'APHYSICS GIFT OF Mrs. S. Einarsson BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s., THE PILLOW OF STONES: Divine Allegories in their Spiritual Meaning. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s. , THE HEM OF HIS GARMENT. Spiritual Lessons from the Life of our Lord. 4to, cloth, 3s., THE NEW ETHICS. Essay on the Spiritual Law of Use. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s., THE NEW CHURCHMAN'S PRAYER BOOK AND HYMNAL. A complete Minister's and Layman's Manual of Devotions ; containing Daily Offices, Psalter, Litanies, Collects, and Gospels, Preparation for the Holy Communion, Family Prayers, Prayers for the Sick, Chants, and Hymns with Tunes. 18 wo, cloth, 2s., THE YOUNG NEW CHURCHMAN'S GUIDE TO THE HOLY CITY. A Manual of Doctrines, with Prayers; a Preparation for Confirmation and a Com- panion to the Holy Communion. London: JAMES SPEIJRS, 36 Bloomslury Street. THE NEW METAPHYSICS MORRISON AND GIBB, EDINBURGH, PRINTERS TO HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. THE NEW METAPHYSICS OR THE LAW OF END, CAUSE, AND EFFECT WITH OTHER ESSAYS BY FRANK SEWALL if JAMES SPEIRS 36 BLOOMSBUKY STREET, LONDON 1888