THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA yC't PRESENTED BY PROF.CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation L I B Ra CATALOGUE RAISONNE OF TJPWARDS OF TWELVE THOUSAND OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF KNOWLEDGE, MODERN LANGUAGES. PART I. SUBJECTS-ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PART II. BIOGRAPHY, CLASSICS, MISCELLANIES, AND INDEX TO PART I. NEW-YORK: D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 200 BROADWAY. PHlLADELPHiA: GEO. S. APPLETON, 164 CHESNUT-STREET. 18 49. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1847, By D. Appleton & Co., Id the Clerk'i Office of the District Conrt of the United States, for the Southern District of New- York. X/^^6 A^^'' PREFACE. The object of the Publishers of the following pages has been to present, in a collected form, indications of the most important works in every department of literature, arranged in such manner as admits of the most easy reference. Part I. consists of Subjects, alphabetically arranged, with the exception of Mathematics, Medicine, and Theology ; aU the subjects of these divisions are collected under those general heads, in preference to scattering them through the body of the work. Part II. comprises Select Biography, Classics, Collected Works, and an Index of Authors whose works appear in Part I. In the necessarily Hmited space devoted to the development of the plan, it is evident that but little of it could be occupied with the Curiosities of Litera- ture : the various Bibliographical works already extant amply suffice to make known their pecuHar claims upon the attention of the Man of Letters. What has chiefly been attempted is, to exhibit under each head the extent of its litera- ture, so far as might serve the purposes of the general reader : to the Student, whose, aim is exhaustive, the BibHography of each subject, when known, being given, will direct him to sources whence he may supply the deficiencies that must necessarily exist in a work of limited extent, like the present. When- ever the question of omission has occurred, the unknown work has been retained in preference to the well known. .Prices. — Books are subject to as many fluctuations of value as other articles of merchandise ; but as it was considered desirable to affix prices to the titles whenever they could be ascertained, they must only be regarded as approxi- mate : those given, are generally the same at which the books were published ; and will help to give some idea of the extent, &c., of any work in question : but as no list of prices c^n be permanently correct, those given are, for many reasons, to be preferred. Notwithstanding the great care and labour bestowed upon this book, the intelligent reader will notice many omissions, which it will be the Compiler's care to supply in a Supplement : some typographical errors will also be evi- dent, but as they are so palpable, they will in no way impair the general integrity of the work. When it is considered that the work is made up of minutiae, it is a matter of gratulation that so few errors have crept in. American Wcrrks. — It has not been thought necessary to enter very fully into the details of American Literature ; there was no object to be gained by occupying the very limited space at command with chronicling books that are ivi31S£74 VI PREFACE. in every body's hands, or which it is the Publishers' special interest to make known through the usual channels : besides, there is reason to expect a special American Bibhography ere long, in which the genius and industry of the New World may be favourably exhibited in contrast with that of the Old. We are not without the hope that this compilation may exert a favourable influence in the Republic of Letters. The Student, through its aid, will be enabled to observe the extent of the subject of his inquiry, and the authors most worthy of his notice. The Man of Letters will be enabled to ascertain the comparative richness and poverty of the literature of his native tongue, and to enlarge the sphere of his labours, either by translation or the production of ori^nal works calculated to supply the deficiencies that exist in many branches of literature ; while the Publisher will be enabled to recognize many important works with which he can enrich his stock of publications. Those engaged in the formation of libraries, we feel assured, will welcome the aid these pages can afford them. By the publication of an annual Supplement, in which all new works of permanent value shall find a place, as well as the more important omissions in the body of the work, it is intended it shall occupy a permanent place in the Library. To have added critical opinions or analyses of the contents of the various works enumerated, would, we are aware, have increased the value of this Manual ; yet it could not have been done v^dthout increasing its bulk to an undue extent. In conclusion, the Publishers feel the present a fit occasion to return to their many friends and countrymen their warmest acknowledgments; and while they do not desire to exert any undue influence by this publication, to the prejudice of others in the trade, yet believing it to be an important con- tribution to the cause of human knowledge, and considering the great expense they have incurred in its preparation, they trust that their peculiar facilities for obtaining books from all parts of Europe, and their large stock, will induce the personal application of their friends. As this publication, from its peculiar plan, will develope new riches and corresponding desires on the part of tlie student, it is proper to state that any books found in this compilation may be obtained in the space of a few weeks, and at the lowest prices, through their agencies abroad. The steam communication now established between France and Germany enables them to execute orders with as great facility from the Continent, as formerly from England. D. APPLETON & CO. 200 Broadway, Oct. 1, 1847. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Abdomkn (Medicine). Abipones, Abyssinia (Nubia, Ethiopia). I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, II. History, .... III. Language, Acts of thb Apostlbs, ... Acoustics, Adultery, Advent Esthetics, Affghanistan (Cabul). I. Geography, Voyages and Travels, , II. History, III. Natural History, . . . . Africa. I. Geography, II. History and Antiquities, . Agriculture. I. Bibliography, .... It. History, III. Practical, IV. Theoretical, V. Implements, .... Albania, (Travels in), Albigenses (Waldenses, Vandois), Alchemy, Aldine Editions (Bibliography), Aldine Poets (Pickering's Edition), Alg*:, Algebra. I. History, . . II. Treatises, Algebraical Development, Algebraical Equations, Algebraical Geometry, Algiers, Alhambra, Almanacs, Alpaca, Alphabet, 220 1 1 2 2 315 3 315 315 3 4 5 9 10 11 11 213 214 214 12 12 12 12 13 Amazons, 13 America. I. Bibliography, II. North America, III. South America, IV. British America, V. Natural History, VI. Language, America, Church in, . American Indians, . Amphibia, Amputation, Ana, . . . • Analysis (see Chemistry), . Analytical Geometry, Anatomy (see Medicine), . Anatomy, Comparative, Anatomical Manipulation, Aneurysm, Angling, .... Anglo-Norman Literature, Anglo-Saxon Church, Anglo-Saxon History (see England) Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature, 20 Animalcules, 21 Animals, 21 Animal Kingdom (see also Zoology), . 22 Anthems, 315 Anthology. Greek, 22 Latin, 23 A.VTHROPOLOGY (see also Ethnology, Man), 23 Antichrist, 316 Antigua, 23 Antilles 23 Antiquities, Christian, . . . .316 Antiquities (Collections, Dictionaries, &c.), 23 Antiquities (Jewish), .... 316 Apocalypse, 317 Apocrypha, 317 Apoplexy, 223 Arabia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 24 II. History, 25 13 14 14 15 15 17 315 17 18 220 18 94 214 223 223 18 19 315 133 Vlll INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Arabia.. III. Language and Literature, . . 25 1. Bibliography, .... 25 2. Grammars, Lexicons, Chresto- mathies, &c., ... 26 3. Literature, .... 27 4. Koran, ... .27 Arabian Nights' Entertainments, . 28 Aramean, Syriac and Chaldaic Language and Literature, .... 29 Arboretum, Arboriculture, ... 30 Arch*:oloqy, 30 Archery, 30 Archipelago (Indian) 30 Architecture. I. Bibliography, .... 31 II. History 31 III. General Treatises, Dictionaries, &c., 31 IV. Grecian, 33 V. Roman 33 VI. Gothic and Church, ... 34 VII. Civil and Domestic, ... 36 Architects (Lives of), .... 39 Arctic Regions (Voyages in), . . 39 Argentine Republic, .... 40 Arians 317 Aristocracy, 40 Aristotelian Philosophy (see also Phi- losophy, 280), .... 40 Arithmetic, 41, 214 Armenia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 41 II. History 41 III. Language, 42 Arhinianism, 317 Arteries (Medicine), .... 223 Articles or Faith (Theology), . . 317 Artillery (see also Gunnery, Naval Gun- nery). I. History, ... 42 II. Treatises, 42 Art.s, Fine (see also Painting, Sculpture). I. Bibliography 43 11. History, 43 III. Essays, Criticisms, &c., . . 46 Arts (Decorative and Ornamental), . . 47 Arts and Manufactures, ... 48 ashantee, 49 Asia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 49 II. History, 50 Asia-Minor. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 50 Assaying, 51 Assurance (Life), .... 5i Assyria. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 53 Astrology 53 Athanasian Creed, .... 317 Astronomy. I. History, 53 II. General Treatises, ... 54 III. Atlases, 56 IV. Tables, Observations, . . 56 V. Catalogue of Stars, ... 57 VI. Astronomical Instruments, . 57 Atlantic Ocean, 53 Athens. Topography, Antiquities, &e., . 57 Atlases (Geographical), .... 58 Atonement, 318 Attributes, 318 Auscultation, 223 Australia. I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 59 II. History, 60 III. Language, gff IV. Natural History, ... 60 Austria. History, &c., .... 61 AvA, 61 Azores, fii B. Babylon Baconian Philosophy, Bactria (Bokhara), Ballads. I. English, Welsh, Irish, Scotch, II. German, Servian, Bohemian, Swe- dish, Danish, Dutch, Icelandic, . III. French, Spanish, Romaic, Persian, Banks, Banking, Baptism, Barbary States (see also Algiers), . Barbadoes, Basque Provinces. I. History, II. Language, Beauty (see also .^thetics), Belgium, Bengali Language, .... Bibles, Biblical Bibliography, . . , Biblical Cabinet, Bibliography. I. Introductions, .... II. General Treatises, III. Special, Bile (Medicine), Binomial Theorem, .... Biography (see Part II.) Dictionaries, Collections, &c., . Ecclesiastical, .... BiRMAN Empire (see Ava), Bleaching, Blood (Medicine), Blowpipe, Bogota, 65 67 318 318 319 319 70 71 71 224 214 72 320 73 73 234 73 73 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. IX Bogue's European Library, . . 74 Bohemia (Literature of), . . . .74 Bohn's Standard Library, . . 75 Bokhara, 75 Bolivia, ....... 76 Book-Binding, 76 Book-Keepino, 76 Borneo, 76 Botany, 76 Botany (Medical), 78 Botany (Fossil), 78 Brain, 224 Brazil. L Geography, Voyages and Travels, 79 IL History, Statistics, &c., . . 79 IIL Natural History, .... 80 Bread-Makino, 80 Breast (Medicine) ^24 Brewing, 80 Bridge-Building, 81 Bridgewatbr Treatises, ... 81 British Museum Publications, . . 82 Brittany (Bretagne) 82 buccankers 83 Buddhism, ...... 83 Building, 83 Burgundy, 84 Byzantine Historlins 84 Byzantium (Lower Empire), . . 85 C. Cabul (see Affghamistan), . Calendar, Calico Printing, Calculus of Finite Differences, Calculus, Integral, Calculus, Differential, . Calculus (Medicine), California, Calotype (see Photography), . Camden Society, Canada, Canary Isles, .... Cancer (Medicine), . Carols, Carpentry, . . . . Carriages, Carthage, .... Caspian Sea (see also Cancasus), . Catechism, .... Catholic Faith, .... Cattle (see also Ox, 271), Celtic History and Literature, Cemeteries, .... Ceylon. I. Geography, History, &o., II. Language, Chaldea (see Assyria, Babylon), 4 85 85 214 214 215 225 85 284 320 Chaldaic Language (see Aramean), . 29 Chants, 321 Chemistry. I. History, 92 II. Elementary and General Treatises, 92 III. Applied Chemistry, ... 93 IV. Chemical Manipulation, . . 94 V. Chemical Analysis, ... 94 Chess, 95 Chest (Diseases of), .... 225 Chile, 96 Children, (Diseases and Management of), 225 China, I. Geography, Voyages, and Travels, 96 II. History, 97 III. Language and Literature, . . 98 Chivalry, 99 Cholera 225 Choral Service, 321 Christian's Family Library, . . 322 Christianity (History of ), . . . 322 Chronology, .... (.323) 100 Chromatography, .... 99 CiRCASSIA, 101 Church Architecture, ... 34 Church Decoration, .... 323 Civilization, 101 Classics. I. Introductions to the Study, . 101 II. Editions, Collections, &c., . . 102 Climate, 226 Clinical Medicine, .... 226 Coal, 106 Coffee, 106 Coins and Medals (Nnmismatics), . . 262 Collects, 323 Colonization, 106 colossians, . . . . . . 323 Colour (in Painting) 106 Columbia, 106 Commerce (History of. Dictionaries, &o.), 107 Commentaries (Biblical), . . .318 Commercial Law 108 Conchology, 108 Concordance (Biblical), . . J23, 324 Concordance to Shakspere, ... 109 Conferences (Theology). . . . 324 Conic Sections, 215 Constipation (Medicine), . . . 236 Constitution (English), .... 109 Consumption (Medicine), . . . 226 Convocation (Theolc^), . . . 324 Cookery (see Domestic Economy), . 110 Coptic Language (see Egypt), . . 124 Corinthians, 324 Costume, 110 Cottage Architecture (see Architecture), 38 Cotton and Linen Manufacture, . Ill Councils (Theology), .... 324 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Courts Martial, Craniolooy, . Creation, . Creed (Apostles'), . Criticism (Biblical), . Crusades (History of), Cuba CULDEES, Curves, 112 112 324 324 325 112 113 113 216 D. Daguerreotype (see Photography), 284 Dancing, 113 Daniel (Theology), .... 325 Dante (Commentaries), .... 113 Deaf and Dumb (Instruction of), . . 114 Deformities (Medicine) 226 Democracy 114 Dentistry (see also Teeth, 243). . . 226 Devotions (Manuals of), . . 325 Diagnosis (Medicine), .... 227 Dialects (see English Language), . 139 Diatessaron (Theology), . . .326 Dictionaries, 114 Dictionaries (Medical, &c.), . . .227 Dictionaries (Theology), ... 326 Dietetics, 227 Digestion, 227 Denmark (see Scandinavia). I. History, Geography, &c., . 114 II. Language. .... 115 Differential Equations, . . . 216 Diplomacy, 115 Diplomatics (see Palseography), . . 273 Discipline and Church Government, 326 Disease 228 Distillation, 116 Doctrinal Divinity, .... 326 Doctrine of Development (Theology), 327 Dog, 116 Domestic Economy, . 116 Draining (see Agriculture), ... 8 Drama and Dramatic Literature, . 117 Drawing and Perspective, 117 Dropsy, 228 Druids, 118 Duelling, 118 Dyeing (see also Calico Printing), . . 118 Dynamics (see Mechanics), , . . 216 Dysentery, 228 E. Ear, 228 Earth (see Geology), . . . . 118 ecclesiastes 327 Eclectic Philosophy, ... 118 Eddas, 118 Edinburgh Cabinet Library, . . 119 Education, - . 119 Egypt. I. Geography, Voyages and Travels, 120 II. History and Antiquities, . . 121 III. Language, .... 122 Election (Theology), .... 327 Electricity, Magnetism, Electromag- netism, Galvanism, .... 124 Electrotype. Electrometallurgy, 125 Embryology, 228 ENCYCLOPiEDIAS, 125 ENCYCLOPa;DiAS (Medicine, &c.), . . 229 Engineering and Surveying (see also Ge- odosy, Surveying), .... 128 England. I. Geography, Statistics, &c., . 130 II. History, 130 III. Language and Literature, . 138 Engraving, 142 Enoch, 327 Entomology, 142 Ephesians, 327 Epidemic, ....... 229 Epilepsy, . . . . .^ . 229 Episcopacy, 327 Epistles (Theology), .... 327 Equations, 2I6 Erysipelas, . . . , • . 229 Ethics, 143 Ethiopia (see Abyssinia), ... 1 Ethnology, 144 Etiquette (Medical), .... 229 Etruria, 144 Eucharist, 328 Europe (History of), .... 145 Evidences (Theology), .... 328 Exchanges (Commerce), . . . .145 Exodus, 328 Eye, 229 EZEKIEL, 328 F. Fables, 146 Fairy Mythology 146 Falconry, 146 Fathers of the Church, . . . 328 Feet (Medicine), 230 Feigned Diseases, .... 230 Festivals and Fasts 330 Fever, 230 Fiction (History of), .... 147 Fine Arts, 43 Finland, 147 Fishes (Ichthyology), .... 192 Flanders (see also Netherlands), . . 147 Flemish Language ( do. ), . 260 Florence (History of), . . . .147 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Florida, 148 Food, 148 Food (Adulterations of), ... 148 Forensic Medicine, . . . .148 Formulae (Mathematics), . 216 Fortification, 149 Fossils (see also PalaBontology), . . 149 Fractures (Medicine), .... 230 France. I. Geography, Statistics, Travels, &c., 150 II. Higtory, Antiquities, &c., . . 151 in. Literature and Language, . . 151 Freemasonry, 159 Fresco Painting, .... 160, 272 Friesic Language, 160 Fungi (Botany), 160 Furniture .160 Gaelic Language, 161 Galatians (Theology) 330 Galvanism (see Electricity), . . .124 Gardening. I. General Treatises, . . .162 II. Flower Gardening, . . . 162 III. Fruit and Kitchen Gardening, . 163 IV. Landscape Gardening, . . 164 Gas Lighting and Manufacturb, . . 164 Gaul (see also Celtic History), . . 164 Gazetteers (Geography), . . 165 Genealogies (Theology), . . . 330 Genealogy (see Heraldry), . . . 180 Genesis. 330 Geodosy (see also Engineering), . 165 Geography (Biblical), .... 331 Geography. I. Dictionaries, Cyclopeedias, Systems, &c., 165 II. Physical and Mathematical, . . 166 III. History of, 166 IV. AUases 58 Geology, 167 Geometry, . . . . . . 216 Georgia (see also Caspian Sea). I. Geography, History, &c., . . 168 II. Language, 168 Germany. I. (reography, Travels, &c., . 169 II. History, 169 III. Literature 170 Language, ..... 170 Gipsies, 172 Glass Manufacture, . . . .172 Glass Painting, 172 Globes, 173 Glyphoorapht, 173 Gnosticism, 331 Gospels, 331 Gout (Medicine) 230 Government, 173 Grammar, Comparative (see also Phflo- logy), Grasses (Agriculture), . Gravitation, . . . . Greece. I. Geography, Travels, Sec, 173 173 173 174 II. History 174 III. Literature and Language, . . 176 Greenland (see also Scandinavia). I. Geography, History, &c., . . 178 II. Language 178 Guatemala (Central America), . . 178 Guide Books (for Travellers), . . 178, 352 Gunnery (see also Artillery, Njival Gunnery), 179 Gunpowder, 179 231, Harmonies (Theology), Hayti (see also Antilles), Head (Medicine), Health, ( do. ) Health (Public), Heart (Diseases of), Heat (see also Thermometer), Hebrews (Theology), . Hebrew Poetry, Hebrew Language, Heraldry and Genealogy. Hernia (Medicine), . . Herpetology, . Hexapla (Theology), Hieroglyphics (see Egypt), Highlands, . HiNDOSTAN. I. Geography, Travels, &c., II. History, Antiquities, Mythology, &c., III. Language History. I. Introductions, Universal History, &c., II. Ancient History, .... III. Middle Ages, IV. Modern, . History, Ecclesiastical, . Holland. I. History, &c., II. Language, Homceopathy, Horology, .... Horse, .... Horticulture (see Gardening), HosEA (Theology), . Huguenots, .... Hungary. I. History, &c., . II. Language, . Hydrocephalus, 331 180 231 231 351 231 180 332 180 231 182 332 183 302 183 183 185 186 187 187 188 333 188 335 189 190 Xll INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Hydrodynamics. Hydrostatics 1^ Hydraulics, 1^1 Pneumatics 1^ Hydrography (see, also Geography, Nauti- cal Surveying), ^^^ Hydropathy, ^^ Hymns (Theology), 335 I. Iceland. I. History 1^1 II. Language ^^^ Ichthyology, 1^ India (Diseases of), . . . ■ 233 India (see Hindostan), .... 183 Inductive Sciences (see Natural Philoso- phy), 192 Infinitisimal Analysis, . . • 216 Inflammation (Medicine), . .233 Infusoria (see also Animalcules, 21), 192 Inquisition, 335 Insanity, 233 International Law (see also Law of Na- tions) 192 Intestines (Medicine), .... 234 Interpretation (Theology), . . . 335 Introductions ( do. ) . . • 335 Inventions, History of (see ako Patents), 192 Ireland. I. Creography, Travels, &c., . . 193 II. History and Antiquities, . . 193 III. Language, 195 Iron (Manufacture of, &c.), . . . 195 Iron Trade (History of), .... 196 Irritation (Medicine), .... 234 Isaiah, 336 Italy. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 196 II. History, III. Language and Literature, . . 197 John, 338 Joints (Medicine), .... 234 Jonah, 338 Jurisprudence, 200 Jurisprudence, Medical (see Forensic Me- dicine), 148 Justification, 338 Kidneys (Medicine), Knights Templars, Knighthood Tsee Chivalry), . Knight's Industrial Guides, Knight's Weekly Volume, Koran, 234 200 201 27 164 202 203 235 Jamaica (see Antilles), James (Theology), . Japan. I. History, Geography, &c., II. Natural History, III. Language, Java. I. History, &c., . II. Natural History, . III. Language, Jeremiah, .... Jerusalem, Jesuits, .... Jews (History of), Job, 199 199 200 200 336 336 336 337 337 Landscape Gardening, . Latin Language and Literature, Law, Larynx (Medicine), Law, Commercial (see also Mercantile Law) 108, 204 Law, Roman, 296 Law of Nations (see also Diplomacy), . 204 Legislation (see also Government), . 204 Lent (Theology), 338 Libraries (see Bibliography), . . 204 Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, 339 Library of Entertaining Knowledge, 205 Library of the Fathers, . . .329 Library of Useful Knowledge, . 205 Life Assurance 51 Light (see Optics), .... 264 Limits (Mathematics), .... 216 Literary History, .... 265 Lithography, . 207 Lithotomy, Lithotrity, . . . 235 Liturgies, 339 Liver (Medicine), 235 Locomotive (see Steam Engine), . . 310 Logarithms, 217 Logic . . 207 London, 207 Luke, (St.) 340 Lungs (Medicine). ..... 235 M. Machinery & Mechanism, . . . 208 Madagascar, ...... 208 Madrigals, 208 Magic (see also Occult Sciences), . . 209 Magnetism (see also Electricity), . . 209 Magnetism, Animal (see Mesmerism), . 237 Mahratta Language, .... 209 Malabar, 209 INDEX OP SUBJECTS. Malacca, 209 Mal AGO LOOT (see also Conchology), . . 210 Malta, 210 Mammalia, 211 Man (see also Anthropology, Ethnology), . 211 Mandchou Language, . . . .313 Maritime Law (Mercantile Law), . 211 Mark, (St.), 340 Maroons, 212 Martin's Colonial Library, . . . 212 Materia Medica, .... 235 Mathematics. I. History, 212 11. Dictionaries, General Treatises, &c. 213 III. Special Treatises, . . 213 Matthew, (St.), 341 Mauritius, 219 Measures (see Metrology, Weights and Mea- sures), 219 Mechanics, 217,219 Medicine 219,236 Medals & Coins (Nnmismatics), . . 262 Medical Jurisprudence (see Forensic Me- dicine), 148 Mensuration (Mathematics), . . 217 Mercantile & Maritime Law, 108, 204, 246 Mesmerism, 237 Metaphysics (see Philosophy), • . . 280 Meteorology, 246 Metrology (see also Weights and Measures), 247 Mexico. I. Voyages and Travels, . . 247 11. History, 248 Microscope, 248 Military Art 248 Military History, , . . . 249 Military Surgery, 237 Mill-Work, 249 Mineralogy, 250 Mining (Metallurgy), .... 250 Minnesingers (see also Ballads, 65), . 250 Miracles, 341 Missions 341 Mohammedanism, . ... 341 Moldavia (Wallachia) 251 MoLLUSCA, (Malacology), . . . 210 Monasticism, 341 Mongolian Language, . . . 313 Monkish Historians of Great Britain, 251 Monuments, (Sepulchral), ... 251 Moon (see Astronomy), .... 56 Morocco, 252 Mosquito Shore, 252 Murray's Home & Colonial Library, 252 Murray's Hand Books for Travellers, 179 Music (see also Organ, Violin Choral Service). I. History 253 II. Theoretical Treatises, . . 254 Myology (Medicine), .... 237 Mysticism 342 Mythology, . .... 254 N. Naples, 255 Nativity (Theology), . . . .342 Natural History (Theology). . . 342 Natural History 255 Naturalist's Library, . . . 256 Natural Philosophy (Physics). . . 257 Natural and Revealed Religion, . 342 Natural Theology, .... 342 Nautical Surveying (see also Hydrogra- phy), 259 Naval Gunnery (see also Artillery, Gun- nery^, . 259 Naval Architecture (see Ship Building), 305 Naval History, 259 Naval Tactics, 259 Navigation, 259 Needlework, 260 Nerves (Medicine), .... 238 Nervous System (Medicine), . . . 238 Netherlands (see also Belgium, Holland, &c.) I. History, 260 II. Language aud Literature, . . 260 Nestorians, 342 Newfoundland, 261 New Testament, .... 342 Newton's Principia, .... 2J7 New Zealand, 261 Nibelungen Lied, 171 Nonjurors (Theology), ... 343 Normandy 261 Northmen, , 262 Norway (see also Scandinavia). I. Geography, Travels, &c., ' . . 262 II. History, 262 Nosography (Medicine), . . . 238 Numismatics, 262 Nursery Rhymes, . . . • 263 Nubia (see Abyssinia), .... 1 O. Obstetrics (Medicine), see also Pregnancy, Puerperal Fever, 238 Occult Sciencis (see also Magic), . 263 Odontography, 239 Optics (see also Light), . . . 264 Oregon (see also California), . . .264 Ordination, 343 Organs, 265 Osteology, 239 Oriental Society's Publications (Texts), 265 Oriental Translation Fund (Publications of) 265 Ornithology, 269 XIV INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Ottoman Empire (s Ox (see also Cattle), also Turkey), 271 P. Paintinq. I. Elementary and Practical, . . 271 II. History and Criticism, . . 43, 272 PxLiEONTOLOGY (scc also FossUs, Botany), 273 PALiEOGRAPHY, 273 Palestine, 343 Paper Making, 274 Paris, 274 Parables (Theology), .... 343 Parker Society, (Publications of), . 344 Patents (see also Inventions), . . . 274 Pathology, ...... 239 Peerage (See Heraldry), .... 180 Percy Society's Publications, . 275 Persia. I. Geography, Travels, &c., . . 277 II. History and Antiquities, . . 277 III. Language and Literature, . . 278 Perspective (see also Drawing), . . 279 Peru, 279 Peter, (St.), 344 Pharmacy, 239 Philippine Islands, 279 Philology (see also Ethnology), . . 279 Philosophy. I. Hktory of, .... 280 II. Modern Systems, . . .281 Phonography, 284 Photography 284 Phrenology, 284 Physiognomy, 285 Physiology, 240 Picturesque, 285 Pig, . 285 Pneumatics, 190 Poetry, 285 Poetry, Sacred, ... . 344 Poland. I. History, 286 II. Language, 286 Political Economy, 286 Polyglotts, 344 Polynesia (see also Australia, New Zealand), 287 Pompeii and Herculaneum, . . 288 Popes, (History of), 345 Porcelain Manufacture, ... 288 Port Royal, 288 Portugal (see also Spain), ... 289 Poultry (see Rural Economy), . . . 289 Pregnancy (Medicine), .... 240 Printing, 289 Prisons (see Punishment), . . . 290 Probabilities (Mathematics), . . .218 Problems, ( do. ), . . . 218 Prophecies, Prophets, .... 345 Prophets, Minor 345 Proverbs (Theology), .... 346 Proverbs, 290 Prussia, ..-..,. 290 Psalms, 346 Puerperal Fever (Medicine), . . 240 Punishment, 290 Purgatory, 346 Pyrotechny, . • . . . 291 a. dUAKERS, 346 R. Railvi^ays, 291 Ray Society, (Publications of), . . 291 Reynard the Fox, .... 291 Reformation, (History of), . . . 346 Reptiles (see also Herpetology) , . . 293 Resurrection (Theology), . . . 347 Rhetoric, 293 Rheumatism (Medicine), .... 241 Rivers 293 Road Making, 293 Romaic Language, .... 293 Romans (Theology), 343 Romances, 293 Romance Language (see also Troubadours), 294 Rome. I. Geography, Topography, &c., . 294 II. History, Antiquities, &c. . . 294 HI. Literature, 296 Roman Law, . . ... 296 Rural Economy, 296 Russia. I. Geography, Travels, &c., .296 II. History, . . . • . 297 III. Language and Literature, . 297 Russian Church, 347 S. Sabbath, -348 Sacraments, 348 Sacrileoe, 348 Sagas, 298 Sanscrit Language, .... 298 Sardinia 299 Savings Banks, 299 Saxony, 299 Scalp, (Diseases of), 241 Scandinavia, 299 Scotland. I. Geography, &c., . . . . 301 II. History, 301 III. Language, 302 Scrofula (Medicine), .... 241 INDEX OF SCJBJECTS. Sculpture, Septuagint, .... Sbrmokb, Servia, Shakspkre, Shaksperk Society (Pablications of), Sheep, Ship Building, 305 Sicily 305 Silk Manufacture, 306 Skin (Medicine), 241 Slavonic Language and Literature, . 306 Sleep, 241 Society, 306 Societies, Literary (see also Transactions), 306 South Seas (see also Polynesia), . . 306 Song of Solomon, 350 Spain. L Geography, Travels, &c., . 307 II. History, 307 III. Language and Literature, . . 308 Spine (Medicine), 242 Sports and Pastimes, . . . .309 Stammering, 242 Stars (Catalogues of) 310 Stars (Maps of), 56 Statics, 218, 310 Statistics, 310 Steam and Steam Engine, . . .310 Stenography 311 Stomach (Medicine), .... 342 Storms (see also Meteorology), . . 311 Sugar 311 Sumatra, 311 Superstitions (Medicine), . . . 242 Surgery, 219, 242 Surveying (see also Gteodosy, 165 ; Engi neering, 128), 312 Sweden. I. Travels, &c., . . . .312 II. History, &c., . . . . 312 III. Language, &c., . . . . 312 Switzerland. I. Travels, &c., . . . .312 II. History, 313 Sydenham Society, Publications of, 243 Symbols, Symbolism 350 Stkiac Languaox, .... 29 T. Tables (Mathematical), .... Tamul Language, .... Tartar Languages, Taxidermy, Technology (see also Arts and Mannfau:- tures), Teeth (see also Dentistry, Odontography), Telinga Language, .... 314 Testis (Medicine), .... 243 Teutonic Languages, .... 314 Texas, 314 Theology. Subjects, alphabetically arranged, . 315 Miscellanies and Index, . . . 362 Thermometer, &c. (see also Heat), . 351 Thkssalonians, 350 Thorough-Bass (see also Music), . . 351 Tibetan Language, .... 351 Timothy (Theology) 350 Tools, 351 Towns (Health of), .... 231, 351 Toxicology, 244 Transactions of Scientific and Lite- rary Societies, . . . . 352 Travellers' Guide Books, . . 178, 352 Treks (see also Arboriculture), . . 352 Trigonometry, 218 Troubadours and Trouveres (see also Romance Language), .... 353 Tumours (Medicine), .... 244 Turkey (see also Ottoman Empire), . . 353 Turkish Language, .... 354 Turning, 354 Tuscany (see also Italy), . . . 355 Typography (see Printing), . . . 289 U. United States (see also America), 14, 355 Universities 355 Urinary Organs (Medicine), . . . 244 Uterus, 244 V. Vaudois (see Albigenses), ... 9 Venereal Disease 245 Venezuela, 355 Venice, 3.'>5 Ventilation (see Warming), . . . 359 Veterinary Art (see also Horse), . 356 Vine (Grape), 163 Violin, 356 Voice, 357 Voyages and Travels, . . . 357 W. Waldenses (see Albigenses), . 9 218 Wales. 313 I. Geography, Travels, &c.. . 358 313 II. History, .... 358 313 III. Language and Literature, 359 Wallachia (see Moldavia), 251 314 Warming and Ventilatiox, . . 359 343 Weaving, . 359 XVI INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Weights and Measurbs (see also Metro- logy) 360 West Indies, 360 Whale Fishery 360 Wine, 360 Wood Engraving, 360 Women (Diseases of ), . . . . 245 Wool. 361 Y. Yucatan, 361 Z. Zechariah, 350 Zoology (see also Natural History), . 361 Zoophytes 361 PART I. SUBJECTS-ALP^lfMMJ ARRANGED. \ - ■'^>:s^. ABIPONES. ,, , .. ^^ DOBRIZHOFFER, (k.) 'Accoimt of tie Abipones of Paraguay. 3 vols. 8vo, 15». . > :-:^^.. X* • •'> - • London, IQ'^ ABYSSINIA.— Nubia, ETHiopiA,/ I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS.— II. HISTORY. —III. LANGUAGE. I. GEOGRAPHY. ARROWSMITH, (J.) Map of Nubia and Abyssinia. . London. RUSSELL, (Dr.) Nubia and Abyssinia : comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History, fcp. 8vo, 5*. (Edin. Cab. Liby.) Edinburgh, 1833 BRUCE, (JAS.) Travels in Abyssinia. 7 vols. 8vo, and 4to vol. of plates. Edin., 1804 BRUCE, (J.) Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. 18mo, 5*. London, 1839 VALENTIA, (Lord.) Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, &c., in 1802—6. 3 vols. 8vo, and 4to vol. of plates. . London, 1811 HALLS, (J. J.) Life and Adventures of Nat. Pearce in Abyssinia. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. London, 1831 SALT, (H.) Voyage to Abyssinia. 4to. . . . London, 1814 GOBAT, (S.) Three Years' Residence in Abyssinia. 8vo. London, 1834 ISENBERG AND KRAPF. Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, detailing their Pro- ceedings in the Kingdom of Shoa, and Journeys in other Parts of Abyssinia, in the years 1839, 40, 41, and 42. To which is prefixed, a Geographical Memoir of Abyssinia and South-Eastem Africa. By James M' Queen, Esq. ; grounded on the Missionaries' Journals, and the Expedition of the Pacha of Egypt up the Nile. 8vo, 2 maps, 12s. . . London, 1843 BURCKHARDT, (J. L.) Travels in Nubia, etc. 4to. . London, 1822 HARRIS, (W. C.) The Highlands of Ethiopia : being the account of Eighteen Months' Residence of a British Embassy at the Court of Shoa. 3 vols. 8vo London, 1844 ABYSSINIA.] 2 [ABYSSINIA. T. GEOGRAPHY.— (Continued.) JOHNSTON, (C.) Travels in Southern Abyssinia, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 8s London, 1844 COMBES ET TAMISIER. Voyage en Abyssinie, &c., 1835^7. 4 torn., 8vo Paris, 1839 RUPPEL, (E.) Reisen in Abyssinien. 2 vols. 8vo. FrancJcf., 1838-40 KATTE, (A. V.) Reise in Abyssinien in Jahr, 1836. 8vo, 6s. Stutt., 1838 ROCHET DE H^RICOURT, (M.) Voyage dans le Royaume de Shoa, etc., roy. 8vo, 16/. . . • Faris, 1841 LOBO, (Father.) Voyage to Abyssinia, with continuation by Le Grand. Transl. by Dr. Saml. Johnson. 8vo. . . . London, 1735 VOYAGE en Abyssinie pendant les Annees, 1839, 40, 41,42, 43, par Le- febvre, A. Petit, Quartin — Dillon et Vignaud — Relation historique, par Lefebvre. 8va. Ce voyage est divise en 4 parties : 1. Relation Historique, Documents sur le Com- merce et Question Colonial par Lefebvre, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. Calculs et Relevements, Observations de Physique et de M^teorologie, Statistique, Dictionnaire Geogra- phique, Ethnologic, Archeologie, par Lefebvre, 1 vol. 8vo. Ces deux premieres parties seront accompagnees de 50 planches. 3. Histoire Naturelle Botanique, class^e et redigee d'apres les Notes de Dillon et Petit, par M. Richard, 2 vols. 8vo, et atlas. 4. Histoire Naturelle, Zoologie, par M. Prevost ; Entomologie, par M. Guerin ; Geologic, par M. Rohaut, 1 vol. 8vo, et atlas. L'ouvrage paraitra en 46 livraisons, savoir, douze de texte et trente-quatre de plan- ches, chaque livraison de texte formera un demi-volnme, 7s Chaque livraison de planches, I2s. HOSKINS, (G. A.) Travels in Ethiopia. 4to, £3 13s. 6d. London, 1835 RUPPEL, (E.) Reisen in Nubien,Kordofan,u. s. w. 8vo. Frank/. 1829 WADDINGTON, (GEO.) and Hanbury, (B.) Journal of a Visit to some parts of Ethiopia. 4to, £2 London, 1822 See Dr. Beke's communication in Journ. of the Roy. Geographical Society of London, vol. XIV., also vols. XII. and XIII. — Ritter's Africa. — Rifaud's Voyage en Egypte. — Prem. Voy. a la recherche des sources du Bahr el Abiad, on Nil Blanc. 8vo. Paris, 1842. McCulloch's Geogr. Diet. GAU, (F. C.) Antiquites de la Nubie, ou monuments inedits des bords du Nil, situes autre la l''^ et la 2^ cataracte. Folio, 63 planches. £6. Faris, 1821-27 CAILLIAUD, (F.) Voyage a Meroe, au fleuve Blanc, etc., 1819-22. 4 vols. 8vo., et 2 vols, folio, 150 planches et cartes, 300/. . Faris, 1826 n. HISTORY. LUDOLFUS, (J.) History of Ethiopia. Folio. . London, 1682 See Prichard's Phys. Hist. Mankind, Vol. 2. ra. LANGUAGE. LUDOLFUS, (J.) Grammatica ^thiopica. 2nd ed. . Franc, 1702 Lexicon ^Ethiopico Latinum " 1699 Grammatica Linguae Amharicae " 1698 Lexicon Amharico-Latinum, cum Indice Lat. . " 1698 ISENBERG'S Amharic Grammar and Dictionary. EVANGELIA SANCTA in ling, amharicum vertit Abu-Rumi Habessinus. ed. T. P. Piatt. 4to London, 1824 QUATUOE EVANGELIA MTHIOFICE. 4to. . " 1826 MURRAY, (E.) Enoch Restitutus. 8vo. ... " 1836 ABYSSINIA.] 3 [esthetics. in. LANGVAG^.— (Continued.) LAWRENCE, (R.) Libri Enoch prophetae versio iEthiop. 8vo. Oxon., 1838 HOFFMANN, (A. G.) Das Buch Henoch iibers. u. erkl. 2 vols., 8vo, 14s. Jen Treatise on Astronomy. 8vo. . " 1830 (Lib. Useful Knowl.) NARRIEN, (J.) Practical Astronomy and Geodesy : including the Pro- jections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. For the use of the Royal MiUtary College. 8vo, 14s London, 1845 ARAGO, (M.) Popular Lectures on Astronomy. 8vo. " 1840 CARPENTER, (W. B.) Horology and Popular Astronomy. 8vo, 9s. 6d. London, 1843 DICK, (T.) The Practical Astronomer, comprising illustrations of Light and Colour. Practical Descriptions of all kinds of Telescopes, and other Astronomical Instraments ; a particular Account of the Earl of Rosse's large Telescopes, and other topics coimected with Astronomy. l2mo, 100 eng., 10s. 6d London, 1845 SMYTH, (W. H.) A Cycle of Celestial Objects, for the Use of Naval, Military, and Private Astronomers. Observed, reduced, and discussed. 2 vols. 8vo, je2 2s London, 1844 RAPER, (Hy.) The Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1840 BIOT. Traits ^l^mentaire d'astronomie physique. 3* edition entierement refondue. 4 vols. 8vo, avec 4 Atlas in 4to,/.50. . Faris, 1844-47 ASTRONOMY.] 55 [ASTRONOMY. n. GENERAL TREATISES.— (Continued.) WHEWELL, (W.) Astronomy and General Physics considered with re- ference to Natural Philosophy. 8vo, 5s. . . . London, 1847 PEARSON, (W.) An Introduction to Practical Astronomy. 2 vols. 4to, £T ^s London, 1824-1829 COMTE, (A.) Traits philosophique d'astronomie populaire, ou Exposition systematique de toutes les notions de phiiosophie astronomique, soit scien- tifique, soit logiques, qui doivent devenir universellement famihSres. 8vo. /•7 Paris, 1844 FRANCOUR, (L. B.) Astronomic pratique : usage et composition de la connaissance du tems. 8vo,/.7 50 Paris, 1840 Uranographie, ou traitd ^Idmentaire d'astronomie, a I'usage des per- sonnes peu versees dans les mathematiques. . 8vo,/.9 50 Paris, 1837 DELAMBRE, (J. J.) Astronomic theorique et pratique. 3 vols. 4to,/.60. Paris, 1814 BAILLY, (C.) R^sum^ complet d'astronomie, ou coimaissance de la nature et des mouvemens des corps celestes, &c., &c. 32mo,/.60. Paris, 1825 LITTROW, (J. J.) Vorlesungen iiber Astronomic. 2 vols. 8vo, 13*. Sd. Wien, 1840 Die Wunder des Himmels. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, and Atlas of Plates, 4to, £\ Stutt., 1842 (C. L. V.) Theoretische u. prakt. Astronomic. 3 vols. 8vo, plates. Wien, 1821-26 LALANDE, (J. J.) Astronomic. 3 vols. 4to. . . Paris, 1792 LAPLACE, (P. S.) Exposition du systeme du monde, pr^c^de de I'eloge de I'auteur par M. Fourier. 6« edn. 4to. . . . Paris, 1835 Le meme ouvrage. 2 vols. 8vo «« u Traits de mecanique celeste. 2* ed. 1829-30 (pour Vols. I, II) 1803 et 5 (Vols. Ill, IV) et 1825. 5 vols. 4to,/.150. . . . Paris. Mecanique cdleste ; translated with a Commentary, by N. Bowditch. 4 vols. 4to Boston, 1829-39 PONT^COULANT, ( de.) Th6orie analytique du Systeme du monde. 4vols. 8vo,/.48 Pam, 1826-36 Traite €\€m. de physique celeste, ou Precis d'astronomie theorique et pratique, servant d'introduction a I'^tude de cette science. 2 vols. 8vo, plates,/. 10 Paris, 1840 SOMERVILLE, (Mary.) On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences. 12mo London,!^! Mechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. . . . " 1831 BERNOULLY, (D.) Recherches physiques et astronomiques sur la cause physique de I'inclination des plans des orbites des planetes par rapport au plan de I'equateur. 2nd edn. 4to,/.l2. .... Paris. LE VERRYER, (U. J.) M^moire sur les variations seculairee des dldments des orbites pour les sept planetes principales. Mercure, V^nus, la Terre, Mars, Jupiter, Satume et Uranus. 8vo,/.3 50. . Pari*, 1844 Developpements sur plusiers points de la Th^orie des perturbations dea planetes. 8vo. 1841 (Connaissance de TempB ponr 1844.) Th^oric de mouveraent de Mercure. 8vo. . . . 1845 (Connaissance de Temps pour 1847.) Recherches sur les mouvements d'Uranus. Svo. . . 1846 Recherches sur les mouvements de la planSte Herschell. Svo. 1846 (Connaissance de Temps pour 1849.) ASTRONOMY.] 56 [astronomy. II. GENERAL TREATISES.— (Continued.) AIRY, (G. B.) Mathematical Tracts on the lunar and planetary theories, the figure of the Earth, precession and nutation, the calculus of varia- tions, and the undulatory theory of optics, for the use of Students. 8vo. Camb,, 1831 MEMOIRS OF THE ROYAL ASTROJ^TOMICjIL SOCIETY. 1811-1846. Vols. I.-XV. 4to. London. Monthly Notices of Ditto. 8vo. Land., 1831-4Q. COJ\rJ\rAISSAJ\rCE DES temps, in ISmo. and 8vo. . Paris, 1678-1846 De morgan, (A.) An Explanation of the Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere. 8vo, 5* London, 1836 JEANS, (H. W.) Rules in Plane and Spherical Trigonometry : with nu- merous Examples pud Problems. 3s. 6d. . . . London, 1843 Solutions of the Astronomical and other Problems in the above vo- lume ; designed as an Introduction to Nautical Astronomy. 3*. 6d. " Rules for finding the Names and Positions of all the Stars of the First and Second Magnitude. Royal 8vo, 3s. 6d. . . London, 1845 BLUNT, (C. F.) The Beauty of the Heavens. 4to, plates, 28s. London, 1845 ARAGO, (M.) The Comet. Scientific Notices of Comets in general, &c., translated from the French by C. Gold. 8vo, 4s. . London, 1833 RUMKER, (C.) Mittlere Oerter von 12000 Fix-Steraen fUr den Anfang von 1836. 2 parts, 4to, 24s Hamb., 1843-45 BODE, (J. E.) Anleitung zur Kenntnise des gestimten Himmels. Edid. Enko Bremiker. 10th edn., 8vo .... Berlin, 1844 MOON. BEER, (W.) &, MADLER, (J. H.) Der Mond nach seinen komischen u. individuellen Verhaltniss. od. allgemeine vergleichende Selenographie. 2 vols. 4to ^. . . Berlin, 1837 HAUSEN, (P. A.) Fundumenta nova investigat orbit, verae quam Luna perlustrat. 4to Goth., 1838 BEER, (W.) & MADLER, (J. H.) Map of the Moon : Mappa Seleno- graphica. 4 sheets, folio Berlin, 183Q m. ATLASSES, MAPS. LUBBOCK, (J. W.) Six Maps of the Stars, including those of the Sixth Magnitude, laid down according to the Gnomonic Projection. In size 25 inches square. Plain, 15s. . . . . . . London. With the Constellations coloured, 21s. The same on a smaller scale, 14 inches by 14, 3s. ; cold., 4s. 6d. (See Dk Morgan on Gnomonic Projection.) WYLD, (J.) Map of the Stars and Phenomena of the Universe. London. SCHWINCK, (G.) Mappa Coelestis, sive tabulae quinque inerrantium sep- timum ordinem non excedentium et usque ad XXX gradum decl. austr. pertinentium, quas pro medio seculo XIX stereographice construxit. Imp. folio, jCI 7s Leipzig, 1844 ARGELANDER, (D. F.) Neue Uranometrie. Darstellung der im mittlern Europa sichtbaren Sterne. Stemverzeichniss. foho (17 maps) with cata- logue. 8vo, 16s Berlin, 1843 DIEN, (C.) Atlas des ph^nomenes celestes, donnant le trace des mouve- ments apparents des planetes. 4to,/.l6. . . . Paris, 1843 IV. TABLES, OBSERVATIONS, &c. MAURY, (M. F.) Astronomical Observations made during the year 1845, at the Naval Observatory, Washington. 8vo, vol. I. Washington, 1846 ASTRONOMY.] 57 [ATHENS. IV. TABLES, OBSERVATIONS, &lc. ^{Continued.) JOHNSON, (M. J.) Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observator>', Oxford, in the years 1840, 1843. Vols. I.-IV., roy. 8vo, each 16« Oxford, 1843^5 HERSCHELL, (J. F. W.) Observations in the Southern Hemisphere. 4to. London, 1847 ARGELANDER, (F. W. A.) Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Stemwarte zu Bonn. Vol. 1, Durchmusterung d. Nordl. Himmels, zw. 45 u. Grad der Declination, in d. Jahren 1841-44. 4to, 18s. Bonn, 1846 BESSEL, (F'. W.) Astronom. Beobachtungen auf der koniglichen Univer- sitats-Stemwarte in Konigsberg, von 12 Nov., 1813, — vols. fol. Konigsberg, 1813- Astronomische Untersuchungen. Vol. I., II., 4to. . Regiom., 1840-4 Tabulae Regiomont. reduct. observat. astronom. ab 1750 usque ad 1850. 8vo Eegiom., 1840 SCHUMACHER, (H. C.) Astronomische Nachrichten. Vols. 1-22, 4to. Altona, 1823-44 Sammlung von Hiilfetafeln. 8vo. ** 1845 LITTROW, (J. J.) Annalen der k. Stemwarte in Wien. 12 vols, folio, per vol. 14«. 6d Wien, 1813-30 V. CATALOGUES OF STARS. BAILY, (F.) On the Construction and Use of some new Tables for de- tennining the Places of nearly 3000 Fixed Stars in Vol. II. of Memoirs of the Roy. Astron. Society of London. .... 1826 Catalogue of the Fixed Stars of the Brit. Association for the Advan. of Science, being an Enlargement of the Astron. Society's Cat. of 1827. sm. folio, 63s London, 1845 FLAMSTEED, (Rev. John.) An account of, to which is added his British Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged, by F. Baily. 4to. London, 1835 GREENWICH OBSERVATORY. A Catalogue of one thousand one hundred and twelve stars, etc. 4to. . . . London, 1833 See also the Catalogues of Groombridgk, Johnson, Richardson, Struvb's Dorpat Cat., Bess el's Zone Obser. VI. ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS. ABOUL HHASSAN ALL Traite des instruments astronomiques des Arabes ; traduit de I'Arabe sur le MSS. par J. J. S^dillot. 2 vols. 4to, y-.27. Paris, 1835 S^DILLOT, (L. A.) M^moires sur les instruments astronomiques des Arabes. 4to Paris, 1841 See the varions Treatises on Practical Astronomy. Brewster's Optics ; Prich- ard's Optical Instruments in Lib. Usef. Knowl. ', Young's Lectures on Natural Philosophy, ed. 1845. ATHENS. TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, &c. WILKINS, (W.) Remarks on Topography and Buildings of Athens. 8vo. » London, 1816 LEAKE, (W. W.) Topography of Athens ; with some remarks upon its antiquities. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 10s. . . London, 1841 WORDSWORTH, (Rev. Dr. C.) Athens and Attica: Journal of a Resi- dence there. 8vo, 12s London, 1836 ATHENS.] 58 [atlases, geographical. TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, SLC.—(C(miinued.) LOCKHART. Attica and Athens : an Inquiry into the Civil, Moral, and Religious Institutions of the Inhabitants, the Rise and the Decline of the Athenian Power, and the Topography and Chronology of Ancient At- tica and Athens. Translated from the German of K. O. Miiller, Grote- fend, and others. 8vo, 9s London, 1842 BOECKH, (Aug.) Urkunden iib. das Gewesen des Attischen Staats. 8vo, with Atlas, in foho Berlin, 1840 Public Economy of Athens. Translated by G. C. Lewis. 2nd. edn. 1 vol. 8vo, 12s London, 1842 SCHOMANN, (G. F.) De Comittiis Atheniensium. 8vo,9s. Gryph., 1819 A Dissertation on the Assemblies of the Athenians, in Three Books. Translated from the above : with a Complete Index. 8vo. Camb., 1838 AHRENS, (E. A. J.) De Athenarum Statu politico et literario. 4to. Gott., 1829 MULLER, (C. 0.) Archaologische Mittheilungen aus Griechenland, he- rausg. von A. SchoU. 4to, vol. I. Athen's Antiken-Sammlung 1. Plates, folio, lOs Frank/., 1843 See ARcmTKCTURK, Grekce, &c. ATLASES, (Geographical.) JOHNSTON, (A. K.) National Atlas of Historical, Commercial, and Po- litical Geography ; constructed from the most recent and authentic sources ; accompanied by Maps, and Illustrations of the Physical Geography of the Globe, by Dr. Hy. Berghaus, and an Ethnographic Map of Europe, by Dr. Gustav Kombst, folio, half russia, £8 8s. . Edinburgh, 1844 THE SEEIES OF MAPS, published by the Society for Diff. Useful Knowledge. 161 Maps, and 51 plans of Cities. 2 vols. imp. 4to, hf bd. £1 Is. ; coloured, XlO lOs, INDEX to the Principal Places in the World (Modem) ; with reference to the Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. By the Rev. James Mickleburgh. 8vo, 5s London, 1844 BLACK'S GENERAL ATLAS, comprising 61 Maps from the latest and most authentic sources, with Geographical Descriptions, and an Index of 56000 Names, folio, hf bd. 56s. . . . Edinburgh, 1846 School Atlas of Modem Geography : a Series of Twenty-five Maps, constructed expressly for this work by W. Hughes, with a complete Index of Names, exhibiting the Latitude and Longitude of each Place, and a Reference to the Map. 8vo, lOs. 6d. . . . Edinburgh, 1846 SHARFBS CORRESPONDING MAPS. A Series of Modem Maps, constructed upon a system of Scale and Proportion, from the most recent authorities, engraved on Steel by J. W. Lowry. Consisting of 54 Maps, size 181 inches by 14| inches. Plain, 20s. ; coloured, 30s. London, 1847-8 BUTLER. Atlas of Ancient Geography. 8vo, 12s. . London. D'ANVILLE'S Atlas of Ancient Geography, folio, £4t 4s. . WYLD'S Ancient Atlas. 4to, 12s HUGHES, (W.) Atlas of Scripture Geography. 4to, lOs. Qd. ARROWSMITH'S Bible Atlas. 4to, jEI Is. . WYLD'S Popular Atlas of the World, illustrated by Geographical and Statistical Descriptions. Consisting of 48 Maps, size 23 in. by 28 in. Plain, 40s. ; coloured, 60s London, 1847-8 ATLASES, GEOGRAPHICAL.] 59 [AUSTRALIA. ATLASES, {GEOGRAPHicAj..)~{Continued.) BERGHAUS, (Hy.) & JOHNSTON, (A. K.) The Physical Atlas; a Series of Maps illustrating the Geographical Distribution of Natural Phenomena, in 1 vol. impl. folio, half russia. . . Edin , 1847 CHIEF SUBJECTS TREATED OF IN THE PHYSICAL ATLAS. I.— INORGANIC NATURE. 1. — Meteorology and Magnetism. 1. Temperature.— Showing Isothermal Line or Line of Eqaal Heat. 2. The Winds.— Showing the Distribution of Passage-Winds, Hurricanes, Tyfoons, &c 3. Ram and Snow.— Showing the Yearly Amount falling over the Globe. 4. Rain and Snow.— Showing the Yearly and DaUy Amounts for Europe. 5. Magnetism.— The Polarizing Structure of the Atmosphere. , „. ... 2.— Hydrology. 1. Physical Chart of Atlantic Ocean. 2. Physical Chart of Indian Ocean. 3. Physical Chart of Pacific Ocean. 4. Tidal Map of Europe. ^ • 5. River Map of Europe and Asia. 6. River Map of America. 3. — Gkology. 1. Mountain Systems of Europe. 2. Mountain Chains in Europe and Asia. 3. Map of the Glacier Regions. 4. Mountain Chains in North America. 5. Mountain Chains in South America. 6. Geological Map of Europe. 7. Geological Map of England. 8. Greological Map of Scotland. 9. Regions of Earthquakes and Volcanoes over the Globe. 10. Specialia of Volcanic Girdle in Atlantic Ocean, &c. II.— ORGANIC NATURE. Phytolooy and Zoology. 1. Distribution of Food-Plants over the Worid. 2. Distribution of Plants in Horizontal and Perpendicolar directions. 3. Distribution of Animals. 4. Distribution of Q.uadnipeds. 5. Distribution of Birds. 6. Distribution of Fishes. 7. Distribution of Reptiles and Snakes. 8. Distribution of Man — Europe. 9. Distribution of Man — British Islands. AUSTRALIA. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS.— II. HIS- TORY.— III. LANGUAGE.— IV. NAT. HISTORY. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. STURT, (Capt. Chas.) Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia, 1828-31. 2 vols. 8vo., £1 Qs. . . London, 1833 BENNETT, (G.) Wanderings in New South Wales, 1832-4. 2 vols. 8vo, £18s London, 1834 MITCHELL, (Sir T. L.) Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of New South Wales. 2d edit., 2 vols. 8vo, £2. . . London, 1839 BURTON, (W. W.) State of Religion and Education in New South Wales. 8vo, 12s London, 1840 GREY, (Capt. G.) Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery in North- west and Western Australia, in 1837-8-9. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 16s. London, 1841 BACKHOUSE, (J.) Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. 8vo, 16s 1843 HOOD, (J.) Australia and the East, Voyage to New South Wales, and Residence in Sydney and the Bush, &c. 8vo, 14s. . London, 1843 AUSTRALIA.] 60 [AUSTRALIA. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS.— (Continued.) EYRE, (E. J.) Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Austra- lia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in 1840-41 ; sent by the Colonists of South Australia ; including an Account of the Aborigines and the State of their Relations with Europeans. 2 vols. 8vo, numerous illustrations, 36s London, 1845 STOKES, (J. J.) Discoveries in Australia, Explored and Surveyed during the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle ; also, Capt. Owen Stanley's Visits to the Islands in the Arafuura Sea. 2 vols. 8vo, plates and maps, 40s. London, 1846 EARL, (G. W.) Enterprise in Tropical Australia. 8vo, 6*. Lond., 1846 ANGAS, (G. F.) Impressions of Savage Life, and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s London, 1846 MAJORIBANKS, (A.) Travels in New South Wales. 12mo. London, 1847 See also Capt. King's Survey, Oxley's Expedition, Peron's and Freycinet's Voyage, Simmonds' Colonial Magazine, British Colonial Library, &c. ARROWSMITH, (J.) Map of Western Australia. . London, 1840 II. fflSTORY. LANG, (Rev. J. D.) An Historical and Statistical Account of New South Wales. 2 vols. 12mo, 2d edit., £1 Is. . . . London, 1837 STEPHENS, (John.) The History of the Rise and Progress of the new British Provinces of South Australia. 8vo, 2d edit., 8s. London, 1839 PRIDDEN, (W.) Australia ; its History, Condition, &,c. 12mo, 5s. London, 1843 BRAIM. History of New South Wales, from its Settlement to the close of the Year 1844. 2 vols, post 8vd, 12 illust., 21s. London, 1846 See Cunningham's Two Years in N. S. Wales. m. LANGUAGE. GREY, (Geo.) A Vocabulary of the Dialects of Southwestern Australia. 12mo, 2d edit • . . London, 1841 MAYER, (H. A. E.) Vocabulary of the Language spoken by the Abori- gines of South Australia. 8vo Adelaide, 1843 STURM AN, (C. W.) Vocabulary of the Pamkalla Language, spoken by the Natives of the Western Shores of Spencer's Gulf 8vo. Adelaide, 1844 TIECHELMAN, (C. T.), and SCHURMAN, (C. W.) Outline of a Gram- mar, Vocabulary, and Phraseology of the Aboriginal Language of South Australia. 8vo Adelaide, 1840 IV. NATURAL HISTORY. STRZELECKI, (P. F. de.) Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land ; accompanied by a Geological Map, Sections, and Diagrams, and Figures of the Organic Remains. 8vo, 19 plates, 24s. 1845 HODGKINSON, (C.) Australia ; from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay : with Descriptions of the Natives, their Manners and Customs ; the Geol- ogy, Natural Productions, Fertility, and Resources of that Region. First explained and surveyed, by order of the Colonial Government. 8vo, plates and map, 12s 1844 GOULD, (J.) The Birds of Australia, &c. Parts 1-22 imperial foho, each with 17 coloured plates and descriptive letter-press. :e3 3s. London, 1843-46 Synopsis of do.. Parts 1-, each 355. AUSTRALIA.] 61 [AZORES. IV. NATURAL UlSTORY .—iCmtinued.) GUILLEMIN. Icones plantarum AustralasiaB rariorum. 4to, f.lO. Paris, 1827 BUTTON, (F.) South Australia and its Mines. 8vo. London, 1846 BARTLETT, (T.) New Holland: its Colonization, Productions, and Resources ; with Observations on the Relations subsisting with Great Britain, post 8vo, Is. 6d. London, 1843 AUSTRIA.— History, &c. COXE, (W.) History of the House of Austria. New edit., 3 vols. 8vo, 10s. 6<^. . . (Bohn's Standard Library.) • • London, 1847 WILDE, (W. R.) Austria : its Literary, Scientific, and Medical Institu- tions ; vvdth Notes upon the Present State of Science, and a Guide to the Hospitals and Sanatory EstabUshments of Vienna, post 8vo, (Dublin), 9s. 6d London, 1843 TURNBULL, (P. E.) Notices of the Government and People of Austria. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1837 ELLIOTT, (Rev. C. B.) Travels in the three great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1838 MAILATH, (J.) Geschichte von Ostreich, vols. 1-3. 8vo, £1 Ss. (Heeren und UkerVs Geschichte.) Hamburgh, 1834-42 TEGOBORSKI, (M. de.) Des Finances et du Credit Public d'Autriche, de sa Dette, de ses Ressources Financieres, et de son Syst^me d' Imposi- tion, avec quelques rapprochemens entre ce pays, la Prusse, et la France. 2 vols. 8vo, 15/. Paris, 1843 RAUMER, (F. VON.) Geschichte der Hohenstaufen. 2d edit., 6 vols. 8vo, 48s Leipzig, 1840-3 ADAIR. Historical Memoir of a Mission to the Court of Vienna in 1806, by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Adair, with a Selection from his Dispatches, Published by permission of the proper authorities. 8vo, 18s. London, 1844 The Negotiations for the Peace of the Dardanelles, in 1808-9 : with Dispatches and Official Documents. Being a Sequel to the Memoir of his Mission to Vienna in 1806. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. . London, 1845 NOSTITZ, (CoMTE DE.) De I'avenir de I'autriche, trad, de I'allemagne. 8vo Paris, 1843 REVELATIONS OF AUSTRIA. By M. Koubrakiewicz, ex- Austrian Functionary. 2 vols, post 8vo, 21s London, 1846 LABORDE, (le Comte A. de.) Voyage Pittoresque en Autriche. 3 vols. folio, /.120. * Paris, 1821-23 The third vol. is entitled Precis historiqne de la guerre entre la France et 1' Autriche en 1809. reprinted Paris, 1823, in 1 vol. 8vo, avec nn atlas, de 25 pi., /.30. AVA. CRAWFORD, (J.) Journal of an Embassy to the Court of Ava. 2 edit., 2 vols. 8vo, 15s London, 1834 See Symes's Embassy to Ava : 4to, 1800. Two Years in Ava, by an Officer : 8vo, 1827. Cox's Residence in the Barman Empire. AZORES. BULLAR, (J. AND H.), A Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s London, 1841 SEUBERT, (M.) Flora Azorica ex coUectionibus schedisque Hochstetteri. 4to, 10s. 6d ' Bonn., 1844 See Boid's Description of the Azores. 8vo, London, 1835. BABYLON.] 62 [ballads. BABYLON. RICH, (C. J.) Narrative of a Journey to Babylon and Persepolis, with Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon. 8vo, 30s. . . London, 1839 AINSWORTH, (W.) Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldea. 8vo, 12s. 6d London, 1838 MIGNAN, (R.) Travels in Chaldea in 1827. 8vo, 14s. " 1829 See Buckingham's Travels in Mesopotamia. Porter's Travels in Georgia, &c. Maurice on the Ruins of Babylon. Lord Keppel's Travels in Babylonia, &c. Heeren's Researches. Fraser's Mesopotamia and Assyria — Jour, of Geogr. Society. Beke's Origines Biblicae, etc. BACONIAN PHILOSOPHY. MAISTRE, (J. DE.) Examen de la Philosophic de Bacon. 2 vols. 8vo, /.14 . . Paris, 1836 CRAIK. (G. L.) Bacon and his Writings. 3 vols. 24mo, 4s. 6d. London, 1846-47 See Tennemann's Geschichted. Philosoph. Account of Bacon'.s Novum Organon in Lib. Use. Knowl., by Dr. Hoppus. BACTRIA, (See Bokhara.) LASSEN, (C.) Zur Geschichte der Greichischen u. Indoskythischen Konige in Bactrien, Kabul, und Indien. 8vo, 9s. 6d. . . Bonn., 1838 GROTEFEND, (C. L.) Die Munzen der griech. parth. u. indoskyth. Konige v. Bactrien. Hanover, 1839 RITTER, (C.) die Stupas (Topes) od. d. architectonischen Denkmale aus der Indo. Baktrischen Konigstrase. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . Berlin, 1838 See Wilson's Ariana Antiqna. BALLADS. I. ENGLISH, WELSH, IRISH, SCOTCH.— II. GERMAN, SERVIAN, SWEDISH, DANISH, DUTCH, ICELANDIC— III. FRENCH, SPANISH, ROMAIC, PERSIAN. ENGLISH. PERCY. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry : consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Older Poets ; together vv^ith some few of later date. New edition, 3 vols. fcp. 8vo, 18s. . London, 1844 The Same, Moxon's Edition. 3 vols. 24mo, 9s. . " 1845 Another edition. 1 vol. roy. 8vo, 8s. 6d. . . ** 1844 HALL, (S. C.) The Book of British Ballads. 2 vols. 8vo, illustrated. 42s. London, 1842-44 KING, (R. J.) Selections from the Early Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland. Fcp. 8vo, 6s London, 1842 COLLIER, (J. B.) A Book of Roxburghe Ballads. 4to, woodcuts, 21s. London, 1847 GUTCH, (J. M.) A Lyttell Geste of Robin Hode. In Eight Fyttes. With other Antient and Modem Ballads and Songs relative to this cele- brated English Yeoman. To which is prefixed, his History and Charac- ter, grounded on other documents than those made use of by his former Biographer, " Master Ritson." 2 vols. 8vo, with Cuts by F. W. Fairholt, 30s. London, 1847 SHELDON'S BORDER MINSTRELSY. The Minstrelsy of the Eng- lish Border. Being a Collection of Ballads, ancient, remodelled, and ori- ginal ; founded on well-known Border Legends. With illustrative Notes. Square Bvo, 15s London, 1846 BALLADS.] 63 [ballads. BAhhAJ)S.— (Continued.) A COLLECTIOK OF OLD BALLADS, corrected from the best and most ancient Copies extant, with Introductions historical and critical. 3 vols. 12mo, plates. London, 172&-38 D'URFEY, (T.) Wit and Mirth ; or Pills to purge Melancholy : being a collection of the best merry Ballads and Songs, old and new, etc. 6 vols. 12mo. . . London, 1719 EVANS. (E.) Some Specimens of the Poetry of the ancient Welsh Bards. Translated into English, etc. 4to London, 1764 HEADLEY, (H.) Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry. 2 vols. 8vo, " 1810 EVANS, (T.) Collection of Old Ballads, new edition, enlarged by his son R. H. Evans. 4 vols. sm. 8vo London, 1810 AIKEN, (J.) Essays on Song-Writing, with a Collection of English Songs, and Snppli- ment by Evans, sm. 8vo London, 1810 Vocal Poetry, with selection of English Songs, and an Essay, sm. 8vo. " " RITSON, (J.) Northern Garlands : Bishopric Garland, or Durham Minstrel : Yorkshire Garland : Northumberland Garland : North Country Chorister. 8vo, IS*. London, 1810 Select English Songs. 2d edn., with additions by Park. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. London, 1813 Ancient Songs and Ballads, from the Reign of King Henry the Second to the Revo- lution. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. ...... London, 1829 Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry. 12mo. . . . London, 1833 SIX BALLADS, WITH BURDEJ^S, from a MSS at Cambridge, edited by Good- win. {Percy Society.) sm. 8vo. ...... London. POLITICAL SOKGS OF EJ^GLAJ^D, from the Reign of John to that of Edward II., ed. and transl. by Wright. {Camden Society.) sm. 4to. . . London. STRAXOE HISTORIES, consisting of Ballads and other Poems, principally by Thos. Deloney. {Percy Society.) sm. 8vo. ..... London. EARLY KAVAL BALLADS OF EXQLAJfD, edited by J. O.HalliweU. {Percy So- ciety.) sm. 8vo. ....... London, 1841 POLITICAL BALLADS, published during the Commonwealth, edited by Thos. Wright. {Percy Society.) sm. 8vo. ...... London, 1841 COLLECTIO^r of Old Ballads, anterior to Charles I., edited by J. P. Collier. {Percy Society.) sm. 8vo. ....... London, 1840 DODD, (J. W.) Ballads on Archery, Sonnets, &c., woodcuts and Music, sm. 8vo, 3*. London, 1818 SUFFOLK OARLAKD, or a collection of Poems, Songs, and Ballads relative to that County, with Notes, &c. 8vo, 7s. Ipswich, 1818 VJ^IVERSAL SO^rOSTER, (the) with Illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. 3 vols. 8vo, London, 1834 DIBDIN, (C.) Songs, Naval and National, collected and arranged by Thomas Dibdin, illus- trated by Geo. Cruikshank 12mo, 5* London, 1840 POLITICAL SOJSrOS OF EMOLAKD, from John to Edward U., edited by Thomas Wright. {Camden Society). 1 vol. 4to, London, 1840 OLD BALLADS illustrating the Great Frost of 168»-4, edited by Rimbanlt. {Percy So- ciety), sm. 8vo London, 1844 WELSH. EVANS, (E.) Some Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards, translatedinto English, etc. 4to. . . . London, 1764 TRAJ^ SLATED SPECIMEJ^S of Welsh Poetry in English Verse, with some Original Pieces and Notes by J. Walters. 8vo London, 1782 JONES, (E.) Musical and Poetical Relics of the Welsh Bards, folio. . London, 1194 IRISH. BROOKE, (Miss C.) Reliques of Irish Poetry. Translated. 4to. Dublin, 1789 CROKER, (T. C.) Collection of the Popular Songs of Ireland. 8vo, 5s. London, 1839 SPECIMENS of the early native poetry of Ireland, in English metrical translations, by Miss Brooke, H. Grattan, Dr. Anster, etc., with historical and biographical notices by Hy. R. Montgomery. 18mo. Dublin, 1847 BUNTING, (E.) Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland. To which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Irish Harp, Harpers, «fcc., 4to, 31*. 6d. London, 1840 BALLADS.] 64 [ballads. BALLADS.— {Continued.) SCOTCH. SCOTT, (Sir W.) The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. 8vo. London, 1840 MOTHERWELL, (W.) Minstrelsy ; Ancient and Modem ; with an His- torical Introduction and Notes. 4to. . . . Glasgow, 1827 (Reprinted. Boston, 1846. Ticknor & Co.) CUNNINGHAM, (A.) Songs of Scotland, ancient and modem. 4 vols. 8vo London, 1826 Poems and Songs, with Notes, &c., by P. Cunningham, 18mo, 2s. 6d. London, 1847 WHITELAW, (A.) The Book of Scottish Song ; collected and illustrated with Historical and Critical Notices, sq. 16mo, 9s. . Glasgow, 1843 BOOK OF SCOTTISH BALLADS, collected and illustrated with Histo- rical and Critical Notices, sq. 16mo, 95. . . Glasgow, 1845 CHAMBERS, (Robt.) Scottish Songs and Ballads, collected and illus- trated. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1829 Popular Rhymes of Scotland. 18mo. NOR THERN MINSTRELS Y. Select Specimens of Scottish Poetry and Song. 12mo, 2* -. London, 1845 (Burns' Fireside Library.) OGILVY, (Mrs. D.) A Book of Highland Minstrelsy. Post 4to, with il- lust. by R. R. M'lian. 21s London, 1846 DAUNEY, (W.) Ancient Scottish Melodies, with an Introduction. 4to. Edinburgh, 1838 THOMSON, (G.) The Select Melodies of Scotland, etc. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822 JOHNSON, (J.) The Scots' Musical Museum. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1787-1803 New edition, with Notes by W. Stenhouse and D. Laing. 6 vols. X2 12s. 6d London, 1839 RAMSAY, (A.) The Ever-Green, being a collection of Scots Poems, wrote by the Inge- nious before 1600. With Glossary. 2 vols, small 8vo. . . . Edinburgh, 1760 The Tea Table Miscellany. 4 vols. 12mo. . ... Edinb., 1750 HERD, (D.) A Collection of Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1776 PINKERTON, (J.) Scottish tragic Ballads. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 1783 Ancient Scottish Poems. 2 vols. 8vo " 1786 Collection of rare Scottish Poems. 3 vols. 8vo " 1792 DALZELL, (J. G.) Collection of Scottish Poems of the 16th Century, with Notes and a Glossary. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s Edinb., ISQl SIBBALD, (J.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, from the 13th Century to the union of the crowns ; with a Glossary. 4 vols. 8vo Edin., 1802 JAMIESON, (RoBT.) Scottish Popular Ballads and Songs. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806 FINLAY, (J.) Scottish, Historical, and Romantic Ballads. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1808 RITSON, (J.) Northern Garlands. 8vo London, 1810 OROMEK, (R. H.) Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song. sm. 8vo. " 1810 GILCHRIST, (J.) A Collection of Ancient and Modern Scottish Ballads, Tales and Songs, &c. 2vols. 12mo Edinb., 1815 RITSON, (J.) The Caledonian Muse, a chronolo. selection of Scottish Poetry from the earliest times. 8vo London, 1821 LAING, (D.) Select Remains of the ancient popular Poetry of Scotland. 4to. Edinb., 1822 KINLOCH, (G. R.) Ancient Scottish Ballads, never before published, cr. 8vo. Edinb., 1827 BUCHAN, (P.) Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland, hitherto unpub- lished. 2 vols. 8vo 1828 SCOTTISH Traditional Verses of Ancient Ballads, edited by J. H. Dixon, sm. 8vo. (Percy Society.) London. BALLADS.] 65 [ballads. n. GERMAN, «fcc, TAYLOR, (Ed&ar.) Lays of the Minnesingers, or German Troubadours of the Xllth and Xlllth Centuries, sm. 8vo, 9s. . London, 1825 SONGS AND BALLADS translated from the German of Uhland, Komer, Burger, etc., by C. T. Brooks. Bvo. . . . Boston, 1841 Ripley's Specimens of Foreign Literature. / GERMAN BALLADS AND SONGS: comprising translations from Schiller, Komer, Uhland, Burger, Gothe, Fouque, Chamisso, Becker, etc. 12mo, 2s. 6d. . (Buras's Fireside Library.) • • London, 1845 BIBLIOTHEK d^r gessammten deutschen Nationalliteratur, von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die neure Zeit. 8vo, JEIO. QwctiZing., 1835-45 Abth. I.— Vols 1-3, 5-13, 15-24. Abth. II.— Vols. 1-2. Abth.— III.— Vol. 1. BODMER, (J. J.) TT. BRETINGEN. Samml. v. Minnesingem aus dem Schwabischen Zeitpuncte CXL Dichter, enthalt. durch Ruediger Manessen ; weiland des Rathes der urhalten Zurich, a. d. MSS. a. Kgl. Frz. BibUot, herausg. 2 vols. 4to, 10s. .... Zurich, 1758-9 MYLLER, (C. H.) Sa'mmlung dentscher Gedichte aus dem XII. XIII. n. XIV Jahrh. 3 vols. 4to (3d a fragment), 50s Berlin, 1784-5 HAGEN (v. d.) cnd BUSCHING, (J, G.) Sammlung Deutecher Volkslleder nebstMelo- dien. 8vo, 6* Berlin, 1807 Literarischer Grundriss zar Geschichte d. deutschen Poesie von der ditesten Zeit. bis in das 16te Jahrhundert. 8vo, Vis Berlin, 1812 GRIMM, (J,), iiber der altdeutscheMeistergesang. 8vo, 3a. . . . Gott., IBli MEINERT, (G. J.) Alte deutsche Volksleider in der Mundart des Kuhlandchens. 8vo. Vienna, 1817 GORRES, ( .) Altdentsche Volks und Meisterlieder. S\o, Ss. . Frank/., 1817. LASSBERG, (Jos. v.) Liedersaal, Sammlung altteutscher Gedichte aus ungedmckten anellen. Vols. I.-IV., roy 8vo, 50* Eppish., 1821-46 ERLACH, (F. C.) Die Volkslieder der Deutschen. Eine vollstandige Sammlung der vor- zuglichen deutschen Volkslieder von der mitte des 15ten bis in die erste Hiilfte des 19ten Jahrh. mit den nothigen Bemerkungen u. Hinweisungen, wo die vorschiedenen Lieden auf gefunden warden konnen. 5 vols. 8 vo, 34s Mannh., 1834r^ MTJ\rJ\rESIjyGER, deutsche Liederdichter d. 12te 13te u. 14te Jahrh. aus alien bekannten Handschrirten, &c., mit Leben d. Dichter, Sangweisen, u. Abbild. samtl. Handschr. v. F. H. V. d. Hagen. 5 vols. 4to, £5. -Leipzig, 1838 KORNER, (P. M.) Histor. Volkslieder a. d. XVI. u. XVII. Jahr. nach. d. in Miinch. vorh. fliegenden, Blattern, mit. Vorw. v. J. A. Schmeller. 8vo, 7s. . Stutt., 1840 WALTER, (W.) Deutsche Volkslieder, welche noch gegenwartig im Mnnde des Volkes leben u. in keiner bisher erscheinen Sammlungen zu finden sind. 8vo, 4s. Leipzig, 1841 WOLF. (F.) Uber die Lais. Sequenzen u. Leiche. Zur Geschicte der Lieder des Mittelal- ters. '8vo. Heidd., 1841 WALTER (v. D.) Vogelweide. Gedichte herausg. v. K. Lachman. 8vo, 4s. Berlin, 1843 BOTENLAUBEN. Geschichte und Gedichte die Minnesangers Otto v. Botenlauben. Mit Urkundenbuch u. Abbild. herausg. von L. Bechstein. 4to, 48s. . Leipzig, 1843 VOLKSLIEDER, alter hoch- n. niederdeutsche, mit Abhandlung u. Anmerk. herausg. V. L. Uhland. Vol. 1, Liedersamml. 8vo, 14s. . . . . Stuttg., 1844 FIRMENICH, (J. M.) Germaniens Volkerstimmen. Sammlung der deutschen Mundarten, Dichtungen, Sagen, Volkslieder, &c. 4to, 12s Berlin, 1845 ARNIM CND BRENT ANO. Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Alte deutscher Lieder. 3vols.8vo. Berlin, 1845-4C WOLF, (O. L. B.) Poetischer Hausschatz des deutschen Volkes : vollstandi^este Samm- lung deutscher Gedichte nach den Gattungen geordnet, begleitet von einer Einleitung die Gesetze der Dicht-Kunst im allgemeiner, etc. 8vo Leipzig, 1844 SERVIAN. BOWRING, (J.) Servian Popular Poetry. 12mo. . London, 1827 STEPHANOWITSCH, (W.) Serbische Volkslieder. 4 vols. 8vo. . Berlin, 1824-33 transl. par Mme. E. Voiart. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1834 TRACTS LATIOJ^S FROM THE SERVIAJf MTJ^TSTRELSY; with some Specimens of Anglo-Norman Romances. 4to London, 1826 - - BALLADS.] 66 [ballads. BOHEMIAN, (fee. BOWRING, (J.) Cheskian Anthology ; being a History of the Poetical Literature of Bo- hemia, with Translated Specimens. 12mo. London, 1832 Specimens of the Polish Poets. 12mo London, 1827 Specimens of the Russian Poets. 2 vols. I2mo London, 1821-23 Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a Sketch of the Language and Literature of Hun- gary and Transylvania. 12mo London, 1830 SWEDISH. GEIJER, (E. G. ocH A. A. AFZELIUS.) Svenska Folk- Visor fran Forn- tiden, samlade och utgifiie af. 3 vols. 8vo. . Stockholm, 1814-16 ATTERBOM, (P. A.) Svenska Siare och Skalder. 2 \o\a. 8vo, IGs. Upsala, 1843 ARWIDSSON, (A. J.) Svenska Fomsanger, utgifhe af, 2 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1834 STUDACH, (J. L.) Schwedische Volksharfe, mit e. Beilage von Norra- naliedem und Melodien. 12mo, with music. . Stockholm, 1826 DANISH. BORROW, (G.) Romantic Ballads, translated from the Danish. 8vo. I^ondon, 1826 FRIMAN, (C.) Almuens Sanger. 8vo . Copen., 1790 GRIMM, (W. C.) Altdilnische Heldenlieder, Balladen, und Miirchen, nbers. Drei Alt- schottische Lieder, &c. 2 vols. 8vo Hieldelb., 1811-13 ABRAHAMSON, NYERUP, og. RAHBEK. Udvalgte Danske Viser fra Middelalderen. 5 vols 12mo Copen., 1812-14. Udvalgte Danske Viser fra Midten af det 16de Aarhundrede til heninrod Midten af det 18de. med Melodier. 2 vols. 12mo Copen., 1821 NYERUP, (R.) Almlndelig Morskabslaesning i Danmark vg. Norge. . Copen., 1816 THIELE, (J. M.) Danske Folkesagen. 5 vols Copen., 181&-28 Denmark's Folkesagn. 2 vols. 8vo 8* Copen., 1843 MOLBECH, (C.) Dansk Poetisk Anthologie. 2 vols. 8vo, 18*. . . a>pen., 1830 DUTCH, BOWRING, (J.) Batavian Anthology ; or Specimens of the Dutch Poets. 12mo. London, 1824 HOFFMAN, (Dr. H.) Hollandische Volkslieder ; gesammelt und erliiutert. 8vo. Breslau, 1823 CHOIX DK CHAJVSO^S et Poesies Wallones. (Pays de Liege,) avec la Musigue. royal 8vo 6s • Lieg-e, 1846 ICELANDIC— (See Edda.) GRIMM, (J. & W. K.) Die lieder der alten Edda ans einer alten Handschrift herausg. und erklart durch die Briider Grimm. 8vo Berlin, 1835 FRENCH. COSTELLO, (Miss.) Specimens of the Early Poetry of France from the Time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henri Quatre. Svo. London, 1825 CHANTS ET CHANSONS Populaires de la France. 3 vols. impl. Svo, with the Music and Engravings on copper. /.54. . Paris, 1843 WOLF, (O. L. B.) Alt. franzosiche Volkslieder, herausg. von. Svo. . Leipzig, 1831 Le ROUX de LINCY. Recueil de chants historiqnes francais, depuis le 12e jusqn'au 18e siecle, avec des notices et une introduction, Ire serie, du 12e'au 15e siecle. 2 vols. 18mo. Paris, 1841 RIVARES, (Frederic.) Chansons et Airs Populaires du Beam. Recueillis par F. Rivares. Royal 8vo, Vis Paris, 1846 BARZAS BREIZ, ( ) Chants populaires de la Bretagne, recueUlis et publies avec une traduction francais, des eclairissements, des notes, et les melodies originales. par Th. de la Villemarqu6.' 2 vols. 8vo, /. 15 Paris. CABRIE. Le Troubadour moderne ; ou Poesies populaires de nos provinces meridionales, traduits en francais et pr6ced6s d'un disconrs sur la langue et la litterature provencale, de- puis leur origine'jnsqn'a nos jours. 8vo, /.7. Paris, 1844 MONET, (M.) Anthologie Francoise, ou Chansons Cboisies depub le 13e siecle. 3 vols. 8vo. ... . . Paris, 1765 BALLADS.] 67 [banks, banking. SPANISH. LOCKHART, (J. G.) Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic. 2nd Edition , . , London, 1842 The same reprinted, (W. & P). . . . New - Yor k, 1S42 BOWRING, (J.) Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. 8vo. London, 1823 SANCHEZ, (Don T. A.) Colleccion de Poesias Castellanas, anteriores al Siglo XV. 4 torn, 8vo Madrid, 1779 RODD, (Thos.) Ancient Ballads from the Civil Wars of Granada and the Twelve Peers of France. 8vo. .... London, 1801 History of Charles the Great and Orlando. With Metrical Versions of Spanish Ballads, relating to the Twelve Peers of Prance. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812 DEPPING, (C. B.) Sammlung der besten alten Spanischea-Historischen und Maarischen Romanzen, &c. 12mo. Altenb., 1817 DIEZ, (F.) Alt. Spanische Romanzen, libers, von F. Diez. 2 vols. 8vo. Frank/., 1818-21 DEPPING, (G. A.) Collection de los Celebres Romances antignos Espaflioles, emend, por un Espaiiol Refugiado. 2 vols. 16mo. London, 1825 BOHL DE FABER, (Don J. N.) Floresta de Rimas Antiquas Castellanas. 3 vols. 8vo, Hamburg; 1821-5 DURAN, (Don Aug.) Coleccion de Romances Castellanos anteriores al Siglo XVIII. Tom 1, Romances Moriscos. Tom 2, Doctrinales, Amatorias, &c. 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Madrid, 1828-fl Romancero de Romances Moriscos, compuesto de todos los de esta clase que contiene el Romancero General, imprese en 1614. 8vo Madrid, 1828 Canciero y Romancero de Coplas y canciones de arte menor, letras, letrillas, romances cortos y glossas. 8vo Madrid, 1829 Romancero de Romances Cabellerescos, Historicos. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. Madrid, 1829-32 GRIMM, (J.) Silva de Romances viejos. 12mo Vienna, 1831 WOLF, (F. J.) Floresta de Rimas Modernas Castellanas, con. Introd. Noticias. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1837 ROSA DE ROMAJSrCES, 6 Romances sacados de las "Rosas" de Jnan Timoneda, escogidos, ordenados, y anotados por Don. F. J. Wolf. 12mo, 3s. . Leips., 1846 OCHOA, (D. E. DE.) Tesoro de los Romanceros y Cancioneres Espaiioles, historicos cabel- lerescos, moriscos y otros. 8vo. Paris, 1838 ROMAJVCERO Castellano, 6 colleccion de antignos romances populares de los Espagnoles, pablicada con una introduccion y notas por G. B. Depping. Nneva edicion, con las notas de Lon. Ant. Ale. Galiano. 2 vols. 12mo, 16s Leipzig; 1845 MICHEL, (Fr.) Cancionero de Juan Alf, de Baena. Collection d'anciens troubadours Espagnols. 2 vols. 12mo Leipzig; 1847 ROMAIC. FAURIEL, (M. C.) Chants Populaires de la Grece raodeme, recueillis et trad. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1824 Translated by C. B. Sheridan. 8vo. . . . London, 1825 PERSIAN. SPECIMENS of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Improvisations of Kurroglou, the Bandit-Minstrel of Northern Persia ; and in the Songs of the People inhabiting the shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally collected and translated by A. Chodzko. 8vo. . London, 1842 Oriental Transl. Fund. COSTELLO, (Miss.) The Rose Garden of Persia, a Series of Transla- tions from the Persian Poets. 8vo, 18a. . . . London. 1845 BANKS, BANKING. HARDCASTLE, (D.) (Page?) Banks and Bankers. 1 vol. sm. 8vo, 2d edn London, 1842 GILBART, (J. W.) History and Principles of Banking. 3d edn., 8vo. London, 1837 - A Practical Treatise on Banking. 4th edn., Bvo, " 1836 BARBARY STATES.] 68 [BASQUE PROVINCES. BANKS, BANKING.— (Contijiued.) FULLARTON, (J.) On the Regulation of Currencies ; being an Examina- tion of the Principles on which it is proposed to Restrict, within certain limits, the Future Issues on Credit of the Bank of England, and of the other Banking Establishments throughout the Countty. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London^ 1844 BELL, (G. M.) The Philosophy of Joint Stock Banking. 8vo. London, 1840 POTTIER-GRUSON, Manuel de la Banque, du Commerce, de I'Industrie et du Capitaliste. 8vo, 7s. . . . . . Paris, 1846 See Political Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1845-6, art. Bank, &c. Mc- Culloch's Dictionary of Commerce. McCulloch's Literature of Polit. Economy. BARBARY STATES, (see Algiers.) HAY, (J. H. D.) Western Barbary, its Wild Tribes and Savage Ani- mals. 12mo, 2s. 6d. . London, 1844 (Murray's Colon, and Home Library.) RUSSELL, (M.) History and Present Condition of the Barbary States : comprehending a view of their Civil Institutions, Antiquities, Arts, Reli- gion, Literature, and Natural Productions. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo, 5s. (Ed. Cab. Lib.) Edinburgh, 1835 MANNERT, (K.) Geographic ancienne des etats barbaresques, d'apres I'allemand de Mannert, par MM. L. Marcus et Duesberg ; enrichie de notes et de plusiers m^moires. 8vo Paris, 1842 See Tuckky's Expedition (Africa). Arts. Algiers, Morocco, etc. BARBADOES. SCHOMBURGK, (Sm R. H.) The History of Barbadoes, comprising a Geographical and Statistical Description of the Island, a sketch of its former and present history, and an Account of its Geological and Natural Productions : with a Topographical Map and Views. . London, 1847 BASaUE PROVINCES. I. HISTORY.— n. LANGUAGE. L fflSTORY, &c. COLLECCION de documentos concemientes a las provincias vascongadas y varies pueblos y corporaciones de la Corona Castilla, copiados del archive de Simancas. 5 vols. sm. 4to Madrid, 1829-30 ESSAI HISTOEIQUE sur les provinces basques. 2nd edn. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1836 LLORENTE, (D. J. Ant de.) Noticias historicas de las tres provincias vascongadas. 5 vols. 4to Madrid, 1829-30 ZAMALOCA, (J. A. de.) Historia de las naciones bascas. 3 vols. 8vo. Auch., 1818 STEPHENS, (C. B.) Political State of the Basque Provinces. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 WILKINSON, (H.) Sketches of Scenery in the Basque Provinces of Spain, v^dth Selections of National Music, roy. 4to, col. plates, £2 2s. London, 1838 See Prichard's Physical History of Mankind, Vol. IIL n. LANGUAGE. YRIZAR Y MOYA. De I'Eusquere et de ses erderes, ou de la Langue Basque et de ses derives. Vols. L-IIL, 8vo. . . Paris, 1841^^3 BASQUE PROVINCES.] 69 [BENGALI LANGUAGE. n. LANGUAGE.— (Con^muedf.) ASTARLOA, (D. Pueblo de.) Apologia de la Lengua bascongada, o ensayo critico-filosofico de su perfeccion y antiguedad sobre todas las que se conocen. 4to Madrid, 1803 HUMBOLDT, (W. v.) Priifung der Untersuchung Ober d. Urbewohner Spaniens vermittels der vaekischen Sprache, 4to, 9«. 6d. Berlin, 1826 L^CLUSE, (F.) Elthon, idon, eilon, etc. 8vo. . Toulouse, 1826 D'ABBADIE, (T.) and CHAHO, (J. A.) Etudes Grammaticales sur la Langue Euskarienne. 8vo. Paris, 1836 BEAUTY. HAY, (D. R ) First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty. Post 8vo, 100 plates, 6* Edinburgh, 1846 Proportion ; or, the Geometric Principle of Beauty analysed. Royal 4to, 17 plates, 25«. Edinburgh, 1843 The Principles of Beauty in Colouring Systematised. 8vo, 14 coloured examples, 21s Edinburgh, 1845 WALKER, (A.) Beauty ; Illustrated by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Woman, etc. Plates, roy. 8vo, £1 Is. . London, 1835 (Reprinted J^ew-York, 1844.) See also Esthetics. Fine Arts. BELGIUM. TENNENT, (J. E.) Belgium. 2 vols, sm. 8vo. . London, 1841 DICTIONNAIRE geographique, historique, statisque et administratif de la Belgique. 8vo Bruxelles, 1831 HEUSCHLING, (X.) Essai sur la Statistique G€n6rale de la Belgique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1844 THOUIN. Voyage dans la Belgique, la HoUande, et I'ltalie, redige par le baron Trouv6. 2 vols. 8vo,/.15. .... Pam, 1841 MAUVY, (Aug.) Precis de I'Histoire de la Belgique, &c. jusqu'a la re- union des principautes sous Philippe le Bon. 8vo. . Brux., 1837 MOKE, (H. K.) Histoire de la Belgique. 8vo. . . Gand., 1840 NOTHOMB, ( ) Essai historique et polit. sur la Revolution Belgique. 8vo Bruxelles, 1833 HOFFMANN, (H.) Horae Belgicae : HoUandische Volkslieder. Parts I.- VIH., 8vo, 22s. 6d. Breslau, 1831-45 POTTER, (De.) Revolution beige de 1828 i 1839, souvenirs personnels avec des pieces d'appui. 2« edition. 2 vols. l2rao,/.6. . Pam, 1844 CHRONIQUES BELGES inedit^s, Collection de, pubUe^ par ordre du Gouvemement. Chronique de Philippe Mouskes, avec introduction parle Baron de Reiffenberg. 2 tom, 4to. . . . Bruxelles, 1836 See McCulloch's Geographical Dictionary, and the authorities there quoted. Macgreqor's Commercial Statistics. Murray's Hand-Book, &c. BENGALI LANGUAGE. HAUGHTON, (G. C.) Rudiments of BengaU Grammar. 4to, jCI 10*. London, 1821 A Glossary, Bengali and English, to explain the totaitihas, etc. 4to, 18s. London, 1825 A Dictionary, BengaU and Sanscrit, explained in English. 4to. London, 1833 BengaU Selections with a Vocabulary. 4to, 18*. . " 1822 BENGALI LANGUAGE.] 70 [BIBLIOGRAPHY. BENGALI luAl^GUAGE.— {Continued.) RAM CHONDRO SORMA. A Vocabulary of the Bengalee Language. 2d edn., sm. 8vo. Calcutta, 1820 CAREY, (F.) A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language. 3 vols. 4to, £5 5s. Serampore, 1825 The same, abridged. 2 vols. 8vo, £1 5s. . . « 1827 CAREY, (W.) A Grammar of the Bengali Language. 8vo. « 1805 RAMKISSEN SAN. Vocabulary, EngUsh, Latin, and Bengalese, for the use of Students, sm. folio Calcutta, 1821 A VOCABULARY, Bengalee and English, by Mohunpersand Takoor. 8vo Calcutta, 1815 BIBLIOGRAPHY. I. INTRODUCTIONS— II. GENERAL TREATISES.— III. SPECIAL. THE LOJVDOJ^ CATALOGUE of Books published in Great Britain, with their sizes, prices, and publishers' names, from 1814 to 1846. 8vo, 21*. . LtOTidon, 1846 THE PUBLISHER'S CIRCULAR, and General Record of British and Foreign Litera- ture ; containing a complete Alphabetical List of all new works published in Great Britain, and every work of interest published abroad, with their sizes, prices, &c. Vols. I.-X. 8vo. London, 1837-47 Published on the 1st and 15th of each month. 8*. per annum. BIBLIOORAPHIE DE LA FRAJ^CE, on Journal general de I'lmpriraerie et de la Librairie, et des cartes geographiques, gravures, lithographies et ceuvres de musique. Vols. I.-XXXVII. 8vo Paris, 181^7 Published weekly, at 20 francs per annum. I. INTRODUCTIONS. HORNE, (T. H.) Introduct. to the Study of Bibliography. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814 LUBBOCK, (J. W.) Remarks on the Classification of the Different Branches of Human Knowledge. 2nd ed. 8vo, 3s. . London, 1839 DIBDIN, (Rev. T. F.) The Library Companion. 8vo. « 1824 The Bibliographical Decameron. 3 vols. 8vo. . . " 1817 TAYLOR, (Isaac.) History of the transmission of Books to Modem Times. 8vo London, 1B27 LABORDE, (Le Comte de.) De I'organisation des bibliotheques dans Paris. Huitieme lettre. Etudes sur la construction des Bibliotheques. 8vo. /.3 • . . . . Paris, 1845 CONSTANTIN, (L. A.) Manuel de Bibhothdconomie, instruction sur I'arrangement, la conservation et I'administration des bibliotheques. 18mo. /.3 Paris, 1841 PEIGNOT, (G.) Manuel de bibliophile, ou traits du choix des livres. 2 vols. 8vo . . . Dijon, 1823 NAMUR, (M. P.) Manuel des Bibliothecaires. 8vo. . Bruxelles, 1834 MARX, (R.) Handbuch fur Leihbiblioteken, oder Anleitung zurBearbeit. e. Katalogs sovsrohl nach d. Verfass. als nach d. Titeln. 8vo. Karls., 1833 PETIT-RADEL, (L. C. F.) Recherches sur les Bibliotheques Anciennes et Modemes. 8vo Paris, 1819 MORTILLARO, (V.) Studio bibUografico. 2d edit. 8vo. Palermo, 1832 RITSCHL, (Dr. F.) Die Alexandrinischen Bibliotheken unter den ersten Ptolemaem. 8vo Breslau, 1838 GjfeRAUD, ( ) Essai sur les livr* dans I'antiquit^, particularlierement chez les Remains. 8vo Paris, 1840 BIBLIOGRAPHY.] 71 [bibliography. n. GENERAL TREATISES. CLARK, (Rev. Dr. A.) Bibliographical Dictionary and Miscellany. 8 vols. 12mo London, 1802-6 WATTS, (Dr. R.) Bibliotheca Britannica, or General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to Edin, 1824 LOWNDES, (W. T.) Bibliographical Manual of English Literature. 4 vols. 8vo London, 1834 The British Librarian, or Book Collector's Guide, &c. Class 1. ReU- gion. Parts I. to XI London, 1839-42 BRUNET, (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres, conte- nant. 1. Un Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique. 2. Un Table en forme de Catalogue Raisonn^. 5 vols. 8vo, /.96. . Paris, 1842-44 PEIGNOT, (G.) Dictionnaire-raisonn6 de Bibliologie. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802-4 EBERT, (Dr. F. A.) AUgemein. Bibliographisches Lexicon. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1821-30 The same, translated. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxford, 1838 KAYSER, (C. G.) Vollstandiges Biicher Lexicon d. v. 1750 bis 1840 gedruckten Biicher. 7 vols, and Index, sm. folio, £Q 8a. Leipzig, 1833-42 m. SPECIAL. BIBLIOTHEK der Schonwissenschaftlichen Literatur 1750 bis jetz. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. M Leipzig, 1836-45 GAMBA, (B.) Serie dei tesli di lingua nella italiana letteratura. 4 edit. 8vo Venez., 1839 HAIN, (L.) Repertorium bibliographicum, quo Ubri omnes ab arte inventa usque ad annum M. D. typis express!, ordine alphabetico enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . Stuttg., 1826-28 GRIFFITH, (A. F.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; Descriptive Catalo'gue of a Collection of Old English Poetry, &c. roy. 8vo. London, 1S15 MALONE, (Ed.) Catalogue of Early English Poetry, collected by, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library, folio. . . Oxford, 1836 RITSON, (J.) Bibliographia Poetica ; Catalogue of English Poets of the XII.-XVI. Century, sm. 8vo London, 1802 QU^RARD, (J. M.) La France Littdraire, ou Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Savants, Historiens, et Gens de Lettres, de la France, &c., plus par- ticuUerement pendant les IS"* et ig*"' Si^cles. 10 torn, /.150. Paris, 1827-42 Les Supercheries Litt^raires d^voillees, ou Galerie des auteurs apo- cryphes, supposes, d^guis^s, plagiares, et des editeurs infideles de la litter- ature francjaise pendant les quatre demiers sidcles, ensemble les industri- els litteraires et les lettres qui se sont anoblis a notre epoque. 8vo. Paris, 1846- SALVA, (V.) A Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books. 2 pts., 8vo. London, 1826-29 MARTIN, (J.) Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately printed. 8vo. London, 1834 Catalogue Librorum impressorum Bibliotheca Oxon., 1843 List of early printed Books in the Archiepis- 8vo, 4:8. 6d. . . . London, 1845 Book Rarities of the University of Cambridge ; BANDINEL, (Rev. Dr. B.) Bodleniae. 3 vols, folio. MAITLAND, (Rev. S. R.) copal Library at Lambeth. HARTSHORNE, (C. H.) illustrated by Original Letters and Notes, etc. 8vo, plates, 12s. London, 1829 BIBLIOGRAPHY.] 72 [biography. m. SPECIAL.— (Continued.) DUPLESSIS. Bibliographic par€miologique. Etudes bibliographiques et litt^raires sur les ouvrages, fragments d'ouvrages et opuscules sp^cialement Consacr^s aux Proverbes dans toutes les langues, suivi d' un appendice, contenant un choix de curiositds paremiologiques. 8vo,/.10. Paris, 1847 BARBIER, (A. A.) Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes. 2d edit., 4 vols., avec le Nouveau Recueil par Manne. 5 vols. 8vo. Faris, 1822-34 ENGELMANN, (W.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum. 8vo, 8s. ..... Leipzig, 1847 DEMANNE, (M.) Nouveau recueil d'ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes. 8vo Paris, 1834 LANCETTI, (V.) Pseudonimia, owero tavole alfabetiche de' nomi finti o supposti degli scrittori, con la contrapposizione de' veri. 8vo. Venezia, 1836 DE BURE, (G. F.) Bibliographic Instructive, avec le Supplement, et Table des Anonymes. lOtom. 8vo. .... Paris, 1763-82 The Bibliography of each subject will be found under the respective heads. BIOGRAPHY. DICTIONARIES, COLLECTIONS, &c. THE BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY of the Society for the diffiision of Useful Knowledge. Parts I.-VII., completing the letter A. 8vo, each 12s London, 1842-44 ROSE, (H. J.) New General Biographical Dictionary, projected and partly arranged by H. J. Rose, etc. Vols. I.-XII., each 18s. Land., 1840-47 .AUTOBJOORAPHY : a Collection of the most instructive and amusing Lives ever pub- lished. Written by the Parties themselves ; with brief introductions, and compendious sequels, carrying on the narrative to the death of each writer. 33 vols. 16mo. London, 1826-32 A^T^rUAL BIOGRAPHY, (The), and Obituary from the year 1817 to the year 1836. 2 vols. Bvo, each 15^ London, 1817-37 CHAMBERS, (R.) Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Scotchmen, from the Earliest period to the present time. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1833-35 COLERIDGE, (H.) Biographia Borealis ; or Lives of Distinguished Northerns. 8vo. London, 1833 FORSTER, (Jno.) Lives of Eminent British Statesmen. 7 vols. 12rao. 42s. (In Lardner's Cyclopadia.) London, 1831-39 GOULD, (J.) Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, and Architects. 2 vols. 12mo London, 1839 MACGILLIVRAY, (W.) Lives of Eminent Zoologists, from AristoHe to Linna^us, in- clusive, etc. 12mo, 5jy £fZm., 1834 MAUNDER, (S.) The Biographical Treasury ; a new and complete Dictionary of Uni- versal Biography. Consisting of the Lives of above 12,000 Eminent Persons, from the earliest periods of History to the year 1841. New edition, with Supplement, fcp. 8vo, 9>s.M London, 1841 WALPOLE, (H.) Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of Great Britain, with Lists of their Works, enlarged by T. Park. 5 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 1806 WILLMOTT, (R. A.) Lives of the Sacred Poets. 2 vols. 12mo. . London, 1834-38 WALTON, (I.) The Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, Geo. Herbert, and Dr. R. Sanderson. 8vo. . . . ., London, 1825 DISTIJ^G UISHED ME^T of Modern Times. Authentic Biographies of 168 Persons of all countries, illustrious in the Arts, Sciences, and Literature, with wood-cuts. 4 vols. 12mo, 10s London, 1838 Lodge's Portraits and Memoirs, Fuller's Worthies, Jameson's Female Sovereigns, Jameson's Beauties of the Court of Charles II., Johnson's Lives of the Poets, Craik's Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, Cunningham's Lives of the Painters, etc. BIOGRAPHIE UJ\riFERSELLE, Ancienne et Moderne, ou Histoire, par odre alpha- betique, de la vie publique et privee de tons les hommes qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs ecrits, leurs actions, leurs talents, leurs vertus ou leurs crimes ; ouvrage redige jiar nne societe de gens de lettres et de savants. 52 vols. 8vo, /.300. . Michaud. Paris. Supplement. Vols. 1—, 8vo, chaque, /.8. BIOGRAPHY.] 73 [BOGOTA. DICTIONARIES, COLLECTIONS, Slc— (Continued.) BIOORAPHIE UKIVERSELLE, etc. : nouvelle Edition, pr6cedee d'un discours pre- liminaire de Ch. Nodler, continn^e jusqu'k nos jours, revue, corrigee et considcrablement auementee d'articles omis ou nouveaux : ouvrage redige et signe par plus de trois cents colTaborateurs francais et etrangers. Paris, 1842 L'Ouvrage se public ea 40 vols, par livraisons d'un demi vol. grand in-8. Prix de chaque volume. /.12 50. BIOQRAPHIE UJ\riVERSELLE, ou Dictionnaire historique, depuis le commencement da monde jusqu'k nos jours, par une society de gens de lettres, sous la direction de M. Weiss ; novelle edition. 6 vols, grand in-8, ornes de 60 portraits sur acier, /.60. Paris. BIOORAPHIE UJ^IVERSELLE et portative des contemporaines. Dictionnaire histo- riques des hommes vivants et morts, depuis 1788 k nos jours, public sur sons la direction de MM. Rabbe, Vieil des Boisjolin et Sainte-Preuve. 5 vols. 8vo, /.40. . Paris, 1836 Jl DJCTJOJVARY OF GREEK AJ^D ROMAJST BIOGRAPHY A J^TD MYTHOL- OG Y. Edited by William Smith, LL. D., editor of the " Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities." 3 vols. 8vo, illustrated by numerous engravings on wood, £5 10s. London, 1844-7 The articles in the work have been contributed by the following writers : — Alkx. Allen,-C. T. Arnold, m. a., -J. E. Bode, m. a.,-Ch. A. Brandis,-Georgk Edward Lynch Cotton, m.a.,-W. F. Donkin, m. a.,-W. A. Greenhill, m. d.,-Al. Grenfell, m. a.,-Benj. Jowett, m. a.,-W. June, Ph. D.,-H. G. LlDDELL, M. A.,-A. DE M0RGAN,-Wm. PlaTE, LL. D.,-Wm. RaMSAY, M. A., Fr. Ritschel, Ph. D.,-Leonard Schmitz, Ph. D., Wm. Smith, ll. d., Ar- thur P. Stanley, m. a.,-Adolf Stahr, Ph. D.,-Ludwiq Urlichs,-R. Whis- TON. M. A. For Memoirs, Lives, and Autobiographies of Individuals, see Part II. BIRMAN EMPIRE.— See Ava. A DESCRIPTION of the Burmese Empire ; compiled chiefly from native documents, by the Rev. Father Sangermano, and translated from his man- uscript by Wm. Tandy, D. D. 4to Eome, 1833 (Oriental Translation Fund.) See McCulloch's Geographical Dictionary, and the authorities there quoted, Jour- nal of the Asiatic Society, etc. BLEACHING. BERTHOLLET, (C. L.) Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching. Edited by Dr. Vie. 8vo. . . . , . London, 1841 MANUEL DE BLANCHIMENT et blanchissage, nettoyage et d^grais- sage des fil, Un, coton, laine, soie, etc. 2 vols. 18mo, /.5. . Paris. (Manuels Roret.) See Art. Dyeing, Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry, PaRNELl's Applied Chemis- try, etc. BLOWPIPE. BERZELIUS, (J. J.) The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemistry and Miner- alogy, translated from the 4th edit., by J. D. Whitney. 8vo. Boston, 1845 GRIFFIN, (J. J.) Chemical Recreations. Part 1. Blowpipe Analysis. 12mo Glasgow, 1838 PLATTNER, (C. F.) The Use of the Blowpipe, in the Examination of Minerals, Ores, Furnace-Products, and other Metallic Combinations. Transl. from the German, with Notes by J. S. Muspratt. With a Preface by Liebig. 8vo, 10s. 6d London, 1844 See Chemical Analysis, Faraday's Chemical Manipulation, etc. BOGOTA. STEUART, (J.) Bogota in 1836-7 : being a Narrative of an Expedition to the Capital of New Grenada, and a Residence there of eleven months. 1 vol. 12mo New- York, 1838 See Macgregor's Progress of America, 1847, Condbr's Modem Traveller, Mc- culloch's Geog. Dict'y. BOGUE's EUROPEAN LIBRARY.] 74 [BOHEMIA. BOGUE'S EUROPEAN LIBRARY. Sm. Svo, per vol. 3s. M London, 1845-7 1. ROSCOE'S Life of Lorenzo De' Medici, called the Magnificent. Edited by William Hazlitt, Esq. One Volume. 2. GUIZOT'S History of the English Revolution of 1640, from the Accession to the Death of Charles I. One Volume. 3. DUMAS' Marguerite De Valois : an Historical Romance of the time of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. One Volume. 4,5. ROSCOE'S Life and Pontificate of Leo X. Edited by WiUiam Hazlitt, Esq. Two Vo- lumes. 6. LIFE OF L UTHER : written by Himself. Collected and arranged by M. Michelet ; with Copious Selections from his Table Talk. One volume. 7. LITERARY HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AOES, from the close of the Reign of Augustus to its Revival in the Fifteenth Century. By the Rev. Joseph Berington. One Volume. 8, 9, 10. HISTORY OF CiriLIZATIOJSr, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. By F. Guizot. Three Volumes. 11. LIFE OF CARDIJsrJL WOLSE Y, by John Gait ; with copious additions from Caven- dish and other sources, and a complete Collection of the Cardinal's Letters and Despatches. One Volume. 12. MIGNET'S History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814, translated from the last Paris Edition. One Volume 13. HISTORY OF THE COUJSTTER-REVOLUTIOJV 7JV EJ^OLAKD, for the Re- establishment of Popery, under Charles II. and James II. By Armand Carrel. HISTOR Y OF THE REIO^T OF JAMES II. By the Right. Hon. C. J. Fox. One Volume. 14. LIVES OF THE ITALIAJ^ PA IJ^TERS.— MICHEL AJVOELO, by R. Duppa, LL.B., RAFAELLO, by Q,uatrem6re De duincy. One Volume. 15. ClJfQ-MARS : an Historical Romance. By Count Alfred de Vigny. One Volume. 16. HISTORY OF THE ROMAJ^ REPUBLIC. By J. Michelet. One Volume. 17. HISTOR Y OF SPAJVISH LITERA TURE. By Frederick Bouterwek. One Volume. 18, 19. HISTORY OF THE COJ^qUEST OF EJ^OLAJ^D BY THE JVORMAJ^S. By Aug. Thierry. Two Volumes. BOHEMIA, (Literature of) BOWRING, (J.) Cheskian Anthology ; being a History of the Poetical Literature of Bohemia. l6mo. .... London, 1832 GERLE, (W. A.) Volksmarchen der Bohmen. 2 vols. 12mo. Prague, 1819-27 STAROBYLA. Sklidanie (collection of ancient Bohemian Poems) pub- li^es par W. Hanska. 4 vols. sm. Svo, et suppt. . Prague, 1818-23 DORBROWSKY, (J.) Lehrbuch d. bohmischen Sprache. 8vo, 4*. Prague, 1819 Bohmisches Worterbuch. 2vols. 4to, 24«. " 1821 Bothschaft aus Bohmen, od. BeitrRge z. Kenntn. d. Charakterist. Mythol. u. Alterth. d. slaw. Volker. Svo, lis. . Prague, 1834 WOLTMANN, (K. von.) Neue Volksagen der Bohmen. 1 vol. 12mo. Prague, 1821 EWALD, (Dr. E.) Volks- und Ritter-Sagen Bohmens. 2 vols. 12mo. Prague, 1827 BOKHARA.] 75 [BOKHARA. BOHN'S STANDARD LIBRARY. Sm. 8vo. per vol. 3s. 6d iowAm, 1845-7 VOLUMES ALREADY PUBLISHED. 1. THE MISCELL.aJ^EOUS WORKS JIKD REMAIJ^S of the Rev. ROBERT HALL, with Memoir by Dr. Gregory, an Essay on his Character by John Forster 2,3. ROSCOE. Life and Pontificate of Leo X., edited by his Son, with the Copyright Notes, Appendices of Historical Documents, the Episode on Lncretia Borgia, an Index, 3 Por- traits, 2 vols. 4. SCHLEGEL, (F.) Lectures on the Philosophy of History, translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by J. B. Robertson, Esq. 2d ed. revised. Portrait. 5, 6. SISMONDI. History of the Literature of the South of Europe, translated by Roscoe. A new Edition, with all the Notes of the last French Edition. The Specimens of early French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Poetry, are translated into English Verse by Cary, Wiffen, Roscoe, and others. Two volnmes, with a new Memoir of the Author, aa enlarged Index, and two Portraits. 7. ROSCOE. Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent, including the Copyright Notes and Illustrations, with a new Memoir by his Son, and Portrait. 8. SCHLEGEL, (Aug. W ) Lectures on Dramatic Literature, translated by Mr. Black, late Editor of the Morning Chronicle. New Edition, carefully revised from the last German Edition, by A. J. W. Morrison. With Memoir and Portrait 9, 11. BECKMANN. History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. Fourth Edition, care- fully revised and enlarged by Drs. Francis and Griffith. With Memoir and Portrait. 2 Vols. 10. SCHILLER. History of the Thirty Years' War and Revolt of the Netheriands, translated by A. J. W. Morrison. With Portrait of Schiller. 12. SCHILLER'S WORKS, Vol. 2, containing : Continuation of the Revolt of the Nether- lands ; Wallenstein's Camp ; The Piccolomini ; The Death of Wallenstein, and Wilhelm Tell. With Portrait of Wallenstein. 13. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF COLOJ^EL HUTCHIJ^SOJ^, by his Widow Lucy ; to which is now first added, an Account of the Siege of Lathom House. With Port;rait. 14. MEMOIRS OF BEJVVEJSrUTO CELLIJ^TI, written by himself. Now first collated with the new Text of Guiseppe Molini, and enlarged. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. With Portrait. 15. COXE. History of the House of Austria, from the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsbnrgh, to the death of Leopold, II., 1218-1792. New and revised edi- tion, complete in 3 vols. Vol. 1. With Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian. 16 AND 17. LANZI. History of Painting, a revised translation by Thomas Roscoe, complete in 3 vols. Vol. 1. With Portrait of Raphael. 18. OCKLEY. History of the Saracens. 4th Edition, revised. 19. LECTURES OJ^ PAIJ^TIJ^O, by the Royal Academicians, with Portraits, and an Intro- ductory Essay by an Eminent Writer on Art. BOKHARA. BURNES, (A.) Travels to Bokhara, and Narrative of a Voyage up the Indus to Laor. 2d edit., 3 vols. sm. 8vo, 18«. . . London, 1839 ZIMMERMANN, (C.) Denkschrift uber d^n untem Lauf des Oxus u. liber die Strombahn des Ochus, nebst merkwurd. Nachricht uber d. turan. Land. 4to, 13s. 6rf Berlin, 1845 KHANIKOFF. Bokhara : its Amir and its People. Translated from the Russian, by the Baron Clement A. De Bode. 8vo, 12s. London, 1844 MEYENDORFF, (G.) Voyage d'Orenbourg a Boukhara fait en 1830, etc. 8vo Paris, 1826 JAUBERT, (A.) Memoir sur I'ancien cours de I'Oxus. Bvo. Taris, 1834 BOLIVIA.] 76 [botany. BOLIVIA. ORBIGNY, (Alcide d'.). Descripcion Geografica, Historica, y Estadistica de Bolivia. 8vo, Tome 1 (to be completed in 10 vols, and atlas 4to), 25s. Paris, 1846 See Macgreqor's Progress of America, 1847, Conder's Modem Traveller, McOuL- loch's Geog. Diet., &c. &c. BOOKBINDING. HANNETT, (J.) Bibliopegia; or. the Art of Bookbinding in all its branches. 2d edit., 12mo, 6s. .... London, 1843 TUCKETT, (C. Jr.) Specimens of Ancient and Modem Binding, selected chiefly from the Library of the British Museum ; with an Introduction, containing the History of Bookbinding from the earliest period to the pre- sent time. roy. 4to, plates London, 1846 MANUEL DU RELIETJR dans toutes ses parties, contenant les arts d' assembler, de satiner, de brocher, et de dorer. ]8mo, planches, /.3. (Manuels Roret.) Paris. BOOK-KEEPING. JONES, (T.) Principles and Practice of Book-Keeping. 8vo. iVetr- For A:, 1841 MARSH, (C. C.) The Art of Single Entry Book-Keeping. 3d ed. 8vo. New-York, 1843 The Science of Double Entry. 8vo. . Philadelphia, 1836 BOOTH, (G.) System of Book-Keeping. 8vo, 5*. . . London. BORNEO. THE EXPEDITION to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido, for the Suppres- sion of Piracy ; with Extracts from the Journal of James Brooke, Esq., of Sarawak, by Capt. the Hon. H. Keppel. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, 32* London, 1846 (Reprinted New York, H. Bros.) See Prichard's Researches in the Physical Historyof Mankind, Vol. 5, I'Univers Pittoresque — JUalaisie et Polynesie, par M. de RiKNZi. DuMONT d'Urvillk, Voyage pittoresque. Earl's Indian Archipelago. BOTANY. LINDLEY, (Jno.) The Vegetable Kingdom ; or the Structure, Classifica- tion, and uses of Plants, illustrated upon the Natural System, with up- wards of 500 Illustrations. 2nd Edition, with corrections and additional genera. 8vo. London, 1847 School Botany ; or the Rudiments of Botanical Science. New edi- tion, with nearly 400 illustra. 8vo, 5s. 6d. . . London, 1846 The Elements of Botany, Structural and Physiological, with a copious Glossary of Terms. The whole illustrated with many hundred woodcuts. 5th edn. 8vo London, 1847 HENSLOW, (J, S.; The Principles of Descriptive and Physiological Botany. 1 vol. sm. 8vo London, 1835 HENFREY, (A.) OutHnes of Structural and Physiological Botany. Post 8vo, 10s. 6d London, 1847 CARPENTER, (W. B.) Vegetable Physiology and Botany. 8vo, 10*. (Carpenter's CyclopsEdia of Natural Science, Vol. I.) London, 1843 BABINGTON, (C. C.) Manual of British Botany. 12mo, 10*. « 1847 PAXTON, (J.) A Botanical Pocket Dictionary ; comprising the Name, History, and Culture of all Plants, known in Britain : with a full Expla- nation of Technical Terms. Accentuated and corrected by Prof Lindley. fcp. 8vo, 15s London, 1840 BOTANY.] 77 [botany. BOT AN Y.— ( Continued.) LOUDON, (J. C.) An Encyclopaedia of Plants, comprising the Descrip- tion, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application in the Arts, and every other desirable particular, respecting all the Plants indigenous to, cultivated in, or introduced into Britain ; combining all the advantages of a Linnsean and Jussieuan Species Plantarum, an Historia Plantarum, a Grammar of Botany, and a Dictionary of Botany and Vegetable Culture, The whole in English, with the Synonymes of the commoner Plants in the different European and other languages ; the scientific names accen- tuated, their etymology explained ; the Classes, Orders, and Botanic Terms illustrated by engravings ; and with Figures of nearly 10,000 species, exemplifying several Individuals belonging to every genus in- cluded in the work. The Specific Characters by Professor Lindley ; the Drawings by J. D. C. Sowerby, F.L.S. ; and the Engravings by R. Bran- ston. 2d edition, corrected, with Supplement, in 1 vol. 8vo, X3 13*. 6rf. London, 1841 Hortus Britannicus ; a Catalogue of all the Plants indigenous to, cultivated in, or introduced into Britain. 3d edition, with Supplements, 8vo, jCI lis. 6d London, 1839 WATSON, (H. C.) Cybele Britannica, or British Plants and their Geogra- phical Relations. 8vo, Vol. I., 10s. M. . . . London, 1847 JUSSIEU, (A. DE.) Cours 616mentaire de Botaniqne. 12mo. 300 cuts,/.6. Paris, 1841 SAINTE HILIARE, (Aro. de.) Lecons de Botaniqne, comprenant principalement la morphologie vegetale, la tenninologie, la botanlqae comparee, etc. 8vo, 24 planches. Paris, 1840 LEMAOUT, (E.) Atlas ^16mentaire de Botanique, avec le texts en regard, comprenant I'iconographie des families d'Europe, ouvrage contenant 1684 figures dessindes par Stein- heil, intercalees dans le texte. 4to, /.15 Paris, 1846 CANDOLLE, (A. P. dk.) Regni Vegetabilis systema natnrale, sive ordines, genera et species plantarum secundum methodi naturalis normas digestarum et descriptarum. 2 vols. 8vo PaW5, 1818-21 Prodromus systematis natur. regni vegetabilis, etc. Vols. I.-XI., 8vo. Paris, 1824-47 Icones seleclae plantarum quas in prodromo systematis universalis ex herbariis Parisiensi- bus prffisertim ex Lessertiano. EditiE k Benj. Delessert. 5 vols. 4to, 400 pi., /.175. Paris, 1820-46 Organographie v6g6tale : ou description raissonnee des organes des plantes, pour servir de suite et de develloppement k la th6orie 61ementaire de la Botaniqne, et d'introdnction a la Physiologie v6getaie et k la description des families. 2 vols. 8vo, /.18. Paris, 1827 Physiologie vegetale, ou exposition des functions vitales des veg6tanx, pour servir de suite k r Organographie vegetale, et d'introdnction k la botanique geographique et agricole. 3 vols. 8vo, /.20 Paris, 1832 Plantarum sncculentarnm historia, ou hist, des plantes grasses, avec fig. dessin6es par P. J. Redoute . folio. 30 livraisons, planches colories, /.20(). . . Paris, 1837 Le meme, in 2 vols. 4to, fig. color, /.150. GAUDICHAUD. Recherches sur I'organographie, la physi(3ogie et I'organogenie des Vegetaux. 4to, 18 pi. col., /.25 Pans, 1841 BROGNIART, (A. de.) Consideration sur la nature des vegetaux qui ont convert la sur- face de la terre aux diverses epoques de sa formation. 4to. . . . Pari*, 1838 LECOQ, ET JUILLET. Dictionnaire raisonn6 des termes de botanique et des families naturelles, etc. 8vo, 9^ Paris, 1841 MEYEN. Neues System der Pflantzenphysiologie. 3 vols. 8vo. . . Berlin, 1837 SCHLETDEN, (M. J.) Grundziige der wissenschafUichen Botanik, nebst einer methodolo- gischen Einleitnng als Anleitung zum Studium der Pflanze. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 26*. Z.eipz., 1846 Grundriss der Botanik zum Gebrauch be! seinen Voriesungen. 8vo, 4s. Leipz., 1846 Ueber Ursprnng der Pflanzen nnd Saftbewegung in denselben. 8vo, 2*. . 1846 BISCHOFF, (G. W.) Handbuch der Botanischen Terminologie und Systemknnde. 2 vols. 4to, 100 plates JVumberg-, 1830-43 MEISNER, (C. F ) Plantarum Vascularinm genera, sec. ordin. nat. digest, eorumaue differentiae et aflSnitates tab. diag. expos, folio Lips., lo43 BOTANY, MEDICAL.] 78 [botany, fossil. BOTANY.— {Continued.) HOOKER, (W. J.) Icones Plantarum ; or, Figures, with brief Descriptive Characters and Remarks, of New and Rare Plants, selected from the Author's Herbarium. 4 vols. 8vo, with 400 plates, £5 12s London, 1836-41 PRESL, (K.) Symbolaj Botanicae, sive Icones plantar, nov. Vol. I. fasc 1-7, (70 plates), folio. Prague, 1830-33 REICHENBACH, (H. G. L.) Iconographia botanica. Cent. I.-XVII. 4to. Leipzig, 1830-45 WALPERS, (G. G.) Repertorium botanices systematicse. Tom I.-IV. 8vo. Lips., 1843-45 KUNTH, (C. S.) Enumeratio Plantarum. Vol. I. to IV. 8vo. . Stuttg., 1833-43 LINK, (H. I.) Icones anatom. botan. ad illustr. elementa philosoph. botan. 3 fasc, (24 plates), folio Berlin, imS Icones select, anatom. botan. 4 fasc, (32 plates). . . . J5er/m, 1840-42 Anatomia plantarum iconibus illustrata. fasc. 1, 2, 4to. . . Berlin, 1843-45 MOHL, (H. V.) Vermischte Schriften botanischen Inhalts. 13 plates, 4to. Tubing., 1846. See Publications of the Ray Society, Sowerby's English Botany, CuRTis's Botani- cal Magazine, Edwards s Botanical Register, Hooker's Journal of Botany, An- nales des Sciences Naturelles Linnae., Journal fiir die Botanik. BOTANY.— Medical. LINDLE Y, (J.) Flora Medica : a Botanical Account of all the most im- portant Plants used in Medicine, in different parts of the world. 1 vol. 8vo, 18s London, 1838 GRIFFITH, (R. E.) Medical Botany ; or a Description of the more im- portant Plants used in Medicine, with their History, Properties, and mode of administration. 8vo, 300 illust Fhilad, 1847 STEVENSON and CHURCHILL. Medical Botany, edited by Burnett. 3 vols. roy. 8vo, 200 col. plates, £6 6s London, 1834-36 FLEMING. A Catalogue of Indian Medicinal Plants and Drugs, with their names in the Hindustani and Sanscrit Languages. FLORA MED ICALE. D^crite par F. P. Chaumenton, D. M.— peinte par Turpin. 8 vols. 8vo, col. plates, /.262 50 Paris, IMi JULIA-FONTENELLE. Nouveau dictionnaire de Botaniqne m^dicale et pharmaceu- tique. 3d edit., 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1836 ENDLICHEN, (S.) Die Medicinal Pflanzen. 8vo Wien., 1842 NEES V. ESENBECK, (T. F. L.) Sammlung officineller Pflanzen. 3 vols, folio, (552 col. plates) Diisseld., 1821-32 GAUTIER, (A.) Herbier medical, ou Collection de figures representant les plantes medi- cinales indigenes, supplement au Manuel des plantes medicinales et k tons les dictionnaires d'histoire naturelle. 12mo, 214 fig., /.15, col. /.30 Pans, Manuel des plantes medicinales, ou Description, Usages et Culture des Veg^taux indi- genes employes en m6decine ; Nontenant la maniere de les recueillir, et les secher et de les conserver. 12mo, /.6 Paris. CANDOLLE, (A. P. de.) Essai sur les proprietes m6dicales des plantes, compar^es avec leurs formes exterieures et leur classification naturelle. 8vo, /.6. . . Paris, 1816 ROdUES, (J.) Nouveau Trait6 des plantes usuelles specialement appliquees k la medecine domestique et au regime alimentaire de I'homme sain ou malade. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1837 Phytographie Medicale, histoire des substances hdiro'iques et des poisons tires du regne v6g6tal, ou f'on expose leurs caracteres distinctifs, lenr action sur I'homme et sur les ani- maux, leurs proprietes, leurs usages therapeutiques, etc Nouv. edit., 3 vols. 8vo, et atlas in4to, 150pl.color. /.85 Parts, 1835 BOTANY.— Fossil. LINDLEY, (J.) & HUTTON, (W.) The Fossil Flora of Great Britain ; or. Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains found in a Fossil State in this Country. 3 vols. 8vo, £6 12*. . London, 1831-37 ARTIS, (E. T.) Antediluvian Phytology illustrated by a collection of the Fossil Remains of Plants, peculiar to the Coal Formations of Great Britain, etc. 4to, 25 plates, 15s London, 1838 BROGNIART, (A.) Hist, des V6g6taux fossiles. 2 vols. 4to, /.320. . Ports, 1828-38 OORDA, (A. C. J.) Beitrage zor Flora der Vorwelt, mit 60 Taf. AbbUd. Imp. 4to. ^ Prague, 1845 BOTANY, FOSSIL.] 79 [brazil. BOTANY, (Fossil.)— {Continued.) GOPPERT, (H. R.) die Gattnngen der fossilen Pflanzen verglichen mit den d. Jetztzeit. Partl.-IV., (;>/atca),4to £ 1837 THENARD, (L. J.) Traits el6mentaire de chimie. 6e edition. 5 vols. 8vo, et atlas. Paris, 1834 GMELIN, (L.) Handbuchder Chimie. Vols. 1-3. . . Heidelb., lMl-1846 Lehrbuch der Chimie. Abth. 1, unorganische Chimie. . , . Beid., 1845 MILSCHERLICH, (E.) Lehrbnch der Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Berlin, 1842-44 LIEBIG. Poggendorf n. Wohler. Handworterbach der Chemie. Vol. I, p. 1-6. vol. II p. 1-6, 8vo Brunsw., 1845M5 GERHARDT, (C.) Precis de chimie organiqne. 2 vols. 8vo, /.16. Paris, 1843-5 SWEDENBORG, (E.) Some Specimens of a Work on the Principles of Chemistry ; with other Treatises. Translated from the Latin by C. E. Stratt. 8vo, 21 pi., 12*. London, 18^7 III. Applied Chemistry. PARNELL, (E. A.) Applied Chemistry ; in Manufactures, Arts, and Do- mestic Economy. Numerous Illustrations. 8vo, vols. 1 and 2, each 13». London, 1844 Vol. 1. INTRODUCTION, GAS ILLUMINATION, m PRESERVATION OF WOOD, DYEING AND CALICO PRINTING. The Article on Dyeing and Calico Printing is illustrated by specimens of printed Cottons. Vol. 2. MANUFACTURE OF GLASS, I BORAX, STARCH, I SOAP, TANNING, I SULPHUR AND SULPHURIC ACID, CAOUTCHOUC, I SODA. The Third Volume will contain Dyeing Materials. (Reprinted, 1 vol. 8vo. New- York, 1844, D. A. & Co.) KNAPP, (F.) Chemistry applied to the Arts and Manufactures. Transl. from the German. 8vo, woodcuts London, 1847 LIEBIG. Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and its Relation to Commerce, Physiology, and Agriculture. Edited by J. Gardner, fcp. 8vo, 4s. 6d. . . London, 1843 (Reprinted, New- York, D. A. & Co.) Chemistry in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Edited by L. Playfair. 3d edit. 8vo, 10s. M. ...... . London, 1846 (Reprinted, New- York, W. & P.) LASSAIGNE, (J. C.) Abrege eldmentaire de Chimie consider^e comme science acoes- soire k I'etude de la medicine, etc. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris. DUMAS, (M.) Traite de chimie appliquee aux arts. 7 vols. 8vo, et Atlas. Paris, 1842-6 DUPASaUIER, (A.) Trait6 el6mentaire de chimie industrielle. Vol. 1—, 8vo, /.9. Paris, 1844 BAUDRIMONT, (A.) Traite de chimie gen^rale el exp6rimentale, avec les applications aux arts, a la medicine, a^ pharmacie, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, /.18. . . Paris, 1845 GUILLOUD, (J. J.) Trait6 de chimie appliquee aux arts et metiers, et principalement a la fabrication des acides, de la sonde, alun, bleu de Prusse, et autres prodnits cbimiqnes : des eaux minerales, de I'ether, etc. 2 vols. 12mo,/.10. . . . Paris. MUNIN, (M.) Chimie Theorique et Exp^rimentale, appliqnde aux Arts Industrie^ et Agricoles. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, /.12. ..... Paris, IS-IS COLIN. Conrs de chimie k I'usage de MM., les Aleves de I'Ecole spdciale Militaire de Saint Cyr. 4e ed. 8vo, /.8. ...... Paris, 1845 MILLON, (E.) Elements de Chimie organiqne, comprenant les apph'cations de cette sci- ence k h. philosophie animale. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15 Paris, 1845 MILLON, (E. ET J. Rbiskt.) Annuai»e de Chimie, comprenant les applications de cette k la medicine et a la pharmacie, on Repertoire des d6couvertes et des nouveaux traveaux faits dans les diverses parties de I'Europe. 3 vols. 8vo, each /,7 50. Paris, 1845-47 MUNIN. Chimie Theorique et exp^rimentale appliquee aux arts indastriels et agricoles. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12 Paris, 1845 SCHUBARTH, (E. L.) Handbuch der technischen Chemie. 3 vols. 8vo, and Atlas. Berlin, 183»-40 MULDER, (G. J.) Versuch einer allgemeinen physiologischen Chimie. Parts 1-5. Brunsw., 1844-5 DESPRETZ. Traite ^lementaire de Chimie, avec I'indication des principales applications aux sciences et aux arts ; onvrage dans leqnel les corps *ont classes par families natnrelles. 2 vols. 8vo, planches, /.17 Parts, 1830 CHEMISTRY.] 94 [chemistry. III. Applied Chemistry. — (Continued.) DUFLOS, (A.) u. KIRSCH, (A.) Oekonomische Chemie. Vols. 1-2, 8vo. Breslau,lMZ Pharmakologiscbe Chemie, Lehre v. d. Chemisch. Arzeneien, u, Giften. 8vo. Breslau, 1842 RAMMELSBERG, (C. F.) Handworterbuch d. Chemischen Theils d. Mineralogie. (A— Z.) and Supp. 1-2, 8vo. . . . . . Berlin, 1841^5 SIMON, (J. F.) Handbuch der angewandten medizinisch. Chemie. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1840-42 PA YEN. Manuel du cours de Chimie organiqne appliqee aax arts Lndnstriels et agricoles. 2vols. 8vo,/.18 . . Parw, 1842 IV. Chemical Manipulation. FARADAY, (M.) Chemical Manipulation ; being Instructions to Students in Chemistry, on the Methods of performing Experiments of Demonstra- tion or Research with accuracy and success. 3d ed., 18*. Lond., 1842 ROBIERRE, (A.) Traite des Manipulations Chimiques. Description raisonn^e de toutes les operations chimiques et des appareils dont elles n^cessitent I'emploi. Bvo, /.6 Paris, 1844 FRANCIS. Chemical Experiments, illustrating the Theory, Practice, and Application of the Science of Chemistry ; and containing the Properties, Uses, Manufacture, Purification, and Analysis of all Inorganic Substances : with numerous Engravings of Apparatus, &c. 8vo, 6s London, 1842 GRIFFIN, (J. J.) Chemical Recreations : a Popular Compendium of Experimental Che- mistry. For the use of Beginners. 9th edit., 18mo, Is. Qd. . . Glasgow, 1847 GRIFFITHS, (T.) Chemistry of the Four Seasons; Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter : an Essay, principally concerning Natural Phenomena, admitting of Interpreta- tion by Chemical Science, and illustrating Passages of Scripture, post 8vo, 10s. M. London, 1846 ROBIN. Philosophie Chimique, ou Chimie expdrimentale et raisonnee. 4e ed., aug. 8vo, vols. I.-, /.lO Pans, 1843 V. Chemical Analysis. FRESENIUS. Instruction in Chemical Analysis. Qualitative. Edited by J. L. Bullock. 2d ed. 8vo London, 1846 (Reprinted, New- York, D. A. & Co.) Instruction in Chemical Analysis. Quantitative. 8vo. Lond., 1846 FOWNES, (G.) Introduct. to Qualitative Analysis. 12mo, 2s. London, 1846 Chemical Tables, sm. fol., 2s. %d. ... « 1846 PARNELL, (E.) Elements of Chemical Analysis. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1845 ROSE, (H.) Traite Pratique d'analyse Chimique : tradnit d'allemand sur la 4eme edit., par A. J. L. Jourdain. 2 vok. 8vo, 14s. ...... Paris, 1843 Manual of Analytical Chemistry, from the Grerman By J. J. Griffin. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1831 FRESENIUS. New Method of Alkalimetry, and on determining the Commercial Value of Acids and Manganese. By Drs. C. R. Fresenius and H. Will. Edited by J. L. Bul- lock. 12mo, 4s. London, 1843 WILL. Outlines of the Course of Qualitative Analysis followed in the Giessen Laboratory. With a Preface by Baron Liebig. 8vo, 6s London, 1846 GRIFFIN, (J. J.) Chemical Recreations. Part I. Manipulation and Blowpipe Analysis. 8vo, 7s. London, 1839 "VON KOBELL, (F.) Instructions for the Discrimination of Minerals by simple Chemical Experiments. 8vo, 2s Olasgow, 1841 PL ATTNER, (C. F.) Use of the Blowpipe. Transl. by Muspratt. 8vo. London, 1844 LIEBIG, (J.) Instructions for the Chemical Analysis of Organic Bodies. 8vo, 2s. 6d. Olasgow, 1839 LASSAIGNE, (J. L.) Dictionnaire des Reactifs Chimiques. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839 SHAW, (S.) Tables of the Characteristics of Chemical Substances, adapted to facilitate Chemical Analysis. 8vo, 5s London, 1843 BARRESWIL et SOBRERO. Appendice k tons les traites d'analyse 'jhimique, recueil des observations publiees depuis dix ans sur I'analyse qualitative et quantitative. 8vo, f.l. Paris, m.2 CHEMISTEY.] 95 [CHESS. V. Chemical Analysis. — (Continued.) BERTHIER. Traits des essais par la voie seche, au des propridt^s, de la composition et de I'essai des substances metalliques et des combustibles. 2 vols. 8vo, /.20. Paris, 1834 PAYEN ET CHEVALLIER. Trait6 elementaire des reactifs chimiques, leure preparations, leurs emplois speciaux, et leur application k I'analyse ; 3e ed., 2 vols. 8vo, 50 fig., /.9. Paris. ROSE, (H.) Anfangsgriinde der qnantitaven mineralogisch- nnd metallurgisch-analytischen Chemie durch Beispiele erlautert. AIs Einleitung, zu H. Rose's Handbuch der Analytis- chen Chemie. Fiir Anfanger bearbeitet von C. F. Rammelsberg. 8vo, 8s. Berlin, 1845 MENIL, (du.) Handbuch der Reagentin- und Zerlegungslehre. 8vo. Lemffo, 1836 See also Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence, Fownes's Manual of Chemistry, Chemical Gazette 1842-47, the Chemist 1840-47, Philosophical Magazine, Annales de Chimie, Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Journal fur Prakt. Chemie, &c. &c. CHESS. BlBMOGRAPHY. CANCELLIERI, (F.) Biblioteca ragiontadegli scrittori sol gnico degli schacchi, etc. 12mo. Roma, 1817 See also Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany. 12mo, London, 1830. Penny Cyclopaedia— Art. Chess. ECONOMIC CHESS-BOARD; being a Chess-Board, provided with a complete set of Chess- Men, adapted for Playing Games in Carriages or out of Doors, and for folding up and carrying in" the Pocket, without dis- turbing the Game. Invented by P. M. Roget, M. D. In case, 50c. New- York, D. A. & Co. AGNAL, (H. R.) Chess for Winter Evenings ; or Useful and Entertaining Lessons on the Game of Chess. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 COMPRISING I. The Elements of the Game, and an Elementary Analysis of the Principal Openings. II. The Openings Methodically Illustrated by a Series of Games actually played over the board by the most skilful players of the past and present time, viz.— -Philedor, De La Bourdonnais, Lewis, McDonnel, Cochrane, Staunton, St. Amant, George Walker, &c. &c. III. A Selection of one hundred Chess Problems, or Ends of Games, won or drawn by brilliant and scientific Moves. IV. A series of Chess-Tales, introducing Positions and Games. The whole compiled from the best English sources, with translations from the French. With new and original illustrations, by Robt. W. Weir, N. A., Professor of Drawing in the Military Academy, West Point. STAUNTON, (H.) The Chess Player's Hand-Book. 12mo. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 KENNY, (C.) Manual of Chess, containing the Elementary Principles of the Game ; illustrated with numerous diagrams, recent games, and origi- nal problems. 18mo, 254. . . New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 TREVAJ^OADACHAR YA SHASTREE Essays on Chess ; adapted to the European Mode of Play, consisting principally of positions or critical situations, calculated to im- prove the learner and exercise the memory. Translated from the original Sanscrit. 8vo. Bomiay, 1814 THE BEA UTIES OF CHESS : a Collection of the finest Chess Problems extant ; in- cluding upwards of two thousand Curious Positions won or drawn by brilliant " Coups." Selected trom the Works of the first Chess Writers, Past and Present, imp. 8vo, 24s. Paris and London, 1846. JAENISCH'S Chess Preceptor : a new Analysis of the Openings of Games. Translated from the French, with Notes, by George Walker. 8vo, 15s. . . London, 1847 LEWIS, (W.) Chess for Beginners, in a Series of Progressive Lessons, showing the most Approved Methods of Beginning and Ending the Game; with various Situal ions and Check-mates. 18mo, 5s. 6d. London, 1843 A Treatise on the Game of Chess ; containing an Introduction to the Game, and an Analysis of the various Openings of Games, with several new Modes of Attack and De- fence. To which are added, 25 new Chess Problems or Diagrams. 8vo, 18*. London, 1844 TOMLINSON, (C.) AmusemenU in Chess : 1. Sketches of the History ; 2. Easy Lessons in Chess, a Selection of Games illustrative of the Various Openings ; 3. Selection of Chess Problems, or Ends of Games. Fcp. 8vo, 4a. 6d. . . . London, 1845 CHILE.] 96 [china. GUESS.— {Continued.) WALKER, (G.) Chess Studies : comprising One Thonsand Games, actually played during the Last Half Century ; presenting a unique Collection of Classical and Brilliant Speci- mens of Chess Skill, in every Stage of the Game : and thus forming a complete Encyclo- paedia of Reference. 8vo, 10*. §d • London, 1844 Art; of Chess Playing. 12mo, 10*. &d " 1846 See also, The Chess Player's Chronicle, monthly, 135. 6d. per annum. Le Palemede, monthly, 20 francs per annum. CARRERA, (D. P.) Treatise on the Game of Chess. Translated from the Italian, with Notes and Remarks by W. Lewis. 8vo London, 1822 PHILIDOR, (A. D.) Studies of Chess. 2 vols. 8vo " 1803 TWISS, (F.) Chess. 2 vols. 8vo " 1787-89 An amusing repertory of anecdotes of Chess players, accounts of Chess Books, and pas- sages relating to the game, extracted from an infinity of authors. In volume IL,of the Author's Miscellanies (2 vols. 8vo. London, 1805,) will be found additions to this mterest- ing work. BILGUER, (P. R.) n. v. d. Lasa. Handbnch des Schachspiels. 8vo. . Berlin, 1843 KOCH, (J, F. W.) Codex d. Schachspielkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. * , . Magdeb. " Vol. III. 600 Aufgabenfiirgeiibte Spieler. 8vo. Magd., 18M BOURDONNAIS, (L. C. de la.) Nouveau traite du jeu des echecs. 8vo. Paris, 1833-4 CHILE. SCHMIDTMEYER, (P.) Travels into Chile over the Andes in the Years 1820-21. 4to, 30 plates London, 1824 MIERS, (J.) Travels in Chile and La Plata. 2 vols. 8vo. « 1826 MOLINA, (Don J. I.) History of Chili, from the Italian. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1809 POPPIG, (E.) Reise in Chile, Peru, and dem Amazonenstrorae wahrend der Jiihre 1827-32. 2 vols, et Atlas in folio Leipzig, 1835-36 Nova genera et species plantamm quas in regno Chilensi, Peruviano et in terra Ama- zonica, annb 1827-32 legit et cum S. Endlicher descripsit. 3 vols. sm. folio. LipsicB, 1835-40 See Macgregor's Progress of America, 1847. McCulloch's Gazetteer. Capt. B. Hall's Voyages. Journal of Geogr. Society. Wilkes' U. S. Exploring Ex- pedition. L'Univers pittoresque. CHINA. I. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS.— II. HIS- TORY.— III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. I. GEOGRAPHY, &c. MAPS. ENDLICHER, (S.) Atlas von China nach den Aufnahmen der Jesuiten Missionar. (24 maps in 6 parts). Parts 1-, folio. Text. 4to, each 40s. . . . Vienna, 1843 WYLD, (J.) Map of China London, 1840 MURRAY, (H.) &c. An Historical and Descriptive Account of China ; its Ancient and Modem History, Language, Literature, Religion, Govern- ment, Industry, Manners, and Social State ; Intercourse with Europe from the Earliest Ages; Missions and Embassies to the Imperial Court; British and Foreign Commerce ; Directions to Navigators ; State of Ma- thematics and Astronomy ; Survey of its Geography, Geology, Botany, and Zoology. By Hugh Murray, John Crawford, Peter Gordon, Capt. Thomas Lynn, Prof Wallace, and Gilbert Burnet. 3 vol. l2mo, 15s. (Edin. Cab. Lib.) Edinburgh, 1836 DAVIS, (J. P.) The Chinese. A General Description of China and its Inhabitants, new edn. 3 vols. 18mo, 4*. 6d. . . London, 1844 Sketches of China. 2 vols. 8vo, Is. 6d. . . « 1846 CHINA.] 97 [china. I. GEOGRAPHY, &,c.— (Continued.) KIDD, (Dk. J.) China ; its Symbols, Antiquities, Goverament, Customs, and Superstitions. 8vo London, 1841 LAY, (G. T.) The Chinese as they are : their MoraJ, Social, and Literary Character a new Analysis of their Language, &c. 8vo, 6s. dd London, 1841 AUBER, (P.) China ; Outlines of Government, Laws, and Policy, and o*f British and Foreign Intercourse with that Empire. 8vo, 10*. M London, 1834 MARTIN, (R. M.) China, Political, Commercial, and Social. Topography, Population, Productions, Government, Revenue, and Banking System. 3 vols. 8vo, 255. „ London, 1846-7 FORTUNE, (R.) Three Years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China ; including a Visit to the Tea, Silk, and Cotton Countries, with an Account of the Agriculture and Horticulture of the Chinese, New Plants, &c. Bvo, 15s London, 1847 CHINA ; in a series of Views, displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits of that ancient Empire. Drawn from original and authen- tic Sketches by T. AUom ; with Historical and Descriptive Notices, by G. N. Wright. 4 vols. 4to, 84s London, 1844 BORGET, (A.) Sketches of China and the Chinese, from Drawings by Auguste Borget. FoHo, 32 Plates, with 11 pages of Descriptive Letter- press, half-bound mor., 84s London, 1842 DuHALDE, (J. B.) Description geographiqne, historiques etc. de I'empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise. 4 vols, folio Paris, 1735 Description of China. 2 vols, folio London, 1738-41 BIOT, (E.) Dictionnaire des noms des villas et arrondissements des premiers denxieme et troiseme de I'empire chinois. 8vo Paris, 1842 n. HISTORY. THORNTON, (T.) History of China, from the Earliest Records to the Treaty of Great Britain in 1842, 2 vols. 8vo., vol. 1, 16s. Lond., 1844 GUTZLAFF, (C.) A Sketch of Chinese History, Ancient and Modem. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s London, 1834 MALPlfcRE, (D. B. de.) La Chine, etc., avee des notes explicatives et une introduction. 2 vols. 4to. .... Paris, 1826-29 CHAVANNES (de) de la GIRAUDlfeRE. Lea Chinois pendant une periode de 4,438 ann^es. 8vo, /.3 50. ... Faris, 1846 RELA TION des Voyages faits par les Arabes et les Persans dans I'Inde et a la Chine, dans le IX* siecle de I'^re chretienne, texte Arabe : trans, par M. Reinaud. 2 vols. 18mo, /.8 Faris, 1846 GAUBIL, (A.) Traite de la Chronologic Chinoise. 4to. Faris, 1814 IDELER, (J. L.) Ueber die Zeitrechnung der Chinesen. 4to, 8s. Berlin, 1839 BERNARD, (W. D.) Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the "Nemesb," from 1840 to 1843, and of the combined Naval and Military Operations in China : comprising a complete Account of the Colony of Hong-Kong, and Remarks on the Character and Habits of the Chinese. From Notes of Commander W. H. Hall, R. N. ; with personal Observations by W. D. Bernard, A. M. 2d ed. 8vo, plates and maps, 18s. London, 1844 BINGHAM, (J. E.) Narrative of the Expedition to China, from the commencement of the War to the present period ; with Sketehes of the Manners and Customs of that singu- lar and hitherto almost unknown Country. 2 vols, post 8vo, 21«. London, 1843 AUCHTERLONY, (J.) The Chinese War : an Account of all the Operations of the British Forces, from the Commencement to the Treaty of Nanking. 8vo, with 53 illustra- tions, 25s London, 1844 M'PHERSON, (D.) Two Years in China : Narrative of the Chinese Expedition, from its Formation in April 1840 till April, 1842 ; with an Appendix, containing General Orders and Despatches. 8vo, 14s. London, 1842 MOSELEY, (Rev. W. W.) The Origin of the First Protestant Mission to China, and History of the Events which induced the attempt, and succeeded in the accomplishment «f, a Translation of the Holy Scriptures into the Chinese Language. 8vo, 5s. Lond., 1842 EMPIRE CHTJ\rOIS (/') histoire descriptive des moeurs, contumes, architecture, industrie dn peuple Chinois, depnis les temps les plus recalls jnsqu'k nos jours. 4to, plates, /.30. Paris. CHINA.] 98 [china. II. HISTORY.— (Continued.) FORTIA-D'URB AN. Histoire ant6diluvienne de la Chine, on Histoire de la Chine jasqn'kn d6Inge d'Yao I'an 2298 avant notre ere. 2 vols. 12mo, f.lO. . . . Paris, 1840 Description de la Chine et des Etats tributaires de I'Empereur. 3 vols. 12mo, /.15. Paris- L' UJ^IFERS PITTORESQUE. Chine, par M. Pauthier. 8vo, 73 plates, /.7. Paris. LETTRES EDIFMJ\rTES etcmieuses. 14 vols. 8 vo. NouveUe Lettres ^difiantes. 8 vols. 12mo. See Prichard's Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, vol. IV. in. LANGUAGE. PRfiMARE, (P.) Notitia linguae sinicee. 4to. . . Malacca, 1831 (Considered the best Chinese Grammar extant.) ENDLICHER, (S.) Anfangsgriinde der Chinesischen Grammatik. 8vo, 27* Wien, 1845 MEDHURST, (W. H.) Comparative Vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean, and Japanese Languages, etc. roy. 8vo, lOs. . . Batavia, 1835 MORRISON, (R.) Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect. 8vo. Macao, 1828 REMUSAT, (A.) Elements de la Grammaire Chinoise. roy. 8vo. . . Paris, 18jS Essais sur la langue et la htterature Chinoises. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1811 THOM, (R.) Chinese and English Vocabulary. 8vo Canton, 1843 MARSHMAN, (J.) Clavis Sinica, or Elements of Chinese Grammar, etc. 4to, £3 3s. ....... Serampore, 1814 DE GUIGNES. Dictionnaire chinois, franfJtf£/2Ci: etdes Marchandises ; par MM. Blanque, Cheva- lier, Dubunfant, Francaur, Legentil, Say, etc. 2 vols. 4to, avec atlas, /.40. Paris, 1842 DICTIOJ^J^AIRE UJ^IVERSELLE du Commerce, de la Banque et des Mannfactures, par une societe, sous la direction de M. Monbrion. 2 vols. 4to. . Paris, 1837-40 HAUTERIVE kt CASSY. Recueil des traites de Commerce et de Navigation de la France avec les puissances etrangeres, depuis la paix de Westphalie, suive du recueil des principaux traites de la meme nature conclus par les puissances etrang6res entre elles, de- puis la meme epoque ( jusqu'k present) et termine par laTheorie des traites de commerce entre les nations, par Bouchard : revu et consid. augm. par M. de Hoffmans et M. le Corate d'Hauterive. 10 vols. 8vo Paris, 1833-36 MAUROY. Du Commerce des Peuples de I'Afrique septentrionale dans I'antiquite, le mqyen age et les temps modernes, compare au Commerce des Arabes de nos jours. 8vo. /.4. . Paris, 1845 See Boeckh's Public Economy of Athens. Anderson's Origin of Commerce. Macpherson's Annals of Commerce. COMMERCIAL LAW. SMITH, (J. W.) A Compendium of Mercantile Law. 8vo, 25«. (Reprinted, New-York, 1847, D. A. & Co.) London, 1843 MASSE. Le Droit Commerciel. 8vo, Tome 1 to 5, each 7*. M. . . Paris, 1846 REDDIE, (J.) Historical View of the Law of Maritime Commerce. 8vo, Ms. London, 1841 CHITTY, (J.) A Treatise on the Law of Commerce and Manufactures, and the Contracts relating thereto. 4 vols. roy. 8vo, £6. 6s JLondon. PARDESSUS, (M.] Cours de droit Commercial. 4th edn. 5 vols, 8vo. . Paris, 1831 Us et Couturaes de la mer, ou Collection des usages maritimes des peoples de I'antiquite et du moyen age. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1846 CONCHOLOGY. SWAINSON, (W.) A Treatise on Malacology : or the Natural Classifi- cation of Shells and Shell-fish. fcp. 8vo. . . . London, 1840 CATLOW, (Agnes.) Popular Conchology ; or, the Shell Cabinet ar- ranged : being an Introduction to the Modem System of Conchology ; with a Sketch of the Natural History of the Animals, an account of the Formation of the Shells, and a complete Descriptive List of the Families and Genera. Fcp. 8vo, with 312 woodcuts, lOs. %d. . London, 1842 MACGILLIVRAY, (W.) Conchologist's Text-Book ; embracing the Ar- rangements of Lamarck and Linnaeus, with a Glossary of Technical Terms : to which is added, a brief Account of the MoUusca. Sixth ed., fcp., engrav., 5s Glasgow, 1845 SOWERBY, (G. B.) A Conchological Manual. Illust. by 650 figures. 2d ed., 8vo London, 1842 The Conchological Illustrations, or Coloured Figures of all the hitherto unfigured recent Shells. 8vo London, 1832-40 WOOD, (W.) Index Testaceologicus ; or, a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, arranged according to the Linnean System ; with the Latin and English Names, References to Authors, and Places where found. Illus- trated with 2300 coloured figures. 2d ed., 8vo, £6. 17s. Sd. Loud., 1828 REEVE, (L.) Conchologia Systematica ; or, complete System of Con- chology : in which the Lepades and Conchiferous Mollusca are described and classified according to their Natural Organization and Habits. 2 vols. 4to, 300 plates, £7. 14s., with the plates coloured, ;ei3. 2s. Lond., 1843 BROWN, (T.) Illustrations of the recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, with the Description and Localities of all the Species, Marine, Land, and Fresh Water, Drawn and Coloured fi-om Nature. 2d edition, greatly enlarged, royal 4to, 59 plates, coloured, £3. 3s. . London, 1844 CONCORDANCE, BIBLICAL.] 109 [CONSTITUTION, ENGLISH. CONCllOLOGY.— (Continued,) BROWN, (T.) The Elements of Fossil Conchology, according to the arrange- ment of Lamarck ; with the newly-established Genera of other Authors. 12mo, 12 plates, 5« London, 1843 KIENER, (L. C.) Species g6n6ral et iconographie des coquilles vivantes. 4to Paris, 1836-184- POTIEZ ET MICHAUD. Galerie des Mollnsques, ou Catalogue m6thodiqne, descriptif et raisonn6 des mollusques et coquilles du Museum de Douai. 2 vols. 8vo, avec an Atlas de 74 planches, /.30. Paris, 1838-45 CHENU, (M.) Illustrations conchyliologiques ou description et figures de toutes les coquil- les connues, vivantes et fossiles, class^es suivant le systeme de Lamarck, etc., folio, col. plates Pari». DUCLOS, (P. L.) Histoire naturelle gen^rale et particuliere de tons les genres de coquilles univalves marines k I'etat vivante et fossile, publ. par monographies. 1. genre olive, 33 planches,/.! 20. AGASSIZ, (L.) Etudes critiques snr les mollusques. 4to. . Jfeuchdtel, 1840-42 FERUSSAC, ( .) Hist. nat. generale et particuliere, des mollnsones terrestres et pluvia- tiles, tant des especes que Ton tiouve aujourd'hui que des depouUles fossiles de celles qui n'existent plus, continue par G. P. Deshayes, 4to. Prix de chaque livraison /. 15. Le meme ouvrage, folio, figures coloriees, /.30 Paris. SOWERB Y, (T.) Conchyliologie mineralogique de la Grande Bretagne, ou Figures colon- els et Description des debris de testaces ou de coquilles qui se sont conserv^es a diverses 6poques et a differentes profondeurs ; traduction revue et augmentde par L. Agassiz. 8vo, 600 planches coloriees. 8vo, /.200. . J^euehdtel, 1838- BLAINVILLE, (D. dk.) Manuel de Malachology et de Conchyliologie. 2 vols. 8vo. (Avec Atlas de 109 planches, noires, /.40 ; color. /.lOO.) Strasbourg, 1825 DESHAYES, (G. P.) Traite El^mentaire de conchyliologie avec I'application de cette science a la geognosie. 2 vols. 8vo. Avec Atlas de 100 planches, noires, /.60 ; color. /.150 Paris, 1839-15 Histoire naturelle des mollusques. 4to, avec un Atlas de 117 planches. 4to Paris, 1847 MOQ.UIN-TANDON. Hist, naturelle des mollusques terrestres et flnviatiles de la France. 8vo, et Atlas de 14 planches, color. /.25. Paris, 1847 MORELET, (A.) Descript. des mollusques terrestres et fiuviatiles du Portugal. 8vo, avec 14 pi. color. 8vo,/.15 Parw, 1845 ORBIGNY, (A. d'.) Mollusques vivants et fossiles, ou Description des toutes les especes de CoquUles et de mollusques, classees suivant leur distribution classique etg^ographlque. 10 vols. 8vo, avec un Atlas de 300 planches Paris, 1847- Cet ouvrage sera public en 60 livraisons de 5 planches avec texte. Prix de chaque livraison, /.3 50. CONCORDANCE, BIBLICAL.— (See Theology.) CONCORDANCE.— (Shakspere.) CLARKE, (Mrs. C. C.) The complete Concordance to Shakspere ; being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. Imp. 8vo, 46s. London, 1846 CONIC SECTIONS.— (See Mathematics.) CONSTITUTION.— (English.) DE LOLME, (J. L.) The Constitution of England ; with a Historical and Legal Introduction and Notes, by A. J. Stephens. 2 vols. 8vo, 30». London, 1838 BOWYER, (G.) Commentaries on the Constitutional Law of England. 2d ed. royal 8vo, 22» London, 1846 BROUGHAM, (Lord.) British Constitution. 8vo, 3». Sd. London, 1844 STEPHENS, (T.) The Book of the Constitution of Great Britain, etc. 8vo Glasgow, 1835 RUSSELL, (Lord John.) An Essay on the English Government and Con- stitution, from the Reign of Henry VII. to the present time. 2d ed. London, 1823 COOKERY.] 110 [costume. CONSTITUTION, Bngi^isu.— {Continued.) ALLEN, (J.) Enquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. 8vo London, 1830 PALGRAVE, (Sir F.) Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth during the Anglo Saxon Period. 2 vols. 4to. . . London, 1832 ANSTEY, (T. C.) Guide to the History of the Law and Constitution of England ; con- sisting of Six Lectures deUvered at the Colleges of St. Peter and Paul, Prior Park, Bath. in the presence of the Bishop and his Clergy. 8vo, 12s. . . . London, 1845 AIKEN, (P. F.) A Comparative View of the Constitutions of Great Britain and the Unit- ed States of America ; in Six Lectures. 12mo, 3s London, 1843 COOKERY.— (See Domestic Economy.) KITCHENER, (Dr.) The Cook's Oracle and Housekeeper's Manual. 12mo London, 1833 (Reprinted, New-York, H. Bros.) FRENCH DOMESTIC COOKER Y, combining Elegance with Economy ; describing new Culinary Implements and Processes ; the Management of the Table ; Instructions for Carving ; French, German, Polish, Spanish, and Italian Cookery, in Twelve Hundred Receipts. 12mo, 6s. (Reprinted, New- York, H. Bros.) London, 1846 SOYER, (A.) The Gastronomic Regenerator ; a simplified and entirely new System of Cookery, with nearly Two Thousand Practical Receipts suited to the Income of all Classes ; illustrated with numerous Engravings, and correct and minute Plans how Kitch- ens of every size are to be Constructed and Furnished. 4th ed. 8vo. 21s. London, 1847 FRANCATELLI, (C. E.) The Modern Cook : a Practical Guide to the Culinary Art, in all its Branches, adapted as well for the largest Establishments as for the use of Private Families. 8vo, 15s London, 1846 (RUMOHR, F.) KoNiG's Geist der Kochkunst. 12mo Stutt,, 1832 MA^rUAL OF HOMtEOPATHIC COOKERY, designed chiefly for the use of such persons as are under Homoeopathic Treatment. Fcp. 8vo, 3s. 6rf. . London, 1846 ROBINSON, (J.) The Whole Art of Curing, Pickling, and Smoking Meat and Fish, both in the British and Foreign Modes ; with many useful Miscellaneous Receipts, with full Directions for the Construction of an economical Drying Chimney and Apparatus, on an entirely original plan. 12mo, 4s. 6d London, 1846 See Webster and Parkes' Encyclo. of Domestic Economy. Knight's Guides to Service. Donovan's Domestic Economy, &c. COPTIC LANGUAGE, &c.— (See Egypt.) COSTUME. HOPE, (T.) The Costume of the Ancients, illustrated in 321 plates represent- ing Egyptian Greek, and Roman Habits and Dresses. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 45s. London, 1841 FAIRHOLT, (F. W.) Costume in England : a History of Dress, from the Earliest Period to the close of the Eighteenth Century ; to which is ap- pended an illustrated Glossary of Terms for all Articles of Use or Orna- ment worn about the Person. 8vo., 600 engravings on wood, 31s. 6d. London, 1846 WILTON, (Countess.) Book of Costume ; or. Annals of Fashion, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By a Lady of Rank. 8vo, nu- merous engravings on wood, 21s London, 1846 PLANCHE, (J. R.) History of British Costume. New edit., 2 vols. 12mo. 3s London, 1847 SHAW, (H.) Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, from the 7th to the 17th Century. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, £7. 7s. . . London, 1843 MARTIN, (C.) Civil Costume of England from the Conquest to the Pre- sent Period, from Tapestry, MSS., &c. 61 coloured plates, roy. 4to, 52s. 6d London, 1842 MEYRICK, (S. R.) and C. H. SMITH. The Costume of the Original Inhabitants of the British Islands, from the Earliest Periods to the Sixth Century, etc. folio. London, 1815 COTTAGE ARCHITECTURE.] Ill [cOTTON MANUFACTURE. COSTVMK.— (Continued.) HERBE, ( .) Costumes fran, 1847 ADHEM AR, (J.) Trait6 de Perspective k I'asage de* artistes. Denxieme edn. oorng6e et angment^e. 8vo, planches, /.16 Paris, 1846 CHAPMAN'S American Drawing-Book for the Use of Schools, and for Home Instruction. 4to New- York, 1847 Part I. Primary and Elementary. 50c. Drawing Copy-Book. 4to New- York, 1847 HAYDON, (B. R.) Lectures on Painting and Design. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1844-46 DRUIDS.] 118 [eDDAS. DRUIDS. HIGGINS, (G.) The Celtic Druids. 4to. . . . London, 18^7 DA VIES, (G.) The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids ascertained by National Documents. 8vo. .... London, 1809 TOLAND, (J.) History of the Druids, &c. 8vo. . Montrose, 1814 DUELLING. MILLINGEN, (J.) The History of Duelling, comprising Narratives of the most remarkable Personal Encounters, from the Earliest Period to the Present Times. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s London, 1841 FOUGEROUX DE CHAMPIGNEULLES. Histoire des duels anciens et modernes. 2 vols. 8vo,/.l2 Pam, 1838 DYEING.— (See also Calico Printing.) A PE ACTIO AL TREATISE on Dyeing and Calico Printing ; including the latest Inventions and Improvements ; also, a Description of the Origin, Manufacture, Uses, and Chemical Properties of the various Animal, Ve- getable, and Mineral Substances employed in these Arts, w^ith an Appen- dix. By an Experienced Dyer, assisted by several Scientific Gentlemen. Royal, 8vo, 10 steel and numerous wood engravings. New- York, 1846 BERTHOLLET, (C. Z. and A. B.) Elements of the Art of Dyeing and Bleaching, with Notes, by Dr. Ure. New ed., 8vo, 12s. London, 1841 LEUCHS, (J.C.) Traite complet des proprietes, de la preparation et de I'eraploi des ma- tieres tinctoriales des couleurs, trad, de I'allemand. 2 vols. 8vo, /.IB. . . Paris. DUMAS. Precis de I'art de la teinture. 8vo,/.i5 Paris, 1847 (From Dumas' Traits de Cliimie applique aux arts ) CHEVREUL, (M. E.) Cours de chimie appliquee a la teinf&re. 2 vols. 8vo, /.24. Paris. RIFFAULT, (M.) etc. Nouveau Manuel complet du teinturier, etc. Nouv. ed., 18mo, 3s. Paris, 1847 HOMASSEL. Cours theorique et pratique sur I'art de la teinture. 4e ed,, 8vo. /.6. Paris. RUNGE, (F. F.) Farbenchemie, Lehrbuch der praktischen Banmevollenfarberei nach chemischen Grandsiitzens. 8vo, 20s Berlin, 1834 See Urk's Diet, of Arts. Parnell's Applied Chemistry. DYNAMICS.— (See Mechanics.) EARTH.— (See Geology.) HIGGINS, (W. M.) The Earth ; its Physical Condition and Phenomena. 12mo London, 1837 (Reprinted, New- York, H. Bro's.) HUMBOLDT, (A. de.) Cosmos ; a Physical Description of the World. Translated by desire of the Author, under the superintendence of L. Col. E. Sabine. Vols. I. and II. 8vo London, 1846-7 MILNER, (Rev. T.) The Gallery of Nature: a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour through Creation, illustrative of the Wonders of Astronomy, Physical Geography, and Geology. With Eigiit hifrhly finished Line Engravings ; Four Maps of the Stars, exhibiting the aspect of the Heavens throughout the Year ; a Planesphere of the Solar System ; the Phages of the Moon, and a Map of that Planet reduced from the Map of MM. Beer and Madler, of Berlin ; with many Hundred Vignettes and Diagrams on Wood, engraved in the first style of art. Sup. roy. 8vo, 18s London, 1847 ANSTED, (D. T.) The Ancient World, or Picturesque Sketches of Creation, sm. 8vo. illustrated, 12s London, 184'' See Sharon Turner's Sacred History of the World, &c. ECLECTIC PHILOSOPHY. See the Works of Hegel. Cousin. Art. Philosophy, &c. EDDAS. PIGOTT, (G.) A Manual of Scandinavian Mythology: containing a Popular Account ot the two Eddas, &c. 8vo, 12*. . London, 1839 EDIN. CAB. LIBRARY.] 119 [EDUCATION. EDD AS.~( Continued) DASENT, (G. W.) The Prose of the Younger Edda, translated. 8vo, 5s Stockholm, \%4a OEHLENSCHLAGER, (A.) The Gods of the North, an Epic Poem. Translated from the Danish into English Verse, by W. E. Frye. Royal 8vo, 14s. London, 1845 EDDA R YTHMICA, seu antiquior. 3 vols. 4to. . . . Haunia, 1787-1828 EDDA Ssemunda hinns Froda, &c., ex recens. E. C. Rask. caravit Afzelius. Ssmnnd den Vises Edda, &c., ofversatte af Afzelius, Snorra-Edda asamt Skaldu og Farmed fylg- jandi Ritgjordum, utgefin af R. K. Rask. Snorre Sturleson's Edda, &.c. af Afzelius. 4 vols. 8vo Stockholm, 1818-19 GRIMM, (J. u. W.) Die Lieder der alien Edda. Uerausg. u. erkl. Vol. 1-, 8vo, 8s. Berlin, 1815 HEIBERG, (J. L.) Nord. Mythologie ; aus d. Edda und Oehlenschlager's Mythol. Dicht- ungen dargestellt. 8vo Schleswig, 1826 LEGIS, (G. T.) Fundgruben d. alien Nordens. 2 vols, 8vo, 26*. . Le^zig, 1829 Vol. I. Runien u. ihre Denkmiiler. " II. Edda d. Stammmutter d. Poesie, Mythen u. Sagen a. d. Island. ETTMULLER, (L.) Lieder der Edda v. d. Nibelungen. 8vo. 4*. . Zurich, 1837 STUDACH, (J. L.) Ssemunds. d. Weisen, od. d. Jiltesten Norranischen Lieder. Aus d. Island, v. J. L. Studach. Vol. 1-, 4to, 13* JSTumb., 1829 HAGEN, (F. V. D.) Lieder, Saerannds, herausg. v. F. v. d. Hagen. 8vo, 6*. Berlin, 1812 MAGNUSSEN, (F.) Den Aeldre Edda, en Samling of de nordiske Folks aeldeste Sagnog Sange. Overs, og forkl. F. Magnnssen. 4 vols. 8vo, 38*. . . . Kopenh.,lS^ BERGMANN, (F. G.) Poemes islandais, tires de I'Edda de Baemund, publies avec qpe traduction, des notes et un giossaire. 8vo Paris, 1838 See Percy's Northern Antiquities, Vol. II. EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRARY. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. 38 vols, l2rao, 3s. 6'pt ; with information for Travellers in that Country. 2 vols. 8vo, map and woodcuts, 42s , . London, 1844 Hand-Book for Egypt and Thebes, sm. 8vo, map. « 1847 YATES, (W. H.) The Modern History and Condition of Egypt ; its Climate, Diseases, and Capabilities : comj)rising the Proceedings of Mahommed Ali Pascha from 1829 to 1842 ; vk'ith Illustrations of Scripture History, the Fulfilment of Prophecy, and the Progress of Civilization in the East. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 34s. .... London, 1842 GOUIN, ( ) L'Egypte au XIXe siecle Histoire militaire et politique, etc., de M6h6met- Ali, Ibrahim-Pacha, Soliman-Pacha. 8vo, plates, 12s. ; col. 15s. . . Paris, 1846 CLOT BEY. Aperca General sur I'Egypte. 2 vols. 18mo. . . Bruxelles, 1838 HAMONT, (P. N.) L'Egypte sous Meh6met-Ali. Populations, Gouvernemens, Institu- tions Publiques, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15 Paris, 1843 BURCKHARDT, (J. L.) Arabic Proverbs, or Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, illustrated from their proverbial Sayings. 4to London, 1830 ni. LANGUAGE.— (Ancient and Modern.) IDELER, (J. L.) Hermapion, sive rudimenta hieroglyphicae vet. iEgypt. literat. 2 parts, impl. 4to, 54«. . . . . . Lips., 1841 EGYPT.] 123 [EGYPT. in. LANGUAGE.— (Cona'nweff.). CHAMPOLLION le Jeune. De recriture h^ratique des anciens Egyp- tiens. folio Grenoble, 1821 Lettre k M. Dacier, relative k T Alphabet des HiSroglyphes phonetiqnes. 8vo. Paris, 1822 deux Lettres k M. le doc de Blacas d'Aolps relatives aa Mas^e royal ^gyptien de Turin monuments historiques. 8vo Paris, 1824-26 snr le Systeme hieroglyphique de MM. Spohn et SeyfFarth. 8vo. . Florence, 1826 Prices du systeme hieroglyphique des anciens Egyptiens, au Re- cherches sur les el^raens premiers de cette Venture sacr^e, sur leurs diver- ses combinaisons et sur les rapports de ce systeme avec les autres m^thodes graphiques 6gyptiennes. 2« edition, 1 v. de texte. 8vo, et 1 v. de planches Paris, 1828 Pantheon 6gyptien ; collection des personnages mythologiques de I'ancienne Egjrpte, d'apres les monumens ; avec un texte explicatif. 4to. Paris, 1824- SPOHN, (F. A. G.) De Lingua et Litcris Veterum ^Egyptiorum. Acce- dunt Grammatica atque Glossarium iEgyptiacum. Editit et absolvit. G. Seyffarth. 4to Lipsia, 1S2^-31 SEYFFARTH, (G.) Rudimenta Hieroglyphices, acced. explic. spec. glossar. et alphab. 4to, 45*. Lips., 1826 Beitrage z. Kenntniss der Literal. Kunst. Mythol. u. Geschichte d. alte iEgypten. Parts I.-VI, £2. 10s. . . . Leipzig, 1826-34 YOUNG, (T.) An Account of some Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities. 8vo. . . London, 1823 The rudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary in the Anci^t Enchorial Character, containing all the words of which the sense has been ascer- tained. To which are prefixed a Memoir of the Author, and a Cata- logue of his Works and Essays. 8vo, 7*. 6d. . . London, 1831 SALT, (H.) An Essay on Dr. Yoimg's and Champollion's Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics. 8vo London, 1825 LOWE, (L.) The Origin of the Egyptian Language, proved by the Analy- sis of that and the Hebrew in an Introductory Essay, extracted from the Asiatic Journal. 8vo London, 1837 LEPSIUS, (R.) Lettre sur I'alphabet hieroglyphique. 8vo. Pome, 1837 Le NORMANT, (C.) Recherches sur les hieroglyphes d'Horapollon. 4to Paris, 1838 CORY, (I. P.) On the Hieroglyphics of HorapoUo Nilous. Greek and English. 8vo, Is. Qd London, 1840 DRUMANN, (W.) Untereuch. iiber Aegypt. od. d. Inschrift von Rosette. 8vo. Konigsb., 1823 GOULIANOF, (dk.) Essai sur les hieroglyphes d'Horapollon, et qnelques mots sur la Cabale. 4to Paris, 1827 KOSEGARTEN, (G. L.) De prisca ^Egyptiorum literatnra, etc. 4to. Vimar, 1828 LEEMANS, (C.) Monumens 6gypt, portant des legendes royales. 8vo, plates, 12j. Leide., 1839 Papyrus 6gypt. d6motique k transcript grecques. 4to, 52*. 6d. Papyrus 6gypt. fun6raire. 4to, 65*. HoRAPOLLO, Hieroglyphica, var. lect. et vers. lat. annot. et ind. adj. C. Leemans. 8vo. 2is. Amsterd., 1835 CHAMPOLLION, le Jeune, (J. F.) Grammaire ^gyptienne, ou principes g^n^raux de I'ecriture sacr^e eg)rptienne appliqu^e k la representation de la langue parlde. sra. fol Paris, 1836-41 Dictionnaire 6gyptien en ecriture hieroglyphique ; pubU^ d*apr6s les manuscrits autographes. folio Paris, 1841-42 ROSSI, (I.) Etymologise aegyptiacae. 4to Roma, 1818 EGYPT.] 124 [electricity. m. LANGUAGE.— (Continued.) SALVOLINI, (F.) Analyse grainmaticale raisonn^e de diflGSrens Textes anciens Egvp- tiens. 4to Paris, 1836 Des principales expressions qui servent k la notation des dates sur les monnments de I'ancienne Egypte, d'apres I'inscription de Rosette ; lettres k M. I'abbe Constanzo Gaz- zera. 8vo Paris, 1832 PETTIGREW, (J. T.) A History of Egyptian Mummies, and an account of the worship and embalming of the sacred animals by the Egyptians : with remarks on the funeral ceremonies of different nations, &c. 4to, London, 1834 Modern. PEYRON, (A.) Lexicon linguse Copticae. 4to, 45s. . Tour., 1835 Grammatica linguae Copticae. 8vo. ..." 1841 " These are the most copious Grammar and Lexicon of the Coptic Language extant." Home. TATTAM, (H.) A compendious Grammar of the Egyptian Language, as contained in the Coptic and Sahidic Dialects, etc. 155. London, 1830 Lexicon ^gyptiaco-Latinum ex Veteribus Linguae iEgyptiacae Mon- umentis, et ex Operibus La Crozii, Woidii, etc. ; cum Indice Vocum La- tinarum. 8vo, 28s. Oxon., 1835 The Ancient Coptic Version of the Book of Job the Just. Translated into English. 8vo, 9s. London, 1847 PARTHEY, (G.) Vocabularium Coptico-lat. et latino-copt. e Peyroni et Tattami lexicis, &c. 8vo Berol., 1844 SCHWARTZE, (M. G.) Grammatica linguae Copticae ejusque dialecto- rum. 8vo. Leipzig, 1847 PSALTEJRIUM COPTICE lingu. Memphit. translat. Ad. fid. cod. editit notisque instr. M. G. Schwartze. 4to. . . Lipsia, 1843 FSALTERIUM COPTICE. Ad cod. fid. recens. J. L. Ideler. 8vo. Berlin, 1837 TESTAMENTJJM NOVUM, Coptice. Editit Dr. M. G. Schwartze. Pars 1, vol. ]. Evang. Matthaei et Marci continens. 4to, 12s. LipsitB, 1838 QUATREMfeRE, (M. E.) Recherches sur la langue et la litt^rature d'Egypte. 8vo Paris, 1818 ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, ELECTRO -MAGNET- ISM, GALVANISM. LARDNER, (D.) A Manual of Electricity, Magnetism, and Meteorology. Edited and completed by C. V. Walker. 2 vols. 12mo, 5 plates, 12s. London, 1844 FARADAY, (M.) Experimental Researches in Electricity. Reprinted fi-om the Philosophical Transactions, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 27s. London, 1839-44 STURGEON, (W.) Lectures on Electricity. 12mo, 100 woodcuts, 5s. London, 1842 A Course of Twelve Elementary Lectures on Galvanism ; illustrated with upwards of 100 Engravings of Experiments and Apparatus. By W. Sturgeon. 12mo, 5s. . . . . . . London, 1843 ROGET, (M.) Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electro-Magnet- ism. 8vo, 3s. 6d. (Lib'y Use. Knowl.) London, v. d. NOAD, (H. M.) Lectures on Electricity ; comprising Galvanism, Magnet- ism, Electro-Magnetism, Magneto- and Thermo-Eiectricity. 300 wood- cuts, 8vo, 14s. London, 1844 ELECTROTYPE.] 125 [ENCYCLOPEDIAS. ELECTRICITY, 6cc.— (Continued.) LEITHEAD, (W.) Electricity ; its Nature, Operation, and Importance in the Phenomena of the Universe. l2mo, . . London, 1838 HENRY, (J.) Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. 4to. Philad., 1839 BREWSTER, (Sm D.) A Treatise on Magnetism. Bvo, 6». Edinb., 1837 FRANCIS, (G.) Electrical Experiments ; illustrating the Theory, Prac- tice, and Application of the Science of Free or Frictional Electricity : containing the methods of Making and Managing Electrical Apparatus of every description, with numerous illustrative engravings. Bvo, 3*. London, 1844 GUMMING, (J.) Manual of Electro-Dynamics, chiefly translated from the French of J. F. Demonferrand. Bvo, plates, 12s. Cambridge, 1827 MURPHY, (Rev. R.) Elementary Principles of the Theory of Electricity. Bvo, 7s. 6d. Cambridge. BECdUEREL, (J. J.) Trait6 experimental de r61ectricit6 et dn magn^tisme, snive d'nne expose de leurs rapports avec les actions chimiqnes et les ph6nomenes natarels. 7 vols. 8vo, et atlas in 4to, /.72 50 Paris, 1838-184- El^mens d'electro-chimie appliqnde aax sciences natnrelles et anx arts. 8vo,/.7 50. Paris, 1843 ET BRESCHET. Recherches sar la chalear animale an moyen des appareUs thermo- electriques. 4to, /.3 Paris, 1846 De la rive. Traite d'61ectricit6 appliqu^e aux arts, a la medicine et k la physiologic. 8vo, fig., /.8 Paris. NEUMANN, (F. E.) Die mathematischen Gesetze der ind»cirten elektrischen Strome. 4to, 3s. 6d ; Berlin, 1847 See Mueller's Principles of Physics. Storqeon's Annals of Electricity, &c. Scoresby's Magnetical Investigations. Peschel's Elements of Physics. Lib'y Use. Knowl. Jameson's Edinburgh Journal. Philosophical Magazine. Philo- sophical Transactions. Report of the Brit. Association, 1835, &c. Transac. Amer. Philos. Society. Silliman's Journal. Walker's Electrical Magazine. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Annales des Sciences Natnrelles. Taylor's Scientific Memoirs, &c. ELECTROTYPE.— (Electro-Metallurgy, &c.) SPENCER, (T.) Electrography ; Instruction for the Multiplication of Works of Art in Metal by Voltaic Electricity. Bvo. . Glasgow, 1840 SMEE, (A.) Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. 2d ed., illustrated with electrotypes and numerous woodcuts, Bvo, cloth, lOs. 6d. London, 1843 SHAW, (G.) A Manual of Electro-MetaUurgy. 2d ed., Bvo, Is. 6d. London, 1844 WALKER, (C. V.) Electrotype Manipulation. 12mo, 2«. 6d. Lond., 1845 LEREBOURS, (J.) Trait6 de Galvanoplastiqe. 8vo,/.3. . . Pari>, 1845 MAJ^UEL DE OALVAKOPLJiSTIE, an Trait6 completdeoet Art, contenant tons les proc6des les plus recents. 18mo, /.3 50. Paris, 1844 JACOBI. Galvanoplastik : or, the process of Cohering Copper into Plates, or other given forms, by means of Galvanic Action on Copper Solutions. Translated from the Crerman. 8vo. PALMER. Glyphography : or. Engraved Draveing for Printing at the Type Press after the manner of woodcuts, &c. 8vo. London, 1844 SAMPSON. Electrotint : or, the Art of Making Paintings in such a manner that copper- plates and blocks can be tjdcen fcom them by means of voltaic Electricity. 8vo. J^ondon, 1842 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. BRANDE'S Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art ; comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principles of every branch of Human Knowledge : with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general use. 1 vol. Bvo. ..... London, 1843 (Reprinted, New- York, H. Bro's.) COJfFERSATIOJ\rS-LEXICOJV. 9th edition, 15 vols. 8vo. . Leipzig, 1845-7 EJVCTCLOPjEDIA AMERICAKA ; on the basU of the Seventh edition of the Ger- man Conversations-Lexicon. 14 yob. 8vo Philad., 1830-47. ENCYCLOPEDIAS.] 126 [ENCYCLOPEDIAS. ENCYCLOVMmAS.—{Conti7iued.) THE CABINET CYCLOPEDIA; comprising a Series of Original Works on History, Biography, Literature, the Sciences, Arts, and Manufactures. Con- ducted and edited by Dr. Lardner. sm. 8vo. , . London, 1830-46 The work comprises the following divisions : CABINET OF HISTORY. 67 Vols. 1 CABINET OF NATURAL HISTORY. CABINET OF BIOGRAPHY. 31 Vols, i 15 Vols. CABINET OF NATURAL PHILOSO- CABINET OF THE USEFUL ARTS. 7 PHY. 13 Vols. 1 Vols. Jiny Volume may be purchased separately, Price 6s. CABINET OF HISTORY. JVo. of Vols, when complete. Authors. Vols, of the Series. England, 10 vols. Mackintosh, &c. 8, 18, 37, 62, 69, 81, 95, 104, 113, 124. Ireland, 4 vols. T. Moore. 65, 90, 121, 133. Scotland, 2 vols. Sir V^^alter Scott. 1,4. United States, 2 vols. . Rev. H. Fergus. 13, 33. France, 3 vols E. E. Crowe. 12, 15, 23. Netherlands, 1 vol. T. C. Grattan. 10. Switzerland, 1 vol. . 31. Denmark, Sweden, &c. 3 vols. Dr. Dunhain. 110, 118, 122. Poland, 1 vol Dr. Dunham. 20. Germanic Empire, 3 vols. Dr. Dunham. 60, 64, 67. Russia, 3 vols Robert Bell. 79, 85, 100. Spain and Portugal, 5 vols. . Europe during Middle Ages, 4 Dr. Dunham. 29, 30, 32, 35, 38. vols Dr. Dunham. 45, 49, 53, 58. Italian Republics, 1 vol. . De Sismondi. 27. Fall of the Roman Empire, 2 vols De Sismondi. 56, 61. Rome, 2 vols. . 50, 73. Greece, 8 vols Rev. C. Thirlwall. 68, 74, 80, 88, 103, 114, 125. 132. Grecian and Roman Antiquities, 2 vols Rev. T. Fosbroke, &c. 47, 70. The Church, 2 vols. Rev. H. Stebbing. 41, 52. Reformation, 2 vols. Rev. H. Stebbing. 77,86. Maritime Discovery, 3 vols. . W. D. Cooley. 2, 11, 16. Outhnes of History, 1 vol. T. Keightley. Sir H. Nicolas. 9. Chronology of History, 1 vol. 44. CABINET OF BIOGRAPHY. | British Lawyers, 1 vol. . .H. Roscoe. 6. — Military Commanders, 3 vols. | Rev. G. R. Gleig. 25, 28, 36. — Naval Commanders, 5 vols. R. Southey, &c. 40, 48, 57, 87, 128. — Statesmen, 7 vols. Forster, &c. 21, 78, 91, 99, 101, 108, 115. — Poets, 2 vols. . R. Bell. 112, 119. — Dramatists, 2 vols. Dr. Dunham, &c. 93, 106. Early British Writers, 1 vol. . Dr. Dunham, &c. 34. Foreign Statesmen, 5 vols. G. P. R, James, &c. 46, 76, 82, 89, 102. Authors of France, 2 vols. . Mrs. Shelley, &c. 105, 117. Italy, &c. 3 vols. J. Montgomery, &c. 63, 71, 96. CABINET OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. | Brewing, Baking, Cooking, &c. 2 vols Professor Donovan. 3,94. Silk Manufacture, 1 vol. G. R. Porter. 22. Manufactures in Metal, 3 vols. . J. Holland. 24, 42, 54. Porcelain and Glass, 1 vol. . G. R. Porter. 26. CABINET OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, ETC. | Preliminary Discourse, 1 vol. . Sir J. Herschel. 14. History, 1 vol. Professor Powell. 51. Arithmetic, 1 vol. . Dr. Lardner. 55. Astronomy, 1 vol. Sir J. Herschel. 43. Mechanics, 1 vol. Kater and Lardner. 5. Optics, 1 vol. Sir D. Brewster. 19 Heat, 1 vol Dr. Lardner. 39. Chemistry, 1 vol. . Professor Donovan. 34. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 1 vol Dr. Lardner. 17. Essay on Probabilities and Life Contingencies, 1 vol. . Professor De Morgan. 107. Geometry, 1 vol. Dr. Lardner. 127. Electricity, Magnetism, &c. 2 vou. . : . . Dr. Lardner. 1130, 131. ENCYCLOPEDIAS.] 127 [encyclopedias. ENCYCLOP^ BIAS.— {Continued.) CABINET OF NATURAL HISTOKT. Preliminary Discourse, 1 voL . W. Swainson. 59. Geology, 2 vols. . Professor Phillips. 97, lU. Botany, 1 vol Rev. J. S. Henslow. 75. Geography and Classification of Animals, I vol. W. Swainson, 66. (Quadrupeds, 1 vol. W. Swainson. 72. Birds, 2 vols W. Swainson. 83,92. Animals in Menageries, 1 vol. W. Swainson. 98. Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles, 2 vols W. Swainson. 109, 116. Insects, 1 vol W. Swainson. 129. Shells, 1vol. W. Swainson. 123. Habits and Instincts of Animals, Ivol W, Swainson. 120. Taxidermy, 1 vol. W. Swainson. 126. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA ; or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature. 7th edition, greatly improved, with the Supplement to the former editions incorporated. Illustrated by an entirely new set of engrav- ings on steel. Edited by Professor Napier. 21 vols. 4to, 36». each. Edin., 1842 SCIENTIFIC TREATISES. Republished from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. BREWSTER, (Sir D.) Treatise on Mag- netism. 8vo, 65. Treatise on the Microscope. 8vo, 6s. CLEGHORN, (J.) System of Agriculture, with 13 plates, 4to. 9*. CRAIGIE, (Dr.) System of Anatomy, with 14 plates, 4to, 12«. CREUSE, (A. F. B.) Treatise on Ship- Building, with numerous plates and wood- cuts, 4to, 12s. DICK, (Prof.) Manual of Veterinary Sci- ence. 8vo, 3s. FLEMING, (Prof.) Treatise on Mollus- cous Animals, including Shell Fish. 8vo, 6s. GALLOWAY, (T.) Treatise on Proba- bility. 8vo, 6s. GILLY, (W. S.) Valdenses, Valdo, and Vigilantius. 8vo, 2s. 6d. GRAHAM, (G. F.) An Essay on the The- ory and Practice of Musical Composition, forming the article of ' Music,' with Ap- pendix and Notes. 4to, 9s. HANSARD, (T. C.) The History and Art of Printing, Copperplate Printing, and Typefounding ; and on Lithographic Print- ing, by C. Stokes. 8vo, 6s. HAYDON AND HAZLITT. Painting and the Fine Arts. 8vo. 6s. HETHERINGTON'S History of Rome. 8vo, 6s. HORSE, THE, AJ^D THE HOUJSTD, by Nimrod ; being a Practical Treatise on Horsemanship and Hunting, with a Chap- ter on Horse Dealing, embellished with woodcuts and engravings. 8vo, 6s. HOSKING, (W.) System of Architecture, and Principles of Building. 4to, 12s. IRVING, (D.) Lives of Scottish Writere. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. JAMESON, (Prof.) Elemente of Miner- alogy. 8vo, 6s. LECOUNT, (Lt.) Treatise on Railways. 9s. LESLIE, (Sir J.) Treatises on Various Sub- jects in Natural and Chemical Philosophy. 8vo, 9s. MACKINTOSH, (Sir J.) Dissertation on Ethical Philosophy, with an Introduction by Professor Whewell. 8vo, 9s. NEILL, (P.) The Fruit, Flower, and Kitch- en Garden. 8vo, 6s. PHILLIPS, (Prok.) Treatise on Geology. 8vo, 6s. POETRY, and Modem Romance, by Geo. Moir, and on Rhetoric, by Professor Spald- ing. 8vo, 6s. ROGET, (Dr.) Two Treatises on Physi- ology and Phrenology. 2 vols. 8vo, 12s. RUSSELL, (J. S.) Treatises on Steam and Steam Navigation, with numerous plates and woodcuts. 8vo, 9s. Treatise on the Steam Engine, with nu- merous plates and woodcuts. 8vo, 9s. SHOOTER'S Hand-Book. 8vo, 6s. TRAILL, (Prof.) Outlines of Medical Jurisprudence. 5s. Treatise on Phpical Geography. 8vo, 6s. TREDGOLD, (T.) Principles of Carpentry, Joinery, and Masonry, with plates. 4to, 3s. WILSON, (J.) The Natural History of Q,uadrupeds, with 147 Figures. 4to, 12s. The Natural History of Fishes, with 130 Figures. 4to, 9s. Treatise on Insects, with 540 Figures. 4to, 15s. Treatise on Ornithology, with 135 Fig- ures. 4to, 12s. The Road and the Gnn, being the Ar- ticles ' Angling ' and ' Shooting,' with large Additions. The former by James Wilson, the latter by the Author of " The Oakleigh Shooting Code." 8vo, 10s. 6d. ERSCH u. GRUBER. Allgemeine Encyclopsdie der Wissenchtften n. Knnste. - vols. royal 4to Leipzig. THE PENNY CYCLOPEDIA of the Society for the Diffusion of Use- ful Knowledge. 29 vols, small folio, £11. 5*. . London, 1833-^6 The same bound in 15 vols, cloth, jCIO. 10«. The same bound in 15 vols, half Russia, jC15. ENCYCLOPEDIAS.] 128 [ENGINEERING. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS.— (Co^^to^^ec/.) THE NATIONAL CYCLOFJEBIA OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Vols. I.-II, 8vo, each 5* London, 1847- The National Cyclopaedia will consist of Twelve Volumes, demy octavo, of more than Five Hundred Pages each, tlie whole quantity somewhat exceeding what was proposed in 1832 as the limits of ' The Penny Cyclopedia,' and at a still lower com- parative price. A Volume will be published every Four Months, strongly bound, for Five Shillings. The time occupied in the publication will be four years. ENCYCLOPEDIA METROFOLITANA. 25 vols. 4to, and Index 1 vol. 4to, plates, ;e20. in cloth London^ 1818-45 HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. 5 vols. MISCELLANEOUS AND LEXICOGRAPHICAL. 12 vols. MIXED SCIENCES. 6 vols. PURE SCIENCES. 2 vols. INDEX. 1 vol. EJ^CYCLOPEDIE des gens du monde. Repertoire nniverse) des sciences, des lettres et des arts, avec des notices snr les principales families historiques et sur les principaux per- sonnages, morts et vivants, etc. 24 vols. 8vo, /.240 Paris, 1845 ENCYCLOPEDIE du XIX« Sifecle, Repertoire universel des sciences, des lettres, et des arts, avec la biographie de tous les hommes c^lebres. 26 vols. 8vo,/.330 Paris. ENCYCLOPEDIE NOUVELLE ou Dictionnaire philosophique, scien- tifique, littdraire et industriel, offrant le tableau des connaissances humaines au XIX« Siecle, sous la direction de MM. P. Leraux et Raynaud. 8 vols. 4to,/.130 Pam, 184 -5 ENCYCLOPEDIE METHODIQUE. Repertoire universel de tout ce que I'esprit humain a recueilli de connaissances dans les temps anciens et modemes, divise par ordre de matieres, par une soci^t^ de gens de lettres, et compose de 48 Dictionnaires formants 164 volumes et demi de texte in-4, accompagnes de 51 parties renferraant ensemble 6439 planches. /.1500 Paris. SAINT LAURENT. Dictionnaire encyclop^dique usuel, ou Resumd de tous les dictionnaires historiques, biographiques, geographiques, mytholo- giques, scientifiques, artistiques, technologiques, etc., presentant la defini- tion exact et precise de 40,000 mots, 8vo,/.25. . . . Paris. ENGINEERING and SURVEYING. CRESY, (E.) An Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering, Historical, Theo- retical, and Practical. Illustrated by many Hundred Engravings on Wood, explanatory of the Principles, Machinery, and Constructions which come under the Direction of the Civil Engineer. In 1 large vol. 8vo, 73s. 6d London, 1847 BURR, (G. D.) Instructions in Practical Surveying, Topographical Plan Drawing, and Sketching Ground without Instruments. Plate and cuts. 8vo. London, 1847 HEBERT, (Luke.) The Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia, com- prehending Practical Illustrations of the Machinery and Processes em- ployed in every description of Manufacture of the British Empire, with 2000 Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . . . London. THE ENGINEER and Contractor's Pocket Book for the Years 1847 and 1848, re-modelled and improved on Templeton's Engineer's Pocket Book ; comprising besides the Calendar and Memoranda for the Two Years, re- quisite Tables of Tides, &c. l2mo, 6s. U. . London, 1847 BREE, (S. C.) A Glossary of Civil Engineering ; a clear and practical Explanation of the Terms used in this Science, with references to nume- rous works now in progress or lately completed, and many illustrative wood engravings. 8vo, 18s • London, 1840 ENGINEERING.] 129 [ENGINEERING. ENGINEERING, &cc.—{Conti7iued.) WHEWELL, (W.) The Mechanics of Engineering, for use in Universi- ties and Colleges of Engineers. 8vo, 9s. . . . London, 1841 WILLIAMS, (B.) Practical Geodosy, Chain Surveying, &c. 2d edn., 8vo, 12s. 6rf. . . • . . . . ' . London, 1846 BRUFF, (P.) A Treatise on Engineering Fieldwork, comprising the Practice of Survey- ing, Levelling, &c. 8vo, plates, 15s. . . , ' . . . . London, 1842 MOSELY, (H.) The Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture. 8vo, 24s. London, 1842 CASTLE, (H. J.) Engineering : Field Notes on Parish and Railway Surveying and Le- velling, with Plans and Sections (being a Sequel to his Elementary Text-Book) ; with Practical Formul* for the Calculation of Earth Work, the Theory and Practice of run- ning out Curves and putting down Side Stakes, &c., and a Traverse Table. 8vo, 12s. 6d. London, 1845 SIMMS, (F. W.) A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Levelling : showing its ap- plication to purposes of Civil Engineering, particulariy in the Construction of Roads ; with Mr. Telford's Rules for the same. 2d ed., 8vo, pp. 122, plates, cuts, 5s. Lond., 1843 BOURNS, (C.) Principles and Practice of Engineering, and other Surveying ; with an Appendix. 3d ed., 8vo, 5 plates, 15s London, 184t6 MILLINGTON, (J.) Elements of Civil Engineering ; being an attempt to consolidate the Principles of the various Operations of the Civil Engineer into one point of view. 8vo, 9 plates, 21s Phila., 1843 SIMMS, (F. W.) Public Works of Great Britain ; consisting of Railways, Rails, Chairs, Blocks, Cuttings, Embankments, Tunnels, Oblique Arches, Viaducts, Bridges, Stations, Locomotive Engines, &c. ; Cast-Iron Bridges, Iron and Gas Works, Canals, Lock-gates, Centering, Masonry and Brickwork for Canal Tunnels ; Canal Boats ; the London and Liverpool Docks, Plans and Dimensions, Dock-gates, Walls, Q,uays, and their Masonry ; Mooring-chains, Plan of the Harbour and Port of London, and other important engineer- ing works, with descriptions and specifications : the whole rendered of the utmost utility to the Civil Engineer and to the Student, and as examples to the Foreign Engineer. Im- perial folio, with 153 plates, £4. 4s London, 1838 THE PUBLIC WORKS of the UJ^ITED STATES of AMERICA. Edited by W. Strickland, C.E., E. H. Gill, C.E., andH. R. Campbell, C.E. 8vo. plates, imp. foho, i;2. 6s. London, 1841 TRAJ^SACTIOJ\rS of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vols. I.-III. 4to, plates. London. WEALES Q,uarteriy Papers on Engineering. 4to, plates. Vols. I.-V. (continued). £5. lis. Qd London, 1843-46 PAPERS on Subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Vols. 1-8, 4to. plates, £11. 6s London. AUBUISSON DES VOISINS, (J. F. d'.) Trait6 d'hydraulique, k I'osage des ing6nienrs. 2nded.,8vo,/.9 Pons, 1840 et SAINT GUILHEM. Tables k I'usage des ing^nieurs et des physiciens, etc. 18mo, f.4. . ' Paris, 1842 FROME, (Capt.) Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey for the Formation of Topographical Plans, etc. 8vo, plates, &c., 12s. . . . London. DELAISTRE, (J. R.) La Science de I'ingenieur, divis6e en trois parties, ou Ton traite des chemins, des ponts, des canaux et des aqneducs ; revue et aug. par M. Laquerenne. 2e. edn. 2 vols. 4to, et Atlas, de 57 pl.,/.40 Paris, 1832 MAJVUEL de I'ingenieur civil, ou Traits sur I'application directe des sciences aux arts et manufactures, par MM. Schmitz, Jullien et Lorentz. 2 vols, 18mo, et Atlas, de 28 plan- ches,/. 10 50 PaWs, 1845 GENIEYS ET COUSINERY. Recueil de tables k I'usage des ing6nienrs, pour faciliteret abreger les divers calculs relatifs aux differents genres de construcUons civiles, hydrauli- ques et industrielles. 2 vols. 8vo,/.24 Paris. CLAUDEL. Formules tables et reseignements pratiques : aide-m6moir des ing6nienrs, des architectes, etc. 8vo,/.12 Pons, 1845 MAHAN, (D. H.) Elementary Course of Civil Engineering. 8vo. . JSTevi-York, 1839 SGANZIN. Programme, ou resum6 des lecons d'un cours de construction, ayec des appli- cations tirees specialement de I'art de I'ingenieur des ponts et chaussees. 4e6dii., refondn par M. Reibell. 3 vols. 4to, avec un atlas de 180 p! Pans, 1839-41 MINARD (M ) Cours de construction des ouvrages qui 6tablissement la navigation des rivieres et des canaux, profess^ k I'Ecole des ponts et chanss6es. 4to, et AUas de 30 pL Pans, 1831 CiriL EJ^GIJ^EER and Architect's Journal. 4to, vols. I.-IX. . London, 1837-46 (Published monthly at 20s. per annum.) See Bridges, Fortifications, Hydraulics, Hydrography, Mill-Work, Railways, Steam Engine, Roads, etc. — — ENGLAND.] 130 [ENGLAND. ENGLAND. I. GEOGRAPHY, STATISTICS, &c. — II. HISTORY. — III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.~IV. NATURAL HIS- TORY. I. GEOGRAPHY, STATISTICS, &c. NICHOLS, (J.) Bibliotheca topographica Britannica ; with Continuation. 10 vols. 4to. London, 1780-97 M'CULLOCH, (J. R.) A Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Empire ; exhibiting its Extent, Physical Capacities, Population, Industry, and Civil and Religious Institutions. 3d edit., corrected, enlarged, and improved. 2 vols. 8vo, 42* London, 1847 THE GEOGRAPHY OF GREAT BRITAIN, by Prof. Long and G. R. Porter. Nos. 1-14. 5s. .... London, 1835 (Lib. Usef. Knowl.) PORTER, (G. R.) The Progress of the Nation, in its various Social and Economical Relations, from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. New edit., 8vo, 24s. London, 1846 SPACKMANN, (W. F.) Statistical Tables of the Agriculture, Shipping, Colonies, Manufactures, Commerce, and Population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its Dependencies, brought down to the Present Time. Compiled from Official Returns. l2mo, 5s. . . London, 1842 DOUBLEDAY, (T.) A Financial Monetary, and Statistical History of England, from the Revolution of 1688 to the Present Time ; derived principally from Official Documents ; in Seventeen Letters to the Young Men of Great Britain. 8vo, 12s. London, 1847 ECCLESTON, (J.) Introduction to English Antiquities. 8vo, 21s. London, 1847 I. Political Institutions. II. Religion. III. Learning and Arts. IV. Naval and Mil- itary Affairs. V. Commerce and Agriculture. VI. Manners and Customs. LYSON, (D. & S.) Magna Britannia ; being a concise Topographical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain. 6 vols. 4to. .... Z,oJidon, 1806-22 CAMDEN, (W.) Britannia, or a Chorographical Description of Great Britain and Ireland ; together with Adjacent Islands. Translated, and enlarged by the Latest Discoveries, by Rich'd Gough. 3 vols, folio. London, 1789 SMITH, (C. J.) Historical and Literary Curiosities ; consisting of Fac-similes of interest- ing Autographs, Scenes of Remarkable Historical Events and Interesting Localities, En- gravings of Old Houses, Illuminated and Missal Ornaments, Antiques, &c. &o. Contain- ing 100 plates, some illuminated ; with occasional letter-press, in one volume 4to, £2. London, 1840 BRAND, (J.) Observations on Popular Antiquities, with Additions by Sir Hy. Ellis. 2 vols. 4to London, 1813 The same. 3 vols. sqr. 12mo " 1821-42 STRUTT, (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, edited by W. Hone. 8vo. London, 1834 See Companions to British Almanac. Publications of the Antiquaries', Camden, Percy, and Surtees Societies. Archaeological Journal. ArchijeologicaJ Album. Hone's Every Day Book, Table Book, &c. n. HISTORY, 1. General Histories, Biographical Collections, &.c. BiBIilOGRAPHV. MACRAY, (W. D.) A Manual of British Historians ; comprising an Account of the Monkish Writers, Early Chroniclers, and Collections in which they are printed, with the Period of each History, and when the Writer flourished. 8vo, 9s. . London, 1845 THOMSON, (R. D.) Illustrations of the History of Great Britain : an Historical View of the Manners and Customs, Dresses, Literature, Arts, Commerce, and Government of Great Britain ; from the Time of the Saxons, down to the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb., 1828 The Introduction consists of 113 pages descriptive of the Sources and Materials of Brit- ish History. KEIGHTLEY, (T.) An Elementary History of England. .12mo, 5s. London, 1841 A History of England. 2 vols. 12mo, 14s. . . " 1839-41 ENGLAND.] 131 [ENGLAND. XL mSTORY.— (Continued.) CRAIK, (G. L.), AND MACFARLANE, (C.) The Pictorial History of England : being a History of the People, as well as a History of the King- dom, to the Death of George the Second. Illustrated with many hundred Woodcuts of Monumental Records ; Coins, Civil and Military Costume ; Domestic Buildings, Furniture, and Ornaments ; Cathedrals and other Great Works of Architecture ; Sports and other Illustrations of Manners ; Mechanical Inventions ; Portraits of the Kings and Queens ; their Signa- tures and Great Seals ; and Remarkable Historical Scenes. 4 vols, super- royal 8vo, £4. 16s London, 1840-41 Pictorial History of the Reign of (Jeorge III. 4 vols. roy. Svo, £4. London, 1841-44 Cabinet History of England. 26 vols, in 13, 18mo, 40*. " 1844-47 HALLAM, (H.) Constitutional History of England, from Henry VIII. to George II. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. .... London, 1842 HUME AND SMOLLETT'S History of England. The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. By David Hume. A new edition, with the Author's last corrections and improve- ments ; to which is prefixed a short Account of his Life, written by him- self. 6 vols. 8vo. — The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. Designed as a Continuation of Hume. By T. Smollett. A new edition, with the Author's last Corrections. 4 vols. Svo. Together, 10 vols. Svo, £4 London, 1841 THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. By Sir James Mackintosh; W, Wallace, Esq. ; and Robert Bell, Esq. 10 vols. fcp. Svo, :e3. London, 1830-1840 LINGARD, (J.) A History of England, from the Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary. By John Lingard, D. D. 4th edition, with great additions throughout. 13 vols. fcp. Svo, 65s. London, 1837-38 TURNER, (S.) The Historv of England, from the Earliest Period to the Death of Elizabeth. 12 vols. Svo, £8. 3s. . London, 1836-38 WADE, (J.) British History Chronologically Arranged ; comprehending a Classified Analysis of Events and Occurrences in the Church and State ; and of the Constitutional, Political, Commercial, Intellectual, and Social Progress of the United Kingdom, from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of Queen Victoria. Svo, 30s. . . London, 1841 ELLIS, (Sir H.) Original Letters illustrating British History ; including nnmerons Letters from Autographs in the British Museum, the State Paper Office, &c. : with Notes and Illustrations by Sir Henry Ellis. 3d Series, 2 vols. Svo, two portraits, 21s. London, 1846 HALLIWELL, (J. O.) Letters of the Kings of England, now first collected from the Originals in the Royal Archives, and from other authentic sources, private as well as pub- lic. With an Historical Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. Svo, 2 portraits, 21*. J^ndon, 1846 THE PjiRLMjME.T\/'TS and Councils of England, Chronologically arranged, from the Reign of William I. to the Revolution in 1688. Svo, 30s. . . I^^mdon, 1839 SMITH, (H. S.) The Parliaments of England, from the 1st Georee I. to the Present Time. Vol. 1, Bedfordshire to Nottinghamshire inclusive. 12mo, 10s. 6d. . London, 1844 TOWNSEND, (W. C.) Memoirs of the House of Commons, from the Convention Parlia- ment of 1688-9, to the passing of the Reform Bill in 1832. 2 vols. Svo, portrait, 14s. London, 1843-4 PARLMMEJSTTAR Y History of England, from the Earliest Period, 1072, to 1803. By Cobbett, Wright, and others. 36 vols. roy. 8vo lAmdon, 1806-30 Debates, (Hansard's,) from Nov. 1803 to the end of the Reign of George III., (1820). 41 vols. roy. Svo. . • . London, 1803-20 ' Debates, ( " ) new series, from the Accession of George IV., 1820, to June 1829. 29 vols. roy. Svo I^ndon, 1820-29 Debates, from 1830 to 1837, (Reign of William IV.). 38 vols. roy. 8to. " 1830-37 Debates from 1838 to 1845. 43 vols. roy. 8vo " 1838-45 ENGLAND.] 132 [ENGLAND. 11. fflSTORY (Continued.) MIRROR of Parliament. PUBLICjSTIOJ^S of the Record Commission. RYMER, (T.) Fcedera, &c. 3 vols, in 6, folio. London, 1816-30 OLD EJ\rOLAJ\r£>, a Pictorial Companion and Key to every History of England. 2 vols. folio, 3000 woodcuts and 21 coloured plates, 455 London, 1844-6 AJSTJ^UAL REGISTER, (Dodsley's), from 1758-1790. 32 vols. 8vo. " 1791-1819. 29vols. 8vo. Index to ditto, from 1758-1819. 8vo. " 1820-1845. 25vols. 8vo. WOOD, (Miss.) Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain, from the com- mencement of the Twelfth Century to the close of the Reign of Q,ueen Mary. Illustrated with Fac-simile Autographs. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. 6d London, 1846 BURKE. Correspondence of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke ; between the year 1744 and the period of liis decease in 1797. Edited by Charles WiUiam, Earl Fitzwilliam, and and Lieut.-General Sir R. Bourke. 4 vols. 8vo, 48s London, 1844 LODGE'S Portraits and Memoirs of the Most Illustrious Personages in British History. New edition, imperial 8vo, 10 vols, containing 240 Portraits, jCll. ; ditto, India proofs, jCl?. London, v. d. STRICKLAND, (Mis.s.) Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest ; with Anecdotes of their Courts, now first published from Official Records and other Au- thentic Documents, private as well as public. Vols. I.-X., 8vo, each 10s. 6d. (Reprinted, Philadelphia.) London, 1842-47 GRANGER, (J.) A Biographical History of England from Egbert the Great to 1688. / 4 vols. 8vo. . . . • London, 1804 SOUTHEY, (R.) Lives of the British Admirals : with an Introductory View of the Na- val History of Great Britain. 5 vols. sm. 8vo, 30s. . . . London, 1833-40 (Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) JAMES, (Wm.) Naval History of Great Britain ; with a continuation to the present time, by Capt. Chamier. 5 vols. 8vo, 54s London, 1836 NICOLAS, (Sir N. H.) A History of the Royal Navy, from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution. Vol. 1, 8vo, pp. 494, 14s. • . London, 1847- CAMPBELL, (Lord.) The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the Earliest Times till the Reign of George IV. First Series, in 3 vols., to the Revolution of 1688. 8vo, 42s London, 1M6 Second Series, vols. 4-5, 8vo, 30s " 1846 (Reprinted, Philadelphia.) 2. History of Particular Periods. 1. ROMAN PERIOD : B. C. 55, to A. D. 449. HERBERT, (Hon. Alg.) Britannia after the Romans ; being an attempt to illustrate the Religious and Political Revolutions of that Province in the Fifth and succeeding Centuries. 2 vols. 4to, 30s. London, 1836-1841 THACKERY, (F.) Researches into the Ecclesiastical and Political State of Ancient Brit- ain under the Roman Emperors, etc. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1843 HORSLEY, (J.) Britannia Romana ; or, the Roman Antiquities of Great Britain. Folio. . , London, 1732 See Eccleston's Introduction to English Antiquities, and the Authorities there re- ferred to. 2. THE BRITISH PERIOD : to A. D. 584. POLYDORE VERGIL'S English History, translated. Vol. I. (the period prior to the Conquest), edited by Ellis. 4to, 6s. 6d. London, 1844 (Camden Society.) GILD AS' Epistle Concerning Britain, and Nennius' History of the Britons, translated by the Rev. J. A. Giles. 8vo, 8s. . London, 1841 (Monkish Historians.) GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH'S British History, translated by A. Thomson, and revised by Rev. J. A. Giles. 8vo, 10s. London, 1842 (Monkish Historians.) WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY'S Acts and Deeds of the Kings of England, and Me- moirs of His Own Time, translated by the Rev. J. Sharpe. 4to. . I^ondon, 1815 RITSON, (Jos.) The Life of King Arthur, from Ancient Historians and authentic Docu- ments. 8vo. . London, 1825 THE CHROJ^ICLE of the Kings of Britain, translated from the Welch copy attributed to Tysilio, with Notes and Dissertations by Rev. Peter Roberts. 4to. London, 1811 See List of Authorities in Eccleston's Introduction to English Antiquities. ENGLAND.] 133 [ENGLAND. 11. HISTORY.— (Con/mwe^.) 3. ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD : A. D. 455, to A.D. 1066. PALGRAVE, (Sir F.) History of the Anglo-Saxons. 1 vol. 12mo, 5«. London, 1837 Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, during the A. S. Period. 2 vols 4to London, 1832 TURNER, (S.) The History of the Anglo-Saxons ; comprising the His- tory of England from the Earhest Period to the Norman Conquest. 5th ed. 3 vols. Bvo, £2. Ss. ..... . London, 1836 XAPPENBERG, (J. M.) Geschichte von England. Vol. 1, 8vo. Hamburgh, 1834 The same, translated by Benj. Thorpe. 2 vols. Bvo. London, 1845 COLLEN, (G. W.) Britannia Saxonica ; a Map of Britain during the Saxon Octarchy ; with Notices of the Saxon Period. 4to London, 1m3 ENGLISH, (H. S.) Ancient History, English and French, exemplified in a Dissection of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 8vo London, 1830 THE SAXOJ^ CHROJVICLE, with an English Translation and Notes, Critical and Ex- planatory. To which are added Chronological, Topographical, and Glossarial Indexes : a short Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language, &c., by the Rev. J. Ingram. 4to. ^ ^ ' London, 1823 CODEX DIPLOMATICUS M\\ Saxonici, opera Johannis M. Kemble. 8vo, vol. 1, (London), 1839. Vol. 2 London, 1840 (The Anglo-Saxon Charters.) AJ^CIEJ^T LJi W8 and Institutes of England ; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from Athelbert to Canute, with an English translation of the Saxon : the Laws called Edward the Confessor's : the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Edward the First ; also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the Seventh to the Tenth Century ; and the Ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. With a Compendious Glossary, &c. folio. . London, 1840 Edited by Benjamin Thorpe, and published by the Record Commission. An Edition was published at the same time m 2 vols, 8vo. MACKENZIE, (Rev. H.) An Essay on the Life and Institutions of Offa, King of Mercia, A. D. 755-794. 8vo London, 1840 PHILLIPS, (G.) Versuch einer Darstellung d. Geschichte de Angle-sachsischen Rechts. 8vo Oott., 1825 SCHMIDT, (R.) Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen bis der Urspmng, mit der Uebersetznng. royal 8vo Leipzig, 1832 See Publications of the iElfric Society. Archaeologia. ArchsEological Journal. 4. THE NORMAN PERIOD -.—TO THE CLOSE OF THE 13th CENTURY. Reigns of William I., II. Henry I. Stephen. Henry II. Richard I. John. Henry III. Edward I. THIERRY, (Aug.) History of the Conquest of England by the Normans. Translated by W. Hazlitt. With a Memoir, Portrait. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 7*. London, 1847 To this Edition is added for the first time, the important Appendix of Historical Documents, Portrait, and Memoir of the Author, &c. (Bogue's European Library.) WACE, (RoBT.) Master Wace, his Chronicle of the Norman Conquest, from the Roman de Rou. Translated with Notes, &c.,by Edgar Taylor. 8vo, London, 1837 SHARPE, (J.) The History of the Kings of England, and the Modem History of the Kings of England, of William of Malmesbury. Trans- lated from the Latin. 4to. . . . . . London, 1815 FANTOSME, (J.) A Chronicle of the Wars between the English and the Scots in 117i3-74. Translated, with Notes, &c., by F. Michel. 8vo. (Surtees Society.) Paris, 1840 MATTHEW DE PARIS. Grande chronique de, traduite en fran^ais par A. Huillard-Breholles, accompagn^e de notes, et prdcdd^e d'une introduction par M. le due de Lynes. 9 vols. 8vo . . . Paris, 1840-41 LANGTOFT, (Peter.) Chronicle. Edited by Thomas Hearne. 2 vols. Bvo. Lvndmi, 1810 ENGLAND.] 134 [ENGLAND. n. HISTORY.— (Continued.) RICHARD OF DEVIZES' Chronicle. 8vo, 8s. .... London, 1844 (Monkish Historians.) RISH ANGER, (VVm. de.) The Chronicle of, of the Baron's Wars, A. D. 1263-65. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 4to London, 1840 (Camden Society.) JAMES, (G. P. R.) History of Richard Cceur de Lion. 2 vols. 8vo. . " 1842 (Reprinted, Philad., C. & H.) ^ FREJ^CH Chronicle of London, from the 44th of Henry III. to the 7th of Edward III., with copious English Notes, by J. G. Aungier. sm. 4to, 6a. . , London, 1844 (Camden Society's Publications.) PHILLIPS, (G.) Englische Reichs- und Rechtsgeschichte, seit der Ankunfl der Norman- nen 1066-1189. 2 vols. 8vo Berlin, 1827-28 THOMSON, (R.) An historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John ; to which are added the great Charter in Latin and English ; the Charters of liberties and confirmations granted by Henry III. and Edward I., etc., explanatory notes on their several privileges, a descriptive account of the principal originals and editions extant, both in print and manu- scripts, etc. 8vo London, 1829 See also Ellis's Introd. to Domesday Book. Nicolas's Testamenta Vetusta. 2 vols. 8vo. 1825. 5. THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CENTURIES. Reigns of Edward II., III. Richard II. Henry IV., V., VI. Edward IV. Richard III. Henry VII. FROISSART'S Chronicles of England, France and Spain, &,c., new edi- tion, with 120 woodcuts, illustrative of Manners, Costume, &c. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, 36s. . London, 1845 Illuminations to Froissart's Chronicles, fac-similes from MSS. in the British Museum and Bibliotheque Royale. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, each 45s. . . . London. 1844-45 RASTELL, (J.) The Pastyme of the People. The Chronycle of Divers Realmys, and most especyally of the Realm of England. Edited by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. 4to. London, 1811 HALLE, (Edwd.) Chronicle ; containing the History of England during the Reign of Henry IV. and the Succeeding Monarchs to the End of the Reign of Henry VIII. 4to. London, 1809 HARDYNGE, (Jno.) The Chronicle of Jhon Hardynge in Metre, fro the first Begyn- nyng of Englande, unto ye Reigne of Edward ye fourth, where he made an End of his Chronicle, etc. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 4to Limdon, 1812 FABYAN, (Robt.) The New Chronicles of England and France, in 2 Parts, with a Bio- graphical and Literary Preface and Index, by Sir Hy. Ellis. 4to. . London, 1811 CHROJVICLE of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of Edward IV., by John Wark- worth. now first printed, and edited by Halliwell. sm. 4to. . . . London, 1839 (Camden Society.) THE CHROJ\riCLES OF THE WHITE ROSE /JV EJVOLAJ^D. A series of con- temporary records of the eventful reign of King Edward IV. 8vo, 12s. . London, 1843 (Monkish Historians.) HISTORIE OF THE ARRIVAL of Edward IV. in England, and the finall recoverye of his Kingdoms from Henry VI., 1471. sm. 4to London, IQWi (Camden Society.) JAMES, (G. P. R.) A History of the Life of Edward the Black Prince, and of Various Events connected therewith, which occurred during the Reign of Edward III. King of England. 2d ed., 2 vols. fcp. 8vo, map 15s. London, 1839 WALPOLE, (H.) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. 4to. London, 1768 TYLER, (Rev. J. E.) Henry of Monmouth, or Memoirs and Character of Henry V. as Prince of Wales and King of England. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 1838 NICOLAS, (Sir N. H.) A History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry V. into France in 1415. 2d edition. . . . . Lond., 1832 POLYDORE VERGIL'S History of the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Ri(;hard III., now first printed in English from a MS. in the British Museum, by Sir H. Ellis, 4to, 6s. ((Jamden Society.) London, 1844 HALSTED, (C. A.) The Life of Margaret Beaufort, Mother of King Henry Vllth. 8vo. London, 1839 Life and Times of Richard the Third, as Duke of Gloucester and King of England : in which all the Charges against him are carefully investigated and compared with the Statements of the Cotemporary Authorities. 2 vols. 8vo, Portrait and other Illustrations, £1. IO5 London, 1844 BACON, (Lord.) History of the Reigns of Henry VII., Henry VIII., and Queen Mary. 8vo London, 1786 ENGLAND.] 135 [ENGLAND. n. mSTORY.— (Continued.) RUTLAJ^D PAPERS. DocnmenU relating to the Coronation of Henry VII., the Field of the Cloth of Gold, and the Interviews of Henry VIII. with the Emperor, from theDukeof Rutland's MS. Collections. Edited by W. Jerdan . 4to,4«. 6d. /^ndwi, 1842 (Camden Society.) PjiSTOJ\r LETTERS. Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI., Ed- ward IV., and Richard III., by various persons of rank or consequence ; with Notes Historical and Explauatory, edited by John Fenn, new edition by A. Ramsay, sq. 8vo. London, 1841 6. THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary. Elizabeth. GRAFTON, (Rd.) A Chronicle at large, and Meere History of the Af- fayres of Englande, and Kinges of the same, etc. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1809 TYTLER, (P. F.) Life of King Henry the Eighth, founded on authentic and original Documents, some of them not before published ; including an Historical View of His Reign ; with Biographical Sketches of Wolsey, More, Erasmus, Cromwell, Cranmer, and other eminent contemporaries. 2d ed. fcp. 8vo, 5« Edinburgh, 1838 THOMSON, (Mrs. A. T.) Memoirs of the Court of Henry VIII. 2 vols. 8vo, 28*. London, 1826 BENGER, (Miss.) Memoirs of Anne Bolevn, Queen of Heniy VIII. 2 to1«. 8vo. London, 1821 RUSSELL, (Lord John.) Essay on theEnglish Government and Constitution from Henry VIII. to the Present Time. 2d ed. 8vo London, 1823 KEMPE, (A. J.) Losely M3S. and other Documents, illustrative of English History from Henry VIII. to James I. 8vo London, 1835 LODGE, (E.) Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners, from Henry VIII. to James I. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo London, 1838 CHROKICLE of Calais in the Reigns of Henry VII, and Henry VIII. to the year 1540, by Richard Turpyn, now first printed, and edited by Nichols, curious plates. 6s. 6d. (Camden Society ) lA/ndon, 1844 ANNALS of the first four years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Sir John , Haywood, now first printed, and edited by Bruce, sm. 4to. London, 1840 (Camden Society.) R AUMER, (F.voN.) Contributions to Modem History, from the British Mu- seum and State Paper Office. Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots. 8vo London, 1836 NICHOLS, (Jno.) The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, etc. 3 vols. 4to London, 1823 AIKIN, (Lucy.) Memoirs of the Court of Q,aeen Elizabeth. 6th ed. 2 vols. 8vo, por^ traits, jEl. bs London, 1826 NAUNTON, (Sir Robt.) Fragmenta Regalia. Memoirs of Elizabeth, her Court and Favourites. New ed. with notes, &c. 8vo. London, 1824 TYTLER, (P. F.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh ; founded on authentic and original Docu- ments, some of them never before puljjished ; including a View of the most imj)ortant Transactions in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. ; Sketches of Burleigh, Essex, Secretary CecU, Sidney, Spencer, and other eminent contemporaries : with a Vindication of his Character from the attacks of Hume and other writers. 3d ed. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. 5». Edinburgh, 1840 THOMSON, (Mrs. A. T.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 8vo. . . London, 1830 BURGON, (J. W.) The Life and Times of Sir Thos. Gresham : including Notices of many of his contemporaries : with illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1839 NICOLAS, (Sir H.) Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, K. G. Vice-Charaberiain and Lord Chancellor to Q,neen Elizabeth ; including his Correspond- ence with the Queen and other distinguished Persons. 8vo, 15«. . London, 1846 EOER TOJ^ PAPERS. A Collection of Public and Private Documents, chiefly illustrative of the Times of Elizabeth and James I., from the original MSS., the property of Lord Francis Egerton. Edited by J. P. ColHer. sm. 4to London, 1840 (Camden Society.) BENGER, (Miss.) Memoirs of the Life of Mary Q,ueen of Scots, with Anecdotes of the Court of Henry II. during her Residence in France. 2d ed. 2 vols, post 8vo. 24*. J.Mndon, 1823 STRICKLAND, (Miss.) Letters of Mary Queen of ScoU, and Documents connected with her Personal History. 3 vols. sm. 8vo, 31s. 6d London, 1842 ENGLAND.] 136 [ENGLAND. n. mSTORY.— (Continued.) LETTRES, Instructions et M6moires, de Marie Stuart, Reine d'Ecosse ; publics sur les Origineaux et les Manuscripts du State Paper Office de Londres et des Principales Ar- chives et Bibliotheques de I'Europe, et accompagnes d'un Resume Chronologique. Par le Prince A. Labanoff. 7 vols. 8vo. £4:. is London, 1845 LETTERS OF M^RY STU.^RT,aneen of Scotland, selected from the " Recueil des Lettres de Marie Stuart;" together with the Chronological Summary of Events during the Reign of the Q,ueen of Scotland, by Prince A. Labanoff, translated, with Notes, and an Introduction, by W. Turnbull. 8vo, 14s. . . . London, 1845 WRIGHT, (T.) dueen Elizabeth and her Times ; a series of Original Letters selected from the inedited private correspondence of the Lord Treasurer Burghley, the Earl of Leicester, the Secretaries Walsingham and Smith, Sir Christopher Hatton, and mostof the distinguished persons of the period. 2 vols. Bvo London, 1838 CAVENDISH, (G.) The Life of Cardinal Wolsey, by George Cavendish, his Gentleman Usher, and Metrical Versions, from the Original Autograph Manuscript, with Notes, &c., by S. W. Singer. 2 vols. 8vo. Chiswick, 1825 NARES, (E.) Memoirs of the Life and Administration of the Rt, Hon. William Cecil, Lord Burghley. 3 vols. 4to, m. 9^, London, 1828- TYTLER, (P. F.) England under the Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary, with the con- temporary History of Europe ; illustrated m a series of Letters never before printed, with Historical Introduction and Critical Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 1839 BOWES, (Sir Geo.) Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569. 8vo. . London, 1840 7. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Reigns of James I. Charles I. The Interregnum. Reigns of Charles II. James II. William III. Mary. VAUGHAN, (Dr.) History of England under the House of Stuart, in- cluding the Commonwealth. 2 vols. 8vo, 125. . . London, 1840 (Lib. Use. Knowledge.) Memoirs of the Stuart Dynasty : including the constitutional and ec- clesiastical History of England from the Decease of Elizabeth to the abdi- cation of James H. 2 vols. Bvo London, 1830 AIKEN, (Lucy.) Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. London, 1823 JESSE, (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, includ- ing the Protectorate. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1840 GOODMAN, (Bp.) The Court of King James I., etc. 2 vols. 8vo. . London, 1839 D'EWES, (Sir Simonds.) The Autobiography and Correspondence of, during the Reigns of James I. and Charies I. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 2 vols. 8vo, 285. London, 1845 AMOS, (Andr.) The Great Oyer of Poisoning: the Trial of the Eari of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury in the Tower of London, and various matters con- nected therewith. From Contemporary MSS. 8vo, 15s. . . . London, 1846 CLARENDON, (Edwd., Earl of.) History of the Rebellion. 8 vols. 8vo, je3. 18s Oxford. The Same. 7 vols. 12mo, JCI. 5s London. The Same, with Life. 1 vol. roy. 8vo., £\ . Is. . The Same, with Portraits. 2 vols. roy. 8vo., Je2. 15s. . " GUIZOT, (F.) History of the English Revolution of 1640, from the Ac- cession of Charles I. to his Death. Translated by W. Hazlitt. 8vo, 3s. %d, (Bogue's European Library ) London, 1845 (Reprinted, New-York, D. A. & Co.) COLLECTION de m6moires relatifs k la revolution d'Angleterre, publi6e avec une intro- duction par M. Guizot. 25 vols. 8vo Paris, 1823-25 AIKIN, (Lucy.) Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First. 2d. ed.. 2 vols. 8vo, jei. 8s London, 1833 CAULFIELD, (J.) High Court of Justice, or Memoirs of the Regicides of Charles I. 4to. London, 1817 ASHBURNHAM, (Col. John.) Narrative of his attendance on King Charies I. from Oxford to the Scotch army, and from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830 DUGDALE. The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale, edited by William Hamper, with portrait and autographs. 4to London, 1827 CAREY, (H.) Memorials of the Great Civil War, from 1640 to 1652, edited from original letters in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1842 ENGLAND.] 137 [ENGLAND. n. mSTORY.— (Continued.) VER^TEY PAPERS. Notes of Proceedings in the Long Parliament, temp. Charles L, taken by Sir Ralph Verney, Knt., edited by Brace. 4to, Is. 6d. . London, 1845 (Camden Society.) RUSHWORTH, (J.) Historical Collections, &c., from 1618-1648, with the Trial of the Eari of Strafford. 8 vok. folio LoTidon, 1659-1701 EVELYN, (Jno.) Memoirs illustrative of the Life and Writings of Jno. Ev»lyn. Com- prising his Diary from 1641 to 1705-6, and a selection of his familiar letters. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1825 SLINGSBY, (Sir H.) & HODGSON, (Capt.; Memoirs during the CivU War. Edited by Sir Walter Scott, 8vo Edin., 1806 BURNET, (Bp.) History of His Own Times, roy. 8vo, 17«. . . London, 1838 The Same, with 51 Portraits. 2 vols. roy. 8vo, 42*. ... " 1839 BURTON, (T.) Cromwellian Diary for 1656-59, with Introduction and Notes by Rntt. 4 vols. 8vo London, 1828 FORSTER, (J.) The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. With an Introduc- tory Treatise on the Popular Progress in English History. 5 vols. fcp. 8vo, with portraits of Pym, Eliot, Hampden, Cromwell, &c., jCI. 10*. . . . London, 1831-1839 CARLYLE, (T.) Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. 8vo, 2d edn., 36*. (Reprinted, New- York, W. & P.) London, 1846 GODWIN, (W.) History of the Commonwealth of England, from its commencement to the Restoration of Charles II. 4 vols. 8vo London, 1824-8 GUIZOT, (F. P. G.) Memoirs of Monk, Duke of Albemarle. Translated with Notes by Stuart Wortley. 8vo London, 18^ NUGENT, (Lord.) Memorials of Jno. Hampden. 2d ed., 2 vols. 8vo. " 1832 MASERES, (Fr.) Select Tracts relating to the Civil Wars in England in the Reign of Charies I., by writers who lived in the time of those wars, and were witnesses of the events which they describe. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1815 MEMOIRS of the liife of Col. Hutchinson, with original anecdotes, &c., and Memoir of Mrs. Hutchinson by herself. 4to London, 1806 (Reprinted in Bohn's Standard Library.) BLENCOWE, (R. W.) Diary of the Times of Charles II., by the Hon. H. Sidney, after- wards Earl of Romney. 2 vols. 8vD London, 1843 PEPYS. The Life, Journals, and Conespondence of Samuel Pepys, Secretary to the Admi- ralty in the Reigns of Charies II. and James II. Including a Narrative of his Voyage and Residence at Tangier, &c., now first published from the Originals. 2 vols. 8vo, por- trait, £1.8s London, 1841 JAMESON, (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charies II. With an In- troductory View of the State of Female Society, and its Influence during that remarkable Reign. Comprising a series of 21 Portraits. 2 vols. 4to, jE2. 5s. . London, v. d. CARREL, (A.) History of the Counter-Revolution in England for the Re-Establishment of Popery under Charies the Second and James the Second. — History of the Reign of James the Second, by the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. 3s. 6d. London, 18i6 (Bogue's European Library.) MARCHMOJ^T PAPERS, illustrative of Events from 1685-1750. Selected by Sir G. H. Rose. 3 vols. 8vo London, 1831 ROBERTS, (G.) The Life, Progresses, and Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth, to hLs Capture and Execution : with a full account of the Bloody Assizes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 24* London, 1844 MACKINTOSH, (Sir J.) History of the Revolution in England in 1688 : comprising a View of the Reign of James II., from his Accession to the Enterprise of the Prince of Orange. 4to, 31s. 6d London, 1834 MAZURE. (F. A. J.) Histoire de la Revolution de 1688, en Angleterre. 3 vols. 8vo. ' ^ Paris, 1825 ELLIS, (G. A.) The Ellis Correspondence, now fi»st published from the Originals, with Notes and a Preface. 2 vols. 8vo lAmdon, 1828 DAHLMANN, (F. C.) History of the English Revolution, transl. from the German by H. E. Lloyd. 8vo, 10*. 6d London, 1844 GRIMBLOT, (P.) Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. and of their Minirtere. Illus- trating the Domestic and Foreign Policy of England during the period which followed the Revolution of 1688. Extracted from the Archives of France and England, and from Foreign Papers. 8vo. London, 1847 CAVENDISH. Sir H. Cavendish's Debates of the House of Commons during the 13th Pariiament of Great Britain, which met in May 1768, and was dissolved in June 1774, commonly called the Unreported Parliament. Now first published by J, Wright. Vol. 1, 8vo, 25a. London, 1843 TREVOR, (A. H.) The Life and Times of William III., King of England, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, 24» London, 1835-36 ENGLAND.] 138 [ENGLAND. II. mSTORY.— (Continued.) VERNON, (J.) The Court and Times of William III., illustrated in a series of Letters addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury. Edited by G. P. R. James. 3 vols. 8vo, 42*. London, 1841 8. THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Reigns of Q.ueen Anne. Kings George I., II., III. MAHON, (Lord.) The History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix la Chapelle. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. London, 1836-38 ADOLPHUS, (J.) The History of England, from the accession to the de- cease of George III. Vols. 1-7, 14*. each. . . London, 1840-45 HUGHES, (T. S.) The History of England, from the accession of George III., 1760, to 1835. 7 vols. 8vo, £3. 13s. 6d. . . London, 1836 THOMSON, (Mrs. A. T.) Memoirs of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough and of the Court of Q.ueen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1839 JESSE, (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George II. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s London, 1843 MEMOIRS OF SOPHIA DOROTHEA, Consort of George I. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. London, 1845 MEMOIRS (Lord Hervey's) of the Court of George II. and dueen Caroline. Edited by J. W. Croker. 2 vols. 8vo London, 184^ LETTERS of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, to Sir Horace Mann, His Britannic Ma- jesty's Resident at the Court of Florence from 1760 to 1785. Now first published from the Original MSS. 6 vols. 8vo, 51s London, 1846-7 WALPOLE. Memoirs of the Reign of King George II. By Horace Walpole. Edited from the Original MSS., with a Preface and Notes, by the late Lord Holland. 3 vols. 8vo, portraits, 36s. London, 1846 Memoirs of the Reign of George III. 4 vols. 8vo, 56s. ... " 1844-5 AIKIN, (Lucy.) Annals of the Reign of George III., from 1760 to 1820. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1825 WRAXALL, (Sir N. W.) Memoirs of his Own Times, from 1772 to 1784. 4 vols. 8vo, 24s London, 1836 Posthumous Memoirs of his Own Times. 3 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . " 1836 PICTORIAL History of England, during the Reign of George III. ; being a History of the People, as well as a History of the Kingdom. By C. L. Craik and C. MacFariane, as- sisted by other Contributors. 4 vols., with several hundred woodcuts, roy. 8vo, 80s London, 1841-44 BROUGHAM, (Lord.) Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III. and IV. Two Series. 8vo London, 1839 III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1. History of. 2. Grammars, Dictionaries, Glossaries, &c. Bibliography. LOWNDES, (W. T.) Bibliographical Manual of English Literature. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1834 RITSON, (J.) Bibliographia Poetica ; Catalogue of English Poets of the Xllth-XVIth Century, sm. 8vo London, 1802 GRIFFITH, (A. F.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetioa ; Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Old English Poetry, &c. roy. 8vo. London, 1S15 MALONE, (Ed.) Catalogue of Early English Poetry, collected by, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library, folio. Oxford, 1836 RIMBAULT, (E. F.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, a Catalogue of Musical and Poetical Works, published in England in the 16lh and 17th Centuries, under the titles of ' Madri- gals,' 'Ballets,' ' Ayres,' ' Canzonets,' &c. 8vo, 7s. 6e^, cum Fabularum Deperditamm Fragmentis. Recensuit et bre- viter illustravit G. C. Lewis, A.M. Svo, 5s. M Oxford, 1846 BIDPAI. Kalila and Dimna. Translated from the Arabic, by the Rev. W. Knatchbull. Svo Oxford, 1819 FAIRY MYTHOLOGY. KEIGHTLEY, (T.) The Fairy Mythology, illustrative of the Superstition and Romance of Various Countries. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1833 GERMAN FAIRY TALES and Popular Stories, as told by Gammer Grethel. Translated from the collection of MM. Grimm, by Edgar Tay- lor, with Illustrations from Designs by G. Cruikshank and Ludwig Grimm. 12mo, 7s. 6rf. London, 1846 FAIRY RING {The) A Collection of Popular Tales, translated from the German of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, by J. E. Taylor. With 12 Illustrations by R. Doyle. Fcp. Svo, 7«. 6d. . . London, 1845 FALCONRY.] 147 [FLORENCE. FAIRY MYTHOLOGY.— {Continued.) CROKER, (T. C.) Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland. 3 vols. 12mo, London, 1826-28 The same abridged. 1 vol. 12mo, 5s. . . . f.ond., 1839 MAURY, (A.) Les F6es du Moyen Age Recherches snr lenr origine, leur histoire et leur attribats pour servir de connaissance a la mythologie gauloise. 12mo. /.3. Paris, ldl3 C^BIJ^ET DES FEES, on Collection choisee des contes des f6es et autres contes mer- veilieux. 41 vols. 8vo, avec gravures, /.96, Amsterdam. . . . (Paris), 1781 GRIMM, (J.) Deutsche Mythologie. 2te Ausgabe. 3 vols. 8vo. . . Oott., 1844 INSULANUS, (Theoph.) An Essay of the Nature and Actions of the Subterranean (and for the most part,) Invisible People, heretofoir going under the names of Elves, Faunes, and Fairies, or the lyke, among the low country Scots, as they are described by those who have the second sight, etc. Ito, (reprint). . . . Edinburgh, 1815 FALCONRY. SCHLEGEL et WALVERHORST. Traits de Fauconnerie, liv. I. imp folio, je3. 3s. (Coloured Plates.) .... Leiden., 1846 FALKNERKLEE, bestehend in drey ungedrueten Werken iiber die Falk- uerey . . . ans dem turkischen und griechischen verdeuscht und herausg. von Hammer Purgstall. 8vo Wien, 1840 FICTION, (History of.) DUNLAP, (J.) The History of Fiction ; being a critical Account of the most celebrated Works of Fiction from the Earliest Greek Romances to the Novels of the Present Age. 3d ed. 8vo, 15«. . London, 1845 MOIR AND SPALDING. Poetry, Romance, and Rhetoric. 8vo, 6s. (From the Encyclo. Britannica.) Edinburgh, 1839 FINE ARTS.— (See Arts, Fine, p. 43.) FINLAND. LEOUZON-LEDUC. La Finlande, son histoire primitive, sa mythologie, sa po^sie 6pique, son gdnie national, sa condition politique et sociale depuis la conqu^te russe. 2 vols. 8vo,/.15 Paris, 1845 SCHMITZLER, (M.) La Russie, la Pologne, et la Finlande ; tableau statistique geo- graphique et historique de toutes les parties de la monarchie russe prise isolement. 8vo. Paris and St. Petersburgh, 1835 FISHES.— (See Ichthyology.) FLANDERS.— (See Netherlands.) WARNKCENIG. Hist, de la Flandre et de sea Institutions civils et politi- ques jusqu'k I'ann^e 1305, trad, de i'allemande par Gheldorf 2 vols. 8vo, 14* Bruxelles, 1835 FLEMISH LANGUAGE.— (See Netherlands.) FLORENCE, (History of.) NAPIER, (H. F.) Florentine History, from the earliest Authentic Records to the Accession of Ferdinand the Third. 6 vols, post 8vo, 54«. London, 1846-7 MACHIAVELLI, (N.) Istorie Fiorentine. 8vo. . Firenxe, 1532 (Various Editions.) Translated by Thomas Bedingfield. Folio. . London, 1594 VILLANI, (G.) Istorie Fiorentine. 8 vols. 8vo MUano, 1834 DEl6cLUZE, (M.) Florence et ses vicissitudes 1215-1790. 2 vols. 8vo, avec une Carte et 4 pi Paris, 1837 FLORIDA.] 148 [forensic medicine. FLOKEISCE.— {Continued.) REUMONT, (A.) Romische Briefer von einem Florentiner. 1837-38. 2 vols. 12mo. Leipzig; 1840 BRUTO, (G. M.) Istorie Fiorentine, trad, da Stanisl. Gatteschi (avec le texte latin.) 2 vols. 8vo Firenz., 1838 CAVALCANTI, (G.) Istorie Fiorentine, dall' anno 1420 al 1452 con lllustraz. 2 torn. 8vo Firenz., 1838-9 See Murray's Hand Book to Northern Italy. FLORIDA. DARBY, (W.) Geography, and Natural and Civil History, of Florida. 8vo Fhilad., 1821 WILLIAMS, (J. L.) Sketches of the Topography and the Civil and Natural History of Florida. 8vo. . . . New- York, 1837 FORBES, (J. G.) Sketches of the Floridas. 8vo. New- York, 1821 HERNANDO de SOTO. The Conquest of Florida, translated by Theo- dore Irving. 2 vols. l2mo Philad., 1835 TERNAUX COMPANS, (H.) Voyages, Relations et M^moires originaux, pour servir a I'histoire de la d^couverte de TAmerique. — Recueil de pieces sur la Floride. 8vo,/.ll Paris. GARCILASSO de la VEGA. Historia de la Florida. 4 vols. 18mo. Madrid, 1803 BARTRAM, (J.) Account of East Florida. 8vo London, \im BARTRAM, (W.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, etc. Svo London, 1794 VIGNOLLES, (C.) Observations on the Floridas, etc. Svo. . . JVcto-rorA, 1823 FOOD. FEREIRA, (J.) A Treatise on Food and Diet : with Observations on the Dietetical Regimen suited for Disordered States of the Digestive Organs ; and an Account of the Dietaries of some of the principal Metropolitan and other Establishments for Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, &c. 8vo, 16* 1843 TRUMAN, (M.) Food, and its Influence on Health and Disease ; or, an Account of the Effects of different kinds of Aliment on the Human Body : with Dietetic Rules for the Preservation of the Health. Post 8vo, 18. U London, 1842 THOMSON, (R. D.) Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals, and the Fattening of Cattle : with Remarks on the Food of Man. Fcp. 8vo, 5« London, 1846 (Reprinted, New- York, 1846. D. A. & Co.) See Combe on Digestion, &c. FOOD. — (Adulterations of.) GARNIER ET HAREL. Des Falsifications des Substances Alimentaires et des moyens chimiques de les reconnaitre. l2mo. . Paris, 1844 REMER. Lehrbuch der polizeilich gerichtlichen Chemie. 8vo. Helmstadt, 1827 See Accum's Domestic Chemist. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, etc. FORENSIC MEDICINE.— (Medical Jurisprudence.) TAYLOR, (A. S.) Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. 2d ed. fcp. 8vo, 12s. U London, 1846 GUY, (W. A.) Principles of Forensic Medicine. Fcp. Svo, lOs. %d. London, 1844 BECK, (T. R. & J. B.) Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 7th edition, 8vo,21* .... London, 1842 SMITH, (J. G.) The Principles of Forensic Medicine, systematically arranged, and applied to British Practice. 3d ed., Svo, l&s. . , . ... London, 1837 FORTIFICATION.] 149 [FRANCE. FORENSIC MEmcmE.— {Continued.) TRAILL, (T. S.) Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence. 2d ed. 8vo, 5s Edinburgh, 1840 RAY, (J.) On the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 8vo. . . . Boston, 1838 CHRISTISON, (R.) Treatise on Poisons, in reference to Medical Jurisprudence, Physiol- ogy, and the Practice of Physic. 4th ed., 8vo, 20*. . . . Edinburgh, 1844 FOD6r6, (E.) Traite de mddicine legale et d'hygiene pnblique. 2e edn., 6 vols. 8vo, /.25 Paris. BRIAND, (J.) et Ernest Chaud6. Manuel complet de medicine legale. 4e ed. conte- nant un Traite de chimie I6gale, par G. de Claubry. 8vo, /.9. . . Paris, 1846 NICOLAI, (D. H. G.) Handbuch der gerichtlichen Medicin, nach dem gegenwart. Standpunkte dieser Wissenschaft far Aerzte u. Criminalisten. 8vo. Berlin, 1841 FORTIFICATION. PASLEY, (C. W.) Rules, chiefly deduced from Experiment, for Conduct- ing the Practical Operations of a Siege. In two Parts. 8vo, 12*. London, 1843 JONES, (J. T.) Journals of Sieges carried on by the Army under the Duke of Wellington, in Spain, during the years 1811 to 1814, etc. 3d ed., 3 vols. 8vo, plates, 42s London, 1846 FISCHMEISTER (J.) Traite de fortification passagere, d'attaque et defense des pontes et retrenchments, suivi d'un appendice sur les ponts militaires. Traduit de I'allemand par Rieftel. 8vo et atlas, /.15 Paris. MADELAINE. Fortification permanente. Defauts des fronts bastionn6s en usage, modi- fications necessaires, bases d'un nonveau systeme. 8vo, /.4 Paris. BOUSMARD. Essai de Fortification, d'attaque et defense des places. 3e edn., 4 vols. 8vo, et atlas Paris, 1838 SAVART. Cours ^l^mentaire de Fortification, k I'usage des Aleves de I'^cole militaire. 3e 6dn., 2 vols, 8vo Paris, 1830 IMBERT, (M. J.) Cours 6l6mentaire de Fortification. 2e 6dn., folio. . " 1835 DUVIGNEAU, (M.) Exercice complet sur le tracd, le relief, et la construction, I'attaqne et la defense des fortifications. 8vo, et atlas. Paris, 1830 VAUBAN, (S. DE.) Traite de I'attaque des places, 6dit. par M. Angoyat. 8vo. Paris, 1829 Trait6 de la defense des places, 6dit. par le baron de Valaz6. 8vo, et atlas. Paris, 1829 CARNOT. De la defense des places fortes. 3e. 6dn., 4to. ... " 1812 Memoires sur la Fortification primitive. 4to. " 1821 EMY. Cours dlementaire de fortification fait k l'6cole militaire de Saint Cyr, comprenant la fortification passagere et permanent. 8vo, et atlas, /.15. . . . Paris, 1843 MAURICE, (P. E.) Essai sur le Fortification modeme, ou Analyse compar6e des systemes modernes francais et allemands. 8vo, et atlas in-4, /.12. . . . Paris, 1845 MERKES, (J. G. W.) Examen raisonnd des progres et de I'^tat actuel de la fortification permanente, dans lequel on compare les diverges applications qui out 6t6 faites du systeme bastionn^ aux principes fondamentaux admis de nos jours. Traduit du Holiandais. 8vo, /.7 50. . Paris, 1846 SCHWINK, (G.) Les Elements de I'art de fortifier. Guide pour les lecons des 6cole8 mili- taires et pour s'instrnire soi-raeme. Traduit de Tallemand par T. Parmentier. 8vo, avec atlas, /.20 Paris, 1845 See also the Works of Antoink dk Villk, Belidor, Blondel, Coehorn, Bisset, Errard, Comte de Paoan, Mcllet, Montalbert, Manoe. Encyclo. Metro- pol. Halleck's Military Art and Science. FOSSILS.— (See Paleontology.) MANTELL, (G. A.) The Medals of Creation ; or First Lessons in Geo- logy, and in the Study of Organic Remains. 2 vols. l2mo, plates and woodcuts, 21* London, 1844 OWEN, (R.) A History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds. 8vo, 237 woodcuts, 31s. 6d. London, 1846 MORRIS, (J.) A Catalogue of British Fossils ; comprising all the genera and species hitherto described, with reference to their geological distribu- tion, and to the localities in which they have been found. 8vo, 10*. FRANCE.] 150 [FRANCE. FRANCE. I. GEOGRAPHY, STATISTICS, &c.— II. HISTORY.— III. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Bibliography. GIRAULT DK SAINT FARGEAU. Bibliographie historique et topographiqne de la France, ou Catalogue de tous les ouvrages imprimes en France depnis le XVe siecle jnsqn'au mois d'avnl 1845, contenant les litres d'environ 12,000 ouvrages, etc. 8vo,/.I2. Paris, 1845 I. GEOGRAPHY, «fec. SCHNITZLER, (J. H.) Satistique Generale methodique et complete de la France. Comparee aux autres grandes puissances de I'Europe. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30 Faris, 1846 MURRAY'S Handbook for Travellers in France : being a Guide to Nor- mandy, Britamiy ; the Rivers Loire, Seine Rhone, and Garonne ; the French Alps, Dauphin^, Provence, and the Pyrenees : with Descriptions of the principal Routes, Railways, the Approaches to Italy, the chief Watering Places, &c. 8vo, with 5 travelling maps, cloth, 12s. London, 1846 GUIDE FITTORESQUE des Voyageurs en France, om6 de 90 Cartes routiferes, de 70 portraits et 680 vignettes. 6 vols. 8vo. Faris, 1838 VAYSSE DE VILLIERS. Itineraire descriptif de la France, ou Geogra- phic complete, historique et pittoresque de ce royaume, par ordre de routes, divis6 en huit regions, etc. 30 vols. 8vo, /.150. . . . Faris. HUGO, (A.) France pittoresque, ou description pittoresque, topographlque et statistique des departments et colonies de la France. 3 vols. 4to, 120 cartes et 720 vignettes. Faris, 1835 L'UNIVEBS FITTORESQUE France, par M. le Bas. Faris, 18— I""* Partie. Annales historiques. 2 vols. 8vo. 33 cartes historiques colo- riees. H^ Partie, comprenant le Dictionnaire encyclop^dique de I'histoire de France. 12 vols. 8vo, avec 600 gravures. DUCLOS. Dictionnaire g^n^ral des villes, bourgs, villages, hameaux et fermes de la France, des principales des pays Strangers et des colonies. 4e. ^dn., /.lO Faris, 1846 DUFOUR ET DUVOTENAY. La France. Atlas des 86 departments et des colonies francaises, divises en arrondissements et Cantons, avec un notice sur chaqne departemente par Albert Montemont. 89 cartes et 89 notices. 4to, /.40 Paris. CASTELVERD. Nonveau Precis methodique de I'histoire des Francais et de la geographic de la France. 8vo, planches et cartes, /.7 50 Paris, 1846 GIRAULT DE SAINT FARGEAU. Dictionnaire geographique, historique, administra- tif, industriel et commercial de toutes les communes de la France, et de plus de 20,000 hameaux en dependant ; illustre de 100 gravures. 3 vols. 4to, /.80. Paris, 1845-46 DOCUMEJVTS ST^^TISTIQ UES sur la France, publics par le ministre du commerce.— Tenritoire, Population, Commerce ext^rienr. Par M. Alorean de Jones. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835-37 ■ Agriculture. 2 vols, en 4 tom., 4to " 1840 VOYAGES PITTORESQUES dans I'ancienne France par le Baron Taylor, Charles Nodier, et de Cailleux : grand in-folio sur papier v^lin, avec nn grand nombre de planches tiroes sur papier Chine et lithographi^es par les premiers artistes. . . Paris, 1843- 1. La Haute Normandie. 2 vols, folio. 280 planches. .... /.487 2. La Basse Normandie. " 200 " 625 3. La Franche Comt6. " 179 " 350 4. L'Auvergne. 2 vols. " 274 ** 687 5. LeLanguedoc. 4 vols. " 760 " 1825 6. La Picardie. 2 vols. " 390 " 1250 7. Le Dauphine. " 240 •' 750 8. LaBretagne. 2 vols. " 280 " 875 9. La Champagne. " 200 "... . 625 FRANCE.] 151 [FRANCE. 11. fflSTORY. General Histories, Collections, &c. CROWE, (E. E.) The History of France from the Earliest Period to the Abdication of Napoleon. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. . . London, 1830-31 (Lardner's Cyclopaedia.) BONNECHOSE, (E.) History of France, from Clovis to Louis Philippe. 12mo London, 1839 GUIZOT, (F. P. G.) Essais sur I'Histoire de France. 4 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1823 HERICOURT, (A. de.) Manuel de I'Histoire de France. 2 vols. 8vo, 14*. " 1846 GENOUDE, (de.) Histoire de France, Vols. 1-15. 8vo, 7s. 6d. each. Paris, 18- -1847 Histoire de France. 2e series. Revolution francaise. Vols. 1-2. 7s. 6d. each. Paris, 1845-6 MAZAS, (A.) Conrs d'histoire de France, dnpnis leg temps antiques de la Gaule jusqu'k la restauration de 1814. 4e edition, 4 vols. 8vo, 20s Paris, 1846 BERRYER, (Pere.) Souvenirs de, (1774-1838). 2 vols. 8vo. ..." 1839 BIOGRAPHIE DES MIJVISTRES Francais, depuis 1789 jusqu'k ce jour, roy, 8vo. Paris, 1826 RATHERAY, (E. J. B.) Histoire des etats g6neranx de la France, snivi d'nn E.xamen comparalif de ces assemblies et des parlements d'Angleterre. 8vo, /.7 50. Paris, 1845 SCHMIDT, (Dr. E. A.) Geschichte von Frankreich. Vols. 1-2, 24s. Hamb., 1835-40 SISMONDI, (S. DE.) Preces de I'histoire des Frangais. 2 vols. 8vo. /.16. . Paris. Histoire des Francais. 31 vols, 8vo Paris, 1821-43 MICHELET, (M.) Histoire de France, torn. I-VI. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1833- The same, translated by G. H. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. D. A. & Co., JVezo- York, 1846-7 MARTIN, (H.) Histoire de France, depuis les temps les plus recnles jusqu'en 1789. 15 vols. 8vo, /.75. Paris, 1840-44 SE6UR, (L. P. DE.) Histoire de France, depnis les Ganlois jusqne et y compris le regne de LonU XV. 9 vols. 8vo, /.54 Paris, 1824-30 OALLICAR UM et Francicarum Rerum Scriptores ; on Receuil des Historiens des Ganles et de la France, par Dom. Martin Bouquet,, et autre Religieux de St. Maur. Fol. vol. 1.- Paris, 1738 THIERRY, (A.) Lettres sur I'histoire de France. 8vo. ... " 1836 COLLECTIOK complete des memoires relatifs k I'histoire de France, depois le regne de Philippe-Auguste, jusqu'au commencement du 17e siecle, par M. Petitot. 52 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-27 COLLECTION DE MEMOIRES ponr servir k I'histoire de France, depuis le 13e siecle jusqu'k la fin du 18e par MM. Michaud et Panjoulat. 32 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-39 COLLECTION DE MEMOIRES relatifs k I'histoire de France, jusqu'au 13e siecle avec un introduction, etc., par M. Guizot. 31 vols. 8vo, /.217. . . Pans, 1823-35 COLLECTION DES C^flOJV/Q C7£S nalionales francaises du trezieme an seizieme siecle, par J. A. Bnchon. 47 vols. 8vo Pans, 1824-26 COLLECTION DES MEILLEURES dissertations, etc., relatives k I'histoire de France . . . pnblif^e par C. Leber, etc. 20 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1826-43 VAUBLANC, (le Comte de.) La France an temps des croisades, on Recherches sur les mceurs et contomee des Francais aux Xlle. et Xllle. siecles. 2 vols. 8vo,/.16. Paris, 1844 MULL16, (C.) Fastes de la France, ou Tableaux chronologiques, synchroniques, et geo- r&phiques de I'histoire, depuis I'etabUssement des Francs jusqu'k nos jours. 5e ed. folio, maps, /.26. Paris, 1845 COLLECTION de memoires relatifs k I'histoire de France, depnis I'av^nement de Henri IV. jusqu'k la paix de Paris (1763), par MM. Petitot et M. Monmerqu6. 79 vols, in 8vo. Paris, 1820-29 CAPEFIGUE, (B. H. R.) Histoire ConstitutioneUe de la France depuis Philippe Anguste (1223-1483.) 8 vols. 8vo Paris, 1834 THE TWO FIRST RACES. THIERRY, (Aug.) Narratives of the Merovingian Era, translated. Svo. 4». 6d London,1842 SMEDLEY, (E.) History of France from Charlemagne to Francois I., A. D. 843 to 1529. Svo. 6«. 6rf London, 1836 (Lib. Use. Knowl.) L^HUfjRON, (J. M.) Histoire des institutions m6ro>ingienneset carlo vingiennes. 2 vols. 8vo,/.15 Paris. FRANCE.] 152 [FRANCE. n. mSTORY.— (Continued.) JAMES, (G. P. R.) The History of Charlemagne, with a Sketch of the State and History of France, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Rise of the Carlovingian Dynasty. New ed. 8vo, 12s. London, 1847 P^TIGNY, (de.) Etudes sur I'histoire, les lois et les institutions de I'epoque merovingi- enne. 2 vols. 8vo,/.18 • . , Paris, 1842-47 PEYRONNET, (le Comte de.) Histoire des Francs. 4 vols. 8vo. /.32. Paris, 1843-46 CAPEFIGUE, (M.) Charlemagne. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15 Paris, 1841 GRANI6, (M. P.) Histoire de Charlemagne, precede d'un precis liistor. sur les Gaules. 8vo Paris, 1819 THIRD RACE : FROM HUGH CAPET TO A. D. 1328. CAPEFIGUE, (M.) Hugues Capet et la 3e race jusqu'k Philippe Auguste. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Histoire de Philippe-Auguste. 4 vols. 8vo. " 1829 Histoire constitutionnelle et administrative de la France, depuis la morte de Philippe- Auguste. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30 Paris, 1833 VILLENEUVE-TRANS, (le Marquis de.) Histoire de S. Louis, roi de France. 3 vols. 8vo Paris, 1839 FLOBERT, (A.) Histoire des dues d'Orleans de la Maison de Bourbon, 1608-1830. 6 vols. 8vo, 24 portraits, /.45. Paris. COMINES (Philip de.) Mdmoires, nouv. edn., revue sur les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque royale, edit, par M. Dupont. Vols. I-II. f.9 Paris, 1840- Buchon's Chroniques et M6moires sur 1' Histoire de France. FIRST BRANCH OF THE HOUSE OF VALOIS, 13-28-1498. MONSTRELET'S Chronicles, from the text of Col. Johnes, with Notes and Woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s London, 1846 COSTELLO, (Miss.) Jacques Cour, the French Argonaut, and his Times. 8vo. cuts London, 1847 BARANTE (M. de.) Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne de la maison de Valois, 1364-1477. 12vols. 8vo Pare^, 1837 CHROJ^IQUE DES RELIGIEUX DE SjUJSTT-DEJ^IS (1380-1422), publ. parM. Bellaguet. 4to, torn. I- Paris, 1839- SEGUR, (M. LE Comte.) Histoire de Charles VIII. 2 vols. 8vo. . " 1834 Buchon's Chroniques et Memoires. SECOND BRANCH OF THE HOUSE OF VALOIS, 1498-1589. C^/JOJV/Q 17^ de Jean d'Auton. 4 vols. 8 vo Part>, 1835 ROEDERER, (P. L.) Louis XII. et Francois I. ou memoires pour servir k une nouvelle histoire de leur regne, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. . * Paris, 1825 ESTIOLE, (P. D. l'.) Journal de Henri HI. de Henri IV. et de Louis XIII. nouv. 6dn. aug. 5 vols. 8vo, /.35 Paris, 1826 Buchon's Chroniques et Memoires. BRANCH OF THE BOURBONS. Henri IV. 1589-1610. Louis XIII. 1610-1643. Louis XIV. 1643-1715. Louis XV. AND XVI. TO 1789. JAMES, (G. P. R.) The Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre. 3 vols. 8vo, £2. 2s London, 1847 CAPEFIGUE, (M.) De la R6forme, de la Ligue et du regne de Henri IV. 8 vols. 8vo,/.60. Paris. SULLY. Memoires ; nov. 6dn. aug. de I'eloge de Sully par M. le Comte Daru. 6 vols. 8vo,/.36 Paris, 1827 The Same. Translated by Charlotte Lennox. New ed. 5 vols. 8vo. . Edin., 1819 BRANTOME, (P. de.) CEuvres completes. 8 vols. 8vo, /.48. . Paris, 1822-24 Louis XIII. 1610-1643. B AZIN, (M. A.) Histoire de France sons Louis XIII. et sous le ministre de Mazarin. 2e edn. 4 vols. 12mo,/.14 Pare*, 1846 CAPEFIGUE, (M.) Richelieu, Mazarin et la Fronde. 8 vols. 8vo. . " 1835 LES HISTORIETTES DE TALLEMAJ^T DES REAUX, memoires pour servir k I'histoire du XV [le siecle, publi^es sur le manuscrit inedit et autographe, avec des 6clairissements et des notes, par MM. Monmerqu6, de Chateaugiron, et Taschereau. 10 vols. 12mo Paris, 1840 FEANCE.] 153 [FRANCE. n. mSTORY.— (Continued.) Dk RETZ, (Cardinal.) Memoirs of Himself: with the most Secret Transactions of the French Court and the Civil Wars. Translated from the French. . . . London. Louis XIV. 1643-1715. PARDOE, (Miss.) Louis the Fourteenth and the Court of France in the XVIIth Century. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s London, 1847 CAPEFIGUE, (M.) Louis XTV., son governement et sa politique exterieure. 6 vols. 8vo, /.45 • . . . . Parts, 1835 Richelieu, Mazarin et la Fronde. 8 vols. 8vo, /.60 " SAINTE-AULAIRE, (Le Comte.) Histoire de la Fronde. 2 vols. 8vo. " 1841 MAINTENON, (Madame de.) Peinte par elle-meme, par Mad. Suard. 8vo. " 1810 SAINT SIMON, (le Dec de.) Me moires complets et authentiques sur le siecle de Louis XIV. et la regence, etc. nouv. ddn. 40 vols. 12mo,/.70 Paris. DANGEAU, (de.) Abrege des memoires, on journal du Marquis de Dangeau, extrait du manuscrit original, avec des notes et nn abrege de I'histoire de la regence, par Mme. de Genlis. 4 vols. 8vo Paris, 1817 DELORT, (J.) Histoire de I'homme an masque de fer, accompagn^e des pieces authen- tiques et de fac-simile. 8vo Paris, 1825 LoCTs XV. ET Louis XVI. jusqu'bn 1789. LACRETELLE, (M. le Jeune.) Histoire de France pendant la 18e siecle, 4e 6dn., 6 vols, 8vo. — Suite. 8 vols. 8vo Paris, 1819-26 LEMONTEY, (P. E.) Histoire de la regence et de la minority de Louis XV. jusqn'au minbtere du Cardinal Fleury. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1832 SOULAVIE, (J. L.) Memoires historiques du regne de Louis XVI. depuis son raariage jusqu'k sa mort, 6 vols. 8vo Paris, 1801 DROZ, (J.) Histoire du regne de Lonis XVI. pendant les annees ou I'on pouvait pr6venir on diriger la revolution fran^aise. 3 vols. 8vo, /,22 50. . , , Paris, 1839-42 T0CQ,UEVILLE, (le Comte de,) Histoire philosophique du regne de Lonis XV. 2 vols. 8vo . , Paris, 1846 CAPEFIGUE, (M.) Louis XV. et la Soci6t6 du XVIIIe siecle, 4 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1842 Louis XVI. son administration et ses relations diplomatiques avec I'Europe. 4 vols. 8vo,/.30 Paris. REVOLUTION OF 1789, &c, CARLYLE, (Thos.) The French Revolution, a History. 3 vols. 12mo, (Reprinted, New-York, W. & P,) London, 1839 MICHELET, (M.) History of the French Revolution, translated by C, Cocks. 12mo London, 1847 THIERS, (M.) Hist, de la Revolution fran9aise, jusqu'au 18 brumaire. 10 vols. 8vo. Autre Edition, 4 vols. 8vo. The same, translated, 5 vols. 8vo, 40s. Another ed., 3 vols. 8vo. 36*. LAMERTINE. (A. de.) History of the Girondins, transl. 3 vols. sm. 8vo. 10*. 6d. L(mdon,iB4:7 BERTRAND de MOLLEVILLE. Memoires particullers pour servir k I'histoire de la fin du regne de Lonis XVI. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1816 HUE, (F.) Demieres ann6es du regne et de la vie de Louis XVT. 8vo. Londres et Paris, 1814 CAMP AN, (Mme.) M6moires sur la vie privee de Mari6 Antoinette, reine de France, ed. par M. Barriere. 3 vols. 8vo Paris, 1823 WUBER, (J.) M6moires concemant Marie Antoinette reine de France, et snr plnsieurs ^poqnes importantes de la revolution francaise. 3 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1804-09 The same, translated by R. C. Dallas. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . lAmdan, 1805 COLLECTION DES MEMOIRES relatlfs k la revolution francaise, 56 vols. 8vo. Pans, 1820 HISTOIRE PARLEMEJfTAIRE de la revolution frangaise, ou journal des aesemblees nationales, depuis 1789 jnsqu'en 1815, par P. J. B. Bnchez et P. C. Roux (Lavergne.) 40 vols. 8vo Paris, 1833-38 The same, 12th ed. revised, in 25 vols. 12mo, /.90, ... " 1845-46 MIGNET, (F. A.) Histoire de la Revolution francaise, depuis 1189 jnsqu'en 1814. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1833 BLANC, (L.) Histoire de la Revolution, Vol. 1, 8vo " 1847 WACHSMUTH, (W.) Geschichte d. Franzo. Revolution. 4 vols. 8vo, 52». 6d. Hamb., 1840-45 FRANCE.] 154 [FRANCE. n. mSTORY. ^(Confimied.) BUCHEZ, (P. J. B.) et ROUX. Histoire parlementaire de la revolution francaise, on jour- nal des assemblees nationales depnis 1789 jusqu'en 1815, contenant, &c. 40 vols. 8vo, /.160. Paris. VEUILLOT, (E.) Les Guerres de la Vendee et de la Bretagne (1790-1832.) 8vo, /.5. Paris, 1846 CRETINEAU-JOLY. Histoire de la Vendue militaire ; divisee en quatre epoques ; la Grand Guerie, la Guerre de Charette, la Cbouannerie, 1815 et 1832. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1840-41 COLLECTIOJf DES MEMOIRES relatifs a la Revolution francaise, avec des notices sur lenrs auteurs et des eclairissements historiqnes, par MM. Berville et Barriere. 63 vols. 8vo, avec fig. port, etc., /.300 Paris. CONSULATE AND EMPIRE. THIERS, (M.) The History of the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon. - vols. 8vo. each 5s. London, 1845 MONTHOLON, (Genl.) Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. 4 vols. Svo, 568 London, 1846-7 (Reprinted, Philad., C. & H.) BOURIENNE, (F. dk.) Memoires sur Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat, etc. 10 vols. Svo, 60* Paris, 1829-30 Memoirs of Napoleon, translated by Dr. Memes. 4 vols. 18mo. . Edin., 1831 . The same : to which are added a History of the Hundred Days, of the Battle of Wa- terloo, of Napoleon's Exile and Death at St. Helena. 4 vols. 8vo, plates, 30*. London, 1836 BIGNON. Histoire de France, sous Napoleon. Redigee et terminee par Ernouf. - vols. Svo Paris, 18— D'ABRANt6s, (la Duchess.) Memoires de, on Souvenirs histor. sur Napoleon, la revo- lution, le directoire, etc. 18 vols. Svo. Paris, 1831-35 LAS CASAS, (CoMTE dk.) Memorial de Saint-Helene, suivi de Napoleon en exil, par O'Meara, et de ses derniers moments par Antomarchi, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, /.40. Paris, 1842 LACRETELLE, (C. DE.) Histoire du Consulat. 2 vols. Svo, /. 10, . Paris, 1846 Histoire de I'Empire. 4 vols. Svo, /.20 Paris, 1846- PERROT, (A. M.) Itineraire g6n6ral de Napoleon, Chronoiogie du consulat et de I'em- pire, indiquant jour par jour, pendant tout sa vie, le lien oil etait Napoleon, ce qn'il a fait et les evenements les plus remarquables qui se rattachent k son histoire. Svo, et Atlas de 10 cartes in folio,/. 15 Pons, 1845 RESTORATION. CAPEFIGUE, (M.) Histoire de la Restauration. 10 vols. Svo. . . Paris, 1831-33 LACRETELLE, (M. lk Jeune.) Histoire de France depnis la restauration. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1829 "VAULABELLE. Chute de I'empire. Histoire des deux restaurations de 1814 et 1815, jusqu'k Ja Chute de Charles X. en 1830 precedee d'un precis historique sur les Bourbons et le parti Royaliste. 5 vols. Svo, /.25 Paris, 1846-7 RENARD, (E.) Histoire de la restauration, suive d'un precis de la revolution de jnillet. Svo, /.7 50 Paris, 1842 m. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE. Bibliography. BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE LJi FRAKCE, on Journal general de I'lmprimerie et de la Librairie, et des Cartes geographiques, gravures, lithographies et CEuvres de Musiqne. Vols. I.-XXXVII. Svo Paris, 1810-47 (Published weekly, at 20 francs per annum.) aU^RARD, (J. M.) La France litteraire. 10 vols. Svo, jCIO. . . Pam, 1827-42 Litterature Contemporaine Vols. 1-11. Svo *' 18452- HEISCHER, (G.) Bibliographie francaise. Vols. 1-11. Svo. . . '* 1811- (To be completed* in about 20 volumes.) VENTOUILLAC, (L. T.) The French Librarian, or Literary Guide : pointing out the best Works of the Principal Writers of France. Svo. . . . London, 1829 Literary History, &.c. HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE de la France. Par D. Rivet, D. Tailandier, etc. 20 vols. 4to Paris, 1733-1843 AMPERE, (J. J.) Histoire litt6raire de la France, avant le 12e siecle, 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1839-40 Histoire dela litteratnre francaise au moyen-age, comparee anx litteraires etrangeres. Svo Paris, 18il FRANCE.] 155 [FRANCE. ni. LITERATURE AND L ANGV AGE. ^(Continued.) BERGER DK XIVREY, (J.) Recherches sur les soarces antiques de la litt^ratnre fran- caise. 8vo Paris, 1829 CHARPENTIER, (J. P.) Tableau Historiqne de la litt6rature francaise au 15e et au 16e siecle. 8vo Paris, 1835 SAINT MARC GIRARDIN et CHASLES. Tableau de la litterature francaise au 16e siecle. 8vo Paris, 1829 NISARD, (D.) Histoire de la Litterature Francaise. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. . . Paris. BARON, (A.) Histoire abr. de la Litterature Franjais. 2 vols. 8vo. MICHIELS, (A.) Hbt. des Iddes Litt^raires en France an XLKme Siecle. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1832 GERUZEZ, (M.) Histoire de I'dloquence politique et religiense en France, k la fin du 15e siecle et pendant le 16e. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836-37 BARANTE, (M. de.) Tableau de la litterature francaise au 18e siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1832 TABLEA U AKTHOLOOiqUE de la litt6ratnre francaise contemporaine (1789-1837), en six livres, etc. 8vo, vol. 1- . Berlin, 1837 DUQ.UESNEL, (A.) Du travail intellectuel en France, on Resuin6 de la litt6rature fran- caise depuis 1815 jusqu'en 1837. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris. LA HARPE, (J. F. de.) Lycee, ou Cours de litterature ancienne et modeme, suivi du tableau de la litterature au 19e siecle, par Chenier, et du tableau de la litterature au 19e siecle, par M. Saint-Marc Girardin et M. Philarete Chasle. 3 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1840 CHEFS-D'CEUVRE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANCAIS. 18mo, avec portraits, chaque 4s. 6c?., cloth. . , Firmin Didot, Paris, v. y, > POETES. MALHERBE, (J. B.) ROSSEAU, E. LEBRUN. 1vol. LA FONTAINE. Fables avec notes, par M. Walckenaer. 1 vol. CORNEILLE, avec notes de Voltaire, etc. 2 vol. RACINE. Theatre complet. 1 vol. BOILEAU. Poesies completes ; Correspondance avec Racine ; Traite du Sublime. 1 vol. MOLIERE, avec notes. 2 vols. REGNARD. Theatre et Voyages. 1 vol. VOLTAIRE. La Henriade et Poemes chobis. 1 vol. Theatre. 1 vol. Contes, Satires, 6pitres, etc. 1 vol. PROSATEURS. PASCAL. Pensees, suivies des Pensees de Nicole et du Traite de la paix avec les hommes. 1 vol. Les Provinciales, precedees de la vie et de I'eloge de I'auteur, par Bordas-Dumoulin. 1 vol. F^NELON. Teiemaqne et Fables destinees k I'education de Mgr. le due de Bourgogne. 1vol. education des Filles, Dialogues des Morts, Vies des Pbilosophes. 1 vol. Traite de I'existence et des attributs de Dieu. Entretiens snr la religion. Lettres sur divers sujets de metaphysique et de religion. Dialogue sur l'£loquence. Lettresnrles occupations de I'Academie francaise, etc. 1 vol. BOSSUET. Histoire universelle. 1 vol. < Oraisons funebres, suivies des Oraisons funebres de Fiechier et de Mascaron. 1 vol. Sermons chobis. 1 vol. MASSILLON. Petit Careme et Choix de Sermons. 1 vol. LA BRUYERE et TH^OPHRASTE. 1 vol. Le meme onvrage sous le titre : Les Caracteres de Theophraste, par La Bruyere, etc. Premiere edition complete, par M. la Baron Walckenaer. 2 vob. LE SAGE. Gil-Bias. 1 vol. s6vIGn6. Lettres, avec les notes de tons les commentateurs. 6 vols. Nouveau choix de Lettres tres-complet. 1 vol. MONTESdUIEU. Grandeur des Remains et Lettres Persanes, etc. 1 vol. Esprit des Lois avec les notes de I'auteur et nn choix des meilleurs commentateurs. 1 vol. VOLTAIRE. Siecle de Louis XIV. 1 vol. Charles XII. et Histoire de Pierre le Grand. I vol. Romans. 1 vol. FRANCE.] 156 [FRANCE. m. LITERATURE AND LANGV AGE.— (Continued.) BUFFON. Histoire des Animaux. 1 vol. Epoques de la nature, histoire de I'homme. 1 vol. BERNARD] N DE SAINT-PIERRE. Paul at Virginie, etc. 1vol. Etudes de la Nature. 1 vol. CHATEAUBRIAND. Atala.— R6n6. — Les Abencerrages.— Voyage en Am6riqne. 1 vol. Genie Christianisme. 2 vols. Martyrs. 1 vol. Les Natchez. 1 vol. Itineraire de Paris k Jerusalem et Voyages. 2 vols. ]fitudes historiques. 1 vol. Analyse de I'histoire de France. 1 vol. Les quatre Stuart et Melanges politiques. 4 vols. ROLLIN. Trait6 des Etudes, revu par M. Letronne, avec les remarques de Crevier. 3 vols. CHEFS- D' CEUVRE des poetes tragiques, Rotrou, Crebillon, Lafosse, Saurin, De Belioi, Pompignan, la Harpe, Ch6nier, Lancival, Legouve, Ducis, Lemercier. 2 vols. Des poetes comiques, tome I k IV., contenant Scarron, Montfleury, La Fontaine, Boursault, Baron ; — Dancourt, Dufresney ; — Brneys et Palaprat, Le Sage, d'Allainval, La Chaussee ; — Destouches, Fagan, Boissy. ROUSSEAU. Nouvelle H61oise. 1vol. J^mile. 1 vol. Confessions. 1 vol. MADAME DE STAEL. Corinne. 1 vol. De I'Allemagne. 1 vol. MES PRISOJVS. M6moires de Silvio Pellico, traduite par M. P. L^zaud. 1 vol. BEAUMARCHAIS. Theatre complet. 1vol. SCRIBE. Son theatre renfermant 60 pieces. 5 vols. COURIER, (P. L.) Pamphlets, Daphnis et Chlo6, Correspondance, etc. 1 vol. BIBLIOTHEQUE DES MEMOIRES anciens et modemes relatifs k I'histoire de France. Premiere serie, redigee par M. J. Yanoski, tome I. Froissard (sous presse). Deuxieme serie, r6digee par M. F. Barriere. (Le tome I., qui contient les Mdmoires de M. de Staal Delaunay, de M. d' Argenson et de Madame, mere regente, etc., est en vente.) LITTERATURE ETRANGERE. DANTE. La divina Commedia con commentari. 1 vol. TASSO. Gerusalemme liberata el Aminta. 1 vol. ARIOSTO. L' Orlando furioso. 2 vol. In IGmo, imprime sur papier satini. Per vol. 2s. 6d. RACINE. Theatre complet. 1 vol. MOLIERE, avec notes et commentaires. 2 vols. LA BRUYERE. 1 vol. CORNEILLE, les Chefs-d'ceuvre. 1 vol. BIBLIOTHEQ UE FRANCAISE. Publi^e p&r Firman Didot Fr^res. Paris, v. y. POESIE. La FONTAINE. CEuvres completes, avec une nouvelle notice sur sa vie, etdes notes par M. Walckenaer. Portrait, 10s. MOLIERE. CEuvres completes, prec6d6es des M^moires sur sa vie, et des notes par M. Aime-Martin ; accompagnees des notes de Bret, Auger, Aim6-Martin, etc. Portrait, IQs. RACINE. CEuvres, completes, precedees des Memoirs sur sa vie, par Louis Racine. 1 vol. Portrait, 10s. CORNEILLE. CEuvres completes, et CEuvres choisies de Thomas Corneille, avec les notes de Voltaire, la Harpe, Marmontel, Palissot, Nicot Saint-Evremont, etc. 2 volumes orn^s du portrait de Pierre Corneille. 20s. BOILEAU. CEuvres completes, Malherbe et J. B. Rousseau, accompagnees de notes. Portrait, 10s. PETITE POETES FRAKCJilS. Depuis Malherbe jnsqu'k nos jours, contenant Racan, Segrais, Deshonlieres, Chaulieu, Lafare, Senec6, Vergier, Houdard Lamotte, Piron, Louis Racine, Lefranc de Pompignan, Gresset, Bernard, Lemierre, Bernis, Saint-Lambert, Mar- montel, Lebrun, Malfilatre, Colardeau, Ducis, Dorat, la Harpe, Leonard, Bonnard, Im- bert, Gilbert, Bertin, Parny, Florian, Chenier, Legouvd, Luce de Lancival, Millevoye, A. Ch^nier. 2 vols., 20s. FRANCE.] 157 [FRANCE. m. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE.— (Continued.) DELILLE. CEuvres completes, avec ses prefaces, ses discours prelimin aires et ses notes ; le texte latin des Georgiques et de I'Eneide ; letexte anglais du Paradis perdu de Milton ; de nouvelles notes, 1. pour Malheur et Piti6, parM. Aime-Martin ; 2. pour I'imagination, par MM. Choiseul-iSonfEer, Parseval-Grandmaison, de Feletz, Aime-Martin, etc. ; 3, enfin avec nne nouvelle notice sur la vie de Delille. Portrait, 14*. CHENIER, (J. M.) ET DUCIS. (Euvres. 10s. REGNARD kt DESTOUCHES. CEuvres. 10s. ORATEURS CHRETIENS. FENELON. CEuvres prec6d6es d'une nouvelle vie de F^nelon par M. Aim6-Martin, et angmentees des Maximes des Saints, qui ne se trouvent encore dans aucnne Edition. 3 vol. portrait, £1. 123. FENELON. Chefs-de-CBUvre. 1 vol. 10a. MASSILLON. CEuvres completes. 2 vol., portrait, 18». BOURDALOUE. CEuvres completes, revues et collationn6es sur I'edition de 1707 du P. Bretonnean. 3 vol. £1. 10s. BOSSUET. CEuvres. 4 vol. in-8, portrait, £2. LITTERATEURS ET POLYGRAPHES. VOLTAIRE. CEuvres completes, avec les notes de tons les oommentatenrs, Cette Edition renferme en 13 vol. les 97 vol. de I'edit. de Dalibon. 13 volumes om^s degravures, £6. Qs. La HARPE. Cours complet de litterature, avec le Tableau de la Litt6rature an XVe siecle, par. MM. Chasles et St-Marc Girardin, et le Tableau de la Litt6rature au XVIIIe siecle, par Ch6nier. 3 vol. £1. 10s. LES AGE CEuvres, contenant Gil-Bias, le Diable Boitenx, le Bachelier de Salamanqne, Gusman d'Alfarche et le Theatre ; orne de 7 gravures et du portrait de I'auteur. 12s. VOYAGE du jeune Anacharsis en Gr6ce, pr6c^de des M^moires de Barthdlemy sur sa vie et ses onvrages, Merits par lui meme. lOs. STAEL-HOLSTEIN, (Madame de.) CEuvres completes, contenant les onvrages publics du vivant de I'auteur et ses oenvres posthumes ; avec un beau portrait de I'auteur. 3 vol. jEI. 105. CHATEAUBRIAND, membre de I'Academie francaise, CEuvres completes. 5 volumes, omes de 30 belles gravures et cartes. Demi6re Edition. £2. l&s. La meme edition sans les gravures. £2. 2s. BEAUMARCH AIS. CEuvres completes, precediees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses onvrages, par M. Saint-Marc Girardin. Portrait, 10*. BERNARDIN de SAINT-PIERRE. CEuvres completes, nouvelle Edition, revue, anno- tee et augmentee de la vie de cet anteur par M. Aime-Martin. 2 vol. 20«. THEATRE FRAJSTCAIS DU MOTEK AOE, depuis le Xle siecle jusqu'au XlVe siecle, public par M. de Monmerque, membre de I'Institut de France, et M. Francisque Michel. 10*. SEVIGn6, (Madame de.) CEuvres completes, contenant sa correspondance avec sa fille et ses amis. 2 vol., portrait, £1. SHAKSPEARE. CEuvres completes, traduction nouvelle, par M. Francisque Michel. 3 vol. £1. 10s. PLUTARQ,UE. Les Vies des Hommes illustres, traduites en francais et accompagn^es de notes et de tables generales de matieres, par Ricard. 2 vol. 18^. D^MOSTHENE et ESCHINE. CEuvres completes, traduction nouvelle, par M. Stieve- nart doyen de la Faculte des lettres de Dijon, avec des notes critiques et explicatives. 12*. PHILOSOPHES. ^ MONTAIGNE. Essais de avec les notes de tons les commentatenrs, la traduction de tou- tes passages grecs et latins, nne table analytiqne das matieres, le Traitd de la servitude vo- lontaire par la Boetie, etc. Portrait, 11*. MONTESdUIEU. CEuvres completes, pr6c6d4es d'une nouvelle notice sur Montesquieu, par M. Walckenaer, accompagnees des notes de Dupin, Crevier, Voltaire, Servan, Mably, la Harpe, etc., et suivies d'une table analytiqne des matieres. Portrait, Us. MORALISTES FRAJ^CAIS, on les Pens6es de Bl. Pascal ; les Maximes de la Roche- foucauld, suivies d'une Refutation par M. Aim6-Martin ; Caracteres de la Bruyere; CEuvres completes de Vanvenargues ; les essai sur les moeurs de ce siecle par Ducl(». Portrait, Us. LOCKE ET LEIBNITZ. GEavres. 12*. VOLNEY. CEuvres completes, prec6d6es d'une notice sur sa vie et ses Merits. Portrait, gravures et de plusienrs cartes. 11*. STERNE ET GOLDSMITH. CEuvres, om6 de gravures. lOs. COURIER, (P. L.) CEuvres completes et in6dites, avec nne notioe par Armand Carrel. Portrait, 10s. MOTIFS ET COJSTFEREJfCES DU CODE CIVIL, r^dig6s par un magistral qui a concoura k la confection des codes (M. le baron Favard de Langlade), et revus par M. "• Poncelet, professeur & la Facnlt6 de Droit. 2 vol. 2l5. FRANCE.] 158 [FRANCE. m. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE.— (Con^mwe^^.) Grammars, &c. OLLENDORFF, (H. G.) A New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the French Language. With an Appendix, containing the Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, and full Paradigms of the Regular and Irregular, AuxiUary, Reflective, and Impersonal Verbs, by J. L. Jewett. 1 vol. 12mo, $1. ... New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 ROWAN, (F.) Morceaux Choisis des Auteurs Modemes, a I'Usage de la Jeunesse ; with a Vocabulary of the New and Difficult Words and Idiomatic Phrases adopted in Modern French Literature. Edited by J. L. Jewett, editor of Ollendorff's French System. I2mo. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1847 DE FIVAS, (M.) An Introduction to the French Language : containing Fables, Select Tales, Remarkable Facts, Amusing Anecdotes, etc., with a Dictionary of all the Words, translated into English. 16mo, 50c. New- York, D. A. & Co., 1847 COLLOT, (A. G.) Chefs-DGEuvres Dramatiques de la Langue Fran9aise. Mis en Ordre Progressif, et Annot^s, pour en faciUter I'Intelligence. 12mo, $1 JVcMJ-ForA:, D. A. &Co., 1847 LE BRETHON, (P.) Guide to the French Language. 8vo. London, 1837 FALLOT, (G.) Recherches snr les formes grammaticales de la langue fran^aise etde ses dialectes au 13e siecle, etc. 8vo Paris, 1839 WAY, (F.) Etude sur la langue francaise k propos de I'ouvrage de Gustav Fallot. 8vo. Paris.1^0 GIRAULT-DUVIVIER, (C. P.) Grammaire des grammaires, ou analyse raisonn€e des meilleurs trait^s sur la langue francaise. lOe 6dn. revue et corrig6e par P. A. Lemaire. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1840 ORAMMAIRE M'ATIOJMLE, par MM. Bescherelle freres et Litais de Canx. 3e ^d. 8vo Paris, 1840 Dictionaries. SURENNE, (G.) The Standard Pronouncing Dictionary of the French and English Languages, in two parts. Part one, French and English ; part two, English and French ; the first part com- prehending words in common use — terms connected with Science — terms belonging to the Fine Arts — 4000 Historical names — 4000 Geographical names — 11,000 terms lately published, with the pronunciation of every word according to the French Academy, and the most eminent Lexicographers and Grammarians ; together with 750 Critical Remarks, in which the various methods of pronouncing employed by different authors are investigated and compared with each other. The second part, containing a copious Vocabulary of English words and expressions, with the pronun- ciation according to Walker. The whole preceded by a practical and comprehensive system of French pronunciation. 12mo, nearly 900 pages, neatly bound, $1 50. J\rew-York, D. A. & Co., 1846 WILSON. French and Enghsh Dictionary. 8vo. . London, 1833 TARVER, (J. Ch.) The Royal Phraseological English-French, French- English Dictionary. 2 vols, royal 8vo, 50s. . London, 1845-^7 FLEMING & TIBBINS. Grand dictionnaire fran^aise-anglais et an- glais-franqaise. 2 vols. 4to, £3. . . . . Paris, 1843 (Reprinted, PhUad., C. & H. 2 vols. 8vo, $5 50.) DICTIOJ^J^AIRE DE L'ACJIDEMIE FRAJ^CAISE; sixieme Edition pr6ced6e d'un discours sur la Langue francaise, par M. Villemain. 2 vols. 4to, 36s. Paris, 1835 COMPLEMEJ^T DU DICTIOJ^MAIRE DE VACADEMIE FRAKCAISE, pub- 116 sous la direction d'un membre derAcad6mie, par MM. les membres de I'Institut et les professeurs del' Universite, savants et artistes. 4to, 24s. . . . Pans, 1842 ABREGE DU DICTIOJ^^TAIRE DE L'ACADEMIE FRANCAISE, d'anres la demiere 6dition pnbli6e en 1835, par M. Lorain. Adopte par I'Universit^. 2 vols. 8vo, 10s . . Parts. Ce Dictionnaire contient : tons les mots et definitions donnas par 1' Academie, un cer- tain nombre de mots nouveaux consacres par I'usage, les 6tymologies, les principes de grammaire extraits da Dictionnaire de 1' Academic. FRANCE.] 159 [freemasonry. m. LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE.— (ConZmwedf.) ROQ,UEFORT, (J. B. B.) Glossaire de la lan^e romane, contenant I'etymologie et la signification des mots usit6s dans les XL, XII., XIII., XIV., XV. et XVIe siecles, etc. 2vols.8vo,/.24 Paris, 1808 Et Supplement. 8vo. " 1820 PLANCHE (J.) Vocabnlaire des latinismes de la langne francaise, on des locutions fran- cabes emprunt^es litteralement de langue latine. 8vo. . \ . . Paris, 1822 NOEL ET CHARPENTIER. PhUologie francaise, ou dictionnaire etymologique, critique, historiqne, anecdotique, litteraire, contenant unchoix d'archaismes, de n^ologismes, d'eu- ph6mismes, d'expressions figur6es on po6tiques, de tours hardis, d'heurenses alliances de mots, de solutions grammaticales, pour servir i I'histoire de la langue francaise. 2 vols. 8vo,/.12 ' Pans, 1831 BOISTE, (P. C. V.) Dictionnaire universel de la langue francaise, avec le latin, etc. 4to, 2l5 Paris, 1844 RAYMOND, (F.) Dictionnaire general de la langue francaise et vocabnlaire universel des sciences, des arts et des metiers, ouvrage entierement neuf, renfermant au moins 100,000 mots, pr6sentant le dictionnaire le plus complet qui ait paru jusqu'^ ce jour, etc. 2 vols. 4to Paris, 1831 LANDAIS, (N.) Dictionnaire general et Grammatical extrait des dictionnaires anciens et modernes les plus cdlebres, etc. 2 vols. 4to Paris, 1843 LAVEAUX, (J, C.) Dictionnaire raisonn6 des difficultis grammaticales et litt6r. de la lan- gue francaise. 2e ^d. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822 DICTIOJ^JsTAIRE classique de la langue francaise, avec des exemples tir6s des raeillenres franjais, et des notes puisees dans les manuscrits de Rivarol, contenant, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1828 PLANCHE, (J.) Dictionnaire frangaise de la langue oratoire et poetique, suivi d'un vo- cabnlaire de tons les mots qui appartiennent au langue vulgaire. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-20 Dictionnaire synonymique de la langue francaise, contenant, etc. 8vo. " 1826 NODIER, (C.) Dictionnaire raisonne, des onomatopeesfrancoises. 2eed. 8vo. Parw, 1828 Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue francaise ou recherches gramm. et litter. snr I'orthographe, la definition et I'etymologie des mots. 8vo. . . Paris, 1828 DICTIOJ^JSTAIRE des synonymes de la langue francaise, d'apres Girard, Ronband, etc. par M. Guizot. 2e ed. 2 vols. 8vo. ...*.... Paris, 1822 LAVEAUX, (J. C.) Dictionnaire synomymique de la langue francaise. 8vo. " 1826 ROQUEFORT, (kt Champollion-Figeac.) Dictionnaire Etymologique de la langue francaise, ou les mots sont classes par famille, avec les principanx termes d'arts, de scien- ces et de metiers. 2 vols. 8vo,/.14. • Paris, 1829 FREEMASONRY. OLIVER, (G.) The Antiquities of Freemasonry ; comprising Illustrations of the Five Grand Periods of Masonry, from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple, roy. 8vo, 16s. London, 1843 The Historical Landmarks and other Evidences of Freemasonry ex- plained, in a series of Practical Lectures, with copious Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, 40» London, 1845-6 ASHE, (J.) The Masonic Manual ; or Lectures on Freemasonry ; con- taining the Instructions, Documents, and Discipline of the Masonic Economy. New ed., with Annotations and Remarks by the Rev. G. Oliver, D. D. 12mo, Is. 6d London, 1843 THORY, (C. A.) Acta latomomm, ou chronologie de I'histoire de la Franche-Maconnerie francaise et etrangere . . . avec la bibliographie des principaux ouvrages publics sur I'his- toire de I'ordre, depuis 1723. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1815 CHEMIN-DUPONTES. Encyclop6die magonnique, contenant les faits histor. sur la Ma- connerie et snr les Societ6s qui ont avec elle des rapports, etc. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1819-25 REGHELLINI, (F. M.) Esprit dn dogme de la Franche-Maconnerie ; recherches sur son origine et celle de ses differents rites, compris celui du carbonarisme. 8vo. Bruxdles, 1825 La Magonnerie consid6re comme le resnltatdes religions egyptienne, jnive et chrdtienne. 3 vols. 8vo Paris, 1833 BAZOT. Manuel du franc-macon, on Guide des officiers de loges. 7e 6d. 2 vols. 12mo. f.6. Paris, 1846 HAUFFMANN et CHERPIN. Histoire philosophique de la franc-macon nerie ; ses actes et ses tendances. 8vo, planches,/. 12 50 * Paris, ISAQ KRAUSE, (K. C. F.) Die drey altesten Kunstnrknnden der Freimaarer-Bruderschaft, in einera LehrfragestUck urvergeisteget. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Dresden, 1820-21 FRESCO PAINTING.] 160 [fUENITURE. FRESCO PAINTING. TAYLOR, (W. B. S.) Manual of Fresco and Encaustic Painting ; con- taining ample Instructions for executing works of these descriptions : with an Historical Memoir of these Arts from the earliest periods. Post 8vo, 7s. ed London, 1843 GRUNER, (L.) Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of the Churches and Palaces in Italy, during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Taken from the principal Works of the greatest Painters, never before engraved. With English Descriptions, by Louis Gruner. 45 plates, folio, plain and coloured. London, 1845 CENNINI, (C.) A Treatise on Painting, written by Cennino Cellini, in the Year 1437, — containing practical directions for Painting in Fresco, Secco, Oil, and Distemper, etc. Transl. by Mrs. Merrifield. 8vo, plates, 12s London, 1844 BARUFFALDI, (G.) Vita di Antonio Contri, Pittore e Rilevatore di Pittura dal Muro. 8vo Venice, 1834 CENNI. Sopra diverse Pitture staccate dal Muro et transportate su Tela, &c. 8vo Bologna, 1840 See Appendix to Report of Commission on the Fine Arts, 1842-43. Penny CycLO. Supplt. Vol. 1, etc. Haydon's Lectures on Painting and Design. FRIESIC LANGUAGE, &c. RASK, (E.) Friesische Sprachlehre. 12mo, 3s. . . Frieb., 1834 OUTZEN, (N.) Glossarium der Friesischen Sprache, herausg. von En- gelstoft und Molbeck. 4to Copenh., 1837 WIARDA, (T. D.) Alt-friesisches Worterbuch. 8vo. . Aurich, 1786 RICHTHOFEN, (K. v.) Friesische Rechtsquellen. 4to, 22s. Berlin, 1840 Alt-friesisches Worterbuch. 4to, 18s. . . . GCftt., 1840 FUNGL— (Edible.) BADHAM, (C. D.) A Treatise on the Esculent Funguses of England : containing an Account of their Classical History, Uses, Characters, De- velopement. Structure, Nutritions, Properties, Modes of Cooking and Pre- serving, &c. 8vo, illustrated, 21» London, 1847 ROQ,UES, (J.) Hist, des champignons comestibles et veneneux, on I'on expose lenrs ca- racteres distinctifs, lenrs propri6tes alimentaires et economiques, lenrs eiFets naisables et les moyens de s'en garantir ou d'y rem6dier ; 2e. 6dn., 8vo, et Atlas, de 24 pi. color. /.27. Paris, 1841 BROGNIART, (A.) Essai d'une classification naturelle des champignons ou Tableau methodique des genres rapportesjnsqu'k present a cette famille. 8vo, fig.,/.5. . Paris. FURNITURE. SHAW, (H.) Specimens of Ancient Furniture, drawn from existing Authorities, with descriptions by S. R. Meyrick, LL.D. 4to, 42s., partly coloured, 84s. ; coloured, $10. 10s London, 1836 WOOD, (H.) A Series of Designs for Furniture and Decoration in the Style of Louis XIV., Francis I , Elizabeth, and Gothic. Designed and drawn by H. Wood. 4to, 24 plates, plain, .£3. 3s. ; coloured — London, 1845 Designs for Chairs, &c., 25s " 1845 DESORMEAUX, (P.) Art du menuiser en ba,timents et en meubles, suive de I'art de l'6b^niste ; ouvrage contenant des ^l^ments de geometric ap- pliquee au trait du menuisier, du nombreaux modeles de I'escaliers, de notions forts ^tendues sur les bois, sur la mani^re de les color^r, de les polir, de les vemir et sur leur placage. 3« 6dn. 2 vols. 4to, 71 pl.,/.24. Paris. GAELIC LANGUAGE.] 161 [GALVANISM. FURmTURE,— (Continued.) ROBERT. Collection de meubles dans le dernier go(it, a la ^b^nistes et /li. ' i i tapissiers, formant un recueil de 68 plates, 4to,/.l2 ; color. /.24. Paris. JANSEN. Menuiserie en fauteuils, contenant une suite des modeles le plus nouveaux en ce genre. 4to, 48 pi. col.,/.30. . Paris, 1840 Ouvrage sur I'dbenisterie, contenant la collection des meubles les plus nouveaux. 4to, 38 pi. col.,/.30 Paris, 1840 La Petit Guide du fabricant de meubles. Suite de 107 pi. col. 3 vols. l8mo,/.24 Paris. RIBAULT. Recueil de decorations interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a, I'ameublement . . . et tout ce qui a rapport h I'orfevrerie. folio, 72 pi Paris, 1831-32 FEUCHERE, (L.) L'art industriel, suite de modules a I'usage des orfevres, tapissiers, eb6nistes, fabricants de bronze, de fonte, de fer, de porcelaine, de papiers peints, d'dtoffes ; des marbriers, et des sculptures omemanistes. folio, 75 pi./. 108 Paris, 1843-4 GAELIC LANGUAGE. Bibliography. REID, (J.) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica. An account of all the Books printed in the Gaelic Language. 8vo. Olasgow, 1833 FORBES, (J.) A Double Grammar of English and Gaelic, in which the Principles of both Languages are clearly explained ; containing the Gram- matical Terms, Definitions, and Rules ; with copious Exercises for Parsing and Correction. l2mo, As. .... Edinburgh, 1843 MUNRO, (J.) Practical Grammar of the Scottish Gaelic, in eight parts ; illustrated throughout with Notes and Observations, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory. 2d edit. 18mo, 4s. . . Edinburgh, 1843 KELLY, (J.) A practical Grammar of the ancient Gael. 4to. London, 1805 ARMSTRONG, (R. A.) Gaelic Dictionary, in Two Parts : I. Gaelic and English. II. English and Gaelic. 4to. . . . London, 1825 • GAELIC DICTIONARY, with English and Latin explanations. Pub- hshed by the Highland Society. 2 vols. 4to, 45s. . Edinb., 1828 MACFARLANE, (P.) New and Copious EngUsh and GaeUc Vocabulary, with the different parts of Speech. 8vo. . . Edinburgh, 1815 McALPINE, (N.) A Pronouncing Gaelic Dictionary, to which is prefixed a Concise but most Comprehensive GaeUc Grammar. 3d ed. 12mo, 9s. Edinb., 1847 English- Gaelic Dictionary ; being Part. II. of the above. 12mo, 5s. Edinb., 1847 GALLA LANGUAGE. TUTSCHEEK, (L.) Dictionary and Grammar of the Galla Language. 3 vols. 8vo, 12s. . . . . . . . Munich, 1845 KRAPF, (J. L.) EvangeUum Mathaei transl. in Linguam Gallarum. 12mo Ankobari (Shoa), 1841 Testamen. imbecillum translationis Evangelii Johannis in Linguam Gallarum : auxil. Berkio, viro ex stirpe Gallarum, quam Gelan vocant oriundo. 12mo Ankobar, 1839 GALVANISM.— (See Electricity.) 12 GARDENING.] 162 [GARDENING. GARDENING. I. GENERAL TREATISES, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, &c.— II. FLOWER-GARDENING.— III. FRUIT AND KITCHEN GARDENING.— IV. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. L GENERAL TREATISES, &c. LOUDON, (J. C.) An Encyclopaedia of Gardening ; Presenting, in one systematic view, the History and Present State of Gardening in all Coun- tries, and its Theory and Practice in Great Britain : with the Manage- ment of the Kitchen Garden, the Flower Garden, Laying-out Grounds, &c. A New Edition, enlarged and improved, 8vo, with nearly 1000 Engravings on Wood, 50s. London, n. d. An Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs ; being the " Arboretum et Fruticetum Britanicum" abridged; containing the Hardy Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain, Native and Foreign, Scientifically and Popularly Described ; with their Propagation, Culture, and Uses in the Arts ; and with Engravings of nearly all the Species. Adapted for the use of Nur- serymen, Gardeners, and Foresters. 8vo, with 2000 Engravings on Wood, 50s London, 1842 The Original Work may be had in 8 vols. 8vo, with above 400 Octavo Plates of Trees, and upwards of 2500 Woodcuts, jeiO. DON, (G.) A General System of Gardening and Botany ; containing a complete enumeration and description of all Plants hitherto known, with their Mode of Culture. Founded upon Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, and arranged according to the Natural System. 4vols. 4to. iondl., 1831-37 JOHNSON, (G. W.) Dictionary of Modem Gardening. 12mo, 10s. 6d. (Reprinted Philad.) London, 1846 KOLLAR, (M.) A Treatise on the Insects injurious to the Gardener, For- ester, and Farmer, transl. fi-om the German, with 60 Engravings, by J. C. and M. Loudon, and Notes by J. O. Westwood. 12mo, 7s. London, 1840 n. FLOWER-GARDENING. LOUDON, (Mrs.) The Ladies' Companion to the Flower Garden : be- ing an Alphabetical Arrangement of all the Plants usually grown in Gar- dens and Shrubberies; with full Directions for their Culture. 2d ed. 12mo, %s. Qd. London, 1846 Gardening for Ladies ; and Companion to the Flower-Garden, edited by A. J. Downing, Esq., Author of a Treatise on Landscape Gardening, Cottage Residences, &c. 12mo, engravings, $1 50. New-York, 1845 The Ladies' Magazine of Gardening. Illustrated with 16 coloured plates of choice flowers, and 87 woodcuts. 8vo, 18s. London, 1842 The Amateur Gardener's Calendar : being a Monthly Guide as to what should be avoided, as well as what should be done, in a Garden in each Month : with Plain Rules how to do what is requisite ; Directions for Laying out and Planting Kitchen and Flower Gardens, Pleasure Grounds, and Shrubberies ; and a short Account, in each Month, of the Quadrupeds, Birds, and Insects, then most injurious to Gardens. l2mo, Is.&d London, 1847 The Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental Annuals. In 48 beautifully coloured plates, containing upwards of 300 figures of the most showy and interesting Annual Flowers, with full Directions for their Culture. 1 vol. 4to, 42s. . . London, 1841 • The Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental Bulbous Plants. In 58 coloured plates, containing above 300 coloured figures of the most desirable Bulbous Flowers, with De- scriptions and Directions for Cultivation. 1 vol. 4to, 52^. . . . London, 1841 The Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental Perennials. 2 vols. 4to, col. plates, 88s. London, 1844 The Ladies' Flower-Garden of Greenhouse Plants. (Publishing.) GARDENING.] 163 [GARDENING. n. FLOWER-GARDENING.— ( Continued.) HENSHALL, (J.) Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of Orchidaceons PlanU : with Remarks on their Geographical Distribution, and a select Catalogue of the best kinds in Cultivation. 8vo, 14jy. London, 1845 RIVERS, (T.) The Rose Amateur's Guide ; containing ample descriptions of all the five leading Varieties of Roses, regularly classed in their respective famUies, their history and mode of culture. 3d edition. 12mo, Qs London, 1846 REDOUTE, (J. P.) Les Roses, decrites et classees d'apres leur ordre naturel, par C. A. Thory. 3e Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, 184 planches, color., /.120 Paris. WARD, (N. B.) On the Growth of Plants in closely glazed Cases. 8vo, 5*. Lond., 1841 m. FRUIT AND KITCHEN GARDENING. LINDLEY, (G.) A Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden ; or, an Account of the most valuable Fruits and Vegetables cultivated in Great Britain ; with Kalendars of the Work required in the Orchard and Kitchen Garden during every month in the year. Edited by Prof Lindley. 8vo, 16« London, 1831 DOWNING, (A. J.) The Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America. Sixth edit., 12mo, $1 50 New- York, 1846 The Horticultural Magazine. ^3 00 per ann. HOVEY, (C. M.) The Fruits of America. Containing richly coloured Engravings, accompanied with the wood and foliage, of all the choicest Fruits in the United States, from Paintings from Nature by W. Sharp. roy. 8vo. Boston, 1847 LINDLEY, (J.) The Theory of Horticulture ; or, an Attempt to explain the principal Operations of Gardening upon Physiological Principles. 1 vol. 8vo, 12«. (Reprinted, New- York, W. & P.) London, 1840 LOUDON, (J. C.) The Suburban Horticulturist ; or, an Attempt to Teach the Science and Practice of the Culture and Management of the Kitchen, Fruit, and Forcing Garden, to those who had no previous knowledge or practice in these departments of Gardening. 1 vol. 8vo, 16s. London, 1842 The Suburban Gardener, and Villa Companion, etc. 8vo, 300 wood- cuts, 20s London, 1838 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. A Catalogue of the Fruits cultivated in the Garden of the Horticultural Society of London. 3d ed., 8vo, 5^. . . . London, \Q^ MEYER, (H. L.) Coloured Illustrations of British Garden Fruit, with descriptive letter- press. 4to. Parts I.-IV., each 5s. &d London, 1844-5 LINDLEY, (J.) Pomologia Britannica, or figures and description of the most important varieties of Fruit cultivated in Great Britain. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 18il GRAPE-VINE. HO ARE, (C.) A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on Open Walls. 3d edit., 12mo, 7*. 6 Diseases of the Encephalon, etc. Transl. 8vo. . . " 1843 BURROWS, (G.) On Disorders of the Cerebral Circulation, and on the connexion between Affections of the Brain and Diseases of the Heart. 8vo, plates, 10s. &d. London, 1846 GUTHRIE, (G. J.) On Injuries of the Head affecting the Brain. 4to, 6s. 1842 PINEL, (S.) Trait6 de pathologie cer6brale, on Des Maladies du Cerveau. 8vo, /.7. DURAND-FARDEL, (M.) Traits du ramollissement du Cerveau. 8vo. Paris, 1843 BREAST. COO] 63s COOPER. Illustrations of Diseases of the Breast. 4to. COOPER, (Sir A. P.) On the Anatomy of the Breast. 4to, with 27 plates, several col'd, 63s. London, IMQ MEDICINE.] 225 [medicine. BREAST.— ( Continued.) TUSON, (E. W.) The Stiucjnre and Functions of the Female Breast, as they relate to its Health, Derangement, and Disease. 8vo, 10s. Qd. .... London, 1846 VELPEAU, (A. L. M.) A Treatise on Diseases of the Breast. Transl. by J. Parkman. 8vo Philad., 1841 CALCULUS. bird, (G.) Urinary Deposits : their Diagnosis, Pathology, and Therapeatical Indications. 2d ed. post 8vo, Ss. 6d London, 1846 JONES, (H. B.) On Gravel, Calcnlas, and Gout; chiefly an Application of Professor Liebig's Physiology to the Prevention and Cure of those Diseases. 8vo, 65. Land., 1842 SCHARLING, (E. A.) On the Chemical Discrimination of Vesical Calculi. Translated from the Latin, with an Appendix, by S. E. Hoskins, M. D. Post 8vo, 24 col'd plates, Is.M London, 1842 CROSSE, (J.) On the Formation, Constituents, and Extraction of the Urinary Calculus. 4to, plates, 425. plain ; 52s. 6^. col London, 1835 CANCER. WALSHE, (W. H.) The Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Cancer : with Additions by J. M. Warren, M. D. 12mo Boston, 1844 MULLER, (J.) On the Nature and Structural Characteristics of Cancer, and of those Morbid Growths which may be confounded with it. Translated from the German, with Notes, by Charles West. Part 1, 8vo, plates and woodcuts, 7s. Qd. . London, 1840 CANQ,UOIN. Expose complet de sa m6thode du Traitement du Cancer. 8vo, /.6. Paris, 1838 CHEST, (Diseases of, &c.) WILLIAMS, (C. J. B.) Pathology and Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest. 4th ed. ^\o, plates, &c., 10s. 6d London, 1840 A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Chest. 8vo " 1847 ANDRAL, (G.) On Diseases of the Chest. Translated from the French. 8vo. PhUad., 1843 GERHARD, (W. W.) Lectures on the Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of the Dis- eases of the Chest, new ed. 8vo. Philad., 1842 STOKES, (W.) A Treatise on the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Diseases of the Chest. 8vo Philad, 1844 LAENNEC. Treatise on Diseases of the Chest. Translated by Dr. Forbes. 4th ed. 8vo, 18s London, 1834 CfflLDREN, (Diseases of, &c.) UNDERWOOD, (Dr.) Treatise on the Diseases of Children, with Directions for the Management of Infants. 10th ed. with additions, by Henry Davies, M. D. 8vo, 15s. London, 1846 MAUNSELL & EV ANSON. Practical Treatise on the Management and Diseases of Children. 4th ed. revised, 8vo, 12s. 6d London, 1842 HOOD, (P.) On the Diseases most fatal to Children. 8vo, 6s. . . " 1845 COLEY. A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. 8vo, 14s. " 1846 BILLARD, (C. M.) A Treatise on the Diseases of Children, Translated by J. Stewart, M. D. 2ded. 8vo Jfew- York, 18i5 CONDIE, (D. F.) A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of ChUdren. 8vo. Philad., 1843 EBERLE, (J.) On the Diseases and Physical Education of Children. 3d edn. 8vo. Philad., 1844 Management of. CHAVASSE, (P. H.) Advice to Mothers in the Management of their Offspring. 18mo. JVcw-York, D. A. & Co., 1844 BULL, (T.) The Maternal Management of Children, in Health and Disease. 2d ed. re- vised and enlarged. 7s London, 1845 COMBE, (A.) On the Physiological and Moral Management of Infancy. Edited by J. Bell, M. D. 12mo, 4th edn. Boston, 1845 CHOLERA. HAWKINS, ( ) History of the Epidemic Spasmodic Cholera of Russia. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1931 KENNEDY, (R. H.) Notes on the Epidemic Cholera. 2d ed. 8vo, 7*. 6d. " 1846 16 MEDICINE.] 226 [medicine. CHOLERA— ( Continued.) NELSON, (R. M. D.) Sketch of the History and Progress of the present Cholera Epidemic as it occurred in Montreal. 8vo. ..'..... Montreal, 1832 PAINE, (M.) Letters on the Cholera Asphyxia, as it has appeared in the City of New- York. 8vo JVew- York, 1832 CLIMATE. FORRY, (S.) The Climate of the United States and its Endemic Influences. 8vo. Mew- York, 1841 CLARK, (J.) The Sanative Influence of Climate. 12mo, 4th edn. lO*. 6d. London, 1841, Philadelphia, 1843 ARMSTRONG, (R.) The Influence of Climate, and other Agents, on the Human Con- stitution, with reference to the Causes and Prevention of Disease among Seamen ; with Observations on Fever in general, and an Account of the Epidemic Fever of Jamaica. 8vo, 8s. . London, 1843 FOISSAC. De I'influence des Climats sur I'homme. 8vo, /.6. . . Paris, 1837 SIGAUD. Du Climatet des Maladies tfu Bresil, ou Statisque medicale decet empire. 8vo, /.9. . . . Paris. BOUDIN. Essai de geographe medicale, ou Etude sur les lois qui president k la distribution geographique des maladies, etc. 8vo, /.3. Paris, 1843 CLINICAL MEDICINE. LATHAM, (P.) Lectures on Subjects connected with Clinical Medicine. 12mo, 6s. 6d. London, 1836 ANDRAL, (G.) Clinique Medicale. Translated by Dr. Spillan. 8vo,255. " 1836 GRAVES, (J.) A New System of Clinical Medicine. 8vo, 18s. • . " 1843 ORMEROD, (W. P.) Clinical Collections and Observations in Surgery, made during an attendance on the Surgical Practice of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 8vo, 10s. 6d, London, 1846 CONSTIPATION. BURNE, (J.) On Habitual Constipation. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . . " 1840 CONSUMPTION. CLARKE, (J.) A Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption : comprehending an Enquiry into the Nature, Causes, Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculous and Scrofulous Diseases in general. 8vo, 12s. ■ London, 1835 (Reprinted, Philad., L. & B.) CAMPBELL, (J.) On Tuberculous Consumption. 8vo, plates, 15s. . *' 1841 DEFORMITIES. TAMPLIN, (R. W.) Lectures on the Nature and Treatment of Deformities. 12mo, woodcuts, 7s, 6d. London, 1846 BEALE, (L.) A Treatise on the Distortions and Deformities of the Human Body ; exhib- iting a Concise View of the Nature and Treatment of the principal Malformations and Distortions of the Chest, Spine, and Limbs. With Plates. 2d ed., 8vo, 12s. London, 1833 AMESBURY, (J.) On the Nature and Treatment of Deformities of the Spine, Chest, and Limbs. 4to, plates, 31s. 6d London, 1840 DENTISTRY.— (See Teeth.) Bibliography.— See Rogers' Dictionnaire, infra. GODDARD, (P. B.) The Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Teeth and Gums, with the most approved methods of Treatment, including operations, and of making and setting artificial teeth. 4to, plates. Philad., 1844 ROBINSON, (J.) The Surgical, Mechanical, and Medical Treatment of the Teeth ; in- cluding Dental Mechanics. 8vo, 139 engravings, 10s. . . . London, 1846 MAURY, (F.) Treatise on the Dental Art. Transl. by J. B. Savier. Bvo, 305 illust. PhUad., 1843 HARRIS, (C. A.) The Principles and Practice of Dental Surgery. 8vo, 69 engr. PhUad., 1845 De LOUDE. Surgical, Operative, and Mechanical Dentistry. The Substance of a Series of Lectures delivered by L. Charles de Loude. 4 Plates. Intended as a Guide to young Practitioners in the Dental Profession, Medical Students, and the Public in general, etc., 8vo, 12s. 6d. London, 1840 MEDICINE.] 227 [medicine. DENTISTRY— ( Continued.) ROGERS, (W.) L'Encyclopedie du Dentiste, au Repertoire general de tontes les connais- sances m^dico-chinirgicales »ar ianatomie et la patho'ogie des dents, etc. ; {)rec6de de I'Histoire da dentiste chez les anciens. 8vo, .7 50 Paris, 1845 Dictionnaire des Sciences dentaires, suivi d'nn Dictionnaire de Bibliographie dentaire. 12mo, /.5 Paris, 1846 Manael d'hygiene dentaire. 12mo, /.3. " 1846 DIAGNOSIS. HALL, '^M.; The Principles of Diagnosis. 2d edn., by Dr. Sweet. Bvo. JVeio-Fori, D. A. &Co. SCHILL. Outlines of Pathological Semeiology. Transl. by Dr. Spiilan. 12mo. London, 1839 RIDGE, (B.) Glossology ; or, the Additional Means of Diagnosis of Diseases to be derived -- from Indications and Appearances of the Tongue. 8vo, 6 plates, 4*. 6d. London, 1844 DICTIONARIES. COPLAND, (J."* Dictionary of Practical Medicine ; A Library of Pathology, and a Digest of Medical Literature : comprising — General Pathology ; a Classification of Diseases ac- cording to Pathological Principles ; a Bibliography, with References ; an Appendix of Formulae ; a Pathological Classification of Diseases, &c. 8vo. . . London, v. y. Vols 1 and 2, 305. each. Parts 1 to 11. Abdomen to Pleura, (Diseases of). The Preface, with a Pathological Classification of Diseases, &c., forming a Key to the Systematic Study of Practical Medicine, as well as an arranged Table of the Contents of the Work, will accompany the last Part. An Index of the Individual Topics comprised under the various Chapteis and Sections of each article will also be given in the last Part. DICTIOJ^.N'^^IRE de Medicine, ou Repertoire sendra! des sciences mddicales considerees sous les rapports theorique et pratique : par MM. Adelon, B6clard, Berard, Blaches, Chomel, Cloquet, Gerdy, Guervant, Marjolin, Rostan, Roux, Tronssean, Velpean, etc. 2e 6dn. 30 vols. 8vo, /.180 Paris, 1845 HOBLYN, (R.) Dictionary of Terms nsed in Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. 12mo, 9s London, 1835 PALMER, (S.) A Pentaglot Dictionary of the Terms employed in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Practical Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Medical Jurisprudence, Materia Medi- ca. Pharmacy, Medical Zoology. Botany, and Chemistry. In Two Parts. Part 1, with the leading Terms in French, followed by the Synonvmes in the Greek, Latin, German, and English ; Explanations in English ; and copious Illustrations in the diflferent Lan- guages. Part 2. A German-English-French Dictionary, comprehending the Scientific German Terms of the preceding Part. 8vo, 10s. .... London, 1845 LUNIER, ( .) Dictionnaire des Sciences et des Arts. Contenant I'etymo'ogie, la defini- tion et les diverses acceptions des termes techniques nsites dans I'anatomie, la m6decine, la chimie, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, /.15 Paris. JOURDAN, (A. J. L.) Dictionnaire Raisonne, etymologique, synonymique et polyglotte des termes usites dans les sciences naturelles, comprenant I'anatomie, la physiologie gdn6- rale, I'histoire naturelle, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, /.18 Paris 1834 DIETETICS, (See Food, p. 148.) DAVIDSON, (W.) A Treatise on Diet ; comprising the Natural History, Properties, Com- position, Adulterations, and Uses of the Vegetables, Animals, Fishes, &c., nsed as Food. 12mo, 6s. ' • • London, 1844 PEREIRA, (J.) A Treatise on Food and Diet. 8vo, 16s. ... " 1843 (Reprinted, New- York, 1843.) COMBE, (A.) Physiology of Digestion. 12mo " 1336 (Reprinted, N. Y., 1836.) LIEBI6, (J.) Researches on the Chemistry of Food. Edited by W. Gregory, M. D. 8vo, 58. 6d iMndon, 1847 DIGESTION. BEAUMONT, (W.) Experiments on the Gastric Juice and Digestion. Edited by Dr. Combe. 12mo, 7s London, 1838 COOKE, (W.) On Derangement of the Digestive Organs. 2d ed. 8vo, 7s. " 1831 COMBE, (A.) Physiology of Digestion. 18mo AVto- Fori, 1836 PROUT, (W.) Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion. 3d edn. 8vo, 15s. London, 1845 MEDICINE.] 228 [medicine. DISEASE. STEINAU, (J. H.) A Pathological and Philosophical Treatise on Hereditary Diseases. With an Appendix on Intermarriage, and the Inheritance of the Tendency to Moral De- pravities and Crimes. 8vo, 36. 6d. i London, 1843 GAVIN, (H.) On Feigned and Factitious Diseases, chiefly of Soldiers and Seamen ; on the Means used to simulate or produce them ; and on the best Modes of Discovering Impos- tors : being the Prize Essay in the Class of Military Surgery in the University of Edin- burgh, Session 1835-6 ; with Additions. 8vo, 9s. .... London, 1843 SHEARMAN, (E. J.) An Essay on the Properties of Animal and Vegetable Life ; their Dependence on the Atmosphere, and Connection with each other in relation to the Func- tions of Health and Disease. Post 8vo, 5s. 6d London, 1845 MARX & WILLIS. On the Decrease of Disease effected by the Progress of Civilization. 12mo, 4s. London, 1844 SEYMOUR, (Dr. E. J.) Thoughts on the Nature and Treatment of several Severe Diseases of the Human Body — including — 1. Diseases of the Stomach. — 2. Gout. — 3. Melancholy (Mental Derangement). — 4. Epilepsy. — 5. Neuralgic Affections — Brow Ague, Sciatica, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1, 10s London, 1847 DROPSY. SEYMOUR, (E. J.) Nature and Treatment of Dropsy, considered especially in reference to the Diseases of the Internal Organs of the Body which most commonly produce it. Parts 1 and 2 — Anasarca and Ascites. With an Appendix, and a Translation of the Italian Work of Dr. Geromini on Dropsy. 6s London, 1837 WALNE, (D. H.) Cases of Dropsical Ovaria removed by the large Abdominal Section. 8vo, 3s. 6d London, 1843 OSBURN, (J.) On the Nature and Treatment of Dropsical Diseases ; in Four Parts. Parts I. and II. on Dropsies from Suppressed Perspiration and Diseased Kidney ; with a coloured plate representing a kidney in an advanced stage of the disease. — Part III. On Dropsies from Impediments to the Circulation. — Part. IV. On Dropsies from Topical Af- fections. 2d edn., 7s London, 1837 DYSENTERY. HARTY, (W.) Observations on the History and Treatment of Dysentery and its combi- nations. 2d ed. 8vo, 9s London, 1847 EAR. WILLIAMS, (J.) On the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Ear ; being the Prize Essay in the University of Edinbnrgh. 8vo, plates, 10s. 6d. . London, 1840 SAUNDERS, (J.) Anatomy of the Ear. 3d edn. 8vo, plates, 8s. ; col'd, 12s. London, 1829 TODD, (D.) Anatomy and Physiology of the Organ of Hearing. 8vo, plates, 7s. 6d. London, 1832 PILCHER, (G.) A Treatise on the Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Ear. 8vo, plates, 2d edn., 12s London, 1841 ; PhUad, 1843 SAISSY, (S.) A Treatise on the Diseases of the Ear. 8vo. . . Baltimore, 1839 KRAMER, (W.) Nature and Treatment of the Diseases of the Ear. Translated from the German, with the latest improvements of thfe author since the last German edition, by J. R. Bennett, M. D. 8vo, plates, 10s. 6d. ... London and Philad., 1836 DUFTON, (W.) The Nature and Treatment of Deafness and Diseases of the Ear, and the Treatment of the Deaf and Dumb. 8vo, 4s. London, 1844 YEARSLEY, (J.) Contributions to Aural Surgery. 12mo, 7s. . . " 1844 SCEMMERRING, (S. T.) Iconologie de I'organe de Touie, trad, du latin par Rivalli^. 8vo, et Atlas de 17 pi. 4to. f.l Paris, 1828 EMBRYOLOGY. VELPEAU. Embryologie ou Ovologie hnmaine, contenant I'histoire descriptive et icono- graphique de I'oBuf humain. folio, 45 pi. color., /.25. . . . Pans, 1835 ERDL, (M. P.) Die Entwickelung des Menschen nnd des Hiinchens im Eie. Vol. 1-. Entwickelung der Leibesform des Menschen. 4to Leipzig, 1846 POUCHET, (F. A.) Th6orie positive de Povalation spontanee et de la fdcondation dans I'espece humaine et les mammiferes. Ouvrage qui a obtenu le grand prix de physiologie k rinstitut de France, in-8, avec atlas, in-4, de 20 planches gravees et color^es. Paris, 1847 MEDICINE.] 229 [medicine. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. CYCLOPEDIA of Practical Medicine, edited by J. Forbes, A. Tweedie, and J. Conolly. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1835 The same, edited by Dr. Dungllson Philad., 1844 CYCLOPED iJi of Practical Surgery, embracing a complete View of all the Departments JA Operative Medicine. Edited by W. B. Costello. roy. 8vo, vol. 1-. London, 1843 (In course of publication ) f YCLOFJKDM of Anatomy and Physiology, edited by R. B. Todd. roy. 8vo. " 1841 (In coarse of publication.) EJ^CYCLOPEDIE des Sciences Medicales, on Traite general, m6thodique et completdes •Vvers branches de I'art de guerir, et collection des auteurs classiques ; sous la direction at Y- Bayle. — L'Encyclop6die des Sciences Medicales en 40 vols. 8vo. . Paris. (In course of publication.) FJ\rCYCLOPEDIE anatomique, comprenant anatipiie descriptive, I'anatomie generale I'anatomie pathologique, I'histoire du developpement et celle des races humains. Par G. T. BischofT, J. Henle, E. Huschke, S. T. Scemmerring, R. Wagner, G. and E. Weber, traduit de I'allemand, par A. J. L. Jonrdan. 10 vols. 8vo, /.90. . Paris, 1843-47 JiPlDEMIC. PARKIN, (J.) On the Remote Cause of Epidemic Diseases. 8vo, 7*. 6d. London, 1841 OZANAM. Histoire medicale, generale et particuliere des maladies ipideminues, oonta- gieuses et epizootiques qui ont regne en Europe depuis les temps les plus recul6s, jnsqu'k nos jours. 2d edn., 4 vols. 8vo, /.12 Paris, 1845 EPILEPSY. JACKSON, (J.) Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Epilepsy. 8vo, fo. Lond., 1842 ERYSIPELAS. NUNNELEY, (J.) On the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Erysipelas. 8vo, 9s. London, leH ETIQUETTE. BANKS, (A.) Medical Etiqnettp, 12mo, 35. 6d. London, 1830 EYE. LAWRENCE, (W.) Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. 2d edn. 8vo, 24«. London, 1841 TYRRELL, (F.) On Diseases of the Eye, and their Treatment, Medically, Topically, and by Operation. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s London, 1840 FRANZ, (J. C. A.) A Treatise on the Eye ; exhibiting the Art of preserving this organ in a healthy condition, and of improving the Sight. To which is prefixed, a View of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye, with Observations on its Expression as indicative of the Character and Emotions of the Mind. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . . London, 1839 MACKENZIE, (W.) A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye. To which is pre- fixed, an Anatomical Introduction, explanatory of a horizontal Section of the Human Eye-ball, by T. W. Jones, Surgeon. 3d edn. 8vo, with a horizontal Section of the Eye, and above a hundred woodcuts, 25s. , London, 1840 The Physiology of Vision. 8vo, 10*. 6d '* 1841 JONES, (T. Wharton.) A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Ophthalmic Medi- cine and Surgery ; illustrated with 102 Engravings, plain and coloured. 12mo, 12*. 6rf. London, 1847 MORGAN, (G.) Lectures on Diseases of the Eye. 8vo, col. plates, 185. " 1839 Description of the DiflTerent Operations required in the Practice of Ophthalmic Sur- gery. 8vo, plates. London. TRAVERS AND GREEN. Ophthalmic Surgery. 18mo, 6*. . . London, 1839 GUTHRIE, (C. G.) On Cataract and its Appropriate Treatment by the Operation adapted for each Peculiar Case 8vo, 4* London, 1845 Lectnres on the Operative Surgery of the Eye, &c. 3d edn. 8vo, plates, 355. London, 1830 HALL, (J. C.) Clinical Remarks on certain Diseases of the Eye, and on Miscellaneous Subjects, Medical and Surgical, including Gout, Rheumatism, Fistula, Cancer, Hernia, Indigestion, &c. 8vo, 75 London, 1843 On the Nature and Treatment of some of the more important Diseases, Medical and Sui^cal, Including the Principal Diseases of the Eye. 2d edn., enlarged. 8vo, 75. &d. London, 1844 MIDDLEMORE, (R.) Treatise on Diseases of the Eye, and it* Appendages. 2 vols. 8vo, 35» London, 1836 MEDICINE.] 230 [mEDKITSE. j EYE.-^iContinued.) WALKER, (J.) The Oculist's Vade-meonm ; a complete Practical System of Ophthji.'irvi«« Surgery : with numerous Woodcuts and coloured Engravings of the Diseases and Opera- tions on the Eye. 12mo, 10s. 6d. London, 1943 WATSON, (A.) On Diseases of the Eye. 2d edn. 8vo, 21*. . . " lSi(J SCEMMERRING, (S. T.) Description figur6e de TcBil huraain. trad, par Demonrs. 4to, fig., /.8 Paris, 1818 FEET. EISENBERG, (J.) Sui^ica] and Practical Observations on the Diseases of the Human Foot ; with Instructions for their Treatment ; to which is added, Advice on the Manage- ment of the Hand. 4to, 21*. London, 1845 LITTLE, (W. J.) A Treatise on the Nature of Club-Foot and Analagons Distortions ; including their Treatment, both with and without Surgical Operation ; illustrated by a series of Ca«es and numerous Practical Instructions. 8vo, 41 woodcuts, 12s. London, 18?9 FEIGNED DISEASES. GAVIN, (H.) On Feigned and Fictitious Diseases, chiefly of Soldiers and Seamen ; on the means used to simulate or produce them, and on the best Modes of discovering Impos tors ; being the Prize Essay in the Class of Military Surgery in the University of Edir- burgh. 8vo, 9&' London, 18'i3 FEVER. SMITH, (SouTHWOOD.) Systematic Treatise on Fever. 8vo, Us. . London, 1830 M'CORMAC, (H.) Exposition of the Nature, Treatment, and Prevention of Continued Fever. 8vo, 6* London, 1835 BOISSEAU, (F. G.) Physiological Pyretology, or a Treatise on Fevers: according to the Principles of the New Medical Doctrine. Transl. by Dr. Knox. 8vo. . Philad., 1832 CLYMER, (M.) Fevers, General and Special. 8vo " 1846 TWEEDIE, (A.) Dissertation on Fevers, etc. " 1842 BARTLETT, (E.) The History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Typhoid, and of Typhus Fever, etc. 8vo Philad., 1842 ROUPELL, (G.) A Short Treatise on Typhus Fever. 8vo. . . . " 1840 ARNOLD, (W.) A Practical Treatise on the Bilious Remittent Fever ; with Remarks on the Connection of Diseases with the Changes of the Atmosphere upon Epidemics ; Medi- cal Topography, &c. 8vo, 10s London, 1840 REED, (M'C.) Fever Physiologically Considered. Considerations on Yellow Fever, Typhus Fever, Plague, Cholera, and Sea-Scurvy ; also the Questions of Contagion and the Quarantine Laws ; with an Address to the Public on the Popular Treatment of Cholera. 8vo, 10s. 6«f London, 1846 LOUIS. On Yellow Fever. Transl. by Shattuck. 8vo, 10s. . . . " 1840 TWEEDIE, (A.) Clinical Illustrations of Fever. 8vo, 7s. . . " 1830 GREGORY, (G.) Lectures on the Eruptive Fevers, delivered at St. Thomas's Hospital, in January, 1843. 8vo, 7s. M I^ndon, 1843. JVew- York, 1846 FRACTURES. AMESBURY, (J.) Practical Remarks on the Nature and Treatment of Fractures of the Trunk and Extremities : with Plates, Woodcuts, and Cases. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. London, 1831 rOOPER, (Sir A.) Treatise on Dislocations and Fractures of the Joints. New edn., by Bransby Cooper. 8vo, woodcuts, 20s. London, 1842 HIND, (G. W.) Fractures of the Extremities. Exhibited in twenty plates, showing the Causes of displacement, etc. 2d edn. folio, 24s. .... London, 1836 MEYER, (F. G.) Die Lehre von den Fractnren. 8vo, .... Berlin, 1843 LONSDALE, (E. F.) A Practical Treatise on Fractures. 8vo, 60 woodcuts. London, 1838 SMITH, (R. W.) A Treatise on Fractures in the Vicinity of Joints, etc. 8vo, 200 wood- cuU Dublin, 1847 GOUT. ROBERTSON, (W. H.) The Nature and Treatment of Gout. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1845 PARKIN, (J.) On Gout : its Causes, Nature and Treatment. 8vo, 8s. " 1841 SCUDAMORE, (C.) Treatise on the Nature and Cure of Gout and Gravel. 4th ed. 8vo, 14s London, 1839 TODD, (R. B.) Practical Remarks on Gout, &c. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . " 1843 JONES, (H. B.) On Gravel, Calculus, and Gout. 8vo, 6s. . . . " 1842 MEDICINE.] 231 [medicine. HEAD. SHARP, (W.) Practical Observations on Injuries of the Head. 8vo, 75. London, 1841 VELPEAU. De Top^ration da Trepan dans les Plaies du tete. 8vo. . Paris, 1834 HEALTH. SMITH, (SouTHWOOD.) The Philosophy of Health. New edn. 2 vols. 18mo, cuts, 6*. London, 1847 WINSLOW, (F.) On the Preservation of the Health of Body and Mind. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1842 PHILIP, (A. P. W.) A Treatise on the Means of Preserving Health, etc. 8vo. " 1830 EDWARDS, (W.) On the Influence of Physical Agents on Life. Translated by Drs. Hodgkin and Fisher. 8vo, 16s London 1832 HEALTH, PUBL»..^ parent DUCHATELET. Hygiene Pnblique, ou M^moires sur les questions les plus importantes de I'hygiene appliquee aux professions et aux travaux d'utilit6 publique. 2 vol. in-8, avec 18 planches. /.16 Paris, 1836 MONFALCON et POLINIERE. Traite de la Salubrite Publique dans les Grandes Villes, ouvrage destin6 aux medicins, aux membres des conseils de salubrity, aux prefets, aux maires, aux merabres des conseils generaux, etc. in-8, /.7 50. . . . Paris, 1846 Cet ouvrage qui embrasse toutes les questions qui se rattachent k la santd pnblique est ainsi divisd : Chapitre I. Histoire de la salubrity chez les peuples anciens et modernes, conditions dans lesquelles se trouvent les grandes villes ; intirets opposes de I'industrie, de la sa- Inbrite et de la propriete, etc. — II. Des lieux qui servent d'habitations k Thomme. — III. Des maisons, de leur construction, hauteur, contenance, orientation, amenagement interieur, caves, rez-de chaussee, ventilation, capacity des appartements, chambre k coucher, cuisine, latrines, chaufFaige, eclairage, etc. — IV. Des rues et des places publi- ques, pavage, egouts, voirie, latrines publiques, etc. — V. Des edifices destines k rece- voir une population agglomer6e : ateliers et fabriqnes, colleges, prisons, hopitaux, ca- sernes, eglises, theatres, etc. — VI. Des 6tablissements et des lieux k Emanations in- commodes, dangereuses et insalnbres. — VII. De qnelques foyers speciaux d'infection, cimetieres, inhumations pr6cipitees, morts apparentes, equarrissage, abattoirs, etc. — VIII. Des etablissements k emanations incommodes, insalubres et dangereuses.— IX. De la police des aliments et des boissons. — X. De la falsification des medicaments. — XI. Legislations relatives aux manufactures et aux ateliers insalubres et incommodes. CHADWICK, (E.) General Report of the Sanatory Condition of the Labouring Popula- tion of Great Britain. 8vo London, 1842 Parliamentary Reports on Health of Towns, (Interments), &c. HEART, (Diseases of.) LATHAM, (P. M.) On Diseases of the Heart. Lectures on Subjects connected with Clini- cal Medicine ; comprising Diseases of the Heart. 2 vols. 12mo, 16s. . London, 1845-6 HOPE, (J.) A Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels, and on the Aflec- tions which may be mistaken for them. 3d edn. plates. 8vo, 18s. . London, 1839 ARAN, (F. A.) Practical Manual of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels. Translated by W. H. Harris, M. D. 12mo Philad., 1843 FURNIVALL, (J. J.) On Diseases of the Heart and on Aneurism : their Diagnosis, Pre- vention, and Treatment. 8vo, 8s London, 1845 ALISON, (S. S.) Some Observations on Organic Alterations of the Heart; and particn- larlv on the beneficial employment of Iron in the Treatment of such Cases. 12mo, 2s. 6d. ■' London, 1845 BOUILLAND, (J.) Trait6 Cliniqne des Maladies du Cceur, prec6d6 de recherches non- velles sur I'anatomie et la physiologie de cet organe. 2d edn., 2 vols. 8vo, /.16. Paris, 184J HERNIA. TEALE, (T. P.) A Practical Treatise on Abdominal Hernia. 8vo, 15s. London, 1846 HAMMOND, (W.) Anatomy and Surgery of Inguinal and Femoral Hernia, folio. London, 1834 LAWRENCE, (W.) A Treatise on Ruptures. 8vo Philad., 1843 COOPER. (Sir A.) The Anatomy and Surgi«al Treatment of Abdominal Hernia. Plates. 8vo. . Philad., 1844 TUSON, (E.) The Anatomy and Surgery of Inguinal and Femoral Hernia. Illustrated bv Plates coloured from Nature, and interspersed with Practical Remarks, folio, £2. 2s. ^ London, 1834 MAIjGAIGNE. Lecons cliniques sur les Hernies. 8vo Pari* 1841 MEDICINE.] 232 [medicine. HERNIA.— ( Continued.) MORTON, (T.) The Surgical Anatomy of Inguinal Hernia, etc. 8vo, plates. London, 1841 CLOQ,UET, (J.) Anatomical Description of the Parts concerned in Inguinal and Femoral Hernia. Translated by McWhinnie. 8vo, platee London, 1835 HOMCEOPATHY. BLACK, (F.) A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy. 8vo, 9*. London, 1843 CURIE, (P.) Principles of Homoeopathy. 8vo, 5^ " 1837 Domestic Homoeopathy. 18mo, 5* " 1839 Practice of Homoeopathy. 6s. •' 1838 EVEREST, (Rev. T. R.) A Popular View of Homoeopathy, with Notes by A. G. Hull, M. D. 8vo JVcjc- York, 1842 HAHNEMANN. Organon of Homoeopathic Medicine. 8vo. . . " 1836 JAHR. Manual of Homojopathic Medicine, in two Parts. Part 1. Materia Medica. Part 2. Therapeutical and Symptomological Repertory. Translated from the Fourth edi- tion, and edited, with numerous Additions, by r. F. Curie, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo, 325. London, 1847 LAWRIE, (J.) Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. 12mo. ..." 1842 DUNSFORD, (H.) Pathogenetic Effects of the Principal Homoeopathic Remedies. 8vo, 9s. London, 1839 Popular View of HomoBopathy. 8vo, 6s. " 1838 Practical Advantage of Homoeopathy. 8vo, 8s " 1841 GUNTHER, (F. A.) New Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine ; or, the Homoe- opathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog, and other Domestic Animals. Translated from the German, with considerable additions. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Land., 1846 HYDROCEPHALUS. DAVIS, (D.) On Acute Hydrocephalus. 8vo, 9s. 6d. ... London, 1840 BENNETT, (J. R.) The Causes, Nature, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Acute Hydroceph- alus, or Water in the Head . a Prize Essay, to which the Medical Society of London awarded the Fothergillian Gold Medal for 1842. 8vo, 8s. . . . London, 1843 HYDROPATHY. GULLY, (J. M.) The Water-Cure in Chronic Disease : an Exposition of the Causes, Pro- gress, and Terminations of various Chronic Diseases of the Digestive Organs, Lungs, Nerves, Limbs, and Skin ; and of their Treatment by Water and other Hygienic Means, sm. 8vo, 7s. (Reprinted, New- York, W. & P.) London, 1846 JOHNSON, (E.) -Results of Hydropathy ; or. Constipation not a Disease of the Bowels, Indigestion not a Disease of the Stomach ; with an Exposition of the True Nature and Cause of these Ailments, explaining the Reason why they are so certainly cured by the Hydropathic Treatment ; with Cases. 8vo, 4s London, 1846 (Reprinted, New- York, W. & P.) Hydropathy : the Theory, Princijjles, and Practice of the Water Cure shewn to be in accordance with Medical Science and the Teachings of Common Sense ; illustrated with many important Cases. 12mo, 5s. 6d. London, 1843 BUSHNAN, (J. S.I Observations on Hydropathy : with an Account of the principal Cold Water Establishments of Germany. 12mo, 4s. .... London, 1846 GRAHAM, (R. H.) Graefenberg ; or, a True Report of the Water Cure : with an Ac- count of its Antiquity. 8vo, 6s. London, 1844 CLARIDGE, (R. T.) Hydropathy ; or, the Cold Water Cure, as practised by Vincent Priessnitz, at Graefenberg, Silesia, Austria. 3d edit. 8vo, 5s. . . London, 1842 GRAHAM, (T.J.) The Cold Water System: an Essay exhibiting the real Merits, the most safe and effectual Employment of this excellent System in Indigestion, Costiveness, Asthma, &c., with cautionary Remarks addressed to people of extreme opinions, and some New Cases. 2d ed. 8vo, 7s. 6een spared to make it a useful book for officers of militia and volunteers, as well as the general reader. AIDE-MEMOIRE to the Military Sciences, framed from Contributions of Officers of the different Services, and edited by a Committee of the Corps of Royal Engineers in Dublin, 1845. roy. 8vo. Parts I.-IL, each, 14s. London, 1845-6 MILITARY HISTORY.] 249 [mILL-WORK. MILITARY ART.— {Contiimed.) GORE, (Capt. J.) The Evolutions of a Field Battery explained in full detail ; together with Thirty-three Plates for the further illustration of the Subject. To which are added, the Principal Manceuvres of a Brigade of Batteries ; with Thirteen Plates. 12mo, 3s. 6d. Woolwich, 1846 WELLINGTON. Maxims and Opinions of Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wel- lington, selected from his Writings and Speeches during a Public Life of more than Half a Century : with a Biographical Memoir, by G. H. Francis. 8vo, lAs. . London, 1845 BURN, (Capt.) Naval and Military Technical Dictionary of the French Language : with Explanations of the various Terms in English. 12mo, 5s. 6d. . . Woolwich, 1842 JACKSON, (R.) A View of the Formation, Discipline, and Economy of Armies. 3d edn. 8vo, 12* />ld and Mineg of Gems." Translated from the Arabic, by AJoys Sprenger, M. D. vol. 1, 8vo, 16«. London, 1841 57. TRANSLATION of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda, by the Rev. J. Stevenson, D. D. 8vo, la Lmtdon, 1841 58. SPECIMENS of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Improvisa- tions of Kurroglou, the Bandit Minstrel of Northern Persia ; and in the Songs of the People *" inhabiting the shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally collected and Translated, with Philolo- gical and Historical Notes, by A. Chodzko. 8vo, 16». . . . London, 1842 59. IBN KHALLIKAN'S Biographical Dictionary. Translated from the Arabic, by Baron Mac Gncken de Slane. 2 vols. vol. 1, roy. 4to. .... London, 1842 HISTORY OF HYDER NAIK, otherwise styled Nawaub Hyder AH, &c., written bv Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani. Translated from an original Persian MS. in the Q.ueen's Library, by Col, W. Miles. 8vo, 16* London, 1843 61. DABISTHAN ; or. School of Manners. Translated from the Persian, by Shea and Troyer. 2 vols. roy. 8vo London, 1844 62. HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF TIPU SULTAN, by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani. Translated from the Persian by Col. W. Miles. 8vo. . . . London, 1845 63. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES of Persian Poets, with critical and explanatory Remarks by the late Sir Gore Ouseley. Edited, with a Memoir, by the Rev. J. Reynolds. 8vo. London, 1846 64. EVLIYA EFENDI. Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the XVIIth Century. Translated from the Turkish by J. R. Von Hammer, vol. 1, pt. 2, 8vo. London, 1846 ORNITHOLOGY. YARRELL, (W.) A History of British Birds. Ulustrated by 520 wood engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, £4. 10». ; royal 8vo, £9 ; imperial 8vo, £13. 10». ^ London, 1843 ORNITHOLOGY.] 270 [OTTOMAN EMPIRE. ORNITHOLOGY.— ( Continued.) SWAINSON, (W.) The Natural History and Classification of Birds. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo, 300 woodcuts, 12s. . , . London, 1836-37 Contents.— Part 1. On the Structure and Natural History of Birds in general.— Part 2. On the Bibliography, Nomenclature, and Preservation of Birds. — Part 3. On the Natural History and Relations of the different Orders, Tribes, and Families of Birds. — Part 4. Synopsis of a Natural Arrangement of Birds. GRAY, (G. R.) The Genera of Birds ; comprising their Generic Charac- ters, a Notice of the Habits of each Genus, and an extensive list of Spe- cies. Illustrated with about 350 plates by D. W. Mitchell. First Order, Accipitres, Imp. 4to, X2. Bs. .... fjondon, 1846 WILSON, (J.) An Introduction to the Natural History of Birds. With 135 Figures. 4to, 12s Edinburgh, 1839 BEWICK, (Tho.) A History of British Birds. 2 vols. 8vo, with numerous woodcuts, jCI. 16* JTewcastle, 1832 EYTON, (T. C.) A History of the Rarer British Birds: intended as a Supplement to Bewick; with a complete List of Synonyms. 8vo, with numerous woodcuts, 10s. 6d., royal 8vo, £1. Is London, 1836 GOULD, (Jno.) The Birds of Europe, comprising beautifully coloured figures, with de- scriptive letterpress. 5 vols, folio, j£76. 8s London, 1832 TEMMINCK. Les Oiseaux d'Europe, avec lenr description systematique dessin6s par J. C. Werner. 4 vols. 8vo, et atlas, color., /.242. Paris. WILSON, (A.) American Ornithology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, col. plates, £4. 4s. London, 1832 AUDUBON, (J. J.) American Ornithological Biography. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. Philadelphia & London, 1831-9 Synopsis of the Birds of America. 8vo Edinburgh, 1839 Birds of America, from Drawings made in the United States and their territories. 7 vols. roy. 8vo, plates. JVeio- York, 1845 TEMMINCK, ( ) Manuel d'Ornithologie, ou Tableau systematiques des oiseaux qui se trouvent en Europe, pr^c^d^ du systeme generah d'ornithologie. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30. Paris, 1840- THIENEMANN, (F. A.L.) Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der gesammten Vogel. Part 1-10, 100 col. plates. 16* Leipzig, 1845-47 RHEA. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Ornithologie. Her. v. F. A. L. Thienemann. Heft 1, roy. 8vo, 5s. Leipzig, 1847 MEYER, (H. L.) Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs. Vols. 1-3, 8vo, 60 coloured plates, each £2. 12s. 6d London, 184G HEWITSON, (W. C.) Coloured Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, accompanied with Descriptions of the Eggs, Nests, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, 131 plates, £4. 10s. London, 1846 WALTER, (J. E. C.) Nordische ornithologie, oder getreue nach der Natur eigenhandig gezeichnete gestoch. und color. Abbild. der danischen, gronland. und island. Vogel, nebst einigen Siiugthieren. folio Copenh., 1828 OTTOMAN EMPIRE. RANKE, (L. VON.) History of the Ottoman and Spanish Empires in the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries. Transl. by W. B. Kelly. 8vo,3«. London, 1842 ANNALS of the Turkish Empire from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian Era. Transl. from the Turkish of Nalma, by Chas. Eraser. 2 vols. 4to, 63*. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1832-36 THE HISTORY oi the Maritime Wars of the Turks. Transl. from the Turkish of Hadji Khalifeh, by James Mitchell. Part I. 4to, 7*. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1831 ERASER, (C.) History of the War in Bosnia, during the years 1737- 38-39. Transl. from the Turkish. 8vo, As. . . London, 1830 (Oriental Translation Fund.) HAMMER PURGSTALL, (J. v.) Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches. 2d edn. 4 vols. 8vo. Pesth, 1836 ZINKEISEN, (J. W.) Gesch. des. Osman. Reiches in Europa. 8vo, . Hamb., 1840 PL6e, (L.) Commentaire snr 1' Atlas de TEmj^ire Ottoman, on R6snm6 g6n6ral de I'his- toire et de la geographic physique politique, statisqne et topographique de I'empire Otto- man et des provinces turques. 8vo. Paris. ox.] 271 [painting. OTTOMAN EMPIRE.— (Co^i^mwerf.) HELLERT, (J. J.) Nouvel Atlas physique, politique et historique de I'Empire Ottoman, et des 6tats limitrophes en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique, en quarante fenilles. 1 vol. folio, /.36 Paris, 1844 ALIX, (A. F. L.) Precis de Thistoire del'empire Ottoman, depuis son origine jusqn'k nos jours. 3 vols. 8vo Paris, 1822-25 BOUE, (Ami) La Turquie d'Europe, oo observations sur la giographie, I'histoire naturelle, la statisque les mceurs, les coutumes, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. . . . . Paris, 1840 ROBERT, (C.) Les Slaves de Turquie, Serbes, Montenegrins, Bosniaques, Albanais et Bulgures ; leurs resources, leurs tendances et leurs progres politiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844 OX. LOW, (D.) The Breeds of British Domesticated Animals. The Ox. 1 vol. folio, 22 col. plates, £6. 16«. 6d. . . . London, 1840 CATTLE. Their Breeds, Management, and Diseases. 8vo, cuts, 10s. 6rf. (Reprinted Philad.) London, 1838 See Low's Domesticated Animals. 8vo. London, 1845. Knight's Farmer's Li- brary. PAINTING. I. ELEMENTARY AND PRACTICAL.— II. HISTORY AND CRITICISM. I. ELEMENTARY, &c. Da VINCI, (Leon.) Treatise on Painting. Transl. by Rigaud, with Life by Brown. 8vo London, 1835 BURNET, (Jno.) Practical Hints on Painting. 1. Light and Shade. 2. Colour. 3. Composition. 4to, plates, 65*. . . London, 1834 Essay on the Education of the Eye, with Reference to Painting. 4to, plates, 25s London, 1837 HAYDON, (B. R.) Lectures on Painting and Design. Vol. 1. Origin of the Art — Anatomy the basis of Drawing — The Skeleton — the Muscles of Man and Q,uadrui)eds — Standard Figure — Composition — Colour — Ancients and Moderns— Invention. With designs drawn by himself on wood. 8vo, 12*. Lovdon, 1844 Vol. 2. Fuzeli—Wilkie— Effect of the Societies on Taste— A Competent Tribunal— On Fresco— Elgin Marbles— Beauty. 8vo, portrait, 12*. . London, 184G HAYTER, (C.) An Introduction to Perspective, Practical Geometry, Drawing, and Paint- ing ; a new and perfect Explanation of the Mixture of Colours, with Directions for Minia- ture, Crayon, and Oil Painting ; with wood engravings and coloured plates. 6th edn. 8vo, 15s London, 1844 FIELDING, (T. H.) On the Theory and Practice of Painting in Oil and Water Colours, for Landscapes and Portraits. Illustrated with plain and coloured plates. 4th edn., much enlarged, roy. 8vo, 31*. 6d. London, 1840 HAJ^DBOOK of Young Artists and Amateurs in Oil Painting ; being chiefly a condensed Compilation from the celebrated Manual of Bouvier : with additional matter from the labours of Merim^e, De Montabert, and other distinguished Continental Writers in the Art, &c., &c. By an American Artist. 8vo. .... Ifew-York, 19^ MERIM^JE, (M. J. F. L.) Art of Painting in Oil and Fresco. Transl. by W. B. Taylor, sm. 8vo. London, 1K>9 THEOPHILUS. An Essay upon various Arts, in three Books, by Theophilus, called also Rugerus, Priest and Monk ; forming an Encyclopedia of Christian Art of the Eleventh Century. Translated, with Notes, by Robert Hendrie. 8vo, 21». . London, 1847 REYNOLDS, (Sir Joshua.) Literary Works. Comprising his Discourses, delivered at the Royal Academy, on the Theory and Practice of Painting, also his Journey to Flan- ders and Holland, with Criticisms on Pictures — Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, in English Verse, with the original Latin Text subjoined, and Notes — A Tabular View of Painters, from the revival of the Art, to the beginning of the last Century — To which is prefixed, a Memoir of the Author, with Remarks on his Professional Character, illustrative of his Principles and Practice, by H. W. Beechey. New edn. 2 vols. 12mo, with portrait, 10*. London, 1846 Discourses on Painting. Illustrated by Explanatory Notes and Plates. By John Bur- net, F. R. S. 4to, 12 plates, 42* London, 1842 PAINTING.] 272 [painting. I. ELEMENTARY, &.c.— (Continued.) CENNINI. Treatise on Painting, written by Cennino Cennini in the year 1437. Contain- ing practical Directions for Painting in Fresco, Secco, Oil, and Distemper, with the Art of Gildin" and Illuminating Manuscripts adopted by the Old Italian Masters. Translated by Mrs. Merrifield, with an Introductory Preface, copious Notes, and Illustrations in Out- line from celebrated pictures, roy. 8vo, 12s. London, 1844 WHEELER, (J. A.) Handbook of Anatomy for Students of the Fine Arts : with illus- trations on wood. 12mo, 11 plates, 'Hs.&d London, 1846 BELL, (Sir Chas.) The Anatomy of Expression in Painting, roy. 8vo, 21*. London, 1847 FLAXMAN'S Anatomical Studies, for the Use of Artists, folio, 18 plates, SJs. , , London, 1835 PEQ,UEGN0T. Anatomie, ou description des formes de I'homme, ezclnsivement destinee aux peintres, sculpteurs et graveurs. 8vo, plates, /.4 Paris, 1846 FAU, (J.) Anatomie des formes ext6rieurs du corps humain, k I'usage des peintres et des sculpteurs. 8vo, et atlas in-folio, de 24 pl.,/.15 Paris, 1846 GOETHE'S Theory of Colours. Translated from the German, and edited, with Notes, by C. L. Eastlake. 8vo, plates, 125 London, 1840 FIELD, (G.) Chromatography, or Treatise on Colours. 8vo, 14s. . . " 1841 PORTAL, (F. DE.) Essay on Symbolic Colours, in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Times. Transl. from the French, with Notes, by W. S. Inman. 4to, plates, iOs.M. London, 1845 Fresco. (See also p. 160.) MERRIFIELD, (Mrs.) The Art of Fresco Painting, as practised by the old Italian and Spanish Masters, etc. 8vo, Is.M London, 1846 LATILLA, (E.) Treatise on Fresco, Encaustic, and Tempera Painting. 8vo, 5s. London, 1842 MERIMEE'S Art of Painting in Oil and Fresco. Transl. by W. B. Taylor. 8vo, 12s. London, 1839 n. HISTORY AND CRITICISM. (See p. 43.) EASTLAKE, (C. L.) Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 8vo, 16s. London, 1847 MODERJ\r PAUfTERS, by a Graduate of the University of Oxford. Parts 1-2-. 8vo. (Reprinted New- York, W. & P.) London, 1846 JAMESON, (Mrs.) Lives of the Early Italian Painters. 2 vols. 18mo, woodcuts, 3s. London, 1845 Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art, in and near London, 2d edn. sm. 8vo, 10s. London, 1842 Handbook to the Private Galleries, sm. 8vo, 15s " 1844 KUGLER, (Dr.) Handbook of Painting.— 1. Italy. Transl., with Notes, by C. L. East- lake, sm. 8vo, 12s. London, 1842 2. German, Dutch, and Flemish Schools. With Notes by Sir E. Head. sm. 8vo, 12s. London, 1846 3. Spanish, French, and English Schools. (In Press.) Dk BURTIN, (F. X.) Treatise on the Knowledge Necessary to Amateurs in Pictures. Translated and abridged from the French by Robert White. 8vo, plates, 12s. London, 1845 BOUVIER, (P. L.) Manuel des jeunes artistes et amateurs en peintnre. 3e Edition. 8vo, planches,/. 10 Pans, 1846 6AULT, (De St. Germain.) Guide des amateurs des tableaux, pour les ^coles allemande, flamande, et hollandaise. 2 vols. 8vo,/.14 PaWs, 1841 Ecole Italienne. 8vo,/.7 " 1835 SMITH, (J.) Catalogue raisonne of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters, with biographical notices of the artists, a copious description of their principal pictures, a statement of the prices at which they have been sold, and the galleries or collections in which they are at present. 8 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1829-37 BRYAN, (M.) Dictionary of Painters. 2 vols. 4to, £5. 5s. . . . London. HOGARTH, (W.) Hogarth Moralized ; a complete edition of all the most capital and ad- mired works of William Hogarth, accompanied by concise and comprehensive explana- tions of their moral tendency, by the late Rev. Jno. Trusler, with an Introduction and Notes. 8vo. London, 1831 FLAXMAN'S WORKS, Engraved by R6veil. oblong 8vo, 256 plates, /.30, . Pari*. Iliad, 39 plates. Odyssey, 34 do. ^schylns, 31 do. Dante, 112 do. Hesiod, 37 do Statutes and Bas- Reliefs, 14 do. PAINTING.] 273 [PALJEONTOLOGY. II. HISTORY AND CRITICISM.— (Cominued.) MUSEUM OF P^amTmO AJTD SCULPTURE. A Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues, and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe. Drawn and Engraved by Reveil. With Critical and Historical Notices. 17 vols. 12mo, 1700 plates. jCe. 6». Paris, London, See Arts, Fine, p. 43. Costiimk. Colour. Chromatography. Drawing. Fresco-Painting. Perspective. Encyclo. Metropolitana— ./fr«. Painting, by Bishop James and Rev. J. Limdbat. PALEOGRAPHY. NAMUR, (P.) Bibliographie pal6ograpliico-diplomatico-bibliographique g6n*ral, etc. 2 vols. 8vo • Liege, 1838 WAILLY, (N. DE.) 6l6ments de paleographie. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1838 SILVESTRE. Paleographie universelle, avec des explications par MM. ChampoUion. folio Paris, 1839 WEST WOOD, (J. O.) Palceographia Sacra Pictoria : being a Series of Illustrations of the Ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from Illuminated MSS., executed between the Fourth and Sixteenth Centuries. 4to, £A. IDs London, 1845 HUMPHREYS, (H. N.) Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. A History of Ilhimi- nated Books, from the 4th to the 17th Century. Illustrated by a Series of Specimens, consisting of an entire page of the exact size of the original, from the most celebrated and splendid MSS. Printed in Gold, Silver, and Colours. Parts I. and II. 4to, each 12«. ; folio, 2l5 lAmdmi, 1844 CHAMPOLLION-FIGEAC. Paleographie des classiques latines, d'apres les plus beaux manuscrits de la Bibliotheqne royale de Paris, recueil de fac-simile accompagn^s de no- tices historiques et descriptives. 4to. Paris, 1837 LANGLOIS, (E. H.) Essai sur le calligraphic du moyen-age et snr les omements des pre- miers livres d'heures imprimes. 8vo, 16 pi Rouen, 1842 Q,UENTIN. Dictionnaireraisonno de diplomatique chrdtienne, contenant les notions n^oes- saires pour I'intelligence des anciens monamenta manuscrits, avec nn grand nombre de fao- simile. 8vo,/.8 Porta, 1846 PALEONTOLOGY.— (See Fossils, Botany, p. 78.) MANTELL, (G. A.) The Medals of Creation, or First Lessons in Geology, and in the Study of Organic Remains. 2 vols. l2mo, Plates, 2l». London, 1844 OWEN, (R.) History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds. 8vo, 237 woodcuts, £1. lis. 6d. ; royal 8vo, £3. 3s. . . London, 1846 CATALOGUE, Descriptive and Illustrative, of the Fossil Organic Remains of Mammalia and Aves contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 4to, 10 plates. 21s. London. PARKINSON, (J.) Introdttction to the Study of Fossil Oiganic Remains. 8vo, Qs. 6d. London, 1822 BUCKLAND, (W.) Reliquis Dilnviana : or Observations on the Organic Remains con- tained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, &c. 4to. . . . JA>ndon,1823 Geology and Mineralogy. (Bridgewater Treatise). 2 vols. 8vo, 35*. . lAtndon, 1837 MORRIS, (J.) A Catalogue of British Fossils ; comprising all the (3enera and Sjieciet hitherto described, vk'ith references to their Geological Distribution, and to the Localities in which they have been ibund. 8vo, 10«. London, 1843 BRODIE, (P. B.) A History of the Fossil Insects in the Secondary Rocks of England, ac- companied by a particular Account of the Strata in which they occur, and of the circum- stances connected with their Preservation. 8vo, 11 plates, 9*. . . London, 1845 ARTIS, (E. T.) Antediluvian Phytology, illustrated by a Collection of the Fossil Remains of Plants peculiar to the Coal Formations of Great Britain. 4to, 25 plates, 15s. London, 1838 PIDGEON, (E.) Fossil Remains of the Animal Kingdom. 2d edn. 8vo, 50 plates, 18s. London, 1844 MURCHISON, (R. J.) The Silurian System. 2 vols. 4to, maps, &c., £6. 6s. " 1839 MEYER, (H. V.) n. DRUNKER. Paldontographica. Beitrage znr Petrefactenknnde. Part 1. Imp. 4to, with 6 plates, plain, 8s. ; col. 16s. . . . • Cassel, 1846 ORBIGNY, (A. d'.) Pal6ontologie universelle des coquilles et des mollusqnes. 8 vols. 8vo, avec un atlas in-8vo, d'environ 1500 planches, repr^sentant tontes les especes de coquilles fossiles connus Paris, 1847- L' Ouvrage sera public par livraisons de 20 planches avec le texte oorrespondant. Prix de chaqne livraison. /.o. _ PAPER-MAKING.] 274 [PATENTS. VALMO^TOLOGY.—{Conti7med.) MARCEL DE SERRES. Nouveau Manuel compJet de pal^ontologie, ou des lois de I'organisation des etres vivants comparees a celles qu'ont suivies les especes fossiles et hu- matiles dans leur apparition successive. 2 vols. 18mo, avec un atlas de 22 tableau, /.lO 50. Paris, 1846 PICTET. Trait6 616mentaire de pal^ontologie. 4 vols. 8vo, pl./.38. . Paris, 1845 CUVIER, (G.) Recherches sur les ossements fossiles des quadrupedes ; 4e 6dn. revue par M. Lanrillard. 10 vols. 8vo, et 2 vols. 4to. de planches. /.80. . . Paris, 1834 BLAINVILLE, (D. dk.) Ost^ographie, ou Description iconographiqne compar^e du sqne- lette et du systeme dentaire des cinq classes d'animaux vert6bres recents et fossiles, pour servir de base k la zoologie et a la geologie Paris 18i39-43 Prix des livraisons 1-15, contenant 189 planches. /.492. AGASSIZ, (L.) Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, comprenant la description de 500 especes qui n'existent plus, I'exposition des loix de la succession et du developpement or- ganique des poissons durant toutes les metamorphoses du globe terrestre, une nouvelle clas- sification de ces animaux enfin des considerations geologiques generales tirees de ]'6tade des fossiles. 3 vols. 4to, et atlas de 250 planches. . , J^eufchatd, 1833-43 Reports of the British Association, 1842-43-44. Geological Transactions. Maga- zine of Natural History. Zoological Journal, &c. PAPER-MAKING PIETTE, ( .) Traits de la fabrication du papier, contenant les proc^d^s g^n^ralement en usage pour preparer ce produit. 8vo, planches, /.lO. Paris, 1831 MANUEL du fabricant de papiers, carton et Art du formaire. 2 vols. ISmo, avec Atlas, /.lO 50. Paris. (Manuels Roret.) See Ure's Dictionary of Arts. Library of Useful Knowledge — Vegetalde Substances. Beckmann's History of Inventions, &c PARIS. Bibliography. GIRAULT DE SAINT FARGEAU. Bibliographie topographiqne et de la, France, ou Catalogue de tons les ouvrages imprimes en France depuis le XVe siecle jusqn'au mois d'avril 1845, contenant les titres d'environ 12,000 ouvrages, etc. Bvo, /.12, Paris, 1845 GALIGNANI'S Guide to Paris. 18mo, Maps, &c. . . « PARIS and its Historical Scenes. 2 vols. 12mo, Plates, 4*. 6d. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge.) London, 1833 PARIS and its Environs, in a series of Picturesque Views from Drawings taken under the direction of A. Pugin. 2 vols. 4to. Z/, 1840-44 SAINT HILAIRE, (B. de.) De I'ecole d'Alexandrie, pr«c6d4 d'nn Essai snr la methode des alexandriens et le mysticisme. 8vo, /.3 50. Paris, 1845 PRADT, (l'Abbe de.) Histoire de I'eclectisme alexandrin, consider^e dans sa cnlte avec le christianisme. 2 vols, 8vo, f.lO. Paris, 1843 RITTER AND PRELLER. Historia Philosophise Grsco-Romans ex fontinm locis contexta. 8vo, lis Hamburg, 1838 RENOUVIER, (C.) Manuel de philosophie ancienne. 2 vols. 12mo, /.7. Paris, 1834 TRENDELENBURG, (A.) Historische Beitrage zur Philosophie. Vol. 1 :— Geschichte der Kategorienlehre. 8vo,/.7 Berlin, IdAl BLAINVILLE, (H. de.) Histoire des Sciences de I'organisation et de leursprogres, comme base de la philosophie, avec des d^vellopements et additions. Par. M. Maupied. 3 vols. 8vo, /.18 Paris, 1845 BUONAFEDE, (A.) Delia istoria e della indole di ogni filosofia e della ristitanrazione di ogni filosofia nel secoli XVI., XVII., XVIII. 4 vols. 8vo. . . MUano, 1837-38 MATTER, (J.) Histoire des doctrines morales et politiqnes des trois demieres siccles. 3 vols. 8vo Paris, 1837 GERANDO, (De.) Histoire comparee des systemes de philosophie, consider^s relativement anx principes des connaissances humaines. 2e 6dn. 4 vols. 8vo, /.SO. Paris, 1822 n. MODERN SYSTEMS, &c. England. BROWN, (T.) Philosophy of the Human Mind. 8vo, 8». Edinh. Inquiry into the Relation of Cause and Effect. 4th ed. 8vo, 12«. Edinh., 1835 Life and Writings, by D. Welsh. 8vo, I4s. . . " Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mind. With a Memoir of the Author by David Welsh, D. D. 16th ed. 4 vols. 8vo, portrait, 42*. Edinb.y 1845 Lectures on Ethics. 8vo, 8». 6i " 1846 CUDWORTH, (R.) Intellectual System, and Life, by Birch. 3 vols. 8vo, 42*. .......... London. CORY, (I. P.) A Metaphysical Enquiry into the Method, Objects, and Result of Ancient and Modem Philosophy. 8vo. . London, 1833 FIELD, (G.) Outlines of Analogical Philosophy ; being a Primary View of the Principles, Relations, and Purposes of Nature, Science, and Art. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1839 HAUGHTON, (G. C.) Prodromus, or an Enquiry into the First Princi- ples of Reasoning ; including an Analysis of the Human Mind. 8vo. London, 1839 STEWART, (D.) Active and Moral Powers of Man. 2 vols. 8vo, 24*. London. Philosophical Essays. 8vo, 14* " Philosophy of the Human Mind, by Wright. 8vo, 10*. 6d. " PHILOSOPHY.] 282 [philosophy. n. MODERN SYSTEMS, Sic— (Continued.) REID, (T.) Essay on the Intellectual Powers of Man ; with an Analysis of Aristotle's Logic. Edited by Rev. N. G. Wright. 8vo, 12s. Lond.,1843 Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind : an Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense ; and an Essay on Quantity. By T. Reid, D. D. ; and a Memoir of the Author, by Dugald Stewart. With Notes, &c. by the Rev. G. N, Wright. 8vo, 12s. London, 1843 HARTLEY, (D.) Observations on Man. 8vo. . . « 1834 HOBBES. The Complete Works of Tho's Hobbes, of Malmesbury, Eng- lish and Latin, now first collected and edited by Sir William Molesworth. 16 vols. 8vo, Portrait and Plates, £9. 12s. . . London, v. y. MOORE, (G.) The Power of the Soul over the Body, considered in rela- tion to Health and Morals. 8vo, 7s. ... London, 1845 Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. 9s. . " 1846 (Reprinted, New- York, H. Bro's.) WHEWELL, (W.) Lectures on Systematic Morality. 8vo, 7s. 6d. London, 1846 Elements of Morality, including Polity. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. " 1845 (Reprinted, New- York, H. & Bro's.) LOCKE, (Jno.) The Philosophical Works of: with a Preliminary Dis- course and Notes, by J. A. St. John. roy. 8vo, 16s. London, 1843 HUME, (D.) Essays and Treatises on several Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. London, 1825 HAMPDEN, (R'd.) A Course of Lectures introductory to the Study of Moral Philosophy. 8vo, 8s London, 1835 PALEY, (W.) The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 8vo, 7s. London, 1841 ABERCROMBIE, (J.) The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 7th ed. 8vo. (Reprinted, New- York, H. & Bro's.) London, 1846 Inquiries on the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth. 12th ed. 8vo, 6s. 6d London, 1846 MILL, (Ja's.) Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s London, 1829 See Whewell's History and Philosophy of the Indactive Sciences. Jlrt. Inductive Sciences, p. 192. » France. DAMIRON, (P.) Essai sur I'Histoire de la Philosophie en France au XVIIe siecle. 2 vols. 8vo, 16* Paris, 1846 Essai sur I'Histoire de la Philosophie en France, au XTXe siecle. 3e 6dn. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834 Cours de phUosophie, savoir; Psychologie: morale et Logiqne. 2e 6dn. 4 vols. 8vo, /.24 Paris, 1842 COUSIN, (V.) Fragments Philosophiques. 3e edn. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s. . " 1838 JOUFFROY, (Th.) Melanges de Philosophie. 2d 6dn. 8vo, /.8. . . " 1838 Nouveaux Melanges de Philosophie. 8vo,/.8 " 1842 CARAMAN, (le Due.) Histoire des revolutions de la philosophie en France pendant le moyen-age jusqu'au seizieme siecle, pr6cedee d'nne Introduction sur la philosophie de I'antiquite et celle des premiers tems du christianisme. 8vo, vols. 1-2, chaque, /.7. Paris, 1845-6 CONDILLAC. CEuvres completes publiies par A. F. Thierry. 16 vols. 8vo, /.80. Paris, 1823 DESCARTES. CEuvres completes, publi6es par V. Cousin. 11 vols. 8vo, pi, /.40. Paris, 1826 OEuvres philosophiques d'apres les textes originanx, avec notice et eclaircissem^nts par Gamier. 4 vols. 8vo, /.20 Paris, 1838 DESTUTT de TRACY. Elements d'ideologie. 6 vols. ISmo, /. 18. . " LAMENNAIS, (De.) CEnvres completes. 10 vols. 12mo, /.35. . . " 1844 PHILOSOPHY.] 283 [philosophy. n. MODERN SYSTEMS, &c.— (Continued.) MAISTRE, (J. DE.) CEuvres completes, 9 vols. 8vo, /.45 Port*. MALEBRANCHE. CEnvres completes publi6es par M. Genonde. 2 vols. 4to, /.20. Paris, 1837 MAZURE. Coars de Philosophie. 2e edition. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. . . *' MONTAIGNE. CEuvres completes, ed. par Buchon et Dr. Payen. 8vo,/.10. " Complete Works translated. Ed. by W. Hazlitt. roy. 8vo, 15s. . Lmdon, 1840 COMTE, (Aug.) Cours de Philosophie Positive. 6 vols. 8vo, /.60. . Parf«, 1830-42 PINEL, (L.) Essai de Philosophie Positive. 8vo,/.3 50. . " 1845 Germany. WILLM, (J.) Histoire de la Philosophie AUemande, depnis Kant jnsqa'k Hegel. Tom. 1-. Bvo, 7s. M . . Paris, 1846 (To be completed in 4 vols.) REMUS AT, (C. DK.) De la Philosophie AUemande, prec6d6 d'nne introdnction snr les doc- trines de Kant, de Fichte, de Schelling et de Hegel. 8vo. /.6. . . Paris, 1845 BARCHOU de PENHOEN, (Baron.) Histoire de la PhUosophie AUemande. 2vols.8vo. Paris, 1825 MICHELET. (Dr. C. L.) Geschichte der letzten System des Philosophie in Dentschland, von Kant bis Hegel. 2 vols. 8vo Berlin, 1837-8 BIEDERMANN, (C.) Die Deutsche Philosophie von Kant, bis anf nnsere Zeit. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1843 CHALYBAUS, (H. M.) Historische Entwickelnng der Speculativen Philosophie von Kant bis Hegel. 3e Anfl. 8vo Dresden, 1844 GABLER, (G. a.) Die Hegelsche Philosophie. Beitr&ge zn ihrer richtigeren Benrtheilnng und Wurdigung. Heft 1. 8vo Berlin, 1843 MICHELET, (Dr. C. L.) Entwickelungsgeschichte der nensten dentschen Philosophie mit besonderer Riicksicht anf den gegenwiirtigen Kampf Schellings mit der Hegelschen Schnle. 8vo Berlin, 1843 ORELLI, (C. V.) Spinozas Leben und Lehre. Nebst einem Abrisse der Schelling und He- gelschen Philosophie. 8vo. Aaran, 1843 PAULUS, (Dr. H. E. G.) Die offenbar gewordene positive Philosophie die Offenbamng Oder Enstehungsgeschichte. Text, Beurtheilung, und Berichtigung der von Schelling'schen »U it Vorlesungen, 1841-42. 8vo Darmstadt, \%\\ OTT. Hegel et la Philosophie allemande, ou expos^ et examen critique des principaux sys- temes de la philosophie allemande depnis Kant, et specialement de celui de Hegel. 8vo,/.7. Paris. ROSENKRANZ, (K.) Psvchologie oder die Wissenschaft von snbjectiven Geist. 8vo. Konigs., 1843 Schelling. Vorlesungen gehalten in Sommer 1842 an der Universitat zn Konigsberg. 8vo Dantiig, 1842 SAINTES, (A.) Histoire critique dtt Rationalisme en Allemagne depnis son origine. 2d edn. 8vo v Hamh., 1843 Kritische Geschichte des Rationalismns in Dentschland, mit Anmerk. and Excnrs. von C. G. Ficker. 8vo, IDs. M Leipzig, 1847 Histoire de Vie et de la Philosophie de Kant. 8vo. 1844 ERDMAN, (J. E.) Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Darstellnng der Gfeschichte der nen- rern Philosophie. 2 vols. 8vo Riga, 1834-42 BUCHEZ, (M.) Trait6 complet de philosophie, du point de vue da catholicisme et dn progres. 3 vols. 8vo Paris, 1839 FICHTE, (J. G.) Sammtliche Werke, in 8 Banden. 8vo. . . . Berlin, 1845 HEGEL, (G. W. F.) Werke, vollstandige Ansgabe, durch einen Verein von Frennden des Verevirigten. 18 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1832-40 Philosophie. In wortlichen Aaszugen, beransg, v. Frantz u. Hillert. 8vo, 12*. Berlin, 1843 HERDER, (J. G.) Ansgewahlte Werke. imp. 8vo, 32j. ... Stutt., 1844 KANT. (J.) Werke, herausg. von K. Rosenkranz n. F. W. Schnbert. 12 vols.8vo, jCS. 5«. Leipzig, 1838-40 Critic of Pure Reason. Trans. 8vo, 21* London, 1838 - Analysis of. 8vo, 6* " 1844 • Logic, with Life, by Richardson. 8vo, 9* " 1836 Metaphysics of Ethics. Transl. by Semple. 8vo, 16*. . . . Edin., 1836 Theory of Religion. Transl. by Semple. 8vo, 10*. ... " 1837 Prolegomena to every future Metaphysic. 8vo, 9*. ... London. DIRKSEN, (E. H.) Organon des gesammten transcendenten Analysis, vol. 1. Transcend. Elementarlehre. 8vo Berlin, 1845 PHILOSOPHY.] 284 [phrenology. n. MODERN SYSTEMS, &.C.— (Continued.) LEIBNITZ, (G. W.) Gessammelte Werke, herausg. von G. H. Pertz. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo, 3is. 6d Hanov., 1843-44 SPINOZA, (B. DE.) Opera omnia, ed. C. H. Brnder. Vol. 1-3. 16mo, 12*. LipsttB, 1843-4 ZEITSCHRIFT ixa Philosophic a. Speculative Theologie. Vols. 1-. Bonn, Ttibinff., 1837- Oriental, ROETH, (E.) Geschichte unserer abendliindischen Philosophic. Vol. 1. Die iigyptische nnd Zoroastrische Glaubenslehre als die altesten duellen unserer speculativen Ideen. 8vo, 31s. 6d J\Ianheim, 1846 SCHMOLDERS, (A.) Essai sur les 6coles Philosophiques des Arabes, et Doctrines des 1' Algazzali. 8vo, 75- Paris, 1847 THE SANKHYA KARISKA,or Memorial Verses on the Sankhya Philosophy, by Iswara Krishna. Transl. from the Sanscrit, by H. T. Colebrooke. The BHASHYA, or Com mentary of Guarapada. Transl. and illust. Avith an original comment by H. H. Wilson. 4to. , Oxford, 1837 (Publications of the Oriental Translation Fund.) THl. PRACTICAL Philosophy of the Muhammedan People, exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, etc. 8vo, 15s I^ndon, 1839 (Oriental Translation Fund, LII.) PHONOGRAPHY. PITMAN, (J.) Manual of Phonography, or Writing of Sound. 12mo, 2s. London. De stains, (V. D.) Phonography ; or, the Writing of Sounds. In Two Parts, viz. : — Logography, or Universal Writing of Speech : and Musicography, or Symbolical Writing of Music : with a Short- Hand for both. 2d edn. 8vo, lOs London, 1842 PHOTOGRAPHY. MEMES, (J. S.) History and Description of the Processes of the Da- ' guerreotype and Diorama, illustrated with Plates by the Author, M. Daguerre, Officer of the Legion of Honour : — containing also the Report of M. Arago to the Chamber of Deputies. Svo, 2s. 6 , Buda, 1826 DANKOWSKY, (G.) Matris Slavicae filia erudita, in suis primitiv. element, exhib. Gall. Ital. et dat. ling, habita. 2 vols. 8vo, 12^ Presb., 1837 MIKLOSICH, (F.) Radices linguae Slovenicse vet. dialect. 8vo, 4^. 6d. Leipzig, 1845 MURKO, (A. J.) Theoretisch-praktische Slowenische Sprachlehre fiir Deutsche, etc. 8vo. Oratt, 1832 Slovenisch-deutsches und deutsch-slovenisches Handworterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. Oratz, 1833 TRNKA, (F.) Theoretisch-nraktisches Lehrbuch der Slavischen Sprache in Bohmen, Mahren, und Ober-Ungarn, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Vienna, 1832 DOBROWSKY, (J.) Institutiones linguie Slavicae dial, vet, 8vo, 15s. . Wien, 1822 WOLANSKI, (T.v.) Briefe uber slawische Alterthiimer. Samral. 1. 4to, 12plates, 6*. 6rf. Qnesen, 1846 See Prichard's Physical History of Mankind, Vol. 3. Biblical Repository. Man- nert's Geog. See Bohemia, Poland, Russia, Servia. SOCIETY. TAYLOR, (W. C.) The Natural History of Society in the Barbarous and Civilized States. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, D. A. & Co., 1841 FERGUSON, (A.) Essay on the History of Civil Society. Bvo. . . London. SOCIETIES, LITERARY.— (See Transactions.) HUME, (A.) The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom ; being an Account of their respective Origin, History, Objects, and Constitution : with full Details respecting Membership, Fees, their Published Works and Transactions, Notices of their Periods and Places of Meeting, &c. 8vo, 8s. 6rf. .... London, 1847 SOUTH SEAS.— (See Polynesia.) BURNEY, (Adml. J.) Chronological History of Discoveries in the South Seas. 5 vols, roy. 4to London, 1803-17 WILKES, (C.) Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. 5 vols. 4to, and an Atlas. Philad., 1844 ROSS, (Capt. Sir J. C.) Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Ant- arctic Regions, during the years 1839-43. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, maps, and woodcuts, 36s. London, 1847 WEBSTER, (W. H. B.) The Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean in 1828, 1829, 1830, in the "Chanticleer." 2 vols. 8vo London, \«H DILLON, (P.) Narrative and successful result of a Voyage in the South Seas ... to as- certain the fate of the La Perouse Expedition. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1839 WEDDEL, (J.) A Voyage towards the South Pole in 1822-24, containing an Examina- tion of the Antarctic Sea to the 74th degree of Latitude, &c. 8vo, maps and plates. London, 1825 DUMONT-D'URVILLE. Expedition an pole austral et dans I'Oc^anie des corvettes de &dLMaies.\.^V Astrolabe ex. la Zelie. 8vo, maps,/.10 Paris. SPAIN.] 307 [SPAIN. SPAIN. I. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c.— II. HISTORY.— III. LAN- GUAGE AND LITERATURE. I. GEOGRAPHY TRAVELS, &.c. HANDBOOK for Travellers in Spain and Readers at Home ; describing the Country and Cities, the Natives and their Manners, the Antiquities, Religion, Legends, Fine Arts, Literature, Sports, and Gastronomy : with Notices on Spanish History. 2d ed. l2mo, maps, 16«. London, 1847 INGLIS, (H. D.) Spain in 1830. 2d ed. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21s. London, 1837 WELLS, (N. A.) The Picturesque Antiquities of Spain ; described in a Series of Letters, with illustrations, representing Moorish Palaces, Cathedrals, and other Monuments of Art, contained in the Cities of Burgos, Valladolid, Toledo, and Seville, roy. 8vo, 2Ia London, 1846 MURPHY, (J. C.) Antiqnitiesofthe Arabs in Spain, folio, plates. . " 1816 LABORDE, (A. de.) Itin^raire descriptif de I'Espagne. 3eedn. revue, 6 vols. 8vo, et un atlas in 4to, /.24 Paris, 1827-41 CORTEZ Y LOPEZ, (Mio.) Diccionario geografico-histor. de la Espana antiqua, tarra- conese, betica y lusitana 3 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1835 MINANO, (S.) Diccionario geografico-estadistico de Elspaiia y Portugal. 10 vols. sm. 4to. Madrid, 1826 BORY DE SAINT-VINCENT. Guide dn voyageur en Espagne. 8vo. Pans, 1823 GIRAULT DB PRANGBY. Monnmentes arabes et moresques d'Espagne. folio. Paris, 1839 BERMUDEZ, (Cean.) Sumario de las antiqaedades romanas que hai en Espana. folio. Madrid, 1832 n. HISTORY. DUNHAM, (Dr.) The History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vols. 12mo, 30». London, 1832 BUSK, (Mrs.) History of Spain and Portugal. 8vo, 4*. " 1833 MAHON, (Lord.) War of the Succession in Spain. 8vo, map, 15*. London, 1832 Spain under Charles the Second ; or, Extracts from the Correspondence of the Hon. Alexander Stanhope, British Minister at Madrid, 1690-1699. Selected from the Originals at Chevening, by Lord Mahon. 2d ed. enlarged, sm. 8vo, 65. 6d. . London, 1844 PRESCOTT, (W. H.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. 3 vols. 8vo Boston, 1838 HISTORM de la vida y reinado de Ferdinando VII. de Espana, con documentos justifica- teros, ordeneo reservadas y numerosas cartas del unismo raonarca, Pio VII., Maria Luisa, Napoleon, Luis XVIII., el enfanta Don Carlos y otros personages. 3 vols. 8vo, 48s. Madrid, 1846 GAYANGOS, (Don Pascual de.) The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties In Spain. Transl. from the Text of Al-Makkari. 2 vols. 4to. . . . iMadon, 1840-43 (Oriental Translation Fund.) MURPHY, (J. C.) The History of the Mahommedan Empire in Spain 4to. London, 1816 The Arabian Antiquities of Spain, folio " 1816 CONDE, (J. A.) Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en Espana. 8vo. Paris, 1840 CIRCOURT, (le Comte.) Histoire des Mores Madajares et des Morisqnes, on des Arabes d'Espagne, sous la domination des chr6tiens. 3 vols. 8vo, /.18. . . Paris, 1845 MIGNET. Antonio Perez and Philip the Second. Transl. by C. Cocks, post 8vo, 9*. London, 1846 BORROW, (G.) The Bible in Spain ; or, the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. 12mo, 5«. Tendon, 1844 The Zincali, an Account of the Gypsies of Spain. 12mo, 5s. . . " 1845 MORON, (F. G.) Curso de Historia de la Civilizacion de Espana, lecciones pronunciadas en el liceo de Valencia y en alteneo de Madrid. 5 vols. 8vo, 35*. . Madrid, 1846 MARIANA, (J.) Historia general de Espana, illust. con notas, nnevas Tablas chronologi- cas haste le muerte del Rey Carlos III. (1789) por Don J. Saban y Blanco. 2 vols. sm. 4to. Madrid, 1817-22 MASDEU, (J. F.) Historia Critica de EspaSa, y de la Cultura espanola, escriu en italiano, trad, por N ... 2 vols. sm. 4to Madrid, 1783-1805 SPAIN.] 308 [SPAIN. n. mSTORY.— (Continued.) NAVARETTE, (S. y S. de Barada.) Colleccion de Docnmentos ineditos para lahistoria de Espana. 7 vols. 8vo, jt"5. 5s. . . .... Madrid, 1846 PAaUIS, (M.) Histoire d'Espagne et de Portugal. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1836 GUi^ROULT ET LAVALL^E. Espagne. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12. . . Paris, 1846 (L'Univers Pittoresque.) LEMBKE, (D. F. W.) Geschichte von Spanien. vol. 1-2. . . Hamb., 1830-44 DEPPING. Histoire g6nerale de I'Espagne depuis les temps les plus recuMs jusqu'k la fin da XVllIe siecle. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12 Paris, 1811 MARLIANI. Histoire politique de I'Espagne modeme, suivie d'un apergu sur les finances. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, /.16 Paris, 1841 ROMEY, (C.) Histoire d'Espagne depuis les temps les plus reculesjusqu'en 1830. nouv. 6dn. 10 vols. 8vo, pi., /.50 Pans, 1842 ROSSEW-SAINT-HILIARE. Histoire d'Espagne depuis les premiers temps historiques jusqu'k la mort de Ferdinand VII. nouv. edn. 10 vols. 8vo, /.50. . Paris, 1844 ASCARGORTA. Histoire d'Espagne, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'k nos jours, trad, de I'espagnol. nouv. 6d. 2 vols. 8vo, maps and plates, /.12. . . Paris. SANCHEZ, (J. M.) Historia legal de Espana des dela dominacion goda hastra nuestros dias. 2 vols. 8vo, 15s Madrid, 1846 ASCHBACH, (J.) Geschichte Spaniens u. Portugals znr Zeit der Herrschaft der Almoravi- den n. Almohaden. 2 vols. 8vo Frank/., 1833-37 Geschichte der Ommaijaden in Spanien, 2 vols. 8vo. . . . " 1830 RANKE, (L. VON.) L'Espagne sous Charles-Q,uint, Philippe II. et Philippe III., ou les Osmanlis et la monarchie espagnole pendant les XVIe et XVIle siecles : trad, de I'allemand. avec des notes par J. B. Haiber. 8vo, /.6 Paris, 1M5 See Alhambra. ni. LITERATURE.— (See Ballads, p. 67.) SISMONDI, (S. DE.) History of the Literature of the South of Europe. Transl. by T. Roscoe. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 7s. . . London, 1846 (Bohn's Standard Library.) BOUTERWEK, (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature. Transl. from the German by Miss Ross. 2 vols. 8vo. \ London, J 823 History of Spanish Literature, sm. 8vo, 3s. 6d " 1847 (Bogue's European Library.) DENNIS, (G.) The Cid. 18mo, Is. 6d " 1844 PUIBUSdUE, (A. DE.) Histoire compar6e des litt^ratnres espagnole et frangaise. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1843 CLARUS, (L.) Darstellung der Spanischen Literatnr des Mittelalters, mit einer Vorrede von Joseph von Goerres. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s Mainz, 1846 MULLER, ( .) Romances y Historia del Cid, con la Vida del Cid. 24mo. Paris, 1829 SANCHEZ, (Don T. A.) Colleccion de Poesias Castellanas, anteriores al Siglo XV. 4 vols. 8vo Madrid, 1779 DEPPING, (G. B.) Romancero Castellano, 6 colleccion de antiguos romances populares de los Espagnoles, publicada con una introduccion y notas. Nueva edicion, con las notas de Lon. Ant. Ale. Galiano. 3 vols. 12mo, 16s. Leipzig, 1844 ROSjI de ROMAJ^CES b Romances Sacados de las " Rosas " de Juan Timoneda, que pneden servir de suplemento a Todos los Romanceros, asi antiguos como modernos y espe- cialement al pnblicado por el Senor Don G. B. Depping, escagidos, ordenados y anotados por Don Fernado Jose Wolf. 12mo Leipzig, 1846 (Forms vol. 3 of the above.) LANGUAGE. L Grammars. OLLENDORFF'S Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language. 12mo. . , . New- York, D. A. & Co. (In preparation.) MEADOWS, (F. C.) New Grammar of the Spanish Language ; comprehending in a most simple, easy, and concise manner, everything necessary to its complete Acquirement. 18mo, Is.Qd London, 1846 ORAMATICJl de la lengua castellana, por la real Academia espaiiola. 5e edn. 8vo. Madrid, 1821 La meme, trad, et mise k I'usaee des Francais par Chalumean de Vemeuil. 2 vols. 8vo *...... Paris, 18«1 SPAIN.] 309 [sports. LANGUAGE— ( Coniinued.) II. Dictionaries. MEADOWS, (F. C.) Spanish and English Dictionary. 18mo, 7s. . London, 1846 DICCIOJfjlRIO de la lengua castellana, reducido. 4to. . . . Madrid, 1837 edicion abreviada, por D. G. V. Arnao. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1826 NEUMAN & BARETTI'S Dictionary of the Sj)anish and English Languages ; wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Merchandize, Navigation, and Trade, elucidated. 5th edition, greatly improved, by M. Seoane, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo, 32*. London. 1837 SALVA. Nueva diccionario de la lingua Castellana, que comprende la nltima edicion Inte- gra, mny rectificada y mysrada, del publicado por la academia espanola. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, 24* Pans, 1847 NUNEZ DE TABOADA. Diction, francais-espagnol et espagnol-fran^ais. 8e 6dit. 2 vols. 8vo ' Paris, 1840 DICTIOJSr. francais-espagnol et espagnol-francais par F. Maurel et P. Martines Lopez. 2 vols. 8vo Paris, 1840 DlCCIOJ^JiRIO de la lengua Castellana, per la real Academia Espanola, nueva edicion- hecha, segun la ultima de Madrid bajo la direccion de J. R. Masson. 4to,/.12. Paris, 1841 CAPMANY. Art de traducir el idioma frances al castellano revisito y aumentado por Ga- liano y Salva. 12mo,/.3 Paris, 1835 McHENRY, (L. J. A.) Synonymes of the Spanish Language Explained ; intended as an Appendix to all English-Spanish Dictionaries. 12mo, 5^. &d. . . London, 1826 VALBUENA, (M. DE.) Diccionario universal latino-espafiol. 5th edn. folio, /.30. Madrid, 1826 SPORTS AND PASTIMES.— (See Angling, Chess, &c.) SMITH, (H.) Festivals, Games, and Amusements. l2mo, 65. (Reprinted, New-York, H. & Bro's.) London, 1834 STRUTT, (J.) The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, in- cluding the Domestic Recreations, May-games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, and Pompous Spectacles from the Earliest Period to the Pre- sent time. Ed. by W. Hone. 8vo, 14s. . . . London, 1834 Tijr£ ^OFS Treasury of Sports and Pastimes. 12mo, 7s. 6d. . " 1843 BLAINE, (D. P.) An Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports ; or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. Illustrated by nearly 600 engravings on wood, by R. Branston, from drawings by Aiken, T. Landseer, Dickes, &c. 1 very thick vol. 8vo, 50s London, 1840 SCROPE, (W.) Days of Deer-Stalking in the Forest of Athol : with some Account of the Nature and Habits of the Red Deer, Scottish Forests, Legends, Superstitions, Poachers, Freebooters, &c. 3d ed. 8vo, woodcuts from C. Landseer's Designs. 20s. London, 1846 JOHNSON, (T. B.) The Shooter's Preceptor ; containing Practical Instructions in the Choice, Breaking, and Management of the Dogs used in Shooting, the Art of Shooting Flying, &c. 12mo, 4s. London, 1844 LACY, (Capt.) The Modern Shooter : containing Practical Instmctions and Directions for every description of Inland and Coast Shooting. 8vo, 21s. . . London, 1846 COLdUHOUN. The Moor and the Loch ; containing oractical hints on Highland Sports, and Notices of the Habits of the different Creatures of Game and Prey in the mountain- ous districts of Scotland. 8vo, woodcuts. Edinb. HAWKER, (P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all tJiat relates to Gans and Shoot- ing. 9th edition, with plates and woodcuts. 8vo, 21s. . . . London, 18^4 MARTINGALE'S Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. 8vo, woodcuts, sq. 8vo, 21s. London, 1€40 NIMROD, (C. AppERLY.) Hunting Reminiscences, comprising memoirs of Masters of Hounds ; Notices of the Crack Riders ; and characteristics of the Hunting Counties of England. 1 vol. 8vo, plates. London. Life of a Sportsman. 1 vol. 8vo, with 36 finely coloured plates, by Aiken. '* The Chase, the Turf, and the Road. 2d edn., illnst. 8vo, 9s. 6d. . London, 1843 LLOYD, (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, 16*. " See Hone's Every Day Book, &c. STARS.] 310 [steam, etc. STARS. — (Catalogues of,) see p. 57. BRITISH ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS. LALANDE. A Catalogue of 47,390 Stars, for the beginning of the year 1800, from the Observations of Lalande, in the Histoire Celeste Frangaise. Reduced under the super- intendence of F. Baily. 21s. London, 1847 LACAILLE, (Abbe de.) A Catalogue of 9,766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere for the beginning of the Year 1750, from Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope in the Years n51-1752. Reduced under the superintendence of the late Professor Henderson, and printed under the direction of the late F. Baily. With a Preface by Sir J. F. W. Herschell. 5s London, 1847 BAILY, (F.) Catalogue of Stars ; containing the Mean Right Ascensions and North Polar Distances of 8,377 Fixed Stars, reduced to January 1, 1850 : together with their Annual Precessions, Secular Variations, and Proper Motions, as well as the Logarithmic Constants for Computing Precession, Aberration, and Nutation : with a Preface Explanatory of their Construction and Application, imp. 8vo, 63s London, 1845 STARS.— (Maps of,) see page 56. STATICS.— (See page 218.) POINSOT. Elements of Statics. Translated from the French, with Notes, &c., by T. Sutton. 8vo, 21s • . . . London, 1847 STATISTICS. MACGREGOR. Commercial Statistics : being a digest of the Productive Resources, Com- mercial Legislation, Customs, Tariffs, Navigation, Port, and Quarantine Laws, and Charges. Shipping, Imports, and Exports, and the Moneys, Weights, and Measures of all Nations ; including all British Commercial Treaties with Foreign States ; compiled from authentic records, and consolidated with especial reference to British and Foreign Products, Trade, and Navigation. 3 vols. 8vo, 94s. Gd London, 1846-47 PORTER, (G. R.) The Progress of the Nation, in its various Social and Economical Rela- tions from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Present time. 2d edn. 8vo, 24s. London, 1846 SPACEMAN, (W. F.) Statistical Tables of the Agriculture, Shipping, Colonies, Manu- factures, Commerce, and Population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and its De- pendencies. Brought down to the Year 1843, Compiled from Official Returns. 12mo, 5s. London, 1843 NEUMANN, (C. F.) Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iiber Lander und Volkerkunde, nnd allge- meine Statistik. 8vo Munich, 1840 HALLOY, (D. d'.) Notions Elementaires de Statisque. 8vo. . . Paris, 184Q See Statistical Journal. Companions to British Almanac. American Almanac. Macgregor's Progress of America, etc. STEAM AND STEAM ENGINE. HODGE, (P. R.) The Steam Engine : its Origin and gradual Improve- ment, from the time of Hero to the present day, as adapted to Manufac- tures, Locomotion, and Navigation. Illustrated with 48 Plates in full detail, numerous woodcuts, &c. One volume folio of Plates, and letter- press in 8vo, $10 New-York, D. A. & Co. ARTIZAN CLUB. Steam Engine. A Treatise on the Steam Engine, in its Application to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, and Railways. By the Artizan Club. Edited by J. Bourne. 4to, illustrated by 30 plates and 349 engravings on wood, 27*. London, 1846 RUSSELL, (J. S.) On the Nature, Properties, and Application of Steam, and on Steam Navigation. 8vo, 95 . . London, 1841 A Treatise on the Steam Engine. 8vo, plates, 95. . . . . " 1841 LARDNER, (Dr.) The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated ; with an Account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement (including a Life of Watt), and its Application to Navigation and Railways. 7th ed. 1 vol. 8vo, numerous engravings, 12*. London, 1840 TREDGOLD on the Steam Engine and on Steam Navigation ; comprising an Account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement, with an Investigation of its Principles, and the Proportions of its Parts for Efficiency and Strength ; detailing also its Application to Navigation, Mining, Impelling Machines, &c., and the Result in numerous Tables for Practical Use ; with Notes, Corrections, and New Examples, relating to Locomotive and other Engines ; with the Appendices. In 4 vols. 4to, plates in folio, £9. 9s. London, 1839 STENOGRAPHY.] 311 [sURGERY. STEAM AND STEAM Bl^GmE.— {Continued.) ALBAN, (E.) The High-Pressnre Steam Engine investigated : an Investigation of its comparative Merits, and an Essay towards an Improved System of Construction, adapted especially to secure Safety and Economy in its use. Translated from the German, with Notes, by William Pole. Parts 1 and 2, with 6 plates, 8vo, 7*. . . London, 1847 PAMBOUR, (F. M. G.) The Theory of the Steam Engine. 2d ed. 8vo, 12*. London, 1842 GORDON, (W.) The Economy of the Marine Steam Engine ; with Suggestions for its Im- provement, and Notes upon various subjects connected with Steam. 8vo, 6 plates, 10s. 6d. London, 1845 FAREY, (J.) A Treatise on the Steam Engine, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive. 4to, woodcuts, and 25 copperplates, £5. 5s. London, 1827 REID, (H.) The Steam Engine: being a popular Description of the Mode of Action of that Engine, as ajjplied to Raising Water, Machinery, Navigation, Railways, &c. ; with a Sketch of its History, and an Account of the Laws of Heat and Pneumatics. Illustrated by a number of wood" engravings. 12mo, 38 woodcuts, 4*. M. . . London, 1840 WICKSTEED, (T.) Observations upon Cornish and Boulton and Watt Boilers and Pump- ing Engines ; with Tables of Detail and Results of Experiments. 4to, 6s. London, 1841 GALLOWAY and HEBERT. History of the Steam Engine. 8vo, 18s. " STUART, (R.) Historical and Descriptive Anecdotes of the Steam Engine. 2 vols. 18mo, 21s London, 1829 Descriptive History of the Steam Engine. 8vo " 1824 THE EJ^OI^TEER and Machinist's Assistant, being a Series of Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Steam Engines, Spinning Machines, Mills for Grinding, Tools, &c., taken from Machines of approved construction, etc. : with Descriptions. 2 vols, folio. aiasgow, 1847 STENOGRAPHY. LEWIS, (J. H.) An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Ste- nography. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London, 1816 Contains an Examination of the various Systems of Short-Hand down to that date. GAWTRESS, (W.) Practical Introduction to Short-Hand. 12mo, 4*. London. TAYLOR, (S.) System of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing. Improved by Harding. 8vo, 6s. London. HARDING, (W.) System of Short-Hand. 12mo, 3s. 6d " BRADLEY, (G.) Concise and Practical System of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing ; with a brief History of the Progress of the Art ; illustrated by 16 engraved Lessons and Exercises. 12mo, 3s London, 1843 DAVIDSON, (J. B.) A New System of Short-Hand ; or, Stenography more easy of at- tainment and transcription, and one-third briefer than the most popular system extant. 12mo, 2s Leeds, 1846 STORMS.— (See Meteorology, p. 247.) REDFIELD, (W. C.) Courses of Hurricanes. 8vo. iVeto-ForAr, 1838 See papers by this water in Silliman's Journal, etc. REID, (CoL. W.) An Attempt to develojie the Law of Storms, etc. 2d ed. roy. 8vo, 16s. London, 1846 SUGAR. EVANS, (W. J.) The Sugar Planter's Manual : being a Treatise on the Art of obtaining Sugar from the Sugar Cane. 8vo. . London, 1847 PORTER, (G. R.) The Tropical Agriculturist. 8vo, 21s. ..." 1833 The Nature and Properties of the Sugar Cane ; with Practical Directions for the Im- provement of its Culture, and the Manufacture of iU Products. 8vo, plates, 12s. ^ London, 1843 SUMATRA. MARSDEN, (W.) History of Sumatra. 3d ed. 4to. London, 1811 ANDERSON, (J.) Acheen, and Ports on the Coasts of Sumatra. 8vo, 7s. 6. A. &. Co. BENNETT, (W. J. E.) A Guide to the Holy Eucharist. 2 vols. 12mo, London, 1842 The Eucharist ; its History, Doctrine, and Practice, with Meditations and Prayers suit- able to that Holy Sacrament. 2d ed. 8vo London, 1846 NELSON, (R.) The Great Duty of frequenting the Cluistian Sacrifice, and the nature of the preparation required ; with suitable Devotions, etc. New edition, with Memoirs by W. B. Hawkins. 12mo London, 1841 BICKERSTETH, (E.) Treatise on the Lord's Supper : designed as a Guide and Com- panion to the Holy Communion. Edited by the Rev. L. P. Balch. 12mo, 75c. JVea?- For*, D. A. & Co. SUTTON, (C.) Godly Meditations upon the most Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 12mo ^Tew- York, D. A. & Co., 1841 BRADLEY, (C.) Sermons, preached chiefly at the Celebration of the Lord's Supper. 8vo. JSTew-York, D. A. & Co. DODS WORTH, (W.) Discourses on the Lord's Supper. 18mo. . London, 1835 BEVERIDGE, (W.) The Great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer and frequent Communion, designed to revive Primitive Piety. 18mo. . . . JVeto- York, 1845 EVIDENCES. SEWELL, (W.) Popular Evidences of Christianity. 12rao, 7s. 6d. . . London. SUMNER, (Bp.) The Evidence of Christianity derived from its Nature and Reception. 8vo, 10s. 6rf ; r2mo, 6s. London. A COLLECTION of all the Works, Tracts, and Essays of the most established Authors who have written upon the Evidences of Christianity. 5 vols. roy. 8vo. London, 1845 See Paley's Evidences. Grotius, de Veritate Christ. Relig., transl. by Madan. Baxter's Works. Barrow^'s Works. Abaddie, de la Verite. Allix's Re- flections. Locke's Reasonableness of Christianity. Lardner's Credibility. Doddridge's Evidences. Chalmers' Evidences. J. P. Smith's Scripture Testi- mony. Hampden's Essay on the Philosophical Evidence of Christianity. Keith's Evidence. Bp. Wilson's Evidences. Bp. McIlvaine's Evidences. EXODUS. BUSH, (G.) (Questions and Notes, critical and practical, upon the Book of Exodus. 12mo. Kew-Yark, 1832 BUDDICOM, (R. P.) Christian Exodus, or the Deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, practically considered in a Series of Discourses. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . London, 1826 EZEKIEL. GREENHILL, (G.) Exposition of the Prophecy of Ezekiel. imp. 8vo, 25s. Lond., 1837 NEWCOME, (Abp. W.) Attempt towards an Improved Version, a Metrical Arrangement, and an Explanation of the Prophet Ezekiel. 8vo, 8s. . . . Z,on CALVIN'S Comment, in Genes., ed. E. Hengstenbei^. 2 vols. 8vo, 10«. Berlin, 1838 GEOGRAPHY. — (See Jerusalem, Palestine.) WILSON, (J.) The Lands of the Bible Visited and Described, in an extensive Journey undertaken with special reference to the promotion of Biblical Research, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, Maps and Plates, 36s London, 1847 FLEMING, (W.) The Scripture Gazetteer. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. . . . Edinb., 1838 WELLS, (E.) Geo^aphy of the Old and Newr Testament. 2 vols. 8vo, 15*. Lond., 1819 ROSENMULLER, (E. F. C.) The Biblical Geography of Central Asia. Transl. by N. Morren. 2 vols. 12mo ... Edinb., 1836-37 Atlases. HUGHES, (W.) An Illuminated Atlas of Scripture Geography ; a Series of Maps deline- ating the Physical and Historical Features in the Geography of Palestine, and the Adja- cent Countries, with Explanations and Index, large 8vo. . . . London, 1840 GNOSTICISM. MATTER, (J.) Histoire Critique du gnoticism et de son influence sur le sectes religieuses et nhilosophiques des six premiers siecles de I'^re chr^tienne. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris, 1843 See Burton's Bampton Lectures. Riddle's Christian Antiquities. GiEaELia's Text-Book of Eccles History, etc. GOSPELS. ELSLEY, (J.) Annotations on the Gospels and Acts. 2 vols. 8vo, 21«. Oxon., 1833 CAMPBELL, (G.) The Four Gospels, transl. from the Greek, with Preliminary Disserta- tions and Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s London, 1834 BLUNT, (J. J.) Veracity of the Gospels and Acts, argued from the undesigned coincidences to be found in them, &c. 12mo, 5s. M London. SUMNER, (Bp.) Exposition of the Four Gospels. 8vo and 12rao, 9*. London, 1831 WATSON, (R.) Expositions of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, and of some other parts of Holy Scripture, roy. 8vo, 18s London, 1833 BLADE, (J.) Plain Remarks on the Four Gospels. 12mo, 3s. 6d. . . " ADAM, (T.) Exposition of the Four Gospels, 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. . . " 1837 OLSHAUSEN, (H.) Biblical Commentary on the Gospeb, translated by Dr. Lowe. 8vo, vol. 1-, 10s. 6d Edinb., 1847 See Stanhope's Paraphrase. Newcome's Harmony. Forster's Harmony, &c. HARMONIES. TOWNSEND, (G.) Old and New Testament arranged in Historical and Chronological Order, in such manner that the Books, Chapters, &c., may be read in one connected his- tory in the very words of the authorized translation, with copious Notes and Indexes. new ed. 4 vols. 8vo, 80s London, 1825-26 (Reprinted, Boston, 1827.) GRESWELL, (E.) Harmonia Evangelica, sive Quatuoi Evangelia Graece pro Temporis et Rerum Serie in Partes quinqne distributa. 8vo, 12s Oxon., 1830 Prolegomena ad Harmonium Evangelicum. 8vo " 1840 MIMPRISS, (R.) A Harmony of the Four Gospels in the English authorized Version, ar- ranged according to Greswell's Harmonia Evangelica in Greek, etc. 8vo. I^nd., 1833 6ENESTE, (M.) The Parallel Histories of Judah and Israel, with copious Explanatory Notes. 2 vols. roy. 8vo London, 1843 GRESWELL Dissertations upon the Principles and Arrangement of a Harmony of the Gospels. 2d ed. 5 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1837 ROBINSON, (E.) A Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek, according to the Text of Hahn. Newly arranged, with Explanatory Notes. 8vo. . . . Boston, 1845 The same, in English. 8vo. . . Boston, 1846 FORSTER, (J.) The Gospel Narrative, according to the Authorized Text of the Evan- gelists, without repetition or omission ; with a continuous Exposition, Marginal Proofs in full, and Notes briefly collected from the best Critics and Commentators, roy. 8vo, 16s. London, 1845 See Newcome's Harmony. Griesbach's Synopsis. De Wette et Lucre's Sy- nopsis. White's Diatessaron. Willans' United Gospel. Rodiqer's Synopsis. Clausen's ttuatuor Evangeliorum. Currey's Four Gospels, 4to, 1834, etc. THEOLOGY.] 332 [tHEOLOGY. HEBREW LANGUAGE. I. Grammars. GESENIUS'S Hebrew Grammar, fourteenth edition, as revised by Dr. E. Rodiger. Translated by T. J. Conant, with the Modifications of the Editions subsequent to the Eleventh, by Dr. Davies, of Stepney College, London. To which are added a Course of Exercises in Hebrew Grammar and a Hebrew Chrestomathy, by the Translator. J^ew-York, D. A. & Co., 1846 GESENIUS, (W.) Lehrgebande der hebraischen Sprache. 8vo. . Leipzig, 1817 EWALD, (G. H. A.) Ausfiihrl. Krit. Grammatik der hebraischen Sprache. 8vo, 9s. Hanov., 1827 Ausfiihrl, Lehrbuch der hebraischen Sprache. 8vo, 10s. . . " 1844 A Grammar of the Hebrew Language of the Old Testament. Translated by J. Nicholson. 8vo London, 1836 ROORDA, (T.) Grammatica Hebraeae. 2 vols. 8vo iw^rf., 1831-34 BUSH, (G.) A Grammar of the Hebrew Language: with a brief Chrestomathy for the Use of Beginners. 12mo. JVew- York, 1839 STUART, (M.) A Hebrew Grammar, with a Copious Syntax and Praxis. 8vo. Andover, 1831 NORDHEIMER, (I.) A Critical Grammar of the Hebrew Language. 2 vols. 8vo. J^ew-York, 1845 II. Lexicons. GESENIUS, (Dr. W.) Thesaurus philologico-criticus linguae hebraeae et chaldaeae Veteris Testamenti. 2d edn., vols. 1, 2, 3, 60s Zctpzi;?-, 1828-42 A Hebrew Lexicon to the Books of the Old Testament ; including the Geographical Names and Chaldaic Words in Daniel, Ezra, &c. Transl. by C. Leo. 2 vols. 4to. Cambridge, 1825-28 A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Transl. from the Latin by Edw. Robinson, D.D. 3d edn. 8vo. Boston, 1847 Transl. by S. P. Tregelles. 4to London, 1846 NEWMAN, (Selig.) An English Hebrew Lexicon, etc. 8vo. . . " 1832 JOSEPHS, (M.) An English and Hebrew Lexicon : to which is added a Selection of Proper Names occurring in Scripture and in the Rabbinical Writings. 8vo. London, 1832 PARKHURST, (J.) An Hebrew and English Lexicon without Points ; in which the He- brew and Chaldee Words of the Old Testament are explained in their leading and derived senses, etc. roy. 8vo London. Chrestomathia, &C. STUART, (M.) A Hebrew Chrestomathy. Bvo. .... Jlndover, 1838 A Course of Hebrew Study. 2 vols. 8vo " NORDHEIMER, (I.) Hebrew Chrestomathy. 8vo. . . . J\rcw-York, 1838 HEBREW Reading Lessons : consisting of the First Four Chapters of the Book of Gene- sis, and the Eighth Chapter of the Proverbs, with a Grammatical Praxis and an Interlinear Translation, sm. 8vo London, 1845 FiJRST, (J.) Concordantae libr. Vet. Test. Hebraicae Atque Chaldaicae. folio, 84s. Leipzig, 1842 EWALD, (H.) AusfUhrliches Lehrbuch der Hebraischen Sprache des Alten Bundes. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844 EWALD, (H.) und DUKES, (L.) Beitrage zur Geschichte der altesten Auslegnng und Spracherklarung des alten Testaments. 8vo. . . , . . Stuttgart, 1844 HEBREW POETRY. LOWTH, (Bp.) Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, Transl. from the Latin, by G. Gregory. 8vo London, 1839 JEBB, (Bp.) Sacred Literature. 8vo " 1828 HERDER, (J. G.) The Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. Transl. by J. Marsh. 2 vols. 12mo. Burlington, Vt., 1833 GAUNTER, (J. H.) Poetry of the Pentateuch. 2 vols. 8vo. . . London, 1829 BOYS, (T.) Tacita Sacra : an attempt to develope, and to exhibit to the Eye, by tabular arrangements, a general rule of Composition prevailing in the Holy Scriptures. 4to. London, 1824 HEBREWS. ANDERSON, (J. S. M.) The Cloud of Witnesses : a Series of Discourses on the Eleventh and part of the Twelfth Chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Vol. 1, 2d edition, 8vo, 10s. 6d London, 1845 THEOLOGY.] 333 [THEOLOGY. HEBREWS.— ( Continued.) FORSTER, (C.) The Apostolical Authority of the Epistle to the Hebrews ; comprising a Comparative Analysis oi the Style and Structure of this Epistle, and of the undisputed Epistles of St. Paul ; tending to throw light upon their Interpretation. 8vo, 21j», London, 1838 THOLUCK, (A.) Comment, on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols. 12mo, 10*. EdivA. (Bibhcal Cabinet.) OWEN, (J.) Expos, of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews, etc. 7 vols. 8vo, 73*. M. Edinb., 1813-14 The Same, revised and abridged, with Life, &c., by Ed. Williams. 4 vols. 8vo, 30». London, 1840 STUART, (M.) Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols. 8vo. Andover, 1827 See Calvin's Commentary on Hebrews. Carpozovius, Exerc. in Pauii Epist. ad Hebrffios, ex Philone Alexandrino, etc. Ernksti's Lectiones. Kuinoel's Commentar. Jones of Nayland's Works. Gukrike, Handb. der Kirchenge- schichte. HEXAPLA. THE EJ^OLISH Hexapla ; the New Testament Greek Scriptures, in type of remarkable size and beauty, with the Authorized English Translation, and the Five other English Translations of Wiclif, Tyndale, Cranmer, Geneva, and Rheims. The Six Versions all placed in Parallel Columns. 4to, 42* Bagster, London. HEXAPLA PSALTER. Hebrew, Greek, Latin. 2d Latin, English. 2d Englbh. 4to, 15«. Bagster, London. fflSTORY, Ecclesiastical. 1. Introductions, &c. GEISELER, (J. C. J.) A Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History. Transl. from the 3d Ger- man edition, by F. Cunningham. 3 vols. 8vo Philad., 1842 MOSHELM, (J. L.) Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern. A New and Literal Translation from the original Latin, with copious additional Notes, original and selected, by J. Murdock, D. D. 3 vols. 8vo. . . . H. Bro's, J^ew-York. The same, Edited, with Additions, by the Rev. H. Soames. A new and revised edition. 4 vols. 8vo, 48* London, 1845 An Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern, from the Birth of Christ to the Be- ginning of the Eighteenth Century. Translated from the Latin, and accompanied with Notes and Chronological Tables, by Archibald Maclaine, D. D. With Index. 8vo, 9*. Glasgow, 1845 DOWLING, (J. G.) Introduction to the Critical Study of Ecclesiastical History. 8vo, 12*. London, 1838 BATES, (W.) College Lectures on Ecclesiastical History, sm. 8vo, 9*. " 1845 JORTIN, (J.) Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. Edited, with copious Notes and an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by the Rev. William Trollope, M. A. 2 vols. 8vo, 20* London, 1846 TOWNSEND, (G.) Ecclesiastical and Civil History Philosophically considered, with refer- ence to the Future Re-union of Christians : from the Ascension of our Lord to the Death of Wycliffe. 2 vols. 8vo, 32* London, 1847 CAMPBELL, (G.) Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. 8vo, 9*. . . " 1834 FLEURY. The Ecclesiastical History of M. L'Abb6 Fleury, from A. D. 400 to A. D. 429. Transl., with Notes. 8vo, vols. 1-3, each 10*. 6d. . . . Oxford, 1843 5 vols. 4to. London, 1727 BURTON, (E.) Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical History of the First Three Centuries, from the Crucifixion to the Year 313. 3d edn. 8vo Oxford, 1845 KAYE, (Bp.) The Ecclesiastical History of the Second and Third Centuries ; illustrated from the Writings of TertuUian. 3d edn. 8vo, 13* London, 1845 NEALE, (J. M.) A History of the Holy Eastern Church— The Patriarchate of Alexan- dria. 2 vols. 8vo, 24* London, 1847 SOZOMEN. A History of the Church, in Nine Books, from A. D. 324 to A. D. 440. A new Translation from the Greek, with a Memoir of the Author. 8vo, 7*. London, 1846 EVAGRIUS. History of the Church, in Six Books, from A. D. 431 to A. D. 594. A New Translation from the Greek : with an Account of the Author and his Writings. 8vo, 7* London, 1845 EUSEBIUS. An Ecclesiastical History of the Twentieth Year of the Reign of Constan- tine, being the 324th of the Christian Era. By Eusebius, surnamed Pamphilus, Bishop of Csesarea. Tran.slated by the Rev. C. F. Cruse, D. D., Professor in St. Paul's College, Flushing, New- York. 3d edn., carefully revised ; to which is prefixed, the Life of Euse- bius, by Volesius, translated by S. E. Parker, of Philadelphia. 8vo, 7*. London, 1842 Life of Constantine, Oration, &c. 8vo, 7* " 1843 THEOLOGY.] 334 [THEOLOGY. HISTORY, Ecclesiastical. — ( Continued.) SOCRATES. History of the Church, from the Accession of Constantine, A. D. 306, to the 36th Year of Theodosius, A. D., 445. Transl. from the Greek, with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. 8vo, 7^ London, 1844 THEODORETUS. A History of the Church, in Five Books, from A. D. 322, to the Death of Theodore of Mopsuestia, A. D. 427. A New Translation from the Original : with a Memoir of the Author, an Account of his Writings, and the Chronology of the Events recorded. 8vo, 7*. London, 1843 DOLLINGER, (Rkv. J. J. Ig.) The History of the Church. Transl. by the Rev. Ed- ward Cox, D. D. 8vo, vols. 1-4, 34s London. 2. England. COLLIER, (J.) The Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, New edn., without Notes or Comment. 9 vols. 8vo, 94s. 6d. London, 1847 STILLINGFLEET, (Bp.) Origines Britannicae ; or, the Antiquities of the British Churches. With a Preface, concerning some pretended Antiquities relating to Britain. 8vo, 9s. 6d London, 1840 With Notes by Pantin. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s Oxon., 1842 CARD WELL, (E.) Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England ; being a Collection of Injunctions, Declarations, Orders, Articles of Inquiry, &c., from the year ' 1546 to the year 1716 ; with Notes, Historical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo, 17s. Oxford, 1839 FULLER, (T.) Church History of Britain. 3 vols. 8vo, 24s. . . London, 1837 HART, (R.) Ecclesiastical Records of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the 15th Century till the Reformation ; being an Epitome of British Councils, the Legatine and Provincial Constitutions, and other Memorials of the Olden Time, with Prolegomena and Notes. 2d edn., much enlarged. 8vo, 12s Cambridge, 1846 SHORT, (Bp.) History of the Church of England ; embracing Copious Histories of the Thirty-nine Articles, &c. 4th edn. 8vo, 16s London. CARWITHEN, (J. B. S.) History of the Church of England. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. London, 1829-33 SMITH, (G.) The Religion of Ancient Britain Historically considered ; or, a succinct Account of the several Religious Systems which have obtained in this Island from the Earliest Times to the Norman Conquest, including an Investigation into the Early Pro- gress of Error in the Christian Church, the Introduction of the Gospel into Britain, and the State of Religion in England till Popery had gained the Ascendancy. 2d edn. 8vo, 7s. 6£f " . London. BED^ Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglornm. Cum Opusculis qnibusdam et Epis- tola Bouifacii ad Cudburtum Archiepiscopum. Cura Roberti Hussey, B. D. 7s. Gd. Oxon., 1846 DODD'S Church History of England, from the commencement of the Sixteenth Century to the Revolution in 1688 : with Notes, Additions, and a Continuation, by the Rev. M. A. Tierney. 8vo, vols. 1-5, each 12s. London, 184 — 43 SOAMES, (Hy.) Elizabethan Religious History. Bvo, 16s. . . . London. FIELD, (R.) The Book of the Church. New edn., ed. by J. S. Brewer. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1, 15s London, 1843 SOUTHEY, (R.) The Book of the Church. Bvo, 12s •• 1841 3. Scotland. STEPHEN, (T.) History of the Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Present Time. 4 vols. Bvo, portraits, 52s London, 1844 COOK, (G.) History of the Church of Scotland. 3 vols. Bvo, 36s. . . London. History of the Reformation in Scotland. 3 vols. Bvo, 36s. ..." LAWSON, (J. P.) The Episcopal Church of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Revo- lution. Bvo, 15s London, 1844 DRUMMOND, (D. T. K.) Historical Sketch of Episcopacy in Scotland, from 1688 to the present time ; with Appendix. 12mo, 3s. 6d. .... Edinburgh, 1845 4. Ireland. BRENAN, (Rev. M. J.) An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the introduction of Christianity into that Country to the Year 1829. 2 vols. Bvo. . . Dublin, 1840 CAREW, (Rev. P. J.) An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the introduction of Christianity into that Country to the commencement of the Xlllth century. 8vo. Dublin, 1835 LANIGAN, (Rev. Jno.) An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the first introduction of Christianity among the Irish, to the beginning of the Xlllth century. 4 vols. Bvo. Dublin, 1829 THEOLOGY.] 335 [THEOLOGY. HISTORY, Ecclesiastical. — ( Continued.) 6. Connections. SHUCKFORD, (S.) Connection of Sacred and Profane History. 2 vols. 8vo, 305. London, 1819 PRIDEAUX, (H.) Connection of the History of the Old and New TestamenU. 2 vols. 8vo, 205 London, 1838 RUSSELL, (M.) Connection of Sacred and Profane History. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. London, 1827 HOSEA. HORSLEY, (S.) Hosea ; transl. from the Hebrew, with Notes, Explanatory and Critical. 2d edn. 4to London, 1804 STUCK, (J. C.) Hoseas Propheta. 8vo Lipsia, 1828 HUGUENOTS. BROWNING, (W. S.) History of the Huguenots, from 1598 to 1838. 8vo, 6*. London, 1842 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION in France ; or, the History of the Huguenots. 2 vols. 8vo, with Portraits from Original Paintings, &c., 30*. . . London, 1847 HYMNS. CHANDLER, (J.) Hymns of the Primitive Church, now first collected, ananged and translated. 12mo, 5* London. HYMNS translated from the Parisian Breviary. 18mo, 55. 6d. ... " HYMNS OF THE CHURCH, pointed as they are to be Chanted, set to Music by Thos. Tallis. 12mo, 25 London, 1846 DANIEL, (H. A.) Thesaurus Hymnologicus, sive hymnornm canticorum sequentiarnm circa annum M.D. usitatarum collectio amplissima. Vols. 1-2-, I85. . Lips., 1838-44 INQUISITION. LLORENTE, (J. A.) History of the Inquisition of Spain. 8vo, 15*. . London. See LiMBORCH, Historia Inquisitionis. Gonsalvii, Inqnisitionis Hispanicse Artes, etc, / INTERPRETATION. CONYBEARE, (J. J.) Sermons at Bampton Lecture, 1824, being an attempt to trace the History and to ascertain the Limits of the Secondary and Spiritnd Interpretation of Scrip- ture. 8vo. Oxon., 1824 DAVIDSON, (S.) Sacred Hermenentics Developed and Applied : including a History of Biblical Interpretation from the Earliest of the Fathers to the Reformation. 8vo, 2I5. Edinb., 1843 See Klauskn, Hermeneutik des Neuen Test. 1841. Wilke, Die Hermeneutik des Neuen Testamen. Systemat. dargestellt. 1843. Schleiermacher Hermeneutik und Kritik mit besonder Bezeihung auf das Neuen Test, herans. von Liicke, 1838. INTRODUCTIONS. I. General. HORNE, (T. H.) An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, by T. H. Home. 9th edition, corrected and enlarged. 5 vols. 8vo, maps and fac-similes. 635 London, 1846 A Compendious Introduction to the Study of the Bible. 6th edn. 12mo, 95. London, 1839 BICKERSTETH, (E.) A Scripture Help, designed to assist in reading the Bible Profitably. 8vo, and 12mo. . . . . . . London. CARPENTER, (W.) Biblical Companion, or Introduction to the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures, imp. 8vo, I85 London, 1836 COLLYER, (D.) Sacred Interpreter: or a Practical Introduction towards a beneficial reading and thorough understanding of the Holy Bible. 12th edn. 8vo, maps, IO5. 6«f. Oxford, 1831 See Janssen's Hermeneut Sacr. Stow's Introdnct. n. Old Test. DbWETTE, (W. M. L.) a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical Scrip- tures of the Old Testament. Transl. from the German, and enlarged by Theo. Parker. 2 vols. 8vo Boston, 1843 THEOLOGY.] 336 [THEOLOGY. INTRODQCTIONS.— ( Continued.) JAHN, (J.) Intro, to the O. T. Translated from the Latin and German Works of Jann, by Saml. Turner, D.D., and the Rev. W. R. Whittingham. 8vo. . JVewJ-ForA, 1827 EICHORN, (J. G.) Einleitung ins Alte Testament. 4 vols. Bvo. . Leipzig, 1823-24 H'AVERNICK, (H. a. C.) Handb. der Histor, Krit. Einleitung in das Alte Testament. Vol. I, 8vo Erlangen, 1837 m. New Test. HUG, (J. L.) An Introduction to the Writings of the New Testament. Transl. by D. Fosdick, Jr., with Notes by Prof. Stuart. 8vo Jindover, \9>'31 MICHAELIS, (J. D.) An Introduction to the New Testament. Translated by H. Marsh. 4 vols. 8vo Camb., 1818 See Gray & Percy's Key. Steigkr's Intro, G6nerale aux Livres du Nouveaux Test. Bvo. Geneve et Paris, 1837. ISAIAH. LOWTH, (R.) Isaiah, a new Translation, with Notes, Stc. 11th edn. 8vo, 6s. London, 1835 HENDERSON, (E.) The Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Transl. with a Commentary, etc, 8vo London, 1840 BARNES, (A.) Notes ; Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. 2 vols. 12mo JVewj-ForA, 1847 JENOUR, (A.) The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, translated from the Hebrew ; with Criti- cal and Explanatory Notes, and Practical Remarks ; to which is prefixed, a Preliminary Dissertation on the Nature and Use of Prophecy. 2 vols. 8vo, 24s. . London., 1840 JONES, (J.) Isaiah, translated from the Hebrew Text of Van der Hooght. 12mo, 5s. Oxford, 1830 GESENIUS, (W.) Der Prophet Jesaia Ubers. u. mit einen vollstand. philolog. Krit. u. Histor. Commentar begleitet. 3 vols. 8vo, 32s. .... Leipzig, 1821-29 HENDEWERK, (C. L.) des Propheten Jesaja Weissagungen iibersetz. n. erkliirt. 2 vols. 8vo, 203 Konigs., 1838-44 HITZIG, (F.) der Prophet Jesaja iibersetz. u. ausgelegt. 8vo. 15s. . Heidelb., 1833 See Umbreit's Commentar. Alexander's Isaiah. 2 vols. JAMES. MANTON, (T.) Commentary, with Notes, on the Epistle of James. 8vo, 5s. London. SUMNER, (Bp.) Exposition of St. James, Peter, &c. 8vo, 9s. , London, 1840 JEREMIAH. BLAYNEY, (B.) Jeremiah and Lamentations : a New Translation, with Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory. 8vo London, 1836 See Umbreit's Commentar, Vol. 2. JERUSALEM, (See Palestine.) WILLIAMS, (G.) The Holy City ; or, Historical and Topographical Notices of Jerusa- lem : with some Account of its Antiquities and its present Condition. With numerous Illustrations, from Sketches by the Rev. W. F. Witts. 8vo, 18s. . London, 1845 BARTLETT. Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem. 8vo, plates and wood- cuts, 10s. 6d. London, 1844 THE HISTORY of the Temple of Jerusalem. Translated from the Arabic of the Iman Jalal-Addin Al Siiiti, with Notes and Dissertations by the Rev. J. Reynolds. 8vo, 15s. (Oriental Translation Fund.) London, 1836 ARUNDALE, (F.) Illustrations of Jerusalem and Mount Sinai ; including the most inter- esting sites between Grand Cairo and Beirout : with a descriptive account of his Tour and Residence in those remarkable Countries. 22 plates. 4to, 24s. . . . London. KIEPERT, (H.) Map of Jerusalem, beautifully printed in colours. With Text (in Ger- man) by E. G. Schultz. Imperial folio, 9s. 6d Berlin. See Dr. Robinson's Researches. Dr. Wilson's Lands of the Bible. Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Catherwood's Map of Jerusalem, etc. JESUITS. DULLER, (E.) Jesuits as they were and as they are. Transl. from the German. 12mo, 3s. 6d London, 1845 CRETINEAU-JOLY. Histoire religieuse, politique et littAraire de la Compagnie de J6sns, compost snr les documents in6dits et authentiques. 2e 6dn. 6 vols. 12mo, portraits, /.21. Ports, 1846 THEOLOGY.] 337 [theology. JESUITS.— ( Continued.) COLLOMBET. Histoire critique et gdn^rale de la Snppression des J^snites au dix-hnitieme siecle. 2 vols. 8vo, 12«. Lyons, 1845 INSTITUTUM SOCIETATIS JESU, ex Decreto Congresationis Generalis XIV. in ordi- nem digestum, auctam, ac denub recosum. 2 vols. fol. . . . Praga, 1805 See Secreta Monita Societatis Jesu. 12mo, 1763. JEWS, History of. JOSEPHUS. The Works of Josephus. A new translation, by the Rev. R. Traill, D. D. With Notes, Explanatory Essays, and Pictorial Illustrations. Edited by Isaac Taylor, vol. 1, roy. 8vo, 23 plates, 21s /y»., 1842. Jlrt. Concordajtce, p. 323. NONJURORS. LATHBURY, (T.) History of the Nonjurors, their Controversies and Writings ; with Remarks on some of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo, 14*. London, 18*5 ORDINATION. COURAYER, (P. F. lb.) On the Validity of the English Ordinations. 8vo. 10*. 6d. Oxon., 1844 PALESTINE.— (See Geography.) ROBINSON, (E.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petra, etc. 3 vols. 8vo Boston, 1841 ROBERTS, (D.) Views in Palestine, and in Egypt, Arabia and Syria ; with Historical and Descriptive Notices by Rev. Geo. Croly. folio London. KITTO, (J.) Palestine : in two Parts, containing the Bible Hutory of the Holy Land, the Physical History of the Holy Land. 2 vols. 8vo, 525. . . London, 183&-41 RUSSELL, (M.) Palestine, or the Holy Land, from the Earliett Period to the Present Time. 12mo, maps, &c.. 3». 6J Edinb., 1846 (Edinburgh Cabinet Library.) WILSON, (J.) The Lands of the Bible Visited and Described in an extensive Journey undertaken with special reference to the promotion of Biblical Research. 2 vols. 8vo, maps, plates, &c., 36* Edinb., 1847 See Chateaubriand's Itineraire. Travels of Dr. Richardson, Clarke, Buck- ingham, Bitrckhardt, JowETT, Irbt, Manoles, Carne, De Lamartine, and others. L'Univers Pittoresque. Conder's Modem Traveller. PARABLES. TRENCH, (R. C.) Notes on the Parables. 8vo. . JV«ff-r«w*, D. A. & Co., 1847 GRESWELL, (E.) Exposition of the Parables. 5 vols. 8vo, 72«. . . London. See Braooe's Works. Grotius' Works, etc. THEOLOGY.] 344 [THEOLOGY. PARKER SOCIETY, Publications of. 8vo London, 1841-46 1. The Works of Bp. Ridley. 184L 2. The Sermons, &c., of Abp. Sandys. 184L 3. The Works of Bp. PiJkington. 1841. 4. The Works of Roger Hutchinson. 1841. 5. The Examinations and Writings of Archdeacon Philpot. 1842. 6. Christian Prayers and Meditations. 1842. 7. Letters of Bp. Jewell, and others, translated from the Originals in the Archives of Zurich. 1st Series. 1842. (See No. 18.) 8. The Writings of Abp. Grindal. 1842. 9. Early Writings of the Rev. T. Becon. 1842. (See Nos. 13 and 17.) 11. Eariy Writings of Bp. Hooper. 1843. 12. Abp. Cranmer on the Lord's Supper. 1843. 13. Becon's Catechism, and other Pieces. 1843. 14. The Liturgies, Primer, and Catechism of the Reign of Edward VI. 1844. 15. Writings of Bp. Coverdale. 1844. 16. Sermons of Bp. Latimer. 1844. (See No. 20.) 17. The Flower of Godly Prayers, and other Pieces of Becon. 1844. 18. Second Series of the Zurich Letters. 1845. 19. Writings of Bp. Jewell. 1845. 20. Remains of Bp. Latimer. 1845. 21. Devotional Poetry of the Reign of Clueen Elizabeth. 1846. PETER, St. LEIGHTON, (Abp.) Practical Commentary upon the 1st Epistle of St. Peter. 2 vols. 8vo. RIDDLE, (J. E.) Scripture Commentary of the 1st Epistle of Peter, etc. 8vo, 4s. London, 1835 ADAMS, (T.) An Exposition of the Second Epistle General of St. Peter, revised and corrected by J. Sherman, imp. 8vo, 21s London. POETRY.— (See Hebrew Poetry.) FARR, (E.) Select Poetry, chiefly Sacred, of the Reign of King James the First. Col- lected and edited by Edward Farr. 18mo, 5s. 6d. . . . . . Camb., 1847 KEBLE, (J.) Keble's Christian Year. 8vo, 10s. 12mo, 6s. 32mo, 3s. 6d. . Oxon. Child's Christian Year. 18mo, 2s. 6(Z Oxon., 1843 WILLIAMS, (I.) Baptistery, a Poem. 2 vols. 8vo, 22s, 6d. 32mo, 3s. 6d. " The Cathedral, a Poem. 12mo, 7s. Qd ♦' Thoughts in Past Years. 32mo, 3s. 6d " Sacred Verses, with Pictures. 4to. London, 1845 CHURCH POETRY. 2 vols. 18mo, 8s Burns, " 1842-€ LYRA APOSTOLICA. 18mo, 75c JVew-Fori, D. A. & Co. SACRED POETRY of the 17th Century. 2 vols. 12mo, 9s. ... London. (Sacred Classics.) POLYGLOTTS. WALTON, (W.) Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, etc. 6 vols, folio. . . London, 1657 WRANGHAM, (F.) Br. Waltoni in Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena specialia, recognovit Dathianisque et Variorum Notis suas immiscuit. 2 vols. 8vo, 28s. . Camb., 1827 REINECCIO, (M. C.) Biblia Sacra auadrilinguia V. T., etc. 3 vols, folio. Lips., 1750 LEE, (S.) Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, etc. 4to, £5. 5s London, 1831 NOVI TESTAMENTI Biblio Triglotta. 4to, 21s " 1828 TRIGLOTT EVANGELISTS, Interiinear, consisting of the original Greek from the Text of Griesbach ; the Latin taken from Montanus, Beza, and the Vulgate, and the English of the Authorized Version, accommodated to the Greek Idiom, with Grammatical and Historical Notes. 8vo, 28s., or with a Grammar of the N. T., 31s. Gd. London, 1834 BAGSTER'S POLYGLOTT. The English Version of the Polyglott Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with a copious and original selection of References to par- allel and illustrative passages, exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted, etc. 12mo. London. Printed to interieave with the Editions in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. THEOLOGY.] 345 [THEOLOGY. POLYGLOTTS.— ( Continued.) BIBLIA SACRA Polyglotta Bagsteriana, containing Eight various Bibles at one view : viz. Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish. . London. BIBLIA ECCLESIiE POLYGLOTTA ; exhibiting, at one view, the Proper Lessons for Sundays from the Old Testament, together with the Book of Psalms, in Hebrew, Greek. Latin, and English. Edited by F. IlifT. 4to, 32^. . . . Bagster, London. POPES, History of. RANKE, (L.) History of the Popes of Rome. Transl. from the German by Mrs. Austin. 3 vols. 8vo, 36« London. (Reprinted Philad., Lea & Blanchard.) History of the Popes : their Church and State in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cen- tnries. Transl. from the last edition of the German by Walter K. Kelley, Esq., B. A. of Trinity College, Dublin, roy. 8vo, 12s. London, 1842 A HISTORY OF POPERY ; containing an account of the origin, growth, and progress of Papal Power, &c. 8vo, 9s. Qd London, 1838 ART AUD DK MONTOR. Histoire da pape L6on XII. 2 vols. 8vo, /.12. . Paris. Histoire du pape Pie VII. 3 vols. 12mo, /.9. . . . , . " Histoire du pape Pie VIII. 8vo,/.7 50 Considerations sur le regne des qninze premiers papes qui ont portd le nom da Gr^goire. 8vo,/.3 Paris, 1844 BALDASSARI, (L'Abbk.) Hist, de I'enlevement et de la captivity de Pie VI. Trad. de I'italien. 8vo, /.6 Paris. HURTER, (F.) Geschichte Papst Innocenz III. 4 vols. 8vo, 52«. . Hamb., 1837-42 AUDIN. Histoire de Leon X. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15 Paris. The same, abridged. 12mo, /.3 50 Paris, 1846 SAINT-CHi:RON. Hist, du pontificat de Saint L6on le Grand et de son siecle. 2 vols. 8vo,/.12. Paris, 1846 See Bowkr's History of the Popes. PROPHECIES. DAVISON, (J.) Discourses on Prophecy, in which are considered its Structure, Use, and Inspiration ; being the substance of Twelve Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn, in the Lecture founded by Bp. Warburton. 5th edn. 8vo, 12s. . Oxford, 1845 FABER, (G. S.) The Sacred Calendar of Prophecy : or, a Dissertation on the Prophecies which treat of the grand period of Seven Times, and especially of its second moiety of the latter Three Times and a Half. 2d edn. 3 vols. 12mo, 24s. . London, 1844 Eight Dissertations on certain connected Prophetical Passages of Holy Scripture, bear- ing more or less upon the Promise of a Mighty DeUverer. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1845 NOLAN, (F.) The Chronological Prophecies ; as constituting a connected System in which the principal events of the Divine Dispensations are determined by the precise Reve- lation of their Dates. 8vo, ]5s London, 1837 HENGSTENBERG, (E. W.) The Christology of the Old Testament, and Commentary on the Messianic Predictions of the Prophets. Abridged from the Translation of Dr. Reuel Keith, by T. K. Arnold. 8vo, 18s London, 1847 HURD, (Bp.) Study of the Prophecies. 12mo, 4s " NEWTON, (Bp.) Dissertation on the Prophecies. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . Ozon., 1840 PROPHETS. STEPHENSON, (J. A.) The Christology of the Old and New Testaments : an Historical Development of the Predicted occurrences of Holy Scripture. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1839 HENGSTENBERG, (E. W.) Christologie des Alten TesUmenU and Commentar Uber die Messianischen Weissagnngen der Propheten. 3 vols. 8vo. . Berlin, 1829-35 The same, transl. by R. Keith, D. D. ... Jilexandria, D. C, 1836-39 UMBREIT, (F. W. C.) Commentar Uber die Propheten des alten Bundes mit exeget. u. kritisch. Anmerkangen. 4 vols. 8vo, 27«. Hamb., 1842-45 PROPHETS, Minor. HENDERSON, (E.) The Books of the Twelve Minor Prophets, transl. from the original Hebrew, with a Commentary, &c. 8vo London, 1845 See AcKKRMAN, Prophetae Minores. 8vo. Vienna, 1830. Bp. Nbwcome's Im- proved Version. 8vo. 1809. Pick's Literal Translation. 8vo. 1835. BcR- leb's Explanatory Version. 12mo. THEOLOGY.] 346 [THEOLOGY. PROVERBS. NICHOLLS, (B, E.) The Book of Proverbs explained and Illustrated. 12mo. London, 1842 FRENCH AND SKINNER. A New Translation of the Proverbs of Solomon, from the original Hebrew, with Explanatory Notes. 8vo Camb., 1831 HOLDEN, (G.) An Attempt towards an Improved Translation of the Proverbs of Solo- mon, with Notes, &c. 8vo. London, 1819 ROSENMUELLER, (E. F. C.) Scholia in Solomonis quae perhibentnr Scripta. 2 vols. 8vo LipsicB, 1829-30 PSALMS. MANTON, (T.) Sermons on the 119th Psalm. 3 vols. 8vo, 205. . London, 1845 HENGSTENBERG. (E. W.) Commentary on the Psalms. Transl, by the Rev. P. Fair- burn and the Rev. J. Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s. 6d. . . . Edinb., 1845-46 (Biblical Cabinet.) JEBB, (J.) A Literal Translation of the Book of Psalms : intended to illustrate their Poe- tical and Moral Structure. To which are added. Dissertations on the Word " Selah," and on the Authorship, Order, Titles, and Poetical Features of the Psalms. 2 vols. 8vo, 21*. London, 1846 GOOD, (J. M.) An Historical Outline of the Book of Psalms, edited by J. M. Neale. 8vo. London, 1842 HORNE, (G.) A Commentary on the Book of Psalms : in which their Literal or Histori- cal Sense, as they relate to King David and the People of Israel, is illustrated ; and their application to Messiah, to the Church, and to Individuals as members thereof, is pointed out. 2 vols. 24mo, 9s London, 1826 A new edition. 1 vol. 8vo, 10s. M " 1843 HORSLEY, (Bp.) The Book of Psalms ; translated from the Hebrew : with Notes, Ex- planatory and Critical. 3d ed. 8vo, 12s London, 1833 THE HEXAPLAR PSALTER. The Book of Psalms : Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Eng- lish. 4to Bagster, London, 1843 BUSH, (G.) A Commentary on the Book of Psalms, on a plan embracing the Hebrew Text, with a new literal Version. 8vo J^Tew- York, 1838 THE BOOK OF PSALMS, Hebrew and English, arranged in parallel columns. 18mo. Bagster, London, 1843. CRESSWELL, (D.) The Psalms of David according to the Book of Common Prayer, with Critical and Explanatory Notes. 12mo. London, 1843 ROSENMUELLER, (E. C. F.) Annotations on some of the Messianic Psalms ; 12mo. (Biblical Cabinet.) Edinb., 1841 BYTHNER, (V.) The Lyre of David ; or. Analysis of the Psalms, wherein all the Hebrew Words are given also in English, each Accented, Translated, Analyzed, and Explained ; with a concise Hebrew and Chaldee Grammar. Translated by the Rev. T. Dee. New edit., revised by N. L. Benmohel. 8vo, 24s. Dublin, 1847 FRENCH AND SKINNER. The Book of Psalms, newly translated from the Hebrew, with Critical and Philological Notes, new ed. 8vo, 12s London. EXTON, (R. B.) Sixty Lectures on the Several Portions of the Psalms, as they are ap- pointed to be read in the Morning and Evening Services of the Church of England. 8vo, 12s London, 1847 BRIDGES, (C.) An Exposition of Psalm CXIX. ; as illustrative of the Character of Chris- tian Experience. 15th ed. 12mo. London, 1841 See Calvin's Comment. Tholuck's Comment. Hitzig's Comment, PURGATORY. HALL, (W. J.) The Doctrine of Purgatory and the Practice of Praying for the Dead, as maintained in the Romish Church, examined. 8vo, Us. . . . London, 1843 QUAKERS. SEWELL, (Wm.) A History of the Quakers. 2 vols. 8 vo, 12*. . . London. See Barclay's Apology. Bkvan's Defence. Clarkson's Portraiture of (Quakerism, &c. REFORMATION, History of BURNETT, (Bp.) History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Edited by Nares. 4 vols. 8vo, $8 JSTew- York, D. A. & Co. The same, without, the Records. 3 vols. 8vo, $2 50. . . " " STEBBING, (H.) The History of the Reformation. 2 vols. 12mo, 12s. London, 1836 THEOLOGY.] 347 [THEOLOGY. REFORMATION, History ot.— (Continued.) WORGAN, (J. H.) Specnlnm Ecclesiie Anglicanse, or some Accoant of the Principles of the Reformation of the Church of England. 8vo, 10s. 6d. . . . London. STRYPE, (J.) The Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion and other various Occurrences in the Church of England during Q.ueen Elizabeth's happy Reign. 7 vols. 8vo, 84s. Ozon. Ecclesiastical Memorials relating chiefly to Religion, and the Reformation of it in the Church of England under Henry VIIL, Edw^ard VL, and Q,ueen Mary, 6 vols. 8vo. 63«. Ozon. CARDWELL, (E.) Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England : being a Collection of Injunctions, Orders, &c., from the year 1546 to 1716. With Notes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 18s Ozon. HAWEIS, (J. O. W.) Sketches of the Reformation and Elizabethan Age, taken from the Contemporary Pulpit. 12mo, 65. London, 1844 THE ZURICH LETTERS ; or, the Correspondence of several English Bishops and others, with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the Reign of Q,ueen Elizabeth, chiefly from the Archives of Zurich. Translated from authentic Copies of the Autographs, and edited, for the Parker Society, by the Rev. Hastings Robinson, D. D. 8vo, 10s. 6d. Land., 1846 WADDIN6T0N, (Geo.) A History of the Reformation on the Continent. 3 vols. 8vo, 31s. M London, 1841 RANKE, (L.) History of the Reformation in Germany, transl. by Mrs. Austin. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s London, 1845 HAGENBACH, (K. R.) Vorlesungen Uber Wesen n. Geschichte der Reformation. 4 vols. 8vo, 30s Leipi., 1834-39 MARHEINECKE, (P.) Geschichte der deutschen Reformation. 4 vols. 8vo, 26s. Berlin, 1831-34 CORPUS REFORMATORUM. Edit. C. G. Bretschneider. Vol. 1 to 13. Melancthonis Opera, Vol. 1 to 13. 4to, each 20» Halis, 1834-45 See D'Aubignk's History of the Reformation. McCrik's History of the Reformation in Italy and Spain, &c. « RESURRECTION. WILLIAMS, (I.) The Gospel Narrative of our Lord's Resurrection Harmonized : with Reflections. 12mo, 8s London, 1845 ROMANS. SUMNER, (Bp.) a Practical Exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, and the First Epistle to the Corinthians ; in the form of Lectures, intended to assist the Practice of Domestic Instruction and Devotion. 8vo, 9s. ; or in 2 vols. 12mo, 9.». London, 1843 ALLIES, (T. W.) Sermons on the Epistle to the Romans, and others. 8vo, 10s. M, Ozford, 1844 COX, (R.) Horse Romans ; or, an Attempt to Elucidate St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, by an Original Translation, Notes, &c. 8vo. 3s London, 1824 TURNER, (S. H.) Notes on the Epistle to the Romans, &c. 8vo. Jfew- York, 1824 TERROT. fC. H.) Epistle of Paul to the Romans, with an Introduction, &c. 8vo, 9s. ^ Lmdon, 1829 STUART, (M.) Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, &c. 8vo. Andover, 1832 THOLUCK, (A.) Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans, translated by the Rev. Robert Menzies. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. (Biblical Cabinet.) .... Edinb., 1833-36 CALVIN, (J.) Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, with Life by Beza. ]2mo, 7s. I^ondon, 1834 See TcRRKTiNi in Pauli Apost. ad Romanes Epistolae Cap. priora undecim Prelectiones critica, &c. Chalmkr's Lectures on Romans. Anderson's Practical Exposition. Adams's Paraphrase. 8vo. Ruckbrt's Commentar. Barnes's Notes. RUSSIAN CHURCH. BLACKMORE, (R. W.) The Doctrine of the Russian Church ; being the Primer or Spelling Book, the Shorter and Longer Catechbms, and a Treatise on the Duty of Parish Priests. Translated from the Slavono-Russian Originals. 8vo, 10s. M. Aberdeen, 1845 SABBATH. HEYLIN, (P.) The History of the Sabbath. 4to London, 1636 HOLDEN, (G.) The Christian Sabbath, or an Inquiry into the Religions Obligation of Keeping Holy One Day in Seven. 8vo, 12s London, 1825 See Abp. Whately's Thoughts on the Sabbath. Thorn's Lectures on the Chris- tian Sabbath. Wardlaw's Discourses. Bp. Wilson's Seven Sermons. Sherman's Plea for the Sabbath, etc. THEOLOGY.] 348 [THEOLOGY. SACRAMENTS. HALLEY, (R.) An Inquiry into the Nature of the Symbolic Institutions of the Christian Religion, usually called the Sacraments. Part 1, Baptism, 8vo, 14s. . London, 1844 See Hooker's Treatise on the Sacraments. Abp. Usher's Body of Divinity. Bp. Waterland's Works. James's Sermons on the Sacraments. SACRILEGE. SPELMAN, (H.) The History and Fate of Sacrilege. Edited, in part, from two MSS. ; with a Continuation and Introductory Essay. 12mo, 10«. . . . London, 1846 SEPTUAGINT. BRENTON, (Sir L. C. L.) The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, according to the Vatican Text. Translated into English, with the principal various Readings of the Alexandrine Copy, and a table of comparative Chronology. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. Bagster, London, 1844 JAGER, (J. N.) Vetus Testamentum Graecum juxta Septuaginta Interpretes, ex auctori- tate Sixti duinti Pontificis. Maxim, editum, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1839 VETUS TESTAMENTUM GR^CUM, cum variis Lectionibus, Editionem a Robert Holmes, S. T. P., inchoatum, continuavit J. Parsons. Tom. II.-V., folio. Oxonii, 1818-27 VETUS TESTAMENTUM GRAECUM ex Versione LXX. secundum Exemplar Vati- canum Romae editum, etc., J. B. Carpzovii. 6 vols. 8vo. . . . Oxonii, 1817 ex editione Holmesii et Lamberti Bos. 2 tom. 18mo. . Olasgum et Londini, 1831 Lexicon. SCHLEUSNER, (J. F.) Novus Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus, sive Lexicon in LXX. et reliquos Interpretes Graicos, etc. 3 vob. 8vo. . . . Olasgum et Londini, 1822 SERMONS. FORSTER, (J.) The Churchman's Guide ; a Copious Index of Sermons and other Works, by eminent Church of England Divines. Digested and arranged according to their sub- jects, and brought down to the present day. 8vo, 7s London. ANDREWES, (Bp.) Ninety-six Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo, 58s. . . Oxford, 1845 (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology.) Sermons on Prayer. 8vo, 9s London, The Fasts and Festivals. 8vo, 10s. M. . " ATTERBURY, (Bp. F.) Sermons and Discourses. 2 vols. 8vo, 2l5. . . " BARROW, (I.) Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo, 52s. &d " Sermons selected from his Works. 2 vols. 8vo, 18s. .... Oxon. BEVERIDGE, (Bp.) Sermons, abridged by Dakins. 2vols. 8vo, 18s. . . London. Sermons on the Ministry. 12mo, 5s. " BRADLEY, (C.) Practical Sermons for every Sunday throughout the Year and Principal Holidays. 8vo, $1 50 JTew- York,!). A. h Co. Sermons preached at Clapham and Glasbury. 8vo, $1 25. " The above in 1 vol. $2 50 " BLAIR, (H.) Sermons. 8vo, 8s. London. BULL, (Bp.) Sermons, with Life, by Nelson. 3 vols. Bvo, 18*. BUTLER, (Bp.) Sermons. 8vo, As,M " CHARNOCK, (S.) Discourses on the Attributes. 8vo, 7s. 6d. . . London, 1845 D'OYLEY, (G.) Sermons, delivered at the Parish Church of St. Mary, Lambeth. 2 vols. 8vo, 21s. London, 1847 GILL, (Jno.) Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo, 46s. M " GILSON, (D.) Sermons on Practical Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo, 16s. . " GRIFFITH, (T.) Sermons at Ryde. 12mo, 8s. . . • . HANNAM'S Pulpit Assistant. 8vo, 12s. 6ca in Aristotelis metaphysica. 8vo. . Berolini, 1837 La Metaphysique d'Aristote, trad, en Fran- cais, etc., par MM. Pierron et Zewort. 2 vols. 8vo. . . . Paris, 1840 Examen critique de I'ouvrage d'Aristote in- titule la metaphysique, par C. L. Michelet. 8vo Paris, 1836 Essai sur la Metaphysique d'Aristote, par M. F. Ravaisson. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838 Poetic Rhetoric, 293. Rhetorica gr. et lat. cum animadversionibus variorum (Gaisford). 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon., 1820 L'Art de la Rhetorique par Aristote, texte collationne sur les editions precedentes et surles MSS. de la Bibliotheque du roi, etc. trad, en Francais par C. Minoide-Mynas. 8vo Paris, imi de poetica liber, gr. lectionem constituit, ver- sionem refinxit, animadversion, illustravit T. Tyrwhitt. 1 vol. 8vo. . Oxon, 1827 — Gr. et Lat. ed. P. Ritter. 8vo, 7s. Colon., 1838 — cum comment. G. Hermanni. 8vo, 7s. Lips., 1802 Armstrong, (R.) Climate, 226. Armstrong, (J.) Monuments, 251. Armitage,(J.) Brazil (II. History). Armstrong, (R. A.) Gaelic Language. Arnaud, (H.) Jilhigenses. Arnauld, (A.) Logic. Arnault, (A. V.) CEuvres completes. 8vo,/.40. Paris, 1824-27 Arndt, (C. G.) Philology, 280. Arnim, (Brentano). Ballads (II. German) , &.c, ARNOLD, (Dr. Thos.) Life and Correspondence, by A. P. Stanley. 8vo, ^ 50. JVew- York, D. A. & Co., 1846 The History of Rome from the Earliest Pe- riod. 2 vols. 8vo, $5. JV. r.,D. A. & Co. Lectures on Modern History. 12mo, $1 50. J\rew-York,J). A. & Co. History of the later Roman Commonwealth. 8vo. $2. . JVew-York, J). A. & Co. Miscellaneous Works. 8vo, $2. Mew- York. Sermons preached in the Chapel of Rugby School. IGmo. 75c. JV. York, D. A. & Co. Arnold, (T. K.) Greece (III. Language). Latin, &c. Arnold, (W ) Fever, 230. Arnot, (J.) Urinary Organs, 244. Arnott, (N.) JVatural Philosophy, Warming. Arnot, (S.) Hindostan (HI. Language), 185. ARR.] 381 [bal. Arrivabene, (F.) Dante, Commentaries. Arrian. De Expeditione AJexandri, recens. J. E. EUendt. 2 vols. 8vo, 20s. . Regiom., 1832 — recens. C. G Kriiger. Vol. 1. 8vo, 3s. Berol.,lSi5 Artis, (E. T.) Botany, Fossil. Paleontology, 273. Arundkll, (F. V. J.) Asia Minor. Arwidsson, (P. A.) Ballads, Swedish. AscARGORTA. Spain (II. History), 308. ASCHAM, (R.) English Works. 8vo. . London, 1815 Arckery. AscHBACH, (J.) Spain (II. History), 308. Ash, (J.) England (III. Language), 140. AsHBURNHAM, (J.) England (II. History), 136. Ashe, (J.) Freemasonry. AsHWELL, (S.) Obstetrics, 238. Women, Dis- eases of, 245. AspiNWALL, (J.) America {Bibliography). AssEMANN, (J. S.) Aramean Language. AsT, (G. A. F.) Esthetics. AsTLE, (T.) Alphabet. AsTARLOA, (D. p.) Basque Provinces (II. Language). ATHENiEUS. Gr. et. Lat. cum not. animad. et. ind. instrux. J. Schweighauser. 14 vols. 8vo, £5. 5s ^r^ent.. 1801-6 — Gr. cum notis, ex. recens. G. Dindorfii. 3 vols. 36s Urgent., 1827 Atkinson, (S.) Affghanistan. Atkinson, (J.) Medicine (I. Bibliography), 219. Persia (I. Travels), &c. Atterbom, (P. A.) Ballads, Swedish. Sweden (III. Language), 312. AuBER, ly.) China (I. Geography), 97. Hin- dostan (II. History), 184. AuBissoN DE VoisiNs, (J. F.) Engineering, 129. Hydrodynamics, 191. AucHER, (P.) Armenia (III. Language). Tur- kish Language. AucHTERLONY, (J.) China (II. History), 97. Audubon, (J. J.) America (J^atural History). Ornithology, 270. AuDoiN ET Brule. Entoinology, 143. Austin, (J.) Jurisprudence. AvDALL, (J.) Armenia (II. History). AzuNi, (D. A.) Mercantile Law, 246. AzzoiiiNO, (P.) Dante, Commentaries. Babbage, (C.) Arts and Manufactures. Assurance, Life. Bridgewater Treatises. Machinery. BABER. Memoirs of Zahir-eddin Mohammed Baber, Emperor of Hindostan, written by himself, in the Jaghatai Turki, and transl. partly by the late John Leyden, partly by Wm. Er- skine, with Notes &c. by Ch. Waddington. 4to London, 1826 Hindostan (II. History), 184 Babington, (C. C.) Botany. Babinoton. Tamul Language. BABRIUS. Fables. Back, (Capt.) Arctic Regions. Bachhoffner, (G. H.) Chromatography. Backhouse, (J.) Australia (I. Geography) . BACON, (Lord.) Works, edited and translated by Basil Mon- tague. 16 vols, in 17. 8vo. London, 1825-34 Advancement of Learning. 12mo, 5s. Pickering, London. Essays, edited by B. Montague. 5s. Pickering, London. Essays, and Advancement of Learning. 4s. Knight, London. Novum Organon, in English. 12mo, 5s. Knight, London. Account of Bacon's Novum Organon in Li- brary of Useful Knowledge. England (II. History), 134. Bacot, (J.) Venereal Disease, 245. Baden, (G. L.) Denmark (I. History), 115, Badham, (C. D.) Fungi, Edible. Baehr, (H.) Latin Language, 203. Bahr, (J. C. F.) Rome (III, Literature), 296. BAILEY, (P. J.) Festns : a Poem. 12mo, 5s. London, 1846, and Boston, 1846 BAILEY, (S.) Essays on the Formation of Opinions, &c. 12mo, 5s. 6d. ... J^ondon. Baillarger, (M.) Brain, 224. BAILLIE, (Joanna.) Collection of Poems. Bvo, 21s. London. Dramas. 3 vols. 8vo, 36s. . . " Fugitive Verses. 12mo, 9s. Metrical Legends of Exalted Characters. 8vo, 14s. Miscellaneous Plays. 8vo, 9s. Series of Plays on the Passions, 3 vols. Bvo, 31s. 6rf. Tenor of the New Test, concerning Christ, 8vo, 5s, BAILLIE, (Mat.) Works, with Life by Wardrop. 2 vols. 8vo, 25s London. Baillie, (R.) Scotland (II, History), .302. Bailly, (J. S.) Astronomy (I, History, II, General Treatises). Baily, (F.) Assurance, Life. Astronomy (V. Catalogues of Stars). Baily and Lund. Calculus, Differential, 215. BAILY, (J.) Comicornm Grscoram Fragmenta. Part 1. 8vo, 9s. 6d J^mdon. Baines, (E.) Cotton Manufacture. BAKE, (J.) Scholia Hypomnemata, 3 vols. 12mo, 38s. Lngd., 1838-45 Balbi, (A.) Ethnology, 144. Oeography (I.), 165. Portugal. Balbirnie, (J.) Uterus, 245. Balfour, (Sir J.) Historical Works, 4 vols, 8vo, 60s London. Ballantyne, (J.) Olast Painting. Ballantyne, (J. R.) Hindostan (III, Language), 185. Mahratta Language. Persia (III, Language), 278. BEL.] 383 [bla. Bell, (C.) Bridgewater Treatises. .Anatomy, Comp., 223. JVervous System, 238, Surgery, 342. Painting, 272. Bell, (G. J.) Principles of the Law of Scotland. 8vo, 28s. London. Comment, on the Laws of Scotland, and Suppl. 3 vols. 4to, £1. 2s. . Edinb. Illustrations of the Law of Scotland. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s. M. ... London. Bell, (G. M.) Banks. Bell, CT.) Animals, Herpetology. Reptiles. Bell, (H. G.) ScoUand (IL History), 301. Bell, (J.) Teeth, 243. Bell, (J. S») Circassia. Bell, (R.) Russia (II. History), 297. Bellamy, (D.) England (III. Language), 140. Bellaud, (M.) Armenia (III. JMnguage). Belletete. Turkish Language. Belloni, (G. p.) Fine Arts (II. History). Beltz, (G. F.) Chivalry. Belzoni, (G.) Egypt (I. Geography, Sfc). Benecke, (G. F.) Germany (III. Literature). Benecke, (W.) Mercantile Law, 246. Benfey, (T.) Greece (III. Literature), 177. BENGER, (Miss.) Historical Works. 5 vols. sm. 8vo, 60s. London. England (II. History), 135. Benjamin, (H.) Building. Bennett, (F. D.) Voyages. Whale Fishery. Bennett, (G.) Australia (I. Geography). Bennett, (H.) Uterus, 244. Bennett, (J. H.) Inflammation, 233. Bennett, (J. R.) Hydrocephalus, 232. Bennett, (J. W.) Ceylon (I. Geography, ^c). Bennati, (F.) Voice. Benoit. J^ormandy. BENTHAM, (J.) Works, by Bowring. 22 parts, royal 8vo, each 9s London. Benthamiana : Select Extracts from Ben- tham's Works. 8vo, 6s. London, 1844 Bentley, (J.) Astronomy (I. History). BENTLEY, (Rd.) Works, edited by Dyce. 3 vols. 8vo, 26s. London. BEOWULF'S Anglo-Saxon Poetry, ed. by J. M. Kemble. 12mo, l.'Ss. . . London. The same, translated. 12mo, 15s. " B^RANGER, (De.) CEuvres, illust. par Grandville. 8vo, /.13. Paris. The same. 3 vols. 8vo, /.30. GEuvres. 2 vols. 12mo, f.l. . Musique des Chansons. 2d ed. 8vo, f.l. Paris. One Hundred Songs, transl. 18mo. J^ndon, 1847 Bergmann, (F. G.) Eddas. Berggren, (J.) Arabia (III. Language). Berohaus, (H.) Asia (I. Geography, Maps). Geography (I Aaases),59. Ethnology, 144. Berington, (J.) Literary History. Berlioz, (H.) Music (I. History), 254. Bernan, (W.) Warming and Ventilation. Bernard, (W. D.) Chiria (II. History), 97. BERNARDIN de saint PIERRE. CEuvres completes, ed. par Aime-Martin. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, /.30. . . Paris. Bernhardy, (G.) Rome (III. Literature), 296. Greece (III. Literature). Berners, (J.) Angling. BERNI. Orlando Innamorato, transl. by W. S. Rose, sm. 8vo, 9s. 6d. . . . London. Bernoully, (D.) Astronomy (II. General Treatises). Berry, (W.) Heraldry, 181, 182. Berryer, (Pere.) fVance (II. History), 151. Bertheau, (E.) Aramean Language. Bertheaud, (M.) Algiers. Bertheaux. Iron, 195. Berthier. Chemical Analysis, 95. Berthollet, (C. L.) Bleaching. Dyeing. Bertrand de Molleville. France (II. History), 153. Berzelius, (J. J.) Blowpipe (Chemistry, II), 92. Kidneys, ^235. Urinary Organs, 244, Bessel, (F. W.) Astronomy (IV. Tallies, S,-c.). Betham, (Sir W.) Etruria. Bewick, (T.) Fables. Ornithology, 270. Beudant, (F. S.) Geology, J 68. Mineralogy, 250. Beyle, (H.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Bezout. Mathematics, 213. Biagioli, (G.) Italy (III. Language), 197. Bianchi, (T. X.) Arabia (III. Language), 1. Turkish Language. Bidpai. Fables. BlEDERMANN, (C.) Philosophy (II. German), 283. BiGNON. France (II. History), 154. Bilguer, (P. R.) Chess, 90. BiLDERDYK, (W.) Holland (I. History). JVctherlands (II. Language) . BiLLARD, (C. M.) Children, 225. Billing, (W. B.) Architecture (VI. Gothic). Billing, (A.) Medicine, 236. Bingham, (J. E.) China (II. History). BiNNS, (E.) Sleep, 241. Biornstierna. Hindostan (II. History), 184, 185. BioT, (E.) China (I. Geography), 97. BioT, (J. B.) Astronomy (I. History. II. Gen- eral Treatises). Bird, (G.) Calculus, 225. Urinary Organs, 244. Jfa- tural Philosophy, 258. BiscHOFF, (G.) Geology, 167. BiscHOFF, (G. W.) Botany, 77. BiscHOFF, (F.) Gypsies. BiscHOFF, (J.) Wool. Black, (F.) Homaopathy, 232. BAL.] 382 [bel. Ballinghal, (G.) Military Surgery, 237. Bandinel, (Dr. B.) Bibliography (III. Special). Bandtke, (G. S.) Poland (II. Language). Banks, (T. G.) Heraldry, 181. Banks, (A.) Medical Etiquette, 229. BARANTE, (iM. dk.) Melanges historiques et litteraires. 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1835 France (II. History), 152. Barbazan, (E.) Anglo- JiTorman Literature. Troubadours. BaRBERI. Itaiy (III. Language). Barbier, (A. A.) Bibliography (III. Special). Barbier. Materia Medica, 236. Barchou de Penhoen. Hindostan (II. History). Philosophy (II. Oerman), 283. BAREITH, (Margr. or.) Memoirs, transl. 2 vols. 8vo, 21«. Barlow, (P.) Arts and Manufactures. Build- ing. Machinery. Barlow, (J.) Insanity, 233. BARNAVE. CEavres, ed. par M. Berenger. 4 vols. 8vo, /.30 Paris. Barr, (J.) Architecture (VI. Qothic.) Baretti, (J.) Arabia {III. Language,^). Per- sia (III. Language.) Barreswil et Sorbrero. Chemical Analysis, 94. Barrett, (F.) Alchemy. Baretti, (J.) Italy (III. Language), 197. BARRETT, (Miss E. B.) The Seraphim, &c. 12mo, 7*. 6d. London The Drama of Exile, &c. 2 vols. ]2mo. London, 1845; JV. ¥., 1846 Barrington, (A.) Heraldry, 181. BARRINGTON, (Sir J.) Sketches of His Own Times. 3 vols. 8vo. London Ireland (II. History). Barrow, (Sir J.) Arctic Regivns. Barrow, (J. Jr.) Ireland (I. Qeography). J^orway (I. Travels). Barth and Rogers. Auscultation, 224. BARTH^LEMY, (J. J.) CEuvres completes. 4 vols. 8vo, et atlas, /.36 Paris. Bartholomew, (A.) Building. Bartlett, (E ) Fever, 230, Bartlett, (J. R.) Ethnology, 143. Bartlett, (T.) Australia (IV. Mitural History). Bartlett, (W. H.) Ireland (I. Geography). Bartlett, (T.) Stammering, 242. Bartram, (J.) Florida. Bartram, (W.) Florida. Bartsch, (A.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Bartsch, (F. v.) Arts, Fine (II. History.) Barutfaloi. Fresco Painting. Barwell, (Mrs.) Education, 120. Barzas Briez. Ballads, French, 66. Bast, (J. de.) Celtic History. Bastenaire-Dacdenart, (F.) Qla^a Manufacture. Bateman, (T.) Skin, 241. Batines, (C. de.) Dante, Commentaries. Batissier, (L.) Architecture, History. Baude, (M.) Algiers. Baudrimont, (A.) Chemistry (III. Applied). Mineralogy, 250. Baveaux, (E.) Algiers. Bayle, (A. L. J.) Anatomy, 220. Baylis, (E.) Assurance, Life. Bazancour. Sicily. Bazin, (M. a.) France (II. History), 152 Bazot. Freemasonry. Bbale, (L.) Deformities, 226. Beale, (T.) Ichthyology, 192. Whale Fishery. Beamish, (K. L.) America, JV*., {Antiquities). Beattie, (J.) In Aldine Poets. Beattie, (W.) Scotland (I. Qeography). Beauclerk, (G.) Morocco, 252. Beauchamp, (A. de.) Brazil (II. History). Baudemoulin, (L. a.) Hydronamics, 191. Beaufort, (F.) Asia Minor. Beaufoy, (M.) Hydraulics, 190. Mezico,2i7. BEAUMARCHAIS. CEuvres completes. 6 vols. 8vo, /.36. Paris, 1826 1 vol. 8vo,/.ll. France (III. Literature), 157. Beaumelle, (A. de.) Brazil (II. History). Beaumont, (G. de.) Ireland (I. Geography). Beaumont et De Tocqueville. Punishment. Beaumont- Vassy. Europe, History of, 146. Beaumont, (W.) Digestion, 227. Beautemps-Beaupre. Hydrography. Beauvallon, (R. de.) Cuba. Bebian. Deaf and Dumb, Instruct, of. Beccaria (C. B. S.) Punishment. Beck, T. R. & J. B. Forensic Medicine. Beckman, (J.) Arts and Manufactures. Inventions. Becker, (C. F.) Music (I. History), 253. Becker, (K. F.) Germany (IV. Language). History, 186. Becker, (W. A.) Greece (II. History), 175. Rome, 294-295. Becquerel, (J. J.) Electricity, 125. Natural Philosophy, 259. Beecham, (J.) Africa (I. Geography.) Beechey, (F. W.) Africa (I. Geography). Arctic Regions. Beer, (W.) Astronomy (II. General Treatises, Moon). BEETHOVEN. Life, transl. by Moschelles. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21« London. Behr. (A. von.) Anatomy, 220. Beidhawus. Arabia (III. iMnguage). BELISARIUS. Life of, by Lord Mahon. Svo, 12». I^ndon. Belcher, (SirE.) JVautical Surveying, Voyages, 259. Belfour. Proverbs. Belidor. Hydraulics, 191. Belinaye, (H.) Lithotomy, 235. BLA.] 384 [box. Black, ( .) Atlases, 58. Guide Books. Scotland (I. Geography), 301. Black, (W.) Brewing. Blacklock, (A.) Sheep. BLACKSTONE. Commentaries (Chitty's) by Hargrave, Sweet, &c. 4 vols. 8vo, 63«. . . London. — by Coleridge. 4 vols. 8vo, 90s. '" — by Henenden and Ryland. 4 vols. 8vo, 24*. — by Stewart. 4 vols. 8vo, 63«. — abridged by Gifford. 8vo, 15s. Blaine, (D. P.) Sports and Pastimes, 309. Veterinary Art. Blainville, (H. de.) Philosophy (I. History), 281. Blainville, (D. de.) Conchology, 109. Ana- tomy, 220. Osteology, 239. Blair. Chronology. Blair & Ronalds. Celtic History. Blanc. Mining, 250. Blanc, (C.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Blanc, (L.) FVance (11. History), 153. Blancard, (E.) Entomology, 143. Bland, (J.) Anthology. Bland, (M.) Geometry, 216. Blandin, (F. p.) Anatomy, 220. Blanqui. Political Economy, 'HS^. Blasts, (C.) Dancing. Blaze. (C.) Music (I. Bibliography), 253. Blencowe, (R. W.) England (11. History), 137. Blofield, (J. H.) Algiers. Bloomfield, (Rt.) Poems. 3 vols. 18mo, 12s. London. Blondeau. Music (I. History), 253. Blore, (E.) Architecture (VI. Gothic). Monu- ments, 251. Bloxham, (M. H.) Architecture (VI. Gothic). Monuments, 251. Blume, (C. L.) Java {11. J\rat. Hist.). Blttmenbach. Ethnology, 144. . Blundell, (J.) Women, Diseases of, 246. Blunt, (C. F.) Astronomy (II. Gen. Treatises). Blunt, (J. J.) Italy (I. Geography). BoccACCi, (G.) Dante {Commentaries). BOCCACIO, (G.) U Decamerone da Ugo Foscolo, 3 vols. sm. 8vo, 31s. 6d., plates, 52s. Gd. Pickering, London. — translated. 8vo. . . London, 1845 Boccius, (G.) Ichthyology. BocHART, (S.) Aramean Language. BocHTOR. Arabia (III. Language), 2. BocKiNG, (E.) Rome. Law, 296. BocKiNGER, (J. J.) Buddhism. Bode, (G, H.) Greece (III. Literature), 176. Bode, (J. E.) Astronomy (II. General Trea- tises) . BoDMER u. Brbtingbn. Boilods (II. German), &c. BoECEH, (A.) Athens, Topography, Egypt (II. History), 121. Greece (II. History), 175. Metrology, 247. BoHL DE Faber. Ballads, Spanish, 67. BoHLEN, (P. v.; Egypt (II. History), 121. Hindostan (II. History), 184. BoHTLiNG, (O.) Sanscrit, 298. BOILEAU-DESPR^AUX. CEuvres completes, par M. Amar. 4 vols. 8vo,/.24 Paris. — par Daunou. 3 vols. 8 vo,/. 15. . *' BoiTARD, (M.) Agricultural Implements. Bois DUVAL. Madagascar. BoiSGELiN, (L. DE.) Malta, 210. BoisRAGON, (T.) Osteology, 239. BoTssEAU, (F. G.) Fever, 230. BoissEREE, (S.) Architecture (VI. Gothic), &c. BoisTE, (P. C. V.) France (III. Literature), 159. BoiviN, (Mme.) Obstetrics, 238. BoiviN ET DuGES. Utcrus, 244. BOJARDO. Orlando lunamorato. Notes, by Panizzi. 5 vols. sm. 8vo, 60s. . . . London BoMBET, (L. A. C.) Music (I. History), 253. BoMHOF. Holland (II. Language), 188. BoNALD, (M. DE.) Legislation. Bonaparte, (C.) America (V. JVatural His- tory). BoNDYCK Bastianse, (J. H. de.) Malacca, 210. BoNGARD. Brazil (III. JiTatural History). Bonnechose, (E.) France (II. History), 151. BoNNYCASTLE, (R. H.) JSTcwfoundland. Bonstettin. Man, 211. Booth, (D.) England (III. Language), 140. Booth, (G.) Bookkeeping. Bopp, (F.) Grammar, Comparative. Malacca (Language). Philippine Islands. Polynesia. Sanscrit, 298. RoQuiLLON, (N.) Inventions, 193. BoRGET, (A.) China (I. Geography), 97. BoRGNis, (T. A.) Architecture (VII. Civil). Borrow^, (G.) Ballads {Danish), &i, Gypsies. Spain, 307. Bory de St. Vincent. Architecture (IV. Cfre- cian). Spain {I. Travels), Wl. Bos. Greece (III. Literature), 177. Bosanquet, (S. R.) Logic. BoussiRGAULT, (J. B.) Agriculture, Practical. Rural, Economy. BOSSUET. CEuvres completes, k deux Colon- nes. 12 vols. 8vo,/. 120. . . Paris. History, 186. BossuT, (C.) Algebra, History of. Mathe- matics (I. History). BosTOCK, (J.) Medicine (I. History), 219. Phy- siology, 240. Boston, (T.) Select Works. Edited by Pater- son, roy. 8vo, 16s. . . . Edinb. Bos WORTH, (J.) Anglo-Saxon Language. Hol- land (I. History). Teutonic Languages. BoswELL, (P.) Rural Economy, 296. Botenlauben. Ballads (II. German), &c. BoTTA, (C.) Italy (II. History). Bottari, (G.) Arts, Fine (II. History). BiiTTiGER, (C. A.) Antiquities. Bottiger, (C. W.) Saxony. BOT.] 385 [bro. BoTTiCHER, (W.) Carthage. BoucHARDAT. Materia Medica, 235. JVatural Philosophy, 250. BoucHARLAT, (M.) Calculus, 215. Boucher de la Richarderie. Foyages. Boitcher(J.) England (III. Language), 140. BoucHETTK, (Col.) America (IV. British). Canada. BouDiN. Climate, 326. Bougainville, (de.) Voyages and Travels. BoUE, (A.) Ottoman Empire, 271. BouNAFEDE, ("A.) PkHosophy (l. HistoTy) ,'281. BouiLLAND, (J.) HeaH, 231. Mosography, 238. BouRiENNE, (F. DK.) France (II. History), 154. BouTERWEK, (F.) Esthetics. Literary His- tory, 206. -Spain (III. Literature), 308. Bourdon, (M.) Algebra, Arithmetic, 214. BouRDONNAis, (L. C.) Chcss, 96. Bourns, (C.) Engineering, 129. BOURDALOUE. CEuvres Completes. 5 vols. 8vo, /.20. Pans. — 18 vols. 12mo, /.2.5. ..." BousMARD. Fortification. BouTELL, (C.) Monuments, 252. BouviER, (P. L.) Painting (II. History), 272. BowDiTCH, (N.) J^avigation. BowDiTCH, (C. E.) Ashantee. BoviTES, (Sir Geo.) England (II. History), 136. Bowman, (H.) Architecture (VI. Gothic, 4-c.) BowRiNG, (J.) Ballads {Spanish, Bohemian, Servian, Dutch, ^c), 65, 66. Bohemian Lit- erature. Russia (III. Literature), 297. Boyd, (C.) Turkish Language. Boyd, (Sir W.) Literary History, 206. Bow^YER, (G.) Constitution, English, 109. Boyle, (J.) Joints. Braddock, (J.) Gunpowder. Bradford, (A. W.) America, JV*., (Antiquities). Bradley, (F.) Geometry, 216. Bradley, (G.) Stenography. Bradley, (J.) Worlu and Correspondence, by Rigand. 63*. Ooum. Brady, (J.) Calendar. Bragge. (Fr.) Works, 5 vols. 8vo, 32*. Oxm. Braim. Australia (II. History.) Brand, (J.) England (I. Geography, , 1840 Manuel de I'histwrede la philosophie, trad, de I'Allemand de Tennemann. 2 vols. 8vo, /.1 5 Paris, 1839 Des Pensees de Pascal. Rapport k l'Acad6- mie Francais, etc. 8vo, f.l 50. Paris, 1843 Lecons de Philosophie sur Kant. 8vo, f.l. Paris, 1842 Cours de philosophie, profess* pendant I'an- nee 1818, comprenantl'analyse de la raisoB. 8vo, f.l. 50. Philosophy (I. History of), 281, 282. CoussiN, (J. A.) Architecture (III. Gen. TVea- tiscs). CouvERCHEL. Gardening. Fruit, 164. COWPER, (Wm.) Poetical Works. 18mo. JV. r.,D. A. & Co. Poetical Works, by Southey. 15 vols. ]2mo, 75s. ..... London. Poetical Works, by Grimshawe. 8 vols. 12mo, 40s. London. Poetical Works, by Carey, roy. 8vo. " CoxE, (W.) Austria, History of. CRABBE, (Geo.) Poetical Works, and Life. 3 vols. 12mo, 40s London. — 1 vol. 8vo, 21s. . . . London, 1847 Crabb, (G.) England (III. Language), 140. Craoie, (D.) Pathology, 239. Craik, (G. L.) Baconian Philosophy. Com- merce. England (I. History), 131. (III. Lan- guage), 138. Literary History, 206. Cramer, (Rev. J. A.) Asia Minor, Asia (I. Geography). Greece (i. Geography). Italy (I. Geography). Crantz, (D.) Greenland (I. Geography). Craufurd, (Q,.) Hindostan, 185. Crawford, (J.) Archipelago (Indian). Ava. Crelle, (A. L.) Mathematics, 217. Cresy, (E.) Bridge Building. Engineering. CEE.] 331 [def. CRETiNBAr-JoLY. Francf (II. IHtti/ni), 154. Crkuzer, (F.) Greece [Mythology), T.i. My- thology, 255. Rome (II. HisUrry), 295 Crbvier, (J. B. L.) Rone (II. HUtoTy),^o. Crichton, (A-) Arabia (I. Oeography). CRICHTON, (J.) Life o^ by P. F. TytJer, 12mo. I^ndon. CROLY, (Rev. G.) Poetical Works. 2 vols. «in. 8vo, 21» London. Croker, (T. C.) Ballads (Irish). Fairy My- thology. Ireland. Cromek, (R. H.) Ballads (Scotch), 64. CROMWELL, (O.) Letters and Speeches of, bv Tho*. Cariyle. 3 vols. 12mo. . J^ew- York, W. & P. Crosse, (J.) Calculus, 225. Crowe, (E. E.) France (II. History), 151. Crcvielhier, (J.) .Anatomy, 220, 221. CsoMA. Tibetan JLanguage. Cddworth, (R.) Philosophy (II. England), 281. CcMMiXG, (J.) Electricity, 125. Cunningham, (A.) .^rts, Fine (II. History). BaUads (Scotch), 600. CiTNNlNOHAM, (P.; London. CcRlE, (P.) Homaopathy, 232, CcRLiNO, (T. B.) Testis, 243. Cdssy, (F. de.) Diplomacy. CcTBUSH, (J.) Pyrotechny. CcviER, (G.) Jlnimnl Kingdom. Jinatomy.'-SZ, 223. J^atural History, 255. J^atural Philoso- phy, 257. Paleontology, 274. CuviER ET Valenciennes. Ichthyology. CcviER ET Chamisso. Voyages and Travels. D'Abrantes. FVanee (II. History), 154. DAGUESSEAU, (H F.) Ses CEUvres completes, ed. par M. Pardessns. 16 vols. 8vo. /.80. . Paris. 1819-20 Lettres in^dites de, publiees par D. B. Rives. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1823 Hist, de la vie et des onvrages de, par M. A. Bouillee. 2 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1835 Life of, by Cha's Butler. 8vo, 6s. 6d. LoTidon. Dalbert. Gardening, 164. D'ALEMBERT, (J.) CEnvres philosophiqnes, faistoriqnes et litte- raires. 5 vols. 8vo, /.20. Paris, 1820-21 D' Alton, (T.) Ireland, 194. D'Altons, (E.) Horse. Dahlmann, (C. F.) History, ier7. Dahlmann, (F. G.) Denmark (I. History). England (II. History, 7), 137. Dallas, (R. C.) Maroons. Dalrtmple, (A.) Malabar. Dana, (R. H.) Whale Fishery. Dana, (J. D.) Mineralogy, 250. Danoeau, (De.) France (II. History), 153. Daniell, (J. F.) Chemistry, (II. Elementary), 92. Meteorology, 246. Dankovsky, (G.) Hungary (IL Language). Slavonic Language. Dauson and Dekpsey. Inventions, 193. Patents. DAXTK. (Seep. 113.) Ualso, (C.) Vila da Dante. 2 vols, 8vo, Ftrenie, 1839 Hell, Pnrgaiory, and Paradise. 12ino, por- traits and plates, ISmo. J\r. ¥., D. A. & Co., 1846 Lvrical Poenu, transl. by C. LyelL 12mo, 'is. 6d. . . . JAtndon, 1845 Divinia Commedia. Perticari. 3 voU. 8vo, 18*. — Di«corso da Ueo Foscolo. 8vo. 12*. — Illostrata da Ugo Foscolo. 4 vols. roy. 8vo, 28*. Opere Minori, (Eglog. Latin : Volgar Eloqnio, Delia Monarchia, Epistole, con Diuert. en Note. 8vo. . Ftrenze, 1840 D'ARBLAY. (Mad.) Diary and Letters. 7 vob. 8vo, London. Darby, (W.) Florida. Darc, (Compte.) Brittany. Venice. DARWIN, (C.) Geological Observations; Coral Formations. 8vo, lbs London. — Geology of Sooth America. 8vo, JO*. %d. London. — Volcanic Islands. 8vo, 10*. 6d. " Researches into Natural History and Geology. 8vo, 18* lAmdon. Z^oology of the Voyage of the Beagle. 4to, £%. 15* London. America (III, South A.). Geology, 167. Zoology, Dasent, (G. W.) Eddas, 119. Dacmont, (A.) Sweden (I. Travels). Dacney, (W.) BaUads (Scotch), 64. Daunoc, (P. C. F.) History, 187, Davids, (A. L.) Turkish language. Davidson, (C. J. C.) Hindustan. Davidson, (J. B.) Stenography. Davidson, (W,) Dietetics, 227. Davies, (E.) Celtic History, ire Davies, (G.) Druids. Davies, (C. M.) Holland (I. History). Davies, (T. S.) Mathematics, 212, Davis, (J. P.) China (I. Geography, 8re. Ul. Language), 99. Davy, (J.) Ceylon (I. Geography, ($-c.). Davis. (D.) Hydrocephalus, 232. Obstetrics, 238, Davodd-Oohloc, (G. a.) Germany (II. History). Da VINCI, (L.^ Life of, by J. W. Brown. 12mo, 6*. London. Painting, 271. Davy, (Sir H.) Works. 9 vols. 8vo. . /.ondon, I83IM0 Angling. Chemistry, II., 92. Davy, (J.) Malta. Debrbt, (J. B.) Brazil (L Geography). Dbbrett. Heraldry, 181. De Bcre, (G. F.) Bibliography (III. Spedal), 72. Dbcaisne, (M.) Alga. De Bode, (C. A.) Persia (I. Travels). De Booce. Netherlands (I. History). De Bcrtin. (F. X.) Painting (II. Criticism), 272. CON.] 390 [CRE. CONDORCET. CEuvres Completes, sur les MSS. originaux, etc. 12 vols. 8vo,/.84. Paris, 1846-7 Confucius et Mencius. Chijia (III. Lan- ffua^e) CoNOLLY, (A.) JIffffkanistan. CoNOLLY, (J.) Insanity, 233, 234. Conquest, (J. T.) Obstetrics, 238. Conrad, (T. A.) America (V. Kat. History). CoNRADi, (M.) Romance Language. CONSTABLE, (J.) Memoirs, by C. R. Leslie. 4to, 21* London, 1845 CONSTANT, (Benj.) CEuvres. 12 vols. 8vo, /.96. ...... Paris. CoNSTANTiN, (L. A.) Bibliography (L Intro- ductions) . Libraries. CoNSTANTio, (F. S.) PoHugal, 289. CoNTANT, (C.) Architecture (VII. Civil). CoNWELL, (W.) Liver, 235. Cooke, (W.) Digestion, 227. Cook, (Capt.) Voyages. CooLEY, (W. D.) Arabia (I. Geography). Voy- ages. Africa (I. Geography). (J I. History). CooLEY, (A. J.) Arts and Manufactures. Cooper, (A. P.) Breast, 224. Fractures, 230. Hernia, 230. Joints, 2M. Testis, 243. Cooper, (B. B.) Surgery, 242. Cooper, (S.) Surgery, 242. CoPEMAN, (E.) Apoplexy, 223. Copeland, (J.) Dictionaries, 227. jy/edicine, 236. Copland, (S.) Madagascar. CoQUELiN, (C.) Cotton Manufactxire, 112. CoRDA, (leGenl.) Artillery {U. Treatises). CORNEILLE, P. CEuvres Completes et CEuvres choises de Thomas Corneille, avec les Notes de Vol- taire, La Harpe, Marmontel, etc. 2 vols. 8vo,/.22. .... Paris. CORNWALL, (Barry.) (Dr. Proctor.) Dramatic Scenes and other Poems. l2mo, 7*. London. English Songs, and other Poems. 24mo, 2*. Qd. Moxon, London. Flood of Thessaly, and other Poems. 8vo, 7s. London. Marcian Colonna, and other Poems. 12mo, 7s. London. Poetical Works. 3 vols. 12mo, 21s. Sicilian Story. 12mo, 7s. M. . " CoRTEZ Y Lopez, (M.) Spain (I. Geography), CoRDA, (A. C. J.) Botany, Fossil, 78. CoRDiNiER, (J.) Ceylon (I. Geography), Sic. CoRMON. Italy (III. Language), 197. CoRNiANi, (G.) Italy. Literary History, 198. CoRERARD. (J.) Military Art, 249. Cortes, (H.) Mexico (II. History), 248. Cory, (P.) Chronology. F^pt (II. History), 121. (III. Language). Philosophy (II. En/r- lish), 281. /- ./ V A CossALi, (P.) Algebra. History. CosTELLo, (Miss.) Ballads (French, 66. Per- sian, 67 .) Covimerce. 108. France (II. His- tory), 152. Persia (III. Literature). Trouba- dours. Wales (I. Geography). CosTELLO, (W. B.) Surgery, 242. CoTGRAVE, (R.) England (III. Language), 140. COTTIN, (xMme.) CEuvres. 2 vols. ]2roo, /.7. . Paris. CoTTiNGHAM, (L. N.) Arts, Decorative, &c. CouBARD D'AuLNAY. Coffee. CouLsoN, (W.) Jomfs, 234. ,^'ne,342. Uri- nary Organs, 244. Coulter, (J.) California. CouRCELLES, (J. de.) Heraldry, 182. COURIER, (P L.) CEuvres Completes, par Ar- mand Carrel. 8vo, f.lO. . . Paris. CouRSON, (A. de.) Brittany. CouRTEPEE, (I'Abbe.) Burgundy. COUSIN, (V.) Aristotelian Philosophy. Education. Fragments litteraires. 8vo, /.7. 50. Cours de Philosophic morale, profess^ k la fa- culte des lettres, de 1816 k 1820. 5 vols. 8vo, /.30. . . . Paris, 1840-41 Introduction k I'histoire de philosophic. 8vo, /•7. Cours de Thistoire de la philos«M)hie. 3 vols. 8vo, /.18. Histoire de la philosophic du XVIIIe siecle. 2 vols. 8vo,/.14. Fragments philosophiques. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15. Paris, 1838 Fragments philosophiques. Philosophic anci- enne. 8vo,/.7.50 . . Paris, 1840 Fragments philosophiques. Philosophic scoH- astique. 8vo,/:7. 50. . Pans, 1840 Manuel de I'histoire de la philosopbie, trad, de I'Allemand de Tennemann. 2 vols. 8vo, /.15 Paris, 1839 Des Pensees de Pascal. Rapport k I'Acade- mie Francais, etc. 8vo, /.7 50. Paris, 1643 Lecons de Philosophic sur Kant. 8vo, /.7. Paris, 1842 Cours de philosophic, profess^ pendant I'an- nee 1818, comprenant I'analyse de la raison. 8vo,/.7. 50. Philosophy (I. History of), 281, 282. CoussiN, (J. A.) Architecture (III. Gen. Trea- tises). CouvERCHEL. Gardening. Fruit, 164. COWPER, (Wm.) Poetical Works. 18mo. JV. r.,D. A. & Co. Poetical Works, by Southcy. 15 vols. 12mo, 75s. ..... London. Poetical Works, byGrimshawe. 8 vols. 12n)o, 40s. London. Poetical Works, by Carey, roy. 8vo. " CoxE, (W.) Austria, History of. CRABBE, (Geo.) Poetical Works, and Life. 3 vols. 12mo, 40s London. — 1 vol. 8vo, 21s. . . . Londtm, 1847 Crabb, (G.) England (III. Language), 140. Cragie, (D.) Pathology, 239. Craik, (G. L.) Baconian Philosophy. Com- merce. England (I. History), 131. (III. Lan- guage), 138. Literary History, 206. Cramer, (Rev. J. A.) Asia Minor. Asia (I, Geography). Greece {I. Geography). Italy (I. Geography). Crantz, (D.) Greenland (I. Geography). Craufurd, (Q,.) Hindostan, 185. Crawford, (J.) Archipelago (Indian). Ava. Crelle, (A. L.) Mathematics, 217. Cresy, (E.) Bridge Building. Engineering. CRE.] 301 [def. Cretineau-Joly. Fravce (II. H!$tiirv), 154. Creuzer, (F.) Ch-eece {JMythology) , l'."). My- thology, 255. Rome (II. history), 295 Crevier, (J. B. L.) Rome (II. History), 295. Crichton, (A.) Arabia (I. Oeograpky). CRICHTON, (J.) Life o'", by P. F. Tytler. 12mo. London. CROLY, (Rev. G.) Poetical Works. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21« London. Croker, (T. C.) Ballads (Irish). Fairy My- thology. Ireland. Cromek, (R. H.) Ballads {Scotch), 64. CROMWELL. (O.) Letters and Speeches of, bv Thos. Carlyle. 3 vols. 12mo. . JVTsto- York, W. & P. Crosse, (J.) Calculus, 225. Crowe, (E. E.) France (II. History), 151. Cruvielhikr, (J.) .Anatomy, 220, 221. CsoMA. Tibetan Language. CuDW^ORTH, (R.) Philosophy (II. England), 281. Cummins, (J.) Electricity, 125. Cunningham, (A.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Ballads (Scotch), 600. Cunningham, (P.; London. Curie, (P.) Homaopathy, 232. Curling, (T. B.) Testis, 243. CussY, (F. de.) Diplomacy. CuTBUSH, (J.) Pyrotechny. CuviER, (G.) Animal Kingdom. Anatomy, '332, 223. J\ratural History, 255. J^atural Philoso- phy, 257. Paleontology, 274. CuviER ET Valenciennes. Ichthyology. CuviER ET Chamisso. Voyages and Travels. D'Abrantes. France (II. History), 154. DAGUESSEAU, (H F.) Ses ceuvres completes, ed. par M. Pardessus. 16 vols. 8vo, /.80. , Paris, 1819-20 Lettres in6dites de, publiees par D. B. Rives. 2 vols. 8vo. . . Paris, 1823 Hist, de la vie et des ouvrages de, par M. A. Bouillee. 2 vols. 8vo. . Paris, 1835 Life of, by Cha's Butler. 8vo, 6s. 6d. London. Dalbert. Gardening, 164. D'ALEMBERT. (J.) G3uvres j)l)i!osophiques, historiques et litte- raires. 5 vols. 8vo, /.20. Paris, 1820-21 D' Alton, (T.) Ireland, 194. D'Altons, (E.) Horse. Dahlmann, (C. F.) History, 187. Dahlmann, (F. G.) Denmark (I. History). England (II. History, 7), 137. Dallas, (R. C.) Maroons. Dalrymple, (A.) Malabar. Dana, (R. H.) TVhale Fishery. Dana, (J. D.) Mineralogy, 250. Dangeau, (De.) France (II. History), 153. Daniell, (J. F.) Chemistry, (II. Elementary), 92. Meteorology, 246. Dankovsky, (G.) Hungary (II. Language). Slavonic Language. Dauson and Dempsey. Inventions, 193. Patents. DANTE. (Seep. 113.) Balbo, (C) Vita da Dante. 2 vols. 8vo. Firenze, 1839 Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. 12mo, por- traits and plates, 18mo. J\r. Y., D. A. & Co., 1846 Lvrical Poems, transl. by C. Lyell. 12mo, 4s. 6d. ... J^ndon, 1845 Divinia Commedia. Perticari. 3 vols. 8vo, 18s. — Discorso da Ueo Foscolo. 8vo, 12s. — Ill ustrata da I Jgo Foscolo. 4 vols. roy. Bvo, 28s. OpereMinori, (Eglog. Latin : Vulgar Eloqnio, Delia Monarchia, Epistolse, con Dissert, en Note. 8vo. . . Firenze, 1840 D'ARBLAY, (Mad.) Diary and Letters. 7 vols. 8vo. London. Darby, (W.) Florida. Daru, (Compte.) Brittany. Venice. DARWIN, (C.) Geological Observations ; Coral Formations. 8vo, 15s London. — Geology of South America. 8vo, 10s. 6rf. London. — Volcanic Islands. 8vo, 10s. 6d. " Researches into Natural History and Geology. 8vo, 18s London. Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle. 4to, jCS. 15s London. America (III. South A.). Geology, 167. Zoology. Dasent, (G. W.) Eddas, 119. Daumont, (A.) Sweden (I. Travels). Dauney, (W.) Ballads (Scotch), 64. Daunou, (P. C. F.) History, 187. Davids, (A. L.) Turkish language. Davidson, (C. J. C.) Hindostan. Davidson, (J. B.) Stenography. Davidson, (W.) Dietetics, 227. Davies, (E.) Celtic History, s., 1839 Recog. G. Dillenburger. 8vo, Bs Bonn., 1843 Var. lect. adnot., &c., ed. G. Braunhard. 4 vols. 8vo. 39s. . . I^ips., 1838 Satyren, erldart von L. F. Heindorf und E. F. WUstemann, mit einer Abhandl. v. C. G. Zumpt, 8vo, 13s. 6- York, D. A. & Co. " " by Hazlitt. 2 vols. 8vo. JVe«7-ForA, W. & P. Memoirs of, by Bourienne. 4 vols. 8vo, 30s. London. " " " LasCasas. 4 vols. 12mo, 20s. London. " " dictated by Himself. 4 vols. 8vo, 42s London. Public and Private Life of, by O'Meara. 8vo, 23s London. " " " " " by Montholon. Nares, (E.) England (II. History), 136. Nares, (R.) England (III. Language). Narrien, (J.) Astronomy (II. Gen. Treatises). Mathematics, 214. Nash, (C.) Affgkaniatan. NAS.] 415 [ORL. Nash, (J.) Architecture (VII. dvU). Nasmyth. Teeth, 243. Naunton, (R."! England, 135. Navarette, (M. J. de.) Qeography (III. His- tory of). Navier. Machinery. Neale, (J. P.) London. Neamet Ullah. Affghanistan, History. Nebel. Mexico (I. Voyages, ^c.) 247. Neckkr, (L. A.) Mineralogy, 250. NECKER. CEuvres Completes, publ. par M. de Stael. 15 vols, 8vo, /.60. . . . Paris. Neison, (F. G. B.) Assurance, Life. Nelioan, (J. M.) Pharmacy, 239. NELSON, (Lord.) Dispatches and Letters, ed. by Sir H. Nicolas. 7 vols. 8vo. . . . London, 1846-7 Life of, by Clarke and McArthur. 3 vols. 8vo, 42s London. " " " Southey. 12mo, 5s. Nelson, (R.) Cholera, 236. Neumann, (C. F.) Statistics. Neumann, (K. F.) Armenia (III. Language). Neumann, (F. E.) Electricity, 125. Neumann & Baretti. Spain (III. Language). Newbold, (T. J.) Malacca. New^nham, (W.) Mesmerism. Newman, (E.) Entomology. Newton. Inventions, 192. Newton, (W.) Heraldry, 180. NEY. (Marshal.) Memoirs of. 2 vols. 8vo, 24*. . London. Nicholas, (P. H.) J^aval History, 259. Nichols, (J.) England (I. Geography. II. History, 6), 135. Nicholson. Wales (I. Geography). Nicholson, (P.) Architecture (III. General Treatises). Building. Carpentry. NicoLAi, (D. H. G.) Forensic Medicine. Nicolas, (Sir H.) Chivalry. Chronology. England (II. History, 3), 134, 135. JTaval History. NicoLAT. Oregon. NiEBUHR, (B. G.) Rome (II. History), 294. Niebuhr, (C.) Arabia (I. Geography). NiMROD. Sports and Pastimes, 309. NoAD, (H. M.) Chemistry (II. Elementary). Electricity. Noble, (D.) Brain, 224. NODIER, (C.) France (III. Language), 159. Philology. NoCEDA, (P. J.) Philippine Islands. Noel et Carpentier. Arts and Manufactures. France (III. Language), 159. Inventions, 193. Noel, (F.) Latin Language, ^2 Noisette, (L.) Gardening, 164. NONNUS. Panopol. Dionysiaca, suis et alior. Conject. emend, et illustr. F. Graefe. 2 vols. 8vo, 31s. U. ... Lips., 1819-26 NoRiE, (J. W.) Jfavigation. NoRK. Arts, Fine (I. Bibliography). Normand, (C.) Architecture (V. Roman). Arts {Decorative). North, (Hon. R.) Music (I. mttory), 253. Northcote, (J.) Fables. Nothomb. Belgium. NOVALIS. Schriften, herausg. v. Tieck u. Schlegel. 2 vols. 12mo, 7s. . . Bcr/m, 1837 Nostitz, (De.) Austria. NovELLE. Dancing. Nugent, (Lord.) England, 137. Nbnez de Taboada. Spain (III. Language), 309. Nunnely, (J.) Erysipelas, 229. NussLEiN, (F. A.) JEsthetics. NuTTALL, (T.) America (V. JSTat. History). Nyerup, (R.) Ballads (Danish), 66. Obert. Guatemala. O'Brien, (E.) Law, 204. O'Brien, (M.) Trigonometry, 218. Oberleitner, (A.) Aramean Language. Obermuller, (W.) Ethnology. O'Brien, (M.) Calculus, 215. Mathematics, 213. Ochoa, (D. E. de.) Ballads (Spanish), 67. Ochley, (S.) Arabia (II. History). O'CoNNELL, (D.) Ireland (II. History), 194. O'Connor, (C.) Ireland (II. History), 194. O'CoNOR, (M.) Ireland (II. History), 194. O'DONOVAN, (J.) Ireland (11. History), 194. Lartguage. (EHLENSCHLAGER. Samlede Vaerker. 26 vols. 12mo, £4. 10s. Copenh., 1846 Eddas. Ogee. Britanny. Ogilvy, (Mrs. D.) Ballads (Scotch), 64. O'Halloran, (S.) Ireland, 194. Oliver, (Geo.) Antiquities of Freemasonry. 8vo, 10s. 6d. London. Hist. Landmarks of Freemasonry, vol. 1, 8vo, 17s. History of Freemasonry from 1829 to 1841. 12mo, 4s. — Initiation to Freemasonry. 8vo, 10s. M. Jacob's Ladder. Pastoral Addresses. 12mo, 4s. Lectures on Freemasonry (Signs and Sym- bols). 8vo, 9s. Star in the East. 12mo, 5s. M. Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry. 8vo, 10s. M. Ollendorff, , 16s. fVank., 1845 RuDiNQ, (R.) Jfumismatics. RuGE, (A.) JEsthetics. RuGENDAS, (M.) Brazil (I. Geography). RuHLE v. LiUBNSTERN. Arabia (II. History). Egypt (I. Oeog.), 121. RuLHiERE, (C.) Poland (I. History). RUMFF. Prussia. RUMOUR, (C. F. v.) Italienische Forschunfjen. 3 vols. 8vo, 21,?. Berl., 1831 RuMKER, (C.) Astronomy (II. General IVea- tises). RcMOHR, (F.) Cookcrjj. RuNOE, (F. F.) Cotton Manufacture. Dyeing. RuPERTi, (G. F. F.) Ro7ne (I. Geography) ,2M. RupPELL, (E.) Abyssinia. RiTSH, (J.) Voice. RusnwoRTH, (J.) England (II. History), 137. Russell, (Dr.) Abyssinia and JVubia. Barbary States. Egypt, 121. Europe. Germany (1. Oeog.), 169. JV«o Zealand. Polynesia. Russell, (Lord Jno.) Constitution, English. England (II. History, 6), 135. Europe. Russell, (J. S.) Steam Engine, 310. Rutgers, (A.) Arabia (11. History). RuTEBAUF. TVoubadours. Ryland, (F.) Larynx,235. Rymer, (T.) England, 132. SACHS, (Hans.) Werke von J. T. Biisehing. 3 vols. 8vo, 20s. JVurnb., 1816-24 Sageret. Gardening. 164. Sahlstedt, (A.) Sweden (III. luinguage). Sainte-Aulaire. France (II. History), 153. Saint Hii-aire, (A. de.) Botany. Brazil (I. Geography. III. J\rat. History). Meteorology, Saint Hilaire, (B.) Aristoteliam Philosophy. Philosophy, 281. SAINTES. (A.) Hist, de la Vie et des GEuvrage* de Spinosa. 8vo,/.7 50 Paris. Philosophy, 283. Saint -Martin, (M.J.) Armenia (11. History) . Egypt (II. History), 122. Saint-Maur, (V. de.) Egypt (I. Geography). Geography (III. History of). Sainte-Pelaye. Chivalry. Saint-Simon. France (II. Hisi&ry), 153. SAINT-SIMON, (H. de.) CEuvres, par Olinde Rodriguess 8vo,/.5. Paris, 1845 Saissy, (S.) Medicine (Ear), 283. Sale, (G.) Arabia (HI. Literature). Koran. SALT, (H.) Life and Correspondence of, by J. J. Hall. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. . . . London. Abyssijiia. Egypt (III. Language), 123. Saloa, (V.) Bibliography (III. Special). Spain (III. Language}, 309. Salvandy, (N. A. de.) Poland (I. History). Salvertk, (E.) Occ^dt Sciences. Salvolini, (F.) Egypt (III. Language). SALLUST. Opera, recog. var. lect. etc. F. D. Gerlach. 3 v.;ls. 4to, 40s. . . Bas., 1825-35 — " recens. cum sefect. Cortie notts subque comm. ed. F. Kritziu*. 2 vols, and Appen- di.\. 8vo, 16.?. . Bas., 1828-35 — in Usnm Delpliini. 8vo, 6s^. iMmdon, "by Giles. 12mo, 3s. 6d. " " by Mattaire. 12itio, 2s. M. " — Latin and En;?lish, by Mair. 12mo, 4s. " — " " Transl. by Murpl)^. 8vo. 9*. Sampson. FJectrotype. Sampson, (M. B.) Phrenology, 285 Punish- ment. Samuda, (J. D'A.) Railu>ays. San Augustin, (G. de.) Philippine Islands. Sanchez, (J. M.) Spain (II. History), Sanchez, (T. A.) Ballads, (Spanish), &7. Spain (III. Literature). Sanders, (P.) Hayti, 180. Sandifort, (G.) Craniology. Sang, (E.) Assurance, (Life). Sandby, (G.) Mesmerism, 237. Sarrans, (Jeune.) Sweden (II. History). Sartorius, (G. F.) Germany (II. History), 170. Italy (I. Geography). SAU.] 423 [sCR. Saulcy, (P. de.) Byzantium. Saunders, (JJ Medicine (Ear), 228. SavaRT. Fortification. Savary, (M.) Egypt (II. Geography), 121. Savagk, (W.) Printing. Sauth. Osteology, 239. Sacvaoks, (L'Abbe d'.) Romance Language. Savigny, (F. C.) Rome (III. Law), 296. ScHAAF, (C.) Aramean Language. ScHAFKR, (H.) Portugal, ScHAYES, (A. G. B.) A''etherlands ScHARMNO, (E. A.) Medicine {Calculus), 225. ScHAUBACH. Astronomy (I. History). ScHAFFARiK, (J. P.) Servia {Language). Sla- vonic Language. ScHEiBEL, (J. E.) Mathematics (I. History). ScHlLL. Medicine {Diagnosis), 227. SCHILLER, (F. v.) Sainint. Werke. imp. fvo, 21*. Stutt, 1840 — Newedn. 10 vols. 8vo, 31«. 6. JV. r., D. A. & Co. Leben aus Erinnerungen der Familie, (von C. V. VVolzo^'en). Hvo, As. Stutt., 1845 — von G. Schwab. 8vo. 8^. " 1840 Geistesentwickelung a. VVerke, Hoffnaeister. 5 vols. 8vo, '22s. . . Stutt., 1838-42 Dichtan:;en erlautert F. W. Hinrichs. 3 vols. 8vo, 20*. . . . Leip.. 1837-39 als Menscb, Dichter, &c. (Grun, K.) 12mo. 105. 6d Lcip., 1844 Esthetics. Fine Arts (III. Essays). Oer- many, 169. ^Netherlands . ScHii-LiNG, (G.) Music (II. Theoretical), 254. ScHLMMELPENNiscK, (A. A.) Port Royal. ScHiNAS, (M.) Romaic Language. SCHINKEL, (F. R.) Architecture (III. Oen. Treatises). SCHLEGEL. (A.W. v.) Sdmmt. Werke, herausg. v. E. Booking. 12 vols. 12mo, 48s. (Publishing.) Works. Transl. Bohn's Standard Library). Arts {Fine). Drama. SCHLEGEL, (F. v.) Sammtliche VVerke. 8 vok. 8vo. (Publish- ing) Works. Transl. {Bohn's Standard Lib'y). History, 187. Literary History, 205. ScHLEGEL et Walverhorst. Folcovry. ScBLEOEL, (Dr. H.) Amphibia. ScHLEiDEN, (M. J.) Botany, 77. SCHLEIERMACHER, (F.) Sammt. Werke, neue Ausgabe in 3 Abtlieil- nngen. 8vo. . . Berlin, 1834-46 Esthetics. ScHLETTER, (H. T.) Jurisprudence. SCHLOSSER, (F. C.) History, (I.), 186, 187, 188. Schmidt, (Ur. E. A.) France (II. History), 15L Schmidt, (R.) England (II. History), 133. ScHMiTZLER, (M.) Finland. Schmidtmeyer, (P.) Chili. Schmidt, (J. A. E ) Romaic Language. Po- land {Language). Schmidt, (F.) Sweden (II. History). Schmidt, (J. J.) Tartar Languages. ScHMiTTHESKR, (J.) Germany (III. Language), Schmitz, (Dr. L.) Rome (II. History). Scu.MOLDERS, (A.) Philosophy {Oriental), 284. SiHMiTZLER. Russia (II. History. France (I. Geography). ScHNAASE, (C.) Arts, Fine (II. History). Schneider, (F.) Denmark (II. language). SCHNURRER. (D. C. F.) Arabia (III. language), 1. Schoell, (M. S. F.) Europe {History of). Latin Literature, 203. Schoell, (M. S. F.) Greece (III, Literature). ScHoMAXN, (G. F.) Athens. Schomburok, (R. H.) Barbadoes. Schon, (J. F.) Africa {Geography). ScHORN, (W.) Greece (II. History), 175. ScHOTT. Tartar languages. Schrevelius. Greece (III. Literature), 177. Schroderi. Armenia (III. Language). Turk- ish Language. ScURffiDER, (J. F. L.) Mathematics {Pure), 213. Schultz, (A.) Literary History, 206. Schubarth, (E. L.) Chemistry (III. Applied). SCHULTZE, (E.) Pcetiscbe Schriften. 4 vols. 8vo, 24ii. Leipz., 1822 SCHWAB, (G.) FiJnf Bucher deutsche Lieder u. Gedichte. 12mo, Qs. ... Leipz., 1841 Schwanthaler, (L.) Sculpture. Schumacher, (H. C.) Astronomy (IV. Tables, d. . London. Aphorisms of, by Miss Porter. 2 vols. 12mo, 10s. 6(Z. .... iMudon. SINCLAIR, (Sir J.) Memoirs of, by his Son. 2 vols. sm. 8vo, 21s. Edinb. Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo, 30s. London. Cotle of Agriculture. 8vo, 20s. . " Husbandry of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. 30s. Report s. 6