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in North Kingstown Township, Rhode Island,
26 July, 1767. He married, first in Somerset, Mass., 28 Sep-
tember, 1797, Mary W., daughter of William Robinson. She
was born in Somerset, A. D. 1775 (?) and died in North Kings-
town, R. I., 10 August, 1810. He married second, November
25, 1813, Dorcas Congdon, daughter of Stephen and
(Taylor) Congdon of North Kingstown. He was a farmer until
twenty years of age, then a cod-fisherman for thirteen seasons,
and afterward he followed the business of coasting-trader during
the summers, and was a merchant in Charleston, S. C, during
winters, for several years. Later in life he settled on a farm in
North Kingstown and his place of residence soon received the
name of Slocum's Corners* ; he and his second wife there died
she, 7 November, 1857; he, 13 January, 1858, and were
buried. Children by first wife :
i. Jonathan, born 26 June, 1799; married in*Preston, Conn.,
5 May, 1834, Susan A. Browning, born in Stonington,
daughter of William T. Browning and his wife Catharine,
daughter of Robert Morey of Newport. They settled at
Slocum's Corners, now Slocumville, R. I., where he still
(1880) lives; a merchant, without children. He held the
office of Postmaster twenty-five years.
181. ii. Joseph, b. in May, 1802; mar. Sarah Browning; d. 1852.
iii. William Robinson, born n June 1804; married 1st, June
1, 1837, in Friend's meeting, Lavinia Thayer of Massachu-
setts, from whom he was divorced a few years afterward.
He married 2d, Lydia Van Valkenburgh of Albany, N. Y.,
and dwelt some years in Greenbush, opposite Albany. Now
resides near Slocumville, R. I. A daughter by his second
marriage, died at the age of fifteen years.
iv. Mary Ann, b. 18 Nov., 1805 ; d. at the age of 5 mo's 5 days.
v. Mary Ann, born 3 May, 1807 ; married 1st, in Dec, 1847,
Alexander Freeman, a farmer, born in New Jersey, A. D.
1796. They resided in Lockport, N. Y., where he died 9
April, 1869. She married 2d, in Lockport, April, 187 1,
Abram L. Bell, a tailor, who was born in New York, in
May, 1807. They dwelt for a time at Lockport, and at
Geneva, N. Y., then removed to Lansing, Mich., where they
still live. No children.
182. vi. Sarah, b. 17 March, 1809; m. George W. Brown in 1826.
Children by second wife :
vii. Stephen Congdon, born 8 January, 1815; married, 10 Jan-
uary, 1854, Hammond, born in 18 16, daughter of
Joseph and Elizabeth Hammond of North Kingstown. He
has been a farmer and a railway employee; is now employed
in a cotton factory. He resides on his parent's homestead
near Slocumville, Washington County, Rhode Island.
viii. Experience, born 11 December, 1815, at Slocum's Corners,
now Slocumville, R. I., and was reared, from the age of
four years, by her aunt in Edinburgh Tp., Saratoga Co.,
N. Y. She married, in 183 1, William Clark, Jr., of Edin-
burgh, and there died in 1866 leaving children Joseph,
* At the place formerly known as Slocum's Corners, R. I., there has been
built a post-hamlet, which, with its postofnce, has borne the name Slocumville for
a number of years. It is situated in North Kingstown Township, Washington
Co., Rhode Island, on the Stonington and Providence Railroad 24 miles S. by W.
of Providence.
Amarancy, and Esther, who married and now reside in
Day Tp., Saratoga Co., N. Y.
ix. Dorcas, born- 12 September, 181 7, at Slocum's Corners,
North Kingstown, R. I.; mar. in 1835, Robert Cory of
Edinburgh Tp., N. Y., who was born 9 June, 181 1, and
died 10 June, 1841, leaving two children, John and Hannah,
both now mar. and residing in Day Tp., Saratoga Co., N. Y.
Dorcas mar. 2d, James Allen of Edinburgh; 3d, Daniel
Congdon of North Kingstown Tp., R. I. ; and 4th, Edward
Tillinghast of East Greenwich, R. I., where she now lives.
183. x. Ebenezer, born in 181 9; m. Elizabeth Tisdale 14 Dec, 1846.
Samuel 6 Slocum ( Samuel? Samuel? Nathaniel? Giles, 1 - An-
thony? ) was born at the Long Branch, East New Jersey, about
the year 1745 (?), and married there Susannah Slocum, who was
born 20 July, 1750, daughter of Peter and Catharine (Hulet)
Slocum; see page 83. She died soon after the year 1785, and
he removed to Duchess County, New York, where he married
second . Children by first wife :
i. Sarah, born 22 Oct., 1772. She mar. Aaron Degraw of
New York City, and died there leaving children, John W.
and Walter N., who now reside in Brooklyn, N. Y.
ii. Peter, born 27 February, 1775; married Jeffrey.
He was a farmer and boat-builder ; died at Long Branch,
N. J., 19 January, 1831. Children: 1. Edward, born 11
February, 1798, died at sea, unmarried; 2. Ophelia, born
5 May, 1799, died 5 June, 186 1.
Daniel, b. Nov., 1777 ; m. Margaret A. Zimmerman ; d. 1855.
Catherine, b. in 1780; m. Glencross Pintard ; d. in 1869.
Webley, b. 24 Oct., 1782; m. Jemima Turnier; d. 1849.
Susannah, b. 1785; m. 1st Lloyd; 2d Josiah Parker.
Children by second wife:
vii. Richard, born in Duchess County, New York (?) ; married
there Emeline, daughter of Henry Diamond of that place.
A Richard Slocum was carter in New York City from 1833
until 1838. They resided in Austerlitz Township, Columbia
County, New York, where she died 6 October, 1842, with-
out children. He, with wife Eliza H., resided in Canaan
Tp., Columbia Co., 9 June, 1852, and subsequently re-
moved to Brooklyn, N. Y.
William 6 Slocum (Samuel*, Samuel? Nathaniel? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Shrewsbury Township, Monmouth County,
New Jersey, 10 January, 1759, and married Hannah who
was born 15 May, 1759. They resided on a farm near the Long
Branch, N. J., and there died he, 10 April, 1808 (his will was
proved 30 April, 1808); she, 15 February, 1835, and were
buried in Slocum Cemetery near the present Long Branch
Village. Children :
188. i. Daniel, b. 27 Jan., 1779 ; m. Rebecca Lane; d. March, 1836.
189. ii. Phebe, b. 18 Dec, 1780; m. James Joline ; d. 18 June, 1816.
190. hi. Deborah, b. A. D. 1785 ; m. Garret Jeffrey; died in 1845.
iv. Hannah Dimond, born 24 November, 1788; married
Polley. She died 15 April, 187 1, without children, and
was buried in Slocum Cemetery.
191. v. Jacob, b. 9 March, 179T ; m. Elizabeth Howland ; d. in 1859.
192. vi. Nathaniel, born A. D. 1795; died 9 February, 1867.
Jesse 6 Slocum (Samuel,* (?) Samuel* Nathaniel? Giles, 1 An-
thony, 1 ) was born A. D. 1760 in Shrewsbury Township, Monmouth
County, New Jersey, and removed in early manhood to Duchess
County, New York. He married first, Woolley (?), and
second, Elizabeth Burch. Soon after his second marriage he
removed to that part of Palatine Township, Montgomery County,
N. Y., which was organized the 18th of March, 1808, as Oppen-
heim Township, and which became a part of Fulton County the
18th of April, 1838. He died in the year 1822 in Oppenheim and
was there buried. His widow died in 1863 in Cattaraugus
County, N. Y., and was buried in Farmersville. Children per-
haps not born in the order here given by first wife:
i. Amaziah, was twice married in southeastern New York, and
died previous to the year 1848 (?). A son by his second
marriage, James, married Louisa Canada of Elmira, N. Y.,
and had a son James, born about 1846. James, senior, was
drowned soon after this date (?).
ii. Mary, married Hall and had a son James (?).
193. in. Samuel, m. 1st, Nancy Hayes; 2d, Sarah Livingston ; d. 1873.
194. iv. Daniel, b. A. D. 1788 (?); mar. Susan Gould; d.-A D. 1880.
Children by second wife :
v. Elizabeth, died at the age of eighteen years,
vi. John, married Margaret Morrow. He died A. D. 1876, in
East Otto, N. Y. Children : Nathan J., and E. Luzern,
farmers ; Mrs. Sarah J. Holmes ; Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rey-
nolds; Mrs. Emma M. O'Brien; Mrs. Eva M. Tefft; and
Lucia Slocum, reside in East Otto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.
John Newton, Chesaning, Michigan j James A., Saginaw,
Mich. ; his mother is now (1881), living with him ; Thomas
S., a preacher, East Groveland, N. Y. ; and Mrs. Helen K.
Sims, Ellicottsville, N. Y.
vii. Sarah, married Michael P. Gould and removed to Iowa.
Children: 1. Isaac, mar. and died in the West; 2. Louise,
mar. George Clark and lived in Rochester, N. Y. ; 3. Dud-
ley ; 4. Harriet, mar. Zephi Metcalf; 5. Laura Ann; 6. Philip,
and 7. Joseph, are ministers in the M. E. Church ; 8. Elizabeth,
mar. Jerome Pell; 9. Roswell; 10. Abigail, mar. Dilwarth
Shepherd and died some years ago; 11. Alfred; 12. Sarepta.
viii. Jesse, died at the age of fifteen years,
ix. Matilda, married Frederick Hale. They resided in Oramel,
Allegany Co., N. Y., and there died some years ago ; and
there most of their children now live, viz.: 1. Sophronia,
mar. Lorenzo Hall and died at the age of 23 years, leaving
four children; 2. Mary Ann, mar. George E. Parker, for-
merly a merchant but now a farmer ; they have no children ;
3. Ezra, a blacksmith, mar. Frances Coulon (?) and has three
sons; 4. Alonzo, died in Michigan leaving a family; 5.
Roswell, resides at Tar Port, Pa. ; 6. Harriet, mar.
and resides in Michigan; 7. Matilda, died some years ago;
8. Alfred, a farmer, mar. Aurelia Howell.
195. x. Elisha, b. 7 Nov., 1804; m. 1st Rebecca Keeler; d. 1875.
196. xi. Monson Nathaniel, b. in 1806; m. Mary Mabie; d. 1857.
xii. Smith, born A. D. 1808; mar. 1st Elizabeth Graham; 2d
Almina Hartford, widow of Alanson Van Brunt, with five
children. He is a farmer ; postoffice Allegany, Cattaraugus
Co., N. Y. Has had two children both by 2d marriage,
viz.: 1. Mariam, b. 15 Sept., 1858, mar. Delos Pierce in
May, 1876; 2. Fred, b. in April, i860,
xiii. Roswell, married Mary A. Cross. He is a farmer ; post-
office Austin, Mower County, Minnesota. Children : Wes-
ley, a farmer at East Paw Paw, Illinois, where he married
and has a son Frank ; Rosalia ; and James Hall, an adopted
son, son of his eldest sister.
197. xiv. Cook, b. A. D. 1812; m. Elizabeth Smith; d. 23 July, 1876.
xv. Henry, married Maria Perkins. They removed in 1854
from Cattaraugus County, New York, to Illinois, and
thence in 1857 to Minnesota where he now resides, a
farmer and coal-dealer ; postoffice, Austin, Minn. Children :
1. Orville, a photographer at Clear Lake, Iowa, where he
married ; 2. Alma Ann ; 3. Newell M., has been a public-
school teacher at Clear Lake, Iowa, where he married
; 4. Melvin B., postoffice Rose Creek, Minn.; 5.
Edward N., a coal-dealer at Austin, Minn.
xvi. Julia, mar. William Hall, a farmer. Their postoffice is Fill-
more, Allegany Co., N. Y. Children : 1. Mary Ann, mar.
' Isaac Hoadley, a hotel-keeper at Portage, N. Y.; 2. William,
resides in Kentucky; 3. Walter, resides in Herkimer County,
N. Y. (?) ; 4. Julia Alice, mar. Chauncey, son of Daniel Slocum
(No. 194); 5. Winslow, mar. Amelia Butterfield; he is a
farmer, without children ; 6. Patience, mar. .
and died a few years ago leaving one child; 7. Elizabeth,
mar. Isaac Lefoy, an oil-dealer, and has two children ; 8.
Adeline, mar. George Hall, a farmer, and has three children;
9. Almanzo, mar. a sister of the above-named George Hall
and has two children ; 10. Ella, remains unmarried,
xvii. Jesse, died at the age of about fifteen years,
xviii. A son died in his infancy in Oppenheim Township, N. Y.
198. xix. William, b. 10 March, i82o;m. Jane A. Curtis, 24Feb., 1841.
Meribah 6 Slocum {John? John? Nathaniel? Giles? An-
thony?) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 23 October, 1758,
and married John West. They settled on a farm near Long
Branch and acquired considerable wealth. They there died he,
14 March, 1829, aged JJ years and 4 days ; she, 1 January, 1835,
and were buried in the Episcopal Cemetery, Shrewsbury.
Children :
i. James West, born 7 Jan., 1779. He was a farmer and mer-
chant ; was elected Representative to the New Jersey Legis-
lature two or three terms. He died 1 January, 1831, a
ii. Elisha West, born 23 Dec, 1780; mar. Rachel Green.
They resided on a farm near Long Branch, N. J., where he
died 1 April, 1855, leaving five children, viz. : 1. Ann who
mar. John D. Forman ; 2. Emeline, mar. Henry Wyckoff;
3. Meribah; 4. Rebecca; 5. William Greene West who
died, a bachelor, 21 Nov., 1874, aged 68 years, leaving an
estate of over $75,000.
Hi. Joseph Wing West, born 4 July, 1787. He was a physi-
cian ; died, a bachelor, 12 November, 181 r.
iv. Edmond West, born in March, 1791 ; married Rachel Drum-
mond. He was a soldier in the War of 181 2, and rose to
the rank of Captain ; is still a pensioner (1880) and resides
near Ocean Port, N. J.
v. Gabriel West, born 22 September, 1793; married Sarah
Wardell. He was a farmer and merchant ; was a prime
mover and contributor to the building of St. James Memo-
rial Episcopal Church in Eatontown, N. J., and he endowed
it with a parsonage and monies invested so that the income
is sufficient for the Rector's support. He had three children
all of whom died young ; he died in Eatontown, 7 Nov., 1777.
vi. John H. West, born 5 January, 1795; married Angeline
Sutphen. He died on a farm near Ocean Port, 4 May,
1871. Children: 1. Rufus T.; 2. John Henry, was
drowned in Virginia a few years since; and 3. Emma D.,
resides with her brother near Ocean Port, N. J.
vii. Revo West, b. 9 March, 1800; d. 22 Aug., 1833, unmarried,
viii. Rebecca West, born ; married Morford.
ix. Ann West, born ; married John A. Taylor, a farmer
of Middletown, N. J.
John 6 Slocum (John,- Jo/in * Nathaniel* Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was
born near the Long Branch, in (then) Shrewsbury Township,
East New Jersey, 26 February, 1760. The name of his wife has
not been ascertained. He died 9 June, 1831, and was buried in
the Independent Methodist Episcopal Cemetery near Oceanville,
N. J. Children :
199. i. Johnson, b. about 1787 ; m. 1st Hannah Gibbs; d. Dec, 1855.
ii. Belphany, married James Howland previous to 1831. A
daughter, Hannah, m. George Joline ; see family No. 189.
Samuel 6 Slocum {John? John? Nathaniel, 1 Giles? Anthony?)
was born at the Long Branch, in East New Jersey, 19 August,
1764, and married Elizabeth Eaton who was born 21 September,
1773. They resided at Long Branch and there died he, 12
May, 1842 ; she 20 August, 1862, and were buried in the Inde-
pendent Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, near Oceanville.
Children :
i. Joseph, born in Nov., 1792. He was an engineer; mar. in
New York City, and died there previous to 1842.
200. ii. Benjamin, b. 2 Nov., 1795; m. Deborah Brinley; d. 1847.
hi. Ezekiel, born 21 December, 1797; married 1st, Mary
Wardell (see family No. 45, page 83) from whom he was
divorced. He was a furrier in 183 1-2 in New York City,
where he married 2d , and had a child, Elizabeth,
who mar. Robert Morris. A child, Ann, by his first wife,
now resides at Ocean Port, N. J., unmarried,
iv. Elijah, born 19 Aug., 1800; mar. in New York City and
afterward resided near Shark River, Monmouth Co., N. J.,
and there died.
v. Elisha, born 2 April, 1802 ; mar. Sarah , in New York
City, and afterward resided near Shark River in Monmouth
Co., N. J., where he died. His will was proved 21 Nov.,
1856. Children: Phebe H., Elizabeth A., John E., Nelson
G., and George W.
vi. Samuel, born 15 May, 1804; mar. Ellen . He died on
his farm near Long Branch, N. J., 22 Nov., 1877; was
buried in the I. M. E. Cem. Children : William Russell,
James Hubbard, Edmund West, and Elizabeth.
201. vii. James West. b. 14 Aug., 1806; m. 1st Ruth Barlow.
viii. Rebecca, born 7 March, 181 2; married Drummond White;
died without children.
202. ix. Thomas F., born 7 Jan., 1815; m. j d. about i860.
x. Tyler Eaton, born 20 July, 1818. He was a mason; mar-
ried in New York City and was there killed by a falling wall
about the year 1858.
Rebecca 6 Slocum (John? y ohn? Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?')
was born near Long Branch, East New Jersey, 13 October, 1766,
and married John Lippincott. They resided near her native
farm. She died 26 April, 1838. Children :
i. Benjamin Lippincott, married Williams and had
two children ; one died young and the other, Amanda,
married Jacob C. Snedeker and had two children, viz. : 1.
William who married widow Dargavel; 2. Matilda,
married Dr. John Pemberton.
ii. Elisha Lippincott, born 25 January, 1791 ; married Anna
Wardell. He was a merchant ; died 12 April, 1870, leaving
two children James Elisha, and Harriet, who still live at
East Long Branch, N. J.
iii. Ann Lippincott, married William Sairs. She died
leaving two daughters, both of whom are still unmarried.
John 6 Slocum (Peter? yohn? Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?)
was born near the Long Branch, East New Jersey, 20 January,
1754. He married first, Lydia, daughter of James Wardell, of
that place ; married second, Elizabeth Brand 16 November, 1799.
They died on their farm at Long Branch, and were buried in
Shrewsbury Village Cemetery. Children by first wife :
203. i. Henry, b. 28 Jan., 1783 ; m. Lydia Bond; d. 5 Aug., i860.
204. ii. James, b. in 1785; mar. Elizabeth Newman 9 May, 1812.
Children by second wife :
205. iii. Peter, b. in Dec, 1800; mar. ; d. A. D. 187 1.
iv. Weslev, b. 1802; was drowned in N. Y. Harbor, unmarried,
v. Susan, died young in New York City.
Peter 6 Slocum {Jonathan? John? Nathaniel? Giles? An-
thony?) was born near the Long Branch, East New Jersey, 19
August, 1760, and married, 22 February, 1810, Abigail Newman
of that place. They settled on a farm near Long Branch and
there died he, in August, 1842. Children :
206. i. Peter, born 12 August, 181 1 ; married 1st, Maria Maps; 2d,
Mary E. Thompson ; died 3 September, 1866.
207. ii. Jonathan, born 13 Oct., 1813; married Sarah A.Jeffrey,
iii. Mary, b. 16 Aug., 1816; m. Wm. H. Slocum (sketch No. 382).
iv. Hannah, born 1 July, 1818; married 1st, Stewart Howland
who died leaving children : 1. Ophelia Ann, born in 1836 ;
2. Henry Stewart ; 3. Peter Washington, now deceased ;
4. Thomas Fountain, now deceased ; and 5. Susanna.
Hannah is now a widow for the second time ; resides at
Branchport, N J.
208. v. Thomas Fountain, born 2 April, 1820; mar. Mary Maps;
died 17 January, 1851.
Ann 6 Slocum {Jonathan? John,* Nathaniel? Giles? An-
thony?') was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 23 December,
1773. She married Asher Brinley and had four children, viz :
i. Elizabeth Brinley, m. Job West ; d. leaving several children.
ii. Margaret Brinley, m. Joel Potter ; had one or two children,
iii. Lydia Ann Brinley, m. Charles C. Cook; had sev. chil.
iv. Michael Brinley, mar. and had a son, Hunter.
Jonas 6 Slocum {Giles? Peleg? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was
born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts, n
July, 1749, and married there Mary Morrell, 29 August, 1782.
They continued residents of that township through the years
1797 and 1803. Children, perhaps not born in the order here
given :
209. i. Henry, b. 18 June, 1783; m. Anna VanBuren; d. 1840.
ii. Mercy, b. in Dec, 1786, in Dartmouth; mar. Morton.
iii. Sarah, married George Deuel. A son, George Deuel, re-
sides in Easton, Washington County, New York.
210. iv. Giles, m. 1st Helen Brown ; d. 6 July, 1868. at Valley Falls.
v. Isaac vi. Catherine. vii. Mary. viii. Abigail.
ix. Sylvia, mar. Morton. x. Eliza, mar. Thomas Finch.
Elihu 6 Slocum {Giles? Peleg? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was
born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts, 26
November, 1 75 1 . He married there Sarah White, born in 1756,
who became a minister of some note in the Society of Friends.
He was a coasting-mariner for several years. They removed
from Dartmouth, perhaps in the year 1795, and settled early in
Genoa Township, Cayuga County, New York, and there died
he, previous to the year 1728, and she some years thereafter, at
the age of ninety-one years, having been able to say " rise
daughter, go to thy daughter, for thy daughter's daughter has a
daughter." Both were buried in Ledyard, Cayuga Co., N. Y.
Children :
ail. i. Sylvia, b. 6 Nov., 1775; m. Benjamin H. Smith, in 1794.
ii. Mehitable, born 1st month 18th, or, as another account
reads, 18 May, 1777; mar. 9 April, 1795, Deliverance
Smith, Jr.; see note to family No. 214/ She died the 9th
of 9th month, 1809. A daughter, Hannah, became the 2d
wife of Otis Slocum, (No. 219). Mrs. Samuel Adams, of
Kings Ferry, N. Y., is also a descendant.
iii. Frederick, born 14 March, 1781 j married Lydia Russell 4
May, 1809. He was a master-mariner, and when last heard
of (or his ship), he was within a few days sail of Canton,
about the year 1820. No children.
iv. Rachel, born 21st of 2d month, 1783; married, nth of
4th month, 1 80 1, Zebedee, son of Samuel and Lillis Gififord
of Dartmouth, Mass.
212. v. Peleg White, b. 8th 4 mo., 1785 ; m. Elizabeth Allen, 1809.
vi. Giles, born 15th of 4th month, 1787, in Dartmouth, Mass.
He was a mariner, and was drowned in Long Island Sound
in early manhood, unmarried.
vii. Nancy, born 16th of 5th mo., 1789; mar. 1st, Dr. Silas
Olds 2 Nov., 1806; 2d, Benjamin R., son of Henry and
Alice Tucker, by whom she had children : 1. Rebecca
Tucker who mar. Christopher A. Church ; and 2. Abner
R. Tucker who mar. 1st, Abigail W. Tucker 25 Oct., 1838,
and 2d Cummings ; all of New Bedford, Mass. Nancy
mar. Benjamin Potter for 3d husband.
viii. Elizabeth, born 10th of 6th month, 1791 ; mar. 1st
Hull who died leaving a daughter, now Mrs. Abigail Cor-
liss (?) of Auburn, N. Y. She mar. 2d, Capt. Henry Chase.
Her only surviving son, Benjamin Chase, now resides at
Poplar Ridge, Cayuga Co., N. Y.
ix. Elihu, born 3d month 6th, 1794, in Dartmouth, Mass.; married
Sarah Chase. He died 12 February, 1870, near Northville,
Cayuga Co., N. Y., where his widow still lives ; postoffice,
King's Ferry, N. Y. Children : i. Ezra C., 8 postoffice
King's Ferry, N. Y.; has children, Sarah Jane, 9 George F.,*
and Charles 9 ; 2. Emily, 8 married Samuel N. Franklin of
Ledyard, N. Y., and had children : 1. Ezra, 9 postoffice
King's Ferry, N. Y.; has a daughter, now Mrs. Sarah J. 10
Dudley ; 2. Emily, 9 married Newell Franklin and died
leaving a son, Howard 10 Franklin.
213. x. George, b. 6 Dec, 1797; m. Abigail Sanford; d. Aug., 1867.
xi. Ezra, born A. D. 1800; married Harriet Ogden. They
resided in Cayuga County, New York, where he died leaving
one child, Arthur, who resides at Auburn, N. Y. Widow
Slocum married Warren Adams,
xii. Sarah White, born 2 Nov., 1801 ; married Henry Tucker
Allen of Dartmouth, Mass. They dwelt some years in
Scipio Tp., Cayuga Co., N. Y. She died in Dartmouth 13
Oct., 1861. Children: 1. Giles; 2. Sarah Jane, married
Capt. George W. Slocum (see sketch No. 426).
Giles 6 Slocum (Gi/es, s Peleg,*- Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was
born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 7 June, 1761, and
married, 19 August, 1790, Rebecca 5 Smith who was born Sixth
month nth, 1768, daughter of Henry 4 and Cynthia (Wood)
Smith ; see note to family No. 214*. They resided on a farm in
Dartmouth. Children :
i. Cynthia, born 14 Aug., 1791; mar. Bradford Howland 5
March, 181 2, and had children, Rebecca and Levi L.
ii. Humphrey, b. 27 April, 1793, in Dartmouth. He went
South in early manhood and there soon died, unmarried.
iii. Henry, born 9 March, 1795, in Dartmouth, Mass. He
died early, of fever, in New Bedford, unmarried.
Rebecca 6 Slocum (Peleg? Peleg? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, the 19th day
of Fifth month, 1758, and was married there the 23d of Seventh
month, 1778, to George Folger who was born in Nantucket the
16th of Sixth month, 1756, son of George and Mary Folger.
They died he, Fifth month 6th, 1809 ; she, Eighth month 13th,
1832. Children :
i. Peleg Slocum Folger, b. 7 mo. 21, 1779; d. 2d mo. 1842.
ii. Sarah Folger, b. 6 mo. 1782; mar. Chase; d. 1808.
iii. Susan Folger, b. 4th mo. 28, 1784 ; m. Pell ; d. 1835.
iv. George Gill Folger, b. 4th mo. 18, 1787 ; d. 4 mo. 1856.
v. Rebecca Slocum Folger, b. 9 mo. 1789; d. 11 mo. 1790.
vi. Philip Howland Folger, b. 3 mo. 7, 1792 ; d. 3 mo. 30,
1865. A son, George H., resides in Boston, Mass., as
Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Marine Under-
writers of that city.
vii. A daughter, b. ioth mo. 20, 1790, lived but one hour,
viii. Samuel Brown Folger, b. n mo. 1795; d. 1st mo. 1864.
ix. A son, born 8th mo. 1, 1801, lived but one day.
Williams 6 Slocum (Peleg, 5 Peleg? Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 )
wasborn in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts,
2 3 July, 1761. He married, 3 February, 1803, Anna Chase,
daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Almy) Chase of Portsmouth,
Rhode Island, where she was born 6 September, 1775. They
resided on a farm in Dartmouth, and there died he, the 23d of
Second month, 1834 ; she, the 22d of Third month, 1864, and
were buried in the family ground. Children :
214. i. Mary Ann, b. 21st 5th mo., 1805; mar. Henry H. Crapo.
215. ii. George Folger, b. 1st of ioth mo., 1806; m. Jane Ward,
iii. Benjamin Chase, born 1 8th 8th month, 1809; died in Dart-
mouth, Mass., 28 December, 1880, unmarried.
iv. Jane Brown, born 20th 7th mo., 181 1. Resides in Dart-
mouth, unmarried.
Hon. Caleb 6 Slocum (Peleg? Peleg* Peleg? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachu-
setts, Twelfth month 15th, 1766; was published 21 February,
1795, for marriage to Mehitable Gifford of Dartmouth, and they
were married 21 March 1795. He became a ship-owner and a
prominent man in the affairs of his native township and county,
and was chosen Representative to the Massachusetts Legislature
in the year 1809. Soon thereafter he met misfortune in business,
and finally removed to LeRaysville, Jefferson County, New York,
where he was employed as secretary by Mr. LeRay, pro-
prietor of a large tract of land thereabout. He died and was
buried at LeRaysville after a few years residence there. During
the period of his prosperity he was much honored and trusted,
and the writer has met with no evidence that this trust was ever
betrayed. Children :
i. Elizabeth, b. 1st of 1st mo., 1799 ; mar. Gouldthwaite.
216. ii. Samuel Gifford, born 10th of 1st month, 1805; married
1st, Adeline A. Dubois; 2d, Phebe Palmer. He died in
May, 1 87 1.
Jonathan 6 Slocum ( Jonathan? Peleg? Peleg? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts, about the year 1770, and was there published
for marriage with Lydia Cushman 5 November, 1796. They
removed to Cambridge, Washington County, New York,
where they resided a number of years. He purchased land in
Camillus Township, Onondaga Co., N. Y., 17 February, 18 16,
paying therefor $800, but perhaps did not reside there long. He
was a carpenter. His children (perhaps not born in the order
here given) were :
i. Perry, ii. Gideon. Hi. Otis. iv. Charles, v. Lydia(?j.
217. vi. Giles Cushman, b. 8 Sept., 1808; mar. Phebe L. Palmer,
vii. Phebe. viii. Ann, married King(?). ix. Deborah (?).
Peleg 6 Slocum {Peleg? Holder? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts,
First month 4th, 1764, and married, Twelfth month 3d, 1788,
Elizabeth Ricketson, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Smith)
Ricketson of that township. They settled on a farm in Dart-
mouth and there died she, Eleventh month 7th, 1838; he, in
the year 1839. He was generally known as " King Peleg" on
account of his extensive possessions at Slocum's Neck, South
Dartmouth. Children :
i. Almy, twin, b. 5 May, 1790; m. Pardon Wing of Dartmouth.
218. ii. Ricketson, twin, b. May 5, 1790, m. Jemima Wing; d. 1854.
Hi. Rebecca, married John Wing and died previous to 1839,
leaving four children,
iv. William, born in Dartmouth, Mass. ; died there unmarried.
219. v. Otis, b. 17 Oct., 1800; m. 1st Almy Wing; 2d Hannah Smith,
vi. Elizabeth, b. ii July, 1808; m. Willard Almy 28 Aug., 1828.
Christopher 6 Slocum {Peleg? Holder? Peleg? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 1
October, 1769, and was published there 10 February, 1790, for
marriage to Phebe Willcox, daughter of Benjamin and Patience
(Tucker) Willcox of that place. They dwelt on a farm in Dart-
mouth that part which is now Westport Township and there
died. Children :
220. i. Abner, b. 23 March, 1791; m. Deborah Gifford; d. 1872.
221. ii. Willard, born 27 March 1794; married Ruth Sisson, born 24
October, 1793.
iii. Patience, born 6 October, 1795; married John Allen of
Westport, 26 October, 1818.
iv. Christopher, b. 13 July, 1796, in Dartmouth; died young.
v. Benjamin, born 7 April, 1798; mar. 14 July, 1834, Hannah
Cook Howland Durfee, daughter of Samuel and Anna
(Brownell) Durfee. Benjamin died 24 Nov., 1870. He had
one child, Phebe Ann, born 7 Dec, 1842, in Westport,
Mass., who mar. Holder B. Slocum ; see family No. 429.
222. vi. Godfrey Willcox, b. in 1800; m. Huldah Green; d. 1878.
vii. Judith, born 24 Feb., 1802; mar. Daniel Macomber. She
died about the year 1828 leaving one child, Hannah S., born
30 Nov., 1827, who died 17 Oct., 1872, unmarried. See
sketch of Judith's sister Phebe; No. 223.
223. viii. Phebe, b. Oct., 1805; became 2d wife of Daniel Macomber.
ix. Cook, b. 23 March, 1809, in Dartmouth; died unmarried.
Capt. Holder 6 Slocum (Peleg, 5 Holder* Peleg? Giles? An-
thotty?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, A.
D. 1772, and married, 24 December, 1794, Hannah Sherman who
was born 8 November, 1775. He became a master-mariner, and
after several years sea-faring met with an accident in which he
sustained a fracture of his leg. He thereafter settled as a farmer
on Cuttyhunk Island one of the Elizabeth group in Buzzard's
Bay, Mass, where his wife died 10 November, 1822. He died
in Dartmouth about November, 1830; both were buried in the
Friends' Cemetery, Dartmouth. Children :
224. i. Lucy, b. 19 Feb., 1795; m. Isaac Williams in June, 1819.
225. ii. Abigail, b. 9th mo. 25th, 1805; married Humphrey Wood.
226. iii. James Howland, b. 1808; m. Nancy Allen in the year 1834.
Amy 6 Slocum {Peleg? Holder* Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was
born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, about the year 1773,
and was published for marriage to Captain Godfrey Cornell 25
February, 1795. They lived and died in Dartmouth. Children :
105. a i. Elizabeth Cornell, born 7 August, 1796 ; married Alden
105. b ii. Mehitable Cornell, born 25 February, 1799; married
William H. Russell.
Alden and Elizabeth (Cornell) Macomber resided in Dartmouth,
Mass., and had children as follows :
i. Tabitha G. Macomber, married Capt. Isaiah West. They
reside in New Bedford, Mass. A son, Henry N. West, is a
lawyer in that city,
ii. Godfrey C. Macomber. is a sea-captain \ resides at Long
Plain, Mass. Has had one child, George A, who is now
married and has two children,
iii. John A. Macomber, a merchant, resides in Chicago, 111., mar.
iv. Sarah W. Macomber, married William S. Wilde. They
reside in New Bedford, Mass. Children : Edmund L.,
William H., and Frank H.
v. Helen B. Macomber, resides in New Bedford, unmarried.
Mehitable Cornell was born in Dartmouth Township, Mass., 25
Feb., 1799, and married there in September, 1816, William H. Russell
who was born in Westport Township formerly part of Dartmouth 13
Dec, 1797. They died she, 25 March, 1847 ; he, in December, 1859,
and were buried in Great Rock Cemetery, Dartmouth. Children :
i. Lydia G. Russell, born 181 7; married Ephraim Gifford,
January, 1842.
ii. Almy S. Russell, born 10th March, 181 9; married Frede-
rick S. Howland in March, 1842.
iii. Charles F. Russell, born in January, 1821; married Lucy
A. Barnett of Norfolk, Va., in November, 1852.
iv. Eliza C. Russell, born in December, 1823.
v. Christopher Russell, born in January, 1826.
vi. Godfrey C. Russell, born in September, 1828.
vii. A son was born, and died, in the year 1836.
viii. Esther Gifford Russell, born 17 January, 1839; married,
in Boston 26 June, i860, William D. Gifford who was born
18 May, 1830, son of Edmund and Mercy Gifford of Pal-
myra, Me. He is a master-mariner ; postoffice South
Dartmouth, Mass. Children: 1. Frederick Howland, b. 5
May, 1 86 1 ; d. 10 July, 1864 ; 2. Frederick Almy, b. 22 Jan.,
1866; 3. William Oliver, b. 27 April, 1869; 4. Mary
Kempton, b. 8 March, 1874.
Hon. Elihu 6 Slocum (Holder? Holder? Peleg? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Mas-
sachusetts, in October, 1771, and was educated under the direc-
tion of Judge Paddleford of Taunton, in that county. He was
published 2 December, 1792, for marriage to Sarah Smith who
was born 13 September, 1772, daughter of John and Maria
(Allen) Smith of Dartmouth. They settled in their native town-
ship where he became a prominent and influential citizen. In
the year 1820 he and his father, the Hon. Holder Slocum, were
chosen delegates to the Convention for the revision of the Mas-
sachusetts State Constitution. He was also elected Representa-
tive to the Massachusetts Legislature for the years 1829 and
1835. They died he, 23 May, 1852, on his farm in Dartmouth ;
she, 6 April, 1859, in New Bedford. Children :
227. i. James Tucker, b. 1795 ; m. Rebecca H. Ricketson; d. 1874.
228. ii. Wilkes, b. 18 April, 1798; m. Catharine Almy; d. in 1824.
iii. Laura Smith, b. 4 May, 1803, in Dartmouth; died young,
iv. Julia Almy, b. 27 Oct., 1805; died 25 December, 1822.
John 6 Slocum {John? yoseph? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was
born in Middletown Township, Newport County, Rhode Island,
20 December, 1756, and married there "Mrs. Phebe Durfee" 2
October, 1776. They removed from Middletown to Newport (?)
about the year 1790. Children:
229. i. Mary, b. 20 Feb., 1778; m. Pardon Sisson; d. 7 July, 1864.
230. ii. Caleb Brown, b. 2 Oct., 1779; m. Sarah Batty; d. in 1836.
231. iii. Oliver, b. A. D. 1781, in Middletown; married Ruth Sisson.
iv. Sarah, born 9 March, 1786; married Enos Gibbs. They
settled in Portsmouth Township, R. I., where he died in the
year i860 and where she still (1881) lives, active in mind
and body. Children : 1. Eliza, b. A. D. 1823; m. Stephen
Perry Weaver of Middletown, R. I., where she now lives ;
2. William, b. A. D. 1825; resides in Middletown; 3.
Sarah A., b. A. D. 1828; mar. Freeborn Weaver in 1852,
and died 25 Sept., 1856.
232. v. Hannah, born 15 Sept., 1789; mar. Capt. Charles Wilcox.
Joseph Wanton 6 Slocum (John? Joseph? Peleg? Giles? An-
thony? ) was born in Newport, Rhode Island, 18 November, 1762 ;
married, 7 August, 1791, Rhoda Stoddard of Salisbury, Massa-
chusetts. They dwelt in Middletown Township, R. L, until the
year 1793, and then removed to Schaghticoke Township, Rens-
selaer County, New York, where he died in 1796. His widow
married Carter, and second, Cornell. She returned to
Newport, and there died 6 May, 1833. Children :
233. i. John Wanton, b. 1792; mar. Sarah Hagerman ; d. 1828.
234. ii. James, born 2 August, 1794; married 1st Elizabeth Andrews;
2d, S. Mariah Gurnsey; died 8 Sept., 1877.
Peleg 6 Slocum {John? Joseph* Peleg? Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was
born in Middletown Township, Newport County, Rhode Island,
A. D. 1766, and married Hannah Stoddard. They resided at one
time in Smyrna Township, Chenango County, New York. He
died in 1838. Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
235. i. Eason Peleg, b. 1793; m. Delaney Dellamater; d. 1879.
ii. Catharine. iii. Stoddard. iv. Lucinda.
v. Wanton, married and had children : William M.,
who is now a farmer with postoffice at Perry, Wyoming Co.,
N. Y. ; and Leonard, whose postoffice is Canton, 111.
vi. Lyman. One Lyman Slocum, seaman, died in New York City
earl) in the year 1838.
Hon. William Brown 6 Slocum (John, 5 Joseph* Peleg?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Middletown Township, Newport
County, Rhode Island, 26 April, 1770. He married, 28 April,
1793, " Olive Joslin of Stockbridge, Pembroke," Massachusetts.
Soon after marriage they removed to Rensselaer County, New
York, where he became a farmer and dealer in live-stock. He
was there elected member of the lower-house of the New York
State Legislature (Assemblyman) in the years 1820 and 1821.
He died in Schaghticoke Township, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 29
May, 1823, and was buried in Pittstown. His widow died in
Lansingburgh 2 June, 1828, and was there buried. " Hers was
a piety deep in its vein, and holy and most benignant in its
influence." Children, perhaps not all born in the order here given :
i. Mary, born A. D. 1795; mar. John H. Groesbeck. She
died in Cincinnati, Ohio, 6 Sept., 1854. Children, perhaps
not born in the order here given : 1. Margaret G., mar.
2 3 8.
Burnet ; resides in Cincinnati ; 2. Olivia, mar. Gen.
Joseph Hooker, and died in Paris, France; 3. William
Slocum, born in New York about the year 1826. He
studied law and removed to Cincinnati, where he has
acquired wealth, and prominence in public affairs. He has
been identified with the Democratic party ; was a member of
the Ohio State Constitutional Convention in 1 851 ; a Repre-
sentative to the 35th U. S. Congress ; a member of the
" Peace Congress " of 1861 ; a member of the Ohio Senate
in 1862; a delegate to the Philadelphia "National Union
Convention" of 1866; one of the counsel for President
Andrew Johnson during his impeachment trial in 1868;
and he has held various other offices and positions of honor,
ii. Almira. born A. D., 1797 (?); died in Raymertown, N. Y.,
in 1874, unmarried, and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery,
Troy. She was noted for her piety and good works.
Isaac, died at sea, unmarried.
Joseph, b. A. D. 1800; m. Margaret P. Jermain ; d. 1863.
Hiram, b. 2 May, 1802 ; m. Elizabeth Van Vechten ; d. 1873.
Eliza, married Jacob Strong. Herchildren Charles, Mary,
and William, reside in or near Cincinnati, Ohio.
William Brown, died in New Orleans, La., unmarried.
Maria, m. Clark Perry in 1832; d. in Schaghticoke, N. Y.
Lucy Jocelyn, died about 1828 in Schaghticoke, N. Y.
Jonathan 6 Slocum {Joseph? Giles? Samuel? Giles? An-
thony 1 ) was born in East Greenwich Township, Kent County ^
Rhode Island, 1 May, 1733, and was married to Ruth Tripp, who
was born 21 March, 1736, daughter of Isaac Tripp, Esq., as
shown by the following certificate copied by the writer from the
Warwick Township records, viz.:
" These lines may certifie all persons that Jonathan Slocum and Ruth
Tripp both of the town of Portsmouth* in the County of Newport
were lawfully married in Warwick on the 23 thd day of Feb r y in the year
before me Ebenezer Slocum f
Just Peace "
After marriage they resided in Warwick, where he purchased
land of Isaac Tripp 4 August, 1764, and of Daniel Remington 9
September, 1768. In a deed of sale to Godfrey Malbone, made
21 February, 1771, he was styled a blacksmith. The tide of
emigration which had set in a few years before this date from Con-
* Perhaps residents on Patience, or Prudence, Island in Narragansett Bay.
f For the lineage of Ebenezer Slocum, Esq., see page 64.
necticut to the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, then claimed by
Connecticut had increased, and some residents of Rhode Island
joined the movement. Joseph Slocum, the father of this sketch,
and Isaac Tripp, Esq., the father-in-law, removed thither about
1768 or '69, and Jonathan, leaving his family behind, followed
them after the above sale as is shown by the following record :
" A lot surveyed to Colonel Lodwick Ojidirk in ' y e township called
y e 'Capoose Meadow' passed into the hands of Jonathan Slocum in
177 1, on account of Slocum's 'Doeing y e Duty of a settler' for
Ojikirk." *
This lot was within, or near, the limits of the present City of
Scranton, Pa. It appears that Jonathan Slocum returned to
Rhode Island, as his name is again found on the records there as
" of Warwick" in a sale of land to John Lilly, and in a mortgage
taken in part payment therefor, under date of 16 April, 1774.
At this time his household in Warwick, R. I., numbered fourteen
heads ; see note on page 75. It is highly probable that he
returned to the Wyoming Valley with his family in the year
I774.t On the 6th of November, 1775, he received from Jona-
than Fitch a deed of Lot No. 15 in the Second Division of the
Town-plat of the present Wilkes-Barre, Pa. He also purchased,
previous to 1777, Lot No. 17 in the old Township of Putnam,
now Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa. He settled, with his
family, in a house within an hundred yards of Wilkes-Barre Fort
and there his daughter Frances was seized by Indians the 2d of
November, 1778, and carried into captivity ; see sketch No. 242.
The Hon. Charles Miner, in his History of Wyoming, after nar-
rating the particulars of her abduction wrote as follows :
"The cup of vengeance was not yet full. December 16th [1778]
Mr. Slocum and Isaac Tripp, Esq., his father-in-law, an aged man, with
William Slocum, a youth of nineteen or twenty, were feeding cattle from
a stack in the meadow, in sight of the fort, when they were fired upon
by Indians. Mr. Slocum was shot dead ; Mr. Tripp wounded, speared,
and tomahawked; both were scalped. William, wounded by a spent
ball in the heel, escaped and gave the alarm, but the alert and wiley foe
had retreated to his hiding-place in the mountain. This deed, bold as
* History of Luzerne, Lackawanna, and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania ;
New York, 1880.
\ In Peck's History of Wyoming, and in various histories of Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, it is recorded that Jonathan Slocum removed to the Wyoming Valley
in the year 1777.
it was cruel, was perpetrated within the town plat, in the centre of which
the fortress was located. Thus, in little more than a month, Mrs.
Slocum had lost a beloved child carried into captivity j the doorway had
been drenched in blood by the murder of an inmate of the family j two
others of the household had been taken away prisoners; and now her
husband and father were both stricken down to the grave, murdered and
mangled by the merciless Indians. Verily, the annals of Indian atroci-
ties written in blood, record few instances of desolation and woe to
equal this."
Jonathan Slocum was a member of the Society of Friends and
was kindly disposed toward the Indians. " Being from principle
a non-combatant, he considered himself and family comparatively
free from danger from the attacks of the savages."* His widow
died 6 May, 1807, at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Children :
239. i. Giles, b. 5 Jan., 1759; m - Sarah Ross; d. 14 Nov., 1826.
ii. Judith, born in Oct., 1760; mar. 24 Feb., 1782, Hugh
Forsman, a farmer, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. She died n
March, 1814, in Cincinnati (?), Ohio. Mr. Forsman was a
subaltern in Captain Hewett's Company during the Wyoming
Massacre, and was one of the fifteen of that corps who
escaped the slaughter, and he was the only one who brought
in his gun. See the Wyoming Memorial to Congress.
240. hi. William, b. 6 Jan,, 1762; m. Sarah Sawyer; d. 20 Oct., 1810.
241. iv. Ebenezer, b. 10 Jan., 1766; m. Sarah Davis; d. 25 July, 1832.
v. Mary, b. 22 Dec, 1768; m. Joseph Towne, a farmer. She
died 5 April, 1844 (1848?), in Luzerne County, Pa.
vi. Benjamin, born 7 Dec, 1770; mar. Phebe La France in
Providence Tp., Luzerne Co., Pa. He was a taxable in-
habitant of Wilkes-Barre Township in T799 and soon there-
after joined his brother Ebenezer at Slocum Hollow, now
Scranton (see sketch No. 241), and was appointed in 181 1
Postmaster of Providence Postoffice which was established
in that year, the first postoffice in the Lackawanna Valley.
In the year 1826 he removed to a farm which included the
land now occupied by the Village of Tunkhannock, and
there he died 5 July, 1832. His son Thomas Truxton
succeeded to the farm and gave two acres of land, 25
May, 1842, on which to build the Court-house when Tunk-
hannock was first invested with the honors of the seat of
justice of Wyoming County, Pa.
Frances, b. in March, 1773. The Indian Captive ; d. 1847.
Isaac, b. 4 March, 1775 ; m. 1st Elizabeth Patrick; d. 1858.
Joseph, b. 9 April, 1777 ; m. Sarah Fell; d. 27 Sept., 1855.
Jonathan, b. 12 Sept., 1778; m. Martha Underwood ; d. 1842.
* Isaac Tripp, Esq., was also a member of the Society of Friends, and a
prominent man in the new settlement. He had been very kind to the Indians and
they had, in former raids, carefully avoided molesting him.
2 45-
Martha 6 Slocum {Joseph? Giles, Samuel? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in West Greenwich Township, Rhode Island, 9 March,
1744-5. She married there 14 June, 1762, Philip 4 Aylsworth,
who was born about the year 1740, son of Philip' Aylsworth
(Arthur, 2 Arthur 1 ). They removed to Pownal Township, Ver-
mont, and thence, later in life, to Milford, Otsego County, New
York, where they died he, in 18 10; she, at the house of their
son Samuel, in July, 1822, and was buried in the South New
Berlin Cemetery. Children, perhaps not all born in the order
here given : *
i. Phebe Aylsworth, born A. D. 1765; married John Bow-
dish. They dwelt in Milford, N. Y., with eight children.
A daughter, Nancy, born 27 April, 1793, married John
Gillett and resided at East Scott, Cortland Co., N. Y.
ii. John Aylsworth, married Elizabeth Humphrey and had
nine children ; the youngest, Giles, was born 28 May. 1807.
John died in Milford, N. Y., and his widow, with her chil-
dren, removed about the year 181 5 to the vicinity of Ash-
land, Ohio, where many of their descendants still reside.
iii. William Aylsworth, married Phebe Brownell and had two
children, Benajah and George, who died in Milford, N. Y.
iv. Benjamin Aylsworth, born 2 August, 1774, in Pownal, Vt.
He married Elizabeth Mumford 2 August, 1798, and died
in Milford, N. Y. Children : Robison, John, and Abigail,
v. Ira Aylsworth, born 15 November, 1780; married Mar-
garet Roache, or Roche, and died in Colesville, N. Y., 10
April, 1845. They had eight children.
vi. Sarah Aylsworth, born A. D. 1785; married Rufus Har-
rington. They resided in Laurens Tp., Otsego Co., N. Y.,
with nine children.
vii. Samuel Aylsworth, born 22 November, 1787; married
Mary Titus 17 December, 1809. They resided in Otsego
County, (with P. O. at South New Berlin, Chenango Co.)
N. Y., where he died 21 May, 1849. They had ten children,
viii. Hannah Aylsworth, married David Arnold, and reared a
large family near Cazenovia, or DeRuyter, N. Y.
John 6 Slocum {John, 1 * Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?')
was born in Newport, Rhode Island, about the year 1775. On
the 4th of May, 1794, he was a resident of Portsmouth Township,
* See the Aylsworth Genealogy soon to be published by Homer E. Aylsworth,
A. M., M. D., of Roseville, Warren County, Illinois.
R. I., and married that day Elizabeth, daughter of Rowland
Allen of Portsmouth. They removed to Connecticut subsequent
to the year 1809 (?). Children :
i. Phebe, born 16 Jan., 1797, in Middletown Township, R. I
ii. Holder, born 2 June, 1799, in Middletown Township, R. I
iii. Jonathan Shelden, b. 7 June, 1802, in Middletown, R. I
iv. St. Helena, born 13 Sept., 1804, in Portsmouth Tp., R. I
v. Elsinore, born 3 December, 1806, in Portsmouth Tp., R. I
vi. Olivenza, born 28 May, 1809, in Portsmouth Tp., R I
Capt. Peleg 6 Slocum {Benjamin? Giles,'' Samuel? Giles? An-
thony?} was born in Rhode Island, 29 July, 1740. He is
recorded* as Ensign in Colonel Babcock's Regiment of Rhode
Island Militia in the years 1759 and '60 ; and as Second Lieu-
tenant in Colonel Whiting's Regiment in 1761. He participated
in the Canadian Campaign and the unfortunate siege of Quebec
in 1775 and '76 ; was made Lieutenant "by both Houses" of the
Rhode Island Legislature in 1776, and, the same year, Captain
in Colonel Stanton's Regiment. He was married to Hannah
Stoddard (?) of Newport, R. I., 28 August, 1783, by Rev. Samuel
Hopkins, Congregationalist. They removed to Adams Town-
ship, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and there died. Child :
246. i. William Henry, married first, Nancy McFarland ; second,
Olive Bowen. He died about the year 1845.
Achsah 6 Slocum {Benjamin? Giles? Samuel? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Rhode Island about the year 1749, and
married Daniel Sherman. They resided in Adams Township,
Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and there died. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Solomon Sherman. He has a daughter, Mrs. Emily Bly,
residing in North Adams, Mass.
115.* ii. Isaac Sherman, married Abigail Arnold in May, 1802.
iii. Sarah Sherman, married Elisha Hall and died leaving two
children Israel and Sarah,
iv. George Sherman, settled in Genesee, N. Y. (?), and died
early leaving two children names not reported.
*See Rhode Island Colonial Records, vols, vi and vii. Also History of the State
of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, by Samuel Greene Arnold ; New
York, 1878.
v. Peleg Sherman, settled on a farm in Cuyahoga Co. A son,
Benjamin, resides on the homestead ; P. O. Wilson's Mills, O.
vi. John Sherman, settled in Ashtabula, Ohio, where a son,
Laban, a lawyer, now resides,
vii. Munson Sherman, settled in Euclid, Ohio. His first child,
now Mrs. Matilda Miner, resides at Collamer, Ohio.
Isaac Sherman was born in Adams Tp., Berkshire Co., Mass., and
married Abigail Arnold in May, 1802. He was a mason; died at the
age of 32 years. His widow died in Mayfield, Ohio, 8 March, 185 1,
aged about 65 years. Children :
i. Laura Sherman, married Samuel Dean 12 July, 1827. They
resided on a farm near Gates' Mills, Ohio, where she died
in August, 1876. Children : Arnold, Isaac, Albert, now
deceased, Elizabeth, Eudora, deceased, Josephine, Joel,
Eliza and Esther, now deceased, and Dallas.
115.* ii. Achsah Sherman, b. 6 Oct., 1807; mar. Lindon Jenks 1828.
hi. Joel B. Sherman, born 22 October, 1810; married Eliza-
beth Fuller in 1839. He was a mill-wright; died 5 March,
1867. Children: 1. Joel L., a dentist; 2. Adelaide, mar.
Samuel Hunt and resides in Kansas ; 3. Alice, mar. Jacob
Hunt and resides on the homestead ; 4. Isaac, a carpenter;
5. Julia, married George Wilson ; 6. Perley; 7. Laura.
iv. Isaac Sherman, born 29 August, 1814. He removed to
Mayfield Tp., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, with his mother and
brother in May, 1832, and there died 4 June, 1841. A
Achsah Sherman was born in Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass., 6 October
1807 ; married there 17 July, 1828, Lindon Jenks who was born 14
September, 1796, son of Charles Jenks. They removed to Mayfield
Tp., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, in 1834, where he died 3 September,
1880 (?), and where Mrs. Jenks still lives; postoffice Gates' Mills,
Ohio. Children :
i. Benjamin F. Jenks, born 8 March, 1830; married Ann
Maria Preston 20 October, 1852. A farmer. No children.
ii. Alfred Jenks, born 3 June, 1832 ; married Sarah L. Cogs-
well 12 March, 1862. Both were deaf-mutes. He owned
a farm near Owosso, Mich., and was there killed by steam-
cars 6 April, 1881. Children: Lindon A., Martin C, a
deaf-mute, Letson W., and Ida A.
iii. Anna R. Jenks, born 8 January, 1835 '> married, 16 March,
1854, Edward Milner, a farmer. Children: Laura E.,
deceased, John L., Harriet E., Charles, Eudora, James,
William, and. Achsah I.
iv. Charles A. Jenks, born n August, 1837; married Arte-
misia W. Robins. He served four years as a soldier against
the Southern Rebellion ; was severely wounded at Dutch
Gap. He was a farmer; died 19 March, 1873, leaving one
child, Bennett W.
v. Laura A. Jenks, born 21 January, 1840; married John
Silburn, 1 January, 1866. They reside on a farm in Cli-
max Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan,
vi. Harriet E. Jenks, born 21 Oct., 1842; died 2 July 1863.
vii. Edmond S. Jenks, born 1 February, 1846 ; married Marion
A. Brainard 2 April, 1868. A farmer; post-office Gates'
Mills, Ohio. Children : Frank B., Mary A., Clarence E.,
and George E.
viii. William O. Jenks, born in August, 1849. He is a physi-
cian ; postoffice Nottingham, Ohio.
Benjamin 6 Slocum (Benjamin,- Giles,* Samuel* Giles, 2 An-
thony,' 1 ) was born near Providence (?), Rhode Island, A. D. 175 1,
and married there 5 June, 1774, Sarah, daughter of Elisha
Mowry. They dwelt in Gloucester Township, R. I., in 1774
(see note on page 75), and afterward removed to Adams Town-
ship, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, where he entered the
Revolutionary Army as a soldier under Capt. Enos Parker in
Col. Benjamin Symonds' Regiment, and served at Bennington,
Vermont, in the year 1777.* Some years thereafter he removed
to Macedon Township, Wayne County, New York, and thence,
about the year 1826, to the adjoining Township of Perrington,
Monroe County, where they died she, in 1828 ; he, in 1837.
They were buried in Friends' ground in Farmington, N. Y. A
farmer. Children, perhaps not all born in the order here given
247. i. Amasa, born in 1775; mar. 1st Anna Arnold; d. in 1868.
ii. Elisha, married Anna Chadwick. He was a soldier in the
War of 181 2 ; dwelt sometime in Perrington Tp., Monroe
Co., N. Y., then removed to Michigan and there died near
Albion, without children.
iii. Benjamin, married Lydia Bennett. He was a soldier in the
War of 1812; dwelt for a time in Perrington Tp., N. Y.,
then removed to Michigan, and died in or near Man-
chester (?). A daughter, now Mrs. Pauline Walworth,
resides in Rome, Lenawee Co., Mich.
iv. Mowrv, died in Adams Tp., Mass., about the year 1822.
v. Joanna, married Darius Arnold.
* Revolutionary War Rolls in the office of the Secretary of State, Boston, Mass.
248. vi. Smith, born in 1787; m. Elizabeth Bliss; died 7 Oct., 1835.
vii. Sarah, mar. Jonathan Cooledge ; died near Painesville, Ohio.
viii. Ann Mercy, married Samuel Bowen ; died in Adams, Mass.
ix. Patience, married Russell Barker.
x. Elsie, married Elijah Burt, and died in Marengo, Mich. A
daughter now resides in Albion, Mich.
Eleazer 6 Slocum {John? Eliezer? Eliezer, 1 Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 )
was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts,
15 May, 1744. He was there published for marriage 14 Febru-
ary, 1765, and married 14 March, 1765, to Anstace Viall, by
Benjamin Aikin, Town Clerk. They removed early to Pawling
Township, Duchess County, New York, and thence, previous to
the year 1790(F), to Easton Township, Washington Co., N. Y.,
where he purchased land as late as the year 1800. Soon after
this date they removed to Northampton Township, Fulton
County, then part of Montgomery County, where he purchased
land 20 November, 1806, near the farm of his son Joseph, one-
half mile east of the Village of Northville. His will was dated 26
August, 1826, and was proved at Johnstown 11 December, 1826.
He died of apoplexy and was buried in the Ridge Road Ceme-
tery, one mile southeast of Northville, N. Y. His widow died
at the house of their son Eleazer in Otisco Township, Onondaga
Co., N. Y., in August, i829(?). Children:
249. i. Joseph, b. 6 Feb., 1766; m. Elizabeth Wright; d. in 1815.
250. ii. Fortunatus, b. 3 Nov., 1768; m. Ruth Adkins; d. 1820.
iii. Sarah, married 1st, Abram Clawson; 2d, Capt. Asahel
Hodge ; and 3d, Wilson of Oswego County, New York.
251. iv. Fitzgerald, married Elizabeth Mayhew (Kinney ?).
252. v. John, born in 1775; m. Phebe Slade; died 1 April, 1818.
253. vi. Deborah, b. 15 May, 1778; m. Felix Holdridge ; d. 1839.
254. vii. Eleazer, b. in Nov., 1781 ; m. Elizabeth Eldridge; d. 1853.
255. viii. Elias, b. 11 Aug., 1784; m. 1st, Anna Hunt; d. in 1862.
ix. Mary, married Rufus Case and had nine children, viz.:
Slocum, George, Aaron, Abram, died at the age of two or
three years , Annice, Elias, Sarah, Mary, and Patience.
x. Elizabeth, mar. John Burnet ; had eight children, viz. : Sidney,
Pamela, August, Eliza, John, Joseph, Edward, and James.
John 6 Slocum (John? Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 1 - Anthony?)
was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 6 October,
1746, and married there Rhobea Briggs 9 October, 1767.
They dwelt on Pasque Island, of the Elizabeth group in Buzzard's
Bay, for several years ; and there, 2 April, 1779, learning of a
plot by the British to destroy Falmouth, he thwarted it by
secretly communicating, in the night, the danger and warning to
the threatened village. They afterward removed to Nashawena
Island, now in Duke's County, Mass., and there died ; were buried
in Friends' ground, Dartmouth. His will was dated 3 July, 1818,
and was proved 1 October, 18 18. Children :
256. i. William, b. 27 Sept., 1769 ; m. Mary Cheney ; d. Oct., 1851.
257. ii. Oliver, born in 1770 (?) ; mar. Lydia Cheney 7 Sept., 1790.
iii. Solomon, was published 17 January, 1793, for marriage to
Rubi Bennett of Dartmouth, Massachusetts. He died at
sea in early manhood,
iv. Deborah, born 27 Jan., 1776; was mar. to Holder Russell
of Dartmouth, Mass., 15 Aug., 1791, by Benjamin Bassett,
Esq. A daughter, Catharine, was born 29 Nov., 1792.
258. v. Charles, born 9 Jan., 1779; m. 1st, Mary Devol; d. 1850.
259. vi. John, b. 6 Oct., 1780; m. 1st, Amy Sherman ; d. Oct., 1871.
260. vii. Humphrey Almy, b. 1783; m. Sarah Brightman ; d. 1862.
261. viii. Rodney, b. 24 Oct., 1785; m. Mary C. Haskins in 1811.
ix. Waldo, was named in his father's will. Probably died young.
Pardon 6 Slocum (John? Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 )
was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts,
8 July, 1751 ; married 1st . He removed to the
eastern part of Duchess County, New York, and married 2d,
Deborah Sprague, daughter of John and Hannah (Holly) Sprague
of Dover Township. He was a farmer ; died and was buried in
Pawling Tp., Duchess Co., N. Y. Children by first wife, perhaps
not born in the order here given :
262. i. John, married Jane Miles; died in Hartford, Connecticut,
ii. Amy, m. Charles, son of Benjamin 6 Slocum; see sketch 284.
iii. Nicholas, born in Pawling Township, Duchess Co., N. Y.
Children by second wife :
263. iv. Pardon, b. 3 Sept., 1804; m. Elizabeth Ellsworth; d. in 1869.
v. Seneca, born 6 July, 1807; mar. Eunice Nickerson. They
died some years ago in Cornwall, Conn. Children: 1.
Major, died ; 2. Emily, died ; 3. Sarah M.;
4. Rose L., mar. H. E. Fenn who died in 1878 ; she
resides in Litchfield, Conn., with her children, Harry, George,
William, and Catharine M. ; dates of births not reported,
vi. Eliza, b. 29 Aug., 1808. Postoffice Poughquag, Duchess
Co., N. Y. Unmarried.
Ebenezer 6 Slocum {John? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachu-
setts, 5 January, 1756, and married there Sarah Wood 22 March,
1778. They removed soon after marriage to Duchess County,
New York, and thence to Washington County. He married 2d,
Mehitable Norton, and finally settled in Russia Township, Her-
kimer County, New York, as a pioneer farmer, and there died.
Children by first wife :
264. i. Samuel, born in 1780 (?); m. Sarah Woodward; d. in 1844.
ii. Sarah, mar. John Russell. Both died in Russia, N. Y.
iii. Lydia, m. Asahel Ives; lived and died in North Adams, Mass.
iv. Job, married Lydia Bolt in Saratoga County, N. Y. ; removed
westward in the year 1823. Children: Lewis and Seth.
Children by second wife :
v. Ebenezer, married Elizabeth Bolt in Saratoga Co., N. Y.,
and settled in Prospect, Oneida Co., N. Y., where he died.
Children : 1. Eliza, married Frederick Doty. She is now a
widow at Boonville, N. Y. ; 2. Hannah, married Galeed
Hall. She is now a widow, and resides in Ohio ; 3. Mor-
gan, now a ham ess- maker, in Prospect, N. Y. ; 4. Esther,
married Stillman Smith, and resides in Prospect ; 5. William,
resides in, or near, Painesville, Ohio,
vi. Mehitable, mar. Amos Reed of Cold Brook, Herkimer Co.,
N. Y., where they dwelt ten or twelve years, then removed
to Orleans County, and finally to a western State. He died
about the year 1830.
vii. Phebe, mar. Jared Noble and settled in Canajoharie Mont-
gomery Co., N. Y., where they and their children two
d aughters died.
viii. Anna, mar. 1st, Archibald Blue of Russia, N. Y. ; 2d, Henry
Magrass ; and 3d, Pettis. She lived in Medina, N.
Y., in the year 1840.
ix. Thomas, mar. Harriet Mead of Saratoga Co., N. Y. They
removed to Russia, N. Y., where they dwelt about fifteen
years, and in 1828 removed to Illinois. He was a soldier
in the War of 181 2; was wounded at Fort Erie, Buffalo, in
1814, by a musket ball in the calf of his leg, where he still
carried the ball when last heard from. Children : Ebenezer,
and Almeda.
x. Elizabeth, married John Hammond of Russia, N. Y., where
they afterward dwelt about twenty-five years, and then
removed to Illinois,
xi. John Norton, married Elizabeth Payne of Russia Township,
Herkimer Co., N. Y. He died in the Utica Insane Asy-
lum in December, 1845, leaving no children.
265. xii. William Powell, b. in 1799; m. Ann Billings; d. in 1850.
xiii. Charles, mar. Elizabeth Morrison of Porter Township,
Niagara Co., N. Y., where he died about 1844, without
Jonah 6 Slocum {John? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 )
was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 26 June, 1761.
He removed early to Duchess County, New York, and was
there twice (?) married but the names of his wives have not been
ascertained. His second (?) wife was born in Vermont, A. D.
1767. Soon after this marriage they removed to Otsego County,
N. Y., and soon thereafter to Litchfield Tp., Herkimer Co., N. Y.,
where all of their children were born except the first. Late in
life they removed to Erie, Pennsylvania, and there died he, 16
August, 1840; she, 9 August, 185 1, and were buried. A
miller. Children, all by second wife :
266. i. Oliver Woolley. b. 1800; m. ist Deborah White; d. 1871.
ii. Jonah, resided near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (?).
hi. Pardon, born 10 August, 1803; married Persis Cook. They
removed early to Springfield, Illinois, where they still live.
They have been members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church since January, 1833, and he has been an eclectic
physician since 1849. Some years ago he lost his right
hand by the accidental discharge of a shot-gun. Children :
1. Mrs. Helen M. Kenley, resides in Springfield, 111. ; 2.
Mrs. L. F. Goddard, resides at Hart's Grove, Ohio.
267. iv. Hiram, born 1 September, 1808; married Margery Baird.
v. David, died in early manhood of intemperance,
vi. Job, died in 1878 of apoplexy at Erie, Pennsylvania,
vii. Jane, born 3 August, 181 5; married Thomas Bowen.
Restcome 6 Slocum (John? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township., Bristol County,
Massachusetts, 1 May, 1766. He married in Dover Township,
Duchess County, New York, Phebe, daughter of George Allen
of Pawling, where she was born. After the birth of their first
three children they removed to Russia Township, Herkimer
Co., N. Y., where they lived as pioneer farmers, and died he
about eighteen years later than his wife. Children, perhaps
not all born in the order here given :
i. Sarah, b. in Duchess Co.; d. in Russia Tp., Herkimer Co.
ii. John Fitzgerald, married 1st, Rhobea Macomber ; 2d,
Helen . He died in Russia Tp., N. Y. His widow-
now resides in Prospect, Oneida Co., N. Y. Two children,
Frank P., a jeweler, and William R., reside in Bradford, Pa.
iii. Elihu, mar. Delmie Martin who died in Jefferson County,
N. Y He died in Rochester, N. Y., (?) 17 Sept., 1851,
aged about 51 years. Children, perhaps not born in the
order here given : 1. Lewis, mar. ; died in
Northampton, (?) N. Y., without children; 2. Giles Wilson,
mar. Catharine Thomas who was born in New York City
and reared in Syracuse. They lived some time in Chicago,
then returned to Syracuse, N. Y., where he died 14 Aug.,
1872, and where she still lives, without children ; 3. Daniel,
died at Rochester, N. Y., leaving one son, Daniel; 4.
Celeste, died in Prospect, N. Y, unmarried ; 5. Elrena,
mar. George W. Irwin, a livery-stable keeper. They reside
in Bradford, Pa., without children. By Elihu's 2d wife there
was one child, Elizabeth, who mar. Fenwick Low of Roch-
ester, N. Y., where they now live, with one child, Fenwick
Eddy, born 12 Aug., 1874.
iv. Pardon, died in Russia, N. Y., where he was born.
v. Restcome, married Helen Jones of Trenton, N. Y. He
died in Herkimer County. A daughter, now Mrs. A. E.
Jones, resides in Prospect, Oneida Co., N. Y.
vi. George A., married Deborah Allen of Pawling Tp., Duchess
Co., N. Y, where they lived and died he, 24 October,
1835. His only child, George A., married his cousin Helen
Slocum (see vii below) and lived for a time on a farm, at
Harvard, 111., and Janesville, Wis., and then removed to
Chicago. He died in Illinois 1 May, 1872.
vii. Harris T., married Mary A. Bentley. He now resides in
Westford, Otsego Co., N. Y. A Harris T. Slocum enlisted
against the Rebellion at Ballston Spa, N. Y., 9 December,
1 86 1, (then aged 44 years) as private in Co. D, 4th Artil-
lery, N. Y. V. Children, perhaps not born in the order
here given : 1. Clarence (see Appendix name of Clarence
W. Slocum of Angola, Ind.); 2. Helen, married George A.
Slocum (see family of George A, vi. above); 3. Louisa;
4. Sarah ; 5. Leslie ; 6. Jerome (?) has lived in Chicago, 111.,
since 1878 ; is a salesman in the mercantile-house of A. T.
Stewart & Co.
268. viii. William, m. Sarah Allen in 1829 ; resides at Saratoga Springs.
ix. Phebe, mar. Charles Prindle ; resides in Russia Tp., N. Y.
Gideon 6 Slocum (Humphrey? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts (?),
24 January, 1760. He removed to Pawling Township, Duchess
County, New York, about the close of the Revolutionary War,
and married Hannah Cook of that place. They settled on a
farm in Pawling and there died he, 14 July, 1843. He was a
leading man in his township for many years, being very enter-
prising and successful in his undertakings. Farm after farm was
added to his possessions until he owned fifteen hundred acres or
more of land in a body. During the last thirty years of his life
he was somewhat of an invalid from gout (?), and his principal
mode of locomotion was by a wheel-chair moved by an attendant.
In this way he kept his farm under close observation, and planned
and superintended his extensive and successful business transac-
tions. Besides the ordinary routine of farming he dealt largely
in live-stock fattening over one hundred head of cattle each
year, also many hogs and sheep. He also conducted a general
store, and a tavern which proved rather unfortunate for his sons.
There is now but one of his children living Mrs. Emma Arnold
and the sur-name is extinct in this line. All lived, died, and
are buried in Pawling Township, N. Y. Children, perhaps not
all born in the order here given : *
i. Amy, died A. D. 1806, in Pawling Tp., N. Y. ; unmarried.
ii. Anna, married Robert Watts. They resided in Manlius,
Onondaga County, New York, in 1844. Children: William,
Amy, and Clara.
iii. Humphrey F., died 10 April, 1840, aged 49 years and 10
months; unmarried. Was buried in Pawling Tp., N. Y.
iv. John Farmer, died in Pawling, N. Y., 8 Feb., 1847, aged 54
years and 10 months; a farmer, unmarried.
v. George Washington, died in Pawling, N. Y., 8 May 1848,
aged 53 years and 6 months ; unmarried. He was a lead-
ing man in the business and politics of his township for
many years, and was chosen Supervisor several terms. He
was also elected to the New York State Legislature (Assem-
blyman) in the year 1828, from Duchess County.
vi. William H., a farmer, mar. Catherine A. Sill about the
year 1841 (?). They died without children in Pawling, N.
* For much of the record concerning Gideon Slocum and his children, the writer
is indebted to Mr. Nathaniel Pearce, of Pawling, N. Y., who copied dates from
the tombstones.
Y., he, of intemperance 7 Sept., 1848, aged 49 years and
10 months (?) ; she, sometime later and were there buried.
vii. Thomas Jefferson, married Elizabeth Hillier (?). He died,
without children, 5 December. 1842, aged 42 years, 5 mo's,
and 10 days. His widow still lives on the farm in Pawling
Township, Duchess County, N. Y.
viii. Clarissa, married John L. Crawford 27 December, 1823,
and died 29 November, 1826, without children,
ix. Emma, born about 1806; mar. Dr. Benjamin F. Arnold of
Pawling, N. Y., where she now lives, a widow. They resided
in Palermo, Oswego Co., N. Y., in 1844. Children: Alex-
ander H., George, William, Thomas J., John, Malvina who
married Thomas Arnold, and Emma who married Walter
F. Taber.
Paul 6 Slocum (Benjamin,"* Benjamin,'' Eliezer? Giles, 1 An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts, 27 December, 1754, and was published there in
Friends' meeting 4 December, 1779, for marriage to Elizabeth,
daughter of Walter Easton of Newport, Rhode Island, where she
was born. They removed to the State of New York about the
year 1787 and dwelt sixteen years or more in Hartford Township,
Washington County, and several years in Saratoga and Cayuga
Counties, and finally settled in Pembroke Township, Genesee
County, New York, where they died about the year 1834 sne
at the age of sixty-nine years. His occupation has been reported
to the writer as that of clothier, Sheriff, and Judge in Cayuga
County, and, also, as a dealer in real estate. Children :
i. Phebe, born 8 Sept., 1780; died unmarried in Scipio, N. Y.
ii. William Easton, born 19 April, 1782 ; married Sarah Stod-
dard in Saratoga County, N. Y. A son Humphrey, a
carpenter resides in Owego, Tompkins Co., N. Y.
269. iii. Marian, b. 22 March, 1784; m. 1st David Davis; d. in i860,
iv. Stephen Myrick, born 16 April, 1786. He was a physician ;
died in Cayuga County, N. Y. Two sons (?) settled at
Saybrook, Ashtabula County, Ohio, where one Hiram C.
still lives, with a son Charles E.
270. v. Benjamin Walter, b. in 1789; m. Violette A. Armstrong,
vi. Charles, died in Chili Tp., Monroe Co., N. Y., unmarried.
Mary 6 Slocum {Benjamin? Benjamin* Eliezer? Giles 1 An-
ihony? ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Mass-
achusetts, 4 September, 1755 ; married there in Friends' meet-
ing, Tenth month 29th, 1777, Benjamin Howland, a mason, son
of Benjamin and Mary Howland of Dartmouth, where he was
born the 10th day of Twelfth month, 1754. They removed to
Saratoga Township, New York, about 1791-93, and in the year
1798 settled in Ledyard Township, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where
they died he, in 183 1 ; she in 1840, and were buried on their
farm. Children :
i. Sylvia Howland, born 8th mo. 31st, 1778; mar. Jethro
Wood of Saratoga County, N. Y., in 1793, and died in
Ledyard Tp., Cayuga Co., N. Y., 10th mo. 6th, 1845. A
daughter, now Mrs. Sylvia A. Gould, resides in Aurora,
Cayuga County, New York.
ii. Humphrey Howland, born 9th month 16th, 1780; married,
in 181 1, Sarah T. Field of Westchester County, N. Y. He
was a surveyor and was widely and favorably known in
central New York, where he became possessed of large
tracts of land. He was a member of the New York State
Legislature (Assemblyman) from Cayuga County in 181 2.
He died in Ledyard Tp., Cayuga County, 12th month 13th,
1862, leaving two children, viz.: 1. Mary H., now the wife
of Thomas of Union Springs, N. Y. ; and 2. William
P., now residing in New York City.
in. Martha Howland, born 3d month 4th, 1784; married,
about the year 1808, William Heazlit of Ledyard Tp., Cay-
uga Co., N. Y., where she died 6th month 29th, 1853.
iv. Mary Howland, born 3d month 26th, 1788; married, in
1 8 10, Thomas J. Alsop of Ledyard, N. Y, where she died
1 2th month 18th, 1864, leaving two children, viz. : John,
now in Union, Wisconsin ; and Benjamin, now at Contee's
Station, Prince George's County, Maryland.
v. Harmon Howland, born 10th month 14th, 1790; in Dart-
mouth, Mass. ; died 12th month 3d, i84i,in Ledyard N. Y.
125." vi. Slocum Howland. b. 20 Sept., 1794; mar. Hannah Tallcot.
Slocum Howland was born in Saratoga Township, New York, 20
September, 1794, and was reared in Ledyard Tp., Cayuga Co., N. Y.
He married, in Scipio, Hannah Tallcot, daughter of Joseph and Sarah
(Hawxhurst) Tallcot formerly of Long Island, N. Y. They settled
early in Sherwood, Cayuga Co., N. Y, where he still resides. He there
successfully conducted the business of merchant for more than half a
century, and "his life-long philanthropy and excellence of character
have greatly endeared him to the community in which he lives."
Children :
125/ i. William Howland, b. 1823 ; mar. Hannah M. Letchworth.
ii. Emily Howland, b. 20 Nov., 1827 ; resides in Sherwood, N. Y.
125.' iii. Benjamin Howland, b. 1832; mar. Louisa Powell, 1858.
William Howland was born 4 November, 1823, in Sherwood,
Cayuga Co., N. Y., where he now resides. Was married after the
order of Friends 22 April, 1853, to Hannah M. Letchworth, daughter
of Josiah and Ann Letchworth of Burlington, New Jersey. Children :
i. Clarence Howland, b. 10 May, 1854; died 27 May, 1858.
ii. Eugene Howland, b. 1 Nov., 1855; died 3 June, 1858.
iii. Frederic Howland, b. ii Aug., 1857 ; died 2 June, 1858.
iv. Isabel Howland, born 21 May, 1859, in Sherwood, N. Y.
v. Herbert S. Howland, b. 30 Sept., 1863, in Sherwood, N. Y.
Benjamin Howland was born in Sherwood, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 25
March, 1832. He was graduatedat Union College in the class of 1855 ;
was married, 17 January, 1858, after the order of Friends to Louisa
Powell, daughter of John and Ann (Hill) Powell. They reside in
Catskill, Greene Co., N. Y. Children :
i. Agnes Howland, born 25 March, 1859, m Auburn, N. Y.
ii. Clarence Howland, born 29 April, 1861, in Auburn, N. Y.
iii. Edith Howland, born 29 March, 1863, in Auburn, N. Y.
iv. Ann Howland, born 29 September, 1865; died in 1872.
v. Blanche Howland, born 17 July, 1867, in Sherwood N. Y.
vi. Ethel Howland, born 17 July, 1867; died in 1880.
vii. Benjamin Slocum Howland, b. 15 May, 1870, in Catskill.
Benjamin 6 Slocum {John? Benjamin* Eliezer? Giles, 1 An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Newport, Rhode Island, A. D. 1761 ; was
married there, 17 August, 1783, to Elizabeth Coggeshall, in, or
by the authority of, the First Congregational Church. They
removed to Marietta, Ohio, soon after marriage, and returned to
Newport, R. I., in the year 1802, and there died he, 3 Novem-
ber, 1805 ; she, 2 January, 1842, aged 78 years, and were buried
in the Clifton Cemetery. Children :
i. Elizabeth Coggeshall, born 4 April, 1785; died unmarried
4 July, 1865, in Newport, R. I.
271. ii. Matthew Barnard, b. 1788; m. Mary Ostrander ; d. 1853.
iii. Avis, born in 1790; mar. Charles Coggeshall of New Bed-
ford, Mass. She died in Detroit, Mich., about 1855.
272. iv. John, b. in 1791 ; m. Sarah Collins; d. 25 January, 1871.
v. Benjamin Wilson, was a mariner j he sailed from New York,
as 1 st mate of a ship bound for France in 18 14 (before the
close of the war with England), and was not heard from
afterward nor the ship.
vi. Sarah H., born in 1795 ; married George Engs of Newport,
R. I., 2 January 1813. She died in Pueblo, Mexico, 27
June, 1847, aged 52 years, according to the tombstone
inscription in Newport Cemetery. Children : 1. Samuel
Engs, married Elizabeth Standish, and still resides in New-
port, R. I. 2. Eliza, married John Randolph of Virginia,
and died about the year 1855 leaving seven children.
vii. Martha, died in her infancy at Marietta, Ohio.
273. viii. Thomas, born 18 Oct., 1799; m. Susan Baysure; d. 1852.
Martha 6 Slocum [yohn? Benjamin* Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Newport, Rhode Island, A. D. 1763, and
married Philip, son of William and Elizabeth Robinson of that
place. She died in Newport, 22 June, 1787. Children :
i. John Slocum Robinson, married Maria Bunn of New York
City, where he resided as a bank teller. Children : Edward,
Reuben, Mary B., James, and John.
ii. James Robinson, was born in Newport, Rhode Island.
John 6 Slocum (John? Benjamin? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in Newport, Rhode Island, A. D. 1765, and died there
the nth day of Eleventh month, 1830; a bachelor. The follow-
ing is extracted from obituaries published in the Newport
newspapers :
"John Slocum, Esq., was a genuine patriot No man was
more uniform, prompt, and conscientious than he was in the discharge
of all the duties that devolve upon a freeman He received
the appointment of Surveyor and Inspector of this Port and District
from President Jefferson, which position he held, with credit to himself
and usefulness to the country, until the time of his death. His remains
were entombed with his ancestors in the Friends' burying ground with
every mark of respect."
"There are few whose decease would have excited a greater and
more general sensation of bereavement than has been felt in the death
of our good townsman, Mr. John Slocum. Regret for the loss of this
amiable man will not be confined to the little community of which he
was a most valuable and beloved member He was all sun-
shine ; he never made us sad but by his death, and we think it no un-
im proving thing to look upon this man as he was for a fresher and purer
illustration of the beauty of benevolence does not exist."
William Tillinghast 6 Slocum (John,* Benjamin* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Newport, Rhode Island, in June,
1768. He married first, August 10, 1793, Sarah, daughter of
John and Elizabeth Hadwen of Newport, where she died the
9th day of Second month, 1794. He married second, Mary
Dunbar. He received, the 28th of Tenth month, 1802, a
Friends' certificate of removal to New York City where he
became established as a merchant, and was afterward elected
to the office of Recorder (?). He died in New York City ;
letters of administration for the settlement of his estate were
granted to his son Robert F., 16 February, 1841. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given, all by second wife(?) :
i. John Hadwen was a practising physician (M. D.) in New
York City in the years 1828, '29, '30 and '31 (see the
directories for those years), and died there at middle age (?).
ii. William Tillinghast, died in New York at middle age (?).
iii. Edward, was a merchant ; died in the State of Mississippi.
iv. Caroline, married Dr. Edward Preble de Marcellin. She
died in New York City at the age of sixty years. Children :
Mary, Robert, Celand de Antoina, Louisa, and George.
v. Mary, died in New York City.
vi. Robert Fulton, born in the year 18 13. He died in
Brooklyn, N. Y., in February, 1880, leaving two children
Robert Fulton and William Ellery, who still reside in that
city. There were, perhaps, other children in this family
who died early. No other names have been reported.
Sarah 6 Slocum {yohn? Benjamin? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in Newport, Rhode Island, 11 November, 177 1 ; was
there published for marriage 4 September, 1792, and married the
24th of the same month, to Thomas Hammond, son of Enoch
and Drusilla (West) Hammond of Rochester, Mass. He was
born 17 August, 1760; was graduated at Harvard College in
1786, then studied law and was admitted to the bar. He died of
consumption 1 May, 1804. She married second, Capt. Rowland
Crocker of New Bedford. He was born in Falmouth, Mass., in
April, 1770, and became a successful master-mariner in the mer-
chant service, sailing principally between New York, Liverpool
and London. He crossed the Atlantic about 164 times and was
instrumental in saving many lives from wrecked vessels receiv-
ing numerous testimonials of his daring and humane conduct.
Later in. life he became president of an insurance company in
New Bedford. They there died he, in 1852; she, 15 October,
1859. Children by first husband:
130.* i. Henry George Hammond, born February, 1794; married
Ellen Lowry.
130.* ii. Martha Slocum Hammond, b. 1798; m. Asa N. Burnham.
iii. William Penn Hammond, born 23 December, 1801 ; died 15
June, 1802.
Child by second husband :
iv. Sylvanus Crocker, born 30 July, 1812; d. 28 Sept., 1813.
Henry George Hammond was born in New Bedford, Mass., 14
February, 1794. He went to sea at an early age, and, later, followed
whale-fishing a number of years as second-mate of his ship. At the age
of thirty years he visited his sister Mrs. Martha S. Burnham at
Union Springs, Cayuga County, New York, where he was induced to
remain. He there engaged in the business of leather-tanning, and soon
married Ellen Lowry who was born 10 January, 1807, in Aurelius,
N. Y. After marriage he became a farmer near Union Springs, N. Y.,
and there they died he, 7 September, 1869; she, 30 May, 1874, and
were buried. Children :
i. Rowland Crocker Hammond, born 3 March, 1829; mar.
Cynthia Coe 4 Jan., 1865. Resides at Union Springs, N. Y.
ii. Martha Slocum Hammond, b. 22 Dec, 1830; m. Curtis N.
Coe 22 April, 1859; died 3 January, 1872, at Cayuga, 111.
iii. James Lowry Hammond, born 13 Oct., 1833; mar. Hannah
Shank 22 Dec, 1858. Resides at Union Springs, N. Y.
iv. Thomas Slocum Hammond, b. 1 May, 1839; d. 30 June, 1866.
v. Sarah Joanna Hammond, born 15 Jan., 1841, in Spring-
port Tp., Cayuga Co., N. Y.; was mar. there 30 Nov., i860,
to William H. Van Sickle who was born 12 May, 1836,
son of William and Sarah (Robinson) Van Sickle. They
reside on a farm ; postoffice, Hill's Branch, Cayuga Co.,
N. Y. Children: 1. Henry Hammond, born 10 Sept.,
1863 ; 2. William Rowland, born 30 July, 1874.
vi. Elizabeth Earl Hammond, born 9 November, 1842; died
2 May, i860.
Martha Slocum Hammond was born in New Bedford, Mass., 2
August 1798, and married, 20 October, 1818, Asa N. Burnham who was
born in Shaftsbury, Vermont. They removed to Springport Township,
Cayuga County, New York, previous to the year 1824 and there died
she, 26 April, 1830; he, 5 June, 1830. Children:
i. Thomas Hammond Burnham, born 14 November. 1819;
married Mary R. Prince of Brooklyn, N. Y. He died in
New York City in 1853, leaving one child, Norman H.,who
was in 1879 an Episcopal Clergyman in Brush ton, N. Y.
ii. Norman Huntington Burnham, born 12 June, 1821 ; died
1 October, 1842, in New York City ; a druggist, unmarried,
hi. Sarah Crocker Burnham, born 14 April, 1830, in Spring-
port, N. Y. ; died in New Bedford, Mass., in July, 1834.
Christopher Marshall 6 Slocum (John? Benjamin? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Newport, Rhode Island, 13 June,
1776. He went to New York City as an apprentice in the year
1794 (see page 32), and for several years, from 1801, was a hard-
ware merchant at 185 Water Street in that city; see the city
directories. He was married in the Orthodox Friends' Meeting-
house, corner of Second and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.,
19 June, 1806, to Elizabeth Flower Marshall, daughter of
Christopher, Jr., and Elizabeth (Flower) Marshall of that city
where she was born 26 November, 1781. They removed to
Germantown, Philadelphia, about the year 181 2, and there died
she 28 October, 1835 ; ne 2 April, 1842, and were buried
in Friends' ground. Children :
274. i. Marshall Christopher, born 1 May, 1807; married
Catharine D. Bull; died 25 June, 1875.
ii. Emmeline Marshall, b. 12 Oct., 1809. Resides with her
brother, Dr. Alfred M. Slocum in Philadelphia; unmarried.
hi. Charles Marshall, born 28 Nov., 1811. He mar. 1st,
Mary Bunn Robinson, in New York City in 1835 (?)> by
whom he had no children. He was mar. 2d, in June, 1854
to Susannah Butler in Germantown, Philadelphia, by Rev.
John Rodney, P. E. He died in Philadelphia n April,
1874. Children: Catharine E., Charles M. both now
deceased and Emily S., who lives with her mother in
Frankford, Philadelphia.
iv. Ann Flower, born 28 Dec, 181 4; died 18 June, 1832;
was buried in Friends' ground, Germantown, Philadelphia.
275. v. Martha Tillinghast, b. May, 18 17 ; mar. Henry S. Mallory.
276. vi. Edward Livingston, b. 29 Jan., 1821 ; mar. Julia A. White.
277. vii. Alfred Marshall, b. Dec, 1822; mar. Harriet M. Bacon.
278. viii. Elizabeth Flower, b. 30 April, 1825 ; m. Wm. E. Ogborn.
! 3 2
Ebenezer 6 Slocum {Charles? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Rhode Island (?) about the year 1750. He
married Esther Cory of North Kingstown Township, R. I ., where
he resided as a farmer in the years 1777 and '78* He left
Rhode Island soon after this date, and finally removed to New
Brunswick arriving at St. John by the ship Union in the
year 1783 with his wife and two children, and in company with
his Uncle Eleazer.f Nothing further has been ascertained by the
writer concerning him or the children who accompanied him to
his new home. The following children remained in Rhode Island
and were reared by their uncle John Cottrell of Exeter Town-
ship, viz. :
279. i. Eleazer, born 8 February, 1771; married Sarah Crandall;
died 15 October, 1846.
ii. Ruth, born in Portsmouth Township, R. I. ; mar. Gardner
Clarke of North Kingstown, R. I., where she died in 1798.
Desire 6 Slocum (Charles? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, in the
year 1755. She removed with her parents to Rhode Island and
there married, 3 October, 1779, Augustus Ellis of West Green-
wich Township, son of Ayres and Susannah (Hill) Ellis. They
resided on a farm at Nooseneck Hill, in West Greenwich, and
there he died 19 August, 1836. She died 24 July 185 1, at the
residence of her daughter Mrs. Sarah Lillibridge in Exeter Town-
ship, Rhode Island. Children :
i. Mary Ellis, born 22 May, 1780 ( "the dark day") ; mar-
ried, 24 August 1800, Altitius, son of Deacon Eleazer Bur-
lingame. They removed westward and had a large family,
ii. Cynthia Ellis, born 29 December, 1781 ; married 1st, Jacob
Lewis 22 July, 1804, and 2d, Asa Gates of Newport where
* See the Rhode Island Colonial Records, vol. viii, pp. 174, 368.
f See Biographical Sketehes of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with an
Hisiotical Essay, by Lorenzo Sabine ; 2 vols. 8 vo., Boston, 1864.
she died 8 August, 1864. Children, by first husband: 1.
Lucinda Lewis, mar. Godfrey Moffat and died leaving
children, Clarissa and Stephen ; 2. Clarissa Lewis, now
deceased; 3. Slocum Lewis. By second husband: 4. Asa,
and 5. Halsey Gates, now deceased,
iii. Charles Slocum Ellis, b. 17 April, 1784; died unmarried,
iv. Allen Ellis, born 3 July, 1786; mar. 2 Dec, 1810, Olive
Bailey, daughter of Caleb of West Greenwich Township, R.
I. Children, Charles, Willard, and Elizabeth Ann who
mar. Benjamin R. Hoxie, Esq., of West Greenwich.
133. v. Sarah Ellis, born 1788; m. Reynolds Lillibridge; d. 1875.
vi. Halsey Ellis, born 24 Aug., 1794 (?); mar. Mahalah,
daughter of Asa Arnold of Coventry, R. I. Mr. Ellis died
in Providence 15 March, 1877. Children: Susan A., mar.
William H. Hopkins of Providence, R. I. ; Ann Mary;
Stillman Whitman; Albert Arnold; Sarah Frances; Asa
Arnold; Martha Grey; and Henry W.
vii. Augustus Ellis, twin, b. 1794; m. Sarah ; removed West.
viii. Desire Ellis, born 18 September, 1796; married
Arnold, and settled in New York State.
Sarah Ellis, b. 8 June, 1788, mar. 5 Oct., 1806, Reynolds 5 Lillibridge
(Jonathan, 4 Benjamin. 3 Robert, 2 of Newport, R. I., Thomas 1 ). He
was born 14 Nov., 1782, in Exeter Township, R. I., where they
resided after marriage, and where they died he, 8 June, 1868 ; she, 4
May, 1875. In person he was large and powerful, and he was an
energetic and successful farmer. Being eminently social and fond of
rehearsing incidents of former times, he became widely known, and,
withal, highly respected. His wife was a worthy helpmate and attended
to the wants of her large family with rare devotion. Children :
i. Johanna Lillibridge, born 18 April, 1808; married 1st,
George W. Huling, and 2d, Jones. She is (1881)
again a widow and resides in New York State. Children,
by first husband : Henry, Charles Slocum, Sarah, and Amy.
ii. Henry R. Lillibridge, b. 31 Aug., 181 1 ; d. 29 Dec, 181 1.
iii. Willet R. Lillibridge, born 3 March, 1813; mar. Chloe
. He was a soldier against the Rebellion ; died in
a Philadelphia hospital. Children : Reynolds, Silas, Mary
Ann, Desire, Chloe, Abigail, and Ida.
iv. Lydia Ann Lillibridge, born 1 2 March, 1 8 1 8 ; mar. Pardon
Hopkins. They resided for a time in Exeter Township,
R. I., and later in West Greenwich Township where he
held the office of Town Clerk nearly twenty years. She
died in West Greenwich 5 Jan., 1843. They had one child,
Charles W. Hopkins, born 8 Aug., 1839, in Exeter Town-
ship, R. I., who now resides in Providence. The writer is
indebted to him for this record and for notes concerning
other West Greenwich and Exeter (Rhode Island) families.
v. Cynthia Lillibridge, born 12 Oct., 1821; mar. John Briggs
who died soon thereafter. She mar. 2d, Reynolds Kenyon.
She died 28 May, 1845. Children: 1. Eunice L. Briggs;
2. Lowell Kenyon.
vi. Lyman R. Lillibridge, born 12 , 1823; mar. Nancy
Whitford, now deceased. Children : Lydia, and Mary, dec'd.
vii. James D. Lillibridge, b. 19 Nov., 1825; mar. Eliza Cap-
well and had children, including Charles, Clark, and Susan,
viii. Sarah A. Lillibridge, born 27 March, 1828; mar. Whit-
ford S. Briggs of West Greenwich, R. I. They died a few
years ago in Providence. Children : 1. Reynolds W., b.
28 March, 1845, d. 20 April, 1867; 2. Cynthia S., b. 9
March, 1847, d. 30 Jan., 1862; 3. George A, b. 18 Sept.,
1849, d. ; 4. John B., b. 20 March, 1852, d. ;
5. Hannah B., b. 17 Jan., 1854, mar. ; 6. Martin
V. B., b. 13 Nov., 1855, mar. Allie Le Bree; 7. A son, b.
1 Oct., 1857, d. 28 Dec, 1857; 8. Meretis B., b. 5 Feb.,
1859; 9. Lilian B., b. 24 April, 1861, mar. ; 10. Har-
riet Myra, b. 18 April, 1863, m. ; n. E. V. Lee, b. 18
Jan., 1866; T2. A son, b. 17 Feb., 1868, d. 4 May, 1868.
ix. Mary D. Lillibridge, born 30 November, 1830; married
Amos Whitford of Exeter Township, R. I., where she died
. Children : Ella, Amos, Eunice, and John.
x. Susan A. Lillibridge, b. 4 May, 1834; mar. John Tilling-
hast of Exeter, R. I. He died, and she mar. 2d,
Champlin and resides in Cranston, without children.
George 6 Slocum {Charles? (?) Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles, 1 An-
thony?) was born in Rhode Island (?) about the year 1760, and
married first, Sylvia . He purchased land in Pompey
Township, Onondaga County, New York, 13 June, 1798, for
.120 and sold the same 16 June, 1804, for $1,200. Repur-
chased another farm in Pompey 2 July, 1805, paying therefor
$2,000. He died in Pompey 30 September, 1832, leaving a
widow " Sarah." Children the number by first, or second,
marriage has not been ascertained perhaps not born in the
order here given :
280. i. Joshua, married . He died previous to 1832.
281. ii. Alonzo, mar. Lavinia previous to the year 1822.
iii. Lester, resided in Onondaga County, N. Y., in 1832.
iv. Sarah, mar. James Seely; resided in Onondaga Co., 1832.
v. Matilda, married Elijah Anderson ; resided in Onondaga
County, N. Y., in 1832.
vi. Mary, mar. Almerin Dean; resided in Ohio in 1832.
vii. George A., was executor of his father's will in 1832.
Benjamin 6 Slocum {Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massa
chusetts, 18 January, 175 1, and was reared in Portsmouth Town-
ship, Rhode Island, and in Pawling Township, Duchess County,
New York, where he afterward lived and died. He married in
Pawling, first Rebecca Willcox, and second, Cynthia Marvin who
survived him. His will was dated 10 December, 1822, and was
proved at Poughkeepsie 8 October, 1823. Children the number
by first wife has not been ascertained perhaps not born in the
order here given :
282. i. Elijah, b. 2 Feb., 1770 (?) ; m. Hannah Preston; d. in 1850.
283. ii. Lyman, b. in 1771 (?); m. Mary Rood; died in Jan., 1846.
284. iii. Chari.es, b. 1773 (?); m. Amy, dau. of Pardon Slocum, 119.
285. iv. Abraham, married Mary Murphy in 1799; died in 1812.
v. Temperance, mar. James Worden (West ?). They died in
Newfield Tp., Tompkins Co., N. Y. A daughter, Tem-
perance, mar. John Evans (?).
vi. Sarah, born in Pawling Township, Duchess County, N. Y.
vii. Mary, born in Pawling Township, Duchess County, N. Y.
viii. Benjamin, died in Duchess County in i860, unmarried (?)
ix. John, mar. Ann Ogden ; died about 1850, without children.
x. Rebecca, born in Pawling Tp., N. Y. ; died in childhood.
George 6 Slocum {Abraham? Ebenezer* Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess County, New
York (?), 27 May, 1761, and married Lucretia Fish. They re-
moved to Bradford County, Pennsylvania, and there died she,
at Fowler Hill 10 October, 1831, or '32 ; he, in Pike Township,
1.9 August, 1835, or '36. Children, perhaps not born in the order
here given :
i. John, died in Michigan. A daughter, , married Mr.
James of Jamesville, N. Y.
ii. George, mar. Amy Barnum ; d. in Pa. Children : Parsons,
(Parzi, or Paseah ?), Russell, and Lydia who m. Robert Hill.
iii. Peleg, married Roxana Barnum. He was a soldier in the
War of 1 81 2; died and was buried at Fowler Hill, Brad-
ford Co., Pa. Children: William, George, Amanda, and
several others whose names have not been ascertained.
286. iv. William, b. 4 No v. , 1 7 9 1 ; m. Abigail Ashbey ; d. 4 Sept. , 1866.
287. v. Micaiah, b. 6 Sept., 1796; m. 1st, Phebe Coats: d. in 1877.
288. vi. Russell, b. 28 Dec, 1793; m. Catharine Barnum; d. 1845.
vii. Ann, mar. Judson Barton. They reside at Guilford, N. Y.
viii. Lydia, married Hiram Pepper. They reside at Rome, Pa.
ix. Abraham, mar. Elizabeth, daughter of Noah Barnum. He
died and was buried in Pawling Township, N. Y. Children :
Abraham, resided in Danbury, Conn. ; Jane, Sarah, and
Martha, resided at LeRaysville, Bradford Co., Pa.
x. Mary, m. Jonathan Lee in Duchess Co., N. Y., and dwelt there.
1 37
Ebenezer 6 Slocum {Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles* An-
thony?) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess County, New
York (?), 27 April, 1763, and there married Mary Marshall. They
removed to Ogden Township, Monroe County, N. Y., about the
year 1805 arj d there died both in the year 1822. A farmer.
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
289. i. Elijah, b. about 1790 ; m. Mary Bennett; d. in Ogden, N. Y.
ii. Ebenezer, mar. Hannah Close of Delaware Co., N. Y. They
died in Ogden, Monroe Co., N. Y. Children: Abram,
Porter, Hiram, Peleg, resides at Adams Basin, Monroe Co.,
N. Y.; United States, Jane S., married Asa Finchof Ogden,
N. Y., and Lydia, who married Albert Burtis.
iii. Hiram, b. in Duchess Co. ; d in Monroe Co., unmarried.
iv. Peter, mar. Phebe Tuttle in Bovina, Delaware Co., N. Y.
290. v. David, b. 15 May, 1799; mar. Bridget Burch in Ogden, N. Y.
vi. Mary, b. in Duchess Co., N. Y. ; mar. there Daniel C. Davis.
They removed to Ogden. Monroe Co., N. Y., where she died.
vii. Joseph, born about 1803 in Ogden, Monroe Co., N. Y. ;
mar. there Hannah Davis. They removed to Michigan
where she died; he now resides in Lawrence, VanBuren
Co., Mich. Children: Joseph M., postofiice Macedon, N.
Y. ; Henry E., Marvin A., and Frank ; P. O. Paw Paw, Mich.
vffl. Sarah, was born in Ogden, N. Y., and mar. there, 1st John
Brown ; 2d, Reuben Lucus of Murray, Orleans Co., N. Y.,
and 3d, Jonas C. Davis of Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y.
They removed to Paw Paw, Van Buren County, Michigan,
where she died,
ix. Minerva, mar. Eben Burch of Sweden, N. Y., where she died.
David 6 Slocum {Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess County, New
York (?), 3 March, 1765, and married there, first Hogeboom
who died without children. He married second, Catharine Lee.
They dwelt in Dover, or Pawling, N. Y and there died. Children :
i- Abraham, born A. D. 1809 ; married . He died
about 1875. His only child, Egbert, was born about 1831
and now resides in Pawling Township, N. Y.
ii. Benoni, born about 181 1 ; married . He died in
Pawling Township, N. Y., 14 September, 1879, leaving two
children, viz. : 1. George W 8 ., mar. Mary ; resides
on a farm, postoffice Pawling, N. Y., with children, George 9 ,
Munn 9 , Alexander 9 , Mahalah 9 , married Oliver Fenns, and
Anna 9 , a crippled dwarf, unmarried; 2. Mary 8 , married
George W. Osborn of Pawling.
iii. Stephen, born about 1815 ; mar. Lane. He is a
farmer; postoffice Clove, Duchess Co., N. Y. He has
two children, viz.: 1. Oliver 8 , mar. Caroline Brown and
resides in Pawling, N. Y., with children, John 9 , Simon 9 , and
Oliver 9 . One Oliver Slocum enlisted against the Rebellion
at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 26 Aug., 1862, (then aged 21 years)
as private in Co. I., 128th Reg. N. Y. S. V. 2. A daughter 8
is now the wife of William Baker of Pawling, N. Y.
iv. Bathsheba, married Evans. She died in Connecticut
about the year 1876 leaving one child, Mary.
v. Bradford, born about 1820 ; mar. Mrs. (Slocum)
Russell, daughter of Charles Slocum, No. 284. He died
in Pawling, N. Y., in April, 1855; a farmer. Children: 1.
John, resides at Penn Yan, N. Y. (?) One John Slocum
enlisted against the Rebellion in Pawling, 3 Sept., 1862,
(then aged 22 years) as sergeant in Co. E., 150th Reg. N.
Y. V. I. 2. Catharine, mar. Sweet.
vi. John, died in Pawling, Duchess Co., when a small lad.
291. vii. Ira, m. Lane ; a farmer; P. O., Chestnut Ridge, N. Y.
Peleg 6 Slocum {Abraham? Ebenezer* Eliezer? Giles, 1 - An-
thony?') was born in Pawling Township, Duchess County, New
York, 12 June, 1773, and married there Ruth Hill 13 February,
1791. They removed to Columbia County, where they resided
in the year 181 1. A few years after that date they settled in
Darien Township, Genesee County, New York, where he died 2
February, 1849. His wife Ruth, died 20 May, 1834. A
farmer. Children :
292. i. Humphrey, b. 17 May, 1792 ; m. Eunice Abrams ; d. in 1864.
ii. Africa, born 19 February, 1794; died n January, 181 2.
293. iii. Eleazer, b. 8 March, 1796 ; m. Sarah Marshall 12 Jan., 18 18.
iv. William M., b. 23 Feb., 1798; d. young in Columbia Co.
v. Abram, b. 21 June, 1800; died same year in Columbia Co.
vi. Abigail, born 18 Oct., 1801 ; mar. John Marshall 15 April,
1819. She died in Orleans County, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1826,
leaving one son, who died young, and two daughters who
married and soon thereafter died of consumption,
vii. Dotia S., born 2 May, 1804; mar. Day E. Pattee 3 May,
1823. They removed to Iowa where she died. Children:
Wellington, George Jason, Aldine, Sampson, Orvilla,
Louisa, and Harriet; dates of births not reported.
294. viii. Peleg, b. 28 July, 1807 ; m. Nancy Newton ; d. 5 June, 1862.
ix. Harriet R., born 12 September, i8ri, in Columbia County,
N. Y. She removed with her parents to Darien Township,
Genesee Co., N. Y., where she married, 30 March, 1845,
Truman Montgomery, a farmer and school-teacher, son of
Joseph and Elizabeth (Hoar) Montgomery, of Darien where
he died. In the year i860 she settled near her brothers in
Hartland, Livingston Co., Michigan, where she still resides,
a widow without children, strong in the Christian's hope.
295. x. George, b. 25 Feb., 1813 ; m. Sophronia Kinsman ; d. in 1862.
296. xi. Zina B., b. 11 March, 1817; m. Thankful A. Dibble, 1847.
Samuel 6 Slocum (Samuel,* Ebenezer* Eliezer, 1 Giles? An-
thony, 1 ) was born in or near Newport, Rhode Island, 15 Novem-
ber, 1785, and married in November, 181 1, Mary Sherman who
was born near Narragansett Bay, R. I, daughter of Henry and
Mary Elizabeth (Gardner) Sherman. Mr. Sherman was a cap-
tain in the Revolutionary War and afterward served in the West
under Gen. Anthony Wayne. Mr. Slocum's early life was passed
in Newport, but he early went to sea where he became first
mate of an East India merchantman. After thirteen years sea-
faring he became a farmer, and soon thereafter he removed to
Monkton Township, Addison County, Vermont, where he volun-
teered as a soldier in the War of 18 12, and participated in the
Battle of Plattsburgh, N. Y. In the year 1834 he removed to
North Chenango, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and there his
wife died, 27 April, 1863, and was buried in Espyville Cemetery.
He visited his children in Minnesota in the year 1864, and re-
moved with his son Samuel E. to Nebraska where he died 3 No-
vember, 1865, and was buried near Aspinwall. Children :
297. i. Henry Gardner, born 3 Sept., 181 2; m. Rhobea L. Taber.
298. ii. Samuel Elliot, born 1 Jan., 1815; married Mary V. Line.
iii. Elizabeth, born 2 Oct., 1816, in Monkton, Vt. ; married, in
1838, Eli B. Wiser, a farmer in Crawford County, Pa., where
they still live; postoffice Linesville. Children: Harmon
and Samuel, twins, born in 1840; Marquis, born in 1842;
Mary, William, and Amanda.
299. iv. George Washington, b. 7 Aug., 1818; m. Rhoda Mantor.
300. v. Fitzgerald, born 15 Nov., 1820; married Sarah P. Griggs,
vi. Ruth, born 27 February, 1822 ; married William Stringham
in i844(?) at Linesville, Pa. Postoffice Lake City, Minn.
vii. Ann Robinson, born 29 April, 1825 ; mar. 24 Oct., 1850,
Alexander McArthur, a farmer, son of Robert McArthur of
South Chenango, Crawford Co., Pa., where they now reside;
postoffice Jamestown, Mercer Co., Pa. Children : 1. Mary,
born 3 August, 185 1 ; 2. Cassius, born 4 December, 1855.
301. viii. Lucy Dailey, b. in 1827 ; m. Daniel S. Clark ; d. in 1852 (?).
ix. Amanda Sherman, b. 7 Aug., 1828; was mar. to George
Shillito in Linesville, Pa. Present postoffice Espyville, Pa.
x. Manley Leonidas, b. 23 Oct., 1832. He became a mill-
wright and engineer ; was in the South at the time of the
outbreak of the Rebellion and during the war he served the
Confederacy as master-mechanic. He mar. in Columbus,
Miss., 30 Aug., 1866, widow Priscilla C. Van Hooser (with
children Alfred and Jessie), a beautiful and accomplished
lady of high Christian character, daughter of John and Eliza
(Taylor) Hill, of Alabama. She died in Scranton, Miss.,
29 Nov., 1869, without children by him. He was mar. 2d
in Trinity Church, Nashville, Tenn., 5 Oct., 1876, to Cal-
edonia J. Moffat, born 4 Sept., 1855, daughter of James
K. and Caroline (Buck) Moffat the former born in Scot-
land, the latter in Nashville, where her daughter died 30
Aug., 1879, without children. Mr. Slocum reported to the
writer in 1880 from Espyville, Pennsylvania.
Hull 6 Slocum {David? Ebenezer? Eleizer? Giles? Anthony?}
was born in Tiverton Township, Newport County, Rhode Island,
7 January, 1767. When he. was about three years of age his
parents removed to a farm in Tolland Township, Hampden
County, Massachusetts, where he was reared. He married there
Fanny, daughter of Benedict Babcock, formerly of North Ston-
ington, Connecticut, where she was born 5 March, 1771. They
settled on a farm in Tolland and there died he, 3 March, 1843 ;
she, 18 December, 1846. Children :
302. i. Christopher, b. in 1791 (?); m. Elizabeth Williams; d. 1845.
ii. Mariah, born 25 Dec, 1792 ; m. Henry Hamilton who died
in 183 1. She died n Aug., 1841, in Tolland, Mass.
Children: Ann, died in 1837; Mariette, d. in 1841 ; Julia
E., d. in 1844; Fanny, d. in 1845 '> Hannah, d. in 1851 ;
Elnora, d. in 1856; Eliza, d. at the age of eight years;
Henrietta, d. at the age of four years. It is reported that
Mariah and the six of her children first named died of
consumption, a remarkable record.
303. iii. Rebecca, bom 19 July, 1795 ; married George W. Granger;
died 9 August, 1872, in Winsted, Connecticut.
304. iv. Hull Thompson, b. 21 July, 1797; m. Fidelia H. Robinson.
305. v. Joseph Dennison, born 1799; married Damaris S. Twining;
died 31 October, 1880, in Tolland, Massachusetts.
306. vi. Ezra Stiles, b. 7 Nov., 1801 ; m. Elvira Miller; d. 1863.
vii. Fanny, born n January, 1804; married Dr. Corrington in
Tolland, Mass. She died in Corfu, N. Y., in February,
1870. A daughter, Anna, resides in Batavia, N. Y.
307. viii. Fidelia, b. n March, 1806; m. Henry Mattocks in 1824.
308. ix. Melissa, born 22 August, 1808; married Dr. John Jeffery.
x. Caroline, born 24 January, 181 1; married Ebenezer Orlow
Harding. Present P. O., Tolland, Hampden Co., Mass.
xi. Malvina Theresa, born 24 January, 1814; married Charles
B. Gardner. Present postoffice, Hamilton, Madison County,
New York.
Eleazer 6 Slocum (David,* Ebenezer* Eliezet? Giles? An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Tiverton Township, Rhode Island, 27 May,
1768, and was reared, from the age of two years, on a farm in
Tolland Township, Hampden County, Massachusetts. He mar-
ried Mrs. Lois (Couch) Stillman, widow of Captain Stillman who
died at sea without children. She was a daughter of Beriah and
Phebe Couch of Sandisfield, Mass., where she was born 1 June,
1772. They settled on a farm in Tolland, and there died he,
17 November, 1834. He was Sheriff of his county several years.
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. David, born in Tolland, Mass. ; died there unmarried.
309. ii. Oliver Ellsworth, born 16 Aug., 1801 ; mar. Mary Mills.
iii. Phebe, born in Tolland, Mass.; married T Whitney.
iv. Orpha, mar. John Manchester who died at New Hartford,
Conn., leaving two children : a daughter, who mar. Hon.
Jared Foster of that place, and a son, Caius, who died
some years later,
v. Harriet, married Calvin Wood of Sheffield, Mass. She
died leaving one child, Catharine, who resides with her
father at Great Barrington, Mass.
vi. Nathan Emory, married Araletta DeWolf. He survives his
wife and all of their children ; postoffice, Tolland, Mass.
vii. Eleazer, married , of Hartland, Conn. They
removed to Pennsylvania, where he died, near Pittsburgh ?
Cornelius 6 Slocum {David? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles, 1 - An-
thony?) was born in Tiverton Township, Newport County, Rhode
Island, 24 May, 1769; was reared in Tolland Township, Hamp-
den County, Massachusetts, and there married Elizabeth Fowler.
He died in Ohio about the year 18 17. Children, perhaps not
born in the order here given :
310. i. Charles Cullen, b. 2 April, 1796; m. Sarah A. Waters,
ii. Cornelius M., mar. 24 March, 1842, Cynthia Drake, born
16 Jan., 181 7, dau. of Noah and Lucinda (Noble) Drake
of Leoni, Michigan (?).
iii. Ebenezer. iv. Celeste. v. Bertha.
vi. Sabra. vii. Elizabeth. viii. Julia.
Tristam 6 Slocum {Elijah? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Tiverton Township, Newport County, Rhode
Island, 2 July, 1767, and married Sarah who was born in
the year 1773. They resided in Tiverton and there died he,
previous to the year 181 5 ; she, 7 May, 1821. Children :
311. i. Fitzgerald, b. i i May, 1793 ; m. Maria Christian ; d. in 1827.
ii. Harriet, born 20 August, 1796; died 21 September, 1815.
iii. George W., born 4 July, 1800; married Mehitable .
They resided in Tiverton Township, R. I., in the year 1831.
Oliver Wellington 6 Slocum {Edward? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Rhode Island (?) 5 January, 1794 ;
married Persis Felton. They resided in Huron County, Ohio.
He was a blacksmith. Children :
i. Elizabeth, born 13 April, 1823 ; died 14 October, 1847.
ii. George Washington, b. 24 March, 1825; d. 12 Sept., 1849.
312. iii. Edward, b. 4 March, 1827 ; m. Aurelia Clark; d. in 1876.
iv. Sophia, born 10 April, 1829; married Ray.
v. Oliver, born 5 Sep., 1830, in Peru, Ohio; was mar. in
Galion 3 Aug., 1858, by Rev. A. J. Lyon, M. E., to Martha
Jane*Hosford who was there born, 2 May, 1837, daugh. of
William and Elma (Southwait) Hosford. He dwelt in
Norwalk, O., fourteen years ; Toledo, seven years as master-
mechanic of the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad ; Dwight,
111., ten years; and now resides at Rood House, Greene Co.,
111., as engineer and machinist in the employ of the Chicago
and Alton Railroad. They have no children,
vi. Sarah Ann, b. 18 June, 1833, in Huron County, Ohio(?).
vii. Mariah, born 8 September, 1835; married Morell.
viii. Persis, born 14 June, 1838 ; married Wolfe.
313. ix. Ebenezer B., born 8 Sept., 1842; died 23 July, 1862.
x. John. b. 30 May, 1845 is a blacksmith in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ebenezer 6 Slocum (Edward, 5 Ebenezer* Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Monson (?), Massachusetts,* 20 September,
1796. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. Was married at
Black Rock, now within the City of Buffalo, N. Y., 16 January,
1826, to Mary Shea who was born in France of an English
father, a soldier, and a Canadian mother. They dwelt at Black
Rock until the year 1836, then removed to Norwalk, Ohio, where
she died 29 April, 1840. In 1852 he removed to Ripley, Ohio,
and in 1865 removed with his son Charles to a farm near Shelby-
ville, Shelby County, Illinois, where he died 11 February, 1875.
A shoemaker. Children :
i. Jane, married in 1848, Eli Evans of Defiance, Ohio, where
she died 12 June, 1849.
ii. Oliver, born n June, 1829; married, in 1863, Matilda
Riddle at Ripley, Ohio, where he died in February, 1870.
He served as a soldier against the Rebellion. A daughter,
Eva, resides in Eaton County, Michigan.
314. iii. Charles, m. Sarah L. Haynes 18 Nov., 1852, in Ripley, O.
iv. Henry, born in 1832, at Black Rock; died there in 1833.
v. Ebenezer, born 1 May, 1835, at Black Rock, N. Y. He
mar. Annice Cooley at Oswego, Kansas, in 1873, and died
at Cedarvale, Kan., in 1876. His widow resides at Oswego,
vi. Eleazer, born 5 Nov., 1837, in Norwalk, Ohio. He served
against the Rebellion as Captain of Co. B, 115th Reg.
111. Vol. Inf. He resided in Chicago, 111., a few years since,
vii. Mary, b. 13 Nov., 1839, in Norwalk ; d. there 14 July, 1844.
Eleazer 6 Slocum {Edward? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Groton, Connecticut,! 20 September, 1796.
He was a soldier in the War of 18 12. He removed to Black
* Another report gives Groton, Connecticut, as the place of his birth.
f Another report gives Monson, or Westfield, in Hampden County, Massachu-
setts, as the place of his birth.
Rock, Erie County, New York, previous to the year 1824; mar-
ried in Irving, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., first, Sarah Harvey, daugh-
ter of and Phebe (Thomas) Harvey. She was born in
Schenectady, N. Y , and died in Irving in 1855 or '56. He mar-
ried second, Martha Ward, in Irving. He also dwelt in Leon,
Cattaraugus County, New York, and in Northfield and Sciota,
Minnesota. He died in Sciota 22 September, 1878. A farmer,
tanner, and shoemaker. Children :
i. Celestine, b. 10 Feb., 1825, at Black Rock; m. in 1840,
George Daniels in Leon, N. Y. Resides at East Castle
Rock, Dakota County, Minn.
315. ii. Eleazer, b. 28 Nov., 1828; m. Elizabeth Simmons in 1862.
316. iii. Ebenezer, born in 1831 ; married Lucretia Sackett in 1854.
iv. Elijah, mar. Ann Noyes. He resides in Northfield, Minn,
v. Marie Antoinette, born 16 May, 1840; died 2 Feb., 1845,
in Leon, N. Y. ; was buried in Irving, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
vi. Prudence, b. in Sept., 1846. Resides in Leon, Cattaraugus Co.
Stephen? Slocum (Giles, 6 Giles,' 1 Giles* Giles? Giles? An-
thony, 1 ) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 22 August,
1 78 1 ; married, 17 November, 1802, Mary Fish, daughter of John
and Elizabeth (Cook) Fish of that township where she was born
8 March, 1783. They settled in South Portsmouth, R. I., and
there died she, 28 July, 1874 ; he, 30 October, 1874, and were
buried on their farm near the Glen. He was a butcher early in
life, and, later, a farmer. They were housekeepers over seventy
years ; were members of the Baptist Church and were highly
respected throughout their long lives. Four of their children
Elizabeth, Abigail, Margaret A., and Peleg H. were born deaf-
mutes. Children :
317. i. George, b. 28 May, 1804 ; m. Susan Gould ; d. 4 Oct., 1863.
ii. Elizabeth, born 7 April, 1 806, a deaf-mute. She resides in
South Portsmouth, R. I., unmarried.
318. iii. Charlotte, born 22 August, 181 1 ; married James C. Wood ;
died 11 August, 1876, in Newport, Rhode Island.
319. iv. Stephen, b. 19 June, 1814; m. Susan S. Tripp of Westport.
v. Hannah Cooke, born 17 April, 1816 ; was married 2 July,
1841, to William Henry Brayton, a soap-manufacturer, son
of Francis and Agnes Brayton of Dartmouth, Mass. They
reside in South Portsmouth, R. I., without children.
320. vi. Abigail, b. 25 Nov., 1819 ; m. Royal G. N. Tyler ; d. in 1864.
vii. Margaret Almy, born 5 September, 1822, a deaf-mute. She
"died of consumption 6 February, 1842 ; was buried on her
father's farm in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
32i.viii. Peleg Hart, born 20 March, 1825 ; m. Martha A. Hicks.
322. ix. Susannah B., born 12 Aug., 1827; mar. 2d Oliver GrinnelL
x. William Perry, b. 27 Apr., 1830; resides in Tiverton, unmar.
Susannah 7 Slocum {Giles, 6 Giles? Giles* Giles, 1 Giles, 1 - An-
thony?} was born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, 22
October, 1 786, and married Adam Lawton of that place. Children :
i. Phebe Lawton. born 26 April, 1813, in Portsmouth, R. I.
ii. Giles Lawton, born 25 Sept., 18 14, in Portsmouth, R. I.
iii. Eliza Lawton, born 17 Sept., 1816, in Portsmouth, R. I.
iv. Borden Lawton, born 17 March, 1820, in Portsmouth, R. I.
v. Ann Lawton, born 28 July, 1824, in Portsmouth, R. I.
Giles 7 Slocum {Giles, 6 Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 26 May, 1789.
He was married in Newport, 9 February, 1815, by Elder
Gibson, Baptist, to Mary Gould, daughter of Thomas and Phebe
(Slocum*) Gould of Portsmouth, where she was born 27 July,
1792. They settled in their native township and there died he,
in February, 1832, and were buried on their farm near St,
Mary's Church. He was a butcher and farmer. Children :
i. Alice, born 6 September, 1816 ; married Joseph Lawton of
Newport, Rhode Island, where they now reside.
ii. Jesse Tripp, d. in infancy; bur. in his grandfather's Cemetery.
iii. Edwin, b. 20 Jan., 1820; m. in 1848, BathshebaCoggeshall
Gould, b. in South Portsmouth, 10 July, 1826, dau. of
Thomas and Olive Joslyn (Coggeshall) Gould. They reside
on a farm in South Portsmouth, without children.
iv. Phebe Gould, b. in 1821 ; mar. 20 Aug., 1842, Joseph G.
Higgins of Bath, Me. Reside in Newport, Rhode Island.
v. Charlotte S., born in 1823; mar. istin 1846, Willliam B.
Sisson who died 18 Dec, 1851 (see family No. 229); she
mar. 2d, Elijah Sherman ; and 3d, William C. Bryer in 1866
all of Newport, where she now resides.
vi. Sarah Davis, b. 1825 ; d. 1831 ; bur. on her father's farm.
vii. Anna Maria, born in the year 1830; died 27 July, 1858;
was buried. in St. Mary's Cemetery, South Portsmouth, R. I.
*For Phebe (Slocum) Gould's lineage see page 77.
Brownell? Slocum [Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles, 7 - An-
thony, 1 ) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 20 Janu-
ary, 1792, and married there Ruth Durfee. He was a farmer in
his native township, and there died 22 July, 1855 ; was buried in
his father's family cemetery. Children .
i. William L., b. 12 Sept., 1815 ; was mar. in Bristol, R. I., 26
Sept., 1848, to Hannah A. Vaughn of that place, by Rev.
R Livesey. He died leaving one child.
323. ii. Stephen Pierce, b. 16 March, 18 18 ; mar. Frances C. Lawton.
iii. Oliver, born 6 September, 1821 ; married Sarah Butts and
had two children. He died some years ago.
iv. James D., born A. D., 1823 ; married Clara Berry and had
two children. He is a cooper in New Bedford, Mass.
v. Rebecca, born A. D., 1825 ; married John Sawyer. Re
sides in New Bedford, Mass., without children,
vi. Elizabeth, born A. D., 1827, married George Norton and
had one child. She died sometime since,
vii. Mehitable, born in the year 1829. She married Charles
Bradford, and died leaving one child.
Margaret 7 Slocum (Matthew? Giles,'' Giles? Giles? Giles?
Anthony? ) was born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, 13
July, 1788. When she was about six years of age her parents
removed to a farm in Easton Township, Washington County,
New York, where she was married in the year 1812 to Daniel
Welling, a cooper, who was born 13 May, 1786, and who died
11 May, 1865. She is now (1880) living with her daughter
Mrs. Esther R. Place. Children :
i. James A. Welling, b. 18 June, 1817 ; died 27 March, 1872.
ii. Jane A. Welling, born 3 December, 1820 j married
Place. They reside at Omro, Winnebago Co., Wisconsin,
iii. Esther R. Welling, born 30 April, 1822; mar. Reuben
Place. They reside in South Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass.
iv. Emeline R. Welling, born 7 March, 1825 ; married
Rogers, and resides in Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minn,
v. Eli E. Welling, born 16 Jan., 1828. He was in the war
against the Rebellion ; returned to his home in Skaneateles,
N. Y., and there died 3 September, 1863.
vi. Elizabeth A. Welling, born 21 October, 1830; married
Whitehead. Resides in Clinton, Hinds County, Miss.
vii. Caroline M. Welling, born 29 March, 1833; married
Birch. Resides in Sherman, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.
l 53
Matthew? Slocum {Matthew? Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Anthony? ) was born in Portsmouth Township, Newport County,
Rhode Island, 22 November, 1792, and was reared from
the age of about two years in Easton Township, Washington
County, New York. He married Elizabeth Taber and settled on
a farm in Easton, and there died 13 October, 1861. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Elizabeth, married Charles Sweet. She died in Granville,
Washington County, N. Y., previous to 13 October, 1861,
leaving children, Sidney, Cornelia, Lewis, Elizabeth, Anna
Mary, and Charles ; dates of births not reported.
ii. Alexander, d. 187 1 in N. Easton, N. Y., leaving a wife,
Eliza, and children, Albert and Howard, who still live there.
iii. Lewis, resides in North Easton, Washington County, N. Y.
l 54
Alexander? Slocum {Matthew** Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Easton Township, Washington County,
New York, 16 December, 1795 ; married Ruth Hoag, daughter
of Elisha and Ruth (Thomas) Hoag, of Easton where she was
born in the year 1802. They dwelt on a farm in Easton until
1837, then removed to North Granville and there died she, 19
November, 1866 ; he, 4 March, 1873, and were buried in
Middle Granville Cemetery. He was a soldier in the War of
1812. Children :
324. i. Eveline, born 24 July 1821; married Asahel Perry; died
17 August, 1879, in South Easton, New York.
325. ii. Anna, b. 23 June, 1823; m. Stephen Staples 31 Dec, 1846.
326. iii. Volnev P., b. 6 Oct., 1825 j m. Helen M. Almy, 2 July, 1846.
iv. Mary Eliza, b. 16 Feb., 1828; was educated in Castleton
Seminary, Vermont; mar. 25 Dec, 1854, Samuel Thomas,
a lawyer, son of Peleg and Asenath (Nichols) Thomas, of
Easton, N. Y., where he was b. 20 Sept., 1828. He has
held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Supervisor, Special
County Judge, and District Attorney, for Washington Co.,
N. Y. They reside in N. Granville, N. Y., without children,
v. Charlotte I., b. 17 July, 1831. Was educated in North
Granville Seminary; mar. 13 Jan., 1857, John R. Tanner,
a farmer and dairyman, son of William and Hannah (Curtis)
Tanner, of North Granville, New York, where they reside.
No children.
Royal? Slocum {Matthew? Giles,* Giles,* Giles,* Giles, 7 - An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Easton Township, Washington County,
New York, 6 September, 1801, and married there, 14 February,
1827, Juliette Mosher, daughter of Dr. Jonathan and Amy
(Russell) Mosher of Easton. Her father was a surgeon at the
Battle of Plattsburgh, N. Y., in the War of 1812. They resided
on a farm in Easton, and there died he, 30 October, 1870, and
was buried in Elmwood Cemetery. He was Justice of the Peace
in his native township for a period of twenty years. Children :
327. i. Hannah Vermelia, b. 27 Jan., 1828 ; m. Hiram S. Robinson,
ii. Emeline M., b. 29 Oct., 1830 , m. Charles Cornell of Easton ;
d. 12 Nov., 1859, in Schaghticoke, N. Y. ; was there buried.
328. iii. Alfred, b. 21 April, 1833; m. Catharine S. Martin in 1858.
iv. Charles M., born 3 November, 1836. He was Justice of
the Peace in Easton, N. Y., and a Captain in the New
York State Militia. He died 27 August, 1872, and was
buried in Schaghticoke, New York,
v. Frederick Augustus, born 18 Sept., 1839. He enlisted
against the Rebellion 11 Aug., 1862, as a private in the
123d Reg. N. Y. V. I., which finally served in the 20th
Army Corps under Maj.-Gen. Henry W. Slocum. He
participated in the Battles of Chancellorsville, Va., Gettys-
burgh, Pa., Resaca, Ga., Cassville, Dallas, Kenesaw
Mountain, and at Peach Tree Creek where he received a
gunshot wound through the upper part of his left lung, 20
July, 1864. He mar. 30 Oct., 1867, Lessie M. Allen,
daughter of William V. S. and Lauretta (Crandall) Allen,
of Easton, N. Y., where she was born 22 Jan., 1846, in the
house where she and her husband now reside. A farmer.
No children,
vi. George Allen, born 12 February, 1842. Resides on a
farm near Antelope, Wasco County, Oregon, unmarried.
vii. Eugene Mosher, b. 21 June, 1844. Resides in Easton, N. Y.
viii. Royal, born 15 May, 1848. He studied medicine and was
graduated M. D. at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College,
New York City, in March, 1872. He is now practising his
profession in Easton, Washington County, New York.
Hon. Borden 7 Slocum {Stephen? Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Newport County,
Rhode Island, 10 October, 1790. He was a soldier in the War
of 18 1 2 ; was married 10 November, 18 14, by Rev. Michael
Eddy, Baptist, to Mary, daughter of Adam Lawton of that town-
ship where she was born 18 November, 1797. They settled on a
farm in South Portsmouth and there died he, 13 January, 1842 ;
she, 9 April, 1845. He was for many years a Justice of the
Peace, and was member of the Rhode Island Legislature several
years from 1820. Children :
i. Stephen Brownell, born 30 April, 1816 j died 15 January,
1838, in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, unmarried.
329. ii. William Henry, b. 15 Nov., 1819; m. Caroline M.Mason,
iii. Abner Lawton, b. 14 Oct., 182 1 ; was mar. to Cynthia
Maria Coggeshall 14 Oct., 1847, & S. Portsmouth, R. I., by
Rev. James Taylor. They removed to New York City and
there he died 25 Jan., 1855; was bur. in S. Portsmouth.
Children : 1. Charles Lunn, resides in New York City (?) ;
Emma L., m. Peckham and resides in Newport, R. I.
iv. Adam Lawton, born 17 Oct., 1823 ; died 3 April, 1856, in
Jacksonville, Florida; was buried in S. Portsmouth, R. I.
v. George Perry, b. 18 June, 1827 ; d. 26 Jan., 1857, in New
York City, and was buried in Flushing, Long Island.
vi. Abigail Lawton, b. 20 Sept., 1835 ; m - Henry Albert Mason
in New York City 15 Nov., 1855. She d. 10 May, 1857 ;
was bur. in Flushing, L. I. A child, Mary Abigail, b. 8
May, 1857, resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Capt. Samuel Elam 7 Slocum {Stephen? Giles? Giles*
Giles* Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode
Island, 6 August, 1793, and married Mary, daughter of Jeremiah
Bliss of Newport. They settled on a farm in his native town-
ship, and there he died 10 April, 1875. He was a soldier in the
War of 1812, and afterward received a pension on that account ;
was also Captain of a militia company for ten years. Children :
330. i. Ann, b. 19 June, 1819 ; m. Calvin H. Field 30 March, 1841.
ii. Rhoda, born 1 April, 1822 ; married James Wyatt. She
died 2 June, 1870, in Middletown Township, Rhode Island.
331. iii. Charles Collins, b. 21 April, 1824; mar. Lydia J. Borden.
332. iv. Susan, b. 2 April, 1826 ; m. Constant W. Chase 25 Nov., 1847.
Samuel Elam 7 Slocum (John? Thomas? John? Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Rhode Island. He married Han-
nah Mattison and dwelt in Millbury, Worcester Co., Mass., as a
manufacturer. His wife died in Millbury in June, 1869 ; he died
in Georgiaville, R. I., in March, 1871. Children, perhaps not
born in the order here given :
i. Samuel A, born 19 Jan., 1840, in Millbury, Mass. He
married, 27 Nov., 1866, Hannah F. Corey, daughter of John
Warner and Hannah S. (Roberts) Corey of East Greenwich,
R. I. He is a mechanic; postoffice East Greenwich, R. I.
A child, James W., was born 27 November, 1868.
ii. James S., enlisted against the Rebellion and was missing after
the Battle of Gettysburgh in which he participated.
iii. Louisa A., mar. T. L. Nelson. Resides in Worcester, Mass.
iv. Harriet, married C. M. Rice. Resides in Worcester, Mass.
Eason? Slocum {John, 6 Thomas? John,* Giles? Giles? An-
thony? ) was born in Newport, Rhode Island, 20 January, 1802.
He married, 3 November, 1824, Mazelle Gregory, who was born
30 December, 1805, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Payne)
Gregory, of Asonett, Mass. They settled at Pawtucket, R. I.,
and there died he, 25 August, 1853 ; she, 13 December, 1855.
A manufacturer of cotton goods. Children :
333. i. Eason Lafayette, b. 1825 ; m. Amanda M. Hawes, 1850.
ii. Elizabeth Helen, born 28 August, 1827. She married, 11
October, 1852, William Albert Tripp, of Pawtucket, R. I.,
and now resides in Fairhaven, Bristol County, Mass.
iii. Mazelle Valuer, born 17 March, 1830. She married, 26
Sept., 185 1, Elisha Clarke of Newport, R. I. ; died in 1867
and was buried in Pawtucket. He resides in Fairhaven, Mass.
iv. Sarah Gregory, born 28 June, 1832. She married Henry
Fish 7 September, 1853, and died 14 October, 1855.
v. Edward Nichols, b. 2 Sept., 1834; m. Mary Dunham 4
Sept., 1866; d. 7 Jan., 1880, in Providence; was buried at
Pawtucket. A son, Edward, resides there with his mother,
vi. Lucretia Gardner, born 15 January, 1838 ; mar. Edward
B. Bruce, 21 February, 1856. Resides in Pawtucket, R. I.
vii. Eleanor Thayler, born 12 February, 1841 ; married George
Southwick 21 February, 1857. Resides in Providence, R. I.
viii. Elisha, b. 8 Aug., 1845 ; was a soldier against the Rebellion ;
died 5 July, 1862 ; was buried at Pawtucket, R. I.
John 7 Slocum {John* John? John? Giles? Giles? Anthony?)
was born in North Kingstown Township (?), Rhode Island, A.
D. 1757. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was
recommended by General Washington and discharged in October,
1782, " as unfit for field or garrison duty on account of the loss
of a leg." It was further recorded " that there is due him for
wages in arrear to the time of discharge, sixteen pounds silver
money." He was examined 12 January, 1786, and granted a
pension of five dollars per month, which sum was reduced two
years later. His left leg was amputated on account of a wound
received in an action with the British at Connecticut Farms, New
Jersey, 7 June, 1780 * He married Sarah Beard 19 March, 1783,
in Providence, R. I., where they afterward resided, and died ;
were buried there in the North End Cemetery. A sea-captain (?).
Children :f
i. Hannah, born 1 September, 1783, in Providence, R. I.
ii. WilliamS., born 24 November, 1784, in Providence, R. I.
iii. Elizabeth, born 29 September, 1786, in Providence, R. I.
334. iv. Amasa C, b. 1789; m. 1st Caroline M. Moulton ; d. 1857.
335. v. Samuel, b. 26 Jan., 1791 ; m. Mary Perry ; d. in Providence.
vi. Stephen, born 26 August, 1793. One Stephen Slocum
died at Springville, Pennsylvania, in the year 1852 leaving
a wife, Harriet B., who was born 14 August, 18 17, at
Rush, Pa., daughter of Jabez and Lucy (Smith) Hyde. She
was living at Belden, Illinois, in 1856 with one child.
vii. Mary A., b. 13 July, 1795 ; m. Charles Luke 14 June, 1812.
viii. Cyprian, twin, born 13 July, 1795 ; died 31 January, 1796.
ix. Charlotte, b. 19 Dec, 1798; m. Isaac Brown 12 July, 1821.
x. Alice, born 6 April, 1803 in Providence, Rhode Island.
John 7 Slocum (Thomas? yohn, s Jvhn,* Giles, 1 Giles, 7 - An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Warwick Township (?), Kent County, Rhode
Island, about the year 1763 (?), and married Rosanna Carvin.
He removed to the State of New York, perhaps with his father
about the year 1794, and dwelt several years in Burlington,
Otsego County, and in Lebanon, Madison County, where he
died(?). A carpenter. He was a soldier in the War of 18 12.
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
336. i. David Carvin, born 15 Oct., 1799; mar. Nancy Remington,
ii. Duty Whitman, was a farmer in Otsego County, New York,
iii. Greene (?), was a farmer in Otsego County, New York (?).
*See Rhode Island Colonial Records, vol. ix.
j-Copied by the writer from the records of births, marriages, and deaths, kept by
the City of Providence, Rhode Island.
iv. Sarah, born ; married Elisha Butler.
v. Deborah, born ; married James Cross.
337. vi. Morgan Lewis, b. 181 1 ; m. SophroniaC. Allen ; d. in 1874.
Othniel 7 Slocum {Thomas? John? John* Giles? Giles? An-
thony?} was born in Warwick Township, Kent County, Rhode
Island. He married Mary Young and resided some years in
Windham, Connecticut, then removed to Chenango County, New
York, and finally settled in Earlville, Madison Co., N. Y., where
he died 12 May, 1865 (?). Children :
i. Hiram, m. Catharine Finch j d. in Smyrna, Chenango Co.,N. Y.
ii. Almira, m. Thomas Briggs; d. in Binghamton, Broome Co.
iii. Amos, married Nancy Rounds in New Berlin, Chenango Co.,
N. Y., and had one daughter, Arline; dates not reported,
iv. Erastus, mar. Elizabeth Stuart in Smyrna, N. Y. He died
in Lebanon, Madison Co., N. Y., and was bur. in Smyrna,
v. Miranda, born in June, 181 1 ; married Francis Ziba Bastian
of Lebanon, Madison County, N. Y., where she now resides.
338. vi. Freeborn, b. 5 Aug., 1814; m. Julia A. Allen; d. in 1879.
vii. Sarah, b. in Aug., 1816; d. in Lebanon, Madison Co., N.Y.
viii. Phebe A, born 18 Sept., 1818; married, 1st, Riley Phelps
in Lebanon, N. Y., 9 February, 1840. He died and she
married 2d, William Felt in Earlville 12 August, 1863. He
died and she married 3d, Henry Knight, 22 January, 1870.
They now reside in Earlville, Madison County, New York,
ix. Nelson, born 31 December, 1820; married Olive Fish. He
resides in West Eaton, Madison County, New York.
x. Mary, born in 1822 ; mar. 1st, John Geer; 2d, Thomson
Lamphier. She now resides in Hamilton, Madison Co., N.Y.
xi. Lafayette, married Emeline Crane. He resides in Earlville.
Amos? Slocum {Thomas? John? John? Giles? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Rhode Island, and married Sarah Bennett.
They resided several years on a farm in Edmeston Township,
Otsego County, New York, then removed to Wyandot County,
Ohio, and there died. He was a carpenter and farmer. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
339. i. Lorenzo, born 4 November, 181 1 ; married 1 st, Anna Potter,
ii. Lillis, b. in Edmeston, N. Y., where she now lives, unmarried.
iii. Harriet, b. ; m. Squire; resides in Edmeston, N. Y.
iv. Roxana, b. ; m. Hawley ; resides in Edmeston, N. Y.
Martha? Slocum ( Thomas? John? John* Giles? Giles, 1 An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Warwick Township (?), Kent County,
Rhode Island, and married Peleg Davis. They settled in
Edmeston Township, Otsego County, New York, and there died,
and were buried in Taylor Hill Cemetery. Children :
i. Chester Davis, born 4 February, 1801 ; married and
removed to Concord, Erie County, Pa., and there died,
ii. Nathan Davis, b. in Aug., 1803; married Hannah Coman
(Colman ?). Resides in Toddsville, Otsego County, N. Y.
iii. Lydia Davis, born 28 April, 1805; married Ezra Coman.
iv. Anna Davis, mar. Kingsley Keith. Resides in Edmeston.
164.* v. Simon Davis, born 18 April, 1809; married 1st, Mary Tripp.
vi. Mary Davis, married Benjamin Mitchell. She died in
Edmeston, N. Y., and was buried in Taylor Hill Cemetery,
vii. Alvin Davis, born 3 July, 181 4; married Rhoda Burling-
ham. Resides at Burlington Flats, Otsego County, N. Y.
Simon Davis was born 18 June, 1809, near the Village of Burlington
Flats, Otsego County, New York, and married first, April 3, 1839,
Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Hatch) Tripp. She died 21
March, 1845, an ^ was buried in Taylor Hill Cemetery. He married
second, September 17, 1848, Sybil, daughter of John and Nancy (Col-
grove) Wightman. They reside on the farm where he was born. He
is a farmer and carpenter. Child by first wife :
164.* i. Henry Davis, b. 2 March, 1840; m. Caroline M. Slocum.
Children by second wife :
ii. Alice Arline Davis, b. 21 March, 1850, at Burlington Flats,
iii. Irwin Davis, \ twins, born 2 January, 1863, at Burlington
iv. Irvine Davis, j Flats, New York.
v. Adelaide Davis, born 20 June, 1865, at Burlington Flats.
Henry Davis was born near the Village of Burlington Flats, Otsego
Co., N. Y., 2 March, 1840. He served against the Rebellion in Co.
E, 145th Reg. Pa. V. I., and is now a member of the Grand Army of
the Republic. He was married 10 March, 1867, by Rev. O. K. Crosby,
Universalist, to Caroline Maria Slocum, who was born 10 January,
1842, daughter of James and Electa (Lines) Slocum; see sketch No. 340.
They reside in Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y. A shoemaker. Children :
i. Linn Davis, b. 5 Aug., 1868, in Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y.
ii. Maud Davis, born 20 May, 1871, in Edmeston, Otsego Co.
Thomas 7 Slocum {Thomas? yohn? yohn? Giles? Giles? An-
thony?} was born in East Greenwich (or Warwick) Township,
Rhode Island. He removed with his parents to Otsego County,
New York, about the year 1794 (?) and there married Mary ,
daughter of James Simmons who came from Rhode Island by
way of Vermont. Thomas was a farmer ; died in Edmeston Tp.,
Otsego Co., N. Y., in March, 1832. His widow died in the neigh-
boring Township of Burlington, where they had previously re-
sided, and where they are buried. Children :
i. Thomas, born A. D. 1800; m. Nancy Forbes; died about
1840 at Port Byron, N. Y., leaving a daughter, Ophelia,
ii. Mary, married Isaac Hathaway. She died in Philadelphia,
iii. Reynolds, born A. D. 1804. He went to Rio de Janeiro,
South America, in the interest of Van Amburg's circus,
and died there in the year 1838, unmarried.
340. iv. James, born 17 Feb., 1805; mar. Electa Lines 4 May, 1828.
v. Philip, born in 1807; married Susan Burlingham. He re-
sides in or near Ellicottsville, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Children:
1. Eli, died in Kansas (?) about 1878; 2. Susan; 3. Mary,
vi. George, born A. D. 1809. He was a soldier in the Mexican
War ; went to California at an early day and has not since
been heard from.
William 7 Slocum ( William? Giles? yohn? Giles? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Middletown Township, Rhode Island, 23
April, 1788 ; was married in December, 181 1, to Hannah Gorton
of Newport where she was born 23 January, 1796. She died 23
October, 1865 ; he died at Cumberland Hill, R. I., 25 January,
1 88 1 ; both were buried in Island Cemetery Newport. Children :
i. Emeline Mowbray, born 10 November, 181 2; married, 20
October, 1834, Simeon Randall who was born in Foster, R;
I., 3 March, 181 1, and died 20 October, 1876. Mrs. Ran-
dall now resides at Cumberland Hill, R. I. A child, Wil-
liam Edward, was born 23 September, 1837, and died 5
Sept., 1840; was buried in Island Cemetery, Newport.
ii. Edward Gorton, born 7 November, 18 15, in Newport ;
married, in October, 1836, Elvira Blake of Cumberland, R.
I., who died in October, 1850. He married 2d, October
24, 1854, Elizabeth Parlin Kidder who was born 27 August,
1832. They reside at Cumberland Hill, R. I. A child,
Benita Kidder, born 4 October, 1858, was married 23
September, 1878, to William Avery Cromwell, and has one
child, Louie Slocum, who was born 19 March, 1881.
Gardner Thurston? Slocum ( William, 6 Giles* yohn* Giles*
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Middletown Township, Rhode
Island, 30 Aug., 1798, and mar. 23 Sept., 1824, Eliza Sherman,
daughter of Thomas and Mary (Tabor) Sherman of Portsmouth
Township, where she was born 23 Sept., 1800. They settled on
a farm in Middletown where he died 21 Nov., 1880 ; was buried
in Middletown Cemetery. He served twenty-five years as Town
Sergeant. Children :
341. i. Mary J., born Feb., 1826; m. John A. Carpenter; d. 1877.
ii. Alice, born 29 September, 1827; died 10 July, 1848.
342. hi. Margaret A., twin, b. 25 March 1829; m. Peleg A. Carpenter.
343. iv. Sarah C, twin, b. 25 March, 1829 ; m. Freeborn Manchester,
v. William Thurston, born 2 May, 1833, in Middletown Tp.,
Rhode Island, where he still resides. A farmer ; unmarried,
vi. Emeline Randall, born 16 Feb., 1836 ; died iS Aug., 1843.
344. vii. Julia A. P., born 17 September, 1838; mar. Josiah Gifford.
viii. Elizabeth A., b. 15 Dec, 1842 ; mar. 27 Nov., 1864, John
David Blair of Middletown, R. I., where they still reside.
Children: 1. Emily Vass, b. 10 Sept., 1870; 2. Gardner
Abel, born 23 Oct., 1874, died 21 November, 1878.
ix. Emily Herbert, born 19 July, 1845 > mar - 2 9 J an -> l &73>
Thomas Shea of Newport, Rhode Island. A child, Elton
Slocum, was born 16 July, 1879, in Providence, R. I.
Capt. Charles 7 Slocum {Ebenezer 6 Samuel* Samuel* Eben-
ezer, 1 Giles, 2 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode
Island, 6 March, 1778 ; was married there 13 December, 1807,
by Thomas Durfee, J. P., to Mary, daughter of Stephen Brownell.
He was a sea-captain for several years, and later in life a farmer.
He resided in Portsmouth where he was Justice of the Peace
over five years, from the year 1818. He also resided in Tiverton,
R. I. He died at Fall River, Massachusetts, about the year
1850, and was there buried in Old Cemetery. Children, perhaps
not born in the order here given :
i. Ebenezer, married Abigail D. Diman. He died previous to
1868 at Fall River, Mass., where a son Ebenezer now resides
with one child ; name and dates have not been reported,
ii. Mark Antony, m. Catharine H. Elwell. He was a Repre-
sentative in the Massachusetts Legislature in the year 1854
from Fall River where he died soon after that date. A
daughter. Almena I., died 1 June, 1848, aged four years.
A son, M. Bradford, resides at Fall River, Massachusetts,
iii. Edward, resides at Vancouver, Washington Territory.
345. iv. Willett M., b. in 1815; m. 1st, Sarah Seabury ; d. 1880.
v. Rebecca, married James Cook. Resides in Newtown, R. I. (?)
vi. John Hudson, born ; remains unmarried.
vii. Osmond, born ; remains unmarried.
viii. Asa Anthony, resides near Clear Lake, Modoc County, Cal.
ix. Alice S.,mar. Brownell Wilbur Woodman ; P. O., Fall River,
x. David, and xi. Mary, died in their infancy.
Peleg 7 Slocum (Samuel, 6 Samuel, 5 Samuel, 4 Ebenezer? Giles, 2
Anthony?) was born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown Township,
Rhode Island, in the year 1761. He was married there 4 May,
1782, by William Northup, Warden of the Peace, to Anne,
daughter of John and Bathsheba Dyer of North Kingstown Town-
ship, R. I., where Peleg was then a resident. They settled in
Jamestown, and there died (?). Children :
346. i. Lydia, born 3 Dec, 1783; m. Benjamin Brown; d. 1872.
ii. Hannah, born 3 February, 1785; married David Sherman.
She died 13 March, 1837. Children: 1. David, resides at
Shannock Mills, R. I. ; 2. Washington, resides in Provi-
dence; 3. Lydia, married Jeremiah Briggs and resides in
South Kingstown, R. I. ; 4. Nehemiah, resides at Valley
Falls, R I. ; 5. Arnold, resides in S. Kingstown ; 6. Horace.
347. iii. Peleg, b. 30 Oct., 1786; m. Catharine Hoxie ; d. in 1872.
iv. Sarah Greene, b. 26 March, 1788; m. John Woodmansie.
348. v. John, b. 26 March, 1790; m. Sarah Whitehorne ; d. in 1856.
349. vi. Samuel, b. 4 March, 1792; m. Susan Stanton; d. in 1861.
350. vii. Arnold, b. 13 Feb., 1794; m. Ann P. Watson; d. in 1867.
viii. Cary Dunn, born 31 Dec, 1795; married Dorcas Watson.
They resided in South Kingstown Township, R. I., where
he was Justice of the Peace in the year 1831 ; and in Rich-
mond Township, where he held the same office several
years from 1838. Children, perhaps not born in the order
here given : 1. Oliver, a pattern-maker, resides in East
Greenwich, R. I. ; 2. Salina, married Tennant ; resides
in Phenix R. I. ; 3. Eunice, married Hammond, and
resides at Wickford, R. I. ; 4. Milton, resides in California ;
5. Beach ; 6. Everett ; 7. Harriet ; 8. Samantha ; 9. Mary,
ix, Nancy, born 12 May, 1798; married Daniel Sunderlin.
William 7 Slocum {Samuel, 6 Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Rhode Island 17 Aug., 1780, and
mar. Lydia Perry 28 Nov., 1802. They resided on a farm in
Hopkinton Township, R. I., and there died he, 2 September,
1844 ; she, 10 May, 1875 I Children :
i. Philusa, b. 23 August, 1806; m. Azariah Maine. She is
now a widow ; postoffice Clark's Falls, New London Co., Ct.
ii. Almira, born 22 Sept., 1808; married Thomas W. Lewis,
hi. Samuel, born 21 November, 181 1 ; died 25 August, 1815.
iv. Burrell, born 10 Sept., 18 15 ; married Frances Arnold of
Haddam, Conn. He is a grocer at New London, Conn.
Children : 1. Judson B., mar. Hannah Brown of Westerly,
R. I., where he now lives, with the occupation of store-
keeper ; 2. William Henry, married Estelle Lyons who is
now deceased. He resides in New London, Connecticut,
v. Perry H, born 24 April, 181 7 ; died 14 December, 1821.
351. vi. Simeon P., b. 22 Oct., 1819; m. Elizabeth Thompson in 1843.
vii. Jesse Babcock, b. 29 Sept., 1823 ; married Lucy C. Park.
He died . Children : 1. Lucy ; 2. William, a farmer,
postoffice Preston, New London Co., Conn.; 3. Elizabeth
Stephen 7 Slocum {Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Hopkinton Township, Washing-
ton County, Rhode Island, and married Helen Eccleston who
was born in Connecticut, daughter of Gershom and Avis (Lam-
phier) Eccleston. They resided on a farm in North Stonington,
Connecticut, and there died. Children :
352. i. Stephen R., b. 5 Oct., 1816; m. Tirzah B. Coon in 1843.
ii. Julia A., b. 4 Oct., 1818; m. 1st, George Maine(?); 2d.
Wilcox. P. O., Clark's Falls, N. London Co., Conn.
hi. Latham Lamphier, born 14 Oct., 1820; mar. Lucy Eccles-
ton. He died in the year 1871 leaving one child, Joseph
Edgar, who now lives at Shannock Mills, R. I.
iv. Randall Thompson, b. 14 Oct., 1822, in N. Stonington.
Conn. ; m. Nancy Jackson. He is a ship-carpenter; post-
office Mystic, New London County, Conn.
v. Sophia, born 9 August 1826, in North Stonington, Conn.
vi. Philinna, b. 1 May, 1828 ; m. James Lee. P. O., Ledyard, Ct.
353. vii. OrrinF., b. 16 Nov., 1830; m. AlmedaL. Champlin in 1853.
Capt. Abel 7 Slocum (Abe/, 6 Samuel, s Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in North Kingstown Township,
Rhode Island, 17 October, 1780, and married Phebe Ann Fenner,
daughter of Obadiah and Susan (Barton) Fenner of Coventry,
Rhode Island, where she was born 6 July, 1785. He was a
master-mariner, and, later in life, a yeoman with residence near
Pawtuxet, Rhode Island. They died he, 12 April, 1850; she,
11 February, 1862. Children:
i. James Thomas, b. 26 Feb., 1804; m. Ann Fenner. He is a
bootmaker ; resides in Providence, R. I., without children.
Henry W., b. 17 May, 1806; m. Candace Ballou ; d. in 1872.
Samuel, b. 18 Aug., 1809 ; m. Huldah B. Gibbs ; d. in 1880.
George T., b. 17 Oct., 1811 ; m. Mary E. Westcottin 1846.
Susan Barton, died in her infancy at Pawtuxet, R. I.
Abel, born 17 August, 18 16; married Martha Rhodes.
William F., born 19 Dec, 1817; died 13 August, 1819.
Phebe A., b. 29 June, 18 19 ; m. Benjamin B. Knight, 1851.
Horatio N, b. 5 May, 1822; m. Martha D. Arnold, 1846,
Frederick, born 17 Aug., 1824; died in his infancy.
Susan, died in her infancy at Pawtuxet, R. I.
Almira Carpenter, b. 9 Nov., 183 1, at Pawtuxet, R. I.;
m. 1st, May 6, 1850, William George Crump in Providence,
R. I. A child, Frank Edgar, died at the age of four
years. She m. 2d, Lycurgus Sayles 11 Aug., 1865. They
reside in Brooklyn, N. Y., where she is teaching the piano,
and vocal music. No children.
35 6 -
Benjamin Thomas? Slocum {Abel? Samuel? Samuel? Eb-
enezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pawtuxet, Providence
County, Rhode Island, about the year 1793; married there, in
1820, Parthenia Algary Bray ton, daughter of Benjamin and
Rebecca (Reed) Brayton of Warren, R. I., where she was born in
January, 1800. He was a grocer ; died 24 November, 1843, in
Providence, R. I. His widow married Stetson ; is again a
widow and resides in Pawtucket, R. I. Children :
360. i. John F., b. 23 April, 182 1 ; m. Almeda Bourne 5 Feb., 1844.
361. ii. James W, b. 8 April, 1823 ; m. Rhoda Borden, 10 Nov., 1845.
iii. Charles Thomas, born A. D. 1829 (?) ; married Elizabeth
Emily Trask at Fall River, Bristol County, Mass., in De-
cember, 1 85 1 (?). They reside in Providence, R. I.
George Washington 7 Slocum (John, 6 Ebenezer? Samuel*
Ebenezer, 1 Giles? Anthony?} was born in North Kingstown Town-
ship, Rhode Island, 7 December, 1777; was married there 9
January, 1800, by Elder William Northup, Baptist, to" Anstace
Thomas who was born 22 February, 1774. He was a harness
and saddle maker ; was Justice of the Peace in North Kingstown
several years from 181 5, and Notary Public for Washington
County, R. I., from the year 1817. They removed to Norwich,
Chenango County, New York, in the year 1820, and thence, a
few months later, to Morrisville, Madison Co., N. Y., where they
resided about fifteen years, then removed to Hamilton, N. Y., and
there died she, 1 November, 1835 ; ne 10 May, 1872. Children :
i. John, born 16 Nov., 1800; was a tanner; died in Canada.
362. ii. George W., b. 1802 ; m. Augusta M. Haddock; d. in 1859.
iii. Benjamin Thomas, b. 10 May, 1804; died in Buffalo, N. Y.
363. iv. James C, b. 4 July, 1806; m. Hannah A. Hanson in 1834.
364. v. Alfred G., b. 18 Feb., 1809; m. Amelia B. Randall in 1835.
vi. Susan O'Hara, born n April, 181 1; mar. Lewis Herri ck in
Morrisville, N. Y. She now resides in Hornellsville, N. Y.
vii. Edward Nelson, born 18 Oct., 1813; m. Elizabeth Walling
14 Feb., 1838. He died in Cincinnati, Ohio, 23 April,
i860, and was buried there in Spring Grove Cemetery.
365. viii. William N., b. 1 March 1816; in. Lydia E. Gates; d. 1879.
ix. Philip Cook, born 11 May, 1819; married Jane Rogers in
Hamilton, Madison County, N. Y., where he died 29 De-
cember, 1867. His widow resides in Lowell, Mass. (?)
Ebenezer 7 Slocum {Ebenezer? Ebenezer? Samuel* Ebenezer?
Giles," 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in South Kingstown Township, (then
a part of North Kingstown), Rhode Island, A. D. 1774 (?), and
married Alice Spencer, daughter of Pelegand (Allen) Spen-
cer of East Greenwich, R. I. They dwelt in his native township
until 1812, then removed to East Greenwich where they died
and were buried in Friends' ground. He died about the year
1816; his estate was administered by William Reynolds who
rendered a second report Sixth month, 27th, 1818, and the
deceased was therein styled a cordwainer. Children :
i. James Casey, born 24 June, 1804. A tailor; was married
in East Greenwich, R. I., by Thomas Tew, Evangelist, 5
November, 1839, to Harriet W. Austin, daughter of Wanton
and Elizabeth (Havens) Austin of South Kingstown. He
was Postmaster at East Greenwich eight years ; died in 1872
without children.
366. ii. Jeremiah Spencer, b. 16 Jan., 1806 ; m. 1st, Hannah Davis.
367. iii. Jonathan Langford, b. 1808; m. Mary Earle ; d. in 1879.
iv. Margaret Allen, born 15 August, 18 10; m. Christopher
Champlin Vaughn, of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, where
she died leaving children, Charles, Christopher, and Alice.
368. v. Abigail Rhodes, b. 12 Dec, 1812; m. John F. Mayin 1831
369. vi. Ebenezer, born 15 March, 1815 ; mar. Abigail Babcock.
Capt. John Duty 7 Slocum {Pelegf William,- Samuel* Eben-
ezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in North Kingstown Township,
Rhode Island, 9 April, 1801. He was a drummer in a volunteer
company of soldiers from Bristol, R. I., in the War of 18 12.
Was married in Fairfield, Maine, 30 July, 1820, to Maria Bourne
Ellis, daughter of George Ellis of Fairfield, where she was born.
He was a mariner and sailed from the Port of Elizabeth City,
North Carolina, in the year 1832 as Captain of the Brig Robert
M. Knox, since which nothing has been heard of him, his vessel
or crew. His widow married second, Shearjashub Reed in Bristol,
R. I., 9 January, 1838, and now resides at Richland Centre,
Wisconsin. Children :
370. i. John Henry, b. 12 July, 1822; m. Abigail Ellis 2 Feb., 1848.
ii. George Ellis, born 5 August, 1824, in Bristol, R. I. He
dwelt in Fairfield, Me., from 1834 until 1842, then was at
sea four years, and since 1846 he has resided in South Bos-
ton, and in SomerviHe, Mass., his present address. He
married, 20 September, 1857, Anna Mary Harris, daughter
of Samuel W. and Dorcas (Waterman) Harris of New
Gloucester, Me., where she was born in 1825. He is a
drayman ; has no children.
371. iii. James, b. 8 Nov., 1826 ; m. Mariette L. Robinson M'rch, 185 1.
iv. A daughter, born in North Kingstown, R. I.; d. unmarried,
v. Mary Eliza, born 25 November, 1832; married in 1853,
Elias Randall Cleveland in Boston, Mass. They now reside
in Melrose, Mass. Children : 1. George R., resides in San
Francisco, California; 2. Mrs. Lilian M. Aver, resides in
Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois.
Mrs. Slocum's children by her second husband were born in Lon-
donderry, Vermont, as follows :
i. Fidelia O. Reed, b. 15 Nov., 1838.) Reside at Richland
ii. Maria L. Reed, b. 27 Dec, 1842. \ Centre, Wisconsin.
! 77
Daniel? Slocum {Samuel? William? Samuel* Ebenzer? Giles?
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Bennington Township, Bennington
County, Vermont, 17 Oct., 1778. He settled as a farmer in
Northumberland, Saratoga County, New York, and there mar.
Margaret Coffinger, dau. of David and Anne (Miller) Coffinger of
that township where she was born in 1782. They died in North-
umberlandhe, 5 Nov., 1833; she, 11 Nov., 1847. Children :
i. Sarah, born A. D. 1802; married Henry Rogers 1 January,
1825. She died in 1856, leaving five children who now
reside as follows : 1. Mrs. Julia Griswold, Schuylerville, N.
Y. ; 2. Mrs. Jane Leroy, Waterford, N. Y. ; 3. Mrs. Mary
Esmond, Doe's Corners, Wilton, N. Y. ; 4. Henry Rogers,
Albany, N. Y. ; 5. Mrs. Eliza Briggs, Pennsylvania.
372. ii. David, born in 1804; m. Diantha O. Ellis ; d. 13 Aug., 1856.
373. iii. Samuel, b. 29 Oct., 1806; m. Nancy Gleason in 1833.
iv. Margaret, born in the year 1808 ; married John Church in
1826. Children : David resides in Troy, N. Y. ; John,
Daniel, and Mrs. Ellen Niles, reside in Bennington, Vermont.
v. William, b. in 1810; m. Rhoda King; d. at Quincy, 111.
vi. Lucretia, Lorn in the year 1812; married Samuel Philo
Lavender (?). Resides at Grand Rapids, Michigan,
vii. John, born in the year 1816; married Janet Webb. He
resides in North Ferrisburgh, Addison Co., Vt. No children,
viii. Mary, born in the year 1820; married Ransom Ellis.
Samuel 7 Slocum {Samuel, 6 William? Samuel* Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?} was born in Bennington Township, Vermont,
21 February, 1780 ; was married at Canajoharie, N. Y.(?), 4 Jan-
uary, 1805, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Whitney formerly of
New Hampshire. After marriage they removed to a farm in
Martinsburgh Township, Lewis Co., N. Y., and there resided
until the year 1842, when they removed to the adjoining Town-
ship of Greig, where they died he, 22 March, 1864; she, 11
April, 1870. They were buried in Martinsburgh. He held a
commission in the War of 18 12. Children :
i. Clarissa, born 17 January, 1806; married Jeremiah Crosby.
She died 10 August, 1838, leaving children, some of whom
now live at Sand Bank, Oswego County, N. Y.
ii. Laura, born 30 July, 1807; mar. 1st, Silas North; 2d,
James Stone. She now reside.s at Wall Lake Iowa. A son,
John L.' North, resides at Odebolt, Iowa, and two sons,
Howard and Carroll Stone, reside at Wall Lake, Iowa,
iii. Alvin, born 6 March, 1809; died 3 Aug., 1845, unmarried.
374. iv. Arnold, born n Oct., 1810; mar. Elizabeth D. Hubbard,
v. Jane, b. M'ch, 18 13 ; m. Dr. James Alley. P. O. Greig, N. Y..
vi. Emily, born 4 February, 1815 ; married James Burdick. She
died 25 May, 1875, m Greig, N. Y., without children.
vii. Delight, born 16 February, 181 7; married Harlow Higby.
She died 5 October, i860, in Greig, N. Y. A son, Harris,
resides in Glendale, Lewis County, N. Y.
viii. Samuel, born 3 October, 18 18; married Mary Lamphier.
He resides at Harrisburgh, Lewis County, New York.
ix. Julia A., born 29 Sept., 1820, in Martinsburgh Tp., N. Y. ;
married Ploper (Proper?). Resides at Boone, Iowa.
x. Susan, born 1 July, 1822; died 17 June, 1865.
375. xi. John Whitney, born 30 July, 1826; m. Laura E. Canfield.
xii. Jefferson Henry, born 23 June, 1831 ; died 8 Jan., 1835.
Martin 7 Slocum {Samuel? William? Samuel* Ebenezer*
Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Bennington Township, Vermont,
13 March, 1792; married, 7 June, 1810, Mary Olin, who was
born 4 June, 1792, daughter of Jonathan and Penelope Olin of
Vermont. They removed, about the year 18 16, to Porter Town-
ship, Scioto County, Ohio, where she died 15 November, 1832.
He married second, in Scioto County, Ohio, 16 February, 1835,
Melissa Finney, daughter of Martin and Tryphosa (Hall) Finney.
He died on his farm in Porter, Ohio, 26 June, 1868, and was
buried there in Slocum Cemetery, ten miles N. E. of Portsmouth,
Ohio. Slocum's, a station on the Marietta and Cincinnati Rail-
way nine miles E. N. E. of Portsmouth, was named in com-
pliment to him. Children by first wife :
i. John Millington, b. 28 April, 181 1, in Shaftsbury, Vt. (?);
married Nancy McCall of Scioto County, Ohio. P. O.
Nauvoo, Hancock County ; Illinois. (?).
ii. Uriah Bartlett, born 15 July, 18 13, in Vermont; married
Mariette Lair in Washington County, Iowa (?). He died
in 1848 leaving one child, Edwin, who resides in Tennessee,
iii. Cyrus Lane, born 27 November, 1815, in Vermont; mar.
in Scioto County, Ohio(?), 1st, Phebe R. Olin; 2d,
Pauline Wait. He died 16 July, 185 1, without children,
iv. Archibald Olin, born 7 September, 1818, in Scioto Co.,
Ohio; died there on the 27 November, 1842, unmarried,
v. Lydia, born 19 March, 1821, in Porter Township, Ohio;
died there 8 Sept., 1834; was buried in Slocum Cemetery.
vi. Clarissa, b. 6 March, 1824, in Porter Tp., O. ; mar. there
rst, Daniel Ferrell and had one child, John, who died in the
war against the Rebellion. She m. 2d, Samuel Jones, a
soldier against the Rebellion. P. O. Wait's, O. Children :
Mary, Andrew, Charles, and Frank.
376. vii. Aurelia, b. 9 May, 1826 ; m. Joseph Turner, 4 Sept., 1845.
viii. Anna, booi 11 January, 1830; died 18 August, 1836;
buried in Slocum Cemetery, Porter Tp., Scioto Co., O.
Children by second wife :
377. ix. Laura, born 16 Dec, 1836; married Eli Hall about 1854
378. x. Samuel, b. 16 April, 1838 ; m. Louisa E.Turner, about 1858
xi. Josephine, born 12 October, 1 841, in Porter Tp., Scioto Co
O. ; married there Levi Turner. Postoffice Wait's, Ohio
Children : Warren, John, George, Laura, Joseph, Melissa
and Louisa Nora,
xii. Mary Tryphosa, born 27 November, 1844, in Porter Tp., O.
died there 15 Jan., 1865; was buried in Slocum Cemetery,
xiii. Martin Finney, b. 6 Aug., 1849, in Porter Tp., O.; died
there 16 June 1851 ; was buried in Slocum Cemetery.
Moses 7 Slocum {Samuel, 6 William,* Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles?
Anthony?} was born in Salem Township, Washington County,
New York, 4 April, 1798, and was reared principally in Shafts-
bury Township, Bennington County, Vermont, In the year
1816 he removed, with his brother Martin, to Porter Township,
Scioto County, Ohio, and there married, 1st about the year 1820,
Elizabeth Squire who died about June, 1843. He married 2d,
Fanny Huddleston in 1849. He was a farmer; died 8 August,
1853, and was buried in Slocum Cemetery, ten miles N. E. of
Portsmouth, Ohio. Children by first wife :
i. Mariah, born in Scioto County, Ohio ; died young (?)
ii. Clarinda, mar. William Franklin. Resides in West Virginia,
iii. Nathaniel, born A. D., 1826 (?) ; married Mary Ann
Turner. They settled on a farm in Porter Township,
Ohio, and he there died 6 April, 1861. Children, with
postoffice at Wait's, Scioto Co., Ohio : 1. Henry, b. 18
July, 1850; 2. Louisa, b. 22 July, 1852; 3. Josephine, b.
24 Aug., 1854; 4. James M., b. 15 April, 1858.
iv. Julia, born in Scioto County, Ohio; died young (?).
v. Sarah, born in Scioto County, Ohio ; died young (?).
vi. Martin, m. a dau. of Levi Pool. Resides in Keokuk Co., Iowa,
vii. Henry, died young in Scioto County, Ohio,
viii. Norman, b. in Scioto County, O. Resides in Nebraska (?).
ix. Ellinor, b. in Scioto County, O. Resides in Nebraska (?).
x. California, mar. Sanger (?) in Scioto County, Ohio.
xi. Elizabeth, mar. Hamilton Swager. Resides in West Virginia.
Children by second wife :
xii. Ruth, born in Scioto County, Ohio ; died some years since,
xiii. Susan, mar. Henry Nichols. Resides in Scioto County, O.
Joseph 7 Slocum {Joseph? William* Samuel* Ebenezer?
Giles, 2 Anthony?} was born near the present Slocumville, in
North Kingstown Township, Rhode Island, in May, 1802. He
married Sarah Browning in the year 1823 and settled on a farm
in his native township, and there died 23 April, 1852. Children :
i. William H, born in Sept., 1826; died in August, 1828.
ii. William Robinson, born in June, 1829. Resides with his
mother near Slocumville, Washington Co., R. I. ; a bachelor.
hi. Gardiner Browning, born 24 April, 1832; married Susan
Abigail Sheffield in the year 1852. They removed to
Grundy County, Illinois, in 1857, and returned to Rhode
Island in 1859. He is a farmer; postoffice Hill's Grove,
R.I. Children: 1. George Washington, b. 30 Sept., 1854;
is a book-keeper in Providence, R. 1., where he has resided
since 1874; 2. Silas Edmund, b. 31 May, 1858, mar. Amy
A. Greene at Allenton 9 Dec, 1878; P. O. Hill's Grove, R. I.
iv. Mary R, born 1 Dec, 1834; married Jeremiah Gardner
about the year 1852, and died 21 December, 1853.
v. Joseph Wanton, b. in 1837; d. in 1873, without children.
His widow, Maria, resides at Wickford, N. Kingstown, R. I.
vi. Sarah B., m. Silas Sherman, Jr., 1864. P. O. Wakefield, R. I.
Sarah 7 Slocum {Joseph? William* Samuel* Ebenezer?
Giles 2 Anthony? ) was born at Slocum's Corners, now Slocum-
ville, Washington County, Rhode Island, 17 March, 1809. She
married there, 26 October, 1826, George W. Brown, son of
Robert and Susannah (Wells) Brown of that place, and formerly
of South Kingstown, R. I., where he was born 21 October, 1799.
They removed to Lebanon, Conn., where their first three children
were born, then to Lockport, N. Y., where the others were born.
They now reside in Lansing, Mich. A fruit-grower. Children :
i. Silas R. Brown, born 28 September, 1827; married, 28
June, 1850, Sarah Rogers in Lockport, N. Y., where they
still reside. Children : Mary, Martha, Albert, and Caroline.
ii. James A. Brown, born 7 August, 1829 ; mar. Sarah Imley
20 April, 1867. They reside in Seward, Seward County,
Nebraska, with children, Medora and Merrit V.
iii. Mary R. Brown, born 25 June, 1832; died 2 May, 185 1,
and was buried at Lockport, New York,
iv. William Charles Brown, born 5 February, 1834; married
Ann M. Gardner in Lockport, N. Y., 28 February, 1861.
They reside in Seward, Nebr. Children, Wilber and Albert.
v. Sarah A. Brown, born 18 February, 1839; died 6 Sept.,
1848, and was buried in Lockport, New York,
vi. Henry H. Brown, born 11 June, 1840; d. 8 Dec, 1840.
vii. Henry Brown, twin, born 8 Feb., 1842; d. 4 June, 1842.
viii. Henrietta Brown, twin, b. 8 Feb., 1842; res. in Lansing,
ix. Stephen B. Brown, born 26 May, 1845 ) died 5 June, 1845.
x. Elizabeth E. Brown, b. 30 May, 1847. P. O. Lansing. Mich,
xi. George Elon Brown, born 24 Nov., 1850; mar. Irene S.
Quigley 6 Sept., 1878. They reside in York, Nebraska.
Ebenezer 7 Slocum (Joseph** William? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Slocum's Corners, now Slocumville,
North Kingstown Township, Rhode Island, 2 November, 1819;
married in North Kingstown 14 December, 1846, Elizabeth,
daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Taylor) Tisdale of that town-
ship and formerly of Exeter where she was born 2 March, 1820.
They dwelt in Exeter 15 years, and since 1861 have resided on
a farm one mile north of Slocumville, R. I. Children :
i. Emily, born 23 Oct., 1848; was mar. 8 Jan., 1868, by Elder
Joseph Tillinghast, Baptist, to Ansel Briggs Gardiner, son
of Joseph and Mary (Hendricks). Children: 1. Ida, born
22 July, 1869, died 10 August, 1872; 2, Nellie, born 3
October. 1870; 3. Etta, born 1 June, 1873.
ii. Anne Elizabeth, born 24 September, 1854; died in Exeter
23 Sept., 1855, and was buried at Slocumville, R. I.
Daniel 7 Slocum {Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Nathaniel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born at Long Branch, Monmouth County, New
Jersey, 1 November, 1777. He was married in New York City
in the year 1805, to Margaret Ann, daughter of Henry Zimmer-
man. Mr. Slocum was a soldier in the War of 1812 ; he dwelt
in New York until 1828, then returned to Shrewsbury Township,
New Jersey, and there married second, Ann, daughter of William
Lloyd. He returned to New York in 1833, and there died in
December, 1855 ; was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn.
His widow returned to New Jersey, and died at Red Bank in
1877. Children, all by first wife :
i. Sarah Ann, born ; died without children.
379 ii. Eliza, b. 27 Oct., 1811; m. James Scribner, 26 Aug., 1826.
iii. Susan, mar. Richard M. Lewis. They reside in Brooklyn,
N. Y. Children: i. Theodore Augustus; 2. Richard Val-
entine; 3. George Washington, deceased; 4. Jane Eliza,
deceased ; 5. Charles Henry, deceased. Dates not reported,
iv. Jane, resides with her sister Susan, unmarried.
v. Daniel Tabor, married Iduel Mott 14 Dec, 1835, in New
York City. He died leaving one child, Margaret.
380. vi. William R., b. 5 Aug., 1819; mar. 1st, Sarah J. McMahon.
vii. Isaac Schuyler, b. 15 Feb., 1822; mar. Mary A. Hobby,
24 April, 1845. She was born 21 Feb., 1820, and died 1
March, 1879. He resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; a carpenter.
Children : 1. Isaac Herbert, b. 5 Oct., 1848 ; a ferryman
at Brooklyn ; 2. Cornelia, b. 4 March, 1852, d. 24 Feb.,
1854; 3. Mary Elizabeth, b. 22 September, 1856.
Catharine? Slocum (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel* Nathaniel, 1
Giles? Anthony? ) was born at Long Branch, Monmouth County,
New Jersey, 1 March, 1780, and married GlencrossPintard. They
settled at Rumsen, near Red Bank, N. J., and there she died 30
March, 1869; was buried in Episcopal Cemetery, Shrewsbury.
Children :
i. Eliza Pintard, born 14 February, 1804. Postoffice, Red
Bank, New Jersey. Unmarried,
ii. Susan Pintard, born 11 May, 1805. Unmarried; Postoffice,
Red Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
iii. Catharine Pintard, born 8 September, 1806, at Rumsen,
New Jersey ; married Pierce Hill, and removed to Missouri.
iv. John Pintard, born 20 March, 1808. He removed to Onon-
daga County, New York, and there married .
v. Ann Pintard, born 20 Aug., 1809 ; married Joshua Bailey
who is now deceased. She resides at Red Bank, N. J.
vi. Samuel Pintard, born 18 May, 181 1. He married
and removed to Bureau County, Illinois.
vii. Caroline Pintard, born 22 January. 1813; died 5 Novem-
ber, 1873, and was buried in Shrewsbury Church Cemetery.
viii. Eugene Pintard, born 26 October, 181 5 ; married 1st,
Parker; 2d, Chadwick. They resided on a farm near
Ocean Port, N. J., and had four children. He died suddenly
20 Dec, 1880, and was buried in Middletown Cemetery.
ix. Sarah Pintard, born 23 November, 1818. Postoffice Red
Bank, Monmouth County, New Jersey ; unmarried.
x. Amelia Pintard, born, 29 July, 1824. Postoffice, Red
Bank, New Jersey ; unmarried..
Webley 7 Slocum {Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Long Branch, Monmouth County,
New Jersey, 24 October, 1782. He settled in New York City in
the year 1804 and was there married, 24 March, 1808, by Rev.
Dr. Miller, to Jemima, daughter of John and Hannah Turnier of
New York City where she was born 17 August, 1784. She was
of Huguenot and Dutch extraction ; her grandfather Turnier was
a Presbyterian clergyman in Paris and fled to America, to save
his life, at the time of the Robespierre Revolution. Mr. Slocum
resided in New York City after marriage, first as a cordwainer
and later as a grocer. His wife died there 25 September, 1832 ;
he died while on a visit to Long Branch, N. J., 20 July, 1849,
and was buried in Branchburgh Cemetery. At a special meeting
of the Vestry of St. James Episcopal Church, Long Branch, (of
which he had been Treasurer for many years) held for the pur-
pose of paying official respect to his memory, a series of resolu-
tions were passed expressing high regard for his character and
stating " that in the private and public worth of our former
Treasurer, the departed, we have an example worthy of our imi-
tation." Children:
381. i. John Webley, born 19 Dec, 1808 ; mar. Ruth West Slocum.
ii. Susan Maria, born 18 June, 181 1 ; married William Tyson
24 June, 1829, in New York City. They resided in Brooklyn,
N. Y., and there died she, 26 June, 1881, of appoplexy,
and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Long Island.
382. iii. William Henry, b. 10 June, 1813; m. Mary Slocum (p. 113).
iv. Edward Turnier, born 14 Feb., 181 7 ; died 31 Aug., 181 8.
v. Hannah Eliza, born 12 Sept., 1818; died 17 Dec, 1818.
vi. James Edmund, born 27 June, 1820; died 19 June, 1826.
383. vii. Alfred Turnier, b. 22 Jan., 1823, m. Rebecca Robins.
384. viii. Eliza Jemima, born 31 Jan., 1825; m. 1st, Orlando Gray.
Susannah 7 Slocum (Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 28
March, 1785. She married first, Lloyd, and second, Josiah
Parker. They resided at Rumsen, in Shrewsbury Township,
N. J., where she died 19 February, 1861, and was buried.
Children, all by second husband :
i. Sarah Tabor Parker, born 14 Feb., 1808; m. Archibald
Haviland. She is a widow and resides at Red Bank, N. J.
ii. Hyde Parker, b. 6 March, 1810; m. Susan Parker 1 Dec,
183 1. He is a farmer ; resides near Parkeville, New Jersey,
iii. Joseph Lloyd Parker, b. 4 Dec, 18 12, at Rumsen, New
Jersey ; m. Sarah Ann Morris. They are both deceased,
iv. Daniel Tabor Parker, b. 26 Jan., i8i5;m.Mary Springsteel.
He resides at Fair Haven, N. J., where he and his brothers
are engaged in oystering and fishing.
v. Nelson Degraw Parker, born 18 January, 1820; married
Electa Smith. Postoffice, Fair Haven, Monmouth Co., N. J.
vi. Peter Parker, b. 9 March, 1822, at Rumsen, Monmouth
Co., N. J.; m. Louisa Grant. Postoffice Fair Haven, N. J.
vii. Robert Lloyd Parker, b. 2 March, 1827 ; m. Delia Maria
Smith. Postoffice Fair Haven, Monmouth County, N. J.
viii. Edmund Allen Parker, born 25 April, 1829; married
Ann Eliza Smith; died 17 February, 1879.
Daniel? Slocum ( William, 6 Samuel* Samuel* Nathaniel, 1
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born near the Long Branch, Monmouth
County, New Jersey, 27 January, 1779, and married Rebecca
Lane who was born there 21 July, 1786. He was a farmer and
miller ; died near his native farm 2 March, 1836, and was buried
in Slocum Cemetery. Children :
385. i. Catharine, b. 13 Jan., 1819 ; m. William Martin; d. in 1879.
ii. Angeline, b. in Feb., 1822; m. Bartine Joline ; sketch 189".
386. iii. Daniel, born A. D. 1824; married Jane Riddle in 1842.
iv. Jemima, b. in 1828; m. Peter Bartolph, who died leaving
children : 1. Ellen Ann, m. Gerard Pierce ; 2. Mary Emma,
m. Beale ; both are now living in New York City.
Phebe? Slocum ( William, 6 Samuel,* Samuel* Nathaniel, 7 " Giles, x
Anthony, 1 ) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 18 December,
1780; married James Joline, a farmer and waterman, who was
born there in the year 1777. They settled at Long Branch and
there died she 18 June, 18 16. He married second, Priscilla
White, and third, Sarah Williamson ; he died 16 October, 1852.
They were buried in Slocum Cemetery. Children :
i. George Joline, married Hannah, daughter of James and
Belphany (Slocum) Howland; see page 111. He died at
Long Branch, N. J., and was buried in Slocum Cemetery.
Children : Nelson, Louisa and Elizabeth Jeffrey. All
reside at Long Branch, Monmouth County, N. J.
ii. Henry Joline, b. 27 Aug., 1801 ; mar. Margaret Ward ell.
He died leaving one child, James H., now in Trenton, N. T-
hi. James Joline, married Eda Crane. P. O. Long Branch, N. J.
iv. John Joline, died in Texas about the year i860.
v. William Joline, married Mary Schull of Great Egg Harbor.
He died about the year 1878 in Philadelphia, where his
children, William A., Edward and Charles, now reside.
189.* vi. Bartine Joline, b. 14 May, 1814; mar. Angeline Slocum.
vii. Phebe Joline, born 9 June, 1816; married Henry D.
Edwards. She died 28 October, 1835. A son, Henry B.,
resides at Ocean Port, New Jersey.
Bartine Joline was born at Portipeck, Long Branch, New Jersey,
14 May, 1 8 14, and married there, 5 Jan., 1840, Angeline Slocum, his
cousin, daughter of Daniel Slocum ; page 177. They settled on a farm
near Long Branch, and still reside there with all of their children, viz. :
i. Phebe Ann Joline, b. 16 Nov., 1840; m. 21 Oct., i860
Abram L. Bills whod. 21 Oct., 1877. Children : 1. Eugene
Bartine, b. 1 March, 1861; 2. Clara, b. 1 June, 1864.
ii. Elthear Joline, b. 1842 ; m. Douglas Slocum; family 386.
hi. Henrietta Joline, born 8 June 1845 j m - Jhn Brown 12
Sept., 1879. A child, Howard, was born 21 July, 1880.
iv. Isidora Joline, born 1 June, 1850; married George H.
Smith 24 December, 1875, at Long Branch. Children: 1.
Augusta, born 21 June, 1878 ; 2. Carlos, born 26 May, 1880.
v. Emily Jane Joline, b. 10 March, 1852, at Long Branch, N.J.
vi. Maria Louisa Joline, b. 12 Nov., i856;m. Elisha Price, 1879.
vii. Augusta Joline, b. 29 Feb., i860, near Long Branch, N. J.
viii. Henry Bartine Jotine, b. 3 Oct., 1862, near Long Branch.
Deborah? Slocum ( William, 6 Samuel? Samuel* Nathaniel, 1
Giles, 2, Anthony f) was born near Long Branch, New Jersey, A.
D. 1785. She married Garrett Jeffrey of that place where they
afterward resided, and died she, in the year 1845 ; was buried
there in Slocum Cemetery. Children :
i. John Jeffrey, died at the age of 21 years in N. J., unmarried,
ii. Jesse Jeffrey, born in 1818. A merchant; died in 1878.
iii. Maria Jeffrey, mar. William Wood and d. without children,
iv. Elisha Jeffrey, born in 1823; married Ellen Longstreet.
He died 23 January, 1863. One son still survives.
v. Francis Jeffrey, b. near Long Branch ; d. some years since.
Jacob? Slocum ( William, 6 Samuel? Samuel* Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony? ) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 9
March, 1791 ; married Elizabeth Rowland. He was a farmer
and miller ; died near his native farm 9 March, 1859, an ^ was
buried in Branchburgh Cemetery. Child :
i. William, born 25 May, 1814; married Deborah Wardell.
He was a farmer and fish-carter; died 5 November, 1873.
His widow still lives at Long Branch. Children : 1. Han-
nah, unmarried; 2. Harriet, mar. Philip Emly ; 3. Jemima,
married James W. Sutphen ; 4. Nelson, married Mary Ann
Miller. All reside at Long Branch, New Jersey.
Nathaniel? Slocum {William? Samuel? Samuel? Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?} was born near Long Branch, Monmouth Co.,
New Jersey, A. D. 1795 ; married . He was a farmer
and miller ; died near his native farm 9 February, 1867. Child :
387. i. Michael, born 19 February, 1816; married Deborah Levaly.
J 93
Samuel? Slocum (Jesse? Samuel? Samuel? Nathaniel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Duchess County, New York (?), and mar-
ried first, Nancy Hayes of Herkimer. She died in Boonville,
Oneida Co., N. Y., and he married second, in the year 1838 (?),
Sarah Livingston in Westmoreland Township, Oneida County.
He was a cooper and worked at that trade in Boonville, Herkimer,
Russia (N. Y.), and Lowell. He died 8 June, 1873, in Lowell,
Oneida Co., N. Y., and was there buried. Children, perhaps not
born in the order here given :
i. Nancy, married Samuel Roland at Boonville, Oneida County,
New York. She now resides at Herkimer, N. Y. Children :
James, a farmer; Eliza; Mary Ann, unmarried; and Peter.
ii. Daniel, married Nancy Hilts at Boonville, N. Y. He died
at Herkimer A. D. 1867. Children: Aaron, a farmer;
Matilda, now dec'd ; David, a farmer, postoffice Herkimer.
iii. Mary, m. William Tuttle at Herkimer where she d. in 1870.
388. iv. Samuel, born 28 March, 1816; married 1st Lydia Torrey.
389. v. Henry, born 8 June, 1817; m. Amy M. Thayer in 1841.
vi. Phebe, married David Hilts at Boonville, N. Y. She resides
at Herkimer, N. Y., with one child, a daughter.
vii. Frederick, died in his infancy from the affects of a burn.
viii. Elisha, born in 1827 (?) ; mar. Hannah TenEyck at Rome,
N. Y. (?) He enlisted against the Rebellion at Cazenovia
29 Dec, 1863, as a private soldier in Co. E, 22d Reg.
N. Y. Cav., but was rejected on account of his being "too
feeble for service." He was a cooper ; resided in Vernon,
Oneida Co., N. Y., in 1869, and died at Herkimer in 1873.
His widow and her three children (one named James)
reside at Fonda, Montgomery County, N. Y.
ix. David, born A. D., 1828 (?). He enlisted against the
Rebellion at Rome, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1862, as a private
soldier in Co. E, 1 17th Reg. N. Y. V. I. He is now blind;
postoffice Herkimer, N. Y. He has one child, Anna.
Daniel 7 Slocum (yesse, 6 Samuel? Samuel,'' Nathaniel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Duchess County, New York, A. D. I788(?),
and was reared in part in the present Oppenheim Township,
Fulton County, N. Y. He married Susan Gould ; resided in St.
Lawrence County, and, later, on his son Philip's farm in Hume
Township, Allegany Co., N. Y., where his wife died in the year
1876. He was an honest, temperate, and industrious man ; died
in 1880 in Lyndon Tp., Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Children:
i. William Harvey, married Laura Laselle. He is a farmer ;
postoffice Palo, Ionia County, Michigan. Children: Amelia,
Hiram, Julia, and two others, younger, whose names have
not been ascertained,
ii. Chauncey Bedell, b. 5 Nov., 1817; m. Julia Alice, dau. of
William and Julia (Slocum) Hall; see p. no. A farmer;
postoffice Franklinville, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. No children.
390. iii. Philip Gould, b. 3 Dec, 1818; m. Fanny Seaver in 1842.
iv. Abner Peak, mar. Susan Andrews. He is a farmer ; P. O.
Levy, Sumner Co., Kansas. Children : Clarence, and a dau.
v. Cyrus Daniel, married . He is (1881) a laborer at
Rose Bud, Montana. Children : Wallace and Effie.
vi. Joseph Cudworth, b. A. D. 1833 in Stratford Tp., now in
Fulton Co., N. Y. ; was mar. in Oramel in 1857^0 Martha
Eliza Kidder, b. in 183 1, dau. of Ephraim and Emeline
Kidder, formerly of Genesee County. A farmer ; P. O.
Franklinville, N. Y. Children: i. Edward Daniel, b. in
1857 (?); 2. Clara Adela, b. in 1867 (?); 3. Orris Adello,
b. in 1870 (?); all born in Lyndon Tp., Cattaraugus Co.
vii. Erlinas, died in early manhood, unmarried.
viii. Phebe Ann. ix. Arminda, died young.
x. Abigail. xi. Emeline. xii. Melissa, died young.
Elisha? Slocum ( Jesse? Samuel? Samuel* Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born 7 November, 1804, in what is now
Oppenheim Township, Fulton County, New York, and married
there first, 14 Sept., 1826, Rebecca Keeler, daughter of Isaac
and Sarah (Skidmore, or Ketchum ?) Keeler, formerly of Mexico,
Oswego County, N. Y. She was born 16 Aug., 1805, and died
15 Aug., 1864. He was mar. second, in ScipioTp., Cayuga Co.,
N. Y., about the year 1866 by Rev. Sears, to Mrs. Laura
(Bryant) Fleming, who was born in Salina, N. Y., in 1821, dau.
of James and Charlotte (Taylor) Bryant. He was a farmer ;
dwelt some years in Montgomery, Herkimer, and Cattaraugus
Counties, New York, then removed to Beaver Township, Newaygo
County, Michigan, in December, 1868, and there died 24 Feb.,
1875. Children, all by first wife :
391. i. Silvanus Keeler, born 19 Aug., 1827; m. Jane A. Adams.
392. ii. Richard Ketchum, b. 3 Jan., 1830; m. Melany Barnhart.
iii. Charles Burch, born 2 March, 1831, in Mannheim Tp.,
Herkimer Co., N. Y. He enlisted against the Rebellion,
was wounded in the Battle of Spottsylvania, and died in a
Confederate prison ; unmarried.
393. iv. Elisha Sereptus, b. 25 April, 1832 ; m. Orinda L. Barnhart.
394. v. William Eugene, b. 28 Oct., 1834; mar. Martha A. Pratt.
395. vi. George Washington, b. 29 Jan., 1840; m. Esther A. Talbot,
vii. Priscilla Lavinia, b. 4 April, 1842, in Stratford, N. Y.; m.
23 Jan., i860, John Tidd of LaFayette, Pa. They reside
at Ulysses, Potter County, Pa.
396. viii. Morley Erlingstine, b. 4 March, 1845; m. Malvina Clark.
ix. Marion Leroy, b. 20 Aug., 1848(F), in Lyndon Tp., Cat-
taraugus Co., N. Y.; d. 25 Aug., 1849 ; was there buried.
Monson Nathaniel 7 Slocum {Jesse? Samuel? Samuel? Na-
thaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Stratford Township (?),
now in Fulton County, New York, 15 Feb., 1806, and married
Mary Mabie who was born in Stratford 16 March, 1812. They
resided in Stratford until the year 1846 (?) then removed to
Lyndon Tp., Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., and about three years
thereafter removed to the adjoining Township of Farmersville.
He was a farmer ; died 20 March, 1857, in Pike Tp., Wyoming
Co., N. Y. His widow now lives in Allegany Tp., Cattaraugus
Co., N. Y. Children :
397. i. Henry, born 6 Aug., 1830; married Urbana Perkins, 1848.
ii. Albert, born 16 Sept., 1832; married 16 Feb., 1865.
He is a farmer; postoffice Allegany, N. Y. Children:
Ettie Josephine, and Gilbert.
iii. Elvira, b. in 1836, in Stratford Tp.j N. Y. ; mar. Hezekiah
Perkins in Lyndon Tp., N. Y., in 1864. P. O, Austin,
Minn. Children : Burt, Charles, Harriet, and Alice.
iv. Jesse, b. in 1839; m. in New Hudson, Allegany Co., N. Y.,
28 Sept., 1867, Mary, dau. of Washington and Sarah Jenks
of Franklin ville, where she was born. She died 20 Oct.,
1877. He is a farmer; postoffice Allegany, N. Y. A
child, Ella Jane, was born 26 July, 1869.
v. Charles Beach, b. 25 June, 1842, in Stratford, N. Y. ; mar.
in Rushford, Allegany Co., N. Y., 30 Aug., 1878, Laura
Jeannette, dau. of Elias and Esther (Donaldson) Read
formerly of Lyndon, where she was born 15 Feb., 1852.
A farmer; P. O., Bradford, Pa. Has one child, Jennie E.
vi. Mary Catharine, born A. D. 1 844, in Stratford, N. Y. ;
mar. Edmond Booth in Ellicottsville, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y.,
in 1867 ; postoffice, Bradford, Pa. Has one child, Charles.
398. vii. Almanzo B., born 10 Feb., 1845; mar. Helen A. VanBrunt.
viii. Jerome, born in 1847, in Lyndon, N.Y. ; died there in 1849.
ix. Harriet, born in 1850, in Lyndon; died there in 1853.
x. Amelia, born A. D., 1853, in Farmersville, Cattaraugus
Co., N. Y ; mar. Harvey Strait (?) 7 June, 1868. P. O., Alle-
gany, N. Y. Children: Harriet Lilian and Ernest Merritt.
Cook 7 Slocum (Jesse, 6 Samuel* Samuel? Nathaniel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born A. D. 1812 in Oppenheim Township, Mont-
gomery (now Fulton) County, New York. He was married in
Russia Tp., Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1836, to Elizabeth Smith
who was born there in the year 18 17. They resided in Russia
and Mannheim until about the year 1842, then removed to Catta-
raugus Co., N. Y. About the year 1854 they removed to Illinois,
and in 1857 settled on a farm near Austin, Mower Co., Minnesota,
and there died he, 23 July, 1876; she, 17 March, 1880, and
were buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Austin. Children :
i. Martha, born A. D. 1838; married Clement Ford in April
i860. They reside at Austin, Mower County, Minnesota.
ii. Adeline, born in the year 1840 ; mar. Quincy A. Truesdell
1 January, i860. They reside in Minneapolis, Minn,
iii. Lucinda, born in the year 1842; married Samuel W. Rice
in 1861. She died in October, 1877, at Austin, Minn.,
where her son Charles now lives,
iv. Erastus, born December, 1844. He served three years as
a soldier against the Rebellion in Co. C, 9th Reg. Minne-
sota Volunteers ; postoffice Minneapolis, Minnesota.
v. Aurelia, b. in 1846, in Wyoming, N. Y. ; died there in 1850.
vi. Melvin Artelous, born 28 August, 1848, in Russia, Herki-
mer Co., N. Y. He has been a tinner but is now a painter j
postoffice Austin, Mower Co., Minnesota. Unmarried,
vii. John Ervin, b. in March, 1850; m. Millie McCloud, in Oct.,
1875 ; resides at Albert Lea, Freeborn Co., Minn,
viii. Jennie, b. in Oct., 1859, in Mower County, Minn.; m.
Alonzo'F. Sweet in Aug., 1880; resides in Minneapolis.
William? Slocum (fesse, 6 Samuel? Samuel* Nathaniel, 1
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Oppenheim Township, now in
Fulton County, New York, 10 March, 1820. He was married
in Salisbury, Herkimer County, 24 Feb., 1841, by Rev. Almanzo
Blackman, M. E., to Jane Adeline Curtis, dau. of Bartholomew
and Lucy (Brockett) Curtis of Salisbury and formerly of Wolcott,
Conn. After marriage they resided in Stratford three years,
Salisbury three years, Lyndon, Cattaraugus County, two years
Rushford, Allegany County, three years, Lyndon two years,
Farmersville three years, Lyndon again two years, and since the
year i860 he has resided on a farm in Humphrey Township,
Cattaraugus County ; postoffice Allegany, N. Y. Children :
Emeline Diantha, b. 8 July, 1842 ; m. Byron Van Name.
Almanzo, born 30 July, 1843; died 22 August, 1843.
Ellen M., b. 28 Aug., 1844; mar. Elmore Draper Bennett.
Ervin Lowell, b. 30 Jan., 1847; m - Ellen Jones in 1869.
Alvin Milo, b. 22 June, 1848 ; m. Pauline Herrickin 1869.
Mary Adelaide, born 31 January, 1850; died 9 April, 1862.
Densie Ann, born 12 August, 185 1, in Rushford, N. V. She
was graduated at Chili Seminary, Chili, Monroe Co., N. Y.,
class of 1875. Postoffice, Allegany, N. Y.
iii. Almeron, born 22 March, 1853, in Lyndon, N. Y. He is
a farmer ; postoffice Allegany, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Unmar.
ix. Delbert, b. 11 June, 1855; a farmer in Allegany; unmarried.
x. Emmet Leslie, born 14 April, 1858, in Lyndon, N. Y. Was
mar. in Hinsdale, i December, 1878, by Rev. Bronson,
M. E., to Albertine S. Irish, daughter of George and Mary
(Adams) Irish. He is a farmer; postoffice Allegany, N.Y.
A child, Leslie DeLeon, was born 30 November, 1879, in
Little Genesee, New York.
Johnson? Slocum (John? John? John* Nathaniel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born near Long Branch, Monmouth County, New
Jersey, about the year 1787. He married first, Hannah Gibbs,
daughter of Joshua and Mary (Gaskell) Gibbs. She died, and
late in life he married second, widow Maria (Callahan) Martin.
He resided at Lawrenceville, Mercer County, New Jersey, as a
wheel-wright and farmer; died near Allentown in December,
1855, and was buried at Crosswicks. Children, all by first mar-
riage but perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. John, died aged eight months; was buried at Trenton, N. J.
ii. Aaron, ) twins ; died at the age of fifteen months and were
iii. Joshua, j buried at Lawrenceville.
403. iv. Mary Jane, b. in 1823; m. Thomas L. Chapman in 1849.
v. John, married Hetty, daughter of Elias Bowne (?). He
resides at Pennington, Mercer County, N. J. A minister (?).
vi. Josiah Worth, d. aged ten months ; bur. at Lawrenceville.
404. vii. Josiah Worth, b. 23 Sep., 1828; m. Mary L. Hunt, 1851.
405. viii. Wesley Hunt, mar. Martha Lane. He died 5 May, 187 1.
ix. Andrew E., b. in 1833; d. 20 Aug., 1851, at Crosswicks.
406. x. Joshua Gibbs, b. 17 Nov., 1834; m. Mary L. Smith, 1856.
xi. Charles E., died at Lawrenceville, New Jersey, unmarried.
xii. A child, born , died in its infancy.
Benjamin 7 Slocum (Samuel, 6 John? John? Nathaniel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born near Long Branch in (then) Shrewsbury
Township, New Jersey, 2 Nov, 1795. He married Deborah
Brinley and settled in his native township as a farmer and fisher-
man. He died 23 July, 1847, ar >d was buried in the Independent
M. E. Cemetery near Oceanville, N. J. Children :
i. Ann Maria, b. 22 Feb., 1818; mar. Michael M. Woolley ;
resides at East Long Branch, N. J., without children,
ii. James Hubbard, born 2 June, 1832; married Deborah
Slocum, daughter of John Slocum ; see family No. 203.
He is a mason and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
James West 7 Slocum (Samuel, 6 John? John? Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony? ) was born near Long Branch, Monmouth
County, New Jersey, 14 August, 1806. He married in New
York City, first, Ruth, daughter of Alexander Barlow of
Babylon, Long Island. She died early. He enlisted as a soldier
in the Mexican War, and on his return married second, in New
York City 2 November, 1847, Cynthia A., daughter of Asa and
Mehitable Blodget formerly of Springfield, Vermont, where she
was born 27 October, 18 10. He enlisted against the Rebellion
as a private in the 31st Reg. N. Y. V. I., 2^ May, 1861, for two
years service, and was discharged in 1863 as corporal in Co. I.
He, being a seaman, then entered the U. S. Navy and was killed
at the Capture of Fort Fisher, December 24, 1864 (?). His
widow, Cynthia, died 16 September, 1877, in Greenwich, Conn.
Children by first wife :
i. Charles, born in 1828, in New York City; died unmarried,
ii. George W., born in New York City (?) ; died unmarried.
407. iii. Revo West, b. 15 Oct., 1833 ; m. Jane A. Johnston in 1858.
iv. Jane, born at Long Branch, N. J. (?) ; died unmarried.
Children by second wife:
v. Ezekiel, b. 2 Sept., 1848 ; d. 9 Dec, 1858, in New York City.
vi. Lorenzo, born 25 Dec, 185 1. He has resided in Green-
wich, Conn., since the year i860. A grocer ; unmarried.
vii. Harriet Emily, born 7 October, 1853. She was reared in
Greenwich, Conn., and there married James Louis Muller,
7 September, 1876. They reside in Mianus, Conn.
Thomas F. 7 Slocum {Samuel? John? John? Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?') was born near Long Branch, New Jersey, 7
January, 1815. He went to New York City in early manhood
and learned the trade of mason. He married there ,
and resided a number of years at No. 168 Second Street ; was
killed in Canal Street by a falling wall about the year i860.
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. George, married Catharine O'Conner in October, 1858, and
died in New York City, April, 1859. A son, George, was
born in August, 1859, and still resides with his mother in
New York City where he is employed in a dry-goods house.
ii. Elizabeth, mar. John Ward j resides in Ocean Port, N. J.
iii. Martha, m. William Price j resides at E. Long Branch, N. J.
There were three (?) other daughters in this family whose names
have not been ascertained.
Henry 7 Slocum {John? Peter? John* Nathaniel* Giles, 1 An-
thony, 1 ) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 28 January,
1783. He married, in 1809 (?), Lydia Bond, daughter of John
and Ann (Woolley) Bond of Eatontown, N. J., where she was
born 20 January, 1789. He was a carpenter and builder; died
at Long Branch 6 August, i860, and was buried in Branchburgh
Cemetery. Children :
408. i. James, b. 29 Oct., 1809; m. Elizabeth Maps 8 Jan., 1834.
ii. John, born 28 Nov., 181 1 ; mar 1st, Ann Woolley; 2d.
Eunice Ferguson. He is a member of the firm of Maps &
Slocum, lumber dealers in Long Branch Village. Children
living, by first wife : 1. J. Howard, is also a member of the
above named firm, and has been a member of the Long
Branch Village Council, and a trustee of the Union School.
2. Deborah, mar. James H Slocum ; page 184. By second
wife: 3. Eunice; and 4. Lewis T., now (1880) in Chicago.
409. iii. George, born 12 Oct., 1813; m. Susan Tabor 7 Feb., 1839.
iv. Mary Ann, born 10 October, 1815; married Sidney Throck-
morton. She was drowned with a number of others, 8
September, 1870, by the breaking of Tom's River Bridge
under a large number of excursionists.
v. Henry, born 21 April, 181 9; married Catharine Smith.
Postoffice Long Branch, N. J. Children: 1. Margaret
Emma, married Franklin R. Thomas, a dentist of Philadel-
phia, who died leaving two children; 2. Jane, married .
vi. Michael Casey, born 29 February 1823 ; married first,
Elizabeth Brown ; second, Hannah Watkins. Postoffice
Long Branch, N. J. Children : Abraham, John, and Eliz-
abeth ; dates of births not reported,
vii. Abram White, born 12 October, 1825; died about 1865.
He was a mason by trade, and unmarried,
viii. Lydia, born 19 March, 1828; married Edward I. Pitcher.
James 7 Slocum {John? Peter? John? Nathaniel? Giles? An-
thony?) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, A. D. 1785 ;
was married 9 May, 181 2, to Elizabeth Newman of Howell by
Jeremiah. Ne,w,man, ..J. P, . They .removed to,- New .York City
about the year 1830, and later to Brooklyn, N. Y., where they
died. A brick-mason. Children, perhaps not born in the order
here given :
i. Lydia, married Solomon Wilson ; has no children.
ii. Ann, died some years since in New York City or Brooklyn.
iii. Webley E., married (2d?) Jane, daughter of Samuel and
(Raymond) Fansham. He died in Brooklyn 20 Jan., 1880,
aged about sixty-six years ; was buried in Cypress Hills
Cemetery. His widow resides in Brooklyn. A daughter,
Caroline Amelia, mar. William Keeler, and resides in Pa.
iv. Fanny, married David Brown Dwyer. Children : Two
sons and one daughter died young ; 4. Eliza, mar. William
Ogleby and has three sons and one daughter in Brooklyn,
N. Y. ; 5. Harriet, mar. James Slocum, Jr. (See vi below.)
v. Abigail Jane, married George Renney. They reside at
Maspeth, Long Island, N. Y., with one son and one daughter.
vi. James, married 1st, Harriet Leith who died some years ago
and was buried in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn. He married
2d, widow Mary Brundage with two sons, both now
deceased, and one daughter, Eliza, who is now married.
He resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children by first marriage :
1. James, married Harriet Dwyer, his cousin (see iv above),
and now resides at Sea Plain, N. J. ; 2. William ; 3. John.
By second marriage : 4. Mary Jane, married Giradet (?),
a printer in Brooklyn.
vii. John, mar. Jane Maria Wilson. Resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Children: Jane and Lydia, deceased; John, William,
Hiram and George. Dates not ascertained by the writer.
Peter 7 Slocum (John? Peter? John,* Nathaniel? Giles, 1 An-
thony, 1 ) was born near Long Branch, Monmouth County, New
Jersey, in December, 1800, and married . He resided
in New York City in the year 1829 as a morocco-dresser. He
afterward removed to Philadelphia, Pa., where he continued to
work at his trade, and where he died in the year 1871. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. George W., enlisted as a soldier against the Southern
Rebellion and was killed in Virginia.
ii. William T, is foreman in Mason's shoe-blacking manu-
factory, Philadelphia, Pa.
iii. John Wesley, is a machinist ; resides in Philadelphia, Pa.
410. iv. Charles Henry, b. 28 June, 1837; mar. Anna E. Owens.
v. Crosby, is an engineer, vi. Caroline, mar. Wolf.
vii. Susan, m. Wood. viii. Anne. ix. Emma. x. Peter.
Peter? Slocum {Peter, 6 Jonathan? John* Nathaniel? Giles?
Anthony? ) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 12 August,
181 1 ; married, 7 April, 1831, Maria Howland Maps who was
born there 3 August, 181 1. She died 1 June, 1854, and he
married second, November 4, 1855, Mary Eliza Thompson who
died 24 January, 1856, aged 31 years, 8 months, and n days.
He married third, Lucinda Longstreet 15 June, 1856. In the
year 1838 he removed from Long Branch to New York City
where he remained in the employ of a Wall-street bank until
1850, when he returned to a farm near Long Branch where he
died 3 September, 1866; was buried in Branchburgh Cemetery.
Children by first wife :
i. Abigail Ann, born 8 Nov., 1831 ; mar. 8 June, 1849, m
New York City, George Henry Walker who died 18 Dec,
1875, leaving children: 1. Georgiana, b. 11 June, 1851;
2. Peter Nelson, b. 20 Dec, 1854, d. 23 July, 1877, and
was buried in Branchburgh Cemetery,
ii. Caroline Martha, born 20 November, 1830; married 1st,
in New York City, Charles R. McGregor, a book-binder,
who died at Long Branch, N. J., 6 March, 1859. She
married 2d, Charles Throckmorton ; now resides in Ocean-
ville, Atlantic County, N. J., with children by both marriages.
iii. Sarah Dove, b. 21 July, 1837; m. 22 May, 1878, Elijah
Murray Day in New York City, where they now reside.
iv. Lewis Maps, born 29 May, 1840; married, 10 December,
1865, Mary E. Taylor. A child, Lewis Maps, was born
28 Jan., 1867. They reside in New York City where he
was born and married. A dentist.
v. Maria Matilda, born 19 September, 1845; married, 12
November, 1858, Vincent V. West of Long Branch, N. J.,
where they now reside. Children : 1. Harry Edward, b. 4
November, 1869; 2. Lewis Slocum, b. 7 July, 1872; 3.
Joseph, b. 12 October, 1874.
Children by third wife :
vi. Dauphine, born 4 August, 1858. vii. Nettie.
Jonathan Slocum {Peter 6 Jonathan? John? Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born near Long Branch, N. J., 13 October,
181 3 ; married Sarah Ann, daughter of Daniel and Ann Jeffrey.
They settled on a farm near East Long Branch Village where he
still lives. His wife was born 16 May, 1817, and diec
1877 ; was buried in Branchburgh Cemetery. Children :
i. Thomas Albert, born 17 Dec, 1840; married Martha
Layton in March, 1868, at Long Branch, N. J., where he
now resides ; a druggist. Children : 1. Albert, b. in March,
1871, at Long Branch; 2. Bessie, b. 20 June, 1875; and
3. Alfred, born 3 May, 1877, in New York City.
ii. Sarah Ann, born 27 April, 1845 ; married, 30 August, 1861,
Jeremiah Alonzo Borst, telegraph operator. They reside
in New York City with children : Margaret, born 23 Feb.,
1863; and Eva, born 14 April, 1865.
iii. Abigail Elizabeth, born 24 August, 1850; married Harvey
H. Doyle. They reside in New York City.
iv. Mary Melissa, born 30 June, 1854; m. John Wilson who
died leaving one child, Peter Herbert, b. 13 Aug., 1861.
She mar. 2d, Francis Williams of Little Silver, New Jersey,
4 October, 1879. They reside at Long Branch, New Jersey.
v. James Stewart, born 23 Aug., 1857; mar. 21 Oct., 1874,
Elizabeth Dailey, b. in New York City 10 Jan., 1857. A
house-painter ; postoffice Long Branch, N. J. Children :
1. Harvey Francis, b. 19 Oct., 1875; 2 - Addison Borden,
born 2 Sept., 1877; 3. Sarah Ann, born 24 Sept., 1880;
all born at Long Branch, New Jersey.
Thomas Fountain? Slocum {Peter, 6 Jonathan? John* Na-
thaniel, 1 Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was born at Long Branch, New
Jersey, 2 April, 1820 ; married Mary Maps and removed to New
York City where he was employed as an accountant. He died
in that city 17 January, 185 1, of acute cerebral disease. A pub-
lished obituary reads that " his generous and confiding nature,
his manly deportment and unassuming manner, endeared him to
all of his acquaintances." He was buried in the cemetery at
Branchburgh, N.J. His widow now resides with their daughter.
Children :
i. Fountain Augustus, born in New York City. A printer;
has resided in Elmira, N. Y., since 1877 (?). He was a
drummer in the war against the Rebellion.
ii. Emma, mar. and removed to Grundy County, Missouri.
Henry 7 Slocum, {Jonas 6 Giles,* Peleg*PelegS Giles* Anthony, 1 )
was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Massachusetts,
18 June, 1783. He was married in Greenbush, Rensselaer
County, New York, 2 February, 1804, to Anna, daughter of
Henry and Mary (VanNess) VanBuren. She was born in
Greenbush 4 March, 1776, and died in Bethany, Genesee Co.,
N. Y., 30 December, 1833. He was a soldier in the War of
18 12; was a farmer, and died at Kalamo, Eaton County,
Michigan, 15 August, 1840. Children :
i. Mary Mariah, born 10 August, 1807, in Greenbush, N. Y. ;
married in August, 1834, Joseph Nelson Tracy in Bethany,
N. Y., where she died 20 June, 1836 (?).
411. ii. Allida, b. 22 June, 1810; m. Charles S. McRobert in 1831.
412. iii. William Giles, b. 10 Aug.. 1812 ; m. 1st Lucretia A. Adye.
iv. Jonas, b. 10 Jan., 1818, in Tuscarora, Livingston Co., N. Y.
He enlisted as a soldier in the U. S. Army, and after about
four years service became disqualified, by convulsions, for
further duty ; was honorably discharged, visited his two
sisters in Michigan, and left them 15 June, 1844, for a
visit to Philadelphia, since which nothing has been heard of
him. He was a bachelor.
413. v. Henry VanBuren, b. 18 May, 1820, m. Eleanor Bradley.
414. vi. Abigail Anne, b. 23 July, 1823 ; m. John F. Ovenshire.
Giles 7 Slocum ( yonas? Giles? Peleg* Peleg? Giles, 2 - An-
thony, 1 ) was born in or near New Bedford, Massachusetts, about
the year 1790. He married first, Helen Brown, daughter of
George and Elizabeth (Foster) Brown, of Schaghticoke, Rens-
selaer County, New York. She was born in England in 1797,
and died at Valley Falls, N. Y., in 1834. He married second,
Elizabeth Brown who was born in England 28 November, 1804.
He dwelt some years in Schaghticoke, and removed, previous to
1834, to Valley Falls where he died 6 July, 1868. They, and all
their deceased children, are buried in Schaghticoke, N. Y. He
was a manufacturer. Children, all by first marriage :
415. i. George Brown, b. 10 May, 1815 ; m. Olive G. Viall in 1837.
ii. William, b. 22 March, 181 7; m. Maria Yates; he was a
merchant at Ballston Spa, N. Y. ; died 3 June, 1879. A
daughter Mrs. Wallace Dickson resides in Syracuse, N. Y.
iii. Joseph, b. 31 July, 1820; m. Hannah Mary Hall; was
superintendent of a mill in Schaghticoke, N. Y. ; d. 10 Jan.,
1877. Children : Charles, Nettie, and Edward; postoffice
Schaghticoke, Rensselaer County, New York.
iv. Charles, born 10 Nov., 1822. He was a farmer; died in
Schaghticoke, N. Y., in 1848; unmarried.
v. Elizabeth Ann, born 11 Nov., 1824; m. James S. Welling;
died in Saratoga, N. Y., 17 April, 1879, without children.
vi. Helen, born 17 Oct., 1826; married Moses T. Sayles.
Resides at Saratoga Springs, New York, without children.
vii. Giles, born 28 Feb., 1828. He was a book-keeper; died 23
Dec, 1874, in Buffalo, New York, unmarried.
Sylvia? Slocum {Elihu, 6 Giles* Peleg? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?*)
was born in Dartmouth Township, Mass., 6 Nov., 1775, and
married there, 18th of Eleventh month, 1794, Benjamin H., son
of Humphrey and Sylvia Smith of that place. Children :
i. Humphrey Smith, b. 10 mo. 13, 1795 > d. 2 mo. 23, 1877.
ii. Frederick Smith, b. 5 mo. 5, 1797; d. 6 mo. 8, 1870.
hi. Slocum Smith, b. 9 mo. 6, 1799 ; d. 3 mo. 29, 1802.
iv. Elihu S. Smith, b. 9 mo. 9, 1802, in Dartmouth, Mass.
v. Hiram Smith, b. 12 mo. 29, 1804; d. 10 mo. 28, 1867.
vi. Sylvia H. Smith, b. 7 mo. 25, 1807 ; d. 3 mo. 15, 1854.
vii. Cornelius H. Smith, b. 7 mo. 12, 1809; d. 6 mo. 28, 1866.
viii. Mehitable Smith, b. 7 mo. 16, 1812; d. n mo. 6, 1876.
Peleg White 7 Slocum {Elihu 6 Giles? Peleg? Peleg? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts, the 8th day of Fourth month, 1785, and married
Elizabeth Allen, daughter of William and Ellis (Slocum ?) Allen
of Dartmouth. They removed to a farm in Venice Township,
Cayuga County, New York, where he died 24 September, 1851.
His widow is now living at Moravia, Cayuga Co., N. Y., smart
and interesting in the 95th year of her age. Children :
i. Sabrina A., born 10th of 10th month, 181 1 ; married Joseph
Gregory of Lansing, N. Y., and had five children. They
resided in Maryland in 1855.
ii. Sylvia, born 3d of 1st month, 1816 ; married Thomas White
of Genoa, Cayuga County, N. Y.
iii. Frederick, born 9th of 10th month, 181 7; died in Venice,
Cayuga Co., N. Y., 31 May, 1855; a farmer; unmarried,
iv. Sarah Ann, born 30th of 8th month, 1820 ; married Jonas
Wood of Venice, Cayuga County, N. Y.
v. Alice T., born nth of 4th month, 1822 ; married Amos R.
Willetts of Ledyard, N. Y. She died previous to 28 March,
1855, without children,
vi. Elihu. born 20th of 3d month, 1827. He is a farmer;
postorfice East Venice, Cayuga County, N. Y.
vii. Caroline.Mjj b. a8th^6 mo,,.. 1^8,30 y m.-- Young of Venice..
George 7 Slocum [Elihti, 6 Giles? Peleg* Peleg? Giles, 1 An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts, 6 December, 1797. He removed to Genoa,
Cayuga County, New York, in the year 18 17, and there married,
7 January, 1819, Abigail Sanford, daughter of George and
Thankful ^Bennett) Sanford formerly of Rensselaerville, Albany
County, N. Y., where she was born 6 January, 1801. They
removed to a farm in Scipio Tp., Cayuga County, N.Y., in 1822,
and in 1859 settled at Sherwood where they died he, 26 Aug.,
1867 ; she, 6 January, 1878 ; they were buried in Scipio. He
was a man of generous impulse and strict integrity. His good
will was extended not only to his immediate neighbors struggling
with life's weary toil, but to all persons needing assistance. He
was an early and strong advocate of the emancipation of the
negro slaves, urging it from principle, and, early in the Southern
Rebellion, as a measure necessary to the success of the Union
arms. Children:
416. i. Emeline, born 18 Sept., 1826; mar. Dr. Benjamin A. Fordyce.
ii. Maria, b. 16 July, 1828; m. Theodore Jump 3 Feb., 1847.
They reside in Moravia, Cayuga Co., N. Y. A child, Helen
Ada, 9 was born in Crawford County, Ohio, 7 November,
1848; m. William Akin 7 March, 1866, and has one child,
Lilian May, 10 born 26 May, 1867.
417. Hi. Giles Frederick, b. 10 Sept., 1834; m. 1st, Mary G. Taber.
418. iv. Henry Chase, b. 13 June, 1836; m. Harriet J. Aikin in 1859.
Mary Ann 7 Slocum ( Williams? Peleg? Peleg,*> Peleg? Giles, 1
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Tp., Bristol Co , Mass., 21 May,
1805, and was married there, 9 June, 1825, to Henry Howland
Crapo who was born in Dartmouth 24 May, 1804. Mr. Crapo was a
man whose career can be profitably studied and remembered.
Beginning life as a farmer's son, and poor, he overcame many
obstacles, acquired a good education, and wealth, and rose to the
highest office in the gift of his adopted State. He was a son of
Jesse Crapo (born 22 May, 1781, died 11 Jan., 1831,) and
Phebe (Howland) Crapo (born 29 March, 1785, died 22 Dec,
1870), and grand-son of Peter Crapo who was in the fourth
generation from Rufus Crapo, a French immigrant.
After marriage the subjects of this sketch dwelt in Dartmouth,
he as a farmer and school-teacher, until the year 1832,
when they removed to New Bedford where he held various
public offices for a period of twenty-five years including a
colonelcy in the Massachusetts Militia. He also made some in-
vestments in whale-fishing and received liberal returns therefrom.
He purchased a large tract of woodland in Michigan, and
removed his family thither in the year 1856 settling at Flint.
He engaged in the manufacture and sale of lumber at Flint,
Fentonville, Holly, and Detroit, and, by his enterprise and wise
management, his business became very extensive and yielded
him large returns. He was a prime mover in the construction
of the Flint and Holly Railroad, and was President of that
corporation until its consolidation with the Flint and Pere
Marquette Railroad Company.
He served as Mayor of Flint, and in 1862 was elected State
Senator from Genesee County and took rank among the leading
mep in the Michigan Senate. He was elected Governor of
Michigan on the Republican ticket in the year 1864, and held
that office four years. He died in Flint 23 July, 1869. The
New Bedford (Mass.) Evening Standard in an obituary and
review of his former intimate relations with that city, said :
" No man connected with our municipal concerns ever had to a
greater extent than Mr. Henry H. Crapo the confidence of the people.
He was exact and methodical in all matters of record ; conscientious
and laboriously persistent in the discharge of every duty ; clear in his
methods and statements in all that appertained to his official transactions.
He left, at the end of his long period of service, all that belonged to his
department as financial or recording officer, so lucid and complete thatno
error has ever been detected, or any improvement made upon his plans."
The Detroit Tribune closed its obituary notice of him with the
following tribute to his worth :
" In all the public positions he held, Governor Crapo showed him-
self a capable, discreet, vigilant and industrious officer. . . . Michigan
never before had a Governor who devoted as much personal attention
and painstaking labor to her public duties as he did. His industry was
literally amazing." ....
For a number of years Mr. Crapo was a contributor to the New-
England Horticultural journal, and to the Albany Country Gen-
tleman. He was also greatly interested in the public schools of his
community and contributed to the advancement of their interests.*
Mrs. Crapo died in Flint, Michigan, 21 February, 1875, and
was buried there beside her husband in Glenwood Cemetery.
The following is extracted from an obituary published in the
Flint Globe:
" Mrs. Crapo's was a character of rare precious qualities. Of New
England birth and education, she had all the earnestness, and exalted
veneration for truth and honor, and the high sense of duty which belong
to the best type of New-England people. During a long life, full of
duties and not free from afflictions, she walked always helpfully beside
her husband, the two combining in a singular degree the executive force
which conquers obstacles, and the grace which wins love and esteem.
Since the death of her husband she has devoted herself to the duties of
her home, meeting all the demands of society, and looking with a watch-
ful eye over the interests of her children. Her death will be severely
felt in the community."
The Detroit Free Press closed an obituary as follows :
"Among those who will mourn Mrs. Crapo's departure most are the
poor of the city whom she never forgot, her heart beating in sympathy
with them. Generous and kind, she can but be missed, and a void is
left that cannot be easily filled. She was an earnest Christian and a
devoted member of the Presbyterian church."
Children :
214.* i. Mary A. Crapo, born 6 Nov., 1827; mar. Rev. John Orrell.
214/ ii. William W. Crapo, b. 16 May, 1830; m. Sarah A. Tappan.
2i4.e iii. Rebecca F. Crapo, b. 26 March, 1833 ; m. Wm. C. Durant.
2i4.<*iv. Sarah Bush Crapo, b. 14 Jan., 1835; m. Alphonso Ross.
214.' v. Lucy A. Crapo, b. 8 Nov., 1836; m. Humphrey H. H. Smith,
vi. Rhoda Macomber Crapo, b. 29 July, 1838, in New Bedford,
Mass.; was mar. 18 May, 1865, in Flint, Mich., by Rev.
Henry H. Northrup, Presb., to Dr. James C. Willson, son
of John and Eliza (Riddle) Willson of Ontario, Canada. They
reside in Flint, Mich. A child, George Crapo, was born
28 March, 187 1.
vii. Henrietta Pell Crapo, born 19 July, 1840, in New Bed-
ford, Mass.; was mar. 19 June, 1865, in Flint, Mich., by
Henry H. Northrup, Presb., to Ferris Forman Hyatt, only
child of Clark and Anna (Forman) Hyatt, of Nichols, Tioga
Co., N. Y. She died 29 April, i860, and was buried in
Glenwood Cemetery, Flint, Michigan,
viii. Lydia Sherman Crapo, born 19 June, 1843, m New Bedford,
Mass.; died 14 September, 1861, in Flint, Mich., and was
there buried in Glenwood Cemetery.
*See the Biographical History of Eminent and Self -Made Men of Michigan ;
Cincinnati, 1878.
2i4./ix. Emma E. C. Crapo, b. 1 June, 1845; m. Harlan P. Christy.
x. Wilhelmina Helena Crapo, born 6 April, 1849, in New
Bedford, Mass.; was married there 15 March, 1876, by
Rev. Edmund Roland, Episcopalian, to Charles Warren
Clifford, eldest son of John H. and Sarah P. (Allen) Clifford
of that city, where they now reside.
Mary Ann Crapo was born in Dartmouth, Mass., 6 Nov., 1827;
was married in New Bedford, 23 April, 1857, by R- ev - Courtland Y.
DeNormandie, Unitarian, to Rev. John Orrell, Unitarian, who was born
23 August, 1822, son of John and Esther (Morris) Orrell of Bolton,
Lancashire, England. He was graduated at the Western Theological
Seminary, Meadville, Pa., 27 June, 1850. They dwelt in Sandwich,
Mass., until 1863, then settled in Flint, Michigan, where he died 4
August, 1876, and where she still lives. Children:
i. Mary Florence Orrell, born 12 May, 1858; married, 29
August, 1877, Frank Eberly Willett, 2d son of Dr. John
and Jane (Curtaindall) Willett of Flint, Mich,
ii. Esther Morris Orrell, born 14 Sept., i860, in Sandwich,
iii. John Wallace Orrell, born 14 Dec, 1861 ; d. 5 Aug., 1862.
iv. Lucy Crapo Orrell, born 16 Sept., 1863, in Flint, Mich,
v. Elizabeth French Orrell, b. 18 Aug., 1865 j d. 7 Aug., 1867.
vi. William Crapo Orrell, b. 30 Dec, 1868, in Flint, Mich.
Hon. William Wallace Crapo was born in Dartmouth Township,
Massachusetts, 16 May, 1830, and was educated in the public schools
of New Bedford, at Phillips Academy, Andover, and at Yale College
where he was graduated in the class of 1852. He studied law at the
Dane Law School, Cambridge, Mass., and in the office of Hon. John
H. Clifford of New Bedford. He was admitted to the bar in February,
1855, and the following April was chosen Solicitor of the City of New
Bedford, an office which he continued to hold for twelve years. In
1855 he began an active political career by making speeches in south-
eastern Massachusetts in the interest of John C. Fremont and William
L. Dayton, the first Republican candidates for President and Vice-
President of the United States ; and that autumn he was elected a
Representative from New Bedford to the Massachusetts Legislature.
He was married in New Bedford 22 January, 1857, by Rev. John
Weiss, Unitarian, to Sarah A., daughter of George C. and Serena
(Davis) Tappan. He was elected Representative to the Forty-fourth
United States Congress, from the First Massachusetts District, to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. James Buffington; was
elected to the Forty-fifth Congress, and served as member of the Com-
mittee on Foreign Affairs ; was elected to the Forty-sixth Congress,
and served on the Committee on Banking and Currency; and in
October, 1880, he was elected to the Forty-seventh Congress by a large
majority. He has also held various positions of honor and trust in
New Bedford where he resides, including that of President of the
Mechanics National Bank. He was chosen President of the Massa-
chusetts Republican Convention, held 21 September, 1881, and he has
been named by the press as a likely candidate for Governor of the
State. Mr. Crapo is a man of sound judgment, which accounts for his
success. He holds advanced views on civil service reform, and his
political instincts are liberal and progressive. Children :
i. Henry Howland Crapo, born 31 Jan., 1862, in New Bed-
ford, Mass. He is (1880) a student in Harvard College.
ii. George Tappan Crapo, b. 16 March, 1864; d. 12 Sep., 1865.
iii. Stanford Tappan Crapo, b. 13 June, 1865, in New Bedford,
iv. Anna Almy Crapo, b. 10 Nov., 1866; d. 12 April, 1867.
Rebecca Folger Crapo was born in New Bedford, Mass., 26 March,
1833, and was married there 29 Nov., 1855, by Rev. Moses Howe,
Baptist, to William C. Durant eldest son of Stephen and Ann (Christy)
Durant of Lempster, N. H. They reside in Flint, Mich. Children:
i. Rebecca Crapo Durant, born 24 November, 1857, at
Jamaica Plain, Mass. She married, 14 December, 1876,
John Leverett Willett, youngest son of Dr. John Willett of
Flint, Mich. Children : 1. Emma Christy, born 10 April,
1878; 2. A son, born 12 September, 1880.
ii. William Crapo Durant, b. 8 Dec, 1861, in Boston, Mass.
Sarah Bush Crapo was born in New Bedford, Mass., 14 January,
1835; was married, 4 October, i860, in Flint, Michigan, by Rev. Henry
H. Northrup, Presbyterian, to Alphonso Ross who was born 4 October,
1827, in Jefferson Maine, son of Joseph and Mary (Perkins) Ross.
They settled in Boston, Mass. Mr. Ross is the financial editor of the
Boston Daily Advertiser. The writer's thanks are due Mrs. Ross for
the interest she has manifested in his genealogical labors, and for her
contributions to the above record of the descendants of Mary A.
(Slocum) Crapo. Children:
i. Mary Crapo Ross, born 28 August, 186 1, in Boston, Mass.
She was graduated at the Everett Grammar School there
28 June, 1877, and at the Girls' High School, West Newton,
Mass., 25 June, 1880. Resides with her parents in Boston,
ii. Sarah Crapo Ross, b. 16 Dec, 1867, in Boston, Mass.
Lucy Anna Crapo was born in New Bedford, Mass., 8 Nov., 1836 ;
was mar. 15 Dec, 1858, in Flint, Michigan, by Rev. Henry H. North-
rup, Presbyterian, to Humphrey H. H. C. 7 Smith,* who was born 9
May, 1828, in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County, Mass. They
reside in Detroit, Mich., where he is a dealer in lumber. Children :
i. Henrietta Crapo Smith, b. 4 July, 1862, in Flint, Mich,
ii. Crapo Cornell Smith, b. 22 May, 1868; in Detroit, Mich.
Emma Eliza Chase Crapo was born in New Bedford, Mass., 1 June,
1845. She was married 29 Nov., 1866, in Flint, Mich., by Rev. Henry
H. Northrup, Presbyterian, to Harlan Page Christy, eldest son of
Sumner L. and Sarah (Hooper) Christy, of New Boston, N. H. They
reside in Flint, Michigan. Children :
*The following scheme shows the Smith genealogy to which reference is made in
various parts of this book :
John 1 Smith, =Ruhamah Kirby,
married ist, Deborah, daughter of Arthur I daughter of Richard Kirby ; she was John Smith's
Howland. He died I mo. 15, 1692. second wife.
Deliverance 2 Smith,=Marv ,
one of a family of four sons and four daughters ; | died the 19th day of Eighth month, 177 6 (?)-
died in Dartmouth, N. P., 6 mo. 3, >72-
Deborah 3 George, 3 =Elizabeth Humphrey, s =Mary,
second child, and first the third of lour
of five daughters ; mar- sons, born 6 mo.
ried Eliezer 1 Slocum 27, 1701 ; d. 7
(see page 70). mo. 17, 1769.
Allen, married fourth son, born 2 1 dau of Jeremiah
1 mo. 31, 1726. mo. 13, 1705 ; d. 11 and Mary Wil-
mo. 4, 1777. I cox ; married 4
I mo. 1, 173'-
Deliverance, 4 =Hannah, Henry, , =Cynthia, Humphrey,*
married 5 mo. 26, 1756. 1 daughter of Jon- 1st of 3 sons,
athan Smith. b. 7 mo. 22,
1738 ; died 12
mo. 9, 1801.
dau. of William and 2d of four children ;
Hannah (Howland) m. Rebecca 5 Slocum
Wood; married 5 (see page 85).
mo. 4, 1763.
Deliverance. 5 Collins, 5 =Hannah, Rebecca, s =Giles 8 Slocum,
sixth child and 2d son ; ist child and 1 dau. of Benjamin 2d of 7 chil- married 19 Aug., 1790;
mar. Mehitable Slocum son, b. 7 mo. Tucker (page 55); dren,and istof see page 115.
(see page 114). ai, 1765; d. 3 | m. 1 mo. 2, 1788. four daughters,
mo. 17, 1822. I
Tucker 6 Smith, =Mehitable Cornell,
third of eight children, and second of four I daughter of John and Mehitable (Allen) Cornell,
sons ; b. 7 mo. 25, 1793 ; d. 4 mo. 6, 1873. married 5 mo. 23, 1822.
Humphrey H. H. C. Smith,=Lucy Anna Crapo,
third child often, and second of five sons. daughter of Gov. Henry H. Crapo.
i. Bertha Christy, born 3 Dec, 1869, in Flint, Michigan,
ii. James Crapo Christy, born 8 Feb., 1874, in Flint, Mich,
iii. Minne Crapo Christy, born 22 Aug., 1876, in Flint, Mich.
George Folger 7 Slocum ( Williams, 6 Peleg, 5 Peleg* Peleg, 1
Giles, 2 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Mass.,
the 1st day of Tenth month, 1806; married there, in June,
1825 (?), Jane Ward who was born in Newport, Rhode Island.
They settled on a farm in Dartmouth where she died, and where
he still lives. Children, perhaps not all born in the order given :
i. Ann E., b. 13 Dec, 1829; m. Christopher Slocum ; No. 430.
ii. William, died in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts.
419. iii. Henry Howland, b.22 Feb., 1835 > m - Sarah F. Manchester.
iv. Aria, married 1st, Giles Almy, and 2d, Daniel Baker. She
is now a widow for the second time, and resides at Russell's
Mills, Dartmouth, Mass., with two children by her second
marriage, viz. : David W. and Edward Y. Baker.
v. Silas Perry, married, 25 Oct., 1869, Nellie Eggleston,
daughter of James, formerly of Seneca Falls, N. Y. A
child, Jessie Harriet, was born 13 Aug., 1872, at Flint,
Michigan, where they were married and still reside.
Samuel Gifford 7 Slocum {Caleb, 6 Peleg? Peleg* Peleg, 1
Giles, 2 Anthony? ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol
County, Mass., the 10th day of First month, 1805. When he
was about five years of age his parents removed to LeRaysville,
Jefferson County, New York, where he was reared. He married
first, Adeline Ann Dubois who died soon thereafter without chil-
dren. He married second, Nov. 20, 1831, Phebe, daughter of
Caleb and Patience (Macomber) Palmer. They settled in LeRay
Township, Jefferson County, where he led a very active business
life carrying on a farm, building and controlling a flour-mill, saw-
mill, woolen- mill, and a general store, and was in good repute as
a high-minded and honorable man. He died in May, 1871, in
Slocumville, a hamlet that originated from his enterprise, and was
buried in LeRay Cemetery. He lived and died a valued mem-
ber of the Society of Friends. Children :
i. Caleb, born 30th of 8th mo., 1833. He enlisted against the
Rebellion 11 June, 1861, as private in Co. A, 35th Reg. N.
Y. V. I. ; was gradually promoted, and at the close of his
two years term of enlistment was honorably discharged as
First Lieutenant. He participated in the battles of Manas-
sas, 2d Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam,
Fredericksburgh, Rappahannock, White Sulphur Springs,
and Groveton, and in numerous skirmishes. He remains
unmarried. P. O. Evans' Mills, Jefferson Co., N. Y.
ii. James Madison, b. 4th mo. 6, 1837; d. 25 October, 1861.
iii. Eliza Ann, b. 12 mo. 15, 1838; m. 5 Feb., 1862, Warren
Gardner, a farmer, b. 24 May, 1832, son of Joel and Guil-
lielma Gardner of LeRay Tp., Jefferson Co., N. Y., where
they reside. P. O. Evans' Mills. A child, Madison Slocum,
was b. 30 January, 1863.
iv. Jane Mariah, born 1 May, 1842. She was a teacher to the
Freedmen near Yorktown, Va., in 1864-65, and following
this she pursued courses of study in Howland Institute,
Union Springs, N. Y. She studied law and was graduated
LL. B. in the University of Michigan, class of 1874. Since
1876 she has taught metaphysics and political science in
the Granger Place School, Canandaigua, N. Y., a ladies'
school of deservedly high rank. She is also Vice-President of
the Executive Board of that School. She remains unmarried.
v. Anzonetta, born 6 month 8, 1850; died 9 June, 1858.
vi. Samuel Gifford, born i6thof3d month, 1854. He was a
student in Cornell University two years, when failing health
necessitated discontinuance of his course of study. He
married, 19 August, 1880, Phebe E. Bowerman of Roches-
ter, N. Y. Present postoffice, Oneida, N. Y.
Giles Cushman 7 Slocum (J 'onathan? J- ' onathan^Peleg^Peleg?
Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born in Cambridge, Washington County,
New York (?), 8 Sept., 1808. He married Phebe Louisa Palmer
who was born in Bennington, Vt, 29 July, 1805. They resided
in Lysander Township, Onondaga County, N. Y., in the year
1 841, and soon after that date removed to Providence Tp.,
Saratoga County, where he died 29 Nov., 1850. His widow died
at Northville, N. Y., 9 May, i860. A carpenter. Children :
i. A child, born 8 September, 1834; died the same day.
ii. John P., born 1 April, 1837; died young.
420. iii. Charles Henry, b. 7 Aug., 1839; mar - Sarah VanTassel.
iv. James Albert, b. 29 Dec, 1841, in Lysander, N. Y. He
enlisted against the Rebellion in April, 1861, as private in
the 3 2d Reg. N. Y. V. I. ; was wounded in the right hand
and wrist in the Battle of West Point, Va., 7 May, 1862,
and was discharged 8 Nov., 1862. He was mar. at Galway,
Saratoga Co., N. Y., 24 Feb., 1873, to Mary Bentley, born
in Providence, N. Y., 20 Sept., 184T, dau. of Asa C. and
Phebe A. Bentley. They settled at Conklingville, Saratoga
County, N. Y., where he is still employed as a sawyer. A
child, James E., was born 26 January, 1874.
v. Phebe Louisa, b. 14 March, 1844; m. James Fuller Austin,
a mechanic. They reside at Conklingville, N. Y, without
children. Mr. Austin enlisted against the Rebellion 23
Oct., 1861, as a private in the 77th Reg. N. Y. V. I., and
was discharged 23 Sept., 1862. He re-enlisted, 6 Sept.,
1864, and was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the
192CI Reg. N. Y. V. I. He resigned 16 June, 1865.
421. vi. Alonzo P., b. 12 May, 1846; m. Malvana Evans in 1870.
Hon. Ricketson? Slocum (Peleg? Peleg? Holder* PelegjGiks, 1
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 5
May, 1790, and married there, 31 Jan., 1810, Jemima Wing,
daughter of John and Mercy (Almy) Wing. They settled on a
farm in Dartmouth and there died, he, in July, 1854; she in
the year 1874, and were buried in the Friends' Cemetery at
Apponegansett, Dartmouth. He was a man of good influence
and standing, and represented his township in the Massachusetts
Legislature in 1836 and '37. Children :
422. i. William Ricketson, b. 14 June, 181 1 ; m. Elizabeth Cornell,
ii. Frederick, b. 1813; d. 1833, was buried at Apponegansett.
423. iii. Charles, b. 23 Jan., 1816; m. Rhobea Allen, 28 Dec, 1837.
424. iv. Almy, born in 181 7 ; mar. Holder Howland of Dartmouth,
v. Joseph Wing, b. 18 19 in Dartmouth; died there in 1820.
425. vi. Lydia Wing, b. 23 May, 1822 ; m. Israel Brightman in 1840.
vii. Joseph Wing, born A. D. 1826; married Elizabeth Allen in
1850. He resides near Russell's Mills, Dartmouth. Chil-
dren: 1. Charles Ricketson, born in 1854, married
Kilburn of New Bedford, where he now lives, a clerk ;
2. William Arthur, born in 1863.
viii. Peleg, born A. D. 1828 ; married Phebe Aikin in 1854.
He died of consumption in New Bedford, Mass., in 1880,
leaving one child, Alice, who was born in 1854.
ix. Mary Ann, b. n May, 1829; m. 5 Dec, 1848, Giles
Frederick Allen, son of Henry Tucker and Sarah (White)
Allen, of Dartmouth where they still reside. Children :
1. Sarah White, b. 26 March, 1858, d. 28 Sept., 1858; 2.
Henry Tucker, b 29 Sept., 1862 ; 3. Arthur Ricketson, b.
4 October, 1863, died 9 December, 1863.
x. Elizabeth Ricketson, b. in Feb., 1832. She married 1st,
William Wall Allen who was born 25 Jan., 1827, and died
7 April, 1869. She m. 2d, John Manchester in Dec, 1877.
Children, born in New Bedford, Mass., by first husband : I.
William Frederick Slocum Allen, b. 13 July, 1867 j 2.
Elizabeth Ricketson Allen, b. 5 February, 1869.
Frederick, born in April, 1833 ; married Caroline C.
Russell. He died in June, 1868, leaving a son, Franklin
R., born in 1862, who is (1880) a student in Harvard
College. His widow married Caleb Maxfield ; she died in
New Bedford 24 Aug., 1881, aged 46 yrs. 7 mos. and 8 days.
Otis? Slocum (Peleg, 6 Peleg? Holder* Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 )
was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 17 October,
1800. He married there in Friends' meeting, first Almy Wing,
daughter of John and Mercy (Almy) Wing of Dartmouth where
she was born 24 Aug., 1800, and where she died 26 September,
185 1. He married second, the 24th day of Eleventh month,
1852, Hannah (Smith) Allen who was born 22 June, 1800,
daughter of Deliverance and Mehitable (Slocum) Smith ; see
p. 1 14. He still ( 1 880) lives on a farm in Dartmouth. Children :
426. i. George Wing. b. 18 Nov., 1822 (?); m. Sarah J. Allenin 1840.
427. ii. Henry Almy, b. 1 Dec, 1825; m. Elizabeth H. Brownell.
iii. Rebecca Wing, b. ii July, 1828; m. Capt. Jason Wilcox
Gifford in 185 1 and had children: 1. Otis Everett, b. 10
July, 1858 ; he sailed in Sept., 1879, on a four years whaling
voyage; 2. Rebecca A., b. 3 Nov., 1863, died in 1864.
Rebecca died in Dartmouth 27 Oct., 1872, and was buried
in Allen's Neck Cemetery. Capt. Gifford mar. 2d, Emma
Gordelier and now resides at Tiverton Four Corners, R. I.
iv. Holder Christopher, b. 29 March, 1834; d. 23 Oct., 1836.
v. Holder C, born 12 Sept., 1838; mar. Charlotte L. Gifford
21 May, 1862. Resides in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
vi. Philip Dunham, born 4 December, 1839; married Mary C.
Worth, daughter of Benjamin and Louisa P. of Edgartown,
Mass. Resides in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
428. vii. John Otis, born 13 March, 1842 ; mar. 1st, Charlotte Allen.
Abner 7 Slocum {Christopher, 6 Peleg? Holder* Peleg? Giles?
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Mass., 23 March, 1791. He mar. in Westport in the year 1815,
Deborah, dau. of Ephraim and Susan (Willcox) Gifford of that
township where she was born 10 Nov., 1794. After marriage
they dwelt in Westport about two years, Dartmouth one year,
and on Cuttyhunk Island from 1818 until 1823, then returned to
Dartmouth where they died he 21 Sept., 1872 ; she, 1 Feb.,
1880, and were buried in Friends' ground at Allen's Neck. A
farmer. Children :
429. i. Willard Willcox, b. 18 April, 1816; m. Abigail B. Mosher.
ii. Ephraim Gifford, born 10 November, 18 18, in Dartmouth ;
married, 18 October, 1846, Ruth Howland Butts, daughter
of Holder and Comfort (Brightman) Butts. They dwelt
on a farm in Dartmouth where he died 18 April, 1874.
Children : 1. Isaac Howland, died young ; 2. Lucy Jane,
born 23 March, 1852, married Capt. Warren Gifford.
430. iii. Christopher, b. 4 Nov., 1823 j m. Ann E. Slocum (p. 198).
Willard 7 Slocum (Christopher? Peleg* Holder* Peleg?
Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol
County, Mass., 27 March, 1794. He was a soldier in the War
of 181 2 ; married Ruth Sisson, daughter of William and Sylvia
Sisson of Dartmouth where she was born 24 Oct., 1793. They
removed to Cayuga County, New York, and dwelt in Scipio
several years. In the year 1833 they removed to Gowanda,
Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., and there died she, 12 Oct., 1877. A
hatter. Children :
431. i. Abner, b. 9 Aug., 1818; m. 1st, Jane Akers; d. 12 Feb, 1874.
ii. Patience, b. 10 March, 182 1 ; m. Millen Hill of Gowanda,
N. Y. Children: 1. Ellen, d. in Jan., 1875; 2 - Jennie.
iii. Sylvia Ann, b. 26 July, 1826, in Cayuga, N. Y (?) ; m. 21
Jan., 1862, Alanson Barlow, b. 10 Nov., 1814, in Hardwick,
Mass. They reside in Gowanda, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.
iv. Eliza Jane, born 29 June, 1828; died 7 September, 1829.
v. Phebe. born 4 April, 1830; died 10 May, 1830.
432. vi. Henry Perry, born 21 March, 1837; m. Elizabeth Smith.
Godfrey Willcox 7 Slocum (Christopher, 6 Pelegf Holder*
Peleg, 1 Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born in Westport Township,
formerly part of Dartmouth, Bristol County, Mass., 18 June,
1800. He early removed to central New York, and married
Huldah Green, daughter of Levi and Asenath (Robinson) Green of
Livonia, Livingston County. They settled on a farm near King's
Ferry, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where he died 1 1 Oct., 1878. Children :
433. i. Phebe Jane, b. 29 Jan., 1824; mar. William A. Townsend.
ii. Caroline, born 15 March, 1828; married Lewis A. Nichols
and had children: 1. Dora, mar. Thompson; 2. Alice,
iii. George Avery, born 27 May, 1835 '> died 8 March, 1839.
434. iv. Benjamin Franklin, b. April, 1841 ; m. Catharine Young.
Phebe 7 Slocum {Christopher, 6 Peleg? Holder* Peleg? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Westport Township, Mass., 25 Oct.,
1805. She married in Dartmouth in 1831, Daniel Macomber, a
carriage-maker, son of Elijah and Hannah (Gidley) Macomber
of Dartmouth, where he was born 12 June, 1801, and where he
died 16 Sept., 1865. He married first, Judith Slocum, sister of
Phebe, who died leaving one child, Hannah S. Macomber, who
was born 30 Nov., 1827, and died in Dartmouth 17 Oct., 1872.
Phebe now resides in New Bedford, Mass. Children :
i. Judith Macomber, b. 4 Dec, 1832 ; resides in New Bedford,
ii. Emily M. Macomber, b. 1 Feb., 1835; m. Charles T. Smith
9 October, i860; died in Dartmouth 5 October, 1861.
iii. Abigail H. Macomber, born 12 June, 1836; married Capt.
Alden T. Potter 1 June, 1858. She died in Dartmouth 5
October, 1865, leaving one child, Henry A. Potter,
iv. Lydia A. F. Macomber, born 29 January, 1838; died in
Dartmouth 3 July, i860,
v. Phebe Jane Macomber, b. 18 May, 1844; d. 19 Oct., 1845.
vi. Harriet A. Macomber, b. 10 March, 1846; m. Charles T.
Tripp 2 April, 1874. They reside in Acushnet, Mass.
vii. Daniel W. Macomber, b. 24 July, 1847 j d. m Oct., 1876.
Lucy 7 Slocum {Holder? Peleg? Holder? Peleg? Giles? An-
thony? ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Mass., 19 February,
1795 ; married, in June, 1819, Isaac Williams who was born 16
May, 1 79 1, son of William and Rachel Williams of Rah way, New
Jersey. He died in April, 1854. She died in South Scituate,
Mass , 22 June, 188 1 ; both were buried in Dartmouth. Children :
224.* i. Charles S. Williams, b. 23 Jan., 1822; m. Sarah J. Winslow.
ii. Rachel Mason Williams, born 16 February, 1825 ; married
William P. Brightman 20 January, 185 1; d. 6 Oct., 1854.
224/ iii. Hannah S. Williams, b. in 1829; m. John V. Greenwood.
iv. James Howland Williams, b. 6 Oct., 1830 ; d. 19 Oct., 1831.
224/ v. James H. Williams, b. 1 Oct., 1835 ; m. Sarah L. Blackwell.
Charles Spooner Williams married Sarah J. Winslow 30 Nov.,
1854. They reside in East Oakland, California. Children:
i. Isabella Frances Williams, born 9 December, i860.
ii. Benjamin Franklin Williams, b. 5 Jan., 1862 ; d. Aug., 1862.
iii. Washington Irving Williams, b. i i June, 1 863 ; d. July, 1 864.
iv. Charles Edward Williams, b. 20 Feb., 1865 ; d. Feb., 1866.
v. Rebecca Alice Williams, born 1 January, 1872.
vi. Gertrude Viola Williams, born 17 September, 1874.
Hannah Slocum Williams was born in Dartmouth, Mass., 29 March,
1829, and married John V. Greenwood in November, 1850. They
reside in Canaan, Kings County, Nova Scotia. Children :
i. John Venterman Greenwood, born 25 September, 1851.
ii. Sarah Greenwood, born 12 August, 1853.
iii. Lucy Howland Greenwood, born 26 May, 1858.
iv. Rachel Louise Greenwood, b. 14 Aug., i860 ; d. Sept., i860.
v. James Tidmarsh Greenwood, born 8 March, 1862.
vi. Isaac Williams Greenwood, born 16 May, 1864.
vii. Eliza Abigail Greenwood, born 24 May, 1867.
James Howland Williams married, 15 Nov., 1857, Sarah L. Black-
well, daughter of Franklin S. and Sarah G. Blackwell, of Sandwich,
Mass., where she was born 5 June, 1837. He was Assistant U. S.
Marshal in i860, and Postmaster for Dartmouth over two years, ending
15 May. 1 86 1. He enlisted against the Rebellion at the call for nine
months' soldiers and served about one year as 2d sergeant in Co. F, 3d
Reg. Mass. V. I. He resides in South Scituate, Mass. A photo-
grapher. Children :
i. Rachel Morton Williams, born 24 October, 1858.
ii. Anne Bartlett Williams, b. 19 March, i86o;d. Oct., 1875.
iii. Cora Campbell Williams, born 8 September, 1867.
Abigail 7 Slocum (Holder? Peleg, 5 Holder* Peleg? Giles? An-
thony, 1 ) was born on Cuttyhunk Island, Dukes County, Mass.,
Ninth month 25th, 1805, and married Humphrey Wood, Eighth
month 30th, 1835. They reside in Dartmouth, Mass. Children:
i. William A. Wood, born 8th mo. 4th, 1838. A mariner ;
he enlisted against the Rebellion in the U. S. Navy in
1863, and after two years service on board the U. S.
Steamship San Jacinto he was honorably discharged. He
again engaged as mariner, and died 4 Aug., 1874, on board
the bark Abram Barker of New Bedford; was buried on the
Island of Tongataboo, the largest of the Friendly Islands.
ii. Luranie A. Wood, b. n mo. 6, 1840; m. George H. Lake
6 mo. 8, 1862. Children: 1. William W., b. 4 mo. to,
1863 ; 2. Frederick B., b. 3 mo. 26, 1867.
iii. Charles F. Wood, b. 10 mo. 1, 1842. A carpenter, unmar.
iv. George H. Wood, born 10th mo. 1st, 1842. A mariner.
He enlisted against the Rebellion in 1863 (?), and after
three years service was honorably discharged, and returned
to the sea. He is unmarried.
v. Holder Slocum Wood, born 12th mo. 2 2d, 1846. He was
a mariner and died 30 August, 1870, on board the bark
Triton : was buried on the coast of Africa.
Capt. James Howland 7 Slocum {Holder, 6 Peleg? Holder*
Peleg, 1 Giles, 1 - Anthony?} was born on Cuttyhunk Island, Buz-
zard's Bay, Mass., A. D , 1808. He was married in the year
1834 by Henry H. Crapo, Esq., (page 192), to Nancy, daughter
of Benjamin and Hannah Allen of Dartmouth. He was a farmer
in early life, and afterward went to sea and became a master-
mariner. He removed to New Bedford in 1845 and engaged in
whale-fishing and freighting. Returning to Russell's Mills,
Dartmouth, Mass., in 1863, he opened a general store there which
he still continues. Children :
i. James Howland, born 12 February, 1835, at Russell's Mills,
Dartmouth, Mass., where he now resides, unmarried.
ii. Hannah Allen, born in the year 1837 ; married James Irvin
Church in 1857. Postoffice Fairhaven, Mass. Children:
1. Emma Louisa, b. 8 July, 1858; 2. William Franklin, b.
4 March, 1862 ; 3. Clara Allen, born 28 October, 1863.
iii. Holder, b. 20 June, 1839, at Russell's Mills. An engineer
on board a steamboat ; postoffice New Bedford, Mass.
iv. Benjamin Franklin, born 29 Oct., 1844, at Russell's Mills,
Dartmouth, where he now lives ; a carriage-maker; unmar.
v. Thomas Allen, b. 20 Aug., 1846, in New Bedford ; m. Sarah
Allen in 1875. A merchant in Dartmouth, without children,
vi. Adelaide, b. in 1849 ; m. James E. Allen in 1866. Postoffice
Dartmouth, Mass. Children: 1. Eliza White, b. 30 Jan., 1870;
2. Abigail Etta, b. 30 August, 1874; 3. Nancy Slocum, b.
26 March, 1877 ; 4. Sarah Thomas, b. 6 August, 18S0.
Hon. James Tucker 7 Slocum (Elihu, 6 Holder* Holder*
Peleg? Giles, 2 - Anthony? ) was born in South Dartmouth, Mass.,
3 July, 1795 ; married there, 21 June, 1821, Rebecca Howland
Ricketson who was born in Dartmouth Township 9 August,
1804. He was a merchant ; was elected Representative to the
Massachusetts Legislature from Dartmouth in the year 1834. In
1857 he removed to New Bedford, Mass., and there died 5
August, 1874. Children:
i. Julia Almy, born 14 March, 1824; was married in South
Dartmouth 24 May, 1848, by Rev. Dr. Babcock, Baptist,
to William Clark Peirce, son of Clothier and Comfort
(Chase) Peirce of New Bedford, where she now resides
with her mother, a widow.
ii. John Smith, born 13 February, 1827; died 1 September,
1828 ; was buried in Apponegansett Cemetery, Dartmouth.
Wilkes 7 Slocum (Elihu, 6 Holder? Holder? Peleg? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Mass., 18 April, 1798.
Married, 12 January, 1822, Catharine Almy, daughter of Captain
John Almy of Newport, R. I. They settled in Dartmouth
where he died 3 August, 1824. Children :
i. Laura Almy, b. 2 Oct., 1822; mar. David Walker of New
London, Conn. Children: 1. Charles Wilkes, now in Man-
chester, England ; 2. David Henry, resides in New Haven.
ii. Wilkes Almy, born 2 March, 1824, in Dartmouth. Was
drowned in New York Harbor 21 Feb., 1848. Unmarried.
Mary 7 Slocum, (yohn, 6 yohn? yoseph? Peleg? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, 20
Feb., 1778. She married Pardon Sisson who was born 23 Sept.,
1775, son of John Sisson and his wife Ruth, daughter of John
Fish all residents of Portsmouth. Pardon and Mary (Slocum)
Sisson dwelt in their native township and there died she, 7
July, 1864 ; he, 28 Nov., 1866. They retained to a good degree
their mental and physical vigor to their last sickness, or within a
few days of their death, and kept well informed concerning cur-
rent events. Children :
229.* i. Nancy Sisson, b. 5 Feb., 1799 ; m. Abraham C. CoggeshalL
229.* ii. Matthew Sisson, b. 20 Dec, 1800; m. Sarah Atwood.
hi. Phebe Sisson, b. 15 Dec, 1802; d. 30 Aug., 1878, unmarried,
iv. John Sisson, born 18 November, 1805 ; married Phebe Sher-
man of Portsmouth, R. I. He resides in Amherst, Hamp-
shire County, Massachusetts,
v. Celia Sisson, b. 9 Sept., 1807; d. 9 Feb., 1852. Unmarried.
229. c vi. Martha Sisson, born 7 July, 1809; married William Carr.
229. rf vii. Edward Sisson, b. 25 June, 181 1 ; married Mary Stedman.
229/viii. Oliver Slocum Sisson, b. 4 July, 181 3 ; m. Almeda Franklin,
ix. Holder Sisson, born 4 Nov., 18 15 ; died aged one month.
229./ x. Alexander Sisson, b. 14 Nov., 18 16 ; m. 1st, Abigail Atwood.
xi. Pardon Sisson, twin, born 14 November, 18 16; d. in 1844.
xii. William B. Sisson, born 18 August, 1819 ; married Charlotte
S. Slocum (page 154). He died 18 December, 1851.
xiii. Benjamin Franklin Sisson, b. 6 May, 1823; d. in 1826.
2 20/
Nancy Sisson married, in February, 1817, Abraham Chapman
Coggeshall, a farmer, who was born in Middletown Tp., R. L, 15
March, 1797, son of Joseph Coggeshall and his wife Elizabeth,
daughter of John Horswell. Abraham C. and Nancy Coggeshall are
still (1880) living in Portsmouth, R. I. Children:
i. Noel Coggeshall, b. 24 June, 1818; married Sarah Ann
Rogers, dau. of John and Ann. They reside in Middle-
town, R. I. Children : John Rogers, Charlotte Sisson,
Frances Rogers, Joseph Rogers, and William Sisson.
ii. Abraham Coggeshall, born 27 February, 1820; married
Sarah Gibbs Oman, daughter of John and Mary. They
reside in Middletown, R. I., with one child, Catharine.
iii. Jane Matilda Coggeshall, born 16 January, 1822 ; mar-
ried William Chase of Middletown, R. I. She died 16
Dec, 1841, leaving one child, Abraham Coggeshall Chase.
iv. Mary Catherine Coggeshall, born 13 October, 1823;
married William Chase (see iii above). They reside in
Middletown, R. I., with one child, Jane Matilda. Post-
office, Newport, R. I.
v. Joseph Coggeshall, b. 14 Feb., 1826; married Mary Anna
Lawton, dau. of Parker and Hannah. They reside in
Portsmouth, R. I. Children : Celia Sisson, Charles,
Martha, John Rogers, and Frederick A.
iv. Martha Coggeshall, born 7 August, 1834; married
William E. Coggeshall of Middletown, R. I.; she died 21
April, 1855, leaving one child, Ella Maria.
vii. John Pardon Coggeshall, b. 7 July, 1836; m. Elizabeth
Roddy, dau. of James. They reside in Portsmouth, R. I.
Children : Matthew Sisson, Elbert Anderson, Anne, and
Rosalie Anderson.
Matthew Sisson was born in Portsmouth Township, Newport
County, Rhode Island, 20 Dec, 1800. He removed early to Belcher-
town, Hampshire County, Mass., and there married Sarah Atwood.
They removed to a farm in Madison County, New York, about the
year 1828, and in 1839 settled at Seneca Falls, N. Y., where she died
in January, i860, and where he still lives. Children :
229.^ i. Mary Slocum Sisson, b. 7 Aug., 1823 ; m. John G. Alleman.
ii. Charlotte Amsbury Sisson, born 14 February, 1825, in
Belchertown, Mass.; died 1 December, 1844, at Seneca
Falls, New York, and was there buried.
229.^ iii. Benjamin Franklin Sisson, b. 1827; mar. Harriet Cowles.
iv. Edward Everett Sisson, born, 17 May, 1829, at Cazenovia,
N. Y. ; married Sarah Smith of Seneca Falls, where they
both died, he, about January, i860, without children,
v. Sarah Laverne, born 27 June, 1842, at Seneca Falls, N. Y. r
where she now resides with her father, unmarried.
Martha Sisson married William Carr of Portsmouth Township,
R. I., where they now reside. Children :
i. Sarah Tucker Carr, m. Nathaniel Brown of Middletown.
ii. Orleana Ellery Carr, m. Wm. Weaver; Portsmouth, R. I.
iii. Martha Champlin Carr, married John Smith of New-
port, Rhode Island, where they now reside,
iv. Jane Matilda Carr, born 2 Nov., 1844; d. 30 Oct., 1861.
v. Benjamin Franklin Carr, married Francis Cory of Ports-
mouth Township, Newport Co., R. I., where they now reside.
Edward Sisson married Mary Stedman. They reside on a farm;
postoffice Portsmouth, R. I. Children :
i. William M. Sisson, born 12 July, 1835; married Lovica
Northrup. A farmer ; P. O. Portsmouth, Newport Co., R. I.
229.* ii. Sarah Elizabeth Sisson, born 1837 ; m. Martin E. Burtless.
iii. Edward Payson Sisson, born 14 May, 1844; married Abi-
gail Fisher. A farmer , postoffice Portsmouth, R. I.
iv. George Edwin Sisson, born 16 June, 1849; married Laura
Sweet of Portsmouth Tp., R. I., where they now reside,
v. Elbert Anderson Sisson, born 28 July, 1853 ; unmarried.
Oliver Slocum Sisson was born in Portsmouth Township, Newport
County, Rhode Island, 4 July, 1813. He married Almeda Franklin
20 June, 1837, in Otselic, Chenango County, New York. She was
born in the year 1810, and died 16 March, 1853, in Tully, Onondaga
County, N. Y. He resides at Seneca Falls, N. Y. Children :
i. Mortimer D. Sisson, b. 30 July, 1841; m. Mary A. Binney
2 July, 1868. They reside at Seneca Falls, N. Y.
ii. Caroline A. Sisson, b. 18 Feb., 1844; d. 22 April, 1845.
iii. Fidelia J. Sisson, born 1 October, 1847 ; married C C.
Gilman 6 September, 1871. Postoffice Seneca Falls, N. Y.
iv. Mary O. Sisson, born, 11 August, 1850; died 10 January,
1869, in Earlville, Madison County, N. Y.
Alexander Sisson was born in Portsmouth Township, R. I.. 14
Nov., 181 6. He removed to Madison County, New York, and there
married first, Abigail Atwood in Georgetown 20 Dec, 1842. She died
8 May, 1849. He married second, Abigail Brown, daughter of Edmund
and Abigail (White) Brown formerly of Topsham, Vermont. He is a
farmer ; postoffice, Hamilton, N. Y. Children by first wife :
i. Pardon Eugene Sisson, b. 28 Jan., 1845 ; m. 17 Aug., 1870,
Mary Ann, dau. of Lewis and Laura (Sheldon) Wickwire.
ii. Celia Jane Sisson, b. 9 Nov., 1846. Postoffice, Hamilton.
Children by second wife :
iii. Phebe Elizabeth Sisson, born 12 September, 1852. Post-
office, Hamilton, Madison County, New York,
iv. Mary Abigail Sisson, b. 2 May, 1854. P.O. Hamilton, N.Y.
v. Martha Louise, b. 6 March, 1857. P.O. Hamilton, N. Y.
Mary Slocum Sisson was born in Belchertown, Mass., 7 August,
1823, and was reared in Madison and Seneca Counties, New York,
from the age of five years. She married, at Seneca Falls, N. Y, in
1842, John G. Alleman who died at Waterloo, N.Y., about the year 1854.
She has resided the last few years in East Cleveland, O. Children :
i. Charlotte Alleman, b. 23 Dec, 1844, in Mishawaka, St.
Joseph County, Indiana. Resides with her mother in
Cleveland, Ohio; unmarried.
ii. Albert Lee Alleman, born 16 June, 1846, at Seneca Falls,
N. Y. ; married, 15 September, 1875, Augusta Patterson
at Tecumseh, Mich., where they now reside. No children.
iii. Mary Alleman, born 26 May, 1849, at Seneca Falls, N. Y.;
married Edward W. Mercer of Cleveland, in 1866. They
reside in Charlotte, Mecklenburgh Co., N. C. No children.
229./ iv. Lelia Alleman, b. 17 Nov., 1851 ; m. Charles B. Burtless.
v. Anna Alleman. born 25 June, 1853. in Waterloo, Seneca
Co., N. Y.; died in 1863, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Capt. Benjamin Franklin Sisson was born in Belchertown, Mass.,
16 April, 1827, and was reared in Madison and Seneca Counties, New
York. He married Harriet Cowles in Chicopee, Mass., and resided at
Seneca Falls, N. Y. He enlisted against the Rebellion, was commis-
sioned Captain of a company of Cavalry, and died in the service at
Belle Plain (?). Children :
i. Daniel Webster Sisson, born September, 1850. He is a
lawyer in New York City ; unmarried,
ii. Mary Elizabeth Sisson, born in March, 1855. She is a
teacher at Seneca Falls, N. Y. ; unmarried,
hi. Benjamin Franklin Sisson, born in February, 1856.
iv. William Sisson, born Dec, i860. Resides at Seneca Falls,
N. Y. ; unmarried.
Sarah Elizabeth Sisson was born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode
Island, 1 April, 1837, and married Martin Early Burtless, a farmer.
They dwelt some years in Seneca County, New York, and now reside
in Owasco Tp., Cayuga County ; postoffice, Owasco, N. Y. Children :
i. Edward Sisson Burtless, born 29 October, 1859; married,
8 December, 1880, Adela Foote of Skaneateles, N. Y. He
is a farmer ; postoffice, Owasco, Cayuga County, N. Y.
ii. Harry Burtless, born 2 July, 1861; died 30 Aug., 1869.
Lelia Alleman was born at Seneca Falls, New York, 17 Nov., 185 1,
and married there Charles Burney Burtless 18 March, 1868. Post-
office Seneca Falls, N. Y. Children:
i. John Alleman Burtless, born 29 December, 1868.
ii. Louise Burtless, b. 30 Oct., 187 1, at Seneca Falls, N. Y. (?)
hi. Carl Burtless, b. 27 Dec, 1874, at Seneca Falls, N. Y.
iv. Charles Burney Burtless, b. 27 Dec, 1876, at Seneca Falls.
v. Mary Josephine Burtless, born 14 December, 1878.
vi. Catharine Wanton Burtless, born 10 February, 1881.
Caleb Brown 7 Slocum (John, 6 yohn? yoseph* Peleg?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Middletown Township, New-
port County, Rhode Island, 2 Oct., 1779 ; married Sarah Batty.
They removed to Columbia, Tolland County, Connecticut, about
the year 1809, and thence to a farm in Nelson Towship, Madison
County, New York, about 1820, where he died 11 August,
1836. Children :
435- i- Joseph Wanton, b. 20 Dec, 1800; m. 1st, Mary Ayer.
436. ii. Peleg, b. 2 Oct., 1802; m. Lydia Card in the year 1826.
437. iii. Isaac Lawton, b. 23 Sept., 1804 ; m. Sabrina Scott ; d. 1865.
iv. Meribah, b. 2 June, 1808; m. Washington Goodale. She
died in Sept., 1874, leaving children ; William, George,
Galusha whose postoffice is Gainesville, N. Y., and Lucian,
postoffice Buffalo Grove, Iowa.
438. v. William Brown, b. Aug., 1809; m. PhebeA. Raynor;d. 1878.
439. vi. John Brown, b. 27 July, 181 1 ; m. Amy C. Johnson, in 1834.
vii. Phebe, b. 4 Aug., 1813, in Columbia, Tolland Co., Conn. (?)
Oliver 7 Slocum {John? John? Joseph* Peleg, 1 Giles, 1 An-
thony? ) was born in Middletown Township, Rhode Island,
about the year 1781, and married second (?) in 1816, Ruth,
daughter of Benjamin Sisson of Fairhaven, Mass. He died in
Newport, R. I., in August, 1828. Children :
440. i. Abiel T., b. 8 Aug., 1804 ; m. Mahalah H. Sisson ; d. in 1864.
ii. Phebe, married Capt. Saunders. She died in 1876 (?).
A son, Charles, resides in Providence, Rhode Island.
iii. Clarissa, married 1st, Squire Livsey 30 December, 1839, in
Providence; mar. 2d, Allen. Resides in Providence.
iv. Mary, mar. Samuel Bailey of Providence. He died some
time since leaving two daughters who have attained some
distinction on the theatrical stage : 1. Hannah, mar.
Sargent; 2. Josephine, m. Walter Eytinge. Mrs. Bailey
resides with her daughter Hannah.
v. A child, died in its infancy, in Newport, Rhede Island.
Hannah 7 Slocum (John, 6 John, Joseph* Peleg? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Middletown Township, Newport County,
Rhode Island, 15 Sept., 1789 ; married Capt. Charles Wilcox.
They resided in Newport, and removed to Portsmouth Township,
Rhode Island, where she still (1881) lives. Children :
i. Robert Wilcox, born in 1808, in Newport (?) ; d. in 1879.
ii. Phebe Wilcox, born A. D. 181 1 ; married Thomas Goddard
of Newport, Rhode Island, where she now resides, a widow.
iii. William Wilcox, born in 1814. He is now a widower with
five children ; resides on the Sandwich Islands where his
son is in the employ of the King of the Sandwich Islands.
iv. Albert G. Wilcox, b. in 1817, in Newport (?) ; d. in 1861.
v. Mary Wilcox, b. in 1820; resides in Portsmouth, unmar.
vi. Caroline Wilcox, born in the year 1828 ; married Joseph
Anthony; resides in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
2 33
John Wanton? Slocum {Joseph W., 6 John,'' Joseph* Peleg?
Giles* Anthony?} was born in Middletown Township, Newport
County, Rhode Island, 16 Feb , 1792, and was reared from the
age of one year (?) in eastern New York. He was a soldier
in the War of 1812. He married Sarah Hagerman in Washing-
ton County, New York, and settled on a farm in Hannibal Town-
ship, Oswego County, where they died, he, in August, 1828;
she, in March, 1865. Children :
i. Rhoda, born 26 January, 1813 j married Thomas Jefferson
Earl in Hannibal, N. Y., and died in 1857. A son, Watson
Earl, resides in Tomah, Monroe County, Wisconsin.
Loan, b. 6 Jan., 1814; mar. Leroy L. Curtis, 6 Oct., 1839.
WANTON,born 24 April, 18 16 ; married Phylace T. Bostwick.
Elizabeth, married Garner James; P. O., Hannibal, N. Y.
James Warren, b. 3 Dec, 1820; m. 18 June, 1855, Maria,
daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Terpening) Wilson, of
Ira Tp., Cayuga Co., N. Y., where they have since resided
on a farm. A child, Edna Wilson, born 24 Nov., 1868,
was educated at Falley Seminary, Fulton, New York, and
married Charles VanDuzer 14 April, 1880.
vi. William B., b. 5 Nov., 1822. In the autumn of 1835 he
went to Milwaukee and there engaged with the U. S. Sur-
veying party which surveyed that part of Wisconsin. He
was afterwards engaged for several years in the grain trade
in Kenosha, then studied law and was admitted to the bar.
He served as a soldier against the Rebellion and returned
home, at the end of his term of enlistment, with impaired
health. He died unmarried in Kenosha, Wis., 11 April,
1874 ; was bur. in his brother Wanton's ground, Newport, 111.
vii. Sarah Ann, m. Nathan Stevens. Resides in S. Hannibal, N. Y.
viii. Pamela A., m. John Waters. Resides at Hannibal Centre.
James 7 Slocum {Joseph IV., 6 John,* Joseph* Peleg? Giles?
Anthony? ) was born in Schaghticoke Township, Rensselaer
County, New York, 2 August, 1794. He was a soldier in the
War of 1 8 12 and participated in the Battle of Plattsburgh, N. Y.
He married, first at Saratoga Springs, 6 February, 18 19, Eliza-
beth, daughter of Isaac Andrews. He married second, S. Mariah
Gurnsey 13 Sept., 1858. He settled on a farm near Saratoga
Springs, N. Y., and there died 8 Sept., 1877. Children, all by
first wife :
i. Giles, b. 3 Sept., 1820 j d. 3 Oct., 1822, in Malta Tp., N. Y.
ii. John B., b. 3 Sept., 1822 ; d. 9 Jan., 1849, in Peoria, 111.
443. iii. William Wanton, b. 19 April, 1824; m. Sarah A. Coffin.
444. iv. Rhoda Ann, b. 20 May, 1826 ; m. Jesse B. Hill, in 1854.
v. Hiram, born 20 March, 1829; married Sarah Jane Bell, 1
August, i860. Resides in Greytown, Victoria, Australia.
445. vi. James, b. 9 June, 1831 ; m. Amelia Sisson 27 Aug., 1856.
446. vii. Joseph, b. 19 Nov., 1832; m. Harriet N. Douglas, in 1856.
Eason Peleg 7 Slocum (Peleg, 6 John? Joseph* Peleg? Giles, 1
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Smyrna Township, Chenango County,
New York, 19 December, 1793, and married Delany Delamater
who was born 11 May, 1797, in Greene County. They died in
Livingston County, N. Y., she, at Cuylerville; he, 21 April,
1879, in Leicester Township. Children :
i. William Oliver, born 29 October, 1817, at Groveland,
Livingston Co., N. Y.j married in 1837. He is
a farmer ; postoffice Lawrence, Van Buren Co., Michigan.
ii. Henry Lyman, born 5 June, 1819; married
in 1844. He is a farmer ; postoffice Lawrence, Michigan.
447. iii. Eason Peleg, born 16 May, 1821; mar. Laura R. Alverson.
iv. Nelson Benjamin, born 12 November, 1824, in Leicester,
Livingston Co., N. Y.; married in 1845. He is
a fanner; postoffice Blue Rapids, Marshall Co., Kansas.
v. Mary Ann, born 15 Sept., 1826 ; mar. in 1849 .
vi. Phebe, born 26 May, 1828, in Leicester, N. Y. ; d. in 1832.
vii. Nicholas, b. 14 May, 1831, in Leicester, N.Y.; d. in 1832.
viii. Hannah Elizabeth, b. 3 June, 1833, in Leicester; d. in 1872.
ix. Leonard Delamater, b. 12 July, 1835, in Leicester, N.Y.;
married in 1856. He is a farmer; postoffice
Cuylerville, Livingston County, New York.
x. Delany, b. 19 Aug., 1837, in Leicester, N. Y. ; d. in 1848.
Hon. Joseph 7 Slocum ( William B., 6 John? Joseph,*- Peleg?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Schaghticoke Township, Rensselaer
County, New York, A. D., 1800. He married in Cambridge,
N. Y., 4 May, 1825, Margaret Pierson Jermain, daughter of
Sylvanus P. and Margaret (Pierson) Jermain, formerly of Sag
Harbor, Long Island, N. Y., where she was born 4 March, 1804.
Her father was a Major in the War of 18 12. Mr. Slocum
settled in Syracuse, N. Y., where he became a merchant, and,
by his public spirit and active business habits, contributed much
to the interest and business of that city. He was elected to the
New York Legislature (Assemblyman) from Onondaga County
in the year 1849. Subsequently he made two journeys to
Russia, and was employed by that Government to establish
agricultural schools in the Empire, and to import American
improvements in agricultural implements. One of the first
plows that he took to that country was placed in the Russian
National Museum as an object of great interest. He died 25
March, 1863, in Syracuse and was buried there in Oakwood
Cemetery. The newspapers of his city in reviewing his life
referred to him as "a man of large intellect, fine education and
gentlemanly attainments possessed of the most liberal
views on all matters As a legislator he served with
fidelity to his constituents and honor to himself." His old
friends in Syracuse still bear him in kindly remembrance.
Children :
i. Margaret Olivia, born 8 September, 1828 ; married
Russell Sage. They reside in New York City. Mr. Sage
was born in Oneida County, N. Y., 4 August, 1816. After
attending common-school a few years he commenced active
life as a clerk in Troy about the year 1826, and continued
in mercantile business until 1853. He served as Alderman
in TrOy seven years, from 1841, and also as Treasurer of
Rensselaer County for seven years. He was elected Repre-
sentative to the 33d U. S. Congress two terms, from 1853
till 1857, and was first to advocate the purchase of Mount
Vernon, Va., by the U. S. Government. For a number of
years he has been one of the most prominent and success-
ful stock operators in Wall-street, New York, and a few
years ago it was said of him that he had built and managed
more railroads than any other man in America. He has
also been successfully engaged in banking. See the book
entitled " Successful Folks ; " Hartford, 1878. Also Lan-
man's Directory of the United States Congress.
448. ii. Joseph Jermain, born 24 June, 1833 ; married Sallie
L'Hommedieu 8 June, 1854, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
2 37
Hiram? Slocum ( William B., 6 John? Joseph* Peleg? Giles, 1
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Schaghticoke Township, Rensselaer Co.,
New York, 2 May, 1802, and married there, in 1827, Elizabeth
Van Vechten, daughter of John and Maria (Knickerbocker) Van
Vechten of that township where she was born 2 April, 1806.
They dwelt there on a farm until the year 1834, tn en removed to
Troy where he engaged extensively in business as a grain and
provision merchant. In the year 1856 he was elected Mayor of
Troy, N. Y., on the " American" ticket it being a triumph over
the usual Democratic majority of 400 votes. He closed up his
business at Troy, and from the year 1859 untn his death he was
a dealer in real estate in New York, New Jersey, and the West,
with residence at Maple Hill in Orangetown, Rockland County,
N. Y. They there died, he, 2 April, 1873 ; she, 23 December,
1878, and were buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Troy, N. Y.
Children :
i. Isaac, born in the year 1828; died the same year,
ii. William Brown, born in the year 1830 ; died in 1831.
iii. Olivia, born 24 Sept., 1832; was married in Troy, N. Y.
25 March, 1850, by Rev. N. S. S. Beeman, to Romeo H.
Stephens of Montreal, Canada, where she died 25 Jan., 1863.
Children : Harrison and Hiram B., whose postoffice is St.
Lamberts, Canada ; and perhaps others,
iv. John, born in 1834; died in the autumn of 1840.
v. Elizabeth, born in 1836; died in the year 1844.
vi. Maria, born in the year 1838 ; died in the year 1845.
vii. William Brown, b. 28. March, 1840, in Troy, N. Y. He
removed with his parents. 25 Nov., 1859, to Rockland Co.,
N. Y., where he now resides as an Attorney and Counselor
at Law j postoffice Sparkill, N. Y. He was graduated LL. B.
at Columbia College, class of 1870. He remains unmarried.
viii. Hiram, born in 1845 ; died in the year 1847, in Troy, N. Y.
ix. Florence, born 26 Sept., 1847; resides with her brother,
William B., at Sparkill, Rockland Co., N. Y., unmarried.
Maria? Slocum ( William B., 6 John, 5 Joseph* Peleg? Giles?
Anthony 1 ) was born in Schaghticoke Township, Rensselaer
County, New York, and married, in the year 1832, Clark Perry,
a farmer, of Lansingburgh, N. Y. She died in Schaghticoke.
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Lucy Slocum Perry, married Rev. A. Van Alstine. They
reside in Raymertown, Rensselaer Co., without children.
ii. Eli Perry, married Justina Barry. He represented the
Second Assembly District of Rensselaer County in the New
York Legislature in 1878-9. Postoffice Raymertown, N.Y.
iii. Rosina Perry, resides in Raymertown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.
iv. Delia Perry, born in Pittstown, N. Y., in 1836. She mar.
there, 1 Sept., 1859, Henry J. Estcourt who was born in
England. He is a dry-goods commission merchant ; resides
in Schenectady, N. Y. Children : 1. Percival C, born in
1 86 1 in Brooklyn. N. Y., died 24 Nov.. 1877, at Haddon-
field Academy, New Jersey; .2. Ewing P., born in 1863 in
Brooklyn ; 3. Harry Slocum, born in 1865 in Cincinnati, O.
2 39
Gilks 7 Slocum (Jonathan, 6 Joseph? Giles? Samuel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Warwick Township, Kent County, Rhode
Island, 5 January, 1759. He removed with his parents to the
vicinity of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, about the year 1774, and
there participated in the defense against the Indians during the
time of the terrible massacres that devastated the Wyoming Val-
ley, and he was one of the few who escaped from the most cruel
and extensive slaughter of 3 July, 1778, by swimming to Monock-
onock Island in the Susquehanna River, rolling in the sand and
hiding under a fallen tree, covered by bushes. He married Sarah
Ross of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., soon after this escape, and removed to
Duchess County (?) New York. In the year 1 786 (?) they removed
to Saratoga Township, Saratoga County, N. Y.,* and thence,
about the year 1806, to Claverack, Columbia County, where they
resided about nine years and then returned to Saratoga and set-
tled three miles west of Schuylerville where they died she, 22
*In the Narrative of Col. Thomas Proctor a Commissioner deputed by Gen.
Henry Knox, Secretary of War, upon a mission to the Northwestern Indians in
1791 under date of 28 March, 1791, is this entry ; " Here [at Painted Post, Steu-
ben County, New York, Cohocton in the Indian tongue,] I was joined by Mr.
George Slocum, who had followed us from Wyoming, to place himself under our pro-
tection and assistance, until we should reach the Cornplanters settlement on the
headwaters of the Allegheney, to the redeeming of his sister from an unpleasing
captivity of twelve years, to which end he begged our immediate interposition."
See Indian State Papers ; Pennsyhiania Archives, 2d Series, vol. iv., p. 560 ; and
The History of Wyoming, by William L. Stone. See also The Pennsylvania
Magazine of History and Biography, vol. iii. (1879), P- IJ 5> where it is shown by
Mr. James Slocum (sketch No. 602) that the name of the above Giles Slocum should
have been written instead of George.
At the Saratoga Town-meeting in the year 1791, it was ordered that the next
meeting be held at the house of Mr. Giles Slocum. The Town-meeting was also
held at his house several times after this date. See Sylvester's History of Saratoga.
Nov., 1820, aged 71 years; he, 14 Nov., 1826 (1829?). They
were finally buried in Ridgewood Cemetery, Saratoga Springs.
He was a member of the Society of Friends ; was a farmer early
in life, and later an inn-keeper (?) and merchant. Children :
449. i. Jeremiah, b. in 1780; m. Elizabeth Bryan; died in 1832.
450. ii. Sarah, b. 4 Nov., 1782 ; m. James Brisbin ; d. 22 Dec, 1867.
451. iii. Giles, born in 1784; married Jane Brisbin; died in 1815.
William 7 Slocum {Jonathan? Joseph? Giles* Samuel, 1 Giles, 1
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Warwick Township, Kent County,
Rhode Island, 6 January, 1762, and was reared from the age of
twelve or fifteen years in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He was
there wounded in the heel by a musket ball 16 Dec, 1778, at
the time that his father and grand-father Tripp were killed by
Indians* He married, 4 Jan., 1786, Sarah Sawyer who was
born 12 May, 1764. They were pioneer residents of Exeter
Township, Luzerne County, Pa. He was elected Sheriff of that
county in the year 1795, when Luzerne included the present
Luzerne, Wyoming, Susquehanna, and Lackawanna Counties,
and part of Bradford County. He held that office until 1799 and
then retired to his farm in Pittston Township, where he was elected
Justice of the Peace in 1806. He was classed among the promi-
nent and influential men of his county. They died on their farm
in Pittston, he, 20 Oct., 18 10 ; she, 16 March, 1832. Children :
i. Lemuel, born 24 March, 1787; married Nancy Collins, 20
December, 1812. .They removed to Delaware County,
Ohio, where he died 24 August, 1830.
ii. Elizabeth, born 3 October, 1788; married 1st, William
Jenkins in 1809; 2d, Zenas Barnum, in 1815. She died 22
August, 1869. Their children reside at Scran ton, Pa.
iii. Frances, born 26 August, 1790; married Eleazer Carey,
Esq., 30 August, 1812. She died 12 April, 1822.
452. iv. Laton, b. 16 Aug., 1792; m. Graty Scovell ; d. 16 Jan., 1833.
v. Sarah, b. 12 Aug., 1794; d. 17 March, 1829; unmarried.
vi. Rhoda, b. 17 July, 1796; m. James Wright, 27 May, 1829.
vii. Merritt, b. 12 July, 1798. He was Recorder for Luzerne
County, Pa., from 1836 until his death, 11 July, 1838,
and held other positions of trust; he was unmarried.
453. viii. Giles, b. 4 May, 1801 ;m. 1st, Sarah Perkins; d. 10 May, 1878.
454. ix. William, b. 4 May, 1803 ; m. Ann L. Stewart ; d. May, 1856.
* See Miner's, Stone's, Chapman's, or Peck's, Histoty of Wyoming.
Ebenezer? Slocum {J onathan? yosepfa Giles* Samuel?
Giles? Anthony?} was born in Warwick Township, Rhode Island,
10 January, 1766, and was reared at Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania,
from the age of about eight years. He there married, 3 Dec.,
1790, Sarah, daughter of Dr. Joseph and Obedience (Sperry)
Davis of that place, where she was born 31 August, 1771.
In the year 1798 he purchased an interest in the grist-mill at
" Deep Hollow," which soon thereafter became known as Slocum
Hollow and which has since been included within the limits of
the more recent City of Scranton, Pa. He there built a distillery
in 1798-99 and a saw-mill in 1799. ^ n tne ^ as ^ named year his
brother Benjamin succeeded his former partner, James Duwain,
and together the brothers constructed an iron-forge early in the
year 1800, and a second distillery in 1811. For several years
thereafter whiskey, lumber, iron, flour, and feed were manu-
factured in such quantities as to bring the isolated settlement
before the county as one of prominence and importance- The
iron ore was exhausted in 1822, and the partnership of the
brothers was dissolved in 1826 Benjamin retiring from the
business. Ebenezer Slocum built, in 1805, the first frame house at
Slocum Hollow. This was for many years a prominent land-
mark as the oldest house in Scranton, and was known as " the
Slocum old red house." In size the main part was 17x44
feet, with an addition in the rear 17x34 feet all two
stories in height. The upper portion was burned 10 April,
1869, and was repaired the same month. The first lodge
of Odd Fellows in Scranton was organized, and for a time held
meetings, in the room over the kitchen. The house was taken
down in 1875 to give room for extensive steel works which are
now in constant operation. Mr. Slocum was Justice of the Peace
in 1821 of the district which included the present Pittston,
Providence, and Exeter Townships. With his great business
enterprise and thrift he accumulated, in addition toother property,
1,800 acres of land all situate within the limits of the present
City of Scranton, Pa., and nearly all of it was underlaid with coal.
Ruthless time and the march of improvements have nearly
obliterated all traces of the works of these Slocums at Scranton ;
only the grist-mill dam, built in the year 1800, now remains.
Ebenezer Slocum died suddenly of apoplexy, in the street while
on a business visit to Wilkes-Barre, 25 July, 1832. His widow
died 1 November, 1842. Children :
455. i. Ruth, b. 13 Sept., 1791 ; m. Elisha Hitchcock 24 July, 181 1.
456. ii. Sidney, b. 17 March, 1794; m. Jane La France; d. in 1825.
iii. Ebenezer, born 6 June, 1796; mar. Sarah Mills, of Slocum
Hollow, who was born 4 Jan., 1801. He was a farmer. A
son, Stephen, enlisted against the Rebellion 14 Nov., 1861,
in Co. I, 9 2d Reg. Pa. V. (9th Pa. Cav.), and died at
Springfield, Tennessee, 16 May, 1862.
457. iv. Benjamin, b. 19 July, 1798; m. Matilda Griffin; d. in 1832.
458. v. Joseph, b. 15 July, 1800; m. Edilda Bingham 22 Dec. 1830.
459. vi. Samuel, b. 13 May, 1802; m. Mary Dings; d. 18 Aug., 1851.
460. vii. Thomas, b. 21 May, 1804; m. Sarah S. Jenkins; d. in 1879.
461. viii. Sarah, b. 24 Dec, 1806; m. Alvah Hermans; d. in 1878.
ix. Charles Miner, born 24 December, 1808. He was insane
42^ years, and died, unmarried, in the Danville (Penn-
sylvania) Asylum 27 August, 1877.
462. x. William, b. 20 Dec, 1810; m. Jane Lockwood in 1843.
xi. Mary, born 3 December, 1812; died, unmarried, in the
Danville Insane Asylum, Pennsylvania, 2 January, 1875.
463. xii. Esther, b. 20 March, 1816 ; m. Lester Bristol 23 Sept., 1841.
xiii. Giles, born n Dec, 1820; mar. in Abington, Pa., Sarah
Decker who was born 22 Sept., 1820. He is an engineer;
resides in Scranton, Pennsylvania, with one child, Helen.
Frances 7 Slocum {Jonathan? Joseph? Giles* Samuel, 1 Giles?
Anthony?} was born in Warwick Township, Kent County, Rhode
Island, in March, 1773. The next year (?) her parents removed
with their family to the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, and
finally settled near Wilkes-Barre Fort and the Public Square of
the present City of Wilkes-Barre.
On the 2d day of November, 1778, a party of Delaware Indi-
ans invaded the house, during the absence of the father and old-
est sons, killed Nathan Kingsley, aged fifteen years, who had been
kindly sheltered by Jonathan Slocum, seized little Frances with
Kingsley's younger brother and a colored girl belonging to the
family and carried them captives into the forest where young
Kingsley soon died and where Frances remained lost to her rel-
atives about fifty-nine years notwithstanding great efforts for her
discovery by her brothers who personally traversed the (then)
forest between the Susquehanna River and the great lakes, and
parts of Canada, with that object, beside offering a reward of five
hundred dollars for information concerning her whereabouts.
In January, 1835, Col. George W. Ewing, of Logansport, Indi-
ana, who was a trader with the Indians and understood something
of their language, stopped one night at the house of the widow of
the Chief of the Miami Indians, at their reservation about nine
miles south-east of Peru, Miami County, Indiana, and became
particularly interested in the features and whiteness of skin of
the mistress of the house, who, beside being the widow of the
Chief, was in dress, manner, and speech, apparently a full mem-
ber of the tribe. After some time he learned from her that she
was born of white parents, and that she was forcibly taken from
their home by the Susquehanna River, when she was quite young,
by the Delaware Indians ; that her father's name was Slocum ;
that he was rather small in stature and wore a broad-brimmed
hat (was a Friend) ; that he had sandy hair, and a light com-
plexion much freckled ; that he lived in a wooden house two-
stories high, and about half a mile from a town where there was
a fort, etc. Col. Ewing was greatly interested in her story and
wrote a letter, under date of January 20, 1835, to the postmaster
at Lancaster, Pa., detailing her account and adding : " Her hus-
band is dead ; she is old and feeble, and thinks she cannot live
long. These considerations induced her to give the present
history of herself which she never would do before, fearing her
kindred would come and take her away. She has lived long and
happily as an Indian is very respectable and wealthy, sober and
honest ; her name is without reproach." This letter remained at
Lancaster, known only to a few individuals, until August, 1837,
when it was published in the Intelligencer of that place and soon
thereafter found its way to Wilkes-Barre where it produced a
profound sensation. " Is it Frances ? Can she be alive ? How
wonderful !" Her brother Joseph immediately prepared for a
journey to the distant Reservation, and took his sister, Mrs. Mary
Towne, in his carriage from her home in Southern Ohio, while
their brother Isaac who had been informed of the discovery by
mail preceded them by public conveyance from his home in
northern Ohio.
Upon arriving at the Reservation they found the object of their
long search, who, through an interpreter, as she had entirely
forgotten her mother tongue, gave a brief account of her
abduction, but seemed wholly unmoved at the presence of her
kindred, as such, and was not free from suspicion that there was
some plan in operation to take her away or to get her land."
Her recognition as the long-lost sister was settled beyond doubt
by abundant evidence, including a scarred finger that had been
severely injured by a hammer in the hands of a brother in
her infancy. " It was evident from her wealth, the extreme
attachment to the Indians and their mode of life, connected with
the strength of mind and memory displayed, that Frances
Slocum must have been a queen among them. Doubtless her
superior understanding gave great influence, and led to a flatter-
ing deference to her opinions every where. All possible pains
had therefore been taken to render life pleasant to her, and
doubtless to imbue her mind with fear and dislike of the whites,
so that she would not make known her name ; and she had
earnestly desired, when prisoners were enquired for, that she
might not be betrayed, deeming a return not a blessing to be
desired, but a calamity to be deplored Time and edu-
cation had made her of another race and the truest wisdom
dictated acquiescence in her lot."
Joseph Slocum left his home in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 10 Septem-
ber, 1839, f r a second visit to his sister Frances, and was
accompanied by his daughters Hannah and Harriet. Hannah,
then the wife of Ziba Bennett, Esq., kept a regular journal of
the journey and visit, and the others each a memorandum, from
which the Rev. George Peck copied quite freely into his History
of Wyoming. Only the principal incidents of the visit will be
here sketched. They were received with more cordiality than
were the visitors two years before. Frances not only expressed
great joy at again meeting her brother, but became more com-
municative and gave many additional items in her history and
recollections. The whole family, in fact, seemed anxious to tell
their relatives (by means of an interpreter) all they could about
themselves, and to make as favorable impression as possible^
They had, the preceding spring, made eleven barrels of maple-
sugar. Frances said she could have a better house, but feared
to build one on account of the jealousy of the Indians. She had
money, some that had been saved since the treaty at St. Mary's,
eighteen years before. They had cloths and calicoes enough to
fill a country store. They had a looking-glass, several splint-
bottomed chairs, and a great many trinkets hung about the
house, including beads and chains of silver and polished steel.
Some of their dresses were richly ornamented with silver
brooches, seven or eight rows of them as close as they could
be put together. Frances had seven pairs of silver rings in her
ears, and her daughters perhaps a dozen each. They had
saddles and bridles of the most costly kind, six men's saddles
and one side- saddle. They had between fifty and sixty horses,
one hundred hogs, and seventeen head of cattle ; also geese
and chickens. Their house and some outhouses were inclosed
with a common worm-fence, and all were principally built of
logs. Frances was of small stature, and a little bent. Her hair
was clubbed behind in calico and tied with worsted ferret. She
was attired in a blue calico short-gown, with a white Mackinaw
blanket and a fold of broadcloth around her ; also with red cloth
leggings and buckskin moccasins. She said the Delaware
Indians with whom she lived a number of years slowly
moved westward after her abduction, stopping some time at
Niagara Falls, and thence passing along the southern shore of
Lake Erie to the Detroit River. About the year 1796 her
foster-parents settled near Fort Wayne, Indiana, where she
lived for a period of about twenty years. She married a Dela
ware Indian known as Little Turtle, who soon left her and went
west of the Mississippi. She married second, in 1792 (?) the
Chief of the Miamis, called by them She-poe-ken-ah, and by the
white people " The Deaf Man." Her Indian name was Ma-con-
a-quah, or Young Bear. They settled on the Miami Reserva-
tion, nine miles southeast of the present Village of Peru, Miami
County, Indiana, about the year 181 5, and there her husband
died in 1833. She had no children by her first marriage, but
had four by the second, two sons who died young, and two
daughters who were living with her at the time of the visits of
her relatives. The elder daughter was named Kich-ke-ne-che
quah, or Cut finger ; .perhaps in allusion to her mother's wounded
finger. She was the wife of Captain Jean Baptiste Brouillette,
a tall well-appearing man of French-Indian parentage. The
younger daughter, Osaw-se-quah (Yellow-ieaf), was a widow
and had children, Kip-pe-no-quah (Corn Tassel), Wap-pa-no-se-ah
(Blue Corn), and Kim-on-sah- qnah (Young Panther).
" When arrangements were being made by the Government to
settle the Indians of Indiana west of the Mississippi River,
Joseph Slocum did not forget his sister. He petitioned Congress
in her behalf and succeeded in enlisting powerful support. Hon.
B. F. Bidlack took charge of the bill, John Quincy Adams made
one of his strongest speeches in its support, and it became a law.
The bill provided that one-mile-square of the Miami Indian
Reservation, embracing the house and improvements of Frances
Slocum, should be granted in fee to her and her heirs for-
ever. After the departure of the Indians westward she sent
for her brother Joseph to come and take charge of her affairs,
but, it being impossible for him to go, a son of her brother Isaac
[George R. Slocum, see family No. 243] responded to the call."
A life-size portrait of Frances " The Indian Captive," was
painted for her brother Joseph in 1839 Dv George Winter (?) of
La Fayette, Ind., and it was copied and engraved for Lossing's
Field-Book of the Revolution, and also for Peck's History of
Wyoming. She died 9 March, 1847. Her elder daughter died,
without children, on the 13th day of the same month, aged forty-
seven years. The younger daughter died in January, 1877,
aged sixty-two years. They were buried with Christian rites
near the confluence of the Mississinewa (Missisnewa ?) and
Wabash Rivers. Some descendants of Frances' younger
daughter, who was known in later years as Jane Bondy, live
at Reserve, Ind., by the names of Godfrey and Tawetaw.
The history of this capture and perversion from civilization,
which is of interest to the ethnologist as well as to the general
reader, has been published a number of times, but most of the
books containing it are now out of print.*
Major Isaac 7 Slocum {Jonathan, Joseph, Giles,"' Samuel, 1
Giles, 1 Anthony,' 1 ) was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (?), 4
* See Miner's, Stone's, Chapman's, or Peck's, History of Wyoming ; also the
Pennsylvania Archives ; Lossing's Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution : and
The Story of the Lost Sister, by Rev. John Todd.
March, 1775. He married first, 11 January 1799, Elizabeth
Patrick, daughter of Abel and Elizabeth (Hurlburt) Patrick of
Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa., and formerly of Norwalk, Connecti-
cut, where she was born 26 April, 1780. Afier marriage they
dwelt on a farm which included the site of the present Village of
Tunkhannock, Wyoming (then Luzerne) County, Pa., until the
year 1823 when they removed to Ohio. They settled in York
Township, Sandusky County, 30 March, 1824, near the Village of
Bellevue in Huron County. She there died, 16 Sept., 1839, from
injuries received by being thrown from the wagon against a stump
by their frightened horses. He married 2d, in Clyde, Ohio, 24
December, 1839, Mrs. Lydia Norton, widow by a second marriage,
and grandmother by her first marriage with Russell, to
Major General James B. McPherson. Her maiden name was Lydia
Chase, and she was born in Richmond, Mass., 28 March, 1777,
and died in Clyde, O., 4 October, 1876. Isaac Slocum died at
his home near Bellevue, Ohio, 26 August, 1858, and was buried
beside his first wife in Strong's Ridge Cemetery. The Witness, a
Baptist newspaper published at Indianapolis, Ind., in a sketch of
his life, said :
" Mr. Slocum was a prominent and active citizen, and held success-
ively several military commissions, .... and was several years Post-
master. He was a man of great energy and enterprise, and notwith-
standing the time and money expended in searching, in connection with
his brothers, for his lost sister, [see ante page 219] he accumulated a
handsome fortune. He outlived all his father's family and died peace-
fully and calmly in hope of the resurrection of the just."
Major Slocum built, in the year 1814, one of the most popular
hotels in Tunkhannock Borough, Pennsylvania. Children, all
by first wife :
i. Jonathan, born 25 July, 1800; died 4 May, 1802.
ii. Mary, b. 13 March, 1802 j m. 1st, John Harding at Tunk-
hannock, Pa., 30 Aug., 1818; and 2d, Lork H. Reed (?).
She died near Exeter, Pa., 1 April, 1859. Children, by
first husband : Harriet E. Vorcheimer and William B.
Harding, postoffice, Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania; 3. John
W. Harding. Columbus, Texas,
iii. John Forsman, b. 13 Dec, 1803, at Tunkhannock, Pa. He
mar. 14 April, 1830, Minerva Kellogg in Milan, O.; died at
Cannon River Falls, Minn., 27 June, 1878, or '79. Children :
Merritt, Sarah, and Mary ; P. O. Cannon River Falls, Minn.
iv. Charles, b. 18 March, 1806; d. of consumption 13 Jan.,
1832, near Bellevue, O.; was bur. in Strong's Ridge Cemetery.
464. v. Ruth Ann, b. 13 May, 1808 ; m. James Stevens ; d. in 1847.
465. vi. Isaac, born 30 Sept., 1810; mar. 1st, Juliette Hubbell.
466. vii. Elizabeth, b. 14 June, 1812; m. Mason Kinney in T833.
viii. Hannah, born 21 March, 1814: married Samuel Erastus
Walter in York Tp., Sandusky Co., O., 18 November, 1835.
She there died 6 May, 1880 ; was buried in Strong's Ridge,
Cemetery. She was an active Christian. They had four
children, two of whom are now living ; names not reported.
467. ix. William Sawyer, b. 13 March, 1816; m. Mary A. Knapp.
468. x. Abel Patrick, born 18 Dec, 1817; mar. Mary C. Haskins.
469. xi. Giles, born 18 January, 1820; married Lucinda Booth,
xii. George Remington, b. n July, 1822 j mar. Eliza O. Pierce
4 Jan., 1843, in York Tp., Sandusky Co., O. In November,
1846, he removed with his family to the Miami Indian
Reservation near Peru, Ind., and there he labored success-
fully as a Missionary until his death, 30 December, 1859.
A sketch of his life and labors was prepared for the General
Association, and, by request of that body, was published
20 Feb., 1 86 1, in The Witness, a religious newspaper of
Indianapolis. A daughter, Mary A., resides at Reserve, Ind.
Judge Joseph 7 Slocum {Jonathan* Joseph? Giles? Samuel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 9
April, 1777, and married, in the year 1800, Sarah Fell who was
born in Bucks County, Pa., daughter of Jesse and Hannah
(Welding) Fell. They settled in or near Wilkes-Barre and there
died he, 27 September, 1855. He was a blacksmith and
farmer ; was chosen the first Captain of the " Wyoming Blues "
military company in 1805, and was commissioned Associate
Judge of Luzerne County, Pa., in 1849, anc * filled that office
three or four years with good reputation. The Township of
Slocum in Luzerne County, about twelve miles southeast of
Wilkes Barre, Pa, and Slocum Postcffice, three miles from New-
port Station, were named in his honor. Children :
i. Hannah, b. in April, 1802 ; m. 25 Nov., 1825, Ziba Bennett,
born in Weston, Conn., 10 Nov., 1800, son of Piatt Bennett.
They settled at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he was elected to
the lower house of the State Legislature in the years 1833
and '34, and chosen Associate Judge in 1842. Mrs.
Bennett was noted for her high Christian character; she
died, 5 Feb., 1855, leaving two children: A daughter, now
the wife of John C. Phelps, and a son, George S. Judge
Bennett mar. 2d, Priscilla E. Lee who survives him. He
died 4 November, 1878, at Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., Pa.
ii. Ruth Tripp, born 4 Dec, 1804; married, 1 Dec, 1825,
William Sterling Ross who was born 11 Aug., 1802, in the
house at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., now occupied by her. He
died there ti July, 1868. He was graduated at the College
of New Jersey and settled at Wilkes-Barre as a farmer.
He passed through the various official grades of the
volunteer military service from that of Captain to Brigadier-
General, and held various public offices, including Associate
Judge from 1830 till 1839, and State Senator for 1845, '46
and '47, serving as Speaker of the Senate the last named
year. " Probably no one of General Ross' cotemporaries
had more to do with the various local associations of
Wilkes-Barre for a third of a century than he had. He
was a man of unbending integrity and unblemished honor.
In his private character there was no duplicity." *
iii. Deborah, b. in Aug., 1806; married Aiming Chahoon (?).
iv. Abi, b. 22 June, 1808. She organized, in 1829, and taught
the first Sunday-school in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. She married,
in 1832, Col. Lord Butler, born in Wilkes-Barre 18 Oct.,
1806. He was a civil- engineer, and, later in life, a promi-
nent dealer in coal. He died 27 Nov., 1862. Children :
1. Ruth, m. William Hilliard ; 2. Joseph, an engineer in
the U. S. Navy in 1858; 3. Zebulon ; 4. Ziba; 5. Mary;
6. Edward G. Dates and sketches have not been reported.
v. George, born 10 August, 181 2 ; married Mary Grandon.
470. vi. Jonathan J., born 27 Jan., 1815; mar. Elizabeth LeClere.
vii. Harriet Elizabeth, born in June, 181 9; married Charles
B. Drake in October, 1841.
Jonathan? Slocum (Jonathan, 6 Joseph, 5 Giles, 4 - Samuel, 7 - Giles, x
Anthony?} was born at Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsyl-
vania, 12 Sept., 1778, and was a taxable inhabitant of that town-
ship in the year 1799. He married Martha Underwood ; was a
farmer and perhaps resided, late in life, in or near Havana, Che-
mung (now Schuyler) County, New York. He died in Septem-
ber, 1842. Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
471. i. Zebulon Butler, b. in 1801 ; m. Cynthia ; d. 1850-51.
ii. Isaac, born in 1803. He removed to California (?).
472. iii. Joseph Beach, b. 9 Oct., 1805 ; m. 1st, Sarah Alworth.
473. iv. Benjamin Franklin, m. Rhoda Bates ; resides at Odessa.
v. John F., resided in the State of Wisconsin (?).
* History of Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania ;
New York, 1880.
vi. Ebenezer Phineas, resides at Cochranton, Crawford Co.,
Pa. Children: i. George; 2. John, was a soldier against
the Rebellion, and was badly crippled by wounds received
in the Battle of Gettysburgh ; 3. Sarah ; 4. Martha ; the
above named now reside at Cochranton, Pa. ; 5. James, was
killed as a Union soldier in front of Petersburgh, Va. ; 6
Theodore L., is an agent for the sale of the Eclectic School
Book Series ; postoffice Marshall, Clark County, Illinois.
vii. Anna Maria, resided in the State of Illinois (?).
viii. Phebe P., m. Owen ; P. O. Odessa, Schuyler Co., N. Y.
ix. William H., resides at Dundaff, Pa. ; also his son Charles H.
x. Laton, was drowned when young (?). xi. Joel(?).
William Henry? Slocum (Peleg? Benjamin, 1 * Giles* Samuel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Adams Township, Berkshire Co.,
Massachusetts (?), about the year 1785(F). He married first,
Nancy McFarland, and second, Olive Bowen. He resided some
time on a farm in Adams Township, Mass., and finally settled
on a farm in Shaftsbury Tp., Bennington Co., Vermont, where he
died about the year 1845. Child by first wife :
i. Lemuel S., lived in White Creek Tp., Washington Co., N. Y.,
and, March, 1830, in Hoosick Tp., Rensselaer Co., N. Y.
Children by second wife :
ii. David, b. 4 July, 1804, in Adams Tp., Mass. ; m. Charlotte
Spencer. He resided in Pownal, Vt., and in Shaftsbury,
Vt, where he died , leaving one child, William
Henry, 9 born 7 August, 1839, who mar. Emma , b.
in 1836 in Rensselaer Co., N. Y. He is now time-keeper
at Wood's mowing-machine mfy., Hoosick Falls, N. Y.
Children: Henry, 10 b. in 1866; Arthur, 10 b. in 1870; both
born in Rensselaer County, New York.
hi. Nancy, married Seth Martin. She died in Springfield, Vt.
474. iv. Darius Reynolds, born 9 April, 1809; m. Sarah Randall.
v. Timothy, was a cripple unable to walk. He went away
from Shaftsbury, Vt., at middle age or after, and was not
there heard from afterward.
vi. Alpheus, married ; died in Shaftsbury, Vt.,
leaving one child, Mary Frances, who is now a teacher
in Bennington, Vermont; unmarried.
Amasa 7 Slocum {Benjamin?' Benjamin? Giles? Samuel? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in South Adams, Berkshire County, Massa-
chusetts (?), A. D., 1775, and married Anna Arnold of that
place in the year 1801. They removed in 1804 to a farm in
Perrington Township, Monroe County, New York, where she
died in 1837. He married 2d, Ann Mercy Howland of Adams,
Mass., in 1843. They died in Perrington, he, in 1868 ; she, in
l %79> and were buried in Friends' ground, Farmington, N. Y.
Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Amy, married Joshua C. Eaton in September, 18 17 (?), and
died in Perrington, N. Y., in 1826. A son, Ortus C.
Eaton, resides at Battle Creek, Michigan,
ii. Nathan, died in 1803 (?) ; was buried in South Adams, Mass.
iii. Mary, died in 1808 (?); was buried in Perrington, New York,
iv. Levi, died in 1 813 (?) ; was buried in Perrington, New York.
475. v. Thomas Arnold, m. 1st, Lucy Swift ; 2d, Mary S. Aldrich.
vi. Elsie, married Charles Howe in March, 1834. She died in
Perrington, N. Y., in 1852 leaving children: 1. Jane Ann,
now in Kansas; 2. George, now in Nashville, Mich.;
and 3. Charles, now in Rochester, New York,
vii. Lydia, died in the year 18 14 in Perrington, New York,
viii. Benjamin, died in Perrington, New York, in the year 1815.
ix. Amasa, died in the year 181 8 in Perrington, New York.
Smith? Slocum {Benjamin!" Benjamin? Giles? Samuel? Giles?
Anthony?} was born in Adams Township, Berkshire County,
Massachusetts, A. D. 1787 (1782?), and married in Cheshire,
Mass., in the year 1816, Elizabeth Bliss, daughter of Benjamin
and Amy (Bowen) Bliss. They removed to Macedon, Wayne
County, New York, previous to 1818, and, after some years, to
the adjoining Township of Perrington, Monroe County, and
there died on a farm he, 7 October, 1835. Children :
476. i. Albert Bowen, b. 19 March, 1818; m. 1st, Cordelia Treadwell.
477. ii. Benjamin, born 22 February, 1820; married Catharine
Pritchard 22 December, 1852.
iii. Amy E., m. Judson Hill; P. O. Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y.
iv. Ann Mercy, m. William Johnson; postoffice, Palmyra, N.Y.
v. Almeda, postoffice, Church's Corners, Mich. Unmarried.
vi. Mowry, born 10 January, 1829; d. 10 November, 1829.
vii. Nathan Norton, born A. D. 1830 ; married Antoinette
Turner of Brighton, N. Y. Their postoffice is Fairport,
Monroe Co., N. Y. Children : George A., born about
i860; H. Gertrude, born about 1873 in Perrington Tp., N. Y.
viii. Sarah, married Brooks. She died some years since.
Joseph? Slocum (Eleazer, 6 John? Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 1
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts, 30 January, 1766. In his early youth his parents
removed their family to the eastern part of Duchess County,
New York, and thence, about the year 1783, to Washington
County, N. Y., where he was married, in Cambridge Township,
A. D. 1790, to Elizabeth Wright who was born in Sandisfield,
Conn., 13 March, 1772, and was reared by her parents on a farm
in Cambridge, N. Y., from the age of five years. She was the
third child, and first daughter, of Caleb Wright (born A. D.
1747 in Connecticut, died about 1786 in Cambridge, N. Y.) and
his wife Elizabeth Stillman of Wethersfield, Conn. This Caleb
was the third son of Caleb Wright who settled near the mouth
of the Connecticut River about the year 1730.
Joseph and Elizabeth (Wright) Slocum resided in Easton
Township, Washington County, N. Y., 29 February, 1792, at
which date he purchased of James Boyd of Watervliet, for a
consideration of ,66. \ys. 6d., 133I acres of wood land * situate
about one-half mile east of the present Village of Northville,
Northampton Township, Fulton County, then part of the
wilderness known as Caughnawaga in Montgomery County,
New York. They removed to this land in the spring of 1792,
and with the spirit of true pioneers they there built a home and
cleared a farm. He also built a flour-mill in the vicinity. They
there died, he, 8 October, 181 5 ; she, 6 July, 1838, and were
buried in the Ridge Road Cemetery. He was a man of large
stature and superior strength, and was successful in his under-
takings ; and he is still kindly remembered by his surviving
neighbors, for his good qualities of mind and heart. He was
repeatedly chosen Justice of the Peace and was highly respected.
Children :
478. i. Elizabeth, b. 4 Jan., 1792 ; m. 1st, Jacob Lyon d. 1858.
479. ii. Reuben, b. 16 July, 1793 ; m. Lydia Case ; d. 18 Dec, 1863.
480. iii. Rachel, b. 5 July, 1795 ; m. Joseph H. Miller; d. Feb., 1843.
481. iv. Caleb Wright, b. 22 Oct., 1797 ; m. Elizabeth Bass ; d. 1864.
482. v. Azubah, b. 1 May, 1800 ; m. 1st, Isaac Burnet ; 2d, Sam'l Snow.
* The deed of this land was recorded in Albany, N. Y., where the copy was
seen by the writer in the summer of 188 1.
vi. Sarah, born 5 August, 1803; died 3 May, 181 7; was
buried in the Ridge Cemetery near North ville, New York.
483. vii. Humphrey, b. 20 Oct., 1805 ; m. Caroline Newton ; d. 187 1.
viii. Annice, born 25 March, 1809; married Wright Newton.
They removed to a farm in Phelps Tp., Ontario Co., N. Y.,
and there died. Their children, Lydia, John, Elizabeth,
and Spencer, still live on the homestead farm unmarried,
ix. Eljas, born 9 November, 181 1; died 13 December, 1828;
was buried in the Ridge Cemetery near Northville, N. Y.
484. x. Joseph, b. 14 July, 1814; mar. Elizabeth Kellogg; d. 1865.
Fortunatus 7 'Slocum {Eleazer, 6 John? Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol
Co., Mass., 3 Nov., 1768, and was reared mostly in Washington
County, New York. He married, 3 December, 1789, Ruth
Adkins who was born 8 April, 1770. They removed to North-
ampton Township, now in Fulton County, N. Y., and there
he died in September, 1820; was buried in Ridge Cemetery.
Children :
485. i. Lewis Berry, b. 30 Aug., 1790 ; m. Clarissa Bryan ; d. 1863.
ii. Samuel, born 28 August, 1792. He removed to Kentucky,
after the War of 18 12, and there died,
hi. Sarah, born 22 August, 1794; died 9 April, 1796.
iv. Mercy, b. 19 Nov., 1796, in Washington County, N. Y. (?)
486. v. Anstace Viall, b. 20 April, 1799 j m. Hirah Olmsted in 1816.
vi. William W., born 16 Sept., 1801 ; d. 18 November, 1801.
487. vii. Sarah, born 16 September, 1802; mar. Ezra F. Lounsbury.
viii. William Morgan, born 5 April, 1805 ; mar. Mary Camp-
bell Sutherland. They dwelt some years in Syracuse,
then removed to Onondaga Valley, N. Y., where they now
reside. Children: 1. Mercy, mar. Boone, and now
(1881) resides in Oakland, Cal. ; 2. Mary, resides with her
parents, unmarried ; 3. Warren, born in 1842; he enlisted
against the Rebellion and was wounded in battle by a bullet
through his right eye ; he went to California a few years
since ; 4. A daughter, died young.
488. ix. Harmon Van Vechten, b. 1 Aug., 1807 ; mar. Salome Park ;
was killed in the Mexican War, in April, 1846.
x. Garrett Wendell, twin, b. 1 Aug., 1807 ; d. 10 Aug., 1807.
xi. Davis Hodge, born 21 April, 181 2; mar. Eliza Jones. He
died in May, 1872, near Grass Lake, Jackson County, Mich.,
where his widow still lives. Children: 1. Edward Barrett, 9
a farmer ; postofhce Grass Lake, Mich. ; has children, Car-
oline, 10 Glen Davis, 10 and Earl 10 ; 2. Ruth Eliza, 8 married
Samuel Campbell ; P. O. Norvell, Mich. ; has no children.
Fitzgerald? Slocum (Eleazer, 6 yohn? Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born about the year 1771 in Dartmouth
Township, Bristol County, Mass., and married Elizabeth Mayhew.
" He sailed from Boston in his own ship about the year 1803, and
was lost at sea with the ship." His widow married Ezra Billings
in Saratoga County, New York. Children, perhaps not born in
the order here given :
489. i. Anna, born in 1794; mar. Levi C. Lyon; died in 1851.
ii. Abram K., enlisted in the War of 181 2, in his minority, with
the name of " John Slocum" and before the close of the
war re-enlisted with his real name. Land-warrants were
afterward given him for his services as a soldier. He
died unmarried.
490. iii. Eleazer, mar. Elizabeth Wilson; died 1 December, 1850.
iv. Elias W., married 1st, Elizabeth Cotton of Vermont ; and
2d, . He resided near Ashland, Ohio, several years,
previous to the year 1844, then removed to Michigan, and
later to Madison, Wisconsin (?). Children : Nelson ; An-
drew, died some years since ; Laura ; and Ursula.
491. v. Willard, b. in 1803; m. Mary A. Holbrook ; d. in 1847.
Mrs. Slocum after her marriage with Ezra Billings had the
following children :
i. Charles Billings, born about 18 10; died at Ashland, Ohio,
ii. John Kimplon Billings, resides in West Union, Ohio,
iii. Allida Billings, m. Sweeney (?) ; resides near Ashland.
John 7 Slocum, {Eleazer, 6 John* Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?} was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts (?), A. D. 1775, and was reared from an early age
in Washington County, New York. He married Phebe Slade
and settled as a merchant in Pittstown, Rensselaer County,
N. Y., and there died 1 April, 181 8. Children :
492. i. Philip Slade, born 1 May, 1799; mar. 1st, Almira Slade.
ii. Mariah, born 10 May, 1800; died in New York City 12
March, 1869, unmarried; was buried in Syracuse, N. Y.
493. iii. Hiram, b. in i8oi(?); m. Elizabeth Bingham; d. in 1843.
494. iv. John Jay, born 25 May, 1803; m. ; died 12 May, i860.
v. Harriet, born A. D. i8o4(?); died in the year 1821.
495. vi. William Sisson, b. 15 Sept., 1806; m. Rosabella C. Berrien.
vii. Mary Ann, born in 1807 (?); m. Blackman. They
removed West where she died of cholera in September, 1833.
viii. Washington, born 2 July, 181 1. He removed South and
was lost sight of by his relatives,
ix. Waity Ann, resided with her brother William in Brooklyn,
New York. Unmarried.
2 53
Deborah 7 Slocum {Eleazer, 6 John? Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 1
Anthony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts^), 5 May, 1778, and was reared mostly in Easton
Township, Washington County, New York, where she married
Felix Holdridge 24 October, 1802. They removed a few years
after marriage to Onondaga County, N. Y., and in November,
1836, settled on a farm in Raisin Township, Lenawee County,
Michigan, where they died. In later life she became subject to
epileptic convulsions with occasional derangement of mind. In
September, 1839, sne went back on their farm to gather rushes
and not returning in due time search was instituted and contin-
ued six weeks when she was found dead in a deserted cabin in the
woods about six miles from her home. Mr. Holdridge died 15
October, 1855. Children:
253.* i. Elizabeth Holdridge, b. 13 Aug., 1803 ; m. Uriel Spencer.
253/ ii. Eleazer Holdridge, b. 14 Sept., 1 814; m. Mehetabel Stone.
hi. Warren Holdridge, b. 21 Oct., 1816; d. aged 3 ys. 6 mos.
Elizabeth Holdridge was born in Easton Township, Washington
County, New York, 13 August, 1803. She removed with her parents
in 1836 to Raisin Township, Michigan, where she married, 11 April,
1840, Rev. Uriel Spencer, a minister in the Methodist Episcopal
Church, who died a few years after marriage. She married second, 8
March, 1865, Lewis Horton of Royalton, Niagara Co., N. Y., where
she died 28 December, 1872. Children:
i. Mary Emma Spencer, born 16 March, 1841 ; married Rev.
Henry Wright, of the M. E. Church, in October, 1863.
They have three children : Elizabeth, Frederick and George,
ii. Martha Elizabeth Spencer, married in November, 1863,
John Pease, a farmer of Raisin Tp., Lenawee Co., Mich.,
where they still reside, with children: Flora and Dora,
twins, born 7 Sept., 1864; 3. Herbert, born in Feb., 1868.
Eleazer Holdridge was born in Otisco Township, Onondaga
County, New York, 14 September, 1814, and was married to Mehetabel
Stone in Royalton, Niagara County, New York, 18 September, 1836,
by John Gurnsey. Soon after marriage they removed to Raisin
Township, Lenawee County, Michigan, and there resided on a farm
about thirty years, then removed to the City of Adrian, Mich., where
he died 4 May, 1873. He was an enterprising and successful man,
and a good citizen. Children :
253/ i. Warren J. Holdridge, b. 1 Aug., 1838, m. Mary I. Cole.
ii. Horace Payson Holdridge, born 28 August, 1840; mar-
ried, 1 January, 1862, Adaline Holloway and settled on a
farm in his native township (Raisin, Mich.) where he has
been twice elected Supervisor. Children: Ellen Armenia,
b. 5 Sept., 1863, and Clarence Eleazer, b. 24 Aug., 1872.
253/ iii. Eliza Ellen Holdridge, b. 1840; m. Harmon Camburn.
iv. Thomas Jefferson Holdridge, born 13 Aug., 1844; mar.
Florence Conley in Delphi, Ind., 2 March, 1870. They
reside in Burrton, Harvey Co., Kansas. A miller. Children :
Lawrence Eleazer, b. 3 Dec, 1870 ; Leta, b. 30 Sept., 1879.
253.' v. Hannah Elizabeth Holdridge, b. 1846; m. Amos Graves,
vi. Spencer Holdridge, b. 2 Feb., 1849; d. 22 July, 1849.
vii. Mary Mehetabel Holdridge, born 4 Aug., 1850; mar.
19 Feb., 1874, George Olin Green, a painter. They reside
in Adrian, Mich., with children : Franklin Eleazer, born 19
December, 1875 j and George Holdridge, b. 12 Sept., 1877.
viii. Eleazer Slocum Holdridge, b. ii Sept., 1854; married
Emma Spear 4 Oct., 1873. They removed to Burrton,
Kansas, in 1878, where he is engaged with his brother
Thomas in a flouring- mill. A child, Maud Sylvia, was
born 6 March, 1878.
Warren Johnson Holdridge was born in Raisin Township,
Lenawee County, Mich., 1 August, 1838. Was a teacher in the public
schools several terms ; married Mary Imilda Cole 26 Jan., i860, and
dwelt on a farm in Blackman Township, Jackson County, Mich., where
he was elected Treasurer two terms. In the year 1866 he returned to
the homestead of his father and grandfather in Raisin, and still resides
there. Children :
i. Frank Harmon Holdridge, b. 13 Aug., i860, in Michigan.
ii. A son, born in September, 1862 ; died at the age of six weeks,
iii. Burt Shipman Holdridge, b. ii Jan., 1866, in Michigan,
iv. Viola Holdridge, b. 24 Aug., 1867, in Raisin Tp., Mich.
v. Warren Bass Holdridge, b. 7 May, 1869, in Raisin, Mich.
vi. Mary Holdridge, b. in April, 187 1; d. in January, 1873.
vii. George Eleazer Holdridge, b. 6 M'ch, 1874; d. July, 1876.
2 53 d
Eliza Ellen Holdridge was born in Raisin Township, Lenawee
County, Mich., 4 Dec, 1840. She taught school several years, and
married, 14 Sept., 1864, Harmon Camburn who was born in Lenawee
County, Mich. He was a soldier against the Rebellion, in the 2d Reg.
Mich. V. I., and received a gunshot wound through the right lung.
After marriage they resided two years on a farm in Raisin, then removed
to Adrian, Mich., where he is employed in the postal service. Children :
i. George McClellan Camburn, b. 1 Dec, 1865, in Raisin.
ii. Arthur Thomas Camburn, b. 3 1 Oct., 1868, in Adrian, Mich,
iii. Edith May Camburn, born 17 Jan., 1872, in Adrian, Mich,
iv. Adeline Mehetabel Camburn, b. 21 Nov., 1873, in Adrian.
2 53 e
Hannah Elizabeth Holdridge was born in Raisin Township,
Michigan, 2 May, 1846, and married there Amos Graves 28 Dec,
1864. Since the spring of 1878 they have resided on a farm near
Williamstown, Ingham County, Michigan. Children :
i. Myrtle Mehetabel Graves, born 25 Jan., 1866, in Mich.
ii. Seymour Earle Graves, born 25 July, 1868.
iii. Ralph Stone Graves, born 18 November, 1872.
iv. Nellie Graves, born 24 July, 1877, in Michigan.
v. Zada Belle Graves, born 16 January, 1879.
Eleazer 7 Slocum {Eleazer? yohn, 5 Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 1
Anthony?) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess County,
New York (?), in November, 178 1, and was reared in Easton
Township, Washington County. He married Elizabeth Eldridge
and dwelt some years near the Village of Northville, Fulton Co.,
N. Y. They removed to a farm in Otisco Township, Onondaga
County, 14 February, 181 1, and some years thereafter settled in
the Hamlet of Onondaga Valley, three miles south of Syracuse,
N. Y., where they died he, in September, 1853. Child :
496. i. Edward Tabor, born 27 May, 1805; mar. Melinda Wilson.
Eli as 7 Slocum {Eleazer? yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony, 1 ) was born 11 August, 1784, in that part of Stillwater
Township which was organized 3 March, 1789, as Easton Town-
ship, Washington County, New York, and was married there to
Anna Hunt in the year 1805. They removed in 1808 to Pinck-
ney Tp., Lewis Co., N. Y., and thence to Ohio in 18 17 and set-
tled on a farm near the present Village of Ashland. At the
time of this removal he exercised great shrewdness, good tact and
daring, in discovering, while on board a schooner on Lake Erie,
and arresting the murderer of Richard Huddleston of Schoharie
County, N. Y. For this service to the State he received a reward
of $500. In his new home he soon gained the reputation of pos-
sessing good judgment and business tact, and his counsel con-
cerning desirable locations and neighborhood matters was gener-
ally sought by prospective settlers and others. He early gave
attention to the practice of law and in the year 1830 removed to
the Village of Ashland where he acquired a good reputation in
that profession. He did not neglect his farms meantime, and
received a good income from them also. When the Whig party
was merged into the Republican party he became one of its strong
supporters, and at the outbreak of the Rebellion he spent his
time and money freely in support of the Government. In June,
1 86 1, his son Willard raised a company of soldiers many of whom
were indebted to him some for considerable sums for which
indebtedness he gave them receipts in full, and afterward con-
tributed to the support of soldiers' families. He was generous to
the worthy poor and never forcibly took property from them in
payment of debt. His wife Anna died in January, 1828, and he
married second, widow Banning. He died 18 April, 1862,
in Ashland, Ohio, and was there buried.* Children by 1st wife :
i. Sarah, born 13 February, 1807; married John Lafferty.
Postoffice, Galesburgh, Illinois,
ii. Mary, b. 15 M'ch, 1809 ; m. Wm. Palmer. P. O. Galesburgh.
497. iii. Eliza, born 9 May, 181 1 ; m. Daniel Carter 28 May, 1829,
iv. Lyman, born 27 February, 1813; died 20 December, 1834.
498. v. Wealthy, born 16 January, 1816; married Daniel Bryte.
499. vi. Ephraim, born 19 March, 18 18; married 1st, Eliza Freer.
500. vii. Willard, born 8 April, 1820; married Caroline Carr, 1847.
viii. Mahalah, born 20 May, 1822; married J. H. Corson of
Galesburgh, Knox County, Illinois, where they now reside.
501. ix. Eli, born 26 August, 1824; married Mary Hunter in 1855.
*For a more detailed account of the life of Elias 7 Slocum see History of Ashland
County, Ohio.
502. x. Alfred, b. 26 Aug., 1826; married first, Lydia A. Vassar.
xi. Cordelia, b. 8 April, 1828; d. 4 April, 1850, in Ashland, O.
Child by second wife :
xii. Palice Augusta, b. 20 Jan., 1831 ; died 24 January, 1832.
Capt. William 7 Slocum {J- 'ohn, b J 'ohn? 'Eliezer^Eliezer^ Giles, %
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts, 27
Sept., 1769 ; was published there 28 Feb., 1792, for marriage to
Mary Cheney who was born 2 Feb., 1776. He was a master-
mariner for many years and later in life a farmer with residence
on Nashawena Island, Buzzard's Bay, Mass., where he died 21
Oct., 1851. The following item of'news was published in the
Fairhaven (Mass.) newspaper under date 16 April, 18 13, viz. :
" Narrow escape. Arrived at this port last evening ship ' Harmony,'
Brown, of Philadelphia, 104 days from Calcutta. She was boarded off
Bermuda by the privateer 'Jack's Favorite,' of New York, and informed
of the war [War of 1812, with England] and that the Delaware was
blockaded. Yesterday morning, off Block Island, fell in with a British
frigate and two schooners, which chased her into this port, and dis-
charged upwards of a hundred guns at her ; several shots passed
through her sails. The ' Harmony' is a large ship, and has on board
a very valuable cargo of silks, etc. Capt. William Slocum, who was
crossing the bay in a sail-boat, with a woman passenger, seeing the
dilemma of the Indiaman, got on board, and, being a good pilot,
steered the ship over a shoal place, and in this way the frigate, following
close in her wake, was grounded. The amount awarded to Captain
Slocum for his valuable services was $500 ; the woman passenger also
received a present of valuable pearl beads." Ricketson's New Bedford.
Children :
503. i. Waldo, b. 2 July, 1792; m. Rhobea Smith 12 Nov., 1818.
ii. Rhobea. born 10 August, 1794; married Luther Wood.
Children : 1. Caroline, mar. Lewis Allen and is deceased;
2. Rhobea, deceased; 3. Edward; 4. Humphrey, deceased;
5. Rounseville, deceased; 6. Mary, married Frederick
Ricketson and died leaving four children.
iii. Lydia, born n August, 1796 ; married Levi Smith and had
five children, viz: 1. Charles; 2. Amanda who married
Ozni Parker ; 3. Malvana ; 4. William, resides at Appone-
gansett, Dartmouth ; and 5. Levi Woodbury Smith.
iv. Oliver, born 29 May, 1798; mar. Sarah Chase, 4 Dec,
1820. He died in Chilmark, Dukes Co., Mass., 5 April,
1854. Children; Mary Ann and Emeline, both deceased.
v. Mary, born 15 June, 1800; died 25 December, following.
504. vi. Cheney, b. 9 Dec, 1801 ; m. Mary C. Gififord ; d. in 1849.
vii. William, born 27 December, 1803 \ married Lovice Grin-
nell who was born 1 December, 1800, and is still living in
Dartmouth. He died 17 April, 1875, without children.
505. viii. Philip, b. 6 May, 1806 ; m. Ruth Gififord ; died at sea in 1838.
ix. Edward, born 5 April, 1808. He was killed by lightning;
his estate was administered in New Bedford in the year
1834. He died unmarried.
506. x. RounsevilleS., b. 3 April, 181 1 \ m. Mary C. Himes j d. 1853.
507. xi. Humphrey A., b. 30 July, 1812 ; m. Sarah T. Drew j d. 1880.
xii. Mary, b. 27 Feb., 1815 ; m. 1st, Harvey Cole who died at
sea; married 2d, William Carey. She died 24 April, 1878.
Oliver 7 Slocum (John, 6 John? Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 2 - An-
thojiy?) was born on Pasque Island (?), Dukes County, Mass.,
A. D. i77o(?). He was a mariner; married Lydia Cheney
in Dartmouth 7 Sept., 1790, and died previous to 6 Dec, 1795,
at which date his widow was published for marriage to Howard
Russell of Dartmouth. Child :
i. Nancy Worth, born 16 Sept., 1792; married John Slocum
Himes, a ship-carpenter and native of Wickford, Rhode
Island. They resided in New Bedford Mass. Children :
1. Susan Spooner, b. 23 Nov., 1809; lives in New Bedford;
2. Mary Cheney, born 29 Feb., 18 12, mar. Rounseville S.
Slocum (sketch No. 506); 3. Sarah Almy, born 27 Dec,
1814; lives in New Bedford ; 4. Philip Russell, b. 28 Nov.,
1817, in Tiverton, R. I.; now lives in Wellington, New
Zealand; 5. George Randall, b. 27 Nov., 181 9, in Tiver-
ton, R. I.; was a master-mariner, and died n Nov., 1858,
at Bahia, San Salvador; 6. Eliza Russell, b. 25 July. 1822 ;
7. Nancy Worth, b. 8 June, 1825; 8. John Slocum, b. 2
Aug., 1833 ; 9. Lydia Russell, b. 27 Feb., 1835. T ne f ur
last named reside in New Bedford, Mass., where they were
born. Five sons (names not ascertained) died in their infancy.
Charles 7 Slocum (John 6 John? Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 7 - An-
thony, 1 ) was born on Nashawena Island, Buzzard's Bay, Massa-
chusetts, 9 January, 1779; was published 21 August, and mar-
ried 22 December, 1801, to Mary Devol, daughter of Daniel and
Sarah (Bowditch) Devol of Dartmouth, Mass., where she was
born 4 January, 1772, and where she died in the year 1809. He
was published second, on the 8th of July, and married 7 August,
18 10, to Jane Haskins who was born in Freetown 13 May, 1794.
He was a seaman, and served in the War of 18 12. He died on
his native island 11 Sept., 1850 and was there buried. Children
by first wife :
i. Sylvia Ann, born in 1802 j died young on Nashawena Island,
ii. Sarah B., born in May, 1804; married, 30 September, 1821,
Alexander E. C. Larabee, a stone-cutter, who died leaving
one child, Elizabeth. Sarah died 22 June, 1849.
508. hi. Solomon, born 1 May, 1805 ; mar. 1st, Sarah P. Simmons,
iv. Gideon D., born in 1807 ; died young on Nashawena Island.
Children by second wife :
v. Charles, born 3 Sept., 181 1; married Lucy (Allen) Harris,
daughter of Pardon Allen of Dartmouth. He is Captain
of a whaling-ship, with family residence at Smith's Neck,
and postoffice South Dartmouth, Mass. He has one child,
Lucy, who mar. Capt. Edmund Manchester of Tiverton, R. I.
vi. Job, born 5 March, 18 13. A seaman ; was married 10
Aug., 1836, by Rev. Elihu Colburn, Congregationalist, to
Julia Ann, daughter of Stephen and Priscilla Simmons of
Little Compton, R. L, where he died of consumption,
without children. His widow married Deacon John Dyer
of Little Compton, Rhode Island.
vii. Mary, born 23 Sept., 181 5 ; married 1st, Holder Allen
and resided on Cuttyhunk Island, Buzzard's Bay, where he
died leaving ten children, viz. : Charles, Frederick, Holder,
Mary, Susan, Elizabeth, Henrietta, Louise, Henry, and
William. She married 2d, Alonzo Daggett of Cuttyhunk
Island, Dukes County, Mass., where they still live.
viii. Jane, b. 25 Nov., 181 7 ; died young on Nashawena Island.
509. ix. Frederic, born 14 Sept., 1820; mar. 1st, Sarah A. Smith.
x. Catharine, born 12 October, 1823; married Ahira Lewis
of New Bedford, Massachusetts; died 20 January, 1878.
2 59
John? Slocum (John, 6 John? Eliezer* Eliezet, 1 Giles, 1 An-
thony? ) was born on Nashawena Island, Dukes County, Mass.,
6 October, 1780. Was published 21 Aug., 1805, for marriage to
Amy, daughter of Paul and Amy (Curtin) Sherman of Dart-
mouth, Mass., where she was born 6 May, 1782, and where she
died 19 Nov., 1825. He married second, in South Dartmouth,
Sarah Potter Sherman who was born 1 July, 1798, in New Bed-
ford where she died 20 April, 1880. He was a farmer and
fisherman ; resided many years on his native island and later in
Dartmouth, and in New Bedford, Mass., where he died 10 Oct.,
1 87 1 ; was buried in Rural Cemetery, New Bedford. Children
by first wife:
i. Fitzgerald, born 10 June, 1807 ; was published for mar.
to Experience King 21 December, 1826, in New Bedford,
Massachusetts, where he died 27 January, 1853.
510. ii. Sarah Sherman, b. 7 May, 1809; m. William Bain in 1831.
iii. Rosetta, b. in 181 1 ; m. Thos. Remington. P. O. N. Bedford.
iv. Rodolphus John, born 10 July, 18 14; mar. Ann Wheeler
in New Bedford, Mass., and died there 22 Dec, 185 1,
leaving one son, Frank, who still lives in that city.
v. Lyman, b. 23 Sept., 1817 ; d. 9 Oct., 1865, in New Bedford.
vi. Laura Ann, b. 26 Dec, 182 1 ; d. Jan., 1822, in S. Dartmouth.
Children by second wife, perhaps not born in the order given :
vii. Ezra Chase, resides in Providence, Rhode Island ; married.
viii. John Albert, m. . Res. in Worcester, Mass. No chil.
ix. Elizabeth Jane, married Alexander Negus.
x. Hannah Niobe, born 19 March, 1835, in South Dartmouth,
Mass. Married 1st, , and had two sons; mar.
2d, Dec. 18, 1862, Edward F. Wilcox, a printer, son of
Charles and Elizabeth (Snell) Wilcox. They reside in
New Bedford, Massachusetts, without children.
Humphrey Almy 7 Slocum {John? John? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 1 - Anthony, 1 ) was born on Pasque (or Nashawena) Island,
Chilmark Tp., Dukes Co., Mass., 24 Sept., 1783, and was pub-
lished 3 Jan., 181 5, for marriage to Sarah Brightman of Dart-
mouth. They resided in Westport Township formerly part of
Dartmouth and there he died 2 May, 1862. Children :
i. Andrew, born 26 Nov., 1816; married 1st, a daughter of
Sherman Slade of Dartmouth ; and 2d, Abigail Allen. His
only child (?), Edwin, shot himself subsequent to 2 May, 1862.
ii. Judith, born 22 March, 1818; married Benjamin Gardner.
Rodney 7 Slocum {yohn, b yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born on Nashawena Island, Buzzard's Bay, Mass.,
24 Oct., 1785, and married Mary C. Haskins in the year 181 1.
She survived him and died in the year 1856. Children, perhaps
not born in the order here given :
i. George, married Phebe A. and had a child, Mary Ann,
born previous to the year 1856 in S. E. Massachusetts.
ii. John B. iii. Rodney. iv. Htram, died young,
v. Joseph Anthony, died at sea in the year 1854 (?).
vi. A daughter who married Brownell and had a child,
Mary L., born in the year 1850 in Bristol County, Mass.
vii. Francis Humphrey, resided in N. Bedford ; and a son Andrew.
John 7 Slocum {Pardon? yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? An-
thony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol County,
Massachusetts (?), and married Jane Miles in Duchess County,
New York (?), where he afterwards resided some years (?). He
died in Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut. Child :
511. i. Hiram, b. 25 April, 1803; m. Maria Ferdone; d. April, 1874.
Pardon 7 Slocum {Pardon? yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born 3 Sept., 1804, in that part of Pawling Town-
ship which was organized 20 Feb., 1807, as Dover Township,
Duchess County, New York. He married there 6 Jan., 1829,
Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony and Hittie (Cherrytree ?) Ells-
worth of that township. They settled on a farm in Dover and
there died, he 20 Feb., 1869, and were buried. Children :
i. William, born 22 Aug., 1830; died 12 Oct., 1848, in Dover,
ii. Caroline Elizabeth, born 29 January, 1831; married
William Osborne, a farmer, who was born in Pawling 11
March, 1826. Postoffice, Poughquag, Duchess Co., N. Y.
Children: 1. Amasa, b. 5 March, 1856; 2. Elizabeth, b.
11 May, 1 86 1 ; 3. Fanny, born 12 August, 1867.
iii. Deborah Ann, born 31 December, 1832; married Lum an
B. Woodin in June, 1854. They dwelt in Pawling, N. Y.,
where she died 3 July, 1865, and was buried. Children:
Luman, Harriet Ann, and Lister.
512. iv. Hiram, b. 11 March, 1835 ; m. Mary Olivet 11 March, 1856.
Samuel 7 Slocum {Ebenezer? yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Pawling Township (?), Duchess County,
New York, about the year 1780; married Sarah Woodward.
They removed to Russia Township, Herkimer County, in 1809,
and there settled on a farm where she died in the year 1844 (?).
He visited his children in Cambria Tp., Niagara County, N. Y.,
and there died and was buried in October, 1844. Children :
513. i. Sidney S., b. 8 Dec, 1807 ; m. Mary A. Payne 6 Nov., 1831.
ii. Laura Ann, born in October, 1809; mar. Taylor.
Resides in or near Ransomville, Niagara County, New York,
iii. Maria, born in November, 181 1 ; died in the year 1859 in
Perry, New York, and was there buried.
iv. Lydia, b. in 1823 ; m. Robert Owen. P.O. Ransomville, N.Y.
v. John Russell, born in the year 1825 ; married Sabrina
Eadson. He died in 1851 in Cambria, N. Y., and was
there buried. A son, Eugene, resides nr. Ransomville, N.Y.
vi. Mehitable Catharine, born in 1827 ; died on Tortugas
Island, Florida, in the year 1849, and was there buried.
vii. Samuel, b. in 1829; m. . He resides in Buffalo,
N. Y. Children : George ; Sidney ; Adelaide, mar. John
Maher; Alice, mar. George Graves; Mary, mar. Dr.
Bingham and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; the others reside
in Buffalo, New York,
viii. Elizabeth, b. in 1830 ; m. Johnson. Resides in N.Y. City.
ix. James, b. in 1832 ; resides at Silver Creek, Neb., without chil.
William Powell 7 Slocum (Ebenezerf Jv/in,* Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles, z Anthony?) was born A. D. 1799 in Russia Township,
Herkimer County (?), New York. He was married at Wright's
Corners, Niagara County, 1 1 April 1 825, to Ann Billings, daughter
of Nathan Pierce and Sarah (Farnsworth) Billings. She was
born by the Onion River, Vermont. They resided in Lockport,
N. Y., until the year 1838, then removed to a farm in Cambria
Tp , Niagara Co., N. Y., where he died 17 Dec, 1850. Children :
i. Charles Norton, b. 5 Dec, 1826; mar. Elizabeth Bowker
of Wilson, N. Y. He enlisted against the Rebellion as
Veterinary Surgeon. He is a farmer ; postoffice Wilson,
Niagara Co., N. Y. He has two children : 1. Esther M 9 .,
b. 23 Sept., 1 85 1 ; resides with her parents, unmarried ; 2.
Frank N., 9 b. 29 Feb., 1852, mar. ; postoffice Wilson,
N. Y. ; a child, William Francis, 10 was b. 30 Oct., 1876.
ii. Eliza Ann, born 15 July, 1828 ; mar. 1st, in Cambria, N. Y.,
to October, 1848, James M., son of Jonathan and Sarah
(Roberts) Record of Vicksburgh, Miss. A son, William
George Record, was born in Vicksburg, and mar. Martha
McCormickof Buffalo, N. Y., where he now resides. Eliza
mar. 2d, David S. Brockway, a farmer. They reside in
Cambria, Niagara Co., N. Y., without children.
Hi. John Norman, born i Feb., 1829; died 29 March, 1832.
iv. A child, born 1 May, 1832, died 12 June 1832, unnamed.
v. Angeline Billings, born 2 Dec, 1833; d. 25 Feb., 1869.
vi. Mary, born 6 June, 1835 ; married Joseph Brockway, a
farmer, cousin of her sister Eliza's 2d husband. They re-
side at Wilson, Niagara Co., N. Y. No children.
vii. William Pierce, born 30 July, 1837. He enlisted against
the Rebellion in a Michigan Regiment and, after a period
of service, returned home on account of sickness. When
his health was sufficiently recovered he re-enlisted as a pri-
vate in the 12th New York Battery; was gradually promo-
ted, and, at the close of the war, was honorably discharged
as First Lieutenant. He married Mary E. Lindsey in
Buffalo, N. Y., and had one child, Mabel, who died young
from a scald. William died 15 October, 1868.
viii. Pardon Christopher, b. 23 Dec, 1838; m. Augusta, dau.
of Soloman Freer of Cambria, N. Y. He resides in Lenox,
Union Co., Dakota. Children : Belle, m. j Fred ;
Ada ; William ; Hart ; and .
ix. Lot, b. 22 Sept., 1840 ; d. 16 April, 1841. in Cambria, N. Y.
x. Esther Leonora, born 19 March, 1842, in Cambria, N. Y.;
married George W. Coburn 15 November, i860. A child,
Mary A., was born 8 October, 1861.
xi. Ada Roselpha, born 17 March, 1844; died at Wilson,
Niagara County, N. Y., in May (?), 1881 ; unmarried,
xii. Hart, born 9 March, 1846; mar. in Lockport, N. Y., 15
Dec, 1869, Susan Janet, dau. of Samuel and Mary J.
(Farthing) Lister of Wilson, Niagara Co., N. Y., where she
was born 10 Aug., 1848. They have one child, Marion
Belle, born 19 July, 1873, in Cambria, N. Y., where they
resided six years. Since 1876 they have resided at Wilson,
N. Y., where he is a fruit merchant,
xiii. Belle Gratia, born 6 June, 1849; died 8 August, 1853.
Oliver Woolley? Slocum {J onah? y ohn? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Otsego County, New York, 13
March, 1800, and was reared as a miller in Litchfield Township,
Herkimer Co., N. Y. In the year 1821 he was employed on a
farm near Syracuse and there married, first, Deborah White who
died in 1837. He married second, Louisa, daughter of Eli
Harris. She was born in England about the year 1820. They
removed to Fairview Tp , Erie Co., Pennsylvania, about the year
1840, and thence in 1845 t0 tne Village of Erie, Pa. He mar-
ried third, Eveline Partridge and afterward removed to Man-
chester, Erie Co., Pa., where he died 1 August, 1871, of cancer
in the stomach. His widow and youngest daughter removed to
northern Wisconsin soon after his death. Children by first wife :
i. Charlotte, married Ebenezer Holmes at Erie, Pa., where
she died and was buried about the year 1852.
514. ii. Richard M., bom 12 Dec, 1825 ; mar. Celia M. Partridge.
Children by second wife :
iii. Hannah Josephine, born 19 December, 1839, at Onondaga
Hill, N. Y. ; married James Clark and removed to Illinois.
515. iv. Benjamin Franklin, b. 2 June, 1841 ; m. Amanda C. Werntz.
v. Alice, born A. D., 1845, m Erie, Pa. Removed to Illinois.
Child by third wife :
vi. Ellen, born in May, i860. Removed to Wisconsin.
Hiram? Slocum (yonah, 6 yohnf Eliezer* Eliezer 1 Giles, z An-
thony, 1 ) was born in Litchfield Township, Herkimer County,
New York, 1 Sept., 1808. He was married in North East, Erie
Co., Pa., in March, 1829, to Margery Baird, daughter of William
and Sarah (Lee) Baird of that place. She died 19 May, 1870,
in Erie, Erie Co., Pa., in which county he has resided since the
year 1826 as a miller; present postofnce Erie, Pa. Children:
i. Sarah H, born in November, 1829, at Harbor Creek, Pa.;
married Charles M. Briggs. They reside in Erie, Pa., with
children : Anna, Harriet, William, and Ida.
ii. William Baird, b. 25 March, 1832; res. in Louisville, Ky. (?)
iii. Jonah, born A. D. 1834, in Erie, Pa. He served against
the Rebellion in the U. S. Navy ; mar. Jennie Barlow in
Piqua, O., in Dec, 1866. Resides in Leavenworth, Ks. (?)
iv. David, born in the year 1836 in Erie, Pa., where he died in
1840 ; was buried in North East, Erie County, Pa.
v. Charles Morton, born A. D. 1838, in Fairview, Pa. ; mar.
Harriet Tanner of Erie, Pa., in the year 1867. He resides
at Mount Sterling, Kentucky ; a miller. He served against
the Rebellion in the United States Navy.
vi. Seth Reed, born A. D. 1842. He served against the Re-
bellion in the U. S. Navy; died in Erie, Pa., in the year
1868, and was buried there.
William 7 Slocum (Restcome, 6 yohn* Eliezer, 4 Eliezer, 1 Giles, 1
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Russia Township, Herkimer County,
New York. Was married in Pawling Township, Duchess
County, in the year 1829, to Sarah, daughter of Alexander and
Hannah (Young) Allen. She was born in Pawling 3 June,
1802, and died at Saratoga Springs 1 October, 1877; was buried
in Green Ridge Cemetery. He dwelt several years on a farm in
Pawling ; then in Saratoga about thirteen years ; near the Village
of Fish House in Northampton, Fulton County, twenty years ;
and for the last eighteen years (since 1862) has resided at
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., retired. He has held various township
offices for many years. Children :
516. i. Hannah Allen, b. in Oct., 1831 j m. George M. Voorhees.
517. ii. Henry William, b. 22 June, 1836; mar. Allie S. Quinby.
Marian? Slocum (Pau/, 6 Benjamin? Benjamin* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?} was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachu-
setts, 22 March, 1784, and was reared from the age of about
three years in what is now Hartford Township, Washington
County, New York, where she married David Davis, a farmer,
in the year 1803. Mr. Davis was a soldier in the War of 18 12,
and died in the year 18 14 at Sacket's Harbor, N. Y., (?) as a
prisoner of war with the British. Mrs. Davis married Nathan
Raymond for second husband. She died in Almond, Allegany
County, N. Y., 27 January, i860. The first two of her children
were born in Hartford, N. Y., the fourth in Providence, Saratoga
County, and the others in Scipio, Cayuga County, N. Y., viz. :
i. Horace Davis, b. 19 Nov., 1804; m. Ann Smith in Alfred,
N. Y., about 1827. He died in Wayland in Nov., 1879.
Children : Charles. George, John, and Horace. The two
first named live in Wayland, and John lives in Randolph, N. Y.
ii. Hiram Davis, b. 20 Oct., 1807; d. in Howard, about 1830.
iii. Eliza Davis, b. 22 Nov., 1810; mar. John VanCampen in
1831. He is a farmer; was formerly Deputy Sheriff of
Allegany County. P. O. Almond, N. Y. Children : 1.
Hamilton, lives at Owego, N. Y., with three children ; 2.
John, died at Owego in 1876 leaving a wife and three
children who are now living in California ; 3. Eliza, mar.
Robert H. Warren and lives at Redwood, Minn., with
five children ; dates of births and sketches not reported.
269.* iv. Harriet Caroline Davis, b. July, 1813; m. Parley Hunt, Jr.
Children by second husband :
v. Squire Raymond, b. 2 i May, 1 8 1 6 ; married Lovica Moshei\
Resides at East Venice, Cayuga County, New York.
vi. Maria Raymond, bom 25 May, 1819. She resides with
her sister in Almond, New York, unmarried.
Harriet Caroline Davis was born in Providence Township, Sara-
toga County, New York, 24 July, 1813, and married in Alfred, Allegany
County, Parley Hunt, Jr.,. who was born in Heath, Mass. He died 18
Nov., 1863, in Hornellsville, N. Y., where she still lives. Children:
i. Horace Hunt, born 2 March, 1835, in Alfred N. Y. j mar.
Theda Hawkins 21 Sept., 1863. Resides in Hornellsville.
ii. Harriet E. Hunt, b. 22 Nov., 1837, in Alfred, N. Y.; mar.
Arza P. Brees of Hornellsville, N. Y., where they now reside.
hi. Samuel B. Hunt, b. 22 Oct., 1839, in Almond, N. Y. Was
a soldier against the Rebellion ; mar. Lilian Olds of An-
dover, N. Y., where they now reside with children : Belle,
Samuel, Augustus, Flora, Frank, Harriet, Arza and Lilian.
iv. Charles H. Hunt, b. 8 Feb., 1842 ; resides in Cuba, N. Y.
v. Madelia A. Hunt, born 19 December, 1845, in Almond,
N. Y.; married Arod A. Dudley of Hornellsville, N. Y.,
where they now reside with a son, Horace A.
Benjamin Walter? Slocum (Pau/, 6 Benjamin, 5 Benjamin*
Eliezer* Giles, 1 Anthony,' 1 ) was born in (what is now) Hartford
Township, Washington County, New York, 19 April, 1789. He
was married in Lansing, Tompkins County, in the year 1820, to
Violette Ann Armstrong, daughter of Enos A. and Hannah (Dow-
ner) Armstrong of that place. They dwelt some years where
married ; also in Steuben Co., in. Romulus, Seneca Co., and near
Kelloggsville, Cayuga County, where they died she, 29 March,
1847 ; he, 11 September, 1852, and were buried. Children :
518. i. Phebe, b. 8 Sep., 182 1 ; m. James N. Crandall 1 Jan., 1845.
ii. Elizabeth Hannah, born 12 February, 1823; died 3 Sep-
tember, 1865 ; was buried in Waterloo, New York.
519. iii. Maria Helen, b. 16 July, 1825; m. Charles Groff, in 1855.
iv. Washington G., bora 27 Feb., 1828; died 28 August 1834,
and was buried in Hornby, Steuben County, New York.
520. v. Paul Enos, b. 21 Aug., 1830; m. Mary J. McGonigle.
vi. Benjamin Walter, b. 4 June, 1833; was m. in Petersburgh,
Va., 12 Dec, 1855, by Rev. Alexander Stewart, to Martha
Eliza Jones who was born in Sussex County, Va., daughter
of John and Mary Adams (Harrison) Jones. He contin-
ued his occupation of engineer during the Rebellion in Vir-
ginia, where he has resided since 1853.. P. O. Petersburgh.
vii. Humphrey Howland, b. 12 Feb., 1836; d. 29 Aug., 1858,
and was buried in Sandbeach Cemetery, Owasco, N. Y.
viii. George Thomas, b. 19 April, 1841, in Ludlowville, Tomp-
kins Co., N. Y. He was a soldier against the Rebellion ;
mar. Margaret Elizabeth Davis 15 Oct., 1868, in Blooming-
ton, Ind. He is an architect and builder ; postofhce Terre
Haute, Ind. Children: 1. Benita Virginia, b. 12 Aug.,
1869; 2. Mary Maud, b. 26 Aug., 1874, d. in Sept., 1880;
3. Emma, died at the age of ten months.
Matthew Barnard? Slocum {Benjamin, 6 John? Benjamin*
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Newport, Rhode Island,
5 February, 1788. He removed to Albany, New York, and was
there married, 9 April, 18 14, to Mary, daughter of John Ostran-
der of Albany where she was born in the year 1793. After
marriage they remained in Albany about three years, then settled
at Delphi, in Pompey Township, Onondaga County, N. Y., where
he became a merchant. He died 1 1 August, 1853, while visiting
his son George at Scottsville, Monroe Co., N. Y. ; was buried in
Delphi. She died in Syracuse, N. Y., 31 Oct., 1861;. Children :
521. i. Elizabeth Coggeshall, b. 11 June, 18 15; m. LeRoy Morgan,
ii. Charles Coggeshall, born 13 September, 181 7; married
Evelina L. Payson at Eaton in January, 1846. He resides
at Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon. Children: 1. John
Payson, was graduated A. B. at Yale College, class of 1872 ;
2. Mary, is teaching school in Guilford, Connecticut.
522. iii. John Ostrander, b. 9 June, 1820; m. Almira McClure.
iv. Barnard, b. 9 June, 1822; m. Mary Ostrander. He was
elected Clerk of Onondaga County, N. Y, in November,
1852; died in Syracuse, 24 Sept., 1862, leaving children :
i. Blanche, b. 1852, m. ; resides in Chicago, 111., with
two sons; 2. Jennie, b. 1854, d. 1873 ; 3. Renette, b. 1857,
m in 1879 j resides in Syracuse, (1882) with one son.
523. v. George Engs, b. 20 June, 1824; m. Lydia A. Fort in 1848.
524. vi. Henry Warner, b. 24 Sept., 1826; m. Clara Rice in 1854.
vii. William Neill, born 24 Nov., 1828 ; married Amanda Taylor,
viii. Avis, twin, born 5 Nov., 183 1 ; mar. Philo C. Bailey of Fari-
bault. Minn. She died in Wilton, Waseca Co., Minn., 26
September, 1865, leaving children, Catharine and Gertrude.
ix. Mary, twin, bom 5 November, 1831; married 1st, Rowland
West in 1854; married 2d, Arthur C. Holmes at Syracuse,
Onondaga County, New York, in the year 1865.
x. Sarah Engs, born 6 August, 1833. She died in Fernandina,
Florida, 28 May, 1864, from fever contracted while acting
as a teacher to the Freedmen. She remained unmarried.
xi. Catharine, born 27 June, 1835; married, 9 October, i860,
Charles H. Butler, a druggist. They reside in Oswego, N. Y.
John 7 Slocum {Benjamin? John,* Benjamin* Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony, 1 ) was born in Zanesville, Ohio, about the year 1791.
When ten years of age he went to live in Hudson, Columbia
County, New York, and there married, 19 March, 18 14, Sarah,
daughter of William Collins a sea-captain and former resident
of Nantucket, Mass., who was lost at sea. She was born in
Hudson, N. Y., where they resided after marriage and where
they died she, in August, 1861, aged about seventy-three
years ; he, 25 January, 1871. Children :
i. Benjamin Alsop, born 19 Sept., 18 15; married
Mathews of Cincinnati, Ohio. They removed to Baton
Rouge, La., where he was for several years member of the
City Council and prominent in local affairs. He died there
in 1845 leaving one child, Mary Elizabeth.
ii. William Collins, b. 3 March, 181 7. He died at the
age of 31 years and 3 months in Somerville, New Jersey.
iii. Charles Gardner, b. 8 July, 1819, in Hudson, N. Y. He
removed to Louisiana and there enlisted as a soldier in the
Mexican War. He married Elizabeth Jones 13 July, 1848,
and settled in Baton Rouge, La. ; was a painter, and,
later in life, proprietor of a paint and paper store. In
1850 he was elected member of the Baton Rouge Common
Council, and died there 16 Nov., 185 1. Children : A son,
died in his infancy; John William, b. 13 July, 1850; has
been a postoffice clerk, and in 1877-78 was Deputy Sheriff.
Resides with his mother in Baton Rouge, La., unmarried.
iv. Mary Gardner, b. 2 April, 182 1 ; resides in Hudson, unmar.
v. Sarah Engs, born 8 December, 1824; died 7 March, 1841,
in Hudson, New York.
vi. John Thomas, b. 6 Dec, 1826 ; m. Jane Kennedy of Green-
bush, N. Y. He died 25 Feb., 1858. Children: 1. Row-
land, died at the age of 19 years ; 2. Catharine, died at the
age of 6 years ; 3. Sarah Grace, died at the age of 4 years.
vii. Rowland. Crocker, born 6 March, 1828; died 25 March,
1857, and was buried in Hudson, New York.
Thomas 7 Slocum (Benjamin? John? Benjamin* Eliezer?
Giles, 1 Anthony?} was born in Marietta, Ohio, 18 Oct., 1799. In
the year 1802 his parents removed with their family to their former
home, Newport, Rhode Island, where he was baptized in the
First Congregational Church, with his mother, 5 May, 1805. At
an early age he was apprenticed to a glass-cutter in New York
City, and there learned that trade. He was married in Zanes-
ville, Ohio, 2 April, 181 8, by Rev. James Culbertson, Presby-
terian, to Susan Baysure who was born 18 April, 1802, daughter of
George and Susan ( Wensenheller) Baysure, formerly of Berkley
County, Virginia. They resided in Zanesville until the year
1850 when they removed to Pittsburgh, Pa., that they might be
near their children who had settled there. They died in Pitts-
burgh he 27 July, 1852. Children :
525. i. Benjamin W. C, born 8 Oct., 1819; mar. Charlotte Root,
ii. Caroline, b. 1 Nov., 1820; d. 21 Feb., 1821, in Zanesville.
526. iii. George Engs, born 10 April, 1822 ; mar. Mary A. Locke,
iv. DeWitt Clinton, born 28 June, 1825; died 15 Aug., 1827.
v. Thomas, born 20 Aug., 1827, in Zanesville, O. He settled
in Pittsburgh, Pa., as a glass-cutter, about the year 1847,
and was there married, by Rev. David Hess, M. E., to Sarah
dau. of John and Charlotte (Wendte) McKee. She was
born 29 Dec, 1827, and died 12 Jan., 1854. He died 23
April, 1856, leaving one child, Charles, who has since died.
All were buried in the M. E. Cemetery, Pittsburgh.
527. vi. Lewis Henry, b. 28 Feb., 1829; m. Jane C.Morgan, 1854.
528. vii. William Cowen, b. 28 March, 1832 ; m. Louisa Towne.
viii. Martha Jane, born 16 Oct., 1834; died 9 March, 1837.
529. ix. Martha E., b. 27 Aug.. 1837 j m. James Beck ; d. in 1872.
530. x. Harriet Ann, b. 9 April, 1840; m. 1st, James Alexander.
531. xi. Margaret Ellen, b. 14 May, 1843; m. Robert McCoy.
Marshall Christopher? Slocum (Christopher M., 6 yohn?
Benjamin,* Eliezer? Gifes* Anthony, 1 ) was born in New York
City 1 May, 1807, and his name appears in the directorys of that
city as a druggist for the years 1830 to 1841, inclusive. He was
married to Catharine Dennis Bull in Trinity Protestant Episcopal
Church, Newport, R. I., in the autumn of 1842. They settled
in Newport where he held the office of Mayor (?). They there
died she, 11 May, 1874; he, 25 June, 1875. Children:
i. Elizabeth Marshall, now resides with her sister, unmarried.
ii. Mary B., married, in 1874 (?), Rev. Kenry A. Metcalf who
was lately in charge of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
Melrose, Mass. They have children, Maud and Ruth.
2 75
Martha Tillinghast? Slocum {Christopher M., b John? Ben-
jamin* Eliezet? Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born in Germantown,
Philadelphia, Pa., 21 May, 1817. She was married there in St.
Luke's P. E. Church 3 April, 1845, by R ev - J orm Rodney, to
Captain Henry S. Mallory who was born 25 Dec, 1794, in
Hanover, Virginia, son of Henry H. and Elizabeth (Bingham)
Mallory. He entered the United States Army at the age of
eighteen years, rose to the rank of Captain, and resigned his
commission in the year 1837. A veteran soldier of thirty years
acquaintance with Captain Mallory wrote of him that "he served
gallantly in the war with Great Britain and thereafter in the
peace establishment with credit and high honor ; he is brave,
faithful and patriotic." He was at one time stationed at the
United States Arsenal, Rome, N. Y. ; also at Charleston, and
Fort Moultrie, S. C. During the riots in Philadelphia in July,
1844, Captain Mallory commanded a company of soldiers which
stood bravely between the mob and most valuable property. In
grateful acknowledgment of his services at that trying time
many citizens united in presenting him a pair of beautiful silver
pitchers and a fine sword. He married first, Ellen Hawkins of
Baltimore, Md., who died in Rome, N. Y., leaving three children :
1. Mary H., who married Thomas Johnston and died in Glen-
dale, Ohio ; 2. Ellen A., married Dr. Brodnax and resides
in Brunswick County, Va. ; 3. Anna H., married Commodore
Foxhall A. Parker, U. S. N., both now deceased. Captain
Mallory died 30 August, 1849, i n Columbus, Ohio, and was there
buried in Green Lawn Cemetery. Mrs. Mallory now resides in
Lancaster, Ohio. Children :
i. Lawrence Mallory, born 13 February, 1846, in German-
town, Philadelphia. He is a lumber merchant in Hong
Kong, China.
ii. Edward Mallory, born 1 July, 1847, in Lancaster, Ohio.
He was a student of pharmacy; died 30 May, 1864, "a
pure-minded, noble young man."
iii. Alfred Henry Mallory, b. 8 April, 1849, in Columbus,
Ohio; m. 20 Sept., 1880, Anna B. Arndt of Astoria,
Oregon. He is a traveling salesman for a SanFrancisco firm.
Edward Livingston? Slocum {Christopher M.? yohn? Ben-
jamin? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born 29 Jan., 1821, in
Germantown, now within the limits of the City of Philadelphia,
Pa. He married in Lancaster, Ohio, 31 May, 1849, Julia A.
White, daughter of Dr. James W. and Maria E. (Beecher)
White of Connecticut. They reside at Lancaster, O. Children :
i. Maria Elizabeth, died 4 Dec, 185 1, in Lancaster, Ohio.
ii. James W., was educated in Granville College, Ohio, and
married Amelia Remelin of Cincinnati. He has been a
druggist in Knoxville, Tennessee, since the year 1878.
iii. Marshall C, was educated in Granville College, Ohio, and
in the Homeopathic Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa.,
where he was graduated M. D. in 1879. He is now a
practicing physician at Lancaster, Ohio.
2 77
Dr. Alfred Marshall? Slocum (Christopher M? yohn*
Benjamin? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Germantown,
Philadelphia, 2 December, 1822. He studied medicine and was
graduated M. D. at the University of Pennsylvania in March,
1847. He removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, in January, 1849,
and there practiced his profession until May, 1855, when he
returned to Philadelphia where he has since resided as a regular
physician. He was married, according to the custom of Friends
with Mayor R. F. Conrad and other prominent Friends as wit-
nesses, in Philadelphia 24 August, 1854, to Harriet Murray Bacon,
daughter of John and Mary Ann (Warder) Bacon of that city
where she was born 18 July, 1827. Dr. Slocum was a delegate
to the meeting of the Ameiican Medical Association in 1858.
He ranks high in his profession and is highly respected as a
citizen. Children :
i. Caroline Bacon, born 23 Dec, 1855 ; resides with parents.
ii. Elizabeth Marshall, b. 27 Jan., 1858 j resides with parents,
iii. Alfred Marshall, b. 24 Sept., 1861 ; resides with parents,
iv. Edward Livingston, b. 17 July, 1867 ; resides with parents.
Elizabeth Flower? Slocum {Christopher M., b yohn? Ben-
jamin* Eliezer? Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Germantown,
Philadelphia, Pa., 30 April, 1825, and was educated there in the
Friends' School. She also passed some time in Newport, R. I.
In the year 1845 sne visited Cincinnati, Ohio, and while there
made the acquaintance of William Ellwood Ogborn, a wholesale
dry-goods merchant, to whom she was married the following
spring in Philadelphia. After marriage they resided in Cincin-
nati where he died some years since. She now resides in
Lancaster, Ohio. Children :
i. Marshall E. Ogborn, married in Milford, Ohio, a daughter
of Rev. T. J. Melish, Episcopalian. He is engaged in a
wholesale drug store in St. Louis, Mo. ; has two daughters.
ii. Emlen C. Ogborn, mar. Willock of Lancaster, Ohio,
niece of Gen. William T. Sherman. He was engaged in a
wholesale drug-store in Cincinnati, and died in that city
leaving four children ; names and dates are not reported.
iii. Florence Ogborn, born ; died in her infancy.
iv. William E. Ogborn, is in a drug-store in Cincinnati, Ohio,
v. Ella Ogborn, resides with her mother in Lancaster, Ohio.
vi. Herbert Ogborn, born j died in his infancy.
vii. Mary Ogborn, born ; died young.
viii. Lilly Ogborn, resides with her mother in Lancaster, Ohio.
2 79
Captain Eleazer 7 Slocum (Efrenezer, 6 Charles? Ebenezerf
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born on Patience Island,
Portsmouth Township, Rhode Island, 8 February, 1771, and was
reared in Exeter Township from the age of six or seven years
by his uncle John Cottrell. He married, 30 May, 1795, Sarah
Weaver (Sarah Crandall ?) in Exeter, where she was born
30 May, 1773. They settled in Exeter, on the farm inherited by
him from his uncle, and there died he, 15 Oct., 1846 ; she, 7
Nov., 1857. He filled various offices of trust and honor in his
township including that of Captain of Militia and was highly
respected. Children :
i. John, b. 23 Jan., 1796 ; d. 17 April, 1798, in Exeter Tp., R. I.
ii. Mary, born 27 Feb., 1797; mar. George N. Congdon 11
July, 18 1 9. She died in West Greenwich Tp., R. I., in the
year 1837. Children : Eleazer, resides at Oak Lawn, R. I. ;
Abigail ; George, resides at Knightsville, R. I. ; and Sarah.
532. iii. Daniel, b. 26 Nov., 1798; mar. Susannah Clark; d. 1878.
533- i y - Jo HN > b. 1 March, 1800 ; m. Elizabeth Fowler, 23 May, 18 19.
534. v. Ebenezer, b. 4 July, 1802 ; mar. 1st, Hannah N. Congdon.
535. vi. Charles Allen, born 9 March, 1804; mar. Lydia S. Olney.
vii. Ruth Clark, born 9 November, 1805; married Janna
Miller in 1826, and removed to Michigan,
viii. Susannah, b. 21 June, 1807 ; d. 22 April, 1808, in Exeter,
ix. Esther Clark, twin, born 13 May, 1809; married Samuel
Robinson in 1830, and removed to Baltimore, Maryland.
x. Gardner Clark, twin, born 13 May, 1809; married 1st,
Ruth Mowry in 1837: married 2d, Mary Atbury (?) in
1 841. Children: George and Mary. Dates not reported.
536. xi. William Reynolds, b. 10 Aug., 181 1 ; m. Harriet Capron.
xii. A daughter, b. 30 May, 1813; d. 2 Aug., 1813, without name.
xiii. Sarah Ann Clark, born 30 Aug., 1815; married in 1834
Henry Remington of Warwick. She died in the year 1852.
Joshua? Slocum {George? Charles? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) died in Pompey Township, Onondaga County, New
York, previous to 30 September, 1832. He was twice married
but the names of his wives have not been ascertained. Children
by first marriage perhaps not born in the order here given:
537. i. Harlow, m. Nancy Beagle; d. 19 Aug., 1862, at Centre ville.
ii. Heman, resided in Oneida County, N. Y., in October, 1832.
He sustained an injury in early life which necessitated the
amputation of one of his legs. He was a tailor; was twice(?)
married, and removed westward.
iii. Harriet, married Bethuel Morehouse previous to 30 Sep-
tember, 1832, and at that date resided in Manlius Town-
ship, Onondaga Co., N. Y. Children : Dwight, Wallace,
Philinna and Augusta died in Syracuse, Frances died in
Manlius, Marion, Sarepta, Frank, Bethuel, and Byron.
iv. Alonzo, was a minor in October, 1832, and a resident of
Onondaga Co., N. Y. He afterward removed to Canada (?).
v. Charles, was a minor in October, 1832, and a resident of
Schoharie County, N. Y. He afterward married twice and
resided in Syracuse where died about 1852 without children.
Child by second marriage :
vi. Charlotte, resided in Monroe Co., N. Y., in October, 1832.
Alonzo 7 Slocum {George? Charles? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Pompey Township, Onondaga County,
New York, and married, previous to the year 1822, Lavinia
who died soon after the birth of her first child. He was a resident
of Onondaga County, N. Y., in 1832, and soon thereafter removed
to Port Hope, Canada, where he married second, Sarah Newman
in the year 1836. He married third, in London,
Ontario, Canada, in 1874(F). A Shoemaker. Children :
i. A child died in its infancy in Onondaga County, New York.
By second marriage :
ii. Daniel Washington, born 12 Oct., 1838; mar. Margaret
Hughes in Drayton, Ontario, Canada, in February, 1859.
He is a farmer in Eastnor Township, Bruce Co., Ontario ;
postoffice Spry, Canada. Children : 1. Harriet Maria, m.
Charles W. W. Dalton, a conveyancer, whose postoffice is
Spry, Ontario, Canada. They have one child, Jonathan
Hughes Dalton; 2. Alonzo, born A. D. 1862; 3. Jane;
4. Eliza ; 5. John ; 6. Ellen ; and 7. Charles.
iii. Sylvia Ann, m. . iv. Abner Mapes, a shoemaker.
v. Jonathan Silvester, and vi. Alonzo, are laborers.
vii. Hannah Maria, mar. James Mills, a molder, of London, Ont.
viii. Harriet, d. young, ix. Abel. x. George, d. young.
The living members of this family, except Daniel, reside in or near
London (?), Ontario, Canada.
Elijah 7 Slocum (Benjamin? Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born 2 February, 1770, in that part of the
wilderness which was organized, 7 March, 1788, as Pawling
Township in Duchess County, New York. He removed in early
manhood to White Creek Tp. (?), Washington Co., N. Y., and
there married, 27 June, 1793, Hannah Preston who was born 13
April, 1771. They settled on a farm in Cambridge, Washington
Co., N. Y., and there died she, 2 December, 1848; he, 15
February, 1850. Children:
i. Tryphena, born 22 Feb., 1795; mar. George Wilbur 17
Nov., 1814. She died 9 June, 1857. A son, Slocum Wil-
bur, resides at Momence, Kankakee County, Illinois.
ii. Mahalah, b. 22 March, 1796, in Cambridge, N. Y. ; d. young.
iii. Mahalah, born 31 July, 1798; mar. Leonard Sisson 2 Nov.,
1815. She died 24 Jan., 1826. Children ; Dyer P., P. O.
East White Creek, N. Y. ; Mary Janet ; and Hannah Ann.
iv. Phebe, b. 2 May, 1801 ; m. Solomon Curtis 25 Nov., 1819.
v. Lucinda, born 11 February, 1803 ; m. David Cross 24 Feb-
ruary, 1831. She died 27 February, 1850.
vi. Mary, born 4 Feb., 1805; mar. Jonathan Niles 24 May,
1832. They resided in Shaftsbury Tp., Bennington Co., Vt.
538. vii. Amanda, b. 26 April, 1807 ; m. Abram Wright 13 Nov., 1828.
Lyman 7 Slocum {Benjamin? Abraham,* Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess
County, New York, about the year 1771, and married Mary
Rood. They removed to a farm in Newfield Township, Tom-
kins County, New York, about 1830, and there died she, in
October, 1841 ; he, in January, 1846. Children, perhaps not all
born in the order here given :
539. i. Henry, born 11 October, 1792; married Mary Hoyt.
ii. Benoni, married Charlotte Rhinevault. He died in Andover
Township, Allegany Co., N. Y. Children : Mary Ann,
Olive, Lydia, Melissa, and Lyman, who resides in Andover.
iii. Caleb, married Phebe Hunter. He died in Tioga County,
Pennsylvania, leaving one daughter who has since died.
540. iv. Solomon, born 19 Jan., 1799; married Lucy Rhinevault.
v. William, mar. Elizabeth Newberry. Hedied in Nov., 1877,
in Tioga County, Pa. Children : 1. James, P. O. Bennett's
Creek, Steuben Co., N. Y.; 2. Caleb, P. O. Greenwood,
Steuben County, New York ; farmers.
541. vi. Mehetabel, born 30 June, 1806; married Conrad S. Baham.
vii. Charity, mar. John Thornton of Newfield, N. Y. She died
in Perrysburgh, Wood County, Ohio ; dates not reported.
viii. Rebecca, mar. Orrin Worden of Newfield, where she died.
ix. Mary. Ann, d. young in Pawling Tp., Duchess Co., N. Y.
Charles 7 Slocum {Benjamin? Abraham? Ebcnezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess
County, New York, about the year 1773, and married there
Amy, daughter of Pardon 6 Slocum (see page 130). A few years
after marriage they removed to Cortland County, and thence to
that part of Tompkins County which is now included in Chemung
County, New York. He died about the year 1854. Children,*
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Mary, born in Pawling, N. Y. ; died some years since,
ii. Pamela, resided in Chemung County, New York,
iii. Deborah, iv. Amelia. Both died some years ago.
542. v. Egbert, born in 18 12 ; mar. Mary A. Shear; died in 1874.
* See the record of Bradford 7 Slocum, page 147.
Abraham 7 Slocum {Benjamin? Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was bom about the year 1777 in the territory
which was organized 7 March, 1788, as the Township of
Pawling, in Duchess County, New York. He married Mary
Murphy in 1799. They removed to Woodstock Tp., Ulster Co.,
N. Y., about the year 1805 ; to Greene, in Chenango Co., in 1807,
and finally settled on a farm in Waterloo Tp., Seneca Co., N. Y.,
where they died he, in the year 18 12. Children :
543. i. John Palmer, b. 26 May, 1800; m. Maria B. Slingerland.
ii. Samuel, mar. Celeste Halstead of Weedsport, N. Y. He
died in Coburg, Canada, about 1850. His only child,
Samuel, died in infancy,
iii. Pamela, mar. Louis F. Hubbard. She died in Sarnia, On-
tario, Canada, in 1872. Children: Lucinda, mar. Harvey
Hall of Sarnia, Can. ; Cornelia, John, Charles, Louis, Otis,
and George. Dates and particulars have not been reported.
544. iv. Abraham, b. 17 Jan., 1806 ; m. 1st, Lavinia Deyoe; d. 1854.
545. v. Lucinda, born in 1808; married Henry L. Seward in 1829.
vi. Rebecca, b. in 181 2 in Waterloo, N. Y. ; mar. Simon Brown.
She had two children; died in New York about 1846.
William 7 Slocum (George? Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born 4 November, 1791, in Pawling
Township, Duchess County, New York, or, as another report
states, in Connecticut. He was a soldier in the War of 1812
and received a wound which permanently crippled him. He
married, 5 October, 18 17, Abigail Ashbey in Fishkill, N. Y., .
where she was born 14 Sept., 179 r. They dwelt in Duchess Co.
until the year 1828 when they removed to Scipio Tp., Cayuga
County. They died at Union Springs, Cayuga County, N. Y.,
she, 16 Nov., 1861 ; he, 4 Sept., 1866. A weaver. Children:
i. Mary, b. 30 March, 18 19 ; resides at Canoga, N. Y. ; unmar.
ii. Susan, born 4 July, 1821; mar. Philip Hoff 1 January,
1837, at Union Springs, N. Y., where she now resides, a
widow. Children: 1. Asa A., b. 10 Jan., 1840; died in
Feb., 1 86 1, at Hancock, Md., as a soldier against the
Rebellion; unmarried; 2. Phebe, b. 10 May, 1842, d. of
consumption 9 March, 1859; 3. Philip, b. 29 March,
1844, d. 15 May, 1844; 4. Lafayette, b. 10 April, 1848,
m. Elizabeth Criss of Ledyard, N. Y. ; resides at Union
Springs, New York, with one son, Asa, aged 14 years.
iii. Caroline, b. 9 Sept., 1823; m. in 1855, Isaac Bilby, a
farmer, of Hoyt's Comers, Seneca Co., N. Y., where they
now reside. Children : Mary, Charles and Sarah, all
residing at Hoyt's Corners, Seneca Co., N. Y., unmarried.
iv. Abigail S., b. 20 Nov., 1825, in Fishkill, N. Y. ; m. A. W.
Carr 2 Aug., 1856. They reside at Union Springs, N. Y.,
where he is agent for the American Express Co. ; no children.
v. Elizabeth Ann, b. 25 October, 1827, in Peekskill, Duchess
County, N. Y.; died at Union Springs, 25 August, 1842.
vi. William J., born 19 Nov., 1830, in Scipio, N. Y.j married
Angeline McKinney in 1856. He is an invalid ; postoffice,
Forest Home, Tompkins Co., N. Y. Children: Frank,
Caroline, Sheridan, and Allie (Albert ?), all residing at For-
est Home, unmarried,
vii. Charles A., b. 4 Feb., 1833; m. Mary E. Crane in 1857.
They reside in Auburn, N. Y., where he is a machinist;
have had four children ; two sons, now dead, and two
daughters, Emma C, and Susan A.
Micaiah 7 Slocum {George? Abraham? Ebenezer* Eliezer?
Giles, 1 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess Co.,
New York, 6 September, 1796, and there married Phebe Coats
2 May, 1 82 1. They dwelt in Sherman Tp, Litchfield Co., Conn.,
until the year 1829, then removed to Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
In 1830 they removed to Bradford County, Pennsylvania, and
were pioneers in that part now known as East Herrick. His
wife, Phebe, here died 24 August, 1844. He married second,
November 15, 1845, Emeline Fairchild, daughterof Edmond and
Mehetabel (Beardsley) Fairchild of East Herrick where she was
born 20 November, 1821. In April, 1866, they removed to Pike
Tp., Bradford Co , Pa., three miles southwest of LeKaysville, and
there he died 21 September, 1877 ; was buried in East Herrick
Cemetery. Children by first wife :
i. Ebenezer Welch, b. 13 May, 1822, at Quaker Hill, Duchess
Co., N. Y. ; was mar. 3 May, 1846, by Rev. Morgan Ruger,
M. E., to Jane Abigail Goodwin, born 18 March, 1823. He
is a shoemaker; postoffice Wysox, Bradford County, Pa.
Children: 1. Phebe, b., 14 Feb., 1848, in Herrick, Pa.; 2.
John F., b. 11 May, 1857, in Wysox.
546. ii. Robert, b. 13 June, 1825 ;m. Catharine Schoonover; d. 1881.
iii. George Washington, b. 25 June, 1827, in Sherman, Conn. ;
was mar. 9 June, 185 1, by Joshua Burrows, J. P., to Eunice
Rowley, b. in Pike, Pa., 14 Nov., 1831. He is a carpenter ;
resides at Stevensville, Bradford Co., Pa., without children.
Children by second wife:
iv. Charles William, b. 4 Jan., 1846, in East Herrick, Pa.;
was mar. at Stevensville, Pa., 25 March, 1872, to Ida
Matilda Keeler, dau. of Eugene and Elizabeth Walbridge
(DeWolf) Keeler of Stevensville where she was born 25
April, 1852. They settled on a farm four miles southwest
of LeRaysville, Bradford Co., Pa., where they now reside ;
a farmer and dairyman. He was graduated 30 March, 1874,
at the Hygieo-Therapeutic College, Florence Heights, N.
J. A child, Margaret, was born 31 March, 1875.
v. Oscar Burrows, b. 26 May, 1847; m. Ada Chivers n
March, 1875, in Pittston, Pa. He is an expressman at
Wilkes-Barre. Children: 1. Emma, b. 12 Jan., 1876 ; 2.
Wm. Oscar, b. 26 July, 1877 ; 3. Paul Guthrie, b. 8 Jan., 1880.
vi. John Jay, born 16 Sept., 1848; was mar. to Helen Chilson
at Towanda, Pa., 27 Feb., 1875, by Rev. J. S. Stewart,
Presbyterian. He is a farmer ; postoffice LeRaysville, Pa.
A child, Harriet, was born 8 Jan., 1877.
vii. Alonzo Harrington, born 15 Jan., 1851 ; was married to
Estella Wood 15 Feb., 1876, by Rev. William Keatley, M.
E. He is a blacksmith; postoffice LeRaysville, Pa. A
child, Frederick Grant, was born 24 Nov., 1876.
viii. Elizabeth Ann, b. 14 July, 1852 ; was mar., 15 Oct., 1874,
to Thaddeus Sobiesca Keeler by Rev. E. Burrows, Baptist.
P. O. LeRaysville, Pa. A child, Eugene, was b. 3 Oct., 1879.
ix. Abraham Lincoln, b. n March, 1861. P. O. LeRaysville.
Russell 7 Slocum {George? Abraham? Ebenezer* Eliezer, 1
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born at Quaker Hill, Pawling Township,
Duchess County, New York, 28 December, 1793, and married
Catharine Marilda Barnum who was born 7 February, 1802,
daughter of Noah Barnum. After marriage they resided for a
time in Sherman, Connecticut, and at Quaker Hill, Duchess
County, N. Y., where he died 8 February, 1845. His widow
removed, in 1870, to Osborn, Greene County, Ohio, and died
there 6 September, 1874. Children :
i. Elizabeth Ann, born 12 Nov., 1826; married George W.
Ingersoll 7 July, 1850, and died 29 January, 1869.
ii. Mary Jane, born 26 November, 1828; married Byron
Ingersoll 6 May, 1849. Present postoffice Bridgeport,
Fairfield County, Conn. Children : George Washington,
Eugene, Eva Lilly, and Nellie ; dates of births not reported.
547. iii. Barnum, b. 3 April, 1830; mar. 1st, Almira T. Nickerson.
iv. Sarah M., b. 2 Jan., 1832; m. Peter Wexon (?) 13 June,
1852. Present postoffice Waupun, Fond du Lac Co., Wis.
v. Emily O., born 20 Nov., 1833; died 27 November, 1834.
vi. James W., b. 29 Nov., 1835. He went to sea in 1859, and
was reported as lost at sea in the year 1861.
vii. Abraham Brazil, b. 6 Jan., 1838; died 20 July, 1861.
viii. Caroline Amy, born 8 August, 1840; married Hiram W.
Gibbs 3 April, 1853. Present postoffice, Bridgeport, Conn.
Children: 1. Minerva Gertrude, born 24 January, 1861, in
Danbury, Conn.; 2. Harriet Louisa, born 29 December,
1864; 3. Edgar Wellington, born 21 Sept., 1867, in
Orange, N. J., and died in April, 1869, in Newton, N. J.
ix. Charity L., b. 23 Aug., 1843; mar. Eben L. Barnum 13
May, i860, and died in Springfield, Ohio, 22 May, 1879.
Elijah 7 Slocum (Ebenezer, 6 Abraham,* Ebenezer? Eliezer, 1
Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Duchess County, New York,
about the year 1790. He was an artilleryman in the War of
1812, and participated in the Battles of Fort Erie, Lundy's
Lane, and Queenstown Heights. He was married, in Delaware
County, N. Y., to Mary Bennett who was born in Bovina,
daughter of John and Ann (Bradford) Bennett. They settled
on a farm in Ogden Township, Monroe County, N. Y., and there
died. Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. John Bradford, b. 10 Sept., 181 7 ; m. Mary Ann Little in
Rochester, N. Y., 1 January, 1844, and died there 23
August, 1853. A son, Burton, resides in Machias, N. Y.
548. ii. Burton, b. 1 Jan., 1819 ; mar. Ann Bromley 1 Jan., 1848.
hi. Martin Bennett, m. in 1850, Sarah Little in Rochester,
New York. He died in Machias, New York, where
a daughter, Clara, now resides.
iv. Mary Ann, died and was buried in Albion, New York.
v. Phebe, married first, Alexander McChesney in Rochester,
N. Y., about the year 1850. She married second, .
vi. Sarah, b. in Murray, N. Y. ; died and was buried in Albion.
vii. Clarissa, born in September, 1831, in Murray, N. Y. ;
married in 1852, Elias Peck in Rochester, N. Y. She
died in September, 1853, in Buffalo, and was there buried.
viii. Orpha Minerva, born in Ogden, N. Y. ; m. Thomas S.
Wilber in Buffalo 3 July, 1 853. They reside in Dresden, Mo.
David? Slocum {Ebenezer, 6 Abraham* Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess
County, New York, 15 May, 1799. He was married in Ogden,
Monroe County, in 1828, to Bridget Burch, daughter of Joshua
and Elizabeth (Marshall) Burch of Palmyra, N. Y. She was born
in Duchess County and died, 17 November, 1859, in Macedon
Township, Wayne County, N. Y., where he now lives with his
daughter Mrs. Ophelia Beal. A farmer. Children :
i. Ebenezer, b. 10 Oct., 1828, in Ogden, N. Y. ; died at the
age of six months, in Clarendon, Orleans County, N. Y.
ii. Ophelia, b. 1 Feb., 1830, in Clarendon, N. Y. ; married
DeWitt Clinton Beal, a farmer ; P. O., Macedon, New York.
iii. Laura, born 9 March, 1833, in Mayville, Chautauqua Co.,
N. Y. Resides in Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y., unmarried.
iv. Lafayette, b. 5 Dec, 1838. Resides in Columbus, Ohio (?).
v. Jane, b. 15 June, 1840, in Sweden, N. Y. Resides in Palmyra.
vi. David Leander, b. 5 Oct., 1843, in Ogden ; died in 1848.
Ira 7 Slocum (David, 6 Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Pawling Township, Duchess County,
New York, and married Lane. He is a farmer in Union
Vale Township, Duchess County ; postoffice Chestnut Ridge,
New York. Children :
i. Almira E., born 1 April, 1853; married Duncan.
ii. William J., born 19 July, 1855. Postoffice Pawling, N. Y.
iii. Josephine, b. 22 Nov., 1856. Resides with father, unmarried,
iv. Egbert D., b. 16 Nov., 1858. Postoffice Pawling, N. Y.
v. Robert B., b. 6 May, i860. Postoffice Pawling, New York,
vi. Charles, born n November, 1862. Resides with parents,
vii. George E., born 3 September, 1863, in Pawling Tp., N. Y.
Humphrey 7 Slocum (Peleg? Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Duchess County, N. Y., 17 May,
1792, and was reared as a farmer, partly in that county, in
Columbia County, and in Darien Township, Genesee County,
N. Y. He married Eunice Abrams 11 August, 1814. Later
in life they removed to Indiana where he died in 1864. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Lucy C, married William Phillips and had two children.
ii. Eliza, born , in New York ; remained unmarried.
iii. William Humphrey, born 5 November, 1823, in Clarendon,
Orleans Co., N. Y.; m. in Conway, Livingston Co., Mich.,
23 Nov., 185 1, Abigail Ball, born in Marion, N. Y., dau.
of Samuel and Hannah Ball. He died some years since.
His widow resides at Fowlerville, Mich. Children: 1.
Eunice Janet, b. 31 Oct., 1853, d. 31 Oct., 1855; 2. Frances
Dulcinea, b. 29 Sept., 1855; mar. Emerson Treadwell, a
painter, 1 January, 1877, and died 27 January, 1880.
iv. George, m. and had two children. He died .
2 93
Eleazer? Slocum {Pelegf* Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born 8 March, 1796, in Duchess County, New
York, and was reared in Columbia and Genesee Counties. He
married Sarah Marshall 12 January, 1818. Children, perhaps
not born in the order here given :
i. Marshall, resided in Conway Tp., Livingston Co., Mich.
ii. Allen, born ; removed to a farm in the State of Kansas.
iii. Mariette, m. Jonathan Haver ; resided in Vernon, "Mich,
iv. Sarah, died at the age of eighteen years.
Peleg 7 Slocum {Peleg? Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Duchess County, New York, 25 July,
1807, and was reared in Columbia and Genesee Counties. He
married Nancy R. Newton, daughter of Joseph and
(Meeker) Newton. They removed westward previous to the year
1852 and settled on a farm near Hamilton, St. Joseph County,
Indiana, where he was again twice married ; second, to Esther,
daughter of John Carskadden, and third, to Mary Egbert. The
dates of marriages and deaths have not been ascertained. He
died 5 June, 1863, and was buried in Hamilton, Indiana. A
carpenter and farmer. Children by first marriage perhaps not
born in the order here given :
i. Harriet Ann, born 14 April, 1833, in New York ; died in
May, 1852, and was buried in Hamilton, Indiana.
549. ii. Norris, bom 14 Feb., 1835; mar. first, Martha W. Felts,
iii. Cordelia; iv. Horace; v. Russell; all three died young.
Children by third marriage :
vi. Benjamin ; vii. Hebron ; viii. James ; ix. Ellen ; all reside
in or near New Carlisle, St. Joseph County, Indiana.
George 7 Slocum {Peleg, 6 Abraham,* Ebenezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Columbia County, New York, 25
February, 18 13, and was reared from an early age on a farm in
Darien Township, Genesee County, N. Y., where he was married
7 January, 1836, by James Sutherland, Esq., to Sophronia Kins-
man who was born in Darien 20 February, 1818. They removed
to Michigan and there all their children were born ; the first and
third in Milford, Oakland County, the next four in Hartland,
Livingston County, and the youngest in Keene, Ionia County.
He enlisted against the Rebellion at Saranac, Mich., as a soldier
in Co. D, 3d Reg. Mich. V. I. and died 18 July, 1862, in a Phil-
adelphia hospital from a wound received in the Battle of Fair
Oaks 31 May, 1862 ; he was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Phil-
adelphia. His name is recorded in his Country's Roll of Honor.
His widow resides in Corunna, Shiawasse Co., Mich. Children :
i. Nancy Almeda, born 26 October, 1837 ; was married in
Keene, Mich., 1 January, 1855, to Andrew Barry by Rev.
Bush, of Lowell. Postoffice Perry, Shiawasse Co., Mich.
ii. Zina, bom 18 June, 1839 ; died in the year 1841.
550. iii. Lucius Elliot, b. 30 June, 1842; m. Ella Rhodes in 1870.
551. iv. Richard M., b. 22 Oct., 1844; m. Emma A. Reed in 1872.
v. Edgar, twin, b. 29 Aug., 1849; was mar. to Sarah Hannain
Venice, Mich., 24 Dec, 1874, by Rev. Bird, M. E.
Their postoffice is Corunna, Mich.
vi. Egbert, twin, b. 29 Aug., 1849. He enlisted against the
Rebellion in 1864 and was a member of the cavalry that
pursued Jefferson Davis. He died 16 March, 1874, and
was buried in Corunna, Mich.
vii. Ellen, b. 5 Feb., 1852 ; d. and was bur. in Hartland in 1853.
viii. Helen Amelia, born 10 July, 1857. P. O. Corunna, Mich.
Zina B. 7 Slocum (Peleg, 6 Abraham* Ebenezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Columbia County (?), New York,
11 March, 1817, and was reared in Darien Township, Genesee
County. He married Thankful Ann Dibble 25 January, 1847.
She died in 1849 (?). He removed to Michigan, and there
enlisted against the Rebellion in the 8th Michigan Battery of
Light Artillery. He died 12 May, 1862, at New Madrid, Mo.,
and was finally buried in the Mississippi National Cemetery,
near Memphis, Tennessee. His name is recorded in the United
States Roll of Honor. Child :
i. Henry, born in 1848 (?) in Darien, N. Y. He was reared,
from the age of fourteen months, by his aunt Harriet (Slocum)
Montgomery. He enlisted against the Rebellion at the age
of sixteen years, and died at Jackson, Michigan, before his
company was ordered to the scene of war in the South.
Henry Gardner? Slocum {Samuel, 6 Samuel* Ebenezer*"
Eliezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in- Monkton Township,
Addison County, Vermont, 3 Sept, 1812. He removed to
Linesville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, in the year 1834,
and there married, 8 Sept., 1846, Rhobea Louisa, daughter of
Daniel and Elizabeth Tabor of that place. She was born 22
May, 1824. In 1854 they removed to Mantorville, Dodge
County, Minnesota, where his last two children were born, and
where his wife died 19 March, 1863. His postoffice is Wasioja,
Dodge County, Minn. A farmer. Children :
i. Alma Gertrude, b. 3 Jan., 1847. She taught school several
years ; was mar. in St. Peter's Church, Ashtabula, Ohio, 29
April, 1877, to William Henry, son of Ira and Minerva
(Tabor) Stowe of Knox County, Ohio. He was born 26
June, 1 841 ; enlisted against the Rebellion 15 July, 1861,
in Co. G, 25th Reg., Ind. V. I., and served until the final
triumph of the Union arms. They reside in Georgetown, Pa.
ii. Effie Elizabeth, b. 22 Feb., 1848. Resides in Wasioja, Minn.
iii. Eugene Merrill, born 22 December, 1850; died 25
March, 1880, in Linesville, Pa., and was there buried.
iv. George Henry, b. 26 June, 1852. P. O. Owatonna, Minn.
v. Fitzedward, born 19 April, 1854; died 2 July, 1855;
was buried in Mantorville, Minnesota.
vi. William Sherman, b. 23 Oct., 1856; died n Sept., 1856.
vii. Clarence Manley, b. 22 Feb., 1861. P. O., Wasioja, Minn.
Samuel Elliot? Slocum {Samuel, 6 Samuel,* Ebenezer* Elie-
zer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Monkton Township,
Addison County, Vermont, 1 Jan., 18 15. He removed, with his
parents in 1834, to Linesville, Crawford County, Pa., and was
there married, 4 April, 1837, by Adolphus Dewey, Esq., to Mary
Vail Line, daughter of Amos and Phebe (Vail) Line members
of the Society of Friends and formerly residents of Plainfield,
New Jersey, where Mary was born 9 October, 1816. She died
20 Sept., 1852, and was buried in Conneaut, Crawford Co., Pa.
He was married second, near Linesville 14 June, 1853, by Rev.
William McCormick, M. E., to Martha Ann Maxwell, who was
born in Conneaut, Pa., 27 Jan., 18 17, and died near that place 6
April, 1854; was buried at Steamburgh. He was married third,
near Harmonsburgh, Crawford Co., Pa., 26 July, 1855, by Prof.
Calvin Kingsley of Allegheny College, to Elizabeth Davison
Smith, daughter of John and Anna (Depue) Smith of Williams-
port, Pa., where she was born 20 May, 18 19. He removed to
Clayton County, Iowa, in March, 1855, thence to Dodge County,
Minnesota, in March, 1863, and in September, 1865, settled on a
farm near Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska, where they
still reside. Children, all by first wife :
i. Cornelia, born 4 Sept.. 1840; was mar. 19 May. 1858, in
Garnavillo, Iowa, by Rev. Matthew, Congregationalist,
to John Parson King, a farmer, son of Webster and Phebe
King. They reside near Aspinwall, Nebraska. Have had
three sons and seven daughters, of whom one son and five
daughters are now living. Particulars not reported.
ii. Phebe Ann, born 28 Nov., 1842; was mar. at Aspinwall,
Nebr., 8 Oct., 1868, to George Isaac Storm, a farmer, son
James and Sarah Ann (Tomlinson) Storm formerly of In-
diana. Postoffice Falls City, Nebraska. Children : 1. Ida
Belle, b. 23 July, 1869 ; 2. Mary Lilian, b. 21 April, 1872;
3. Samuel James, born in January, 1876.
iii. James Line, born 1 Dec, 1844; was mar. in St. Joseph
County, Missouri, 5 Feb., 1874, to Ida Elizabeth, daughter
of George and Jane (Shortledge) Hooper. He is a farmer,
surveyor, and dealer in grain and live-stock; postoffice
Falls City, Nebraska. Children: 1. Jennie, bom 6 July,
1876 ; 2. Mary, born 3 January, 1879.
iv. George Leonard, born 6 June, 1847 ; married^ 13 Feb.,
1878, Jennie Jennings, daughter of Oliver and Elizabeth
(Hicks) Jennings of Salem, Nebraska, and formerly of
Warren, Illinois. Their postoffice is Elmore, Nebraska.
A child, Minne Maud, was born 26 December, 1879.
v. Rachel Elizabeth, born n July, 1851; married, at St.
Joseph, Mo., 5 February, 1874, Warren Hutchins, a farmer,
son of Avery Hutchins who was born in New Hampshire
and married in' Ohio. Their postoffice is Nemaha City,
Nebraska. A son, Guy Slocum Hutchins, was born 31
July, 1875, in Richardson County, Nebraska.
George Washington? Slocum {Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Eliezer, 1 Giles, 1 Anthony?) was bom in Monkton Township Addi-
son County, Vermont, 7 August, 1818. He removed with his
parents to Crawford County, Pa., in the year 1834, and there
married, in Conneaut 30 September, 1841, Rhoda Cary Mantor,
daughter of James and Sarah (Kirtland) Mantor, formerly of
Albany County, N. Y., where she was born 12 December, 1820.
In May, 1854, they removed toMantorville, Dodge County, Min-
nesota, where she died 25 June, 1865, and where he still resides ;
a laborer. Children :
i. Lucy Ann, b. 18 Nov., 1842 ; was mar. in Mantorville, Minn.,
11 Oct., 1858, to Chas.Gleason, a painter, b. in Montgomery
Co., N. Y., 1 July, 1833, son of Rufus and Melissa (Sherman)
Gleason. In 1 873 they removed from Mantorville to Mayville,
Chautauqua Co., N. Y., where they now live. Children: 1.
Adeline J., b. 1 1 Dec, 1859 ; m. in Mayville 8 Nov., 1879, to
Henry B. Hopson by Rev. P. Macfarlane ; 2. Mary, b. 1868.
ii. Julius Franklin, born 19 February, 1844 He served
against the Rebellion in Co. B, 10th Reg. Minn. V. I., and
on his return from the army studied medicine in the Uni-
versity of Michigan. He mar. 20 April, 1869, Lena M.
Green of Otona, Minn., and settled as a physician at Marion,
Minn., and there died 9 Nov., 1875, leaving one child,
George Franklin, born 28 May, 1874.
iii. Emma Josephine, born 19 January, 1846; married Dr. O.
W. Sadler, a graduate of the Chicago Medical College.
They reside in Pittsburgh, Pa., where he is practicing his
profession. Children : 1. A son, died at the age of 3^
months; 2. Lucy Belle, born in May, 1878.
iv. Mary Minerva, b. 30 May, 1848. Resides with Emma J.
v. Augusta Eveline, born 29 Sept., 1850; married, 17 Aug.,
1876, Charles H. Benton, a lawyer, son of Henry andMary
Ann (Marks) Benton. They reside at Dodge Centre, Minn.
A child, Mary Louisa, was born 7 January, 1879.
vi. A son, born in 1854, died same day in Allamakee Co., Iowa.
vii. Samuel Mantor, born 19 September, 1857. He studied
medicine, and was graduated M. D. at the University of the
City of New York in March, 1879. He is now practicing
his profession in New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio.
viii. Sarah Lida, b. 23 July, 1861. Resides with her sister Emma.
Fitzgerald 7 Slocum {Samuel, 6 Samuel? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles?- Anthony?) was born in Bristol Township, Addison Co.,
Vermont, 15 November, 1820. He removed to Frenchtown,
Hunterdon County, New Jersey, in 1840 and there dwelt four-
teen years ; was married in the neighboring town of Alexandria
16 September, 1843, to Sarah P. Griggs, daughter of John and
Catharine (Prall) Griggs of Amwell, N. J., where she was born
30 November, 1824. They removed to Wauwatosa, Wisconsin,
in the year 1854, and thence, in 1863, to Lake City, Wabasha
County, Minnesota, where they have since resided. A carpenter.
Children :
i. Albert D., born 18 Feb., 1845 ; died 14 August, following,
ii. Celia Frances, born 5 June, 1846 ; married, 7 December,
1869, Ewing, son of Ewing and Sarah (Melchor) Alexander.
They reside in Lake City, Minn. Children: Helen,
born 10 July, 1870 ; Kate, born 22 July, 1875, * n Lake City.
iii. John Ff., born 20 August, 1847; died 11 April, 1848.
iv. Sarah A., born 2 April, 1849. Resides with her parents,
v. Mary C, born 3 November, 1850; died 5 August. 1853.
vi. Helen M., born 15 August 1853; married, 25 January,
1870, Charles F., son of Aaron and Elizabeth S. (Grannis)
Frost. They reside in Lake City, Minn. Children: 1.
Fred. C, born 11 November, 1874; 2. Zue, born 10 May,
1876; 3. Gerald H., born 31 March,?i878.
vii. Mary C, born 2 November, 1857, in Wauwatosa, Wis.
Resides with her parents at Lake City, Minnesota, unmar.
viii. Lucy C, b. 7 July, 1857; mar. 19 March, 1874, Arthur B.
Hill, son of George and Eliza A. (Thorp) Hill of Lake
City, Minn., where they now reside. Children : Edna P.,
born 6 January, 1876; Josie, born 22 September, 1879.
ix. Susan G., born 26 April, i860, in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.
x. Jennie M., born 17 May, 1862; resides with her parents.
xi. Harry L., born 20 September, 1864, at Lake City, Minn.
xii. Fred. G., born 22 January, 1867; resides with his parents.
Lucy Dailey 7 Slocum {Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer* Elie-
zer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Addison County, Vermont,
12 Jan., 1827, and was reared from the age of seven years in
Crawford County, Pa., where she married, 4 Feb., 1845, Daniel
Sheldon Clark, a farmer, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Clark.
He was born 30 Jan., 1815, in Westfield, Chautauqua County,
New York, where they resided after marriage, and where she
died in September, 1852 (1854?). He removed to Beaver Dam,
Wisconsin, and there died in April, 1856. They were members
of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children :
i. Sarah Ann Clark, born A. D. 1847; was mar. in Colum-
bus, Wis., 11 March, 1865, to William H. Crowther, born
in Evans Tp., Erie Co., N. Y., 7 July, 1840, son of William
M. and Ann E. (Dash) Crowther now of Waupun, Wis.
Postoffice Princeton, Wis. Children: 1. Orrin Emmet, b. 17
May, 1867, d. 27 Feb., 1868; 2. Imogen, b. 27 Aug., 1869;
3. Lilian Ray, b. 2 July, 1872 ; 4. Alice, b. 28 April, 1878.
ii. John Manley Clark, born 22 Sept., 1850; mar. in Decorah,
Iowa, 4 June, 1879, Sarah M., daughter of Joseph and
Sarah C. Baker of that place. They now reside on a farm
near Dodge Centre, Dodge County, Minnesota,
iii. Mary Lucy, born 5 July, 1853; married, 11 April, 1878, in
Prineton, Green Lake County, Wis., Benjamin Franklin
Bixby, a farmer, who was born in Chester, Wis., 15 Jan.,
1849, son of Daniel and Clarissa C. Bixby. They removed
in 1879 (?) t0 Yakima, Washington Territory.
Christopher 7 Slocum {Hull, 6 David,* Ebenezer* Eliezer?
Giles, 1 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Tolland Township, Hampden County,
Massachusetts, about the year 1791. He located early in life in
Westfield, Union County, New Jersey, and married, in the
neighboring town of Elizabeth, N. J., Elizabeth, daughter of
Benjamin Williams, of that place. They dwelt in Westfield
until the year 1816, then removed to Danby Township, Tompkins
County, New York, where they died he, 21 September, 1845 5
she, 1 June, 1865. A blacksmith and farmer. Children:
552. i. William, born 2 Feb., 1812; married 1st, Chloe M. Hawes.
ii. Henderson Williams, born 25 June, 1814 ; marrried Mary
Adams. Present postomce, Chemung, McHenry Co., 111.
553. iii. Christopher, born 15 September, 1819; mar. Eliza Grant,
iv. Lucilla, b. 15 Sept., 182 1, in Danby, N. Y. ; mar. Gershom
Handford. Resides in Ithaca, N. Y., without children,
v. Charles, born 10 August, 1826 ; died 10 August, 1856, in
Danby Township, N. Y. ; was buried in Adams Cemetery,
2\ miles east of Danby Village.
Rebecca 7 Slocum {Hull? David? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Tolland Township, Hampden County,
Mass., 19 July, 1795. She married, 23 January, 1817, George
W. Granger, a farmer, who was born in Tolland 23 April, 1794,
and died there 3 August, 1855. She died in Winsted, Connec-
ticut, 9 August, 1872. Children:
George W. Granger, born 7 May, 1821; married Eliza
M. Bird 26 September, 1843. Postoffice Tolland, Mass.
A child, Ella Bird, was born 17 July, 1855. P. O. notreported.
Emeline Granger, born 27 May, 1818, in Tolland, Mass. ;
was married there 20 September, 1842, by Rev. Roger
Harrison, to Daniel Herde Mills, formerly a dry-goods
merchant at Colebrook, Conn., and now a note-broker in
New York City. A child, George D., was born 4 Novem-
ber, 1844, at Colebrook, Conn. ; died 22 March, 1850, and
was there buried.
Hull Thompson? Slocum {Hull? David? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Tolland Township, Hampden
County, Mass., 21 July, 1797 ; married, in Hartford, Conn., 23
April, 1823, Fidelia Henrietta Robinson, daughter of Colonel
David and Catharine (Coe) Robinson of West Granville, Mass.,
where she was born 25 Dec, 1797. They dwelt in Tolland
several years and then settled on a farm near Colebrook River,
Litchfield Co., Conn., where she died 2 June, 1863. He died in
Otis, Mass., 7 April 1870 ; both were buried at Colebrook River,
Connecticut. Children :
554. i. Franklin R., b. 5 July, 1824; m. 1st,. Harriet E. Gabrielle.
555. ii. Emily C, b. 12 May, 1827; mar. William Tinker in 1847.
Joseph Dennison? Slocum {Hull? David? Ebenezer? Elie-
zer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Tolland Township, Hampden
County, Mass., 18 Oct., 1799; married there, 12 August, 1835,
Damaris Sophronia Twining, daughter of William and Rebecca
(Brown) Twining of that township where she was born 23 Dec,
181 1. They settled on a farm in Tolland, and there he died
31 October, 1880. Children:
i. Frances Virginia, b. 14 Oct., 1839 ; m. in Tolland 2 Oct.,
1872, George W., son of Horace and Lucy (Royce) Em-
mons. They reside at East Hartland, Hartford Co., Conn.
ii. Philip Lee Contee, born 13 April, 1841 ; mar. in Tolland
23 Sept., 1873, Sophia, daughter of Frederick and Amanda
(Barnes) Swensen. Postoffice Tolland, Mass. Children :
1. Frederick Lee, b. 25 Oct., 1875 ; 2. Frances Louise, b.
25 May, 1877; 3. George Hull, born 12 October, 1879.
iii. Alexander Twining, b. 4 April, 1843; m. Alice Towns-
end in Rochester, N. Y., 5 April, 1873. He is a photo-
grapher in Cincinnati, Ohio. Children : 1. Dennison T.,
b. 21 May, 1874, in Cleveland; 2. Caroline Elora, b. 13
Nov., 1876, in Cincinnati; 3. A daughter, b. in May, 1880.
iv. Caroline Louisa, born 10 May, 1845; mar. George W.
Emmons in Tolland 23 Oct., 1867. She died 12 May,
1869, at East Hartland, Conn., and were there buried.
v. Joseph Dennison, b. 23 Aug., 1847. P. O. Cincin. ; unmar.
Ezra Stiles? Slocum {Hull, 6 David? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles,' 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Tolland Township, Hampden
County, Mass., 7 November 1801 ; married there, 25 Jan., 1822,
Elvira, daughter of Jesse and Lois Miller of that township. They
dwelt in Tolland a number of years and then removed to West
Granville, Mass., where he died 4 Sept, 1863; was buried in
Tolland. A farmer. Children :
i. Mary Jane, b. 30 Nov., 1825 ; m. Orrison Erskine Snow 25
Jan., 1842. Postoffice New Boston, Berkshire Co., Mass.
ii. Maria Hamilton, b. 17 May, 1827; m - Edwin Bran ning 27
Aug., 1847. Postoffice address, Otis, Berkshire Co., Mass.
556. iii. Charles I)., b. 16 Jan., 1829; m. Harriet A. Moore ; d. 1878.
iv. Ariana, born 16 March, 1831 ; married Henry Birdsley
Lee, 27 Nov., 1851. They reside in New Haven, Conn.
Fidelia 7 Slocum (Hull, 6 David? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Tolland Township, Hampden County,
Mass., 11 March, 1806; married there, 23 Dec, 1824, Henry
Mattocks, a farmer, son of Daniel and Lois (Hyde) Mattocks, of
Lyme, Conn., where he was born 11 Sept., 1767. They resided
in West Hartland, Conn., where he died 4 Sept., 1856, and was
buried, and where she still lives. Children :
i. Jane E. Mattocks, b. 18 Sept., 1825, in W. Hartland, Conn.
ii. Julia E. Mattocks, born 29 October, 1826; married
Bramer. She died 12 January, 1863, in Fabius Tp.,
Onondaga Co., N. Y., and was there buried.
iii. Henry S. Mattocks, b. 10 Dec, 1831, in W. Hartland, Conn.
iv. Georgiana Mattocks, b. 28 Jan., 1840 ; d. 29 Oct., 1840.
v. Georgiana F. Mattocks, b. 16 Feb., 1844, in W. Hartland.
Melissa 7 Slocum (Hull, 6 David, s Ebenezer* Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony, 1 } was born in Tolland Township, Hampden County,
Massachusetts, 22 August, 1808 ; was married there, by
Robinson, Esq., to Dr. John Jeffery, son of John and Ann
(McKnight) Jeffery of Truxton, Cortland County, New York,
where he was born 4 August, 1805. They dwelt in Preble, N,
Y., two years after marriage, then removed to Southfield, Oak-
land County, Michigan, where he died 10 November, 1875, and
was buried. He was a practising physician more than forty
years ; was an Elder in the Presbyterian church and highly
respected. Mrs. Jeffery still lives in Southfield, Michigan.
Children :
i. Eugene Jeffery, born 18 Sept., 1834; was mar. n Jan.,
187 1, by Rev. J. S. Smith, to Harriet Carter of Southfield,
Mich., where he now resides without children. A farmer,
ii. Sarah Jeffery, b. 18 Aug., 1836; was mar. 1 Jan., i860,
by Rev. Thomas Forster, to Robert McKinney, a farmer,
son of James and Martha McKinney of Southfield, Mich.
They reside near Raisinville, . Monroe Co., Mich. Mrs.
McKinney has been an occasional contributor to the Mon-
roe Commercial since 1876. A child, Scott Jeffery, was
born 28 November, 1866.
iii. Samuel Morris Jeffery, b. 18 May, 1838. He served as
hospital nurse in the war against the Rebellion. Was mar.
in Southfield, Mich., 23 May, 1864, by C. Lawrence, Esq.,
to Emily H., dau. of Russell Cobb. They reside on a
farm near Hadley, Lapeer Co., Mich. Children ; Fanny
E., b. 28 Feb., 1865; Frank Moore, b. 14 May, 1876.
iv. Ann Jeffery, b. 25 Jan., 1841 j was mar. in July, 1875, by
Rev. O. C. Thompson, to George C. Haight, a farmer of
London Tp., Monroe Co., Mich., where they reside. A
child, Caroline Melissa, was born 10 January, 1878.
v. Caroline Jeffery, b. 25 Oct., 1843; was mar. 21 March,
1865, by L. H. Glover, Esq., to Winfield Scott, son of
Judge Shanahan of Cassopolis, Mich. They reside in
Detroit where he is clerk in a drug store. A child, Glennie
A. Shanahan, was born 4 May, 1870, in Wenona, Michigan.
vi. Winfield Scott Jeffery, born 12 March, 1848; was mar.
in Detroit 23 December, 1869, by Rev. J. M. Arnold, to
Isabel E. Daniels, daughter of Mrs. Mary McAllister. She
died 31 August, 1876, without children and was buried in
Woodmere Cemetery, Detroit, Mich. Postoffice Southfield,
Michigan. A farmer.
Oliver Ellsworth? Slocum (Eleazer, 6 David? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony? ) was born in Tolland Township,
Hampden County, Mass., 16 August, 1801, and there married
Mary, daughter of Cephas and Hannah Mills. He resides on a
farm at West Granville, Mass. He has been a man of keen
perceptions and quick to defend the right ; was an early advocate
of the abolition of slavery, and has been a generous friend to
the poor. Children :
557. i. William F.,b. 31 Jan., 1822 j mar. Margaret Tinker in 1847.
ii. Marion Amelia, b. 12 May, 1824; m. O Forbes Gilbert
of Philadelphia, and d. in that city 8 Nov., 1863, without chil.
iii. Mary Louise, b. 31 Jan., 1827. She mar. William Treat,
a member of the Connecticut bar. She is now a widow
and resides with her father in West Granville, Mass. A
child. Elizabeth, was born in September, 1854.
558. iv. Delia Ann, b. 23 April, 1829 ; mar. Hon. David A. Depue.
559. v. Philo Mills, b. 5 April, 1831 ; m. Henrietta Beach ; d. 1861.
560. vi. Laura Frances, born 8 Nov., 1832; mar. Eli Johnson, Jr.
561. vii, Oliver Ellsworth, b. 17 Feb., 1837 j m. Jane Humphrey,
viii. Winfield Scott, born 2 March, 1840; died 18 Dec, 1847.
Charles Cullen 7 Slocum [Cornelius, 6 David? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Granville Township,
Hampden County, Massachusetts, 2 April, 1796, and married
Sarah Ann Waters who died in Tolland Township, Mass., 24
October, 1826. He was a soldier in the War of 18 12, and a
deacon in the Congregational church for many years. He died
in Walton, Eaton County, Michigan, 24 October, 1865. Child :
i. Samuel Waters, b. 19 Oct., 1826, in Tolland Tp., Hamp-
den Co., Mass. He removed early to Carmel Tp., Eaton
Co., Michigan, and there mar. 25 Dec, 1854, Mary Ann
Pierce, born in Troy, N. Y., 9 July, 1837, dau. of Marshall
and Judith Pierce. He is a painter, and resides at Cedar
Springs, Kent Co., Mich. A son, Elmer Ellsworth, was
born 15 Aug., 1861, at Charlotte, Mich., and is now a clerk
in the postoffice at Cedar Springs, Kent County, Mich.
3 l *
Fitzgerald 7 Slocum {Tristram?' Elijah? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Tiverton Township, Newport
County, Rhode Island, n May, 1793. He learned the trade of
shoemaking in Newport, and was a member of the Newport
Artillery company in the War of 1812. He married, in
Newport 16 July, 1818, Maria Christian who was born in that
village about the year 1795. They removed to Buenos Ayres,
South America, in 1826, and he was there drowned in 1827 or
'28. His widow died in Fairhaven, Bristol County, Mass.
1 May, 1876. Children :
i. Harriet, born 12 February, 1819 ; mar. Hervey Tripp about
the year 1840. Resides in Fairhaven, Massachusetts,
ii. Edward Fitzgerald, born 20 Feb., 1824, in Newport, R. I. ;
mar. in Stonington, Conn., in Dec, 1849, Eliza Burgess
Johnson, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Burgess) Johnson
of South Dartmouth, Mass., where she was born. He
dwelt in New Bedford, Mass., twenty-five years previous to
1856 in which year he removed to Chicago, 111., where he
still resides; a commission-merchant. His wife died 8
June, 1868, leaving no children,
iii. Julia, b. 1826 in Buenos Ayres, S. A. ; d. aged about two yrs.
3 12
Edward? Slocum {Oliver W, 6 Edward? Ebenezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Huron County, Ohio, 4 March,
1827, and married there, 22 May, 1849, Aurelia Clark, daughter
of Daniel T. and Sarah (Springsted) Clark of that county where
she was born 7 April, 1828. Soon after marriage they removed
to Palmyra, Lenawee County, Michigan, where he worked at
his trade of blacksmithing two years and then returned to Huron
County, Ohio. In 1856 he removed to Crestline, Ohio, and took
charge of the smith-shop of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Railroad, and on the completion of the road to Fort
Wayne, in January, 1858, he was transferred thither and con-
tinued in the capacity of foreman until Christmas, 1864, when
he retired to enter the grocery business. On this occasion his
workmen presented him with an elegant set of silverware duly
inscribed. The proceedings of the presentation meeting were
reported at length in the Fort Wayne newspapers which show
that the President, and also the speaker for the workmen, paid a
high tribute to the worth of Mr. Slocum, who, they said, was
never slow-to-come in the performance of duty. During the
nine years of his foremanship the forges increased from nine to
forty five in number. Mr. Slocum made a model reply. The
following year the same parties presented him a valuable gold-
headed cane. In 1870 he took charge of the smith-shops of the
Pittsburgh Locomotive Works, in Albany, Pa., and in 1873
went to Cleveland, Ohio, as Superintendent of the works of the
Otis Rolling Mill Company. There being a change of proprietors
in this company he remained but one year and then engaged as
foreman of the French Steel-Spring Works in Pittsburgh, Pa.,
where he remaind until his death, 9 Novemher, 1876. He
was buried in Linwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, Ind. Since 1
April, 1879, hi s widow has resided with their son George.
Children :
i. George, born 30 Aug., 1850, in Norwalk, Ohio. Was
reared in Fort Wayne, Ind., and was there mar. 13 Dec,
1876, by Rev. Samuel Wagenhalls, Lutheran, to Ella Win-
baugh, born in Crestline, O., 23 Aug., 1856. They removed
1 April, 1879, to a farm four miles N. W. of Hiawatha,
Brown County. Kansas,
ii. Clark Edward, b. 14 Jan., 1853; mar. 23 March, 1874,
Augusta Hart, b. in Decatur, Ind., 6 Dec, 1854, dau. of
John Russell and Hannah (Gorsline) Hart, now of Fort
Wayne, Ind., where Clark resides. Children : May Aurelia,
born 20 April, 1875; John Edward, born 21 April, 1879.
iii. Amelia, b. 14 Feb., 1855, in Norwalk, O.; mar. in Fort
Wayne, Ind., 18 Sept., 1876, James Edward Keegan, b.
in Monroe, Mich., 5 May, 1850. They reside in Fort
Wayne. A child, Caroline Emma, b. 3 July, 1877, d. 14
July, 1880; was buried in Linwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne.
iv. Ebenezer, b. 18 Sept., 1862. Resides near Hiawatha, Kan.
v. Aurelia, born 14 July, 1865. Resides with her mother.
Ebenezer B. 7 Slocum {Oliver W., b Edward? Ebenezer* Eliezer?
Giles, 2 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Peru, Huron County, Ohio (?), 8
September, 1842. He enlisted against the Rebellion at Fort
Wayne, Indiana, as a private soldier in Co. C, 44th Reg. Ind.
Vol. Inf., and died of typhoid dysentery near Battle Creek,
Tennessee, 23 July, 1862, on the eighth day of his sickness.
His 2d Lieutenant Philip Grund reported his death by letter
to the Fort Wayne Daily Sentinel, from which the following
extracts are taken :
" No better, braver, truer, or more willing soldier than Corporal
Slocum was, can be found in the ranks of any regiment. At the Battle
of Fort Donelson he was" cool, brave and determined, and nobly did
his whole duty all the time the regiment was under fire or in front of
the enemy. So it was with him at the far more terrible Battle of
Shiloh where he exhibited the same lofty traits all through the two
days' desperate fighting on that never-to-be-forgotten field. He was an
excellent example of what a true soldier ought to be, and his loss to
his company is therefore great He was barefoot the last
four days before being obliged to lie down on account of his sickness,
and, our route being over hard stony roads, his feet were very sore and
much swollen ; yet he never complained or faltered on the march. "...
The editor of the Sentinel added that " Corporal Slocum was
well known in Fort Wayne as a young man of moral integrity
and great worth." He was buried in the National
Cemetery at Chattanooga, Tenn. His name is recorded in the
United States Roll of Honor.
' 3M-
Charles? Slocum (Ebenezer? Edward? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Black Rock now within the limits
of the City of Buffalo, New York. He removed with his parents
to Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio, 18 Nov., 1836, and married
in Ripley, Ohio, 18 Nov., 1852, Sarah Luther Haynes, daughter
of George and Mary DeFoe (Ford) Haynes of Ripley, and form-
erly of Massachusetts. They dwelt in Ripley, O., until 1 April,
1865, then removed to a farm near Shelbyville, in Shelby County,
Illinois, where they still reside. Children :
i. Fred Haynes, b. 10 Nov., 1853. Resides near Shelbyville.
ii. Ebenezer, b. 10 Feb., 1858; d. 11 April, 1858, in Ripley, O.
iii. Charles Leo, b. 12 Dec, 1862; d. 22 Aug., 1863, in Ripley,
iv. George Ralph, b. 14 Sep., 1864, in Ripley, Huron Co., O.
v. Agnes Maud, b. 10 June, 1868, at Shelbyville, Shelby Co., 111.
Eleazer? Slocum (Eleazer? Edward? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Black Rock, now part of Buffalo,
New York, 28 November, 1828. He married, in Northfield,
Minnesota, 18 June, 1862, Elizabeth Simmons who was born in
Liverpool, England, 18 July, 1843, daughter of John Simmons a
native of Belfast, Ireland. He has resided in Jamestown and
Frewsburgh, N. Y., Monona in Iowa, Sciota, St. Paul, Northfield,
and Hastings in Minnesota, the last named place being his
present address. A shoemaker. Children :
i. Frances Elizabeth, b. 23 June. 1864, in Northfield, Minn.
ii. Catharine Maria, b. in Northfield, Minn., 25 Aug., 1865.
iii. Ralph Lee, b. 27 Jan., 1868. Resides in Northfield, Minn,
iv. John Victor, born in Northfield, Minn., 15 October, 1869.
v. Earl Walter, born 24 July, 1872, in Northfield, Minn,
vi. Florence May, born 2 December, 1879, m Hastings, Minn.
Ebenezer 7 Slocum {Eleazer? Edward? Ebenezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Leon Township, Cattaraugus
County, New York, A. D. 183 1 ; was married at Gowanda in
1854 to Lucretia, daughter of Hiram and Melicent (Smith)
Sackett of Irving, Chautauqua County, and formerly of Duchess
County, N. Y., where she was born. He is now a farmer in
Scioto Township, Dakota County, Minnesota ; postoffice East
Castle Rock, Minnesota. Children :
i. William K., born 1856, in Irving, N. Y. He was educated
at Carlton College; mar. in 1875, Tilley, dau. of Henry and
Jane (Sherd?) Bean. He now (1881) resides in Huron (?),
Dakota Territory. Children : George and Maud.
ii. Sarah Melicent, b. 1877, in Scioto Tp., Dakota Co., Minn.
3 1 ?
George 8 Slocum {Stephen? Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 28 May,
1804. He was a drummer in the War of i8i2-'i4and on one
occasion was taken from his bed by his father, in the middle of
the night, to beat the drum as a signal that an English ship was
nearing Newport, and, in scanty apparel, he drummed until a gun
was heard in Middletown in answer to the alarm. He was mar-
ried in Newport 5 July, 1827, by Rev. M Eddy, to Susan Gould
of Middletown Township, R. I. He resided in South Portsmouth,
and Middletown, and later in life removed to Newport where he
died of diphtheria 1 Oct., 1863 ; was buried in Island Cemetery.
He was a farmer. His widow lives in Newport, R. I. Children :
562. i. Mary Ann, born 1 April, 1828 ; married Benjamin Wyatt.
563. ii. Stephen T., b. 10 Oct., 1829 ; m. Mary J. Lamy; d. in 1875.
iii. John Henry, b. 5 Nov., 1832, in Middletown, R. I. He
enlisted against the Rebellion in 1861 as a private in the
5th New York Excelsior Brigade, and died of wounds
received in the Battle of Bristow Station, Va., 27 August,
1862. See the United States Roll of Honor.
564. iv. Edmund Deacon, born n Aug., 1835; m. Mary E. Tilley.
v. Frances H., born 13 September, 1837; married, 5 April,
i860, John Manley Drake of Bellingham, Mass. A child,
Mary, was born 3 December, 1863.
vi. William Shurtliffe, born 25 Nov., 1839. He enlisted
against the Rebellion in the Newport Artillery, May, 186 1,
and returned home at the close of his three months term.
Married 28 March, 1878, Sarah Bradley of Brooklyn, N. Y.
A farmer ; present postofhce, Red Bank, N. J.
vii. George Tabor, born 21 July, 1842. He enlisted against
the Rebellion in 1861 as a private soldier in the 1st Reg.
R. I. Cavalry; was taken prisoner by the Confederates, and
died in their barbarous Andersonville Prison 4 July, 1864;
was finally buried in the Andersonville National Cemetery.
The full history of this brave soldier the writer has been
unable to learn. His name is recorded in his Country's
Roll of Honor as Second Lieutenant of Company A, First
Regiment, Rhode Island Cavalry.
viii. Susan Catherine, b. 28 April, 1845; m - I2 O ct > 1862,
Benjamin Peckham of Newport ; died 4 Oct., 1863, "of diph-
theria contracted from her father while acting as his nurse."
ix. Elizabeth S., born 22 October, 1847; married, 24 Nov.,
1 864, Charles Spooner of Middletown Tp., R. I. They now
reside in Newport, R. I. Children : Ida M., born 20 July,
1866; Harry M., born 18 January, 1870.
x. Sarah Jane, born 27 April, 1850; mar. n August, 1867,
George Fenner Steere of Greenville, R I. They now reside
in Newport. Children: George A., born 10 July, 1868;
Ella S., born 7 December, 1870.
xi. Daniel Gould, born 24 March, 1854, in Middletown Town-
ship, R. I. Resides with his mother in Newport, R. I.
Charlotte 8 Slocum {Stephen,' 1 Giles, 6 Giles? Giles*- Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island,
22 August, 181 1, and married, 3 June, 1831, James Corbin Wood
of Brooklyn, N. Y. They dwelt in Portsmouth until about the
year 1839, and then settled in Newport, R. I., where she died 11
August, 1876; was buried in her father's family ground near the
Glen in South Portsmouth. Children :
i. Charles William Wood, b. 7 Dec, 1833, in S.Portsmouth,
ii. Frank Lawton Wood, b. 28 Dec, 1834; d. 25 May, 1877.
iii. Angeline Colburn Wood, b. 12 Jan., 1837, inS. Portsmouth.
iv. Mary Abigail Wood, born 24 Feb., 1 841, in Newport, R. I.
v. James Corbin Wood, born 24 April, 1844, in Newport, R. I.
vi. Stephen Slocum Wood, b. 16 Oct., 1846, in Newport, R. I.
vii. Josephine Wood, b. 24 November, 1849; d. 17 Oct., 1850.
viii. George Slocum Wood, b. 15 May, 1852, in Newport, R. I.
ix. Moses Wood, born, 3 October, 1854; died 5 August, 1855.
The dead were buried in their grandfather Slocum's ground,
South Portsmouth, near the Glen.
3 l 9
Stephen 8 Slocum {Stephen 1 Giles, 6 Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Anthony, 1 ) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 19
June, 1 8 14; married Susan Soule Tripp, daughter of Jonathan
and Elizabeth (Soule) Tripp of Westport, Massachusetts. He
resides in his native township ; a farmer. Children :
i. Giles, born 15 Dec, 1841; died 1 Oct., 1842, was buried
in his grandfather's cemetery near the Glen, Rhode Island.
ii. Joseph Borden, born 20 April, 1843, in Newport; mar. 12
Dec, 1869, Julia Frances Wilbur of Little Compton, R. I.,
where they now reside without children. A market-man.
iii. Elizabeth Ellen, born 25 March, 1847; died 25 March,
1849, in Westport, Massachusetts.
565. iv. Chas. W., b. 29 Aug., 1850 ; m. Evangeline St. C. Thompson.
v. Henry Albert, b. 20 Feb., 1859, in South Portsmouth, R. I.
Abigail 8 Slocum {Stephen, 1 Giles 6 Giles? Giles? Giles? Giles,*
Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 25 Nov.,
1 8 19, a deaf-mute. She was remarkably handsome and very
ingenious ; was educated in the Deaf and Dumb Institute at
Hartford, Connecticut. She married Royal G. N. Tyler of Wal-
lingford, Conn., where they afterward resided, and where she
died, 23 October, 1864, and was buried. Child :
i. George Peleg Tyler, b. 1 Feb., 1849; m. Caroline May
Palmer of Hartford, Conn. They reside in Wallingford,
Conn. Children: 1. Minne, b. 27 Jan., 1872, d. 26 Nov.,
1873; 2. Clifford Eugene, b. 27 Aug., 1874; 3. Mabel
Louisa, b. 12 Nov., 1876; 4 Harriet, b. 20 October, 1878.
Peleg Hart 8 Slocum {Stephen 1 Giles, 6 Giles? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Newport County,
Rhode Island, 20 March, 1825, a deaf-mute. He entered the
Deaf and Dumb Institute at Hartford, Connecticut, in the year
1845 and was there educated. He has since resided in and near
that Institution, and he has for some time been employed there
as baker. He was married in Wallingford, Conn., 1 Jan., 1859,
to Martha Abigail Hicks, also a deaf-mute, daughter of Winslow
and Emeline (Libby) Hicks of South Auburn, Maine, where she
was born 11 June, 1836. Children :
i. Charles Henry, born 12 August, i860, in Wallingford,
Conn.; married Hettie E. Wright 17 August, 1880. He
resides in Hartford as City Treasurer's Clerk,
ii. Mabel Lydia, b. 15 April, 1867, in Wallingford, Conn.
Susannah Brownell 8 Slocum (Stephen? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Anthony?} was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode
Island, 12 Aug., 1827 ; mar. first, 19 Feb., 1849, Alvan Grinnell,
a sailor, born 17 Nov., 18 19, son of Lewis and Sarah Grinnell of
South Portsmouth. She mar. second, 31 Dec, 1867, Oliver
Grinnell, a machinist, born 28 May, 1801, son of Oliver and
Mary (Bell) Grinnell of Massachusetts. She now resides at
Fall River, Massachusetts. Children by first husband :
i. Margaret Grinnell, b. 26 April, 1850; m. 17 Jan., 1870,
Robert Barclay Almy, son of Levi and Susan Almy of South
Portsmouth, R. I., where they now reside, without children,
ii. Vibilia Susan Grinnell, born 19 July, 185 1; mar. 3
Oct., 1867, Charles Edward Baker of Fall River, Mass.,
where they reside. Children : 1. Edward Everett, b. 27
March, 1869; 2. Alvan, b. 12 Aug., 1870; 3. Mabel, b.
29 Jan., 1872; 4. Florence, b. 16 March, 1874, died 21
Nov., 1875; 5. Daisy, b. 4 April, 1876, d. 4 May, 1876;
6. Charles, b. 1 July, 1877, d. 25 July, 1877; 7. Lydia
Alice, born 16 July, 1878, died 22 February, 1880.
Child by second husband :
iii. James Dacre Grinnell, born 25 May, 1869, at Fall River.
3 2 3
Stephen Pierce 8 Slocum {Brownell? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode
Island, 16 March, 18 18, and married, 13 February, 1851, Frances
C. Lawton, daughter of James and Anne Lawton of Newport.
They settled in Newport, R. I., where he has conducted the
business of butcher, and a meat-market in a shop on Thames
Street. In politics he has always been a t Democrat; was In-
spector in the Newport Custom House during the administration
of President Franklin Pierce, 1853-57. Was elected from the
First Ward to the Newport Board of Aldermen in 1871, and
Mayor of Newport for the years 1872, '73, and '74. He has
since been a candidate for the office of Lieutenant-Governor of
his State and was, with the ticket, defeated at the election. He
was again elected Mayor of Newport in 1879, or '80. Mayor
Slocum is a man of large heart and with a hand ever open to
relieve the necessities of those around him. His sympathies, in
public as well as private life, have always been with the laboring
classes, and his policy that of economy in the administration of
the government. He has led a life of industry and frugality,
and accumulated a moderate competence ; and yet in the summer
season when business is brisk, he is often seen at his post in the
market as early as three o'clock in the morning, with coat off
and sleeves rolled up, as busy as the busiest of his employees.
He has no children.
Eveline 8 Slocum {Alexander 1 Matthew? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Easton, Washington County,
New York, 24 July, 1821. She married, in June, 1839, Asahel
Perry, M. D., a graduate of Dartmouth Medical College, class of
183 1. He was admitted to membership in the Washington
County and the New York State Medical Societies, and practiced
his profession very acceptably in South Easton. They there
died, he, 16 March, 1877; she, 17 March, 1879, and were
buried in Middle Granville Cemetery. Children :
i. Elizabeth Ruth Perry, born 25 April, 1842. She was
graduated at the North Granville (N. Y.) Seminary in 1861 ;
married Palmer Dyer Evarts 20 December, 1866. Their
postoffice is Granville, New York. Children : Silas Edward,
born 17 Sept., 1867; Ruth Louise, born 17 Sept., 1872.
ii. Alexander Elisha Perry, born 5 August, 1845. He was
graduated at Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie,
N. Y., in May, 1866; died of consumption 3 Jan., 1870.
iii. Helen Eliza Perry, born 25 August, 1853; married, 23
Jan., 1877, William H. Potter, a farmer, of Granville, N. Y.
Anna 8 Slocum {Alexander? Matthew? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Easton, New York, 23 June,
1823, and married, 31 December, 1846, Stephen Staples who was
born in Danby, Vermont, 31 May, 1826, son of Willard and
Elizabeth Staples. They reside on a farm in Granville Township,
Washington County; postoffice Granville, New York. Children:
i. Elizabeth Staples, born 5 February, 1 848 ; married, 8 June,
1869, Henry S. Weeks of Rutland/ Vt. A child, Fred, was
born 17 October, 1873.
ii. Edwin Staples, born 25 February, 1850; married Mary E.
. Ingallsbe, 8 August, 1871. A farmer; postoffice Granville,
N. Y. A child, Annette, was born 3 August, 1877.
Dr. Volney Peleg 8 Slocum (Alexander? Matthew? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Easton,
Washington County, New York, 6 October, 1825, and received
his early education in the district schools there and in the Troy
Conference Academy, Poultney, Vermont. He was married, in
Middletown, Rutland County, Vt., 2 July, 1846, by Adin Green,
Esq., to Helen Mary Almy, daughter of Obadiah and Rhoda
(Barrett) Almy. They dwelt in Granville, N. Y., from 1846 till
1866 ; Rutland, Vt., from 1866 till 1872, then removed to New
York City, where they now reside. He was graduated M. D. at
the New York Eclectic Medical College in February, 1880, and
is now a practicing physician. Mrs. Slocum has been for some
years an able advocate for woman suffrage. Children :
i. Mary Louisa, born 3 Nov., 1847. She was educated in the
North Granville (N. Y.) Seminary; was mar. in Rutland,
Vt., 1 Nov., 1870, by Rev. Mr. Brigham, Universalist, to
Job, son of Peleg and Asenath (Nichols) Thomas. They
now reside in New York City. Children : 1. Ernest, born
12 May, 1874; 2. Lena, born 4 July, 1876; 3. Volney
Peleg, born 25 September, 1878.
ii. Ruth Rovena, born 15 November, 185 1 ; died 22 October,
1868, and was buried in Middle Granville Cemetery.
iii. Helen Maria, born 23 June, 1853. She was educated in
Rutland Academy; was married in New York City in July,
1876, by Rev. Howard Crosby, D. D., Presb., to William
Wallace Clark, son of Anson A. and Abigail (Kilburn)
Clark. They reside in Detroit, Mich. Children : Kilburn,
born 17 April, 1878 ; William W., born 14 March, 1880.
iv. Charles Volney, born 6 April, 1856. He was educated
in Rutland Academy, Vt. ; was mar. in Castleton, by Rev.
Hooker, Congr., to Delia A. Clark, sister of his sister
Helen's husband. They reside in Detroit, Mich. A book-
keeper. A child, Alexander, was born 18 April, 1879.
v. Margaret Amelia, born 8 June, 1858. She completed,
some time since, the courses of study in a graded school,
and those of the Normal College, New York City.
vi. Harvey Hoag, born 20 November, i860; died 2 October,
1864, and was buried in Middle Granville Cemetery,
vii. Alexander, born 28 May, 1863. He was graduated at
Public School No. 35, New York City, in 1879. Among
about 300 contestants in examination for the Columbia
College Scholarship, offered as a prize to the best scholar
graduated by the sixty Public Schools of that city, he was
rated 98 in a possible 100 the second best competitor
standing 94. Sickness prevented his enjoying the valuable
prize thus nobly won.
3 2 7
Hannah Vermelia 8 Slocum {Royal, 1 Matthew, 6 Giles,* Giles*
Giles? Giles? Anthony, 1 } was born in Easton Township, Wash-
ington County, New York, 27 Jan , 1828 ; was mar. in her father's
house 8 Nov., 1854, to Hiram Slocum Robinson, a farmer, son ot
Joseph and Hannah (Batty) Robinson of Easton where he was
born. They dwelt in that township until 1859, then removed to
Newfane, Niagara County, and there resided twelve years, then
settled in Marion Tp., Wayne Co., N. Y., where they now reside.
Children :
i. Louise Ellen Robinson, b. 19 June, 1857, in Easton, N. Y.
ii. Frederic Joseph Robinson, born 18 Feb., 1861, in Newfane.
Hi. Elmer Ellsworth Robinson, b. 16 Oct., 1863, in Newfane.
Alfred 8 Slocum {Royal? Matthew?' Giles? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Easton Township, Washington
County, New York, 21 April, 1833. He left home 16 Nov.,
1852, and engaged as sailor before the mast on the ship Contest
bound from New York City to San Francisco via Cape Horn.
In 1857 he went to Oregon and there married, in Winchester 26
October, 1858, Catharine Susannah Martin who was born in
Platte City, Missouri, 20 Dec, 1841, daughter of William Jennings
Martin, born in Kentucky, and Harriet Catharine (Croborger)
Martin, born in Virginia. He removed to Pioneer City, Idaho,
in 1862, and the following year was there appointed Postmaster,
Agent for Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, and Recorder for the
Pioneer Mining District ; and in 1864 was elected Treasurer of
Boise County. He is now an agent for agricultural machinery
with postoffice at Roseburgh, Douglas County, Oregon. Children :
i. A son, still-born 31 March, i860, in Roseburgh, Oregon.
ii. Twin daughters, still-born 10 Jan., 1861, in Winchester, Or.
iv. Alfred, born in Winchester, Oregon, 5 January, 1862.
v. Frederick William, b. 24 April, 1 865, in Pioneer City, Idaho.
vi. Frank Martin, b. 5 September, 1867, in Idaho City, Idaho,
vii. Harriet Nellie, b. 27 Sept., 1869, in Coquille, Oregon,
viii. Juliette, born 7 April, 1872, in Vallejo, California.
ix. George Joseph, born 14 December, 1873 ; died 6 April,
1875, in Vallejo, Solano County, California.
x. Samuel Cecil, born 31 May, 1876, in Portland, Oregon.
xi. A son, still-born 9 October, 1878, in Portland, Oregon.
3 2 9
William Henry 8 Slocum [Borden? Stephen? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, New-
port County, Rhode Island, 15 November, 1819. When about
twelve years of age he went to New York City and worked in
Fulton Market for several years in the employ of his uncle
Silas Lawton. He was married 5 January, 1846, in the Oliver
Street Baptist Church, New York, by Rev. Elisha Tucker, D. D.,
to Caroline Matilda Mason, daughter of Albert and Hannah
(Tuthill) Mason of that city, and formerly of Sand's Point,
Long Island, where she was born 5 January, 1824.
He has held various offices of trust and honor in New York
and Brooklyn, and for twenty years has been President of the
East River Savings Bank, New York, a position which he still
holds. He has resided in Brooklyn since i860. Children :
i. Albert Mason, born 2 March, 1847; died 12 June, 1848,
and was buried at Flushing, Long Island, New York.
566. ii. William Albert, b. 15 April, 1849; m. Emma R. Eastburn.
iii. Frank, born 6 January, 1852, in New York City. He was
graduated B. A. at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute,
class of 1873. He resides in Brooklyn, New York, unmar.
iv. Ella Louise, born 7 July, 1855. She was mar. 6 Nov.,
1878, in her father's house by Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D.,
Baptist, to George C, son of George and Martha (Roberts)
Roberts. They reside in Brooklyn, New York.
v. Louis Wilbur, b. 26 Oct., 1859; resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ann 8 Slocum {Samuel E., 7 Stephen, 6 Giles,* Giles* Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island,
19 June, 1819. She was married 30 March, 1841, to Calvin
Henry Field, a farmer, who was born in Cranston, R. I., in May,
1 82 1, Son of Stephen and Henrietta (Borden) Field. They now
reside in Little Compton, R. I. Children :
i. Mary Ann Field, b. 14 Feb., 1842; mar. Oliver C. Wilber
2 Jan., 1864. Postoffice Little Compton, R. I. Children:
Elizabeth N, John Henry, Wm Howard, Frederick Clarke.
ii. Sarah Rebecca Field, b. 21 Jan., 1843. P. O., L. Compton.
iii. Charles Henry Field, born 30 Jan., 1846; mar. 14 Feb.,
1875, and has two children. Postoffice Little Compton, R. I.
iv. Samuel Slocum Field, b. 5 April, 1848; m. 5 April, 1874;
has two children. Postoffice Little Compton, R. I.
v. Anne Ellen Field, b. 9 June, 1850; married James D.
Crosby in January, 1873. She died in September, 1878,
leaving children: Rhodalnez, and John Clark; no dates giv.
vi. Inez, born 8 October, 1855 ; died in December, 1856.
33 1
Charles Collins 8 Slocum {Samuel E., 7 Stephen, 6 Giles*
Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth,
Newport County, Rhode Island, 21 April, 1824, and was there
married by A. D. C. Millett to Lydia Jane, daughter of Asa
Borden. They settled on a farm in South Portsmouth where
they still reside. He served as Representative to the Rhode
Island Legislature during the years 1877 and '78. Children :
i. Clara Louisa, b. 16 Feb., 1851, in South Portsmouth, R. I.
ii. Mary Bliss, b. in South Portsmouth, R. I., 9 Dec, 1855.
iii. Rowena Augusta, b. 26 Jan., 1861 ; P. O., S. Portsmouth,
iv. Martha, born 16 January, 1869.
33 2
Susan 8 Slocum (Samuel E.? Stephen, 6 Giles, 5 Giles,'- Giles, 1
Giles, 1 Anthony?} was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode Island,
2 April, 1826. She was married there 25 Nov., 1847, to Constant
Woodman Chase, a farmer, son of Clark and Eliza Southwick
(Woodman) Chase, of that place where he was born 26 August,
1826. They dwelt in Middletown 2\ years, and since 1850 have
resided in South Portsmouth. Children :
i. Herbert Chase, born 25 January 1850 ; married, 25 Decem-
ber, 1875, Eliza Gordon Dennis, daughter of Joseph Cogges-
hall and Mary Gould (Chase) Dennis, of South Ports-
mouth, which is their present address. Children: 1. Bertha
Woodman, b. 22 March, 1878; 2. Anna, b. 21 Aug., 1879.
ii. Isaac Chase, born 31 May. 1852 ; married, 28 October,
1874, Marianne Lawton, daughter of Borden and Anne
Gould (Mitchell) Lawton, of South Portsmouth, their
present address. A child, Mary, was born 5 February, 1877.
iii. Emma Chase, b. 13 August, 1856. P. O. South Portsmouth.
Eason Lafayette 8 Slocum (Eason 1 John 6 Thomas? John*
Giles? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Seekonk, Bristol County,
Massachusetts, 10 August, 1825, and was reared in Pawtucket,
Rhode Island. He married, 6 January, 1850, Amanda Margaret
Hawes, daughter of Nathan and Margaret (Sweet) Hawes of
Attleborough, Mass., and formerly of Providence, R. I., where
she was born 24 February, 1826. They settled in Pawtucket,
Rhode Island, where they still reside. A manufacturer of boots
and shoes. Children :
i. Lilian Estelle, born 26 December, 1850; died 13 June,
i860, and was buried in Mineral Spring Cemetery.
ii. Augustus Franklin, b. 28 Dec, 1852; d. 25 Aug., 1854.
iii. Idalie Amanda, b. 22 Feb., 1855 ;d. l September, 1865.
iv. Sarah Evelyn, born 14 April, 1857, in Pawtucket, R. I.
v. Eason Lafayette, born 17 January, 1859, in Pawtucket.
vi. Lilly Elizabeth, born 2 January, 1861.
vii. Mabel Estella, born 15 March, 1863, in Pawtucket, R. I.
viii. Grace Lula, b. 4 April, 1865, in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
ix. Jay Whitefield, born 18 August, 1867 ; died 9 May, 1876,
and was buried in Mineral Spring Cemetery, Pawtucket, R.I.
x. Louis Gregory, b. 20 Aug., 1869, at Central Falls, R. I.
xi. Maud Mazelle, b. at Central Falls, R. I., 12 April, 1872.
Amasa C. 8 Slocum (John, 1 John? John} John* Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Providence, Rhode Island, 10
August, 1789. and married, first, Caroline M. Moultonin i8o7(?);
married second, Lydia . He was a tailor ; died, a widower,
at Providence in the year 1857. Child, by first wife :
567. i. John Peterson, born 25 Sept., 1820; mar. 1st, Lucy W.
Fox, and 2d . He died 6 November, 1877.
Samuel 8 Slocum (John? John? John? John? Giles? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Providence, Rhode Island, 26 January,
1791. He married, 8 September, 1810, Mary Perry who was
born in Newport 24 March, 1794, daughter of Stephen and
Hannah (Naphs) Perry. They resided in Providence and there
died she, 6 March, 1880, and were buried in the North End
Cemetery. A rope manufacturer. Children :
i. Sarah, b. 20 Oct., 181 1 ; m. William Stetson of Pawtucket.
R. I. She died in Providence; was buried in the North
End Cemetery. A son, William, resides in Sacramento, Cal.
ii. Mary, born 7 January, 181 4; died in Providence.
iii. William, born 25 January, 18 15. He removed to West-
moreland, New Hampshire, where he and his son
William C., aged thirty-eight years now reside,
iv. Samuel, born 24 January, 181 7. A mariner; died in Provi-
dence 6 October, 1862, from wounds received while on
board the ship Susquehanna of the U. S. Navy ; was buried
in Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, R. I. A bachelor,
v. Charlotte, born 8 Nov., 1819; died in Providence, R. I.
vi. Joseph, born 19 December, 1823; died in Providence, R. I.
568. vii. John, b. 9 June, 1830; m. Priscilla E. Dodge, 15 Oct., 1850.
viii. Stephen, born 5 Dec, 1833; died in Providence.
ix. Henry, born 6 January, 1837 ; died in Providence, R. I.
David Carvin 8 Slocum (John? Thomas? John? John*
Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Lebanon Township, Madison
County, New York, 15 October, 1799. He was married in
Smyrna, Chenango County, N. Y., 24 Feb., 18 18, to Nancy
Remington who was born in Tolland Township, Mass., 9 Nov.,
1802, daughter of Holden and Dorcas (Steadman) Remington
the latter a cousin of Com. Oliver H. Perry. They dwelt in
Tolland, Mass., from 1819* until 1823; Warwick, R. I., until
1827; Tyringham, Mass., until 1830, and thereafter in Otis,
Mass. He was a brick-mason. Children :
i. Mary Remington, born 24 May, 1820; died 18 July, 1820.
ii. Hazard Perry, born 24 April, 1822 ; married, 30 Sept.,
1844, Amy A. Perkins of Attleborough, Mass. He en-
listed against the Rebellion in Co. F, 2d Reg. Mass. V. I.,
and died at Fairfax Court House, Va., 19 March, 1863;
was there buried. His widow died at Denver, Colorado.
A son, born in 1846 (?), died in infancy.
569. hi. John Holden, b. 26 Nov., 1824; m. Louisa Taft in 1844.
570. iv. Aratus Brewster, b. 17 July, 1828; m. Elizabeth Mason,
v. Samuel Remington, born 10 February, 1821. He started
for California in the year 1849, since which time nothing
has been heard of him.
Morgan Lewis 8 Slocum (John? Thomas? John? yohnf-Giles?
Giles, 2 Anthony?} was born in Burlington, Otsego County, New
York, 7 May, 181 1. He married in Oxford, Chenango County, 8
Feb., 1842, Sophronia Chapman Allen, born 26 Jan., 1818,
daughter of Joseph and Charlotte Butler (Tarbell) Allen of Oxford,
N. Y. They dwelt in Oxford two years, Coventry two years,
Broome County five years, and settled in Tioga County about
the year 1852. He was a wheel-wright ; died near Owego, N.
Y., 13 Sept., 1874, and was buried in Taylor Hill Cemetery. His
widow still resides in or near Owego, N. Y. Children :
571. i. Albert Lewis, born 18 November, 1842; married Anna M.
Flanagan, 13 September, 1865, in Savannah, Georgia.
ii. Loren Valentine, born 14 February, 1844, in Coventry,
Chenango County, N. Y. He was a soldier in the war
against the Rebellion ; died near Owego, N. Y., 2 Decem-
ber, 187 1, and was buried in Taylor Hill Cemetery.
iii. Morgan Riley, b. 2 Dec, 1847 ; d. 12 Aug., 1848, in Conklin.
iv. Ethan Allen, born 15 October, 1850, in Conklin, Broome
Co., N. Y. A brickmaker, postoffice Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y.
v. Chester Whitman, b. 13 Oct., 1853, near Owego, N. Y. ;
died there 23 Dec, 1854, was buried in Presbyterian Cem.
vi. Charlotte Butler, born 4 November, 1856, in Owego, N.
Y. ; was married there 18 October, 1876, by Rev. A. D.
Alexander, M. E., to Henry Jerome Hodge. P. O. Owego.
** 338
Freeborn 8 Slocum (Olhniel? Thomas? John? John* Giles?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Oxford, Chenango County, New
York, 5 August, 18 14. He married in North Norwich, N. Y.,
14 August, 1836, Julia Ann Allen, daughter of Charles and
Charlotte B. (Tarbell) Allen, formerly of Windham, Connecticut,
where she was born 22 October, 18 16. After marriage they
dwelt two years in Chenango County, New York, then removed
to Madison County. He was a wagon -maker and house-carpenter ;
died in Earlville, 29 March, 1879, anc * was there buried. He
enlisted against the Rebellion 1 December, 1862, in Co. F,
176th Reg. N. Y. V. I. ; was taken prisoner by the Confederates
23 June, 1863, and confined on Ship Island. He was discharged
16 November, 1863, on account of poor health. His widow
resides in Oxford, New York. Children :
i. Lewis Henry, b. 7 March, 1837, in Oxford, N. Y. ; died in
Morrisville 10 M'ch, 1861 ; was bur. in Oxford. Unmar.
ii. Margaret Minerva, born 7 July, 1838, in Greene, N. Y. ;
died 7 January, 1844, in Oxford, and was there buried.
iii. Duane Ward, b. 3 Oct., 185 1, in Lebanon, N. Y. ; d. 11
Aug., 1872, in Brooklyn, Conn. ; was bur. in Oxford, N. Y.
iv. Harriet M., b. 25 May, 1854, in Lebanon, N. Y. ; mar. in
Oxford, 6 Oct., 1875, George W. Hackett, a blacksmith,
son of Joseph and (Hurlburt) Hackett. Reside at
Whitney's Point, Broome Co., N. Y. Children : 1. Flora
Alice, b. 3 Aug., 1876 ; 2. Alta May, born 9 March, 1880.
Lorenzo 8 Slocum {Amos? Thomas? John? John? Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Edmeston, Otsego County, New
York, 4 Nov., 181 1, and mar. there Anna Potter, dau. of Willis
and Anna (Luther) Potter, from whom he was divorced a few
years afterward. She resides at West Burlington, N. Y. He
married second, in August, 1856, widow Sarah Patterson, dau.
of Lewis and Hephzibah Winslow. He has been a carpenter and
joiner; now (1880) resides with his second wife in Mansfield,
Tioga Co., Pa. Children, all by first wife :
i. and ii. Names not ascertained ; they died in their infancy.
572. iii. Charles Anderson, b. 21 Feb., 1836 ; m. Ellen L. Wilbur.
James 8 Slocum {Thomas? Thomas? John?^ Fvh ny&O es*
Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Burlington, Otsego County, New
York, 17 Feb., 1805 ; mar. there 4 May, 1828, Electa Lines,
daughter of Ignatius and Lydia (Shepherd) Lines of that place.
They settled in Edmeston, N. Y., where she died, and where he
still lives. A shoemaker. Children :
i. Emeline Eliza, b. 3 Jan., 1831; m. John H. Davis. She
died in Edmeston, N. Y., 21 May, 187 1, without children,
ii. John Lines, b. 24 Dec, 1834; m. 22 March, 1858, Dorcas
C. Reynolds, born 12 May, 1832, dau. of Abel and Hannah
Reynolds. He dwelt in New Berlin, N. Y., fifteen years,
and since 1870 has resided in Norwich, N. Y. A livery-
stable keeper. No children other than an adopted daughter.
573. iii. Lydia Pamela, b. 10 May, 1836; m. Henry Ackerman.
iv. Hannah, born 23 July, 1839; married, in March, 1857, Ad-
nah Barber of Sherburne, N. Y., who died in February,
1877. She resides in Edmeston, N. Y., without children,
v. Caroline Maria, b. 10 Jan., 1842 ; m. Henry Davis (p. 162).
Mary Jane 8 Slocum {Gardner T., 7 William, 6 Giles? yohn?
Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Middletown Township,
Rhode Island, 27 Feb., 1826, and mar. there John Anthony
Carpenter of Newport, 13 Aug , 1848. They settled in Middle-
town where she died 13 Oct., 1877. Children :
i. James Goddard Carpenter, b. 24 July, 1850; d. Oct., 187 1.
ii. Ada Carpenter, born 22 May, 1853 ; died 25 Feb., 1858.
iii. Mary Louisa Carpenter, b. 14 July, 1856; d. 12 July, 1876.
iv. Charles Merrill Carpenter, b. 8 March, 1859 ; d. 1872.
v. Anne Sarah Carpenter, b. 25 Aug., 1861, in Middletown.
vi. Jessie Carpenter, b. 29 Jan., 1866, in Middletown Tp., R. I.
vii. Harriet Eveline Carpenter, b. 9 Feb., 1869 ; d. April, 1872.
34 2
Margaret Amelia 8 Slocum {Gardner T.? William, 6 Giles?
John? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Middletown Town-
ship, Newport County, Rhode Island, 25 March, 1829, and mar-
ried John Anthony Carpenter of Newport. Children :
i. Minerva Alton Carpenter, b. 19 Feb., 1858, in Middletown.
ii. Alice Adela Carpenter, was born 30 November, i860.
iii. Andrew Johnson Carpenter, born 23 December, 1865.
iv. Sarah Amelia Carpenter, born 20 July, 1868, in R. I.
Sarah Catherine 8 Slocum {Gardner T., 7 William, 6 Giles, 5
John,* Giles, 1 Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born in Middletown Town-
ship, Rhode Island, 25 March, 1829, and mar. 10 Nov., 1847,
Freeborn Manchester of Portsmouth Township. They resided
in Middletown where she died 31 May, 1870. Children :
i. Alice Manchester, born 21 Aug., 1848 ; died 4 Oct., 1854.
ii. Eugene Manchester, born 6 June, 1850; died 7 Jan., 1865.
iii. Sarah Elizabeth Manchester, born 8 Sept., 1852 ; mar.
30 March, 1876, Albert Anthony of Middletown Tp., R. I.
iv. Melissa Manchester, b. 15 March, 1856, in Portsmouth, R. I.
v. Joseph Freeborn Manchester, born 24 January, 1858.
Julia Ann Peabody 8 Slocum (Gardtier T. 7 William, 6 Giles, 5
John, 4 Giles? Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Middletown Town-
ship, Rhode Island, 17 Sept., 1838, and married, 25 Nov., 1856,
Josiah Gilford of Portsmouth Township. Their postoffice is
South Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Children :
i. William Gardner Gifford, born 23 Oct., 1859, in R. I.
ii. Elnora Gifford, b. 9 Nov., 1865, in S. Portsmouth, R. I.
iii. Adelia Maria Gifford, b. 11 Dec, 1869; d. 26 Aug., 1876.
iv. Barclay Hazard Gifford, b. 6 Oct., 1873, in S. Portsmouth.
v. Charles Gifford, b. 18 Aug., 1875, in S. Portsmouth, R. I.
Willett Mott 8 Slocum {Charles 1 , Ebenezer, 6 Samuel? Sam-
uel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Rhode Island, A.
D. 1815, and married first, March 6, 1837, Sarah Seabury, daughter
of Cornelius and Mary (Grey) Seabury of Tiverton Four Corners,
R. I. She died at Fall River, Mass., n May, 1854, and was
buried in Tiverton. He married second, Emily, daughter of
Emil Wachtel of Bristol, R. I. He died at Fall River, Mass.,
1 May, 1880. Children, all by first marriage :
i. Charles Cornelius, born 23 September, 1838, in Tiverton,
R. I. He resides in Magalia, Butte County, California.
ii. Mary Maria, born 12 June, 1840, in Tiverton, R. I. She
mar. in Nov., 1869, Abram E. Borden of Fall River, Mass.
They reside at Tiverton Four Corners, R. I.
iii. Frederick Almy, b. at Fall River, Mass.; mar. in 187 1,
Ellen Cory, b. in Blackstone, Mass., in 1854, dau. of Edward
and Rachel (Thayer) Cory, of Fall River where they now
reside. He is a hackman. Children: 1. Sarah S., b. in
1872, d. in 1873 ; 2. Arthur R., born in 1878.
574. iv. Cornelia Mead, b. 16 Feb., 1844; m. Henry H. Remington,
v. Caroline Amelia, born 17 April, 1847; mar. 7 Sept., 1869,
Frank, son of Charles and Mary (Bateman) Potter of Pru-
dence Island, Portsmouth Tp., R. L, where he was born 30
May, 1848. He is now Superintendent of a fruit orchard
at Fair Oaks, Los Angeles Co., Cal. . She resides at Tiver-
ton Four Corners, R. I. Children: 1. Lilian May, born 23
June, 1870; 2. Joseph Seabury, b. 4 November, 1873.
Lydia 8 Sl6cum {Peleg? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Jamestown Township, Rhode
Island, 3 Dec, 1783 ; mar. Benjamin Brown 15 Nov., 1807.
He died 18 March, 1859, and she died 2 April, 1872. Children :
i. Abigail Brown, born 20 February, 1809.
ii. John S. Brown, born 26 Jan., 181 1 ; died in the year i860.
iii. Stukely Brown, b. 13 Aug., 1813 ; died 13 December, 1830.
iv. PelegS. Brown, b. 10 Dec, 1815, in Washington Co., R. l.(?)
v. Cary D. Brown, b. 12 Feb., 1818; m. Harriet M. Kenyon.
Children: 1. George Henry, b. 1 Feb., 1842; he enlisted
as a soldier against the Rebellion 7 Aug., 1862, and was
discharged 12 July, 1865; was twice wounded; 2. A.
Maria, born 14 Sept., 1848; 3. E. Ida. born 27 July, 1852.
vi. Benedict Brown, b. 12 Feb., 1820, in Washington Co., R. I.(?)
vii. Solomon K. Brown, born 1 September, 1823.
viii. David E. Brown, born 20 Dec, 1825; d. 28 October, 1845.
Peleg 8 Slocum'(/V/<-,7 Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony? ) was born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown
Township, Newport County, Rhode Island, 30 Oct., 1786. He
married Catharine Hoxie in North Kingstown (or Richmond)
Township, Washington County, Rhode Island, and there their
children were born. They removed to Ontario County, New
York, and, later, to Warsaw, Wyoming County, where she died.
He removed to Michigan late in life and there died in the year
1872. He was a carpenter and cabinet-maker, and a skillful
workman. Children ;
575. i. John Hoxie, b. 14 April, 1812 ; m. Mary A. Cottrell in 1836.
ii. Nelson, b. 13 May, 181 4, in Richmond Township, R. I. ;
was mar. 17 May, 1843, in Dansville, N. Y., by Rev. Elam
Walker, Presb., to Rosana Celeste Roe, b. 5 Sept., 181 9, dau.
of Harvey and Candace (King) Roe of Perry Tp., Wyoming
Co., N. Y. He was formerly in mercantile business at
Mount Morris, and Dansville, N. Y., and now resides on
his farm in Warsaw Tp., Wyoming Co., with postoffice at
Perry, New York. They have no children.
iii. Hannah, b. 26 June, 18 16; m. Daniel Lewis. Postoffice,
Jackson, Mich. Children : John, Frederick, Emily, Daniel.
iv. Peleg, born n January, 1819; mar. Ellen, daughter of
Nathan Whitney of Liverpool, N. Y. He dwelt in Warsaw,
N. Y., and in the oil regions of Pennsylvania, and late in
life removed to Waco, Texas, where he died in August (?),
1880. Children: 1. Ellen, b. in 1859 (?) ; 2. Ida Jane, b.
about 1 86 1 ; 3. Inez Blanche ; Minne E. and Mary, d. young.
v. Olive, born in the year 1822; married Lyman Barber in
Rhode Island. She died in Illinois without children.
vi. Phebe Ann, born 12 June, 1824; mar. Harrison Bartlett.
Postoffice, Arland, Jackson County, Michigan. Children :
Mortimer, Orville, and Frank,
vii. Benjamin S., born in 1827 ; mar. Martha Hilliard. Resides
in Edinburgh (?), Pennsylvania. A child Frances S.,
born about 1855 resides in Nunda, Livingston Co., N. Y.
John 8 Slocum {PelegJ Samuel? Samuel? Samuel* Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Jamestown Township, Rhode
Island, 26 March, 1790; was married in Exeter to Sarah
Whitehorne, daughter of James and Lydia (Caswell) Whitehorne
of South Kingstown where she was born 8 Feb., 1799. He was
a mariner in early life, and later a farmer and stone-mason. They
settled in Richmond township, R. I., and there he died 30
March, 1856; was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Hopkinton.
Children :
576. i. Nancy Dyer, b. 25 Feb., 1817; m. Benjamin Wells in 1838.
577. ii. John, born 21 Feb., 1819; mar. Sarah Maillard Steadman.
578. iii. William, b. 16 March, i82i;m. Rebecca B. Babcockin 1845.
iv. Lydia, born 22. February, 1823; died in the year 1825.
v. Alfred, born 15 March, 1825; mar. 30 Nov., 1846, Diana,
dau. of William and Hannah Kingsley of Richmond, R. I.
She died 6 Sept., 1855. A child, Alfred, was born in 1855
and died in 1856. He married 2d, November, 25, 1856,
Ann, daughter of Joshua and Hannah Pendleton of Hop-
kinton. He is now (1880) serving his second term as
member of the Town Council of Wyoming, Richmond
Township, Rhode Island, where he resides without children,
vi. Harriet, b. 17 Sept., 1827 ; was mar. 12 Nov., 1854, in
Hopkinton, R. I., by Rev. John H. Baker, to Benjamin
W., son of Joshua and Hannah (Larkin) Pendleton. They
reside in Hope Valley, R. I. Children : 1 . Harriet
Josephine, born 27 November, 1855, married, 25 October,
1879, John, son of Thomas P. and Deborah (Kenyon)
Dye; 2. Benjamin Elmer, born 21 September, 1866.
579. vii. Edmund, b. n May, 1829; m. Lucy A. Pierce, 4 Jan., 1852.
viii. James Franklin, born 19 July, 183 1 ; mar. Mercy Ann
James and had two children who died in infancy. She
died 3 March, 1865; he died 2 October, 187 1.
580. ix. Samuel, born 21 April, 1833; mar. 1st, Susan E. Grinnell.
x. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 3 Feb., 1835 > mar - Clarke C. Kenyon,
an artist. Postoffice, Wyoming, R. I. Children : 1. Ella
Rosalind, b. Feb., 1858; 2. John Elwin, b. May, 1861 ; 3.
Frank Whitman, b. Dec, 1866; 4. Frederick, b. May, 187 1.
581. xi. Charles Edward, b. 9 Jan., 1837 ; m. ChloeM. Lillibridge.
xii. Hannah Mary, b. 2 March, 1840; m. Joseph C. Gardiner,
19 Dec, 1858. Postoffice, Shannock Mills, R. I. Children:
1. Walter V., b. 2 Dec, i860 ; 2. Harriet E., b. 2 April, 1863 ;
3. Ella M., b. 14 July, 1870; 4. A child, b. 18 March, 1880.
xiii. Nehemiah, b. 23 June, 1838. P. O. Wyoming, R. I.; unmar.
xiv. Horace, born 1 February, 1842 ; married Mary P. Gardiner.
They reside at Wyoming, Rhode Island, with one child,
Mabel Elizabeth, born in March, 1868.
xv. Lydia, b. 31 August, 1845; mar. Henry Pendleton, a trader.
Postoffice, Wyoming, R. I. Children : 1. Anne Augusta,
born in July, 1868; 2. William Joshua, born in February,
1872; 3. Nellie Erdine, born in January, 1874.
Samuel 8 Slocum {Peleg? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel* Eben-
eser, 1 Giles, z Anthony, 1 ) was born on Canonicut Island, Jamestown
Township, Newport County, Rhode Island, 4 March, 1792 ;
married in Richmond Tp., Washington Co., R. I., in 18 17,
Susan Stanton, daughter of John and Mary (Greene) Stanton,
of Richmond, where she was born 13 Nov., 1800. They resided
in Richmond where he was Justice of the Peace in the year
1 82 1, and perhaps for several years thereafter. They removed
to Bristol, R. I., and after a few years he went to England and
passed some time in London, and in Newport on the Isle of
Wight. After his return home he dwelt in Providence, R. L,
and, later in life, in Smithfield, and in Pawtucket, where he died
26 Jan., 1861. His widow died in Pawtucket 7 April, 1880 ;
both were buried in Swan Point Cemetery. His early occupation
was that of a carpenter. While in England he invented and
patented a wrought-iron nail, and also the first machine ever
made to manufacture a solid-headed pin. He operated this last
machine which is very ingenious in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,
under the firm name of Slocum, Jillson & Co., which firm was
finally merged into the present American Pin Co. Children :
582. i. Robert Stanton, b. 24 May, 1818; mar. Sarah A. Clarke.
583. ii. Samuel Dyer, b. 9 April, 1820; mar. Elizabeth M. Farrier,
iii. Mary, born in the year 1822; died 27 February, 1841.
584. iv. John Stanton, b. 1 Nov., 1824; m. Abigail James; d. in 1861.
Capt. Arnold 8 Slocum (Peleg? Samuel, 6 Samuel? Samuel?
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Jamestown Township,
Rhode Island, 13 Feb., 1794 ; was married in South Kingstown,
R. I., in the year 1824, to Ann Potter Watson, daughter of Oliver
and Dorcas Watson, of that Township where she was born 22
June, 1800. He was Captain of the Third Company of South
Kingstown Militia in 1823. He died in South Kingstown 7
December, 1867. A carpenter and farmer. Children:
i. Ann Watson, born 10 Feb., 1826; died 17 March, 1868.
585. ii. Arnold, b. 6 Sept., 1828; m. Sarah F. Braman ; d. in 1876.
iii. Dorcas Watson, b. 27 Nov., 1830. Resides in W. Kingstown.
586. iv. Cary Dunn, b. 27 March, 1832 ; m. Thankful T. Rose,i858.
v. Byron, b. 1 May, 1834. Resides in West Kingstown. R. I.
vi. William Henry Harrison, born 9 October, 1836; married,
6 March, 1862, Mary, daughter of Jason and Sarah (Thomas)
Reed. He died 30 July, 1867, and was buried in Wake-
field, R. I. His widow resides in Wakefield with one child,
Horace Harrison, born 14 January, 1867.
vii. Peleg, b. 22 July, 1838. Resides in West Kingstown, R. I.
587. viii. Clarissa, b. 30 Oct., 1841 ; m. William L. Webster in 1862.
Simeon Perry 8 Slocum ( William? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel?
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Hopkinton Township,
Rhode Island, 22 Oct., 18 19; was married, 29 Jan., 1843, by
Rev. David Avery, to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Abigail
(Maine) Thompson of North Stonington, Conn. He is a pros-
perous farmer. Since his marriage he has owned sixteen farms,
mostly in Stonington Township, Conn., where all his children
were born except the first one. He now owns a home in
Westerly, Rhode Island, and conducts a farm situated one mile
west of that village. Children :
i. Elizabeth, born 28 Nov., 1843 ; died 6 December, 1843.
ii. Texana Arnold, born 12 June, 1845; mar - R ev - John W.
Holman who is now pastor of a church in East Lyme,
Connecticut. They have one child, George Holman, b.
iii. William Spencer, born 4 May, 1847 ; d. 10 October, 1849.
iv. Josephine Mary, born 13 Dec, 1848; died 13 Sept., 1849.
v. Simeon Thompson, born 20 Oct., 1850; mar. Adeline
Darrow of Montville, Conn. They reside on a large farm ;
postoffice, Hebron, Conn. They have one child, Ernest,
vi. Peleg Abram, b. 3 April, 1853 ; resides with parents, unmar.
vii. Ida Abigail, born 3 April, 1855; died 3 May, 1859.
Stephen Rensselaer 8 Slocum {Stephen? Samuel? Samuel?
Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Hopkinton
Township, Rhode Island, 5 October, 18 16, and married, 23 April,
1843, Tirzah B., daughter of Asa S. and Keturah (Eccleston)
Coon, of Connecticut where she was born 14 February, 1828.
He is a farmer ; postofnce Westerly, R. I. Children :
i. Stephen A., born 1 March, 1844, and died 25 March, 1844.
ii. T Almy, born 22 August, 1845; married William A.
Burdick of East Greenwich, Kent County, Rhode Island.
iii. Sophia P., born 4 Nov., 1847 > mar - Henry Champlin. She
died 15 Jan., 1865, leaving one child, Caroline Slocum, born
29 June, 1864, who now lives with her maternal grand-
father as an adopted daughter.
Orrin Franklin 8 Slocum {Stephen? Samuel? Samuel? Sam-
uel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in North Stonington,
Connecticut, 16 November, 1830 ; was married, in Stonington
in 1853, to Almeda Louisa, daughter of Philip Cottrell Champlin
and his wife Prudence, of Hopkinton, Rhode Island, where
Almeda was born in 1836. He is a farmer; postofnce Hope
Valley, Washington Co., R. I. Children :
i. Stephen Avery, born in 1854, in Stonington Tp., Conn,
ii. Mary Estelle Taylor, b. in 1856, in Stonington Tp., Conn,
iii. Charles William, b. in the year 1859; died in 1868.
iv. Martha Jane, b. in 1862, in Stonington Township, Conn,
v. Harriet Dixson, born in 1868, in Westerly, Rhode Island.
Henry Waterman 8 Slocum {Abel, 1 Abel? Samuel* Samuel,*
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pawtuxet, Providence
County, Rhode Island, 17 May, 1806 ; married, 23 November,
1828, Candace, daughter of Simeon and Rowena Ballou, of
Smithfield, R. I., where she was born 13 February, 1807. They
resided in Pawtuxet where she died 30 October, 1857. He was
married second, in New York City 7 September, 1858, by Rev.
Dr. Armitage, Baptist, to Sarah A. Bounell, daughter of Mahlon
and Sarah P. (Oliver) Bounell, of New York City where she was
born 10 November, 183 1. He was a dealer in lumber and fancy
woods ; died in Pawtuxet, R. I., 31 October, 1872. His widow
removed the following winter to Bay City, Michigan, where she
now resides. Children by first wife, perhaps not all born in the
order here given :
i. William Henry, born at Pawtuxet, R. I. ; died in infancy.
ii. William Henry, born n August, 1833 > died in Providence,
R. I., 16 May, 1877, a bachelor.
iii. Albert R , born at Pawtuxet, R. I. ; died in his infancy.
iv. Amanda M., m. 17 Dec, i860, John S. Bower, in Providence.
v. Moses, R, born 1^ May, 1843. He enlisted against the
Rebellion in the 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery and died
1 7 April, 1 863. Place and cause of death were not reported.
vi. George L., b. at Pawtuxet, R. I. (?) Resides in Providence.
Child by second wife :
vii. Clarence Hartwell, born 20 February, 187 1, in Pawtuxet,
R. I. He resides with his mother in Bay City, Michigan.
Major Samuel 8 Slocum (Abel, 7 Abel, 6 Samuel? Samuel?
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pawtuxet, Providence
County, Rhode Island, 18 August, 1809; married first, 31 May,
1832, Huldah Bowen Gibbs, daughter of Josiah and Mary
Selinde (Carpenter) Gibbs. She was born 18 Aug., 1807, and
died at Pawtuxet 21 February, 1861. He married second, 25
November, 1862, Phebe S. Thornton who was born 9 February,
1844, an d died 7 February, 1876. He died at Pawtuxet, R. I.,
24 August, 1880. 'He was appointed a Major of Militia at the
time of the Dorr troubles in Rhode Island in the year 1842.
Children, all by first marriage :
588. i. Susan Barton, b. 3 Aug., 1834 ; m. Charles A. Lewis in 1858.
ii. Frances Harriet, born 18 Jan., 1837 ; was mar. at Elm-
wood, R. I., 23 Oct., 1856, by Rev. Reuben Torrey, to
Arthur Tappan Halliday who was born 9 June, 1836, in
New York City, son of Rev. Samuel Byram Halliday, as-
sistant pastor of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, and his wife
Mary Warren (Chapin) Halliday. They reside in Brooklyn,
N. Y. A child, Arthur Sears, was born 21 October, 1857.
hi. Charles Fenner, b. 3 Dec, 1839; mar - " Nov., 1866,
Maria Bugbee, daughter of Christopher and Eliza H.
Thornton of Cranston, R. I., where she was born in 1848.
He was a clerk; died 23 Sept., 1879, without children. He
served as a soldier against the Rebellion in 4th Reg. R. I. V.
iv. Emma Theresa, born 3 January, 1842 ; married Wilbur Fisk
Heath 6 Sept., 1869. Their postoffice is Pawtuxet. R. I.
v. Elizabeth Gibbs, born 10 March, 1848, in Pawtuxet, R. I.
She mar. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 21 July, 1870, Egbert James
Butler, a merchant, who was born 4 Jan., 1841, in Plymouth,
Conn., son of Egbert Ten Eyck and Jeanette (Porter)
Butler. They reside in Buffalo, N. Y., without children.
George Thomas 8 Slocum {Abel? Abe/, 6 Samuel? Samuel?
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born at Pawtuxet, Rhode Island,
17 October, 181 1, and was married in Providence, 23 September,
1846, to Eliza Westcott, daughter of Caleb and Eliza (Hoppin)
Westcott of that city. He is a shoemaker ; postoffice Norwood,
Rhode Island. Children :
i. Anna E., born 6 August, 1849, in Pawtuxet, R. I.; married
Israel A. Smith 23 January, 1867. Children: Joseph, and
Nancy Chapman ; date of births not reported.
ii. Ella Hoppin, born 3 February, 1850; died 24 December,
185 1, and was buried in Pawtuxet, Providence County, R. I.
iii. Lucius Emmet, born 9 September, 1852, in Providence,*R. I.
iv. Arthur Graham, born 20 January, 1854.
v. Jessie Benton, twin, born 21 Dec, 1856; married George
Edward Sharpies, 20 Dec, 1877, and has one child, George.
vi. Ida Daton, twin, married Harry Munson 10th July, 1880.
vii. Gertrude Estelle, b. 10 Nov., 1862; died in June, 1864.
Abel 8 Slocum {Abel? Abel? Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Pawtuxet, Rhode Island, 17 August,
18 16, and married Martha Rhodes. He has been a farmer ; post-
office Pawtuxet, Rhode Island. Children :
i. Albert A., born 21 Feb., 1841 ; mar. 6 Feb., 1862, Mary
Anna Betts, now deceased. Postoffice Hill's Grove, R. I.
ii. Walter Edward, born 5 July, 1845; mar. Sophia L. .
He resides near Pawtuxet, R. I. Children: 1. Walter
Edward, born n Sept., 1870; 2. Gertrude Louisa, born 22
December, 1873 ; 3. Ernest Clifford, born 15 April, 1877.
iii. Peleg R., born 2 August, 1849; married Aurelia . He
resides in or near Pawtuxet, R. I. A child, Grace Beatrice,
was born 26 September, 1874.
Phebe Ann 8 Slocum {Abel, 1 Abel, 6 Samuel* Samuel* Eben-
ezcr? Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born at Pawtuxet, Rhode Island,
29 June, 1819; married, 3 December, 1851, Benjamin Brayton
Knight of Providence, R. I., where they now reside. Children :
i. Alice Spring Knight, born 14 Dec, 1853 ; m. Howard
Okie Sturges 23 Nov., 1875. Reside in Providence, R. I.;
Children: 1. Walter Knight, b. 25 Aug., 1876; 2. Rush,
b. 19 Aug., 1879; all born in or near Providence, R. I.
ii. Henry Eugene Knight, b. 29 June, 1856, in Attleborough.
iii. Adelaide Maria Knight, b. 7 Sept., 1858, in Attleborough,
Bristol Co., Mass. Resides in Providence, Rhode Island.
Horatio Nelson 8 Slocum {Abel? Abel, 6 Samuel? Samuel*
Ebenezer? Giles, 1 Ant/tony, 1 ) was born at Pawtuxet, Providence
County, Rhode Island, 5 May, 1822 ; was married 10 August,
1846, at Thompson, Conn., by Vernon Stiles, J. P., to Martha
Davis Arnold who was born 3 June, 1829, in Providence, R. I.,
daughter of Samuel and Eliza (Carr) Arnold of Pawtuxet. He
enlisted against the Rebellion 6 Dec, 1862; was appointed ser-
geant, and detailed for hospital duty ; was honorably discharged
26 August, 1865, at Lovell General Hospital, Portsmouth Grove,
Rhode Island. He resides at Pawtuxet, Rhode Island. Children :
i. Louis Arnold, born 9 August, 1851, and died 17 July, 1861.
ii. Jennie Adelaide, born 13 July, 1853; died 23 Jan., 1855.
iii. A son, born 6 March. 1856, in Providence, R. I.; died there
10 March, 1856. All were buried in Arnold Cemetery,
Pawtuxet, Providence County, Rhode Island.
John Francis 8 Slocum {Benjamin T.? Abel? Samuel? Sam-
uel? Ebenezer? Giles,* Anthony, 1 ) was born in Pawtuxet, Provi-
dence County, Rhode Island, 23 April, 1821 ; was married
in Lonsdale 5 February, 1844, by Rev. C. C. Taylor, Episcopalian,
to Almeda Bourne, daughter of Stephen and Nancy (Dean)
Bourne, formerly of Attleborough, Mass., where she was born
22 Aug., 1820. In early life he resided in Pawtuxet, Natick,
Centreville, and Lonsdale in Rhode Island ; later, in Millbury
and Fall River, Mass , and in Providence, R. I. For several
years he was a wholesale grocer in Chicago, Illinois, where he
now resides, retired. Children :
589. i. Ella Bourne, b. 5 May, 1847 ; m. Baron Ernst von Jeinsen.
ii. Mary Emily, born 29 May, 1849, at Fall River, Mass.; died
in Lonsdale, R. I., 19 December, 1853, and was buried in
Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, Rhode Island.
iii. Frances Almeda, born 26 Jan., 1852, at Fall River, Mass.
iv. Anna Theresa, born 27 Dec, 1854, -in Lonsdale, R. I.
v. Frederick Baylies, b. 15 April, 1859, in Providence, R.I.
vi. Alice Brayton, born 4 August, 1862 ; d. 8 September, 1862.
James Waterman 8 Slocum {Benjamin T.? Abel? Samuel?
Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born at Pawtuxet,
Providence County, Rhode Island, 8 April, 1823, and was mar. at
Chestnut Hill, Conn., 10 Nov., 1845, to Rhoda Borden, daughter
of Isaac C. and Susannah (Eldredge) Borden of Scituate, R. I.
He served three years against the Rebellion as a Sergeant in
the 3d Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Tenth Army
Corps. He is a tailor ; resided several years in Scituate, and
now resides at Foster Centre, Rhode Island. Children :
i. Caroline Frances, born 17 October, 1846; married Stephen
S. Hopkins and resides at Foster Centre, Rhode Island.
ii. John Isaac, born 9 June, 1851; married Young;
resides at Foster Centre, Providence County, Rhode Island,
iii. Walter Brayton, b. 6 July, i860; resides at Foster Centre.
George Washington 8 Slocum {George W.? yohn? Ebenezer?
Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in North Kings-
town Township, Washington County, Rhode Island, 30 June,
1802. He was a saddle and harness maker; married, in Utica,
New York, Augusta Matilda, daughter of Samuel Haddock.
They finally settled in Columbus, Ohio, where he died 3 June,
1859, anc * where his widow still lives. Children, perhaps not
born in the order here given :
i. Sarah Elizabeth, born .
ii. Edward Nelson, was connected with a theatre in Philadel-
phia, Pa., for some time. A son, Harry A., was graduated
M. D. at the University of Pennsylvania, Class of 1879,
and is now (1880) house-physician at the Presbyterian Hos-
pital, Philadelphia.
iii. William, born 30 June, 1833 ; died 26 July, 1836, and was
buried in Green Lawn Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio.
iv. George, died in Columbus, Ohio, and was buried there.
v. Augusta Maria, m. Theodore H. Butler (?). P.O.Columbus.
James Cooper. 8 Slocum {George IV., 7 John, 6 Ebenezerj
Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Wickford,
North Kingstown, Rhode Island, 4 July, 1806. He removed,
with his parents, to Morrisville, Madison County, New York, in
the year 1820, and married in Brookfield 16 March, 1834,
Hannah A., daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Pierce) Hanson
of that township. They dwelt in Marshall, Oneida County,
about three years, then settled in Fenner Township, Madison
County, New York, where they still live ; postoffice Cazenovia,
New York. Children :
i. Elizabeth Anstace, b. 3 Oct., 1836; mar. 29 Dec, 1864,
Henry A. Bumpus, a farmer, b. in Fenner, N. Y., 3 Aug.,
1837. No children. P. O. Cazenovia, Madison Co., N. Y.
ii. Mary Tenne, b. 9 May, 1839; m. 21 Oct., 1861, Henry S.
Mather. No children. P. O. Cazenovia, Madison Co., N. Y.
iii. Fidelia Celeste, b. 3 May, 1841 ; m. Louis Wellington 19
March, 1867. Reside at Oneida, N. Y., without children.
iv. Ann Eliza, born 24 March, 1843 ; mar. Jesse Walrath 27
Feb., 1866. Reside in Providence, R. I., without children.
3 6 4
Alfred Gardner 8 Slocum {George W., 7 John? Ebenezerf
Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Wickford,
North Kingstown Township, Rhode Island, 18 February, 1809,
and removed with his parents to Norwich, Chenango Co., New
York, about the year 1820, and soon thereafter to Morrisville,
Madison County. He was married in Norwich, 8 January, 1835,
by Elder Jabez Swan, Baptist, to Amelia Babcock Randall,
daughter of Charles and Amelia (Pendleton) Randall of Norwich,
where she was born 8 February, 181 5. She died in Hamilton,
13 April, 1847, and was there buried. He was married second,
in Hamilton 25 October, 1847, by Rev. C. P. Sheldon, Baptist,
to Harriet, daughter of Nathan and Persis (Rice) Woodcock of
that place where she was born 17 May, 18 17. He is a retired
merchant ; postoffice Hamilton, Madison County, N. Y., where
he has resided since the year 1825. Children by first wife :
i. Helen Amelia, b. 21 February, 1837; died 15 Dec, 1840.
ii. Lucy Maria, born, 1 Oct., 1839, died 21 September, 1844.
iii. Charles Alfred, born 24 June, 1846; d. 21 Sept., 1849.
Children by second wife :
iv. Alfred Woodcock, twin, b. 20 Dec, 1852; was mar. to
Kate A. Thompson in Hamilton, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1876, by
Rev. J. M. Stifler, D. D., Baptist. Reside in Penn Yan,
N. Y. A child, Laura Elva, was born 28 August, 1879.
v. Albert Gardner, twin, born 20 Dec, 1852; was mar. in
Saratoga 2 March, 1880, by Rev. G. R. Hawley, Presby-
terian, to Mary Elva Dorn, daughter of Herrick and Louise
(Rice) Dorn. They reside in Rochester, N. Y., where he
is (1881) Secretary of the Mutual Relief Society.
vi. Harriet Amelia, born 12 September, 1854. She resides
with her parents in Hamilton, Madison County, New York.
vii. Susan Maria, b. ii Jan., i860. Resides in Hamilton, N. Y.
William Northrup 8 Slocum (George W.? John? Ebenezer?
Samtiel^ Ebenezer* Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was born in Wickford,
Washington County, Rhode Island, 1 March, 1816, and was
reared in Morrisville, Madison County, New York, from the
age of five years. He married in Homer, N. Y., Lydia
Elizabeth Gates, daughter of John and Anna (Williams) Gates
of Nelson. They removed to Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois,
about the year 1845, and thence to Winona, Minnesota, previous
to i860 and there died he, 8 December, 1879. -^ painter.
Children :
i. Helen Elizabeth, b. 1843 in Oxford, N. Y. ; m. Augustus
Caesar Bu ell in Winona, Minn., in 1865. P. O. Milwaukee.
ii. Charles Henry, b. 1847, m Greene, N. Y. ; m. Susan
Rablin in 1875, at Grand Rapids, Wis., where they reside.
iii. Emma Amelia, b. 4 July, 1852, in Waukegan. 111.,; mar. 3
July, 1870, Orrin Frederick Carpenter in Winona, Minn.
Shed. 4 July, 1872, in Rushford, Minn., and was there buried.
iv. William Thomas, born 13 May, i860, in Winona, Minnesota,
where he still lives. A locomotive fireman.
Hon. Jeremiah Spencer 8 Slocum (Ebenezer, 7 Ebenezer, b Eben-
ezer, s Samuel,* Ebenezer, 1 Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in North
Kingstown Township, Rhode Island, 16 January, 1806; was
married in East Greenwich 22 December, 1825, to Hannah,
daughter of Benjamin and Margaret (Glazier) Davis of that
township where she was born 22 December, 1802. They settled
in East Greenwich Village, R. I., where he worked at shoe-
making. He was there chosen Justice of the Peace for many
years, from 1833, also Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for
Kent County from the year 1839, ar >d Representative to the
Rhode Island General Assembly for the years 1839, '40, and '41.
His wife died 12 Jan., 1865, and he married second, in Warwick
18 Oct., 1866, widow Sarah Ann Greene who was born in the
year 1814, daughter of George and Susannah Card. Children :
590. i. Benjamin Davis, born 2 Dec, 1826; mar. Helen Newcomb.
ii. James Allen, born 14 April, 1828; died 4 April, 1843.
iii. Margaret Allen, born 31 July, 1829; married Sylvester
L. Tillinghast. Children: Sylvester and S. Leonora; P.
O., East Greenwich, R. I. Dates of birth not reported.
591. iv. Isaac Draper, born 9 Sept., 1831; mar. Amy B. Greene.
v. Mary Elizabeth, born 26 Feb., 1833; mar. at East Green-
wich, R. I., in 1854, Henry M. Wright, a merchant, son of
Samuel and Rachel (Miller) Wright of Warren, R. I., and
formerly of Rehoboth, Mass., where he was born in 1826.
They removed in 1854 to Chicago, 111., where they still
live. Children : 1. Rachel M., b. in 1855 ; 2. Samuel H.,
b. in 1859 ; 3. Mary Estelle, b. in 1867.
592. vi. Jeremiah, born 8 March, 1835 ; married Sarah M. Fulton,
vii. Hannah Louisa, born 19 June, 1839. Was mar. in War-
wick, R. I., 7 March, 1875, by Rev. George Wallace, to
James Spencer Ham, a jeweler, son of George and Clarinda
(Manchester) Ham, of Providence, R. I., where she still
lives, without children. Her husband died January 3, 1880.
3 6 7
Jonathan Langford 8 Slocum (Ebenezer, 7 Ebenezer, 6 Ebenezer?
Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?} was born in North Kings-
town Township, Rhode Island, 10 March, 1808, and dwelt there
with his parents four years, then in East Greenwich four years,
when, his father dying, he went to live in South Kingstown. In
1824 he removed to Providence, where he afterwards was engaged
as teacher in the Friends' College. In 1837 he was employed as
Principal of the Friends' Boarding School at New Garden, Guil-
ford County, North Carolina. He married, at Leicester, Mass.,
30 September, 1840, Mary B. Earle, daughter of Timothy and
Ruth (Keese) Earle of that place where she was born 5 Feb-
ruary, 18 19. After marriage they settled in Providence where
he was engaged as an accountant several years, then became a
shoe-dealer, and finally a lumber-dealer. He died 25 June, 1879.
His friends speak of him as a man of good abilities and rare
attainments. Children :
i. Edward Earle, born 5 July, 1841 ; died 10 February, 1843.
593. ii. Edward Earle, b. 7 March, 1844; m. Louise E. Whitaker.
Hi, Lydia E. Earle, b. 5 May, 1848; m. 20 Aug., 1879, John
B. Drinkwater, captain of a clipper-ship sailing from San
Francisco to England and China. A child, John Russell,
was born at San Jose, Cal., 14 December, 1880.
iv. Jonathan Langford, born 26 Jan., 1850. He mar. in
Wheeler, Mich., 16 June, 1878. Ada Cordelia Smith, dau.
of Giles C. and Selinde (Ray ?) Smith, formerly of Parish-
ville Centre, N. Y., where she was born 5 April, 1857.
They now reside in Newport, R. I. Children : 1. Maude
Earle, born 21 Aug., 1879, at Vestaburgh, Mich.; 2. Mary
Lydia, born 20 February, 188 1, in Newport, Rhode Island.
v. Thomas Earle, born 24 Jan., 1852 ; died aged four days.
Abigail Rhodes 8 Slocum {Ebenezer? Ebenezer?* Ebenezer?
Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in East Green-
wich, Kent County, Rhode Island, 12 December, 1812 ; was
married there in the year 1831 to John Foster May, a merchant,
who was born in North Attleborough, Massachusetts. They
reside in Chicago, 111. Children :
i. Abigail Frances May, b. 18 Jan., 1834, in N. Kingstown, R.
I.; m. 14 Oct., 1856, Christopher Henry, son of Nathan
A. and Phebe W. (Allen) Arnold. Reside in Chicago, 111.
ii. William Oliver May, born 9 Nov., 1835, in North Kings-
town, Rhode Island. He was a soldier against the Rebellion.
iii. Emily Stewart May, b. 26 Jan., 1838, in E. Greenwich ;
married George W. Wilbur Vail. Resides in Chicago. 111.
iv. John Foster May, born 25 May, 1840, in East Greenwich,
R. I. He served as a soldier against the Rebellion.
v. Thomas Wolcott May, born 27 April, 1842, in East
Greenwich, R. I. ; married Eliza Smith. He was a soldier
against the Rebellion, and was taken prisoner by the Con-
federates ; particulars not reptd. Resides in Providence, R. I.
vi. Charlotte Wolcott May, b. 18 Dec, 1844; d. April, 1849.
Ebenezer 8 Slocum (Ebenezer? Ebenezer, 6 Ebenezer? Samuel,*'
Ebenezer? Giles, 1 - Anthony? ) was born in East Greenwich, Rhode
Island, 15 March, 18 15. He was married in South Kingstown,
R. I., to Abigail, daughter of George and Ruth (Knowles) Bab-
cock of that township. She died, and was buried in Greenwich
Cemetery. He dwelt in Warwick Township four years, North
Providence one year, and since 1840 has resided in the Village
of East Greenwich, Rhode Island. A merchant. Children :
i. George Babcock, born x8 October, 1843, in East Green-
wich, R. I. Now resides in Ottawa, Franklin Co., Kansas,
ii. Charles, born 14 March, 1845; died 7 September, 1846.
Capt. John Henry 8 Slocum {John D,? Peleg, 6 William?
Samuel? Ebe?tezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Bristol, Rhode
Island, 12 July, 1822. In 1840 he went to sea as a whaleman
and continued in that occupation until 1864, during which time
he filled the various places on shipboard from before the mast to,
and including, that of Captain. He married, 2 February, 1848,
Abigail W. Ellis of Fairfield, Maine. They dwelt a number of
years in Maine, then removed westward, and, October 6, 1870,
settled in Helena, Montana Territory, where they now reside.
In 1876 he suffered paralysis of his left side which still in-
capacitates him for active business. Children :
i. Edward Henry, born 27 Oct., 1848; died 8 Sept., 1862.
ii. Ella B., born 29 October 1852, in Fairfield, Me. Resides
with her parents in Helena, Montana Territory ; unmarried.
iii. Fanny Ellis, b. 10 Aug., 1865. Resides in Helena, Mont.
iv. Everett Ellis, born 8 Nov., 1867, in Waterville, Maine.
37 l
Jamf.s 8 Si.ocum {John D., 7 Peleg? William? Samuel* Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Bristol, R. I., 8 Nov., 1826, and
was married, in the Broomfield-street Church, Boston, Mass., 30
March, 185 1, to Mariette Laurinda, dau. of Ira and Mary (Whit-
man) Robinson of Londonderry, Vt., where she was born 6
Feb., 1836. They resided in Londonderry until the year 1868,
then removed to a farm near Mazo Manie, Dane Co., Wis.,
where they still reside. Earlier in life he resided in Fairfield,
Me., in Boston, and Lowell, Mass., in Wolfborough, N. H., and
in Vineland, N. J. A farmer. Children :
i. Ellery Cleveland, born 15 July, 1853; married, 3 March,
1875, Charlotte, daughter of John and Matilda (Burgess)
Fisher. Their postoffice is now Mazo Manie, Wisconsin.
ii. Charles Wesley, b. 22 Oct., 1857. P. O. Mazo Manie, Wis.
in. Mariette, born 23 October, i860; married, 3 September,
1880, Albert Irvin Snyder, son of John and Elizabeth
Snyder. Postoffice, Mazo Manie, Dane County, Wisconsin.
iv. George Ellis, born 5 Oct., 1866. Resides with his parents.
v. Alvah Whitman, b. 26 Oct., 1870, at Mazo Manie, Wis.
vi. Delia Myrtle, \_ twins, born 12 November, 1875, at Mazo
vii. Della Maria, j Manie, Dane County, Wisconsin.
. 37 2
David 8 Slocum {Daniel, 7 Samuel? William? Samuel* Eben-
ezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Northumberland Township,
Saratoga County, N. Y., in 1804, and married Diantha Olivia
Ellis 19 July, 1835. They removed to Schuylerville, N. Y., in
1845, and ne tnere died 13 August, 1856; was buried in his
native township. A farmer. Children :
i. William Warren, born 16 May, 1840. He enlisted against
the Rebellion but was rejected on account of physical dis-
ability. He mar. Lucy LeBaron 12 Oct., 1863. A child,
Charles M., born 13 Dec, 1864, died 5 Nov., 1875. They
reside in Gloversville, Fulton County, New York. A roofer,
ii. Harvey Granger, b. in 1843; d. at the age of one year.
594. hi. George M. Dallas, b. 25 Jan., 1845 5 m - Elizabeth H. Clapp.
Samuel 8 Slocum {Daniel 7 Samuel? William? Samuel*
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Northumberland Town-
ship, Saratoga County, New York, 29 Oct., 1806. He married
in Albany, 30 January, 1833, Nancy, daughter of Wallace and
Elspreth (Daniel) Gleason of Delaware County where she was born
7 January, 1813. They settled on a farm in his native township,
where they still live ; postoffice Schuylerville, N. Y. Children :
i. Rubi Jane, born in the year 1834 j was married by Rev. I.
Loomis, Baptist, to William, son of George Wood. Their
postoffice is Schuylerville, N. Y. A child, Mary Gleason,
was born 16 June, 1865.
ii. Eliza Ann, b. in 1835 ; was married 19 March, 1862, to
Ephraim Stevens, son of Louis, by Rev. I. Loomis, Baptist.
P. O., Gansevoort, N. Y. Children : e. Samuel L., born
8 Jan., 1863; 2. Romie Etta, b. 8 Aug., 1865; 3. John
H., born 1 April, 1867 ; 4. Laura, born in February, 187 1.
hi. Melissa Gleason, b. in 1837. P. O., Schuylerville, N. Y.
iv. Charles, b. in 1838; was mar. in Saratoga, in Dec, 1865,
by Rev. Lansing Price, to Adelaide, daughter of John B.
and Emma (Winney) Winney. P. O., Schuylerville, N. Y.
v. John Alexander, born in 1841 ; died 15 Febr., 1850; was
buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery near Schuylerville, N. Y.
vi. George Henry, born in the year 1843; was married in
Wilton by Rev. Elisha Watson, to Hannah Jones, daughter
of Lorenzo and Emily (Smith) Jones. Postoffice, Schuyler-
ville, N. Y. A child, Lillis M., was born in October, 1872.
vii. Samuel, born in 1847 ; was married at Saratoga Springs to
Ruth Winney, daughter of R and Sophia (Jaycox)
Winney. Their postoffice is Gansevoort, N. Y. Children :
1. Theresa, b. in Feb., 187 1 ; 2. Frederick, b. in Feb., 1875.
viii. Reed Gleason, born in 1850; died 17 February, 1874.
Arnold 8 Slocum {Samuel, 7 Samuel? William? Samuel, 4 - Eben-
ezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Martinsburgh Township,
Lewis County, New York, 11 October, 1810, and married Eliza-
beth D. Hubbard. They settled on a farm in the neighboring
Township Greig, where they still live ; postoffice Glensdale,
New York. Children :
i. Cynthia Jane, b. 10 Jan., 1838; m. William Rennie, a
farmer, 18 Jan., 1850. Postoffice Greig, Lewis Co., N. Y.
ii. Emily Mary, born 6 Dec, 1839 ; mar. Damuras Dana by
whom she had one child, William Russell Dana. She mar.
2d, Henry N. Bartlett. Postoffice Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio.
iii. Catharine J., born 9 May, 1840; married Robert Byron
Nichols. She died 13 March, 1865. Children: Nettie
Delia, and a son who died young ; dates not reported.
iv. Philo Gridley, born 3 June, 1841. He enlisted against the
Rebellion at Lowville, N. Y., 7 Sept., 1863, as a private
soldier in Co. F, 14th N. Y. Artillery, and was wounded at
Petersburgh, Va. He married Charlotte Burnham and has
one child, Ida. He removed to Michigan and there became
foreman in a saw-mill ; his postoffice address not reported.
v. Frances Adela, born 22 March 1844; married Henry
Rennie, a farmer, 27 February, 1863. Postoffice Greig,
Lewis Co., N. Y. Children : Henry, Bertie, and Emma J.
.595. vi. Merrick Monroe, b. 18 Aug., 1847; m. Caroline Altman.
vii. Arnold Melvin, b. 28 July, 1850; m. Martha Green; has
three children. He is a photographer ; P. O. Clinton, Iowa.
viii. Elizabeth A., born in Dec, 185 1 ; died 3 August, 1853.
ix. Frank Eugene, born 30 May, 1856. He is a photographer,
and musician ; unmarried. P. O. Greig, Lewis Co., N. Y.
John Whitney 8 Slocum (Samuel? Samuel, 6 William? Sam-
uel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Martinsburgh Town-
ship, Lewis County, New York, 30 July, 1826 ; was married in
Champion, N. Y., 1 January, 1850, to Laura Elizabeth Canfield,
who was born 5 June, 1830, daughter of Norton and Sarah
(Lockwood) Canfield of Denmark, N. Y. They dwelt in Greig
Township, Lewis Co., N. Y., several years after marriage, and in
Copenhagen two years. In 1861 they removed to Whitesides
County, Illinois, and in 1865 removed to Iowa and settled on a
farm in Jackson Township, Boone County, where she died 5
December, 1865, and where he still lives ; postoffice Boone,
Iowa. He married second, 25 December, 1866, Emma Elvira,
daughter of William and Caroline (Sage) Harmon. She was
born in Pittsfield, Loraine County, Ohio, 26 July, 1840, and re-
moved to Boone Co., Iowa, with her parents in 1854. Children,
all by first wife :
i. Emma Elizabeth, died in October, 1853, aged nine months;
was buried in Ustick Cemetery, Whitesides County, Illinois.
ii. Mary Delight, born 14 May, 1854, in Whitesides County,
111. ; married, 10 Sept., 1876, Adelbert Eliali Curtis, a
sawyer, of Ludington, Mason County, Mich., where they
now reside. Children: 1. Albert, born 2t June, 1877; 2.
John, b. 15 Dec, 1878 ; 3. Edith Eleanor, b. in July, 1880.
iii. Frank Monroe, b. 9 Oct., 1857. Postoffice Boone, Iowa.
iv. Victoria Adelaide, was born 7 March, 1859, in Illinois.
v. Jay Whitney, born 8 March, 1863; postoffice Boone, Iowa.
vi. John Sheridan, born 20 May, 1864, in Illinois.
Aurelia 8 Slocum {Martin? Samuel? William? Samuel?
Ebetiezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Porter Township, Scioto
County, Ohio, 9 May, 1826 ; married there, 4 September, 1845,
Joseph Turner, a farmer, son of William and Elizabeth (Fleming)
Turner of that place. They dwelt seven years in Vernon Town-
ship then returned to Porter Township where they now reside ;
postoffice Wait's, Scioto County, Ohio. Children :
i. William Turner, born 16 June, 1846 ; married Caroline
Knower. He is a farmer ; postoffice Wait's, Ohio. Children :
1. Joseph, b. 30 Dec, 1867, d. 22 Nov., 1869; 2. Henry,
b. 17 June, 1870; 3. Charles, b. 25 Feb., 1873; 4. Anna
M., born 6 December, 1875, died 25 February, 1879 > 5-
Frank, born 6 September, 1878.
ii. Martin Turner, born 20 May, 1848; married Emeline
Rose. He is a farmer ; Postoffice Wait's, Ohio. Children :
1. Edwin, b. 22 Feb., 187 1 ; 2. Joseph, b. 12 Aug., 1872 ;
3. Mary Alice, b. 16 Jan., 1874, d. 20 June, 1875; 4.
Amanda Ellen, b. 12 Sept., 1875; 5. Clarence Olin, b. 22
June, 1878; 6. Effie Eunice, b. 5 June, 1880.
iii. Mary Elizabeth Turner, born 18 October, 1850; married
Benjamin Yeley, a farmer. Postoffice Wait's, Ohio. Chil-
dren : 1. Gilbert Lafayette, b. 2 Nov., 1868; 2. Minne May,
b. 30 April, 1870; 3. Melissa Emeline, b. 4 May, 1872; 4.
JohnS.,b. 11 Feb., 1874; 5. Clara Ellen, b. 8 June, 1877 ; 6.
Cora Belle, b. 6 Dec, 1878; 7. Lavinia C. b. 9 Dec, 1880.
iv. Melissa Arcelia Turner, born 30 June, 1853 ; mar. John
Sowers. Postoffice Wait's, Scioto County, Ohio. Children :
i. Aurelia, b. 12 April, 1873; 2. Anna Mary, b. 19 Jan.,
1875 ') 3- Bertha Viola, b. 9 Feb., 1877 ; 4. Caroline
Elizabeth, b. 13 May, 1879.
Laura 8 Slocum (Martin? Samuel? William? Samuel? Ebenezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Porter Township, Scioto County,
Ohio, 16 December, 1836, and married there Eli Hall. He
served as a soldier against the Rebellion. Mrs. Hall is now a
widow with postoffice at Wait's, Scioto County, Ohio. Children :
i. Melissa Hall, born ; married Thomas Malven (?).
She died at the age of twenty-one years, without children.
ii. Frank Hall, born 25 Sept., 1858. Postoffice, Wait's, Ohio,
iii. Columbus Hall, born in Porter Tp , O., 10 January, i860,
iv. Martin Hall, born Feb., 1862; resides in Porter Tp., O.
v. William Sherman Hall, born 6 June, 1866.
Samuel 8 Slocum {Martin, 1 Samuel, 6 William,* Samuel* Eben-
ezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Porter Township, Scioto
County, Ohio, 16 April, 1838, and married there Louisa E.
Turner. He enlisted against the Rebellion, as a private soldier
in the 1st Ohio Heavy Artillery, for three month service. He
was a farmer; died in his native township 19 August, 1874.
His widow has since died. . Children :
i. Daniel, born 12 June, i860. P. O. Wait's, Scioto Co., O.
ii. Fairest Rose, b. 10 Dec, 1861. P. O. Wheelersburgh, O.
iii. Martin, b. 14 Feb., 1865. P. O. Wait's, Scioto Co., Ohio,
iv. Levi, b. 2 April, 1867. P. O. Wheelersburgh, Scioto Co., O.
Eliza 8 Slocum (Daniel, 7 Samuel, 6 Samuel,* Samuel* Nathan-
iel? Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in New York City 27 October,
181 1, and was married, 26 August, 1826, to James Scribner who
was there born 19 February, 1801. They dwelt in New York
until the year 1836, when they removed to Grand Rapids, Mich.,
where he died 2 October, 1861, and where she still lives, noted
for her vigorous constitution, practical business qualities, and
hospitality. Mr. Scribner constructed the first bridge across
Grand River by State contract and received wild lands in pay-
ment therefor. These lands included much of what is now
well-improved farms in the vicinity of Grand Rapids, and, also,
the better part of the West Side of that city. Their improve-
ment and sale brought him large returns. In the year 1837 he
established a real estate, loan, and collection agency, which has
been continued since his death by his son William R. Scribner.*
Children :
i. James Leslie Scribner, born 12 June, 1827. He has re-
sided at Grand Rapids, Mich., since 1836. Unmarried.
ii. Daniel Slocum Scribner, b. 21 April, 1828; d. Aug., 1829.
iii. Margaret Ann Scribner, b. 1 Jan., 1830; mar. George
H. Pew 8 Dec, 1853, at Grand Rapids, Mich., where they
now reside. Children: 1. William Henry, b. 10 Dec, 1854,
d. 17 Sept., 1855 ; 2. Eliza Ann, b. 26 Jan., 1856 ; 3. William
S., b. 29 April, 1857, d. 2 June, 1864; 4. George Henry,
* For a more extended account of James Scribner see the Biogtaphical History
of Eminent and Self-made Men of Michigan.
b. 21 June, i860; 5. Stephen Scribner, b. 5 May, 1862 ; 6.
Benjamin F., b. 3 March, 1866; 7. Arthur Alfred, b. 20
October, 1868; 8. Edwin Slocum Pew, born 24 June, 1870.
iv. William Reynolds Scribner, born 24 April, 1832. He
has resided at Grand Rapids, Mich., since 1836. Unmar.
v. Benjamin I. Scribner, b. 13 Dec, 1833; d. 12 Feb., 1834.
vi. Eliza Jane Scribner, born 4 Feb., 1835 ; mar. Joseph O.
Sawyer at Grand Rapids, Mich., 31 Aug., 1859. A child,
Anna, was born 21 July, 1863, in St. Louis, Missouri,
vii. Stephen R. Scribner, born 25 May, 1837. He was a
hardware merchant at Grand Rapids, Mich., from 1865 till
1880, in company with his brothers Charles and Nestell.
He is now (1 881) in Irwin, Colorado. Unmarried,
viii. Charles Henry Scribner, born 5 June, 1841. He served
against the Rebellion as a member of Co. C, Michigan
Engineers and Mechanics. Resides at Grand Rapids,
Michigan. Unmarried,
ix. Hail Columbia Scribner, born 21 May, 1844. He was
assistant clerk on board the U. S. Commissary Boat D. A.
January, in the war against the Rebellion, and died at
Young's Point, Louisiana, 23 March, 1863.
x. Sarah Maria Scribner, b. 5 Oct., 1846; m. Albert M.
Stevens, 3 April 1866, at Grand Rapids, Mich., where they
still reside. Children: 1. Walter A., b. 16 Oct., 1867; 2.
William E.,b. 12 Oct., 1870; 3. Josephine B., b. May, 1873.
xi. Nestell Bovee Scribner, born 15 March, 1849, at Grand
Rapids, Kent Co., Mich., where he still resides. Unmarried,
xii. Belle Scribner, b. 27 Feb. 1852, at Grand Rapids, Mich,
xiii. David Clarkson Scribner, born 10 June, 1855, at Grand
Rapids, Mich. Is now (1881) in Irwin, Gunnison Co., Col.
William Reynolds 8 Slocum {Daniel? Samuel, 6 Samuel?
Samuel? Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in New York
City 5 August, 1819 ; was married, 1 June, 1842, to Sarah Jane
McMahon, daughter of John and Sarah (Scott) McMahon of
that city, where she was born 13 August, 18 19. She died 29
August, 1872, and was buried in Cypress Hills Cemetery.
After marriage he dwelt in New York City six years, Newtown,
Long Island, twenty-five years, and for the last seven years has
resided in Brooklyn, N. Y. A book-keeper. He married
second, Mrs. Lovicia L. (Woolley) Montgomery, 3 November,
1880. Children:
i. William Edwin, born 29 April, 1843. He studied law and
was graduated LL. B. at Columbia College, class of 1865.
Married, 23 June, 1874, Frances Stephanie, dau. of Francis
and Elizabeth (Smailes) Shean. Resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
ii. Emma, b. 2 Nov., 1846; resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; unmar.
hi. Mary Esther, born 13 March, 1852; was married in Jersey
City 26 Feb., 1872, to Frank Purdy Williams, son of
William and Rebecca Ann (Purdy) Williams. They reside
in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 1. Anna Isabel, born 27
Dec, 1872; 2. Arthur Slocum, b. 17 Nov., 1874; 3. Purdy
Morgan, b. 5 Feb., 1877 ; 4. Frank Sidney, b. 23 Dec, 1878.
iv. Gertrude, born 21 Nov., 1853; mar. Charles Henry Hall
14 June, 1877. A child, Florence, was born 22 April, 1878.
v. Lewis Henry, b. 20 June, 1856 ; resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.
vi. Walter Renville, born 31 Jan., i860 ; died 18 Jan., 1880.
vii. Harriet Price, was born n April, 1862. in Brooklyn, N. Y.
viii. Arthur, born 21 May, 1865; died 4 February, 1869.
John Webley 8 Slocum ( Webley? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel*
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in New York City 19
December, 1808. He was there reared, and for the years 183 1,
3 2 > '33 ar, d '34 his name appears in the directorys of that city
as a grocer at No. 262 Division Street. He married Ruth West
Slocum (see page 83) at Long Branch, N. ]., 21 July, 1833.
They died at Long Branch he, 22 May, 1864 ; she, 2 February,
1876, and were buried in Branchburgh Cemetery. Children:
596. i. Edward Randolph, b. 8 May, 1834; m. Mary J. Woolley.
ii. Malvana Jemima, born 17 January, 1839; married Alfred
Chamberlain 15 July, 1863. They reside at Long Branch,
N. J., where she was born and married. No children.
iii. Susan Eliza, was born 5 December, 1842. Postoffice Long
Branch, Monmouth County, New Jersey. Unmarried.
Judge William Henry 8 Slocum {Webley? Samuel? Samuel?
Samuel? Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in New York
City 10 June, 18 13, and received his early education in the War-
ren and Union Hall Academies of that city. For two years from
the spring of 1828 he was engaged as clerk with Messrs. Main-
tain and Thorne at the corner of South and Beekman streets,
and he then became a partner with his brother John W. in a
retail grocery business at the corner of Division and Attorney
streets, New York. That business becoming distasteful to him
he sold out his interest to his brother the first year and
apprenticed himself to Andrew Turnbull to learn the business of
carpenter and builder. At the age of seventeen years he assisted
his brother John W. in the organization, under the New York
Fire Department Act, of the Veto Hose Company, No. 4, of which
his brother was chosen Foreman, and he, Secretary and Treas-
urer. His appearance at this time was that of maturity far beyond
his years and the city authorities issued to him a fireman's certi-
ficate without a question as to his age.
On the appearance of cholera in New York in the year 1832,
he removed to Long Branch, N. J., the home of his ancestors,
and he was there married, 17 July, 1834, to Mary Slocum who
was born 16 August, 18 16, daughter of Peter and Abigail (New-
man) Slocum ; see page 1 1 3. The next ten years of his life were
passed in building, farming, and school teaching.
In the autumn of 1841 he was nominated by the Monmouth
County Democratic Convention as Memberof Assembly, or Rep-
resentative to the New Jersey Legislature, without his knowledge
or consent, which honor he respectfully declined notwithstanding
the certainty of his election as the county was largely Demo-
cratic. The same nomination was again tendered him a few
years afterward and again declined. Although a Democrat of
the Jeffersonian school he did not desire to become a politician,
knowing that such course would necessarily take him into asso-
ciations not congenial to his nature. But, while refusing higher
offices, he exhibited a very commendable spirit by accepting
various neighborhood and township offices, to which his neighbors
repeatedly elected him from early manhood, until 1865 since
which year he has declined to serve.
In the year 1844 the New Jersey Legislature appointed him
one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for Monmouth
County. In the same year he was deputized as an officer of
United States Customs and served three years in that capacity.
By rendering timely assistance in discharging cargo to lighten
the ship sometimes in the night, and in severe storms, some
valuable stranded vessels, with their cargoes, have been saved
from destruction along the New Jersey coast. In the year 1848
he formed a co-partnership with the late Captain James Green,
and with him conducted the Bath Hotel in Long Branch Village
for nineteen summers. This house the first by the sea at
Long Branch was wholly destroyed by fire in the spring of
1867. During his connection with this hotel he became
acquainted in a business way with a number of men prominent
in the State and Nation, and with several the acquaintance
ripened into intimacy.
In the year 1856 he was appointed a Master in Chancery for
life by Chancellor Williamson of New Jersey.
He took an active part in the organization of the Eatontown
and Seashore Turnpike Company in 1865 ; was chosen one of
the Directors, and for several years served as Treasurer ; and in
1876 he was elected President of the company, which position
he still holds. He is also a member of the Board of Directors
of the Shrewsbury Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Eatontown, N. J.
Throughout his life he has taken great interest in the welfare
of laboring men. He was the prime mover for the introduction
of the ten-hour system into Monmouth County, N. J., to supplant
the old plan of requiring, during the summer months, work from
sunrise till sunset as a day's labor. He has also given consider-
able attention to schools ; and he aided in the organization of the
graded system now in successful operation in his neighborhood.
In the year 1868 he became a member of the firm of William
Haynes & Co., which was soon succeeded by Drummond,
Maps & Co., of Ocean Port, N. J., lumber-dealers and pro-
prietors of a steam sawing and planing mill, in which connection
he continued until 1876. Since this date he has lived retired
from all business except conveyancing, and the settling of
estates, which he has followed in connection with other business
since 1844. Possessing the confidence of his community, he
has as much of this business as he desires to occupy his mind.
His counsel on legal questions has been frequently sought
and freely given ; and though often tendered a fee for the same
he has always declined receiving it nor has he ever accepted a
fee or commission for aiding others to procure a loan of money.
In all the positions of trust which he has been called upon to
fill, he has never been asked to give bond or any security for the
faithful performance of his duty; and he has never failed to
render a full and true account. In business he has always been
industrious, persevering, and economical, which virtues, with his
judicious habits and management, have brought him the full
score of happiness ; for
"Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense
Lie in three words health, peace, and competence."
In the spring of 1844 he removed from Long Branch Village
where he had resided since his marriage to a small farm
which he had purchased near Branchburgh, a few miles distant.
In November, 1854, he completed, and removed to, his present
residence which is pleasantly situated at Wolf Hill on the turnpike
between the villages of Eatontown and Long Branch one-mile-
and-a-half from each and near the Village of Ocean- Port, Mon-
mouth County, New Jersey, which is his postoffice address.
He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Eaton-
town, and serves as its Treasurer and Warden. Children :
i. Walter Linden, born 12 June, 1836; was mar. 13 Nov.,
1867, to Alice Hampton by Rev. R. A. Poole, P. E. He
is a farmer ; P. O. Ocean Port, New Jersey. Children : 1.
William Henry, born 15 September, 1868; 2. Mary Alice,
born 12 July, 1870.
ii. Mary Melissa, born 18 July, 1839; died, unmarried, at her
father's house 21 April, 1861, of acute bronchitis; was
buried in Branchburgh Cemetery. She was highly esteemed
for her Christian virtues.
iii. Fanny Ann, born 13 June, 1844; was married, 2 Dec,
1862, to William Henry Spinning, son of Thomas W. and
Mary (Woolley) Spinning. She is now a widow and resides
in Camden, N. J. Children: 1. Mary Melissa, b. 14 Oct.,
1863 ; 2. Fanny May, b. 14 May, 1866; 3. Cora Ann, b.
3 July, 1868 ; 4. Harry Thomas, b. 4 July, 1870; all born
near Ocean Port, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Alfred Turnier 8 Slocum ( Wcbley? Samuel? Samuel? Sam-
uel* Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in New York City 22
January, 1823, and was there reared. He was married at Cold
Spring Harbor, Long Island, 3 November, 1845, to Rebecca
Sammis, daughter of Nathaniel and Maria (Homan) Sammis of
Middle Island. Their home was at Cold Spring Harbor until the
year 1850 when they removed to New York City where they now
reside. A seaman. Children :
i. Susan Maria, born 3 June, 1846; was married to Hugh
Nesbitt 9 December, 1874, by Rev. William Dunnell,
Episcopalian. They reside in New York City. Children :
I. Manmerre Thorne, b. 16 March, 1876; 2. William Warren,
b. 28 March, 1878; 3. Frederica Florence, b. 4 Sept., 1880.
ii. Sarah Amelia, b. 29 March, 1848. Resides in N. Y. City.
iii. Mary Rebecca, born 20 Oct., 1852; died 22 Feb., 1853.
iv. Alfred Smith, born 28 Nov., 1856, and died 3 July, 1859.
v. John Sammis, born 4 July, 1858 j married, in 1880, Elizabeth
Hardenburgh of New York City, where they reside.
vi. George Washington, born 4 Dec, 1861, in New York City.
vii. Florence Rebecca, born in New York City, 19 Jan., 1868.
Eliza Jemima 8 Slocum ( Webley? Samuel, 6 Samuel* Samuel*
Nathaniel,* Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in New York City 31 Jan-
uary, 1825. She was there married, first, July 1 1, 1847, to Orlando
Gray who was there born 10 August, 1821, and died 30 Decem-
ber, 1862 ; was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Long Island.
She married second, Lockwood and still resides in New
York. Children :
i. Eliza Jane Gray, born 25 June, 1848; married Townsend
W. Robbins 25 Nov., 1856. Children : Albert and Grace.
ii. Anne Bingham Gray, born 2 Jan., 1850. She is a teacher
in a New York City public school. Unmarried.
iii. David Webley Gray, born 7 October, 1855. He is a book-
keeper in New York City. Unmarried.
Catharine 8 Slocum {Daniel, 1 William, 6 Samuel* Samuel*
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born at Long Branch, New
Jersey, 13 January, 18 19. She married, 19 November, 1835,
William Martin, a wheel-wright, of that place. They resided at
Long Branch where she died in the autumn of 1879 5 was buried,
with her deceased children, in Slocum Cemetery. Children :
i. Angeline Martin, born 22 Oct., 1837 j mar. Benjamin Cole
ii. Francis Martin, born 9 April, 1840, at Long Branch, N. J
iii. Henry Martin, b. at Long Branch, N. J., 25 March, 1842
iv. Daniel Martin, born 9 February. 1844; died 7 Feb., 1854
v. Mary Martin, b. 28 Aug., 1846; m. Wm. Russell Woolley
vi. William Edgar Martin, b. 8 June, 1849; d. 4 March, 1864,
vii. Jane Martin, was born 9 March, 1855 ; died 7 June, 1855
viii. Alvaretta S. Martin, born 11 June, 1856. V T ,
ix. James Martin, b. 22 May, i860, at L. Branch. \ y were
drowned 8 September, 1870, with six others, by the breaking
of Tom's River Bridge under a large number of excursionists.
Daniel 8 Slocum {Daniel, 1 William? Samuel? Samuel* Nathan-
iel? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born at Long Branch, Monmouth
County, New Jersey, A. D. 1824, and was married in 1842 to
Jane Riddle of that place. They reside at East Long Branch,
New Jersey. A farmer. Children :
i. Douglas, born 12 Oct., 1843 > mar - *5 Nov., 1865, Elthear
Joline, born 5 July, 1842, daughter of Bartine and Angeline
(Slocum) Joline; see page 178. He is now (1880) a
policeman in the Village of Long Branch, N. J. Children
1. Daniel Bartine, b. 15 Aug., 1866; 2. Anna, b. 10 April
1868; 3. Jennie, b. 6 Oct., 1870 ; 4. Elizabeth, b. 26 Aug
1872; 5. Albertus, b. 26 May, 1879.
ii. Walter, born 20 December, 1845 '> died 5 September, 1849
was buried in Slocum Cemetery, near Long Branch, N. J
iii. James, b. 26 April, 1848. Resides at Long Branch, N. J
iv. Nathaniel, born at Long Branch, N. J., 9 October, 1856
v. Elizabeth, born 16 June, 1862, at Long Branch. N. J
Michael 8 Slocum [Nathaniel? William, 6 Samuel? Samuel?
Nathaniel, 1 Giles? Anthony?) was born near Turtle Mill, Long
Branch, Monmouth County, New Jersey, 19 February, 1816, and
was mostly reared in the family of John West in Union Town-
ship, Luzerne County, Pa., where he married Deborah, daughter
of James Levaly formerly of New York State. They settled in
Union Tp., Luzerne Co., Pa., where she died a few years since,
and where he still lives. He is night-watchman at the Avon-
dale Coal Mines ; postoffice, Plymouth, Pa. Children :
i. Elizabeth Ann, born in the year 1836; married E
Bartlett. They reside at Rio, Knox County, Illinois,
ii. George, born in the year 1839, in Union Tp., Luzerne Co.,
Pennsylvania. Resides at Rio, Illinois. Unmarried,
iii. Wesley, born 2 Dec, 1841, in Plymouth Tp., Luzerne Co.,
Pa.; married Rebecca Place. He is a coal-miner; post-
office, Plymouth, Pa. Children : 1. Clara, born 5 Oct.,
1871; 2. Benjamin, born 12 Aug., 1873; 3- Lva, born
29 Aug., 1875 ; 4. Sarah L., born 23 May, 1878.
iv. Rachel, born 7 October, 1843; mar. S P. Belles (?).
Postoffice, Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Pa. Has no children.
v. Ellen, born 23 July, 1849. P. O. Plymouth, Pa. Unmar.
vi. Dennison, born 11 July, 1852; died in the disaster at the
Avondale Coal Mines, Avondale, Pa., 6 September, 1869.
vii. Oliver, born 23 Oct., 1854, in Plymouth Tp., Pa.; married
Agnes Nelson. He is a coal-miner ; postoffice, Plymouth,
Pa. A child, Oliver, was born there 16 November, 1880.
riii. Eugene, born 20 May, 1859. He is a coal-miner; post-
office, Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pa. Unmarried.
Samuel 8 Slocum (Samuel, 7 Jesse? Samuel? Samuel,'' Nathan-
iel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Palatine Township, Mont-
gomery County, New York, 28 March, 1816; was married at
Hawkinsville, Oneida County, 8 April, 1839, to Lydia Torrey,
daughter of Caleb and Elizabeth (Pierce) Torrey of Hawkinsville
and formerly of Connecticut, where she was born 10 August,
1813. He was married second, in West Vienna, Oneida Co., N.
Y., 24 July, 1859 (- ? )> t0 Mary Ann, daughter of Michael and
Margaret (John) Ganot (?), formerly of Canada where she was
born 2 February, 1844. He enlisted against the Rebellion at
Boonville, N. Y., 12 August, 1862, as a private soldier in Co., I,
117th Reg. N. Y. V. I. and served until the close of the war,
being discharged at Rochester 23 June, 1865. He participated
in the battles of Norfolk, Petersburgh, and the Wilderness. He
is a laborer ; postoffice Hawkinsville, Oneida Co., N. Y. Children
by first marriage, all born in Oneida County, New York.
i. Charles Lyman, born 6 January, 1841, at Hawkinsville ;
married Alice Watson. They reside at Chase's Lake, or
Glensdale, Lewis County, New York, without children (?).
ii. Lorenzo Perry, born 21 April, 1845, in New Hartford, N.
Y. ; married 1st, Harriet Manger who died leaving one
child, Frederick, born 14 March, 1872, in Fulton, Oswego
Co., N. Y. He married 2d, January 7, 1878, Margaret
Lane at Hawkinsville, N. Y., where they now live. She
was born at Auburn, N. Y., daughter of Stephen and Ellen
(Cunningham) Lane. He has been a canal-boatman ; is
now a laborer. A child, Effie May, was born 25 May,
1880, at Hawkinsville.
iii. Luther Pernette, born ri October, 1849, in Manchester;
was married in the autumn of 187 1 to Josephine Hinckley
at Port Leyden, N. Y., where they now reside without child'n.
Children by second marriage :
iv. Phebe, b. 6 Oct., 1869, at Forest Port, Oneida Co., N. Y.
v. Julia Ann, born 16 October, 187 1 ; died 5 October, 1873.
vi. Juliet, born 10 January, 1874, at Hawkinsville, New York.
vii. Frederick Roswell, born at Hawkinsville, 12 Aug., 1876.
viii. Oscar Eugene, born 20 Jan., 1879, at Forest Port, N. Y.
ix. Ellen May, was born at Hawkinsville, N. V"., 16 Feb., 1881.
Henry 8 Slocum {Samuel? yesse? Samuel? Samuel? Nathan-
iel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Herkimer County (?), New
York, 8 June, 1817, and was married in Lewis County in 1841
to Amy M., daughter of Simeon and Chloe Thayer, of Lewis
County, where she was born 14 January, 1820. They removed
westward in the year 1855. He was formerly a farmer but is
now a dry-goods merchant ; postoffice, Spring Brook, Erie Co.,
New York. Children :
i. Chloe, born 24 December, 1841 ; married Merritt Allen.
Their postoffice is North Java, Wyoming Co., New York,
ii. Louisa, b. 9 Nov., 1842 ; m. John Runge. P. O. Buffalo, N.Y.
hi. Harriet, born 22 June, 1845; married Melvin Aykroyd.
Postoffice Buffalo, New York.
iv. Simeon, born 7 January, 1851; died 8 October, 1875.
Philip Gould 8 Slocum (Daniel? yesse? Samuel? Samuel?
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in St. Lawrence County,
New York, 3 December, 18 18. He dwelt in German Flats
Township, Herkimer County, about four years, in Covington
Township, Wyoming County, about four years, and removed
thence to Nunda Tp., Livingston Co., N. Y., about the year
1840; was there married 25 April, 1843, by Rev. J. W. Spoor,
Baptist, to Fanny Seaver, daughter of John and Dorothy (Whit-
comb) Seaver of Nunda, N. Y., and formerly of Saxton's River,
Vermont, where she was born. They dwelt on a farm in Nunda
until the year 1872, then removed to Eaton Rapids, Michigan,
where they still reside. He has had the occupation of coloring
and weaving carpets and coverlets, a keeper of grocery-store,
and a meat -market. He is now a farmer. Children :
i. Adello John, born 7 Jan., 1844, in Nunda, N. Y. He
married, about August, 1865, Adela Reine Havens, daugh-
ter of George W. and Eliza Jane (Pratt) Havens, of
Michigan. He was a printer; died 2 November, 1865, in
Maquoketa, Iowa, and was buried in Nunda, New York.
ii. Clement Daniel, born 18 September, 1856, in Nunda,
Livingston County, New York. Now resides at Eaton
Rapids, Michigan. Unmarried. Occupation, farming (?).
iii. Leno, born 21 Jan., 1866, in Nunda, Livingston Co., N. Y.
39 1
Silvanus Keeler 8 Slocu m (Elisha? Jesse? Samuel? Samuel*
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Stratford Township,
Montgomery (now Fulton) County, New York, 19 August, 1827.
In December, 1847, ne removed to Farmersville Township, Catta-
raugus Co., N. Y., and was there married, 6 September, 1849, t0
Jane Ann Adams, daughter of Oliver Harvey and Achsah Marilla
(Robins) Adams of Farmersville and formerly of Johnstown, N.
Y., where she was bom 22 July, 1828. They removed to La Fay-
ette Township, McKean Co., Pa., in April, 1854, and thence in
October, 1864, to a farm in Beaver township, Newaygo County,
Michigan, where they still live ; postoffice Hesperia, Oceana Co.,
Mich. Mr. Slocum, in a letter to the author concerning this
branch of the family, writes as follows, in substance : Politically,
the Slocums of my acquaintance were members of the Demo-
cratic party from my earliest recollection until the Great Rebel-
lion of 1861, when, without an exception, they went over to the
Republican party. Most of them are members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church and also members of some temperance society.
Many have filled offices in these societies and also offices of trust
in their respective townships. Children :
i. Eupheme Amelia, born 5 August, 1850, in Lyndon Town-
ship, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. ; was mar. in Beaver Tp.,
Newaygo Co., Mich., 1st, July 6, 1867, to Augustus Ray-
mond Sutton, son of John and Lucy (Darling) Sutton; and
mar. 2d, Elkanah Stuart. Postoffice Hesperia, Mich.
Children ; 1. Silvanus Raymond Sutton, b. 14 April, 1868 j
2. William Stuart, b. 21 Nov., 1876; 3. Cynthia Jane
Stuart, b. 19 June, 1880.
ii. Marion Louisa, b. 30 April, 1852; d. n May, 1863, in Pa.
iii. Clark Leroy, b. 19 June, 1854; d. 12 June, 1868, in Mich.
iv. Achsah Rebecca, born 16 March, 1856; d. 8 May, 1856.
v. Richard Burdett, born 7 May, 1858, in LaFayette Tp.,
Pa.; married, 1st, Ella Flanders 1 May, 1875; 2Cl , June 2,
1878, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Patrick F. and Naomi
(Conklin) Doren, formerly of Canada, where she was born.
He is a farmer in Beaver Township; postoffice Hesperia,
Mich. A child, Emma Lorena, was born 7 June, 1879.
vi. Elisha Silvanus, born 7 Feb., 1861, in La Fayette Tp., Pa.
vii. Elizabeth Louisa, born 26 Aug., 1863 j died 26 Aug., 1863.
viii. Elkanah Raymond, born 3 Sept., 1869; d. 14 Sept., 1869.
ix. Oliver Warren, born 2 Dec, 187 1, in Beaver Tp., Mich.
39 2
Richard Ketchum 8 Slocum {Elisha? y esse? Samuel? Samuel?
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Stratford Township (?),
Montgomery (now Fulton) County, New York, 3 January, 1830;
was married in Farmersville Tp., Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., to
Melany Barnhart 24 Sept., 1850. They removed to McKean
County, Pa., about the year 1858, and thence, about 1864, to
Denver Township, Newaygo County, Mich., where he still lives
on a farm ; postoffice Hesperia, Oceana Co., Mich. Children :
i. Eugene B., born 29 Jan., 1853 ; mar. Elizabeth Ferguson 1
April, 1879. He is a grocery-man ; P. O. Hesperia, Mich.
ii. Elizabeth G., born n March, 1856; mar. George Clark,
a farmer, 25 Dec, 1876. Postoffice, Hesperia, Michigan.
iii. Evangeline T., born 22 April, i860, in McKean County,
Pa. ; married George E. DeLong, a farmer, 10 May, 1873.
Postoffice Paw Paw, Van Buren County, Michigan.
iv. Charles Burch, born 29 July, 1865, in Denver Tp., Mich.
v. Minerva Mabel, born in Denver Tp., Mich., 1 Sept., 1868.
vi. Rosalia M., b. 10 Dec, 1872, in Denver Township, Mich.
vii. Richard C, b. in Denver Township, Mich., 7 May, 1875.
Elisha Sereptus 8 Slocum {Elisha? yesse? Samuel? Samuel?
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Mexico Township,
Oswego County, New York, 25 April, 1832 ; was married in
Farmersville Tp., Cattaraugus County, N. Y., 22 July, 1855, to
Orinda Lucinda, daughter of John and Mary (Cronk) Barnhart,
formerly of Victor Tp., Ontario Co., N. Y., where she was born
14 September, 1838. They removed to Michigan in the year
1856, and thence to Indiana where he enlisted, 10 August, 1862,
against the Rebellion as a private soldier in an Indiana volunteer
company (Co. G, 63d Regiment ?), and served until the final
triumph of the Union arms ; was discharged 21 June, 1865, at
Greensborough, N. C. He was a farmer; died 25 March, 1879,
in Hastings Township, Barry County, Michigan, where his widow
and children still live. Children :
i. Adelbert Leroy, b. 29 Nov., i860, in Princeton Tp., Ind.
ii. Emma Rekecca, born 7 Nov., 1867, in Castleton Tp., Mich,
iii. Lorena Bell, born in Castleton Tp., Mich., 22 Oct., 1870.
iv. Margaret May, b. 26 Dec, 1872, in Castleton Tp., Mich.
v. Ellwood Claudius, b. 27 June, 1879, in Hastings Tp., Mich.
William Eugene 8 Slocum {Elisha? Jesse, 6 Samuel? Sam-
uel* Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Stratford Town-
ship, now in Fulton County, New York, 28 October, 1834, and
was married 4 October, i860, to Martha Ann Pratt in La Fayette
Tp., McKean Co., Pa. He is a farmer in Denver Township,
Newaygo County, Michigan ; postoffice Hesperia, Oceana Co.,
Michigan. Children :
i. Ida Delphine, born 3 July, i860. P. O. Hesperia, Mich.
ii. Ernest A., born 2 June, 1862, in Dorr Tp., Kent Co., Mich. ;
died 25 August, 1862, in Denver Tp., Newaygo Co., Mich,
iii. Asa Jay, born 12 June, 1863 ; died 1 November, 1863.
iv. Edwin Ulysses, born 4 Nov., 1864, in Denver Tp., Mich.
v. Marvell J., born in Denver Tp., Mich., 21 November, 1866.
vi. Lena Rose, born in Denver Tp., Mich., 23 September, 1869.
vii. Clarence V., born 20 May, 1872, in Denver Tp. Mich,
viii. Leo, born 10 June, 1877, in Denver Township, Michigan,
ix. Dexter, born in Denver Township, Mich., 20 March, 1879.
George Washington 8 Slocum {Elisha? Jesse, 6 Samuel? Sam-
uel? Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Mannheim Town-
ship, Herkimer County, New York, 29 January, 1840, and was
married to Esther Ann Talbot in Kinzua Tp., Warren Co., Pa.
Soon after marriage they removed to a farm in Posey County,
Ind., where they still live; postoffice Cynthiana, Ind. Children :
i. Charles H., born 12 June, 1866; died 25 October, 1867.
ii. James A., born 18 September, 1868, at Cynthiana, Indiana,
iii. Clara E., born at Cynthiana, Indiana, 31 March, 187 1.
iv. Sophronia E., b. 31 Sept., 1877, at Cynthiana, Indiana.
39 6
Morley Erlingstine 8 Slocum {Elisha? Jesse? Samuel? Sam-
uel? Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Lyndon Township,
Cattaraugus County, New York, 4 March, 1845, and was married
in January, 1864, to Malvana Clark in LaFayette Tp., McKean
Co., Pa. A farmer. He resided in Newaygo County, Michigan,
and removed thence, in the spring of 1881, to Ashtabula County,
Ohio, with postoffice at Geneva. Children :
i. Mary E., b. 26 Sept., 1865, in Scipio Township, New York.
ii. Elmer E., born 28 Sept., 1867, died 10 October, 1869.
iii. Clara R., born 28 Jan., 1870, in Denver Tp., Michigan,
iv. Harriet M, born in Denver Tp., Mich., 17 November, 1872.
v. Flora A., born 17 Feb., 1875, in Denver Tp.. Michigan,
vi. Leslie J., born in DenverTp., Mich., 1st of September, 1878.
vii. Myrtle A., born 22 July, 1880; died 27 September, 1880.
Henry 8 Slocum (MonsonN? Jesse? Samuel? Samuel* Na-
thaniel, 1 Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Stratford Township, now
in Fulton County, New York, 6 August, 1 830. He was married at
Olean, N. Y., 22 September, 1848, to Urbana Perkins, daughter
of Ezekiel and Esther (Levee) Perkins formerly of Stratford
where she was born, 19 May, 1828. She died 23 December,
1879. He is a farmer ; postoffice Allegany, Cattaraugus County,
New York. Children :
i. Frank E., born 3 Sept., 1849, m Lyndon, Cattaraugus Co.,
N. Y.; mar. 25 July, 1867, Harriet Van Name of Centre-
ville, New York, where he now lives ; a carpenter,
ii. Eugene H., b. 4 Feb., 1851, in Lyndon, N. Y.; m. 6 June,
1872, Laura Tabor of Lyndon, where she was born. He is
a farmer; P. O. Allegany, N. Y. Children: 1. Minerva
Gertrude, b. 29 Oct., 1875, ". 22 Dec., 1880; Mabel Rose,
born 9 October, 1878; Ethelind Pearl, born 19 Nov., 1880.
iii. Willard J., born 13 Feb., 1853. Postoffice Allegany, N. Y.
Almanzo B. 8 Slocum {Monson N? Jesse, 6 Samuel? Samuel?
Nathaniel? Giles? 1 Anthony?) was born in Lyndon Township,
Cattaraugus County, New York, 10 February, 1845, ar) d was
married, in Farmersville 25 February, 1863, to Helen A, daugh-
ter of Alanson and Almina VanBrunt formerly of Gibsonville,
Wyoming Co., N. Y., where she was born 8 August, 1845 > see
record of Smith Slocum, page 109. He is a farmer; postoffice
Allegany, New York. Children :
i. Frank Wallace, b. 24 Oct., 1864, in Farmersville, Tp., N. Y.
ii. Ida May, born in Farmersville Tp., N. Y., 8 March, 1866.
iii. Orra Medill, was born 4 June, 1868, in Allegany Tp., N. Y.
iv. Bertha Delight, b. 24 July, 1876, in Canadea Tp., N. Y.
Emeline Diantha 8 Slocum ( William,' 1 yesse? Samuel? Sam-
uel* Nathaniel? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Stratford Town-
ship, Fulton County, New York, 8 July, 1842; was married in
Centreville, Allegany County, 14 August, 1858, to Byron Van
Name, son of Henry and Maria Van Name. He served three
years against the Rebellion as a soldier in Co. F, 1st Reg. N.
Y. S. Dragoons. They reside at Centreville, N. Y. Children :
i. Julia Ann VanName, b. 14 Aug., i860, at Centreville, N. Y.
ii. Nellie Grace VanName, b. at Centreville, 7 Aug., 1862.
iii. William Henry VanName, b. 30 July, 1866, at Centreville.
iv. Mary Frances VanName, b. 16 Nov., 1867, at Centreville.
v. Frank VanName, b. 4 Sept., 1877, at Centreville, N. Y.
vi. Henry VanName, b. 28 Sept., 1879, at Centreville, N. Y.
Ellen Matilda 8 Slocum ( William, 1 y esse? Samuel? Samuel,''
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Salisbury Township,
Herkimer County, New York, 28 August, 1844; was married at
Olean, Cattaraugus County, 28 August, 1865, by Rev. William
Jackson, Free Methodist, to Elmore Draper Bennett, son of
Levi and Esther (Kline) Bennett. Their postofnce is Allegany,
Cattaraugus County, New York. Children :
i. Adeline Maria Bennett, b. 4 July, 1867, at Allegany, N.Y.
ii. George Alton Bennett, b. at Allegany, N. Y., 30 July, 1868.
iii. Charles Edward Bennett, b. 19 Aug.. 1870, at Allegany,
iv. Ettie Florence Bennett, b. at Allegany, 13 Nov.. 1875.
Ekvin Lowell 8 Slocum ( William? yesse, 6 Samuel? Samuel?
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Canadea Township,
Allegany County, New York, 30 January, 1847 ; was married
in Centreville 14 February, 1869, by Rev. Lane, Presby-
terian, to Ellen Jones. He is a carriage- maker ; postoffice
Calkinsville, Isabella County, Michigan. Children :
i. Newton Elmore, b. in Feb., 1872, at Fairview, New York,
ii. William, b. at Fairview, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y., March, 1876.
iii. Elizabeth Ann, b. in Nov., 1878, at Fairview, New York.
Alvin Milo 8 Slocum ( William? yesse, 6 Samuel? Samuel?
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Lyndon Township,
Cattaraugus County, New York, 22 June, 1848. He served ten
months as a soldier against. the Rebellion in Co. F, 1st Reg. N.
Y. S. Dragoons. He was married in Franklinville, 6 October,
1869, by Rev. Tinker, Presbyterian, to Pauline Herrick,
daughter of George and Lucinda (Patterson) Herrick. He is a
farmer ; postoffice Allegany, New York. Children :
i. Loren Ernest, born 19 Oct., 1870, in Humphrey Tp., N. Y.
ii. Eva Elma, born in Humphrey Tp., N. Y., 8 February, 1873.
iii. Emma Densie, born 15 July, 1875, in Humphrey Tp., N. Y.
iv. Burton Ray, born in Humphrey Tp., N.Y., 12 Jan., 1879.
Mary Jane 8 Slocum (Johnson? yohn? John? John? Na-
thaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born at Lawrenceville, Mercer
County, New Jersey, A. D. 1823. She was married, at Trenton
in 1849, t0 Thomas L. Chapman, a carpenter, son of Isaac and
Sarah (Lippincott) Chapman. They dwelt at Crosswicks eight
years, Port Mercer two years, Ewing two years, and then
returned to Crosswicks, Burlington County, New Jersey, where
they have since resided. Children :
i. Samuel L. Chapman, b. 24 Feb., 1851 ; d. 30 March, 1853.
ii. Ella G. Chapman, b. 15 July, 1854. Resides in Crosswicks.
iii. Margaret A. Chapman, born 1 October, 1859. Postoffice
Franklin Park, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Josiah Worth 8 Slocum (yohnson? yohn, 6 yohn? yohn?
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in or near Lawrenceville,
Mercer County, New Jersey, 23 September, 1828, and married,
near Pennington 23 September, 185 1, Maria Louisa Hunt, who
was born 15 January, 1827, daughter of Azariah and Maria
(Stout) Hunt. He is a inill-wright and miller ; postoffice Pen-
nington, Mercer County, New Jersey. Children :
i. Virginia Augusta, born 5 July, 1852; married Edwin B.
McChesney, in 1871. They reside in Trenton, N. J. Chil-
dren : Frank, b. 27 Nov., 1872; Bertha, b. 26 May, 1874.
ii. Livingston Howard, b. 28 Aug., 1857, ii
iii. Wilford Lincoln, born 4 April, 1861, at Allen!
iv. Harriet Maria, b. 15 Jan., 1870, in Trenton, New Jersey.
Wesley Hunt 8 Slocum (Johnson? John, 6 John,'' John,*
Nathaniel* Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born near Lawrenceville,
Mercer County, New Jersey, about the year 1830; married
Martha Lame, daughter of Joshua and Lydia Mott (Taylor)
Lame of Columbus, N. J., where she was born 2 August, 1829.
They died in or near Bordentown, N.J., she, 25 February, 1864 ;
he, 5 May, 1871, and were buried in Bordentown Cemetery.
Children :
i. Lilly Mott, was born 2 May, 1853; died 9 March, 1877.
ii. Charles Edward, b. 24 Dec, 1856; resides in Bordentown.
iii. Elizabeth Mott, b. 2 Aug., 1858; P. O. Shippensburgh, Pa.
iv. Wesley Hunt, born 12 July, i860. Resides in Borden-
town, Burlington County, New Jersey. A marble-cutter.
Joshua Gibbs 8 Slocum {Johnson, 1 John, 6 John? John,* Na-
thaniel? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born near Lawrenceville, Mercer
County, New Jersey, 17 November, 1834. He married at
Mount Horeb, Somerset County, N. J., 8 September, 1856,
Mary Louisa Smith who was born 10 June, 1834, daughter of
William and Harriet (Coddington) Smith. They reside in
Newark, N. J., where he is a grain and flour dealer. Children :
i. Walter W., b. 26 October, 1857, in Plainfield, New Jersey.
ii. Silas A., born in March, 1859 ; died the following year and
was buried at Mount Horeb, Somerset Co., New Jersey.
iii. DeWitt T., born 3 November, 1875, in Newark, New Jersey.
Capt. Revo West 8 Slocum {James W.? Samuel 6 John, 5
John* Nathaniel, 3 Giles? Anthony?) was born at Long Branch
Village, Monmouth County, New Jersey, 15 October 1833. He
went to sea in early life, and visited Canton, China, in the ship
Panama before he was fourteen years of age ; and since that time
he has sailed through the most distant waters. He was married
at Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York, 22 August, 1858,
to Jane Augusta Johnston, daughter of Thomas Charles and
Anna Maria (Brown) Johnston, of Jersey City, N. J., where she
was born. He is a master-mariner ; family residence Tompkins-
ville, Staten Island, New York. Children :
i. Mary Eliza, born 18 Feb., i860, at Port Richmond, N. Y.
ii. Adelaide Cowen, b. 28 Jan., 1862, at Port Richmond, N.
Y. ; m. 7 March, 1880, Michael Chas. White, son of Michael.
iii. Franklin Robinson, born 1 April, 1864, at Port Richmond,
N. Y.; died 10 September, 1864, in New York City and
was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn.
iv. Alice Jane, was born 31 January, 1866, in New York City.
v. Isabella Maria, b. 3 April, 1868, in New York City; died
there 24 March, 1870; was buried in Greenwood Cemetery.
vi. Revo Charles, b. to April 187 1, in New York City.
vii. Harriet Emily, twin, b. 31 Aug., 1873, i* 1 Tompkinsville.
viii. Margaret Emma, twin, b. 31 Aug., 1873, in Tompkinsville.
ix. Charles Henry, b. in Tompkinsville, N. Y., 9 April, 1877.
James 8 Slocum (Henry, 7 John, 6 Peter? John* Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Long Branch, Monmouth County,
New Jersey, 29 October, 1809 ; was married, 8 January, 1834, to
Elizabeth Maps, daughter of Michael and Hannah (Throck-
morton) Maps of that place, where she was born 12 August,
1 8 13. He is a lumber-dealer at Long Branch, where they have
continuously resided. Children :
i. Charles Maitland, born 8 May, 1835; married, 24 Oct.,
i860, Sarah E., daughter of Henry and Anna (Browning)
Lippincott. He is a carpenter and builder; postoffice,
Long Branch, N. J. Children : 1. Anna, born 9 August.
1 86 1 ; 2. Winfield Scott, born 26 July, 1863.
ii. George Henry, born 5 Nov., 1836; mar. 19 May, 1864,
Sarah Lavinia Smith, dau. of Robinson and Mary ( Wolcott)
Smith. A carpenter and builder ; P. O. Long Branch, N. J.
Children : 1. Irving, b. 5 June, 1866 ; Cora, b. 22 Oct., 1868.
iii. Lewis Maps, born 10 March, 1839; married, 28 Oct., 1862,
Sarah Ann Parker, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Lippin-
cott) Parker. He is a farmer; postoffice, Long Branch,
N. J. Children: Mary Emma; Almira; Julia; James Russell.
iv. James Russell, born 27 July, 1841 ; died 29 July, 1872,
and was buried in Branchburgh Cemetery. He was a
dentist with Colton in New York City.
v. Harriet Emma, born 22 May, 1846; mar. 23 October, 1867,
Joseph E. VanCleve who soon died. She mar. 2d, Aaron M.
Dillentash. They reside in New York City, without children.
George 8 Slocum {Henry, 1 John? Peter? John? Nathaniel?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Long Branch, New Jersey, 12
October, 18 13, and married there, 7 February, 1839, Susan,
daughter of Jesse and Harriet Tabor of that place where she was
born 28 July, 18 18. They still reside at Long Branch. Children :
i. Sidney Throckmorton, born 8 December, 1839; married
Elsie West 20 December, 1874. He is a carpenter and
builder; postoffice Long Branch, N. J. Children: 1. Anna
Maud, b. 19 May, 1876; 2. Blanche, b. 23 February, 1878.
ii. Mary, b. 16 Jan., 1842, at Long Branch, Monmouth Co., N.J.
iii. George Bishop, born 17 Nov., 1844; died 17 March, 1864.
iv. James Henry, born 12 May, 1847; married, 19 March,
1867, at Ocean Port, Hartsanna Price, daughter of Harts-
horn e and Mary (Woolley) Price. He is a dentist at Long
Branch, N. J. Children: 1. Edward, born 29 Aug., 1869;
2. Minerva, born 23 May, 1871, now deceased,
v. Maurice C, b. 25 July, 1850; m. EmmaSutphen 3 Sept.,
1874. A dentist at Asbury Park, New Jersey. Children : 1.
William, b. 13 Dec, 1877; 2. Cornetta, b. in Feb., 1879.
Charles Henry 8 Slocum {Peter? John? Peter? John?
Nathaniel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Philadelphia, Pa., 28
June, 1837; was married there 12 April, 1859, by tne late
Father Carter, Roman Catholic, to Anna Elizabeth Owens, born
in Brooklyn, N. Y., 12 May, 1841, daughter of Dr. Edward and
Catharine (Brady) Owens. They dwelt in New York City,
Newark, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., and in Brooklyn, N. Y., where
he died 1 March, 1880. A morocco-dresser. He enlisted against
the Rebellion in Co. E, of the " Blue Reserves," Pa. V. I., and
was honorably discharged on account of rheumatism contracted
in the service. His widow now (1880) has a variety store in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Children :
i. Catharine, twin, born 16 April, i860; died, aged two days.
ii. Angeline Josephine, twin, born 16 April, i860.
iii. Catharine, born 16 December, 1862.
iv. Mary Elizabeth, born 3 January, 1864.
v. Joseph Francis, born 22 November, 1867,
vi. Charles Henry, born 17 Jan., 1869; died 22 Nov., 1869.
vii. Catharina, born 10 August, 187 1.
viii. Charles Henry, born 22 August, 1874.
Allida 8 Slocum {Henry? yonas? Giles? Peleg? Peleg? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Junius Township, Seneca County, New
York, 22 June, 1810 ; was married in Bethany, Genesee Co., N.
Y., 18 June, 183 1, to Charles Smith McRobert, a mill-wright,
son of James and Rachel (Scovell) McRobert of New York and
formerly of Clutack, Herkimer Parish, Galloway, Scotland. They
dwelt in Napoli, N. Y., eight months after marriage, then in
Bethany five years, and removed thence, in the year 1837, to
Michigan where they now reside ; postoffice Mead's Mills,
Wayne County, Michigan. Children :
i. Pamela Margaret McRobert, born 2,2 February 1832 ; was
married, first in Plymouth, Michigan, 20 October, 1853, by
Rev. Dubar, Presbyterian, to William H., son of
Hiram and Julia (Norton) Robinson. He was born at
Northville, Mich., 15 May, 1829, and died at Grand Rapids
x May, 1856; was there buried. She mar. second, 28 June,
1866, Edward A. Barton of Bellevue, Ohio, son of Joseph
and Margaret (Wilkinson) Barton of Oswego, N. Y., where
he was born 25 March, 1834. Her only children were twin
daughters, born n July 187 1, who died soon after birth.
41 1. a ii. Rachel A. McRobert, b. 16 Sept., 1834; m. Wm. Littlefield.
411/ iii. Charles H. McRobert, b. 9 Aug., 1836; m. Mary Walker.
411/ iv. Mary A. McRobert, b. 13 July, 1839; m. Warren Smith.
411/ v. Phebe S. McRobert, b. 31 Aug., 1841 ; m. Chas. T. Rogers,
vi. William James McRobert, born 30 March, 1844 ; was mar-
ried 22 November, 1868, by Elder Baker, Baptist, to
Venilia, daughter of Eliphalet and Adeline (Waterman)
Thomas. A child, Henry Arthur, was born 13 Oct., 1873.
vii. Leman Edward McRobert, twin, born 22 April, 1847;
died 18 January, 1848, and was buried in Waterford, Mich.
4ii.'viii. Lyman E. McRobert, b. 22 April, 1847; m. Laura Purdy.
ix. Julia Elizabeth McRobert, born 5 April, 1849; mar. 23
December, 1872, Ephraim Monroe Brigham, son of Adol-
phus and Emma (Butterfield) Brigham, of Plymouth, Mich.,
and formerly of New Hampshire. A child, Cora, was born
27 August, 1877.
41 1^
Rachel Ann McRobert was born in Bethany Township, Genesee
County, New York, 16 Sept., 1834, and was reared in Michigan. She
was mar. in Plymouth, Mich., 21 Sept., 185 1, to William Littlefield, by
Cyrus B. Packard, J. P. She died in Marquette, Mich., 30 July, 1867,
and was buried in Bellevue, Ohio. Mr. Littlefield was born in New-
port, Rhode Island, 17 March, 1828, and died in Toledo, Ohio, 17
July, 1875. Children:
i. Ella Elizabeth Littlefield, born 21 May, 1853, in Mon-
roeville, Huron County, Ohio,
ii. Cornell Arthur Littlefield, born 10 March, 1857, in
Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio; died 18 August, 1875.
iii. William Newell Littlefield, born 13 March, 1859, in
Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio; died 16 May, 1873.
iv. Frank Burritt Littlefield, born 25 August, 186 1, in Ohio,
v. Lewis Elmer Littlefield, b. 10 Jan., 1863; d. 16 June, 1874.
vi. May Louisa Littlefield, b. 18 Jan., 1866, in Bellevue, O.
41 l b
Charles Henry McRobert was born in Bethany, Genesee County,
New York, 9 August, 1836, and was reared in Michigan. Was married
in Washtenaw County, Michigan, 14 November, 1857, by Rev.
McGee, Methodist Episcopalian, to Mary Walker, daughter of William
and Rhoda Walker. Children :
i. William Henry McRobert, born 15 August, 1859.
ii. Caroline A. McRobert, born 25 August, 1862.
iii. Melvin McRobert, born 14 December, 1865.
iv. Delbert McRobert, born 16 December, 1868.
v. Elmer McRobert, born 29 September, 1873.
41 1*
Mary Allida McRobert was born in Novi, Oakland County,
Michigan, 13 July, 1839; was married in Plymouth 18 April, 1861, by
Rev. Dr. Hayes, to Warren Smith, son of Wheeler C. and Martha (Case)
Smith of Farmington, where he was born 1 October, 1836. Children:
i. Adeline Belle Smith, was b. 20 June, 1865, in Michigan,
ii. Lettie Allida Smith, born in Michigan 9 December, 1870.
41 1 (/
Phebe Scott McRobert was born in Plymouth, Wayne County,
Michigan, 31 August, 1841 ; was married there, 2 November, 1864, to
Charles Theodore Rogers, by Rev. W. R. Northrup. Children :
i. John Wesley Rogers, born 31 August, 1865, in Michigan.
ii. Nettie Louise Rogers, born in Michigan, 17 Sept., 1867.
iii. Charles Elmer Rogers, born 14 Sept., 1869, in Michigan,
iv. Joseph Rogers, born 18 May, 1872; died 29 Nov., 1872.
v. Raymond R Rogers, was born 29 April, 1875, in Michigan.
Lyman Edwin McRobert was born in Michigan 22 April, 1847,
and there married Laura Purdy who was born in Plymouth, Wayne Co.,
Michigan, 15 February, 1847. Children:
i. Nellie Ann McRobert, b. 24 Jan., 1868, in Plymouth, Mich,
ii. Allida May McRobert, b. in Plymouth, Mich., 9 Nov., 1870.
hi. Edna Annice McRobert, b. 23 Oct., 1878, in Ypsilanti.
William Giles 8 Slocum {Henry? Jonas? Giles? Peleg?
Peleg? Giles?- Anthony?) was born in Junius Township, Seneca
County, New York, 10 August, 18 12. He married, first in
Middlebury, Wyoming County, N. Y., Lucretia Ann Adye,
daughter of William and Lucretia (Smith) Adye the former
born in Vermont, the latter in Hartford, Connecticut. She died
in January, 1846. He married second, Ann Eliza Burbank. He
is a farmer ; postoffice Napoli, Cattaraugus County, New York.
Child by first marriage :
597. i. William Henry, born 1 Jan., 1844; mar. Laura A. Fuller.
Children by second marriage :
ii. Charles Elmer, born 7 November, 1847, m Middlebury,
N. Y.; married, about the year 1876, Minerva L., daughter
of Sylvester L. Jones. He is a farmer ; postoffice Sala-
manca, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Has two children sons.
hi. Lucretia Ann, born 8 February, 1849, in Middlebury, N.
Y. Resides in Dayton, Cattaraugus County; unmarried.
iv. Harlan Page, born 14 May, 185 1, in New Albion, N. Y.
Resides in Summit City, Pennsylvania ; unmarried.
v. Allen Freeman, born in November, 1852, in New Albion,
N. Y. Resides at Grand Rapids, Michigan ; unmarried.
vi. George Washington, born 4 March, 1855, in Napoli, Cat-
taraugus County, New York, where he now lives.
Henry Van Buren 8 Slocum {Henry? Jonas? Giles? Peleg?
Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Bethany Township, Genesee
County, New York, 18 May, 1820. He became a stage-driver at
Batavia, N. Y., at an early age, and, working westward at that
avocation, reached Chicago, Illinois, in the year 1836, and there
engaged in making the first brick manufactured in that place.
Returning to the business of stage-driving he traveled to Texas,
and thence to Plymouth Township, Wayne County, Michi-
gan, where he married, 27 March, 1842, Eleanor Bradley
of Bloomville, N. Y. She died 1 August, 1859, a * Ly ns Ionia
Co., Mich., and was buried in Portland Cemetery. He married
second, December 21, 1859, Martha Gallop of North Plains, Ionia
Co., Mich., and formerly of Somersetshire, England, where she
was born 5 October 1835. They reside on a farm ; present post-
office, Amsden, Montcalm Co., Mich. Children by first wife:
i. William Henry, born 21 June, 1843, in Lyons, Ionia County,
Mich.; married, 4 June, 1865, Mary Caroline Gallop at
North Plains, Ionia County, Michigan. A lumberman.
ii. Adelia Elizabeth, b. 5 Dec, 1845, in Plymouth; m. 8 Oct.,
1862, Elijah Brown, a sawyer, of Roxana, Eaton Co., Mich.
iii. Anne Jane, b. 24 Jan., 1847, in Plymouth; m. 4 Sept., 1867,
George Wesley Palmer, a farmer, of Fair Plains, Michigan.
iv. George Mortimer, b. 10 April, 1849, in Portland, Mich. ; m.
31 Dec, 1875, Octavia Lamereau in Sheridan. A farmer.
v. Harley Bradley, born 8 February, 1851, in Lyons, Ionia
Co., Mich. ; married, 13 April, 1874, Laura Wood at Fair
Plains, Montcalm County, Michigan. A lumberman.
vi. Lewis Tyler, born 11 Sept., 1854, in Portland; mar. 15
May, 1880, Rosana Harper at Fair Plains. A farmer,
vii. Eleanor Almira, born 18 July, 1856, in North Plains; mar.
13 April, 1874, William Girard, a farmer, at Fair Plains, Mich.
Child by second wife :
viii. Eva May, born 14 October, 1867, at Fair Plains, Michigan.
Abigail Anne 8 Slocum {Henry,'' yonas, b Giles* Peleg* Peleg?
Giles, 2 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Moscow Township, Livingston
County, New York, 23 July, 1823. She removed with her father
to Michigan subsequent to the year 1833, a d was there married
in Novi, Oakland County, 26 May, 1839, t0 J onn Franklin Oven-
shire, a farmer, who was born in Burlington, Yates Co., N. Y.,
22 April, 1 8 14. He died in Lowell, Kent County, Michigan,
where she still lives. Children :
i. William Henry Ovenshire, born 4 Sept., 1841, in Kalamo,
Mich.; died 3 Dec, 1854, and was buried at Spring Lake.
ii. John Wesley Ovenshire, born 19 Dec, 1842, in Kalamo,
Mich. He enlisted against the Rebellion in 1862 as a
private soldier, and died at Fredericksburgh, Virginia, 16
Jan., 1863, of typhoid fever. Place of burial not reported,
iii. Elizabeth Ann Ovenshire, born 11 August, 1844, in Kala-
mo, Mich.; died 19 September, 1845, in Convis, Michigan.
iv. Richard Giles Ovenshire, b. 25 Oct., 1846, in Kalamo.
v. Marilla A. Ovenshire, b. 4 March, 1849 > d- 7 March, 1853.
vi. George Ovenshire, b. 19 June, 1854, at Spring Lake, Mich.
vii. Harriet Allida Ovenshire, born 29 June, 1856, in Belle-
vue, Eaton County, Michigan; died there 21 March, 1861.
viii. Frank R. Ovenshire, born 2 Sept., 1858; d. n Dec, i860.
ix. Emily Jane Ovenshire, born 4 March, 1861, in Bellevue,
Mich. She mar. 7 April, 1876, Truman Hopkins, a cooper,
who was born in Erie County, New York. A child, Anne
Belle, was born 5 December, 1878.
George Brown 8 Slocum {Giles, 1 yonas? Giles? Peleg? Peleg?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Schaghticoke Township Rensse-
laer County, New York, 10 May, 1815, and married there, 13
June, 1837, Olive Green Viall, daughter of Daniel and Olive
(Green) Viall of that township and formerly of Hoosick, where
she was born 31 December, 18 14. They removed to Valley
Falls, and thence, subsequent to 1844, to Saratoga Springs, N. Y.,
where they now reside. A machinist. Child :
i. Charles Delos, b. 1 Feb., 1844, at Valley Falls, N. Y. ;
was mar. in Sodus, N. Y., 28 May, 1873, by Rev. Edmund
Burke, Episcopalian, to Clarissa Louisa, daughter of George
W. and Mary Adeline (Brayton) Paddock of Sodus, where
she was born 7 April, 1844. They reside at Saratoga Springs,
N. Y., without children. A stationer and book-seller.
Emeline 8 Slocum {George? Elihu? Giles? Peleg? Peleg? Giles?
Anthony?) was born in Scipio Township, Cayuga County, New
York, 18 September, 1826, and was married there 9 July, 1845,
to Dr. Benjamin A. Fordyce, son of Benjamin and Alpha (Clark)
Fordyce of Scipio, and formerly of Allegany County, N. Y M
where he was born 13 January, 1823. Doctor Fordyce was
appointed Assistant Surgeon of the 160th Reg. N. Y. V. I., 15
June, 1863, for service against the Rebellion. He was with the
Red River Expedition ; was taken prisoner by the Confederates
at the Battle of Mansfield, La., 8 April, 1864, and was paroled
17 June, 1864. He was also present at the Battles of Winchester
and Cedar Creek, and others of less note. He resigned his com-
mission and returned home in February, 1865. Their home was
in Venice, New York, until 1865, ar| d since that year they have
resided at Union Springs, Cayuga County, N. Y. Children :
i. Sarah Estella Fordyce, b. 13 Jan., 185 1 ; was graduated
from the Friends' Academy, Union Springs, N. Y., in 1869,
and from Howland Institute, of the same place, in 1872.
She was married to Thomas J. Yawger 29 December, 1880.
ii. Abigail Elida Fordyce, born 4 Oct., 1853 ; was graduated
from Howland Institute in 1874, and from the New Eng-
land Conservatory of Music in 1877. P. O. Union Springs,
iii. George Fordyce, born 1 September, i860, in Venice,
Cayuga County, New York.
Giles Frederick 8 Slocum {George, 1 Elihu? Giles? Peleg?
Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Scipio Township, Cayuga
County, New York, 10 September, 1834. He married first,
October 6, 1854, Mary G. Taber, daughter of William R. and
Mary (Davis) Taber, of Ledyard, N. Y. She was born in New
Bedford, Mass., in December, 1839, ar >d died 9 February, 1875.
He married second, March 15, 1881, Fanny Taylor, daughter of
Edward and Sarah (Ison) Taylor of Ledyard, N. Y., and formerly
of England where she was born 20 September, 1843. He is a
farmer ; postofrice Sherwood, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Children :
i. George, b. 16 July, 1865, in Ledyard Tp., Cayuga Co., N. Y.
ii. Henry C., b. 5 Oct., 1869, near Sherwood, Cayuga Co., N. Y.
iii. Frederick G., b. near Sherwood, Cayuga Co., 22 Feb., 1873.
Henry Chase 8 Slocum (George? Elihn? Giles? Peleg? Peleg?
Giles? Anthofiy?) was born in Scipio Township Cayuga County,
New York, 13 June, 1836; married there, 10 March, 1859,
Harriet Janet Aikin, daughter of Isaac and Phebe (Tomp-
kins) Aikin, of that township, where she was born. Excepting
one year (1874) passed in Auburn, they have resided continu-
ously in their native township, on a farm ; postofrice Scipio,
New York. Children :
i. Sarah, was born 23 June, i860, and died 3 February, 1863.
ii. Ella Maria, b. 12 Sept., 1861 ; m. 2 Oct., 1879, Frank,
son of Isaac and Joanna (Beardsley) Howell, of Scipio, N. Y.
Hi. Minne Grace, born 12 January, 1865, in Scipio, Cayuga
County, New York. She resides with her parents.
Henry Howland 8 Slocum {George R? Williams! 3 Peleg?
Peleg? Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Town-
ship, Bristol County, Massachusetts, 22 February, 1835; was
married there, n September, i860, by Rev. P. P. Kinney, M. E.,
to Sarah Frances Manchester, born 11 Feb., 1837, m Providence,
R. I., daughter of Allen Tripp and Sarah Bosworth (Barstow)
Manchester of Dartmouth. They dwelt in Dartmouth until 29
June, 1863, then in Providence, Rhode Island, till 7 July, 1864 ; at
Pocasset, Johnston Township, till 15 April, 1868; in Warwick
Township till 29 June, 1874, then returned to Providence,
and soon thereafter purchased and settled on a farm two miles
from Scituate Village, where they now reside ; postoffice North
Scituate, Providence County, Rhode Island. Children :
i. Jennie Frances, born n March, 1868, at Pocasset, R. I.
ii. Sarah Isabel, born 22 Nov., 1872, in Warwick Tp., R. I.
Charles Henry 8 Slocum {Giles C., 7 Jonathan? Jonathan?
Peleg? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Lysander Town-
ship, Onondaga County, New York (?), 7 August, 1839, anc ^ was
reared principally in Providence Township, Saratoga County.
He enlisted against the Rebellion in April, 1861, as a private
soldier in the 32d Reg. N. Y. V. I. and participated in the Battles
of Antietam and South Mountain. He re-enlisted in September,
1863, and was appointed Sergeant in the 2d Reg. Veteran Cav-
alry, N. Y. V. He married Sarah Van Tassel and settled in Day
Tp., Saratoga County, N. Y., and there died 7 July, 1875. A
mechanic. His widow married John Allen, and now resides in
Northampton Tp., Fulton Co., N. Y. Children :
i. Charlotte May, b. 21 May, 187 1. P. O. Conklingville, N. Y.
ii. Frederick, born in Feb., 1874. Resides with his mother.
Alonzo P., 8 Slocum (GV/iw C? y onathan 6 y onathan? Peleg?
Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Providence Township, Sar-
atoga County, New York, 12 May, 1846. He enlisted against
the Rebellion in October, 1863, as a private soldier in the 2d
Reg. Veteran Cavalry, N. Y. V. and served until the close of the
war. He was married at Perth Centre, N. Y., 5 May, 1870, to
Malvana Evans who was born in Amsterdam 26 August, 1845,
daughter ofWaldron and Elizabeth Evans. He is a mechanic ;
resides in Batchellerville, Saratoga County, N. Y. Children :
i. Caroline L., was born 20 June, 1871; died 20 April, 1873.
ii. Harry, born 1 Jan., 1874, in Saratoga County, New York,
iii. Ray, born 21 March, 1876; died 1 May, 1876.
iv. Morse, born 9 Oct., 1877, in Saratoga County, New York,
v. Carlos, born in Saratoga County, New York, 30 Oct., 1879.
William Ricketson 8 Slocum {Ricketson? Peleg? Peleg?
Holder* Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Dartmouth Town-
ship, Massachusetts, 14 June, 181 1, and married there, 25 May,
1834, Elizabeth Cornell who was born 29 May, 181 1, daughter
of Pardon and Lydia (Wing) Cornell of Dartmouth. After
marriage they resided some time on one of the Elizabeth Islands
in Buzzard's Bay, then settled on a farm in Dartmouth where
they still reside. He was elected a Selectman of Dartmouth in
the spring of 1881, on the Republican ticket. Child :
i. Cornelia Ricketson, born 13 June, 1842, on Naushon
Island. She married, in June, 1868, John Wood Howland,
son of Rodolphus and Margaret (Barker) Howland. They
reside in Dartmouth. Children: 1. William Ricketson,
born 13 July, 1869; 2. Rodolphus, born in December, 1870 ;
3. Elizabeth Tucker, born in January, 1872 ; 4. Margaret
Estelle, b. 20 Dec, 1874; 5. Almy Slocum, b. 4 April, 1879.
Charles 8 Slocum {Ricketson 7 Peleg, 6 Peleg? Holder* Peleg?
Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachu-
setts, 23 January, 18 16, and married, 28 December, 1837, Rhobea
Allen who was born 18 April, 1818, daughter of Peleg S. and
Valeria Allen of Dartmouth. They reside on a farm in Dart-
mouth ; postoffice Apponegansett, Mass. Children :
i. Charles F., born 12 February, 1839; married Elizabeth
Swain in 1864, and died 2 March, 1869. Children: 1.
Mary, b. 29 June, 1865, died in September, following; 2.
Caroline E., b. 13 May, 1868.
ii. Minerva H., born 2 July, 1841 ; married William H. Gifford,
a farmer, 25 Feb., 1864. Postoffice, South Dartmouth,
Mass. Children : 1. Charles E., b. 20 May, 1870 ; 2. Henry
W., b. 27 Dec, 1871; 3. Giles P. S., b. 6 Nov., 1873, d.
16 June, 1875; 4. William A., b. 23 June, 1879.
iii. Edward N., was born 6 June, 1843; died n March, 1844.
iv. Valeria, b. 14 May, 1844, in Dartmouth; d. 12 April, 1849.
v. EDWARDN.,b. 25 March, 1845, in Dartmouth; d.6May, 1865.
vi. Giles P., b. 10 Oct., 1849; d. n Dec, 1850, in Dartmouth.
vii. Giles P., b. 8 Sept., 1851, in Dartmouth Township, Mass.
viii. Valeria A., born 19 July, 1854; married, 6 June, 1874,
Alton H. Sweet, a machinist. They reside in New Bedford,
Mass. Children: x. Clara M., born 3 October, 1875; 2.
Edgar P., born 18 March, 1880.
ix. Rebecca A., born 1 April, 1856; mar. John E. Bennett, a
farmer, 6 March, 1873. Postoffice South Dartmouth, Mass.
A child, Alice M., was born 23 June, 1874.
x. Harriet R., born 20 Dec, 1861, in Dartmouth Tp., Mass.
Amy 8 Slocum (Ricketson? Peleg? Peleg? Holder* Peleg? Giles?
Anthony?} was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachusetts,
A. D. 1 817, and married Holder Howland. She resides in New
Bedford, Massachusetts. Children :
i. Hannah Howland, married Lyman Wing of New Bedford,
Mass., and had children : 1. Charles F., is a merchant in
New Bedford; married and has one child; 2.
Elizabeth, born in 1864; 3. Franklin, born in 1869.
ii. Rebecca Howland, married William Ricketson Wing, mer-
chant of New Bedford. Children : 1. Anna; and 2. Clara,
born in the year i860. The other dates were not reported.
iii. Phebe Howland, married Hiram Wentworth of New Bed-
ford, Mass. A child, F. W. Wentworth, was born in 1862.
iv. Elizabeth Howland, married John Wing of New Bedford,
and had children : 1. Horace, born A. D. 1866; 2. John,
born in 1872; 3. William, born in 1873. No months given.
4 2 5
Lydia Wing 8 Slocum (Ricketson? Peleg? Peleg? Holder?
Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Dartmouth, Massachusetts,
23 May, 1822; married, 3 Feb., 1840, Israel, son of Jeremiah
and Lydia Brightman of that township. They still live in
Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Children :
i. Leander Brightman, born 14 June, 1841 ; married Mary
G. Gifford in January, 1865. He resides in New Bedford,
Mass. ; a merchant. Children : Frederick S., Lewis M.,
and Leander M. ; dates of birth not reported,
ii. Sarah Allen Brightman, born 4 June, 1843; married
John W. Gifford. They reside on a farm in Westport Town-
ship, Mass. Children : Elmer Ellsworth, and Mabel C.
iii. Elizabeth Almy Brightman, born 4 October, 1 845 ; mar.
13 Nov., 1866, Andrew A. Almy of New Bedford, Mass.
iv. Frederick Ricketson Brightman, born 5 January, 1852 ;
married Mary S. Bliss 19 March, 1878. Resides in New
Bedford, Massachusetts. A merchant,
v. Marianne Brightman, born 15 May, 1857, in Dartmouth,
vi. Lula Almy Brightman, b. in Dartmouth, Mass., 8 May, 1866.
Capt. George Wing 8 Slocum {Otis? Peleg, 6 Peleg? Holder*
Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bris-
tol County, Massachusetts, 18 Nov., 1822 (?), and was married
there 8 Feb., 1848, to Sarah Jane, daughter of Henry Tucker
Allen and his wife Sarah White (Slocum) Allen ; see page 115.
He has been a master-mariner ; now resides on a farm in Dart-
mouth. He was elected Agent and Selectman of that township
in the spring of 188 1 on the Republican ticket. Children :
i. Walter Clinton, born 24 Sept., 1855 ; died 13 Oct., 1861.
ii. Walter Clinton, b. 18 Nov., 1862, in Dartmouth Tp., Mass.
4 2 7
Capt. Henry Almy 8 Slocum {Otis,' 1 Peleg, 6 Peleg, 5 Holder, 4
Peleg} Giles, 2 Anthony? ) was born in Dartmouth Township,
Bristol County, Mass., 1 December, 1825. He married, in New
York City 21 March, 185 1, Elizabeth Hooker Brownell, daughter
of Frederick and Charlotte Almy (Sisson) Brownell of Westport,
Mass., where she was born 10 September, 1832. He was a sea-
man for many years and master of a vessel ; now resides on a
farm in Dartmouth. He was elected Representative to the Massa-
chusetts Legislature in 1879 (?). Children:
i. Charles Warren, b. 2d mo. 18, 1852, in Westport, Mass.;
d. 8 mo. 29, 1852 ; was buried there in Brownell Cemetery.
ii. Edward Brownell, born 6th mo. 1st, 1863, in Dartmouth.
iii. Allison Wing, b. in Dartmouth, Mass., 4th mo. 2 2d, 1866.
iv. Charlotte Allen, b. 4th mo. 12th, 1868, in Dartmouth.
y. Emma Gordalier, born in Dartmouth, 8th mo. 7th, 1873.
John Otis 8 Slocum (Otis? Peleg? Peleg? Holder* Peleg?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Mass., 13
March, 1842, and married first, in June, 1863, Charlotte Allen,
daughter of Frederick and Hannah (Brownell) Allen of West-
port. He married second, 28 August, 1866, Helen A. Howland,
daughter of Frederick S. and Almy Slocum (Russell) Howland
of Dartmouth. He is a farmer ; postoffice Dartmouth, Mass.
Was elected a member of the Auditing Committee of his town-
ship in the spring of 188 1 on the Republican ticket. Child by
first wife :
i. Frederick Allen, b. 23 April, 1864, in Dartmouth, Mass.
Children by second wife :
ii. Arthur Howland, b. in Dartmouth, Mass., 20 April, 1868.
iii. Anne Wing, born 7 July, 1870, in Dartmouth Tp., Mass.
iv. John Otis, was born in Dartmouth Tp., Mass., 2 July, 1872.
v. Clarence Howard, b. 27 May, 1874, in Dartmouth, Mass.
vi. Frank Russell, b. in Dartmouth Tp., Mass., 26 Sept., 1878.
Willard Willcox 8 Slocum (Abner? Christopher, 6 Peleg?
Holder* Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Westport Town-
ship, formerly part of Dartmouth, Mass., 18 April, 18 16, and
married, 16 June, 1840, Abigail B. Mosher, daughter of Joel and
Hannah (Brayton) Mosher of Tiverton Township, R. I., where
she was born. He has been (and is ?) a teacher in the public
schools ; postoffice Dartmouth, Mass. Children .
i. Sarah Brightman, born 27 June, 1842; married John Brad-
dock Wood. They reside in So. Westport, Bristol Co., Mass.
ii. Holder Burden, born 31 Aug., 1843; mar. Phebe Ann,
dau. of Benjamin 7 Slocum j p. 118. He is a mariner. P.
O. Dartmouth, Mass. A child, Adeline Frances, was born
6 November, 1869.
Hi Charles Christopher, born 15 January, 1845 ; married
Sarah Stephens Washburn. He died in New Bedford,
Mass., 26 May, 1870, leaving one child, Lilian Abigail, b. .
Capt. Christopher 8 Slocum (Abner, 1 Christopher? Pelcg?
Holder* Pelcg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Chilmark Town-
ship, Martha's Vineyard Island, Massachusetts, 4 November,
1823 ; was married in Tiverton Township, Rhode Island, 3 April,
1849, by Rev. James A. McKenzie, Baptist, to Ann Elizabeth
Slocum, daughter of George F. and Jane (Ward) Slocum ; see
page 198. He followed whale-fishing from 4 October, 1839,
until 10 May, 1848, and since then has resided on a farm ; post-
office Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Children :
i. Abner George, born 13 December, 1849; married Maria
Louise, daughter of Charles and Ann (Gifford) Jenks 18
November, 1873. Postoffice New Bedford, Massachusetts.
ii. Silvia Ann, born 20 Aug., 1852; died 13 July, 1855, and
was buried in Friends' ground at Allen's Neck, Dartmouth.
iii. Jabez Howland, born 21 Sept., i860, in Dartmouth, Mass.
43 1
Abner 8 Slocum ( Willard 1 Christopher, 6 Peleg? Holder* Peleg?
Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dartmouth Township, Bristol
County, Massachusetts, 9 August, 181 8. When he was quite
young his parents removed to Cayuga County, New York, and
thence, in 1833, to Gowanda, Cattaraugus County. He was mar-
ried first, June 6, 1843, to J ane Akers who died 23 May, 1862 ;
married second, Eliza Olin, 9 August, 1862. He died 12 Feb-
ruary, 1874. Children by first marriage :
i. Willard, born 23 May, 1844; m. Charlotte S. Southwick.
He now resides in Buffalo, N. Y.
ii. Sarah Adela, born 21 April, 1846; married Willoughby
Camp 27 June, 1866. Postoffice Gowanda, N. Y. Chil-
dren : 1. Asahel, b. 7 May, 1867; 2. Abner, b. 16 Dec,
1868; 3. Spencer, b. 26 Sept., 1872; 4. William, b. ioFeb.,
1875; 5. Daniel, born 17 May, 1878, died 6 Nov., 1879.
iii. Georgiana, born 22 April, 1848; died 17 February, 1850.
iv. William Henry, b. 6 July, 1857 ; Mina Eggert of Little Val-
ley, N. Y., 25 May, 1879. P. O. Gowanda, Cattaraugus Co.
v. Abigail Lilian, born 26 May, 1858 ; was mar. 13 Feb., 1879,
to Horace L. Goodyear of King's Ferry, Cayuga Co., N. Y.
Child of Abner Slocum by second marriage, with Eliza Olin :
vi. Edwin T.,b. 26 Aug., 1868. P. O. Hamburgh, Erie Co.. N. Y.
43 2
Henry Perry 8 Slocum ( Willard? Christopher? Peleg? Holder?
Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Gowanda Township, Cat-
taraugus County, New York, 21 March, 1837, and married, in
Brant 20 Oct., 1858, Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Ansel and
Elizabeth (Bowen) Smith of that place, where she was born.
They settled on a farm in Gowanda, Cattaraugus County, and
there he died 8 October, 1874. Children :
i. Georgia, b. 30 Jan., 186 1, in Gowanda Township, New York,
ii. Ida May, b. 17 Jan., 1863 ; died 20 Dec, 1865, in Gowanda.
iii. Ansel Perry, born 26 Oct., 1866, in Gowanda Tp., N. Y.
Phebe Jane 8 Slocum {Godfrey W.? Christopher, 6 Peleg? Hol-
der? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Genoa, Cayuga Co.,
New York, 29 January, 1824; was married there 29 January,
1845, to William A. Townsend who was born in Hebron, Conn.,
6 June, 1824, son of Justin and Nancy Townsend. They resided
in Genoa, and there she died 20 April, 1863. Children :
i. Henry S. Townsend, b. 14 Nov., 1845; m - A.-
Warwick 12 Feb., 1873. Resides in Cayuga, N. Y., with
three children ; names and dates of birth not reported,
ii. Caroline M. Townsend, b. 10 July, 1848; mar. D B.
Foster in Aurelius, N. Y., 13 Nov., 1877. Children: 1.
Helen M.,b. 22 Sept., 1878; 2. William T.,b. 22 June, 1880.
iii. Phebe W. Townsend, born 29 December, 1849; married
George W. Snow in Aurelius, New York, 17 March, 1874.
Benjamin Franklin 8 Slocum {Godfrey W.? Christopher? Peleg?
Holder? Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Genoa Township,
Cayuga County, New York, 12 April, 1841 ; was married in
Cayuga 28 March, 1864, to Catharine Young, daughter of Hiram
and Anne (Pettit) Young of Locke, New York. He resides on
a farm in Genoa as a farmer and trader ; postoffice Kings Ferry,
New York. Children :
i. Guy Wolfe, born 9 March, 1869, in Genoa Tp., New York,
ii. Caroline Dilly was born in Genoa Township, 5 Dec, 1874.
iii. Catharine Maud, born 30 Jan., 1878, in Genoa Tp., N. Y.
Joseph Wanton 8 Slocum {Caleb B.? John? John? Joseph*
Peleg? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in or near Newport, Rhode
Island, 20 December, 1800. He dwelt with his parents in Rhode
Island until the year 1809, then in Columbia and Mansfield,
Connecticut, eleven years, and in 1820 settled in Nelson Town-
ship, Madison County, New York, where he married, 22 Dec,
1825, Mary, daughter of Peter Ayer of Nelson where she was
born 8 May, 1803, and where she died 22 November, 1836. He
married second, in Morrisville 9 March, 1837, Sophronia, daugh-
ter of John Dean of that place where she was born 9 October,
181 1. She died 22 February, 1847. He married third, in
Cazenovia 23 June, 1847, Elvira Griggs who was born in Lenox
25 December, 1803, daughter of Samuel Griggs. He resided on
a farm in Nelson until the year i860, then settled near the
neighboring Village of New Woodstock, New York, where he still
lives. Children by first marriage :
598. i. Oliver Martin, born 26 May, 1828; mar. Lucretia Savage,
ii. Sarah Maria was born 5 Jan., 1830, and died 1 1 June, 1845.
Children by second marriage :
iii. Mary Aurelia, born 13 Feb., 1838; mar. J. Warren Lee.
iv. Lyman Harrison, born 18 Aug., 1840; mar. 21 June, 1886,
Lucy Alice Freeborn, daughter of Stephen V. R. and
Silence (Hatch) Freeborn, of New Woodstock, New York,
where she was born 29 Jan., 1847. He is a farmer; post-
office New Woodstock, N. Y. A child, Sarah Louisa, was
born 10 August, 1874.
v. William Irving, bom 3 Sept., 1842 ; died 1 Sept., 1856,
and was buried in Erieville, Madison County, New York.
Peleg 8 Slocum {Caleb B., 7 John, 6 John? Joseph* Peleg?
Giles 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in or near Newport, Rhode Island, 2
October, 1802. He removed with his parents to Tolland County,
Connecticut, in the year 1809, and thence, in 1820, to Nelson
Township, Madison County, New York, where he married, in
1826, Lydia Card, daughter of William and Lydia (Burton) Card
of Cazenovia, N. Y., where she was born 23 December, 1808.
They resided on a farm in Nelson, where she died 14 July, 1863.
He married second, in September, 1864, Olive Patterson (?) who
died 28 June 1879. Since the year 1866 he has resided near
Morrisville, Madison Co., N. Y., where he, and his children, now
receive their mail. Children :
i. Phebe, born 29 Dec, 1827 ; married Sheldon Fitch. She
died in Nelson, June, 1863, and was buried in Eaton, N. Y.
ii. Janet, born 29 Feb., 1829; d. in Oct., 1870. Unmarried.
iii. John L., born 31 Dec., 183 1; d. in Oct., 1855 ; a bachelor.
iv. Polyxena, born 10 Jan., 1833; mar. Henry Scott of Nelson.
v. Caleb Burton, born 6 May, 1836 ; mar. 13 Jan., 1859,
Emma, daughter of William and Louise (Whipple) Whedon
of Camillus, N. Y. They resided in Syracuse where he
died 3 Oct., i860 ; was buried in Camillus. A child, Cora,
was born 29 March, 1861, and still (1880) lives with her
mother in Syracuse, New York.
vi. Stephen C, b. 24 Nov., 1838; m. Hannah Irish of Nelson.
vii. Hanry S., b. 24 Nov., 1841 ; m. Olive Patterson of Morrisville.
viii. Maria, born 10 July, 1843. Resides near Morrisville, N. Y.
ix. Sarah Jane, b. ii Nov., 1845, m. Lester Miles of Morrisville.
x. William P., b. 14 April, 1847. Resides near Morrisville.
Isaac Lawton 8 Slocum {Caleb B., 1 yo/m, 6 yohn? yoseph*
Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in or near Newport, Rhode
Island, 23 September, 1804, and was reared from the age of five
to sixteen years in Columbia and Mansfield, Connecticut, and
thereafter on a farm in Nelson Township, Madison County, New
York. He became a mechanic ; was married in Cazenovia 27
April, 1834, by Rev. John Peck, Baptist, to Sabrina, daughter of
George and Lydia (Holmes) Scott formerly of Nelson where
she was born 28 June, 18 14. They resided in Nelson until
about the year 1849 and then settled in New Woodstock, N. Y.,
where they died she, in Jan., 1864; he, 11 February, 1865,
and were buried. Children :
i. Lydia Ann, born 31 October, 1835; was mar. in Cazenovia,
N. Y., 24 Dec, 1857, by Rev. John Fulton, Baptist, to
Sampson Adolphus Morse, a farmer, who was born in
Nelson 31 Oct., 1833. They settled on a farm near New
Woodstock, N. Y., where she died 26 Feb., 1874. Chil-
dren: 1. George Gershom, b. 31 July, 1859; mar. Clara
Brown 26 June, 1878, and resides near New Woodstock
with one child, Albert George, b. 4 July, 1879; 2. Judson,
born 20 May, 1865, died 28 September, 1872.
ii. Susan Jane, born 6 August, 1836; died 7 March, 1854.
599. iii. George Lawton, b. ii Feb., 1839; mar - Mary H. Rouse.
William Brown 8 Slocum (Caleb B.? John, 6 John? Joseph*
Peleg? Giles, z Anthony?) was born in Groton (?), New London
County, Connecticut, 6 August, 1809, and was reared from the age
of eleven years in Nelson Township, Madison County, New York.
He married, in Cazenovia in the year 1836, Phebe Ann Ray nor,
daughter of Lewis and Anna (Tillotson) Raynor of Pompey, N.
Y. They settled on a farm near Morrisville, N. Y., where he
died 27 December 1879 '> was buried in Morrisville. Children :
i. Lewis Raynor, born 11 November, 1838, near Morrisville,
N. Y. ; married there, 20 December, 1859, Ann Janet
Brown, daughter of Darwin and Sarah Ann (Sanford) Brown
of that place where she was born 23 January, 1840. He is
a farmer ; postoffice, Morrisville, N. Y. Children 1. Frank
Brown, born 6 October, i860, died 4 July, 1866, and was
buried in Morrisville; 2. Cora L., born 21 October, 1863.
ii. Helen Josephine, born 5 January 1841; married William
M. Graves of Chicago, Illinois.
iii. Martha Jane, born 17 February 1843, near Morrisville,
N. Y. ; mar. Harvey Hungerford of Minneapolis, Minn.
iv. Harriet Anna, born 5 August, 1852 ; married George Par-
ker of Oneida, N. Y. She died 9 August, 1877, near Mor-
risville and was buried in that village.
John Brown 8 Slocum (Caleb B.? Jo/m, 6 John? Joseph?
Peleg? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Columbia, Tolland County,
Connecticut, 27 July, 181 1, and was reared in Nelson Township,
Madison County, New York, from the age of nine years. He
married, in Nelson 18 February, 1834, Amy C. Johnson, daughter
of William and Lucy (Clark) Johnson of that township where
she was born 18 February, 18 16. After marriage they dwelt
about three years in Nelson, three years in Pike, Wyoming Co.,
and fourteen years in Gainesville; a farmer. Since 1854 they
have resided near Castile, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Children :
i. Lucy J., born 6 February, 1835 > married H E. Norton
27 March, 1855. Postoffice Castile, N. Y. Children:
Frederick, Harriet, Cora, Elizabeth, Frank, and Estella.
ii. William Wallace, born 2 September, 1836; married Clara
Rathbone 20 Dec, i860. Postoffice Oelwein, Fayette Co.,
Iowa. A child, Lloyd, was born in November, 1864.
iii. Edwin H., b. 25 Feb., 1840; m. Ellen Rathbone 2 June,
1862. He enlisted against the Rebellion at Castile, N. Y.,
7 Aug., 1862, as a private in Co. A, 130th Regt. N. Y. S. V.;
died 29 October, 1862, and was buried at Castile, N. Y.
iv. John Clayton, b. 8 November, 185 1 ; died 2 March, 1853.
. 440
Abiel T. 8 Slocum {Oliver, 1 John, 6 John? Joseph,* Peleg?
Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Portsmouth Township, Rhode
Island, 8 August, 1804, and was reared by Martha 7 Slocum (page
98). He was married 19 July, 1835, by Rev. Zalmon Tobey to
Mahalah H., daughter of Jabez (?) Sisson of Portsmouth. He
died in Newport (?), R. L, 23 August, 1864. Children :
i. Frank, b. 23 April, 1837; resides in So. Portsmouth, R. I.
ii. Emily J., born 19 July, 1840, in Newport, Rhode Island (?).
iii. Susan R. born in Newport, Rhode Island (?), 10 Oct., 1842.
Loan 8 Slocum {John W.? Joseph W., b John? Joseph? Peleg?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Chenango County, New York, 6
January, 1814; was married in Hannibal, Oswego County, 6
October, 1839, t0 Leroy L. Curtis who was born 5 August,
1813, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Curtis of Springfield, Otsego
Co., N. Y. They removed to Cass County, Michigan, 4 Nov.,
1839, an d dwelt in Pokagon 2 J years, Silver Creek, Allegan
County, 25 years, and since the year 1867 have resided on a
farm in Penn Township, Cass Counfy ; postoffice Cassopolis,
Michigan. Children :
i. Eliza Curtis, born 29 July, 1840; was mar. 20 Nov., 1856,
at Silver Creek, Mich., by Josiah Swisher, Esq., to John H.,
son of Brewster and Elizabeth (Hardy) Conkling. Present
postoffice Dowagiac, Mich.. Children : Warren Emory, b.
27 November, 1858; 2. Horace G., born 5 April, 1862;
3. Mary E., born 27 October, 1867.
ii. Emory Briggs Curtis, b. 2 July, 1842; was mar. at Silver
Creek, 31 Dec, 1866, by Rev. Levi Tarr, M. E., to Alice
G., dau. of Henry and Sarah (Cushing) Keeler. P. O.
Dowagiac, Mich. Children : 1. Cora Estelle, b. 4 March,
1868; 2. Caroline Minerva, born 13 July, 1869; 3. Rosa
May, b. 24 April, 187 1; 4. Harriet Lilian, b. 23 Sept.,
1874; 5. Henry Leroy, b. 31 July, 1876; 6. Walter Briggs,
born 24 Aug., 1878; 7. Pearl Grace, born 4 March, 1880.
iii. Susan Curtis, b. 20 Aug., 1844; was mar. 10 May, 1861.
at Pipestone, Mich., by Frank Johnson, Esq., to Ira M.,
son of John Potter. P. O. Plum Creek, Dawson Co., Neb.
Children : John E., Emma, Charles, William, Milvin, and Ira.
iv. James Warren Curtis, born 22 September, 1846 ; was
mar. 20 Feb., 1870, in Wayne Township, Cass Co., Mich.,
by Rev. Irving Skinner, M.. E., to Samantha E., daughter
of Zerah and Emily (Garrett) Tyler. Postoffice Dowagiac,
Mich. A child, Minne, was born 24 January, 187 1.
v. Ann Maria Curtis, b. 23 Sept., 1849; was mar. 26 Sept.,
1867, in Cassopolis, Mich., by Rev. Graham, M. E.,
to Israel, son of John and Mary (Rice) Hartsell. P. O.
Dowagiac, Mich. Children : 1. Ethel O., born 10 October,
1869; 2. Sarah Elizabeth, born 7 February, 1871; 3. Adela,
born 2 September, 1875, near Dowagiac, Michigan.
vi. John Stephen Curtis, born 15 Aug., 1851 ; was mar. 12
Nov., 1876, in La Grange, Mich., by Rev. John Hoyt, M. E.,
to Jane, daughter of John and Mary (Wilcox) Roberts. P. O.
Cassopolis, Mich. A child, Bertha, was b. 16 Oct., 1877.
vii. Arthur Leroy Curtis, born 15 May, 1853; was mar. 26
Sept., 1875, at Pipestone, Mich., by Davidson Gardner,
Esq., to Ella, daughter of Kelsey and Roxana (Beebe)
Goodenough. Postoffice Cassopolis, Michigan. Children :
1. Warren, b. 28 Sept., 1876; 2. Frederick, b. 8 Sept., 1878.
Wanton 8 Slocum (John W.p Joseph W., 6 John? Joseph*
Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Hannibal Township, Oswego
County, New York, 24 April, 18 16, and was married in Ira,
Cayuga County, to Phylace T. Bostwick, daughter of Erastus and
Anna (Bates) Bostwick fofmerly of Great Bend, Pa. They re-
moved to Illinois in the year 1844 and settled on a farm near
Rosecrans, Lake County, their present address. Children :
i. Ann Janet, born 24 Dec, 1846; married, in 1868, Joshua
King, a farmer. They have one child, Nettie E., b. .
ii. John W., born 21 Nov., 185 1 ; mar. in 1872, Jane, dau. of
James and Jane Smith. A farmer. P. O. Rosecrans, 111.
Children: 1. Nellie May, b. in 1874; 2. Leroy, b. in 1878.
iii. Naomi A., born 6 November, 1853, near Rosecrans, Illinois.
iv. Frank William, born 26 Aug., 1855. P. O. Rosecrans, 111.
William Wanton 8 Slocum {James? yoseph W., 6 John?
yoseph? Peleg? Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born at Saratoga Springs,
New York, 19 April, 1824. He was married in Niagara County,
New York, 24 June, 1850, to Sarah A. Coffin, daughter of Alvah
and Sarah (Heck) Coffin of that county, where she was born 26
June, 1824. They dwelt in Niagara County, N. Y., for three
years after marriage, then removed to Holly, Oakland County,
Michigan, where they still reside. He is a farmer, and a carpen-
ter and joiner. Children :
i. Josephine was born 5 April, 1852; died 21 January, 1872.
ii. William W., born 20 Oct., 1853; was marriedto Harriet L.
Webber of Holly, 24 Nov., 1880, by Rev. N. G. Lyon, M.
E. They reside in East Saginaw, Michigan.
iii. Ida Olivia, born 3 February, 1857 ; died in October 1858.
iv. Fred, born 25 May, 1859, in Holly, Michigan, where he has
been, since 1877, editor of the Oakland County Advertiser,
an enterprising weekly newspaper Republican in politics and
respectable in character.
v. James, born 28 November, i860, in or near Holly, Michigan.
vi. Elizabeth, b. 17 October, 1862 ; mar. Eugene E. Clark, an
engineer. They reside in Holly, Oakland County, Mich.
vii. Grant, b. in Holly, Oakland County, Mich., 12 Oct., 1864.
viii. Bertha, born n Sept., 1868, in Holly, Oakland Co., *Mich.
Rhoda Ann 8 Slocum James? yoseph W., 6 yohn? yoseph/
Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born at Saratoga Springs, New
York, 20 May, 1826; was married in Wilton Township, Saratoga
County, 24 January, 1854, by Rev. Samuel Hewes, Methodist
Episcopalian, to Jesse Billings Hill, son of Peter and Sarah
(Green) Hill. They dwelt in Cambridge Township, N. Y., from
1854 till 1859, in Wilton from 1859 till 1865, and then removed
to a farm near Minburn, Dallas County, Iowa, where they still
reside. Children :
i. Elizabeth Slocum Hill, born 6 February, 1855 ; married,
i January, 1873, Luther L. Gill, son of Marcus Gill, at
Minburn, Iowa, where they now reside. Children : 1.
Grace Greenwood, born 24 March, 1874; 2. Edna, born
30 April, 1880.
ii. Slocum Christopher Hill, b. 20 July, 1856, in Cambridge
Tp., N. Y. Postoffice Harmony, Pawnee County, Kansas,
iii. Florence Romelia Hill, b. 9 June, 1858; d. 10 July, 1862.
iv. Charles Moore Hill, born 9 May, i860; d. 2 Jan., 1861.
v. Hiram Hill, born 8 Oct., 1861; died 30 December, 1861.
vi. Martha Jane Hill, b. 19 March, 1863, in Wilton Tp., N. Y.
vii. Edwin Lincoln Hill, b. in Wilton Tp., N. Y., 21 Nov., 1864.
James 8 Slocum (James? Joseph W.? John? Joseph? Peleg?
Giles? Anthony?) was born at Saratoga Springs, New York, 9
June, 183 1. He was married at Glen's Falls, N. Y., 27 August,
1856, to Amelia M. Sisson who was born 27 August, 1834,
daughter of Timothy and Helen Sisson of that place. He is now
a merchant at Norwood, Carver County, Minnesota. Children:
i. Helen E., b. 10 June, 1857. A clerk. P. O. Norwood, Minn,
ii. J. Chauncey, born 6 July, 1859 ; died 19 September, 1864.
iii. Elsie R., b. 4 March, 1861. A clerk. P. O. Norwood, Minn,
iv. Clarence H., born 20 Dec, 1865. Resides with his parents,
v. Albert M., born 15 Feb., 1869. Resides with his parents,
vi. James, born 24 March, 1871 ; died 13 May, 1879, at Norwood,
vii. Grace E., born 24 Feb., 1876, at Norwood, Minn. (?)
Joseph 8 Slocum {James? Joseph W.? John? Joseph? Peleg?
Giles? Anthony?) was born near Saratoga Springs, New York, 19
November, 1832, and married there Harriet N. Douglas 9 March,
1856. Their present postoffice is Dallas Centre, Dallas County,
Iowa. Children :
i. Fanny, was born about 1857 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa.
ii. Charles Paul, b. about 1858; m. . Resides in Kansas.
iii. John B., was born about 1861 in Adel, Dallas County, Iowa,
iv. Albert Douglas, b. in Adel, Dallas Co., Iowa, about 1869.
Eason Peleg 8 Slocum (Eason P.? Peleg?' John? Joseph?
Peleg? Giles? Anthony?) was born at Groveland, Livingston
County, New York, 16 May, 1821. He married, in Leicester 4
April, 1847, Laura R., daughter of Richard and Laura Alverson
of Perry, Wyoming County, New York, where she was born
7 June, 1827. He is a farmer ; postoffice Cuylerville, Livingston
County, New York. Children :
i. Eason R., born 4 July, 1850; died 17 August, 1866.
ii. Francis Marion, born 7 November, 1853, at Cuylerville ;
married . He resides in Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y.
Children: 1. Laura Mary; 2. Eason Wallace; 3. Lucy(?).
iii. Mary Delany, born 15 April, 1858, in Leicester, N. Y.; m.
Simpson. P. O. Greigsville, New York. Children :
George, Frederick, and Mabel. No records or dates given.
Col. Joseph Jermain 8 Slocum (Joseph? William B., 6 John?
Joseph* Peleg? Giles? Anthony, 1 ") was born in Syracuse, New
York, 24 June, 1833. He went to Cincinnati, Ohio, in Decem-
ber, 1849, to reside, and was there married 8 June, 1854, by the
Rt. Rev. Bishop Mcllvaine of Ohio, to Sallie L'Hommedieu,
daughter of Stephen S. and Alma (Hammond) L'Hommedieu, of
Cincinnati where she was born 5 June, 1833.
He enlisted against the Rebellion and was commissioned Cap-
tain and Commissary of Subsistence by President Lincoln in
March, 1862, and assigned to Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel's staff. He
served with General Mitchel in southern Tennessee and north-
ern Alabama until the removal of that officer, and he then acted
as Post Commissary at Huntsville, Ala., until ordered to Mur-
freesborough, Tenn. On his way thither, by rail, the train was
thrown from the track by rebel bush-whackers and he was
severely injured. After recovering he served on Gen. Horatio G.
Wright's staff and was brevetted Major. He was afterwards com-
missioned Colonel, and remained in the army until the year 1867
when he resigned his commission.
In the year 1874 he removed to Chicago, 111., and thence, in
1877, to New York City where he now resides. Children :
i. Herbert Jermain, born 25 April, 1855, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
He entered the United States Military Academy at West
Point, N. Y., in 1872, from the Second Congressional Dis-
trict of Ohio. He was a member of the Corps of Cadets
present at the second inauguration of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
as President of the United States, and he attended the
Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia as a member of the
Cadet graduating class in 1876. He was that year assigned
to the 7th Reg, U- S. Cavalry (Custer's) as Lieutenant, and
has since served with his regiment in the Northwest. He
participated in the Nez Perces Indian Campaign, and is
now (1880) stationed at Fort Totten, Dakota Territory.
ii. Stephen L'Hommedieu, born n August, 1859, in Cincin-
nati, Ohio. He was graduated at Charlier Institute, New
York City, in 1879, and entered Columbia College. The
President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes, hav-
ing selected him for appointment to the Army on account
of meritorious conduct while acting as vol. Aid on the staff of
Gen. Samuel D. Sturgis in the Indian Campaign of 1878
he gave up his collegial course and was assigned to the 1 8th
Reg. U. S. Infantry, as Lieutenant, and ordered to Fort
Assinniboine, Montana, where he is now (1880) stationed.
hi. Margaret Olivia, born 3 Aug., 1870, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
iv. Caroline Ellis, b. 25 Nov., 1872 ; died at West Point, N.
Y., 4 July, 1875, and was buried in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Jeremiah 8 Slocuu (Giles, 7 Jonathan, 6 Joseph? Giles * Samuel?
Giles, 2 Anthony, 1 ) was born in nor near Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, A. D. 1780. When he was about three
years of age his parents removed their family to that part of
Duchess County, New York, which was organized 20 February,
1807, as the present Township of Dover, and after a short
sojourn there they removed to Saratoga Township, Saratoga
County. He married Elizabeth Bryan in Milton Township,
Saratoga County, and settled in Saratoga as a farmer and lumber-
man. After an energetic and successful career he died in
Saratoga 15 February, 1832. Children :
600. i. William Ross, b. 2 March, 1806; m. Phebe Thorn j d. in 1878.
601. ii. Giles Bryan, born n July, 1808; m. Sophia M. B. Truax.
iii. Jeremiah, born in 1810; mar. Olive Case in Johnstown,
N. Y. He resided in Saratoga County, N. Y., most of his
life, then removed to Hudson (?), Mich., and there died in
1876. Children : 1. Arthur, resides in Chicago, 111. (?); 2.
Anna, resides at Hudson, Mich.; 3. Jemima, res. in Albany.
iv. Elizabeth Ann, born in the year 1814. She died, unmar.
at Fort Miller, Washington Co., New York, in the year 1836.
v. Sarah Frances, b. in 1818; m. Nathaniel Mann of Milton
Township, New York. No records or dates given.
Sarah 8 Slocum {Giles, 7 Jonathan? Joseph? Giles? Samuel^
Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 4
November, 1782, and was reared mostly in Saratoga Township,
Saratoga County, New York, where she married James Brisbin,
a farmer, who was there born 24 January, 1774. They settled
on a farm in Saratoga and there died he, 6 April, 1833 ; she,
22 December, 1867. Mr. Brisbin was elected Supervisor of
Saratoga Township in the year 1805, Sheriff of Saratoga County
in the years 1815, '16, '17, and '18, and a member of the New
York State Legislature (Assemblyman) in 1832. Children :
450.^ i. Giles Slocum Brisbin, b. 10 March, 1808; m. Matilda Bailey.
450.^ ii. James Carruth Brisbin, b. 22 May, 181 1 ; m. Ellen Ableman.
iii. Sarah Mary Brisbin, born 14 July, 18 17, in Saratoga Tp.,
New York ; mar. Jonathan Hobby. Resides in Brooklyn.
Giles Slocum Brisbin was married 3 September, 1833, to Matilda,
daughter of Nathan and Catharine Smith (Gillespie) Bailey of Water-
ford, N. Y., where Mr. and Mrs Brisbin now reside. He is an insurance
agent ; was a Deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Revenue for the years
1862, '63, '64, and '65. Children:
i. James Henry Brisbin, born in Waterford ; died there, young.
ii. Mary Frances Brisbin, born in Waterford; married Fred-
erick A. Wright of Brooklyn, New York, where she died.
iii. Nathan Bailey Brisbin, born in New York City ; married
Jennie Cubley in Detroit, Mich. No dates reported.
iv. Catharine S. Brisbin, born in New York City; mar. J.
Kendall Dunn of Brooklyn, New York. No dates reported.
v. Sarah Slocum Brisbin, b. in Waterford ; died there, young.
vi. James Carruth Brisbin, was born, and died, in Waterford.
James Carruth Brisbin was married in Albany, N. Y., 22 March,
1864, to Ellen, daughter of Christian and Jane Clark (Potter) Ableman
of that city where she was born in the year 1841. He has continuously
resided on the farm where he was born ; postoffice Schuylerville, N. Y.
Children :
i. James Slocum Brisbin, born A. D. 1865, in Albany, N. Y.
ii. Sterling Ross Brisbin, b. in 1866, near Schuylerville, N. Y.
iii. Austin Elliott Brisbin, b. nr. Schuylerville, N.Y., in 1868.
iv. Ella May Brisbin, born in 1872, near Schuylerville, N. Y.
v. Grace Lilian Brisbin, b. nr. Schuylerville, N. Y., in 1877.
vi. Gertrude Brisbin, born in 1878, near Schuylerville, N. Y.
Snq* try B.B.Mll & Se?w
Giles 8 Slocum {Giles? Jonathan? Joseph,* Giles? Samuel?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, A. D.
1784,* and was reared in Duchess County, New York, and in
Saratoga Township, Saratoga County, N. Y. He was married
in Saratoga 12 July, 1808, to Jane Brisbin, daughter of James
and Mary (Taylor) Brisbin of that township where she was born
10 August, 1782. Soon after marriage they removed to Claver-
ack, Columbia Co., N. Y., where he became interested in a fiouring-
mill, and where he died 25 August, 1815 ; was finally buried in
Ridgewood Cemetery, Saratoga Springs. His widow died at
the home of their son James in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, 20
April, i860. Children :
602. i. James, born 7 November, 181 1; mar. 1st, Caroline Pitkin.
603. ii. Giles Jeremiah, b. 22 Sept., 1814 ; m. Catherine Granger.
Laton 8 Slocum ( William? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles,*' Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pittston Township, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, 16 August, 1792, and married, 1 March,
1 8 19, Gratey Scovell who was born 24 December, 1796, daughter
of James and Thankful (Nash) Scovell of Exeter Township, Pa.
They settled on a farm in Exeter Township, where she died 5
September, 1829. He died, while attending court at Wilkes-
Barre, Pa., 16 January, 1833. Children:
604. i. Frances Carey, b. 23 May, 1822; m. Richard A. Oakford.
ii. James Scovell, born 12 July, 1827. He was reared on a
farm with the advantage of the district schools and a few
terms schooling at the Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa.
He removed to Scranton in 1854 and there assisted in the
organization, in 1856, of the first Republican club in that
county ; was also one of the prime movers in establishing
the Scranton Republican newspaper. He was a member
of the Pennsylvania State Central Committee in i860, and
a delegate to the Chicago Convention that nominated
Abraham Lincoln for President of the United States in that
year. Notwithstanding his being physically unable for
service as a soldier against the Southern Rebellion he fur-
* Another report reads that he was born within the territory which is now com-
prised by the Township of Dover, Duchess County, New York ; and the date of
his birth is elsewhere given as 3 April, 1787.
nished two substitutes, and in 1862 he joined the 13th Reg.
Pa. Militia. In 1863 he was chosen Chairman of the
Sanitary Commission at Scranton. He was a candidate
for State Senator in 1868, and, though defeated at the
election, he received several thousand more votes than the
previous candidate on the Republican ticket. He served
as Postmaster for Scranton four years from 1869 and was
re-appointed by President Grant in 1874, but soon there-
after resigned and returned to his farm in Exeter Town-
ship (?) where he now resides. He has served his towns-
men as Justice of the Peace, Overseer of the Poor, and in
other offices. He remains a bachelor ; P. O. Pittston, Pa.
605. iii. William, born 9 January, 1829 ; married Mary A. Hoyt.
Giles 8 Slocum ( William? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles? Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in or near Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, 4 May, 1801, and married, 9 March, 1826,
Sarah Perkins who was born 23 April, 1800. She died 27 July,
1845. He married second, Feb. 9, 1847, Sarah Rees who was
born 16 September, 1803. He died 10 May, 1878. Children,
all by first wife :
i. Martha, b. 8 Nov., 1827 ; m. Kinney ; d. 11 Sept., 1849.
ii. Thomas Perkins, was born 5 July, 1830; died 1 June, 1831.
iii. Merritt, born 7 April, 1832 ; died 22 February, i860.
iv. David Perkins, b. 8 Dec, 1834, in Wyoming, Pa. ; was
married in Chicago, III, 14 October, 1862, by Rev. Z. M.
Humphrey, Presb., to Mary Ellen, dau. of Orrin and Mary
Ann (Moore) Kendall of that city, and formerly of Quincy,
111., where she was born 25 Feb., 1841. He settled in
Chicago as a real estate dealer, and there died 29 Jan.,
1864, leaving one child, James Edward, born 17 Sept., 1863,
who still lives with his mother in Chicago, Illinois.
v. Giles, born 27 July, 1839; died 21 August, 1839, m F enn -
vi. Mary Eliza, born 28 November, 1840 ; died 30 Sept., 1841.
vii. Elizabeth, was born 5 March, 1843 ; died 7 March, 1843.
William 8 Slocum ( William? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles?
Samuel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Pittston Township,
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 4 May, 1803. He married there
15 September, 1828, Ann Levington Stewart, daughter of John
and Jane (Stewart) Stewart of Pittston, and formerly of Philadel-
phia where she was born 27 April, 1809. Her father was a
merchant, a native of Scotland, and died in Pittston 9 March,
1829; her mother was born in Ireland and died in Pittston 1
November, 1847. Mr. Slocum was a blacksmith and farmer ;
died 27 May, 1856, at Hyde Park, near Scranton, Pa., where his
widow still lives. Children the first one and the last five born
in Pittston, the others in Exeter, all remaining unmarried :
i. Jane, born 31 July, 1829. She resides at Hyde Park, Pa.
ii. Lemuel, born 25 Oct., 183 1. He resides at Old Forge, Pa.
iii. Zenas B., b. 22 Feb., 1834; d. 27 April, 1854, in Pittston.
iv. Laton, born, 10 August, 1836. He enlisted against the
Rebellion in Co. I, i32d Reg. Pa. V. I., and participated in
the Battles of Antietam, where he was wounded, Frede-
ricksburgh, and Chancellorsville. He was a brave and faith-
ful soldier. His regiment went into the Charge of Mary's
Heights, at Fredericksburgh, with 340 men and there suf-
fered a loss of 140. Before returning home he had a severe
attack of typhoid fever which left his brain in a deceased
state ; he has since become insane, and is now (1880) in the
Danville (Pa.) Asylum. He is a carpenter; unmarried.
v. John Stewart, was born 9 March 18393 died 20 July, 1842.
vi. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 13 Oct., 1843. A milliner at Hyde Park.
vii. Harriet Newell, born 19 April, 1845. She was a teacher
of public schools for ten years, and now has a select school
at Hyde Park, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania,
viii. William Henry, b. ii Jan., 1847. A farmer at Old Forge.
Ruth 8 Slocum {Ebenezer? yonathan, 6 yoseph? Giles* Sam-
uel, 1 Giles, 2 Anthony?) was born in Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania,
13 September, 1791, and was reared from the age of eight years
at Slocum Hollow, now Scranton, Pa. She there married, 24
July, 181 1, Elisha Hitchcock, a mill-wright, son of John and
Phebe (Tyler) Hitchcock, of Clermont Township, Cheshire Co.,
New Hampshire, where he was born 21 January, 1778. He first
visited Pennsylvania in the year 1809, and after marriage returned
to his native town where they resided until the year 1826 when
they returned to Slocum Hollow. He followed his trade several
years, then purchased a farm which has since been included in
the Scranton City limits. He was a Justice of the Peace, and
he contributed largely to the building of the first church at
Scranton of which he and his wife were members. He died 16
October, 1858, at Scranton, where Mrs. Hitchcock still (1881)
lives with her son Ebenezer. Children :
i. Elisha Hitchcock, b. 29 June, 1813; died 28 April, 1855.
455. a ii. Ebenezer Hitchcock, b. 27 April, 1815; m. Marion Budd.
iii. Sarah Hitchcock, born 14 October, 181 7; married Abel
Gardner. Resides in Abington, Lackawanna County, Pa.
iv. Ruth Ann Hitchcock, b. 29 Jan., 1820; d. 23 Oct., 1864.
v. Zenas Hitchcock, b. 25 March, 1822 ; d. 5 June, 1880.
vi. Mary Hitchcock, born n May, 1827; married Dr. William
H. Heath. Resides in Hyde Park, Lackawanna Co., Pa.
vii. Eliza Hitchcock, born 13 July, 183 1 j d. 26 August, 1843.
Ebenezer Hitchcock was born in Clermont Tp., Chesire County (?),
N. H., 27 April, 1 81 5, and was reared from the age of eleven years at
the present Scranton, Pennsylvania, where he still resides. He married
first, December 24, 1856, Marion, daughter of Helon Budd of Troy, Pa.
She was born 28 June, 1834, and died 2 February, 1857. He married
second, February 20, 1866, Amanda, daughter of William Swackham-
mer of Waymart, Pa. She was born 5 February, 1838, and died in
1880. Mr. Hitchcock was appointed by Governor Pollock of Pennsyl-
vania one of his aides-de-camp, in 1855, with the rank of Lieutenant-
Colonel. He has been a farmer and lumberman. Children, all by
2d wife :
i. Marion Hitchcock, born 16 March 1867, at Scranton, Pa.
ii. Harriet Hitchcock, b. 18 Sept., 1872; d. 28 Dec, 1878.
iii. William Hitchcock, was born 4 Feb., 1875, at Scranton, Pa.
Sidney 8 Slocum {Ebenezer, 1 Jonathan? Joseph? Giles? Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Wilkes-Barre Township,
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 17 March, 1794, and married
there 1 July, 18 13, Jane La France who was born 11 April, 1794.
He was killed in a grist-mill in Providence Township near the
present City of Scranton, Pa., 20 January, 1825. His widow
married Nathaniel Cottrell. Children :
i. Caroline, born 28 April, 1814; died 20 February, 1854.
ii. Ruth, born 4 March, 1816, in Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania.
iii. Elisha, born 30 January, 1818; died 1 February, 1819.
iv. John Milton, born 20 March, 1820. He enlisted against
the Rebellion, and died 29 November, 1863 (?). Was
buried in the Military Cemetery at Washington, D. C.
His name is recorded in the United States Roll of Honor.
v. Sidney, born 22 March, 1822, near Scranton, Pennsylvania.
vi. Martha, born 15 September, 1824; died 4 December, 1873.
mr i X,
jfc^yi^ S%>
Benjamin 8 Slocum {Ebenezer, 1 Jonathan? Joseph? Giles ? Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?') was born in Wilkes-Barre Township, Penn-
sylvania, 19 July, 1798. He was married in Providence Town-
ship near the present City of Scranton, Pa., 1 August; 1819, to
Matilda Griffin who was born 4 May, 1799. They removed to a
farm near Tunkhannock, Pa., where he was injured by a horse,
and died 19 October, 1832. His widow married Jacob Niman (?).
Children :
i. Sarah Matilda was born 30 April, 1820 ; died 6 June, 1878.
li. Henrietta was born 5 December, 1821 ; died 2 July, 1873.
iii. Ebenezer, born 12 November, 1823; died .
iv. Elisha was born 6 December, 1825, near Tunkhannock, Pa.
v. Benjamin, born near Tunkhannock, Pa., 19 September, 1827.
vi. Stephen, born 5 November, 1829; died 23 August, 1851.
Joseph 8 Slocum {Ebenezer? Jonathan?" Joseph? Giles? Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?) was born 15 July, 1800, at the house of
his maternal grandfather, Dr. Joseph Davis, in Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., and was reared by his parents at Unionville, more commonly
called Slocum Hollow, now within the City of Scranton, Lacka-
wanna County, Pennsylvania.
He early gave attention to the different trades and business
interests which his father had developed at Slocum Hollow, and,
being ingenious, he soon acquired a good degree of skill in the
use of tools. As a blacksmith he repaired the tools and
machinery, and shod many of the horses, required about his
father's mills and works ; while as an amateur shoemaker he
made many of the boots and shoes worn by the family, thus
contributing greatly to the independence of the pioneer settle-
ment. In April, 1828, he and his brother Samuel took charge
of their father's business, which then included blacksmithing,
lumbering, farming, coal-mining, etc.
He married, 22 December, 1830, Edilda Bingham, daughter
of Rodolphus and Sarah (Kimball) Bingham of Palmyra, Pike
Co., Pa., where she was born 24 December, 1805. After marriage
they continued to live separate, with their respective parents,
for two years and then commenced house-keeping at Slocum
Hollow. He was there chosen Township Collector in the year
1833, and upon the incorporation of the Borough of Scranton, in
1856, he was elected its first Burgess ; and he has since served
as City Auditor. In politics he was a Whig until that party was
merged into the Republican party, since which time he has been
a Republican and stanch in support of the National Government.
By inheritance and purchase he became possessed of over six
hundred acres of land, all within the present limits of the City
of Scranton and including much of the central part of that city.
This land, being underlaid with coal and also being desirable for
building lots, has yielded him a considerable fortune.
Mr. Slocum inherited a strong constitution which has enabled
him throughout his long life to accomplish a great amount of
work. His powers of endurance have been remarkably great
as the following anecdote from his own pen, and well authen-
ticated, will attest. He had taken some cattle to Philadelphia
in July, 1821, and there he met a neighboring farmer who
proffered him a ride home in his light wagon whereupon Mr.
Slocum ventured the assertion that he could travel the
distance, on foot, in less time than could the horse. A wager was
arranged and the parties started on the journey in an earnest
effort. The result proved his assertion true, for he reached
Wilkes-Barre fully two hours ahead of the horse. The distance
traveled was 120 miles and the time he occupied on the road
not including the short restings was twenty hours and four
minutes. He still enjoys a good degree of vigor. Now, in the
eighty-first year of his age, his letters are clearly written and the
writer of this sketch acknowledges indebtedness to him for the
records of several families, and many facts of interest concerning
the Slocums of Pennsylvania, past and present. He has always
been free from the use of spirituous liquors, tobacco, and all
games of chance ; and he has been particular and correct in his
habits of life, excepting overwork.
" The history of any locality could be written and many family
names left out without doing them or the reader any great injus-
tice. There are others, however, who have left so indelibly the
impress of their lives upon the communities of which they formed
a part that no history would be complete that did not make
mention of them. To the latter class belongs, pre-eminently, the
name of Joseph Slocum."*
Slocum Station on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railway,
three minutes from Scranton, south, was named in his honor.
Children :
i. Joseph Warren, born 23 July, 1833 ; married Hannah M.
Collins in Salem, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, 21 Febru-
ary, 1856. He resides in Scranton, Pa. ; has been Deputy
United States Marshal there a number of years. Children :
1. Florence Wiston, b. 3 April, 1858; 2. Frank Hunting, b.
20 June, 1 86 1 ; 3. Kate, b. 22 July, 1865 ; 4. Joseph, b.
22 Nov., 1867 ; 5. Ida, b. 7 May, 1870, d. 17 Oct., 1870;
6. Bessie, b. 16 Oct., 187 1, d. 8 Oct., 1877; 7. George
Washington, born 25 May, 1876.
ii. Rodolphus Bingham, born 4 May, 1845; mar. in May,
1874, Anna Lloyd who was born 15 April, 1859 (?), in
Scranton. In the Spring of 1880 they removed to the
vicinity of Janesville, Wisconsin, where they now (1881)
reside on a farm. Children: 1. Edilda, b. 13 July, 1875;
2. Joseph Bingham, b. 24 Nov., 1877 ; 3. John Rufus, b.
15 February, 1880.
Samuel 8 Slocum {Ebenezer? y onathan? yoseph? Giles* Sam-
uel, 1 Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Unionville, Slocum Hollow,
now Scranton, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, 13 May, 1802,
and married there 13 May, 1830, Mary Dings who was born 30
September, 1803. He was a farmer; died in Abington Tp., Pa.,
18 August, 185 1, of Pulmonary Consumption, being the first case
of this disease recorded in this branch of the family. Children :
i. Oliver, born 26 February, 1831 ; died (?) 1 September, 1831.
ii. Elizabeth, b. 4 January, 1833, in Lackawanna County, Pa.
iii. Silas was born 22 August, 1835, and died 6 January, 1857.
iv. Levi D., born 2 May, 1842, in Lackawanna County, Pa.
v. Lester B., born in Lackawanna County, Pa., 12 March, 1845.
Thomas 8 Slocum (Ebenezer? yonathan, 6 yoseph? Giles* Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Unionville, Slocum Hollow,
now Scranton, Pennsylvania, 21 May, 1804; was married 14
*See History of Luzern;, Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania
New York, 1880.
December, 1837, to Sarah S. Jenkins who was born in Pittston,
Pa., 26 May, 18 10. They resided in Kingston, Pa., after
marriage, and she there died 30 September, 1849. ^ e died in
Marion, Linn Co., Iowa, 26 December, 1879. Children :
i. Lydia J., b. 29 March, 1839; m - R- S. Adams in Kingston, Pa.
ii. Merritt B., born 21 February, 1841. He enlisted against
the Rebellion as a private soldier in the 1st Reg. Nebraska
Vol. Inf.; was promoted to Adjutant, and was killed in
Arkansas while a prisoner with the Confederates.
hi. Ellen, b. 9 July, 1843 ; m. Charles Adams of Marion, Iowa.
606. iv. George, b. 5 Sept., 1845 > m - Anne G. Stryker 17 Sept., 1867.
v. Frederick, b. 7 Aug., 1849, m Kingston; d. 29 Jan., 1850.
Sarah 8 Slocum {Ebenezer? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles* Sam-
uel, 1 Giles, 1 Anthony?) was born in Slocum Hollow, now Scran-
ton, Pennsylvania, 24 December, 1806, and married there, 5
September, 1832, Alvah Hermans who was born 31 December,
181 1. They died in Scott Township, Luzerne County, Pa., he,
27 January, 1859; sne 2 & November, 1878. Children:
i. Cheney C. Hermans, b. 6 Aug., 1833. He enlisted against
the Rebellion and was killed near Atlanta, Ga., 21 Aug.,
1864. His name is recorded in the U. S. Roll of Honor.
ii. Ann Hermans, b. 29 March, 1835; d. 20 November, 1872.
iii. Mary J. Hermans, born 17 August. 1838, in Scott Tp., Pa.
iv. Emma E. Hermans was born in Scott Tp., Pa., 12 May, 1845.
v. Ruth J. Hermans was born 6 Feb., 1847, in Scott Tp., Pa.
vi. Alice M. Hermans, born in Scott Tp., Pa., 7 May, 1852.
William 8 Slocum (Ebenezer? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles? Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Slocum Hollow, now Scranton,
Pennsylvania, 20 December, 1810; was married there 30 March,
1843, to Jane Lockwood who was born 30 December, 1826. He
now ( 1 881) resides in Abington Tp., near Scranton, Pa. Children :
i. Chester B.,born 28 January, 1844, in or near Scranton, Pa.
ii. Mary Jane was born near Scranton, Pa., 16 October. 1846.
iii. Abi N., born 19 April, 1849, near Scranton, Pennsylvania,
iv. Henry M., born 7 February, 1852 ; died 28 September, 1866.
v. Homer J. was born 27 April, 1855, near Scranton, Pa.
vi. Edilda B. was born near Scranton, Pa., 21 July, 1857.
vii. Esther Jane was born 20 April, i860; died 9 July, i860.
viii. Joseph J. was born 8 June, 1861; died 6 February, 1871.
ix. Anna H. was born 28 July, 1866, nr. Scranton, Pennsylvania.
x. Frederick was born near Scranton, Pa., 28 May, 1870.
Esther 8 Slocum {Ebenezer? Jonathan, 6 Joseph* Giles* Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony?) was born at Unionville, more commonly
called Slocum Hollow, now Scranton, Lackawanna County,
Pennsylvania, 20 March, 18 16. She married there, 23 Septem-
ber, 1 841, Lester Bristol (Bristle?) who was born 31 January,
1812. He now resides in Hoboken, New Jersey. Children :
i. Adelaide Bristol, born 12 August, 1842.
ii. Mary Bristol, born 1 October, 1844; died 7 August, 1857.
iii. Luzerne Bristol, born 12 Sept., 1846, at Scranton, Pa. (?)
iv. Florence Bristol, born at Scranton, Pa. (?), 17 Oct., 1848.
Ruth Ann 8 Slocum {Isaac? Jonathan, 6 Joseph? Giles? Sam-
uel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born at Tunkhannock, Wyoming
County, Pennsylvania, 13 May, 1808. She removed with her
parents to Sandusky County, Ohio, in 1824, and there married,
4 June, 1826, James Stevens of Lyme Township, Huron County,
Ohio. They removed to Lima, Ind.,(?) in 1843, and there she
died in September, 1847. Children, perhaps not born in the
order here given :
i. Samuel Stevens. Postoffice Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio.
ii. Mary Elizabeth Stevens. P. O. Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio,
iii. James Brooks Stevens. Postoffice Wauseon, Fulton Co., O.
iv. Anna Sophia Stevens, mar. Neill (?). P. O. Toledo.
v. Isaac Slocum Stevens. Postoffice Silver Peak, Nevada.
vi. Erastus Walter Stevens. P.O. Banta, San Joaquin Co., Cal.
vii. Charles Jacob Stevens. Postoffice Columbia City, Ind.
Isaac 8 Slocum {Isaac? Jonathan, 6 Joseph? Giles? Samuel?
Giles* Anthony?) was born in Tunkhannock, Luzerne (now
Wyoming) County, Pennsylvania, 30 September, 18 10. He was
reared from the age of thirteen years in Huron County, Ohio,
and was there married 5 April, 1836, by Rev. Moss, Bap-
tist, to Juliette Hubbell, daughter of William and Elizabeth
(Barker) Hubbell of that place and formerly of Cairo, Greene
County, New York, where she was born if April, 1818. They
removed to a farm in Groton Township, Erie County, Ohio, where
she died ; was buried in York Tp., Sandusky County. He mar-
ried second, in Sandusky, Ohio, 25 January, 1844, Mary Ann
Barker who was born in Cairo, N. Y., 20 January, 1821, daughter
of John E. and Lydia (Scher ?) Barker. He removed, immedi-
ately after this marriage, to Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Wis-
consin, where he resided until 1852, then removed to Ceresco
Tp., Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. In November, 1855, he
removed to Minnesota where he has since resided. He suffered
in common with all the frontier settlers during the Indian depre-
dations in 1857 and 1862. In 1857 his house was used as a fort
in their stand against the savages. His present postoffice is
Madelia, Watonwan County, Minn. Child by first wife :
i. Mary Elizabeth, born 30 August, 1837, in Groton, Ohio;
married, in South Bend Township, Blue Earth County,
Minnesota, 22 February, 1858, Henry M. Stark, son of
John and Hannah (Jones) Stark. Postoffice Mankato,
Minnesota. Children: 1. Marion, born 15 November,
1859, at Madelia, Minnesota; 2. Slocum Henry, born 16
July, T862, at Mankato, Minnesota.
Children by second wife :
607. ii. Charles Elmeron, b. 15 Nov., 1844; m. Mary E. Weymouth.
iii. Frances Lydia, born 25 April, 1847, at Oshkosh, Wisconsin ;
was married at Mankato, Minn., 1 March, 1875, to Abram
Town, son of Abram and Jerusha (Cory) Town. They
reside at South Branch, Minnesota, without children.
iv. Dora Adelaide, born 17 Jan., i860, in Lincoln Tp., Minn.
v. Alda Adelma, born 8 July, 1861, in Lincoln Tp., Minn.;
died there 5 January, 1865; was buried at Madelia, Minn.
Elizabeth 8 Slocum (Isaac, 7 "Jonathan? Joseph? Giles* Sam-
nel? Giles, 1 - Anthony, 1 ) was born at Tunkhannock, Luzerne (now
Wyoming) County, Pennsylvania, 14 June, 18 12, and was reared
from the age of twelve years in York Township, Sandusky Co.,
Ohio, where she married, 12 September, 1833, Mason Kinney, a
farmer, son of Joseph and Abigail (Salisbury) Kinney of Homer,
New York, where he was born 21 June, 1806. They dwelt in
Lyme Township, Huron County, Ohio, from marriage until 23
March, 1842 ; then in Thompson Tp., Seneca Co., O., until 6
April, 1848, when they settled in York Tp., Sandusky Co., O.,
where he died 27 July, 1850, and where she still lives, with post-
office at Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio. He was buried in
Strong's Ridge Cemetery near Bellevue. Children :
i. Charles Kinney, bom 18 July, 1834; d. 10 Sept., 1835.
ii. Mary Kinney, born 9 July, 1836. P. O. Bellevue, Ohio.
iii. George Miles Kinney, born 17 October, 1838. He en-
listed against the Rebellion 31 July, 1861, in Co. D, 34th
Reg. O. V. I. (Zouaves), and was in battle at Kanawha
Gap, Princeton, Fayetteville, Winchester, Shenandoah Gap,
and Cedar Creek. He was taken prisoner near Beverly,
W. Va., 8 January, 1865, by the Confederates, and con-
fined in the Pemberton Tobacco House, Richmond, until
February 14th. He was honorably discharged, as corporal,
27 July, 1865. He was married in Tiffin, Ohio, 19 Oct.,
187 1, by Rev. George W. Collier, to Caroline Babcock,
daughter of Merlin and Almira (Durham) Babcock. Their
postoffice is Bellevue, O. A child, Merlin Ferris, was born
9 September, 1878.
iv. Sarah Kinney, born 6 April, 1842 ; was married at Belle-
vue, O., 21 November, 1861, by Rev. J. G. W. Cowles,
Congregationalist, to Henry Bachman, son of John and
Mary M. (Mickley) Bachman. Their postoffice is Bellevue,
Huron Co., O. A child, Joseph, was born 14 July, 1862.
v. William Kinney, born 16 April, 1844. He was a soldier
in Co. I, 169th Reg. O. N. G. and served in the Defense
of Washington during the summer of 1864. Postoffice,
Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio.
vi. Joseph Kinney, born 16 Dec, 1845. He was married at
Clyde, Ohio, 24 March, 1875, by Rev. J. W. White, Congr.,
to Beulah Eliza Terry, dau. of Jerry and Mary Temperance
(Bunnell) Terry. P. O. Bellevue, O. Children: 1. Ruth,
born 4 Nov., 1877; 2. Mary Elizabeth, born 1 Dec, 1880.
vii. Erastus Walter, born 2 December, 1847, in Thompson
Tp., Seneca Co., O. Present postoffice Bellevue, Ohio.
William Sawyer 8 Slocum (Isaac, 7 'Jonathan? Joseph?
Giles,* Samuel, 1 Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born at Tunkhannock,
now in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, 13 March, 18 16. When
he was seven years of age his parents removed to Ohio and
settled on a farm near Bellevue, Huron County, where he grew
to manhood. He married, 20 September, 1 837, Mary A., daughter
of Alvan and Lavinia (Rathbone) Knapp of Sandusky County,
Ohio. They removed to Wisconsin in the year 1838, and thence
to the vicinity of Lena, Stephenson County, Illinois, in 1853,
and to Chickasaw County, Iowa, in 1869. He now (1881)
resides at Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa ; a retired
farmer. Children :
i. Mary A., born 22 December, 1838, at Bellevue, Ohio;
married W. B. Niman. Resides in Mansfield, Ohio.
ii. Giles Q., born 22 August, 1843. at White Water, Wis. He
was a soldier against the Rebellion. Mar. A Carter,
and resides in Albert Lea, Minn., where he is Auditor of
Freeborn County. Children : Mary A., William, and Laura E.
iii. William A., born 22 Dec, 1854, near Lena, 111. In 1870
he engaged in the dry-goods house of Jerome Maynard in
Charles City, Iowa, and worked his way from the lowest
position to chief clerk. In June, 1875, he engaged with
Cuykendall Bros, in the wholesale dry-goods business in
Minneapolis, Minn., and there remained nearly two years,
and then became a traveling salesman of hats and caps for
a Chicago house. He removed to California in January,
1879, and engaged in the business of compiling and pub-
lishing county histories; is now (1881) associated in this
business with Messrs. L. L. Bowen and L. L. Palmer,
under the firm name of Slocum, Bowen & Co., with office
at Napa, Cal. He is enterprising and has been successful.
iv. Helen R, was drowned 12 July, 1876, at Albert Lea,
Minnesota, and was buried at Bellevue, Ohio.
There were five other children in this family who died young;
their names and the dates of their birth have not been reported.
Abel Patrick 8 Slocum {Isaac? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles?
Samuel? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Tunkhannock Township,
Luzerne (now Wyoming) County, Pennsylvania, 18 December,
1 8 17, and was reared from the age of six years near Bellevue,
Huron County, Ohio. He there married, 1 October, 1840, Mary
C. Haskins who was born at Dansville, N. Y., 3 October, 18 17,
daughter of Tisdale and Elizabeth (Arnold) Haskins. They
removed, 28 September, 1839, to Lima Township, Rock County,
Wisconsin, where they still reside on a farm ; postoffice White
Water, Wisconsin. Children :
i. Isaac, born 19 Sept., 1841, in Lima; died 31 January, 1843.
ii. Charles, born 7 May, 1844, in Lima; died 14 May, 1844.
iii. Marion A., born 15 February, 1847 ; was educated in the
public schools at Lima, Wis., and the college at Milton. He
married, 17 Sept., 1868, Bessie Marion Webb, daughter of
Ira and Elizabeth (Smith) Webb of Lima. Postofifice White
Water, Wisconsin. Children : 1. Ella, b. 28 Feb., 187 1, d.
24 Feb., 1872 ; 2. Minerva A., b. 13 March, 1873, d. 3
April, 1875 ; 3. Isabel, b. 17 June, 1875.
iv. Ella C, b. 16 Sept., 1849. She was educated in the Col-
lege at Milton, Wis., and married, 16 Sept., 1868, Charles
E., son of Riley and Phebe (Green) Potter. They reside
in West Hallock, Peoria Co., 111. Children: 1. Flora Belle,
born 23 May, 1872 ; 2. Grace Rosa, born 12 Nov., 1873.
v. Frank L., born 19 April, 1856. He was graduated from
the Fort Atkinson (Wis.) High School, and, early in 1881,
from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He goes to
Strassburg, Germany, in June, 1881, the better to prepare
himself for the practice of analytical chemistry.
Giles 8 Slocum (Isaac? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles? Samuel?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Tunkhannock, Luzerne (now
Wyoming) County, Pennsylvania, 18 January, 1820, and was
reared from the age of three years near Bellevue, Ohio, where
he married, in April, 1842, Lucinda Booth who was born 22
April, 1823, in New York State. After marriage they dwelt in
Milan and Norwalk, Ohio, for several years, then removed to
Cannon River Falls, Minnesota, where he now resides ; a
merchant. Child :
i. Francis Robert, born 18 Dec, 1842 ; was mar. in Hastings,
Minnesota, 24 Sept., 1876, by Rev. Asa Drury, Baptist, to
Susan Ellen Corson, daughter of Loring and Sarah Jane
(Hussey) Corson of that place and formerly of West Water-
ville, Me., where she was born 7 April, 1845. He is now
(1880) Treasurer of Hennepin County, Minnesota; has
resided in Minneapolis since 1 Feb., 187 1. Children: 1.
Edith Kate, -born 3 June, 1873; 2. Leroy Caswell, born
14 February, 1880.
Jonathan Joseph 8 Slocum [Joseph? Jonathan? Joseph?
Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in or near Wilkes-
Barre, Pennsylvania, 27 February, 18 15, and was educated in the
schools there and at Kenyon College. He married, 12 Septem-
ber, 1840, Elizabeth Cutler LeClere who was born 7 September,
1821, daughter of Joseph Philip and Rachel Manning (Cutler)
LeClere of Wilkes-Barre. He was one of the original subscri-
bers to the Wyoming Athenaeum, or Public Library of Wilkes-
Barre, and was a charter member of the Law and Library Asso-
ciation organized in that place 18 June, 1850. They removed to
Philadelphia, subsequent to 1853, and he there died 25 February,
i860; was buried in Wilkes-Barre. A lawyer. Children:
i. Sarah L., b. 8 May, 1842, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ; m. 21 Jan.,
1869, John B. Love of Philadelphia, where they now reside.
ii. E LeClere, born 19 August, 1853, in Wilkes-Barre,
Pa. ; was educated there and at Andalusia. He resides in
Philadelphia as a member of the firm of E. LeClere Slocum
& Co., publishers of the Philadelphia Journal.
Zebulon Butler 8 Slocum (yonathan? yonathan? yoseph?
Giles,'' Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Wilkes-Barre
Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, A. D. 1801, and
married Cynthia . They were residents of Catharine
Township, Chemung (now Schuyler) County, New York, in
1838, and he there died in 1850 or '51. Children :
i. Experience, m. Erastus F. McKinstry prev. to 20 May, 1852.
ii. Mary Ann, was a minor over 14 years of age 6 Sept., 1852.
iii. Ruth, was under 14 years of age 6 September, 1852.
iv. Lloyd, was under 14 years of age 6 Sept., 1852. One Lloyd
Slocum died 1 June, 1864, as a private in Co. B, 6th N. Y.
Artillery, in the war against the Rebellion ; was buried in
the National Cemetery at Alexandria, Va. His name is
recorded in the United States Roll of Honor.
Joseph Beach 8 Slocum {yonathan? yonathan? yoseph?
Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Wilkes-Barre,
Pennsylvania, 9 October, 1805. He married, August 14, 1827,
Sarah Helen, daughter of John Alworth of Clifford, Pa. She
died and he married second, her sister, Mary Alworth who died
a short time thereafter. He married third, Minerva Russell.
He is a shoemaker ; has resided since marriage in Dundaff,
Susquehanna County, Pa. Children by first wife :
i. Martha Helen, born 3 February, 1829; married S-
N. Chittenden, and died in New York City ; date not given.
608. ii. John Alworth, b. 21 May, 1831 ; mar. Mary G. Wilbur,
iii. Joseph Merritt, born 20 August, 1834, in Dundaff, Pa.
iv. Mary E., born 18 September, 1836; died 18 July, 1858.
609. v. Milton Jerome, b. 8 Jan., 1839 ; m. Olive J. Arnold in 1866.
vi. George Eugene, b. 17 Feb., 1847; P. O., Sacramento, Cal.
vii. Walter Carlos, b. 16 July, 1852 : resides in Bradford, Pa.
Child by second wife :
viii. Ruth Helen, born 3 March, 1866, in Dundaff, Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Franklin 8 Slocum {Jonathan, 1 Jonathan? Joseph,*
Giles,"' Samuel? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Wilkes-Barre,
Pennsylvania, about the year 1807, and married Rhoda Bates.
They dwelt in Havana, Tioga (now Schuyler) County, New
York, several years and until 1837; in Reading until 1842; in
Dundee, Yates Co., until about the year 1853, and then returned
to Havana where she died in December, 1879. He now lives
with his sister, Mrs. Phebe P. Owen, at Odessa, Schuyler Co.,
N,Y., about four miles east of Havana. A blacksmith. Children :
i. Truxton, born in the year 1835. He enlisted against the
Rebellion 6 August, 1862, at Ithaca, N. Y., as a private
soldier in Co. D, 143d Reg. N. Y. V. He is a blacksmith;
married Frances in Havana, New York.
ii. Sarah, born in 1837 ; died in Reading, Schuyler Co., N. Y.
iii. William Henry, born in 1839 ; m. Amy Roberts ; died .
iv. Frances M., b. in 1841 ; m. Ansel Roberts of Havana, NY.
610. v. Charles Butler, born 4 May, 1843 ; mar. Emma C. Hart,
vi. Mortimer Wilson, born A. D. 1845. He served against
the Rebellion in Co. B, 141st Reg. N. Y. V. I., enlisting at
Montour 15 August, 1862. Married Mary Keeler of Belle-
vue, Mich. He was at one time a dentist at Omaha, Neb.,
and, later, a traveling salesman in Michigan.
vii. Martha Helen, born in the year 1847; married Daniel
Wilbur, a farmer. Postoffice Havana, Schuyler Co., N.Y.
viii. Benjamin Laton, b. in 1849. He is a farmer in Wisconsin.
ix. Mary, b. in 1851 in Dundee, Yates Co., N. Y., and d. .
x. Sidney, b. in 1853, in Dundee, N. Y. Resides nr. Havana.
Darius Reynolds 8 Slocum ( William H.? Pelegf Benjamin?
Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Adams Township,
Berkshire County, Massachusetts (?), 9 April, 1809, and married
Sarah Randall 11 July, 1839. They settled on a farm in Shafts-
bury Township, Bennington County, Vermont, and there died
he, 11 June, 1875 ; she, 24 December, 1878, and were buried.
Children :
i. Andrew Burlingame, born 27 August, 1840; was married
in Bennington, Vt., 8 Feb., 1862, to Evenette Eveline,
daughter of Mial and Ann Fisk. He is a farmer ; post-
office Shaftsbury, Vt. Children: 1. Caroline F., b. 17 June,
1863; 2. Lester M., b. 18 July, 1865 ; 3. Bertha A., b. 7
March, 1868; 4. Arthur C, b. 6 August, 1872.
ii. Gilbert Prosper, born 27 July, 1847 ; was married in Ben-
nington, Vt, 20 Sept., 1867, to Anna E., daughter of James
and Anna Costello formerly of Troy, N. Y. They dwelt in
Bennington until 1879, then removed to New York City
where they now reside. He is an engineer on one of the
(west side) elevated railways in that city. Children : 1.
Edward Adelbert, b. 15 Dec, 1868 ; 2. Elizabeth, b. 7 Jan.,
187 1 ; 3. Flora, b. 23 July, 1874; 4. Walter, b. 14 Aug., 1875;
5. William, b. 20 Sept., 1878; 6. Harry, b. 15 May, 1881.
iii. Sarah Jane, born ; married Henry T. Bennett. They
reside at Manchester, Vermont, without children.
iv. Franklin, died young in Shaftsbury Township, Vermont.
Thomas Arnold 8 Slocum {Amasa, 7 Benjamin f ' Benjamin,*
Giles,'' Samuel? Giles?- Anthony? ) was born in Perrington Town-
ship, Monroe County, New York. He married first, Lucy Swift,
daughter of William and Rachel Swift of that township ; and
married second, Mary S., daughter of Wanton and Amy Aldrich
of Elba, N. Y. He has continuously resided on a farm in his
native township ; postoffice Fairport, N. Y. Children :
i. Edwin Arnold, born 5 June, 1834; mar. Mary Jane
Harper 31 Aug., 1854. He enlisted against the Rebellion
n Sept., 1861, and was appointed Sergeant in Co. A, 8th
Reg. N. Y. V. C. He remained in the service of his
Country until he fell mortally wounded in the Battle of
Gettysburgh, 2 July, 1863; he died within an hour, and
was buried there in the National Cemetery. A daughter,
now Mrs. Mary Ball, resides in Indianapolis, Indiana,
ii. Amasa, born 3 March, 1836; mar. Lovilla A. Vanderhoof 31
July, 1856. He enlisted against the Rebellion in the 47th
Reg. 111. V. I., and served in the Mississippi Valley. He
died in camp at Gordons ville, Tennessee, 24 February,
1864, and was buried there in the National Cemetery.
iii. William Henry, born 28 March, 1838. He enlisted
against the Rebellion in the 13th (?) Reg. N. Y. V. I. in
August, 1 86 1, and participated in every engagement of his
regiment including the Battles of Antietam and 2d Bull
Run until the Surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee. For several
years he has been Deputy Superintendent of the Monroe
County Penitentiary, Rochester, New York.
iv. Lucy, born 28 April, 1840; married William E. Derrick 24
November, 1869. They reside at Grand Rapids, Michigan.
v. Amy, born 4 March, 1846 ; married Edgar B. Landon 15
October, 1868. Resides in Brighton, Monroe Co., N. Y.
vi. Anna, born 29 March, 1849 ; married William R. Wood-
beck. Resides at Lakeville, Oakland County, Michigan.
vii. Thomas, born 5 May, 1851; married Mary E. Stark 28
March, 1870. Postoffice, Fairport, Monroe County, N. Y.
viii. Richard Wanton, born 1 September, 1853; married Rosalia
Viereg 1 October, 1879. Resides in Chicago, Illinois.
Albert Bowen 8 Slocum {Smith, 1 Benjamin ? Benjamin? Giles ?
Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Macedon Township,
Wayne County, New York, 19 March, 1818; was married first
in LeRoy, Genesee County, N. Y., 30 August, 1843, by Rev.
John Cook, Universalist, to Cordelia Treadwell, daughter of Levi
and Olive (Eaton) Treadwell. They removed that year to
Wheatland Township, Hillsdale County, Michigan, where she
died, and where he still lives. He was married second, in Led-
yard, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 24 October, 1867, to Sarah Sophia
Morrison, by Hicks Anthony, T. P. He is a farmer ; postoffice
Church's Corners, Mich. A seal (representing a coat of arms)
which has been handed down from his forefather Benjamin
is now in his possession and is highly treasured. Children by
first wife :
i. Nathan Lewellyn, twin, b. 26 Feb., 1844 ; d. 13 May, 1852.
ii. Helen, twin, born 26 February, 1844; married James
Humphrey, son of John and Jane (Hall) Humphrey, for-
merly of Geneva, N. Y. Postoffice Church's Corners,
Hillsdale County, Michigan. They have one child, Harriet.
iii. Charles Albert, b. 7 July, i860. P. O. Church's Corners.
Child by second wife :
iv. Anna Elizabeth, born 4 May, 1876, in Wheatland, Mich.
Benjamin 8 Slocum (Smith? Benjamin? Benjamin? Giles?
Samuel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Macedon Township,
Wayne County, New York, 22 February, 1820. He was married
22 December, 1852, to Catharine Pritchard, daughter of William
and Hannah (Van Wagner) Pritchard of Manchester, N. Y., and
formerly of Duchess County where she was born. They reside
on a farm one mile west of Ontario Centre, Wayne County, New
York. Children :
i. William Leonard, b. 12 Jan., 1854, inPerringtonTp., N. Y.
ii. Smith Elisha, born 11 Feb., 1855, m Macedon Tp., N. Y.
iii. Anna Eaton, born in Macedon Tp., N. Y, 28 Nov., 1857.
iv. Reuben Douglas, born 5 Feb., 1859, in Macedon, Tp., N. Y
v. Benjamin Franklin, born in Macedon Tp., 1 July, i860,
vi. Caroline, born 10 November, 1862, in Ontario Tp., N. Y.
vii. Daniel, born in Ontario Township, N. Y., 2 April, 1865.
viii. Edwin, born 2 June, 1867, in Ontario Township, New York,
ix. Amy, born in Ontario Township, N. Y., 6 August,- 1869.
Elizabeth 8 Slocum (Joseph? Eleazer? yohn? Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born 4 January, 1792, near the
Village of Northville, Fulton County, New York. She married
first, Jacob Lyon who died a few years thereafter ; she married
second, November 4, 1819, Joseph W. Slocum, born 22 June,
1798 (?), whose lineage and place of birth have not been
ascertained by the writer. They removed to Illinois in the
spring of 1837, and settled on a farm near French Grove,
Peoria County, and there died he, 14 October, 1846 ; she, 8
September, 1858, and were buried. Children by first husband:
i. Hannah Lyon, born 8 May, 181 1 ; mar. Richard (?) Lewis
about 1842. They reside in Stark (?) County, Illinois.
Children : 1. Abigail, b. in 1845 ; 2. Sarah, b. in 1847 ;
mar. William Hockenberg in 1865 (?) and died about three
weeks thereafter; 3. Jonah, b. in 1849; 4. William, b. in
185 1 ; married ; 5. Erastus, b. in 1855 ; married .
478." ii. Joseph Lyon, b. ii April, i8i3;mar. 1st, Sylvia Chambers.
Children by second husband :
iii. Reuben Slocum, born 17 Aug., 1820; mar. Sarah Wycoff in
Illinois 17 Aug., 1847; died there 10 September, 1849.
478.* iv. Jacob B. Slocum, b. 24 April, 1827 ; m. Elizabeth Hockenberg.
v. Elias Slocum, born 7 March, 1829; died 7 October. 1831.
vi. Julia Lyon Slocum, b. 11 March, 1832; d. 4 Oct., 1834.
478.^ vii. John C. Slocum, b. 2 June, 1837 ; mar. Margaret Bailey.
Joseph Lyon married first, January 14, 1835, Sylvia Chambers who
was born 16 November, 1806, and died soon after the year 1841. He
married second, June 10, 1852, Hannah Pilgrim who was born 14
December, 1832. They reside in Stark County (?), Illinois. Children
(the names of those they married, the dates, their occupations, postoffice
addresses, etc., have not been reported,) by first wife :
i. and ii. Twins, born in March, 1837; died the same year,
iii. Elizabeth C. Lyon, b. 15 Oct., 1839 '> mar - 2 9 Aug., 1865.
iv. Lowell Lyon, born in the year 1841, and died in 1844.
Children by second wife :
v. Freeman Jacob Lyon, b. 7 June, 1854; m. 1 Sept., 1875.
vi. Elias Whitewood Lyon, b. 13 April, 1856; m. 14 Feb., 1877.
vii. DeWitt John Lyon, born in Illinois 24 December, 1858.
viii. Joseph Elmer Lyon, born 22 February, 1861, in Illinois,
ix. Vesper Electa Lyon, born in Illinois 29 May, 1863.
x. Ida Bertha Lyon, born 25 July, 1871, in Illinois.
Jacob B. Slocum was born 24 April, 1827, in Northampton
Township, Montgomery (now Fulton) County, New York, and
was reared from the age of ten years in Peoria County, Illinois,
where he married Elizabeth Hockenberg 17 August, 1847. They
settled on a farm in Peoria County, where they still reside;
present postoffice Brimfield, 111. He is a successful farmer and
a prominent man in his community. Children :
i. Sylvia S., born 23 August, 1848, in Peoria County, Illinois,
ii. Mary A., born in Peoria County, Illinois, 4 March, 1850.
iii. Charles L., born 29 April, 1852, in Peoria County, Illinois,
iv. Adolphus, born near French Grove, Illinois, 9 October, 1854.
v. Laura A., born 31 January, 1857, near French Grove, 111.
vi. Ella M., born near French Grove, Illinois, 17 Jan., 1859.
vii. Ida May, born 5 January, 1861; died 16 February, 1870.
viii. John J., born 26 May, 1863, in Peoria County, Illinois,
ix. Emma F., born in Peoria County, Illinois, 1 September, 1865.
x. George W., was born 14 July, 1868, near Brimfield, Illinois.
John C. Slocum was born in Peoria County, Illinois, 2 June,
1837, and was there reared on a farm. He married Margaret
Bailey 17 March, 1859. They settled on a farm near his native
place, where they now reside ; postoffice, French Grove, Illinois.
Children :
i. Alfred B., born 30 July, i860, near French Grove, Illinois,
ii. Clara Nettie, born near French Grove, 111., 26 Sept., 1861.
iii. Ezra E., born near French Grove, Illinois, 14 Dec, 1862.
iv. Eveline A., born in Peoria County, 111., 10 January, 1866.
v. Gertrude, born in Peoria County, 111., 6 September, 1870.
vi. Hart A., born near French Grove, Illinois, 16 June, 1873.
Reuben 8 Slocum {y oseph? Eleazer? John? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 2 Anthony, 1 ) was born near the present Village of Northville,
Fulton County, New York, 16 July, 1793. He was married in
Otisco Township, Onondaga County, 16 February, 1817, to Lydia
Case, daughter of Aaron and Meribah (Scribner) Case of that
place. They settled at Northville and there died he, 18 Decem-
ber, 1863 ; she, several years later and were buried. He was a
farmer and flouring-mill owner, and successful in his undertakings.
Children :
i. Stillman Wright, born 6 June, 181 9; married, 22 April,
1842, Fanny Smith of Onondaga County, N. Y. A few
years after marriage he removed to the Pacific Coast.
ii. Elizabeth, born 20 Nov., 1821; m. John Wesley Foote of
Northville, 13 Oct., 1842, andthere died soon after marriage.
611. iii. Aaron Case, born 30 Dec, 1823 ; mar. Delia Eliza Moore.
iv. Meribah, b. 10 Dec, 1828, at Northville, N. Y. ; died young.
Rachel 8 Slocum {Joseph? Eleazer? John? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born near the present Village of North-
ville, Fulton County, New York, 5 July, 1795, and married there
Joseph Horton Miller. They settled on a farm about one mile
southeast of Northville, and there she died 19 Feb., 1843 5 was
buried in the Ridge Road Cemetery. Mr. Miller married second,
Sarah Negus who died 6 March, 1872, aged 59 years, 3 months,
\^?cUu^ /V, eyurc^u^rt.
and 6 days. He died on his farm 5 April, 1876, aged 79 years,
and was buried in the Ridge Road Cemetery near it. Children :
i. Maria Miller, born j died some years ago.
ii. Samantha Miller, mar. Daniel Corey, Jr., and is now dec'd.
iii. Nathaniel Miller, married . He resides near
Hagaman's Mills, Montgomery County, New York,
iv. Annice Miller, m. James King. She died leaving children,
v. Elizabeth Miller, born A. D. 1830; married (as second
wife) Joseph M. Gifford, a farmer, merchant, and Justice
of the Peace. P. O. Northville, N. Y. She has no children.
vi. Joseph Slocum Miller, died 22 January, 1854, at his father's
house, aged 21 years, 9 months, and 13 days.
Mr. Miller had several children by his second wife but their names
have not been reported to the writer.
Caleb Wright 8 Slocum {Joseph? Eleazer? John? Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born 22 October, 1797, one-half
mile east of the present Village of Northville in Northampton
Township, Fulton County, New York,* and was there reared as
a pioneer farmer. He was married 26 November, 18 18, to
Elizabeth Bass, who was born on a neighboring farm 25 Novem-
ber, 1798, the second daughter and fifth child of Jeremiah and
Elizabeth (Bentley) Bass.f
After marriage the subject of this sketch settled at Northville
as a carder and clothier, at first in a primitive woolen-mill, and
there successfully conducted that business for a period of twenty-
five years. The advantages of Illinois being much discussed
throughout the East in the spring of 1837, he decided upon a
visit to that distant State which could then be reached only by
a very tedious journey. With his customary prudence he decided
not to give up his old home until satisfied by personal observation
that there would be great advantage in the change, and, leaving
* Northampton Township. N. Y., was taken 1 February, 1799, from Broadalbin
Township which was organized from the wilderness of Caughnawaga (an Indian
name signifying cook the kettle) 12 March, 1793. Fulton County was organized
18 April, 1838, from Montgomery County which was taken from Albany County
12 March, 1792.
f Something of the genealogy of Jeremiah Bass, and a short account of his
descendants, may be found in the publication entitled " The Whitney Family of
Connecticut," by S. Whitney Phoenix ; 3 thick 410 vols., New York, 1878 ; vol. i,
p. 666, and vol. ii, p. 1455.
his family behind, he commenced the journey in May, 1837,
in company with his brother Joseph and their sister Elizabeth
and her family. They traveled by packet on the Erie Canal to
Buffalo, thence by schooner through the lakes, and Straits of
Mackinaw or Michilimackinac, to Chicago (then a small village),
and thence by wagon across the prairies to Peoria County, 111.,
where he, with the others, purchased desirable land near French
Grove at a cost of about two dollars per acre. After a few
weeks visit he returned home, and, shrinking from the thought
of removing his family of nine children on such a long and
tedious journey, he soon thereafter sold his Illinois land for a
small sum above its cost.
In the year 1844 he purchased and removed to a large farm one
mile southwest of Northville on the west bank of the Sacondaga
River and including an arable island of one hundred acres or
more. He soon added to this farm other lands and fully stocked
them with horses, cattle, and sheep. A general store was also
opened in a building erected for that purpose. In the spring of
1858 the residence farm was exchanged for one-half interest in
the gang saw-mill by the river-dam at Parkville, one half mile
from Northville. The following year the saw-mill was sold to
Sheldon Hubbell, his partner therein, and he soon thereafter
purchased, in the adjoining Township of Bleecker, a sole-leather
tannery in which Joseph C. Zeyst was foreman and a nominal
partner. Wishing to retire from active business on account of
failing health, he gave this property to his sons Elias and Wright
in the year 1863. In April, 1864, while driving to Bleecker he
suffered an attack of cerebral apoplexy which produced paralysis
of his left side. He gradually recovered from this attack but
died suddenly of a second attack at his residence in Parkville 14
July, 1864;
" A voice at midnight came ;
He started up to hear ;
A mortal arrow pierced his frame ;
He fell, but felt no fear."
His widow died 26 July, 1866, at the residence of their son
Wright near Northville, and was buried with her busband in the
Ridge Road Cemetery one mile southeast of Northville. She
was a worthy helpmate. They reared their large family of chil-
dren to adult age before death entered the household, and their
uniform good health gave very little need for the physician's advice.
Mr. Slocum was a large muscular man six feet in height
with a weight of about two hundred pounds with active
habits, but of few words. He was a man of good judgment and
possessed a good degree of enterprise and business tact, but was
never inclined to drive a sharp bargain to the injury of any one.
The maxim which he adopted at the outset of his career that
honest persevering industry and economy form a sure avenue to
success when complemented by good judgment was closely
adhered to throughout his life. His word of promise was always
a sure bond to all who received it. Toward the poor he was
liberal, possibly to a fault. From early manhood he was a prom-
inent member of the Northville Baptist Church and he remem-
bered that society in his will with a bequest. He was for many
years a magistrate in his township (Northampton), and through-
out his busy and successful life his integrity of character was a
great power for good in his community, and its influence is still
a rich legacy to all who knew his worth. Politically he was a
Democrat of the Jeffersonian school. He supported Stephen A.
Douglas for the Presidency in i860, and at the outbreak of the
Southern Rebellion in 1861 he was firm and outspoken in his
support of the war for its suppression ; but he did not live to
rejoice at the final triumph of the Union arms and the consum-
mation of the Emancipation Proclamation. Four of his sons
entered the Union army, and most of his sons have since been
stanch Republicans.
The lineage of Elizabeth (Bass) Slocum, so far as ascertained
by the writer, is shown in the following scheme:
Elijah Whitney, = Elizabeth Perry.
Jeremiah Bass, = Hannah Whitney,
date and place of birth not ascertained. | of Danbury, Connecticut ; an only child.
Jeremiah Bass, = Elizabeth Bent-ley,
born in Connecticut 6 July. 1768: died near I dau. of William ; born in Massachusetts 1. July
Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y., 13 June, 1832. 1772 ; died near Northville, N. Y., 17 Aug , 1838*.
Caleb W. e Slocum, =Elizabeth Bass,
born 22 October, 1797 ; died 14 July, 1864. I born 25 November, 1798 ; was married 26 Novem-
____ I ber, 1818 ; died 26 July, 1866.
Children :
i. Lewis William Bass, born 13 September, 1820. He is a
farmer in Northampton Tp., N. Y. ; remains unmarried,
ii. Abigail Elizabeth, born 17 July, 1822 ; married Dr. John
Riley (see sketch, No. 482* ) 28 Sept., 1843, at her father's
house. She there died 17 Dec, 1843, and was buried in
Ridge Road Cemetery. Her writings now extant are evi-
dence that she possessed excellent qualities of mind and heart,
iii. Sarah, born 4 July, 1824. She lived with her parents until
their death, and from May 1, 1867, resided with her brother
Elias near Leslie, Michigan, until his death in 1869, then
with her brother Eleazer at Grand Rapids, Mich., until her
death which occurred 27 October, 1870. She was buried
in Lot No. 37 of Block B, Greenwood Cemetery, Grand
Rapids, Michigan. She remained unmarried,
iv. Annice, born 1 August, 1826; died unmarried, 11 March,
1846, at her father's house, and was buried in Ridge Road
Cemetery near Northville, Fulton County, New York.
Clarissa, b. ix March, 1828; m. Ephraim H. Pierce ; d. 1850.
John Caleb, born 18 April, 1830; mar. Jennie E. Dodds.
Joseph W\, born 21 Feb., 1832; married Elma Hogeboom.
Elias, born 27 March, 1834; married Jennie E. Currier.
Wright Newton, b. 10 April, 1837 ; m. Laura E. Brundage.
Eleazer, born 21 June, 1839; married Cornelia J. Cowley.
Charles Elihu, born 30 Dec, 1841 ; remains unmarried.
Azubah 8 Slocum {Joseph? Eleazer^ yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born near the present Village of North-
ville, Fulton County, New York, 1 May, 1800, and was married
there, first to Isaac Burnet, a farmer, 1 January, 1818. He was
born on Long Island, N. Y., 27 April, 1795, and died near
Northville 9 May, 1830. She married second, Samuel Snow 26
May, 1832. Mr. Snow was born in Wilton, N. H., 26 July, 1789,
and married first, in 18 13, Jerusha Sawtell of Marlborough, Ver-
mont. There were several children by this marriage whose
names have not been reported to the writer. Samuel and Azubah
Snow settled on_a farm near Batchellerville, Edinburgh Town-
ship, Saratoga County, New York, and there died (she, 26 April,
1862; he, 23 April, 1881,) firm in the Christian's trust. Chil-
dren by her first husband :
i. Stephen Henry Burnet, b. 18 Aug., 1820; d. 4 Feb., 1822.
482." ii. Caleb H. Burnet, b. 10 July, 1823 ; m. Caroline C. Wilkie.
482.* iii. Abigail Burnet, born 17 Dec, 1825 ; mar. Dr. John Riley.
482.' iv. Azubah Burnet, b. 14 Sept., 1829; m. William Davenport.
Children of Azubah Slocum by second husband, Samuel Snow :
482. d v. Samuel W. Snow, b. 26 Jan., 1836 ; m. Delilah J. Robinson.
482.' vi. Nancy M. Snow, born 2 July, 1839; mar Philo L. Colson.
482/vii. Helen E. Snow, born 16 Oct., 1844; mar. Elmer T. Smith.
Caleb Humphrey Burnet was born near Northville, Fulton County,
N. Y., 10 July, 1823 ; was married in Charlton, Saratoga County, 5
February, 1851, to Caroline C. Wilkie who was there born 5 February,
1827, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Penny) Wilkie. They dwelt in
Galway, N. Y., ten years or more after marriage, then removed to a
farm near El Paso, Woodford County, Illinois, and removed thence in
1 88 1 to the Village of El Paso. Children :
i. William Isaac Burnet, born 23 July, 1852; married Jen-
nie Helm 7 December, 1876, at El Paso, 111., where they
now reside. Children : 1. Frank Humphrey, born 22
December, 1877 ; and 2. EvaEstelle, born 17 October, 1880.
ii. Azubah Elizabeth Burnet, b. 6 Oct., 1853 ; d. 6 Oct., 1854.
hi. Eva Burnet, born 6 April, 1855 ; died in June, 1855.
iv. Arthur Henry Burnet, born 27 April 1857; mar. Lydia
Wilkinson 17 October, 1879. Their Postoffice is El Paso,
111. A child, Henry Arthur, was born 7 July, 1880.
v. John Augustus Burnet, b. 3 Jan., 1859. Resides at El Paso.
vi. Caroline Estelle Burnet, b. 19 Dec, i860. Resides
with her parents.
Abigail Burnet was born near Northville, Fulton County, N. Y., 17
December, 1825, and was married there 24 December, 1844, as the
second wife of Dr. John Riley ; see account of Abigail E. Slocum, page
372. He was born in New York City 30 September, 18 18, and was
graduated M. D. at Castleton Medical College, Vermont, in the year
1843. They removed to Illinois in 1846, and now reside at Spring Hill,
Wbitesides County, where he conducts a general store. He was elected
Coroner of his county in 1872, Justice of the Peace in 1874, and has held
other offices. Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Charles Riley, is (1881) Superintendent of the Geneseo
Public Schools, Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois.
ii. John Riley, is a practicing physician in Exira, Iowa.
iii. William Riley, is a lawyer at Reinbeck, Grundy Co., Iowa,
iv. George Washington Riley, is a farmer in Seward Co., Nebr.
v. Bruce Riley, is also a farmer in Seward County, Nebraska.
vi. Henry Clay Riley. ") Reside with their parents at Spring
vii. Lincoln Riley. f Hill, Whitesides County, Illinois.
Azubah Burnet was born near Northville, Fulton County, N. Y., 14
September, 1829, and married William M. Davenport 20 May, 1852.
For some years their postoffice has been Tracy Creek, Broome County,
New York. Children :
i. Isaac Burnet Davenport, born 12 May, 1854. He studied
dentistry and was graduated D. D. S. He also studied
medicine, and was graduated M. D. at the College of Physi-
cians and Surgeons, New York City, class of 1879.
ii. Idelette Azubah Davenport, born 8 September, 1856;
married James Davis 16 January, 1877, at Tracy Creek.
hi. Ella Davenport, born 7 July, 1859; died 22 Dec, 1859.
iv. Levi Caleb Davenport, b. 1 2 June, 1862, at Tracy Creek. (?)
v. Nancy Helen Davenport, b. at Tracy Creek, 17 Apr., 1865.
vi. William Samuel Davenport, b. 5 Apr., 1868, at Tracy Ck.
vii. Kirk Adson Davenport, b. 18 Nov., 1869, at Tracy Creek.
Rev. Samuel William Snow was born in Edinburgh Tp., Saratoga
Co., N. Y., 26 January, 1836, and was reared there on a farm. He
received his early education in the district schools of his native town-
ship and in the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. He was married in
the Edinburgh M. E. Church 4 January, 1863, to Delilah Jane Robin-
son who was born 5 May, 1839, in Edinburgh. He is a farmer at the
homestead, and a preacher in the M. E. Church ; postoffice Batchel-
lerville, New York. Children :
i. Ella Julia Snow, born 9 Dec, 1864, in Edinburgh, N. Y.
ii. Mary Delilah Snow, born in Edinburgh, 10 Dec, 1866.
hi. William Lincoln Snow, b. 17 March, 1869, in Edinburgh,
iv. Lunie Belle Snow, born in Edinburgh, 29 May, 1872.
v. Caroline Helen Snow, b. 29 Dec, 1874; d. 16 Dec, 1875.
vi. Edith Matilda SNOw,b. 11 Sept., 1877, in Edinburgh, N. Y.
Nancy Matilda Snow was born near Batchellerville, N. Y., 2 July,
1839, and was reared on a farm. She was a student at the Albany
Normal School and afterward taught public school several terms in her
native county. She was married, in her father's house 30 January, 1867,
by Rev. George C. Simons, M. E., to Philo Lyon Colson who was born
8 July % 1838, in Day Township, Saratoga County, N. Y., son of Heman
and Hannah (Vandenburgh) Colson, he was born in Danby, Vt., 30
April, 1804, and she in Half Moon, N. Y., 13 June, 1804. They
reside on a farm ; P. O. West Day, N. Y. Children :
7i> 0" CHS
t^pu^wfi A^^<^Qp&<^,
i. Mary E. Colson, b. 17 September, 1868, in Day Tp., N. Y.
ii. Minerva Belle Colson, b. 15 Dec, 1869 ; d. 15 Nov., 1875.
iii. Helen Azubah Colson, b. 28 March, 1876, in Day Tp., N. Y.
iv. George Washington Colson, b. in DayTp., 22 Dec., 1878.
Helen Elizabeth Snow was born in Edinburgh Tp., Saratoga Co.,
N. Y., 16 October, 1844. She taught public school several terms in
her native county and in Broome County, N. Y. She was married in
her father's house 17 June, 1868, by Rev. Henry W. Slocum, M. E.
(sketch No. 517), to Elmer T. Smith, a farmer, who was born 21 May,
1844, in Pennsylvania. Their postofflce is Union, Broome County,
New York. Children :
i. Herbert Elmer Smith, born 13 August, 1869, near Tracy
Creek. Broome Co., New York ; died there 15 January, 1870.
ii. Eva Belle Smith, born 9 Nov., 1870; d. 16 March, 1871.
iii. Samuel Snow Smith, born 17 Jan., 1874, near Tracy Creek.
iv. Flossie Nancy Smith, b. near Tracy Creek, 29 Feb., 1876.
Humphrey 8 Slocu m {Joseph? Eleazer, 6 J ohn? Eliezer^Eliezer, 1
Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born near the Village of Northville, now
in Fulton County, New York, 20 October, 1805 ; was married
there in the year 183 1 to Caroline, daughter of John and Phebe
(Wright) Newton of that place and formerly of Clifton, Saratoga
County, where she was born 28 January, 1808. They settled on
a farm one mile southeast of Northville, where they lived up-
right and honorable lives, and where he died 20 August, 1871 ;
was buried in Northville Cemetery. His widow now (1881)
lives with their daughter. Children :
619. i. John Newton, b. 7 Oct., 1832 ; m. Elizabeth B. VVhitehouse.
ii. Julia Elizabeth, born 23 December, 1844. She taught
public school several terms near her home ; was married 5
January, 187 1, to James P. Lewis who was born in her
native township (Northampton) 14 February, 1845, son of
Hiram and Margaret (Doig) Lewis. Soon after marriage
they removed to Beaver Falls, Lewis County, N. Y., where
they now (1881) live. He is a manufacturer of wood-
pulp for paper ; and has been Justice of the Peace since
1873. Children: 1. Caroline Leonora, b. 3 Dec, 1871,
died 25 April, 1872 ; 2. Grace Edna, born 20 May, 1877.
iii. Humphrey Elias, born n February, 1849. In May, 1867,
he engaged as clerk in his brother's dry-goods store at
Niagara Falls, N. Y., and after a few years was admitted to
partnership. He there married, 24 June, 1874, Frances
Marion Binkley, daughter of Jeremiah and Christiana
Binkley of that village, where she was born 27 April, 1852.
They removed to Geneva, Ontario County, N. Y., 12 April,
1875, where he still resides as junior member of the dry-
goods firm of John N. Slocum & Brother. Children: 1.
Jeremiah Fred, born 25 March, 1876 ; 2. Harry Spencer,
born 13 March, 1878 ; both born in Geneva, New York.
Joseph 8 Slocum (Joseph, 1 Eleazer, 6 John, 5 Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 2 - Anthony?) was born near the present Village of North-
ville, Fulton County, New York, 14 July, 18 14, and was there
reared on a farm. In the spring of 1837 he removed to Peoria
County, Illinois, where he afterward purchased land, and, as an
enterprising farmer and dealer in real estate, accumulated a
competence. He was married at Walnut Creek, Stark County,
111., to Elizabeth Kellogg who was born in Ohio in the year
1817. They died at their residence near Brimfield, Peoria Co.,
111., she, in 1861 ; he, 11 July, 1865, and were buried in
Brimfield Cemetery. Children :
i. Jerome, born near Brimfield, 111.; married Martha Jane
Bassett of Tonica, 111., where he died 27 October, 1870.
He was an excellent young man. A child, Caroline, was
born about January, 1870, in Minnesota. His widow
married Denning and resides in Tonica, Illinois.
620. ii. George W., twin, b. 28 January, 1843; m. Elizabeth King,
iii. Benjamin Franklin, twin, died at the age of about six weeks,
iv. Sarah Elizabeth, mar. Albert Belcher. Resides in Brim-
field, Illinois. Children: 1. Thaddeus, born in 1870; 2.
Lois Evalyn, born in 1872.
v. Joseph, born near Brimfield, Illinois ; died in his infancy.
vi. Albert, mar. . Resides in Forest City, 111. (?)
vii. Mary, married Allen Matthews 26 April, 187 1. Resides at
Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Nebr. A dau. was born in 1873.
Lewis Berry 8 Slocum (Fortunains, 1 Eleazer, 6 John, 5 Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Cambridge Township,
Washington County, New York, 30 August, 1790 ; married
Clarissa Bryan, daughter of David and Elizabeth (Lounsbury)
Bryan of Schaghticoke, Rensselaer County, where she was born
3 January, 1793. They resided in Schaghticoke some years,
then removed to Valley Falls where he died 5 July, 1863. She
died in Schaghticoke 30 March, 1866, and was buried there, with
her husband, in Elmwood Cemetery. A clothier. Children :
i. Ezra, born 29 February, 1816; died 23 December, 1818.
621. ii. Chauncey Betts, b. 25 Nov., 18 17; m. Charlotte E. Crapo.
622. i ii. Nancy, b. 17 Sept., 1819 ; m. John P. Ball; d. 25 Oct., 1879.
iv. Clarissa, b. 1 March, 1822; m. 24 July, 1845, Dr. William
Johnson of Valley Falls, where she died 12 Dec, 1857.
v. Elizabeth, born 23 May, 1824, in Schaghticoke, N. Y. ;
mar. 18 Jan., 1842, at Valley Falls, N. Y., Eliphalet, son of
John and Lydia (Oldham) Follett of Winchester, N. H.,
where he was born 22 Jan., 1813. They resided 25 years
in Keene, N. H., and he there died 3 Feb., 1875 ; was
buried in Winchester. They had one child, Lydia Annette,
b. 1 1 Aug., 1843, who resides with her mother in Troy, N. Y.
vi. Mary, born 7 January, 1827 ; was married 8 February, 1851,
at Valley Falls, N. Y., by Rev. J. H. Noble, Presb., to John
Nelson Scranton, a dentist, son of Rev. Simeon and Nancy
(Loveland) Scranton. He was born in Durham, Conn., in
1818. They settled in Bennington, Vt, and still reside
there; have had one child, Eva Loveland, b. 2 Dec, 1855.
623. vii. Alexander Bryan, b. 30 May 1829 ; m. Mary A. Wagoner.
624. viii. Harriet, b. 1 Dec, 1832 ; m. John Kenyon, 8 May, 1855.
Anstace Viall 8 Slocum {FortunatusjEleazerfJohnfEliezerf
Eliezer, 1 Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born near the present Village of
Northville, Fulton County, New York, 20 April, 1799 ; was there
married in 18 16 to Hirah Olmsted who was born in November,
1796, son of Timothy and Abigail (Bailey) and grand-son of
Elijah Olmsted of Connecticut. In the year of their marriage
they removed to Onondaga Valley, N. Y., where he died 25
August, 1881, and where she still lives active in mind and body
notwithstanding an attack of cerebral apoplexy, received some
years since, which slightly impaired her left side. Children :
i. William Olmsted, b. in Dec, 1817 ; resides in Syracuse, N.Y.
ii. Mercy Olmsted, born 20 June, 1820; married Darius
Britton. Resides in Hastings, Oswego County, New York.
iii. John Olmsted, b. 22 March, 1 822, in Onondaga Valley, N. Y.
iv. Phebe Olmsted, born 24 June, 1824; mar. Daniel Pulling.
She is a widow ; resides with her mother. No children.
v. Lewis Olmsted, born in August, 1827. He is an engineer;
resides in Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois. No report.
vi. Sherman Olmsted, b. in Oct., 1833; resides in Midland, Mich.
vii. Franklin Olmsted, b. in Jan., 1836; res. in Midland, Mich.
Sarah 8 Slocum (Fortunaius? Eleazer, b John? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born 16 September, 1802, and married
Ezra F. Lounsbury. They reside in Onondaga County, New
York. Children :
i. Harriet E. Lounsbury, married Rufus Gilbert. She died
in 1854. A child, Harriet E., married Myron Amidon
whose postoffice is Navarino, Onondaga County, New York.
ii. Charles F. Lounsbury, is an eclectic physician at Navarino,
Onondaga Co., New York. Children : Earl, and Angeline.
iii. Rachel Angeline Lounsbury, is (1881) a teacher in one
of the Public Schools of Danforth, N. Y. Unmarried.
iv. Mary A. and v. Sarah J. Lounsbury, twins, died young.
vi. James V. Lounsbury. Resides in Midland, Michigan.
vii. Annice Sophia Lounsbury, died some years since.
Harmon VanVechten 8 Slocum (Fortunatus? Eleazerf John,*
Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Cambridge Town-
ship, Washington County, New York, 1 August, 1807; was
married in 1829 to Salome Park, daughter of Asa and Hannah
(Packer) Park of Plainfield, Connecticut. He enlisted as a soldier
in the Mexican War and was killed in the Battle of Palo Alto in
April 1846. A blacksmith. Children :
i. Elisha Park, born 18 March, 1830, at Stillwater, N. Y. He
married, 2 June, 1856, Harriet Rebecca Story, daughter of
William and Laura (Brown) Story of Norwich, Connec-
ticut, where he has since resided. He is an agent of the
Adams Express Company ; has served two terms as mem-
ber of the Norwich City Council, and has declined a nomi-
nation as Representative to the Connecticut Legislature.
Has no children.
625. ii. Harmon V., born 29 May, 183 1 j mar. Hannah M. Buffum.
iii. Hannah, born in 1832; died same year in Plainfield, Conn.
iv. Sarah, b. 17 Feb., 1835, in Mystic, Conn. ; m. 6 April, 1854,
Warren F. Burt of Providence, R. I., where they reside.
v. Elizabeth, born 22 September, 1837, in Plainfield, Conn.;
m. George W. Bissell in 1858. Reside in Providence, R. I.
vi. Mary Alice, born June, 1839, m Windham, Conn.; died in
Norwich 2 July, 1859 ; was buried in Packersville Cemetery.
vii. Harriet, b. 15 Aug., 1844, in Pittstown, N. Y. ; m. George
F. Rich of South Manchester, Conn., where they now reside.
Anna 8 Slocum {Fitzgerald? Eleazer, 6 John? Eliezer* Eliezer*
Giles, 1 Anthony,*) was born in Boston, Massachusetts (?), A. D.
1794. When she was quite young her father was lost at sea and
her mother soon thereafter removed the family to Saratoga
County, New York, where she was reared and married to Levi
C. Lyon who was born in Hartford, Conn., in 1791, son of
Samuel and Eunice Lyon and a nephew of Gov. Jabez Tread-
well. They removed to Onondaga County, N. Y., about 18 16
and thence in 1831 to Detroit, Michigan, where she died in 1851
of consumption and was buried. Mr. Lyon married second, in
185 1, Mrs. Lord, a widow without children, and resided
near New Hudson, Michigan, where they died she, in 1865 ;
he, in 1869 and were buried. Children :
489. i. Anson E. Lyon, born 24 June, 1812; m. Miranda Sheldon.
ii. Elizabeth Ann Lyon, b. in 1815 in Ballston, N.Y.;d.in 1834.
iii. Sarah Matilda Lyon, born in 181 7 in Otisco, N. Y.; mar.
in 1839, Elias Headstrom who died in Detroit, Michigan,
in 1855. She had nine children only bneof whom, Charles
John, now survives, a widower, living with his mother in
Detroit, Michigan.
iv. Salome Lyon, born A. D. 1821 in Spafford, N. Y.; married,
in 1837, Jacob Condo in Detroit, Mich. She had four
sons and three daughters, names not given. She d. in 1849.
v. Catharine Lyon, b. in 1825 in Edinburgh, N.Y.; d. in 1834.
vi. Samuel Lyon, born in 1826 in Edinburgh, N. Y. He mar.
in Detroit, Mich., and died there in 1847 without children.
vii. Emily Elizabeth Lyon, born A. D: 1829, in Edinburgh, N.Y.
Anson E. Lyon was born in Edinburgh Township, Saratoga County,
New York, 24 June, 1812, and was partly reared there and in Onondaga
County. He removed with his parents to Detroit, Michigan, in 1829,
and there married, in 1839, Miranda, daughter of Frederick and Sarah
Sheldon. He is a merchant in Detroit, Mich. Children :
i. Edward Lyon, born 25 April, 1840, in Jackson, Michigan.
He resides with his father j unmarried.
ii. George Washington Lyon, born 18 Nov., 1844, in Detroit,
where he mar. in 1868 and now resides without children.
iii. Adeline Elizabeth Lyon, born 15 January, 1848, in
Detroit, Mich. ; married there Capt. William Mills in 1869.
They had three children, two of whom, with their father,
are now deceased. She and her daughter, Cora L., born
18 December, 1868, reside with her father.
iv. Anson Wright Lyon, born 26 November, 1850, in Detroit,
Michigan, where he married in 1878 and now resides,
v. Mary Miranda Lyon, b. 1 May, 1853; resides with father.
vi. John Henry Lyon, b. 26 July, i860; resides with father.
Eleazer*Slocum (Fitzgerald, 7 E/mzerfyo/mSEliezerSE/iezer,*
Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born about the year 1798, and was reared
in Saratoga County, New York (?). He married Elizabeth
Wilson of Tompkins County, N. Y., sister of Melinda, wife of
Edward T. Slocum ; sketch No. 496. They settled on a farm in
West Monroe Tp., Oswego County, N. Y., and there died he, 1
December, 1850; she, 31 December, 1876. Children:
626. i. John Fenner, b. 1 May, 1821; married Melissa Patterson,
ii. Mariette, died at the age of about two years.
iii. Harriet, was born about 1825; married Henry J. Jewell.
Postoffice West Monroe, Oswego County, New York.
iv. Melinda, born about 1827 ; married Emerson Jewell.
Resides in Syracuse, N. Y. Children : Two sons deceased;
3. Moses ' Willard, Perryville, N. Y. ; 4. Gustavus L.,
manager Syracuse Lace-goods Manufactory; 5. John H.,
a commercial traveler, Syracuse, N. Y. ; no dates reported.
v. Martha, died at the age of about two years.
vi. Sidney, born about 1832 ; married in Clyde, N. Y. (?)
He has been a canal-boatman j resided in New York City
in 1 88 1 with two children daughters.
vii. Willard Holbrook, born 22 May, 1837; married, 18 April,
1857, Mary Ann, daughter of William and Catharine
(Smith) Walker. He is (188 1) proprietor of the "Slocum
House " hotel at Central Square, N. Y. j has no children,
viii. Mariette, married Samuel Traver of Constantia, Oswego
County, N. Y., where she died at the age of about 21 years.
ix. Caroline, died in her childhood, in West Monroe, N. Y.
x. Cornelia, born A. D. 1843 ; married Augustus Martin, a
boatman of Syracuse, N. Y., where she now lives. Her
husband died in July, 1872, leaving one child, Frederick.
xi. Martha, died in her childhood, in West Monroe, N. Y.
xii. Edgar, died in West Monroe, N. Y, in his childhood.
xiii. James, married ; resides in Pent Water, Michigan (?).
xiv. Fidelia, married Eugene Brown ; P. O. Central City, Nebr.
Dr. Willard 8 Slocum (Fitzgerald? Eleazer? yohn? Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Saratoga County, New
York(?), A. D. 1803. He was educated in the public schools of
his native county, and taught school several terms in central
New York during his early manhood. In the year 1827 he was
recorded at Batavia, N. Y., as a school-teacher and also as a
student of medicine with Dr. Ackley with whom he after-
wards commenced the practice of medicine. He was graduated
M. D. 3 February, 1829, by the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Fairfield, N. Y. ; was married in Canton Township,
Wayne County, Michigan, 31 August, 1830, to Mary Ann Hol-
brook who was born in Riga, Monroe County, N. Y., 7 August,
1809, daughter of Benaiah and Judith (Badger) Holbrook. They
removed to Ashland, Ohio, where he practiced his profession
twelve years excepting parts of two winters which were passed
in the Cleveland Medical College mostly in partnership with Dr.
Denning. About the year 1 842 he exchanged a farm (which
he had owned for some time) near the Village of Ashland for a
large farm in Smithfield Township, Eaton County, Michigan, and,
thinking to improve his failing health, he removed thither taking
with him a considerable amount of stock from the Ohio farm.
He there experienced the life of a pioneer farmer for nine months
and then removed to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he prac-
ticed his profession until his death which occurred 17 January,
1847. His widow was married in 1849 to Jonathan Chubb, a
farmer near Grand Rapids, who died a few years thereafter with-
out children. She now resides with her son in Lamont, Ottawa
County, Michigan. Children :
i. Willard HoLBROok, born 4 June, 1835, in Ashland, Ohio ;
died 22 October, 1840, and was buried in Ashland Cemetery.
627. ii. Herbert W., born 27 Feb., 1837; m. Cornelia E. Shattuck.
iii. Mary, b. 20 June, 1840, in Ashland, O. ; d. 22 May, 1842.
Philip Slade 8 Slocum {John? Eleazer?" y ohn? Eliezer? Elie-
zer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pittstown Township, Rens-
selaer County, New York, 1 May, 1799, and married, first,
Almira, daughter of Peleg Slade. She was born in the year
1806, and died young at Oswego, N. Y. (?) He married, second,
Hester Page of Oswego and formerly of St. Lawrence County,
N. Y. He was a teacher of public schools and an occasional
preacher in the Baptist church ; died in Whitesborough near
Utica, N. Y., about the year 1862. Child by first wife:
i. Mortimer, born 1 May, 1833, in Moravia, Cayuga County,
N. Y. He studied medicine, and was graduated M. D. in
Philadelphia in 1855. Was married first at Waukegan, 111.,
18 June, 1857, to Mary Elizabeth Smith who was born 4 Oct.,
1837, at Camden, N. J., daughter of Dr. David S. Smith,
then of Chicago. Dr. Slocum dwelt in Chicago some years
and removed to the vicinity of San Antonio, Texas, on ac-
count of poor health, about the year 1862. He married
second, at Gonzales, Texas, 6 February, 1867, Mary Vance
Pickett, born at Carthage, Tenn., 19 Feb., 1843, daughter
of Andrew Green and Matilda (Madison) Pickett. Dr.
Slocum's postoffice is San Antonio, Texas, and his residence
seven miles west of that city. He is a homeopathic phy-
sician and much esteemed by his neighbors. A daughter
was born 30 August, 1868; her name has not been reported.
Child by second wife :
ii. Philip. Resides at Buffalo in the employ of the Erie R. R.
Hiram 8 Slocum (J^o/in, 7 Eleazerf Johnf Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Pittstown Township, Rensselaer
County, New York, about the year 1801 and was reared there
and in Onondaga County. He learned the trade of carpenter
and removed to Philadelphia, Pa., where he married, 1 January,
1 83 1, Elizabeth Bingaman, daughter of Joseph and Margaret
(Schutt) Bingaman, of that city where she was born in the year
1810. She died in 1839 m Philadelphia and was buried therein
Mutual Cemetery. He died in New York City in September,
1843. Children :
i. William Henry, born 24 Sept., 1831, in Philadelphia; was
mar. there in 1857 to Sarah Marshman, born in 1837, dau.
of Charles P. and Mary Ann (Muckelson) Marshman of
that city. He was a lithograph printer in Philadelphia
where they died she, 20 Jan., 1863 ; he, 7 Dec, 1866,
and were buried in Mutual Cemetery. Children: 1. Charles
Marshman, b. 24 Sept., 1858; resides in Germantown,
Philadelphia, a clerk; 2. William Henry, b. in i860, d. in
September, 1863; 3. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 8 October, 1862.
ii. Andrew Jackson, b. 1833 in New York City; d. about 1835.
iii. Harriet, born 4 February, 1836, in New York City; mar.
Gen. Louis Wagner. They reside in Germantown, Pa.
Rev. John Jay 8 Slocum {John? Eleazer? John, 5 Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles?- Anthony?) was born in Pittstown Township,
Rensselaer County, New York, 25 May, 1803. He studied
theology and was ordained a minister in the Presbyterian
church. During his pastoral labors he wrote, and published in
the year 1836, the book entitled " Disclosures by Maria Monk,"
which passed through several editions in America and England
and was very extensively read.* In the preparation and publi-
cation of this small i6mo book which was for a time very
damaging to the Roman Catholic church Mr. Slocum was
strongly endorsed and encouraged by the ablest ministers of the
Protestant churches in New York and Brooklyn. The " Con-
firmation of Maria Monk's Disclosures " was published in
1 85 1 (?). He married , a lady of English birth, and died
12 May, i860, leaving no children. The following obituary
notice of him appeared in a Kalamazoo (Michigan) newspaper :
" The Rev. J. J. Slocum of this place, recently of New York, died
at the residence of Hon. D. C. Leach, in Lansing, on Thursday last,
of some acute affection of the brain, the precise nature of which we
have not learned. His illness was of brief duration, none of the inci-
dents of which have yet reached us.
"In the death of Mr. Slocum we have lost one of our most esteemed
and valued citizens one whose place, we fear, can not be filled. We
have lost one whose life was an incessant toil for the good of his fellow-
men, and for the moral education and elevation of his race. Endowed
with a powerful and well trained mental organization possessed of
an indomitable energy and an iron will, he was well calculated to con-
ceive and carry out those noble enterprises which characterized his life.
"Our acquaintance with Mr. S. commenced some five years ago,
at which time he was engaged in Chicago in organizing and developing
the ' Lind Seminary ' located at Lake Forest, the most beautiful of the
suburbs of that city, and which is now one of the most successful
institutions in the West. From Chicago he came to Kalamazoo and
* " It is stated by Father Newman in his 'Lectures on Catholicism,' that since the
first appearence of ' Maria Monk's Disclosures ' in 1836, from 200,000 to 250,000
copies have been put in circulation in Great Britain and America." London
Literary Gazette, 185 1, page 723.
planned the Female Seminary now in process of completion here, and
for the interests of which he was laboring at the time of his death.
"Subsequent to the organization of the Seminary here, and the
commencement of its construction, from causes which are unnecessary
to explain, his connection with it ceased and he went to New York,
where he projected and developed the New York World as a daily
religious newspaper. Had that paper been continued upon the basis
on which it was originally started had those who controlled its des-
tinies been faithful to the great truths and fundamental principles which
they recognized in its origin, and which they promised should charac-
terize its career, the World, instead of being the organ of a political
organization as it is, would have stood to-day without a peer as a
journal of commanding influence, whose pages would have carried life
and light immortal throughout this vast Nation. But shortly after its
commencement Mr. Slocum was prostrated by sunstroke by which
he was confined to his room for several months, and which, we are in-
clined to think, was the predisposing cause of his last sickness. While
thus confined the affairs of the World fell into confusion and the
change was made which struck down the bright hopes of its future
usefulness. A few weeks since Mr. S. returned to Kalamazoo at the
urgent solicitation of the Trustees of the Michigan Female Seminary
located here, and resumed his former position in connection with the
Institution, in behalf of which he was laboring at the time of his death.
" A good man has fallen and this community laments his loss with
feelings of most profound regret."
Such was also the language of the New York World, and
other papers where he was well known.
William Sisson 8 Slocum (John? Eleazer, b John? Eliezer*-
Eliezer? Giles, 1 - Anthony,' 1 ) was born in Pittstown Township,
Rensselaer County, New York, 15 September, 1806. He went
to New York City in 1826 and there married, 7 May, 1830,
Rosabella Cooper Berrien who was born on City Island near New
York. He commenced business in that city as a carpenter, then
became a dealer in lumber, and, after a few years, a proprietor of
omnibuses ; later, he became Secretary of the St. Nicholas Fire
Insurance Company. About the year 1870 they removed to
Brooklyn, N. Y., where he died in 1881, and where she now lives.
Their golden wedding was appropriately celebrated by their
friends in 1880. Children.
i. William Berrien, born 11 April, 1831 ; died 30 Oct., 1839.
ii. Caroline Elizabeth, born 31 October, 1832 ; mar. Cephas
H. Richardson of New York City.
iii. John James, born 20 August, 1834; married 1st, Matilda
Tallient who died ; mar. 2d, Sarah . He enlisted
against the Rebellion, in New York City 28 May, 1862, in
Co. F, 2 2d Reg. N. Y. S. M. He resided in Boston, Mass.,
in the year 1879.
iv. Edwin Haskin, born 10 December, 1835 ; married Nellie
McGovern. He resides in New York City ; a clerk.
v. Phebe Amelia Slade, b. 14 Dec, 1837 ; m. Chas. B. Coffin.
vi. William Theodore, born 25 Nov., 1839; was mar. in New
York City 27 July, 1862, to Sarah E. Chapman who was
born there 31 August, 1846, daughter of Charles James
and Sarah E. Chapman formerly of London, England. He
is a clerk ; resides in Hoboken, New Jersey. Children :
1. Louis McC, born 18 May, 1863 ; 2. Charles William
Edwin, b. 10 Dec, 1866; 3. Adela, and 4. Nellie, twins, b.
10 March, 1870; 5. Edith Maud, b. 13 Feb., 1879.
vii. Charlotte, born 31 December, 1841; died 30 Jan., 1842.
Edward Tabor 8 Slocum {Eleazer?- Eleazer? yohn? Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born near the Village of North-
ville, Fulton County, New York, 27 May, 1805, and was reared
from the age of about six years on a farm in Otisco Town-
ship, Onondaga County. He married Melinda Wilson of Danby,
N. Y., sister of Elizabeth, wife of Eleazer Slocum ; page 380.
In the year 1839 tne y removed to Onondaga Valley, about three
miles south of Syracuse, N. Y., and there died she, in March,
1873 ; he, 28 March, 1882. He was a life-long Democrat and held
several township offices, including that of Justice of the Peace.
He was also for a time Justice of Sessions, and was nominated
for the New York Legislature (Assemblyman) in 1847. Children :
i. Richard Ray, born in July, 1830 j married . He is a
successful farmer ; postoffice Onondaga Valley, N. Y.
Children : Willard, George, and Robert Hamilton. The
dates and places of their birth have not been reported.
ii. John Fay, died in the year 1833 aged about six months.
iii. Elizabeth, b. 15 Nov., 1834; resides with her brother ; unmar.
iv. Alice M., b. in 1845; died at the age of thirteen years.
Eliza 8 Slocum (Elias? Eleazer? John? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pinckney Township, Lewis County,
New York, 9 May, 181 1, and was reared from the age of eight
years in Uniontown, now Ashland Township, Ohio. She there
married, 28 May, 1829, Daniel Carter, a merchant who afterward
turned his attention to farming and milling. In the year 1850
he went to California {via Panama) where he remained four
years as boat-builder. During his absence Mrs. Carter was so
successful in her management of the farm as to pay all expenses,
including the education of her daughters, and accumulate the
sum of $2,500. Since the year 1866 they have resided in the
Village of Ashland, Ohio, and have been interested in banking.
Children :
i. Amanda M. Carter, born 6 May, 1830, near Ashland, O.
Was educated in Steubenville. She married, 6 Jan., 185 1,
William M. Patterson, a jeweler, of Mansfield, O. They
dwelt several years in the oil regions of Pennsylvania, and
then removed to Cleveland where they now reside. He
was formerly deputy U. S. Marshal for northern Ohio, and
is now a dealer in real estate. They have no children.
ii. Anna A. Carter, born 28 May, 1832, near Ashland, O.
Was educated in Granville. She married, 28 January, 1854,
William B. Allison, a lawyer of Ashland, who was born in
Perry, O., 2 March, 1829. They removed to Dubuque,
Iowa, in 1857. He was appointed on the staff of the
Governor of Iowa in 1861 and occupied that position until
the close of the War of the Rebellion. He was elected
Representative from Dubuque to the 38th, 39th, 40th, and
41st U. S. Congress, and in 1873 succeeded Hon. James
Harlan in the U. S. Senate ; was re-elected to that office
in 1878 for the term ending 3 March, 1885. Mrs. Allison
died in March, 1869, and was buried in Dubuque. She
left no children.
Wealthy 8 Slocum {Elias? E/eazer, 6 John? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pinckney Township, Lewis
County, New York, 16 January, 1816. She was reared from the
age of about three years in what is now Ashland Township,
Ohio, as a true pioneer, being taught to manufacture her apparel
from the flax of the field and the crude wool. She was married,
23 March, 1854, to Daniel Bryte, a school teacher and farmer.
They removed in the year 1857 to Mansfield, Ohio, where he
was chosen Deputy Sheriff and afterwards elected on the Demo-
cratic ticket as Sheriff of Richland County two terms. They
returned to Ashland in the year 1845, and in 1855 removed to
Allen County and dwelt on a farm near Lima for six years, when
they again returned to Ashland where he died, 26 March, 1872,
and where she still lives. He held various public offices in each
place of his residence. He was a member of the Deciples
church ; she is a member of the Baptist church, and both are
remembered by their friends as people of exemplary lives.
Children :
i. Anna Ophelia Bryte, born 22 October, 1836; married
William Rumbaugh of Allen County, Ohio.
ii. Harriet N. Bryte, born 5 February, 1840; married Nelson
Hanson of Lima, Allen County, Ohio. t
iii. Hannah Cordelia Bryte, b. 20 April, 1844; d. 13 July, 1837.
iv. Amanda Bryte, born 6 April, 1848; married, 4 April,
187 1, Samuel Arnold of Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio.
v. John E. Bryte, born 13 Sept., 1850; m. 29 Feb., 1872, E.
Lovette Kyle of Allen County, Ohio. He was drowned
in Ashland County in June, 1873, leaving one daughter.
vi. Alice Bryte, born 21 January, 1853; married, 2 January,
1874, Norton Sager of Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio.
Ephraim 8 Slocum (E/ias, 7 Eleazer? yohn? Eliezer* Eliczer?
Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born in Pinckney Township, Lewis County,
New York, 19 March, 1818, and was reared on the farm where
he now resides near the Village of Ashland, Ohio. He married
first, 14 May, 1840, Eliza Freer who died 4 November, 1855.
He married second, Martha P. Carter, 21 August, 1856. He is
a successful farmer ; postoffice Ashland, Ohio. Children :
i. Elias Willard, b. 8 April, 1841 ; m. Anne Atwood 7 Oct.,
1869. They reside near Ashland, Ohio, without children.
ii. Harriet F., b. 9 Sept., 1842. Resides with her father \ unmar.
iii. Melissa E., b. 29 March, 1844; m. Charles E. McDonald,
25 Feb., 1864. She died near Ashland, Ohio, 19 August,
1874, leaving children : Frederick A., Harriet M., and Jessie.
iv. Alfred, born 26 March, 1845 > died 16 June, 1847.
v. Annice C, b. 16 Feb., 1847. Lives with her father; unmar.
vi. Ida B. F., b. 1 Jan., 1849; d. at her father's house 27 June,
1879, of consumption ; was bur. in Ashland Cem. Unmar.
vii. Albert E., born 11 September, 185 1; married Ida Davis.
They reside near Ashland, Ohio. They have no children.
viii. Mary Emma, born 15 June, 1853 ; mar. A E. Towsley
17 Feb., 1876. Resides at Osceola, Iowa. No children.
ix. Frederick F., born 1 April, 1854; died 23 January, 1864.
Brig. -Gen. Willard 8 Slocum (E/ias, 7 Eleazer? John? EHe-
zer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 } was born 8 April, 1820, near the
Village of Ashland, Ashland County, then part of Richland
County, Ohio. His mother died in January, 1828, and he there-
after lived with his sister, Mrs. Mary Palmer, and with Dr. Wil-
lard Slocum (see page 381) in Ashland Village until the spring
of 1838 when he entered Kenyon College at Gambier, Ohio.
Returning home after two years study he took an active part in
the presidential campaign of 1840 in the interest of the nominees
of the Whig party, Gen. William H. Harrison and John Tyler.
About this time he taught the public school in his district.
In the spring of 1841 he entered the office of the late Judge
Charles T. Sherman as a student of law, and was admitted to
the bar in Richland County, Ohio, in the year 1844 with a class
of seventeen young men including Samuel J. Kirkwood,the late
U. S, Senator from Iowa and now (1881) Secretary of the
Interior, and John Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury during
the Administration of President Rutherford B. Hayes, and now
U. S. Senator from Ohio. The same year of his admission to
the bar he entered into partnership with Charles T. and John
Sherman for the practice of law at Ashland, which partnership
was dissolved by mutual consent, and with the most kindly feel-
ings by all concerned, in the autumn of 1847.
He was married in East Union, Wayne County, Ohio, 16
November, 1847, to Caroline Augusta Carr, daughter of Rodney
and Mary (Swan) Carr of East Union where she was born 12
September, 1829. Soon after marriage he entered into partner-
ship with the late Judge Osborn at Ashland. This alliance
was dissolved in 1855, and his third and last partnership was
formed in 1856 with Judge James Stewart who had been pre-
siding in the Ashland district and whose term of service had
then expired.
Mr. Slocum was chosen delegate to the Republican National
Convention held in Chicago in June, i860. The Ohio Delega-
tion was instructed to support Hon. Salmon P. Chase for the
Presidency, but after the third ballot so cast he was the first of
that delegation to vote for the nomination of Abraham Lincoln.
He was chosen member of the Electoral College that year from
the Fourteenth Congressional District of Ohio, and he cast the
vote of that district for the President-elect, Abraham Lincoln.
At the outbreak of the Southern Rebellion, and the first call
for soldiers for its suppression, he was active in his support of the
Government and converted his law-office into a recruiting-office.
He enlisted the company of soldiers who were mustered into
service 11 June, 1861, as the first Ohio company for three years
service, and he was commissioned their captain, but, having im-
portant private business, did not assume the command. Soon
thereafter he accepted an appointment in the Department of the
Interior at Washington but resigned the same 24 November, 1861,
preferring a more active position in the support of the Union.
He was appointed Provost-Marshal, by Gov. William Dennison of
Ohio, and assigned to duty at Columbus. In April, 1862, he was
called home on account of the death of his father and was there
detained sometime by business pertaining to the estate. Upon
his return to Columbus he was detailed as Adjutant to aid Col.
Charles T. Sherman in the organization of enlisted men at Camp
Buckingham near Mansfield, Ohio. The i02d and 120th Regi-
ments of Ohio Infantry were there organized. He moved for-
ward with the 120th Regiment in October, 1862, as Adjutant,
and joined the Thirteenth Army Corps at Memphis, Tenn. This
regiment participated in the Assaults on Vicksburgh from the
Yazoo River, and also at Arkansas Post. For meritorious con-
duct at the last named place he was commissioned Major the 18th
of March, 1863. His regiment returned to the vicinity of Vicks-
burgh and was for a time employed in digging the canal projected
as a new channel for the Mississippi River. He participated in
all the engagements in the rear of Vicksburgh, Raymond,
Thompson's Hill, Jackson, Champion Hill, and Big-Black, and
lead the right of his regiment in the charges on that stronghold
the 1 8th and 22d of May, 1863. On the 7th of June he received
an order of detail from Corps Headquarters assigning him to the
duty of Inspector General of the Thirteenth Army Corps which
position he held until after the surrender of Vicksburgh, 4 July,
1863. About this time he was chief in command of three divis-
ions of troops during a temporary absence of the officers and the
advance on Jackson.
He was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel 8 September, 1863,
and was afterwards placed on detached duty, and, reaching New
Orleans, acted as Judge Advocate at Department Headquarters.
He was soon afterward sent to Brownsville, Texas, to organize a
court-martial. That duty performed, he was ordered to report at
Columbus, Ohio, for recruiting service, and arrived at that place
in December, 1863. He soon returned to the field with enlisted
men to reorganize the regiment. The 1st of May, 1864, they
were ordered to join General Banks' command, then on the Red
River Expedition, and they embarked on the transport City
Belle with six hundred and eighty men. Col. M. M. Spiegle was
chief in command and overruled the doubts expressed by the other
officers as to.the wisdom of advancing in that way. When round-
ing Snaggy Point, Red River, they were fired into by masked
batteries which broke the steam-pipe and disabled the boat, while
General Major's brigade of infantry, emering from cover, poured
deadly volleys from the bank of the, there, narrow stream.
Colonel Spiegle and other officers were killed and the transport's
troops would probably have been wholly annihilated or captured
but for the drifting of the boat rapidly down stream and its
touching shore thus allowing Colonel Slocum and about one hun-
dred and fifty men to escape into the woods. By a painful and
hazardous march, continuing through that day, all of the night
and most of the next day, guided by a negro through the woods,
and crossing the river by swimming and pushing a pole rack on
which was placed their clothing and guns, they succeeded in
reaching General Banks' army without encountering any con-
siderable number of Confederates. During this march two
transports convoyed by two gunboats were seen descending the
river and efforts were made to inform their officers of the danger,
but without success ; they fell into the trap at Snaggy Point and
were captured. The remnant of the 120th Regiment was tem-
porarily combined with the 42d Ohio Regiment, and Colonel
Slocum was again placed on detached duty as Chief of Staff,
and Provost-Marshal of the Thirteenth Army Corps, General
M. K. Lawler commanding. He participated, with the Fourth
Brigade, in the engagements of that corps during the retreat,
and until it reached Morganza Bend 21 May, 1864. On the
25th of May he was appointed Provost-Marshal of the Trans-
Mississippi Department with headquarters at Morganza, La.
This important position he held until the country west of the
Mississippi River was practically conquered by the Union forces.
He resigned his commission 10 January, 1865, and was sur-
prised March 13, 1865, by the receipt from President Lincoln of
a commission as " Brigadier-General of United States Volun-
teers, by brevet, for meritorious service in the field."
In August, 1866, he was appointed by Gov. John Brough of
Ohio one of the two delegates from that State to the National
Union Convention held that year in Philadelphia. He received
1 March, 1867, the appointment as Assessor of Internal Revenue
for the Fourteenth Congressional District of Ohio which office
he held until its abolishment, June 22d, 1872. Since this date
he has been actively engaged in the practice of law at Ashland, O.
From early manhood General Slocum has taken an interest
in politics, and has been identified with the Whig and Repub-
lican parties though residing in a community which has been
strongly ^Democratic. He has often represented his county in
the Ohio State Republican Conventions, and has twice been a
delegate to National Republican Convention. He has been
attentive and successful in business, and possesses a competence.
Children :
i. Luella Belle, born 6 Nov., 1848; died 6 February, 1850.
ii. Rodney Vernon, born 29 May, 1850, in Ashland, Ohio.
He attended the academy at Hayesville, and Savannah, in
Ashland County, and was also a student at Oberlin College
for a short time. He united with the Presbyterian Church
of Ashland in January, 1867 ; was mar. in 1881 (?) to
Finney of New York. He has traveled extensively as an
agent. Postoffice Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio.
iii. Charles Sherman, born 7 Aug., 185 1. He attended the
Hayesville (Ohio) Academy one year at the age of fifteen,
and was graduated at Eastman Business College, Pough-
keepsie, N. Y., in 1868. Since this date he has been a
teacher of penmanship in private or public school. He
united with the Presbyterian Church of Ashland, Ohio, in
Jan., 1867 ; mar. Ratie Smith of Steubenville, O., 26 March,
1877, and has one child, Olive Augusta, born 16 Dec, 1878.
iv. Lida Swan, born 2 April, 1854. She received the advantage
of the schools at Ashland, Ohio, and in 1870-71 was a
pupil at the Ladies' Collegiate Institute, Poughkeepsie,
N. Y. She united with the Presbyterian Church of Ash-
land, Ohio, in February, 1879. she resides with her parents.
v. Willard McKenan, b. 1 5 July, 1858 ; resides in Mansfield,
vi. Caroline Augusta, born 29 March, 1861; died 26 January,
1875. She was beloved by all who knew her.
vii. Morton Gambetta, born 4 January, 1866, in Ashland, O.
viii. Oliver James, born in Ashland, Ohio, 7 December, 1868.
ix. Howard Earle, born 20 October, 1873, in Ashland, Ohio.
Eli 8 Slocum {Elias? Eleazer? yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles?
Anthony? ) was born near the Village of Ashland, O., 26 August,
1824. He attended the district schools there and the Ashland
Academy, then a popular school, and, later, passed two years in
the schools at Norwalk, O. In September, 1846, he went to
Iowa City and there engaged as clerk in a dry-goods store. Soon
after the discovery of gold in California he joined a company of
Ohioans in an overland journey thither and reached the mining
district in August 1850, after much hardship and hunger by the
way. He worked in the mines three years with considerable
success and then engaged in the shipment and sale of provisions
along the coast, and in Oregon. He returned to Ohio, via Panama,
in the winter of 1853 '54, and the next summer again crossed
the plains, taking with him a drove of horses and cattle from the
sale of which he realized large profits. He again returned to
Ohio {via the Isthmus) and there married Mary Ann Hunter, 10
April, 1855. They resided on a farm near Ashland a number of
years, then removed, on account of failing health, to the Village of
Ashland where they now reside. A capitalist. Children :
i. Frank, born 28 Jan., 1856. A farmer near Ashland, Ohio.
ii. William H., born 14 May, i860. A telegraph operator.
Alfred 8 Slocum J^Elias? Eleazer? yohn? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born near the Village of Ashland, Ash-
land County, Ohio, 26 August, 1826. He went to California
via the Isthmus in the year 185 1, being sixty days on the
Pacific, from Panama, in the small sail-vessel Blondee. He
reached San Francisco with but one shilling in his pocket, and
that he threw into the bay that he might begin the race for
fortune entirely anew. He remained two months with his brother
Eli, who had preceded him to the gold-mines, and then engaged
with the firm of King, Cage & Co., at Marysville, Yuba County,
California, with whom he remained six years. He there married,
in the year 1854, Lydia A. Vassar, who was born in Pough-
keepsie, New York, 30 January, 1837, a niece of Matthew Vassar
the founder of Vassar College. They returned to Ohio via
Panama in 1858 with ten thousand dollars in money as his
California savings. They settled on a farm near Ashland and
there died she, 17 April, 1876. He married second, in 1877,
Emma Leet who was born in Pennsylvania 22 February, 1854.
He was a successful farmer ; died 20 July, 1880, of consumption,
and was buried in Ashland Cemetery. Children by first wife :
i. Virginia, born n Aug., 1856, in Yuba County, California,
ii. Ella Chico, born 11 March, 1858, in Butte County,
California; died 11 March, 1859, near Ashland, Ohio,
iii. Daniel Sherman, born 16 Dec, 1859, near Ashland, Ohio,
iv. Anna, born 3 April, 1862 ; resides at her father's homestead,
v. Grant, born 3 April, 1864; died 22 February, 1867.
vi. Harriet, born 5 October, 1866, near Ashland, Ohio,
vii. Edward, born near Ashland, Ohio, 24 January, 1869.
viii. Alfred, born 6 October, 1871, near Ashland, Ohio,
ix. Maud, b. 17 March, 1873 ; d. 17 March, 1876 j our. in Ashland.
Child by second wife :
x. Day, born 4 October, 1878, near Ashland, Ohio.
Waldo 8 Slocum ( William, 1 yohnf yohn, s Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles, 1 Anthony,'') was born on Nashawena Island, Buzzard's Bay,
Massachusetts, 2 July, 1792, and married first, 12 November,
1 8 18, Rhobea Smith of South Dartmouth. He married second,
Sarah Chase of New Bedford. Children by first wife :
i. Angeline, b. 15 Aug., 1820; m. 1st, David G. Remington
and had a child, Mary Cole, b. 4 Dec, 1842. She m. 2d,
Ellery P. Sanford, and is again a widow.
ii. Nancy W., born 26 Dec, 1828; mar. John A. Underwood.
Children : Caroline Cornelia, Anne G., dec'd, and Waldo.
By his second marriage there were two daughters who died young.
Cheney 8 Slocum ( William 1 yohn, 6 yohn,* Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles, 1 - Anthony, 1 ) was born on Nashawena Island, Dukes County,
Massachusetts, 9 December, 1801, and married Mary C. Gilford
who was born 25 January, 1800. They died he, 30 August,
1849; she, 28 March, 1864. Children :
i. Frederick, born 22 October, 1823 j died 23 March, 1849.
ii. Philip W., born 21 April, 1831; married Mary Sair (?).
He died 1 June, 1862, leaving two sons who reside with
their mother in Fairhaven, Bristol County, Massachusetts.
iii. Anna Maria, born 17 Oct., 1832; died 25 April, 1854.
Philip 8 Slocum ( William, 1 John, 6 John* Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born on Nashawena Island (?), Dukes
County, Massachusetts, 6 May, 1806, and married Ruth Gifford.
He died near Madagascar in 1838 on the whaling-ship Chili of
New Bedford, Mass., while on his eighth whaling voyage. His
widow married John Briggsin 1841 and removed to Ohio in 1848.
Children :
i. A son, died young in or near New Bedford, Massachusetts,
ii. Edward Henry, born A. D. 1835, in New Bedford, and was
reared from the age of thirteen years in Ohio by his step-
father, John Briggs. He married in Ohio in 1858 ;
enlisted against the Rebellion in Sept., 1861, as a private
in Co. G, 55th Reg. O. V. I., and was discharged from the
army 20 Nov., 1862, on account of disability. In the
spring of 1863 he removed to Michigan and there enlisted,
1 Jan., 1864, in the nth Mich. Cavalry and was again dis-
charged on account of disability 20 Nov., 1864. He
returned to Ohio in the autumn of 1876 and in the spring
of 1877 removed to New Bedford, Mass., where he now
(1880) lives. Children, perhaps not born in the order here
given: t. Philip, resides in Washington Territory; 2. Charles,
b. in 1864 ; 3. William, b. 1866, lives in Boston; 4. Clarence
Arthur, b. in 1879. Four sons and one daughter of this
family (names not reported) died of diphtheria in New Bed-
ford in January, 1879, all within a period of two weeks.
Rounseville Spooner 8 Slocum ( William 1 yohn, b yohn,''
Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born on Nashawena
Island, Dukes County, Massachusetts, 3 April, 181 1. He
married, 1 June, 1835, Mary Cheney Himes, who was born 29
February, 1812, in New Bedford, daughter of John Slocum and
Nancy (Slocum) Himes ; see page 237. He was a mariner ; died
7 March, 1853. His widow married Leander Thomas and now
resides in North Dartmouth, Bristol County, Mass. Children :
i. Amanda Malvana, born 30 March, 1836; married, 18 Nov.,
1857, Henry F. Palmer, a carriage-painter, of Westport,
Mass. He died 1 September, 1880, aged 46 years. She
still resides in New Bedford, Mass. Children : 1. Marion
Rounseville, born 21 Nov., 1858, died 26 April, 1866; 2.
Emma F., born 7 August, 1859 ; 3. Henry F., born 8
September, 1865 ; 4. Arthur G., born 23 July, 1870.
ii. Randall Himes, born 4 Feb., 1840 ; died 21 February, 1840.
iii. Adeline Walker, born 4 Dec, 1844; married, 20 May,
1 86 1, Edward R. Hardy, a shoe-manufacturer, who died in
April, 1864. A child died at the age of fifteen months,
and Mrs. Hardy died 5 September, 1876.
iv. Harvey Cole, born 22 Oct., 1847 ; died in March, 1848.
Humphrey Almy 8 Slocum ( William? John, 6 John? Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born on Nashawena Island,
Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts, 30 July, 1812; married Sarah
Tabor Drew who was born in New Bedford 23 July, 1813. He
was a seaman and became second-mate of a whaling-ship. They
died in New Bedford, Mass., she, 25 . January, 1869; he, 13
May, 1880. Children :
i. Wanton Drew, was born 1 November, 1835. A chandler.
Resides in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Unmarried,
ii. William Waldo, born 10 September, 1837. He was a
mariner; died unmarried, 8 December, 1877, in Honolulu,
Sandwich Islands,
iii. Mercy Drew, born 6 August, 1842; died 29 March, 1865,
in New Bedford, Mass., and was buried in Rural Cemetery,
iv. Lydia Smith, born 30 March, 1847 ; was married to John
Howard Judson in New Bedford 10 October, 1867, by Rev.
Samuel Fox. They reside in that city, without children.
Solomon 8 Slocum {Charles? John? John? Eliezer? Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Dartmouth Township, Massachu-
setts, 1 May, 1805. He married first, Sarah Pierce Simmons,
daughter of Stephen and Priscilla H. (Head) Simmons of Little
Compton Township, Rhode Island, where she was born 17 Sep-
tember, 1810, and where she died 24 March, 1867. He was mar-
ried second, by Rev. James McKenzie, Baptist, 13 October, 1870,
to Sarah Howland Gilford, born 22 August, 1822, daughter of
Charles and Phebe (Devol) Gifford, members of the Society of
Friends in Dartmouth, Mass. He has resided on a farm in Little
Compton, R. I., since his first marriage ; postoffice, Adamsville,
R. I. Children :
i. Charles, born 4 April, 1832, in Little Compton, R. I. ; died
there 10 September, 1853. A ship-carpenter; unmarried,
ii. Job S., born 7 Oct., 1833; married Emily, dau. of Joseph
Tompkins of Newport, R. I., where they now reside. A
house-carpenter. Children: 1. Sarah Peirce, b. 3 Nov., 1866;
2. Charles Perry, b. 1 Oct., 1868, both in Newport, R. I.
iii. Priscilla Simmons, born 9 May, 1840; died 30 April, 1858,
and was buried in Little Compton, R. I.
Capt. Frederic 8 Slocum {Charles? John? John? Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born on Nashawena Island, Dukes
County, Massachusetts, 14 September, 1820; married first, in
Providence, Rhode Island, 27 August, 1844, Sarah Ann, daughter
of Elijah Smith. She died in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 28
June, 1859, and was buried in Fairhaven, Mass. He married
second, in Claremont, N. H., 29 October, i860, Lydia Ann
Jones, daughter of Abram and Susan (Long) Jones. Most of
his adult life has been passed on shipboard, and he has been
captain of a vessel for a number of years. Postoffice New
Bedford, Massachusetts. Children by first wife :
i. Henry Smith, born 6 May, 1845, in Providence, R. I.; died
9 June, 1863, in Fairhaven, Mass,, and was there buried.
ii. Frederic Edmund, born 9 Jan., 1847, m Providence, R. I.;
d. 25 Aug., 1852, in Fairhaven, Mass., and was there buried.
Children by second wife :
iii. Myra Lawton, ) twins, born 14 September, 1861, at Fayal,
iv. Abram Jones, J Western Islands,
v. Edward Manchester, b. 24 February, 187 1, in Fairhaven.
vi. Frederic, born in Fairhaven, Mass., 6 February, 1873.
Sarah Sherman 8 Slocum {John? John? John? Eliezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Dartmouth Township,
Massachusetts, 7 May, 1809; was married in New Bedford, 3
April, 1 83 1, by Rev. Sylvester Holmes, Corigregationalist, to
William Bain who was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Sept.,
1798. They settled in New Bedford, where he died 19 March,
1867 ; was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Bain still
(1880) lives in New Bedford, Mass. Children :
i. Mary Maria Bain, born 20 Dec, 1832 j died 7 September,
1838, in New Bedford; was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery.
ii. Sarah Morgan Bain, born 19 July, 1836 ; was married 29
October, 1857, by Rev. John A. M. Chapman, M. E., to
Capt. Lysander W. H. Gifford, son of Charles and Rebecca
(Howland) Gifford of New Bedford, Mass. They reside
in that city. A child, Sarah B. H., was born 25 July, 1858.
iii. George Johonnot Bain, born 20 Dec, 1839; died 28
August, 1 84 1, and was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery.
Hiram 8 Slocum {John? Pardon? John? Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Fishkill Township, Duchess
County, New York, 25 April, 1803; married, 10 June, 1825,
Mariah Ferdone (?) who was born in Fishkill 10 April, 1802.
They resided in eastern New York for many years then removed
to Hartford, Connecticut, where they died he, 13 April, 1874 ;
she, 10 April, 1875. Children :
i. Catharine, born 23 October, 1826; married Richard Bun-
nell. She died in Hartford, Connecticut, 18 May, 1851.
ii. Jane Ann, born 19 September, 1828, at Washington, Duchess
County, N. Y. ; married Johnson Dow in Hartford, Conn.
iii. Cornelia, born 19 Sept., 1830, at Washington, Duchess Co.
iv. Charles M.,* born 16 April, 1832, at Perry's Corners, N.
Y. ; married, 7 August, 1865, Amy Melius (?) who was born
in Copake, N. Y., 4 June, 1841. Since marriage they have
resided in Hartford, Conn., where he is a carpenter. Chil-
dren: Charles L., b. 24 Jan., 1867 ; Maud S.,b. 7 Feb., 1870.
v. John T., born 7 September, 1835, at Perry's Corners, N. Y.
" He went to South America and married there at Los
Angus" (Los Angeles, California?).
vi. Sarah Maria, born 31 December, 1837, at Spencer's Cor-
ners, N. Y. j died, and was buried there, 25 December, 1839.
vii. Laura J., born 21 Jan., 1839; died 28 December, 1839.
viii. Hiram, born 3 April, 1841, at Spencer's Corners, Columbia
County, N. Y. ; died in New Hartford, Conn., 4 Jan., 1862.
*This name has been printed in the Hartford City Directory as "Charles M.
Hiram 8 Slocum {Pardon? Pardon? John? Eliezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Dover Township, Duchess County,
New York, 11 March, 1835; married, in Pawling 11 March,
1856, Mary Olivet, daughter of Hiram and Martha (Sprague)
Olivet of Pawling, N. Y., where she was born 22 October, 1838.
They dwelt on a farm in Pawling three years, in Dover four
years, and for the last fourteen years have resided in Beekman
Township, Duchess County ; postoffice Poughquag, New York.
Children :
i. William Ellsworth, b. 15 Dec, 185 7. P. O. Poughquag, N.Y.
ii. Hiram, b. 24 Feb., 1859 ; mar. Sarah Maria, dau. of David
and Elizabeth (Prout) VanScoy. P. O. Poughquag, N. Y.
iii. Charles Henry, born 3 Sept., i860, in Pawling, N, Y.
He is a dealer in general merchandise. P. O. Poughquag.
iv. Major Howard, b. 13 Nov., 1871, in Beekman Township,
Duchess Co., N. Y. ; d. 23 Dec, 1872 ; bur. in Clove, N. Y.
v. Henry, b. 7 Aug., 1874, in Beekman Tp., Duchess Co., N. Y.
Sidney Smith 8 Slocum (Samuel? Ebenezer? John? Eliezer*
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Cambridge Township,
Washington County, New York, 8 December, 1807. After a
short residence in different places he removed to Herkimer
County, previous to the year 1831, and has since resided there.
He married at Cold Brook 6 November, 183 1, Mary Ann Payne,
daughter of Jesse and Mary (Munsee) Payne of that place and
formerly of Newport, Herkimer County, where she was born in
the year 181 3. After marriage they dwelt in Newport about
two years, Salisbury four years, and, about 1837, settled on a
farm in Russia Township, (postofnce Cold Brook, Herkimer Co.,
N. Y.,) where they still reside. A farmer and dealer in horses
and cattle. Children :
i. Ruth Tryphena, born 18 Oct., 1832; married George
Edward Fenner 15 January, 1851. P. O. Newport, N. Y.
Children: 1. Edward Dean; 2. William Hiram ; 3. Mariah;
4. Mary Elizabeth ; 5. John. No records or dates given,
ii. Lot Dean, born 26 Dec, 1834, in Salisbury, N. Y.; mar.
17 Jan., 1868, Ruth Ann Burwell of Cold Brook, N. Y.
They reside in San Francisco, Cal., where he is a livery-
stable proprietor. They have one child, Harry Burwell.
iii. Mary Matilda, born 22 Sept., 1836; mar. 25 Dec, 1857,
William Henry Fowler of Cold Brook. Their postoffice is
Oriskany Falls, N. Y. Children: 1. Frank Slocum, born
31 January, 1861 ; 2. Ruth Ives, born 30 March, 1866;
3. Nettie Elizabeth, born 3 December, 1872.
iv. Sarah Jane, born 15 April, 1838; mar. 6 December, 1865,
George Franklin Salisbury, son of Thaddeus and Lucy Ann
(Rowley). Their postoffice is Deerfield, N. Y. Children :
Jessie Mildred, born in 1870; 2. Luella, b. 22 Feb., 1873.
v. Julia Elizabeth, born 2 May, 1840; married 3 July, 1873,
Austin Sexton, a miller, son of Austin and Maria Sexton
of Oriskany Falls where they dwelt about two years, then
removed to Canastota, N. Y., where they now reside. Chil-
dren: 1. Julia May, born 11 July, 1874; Clarence Austin,
born 29 March, 1876.
vi. Elon Morell, born 2 May, 1843; died 1 November, 1866.
vii. Volney Morrison, born 12 June, 1845; married Sarah
Jane Moon, 16 April, 1871. He died near Cold Brook,
New York, 21 April, 1880, and was buried in Newport.
Children: 1. Millard Moon; 2. Willoughby; 3. George,
viii. Sidney Payne, born 25 Oct., 1847, at Cold Brook, N. Y. ;
mar. Sarah Hall 19 Dec, 1878. P. O. Oriskany Falls, N. Y.
ix. John Henry, born 22 June, 185 1, at Cold Brook, N. Y.
Now resides in San Jose, California ; unmarried.
x. Emily Elida, b. 7 Dec, 1853, at Cold Brook, N. Y. ; died
there 26 February, 1859; was buried in Newport, N. Y.
Richard M. 8 Slocum {Oliver W., 7 Jonah? John? Eliezer*
Eliezer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born at Onondaga Hill, Onondaga
County, New York, 12 December, 1825 ; was married in Erie,
Pennsylvania, 16 December, 1847, to CeliaM. Partridge who was
born 4 January, 1827, in Hartwick, Otsego County, N. Y., daugh-
ter of George W. and Elizabeth (Morris) Partridge. He was an
engineer ; resided in Manchester, Erie County, Pa., where all
of his children were born. He died 16 July, 1881, in Denver,
Colorado. Children :
i. George M., born r8 March, 1849; was killed, 20 Novem-
ber, 1880, in a railway accident at Erie, Pennsylvania,
ii. Frank A., born 16 Sept., 185 1. Now resides at Quincy, 111.
iii. Fitzroy M., born 13 Dec, 1854. Resides at Holly, N. Y.
iv. Edward C, b. 19 March, 1857. Now resides at Erie, Pa. (?)
v. Lilly E., b. 8 Bee, 1859. P. O. Manchester, Erie Co., Pa.
vi. Nellie M., b. at Manchester, Erie Co., Pa., 25 June, 1862.
vii. Justin R., born 4 June, 1866, at Manchester, Erie Co., Pa.
viii. Irene A, born at Manchester, Erie Co., Pa., 13 Jan., 1869.
Benjamin Franklin" Slocum {Oliver W.? Jonah* 1 John?
Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Fairview Town-
ship, Erie County, Pennsylvania, 2 June, 1841 ; was married in
the Village of Fairview, 23 'April, i860 (?), by Rev. A. Dunn,
Presbyterian, to Amanda Clarissa Werntz, who was born in
Fairview Township 5 August, 1845, daughter of William Wallace
and Sarah (Brown) Werntz. They have resided since marriage
at Erie, Tarr Farm and Bradford, in Pennsylvania, and since
April, 1878, have resided in Allegany, Cattaraugus County, New
York. He is a dealer in torpedoes for oil-wells, guns, ammuni-
tion, etc. Children :
i. Walter Leslie, born 15 Nov., 1861, in Fairview Tp., Pa.
ii. Herbert Sidney, born in Erie, Erie Co., Pa., 30 May, 1864.
iii. Grace Isabella, b. 17 Nov., 1866 j died 6 February, 1867.
iv. Mabel Caroline, born 13 January, 1870, at Tarr Farm, Pa.
v, Alice Florence, b. at Tarr Farm, Pa., 20 January, 1873.
vi. Edith Irene, born 19 July, 1877, in Erie, Erie County, Pa.
vii. Charles Elihu, born 6 May, 1881, in Allegany, New York.
Hannah Allen 8 Slocum ( William? Restcome? John? Elie-
zer? Eliezcr? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pawling Township,
Duchess County, New York, in October, 1831, and was married
in Northampton, Fulton County, in the year 1850, to George M.
Voorhees, son of Dr. Samuel and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Voorhees.
She died 3 April, 1877. Mr. Voorhees served against the
Southern Rebellion as Captain of Co. D, 93d Reg. N. Y. V. I.,
and later as Major of the same regiment. He now resides at
Amsterdam, N. Y. Children :
i. George Dexter Voorhees, b. 16 July, 1853; d. in 1855.
ii. Josephine Louise Voorhees, born 25 June, 1856.
iii. Samuel Alexander Voorhees, born 3 June, 1859.
Rev. Henry William 8 Slocum ( William? Restcome? John?
Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pawling Town-
ship, Duchess County, New York, 22 June, 1836; married, 27
April, 1858, Allie S. Quinby, daughter of Daniel W. and Marion
(Waldron) Quinby of New York City, where she was born 6
September, 1837. He is a minister in the Methodist Episcopal
church, Troy Conference, and is now (1880) in charge of the
church at Valley Falls, Rensselaer Co., New York. Children :
i. William Henry, born 12 December, 1859, in Northampton,
Fulton County, New York. He died 5 May, 1880, on the
cars east of Chicago while returning home from Colorado
where he had been sojourning in hope to restore his failing
health. He made some effort the last two years of his
life to trace his genealogy, but with little progress so far
as the writer is informed. He was graduated at Poultney
(Vermont) Academy, and entered Wesleyan University,
Middletown, Conn., when 16 years of age, but was obliged
to retire on account of failing health. " He was a young
man of good ability and great promise." Was buried in
Saratoga, New York.
ii. Harry Fitzgerald, b. 27 June, 1867, in Northampton, N. Y.
iii. Ralph S., born 14 March, 1873, in Nassau, N. Y. ; died in
Troy, 10 April, 1879; was buried in Saratoga, New York.
Phebe 8 Slocum {Benjamin W., 7 Paul, 6 Benjamin,* Benjamin?
Eliezer, 1 Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Lansing Township, Tomp-
kins County, New York, 8 September, 1821 ; married, 1 Jan-
uary, 1845, James Nelson Crandall, a mechanic, son of James
and Cynthia (Chesebro') Crandall of Sempronius, Cayuga County,
New York, where he was born, 16 February, 1821. They dwelt
in Sempronius for two years after marriage, in Niles about three
years, and seven years or more in Auburn, then removed to
Waterloo, Seneca County, N. Y., where he died, 5 December,
1876, and was buried. Mrs. Crandall still resides in Waterloo,
Seneca County, New York. Children :
i. James Crandall, born 30 Nov., 1845 ; mar. 12 Oct., 187 1,
Eliza Thorp, dau. of William and Sarah. He died 16
March, 1873, in Waterloo, N. Y ; was buried in Maple
Grove Cemetery. A child, Cornelia Elizabeth, was born
26 August, 1872.
ii. John S. Crandall, b. 24 Nov., 1848. Resides in Waterloo.
iii. Elizabeth Crandall, b. 16 March, 185 1 ; resides with mother.
iv. Benjamin Humphrey Crandall, born 23 May, 1854. P. O.
Waterloo, New York,
v. Henry Clay Crandall, b. 16 Jan., 1857. P. O. Waterloo.
Maria Helen 8 Slocum {Benjamin W.? Paul, 6 Benjamin?
Benjamin* Eliezer? Giles, 1 Anthony? ) was born 16 July, 1825,
in Howard Township, Steuben County, New York ; was married
in Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 1 August, 1855, to Charles
Groff who was born 8 May, 1825, in Mentz Township, Cayuga
Co., N. Y., son of Martin and Sarah Groff. They dwelt in
Cayuga County until November, 1864, then removed to Pine
Grove, Van Buren County, Michigan, where they resided until
10 June, 1874, when they removed to Adams County, Nebraska,
and settled on a farm six miles from Juniata where he died of
cancer of the stomach 8 May, 1876, and where she still resides,
with her children, viz. :
i. Jane Groff, born in Feb., 1857, in Auburn. N. Y.j died 6
Aug., 1873, in Pine Grove, Van Buren County, Michigan.
ii. Charles H. Groff, born 8 Sept., 1859, in Auburn, N. Y.
iii. John F. Groff, born 7 Dec, 1861, in Auburn, Cayuga Co.
iv. Paul S. Groff, b. 2 April, 1864, in Victory, Cayuga Co., N.Y.
v. Benjamin M. Groff, b. 19 May. 1867, in Pine Grove, Mich.
Lieut. -Col. Paul Enos 8 Slocum {Benjamin W.? Paul, 6
Benjamin? Benjamin? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in
Howard, Steuben County, New York, 21 August, 1830, and
was reared in Cayuga County. He removed to New Albany,
Indiana, in the year 1849, and there married, 27 September, 1853,
Mary Jane McGonigle, who was born in Auburn, N. Y., and
reared in New Albany, Indiana. They removed to Blooming-
ton, Indiana, in the year 1856, where he, being a carpenter and
architect, had the contract for building the stairs in the new
building of the Indiana University then being erected.
He there enlisted against the Rebellion and was commissioned
Lieutenant of Co. K, 14th Reg. Ind. V. I., which moved toward
Virginia 10 May, 1861. After several skirmishes his company
participated in the Battle of Winchester where he was wounded,
23 March, 1862, by a rifle-ball which passed through his right
thigh, five inches below the hip-joint, shattering the bone in its
course. The surgeons on the field advised, and finally insisted
upon, an amputation at the hip-joint, but he sternly opposed
such an operation. After a few days he was seen by Dr.
Smith of Philadelphia who secured his removal to St. Joseph
Hospital in that city, where, by careful surgical treatment, his
life was preserved, and, also, a serviceable limb. He returned
home 6 August, 1862, and, on recovering strength, was commis-
sioned Major of the 82d Reg. Ind. V. I. and joined Gen. Don
C. Buell's command. He participated in the Battle of Stone
River, 2 January, 1863, and soon thereafter was commissioned
Lieutenant-Colonel ; he was also in the Battles of Chickamauga,
Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, and others.
The 25th of February, 1864, while in entire command of his
regiment the colonel being absent and the major a prisoner
with the Confederates and leading his men in the battle near
Tunnel Hill, Ga., he was mortally wounded by a rifle-ball which
entered his chest near the left nipple, passed through the lung
and lodged in the spine partially paralyzing him. He was re-
moved that night by ambulance to Chattanooga, a distance of
eighteen miles, and there died 3 March, 1864. His wife was
telegraphed for after he was wounded but did not reach him, on
account of railway accidents, until after his death. She trans-
ported his remains to Bloomington, Indiana, where he was buried
with masonic honors the whole community uniting to show
their sorrow and respect.
He was a man of good and commanding presence, was over
six feet in height with a weight of 209 pounds when he entered
the service of his Country, and he was possessed of a generous
and noble nature. He left no children. His widow married
Felix C. Dunn in the year 1868 and still resides in Bloomington,
Indiana, without children.
The writer contributes to the memory of Colonel Slocum the
accompanying portrait which is a faithful copy of a photograph
now in his possession.
Elizabeth Coggeshall 8 Slocum {Matthew B., 7 Benjamin?
John, s Benjamin* Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Albany,
New York, n June, 18 15, and was reared in Delphi, Onondaga
County, where she married, 10 September, 1832, LeRoy Morgan,
eldest son of Lyman Morgan of that (Pompey) township, Mr.
Morgan was admitted to the bar in his native county (Onondaga)
as a lawyer in 1832. He removed to Syracuse, and in the year
1859 ne was elected on the Republican ticket as Justice of the
Supreme Court for the Fifth Judicial District of New York, and
in 1867 was re-elected to the bench for a second term of eight
years. He died at his home in Syracuse, N. Y., 15 May, 1880,
leaving the reputation of an eminent jurist and an upright and
honorable man. Mrs. Morgan still resides in Syracuse. They
had five children, viz. : Theodore LeRoy and Frederick C, now
(1880) in Syracuse ; Mary Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel M. White,
Esq., of Baldwinsville ; Ellen, wife of Lieutenant Peter Leary
of the U. S. Army ; and Charles H. Morgan, U. S. A., who gained
renown in the war against the Southern Rebellion, and died
several years since in San Francisco, Cal. ; his family resides in
Syracuse, New York. Dates and particulars not reported.
Dr. John Ostrander 8 Slocum {Matthew B., 7 Benjamin?
Jchn? Benjamin* Eliezer, 1 Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was born in the
Village of Delphi, Pompey Township, Onondaga County, New
York, 4 April, 1820. He studied medicine, and was graduated
M. D. at Castleton (Vermont) Medical College in the year 1847.
He was married in Delphi 27 September, 1849, to Almira
McClure, daughter of Hiram and Laodicea (Maker) McClure of
that place where she was born. He practiced his profession in
Constantia, Oswego Co., N. Y., six years from August, 1847,
and in Edgerton, Rock County, Wisconsin, from 1854 until i860
when he returned to his native State.
He enlisted against the Rebellion 28 August, 1862, as Assistant
Surgeon of the I22d Reg. N. Y. V. I. ; was commissioned
Surgeon of the 121st Reg. N. Y. V. I. 1 July, 1863, and re-
mained with this regiment until the close of the war in 1865
excepting occasional details for service in the Division Hospital.
At the Battle of Rappahannock Station he was the only surgeon
on the field and the untiring manner in which he cared for the
wounded won for him the commission of Lieutenant-Colonel by
brevet. The last year of his service he occupied the position
of Brigade Surgeon. His regiments belonged to the First
Brigade of the First Division, Sixth Corps, Army of the Poto-
' died 3 Sept., 1849.
vii. Ella E., born 13 September, 1851, in Gloucester Tp., R. I.
Rev. William Reynolds 8 Slocum (Eleazer? Ebenezer? Charles?
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Warwick Town-
ship, Kent County, Rhode Island, 10 August, 181 1. He was
married in North Kingstown 8 August, 1833, by Elder John
Gardner, Baptist, to Harriet Knight Capron who was born in
Coventry, R. I., 9 January, 1815. He has been for many years
a minister in the Six-principle Baptist church. They now reside
on a farm in Exeter Township ; P. O. Escoheag R. I. Children :
630. i. Albert Cornell G., b. 16 May, 1834; m. Mary C. Raymond.
631. ii. Charles Allen, born 14 Aug., 1836; m. Elizabeth Barber.
632. iii. John, born 30 Nov., 1838; mar. Susan Pratt 13 May, 1857.
iv. Mary Elizabeth, born 8 April, 1841 ; was mar. 13 May,
i860, by Elder L. M. Cottrell, to George Edwin Wilber
who was born 16 August, 1839, in Hopkinton. Postoffice
Woodville, R. I. Children : 1. Elbert E., b. 19 Aug., 1861,
d. 29 Dec, 186 1 ; 2. Etta Adela, b. 20 Jan., 1864; 3. Ber-
tha Maria, b. 27 Jan., 1869 ; 4. Alice Mabel, b. 9 Feb., 1874.
v. Harriet Esther, b. 6 June, 1845, m Exeter, R. I.; m. 10
Sept., 1866, Pardon Tillinghast Wright, born 28 Jan., 1840.
They reside at Hope Valley, R. I. Children: i. Winnie
Capron, b. 3 Jan., 1868; 2. Grace Slocum, b. 5. June, 1873.
vi. William Thomas, born 7 January, 1852, in Exeter Town-
ship. Postoffice Escoheag, Rhode Island. Unmarried.
vii. Eleazer, born 16 March, 1855; died 26 November, 1877.
viii. Jessie Fremont, born 4 Dec, 1857; died 17 May, i860.
Harlow 8 Slocum {yoshua? George, 6 Charles, 5 Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pompey Township, Onon-
daga County, New York (?), and married, in Cicero Township,
Nancy, daughter of Edward Beagle of Cicero where she was
born 29 September, 1805. They resided at Cicero Corners
until i84i-'43, then removed to the neighboring Village of
Centreville, Onondaga Co., N. Y., where they died, he, 19
August, 1862 ; she, 27 June, 1875, and were buried. A black-
smith. Children :
i. Frances Elizabeth, born 19 February, 1834; married
Ambrose Howard in Centreville, New York, where she died
13 Nov., 1875. A child, Charles, was born in March, 1870.
ii. Charles Edward, born 2 Feb., 1840, at Cicero Corners,
N. Y. ; was married at Camillus, 29 August, 1869, to
Melissa, daughter of Charles Myron and Nancy (McGibeny)
Millen of Centreville, Onondaga Co., N. Y., where they
now reside, and where they have resided all their lives
excepting two years (1877-78) passed at South Bend, Ind.
He is a mason ; has had but one child, a daughter, which
died unnamed at the age of three weeks.
hi. Oscar Anderson, b. 1 Dec, 1844; died about the year 1850.
iv. Orson Samuel, born 8 January, 1848, in Centreville, N. Y.;
died there at the age of about eight years,
Amanda 8 Slocum {Elijah? Benjamin 6 Abraham? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Cambridge Township,
Washington County, New York, 26 April, 1807, and was married
there 13 November, 1828, to Abram 7 Wright (Ebenezer, 6 Abra-
ham, 5 Ebenezer, 4 Ebenezer, 3 Abel, 2 Abel 1 ).* They settled on
* See the Wright Genealogy, now (l88l) rend}- for publication, by Rev. Stephen
Wright of (Hens Falls, N. V.
a farm near Half Way Station, Onondaga County, New York,
where she died in Dec, 1880, and where he still lives. Children :
i. Benjamin Franklin Wright, born 24 October, 1829; mar.
Mary Louise Powers 12 Sept., 1855. He is a dentist in
Elbridge, N. Y.; has one child, Mary Louise, born in 1857,
who mar. Joseph M. Sherwood, a farmer in Camillus, N.Y.
ii. Slocum Wright, born 13 October, 1830; married Caroline
Louise Stimpson of Homer, N. Y. He is a dentist ; has
resided in New York City, and in 1881 removed to Syra-
cuse, N. Y., where he now resides. Children : 1. , died
young; 2. Henry Stimpson, born 23 November, 187 1.
iii. Adoniram Judson Wright, born 28 Feb., 1832; married
Ella A. Kingsbury in Fredonia, New York, where he died in
August, 1865, without children.
iv. Rosana Stewart Wright, born 14 Feb., 1834; mar. Joel
Barlow Bennett, a farmer. Their postoffice is Camillus,
New York. No children.
v. Mary Adelaide Wright, b. 17 March, 1835; m - Charles
Augustus Crossman, a farmer. Postoffice Elbridge, N. Y.
Children : 1. Seward A., deceased ; 2. Ella. No dates given.
vi. Margaret Louisa Wright, b. 3 Oct., 1837; m. Harvey
Austin, a farmer. P. O. Throopsville, New York. Chil-
dren : Caroline and Sedgwick E. No dates given.
vii. Gilbert Sylvester Wright, born 23 June, 1840; mar.
Laura A. Cole of Williamstown, Mass. He is a farmer ;
postoffice Elbridge, New York. Children: Charles Gilbert;
Rosana ; and Miriam. No records or dates given,
viii. Albert Wright, born 10 January, 1843. A farmer; post-
office Half Way, Onondaga County, N. Y. Unmarried.
ix. Gillespie Birney Wright, b. 16 Sept., 1844; d. 1 Feb., 1845.
Henry 8 Slocum (Lyman? Benjamin? Abraham? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Connecticut (or Pawling
Township, Duchess County, New York?) 11 October, 1792.
He married Mary Hoyt who was born 29 April, 1791. They
dwelt a number of years in Connecticut (?), and also on a farm
in Newfield Township, Tompkins County, New York, then set-
tled in the neighboring Township of Ulysses where he died 24
December, 1829; was buried near Trumansburgh, N. Y. His
widow married Uriah Stephens about the year 1835, and died in
Allegany Tp., Potter Co., Pa., 9 November, 1877. Children :
633. i. William, born 28 Sept., 1813; married 1st, Susan Farrand.
ii. Asa, born 30 June, 1816; married Mary Snyder of Perry,
N. Y. He dwelt on a farm in Andover Tp., Allegany Co.,
N. Y., and removed to Michigan about the year i860.
Children: Henry, born about 1846; Esther, born about
1850; Susan, and a son . Postoffice not ascertained.
hi. Daniel, born 26 May, 18 18; married Eliza Worden of New-
field, N. Y. He is a carpenter ; resides near Horseheads,
Chemung County, New York (postoffice Big Flats, N. Y. ?) ;
also his children : Darling, Lauretta, James, and Charles.
iv. Clark, born 23 April, 1823, in Connecticut (?), and was
reared from the age of eight years in Andover and Troups-
burgh, New York. He married in Hornellsville, 28 June,
1858, Mary E. Foster, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Butts)
Foster of Greenwood, N. Y., and formerly of New Jersey
where she was born 16 Oct., 1818. They settled in Green-
wood, Steuben Co., N.Y., where they now reside. A flour
and saw-mill owner. Child : Ward Omer, b. 19 May. 1859.
v. Harriet, born 12 July, 1829; married Norman Sherwood.
They reside in East Hebron, Potter Co., Pennsylvania (?).
Solomon 8 Slocum {Lyman, 1 Benjamin? Abraham? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born 19 January, 1799, in Con-
necticut (or perhaps Pawling Township, Duchess County, New
York). He married Lucy Rhinevault who was born in Connec-
ticut 5 March, 1798. They dwelt in Pawling, N. Y., until the
year 1824, then removed to Newfield Tp., Tompkins County,
N. Y., and in the autumn of 1836 removed to Andover Tp.,
Allegany County, N. Y., where they died, she, the 24th and
he, the 25th of January, 1866. Children :
634. i. Freeman, born 10 May, 1823; mar. 1st, Mary A. Miles,
ii. Clarissa, born 23 August, 1825; married Davison Henderson
24 December, 1841. They reside in Andover, New York.
A son, Lorenzo, has a machine shop in that place.
635. hi. David, b. 17 June, 1827 ; m. Harriet Ann Whiteley in 1847.
iv. John A., born 18 Dec, 1831, in Newfield, N. Y. ; married,
in Andover, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1850, Mary J. Crusen, daughter
of Francis K. and Catherine Crusen of Greenwood, N. Y.,
and formerly of Warren County, New Jersey, where she
was born. They removed to Illinois in the year 1850, and
now reside in Toulon, Stark County. A wagon and
carriage manufacturer ; retired. No children,
v. Willis, born 17 June, 1834; mar. in July, 1853, Mary M.
Baham; page 420. He is a farmer; P. O. Andover,
Allegany Co., N. Y. Children : 1. Calvin, b. 1 July, 1853 ;
2. Marshall, born 24 March, 1857 ; 3. Louisa, born 6
May, 1859, died 27 October, 187 1.
636. vi. Abram, b. 18 Nov., 1836; m. Mary J. Lasher in Nov., 1856.
Mehetabel 8 Slocum (Lyman? Benjamin, 6 Abraham? Eben-
ezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pawling Township,
Duchess County, New York, 30 June, 1806. She removed with
her parents to Newfield Tp., Tompkins Co., N. Y., and there
married 30 June, 1826, Conrad S. Baham who was born in
Lansing 15 July, 1804, son of Robert Baham. They dwelt
several years on a farm in Newfield, then removed to Andover
Tp., Allegany County, where he died 5 October, 1876, and
where she now (1881) lives; postoffice Andover, N.Y. Children :
i. David M. Baham, born 15 Jan., 1827; d. 16 Oct., 1855.
ii. Desire S. Baham, b. 12 Feb., 1829. Resides in Andover.
iii. Isaac S. Baham, b. 17 June, 1831. Resides in Andover.
iv. Mary M. Baham, b. 17 June, 1833 j m. Willis Slocum; p. 419.
v. Chauncev Robert Baham, born 25 Nov., 1835. He was a
soldier against the Rebellion two years; d. 25 July, 1878.
vi. Lyman Slocum Baham, b. 4 Feb., 1838. Resides in Andover.
vii. Louisa Terry Baham, b. 15 March, 1843 ; d. 18 Aug., 1850.
viii. Nathan John Baham, born 13 January, 1846. Resides at
Shinglehouse, Potter County, Pennsylvania.
54 2
Egbert 8 Slocum {Charles? Benjamin? Abraham? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born A. D. 1812, in what is now
Union Vale Township, Duchess County, New York, and married
Mary Ann, daughter of Nathaniel and Peace Shear. They resided
in Pawling Tp., Duchess Co., N. Y., in the years 1854 and '55,
and removed about 1856 to the vicinity of Horseheads, Chemung
Co., New York., where he died in 1874 (?). His widow married
Haynes (?) and still lives at Horseheads (?). Children, per-
haps not all born in the order here given :
i. Eliza Ann, married Edwin Avery of Elmira, New York.
ii. Thomas Langdon, born 12 Aug., 1830, near Elmira, N. Y.(?);
was mar. in Poughkeepsie 10 October, 1851, to Eliza Ann,
dau. of George and Nancy (Mowry) Schermerhorn form-
erly of Dover where she was born 23 Sept., 1836. They
dwelt in North Dover sixteen years, and since 1868 have
resided on a farm in South Dover ; postoffice Wing's Station,
Duchess Co., N. Y. Have had one child, a daughter, born
7 Sept., 1853, who married Charles Judson, Jr., of Roxbury,
Conn., and now lives in Pawling Tp., N. Y, with children,
Thomas, Anne, Harriet, Egbert and Ernest, twins.
iii. Peter, resides near Black (?), in Bradford Co., Pennsylvania.
iv. Mary Jane, married, ist, Charles Gifford of New York City.
He died and she married there 2d, Henry, now
deceased. She had one child, Frances Gifford, who mar-
ried David Jones and now resides at Plainfield, New Jersey.
v. Caroline, mar. ist, about 1855, George Vincent of Pawling
Township, N. Y. He died the next year and she married
2d, James Treadwell of Horseheads, Chemung Co. N. Y.
vi. George, married in Pennsylvania. (?) A daughter resides at
Union Springs, Cayuga County, New York. (?)
vii. Northrup, ^ marr i ed i n Chemung County, New York, where
vin. j ohn, , they now reside ; postoffice, Schuylerville.
x. Amy. xi. Edith (?). Lauretta and Egbert, died young.
John Palmer 8 Slocum (Abraham, 1 Benjamin? Abraham,*
Ebetiezer* Eliezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Pawling
Township, Duchess County, New York, 26 May, 1800. He
was a brick-maker ; married Maria Bridget Slingerland at
Niagara, Canada, in September, 1824. They dwelt in and about
Rochester six years, from 1836, then in Buffalo, and removed
thence to Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, where she died. " He died in
London, Canada, 6 February, 1849, and was buried in Sarnia.
Children :
637. i. Abraham Palmer, b. 24 Jan., 1825 ; m. Lavinia Parkinson,
ii. Henry James, b. 24 July, 1827, in Rochester, N. Y. ; mar.
Martha Ann McNutt of Sarnia, Canada, where they now
reside. Children: 1. Maria Elizabeth, died 30 June, 1875;
Eliza ; Willard Woodman ; and John Palmer,born about 1868.
638. iii. Willard Woodman, b. 14 Jan., 1831 ; m. Sarah E. McNutt.
iv. Walter, born 7 May, 1835, in Buffalo, New York; married
Eliza West of Sarnia, Canada, where they now reside.
Children : Mellipa, Charlotte, and Martha.
Abraham 8 Slocum (Abraham,' 1 Benjamin 6 Abraham,* Eben-
ezer* Eliezer? Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Woodstock Town-
ship, Ulster County, New York, 17 January, 1806, and was
married in Waterloo, Seneca County, 3 July, 1827, to Lavinia
Deyoe who was born in Stillwater Tp., Saratoga County, N. Y.,
21 August 1 8 10, and died in Rochester, 16 Feb., 1833. He
married second, Elizabeth Bordine 13 August, 1833. She was
born in Stillwater, N. Y., 25 April, 18 17, and died in Spring
Grove, Wisconsin, 18 May, 1877. He removed to Michigan
about the year 1837, and thence to Milwaukee, Wis., about 1849.
The 17th day of March, 1854, he and his son William S. left
Whitefish Bay, Lake Michigan, in a small boat for a distant
landing and were not seen again until the 8th of April, 1854,
when their dead bodies were found frozen, in their boat, about
eight miles off Michigan City, Ind. Children by first marriage :
i. Mariette, born 6 Dec, 1829, in Waterloo, Seneca Co., N.Y.
639. ii. Edward, b. 6 Jan., 1831 ; m. Catharine Skally 6 July, 1851.
iii. Lavinia, b. 11 Feb., 1833: m. Bliss. P.O. Brodhead.
Children by second marriage :
iv. Mary, b. 10 Jan., 1836, in Rochester (?) ; d. 20 May, 1837.
v. William Seymour, b. 26 October, 1837 ; d. as above stated,
vi. Jane, born 9 November, 1838, in Mackinaw, Cheboygan
Co., Mich. ; mar. Hamilton. P. O. Brodhead, Wis.
vii. George, born 21 July, 1841, in Mackinaw, Mich. P. O.
Brodhead, Wisconsin,
viii. Sarah, born 1 February, 1843, in Grosse Cap, Mich.; mar.
Pauley. Postoffice Brodhead, Green County, Wis.
ix. Charlotte, born 2 April, 1845, in Grosse Cap, Mich.; mar.
Roe. Postoffice Marshall, Dane County, Wisconsin.
x. Abraham, b. 2 April, 1847, at St. Helena; d. 1 Aug., 1848.
640. xi. Charles Abraham, b. 25 June, 1849; mar - Alice D. Ives,
xii. Richard Alfred, born 13 March, 1852; was mar. 17 May,
1876, near Brodhead, Wis., "by Rev. T. M. Fullerton,
D. D., M. E., to Alice M., daughter of E R. and Eliza
(Woodling) Allen of that place where she was born 21 June,
1852. They reside on a farm ; postoffice Brodhead, Green
Co., Wis. Children: 1. Elmer Richard, b. 4 March, 1877,
d. 10 June, 1879 j 2 - Ada Alice, b. 11 Oct., 1879 ; 3. Eda
Elizabeth, born 21 December, 1880.
xiii. John, b. 25 April, 1854. P. O. Durand, Winnebago Co., Wis.
Lucinda 8 Slocum {Abraham? Benjamin? Abraham? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Greene Township,
Chenango County, New York, A. D. 1808, and was married in
1829 to Henry L. Seward of Waterloo, N. Y., a cousin of the
late Hon. William H. Seward. They dwelt in Weedsport,
N. Y., until 1836, and soon thereafter removed to Sarnia, Ontario,
Canada, where he died in the year 1871 and where she still
(1 88 1) lives. Children:
i. Henry Austin Seward, born 19 June, 1830; mar. Janet
Scott 1 Aug., 1857, and settled in Corunna, Canada.
Children: 1. Henry Lockwood, b. 11 Aug., 1858, d. 1 Sept.,
t8e;8; 2. Lucinda Hannan, b. 9 Sept., 1859; 3. Ann
Elfza, b. 8 Oct., i860; 4. William Henry, b. 18 Oct.,
1862, d. 6 July, 1878 ; 5. Mary Ellen, b. 24 Aug., 1864; 6.
Phebe Esther, b. 8 Sept., 1866; 7. Harriet Emily, b. 5
Dec, 1868; 8. Theodore Stephen, b. 12 April, 1872; 9.
Frederick Scott, born 9 June, 1876, died 6 March, 1879.
ii. Ann Eliza Seward, b. 9 June, 1832; d. 25 March, 1844.
iii. Emily Seward, born 26 January, 1834; died 16 July, 1836.
iv. Esther Seward, born 3 March, 1837; mar. n June, 1855,
to James Kenney (a native of Ireland) in Sarnia, Canada,
where she died 11 August, 1877. Children: 1. William, b.
12 Nov., 1856; 2. Lucinda Emma, b. 26 December, 1857.
v. Theodore Seward, born 14 July, 1838 ; d. 2 Nov., 1865.
vi. Emily Seward, b. 14 Nov., 1840; mar. in Sarnia, Canada,
27 May, 1858, John Balster, a native of Germany; died 22
Feb., 1879, at Austin, Texas. Children: 1. Minne Lucinda,
born 1 May, 1859; 2. Frank Seward, b. 12 Feb., 1861;
3. Phebe Louisa, born 6 January, 1863, died 8 May, 1875;
4. Harriet May, born 18 May, 1867.
vii. Mary Seward, born 7 March, 1843 ; married, 6 October,
1865, William Chalmers, a native of Scotland. She died
in Sarnia, Canada, 16 March, 1867, leaving one child,
Theodore, born 4 October, 1866. He married second,
Miss Smith of Buffalo, and resides in Detroit, Mich.
viii. William John Seward, b. 2 Oct., 1845, in Sarnia, Canada.
ix. Harriet Seward, born 17 August, 1849; married, 1 Jan.,
1869, Henry Clifford, native of England. She died 5 July,
1870, in Sarnia, Canada. He married again, and died
of consumption in Dallas, Texas, 15 April, 1880.
Robert 8 Slocum {Micaiah, 1 George? Abraham,* Ebenezer,*
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Sherman, Fairfield County,
Connecticut, 13 June, 1825 ; was married 1 June, 1856, by C. W.
Reynolds, J. P., to Catharine Schoonover who was born in Tioga
County, New York, 9 October, 1833. They settled at Candor,
Tioga County, New York, where he died of a heart-disease (?) 4
January, 1881 : was buried in North Candor. A boot and shoe-
maker. Children :
i. Mittie, b. 20 Feb., 1857. P. O. Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y.
ii. Emma, born in Candor, Tioga Co. N. Y., n February, i860,
iii. Orani, b. 6 Dec, 1862, in Candor, Tioga County, N. Y.
iv. Morgan, born in Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y, 15 May, 1866.
v. Amanda, born 18 Sept., 1870, in Candor. Tioga Co., N. Y.
vi. Margaret, b. in Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y., 23 Oct., 1873.
vii. Mary, born 26 Oct., 1879, in Candor, Tioga County, N. Y.
Barnum 8 Slocum (Russell? George, 6 Abraham,* Ebenezer* Elie-
zer, 1 Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Sherman Township, Fairfield
County, Connecticut, 3 April, 1830 ; was married first in Patter-
son Township, Putnam County, New York, 3 April, 1853, to
Almira T., daughter of John and Tamar Nickerson of Patterson,
where she was born 13 February, 1832. He enlisted against the
Rebellion at Albany N. Y., as 1st Sergeant in Co. G, 28th Reg.
N. Y. V. I. 28 May, 1861, and was soon thereafter honorably
discharged. He was married second, July 13, 1876, to Catharine
daughter of Isaac and Louisa Cary of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y.,
where she was born 16 October, 1850. They reside in Bridge-
port, Conn., where he is an agent for the sale of pianos, organs,
and sewing-machines. Children by first wife :
i. Eudora Theresa, born 13 March, 1854, in Barre Tp.,
Orleans Co., N. Y. j died in the spring of 1868 in Osborn,
Greene County, Ohio,
ii. Caroline Elizabeth, born 13 October, 1856, in Brockport,
N. Y. ; married William H. Harnish 10 March, 1874, in
Osborn, Ohio. They now reside in Cincinnati, Ohio,
iii. Clarence Barnum, b. 4 Aug., 1857, in Orleans Co., N. Y.(?)
iv. Milton Russell, b. in Orleans Co., N. Y., (?) 4 Aug., 1859.
v. George, born A. D. 1864, in Albion, Orleans County, New
York ; died in the autumn of 1868 in Barre Township.
Child by second wife :
vi. Earl Leo, b. 3 Feb., 1878, in Bloomfield Tp., Ontario Co.
Burton 8 Slocum (Elijah, 1 Ebenezer, b Abraham* Ebenezer*
Eliezer, 1 Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Ogden Township, Monroe
County, New York, 1 January, 1819; was married 1 January,
1848, in Cambria, Niagara County, New York, to Ann Bromley
who was born in Danby, Vermont, 24 February, 18 14, daughter
of Joseph and Ruth (Eddy) Bromley. They settled in Buffalo,
N. Y., where they still live. A watchman. He enlisted against
the Rebellion in August, 1862, in Co. E, 116th Reg. N. Y. V. I.,
and served as wagoner until 8 June, 1865, when he was honor-
ably discharged the war being ended. Children :
i. Oscar Allen, born 30 Aug., 1848, in Rochester, N. Y. ;
was mar. 23 March, 187 1, in Macedon, Wayne County,
N. Y., to Charlotte M, daughter of Barton and Mary Ann
(Brown) Packard. He is now (1 881) in the employ of the
Denver and Rio Grande Railway Co., with postoffice at
South Pueblo, Colorado. Children: 1. John Packard, b.
23 May, 1872, in Buffalo; 2. Mary Francis, b. 16 May, 1874.
ii. John Bromley, born 18 August, 185 1, in Buffalo, N. Y.,
where he now resides ; a telegraph-operator. He was mar.
in that city 12 May, 1874, to Ida Janet, daughter of
William Malcolm and Mahalah (Jackson) Robertson.
Children : 1. Burton Oscar, b. 21 Feb., 1875 ; 2. Ida Mahalah,
born 17 Aug., 1877 '; 3. Clara Emma, born 26 Feb., 1880.
hi. Mary Ann, b. 7 Nov., 1853. A teacher in Buffalo; unmar.
iv. Sarah Isadore, b. 29 Aug., 1856, in North East, Pa. ; was
mar. 1 Jan., 1877, to Frank Adelbert, son of George and
Elizabeth (Waldron) Manson. They reside in Buffalo,
N. Y., with one child, Frank Adelbert, born 25 Aug., 1877.
Nor r is 8 S locum (Peleg? Pelegf Abraham? Ebenezer* Eliezer?
Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Murray Township, Orleans County,
New York, 14 February, 1835. He married first, in Carlinville,
Illinois, 28 November, 1857, Martha Weldon Felts, daughter of
John and Mary (Wood) Felts formerly of Logan County, Ken-
tucky, where she was born. She died in Girard, Illinois, 5 June,
1865. He married second, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 18 March,
1866, Mary M. Felts who was born 4 December, 1835. They
reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A glove and mitten manu-
facturer. Children by first wife :
i. Montague George, b. 28 Jan., 1859, in Nilwood, Illinois.
ii. May Jane, born 13 April, 1861, in Olive Township, Ind.
iii. Elizabeth, born 1 4 February, 1 864, in Nilwood, Illinois ;
died there 15 Jan., 1865, and was buried in Girard, Illinois.
Children by second wife :
iv. Eva, born 1 December, 1866, in Minneapolis, Minnesota,
v. Ada, born in Minneapolis, Minn., 15 February, 1869.
vi. Ida, born 25 March, 1871, in Meeker County, Minnesota,
vii. Harriet, born in Meeker County, Minnesota, 1 July, 1873.
Lucius Elliot 8 Slocum {George? Peleg? Abraham? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles, 1 - Anthony? ) was born in Milford Township, Oak-
land County, Michigan, 30 June, 1842, and was reared on a farm.
He enlisted against the Rebellion in the 8th Michigan Battery in
the year 1862 and served throughout the war. Was married in
Corunna, Michigan, 12 April, 1868, by Rev. Gregory, to
Ella Rhodes, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Ann (Peters)
Rhodes formerly of Marshall, Mich., where she was born 29
September, 1852. They reside on a farm with postoffice at
Hart, Oceana County, Michigan. Children :
i. Fanny, born 18 March, 1869; died 27 March, 1872, near
Corunna, Shiawasse County, Mich., and was there buried.
ii. George Washington, b. 30 July, 1871, near Corunna, Mich.
hi. Lester, born 28 September, 1873, near Corunna, Michigan.
Richard Miller 8 Slocum {George, 1 Peleg? Abraham? Eben-
ezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Hartland Town-
ship, Livingston County, Michigan, 22 October, 1844, and was
reared on a farm. He entered the Michigan Agricultural College,
Lansing, and was there graduated (B. S. ?) with the class of 1871.
He was married in Lowell, Kent County, Michigan, 6 Septem-
ber, 1872, by Rev. Leverett S. Briggs, Congregationalist, to
Emma Almeda Reed, daughter of William and Eliza Ann (Hall)
Reed of Berlin Township, Ionia County, Michigan, where she
was born 15 March, 185 1. They dwelt on a farm in Berlin until
the 2d of March, 1878, then removed to Grand Rapids, Michigan,
where he edited a newspaper in the interest of the " Greenback
party" one year or more. The 4th of May, 1879, f hey removed
to a farm near Cross Village, Emmett County, Michigan, where
they now reside. Children :
i. Edward Clair, bom 13 June, 1873, in Vernon, Michigan,
ii. Edith Elaine, b. 20 Sept., 1876, in Berlin, Ionia Co., Mich.
William 8 Slocum {Christopher 1 Hull? David? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Westfield, Union County,
New Jersey, 2 February, 18 12, and was reared from the age of
four years on a farm in Danby Township, Tompkins County,
New York, where he still lives ; postoffice Caroline Depot. He
married first, Chloe Maria Hawes in Alden ; and married second,
Almira Middaugh in Ithaca ; particulars not reported. Children :
i. Elizabeth Williams, b. 6 Aug., 1836, in Danby Tp., N. Y.
ii. William Dwight Hamilton, born 3 November, 1838, in
Danby Township, New York; died there 27 Oct., 1864.
iii. Charles Howell, born 15 June, 1841. He enlisted against
the Rebellion 22 August, 1862, in Co. K, 137th Reg. N. Y.
V. I., and participated in the Battle of Gettysburgh, of
Wauhatchie, Lookout Mountain, Pea Vine Creek, Ring-
gold, Dug Gap, Resaca, New Hope Church, Lost Mountain,
Pine Knob, Moses Creek, Kulp's Farm, Kenesaw Mountain,
and of Peach Tree Creek ; the Siege of Atlanta, and
Savannah, and the Battle of South Edisto River, S. C.
He was discharged 9 June, 1865. Was married, 14 Oct.,
1874, to Sarah Louisa, daughter of Alanson and Anne
(Bush) Cooper. They reside in Ithaca, N. Y., where he is
a member of the firm of Hanford & Slocum, grocers and
produce merchants. A child was born 23 March, 1877,
and died at the age of two days.
iv. Mary Chloe, b. 1 Jan., 1844, in Danby; d. 2 May, 1863.
Christopher 8 Slocum [Christopher? Hull? David? Ebenezer?
Eliezer? Giles?- Anthony?) was born in Danby Township, Tomp-
kins County, New York, 15 September, 18 19, and was reared
there on a farm. He married Eliza Grant, daughter of Robert
and Martha (Barnum) Grant of that place. They settled on a
farm in Danby where they still live ; postoffice Caroline Depot,
New York. Children :
i. TherOn Webster, born 24 Oct., 1847 > was mar - 3 J an -
187 1, by Rev. O. A. Warren, M. E., to Ella McGillivray,
born 2 March, 1850, daughter of George and Olive (Shef-
field) McGillivray of Enfield, N. Y. He engaged in mer-
cantile business at Williamsport, Pa., in 1867 and there
continued until 1875 when he returned to a farm in Danby
where he now lives j postoffice Caroline Depot, New York.
Children: 1. Raymond Grant, b. 2 August, 1872 2. Mary
Eliza, b. 22 July, 1875, d. 19 July, 1880, and was buried in
Adams Cem. ; 3. Archibald McGillivray, b. 10 Dec, 1877.
ii. Clarence Hamilton, b. 14 July, 1849; m. 22 April, 1873,
Flora A. Beecher of Newark Valley. A farmer. P. O
Caroline Depot, Tompkins County, N. Y. Has one child,
Claude Beecher, born 22 September, 1878, in Danby Tp.
iii. Clark Scudder, born 19 May, 1855; was married 4 Dec,
1879, by R- ev - George Williams, to Louise, daughter of
Horatio D. and Caroline (Ireland) Wright of Danby. He
is a farmer; postofhce Caroline Depot, Tompkins Co., N.Y.
Franklin Robinson 8 Slocum {Hull T.? Hull 6 David? Eben-
ezer? Eliezer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Tolland Township,
Hampden County, Massachusetts, 5 July, 1824. He was married
first in Hartford, Connecticut, 17 February, 1852, by Rev. Horace
Bushnell, D. D., to Harriet Eliza Gabrielle, daughter of William
and Elizabeth (Matthews) Gabrielle. She was born in West
Suffield, Conn., 17 June, 1825, and died in Hartford 18 October,
1862 ; was buried there in Spring Grove Cemetery. He was
married second by Rev. N.J. Burton, D. D., 17 October, 1865,
to Martha Ellen Bartlett, daughter of Milton and Julia Sumner
(Phelps) Bartlett of Hartford, where she was born 8 March, 1834.
He has resided in Hartford, Conn., since the year 1842. A coal
dealer. Children by first wife :
i. Lucius Franklin, born 31 July, 1854; was married 13 May,
1879, by Rev. H. D. Northrup, to Lillian Stillman Paul,
born 17 February, 1859, daughter of James P. and Harriet
N. (Persons) Paul of Hartford, Conn., where they now re-
side. He is a locomotive engineer,
ii. Maria Elizabeth, b. 19 March, 1856. Resides in Hartford,
iii. Harriet Eliza, born in Hartford, Conn., 4 June, 186 1.
Children by second wife :
iv. William Thompson, born 27 Oct., 1867, in Hartford, Conn.;
d. 28 April, 1868, and was buried in Spring Grove Cemetery.
v. Arthur, b. 18 March, 1869, in Hartford ; d. 20 March, 1869.
vi. Wellington Read, born 16 July, 187 1, in Hartford, Conn.
Emily Catherine 8 Slocum {Hull T., 7 Hull, 6 David? Eben-
ezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Tolland Township,
Hampden County, Massachusetts, 12 May, 1827; was married
there 22 April, 1847, by Rev. Alonzo Sanderson, Congrega-
tionalism to William Tinker, son of Edward L. and Laura
(Steel) Tinker of Tolland, where he was born 2 September, 1823.
After marriage they dwelt in Tolland about ten years, and about
nine years at Colebrook River, Connecticut, where he was a
member of the firm of Sawyer, Tinker & Co., cotton manufac-
turers and merchants. Since September, 1866, they have resided
in Otis, Berkshire County, Mass., where he is a tanner. He
was a member of the lower house of the Massachusetts Legis-
lature in the year 1880. Children :
i. Pearl Seymour Tinker, b. 16 June, 1848 ; res. in Otis, Mass.
ii. Lucia Henrietta Tinker, born 16 June, 1851; was mar.
1st, by Rev. Ira Smith, Congregationalist, to Henry Newton
Waters, son of William and Elizabeth (Haley) Waters of
Otis, Mass. He died 8 August, 1878, aged 27 years and 9
months, leaving a child, Margaret Emily, born 18 Sept.,
1876, at Stanton, Illinois. She was mar. 2d, by Rev.
James Seagrave, Cong., 22 April, 1880, to Mahlon Haley
of Groton, Ct. P. O. New Boston, Berkshire Co., Mass.
iii. William Richard Tinker, b. 8 Aug., 1853. Was graduated
M. D. at the University of the City of New York, 18 Feb.,
1880. Is now a practicing physician in East Hartford, Ct.
iv. Emma Laura Tinker, b. 9 Feb., 1859 ; was mar. in Otis,
Mass., 1 January, 1879, by Rev. James Seagrave, Cong., to
Eli D. Warfield of Blandford, Mass., where they now
reside. A child, William Tinker, was born 20 March, 1880.
v. Gertrude Margaret Tinker, born 16 Sept., 1864; died
31 January, 1865, and was buried at Colebrook River, Ct.
vi. Bert Slocum Tinker, born 1 Oct., 1867, in Otis, Mass.
viii. Edward Franklin Tinker, b. in Otis, Mass., 13 July, 187 r.
Charles Dennison 8 Slocum (Ezra S., 7 Hull, 6 David? Eben-
ezer* Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Tolland Township,
Hampden County, Massachusetts, 16 January, 1829; married
there, 15 January, 185 1, Harriet Augusta Moore, daughter of
Lyman and Charlotte (Belden) Moore of Tolland. After mar-
riage they removed to Connecticut. He was a farmer and hotel-
keeper ; died 9 June, 1878. His widow now resides in Tariff-
ville, Connecticut. Children :
i. Charles Dennison, born 21 May, 1852, at Colebrook River,
Litchfield County, Conn. ; died in West Hartland 8 Oct.,
i860, and was finally buried in Granby, Connecticut.
ii. Nellie Augusta, born 28 February, i860, in West Hart-
land, Conn. ; married in Tariffville 20 April, 1880, Jarvis
Lewis Bacon, son of Jewett and Laura (Terrell) Bacon.
Postoffice Thomaston, Connecticut.
iii. Dennison Stiles, b. 8 Feb., 1862, in West Hartland, Conn.
iv. Walter Moore, born 29 October, 1866, in Gran by, Conn.
Hon. William Frederick 8 Slocum {Oliver E., 7 Eleazer, 6
David? Ebenezer* Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Tolland
Township, Hampden County, Massachusetts, 31 January, 1822,
and was there reared on a farm. He studied law and was ad-
mitted to the bar in Berkshire County in October, 1846; was
married 21 April, 1847, to Margaret Tinker, daughter of Edward
L. and Laura Tinker of Tolland where she was born 4 July, 1827.
He removed to Grafton, Mass., where he practiced his pro-
fession alone until 1866 when he formed a partnership with H.
B. Staples, Esq. They opened an office in Boston but Mr.
Slocum continued his residence at Grafton until April, 1869,
when he removed to Newtonville, near Boston. About this time
he became associated with a new firm composed of Mr. Staples
and F. P. Goulding, Esq., of Worcester, where an office was con-
tinued in the name of Staples & Goulding, and also an office
in Boston in the firm name of Slocum & Staples. This arrange-
ment continued until 1871 when the firm was dissolved, Messrs.
Staples and Goulding continuing the office at Worcester and
Mr. Slocum taking the business of the firm in Boston. In
October, 1871, he admitted his son Winfield S. to partnership
under the firm name of W. F. and W. S. Slocum, which partner-
ship still continues.
While in Grafton Mr. Slocum had a large practice from most of
the towns in the southeasterly part of Worcester County and
was engaged in very many of the most important cases in that
section. The Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court
of Massachusetts show that he argued a number of cases before
the full bench, in many of which important questions of law and
practice were discussed and settled. He united marked ability
with the most thorough preparation of the cases and many of the
decisions resulting therefrom will remain valuable in the courts.
" He ably represented Grafton in the Massachusetts Legisla-
ture in 1 86 1, and was a member of the Grafton School Committee
several years, and also of the Board of Selectmen, and served at
times as the Chairman of both boards. His excellent judgment
with his independence of action and sterling int<
acter made him one of the very valuable citizens in
interests of the community."*
In 1 87 1 Amherst College conferred on him the honorary
degree of Master of Arts. Children, all born in Grafton, Mass :
i. Winfield Scott, born 1 May, 1848. He was graduated
A. B. at Amherst College, class of 1869, and was admitted
to the bar two years later in Boston, where he has since
practiced law with his father. He married, 7 October, 1873,
Anne A. Pulsifer, dau. of Charles and Eliza (Trowbridge)
Pulsifer, of Newtonville, Mass., where they now reside.
ii. Edward Tinker, born 29 October, 1849. He was gradu-
ated A. B. at Amherst College, class of 187 1, and LL. B.
at Boston University, class of 1874; was admitted to the
bar in 1874, and is now practicing law in Lee, Mass.
hi. William Frederick, born 29 July, 1 85 1. He was graduated
A. B. at Amherst College, class of 1874; passed one year
in Germany, and, returning to Massachusetts, was gradu-
ated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1878. He was
ordained, and installed pastor of the Union Congregational
Church of Salisbury and Amesbury, in Salisbury, Mass.,
in August, 1878, and is still (1880) ministering there.
iv. Henry O., born 23 February, 1854. He was graduated at
the Newton High School, and entered a Boston commer-
cial college in 1874. His health failed and he Continued
an invalid until 22 January. 1878, when he died at his
father's home in Newtonville, Massachusetts.
Delia Ann 8 Slocum {Oliver E., 7 Eleazer, 6 David, s Ebenezer*
Eliezer, 1 Giles? Anthony?) was born in Tolland Township, Hamp-
den County, Massachusetts, 23 April, 1829 ; married there 6 May,
1863, David A. Depue, a lawyer, son of Benjamin Depue, of Bel-
videre, New Jersey, and formerly of Centreville, Pennsylvania,
where he was born. Mr. Depue has been Justice of the Supreme
Court of New Jersey fourteen years, and entered upon his
third term in November, 1880. They reside in Newark, N. J.
Children :
i. Sherrerd Depue, born in August 1864, in Belvidere, N. J.
ii. Mary Stuart Depue, b. in Belvidere, N. J., in April, 1867.
iii. Frances Adelia Depue, b. in Aug., 1869, in Newark, N. J.
*See History of Graf ton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, by Frederick C. Pierce ;
Worcester, 1879.
Prof. Philo Mills 8 Slocum {Oliver E., 7 Eleazerf David?
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born 5 April, 1831, in
Tolland Township, Hampden County, Massachusetts, and mar-
ried Henrietta Beach who was there born 18 November, 1829.
He was a reporter in the United States Congress four years
from 1853, then entered the Normal School in Westfield, Mass.,
and, after two years study, was employed as teacher in that insti-
tution principally in the Department of Natural Science
which position he occupied until his death which occurred 10
October, 1861. In the spring of 1861 he was employed as lect-
urer in the Teachers' Institutes. A co-laborer, in a long obitu-
ary published in The Massachusetts Teacher for August, 1862,
wrote of him as follows :
Mr. Slocum possessed those qualities which pre-eminently
fitted him for the work he had chosen. He was patient in acquiring and
communicating truth. He investigated the most familiar subjects with
so much zeal and patience that he was able to present the principles
of the sciences he taught in all the freshness of newly-discovered truths.
He was noted for his originality, and his great inventive power, as
well as his equal facility in communicating what he had conceived. . .
" He had begun the preparation of a work on Physical Geography,
and another on Natural History Had the ardor of his enthusi-
asm been less intense he might have been longer with us but less suc-
cessful in accomplishing the object of his life. As we review his few
but active years as a teacher we realize the force of the truth that
earnest thought and noble action are a far better measure of life than
years. ... A gentleman, now a member of the bar, who had known
Mr. Slocum from childhood, says that he never knew him to lose his good
temper His analytical method of investigating truth, and the
candor which it induced .... annihilated all doubts of the reality of the
religion of Christ .... and those minds and there are many such
that have been warmed into a higher life by the ardor of his spirit, will
never cease to feel the force of his example
" His influence still lives. The results of his intellectual labor for his
classes are yet with us, and in our cabinets are the trophies of his toil."
His widow resides in Springfield, Massachusetts. Children :
i. Charles Mills, born 19 July, 1854, in Tolland, Mass. He
has been in the employ of the City of Springfield, Mass., for
the last seven years as assistant civil-engineer. Unmarried.
ii. Philo Milton, born 18 February, 1862. He is employed
with the engineers of the City of Springfield, Mass.
Laura Frances 8 Slocum (Oliver E.? Eleazer? David? Eben-
ezer? Eliezer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Tolland Town-
ship, Hampden County, Massachusetts, 8 N6vember, 1832 ;
married there, 24 August, 1858, Eli Johnson, son of Eli and
Eveline (Pettis) Johnson of Winchester, Connecticut, where he
was born 24 August, 1830. They now (1880) reside at Colorado
Springs, Colorado, where she is employed as a teacher. Children :
i. Evelyn Mills Johnson, born 30 June, 1859, ^ n Tolland,
Mass. She resides at Colorado Springs, Colorado; unmar.
ii. Frank Eli Johnson, b. 2 March, 1863, in Westfield, Mass.
iii. Henry Depue Johnson, born n June, 1866, in Westfield.
Oliver Ellsworth 8 Slocum (Oliver E.? Eleazer? David?
Ebenezer? Eleazer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Tolland Town-
ship, Hampden County, Massachusetts, 17 February, 1837, and
married Jane Humphrey of that place. They settled on a farm
in his native township where they still reside ; postoffice Tolland,
Massachusetts. Children :
i. Harriet M., born about 1859 in Tolland Township, Mass.
ii. Oliver Ellsworth, born in Tolland Tp., Mass., in 1862.
iii. Marion Amelia, born in Tolland Township, Mass., in 1864.
iv. Mary Louise, born in Tolland Township, Mass., in 1867.
v. Catharine, born in 1869, in Tolland Township, Mass.
Mary Ann^ Slocum (George? Stephen? Giles? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in South Portsmouth, Rhode
Island, 1 April, 1828, and married Benjamin Wyatt of Middle-
town Township, R. I., where they now reside. Children:
i. Robert Gould Wyatt, b. 8 Sept., 1844, in Middletown, R.I.
ii. Georgiana Elizabeth Wyatt, b. 28 Sept., 1846, in R. I.
iii. Edward Nathaniel Wyatt, born 15 Sept., 185 1, in R. I.
iv. William Benjamin Wyatt, bom 23 April, 1854, in R. I.
v. George Samuel Wyatt, b. 16 Dec, 1867, in Middletown.
Stephen Thomas 9 Slocum (George? Stephen? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Middletown Town-
ship, Newport County, Rhode Island, 10 October, 1829. He
learned the cooper's trade, removed to Baltimore, Maryland, and
there married, 17 May, 1852, Mary Jane, daughter of John B.
and Susan (Waldo) Lamy of that city. He enlisted against the
Rebellion at the first call for soldiers as a private in the First
Rhode Island Cavalry ; was taken prisoner by the Confederates
in August, 1862, and was confined for a month on Belle Island
and then exchanged. He then served the Union forces as
messenger for three years, after which he returned to the ranks
where he served as a private soldier until the final triumph of
the Union arms. He died of sunstroke in Newport, R. I., 5
July, 1875, an d was buried in Island Cemetery. Children :
i. John T., born T2 February, 1854, in Baltimore, Md. ; was
mar. there 15 July, 1875, to Anne, daughter of and
Ruth Matilda (Schnell) Gleter (?) of that city. He is a
tinner; is now (1881) working in New Berne, N. C, but
his residence is in Baltimore. Children: 1. William Tol-
chester, born 15 June, 1878; 2. Matilda, born 15 August,
1879, died 22 February, 1880.
ii. Mary Alice, born 4 April, 1856; died 25 August, 1859.
iii. Charles A., born 17 May, 1858, in Baltimore, Maryland,
where he is now (1881) a cooper; unmarried.
Edmund Deacon ' Slocum (George? Stephen? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Portsmouth Town-
ship, Rhode Island, n August, 1835. He enlisted against the
Rebellion in June, 1861, as a private soldier in Co. D, 12th Reg.
R. I. V. I. He re-enlisted and was discharged at the close of his
nine-months term of enlistment. He married, 12 July, 1865,
Mary Elizabeth Tilley, daughter of James and Ann (Ward) Tilley,
of Newport, R. I., where she was born in July, 1833. He is a
farmer ; postoffice Red Bank, New Jersey. Children :
i. Helena, born 31 January, 1S68, at Newport, Rhode Island.
ii. Susan Gould, b. at Newport, Rhode Island, 17 Aug., 1870.
iii. Mary L., born 27 Nov., 1872, at Newport, Rhode Island,
iv. Edmund Deacon, born at Newport R. I., 20 April, 1875.
Charles William 9 Slocum (Stephen? Stephen? Giles? Giles?
Giles? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Westport Township,
formerly part of Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, 29
August, 1850. He settled at Fall River, Mass., 1 April, 1869,
and has since resided there as a house-painter and paper-hanger.
He married, 10 Sept., 1873, Evangeline St. Clair Thompson, who
was born at Fall River, 24 September, 1854, daughter of James
and Eliza (Adamson) Thompson. Children :
i. Stephen was born 20 July, 1874, and died the same day.
ii. Stephen, born 4 Jan., 1876, at Fall River, Bristol Co., Mass.
iii. Emma Elizabeth, b. at Fall River, Mass., 26 May, 1878.
William Albert 9 Slocum ( William H.? Borden? Stephen?
Giles,'' Giles* Giles? Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born at No. 62 Pike
Street, New York City, 15 April, 1849, ancl was educated in a
public school of that city and in the Brooklyn Polytechnic
Institute where he was graduated with the class of 1866. He
was married in Brooklyn 14 May, 1873, by Rev. Joseph Bradford
Cleaver, Baptist, to Emma Rebecca Eastburn, daughter of
William Swain and Rebecca Frances (Barnes) Eastburn of that
city and formerly of Greenpoint, N. Y., where she was born
8 October, 1849. He is in the employ of the London and
Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, New York ; has acted at
different times as surveyor, assistant secretary, and treasurer.
He has written various articles for the press under the nom de
plume of " Gold Pen," and " Queer Quill." He resides in
Brooklyn, N. Y., and is there a member, and clerk, of the
Hanson Place Baptist Church. Child :
i. Florence Rebecca, born 30 Jan., 1874, in Brooklyn, N. Y.
John Peterson 9 Slocum (Amasa C? John? John? John?
John? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born near Providence, R. I.,
25 September, 1820; married there first, May 17, 1846, Lucy
Wayland Fox, daughter of Horace L. and Sarah P. Fox. She
was born in Boston, Mass., 1 January, 1826, and died in Lowell,
Massachusetts, 23 February, 1865. He married second,
. In 1852 he settled in Lowell, Masschusetts, where,
being a skillful engineer, he was employed as City Inspector
of boilers for several years. He served against the Rebel-
lion in the United States Navy, for a time acting as engi-
neer of one of the armed steamships. He dwelt in Shippens-
burgh, Pa., two or three years, and returned to Lowell, Mass., in
1875, and there died of apoplexy 6 November, 1877, leaving
numerous friends to mourn his loss ; was buried with his first
wife in Providence R. I. Children, all by first wife :*
i. Horace Fox, born 6 February, 1848, in Providence, R. I.
He married, 23 Dec, 1871, Lydia Frances Jennings who
was born in Solon, Me., 13 October, 1848, daughter of
Tillotson Lafayette and Mary Jane (Ranlett) Jennings of
Lowell, Mass., where they still reside ; a book-keeper. A
child, Clarence Wilbur, was born 26 October, 1874.
ii. Lucy Camilla, born 13 October, 1851 ; died 18 July, 1868,
in Lowell, Mass., and was buried in Providence. R. I., where
she was born.
hi. Edith, born 4 July, 1859, in Lowell, Mass. ; died there 25
October, 187 1, and was buried in Providence, R. I.
John 9 Slocum {Samuel? John? John, 6 John? John* Giles?
Giles? Anthony?) was born in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, 9 June,
1830; was married in Providence 15 October, 1850, by Rev.
Thorndike C Jamison, Baptist, to Priscilla E. Dodge who was
born on Block Island, R. L, 9 July, 1828, daughter of William
and Eliza (Ball) Dodge. They settled in Providence, R. I.,
where they still reside. A jeweler. Children :
i. Charles Alvin, born 21 October, 1851; was married 24
April, 1878, by Rev. E. C. Farnham, Baptist, to Ella Louise
Davenport, daughter of Jared and Ella Davenport of
Providence, R. I., where they still reside.
ii. George Henry, born 5 August, 1857, in Providence, R. I.
iii. Nellie Moffitt, born 22 October, 1869, in Providence, R I.
John Holden^ Slocum {David C? John? Thomas? John?
John? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Warwick Township,
Kent County, Rhode Island, 26 November, 1824; was married,
27 November, 1844, by Rev. Adin Ballou, to Louisa Taft,
*See the records of births, deaths, and burials, in Providence, Rhode Island.
daughter of George W. and Anne (Pickering) Taft of Belling-
ham, Mass., and formerly of Cumberland, R. I., where she was
born ii September, 1821. He served against the Rebellion as
a soldier in Co. I, 51st Regt. Massachusetts Infantry; is now a
master-mechanic with residence at Upton, Mass. Children :
i. Ida Frances, born 14 Dec, 1845. Was married, 15 July,
1868, by Rev. William Scandlin, to George Warner Taft,
son of Perley P. and Eunice Maria (Miller) Taft of Upton,
Mass. They reside in Abington, Conn., where he is manu-
facturer of "The Benefactor Road Machine." A child,
Evelyn Louisa, was born 2 Dec, 1871, in Pomfret, Conn.
ii. Ellery Herbert, born 4 Nov., 1848. Was married, 28
May, 1878, by Rev. George S. Ball, to Clara Eldora Eames,
daughter of Harrison and Melinda (Hunt) Eames, of
Upton, Mass., where they now reside. A child, Frank
Herbert, was born 4 October, 1879, in Upton, Massachusetts.
Aratus Brewster 9 Slocum {David C? John? Thomas?
Thomas ? John* Giles, 1 Giles? Anthony?) was born in Tyring-
ham, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 17 July, 1828. He
married in Holden, Mass., 28 December, 1850, Elizabeth Mason
of Cumberland, R.T. He was a soldier against the Rebellion,
in Co. I, 36th Reg. Mass. V. I., and has since received a pension
for disability then incurred. He is a mechanic ; postoffice
North Oxford, Worcester Co., Mass. Children :
i. Emma Elizabeth, b. 3 October, 185 1, in Northbridge, Mass.;
mar. George A. Fletcher. Postoffice, Whitinsville, Mass.
Children : Stella, Cora, and Minne ; dates of births not rep.
ii. Perry Albert, born 1 December, 1854, in Sutton, Mass.;
married Ella F. Thompson in Milford, Mass., where they
now reside. Children : A daughter, died; 2. Claude A.,
born in the year 1881. Full dates not reported.
iii. Caroline Belle, born 11 June, 1858, in Upton, Mass.; m.
Henry F. Smith, expressman, of Millbury, Mass., where
they now reside. Date and particulars not reported.
iv. Ida May, b. 5 April, 187 1, in Millbury, Worcester Co., Mass.
v. Marion Louise, born 21 Nov., 1873, in Millbury, Mass.
Albert Lewis 9 Slocum {^Morgan L.? John, 7 Thomas, 6 John?
John? Giles? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Oxford, Chenango
County, New York, 18 November, 1842, and was reared in
Broome County, and Tioga County, New York.
He was in Georgia at the outbreak of the Rebellion, and was
enrolled for service in the Confederate Army about 1 August,
1 861, in the " Camden Rifles," which company first served in the
26th Regiment Georgia Infantry, and, later, in the 13th Regiment.
This company, being familiar with the Coast of Georgia, was
afterward armed with Sharps' carbines, and, being mounted to
form a part of the 4th Reg. Ga. Cav., was detailed for service
along the coast first on the Sea Islands so long as they were
tenable, then along the water courses, protecting the salt-works,
plantations, etc. They occasionally met detachments of Union
troops, and in their skirmishes he lost two horses and re-
ceived some personal injuries. Not being able to remount, he
was transferred to an artillery battalion from which he was
detailed before it saw action to work at his trade of machinist
and engineer. After about eighteen months thus passed in the
counties of Camden, Wayne, and Appling, they were ordered to
Savannah, where he was continued as machinist for three months,
and was then appointed Third Assistant Engineer C. S. N., and
was ordered to Charleston, S. C, in September, 1864. He there
remained in charge of the dry-dock until that city was taken
by the Union forces, 16 February, 1865. He was retained as
prisoner of war until 3 May, 1865, when he was paroled at
Augusta, Ga., and six days thereafter he engaged as second engi-
neer of a United States transport between Savannah and Augusta.
He married, in Savannah 13 September, 1865, Anna Maria
Flanagan who was born in Albany, N. Y., 3 September, 1844,
daughter of John and Margaret (Sweeny) Flanagan. They have
resided in Savannah, Ga., since marriage. Children:
i. Charlotte Mary, born 5 May, 1867, in Savannah, Ga.
ii. John Morgan, born in Savannah, Ga., 8 August, 1875.
iii. Margaret Sophronia, b. 13 Nov., 1877, m Savannah, Ga. ;
d. there 31 Aug., 1878; was buried in Cathedral Cemetery.
Capt. Charles Anderson ^ Slocum (Lorenzo? Amos? Thomas?
John? John? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Randolph
Township, Cattaraugus County, New York, 21 February, 1836,
and was reared in Otsego County, N. Y. He removed to Iowa
and there enlisted against the Rebellion 26 August, 1862, and
was chosen Captain of Company G, 27th Regiment Iowa Volun-
teer Infantry. He served in the Mississippi Valley, and in the
Red River Expedition participating in all its battles. He was
severely wounded in the thigh, 9th April, 1864, m tne Battle of
Simmesport, La., but recovered and participated, later in the
same year, in the battles of Tupelo, Miss., Nashville, Tenn.,
and others of less note. He was mustered out of service with
his regiment in June, 1865. He married, in Floyd, Iowa, 26
Aug., 1863, Ellen L. Wilbur, daughter of Harvey and Ann Wilbur
of that place and formerly of Clarksville, Otsego Co., where she was
born 30 June, 1 841. They settled in Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa,
where they still reside. He was Auditor of Floyd County from 1
Jan., 1872, until 1 April, 1875, when he resigned that he might de-
vote his time more exclusively to The Floy d County Advocate of which
he is chief editor. The Advocate is the official newspaper of his
county ; is Republican in politics, bright in appearance, and
highly respectable in tone. Children :
i. May Estelle, born 19 November, 1864, in Charles City,
Iowa; died 19 November, 1865, and was buried there.
ii. Willis Erskine, born 2 Jan., 1867, in Charles City, Iowa.
iii. Gurnsey Morton, born in Charles City, la., 19 May, 1870.
iv. Horace Woodworth, born in Charles City, 25 March, 1873.
v. Faith Amelia, born in Charles City, Iowa, 22 Jan., 1875.
Lydia Pamela^ Slocum (James? Thomas? Thomas? John?
John? Giles? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Edmeston, Otsego
County, New York, 10 May, 1836; married there, 24 March,
1854, Henry Ackerman, a carpenter and joiner, who was born
6 February, 1830, son of David and Susannah (Sherman) Acker-
man of Butternuts, N. Y. They removed to Brodhead, Wis-
consin, in the year 1856, and returned in i860 to Edmeston, N. Y.,
where they now reside. He was a soldier against the Rebellion,
and was discharged in January, 1865. One of his fingers was shot
off in the engagement at Ream's Station, Va. Children :
i. Henry Dewalstein Ackerman, b. 9 Oct., 1855; married
29 Dec, 1876, Lilly, dau. of Lewis and Malvana Talbot.
A child, Earl, was b. 3 May, 1879. P. O. New Berlin, N. Y.
ii. Luella Medora Ackerman, b. 27 April, 1857, in Brodhead.
iii. Lilian Ackerman, b. 24 April, 1859; died 19 Nov., 1859.
iv. Mary Almy Ackerman, b. 10 July, 1863, in Edmeston, N. Y.
v. William Roy Ackerman, b. 21 May, 1874, in Edmeston.
Cornelia Mead? Slocum ( Willeti M.? Charles? Ebenezer?
Samuel? Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in
Tiverton Township, Rhode Island, 16 February, 1844, and was
reared by her aunt, Mrs. Alice (Slocum) Woodman, at Fall
River, Mass. She there married, 1 August, 1865, Henry Hale
Remington who was born 30 October, 1842, son of Hale and
Catherine Groesbeck (Van Santvoord) Remington of Fall River.
He is now (1881) confidential clerk in the banking house of
George W. Ballou & Co., 14 Wall St., New York City. Children :
i. Mabel Hale Remington, b. 22 April, 1866, at Fall River,
ii. Cornelia Groesbeck Remington, b. 22 Dec, 1867; d. 13
Aug., 1868, at Fall River; buried in Oak Grove Cemetery,
iii. Louise Owen Remington, b. 1 o February, 1 869, at Fall River,
iv. Henry Van Santvoord Remington, born 15 Dec., 1872,
at Tiverton Four Corners, Newport Co., Rhode Island,
v. Elizabeth Seabury Remington, born 27 June, 1877, in
Washington, District of Columbia,
vi. Carl Remington, born n Feb., 1880, at Fall River, Mass.
John Hoxie 9 Slocum {Peleg? Peleg? Samuel? Samuel? Sam-
uel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Richmond Town-
ship, Washington County, Rhode Island, 14 April, 1812. He
removed with his parents to Ontario County, New York, and was
married there, in West Bloomfield Township in 1836, to Mary
Ann, daughter of John H. and Esther (Dyer) Cottrell formerly of
Rhode Island where she was born 19 October, 1809. They set-
tled on a farm in Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, where
they still live ; postoffice Warsaw, N. Y. Children :
i. William Cottrell, born, 1 November, 1837 ; mar. 4 July,
1866, Phebe A. Sherwood, who was born in Conesus Tp.,
Livingston County, N. Y., 10 September, 1842, daughter
of Stephen and Harriet (Clark) Sherwood. He is a farmer ;
postoffice Warsaw, N. Y. Children: 1. Francis Henry, b. 31
April, 1868 ; 2. William Clark, b. 17 April, 1873 ; 3. Charles
Roy, b. 13 May, 1877 j 4. Merrill Emerson b. 19 June, 1879.
641. ii. George Dyer, born 3 July, 1839 J m - Pauline G. McCagg.
iii. Mary Esther, born 28 March, 1844 ; m. Andrew T. Gray
20 Nov., 1877, in Warsaw, N. Y., where they now reside,
iv. Josephine, died in her infancy in Warsaw Township, N. Y.
Nancy Dyer 9 Slocum (John* Peleg, 7 Samuel? Samuel?
Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in Richmond
Township, Washington County, Rhode Island, 25 February,
1 8 17; married there, 25 February, 1838, Benjamin Wells, a
farmer, son of John and Mary (Whitford) Wells of Exeter,
They have continuously resided in their native county ; present
postoffice, West Kingstown, R. I. Children :
576.* i. Benjamin E. Wei.ls, b. 19 Sept., 1839 ; mar. Sarah L. Kenyon.
576.* ii. John H. Wells, b. 22 M'ch, 1841 ; m. Susan Rebecca Harley.
576/ iii. William P. Wells, b. 31 Oct., 1844; mar. Almira B. Spencer.
576/ iv. Sarah A. Wells, b. 25 July, 1848; mar. James W. Kenyon.
v. Amasa Pardon Wells, b. 18 March, 1850, in S. Kingstown.
Was m. to Ida Taylor by Rev. John Woodmansee, Baptist.
vi. Jeremiah Robinson Wells, b. 18 Oct., 1861. Is now at sea.
Benjamin Edward Wells enlisted against the Rebellion 8 August,
1862, as a private in Co. G, 7th Reg. R. I. V. I., and served as a
soldier in the East and, also, in the Mississippi Valley. He participated
in a number of battles, including that of Fredericksburgh, Va. ; was
wounded in May, 1864, but, after a short absence, returned to his
company and served until the close of the war. He was married in
Usquepaugh, R. I., 19 June, 1864, by Rev. E. J. Lock, Baptist, to
Sarah Louisa Kenyon, daughter of Thomas A. and Rebecca R. (Cong-
don) Kenyon. They now reside at Fall River, Mass. Children :
i. Anne Josephine Wells, b. 25 March, 1866, in Wakefield, R. I.
ii. Minne Cora Wells, b. in Wakefield, R. I., 18 Aug., 1868.
iii. Arthur Winfield Wells, b. 18 July, 1870, in Lebanon, Ct.
iv. Adelbert Clarence Wells, b. 31 July, 1876, in Kingston.
John Henry Wells was married, first in Kingston, R. I., 30 Sept.
1 86 1, by Rev. J. Hagadorn Wells, Congregationalist, to Susan Rebecca
Harley, daughter of Solomon S. and Rachel (Babcock) Harley. He
was married second, in Kingston 6 April, 1868, by the same clergyman,
to Elizabeth Brenton Hazard, daughter of William and Harriet M.
(Brenton) Hazard. They now reside at Fall River, Mass. Children, by
first wife :
i. Charles H. Wells, born 21 Jan., 1863, in Kingston, R. I.
ii. Edward E. Wells, b. 10 M'ch, 1865; d. 12 Mc'h, 1869.
William Perry Wells enlisted against the Rebellion 13 August,
1 86 1, in Battery B, Rhode Island Light Artillery, and participated in
seven general engagements and numerous skirmishes. His battery did,
heroic service in the Battle of Fredericksburgh, Va., where he was
wounded through the foot by a rifle-ball; was discharged 27 March,
1862. He was married in Stonington, Conn., 30 August, 1868, by
Rev. A. G. Palmer, Baptist, to Almira Burdick Spencer, daughter of
William and Lydia E. (Cardwell) Spencer. They reside in Providence,
R. I., where he has charge of the Freight-house of the Stonington and
Providence Railway. Children :
i. Grace Belle Wells, b. 5 Nov., 1870, in Stonington, Conn.
ii. Robert Levy Wells, b. in Stonington, Conn., 7 Oct., 1874.
iii. George Tilley Wells, b. 27 Feb., 1877, in E. Greenwich,
iv. Emma Cornelia Winship Wells, b. 19 May, 1878, in R. I.
Sarah Adelaide Wells was married in West Kingstown Township,
R. I., by Rev. John Woodmansee, Baptist, to James William Kenyon^
son of Thomas A. and Rebecca R. (Congdon) Kenyon. They now
reside at Cross' Mills, R. I. Children :
i. Albert Green Kenyon, b. 16 May, 1868, in Wakefield, R. I.
ii. Jennie Estelle Kenyon, b. 4 Sept., 1869, in Hopkinton, R. I.
iii. Arthur Edward Kenyon, b. 2 Jan., 1872, in S. Kingstown.
John 9 Slocum (John? Peleg? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel*
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born at (what is now) Usque-
paugh, Richmond Township, Rhode Island, 21 February, 1819 ;
married there 24 September, 1843, Sarah Maillard Steadman,
daughter of Henry M. and Mehitable (Chappell) Steadman of
that place, where she was born 15 April, 1822, and where she
died in 1 88 1. He has continuously resided in Washington Co.;
present postoffice Wyoming, R. I. A stone-mason. Children,
born in Richmond Township, Rhode Island.
i. Sarah Ann, born 3 August, 1844; married, 22 October,
187 1, William R. Northup, son of Rathbun and Esther, of
Richmond, R. I. They now reside in Providence, R. I.
A child, Luella, was born in October, 187 1.
ii. Charles Edwin, born 10 December, 1845 ; mar. 21 Oct.,
1873, Emma Ida Brown of Richmond, R. I., dau. of Cary
Dunn and Harriet Maria (Kenyon) Brown. Present P.
O. Hope Valley, R. I. Children : 1. Lilly Grace, born 8
May, 1874 ; 2. Edith Emma, b. 7 May, 1877, d. 7 Dec. 1878.
iii. John Henry, born 17 May, 1846. He enlisted against the
Rebellion 6 June, 1861, as private in Co. E, 2d Reg. R. I.
V. I., and re-enlisted 26 Dec, 1863. He participated in
the following battles : Bull Run, Warwick C. H., Williams-
burgh, Slatesville, Elliott's Mill, Hanover C. H., Gaines'
Mill, Seven Pines, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill,
Chantilly, Antietam, Fredericksburgh, Salem Heights, St.
Mary's Hill, Gettysburgh, Frankstown, Williamsport, Rap-
pahannock Station, Mine Run, and the Battles of the Wild-
erness where he was killed in the last days fight, 4 May,
1864. He was finally buried in Wood River Cemetery,
Richmond, R. I. Woodbury, in his History of the Second-
Rhode Island Regiment, writes that " John H. Slocum was
a good soldier in every respect." His name is recorded in
the United States Roll of Honor.
iv. Mary Ellen, born 17 March, 1852 ; died 11 August, 1853.
v. Emma Jane, born 27 January, 1855 \ married, 22 July, 1875,
Joseph Reynolds Boss, son of Joseph and Deborah (James)
Boss. They reside in Providence, R. I., without children.
vi. Warren Randolph, b. 12 May, 1858; d. 25 Dec, 1863;
was bur. in Wood River Cem., the family burying ground.
William 9 Slocum (yohn? Peleg? Samuel? Samuel* Samuel*
Ebenezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Richmond Town-
ship, Washington County, Rhode Island, 16 March, 1821. He
was married in South Kingstown 30 March, 1845, by Rev. E. J.
Locke, Baptist, to Rebecca Browning Babcock, daughter of
Joseph Peckman and Waity Tripp (Segar) Babcock of Perrys-
ville, where she was born 18 August, 1819. They dwelt in
Richmond for about two years after marriage, then removed to
South Kingstown where they have since resided ; postoffice
Kingston, R. I. A stone-mason. Children :
i. Mary Ida, born u February, 1848, at Wyoming, R. I.;
married Benjamin Champlin at Caroline Mills 25 Dec.,
j 866. They reside at Kingstown Hill, R. I. Children:
1. William Eldredge, b. 23 June, 1868; 2. Mary Esther, b.
3 Sept., 1869; 3. Susan Ellen, b. 11 Oct., 1870; 4. Charles
Benjamin, b. 1 Aug., 1874; 5. Lucy Ann, b. 20 Sept., 1877.
ii. Susan Rebecca, born 31 March, 1851 ; was married in
South Kingstown 14 July, 1872, by Rev. J. J. Northup,
Adventist, to Charles Edwin Dawley, son of Thomas and
Mary (Nye) Dawley. They reside at Shannock Mills, R. I.
hi. Nancy Dyer, b. 26 Aug., 1859. Resides at Shannock Mills.
Edmund 9 Slocum {John* Peleg? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel*
Ebenezer? Gt'les, z Anthony?) was born in Richmond Township,
Rhode Island, 11 May, 1829, and was married there 4 January,
1852, to Lucy Aldridge Pierce who was born in Hcpkinton 12
November, 1833, daughter of Jonathan and Mary Aldridge
(Ray) Pierce. He is a mason ; postoffice New London, Conn.
Children :
i. Charlotte Ray, b. 17 Oct., 1852, in Hcpkinton Township,
R. I.; m. Daniel C. Wetmore 21 Jan., 1875. They reside
in New London, Conn., with children : 1. Herbert Van
Cott, b. 26 Aug., 1876; 2. Ralph Win field, b. n May, 1881.
ii. Walter M., born 30 Nov., 1864, in Westerly, Rhode Island.
Samuel 9 Slocum {John* Peleg? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel?
Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Richmond Township,
Rhode Island, 21 April, 1833 ; married, in South Kingstown in
1855, Susan E. Grinnell who died a few years thereafter. He
enlisted against the Rebellion as a soldier in Co. E, 2d Reg. R.
I. V. I. in the year 1861, and was discharged 17 June, 1864. He
married second, Ruth B. Peckbam in South Kingstown, R. I., 5
August, 1867. He is a stone-cutter ; postoffice Westerly, Rhode
Island. Children by first marriage :
i. George W., born A. D. 1856; died 24 October, 1857.
ii. Orsillus W., born 26 Jan., 1859, in Washirgton Co., R. I.
Child by second marriage :
hi. George P., born 7 Sept., 187 1, in Washington Co., R.I.
Charles Edward 9 Slocum {John* Peleg? Samuel? Samuel?
Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Richmond
Township, Washington County, Rhode Island, 9 January, 1837 ;
and was married to Chloe Maria Lillibridge in South Kingstown
in i860. He enlisted against the Rebellion 6 September, 1861,
in the 4th Reg. R. I. V. I. and served during the war. He was
with those who charged into the exploded mine before Peters-
burgh, Va. , 30 July, 1864 ; was there taken prisoner by the Con-
federates and confined in Danville and Libby prisons until 22
February, 1865, when he was released. He married, second,
Bessie A. Kenyon in Richmond, R. I, 11 October, 1873. He
is a stone-cutter ; resides in Westerly, R. I. Children :
i. Charles, b. 1 Feb., 1861, in Washington Co., Rhode Island,
ii. A child, by his 2d wife, born 24 June, 1 875, died in its infancy.
Robert Stanton Slocum (Samuel? Peleg? Samuel? Samuel?
Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Richmond
Township, Washington County, Rhode Island, 24 May, 1818.
He was married in Providence, 1 May, 1845, to Sarah A. Clarke,
daughter of Hon. John H. Clarke who was a grandson of Col.
Ephraim Bowen by his daughter Elizabeth (Bowen) Clarke of
Providence. Soon after his marriage Mr. Slocum removed to
New York City where he followed merchandising several years,
then became a cotton-broker, and was afterward a government
officer in the New York Custom House for thirteen years. He
then removed to Illinois where he now resides on a farm with
postoffice at Clarendon Hills, DuPage County, 111. Children :
i. Susan Clarke, born 4 March, 1846. She married in
Brooklyn, N. Y., 8 October, 187 1, Frederick Seymour
Shewell by whom she had one child, born in 1876, who
bears his father's name. She is now a widow, a teacher of
music, and resides with her parents.
ii. Samuel Hubbard, born 6 July, 1849; died 2 Nov., 1849.
iii. Elizabeth Taft, born 30 June, 1852; died 30 Dec, 1852.
iv. John Clarke, born 16 Dec, 1854, in Brooklyn, N. Y.j
married 14 April, 1874. He is an architect and
resides in Marinette, Oconto County, Wis. Children: 1.
Robert, b. 1876; 2. Kenneth, b. 1877; 3. Marinette, b. 1880.
v. Ann Clarke, born 29 November, 1858. She is now
(1880) in school in Englewood, Cook County, Illinois.
Samuel Dyer 9 Slocum (Samuel? Peleg? Samuel, 6 Samuel?
Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Richmond
Township, Washington County, Rhode Island, 9 April, 1820,
and removed with his parents to Pawtucket in the year 1827,
and thence to Bristol in 1833, to Providence in 1840, and to
Smithfield in 1852. He was educated at Fruit Hill Academy.
He was married 16 February, 1852, at Manchester, N. H., to
Elizabeth Murray Farrier, daughter of William and Lucy
(Healy) Farrier of Providence, R. I., where she was born 24
November, 1820. In the spring of 1853 ne was elected
Representative to the Rhode Island Legislature but resigned
the office in the autumn of that year and removed to Chelsea,
Massachusetts, where he still resides. He is a clerk in the
Boston Custom House ; has served five years as member of the
Chelsea Common Council, and eight years as member of the
School Committee of that city. Children :
i. Mary Louise, b. 25 April, 1853. Postoffice Chelsea, Mass.
ii. Frank Seymour, b. 30 Nov., 1854, in Chelsea; died there 1
January, 1862; was buried in Swan Point Cemetery, R. I.
iii. Anne Carlton, born 28 March, 1859, in Chelsea, Mass.
iv. William Stanton, born 21 April, 1861, in Chelsea, Mass.
He is in the employ of Norcross, Mellen & Co., Boston,
importers of earthenware. The writer is indebted to him
for the above record, and also for the portrait accom-
panying the sketch of his uncle, Colonel John S. Slocum.
Col. John Stanton 9 Slocum (Samuel? Peleg? Samuel? Sam-
uel? Samuel? Ebenezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Rich-
mond Township, Washington County, R. L, 1 November, 1824.
" His gallantry in the service of his country was attested in
two wars and crowned by a glorious death in Virginia." Soon
after his birth his parents removed to Bristol, R. L, where most
of his early life was passed. He was educated in the public
schools of Bristol, in the Fruit Hill and Marlborough Classical
Schools, and in a commercial academy in Hartford, Connecticut.
d was reared
from the age of ten years in New Woodstock, where he married,
21 November, 1865, Mary Hannah Rouse, daughter of Daniel G.
and Hannah (Alvord) Rouse, formerly of Shed's Corners, N. Y.,
and later of Marcellus, Michigan, where she was born 2 Decem-
ber, 1846. Her mother died 22 April, 1847, after which she
resided in Lockport, N. Y., eight years, Shed's Corners three
years, and in New Woodstock, N. Y., near which village she and
her husband now reside on a farm. Children :
i. Charles Lawton, b. 22 Nov., 1866 j near New Woodstock.
ii. Susan Amanda, born near New Woodstock, 3 March, 1870.
iii. May Eliza, born 9 October, 1871; d. 16 November, 1878.
iv. Bertha Lydia, b. 21 Jan. 1875, near New Woodstock, N. Y.
William Ross 9 Slocum {Jeremiah? Giles? Jonathan? Joseph?
Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Saratoga Town-
ship, Saratoga County, New York, 2 March, 1806, and was
married, 3 February, 1831, to Phebe Thorn, daughter of John
and Hannah (Hicks) Thorn of Saratoga County, where she was
born 2 April, 1795 (?). After marriage they dwelt at Quaker
Springs until the year 1836, then removed to Fort Miller, and,
later, to Saratoga Springs where he died 26 August, 1878, and
was buried with his deceased children in Greenwood Cemetery.
His widow is still living at Saratoga Springs. Children :
i. John Jeremiah, bom 29 Nov., 1831; died 21 Dec, 1831.
ii. William Ross, born 14 Dec, 1832, at Fort Miller, N. Y. ;
married there, 20 Feb., 1861, Julia Maria Clute, daughter
of Asa and Dinah (Howland) Clute of that place and
formerly of Maltaville where she was. born 10 Feb., 1843.
He resides at Saratoga Springs as Superintendent of the
Magnetic Spring. A child, Phebe, was born 19 Dec,
186 1, at Fort Miller, Washington County, New York.
iii. Lewis Judson, b. 22 Jan., 1834. He m. MaryE. Pike at Ft.
Miller, in April, 1 860 ; d. there 3 1 Oct., 1 86 1 , without children.
iv. John Thorn, born 12 Oct., 1835; died 25 October, 1835.
v. Mary Thorn, born 31 December, 1836, at Ft. Miller, N. Y.
Now resides at Saratoga Springs, New York, unmarried.
Giles Bryan 9 Slocum (Jeremiah? Giles? Jonathan? Joseph?
Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Saratoga Town-
ship, Saratoga County, New York, 11 July, 1808. He received
his early education in the public schools of his neighborhood,
and passed three winters as teacher of public schools in Saratoga
County and one winter in teaching near Lockport, N. Y. He
spent the summer of 1830 on a farm near the Au Sable River
in northeastern New York.
In the year 1831 he went to Ohio and there assisted in sur-
veying the Village of Vistula, the name of which was soon there-
after changed to the present name of Toledo ; and he conducted
the first store there, and also engaged in preparing the timber
for the first wharf at that place. At the death of his father in
1832 he returned to Saratoga and purchased the interest of the
Elf'lfEE.Ea.U trSznslj Barclay StSY.
other heirs in the homestead. The following year he went to
Michigan and spent the winter of i833~'34 in the stave business
at the head of Swan Creek Bay, now Newport, where he also
opened a general store and soon succeeded in making it a steam-
boat landing. Among other pioneer experiences he paddled a
canoe from Jackson, Michigan, down the Grand River to Grand
Rapids in the spring of 1834. The following summer he estab-
lished the first store and wharf at Truxton, now Trenton, a few
miles below Detroit, and continued the mercantile business there
with little intermission for many years.
He married, in 1838, Sophia Maria Brigham Truax, daughter
of Major Abraham C. and Lucy (Brigham) Truax of Trenton,
of which village Major Truax was the founder. After marriage
the subject of this sketch (having sold the homestead in
Saratoga, N. Y.,) extended his purchases of Michigan lands and
devoted most of his time to their improvement and to sheep-
raising becoming and continuing the most extensive wool-
grower in Michigan between the years 1840 and 1855. He at
one time owned the land for a distance of three miles along the
west bank of the Detroit River, with the island in that river
known as Slocum's Island. During the last forty years he has
directed the clearing and bringing under cultivation of over
fifteen hundred acres of heavily timbered land in Michigan. He
was also engaged from 1843 until 185 1 in driving piles and
building wharves at Detroit, Windsor, Springwells, Trenton,
Sandwich, Gibralter, and Grosse Isle.
About the year 1848 he contracted with the officials of Wayne
County, Michigan, to build two bridges across Rouge River
and receive wild lands in payment therefor. He made choice of
and received for this work lands in the eastern part of Muskegon
County, Michigan, and he afterward added to his domain by pur-
chases from individuals, the State, and the United States Govern-
ment. In 1859 he and Mr. Charles Mears of Chicago, Illinois,
platted the present Village of Whitehall in Muskegon County,
Mich., and he now holds the proprietary right of one-half of the
land within the limits of that thriving village, and also of large
tracts in its vicinity. All of this property has become valuable
through the extension of railroads and the rapid development of its
agricultural resources. He has erected mills at Slocum's Grove,
Muskegon Co., Mich., a hamlet and postoffice, about twenty-
four miles north by west of Grand Rapids, named in his honor,
where he conducts a large business in lumbering and farming.
Slocum Junction on the Canada Southern Railway near Tren-
ton, Wayne Co., Mich., was also laid out on his land and was
named in compliment to him.
Mr. Slocum's life has been not only one of great success but
it has been a career based on correct business principles and as
such it is worthy of study and imitation. With all of his energy
and enterprise, and in his extensive operations, he has always
done business exclusively on his own capital, has never mort-
gaged his property or given his note for borrowed money, and
thus has been enabled to stand erect through all of the commer-
cial inflations, revolutions, and contractions of his time. He still
lives in Wayne County ; postoffice Trenton, Mich.* Children :
642. i. Elliott Truax, b. 15 May, 1839; m. Charlotte G. Wood,
ii. Alice Truax, born n January, 1842. She was graduated
at Boyd's School for Young Ladies, Monroe, Mich., and
also at Mrs. Willard's School in Troy, N. Y. She died at
her father's house 18 September, 1865, unmarried. She
possessed excellent qualities of mind, and the memory of
her is very dear to her friends,
iii. Elizabeth Truax, b. 2 Dec, 1848; was mar. on Slocum's
Island, Detroit River, Mich., 6 Sept., 1876, by the Rt. Rev.
Samuel A. McCoskry, Bishop of Michigan, to James Ben-
ton Nichols, born 10 May, 1844, son of Isaac and Olivia
Nichols of Loudon County, Va. They reside in Detroit,
Mich. Children : 1. Giles Benton, born 10 July, 1877 ; 2.
Alice Slocum, born 15 March, 1879.
James 9 Slocum (Giles? Giles, 1 Jonathan? Joseph? Giles?
Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Claverack, Columbia
County, New York, 7 November, 181 1. When he was between
three and four years of age his father died and he went to live
with his maternal grandfather, James Brisbin, near Schuylerville,
Saratoga Co., N. Y. In April, 1830, he removed to Peru Town-
ship, Clinton Co., N. Y., and there remained several years.
He was married at Saratoga Springs, first by Rev. Bab-
cock, Episcopalian, to Caroline Elizabeth Pitkin who was born
*See the Biographical Sketches of Eminent and Self-Made Men of Michigan.
at Ballston Spa, N. Y., 3 November, 18 10, daughter of Dr.
Samuel and Elizabeth (Hamblin) Pitkin. Dr. Pitkin was a
native of Hartford, Vermont, and served as Surgeon of the 32d
Regiment N. Y. I. in the War of 181 2. On account of his
wife's failing health Mr. Slocum sold" his property in Clinton
County, N. Y., and passed one year in traveling. They dwelt
at Mount Vernon, Ohio, from October, 1838, until her death
which occurred 20 February, 1840. The following June he
removed to Cincinnati where he dwelt until August, 1844, then
removed to Steubenville, Ohio, where he remained until April,
1846. He was married second, at Saratoga. Springs, 9 April,
1846, by Rev. Chester, to Pamela Ellis Pitkin, born at
Ballston Spa, N. Y., 1 1 April, 18 13, sister of his first wife. They
removed to Brownsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, the same
month of their marriage, and have since resided there. He is a
hardware merchant, farmer, and dealer in improved live-stock.
Mr. Slocum acted with the Anti-slavery party from the year
1845. In 1848 he was a delegate from the Twenty-first Con-
gressional District of Pennsylvania to the Buffalo National
Convention where Martin Van Buren was nominated for President
and Charles Francis Adams for Vice-President of the United
States ; and he was the Free-Soil candidate for Presidential-
Elector in his congressional district during that campaign.
Brownsville was a " station of the Underground Railroad "
between Virginia and Canada, and his sympathy and influence
were fully enlisted in favor of the negroes desiring to escape from
bondage. In a letter to the writer of this sketch, under date of 8
Nov., 1880, he expressed himself in substance as follows : " I feel
great satisfaction at my opposition to human slavery. I have from
early manhood continued firm in my belief that freedom should be
national and apply to all classes alike." Children, all by first wife :
643. i. Jane Elizabeth, born 3 Sept., 1834; m. Talbot M. Rogers,
ii. Mary Eleanor, born 24 April, 1838, in Argyle, N. Y.; died
at her father's house, 11 September, 1869, in Brownsville,
Pennsylvania, and was buried there. Unmarried.
Giles Jeremiah 9 Slocum {Giles* Giles, 1 Jonathan*" Joseph,**
Giles, 4 Samuel,* Giles,* Anthony, 1 ) was born in Claverack, Co-
lumbia County, New York, 22 September, 1814. His father died
the following year and he was reared in the family of his maternal
grandfather, James Brisbin, near Schuylerville, Saratoga County.
He was married at Grangerville, N. Y., in October, 1836, to
Catherine Granger, daughter of Harvey and Rebecca (Low)
Granger of that place. She was born in May, 1818, and died in
April, 1844. He now resides in San Francisco, California, of
which city and county he is Deputy Assessor. Children :
i. Harvey Granger, born 17 Sept., 1837; mar. Mary Walker
in Sacramento City, Cal., Aug., 1866; died 11 April, 1869,
at Harbin Springs, Cal. ; was buried in Sacramento City.
ii. Ellen Rebecca, b. 15 Sept., 1840. Resides with her father.
iii. Giles Jeremiah, born 12 April, 1844; died 10 May, 1844,
and was buried in Grangerville, Saratoga County, N. Y.
Frances Carey ^ Slocum (Laton? William? Jonathan?
Joseph? Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Exeter
Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 23 May, 1822; was
married there 27 December, 1843, by Rev. Snowden, to
Richard Adolphus Oakford who was born 8 December, 1820,
son of Joseph Lloyd and Ann C. Oakford of Philadelphia. Mr.
Oakford was acting as Justice of the Peace at Scranton, Pa., at
the outbreak of the Southern Rebellion, when he enlisted as a
soldier and was elected Colonel of the 15th Reg. Pa. V. I.,
recruited for three months service. On the 21st August, 1862,
he was commissioned Colonel of the I32d Reg. Pa. V. I. and was
killed while leading his regiment in the Battle of Antietam, Md.,
17 September, 1862. Mrs. Oakford now resides in Scranton, Pa.
Children :
i. Joseph Lloyd Oakford, born 7 December, 1844, in Exeter
Tp., Luzerne Co., Pa. ; died 9 August, 1846, in Lower St.
Clair Tp., Allegheny County.
ii. Elizabeth Paschall Oakford, born 8 Dec, 1846, in Alle-
gheny City, Pa. ; died 25 Aug., 1849, m Exeter Township.
iii. Anna Wickersham Oakford, born 17 Aug., 1849, in Exeter
Tp., Pa. ; was mar. in Scranton, 29 Oct., 1873, hy Rev. A.
A. Marple, to Justice Cox, Jr. They reside in Philadelphia,
where he is senior member of the firm of Justice Cox, Jr.,
& Co., iron commission merchants. Children : 1. Brita
Anna, born 22 June, 1877; 2. Christine E., born 18 Jan-
uary, 1879; died 29 November, 1879.
iv. Laton Slocum Oakford, born 16 Feb., 1852, in ExeterTp.,
Pa. ; was married in Scranton, 15 Nov., 1877, by Rev. Dr.
Logan, to Ella S., dau. of Giles S. and Anna Smith. They
reside in Scranton, Pa., where he is Chairman of the firm of
Hunt Bros. & Co., hardware dealers.
v. Mary Fuller Oakford, b. 12 Jan., 1857; d. 7 May, 1858.
vi. James William Oakford, born 5 June, 1859, in Scranton,
Pa. He is a student at Yale College, in the class of 1884.
vii. Richard A. Oakford, b. 20 July, 1861; d. 28 Sept., 1861.
William'^ Slocum (Laton? William? Jonathan? Joseph? Giles?
Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Exeter Township, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, 9 January, 1829. He dwelt in Exeter
until the year 1835, then in Tunkhannock, Pa., two years ;
Owego, N. Y., in the years 1839 ano " '40; at Mokelumne Hill,
California, in 1852 '53 ; at Pittston, Pa., in 1856-57, and from
this date until 1864 he resided in Scranton, Pa. He sent a
substitute to the war against the Rebellion. He married in
Osceola, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, 17 February, 1864, Mary
Ann Hoyt, daughter of Abel and Esther Eliza (Hurlburt) Hoyt
of Osceola where she was born 20 November, 1837. They reside
on a farm ; postoffice Pittston, Luzerne Co., Pa. Children :
i. James Phillips, born 16 Aug., 1865, in Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.
ii. William Giles, born 23 November, 1869, in Exeter Tp., Pa.
George? Slocum {Thomas? Ebenezer? Jonathan? Joseph?
Giles ^ Samuel? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Kingston Town-
ship, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 5 September, 1845 ; was
married in Honesdale, Pa., 17 September, 1867, to Anne G.
Stryker who was born 22 December, 1844, at Cherry Ridge, Pa.,
daughter of A A. and Susan Stryker. He has resided at
Overton, Nebraska, and in 1881 removed to Healdsburgh,
Sonoma County, California. Children :
i. Blanche, b. 22 Aug., 1868, in Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa.
ii. Ada B., born 7 February, 1870; died 20 January, 1873.
iii. Nellie M., born 17 May, 1874. iv. Maud, b. 17 July, 1877.
v. Grace, born 23 October, 1880; died 21 September, 1881.
Charles Elmeron9 Slocum {Isaac? Isaac, 1 yonathan, 6 yoseph?
Giles,'' Samuel? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Groton Township,
Erie County, Ohio, 15 November, 1844, and was reared in eastern
Wisconsin to the age of eleven years and thenceforth in southern
Minnesota. He married at Madelia, Minn., 19 January, 1868,
Mary Elizabeth Weymouth, daughter of William and Charlotte
(Heron ?) Weymouth. Their postoffice is Madelia, Watonwan
County, Minnesota. Children :
i. Charles Isaac, born 5 June, 1869, in Fielden Tp., Minn,
ii. Nellie Leonora, b. in Fielden Tp., Minn., 8 Oct., 1870.
iii. Frank Eugene, born 15 Sept., 1872, in Fielden Tp., Minn.
John Alworth^ Slocum {Joseph B.* yonathan? yonathan, 1 "
yoseph, 5 Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Dundaff,
Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, 21 May, 1831. In 1850 he
went to California where he dwelt ten years, then returned to
Dundaff and there married, 2 September, 1861, Mary Gertrude
Wilbur, daughter of William and Armenia Wilbur of DundafT
where she was born. A few days after marriage they removed, via
Panama, to Butte County, California, where they resided on a
farm about seven years and then returned to Pennsylvania. He
soon thereafter engaged in the hardware trade at Vineland, New
Jersey, and there died of consumption 29 December, 1870. His
widow married, 25 July, 1875, John Henry Gordon of Vineland,
N. J. They removed to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and thence in
June, 1 88 1, to Syracuse, N. Y. Children:
i. Wallace Wilbur, born 28 October, 1862, in Butte County,
Cal. He is now a traveling agent ; postoffice Syracuse, N. Y.
ii. Martha Helen, b. 3 Nov., 1864 j resides in Syracuse, N. Y.
iii. Ernest Eugene, b. 13 Jan., 1867 ; Resides in Syracuse, N. Y.
iv. Henry Ellsworth, b. 19 March, 1870; d. 15 Sept., 1872.
Milton Jerome? Slocum {Joseph B., % yonathan? yonalhan, 6
yoseph? Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Dundaff,
Pennsylvania, 8 January, 1839. He studied law with Earl
Wheeler, Esq., at Honesdale, Pa., and was admitted to the bar
in May, 1859, but has never practiced that profession. He en-
listed against the Rebellion 15 September, 1861, in Co. D, 56th
Reg. Pa. V. I., and served in the First Division of the First
Army Corps under Gen. James S. Wadsworth until after the Battles
of the Wilderness, then in the Third Division of the Fifth Army
Corps, under Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren. He re-enlisted in
February, 1864, and was commissioned First Lieutenant 26
May, 1864, and Regimental Quartermaster 3 January, 1865.
He was honorably mustered out of service, with his regiment, 1
July, 1865. He married, 17 May, 1866, Olive Jane Arnold,
daughter of Thomas and Emeline M. (Dimmick) Arnold who
were reared in Uniondale, Pa., where she was born 26 April,
1846. Mr. Arnold was born in Rhode Island, A. D. 181 5, and
died in 1880 in Oil City, Pa., where his widow now resides. Mr.
Slocum resides at Kane City, Venango Co., Pa., as an operator
in oil. Children :
i. Thomas Arnold, born 17 February, 1867, in Dundaff, Pa.
ii. Joseph Howard, born 31 October, 1872, in Kane City, Pa.
Charles Butler l > Slocum {Benjamin F.,* Jonathan, 7 Jona-
than? Joseph,'' Giles* Samuel? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in
Dundee, Yates County, New York, 4 May, 1843. He enlisted
against the Rebellion at Havana, N. Y., 25 April, 1861, in the
3d Reg. N. Y. V. I. for two years service, and was employed in
garrison duty at Fortress Monroe and Fort McHenry seeing lit-
tle of battle save at Suffolk, Va., against Gen. James Longstreet's
army. The second year his company guarded a flag-of-truce
boat between City Point, Washington, and Annapolis. At the
expiration of his term of enlistment he returned home, and, after
a short visit, enlisted in the U. S. Navy in 1863, and from the
ship Vermont at the Brooklyn Navy Yard was transferred to the
gunboat Sagamore then on blockade duty at Cedar Keys, Fla.
After about two months the Sagamore was sent North for re-
pairs and he was transferred to the steamship Honduras with
which he participated in an engagement with earthworks at St.
Marks, Fla., and also in the capture of a steam blockade-runner
laden with cotton. He removed to Michigan after the close of
the war and married, in Bellevue, Eaton County, 3 July, 1867,
Emma Cordelia Hart, daughter of Henry and Frances Diantha
(Allen) Hart formerly of Otsego County, N. Y. They now
reside at Whitehall, Muskegon Co., Mich. A sawyer. Children.
i. Mary Frances, born 9 June, 1869, in Bellevue, Michigan,
ii. Charles Edwin, born in Bellevue, Mich., 22 March, 1871.
iii. Wallace Henry, born 2 January, 1876, in Whitehall, Mich,
iv. Elliott Truax, born in Whitehall, Mich., 12 January, 1878.
Capt. Aaron Case 9 Slocum {Reuben? yoseph? Eleazer?
John,* Eliezer^ Eliezer, 1 Giles, 7 - Anthony?) was born at North-
ville, now in Fulton County, New York, 30 December, 1823, and
was married there 15 January, 1846, to Delia Eliza Moore,
daughter of Darius and Elizabeth (Blackmore) Moore of North-
ville, and formerly of Bennington County, Vermont, where she
was born 20 October, 1825. They settled in Northville where
they still reside. A mill-wright. He enlisted against the Re-
bellion and was commissioned Second Lieutenant 20 August,
1862, and assigned to Co. E, 115th Regt. N. Y. V. I. ; was pro-
moted to First Lieutenant 6 April, 1864, and was commissioned
Captain of Co. H, 23 February, 1865. The 115th Regiment
being mustered out of service 15 June, 1865, he was transferred
to the 47th Regt. N. Y. V. I., and was mustered out of service
with it 30 August, 1865. He participated in twelve or more
battles and engagements ; names not reported. Children :
i. Lydia Francelia, born 19 Dec, 1846. She mar. Chris-
topher Heron, a printer, and soon thereafter removed - to
Cleveland, Ohio, where they still reside. Children : 1.
Margaret Eliza, b. 25 Oct., 1867 ; 2. Maud, b. in Nov.,
1869; 3. William, b. in Jan., 1875; 4- Ethel, b. in Jan., 1880.
ii. Harmon Blackmore, b. 21 March, 1849; mar. Charlotte
E. Blake, daughter of Dr. John F. Blake of Northville,
N. Y. They now reside in Decatur, Mich. A child, Ralph,
was born in Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y., in April, 187 1.
iii. Stillman Reuben, born 17 Dec, 1850; m. Ida B. Rawson.
They reside in Decatur, Mich. Children : 1. Charles Ed
ward, born in April, 1867 ; 2. Fanny, born in June, 1868.
iv. Darius Moore, born 26 March, 1853 ; married Julia M.
Buchanan. They reside at Mineral Point, Tuscarawas Co., O.
[Utf T 7SRSIT7,
v. Frances Elizabeth, born 11 May, 1855; married Charles
A. Buchanan. They reside in Amsterdam, Montgomery
Co., N. Y. ' A child, Eva Lee, was born 8 August, 1879.
vi. Florence Evelyn, born 22 Sept., 1857, in Northville, NY.
vii. Emily Helen, born in Northville, New York, 28 July, i860.
viii. Bertha Adela, born 1 Sept., 1867, in Northville, New York.
Clarissa? Slocum {Caleb W.? Joseph, 1 Eleazerf 3 John? Elie-
zer? Eliezer? Giles,* Anthony? ) was born at the Village of North-
ville, now in Fulton County, New York, n March, 1828. Was
married in her father's house 8 September, 1846, to Ephraim
Henry Pierce, a farmer, who was born 27 February, 1815, son of
Abram and Lydia (Cummins) Pierce who lived for many years,
and died, on a farm near Osborn's Bridge three miles south of
Northville. Clarissa died at her father's home 1st July, 1850, and
was buried in Denton's Corners Cemetery, Osborn's Bridge, N. Y.
" Hers were the virtues, blended and refined,
The soft affections, of a female mind ;
Worth, that ne'er sought for praise, yet claimed applause ;
Lips, that ne'er swerved from truth's unerring laws ;
Hands ever ready to relieve distress :
Her heart was free to give ; her tongue to bless.
With patience, firmness, faith, and hope, supplied
Beloved, lamented, and resigned she died."
Mr. Pierce removed to Buda, Illinois, in the year 1867, and
thence in 1874 to Belvidere, Nebraska, where he married second,
, October 29, 1876, and died, 24 July, 1879, an ^ was buried.
Child :
i. Lydia Ann Pierce, born 15 December, 1847, near Osborn's
Bridge, Fulton County, N. Y. She married, 20 March,
1867, Henry Clay Bigelow, son of Alfred and Eliza Ann
(Benedict) Bigelow of North Broadalbin, Fulton Co., N. Y.,
where he was born 5 April, 1843. They removed, in the
year 1867, to Buda, Bureau County, Illinois, where he con-
ducted a clothing and banking business' until 1874 when
they removed to a large farm three miles southwest of Bel-
videre, Thayer County, Nebraska, where they still reside.
He is an extensive farmer and dealer in live-stock. Children :
1. Archibald Pierce, born 21 January, 1868; 2. Jessie Flor-
ence, born 21 April, 1871.
Dr. John Caleb? Slocum {Caleb W.? Joseph, 7 Eleazer? John?
Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born at the Village of
Northville, Montgomery (now Fulton) County, New York, 18
April, 1830. He was educated in the schools there and at
Kingsborough Academy in that county, and afterward taught
public school for several years.
He removed to Peoria County, Illinois, in the year 1854,
studied medicine, and, after a short volunteer service as Assistant
Surgeon in the war against the Southern Rebellion, he settled
in Shelbyville, Indiana, in the summer of 1864, where he has
since resided and enjoyed an extensive, successful, and lucrative
practice as a physician and surgeon. He was elected a member
of the American Medical Association by invitation at its meeting
in Detroit, Michigan, in May, 1874.
He is a man of positive characteristics and wields a wide in-
fluence socially and politically though far from being a politician.
Living in a community that has been strongly and rather viru-
lently Democratic, he has stanchly adhered to the principles of
the Republican party at first through much malignity and
taught even his most bitter opponents to respect him and his
opinions. He has been repeatedly elected City Councilman on the
Republican ticket, and when his ward gave a Democratic majority
for other officers. He was chosen Chairman of the Seventh
Indiana Congressional District Convention held in Indianapolis
in April, 1882. By great industry and good management he has
accumulated a competence and contemplates soon retiring from
the arduous duties of his profession.
He married, in Shelbyville 12 January, 1867, Jennie Eleanor
Dodds, daughter of Joseph and Eleanor (Ewing) Dodds of Day-
ton, Ohio, where she was born in February, 1829. They have
had but one child (a son), a premature and still-birth in Oct., 1867.
Joseph W. 9 Slocum {Caleb W.,* "Joseph, 1 Eleazer, 6 John? Elie-
zer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born at Northville, now in
Fulton County, New York, 21 February, 1832, and received his
early education in the public schools there, and afterward learned
the blacksmith trade, becoming a skillful workman. He was mar-
ried in Broadalbin 25 December, 1855, to Elma Hogeboom,
daughter of Jeremiah and Jane (Denton) Hogeboom of Florida
Tp., Montgomery Co., N. Y., and formerly farmers near North-
ville, where she was born and reared. After marriage they
dwelt at Osborn's Bridge, three miles south of Northville, until
April, 1857, tnen removed to a farm in Millbrook Township,
Peoria Co., Illinois, seven miles north of the Village of Brimfield.
He enlisted against the Rebellion 12 August, 1862, as a pri-
vate soldier in the 77th Regiment, 111. V. I., and served his
country until the final triumph of the Union arms returning
home late in August, 1865. He participated in the following
battles : First Attack upon Vicksburgh, or the Battle of Yazoo
Swamp ; Arkansas Post, where his regiment won high honors ;
Port Gibson ; Champion Hill ; Black River Bridge, where his
regiment rendered most valuable service in the capture of a brig-
ade of Confederates and seventeen pieces of artillery ; The Siege
of Vicksburgh, being under the enemy's fire throughout the forty-
seven days of its duration, and there, during the great charge of
May 22, 1863, his canteen was cut from his side, and he was
struck by a piece of spent shell it being the only injury he
received during the war ; The Second Battle of Jackson, Miss,,
and fourteen days Siege ; The Red River Expedition ; The Cap-
ture of Fort Gaines and other defenses of Mobile, Ala. ; The
Capture of Mansfield, La. ; Siege of Spanish Fort, and the Mobile
Expedition ; The Capture of Fort Blakely ; also numerous skirm-
ishes. He did not seek promotion, and received none above
sergeant, but he did the duty of a faithful soldier. Since the
war he has accepted various offices of trust in his township. In
the year 1876 he purchased and removed to a farm two miles
south of El Paso, Woodford Co.,' 111., where he still resides ; a
successful and thrifty farmer. Children :
i. George Washington, born 25 October, 1858, in Millbrook
Tp., Peoria Co., 111.; died there 6 October, 1862, and was
buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
ii. Charles Elihu, born 26 January, 1862, in Millbrook Tp.,
Peoria Co., 111. He attended the public schools of his
neighborhood, and a higher school at Bloomington, 111. ;
has taught public school one or more terms, and is now
(winter of 1881-82) continuing his studies at the Illinois
Wesleyan University, Bloomington.
iii. Ella, born 12 February, 1867; in Millbrook, Tp., 111. She
is now (i88i-'82)in school at Bloomington, McLean Co., 111.
iv. Geore Hogeboom, b. 25 July, 1868, in Millbrook, Tp., 111.
v. Edward, born 18 May, 1871 ; died the following day.
Capt. Elias 9 Slocum {Caleb W., 8 Joseph? Eleazer, 6 John?
Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in the Village of
Northville, Fulton County, New York, 27 March, 1834. He
was educated in the schools of his neighborhood and in
Kingsborough Academy, and taught school several terms in
his native county and in Peoria County, Illinois, to which place
he removed in the year 1856. In 1858 he removed to Henry
County, Missouri, where he continued teaching in public and
private school, passing his vacations meantime in the improve-
ment of land which he had there purchased. He married in
November, 1859, Margaret Maccabee from whom he was
divorced in 1863.
At the outbreak of the Southern Rebellion he was forced to
leave his home on account of his known Union sentiments, and
he joined, as a private soldier at Kansas City, the first Union
company that he found. When the Union forces entered Henry
County, Mo., in April, 1862, there was organized at his former
home a company of soldiers composed in part of his former
pupils, and he was chosen their captain. This company was
mustered into the United States service as Co. H of the 7th
Regiment Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, and it did good service
for the Union cause in western Missouri and in Arkansas. They
frequently made brave stands against superior numbers, as at
Lone Jack, 16 June, 1862, where Company H lost eight killed,
thirteen wounded, and five missing. In this engagement Capt.
Slocum received a scalp wound from a rifle-ball.
He resigned his commission 7 June, 1863, and, returning to
his native village, succeeded his father in the business of sole-
leather tanning in Bleecker, N. Y. He was married second, in
Benson, N. Y., 10 November, 1864, by Rev. Eli W. Brownell,
Baptist, to Jennie Ann Currier, daughter of Daniel Ward and
Jane Ann (Carpenter) Currier of Benson where she was born.
They removed to Ingham County, Michigan, 16 October, 1865,
and settled on a farm three miles west of the Village of Leslie.
He there died 26 September, 1869, of acquired consumption,
and was buried in Leslie Cemetery from the Leslie Baptist
Church of which he was a member.
Captain Slocum was a sincere patriot. His widow married Mon-
roe Hoyt Annis, a farmer, and still resides on the farm. Child :
i. Caleb, born in January, 186 1 (?); died in his infancy.
Wright Newton 9 Slocum {Caleb W., % Joseph,"* Eleazer, 6
John? Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles, 1 - Anthony?*) was born at North-
ville, Fulton County, New York, 10 April, 1837 ; was married
in Hope, N. Y., 4 July, 1859, by Rev. James Quinlan, Presby-
terian, to Laura Eliza Brundage, daughter of Almond and Susan
(Cole) Brundage of Hope where she was born 1 September, 1841.
After marriage they dwelt in Bleecker, N. Y., about four years,
then removed to a farm near Northville, and about the year 1866
removed thence to the- Village of Northville where they have
since resided. A carriage-maker and blacksmith. Children :
i. Elizabeth Susan, was born 30 March, 1S60, in Hope, N.Y.
ii. Erwin Eleazer, b. 16 May, 1862, in Bleecker; d. 31 July,
1879, in Northville ; was buried in Ridge Road Cemetery.
iii. Almond Caleb, born 22 Dec, 1864, near Northville, N. Y.
iv. Henry Platt, born 29 September, 1866 ; died 8 Jan., 1867.
v. Charles Cecil, born 14 May, 1874, in Northville, N. Y.
Eleazer 9 Slocum {Caleb W., s Joseph, 7 Eleazer, 6 John^Eliezer,*
Eliezer? Giles?- Anthony?) was born at Northville, Fulton County,
New York, 21 June, 1839. He enlisted against the Rebellion
in the autumn of 1861 as a private soldier in Co. D, 93d Regt.
N.Y.V. I., and served in the Army of the Potomac. The exposures
and hardships to which he was subjected in the Peninsular Cam-
paign led to an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, in the autumn
of 1862, which assumed a chronic type and he was honorably
discharged early in 1863 very much deformed by the disease.
The following spring he went to California, via Panama, and the
following year made a voyage to the Sandwich Islands. In those
favoring climates he gradually regained the use of his limbs. He
returned home, and removed to Illinois where he married Cornelia
Jane Cowley 23 December, 1868. They dwelt several years at
Grand Rapids, Michigan, then removed to a farm in Livingston
County, Illinois. Child :
i. Charlotte May, b. 19 Jan., 1872, at Grand Rapids, Mich.
Dr. Charles Elihu^ Slocum {Caleb W., H yoseph? Eleazer, 6
yohn? Eliezer* Eliezer* Giles, 2 Anthony, 1 ) was born at the Village
of North ville, Fulton County, New York, 30 December, 1841.
He commenced teaching public school in the autumn of 1857
and taught occasional terms in Fulton and Saratoga Counties for
several years, alternating with attendance as a student at the
Fort Edward Collegiate Institute. He was also employed as an
instructor in County Teachers' Institutes. Entering the East-
man Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., he was there grad-
uated 21 June, 1862, and early in the following year he engaged
as teacher with Hon. Ira Mayhew in the Albion Commercial
College, Albion, Michigan, and there continued until the sum-
mer of 1867, excepting a period in the last sickness of his father
in the year 1864, and the settlement of his father's estate as exec-
utor in 1865. In the summer of 1866 the Faculty of Albion
College the late Rev. George B. Jocelyn, D. D., President,
unanimously recommended him for the degree of Master of Arts.
He commenced the study of medicine in Albion with Surgeon
O'Donahue and continued that study during the college year of
1867-68 in the University of Michigan, where he also passed
much time in the Laboratory of Analytical and Applied Chemis-
try and completed the fuller courses in that department. The
summer of 1868 was passed in the office of the late Prof. Zina
Pitcher and Dr. David O. Farrand in Detroit, and also in a
course of recitations to the physicians who, in the autumn of that
year, organized the Detroit Medical College. He entered the
College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, the Med-
ical Department of Columbia College, and was there graduated
Doctor of Medicine 1st March, 1869, in impaired health having
a slight affection of the right lung. At the solicitation of his
brother, Dr. John C. Slocum, and the professional advice of one of
his teachers, Dr. John T. Metcalfe of New York, he entered into
partnership with his brother at Shelbyville, Ind., in April, 1869,
where country riding in the practice of his profession improved his
health until the next March when his pulmonary trouble returned.
He then passed a season in the South and some months along
the Atlantic Coast and in Philadelphia; and in July, 1871, he
opened an office in Defiance, Ohio, where he soon established an
extensive and lucrative medical and surgical practice, and where
his health was restored. He became a member of the Ohio State
Medical Society and of the Northwestern Ohio Medical Associ-
ation, and was chosen from each in turn as delegate to the Amer-
ican Medical Association becoming a permanent member of
that organization in the year 1875.
In the winter of 1875-' j6 he spent several months in the
Jefferson College, and the University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, in post-graduate studies, and received the honors of the
former institution on examination. He was elected member of
the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences 6 June, 1876.
His health having suffered from malaria and professional over-
work, he gave his office at Defiance into the care of a medical
friend and returned to Philadelphia in the winter of 1876-77,
and again passed several months in the University of Pennsyl-
vania where he completed the prescribed course of post-graduate
study, and, upon examination, was graduated Doctor of Philosophy
28 June, 1877, with the highest honors of the class of six suc-
cessful candidates.
He passed the winter of i877-'78 on the Pacific Slope, mostly
in central and southern California, in studying the climate of
that region and its effects on health and disease. He was present
at the National Microscopical Congress held in Indianapolis,
Indiana, in August, 1878, and became a charter member of the
American Society of Microscopists then organized.
In the year 1879 he visited most of the countries in Europe,
.traveling as far south as Naples and Pompeii, and spending
several months at the medical centres, Vienna, Berlin, Paris,
and London. Returning to New York early in 1880 he con-
tinued, with increased zeal, the genealogical studies which had
for some length of time previously occupied his leisure moments
and which have resulted in this publication. These studies were
prosecuted in various parts of the eastern United States and in
England, during his summer vacations, and latterly in Syracuse,
N. Y., where he superintended the publication of this volume.
He was the United States Examining Surgeon for Pensions
for several counties in northwestern Ohio four years (from 1873
until 1877) ; was also Surgeon to the Toledo, Wabash, and
Western Railway, and Medical Examiner for various companies,
which positions he resigned in 1877. He has contributed a
number of articles, relating mostly to his cases in practice, to
medical journals published in Detroit, Cincinnati, and New York,
and he has read papers on various scientific subjects before
different societies.
In January, 1874, he was elected member of the Board of
Directors of the Defiance National Bank of Defiance, Ohio, and
he has since been annually re-elected to that office. He has been
a member of the Methodist Episcopal church a number of years
and also member of various societies. He remains unmarried ;
postoffice Defiance, Ohio.
John Newton 9 Slocum {Humphrey? yoseph? Eleazer? yohn?
Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born 7 October, 1832,
near the Village of Northville, Montgomery (now Fulton) County,
New York. He dwelt with his parents on their farm until he
was eighteen years of age, then resided in Geneseo, Livingston
County, four years, and in West Milton, Saratoga County, about
two years. He was married in Galway, Saratoga County, 27
May, 1856, to Elizabeth Belle Whitehouse, daughter of Thomas
and Ann Dunning (Alexander) Whitehouse of Topsham, Maine,
where she was born 9 December, 1833. After marriage he en-
gaged in the retail dry-goods trade at Galway Village, and was
elected Supervisor of Galway Township for 1863 and '64. They
removed in 1865 to Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he continued the
dry-goods trade until 1875 when they settled in Geneva, Ontario
County, N. Y., where they still reside, and where he is the senior
member of the dry-goods firm of John N. Slocum & Brother.
He is enterprising in business, and successful. Children :
i. Charles Alfred, was born 6 October, 1857, in Galway,
New York. He was graduated D. D. S. in course, at the
Baltimore College of Dentistry in March, 1882. P. O.
Geneva, New York.
ii. Caroline Anne, born 23 December, 1859, in Galway, N. Y. ;
died 22 January, 1862, and was buried in Galway Cemetery.
iii. Frank Ernest, born 8 Aug., 1863, in Galway, New York.
iv. Ida May, born 9 April, 1868, at Niagara Falls, New York.
r V o
George Washington 9 Slocum {Joseph?
John? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles, 7 - Anthony?} was born at Rochester,
Peoria County, Illinois, 28 January, 1843, and was reared near
Brimfield. He enlisted against the Rebellion as private soldier
in Co. H, 86th Regt. 111. V. I., in the autumn of 1862 and served
until the close of the war ; was mustered out of service with his
regiment at Washington, D. C. He married, in Brimfield, UK,
25 November, 1867, Elizabeth King, daughter of Dr. R. W.
King of West Jersey, 111., and formerly of Akron, Ohio, where
she was born. They now reside on a farm near Afton, Sedg-
wick County, Kansas. Children :
i. Joseph Burt, born 12 March, 1869, at Brimfield, Illinois,
ii. Charles Guy, born at Brimfield, Illinois, 12 May, 187 1.
iii. Jane Mabel, born 25 August, 1873, near El Paso, Illinois,
iv. Eva, b. 21 Nov., 1875, near Afton, Kan.; d. 18 Dec, 1875.
v. Irene Florence, born 18 Dec, 1876, near Afton, Kansas,
vi. George Everett, born near Afton, Kansas, 31 July, 1879.
Chauncey Betts 9 Slocum {Lewis B.? Fortunatus? Eleazer, 6
John? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles 7 Anthony?) was born in Schaghti-
coke, Rensselaer County, New York, 25 November, 1817, and
married Charlotte Elizabeth Crapo 28 July, 1847, in Stillwater
Township, Saratoga County. They resided in Schaghticoke
and there he died 20 February, 1872. Children, perhaps not
born in the order here given :
i. Ellena, m. Brown. She resides at Hoosick Falls, N. Y.
ii. Clarissa B., resides in Troy, Rensselaer County, New York.
iii. Ida B., m. Van Schaick. She resides in Troy, N. Y.
iv. Frances E., resides in Troy, Rensselaer County, New York.
v. Harriet, resides in Troy, Rensselaer County, New York,
vi. Frederick L., resides at Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., NY.
vii. Edward C. Dates and particulars have not been reported.
Nancy 9 Slocum {Lewis B.? Fortunatus? Eleazer? John? Elie-
zer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Schaghticoke, Rens-
selaer County, New York, 17 September, 1819. She married, 5
December, 1839, J onn p - Ban of Valley Falls, N. Y., where they
afterward resided, and where she died 25 Oct., 1879. Children :
i. Emma J. Ball, b. 6 July, 1840; m. Worthington Gregory 23
July, 1861. Children: 1. Nettie B., b. 13 Dec, 1862; 2.
Authur E., b. in March, 1868 ; 3. William, b. 1 Jan., 1876 3
4. A child, born 2 September, 1880.
ii. Adeline P. Ball, born 27 June, 1844; married Hiram M.
Bouton 20 Oct., 1868. Children : Jennie B., born 13 Jan.,
187 1 ; Eunice and Eugene, twins, born 21 Dec, 1873.
iii. Clara I. Ball, born 23 June, 1846 ; married Henry J.
Herrington, 7 Dec, 1869. They reside at Valley Falls, N.
Y. A child, Charles B., was born 1 January, 1875.
iv. Franklin S. Ball, b. 27 Aug., 1856. Resides at Valley Falls.
Alexander Bryan 9 Slocum {Lewis B.? Fortunatus? Eleazer?
John? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was born in Schaghti-
coke, Rensselaer County, New York, 30 May, 1829. He mar-
ried, in Lebanon, Madison County, 12 February, 1852, Mary
Almena Wagoner, daughter of Eleazer B. and Matilda (Rugg)
Wagoner of that place where she was born 23 May, 1828. They
reside in Troy, New York. Child :
i. William Alexander, born 3 August, 1854, at Valley Falls,
N. Y. ; married, 25 Dec, 1877, Ida L. Burnham, daughter
of Dyer P. and Lydia Ann (Fisk) Burnham. They reside
in Troy, N. Y. Children : 1. Alexander Dyer, born 6 Feb-
ruary, 1878; 2. Clara Burnham, born 25 Sept., 1879.
Harriet? Slocum (Lewis B.? Fortunatus? Eleazer? John?
Eliezer* Eliezer? Giles? Anthony 1 ) was born in Schaghticoke,
Rensselaer County, New York, 1 December, 1832 ; was married
at Valley Falls 8 May, 1855, by Rev. Jonathan H. Noble, to
John Kenyon, a paper manufacturer, son of Benoni and Hannah
(Ketchum) Kenyon, of Schaghticoke where he was born 9 Feb-
ruary, 1829. They reside at Valley Falls, N. Y. Children :
i. Harlan Slocum Kenyon, b. 3 May, 1862, at Valley Falls,
ii. Gertrude Bryan Kenyon, b. at Valley Falls, 13 Nov., 1867.
iii. Chester Lewis Kenyon, b. 13 Nov., 187 1, at Valley Falls.
Harmon V. 9 Slocum {Harmon V.? Foriunaius? Eleazer? John?
Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Plainfield, Con-
necticut, 29 May, 183 1. He removed to Providence, Rhode
Island, early in life and still resides there. A blacksmith. He
was married in Providence 8 June, 1853, by Rev. Dr. Hall,
Unitarian, to Hannah M. BufTum, who was born in East Douglas,
Mass., 14 August, 1829, daughter of Benjamin and Olive
(Wheelock) Buffum. Children :
i. Sarah L., born 18 March, 1854, in Providence, Rhode Island.
ii. Mary Alice, born 22 June, 1859; died 26 September, i860,
iii. Adeline Louise, born 22 Oct., 1862; died 5 Aug., 1863.
iv. Ellen Adelia, born 24 July, 1865 ; died 15 October, 1874.
v. Harriet Isabella, born 8 July, 1868; died 15 Oct., 1874.
His children were all born in Providence, Rhode Island, and those
deceased were buried in Uxbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
John Fenner9 Slocum (Eleazer? Fitzgerald? Eleazer, 6 John?
Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Spafford Town-
ship, Onondaga County, New York, 1 May, 1821. He married,
22 January, 1850, Melissa Patterson, daughter of Marcus and
Phylace (Reynolds) Patterson of Oswego County, N. Y., where
they settled on a farm and still reside ; postoffice West Monroe,
New York. Children :
i. Tennbrook John, born 21 June, 1853 ; mar. 1 January,
1878. Melissa Hess of Amboy Tp., Oswego Co., N. Y. He
is a farmer ; resides with his father in West Monroe, N. Y.
A child, John, was born 13 December, 1878.
ii. Edgar Frederick, born 21 November, 1854; married, 8
January, 1877, Jeannette Maria Rhody of West Monroe,
New York. They have no children ; postoffice Parish, N. Y.
iii. Stephen Arnold Douglas, born 27 August, i860. Post-
office West Monroe, Oswego County, New York.
Dr. Herbert Willard? Slocum ( Willard? Fitzgerald? Elea-
zer? John? Eliezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Ash-
land, Ohio, 27 February, 1837, and was reared from the age of
six to sixteen years at Grand Rapids, Michigan, and on a farm
near that place. He went to Chicago in the year 1853 and there
learned the tinner-trade, remaining three years, after which he
passed two years in Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana.
He was married in Pompey Township, Onondaga County, New
York, 27 September, 1859, by Rev. Alfred A. Greeley, Congre-
gationalism to Cornelia Elizabeth Shattuck, daughter of Chester
and Caroline (Beach) Shattuck of that township where she was
born 6 October, 1836. After marriage they removed to his farm
in Smithfield Tp., Eaton Co., Mich., and the next year removed
to Grand Rapids where he engaged in the stove and tinware
business. In the year 1871 he began the study of medicine and
passed two years in the Detroit Medical College and one year as
house surgeon of the U. S. Marine Hospital in Detroit. He is
now practicing his profession in Lamont, Ottawa County, Mich-
igan. Children s
i. Willard Holbrook, born 7 Aug., 1865, at Grand Rapids,
ii. Cornelia Mary, born at Grand Rapids, 21 February, 1867.
iii. Anne Beach, born 12 June 1869, at Grand Rapids, Mich,
iv. Edward Stearns, b. at Grand Rapids, Mich., 8 June 1871.
v. Grace, born 21 December, 1874, at Grand Rapids, Mich.
William Young 9 Slocum {Daniel? Eleazer? Ebenezer? Charles?
Ebenezer? Eiiezcr? Giles? Anthony?') was born in Exeter Town-
ship, Washington County, Rhode Island, 27 March, 1825 ; was
married in Coventry 6 March, 1865, to Harriet Maria, daughter
of Jonathan and Rebecca C. Larkin. They reside at Kenyon's
Mills in Richmond Township, R. I., where he is employed as a
clerk in a general store. Children :
i. Martha Bugbee, b. 24 Nov., 1865, in Richmond Tp., R. I.
ii. Sarah Susan, b. 14 Feb., 1867, in Richmond Tp., R. I.; d.
there 24 April, 1869 ; was buried in Wood River Cemetery.
iii. Herbert Daniel, b. 24 Feb., 1872, in Richmond Tp., R. I.
iv. Clarence Jonathan, ) twins, born 20 September, 1873, in
v. Clara Rebecca, j" Richmond Township, R. I.
Sarah Susan 9 Slocum {Daniel? Eleazer? Ebenezer? Charles?
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony? ) was born in Exeter Town-
ship, Washington County, Rhode Island, 12 June, 1828 ; was
married in East Greenwich, R. I., 10 June, 1852, by Rev.
Thomas Tillinghast, to George C. C. Smith, son of Benjamin
C. and Sarah N. (Fisher) Smith of Edgartown, Martha's Vine-
yard, Massachusetts, where he was born 4 January, 1830. They
removed to St. Louis, Missouri, in the year 1857 and in i860
removed thence to Laclede County where they still reside with
postoffice at Decaturville, Camden Co., Mo. A farmer and
mill-wright. Children :
i. Mary F. Smith, born 4 July, 1854; mar. J. W. Wheeler, a
farmer, 18 Feb., 1872. They reside in Hooker Tp., Mo.
Children: Charles J., and Mary S. ; births not reported.
ii. Sarah N. Smith, b. 30 Nov., 1857, in St. Louis, Missouri.
iii. William F. Smith, b. 8 Oct., 1861, in Laclede County, Mo.
iv. Susannah C. Smith, b. in Laclede Co., Mo., 17 Sept., 1866.
Albert Cornell Green 9 Slocum ( William R., % Eleazer?
Ebenezerf Charles? Ebenezer,* Eliezer, 1 Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was born
in Warwick Township, Rhode Island, 16 May, 1834. At the
outbreak of the Southern Rebellion he was engaged in the lum-
ber business in western Pennsylvania and enlisted in New Beth-
lehem 28 August, 1862, as a private soldier in Co. C, 78th Regt.
Pa. V. I. He participated in about fourteen engagements with
the Confederates, or all that his regiment met with from the one
at Nashville until after the Battle of Chickamauga, except the
first movement at Stone River where he was on detail with a
comrade, P F. Hartzel, to keep up fictitious camp-fires from
fences in front of Gen. Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson's corps ;
and so successful was their ruse that this branch of the Confed-
erate forces was apparently held in check for several hours. The
last day of the Battle of Stone River he was struck by two buck-
shot one inflicting a wound near the right eye and the other
passing through the second finger of his left hand. While he and
seven comrades were guarding a signal station in Dade County,
Georgia, filled with the sick and wounded, they were taken pris-
oners by the Confederates 22 September, 1863. He was con-
fined in Libby Prison where he was reduced in weight from 152
to 96 pounds. In November, 1863, one hundred and eighty-five
of the most feeble prisoners were paroled he among the num-
ber and were taken to Annapolis, Md., by boat. Twenty of
this number died on the way there and sixty more died within two
weeks. The following June he was transferred to the 143d
Company, 2d Battalion, Veteran Rifle Corps and was with this
company mustered out of service 12 September, 1865, bearing
the credentials of a good soldier and a christian gentleman. He
was married 25 August, 1866, in Harrisburgh, Pa., by Rev. John
F. Chaplain, M. E., to Mary Catherine Raymond who was born
26 August, 1848, daughter of John and Diantha Truman (Earle)
Raymond then of Harrisburgh and now of Kansas City, Mo.
Their acquaintance began while she was acting as nurse to the
sick and wounded soldiers. They now (1 881) reside at Arcadia,
Washington County, Rhode Island. Children :
i. Jessie Blanche, born 19 Oct., 1867, in Clearfield Co., Pa.
ii. Eva, b. 5 July, 1871, in Exeter Tp., Washington Co., R. I.
Charles Allen 9 Slocum ( William R., s Eleazer, 7 Ebenezer, 6
Charles, s Ebenezer * Eliezer,* Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in North
Kingstown Township, Rhode Island, 14 August, 1836, and was
married there in July, 1855, t0 Elizabeth Barber by his uncle
Rev. John Slocum. He enlisted against the Rebellion in 1861
as private in Co. A, 5th Regt. R. I. Heavy Artillery, which
served in General Burnside's coast division. He was constantly
with his company ; was gradually promoted and attained the
rank of sergeant. He participated in seven battles and many
skirmishes. Late in the year 1863 he was taken prisoner by the
Confederates and was confined in the barbarous Andersonville
Prison where he died 20 Sept., 1864. He was an exemplary
Christian and faithful soldier. His widow is now the wife of
Newell Delphia(?). Children:
i. Sarah Frances, born 23 June, 1856, in Exeter Tp., R. I.;
married D wight Trask. They reside at Merrow Station,
Conn. Children: 1. Lena Elizabeth, born 31 January,
1879; 2. Grace Iolia, born 14 February, 1881.
ii. Georgiana, born 9 March, 1858, in West Arcadia, Exeter,
R. I. She married Eleazer Colburn, who is now deceased.
A son, Dorrance Albertus, was born in March, 1878.
iii. Lilly Josephine, b. n Feb., i860, at Clark's Mills, R. I.;
m. Frederick Ayres. They reside in Cincinnati. One child.
John 9 Slocum ( William R.? Eleazer, 1 Ebenezer? Charles? Eb-
enezer? Eliezer? Giles,' 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born in North Kingstown
Township, Rhode Island, 30 November, 1838, and was married,
13 May, 1857, to Susan Pratt at Escoheag Hill, West Greenwich,
R. I., by his father, Rev. William R. Slocum. Children :
i. Charles William, born 8 June, 1858, in West Greenwich,
R. I.; married Adelia Sophia Gilbert 1 March, 1880. They
reside at Mantorville, Minnesota. A child, Leon Charles,
was born 25 January, 1881.
ii. Harriet Emeline, born 7 November, 1859, in West Green-
wich, R. I.; married Samuel T. Barber 15 October, 1877.
They reside in Exeter Tp., R. I. Children : Bertha and
Florence, born 30 August, 1878.
hi. John Anderson, b. 1 April, 1861, at Escoheag Hill, R. f.
iv. Grace Evelyn, born 17 June, 1866, in Exeter Tp., R. I. ;
married Capt. Alphonso Gould 3 November, 1880.
William y Slocum (Henry? Lyman? Benjamin? Abraham?
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ) was born in Connecticut (?)
28 September, 18 13, and was partly reared on a farm in Pawling
Township, Duchess County, New York, in Newfield Tp., Tomp-
kins County, and in Andover Tp., Allegany County, N. Y. He
married, first in Perry, N. Y., 11 January, 1835, Susan Farrand
who died 30 July, 1844 ; he married second, Selinde Lewis 3
November, 1844, in Independence, N. Y. After marriage he
settled on a farm in West Union Tp., Steuben Co., N. Y., and
there died 25 June, 1872 ; was buried in Andover. Children :
i. Lewis, born 29 November, 1845, in Andover, N. Y.; mar.
there 5 April, 1870, Margaret Housell, daughter of Sey-
mour Housell of West Union, where they have always lived
as farmers. Children : Grace, born 15 March, 1872 ;
William, b. 23 April, 1874. Postoffice West Union, N. Y.
ii. Delphine, born 4 February, 1847 ; married George H. Hub-
bard. Present postoffice Spring Mills, Allegany Co., N.Y.
Children: 1. Clinton, born 15 July, 1869; 2. Floyd, born
3 January, 1871; 3. Martha, born 27 August, t88i.
iii. Delevan, born 30 October, 1849 ; died 6 June, 1863.
iv. Levant, born 20 November, 1852; married Martha Orda-
way. They reside on a farm with postoffice at Spring Mills,
Allegany Co., N. Y. A daughter was born in Dec, 1880.
Freeman 9 Slocum (Solomon? Lyman, 1 Benjamin? Abraham?
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles* Anthony, 1 ) was born in Pawling Town-
ship, Duchess County, New York, 10 May, 1823, and was reared
from the age of one year in Newfield Tp., Tompkins County, N.
Y. He married first, in Andover, 26 March, 1842, Mary A.
Miles, daughter of Joseph Miles of Andover and formerly of
Homer, N. Y., where she was born 20 February, 1825. She
died 12 August, 1868. He married second, July 30, 1870, widow
Miranda (Faulkner) Cross who was born 23 March, 182 1, in
Springfield, Bradford Co., Pa. They reside on a farm with post-
office at Canisteo, Steuben County, N. Y. Children :
i. A child, born 27 March, 1843; died 6 April, 1843.
ii. Mary Elizabeth, born 9 September, 1849, in Independence,
Allegany Co., N. Y. j died in Andover 3 September, 1850.
iii. Solomon, born 30 January, 1852, at Wellsville, Allegany Co.,
N. Y. ; died in Andover 27 July, 1862.
iv. Lucy Amelia, born 3 March, 1855, in Andover, Allegany
County, New York ; died there 20 July, 1862.
v. Lilly Augusta, born 23 May, 1859, in Andover, Allegany
County, New York; died there 29 July, 1862.
vi. Freeman Leslie, born 4 September, 1861, in Andover, New
York. Resides with his uncle John Slocum in Toulon,
Stark County, Illinois.
David 9 Slocum {Solomon? Lyman? Benjamin? Abraham?
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was born in Newfield Town-
ship, Allegany County, New York, 17 June, 1827, and married
Harriet Ann Whiteley in July, 1847. He is a carpenter and
joiner ; postoffice Andover, Allegany Co., N. Y. Children :
i. Martha L., born 25 Dec, 1847 ; died 16 September, 1851.
ii. Alma S., born 3 Sept., 1849, in Tompkins County, N. Y. (?)
iii. Alonzo, born in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 20 April, 185 1.
iv. Albertus, born 22 April, 1853, in Tompkins Co., N. Y.
v. Armenia, born in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 30 January, 1855.
vi. Orrin, born 16 August, i860; died n April, 1862.
vii. Laura L., born n Dec, 1861, in Newfield Tp., N. Y. (?)
viii. Rubi A., born in Newfield Tp., N. Y. (?), 16 Dec, 1864.
ix. Frederick, born 12 October, 1867.
x. Nellie, born 30 September, 1869.
xi. Frank E., born 8 February, 187 1.
xii. Floyd, born 22 April, 1875.
Abram9 Slocum (Solomon,' 6 Lyman, 7 Benjamin? Abraham?
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles, 2 - Anthony? ) was born in Newfield
Township, Tompkins Co., N. Y., j8 November, 1836, and married
Mary J. Lasher in November, 1856. He is a carpenter and joiner ;
postoffice Andover, Allegany County, New York. Children :
i. Ezra, born 20 April, 1857, in Andover Township, N. Y. (?)
ii. Clarissa, born in Andover Tp., N. Y., 8 September, 1858.
iii. Sylvia, born 8 March, i860, in Andover Township, N. Y.
iv. Lucy, born in Andover Township, New York, 4 July, 1861.
v. Lorenzo, born 26 February, 1863, in Andover Tp., N. Y.
vi. David, born in Andover Township, N. Y., 14 March, 1865.
vii. Solomon, born 1 January, 1867; died n August, 1874.
viii. Julia J., born 30 March, 1869, in Andover, Tp., N. Y. (?)
ix. Mary E., born in Andover Township, N. Y., 14N0V., 1870.
x. Cora M., born 25 September, 1872, in Andover Tp., N. Y.
xi. Rachel M., born in Andover Tp., N. Y., 25 October, 1874.
xii. Nancy M., born 5 September, 1876, in Andover Tp., N. Y.
xiii. Abram, born in Andover Tp., N. Y., 27 February, 1879.
xiv. Angeline, born 9 March, 1881, in Andover Tp., N. Y.
Abraham Palmers Slocum (John P.? Abraham, 7 Benjamin, 6
Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony,*) was born at
Niagara, Canada, 24 January, 1825 ; was married at Bosanquet
18 February, 185 1, by Rev. J. G. Salter, Episcopalian, to Lavinia
Parkinson, daughter of Major James and Sarah (Brown) Parkin-
son formerly of New York State. They settled on a farm near
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. He was killed by steam railway-cars
at Point Edward 30 June, 1866, and was buried with R. A.
Masonic rites. A few years after that event (1875?) his widow
removed to Detroit, Michigan, where she now lives. Children :
i. Sarah Belle, born 1 Dec, 1852. She was educated at
Helmuth Ladies College, London, Canada; was married
in Detroit 4 Feb., 1880, by Rev. Charles W. Stocking,
Episcopalian, to Will N. Dudgeon, a merchant of Detroit.
ii. John Palmer, born 29 January, 1856, in Sarnia, Canada.
He was graduated at a Detroit commercial college ; is now
a conductor of Wagner cars on the Great Western Railway.
iii. James Wellington, born 14 November, 1859. He was
graduated at a Detroit commercial college ; is now a con-
ductor of Wagner cars, though a druggist by profession.
iv. Abraham Franklin, b. 9 June, 1865, near Sarnia, Canada.
Willard Woodman 9 Slocum (John P.? Abraham,' 1 Benja-
min? Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles, 1 Anthony, 1 ) was born
in Brighton, Monroe County, New York, 14 January, 1831.
He married, in Lexington, Sanilac County, Michigan, 22 May,
1852, Sarah Eliza McNutt, daughter of John and Grace
(Williams) McNutt of that place and formerly of Clyde Town-
ship, Huron Co., Mich. They have resided in Marquette, Mich.,
since the year 1863. A carpenter and joiner. Children :
i. Grace, born 5 January, 1854, at Port Sarnia, Canada. She
married John Thomas Lloyd of Paisley, Bruce Co., Ontario,
Canada, where they now reside.
ii. Maria Lavinia, b. 17 March, 1856, at Port Sarnia, Ontario.
iii. Martha Ann, born 15 Aug., 1861, at Port Elgin, Ontario.
iv. Agnes, born 22 December, 1864, in Marquette, Michigan.
v. Willard Woodman, born 18 Jan., 1866; d. 16 Oct., 1867.
vi. Alfred S., born 14 October, 1868; died 22 October, 1870.
vii. Sarah Eliza, born 19 Dec, 1871, in Marquette, Michigan.
viii. John Thomas, born in Marquette, Michigan, 25 Aug., 1874.
6 39
Edward 9 Slocum (Abraham* Abraham? Benjamin, 6 Abraham*
Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony, 1 ') was born in Brighton, Mon-
roe County, New York, 6 January, 1831. He married, in Mil-
waukee, Wisconsin, 6 July, 1851, Catherine Skally, daughter of
Michael and Catherine (Mulvichael) Skally of Longford County,
Ireland, where she was born. They reside in Milwaukee, Wis.,
where he is employed as teamster ; was formerly a builder and
letter of boats. Children :
i. Abraham, born n February, 1852; died 31 January, 1878.
ii. Michael, born 23 November, 1853, in Milwaukee, Wis.,
where he now resides. A painter. Unmarried,
iii. Mary Jane, born 6 January, 1856, in Milwaukee, Wis.
iv. Catherine Ann, born in Milwaukee, Wis., 25 Jan., 1858.
v. James Edward, born 14 July, i860, in Milwaukee, Wis.
vi. Thomas Francis, born 27 Oct., 1862 j died 16 Oct., 1864.
vii. William Henry, born 17 April, 1865, in Milwaukee, Wis.
viii. George, born in Milwaukee, Wis., 22 September, 1868.
Rev. Charles Abraham 9 Slocum (Abraham? Abraham?
Benjamin 6 Abraham? Ebenezer? Eliezer? Giles? Anthony?) was
born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 25 June, 1849. He enlisted
against the Rebellion 31 December, 1863, as a private soldier in
Co. D, 1 2th Reg. 111. Vol. Cav., and was discharged 21 June,
1864. He married, at Merrimack, Sauk County, Wisconsin, 8
June, 1873, Alice Delilah Ives who was born at Leeds Centre,
Columbia County, Wis., 22 September, 1852, daughter of Nor-
man M. and Rosalina Ives. He was regularly ordained a min-
ister at the meeting of the Advent Christian Conference in Arena,
Wisconsin, February, 1877, and his certificate of good standing
has been renewed at each annual meeting since, according to the
rules of that society. He is now (1881) pastor of the Springville
Advent Christian Church, Vernon County, Wisconsin. Children :
i. Edith Elizabeth, b. 25 Feb., 1874, at Leeds Centre, Wis.
ii. Edna Alice, born 16 May 1875, at Mannville, Wisconsin,
iii. Lilian Ellinor, born 25 Jan., 1877, at Springville, Wis.
iv. Ida Maud, b. at Springville, Vernon Co., Wis., 1 Aug., 1878.
v. Norman Abraham, born 28 July, 1880, at Springville, Wis.
Dr. George Dyer 9 Slocum {J ohn H., s Peleg? Peleg, Samuel?
Samuel* Ebenezer? Giles, 2 - Anthony, 1 ) was born in Warsaw Town-
ship, Wyoming County, New York, 3 July, 1839. He was
educated in Warsaw Academy, in Hobart College, Geneva, and
in the University of Buffalo where he was graduated M. D. 26
February, 1861.
He entered the United States Navy (regular) 29 October,
1861, as Assistant Surgeon ; was in actions in Hampton Roads
and James River, Virginia, and was taken prisoner of war by
the Confederates at City Point in 1862 and confined at Salisbury,
N. C, and Richmond, Va., for six months four months as hostage
and in close confinement and then unconditionally released.
He was assigned as Surgeon of the iron-clad U. S. Steamship
Keokuk and was with her 7 April, 1863, in the Action with Fort
Sumter where she was disabled and sunk.*
* " During this year (1863), the events of the greatest moment along the seaboard
occurred at Charleston. Such was the confidence then felt in the ability of iron-
clads to resist the heaviest cannonade that Rear-Admiral Samuel F. Dupont at-
tempted, April 7th, to run past the batteries and enter the harbor of that city. The
little fleet, mounting only thirty-two guns, accordingly moved up the channel ; but
the vessels were stopped by obstructions and held under the concentrated fire of
three hundred cannon. The Keokuk, which was in advance, was struck ninety-
He passed examination for the rank of Surgeon U. S. N. in
May, 1865, and ranked in the result as number nine in a class
of seventy-two candidates. He made one cruise on the Pacific
and then resigned his commission, in 1866. Since this date he
has been engaged in the private practice of his profession, in
Wyoming, N. Y., three years, Buffalo five years, and since 1873
in Algonac, St. Clair County, Michigan, where he now resides.
He married, in Warsaw, N. Y., 26 April, 1863, Paulina Gibbs
McCagg, daughter of Matthew and Julia Augusta (Gibbs)
McCagg of Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Children :
i. Millie, born 25 Jan., 1864, in Cortland, N. Y.j died 24
March, 1864, in Warsaw, N. Y., and was there buried,
ii. Susan Lena, b. 14 Dec, 1866, in Wyoming Co., New York.
Hon. Elliott Truax 10 Slocum(G7/t B.? Jeremiah? Giles?
Jonathan? Joseph? Giles? Samuel? Giles? Anthony?) was born in
or near the Village of Trenton, Wayne County, Michigan, 15
May, 1839. He was prepared for college at Rev. H. M. Hunter's
school for boys on Grosse Isle, near Trenton, and was graduated
in course at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., class of 1862.
In the year 1869 he received the degree of Master of Science
from the University of Michigan.
He was elected State Senator for the Third District of Michi-
gan in the year 1869 and served the term of two years. He was
one of the first promoters of the Chicago branch of the Canada
Southern Railway, westward from Slocum's Junction on the
Detroit River near Trenton, and he was chosen a member of the
Board of Directors of that road.
He was married at Grand Rapids, Mich., 30 July, 1872, by
Rev. Samuel East, Episcopalian, to Charlotte Grass Wood,
daughter of Ransom E. and Emily Phebe (Grass) Wood of Grand
Rapids, and formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y., where she was born 23
November, 1850. After marriage they visited Europe, and upon
their return dwelt at Grand Rapids until the year 1877 when
nine times, the officers declaring that they heard the balls pounding against the
iron sides of their ship as rapidly as the ticks of a watch. All the monitors were
more or less injured, and were glad to creep out of harm's way again." One Hun-
dred Years of American Independence ; A. S. Barnes & Co., 1876, page 554.
they removed to Detroit. They again crossed the Atlantic, in
September, 1879, an< ^ visited the principal cities of Europe, in-
cluding Athens and Constantinople, with an excursion into
Asia, and returned to Michigan in the summer of 1880.
He is a capitalist and dealer in real-estate, with office in
Detroit, Michigan. He has no children.
Jane Elizabeth 10 Slocum (y antes? Giles? Giles? yonathan**
yoseph? Giles* Samuel? Giles? Anthony?} was born in Peru
Township, Clinton County, New York, 3 September, 1834. She
was married 31 August, 1858, at her father's house in Browns-
ville, Pa., by Rev. Robert Wallace, Presbyterian, to Talbot Mer-
cer Rogers, son of Joseph Talbot and Priscilla (Mercer) Rogers
of Brownsville. They removed, about the year 1866, to Philadel-
phia, Pa., where they now reside. Children :
i. Caroline Pitkin Rogers, born 31 May, 1859, in Browns-
ville, Pa. ; was mar in Philadelphia 24 Aug., 1880, by Rev.
Henry Clay Trumbull, to Louis Joseph Papineau, only son
of Louis J. A., and grandson of Louis Joseph Papineau a
leader of the Liberals in Canada during the revolt of 1837.
ii. Eleanor Slocum Rogers, b. 21 May, 1865, in Brownsville.
iii. Mary Mercer Rogers, born 21 Jan., 1868, in Philadelphia.
iv. James Slocum Rogers, born in Philadelphia, 21 Nov., 1872.
Part Third.
Joseph Slocumb was a merchant at Atlanta, Georgia (?), in
the eighteenth century. No date definitely relating to his
history has been ascertained, nor the place of his birth, marriage,
or death.* His children, so far as determined, were :
645. i. John Charles, mar. 1st, Lavinia Axley(?); 2d, Mary Beck.
646. ii. Ezekiel, b. in 1750 (?); m. Mary Hooks; d. 4 July, 1840 (?).
Rev. John Charles Slocumb (Joseph^ married first, Lavinia
Axley (?), and second, Mary Beck ; was married by Rev. Daniel
McHenry, Methodist Episcopalian. His occupation as reported
by different descendants was that of shoemaker, farmer, and
minister in the Methodist Episcopal church. He was a soldier
in the Revolutionary War ; dwelt in Georgia until after the year
1783 (?), then removed to Kentucky, and thence some years later
to Concord, White County, Illinois, where he died and was hur-
ried in Slocum Cemetery with his second wife. Children, per-
haps not born in the order here given ; the first child was by his
first wife but it is not known definitely as to the others :
647. i. Samuel, b. 23 Nov., 1783 j m. Mary A. Beck ; d. about 1856.
648. ii. Charles, born 11 Nov., 1791 ; mar. 1st, Rebecca Browning.
649. iii. Stephen, b. 23 April 1797 ; m. 2d, Susan A. Beck; d. 1875.
iv. Elizabeath, m. Ransom Hall. v. Fanny, m. Reason Hall.
* One report received by the writer reads that this Joseph Slocumb and his son
John Charles were born in -England ; but the writer has received so many similar
reports concerning individuals of families which had a history of several generations
in America, that he does not give credence to such statements unless they can be
authenticated by record, or seem very probable from strong circumstantial evidence.
Many persons removed from New England to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Mary-
land, the Carolinas, etc., during the eighteenth century and it might readily be
surmised that this " Joseph Slocumb " was identical with the " Joseph Slocum "
who was admitted freeman of Newport, R. I. , in the year 1727 and whose history there
ceases with that date so far as the writer has been able to determine. See ante page 54.
Col. Ezekiel Slocumb* (Joseph,) was born in Craven County,
North Carolina (?), about the year 1750. He married Mary
Hooks of Bertie County, a sister of the Hon. Charles Hooks who
was a member of the U. S. Congress from the year 18 16 until
1825. They settled on a plantation which may now be seen by
the traveler over the Wilmington Railway one-mile-and-a-half
south of Dudley Station, N. C. He entered the Revolutionary
Army at an early date and served throughout the war. He was
a Lieutenant in the Battle of Moore's Creek, N. C, 27 Feb., 1776.
" An anecdote is told of the wife of Lieutenant Slocumb, who was as
heroic as himself. After her husband departed she saw him in a dream
lying dead on the ground. Awaking in great distress, she arose, sad-
dled a horse, and rode at full gallop through the swamp in the direction
taken by the troops. At nine in the morning she neared the battle-
field. One of the first objects she saw was the Lieutenant's cloak
wrapped around a body stretched upon the ground. With sinking
heart she dismounted and found not her husband, but one of his
wounded men. She washed his face, bound up his wounds, and was
performing the like office to a second sufferer when her astonished hus-
band came up. She remained all day caring for the wounded loyal-
ists as well as the others with true Samaritan kindness. At midnight
she started for her home where a mother's duties were required. In
less than forty hours this remarkable woman rode one hundred and
twenty-five miles, spending the time when out of the saddle, not in
taking rest but in dressing wounds."!
Lieutenant Slocumb rose to the rank of Colonel before the
close of the Revolutionary War, and afterward " Colonel
Slocumb held every office of honor and trust in the gift of the
people ; and all were honorably and ably filled." % He
was a member of the North Carolina House of Commons from
the year 1812 until 1818.
" Colonel Slocumb lived a married life sixty-five years in a state
of connubial happiness as great as ever fell to the lot of any
man."| He and his wife died near Dudley, N. C, she, 6 March,
* This man's surname has been written, and printed, as Slocomb, Slocum, and
Slocumb. His descendants adhere to the form last given.
f See Wheeler's History of North Carolina ; Johnson's Traditions and Reminis-
cences ; The Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. Elizabeth F. Ellet ; and Barnes'
One Hundred Years of American Independence, for this and other anecdotes show-
ing the bravery and patriotism of Lieutenant Slocumb and his wife.
\ Correspondence of the Charleston Courier September 3, 1842. Transcribed
into the Traditions and Reminiscences, Chiefly of the American Revolution in the
South, by Joseph Johnson, M. D. ; Charleston, 1851.
1836; he, 4 July, 1840, and were there buried. Slocum's
Creek which flows into the Neuse River about fifteen miles
below New Berne, N. C, was named in his honor. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
650. i. Jesse, b. 20 Aug., 1780; m. Hannah Green; d. 20 Dec, 1820.
ii. Civil, m. Samuel Dunn of Duplin Co., N. C; d. without chil.
iii. Fanny, married Watkins of Cumberland County, N. C.
One of her daughters married Gully of Cumberland
County ; and another daughter married Farquhar Smith
and reared a large family near Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Rev. Samuel Slocum {Jolm C, Joseph^ was born in Atlanta,
Georgia, 23 November, 1783. He married, in Ohio County,
Kentucky, 21 March, 1804, Mary Ann Beck, daughter of
Stephen and (Wright) Beck of Fayetteville, and formerly
of Charleston, S. C, where she was born 24 February, 1782.
They removed to Illinois Territory in the year 18 12. He was
an officer in the War of 18 12, and also served in the War with
Mexico. He was Postmaster at Carmi, White County, 111., from
1820 until 1832, and held several other offices of trust. In 1833
they removed from Carmi to Albany, Whitesides Co., 111., and
there died she, 24 February, 185 1, and was buried in Albany
Cemetery ; he, 29 December, 1859, an< ^ was buried in Nevitt's
Cemetery. He was a farmer and a local preacher in the Meth-
odist Episcopal church. Children :
i. John Axley, born in Ohio County, Ky., and there died.
651. ii. Alfred Beck, b. 6 Aug., 1806; m. Elizabeth R. Nevitt.
iii. Elizabeth Jane, b. 27 Sept., 1808, in Ohio County, Ky. ;
m. Azariah Haskinson 26 Dec, 1827; d. 17 June, 1856;
was buried in Nevitt's Cemetery near Albany, 111. A son,
Samuel W., is now a carpenter in Albany, 111.
iv. Catharine, born 27 September, 18 10; died 7 August 181 2.
v. Stephen Beck, born 20 Aug., 18 13, at Slocumb's Ford,
Wabash River (?), White Co., 111. He was married four times
as follows : 1st, Feb. 14, 1839, Letitia Mariah McCall who
died 3 April, 1845; 2d, Oct. 15, 1850, Caroline Matilda
Rouse who died 4 March, 1859; 3d, Dec. 9, 1859, Mrs. M.
E. Hanks who died 23 March, 1861 ; and 4th, Melinda
Buck 11 May, 1864. He died at Albany, 111., 8 Novem-
ber, 1877, and was buried in Nevitt's Cemetery.
652. vi. Samuel Walker, b. 10 Nov., 1815; mar. Rebecca Withrow.
653. vii. Charles Hooks, b. 14 Nov., 1817; m. Elizabeth A. Bennett,
viii. Joseph, born 14 March, 1821; died 12 September, 1821.
ix. Susan Rebecca, twin, b. 30 Oct., 1822; d. 30 Aug., 1824.
x. William Wright, twin, born 30 Oct., 1822; mar. Margaret
Stagg 22 Sept., 1847. He resides at Winona, Minnesota;
is master and pilot of a Mississippi River steamboat,
xi. John Fletcher, born 21 January, 1827; died 4 September,
1839, and was buried at Albany, Illinois.
Rev. Charles Slocumb {John C, Joseph,) was born n
November, 1791, perhaps in Kentucky. He married first, Re-
becca Browning (Edwardson ?), and married second, in White
County, Illinois, 22 March, 1835, Margaret Gilston who was
born at Point Pleasant, Virginia, 28 July, 1807, daughter of
Samuel and Margaret (?) Gilston. They died in Concord, White
Co., 111., he, 1 November, 1843 ; she, 15 August, 1844, and
were there buried. He was a prominent minister in the Method-
ist Episcopal church of southern Illinois. Children by first wife :
i. Wesley, ii. William, iii. Sarah. All of whom died young-
Children by second wife :
iv. Samuel Gilston, born 3 Feb., 1836. P. O. Rosita, Col.
v. Joseph B., born 27 December 1841; died in his infancy.
654. vi. Charles Benson, b. 31 Oct., 1843; m. Anna R. Gourley.
Stephen Slocumb (John C, Joseph,) was born 23 April, 1797.
He married first ; married second, A. D. 1819, Susan Ann
Beck who was born 20 January, 1802. Later in life they resided
on a farm in Concord Township, White County, Illinois, and
there died, she, 5 April, 1852 ; he, 13 May, 1875, ar *d were
buried. Children, all born in White County, 111., and by second
marriage :
i. John Charles, born 28 July, 1820; mar. in May, 1853 (?),
Sarah J. Allen of White County, 111. He was a merchant ;
died 2 Dec, 1880, at Big Prairie leaving one child, Allen
Robinson, who was born at Elm Grove, 111., 8 August, i860,
and is now (1881) a farmer and stock-raiser at Elk City,
Montgomery County, Kansas,
ii. Stephen Beck, born 28 September, 1822; married 1st,
Mary Shipley in 1848, and 2d, Margaret Young. He was
a minister ; died 21 November, 1877, a t Big Prairie, 111.,
leaving children : 1. Sarah, who is married and has four
children; 2. Wesley H., a farmer, is married and has one
child. Postoffice, Hawthorn, White County, Illinois.
655. iii. Catharine Rebecca, b. 7 March, 1825 ; m. T. A. Burress.
iv. Wiley E., born 3 April, 1827; died young in Concord, 111.
656. v. George Colbert, b. 20 June, 1829; m. Mary J. Hargrave.
vi. Samuel Hooks, born 8 Oct., 1831 ; mar. Narcissus Metlock
in 1854 (?). He died in 187 1 at Big Prairie, White Co., 111.
Children: 1. Alexander, born in 1855 ( ? ) I present postoffice
Fairview, La.; unmarried; 2. Charles, born in 1864 (?),
is now at Elk City, Kansas ; 3-4, Anne and Catherine, are
now with their mother at Animos City, Colorado.
657. vii. Thomas W., b. 19 Nov., 1834; m. 1st, Partheni A. Nevitt.
viii. Elizabeth, b. 9 May, 1837; d. young ; was bur. in Concord.
Hon. Jesse Slocumb (Ezekief, yoseph) was born 20 August,
1780, on a plantation near Dudley, in Wayne County, North
Carolina, and married Hannah, daughter of Joseph Green. She
was born near Spring Brook, Wayne Co., N. C, and came of
families who were favorably known in the Revolutionary War.
Mr. Slocumb settled on a plantation six miles southeast of Golds-
borough, N. C, and was there elected Representative to the
United States Congress in the year 18 17. He died in Washing-
ton, D. C, 20 December, 1820, before the expiration of his term
of office, and was buried there in the Congressional Cemetery.
His widow died 25 July, 1848, at the house of her son John,
and was buried on his plantation four miles south of Golds-
borough, N. C. The name of the subject of this sketch is. given
as "Jesse Slocum " in Lanman's Dictionary of the United States
Congress. Children, perhaps not all born in the order here given :
i. Julia Ann, mar. David Bunting who died leaving an infant
daughter, Harriet, who was educated at St. Mary's School,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
658. ii. John Charles, born 5 April, 181 1 ; m. Rachel R. Wright.
659. iii. Harriet Adeline, mar. Hiram W. Husted; died in 1875.
660. iv. Junius Greene, b. 15 June, 18x5; married Mary L. Boon.
Alfred Beck Slocumb {Samuel, yohn C, Joseph,) was born
in Hartford, Ohio County, Kentucky, 6 August, 1806, and was
reared in White County, Illinois, from the age of six years. He
was married, 1 August, 1827, near Carmi, 111., by Rev. Charles
Slocumb, M. E. (page 489), to Elizabeth Roland Nevitt,
daughter of William and Mary (Eadlin) Nevitt formerly of George-
town, D. C, and later of Nelson County, Kentucky, where she
was born 18 April, 1807. After marriage they dwelt in Concord,
in Knoxville, and in or near Albany, Whitesides County, 111.,
where he died, 9 September, i860; was buried in Nevitt's Cem-
etery. His widow is still living (1880). He was a hotel-keeper
and grain-dealer. Children :
i. Lilburn Wilson, b. 10 July, 1828, in Concord, 111, j d. 20
July, 1846, in Albany, 111., and was there buried.
ii. Mary Ann, born 1 September, 1830, in Concord, 111. ; mar-
ried, 8 Jan., 1850, Noah McCusick at Stillwater, Minn.
iii. James Franklin, born 4 March, 1832, in Concord, 111. ;
d. 11 September, 1846, in Albany, 111., and was there bur.
iv. Harriet Jane, born 15 September, 1835 ; died 15 Febru-
ary, 1853, in Albany, 111., and was there buried.
v. Caroline Lucinda, b. 20 Nov., 1837, in Albany, 111. \ m. 22
June, 1862, Edward Kemp, in DeWitt, Clinton Co., Iowa.
Vi. Charles Guilford, b. 1 Jan., 1843, in Abany, 111. Was m.
at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 20 March, 1876, by Bishop A. R.
Andrews, M. E., to Eliza Mariah, dau. of Clark Kendrick
and Orcella (Strong) Stephens formerly of Delaware (and
Crawford) County, Ohio. They reside in Keithsburgh,
Mercer Co., 111., where he is a lumber-dealer. Mrs. Slo-
cumb is a temperance advocate of some note. A child,
Edward Clyde, was born 18 Dec, 1877, at Mt. Vernon, la.
vii. Sarah Elizabeth, born 20 December, 1846, in Albany, 111. ;
died 28 July, 1879, in Keithsburgh, Mercer County, 111. ;
was buried in Newton Cemetery near Albany,
viii. Celia Ann, b. ii March, 1852, in Albany, 111. ; d. there 11
Sept., 1873 ; was buried in Newton Cemetery.
Samuel Walker Slocumb {Samuel, yohn C, Joseph,) was
born in Concord, White County, Illinois, 10 November, 1815,
and removed to Whitesides County about the year 1840. He
married in Henry County, Illinois, 9 July, 1845, Rebecca With-
row, daughter of William and Rebecca (Dagley) Withrow of
White County where she was born 25 November, 18 17. They
dwelt on a farm near Albany, Whitesides Co., 111., until 1 May,
1870, then removed to Mound Valley, La Bette County, Kansas
where he still lives ; she died there 12 September, 1876, and was
buried in Russell Cemetery. Children :
i. Lilburn Wilson, born 3 June, 1846, near Albany, 111.; mar.
there 1 July, 1873, Sarah, daughter of James and Judith
(Scott) Sweet. They dwelt in La Bette and Chautauqua
Counties, Kansas, several years and now reside in Chicago,
111. Children : 1. Ernest, born in 1874, died in his in-
fancy; 2. James Sweet, born in 1876.
ii. Mary Lovica, born 5 March, 1848, near Albany, 111.; mar.
there 6 Jan., 1870, Robert Simpson, Jr. They removed
that year to Mound Valley, Kansas, where they now reside.
Children: 1. Edgar, born in 1871; 2. Walter, b. in 1873.
iii. Thomas Kneely, born in the year 1850; died in Sept.,
185 1, and was buried in Nevitt's Cemetery near Albany, 111.
iv. Salome Chalista, born 24 August, 1854, near Albany, 111.;
married Thomas Smith 24 August, 1872, in La Bette Co.,
Kansas. Their postoffice is Parsons, Kan. Children: 1.
William S., born in 1873 ; 2. Viula, and 3, Viola, twins,
born 5 March, 1877; 4- Lilbert, born 4 December, 1880.
v. Olive Orvilla, born 12 September, 1862, near Albany, III.
She now resides in or near Mound Valley, Kansas.
6 53
Charles Hooks Slocumb {Samuel, John C, Joseph,) was
born in Concord, White County, Illinois, 14 November, 1817.
In early manhood he settled near Albany, Whitesides Co., 111.,
where he now resides. He married, at Kingsbury Grove 23
October, 1848, Elizabeth Ann Bennett, daughter of Lyman and
Susan Elizabeth (Latham) Bennett, of that place and formerly
of Cazenovia, Madison County, N. Y., where she was born 23
March, 1830. He is a farmer and stock raiser. Children :
661. i. Lyman Crews, born 29 Dec, 1849; mar. Ermina D. Hudson.
662. ii. Samuel Chester, b. 11 March, 1851 ; m. Ellen A. Paddock,
iii. Sylvester Beck, b. 27 Dec, 1852. Resides nr. Albany, 111.
iv. Grandus Hanks, b. 1 March, 1855. Resides nr. Albany, 111.
v. Albert DeLoss, born 26 March, 1857 ; d. 22 March, 1858.
vi. Austin Jenks, born 13 March, 1859; died 22 Aug., i860,
vii. Charles Ellsworth, b. 18 Dec, 1862 ; d. 10 Feb., 1864.
viii. Robert Dudley, born 5 December, 1864, near Albany, 111.
ix. Mabel Azelma, born near Albany, 111., 16 February, 1867.
x. Truman Jasper, b. 10 Feb., 1871; d. 15 September, 1872.
Hon. Charles Benson Slocumb {Charles, John C, Joseph,)
was born in Concord, White County, Illinois, 31 October, 1843.
His parents died when he was yet an infant and he was reared by
friends on a farm near Phillipstown, in White County, Illinois.
He enlisted against the Rebellion in 1863, in Co. C, 136th
Reg. 111. V. I., and was discharged as sergeant, 22 October, 1864,
at the expiration of his term of enlistment. In January, 1866,
he removed from Phillipstown, 111., to Marshalltown, Iowa, where
he attended the academy, and was also employed as clerk in a
store. In 1868 he entered Baldwin University at Berea, Ohio,
where he remained two years. This institution has since given
him the degree of Master of Arts. Upon returning from his
course of study he engaged as Principal of the Marshalltown
High School, and, meantime taking up the study of law, was
there admitted to the bar in September, 1872.
In the spring of 1873 he settled in Fairbury, Jefferson County,
Nebraska, where he has since resided as an attorney and coun-
sellor at law. He married, 22 January, 1874, in Eldora, Iowa,
Anna Rebecca Gourley, daughter of James and Emeline (May-
hew) Gourley of Marshalltown, Iowa, and formerly of Morristown,
Belmont County, Ohio, where she was born.
He was elected in 1880, on the Republican ticket for a second
term of two years, as Representative to the Nebraska Legislature,
and was a prominent candidate for the Speakership of that body.
He is the author of the Nebraska high license bill regulating the
sale of intoxicating beverages ; has served as chairman of the
Committee on Finance, and Ways and Means, and has been a
member of several other important committees.
Mr. Slocumb possesses those qualities which win success. He
has been named by the press of the central part of the State as
a desirable candidate for Governor of Nebraska. Child :
i. Florence Ethel, b. 11 Sept., 1875, in Fairbury, Nebraska.
Catharine Rebecca Slocumb {Stephen, John C, Joseph,)
was born in White County, Illinois, 7 March, 1825, and married
there, 12 November, 1843, Thomas A. Burress, a farmer and
mechanic, who was born in Barren County, Kentucky, 23 Dec,
1820, son of Robert and Mary Burress. They dwelt in White
County, 111., until 1852 or '53, then removed to Bureau County
where they resided until the autumn of 1870 when they removed
to Kansas where they now reside ; postoffice, Brenner, Doniphan
County, Kansas. Children :
i. Henry Clay Burress, b. 14 Jan., 1845; died 3 May, 1863.
ii. Mary Ann Burress, b. 26 Nov., 1846; d. 21 Oct., 1854.
iii. Catharine Lavinia Burress, b. 7 Jan., 1849; m -
iv. Thomas Anderson Burress, b. 21 Jan., 1 854; d. 29 Oct., 1854.
v. Matilda Ellen Burress, b. 22 Feb., 1856 ; d. 25 Sept., 1856.
vi. Millard Monroe Burress, b. 22 June, 1858, in Bureau Co.
George Colbert Slocumb* {Stephen, John C, Joseph,) was
born in White County, Illinois, 20 June, 1829, and was married
there 9 September, 1852, to Mary Jane, daughter of William and
Vina Hargrave of that place where she was born 18 September,
1832. He is a carpenter; postoffice Maple Landing, Monona
County, Iowa. Children :
i. Henry Milton, born 30 Nov., 1857 ; died 12 July, 1878.
ii. Isaiah Gray, born 19 January, i860,
iii. Charles Lane, born 19 January, 1862.
iv. George Evans, born 21 February, 1864.
v. Andrew Jackson, born 8 January, 1866.
vi. Lattie, born 27 June, 1868; died 29 September, 1871.
vii. Catharine, born 3 February, 1873; died 29 August, 1873.
Thomas Wright Slocumb {Stephen, John C, Joseph,) was
born in Concord Township, White County, Illinois, 19 Novem-
ber, 1834, and married first, March 18, i860, Partheni A., daugh-
ter of John Nevitt of that county where she was born 15 June,
1845. He served three years against the Rebellion as a soldier
in Co. C, 87th Regt. Illinois Volunteers. His wife, Partheni,
died 24 September, 1872, and was buried at Big Prairie. He
was married second, by Rev. M. L. King, M. E., 27 March,
1873, to Emma Woods who was born 8 March, 1852. He is a
farmer ; postoffice Hawthorn, White County, 111. Children by
first wife :
i. Anne Catharine, born 5 March, 186 1 ; d. 5 August, 1861.
ii. Adeline W., born 4 Nov., 1862; died 26 August, 1863.
*In his report for this publication his surname is written " Slocum."
iii. John Stephen, born 9 Dec, 1864, near Emma, Illinois,
iv. Martha V., born near Emma, Illinois, 17 January, 1866.
v. Ida L., born 21 February, 187 1, near Emma, Illinois.
Children by second wife :
vi. Nellie C, born 6 May, 1874, near Emma, Illinois,
vii. Laura W., born near Emma, Illinois, 27 March, 1881.
John Charles Slocumb {Jesse, Ezekiel, Joseph,} was born 5
April, 181 1, at Spring Bank, Wayne County, North Carolina, six
miles southeast of the City of Goldsborough. He married, in
Duplin County 28 February, 1833, Rachel Rebecca Wright, the
youngest daughter of the late Col. Thomas and Eliza (Beck)
Wright, of Duplin County where she was born 21 December,
181 5. Her father was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. After
marriage they settled on a plantation four miles south of Golds-
borough and there resided until 1st April, 1855, when they re-
moved to the City of Goldsborough where he died 21 Aug, 1881.
He was a member of the Wayne County Special Court for thirty
years, and was Chairman of the Inferior Court several years.
In the year 1834 he was converted under the ministry of Rev.
John Tillett, and uniting with the Methodist Episcopal church,
South, at Goldsborough, he soon became one of its most promi-
nent members, and served as delegate to the District, Annual,
and General Conference. The Transcript and Messenger, and
The Methodist Advance, of Goldsborough, each printed a long
obituary and biographical sketch showing his worth as a citizen,
and his consistency and power as a professed christian attribu-
ting to his influence the high type of christian character and
fellowship which has existed in the Goldsborough church. The
Quarterly Conference of this church prefaced a series of resolu-
tions, eulogistic of his life and services, as follows :
" A prince in Israel has fallen. We mourn the death of a brother,
honored and beloved, whose devotion to God and His Church, whose
strong and unswerving faith in His Word and Providence, whose spot-
less character and peaceful death, attest the sanctifying and saving form
of the Gospel and bequeath to the church, of which he was for more
than forty years a bright and shining light, a legacy which we gratefully
cherish, and an example worthy of our imitation."
The children of John Charles and Rachel Rebecca (Wright)
Slocumb, were :
i. Virginia Eliza, born 3 April, T834; died 15 October, 1835.
ii. Jesse, born 21 April, 1837; died 12 August, 1838.
iii. Mary Green, born 17 January, 1839; died 10 Oct., 1843.
iv. Eliza Gray, born 11 August, 1840; died 22 Oct., 1843.
663. v. Thomas Wright, b. 5 May, 1842; m. Mary Davis, in 1867.
vi. John Charles, born 25 Feb., 1844; died 19 June, 1845.
vii. Julia, born 12 February, 1846; died 18 October, 1847.
viii. Lama Washington, born 21 May, 1848; d. 26 Sept., 1849.
ix. William Wyche, born 21 Feb., 1850; m. Mary W. Evans
27 June, 1877, in Goldsboro', N. C, where they now reside.
x. John Charles, born 8 April, 1852. ) Reside at Goldsboro',
xi. Junius, born 19 August, 1854. J N. C. Unmarried.
Harriet Adeline Slocumb (Jesse, Ezekiel, Joseph,) was
born near Goldsborough, North Carolina, and married there, in
the year 1830, Hiram Wildeman Husted, son of Samuel Husted.
He was born in Danbury, Conn., 9 June, 1802 ; was graduated
at Yale College in 1823, and went to North Carolina as a school
teacher. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and practiced
that profession mostly in Raleigh where he for a time held the
office of U. S. District Attorney. He died in Raleigh, N. C,
20 December, 1868. She died in January, 1875 ; were buried
in Raleigh. Child :
i. Delano W. Husted, was graduated at Chapel Hill, N. C,
in June, 1854; he studied law, and was admitted partner
in the practice of that profession with Judge Revis of
Gainesville, Ala. He there enlisted in the Rebellion as a
Lieutenant in the 5th Alabama Battalion. He participated
in the first Battle of Manassas in July, 1861, and was killed
27 June, 1862, while leading his company in a charge of
Archer's brigade about Richmond, Va.; was buried in
Raleigh, North Carolina. He was a handsome, genial, and
accomplished gentleman.
Junius Greene Slocumb (Jesse, Ezekiel, Joseph,) was born
15 June, 1815, six miles southeast of Goldsborough, Wayne
County, North Carolina. He was married in Smithfield, John-
ston County, N. C, 10 April, 1838, to Mary Louisa Boon,
daughter of Daniel and Louisa (Boykin) Boon of that place where
she was born 20 February, 18 17. They removed to a plantation
in De Soto County, Mississippi, in April, 1840, and he still resides
in that county, with postoffice at Hernando. His wife died in
or near Hernando 21 February, 1878, and was there buried.
Children :
664. i. David Marcus, b. 10 Nov., 1839 5 m - Georgia Oliver in 1865.
ii. John Charles, born 2 April, 1842, near Hernando, Miss. ;
died 24 February, 1862, at Morristown, Tenn., as a Con-
federate soldier ; was buried in Morristown.
iii. Mary Louisa, born 30 April, 1845 J mar - 2 ^ April, 1875, Dr.
J. N. Barnett at Memphis, Tenn. P. O. Argenta, Arkansas.
665. iv. Eliza Ann, b. T4 June, 1847; m. Augustus M. Solomon.
v. Junius Greene, b. 31 March, 1851. P. O. Hernando, Miss.
vi. Julia Boon, born 19 Oct., 1854; mar. Dr. Warren Ferrell
27 November, 1879. P. O. Dublin, Coahoma County, Miss,
vii. William Oscar, born 2 Sept., 1857 ; died 13 May, 1861.
Lyman Crews Slocumb {Charles H., Samuel, John C, Joseph,)
was born near Albany, Whitesides County, Illinois, 29 December,
1849 ; married Ermina De Lora Hudson January 1, 1873. Their
postoffice is Albany, Illinois. Children :
i. Louise Belle, born 29 Sept., 1873, near Albany, Illinois,
ii. Elliott Hudson, b. near Albany, 111., 8 November, 1874.
iii. Louis Lyman born 1 July, 1876, near Albany, Illinois,
iv. Mary Irene, born near Albany, 111., 14 September, 1878.
v. Edith May, born n September, 1880, near Albany, 111.
Samuel Chester Slocumb (Charles H., Samuel, John C,
Joseph,) was born near Albany, Whitesides County, Illinois, 1 1
March, 185 1, and married Ellen Angeline Paddock 5 March,
1874. Their postoffice is Albany, 111. Children :
i. King Dorwin, born 2 September, 1876, near Albany, 111.
ii. Mildred Blanche, born near Albany, 111., 10 Sept., 1880.
Thomas Wright Slocumb (John C, Jesse, Ezekiel, Joseph,)
was born 5 May, 1842, four miles south of Goldsborough, Wayne
County, North Carolina. He attended school at Goldsborough,
and in September, 1859, entered the Sophomore Class of Trinity
College but was obliged to discontinue study early in the junior
year on account of failing health. In January, 1 861, he entered
the North Carolina Military Institute at Charlotte, then under
the superintendency of Major D. H. Hill, who afterward became
a Major-General in the Confederate Army.
Mr. Slocumb enlisted in the Rebellion 1 June, 1861, as a pri-
vate soldier in the Goldsboro' Rifles which afterwards served as
Co. A, 27th Reg. N. C. I. They remained at Fort Macon until
1st March, 1862, and were then ordered to New Berne where they
participated in the battle of March 15th. At the reorganization
of the Confederate Army in April, 1862, he was chosen First
Lieutenant of his company. He commanded the company dur-
ing the seven days fighting around Richmond, from Mechanics-
ville to Malvern Hill. He participated in the first Maryland
Campaign and was present at the Capture of Harper's Ferry by
the Confederates, 15 September, 1862. After the Battle of
Sharpsburgh he resigned his commission on account of poor
health, and re-enlisted the following spring as a private in Co. H
1st Reg. N. C. Cav. and participated in the campaign of 1863
including the Battle of Gettysburgh until August 1st when he
was wounded in the left forearm at the Battle of Brandy Station.
Erysipelas and gangrene supervened and nearly destroyed his
life. In the autumn of 1864 he was appointed by Gov. Zebulon
B. Vance, Assistant Adjutant General of North Carolina troops
with the rank of First Lieutenant of Cavalry, which position he
held, with headquarters at Raleigh, until the close of the war
surrendering to the Union forces with Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's
army at Greensborough, N. C, 26 April, 1865.
He was married in Goldsborough 3 December, 1867, by Rev.
E. A. Yates, M. E. (South), to Mary Davis, daughter of Dr. Adam
Clarke and Araminta (Moses) Davis residing near Whitehall,
Wayne Co., N. C, where she Was born 22 June, 1847. Mr. and
Mrs. Slocumb reside in Goldsborough, N. C, where he is Agent
of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. Children :
i. Harriet Husted, b. 14 Sept., 1868, in Goldsborough, N. C.
ii. Araminta Davis, b. in Goldsborough, N. C, 1 Aug., 1870.
iii. Ashby Pelham, born 7 March, 1873, in Wilson, N. C.
iv. Thomas Wright, born 1 April, 1875, in Goldsborough, N. C.
David Marcus Slocumb {Junius G., Jesse, Ezekiel, Joseph,)
was born in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina, 10
November, 1839, ar) d was reared near Hernando, De Soto County,
Mississippi, where he still lives. He was First Lieutenant in
the Confederate Army during the Rebellion. He married, in
Hernando 7 November, 1865, Georgia Oliver, daughter of Hon.
Simeon and Mildred T. (White) Oliver. Children :
i. Jessie Marion, born 22 August, 1867, nr. Hernando, Miss,
ii. Ida Thompson, born nr. Hernando, Miss., 26 January, 1870.
iii. Durward Marcus, born 9 Nov., i87i,nr. Hernando, Miss,
iv. George Oliver, born near Hernando, Miss., 7 Nov. 1875.
v. Mildred Louisa, born 12 June, 1879, nr. Hernando, Miss.
Eliza Ann Slocumb {Junius G., Jesse, Ezekiel, Joseph,)
was born in or near Hernando, De Soto County, Mississippi, 14
June, 1847, and married there Augustus Marion Solomon 26
Oct., 1868. They now reside near Hernando, Miss. Children:
i. Jane Edna Solomon, b. 30 May, 1870, nr. Hernando, Miss,
ii. Marion Erwin Solomon, b. 3 April, 1875, in DesArc, Ark.
iii. Junius Burney, born 7 July, 1878, near Hernando, Miss.
Part Fourth.
The names of Simon and Abigail Slocombe (the surname
spelled in different places as Slocomb, Slocom, Slocum, anc 1
Slocumb,) have recently been found in the early records of
Wrentham Township, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. No
mention has been found of the relationship which existed
between them ; and whether they were descendants of Edward
Slocombe, page 35, or of Samuel Slocum, page 54, or were of
a separate immigration, has not been determined. Considerable
time has been spent by the writer endeavoring to ascertain the
names of their parents, but without success. The following
gleanings represent their history so far as determined :
667. Simon Slocombe, mar. 1st, , and 2d, Abigail .
668. Abigail Slocombe, married Baruch Pond 4 December, 1728.
Simon Slocombe, tradition says, removed from Boston to that
part of Wrentham Township, Massachusetts, from which the
present Township of Franklin, Norfolk County, was organized.
His name first appears in the general records of Wrentham (as
" Simon Slocum") appended with forty-seven other names to
"a petition to the great and General Court in June, A. D. 1736,"
for a separate church in Wrentham. This petition was success-
ful, for a church was organized 16 February, 1738, with twenty-
four members, including the subject of this sketch. We further
read that " The deed of an acre of land from Thomas Man for a
meeting house lot was accepted nth September, 1739, and put
for safe-keeping into the care of Simon Slocum." It is also
recorded* that " Simon Slocum was a prominent member of the
See Blake's History of 'Franklin Township, Massachusetts.
precinct and filled many offices ;" and, again, that " Simon Slo-
comb" was Precinct Clerk in Franklin for the years 1740, '41,
'43, '48, and '52, and that he afterward removed to Medway, Mass.
It is presumed that he was twice married ; first to , and sec-
ond to Abigail . His children by first wife (place of birth
not ascertained, and perhaps not born in the. order here given),
were (?) :
669. i. John,* born about 1720; m. Experience Healy; d. in 18 17.
ii. Sarah, mar. Johnson and resided in Wrentham, Mass.
iii. Mary, mar. Thayer and resided in Bellingham, Mass.
Children by second wife, recorded in Wrentham with the sur-
name " Slocum " :
iv. Lois, was born 13 April, 1732, and died 30 November, 1736.
v. Esther, born 17 Nov., 1733; m. John Hall, 23 April, 1761.
vi. Abigail, born 14 April, 1736; died 5 March, 1737.
670. vii. Samuel, b. 24 June, 1738; m. Miriam Richardson in 1763.
viii. Chloe, born 12 Feb., 1740-1; died 12 December, 1741.
ix. Susannah, born 23 June, 1745.
x. Eleazer, born 23 November, 1747. He was a soldier in
the Revolutionary War; was at the "Lexington Alarm"
in 1775, an( l was corporal in Capt. Joel Fletcher's Com-
pany of " Minute Men " under Colonel Doolittle.f He
resided in Templeton, Mass.; died 25 September, 1820.
xi. Metcalf, b. 15 Nov., 1751 ; was Ensign in a military comp'y-
xii. Jeremiah, born 10 January, 1754. He was a soldier in the
Revolutionary War ; was a corporal in the Secret Expedition
of 1 777,t an d afterward served as Ensign.
xiii. Achilles, born 10 June, 1756; was Lieut, in a military co.
"Abigail Slocumb" married Baruch Pond 4 December,
1728, perhaps in Wrentham Township, Massachusetts, where
the record appears. Their children are recorded in Wrentham
as follows :
i. Lydia Pond, born 14 April, 1731, in Wrentham, Mass.
ii. Jerusha Pond, born in Wrentham, Mass., 20 Oct., 1735.
iii. Jabez Pond, born 8 January, 1839-40, in Wrentham, Mass.
iv. Lois Pond, born in Wrentham, Mass., 31 August, 1744.
* Mr. Blake in his History of Franklin Township, Mass., writes that "Simon
and John Slocum were probably brothers, as the similarity of their children's names
indicates a common ancestry." This fact is evidence to the writer that they were
father and son ; and the dates confirm this view.
\ Revolutionary War Rolls in the Office of the Secretary of State, Boston, Mass.
John Slocomb {Simon,) was born about the year 1720, and
was married 18 December, 1747, to Experience Healy of Re-
hoboth, by Rev. Henry Messenger. Their marriage is recorded
in Wrentham Township, Norfolk County, Mass., but he resided
in that part which was organized as Franklin Township a few
years later. The records of the church which his father was
active in organizing there, show that "John Slocomb" became
a member 10 February, 1754, and that "Experience Slocumb"
was admitted to membership 24 February, 1754. She died in
Franklin 26 March, 1779. He was a weaver. Late in life he
went to live with his son George in Shrewsbury, Mass., and he
there died 2 October, 18 17. Children :
671. i. Simon, b. 13 Jan., 1748-9 ; m. Esther Plympton ; d. in 1818.
672. ii. William, b. 15 April, 1750; m. Jerusha Richardson ; d. 1842.
673. iii. George,* b. 24 March, 1752 ; m. Tabitha Harding; d. 1826.
674. iv. John, b. ioMarch, 1754; m. Eleanor Spriggs ; d. 30 Oct., 1825.
675. v. Experience, b. 6 Nov., 1756; m. Elijah Mann; d. in 1841.
676. vi. Chloe, b. 2 Oct., 1758 ; m. Benjamin Mann ; d. in June, 1849.
677. vii. Joshua, b. ; m. Lucy Dunn in 1784; d. in May, 1816.
678.viii. Mary, mar. William Hall; died 1829 (?) in New York State.
679. ix. Lavinia, b. Dec, 1764; m. 1st, John Outhit; d. 4 Nov., 1845.
680. x. Caleb, b. 25 Jan., 1768; mar. Mary Boss; d. 9 April, 1824.
Samuel Slocomb {Simon) was born in what is now Franklin
Township, Massachusetts, 24 June, 1738, and married, 6 Novem-
ber, 1763, Miriam Richardson who was born 4 July, 1742, daugh-
ter of Asa and Abigail Richardson, f He was a school-teacher.
They settled in Hubbardston, Mass., and there died. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Samuel, born in Franklin, Mass. (?) ; died without children.
681. ii. James, born in 1766; m. Sarah Trask ; died 24 Feb., 1842.
iii. Asa, married and resided in Burlington, Vermont. He
had seven children but the name of only one, Elizabeth,
has been reported to the writer.
iv. Nathan, born 23 February, 1770; died without children.
* Andrew H. Ward, in his Family Register of the Inhabitants of Shrewsbury
Township, Mass., writes that this George was brother to the John Slocomb who
married Experience Healy, which is undoubtedly erroneous.
\ See Vinton's Richardson Family Memorial.
v. Esther, married Balcom (?) and had one son, Samuel.
vi. Peleg, married . He usually wrote his name "Slocum."
Children : William, Mary, Susan. Dates not ascertained.
682. vii. Emmons, born in 1777; mar. Elizabeth Hyde, born in 1777.
viii. Bisia, a daughter, remained unmarried. She died .
ix. Benjamin, born in Hubbardston (?) j died without children.
x. Eli, born in Hubbardston, Mass. (?) ; died without children.
Simon Slocomb {John, Simon,) was born in Wrentham Town-
ship, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, 13 January, 1748-9, and
married Esther Plympton. In 1780 he was a soldier, from Hol-
liston, in Capt. Amos Ellison's company in the Fourth Regiment
under Major Seth Bullard, for service in Tiverton.* They re-
moved to a farm in Bellingham, Mass., and there died he, 1 1
June, 1 8 18 ; she, 30 May, 1826, aged sixty-nine years. Children :
683. i. Bethuel, b. 17 Jan., 1779; m. Mary Albee; d. 24 May, i860.
ii. Asa, married Clarissa Hill and died suddenly a few years
thereafter on his farm in Bellingham, Mass., leaving one
child, Clarissa, born A. D. 181 1, who died in 18 18.
iii. Esther, died aged four years, iv. Mary, died young.
v. Christopher, born 22 April, 1788; m. Charlotte Adams in
Sept., 1813. He died in Medway, Mass., 28 Jan., 1861.
684 vi. Mary, b. in May, 1790 ; m. Wm. Gammell; d. in April, 1820.
vii. Martha, born 18 June, 1793; married Israel Scott of Provi-
dence, R. I., where they died he, 23 August, 1852. They
had but one child, Lucretia, born 9 April, 1832, who mar-
ried, 31 March, 1852, Amos Livsey, of Providence, who
was born 14 July, 183 1, in Lancashire, England. Lucretia
died 17 June, 1855, leaving one child, Emma Lucretia,
born 31 May, 1855, died 2 August, 1855.
685. viii. Lewis, born 22 July, 1795; married 1st, Elmira Richardson.
ix. Horace, died young.
x. Vesta, twin, born 10 April, 1800; died aged eight months.
xi. Esther, twin, born 10 April, 1800; married Rev. Lewis
Pennell. She died 20 May, 1845. Children: 1. Francis
Wayland, born 26 November, 1840; died 9 August, 1840;
2. Christopher, born in August, 1842.
William Slocomb {John, Simon,) was born in Wrentham
Township, Massachusetts, 15 April, 1750, and was married there,
29 August, 1776, to Jerusha Richardson who was born 16 Feb-
* Massachusetts Revolutionary War Rolls in the Secretary of State's office, Boston.
ruary, 1759, daughter of John and Abigail Richardson. He was
generally known as " Billy ;" was a soldier in the Revolutionary
Army, and served in Providence and Warwick, R. I., in 1776.*
For this service he afterward received a pension. He commenced
life poor but by industry and economy he accumulated propertv
amounting to about $11,000, Continental paper-money, which he
invested in "fashionable silk pocket-handkerchiefs" as a specula-
tion. This adventure proved unfortunate, as he could dispose of
his purchase for only $47.25 which then included all of his pecu-
niary estate. With a feeble wife and several small children
depending on him for their support he began work anew and suc-
ceeded in securing a competence for his old age. They removed
in the year 1784 from Franklin Township (formerly part of
Wrentham) to Sutton, Mass., where they died she, 30 May,
1830 ; he, 11 January, 1842. He was an industrious and thrifty
farmer ; was possessed of great powers of endurance, a social
disposition, keen powers of observation, a remarkable good mem-
ory, and a kind and generous nature. Nothing delighted him
more in later life than to gather his grand-children about his open
fire on a long winter-evening and recount to their willing ears
the story of his early experiences, and incidents of the Revolu-
tion. Children :f
Lewis, born 7 February, 1777; died 21 November, 1789.
Julia, b. 8 Jan., 1779; m. Noah White; d. 30 April, 1834.
Philo, b. 18 Dec, 1780; m. Relief Maynard ; d. in 1851.
William, born 5 February, 1783 ; married 1st, Selah dishing ;
died 9 May, 1873.
Abigail, b. 1 April, 1785 j m. Edmund T. Hall; d. in 1852.
Electa, b. 9 Sept., 1787; in. Ebenezer Hall; d. in 1817.
Pliny, b. 5 Dec., 1791 ; m. 1st, Rachel Fisher; d. in 1862.
John Wilkes, b. 1 Dec, 1793 ; m. Sarepta Adams ; d. 1867.
ix. Horatio, born 12 October, 1795 ; mar. Roxellana Wheelock;
died 10 June, 1870, in Sutton, Mass.
694. x. Silas, b. 24 Jan., 1799; m. 1st, Deborah P. Cone; d. T877.
xi. Theron, born n May, 1801, in Sutton ; died 5 July, 1801.
Massachusetts Revolutionary War Rolls.
f Part of the record of this family (also part of the record of some of their des-
cendants) was printed in the Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Haven, by
Josiah Adams ; isted. Boston, 1843. Also in Vinton's Richardson Family Memorial.
The births of the first four children of this family are recorded in the Township
Books of Franklin, Mass. A copy of the records of that township relating to the
Slocombs was kindly communicated to the writer in April, 1880, by A. A. Ressegue,
Esq., Town Clerk.
6 93-
George Slocomb (yohn, Simon,) was born in Wrentham
Township, Mass., 24 March, 1752, and married Tabitha Harding,
of Medway, who was born 8 October, 1759. He was a soldier in
the Revolutionary War, and served under Capt. David Bacheller
and Colonel Tyler in Rhode Island in the year 1780.* They
resided in Medway, or its vicinity, and removed thence, about
the year 1796, to Shrewsbury, Worcester Co., Mass., where he
purchased the farm and tavern-stand previously belonging to
Jotham Hovve.f He there became a prominent citizen and a
Selectman, and "brought up family in such a manner that they
all turned out well." They died in Shrewsbury he, 8 October,
1826; she, 30 June, 1829. Children:
695. i. Susannah, born 13 January, 1777 ; mar. Gregory Mason.
696. ii. Sylvia, b. 13 Sept., 1778 ; m. Lyman Howe; d. 2 Nov., 1856.
697. iii. George, b. 15 May, 1781 ; m. Sarah Bond ; d. 13 Dec, 1827.
iv. Jarib, b. 17 Feb., 1784; m. Eliza A. T. Howlett. He died
26 July, 1834; place and particulars not ascertained,
v. Vesta, born 29 March, 1787; died in the year 1797.
vi. Clarinda, born 2 April 1790; married William P. Homer
of Maumee, Ohio. Children: 1. Martha, born A. D. 1821,
married Post; she died in January, 1846, leaving one
child ; 2. Harriet, married in November, 1848, Post,
husband of her deceased sister.
vii. Harding, born 14 March, 1793; married Maria Morgan of
Brimfield. He died in Homer, N. Y., in the year 1863.
viii. Elizabeth, born 14 May, 1796; married Samuel Wright of
Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts.
698. ix. Calvin Newton, b. 10 Feb., 1799; m. 1st, Persis Warner.
x. Harriet, born 19 July, 1802 ; died at the age of six months.
xi. Harriet, b. 22 Dec, 1804 ; m. Thomas Bond of Royalston,
Mass., and had children: 1. Maria Persis, b. 6 Aug., 1839,
mar. T. Shaw of Hartford; 2. Elizabeth Wright, b. 12
Sept., 1 841, mar. Albert Andrews of Boylston; 3. George
Calvin, b. 2 March, 1843, mar - Abigail Holbrook ; 4. Mary
Slocomb, born 3, March, 1845; 5. Harriet Homer, born
10 November, 1847 ; 6. Henry, died ,
Capt. John Slocomb (o/in, Simon,) was born in Wrentham
Township, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, 10 March, 1754. At
* Revolutionary War Rolls in the Office of the Secretary of State, Boston, Mass.
f See Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.
the outbreak of the Revolutionary War he remained firm in his
loyalty to England and removed to Nova Scotia to avoid being
drafted into the Continental Army. He married, 5 September,
1778, Eleanor Spriggs (Sprague ?) who was born 26 July, 1756.
At the close of the war he visited his relatives in Massachusetts
and on his return to Nova Scotia, in June or July, 1783 (?), he
drew lands near the present City of Digby, and soon thereafter
settled on a farm at Wilmot, Annapolis County, N. S., where
they died he, 30 October, 1825 ; she, 30 December, 1845. He
was generally known in the province as Captain Slocomb, and it
was his custom to journey through the country once or twice
each year teaching and exhorting the people in the interest of
religion. He was one of the pioneer Methodists of the province
and became noted as an able expounder of the Scriptures. Dur-
ing his tours, or circuits, he carried in his portmanteau, with a
few other books, his highly treasured Bible (an ancient print
containing considerable Greek) pencilled with notes and com-
ments. Children :
699. i. Sarah, b. 2 June, 1779 ; m. John Hawkesworth ; d. Oct., 1858.
ii. Joshua, born 24 Feb., 1781; died 25 September, following.
700. iii. John P., b. 3 June, 1782 ; m. Rebecca Hawkesworth ; d. 1853.
701. iv. Joshua U., born 16 May, 1784; mar. Elizabeth Farnsworth.
702. v. William, b. 5 Sept., 1785; m. Eliza Miller; d. n Dec, 1853.
703. vi. Caleb, b. 12 Aug., 1787; m. 1st, Sarah Lennahan; d. 1863.
704. vii. Eleanor, b. 14 April, 1790; m. Oldham Gates; d. Aug., 1849.
705. viii. Lavinia, b. 23 July, 1794; m. Peter Middlemas; d. in 1869.
Experience Slocomb {yohn, Simon,) was born in Wrentham
Township, Massachusetts, 6 November, 1756, and married Elijah
Mann. They settled in Worcester, Mass., and there died she,
in the year 1841. Children :
i. Daniel Mann, born about 1785; mar. Abigail Johnson of
Worcester, Mass. He died 5 Oct., 1849. Children: 1.
Lucinda, mar. Leonard Hunt of Milford and had three
children only one of whom, Perley, now survives ; 2. Caro-
line C, mar. Posial Tenney and resides in Hartford; of
their three children but one, Francis, is now living ; 3.
Sarah, mar. Liberty Phelps of Southbridge and has one
child, Josephine; 4. Emily J., mar. Amariah B. Haynes
and lives in West Brookfield, Mass. ; 5. Abigail; 6. George
W., was lost at sea; 7. Alice Maria, born 28 March, 1830 ;
8. Nahum, born 5 January, 1836; 9. Charles Frederick
Augustus; 10. Mary Louisa.
Arnold Mann, married Mariam Rowley of Worcester, Mass.,
and removed to the State of Ohio many years ago.
Chloe Slocomb {John, Simon,) was born in Wrentham
Township, Massachusetts, 2 October, 1758, and married Benjamin
Mann. They settled in Mendon, Mass., where she died in June,
1849. Children:
i. Cynthia Mann, born about 1786; married Nathan Jillson.
She died in Pelham, Mass., in 1816. Children : 1. Elmira,
mar. John Bailey and has five children ; 2. Manley, mar.
Cook and has three children. Names not reported.
ii. Lavinia Mann, died in May, 18 15, aged about 26 years.
hi. Phebe Mann, married Russell Smith of North Kingstown,
R. I. Of her five children only one was living in the year
1850 a daughter who married in North Kingstown, R. I.
iv. Richard Mann, married Parkhurst. They resided in
Mendon, Mass., where he died in July, 1831. Children :
1. Richard, married ; 2. Catharine, married, William
Thompson and lives in Blackstone, R. I. ; 3. Phebe, mar.
Luther Everington and lives in Mendon ; 4. Elijah, mar.
; 5. Mary, mar. her cousin, son of David Mann; 6. A
deaf mute, died about 1842 aged about six years.
v. Lyman Mann, born 20 Sept., 1796; mar. Cynthia Aldrich
of Northbridge, Mass., by whom he had ten children, seven
of whom were living in the year 1850 six in Woonsocket,
R. I., viz.: 1. Mary, mar. Wilson Chase; a child, Mary,
died in Nov., 1848, aged four years; 2. Sarah; 3. Albinus,
lives in Mendon ; 4. George Slocomb, mar. Lucinda Whip-
ple ; a child, George Waldo, Was born in January, 1850 ; 5.
Susan Ann, mar. Mason Humes ; 6. Adin Ballou; 7. Almira.
vi. David Mann, married his cousin Lucy, daughter of Joshua
Slocomb (page 508). They resided in Coventry, Conn., and
had five sons. Names and dates not reported.
vii. Benjamin Mann, entered the United States Army about 182 1.
Joshua Slocomb (yohn, Simon,) was born in Franklin Town-
ship, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, about the year 1759. He
was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and served in Rhode
Island in the year 1779. In 1780 he was a member of Capt.
Ebenezer Battles's company under Lieut. -Col. Samuel Pierce.*
He was married in Northbridge (?) 25 November, 1784, to Lucy
Dunn who was born in Natick, Mass., 15 March, 1766, daughter
of Henry and Lydia (Parker) Dunn. He was a farmer and
shoemaker ; dwelt in Sutton, Grafton, Southbridge, North-
borough, and finally in Northbridge, Mass., where he died, 28 May,
1816, and was buried. His widow died in Hartford, Conn.,
about the year 1842. Children :
i. Lavinia, b. 25 Sept., 1785 j m. Thomas Axtell (?) of Sutton,
ii. John, born 22 August, 1787 ; was married to Mary Parker
of Northbridge, Mass., by Rev. Dr. Crane. He resided in
Hartford, Conn., and there published, in the year 1844, a
book size 105 pages i8mo., entitled "An Authentic
Narrative of the Life of Joshua Slocum; Containing a
succinct account of his Revolutionary Services, together
with other interesting Reminiscences and Thrilling In-
cidents in his Eventful Life. Carefully compiled by his
eldest son John Slocum." This little book of which but
few copies can now be found is written in a style interest-
ing to the young, but it is open to criticism in some of its
references to contemporaneous history. Its author died in
Troy, N. Y. Children : Eliza, married Haines and
resides in Cohoes, N. Y.; Loami R, resides in Schenectady.
iii. Quincy, born 20 July, 1789. He left America in the year
1808; married in Wales, Great Britain, and died there in
in the year 1856.
iv. Lewis, born 24 July, 1791 ; married 1st, Lydia Pierce (?) of
Sutton, Mass., where she died 27 February, 1861, aged 75
years and 5 months. He died about the year 1865 (?), in
Lynchburgh, Va.,where his 2d wife, Mary Anna, now lives (?).
v. Mary, born 20 March, 1793; m. Loring Lewis of Sutton,
Mass., where she died, 17 March, 1817, and was buried.
vi. Loami, b. 17 Dec, 1796; d. in 181 2; bur. in Sutton, Mass.
vii. Arnold, b. 19 Nov., 1798; mar. Eliza Wildes in Cumming-
ton, Mass. They removed to Detroit, Mich., where he died.
viii. Lucy, born 14 August, 1800; married David Mann (page
507). She died in North Coventry, Conn., 14 Dec, 1855.
ix. Hoatio N., born 4 May, 1805 ; married Mary Andruss (?)
18 August, 1833, in Manchester, Conn. They settled in
Hartford, where he died 4 March, 1864.
706. x. Lydia Dunn, b. 5 April, 1807; m. Lewis Stockwell in 1827.
xi. Elizabeth Nelson, born 15 March, 181 1; was married 25
April, 1828, to Simeon Alby (Albee?) in Northbridge, Mass.,
by Rev. Dr. Crane. She died in Hartford, Ct, 3 Oct., 1845.
xii. Charles, born ; died in his infancy.
* See the Massachusetts Revolutionary War Rolls.
Mary Slocomb (yohn, Simon,) was born in Franklin Town-
ship, Massachusetts, about the year 1762, and married William
Hall. They removed to the State of New York. She died in
i829(?). Children:
i. George Hall, born ; resided in Cleveland, Ohio.
ii. William Hall, b. ; resided in Belleville, Ont, Canada.
iii. Mary Hall, mar. Bartlett Phillips of Kingston, Ont., Can.
iv. Marvel Hall, d. in Hamilton, Canada, leaving two children.
v. Lyman Hall, resided in Chautauqua County, New York.
vi. Benjamin Hall, born 16 October, 1792 ; married Nancy
Kimball and had children : Elizabeth, mar. Thomas Maxon
of Petersburgh ; Whitman, mar. Nancy Brown of Norway,
N. Y. ; Benjamin, James, Lafayette, Susan, Emeline, Har-
riet, Lewis, John, and Almira.
vii. Melinda Hall, born ; resided in Frankfort, New York.
viii. Nancy Hall, born ; resided in Frankfort, New York.
ix. Sarah Hall, married Nathan Miller of Thurlow, Canada.
x. Dulcinea Hall, married Jonah Boss and had one child,
Watson, who lived in Lewis County, New York.
Lavinia Slocomb (John, Simon,) was born in Franklin Town-
ship, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, in December, 1764. In
the year 1783 (?) she accompanied her brother John to Nova
Scotia where she was married to John (Thomas ?) Outhit in 1788.
They settled in Wilmot, Annapolis County, N. S., where he died
a few years after their marriage. She married, second, John
McNeil, and died at Wilmot 4 November, 1845. Child by first
husband :
i. John Outhit, mar. Arabella Brimer and resided at Wilmot,
N. S. Children: 1. John Francis, b. 15 Dec, 1819; 2.
George Edward, b. 2 Oct., 1821 ; was graduated M. D. at
Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., about 1845;
3. Thomas William, b. 14 March, 1825; 4. Lavinia Jane,
b. 10 Sept., 1828, mar. Ansley Margerson in 1857.
Children by second husband :
679." ii. Felix McNeil, b. 10 Jan., 1797; m. AnnaPhinneyin 1818.
iii. Hugh McNeil, born 16 Jan., 1799; mar. and died, at
Georgetown, Prince Edward Island. Children : John
Francis, b. in 1831, died ; Hugh; William; and a
daughter. Dates and particulars have not been reported.
679. b iv. Lavinia McNeil, born in Jan., 1801; mar. O Gates.
v. Mary Experience McNeil, born 14 Nov., 1803; m. Wil-
mot Nash 7 Nov., 1830. Children : 1. William W., b. 30
June, 1832, died ; 2. Frances, b. 4 Aug., 1834, d. 7
Aug., 1834; 3. Charles John, b. 1 May, 1835 ; d. in 1836.
679/ vi. Eleanor McNeil, b. 10 April, 1806; m. Asa Willardin 1828.
Felix and Anna (Phinney) McNeil resided in Wilmot, Nova Scotia,
where she died 30 May, 1850. They had children :
i. John Edwin McNeil, born 4 Dec, 1819; mar. Louisa D.
Morton 2 February, 1843. They resided in Boston, Mass.
Children : 1. Edwin Felix, b. 1 Jan., 1848, d. 1 Sept., 1848;
2. Louisa Anna, b. 27 April, 1850, d. 1 Feb., 1858; 3. Ella
Frances, b. 11 April, 1852; 4. Emma Stella Blake, b. 3
March, 1856; 5. George Phillips, born 31 July, i860.
ii. Caroline Amelia McNeil, born 28 Aug., 1821; mar. 14
Feb., 1855, Augustus I. Leland of Sutton, Mass. He was
killed in the War of the Rebellion. Children: 1. Ann
Amelia, b. 2 Oct., 1856 ; 2. Eleanor D'Arcy, b. 22 Jan., 1859.
iii. James McNeil, born 2 June, 1823 ; married Jane Balcom
and resided in Boston, Mass. Children : 1. James Frank-
lin, born 8 August, 1852; 2. John B., born 8 July, 1854.
iv. Margaret Ann McNeil, born 5 April, 1825.
v. William McNeil, born 14 April, 1830; married Sarah
Stronach in January, 1853.
vi. Edmund Johnson McNeil, born 7 Jan., 1835 ; mar. 8 Oct.,
1859, Naomi Stronach, sister to his brother William's wife.
vii. Mary Olivia, and viii. Lavinia Jane, twins, b. 1 Nov., 1837.
ix. George Lampton McNeil, b. 7 July, 1840; d. in April, 1862.
Mr. O and Lavinia (McNeil) Gates resided in Wilmot, Nova
Scotia, where she died 27 August, 1849. Children:
i. Lavinia Ann Gates, born 3 May, 1820; m. 12 Dec, 1843,
G W. Busteed of Boston, Mass. A child, Willard
John, born 7 July, 1846, died 24 July, 1847.
ii. Eliza Eleanor Gates, born A. D. 1822; d. 24 July, 1847.
iii. Charlotte Experience Gates, born 27 September, 1828.
iv. Charles Edward, v. Elkanah Hugh. vi. Caroline M.
vii. Arabella Outhit Gates, born 16 March, 1836.
viii. Willard Asa Gates, ix. James Wellesley Gates.
x. George Outhit Gates, xi. Wilmot Nash Gates.
Asa and Eleanor (McNeil) Willard kept hotel in St. John, New
Brunswick. He was born 27 June, 1795. Children:
i. John Ambrose Willard, born 19 April, 1830, in St. John (?).
ii. Mary Johnson Willard, born 19 February, 1832; mar.
Charles O. Colby (Colly?) 16 April, 1852. Children: 1.
Mary Lucy, b. 12 April, 1854, d. 28 Dec, 1859; 2. Perci-
val Courtney, b. 4 Jan., 1856; 3. Charles Pease, b. Feb.,
1858, d. Oct., 1859 ; 4. Mary Neal, b. Feb., 1861, d. Oct.,
1861 ; 5. Alice Maud, b. 24 July, 1862.
iii. Richard Watson Willard, b. 7 January, 1834 ; mar. Lucy
Bowen 18 Oct., 1859. He died 18 July, 1862. Children:
1. Mary; 2. Richard Watson, b. 4 July, 1862.
iv. Eliza Lavinia Willard, b. 4 Dec. 1835; d. 16 Mc'h, 1837.
v. Alfred Willard, born 29 March, 1838; d. 8 April, 1839.
vi. Amelia Eliza Willard, b. 22 Aug., 1840; d. 1 May, 1859.
vii. William Albert Willard, born 1 January, 1844.
viii. Emma Julia Willard, b. 31 March, 1846 ; d. 2 Oct., 1847.
Caleb Slocomb {John, Simon,) was born in Franklin Town-
ship, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, 25 January, 1768, and
married Mary Boss (Bass?) 6 September, 1791. They settled
in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, and there died he, 9 April, 1824 ; she,
30 April, 1838, aged 63 years. Children :
Caleb, b. 10 May, 1792; m. Mary Hamilton; d. in 1853.
Thomas, born 20 May, 1794; mar. Mary Barteaux 24 Feb.,
1827, and died at Mount Hanley, Nova Scotia, about 1833
Children : Alzava (?), d. ; and Susanna ; no dates reported
Mary, b. 28 Jan., 1796 ; m. Adam E. Hawkesworth, No. 699
Elizabeth, b. 6 July, 1797 ; m. John Brown; d. 24 Feb., 1833
Timothy, b. 7 Jan., 1799; m. Hannah West 24 Feb., 1825
vi. John, born 19 October, 1800. He left home at an early
age; resided for a time with relatives in Massachusetts,
then went to sea and became mate of a large ship from
which he was lost overboard in the English Channel,
vii. Susannah, born 12 February, 1802; died 30 April, 1802.
viii. Susannah Caroline, born 16 November, 1803 ; married
William Miller, Esq., 26 Feb., 183 1, and resided in Ayles-
ford, Nova Scotia, where she died 10 June, 1843. Children :
1. Julia Ann, b. 29 April, 1832, mar. King; 2. Mary
Eliza, b. 9 Sept., 1833, m. Thomas Dwyer 22 Dec, 1851;
3. Charles Wallace, b. i* Aug., 1837 ; 4. Susan Caroline Au-
gusta, b. 25 July, 1839; 5. Margaret Smith, b. 28 Feb., 1841.
710. ix. Naomi Georgiana, b. 28 April, 1806; mar. James Crowley,
x. Ruth, born 27 March, 1809; mar. William Gold of Corn-
wallis, Nova Scotia, and resided in Sheboygan. Children :
Leonora, b. 1835 ; Mary Christiana, b. 1838 ; Caleb Henry,
born 1839; Ruth Ann, born 1841 ; William W., born 1844;
Leander Starr, born 1 849. Dates of births not fully given.
xi. Julia Ann, born 27 July, 181 1 ; married Isaac G. Noble
of Digby, N. S. She died of consumption 1 Nov., 1852.
xii. Sarah, born 28 November, 1814, at Wilmot, Nova Scotia.
James Slocomb {Samuel, Simon,) was born in 'Leominster,
Massachusetts, A. D. 1766, and married Sarah Trask of Temple-
ton. After marriage he purchased and removed to a farm in
Canaan, New Hampshire, where he resided several years. When
about thirty-six years of age he was afflicted with inflammation
of the eyes which resulted in total blindness. He was broad in his
religious belief, intelligent, and genial with his associates, and
kept up his interest in passing events particularly those of a
political character. His wife died in South Reading, Mass., 2
Dec, 1822, aged fifty-eight years. He died 24 Feb., 1842, in
Haverhill, Mass. Children :
i. James, born 21 Jan., 1784 (?) ; mar. 1st, Louisa Wiley, and
2d, Mary Knight. He died 18 Oct., 1842, in Cambridge,
and was buried in South Reading. Children by first wife : 1.
James, has no children ; 2. Louisa, mar. Stowell and
died a few years ago leaving two children. By second wife :
3. Benjamin Franklin ; 4. Rufus H., and 5. Emeline.
ii. Sarah, born 16 Nov., 1786; mar. Reuben Squier. She died
23 Aug., 1863, in Chelsea, Vt. Children : John, Susan,
Eveline, Menzikoff Catherine, Narcissa, and Sarah ; dates
not reported.
iii. Frederick, born 6 April, 1789; married Elizabeth Wiley.
He died 2 May, 1856, in South Reading, Mass.
711. iv. Rufus, born 26 Feb., 1791; mar. 1st, Elizabeth S. Sargent.
v. Asa R., born 27 April, 1793 ; married Elizabeth Leatherbee.
He died 6 Nov., 1849, m South Reading, Mass. Children :
Elizabeth, Asa, and John ; dates and particulars not reported.
vi. Elizabeth, born , died in her infancy (?).
vii. Susannah, born 22 , 1796; died 24 August, 1798.
viii. Esther, born 23 July, 1798; married Thomas Woodward.
She is now (March, 1882,) living in Wakefield, Mass.
Children : James, Esther, Thomas, Sarah E., George,
Matilda, Mary Ann, and Albert.
ix. Dolly, born 20 August, 1800 ; married Nathan Burditt.
She died in South Reading, Mass., 21 Dec, 1858. Chil-
dren: Maria, Joseph, and Sarah; dates and particulars not
x. Nathan, born 21 September, 1804; married 1st, Lydia
Peters, and 2d Mrs. Burditt. He died 30 October, 1877, m
South Reading, Mass. Children : Roxana, and .
Emmons Slocomb {Samuel, Simon,) was born A. D. 1777 at
Hubbardston, Mass., and married Elizabeth Hyde who was also
born in 1777, at Newton, Mass. They settled at Cambridge,
Mass., and there died. Children :
i. Emmons, twin, born in 1801 ; married Sarah Blanchard. He
died in 187 1 leaving three children ; names not reported.
ii. Thomas, twin, born in 1801 ; died aged nine years.
iii. Samuel, born 5 Jan., 1805, in Cambridge, Mass.; married,
in Dorchester 1 Feb., 1826, Eliza Allen (born at Bridge-
water 15 Sept., 1800, died in 1869,) daughter of Matthew
and Jane Allen. Mr. Slocomb is Treasurer of the East
Cambridge (Mass.) Five Cent Savings Bank ; no children.
iv. Elizabeth, born in the year 1808 j married Benjamin Cook.
She now (March, 1882,) resides at Lincoln, Massachusetts.
v. Rebecca, born in 1810; married Isaac Underwood and died
-, , leaving three children ; names not reported.
vi. Thomas, born in 1813 ; married . He is a mer-
chant in New York City; has no children. One "Thomas
Slocumb " is recorded as a member of the New York His-
torical Society in 1857.
vii. Benjamin, born in 1815, \ ,. , unmarried
viu. Eli, born in the year 1820,)
Bethuel Slocomb {Simon, John, Simon,) was born in Med-
way, Massachusetts, 17 January, 1779, and married Mary Albee
in Holliston 29 October, 18 10. They resided on a farm in Bel-
lingham, Norfolk Co., Mass., where she died 10 August, 1851.
He removed to Woonsocket, R. I., and there died in May, i860.
Both were buried in Bellingham. Children :
i. Vesta, born 22 November 181 1 ; mar. Manley P. Horton
of Woonsocket, R. I., where she died 28 Oct., 1838. Was
buried in Bellingham. She had one child, Lewis Slocomb,
born 3 April, 1837.
712. ii. Bethuel A., born 9 March, 1814; m. Caroline A. Foristall.
iii. Charles Edwards, born 13 May, 1816; mar. Abigail Fisher
of Franklin, Mass. He became a dry-goods merchant in
Woonsocket, R. I., where he died 28 Aug., 1847, without
children ; was buried in Bellingham, Mass. The Woon-
socket Patriot newspaper in reviewing his life said : . . " Few
persons could have been taken from our community by
death whose departure would have been more universally or
deeply regretted His intellect was above the ordinary
grade, and his moral faculties were strongly prominent."
His widow married Rev. Hunt of Franklin, Mass.
iv. Asa George, born 24 Dec, i8i8;died 21 November, 1831.
v. Albert Gallatin, born 15 October, 1821, in Bellingham,
Mass. ; was married there 20 October, 1844, by Rev. Joseph
T. Massey, Baptist, to Mary Frances Clark, youngest daugh
ter of Benjamin Clark of Westborough, and formerly of
Boston where she was born. He was a dealer in boots and
shoes ; resided in Boston some years, then removed to
Delevan, Illinois, where he died without children 26 Novem-
ber, 1872, and where his widow still lives.
vi. Christopher Columbus, born 6 August, 1824; married, 3
December, 1849, Harriet King of Rutland. He is a
physician (?) ; resides in Millbury, Mass.
Mary Slocomb {Simon, yohn, Simon,) was born in eastern
Massachusetts in May, 1790. She married Rev. William Gam-
mell of Medfield, Mass., where she died in April, 1820. Children :
i. William Gammell, born 10 February, 181 2. He was
graduated at Brown University, class of 1831, and was ap-
pointed Professor of Rhetoric in that institution in 1836.
He married first, Elizabeth A., daughter of John Whipple,
Esq., of Providence, R. I., by whom he had one child, John
Whipple, who was born in September, 1839, an d died at
the age of two months. His wife Elizabeth died and he
mar. second, a daughter of Robert Ives, Esq., of Providence.
ii. Mary Morse Gammell, born 26 April, 18 14; mar. Charles
A. R. Brown of Cambridge, Mass. She died 2 April, 1848.
Children: 1. Mary Gammell, died at the age often days;
2. William Gammell ; and 3. Charles. No dates reported.
iii. Asa Messer Gammell, born 26 March, 1816. He was
graduated at Brown University, class of 1841, and resided
in Warren, R. I., as Principal of the Warren Sem. for Ladies.
iv. John Gammell, b. 16 April, 1818; m. in 1841, Elizabeth Hill
Barry, of Wilmington, N. C, and had one child, William.
Lewis Slocomb (Simon, John, Simon,) was born in Belling-
ham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, 22 July, 1795. He was
twice married : first in Medway in January, 1820, to Elmira
Richardson who was born A. D. 1799, and died in 1836 ; and
second, in Medfield, Mass., A. D. 1837, t0 Louisa Watson who
was born in 1806. He has been a manufacturer of straw-goods ;
resided in Mendon from 1820 until 1826 and then removed to
Holliston, Mass., where he was still living in 1880. Children by
first marriage :
713. i. Asa Richardson, b. 19 Nov., 1821 ; m. Caroline H. Tufts.
ii. Christopher Hamilton, b. 30 Oct., 1822 ; d. 27 Aug., 1824.
iii. Lewis Warren, b. 19 Oct., 1827; was mar. to Lucinda
Emmeline Ware in Wellesley, Mass., by Rev. William Bar-
rows, Cong. He resides in Milwaukee, Wis., also his son,
Arthur W.
iv. Francis Dexter, born 25 September, 1832. He entered
the U. S. Array 30 October, 1856, and during the Southern
Rebellion was promoted to Lieutenant, Captain, and finally
to the rank of Major in the 79th Reg. U. S. Infantry. He
died in New York City, and was buried in Holliston, Mass.,
in March, 1878.
Children by second marriage :
v. Elmira Louisa, born 15 Feb., 1839; died 13 Aug., 1853.
vi. Joseph Watson, born 17 January, 1842. He enlisted, in
Massachusetts, as a soldier against the Rebellion and was
killed in a skirmish at White Hall, N. C, in 1862; was
finally buried in Holliston, Mass.
vii. George Wellington, born 1 4 February, 1 844, in Holliston,
Mass. He is a dealer in straw-goods in Boston.
viii. Albert, born 5 July, 1846. Resides in Milwaukee, Wis.
ix. Henry Latham, born 22 Nov., 1849 ; died 18 June, 1850.
Julia Slocomb ( William, yohn, Simon,) was born in Franklin
Township, Massachusetts, 2 September, 1779, and was married
in Sutton in March, 1801, to Noah White of Northbridge. Mr.
White was born 21 February, 1780; was uncle, by his sister
Lucy, to Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. They settled in Sutton,
Mass., and there died he, 23 September, 1831 ; she, 30 April,
1834. Children:
i. Anne White, born 25 June, 1802 j died 26 June, 1802.
686. a ii. Lewis S. White, born 15 Sept., 1803: m. Sarah G. Flagg.
686/ iii. Ebenezer B. White., b. 16 Feb., 1806 ; m. Sophronia Smith.
iv. Julia Ann White, born 7 Aug., 1809; died 28 Nov., 1828.
v. Mary Bentley White, born 23 August, 181 2, and mar. 14
April, 1836, Warren B. Johnson of Webster, who was born
11 July, 1816. They resided in Worcester, Mass., in 1865.
A child, Mary E., born 17 May, 1838, married Hath-
erington and had children. Dates and records not given.
686/ vi. Joel Theron White, b. 16 Sept., 1814; m. Valentia Curtis,
vii. Philo Slocomb White, b. 19 Aug., 1818; d. 16 Aug., 1819.
viii. Adoniram Judson White, born 25 Dec, 1820; m. 6 Sept.,
1842, Lucy P. Stockwell of Sutton. He was steward of
the State Alms House, Monson, Mass. She was born 9
May, 1826, and died of consumption leaving children : 1.
Emma Louisa, born 12 May, 1849, mar. John Edmunds of
North Brookfield, and died ; 2. Lucy Ella, b. 12 May, 1849.
Lewis Slocomb White married, 1 June, 1825, Sarah G. Flagg, of
Needham, who was born 4 May, 1802. She died recently in Upton,
Mass. They resided in Hopkinton, Mass., and had children as follows :
i. Sarah Elizabeth White, b. 8 May, 1826; m. 31 Dec,
1843, Curtis Newell Harrington who was born 16 July, 1821.
They resided in Upton, Mass. Children : 1. Emma Eliz-
abeth^. 27 Feb., 1847 ; 2. Herbert Lewis, b. 25 July, 185 1.
ii. Abigail Mary White, b. 23 Aug., 1829; d. 4 Dec, 1833.
iii. Francis Asbury White, b. 14 May, 1836; d. 3 Oct., 1836.
iv. Ellen Sophia White, born 3 April, 1839; married Joseph
Henry Barrow 27 April, 1859.
Ebenezer Baker White was twice married: first in 1825 to
Sophronia Smith of Smithfield, Rhode Island, and second to Harriet A.
Bennett. He resided in Providence, R. I., and became a portrait
painter of some note. Children by first wife :
i. A child born , died in its infancy.
ii. Emeline A. White, born 6 January, 1828; married Thomas
B. Whitmarsh of Providence, R. I., and had children : 1.
George Henry, b. 24 Feb., 1848; 2. Emeline Agnes, b. 1.
Feb., 1850, d. 7 Jan., 1852.
iii. Philo S. White, born 16 April, 1830; mar. 1st, Oct. 28,
1850, Esther H. Hamilton of Providence. She was b. 28
Oct., 1830, and d. 21 Jan., 1856. He mar. 2d, Margaret
A. Goldsmith 21 Aug., 1856. Children: 1. Clara Frances
Baker, b. 7 March, 1852, mar. ; 2. Alice Eudora, b.
27 July, 1854, d. 8 Sept., 1855.
iv. Julia White, born ; died young.
Child by second wife :
v. George Henry White, b. 29 May, 1841; d. 19 Aug., 1842.
Joel Theron White married, 4 September, 1833, Valentia Curtis who
was born 5 August, 1809. They resided in Millbury, Mass. Children :
i. Elmira E. White, born 8 Dec, 1834; died 24 Dec, 1834.
ii. Henry S. White, born 25 Feb., 1836; married Sarah New-
hall 26 January, 1861, and resided in Millbury, Mass.
iii. Edwin T. White, born 22 Nov., 1838 j died 24 April, 1840.
iv. Harriet A. White, b. 2 March, 1843; d. 18 Sept., 1843.
v. Amanda M. White, born 3 March, 1844 ; m. Skinner
and died in Millbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts,
vi. John William White, born 22 April, 1846; died in 1847.
vii. Edwin Francis White, twin, b. in Feb., 1848 ; m. .
viii. Edward Franklin White, twin with Edwin, died in 1848.
ix. Julia Slocomb White, born 1 April, 1850; m. .
Philo Slocomb ( William, John, Simon,) was born in Frank-
lin Township, Massachusetts, 18 December, 1780, and married,
12 January, 1806, Relief Maynard, born 17 July, 1785, daughter
of Daniel Maynard of Shrewsbury, Mass. They settled in Shrews-
bury ; were admitted members of the church in 181 1, and there
died he, 17 February, 1851 ; she, 1 February, 1861. He was a
carpenter. Children :
i. Caroline Relief, born 27 Oct., 1806; died 26 Sept., 1807.
ii. Caroline, b. 10 Aug., i8o8;d. 25 M'ch, 1812, in Shrewsbury.
714. iii. John Maynard, b. 22 Dec, 1810; m. Juliana White in 1837.
iv. Mary, born 6 April, 1813 j d. 5 Aug., 1828, in Shrewsbury.
v. Hannah Harrington, born 15 January, 1816; mar. Josiah
G. Stone of Shrewsbury, Mass., 3 Dec, 1835, and died of
consumption 4 May, 1849. A child, Emory Cushing, born
25 March, 1844, resides in Worcester, Mass. (?)
vi. Emeline, born 20 Nov., 1822; married, 13 July, 1842, James
E. Munroe of Shrewsbury, Mass., where they now reside.
Children: 1. Frederick Whipple, b. 20 Feb., 1844, married
Lucy Sargent and had two children : 1. George, who died
leaving children, Walton, Frank, Lena, and Emeline; 2.
Henry Philo, born 9 July, 1849, mar. Emeline Knowlton
and resided in Worcester with a child, Charles.
715. vii. George Philo, b. 28 Dec, 1827 j m. LucyS. Brown in 1852.
viii. Harriet Ellen, born 26 Sept., 1829 ; mar. John E. Kerr 20
Sept., 1848, in Shrewsbury, Mass. She died 28 Sept., 1855.
William Slocomb ( William, John, Simon,) was born in
Franklin, Massachusetts, 5 February, 1783, and was reared
principally in Sutton. He married first, November 3, 1805,
Selah Cushing of Franklin. In the year 1816 they removed to
Marietta, Ohio, where she died 29 October, 1839. He married
second, May 10, 1840, Siba H. Buell of Marietta, an aunt of
Maj -Gen. Don Carlos Buell. They removed to Rochester, N.
Y., in the year 1855, and there he died 9 May, 1873.
" The religious character of Mr. Slocomb was marked and
decisive, and the power of a personal consecration was strongly
and deeply felt in many fields of Christian effort."* He united
with the church in Sutton at the age of seventeen years, and
" he was the prime mover in the formation, in May, 1812, of the
religious charitable society for Worcester County, Mass., which,
with some similar institutions, resulted in the American Educa-
tional Society in Boston " (See the Fiftieth Annual Report of
this society). Upon his removal to Marietta, Ohio, in 1816, he
there organized a Sunday school which was probably the first
school of the kind west of the Alleghany Mountains. He also
became actively interested in general education. He engaged
in teaching, and he wrote an arithmetic which was quite exten-
sively used in the schools of the West. He contributed largely
to the support of Marietta College, and to its library, beside
sustaining several young men in its classes. The building
which contains his donation of books was named " Slocomb
Hall" in his honor. " 111 health compelled him to abandon his
favorite occupation of teaching, and he engaged in mercantile
business from which he retired as the infirmities of age in-
creased." He was an elder in St. Peter's Church (Presbyterian)
Rochester, N. Y., during the last seventeen years of his life.
There were no children born to him but he adopted one, Elizabeth
Carter, who afterward married Joseph Ward, a graduate of
Marietta College, grandson of Hon. Levi Ward of Rochester,
and nephew of Mr. Slocomb's second wife. They had two
children : William Slocomb who died at the age of eleven
months, and Fanny, who resides in Rochester, N. Y., with her
parents (?).
Abigail Slocomb ( William, John, Simon,) was born in Sut-
ton, Massachusetts, 1 April, 1785, and married in 1806, Edmund
*See Vinton's Richardson Family Manorial.
Trowbridge Hall of Sutton where they afterward resided. She
died 24 November, 1852. Children :
i. Albert Taft Hall, born 22 June, 1807; d. 2 Nov., 1826.
ii. Joseph Hall, ) twins, born 11 March, 18 10; died, one the
iii. Mary Hall, j 19th and the other the 20th March, 1810.
689." iv. Electa S. Hall, b. 29 M'ch, 181 1 ; m. Joseph S. Livermore.
v. William Slocomb Hall, b. 2 Nov., 1816 ; m. Frances
Elizabeth Watson of Westfield, and resided in Northbridge,
Mass. They had one child, Abigail Ellen, b. 4 Aug., 1843,
who mar. Robinson of Northbridge, Mass., where he
now resides.
689/ vi. Theron E. Hall, b. 8 Nov., 1821; m. Jemima W. Mann,
vii. Joseph Leonard Hall, born 12 Oct., 1823; mar. Eliza Ann
Prescott of Sutton. He was a soldier in the War of the
Rebellion, and afterward night policeman in Worcester,
Mass., where he died 12 January, 1876, leaving one child,
Henry Samuel, who was born 7 April, 1845.
Electa Slocomb Hall was married to Joseph S. Livermore of Mill-
bury, Mass. They settled in Sutton where she died 10 August, 1879.
Children :
i. Albert Augustus Livermore, b. i i July, 1830. P. O. Allston.
ii. Electa Ann Livermore, born 17 April, 1834; mar. N
H. White who was born in Putney, Vermont, 12 February,
1833. They resided at Millbury, Mass., after marriage and
there a child, Bessie F., was born 7 Feb., 1870. In April,
1 88 1, they removed to a stock-farm near Beloit, Mitchell
County, Kansas.
Theron Edmund Hall married, 8 May, 1843, Jemima Wright Mann
of Leicester, Mass. He was commissioned Major in the war against
the Rebellion, and served as Quartermaster of the 21st Reg. Mass.
Vols., and afterward as Quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac
when stationed at Aquia Creek. Following this he was transferred to
Camp Nelson, Kentucky, which was the base of supplies for General
Burnside's army when he was pushing his way into East Tennessee.
After the close of the war he was Superintendent of the Soldiers' Home in
Maine. His health failing he went to California to restore it, but died
4 August, 1880, at Spring Valley near San Diego, Cal. His family
resided in Hold en, Massachusetts. Children :
i. Mary Ellen Hall, born 9 November, 1845; married, 16
January, 1866, Capt. D. H. L. Gleason and resided in
Holden, Mass. Present postoffice Natic, Massachusetts (?).
ii. Edmund Billings Hall, b. ii July, 1850. P. O. Diego, Cal.
iii. Abigail Slocomb Hall, b. 5 May, 1855. iv. Henry Hall.
Electa Slocomb ( William, John, Simon,) was born in Sut-
ton, Mass., 9 September, 1787. She married Dea. Ebenezer
Hall of Croyden, New Hampshire, where they afterward lived,
and where she died 20 January, 18 17. Children :
i. Jerusha Richardson Hall, born 10 September, 1808; mar-
ried, 14 Aug., 1829, John Chace of Boscawen, N. H., who
died in May, 1830. She married 2d, May 3, 1836, Samuel
P. Lindley who removed the same year to Ohio where she
died 26 April 1837.
ii. Tabitha Fletcher Hall, born 19 January, 1812 ; mar. 1
Oct., 1834, Uriah Searles. They resided in Grafton, Mass.,
where he died. Children : 1. Uriah Henry, b. 9 April, 1836,
d. 30 July, 1859; 2. John Francis, b. 5 Nov., 1837, mar.
Hall and resided in Worcester with children, Minne
and Arthur ; 3. Susan Electa, b. 22 May, 1844.
iii. Mary Wirt Hall, b. in May, t8i6; died in March, 1817.
Pliny Slocomb ( William, John, Simon,) was born in
Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 5 December, 1791.
He was twice married; first, 21 April, 18 19, to Rachel Fisher,
of Franklin, who was born 22 April, 1797, and died in Novem-
ber, 1839 ; second, 24 June, 1840, to Mrs. Emily Corson Moody,
of Amesbury, who was born 23 June, 18 16. He commenced
business-life as a school-teacher, afterward became a carriage-
painter, and later in life a farmer in Sutton where he died sud-
denly, 18 November, 1862, of congestion of the brain and lungs.
Children by first wife :
i. Rachel Fisher, born 12 June, 1820; mar. 2 June, 1845,
Augustus Adams who was born in January, 1822. They
resided in Sutton, Mass., where she died 27 Aug., 1864,
leaving one child, Mary Anne, born 10 December, 1846.
716. ii. Edwin P., b. 7 March, 1823; m. Wilhelmina Todd; d. in 1865.
iii. Harriet Amelia, born 6 March, 1825 ; mar. 28 March,
1 86 1, John N. Parker who died in Slatersville, R. I., near
the close of the War of the Rebellion of disease contracted
in the army. Mrs. Parker still lives in Slatersville. A
child, Anne Slocomb, was born n October, 1863.
iv. Cordelia, bom 6 May, 1829 ; married Chi
died in the army during the War of the Rebel
dren : 1. Arthur, mar. Adeline Cook and resided in Paw-
tucket, R. L, with children, Charles A. and Daisy; 2.
Rachel, mar. Abram Moore and resided in Grafton, Mass.,
with a child, Mabel ; 3. Edwin, resides in Pawtucket, R. I.
v. Martha, born 24 July, 1831; married, 26 June, 1851,
Willard O. Ferry of Grafton, Mass., who was born 17
September, 1828. Children: 1. Etta Arabella, born 8
June, 1854; died in 1863; 2. Nettie, died .
vi. A son, born in November, 1834, died the same month.
vii. Ellen Jane, born 7 February, 1837 ; married George Crane
of Hartford where they afterward resided.
viii. Charles Fisher, b. 23 Sept., 1839; m. 14 April, 1 861, Ann L.
Dyer of Northbridge, Mass. He was a soldier against the
Rebellion ; d. 27 March, 1864 (?), leaving one child, Charles
Edwin, b. 17 Feb., 1862, who lives in Farmersville, Mass.
Children by second wife :
ix. Mary Emily, born 28 August, 1841 ; died 29 March, 1844.
x. Emma Wingate, born 7 May, 1845; married Walter Chase
of Wilkinsonville, Massachusetts, and died , .
Capt. John Wilkes Slocomb ( William, yohn, Simon,) was
born in Sutton, Massachusetts, 1 December, 1793, and married,
in 18 1 3, Sarepta Adams of Northbridge. After marriage they
dwelt a short time in Northbridge, then removed to Grafton,
Mass., where he engaged in the manufacture of shoes and in
mercantile business. He commenced life poor but by his
enterprise and good business qualities he accumulated consider-
able wealth. He was chosen Captain in the Grafton Militia, and
he was the first President of the Grafton Bank. He died 26 May,
1867. Children:
i. Lucinda Maria, born 24 September, 1813; mar. in 1833,
John Bigelow of Grafton. They removed to North Brook-
field, Mass., where she died 6 Feb., 1849. Children : 1.
John Wilkes, b. 14 Jan., 1834, was graduated at Brown
University, class of 1856, and settled in Grafton ; 2. Jane
Elizabeth, b. 4 April, 1842, d. in April, 1849.
ii. Augustus, born 31 July, 181 5 ; mar. Sarah Maria Dodge of
Northbridge. They resided in Grafton where she died 26
November, 186 r. He died near Red River in Louisiana 5
Feb., 1866. They had one child, Edwin Augustus, who
was born 29 March, 1839, and mar. 12 Oct., 1859, Amelia
C. Edwards of Johnstown, N. Y., by whom he had one
child, Louisa Edwards, b. 14 July, i860.
iii. Cynthia Adams, b. 31 March, 1820; mar. Joseph W.
Leland of Grafton. Children : 1. Charles Henry, b. 27
Aug., 1845, mar. j 2. Lucinda Slocomb, b. 17 Dec,
1848, d. 30 Aug., 1849.
iv. George Fayette, born 3 February, 1823; married Lucy
Hancock of Grafton, Mass., where they afterward resided.
He succeeded his father in business ; has held various minor
offices, and been Representative to the Massachusetts Leg-
islature. Children: 1. George Henry, b. n Oct., 1848, d.
15 Sept., 1849 ') 2 - Louisa Maria, b. 17 Nov., 1851, married
v. Nancy, born 18 June, 1826 ; died aged nine days.
vi. Mary, born 25 April, 1828 ; died aged two days.
vii. Henry, born 20 July, 1829, and died the same day.
viii. Susan, born 5 March, 1832 ; mar. 1st, Nov. 21, 1849, George
W. Collier, of Grafton, who died of small-pox while on a
visit to Shelby, Ohio. She mar. 2d, George W. Howe in
1858, and died 6 Jan., 1863. Children : 1. Mary Elizabeth
Collier, b. 8 Aug., 1851, d. 10 April, 1854; 2. George F.
Howe, b. in 1859, d. 27 Nov., 1859.
Horatio Slocomb ( William, John, Simon,) was born in
Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 12 October, 1795,
and was married 14 November, 1820, to Roxellana Wheelock
who was born 29 February, 1796, daughter of Obadiah and
Lucretia Wheelock of Grafton. They settled on his father's
homestead farm in Sutton and there died she, 19 September,
1868; he, 10 June, 1870.
During the later years of his life he became actively interested
in tracing the* genealogy of the Slocombs and visited several
places (including Nova Scotia) for that purpose, meeting with
considerable success. The result of his inquiries in this direction
was sent, by his daughter Maria in 1880, to the writer who has
adapted his gleanings and added to them for this publication.
The following is a list of his children :
717. i. Lucretia W., born 19 Nov., 182 1; mar. Sylvester F. Morse.
718. ii. Erastus H.,b. 8 Feb., i823;m. Sarah A. Stowe ioMay, 1854.
719. iii. Maria R., b. 25 Oct., 1824; m. William Terry 10 May, 1848.
720. iv. Clarissa L., b. 30 Nov., 1827; m. John B. Wheeler in 1853.
v. William Henry, born 22 August, 1829; married, 19 Novem-
ber, 1 86 1, Lucy Provost of Philadelphia where he now
resides as a merchant. He was a member of the Pennsyl-
vania Militia called out to protect the borders at the time
of the Battle of Antietam, Maryland. No report received.
721. vi. Jerusha R., b. 14 Nov., 183 1 ; m. Alvah L. Frisbie; d. 1872.
722. vii. Silas Austin, b. 10 June, 1834; m. Ruth A. Orcutt in 1865.
723. viii. Albert Haven, b. 16 Dec, 1836; m. Lilly E. Taylor in 1870.
Silas Slocomb( William, John, Simon,) was born in Sutton,
Massachusetts, 24 January, 1799. He removed in early man-
hood to Marietta, Ohio, and there married, first, March 25, 1828,
Deborah Packard Cone, daughter of Timothy and Sarah Howard
(Bailey) Cone then of Marietta but natives of Connecticut. She
was born in Warren, Ohio, 21 Feb., 1808, and died at Marietta
15 April, 1863. He married second, January 15, 1867, Mrs.
Amy Kendall, daughter of Chase. Her first husband was
Whipple Bigelow of Sutton. Mr. Slocomb was a merchant ; was
for many years a deacon in his church at Marietta, Ohio, where
he died 13 July, 1877. Children, all by first wife :
i. Sarah Cone, b. 27 June, 1829, in Jackson, Jackson County,
Ohio; d. 17 Aug., 1834, in Marietta, Washington Co., Ohio.
ii. William Richardson, born 31 Aug., 1833, d 17 Aug., 1834.
724. iii. Mary, b. 1 June, 1836 ; m. David B. Cotton 21 Nov., 1861.
Susannah Slocomb [George, John, Simon,) was born in Med-
way (?), Massachusetts, 13 January, 1777. She married Gregory
Mason, of Shrewsbury, who died 21 May, 1836. Children :
i. Charles Mason, born 7 March, 1798; mar. and had
children: 1. Susannah Slocomb, b. 18 Dec, 1824; 2. Abi-
gail Mercy, b. 10 June, 1827 ; 3. James Henry, b. 6 March,
1829; 4. Nancy Priscilla, b. 21 March, 1831 ; 5. Julia
Green, b. 5 Jan., 1834; 6. Marietta, b. 7 Feb., 1837.
ii. Vesta Mason, born 5 Feb., 1800; mar. Christopher Wright
of Northampton and had children : 1. Georgianna M., b. 5
June, 1832; 2. Henrietta M., b. 5 Oct., 1834; 3. Margaret
P., b. 28 Jan., 1837 ; and 4. James G., b. in Jan., 1841.
iii. Margery Mason, b. 15 July, 1802, in Shrewsbury (?), Mass.
iv. Horace Mason, born 16 December, 1804; mar. and
had children : 1. Juliana, b. 20 Sept., 1829; 2. Henrietta,
b. 19 Jan., 1832; 3. George Henry, b. 22 July, 1833; 4.
Marcus Priest, b. 20 April, 1835.
v. James Penniman Mason, born 7 June, 1807 was killed by
a gun 30 May, 182 1.
vi. Henry Harding Mason, born 11 January, 18 15 ; mar. his
cousin Harriet Maria Howe (page 524) and had children:
1. Ellen Maria, b. 4 Feb., 1849 > ar >d Frank Lewis.
vii. James Penniman Mason, b. 29 July, 1821 ; d. 15 Nov., 1825.
Sylvia Slocomb {George, John, Simon,) was born in Med-
way (?), Massachusetts, 13 September, 1778, and married Lyman
Howe, of Shrewsbury, who was born 1 June, 1777. She died
2 November, 1856. Children :
i. Joseph Cloys Howe, born 17 July, 1802 ; mar. 1st, Han-
nah June who died in May, 1842. Children: 1. Charles
H., b. 14 Dec, 1827; 2. Ann Maria, b. 22 March, 1828;
3. and 4. Edward Lewis, and Augustus Hanman, twins,
died young; 5. Lyman, twin, b. 1840, d. young; 6. Louisa,
twin, born 1840. He mar. 2d, Sarah Haywood and had
children ; 7. Lyman, d. young; 8. George, b. in Dec. 1845.
ii. Hammond Howe, born 14 September, 1804; married Mrs.
Sarah Price - -, and died without children,
iii. Lewis Howe, born 8 Oct., 1806, and died in Oct., .
iv. Louisa Howe, born 20 December, 1808; mar. William L.
Lewis of Grafton. Children: 1. Louisa M., born 22 Oct.,
1829; 2. Charles b. 22 Dec, 1831, was killed by a stage
in July, 1833 ; 3. Charles, b. 1 June, 1837 ; 4. Mary, b. 14
Dec, 1839; 5. Theodore Lyman, born 22 April, 1843; 6.
George, born 20 June, 1846.
v. Elmira Howe, born 30 January, 181 1; married in 1838,
Eliakim Morse of Medfield, Mass., and had children :
Mary, born in 1841, and Louisa, born in 1843.
vi. Clarinda Howe, born 6 February, 18 13 ; mar. Jonas H.
Allen of Shrewsbury, Mass., and removed to Maumee, Ohio.
Children: 1. Charles, b. in March, 1834; 2. James, b. in
1836 : 3. George Harrison, b. in April, 1844, d. in Aug., 1846.
vii. Sylvester Howe, born 22 March, 18 15; mar. Mary Jane
Kimball who died in May, 1844. A child, Martha Ann,
was born 30 April, 1844.
viii. Jared Slocomb Howe, b. 16 Dec, 1817 ; m. Harriet Howe.
ix. Harriet Howe, b. 24 July, 1820; m. Henry H. Mason, p.524.
George Slocomb (George, John, Simon,) was born in Med-
way, Massachusetts, 15 May, 1781. He married, first, in 1805,
Lucy (Sarah ?) Bond of Boylston. They kept a public house at
Cambridgeport a few years, then removed to Shrewsbury where
she died 26 May, 1 8 1 5 . He married second, Oct., 13, 1817,
Sarah, daughter of Capt. Lewis Eager of Shrewsbury, where he
died 13 December, 1827. Children by first wife:
i. George Bond, born ; died young.
ii. Lucy Ann, mar. Jonas Wilson of Spencer where she died
leaving children, George S. and Lucy Ann who died .
Children by second wife :
iii. Charles Eager, born 10 Aug., 1818 ; married, 16 Oct., 1850,
Sarah Ann Cowles, of Warren, Mass., who died 6 Jan., 1852.
iv. Sarah Cleora, born 10 September, 1820; married Richard
Russell and removed to Unity, Columbiana County, Ohio.
Calvin Newton Slocomb {George, John, Simon,) was born
in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 10 February,
1799, and married first, in 1827, Persis Cutting Warner who was
born in Holden, Mass., 4 Feb., 1807, and died in Tioga, Pennsyl-
vania, 12 September, 1855. He succeeded his father in tavern-
keeping in Shrewsbury where he resided many years and then
removed to Homer, Cortland County, New York, where he be-
came a grocer. He married second, who survives him.
He died in Homer 28 June, 1875. Children, all by first wife :
i. Caroline Warner, born in January, 1828, in Shrewsbury,
Mass. ; died 6 Jan., 1840, in Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y.
ii. Harriet Georgiana, born 18 March, 1830, in Shrewsbury,
Mass. ; was married in Homer, N. Y., 6 June, 1849, to John
B. Steele, born in Waterford, N. Y., 14 April, 1827, son of
Samuel Steele who was well known throughout eastern New
York as a teacher They have a fine residence at Asheville,
Buncombe County, North Carolina, in the midst of most
picturesqe scenery, but pass much of the time in Charleston,
S. C. Mr. Steele is a member of the firm of Edwin Bates &
Co., wholesale dealers in dry-goods, notions and ready-made
clothing. Children: 1. Ellen B., lives with her parents; 2.
Mary H., died in her infancy.
iii. George, born in January, 1832, in Shrewsbury, Mass.
Sarah Slocomb {John, John, Simon,) was born in Halifax,
Nova Scotia, 2 June, 1779 ; married John Hawkesworth in 1794,
and died in October, 1858. Children :
i. Adam Eaton Hawkesworth, born 3 March, 1795; mar.
Mary Slocomb (page 511) and settled at South Cove, Digby,
N. S. Children: 1. James, died 3 April, 1853; 2. Sarah
Eleanor ; 3. Catherine, mar. Munroe and had children,
Margaret and . Resided at Vienna, Bayham, Ont.
ii. James Hawkesworth, born 15 June, 1797; mar. Sarah
Shoemaker. He died in April, 1851. Children: John,
Hannah, Peter, Easton, James and George ; dates not rpd.
699.* hi. Elizabeth Hawkesworth, b. 24 Aug., 1799; m.R. Douglas.
iv. John Hawkesworth, born 18 October, 1804, in Wilmot,
N. S.; married Rhobea (?) Clark and resided at Mahone
. Bay, N. S., with children, John, and Mary Ann.
v. George Hawkesworth, born n July, 1806; mar. Hannah
Young 22 Feb., 1827, and resided in New Germany, N. S.
Children : William, Sativa, Joshua, Caroline, John Wesley,
Miriam, Adam Easton, Edward, Elizabeth, Hannah, James
Henegar, and two others. Dates of births not reported.
vi. Joshua S. Hawkesworth, born 18 Feb., 1809, in Wilmot,
N. S.; mar. 24 Nov., 1831, Mary McCormick who was born
16 Nov., 181 1. They resided in Digby, N. S. Children :
1. Daniel, b. 9 Aug., 1833, mar. Sarah Casseboon in Dec,
1856; 2. Susanna, born 24 March, 1835, mar. William A.
Wright of Digby in 1859; 3. Sarah, b. 28 Jan. 1837; 4.
Henry Blakeslee, b. 30 Dec, 1838; 5. Edward Thorn, b.
6 Feb., 1 841 ; 6. Margaret, b. 14 March, 1843, died 19
May, 1844; 7. Casandria, b. 1 March, 1846; 8. Mary
Hill, b. 28 May, 1848; 9. Mariana Jane, b. 17 Nov., 1849,
d. in 1862 ; 10. William Bullock, b. 13 October, 1851 ; n.
Alice Blair; 12. James Clare. Dates of last two not rpd.
vii. Eleanor Hawkesworth, b. 19 July, 1811; mar. 24 Oct.,
1833, Henry Blakeslee of St. John, N. B., who was born 11
Jan., 18 1 2. They resided at Bear River, Hillsbury, N. S.
She died in July, 1856 (?). Children: 1. Deborah Mary
Sophia, b. 22 March, 1836; 2. Zebulon Estey, b. 13 Jan., 1838.
Elizabeth Hawkesworth married, 27 February, 1823, Robert
Douglas who was born in Scotland 25 January, 1799. They resided
in Wilmot, Nova Scotia. Children :
i. Sarah Jane Douglas, b. 17 Dec, 1823; m. Charles
Weaver 28 Jan., 1841. They resided at Gates' Breakwater,
N. S. Children: 1. Henry, b. in Oct., 1841; 2. Robert
Douglas, b. in June, 1843 ; 3. Eleanor, b. in July, 1845 ; 4.
Charles, b. in Nov., 1847 ; 5. Joseph, b. in May, 1850.
ii. James Howard Douglas, born 18 October, 1826.
iii. Barbara Eleanor Douglas, born 22 October, 1828; mar-
ried Edmund Wade n January, 1853.
iv. Margaret Ann Douglas, born 18 August, 1830.
v. John Hawkesworth Douglas, born 29 March, 1833.
vi. Robert Joshua Douglas, born 17 June, 1835.
vii. Mary Sophronia Douglas, born 8 June, 1837.
viii. Francis Outhit Douglas, born 9 March, 1840.
John Prince Slocomb (John, John, Simon,) was born in
Wilmot (?), Nova Scotia, 3 June, 1782, and married Rebecca
Hawkesworth who was born 25 March, 1785. They settled in
Wilmot and there died he, 20 March, 1853 ; she, 25 May,
1857. Children:
i. Mary, born 16 May, 1806 ; married 13 Dec, 1827, James
Parker who was born 13 Dec, 1804. Children: 1 Miriam,
b. 16 Dec, 1828 ; 2. Rebecca, b. 17 April, 1831 ; 3. John
Slocomb, b. 4 April, 1833 ; 4. and 5. William James, and
Isaac Newton, twins, born n April, 1835.
ii. William, b. 24 March, 1808; d. 5 May, 1809, in Wilmot.
iii. Sarah, born 24 Dec, 1809, in Wilmot; died 5 Jan., 1810.
iv. Abraham, b. 21 November, 18 10; died 21 October, 183 1.
v. Rebecca, born 10 February, 1813; married William H.
Harrison, husband of her deceased sister Sarah. She died
27 December, 1856, in St. John, New Brunswick.
vi. Isaac, born 16 August, 181 5 ; was accidentally killed in Feb-
ruary, 1835, in London, England, (another account says
New York) where he was a student of medicine.
vii. Sarah, b. 24 April, 181 7 ; m. W. H. Harrison ;d. 5 Sept., 1840.
725. viii. Jacob, born 1 April, 1819; mar. Jerusha T. Gates in 1843.
Joshua Upham Slocum (John, John, Simon,) was born in
Wilmot (?), Nova Scotia, 16 May, 1784, and married Elizabeth
Farnsworth 6 February, 1808. They settled on a farm at Mount
Hanley, N. S. Late in life they, with their youngest daughter,
resided in St. John, N. B., a few years then returned to their
farm where they died he, 10 September, 1850; she, 20 July,
1852, aged 61 years. Children :
i. Susannah Sprague, born 6 Sept., 1809; mar. Solomon
Bowlby and resided at Cornwallis, Kings County, N. S.
Children: 1. Eunice, b. 14 Feb., 1828; 2. Joshua, b. 24
May, 1829; 3. George, b. 27 March, 1831; 4. Elizabeth,
b. 10 Oct., 1832 ; 5. Jourdan, b. 14 Oct., 1834; 6. Achsah,
b. 5 Aug., 1836; 7. Solomon, b. 12 May, 1839; 8. Joel,
b. 21 June, 1841 ; 9. Susan, b. 19 Jan., 1844; 10. Mary
Ann, b. 10 April, 1846; 11. James Rupert, b. 25 June,
1848; 12. Horatio Outhit, born 8 May, 1853.
726. ii. John, born 13 June, 181 1 ; married first Sarah Southern,
iii. Deborah, b. 15 March, 1813 ; mar. Joel Banks 10 March,
1 83 1. He is a farmer and Justice of the Peace. P. O.
. Clarence, Annapolis Co., N. S. Children : 1. Caleb H.,
b. 30 Jan., 1832, d. 1 Aug., 1850; 2. Elizabeth, b. 30
October, 1835; 3. Ruth A., born 17 January, 1846; 4.
Naomi, born n February, 1850.
iv. Mary U., born 29 March, 1815; mar. David C. Landers 12
June, 1832. He has been a Member of Parliament.
Resides at Nictaux, Annapolis Co., N. S. Children: 1.
David Miller, b. 13 May, 1834; 2. Mary Elizabeth, b. 2
Sept., 1836; 3. George Wilfrea, b. 29 Dec, 1837; 4.
Isabel Bill, b. 27 Sept., 1839; 5. Ada Elvira, b. 3 July,
1843 ; 6. Agnes Johnson, born 28 January, 1849.
v. Elizabeth, born 13 January, 181 7 ; mar. Francis Miller.
They reside on a farm at Mt. Hawley, N. S. Children :
1. Henrietta, b. 16 Sept., 1839, mar. Reed, had one
daughter, and died 19 March, 1868; 2. Mary Lavinia, b.
3 Sept., 1841, mar. Meter (?) ; 3. Caleb, b. 3 Oct.,
1843 ; 4. Joshua, born 3 May, 1845 ; 5. Guilford, born 26
September, 1848; 6. Erastus Slocomb, b. 20 July, 1850.
vi. Lavinia, born 29 March, 1819; mar. 20 Dec, 1841, Henry
Miller, a farmer, and resides at Mt. Hanley, N. S. Chil-
dren : 1. James Henegar, b. 30 Jan., 1844; 2. Susanna, b.
28 Jan., 1846, d. 2 Feb., 1846; 3. Ruth Ada, b. 3 Oct.,
1848; 4. Samuel Wesley, b. 22 July, 1850; 5. Albert
Slocomb, born 7 July, 1852.
vii. Joshua, born 14 November, 1820; died 17 March, 1832.
727. viii. Joel, b. 6 Jan., 1823; m. Irene Huntington 1 Dec, 1842.
ix. Samuel B., born 27 January, 1825 ; mar. Susan Brown
(family 708) in August, 1846. He dwelt on a farm near
his father a short time, then began a speculative life which
he has since followed. While conducting a successful
trade in general merchandise at Port George, N. S., he
built a large schooner which was christened "E. P. Ross."
She sailed for Boston, Mass., encountered a heavy gale and
was lost with three of her crew. The subject of this
sketch and Isaiah Slocomb (family 709) barely escaped
from the wreck, the former sustaining a broken leg and
injuries from which he nearly died after reaching land. He
resides at Port Lome, Annapolis Co., N. S., without children.
x. Angelina, born 29 June, 1827 ; married Nathaniel Whitman
5 Nov., 1845. Resides at Arlington, Annapolis Co., N. .S
Children: 1. Adelia, born 12 March, 1848; 2. Azel,
born 25 December, 1849; 3. Edwin, born 9 October, 1851.
xi. Naomi, born 6 July, 1829; mar. 13 Jan., 1846, John Gates
of Gates' Mountain, N. S. Resides at East Boston.
Children: 1. Kezia, b. 13 Jan., 1847 ; 2. Ruth Alice, b. 19
December, 1848; 3. Margaret Lelia, born 31 May, 1851.
xii. Ruth, born 27 July, 183s ; mar. 14 Oct., 1852, Charles A.
Elliott, J. P., now Custom House Officer at Port George.
Res. Mount Hanley, N. S. Child Susan E., b. 29 July, 1853.
702 *
William Slocomb {John, John, Simon,) was born in Wilmot,
Nova Scotia, 5 September, 1785, and married, 21 February,
1820, Eliza, daughter of Jacob Miller an early settler at Mount
Hanley, N. S. They settled on a farm at Mt. Hanley, about
two miles from his brother Joshua, where he accumulated con-
siderable wealth, and died 11 December, 1853. Children :
i. Jacob, b. 14 Nov., 1821. ii. Sarah, died in 1823 (1825?).
728. iii. John, b. 21 April, 1826; m. 1st, Dorothy Baker ; d. 1880.
iv. Eleanor, born 8 August, 1828; married William Beach.
729. v. William, twin, b. 21 Nov., 1830; m. 1st, CarolinelWilkins.
vi. Caleb, twin, born 21 November, 1830; died A. D. 1872.
730. vii. Abraham, born 2 Sept., 1833; mar. 1st, Elizabeth Gibson,
viii. Sarah, born 7 February, 1836; married John Bruce.
ix. Henry, born 8 June, 1837 ; died 22 March, 1853.
x. Isaac, born 5 January, 1840; married Louisa Miller. Re-
sides at Port Lome, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, with
four children. Dates and particulars of births not given.
xi. James Henegar, born 16 May, 1842. Postoffice Havelock,
Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. Unmarried.
Caleb Slocomb {John, John, Simon,) was born in Wilmot,
Nova Scotia, 12 August, 1787, and married first, Sarah Lenna-
han 18 February, 18 10. She died in January, 1829, and he
married second in June, 1831, Sarah, daughter of O. W. Wilson
of Barrington. Mr. Slocomb participated in the defense of the
provincial seaports against United States privateers in the War
of 18 1 2 ; was a blacksmith by trade ; was of a very jovial
nature and fond of practical jokes. They resided in Argyle,
Yarmouth Co., N. S., and died he, 23 July, 1863 ; she, 26
August, 1865, aged 69 years. Children by first marriage :
731. i. William, b. 26 Sept., 1810; m. Emeline Little; d. in 1865.
ii. Caroline, born in January, 1812 ; mar. 25 March, 1835,
Pardon Storitt and resided in New Germany, N. S. Child-
ren : Henrietta, Edwin, Peter, Theodore, and Caleb
Slocomb ; dates of births not reported.
iii. Ann, born 1814; d. 1816. iv. Rebecca, born 1 May, 181 7.
v. Christiana, b. 14 June, 1819; mar. Morris Wheelock 11
March, 1847, and resided in Nictaux, N. S. Children : 1.
Ellen Gertrude, b. 25 Nov., 1848; 2. Alice Sophia, b. 15
April, 185 1.
vi. Walter Bromley, b. 1 June, 182 1 ; mar. Sarah Morgan 26
Feb., 1852. They resided in Wilmot, N. S. ; had eight
children of whom five died in their infancy ; the others are :
Caleb, b. about 1859; Ada Leila (?), b. about 1861 ;
Cora Dell, b. about 1867, was adopted by William Semple
of Port George (now deceased), whose family lives in Boston.
vii. Eliza, born in 1823. viii. Eleanor, born 20 Oct., 1825.
ix. Ethelon B.,) twins, born 9 August, 1828. Ethelon died 9
x. Sarah Ann,) June, 1830.
Child by second marriage:
732. xi. Obadiah Wilson, b. 17 May, 1833 '> m - Mary E. Nickerson.
Eleanor Slocomb {John, John, Simon,) was born in Wil-
mot, Nova Scotia, 14 April, 1790, and married Oldham Gates of
that place 13 Jan., 18 14. She died 22 Aug., 1849. Children :
i. Lavinia Gates, born 3 January, 181 5 ; mar. John Bowlby (?)
and resided in Wilmot. Children : Sarah Eleanor and Sidney.
ii. Maria Gates, born 5 September, 1816; mar. John Henry
Potter and resided at Port Clements, N. S. Children : 1.
Eleanor Amelia, born 5 Jan., 1843, died 28 Aug., 1847 '> 2 -
Mary Lavinia, born 30 July, 1840; 3. Gates, born 24 May,
1848; 4. James Leverett, born 8 December, 1850.
iii. William Gates, born in the year 181 8.
iv. Amos, born in 1820; was killed by a horse 23 July, 1848.
v. Sarah E., m. William Van Buskirk; dwelt in Wilmot. Chil-
dren: Amos, b. 22 Nov., 1849; Geo. Oscar, b. 24 Jan., 185 1.
vi. Caleb Gates, vii. Susan Gates, viii. John S. Gates.
Lavinia Slocomb (John, yohn, Simon,) was born in Wilmot
Nova Scotia, 24 July, 1794, and married Peter Middlemas of
that place 8 Feb., 1821. She died 20 Oct., 1869. Children:
i. Eleanor Middlemas, b. 26 Nov., 1821; m. Martin Gates
14 Nov., 1844, a "d resided in Wilmot. Children: 1. Mary
Lavinia, b. 9 March, 1847 ; 2. Sarah Amanda, b. 17 Nov.,
1849; 3. A child, born 18 June, 1852.
ii. Mary E., b. 30 Sept., T823 ; m. James E. Slocomb ; No. 735.
iii. Susan, b. in Feb.. 1825. iv. George, born in March, 1829.
v. John Middlemas, b. Jan., 1831; mar. Rebecca Parker 4
Jan., 1853. Resided in Wilmot, N. S., with a large family,
vi. David Middlemas, b. 31 Jan., 1833 ; drowned 29 June, 1849.
vii. Julia Middlemas, born 20 February, 1840.
Lydia Dunn Slocomb (Joshua, John, Simon) was born in
Sutton, Massachusetts, 5 April, 1807, and was reared by her
aunt from the age of six to the age of seventeen years, when she
returned to her parents. She was married, in Northbridge, by
Rev. Dr. Crane, Presbyterian, 12 April, 1827, to Lewis Stock-
well, a farmer, who was born in Sutton 8 February, 1800, son of
Nathaniel and Susannah (Greenwood) Stockwell of North
Oxford, Mass. After marriage they resided in Northbridge two
years, and in Oxford four years, then removed to Connecticut,
and soon thereafter settled in Hartford where he established
himself in the manufacture of monuments. He died in Hart-
ford, Conn., 17 October, 1880, and was there buried. Mrs.
Stockwell now resides with her daughters. Children :
i. Emeline Elizabeth Stockwell, born 25 April, 1829; mar.
George E. Durham 12 May, 1856. They resided in Hart-
ford, Conn. Mr. Durham was in the South during the
great epidemic of yellow fever, and, as he has not returned
or been heard from since, his friends suppose that he is
dead. A child, Charles Lewis, was born 20 February,
1858, and died 9 November, 1863.
ii. Lucy Josephine Stockwell, born 24 November, 1838 ;
married, 12 September, 1856, George Willis Williams, son
of George and Ann (Pratt) Williams who were born in
Essex, Conn. He died 21 April, 1868. She married 2d,
April 7, 1875, Charles E. Cameron of Boston, son of
Daniel Cameron who was born in Canada, and his wife,
Dorcas Jewell, who was a native of New Hampshire. Mr.
and Mrs. Cameron now reside in North Cambridge, Mass.
Capt. Caleb Slocomb {Caleb, John, Simon,) was born in
Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 10 May, 1792, and married, 29 December,
1 8 14, Mary Hamilton who was born in St. John, New Bruns-
wick, 19 November, 1794. They died at St. John he, 18
April, 1853; she, 7 March, 1866. Children, all born in Wilmot :
i. Catherine, bom 3 Feb., 1816; married 1st, Joshua Banks.
ii. William Alfred, bom 27 Sept., 1817; m. Emeline Brown.
iii. James Edwin, b. 24 June, 1819; mar. Mary E. Middlemas.
iv. George Hawkesworth, b.4Aug.,i82i : m. Abigail B.Walker.
v. Caleb Edgar, born 30 August, 1823; mar. Adeline Baker.
vi. Eliza Jane, b. 21 Aug., 1825 ; m. Jacob Fritz 25 Sept., 1849.
vii. John, born 25 May, 1827; died aged five months.
viii. Mary Lavinia, b. 24 May, 1829; died 1 February, 1848.
739. ix. Israel, b. 28 May, 1832; m. Catherine Darton 17 Sept., 1862.
x. Charles Ridout, born 20 June, 1842 (?); died young.
Elizabeth Slocomb {Caleb, John, Simon,) was born in
Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 6 July, 1797, and married, 9 November,
18 19, John Brown of Wilmot, where they afterward resided for
a time and then removed to Port George. She died 24 February,
1833. Children :
i. Mary Ann Brown, born 6 August, 182 1 ; mar. in August,
1843, Nelson Vidito of Nictaux. Children: Norman
Leslie, Mary Eliza, Edward, George Slocomb, Naomi Bent.
ii. Susan Brown, b. 9 Jan., 1823; m. Samuel B. Slocomb ; p. 528.
iii. Naomi Georgiana Brown, born n April, 1824; mar. 1st,
Jan. 3, 1843, Eliakim Bent of Annapolis, N. S., who died
21 Feb., 1847. She mar. 2d, in 1853, Potter, a ship-
carpenter of East Boston, Mass. Children: 1. Edward Asa
Bent, b. 31 Oct., 1843 ; 2. Lois Elizabeth Bent, b. 30 Oct.,
1845; 3. Emma Potter, born in 1855.
iv. Caleb Brown, born 15 February, 1826.
v. William Wallace Brown, was born in January, 1828.
vi. Caroline Amelia Brown, was born in January, 1830.
vii. Leonora Brown, was born in March, 1832.
Timothy Slocomb (Caleb, John, Simon,) was born in Wilmot,
Nova Scotia, 7 January, 1799, and married Hannah West 24
February, 1825. They resided at Mount Hanley, N. S., or near
Port George. His sons are all sea-faring men and in good
repute. Children :
i. James, was drowned at the age of twelve years.
ii. Isaac, born 10 April, 1827 j m. Elizabeth Durland. Chil-
dren : 1. Lavinia, mar. Thomas Reagh ; 2. Charlotte, mar.
Reagh; 3. James; 4. Hannah, mar. Brown;
5. Adelia ; 6. Isaac. Dates of births not fully reported.
iii. Ingram Bill, born 7 June, 1829; mar. 21 January, 1855,
Adelia Smith, born 12 May, 1839, daughter of Collingswood
Smith. Children: 1. Gracina, b. 6 July, 1856, mar. Capt.
Samuel Graves 29 Sept., 1879, and has one child; 2. James
H. L., b. 17 Sept., 1858; 3. Jennie A., b. 2 Oct., i860;
4. Ingram Bill, born 30 July, 1862.
iv. Sarah Abigail, b. 5 April, 1831 ; m. Thomas Durland in
Sept., 1850. They resided at Spring Hill, N. B., with chil.
v. Lucy Lavinia, born 15 August, 1835; married .
vi. Isaiah, born 4 Dec, 1837 (1833?); mar. 3 Sept., 1859,
Margaret Froude who was born 4 Jan., 1836, in Canso,
Gainesborough Co., N. S., and was reared in Annapolis
County. He resides near Port George, N. S.; a seaman
and fisherman. Children: 1. Franklin West, b. 16 March
i860; 2. Herbert Havelock, b. 20 Feb., 1862; 3. Lorning
b. 17 Jan., 1864; 4. Charles Elvin, b. 24 Dec, 1867; 5
Harriet D., b. 29 July, 1870; 6. Anne Belle, b. 26 Aug., 1876
vii. Harriet Adelia, born 5 July, 1839; mar. Robert Weaver
a sea-captain. Particulars of family records not reported
viii. Susan Amelia, born 21 April, 1843; mar. Henry Weaver
ix. Joseph Dimock, born 31 Dec, 1845 '> d. 21 April, 1848 (?)
Naomi Georgiana Slocomb {Caleb, John, Simon,) was born
in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 28 April, 1806, and married, 21 Decem-
ber, 1824, James Crowley, a merchant of Digby, N. S. Children :
i. William Henry Crowley, born 2 December, 1825 ; was
lost at sea from the vessel British Queen 1 Oct., 1849.
ii. Amelia Eleanor Crowley, born 18 February, 1828; mar-
ried Crowhurst and resided in East Boston.
iii. Caroline Slocomb Crowley, b. 29 Jan., 1830; d. in 1846.
iv. Mary W. Crowley, b. 6 Dec, 1831. Lived in San Francisco.
v. Henrietta Julia Crowley, born 19 November, 1833; mar-
ried, 20 September, i860, Alfred B. Gardner of Warren, R. I.
7 11
Rufus Slocomb {J antes, Samuel, Simon,) was born in
Hubbardston, Mass., 26 February, 1791. He was married
three times: first, in Haverhill 8 February, 1819, to Elizabeth
Smith Sargent who was born 3 May, 1794, in Amesbury, Mass.,
and died 5 November, 1848 ; second, in Providence 22 Novem-
ber, 1849, to Abigail Bradley Pecker who died 15 October, 1859 5
and third, in November, i860, to Mrs. Mary Low Pecker who is
still living. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., and was there chosen
Selectman several years, and Overseer of the Poor for nearly
thirty years. In the year 1818 he started a baggage express-
wagon between Haverhill and Boston. This business increased
with the manufactories of Haverhill. Mr. Chase, in his History
of Haverhill, states that" about 1835 Mr- Slocomb's large covered
wagons almost literally lined the road from this town to Boston.
The largest freight he ever transported in one day was in the
spring of 1836 when he had full loads from Haverhill for forty-one
horses and eight oxen. From 1824 to 1836 the trips made by
his teams were 13 19, carrying to Boston 5,288^ tons and bringing
from Boston 4,984^ tons." Upon the completion of the Boston
and Maine Railroad to Haverhill he retired to his farm of about
one hundred acres situate one-half mile from the Haverhill Sta-
tion. He died 26 April, 1873. Children, all by first wife:
i. Rufus Henry, born 28 October, 1819; died 19 Nov., 1819.
740. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. n Oct., 1820; mar. Edwin A. Eaton.
741. iii. Rufus Trask, b. 18 Nov., 1822; m. Mehitable D. Merrill,
iv. Adriana, born 26 July, 1824; died n July, 1825.
v. Elizaette, born 5 August, 1826 ; died 24 October, 1828.
vi. Isabella Eaton, b. 6 Oct., 1828; m. Carpenter in Feb.,
1 846. Children : Elzo E., Rufus S., Wm. E., and Minne Belle.
Bethuel Albee Slocomb {Bethuel, Simon, John, Simon,)
was born in Bellingham, Norfolk County, Mass., 9 March, 18 14;
was married in Medway 5 December, 1837, to Caroline Amanda
Foristall, born 30 August, 18 15, in Bellingham, daughter of
Olney and Mary (Wood) Foristall. He was a dealer in boots
and shoes ; dwelt in Bellingham a short time after marriage, and
about 1840 removed to Woonsocket, Rhode Island, where he
died 8 June, 1871, and was buried with Masonic rites ; was
afterward removed to Bellingham. The Woonsocket Patriot
newspaper of 16 June, 1871, in a long and very kind obituary,
said : " Industry and integrity marked his career as a
man of business, and our older residents will recall many
occasions when he performed public duties in a manner which
reflected the highest honor on his name." Children :
i. Waldo Foristall, born 18 August, 1840. He served a
short time as a soldier against the Southern Rebellion in
Co. K, 1st Regt. R. I. V. ; was married to Lucy Anna
Jenckes 14 January, 1866, by Rev. John Boyden, Univer-
salist. He resides in Providence, Rhode Island.
ii. Edmund Herbert, born 3 Sept., 1843; died 6 Nov., 1845.
iii. Caroline Vesta, born 17 Jan., 1845; died 1 Sept., 1845.
iv. Edgar Millard, born 4 June, 1848, in Woonsocket, R. I. ;
was married there 11 October, 1876, by Rev. J. L. Miller,
Episcopalian, to Mary Dollee Philbrick, born in Woon-
socket 2 August, 1850, daughter of Norris and Desire Car-
penter (Aldrich) Philbrick. They reside in Woonsocket,
without children. He is a dealer in paints, paper, etc.
v. Isabel Caroline, b. 1 April, 185 1. Resides in Woonsocket.
vi. Emma Frances ; b. 15 July, 1855. Resides in Woonsocket, R.I.
Asa Richardson Slocomb'* (Lewis, Simon, John, Simon,)
was born in South Wrentham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, 19
November, 1821 ; was married in New York City 5 February,
1850, by Professor Bush, Swedenborgian, to Caroline Hun-
newell Tufts, born in Smithfield, R. I., 29 June, 1827, daughter
of Charles and Sophia (Hunnewell) Tufts of Holliston, Mass,
He resided in New York City a short time, Cleveland, Ohio,
from 1846 until 1849, Cincinnati from 1849 untu " l &$ 2 > then in
Holliston, Mass., until 1864 when he removed to Milwaukee, Wis-
consin, where he now resides ; a dealer in straw goods. Children :
i. Elmira Richardson, born 25 November, 1850, in Cincin-
nati, Ohio. Was graduated at Milwaukee College. Resides
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Unmarried.
ii. Louise Tufts, born 9 March, 1858, in Holliston, Mass.
Was graduated at Milwaukee College. P. O. Milwaukee.
iii. Warren Richardson, born 8 August, i860, in Holliston,
Mass. ; died 28 March, 187 1, in Milwaukee, Wis., and was
buried there in Forest Home Cemetery.
John Maynard Slocomb (Philo, William, John, Simon,) was
born in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 22
December, 18 10, and there learned the carpenter trade with his
father. In October, 1832, he went to Marietta, Ohio, and passed
three years in Marietta College ; was married 5 April, 1837, to
Juliana White of Townshend, Vermont, who was born 3 June,
1812, daughter of Lyman and Hannah (Cushing) White. He
* A member of his family reports the surname to the writer as " Slocom."
became an architect and builder, and erected many of the
prominent buildings of Marietta. In August, 1866, they re-
moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where he engaged in fruit and
vegetable gardening, and where they still reside. Children :
i. William Philo, born 29 January, 1838; mar. at Chillicothe,
O., 1 May, 1 86 1, Elizabeth Hult Martin, daughter of
Charles and Amelia Martin of that place. He was in the
employ of the Marietta and Cincinnati R. R. several years.
In the spring of 1865 he engaged with the Missouri Pacific
R. R.; is now train-dispatcher for this road, with residence
at Hermann, Mo. Children : 1. Walter Clifford, born 9
April, 1862 ; 2. Charles Martin, b. 6 March, 1865, d. 4
July, 1865 ; all at Chillicothe, Ohio,
ii. George Lyman, born 31 May, 1840. He was station-agent
and telegraph-operator for the Marietta and Cincinnati
R. R. in 1859; died 13 April, i860, at Big Run.
in. Mary Perkins, born 5 Nov., 1842; was mar. at Marietta,
O., 7 Aug., 1866, to Henry Lord of Hockingport, son of
Alfred and Deborah (Capen) Lord. He is a boot and
shoe dealer at Marietta, Ohio. Children : Alfred Henry,
b. 19 May, 1867; 2. Elizabeth Slocomb, b. 17 Nov., 1868;
3. Nellie Beatrice, born 9 Oct., 1872, died n Nov., 1873.
iv. Albert Henry, b. 15 Oct., 1844; been an invalid some years.
v. Harriet Ellen, born 24 April, 1847. She taught school
several years at Kansas City, and the last few years has
been a teacher at Marietta, O. Unmarried.
vi. Martha Emeline, born 23 July, 1850; was mar. at Kansas
City, Mo., 1 Nov., 1871, to George William Horder, an
Englishman, tinner. They now (1881) reside on a farm at
Dodge City, Kansas. Children: 1. Ellen Belle, b. 7 Feb.,
1873; 2. George William, b. 22 Aug., 1876; 3. Lilian Slo-
comb, b. 7 April, T879.
vii. Edwin Maynard, born 6 June, 1852; was mar. 26 Feb.,
1878, to Ida Augusta, daughter of Jeremiah and Lucy A.
(Merritt) Camp of Winfield, Kansas. He resides near
Kansas City, Mo., as a fruit and vegetable gardener. Chil-
dren : 1. Ida Lucy, b. 26 Feb., 1879; 2. Edwin Camp, b.
29 April, 1 88 1.
viii. Fanny Maria, born 18 October, 1854; was married at Kan-
sas City 1 April, 1879, to John Sharp Morris, son of Jesse
and Mary Ann (Gosman) Morris of Pennsylvania. He is a
fruit and vegetable gardener near Kansas City, "Mo. Child :
John Slocomb Morris, b. 4 Nov., 1879.
George Philo Slocomb {Philo, William, John, Simon,) was
born in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 28
December, 1827, and married, 7 April, 1852, Lucy S. Brown of
Boylston where she was born 25 May, 1836. They dwelt in
Shrewsbury until 1855 then removed to Marietta, Ohio, where
they still reside. Children :
i. Mary Parker, born 3 September, 1853; married, 6 April,
1875, Amos V. James of Central Station, W. Va., and has
children: 1. Elden V., born 27 January, 1876; 2. George
S., born 7 September, 1877.
ii. Lilly Maria, born 30 October, 1861, at Marietta, Ohio.
iii. Aziris Brown, born at Marietta, Ohio, 24 Dec, 1866.
iv. George Whitney, born 24 October, 1868, at Marietta, O.
v. William Silas, born at Marietta, Ohio, 10 June, 1877.
Edwin Pliny Slocomb {Pliny, William, John, Simon,) was
born in Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, 7 March,
1823 ; was married in Wilmington, Delaware, 4 October, 1859,
by Bishop Alfred Lee, to Wilhelmina Todd who was born in
Philadelphia, Pa., 29 August, 1838, and was graduated at the
Girls' Normal School in that city 17 February, 1854. He was
a portrait and landscape painter in oil, water-colors, and India-
ink of good talent and attainments. He painted in Charleston,
S. C, Baltimore, Md., Wilmington, Del., Worcester, Mass., and in
Gurney's studio, Broadway, New York City. He was a man of
strong character and individuality, and of pure life ; was a prac-
tical vegetarian during the last nineteen years of his life, and an
unbeliever in vaccination. He died of small-pox in New York
City 31 December, 1865. Since the year 1874 his widow has
been Principal of the largest primary school in Wilmington,
Delaware. Children :
i. Frank Fisher, born 13 August, i860, in Wilmington, Del.
Was graduated at the Wilmington High School, class of
1876, and is now in a conveyancer's office.
ii. Edwin Pliny, born 10 August, 1863, in Morrisania, N. Y.
He is in the Wilmington High School, class of 1882.
Lucretia Wheelock Slocomb {Horatio, William, John,
Simon,) was born in Sutton, Mass., 19 Nov., 1821, and married,
8 Dec, 1843, Sylvester F. Morse, born 24 Sept., 18 16, son of Dea.
Sylvester and Abigail Morse of Sutton. They dwelt in Sutton
until 1850, then in Whitinsville until the year 1856 when they
removed to Faribault, Minnesota, where she died 19 Sept., 1864,
greatly beloved by all. Mr. Morse married 2d, Sept. 21, 1866,
Mary Terry, born 11 July, 1819, sister of Dr. William Terry of
Ansonia, Conn. In 1869 they returned to Whitinsville, Mass.,
where they now reside. Children :
i. Edward Haven Morse, b. 4 Nov., 1844; d. 2 Sept., 1864.
ii. Charles Will ard Morse, b. 2 Nov., 1846 ; d. 12 Feb., 1847.
iii. William Sylvester Morse, born 15 July, 1849 ; mar. Belle
Judd 29 October, 1873. Resides in Faribault, Minnesota.
iv. Henry Leland Morse, born 13 October, 1851. He mar-
ried , and lives in Minnesota; names and par-
ticulars not reported.
v. Mary Abigail Morse, born 6 April, 1855 j married, 21 June,
1875, Lewis Metcalf of Whitinsville, Mass., where they
reside. A child, Frederick, was born 12 January, 1880.
vi. Alice Maria Morse, born 2 July, 1857 ; married Robert
Brown. Resides at Whitinsville, Worcester County, Mass.
Erastus Horatio Slocomb {Horatio, William, John, Simon)
was born in Sutton, Mass., 8 February, 1823, and married, 10
May, 1854, Sarah Adeline Stowe of Grafton. They settled on
the homestead of his father and grandfather in Sutton where
they now reside. Children :
i. Clara Isabel, born 10 April, 1855; died 28 March, 1864.
ii. Catherine Roselin, born 30 Aug., 1857, in Sutton, Mass.
iii. Edgar Erastus, born in Sutton, Mass., 27 Sept., 1859.
iv. Anna Cornelia, born 31 Jan., 1862, in Sutton, Mass.
v. Albert Franklin, born in Sutton, Mass., 29 Feb., 1864.
vi. Arthur Horatio, born 14 March, 1867, in Sutton, Mass.
Maria Roxana Slocomb {Horatio, William, John, Simon)
was born in Sutton, Mass., 25 October, 1824, and married, 10
May, 1848, Dr. William Terry, of Enfield, Conn., who was born
8 June, 1822. He entered Amherst College in 1840 but ill-
health obliged him to discontinue his studies before the close of
the first year. He studied medicine, and was graduated M. D.
in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1846, and immediately thereafter com-
menced practice in Sutton, Mass. In April, i860, he removed
to Ansonia, Derby Co., Conn., where he has since resided in the
practice of his profession. In 1864 he served as Assistant
Surgeon in an army hospital at Alexandria, Va.
Mrs. Terry acquired from her father an interest in her gen-
ealogy and since his death she has added considerable to his
manuscript, all of which she sent to the editor in 1880 to be
adapted and united with his gleanings for this publication.
Children :
i. William Daniel Terry, b. 16 April, 1850 ; d. 28 May, 1850.
ii. Anne Maria Terry, born 17 July, 1851, in Sutton, Mass.
iii. Albert Slocomb Terry, b. 15 Sept., 1853 ; m. 23 Dec, 1875,
Emma Augusta Bradley, b. 17 Dec, 1855. P. O. Ansonia.
iv. Mary Josephine Terry, b. 4 May, 1857; m. 27 Sept., 1877,
William J. Clark, b. 20 July, 1854, in Derby, Conn. He is
a coal dealer and postmaster in Birmingham, Conn. A child,
William Merritt, was born 9 March, 1880.
v. Esther Lilly Terry, born 5 January, i860.
vi. Frank Silas Terry, born 8 May, 1862.
vii. Flora Lincoln Terry, born 18 February, 1865.
Clarissa Loraine Slocomb {Horatio, William, John, Simon,)
was born in Sutton, Mass., 30 November, 1827, and married
John B. Wheeler, a merchant, 8 Nov., 1853. They dwelt in
Northbridge, Mass., until 1856 then removed to Faribault, Min-
nesota, where they still live. Children :
i. William Henry Wheeler, born 31 August, 1855 ; married,
3 June, 1880, Harriet, daughter of George W. Whalen (?)
of Faribault. He is in business with his father.
ii. John Franklin Wheeler, b. 31 Aug., i860 ; d. 8 Sept., 1864.
iii. Mary Slocomb Wheeler, born 2 October, 1865.
7 21
Jerusha Richardson Slocomb {Horatio, William, John,
Simon,) was born in Sutton, Mass., 14 November, 183 1, and mar-
ried, 23 August, 1859, Rev. Alvah L. Frisbie, who was born in
Tompkins, Delaware County, N. Y., and was reared on a farm in
Otisco, N. Y. He passed oneyear (1852-53) in Oberlin College ;
entered Amherst College in 1854 and was there graduated in the
class of 1857. He entered Andover Theological Seminary and
after two years study there was ordained, and settled as pastor
of the Congregational church in Ansonia, Conn., 22 March, i860.
In August, 1863, he became Chaplain of the 20th Regt. Conn.
Vol. Inf. and remained with that regiment one year. The 19th
July, 1865, he was installed pastor of the First Congregational
Church of Danbury, Conn., and in October, 1870, he removed
to Des Moines, Iowa, to assume pastoral charge of Plymouth
Congregational Church in that place, where he is now (August,
1880,) ministering. His wife Jerusha died 15 May, 1872. He
married second, Martha J. Crosby of Danbury, Conn., 29 July,
1873. In College Mr. Frisbie was the class poet, and he has
since published some books of poetry. Children :
i. Lilian Hope Frisbie, born 22 November, i860,
ii. Mary Lucretia Frisbie, b. 25 Feb., 1862 ; d. 26 July, 1862.
iii. Grace Elaine Frisbie, born 18 June, 1863.
iv. William Albert Frisbie, born 12 December, 1867.
v. Ruth Slocomb Frisbie, b. n May, 1872; d. in Sept., 1872.
Silas Austin Slocomb {Horatio, William, John, Simon,)
was born in Sutton, Mass., 10 June, 1834, and married, 4
January, 1865, Ruth Ann Orcutt of Whitinsville, Mass. He
enlisted against the Rebellion in the 15th Regt. Mass. Vols., and
served until the close of the war. He was one of the two who
reconnoitered the position of the Confederates the evening
previous to the Battle of Ball's Bluff, and in that battle he
barely escaped capture by swimming the river. He was wounded
in the Battle of Antietam, and at Fredericksburgh was under
fire about twenty-four hours most of the time being prone on
the ground between the opposing armies. He also participated
in the Peninsular Campaign. Residence not reported. Children :
i. Henry Austin, born 26 July, 1868.
ii. Albert Haven, born 15 February, 1871; d. 12 Jan., 1873.
iii. Louis Green, born 13 Feb., 1873; died 24 March, 1874.
iv. Lulu. v. A son. Particulars not reported.
7 2 3
Albert Haven Slocomb {Horatio, William, John, Simon,)
was born in Sutton, Massachusetts, 16 December, 1836. In the
year 185 1 he entered Marietta College, Ohio, where he com-
pleted the first two years of the course of study. In 1855 he
entered the junior class of Amherst College and was there grad-
uated in 1857. He was employed as tutor at Richmond College,
Virginia, from September, 1858, until July, i860.
In August, i860, he sailed for Europe and remained a student
of philology in the University of Gottingen until October, 1861,
when he traveled southward, arriving the following month in
Athens, Greece, where he remained as a member of the house-
hold of Rev. Jonas King until May, 1862. The next few months
were passed in traveling, and he returned home in Nov., 1862.
He was engaged in government civil service from March,
1863, until January, 1864, and was then engaged in a banking
house in Kentucky until the autumn of 1865. In the winter
of 1866 he removed to Fayetteville, North Carolina, where he
now resides ; a merchant, and manufacturer of naval stores. He
was married 6 December, 1870, to Lilly E. Taylor, of Fayette-
ville, who was born 14 April, 1854. Children :
i. Albert Hallett, born 5 March, 1872; d. 13 Sept., 1872.
ii. William Horatio, born 6 April, 1874, in Fayetteville, N. C.
iii. Paul Richardson, born in Fayetteville, N. C, 19 June, 1875.
iv. Frank Wheeler, born 19 Dec, 1876, in Fayetteville, N. C.
v. Albert Haven, born in Fayetteville, N. C, 14 Sept., 1878.
vi. Lilian Estelle, born 19 July, 1880, in Fayetteville, N. C.
Mary Slocomb (Silas, William, John, Simon,) was born in
Marietta, Ohio, 1 June, 1836, and was married there, 23 Novem-
ber, 1 86 1, to David Barney Cotton who was born in Marietta 5
April, 1834, son of Dr. John and Susan (Buckminster) Cotton,
a descendant of Rev. John Cotton of early New England
history. After marriage they settled in Portsmouth, Ohio, where
they still reside. Children :
i. Ellen Buckminster, b. 16 Jan., 1863; d. 11 March, 1864.
ii. Grace Gaylord, b. 30 Dec, 1864, in Portsmouth, Ohio,
iii. Mary Hannah, born in Portsmouth. Ohio, 28 Dec, 1866.
iv. Catharine Bullard Cotton, born 23 October, 1868.
v. John Buckminster, born 30 June, 1871; d. 4 Jan., 1873.
vi. Ethel Hamilton Cotton, born 15 November, 1874.
Jacob Slocum {John P., John, John, Simon,) was born
in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 1 April, 1819, and married Jerusha
Tupper Gates 10 October, 1843. They settled on a farm near
Middleton, Annapolis Co., N. S., where they still reside. He is
a successful farmer ; has been Justice of the Peace a number of
years, and is highly respected. Children :
i. Harriet Amanda, born 31 July, 1844; died 30 Sept., 1847.
ii. John Henry, born 5 June, 1846; died 1 October, 1847.
iii. Mary Emma, born 1 1 May, 1848 ; mar. Joseph Henry Young.
iv. Anna, born 2 April, 1850, near Middleton, N. S.
v. Charles Churchill, b. near Middleton, N. S., 4 March, 1852
vi. Jerusha Tupper, born 2 March, 1854, near Middleton, N. S.
vii. William Edgar, bornnear Middleton, N. S., 26 Dec, 1855.
viii. John Prince, born ti Dec, 1857, near Middleton, N. S.
ix. Martha Campbell, b. near Middleton, N. S., 3 April, i860.
x. Frederick, born 10 July, 1863; died 11 July, 1863.
xi. Elizabeth Wedgewood, b. 17 Aug., 1864, near Middleton.
xii. Florence Augusta, born near Middleton, N. S., 6 April, 1867.
John Slocomb {Joshua U., John, John, Simon,) was born at
Mount Hanley, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, 13 June, 181 1,
and married first, Sept. 27, 1832, Sarah Jane Southern of West-
port, N. S. They dwelt near his father in Wilmot for some time,
then removed to Westport where his wife died soon after the
year i860. He then lived at the Ovens in Lunenburgh Co.,
N. S. He married second, January 1, 1863, Catherine Kreaser
of Ritcey's Cove and settled at Bridgewood (?), N. S., where he
still lives. Children by first marriage :
i. Sarah Jane, born 18 November, 1834; died 5 Sept., 1853.
ii. Elizabeth, born 7 July, 1837 ; married George Laffoley (?).
iii. John Ingraham, born 28 July, 1839; died 10 Oct., 1844.
iv. Georgiana, born 5 September, 1841 ; married Frank Mor-
rison of Natick, Massachusetts, where they now reside.
742. v. Joshua, b. 20 Feb., 1844; m. Virginia , in N. S. W.
vi. Margaret, born 11 August, 1846.
vii. Ornan, b. 10 June, 1849; m. Waters; res. Natick, Mass.
viii. Alice, born 26 May, 1851 ; married George Frost,
ix. Henrietta, born 26 April, 1854; married Charles F. Frost.
x. Ingram Bill, born 6 November, 1856. He resides in Yoka-
hama, Japan, as a steamship freight agent.
xi. Ella, born 5 February, i860.
Children of John and Catherine (Kreaser) Slocomb:
xii. Catherine, born in January, and died in November, 1864.
xiii. Emma, born 29 July, 1865.
xiv. Charles Franklin, born 13 December, 1869.
7 2 7
Joel Slocomb {Joshua U., John, John, Simon,) was born at
Mount Hanley, Nova Scotia, 6 January, 1823 ; was married 1
Dec, 1842, by Rev. William Chipman, Baptist, to Irene, daughter
of Ebenezer Huntington of Cornwallis, N. S., where she was
born 27 July, 1820. They settled on his father's homestead
farm at Alt. Hanley, Annapolis County, N. S., where they still
live. He is rather fond of travel ; he passed the summer of 1853
in Massachusetts, the winter of i865~'66 on the West India
Islands, and the winter of 1869-70 in Virginia. In person he is
muscular with a weight of 225 pounds ; in character he is jovial,
kind, and ready-witted. He has served as Justice of the Peace
for some years, and when not officially addressed a " Squire " he
is everyone's " Uncle Joel." Children.
i. David Landers, born 23 December, 1843. He was fond of
study and excelled in mathematics. At the age of 18 years
he engaged as seaman at St. John, N. B., on board a large
ship bound for Liverpool, and by changing ships he circum-
navigated the world, returning home after two years absence.
He twice suffered shipwreck, once near British India, and
again near the north coast of Ireland, where, of a list of
several hundred passengers and crew, he was among the
eight who survived. He d. of consumption 20 May, 1867.
ii. Norman Burpee, born 6 April, 1845. He went to sea in
early manhood. He sailed from New York in September
1866, on board the ship Ocean Express bound for San
Francisco, and died of "quick consumption" 13 February,
1867, within twelve days sail of the destined port. He was
courteous, kind, and noble in character, and was beloved by
all who knew him.
iii. Mary Landers, born 8 March, 1848. She is a teacher.
iv. Major H, born 23 October, 1849 > mar - Azubah Messenger
x November, 1875. A child, Eliza Maud, was born in
December, 1876.
v. Lavinia M., born 29 June, 185 1, near Mount Hanley, N. S.
vi. Henry T., born 20 Dec, 1853. A teacher; postofnce Mt.
Hanley, Nova Scotia. He has taken great interest in the
writer's genealogical labors, and has contributed consider-
able to the record of the Nova Scotia branch of the family.
vii. Martha Ella, born 14 November, 1856; married, in August,
1873, H. H. Fall of Charlestown, Mass. Children : Mabel,
Fanny Irene, and Grace. Dates not reported.
viii. Arabella Huntington, born 1 February, 1859.
ix. Israel Harding, b. 20 Jan., 1863, near Mt. Hanley, N. S.
x. Joel Byron, born near Mt. Hanley, N. S., 1 Feb., 1868.
John Slocomb ( William, John, John, Simon,) was born at
Mount Hanley, Nova Scotia, 21 April, 1826. He married first,
Dorothy Baker in 1852, and second, Mary Adelaide Bruce 13
February, 1862. Child by first wife :
i. Lavalia, born in 1853 ; m. William Anderson in June, 1875.
Children by second wife :
ii. John Elburn, born 3 June, 1863.
iii. Susannah, born 6 November, 1865.
iv. Lydia, born 14 June, 1867.
v. Letitia, born 16 May, 1869.
vi. Caleb, born 14 April. 187 1.
vii. Ella, born 27 December, 1873.
viii. Lavinia, born 19 May, 1875.
ix. A child, born, and died, in 1877.
x. Jacob Henegar, born 27 November, 1880.
William Slocomb ( William, John, John, Simon,) was born
at Mount Hanley, Nova Scotia, 21 November, 1830, and married,
first, April 14, 1853, Caroline, daughter of Anthony Wilkins.
She died 29 April, 1861, and he married second, May 14, 1863,
Mariah, daughter of William Armstrong. He resided on a farm
at Mt. Hanley ; was drowned in St. John Harbor 4 December,
1866. Children by first wife :
i. James Millage. b. 17 Feb., 1854; m. Alice Baker; 1 child,
ii. Arinda, b. 19 Aug., 1855 ; m. Clark Spinney; has 2 children,
iii. Sarah Eleanor, born 15 April, 1857; died 19 April, 1859.
iv. Anthony Wilkins, born 25 December, 1858.
Children by second wife :
v. Anne, b. 19 April, 1864.
vi. Caroline, b. 15 March, 1866.
Abraham Slocomb ( William, John, John, Simon,) was born
at Mount Hanley, Nova Scotia, 2 September, 1833. He mar-
ried first, Elizabeth Gibson, and second, Sarah Eleanor Bent 14
July, 1863. He resides on a farm at Mt. Hanley, N. S. Chil-
dren, all by second wife :
i. Martha Jane, born 8 Aug., 1864, near Mt. Hanley, N. S.
ii. John Wade, born near Mt. Hanley, N. S., n July, 1867.
iii. Obadiah, born 29 May, 1869, near Mt. Hanley, N. S.
iv. Emma Albertine, born near Mt. Hanley, N. S., 5 June, 1871.
v. James Melbourne, b. 26 Feb., 1877, nr. Mt. Hanley, N. S.
vi. Elizabeth Maud, b. near Mt. Hanley, N. S., 19 Aug., 1879.
73 *
Dr. William Slocomb {Caleb, John, John, Simon,) was born
in Argyle (?), Nova Scotia, 26 September, 18 10. He studied
medicine and was graduated M. D. at Bowdoin College, Maine,
or, as another report reads, he studied first in Philadelphia, Pa.,
and then in London, England, where he was graduated. He
married Emeline Little, of Liverpool, N. S., 26 September, 1839.
In the year 185- he removed to Milford, Massachusetts, where
he practiced his profession until the outbreak of the Southern
Rebellion in 1861, when he returned to Lunenburgh County,
Nova Scotia, where he was afterward elected member of the Nova
Scotia Assembly. He died in September, 1865, of mercurial
poisoning received while experimenting with gold and mercury
at the Ovens in Lunenburgh County, N. S. He enjoyed the
reputation of a skillful physician and a good legislator. He
wrote a treatise on the disease known as consumption, and also
an expose of spiritualism, the manuscripts of which remain, un-
published, in the care of his half-brother Obadiah W. Slocomb
at Argyle, N. S. Children :
i. Eugene, b. 5 Aug., 1842. ii. Arethusa, b. 25 Aug., 1844.
iii. Elvira, b. 5 July, 1846. iv. Margaret A., b. 25 Aug., 1848.
v. Bertha, b. 7 September, 1853. vi. William.
73 2
Obadiah Wilson Slocomb {Caleb, John, John, Simon,) was
born in Argyle, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, 17 May, 1833,
and was married 6 January, 1870, to Mary E., daughter of Levi
Nickerson of Argyle where she was born 13 July, 1848. They
settled in Argyle where they still reside. He has been Justice
of the Peace a number of years, and since the passage of the
County Incorporation Act he has served as Councilor and
Warden of the Municipality of Argyle. He has for many years
been an ardent supporter of the temperance cause. Children :
i. Alice Maud, born 26 Jan., 1874, in Argyle, Nova Scotia,
ii. Wilson Malius, born in Argyle, Nova Scotia, 12 Nov., 1876.
iii. Anna May, born 5 August, 1880, in Argyle, Nova Scotia.
Catherine Slocomb {Caleb, Caleb, John, Simon,) was born in
Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 3 February. 1816, and married, 27 Decem-
ber, 1836, Joshua Banks who was born 22 June, 18 10. They
resided at Clarence, N. S., where he died 1 April, 1843. She
married second, 28 April, 1848, George William Harvey, of
Windsor, N. S., who was born 21 June, 18 13. Mrs. Harvey now
(March, 1882,) resides with her daughter Harriet in Portland, St.
John, N. B. Children by first husband :
i. William Henry Banks, b. ii Dec, 1837 ; m. first, 24 Nov.,
1862, Emily Thompson who d. 1 April, 1865, aged 24 years.
He mar. second, Mary F. Brown 29 Nov., 1868. He is
now (March, 1882,) the editor and publisher of the Annap-
olis Journal, Annapolis, N. S. Children, by first wife: 1.
Wilhelmina Emily, b. 11 May, 1864; 2. Anne Eliza, b. 25
March, 1865. By second wife: 3. William Arthur, b. 12
July, 1872; 4. George Elberm, b. 11 Sept., 1875; 5. Elena
VanBuskirk, b. 17 June, 1878.
ii. James Wallace Banks, born 3 Jan., 1840; mar. Rosalia
Higgins 4 July, 1864. She died 25 June, 1865, aged 18
years, and he mar. second Esther Oram. He is an edge-
tool maker ; postoffice Portland, St. John, N. B. Children :
1. Harriet Elizabeth, b. 27 Dec, 1866; 2. William Hard-
ing, b. 30 June, 1868; 3. Mabel Catharine, b. 5 Aug., 1870;
4. Arthur Wallace, b. 30 July, 1872 ; 5. Frank Harrison, b.
15 Sept., 1874; 6. Bertha Mildred, b. 26 June, 1877; 7.
Anne Estelle, b. 15 March, 1881.
iii. Theodore Harding Banks, b. 14 Nov., 1841. He is a
house and sign painter ; resides in in the United States.
iv. Harriet Elizabeth Banks, born 25 Dec, 1843 ; mar. John
McB. Morrison in New York 15 June, 1868. They reside
in Portland, St. John, N. B. Children : 1. Frances Matilda,
b. 10 May, 1869; 2. Josephine Janet, b. 28 Sept., 1870.
Child by second husband, George William Harvey :
v. Frances Mary Harvey, born 22 Sept., 185 1 ; mar. Charles
Weaver at St. John, N. B., 15 Sept., 1874. They now
(March, 1882,) reside at Port George, N. S., with four
children, names not reported.
William Alfred Slocomb {Caleb, Caleb, yohn, Simon,) was
born in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 27 September, 1817, and married,
8 October, 1846, Emeline, daughter of William Brown of Mount
Hanley, Nova Scotia, where she was born 25 April, 1822. They
reside on a farm at Port George, Annapolis Co., N. S. Children :
i. Aaron Ambleman, born 30 August, 1847. He was a sea-
man ; sailed with his uncle Capt. Israel Slocomb from
Liverpool, England, for Bombay with a cargo of coal. The
ship was burned at sea and the boat into which he was
driven by the fire landed on the West Coast of Africa after
twenty days. He died on the way back to Liverpool, 18
Dec, 1868, and was buried at sea.
ii. James Edwin, born 27 March, 1849; died 31 July, 1855.
iii. Israel, born 5 Dec, 1850; m. Mary Tupper 24 Feb., 1877.
iv. Anne R., born 27 March, 1854; married, 4 July, 1877,
Guilford Weaver, who was born 29 November, 1854.
v. Wallace, born 1 October, 1856.
vi. Inglis, born 17 December, 1858.
vii. Augusta F., born 4 July, 1862.
viii. Mary A., born 6 July, 1864.
73 S
Capt. James Edwin Slocomb {Caleb, Caleb, yohn, Simon,)
was born in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 24 June, 18 19, and married,
28 December, 1847, Mary Elizabeth Middlemas his second
cousin ; see page 531. His early life was passed at sea, and for
many years he commanded one of his own vessels. He is now
retired ; resides at Port George, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia.
Children :
i. David Horatio, born 30 June, 1849. He is owner and
Captain of the brig Eliza Bogart.
ii. Mary Alice, b. 10 June, 1852; m. n Feb., 1869, N
F. Marshall a trader at Middleton, Annapolic Co., N. S.
iii. Emma Amelia, b. 13 Feb., 1855. She is now a teacher.
iv. Julia Lavinia, b. 15 July, 1857. She is now a teacher.
v. James Edwin, b. 17 Sept., 1859. He is now a teacher.
vi. A child, b. , ; died 20 Sept., 1863, unnamed.
vii. Harriet, born 5 November, 1864, at Port George, N. S.
George Hawkesworth Slocomb {Caleb, Caleb, John, Simon,)
was born in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 4 August, 1821, and married,
15 July, 1852, Abigail B. Walker who was born 17 January, 1826.
He is a mariner ; residence Port George, Nova Scotia. Children :
i. Mary Ad aline, born 21 April, 1853 ; married, 25 August,
1880, Henry C. Hill of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
ii. Mina Elizabeth, born 29 April, 1855, at Port George, N. S.
hi. Caleb Henry, born 23 October, 1857 ; died 17 May, 1859.
iv. John Israel, born 4 February, 1859, at Port George, N. S.
v. George Ira, born at Port George, N. S., 8 February, 1861.
vi. Catharine Darton, born 1 Sept., 1 864, at Port George, N. S.
vii. Howard Horatio, b. at Port George, N. S., 11 May, 1867.
viii. Richard O. Newell, b. 4 Dec, 1874, at Port George, N. S.
Caleb Edgar Slocomb {Caleb, Caleb, John, Simon,) was born
in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 30 August, 1823. He removed to St.
Francis, New Brunswick, where he became acquainted with
Adeline Baker (daughter of John Baker, born in Waterville,
Maine, 5 Jan., 1789, died in Bakerville, N. B., 6 November, 1872,
and his wife Sophia Rice who was born in Brookfield, Mass., 10
March, 1785, and is still living,) whom he marriedat Madawaska,
N. B., 5 Oct., 1846. They now (March, 1882,) reside at Fort
Fairfield, Maine. Children :
i. Edwin Leroy, born 14 Aug., 1847, at Madawaska, N. B. ;
mar. Sarah Tyler in Boston, Mass., 8 Sept., 1870. They
have one child, Eugene, born 15 December, 1872.
ii. Mary Elizabeth, born 10 Nov., 1849, at Madawaska; mar-
ried at Ft. Fairfield, Me., 1 Jan., 1868, Henry C. Collins,
of Koulton, Me., born 15 Feb., 1849. He is proprietor of
the Collins' House hotel at Ft. Fairfield. Children: 1.
Frank P., b. 21 Jan., 1869; 2. Walter Lee, b. 19 Dec, 1872 ;
3. Emma Fern, b. 6 April, 1880.
hi. Sarah Amelia, born 22 Nov., 185 1, at St. Francis, N. B. ;
mar. at Ft. Fairfield, Me., 3 Jan., 1870, George W. Peavey
of South Montville. They reside at Montville, Maine,
with children, Inez, Adeline, Gertrude, and Bertha.
iv. Eliza Nichols, born 26 June, 1854, at St. Francis, N. B. ;
mar., at Ft. Fairfield, Me., 22 Dec, 1875, Frank W. Burns
of Andover, N. B. He is a livery-stable keeper at Ft. Fair-
field. Children : 1. William Edgar, b. 3 Jan., 1876, d. 3
July, 1880; 2. Henry Preston, b. 4 Dec, 1878; 3. William
Bruce, b. 4 Feb., 1880; 4. Pearl Gertrude, b. 30 Dec, 1881.
v. Emma March, born 13 April, 1856, at St. Francis, N. B.
vi. Henry Havelock, born at St. Francis, N. B., t Nov., 1858.
vii. William Wallace, b. 21 April 1862, at Grand Falls, N. B.
viii. John Tibbets, born 21 July, 1864, at Little River, N. B.
Eliza Jane Slocomb {Caleb, Caleb, John, Simon,) was born
in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 21 August, 1825, and was married in
St. John, New Brunswick, 25 September, 1849, to Jacob Fritz,
a master-mariner of Wilmot, who was born 13 January, 1823,
son of John and Helen Fritz. They settled in St. John, N. B.,
where they still reside. Children :
i. Eliza Augusta Fritz, born 24 Sept., 1850 ; mar. 25 June,
1874, Peter William McNaughton, of England, born 3 July,
1848, son of Peter and Elizabeth McNaughton. He is a
merchant in St. John, N. B. Children : 1. Frederic Jacob,
born 24 March, 1875; 2. Herbert Grey, born 27 Decem-
ber, 1876, died 31 August, 1879.
ii. Horatio Jacob Fritz, born 3 April, 1852. He is a master-
mariner, and now (March, 1882,) commanding the bark
Low Wood of St. John, New Brunswick.
iii. May Helen Fritz, born 14 Feb., 1854, in St. John, N. B.
iv. Edwin John Fritz, born 21 Dec, 1855. He is a master-
mariner and now (March, 1882,) in command of the bark
St. Julien of St. John, New Brunswick,
v. Anne Gertrude Fritz, b. 13 Jan., i860, in St. John, N. B.
vi. Oscar Israel Fritz, born 4 Feb., 1862 ; died 4 Dec, 1878.
vii. Howard Douglas Fritz, born 3 May, 1864. He is now
(March, 1882,) a student at the University of New Bruns-
wick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Capt. Israel Slocomb (Caleb, Caleb, John, Simon,) was
born in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 28 May, 1832, and married,
17 September, 1862, Catharine Darton of Liverpool, England,
where they now reside. She was born 12 November, 1840. He
went to sea in early life; is now commander, and owner (?), of
the bark Simora, and as a master-mariner he has attained a rank
seldom surpassed even by those who enjoyed superior advantages
in early life. Children :
i. William Darton, born 28 July, 1863. He now (May,
1882,) resides at Galveston, Nova Scotia.
ii. Charles Herbert, born 31 March, 1865 j died 5 May, 1870.
iii. Anne Agnes, born 31 January, 1868.
iv. Svdney Herbert, born 5 August, 1870.
v. Alfred Edwin, born 21 August, 1873.
Sarah Elizabeth Slocomb {Rufus, James, Samuel, Simon,)
was born in Haverhill, Mass., n October 1820, and married, 20
September, 1842, Edwin A. Eaton, a clergyman who was then
preaching at Waltham, Mass. They now reside at Forest Hills,
Boston, Mass. The writer is indebted to Mrs. Eaton for a well-
drawn genealogical tree of her branch of the Slocomb family.
Children :
i. Elizabeth Flint Eaton, born 26May, 1844, in Newbury-
port; mar. 20 May, 1869, Peter Faneuil Jones, a grand-
nephew of Peter Faneuil. Children: 1. Pauline Faneuil,
b. 5 May, 1870; 2. Frances Eaton, b. in Nov., 1872.
ii. Frances Urania Eaton, b. 25 Nov., 1846, in Newburyport.
iii. Edwin Rufus Eaton, born 20 Dec, 1848, in Newburyport.
iv. Austin Hardy Eaton, b. 21 May, 1851, in Cambridge, Mass.
v. Selah Reeve Eaton, b. 9 Feb., 1853; in Providence, R. I.
vi. James Whittier Eaton, born in Providence, 3 Aug., 1855.
vii. Harold Bayard Eaton, b. 30 Jan., 1858, in Providence,
viii. Percival Richards Eaton, born 25 Sept., 1859, in Wake-
field, Massachusetts.
ix. Marian Tweed Eaton, b. 3 April, 1863, in Wakefield, Mass.
x. Paul Cullis Eaton, born 20 July, 1865 ; d. 20 Oct., 1865.
Rufus Trask Slocomb {Rufus, James, Samuel, Simon,) was
born in Haverhill, Mass., 18 November, 1822, and married, 13
February, 1845, Mehitable Dow Merrill who was born at Salem,
N. H., 13 March, 1820, daughter of John Johnson and
(Eaton) Merrill. They reside in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is
member of the firm of Mardis & Slocomb, Distillers' Agents
and Commission Merchants. Children, all born in Haverhill,
Massachusetts :
i. Zelia Ruelle, born 10 May, 1846 ; died 24 November,
1869, in a sleeping-car between Milwaukee and Chicago
while en route to Cincinnati with her parents.
ii. Charles Porter, born 15 May, 1851; mar. 17 Oct., 1876,
Hannah Heberd, daughter of Jedediah and Mary Heberd
of Cincinnati. They now (March, 1882,) reside in Evans-
ville, Ind. Children: 1. Mary Belle, b. 4 Aug., 1877; 2 -
Zelia Merrill, b. 12 Sept., 1879; 3- Charles Heberd, born
3 January, 1882.
74 2
Capt. Joshua Slocomb {John, yoshua U., yohn, yohn,
Simon,) was born in Wilmot, Nova Scotia, 20 February, 1844.
He has been a sea-faring man several years. For a time he
owned and sailed the bark Amethyst, built in Boston, Mass., in
1822, and he now commands the ship Northern Light of which
he is part owner. She is also a Boston ship, and he may be said
to belong to the same city. He has been engaged in # the trade
with Australia, China, and Japan, a number of years. He is
generally known as " Capt. Joshua Slocum." He married Vir-
ginia in Sydney, New South Wales. Children :
i. Vestor Joshua, ii. Benjamin Aymor. Births not reptd.
iii. Jessie Lena, born in the year 1875, in Philadelphia, Pa.
iv. James Abram Garfield, born 3 March, 188 1.
The families and names recorded in this Appendix have been
gathered from personal reports, directories, and various other
sources. The writer has not been able to connect them with
the preceding families, in most cases probably for want of
more complete reports. Some are doubtless descendants of
Simon Slocombe (page 500), and others perhaps of the Slocumbs
(pp. 486 et seq.), while a few of the names are probably the
result of errors in the directories where names like Slaum,
Sloman, Sluman, Stocom, Stockham, Stockholm, Stockman,
Stoughton, etc., may have been recorded as Slocum.* It is also
probable that some of the names in this list are identical with
names recorded on the preceding pages.
All persons named herein who may be able to connect their
pedigree with the preceding families or trace the same to other
sources, and everyone who can add in any way to the record of
any family or person named herein, are respectfully requested to
communicate such knowledge as fully as possible to the writer who
will probably publish a supplement to this book in a few years.
Reuben Slocum, in his early manhood, resided in the south-
eastern part of New York State (Duchess County ?).f He mar-
* For the years 1879 anc ^ 1880 the name of John F. Sloper, janitor of the New
York City Hall, has been printed as " John F. Slocum " in the directory of that city.
The writer has endeavored to learn from "Daniel Stocum " of Big Flats,
Chemung Co., N. Y. , "Dr. C. W. Stocum" of Morenci, Lenawee Co., Mich.,
and from "Daniel R. Stocum" proprietor of a general store at Cedar Springs,
Kent Co., Mich., the etymology of their surname, and their genealogy, but without
success. One "Theodore D. Stocum," aged thirty years, enlisted in New York
14 August, 1861, against the Rebellion as a private soldier in Co. I, 1st Regt.
Mounted Rifles; and "John Stocum" was commissioned Captain of Co. E, 1st
New York Artillery, at Elmira, N. Y., 21 October, 1 861, for service against the
Rebellion ; he was then aged thirty-eight years.
f Perhaps he was a son of Samuel 6 Slocum and removed with his brothers Samuel
and Jesse from Shrewsbury, N. J., to Duchess County, New York. See ante pp.
82, 107, and 108.
ried first, Susannah (?), daughter of Josiah Cromwell a member
of the Society of Friends in Connecticut. He was a soldier in
the Revolutionary War, and late in life received a pension of $96
per year on that account. He married second who
survived him. He was a member of the Methodist church ;
lived to a very advanced age (106 years ?), and died in Saratoga
Township (?), N. Y. Children, perhaps not born in the order
here given all by first wife :
i. Reuben, mar. . Resided in Saratoga County, N. Y.
ii. John, mar. . Resided in Saratoga, N. Y., with chil. (?)
iii. William, resided in Saratoga County, New York.
744. iv. Stephen, b. 7 April, 1786 ; m. 1st, Sarah Slawson ; d. in 1872.
v. Thomas, resided in Saratoga Township, Saratoga Co., N. Y.
vi. Phebe. vii. Hannah. Dates and particulars not reported.
Stephen Slocum (Reuben,) was born in Duchess County,
New York (?), 7 April, 1786. He married first, November 8,
1806, Sarah, daughter of Israel Slawson of Perrington Township,
Monroe Co., N. Y. She was born 27 January, 1788, and died n
April, 1840. He married second, Ann Slawson, a cousin to his
first wife. He was a farmer; died in Lysander Township, Onon-
daga Co., N. Y., in the year 1872 (?). Children, all by first wife :
i. Abigail Jane, born 5 January, 1808; married Nicholas
Piester and resided in Lysander Tp., Onondaga Co., N. Y.
745. ii. John Wesley, b. 6 April, 1809; married Rachel M. Cator.
iii. Hannah, b. 12 Sept., 1810; m. James Price. Resides in Ind.
iv. Israel, born 9 October, 1812 ; died young (?).
v. Lewis, born 15 April, 1814. Resided at Otsego, Michigan.
746. vi. James, born 28 October, 18 16 ; married Lucy Jane Abbott,
vii. Mary Elizabeth, b. 7 May, 18 19. Resides in Indiana (?).
viii. Elizabeth Mariah, b. 13 May, 1821 ; died in her infancy.
ix. Jacob DeForest, b. 17 June, 1823 ; d. 18 March, 1875, in
Farmington Tp., Ontario Co., N. Y., without children (?).
x. Elizabeth, b. 7 August, 1827 ; m. . Resides in Indiana.
xi. Susannah, b. 2oOct, 1831. Resides in Lysander Tp., N. Y. (?)
John Wesley Slocum (Stephen, Reuben^) was born at Glen-
ville, Schenectady County, New York, 6 April, 1809. He
removed to Rochester about 1827-30; was married in East
Bloomfield Township, Ontario County, N. Y., to Rachel Mariah
Cator (or Kaetor) who was born 14 January, 1807, in Ulster
County ; she died 25 September, 1867. They resided on a farm
in Perrington Township, Monroe Co., N. Y., in 1838. He now
lives with his only child, viz. :
i. Warren Spencer, born 15 March, 1838; was married in
Bristol, Ontario Co., N. Y., 19 May, 1 861, to Mary Ferrin,
born 11 July, 1843, daughter of Shubael and Marilla
(Jones) Ferrin. He is a farmer in Farmington Township,
Ontario County ; postoffice Padelford's, N. Y. Children :
1. Ellen Mariah, b. 10 May, 1862; 2. Esther Marilla, b.
1 Jan., 1865 ; 3. Jennie, b. 12 Jan., 1868; 4. John Spencer,
b. 5 May, 187 1 ; 5. Benjamin Warren, b. 15 March, 1873!
The first two born in East Bloomfield, the second two in
West Bloomfield, and the last in Farmington, Ontario Co.
James Slocum (Stephen, Reuben?) was born in or near Glen-
ville, Schenectady County, New York, 28 October, 18 16, and
married in Penfield, Monroe County, N. Y., Lucy Jane Abbott
15 April, 1841. She died 28 April, 1878. He married second
. He is a cooper ; resided in Holly, Oakland County, Mich-
igan, previous to the autumn of 1880. Children :
i. Rosetta, b. ; mar. A. Wall. Resides in Holly, Mich.
ii. Edson, b. ; m. Asenath (?) Thorp. P. O. Holly, Mich.
iii. Mina Jane, born ; died .
iv. Martha, mar Orrin Cornell. P. O. County Line, Mich,
v. Alpha (?'), b. ; m. Emma Wilkinson. P. O. Holly, Mich.
vi. Willard, died . vii. William, is a farm laborer.
viii. Albert, and ix. Elroy, farm laborers, x. Edward, d. .
William Slocum, master-mariner, died in New York City in
the year 1820, or 1821, leaving a wife Elizabeth (?).* The
names of but two of his children have been ascertained, viz. :
i. Israel,! died in New York City in 1801. His estate was
administered there by his father 3 October, 1801.
ii. William, was the administrator of his father's estate in New
York City 4 Jan., 1822. The name of "William Slocum,
painter," occurs in the directories of that city from 1824
until 1 841 ; residence 88 Chrystie Street. He died previous
to the year 1843 leaving a wife Margaret (?).
* See the name of William Slocum of Newport, R. I., 1774, in note on page 75.
f This name was sometimes written " Israel Stocum."
John Slocum {John ?) was born in Connecticut (?). He mar-
ried Elizabeth Bullis and settled on a farm in Manchester Town-
ship, Bennington County, Vermont, where they died. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Amaryllis, mar. Thales Ives, and removed to Michigan. A
son Henry, and a dau. Sarah Fowler, reside in N. Adrian.
749. ii. Henry, born 17 May, 1794; mar. Sarah Bull 10 Oct., 1819.
iii. Mary, married Hurd and removed to Illinois.
iv. Cyrus, resides near Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Co., N. Y. (?)
v. John B, born ; mar. and resided in Dorset, Vt. ;
died and was buried in Manchester. A daughter, now Mrs.
Martha Bates, resides at Norwich, Conn.
vi. Martin, mar. first, Abigail Dean by whom he had one child,
now Mrs. L Felts. He mar. second, Elizabeth, dau. of
Increase and Rachel (Wright*) Moseley of Hoosick, N. Y.
She was born 12 Sept., 1801, and died 22 Sept., 1843.
Children: 1. Cordelia, mar. John Batchelder; 2. Rachel;
and 3. Mary E. ; they resided in Shaftsbury, Vt., in 1858.
vii. Stephen, died at Cohoes, N. Y., in November, 1864, leaving
a wife, Eliza, and a son Marcus S. who married Adeline
, and now resides at Saratoga Springs, New York.
viii. Joseph, resides in Manchester Tp., Bennington County, Vt.
ix. Rodney (?). x. Benjamin (?).
xi. Sarah Ann, born 1 Nov., 1819, in Manchester, Vermont;
married there 3 April, 1 848, Caleb Buffum, son of Caleb
and Huldah (Parris) Buffum of Mount Tabor, Vt., where
he was born 4 June, 1820. They settled in or near Rutland,
Vt., where they still reside. Children: 1. Fanny Slocum,
born 6 June, 1852, in Danby, Vt. ; died in 1 866, at Rutland ;
2. Caleb Parris, born 31 May, 1854; 3. Huldah Melissa,
born 13 October, 1857.
Henry Slocum {John, John?) was born in Manchester
Township, Bennington County, Vermont, 17 May, 1794. He
married in Steuben Tp., Oneida Co., New York, 10 October,
1819, Sarah Bull who was born 25 July, 1803, daughter of
Ephraim and Sarah (Mott) Bull. They dwelt on a farm in
Steuben which township he at one time served as Supervisor
until the year 1867 when they removed to Freetown Tp., Cort-
*This Rachel Wright was a sister to Elizabeth Wright who married Joseph 7 Slo-
cum ; see page 229.
land County, N. Y., where she died 8 September, 1876, and
where he still (1880) lives. Children :
750. i. Minerva Laura, born 6 Sept., 1820; mar. Septimus Tripp,
ii. Sarah, born 2 May, 1823; married, in September, 1854,
John Palmer of Freetown, N. Y. They removed to Man-
chester, Iowa, and there she died in April, 1873.
751. iii. Ransom, b. 16 Feb., 1825; m. Celestine M. Hopkins, 1854.
iv. Elizabeth, b. 16 Feb., 1828, mar. George Quackenbush of
Steuben Tp., Oneida County, N. Y. Their postofhce is
now Freetown Corners, N. Y. A child, Edgar G., was
born 29 June, 1867.
v. Emeline, born 28 Nov., 1832; m. Leonard J. Watrous who
was born 13 Oct., 1834, son of Joseph and Lydia, of Free-
town Tp., Cortland Co., N. Y. He is a farmer, and deacon
in the Baptist church ; postoffice Freetown Corners, N. Y.
Children: 1. Adeline Luella, born 3 Jan., 1867; 2. Roscoe
Gaylord. born 28 August, 1870, died 28 June, 1879.
vi. Charles Hiram, born 16 July, 1836; mar. Orissa Dodge of
Michigan, where he resided. He enlisted against the Re-
bellion in Co. A, 18th Regt. Mich. V. I., and died of small-
pox 1 April, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn.; was buried in the
National Cemetery near that city, grave 652. He was a
true soldier and christian. His name is recorded in the
United States Roll of Honor.
vii. Alfred Hannibal, born 13 Dec, 1839, in Steuben Town-
ship, N. Y. Postoffice Bean's Eddy, Marathon Co., Wis.
752. viii. Arthur Gaylord, b. 10 Oct., 1847 ; m - Mary M. Calvert.
Minerva Laura Slocum {Henry, yohn, yohn ?) was born in
Steuben Township, Oneida County, New York, 6 September,
1820; was married there 2 January, 1844, to Septimus Tripp, a
farmer. Their present postoffice is Freetown Corners, Cortland
County, New York. Children :
i. Josephine, b. 30 Dec, 1844; m. Geo. L. Cass, 12 Dec, 1865.
ii. Marion M. Tripp, born 14 Feb., 1847 ; died 3 Oct., 1850.
iii. Augusta S. Tripp, b. 28 Aug., 185 1; died 19 March, 1854.
iv. Flora V. Tripp, born 2 January, 1855 ; married Charles
H. Tanner 22 July, 1879.
v. Belle L., b. 26 April, 1857 ; m. D. R. Oakley 26 Sept., 1878.
vi. Clarence S. Tripp, born 4 May, 1859.
Ransom Slocum {Henry, yohn, yohn ?) was born in Steuben
Township, Oneida County, New York, 16 February, 1825. He
settled in Freetown Tp., Cortland County, in February, 1853,
and married in Holland Patent 28 June, 1854, Celestine Maria
Hopkins, who was born in Trenton 16 October, 1828, daughter
of Harris and Achsah (Jackson) Hopkins. They have resided
since marriage on a farm in Freetown ; postoffice Freetown Cor-
ners, New York. Children :
i. Frank Ransom, born 7 July, 1855, in Freetown, N. Y.
ii. Emily Celestine, born in Freetown, N. Y., 2 May, 1857.
iii. Charles Hiram, born 2 September, 1 861, in Freetown, N. Y.
iv. Nelson Henry, born in Freetown, N. Y., 12 August, 1863.
v. Edgar Joseph, born 9 July, 1865, in Freetown, N. Y.
75 2
Prof. Arthur Gaylord Slocum {Henry, "John, John ?) was
born in Steuben Township, Oneida County, New York, 10
Oct., 1847. He was graduated A. B. at Rochester University,
class of 1874 ; was married, in Cortland 14 July, 1875, to Mary
Malnia Calvert who was born 31 October, 1850, daughter of
James A. and Olive A. Calvert of Cortland. He has been
Principal of the Free Academy, and Superintendent of the
Union Schools, in Corning, Steuben County, N. Y., since 1876.
Child :
i. Arthur Gaylord, born 12 June, 1879, in Corning, N. Y.
Samuel Slocumb (the names of whose parents have not been
ascertained) was a cousin of Samuel, son of Rev. John C. Slocumb
(see page 488), and like his cousin, he married one Mary Ann
Beck. They dwelt some years in Wayne County, North Caro-
lina, then removed to Uniontown, Union County, Kentucky, of
which place he continued a resident, and a slaveholder, for some
years. They finally removed to southern Illinois (White County ?)
and settled on a prairie which was afterward known as Slocumb
Prairie, and there died he, about the year 1820; she, in 1840.
He had one brother, John, who died in White County, Illinois,
about the year 1822. The first seven children of this Samuel
and Mary Ann (Beck) Slocumb were born in Wayne County, N.
C, and the others in Union County, Ky. ; but perhaps they were
not all born in the order here given :
i. David Dunn, mar. widow Cynlhia Hooper, in Arkansas.
She died . He died at Concord, White County, Illi-
nois, about the year 1835.
ii. Elizabeth, born ; married Dempsey (?) Hooper of
Morgan sfield, Ky. She died at the age of 40 yrs. ; he d. .
iii. Nancy, born ; died at the age of four years.
iv. Susan, born ; mar. Samuel Hooper in Union County,
Kentucky. She died at the age of thirty-five years.
v. John Charles, born ; mar. Ella Hooper in Union
County, Ky. They removed to the vicinity of Albany,
Whitesides Co., 111., and there died he. 23 July, 1863.
vi. Clarissa, born ; mar. Fitzgerald, and died .
754. vii. Rigdon Bryant, b. 21 Aug., 1795; m. 1st, Elizabeth A.
Leach; d. 20 December, 1874.
viii. Samuel, born ; mar. Elizabeth Pharis at Fairfield, 111.
He was keeping hotel at Nauvoo, 111., and during the Mor-
mon riot there in 1844 he received wounds from which he
died the following year at Big Muddy, Franklin County,
Illinois. His widow is also deceased.
ix. Mary Ann, married McKinley Fox at Fairfield, Illinois.
Both are now deceased.
755. x. Caroline, born 31 August, 18 16 ; mar. 2d, John H. Brown.
Hon. Rigdon Bryant Slocumb {Samuel,) was born 21
August, 1795, in Wayne County, North Carolina, and was reared
mostly in Union County, Kentucky. He settled at Fairfield,
Wayne County, Illinois, in 18 18, and married first, Elizabeth A.
Leach at Shawneetown, 111. She died a few years thereafter
and he married second, Clementine Ridgeway at Mount Vernon,
Jefferson County, 111., where she now lives a widow.
Mr. Slocumb was Clerk of the Supreme Court of Illinois for
several years, member of the lower house of the Illinois Legis-
lature several terms, and served two terms as Illinois State
Senator, and, also, as County and Circuit Judge for several
years. In his public and private life his integrity was unim-
peachable, and he was appreciated by his constituents as a com-
petent and faithful public officer. He died 20 December, 1874,
in Fairfield, Illinois. Children by first wife (?) :
i. ii. Two children died in their infancy.
iii. Mary, born , ; married McCaulay,
iv. George Leach, born , ; married .
He is a book-keeper in San Francisco, Cal.; family not rpd.
Children of Rigdon B.andCLEMENTiNE(RiDGEWAY)SLOCUMB(?):
v. Helen, born , ; m. S F. Crews, a lawyer.
vi. Clementine, born , j married Woodward.
vii. Ibey (?), born , ; m. Dr. Groesbeck of
San Francisco, California,
viii. Eugene, ix. Bryant. Dates and particulars not reported.
Caroline Slocumb (Samuel,) was born 31 August, 1816, at
Uniontown, Union County, Kentucky, and was reared from an
early age in southern Illinois. She has been twice married at
Fairfield, Wayne Co., 111. ; first to G F. Snodgrass, Esq., in
1834, and second to John H. Brown 31 January, 1841. Mr.
Brown was born in April, 1809, and died 14 July, 1863. He
went to the gold mines in California in the year 1850 and sent
for his wife and children in 1855. They left Illinois 7 Novem-
ber, 1855, and arrived in San Francisco, via New York and Pan-
ama, 1 January, 1856. Mrs. Brown is now (March, 1882,) resid-
ing with her daughter Julia in Visalia, California. Children :
i. Thomas Wiley Brown, born 4 November, 1842, at Fairfield,
Wayne County, Illinois; married Rachel Cornelia Glass it
March, 1866. They reside at Phoenix, Maricopa County,
Arizona, with one child, Russell, born about 1875.
ii. George Ephraim Brown, born 20 Nov., 1844, at Fairfield,
111. ; married Caroline Hilton in 1876. They now (March,
1882,) have one child, Paul Hancock Brown. Postoffice
Phcenix, Arizona.
iii. Julia Brown, born 31 November, 1847, at New Harmony,
Ind. ; married John G. Knox 3 September, 1866. They
reside in Visalia, Tulare Co., Cal. Mr. Knox has been
clerk of his county for several years. Children : 1. Caro-
line A., born in 1867 ; 2. Nora, born in 1871 ; and 3. Frank,
a son, born in 1875.
iv. Porter Brown, born 24 January, 1850; died 3 Nov., 1850.
David Slocumb (perhaps uncle to Hon. Rigdon B. Slocumb,
page 558,) was a farmer. He married first, , and
second, Martha Nash who was born at Nashville, Tenn. They
removed, previous to the year 1807, to White County, Illinois,
and there died, she, in 1859, and< were buried at Carmi.
Children by first wife :
i. Page (?), ) were born (and resided) in North Caro-
ii. A daughter, j lina (?).
Children by second wife, perhaps not born in the order given :
iii. Mary Ann, married Jesse Hubbard, and died , .
iv. Seville (Civil ?), mar. Mr. Walker, and died .
757. v. Samuel, b. 13 May, 1807; m. Mary E. Hughes; d. in 1858.
Samuel Slocumb (David,) was born in White County, Illi-
nois, 13 May, 1807 ; was married, 14 November, 1833, to Mary E.
Hughes who was born in McCracken County, Kentucky, 24
November, 18 18, daughter of John and Rebecca (Cross) Hughes
formerly of Virginia. He participated in the Black Hawk War,
and after marriage settled as a miller at Carmi, White County,
111., where they died, she, 5 June, 1856; he, 9 September, 1858,
and were buried. Children :
i. John William, b. 22 June, 1836; d. 7 July, 1836, at Carmi.
ii. William Houghton, b. 22 April, 1839; died 23 Feb., 1841.
iii. Martha, born 18 March, 1841, at Carmi, 111. ; was married
there by Rev. Ransom, M. E., 6 Jan., 1859, to Walter
A. Ruhe, born 27 April, 1834, at Allentown, Pa., son of
William and Sarah (Matchett) Ruhe. He served against
the Rebellion as a soldier in the 18th Regt. 111. Vols. They
now reside at Bridgeton, N. J., where he is a tobacconist.
Children: 1. William Slocumb, b. 4 Nov., 1859; 2. Ada, b.
17 June, 1861; 3. Emma Weaver, b. 6 Nov., 1863; 4.
Charles Augustus, b. 3 May, 1866; 5. Walter, b. 17 Aug.,
1868, d. 5 Nov., 1870, and was buried in Oak Hill Ceme-
tery, Evansville, Ind. ; 6. Samuel Lewis, b. 22 Oct., 187 1 ;
7. Frederick, b. 29 July, 1875 ; the first three born at
Carmi, 111., the next two at Evansville, Ind., and the last
two at Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
iv. Anne E., born 24 May, 1843; married Walter L. Sullivan
15 November, 1864, at Carmi, 111. They now reside at
Mount Vernon, Indiana.
v. Emma Jane, born n April, 1845 ; married Dr. John B.
Weaver at Carmi, 111., 23 December, 1862. They now re-
side at Mount Vernon, Posey County, Indiana.
vi. Mary E., born 9 December, 1847; married Dr. John B.
Ervin in 1868 at New Harmony, Posey County, Indiana.
They now reside at Clinton, Clinton County, Iowa.
vii. Samuel, born 15 March, 1850. Resides at Mt. Vernon, Ind.
viii. Clement (Clementine?), b. 4 April, 1852 ; d. 7 Jan., 1853.
ix. Helen E., born 2 April, 1856; died 9 October, 1856.
Christopher Slocum was born on one of the Elizabeth
Islands (?) in Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts. He married Sarah,
daughter of Jacob Ash a shipowner of Philadelphia, Pa. They
resided in Tisbury Township, Island of Martha's Vineyard, and
the records of that township contain the names and dates of
births of their children, as follows :
i. George N., born 24 May, 1787; married Phebe A. Dilling-
ham. He was a master-mariner, and a resident of New
York City from 1849 until i860 according to the directories
of that city for that period. His will was dated in Chil-
mark, Dukes Co., Mass., 28 Nov., 1863, and the heirs
named therein were his wife Phebe A., daughter Mary
Elizabeth, and "grandson George F. Slocum."
759. ii. Christopher, b. 27 Aug., 1791 ; m. Charity Meader ; d. 1841.
iii. Norman A., born 3 Oct., 1793. He was a soldier in the
War of 1 8 1 2 and was taken prisoner by the British. He
died in Louisiana some years thereafter.
760. iv. Peter M., born 29 Nov., 1795 5 married Fidelia .
v. Sarah, born 29 June, 1798; mar. Peabody and had
several children ; one, Fitzherbert, now resides in Provi-
dence, Rhode Island. Dates of births not reported,
vi. Susanna N., b. 28 July, 1 801 ; m. James White of Bristol, R. I.
vii. Julia, born 21 Feb., 1803, in Tisbury Township, Dukes
County, Mass. ; married Hugh Nelson and had children,
Adeline and Charles. Particulars of births not reported.
Christopher Slocum {Christopher,) was born in Tisbury
Township, Island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, 27
August, 1 79 1. He was married in New Bedford 19 February,
18 1 5, by Rev. Ephraim Randall, Presbyterian, to Charity Cleve-
land Meader, daughter of Captain William and Phebe Bright-
man (Tripp) Meader of that place, and formerly of Williams-
burgh, N. Y. She was born in New Bedford, Mass., 4 March,
1795, and still (1880) lives in that city. Mr. Slocum was a
cabinet-maker; died in Bristol, R. I., 15 May, 1841, and was
there buried. Children :
i. Adeline, twin, born 29 Sept., 1816, in New Bedford; died
there n March, 1819, and was buried in Rural Cemetery.
ii. Sarah Shepard, twin, born 29 September, 1816; married,
in New Bedford in 1833, Joseph, son of Timothy Tobey of
Sandwich. Children: 1. William M., born 25 June, 1834; 2.
Caroline R., born in Boston 18 Oct., 1837 ; d. 14 June, 1859;
3. Joseph H., b. 25 Aug., 1848, in South Boston ; m. 16 April,
1874, Catherine E. Hanwell who d. there 7 March, 1875.
iii. Andrew Gardner, b. 21 March, 1819; d. n Sept., 1826.
iv. Edward Gardner, born 7 June, 1821 ; died 15 July, 1822.
v. Adeline C, born 27 September, 1823 ; died 3 April, 1841.
vi. Edward Barnard, born 8 Nov., 1825; died 14 May, 1827.
vii. Hephzibah Barnard, born 3 April, 1828; married, in New
Bedford 4 October, 1847, Alden Wordell, son of Perry
and Rebecca (Wordell) Wordell of Fall River, Mass. A
son, Frank M., born 14 July, 1848, now resides in Boston.
She died 20 November, 1852, in New Bedford, and was
buried in Rural Cemetery, New Bedford, Mass.
viii. Elizabeth Meader, born 6 May, 1832, in New Bedford,
Mass., where she now resides with her mother ; unmarried.
ix. Mary Cleveland, b. 3 Sept., 1835. Was married in New
Bedford, Mass., 29 Nov., 1857, by Rev. S. Rice, Episco-
palian, to Seth R. Thomas, son of Joseph and Hannah
(Slocum) Thomas of Portsmouth, R. I. She died 15 Jan.,
1876, in Dartmouth and was buried in Rural Cemetery,
New Bedford. Children: 1. Abigail, born 15 Sept., 1858,
died 20 July, 1859; 2. Edward H., born 26 January, 1862,
now resides with his father at Fall River, Mass.
Peter M. Slocum {Christopher^) was born in Tisbury Town-
ship, Island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, 29 November,
1795, and married Fidelia . Children, perhaps not born in
the order here given :
i. George, born ; married Alice Holt of Newport, R. I.
He was at one time Captain of a mail steamship plying be-
tween New York (?) and a Central American port. He
now resides in Jamestown, R. I.
ii. Benjamin L., born . He served against the Rebellion
in the Rhode Island Artillery, and since then has been
employed at the United States Arsenal in Springfield, Mass.
iii. Peter, born ; married Sarah .
iv. Catherine, married Cyrus Peckham of Newport, R. I.
v. Susan, born ; married Carr.
vi. Alexis, was a carpenter in Newport, R. I., in the year 1880.
Simon Slocum* was born in Massachusetts 8 October, 1770,
and married Elizabeth Herring who was born there 10 October,
^Perhaps a descendant of Simon Slocooib, ante page 500.
1780. They died at Norfolk, Mass., he, ^February, 1844, she,
6 January, 1858. Children :
i. Eliza, born 24 January, 1805 ; married Reuben Bacon. She
died 4 May, 1843, in Boston, Mass., leaving one son who is
now deceased.
762. ii. William, b. 30 Aug., r8o6; m. Sarah Collins 20 Feb., 1834.
hi. Mary, born, 5 Dec, 1808; married John Bosworth. She
died, 19 Aug., 1853, in Medfield, Mass. He enlisted
against the Southern Rebellion and died in the war. They
had two sons and two dau's ; names and dates not reported.
iv. Catharine, born 19 Dec, 1810; mar. Asa B. Ware. A son
and daughter are in charge of a college at Atlanta, Ga. (?)
v. Simon, born 16 Feb., 1813 ; died 26 Sept., 1813, in Mass.
vi. Charles, born 13 Feb., 1819 ; married first, ; and sec-
ond, Laura Griswold. He resides in Foxborough, Norfolk
County, Massachusetts. (?)
vii. Thomas, born 7 July, 182 1; died 20 Sept., 1824, in Mass.
viii. Ann M., born 28 August, 1824; married Francis T. Ware.
They had two children, a son and daughter, who riow reside
in Chelsea, Massachusetts.
William Slocum {Simon,) was born in Massachusetts 30
August, 1806; married, 20 February, 1834, Sarah Collins who
was born in Maryland 20 December, 18 13. They now reside at
Roseburgh, Douglas County, Oregon. Children :
i. Ann M., born 16 December, 1834, in Cookstown, Pa.; died
19 December, 184T, in Illinois,
ii. Mary H., born 31 May, 1836, in Richmond, Ky. ; married
P P. Palmer 6 March, 1856. They reside at Scotts-
burgh, Douglas County, Oregon.
hi. Henry C, born 13 Feb., 1838, in Dayton, Ohio; married
1st, Elizabeth G. Sawyer in 1866; mar. 2d, Nettie Bowen
1 December, 1880. He resides in Roseburgh, Oregon.
Has one son by first marriage ; name not reported.
iv. Emeline A., born 31 October, 1839, in Louisville, Ky.;
died 9 April, 1841, in Illinois.
v. Emma A., born 31 Aug., 1843; mar. 1st, S T. Reed 2
Aug., 1863; married 2d, W H. Byers 23 Dec, 1868.
She resides at Roseburgh, Oregon. Children : one son
and one daughter by first, and three sons and two daugh-
ters by second marriage ; names not reported.
vi. Edward H., born 15 June, 1845, at Rock Island, Illinois;
married Laura Nedry in 1870. They reside at Colfax,
Washington Territory, with one son and one daughter.
vii. William F., born 23 March, 1847, at Rock Island, Illinois;
married Ada Waters in 187 1. He died at Woodland, Cal.,
in 1875, leaving two children who are now with their
mother in San Francisco. Dates of births not reported,
viii. Charles H., born 15 March, 1849, at Rock Island, 111. ;
died in October, 1868, at Gardiner, Oregon,
ix. Susan E., born 2 November, 185 1, at Rock Island, Illinois;
married A W. Reed in October, 1872, and died in
July, 1873, at Gardiner, Oregon.
x. Adelia C., b. 23 Nov., 1854, in Douglas County, Oregon.
7 6 3
William Slocum was born in Rhode Island about the year
1773. He married Anna Sherman and resided on a farm in
Tiverton Township, Rhode Island. Children :
i. Job, born about the year 1796; died young in Tiverton, R. I.
ii ; Mary, b. 1798; m. William Tabor and had a large family,
hi. William, born about 1800; married Hannah Young of Cape
Cod, Mass., and had two children ; names not reported,
iv. Elizabeth, born about 1802; died aged about fifteen years,
v. Squire, born about the year 1803. He was a soldier in the
Florida War ; died unmarried.
764. vi. Samuel, born in the year 1804; m. first, Lucinda Cahoon.
vii. Lyman, born about the year 1806. He was a mariner; sailed
for Turkey in the year 1837 (?) since which nothing has
been heard of him. A bachelor,
viii. Hannah, born about 181 2; mar. William Negus, and had
five sons and seven daughters ; names and dates not reported.
ix. Eliza, born about 181 4; married Patrick McNeely and had
seven sons and two daughters ; names and dates not reported.
Samuel Slocum ( William?) was born in Tiverton Township,
Rhode Island, A. D. 1804. He settled in Pawtucket, R I.,
about the year 1820, and married first, in 1823, Lucinda Cahoon
of Cape Cod, Mass. After her death he married Elizabeth
Rodloff of Seekonk, Mass. He still lives in Pawtucket, R. I.
Children by first wife :
i. Delany, married John Stevens and had four children,
ii. Samuel, born A. D. 1826; died in the year 1843.
hi. James N., born A. D. 1828. He went to California in
1849, an d returned in 1854 when he married Eliza A.
Negus in New Bedford, Mass. Soon after marriage he
again journeyed to California, and, in 1856, returned to
New Bedford, Mass., where he still resides. Children : 1.
Andrew M., born in 1861 ; 2. Anna E., born in 1876.
iv. Eliza, born A. D. 1830; died in the year 1832.
v. A daughter died in her infancy; unnamed,
vi. Eliza, born in 1832; mar. H Burns of New York, and
had five sons and three daughters ; names not reported.
Children by second wife :
vii. Sarah, born A. D. 1837; married Thomas Berry. They
reside in Pawtucket, R. I. Have had five children ; two
now living. Particulars of births and deaths not reported.
viii. Lyman, twin, born 1 2 May, 1 840 ; married Rhobea Wood.
They reside in Pawtucket, R. I.; have had seven children.
ix. Lewis Frederic, twin, born 12 May, 1840. He married,
in November, 186 1, Susan Caroline Follett who was born
28 February, 1842, in Pawtucket, R. I., where they now
reside. A cigar-maker. Children : 1. Adeline Thomas,
born 12 September, 1862; 2. Orrin, born 12 Feb., 1865.
x. William, born in 1841. He mar. Hannah Follett who died
in 1877 leaving two sons. He resides in Pawtucket, R. I.
xi. Thomas Dorr, b. in 1843; m. Ellen Dickson; has 3 chil.
xii. Samuel, born in 1845; married Eliza Short of Providence.
He resides in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, with one son.
Ezra Slocum, born , married a daughter of Leonard
Buell, and died in East Haddam, Connecticut, . He had
children named as follows, but perhaps not born in the order
here given, viz. :
766. i. Ebenezer, born ; married Martha A. .
ii. Nancy, born ; mar. William Maine. They resided in
Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., whereshe diedin 1879. Children:
Sandris, William, Amos, Edwin, Febester (?), and Mary Janet.
iii. Harriet, born ; mar. Larry C. Maine, brother of her
sister Nancy's husband. They resided in Locke, Cayuga
County, N. Y. Children : Clinton C. ; Charles Milo, was
killed in 1864 as a soldier against the Rebellion; and
Elizabeth Almeda.
iv. Lucy, born ; m. Ezra Spaffordand resided in Moravia,
Cayaga Co., N. Y. Children: Uriah, Charles, Edgar,
Alanson, Ebenezer, and Harriet.
Ebenezer Slocum {Ezra,) was born in East Haddam,
Conn. (?), and married Martha A. . He now (1880) resides
in or near Dresserville, Cayuga County, New York, well advanced
in years. Children, perhaps not all born in the order here given :
i. Ezra, born in East Haddam, Connecticut ; died there
at the age of thirty-five years.
767. ii. Albert Joseph, b. 2 April, 1844; m. Amanda V. Freelove.
iii. Willis, born A. D. 1846, in East Haddam, Conn. Now
resides at Excelsior, Mitchell County, Kansas,
iv. Silas, born in East Haddam, Conn. Now resides at Homer,
Cortland County, New York,
v. Eugene, born A. D. 1852, in Locke, Cayuga County, New
York. Now resides in Muscatine (?), Iowa,
vi. Frederick, born A. D. 1854, in Locke, Cayuga Co., New
York. Postoffice Dresserville, New York,
vii. Mary, resides at Dresserville, Cayuga County, New York,
viii. Charles, born A. D. i860, in Locke, N. Y. Now resides
in Seneca County, New York.
ix. Rosa, married Lick (?). Resides in Moravia, N. Y.
x. Velmia (?), died in June, 1873, an d was buried in Moravia.
Albert Joseph Slocum [Ebenezer, Ezra,) was born in East
Haddam, Connecticut, 2 April, 1844, and was reared from the
age of five years in Locke Township, Cayuga County, New
York. He enlisted against the Rebellion at Auburn, N. Y.,
15 November, 1861, as a private soldier in Co. A, 3d N. Y. V.
Artillery, and served until the close of the war participating in
twelve or more battles and skirmishes of note. He married
first, in Locke, N. Y., 28 June, 1868, Amanda V., daughter of
Rodney Freelove. She was born in Locke 22 August, 1846,
and died 8 August, 1869; was buried in Moravia. He married
second, . He is a carriage-maker ; has resided in
Moravia, Cayuga Co., N. Y., since March, 1 880. Child by first wife :
i. Archibald Albert, born 4 February, 187 1, in Locke, N.Y.
Children by second wife :
ii. John Eugene, born 21 August, 1876, in Scipio, New York,
iii. Bernard, born in Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 6 Aug., 1878.
Capt. David Betts Slocum, son of David Betts, was born in
Wales, Great Britain, about the year 1790, and was reared from
an early age on the Elizabeth Islands, in Buzzard's Bay, Massa-
chusetts, by a Slocum family whose surname he adopted. He
early went to sea and became a master-mariner and owner of a
merchantman. During the War of 1812-14 he was overtaken
in the Mediterranean sea by a British cruiser and his vessel and
cargo were confiscated. He succeeded in returning to Boston
where he immediately entered the service of the United States
and was soon afterward appointed Sailing-master under Master-
Commandant Thomas McDonough and Commodore Downie on
Lake Champlain. On account of service thus rendered, his heirs
received a United States warrant for 160 acres of public land.
He was married in Boston, in the year 18 15, to Rachel James
who was born in that city 30 May, 1791, daughter of John and
Nancy (Ward) James. Captain Slocum continued his occupa-
tion as mariner and was lost at sea in December, 1825. His
widow died at Longwood, Brighton, Mass., 24 October, 1861.
Children :
769. i. William Henry, b. 1 Jan., 1818; m. Sarah E. Williams.
ii. Rachel Jane, born in the year 182 1, in Newburyport, Mass.;
married Bartholomew Ward of Middlefield, Mass., in 1849.
They now reside in San Francisco, California,
iii. Lavinia, born in the year 1823 ; died in her infancy,
iv. Sarah Elizabeth, born in December, 1825, in Newburyport,
Mass. ; married John G. Barnnm of Portland, Me., in 185 1.
They now reside in Alameda, California.
William Henry Slocum {David) was born in Boston, Mass.,
1 January, 18 18, and was reared from the age of one year to
sixteen years in Newburyport, and thereafter in Boston. He
married, 14 July, 185 1, Sarah Elizabeth Williams who was born
in Boston 29 June, 1825, daughter of Moses and Mary (Blake)
Williams. After marriage he dwelt six years in Brookline, and
since 1857 has resided at Jamaica Plain, Boston. His occupation
has been that of importer of foreign and exporter of American
furs ; now retired. Children :
i. Helen, born 5 July, 1852. Resides at Jamaica Plain, Boston.
ii. Mary Blake, born 24 Aug., 1854; was married in the First
Church, Jamaica Plain, 21 June, 1876, to John White
Treadwell Nichols, b. in Brighton 30 Oct., 1852, son of
George and Susan (Farley) Nichols. A child, George, was
born 14 October, 1878.
hi. Laura, born 9 March, 1856, in Boston, Massachusetts,
iv. Anna Dixwell, b. 14 Sept., 1861, at Jamaica Plain, Boston.
v. William Henry, b. at Jamaica Plain, 21 December, 1863.
vi. Thomas Williams, b. 26 Jan., 1867, Jamaica Plain, Boston.
William Riley Slocum, was born 14 October, 1796, in Ed-
meston, Otsego County, New York (?). He married there, first,
Elizabeth Sheldon, and second, Elsie Ann Bennett who was born
in Rhode Island 24 May, 1804. He was a blacksmith ; died in
Edmeston 6 December, 1873, and was buried in Denning Ceme-
tery. Children by first marriage :
i. Lyman, born ; married Patience Rocket in Cattaraugus
County, New York, where they now live.
ii. Emily, died in Edmeston, New York> in her childhood.
hi. John, was buried in same grave with his sister Emily.
iv. William Harvey, died in December, 1846, in Lodi, Catta-
raugus County, New York, aged about twenty-five years (?).
v. vi. Two children died in their infancy, unnamed,
vii. A child died soon after birth ; was buried with its mother.
Children by second marriage :
viii. Susannah Mariah, born 29 May, 1836 ; d. 18 March, 1846.
ix. Henry Harrison, born 27 July, 1838, in Pittsfield,
Otsego County, N. Y. ; married, in Leonardsville, Madison
County, 23 December, 1859, Hannah Eliza, daughter of
David and Mary (Stevens) Tefft, formerly of Edmeston
where she was born 18 January, 1833. He is a carpenter
and joiner; P. O. Edmeston, N. Y. Children: 1. Rosalia
May, b. 25 March, 1861 ; 2. Mary Eliza, b. 8 Oct., 1867.
x. Myron Amenzo, b. 30 March, 1841 ; m. Mary Ann Gilbert
about 1862. Resides in Pittsfield, Otsego County, New
York, without children.
77 1
Peleg Slocum died at Skaneateles, Onondaga County, New
York, 8 May, 1858, at the age of sixty-two years, leaving a wife
Elizabeth, and children who were named in the administration
of his estate in the following order :
i. John B. Resides at Skaneateles, Onondaga County, N. Y.
ii. George W. Resided at Mandana, near Skaneateles, N. Y.
There were, perhaps, some daughters in this family.
William Benjamin Slocum was born near Long Branch, N. J.,
10 November, 1819 ; married, 16 December, 1849, Ellen Hampton
who was born 8 April, 1825, near Shark River, N. J. They settled
on farm near Long Branch, where they still reside. Children :
i. Emily Lewis, born 29 Sept., 1850, near Long Branch, N. J
ii. Martha Williams, b. nr. Long Branch, N. J., 1 1 April, 1853
hi. Charlotte Chamberlain, b/3 April, 1855, nr - Long Branch
iv. Ellen Belle, b. near Long Branch, N. J., 22 Aug., 1857
v. George Washington, b. 1 July, i860; died 1 April, 1861
vi. William Russell, b. 9 June, 1862, nr. Long Branch, N. J
vii. Rachel Belle, born 18 May, 1865 ; died 4 August, 1865
Peter Edward Slocum was born near Long Branch, N. J., in
January, i834(?). He married Abigail Chasey (?) and settled on
a farm in the vicinity of his native place and there died 27 Novem-
ber, 1863 ; was buried in Branchburgh Cemetery. Children:
i. Lewis, born ti January, 1856; married . He resides
on a farm near Long Branch Village, New Jersey.
ii. Alonzo, born 19 August, 1857. A farmer near Long Branch,
hi. Maria, born near Long Branch, in May, i860,
iv. Mary Melissa, born 15 April, 1862, near Long Branch, N. J.
v. Abigail, d. 14 July, 1863; was buried in Branchburgh Cem.
George Frederick Slocum was born in Buffalo, N. Y. (?) ;
was married there 10 December, 1854, by Rev. Peter Bede,
Roman Catholic, to Eliza Clifford, daughter of Bartholomew and
Mary (Shea) Clifford formerly of Ireland, where she was born.
He was a printer ; died at St. Anthony, Minn., about the year
,1858 (?). Child:
i. Charles Henry Bartholomew, born 27 Sept., 1855, in
Buffalo, N. Y. He was married 31 Oct., 1875, in Oak-
land, Cal., by Rev. C. V. Anthony, M. E., to Alice Estelle
Palmer, daughter of William Jackson and Laura Frances
(Monsett) Palmer of San Francisco and formerly of Stock-
ton, Cal., where she was born n Feb., 1856. They reside
in San Francisco, where he is a clerk. Children : 1. Frank
Burr, born 23 Dec, 1876, died 24 December, 1876; was
buried in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery, San Francisco, Cal.
2. Ruth Deane, born 16 June, 1878.
John J. Slocum, born in Saratoga Co., New York, A. D. 1805,
resided on a farm in the Second Election District of Pittstown
Township, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., at the time of taking the census
in June, 1875. His household then comprised his children :
i. John H., born in 1840 in Rensselaer County, New York.
ii. Patience, born in Rensselaer County, New York, in 1851.
And his Slocum grand-children :
i. Andrew J., born in 1866 in Rensselaer County, New York,
ii. Charles H., bora in Rensselaer County, New York, in 1869.
iii. Eliza J., born in 1874 in Rensselaer County, New York.
Josiah Slocum, born in Rensselaer County, N. Y., A. D. 18 16,
enlisted against the Southern Rebellion at Troy 22 August, 1862,
as a private soldier in Co. K 125th Regt. N. Y. Volunteers. He
and his wife Jane, born in Vermont in 1822, composed one house-
hold in the First Election District of Pittstown Township, Rens-
selaer County, N. Y., at the time of taking the census in June,
1875. A laborer.
Lewis Slocum, born in Washington County, New York, A. D.
1833, married Cornelia who was born in Rensselaer Co.
in 1 83 1. The census of June, 1875, names them as farmers in
the Third Election District of Hoosick Township, Rensselaer
County, New York, with the following children :
i. Emma, born in 1861 in Washington County, New York.
ii. Charles, born in Washington County, New York, in 1863.
iii. Ida, born in 1866 in Rensselaer County, New York,
iv. Arthur, born in Rensselaer County, New York, in 1869.
v. Catharine, born in 1870, in Rensselaer County, New York.
Clarence W. Slocum* resided at Angola, Steuben County,
Indiana, in the year 1878. Children, perhaps not born in the
order here given :
*See record of the family of Harris T. Slocum, page 133.
i. George E., married Anna E. . He was a member of
the firm of " Fowler & Slocum" who did business in New
York City previous to 1873, accumulated a good fortune
and then met with reverses. He made four journeys to
Europe the last one in December, 1872. He died in
London, England, 30 June, 1873, leaving one child, Grace
G., who was under fourteen years of age the 23d of Decem-
ber, 1878. His widow married Kidd in New York
City previous to 18 December, 1878.
ii. Jerome W., resided in Chicago, Illinois, in the year 1878:
iii. Leslie W., resided at Angola, Steuben Co., Ind., in 1878.
iv. Harris W., resided at Angola, Ind., in the year 1878.
Ira Slocum was born in Vermont. He married Marietta
Sheldon and resided for a time about Sandy Hill, and Troy, New
York, then removed to Illinois. He died 11 January, 1867, at
Woodstock, 111. His widow died in 1881 at Hood River,
Oregon. Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. James Polk, was drowned March, 1874, at Milwaukee, Wis.
ii. Ira. iii. Sheldon B. iv. Flora. v. Georgiana.
vi. Charles Edwin, born 22 December, 1853, at Greenwood,
McHenry Co., 111.; mar. 24 April, 1875, Eva F., daughter
of Jacob and Ella M. Hartman. He is a railway postal
clerk ; resides at Piano, Kendall Co., 111., with children :
1. Nellie May, b. 21 April, 1876, at Waterman, 111.; 2.
George Ira, b. 15 Sept., 1877, at Foreston, 111.; 3. Roy
Charles, b. 29 May, 1879, at Foreston ; 4. James Blaine^
born 22 November, 1880, at Mendota, Illinois.
" The following, says the Cincinnati Gazette, is a copy of alet-
ter found on a rebel soldier captured at Bowling Green. In it
was the ring so particularly spoken of :
' To Sis : this ring was made by me the lead was A bullett that killed
colonel Slocum of the 71s N. Y. regiment. I taken this out of his head
my self and made this ring out of it Sis you will keep this for me until
I return and if you keep it for me you will oblige me and if I never live
to get back sis keep it in memory of me dont loose it if I live to get
back I intend to have it plated and if I never do get back sis you will
have it plated and keep it the Bullett that killed Colonel Slocum of the
71s New- York regiment he was a brave man but on the wrong side A
hotheaded Abolitionist so Enough About the ring.' "*
*71ie Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore ; vol. v, Incidents, p. 95.
The Muster Rolls for the War against the Rebellion show that
the 71st Regt. N. Y. State Vols, was the 2d Regt. of the Excel-
sior Brigade. Part of this regiment was called into service early
in 1 86 1 and was commanded for some time by " Colonel ."
Later it was commanded by Col. George B. Hall who was en-
rolled at Camp Scott, Staten Island, N. Y., 18 July, 1861. See
footnote to the sketch of Col. John S. Slocum, page 449.
Robert Slocombe married Anne and resided in Clat-
worthy Parish, Somersetshire, England. They had two chil-
dren (and perhaps others) as follows :
782. i. Thomas, born A. D. 1740; m. ; died in 1803 (?).
783. ii. Robert, b. 13 June, 1744; m. Abigail M. Quay; d. in 1780.
Thomas Slocombe {Robert?) died in Somersetshire, England,
A. D. 1803, aged sixty-three years. The name of his wife has
not been ascertained, nor the names of their children other than
that of Thomas who was born in 1765 and died in 1852 leaving,
among other children, a son William who was born 31 August,
1795, and died at Ottawa, Canada, in 1863.
William Slocombe had a son James (and perhaps other chil-
dren) who was born at Milverton, near Taunton in Somersetshire,
13 March, 1823 ; was married first to Charlotte Pantony at Rams-
gate, Kent, England. They removed to Canada in the year 1858.
He married second, Bridget Berry. His address is James Slo-
combe, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where he has a stationery and
variety store. He has had ten children of whom four are now
living, viz.: William Arthur, born in i860; Rose Pantony, born
in 1862; Thomas Broadmead, born in 1863; and Frank Beas-
ley, born in 1869.
Robert Slocombe {Robert^) was born in Clatworthy Parish,
Somersetshire, England, 13 June, 1744, and was there baptized
5 July, 1744.* He left " Banondown" 12 October, 1766; left
*This record of birth and baptism was seen by the writer in 1879 m Clatworthy
Parish, Somersetshire, England, and copied from the register bearing date from
"Anno Regni Elizabeths Primo, A. D. 1558."
London 18 May, 1767, and arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
U. S. A., 27 August, 1767.*
He was married in Christ Church, Philadelphia, to Abigail
Mary Quay 26 June, 1768 ; see records of Christ Church. They
removed to Bucks County, Pa., and thence in 1773 to Loudoun
County, Virginia, where he died about the year 1780. His chil-
dren (as fully as have been ascertained) were :
i. John, born ; married . He removed to Hamp-
shire County, Virginia, subsequent to 1780, and in the year
1803 settled in Marion County (?), now in West Virginia,
where he died in 1858, and where his son " David Slocum"
now resides ; postoffice Boothsville, Marion Co., W. Va.
784. ii. Robert, born about 1775; mar. ; died in Virginia.
Robert Slocombe {Robert, Robert?) was born in Loudoun
County, Virginia, about the year 1775, and married ,
He died in Virginia. His wife was born in 1777, and died in
Licking County, Ohio, in 1855. Their children were perhaps
not all born in the order here given, but probably all were known
by the surname " Slocum," viz. :
785. i. John, born about 1800 ; married Dorcas Browning in Ohio.
786. ii. Israel, b. in 1804(F); m. Davenport; d. 4 Aug., 1879.
iii. Isaac, b. ; resided at Versailles, Morgan Co., Mo.(?)
iv. Nancy, b. ; resided nr. Hebron, Licking Co., Ohio.
v. Mary, mar. Schnitzholer (?) ; resided at Lancaster, O.
vi. Jonathan, b. ; resided nr. Hebron, Licking Co., O.
vii. Thomas, died in Illinois 29 Oct., 1867, without children,
viii. Samuel, died some years since, ix. Sarah.
John Slocombe {Robert, Robert, Robert), perhaps more
generally known as " John Slocum," was born in Hampshire
County, now West Virginia, A. D. 1800 or 1801. He went to
Ohio in early life, and there married Dorcas Browning who was
born A. D. 1802, in or near Hebron, Licking County, Ohio, and
died there 28 November, 1847. Mr. Slocum went to California
Copied from a small memorandum book which was brought to America by Rob-
ert Slocombe and is now in the possession of his grand-son "David Slocum" of
Boothsville, W. Va. The memorandum agrees with the record in the parish of his
birth as seen by the writer.
in the year 1849, and died at Panama, Isthmus of Darien, in
May, 185 1 or '52, when returning home. He was buried at
Panama. Children :
i. Caroline, born 4 July, 1828; married William Severus (?).
She resides at Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio,
ii. Mary Ann, born May, 1830; m. Wesley Davis; d. in 1854.
787. iii. Samuel, born 15 Oct., 1832; mar. Mary Melcina Simmons,
iv. John W., born in 1834, at Hebron, O.; died there in 1852.
788. v. Lewis, born 19 Oct., 1836; m. Martha A. Boxley in 1856.
vi. Melcina, b. June, 1 838 ; m. John R. Fox ; p. o. Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Israel Slocum {Robert Slocombe, Robert, Robert,) was born in
Hampshire County, now West Virginia, about the year 1804.
He removed to Ross County, Ohio, in early manhood, and in
1832 settled at Hillsborough, Highland County, Ohio, where
he worked at the trade of shoemaking for many years. In the
year 1832 he married Miss Davenport of Dayton, Ohio.
They died at Hillsborough she, in 1877 ; he, 4 August, 1879.
A local newswaper in a notice of his death said : " Mr. Slocum
was a man of many peculiarities, but possessed many good qual-
ities and was respected by all. He was a good citizen, and his
death is deeply regretted by our whole community." Children :
i. Davenport, born 6 March, 1837, at Hillsborough, Ohio;
died there 1 May, 1855, and was there buried.
ii. Israel, born 25 April, 1840; died 30 August, 1841.
iii. John A., b. 10 Oct., 1841. Resides in Michigan ; unmarried.
iv. Esther, born n July, 1844, at Hillsboro' ; d. 9 Jan., 1867.
v. Lee A., born 7 May> 1850; married, 29 March, 1874, B. F.
Ryan, a railroad employee. They reside at her father's
homestead, Hillsborough, Highland County, Ohio.
Samuel Slocum {John, Robert, Robert, Robert,) was born
near Hebron, Licking County, Ohio, 15 October, 1832, and
dwelt there until 1st April, 1854. He then went to California
where he remained until 1st May, i860 : then dwelt in Missouri
until December, 1862, one year as a soldier in the 10th Regt.
Missouri Cavalry. He then visited his brother in Clayton, 111.,
and remained there until 1863, and returned to California in the
spring of 1864. Returning to Ohio in 1865 he there married,
in Mount Vernon 8 August, 1865, Mary Melcina Simmons who
was born in Homer, Ohio, 7 January, 1848, daughter of James
and Rhoda (Browning) Simmons. They settled in Bowling
Green, Wood County, Ohio, 22 March, 1866, where they now
reside. He is an engineer. Children :
i. Eva Luella, born 22 Sept., 1866; died 22 March, 1868.
ii. Ida May, born 22 April, 1869, in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Lewis Slocum {John, Robert, Robert, Robert^) was born near
Hebron, Licking County, Ohio, 19 October, 1836. He went to
Illinois in 1852, and was married in Barry, Pike County, 111., in
1856, to Martha Ann Boxley who was born in Adams County,
111., in 1837, daughter of William Boxley. They dwelt at Clay-
ton, Adams County, 111., until September, 1879, tnen removed to
Kansas, where they now reside ; postoffice Western Park, Elk
County, Kansas. He is a dealer in stoves, cutlery, and general
hardware. Child :
i. Charles, b. 17 March, 1865, at Clayton, Adams Co., 111.
Isaac Slocombe (?) resided in Wyoming (?), Pennsylvania,
previous to the Revolutionary War. He removed to Virginia and
there died. Children, perhaps not born in the order here given :
790. i. Thomas, b. in 1779 (?) ; m. Susanna Miller; d. Aug., 1834.
ii. Nancy, m. Isaac Lauren; d. in i860 at Bird in Hand, Pa.
iii. Jane, mar. James Heath; d. at New Holland, Pa., in 1857.
"Thomas Slokom" {Isaac,) was born in Pennsylvania (?) A.
D. 1779, and was reared in Virginia. He was married in 1805
to Susanna, daughter of John and Susanna Miller of Calamus
Run, Lancaster Co , Pa. They settled at Strasburgh, Lancaster
County, Pa., and there died she, in 1820 ; he, in August, 1834.
He was a shoemaker and farmer, and an enterprising and useful
man. He was one of the two Judges of Election for his town-
ship 16 March, 1832, and his subscription to the Poll-book
which is now before the writer stands out boldly and legibly as
" Thomas Slokom." Children :
i. Isaac, ii. Maria, iii. Nancy. Died in their infancy.
iv. Susan, born 12 Dec, 1807; mar. 1st, James B. Davis, and
2d, James Barry, in Lancaster Co., Pa. She died at Far-
mington, Michigan, leaving one child, Samuel Davis.
v. Elizabeth, born 7 June, 1809; mar. George Chamberlin, in
1830 in Lancaster County, Pa. She died in Oakland
County, Michigan. Children : Thomas, Charles, and Fisher;
postoffice Farmington, Michigan.
vi. Mary, b. 19 March, 1814; m. Jacob Hanley in Lancaster
County, Pa., in 1831. She died in 1876 at Farmington,
Mich., where her son Thomas still lives. A son Charles was
killed as a Union soldier during the Rebellion.
791. vii. Sarah A., b. 18 Dec, 1815 ; m. Elisha Cross, 17 Dec, 1836.
792. viii. Samuel, born 5 Feb., 1817 ; m. Mary Walker, 4 Jan., 1837.
Sarah A. Slokom [Thomas, Isaac,) was born at Strasburgh,
Lancaster County, Pa., 18 December. 18 15 ; married, in Phila-
delphia 17 December, 1836, Elisha, son of Abner and Charlotte
Cross of Burlington County, New Jersey, and formerly of Mon-
mouth County, N. J., where he was born 30 August, 1802.
After marriage they removed to a farm in or near Redford,
Wayne County, Michigan, where they resided a number of years
then removed to Detroit, Mich., where they still live. A real
estate dealer. Children :
i. Susan Cross, born 17 December, 1837, at Redford, Mich. ;
married there Mark Hance 17 December, 1856. They
settled in Farmington, Oakland Co., Mich., where they
now reside. Children: 1. Elisha, born 4 January, 1859;
2. Sarah, born 17 May, i860; 3. Charlotte, born 18 Jan.,
1862; 4. Slokom, born 25 December, 1865; 5. Mary,
born 5 April, 1869; 6. Julia, born 16 August, 1874.
ii. Samuel M. CRoss,born 1 August, 1839, in Redford, Mich.;
died 17 January, 1856, and was buried there.
iii. Thomas S. Cross, b. 14 March, 1841, died 12 April, 1855.
Samuel Slokom {Thomas, Isaac,) was born at Strasburgh,
Lancaster County, Pa., 5 February, 18 17. He married, at Lan-
caster 4 January, 1837, Mary Walker who was born 4th month
6th, 1806, daughter of Isaac and Deborah (Dickinson) Walker,
members of the Society of Friends of Lancaster County, P
They settled at Christiana, in their native county, where they
still live. He is a farmer, merchant, and banker. Children :
i. Anna, born 4th month 2d, 1838; died in her infancy.
ii. Susanna, born 7th month 23d, 1839; married Thomas J.
Houston. Resides at Chester, Pennsylvania.
iii. Isaac Walker, born 6th month 26th, 1841; married, at
Newtown, Va., 28 Feb., 1866, Laura Virginia Shryock,
who was there born 22 December, 1847, daughter of Col.
Charles E. and Rachel Anne (Young) Shryock. Mr.
Slokom is now a clerk in the Treasury Department, Wash-
ington, D. C. Children: 1. Samuel, born 15 August,
1867, in Christiana, Pa.; 2. Charles S., born 20 April,
1874, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
iv. Deborah Dickinson, born 7th month 3d, 1843; married
William Hall Sproul. Resides at Negaunee, Michigan,
v. Mary Rebecca, born nth month 24th, 1845 ; married James
Sproul. Resides at Gum Tree, Chester County, Pa.
vi. Samuel Baker, b. 10 mo. 28th, 1847; d. 5 mo. 18th, 1848.
Capt. Gabriel Slocomb, Prizemaster of the American Priva-
teer " Sturdy Beggar," of Maryland, was captured by the British
during the Revolutionary War. He was committed to Forton
Prison, England, 23 January, 1778, and effected his escape there-
from 23 July, 1778.*
William Slocomb, brother of Thomas Slocomb No. 795,
resided near New Church, Accomack County, Virginia, and there
died , leaving the following children :
i. William C. \ They resided on a farm near New Church, Va.
ii. Thomas. j 17 June, 1856.
Thomas Slocomb f resided in Worcester County, Maryland,
until the death of his first wife, , in the year 1799. He
*The Privateer " Sturdy Beggar" captured four vessels of the British Leeward
Island Fleet in the summer of 1777, and was in turn destroyed in the Delaware
River later in that year. See The New England Historical and Genealogical Reg-
ister for 1876, '77, '78, and '79.
\ One of his descendants writes to the Author that Thomas Slocomb came to
America from Scotland about the time of the Revolutionary War. See footnote
on page 486.
married second, and removed to Somerset County, Md.,
and there died near the Manoking River (?) subsequent to 1815.
He was brother to the above-named William Slocomb. Children,
perhaps not born in the order here given :
i. Sarah, resided in Princess Anne, Somerset County, Mary
land, 9 December, 1833. She married James Waugh (?)
of Greenfield, Ohio.
796. ii. James, b. in 1786; m. 1st, Mary Bagwell; d. 8 Aug., 1861.
iii. George. Particulars of birth and record not reported.
James Slocomb {Thomas,) was born in Worcester County,
Maryland, A. D. 1786, and was there reared to the age of thirteen
years when he removed with his father to Somerset County, Md.
In the year 1806 he went to Baltimore and engaged as clerk in
a mercantile house but on account of the prostration of business
he soon lost that employment, and then learned the trade of
shoemaking. In March, 1810, he visited Kentucky, and New
Orleans, La. Returning to Kentucky soon thereafter he there
worked at his trade until the call for volunteer soldiers for the
War of 18 12 when he enlisted as a private in Captain McCrack-
en's company and served in Colonel Allen's regiment of infantry.
At the close of his term of enlistment he returned to Kentucky
where he again worked at his trade until the spring of 181 5 when
he visited his father in Maryland. Returning westward in the
autumn of 18 15 he stopped in Indiana Territory. He was a
pioneer settler at Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind., and there re-
sided until his death 8 August, 1861. He was twice married in
Bloomington ; first to Mary Bagwell 18 May, 1823, daughter of
Thomas and Sarah (Hooper) Bagwell. She was born in Ken-
tucky ro April, 1804, and died in Bloomington, Ind., 23 March,
1833. He married second, Matilda Platford 8 June, 1834. She
was born 28 November, 1805, and is still (1880) living at Bloom-
ington. Children by first wife :
i. Sarah Hooper, born 2 March, 1824; married Lorenzo
Plaiss in Bloomington, Indiana. They reside on a farm
near New Albany, Ind. Children : Mary, Sarah,- James
Logan, Thomas, Matilda, Hettie, and George. Particulars
of dates and records not reported.
797. ii. Thomas Bagwell, b. 5 Sept., 1825; m. Achsah Hunt in 1847.
iii. Ellinor T., born 5 October, 1828; married James Denton
Logan, a carpenter, 3 March, 1851, in New Albany, Ind.,
where he afterward served as policeman, and died ,
and where she still lives.
iv. Amanda Dorsey, born 6 January, 183 1 ; married Kobert
Stimpson in 185 1. They removed to Keokuk, Iowa, and
there all of their chidren were born. They are both
deceased; she died 2 May, 1880. Children: 1. Robert
William, born 5 April, 1852; 2. Sarah Ellen, born 2 May,
1854; 3. Clara, born 2 May, 1856; 4. Hettie Isabella,
born 13 December, 1858.
v. Mary Roache, born 14 February, 1833; married Zachariah
Myers, a blacksmith, 6 February, 1853. He enlisted against
the Rebellion and was killed in the Battle of the Wilderness,
Va. She resides in Bloomington, Indiana. Children : 1.
James, born 26 Oct., 1856, at Gosport, Ind.; was mar. in
Feb., 1878, to Mary Mathers, at Clear Creek, Ind., by
Rev. Allen B. Philpart, " Christian" ; they have one child,
Roy Everett, born 9 Jan., 1879; 2. Lida, b. 4 Oct., 1858,
at Bloomington, Ind.; 3. Sarah, b. 29 July, i860, at Gos-
port, Ind. ; died there 10 Sept., 1861, and was buried in
Bloomington; 4. Charles, b. 25 Aug., 1862, at Gosport ;
died there 27 August, 1863, and was buried in Bloomington.
Children by second wife :
vi. Martha Jane, born 25 March, 1835; died 6 July, 1880.
798. vii. Addison Locke, b. 26 Sept., 1836; m. Eunice R. Worley.
799. viii. William Henry, b. 20 April, 1838 ; m. Margaret A. Maloney.
800. ix. Austin Seward, born 5 April, 1840; mar. Margaret Baxter.
x. James Mathews, born 11 July, 1843. He served against
the Southern Rebellion in the 9th Indiana Battery. Since
then he has served several years as Marshal of Blooming-
ton, Indiana, where he still resides.
Thomas Bagwell Slocomb (yames, T/iomas,) was born in
Bloomington, Indiana, 5 September, 1825 ; was married 9 Decem-
ber, 1847, to Achsah Hunt of Mount Healthy, Ohio, by Rev.
Eli Hoffman. He served against the Rebellion as a conductor
of a southern railroad under the control of Union forces, and as
Brigade Wagon-master under General John M. Palmer; was at
the Siege of Cornith, and the Battle of Island Number Ten. He
is a carpenter ; resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Children :
i. Olive Eleanor, b. 24 Nov., 1848, in Hamilton, O. Unmar.
ii. Alice Amanda, born 14 October, 1850, in Hamilton, O. ;
was married 16 Nov., 187 1, in Cincinnati by Rev. W. P.
Stratton, to Robert J, Cull of Rutland, Vt. They reside at
LaFayette, Ind., with one child, Jessie Eleanor, born 22
September, 1872, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
iii. Anna Belle, born 24 June, 1854, in Hamilton, Ohio; was
married 1 August, 1877, to Sidney Kirton of Covington,
Ky., by Rev. W. P. Stratton in Cincinnati where they now
live. A child, Robert Cull, was born 8 May, 1878, in Cov-
ington, Kentucky.
iv. Abigail Hunt, born in Hamilton, Ohio; was married 22
December, 1875, in Cincinnati, to Thomas J. Mc Mack in of
Salem, 111., by Rev. W. T. Moore. Resides in Cincinnati.
Addison Locke Slocomb (y "antes, Thomas,) was born in
Bloomington, Indiana, 26 September, 1836. He enlisted there
22 April, 1861, as a private soldier against the Rebellion in Co.
K, 14th Regt. Ind. Vols., and re-enlisted 15 February, 1864, in
Co. C Fourth U. S. Artillery for another three years service.
He participated in numerous skirmishes and battles under Gene-
rals Philip H. Sheridan and James H. Wilson, including those of
Winchester and Spottsylvania, and was present at the surrender
of General Robert E. Lee's army. He was honorably dis-
charged at Fort Whipple, Va., 15 February, 1867. He was
married in Bloomington, Ind., 3 October, 1872, to Eunice R.
Worley by Rev. B. F. Treat, " Christian." He is a fireman ;
postoffice Bloomington, Indiana. Children :
i. Harriet, b. 2 July, 1874, in Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind.
ii. Grace, b. in Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind., 10 Aug., 1877.
iii. Ralph, b. 31 Aug., 1880, in Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind.
William Henry Slocomb {James, Thomas^) was born in
Bloomington, Indiana, 20 April, 1838, and married there 14
February, i860, Margaret A. Maloney, daughter of George W.
and Elizabeth (Brokaw, or Bercaw,) Maloney, formerly of Somer-
ville, N. J., and of Wellsburgh, W. Va., where she was born 23
October, 1838. They settled in Bloomington, Ind., where they
still reside. A machinist. Children :
i. Alvah Burton, born 22 December, i860, in Bloomington,
Ind., where he is now learning the trade of cabinet-making.
ii. Eva Alice, born 21 August, 1862. She is (1881) a member
of the Second-year class, Preparatory Department of the
Indiana State University, Bloomington.
iii. Caroline Virginia, born 30 May, 1864. She entered the
Preparatory Department of the Indiana State University,
Bloomington, in 1 88 1. The writer is indebted to her for most
of the record of the Maryland Branch of the Slocomb family.
Austin Seward Slocomb (James, Thomas?) was born in
Bloomington, Indiana, 5 April, 1840. He there enlisted against
the Rebellion 14 August, 1861, as a private soldier in Co. I, 22d
Regt. Ind. Volunteers. He participated in the Battles of Pea
Ridge, Ark., Corinth, Miss., Stone River, Tenn., Perry ville, Ky.,
Knoxville and Lookout Mountain, Tenn., and the Battle' of
Peach Tree Creek, Ga., where he was taken prisoner by the Con-
federates 19 July, 1864. He was confined in Andersonville
Prison where he remained until released by Gen. William T.
Sherman in 1865. During this prison experience he was reduced
in weight from 182 to 85 pounds. He was married to Margaret
Baxter 13 December, 1866. He is a "railroad engineer;" post-
office Bloomington, Indiana.
John Slocombe (son of John Slocombewho was born in Dev-
onshire, England, and his wife Letitia Light of Chew Magna,)
was born in Chew Magna near Bristol, Somersetshire, England,
and there married Martha, daughter of William and Elizabeth
Sheppard of Bishop Sutton where she died and was buried. He
removed to America in the year 1872, and now resides on a farm
near Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio. His children were all born
in Bishop Sutton, and two married in Chew Magna. They all
reside with or near their father at Bellevue, Ohio. Children :
i. Amelia Ann, born n Jan., 1850; married Augustus Fear.
ii. John William, born 1 Sept., 1851 ; married Martha Fear,
iii. Edward, born 3 January, 1853. Remains unmarried (?).
iv. Arthur, born 17 March, 1855. Remains unmarried (?).
John Heddon Slocombe was born in Marwood, Devonshire,
England, 28 June, 1844, and came to America in 1873. He
was married at Morristown, N. J., in June, 1874, to Mary E.
Mitchell who was born in Dublin, Ireland, 12 July, 1849, daugh-
ter of William and Mary Ann Mitchell. Soon after marriage
they removed to New Haven, Conn., where they have since
lived. He is a gardener. His brother Nathaniel, born in Mar-
wood, England, 8 August, 1858, came to America in 1881 and
is now (March, 1882,) a gardener in New Haven, Conn., un-
married. They are the only representatives of their branch of
the family in America. Their parents, John and Charity (Hed-
don) Slocombe, were farmers and had eleven children. Their
grandfather, Henry Slocombe, was a miller ; was born in Somer-
setshire, England, and in early manhood went to Berrynharbour,
Devonshire, where he married Fanny (?) Norman and had six
children. The children of John H. and Mary E. (Mitchell)
Slocombe, are :
i. William Henry, b. 27 Nov., 1877, in New Haven, Conn,
ii. Emma, born in New Haven, Connecticut, 10 July, 1879.
iii. Edwin, born 14 January, 1881, in New Haven, Conn.
The following list of isolated names has been gathered from
various sources during the last few years and the writer has
thought best to let the entire list appear and, perchance, repeat
some names heretofore given rather than risk omitting any name
from the book.
Wherever the christian name alone is given it may be under-
stood that the surname has been found as "Slocum."
A D.,* was an engineer in Chicago, Illinois, in 1879.
A E.,* was a driver in Chicago, Illinois, in 1879.
A J., was an hostler in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1879.
A L., was a restaurant-keeper in Colchester, McDonough County,
Illinois, in 1878.
A M., resided in Clinton, DeWitt County, Illinois, in 1881.
Abner G., was a laborer in New Bedford, Mass., in 1878.
Abram, was a costumer in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Adam " Slokem," resided in Chicago, Illinois, in the year 1881.
Adlin H, kept a meat-market at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., in 1874.
Albert, was a farmer near Lansingville, Tompkins Co., N. Y., in 1868.
Alexander, was a barber in Montreal, Ontario, Canada, in 187 1.
Alfred H., a blacksmith, resided in Toledo, Ohio, in 1879.
*See the name of Arthur, son of Jeremiah 9 Slocum, ante p. 347,
Almary, of Skaneateles, Onondaga County, N. Y., went to Michigan
about the year 1878.
Alonzo W., was employed in the gun-manufactory at Springfield,
Massachusetts, in 1878.
Amanda J., Mrs., was a job-printer in San Francisco, Cal.,in 1879.
Amasa, a painter, resided in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1878.
Benjamin, was Commissioner of highways for Plymouth, Wayne County,
Michigan, 25 May, 1827 (?).
C S., a musician in the Anderson Zouaves, died 3 November, 1861,
in the war against the Rebellion j was buried in the Military
Cemetery, Washington, D. C. His name as above given is
recorded in the U. S. Roll of Honor.
Calvin J., a shoemaker, resided in New Bedford, Mass., in 1878.
Caroline, was a saleslady in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Charles, enlisted against the Rebellion at Copake, Columbia County,
N. Y, as a private soldier in Co. H, 91st Regt. N. Y. V., 25 August,
186 1, then aged 24 years.
Charles, was a farmer near Erwin Centre, New York, in 1868.
Charles, a hack-man, resided in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1878.
Charles, was a butcher at Cranston, Rhode Island, in 1879.
Charles, resided at Vancouver, Washington Territory (?), in 1879.
Charles, was a clerk in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Charles, was a farmer in Ledyard, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1880.
Charles, resided in Chicago, Illinois, in 1881.
Charles C, was a farmer, in Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1868.
Charles C, physician, resided in Dorset, Vermont, in 1880.
Charles F., enlisted against the Rebellion at Elmira, N. Y., as a private
soldier in Co. G, 33d Regt. N. Y. V. I., 22 May, 1861 ; was then
aged 24 years.
Charles H., enlisted against the Rebellion at New Dorp, on Staten
Island, N. Y., as a private in Co. D, 3 2d Regt. N. Y. V., 31 May,
1 86 1 ; was then aged 19 years.
Charles H., resided at Hornellsville, Steuben Co., N.Y.,in 1880.
Daniel, was a tailor in New York City from 1806 until 1809, and then
a grocer from 181 1 until 1828.
Daniel, with wife Eliza, resided on a farm near Sullivanville, Chemung
Co., N. Y., in 1868.
Daniel D., was a wagon-maker at Sullivanville, New York, in 1868.
Daniel G., cigar-maker, resided in Newport, R. I., in 1878.
David, was a fruit-dealer in Boston, Mass., in 1880.
David N, mason, resided in New York City in 1843-44.
Edward, died 18 June, 1864, as a private soldier against the Rebellion;
was buried in Cyprus Hill Cemetery, Long Island, N. Y. His name
is recorded in the U. S. Roll of Honor.
Edward, resided at Clinton City, Iowa, in 1879.
Edward A., was a canvasser in Chicago, Illinois, in 1879.
Edward C, enlisted against the Rebellion in Milton, Saratoga County,
N. Y., 8 August, 1862, (then aged 21 years) as a private soldier in
Co. I, 115th Regt. N. Y. Volunteers.
Edward F., jeweler, resided in Providence, R. I., in 1880.
Edward M., a dentist in Willard City, Box Elder Co., Utah, 1881.
Edward S., was a manufacturer of boots and shoes at Phenix, Rhode
Island, in 1879.
Egbert, enlisted against the Rebellion at Ellicottsville, Cattaraugus
Co., N. Y., 6 October, 1864, (then aged 18 years) as a private
soldier in Co. D, 187th Regt. N. Y. V. One Egbert Slocum
resided in Buffalo in 1879 as a turner.
Eleazer, was a painter in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Elihu, was a farmer in East Venice, Cayuga Co., N. Y.,in 1868.
Elijah, carter, resided in New York City in the year 1832.
Elisha, resided in New Bedford, Mass. His estate was there admin-
istered 3 May, 1796.
Elisha, was a farmer at Owasco Valley, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1 868.
Emma, Miss, a milliner, resided at Gaines, Orleans Co., in 1869.
Ezra, was a farmer in Ledyard, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1880.
Ezra W., was a clerk in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Francis P., resided in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1880. See page 282.
Frank, a dealer in drapery, resided in Providence, R. I., in 1880.
Frank, was a painter in Cleveland, Ohio, in the year 1880.
Frank D., enlisted against the Southern Rebellion at Cooperstown,
Otsego County, N. Y., as First Lieutenant, 12 August, 1861; was
then aged 26 years.
Frank, J., resided in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1879.
Frank, P., was a merchant in New York City, in 1859-60.
Fred, resided in Cohoes, Albany County, New York, in 1880.
Frederick B., was a clerk in Chicago, Illinois, in the year 1879.
Frederick E., was a hack-driver in Bennington, Vt., in 1880.
Frederick H., resided in New Bedford, Massachusetts, in 1878.
G , died 17 November, 1864, as a private soldier in Co. F 144th Regt.
N. Y. V. in the war against the Rebellion; was buried in the
National Cemetery at Arlington, Va. His name as here given is
recorded in the U. S. Roll of Honor.
George, a mariner, resided in New York City in 1806.
George Slocomb, a mariner, resided in New York City in 1858.
George, was a carpenter at West Troy, N. Y., in 1878.
George, a driver, resided in Mobile, Alabama, in 1879.
George, was a stove-fitter in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
George B., was a dealer in spices, and resided in N. Y. City, in 1858.
George B., had a meat-market at Saratoga Springs, in 1876.
George E., was a grocer in New York City, in 1859.
George J. Slocombe, resided in Albany, N. Y., in 1879.
George M., a seaman, resided in New York City in 1858.
George P., kept a saloon in New York City in the years i56-'58.
George S., was a machinist in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1880.
George T., died 4 July, 1864, as 2d Lieutenant of Co. A, 1st Regt.
R. I. Cav. in the war against the Rebellion; was burried in the
National Cemetery at Andersonville, Ga. His name is recorded
in the U. S. Roll of Honor.
George V., was an engineer in Buffalo, New York, in the year 1879.
George W., a mason, resided in New York City, in 1858-59.
George W., was a hair-dresser in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1 878.
George W., a painter, resided in Rochester, N. Y., in 1880.
Giles, was a farmer in Scipioville, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1868.
Harriet W. Mrs., resided in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Henry, died 9 July, 1864, as a private soldier of the 7th Mich. Cav. in
the war against the Rebellion ; was buried at Indianapolis, Ind.
His name is recorded in the U. S. Roll of Honor. See atile, page 262.
Henry, died 6 February, 1865, as a private soldier of Co. G, 2d R. I.
Battery, in the war against the Rebellion ; was buried at New Haven,
Conn. His name is recorded in the United States Roll of Honor.
Henry, a writer, resided in New York City, in the year 1879.
Henry Slocomb, resided in San Francisco, California, in 1879.
Henry C, resided in Roseburgh, Douglas Co., Oregon, in 1880.
Holder, was a resident of New Bedford, Mass., in the year 1878.
Horace F., was a clerk in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Humphrey C, of Troy, N. Y., married, 15 October, 1843, Mary Hyde
who was born at Waterford, 18 September, 181 2. They had two
children living in 1857, Warren E., and Charles H. A son,
George, died in his infancy.*
Isaac E., was a fruit-dealer in Boston, Mass., in the year 1878.
J , had a meat-market at Susquehanna Depot, Broome Co., New
York, in 1873.
J , resided in Kane City, Venango Co., Pa., in 1880.
J B., aged 26 years, died 2 November, 1862, as a private soldier
of Co. E, 1st Regt. Colorado Cavalry, in the war against the
Rebellion ; was buried in the National Cemetery at Fort Lyon,
Colorado. His name is recorded in the United States Roll of
J Frank, machinist, resided in Providence, R. I., in 1880.
J J., was a Confederate Captain in Louisiana in 1863. See The
Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore ; vol. vii, P. page 95.
J M., teamster in Quartermaster's Department, died 29 November,
1863, in the war against the Rebellion and was buried in the Mili-
tary Cemetery, Washington, D. C. His name is recorded in the
United States Roll of Honor.
James, was a mason in New York City from 1824 until 1840.
James, enlisted against the Rebellion in New York City as a private
soldier in Co. B, 31st Regt. N. Y. V. I., 27 May, 1861; was
then aged 35 years.
James, enlisted against the Rebellion at Buffalo, N. Y., 19 May, 1863,
(then aged 18 years) as a private soldier in Co. B, 16th Regiment
New York Volunteer Cavalry.
James, was a farmer near Saratoga Springs, N. Y., in 187 1.
James Slocomb, blacksmith, resided in Charlestown, Mass., in 1878.
James Slocombe, tailor, resided in Albany, N. Y., in 1879.
James, was proprietor of the Star-Island Hotel, Algonac, St. Clair
County, Michigan, in 1880.
See the Hyde Genealogy, by Reuben H. Walworth, LL.D. Albany, 1864.
James, was a blacksmith in Boston, Mass., in the year 1881.
James A., resided at Clare, Clare County, Michigan, in 1878.
James B., enlisted against the Rebellion at Salem, Washington County,
N. Y., 7 September, 1861, (then aged 26 years) as a private soldier
in Co. A, 2d Regt. N. Y. Cavalry.
James B., deceased; his widow, Philinna M., resided in Worcester,
Massachusetts in 1879.
James C, was born in Vermont about A. D. 1832, and married in Elmira,
New York. He was a prominent contractor in the building of the
Rochester and State Line Railway in 1872; dwelt in Hannibal,
Mo., in 1878, and thereafter was a contractor in California, and
different parts of the West. He died in Bradford, Pa., 22 August,
1 88 1, leaving there a wife, two sons, and two daughters.
James E., was a brass-finisher in Providence, R. I., in 1880.
James K., painter, resided in Mobile, Alabama, in 1879.
James L., was a farmer near Canisteo, Steuben Co. N. Y., 1868.
James S., enlisted against the Rebellion at New Drop, Staten Island,
N. Y, as a private soldier in Co. D, 3 2d Regt. N. Y. Volunteers,
31 May, 1861 ; was then aged 23 years.
James S., was a butcher in Moravia, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1868.
James W., grate-maker, resided in New York City from 183 1 until 1836,
and again in 1859-60.
James W., died 15 July, 1865, as a private soldier in Co. H, 12th Regt.
Ohio Cav., in the war against the Rebellion ; was buried in Cave
Hill National Cemetery, Louisville, Ky. His name is recorded in
the United States Roll of Honor.
Jared Slocomb (name sometimes recorded as "Slocum") was a teacher
in New York City for twenty years or more from 1810, (or before),
part of the time having charge of a seminary at the corner of
Broadway and Grand Street. His will was proved in New York
20 February, 1835. He married Eliza A. F. Howlett who survived
him. His will refers to a "child likely soon to be born" as his
only heir other than his wife.
Jennie, Miss, resided in San Francisco, California, in 1879.
John, died previous to the year 1856 leaving a wife, Mary A., in New
York City.
John, enlisted against the Rebellion in New York City 6 October,
1862, as a private soldier in Co. H, 155th Regt. N. Y. Vols.
John, enlisted against the Rebellion at Elmira, N. Y., 21 February,
1864, (then aged 19 years) as a private soldier in Co. A, 179th
Regt. N. Y. I.; died 24 July, 1864, and was buried in the National
Cemetery at City Point, Va. His name is recorded in the U. S.
Roll of Honor.
John, a laborer, resided in New York City in 1879.
John, a laborer, resided in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1879.
John J., a dealer in cigars and tobacco in New York City in i856-'58.
John L., a hair-dresser, resided in Providence, R. I., in 1880.
John N., enlisted against the Rebellion at Elmira, N. Y., as a private
soldier in Co. C, 64th Regt. N. Y. V. I., 24 September, 1861;
was then aged 20 years.
John P., enlisted against the Rebellion in Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., 3
September, 1864, (then aged 17 years) as a private soldier in Co.
C, 1 89th Regiment New York Volunteers.
John Robins Slocomb, was a student at Little Rock, Arkansas, in
1 88 1, and was then aged 19 years.
John W., was a farmer near Oriskany Falls, Oneida Co., N. Y., in 1869.
Joseph, enlisted against the Rebellion at Troy, N. Y., 4 August, 1862,
(then aged 28 years) as a private soldier in Co. K, 125th Regiment
New York Volunteers.
Joseph Slocomb, was a hack-man in Boston, Mass., in 1881.
Joseph R., a master-mariner, resided in New Bedford, Mass., in 1880.
L W., was a dealer in queensware in Kansas City, Mo., in 1879.
Leonard Slocomb, "root-physician," was a resident of N. Y. City, in 183 1.
Leroy C, was cashier of the La Fayette National Bank, La Fayette,
Indiana, 1873-80.
Lester, died 23 February, 1863, as a private soldier of Co. A, 29th
Regt. Iowa Vols., in the war against the Rebellion ; was finally
buried at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, Mo. His name is
recorded in the United States Roll of Honor.
Lewis D. Slocomb, was a shoemaker in New York City, 1820-44.
Lewis T. M., resided in Chicago, Illinois, in 1881.
Lloyd B., (son of and Cynthia Slocum of Whitehall, N. Y.) enlisted
against the Rebellion as a private soldier and died 1 June, 1864,
as a member of Co. B, 6th N. Y. Artillery ; was buried in the
National Cemetery at Alexandria, Va.. His name is recorded in
the United States Roll of Ho?wr.
Lorm, was a machinist, at West Troy, N. Y., in 1878.
Lorma Slocomb, was a shoemaker in New York City in 1843-48.
Louis, died of pneumonia 1 December, 1864, as a private soldier in
Co. A, 66th Regt. N. Y. V., in the war against the Rebellion ;
was buried at Salisbury, North Carolina. His name is recorded
in the United States Roll of Honor.
Louis A. Slocomb, resided in Boston, Mass., in 1878.
Lucy A., widow of , resided in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1879.
Lydia, widow of , resided in Providence, R. I., in 1880.
M R., was a clerk, in Dayton, Ohio, in 1877.
Martin H., died 19 July, 1863, as a private soldier in Co. B, 28th
Regt. Iowa Inf. in the war against the Rebellion; was finally
buried in Vicksburgh National Cemetery. His name is recorded
in the U. S. Roll of Honor.
Mary, Miss, resided in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Max, was a clerk, in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1878.
Mercy J., widow of , resided in Boston, Mass., in 1881.
Moses I., was a peddler in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1880.
Myron, was a teamster, in Bennington, Vermont, in 1880.
Nathan J., enlisted against the Rebellion at Elmira, N. Y., as a private
soldier in Co. C, 64th Regt. N. Y. V. L, 24 September, 1861;
then aged 26 years.
N Wilbur Slocomb (?), shirt-manufacturer, resided in Medford,
Massachusetts, in 1879.
Oscar, was a farmer in Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1868.
Oscar J., a hatter, resided in Cambridgeport, Mass., in 1878.
Patrick, was a watchman in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1880.
Philip, enlisted against the Rebellion at Elmira, N. Y., 26 November,
1 86 1, (then aged 18 years) as a private soldier in Co. B, 10th
Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry.
Philip W., was a clerk of the Aldrich House, Providence, R. L, in 1880.
R E., resided in Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pa., in 1881.
Ransom, was a farmer at Preston Hollow, Albany Co., N. Y., in 187 1.
Reuben, died 5 July, 1864, as a private in Co. H, 153d Regt. N. Y.
Inf., in the war against the Rebellion; was buried in the Natchez
(Miss.) National Cemetery. His name is recorded in the United
States Roll of Honor.
Richard F., (son of Thomas in this list,) was a farmer, with post-
office at Chatham, Columbia County, N. Y., in 1881.
Robert F. Slocomb, was a coachman, in Detroit, Mich., 1881.
Rollo, resided in Chicago, Illinois, in 1881.
S , resided in Mosiertown, Crawford Co., Pa., in 1881.
S R., was book-keeper for the First National Bank, Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, in 1879 (?).
Sarah, Mrs., resided in Lynn, Massachusetts, in 1878.
Samuel, was a shipmaster in New York City in 1802.
Samuel, was a laborer in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1879.
Samuel, deceased ; his widow, LydiaW., resided in Brooklyn, N.Y., 1880.
Samuel H., was an ice-dealer in New Bedford, Mass., in 1878.
Samuel W., was a commission merchant in New York City, 1832-43.
Sarah, Mrs., resided in Oakland, California, in 1879.
Sarah, Miss, was a public-school teacher in South Hartford, Wash-
ington Co., New York, in 1880.
Sarah A., Mrs., resided in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
Silas, resided in Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Mass., in 18 16.
Simon Slocomb, Captain, was a member of the Second Nova Scotia
Assembly 4 December, 1759.
Stephen, enlisted against the Southern Rebellion at Kingston, Ulster
Co., N. Y., as a private soldier in Co. A, 80th Regt. N. Y. Vols.,
10 October, 1861, then aged 46 years.
Stephen P., was a painter, in New Bedford, Mass., in 1878.
Susan D., widow, resided in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
T A., was a manufacturer of Cod-liver-oil-emulsion in New York
City, in 1880-81.
Theodore, enlisted against the Rebellion at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 5
August, 1862, (then aged 18 years) as a private soldier in Co. I,
128th Regt. N. Y. Vols.; died 1 June, 1864, and was buried at
New Orleans, La. His name is recorded in the U. S. Roll of Honor.
Theodore F., was a fireman in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1879.
Theodore S., was graduated M. D. at Yale College, class of 1822.
He died in 1827.
Thomas Slocombe, was a grocer in Albany, N. Y., in 1879.
Thomas, a wealthy farmer, has resided near Spencertown, Columbia
County, New York, 1845-81.
Timothy, resided at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., in 1880 (?).
W , died in the war against the Rebellion, 19 December, 1864,
as a private soldier of Co. B, 149th Reg. Pa. Vols. ; was buried in
the Arlington (Va.) National Cemetery. His name is recorded in
the United States Roll of Honor.
W , was a butcher in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1880.
William Slocombe, was a gilder in New York City in 1828-31.
William, died 29 January (?), 1863, as a private soldier in Co. K, 2d
Regt. California Cav., in the war against the Rebellion ; was buried
at Camp Douglas, Utah. His name is recorded in the United
States Roll of Honor.
William, was a 'longshoreman in Savannah, Georgia in 1878.
William (Slocomb?), blacksmith, resided in Medford, Mass., in 1879.
William, was a laborer in Rochester, N. Y, in 1879.
William, was a laborer in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1879.
William, was a peddler in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1879.
William, resided in Charles City, Iowa (?), in 1880.
William, was laborer in New York City, in 1880.
William, was a box'-maker in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1880.
William B., superintendent, resided in St. Louis, Mo., in 1879.
William E., enlisted against the Rebellion in New York City 28 May,
1862, (then aged 19 years) as a private soldier in Co. H, 71st
Regt. N. Y. S. Militia. See ante page .
William H., enlisted against the Rebellion near Troy, N. Y., as a
private soldier in Co. H, 104th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 5 February,
1862, then aged 24 years.
William H., was a printer in Washington, D. C, in t88o.
William J., a Roman Catholic Priest, resided in New Haven, Con-
necticut, in 1879.
William J., was doorkeeper to DeBar's Opera House, St. Louis,
Missouri, in 1879.
William J., was a tanner in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N. Y., in 1880.
William L., was a farmer near New Bedford, Mass., in 1878.
William M., was a coachman in Providence, R. I., in 1880.
William N., was a reporter in New York City in 1856.
William O., was a mason in Brooklyn, New York, in 1880.
William W., was a shoemaker in Bridgewater, Mass., in 1879.
William V., a teacher and Justice of the Peace, has resided a number
of years at Phenix, R. I. His children, by wife Lydia T., are :
1. Edward L., b. 28 April, 1866; 2. Nellie Maria, b. 13 May, 1874,
died 20 November, 1876.
Willis, enlisted against the Rebellion at Auburn, New York, 30 October,
1 86 1, (then aged 19 years) as a private soldier in Co. A 3d New
York Artillery.
Benjamin 7 and Phebe (La France) Slocum (seepage 124)
had the following children but perhaps not in the order here given :
i. Maria, born ; married Dr. Robinson.
ii. Ruth, born ; married Henry Stark.
iii. Frances, was a pupil at Cazenovia Seminary, Cazenovia, N.
Y., in 1833 ; m. S T. Nicholson, a merchant, and d. .
iv. Thomas Truxton, born . See page 124.
Harriet Elizabeth 8 Slocum, page 226, was a pupil at Caz-
enovia Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y., in 1836 ; was married 8
October, 1841, to Charles B. Drake who died . She married
second, Hon. Henry Lewis, 28 April, 1868. They resided at
Madison, N. Y., in 1875.
Philip S. 8 and Hester (Page) Slocum, page 382, had a son
George who resides with his mother (now Mrs. Adam (?) Springer)
on a farm at Volney, Oswego Co., N. Y.
Mrs. Helen M. (Almy) Slocum, p. 279, d. i8(?) May, 1882.
Dr. Alfred M. Slocum, page 250, died 21 June, 1882.
Page 405, 10th line from the top, for Fred read Fred W. He
was graduated M. D. 8 June, 1882.
Page 457, 8th line from the top, for Truxton read Truaxton.
Page 484, for Charlotte Grass Wood and Emily (Grass) Wood,
read Charlotte Gross Wood and Emily (Gross) Wood.
And for Rev. Samuel East read Rev. Samuel Earp.
Page 488, 1st line of sketch No. 647, for Rev. Samuel Slocum,
read Rev. Samuel Slocumb.
Page 542, 1st line, for Jacob Slocum read Jacob Slocomb.
Aye, thus it is ! One generation comes,
Another goes and mingles with the dust.
And thus we come and go, and come and go
Each for a little moment filling up
Some little space. And thus we disappear
In quick succession. And it shall be so
Till time in one vast perpetuity
Be swallowed up. Anonymous.
So live, that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan, which moves
To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death,
Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.
William Cullen Bryant.
Index to Slocums.
Gen. Child of, Page.
Aaron Case, Capt.
A D.,
A E.,
A E.,
A E.,
A J.,
A L.,
A M.,
Abel, Capt.
Abel, Capt.
Abel Patrick,
Abi N.,
Abiel T.,
Peter E.,
Abigail Ann,
Abigail Anne,
Abigail Elizabeth,
Abigail Elizabeth,
Caleb W.
Abigail Jane,
Abigail Jane,
Abigail Lawton,
Abigail Lilian,
Abigail Reynolds,
Abigail Rhodes,
Abigail S.,
Abner, C,
Abner George,
Abner Lawton,
Abner Mapes, 8
Abner Peak, 8
Abraham, 5
Abraham, 6
Abraham, 7
Abraham, 7
Abraham, 7
Abraham, 8
Abraham, 8
Abraham, 9
Abraham, 9
Abraham, 10
Abraham Brazil, 8
Abraham Franklin, IO
Abraham Lincoln, 8
Abraham Palmer, 9
Abram, 7
Abram, 8
Abram, 9
Abram, 10
Abram Jones, 9
Abram K., 8
Abram White, 8
Achsah, 6
Achsah Rebecca, 9
Ada, 9
Ada, 9
Ada, 9
Ada Alice, 10
Ada B., 10
Ada Roselpha, 8
Adam Lawton, 8
Addison Borden, 9
Adela, 10
Adelaide, 8
Adelaide, 9
Adelaide Cowen, 9
Adelbert C. M., 10
Adelbert Leroy, 9
Adelia C,
Adelia Elizabeth, 9
Adeline, 8
Adeline C,
Adeline Frances, 10
Adeline Louise, 10
Adeline Thomas,
Child of, Page.
Alonzo, 253
Daniel, 180
Ebenezer, 93
Abraham, 94
George, 146
David, 147
Benjamin, 255
Abraham, 146
Abraham, 421
Michael C, 186
Abraham, 422
Edward, 482
Russell, 258
Abraham P. 481
Micaiah, 257
John P. 481
Peleg, 148
Ebenezer, 146
Solomon, 481
Abram, 481
Frederic, 396
Fitzgerald, 231
Henry, 186
Benjamin, 126
Silvanus K., 317
Pardon C, 242
Benj'n W. C.,410
Norris, 425
Richard A., 422
George, 461
William P., 242
Borden, 158
James S., 189
William T., 385
James H., 205
Samuel, 241
Revo W., 324
Ebenezer, 415
Elisha S., 319
William, 564
Henry V. B., 329
Christopher, 561
Cook, 183
Christopher, 562
Holder B., 336
Harmon V., 475
Lewis F., 565
Adeline Walker, 9
Adello John, 9
Adlin H.,
Adolphus, 10
Africa, 7
Agnes, 10
Agnes Maud, 8
Albert, 8
Albert, 9
Albert, 9
Albert, 9
Albert, 9
Albert A., 9
Albert Bo wen, 8
Albert Cornell G. , 9
Albert D., 8
Albert Douglas, 9
Albert E., 9
Albert Gardner, 9
Albert Joseph,
Albert Lewis, 9
Albert M., 9
Albert Mason, 9
Albeit R., 9
Albertus, 10
Albertus, 10
Alda Adelma, 9
Alexander, 7
Alexander, 8
Alexander, 9
Alexander, 9
Alexander, 10
Alexander Bryan, 9
Alexander Dyer, 11
Alex. Twining, 8
Alfred, 7
Alfred, 8
Alfred, 9
Alfred, 8
Alfred, 9
Alfred, 9
Alfred, 9
Alfred, 9
Alfred, 10
Alfred B., 10
Alfred Gardner, 8
Alfred H.,
Alfred Hannibal,
Alfred Marsh'll, Dr. 7
Alfred Marshall, 8
Alfred S., 10
Alfred Smith, 9
Alfred Turnier, 8
Alfred Woodoock, 9
Alice, 5
Alice, 6
Child of, Page.
Philip G., 316
Jacob B., 367
Peleg, 147
WillardW., 482
Charles, 273
James, 554
Monson N., 182
Alexander, 156
Thomas A., 189
Joseph, 376
William C, 412
Abel, . 296
Smith, 365
William R., 477
Fitzgerald, 265
Joseph, 345
Ephraim, 387
Alfred G., 299
Ebenezer, 566
Morgan L., 437
James, 345
William H., 281
Henry W., 294
Douglas, 314
David, 480
Isaac, 358
Matthew, 156
Matthew, 156
George W., 147
Volney P., 280
Charles V., 280
Lewis B., 474
William A., 474
Joseph D., 268
Peter M., 562
Matthew, 98
Royal, 280
Thomas A., 189
Elias, 392
Alfred, 281
John, 290
Ephraim, 387
Alfred, 393
Alfred, 290
John C, 368
George W., 298
Henry, 556
Alfred M., 250
WillardW., 482
Alfred T., 313
Webley, 312
Alfred G., 299
Holder, 67
Peleg, 85
Alice, 2 7
Alice, 8
Alice. 8
Alice, 8
Alice, 8
Alice, 9
Alice, 9
Alice Brayton, 9
Alice Florence, 9
Alice Jane, 9
Alice M., 9
Alice Maud, 10
Alice S., 8
Alice T., 8
Alice Truax, 10
Allen, 8
Allen Freeman, 9
Allida, 8-
Allie, 9
Allison Wing, 9
Alma Ann, 8
Alma Gertrude. 8
Alma S., 10
Almanzo, 8
Almanzo B., 8
Almeda, 8
Almeda, 8
Almena I., 9
Almeron, 8
Almira, 7
Almira, 8
Almira, 8
Almira, 10
Almira Carpenter, 8
Almira E. , 8
Almond Caleb, 10
Almy, 6
Almy, 7
Alonzo, 7
Alonzo, 8
Alonzo, 8
Alonzo, 9
Alonzo, 10
Alonzo Harrington, 8
Alonzo P., 8
Alonzo W.,
Alpheus, 8
Alvah Whitman, 9
Alvin, 8
Alvin Milo, 8
Amanda, 7
Amanda, 8
Amanda, 8
Amanda. 9
Amanda, M., 9
Amanda Malvana, 9
Amanda Sherman, 7
Child of. Page.
Ebenezer, 101
Giles, 154
John, 160
Gardner T., 164
Oliver W., 243
Peleg, 200
Samuel, 241
John F., 297
Benjamin F., 400
RevoW., 324
Edward T., 385
Jeremiah, 452
Charles, 165
Peleg W., 191
Giles B. 458
Eleazer, 260
William G., 328
Henry, 326
William J., 256
Henry A., 336
Henry, 109
Henry G., 262
David, 480
William, 183
Monson N., 320
Thomas, 131
Smith, 228
Mark A., 165
William, 183
William B. , 122
Othniel, 161
William, 166
Lewis M., 324
Abel, 167
Ira, 259
Wright N., 469
Samuel, 95
Peleg, 117
Peter E., 569
George, 252
Joshua, 252
Alonzo, 253
Daniel W., 253
David, 480
Micaiah, 257
Giles C, 333
James, 554
William H., 227
James, 303
Samuel, 171
William, 322
Ebenezer, 104
Peleg, 145
Elijah, 417
Robert, 424
Henry W., 294
Samuel, 149
. Child of, Page.
Ann Watson,
Thomas A.,
Amasa, C,
Monson N.,
William H.,
Anna Dixwell,
Anna E.,
Anna E.,
Anna Eaton,
Anna Elizabeth,
Thomas A.,
Anna H.,
Anna Maria,
Anna Maria,
Amy E.,
Anna Maria,
Humphrey A. 239
Anna Maud,
Elias W.,
Anna Theresa,
And'w Burlingamt
. 9
Darius R.,
Andrew E.,
Andrew Gardner,
Andrew J.,
Anne Beach,
Andrew Jackson,
Anne Carlton,
Andrew M.,
James N.,
Anne Elizabeth,
Anne Jane,
Anne Wing,
Angeline Billings,
William P.,
Angeline Josephine, 9
Charles H.,
Annice C,
Annice Knott,
Ansel Perry,
Anstace Viall,
Aratus Brewster,
Archibald Albert,
Archibald M.,
Samuel E.,
Archibald Olin,
Ann Clarke,
Robert S.,
Ann Eliza,
James C,
Ann Elizabeth,
George F.,
Ann Flower,
Ann Janet,
Ann M.,
Arnold, Capt.,
Ann M.,
Ann Maria,
Ann Mercy,
Arnold Melvin,
Ann Mercy,
Ann Robinson,
Ann S. ,
Gen. Child of , Page.
9 Arnold, 292
6 Abraham, 94
7 Stephen, 99
7 Ebenezer, 131
7 Gideon, 134
8 Martin, 172
8 Alexander, 279
8 Fitzgerald, 379
9 George W., 147
9 David, 180
9 Thomas A., 365
9 Alfred, 393
10 Douglas, 314
10 Charles M., 324
10 Jeremiah, 347
William H., 568
James N., 565
9 George T., 295
9 Benjamin, 366
9 Albert B., 365
9 William, 357
8 Giles, 154
8 Jonathan, 227
9 Cheney, 394
10 Sidney T., 325
9 John F., 297
9 Benj'n W. C.,410
5 Giles, 63
8 Peter, 187
10 Herbert W. , 476
10 Samuel D., 446
8 Ebenezer, 174
9 Henry V. B., 329
9 John O., 336
6 Samuel, 78
8 Joseph, 230
9 Caleb W., 372
9 Ephraim, 387
10 Edward R., 454
9 Henry P., 338
8 Fortunatus, 377
1 . 3i, 33
8 Samuel G., 199
9 David C, 437
7 William, 103
Albert J., 566
10 Theron W., 427
8 Martin, 171
8 George F., 198
8 Ezra Stiles, 268
9 Amos, 161
10 David, 480
8 Daniel, 181
8 Peleg, 292
8 Samuel, 304
9 Arnold, 449
9 Arnold, 305
Lewis, 570
8 Ezra, 115
9 Franklin R., 428
Arthur, 9
Arthur, 10
Arthur, 10
Arthur C, 10
Arthur G. , Prof. ,
Arthur Gaylord,
Arthur Graham, 9
Arthur Rowland, 9
Arthur Langford, 10
Arthur R., 10
Asa, 9
Asa Anthony, 8
Asa Jay, 9
Athaliah, 6
Augusta Eveline, 8
Augusta Maria, 9
Augustus Franklin, 9
Aurelia, 8
Aurelia, 8
Aurelia, 8
Avis, 6
Avis, 6
Avis, 6
Avis, 7
Avis, 8
Avis, 10
Azubah, 8
Barbara, 7
Barnard, 8
Barnum, 8
Bathsheba, 6
Bathsheba, 6
Bathsheba, 6
Bathsheba, 6
Bathsheba, 7
Beach, 9
Belinda, 7
Belinda, 8
Belle, 9
Belle Gratia, 8
Belphany, 7
Benita Kidder, 9
B.enita Virginia, 9
Benjamin, 4
Benjamin, 5
Benjamin, 5
Benjamin, 5
Benjamin, 2 6
Benjamin, 6
Benjamin, 6
Benjamin, 6
Benjamin, 7
Benjamin, 7
Benjamin, 7
Benjamin, 7
Benjamin, 7
Benjamin, 7
Benjamin, 8
Child of. Page.
. Child of,
William R.,
William H.
Andrew B.,
Arthur G.,
Benjamin Alsop,
George T.,
Benjamin Chase,
John O.,
Benjamin Davis,
Jeremiah S.
, 451
Edward E.,
Benjamin Davis,
Benjamin D
Frederick A
Benjamin F.,
Benj'nW. C
., 410
Benjamin Franklin, 8
James H.,
Benjamin Franklin, 8
Godfrey W.
, 338
William E.,
Benjamin Franklin, 8
Benjamin Franklin, 8
Oliver W.,
George W.,
Benjamin Franklin, 9
George W.,
Benjamin Franklin, 9
Eason L.,
Benjamin L.,
Peter M.,
Benjamin Laton,
Benjamin F
., 363
Benjamin S.,
Benjamin Thomas
1 7
Benjamin Thomas
, 8
George W.,
Benjamin Thomas
. 9
Lewis H.,
Benjamin W.,
Benjamin F
Benjamin Walter,
Matthew B.
, 246
Benjamin Walter,
Benjamin W
Earl H.,
Benjamin Warren
Warren S.,
Benjamin Wilson,
Benjamin W. C,
Matthew B.,
Albert J.,
William W.
Bertha A.,
Andrew B.,
Bertha Adela,
Aaron C,
Cary D.,
Bertha Delight,
Almanzo B.
, 321
Bertha Lydia,
George L.,
Thomas A.,
Pardon C,
Joseph W.,
William P.,
Sidney T.,
Edward G.,
George T.,
John B.,
Burton Oscar,
Burton Ray,
Alvin M.,
C S.,
Samuel G.,
Jonathan, 124, 590
Caleb Brown,
Caleb Burton,
Caleb Wright,
Gen. Child of .
Calvin J.,
Candace D.,
Charles A.,
Alonza 1'.,
William T.
Godfrey W.
, 203
Henry W.,
William J.,
Edward B.,
Caroline Amelia,
Webley E.,
Caroline Amelia,
Willett M.,
Caroline Amy,
Caroline Anne,
John N.,
Caroline Augusta,
Caroline Bacon,
Alfred M.,
Caroline Belle,
Aratus B.,
Caroline Dilly,
Benjamin F
. 339
Caroline Elizabeth
, 8
Caroline Elizabeth
. 9
Caroline Elizabeth
. 9
William S.,
Caroline E.,
Charles F.,
Caroline, Ellis,
Joseph J.,
Caroline Elora,
Alexander T
Caroline Frances,
James W.,
Caroline F.,
Andrew B. .
Caroline Louisa,
Joseph D.,
Caroline L.,
Alonzo P.,
Caroline M.,
Peleg W.,
Caroline Maria,
Caroline Martha,
Cary Dunn,
Cary Dunn,
Charles H.,
Peter M.,
Matthew B.,
Catharine, 2
Charles II.,
George E.,
< Catherine Ann,
Catharine E.,
Catharine J.,
Catherine J.,
Catharine Maria,
Catharine Maud,
Catharine May,
Catharine Russell.
Catharine S.,
Celia Frances,
Celia Violette,
Charity L.,
Charles, 8
Charles, Captain,
Charles A.,
Charles A.,
Gen. Child of. Page.
9 Hiram, 397
9 John T., 247
9 Oliver F., 433
10 Joseph W., 355
10 Edward, 482
8 Charles M., 141
9 Arnold. 304
IO Eleazer, 415
8 Eleazer, 274
9 Benjamin F., 339
9 Lewis II., 411
10 Benjamin D., 451
10 John S., 449
7 Cornelius, 151
8 Elihu, 133
7 Eleazer, 153
8 Fitzgerald, 265
10 Merrick M., 454
8 Lyman, 254
8 Russell, 258
Ebenezer, 566
Lewis, 570
Lewis, 575
Simon, 563
5 Ebenezer, 93
6 Charles, 93
6 Abraham, 94
6 David, 96
7 Benjamin, 254
7 Ebenezer, 273
7 Ebenezer, 132
7 Ebenezer, 164
7 John, 237
7 Jonathan, 117
7 Paul, 135
8 Charles, 238
8 Christopher, 266
8 Giles, 190
8 Ira, 259
8 Isaac, 225
8 James W., 185
8 Joshua, 252
8 Ricketson, 333
9 Abel P., 360
9 Daniel W., 253
9 Ebenezer, 415
9 Ebenezer, 302
9 Egbert, 421
9 Ezra O, 115
9 Joseph, 190
9 Samuel, 304
9 Solomon, 396
9 Thomas, 248
9 William C, 412
10 Charles E., 445
10 Daniel, 419
10 Edward H., 394
8 William, 256
10 John T., 434
59 8
( hail
( 'hail
; A., Rev., 9
i Albert, g
i Alfred, 9
i Alfred, io
i Allen, 8
i Allen, 9
i Alvin, io
> A., Capt., 9
5 Beach, S
s Burch, 8
i Burch, 9
; Butler, 9
i c,
i C, Dr.,
' C. , g
> Cecil, io
iChristop'r, 9
i Coggeshall, 8
i Collins, 8
i Cornelius, 9
; Cullen, 7
; 1 )elos, 9
; Dennison, 8
; J tennison, 9
; E., 8
i E., 9
i Edward, 9
Edward, 9
, Edward, 9
i Edward, 9
, Edward, 10
. Edward, 11
1 Edwin, 10
Edwin, 10
Elihu, 9
i Elihu, Dr., 9
i Elihu, 10
Elmer, 9
Elmeron, 9
F., 9
, Fenner, 9
; Gardner, 8
1 Guy, 10
1 H.,2
H., 9
H., 9
H. B.,
Henry, 8
Henry, 8
Henry, 2 9
Henry, 9
Henry, 9
Henry, 9
Henry, 9
Child of.
Albert B.,
Alfred G.,
John N.,
William R.,
I ,orenzo,
Monson N.,
Richard K.,
Benjamin F. , 463
Charles A., 416
Wright N., 469
Willard W. , 337
Matthew B., 246
Samuel ]',.,
Willett M.,
George B.,
Ezra S.,
Charles D. ,
Hiram C. ,
George E.,
Wesley H.,
Cary D. ,
Stillman R.,
Charles B.,
Benjamin F.
Caleb W.,
Joseph W. ,
William G.,
, 570
William, 564
George W. , 319
William H., 227
George F., 569
Giles C,
Charles II .
Peleg H.,
Revo W.,
William N
George W.,
Charles Hiram,
Charles Howell, 9
Charles Isaac, 10
Charles Judson, 9
Charles Lawton, 10
Charles Leo, 8
Charles I.unn, 9
Charles Lyman, 9
Charles L, IO
Charles L., 10
Charles M., 8
Charles M., -8
Charles M., 9
Charles M., 10
Charles Maitland, 9
Charles Marshall, 7
Charles Marshman, 10
Charles Mills, 9
Charles Miner, 8
Charles Morton, 8
Charles Newcomb.io
Charles Norton, 8
Charles Paul, 9
Charles Perry, 10
Charles Ricketson, 9
Charles Roy, 11
Ch.arles Sherman, 9
Charles Thomas, 8
Charles Volney, 9
Charles Warren, 9
Charles Wesley, 9
Charles William, 8
Charles William, 9
Charles William, 9
Charles William, 9
Charles William, 10
Charles Wm. E., 10
Charlotte, 7
Charlotte, 7
Charlotte, 8
Charlotte, 8
Charlotte, 8
Charlotte, 8
Charlotte, 9
Charlotte, 9
Charlotte, 9
Charlotte, 10
Charlotte Allen, 9
Charlotte Butler, 9
Charlotte C,
Charlotte I., 8
Charlotte Mary, 10
Charlotte May, 9
Charlotte May, 10
Charlotte Ray, 10
Charlotte S.. 8
Chauncey Bedell, 8
Chauncey Betts, 9
Cheney, 8
Chester B., 9
Child of. Page.
Ransom, 557
William, 427
Charles E. , 462
Lewis IL, 411
George L., 455
Charles, 273
Abner L., 158
Samuel, 315
Charles M., 397
Jacob B., 367
Charles M., 141
Royal, 157
Hiram, 397
William W., 303
James, 324
Christop'rM. 141
William II. , 382
Philo M., 432
Ebenezer, 219
Hiram, 243
Benjamin D.,451
William P., 241
Joseph, 345
Job S., 396
Joseph W., 200
William C, 440
Willard, 391
Benjamin T., 167
Volney P., 280
Henry A., 336
James. 303
Micaiah, 257
Aaron, 97
Orrin F., 293
Stephen, 434
John, 479
William T., 385
Ebenezer, 104
Peleg, 104
John, 160
Joshua, 252
Oliver W., 243
Stephen, 275
Abraham, 422
Samuel, 284
William S., 385
Walter, 421
Henry A., 336
Morgan L., 285
William B., 569
Alexander, 156
Albert L., 438
Charles H., 332
Eleazer, 469
Edmund, 444
Giles, 154
Daniel, 180
Lewis B., 473
William, 393
William, 356
Chester Whitman, 9
Chloe, 9
Christopher, 5
Christopher, 6
Christopher, 7
Christopher, 7
Christopher, 8
Christopher, Capt., 8
Christopher M., 6
Clara, 9
Clara, 10
Clara, 10
Clara Adela, 9
Clara Burnham, II
Clara E. , 9
Clara Emma, 10
Clara Louisa, 9
Clara Nettie, 10
Clara R. , 9
Clara Rebecca, 10
Clarence, 8
Clarence, 9
Clarence Arthur, 10
Clarence Barnum, 9
Clarence H., 9
Clarence Hamilton, 9
Clarence Hartwell, 9
Clarence Howard, 9
Clarence Jonathan, 10
Clarence Manley, 8
Clarence Rice, 9
Clarence V., 9
Clarence W.,
Clarence Wilbur, 11
Clarinda, 8
Clarissa, 7
Clarissa, 8
Clarissa, 8
Clarissa, 8
Clarissa, 8
Clarissa, 8
Clarissa, 9
Clarissa, 9
Clarissa, 9
Clarissa, 9
Clarissa, 10
Clarissa, 10
Clark, 9
Clark Edward, 8
Clark Leroy, 9
Clark Scudder, 9
Claude A., II
Claude Beecher, 10
Clement Daniel, 9
Comfort, 5
Content, 4
Cook, 6
Cook, 7
Cliild of. Page.
Morgan L., 285
Henry, 316
Christopher, 561
Holder, 67
Peleg, 117
Christopher, 1 18
Hull, 266
Christopher, 427
Abner, 337
John, 141
Martin B., 258
Earl H., 405
Wesley, 314
Joseph C, 181
William A., 474
George W. , 319
JohnB., 425
Charles C, 282
John C. 368
Morley E., 320
William Y., 476
Harris T. , 133
Abner P., 180
Edward H., 394
Barnum, 424
James, 345
Christopher, 427
Henry W. , 294
John O. , 336
William Y., 476
Henry G. , 262
Henry W. , 409
William E., 319
Horace F. , 436
Moses, 172
Gideon, 135
Elijah, 258
Edward, 101
Martin, 172
Oliver, 211
Samuel, 170
Lewis B., 377
Solomon, 419
Arnold, 450
Caleb W., 465
Abram, 481
Chauncey B., 473
Henry, 419
Edward, . 272
Silvanus K., 317
Christopher, 428
Perry A., 437
Clarence H., 428
Philip G., 317
John, 63
Peleg, 54
Peleg, . 85
Christopher, 118
Cook, 7
Cora, 1 o
Cora, 10
Cora L., 10
Cora M., 10
Cordelia, 8
Cordelia, 8
Cornelia, 8
Cornelia, 9
Cornelia, 9
Cornelia, 9
Cornelia Mary, 10
Cornelia Mead, 9
Cornelia Ricketson, 9
Cornelius, 6
Cornelius M., 7
Cornetta, 10
Crosby, 8
Cynthia, 6
Cynthia, 7
Cynthia Jane, 9
Cyprian, 8
Cyrus Barker, 10
Cyrus Daniel, 8
Cyrus Lane, 8
Daisy, 10
Daniel, 7
Daniel, 7
Daniel, 7
Daniel, 7
Daniel, 8
Daniel, Rev., 8
Daniel, 8
Daniel, 8
Daniel, 9
Daniel, 9
Daniel, 9
Daniel, 9
Daniel Bartine, 10
Daniel D. ,
Daniel G.,
Daniel Gould, 9
Daniel Sherman, 9
Daniel Tabor, 8
Daniel Washington, 8
Darius Moore, 10
Darius Reynolds, 8
Darling, 10
Dauphine, 8
David, 5
David, 5
David, 6
David, 6
David, 7
Child of. Page.
Jesse, 182
Caleb 15., 340
George IL, 324
Lewis R., 341
Abram, 481
Martin, 555
Elias, 236
Peleg, 260
Samuel E., 263
Eleazer, 380
Hiram, 397
Isaac S., 175
Herbert W., 476
Willett M.,' 440
William R., 333
David, 151
Cornelius, 151
Maurice C, 325
Peter, 187
Elijah, 96
Giles, 115
Arnold, 304
John, 160
John, 555
Edward E. , 453
Daniel, 180
Martin, 171
William H., 455
Jesse, 180
Samuel, 174
Samuel, 170
William, 177
Daniel, 314
Eleazer, 413
Elihu 133
Samuel, 1 79
Benjamin, 366
Daniel, 133
Henry, 419
Samuel, 307
Douglas, 314
George, 275
Alfred, 393
Daniel, 175
Alonzo, 253
Aaron C. , 464
William H., 363
Daniel, 419
Peter, 188
Israel, 574
John, 573
Ebenezer, 95
Eliezer, 71
Abraham, 146
Elijah, 96
Ebenezer, 258
I >avid,
I )avid,
David Betts, Capt
David Carvin,
David Leander,
David N.,
David Perkins,
Davis Hodge,
1 )eborah,
Deborah Ann,
Delia Ann,
Delia Myrtle,
Delia Maria,
Dennison Stiles,
Dennison T. ,
Densie Ann,
DeWitt Clinton,
DeWitt T.,
Dora Adelaide,
Dorcas Watson,
Dotia S.,
Duane Ward,
Duty Whitman,
Gen. Child of . Page.
7 Eleazer, 150
7 Jonah, 132
8 Charles, 165
8 Daniel, 303
8 Hiram, 243
8 Samuel, 180
8 William H., 227
9 Daniel, 180
9 Solomon, 480
10 Abram, 481
, David Betts, 566
8 John, 284
8 David, 259
9 Giles, 350
8 Fortunatus, 230
9 Alfred, 393
5 Eliezer, 71
6 John, 90
6 Peleg, 84
7 Eleazer, 232
7 John, 130
7 Jonathan, 117
7 William, 178
8 Charles, 254
8 John, 161
8 Joseph, 226
9 John, 186
8 Pardon, 240
Samuel, 564
8 Eason P., 213
8 William, 183
10 William, 479
8 Oliver E., 431
9 James, 303
8 Samuel, 171
4 Ebenezer, 49
4 1'eleg, 53
9 James, 303
10 William, 479
9 Michael, 314
9 Charles I)., 430
9 Alexander T. , 26S
8 William, 183
4 Ebenezer, 49
5 Ebenezer, 73
5 Giles, 80
6 Charles, 142
6 Ebenezer, 78
6 Joseph, 88
8 Thomas, 248
9 Joshua, G., 323
9 William E. , 319
9 Isaac, 358
7 Joseph, 107
9 Arnold, 292
7 Peleg, 148
9 Daniel, 314
9 Freeborn, 286
8 John, 160
Earl Howard,
Earl Leo,
Earl Walter,
Eason Lafayette,
Eason Lafayette,
Eason Peleg,
Eason Peleg,
Eason R:,
Eason Wallace,
Ebenezer, Rev.,
Ebenezer, 2
Ebenezer, Capt.,
Ebenezer B.,
Ebenezer Phineas,
Ebenezer Welch,
Eda Elizabeth,
Edgar Frederick,
Edgar Joseph,
Edilda B.,
Gen. Child of . Page.
10 Edward B., 230
9 George E., 405
9 Barnum, 424
8 Eleazer, 274
7 John, 159
8 Eason, 283
9 Eason L., 283
7 Peleg, 213
8 Eason P., 345
9 Eason P., 346
10 Francis M., 346
5 Samuel, 65
Ezra, 565
3 Giles, 45
4 Ebenezer, 49
4 Eliezer, 72
5 Ebenezer, 73
5 Giles, 64
5 Samuel, 78
5 Samuel, 64
6 Abraham, 146
6 Charles, 142
6 Ebenezer, 102
6 Edward, 152
6 John, 131
6 Samuel, 101
6 William, 104
7 Cornelius, 151
7 Ebenezer, 152
7 Ebenezer, 168
7 Ebenezer, 131
7 Ebenezer, 146
7 Eleazer, 274
7 Jonathan, 218
7 Joseph, , 174
7 I 'cleg, 104
7 Peleg, 103
8 Charles, 273
8 Charles, 165
8 David, 259
8 Ebenezer, 219
8 Ebenezer, 302
8 Edward, 272
8 Eleazer, 414
S Thomas, 131
9 Benjamin, 353
9 Ebenezer, 415
9 Ebenezer, 165
7 Oliver W., 272
8 Jonathan, 227
8 Micaiah, 256
10 Richard A., 422
8 George, 261
9 Eleazer, 380
10 John F., 475
Ransom, 557
10 Rodolphus 15.355
9 William, 356
9 Egbert, 421
io John P., 436
60 1
Edith Elaine,
Richard M.,
Edith Elizabeth,
Charles A.,
Edith Emma,
Charles K.,
Edith Irene,
Benjamin F
, 400
Edith Kate,
Francis R.,
Edith Maud,
William T.,
Edmund Deacon,
Edmund Deacon,
Edmund D.
. 434
Edmund West,
Edna Alice,
Charles A.,
Edna Wilson,
James W.,
Edward, 2
Edward, Capt.,
Edward, Capt.,
Oliver W.,
William T.,
Edward N.,
William C,
James H.,
Joseph W.,
Edward A.,
Edward Adelbert,
Gilbert P.,
Edward Barnard,
Edward Barrett,
Davis 11.,
Edward Brownell,
Henry A.,
Edward C,
Edward C,
Richard M.,
Edward Clair,
Richard M.,
Edward C,
Chauncey B
Edward 1 )aniel,
Joseph C,
Edward Earle,
Jonathan 1,.
, 301
Edward Earle,
Jonathan L.
. 452
Edward Earle,
Edward E.,
Edward P.,
Edward Fitzgeral(
, 8
Edward Gardner,
Edward Gorton,
Edward 11.,
Edward Henry,
John H.,
Edward Henry,
Edward L.,
William V.,
Edward Livingstoi
Chris'r M.,
Edward Livingston, 8
Alfred M.,
Edward M.,
Edward Manches'r
1 9
39 s
Edward N.,
Edward N., 2
Edward Nelson, 8
Edward Nelson, 9
Edward Nichols, 8
Edward Randolph, 9
Edward Randolph, 10
Edward S.,
Edward Stearns, 10
Edward Tabor, 8
Edward Tinker, 9
Edward Turnier, 8
Edwin, 8
Edwin, 9
Edwin, 9
Edwin, 9
Edwin Arnold, 9
Edwin H., 9
Edwin Haskin, 9
Edwin T., 9
Edwin Ulysses, 9
Effie, 9
Erne Elizabeth, 8
Effie May, 10
Egbert, 8
Egbert, 8
Egbert, 8
Egbert, 9
Egbert 1)., 8
Eleanor Almira, 9
Eleanor Thayler, 8
Eleazer, 6
Eleazer, 6
Eleazer, 6
Eleazer, 7
Eleazer, Capt., 7
Eleazer, 7
Eleazer, 7
Eleazer, 7
Eleazer, 7
Eleazer, 8
Eleazer, 9
Eleazer, 9
Eleazer, 9
Eleazer, 9
E. LeClere, 9
Elephel, 5
Elephel, 6
Elephel, 6
Eli, 8
Eli, 9
Elias, 7
Elias, 8
Elias, Capt., 9
Elias, 9
Elias W., 8
Elias Willard, 9
Eliezer, 3
Eliezer, 4
Eliezer, 5
Child of.
George W. ,
George W.,
Edward R.,
Herbert W.,
William F.,
Uriah B.,'
Thomas A.,
John B.,
William S.,
William E.,
Cyrus D.,
Henry G.,
Lorenzo P.,
Henry V. B
Caleb W.,
William R.,
Jonathan J.
Caleb W.,
Joseph W.,
, 329
Elisha Park,
Elisha Sereptus,
Elisha Silvanus,
Eliza, 2
Eliza Ann,
Eliza Ann,
Eliza Ann,
Eliza Ann,
Eliza J.,
Eliza Jane,
Eliza Jemima,
Gen. Child of . Page,
5 Eliezer, 71
6 Giles, 114
6 Holder, 120
7 Elihu, 114
7 Restcome, 133
S PelegW., 191
5 Ebenezer, 96
6 Elijah, 96
7 Benjamin, 253
7 Ebenezer, 258
7 Eleazer, 153
7 Samuel, in
7 Benjamin, 128
7 Jesse, 181
7 Samuel, ill
8 Eason, 159
8 Samuel, 180
9 Benjamin, 353
9 Sidney, 352
9 HarmonV.V. 378
8 Elisha, 318
9 Silvanus K., 318
Samuel, 565
Simon, 563
William, 564
7 Jonas, 113
7 Pardon, 131
7 William B., 122
8 Daniel, 307
8 Ebenezer, 131
8 Elias, 385
8 Humphrey, 259
9 Daniel W., 253
10 Henry J., 421
8 Samuel G., 199
8 William P., 241
9 Egbert, 420
9 Samuel, 304
8 Willard, 202
8 Webley, 313
Henry, 556
Stephen, 553
William, 564
4 Ebenezer, 49
4 Giles, 45
4 Nathaniel, 50
4 Peleg, 54
5 Giles, 74
5 Holder, 67
5 John, 63
6 Abraham, 94
6 Benjamin, 89
6 Edward, 97
6 Giles, 74
6 John, 90
6 John, 93
. Child of.
Oliver W.,
' 148
J 33
John W.,
Smith P.,
Thomas F.
Edward T.
Harmon V.V. 378
Jesse B.,
Lewis B.,
Michael C.
Simeon P.,
William W
> 344
Gilbert P.,
Elizabeth A.,
Elizabeth A.,
Gardner T.
, 164
Elizabeth A.,
Elizabeth A.,
Elizabeth Ann,
Elizabeth Ann,
Elizabeth Ann,
Elizabeth Ann,
Elizabeth Ann,
Ervin L.,
Elizabeth Ann,
Elizabeth Ann,
Elizabeth Anstace
James C,
Elizabeth C., 7
Elizabeth C, 8
Elizabeth C, 9
Elizabeth Ellen, 9
Elizabeth Flower, 7
Elizabeth G., 9
Elizabeth Gibbs, 9
Elizabeth Hannah, S
Elizabeth Helen, 8
Elizabeth Jane, 8
Elizabeth Louisa, 9
Elizabeth Mariah,
El izabeth Marshall, 8
Elizabeth Marshall, 8
Elizabeth Matilda, 10
Elizabeth Meader,
Elizabeth Mott, 9
Elizabeth Rickets'n,S
Elizabeth S., 9
Elizabeth Susan, 10
Elizabeth Taft, 10
Elizabeth Truax, 10
Elizabeth Williams, 9
Elkanah Raymond, 9
Ella, 9
Ella, 10
Ella; 10
Ella B., 9
Ella Bourne, 9
EllaC, 9
Ella Chamberlain, 10
Ella Chico, 9
Ella E., 9
Ella Hoppin, 9
Ella Jane, 9
Ella Louise, 9
Ella M., 10
Ella Maria, 9
Ellen, 8
Ellen, 8
Ellen, 8
Ellen, 9
Ellen, 9
Ellen, 9
Ellen, 10
Ellen Adelia, 10
Ellen Belle,
Ellen Mariah,
Ellen Matilda, 8
Ellen May, 9
Ellen Rebecca, 10
Ellen Sy mines, 9
Ellena, 10
Ellery, 7
Ellery Cleveland, 9
Ellery Herbert, 10
Ellinor, 8
Elliott Truax, 10
Elliott Truax, 10
Ellvvood Claudius, 9
Child of. Page.
benjamin, 137
Matthew B. , 403
Lewis 11., 411
Stephen, 276
Christ'p'er M.251
Richard K., 318
Samuel, 295
Benjamin W., 245
Eason, 159
John, 239
Silvanus K., 318
Stephen, 553
Alfred M., 250
Marshall C., 249
Cary D. , 450
Christopher, 562
Wesley II., 323
Ricketson, 200
George, 275
Wright N., 469
Robert S., 445
Giles ]?., 458
William, 427
Silvanus K., 318
Benj'n W.C., 410
Joseph W., 467
Marion A., 361
John IL, 302
John F., 451
Abel P., 361
Edward R., 454
Alfred, 393
Charles A., 416
George T., 295
fesse, 1S2
William H., 282
Jacob B., 367
1 lenry C, 332
George, 261
Oliver W., 243
Peleg, 260
Daniel W., 253
Michael, 314
Thomas, 356
I 'el eg, 290
Harmon V., 475
William B., 569
Warren S., 554
William, 321
Samuel, 316
Giles J., 460
George E., 410
Chauncey B., 473
John, 99
James, 303
John H., 437
Moses, 173
Charles B., 464
Giles B., 484
Elisha S., 319
Elmer E., 9
Elmer Ellsworth, 9
Elmer Merrick, 10
Elmer Richard, 10
Elon Morell, 9
Elrena, 8
Elsie, 6
Elsie, 7
Elsie, 8
Elsie R., 9
Elsinore, 7
Elvira, 8
Emeline, 8
Emeline, 8
Emeline, 9
Emeline A.,
Emeline Diantha, S
Emeline Eliza, 9
Emeline M., S .
Emeline Marshall, 7
Emeline Mowbray, 8
Emeline Randall, 8
Emily, 8
Emily, 8
Emily, 8
Emily, 8
Emily Catherine, 8
Emily Celestine,
Emily Elida, 9
Emily Helen, 10
Emily Herbert, 8
Emily J. , 9
Emily Lewis,
Emily Mary, 9
Emily O., 8
Emily S., ' 8
Emma, 7
Emma, 8
Emma, 8
Emma, 9
Emma, 9
Emma, 9
Emma, 9
Emma A.,
Emma Amelia, 9
Emma C, 9
Emma Densie, 9
Emma Elizabeth, 9
Emma Elizabeth, 10
Emma Elizabeth, 10
Emma F., 10
Emma Gordalier, 9
Emma Jane, 10
Emma Josephine, 8
Emma L., 9
Child of. Page.
Morley E., 320
Samuel W., 270
Merrick M., 454
Richard A., 422
Sidney S., 399
Elihu, 133
James, 554
John, 90
Benjamin, 129
Amasa, 228
James, 345
John, 126
Monson N., 182
Henry, 556
Daniel, 181
George, 330
Oliver, 236
William, 563
William, 321
James, 287
Royal, 157
Christop'r M. 141
William, 163
Gardner T., 164
William R., 568
Ebenezer, 1 74
Elihu, 115
Samuel, 171
Seneca, 130
Hull T., 428
Ransom 557
Sidney S., 399
Aaron C, 465
Gardner T., 164
Abiel T., 342
William B., 569
Arnold, 304
Russell, 258
Charles M., 141
Lewis, 570
Gideon, 135
Peter, 187
Thomas F., 189
George T., 246
Oscar B., 257
Robert, 423
William R., 309
William, 563
William N., 300
Charles A., 256
Alvin M., 322
JohnW., 305
Aratus B., 437
Charles W., 435
Jacob B., 367
Henry A., 336
John, 443
George W., 264
Abner L., 158
Emma Lorena, 10
Emma M., 8
Emma Rebecca, 9
Emma Theresa, 9
Emma Virginia, 9
Emmet Leslie, 8
Ephraim, 8
Ephraim Gifford, 8
Erastus, 8
Erastus, 8
Erlinas, 8
Ernest, 10
Ernest, 10
Ernest A., 9
Ernest Clifford, 10
Ernest Eugene, 10
Ervin Lowell, 8
Erwin Eleazer, 10
Esther, 8
Esther, 8
Esther, 9
Esther Clark, 8
Esther Jane, 9
Esther Leonora, 8
Esther M., 9
Esther Manila,
Ethan Allen, 9
Ethelind Pearl, 10
Ettie Josephine, 9
Eudora Theresa, 9
Eugene, 9
Eugene, 9
Eugene B., 9
Eugene H., 9
Eugene Merrill, 8
Eugene Mosher, 8
Eunice, 9
Eunice, 9
Eunice Janet, 9
Eupheme Amelia, 9
Eva, 8
Eva, 9
Eva, 10
Eva, 10
Eva, 10
Eva Elma, 9
Eva Luella,
Eva M., 8
Eva May, 9
Evangeline T., 9
Evelina, 8
Eveline, 8
Eveline A., 10
Everett, 9
Everett Ellis, 9
Experience, 7
Experience, 9
Ezekiel, Col.,
Child of. Page.
Richard B., 317
John, 108
Elisha S., 319
Samuel, 295
William, 183
Elias, 387
Abner, 202
Cook, 183
Othniel, 161
Daniel, 181
Edward R., 454
Simeon T., 293
William E. , 319
Walter E., 296
John A. , 462
William, 321
Wright N., 469
Israel, 574
Ebenezer, 131
Ebenezer, 357
Ebenezer, 415
Eleazer, 252
William, 356
William P., 242
Charles N., 241
Warren S., 554
Morgan L., 285
Eugene H., 320
Albert, 182
Barnum, 424
Ebenezer, 566
John R., 241
Michael, 315
Richard K., 318
Henry, 320
Henry G., 262
Royal, 157
Cary D., 165
John, 186
William H., 260
Silvanus K., 317
Oliver, 152
Norris, 425
Albert C. G., 478
George W., 473
Wesley, 314
Alvin M., 322
Samuel, 575
John, 109
Henry V. B., 329
Richard K., 318
Smith P., 102
Alexander, 278
John C, 368
CaryD., 166
John H., 302
Joseph, 106
Zebulon B., 362
Joseph, 487
Child of. Page.
James W,
Lewis B.,
Ezra C,
Ezra Chase,
Ezra E.,
John C,
Ezra Stiles,
Ezra W.,
Fairest Rose,
Faith Amelia,
Charles A.,
Lucius E.,
Stillman R.,
Fanny Ann,
William H.,
Fanny Ellis,
Tohn H.,
Fidelia Celeste,
James C,
Henry G.,
Fitzroy M.,
Richard M.,
Gilbert P.,
Flora A. ,
Morley E.,
Isaac D. ,
Florence Elizabetl
. 9
Henry W.,
Florence Evelyn,
Aaron C,
Florence May,
Florence Rebecca,
Alfred T.,
Florence Rebecca,
William A.,
Florence Wiston,
Joseph W.,
Fountain Augustus
Thomas F.,
Frances Adela,
Frances Almeda,
John F.,
Frances Carey,
Frances Dulcinea,
William H.
Frances E.,
Chauncey B
Frances Elizabeth
Frances Elizabeth
Frances Elizabeth
Aaron C,
Frances H.,
Frances Harriet,
Child of. Page.
Child of. Page.
Frances Louise,
Philip L. C,
Frances Lydia,
Frances M\,
Benjamin F.
Peleg W.,
Frances S. ,
Benjamin S.
Frances Virginia,
Joseph D.,
Francis Henry,
William C,
Francis Humphrey
, 8
Charles H.,
Francis Marion,
Eason P.,
Francis P.,
Francis Robert,
Lorenzo P.,
Frederick Allen,
John O.,
Rodolphus J
Frederick Almy,
Willett M.,
Frederick Augustus, 8
William H.,
Frederick B.,
William J.,
Frederick Baylies,
John P.,
Frank A.,
Richard M.,
Frederick E.,
Frank Brown,
Lewis R.,
Frederick P.,
Benj'nW. C
Frank Burr,
Charles H.B
Frederick F.,
Frank D.,
Frank E.,
Frederick G.,
Frederick Grant,
Giles F.,
Alonzo H.,
Frank E.,
Frederick H.,
Frank Ernest,
John N.,
Frederick L.,
Chauncey B
Frank Eugene,
Frederick Lee,
Philip L. C.
, 267
P'rank Eugene,
Charles E.,
Frederick Roswell
Frank Eugene,
Merrick M.,
Frederick William
. 9
Frank Herbert,
Ellery H.,
Prank blunting,
Joseph W. ,
Frank J.,
P'reeman Leslie,
Frank L.,
Abel P.,
G ,
Frank Martin,
Gardiner Browning, 8
Frank Monroe,
John W.,
Gardner Clark,
Frank N.,
Charles N.,
Gardner Thurston
, 7
Frank P.,
Frank P.,
Garrett Wendell,
George, 4
John P. ,
Frank Ransom,
Humphrey C.585
Frank Russell,
John O.,
Peter M.,
Prank S.,
William C,
Frank Seymour,
Samuel D.,
Prank Wallace,
Almanzo B.,
P'rank William,
Darius R.,
PVanklin M.,
Benj'in W. C
. 410
Franklin R.,
Franklin Robinson, 8
Hull TV,
Franklin Robinson, 9
Revo W.,
John 0.,
Pardon C,
William W.
Fred Evans,
Oliver M.,
Fred G.,
Thomas F.,
Fred Haynes,
Frederic, Capt.,
Ebenezer P.
Frederic Edmund
39 6
Gardner C,
George, 9
George, 9
( ieorge, 9
George, 9
(ieorge, 9
George, 9
George, 9
( ieorge, 9
George, 9
George, 9
George, 10
( ieorge, 10
George, 10
George A., 7
George A., 7
George A., S
George A., 9
George Allen, 8
George Avery, 8
(Ieorge B. ,2
(ieorge Bahcock, 9
(ieorge Bishop, 9
George Brown, 8
George Colbert,
George Dyer, Dr., 9
(ieorge E.,
George E.,
George E., 8
George Earl, 10
George Ellis, 8
George Ellis, 9
George Engs, 8
( ieorge Engs, 8
George Engs, 9
( ieorge Eugene, 9
George Everett, 10
George F.,
(ieorge F., 9
(ieorge Folger, 7
George Fort, 9
(ieorge Franklin, 9
(ieorge Frederick,
George Henry, 8
George Henry, 9
George Henry, 9
George Henry, 10
(ieorge Hogeb'om, 10
George Hull, 9
George Ira,
George Joseph, 9
George L., 9
George Lawton, 9
(ieorge Leonard, 8
George M.,
(ieorge M., 9
( ieorge M. D. , Rev. ,9
George Mortimer, 9
George N.,
George P.,
George P., 10
Child of. Page.
George, 185
George W., 147
George W., 298
Giles F., 331
John, 187
Michael, 314
Philip S., 590
Samuel, 241
Thomas, 461
William K., 274
Edward, 482
Richard R., 385
Volney M., 399
George, 145
Restcome, 133
(ieorge A., 133
Nathan N., 22S
Royal, 157
Godfrey W., 203
Ebenezer, 302
George, 325
Giles, 330
Stephen, 494
John II., 483
Clarence W., 571
Ira, 259
Earl II., 405
John I)., 169
James, 303
Matthew B., 405
Thomas, 410
William C, 412
Joseph B., 363
George W., 473
Ezra C.| 115
Williams, 198
( ieorge E., 405
Julius F., 264
Henry G., 262
Samuel, 304
James, 324
John, 436
|oscph W., 467
Philip L. C, 267
Charles E., 571
Alfred, 281
Henry W., 294
Isaac L., 455
Samuel E., 263
Richard M., 399
David, 453
Henry V. B., 329
Christopher, 561
Samuel, 444
George Perry, 8
George Ralph, 8
George Remington, 8
(ieorge S.,
(ieorge T.,
George Tabor, 9
George Thomas, 8
George Thomas, 8
George V.,
George W.,3
George W. ,
George W. , 7
George W., 7
George W., S
George W., 8
George W., 8
George W., 8
George W. , 10
George W., 10
George Washington,
George Washington, 7
George Washington, 7
George Washington, 7
George Washington, 8
George Washington, 8
George Washington, 8
( ieorge Washington, 9
George Washington, 9
GeorgeWashington, 9
GeorgeWashington. 9
GeorgeWashington, 9
George Washing'n,io
(ieorge Washing'n, 10
George Wing, Capt. 8
Georgia, 9
Georgiana, 9
Georgiana, 10
Gertrude, 9
Gertrude, 10
Gertrude Estelle, 9
Gertrude Louisa, 10
Gideon, 6
Gideon, 7
Gideon I).. 8
Gilbert, 9
Gilbert Prosper, 9
Giles, 2
Giles, 3
Giles, 4
Giles, 4
Giles, 4
Giles, 4
Giles, 4
Giles, 5
Giles, 5
Giles, 5
Giles, 5
Giles. 5
( 'In Id of.
Benjamin \\
Oliver W.,
James W. ,
Jacob B.,
William B.,
George W\,
Alfred T.,
Gardiner B.
, 173
Lucius E.,
William G.,
Joseph W.,
Joseph W.,
Henry P.,
Charles A.,
William R.,
John C,
(ieorge T.,
Walter E.,
Darius R.,
Child of. Page.
Giles Bryan,
Giles Cushman,
Giles Frederick,
Giles Jeremiah,
Giles Jeremiah,
Giles, J.,
Giles P., 2
Giles Q.,
William S.,
Giles Wilson,
Glen Davis,
Edward B.,
Godfrey Willcox,
Herbert W.
Willard W.,
Grace Beatrice,
Peleg R.,
Grace E. ,
Grace Evelyn,
Grace G.,
George E. ,
Grace Isabella,
Benjamin F.
, 400
Grace Lula,
Eason L.,
Grace Tyson,
Edward R.,
William W.,
Guernsey Morton
Charles A.,
Guy Wolfe,
Benjamin F.
, 339
1 1 an nali,
1 [annah,
Hannah, 8
Hannah, 8
Hannah, 8
Hannah, 9
Hannah, 9
Hannah, 9
Hannah, 9
Hannah Allen, 8
Hannah Allen, 8
Hannah Cooke, 8
Hannah Dimond, 7
Hannah Eliza, 8
Hannah Elizabeth, 8
Hannah Josephine, 8
Hannah Louisa, 9
Hannah Maria, 8
Hannah Mary, 9
Hannah Nichols, 9
Hannah Niobe.
Hannah Vermelia, 8
Harlan Page, 9
Harley Bradley, 9
Harlow, 8
Harmon B., 10
Harmon V., 9
Harmon VanVech'n, 8
Harriet, 7
Harriet, 7
Harriet, 7
Harriet, 8
Harriet, 8
Harriet, 8
Harriet, 8
Harriet, 8
Harriet, 8
Harriet, 8
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 9
Harriet, 10
Harriet Amelia, 9
Harriet Ann, 8
Harriet Ann, 8
Harriet Anna, 9
Harriet Dixon, 9
Harriet Eliza, 9
Harriet Elizabeth, 8
Harriet Emeline, 10
Harriet Emily, 8
Harriet Emily, 9
Child of. Page.
John, 160
Joseph, 225
Peleg, 165
Harmon V.V. 378
James, 287
Peleg, 290
William, 179
James H., 205
William, 400
Stephen, 153
William, 108
Webley, 176
Eason P., 213
Oliver W., 243
Jeremiah S., 300
Alonzo, 253
John, 291
Ebenezer, 415
John, 239
Roval, 280
William G., 328
Henry V. B., 329
Joshua, 417
Aaron C, 464
Harmon V., 475
Fortunatus, 378
Ezra, 565
John, 99
Eleazer, 150
Tristram, 151
Alonzo, 253
Amos, 161
Fitzgerald, 271
John, 231
Joshua, 252
Monson N., 182
Samuel E. , 159
Alfred, 393
Cary D., 166
Eleazer, 380
Harmon V.V. 378
Henry, 316
Henry, 419
H iram, 383
John, 291
John Jay, 257
Lewis B., 474
Norris, 425
William, 179
Chauncey B., 473
Alfred G., 299
Peleg, 260
Thomas, 412
William B., 341
Orrin F., 294
Franklin R., 428
Joseph, 226, 590
John, 479
James W., 185
Revo W., 324
Harriet Emma,
Harriet Esther,
Harriet F. ,
H. Gertrude,
Harriet Isabella,
Harriet M.,
Harriet M.,
Harriet M.,
Harriet Maria,
Harriet Maria,
Harriet Nellie,
Harriet Newell,
Harriet Price,
Harriet R. ,
Harriet R.,
Harris T.,
Harris W.,
Hart A.,
Harvey Cole,
Harvey Francis,
Harvey Granger,
Harvey Granger,
Harvey Hoag,
Hazard Perry,
Helen Amelia,
Helen Amelia,
Helen E.,
Helen Elizabeth,
Helen Josephine,
Helen K.,
Helen M.,
Helen M.,
Helen Maria,
Helen R.,
Henderson W.,
Henry, 3
Gen. Child of. Page.
9 James, 324
9 William R., 417
9 Ephraim, 387
9 Nathan N., 228
10 Harmon V,, 475
9 P'reeborn, 286
9 Oliver E., 433
9 Morley E., 320
9 Daniel W., 253
9 Josiah W. , 323
9 Alfred, 281
9 William, 351
9 William R., 309
7 Peleg, 148
9 Charles, 334
7 Restcome, 133
Clarence W., 571
8 William P., 242
9 Pardon C, 242
IO John C, 368
9 RounsevilleS.395
9 James S., 189
9 David, 303
10 Giles J., 460
9 Volney P., 280
9 David C, 285
8 Peleg, 260
William H., 567
8 Giles, 191
8 Harris T., 133
9 Albert B., 365
9 Giles, 219
8 George, 261
9 Alfred G., 299
9 James, 345
9 William N., 300
9 William B., 341
8 John, 109
8 Fitzgerald, 265
8 Pardon. 132
9 Volney P., 279
9 William S., 360
10 Edmund D., 434
8 Joshua, 252
8 Christopher, 266
9 Benjamin, 353
John, 555
7 Ebenezer, 152
7 Giles, 115
7 Jesse, 109
7 John, 186
7 Jonas, 189
8 Henry, 186
8 Lyman, 418
8 Monson N., 320
8 Moses, 172
S Samuel, 316
8 ZinaB., 262
9 Alonzo P., 333
Henry A., Dr., 10
Henry Albert, 9
Henry Almy, Capt., 8
Henry Burwell, 10
Henry C,
Henry C,
Henry C, 9
Henry Chase, 8
Henry E., 8
Henry E., 9
Henry Ellsworth, 10
Henry Fitzgerald, 9
Henry Gardner, 7
Henry Harrison,
Henry Howland, 8
Henry James, 9
Henry L., 8
Henry Lever, 9
Henry Lincoln, 9
Henry Lyman, 8
Henry M., 9
Henry O., 9
Henry Perry, 8
Henry Piatt, 10
Henry S., 9
Henry Smith, 9
Henry Spencer, 10
Henry Warner, Gen. 8
Henry Warner, 9
Henry Waterman, 8
Henry Wm., Rev., 8
Henry Van Buren, 8
Hephzib'h Barnard,
Herbert Daniel, 10
Herbert J., Lieut., 9
Herbert Sidney, 9
Hiram, 7
Hiram, 7
Hiram, 7
Hiram, 8
Hiram, 8
Pliram, 8
Hiram, 8
Hiram, 8
Hiram, 8
Hiram, 8
Hiram, 8
Hiram, 9
Hiram, 9
Hiram, 9
Hi ram, 9
Hiram C, 8
Child of. Page.
Gilbert P., 364
Hiram, 398
Nathaniel, 172
Samuel, 284
Asa, 419
Cary D., 450
William H., 227
Edward N., 298
Stephen, 276
Otis, 335
Lot D., 398
William, 563
Giles F., 331
George, 331
Joseph, 146
William C, 412
John A., 462
Henry W., 401
Samuel, 262
William R., 568
George F., 332
John P., 421
Fitzgerald, 265
Lewis H., 411
Eason P., 213
William, 356
William F., 431
Willard, 338
Wright N., 469
Peleg, 340
Frederic, 396
Humphrey E.376
Matthew B., 405
Henry W., 409
Abel, 294
William, 400
Henry, 328
Christopher, 562
William Y. , 476
Joseph J., 346
Benjamin F. , 400
Willard, 475
Ebenezer, 146
Jonah, 243
W T illiam B., 215
Ebenezer, 146
Hiram, 215
James, 213
John, 382
John, 397
Othniel, 161
Pardon, 398
Rodney, 240
Hiram, 397
Hiram, 398
John, 187
William H., 1S0
Stephen M., 135
. Child of . Page.
. Child of. Page.
George H.,
William B.,
James H.,
Holder Burden,
William W.,
Holder, Captain,
Holder, Captain,
Abel P.,
Holder C.,2
Isaac Draper,
Jeremiah S.,
Homer J.,
Isaac E.,
Isaac Haslam,
Edward R.,
Isaac Herbert,
Isaac S.,
Horace F.,
Isaac Howland,
Ephraim G.
Horace Fox,
John P.,
Isaac Lawton,
Caleb B.,
Horace Franklin,
Isaac, Major,
Horace Harrison,
Wm. H. H.
Isaac Schuyler,
Horace Wood'orth
Charles A.,
Marion A.,
Horace Nelson,
Isabella Maria,
Revo W.,
Howard Earle,
Hull Thompson,
J -2
Jabez Howland,
Jacob B. ,
Joseph W.,
William E.,
Jacob DeForest,
Humphrey Almy,
James, 6
Humphrey Almy,
Humphrey C,
Humphrey Elias,
Joseph W.,
Humphrey F.,
Humphrey H.,
Benjamin W
N orris,
Joseph W.,
Ida Abigail,
Simeon P.,
John D.,
Ida B.,
Chauncey B.
1 473
IdaB. F.,
Ida Daton, .
George T.,
James ,
Ida Delphine,
William E.,
Smith P.,
Ida Frances,
John H.,
Ida Jane,
Ida Mahalah,
John B.,
Ida Maud,
Charles A.,
Ebenezer P.
, 227
Ida May,
Ida May,
Almanzo B.
Ida May,
Henry P.,
Ida May,
William C,
Ida May,
Aratus B.,
Ida May,
Jacob B.,
Ida May,
John N.,
Ida Olivia,
William W.
William C,
Idalie Amanda,
Eason L.,
William W.
Inez Blanche,
James A.,
lames A.,
James A.,
George W.,
Irene A.,
Richard M.,
James Albert,
Giles C. ,
Irene Florence,
George W.,
James Allen,
Jeremiah S.
Gen. Child of.
J B.,
James B.,2
James Blaine,
James C,
James Casey, 8
J. Chauncey, g
James Cooper, 8
James D., 8
James E. ,
James E., g
James Edmund, 8
James Edward, io
James Edward, io
J. Frank,
James F., io
James Francis, io
James Franklin, g
James Henry, g
J. Howard, g
J as. Howland,Capt.7
James Howland, 8
James Hubbard, 8
James Hubbard, 8
J J., Capt.,
James K.,
James L.,
James Line,
J M.,
James M., g
James Madison, 8
James N.,
James Phillips, io
James Polk,
James Russell g
James Russell, io
James, 2
James S. , 8
James Scovell, g
James Stewart, 8
James Thomas, 8
James Tucker, 7
James W.,2
James W., 8
James W., 8
James W., g
James Warren, 8
James Waterman, 8
James Wellington, 10
James West, 7
Jane, 7
Jane, 7
Jane, 8
Jane, 8
Jane, 8
Jane, 8
Jane, 8
Jane, 8
Jane, g
Jane, g
Jane, g
Charles E.
George W.,
James A.,
David P.,
> 571
James H.,
8 Samuel E.,
Samuel G. ,
Lewis M.,
Samuel h
Edward L. ,
Samuel A.,
Benjamin T
Abraham P.
James W.,
Daniel W.,
J 59
J 59
, 297
Jane, g
Jane, g
Jane Ann, g
Jane Brown, 7
Jane Elizabeth, 10
Jane Louisa, 10
Jane Mabel, IO
Jane Mariah, 8
Jane S., 8
Janet, g
Jay Whitefield, g
Jay Whitney, g
Jefferson Henry, 8
Jemima, 8
Jemima, g
Jemima, 10
Jennie, 8
Jennie, g
Jennie, g
Jennie, 10
Jennie Adelaide, g
Jennie E., g
Jennie Frances, g
Jennie M., 8
Jeremiah, 8
Jeremiah, g
Jeremiah D., 8
Jeremiah Fred, 10
Jeremiah, Prof., g
Jeremiah Spencer, 8
Jerome, 8
J erome, 8
Jerome, g
Jerome W.,
Jesse, 6
Jesse, 7
Jesse, 7
Jesse, 8
Jesse Babcock, 8
Jesse, Hon.,
Jesse Tripp, 8
Jessie Benton, g
Jessie Blanche, 10
Jessie Fremont, g
Jessie Harriet, g
Joanna, 4
Joanna, 5
Joanna, 6
Joanna, 7
Job, 6
Job, 7
Job, 7
Job, 8
JobS., g
Joel, 8
Johanna, 3
Child of. Page.
John, 187
William, 351
Hiram, 3g7
Williams, 116
James, 485
Jeremiah, 452
George W. , 473
Samuel G., igg
Ebenezer, 146
Peleg, 340
Eason L., 283
JohnW., 305
Samuel, 171
Daniel, 177
William, I7g
Jeremiah, 347
Warren S., 554
Cook, 183
Barnard, 246
James L., 263
Douglas, 314
Horatio N., 2g6
Charles B., 182
Henry H , 332
Fitzgerald, 265
Giles, 347
Jeremiah, 347
Ellery, gg
Humphrey E.376
Jeremiah S., 452
Ebenezer, 300
Harris T., 133
Mori son N.. 182
Joseph, 376
Clarence W., 571
Samuel, 108
Jesse, iog
Jesse, no
Monson N., 182
William, 166
Ezekiel, 4go
Giles, 1 54
George T. , 2g5
Albert C. G., 478
William R., 417
Silas P., ig8
Eliezer, 61
Giles. 63
Joseph , 88
Benjamin, 128
William, 564
John, 8g
Ebenezer, 131
Jonah, 132
Charles, 238
Solomon, 3g6
Jonathan, 227
Giles, 41
John, 5
John, Capt.,
John, Rev.,
John, 2
Gen. Child of . Page.
4 Ebenezer, 49
4 Giles, 61
John (?), 555
Joshua, 508
Reuben, 553
Robert, 573
William R., 568
2 Anthony, 35
3 Giles, 41
4 Eliezer, 61
4 Giles, 63
4 Nathaniel, 65
5 Benjamin, gi
5 Eliezer, 89
5 Giles, 89
5 John, 76
5 John, 82
5 Joseph, 86
5 Samuel, 64
6 Ebenezer, 102
6 Elijah, 96
6 John, 99
6 John, in
6 John, 120
6 John, 125
6 John, 129
6 John, 138
6 Peter, 112
6 Thomas, 99
7 Benjamin, 145
7 Benjamin, 247
7 David, 147
7 Eleazer, 231
7 George, 145
7 Jesse, 108
7 John, 159
7 John, 238
7 Oliver W., 152
7 Pardon, 240
7 Peleg, 104
7 Thomas, 160
8 Bradford, 147
8 Daniel, 170
8 Eleazer, 251
8 Eleazer, 414
8 George W., 168
8 Henry, 186
8 Hiram, 215
8 James, 187
8 Johnson, 184
8 Peleg, 290
9 Abraham, 422
9 Daniel W. , 253
9 Ebenezer P., 227
9 Egbert, 42 1
9 James, 187
9 John, 187
9 John, 442
9 Michael C, 186
John, 9
John, 9
John, 9
John, 11
John A.,
Tohn A., 9
John Albert, 8
John Alexander, 9
John Al worth, 9
John Anderson, 10
John B.,
John B.,
John B., 8
John B. ,
John B., 8
John Bradford, 8
John Bromley, 9
John Brown, 8
John C, 9
John Caleb, Dr., 9
John Clarke, 10
John Clayton, 9
John Duty, Capt., 7
John E., 8
John E., 9
John Edward, 9
John Ervin, 8
John Eugene,
John F., 8
John F., 9
John Farmer, 7
John Fay, 9
John Fenner, 9
John Fitzgerald, 7
John Forsman, 8
John Francis, 8
John H.,
John H., 8
John Hadwen, Dr., 7
John Henry, 9
John Henry, 9
John Henry, 10
John Henry, Capt., 8
John Holden, 9
John Hoxie, 9
John Hudson, 8
John Isaac, 9
'John J.,
John J.,
John J., 10
John James, 9
John Jay, 8
John Jay, Rev., 8
John Jeremiah, 10
John L. ,
John L., 9
John Lines, 9
John Millington, 8
John Milton, 9
John Morgan, 10
Child of. Page.
Oliver, 147
Samuel, 436
William R., 479
Tennbrook J . ,475
Israel, 574
Solomon, 419
John, 239
Samuel, 304
Joseph B., 462
John, 479
John, 555
Peleg, 568
James, 213
Joseph, 345
Rodney, 240
Elijah, 258
Burton, 425
Caleb B., 341
Joseph W., 368
Caleb W., 465
Robert S. , 445
John B., 342
Peleg, 169
Elisha, 112
John, 414
Clark E., 272
Cook, 183
Albert J., 566
Jonathan, 226
EbenezerW., 256
Gideon, 134
Edward T., 385
Eleazer, 475
Restcome, 133
Isaac, 224
Benjamin T., 297
John J., 570
Fitzgerald, 265
William T., 139
George, 275
Sidney S., 399
John, 443
John D., 302
David C, 436
Peleg, 440
Charles, 165
James W., 297
Jacob B., 367
William S., 385
Micaiah, 257
John, 383
William R., 456
Peleg, 340
James, 287
Martin, 171
Sidney, 352
Albert L., 438
Gen. Child of.
John N.,
John, Newton, 8
John Newton, 9
John Norman, 8
John Norton, 7
John Ostrander, Dr. 8
John Otis, 8
John Otis, 9
John P.,
John P., 8
John Packard, 10
John Palmer, 8
John Palmer, 10
John Palmer, 10
John Payson, 9
John Peterson, 9
John Rufus, 10
John Russell, 8
John Sammis, 9
John Sheridan, 9
John Smith, 8
John Spencer,
John Stanton, Col., 9
John Stanton, 10
John Stewart, 9
John T., 9
John T., 10
John Thomas, 8
John Thomas, 10
John Thorn, 10
John Victor, 8
John W.,
John W.,
John W., 9
John Wanton, 7
John Webley, 8
John Webley, 10
John Wesley,
John Wesley, 8
John Whitney, 8
John William, 9
Johnson, 7
Jonah, 6
Jonah, 7
Jonah, 8
Jonas, 6
Jonas, 8
Jonathan, 5
Jonathan, 5
Jonathan, 6
Jonathan, 6
Jonathan, 6
Jonathan, 6
Jonathan, 7
Jonathan, 7
Jonathan, 7
Jonathan, 7
Jonathan, 7
Jonathan, 8
William P.,
Matthew B,
John O.,
Giles C,
Oscar A.,
Abraham P
Henry J.,
Charles O,
Amasa C,
Rodolphus B.355
Alfred T.,
John W.,
James T.,
Warren S.,
John S.,
Stephen T.,
Willard W.,
William R.,
Joseph W.,
Edward R.,
Charles G.,
Pel eg,
Jonathan Joseph, 8
Jonathan Langford, 8
Jonathan Langford, 9
Jonathan Shelden, 7
Jonathan Silvester, 8
Jordan Woolley, 10
Joseph, 4
Joseph, 4
Joseph, 4
Joseph, 5
Joseph, 6
Joseph, 7
Joseph, 7
Joseph, Judge, 7
Joseph, 7
Joseph, 7
Joseph, 7
Joseph, 8
Joseph, 8
Joseph, 8
Joseph, 8
Joseph, 9
Joseph, 9
Joseph, 10
Joseph Anthony, 8
Joseph Beach, 8
Joseph Bingham, 10
Joseph Borden, 9
Joseph Burt, 10
Joseph Cudworth, 8
Joseph Dennison, 7
Joseph Dennison, 8
Joseph Edgar, 9
Joseph Francis, 9
Joseph Howard, 10
Joseph J., Col., 8
Joseph J., g
Joseph M., 8
Joseph Merritt, 9
Joseph R.,
Joseph W, 9
Joseph Wanton. 6
Joseph W T anton, 8
Joseph Wanton, 8
Joseph Warren, 9
Joseph Wing, 2 8
Josephine, 8
Josephine, 8
Josephine, 9
Josephine, 9
Josephine, 10
Josephine Mary, 9
Joshua, 7
Joshua, 8
Joshua, Capt.,
Joshua Gibbs, 8
Child of. Page-
Joseph, 361
Ebenezer, 301
Jonathan L., 301
John, 1 26
Alonzo, 253
Edward R., 454
John, 555
Ebenezer, 49
Peleg, 68
Samuel, 54
Giles, 87
William, 105
Ebenezer, 146
Eleazer, 229
Jonathan, 225
Joseph, 173
Samuel, 111
William B., 213
Ebenezer, 353
Giles, 190
James, 345
Joseph, 376
Joseph, 376
Samuel, 284
Joseph W., 355
Rodney, 240
Jonathan, 362
Rodolph's B.,355
Stephen, 276
George W., 473
Daniel, 180
Hull, 267
Joseph D., 268
Latham L., 166
Charles H., 325
Milton J., 463
Joseph , 346
William, 357
Joseph, 146
Joseph B., 363
Caleb W., 466
John, 120
Caleb B., 339
Joseph, 173
Joseph, 355
Ricketson, 200
Ira, 259
Martin, 172
Nathaniel, 172
William W., 344
John II., 441
Simeon P., 293
John, 508
George, 252
Johnson, 184
John. 551
Johnson, 323
. Child of .
. Child of. Page.
Josiah Worth,
1 *emael,
Josiah Worth,
Lemuel S.,
William H.,
Lena Rose,
William E.,
Philip G.,
Humphrey A. 239
William E.,
Judson B.,
Leonard Delamater,8
Eason P.,
Leon Charles,
Charles W.,
J esse,
Leroy O,
Leroy Caswell,
Francis R.,
LeRoy Morgan,
George E.,
William H.
, 180
Harris T.,
Lewis M. ,
Leslie DeLeon,
Emmet L.,
Julia A.,
Leslie J.,
Morley E.,
Julia A.,
Leslie W.,
Clarence W.
, 571
Julia Almy,
Julia Almy,
James T.,
Julia Ann,
Lucius E.,
Julia Ann Peabody, 8
Gardner T.
Lester B.,
Julia Elizabeth,
Lester M.,
Andrew B.,
Julia Elizabeth,
Sidney S.,
Julia J.,
Julia Lyon,
Joseph W.,
Julius Franklin,
George W.,
Dr. 8
Justin R.,
Richard M.
- 399
Peter E. ,
L F.,
L W.,
Latham Lamphier, 8
Lewis Berry,
Lewis Frederic,
Lewis Harvey,
Oliver M.,
Lewis Henry,
William H.
, 568
Lewis Henry,
Lewis Henry,
William R.,
Lewis Judson,
William R.,
Lewis Maps,
Elias W.,
Lewis Maps.
Laura A.,
Jacob B.,
Lewis Maps,
Lewis M.,
Laura Almy,
Lewis Raynor,
William B.,
Laura Ann,
Lewis T.,
Laura Ann,
Lewis Tyler,
Henry V. B
Laura E.,
Giles Q.,
Lewis T. M.,
Laura Elva,
Alfred W,,
Lewis William Bass, 9
Caleb W.,
Laura Frances,
Oliver E.,
Lida Swan,
Will aid,
Laura J.,
Lilian Abigail,
Charles C.
Laura L.,
Lilian Ellinor,
Charles A.,
Laura Mary,
Francis M.
Lilian Estelle,
Eason L.,
Laura Smith,
Lillis M.
George H.,
David B.,
Lilly Augusta,
Lilly E.,"
Richard M.,
Lilly Elizabeth,
Eason L.,
Lee A.,
Lilly Grace,
Charles E.,
Lilly Josephine,
Charles A.,
. Child of . Page.
. Child of . Page.
Lilly Molt,
Wesley H.,
Livingston Hovva
Josiah W.,
Zebulon B.,
William W.
Lloyd B.,
John W.,
Loren Ernest,
Alvin M.,
Loren Valentine,
Morgan L.,
Lorena Belle,
James W.,
Lorenzo Perry,
William P.,
Lot Dean,
Sidney S.,
Lydia A.,
Charles A.,
Lydia Ann,
Isaac L.,
Louis Arnold,
Horatio N.,
Lydia E. Earle,
Jonathan L.
. 301
Louis Gregory,
Eason L.,
Lydia Francelia,
Aaron C,
Louis McC,
William T.,
Lydia J.,
Louis Wilbur,
William H.
Lydia Pamela,
Harris T.,
Lydia R.,
Lydia Smith,
Humphr'y A
Lydia Wing,
Louisa A.,
Samuel E.,
William R.,
Lucius Elliot,
Lyman Harrison,
Joseph W.,
Lucius Emmet,
George T.,
William P.,
Lucius Franklin,
Franklin R.
, 428
William H.,
Lucre tia,
Mabel Caroline,
Benjamin F.
Lucretia Ann,
William G.,
Mabel Elizabeth,
Lucretia Gardner,
Mabel Estella,
Eason L. ,
Mabel Lydia,
Peleg H.,
Mabel Rose,
Eugene H.,
Smith P.,
Jesse B.,
George W.,
Thomas A.,
Major Howard,
Francis M.,
Malvana Jemima,
John W.,
Lucy Amelia,
Malvana Theresa,
Lucy Ann,
George W.,
Manley Leonidas,
Lucy C,
M R.,
Lucy C,
Marcus S. ,
Lucy Camilla,
John P.,
Lucy Dailey,
Lucy J.,
John B,,
Lucy Jane,
Ephraim G.,
Lucy Jocelyn,
William B. ,
Lucy Maria,
Alfred G.,
Luella Belle,
39 1
Charles W.,
Luther Pernette,
Daniel T.,
Lewis H.,
6l 5
Margaret, 9
Margaret Allen, 8
Margaret Allen, 9
Margaret Amelia, 8
Margaret Amelia, 9
Margaret Almy, 8
Margaret Ellen, 8
Margaret Emma, 9
Margaret Emma, 9
Margaret May, o
Margaret Minerva, 9
Margaret Olivia, 8
Margaret Olivia, 9
Margaret Sophr'ia,io
Margaretta, 9
Maria, 5
Maria, 7
Maria, 8
Maria, 8
Maria, 8
Maria, 8
Maria, 9
Maria Elizabeth, 8
Maria Elizabeth, 9
Maria Elizabeth, 10
Maria Hamilton, 8
Maria Helen, 8
Maria Lavinia, 10
Maria Matilda, 8
Mariah, 7
Mariah, 7
Mariah, 8
Mariah, 8
Mariana, 8
Marian, 7
Marie Antoinette, 7
Mariette, 8
Mariette, 9
Mariette, 2 9
Mariette, 9
Marinette, 11
Marion A., 9
Marion Amelia, 8
Marion Amelia, 9
Marion Belle, 9
Marion Leroy, 8
Marion Louisa, 9
Marion Louise, 10
Mark Antony, 8
M. Bradford, 9
Marshall, 8
Marshall, 10
Marshall C, Dr., 8
Marshall Christop'r, 7
Martha, 5
Martha, 6
Martha, 6
Child of. Page.
Robert, 424
Ebenezer, 169
Jeremiah S., 300
Gardner T., 287
Volney P., 280
Stephen, 154
Thomas, 413
Henry, 186
Revo W., 324
Elisha S., 319
Freeborn, 286
Joseph, 214
Joseph J., 347
Albert L., 438
Peter E., 569
Samuel, 64
William B., 215
Benjamin, 590
George, 192
Hiram, 215
Samuel, 241
Peleg, 340
Edward L., 250
Franklin R., 428
Henry J., 421
Ezra Stiles, 268
Benjamin W.,402
Willard W., 482
Peter, 188
Hull, 149
Oliver W., 152
John, 231
Moses, 172
Smith, 109
Paul, ' 244
Eleazer, 153
Eleazer, 260
Abraham, 422
Eleazer, 380
James, 303
JohnC, 445
Abel P., 361
Oliver E., 270
Oliver E., 433
Hart, 242
Elisha, 181
Silvanus K., 317
Aratus B., 437
Charles, 165
Mark A., 165
Eleazer, 260
Willis, 419
Edward L., 250
Christop'r M.,248
James, 554
John B., 555
Giles, 88
John, 76
John, 138
. Child of. Page.
Thomas F.,
Charles C,
Ebenezer P
, 227
Martha, 2
Martha Ann,
Willard W.,
Martha Bugbee,
William Y.,
Martha Elizabeth
Martha Helen,
Benjamin F.
Martha Helen,
Joseph B.,
Martha Helen,
John A.,
Martha Jane,
Martha Jane,
Orrin F.,
Martha Jane,
William B,
Martha L.,
Martha Tillinghast, 7
Christo'r M.
. 249
Martha Williams,
William B.,
Martin Bennett,
Martin Finney,
Martin H.,
Marvell J.,
William E.,
Marvin A.,
Mary, 2
M ary,
Mary, 2
Gen. Child of . Page.
6 Abraham, 94
6 Benjamin, 89
6 Benjamin, 135
6 Charles, 93
6 Elijah, 96
6 Giles, 77
6 John, 87
6 John. 93
6 Joseph, 88
6 Moses, 79
6 Samuel, 95
6 Thomas, 76
6 William, 79
7 Benjamin, 145
7 Ebenezer, 146
7 Ebenezer, 152
7 Eleazer, 129
7 George, 145
7 George, 146
7 Jesse, 108
7 John, 102
7 John, 206
7 Jonas, 113
7 Jonathan, 124
7 Peleg, 104
7 Peter, 113
7 Samuel, 105
7 William, 100
7 William 1!., 121
7 William T., 139
8 Amasa, 228
8 Benoni, 147
8 Charles, 165
8 Charles, 254
8 Charles, 238
8 Daniel, 170
8 Ebenezer, 219
8 Elea/.er, 251
8 Elias, 235
8 Elijah, 254
8 Isaac, 224
8 Matthew B., 247
8 Oliver, 211
8 Othniel, 161
8 Samuel, 180
8 Thomas, 163
8 William, 237
8 William, 255
8 William 1'., 242
9 Abraham, 422
9 Benjamin E., 363
9 CaryD., 166
9 Charles C, 246
9 Ebenezer, 415
9 Gardner C, 252
9 George, 325
9 George E., 410
9 James L.. 263
9 John P., 224
9 Joseph, 376
Mary ,
Mary A.,
Mary Adelaide,
Mary A.,
Mary A.,
Mary A.,
Mary A.,
Mary Alice,
Mary Alice,
Mary Alice,
Mary Alice,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann, 2
Mary Ann,
Ma-iy Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
Mary Aurelia,
Mary B.,
Mary Blake,
Mary Bliss,
Mary C.,2
Mary Catharine,
Mary Chloe,
Mary Cleveland,
Mary Delany,
Mary Delight,
Mary E.,
Mary E.,
Mary E.,
Mary E.,
Mary E.,
Mary Eleanor,
Mary Eliza,
Mary Eliza,
Mary Eliza,
Mary Eliza,
Mary Eliza,
Mary Eliza,
Mary Elizabeth,
Gen. Child of . Page.
9 Lewis B., 377
9 Philip, 163
9 Robert, 424
9 Samuel, 241
9 Samuel, 284
9 Samuel, 292
9 Willard, 381
9 William M., 230
10 Charles F., 334
10 Edwin A., 364
10 Eleazer, 415
10 Peleg, , 290
8 John, 160
8 William, 183
9 George R., 225
9 WilliamS., 360
10 Giles Q., 360
10 Jacob B., 367
9 Harmon V.V. 378
10 Harmon V., 475
10 W T alter L., 312
10 Stephen T., 434
John- 574
7 Joseph, 106
7 Williams, 192
8 Eason P., 213
8 Elijah, 258
8 Henry, 186
8 John, 231
8 Lyman, 254
8 Ricketson. 200
9 Benoni, 254
9 Burton, 425
9 George, 240
9 George, 433
9 Oliver, 236
9 Zebulon B., 362
9 Joseph W., 339
8 Marshell C, 249
William H., 567
9 Charles C, 282
8 Fitzgerald, 265
8 Monson N., 182
9 William, 427
Christopher, 562
9 Eason P., 346
9 John W., 305
Martin, 555
9 Charles A., 416
9 Joseph B,, 363
9 Morley E. , 320
10 Abram, 481
10 James, 459
Henry H., 568
8 Alexander, 156
8 John D., 169
9 Giles, 350
9 Revo W., 324
10 TheronW. , 427
George N., 561
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Elizabeth,
Mary Ellen,
Mary Emily,
Mary Emma,
Mary Emma,
Mary Estelle T.,
Mary Esther,
Mary Esther,
Mary Frances,
Mary Frances,
Mary Frances,
Mary Gardner,
Mary H.,
Mary Ida,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary Jane,
Mary L.,
Mary Louisa,
Mary Louise,
Mary Louise,
Mary Louise,
Mary Louise,
Maiy Lydia,
Mary Maria,
Mary Mariah,
Mary Matilda,
Mary Maud,
Mary Melissa,
Mary Melissa,
Mary Melissa,
Mary Minerva,
Mary R.,
Mary Rebecca,
Mary Remington,
Mary Salina,
Mary Tenne,
Mary Thorn,
Mary Tryphosa,
Gen. Child of . Page.
Stephen, 553
9 Benjamin A., 247
9 Charles H., 325
9 Isaac S., 175
9 Isaac, 358
9 Jeremiah S. , 300
9 William R., 416
10 Freeman, 480
10 John, 443
9 John F., 297
9 Ephraim, 387
10 Lewis M., 324
9 Orrin F., 293
9 William R., 309
10 John H., 441
9 Alpheus, 227
10 Charles B., 464
10 Oscar A., 425
8 John, 247
William, 563
10 William, 444
8 Ezra Stiles, 268
8 Gardner T. , 287
8 Johnson, 322
8 Russell, 257
9 Egbert, 421
9 James, 187
9 William, 356
10 Edward, 482
10 Edward, R., 454
10 Edmund D.. 434
9 Volney P., 279
8 Oliver E., 270
9 Oliver E., 433
10 Isaac D., 452
10 Samuel D., 446
10 Jonathan L., 301
9 Willett M., 288
8 Henry, 190
9 Sidney S., 399
9 George T., 246
Peter E., 569
8 Jonathan, 189
9 William FL, 312
8 George W. , 264
8 Joseph, 173
9 Alfred T., 313
9 David C, 285
9 Lewis FL, 411
9 James C, 298
10 William R., 456
8 Martin, 172
7 George, 144
7 Jesse, 109
9 Daniel, 180
11 John T., 434
5 Giles, 62
5 Giles, 75
6 Giles, 98
7 Matthew, 156
Matthew Barnard, 7
Maud, 9
Maud, 9
Maud, 10
Maud Adela, 10
Maud Mazelle, 9
Maud S., 10
Maude Earle, 10
Maurice O, 9
May Aurelia, 9
May Eliza, 10
May Estelle, 10
May Jane, 9
Maze'lle Vainer, 8
Mehetabel, 8
Mehitable, 6
Mehitable, 7
Mehitable, 7
Mehitable, 7
Mehitable, 8
Mehitable Cath'ine, 8
Melinda, 9
Melipa, 10
Melissa, 7
Melissa, 8
Melissa, 9
Melissa E., 9
Melissa Gleason, 9
Melvin Artelous, 8
Melvin B., 8
Mercy, 4
Mercy, 5
Mercy, 7
Mercy, 7
Mercy, 7
Mercy, 8
Mercy, g
Mercy Drew, 9
Meribah, 4
Meribah, 4
Meribah, 5
Meribah, 6
Meribah, 6
Meribah, 6
Meribah, 8
Meribah, 9
Merrick Monroe, 9
Merrill Emerson, 11
Merritt, 8
Merritt, 9
Merritt, 9
Merritt B., 9
Micaiah, 7
Michael, 8
Michael, 10
Michael Casey, 8
Millard Moon, 10
Millie, 10
Child of. Page.
Benjamin, 246
Alfred, 393
William K., 274
Earl FL, 405
Merrick M., 454
Eason L., 283
Charles M., 397
Jonathan L., 301
George, 325
Clark E., 272
George L. 455
Charles A., 439
Norris, 425
Eason, 159
Lyman, 420
Peleg, 84
Ebenezer, 131
Elihu, 114
Giles, 98
Brownell, 155
Samuel, 241
John, 574
Eleazer, 380
Walter, 421
Hull, 269
Daniel, 181
Benoni, 254
Ephraim, 387
Samuel, 304
Cook, 183
Henry, 109
Ebenezer, 49
Giles, 64
Jonas, 113
Matthew, 98
Thomas, 100
Fortunatus, 230
William M., 230
Humph'yA., 395
Eliezer, 69
Nathaniel, 50
John, 65
Benjamin, 91
John, 92
John, no
Caleb B., 211
Reuben, 368
Arnold, 453
William C, 440
William, 217
Giles, 350
John F., 224
Thomas, 356
George, 256
Nathaniel, 314
Edward, 482
Henry, 186
Volney M., 399
George D., 484
Milton, g
Milton Jerome, g
Milton Russell, 9
Mina Jane,
Minerva, 7
Minerva, 10
Minerva A., 10
Minerva Gertrude, 10
Minerva H., 9
Minerva Laura,
Minerva Mabel, 9
Minne E., 10
Minne Grace, 9
Minne Maud, 9
Miranda, 8
Mittie, 9
Monson Nathaniel, 7
Montague George, 9
Morgan, 8
Morgan, 9
Morgan Lewis, 8
Morgan Riley, 9
Morley Erlingstine, 8
Mors Ostrander, 9
Morse, 9
Mortimer, Dr., 9
Mortimer Wilson, 9
Morton Gambetta,' 9
Moses, 5
Moses, 6
Moses, 7
Moses F., 9
Moses I.,
Mowry, 7
Mowry, 8
Munn, 9
Myra Lawton, 9
Myron Amenzo,
Myrtle A., 9
Nancy, 6
Nancy, 7
Nancy, 7
Nancy, 7
Nancy, 8
Nancy, 8
Nancy, 8
Nancy, 9
Nancy Almeda, 8
Nancy Dyer, 9
Nancy Dyer, 10
Nancy M., 10
Nancy P., 9
Nancy W., 9
Nancy Worth, 8
Naomi, 4
Naomi A. , 9
Nathan, 8
Child of. Page.
Cary D., 165
Joseph B., 462
Barnum, 424
James, 554
Ebenezer, 146
James H., 325
Marion A., 361
Eugene H., 320
Charles, 334
Henry, 556
Richard K., 318
Peleg, 290
Henry C., 332
George L., 263
Othniel, 161
Robert, 423
Jesse, 181
Norris, 425
Ebenezer, 131
Robert, 423
John, 285
Morgan L., 285
Elisha, 319
George E., 405
Alonzo P., 333
PhilipS., 382
Benjamin F., 363
Willard, 392
Samuel, 79
Moses, 79
Samuel, 172
Henry W., 294
Benjamin, 128
Smith, 228
George W., 147
Frederic, 396
William R., 568
Morley E., 320
Ezra, 565
Robert, 573
Charles, 93
Abel, 102
Ebenezer, 104
Elihu, 114
Peleg, 166
Samuel, 179
William IL, 227
Lewis B., 473
George, 261
John. 441
William, 444
Abram, 481
John, 414
Waldo, 393
Oliver, 237
Nathaniel, 50
Wanton, 343
Amasa, 228
Nathan Emory, 7
Nathan J.,
Nathan J., 8
Nathan Lewellyn, 9
Nathan Norton, 8
Nathaniel, 3
Nathaniel, 5
Nathaniel, 7
Nathaniel, 8
Nathaniel, 9
Nehemiah, 9
Nellie, 10
Nellie, 10
Nellie Augusta, 9
Nellie G., 10
Nellie Leonora, 10
Nellie M., 9
Nellie M., 10
Nellie Maria,
Nellie May,
Neilie May, 10
Nellie Moffit, 10
Nelson, 8
Nelson, 9
Nelson, 9
Nelson, 9
Nelson Benjamin, 8
Nelson G., 8
Nelson Henry,
Nettie, 9
Nettie Delia, 10
Newell M., 8
Newton Elmore, 9
Nicholas, 7
Nicholas, 8
Norman, 8
Norman A.,
Norman Abraham, 10
Norris, 8
Northrup, 9
Olive, 9
Olive, 9
Olive Augusta, 10
Olivenza, 7
Oliver, 7
Oliver, 7
Oliver, 7
Oliver, 7
Oliver, 8
Oliver, 8
Oliver, 8
Oliver, 8
Oliver, 9
Oliver, 9
Oliver, 9
Oliver, 9
Oliver, 10
Oliver Ellsworth, 7
Oliver Ellsworth, 8
Oliver Ellsworth, 9
Child of. Page.
Eleazer, 150
John, 108
Albert B., 365
Smith, 228
Giles, 49
Samuel, 65
William, 179
Moses, 172
Daniel, 314
John, 291
David, 480
William T., 385
Charles D., 429
Isaac D., 452
Charles E., 462
Richard M., 399
George, 461
William V., 589
Charles E., 571
JohnW., 343
John, 436
Othniel, 161
Elias W., 231
Peleg, 290
William, 179
Eason P., 213
Elisha, 112
Ransom, 557
Joseph, 190
Merrick M., 454
Henry, 109
Ervin L., 321
Pardon, 130
Eason P., 213
Moses, 172
Christopher, 561
Charles A., 483
Peleg. 425
Egbert, 421
Benoni, 254
Peleg, 290
Charles S. , 391
John, 126
Ebenezer, 152
John, 211
John, 237
Oliver W., 15 1
Brownell, 155
Hiram, 215
Stephen, 147
William, 236
Cary D. , 165
Michael, 315
Oliver, 147
Samuel, 355
Oliver, 315
Eleazer, 270
Oliver E., 433
Oliver E. , 433
Child of. Page.
Oliver James,
39 2
Oliver Martin,
Joseph W.,
Oliver Warren,
Silvanus K.,
Oliver Wellington
Peleg, Capt.,
Oliver Woolley,
Peleg, Capt.,
Orpha Minerva,
Orra Medill,
Almanzo B.,
Lewis F.,
Orrin Franklin,
Orris Adello,
Joseph C,
Orsillus W.,
Orson Samuel,
Peleg Abram,
Peleg Hart,
Oscar Allen,
Peleg R.,
Oscar Anderson,
Peleg White,
Oscar Burrows,
Oscar Eugene,
Oscar J.,
Perry Albert,
Perry H.,
20 r
Palice Augusta,
Pamela A.,
Pardon, Dr.,
Peter Edward
Peter M.,
Pardon Christopher, 8
William P.,
Pardon Tillinghast, 6
John J.,
Paul Enos, Col.,
Benjamin W
Paul Guthrie,
Oscar B.
Peleg, Rev.,
Gen. Child of . Page
5 Samuel, 65
6 Abraham, 94
6 Abraham, 147
6 Benjamin, 126
6 John, 121
6 Peleg, 65
6 Peleg, 117
6 Samuel, 78
6 William, 103
7 George, 145
7 Peleg, 260
7 Samuel, 165
8 Caleb B., 339
8 Ebenezer, 146
8 Peleg, 289
8 Ricketson, 200
9 Arnold, 292
9 Peleg, 290
9 Simeon P., 293
8 Stephen, 276
9 Abel, 296
7 Elihu, 191
6 Samuel, 78
7 Jonathan, 117
10 Aratus B., 437
8 William, 166
7 Oliver W., 152
Peter M., 562
5 John, 83
6 Jonathan, 113
7 Ebenezer, 146
7 John, 187
7 Peter, 188
7 Samuel, 107
8' Peter, 187
9 Egbert, 421
Christopher, 562
Reuben, 553
6 Benjamin, 91
6 Giles, 74
6 Giles, 77
6 William, 80
7 Christopher, 203
7 Ebenezer, 131
7 Eleazer, 150
7 John, 126
7 Jonathan, 117
7 Paul, 135
7 Peleg, 103
7 Restcome, 133
7 Thomas, 100
7 William, 177
8 Benjamin W., 401
8 Caleb B., 211
8 Eason P., 213
8 Elijah, 253
8 Elijah, 258
8 Oliver, 211
8 Samuel, 180
Child of. Page.
. Child of .
Ebenezer W
William R.,
Phebe A.,
Phebe Amelia Slad
William S.,
Phebe Ann,
Phebe Ann,
Phebe Ann,
Phebe Ann,
Samuel E.,
Phebe Ann,
Phebe Ann,
Phebe Gould,
Phebe H.,
Phebe Jane,
Godfrey W.,
Phebe Louisa,
Giles C.,
Rebecca A.,
Phebe P.,
Rebecca W T ing,
Reed Gleason,
Philip S.,
Edward H.,
Philip Cook,
George W.,
Philip Dunham,
Joseph W.,
Philip Gould,
Reuben Douglas,
Philip Lee Contee,
Joseph D.,
Revo Charles,
Revo W.,
Philip Slade,
Revo West, Capt.
, 8
James W.,
Philip W.,
Philip W.,
Philo Gridley,
Philo Mills,
Oliver E.,
John W.,
Philo Milton,
Philo M.,
Samuel E.,
William, .
Rhoda Ann,
Priscilla Lavinia,
Priscilla Simmons
Richard Alfred,
Richard Burdett,
Silvanus K
, 317
Richard C,
Richard K.
, 3i8
Richard F.,
Richard Ketchum
, 8
Richard M.,
Oliver W.,
Richard Miller,
Rachel Belle,
William B.,
Richard Ray,
Edward T.
Rachel Elizabeth,
Samuel E.,
Richard Wanton,
Thomas A.
Rachel Jane,
David B.,
Rachel M.,
Harmon B.,
John C,
Ralph Lee,
Robert B.,
Ralph S.,
Henry W.,
Robert Fulton,
William T.
R E.,
Robert Fulton,
Robert F.,
Randall Himes,
Rounseville S. 395
Robert Hamilton,
Richard R.
, 385
Randall Thompson, 8
Robert Stanton,
Alonzo P.,
Raymond Grant,
Theron W.,
Rodney Vernon,
39 1
Rodolphus Bingh'm,9
Rodolphus John,
Rosalia M.,
Rosalia May,
Rose L.,
Rosse Benjamin,
Rounseville S.,
Rowena Augusta,
Rowland Crocker,
Roy Charles,
Royal, Dr.,
Rubi A.,
Rubi Jane,
Ruth Ann,
Ruth Clark,
Ruth Deane,
Ruth Eliza,
Ruth Helen,
Ruth Miller,
Ruth Rovena,
Ruth Tripp,
Ruth Tryphena,
Ruth West,
Sabrina A.,
Saint Helena,
S ,
Samuel, 2
Child of.
Child of. Page.
Richard K.
, 318
Henry H.,
Samuel, Capt. ,
Samuel ,
Charles C,
John T.,
Charles E.
Samuel, Major,
Samuel A.,
Samuel E.,
Samuel Cecil,
Samuel Dyer,
Samuel Elam,
Samuel Elam, Capt. 7
Zebulon B
, 362
Samuel Elliot,
Samuel Gifford,
Samuel Gifford,
Samuel G-,
Charles H.
B. 569
Samuel H.,
Davis H.,
Samuel Hubbarc
, 10
Robert S.,
Joseph B.,
Samuel Mantor,
Dr. 8
George W.,
S R.,
Volney P.,
Samuel Remingt
Dn, 9
David C.
Samuel W.,
Sidney S.
Samuel Waters,
Charles C,
Samuel Watson,
Cary D.,
Peleg W.,
Cary D.,
Child of. Page.
Sarah Brightman
Sarah Catherine,
Sarah Davis,
Sarah Dove,
Sarah Eliza,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Sarah Engs,
Sarah Engs,
Sarah Evelyn,
Sarah Frances,
Sarah Frances,
Sarah G.,
Sarah Grace,
Sarah Greene,
Sarah Gregory,
Sarah H.,
Sarah H.,
Sarah Isabel,
Sarah Isadore,
Sarah J.,
Sarah Jane,
Sarah Jane,
Sarah Jane,
Harris T.,
Sarah Jane,
Sarah Jane,
Sarah L.,
Sarah L.,
Sarah L.,
Sarah Lida,
Sarah Louisa,
Sarah M.,
Benjamin F.
Sarah M.,
Caleb W.,
Sarah Maria,
Sarah Maria,
Ebenezer P.
, 227
Sarah Matilda,
Harmon V.V.378
Sarah Melicent,
Henry C,
Sarah Peirce,
John F.,
Sarah S. ,
Sarah Shepard,
Sarah A.,
Sarah Sherman,
Sarah A.,
Charles A.,
Sarah Susan,
Sarah Adela,
Sarah Susan,
Sarah Amelia,
Alfred T.,
Sarah White,
Sarah Ann,
Sarah Ann,
Oliver W.,
Sarah Ann,
Sarah Ann,
Seth Reed,
Sarah Ann,
Sheldon B.,
Sarah Ann,
1'eleg W.,
Sarah Ann,
James S.,
Sarah Ann,
Sarah Ann Clark
Sarah B.,
Sarah B.,
Sarah Belle,
Abraham P.
Sidney Payne,
Gen. Child of. Page.
9 Willard W., 336
8 Gardner T. , 288
8 Giles, 154
8 Peter, 188
10 Willard W., 482
David B., 567
9 George W., 298
9 John, 291
9 Joseph, 376
9 William, 351
10 William H., 383
8 John, 247
8 Matthew B., 247
9 Eason L. , 283
10 Charles A., 478
9 Jeremiah, 347
9 John, 414
9 John T., 247
8 Peleg, 165
8 Eason, 159
7 Benjamin, 138
8 Hiram, 243
9 Henry H., 332
9 Burton, 425
8 John, 108
9 Darius R., 364
9 EzraC, 1 15
9 George, 275
9 Peleg, 340
9 Sidney S., 399
9 Jonathan J., 362
10 Harmon V.., 475
10 Wesley, 314
8 George W., 264
10 Lyman H., 339
8 Russell, 258
8 Seneca. 130
9 Hiram, 397
9 Joseph W., 339
9 Benjamin, 353
8 Ebenezer, 274
10 Job S., 396
10 Frederick A., 289
Christopher, 561
8 John, 396
9 Daniel, 476
10 William Y., 476
7 Elihu, 115
7 Pardon, 130
7 Abel, 102
8 Job, 131
8 Hiram, 243
La, 571
9 William J., 256
8 Ebenezer, 352
9 Benjamin F., 363
9 Eleazer, 380
9 Samuel, 241
9 Sidney, 352
9 Sidney S., 399
Sidney Smith, 8
Sidney Throckm'tn.g
Silas, g
Silas A., 9
Silas Edmund, g
Silas Perry, 8
Silvanus Keeler, 8
Silvester, 4
Silvia Ann, . g
Simeon, 9
Simeon Perry, 8
Simeon Thompson, g
Simon, g
Smith, 7
Smith, 7
Smith Elisha, g
Smith Peirce, 7
Solomon, 7
Solomon, 8
Solomon, 8
Solomon, 10
Solomon, 10
Sophia, 7
Sophia 8
Sophia P., g
Sophronia E., g
Stephen, 5
Stephen, 6
Stephen, 7
Stephen, 7
Stephen, 7
Stephen, 8
Stephen, 8
Stephen, 9
Stephen, g
Stephen, g
Stephen, 2 IO
Stephen A., 9
Stephen A. D., 10
Stephen Avery, 9
Stephen Brownell, 8
Stephen C. , g
Stephen Congdon, 7
Stephen L'H.. Lt., g
Stephen Myrick, 7
Stephen l'ierce, 8
Stephen Rensselaer, 8
Stephen Thomas, g
Stillman Reuben, 10
Stillman Wright, 9
Stoddard, 7
Child of.
Joshua G.,
Gardiner B
, 173
( ieorge F.,
Simeon F.,
Oliver W.,
Stephen R.
. 293
George W.,
Charles W.
Stephen R.
John F.,
Orrin F.,
Joseph J.,
Aaron C,
. Child of .
Peter M.,
Samuel E.,
Susan A.,
Charles A.,
Susan Amanda,
George I,.,
Susan Barton,
Susan Barton,
Susan Catherine,
Susan Clarke,
Robert S. ,
Susan E.,
Susan Eliza,
John W.,
Susan G.,
Susan Gould,
Edmund D.
, 434
Susan Ida,
Cary D.
Susan Jane,
Isaac L.,
Susan Lena,
George D. ,
Susan Malvana,
Edward R. ,
Susan Maria,
Susan Maria,
Alfred G.,
Susan Maria,
Alfred T.,
Susan O'Hara,
George W. ,
Susan R.,
Abiel T.,
Susan Rebecca,
Susanna N.,
Susannah Brownell, 8
Susannah Mariah
William R.,
Peleg W
Sylvia Ann,
.Sylvia Ann,
Sylvia Ann,
Sylvia S.,
Jacob B.,
T A.,
T Almy,
Stephen R.,
Tennbrook John,
John F.,
Texana Arnold,
Simeon P.,
Theodore F.,
Theodore L.,
Ebenezer P.
. 227
Theodore S., Dr.
Theron Webster, g
Thomas, 5
Thomas, 2 6
Thomas, 6
Thomas, 7
Thomas, 7
Thomas, 7
Thomas, 8
Thomas, 8
Thomas, 8
Thomas, g
Thomas, g
Thomas, g
Thomas Albert, 8
Thomas Allen, 8
Thomas Arnold, 8
Thomas Arnold, 10
Thomas Dorr,
Thomas Earle, g
Thomas F., 7
Thomas Fountain, 7
Thomas Francis, 10
Thomas Jefferson, 7
Thomas Langdon, g
Thomas Lester, 10
Thomas Perkins, g
Thomas S., Rev., 8
Thomas Stille, 6
Thomas Truxton, 8
Thomas Williams,
Timothy, 8
Tristram, 6
Truxton, g
Tryphena. 8
Tyler Eaton, 7
United States, 8
Uriah Bartlett, 8
Ursula, g
Valeria, g
Valeria A., g
Victoria Adelaide, g
Virginia, g
Virginia Augusta, g
Volney Peleg, Dr., 8
Volney Morrison, g
W ,2
Waity Ann, 8
Waldo, 7
Waldo, 8
Wallace, g
Wallace Henry, 10
Wallace Wilbur, 10
Walter, g
Walter, g
Child of. Page.
Christopher, 427
Reuben, 553
Robert 573
Simon, 563
John, 76
Jonathan, 83
John, gg
Benjamin, 248
Ebenezer, 131
Thomas, 163
Ebenezer, 355
Thomas, 163
Thomas, 248
Aaron, g7
George E., 410
Thomas A., 365
Jonathan, iSg
James H., 205
Amasa, 364
Milton J., 463
Samuel, 565
Jonathan L., 301
Samuel, 185
Peter, i8g
Edward, 482
Gideon, 135
Egbert, 420
Edward R., 454
Giles, 350
John, log
John, g2
Benjamin, 124
William H., 568
William H., 227
Elijah, 151
Benjamin F. , 363
Elijah, 253
Samuel, 112
Ebenezer, 146
Martin, 171
Elias W., 231
Charles, 334
Charles, 334
Ebenezer, 566
John W., 305
Alfred, 3g3
Josiah W., 322
Alexander, 27g
Sidney S., 3gg
John, 232
John, 130
William, 3g3
Cyrus D. , 180
Charles. B., 464
John A., 462
Daniel, 314
John P., 421
Walter, 10
Walter Arnold, 10
Walter Brayton, g
Waltei Carlos, g
Walter Clinton, 2 g
Walter Edward, g
Walter Edward, 10
Walter Fulton, 10
Walter Leslie, g
Walter Linden, g
Walter M., 10
Walter Moore, g
Walter Renville, g
Walter W., g
Wanton, 7
Wanton, 8
Wanton Drew, g
Ward Omer, 10
Warren, g
Warren E.,
Warren Randolph, 10
Warren Spencer,
Washington, 8
Washington G., 8
Wealthy Ann, 6
Wealthy, 8
Webley, 7
Webley E., 8
Wellington Read, g
Wesley, 7
Wesley, 8
Wesley, g
Wesley Hunt, 8
Wesley Hunt, g
Wilford Lincoln, g
Wilkes, 7
Wilkes Almy, 8
Willard, 7
Willard, Dr., 8
Willard, Gen., 8
Willard, g
Willard, 10
Willard Holbrook, g
Willard Holbrook, g
Willard Holbrook, 10
Willard J., g
Willard McKenan, g
Willard Willcox, . 8
Willard Woodman, g
Willard Woodman, 10
Willard Woodman, 10
Willett Mott, 8
William, 8
Child of. Page.
Gilbert P., 364
Arnold, 44g
James W., 2g7
Joseph B., 363
George W., 335
Abel, 2g6
Walter E., 2g6
Jeremiah, 452
Benjamin F., 400
William H., 312
Edmund, 444
Charles D., 430
W T illiam R., 30g
Joshua G., 323
Peleg, 121
John W r . , 343
Humphrey A.3g5
Clark, 4ig
William M., 230
Humphrey C.585
John, 443
John W., 554
John, 232
Benjamin W.,245
William, 7g
Elias, 386
Samuel, 176
James, 187
Franklin R., 428
John, 112
Roswell, log
Michael, 314
Johnson, 323
Wesley H., 323
Josiah W., 323
Elihu, 206
Wilkes, 206
James, 554
Christopher, 202
Fitzgerald, 381
Elias, 388
Abner, 337
Richard R., 385
Eleazer, 380
Willard, 381
Herbert W., 476
Henry, 320
Willard, 3g2
Abner, 336
John P., 482
Henry J., 421
Willard W., 482
Charles, 288
5 8g
James, 554
Reuben, 553
Samuel, 565
Simon, 563
Capt. ,
William A.,
William B.,
William Brown,
Child of. Page.
William, 554
William, 564
Samuel, 79
Giles, 100
John, 76
Samuel, 107
William, 103
Ebenezer, 104
George, 255
Jesse, 183
John, 236
Jonathan, 217
Peleg, 103
Peleg, 117
Restcome, 243
Samuel, 105
Samuel, 166
William, 163
Christopher, 426
Daniel, 170
Ebenezer, 131
Ebenezer, 356
George F., 198
Giles, 190
Jacob, 179
Lyman, 254
Pardon, 240
Peleg, 145
Smith P., 102
William, 105
William, 237
William, 350
Ervin L., 321
George W., 298
Henry, 479
James, 187
Jesse B., 166
John, 187
John, 443
Laton, 461
Pardon C, 242
Samuel, 284
Edward H., 394
Gilbert P., 364
Giles Q., 360
Maurice C, 325
Lewis, 479
William S., 360
William H., 435
Alexander B.,474
Joseph W., 200
John W., 212
Hiram, 243
William S., 384
John, 414
John, 121
William B., 122
Caleb B., 341
Gen. Child of. Page.
William Brown, 2
William C,
William Clark,
William C,
William Collins,
William Cottrell,
John IL,
William Cowen,
William D.,
William C,
William D. H.,
William E.,
William Easton,
William Edwin,
William R.,
William Ellery,
Robert F.,
William Ellsworth
1 9
William Eugene,
William F.,
William F.,
William F.,
William Francis,
Frank N.,
William Frederick
, 8
Oliver E.,
William Frederick
. 9
William F.,
William Giles,
William Giles,
William H.,2
William H.,
William H.,
William II.,
William H.,
William H.,
William D.,
William Harvey,
William R.,
William Harvey,
William Henry,
David B.,
William Henry,
William IL,
William Henry,
William Henry,
William H., Judg
William Henry,
William Henry,
Benjamin F.
, 363
William Henry,
William Henry,
William Henry,
Henry V. B.
William Henry, 2
Henry W.,
William Henry,
Henry W.,
William Henry,
William Henry,
Thomas A.,
William Hemy,
William Henry,
William G.,
William Henry,
William Henry,
Walter I,.,
William Henry,
William H.,
William Henry H.
1 9
William Humphrey, 8
William Irving,
Joseph W.,
William Irving,
Oliver M.,
William J., 2
William J.,
William J.,
William ]., Rev.,
William K. ,
William L.,
William L.,
Child of.
William Leonard,
William M. ,
William M.,
William M.,
William Morgan,
William N.,
William Neill,
Matthew B
, 246
William Northrup,
George W.
William O.,
William Oliver,
Eason P.,
William Oscar,
Oscar B.,
William P.,
William Perry,
William Pierce,
William P.,
William Powell,
William R.,
John F.,
William Reynolds,
William R., Rev.,
William Ricketson
William Riley,
William Robinson
William Robinson
William Ross,
William Ross,
William R,
, 456
William Russell,
William B.
William Russell,
William S.,
William Sawyer,
William Seymour,
William Sherman,
Henry G.,
William Shurtlifle,
William Sisson,
William Spencer,
Simeon P.,
William Stanton,
Samuel D.,
William T., 7
William T., 8
William Theodore, 9
William Thomas, 9
William Thomas, 9
William Thompson ,9
William Thurston, 8
W'illiam Tillingh'st,6
William Tolches'r,n
William V.,
William W., 8
William W., 9
William Waldo, 9
William Wallace, 9
William Wanton, 8
William Warren, 9
William Whittaker, 10
William Young, 9
Williams, 6
Willis, 9
Willis Erskine, 10
Willoughby, 10
Winfield Scott, 8
Winfield Scott, 9
Winfield Scott, 10
Wright Newton, 9
Zebulon Butler, 8
Zenas B., 9
ZibaO., 9
Zina, 8
Zina B., 7
Child of. Page.
William T., 139
Peter, 187
William S., 385
William N., 300
William R., 417
Franklin R., 428
Gardner T., 164
John, 139
John T., 434
Fortunatus, 230
William W., 344
Humphrey A. 395
John B., 342
James, 344
David, 303
Edward E., 453
Daniel, 476
Peleg, 116
Ebenezer, 566
Solomon, 419
Charles A., 439
Volney M., 399
Oliver E., 270
William F., 431
Charles M., 324
Caleb W., 469
Jonathan, 362
William, ' 351
Charles A., 416
George, 261
Peleg, 261
Index to Slocumbs.
Adeline W.,
Albert DeLoss,
Alfred Beck,
Allen Robinson,
Andrew Jackson,
Anne Catharine,
Anne E.,
Araminta Davis,
Ashby Pelham,
Austin Jenks,
Caroline Lucinda,
Catharine Rebecca,
Celia Ann,
Charles, Rev.,
Charles Benson,
Charles Ellsworth,
Charles Guilford,
Charles Hooks,
Charles Lane,
David Dunn,
David Marcus,
I hirward Marcus,
Edith May,
Edward Clyde,
Eliza Ann,
Eliza Gray,
Elizabeth Jane,
Elliott Hudson,
Emma Jane,
Ezekiel, Col.,
Child of.
Child of.
John C.i
Thomas W.,
Charles H.,
Florence Ethel,
Charles B.,
Samuel H.,
George Colbert,
George Evans,
George C,
John C,
George Leach,
Rigdon B.,
George C,
George Oliver,
David M.,
Samuel H.,
Grandus Hanks,
Charles II.,
Thomas W.,
Harriet Adeline,
Harriet Husted,
Thomas W.,
Thomas W.,
Harriet Jane,
Alfred B.,
Thomas W.,
Rigdon B.,
Charles H.,
Helen E.,
Rigdon B.,
Henry Milton,
George C,
Rigdon B.,
Alfred B.,
Ida L.,
Thomas W.,
Ida Thompson,
David M.,
Samuel H.,
Isaiah Gray,
George C,
George C,
James Franklin,
Alfred B.,
James Sweet,
Lilburn W.,
Alfred B.,
Jesse, Hon.,
John C,
John C,
Samuel H.,
Jessie Marion,
David M.,
John Axley,
Charles H.,
John Charles, Rev
, Joseph,
Alfred B.,
49 1
John Charles,
John Charles,
George C,
John Charles, 2
John C. ,
John Charles,
Junius G.,
John Charles,
John Fletcher,
Rigdon B.,
John Stephen.
Thomas W. ,
John William,
Samuel (?),
Junius G.,
David M.,
Joseph B.,
Lyman C,
John C,
Charles G.,
49 1
Julia Ann,
Junius G.,
Julia Boon,
Junius G.,
John C. ,
John C,
John C.,
Junius Greene,
Junius Greene,
Junius G.,
King Dor win,
Samuel C,
1 .aura Washingtoi
, John C,
Lyman C,
Laura \Y.,
Thomas W.,
George C,
Lilburn W. ,
Lilburn Wilson,
Alfred B.,
Rigdon B.,
Lilburn Wilson,
Samuel W.,
Louis Lyman,
Lyman C,
Child of.
Child of.
Louise Belle,
Lyman C,
Samuel Chester,
Charles H.,
Lyman Crews,
Charles II.,
Samuel Gilston,
Mabel Azelma,
Charles II.,
Samuel Hooks,
Samuel Walker,
Martha V.,
Thomas W.,
Rigdon B.,
Stephen B.,
Mary Ann,
Alfred B.,
Sarah F^lizabeth,
Alfred B.,
Mary Ann,
Mary Ann,
John O,
Mary E.,
Stephen Beck,
Mary Green,
John C,
Stephen Beck, Rev
Mary Irene,
Lyman C,
Mary Louisa,
Junius G. ,
Susan Rebecca,
Mary Lovica,
Samuel W.,
Sylvester Beck.
Charles H.,
Mildred Blanche,
Samuel C,
Thomas Kneely,
Samuel W.,
Mildred Louisa,
David M.,
Thomas Wright,
Thomas Wright,
John C,
Nellie C,
Thomas W. ,
Thomas Wright,
Thomas W.,
Olive Orvilla,
Samuel W.,
Truman Jasper,
Charles H.,
Virginia Eliza,
John C,
Rigdon Bryant,
Robert Dudley,
Charles II.,
Wesley H.,
Stephen B.,
Salome Chalista,
Samuel W.,
Wiley E.,
Samuel, Rev.,
John C,
William Houghton
, Samuel,
William Oscar,
Junius G,
William Wright,
William Wyche,
John C,
Index to Slocombs.
Child of.
Child of.
Aaron Ambleman,
William A.,
Asa Richardson,
Augusta F.,
William A.,
John W.,
Austin Seward,
Abigail Hunt,
Thomas B.,
Aziris Brown,
George P.,
John P.,
Benjamin Aymor,
Ada Leila,
Walter B.,
Benjamin Franklin
, James,
Addison Locke,
Bethuel Albee,
Albert Franklin,
Erastus H.,
Albert Gallatin,
Albert Hallett,
Albert H.,
Albert Haven,
Walter B.,
Albert Haven,
Silas A.,
Caleb, Capt.,
Albert Haven,
Albert H.,
Albert Henry,
John M.,
Caleb Edgar,
Alfred Edwin,
Caleb Henry,
George H.,
Calvin Newton,
Alice Amanda,
Thomas B.,
Alice Maud,
Alvah Burton,
William H.,
Caroline Relief,
Amanda Dorsey,
Caroline Vesta,
Bethuel A.,
Joshua U.,
Caroline Virginia,
William IL,
Caroline Warner,
Calvin N.
Anna Belle,
Thomas B.,
Anna Cornelia,
Erastus H.,
Catharine Darton,
George H.,
Anna May,
Obadiah W.,
Catherine Roselin,
Erastus H.,
Anne Agnes,
Charles Churchill,
Anne Belle,
Charles Eager,
Anne R.,
William A.,
Charles Edwards,
Anthony Wilkins,
Charles Edwin,
Charles F.,
Arabella Hunting'
Charles Elvin,
Charles Fisher,
Charles Franklin,
Charles Heberd,
Charles P.,
Arthur Horatio,
Erastus H.,
Charles Herbert,
Arthur W.,
Lewis W.,
Charles M.,
Charles Martin,
William P.,
Charles Porter,
Rufus T.,
55 1
Asa R.,
Charles Ridout,
Asa George,
Asa R.,
Child of.
Child of.
Emma Albertine,
Emma Amelia,
James E.,
Emma Frances,
Bethuel A.,
Christopher C,
Emma March,
Caleb E.,
Christopher H.,
Emma Wingate,
Clara Isabel,
Erastus II.,
Erastus Horatio,
Clarissa Loraine,
Cora Dell,
Walter B.,
Esther, 2
Cynthia Adams,
David Horatio,
James E.,
Ethelon B.,
David Landers,
Joshua U.,
Edwin L.,
Eva Alice,
William H.,
Edgar Erastus,
Erastus H.,
Fanny Maria,
John M.,
Edgar Millard,
Bethuel A.,
Florence Augusta,
Edmund Herbert,
Bethuel A.,
Frank Fisher,
Edwin P.,
Edwin Augustus,
Francis Dexter,
Lewis W.,
Edwin Camp,
Edwin M.,
Frank Wheeler,
Albert H.,
Edwin Leroy,
Caleb E.,
Franklin West,
Edwin Maynard,
John M.,
Edwin Pliny,
Edwin P.,
Edwin Pliny,
Gabriel, Capt,
Calvin N.,
George Bond,
George Fayette,
John W.,
George H.,
George Henry,
George F.,
Eliza Jane,
George Ira,
George H.,
Eliza Maud,
Major H.,
George Lyman,
John M.,
Eliza Nichols,
Caleb E.,
George Philo,
George Wellington
, Lewis,
George Whitney,
George P.,
Asa R.,
Addison L.,
Ingram B.,
Joshua U.,
Hannah Harringt'n, Philo,
( icorge,
Elizabeth Maud,
Harriet, 2
Elizabeth Nelson,
James E.,
Elizabeth W.,
Addison L. ,
Harriet Adelia,
Harriet Amanda,
Harriet Amelia,
Ellen Jane,
Harriet D.,
Ellinor T.,
Harriet Ellen,
Elmira Louisa,
Harriet Ellen,
John M.,
Elmira Richardson, Asa R.,
Harriet Ceorgiana
Calvin N.,
fohn W.,
Child of.
Child of.
Henry Austin,
Silas A.,
John Henry,
Henry Ilavelock,
Caleb E.,
John Ingraham,
I [enry Latham,
John Israel,
George If.,
Henry T.,
John Maynard,
Herbert Havelock,
John Prince,
John Prince,
John Robins,
Horatio N.,
John Tibbetts,
Caleb E.,
1 low aid Horatio,
George H.,
John Wade,
Ida Lucy,
Edwin M.,
John Wilkes, Capt.
, William,
William A.,
[ngram Bill,
Joseph Dimock,
Ingram Bill,
Ingram 15.,
Joseph Watson,
Ingram Bill,
John P.,
Joshua U.,
Joshua, Capt.,
Joshua Upham,
Isabel Caroline,
Bethuel A.,
Isabella Eaton,
Julia Ann,
Julia Lavinia,
James E.,
William A.,
Laval i a,
Israel, Capt.,
Israel Harding,
\\ illiam,
Joshua U.,
John P.,
1 -avinia,
Jacob Henegar,
James, 2
J ames,
Lavinia M. ,
1 saac,
James A. Garfield,
James H. L.,
Ingram B.,
Lewis D.,
James Ed'n, Capt.
, Caleb,
Lewis Warren,
James Edwin,
William A.,
Lilian Estelle,
Albert H.,
James Edwin,
Tames E.,
Lilly Maria,
George P.,
James Henegar,
James Mathews,
Loami B.
James Melbourne,
James Millage,
Louis A.,
Jennie A.,
Ingram B.,
Louis Green,
Silas A.,
Jerusha Richardson, Horatio,
Louisa Edwards,
Edwin A.,
Jerusha Tupper,
Louisa Maria,
George F.,
Jessie Lena,
Louise Tufts,
Asa R.,
Joshua U.,
Lucinda Maria,
John W.,
Joel Byron,
Lucretia Wheelock, Horatio,
John, Capt.,
Lucy Ann,
Lucy Lavinia,
Silas A.,
Asa R.,
Lydia Dunn,
Joshua U.,
Margaret A.,
John Elburn,
Major H.,
Child of.
Child of.
Maria Roxana,
Joshua U.,
Martha Campbell,
Martha Ella,
Martha Emeline,
John M.,
Samuel B.,
Joshua U.,
Martha Jane,
Martha Jane,
Sarah, 2
John P.,
Sarah Abigail,
Sarah Amelia,
Caleb E.,
Tohn W.,
Sarah Ann,
John P.,
Sarah Cleora,
Sarah Cone,
Mary A.,
William A.,
Sarah Eleanor,
Mary Adaline,
George H.,
Sarah Elizabeth,
Mary Alice,
James E.,
Sarah Hooper,
Maiy Belle,
Charles P.,
Sarah Jane,
Mary Elizabeth,
Caleb E.,
Maiy Emily,
Silas Austin,
Mary Emma,
Mary Landers,
Mary Lavinia,
Mary Parker,
George P.,
Simon, Capt.,
Mary Perkins,
John M.,
Mary Roache,
John W.,
Mary U.,
Joshua U.,
Susan Amelia,
Mina Elizabeth,
George H.,
John W.,
Joshua U,,
Naomi Georgiana,
Susannah Caroline
, Caleb,
Norman Burpee,
Susannah Sprague
Joshua U.,
N Wilbur,
Sydney Herbert,
Obadiah Wilson,
Olive Eleanor,
Thomas B.,
Thomas, 2
Paul Richardson,
Albert H.,
Thomas Bagwell,
Rachel Fisher,
Addison L.,
Vestor Joshua,
John P.,
Waldo Foristall,
Bethuel A.,
Richard O. Newel
, George H.,
William A.,
Robert F.,
Walter Bromley,
Walter Clifford,
William P.,
Warren Richardson, Asa R.,
Rufus H.,
Rufus Henry,
Rufus Trask,
Child of.
Child of.
John P.,
William Henry,
William Henry,
William Horatio,
Albert H.,
William, Dr.,
William Philo,
John M.,
Wm. Richardson,
William Silas,
George P.,
William Alfred,
William Wallace,
Caleb E.,
William C,
Wilson Malius,
Obadiah W.,
William Darton,
Zelia Merrill,
Charles P.,
William Edgar,
Zelia Ruelle,
Ruf us T. ,
Index to Other Surnames.
Abbott, 46, 554
Ableman, 348
Abrams, 259
Ackerman, 439, 44
Ackley, 381
Adams, 114, 115,
520, 521
Adamson, 435
Adkins, 230
Adye, 328
Aikin, 69, 98, 129,
192, 200, 331
Akers, 337
Albee, 508, 513
Alden, 46
Aldrich, 364, 507,
Alexander, 265,285,
412, 413
Alleman, 209, 210
Almy, 61, 66, 67,
69, 71, 89, 96, 97,
116, 117, 198,
200, 201, 206,
277, 279, 335
Allen, 46, 51, 58,
60, 71, 85, 93,
IOO.IOI, 107,115,
nS, 120,126,132,
Alley, 171
Allison, 386
A hop. 92, 136
Altman, 453
Alverson, 345
Alvord, 455
Alworth, 362
Amidon, 378
Anderson, 144, 544
Andrews, 36, 180,
213, 49 1 - 505
Andruss, 508
Annis, 469
Anthony, 40,66, 73,
81, 82, 96, 212,
365, 569
Armitage, 294
Armstrong, 245,544
Arndl, 250
Arnold, 81, 93, 95,
125,127, 128, 135,
143,166,228, 269,
Ash, 561
Ashbey, 255
Atbury, 252
Atwood, 20S, 209,
Austin, 36, 168, 169,
200, 418
Avery, 292, 420
Awick, 78
Axley, . 486
Axtell, 508
Ayer, 169, 339
Akroyd, 316
Ayres, 478
Aylsworth, 125
Babcock, 103, 149,
443, 458
Bacheller, 505
Bachman, 359
Bacon, 250, 429
Badger, 381
Bagwell, 578
Baham, 420
Bailey, 100, 143,175,
Bain, 397
Baird, 243
Baker, 147, 198,266,
544, 548
Balcom, 503, 510
Ball, 260, 436. 437,
Ballon, 294, 449
Balster, 423
Banks, 52S, 546
Banning, 235
Barber, 62,287,290,
449, 479
Barker, 54, 62, 68,
74, 9, I2 9, 333,
357, 358, 453
Barlow, 185, 202,
Barnard, 92
Barnes, 267, 435
Barnett, 119, 497
Barney, 55
Barnhardt, 318
Banmm, 145, 146,
Barrett, 279
Barrow, 515, 516
Barry, 216, 261, 576
Barstow, 332
Barteaux, 511
Bartlett, 75, 290,
Bartolph, 177
Barton, 49, 55, 146,
167, 326
Bass, 369, 371
Bassett, 130, 376
Bastian, 161
Batchelder, 555
Bateman, 289
Bates, 36, 343, 363,
Baton, 415
Battles, 508
Batty, 99, 210, 280
Baulston, 37
Baxter, 581
Baysure, 248
Beach, 432, 476, 529
Beagle, 417
Beal, 259
Beale, 177
Bean, 160, 274
Beardsley, 256, 332
Beck, 412,486,488,
489. 557
Bede, 569
Beecher, 69, 215,
250, 343, 427
Belden, 429
Bell, 106, 213, 277,
Belcher, 376
Bellamy, 95
Benedict, 465
Bennett, 83, 128,
130, 161,192,225,
418,492, 516, 568
Bent, 532, 545
Bentley, 133, 199,
200, 369, 371
Benton, 264
Berrien, 384
Berry, 155, 565, 572
Betts, 296, 566
Be van, 411
Bickham, 21
Bigelow, 465, 521
Bilby, 256
Bill, 77
Bills, 178
Billings, 231, 241
Binckley, 376
Bingaman, 382
Bingham, 241, 249,
Binney, 209
Birch, 155
Bird, 261, 267
Birdsley, 268
Bissell, 378
Bixby, 266
Blackmail, 183, 232
Blackmore, 464
Blair, 164
Blake, 163,464,501,
Blakeslee, 526
Blanchard, 513
Bliss, 99, 158, 228,
335, 422
Blodget, 185
Blue, 131
Bly, 126
Bolt, 131
Bond, 186, 505, 524
Boon, 496
Boone, 230
Booth, 182, 361
Borden, 62, 282,
288, 297
Bordine, 421
Borst, 189
Boss, 443, 509, 511
Bostwick, 343
Bosworth, 563
Bounell, 294
Bourne, 297
Bouton, 474
Bowdish, 125
Bowditch, 237
Bowen, 105, 129,
Bower, 294
Bowerman, 199
Bowker, 241
Bowlby, 527, 530
Bowne, 184
Boxley, 575
Boyd, 229
Boy den, 535
Boykin, 496
Bradford, 56, 155,
Bradley, 275, 329,
Brady, 325
Brainard, 128
Braman, 449
Bramer, 268
Brand, 112
Branning, 268
Brayton, 153, 167,
330, 336
Brees, 245
Brenton, 38, 442
Brewster, 38
Briggs, 73, 130, 144,
394, 426
Brightman, 202,203,
Brimer, 509
Brinley, 113, 184
Brisbin, 348, 349
Bristol, 357
Britton, 377
Brockett, 183
Brockway, 241, 242
Brodnax, 249
Brokaw. 580
Bromley, 424
Bronson, 184
Brooks, 228
Brough, 391
Brown, 74, 84, 85,
87, 146, 147, 160,
336, 468
Browning, 106,173,
324, 573, 575
Brownson, 104, 159,
529, 544
Brundage, 187,469
Bryan, 347, 376
Bryant, 181
Bryer, 154
Bryte, 386, 387
Buchanan, 464, 465
Buck, 149, 488
Buckminster, 541
Budd, 352
Buell, 300, 518, 565
Buffum, 475, 555
37, 38
248, 555
359, 397
Burch, 10E
Burdick, 94, 1 71,293
Burgess, 73,271,303
Burlingame, 142,416
Burlingham, 162,
Burnet, 122, 129,
141, 305,
549, 565
493. 494
256, 257
Burt. 129,
378, 412
340, 428
Bush, 261
427. 535
Butler, 46, 141,161,
226,247, 295, 298
Butterfield, 110,326
Butts, 155, 202,419
Byers, 563
Cadman, 40
Cahoon, 226, 564
Callahan, 184
Calvert, 557
Camburn, 234
Cameron, 531
Campbell, 230
Camp, 337, 536
Canada, 108
Canfield, 305
Capen, 536
Capron, 416
Capwell, 144
Card, 300, 340
Carder, 99, 415
Cardwell, 442
Carey, 217, 237
Carpenter, 287, 294,
Carr, 38,49,87,208,
452, 562
Carskadden, 260
Carter, 121,269,325,
360, 386, 387, 414
Carvin, 160
Cary, 424
Case, 36, 129, 327,
347, 368
Casey, 83, 102
Cass, 556
Casseboon, 526
Caswell, 290
Cator, 554
Chace, 520
Chadsey, 103
Chadwick, 128, 175
Chalkey, 66
Chalmers, 423
Chamberlain, 309
Chamberlin, 576
Chambers, 367
Chaplain, 47S
Champlin, 144,293,
Chapin, 295
Chapman, 53, 322,
385, 397
Chappell, 442
Chase, 46, 90, 114,
Chasey, 569
Cheney, 236, 237
Chipman, 415, 543
Chittenden, 363
Chivers, 257
Christian, 27.1
Christy, 196, 197,
Chubb, 381
Church, 114,1 70,205
Clapp, 453
Clark, 55, 61, 106,
448,514, 526,539
Clarke, 142, 159,
413, 435, 445
Clawson, 129
Clifford, 195, 423,
Close, 146
Clute, 456
Coats, 256
Cobb, 269
Coburn, 242
Coddington, 87, 323
Coe, 140, 267
Coffin, 344, 385
Coffinger, 170
Coggeshall, 61, 98,
Cogshall, 30
Colby, 511
Colburn, 238, 478
Cole, 233, 237, 313,
418, 469
Colgrove, 162
Collier, 359, 522
Collins, 68,217,247,
355, 548, 563
Collyer, 451
Colson, 374, 375
Coman, 162
Comstock, 80
Condo, 379
Cone, 523
Congdon, 105, 107,
Conklin, 317
Conkling, 342
Conley, 233
Connor, 411
Cook, 65,69, 73,74,
82, 132, 134, 153,
Cooke, 38, 40
Cooledge, 129
Cooley, 152
Coon, 293
Cooper, 102, 427
Corey, 159, 369
Corliss, 114
Cornell, 54, 67, 119,
Corrington, 150
Corson, 235, 361
Cory, 73, 107, 142,
208, 289, 358
Costello, 364
Cotton, 231, 541
Cottrell, 142, 251,
416, 440
Couch, 150
Coulon, 109
Courtney, 410
Cowland, 37
Cowles 210,359,525
Cowley, 469
Cox, 460
Crandall, 157, 251,
Crane, 35, 178, 256,
415, 508, 521
Cranston, 37, 38, 44
Crapo, 192,195,197,
Crawford, 135
Crews, 559
Criss, 255
Croborger, 281
Crocker, 139, 140
Cromwell, 164, 553
Cronk, 318
Crosby, 162, 170,
280, 282
Cross, 109,161,253,
480, 560, 576
Crossman, 418
Crowhurst, 533
Crowley. 533
Crowther, 266
Crump, 167
Crusen, 419
Cubley, 348
Culbertson, 248
Cull, 580
Cummings, 114
Cummins, 465
Cundall, 98
Cunningham, 315
Currier, 468
Curtaindall, 195
Curtin, 238
Curtis,i56, 183,253,
305, 341-43, 5i6
Cushing, 343, 517,
Cushman, 117
Cutter, 362
Daggett, 238
Dagley, 491
Dailey, 189, 415
Dalton, 253
Dana, 304
Daniel, 304
Daniels, 153, 269
Dargavel, 112
Darling, 317
Darrow, 293
Darton, 549
Dash, 266
Davenport, 374,436,
Davis, 70, 79, 146,
33i,374.387.49 8 .
574, 576
Dawley, 444
Day, 188
Dean, 127,145,297,
339, 555
Deane, 36
Debree, 42
Decker, 219
Degraw, 107
Delamater, 213
DeLong, 318
Denning, 376
Dennis, 95, 283
DeNormandie, 195
Denton, 466
Depue, 97, 263, 431
Derrick, 365
Deuel, 113
Devol, 237, 396
Dewey, 262
DeWolf, 150, 257
Deyoe, 421
Dibble, 261
Dickerson, 79
Dickinson, 576
Dickson, 190, 565
Dillentash, 324
Dillingham, 561
Diman, ' 165
Dimmick, 463
Dimond, 23, 107
Dings, 355
Dodds, 466
Dodge, 70, 96, 436,
521, 556
Doig, 375
Donaldson, 182
Doolittle, 501
Doren, 317
Dorn, 299
Doty, 131
Douglas, 345, 526,
Dow, 397
Downer, 245
Doyle, 189
Drake, 151,226,275,
Drew, 395
Drinkwater, 301
Drummond, no
Drury, 361
Dryden, 53
Dubar, 326
DuBois, 198
Dudgeon, 481
Dudley, 115,245
Dunbar, 139
Duncan, 259
Dunham, 159
Dunn, 348,400,403,
488, 508
Dunnell, 312
Durant, 196
Durfee, 76. 118,120,
155, 164
Durham, 359, 531
Durland, 532, 533
Dwyer, 187, 511
Dyer, 49, 72, 87,
165,238,440, 521
Eadlin, 491
Eadson, 241
Eager, 525
Eames, 437
Earl, 71, 93, 212
Earle, 301, 478
Earp, 484
Eason, 87
Eastburn, 435
Easton, 40,46, 54,63,
74, 75, 91, 135
Eaton, 51, in, 228,
365, 550
Eccleston, 166, 293
Eddy, 158, 274, 424
Edmunds, 453, 516
Edwards, 178, 522
Egbert, 260
Eggert, 337
Eggleston, 198
Eldridge, 234
Ellet, 487
Elliot, 95
Elliott, 529
Ellis, 142, 143, 169,
170, 302, 303
Ellison, 503
Ellsworth, 240
Elwell, 165
Emly, i 79
Emmons, 267, 268
Engs, 138
Ervin, 560
Esmond, 170
Estcourt, 216
Evans ; 51,145,147,
152, 333, 496
Evarts, 278
Everington, 507
Ewing, 220, 466
Ey tinge, 211
Faii-child, 256
Fall, 544
Faneuil, 550
Fansham, 187
Farley, 568
Farnham, 436
Farrand, 470, 479
Farrell, 172
Farrier, 446
Farthing, 242
Faulkner, 480
Faunce, 5 1
Fear, 581
Fell, 225
Felt, 161
Felton, 151
Felts, 425, 555
Fenn, 130, 131
Fenner, 51,167,398
Ferdone, 397
Ferguson, 186, 318
Ferrell, 497
Ferrin, 554
Ferris, 69, 70
Ferry, 521
Field, 46, 136, 282
Finch, 113, 161
Finney, 171, 391
Fish,74,99, 145,153,
159, 161, 206
Fisher, 73, 208,303,
477, 513, 520
Fisk, 364, 474
Fitch, 123, 340
Fitzgerald, 55, 558
Flagg, 516
Flanagan, 438
Flanders, 317
Fleming, 181, 306
Fletcher, 437, 501
Flower, 141
Folger, 92, 116
Follett, 377, 565
Fones, 79
Foote, 368
Forbes, 163
Ford, 183, 273
Fordyce, 330, 331
Foristall, 534
Forman, 1 10, 194
Forsman, 124
Forster, 269
Fort, 405
Foster, 150,190,338,
Fowler, 78,151,399,
Fox, 395, 435, 558,
Franklin, 115, 172,
Freeborn, 76, 339
Freelove, 566
Freeman, 106
Freer, 242, 387
Frisbie, 539, 540
Fritz, 549
Frost, 265, 542
Froude, 533
Fuller, 127,415,454,
Fullerton, 422
Fulmer, 410
Fulton, 340, 452
Gabrielle, 428
Gallop, 329
Gammell, 514
Ganot, 315
Gardiner, 174, 291,
Gardner, 46, 80, 102,
4i6, 533
Garrett, 343
Gaskell, 184
Gates, 142,143,299,
Geer, 161
Gey, 21
Gibbs, 120,184,25s,
294, 484, 522
Gibson, 154, 545
Gidley, 203
Gifford, 114, 116,
Gilbert, 35,270,378,
479, 568
Gill, 344
Gillespie, 348
Gillett, 125
Gilman, 209
Gilston, 489
Giradet, 187
Girard, 329
Glass, 559
Glazier, 300
Gleason, 264, 304,
Gleter, 434
Glover, 269
Goddard, 132, 211
Gold, 5"
Goldsmith, 516
Goodale, 211
Goodenough, 343
Goodwin, 256
Goodyear, 337
Gordelier, 201
Gordon, 462
Gorsline, 272
Gorton, 163
Gosman, 53
Gould, 63, 74, 77,
274, 479
Goulding, 430
Gouldthwaite, 117
Gourley, 493
Graham, 109, 343,
Grandon, 226
Granger, 266, 267,
Grannis, 265
Grant. 177, 427
Gray, 313, 44*
Greeley, 476
Greenbarge. 63
Green, 49, 76, no,
202,233, 264,279,
Greene, 80, 81, 100,
Greenwood, 204, 531
Gregory, 159, 191,
426, 474
Grey, 288
Griffin, 353
Griggs, 265, 339
Grinnell, 237, 277,
Griswold, 170, 563
Groesbeck, 121, 559
Groff, 402
Gross, 484
Guilliam, 104
Guinnings, 37
Gully, 488
Hackett, 286
Haddock, 298
Had wen, 139
Hagerman, 212
Haight, 269
Hailstone, 36
Haines, 508
Hale, 73, 109
Haley, 429
Hall, 36, 64, 79, 95,
108,109,110, 126,
509, 519, 520
Hallett, 102
Halliday, 295
Halstead, 255
Ham, 300
Hamblin, 459
Hamilton, 73, 149,
Hammond, 106,132,
139-41, 165, 346
Hampton, 312, 569
Hance, 576
Hancock, 522
Handford, 266
Hanks, 488
Hanley, 576
Hanna, 261
Hanson, 298, 387
Harwell, 562
Hardenburgh, 313
Harding, 150, 224,
Hardy, 342, 395
Hargrave, 494
Harley, 441
Harmon, 305
Harnish, 424
Harper, 72,329,364
Harrington, 1 25, 5 16
Harris, 81,169,238,
Harrison, 246, 267,
Hart, 60, 272, 464
Hartford, 109
Hartman, 571
Hartshorne, 42
Hartsel, 343
Hartzel, 477
Harvey, 34, 153,
546, 547
Haskins, 238-9,360
Haskinson, 488
Hatch, 162, 339
Hathaway, 163
Hatherington, 515
Haven, 504
Havens, 169, 316
Haver, 260
Haviland, 69, 177
Hawes, 283, 427
Hawkesworth, 525,
526, 527
Hawkins, 245, 249
Hawley, 161, 299
Hayes, 179, 327
Haynes, 273, 420,
Haywood, 524
Hazard, 442
Head, 395
Headstrom, 379
Healy, 446, 502
Heath, 295, 352,
Heazlet, 136
Heberd, 551
Heck, 344
Heddon, 582
Hedley, 53
Henderson, 419
Hendricks, 174
Henry, 421
Henson, 282
Hermans, 356
Heron, 462, 464
Herrick, 168, 322
Herring, 562
Herrington, 474
Hess, 248, 475
Hewes, 344
Hicks, 263,277,456
Higby, 171
Higgins, 154, 546
Hill, 137, 142, 145,
498, 503,514,548
Hilliard, . 290
Hillier, 135
Hilton, 559
Hilts, 179, 180
Hinckley, 315
Hinchcliffe, 414
Hitchcock, 97, 237,
Hoadley, no
Hoag, 98, 156
Hobby, 175, 348
Hockenberg, 366-7
Hodge, 129, 285
Hoff, 255
Hoffman, 410, 579
Hogeboom, 146,466
Holbrook, 381, 505
I Holder, 51, 53
I Holdridge, 232-34
Holloway, 233
Holly, 130
Holman, 293
Holmes, 65,92,108,
Holt, 562
Homan, 312
Homer, 505
Hooker, 122, 280
Hooks, 487
Hooper, 197, 263,
558, 578
Hopkins, 126, 143,
297. 330, 557
Hoppin, 295
Hopson, 264
Horder, 536
Horton, 232, 513
Horswell, 207
Hosford, 151
Housell, 479
Houston, 577
Howard, 417
Howe, 196,228,505,
522, 524
Howell, 109 332
Howland,22, 51,69,
71, 81, 84, 85, 91,
in, 113,115,119,
Howlase, 22
Howlett, 505, 586
Hoxie, 143, 289
Hoyt, 343, 418, 461
Hubbard, 255, 304,
479- 56o
Hubbell, 357
Huddleston, 172,
Hudson, 497
Hughes, 253, 560
Hulet, 83
Huling, 143
Hull, 31, 66, 72, 78,
93, 96. if4
Humes, 507
Humphrey, 1 2 5, 350,
365, 433
Hungerford, 341
Hunnewell, 535
Hunt, 103,127,235,
514, 579
Huntington, 543
Hurd. 555
Hurlburt, 224, 286
Hyde, 160,268
Ingersoll. 70
, 257
Irish, 184
Ives, 131, 483,
Jackson, 166,
3 2I >
425, 557
James, 145,212
Jeinsen, von,
Jenkins, 102,
356, 406
Jenks, 51, 127,
182, 337
Jennings, 263
Jewell, 380
Johnson, 228,
50I, 515
Joline, 177
Jones, 133,143,
421, 550, 554
Judson, 395,
Keeler,i8 1,187.257,
342, 343, 363
Keen, 89
Keese, 301
Keith, 162
Kellogg, 224, 376
Kemp, 491
Kendall, 350, 523
Kenley, 132
Kennedy, 100, 247
Kenney, 423
Kenyon, 144, 289,
Kerr, 517
Ketchum, 474
Kidd, 571
Kidder, 164, 180
Kilburn, 280
Kimball, 353, 509,
King, 117, 170,239,
494, 5",5i4,54i
Kingsbury, 418
Kingsley, 219, 263,
Kinney, 332, 350,
358, 359
Kinsman, 261
Kirby, 45,90, 197
Kirkwood, 388
Kirtland, 264
Kirton, 580
Kline, 100, 321
Knapp, 359, 360
Knickerbocker, 215
Knight, 76, 80, 161,
296, 512
Knower, 306
Knowles, 302, 415
Knowlton, 517
Knox, 559
Kreaser, 542
Kyle, 387
Lafferty, 235
Laffoley, 542
I.aFrance, 124, 352
Lair, 171
Lake, 205
Lame, 323
Lamereau, 329
Lamphier, 161,166,
Lamy, 434
Lande, 23
Landers, 528
Landon, 365
Lane, 147,177,259,
315, 32i
Lapham, 51
Larabee, , 238
Larkin, 291, 450,476
Laselle, 180
Lasher, 481
Latham, 492
Lauren, 575
Lawrence, 269
Lawton, 38, 40, 43,
61, 88, 102, 154,
Lay ton, 189, 410
Leach, 558
Leary, 404
Leatherbee, 512
LeBaron, 303
LeBree, 144
LeClere, 362
Lee, 146, 147, 166,
226, 243,339,537
Leet, 393
Lefoy,, no
Leggett, 92
Leith, 187
Leland, 510, 522
Lennahan, 529
LeRay, 116
Leroy, 1 70
Letchworth, 137
Levaly, 314
Levee, 320
Lewis, 142, 143, 166,
!75, 238,290,366,
524, 590
L'Hommedieu, 346
Libby, 277
Lick, 566
Lillibridge, 143,144,
445, 58i
Lilly, 123
Lincolne, 36
Lindley, 520
Lindsey, 242
Line, 263
Lines, 287
Lippincott, 112,322,
Lister, 242
Little, 258, 545
Littlefield, 326,327
Livermore, 519
Livingston, 179
Livsey,i55, 211,503
Lloyd, 1 74, 1 77, 355,
Lock, 441
Locke, 410, 443
Lockwood, 305 , 3 1 3 ,
Logan, 461, 579
Long, 396
Longstreet, 179,188
Loom is, 304
Lord, 379, 536
Lounsbury, 376,378
Love, 362
Loveland, 377
Low, 133, 460
Lowry, 140
Lucas, 146
Luke, 160
Luther, 286
Lyon, 151, 344, 366,
367. 379. 38o
Lyons, 166
Mabie, 181
Macfarlane, 264
Madison, 382
Magrass, 131
Maher, 241
Maine, 166,292, 565
Maker, 404
Mallory, 249, 250
Maloney, 580
Manchester, 67, 95 ,
96, 99, 150, 200,
238, 288, 300, 332
Manger, 315
Mann, 347, 506,
507. 519
Manson, 425
Man tor, 264
Maps, 188, 189, 324
Marbury, 53
Marcellin, de, 139
Margerson, 509
Marks, 264
Marple, 460
Marshall, 141, 146,
148,259,260, 547
Marshinan, 382
Martin, 133, 184,
Marvin, 145
Mason, 158,281,437,
451. 523, 524
Massey, 514
Matchett, 560
Mather, 298
Mathers, 579
Matthew, 263
Matthews, 247,376,
Mattison, 158
Mattocks, 268
Maxfield, 201
Maxwell, 263
May, 301, 302
Mayhew, 231, 470,
Maynard, 517
McAllister, 269
Mc Arthur, 149, 451
McCagg, 484
McCall, 171. 488
McCaulay, 558
McClosky, 410
McCloud, 183
McClure, 404
McCormick, 241,
263, 526
McCoskry, 458
McCoy. 413
McCusick, 491
McDonald, 387
McFarland, 227
McGee, 327
McGibeny, 417
McGillivray, 427
McGonigle, 402
McGovern, 385
McGregor, 188
McHenry, 486
McKee, 248
McKenzie, 337,396
McKinney, 256,269
McKinstry, 362
McKnight, 269
McMackin, 580
McMahon, 308
McNaughton, 549
McNeil, 509, 510
McNeely, 564
McNut, 421
McNutt, 482
McPherson, 224
McRobert, 326,327,
Mead, 131
Meader, 561
Mears, 457
Medbury, 80
Meech, 70
Meeker, 260
Melchor, 265
Melish, 251
Melius, 397
Mercer, 209, 485
Merrill, 80, 550
Merritt, 536
Messenger, 502,543
Metcalf, 109, 249,
Metcalfe, 470
Meter, 528
Metlock, 490
Mickley, 359
Middaugh, 427
Middlemas, 530,
531. 547
Miles, 240, 340, 480
Millen, 417
Miller, 170, 176, 179,
Millett, 282
Mills, 96, 219, 253,
267, 270, 380
Milner, 127
Miner, 123, 127
Mitchel, 346
Mitchell, 162, 283,
Moffat, 143, 149
Monsett, 569
Montgomery, 105,
Moody, 520
Moon, 399
Moore, 42, 96, 350,
429,464, 521, 580
Morehouse, 252
Morell, 152
Morey, 106
Morford, 11 1
Morgan, 69, 403,
404,411,505, 530
Morrell, 113
Morris, ill, 177,
399. 536
Morrison, 132, 365,
542, 546
Morrow, 108
Mors, 405
Morse, 340, 341,
524, 537. 538
Morton, 1 13, 510
Moseley, 73, 555
Moses, 498
Mosher,5i, 157,245,
Moss, 357
Mott, 41,45,46,93,
175. 555
Moulton, 284
Mowry, 128, 252,
Muckelson, 382
Muller, 185
Mulvichael, 482
Mumford, 125
Munroe, 517, 526
Munsee, 398
Munson, 295
Negus, 95, 239,
Nichols, 87
N icholson
Noble, 131
474. 512
327. 428
Norton, 92
224, 32C
, 342
Ordaway, 479
O'Riley, 415.
Orrell, 195
Osboni, 147, 388
Osborne, 240
Ostrander, 246
Outhit, 509
Ovenshire, 329, 330
Owen, 227, 241
Owens, 325
Packard, 326, 425
Packer, 378
Paddock, 330, 497
Page, 382
Paine, 68
Palmer, 73, 198, 199,
563, 569
Pantony, 572
Papineau, 485
Pardee, 95
Park, 166, 378
Parker, 36, 43, 82,
100, 109,128,177,
508,520, 527, 531
Parkhurst, 507
Parkinson, 481
Parris, 555
Partridge, 242, 399
Patrick, 224
Pattee, 148
Patterson, 209, 286,
322, 340,386,475
Paul, 36, 428
Pauley, 422
Payne, 132, 159,398
Pay son, 246
Peabody, 100, 561
Pearce, 70
Pease, 232
Peavey, 548
Peck, 258, 340
Pecker, 533
Peckham, 158, 444,
Peirce, 206
Pell, 109, 115
Pemberton, 112
Pendleton, 290, 291 ,
Pennell, 503
Penny, 373
Peperell, 71
Pepper, 146
Perkins, 109, 182,
Perry, 72, 166, 215,
Persons, 428
Peters, 426,512
Pettis, 131, 433
Pettit, 338
Pew, 307, 308
Pharris, 558
Philbrick, 535
Phillips, 259, 509
Philpart, 579
Phinney, 510
Pickering, 437
Pickett, 382
Pierce, 109, 177,225,
465, 508
Pierson, 214
Piester, 553
Pike, 456
Pilgrim, 367
Pintard, 175, 176
Pitcher, 186, 470
Pitkin, 458, 459
Pitman. 80
Place, 155, 314
Plaiss, 578
Platford, 578
Ploper, 171
Plympton, 503
Poacher 54
Polley, * 108
Pollock, 352
Pomeroy, 453
Pond, 501
Pool, 172
Poole, 312
Porter, 295
Post, 505
Potter, 102, 1 14,
203,279,286, 289,
Powell, 137
Powers, 418
Prall, 265
Pratt, 102,316,319,
479. 531
Prescott, ' 519
Presley, 406
Preston, 50,127,253
Price, 178, 186,304,
325, 524, 553
Prindle, 133
Pritchard, 366
Proctor, 216
Prout, 398
Provost, 522
Pulling, 377
Purdy, .
Quackenbush, 556
Quay. 573
Quigley, 174
Quinby, 4CO
Quinlan, 469
Rablin, 300
Rahberg, 83
Randall, 38,163, 169,
Randolph, 138
Ranlett, 436
Ransom, 447, 560
Rathbone, 342, 360
Rawson, 464
Ray, 151,301,444
Raylton, 46
Raymond, 187, 244,
245, 478
Raynor, 341
Read, 182
Reagh, 532
Record, 241
Reed, 131, 167, 169,
528, 563, 564
Rees, 350
Remelin, 250
Remington, 122,
393, 440
Renney, 187
Rennie, 34,305
Reppert, 410
Resseque, 504
Reynolds, 76, 86,
102, 104,108,168,
Rhinevault, 254,419
Rhodes, 296, 426
Rhoddy, 207
Rhody, 475
Rice, 159, 183, 299,
Rich, 379
Richardson, 52, 95,
Richmond, 414
Ricketson, 39, 55,
67,- 69, 117, 206,
Riddle, 152, 194,
Ridgeway, 558
Riley, 373
Roache, 125
Robbins, 313
Roberts, 159, 241,
282, 343, 363
Robertson, 425
Robins, 128, 317
Robinson, 98, 105,
138, 140,141,202,
Rocket, 568
Rodloff, 564
Rodney, 141, 249
Roe, 290, 422
Rogers, 49, 70, 84,
. i55,i68,i7o r i73,
207, 327, 485
Roland, 179, 195
Rood, 254
Root, 410
Rose, 306, 450
Ross, 196, 197, 216,
226, 415
Rounds, 161
Rouse, 455, 488
Rowley, 256, 399,
Royce, 267
Ru gg, 474
Ruger, 256
Ruhe, 560
Rumbaugh, 387
Runge, 316
Russell, 34, 55, 67,
84, 85, 90, 119,
362, 453, 525
Ryan, 574
Sackett, 274
Sadler, 264
Sage, 214, 305
Sager, 387
Sair, 394
Sairs, 112
Salisbury, 358, 399
Salter, 481
Sammis, 312
Sanderson, 428
Sanford, 62,85,192,
341, 393
Sanger, 173
Sargent, 211, 517,
Saunders, 211
Savage, 450, 455
Sawtell, 372
Sawyer, 155, 217,
308, 563
Sayles, 167, 191
Scandlin, 437
Scher, 358
Schermerhorn, 420
Schnell, 434
Schoonover, 423
Schull, 178
Schutt, 382
Scott, 53,70,89,308,
Scovell, 326, 349
Scranton, 377
Scribner, 307, 308,
Seabury, 288
Seagrave, 429
Searles, 520
Sears, 181
Seaver, 3 ID
Seely, 144
Segar, 443
Semple, 530
Severus, 574
Seward, 422, 423
Sexton, 399
Shanahan, 269
Shank, 140
Sharpies, 295
Shattuck, 476
Shaw, 69, 90, 103,
Shea, 152, 164, 569
Shean, 309
Shear; 420
Sheldon, 209, 299,
379. 568, 571
Shepherd, 287, 410
Sheppard, 581
Sherd, 274
Sherman, 69, 70, 1 1 8,
Sherwood, 418,419,
Shewell, 445
Shillito, 149
Shipley, 489
Shoemaker, 526
Shook, 412
Short, 565
Shortledge, 263
Shoup 453
Shove, 34
Shryock, 577
Silbum, 128
Sill, 134
Simmons, 163, 238,
.273, 395, 575
Simons, 374
Simpson, 346, 492
Sims, 109
Sisson, 202, 206,207,
Skally, 482
Skidmore, 181
Skinner, 343, 517
Slack, 81
Slade, 231, 239, 382
Slawson, 553
Slingerland, 421
Sloadenby, 22
Abigail, 500
Alice, 20
Amelia Ann, 581
Anne, 22
Anthony, 26, 33
Arthur, 581
Charity, 21
Christopher 20,22
David, 23
David,2 25
Deanes, 22
Edmund, 23
Edmund, 2 24
Edward, 26, 35
Edward, 581
Edwin, 552
Elizabeth, 2 21
Emma, 582
Frank B., 572
George, 20
George, 21
George J., 584
Giles, " 21
Giles, 26, 36
Henry, 20
Henry, 582
Hugh, 22
Humphrey, 21,22
Isaac, 575
James, 20
James, 572
James, 584
Jane, 575
Joane, 20
Joane, 21
Joane, 22
John, 21, 22
John, 2 22
John, 2 23
John, 2 24
John, 2 573
John, 2 581
John, 582
John Heddon, 581
John William, 581
Robert, 2
Robert, 2
21, 22
20, 22
Thomas, 3
Thomas, 2
Thomas B
Walter, 2
William, 2
William A.
William H.
Charles S.,
Deborah D
, 572
21, 22
., 582
IsaacWalker, 577
Mary R.
Sarah A., 576
Susan, 576
Susanna, 577
Thomas, 575
Sloper, John F.,552
Smailes, 309
Smith, 51,70,85,86,
89, 93, "4, "7,
120,131,160, 177,
178,182, 186,191,
Snedeker, 112
Snodgrass, 559
Snow, 80, 268, 338,
372, 374
Snowden, 460
Snyder, 303, 418
Solomon, 499
Soule, 43, 45, 276
' 337
Sparrowhawk, 73
64, 168,
227, 232
, 442
87, 275
130, 398
, 271
161, 172
88, 291
279, 430
Stark, 358, 365, 590
Steele, 70,
428, 525
Stevens, 212, 304,
308, 357, 564, 568
Stewart, 1
61, 246,
257, 317,350,388
150, 229
418, 579
516, 53i
552, 554
Stoddard, 121, 126,
Stone, 170, 171,233,
Storitt, 529
Storm, 263
Story, 46, 378
Stout, 322
Stowe, 262, 538
Stowell, 512
Strait, 182
Stratton, 580
Stringham, 149
Stronach, 510
Strong, 122, 491
Stryker, 461
Studdier, 21
Sturges, 296
Sturgis, 347
Sullivan, 560
Sully, 21
Sunderlin, 166
Sutherland, 230,261
Sutphen, III, 179,
Sutton, 317
Swackhammer, 352
S wager, 173
Swain, 334
Swan, 299, 388
Sweeney, 231
Sweeny, 438
S\veet, 70, 78, 80,
283, 334, 49 2
Swensen, 267
Swift, 364
Swisher, 342
Symonds, 128
Taber, 135,156,331
Tabor, 92, 99, 164,
262, 320, 325,564
Taft, 436, 437
Talbot, 319, 439
Tallcot, 136
Tallient, 385
Tallman, 75
Tanner, 156, 243,
Tappan, 195
Tarbell, 285, 286
Tarr, 342
Taylor, 77, 105,
1x1,149,174, 181,
188,241, 246,297,
Tefft, 109, 568
Ten Eyck, 180
Tennant, 78, 165
Tenney, 506
Terpening, 212
Terrell, 429
Terry, 359, 538, 539
Tew, 101, 168
Thayer, 106, 289,
3i6, 501
Thomas, 49, 54, 77,
156,168, 186,279,
392, 326, 395, 562
Thompson, 1 88,203,
437, 507, 546
Thorn, 456
Thornton, 254, 294,
Thorp, 265, 401, 554
Throckmorton, 186,
188, 324
Thurston, 32, 45
Tibbetts, 415
Tidd, 181
Tiddeman, 66, 72
Tillett, 495
Tilley, 45 434
Tillinghast, 91, 92,
Tillotson, 341
Tilton, 50
Tinker, 322, 428,
429, 430
Tisdale, 174
Titus, 125
Todd, 537
Tomlinson, 263
Tompkins, 331, 396
Torrey, 295, 315,
450, 455
Tourgee, 104
Town, 358
Towne, 124
Towner, 411
Townsend, 268, 338
Towsley, 387
Tracy, 51, 190
Trask, 167,478,512
Traver, 380
Treadwell, 260, 365 ,
379. 42i
Treat, 270, 580
Tripp, 122,159,162,
Trowbridge, 431
Truax, 457
Truesdell, 183
Trumbull, 485
Tucker, 46, 51, 54,
55, 67, 86, 114,
118, 281
Tufts, 535
Tupper, 547
Turnbull, 310
Turner, 172, 228,
306, 307
Turnier, 176
Tuthill, . 281
Tuttle, 146, 180
Twining, 267
Tyler, 276, 343,
351, 505, 548
Tyson, 176
Underwood, 103,
226, 393, 513
Vail, 263, 302
Van Alstine, 216
Van Brunt, 109,320
Van Buren, 190
Van Buskirk, 530
Van Campen, 244
Van Cleve, 324
Vanderhoof, 364
Vandenburgh, 374
Van Duzer, 212
Van Hooser, 149
Van Name, 320,321
Van Ness, 190
Van Santvoord, 440
Van Schaick, 473
Van Scoy, 398
Van Sickle, 140
Van Tassel, 332
Van Valkenburgh,
Van Vechten, 215
Van Wagner, 366
Vass, 100
Vassar, 393
Vaughn, 155, 169
Viall, 129, 330
Vidito, 532
Viereg, 365
Vincent, 421
Voorhees, 400
Wachtel, 288
Wade, 526
Wagenhalls, 272
Wagner, 383
Wagoner, 474
Wait, 171
Waldo, 434
Waldron, 401, 425
Walker, 188, 206,
548, 560, 576
Wall, 554
Wallace, 300, 485
Walling, 168
Walrath, 298
Walter, 225
Walworth, 128, 585
Wanton, 67, 68, 71
Ward, 153,186,198,
434, 502, 518, 567
Wardell, 83, no,
112, 178, 179
Warder, 250
War e, 51 5, 563
Warfield, 429
Warner, 525
Warren, 244
Warwick, 338
Washburn, 337
Water, 40
Waterman, 80, 81,
169, 326
Waters, 212, 270,
429, 542, 564
Watkins, 186, 488
Watrous, 556
Watson, 64,79,165,
Watts, 134
Waugh, 578
Weaver, 120, 208,
547, 56o
Webb, 170, 361
Webber, 344
Webley, 83
Webster, 450
Weddell, 411,412
Weeden, 61
Weeks, 279
Weiss, 195
Welding, 225
Welling, 155, 191
Wellington, 298
Wells, 173,415,441,
442. 451
Wendte, 248
Wensenheller, 248
Wentworth, 334
Werntz, 400
West, 65, 83, no,
Westcott, 81,295
Wetmore, 444
Wexon, 258
Weymouth, 462
Whalen, 539
Wheden. 340
Wheeler, 94, 239,
463, 477. 539
Wheelock, 475,522,
Whipple, 340, 507,
Whitaker, 80, 452
Whitcomb, 316
White, 39, 89, 112,
114, 178,191,209,
517. 519. 535>56i
Whitehead, 155
Whitehorne, 290
Whitehouse, 472
Whiteley, 480
Whitford, 144, 441
Whitman, 303, 528
Whitmarsh, 516
Whitney, 150, 170,
290, 371
Wickwire, 209
Wightman, 64, 162
Wilber, 258, 282,
363, 416, 439
Wilbur, 253, 276,
Wilcox, 85, 95, 100,
343, 4ii
Wilde, 119
Wildes, 67, 508
Wiley, 512
Wilkie, 373
Wilkins, 544
Wilkinson, 326, 554
Willard, 510, 51 1
Willcox, 118, 145,
Willett, 195, 196
Willetts, 191
Williams, 34,50,66,
112,189, 203,204,
482, 531, 567
Williamson, 178
Willis, 21
Willock, 251
Wills, 21
Willson, 194
Wilson, 127, 129,
385, 525, 529
Winans, 70
Winbaugh, 272
Wing, 66, 90, 117,
200, 201,333,334
Winney, 304
Winslow, 204, 286
Winter, 223
Wiser, 148, 149
Withrow, 491
Wolcott, 324
Wolf, 187
Wolfe, 152
Wood, 38, 51, 77,
187, 191,197,204,
484, 534, 565
Woodbeck, 365
Woodcock, 299
Woodin, 240
Woodling, 422
Woodman, 165, 283
Woodmansee, 441
Woods, 494
Woodward, 36,240,
512, 559
Woolley, 108, 184,
Wordell, 562
Worden, 145, 254,
Worley, 580
Worth, 201
Wright, 217, 229,
523, 526, 555
Wyatt, 36, 158, 433
Wycoff , 1 10, 366
Yates, 190, 498
Yawger. 331
Yeley, 306
Young, 161, 191,
Zimmerman, 174
The following persons have encouraged the publication of this book
by subscribing for the number of copies set opposite their respective
names :
Page. Cop
Alleman, Mrs. Mary S. (Sisson), 209
Almy, Mrs. Margaret (Grinnell), 277
Bixby, Mrs. Mary L. (Clark), 266
Brisbin, Giles S., 348
Bryte, Mrs. Wealthy (Slocum), 386
Burtless, Mrs. Lelia (Alleman), 210
Burtless, Mrs. Sarah E. (Sisson), 210
Butler, Mrs. Elizabeth G. (Slo-
cum), 295
Carter, Mrs. Eliza (Slocum), 385
Connor, Samuel P., 411
Crandall, Mrs. Phebe (Slocum), 401
Crapo, Hon. William W., 195
Depue, Mrs. Delia A. (Slocum), 431
Farnsworth, M. F.,
Folger, George H., 116
Fordyce, Mrs. Emeline (Slocum), 330
Hopkins, Charles W. , 143
Jeffery, Mrs. Melissa (Slocum), 269
Jeinsen, von, Mrs. Ella B. (Slo-
cum), 451
Johnson, Mrs. Laura F. (Slocum), 433
Kinney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Slocum), 358
McRobert, Mrs. Allida (Slocum), 326
Mallory, Mrs. Martha T. (Slocum), 249
Pendleton, Mrs. Harriet (Slocum), 291
Randall, Mrs. Emeline M. (Slo-
cum), 163
Riley, Dr. John, 373
Ross, Mrs. Ruth T. (Slocum), 226
Ross, Mrs. Sarah B. (Crapo), 196
Sadler, Mrs. Emma J. (Slocum), 264
Sisson, Miss Mary E., 210
Mortimer D., 209
Slocomb, Miss Harriet E., 536
John M., 535
Slocum, Abel P., 360
Albert B., 365
Albert C. G., 477
Alfred M., Dr., 250
Anna, Miss, 393
Benjamin, 366
Benjamin W. C, 409
Charles, 273
Charles A., Capt., 43*8
Charles A., Rev., 482
Charles B., 463
Charles M., 432
Clarence H., 427
Edward E., 452
Edward F., 271
ElishaP., 378
Emma, Miss, 309
Ephraim, 387
Fitzgerald, 264
Fred, 344 2
George, 461 1
Slocum, George A.,
George E.,
George W.,
George W.,
George W.,
Giles B.,
Harmon V.,
Henry W., Gen
Humphrey E.,
Isaac S.,
Jane, Miss,
John A.,
John B.,
John C. ,
John F.,
John H.
John N.
John O.,
John P.,
John W.
John W.
Joseph J
Joseph W. ,
Lewis H.,
Lucius F.,
Philip G.,
Revo W., Capt.,
Samuel D.,
Stephen P.,
Willard, Gen.,
William A.,
William A.,
William B.,
William C,
William E.,
William E.,
William H.,
William H., Judge,
William H.,
William II.,
William R.,
Slocumb, Charles H.,
David M.,
Smith, Humphrey H. H. C.
Steele, Mrs. Harriet G. (Slocomb), 525
Tibbetts, Mrs. Hannah N. (Slo-
cum), 415
Tillinghast, Miss S. Leonora, 300
Williams, James H., 204
Page. Cop.
157 I
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