ENGLISH ZIONIST FEDERATION, GENERAL ELECTION, 1900. Opinions of Parliamentary Candidates on Zionism. REVISED EDITION. Published at the Offices of THE ENGLISH ZIONIST FEDERATION, 32, Duke Street, Aldgate, E.G. 1901. [PRICE ONE PENNY.] ENGLISH ZIONIST FEDERATION, GENERAL ELECTION, I9OO. Opinions of Parliamentary Candidates on Zionism. DIRECTLY after the close of the General Election, the Executive of the English Zionist Federation were enabled to publish a collection of replies from Parliamentary Candi- dates who responded to the question put in the circular of which the text is given below. A good number of such replies did not, however, come to hand when this pamphlet was first published. Some of the letters it will be seen were written when the heat and bustle of the election had passed away, hence this revised edition of replies in favour of the Zionist Movement. The list is arranged alphabetically according to names, and the place named is the Constituency contested. The quotations are excerpts from letters responding to the circular, or where so noted, to replies to a question locally put to the Candidate upon the same lines as the circular. The names marked with an asterisk () are those of candidates who have been elected to Parliament. The following is the text of the Circular issued : JESSEL CHAMBERS, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. September 21th, 1900. DEAR SIR, The question of Zionism is now agitating the minds of the masses of the Jewish voters in the United Kingdom. The object of the Zionist movement is to assist those Jews who are persecuted in the lands of their birth to obtain a 2O98567 legally secured home in Palestine, and to settle there under the suzerainty of the Sultan. It need scarely be pointed out that the realisation of this movement will practically solve the ever-growing Jewish problem in Europe, and will tend to divert the tide of emigration which now takes place to Western countries. In the interests of humanity and freedom, and in accordance with the great and lofty traditions of England, may I, on behalf of the English Ziouist Federation, appeal to you, whenever the same may be necessary, to use your influence to secure th sympathetic consideration of Her Majesty's Government to the Movement, and its good offices in favour of Zionist aspirations whenever the same may be required with those Governments who have interests in Palestine and Syria. Should you view our Movement with sympathy, and inform me to that effect at your early convenience, I shall be glad to advise our friends, in the constituency you seek to represent, to give all the support to your candidature of which they are capable. Your obedient servant, JOSEPH CO WEN, Sessional Chairman. *ABRAHAM, Win. (Mabon) Rhondda *AGNEW, Sir Andrew, S. Edin- Bart., *ALLKN, Charles P. ANDEBTON, A. ASHBUBY, J. M. *ASHMEAD BAUT- LETT, Sir E. BAR KB, Sir John BAKEB, J. Allen " I am with the Zionist Movement heart and soul, and will do all that I possibly can to further it in and out of Parliament." " Considers objects entirely laudable and worthy of sympathy." " It would give me great pleasure . . . to assist the Zionist Movement." Answers Question : "Yes."' burgh Stroud (Glos.) W. Bradford E. St. Pancras " You have my sincere sympathy and (London) good wishes.' 1 Ecclesall " I feel much sympathy for the Zion- (Sheffield) ist Movement and shall be glad to attest it." Portsmouth E. Finsbury (London). BENN, J. William Bermondsey (London) BENSON, G. R. W. St. Pan- cras (London) *BHOWNAQOBEE,Sir N.E. Bethnal M. M. Green (London) Answers Question: "Yes." " I am in hearty sympathy with the object of the Zionist Movement. ... I have myself personally visited some of the Jewish settlements in Palestine." "I am quite in sympathy with your movement." "I have great sympathy with the movement." "The object of your movement is a perfectly legitimate and desirable one and therefore, I can sympathise with it." BEAMSDON, T. A. BRAND, Rear Admiral, T. S. BBOWN, R. S. Portsmouth Eastbourne E. Edin- burgh BUCHANAN, Robert Dumbarton- shire. Answers Question: "Yes." " I should always be ready to use what slight influence I might have in favour of the movement." " I think that on the grounds of humanity and freedom every effort should be made to encourage such a movement." " I sympathise most heartily with the movement." BULLIVANT, W. Pelham CAKLILE, Col. E. Hibbert *CHANNING, F. A. CLARK, Goddard, J.P., L.C.C. COAXES, Major Ed. F, *CODDINGTON, Sir William *COLVILLE, John CONYBEARE, C. A. S. St. Helens (Lanes.) CORY, Clifford J. Tunbridge Wells COURT, J. Derbyshire (N.E.) CROSS, James C. Radcliffe (Lanes.) Poplar " Any scheme for the amelioration (London) of the Jewish race which has the approval of their representatives has my most cordial sympathy." Huddersfield " I attended the Zionist Congress, in London, and am much interested in the subject, and view the movement with cordial sympathy." " I am quite sure it is a right as well as a very beautiful and noble idea." " Is in entire sympathy with the move- ment." "I am in sympathy with your move- ment, and would assist it as far as lies in my power." In entire sympathy with the move- ment." " I am in hearty sympathy .... will gladly use my influence to secure the sympathetic consideration of the Govern- ment to the movement." Answers Circular : " Yes, I shall be happy to do so." " I view the Zionist Movement with sympathy. " "I can truly say that anything which will relieve the persecuted Jews will have my sympathy." " I view the Zionist Movement with great sympathy." E. North- ampton Mile End (London) Elland (Halifax) Blackburn Lanark (N.E.) DAVIS, Howell S . Bristol " Has great sympathy for the Jews and the Zionist Movement. He has spent some time in Palestine this year." DICKINSON, W. K. N. St. Pancras " I have great sympathy with the (London) Zionist Movement." *DOXFORD, Sir W. T. Sunderland " I am fully in sympathy with Zionist Movement. " ELLIOTT, George E. EVANS, S. T. S. Bedford- shire Mid. Glamor- gan Answers Circular : "Certainly." "All those who know the. history of your race should view with sympathy their aspirations, and I symathise with the Zionist Movement, which has for its object the realization of those aspira- tions." FiRBANK, J. T. E. Hull "Movement has his entire sympathy." *FLOWER, Ernest W. Bradford Answers Question : " I should be in sympathy with this. . . . The Govern- ment should see that the Sultan gives adequate guarantee for the peace and security of the new colony.'' FRY, John Pease Eccles " I am favourable to the objects of J.P., M.A. your Society." GREEN, G. Stockport ' I cordially agree with the object of the Zionist Movement." *GRETTON, John S. Derby " I am entirely favourable to your pro- posals.' 1 *GKEVILLE, Capt. the E. Bradford Answers Question : -'Most cordially." Hon. R. H. F. GROVE, T. N. Archibald S. North- ' In sympathy with your movement." amptonshire *GROVES, Jas. G. Salford. South " I shall be pleased to help you." HART, Sir Israel HART, Davies T. *HASLETT, Sir James H. *HAY, Hon. Claude G. *HEATH, Arthur H. HEATfl, Col. James *HELME, N. W. Cent. Hackney " The Zionist Movement has his full (London) sympathy, and he will be prepared to use his influence in its favour when- ever possible." Rotherhithe "In great and cordial sympathy with (London) the Zionist Movement, which I have watched from the beginning with much interest." N. Belfast " Will do his utmost to assist the cause in every possible way " Iloxton " My intimacy and close friendship (London) with very many Jews .... enable me to form a correct judgment of the subject .... and I should always be guided in this matter by the views of the most representative and loyal of Jews." (. 6.) OBLEBAB, Rouse, Northampton Answers Circular: " I am in favour of the above objects." PABKEB, J. C. Denham PATEBSON, R. *PEMBEBTON, John S.G. PENDEB, Sir James Bart. E. Northamp- tonshire " It would certainly have his sympathy." College Divi- Answers Circular : " I will. . . sion (Glas- sider the question favourably gow) deserves." Sunderland Answers Question: "Yes." . con- as it " I entirely movement." sympathise with the Mid Nort- hampton- shire. PICKEBSGILL, E. II. Bethnal Green "I regard (London) sympathy " Carnavon " Is entirely in sympathy." E. Bradford Answers Question : " Yes." that movement with PLATT. Col. Henry PBIESTLEY, W. E. B. RAIKES, H. St. John RAPIIAEL. Herbert Hy. REDHEAD, Robert *REED, Sir E. J., K.C.B. RKNTON, Capt. A. L. ROBINSON, John Mid. Derby- shire " Has my full sympathy." S.Derbyshire "I have every sympathy with the Zionist Movement, and in all other matters affecting our co-religionists, I should always be ready to invoke the aid of the Government." S. Shields " I will use my best efforts." Cardiff Answers Question : " Most certainly and most warmly." S. Dorset- " I view your movement with much shire sympathy." Nottingham ' ' It will be his pleasure to do what he can towards the promotion of the return of such members by the Jewish Com- munity as may desire it to the cradle of their race. " *ROBSON, W. S., Q.C. S. Shields *ROLLESTON, SirF. Leicester *ROLLIT, Sir A. K N. Islington (London) *ROPNER, Colonel Stock ton-on- Tees ;< I am sorry that in the rush of the election I had no time to answer your letter. ... I may say I am most sincerely in sympathy with the objects of the Zionist society, and whatever a private member can do I will gladly do to assist these objects. I will co-operate with any other members in bringing influence to bear on the Government to make representations to the Sultan of Turkey in favour of a Charter." (Oct. 24.) " I regard the Zionist Movement with great sympathy." Answers Circular : " Heartily agree." Answers Question sure," etc. "I will with plea- SAMUEL, Jonathan SANDS, W. H. SANDYS, Lieut. - Col. T. M. SAVORY, Sir Joseph SCHWANN, C. E. *SETON-KARR, H. *SHARPE, W. E. SNOWUEN, Philip STANGEB, H. G., Q.C. STORY, S. STRAUS, B. S, STUART, James, Prof. ' Is heartily in favour of the Zionist Movement. " " Am fully prepared to, as requested." Stockton-on- Answers Question : ''I shall be very Tees pleased to assist in procuring a charter to secure a home for Jews in Palestine." W.Marylebone ''I am quite in sympathy with your (London) movement.'' Bootle ' Should the views of the Federation be brought before the House of Commons he will give them his careful considera tion." Appleby I Westmore- land) North Manchester St. Helens " I am and always have been in sym- (Lancs ) pathy with the movement." N.Kensington ''Most certainly in favour of your (London) movement." Blackburn Answers Circular : " Most certainly." S. Netting- "I feel strong sympathy with the ham Movement. " Newcastle-on- " Great sympathy with the Movement, Tyne glad to help." St. George's- "I have always favoured the Zionist in-the-East Movement, and my sympathy will always lLondon) be with you." Hoxton " I not only view the Zionist Move- (London) ment with sympathy, but with admira- tion." TOKRANCE, E. E. Islington " Am heartily in sympathy with your (London) Movement." WALLOP, Hon. J. F. Tavistock " In sympathy with your movement." (Devonshire) *WANKLYN, J. L. Bradford " Has great sympathy." 8 WARNER, I. C. T. Liohfield *WEIR, J. G. WlLKIE, A. *WHITK, Aid. George WOOD, T. M. WOODS, S. WRAOOE, R H. Vernon WRIGHT, Fitz II. Ilkeston ' ' I certainly view with sympathy the movement. . . . and wish you every success in it." Ross and ' I shall be glad to support any Cromarty- action hich may be taken in Parliament shires. to further the views of your Federation." (Nor. (it A.) Sunderland "Would support the matter referred to." N.W.Norfolk "Any influence 1 might have shall be used in its support." Glasgow " I should do what I could in the (St. Rollox) direction you indicate." Walthamstow Answers Circular : " With great pleasure." Rotherham "I am quite in sympathy with your movement." 'I should be glad to u^eany influence I might have to secure the sympathetic consideration of H.M. Government to the Movement." *WRIGHTSON, Sir E. St. Pancras " Having travelled some years ago in Thomas (London) Palestine, I am greatly interested in the question I believe in a strong nationality, as the Jews could easily form, and would be a great advantage politically in that corner of the Medi- teranean." WYVILL, M. D. Otley, " Would use his influence to help the Yorks Movement .... whenever required to do so." The following are the terms of the Telegram sent to Candidates standing for Constituencies where only one Can- didate had expressed himself favourably to the Movement. October 2. The English Zionist Federation urges all Zionists in your Constituency to support you, as you are in favour of the Movement. Please Publish. L. J. GREENBERG, Hon. Sec. PHILIP JOHNS & Co., LTD., 0, Worship Street. Finsbury Square, B.C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 315 ..y. C ..?..yj. H . REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 240 597 3