SUPPLEMENT ililuitlirca |jicric;nu. CATALOGUE ..r AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS, I- \XD ORIGINAL WORKS.) OCTOBER, 1852, TO MAY, 1855, INO ALSO A REPETITION or men BOOEB AH HAVE KITIIIR CHAKOBO rICK5 OR 1-lBLlBIIBKtt DIKING THAT PERIOD. COMPILED AHD AEEA2CGKD BY ORVILLE A. ROORBACK. NEW FOBK: O. A. ROORBACK, JR. MAT, 1865. 1 95$ X 4 to Act of i;, WILLIAM N. muni, In tl.r rk-iV> Ollio- ,f ti. tl.- Southern Di>trirt ,t I BAKKB, GODWUT A Co^ Printer^ JSpruce St., New York. 35 *G r ABBREVIATIONS. r. . . MJ Board* OtlC 'L .x . . CU*h foil fill and gilt )** it*, cl nxibl cloth, hf. ar. . .Ar*bqob*ek* lUlf ht ru. Half hf. rl. hf. Ul. >hp back*. fan. Bor. . Imitation morotaq Lib. Sb^p, Philadelphia rtjl* . . r.LdL. iUnUck, cloth AttpgUt. A I.IM ur I' I I'.I.ISIII M-. '-' ABffcmn. tmm A Co N~ York. ACb Abr. - s .. , I A bll - * aClU(pniiUr. WMM^I . H.C. t H . ,. R. 1 i II .V -- -- N \ N Vafft. B- ACo. . |lrl..,ri t *&^-J^ c ,, CA.AOo. II.. H A- H. L D.C. CSi l D.2?*o k 1>J *"**' A -- fc - BtffKSs: N -. r.llr n-Irr. J '' .Nw Yort. : . <. Cbekrm. /.' * J I . i^> i. i m N, , \ -L I - ' S ^ . ' Uro New York. H.Y. XtdtttoACt. Vott. tevMM>,J *. K 0Bow . Kv- tor*.'.! !!Abw,X. Y. SSSTT" \x**-!r ::KS"YortL awcS^^gB !wr > p i PUivkOd. J. M. A Co lt York ' AlbwiT.N.Y. JlewYoHL York. . New York. R :,! I LIST OF PUBLISHERS. [AM. CAT. Gideon & Co., (printers) Washington, D. C. Gihon, J. &J. L... Philadelphia. Goodrich, Chauncey Burlington, Vt. Gould, Banks & Co New York. Cowans, Williams " Gray, John A ." *' " Sprague & Co. . - Albany, N. Y. Griggs, S. C. & Co Chicago, 111. Grossman, E. N New York. Hall, Mills & Co Syracuse, N. Y. Hamrnet, E. E., Jr Newport, R. I. Harding, S Boston. Harper & Bros New York. Hart, Abraham Philadelphia. " Francis New York. Hayes & Zell Raleigh. N C. Hazard, Willis P Philadelphia. Heath & Graves Boston. Henderson, C. J. & Co Philadelphia. Houston, S New York. Hincks, E. W. & Co Boston. Hinkley, E Baltimore. Hooker, Herman Philadelphia. Hopkins, Bridgemau & Co Northampton, Mass Howland, S. A Worcester, Mass. Hughes, G. F. & Co New York. Hull &Bro Louisville, Ky. Humphrey, S. D New York. H nut, Ed win & Son Hartford, Conn. " Uriah & Son Philadelphia. Jde & Button Boston. Ives, W. & Co Salem, Mass. Ivison & Phinney New York. James, J. A . & U. P Cincinnati. Jenks, Hickling & Swan Boston. Jewett, J. P. & Co " Joachimssen, L New York. Johnson, N. N Boston. " T. & J. W Philadelphia. Jones, E. S. & Co " " Samuel Boston. Keith & Woods St. Louis, Mo. Kiggi us & Kellogg New York. Knight, Franklin '< Knowles, A. & Co., (printers) " Lamport, Blakeman & Law New York. Lane&Scott " Leary,W.A Philadelphia. " & Getz * Leavitt & Allen New York. Lindsay & Blakiston Philadelphia. Lippincott, Grambo & Co " Littell, E. &Co Boston. Little, Brown & Co " Livermore, E. & Co New York. Lock wood, Roe & Son " Long, H. & Bro , '< Lyon, G. P " " Henry ."." Magagnos, T. L. & Co New York. Marsh, Richard " Martien, W. S. & A, ."Philadelphia. Martin & Johnson New York. Marvin, T. R Boston. *' Whipple& Co " Mason & Law New York. " & Brother " Mass. Sabbath School Society. Boston. Masters, Smith & Co Hallowell, Me. Mattock, T. L Syracuse, N. Y. . Mayer, J.P Boston. McCarter & Co Charleston, S. C. McElrath, T. L. & Co New York. " &Barker " Merriam, Moore & Co Troy, N. Y. Miller, Orton & Mulligan New York. Mills, Crandall & Mulligan.... Cazenovia, N. Y. Miniffe, Wm. & Co Baltimore. Moffett,J New York. Montgomery, A '' Moore, Horace H " John W Philadelphia. " Anderson &Co Cincinnati. 41 Wilstach &L Keyes " Morgan, E * " & Overend, (printers). " Morris, A Richmond, Va. Morton & Griswold Louisville, Ky. Moses, W. J Auburn, N. Y. Moss & Brother Philadelphia. Munroe & Co Boston. Munsell, Joel Albany,N. Y. Murphy, John & Co Baltimore. Muzzey, B*B. &. Co Boston. Narine & Co., (printers) New York. Nash &, Wood house Richmond, Va. Nesbitt, G. F. & Co New York. New Eng. Sun. School Union.. Boston. Newman & Ivison New York. Nichols, T. L Port Chester, N. Y. Norton, Charles B New York. Oliphant, Henry, (printer) Auburn, N. Y. Ormsby, Thomas New York. Parish, Dunning & Mears Philadelphia. Parker, S. H Boston. Parry & McMillan Philadelphia. Partridge & Brittain New York. Paxton, W. Y Charleston, S.C. Peck & Bl iss Ph iladelphia. Pierce, C. H. & Co Boston. Ferris, William New York. Perry, J. B Philadelphia. " &Erety Peterson, J. S Athens, Ga. " T. B Philadelphia. Phillips, Sampson & Co Boston. Pollock, M Philadelphia. Pomeroy, Warren L Raleigh, N. C. Potter, J. E Philadelphia. Pratt, George Binghamton, N. Y. " Jas. H.&Co New York. " Woodford & Co " Price, C. J. & Co Philadelphia. Presb. Board of Publication ... " Pudney & Russell New York. Putnam, George P. & Co " Quimby, G. W Cincinnati Radde, William New York. Rademaker & Sheek Philadelphia. Rand, Geo. C Boston. Randolph, A. D. F New York. J. W Richmond, Va Raynor, Samuel New York. Reid, Parsons &Co., (printers). Albany, N. Y. ; Redding & Co Boston. Redfleld, J. S New York. Reynolds, W. J. & Co Boston. Richardson, E New Haven. Ri ker, J. C New York. " Thorn & Co " Ritchies& Dunnavant Richmond, Va. Roorbach, O. A New York. Ruffin, E. &C.J Petersburg, Va. Russell, John Charleston, S. C. 18521855.] LIST OF PUBLISHERS. Sadlier, D. & J. & Co New York. Sage, William N Rochester, N. Y. Sanborn G. <$f Co. K Appleton 6f Co '54 " '53 Bnell ;, of Hunters and Travelers, and Narratives of Border Warfare. By an Old Hunter. of Lilly Dawson ; or, the Smugglers of the Mill, a Novel. 8vo. pap of Mick Costigan; or, the Ladder of Gold. 8vo. pap of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys. By H. May hew. pap. of Tom Stapleton ; or, New York by Night and by Day. pap of a Country Merchant. 12mo. cl. of a Gentleman in Search of Miss Smith. By E. A. Dupuy. 8vo. pap of an Aid-de-camp. By Jas. Grant. 8vo. pap. Advice to Mothers on the Physical Education of Children. By a Grandmother. 12mo. cl. . ... to Mothers on the Treatment of Infants, with Direc- tions for Self-management Before, During, and After Pregnancy. By Mrs. Barwell. 12mo. cl. ^Eolian Glee Book. By T. K. Collins, Jr., . . net jEschylus, Prometheus of, literally translated, pap . Septem contra Thebas ; a Tragedy, with English Notes, by A. Sachtleben. 12mo. Fables. 18mo. cl " " shp in Rhyme ; a new Version of ^Esop's Fables. 16rno. Affectionate Brothers. By Mr. Hofland. 18mo. cl. . Afraja; a Norwegian and Lapland Tale. By T. Mugge. 12mo. cl Africa and America Described, with Anecdotes. By the Au- thor of " The Peep of Day." 12mo, cl. 1 25 Peck iSf Bliss, '51 63 Miller, O. $ M. 9 00 4 50 7 50 1 50 63 75 50 25 50 38 25 1 00 25 25 50 25 1 00 25 50 Appleton <5f Co. '54 Harper G. '52 Stringer Getz. Alphabet of Birds. 18mo. cl 031 Lip'cott, G. $ Co. of Quadrupeds. 18mo. cl 31 " Alpine Glee Singer, by W. B. Bradbury, ... . 1 00 Mson 4- P. Alston, Philip (Rev.) Sermons, with a Memoir, by Bishop Otey. 8vo. cl 2 00 H. Hooker. Altamont, or the Charity Sister. 8vo. pap. . . . 25 Bunce <$f Bro. Altar Stones. By the Author of " The Faithful Promiser." 18mo 25 A. D. F. Randolph. Amabel, a Family History. By Elizabeth Wormeley. 12mo. 1 00 Bunce <$ Bro. Amadeus ; or, a Night with the Spirit. By Karl Valmann. 16mo. cl 50 C. Scribner. '52. American Aboriginal Portfolio. By Mrs. M. H. Eastman, illustrated by S. Eastman, U. S. Army. 1 vol. 4to. cl. gilt edge, 600 Li/>'c0tt,G. Co. Cottage Builder, a Series of Designs, Plans and Specifications, for Homes for the People. By John Bullock. 12mo. cl 1 75 Rlringer cf- T. '54 Debater, Rules for Debate for Deliberative As- semblies, &c. &c. By J. N. McElligott. 12mo. 100 Ivison 'c0tf,G<4-Co;55 75 Gould 4- L. '53 J.H.ColtonfCo.'M 3 00 Putnam 4- Co. '53 4 50 Little B. <5f Co. '54 1 00 Joel Munsell. '55 75 Riker, T. 4- Co. 75 Lindsay 4- B. '53 50 W hippie 4- Co. 38 Francis 4- Co. 38 8 AND ANT [AM. CAT. Andersen, Hans, Wonderful Tales from Denmark. 16mo. cl. Anderson, C. F., American Villa Architecture. Oblong folio. per No. Robert (Rev.), Life, Letters, and Pastoral Success of. By his Widow. 12mo. cl. R. M. (M. D.), Students' Review ; or, Examina- tions of Therapeutics, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy. 12mo. cl Andrews, S. P. Discoveries in Chinese, or the Symbolism of the Principal Characters of the Chinese System of Writing. 12mo. cl W. W. The True Constitution of the Church, and its Restoration. 8vo. cl. Anecdotes for the Steamboat and Railroad. 12mo. pap. of American Indians. 18mo. cl. . . net of the American Revolution. 18mo. cl. of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Archi- tects, and Curiosities of Art. By S. Spooner, 3 v. 18mo. cl of the Habits and Instincts of Animals. By Mrs. R. Lee. 18mo. cl of the Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes. By Mrs. R. Lee. 18mo. cl. of the Puritans. By Rev. Joseph Alden. 18mo. Angel Love, and Other Poems. 12mo. cl. Angel of the Household (The). By T. S. Arthur. 12mo. Angela Wildon; or, the Mysteries of Altendorph Castle. By Reynolds. 2 v. pap. Anglo American Literature and Manners. From the French of P. Chasles. 12mo. el Animals in Costumes; a juvenile 4to. cl. ex. 1 00; cl. . Anley, Charlotte, Earlswood ; or, Lights and Shadows of the Anglican Church. 12mo. cl Annals of Albany (N. Y.). By Joel Munsell. 5 v. 12mo. cl. Annals of Methodism in West Jersey. By Rev. G. A.Ray- bold. 18mo net Anne Boleyn ; a Tragedy. By G. H. Boker. 12mo. cl. Annie Grayson ; or, Life in Washington. By Mrs. N. P. Laselle. 12mo. pap. 50; cl. .... Vincent ; a Domestic Story. 8vo. pap. Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1853. 18mo. " " 1854. 12mo. cl. 1855 Anspach, F. R. (Rev.), Sepulchres of our Departed. 12mo. Anthon, Chas., Cicero's Tusculan Disputations. 12mo. shp. " Cornelius Nepos. With Notes, Historical and Explanatory. 12mo. shp. . " Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary, small 4to. shp 75 Francis $ Co. 3 00 Putnam cf Co. '53 75 H. Hooker. 1 25 Jas. Woodhous^M 75 C. B. Norton. '54 75 .7. Moffet. '54 50 Lindsay 4- B. '53 25 J. B. Smith $ Co. 25 Putnam 4" Co. '53 Lindsay 'co,G.4-C0.'53 C. Scribner, '54 Ivison <$f P. ,2 50 E. Frenc.h. '54. 75 Lindsay cf- B. '54 75 '54 75 " '54 88 C. Goodrich. '54 75 1 50 Leary $? Getz. 1 00 Parry $ McM. 75 75 C.S.Fr'cisef-Co.'53 C. Scribner. '52. 1 25 Miller, O. cf- M. J. C. Derby. '54 Bunce <$f Bro. 1 25 E. 1 00 Harper Co. '54 D. Burgess <$( Co. H. Hooker. V>4 Ticknor Co. 25 T. B. Peterson. '54 185255.] ART AR T 11 Arthur, T. S. Last Penny and Other Stories. 18mo. cl. Lessons in Life for all who will Read Them. 18mo. cl. ...... Lost Children and Other Stories. 18mo. cl. Love in High Life, pap " a Cottage, pap. Lovers and Husbands." I8mo. cl Lucy Sandford. pap Madeline. 18mo. cl Maggy's Baby and Other Stories. 18mo. cl. Making Haste to be Rich. 18mo. cl. Married Life. 18mo. cl. . . . *' and Single. 18mo. cl. . Martyr Wife and Ruined Gamester. 18mo. Mary Ellis and Alice Melville. 18mo. cl. Mr. Haven't Got Time and Mr. Don't be in a Hurry. 18mo. cl Off-Hand Sketches. 18mo. cl. Old Astrologer, pap. . . ' . .' ' . Old Man's Bride. 16mo. cl. . Orphan Children, pap. . . Our Harry and Other Poems and Stories. 18mo. cl. . . . Peacemakers, The. 18mo. cl. Pierre, The Organ Boy. 18mo. cl. . Poor Wood Cutter. 18mo. cl. Pride and Principle and Family Pride. I8mo. " Prudence, pap. Retired from Business. 18mo. cl. Riches Have Wings. 18mo. cl. Rising in the World. 18mo. cl. . Seed Time and Harvest. 18mo. cl. . Six Nights with the Washingtonians. 18mo. Sparing to Spend, or the Loftons and Pink- ertons. 16mo. cl Stories for Parents. 18mo. cl. " Young Housekeepers. 18mo. cl. String of Pearls for Boys and Girls. 16mo. Sweethearts and Wives. 18mo. cl. . Tales of Domestic Life Containing Made- line ; Heiress; Martyr Wife, and Gamester. 12mo. cl Tales of Married Life Containing Lovers and Husbands ; Married and Single; Sweet- hearts and Wives. 12tno. cl. Tales from Real Life Containing Bell Mar- tin ; Pride and Principle; Family Pride; Mary Ellis and Alice Melville. 12mo. cl. 38 Lip'incott.G.^Co. 38 38 25 25 50 25 50 38 50 38 50 50 50 T. B. Peterson. M H. F. Anners. T. B. Peterson. H. F. Anners. Lip'incottiG. <$- Co. FaircUU Co. B AC B AL [AM. CAT. 60 Carter B. L. W. (Rev.) Church Music 38 Durrie <$f P. Badois (Charles). Grammaire Anglaise d'apres le Systeme d'Ollendorf, a 1'usage des Fran9ais. 12mo. . 1 00 Appleton cf* Co. '52 Key to above, 50 " Bailey. English Grammar. 12mo. . . . net 27 Lip'incott.G.^-Co. Primary do. 18mo net 15 " H. M. Even-Tide Pencillings. 12mo. . F. A. Brown. '53 Jacob (Rev). Memoir of. By W. S. Bartlett. 8vo. Ide <$ D. '54 Philip, J. Festus ; a Poem. 32mo. cl. ex., 1 25; cl. . . . . . . 75 Morion 6f G. " " " 8vo. illustrated, . 400 Mussey : ~< Banvard, Joseph (Rev.), American Statesman (The) ; or, Illustrations of the Life and Char- acter of Daniel Webster. 18mo. -- " Wisdom, Wit, and Whims of An- cient Philosophers. " Priscilla; or, Trials for the Truth. 12mo. cl ..... Baptist Church the Christian's Home. By Rev. R. T. Mid- dleditch. 18mo. cl. . . . . \ . . .- - Library. 8vo. shp ....... - Psalmody, a Collection of Hymns. By Basil Manly and B. Manly, Jr. 18mo. 80c.; 32mo. . . Barault, 1'Abbe, The Elevation of the Soul to God, by means of Spiritual Considerations and Affections. 16mo. cl ......... Barbadoes Girl. By Mrs. Hofland. 18mo. cl. . .. .. Barbaroux, O., and Seron, T., Histoire des Etats Unis. 18mo. r. cl. sides, ..... net Barbauld, Anna L., Evenings at Home. 12mo. cl. . . -- " Lessons for Children. Square, cl. 38 c. : colored engravings, ... -- " (Mrs.) Lessons for Children (in French), Barber, J. W., Elements of History, ..... Barclays of Boston. By Mrs. H. G. Otis. 12mo. cl. . Barker, B., Bandit of the Ocean ; or, the Female Privateer. 8vo. pap. ... .... Barnard, H., National Education in Europe; being an Ac- count of the Organization, &c., &c., of differ- ent Grades in the Principal States. 8vo. cl. -- " School Architecture; or, Contributions to the Improvement of School- houses in the United States. Fifth edition. 8vo. cl. . . Barnes, Albert (Rev.), Closet Companion; or, Manual of Prayer. 12mo. cl. . . . A. Tompkins. '54 100 J. S. Redfield. '54 2 25 Little, B. cf- Co. 50 Perkins cf- W. '51 38 Dewitt cf- D. 65 Carlton cf- P. '54 50 H. Long $ Bro. 25 T. B. Peterson. 25 Bunce cf- Bro. '55 075 Wilson cf- Co. '53 75 Gould cf- L. '53 75 SfceMon,'54 1 00 Heath cf- G. '54 035 E.H.Fletcher. 3 50 Sheldon, L. cf- B. 60 E.H.Fletcher. 50 Dunigan cf-#ro.'52 38 C. S.Francis cf- Co. 42 Moss cf- Bro. 088 C. S. FrancisfyCo. 50 " 45 Lockwood cf- Son. 42 Durrie cf- P. 125 Ticknor cf- Co. '54 38 Dewitt cf- D. 2 50 C. B. Norton. '54 2 00 " '54 75 M. W. Dodd. '54 16 BAR BAR [ AM. CAT. Barnes, Albert (Rev.), How shall Man be'Just with God? 12mo. cl 38 Ivison 4* P. '55 Barnum, P. T., Life of. Written by himself. . 12mo. cl. 1 25 J. S. Redfield, '55. Baron's Little Daughter. 16mo, cl 063 Ep. S. S. Union. 18mo. hf. r 38 Barrell, Geo., Jr., The Pedestrian in France and Switzerland. 12mo. cl 1 00 Putnam 4* Co. '53 Barrington, A., Physical Geography. Edited by Charles Burdett. 12mo 1 00 Ims L. 1 25 J. C. Derby. '54 75 '54 3 00 SMdon.L. cfr B. 75 Jewell Bros. '53 I 25 Parry T-. Blanchard's First Lessons in Arithmetic. 18mo. . . . / High School " 12mo. shp. : . Theoretical and Practical " 12mo. . ... -. Key to Blanchard's Arithmetics, . . . Blanche, Leslie ; or, the Living Rosary and other Tales for Young People. 18mo. cl - ; . Bland Papers, being a Selection from the Manuscripts of Col. T. Bland, Jr., of Prince George County, Virginia. 2vols. in 1. 8vo -': .- .. Bleak House. By Chas. Dickens. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . ' .- The Same. 8vo. pap Bledsoe, A. T. A Theodicy, or Vindication of the Divine Glory, as manifested in the Constitution and Govern- ment of the Moral World. 8vo. cl. Blennerhassett, Harman. Life of, comprising an authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition. By Wm. H. '.Saf- ford. 12mo. cl. Blessington, (Lady). Memoirs, Literary, Life and Corre- spondence of. Compiled and Edited by R. Madden. 2 v. 12mu. cl Blind Farmer. By Mrs. Hofland. 18mo. cl. Bliss, M.H.K. Sketches for You. 18mo. . Bloodstone, The. By Donald MacLeod. I2mo. cl. . Blossoms of Childhood. 18mo. cl Blue Book for 1853. A Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval, in the Service of the Uni- ted States on the 30th Sept., 1853. 12mo. Boardman, H. A. (Rev.) Bible in the Counting House ; a Course of Lectures to Merchants. 12mo. cl. 25 W. P. Hazard. 025 Lip'incotl,G. 4- Co. 1 00 Ivison 4- P. 1 25 Putnam Co. Durrie . . Booth, James C., Phonographic Instructor. I8mo. . ' . - Pictorial History of the United States, for Primary Schools. . . ..;.,, r .. ; /.. ; ).t ;fj. Boston, History of, by S. G. Drake, with Illustrations. 8vo. Boundary Tree, or the Spirit that Heals Differences. 18mo. Bourbon Prince (The), The History of the Royal Dauphin, Louis XVII. of France. 18mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. Bourne, B. F., Captive in Patagonia, or Life among the Giants, a Personal Narrative. 12mo. cl. '. -. Wm. O., Gems from Fable-Land, a collection of Fables, Illustrated by Facts. 12mo. cl. Goldenlink, or Tales and Poems for the Young. 18mo. cl. :..-; '' Silverstring, or Tales and Poems for the Young. 18mo. cl. .. .. .... , -''. , Border Wars of the West, by John Frost. 8vo. . \ t ,v Bouviere, Hannah M., Familiar Astronomy. 12mo. Bow (The) in the Cloud, Discourses, by G. W. Briggs. 16mo. cl , or Covenant of Mercy for the Afflicted, by Rev. W. B. Stevens, with Engravings mor. net, $3 ; cl., ext. . . . . net 2 50 E. H. Butler 4- Co. Bowditch, H., Young Stethecopist, or the Student's Guide to Auscultation. 12mo. cl. . .. "...., Bowdler, John, Practical Christianity, cl. Bowen, Eli, Pictorial Sketch Book of Pennsylvania, its Re- sources, Internal Improvements, &c. 8vo. cl. Bo wring, J. P., Matins and Vespers. I8mo. cl. . Boy Hunters (The) ; or, Adventures in Search of a White Buffalo. By Capt. M. Reed. 18mo. cl. . 1 25 Alden, B. 4* Co. 1 25 38 Miller, O. $ M. E.H. Butler $ Co. 50 Leary 4* Getz. Author, Boston. '54 16 Am. 8. S.U. '53 63 Harper dpBros. '53 85 Gould Son. Brace, Chas. L., Home Life in Germany. 12mo. cl. . . 1 25 C. Scribner. '53. Jonathan (Rev.), Scripture Portraits : or, Sketches of Bible Characters. 12mo. cl 88 M. W. Dodd. '54 J. P., The Fawn of the Pale Faces ; or, Two Centu- ries Ago. 18mo. cl 75 Appleton . . ; 75 Broaddus, Andrew (Rev.) Sermons and other Writings of, with a Memoir of his Life. By Rev. J. B. Jeter. 12mo. cl. ' . - . -. '. . Broadhead, J. R. History of the State of New York, first Period, 1609-'64. 3 00 Brocleksby, John. Elements of Meteorology. 12mo. cl. . 075 Wonders of the Microscope. 12mo. cl. 1 12 Broderip, W. J. Zoological Recreations. 12mo. cl. . 075 Broken Promise. By T. S. Arthur, pap 25 Bronson, C. P. Elocution, or Vocal Philosophy. New edi- H. C. Baird. '52 Francis Co. u Blanchard 4* T. 5. Peterson. tion, enlarged Brooks' Universal Gazetteer. New edition, with Census of the United States. 8vo. cl Chas. T. German Lyrics. 12mo. cl. . 4 1 50 Morion 4- G. 50 00 Phillips, S. M. '53 Jewett 4 Co. '54 E. Livermore. Harper . ."' ..*.,..< 1 75 Buchanan, J. R., (M. D.) Outlines of Lectures on the Neu- rological System of Anthropology. 16mo. cl. Buck, Charles (Rev.), Religious Anecdotes. 12m >. shp. 1 25 D. D. (Rev.). Harmony and Exposition of the Twenty- fourth Chapter of Matthew and the Parallel Passages in Mark and Luke. 8vo. cl. . . . . v / . Buckler, Thos. H. (M. D.) Etiology, Pathology, and Treat- ment of Fibro-Bronchitis and Rheumatic Pneumonia. 8VO. Cl. . . ., . ' ;.:*-, . -.; . . .; Bud (The), the Flower, and the Fruit ; or, the Effects of Education. 18mo. cl. -,. , ... r. ,j./ . 038 Budd, George, on Diseases of the Liver. New edition. 8vo. 3 00 Budget of Stories from Chambers " Papers for the People." 12mo. pap. . . * >:. . 30 Buena Vista and Other Poems, by G. W. Cutter. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Bugard, B. F. French Practical Teacher. 12mo. '. . 084 " Translator, " . . 1 00 Buist, Robert, Rose Manual, containing Description of all the Finest Varieties of Roses and their Culture. . .... ^ . . . . \ v . 75 Bullfinch, Thos. Hebrew Lyrical History. Bull, Thos. Maternal Management of Children. 12mo. cl. 1 00 Bullions, P. Analytical and Practical English Grammar. 12mo. ....... . . . 63 " Caesar's Commentaries. 12mo. . ,. 1 00 " Cicero's Orations. 12mo. ,^. . . . . 1 13 " Greek Lessons for Beginners. 12mo. . 70 " " Reader, with Lexicon, " . . 1 75 " Introduction to Analytical and Practical Eng- x lish Grammar. 12mo. shp 30 " Latin Exercises. " ... 1 00 " " Reader. 12mo 1 00 " Practical Lessons in Eng. Gram'ar and Comp'n, 25 " Principles of English Grammar, . . . 50 " Greek " 12mo. 1 13 Applet on Co. 25 Bunce <$f Bro. 50 Phillips, S. Co. '54 Carlen, Emilie F., Bride of Omberg, from the Swedish. 12mo. cl 75 C. Scribner. '53 Gustavus Lindorn; or "Lead us not into Temptation." 12mo. cl 75 Home in the Valley. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 '54 John ; or is a Cousin in the Hand worth Two Count's in the Bush ? 8vo. pap. . . 25 Appleton Collins. 185255.] CA R CAR 33 38 Henderson tf- Co. J. S. Taylor. '53 Garrett<5f Co. Harper B. 50 BlanchardfL.'Zt Carlo Franconi, and other Stories for Children, cl. . Carolitina and The Sanfedesti, or a Night with the Jesuits at Rome. By E. Farrenc. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 25 Caroline Tracy, The Milliners' Apprentice, pap. . . 25 a Franconia Story. By Jacob Abbott. 18mo. cl. 50 of Brunswick. By G. W. M. Reynolds. 2 vols. pap. $1; 1 vol. cl. 1 25 Carpenter, Thomas, Scholar's Spelling Assistant. 12mo. . 020 Wm. B. (M. D.), on the Use and Abuse of Al- coholic Liquors. 12mo. cl. . 50 Crosby, N. <$ Co. " ' ; " on Alcoholic Liquors. 1 vol. 12mo. new and improved edi- tion, cl. . '."'. " " " Principles of Human Physiol- ogy. Fifth edition, enlarged and improved. 1 v. 8vo. shp. 4 80 " '53 " " " Elements, or Manual of Human Physiology. New and im- proved edition. 1 vol. 8vo. . 3 00 " '54 u " " Principles of Comparative Phy- siology. 8vo. cl. . ' . 4 80 " W. H., & Arthur, T. S., History of Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jer- sey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Ver- mont, and Virginia. 18mo. cl. . . . each Carpet Bag of Fun (Mrs. Partington's), by S. P. Avery. 12mo. cl. . . . . ...'.... Carson, Alex. (Rev.), Examination of the Principles of Bib- lical Interpretation of Ernesti, Am- inon, Stuart, and other Philologists. 12mo. cl ** History of Providence as manifested in the Scriptures. 12mo. cl. " The Doctrine of the Atonement, and other Treatises. 12mo. cl. . " The Inspiration of the Scriptures, a Review of the Theories of the Rev. Dan'l. Wilson, Rev. Dr. Pye Smith, and the Rev. Dr. Dick. 12mo. cl. " Interpretation of the Scriptures, and other Treatises. 12mo. cl. Joseph (M. D.), Synopsis of a course of Lectures on Materia Medica and Pharmacy. 8vo. cl. . 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Barnes <$> Co. 25 Crosby, N. <$ Co. 185255.] C O N COO 45 Contarini Fleming, an Autobiography, by D'Israeli. pap. . 38 T. B. Peterson. Contrast, The, by Rev. Gardiner Spring. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. M. W. Dodd. '55 Convent and the Manse, by Hyla. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 Jewell cf- Co. '53 Conversations on Common Things, by D. L. Dix. 18 vols. 18mo. 60 C. S. Francis cf- Co. " the Present Age of the World in Connec- tion with Prophecy, by J. B. Holgate. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Joel Munsell '52 Conversion, its Theory and Process Practically delineated, by Rev. Theo. Spencer. 12mo. cl . . . . 1 25 M. W. Dodd. '54 Convict (The), or the Conspirator's Victim, by Ned Buntline. pap. '; '. ' T ' ..t , < . . . .0 50 Garretl <>:<' \ '-,,. " Visit to the Monasteries of the Levant. 12mo. cl. . . . . V V ' . :t ' Cushman, R. W. (Rev.), A Pure Religion the World's Only Hope "';-. . ' '.'-' . l . '. '" ' M '' . Cust, Lady, Invalid's Own Book. A Collection of Recipes from various Books and various Countries. 12mo. 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Fosdick, D., German and English Dictionary W. W., Ariel and other Poems. 12mo. cl. gt. Fossil Spirit (The), a Boy's Dream of Geology. By John Mill, M. D. 12mo. cl Foster, B. F., Commercial Penmanship. 8vo. cl. " Counting House Manual. 12mo. " Double Entry Elucidated. 4to. cl. " Penmanship Illustrated. 12mo. cl. . G. G., Celio, or New York above Ground and under Ground, pap. " Fifteen Minutes around New York. pap. " New York Naked, pap John, Spirit of Missions, or the Glory of the Age. 1 8mo. M. E. (Mrs.), Hand-Book of European Literature. 12mo. cl .. Fountain of Living Waters, illustrated by Facts, by Theo- dore Irving. 18mo. cl. . > . -. . *. ,. Fouque, M., Undine and Sintram. 12mo. cl. . Four Years in a Government Exploring Expedition See Colvocoresses, Geo. M. Witnesses (The), being a Harmony of the Gospels on a New Principle, by Isaac Da Costa. 8vo. cl. * 2 00 Fowle, W. B., Bible Reader for Schools . ... 042 " Child's Arithmetic . .. . ,u ,. 10 " Common School Geography and Atlas . 67 " " " Grammar, Part 1 . . 10 " 2 . . 17 " Speller . . . . 20 " Companion of Spelling Books /* ' . 017 " Elementary Geography for Massachusetts Children 34 Lindsay $B. '53 G. Rand. '53 1 75 40 Harper <$ Bros. '53 Putnam 4* Co. '52 38 T. B. Peterson. '54 50 Garrett 4- Co. 50 1 00 1 75 1 25 Long 4* Bro. '53 Carter 4- Bros. '54 Whipple 4- Co. Bunce 4* Bro. 1 00 1 00 Evans 4- D. '54 T. R. Marvin. 1 00 1 00 Whipple <5f Co. T. R. Marvin. 50 Whipple 4- Co. 25 25 Dewitt Bros. '55 Ide cf- Dutton. 72 FO W FR E [AM. CAT. Fowle,W. B it Eye and Hand, or Linear Drawing . Familiar Dialogues French First Class Book " " Grammar ..... " Physiology Fowler, J. A., Analysis of Dramatic and Oratorical Expres- sion. 12mo. hf r. ...... O. S., A Home for All, or the Mode of Building, New, Cheap, and Convenient. 12mo. " Education Complete, embracing Physiology, Animal and Mental, Self-Culture and Mem- ory, cl " Love and Parentage, applied to the Improve- ment of Offspring, cl. . Fox, Charles James, Memorials and Correspondence of, edi- ted by the Hon. Lord John Russell. 2 v. 12mo. cl. George, Life of, with Dissertations on his Views con- cerning the Doctrines, Testimonies, and Discipline of the Christian Church, by Saml. M. Janney. 8vo. France, Civil Wars and Monarchy in, in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, cl. Franchere, G., Narrative of a Voyage to the N. West Coast of America in the Years 1811, '12, '13 and '14. 12mo. Frank, by Maria Edge worth. 18mo. cl. . Second part. 2 v. 18mo. cl. Freeman's Barber Shop, a Tale, by Rev. B. R. Hall. 12mo. cl. Harrison. 18mo. cl Netherton, or the Talisman. 18mo. cl. the Underground Mail Agent. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. and Maja's Stories and Rhymes. Square cl. . Franklin, Benjamin, Illustrated Life of, including his Auto- biography. 8vo. . , Life of, written by Himself. 12mo. cl. Frazaer, Mary, Early Engagements, and Florence (a sequel), . 12mo. Freaks of Fortune ; or, the History and Adventures of Ned Lorn, by J. B. Jones, 12mo cl. Fred. Arden ;- or, The Jesuit's Revenge, 8vo. pap. Vernon ; or, The Victim of Avarice, 8vo. pap. Free Flag of Cuba, A Tale of the Liberating Expedition of 1851, by H. M. Hardimann, pap. Freeman, N. C., The Twilight Dream and Moments of Soli- tude, 12mo. Freemont, J. C., Exploring Expedition through the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, and California, 12mo. cl. . Freligh, M. (M. D.), Homeopathic Practice of Medicine, em- bracing the treatment of diseases in general, 12mo. r. cl. sides, 31 75 67 67 42 75 75 2 00 63 1 60 1 75 1 00 1 00 40 80 1 00 30 40 75 50 2 00 1 25 1 00 50 75 50 1 25 Ide cf- Dutton. Lindsay <$ B. '53 Fowlers W. '53 Blanchard Bros. '53 K Lippincott, G. <$f Co. Henderson G. on Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica. 8vo. 2 50 S. S. cf- W. Wood. Fullerton, Georgiana (Lady), The Lady Bird. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl 75 Appleton tf- Co. '53 Fun-Jottings ; or, Laughs I have taken a Pen to. By N. P. Willis. 12mo. cl 1 25 C. Scribner. '53 and Earnest. By Author of " Musings of an Invalid." 12mo. cl 75 J. &. Taylor. '53 Furness, Wm. H. (Rev.), History of Jesus. 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Crosby, N. $ Co. Furniss, Wm., The Land of the Cjesar and Doge. 1 25 G. Gale, L., Elements of Natural Philosophy . . . . 50 Mson <$- P. Gallaudet, T. H., and Hooker, H., Family and School Dic- tionary. 18mo. hf. bd 42 Farmer, B. <$ Co. Game of Astronomy 1 00 W. P. Hazard. of Life ; or, the Chess Players. By M. Retzch. 4to. pap. 50c. ; in case 75 of Nations 50 " of Natural History 038 The Same, colored 50 of Uncle Tom and Little Eva . . . . 25 of the Alphabet 50 S. Raynor. of the Lamplighter 25 W. P. Hazard. of the Monkey 1 00 H. F. Anners. of the Multiplier 50 S. Raynor. Gan Eden; or, Pictures of Cuba. By Wm. H. Hurlbut. 12mo. cl. 75 Jewell **r':' ' Gay, John, Poetical Works. 2 v. 18mo. cl. . .*,- Gayarre, Charles, History of the Spanish Domination of Louisiana, from 1769 to December, 1803. 8vo. cl. . .... " Influence of the Mechanic Arts on the Human Race. 12mo. " School for Politics, a Dramatic Novel. 12mo. cl. 60 38 38 60 Harper Co. '54 J. S. Redfieltl '54 J. Wiley. '54 Appleton .'< . ' ' . . Gipsy's Daughter, by Mrs. Grey, pap. . . ' . - Girardin, S. M., Lectures on Dramatic Literature ; or, the employment of the Passions in the Drama, translated from the French, 12mo. cl. . ; ; -.' ' -J Girault, A. N., French Student's Manual ; or, Colloquial and Grammatical Exercises, 12mo. r. cl. sides, . net Gironiere, Paul P., Twenty- Years in the Philippines. 12mo. cl. Giseke, R., Rose of the Parsonage, 12mo. cl. . . . Glad Tidings; or, The Gospel of Peace, by Rev. W. K. Tweedie, 16mo. cl. . . < . . : - , . Glastenbury for Two Hundred Years. See Chapin, Rev. A. B. Glazier, W. B., Poems, 12mo. Glimpses of Convent Life at Port Royal, 12mo. cl. the Wonderful a Juvenile, 18mo. cl. . net Glory of America, Memoirs of Deeds and Exploits of Offi- cers of the United States, 12mo. cl. ... of Christ, illustrated in his Character and History. By Rev. G. Spring. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. Gluge, G. (M. D.), Atlas of Pathological Histology, trans- lated from the German. By Joseph Leidy, M. D., With 320 figures, plain and colored, demy folio cl. Goblin Snob ; or, the Adventures of a Foundling, pap. Gockel and Scratchfoot, a Juvenile. 4to., ill'd. bds. God with Men ; or, Footprints of Providential Leaders. By Rev. S. Osgood. 12mo. cl Goddard, P. B., Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Human Teeth, with the most approved Methods of Treatment. Aided in the practical part by Joseph E. Parker, Dentist. With 30 plates, 4to. cl. Godley Pastor (The), Life of Rev. J. Hallock and Life of Rev. M. Hallock. By Rev. Cyrus Yale. 12mo. cl. 77 1 00 Ticknor s,*Co.'54 1 25 W. P. Hazard. 75 Little, B. cf* Co. '54 75 Appleton cf* Co. 75 Lockwood cf* Son. 31 Lipcott, G. cf* Co. 38 C.S.Francis cf-Co. 75 Ticknor cf* Co. '54 50 Appldon cf- Co. '52 1 00 Wm. Harnetl '53 113 M. W. Dodd. '53 1 25 Lean/ cf- Gelz. 185255. G O G OR 79 Goodrich, C. A. Lessons in Greek Parsing, " " Latin " ... Chus. B. Lowell Lectures ; The Science of Gov- ernment as Exhibited in the Institutions of the United States of America. 8vo. S. G. Ancient History. 12mo. r. cl. sides . " Comprehensive Geography and History, Ancient and Modern. 4to. hf bd. " Faggots for the Fireside; or, Facts and Fancy. 12mo. cl. . .> " First History. . ^.- " Gem Book of British Poetry, with Bio- graphical Sketches, 10 portraits. 8vo. mor. net $3 50 ; cl. ex. . . net " Histoire Universelle. 12mo. . net " des Etats Unis. 12mo. . net " Modern History. 12mo. r. cl. sides . " New National Geography, . . < * " Pictorial History of England. 12mo. emb. bacjjs . . . . '. net ' ; Pictorial History of France. 12mo. emb. backs . . . .-** v . net Pictorial History of Greece. 12mo. emb. backs . . . . net " Pictorial History of Rome. 12mo. emb. backs net " Pictorial History of the United States. 12 mo. emb. backs net " Pictorial Primer. ' Primary Geography, .... r- " Primer of History, hf. bd. . ' Reader, First. 18mo. hf. bd. . " Second. " "... " " Third. -- . Fourth. 12mo. "... " " Fifth. 1 2m o. r. el. sides " Take Care of Number One. 18mo. cl. " Wanderers by Sea and Land, with Other Tales. 12mo. cl. .... " Winter Wreath of Summer Flowers. 8vo. Gore, Mrs. Dean's Daughter (The) ; or, the Days We Live In. 12mo. pap., 50e; cl. " Lady Leighton ; or, the Belle of the Manor. 8vo. pap " Progress and Prejudice. 12 mo. cl. Gorgei, Arthur. My Life and Acts in Hungary, in the Years 1848-49. 12mo. cl Gospel Glass (A.). See Stuckley, L. 42 Durrie 4- P. 50 1 25 Little, B. 4- Co. '53 1 35 Morton 4- G. 1 75 Sheldon, L. 4- B. 1 13 AppletomSf Co. '54 38 E. H. Butler B. Applelon 4- Co. '54 '54 '53 Garret <$f Co. '53 Deicilt 4- D. '54 00 Harper <$- Bros. '5i 80 G O R G HA [AM. CAT. Gorrie, P. D. (Rev.) Episcopal Methodism as it Was and Is. 12mo. cl. ' History of the Churches and Sects of the United States. 12mo. cl. " Lives of Eminent Methodist Minis- ters. 12mo. cl. ... Gouge, W. M., The Fiscal History of Texas, embracing an account of its Revenues, Debts and Currency, from the commencement of the Revolution in 1824 to '52, 8vo. cl Gould, H. F., Mother's Dream, and other Poems, 12mo. L. D., House Carpenters' and Joiners' Assistant, 4to. N. D., History of Church-Music in America, 12mo. W. M., Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily, 12mo. cl. Goulding, F. R., The Young Marooners; or, The Florida Coast, 18mo. cl Grace, P. C., Outlines of History, 18ino. r. cl. sides, Grace Lee. by Julia Kavanagh, 12mo. cl Weldon, The Bonnet Girl, by Ingraham, pap. of Christ (The); or, Sinners saved by Unmerited Kindness, by Rev. W. S. Plumer, 12mo. cl. Graces of Mary (The) ; or, Instructions and Devotions for the month of May, 12mo Graeca Minora, with English Notes and Lexicon. . nel Grafted Bud (The), A Memoir of Angeline Irene Hawes, by Mrs. A. H. Hawes, 16mo. cl Grafton, H. D. (Capt. U. S. Artillery), Treatise on the Camp and March, construction of Field- Works, Military- Bridges, Artillery Ranges, &.C., 12mo. cl. Graham, A. G., Reporter's Manual, a complete exposition of the reporting style of phonography, 12mo. cl. John (Rev.), Siege of Londonderry, and Defence of Enniskillen, in 1688-89, pap. English Synonymes, edited by Prof. Reed, 12mo. Grammar Without a Master, by T. V. Paterson, pap. Gran Quivera (La) ; or, Rome Unmasked, 12mo. cl. . Grand Pierre, J. H. (Rev.), A Parisian Pastor's Glance at America, 16mo. cl. ....... Grandfather's Story, and other sketches, by S. H. G. 18mo. Grant, Asahel, (M. D.), and the Mountain Nestorians, by Rev. Thos. Laurie, 12mo. cl. Jas., Adventures of an Aid-de-Camp, 8vo. pap. " Jane Seton; or, The King's Advocate, 12mo. d. Graphic Grammar. See McMunn, John B. Gratitude, An Exposition of the Hundred and Third Psalm, by Rev. J. Stevenson, 12mo. cl. .... Gray, Alonzo, Elements of Chemistry, 1'Jmo. shp. " and Adams, C. B., Elements of Geology, liimo. 1 00 63 1 25 1 50 50 4 00 75 1 00 75 38 1 00 25 'Miller, O. <$ M. Sheldon, L. cf B. Miller, O. $ M. -Co. '52 Crosby, N.<$> CoS 53 D. Burgess <$ Co. Gould 4- L. '53 Applelon dfCo. W. S. Martien, '52 Dunigan tif Bro. Applelon L. '53 Stringer $ T. '52 '53 Carter <$- Bros. '5 1 Iriton cjf- P. '53 Harper cf- Bros. '52 185255. G R A ORE 81 1 00 1 50 75 1 00 060 2 50 1 25 50 Gray, Asa, Botany of U. S. Exploring Expedition, volume first, royal 4to. cl ...... . 10 00 - Thos., Elegy written in a Country Church- Yard, 12mo. illustrated, ...... - " Elegy written in a Country Church-Yard, illus- trated, 8vo. mor. $3 ; cl. ex. . . . - " Poetical Works, 18mo. cl. . . . Gray son, E., Overing; or, The Heir of Wycherly, 12mo. cl. -- Wm. S., An Attempt to Exhibit the True Theory of Christianity as a consistent and practical Sys- tem, 12mo. cl. . . . . . Great Journey (The), A Pilgrimage through the Valley of Tears to Mount Zion, by the author of " Morning and Night Watches," 18mo. cl ..... - Men and Great Events in History, by John Frost, 8vo. cl. ........ - Red Dragon ; or, Master Key to Popery, by A. Gavin, 12mo. cl ......... - Rosy Diamond (The), by Mrs. Ann A. Carter, 18 mo. cl. - Secret, or How to be Happy, by Mrs. E. C. Judson. 18mo. cl. . . . '. . -/. t - Truths by Great Authors, a Dictionary of Maxims, Counsels, Proverbs, &c., &c. Small 8vo. cl. . Greece, History of, by Geo. Grote. 10 v. 12mo. cl. . " Wm. Smith. 12mo. . . . - and the Golden Horn, by Rev. Stephen Olin. 12mo. Greek Revolution, History of, by J. L. Comstock. 12mo. Greeley, R. F., Violet, the Child of the City, a Story of New York Life. 12mo. cl ....... Green Pastures for the Lord's Flock, or the Christian's Daily Remembrancer, by Rev. Jas. Smith. 12mo. cl. . - Hollow, or the Power of Kindness, by the Rev. Geo. B. Ide. 18mo. cl ....... Green, C. H., Gambling in its Infancy and Progress. 18mo. cl. - J. H., Exposure of the Arts and Miseries of Gambling. pap .......... - " Gambling Unmasked, pap ...... - l - Secret Band of Brothers, pap ..... Greene, Nathaniel (General), Life of, by W. Gilmore Simms. 12mo. ara ........ - S. S., Analysis of English Grammar, hf. roan. . " Elements of English Grammar, hf. roan. < - " First Lessons in Grammar, hf. roan. . Greenough, Horatio, Memorial of, consisting of a Memoir, Selections from his Writings, &c., by H. T. Tucker- man. 12mo. cl ........ Greenleaf, J., English Grammar. 4to. hf bd. Greenwood, F. W. P. (Rev.), Miscellaneous Writings. 12mo. -- Grace (Miss Sara J. Clarke), Merrie England, Travels, Descriptions, Tales, &c. . 11 Putnam 4* Co. Carter McM. '55 H. C. Baird. Miller, O. cf- M. T. B. Peterson. '54 Bunce G. cf- Co. 3 00 Harper s,'55 M. (Mrs.), Lives of the Queens of England before the Norman Conquest. 8vo. cl 1 50 Blancliard cf- L. '54 S. J. (Mrs.), Ladies' New Book of Cookery and Com- plete Housekeeper. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 Long cf- Bro. '52 - New Household Receipt-Book. 12mo. cl. 100 '53 " Northwood, or, Life North and South. 12mo. pap. 75c. ; cl 1 00 '52 White Veil (The), a Bridal Gift. With 11 engravings, mor., net $3 50; cl. ex net 3 00 E.H.Buller . ' . 17 Farmer, B. . 2 50 Lindsay $ B. '53 Halsted, H. (M. D.), Exposition of Motorpathy, a new sys- tem of Curing Disease by Statuminating, Vitalizing Motion, 12mo. pap. 025 Curtis B. '53. Hamilton, Alexander, Works, comprising his Correspon- dence, and his Political and Official Writings, Civil and Military, 7 vols. 8vo. . . .2100 C. S. Franci scf- Co. S., History of the National Flag of the United States of America, 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Lt/o//,'53 Jas. (Rev.), Lamp and the Lantern ; or, Light for the Tent and the Traveller, 18mo. cl. . .040 Carter $ Bros. Wm., Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education, and University Reform. 8vo. cl '150 Harper $ Bros. '53 " Philosophy of. Arranged and edited by O. W. Wight. 8vo. cl. . . . 150 Applelon <$ Co. '53 Hamley, E. B. (Capt. R. Navy), Lady Lee's Widowhood. 8vo. pap. 38 Harper cf- Bros. Hamlin, H. A. L. (Mrs.), Memorials of. By Margarette W. Lawrence. 12mo, cl 1 00 Ticknor L. '54 Appleton cf- Co. '53 J. Mofett. '55 Applegale $Co. '63 A. Morris. '54 Morton 6f G. 1 25 Crosty,'54 4 50 75 75 40 1 25 50 50 Lindsay <$- B. '54 Partridge B. '53 2 50 C. Scribner. '53 1 00 25 1 25 Miller, O. Me M. " '55 50 T. B. Peterson. '53 75 Parry " Heroines of History, 12mo. cl. S. C., Messages from the Superior State, communi- cated by John Murray through J. M. Spear, I2mo. 63 Bela Marsli. '52 Hibernia ; or, Sketches of the History, Curiosities, Distin- guished Characters, and Religion of Ireland, by a Clergyman, 12mo. cl. H' * Hickok, L. P., Rational Psychology, 8vo. cl. . f '. ,' . " System of Moral Science, 12mo. cl. " Science of Mind from Consciousness, 12mo. Higgins, C. M. (Miss), Angel Children (The) ; or, Stories from Cloud Land, 18mo. cl High Life in New York, by Jonathan Slick, 12mo. cl. Higher Law. See Hosmer, Wm. Hildreth, Richard, Despotism in America, an Inquiry into the slaveholding system in the United States, 12mo. cl. Richard, Theory of Politics. 12mo. cl. Hill, C., Scenes from the Life of an Actor. 12mo. cl. . Hillard, Geo. S., Six Months in Italy. 2 vols. 12mo. Hilliard, F., the Law of Mortgages of Real and Personal Property, being a General View of the English and American Law upon the Subject. 2 v. 8vo. Hills, Lakes, and Forest Streams, or a Tramp in the Cha- teaugua Woods, by S. H. Hammond. 12mo. cl. Hinckley, Mary, A Voice from the Forest. 32mo. cl. Hind, J. R., Solar System (The),"a Treatise upon the Sun, Moon, and Planets, including an Account of all the Recent Discoveries. 12mo. cl. .... Hinkley, E., Tables of the Prime Numbers, and Prime Fac- tors of the Composite Numbers from 1 to 100,000. 8vo. cl Hints for Happy Hours, or Amusements for All Ages. 16mo. cl. * for the Household, or Family Counsellor, by Rev. Wm. M. Thayer. 12mq.' cl '55 1 25 1 25 '0 50 E. H. Fletcher. '55 2 50 G.Y.VanDebogarl 1 25 " '64 1 25 '55 50 Phillips, S. Bro. '54 75 Jewell ' '..' Cookery, A collection of Tried Receipts, by Mrs. J. Chadwick, 12mo. cl Duties : or, How to Cultivate Sisterly Affection, 18mo. Life, Lectures on the Duties and Relations of the Family Circle, by Rev. Wm. Hague, 12mo. cl. Life in Germany, by Chas. L. Brace, 12mo. cl. ^ Life ; or, A Peep Across the Threshold, by Mrs. C. A. Soule. Lights and Shadows, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo. cl. Narratives ; or, Stories from Household Words, edited by Charles Dickens, 12mo. cl Pictures, by Mrs. Mary A. Denison, 12mo. cl. Scenes, by T. S. Arthur, 18mo. cl " A Family Story, by Amanda Weston, 18mo. and Heart Studies, by Grace Aguilar, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl " and Home Sounds ; or, The World from my Window, by Mrs. H. M. Stephens, 12mo. cl. Story Book, 18mo. cl. Treasury ; or, Fairy Tales Illustrated, cl. Truths, Rev. J. C. Ryle, 16mo. c) in the Valley (The), by Emily Carlen, 12uao. cl. . for All ; or, The Mode of Building, new, cheap, and convenient, by O. S. Fowler, 12mo. -* (The) ; or, Family Cares and Family Joys, by Miss F. Bremer, 12mo. cl. 38 C.S.Francis^Co. 38 38 31 Harper cf Bros. 1 00 Joel Munsell. "'52 40 Heath Co. '54 1 50 H. C. Baird. 50 McElrathfBaker. 75 M. W. Dodd. 50 W. P. Hazard. 35 Ep. S. S. Union. 50 Crosby, N.$ Co: 5S 16 Am. S.S. Union. '53 1 00 J. S. Dickerson. 55 1 25 C. Scribner '53 A. Tomphins. '64 75 C. Scribner. '53 1 00 Bunce <$> Bro. '54 1 00 Harper <$ Bros.'53 38 Lippincott,G.<$-Co. L. C. Mattock. '53 75 Appleton Co. Hope, J., Pathological Anatomy. 260 colored plates, 8vo. 1000 Coiv'whait^D.f^B. Hope Campbell; or, Know Thyself. By the Author of " Lily Gordon." 16 mo. cl 075 A. D.Randolph. '55 Hopes and Helps for the Youth of both Sexes. By Rev. G. S. Weaver. 12mo 75 Folders 4- W. '53 Hopkins, A. V. (Bishop), Memoirs of. By Rev. J. S. Stone. 8vo. cl. . . . . . . . . 2 00 H.op > nS)B.&Co. "53 John H. (Bp.), End of Controversy Controverted, a Refutation of Milner's " End of Controversy." 2 vols. 12mo. cl 2 00 Pudney 4- A'. '54 Louisa P. (Mrs.), Henry Langdon. 18mo. cl. . 38 E. Hunt 4* Son. " Young Christian Encouraged. 18mo. cl. 50 4 1 1 3 1 00 25 25 00 50 75 A. Morris. Andrus cf- t; H W. Radde. Apple ton ,S.4-Co.'55 Butler n,Z?.cf-C0.'54 63 Ep. S. S. Union. 38 50 Carter cf- Bros. 25 Durrie cf- P. 75 Phillips'54 75 Harper cf- Bros. '55 38 W. P. Hazard. 35 PresbyterianBd.'SS 185255.] INF IR V 101 Infant's Progress to Everlasting Glory, by Mrs. Sherwood, 16mo. cl. Infidelity, Its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies, by Rev. Thos. Pearson, 8vo. cl. Influence, a Moral Tale for the Young, 16mo. cl. Ingenue; or, The First Days of Blood, by Dumas, 12mo. cl. Ingersoll, Chas. J., History of the Second War between the United States and Great Britain, embracing the events of 1814-15. 2 vols. 8vo. cl ;, s . Ingraham, J. H., Dancing Feather (The); or, The Pirate Schooner, pap . . " Flying Cloud (The), a Romance of New York Bay and the Chagres River, 8vo. pap. . . . ' . * '* '**' " Grace Weldon, the Bonnet Girl, pap. " Josephine ; or, The Maid of the Gulf, pap. " Olph ; or, The Pirate of the Shoals, pap. " Paul Deverell, or Two Judgments for One Crime, pap. <& . ..... Initials (The), a Story of Modern Life. pap. $1 00; cl. Inspiration of the Scriptures See Carson, Alex. Insubordin ation, by T. S. Arthur, pap. -...'.,. >:-.' Interviews, Memorable and Useful, from Diary and Mem- ory, re-produced by Rev. S. H. Cox. 12mo. cl. Inventor's Guide, containing an Abstract of the Laws of Foreign Countries on the Subject of Patents, and a Digest of the Patent Laws of the United States, with General Directions to Applicants for obtaining Pa- tents. Invalid's Own Book, by Lady Cust. 12mo. Iphigenia in Tauris, a Drama in Five Acts, by Goethe. 12mo. bds Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger, by Mrs. Nicholson. 12mo. cl. Irene, or the Autobiography of an Artist's Daughter, and other Tales, by G. G. Fairfield. 8vo. Iris (The), an Illuminated Souvenir for 1853, edited by John S. Hart. 8vo. mor. . . ... Irish Scholar (The), or Ireland's Bane and Blessing. 16mo. ' Iron Cousin (The), or Mutual Influence, by Mary C. Clark. 12mo. cl. Rule, by T. S. Arthur, pap Tomb, or Mocklount of New York. 8vo. pap. . Irving, Lucretia, One Thousand Receipts, or Modern Do- mestic Cookery, 12mo. cl Theodore, Fountain of Living Waters, illustrated by Facts, 18mo. cl Washington, Wolfert's Roost, and other papers, now first collected, 12mo. cl ' . 50 W. P. Hazard. 2 00 75 1 00 4 00 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 25 25 1 00 1 25 50 75 90 5 00 30 1 25 25 25 75 38 1 25 Carter cf- Bros. '53 W. S. Martin.'^ tjG.^' Co. '52 Garretl <$f Co. Stringer cf- T. '54 Garrett cf- Co. Garrett cf- Co. T. B. Peterson. Harper cf- Bros. '53 Parry <5f McM. '56 Appleton cf* Co. Appleton cf- Co. Andrus cf- Son. DamrelL cf- M. '54 tjG.^ Co Heath cf- G. '53 Appleton cf- Co. '54 T. B. Peterson. S. French. '52 Sheldon, L. cf- B. A.D. Randolph. '54 Putnam cf- Co. '55 102 ISA JAH [AM. CAT. Is Christianity from God, or a Manual of Bible Evidences, by Rev. John Gumming, 12mo. cl it Possible to make the Best of Both Worlds? A Book for Young Men, by T. Binney, 16mo. cl. Isaac Laquedem, by Alex. Dumas, 8vo. pap. . Isabel Carollton, a Personal Retrospect, by K. Glen, 12mo. of Bavaria, or the Chronicles of France for the Reign of Charles VI., pap the Pride of Palermo, pap Isabella Vincent, or the Two Orphans, by G. W. M. Rey- nolds, pap. Isham, W., the Mud Cabin, or the Character and Tendency of British Institutions, 12mo. cl Israel Potter, Fifty Years of Exile, by H. Melville, 12mo. cl. and the Gentiles, Contribution to the History of the Jews, by Isaac Da Costa, 12mo. cl. ... Italian Without a Master, in Five Easy Lessons, pap. and English Dialogues, half r Phrases, " . ... " Stories, " Italy, Six Months in, by Geo. S. Hillard, 2 vols. 12mo. . Ives, L. S., Trials of a Mind in its Progress to Catholicism. 12mo. cl. Jack Adams, the Mutineer. By Capt. Chamier. 8vo. pap. Cade ; or, the Bondsman's Struggle, pap. . Hinton, the Guardsman, by Charles Lever, pap., 50c.; cl Ruunymede, by Douglas Jerrold. 12mo. pap. Sheppard, Life and Adventures of. By W. H. Ains- worth. pap Jackson, Andrew, Life of. By J. S. Jenkins. 12mo. cl. Isaac W. Elementary Treatise on Optics. 8vo. " W. Elements of Conic Sections. 8vo. " Wm. (Rev.) Christian's Legacy; or, Bible Directory. 12mo. cl. ..... Jacobs, F. Greek Reader. 8vo net " and Doring, F. W. Latin Reader. Parts I. and II. 12mo net Sarah S. Nonantum and Natick. 12mo. Jacobus, M. W. (Rev.) Notes on the Gospels : Vol. 1. Matthew. .12mo. cl. .... " 2. Mark and Luke. 12mo. cl. . " 3. John and Acts Jaeger, B., assisted by H. C. Preston, M. D. The Life of North American Insects, with col'd engravings. 8vo. Jahn, John (Rev.) Biblical Archaeology. Translated, with Additions and Corrections. By Thos. C. Upham. 8vo. Jahr, G. H. G. (M. D.) New Manual of Homoeopathic Prac- tice, edited with annotations, by A. G. Hull, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo. hf. r. 75 M.W. Dodd. '54 60 25 75 50 25 Carter <$ Bros. '53 Bunnell 11 00 W. Radde. 185255.] J A H J A Y 103 Jahr, G. H. G., New Manual of Homoeopathic Practice. Vol. 3. 8vo " (M. D.) Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, edited by C. J. Hempel, M. D., (M. D.) and Possart's New Manual of Homoe- opathic Materia Medica, . . . i James, G. P. R. Agnes Sorel, a Novel. 8vo. pap. . " Eva St. Clair, and other Tales, pap. " Ticonderoga ; or, the Black Eagle, a Ro- mance. 8vo. pap. . . . . Henry. Lectures and Miscellanies. 12mo. cl. " Nature of Evil Considered, in a Letter to Rev. Edward Beecher. 12mo. cl. . " The Church of Christ not an Ecclesias- ticism. pap. ' ; . . . .. "v - J. A. (Rev.) Christian Father's Present to his Chil- dren. 12mo. . -. > r " " Christian Progress. I8mo. cl. .; ^ The same. 18mo. cl. . . , - J. A. (Rev.) Course of Faith ; or, the Practical Believer Delineated. 12mo. cl. . ,., " " Female Piety; or, the Young Womans' Friend and Guide through Life to Im- mortality. 16mo. cl " " Young Man's Friend and Guide to Immortllity. 12mo. cl. . ... " " Young Woman's Friend and Guide to Immortality. 12mo. cl. . . James' Railroad and Route-Book for the Western and Southern States. 16mo. pap. . . '.'..'.. Jameson, R. G., Australia and her Gold Regions, 12mo. cl. Jamie Gordon ; or, The Orphan, 18mo. cl. . '. Jane Seton ; or, The King's Advocate, by Jas. Grant, 12mo. Janin, J., Sketches of Genoa, Pisa, and Florence, translated by Mrs. M. H. Robinson, 12mo. cl January and June, being Out-Door Thinking and Fireside Musings, by B. F. Taylor, 12mo. cl. ... Jaqueline Pascal ; or, A Glimpse of Convent Life at Port Royal, from the French of M. Victor Cousin, M. Vinet, and other sources, 12mo. cl. ... Jarram, E., St. Petersburg and its Inhabitants, Jarvis, Edward, Practical Physiology, 12mo. shp. Primary Physiology, 12mo. hf. r. . Jas. J., Scenes and Scenery in California, 12mo. cl. . Jay, Wm, (Rev.), Autobiography of, with reminiscences of some distinguished cotemporaries, edited by Rev. Geo. Hedford and J. A. James, 2 vols. 12mo. cl " (Rev.) Family Prayer, 6 00 W. Radde. '52 1 00 " '50 3 50 " '53 50 Hamper 4- Bros. '53 25 T. B. Peterson. 50 Harper 6f Bros. '54 1 25 J. S. Redfteld. '55 1 00 Appleton $> Co. '55 25 J. S. Redfield. '54 75 Carter ., . 1 25 Johnson, A. B., Meaning of Words Analyzed. 12mo. cl. 1 00 E. (M. D.), Domestic Practice of Hydropathy. 12mo. cl. .... Results of Hydropathy, treating of Constipation and Indigestion. 12mo. cl. . . . . . 75 Edwin F., Railroad to the Pacific, Northern Route, its General Character, Relative Merits, &c., 8vo. pap. . . .;', ..'.. ... 1 00 Saml., Dictionary of the English Language. 8vo. shp. 2 25 " History of Rasselas. 16mo. cl. . . 050 " and Walker, John, Pronouncing English Dic- tionary. 8vo. shp. .... Wm., Practical Draughtsman's Book of Industrial Design, and Machinists and Engineers' Drawing Companion, forming a complete course of Me- chanical Engineering and Architectural Drawing. 2 vols. 4to. cl. . . .. .. .-.".. 650 W. A. B. (Rev.), Memoir of. 12mo. cl. . .1 00 W. R., The Coal Trade of British America, with Researches on the Characters and Practical Values of American and Foreign Coals. 8vo. cl. Johnsoniana ; or, Supplement to Boswell, being Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson. By J. W. Croker. . . .; ; .. . : . ..; > . . 1 25 Johnston, J. W. F., Chemistry of Common Life. 2 v. 12mo. 2 00 Jomini, Gen. Baron de, Political and Military History of the Campaign of Waterloo, from the French. By S. V. Benet. 12mo. cl " Summary of the Art of War. 1 2mo cl 1 25 Jones, A. D., Illustrated American Biography. 8vo. cl. per v. 2 50 C. H., and Sieveking, E. H., Manual of Pathological Anatomy. 8vo. ...... Miller O. cf M. Appleton <% Co. '54 Parry incott,G. 4* Co. Kewen, E. S. C. Idealina and Other Poems. 12mo. Cooke, K. 4- Co. '54 Keys, C.C. (Rev.) Class Leaders' Manual. 12mo. cl. 35 Carlton 4- P. Keyser, R. The Religion of the Northmen, from the Ice- landic. By B. Pennock. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 50 C. B. Norton. '54 Kiddle, H. Manual of Astronomy, . . . . 31 Ivison 4* P- Kilbourne, P. K. Biographical History of the County of Litchfield', Conn. 8vo. cl 100 Clark, A.6f Co. '54 Kimber, Abby. Familiar Botany, to which is added a Com- plete Botanical Dictionary. 12mo. . . . 1 00 Childs 4- P. Kimball, R. B. Romance of Student Life Abroad. 12mo. 1 00 Putnam 4- Co. '53 King TregewelPs Daughter, a Juvenile. 18mo. cl. . .031 Lip'incott.G.^ Co. Kinglake. Eothan ; or, Traces of Eastern Travel. 12mo. 063 C. S. Francis 4* Co. Kingsley, Chas. (Rev.) Phaethon ; or, Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers, . . . 38 H. Hooker. '54 " " Twenty-five Sermons. 12mo. cl. 75 '54 Little, B.tSfCo. '55 Appleton iSf Co. E. H. Butler 4- Co. Crosby, N. Co. '54 '54 H. Long <5f Bro. A.D.Randolph. '54 J. S. Redjield. '52 Lip'incott,G.<$-Co. A. Morris. Moore, A.$W. '55 185255.] K I N K N A 109 Kingsley, Chas., Jr. (Rev.), Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet, an Autobiography. 12mo. cl. . " Jr. " Hypatia ; or, New Foes with an Old Face. 12mo. cl. . . 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" " The Helping Hand, comprising an Account of the Home for 'Dis- charged Female Convicts. Small 4to., fancy pap. . ' Jf r t .' Kirwan (Rev. N. Murray.) Men and Things as I saw them in Europe. 12mo. cl. " " Parish and Other Pencilings. 12mo. cl Kitto, John. Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. 2 v. 8vo. " Rev. Daily Bible Illustrations, being Ori- ginal Readings for a year on Subjects from Sacred History, Biography, Geography, An- tiquities, and Theology, especially deigned for the Family Circle. Morning Series. 4 vols. 12mo. cl. . .... " The same. Evening Series. 4 vols. 12mo. cl. Kitty Brown and Her Little School, by Mrs. A. Phelps, 18mo Knapp, F., Chemical Technology ; or, Chemistry applied to the Arts and to Manufactures, with Notes and Ad- ditions, by Prof. W. R. Johnson, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. S. L., Female Biography, 12mo. ara. 75 Harper <5f Bros. 1 25 Crosby,N.$Co:55 75 Harper cf- Bros. 75 Hopkins, B. 'o,6r.ef-Co.'54 Knout (The), and the Russians; or, The Muscovite Empire, and the Czar and his People, by G. Lagny, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Harper 4- Bros. '54 Koeppen, A. L., Historico-Geographical Atlas of the Middle Ages, folio, ... . . 2 50 Appleton 4- Co. '54 World (The) in the Middle Ages, an His- torical Geography, 2 vols 12mo. . . 2 00 '54 Kolliker, Albert (M. D.), Manual of Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Body, with Notes and Additions, by J. Da Costa, M. D. 8vo. 375 Lip'oU,G.$Co:&5 Kossuth, Louis, Select Speeches, 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Francis 4* Co. '54 Kraitsir, Chas., Glossology, being a Treatise on the Nature of Language, and on the Language of Nature, 12mo. 1 00 Putnam 4- Co. 52 Krider's Sporting Anecdotes, illustrative of the habits of cer- tain varieties of American Game, edited by H. M. ' Klapp, 8vo. cl 1 25 A. Hart. '53 Kriss Kringle's Book; or, St. Nicholas' Gift Book for Young People, 16mo. cl. . . . . 75 Hopkins, B. <$ Co. Rhyme Book, square cl. . . . . 25 Henderson 4* Co. Library, 12 vols. cl. $3 ; colored plates, cl. . 4 00 Sheldon, L. Co. Lady Bird (The). By Lady Fullerton. 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl. 075 Appleton M. Lafever, M., Beauties of Modern Architecture. 48 plates 8vo. cl 4 00 Appleton <$ Co. " Modern Builders' Guide. Illustrated by 90 . engravings 6 00 D. Burgess - " Natural Philosophy, Second Course, containing Heat, Electricity, Magnetism, and Galvanism, 12mo. shp., 250 cuts, .... " Natural Philosophy, Third Course, containing Astronomy and Meteorology. 12mo. sheep, 37 plates, and over 200 cuts, Phillips, S. <$f Co. Stringer <$ T. Putnam <$ Co. '54 C. M. Saxton. '55 " '53 Ide <$ Button. Hopkins, B. cf- Co. H. F. Anners. M. W. Dodd. '53 1 75 Blanchard cf- L 1 25 2 00 185255.] L A R LAZ 113 Lindner, D., Lectures on the Steam Engine, 8vo. . . I 50 A. 8. Barnes <%Co. Lark, The, an Example of Cheerfulness, 18mo. cl. . 25 Ep. S. S. Union. Larkin, James, Practical Brass and Iron Founder's Guide, a Concise Treatise on the Art of Brass Founding, Moulding, &c., 16mo. cl 1 00 Parry cf- McM. Las Casas (Count), Memoirs of the Life, Exile and Conver- sations of the Emperor Napoleon, 4 v. 12mo. cl. . 5 00 J. >Sf. Redfield. '54 Laselle, N. P. (Mrs.), Annie Grayson, or Life in Washing- ton, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. 075 Bunce <$- Bro. '53 Last Hours of Christ, by W. G. Shauffler, 12mo. cl. . 1 00 J. P. Jewett '.' Lempriere, John, Classical Dictionary. 8vo. . . net " Universal Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. shp. Lenten Manual and Companion for Passion Time and Holy Week. By Rev. Wm. Walsh. 24mo. cl. . . Leonard and Filmore's Christian Psalmist in Numerals. 16mo. mor. $1 25; shp < ',- Leper (The), and other Poems. By Mrs. R. Hyneman. 12mo. cl. > . . . . . . . Lermont, L., Captive Nightingale (The). 16mo. cl. *' Sunshine through the Clouds. 16mo. cl. Lesdernier, E. P. (Mrs.), Voices of Life. 12mo. . Leslie, Eliza (Miss), Behavior Book (The), a Manual for Ladies. 12mo. cl. . . -* " Ladies' House-Book. 12mo. shp. " .Pencil Sketches ; or, Outlines of Char- acter and Manners. 12mo. cl. " Stories for Summer Days and Winter Nights. 12mo. cl. * . " Stories for Young People. 18mo. cl. Lessons at the Cross; or, Spiritual Truths familiarly exhi- bited in their Relations to Christ. By S. Hartley. 16mo. cl .- - in Life for all who will read them. By T. S. Ar- thur. 18mo. cl. - in Proverbs. By R. C. Trench. 12mo. cl. Lester, C. E., My Consulship. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . Letters from Rome. By Author o Clouds and Sunshine. 12mo. cl, to Country Girls, by Jane G. Swisshelm, 12mo cl. . " a Millenarian. See Williamson, Rev. A. " " Recent Convert, by a Pastor, 16mo. cl. - " " Universalist, by Rev. J. Whitman, 16mo. cl. . Letts, J. M., California Illustrated, including a Description of the Panama and Nicaragua Routes, 8vo. cl. Leuchars, R. B., Treatise on the Construction, Heating, and Ventilation of Hot-Houses ; including Conservatories, Green-Houses, &c., 12mo. cl. .... Leusden's Greek and Latin Testament, 12mo. . net Lever, Chas., Arthur O'Leary, pap. 50c. ; cl. " Charles O'Malley, The Irish Dragoon, pap. 50c.; cl 75 J. Wiley. '54 75 Francis Bros. '54 " Harry Lorrequer, pap. 50c. ; cl. . . . 1 00 T. B. Peterson. " Heirs of Randolph Abbey, pap. . . 25 Stringer cf- T. " Horace Templeton, pap. 50c. ; cl. . . 1 00 T. B. Peterson. " Jack Hinton the Guardsman, pap. 50c. ; cl. 1 00 " " Kate O'Donoghue, a Tale of Ireland, pap. 38c. ; cl 75 " " Knight of Gwynne pap. 50c. ; cl. . . 1 00 " Mystic Vial (The), pap. . . . . 25 Stringer Co. J. C. Derby. '54 Heath d Graves. 185:255.] L 1 F LIP 117 Life in Judea ; or, Glimpses of the First Christian Age, by Maria T. Richards. 12mo. cl - in New York, by Wm. Burns. 8vo. pap. in the Clearings, by Mrs. Moodie. 12mo. cl. in the Forest, by S. M. Cooper. 18mo. cl. in the Mission, the Camp, &c. ; or, Six Years in India. By Mrs. C. Mackenzie. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . ... of Sam Houston, illustrated. 12mo. cl. on the Isthmus, by J. W. Fabens. 12mo. pap., 25c.; cl. . . . on the Plains and among the Diggings. Being Scenes and Adventures of an Overland Journey to Califor- nia, by A. Delano. Life's Lesson, a Tale. 12mo. cl. . Light in a Dark Alley, by H. A. Rowland. 24mo. . .'..' (The) of the Temple, by W. S. Strickland. 12mo. cl. on the Dark River; or, Memorials of Mrs. H. A. L. Hamlin. 12mo. cl. . . . . and Shade ; or, the Young Artist, by Miss H. Drury. 12mo. pap., 50c. ; cl. . . . .- . . Lights of Nature Pursued, by A. Tucker. 4 vols. in 2. 8vo. cl. ;. . . . ....'. of the World ; or, Illustrations drawn from the Re- cords of Christian Life. By Rev. J. Stoughton. 12mo. cl. ->. . . ' . .'"'> and Shades of Ireland, Annals of the Famine of 1847, '8 and '9, by Mrs. A. Nicholson. 12mo. cl. and Shadows of Free-Masonry, by Robert Morris. 8vo. cl . .. :. and Shadows of Indian Character and Scenes of Pioneer Life, by J. V. H. Clark. 12mo. cl. and Shadows of Scottish Life, by John Wilson. 18mo. cl and Shadows Scottish Life, by John Wilson. 12mo. Lilies and Violets; or, Thoughts in Prose and Verse, by Rosalie Bell, . , Lily Gordon, the Young Housekeeper, by Cousin Kate. 18mo. cl Linda ; or, the Young Pilot, a Tale of Southern Life, by C. L. Hentz. 12mo. cl Linden, A. Children's Trials ; or, the Little Rope Dancers and Other Tales. 16mo. cl. ..... Linen, Jas. Songs of the Season and Other Poems. 12mo. Lines for the Gentle and Loving, by T. McKellar. 18mo. cl. Linny Lockwood, a Novel, by Catharine Crowe. 8vo. pap. Lion's Skin (The), and the Lover Hunt, by C. De Bernard. 12mo. cl Lippard, George, Midnight Queen; or, Leaves from New York Life, pap. 80 Am. Bap. Pub. So. 20 Bunce 4- Bro. 75 Dewitt <$ D. '55 50 Perry Bro. 1 00 Babcock 6f Co. '54 50 Leary . . 1 25 Lindsay 4* R- 25 Durrie 4- P. . . 25 Carter 4* Bros. 40 u . 50 50 Phillips, iS'4" Co.'54 38 Stanford 4* S. . 13 Henderson 4* Co.'52 13 '52 . 13 '52 50 u 13 '52 50 C.S.Francistf-Co. 50 S. Raynor. 50 Derby 4* M. '54 42 S. Raynor. 50 C. Scribner. '53 38 C.S.Francis $ Co. 63 Ep.S.S. Unionist 25 J. P. Jewett rd, D. N., Characteristics and Laws of Figurative Lan- guage, 12mo. cl John, History of the United States, for Schools, 12mo. Lord Saxondale, or the Court of Queen Victoria, by G. W. M. Reynolds, Voh 1, 8vo. pap Lorenzo Benoni, or Passages in the Life of an Italian, 12mo. Loring, J. S., the Hundred Boston Orators, from 1770 to 1852, comprising Historical Gleanings, illustrating the Principles and Progress of our Republican Insti- tutions, 8vo. cl. 75 Crosby, N. $ Co. 1 25 Miller, O. $ M. 75 Stanford cf- S. 1 00 J. C. Derby. '54 2 25 C. Scribner. '54 75 Sadlirr M. D. 8vo. 3 00 Lowrey, W. (Rev.) Missions in Tonjee and Feejee. 12mo. 080 P. Donalwe. '54 J. C. Derby. '54 Harper cf* Bros. Mason, Bros. Lip'cott, G. cf* Co. T. B. Peterson. '54 Hopkins, B. cf* Co. H. F. Anners. Harper cf* Bros. '53 Phinney cf* Co. T. B. Peterson. J. S. ReilfieW. '54 '54 A. D. F. Randolph. T. B. Peterson. H Bunce cf* Bro. '54 Fowlers cf- W. Ep. S. S. Union. I; Durrie cf* P. Garrett cf* Co. A. Burke. '55 25 Stringer cf* T. '54 Harper cf* Bros. '53 H. F. Anners. Ticknnr cf* Co '53 c * '54 1 25 Lit lie, B. cf- Co. '53 A. Hart. '53 Lanr cf- Scot I. '52 185255.] LOW MA C 121 Lowrie,W. M. (Rev.) Missionary to China, Memoirs of. 8vo. cl Lowry, A. (Rev.) Positive Theology, Dissertations on the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible. 12mo. W. J. Universal Atlas, Constructed and Engraved from the most recent Authorities. Demy folio, cl. Lucinda ; or, the Mountain Mourner, by Mrs. Manvill, third edition. 16rao. Luck of Barry Lyndon, a Romance of the Last Century, by W. 51. Thackeray. 2 vols. 16mo. Lucy Herbert ; or, the Little Girl who Would have an Edu- cation, by Estelle. 16mo. ... Sandford, by T. S. Arthur, pap. Luke, S. (Mrs.), Female Jesuit; or, The Spy in the Family, 12mo. cl. . . .'/.." ..' " " Sequel to Female Jesuit, 12mo. cl. Lunt,Geo., Lyric Poems, Sonnets and Miscellanies, 12mo. cl. Luther, Martin, Life of, and the Reformation in Germany, by H. Gelzer, 8vo. cl Lyell, Chas., Manual of Elementary Geology, 8vo. cl. " Principles of Geology, 8vo. cl. . Lyng, P. H., Gymnastic Free Exercise, arranged by H. Roth- stein, translated with additions, by M. Roth, 18mo. cl. Lynn, Cora, Durham Village, a Temperance Tale, 18mo cl. Lyon, L., Treatise on Lightning Conductors, compiled from standard authors, 12mo. cl. .... P., Tables, with the method of the application to finding the mean heights of Cross Sections and Cubic Contents of Excavations and Embankments, 12mo. cl. . Lyrics by the Letter H. 12mo. cl - from "The Wide, Wfde World," the words by W. F. Bellamy, the music by C. W. Glover, 8vo. cl. . Lyteria, a Dramatic Poem, 12mo. cl. Lytton, Lady Bulwer, Behind the Scenes, 12mo. cl. Sir E. Bulwer, My Novel; or, Varieties of English Life, 2 pts. pap 1 50 6 00 38 1 00 50 25 90 63 63 2 00 1 75 2 25 63 38 Carter Co. '54 1 25 # to, T. 4- Co. '54 75 Harper 4- Bros. '53 M. Mabel Grant, a Highland Story, by R. H. Ballantyne, 12mo. 50 Carter <$ Bros. '54 Mabire's Conversational Phrases, Classified; or, French Synonyms (in French), 45 Lockwood <$- Son. Mncaulay, T. B., Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous, 5 vols. 12mo. cl 375 Appleton % Co. '54 " The same, 1 vol. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 00 16 12i MAC MAG [AM. CAT- Macaulay, T. B., History of England, 2 vols. ISmo. shp. 1 00 Harper $ Bros. Speeches, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . . .200 J. S. Redfield. '53 W. H. Kathay ; a Cruise in the China Seas, 12mo. cl 75 Putnam ; ' ' '* Making Haste to be Rich, by T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. . Malan C. (Rev.) Twenty Pictures from Switzerland. 18mo. cl. . xv ; -. ; H. Guide to Administration of Homoeopathic Rem- edies. 32mo. cl. . ' . * t '. i ; Malgaigne, J. 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'54 50 45 Gould <$f L. '54 H. F. Anners. 75 Ivison 4* P. 50 Fowlers 4- W. 88 C. Scribner. '52 75 38 Carlton <$f P. '54 C. S. Francis^ Co. 1 25 Bunce <$> Bro. '53 75 Ticknor T. '53 Military Heroes of America. 64mo. cl. ex. . . 25 Durrie . 1 00 Author, N. Y. '54 - " (Rev.), Guide to the Principles and Practices of the New England Churches, 18mo. cl ...... 50 Hopkins, B. ' . 075 Stringer Co.' 53 - Maker (The), and other Tales. By Jane C. Camp- bell. 12mo. cl ........ 1 00 J. C. Derby. '54 - its Nature, History, Uses, and Responsibilities. 18mo. cl ......... 25 Carlton cf- P. Monk (The). By M. G. Lewis. 8vo. pap. . . . 25 T. B. Peterson. '53 Monk's Revenge (The) ; or, the Secret Enemy. By S. Spring. 8vo. pap ....... 50 Dewilt Co. Montague, Basil, Selections from the Works of Bishops Tay- lor, Lattimer, and Hall, Drs. Barrow, South, Brown, and Fuller, and Lord Bacon. 12mo. cl. . . 75 " '54 134 MON MOR [AM. CAT. Montalembert, Count de, Life of Saint Elizabeth of Hun- gary, Duchess of Thuringia. 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Monteith, Jas., First Lessons in Geography. 12mo. . 25 " Youths' Manual of Geography, combined with History and Astronomy. 8vo. . 60 Montgomery, Cora, Eagle Pass. 12mo. cl. . . . 40 Jas., Poetical Works. 8vo. cl. ex. f 2 50 ; cl. 2 00 " Sacred Poems and Hymns for Public and Private Devotion. 12mo. cl. Moodie, S. (Mrs.), Flora Lyndsay ; or, Passages in an Event- ful Life. 12mo. cl. ... 75 " Life in the Clearings. 12mo. cl. . .0 75 " Mark Hurdlestone ; or, the Two Brothers. 12mo. cl 75 " Roughing it in the Bush ; or, Life in Canada. 12mo. cl . . . 1 00 Moon Story. See Griggs, Wm. N. Moore, C., Outlines of the Temple ; or, Masonry in its Moral Aspects. 12mo. cl. John W., Encyclopaedia of Music, Elementary, Tech- nical, Historical, Biographical, Vocal, and Instru- mental. 8vo. cl. . . . . . . 4 00 - Thos,, Irish Melodies and Sacred Songs. 18mo. cl. 63 " Notes from the Suppressed Letters of Thos. Moore to his Music Publisher, Jas. Power. 12mo. cl 1 50 " Poetical Works, with Notes and Life. Illus- trated with 48 steel engravings, royal 8vo. mor. ex. . . . . . . 10 00 " The Same, with 16 plates, mor. ex. . .6 50 W. V., Indian Wars of the United States, to the Present Time. 8vo. cl. . . . 2 00 . " My Cousins in Maine. 18mo. cl. . net 25 Moore Gallery (The), a series of 48 elegant steel engrav- ings of Female Figures and Landscapes, with Prose and Poetical Descriptions. 4to. cl. ex. . 6 00 Moral Aspects of City Life, a series of Lectures. By Rev. E. H. Chapin. 12mo. cl. Probe ; or, Essays on Men and Things. By L. C. Judson. 12mo. cl 1 25 Morals of Manners ; or, Hints for our Young People. By Miss C. M. Sedgwick. square cl. . . . 25 and Stories for Home Use. square cl. . . 75 Moran, B., Footpath and Highway; or, Wanderings of an American in Great Britain in 1851-52. 12mo. cl. 1 25 More, Hannah, Complete Works. 2 vols. 8vo. cl. $3; shp. 350 More Worlds than One, The Creed of the Philosopher, and the Hope of the Christian. By Sir D. Brewster. 12mo. cl. . . 60 Sadlier <$ Co. '54 Barnes <$ Co. '55 '53 Putnam B. '54 25 Fowlers $> W. '53 3 50 Blanchard cf* L. 1 50 Apjilelon . cl. 18 75 Harper T. '53 50 Ticknor B. 75 W. P. Hazard, 75 C. M. Saxton. '53 Hartford. '53 75 Childs <$f P. 75 Carlton Co:te 75 1 50 38 75 75 75 W. P. Hazard. H. C. Baird. J. Wiley. '54 Z,tp'co,G. D. Normal School Song Book. By L. A. Benja- min and I. B. Woodbury . . . 38 Sheldon, L 4- B. in Slices, pap. . ; , . . . .025 Garrett incott,G.$'Co, 63 Chas. Scott. '54 75 W. P. Hazard. '53 35 E. H. Fletcher. 25 T. B. Peterson. 75 Mason, Bros. '54 1 75 Lindsay S. '52 1 50 Stringer 4- T. '53 75 Harper <$ Bros. '53 1 00 J. C. Derby. '55 63 C. Scribner. '54 75 '53 1 00 A. Hart. '53 25 H. Long 4* Bro. 2 00 Lt/co,G.4-Co.'54 50 T. B. Peterson. 1 00 M. W. Dodd. '54 42 H 1 00 C.S.Francis 4- Co 75 Ivison <$f P. '54 1 00 " 1 00 J. C. Derby. '54 2 00 Harper 4* Bros.'bS 75 J. S. Redfield. '54 25 Harper 4* -Bros. 50 Appleton 4' Co. 1 67 R. B. Collins. 1 00 Roe LocVodtf-Son. 1 34 R. B. Collins. 2 00 " 25 u 146 O L M- O R N AM. CAT. Olmsted, F., Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England, 12mo. cl Olmstead, J. M. (Rev.), Noah and His Times, embracing the consideration of various inquiries relative to the Ante- diluvian and earlier Postdiluvian Periods, 12mo. cl. Olney, J., Arithmetic ....... " Easy Reader, 18mo " History of the United States, 18mo. " Geographical Exercises on Outline Maps " Introduction to Geography, colored Maps " National Preceptor; or, Selections in Prose and Poetry, 12mo. " Outline Maps, comprising the World, North Ame- rica, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, colored, with cloth backs, and put up in a con- venient port folio .... per set " Outline Map of Canada .... " Quarto Geography " School Geography and Atlas " School Reader Olph ; or, The Pirates of the Shoals, by Ingraham, pap. Onderdonk, H. U. (Bishop of Pennsylvania), Sermons and Episcopal Charges, 2 vol. 8vo. cl. . One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succession ; or, The Crimes of Alexander Borgia, 12mo. Word More, intended for the Reasoning and Thought- ful among Unbelievers, by John Neal, 12mo. cl. Year, a Tale of Wedlock, by E. F. Carlen, 12mo. cl. . Only a Dandelion, and other Stories, by author of " Flower of the Family," 16mo. cl Open Communion, by Rev. S. W. Whitney Oracles for Youth, by Mrs. C. Gilman, 12mo. cl. ex. $ 1 ; cl. Oram, Elizabeth (Miss), First Lessons in English Grammar and Composition . . . . . Oramaika, an Indian Story, 18mo. cl Orator's Touchstone: or, Eloquence Simplified, by H. McQueen, 12mo. cl. ...... Organic Christianity; or, The Church of God, by L. A. Sawyer, 12mo. cl. ...... Laws ; or, the Laws that Govern the Human Or- ganism. By Rev. J. B. Sax. 12mo. cl. Life. 18mo. ..'..... Oregon, History, and Condition of, including a Voyage Round the World. By Rev. G. Hines. 12mo. cl. Oriental Story Book. 16mo. cl Origin of the American Indians, with a Faithful Description of their Manners, Customs, &c., &c. 8vo. Ornaments of Memory ; or, Beauties of History, Romance, and Poetry. With 18 fine line engravings, from original designs. 4to. mor. .... 75 J. C. Riker. '54 1 25 42 20 42 25 25 60 Gould < L. '53 E. Hunt ,.. Parker, C. E. R. (Mrs.), Work and Play. 18mo. Helen F., Morning Stars of the New World. 12mo. 1 " Sunrise and Sunset, a True Tale. 16mo. Joel (Rev.), Sermons on Various Subjects. 12mo. L. (M. D.), Modern Treatment of Syphilitic Dis- eases, both Primary and Secondary. 8vo. cl. . R. G., Compendium of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 12mo. . . " and Zachos, J. C., Reading and Elocution. 12mo. hf. bd ,. . Theodore (Rev.), Sermons on Theism, Atheism, and the Popular Theology. 12mo. cl. Ten Sermons on Religion. 12mo. Parkman, F., Jr., California and Oregon Trail, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. 12mo. cl. Parkyns, M., Life in Abyssinia, being Notes collected during Three Years' Residence and Travels in that Country. 2 vols. 12mo. cl. . Parley's Book of Animals. 18mo. cl. Geography for Beginners History of Asia. " Africa. North America. South America. Europe - Household Library. 8vo. cl. Pictorial, a Book for Ho Spelling-Book. 18mo. hf. bd. Tales of Animals. 12mo. Universal History. 12mo. 75 Burgess ef- D. '54 50 1 00 2 25 56 75 50 1 00 45 25 00 C. M. Saxton. '54 W. P. Hazard. C.S.FrancistfCo. Mason, Bros. '54 Harper <$ Bros. '54 Gould Co:53 1 25 J. C. Riker. '54 2 50 Appleton <$f Co. '54 . 75 Fairchildtf- Co. '55 30 Sheldon, L. cf- Co. 18mo. . . . 45 Morton, cf- G. ... 45 " " . . . . 45 it " . . . 45 M " . . . . 45 M 1 1 50 E. H. Fletcher. Education. 8vo. cl. . 1 50 u >d. . . 15 Morton cf* G. 1. . . ' ' . 75 u 1 00 Ivison <$f P. 150 PAR PAY [AM. CAT. Parley's Wanderers by Sea and Land, and other Tales. 12mo. 1 13 Parlor Book. 12mo. cl 75 Parnell, Thos. Poetical Works. 18mo. cl. . . . 075 Parsons, Thos. W. -Poems. 12mo. cl 1 00 Parthenon (The), illustrated, 50 Partisan (The), a Romance of the Revolution, by W. G. Simms. 12mo. cl. . . . . . 1 25 Partridge, J. H. Elementary Arithmetic. 12mo. . .020 Party Leaders. See Baldwin, J. G. Pascal, J. Glimpse of Convent Life at Port Royal. 12mo. 1 00 Passages from the History of a Wasted Life. 12mo. cl. 75 Passing Thoughts for the Older Pupils, by a Sabbath school Teacher. 18mo. Passion Flowers, by (Mrs. Julia Howe). 12mo. cl. . .0 75 and Principle, a Novel, by Mrs. Grey. 8vo. pap. 50 Passional Zoology ; or, Spirit of the Beasts of France, by A. Troussenel. 12mo. 1 00 Past Meridian, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. 12mo. cl. . .075 Pastor (The) in his Closet; or, a Help to the Devotions of the Clergy, by Rev. J. Armstrong. 16mo. cl. . 60 Pastor's Family. By author of " Jeanie Morrison." 18mo. 025 Gift ; or, Outlines of Christian Duty, by Rev. A. Joy, Jr. 18mo. cl. . . . . . . 50 - Hand-Book, by Rev. W. W. Everts, cl. . . 50 Legacy. See Mason, E. Sketches, by Rev. J. S. Spencer. Second Series. 12mo. cl. . . . .. . . . 1 25 Wedding Gift, by Win. M. Thayer. 12mo. cl. 75 Pastoral Theology. See Vinet, A. Paterson, Alex., (Missionary of Kilmany.) Memoir of, by Rev. J. Baillie. 16mo. cl 60 T. V. Grammar Without a Master, pap. . 25 Patient Waiting no Loss, by Alice B. Neal. 16mo. cl. 63 Patrol (The) of the Mountain ; or, the Days of '76, by N. M. Curtiss. pap 25 Patton, W. W. Voice to the Young ; or, Lectures for the Times. 12mo. cl 75 Paul Deverell ; or, Two Judgments for One Crime, by In- graham, pap. 25 Jones ; or, the Son of the Sea, by Alex. Dumas, pap. 25 and Julia, by J. C. Pitral, author of Jesuits Unveiled. 12mo. cl 75 and Virginia. 16mo. cl. ex. 88 " (in French.) 12mo. . . . 50 The same. With a Vocabulary, Interlinear Trans- lation and Pronunciation. 12mo. . . . 63 Paxton, Philip. Wonderful Adventures of Capt. Priest, Payne, A. R. M. Rambles in Brazil ; or, A Peep at the Aztecs. 12mo. cl 75 Appleton cf- Co. C.S. Franci^Co. Little, B. <$f Co. '54 Ticknor cf- F. '54 A.S. Barnes <$- Co. J. S. Redfteld. '54 Shepard cf- Co. '54 Carter cf- Bros. '54 Mussey cf- Co. '53 Mass. S. S. So. '54 Ticknor cf- Co. '54 Bunce cf- Bro. '53 Fowlers <$f W. '52 Appleton cf- Co. '55 H. Hooker. '53 Carter cf- Bros. '55 E. H. Fletcher. '54 M. W. Dodd. '53 Jewell <$f Co. '54 Carter $ Bros. '53 Bunce cf* Bro. Appleton cf* Co. '53 Garrett cf- Co. Miller, O. cf- M. Garrett cf- Co. Hinks cf- Co. '55 C.S. Francis cf- Co. Lockivood cf* Son. J. S. Redfield. '55 C. B. Nor/on. '54 185255.] P A Y P E R 151 Payson, Geo. Romance of California. 12mo. cl. .1 00 J. C. Riker. '54 " Totem well. 12mo. cl. ... 1 25 " '54 Peabody, Eliza P., Crimes of the House of Austria against Mankind. 18mo. . . ' . . . . o 38 R. Garrigue. '52 Peace Makers, The. By T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. . .0 38 Lippincott,G.<$- Co. Pearl Fishing, Choice Stories from Dickens' Household Words. 12mo. cl. . . . , . ... 1 00 J.C.Derby. '54 of Days; or, the Advantage of the Sabbath to the Laboring Classes. By a Laborer's Daughter. 18mo. cl o 25 E. H. Fletcher. Pearson, Thos. (Rev.), Evangelical Alliance Prize Essay on Infidelity. 12mo. cl. . . 063 Carter <$f Bros.' '54 Infidelity, its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies. 8vo. cl. , . . 2 00 " The Same. 12mo. cl. > ' . 60 Peasant Boy Philosopher, Story of. By Henry Mayhew. 12mo. cl i . ;, 75 Harper cf- Bros. '55 Pebbles from the Lake Shore, Poems. By Chas. L. Porter. 12mo. cl. r-.: ' .... . ... * 1 00 Lip > otl,G.<$'Co:54 from the Sea Shore, a Juvenile, square cl. . .0 42 Raynor. Peck, Geo. (Rev.), Lectures to Young Men on Formation of a Manly Character, 16mo. cl. . .. ... . 045 Carlton <$ P. Geo. W., Melbourne and the Chincha Islands, with Sketches of Lima. 12mo. cl. . ., '* . .1 00 C. Scribner. '54 Pedder, Jas., Farmer's Land Measurer. 18mo. cl. .0 50 C. M. Saxton. '54 Pedestrian (The), in France and Switzerland. By Geo. Bar- rell, Jr. 12mo. cl 1 00 Putnam $ Co. '53 Peirce, C. H. (M. D.), Examinations of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., as to their Purity and Adulterations. 12mo. cl 1 25 If. C. Baird. '53 Peirpont, John, Poems. New edition. 16mo. cl. . . 1 00 Munroe Co. '54 Pilot of the Belle Creole. By Mrs. C. L. Hentz, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl . . . . 75 Parry M.> 53 Appleton $f Co. R. Garrigue. '54 Andrus <$f Son. C.S. Francis <$ Co. 45 Barnes Co. '54 G. P. Putnam. '52 M. Polock. A. S. Barnes tf-Co. Carter Co. '54 Porter, Jas. (Rev.), Treatise on Revivals of Religion, 18mo. 35 Carlton Co. A. Tomj>kins.''54: 50 E. Walker. '52 1 00 C. Scribner. '53 31 Geo. Rand. '53 50 T. B. Peterson. 25 Stringer cf- T. '53 50 W.H. Whitney.'53 2 00 J. S. Redfield. '54 1 25 J. C. Derby. '54 185255.] REE REP 163 Appleton incott,G.<$'Co. Reed, Henry, Lectures on English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson, 12mo. cl 1 25 Parry <$f McM. '55 Reef Rovings in the South Seas, by E. T. Perkins, 8vo. cl. 1 50 Pudney <$ R. '54 Regal Rome, an Introduction to Roman History, by Francis W. Newman, 12mo. cl 063 J. S. Redfield. '52 Regeneration, by E. H. Sears, 12mo. cl. ... 38 Regent's Daughter (The), A Serio-Comic Play in five acts, 12mo. pap . . . . 25 Reginald Lyle ; or, The Adopted Heir, by Miss Pardoe, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl. . ... .075 Regnault, M. V., Elements of Chemistry for the use of Col- leges, Academies, and Schools, from the French, by T. R.Betton, M. D., and edited, with Notes, by Jas. G. Booth and Wm. L. \Faber, 2 vols. 8vo. shp. net Reiehenbach, C. Von., Physico-Physiological Researches in the Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, &c., 12mo. cl. ....... Reid, Mayne (Capt.), The Boy Hunters ; or, Adventures in Search of a White Buffalo, 18mo. cl. " Forest Exiles ; or, The Perils of a Pe- ruvian Family, 18mo. cl. . .' f " Hunter's Feast, 8vo. pap. . ... " Young Voyagers ; or, The Boy Hun- ters in the North, 18mo. cl. . Reinick, R., The Road to Fortune, with other Tales, 12mo. Religion, Natural and Revealed ; or, The Natural Theology and Moral Bearings of Phrenology, 12mo. cl. . of Manhood ; or, The Age of Thought, by J. II. Robinson, 12mo. cl. ..... of the Northmen, by R. Keyser, from the Icelandic, by B. Peunock, 12mo. cl. .... the Weal of the Church, and the Need of the Times, by Geo. Steward, 12mo. cl. . Religions of the World, and their Relations to Christianity, by Rev. F. D.Maurice, 12mo. cl Religious Denominations in the United States, their History, Doctrines, Government, and Statistics, by Rev. J. Belcher, 8vo. J. E. Potter. '54 Miscellany, edited by Rev. Geo. E. Ellis, 12mo. cl. 1 00 Munroe -.' * .''' . and Jingles, square cl. . . . ./ . Rich Kinsman, (The) ; the History of Ruth, the Moabitess. By Rev. S. H. Tyng. 16mo. cl. . * . . , and Poor, and other Tracts for the Times. By Rev. J. C. Ryle. 16mo. cl Richard, The Lion-Hearted, cl ' . . Richards, Maria T., Life in Judea ; or, Glimpses of the First Christian Age. . . #, T. A., Romance of American Landscape. 4to. morocco. ..... " Summer Stories of the South. 12mo. cl. - Wm. C. ; A Day in the New York Crystal Palace, and How to Make the Most of It. 12mo. pap. 25c; cl. illustrated " Harry's Vacation or Philosophy at Home. 12mo. cl. ... " (Mrs.), At Home and Abroad ; or, How to Behave. By Mrs. Manners, sq. cl. Richardson, John, Ecarte ; or, the Saloons of Paris. 8vo. pap. " Hardscrabble; or, the Fall of Chicago. 25 50 1 00 50 75 030 1 00 2 00 1 00 25 " Matilda Montgomerie; or, the Prophecy Fulfilled. 8vo. pap. . . . -- Wacousta ; or, the Prophecy. 8vo. pap. -- Westbrook ; or, the Outlaw, pap. . -- T. G.. (M. D.), Elements of Human Anatomy, with 400 Illustrations. 8vo. . . net Riches have Kings. By T. S. Arthur. 18mo. cl. . : Ricord, F. W. Stories of Ancient Rome. 12mo. cl. . 50 50 025 2 50 50 75 Stringer cf- T. '53 H.LongfyBro? 54 '53 Harper Co. Moss <$f Bro. Carter 4- Bros. '55 H. Hooter. Carter McM.'55 1852 '55.] ROB R O G 167 Robert Macaire ; or, the French Bandit in England. By Reynolds. 8vo. pap. ' 50 Garrett Son. Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters. By S. Percy. Col- ored plates, cl. 63 J. C. Riker. '54. Red-breast ; a Juvenile Music Book. By B. F. Rus- sell and D. W. Saunders . . . ^ ; . 38 /risen cf- P. '55 Robinson Crusoe's Farm Yard. By Misses Warner, sq. cl. 75 W. P. Hazard. '54 Robinson, Edward (Mrs.), Woodhill ; or, the Ways of Prov- idence. By "Talvi." 12mo. cl. . .. . . 125 Dewitt 6f D. F., Wizard of the Wave, a Romance, 8vo. pap. 25 Stringer Co. '54 75 S. J. Redjield. '54 75 Ticknor $ Co. '53 25 Dewitt 4- D. 1 25 Mason 4- Bros. '54 75 Putnam $> Co. '54 30 Lippincotl,G.<$fCo. 63 1 00 H. Long 4- Bro.'54 35 Carllon L.'53 25 Bunce 6f Bro. 50 Stringer Co. 1 00 Harper ef- Bros. '54 30 Carter $ Bros.'63 172 SAR S C E [AM. CAT. Saracen (The), a Romance from the French Sargent, Epes, First Class Standard Reader, for public and private schools, 12mo. r. cl. sds. " Selections in Poetry for Exercises at School and at Home, 12mo. cl " Standard Fourth Reader, 12mo. r. cl. sds. H. J., Feathers from a Moulting Muse, 12mo. cl. Winthrop, (Editor.) History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under Major-Gen- eral Braddock, edited from original Manuscripts. 8vo. cl Satire and Satirists, by Jas. Hannay. 12mo. cl. . Saunders, F. London Its Historical and Literary Curiosi- ties. 12mo. cl. " Salad for the Solitary. 12mo. cl. . " " " Social. 12mo. cl. Savage, M. W. Bachelor of the Albany. 12 mo. cl.; . My Uncle the Curate. 8vo. pap. . " Reuben Medlicott. 12mo. cl. Sawyer, L. A. Organic Christianity ; or, the Church of God. 12mo. cl. T. J., Rev. and Westcott, Isaac, Rev. Discussion of the Doctrine of Universal Salvation. 12mo. cl. Sax, J. B., Rev. Organic Laws ; or, the Laws that Govern the Human Organism. 12mo. cl. ... Sayings of the Great Forty Days between the Resurrection and the Ascension, by G. Moberly. 12mo. cl. of the Little Ones and Poems for their Mothers, by Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. 12mo. cl. and Doings of Animals. Squared. Scarlett, John, The Life and Experience of a Converted In- fidel. 18mo. cl Scenes at Home, by Mrs. Anna Bache. 12mo. from Opera at the Five Points, by G. H. Curtis. Oblong, from the Life of an Actor, compiled from the Jour- nals,. Letters and Memoranda of the late Yankee Hill. 12mo. cl in America. 64mo. cl. ex. .... " by Rev. Isaac Taylor. 18mo. cl. in -Europe. 64mo. cl. ex in the Life of the Saviour. 8vo. mor. or cf., $4 ; cl. ex - The same. 12mo. cl. ex., $1', cl. in the Lives of the Apostles. 8vo. mor. or cf., $4 ; cl. ex The same. 12ino. cl. ex., $1; cl. in the Lives of the Patriarchs and Prophets. 8vo. mor. or cf., $4 ; cl. ex 75 J. B. Perry. 1 00 Phillips, S. cf- Co. 1 13 Tfto'as,'52. 75 Phillips, S. cf- Co. 75 Crosby,N.<$-Co.'5 Information respecting the His- torical Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, collected and prepared under the Direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs per Act of Congress of March 3, 1847, 3 vols. royal 8vo. cl. " Indian Tribes, vol. 4. 75 Lindsay <$ B. 1 25 38 63 1 00 1 25 20 50 50 50 75 50 2 00 40 38 60 50 75 16 Derby S. 88 M. W. Dodd. '54 75 Ivison McM. " Poetical Works. 8vo., illustrated mor., $7; cl. ex. . . . 5 00 " " Sayings of the Little Ones, and Poems for their Mothers. 12mo. cl 75 Mson cf- P. '55 " " Western Home (The), and Other Poems. 12mo. cl. .... . 1 25 Parry <$f McM. '54 Silent Pastor. Edited by Rev. J. F. W. Ware. 18mo. cl. 50 Munroe cott,G.<$'Co.' > 53 " Woodcraft; or, Hawks about the Dove- cote, 12mo. cl 125 J. S. Redjield. '54 180 SIM S K E [AM. CAT. Simms, W. G., Yemassee, a Romance of Carolina, 12mo. cl. 1 25 Simon Kenton ; or, the Scout's Revenge, an Historical Novel. By Jas. Weir, 12mo. cl. . . . 63 Simon, John, Lectures on General Pathology, as conducive to the establishment of Rational Principles for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease, 8vo. cl. 1 25 Simonds, Wm., Clinton, a Book for Boys, 16mo. cl. . 75 Simone, E. S., Grammar for Spaniards to Learn French. 12mo 2 00 " Key to above 75 Simonne, T., Manual of French Verbs, 12mo. . . .050 Simons' Planter's Guide and Family Medicine Book, 12mo. 1 00 Simpson, J. Y. (M. D.), Homoeopathy, its tenets and tend- encies, Theoretical and Therapeutical, 8vo. cl. . 1 25 Sinclair, Catherine, Beatrice; or, the Unknown Relatives, 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. . . . 75 " Modern Flirtations, a Novel, 12mo. pap. 50c.; cl 75 Singing Bird (The) ; or Progressive Music Reader. By Wm. B. Bradbury, oblong 38 School Companion, a Collection of Secular and Sacred Music. By J. & H. Bird, oblong . 50 Singer's Companion, a Selection of Popular Songs, Duets, Glees, Catches, &c., with Music arranged for the Voice, Flute, Violin, and Piano, 12mo. cl. . 75 Sir Jasper Carew, Knt., his Life and Experiences. By Chas. Lever, 8vo. pap . 50 Sister Agnes ; or, the Captive Nun, a Picture of Convent Life, 12mo. cl 1 00 Mary's Stories about Animals, square cl. 63c. ; col- ored engravings . . . . . . 88 Sisters (The). By Mrs. Hofland, 18mo. cl. . . .038 Six Nights with the Washingtonians. By T. S. Arthur,' 18mo. cl. 50 Years Later ; or, the Taking of the Bastile. By Alex. Dumas, 2 vols. pap. 1 00 Years in the Monasteries See Mahoney, S. T. Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings. By D. B. Wopds, 12ino. cl 63 Sketches for School Boys, in three parts, 32mo. . . 50 for You. By M. H. K. Bliss, 18mo. . . 018 in France. By Alex. Dumas, pap. . . . 50 of Eminent Methodist Ministers, 8vo. cl. . . 3 00 of a Tract Missionary. By Rev.'Geo. Hatt, 18mo. 25 of the Campaign in Northern Mexico in 1846, '7. By an Officer (Major Giddings) of the First Re- giment of Ohio Volunteers, 12mo. cl. . . 1 50 of the Irish Ban By R. L. Shiel, 2 vols. 1 2mo. cl. 2 00 J. S. Redfield. '53 Blanchard$>LSb2 Gould cf- L. '54 Appleton cf- Co. " '54 McCarter cf- Co. Lindsay <$f B. '54 Dewitt $ D. '52 Stringer Bros.' 54 Riker, T. cf- Co. '54 C. S.Francis <$> Co. Leary cf- Getz. T. B. Peterson. Harper cf- Bros. '53 J. D. Flagg. '52 Mass. S. S. So. '54 T. B. Peterson. Carlton cf- P. '54 E. H. Fletcher. Putnam cf- Co. '54 J. S. Redjield. '54 185255.] SKI SMI 181 Skillful Housewife, containing 700 valuable Receipts, &c., for Housekeepers, 12mo. cl. .... 63 Skoda, J. (M. D.), Auscultation and Percussion, translated by W. O. Markham, M. D., 12mo. cl. . . . 1 00 Skunk, W. F., Practical Treatise on Railway Curves and Location, for Young Engineers, 12rao. cl. . . 1 25 v Slack, H. J., Ministry of the Beautiful, 18mo. cl. . . 60 Slave (The) of the Lamp, by William North, 12mo. cl. . 1 00 Slavery and Anti-Slavery. See Goodell, Wm. Sloan, Samuef, Model Architect, containing Original Designs for Cottages, Villas, &c., &c., with Explanations, Specifications, Estimates, and Elaborate Details, demy fol. 2 vols. hf. cf. Small, A. E., Manual of Homoeopathic Practice, for the use of Families, 12mo. . Smedley, F. E., Fortunes of the Colville Family, 12mo. pap. Smee, Alfred, Biology ; or, The Principles of the Human Mind Smiles and Frowns ; or Good and Bad Little People, 16mo. Smith, Albert, Story of Mont Blanc, 12mo. cl. 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Wyatt Christian Offices, for the Use of Fami- nes and Individuals; compiled from the Liturgy of the Protest- ant Episcopal Church, and from the Devotional Writings of various Authors ; together with Selections of Passages of Scrip- ture, and a Calendar, pointing out a suitable Portion of Scripture for the Family Worship of Every Day in the Year. 12ino. $1.00. Wall on Baptism, to which is added Jerram's Conference on Baptism. 16mo. 63 ct. Zerah, the Believing Jew. i2mo. 75 t. 3 25 CHURCH MUSIC. THE MUSIC OF THE CHURCH: A Collection of Psalm, Hymn, and Chant Tunes, adapted to the worship of th Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. New edition, much improved. By J. M. Wainwright, D. D., D. C. L. Oxon. $1.00. THE CHURCH CHOIR: A Collection of Sacred Music, comprising a great variety of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, and Chants, arranged for the Organ and Piano Forte. By Key. Joseph Muenscher, D. D. $1.25. NEW YORK GRACE CHURCH COLLECTION OF SACRED MUSIC: Selected and arranged from the Classical and Sacred "Works of the Great Com- posers, and adapted to the Psalms and Hymns of the Protestant Episcopal Church. With separate Organ Accompaniment by "William A. King, Organist and Director of the Music of Grace Church, New York. Price $2.00. THE CHURCH CHANT BOOK: Comprising a large and varied selection of Chant Times, in the Gregorian and Modern Modes, adapted to the Ordinary and Extraordinary Services of the Protestant Episcopal Church ; with an Introduction, and Instructions relative to tire Mode of Performance. "Written, arranged, and in part composed by the licv. William Staunton. 75 cts. THE CHOIR AND FAMILY PSALTER: Being the Psalms of David, together with the Canticles of the Morning and Evening Prayer, and Occasional Offices of the Church, arranged for Chautinz. To which is prefixed a Selection of Chants. By J. M. Wainwright, D. D., D. C. L. Oxon, and W. A. Muhlenberg, D. D. $2.00. GREATOREX'S CHURCH MUSIC : Being a Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Chants, Anthems, and Sentences, Original and Selected, from the best Standard Composers, adapted for the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, and for Congregations of other Denominations, as well as for Societies and Schools. By II. W. Greatorex, Organist, and Director of the Music in Calvary Church, New York. $1.00. THE PEOPLE'S PSALTER: Being the Psalms of David, arranged for Chanting, with an Appendix containing Hytnns from Holy Scripture, and a Selection of Chants. Edited by W. A. Muhlenberg, D. D. 37 cts. DEUS MISEREATUR: Being an Adaptation of the words of Psalm LXVIL, with the Gloria Patri, to Music from Zingarelli's celebrated Miserere. 25 cts. THE SERVICE OF SONG: A new collection of Church Music, containing Original Compositions, together with many Selections and Adaptations from celebrated English and other authors, which have never before been published in this country. By G. F. Leavens, Organist of St. Paul's Church, Boston. THE ORDER OF THE DAILY SERVICE ; OR CANTICLES, With the Musical Notation, as used in English Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, together with a Collection of Communion Services, and Chants for the Psalms for the Day and Canticles. $1.00 per Dozen. THE PSALTER, OR PSALMS OF DAVID, &c., &c., Pointed for Chanting. By llobort Janes and James Stimpson. 37 cts. GRE3-ORIAN AND OTHER ECCLESIASTICAL CHANTS; Adapted to the Psalter and Canticles, as they are pointed to be sung in Churches. 25 cts. THE MANUSCRIPT CHANT BOOK: By George F. Jonea. $1.50. BOOKS OF COMMON PRAYER. FOLIO. English Type. A. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back, bevelled sides, Gothic and other patterns $15.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back 12.00 8 French Morocco, gilt 8.00 4 French Morocco, plain 6.00 QUARTO. English Type. 11. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back, bevelled sides, Gothic and other patterns .... 12.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back 10.00 8 Turkey Morocco, gilt 8.00 4 French Morocco, gilt 5.00 5 French Morocco, plain 4.00 ROYAL OCTAVO. C. Great Primer. Offices in Large Type. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back, bevelled 10.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 7.00 V French Morocco, gilt 5.QO No. 1. OCTAVO. D. Great Primer, Offices and Psalm* and Hymns in Large Type. 1 Silk velvet, clasp, rim, and other ornaments 15.00 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, flexible back, bevelled, with rims and clasp $10.00 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, bevelled 8.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra, clasp 7.00 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra . . 6.00 No. 2. OCTAVO. Standard. E. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 6.50 2 French Morocco, gilt 3.00 3 Sheep 2.00 No. 3. OCTAVO. Pico, F. PSALMS AND HYMNS IN LARGE TYPE. 1 French Morocco, gilt 8.00 2 French Morocco, plain 2.00 3 Roan, gilt 2.50 4 Koan, plain 1.75 5 Sheep 1.50 No. 4. OCTAVO. G. PSALMS AND HYMNS IN SMALL TYPE. 1 French Morocco, gilt 2.50 2 French Morocco, plain 1.75 8 Sheep 1.25 No. 5. OCTAVO. H. Thin Small Pica. 1 French Morocco, gilt 2.00 2 French Morocco, plain 1.25 8 Sheep 1.00 2 Stanford & Swords' DUODECIMO. Pica. I. 1 Turkey Morocco, sup. extra $3.50 2 French Morocco 2.00 DUODECIMO. liong Primer. K. 1 French Morocco, gilt 1.50 2 French Morocco, plain 1.25 f Sheep 0.75 SIXTEEN MO. Small Pica. L. 1 Silk velvet, clasp, rim, and other ornaments 7.50 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 8.50 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 8.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra 8. & S.'s pure flexible 8.00 5 French Morocco, gilt 1.75 6 French Morocco, plain 1.25 No. 1. EIGHTEEN MO. M. Small Pica. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Pearl inlaid devices, various . . . 18.00 2 Ivory, beautifully inlaid with rich mountings and clasp 18.00 3 Papier Mache, inlaid 10.00 4 Velvet, with rich mountings, clasp, and extra ornaments . . . 6.00 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra, antique, colored edges, and tooled in gold, with clasp 5.00 6 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt, rims and ornaments 5.00 7 Turkey Morocco, super extra, bevelled with clasp 4.00 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, antique clasp 3.00 9 Turkey Morocco, super extra, antique 2.50 10 Turkey Morocco, super extra, clasp 2.75 11 Turkey Morocco, super extra.. 2.25 18 Turkey Morocco, super extra, pure flexible 2.25 No. 2. EIGHTEEN MO. Small Pica. N. 1 French Morocco, gilt edges $1.25 2 Eoan, gilt edges 1.00 3 " gilt, pure flexible 1.00 4 " plain 0.88 No. 3. EIGHTEEN MO. O. Small Pica. MINION PSALMS AND IITMNS. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra clasp 2.50 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 2.25 3 French Morocco, gilt 1.00 4 Turkey Morocco, flexible 1.00 5 Eoan,gilt 0.87 No. 4. EIGHTEEN MO. P. Small Pica. MINION PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1 Eoan, plain 0.75 2 Sheep, neat 0.75 EIGHTEEN MO. Brevier. Q. 1 French Morocco 1.00 2 Eoan, plain 0.62 8 Sheep 0.88 4 Cloth 0.81 5 For Distribution 20 per 100 TWENTY-FOUR MO. Small Pica. (Super Extra Paper.) B. 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp, extra 6.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, clasp 2.75 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra . . . 2.25 4 Turkey Morocco, 8. &. S.'s pure flexible 2.25 TWENTY-FOUR MO. S. Small Pica. (Super Extra Paper.) MINION PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1 Velvet, with clasp 5.5C Catalogue of Prayer Books. 3 3 Turkey Morocco, clasp $2.50 8 Turkey Morocco 2.00 4 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.00 No. 1. TWENTY-FOUR MO. T. Bourgeois. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp 4.50 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt, rims and ornaments 5.00 a Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.50 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 2.00 5 Turkey Morocco, 8. & S.'s pure flexible 2.00 No. 2. TWENTY-FOUR MO. U. Bourgeois. French Morocco, gilt 1.25 2 French Morocco, flexible 1.25 8 Roan, gilt edges 1.00 4 Bonn, pure flexible, gilt 1.00 TWENTY-FOUR MO. Y. Brevier. (In Rules.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt, rims and ornaments 4.50 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.50 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 2.00 5 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.00 THIRTY-TWO MO. Brevier. W, (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt rims and ornaments 4.0( 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.25 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra ... 1.7 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible $1.75 Turkey Morocco 130 THIRTY-TWO MO. Minion. X. Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.00 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra.. 1-50 4 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 1.50 5 French Morocco, with clasp. . . 1.50 6 French Morocco 1.00 7 Eoan, gilt edges, flexible 0.62 8 Roan, plain edges 0.50 9 Arabesque, gilt edges, with clasp 0.50 10 Arabesque, gilt edgs 0.87 11 Arabesque, plain 0.81 THIRTY-TWO MO. Y. Nonpareil. (In Rules.) 1 Velvet, with rich mountings and clasp 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, gilt rims and ornaments 4.00 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, withclasp 2.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 1.50 5 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 1.50 FORTY-EIGHT MO. Z. Nonpareil. (Super Extra Paper.) 1 Velvet, rich mountings and clasp 4.50 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, rims and other ornaments .... 8.50 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.0? 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 1.50 5 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 1-50 G French Morocco 1-00 7 Arabesque, gilt, with clasp 0.88 3 Arabesque, gilt 0.81 Stanford d' Swords' CHURCH SERVICE. Containing the Book of Common Prayer, and that portion of the tbl . appointed to l>e read on Sundays and Holydays. TWENTY-FOUR MO. R. Brevier. (In Rules.) 1 Ivory, inlaid, with clasp and or- naments, various styles $18.00 2 Papier Mache, with clasp and ornaments, various styles 10.00 8 Velvet, rkli mountings and clasp T.OO 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra, rims u><\ other ornaments. ... 5.50 5 Turk.v Morocco, super extra, with clasp 3.50 6 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . 8.00 7 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 3.00 8 French Morocco, with clasp... 2.50 9 Fn-neh Morocco 2.00 10 Roan, gilt, pure flexible 1.50 1 1 Roan, gilt 1.50 12 Roan, plain 1.25 TWENTY-FOUR MO. Bourgeois. 1 Ivory, inlaid, clasp and orna- ments $18.00 2 Papier Mache 10.00 8 Velvet, rich mountings and clasp T.OO 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra, rims and other ornaments, with chvsp 5.50 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 8.50 G Turkey Morocco, super extra.. 3.00 7 Turkey Morocco, super extra, &, & S/s pure flexible :'.0 > 8 French Morocco, with clasp . . . $2.50 9 French Morocco 2.00 Roan, gilt, pure flexible 1.50 1 Roan, gilt 1.50 2 Roan, plain 1.25 THIRTY-TWO MO. Brevier. 1 Ivory, beautifully inlaid, various styles $12.50 2 Papier Mache, inlaid, various styles 8.00 3 Velvet, rich mountings and clasp 6.00 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with rims and clasp 4.50 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra, witb clasp 3.00 6 Turkey Morocco, super extra.. 2.50 7 Turkey Morocco, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.50 8 French Morocco, with clasp ... 2.00 9 French Morocco 1.50 10 Roan, gilt 1.25 11 Roan, plain 1.00 FORTY-EIGHT MO. 1 Velvet, rich mountings 5.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with rims 4.00 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasps 2.50 4 Turkey Morocco, super extra. .. 2.00 5 Turkey Morocco, super extra, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.00 Catalogue of Prayer Boole s. PROPER LESSONS. Containing the Lessons as appointed to be read from the Scriptures. SIXTEEN MO. Small Pica. (In Rules.) 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp $3-50 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 8.00 8 Roan gilt . 1.50 4 Roan, plain . . 1.25 5 Sheep, neat . . . 1 00 EIGHTEEN MO. Small Pica. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.75 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 2.25 8 Turkey Morocco, super extra, S. & S.'s pure flexible 2.25 4 Roan, gilt 1.25 5 Roan, plain 1.00 TWENTY-FOUR MO. Bourgeois. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.25 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 1.75 8 Roan, giit 0.75 4 Roan, plain 0.63 TWENTY-FOUR MO. Brevier. (In Rules.) 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.25 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra . . . 1.75 3 Turkey Morocco, super, S. S.'s pure flexible 1 75 THIRTY-TWO MO. ROYAL,. Brevier. Roan, gilt 0.75 2 Roan, plain 0.63 3 Sheep,neat 0.60 THIRTY-TWO MO. Brevier. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra, with clasp 2.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra, . . . 1 .50 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, 8. & S.'B pure flexible 1.50 4 Roan, gilt 0.75 5 Roan, plain 0.6S FORTY-EIGHT MO. 1 Turkey Morocco-, super extra, with clasp 2.00 2 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 1.50 3 Turkey Morocco, super extra, S. A S.'s pure flexible 1450 ALTAR SERVICE. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 4.00 I g French Monxjca 9 Turkey Morocco, super extra 4 Koan gn t S. & S.'s pure flexible 4.00 ! 2.50 2.10 6 Stanford & Swords 1 THE ORDINAL. 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . $5.00 | 2 Imitation Morocco $4.03 PSALMS AND HYMNS. OCTAVO. Pica. WITH OB WITHOUT THE COLLECTS. 6 Roan, plain 1.00 7 Sheep 0.75 1 Turkey Morocco, super extra. . . 4.00 ; TWELVE MO 2 Turkey Morocco, pure flexible . . 4.00 gheep Qr Cloth % 3 French Morocco 2.00 4 French Morocco, pure flexible.. 2.00 | EIGHTEEN MO. & Roan, gilt 1.50 | Sheep or Cloth 0.46 CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF LITERATURE. PUB LISHED BY J. S. REDFIELD, 34 BEEKMAX-STREET, NEW YORK. 1855. J0K. POETRY AND THE DRAMA 1 HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY ,5 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 14 SCIENCE AND ART 17 BELLES-LETTRES 20 MISCELLANEOUS 31 CATALOGUE. POETRY AND THE DRAMA. The Works of Shakespeare, reprinted from the newly discovered copy of the Folio of 1632 in the posses- sion of J. PAYNE COLLIER, containing nearly Twenty Thousand Manuscript Corrrections, with a History of the Stage to the Time, an Introduction to each Play, a Life of the Poet, etc. By J. PAYNE COLLIER, F. S. A. To which are added, Glos- sarial and other Notes, the Readings of former editions, a POR- TRAIT after that hy Martin Droeshout, a Vignette Title on Steel, and a Fac-simile of the Old Folio, with the Manuscript Cor- rections. 1 vol. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, $4 ; sheep, $4 25 ; half morocco, plain, $5 00 ; marble edges, $5 50 ; half calf, or morocco extra, $6 00 ; full morocco, antique, 87 00. Same as above, cheap edition, cloth, 83 00 ; sheep, 83 50 ; imi- tation morocco, full gilt, 84 00. The Works of Shakespeare, same as above. Uniform in size with the celebrated Chiswick Edition, 8 vols. 16mo. cloth, $6 00; half calf or morocco, plain, $10 00; half calf or morocco, extra, $12 00. These are American Copyright Editions, the Notes being expressly pre- pared for the work. The English edition contains simply the text, without a single note or indication of the changes made in the text. In the present, the variations from old copies are noted by reference of all changes to for- mer editions (abbreviated f. e.), and every indication and explanation is given essential to a clear understanding of the author. The prefatory mat- ter, Life, fcc. are fuller than in any American edition now published. This is the only correct edition of the works of the "Bard of Avon" ever issued, and no lover or student of Shakespeare should be without it. Phil- adelphia Argus. Altogether the most correct, and therefore the most valuable, edition extant. Albany Express. This edition of Shakespeare will ultimately supersede all others. It must certainly be deemed an essential acquisition by every lover of the great dramatist, N. Y. Commercial Adcertiser. Notes and Emendations of Shakespeare. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, from the Early Manuscript Corrections in a copy of the folio of 1632, in the possession of JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, F. S. A. Third edition, \vith a fac-simile of the Manuscript Corrections. 1 vol., 12mo., cloth. Price SI 50. It is not for a moment to be doubted, we think, that in this volume a contribution has been made to the clearness and accuracy of Shakespeare's text, by far the most important of any offered or attempted since Shakes- peare lived and wrote. London Examiner. This volume is an almost indispensable companion to any of the editions of Shakespeare, so numerous and often important are many of the correc- tions. Register, Philadelphia. Lillian, and other Poems. BY WINTHROP MACKWORTH PRAED. Now first collected. 1 vol., 12mo. Price $1 00. A timely publication is this volume. A more charming companion (in the shape of a book) can scarcely be found for the summer holidays. New York Tribune. They are amusing sketches, gay and sprightly in their character, exhibit- ing great facility of composition, and considerable powers of satire. Hart- ford Courant. There is a brilliant play of fancy in " Lillian," and a moving tenderness in " Josephine," for which it would be hard to find equals. We welcome, therefore, this first collected edition of his works. Albany Express. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. By WILLIAM E. AYTOUN, Professor of Literature and Belles-Lettres in the University of Edinburgh, and Editor of Blackwood's Maga- zine. 1 vol., 12mo., cloth. Price $1 00. Since Lockhart and Macaulay's ballads, we have had no metrical work to be compared in spirit, vigor, and rhythm, with this. These ballads embody and embalm the chief historical incidents of Scottish history literally in "thoughts that breathe and words that burn." They are full of lyric energy, graphic description, and genuine feeling. Home Journal. The fine ballad of " Montrose" in this collection is alone worth the price of the book. Boston Transcript. Firmilian ; a Spasmodic Tragedy. By T. PER- CY JONES, [W. E. Aytoun.] Price 50 cents. " Firmillian" is no coarse, off-hand effort, wherein pages of nonsense are endured for the sake of a few happy hits. Its sole merit is not in its idea. It is a carefully conceived and thoroughly elaborated production, and in point of execution, it is really admirable. The great object of the piece, doubtless, is to ridicule Alexander Smith, who is set forth as T. Percy Jones himself. Many passages are exquisite hits at the Smith style, and there are occasional dabs at Tennyson, Carlyle, Gilfillan, and others. The whole affair is beautifully done, and as before hinted, it has lines and passages of great vigor. Boston Post. Bon Gaultier never " did" a better thing, not even excepting those cele brated ballads Albany Express. POETRY AND THE DRAMA. 3 The Book of Ballads. By BON GAULTIER. 1 vol., 12mo., cloth. Price 75 cents. Here is a book for everybody who loves classic fun. It is made up of ballads of all sorts, each a capital parody upon the style of some one of the best lyric writers of the time, from the thundering versification of Lockhart and Macaulay, to the sweetest and simplest strains of Wordsworth and Ten- nyson. The author is one of the first scholars, and one of the most finished writers of the day, and this production is but the frolic of his genius in play- time. Courier and Enquirer. We do not know to whom belongs this nom de plume, but he is certainly a humorist of no common power. Providence Journal. Poetical Works of Fitz-Greene Halleck. New and only Complete Edition, containing several New Poems, together with many now first collected. 1 vol., I2mo. Price $1 00. Halleck is coie of the brightest stars in our American literature, and his name is like a household word wherever the English language is spoken. Albany Express. There are few poems to be found, in any language, that surpass, in beauty of thought and structure, some of these. Boston Commonwealth. To the numerous admirers of Mr. Halleck this will be a welcome book ; for it is a characteristic desire in human nature to have the productions of our favorite authors in an elegant and substantial form. Christian Freeman. Mr. Halleck never appeared in a better dress, and few poets ever deserved a better one. Christian Intelligencer. Simms' Poetical Works. Poems : Descriptive, Dramatic. Legendary, and Contemplative. By WM. GILMORE SIMMS. With a portrait on steel. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth. Price $250. CONTENTS: Norman Maurice ; a Tragedy. Atalantis ; a Tale of the Sea. Tales and Traditions of the South. The City of the Silent. South- ern Passages and Pictures. Historical and Dramatic Sketches. Scrip- ture Legends. Francesca da Rimini, etc. We are glad to see the poems of our best Southern author collected in two harylsome volumes. Here we have embalmed in graphic and melodious verse the scenic wonders and charms of the South ; and this feature of the work alone gives it a permanent and special .value. None can read " South- ern Passages and Pictures" without feeling that therein the poetic aspects, association, and sentiment of Southern life and scenery are vitally en- shrined. " Norman Maurice" is a dramatic poem of peculiar scope and unusual interest ; and " Atalantis," a poem upon which some of the authors finest powers of thought and expression are richly lavished. None of our poets offer so great a variety of style, or a more original choice of subjects. Boston Traveller. His versification is fluent and mellifluous, yet not lacking in point of ^gor when an energetic style is requisite to the subject N. Y. Commer- cial Advertiser. REDFIELD 3 PUBLICATIONS. Lyra, and other Poems. By ALICE CAREY 1 vol., 12mo., cloth. Price 75 cents. Whether poetry be defined as the rhythmical creation of beauty, as pas sion or eloquence in harmonious numbers, or as thought and feeling mani- fested by processes of the imagination, Alice Carey is in incontestably and incomparably the first living American poetess fresh, indigenous, national rich beyond precedent in suitable and sensuous imagery of the finest and highest qualities of feeling, and such powers of creation as the Almighty has seen fit to bestow but rarely or in far-separated countries. Boston Transcript. The genuine inspiration of poetic feeling, replete with tenderness and beauty, earnestness and truthful simplicity, and all the attributes of a pow- erful imagination and vivid fancy. We know of no superior to Miss Carey among the female authors of this country. N. Y. Journal of Commerce. " Lyra and other Poems," just published by Redfield, attracts everywhere, a remarkable degree of attention. A dozen of the leading journals, and many eminent critics, have pronounced the authoress the greatest poetess living. New York Mirror. The Poetical Works of W. H. C. Hosmer. Now first collected. With a Portrait on steel. 2 vols., 12mo. Price $2 00. Imagination, poetic spirit, and diction, are patent in these polished com- positions. The first volume is chiefly devoted to the legendary lore of In- dian tradition, and abounds in picturesque descriptions of Nature's wildest scenery. Occasional poetic effusions, evoked by some incident of the hour, or suggested by the teeming travail of a glowing imagination, make up the second volume. The work constitutes a body of lyrics, and of rich speci- mens of almost every metre in English poesy. National Intelligencer. The poems designed to perpetuate the traditions of the Indian race par- ticularly, are of a high order, the subject being evidently suited to the au- thor's peculiar genius. ome of the "Bird Notes" also are exquisitely beautiful, and so too are many of the Miscellaneous pieces. The volumes are highly creditable to the author and to the country. Puritan Recorder. He has certainly written a great deal of agreeable and flowing verse, abounding in smooth descriptions of nature, and illustrated by apt and pleasing imagery. IV. Y. Tribune. Scottish Songs, Ballads, and Poems. By HEW AIXSLIE, author of " The Ingleside," " On with the Tartan," "Rover of Loch-Ryan," &c. &c. 1 vol., 12mo.' Price $1 00. , HISTORY. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. By JOHN KENRICK, M. A. In 2 vols., 12rno. Price $2 50. No work has heretofore appeared suited to the wants of the historical student, which combined the labors of artists, travellers, interpreters, and critics, during the periods from the earliest records of the monarchy to its final absorption in the empire of Alexander. This work supplies this de- ficiency. Olive Branch. Not only the geography and political history of Egypt under the Pha- raohs are given, but we are furnished with a minute account of the domestic manners and customs of the inhabitants, their language, laws, science, reli- gion, agriculture, navigation, and commerce. Commercial Advertiser. These volumes present a comprehensive view of the results of the com- bined labors of travellers, artists, and scientific explorers, which have effected so much during the present century toward the development of Egyptian archaeology and history. Journal of Commerce. The descriptions are very vivid, and one wanders, delighted with the author, through the land of Egypt, gathering at every step new phases of her wondrous history, and ends with a more intelligent knowledge than he ever before had, of the land of the Pharaohs. American Spectator. Newman's Regal Rome. An Introduction to Roman History. By FRANCIS W. NEWMAN, Professor of Latin in the University College, London. 12mo., cloth. Price 63 cents. The book, though small in compass, is evidently the work of great re- search and reflection, and is a valuable acquisition to historical literature. Courier and Enquirer. A work of great erudition and power, vividly reproducing the wonderful era of Roman history under the kings. We greet it as a work of profound scholarship, genial art, and eminent interest a work that will attract the scholar, and please the general reader. N. Y. Evangelist. Nearly all the histories in the schools should be banished, and such a* this should take their places. Boston Journal. Professor Newman's work will be found full of interest, from the light it throws on the formation of the language, the races, and the history of an- cient Rome. Wall-Street Journal. 6 EEDFIELD S PUBLICATIONS. The Catacombs of Rome, as Illustrating the Church of the First Three Centuries. By the Right Rev. W. INGRAHAM KIP, D. D,, Missionary Bishop of California. Author of " Christmas Holidays in Rome," " Early Conflicts of Christianity," &c., &c. With over 100 Illustrations. 12mo., cloth. Price 75 cents. The evidence furnished by the Catacombs of the departure of the Rornish Church from Primitive Christianity is complete and overwhelming. The work is exceedingly valuable. Christian Intelligencer. It is a valuable aid in the contest between primitive truth and modern innovations, and as such the author commends it to his brethren in the Church. Rochester American. We commend this book as one of the most fascinating and useful of volumes ; full of information, imparted in a style which beguiles the reader, and makes his perusal of the book seem like a pleasant dream. Zion's Herald. The History of the Crusades. By JOSEPH ERANQOIS MICHAUD. Translated by W. Robson. 3 vols., 12mo., maps. Price $3 75. It is comprehensive and accurate in the detail of facts, methodical and lucid in arrangement, with a lively and flowing narrative. Journal of Com- merce. We need not say that the work of Michaud has superseded all other his- tories of the Crusades. This history has long been the standard work with all who could read it in its original language. Another work on the same subject is as improbable as a new history of the "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Salem Freeman. The ability, diligence, and faithfulness, with which Michaud has executed his great task, are undisputed ; and it is to his well-filled volumes that the historical student must now resort for copious and authentic facts, and lumi- nous views respecting this most romantic and wonderful period in the annals of the Old World. Boston Daily Courier. Napoleon in Exile ; or, a Voice from St. He- lena. Being the Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon, on the most important Events in his Life and Government, in his own words. By BARRY E. O'MEARA, his late Surgeon, with a portrait of Napoleon, after the celebrated picture of Delaroche, and a view of St. Helena, both beautifully en- graved on steel. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth. Price $2 00. Nothing can exceed the graphic truthfulness with which these volumes record the words and habits of Napoleon at St. Helena, and its pages are endowed with a charm far transcending that of romance. Albany State Register. Every one who desires to obtain a thorough knowledge of the character of Napoleon, should possess himself of this book of O'Meara's. Arthurs Home Gazette. It is something indeed to know Napoleon's opinion of the men and events of the thirty years preceding his fall, and his comments throw more light upon history than anything we have read. Albany Express* HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Jomini's Campaign of Waterloo. The Po- litical and Military History of the Campaign of Waterloo, from the French of General Baron Jomini. By Lieut. S. V. BENET. U. S. Ordnance, with a Map. 12mo., clo. Price 75 cts. Of great value, both for its historical merit and its acknowledged impar- tiality. Christian Freeman, (Boston.) It has long been regarded in Europe as a work of more than ordinary merit, while, to military men, his review of the tactics and manoeuvres of the French Emperor, during the few days which preceded his final and most disastrous defeat,. is considered as instructive as it is interesting. Arthur's Home Gazette. It is a standard authority, and illustrates a subject of permanent interest. With military students and historical inquirers it will be a favorite refer- ence, and for the general reader it possesses great value and interest. Bos- ton Transcript. It throws much light on often mooted points respecting Napoleon's mili- tary and political genius. The translation is one of much vigor. Boston Commonwealth. Napier's Peninsular War. History of the War in the Peninsula, and in the South of France, from the Year 1807 to 1814. By W. F. P. NAPIER, C. B., Colonel 43d Regiment, &c. Complete in 1 vol., 8vo. Price $2 50. We believe the Literature of War has not received a more valuable aug- mentation this century than Colonel Napier's justly celebrated work. Though a gallant combatant in the field, he is an impartial Historian. Trib. Napier's History, in addition to its superior literary merits and truthful fieelity, presents strong claims upon the attention of all American citizens ; because the author is a large-souled philanthropist, and an inflexible enemy to ecclesiastical tyranny and secular despots. Post. The excellency of Napier's History results from the writer's happy talent for impetuous, straight-forward, soul-stirring narrative and picturing forth of characters. The military manoeuvre, march, and fiery onset, the whole whirlwind vicissitudes of the desperate fight, he describes with dramatic force. Merchants 1 Magazine. Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley. With the Original Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. By JOHN GIL- MARY SHEA. With a fac-simile of the Original Map of Mar- quette. 1 vol., 8vo., cloth. Antique. Price $2 00. We believe that this is altogether the most thorough work that has ap- peared on the subject to which it relates. It is the result of long-continued and diligent research, and no legitimate source of information has been left unexplored. The work combines the interest of romance with the authen- ticity of history. Puritan Recorder. Mr. Shea has rendered a service to the cause of historical literature worthy of all praise, by the excellent manner in which he has prepared this import- ant publication for the press. Boston Traveller. 8 Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, in the years 1811, '12, '13 and '14; or the First Settlement on the Pacific. By GABRIEL FRANCHERE. Translated and Edited by J. V. Huntington. 12mo., cloth. Plates. Price 81 00. Of all the narratives of travel and adventure in our Northwestern wilder- ness, there is none that gives a more vivid and picturesque description of the events, or in which the personal adventures of the narrator are told with more boldness, yet, freer from all egotism, than in this unpretending work of Mr. Franchere. It is 1 truly a fragment of our colonial history, saved from oblivion. Philadelphia National Argus. The great value of this work, as an authentic and decisive narrative of critical even i-s, was strongly attested by Colonel Benton, in the great de- bate of 1846, on the Oregon boundary question. It is a pleasant narrative, simply told. Irving made much use of it in his Astoria. Boston Atlas. The De Foe-like simplicity of the style, its picturesque descriptions of personal adventure, and of the features of the countries traversed by the author, confer an interest on this narrative, apart from that which springs from its historical value. N. Y. Evening Post. Classic and Historic Portraits. By JAMES BRUCE. 12mo., cloth. Price $1 00. A series of personal sketches of distinguished individuals of all ages, em- bracing pen and ink portraits of near -sixty persons, from Sappho down to Madame de Stael. They show much research, and possess that interest which attaches to the private life of those whose names are known to fame. New Haven Journal and Courier. They are comprehensive, well written, and judicious, both in the selection of subjects arid the manner of treating them. Boston Atlas. The author has painted in minute touches the characteristics of each, with various personal details, all interesting, and all calculated to furnish to the mind's eye a complete portraiture of the individual described. Albany Knickerbocker, The sketches are full and graphic, many authorities having evidently been consulted by the author in their preparation. Boston Journal. Ladies of the Covenant. Memoirs of Distin- guished Scottish Females, embracing the Period of the Cove- nant and the Persecution . By Rev. JAMES ANDERSON. 1 vol., 12mo. ' Price 81 25. It is a record which, while it confers honor on the sex, will elevate the heart, and strengthen it to the better performance of every duty. Religious (Va.) Herald. It is a book of great attractiveness, having not only the freshness of nov- elty, but every element of historical interest. Courier and Enquirer. It is written with great spirit and a hearty sympathy, and abounds in incidents of more than a romantic interest ; while the type of piety it dis- closes is the n blest and most elevated. N. Y. Evangelist. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. 9 Men and Women of the Eighteenth Century. By ARSENE HOUSSAYE. With beautifully engraved portraits of Louis XV. and Madame de Pompadour. 2 vols., 12mo., 450 pages each, extra superfine paper. Price $2 50. CONTENTS. Dufresny, Fontenelle, Marivaur, Piron, The Abbe Prevost, Gentil-Bernard, Florian, Boufflers, Diderot, Gretry, Riverol, Louis XV., Greuze, Boucher, The Vanloos, Lantara, Watteau, La Motte, Dehle, Abbe Trublet, Buffon, Dorat, Cardinal de Bernis. Crebillon the Gay, Marie Antoinette, Made, de Pompadour, Vade, Mile. Camargo, Mile. Clairon, Mad. de la Popeliniere, Sophie Arnould, Crebillon the Tragic, Mile. Guimard, Three Pages in the Life of Dancourt, A Promenade in the Palais-Royal, the Chevalier de la Clos. A more fascinating book than this rarely issues from the teeming press. Fascinating in its subject ; fascinating in its style ; fascinating in its power to lead the reader into castle-building of the most gorgeous and bewitching description. Courier and Enquirer. This is a most welcome book, full of information and amusement, in the form of memoirs, comments, and anecdotes. It has the style of light litera- ture, with the usefulness of the gravest. It should be in every library, and the hands of every reader. Boston Commonwealth. A BOOK OF BOOKS. Two deliciously spicy volumes, that are a perfect lonne bouche for an epicure in reading. Home Journal. Philosophers and Actresses. By ARSENE HOUSSAYE. With beautifully-engraved Portraits of Voltaire and Mad. Parabere. 2 vols.,*12mo. Price $2 50. We have here the most charming book we have read these many days, so powerful in its fascination that we have been held for hours from our im- perious labors, or needful slumbers, by the entrancing influence of its pages. One of the most desirable fruits of the prolific field of literature of the pre- sent season. Portland Eclectic. Two brilliant and fascinating we had almost said, bewitching volumes, combining information and amusemer* the lightest gossip, with solid and serviceable wisdom. Yankee Blade. It is a most admirable book, full of originality, wit, information and philo- sophy. Indeed, the vividness of the book is extraordinary. The scenes and descriptions are absolutely life-like. Southern Literary Gazette. The works of the present writer are the only ones the spirit of whose rhetoric does justice to those times, and in fascination of description and style equal the fascinations they descant upon. New Orleans Commercial Bulletin. The author is a brilliant writer, and serves up his sketches hi a sparkling manner Christian Freeman. We are somewhat at a loss in what terms to speak of this book. Its style is fascinating, its matter always interesting, and almost always in- structing. Courier a-*i Enquirer. 10 Sketches of the Irish Bar. By the Right Hon. RICHARD LALOR SHEIL, M. P. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by DR. SHELTON MACKENZIE. Fourth Edition. In 2 volumes. Price $2 00. They attracted universal attention by their brilliant and pointed style, and their liberality of sentiment. The Notes embody a great amount of bio- graphical information, literary gossip, legal and political anecdote, and amusing reminiscences, and, in fact, omit nothing that is essential to the perfect elucidation of the text. New York Tribune. They are the best edited books we have met for many a year. They form, with Mackenzie's notes, a complete biographical dictionary, containing suc- cinct and clever sketches of all the famous people of England, and particu- larly of Ireland, to whom the slightest allusions are made in the text. The Citizen (John Mitchel.) Dr. Mackenzie deserves the thanks of men of letters, particularly of Irish- men, for his research and care. Altogether, the work is one we can recom- mend in the highest terms. Philadelphia City Item. Barrington's Sketches. Personal Sketches of his own Time. By SIR JONAH HARRINGTON, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty in Ireland : with Illustrations by Darlev. Third Edition. 12mo., cloth. Price 81 25. A more entertaining book than this is not often thrown in our way. His sketches of character are inimitable ; and many of the prominent men of his time are hit off in the most striking and graceful outline. Albany Argus. He was a very shrewd observer and eccentric writer, and his narrative of his own life, and sketches of society in Ireland during his times, are exceed- ingly humorous and interesting. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. It is one of those works which are conceived and written in so hearty a view, and brings before the reader so many palpable and amusing charac- ters, that the entertainment and information are equally balanced. Boston Transcript. It portrays in life-like colors the characters and daily habits of nearly all the English and Irish celebrities of that period. N. Y. Courier