'/ U F i /^/r ^ No. 1773 HANDBOOK OF THE 3,8-INCH GUN MATERIEL {ELEVEN PLATES) JANUARY 19, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 No. 1773 U.S. 0 O j C^< o Q o 05 1>- 'i* oj oi C3 rti -^ n a t^ rp oi n eo in i-h oj t^ •* >-i oo ■«* o> c^irtoci-i .t^^rt05coc505coc%a> oc^c-^MOob'OWpQO i^coioooM^ooor^io •c^'eoco QjOtO«Oif:iiO»0-<*<-<»<- t^eo«ot^o>ff<>>oojvoo coatusi-i <»ic4o»t-^ «d "5 T)i ro N c4 r-5 o o <» oiocoooo 11 it"^ CO -H 00 !p CO -4 rH e>i » c5 CO c4 oJ CD Wi c>i d ( O C55 05 CO O 00 t^ CD lO -* -^COCON NJ « I O « .«et>o«0'HOO«C0 1-1 OS 00 0> N 00 lO ■* «0 0» U3NCI COt>-M O»00O5« 1^-«1<(NC0 "^dC^^gJ^s^SS"^ 2R§§^^S"^::^^ ^^S^S^^^S^^ 1^?:;^'^ 00000000.-I ,-tr-i,-i,-(,^r-icqc>»N(N NMC^MfocoeoeoTtt-iit ■»»<-*->to s i. •^ g , ^ M 1-1 c^ CO ^ »o «o w «>• 00 05 o 1-t c^ CO 'ii «o CO 5 (N c.t>'OOooo»os o500i-ic —I ■<»< t^ o ■* t>- ococDOiMio o>N»ooo fh T|< 00 1-1 ■* t- o ■* t* o eceooco o ■ * * 1-5 1-5 ^ c«i IN e>3 co w eo co -^ -"^ tJ »o w5 »o cd co co t^ t^ t-^ o6 o6 o6 as 05»dc5 i r 0^ ^25§:S!2S2J??S?3S 2?§S3gS^:S?2§?5 S?^§?:?S§^2^^S ^^^S So * * ' ' ^ rH fh »^ ph c4 cit-^x I ^o . 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[Plate II.] Fixed ammunition is used in the 3.8-inch gun and is made up of either common shrapnel or common steel shell. The ammunition as made up varies slightly in length with the type of projectile used. The ammunition chests of the battery are of sufficient size to take either kind of ammimition furnished, so that the quantity of each class of ammunition to be carried is a matter to be regulated by proper authority. All fixed ammunition for the 3.8-iiich gun is issued filled and fuzed. The weight of the projectile is 30 poimds and the total weight of the fixed ammimition, either shrapnel or shell, is 37.78 pounds. A cast-iron shell has been designed having the same center of gravity and exterior dimensions as the common steel shell. This is used for proof and range firing only* THE CARTRIDGE CASE. [Plate II.] The cartridge case is a solid drawn case of cartridge brass having a capacity of approximately 142.6 cubic inches. The weight of the cartridge case with the llO-graia percussion primer is 4.78 pounds. The base of the cartridge case is stamped with the name of the gun, iaitials of the place of manufacture, and the year of manufacture. The ammunition lot number is also stamped on the base of the cartridge case. A circular groove cut in the base of the cartridge case is painted yellow to indicate common shrapnel and black to indicate common steel shell, i. e., high explosive shell. THE PROPELLING CHARGE. The propelling charge is composed of nitrocellulose powder, the granulation being cylindrical and having seven longitudinal perfora- tions. The weight of the propelling charge varies shghtly for differ- ent lots of powder and weighs approximately 48 ounces. Smokeless powder must not be used for blailk charges. For this purpose, the Ordnance Department furnishes a special powder. PROJECTILES. COMMON STEEL SHELL. [Plate II.] The common steel shell contains a bursting charge of 3.24 pounds of trinitrotoluol. Tlie weight of the shell with the bursting charge, fuze, and base cover is 30 poimds with a small tolerance either way. -ROTATINS BAND. BASEDEromrm FUZE-MED/UM CAUBEff. PLATCn " COVER. I BOURRELET COMMON Sr££L SH£LL MODEL OF I90S. CENTRAL TUBE. SECOND C0M8IN/VI0N FUZE. W455 COVER. i/O SRAIN PERCUSS/OA/ PfflMER. CARTR/DGE CASE / I INCHES. N 99 e 13 COMMON SHRAPNEL. [Plate II.] The shrapnel is a base charged common shrapnel fitted with a 31-second combination fuze. The shrapnel filling is composed of 369 balls, each approximately 230 grains in weight. The balls are approximately 0.54 inch in diameter. The interstices contain a smoke-producing matrix. All shrapnel ammunition is issued fuzed all ready for use and pro- vided with a waterproof hood over the fuze to exclude moisture. FRANKFORD ARSENAL COMBINATION FUZE, 31-SEC. MODEL OF 1907 M. [Plate III.] This fuze consists of the following parXs, assembled as shown in the drawing : a Body, bronze. j Compressed-powder pellet in vent lead- 6 Closing cap, brass. ing to lower time train. h^ Vents in closing cap. j^ Compressed-powder pellet in lower 6^ Safety ^ ire. time-train vent. c Upper time-train ring, Tobin bronze. k Lower time train, compressed powder. c^ Washer for time-train ring, graduated, I Brass disk, crimped in place. felt cloth. Rear Mt plate.. Front f}lt plate. Recoil indicator Consi>tuig of— Spring. Slic ide. Recoil-indicator throw Recoil-indicator pointer Recoil-indicator htn'^e pin R ecoil-indicator hinge Firing mechanism, consisting of— Firing-shaft bracket Firing shaft Firing-handle hub Firing handle Consisting of— Plunder Spring Firing-shaft bracket pin. Shaft-trip collar •. . . . Trip latch Trip-latch phmger Trip-latch spring Trip-latch pin Trip-collar pin Handle-return spring Shaft-return spring Adjusting screw Adjusting-screw check nut . . Bracket studs and nuts Cylinder Cylinder-end stud Cylinder-end stud nut Screw for cylinder end Counter-recoil bulTer Cylinder head Cylinder-head screw eyes Cylinder-head washer Gland Stirrup Front-spring support Rear-spring support Outer counter-recoil springs : Inner counter-recoil springs .• . Spring separators, inner Spring separators, outer Cylinder support Rmgs, packing Piston Piston rod Piston-rod plug Piston-rod nut Filling plug with gasket Vent plug Vent-plug washer Piston-retaining screws Piston-rod plug pin Rocker, consisting of— Pintle socket. Pintle bushing Rocker bars Pintle-socket front clip liner Pintle-socket rear clip liner Pintle-socket side clip liner, right. Pintle-socket side clip liner, left. . Traversing plate liner pin Traversing plate Traversing-plate liner On rear end of cradle Secures shoulder guard to cradle. Braced in shoulder guard On cradle guide liners Riveted to dust guard Part of cradle brush. ....do ....do In indicator guide. . . Riveted to slide In sruidf Attached to hinge Riveted to indicator slide. For hinge Riveted to dust guard Bolted to bracket seat In bracket On end of firin. Bsiainin^ J?imf Boll- -. I rront Sifhl Bracket- |l -Foot Fcsi Apron Latch Upper Inside fool /drsl ' 'Support- — Diagonal Brace&~^^-.^ Upper Oaiside Foot R^st " Support Lower Oulside Foot l^t ^ Support """ PcmaramicSljht- Ftemlinff Omk fondle Seat fL/iTf VJ -Brake l?od -Shield Bruce Apron Latch SealArm y Handspike Bracket Trail Handle di.8-Inch Gun Carriage. Mode! ofW04 Plan 4 a an TO Z4 28 X 36 40 44 4S S2 56 60 64 68 ^ 76 so 84 ea 92 36 /OO 104 /08 le IIG I NCHES. Il l I T I T I I I I i M I I r i I I I i T l I I I I I I I I I M M M I I I M I I I I I I i ! I I I I ITTT ^ ^J ■9 1:e 3 S ■« S 23 Nomenclature of parts of carriage (complete) — Continued. No. 64 128 16 32 2 2 2 2 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 Name of part. Panoramic sight case, consisting of— Con-. Wing-niit pin and washer Wing-n ut pin reinforce Chain eye Padlock chain Leather-covered wood packing blocks . Bolts with nuts 0.375 pipes , Springs, sight-case Padlock Bolt snap Front-sight, consisting of— Front-sight bracket Sleeve Holder Rear sight, consisting of— Rear-sight bracket, with shank socket. Rear-sight shank Shank-socket cover Panoramic sight Range quadrant Wheels, 5S-inch, complete, consisting of— Tire bolts, with nuts and washers Dowels Feilob rivets Washers Felloe segments Spokes Tires Hub boxes Hub liners Hub rings Carriage bolts Carriage-bolt nuts Lock washers Hub caps Oil valves Washers Springs Wheel fastenings (in halves) Consisting of— Wheel-fastening pin Hasp Hasp staple Twisted coil chain, with ring pin. Location. Class. Riveted on case ....do ....do Attached to chain eye Screwed to inside of case Secure case to bracket On bolts Not interchangeable with quadrant-case springs. Fastened to chain ....do Rests in socket riveted to cradle. Tlireaded to bracket Supports ring with cross wires . . Fastened by two nuts to bracket support riveted to cradle. Constitutes the rear sight Bolted to shank socket Fitted to rear-sight shank ». Forced into hub boxes. Outer flanges of hubs.., Between hub rings and hub On ends of hubs In hub caps For oil valve do At ends of axle Projierty classifica- tion. } IV Sec- tion. DESCRIPTION OF THE CARRIAGE. [Plates V, VI, and VII.] The carriage for the 3.8-inch gun is of the type known as the long recoil, in which the gun is permitted a sufficient length of recoil upon the carriage to render the latter stationary under firing stresses. As this carriage is of the same general design as the 3-inch gun carriage, model of 1902, the description of the carriage and its parts given in the handbook on 3-inch Gun Materiel, Form No. 1659, will be used. There are differences in design, however, existing between some parts of the two carriages, such as in the traversing mechanism, the rocker, and other smaller parts. These are taken up in their proper order, and the differences may be readily seen by comparison with similar paragraphs in the above-mentioned handbook. Any dimen- 24 sions given in the description of the 3-inch gun carriage will be dis- regarded, as the 3.8-inch gun has a larger carriage. Numbers of carriages will also be disregarded. WHEELS. The wheels are a heavier type of the Archibald pattern, 58 inches in diameter, with 4-inch tires. The hub cap is of forged steel and no hub band or hub-latch plunger is used. The wheel fastening is of a different design, being made in halves and pinned together by means of a pin and interlocking lugs at one end and a hasp and split pin at the other. The fastening has a square thread, onto which the wheel is screwed. The wheel is locked to the fastening by means of the hasp and staple. The only difference noted in the trail is that the rear ends of the flasks are not flanged outward at the points at which the float is attached. ELEVATING GEAR. The functioning of the elevating gears is the same, but differs in construction. In place of the angle the 3.8-inch gun-carriage rocker has two steel bars threaded in the pintle socket at one end and riveted to the traversing clip at the other. The traversing clip serves as a point of attachment for both the traversing and elevating mechanism. TRAVERSING MECHANISM. The traversing mechanism consists of the traversing worm shaft, mounted in a bearing in the traversing clip. The bearing is inclined 30° to the horizontal and is bushed at either end. Through an aperture provided for the purpose the worm thread on the traversing worm shaft engages with the rack on the traversing plate, which in turn is riveted to the cradle. A pin, inserted in the traversing clip after assembly, serves as a traversing stop. Two small lugs, one at the center and one at the right of the traversing plate, limit the motion of the gun to right or left. The traversing worm shaft extends upward and to the left, terminating in a seat for the trav- ersing handwheel. Turning the handwheel causes the cradle, with the gun, to be traversed, the amount of motion provided being 106 mils, 53 on each side of the axis of the carriage. CRADLE COMPLETE. The cradles complete are similar in design and operation except as noted. The 3.8-inch gun-carriage cradle has three steel forgings riveted to its under side — the pintle, traversing plate, and cradle-lock lug. The traversing and elevating mechanism are attached at the same point. 25 ACTION OF MECHANISM DURING RECOIL. The firing mechanism is as described in the handbook, Form 1659, for carriages after No. 168. AMMUNITION CARRIERS. There are no ammunition carriers mounted on the 3.8-inch gun carriage, and all references thereto in the handbook. Form 1659, should be disregarded. ROAD BRAKE. The spring cover and spring-cover end mentioned in the hand- book, Form 1659, are integral on the 3.8-inch carriage. There is but one rack riveted to the brake-segment bracket. THE SHIELD. The apron is hinged to the axle-seat brackets and the axle bear- ings and reaches to within 5.25 inches of the ground. For traveling, it is swung up under the seats and held by two apron latches, which are attached to brackets riveted to the foot-rest supports. The main shield is rigidly attached by bolts to the axle-seat brackets and axle bearings and is braced by two shield braces, reaching from its upper corners to the foot-rest frame. It has two wing nuts for securing the top shield when folded down and has a sighting port and a gun port. The latter is made a minimum port, and the shield is stiffened by a hood riveted to its front face. The upper edge of the top shield is 64 inches from the ground. TO FILL THE RECOIL CYLINDER. In the instructions regarding the filling of recoil cyUnders the fol- lowing important point should be noted in addition to the instruc- tions given in the handbook: Tlie cylinder should he refilled after any test wJiicli requires the retracting of the gun. TO DISMOUNT THE TRAVERSING MECHANISM. The gun being dismounted, reinove the traversing stop pin from the chp and traverse the cradle (muzzle end) to its extreme left position. This will disengage the rack from the worm on the shaft. To remove the worm shaft, first remove the handwheel, next the nut from the upper end of the shaft, and then unscrew the bushing from the traversing clip, which wiU allow the shaft to be withdrawn. To assemble the traversing mechanism, the above operations are re- versed. TO REMOVE A WHEEL. First, remove the hub cap by unscrewing with the spanner fur- nished, remove the lock washer, undo and throw back the hasp attached to the wheel fastening, and then unscrew the wheel from the wheel fastening, which will aUow its being removed. 77810—17 4 26 TO REMOVE A WHEEL FASTENING. The wheel having been removed as directed above, withdraw the 0.25 spUt pin; the wheel fastening, being in halves and hinged at the bottom, can then be removed from the axle. ADJUSTMENT OF SIGHTS. VERIFICATION OF PARALLELISM OF LINES OF SIGHT AND AXIS OF BORE. information in handbook 1659 applies to the 3.8-inch gun, with the exception of that shown in figure 1. A \ Panorami(i ^ Open! Sj ^ ^F^ ^ ^Bore. 10.7 . FIGUREI ^ i THE 3.8-INCH GUN LIMBER, MODEL OF 1904. [Plate VIII.] WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight, complete, empty pounds. Weight of tools and equipment carried do . . . Weight of ammunition carried do . . . Weight, completely equipped and loaded do. . . Weight of gun, carriage, and limber, completely equipped and with 18 rounds of ammunition pounds . Rounds of ammimition carried in limber chest number. Diameter of wheels : inches . Width of track do. . . Free height under limber (and carriage) do . . . Turning angle with carriage degrees . Turning angle with caisson do. . . 1,102 91 682 1,875 5,750 18 58 60 21 76 75 27 Nomenclature of parts of limber. No. Name of part. Wheels and wheel fastenings Axle Middle rail (upper and lower half), con- sisting of— Pole clamp Pole-prop bracket Pole-clarap bolt Pole-clamp bolt nut. Pole pin Pole-pin reinforce . . . Pole stop Dowel Doubletree strap Doubletree bolt Doubletree-bolt nut Side rail, right, consisting of— Side-rail connection, right. Separators Rear reinforce plates Step Side rail, left, consisting of— Side-rail connection, left... Separators Rear reinforce plates Step Name plate Limber prop, consisting of— Limber-prop foot Limber-prop eye Chain Prop tube Prop-chain fastening Prop bracket Prop-chain button Prop-chain button rivet Prop-chain handle Tie rod, front 2 I Tie rod, rear 2 Tie-rod clamp, upper 2 : Tie-rod clamp, lower 2 \ Tie-rod pins Tie-rod clamp bolts Key, for tie-rod clamp Foot rest, consisting of— Foot-rest brae! et, right , Foot-rest bracket, left Foot rest. Foot-rest support, right Foot-rest support, left Foot-rest support pin Doubletree-rod guide, right Doubletree-rod guide, left Pick-handle bracket Shovel-handle bracket Pintle with bearing, complete, consisting of— Pintle Pintle latch Pintle-latch pin with split pin Pintle-latch spring Pintle bearing (in two parts) - Pintle spring ' Pintle-spring pin Pintle bearing bolts with nuts Doubletree, consisting of— Doubletree body with reinforce , Separators 10 Nipple separator Double hook, right Double hook, left Doubletree nipple Nipple nut Doubletree chain Doubletree-strap fastener. Reinforce piece Location. Class. Same as on carriage . Riveted to axle . Riveted to middle rail Riveted to pole clamp and middle rail with limber prop in place. In pole clamp Secures pole in seat Riveted to lower half of middle rail Riveted between uppef and lower half of middle rail. For middle rail, upper section Riveted to middle rail In bolt clamp_and doubletree strap Riveted to axle and middle rail Riveted to side rail and pole clamp. For bracing flanges of side rail Riveted to side raU Riveted to axle and middle rail Riveted to side rail and pole clamp. For bracing flanges of side rail Riveted to side rail Riveted to middle rail Assembled to middle rail by means of prop eye. Pmned to bottom of prop Pinned to top of prop Secured to prop foot Hinged to pole by prop eye Riveted to chain Riveted to pole clamp Riveted to foot rest For prop-chain button On end of prop chain Brace middle rail from axle ....do On axle arms ....do Fasten front ends of front tie rods Fasten tie rods to clamps Prevent clamps from turning on axle Riveted to ammunition chest do Riveted to foot-rest brackets Supports right side of foot rest Supports left side of foot rest Pin supports to handrail forward brackets Riveted to foot rest do do do Seated in pintle bearing On pin tie Forms pivot of latch On pintle Rear end ol middle rail In pintle bearing do Secures bearing to middle rail . Riveted together. Renewable Fastened to doubletree and ends of chest i Fastened to doubletree strap Around doubletree body Property classifica- tion. Sec- tion. Uv 28 Nomenclature of parts of limber — Continued. No. Name of part. Location. Class. Pole, complete, consisting of — \ Pole body Pole plug Xeck-yoke counter-stop spring Neck-yoke coimter-stop pin ! Neck-yoke counter stop Neck-yoke stop Neck-yoke chafing plate Neck-yoke stop separator Neck-yoke stop-rivet separator Pole-pin bushing Butt reinforce Oil-can holder, complete, consisting of— Oil-can holder Oil-can holder bracket Oil-can holder hasp Hasp hinge Hasp-hinge pin Ammunition chest, complete, consisting of— Chest bottom Chest door Chest front Chest top Front diaphram Middle diaphram Rear diaphram 18 Connecting piece Chest front reinforce Door stiffener Outer bearing plate Small bearing plate Do Do Chest rail, right Chest rail, left Chest rail connection Connection pin Door hinge (in two pieces) Door-hinge pin Door-hinge reinforce Door handle Door-handle reinforce ^ Bucket holder Bucket-holder transom, right , Bucket-holder transom, left Corner reinforce Lock bar, right Lock bar, left , Lock-bar hinge Lock-bar hinge reinforce Lock-bar outer hinge, right Lock-bar outer hinge, left Lock-bar outer hinge reinforce, right. Lock-bar outer hinge reinforce, left.. . Handrail Handrail foot Handrail forward bracket, right Handrail forward bracket, left Handrail rear bracket, right Handrail rear bracket, left Reinforce washer Riveted in body Bears on neck-yoke counter stop . Riveted in body Hinges on counter-stop pin Riveted to body Riveted to upper side of body Inside of body do * do Riveted to inside of body , Hinge bearing plate Left polo prop bracket- . Right pole prop bracket. Ax-handle bracket* Ax-head bracket Ax-handle guard Hatchet-blade bracket. . Hatchet-handle fastener. lyantern bracket Lantern-strap fastener... Pick-ax chafing plate Riveted to right side of chest and brackets. Riveted to right side of chest near top Fastened to hasp hinge Riveted to bracket Pins hasp to hasp hinge Constitute body. Riveted to chest body do ...do Connect rear and middle diaphram Riveted to chest front Riveted aroimd edge of door Riveted to door ....do ....do ....do Riveted to bottom of chest ....do Riveted to chest rails Pin-chest rail connections to side rails. . Riveted to door and chest top For door hinges Riveted to chest top with hinges Riveted to door Riveted to door with handle Riveted to top of chest: forms seat Riveted to bucket holder and chest top . . . do Reinforce comers of bucket holder Supported at ends by hinges Riveted to chest bottom Riveted to chest bottom with hinge Supports outer end of right lock bar Supports outer end of left lock bar Riveted to chest bottom with outer hinge do Riveted in handrail brackets Riveted to sides of chest Riveted to right handrail Riveted to left handrail Riveted to right handrail Riveted to left handrail 8 under handrail-foot rivets; 4 under pick- head bracket rivets; 2 under ax-head bracket rivets. Riveted to door with two middle hinges. Riveted to top of chest do Riveted to left side of chest do -•...- do Riveted to chest front do do Fastened to lantern bracket Riveted to bottom of chest Proi)erty classifica- tion. Sec- tion. I rv 29 Nomenclature of parts of limber — Continued. No. Name of part. Location. Property classifica- tion. Class. Sec- tion. Ammunition chest, complete, consisting of— Continued. Pick-ax head bracket Riveted to bottom of chest.. IV Shovel-blade bracket do.... Wing-nut pin Riveted to chest door . . Wing nuts On wing-nut pins . . Wing-nut pin Riveted to oil-can hoider Wing nut Grip-strap fasteners Riveted to chest 2 Strap fasteners for paulin strap Ax-strap fastener Riveted to bucket holder Riveted to left side of chest Shovel-strap fastener 2 Right pole-prop bracket strap fastener. I.imber-blanket strap fastener.. Riveted to right pole prop bracket 8 4 riveted to chest top; 4 to bucket holder. . Riveted to chest front i 1 Hatchet-strap fastener ? Pick-strap fastener . . . Riveted to pick-ax head bracket 7, Rope-strap fasteners Riveted to chest front.. .. DESCRIPTION OF THE 3.8-INCH GUN LIMBER, MODEL OF 1904. The 3.8-inch gun limber is of the same general design as the 3-inch gun Hmber, Model of 1902, and therefore the description of the latter, given in handbook 1659, will be used for the 3.8-inch gun limber. The 3.8-inch has a few differences, however, in the chest, the wheels, and location of the tools, which are described below. The differences in the wheels and the wheel fastenings are the same as described for the gun carriage in this handbook. The chest door is hinged at the top and swings upward and to the front. The chest front and door have not the corrugations men- tioned in handbook 1659, but the door has riveted to its inner face tees, called bearing plates, which not only serve to strengthen the door but are so spaced that their stem falls between the vertical rows of cartridges and their flange rests against the head of the cartridge, securing the latter in position (when the door is closed) and protect- ing the cartridge percussion cap. The door is held closed by two lock bars hinged to the bottom of the chest. A hasp and two eccentric lugs are formed upon each of these bars. In locking the door the lugs come into contact with its lower edge pressing it forward, while the hasp engages a wing nut on its rear face. On the left lock bar is riveted a chain, to the end of which is attached a padlock and a bolt snap. The padlock may be slipped through an eye in the wing nut, which will lock the hasp in position. The capacity of this limber is 18 cartridges. The capacity of the 3-inch gun limber is 39 cartridges. The differences in the location of the tools are as follows: The ax is carried in brackets on the left side of the chest 30 The pickax is carried in brackets under the chest to the k^ft of the middle rail, the shovel being carried to the right of the rail. The hatchet is carried in two brackets riveted to the front of the chest, and the pole prop is carried in brackets attached near the rear edge of the top plate. The oil cans are carried in a holder made of flange steel riveted to the right side of the chest. No ammunition is carried in limbers used with the gun, since the weight would be too great. THE 3.8-INCH GUN CAISSON, MODEL OF 1904. [Plate IX.] WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. Weight, empty, without implements and ammunition pounds . . 1, 426 Weight of tools and equipment carried do 99 Weight of ammunition carried do 1, 516 Weight, complete, equipped and loaded do 3, 041 Weight with limber, completely equipped and with 58 rounds of ammunition, pounds 4, 916 Rounds of ammunition carried number . . 40 Diameter of wheels , inches . . 58 Width of track do. ... 60 Free height under caisson do 22 Turning angle degrees. . 75 Nomenclature of parts of caisson. No. Name of part. Wheels and wheel fastenings Axle Middle-rail angle, right Middle-rail angle, left Middle-rail plate Side rail, right Side rail, left Filler plates Pintle with bearing, complete, consisting of-- Pintle Pintle latch Pintle-latch pin with split pin Pintle-latch spring Pintle bearing (in 2 parts) Pintle spring Pintle-spring pin Pintle-bearing bolts with nuts Name plate Brake channel Channel supports Cross brace • Frame handle, right Frame handle, left Frame reinforce plate Lunette })racket ,. . . Lunette bracket filler plate Lunette with nut Location. Same as on carriage . Riveted to axle and side rail. do Riveted to middle rail angles. Riveted to axle lugs do Riveted to side rail fl»iges . . . Seated in pintle bearing On pintle Forms pivot of latch On pintle Rear end of middle rail In pintle bearing do Secures bearing to middle rail Riveted near rear end of middle rail. Fastened to side rails Fasten channel to side rails Riveted to side rails Front end of side rails ....do do do Under lunette bracket Secured in lunett e bracket Property classifica- tion. Class. IV Sec- tion. 31 Nomenclature of parts of caisson — Continued. Name of part. Caisson prop, complete, consisting of— Prop eye, right Prop eye, left Prop tubes Prop foot Fastening pin Fastening-pin washer nut Fastening nut Prop-chain clamps .' Prop chain Prop hook Prop-chain button Prop-chain guides Box bottom, right Box bottom, left Brake-box fillers Brake-beam guide, right Brake-beam guide, left Front brake brace, right Front brace brake, left Rear brake brace, right Rear brake brace, left Brake beams Brake shoes Brake-shoe tap bolts Brake-beam pins , . . . Brake-rod ends Brake rods Including— Brake-rod springs Brake-spring covers Brake-spring cover heads Brake-spring cover ends Brake-rod pins Brake cranks Brake-crank bolts with nuts Brake shaft with two keys Brake-shaft bearings Brake-shaft bushings Brake-segment bracket Brake-segment bushing Brake-segment bracket bolt and nut. . . Brake segment Brake-segment brace Brake-segment guard Segment rack •. Front separator Rear separator Rear-separator bolt Brake lever Brake-lever catch Spare-pole fastening Fastening nut Fastening washers Spare-pole bracket Spare-pole rest Pick-mattock bracket Shovel-handle support Strap fasteners for pick mattock Ammunition chest, complete, of- Chest top plate Chest bottom plate Chest front plate Chest door Rear diaphragm. Middle diaphragm Front diaphragm Diaphragm brace, right . Diaphragm brace, left. . . Diaphragm tees Connecting pieces. Chest reinforce Chest-front angle. . Location. Riveted to right tube Riveted to left tube Support pole Riveted to lower ends of tubes . . . Through prop eyes On fastening pin Secures prop to vehicle On prop tubes Secured to prop On chain Riveted into lunette braSlret Riveted to cross brace Riveted to ends of brake channel. do do Riveted to brake channel do Brake channel to side rails do .do. do. Seated in brake boxes. On end of brake beams. Secure shoes to beams. Form pivots . Coimect rods to brake beams. Connect beams to cranks. On brake rods. do. do. do. Secure rods to beams and cranks . On brake shaft Clamp cranks on shaft In shaft bearings on axle Riveted to axle lugs Property classifica- tion. Sec- tion. Clamped on right end of axle On brake-segment bracket Clamps bracket to axle Riveted to bracket Riveted to brake segment Riveted to segment do Between segment and guard do Through rear separator On end of shaft Riveted on brake lever On caisson-prop pin On spare-pole f^tening On spare pole Riveted to middle rail Riveted to brake channel ...do Riveted to cross brace Riveted to pick-mattock bracket and brake channel. Constitute chest body Riveted to chest ....do ....do Between front and middle diaphragms — do 4 for rear diaphragm, 3 for middle, and 3 for front diaphragms Coimect rear and middle diaphragms Riveted to bottom of chest Riveted around edges of chest front IV 32 Nomenclature of parts of caisson — Continued. Name of part. Location. Ammunition chest, complete, consisting of — Continued. Chest-front brace i Stiffens chest front , Ax-head bracket , Riveted to front plate , Ax-handle support i do , Ax-strap fastener | do , Grip-strap fasteners \ Riveted to chest , Paulin-strap fasteners | do , Shovel support i Riveted to bottom of chest , Reinforce washers I Under rivet heads for pick-mattock handle support and shovel support Pick-mattock handle support Wrench holder for spanner wrench j Riveted to left side of chest Do I do Wrench holder for nut wrench do Do ! do Strap fasteners for wrenches j Riveted to chest Chest rail, right Riveted to bottom plate Chest rail, left do Filler pieces, Apron-latch hinge, right Apron-latch hinge, left Foot rest Handrail shanks Handrails Door-prop guide, right Door-prop guide, left Door tees Do Door angle Lock bar, right Lock bar, left Lock-bar hinges Padlock-chain rivets Wing-nut pins Wing nuts Wing-nut pin washers Padlock with chain and bolt snap Chain with two chain rings and bolt snap Padlock-chain staple Door-prop studs Nuts Door props Door-prop rivets Door-hinge pins Door hinges, male Door hinges, female Door handle Fuze setter latch hinge Apron, complete, consisting of— Apron End hinge filler pieces Center hinge, right Center hinge, left End hinge, right End hinge, left Apron staple, right Apron staple, left Hinge pins Apron latches, complete, consisting of— Hinge pins Latch bodies Latch levers Lever pins Latch plungers Latch clevises Latch-clevis pins Latch springs Latch bushings Latch hinges Riveted to chest bottom and chest rails. Riveted to chest rails ....do ....do Riveted to sides of chest Riveted to handrail shanks Riveted, to sides of chest .-..do Riveted to inside of door ....do Riveted to door Lock bar hinges ....do Riveted to bottom plate On lock bars Riveted to door On wing-nut pins On pins On lock bar Attached to lock bar Riveted to bottom plate. Riveted to door For studs Pivoted on studs For hinges Riveted to door Riveted to top plate. Riveted to door do Hinged under axle Riveted to apron do do do ....do do ....do Secure apron to axle Pivoted on hinges on chest rails. Attach latch body to hinge Pivoted to latch hinges Pivoted on bodies Form pivots for levers Seated in body Screwed on end of plunger Attach clevis to lever In body around plunger Screwed into body Riveted to chest rails Property classifica- tion. Sec- tion. IV §11 I --==...::--u-_-i.-.-rr^^^ 33 DESCRIPTION OF THE 3.8-INCH GUN CAISSON, MODEL OF 1904. The first three paragraphs in the description of the 3.8-inch gun limber will also apply to the caisson, the description of the 3-inch gun caisson. Model of 1902, in handbook 1659 being used. The following paragraphs in regard to the ammunition chest will take the place of the corresponding ones in handbook 1659: The caisson ammunition chest is rectangular, and is built up of flange steel formed to shape and riveted together in a similar manfier to that of the limber, but is larger, having provision for 40 rounds of ammunition arranged in 4 horizontal rows of 10 rounds each. The front of the chest is made of armor plate 0.15 inch thick. A steel angle is riveted to the armor plate all around its edge and the projecting leg of the angle, riveted to the body of the chest. Three steel tees placed vertically and riveted to the inside of the front plate give stiffness to the latter. Inside of the chest the cartridges are supported by three vertical diaphragms flanged all around and riveted to the body of the chest. Each diaphragm is perforated with 40 flanged cartridge holes. Cor- responding holes in the middle and rear diaphragms are connected by conical brass connecting pieces which are similar to those used in the limber chest. The front and middle diaphragms are rigidly braced to each other by two flanged steel braces riveted between the two. To the front and middle diaphragms are riveted vertically three steel tees and to the rear diaphragm four steel tees. Nine instead of seven steel tees are riveted to the inner face of the door. The description of the bracket fuze setter and attachments in handbook 1659 will be disregarded, as there is no bracket fuze setter on this caisson. OTHER 3.8-INCH GUN MATERIEL. The following vehicles are also used in the 3.8-inch batteries: The 3.8-inch gun forge limber. Model of 1902, The 3.8-inch gun battery wagon, Model of 1902, The 3.8-inch gun store limber. Model of 1902, and The store wagon. Model of 1902. The descriptions of these vehicles will be found in handbook 1659 under the following names : The 3.8-inch gun forge limber. Model of 1902, under the head of 3-inch gun and 3.8-inch howitzer, forge limber, Model of 1902. The 3.8-inch gun battery wagon, Model of 1902, under the head of 3-inch gun battery wagon. Model of 1902. 34 The 3.8-inch gun store Ihnber,, model of 1902, under the head of 3-mch gun and 3.8-mch howitzer store hmber, model of 1902. The store wagon, model of 1902, will be found under the same heading in the handbook. On all four vehicles, however, the wheels are 58 mches in diameter instead of 56 inches, as given for the 3-inch gun materiel. As the hubs and wheel fastenings on the 58-inch wheels are of another type, th^ axles are necessarily different. In all other respects these vehicles conform to the descriptions mentioned above. REPAIRS FOR FIELD ARTILLERY MATERIEL ISSUED TO THE UNITED STATES ARMY AND THE NATIONAL GUARD. The following is an addition to the instructions found in Form No. 1659: A small amount of oil should be put in each wheel before using, as this is the only way to insure that the wheels are properly lubricated unless they are removed. After any test that requires retracting the gun, the recoil cylinder should be refilled, since in this position the three holes in the piston rod which permit oil to flow from the interior to the rod into the cylinder when filUng are in front of the piston-rod gland, thus per- mitting some oil to escape. METHOD OF LOADING ONE 3.8-INCH GUN BATTERY ON WAR FOOTING FOR TRANSPORTATION BY RAIL. The flat cars usually obtained from railroad companies vary in length from 34 to 44 feet. Cars longer than 42 feet are unusual. It is desirable that cars 40 feet in length be obtained if possible. In loading a battery on cars during service operations gun sections should be kept together when possible. Pursuing this idea, a 3.8-inch gun battery may be loaded as follows when cars at least 34 feet in length are obtained : Gun and carriage. Gun lim- ber. Gun cais- Forge son. 1 limber. Battery wagon. Store Um- ber. store wagon. First flat car 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Second flat car Third flat car Fourth flat car 1 Fifth flat car 1 1 :::.: i ::. Sixth flat car 1 1 Total 4 16 12 1 ' 1 I One box car is to carry harness and all accessories of the vehicles which are not carried in the compartments of these vehicles or rigidly attached to them. 35 The fifth and sixth cars will be only about three-fourths filled if 34-foot cars are procured. The additional space may be utilized as the battery commander sees fit. • If cars 'ess than 34 feet long are obtained one limber and one caisson will have to be omitted. If cars 44 feet long are obtained one additional limber or caisson can be loaded on each. In loading the cars, if there are permanent loading platforms along the railroad tracks in the vicinity, the vehicles should be run onto these platforms and loaded from them. If there is no permanent platform in the vicinity it will be necessary to build a temporary ramp. This shoidd be built at the side of the track and the vehicles run on near one end of the car. When loading short cars it may be necessary to remove the pole of the limber last loaded in order to get the limber onto the car. The pole should be replaced in its socket, however, as soon as the vehicle is placed in position. When loading the cars care must be taken to so load them that there can be no movement of the vehicles on the cars longitudinally, transversely, or vertically. All vehicles, trails of carriages, poles of limbers, and lunettes of caissons and wagons must be secured to the floor of the car. The vehicles are secured as follows: Two by four inch timbers nailed to the floor of the car on both sides of all wheels hold the wheels securely against transverse motion. Two by four inch chocks, nailed to the 2 by 4 inch pieces which lie along the sides of the wheels, hold the wheels against longitudinal motion. For the end vehicles of each section of three vehicles four 4 by 4 inch chocks should be used. A 2 by 4 inch crosspiece placed on the feUoes between the two lowest spokes of both wheels of each vehicle and bolted to the floor of the car with two one-half-inch bolts holds the wheels against ver- tical motion. These bolts should, if possible, be bolted through the crosspieces on the outside of the wheels. If bolts for holding these crosspieces can not be obtained they should be securely nailed down with 7 or 8 inch spikes. Each pole and lunette should be secured to the floor by nailing two 2 by 4 inch blocks to the floor, one on each side, and one 2 by 4 inch piece across the top, near the end of each pole and lunette. The trails should be secured to the floor by using four 2 by 4 inch blocks, nailing one close up in the rear, one longitudinally along each side, and one across their top in the rear of the trail. Four 2 by 6 inch timbers brace the wheel hubs of the tw^o end vehicles on each car. The hub ends should be hoUowed out, the lower ends being spread well apart, forming lateral as well as longitudinal braces and nailed to the floor of the car and to four cleats which are nailed to the floor of the car. For carrying all harness and all accessories of the vehicles which are not carried in compartments of these vehicles or rigidly attached 36 to them one box car should be obtained. The materiel in this box car should be packed in boxes if on hand. In case no box car can be obtained ill of the harness, etc., should be packed in boxes and placed on the flat cars near the vehicles. These boxes must be securely fastened to the floor of the car to prevent them from sliding off the car or from striking and injuring the vehicles. To load a 3.8-inch gun battery on war footing will require 1,150 linear feet of 2 by 4 inch lumber, 200 linear feet of 2 by 6 inch lumber, and 50 linear feet of 4 bv 4 inch lumber. EQUIPMENT. The following table shows the total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery on war footing. A place is designated for most of the articles, but the battery commander may use his discretion as to the disposition of many articles for which no particular fitting or receptacle is provided. Statement of total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery. War footing (4 guns, Article. Where carried. Property classifica- tion. 12 cais- sons;. Class. Sec- tion. 4 Guns and gun carriages "V I IV 1" IV 12 Caissons 16 Limbers 3 Battery wagon Forge limber Store wagon Store limber 9 Reel, 2-horse 8 Tools and accessories/or guns and carriages. Axle seat cushions On axle seat . . 4 Breech covers 4 Front-sight covers... On front sight s 8 Hand-fuze setter cases In trail box 8 .do 4 Leather pouches for spare parts do.. 4 Muzzle covers . On gun 4 Oil-can boxes, horizontal oilers In trail box 4 Oilers, horizontal... In oil can boxes , 4 Rear-sight bracket covers On bracket on cradle 4 Rear-sight shank covers On sight in trail sight box.. 4 Spanner and wrench In trail box 4 Sponge covers. On sponge.. 4 Sponges and rammers In fastenings on trail i Spools copper wire No. 20 (3 pounds each) Tool kits, canvas, each containing— 1 cold chisel ? by 8 inches In trail box 3 4 1 drift, bronze, large 1 drift, bronze, small. . 1 file, dead smooth, 6 inches, 3 inches square. 1 file, hand, smooth, 8 inches, flat 1 hammer, hand, cross-peen 1 pliers, wire cutting, 8-inch. . 1 ...do 1 screw driver, 10 inches 1 screw-slot wrench 1 wrench, filling and drain plugs 4 4 Wrenches for assembling recoil springs and grindstone. .do 37 Statement of total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, Article. Where carried. Property classifica- tion. 12 cais- sons). Class. sec- tion. Spare part^ for guns and gun carriages. For gun: Breech mechanism In top rear compartment of battery wagon IV IV IV IV Block latch 4 In leather pouch for spare parts . .do I 4 Block latch spring 4 Firing pin .....do 4 Firing-pin spring.. . . ...do 4 Firing-pin sleeve do s Handy oilers . ...do a 4 Hinge-pin catch do 4 Lever-latch spring . ...do 4 Locking bolt, nut, and pin do 4 Locking-bolt spring , , . ...do 4 Sear do 8 Trigger-shaft detent do , 4 For hand-fuze setter, Model of 1905M: Range-ring screw In leather pouches for spare parts do 6 Handle screw 3 Stop pins . .do 4 Corrector-scale screw do 2 Clamping shoe . .do 2 Wing nut do 3 2 0.063 by 0.47 steel pin.... . . .do 4 Stop screw do 2 Index .do 4 Plunger do 4 Plunger spring .do 16 For hand fuze setter, Model of 1913: Range-ring screw . ..do 6 Corrector-scale screw do 4 Range index .do 4 Index plunger do 4 Index spring .do 5 4 Oil-hole screw do 8 Index-bar screw .do 12 Guide-plate screw do .3 Stop-pin screw . .do For carriage: Apron-latch body . In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. . Carried loose Apron-latch busning Aprou'latch lever . . . Apron-latch lever pin Apron-latch plunger Apron-latch plimger eye Apron-latch plunger eye pin . . Apron-latch spring Apron -latch split pins Apron-latch (body) pin with split pin if required. Brake lever with catch (or pawl) Brake shoe [carried in store wagon Segment rack with rivets . . . 1 ^In chest for miscellaneous spare parts . Brake-rod spring Cvlinder-end stud nut Counter recoil spring, inner Counter recoil spring, outer do s Elevating pin In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. . do Elevating bevel pinion taper pins Firing-mechanism adjusting screw Firing-mechanism bracket studs Firing-mechanism bracket-stud nuts Firing-mechanism adjusting-screw check nut. Firing handle ....do Firing-handle hub Firing-handle pin Firing-handle plunger Firing-handle spring Firing shaft Firing-handle return spring Shaft return spring Firing-shaft trip collar Firing-shaft trip latch 38 Statement of total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- SOQS). Article. 4 1 24 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 240 Spare parts for guns and gun carriages — Continued. For carriage— Continued, Firing-shaft trip-latcli pin Firing-shaft trip-latcli plunger Firing-shaft trip-latch spring Firing-shaft trip-collar pin Filling and drain plug (cylinder) , Filling plug (piston rod) FroT^t sight, complete, with bracket Garlock's waterproof packing, J rings Lunette with nut Panoramic sight Handspike web Handspike body with rivets and steel washers. Handspike lower bands with rivets Handspike middle bands with rivets Handspike tips with rivets Handspike bolts with nuts Handspike rivets Spade edge Sponge cover Spade-edge rivets Spring cover No. 1 with screw and washer. Carpet with lacing where required Rammer with rivets where required Staff coupling, male Staff coupling, female Staff, end Staff, head r Tube collars Sponge tube Sponge retaining ring with taper pin Hub liner Lock washer Wheel fastenings, complete Wheel-fastening hasps Hub cap Oil val * e, complete, consisting of valve, spring, washer, and split pin. Range quadrant Rear-sight bracket Rear sight shank Recoil indicators Split pins, assorted Nuts, crown, special, set, consisting of — 0.875 by 20 threads 1.25 by 7 threads 1.187 (1 A) by 16 threads Nuts, crown, standard, set, consisting of— 0.375 by 16 threads Nuts, hexagon, special, set,- consisting of— 0.5 by 13 threads .• 0.625 by 11 threads 0.75 by 10 threads 1.375 by 10 threads Nuts, hexagon, standard, set, consisting of— 0.5 by 13 threads 0.625 by 11 threads Where carried. Tools and accessories for limbers. Axes Buckets, water, canvas. Dust guards, leather . . . Hatchets Lanterns Lantern bracket pads . . Neck yokes Oil cans, tubular Paulins, 12 by 12 feet... Pickaxes Picket ropes In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. •In leather pouch for spare parts . In trail sight box In leather pouch for spare parts . In store wagon In box on shield In store wagon , Property classifica- tion. Class. tijn. In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. . In box on shield . On cradle In trail sight box Carried equally in leather pouches for spare parts. On limber, under chest On limber On wheels On limber, in bracket, on left of chest. On limber, in holder, front of chest. . . In brackets On pole On limber, in ammunition chest On limber, on seat as cushion On limber, on foot rest On limber, on front of chest IV IV 39 Statement of total equipment of one S. 8-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- sons). 16 Article. Tools and accessories for limbers— Contd. Pole props Shovels, short bandied Singletrees Straps: G rip .."!!-!. '. Hatchet Limber blanket, front Limber blanket, rear Paulin Pick handle Pick head ,.. Picket rope, upper Picket rope, lower Pole prop '. Shovel handle Spare parts for limber ?. Ammunition chest connection pins Ammunition chest door lock bars, com- plete. Bolt snaps Doubletrees Doubletree bolts Doubletree bolt nuts Hub caps, complete Hub liners Lantern bracket pads Lock washers Neck yokes Neck-yoke pads Padlocks, chains, clevises, and bolt snaps. Pintles, complete with bearings and bearing bolts. Pintle latch Pintle latch spring Pintle spring Poles , complete Pole prop Singletree v Wheel fastening, complete Fastening hasps Tools and accessories for caisson. Axes Paulins Pick mattocks Shovels, long handled Spamiers, caisson Straps: GripJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Paulin Pick mattock Shovel handle Spanner Wrench Wrenches, 0.625 and 0.75 inch . Spore parts for caissons. Ammunition chest door lock bars, com- plete. Apron latchCvS, complete Apron latch springs Bolt snaps Brake levers with catches Brake shoes Brake shoe tap bolts Caisson props with chains and hooks... Caisson prop chains and hooks Brake rod springs Hub caps . complete Hub liners Lock washers Where carried. On limber, in fastenings under frame. On limber, under chest On doubletree In fasteners . Inchest for miscellaneous spare parts. In store wagon . .do In chest for miscellaneous spare parts. Carried loose ." .do. } Carried in chest for spare parts. On caisson In store wagon do do do miscellaneous On caisson, front of chest On caisson, on seat as cushion. On caisson , under chest do On caisson, on left of chest . . . . In fasteners . On caisson, on left o'' chest. Inchest for miscellaneous spare parts. In store wagon . In chest 'or miscellaneous spare parts. Property classifica- tion. Class. Sec- tion. IV IV IV IV IV 40 Statement of total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- sons). 3 3 6 6 300 Article. Spare parts for caissom— Continued. Lunettes Lunette nuts ■ Padlocks, chains, clevises, and bolt Pintles, complete, with bearings and bearing bolts. Pintle latches Pintle-latch springs Pintle springs Split pins heels, complete Wheel fastemngs, complete . Fastening hasps Tools and accessories for battery wagon. Carpenter's chest, with tools, set Chest for cleaning material and small stores. Chest for spare breech mechanism Chest for spare sights, containing— 1 bore sight, breech 1 bore sight, muzzle Double tackle block Forge coal bag : Filling funnel, cylinder 1 Grindstone, with frame, complete J&ckscr6w --- -.---. Marking outfit for stamping leather I Marking outfit for stamping metal Oil cans, 5-gallon ! Ordnance Department insignia stencil... Packing chest for supplies ' Packing chest for spare parts ' Paulin, 12 by 12 feet Rope for block and tackle Saodler's chest, with tools, set Seal stamp Triple tackle block Spare wheel hub covers Spring compressors. No. 3 Stencil outfit Straps: Grip Jacksccew Paulin Testing level and chest Vise Water buckets, galvanized steei Wrench, grindstone and recoil-spring blmg. Tools and accessories for store wagon. Bolos Bolo scabbards Chest for miscellaneous spare parts. Crowbar Dust guards Filling funnel, cylinder Oil cans, 5-gallon Paulin. 12 by 12 feet Slush brush Straps: Crowbar Grip Paulin Spare wheel hub covers Tools and accessories for forge limber. Ax Buckets, watering, canvas . Dust guards Hatchet Where carried. In store wagon . Pouches for spare parts . Where convenient In store wagon do In battery wagon. do .do. }....do. do On battery wagon , In battery wagon , do ....do In cleaning material and small stores chest. In oil-can supports , In cleaning-material chest In battery wagon do On battery wagon In battery wagon do In cleaning-material chest In battery wagon On spare wheels In battery wagon In cleaning-material chest In strap fasteners . In battery wagon Attached to lunette frame. In battery wagon do In store wagon ....do do On store wagon, under body On wheels In store wagon On store wagon, in oil-can holders. On store wagon do 'In strap fasteners , In store wagon . . . On limber, under chest On limber, in bucket holder. On wheels In bracket on left of chest . . . Property classifica- tion. Sec- tion. IV IV IV IV IV IV IV X IV IV X X IV IV X X IV IV X IV IV VII IV rv IV rv IV IV 41 Statement of total equipment of one S. 8-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- sons). Article. Tools and accessories for forge limber— Con. Hub liner driving tool Lantern Lantern bracket pad Neck yoke Oil cans, tubular Paulin 12 by 12 feet Pickax Picket rope Pole prop Shovel, short-handled Singletrees Straps: QTipy/".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Hatchet Limber blanket, front. Limber blanket, rear. . Paulin Pick handle Pick head Picket rope, upper Picket rope, lower Pole prop Shovel handle Sledge Tools and accessories for store limber. Ax Buckets, watering, canvas Cyclometer for 58-inch wheel Dust guards Hatchet Lantern Lantern bracket pad Neck yoke Oil cans, tubular Paulin, 12 by 12 feet Pickax Picket rope : Pole prop Shovel, short-handled Singletrees Straps: Grip Hatchet Limber blanket, front. Limber blanket, rear. . Paulin Pick handle Pick head Picket rope, upper Picket rope, lower Pole prop Shovel handle Lantern strap Spare parts of accessories. Ax helves Handles, shovel, long Handles, shovel, short Handles, hatchet. Handles, pickax Padlocks, with chains, clevises and bolt Sights and quadrants. Front sights Front-sight brackets, with holders Rear-sight brackets, with shank sockets Rear-sight shanks Panoramic sights Range quadrants Teat wrenches for panoramic sights Where carried. In forge limber On limber, in bracket on front of chest . In lantern-bracket pad On pole On limber, in supports under chest.. On limber chest as cushion On limber foot rest On limber, in front of chest On limber, in fastenings imder chain. . On limber, under chest Attached to doubletree In strap fasteners . On limber, imder chest In bucket holder On axle of limber On wheels .' On limber in bracket '. . On limber, in bracket on chest front In brackets On pole On limTaer, in supports On limber chest as cushion On limber foot rest On limber in front of chest In fastening under frame On limber, under chest. Attached to doubletrees In strap fasteners. Id store wagon . In bracket In fastenings, on cradle In bracket In fastenings, on cradle In case on shield In case on right side of trail In case on shield Property classifica- tion. IV IV IV IV I" IV rv IV Sec- tion. IV IV 42 Statement of total equipment of one S. 8-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- sons). 11 11 11 11 «10 82 82 11 Article. Spare sights and quadrants. Front sight, complete Rear sight, complete Panoramic sight , Range quadrant Teat wrench for panoramic sight. Range-finding and fire-control equipment. Aiming circle Aiming-circle case Aiming-circle tripod Aiming-circle tripod case Battery commander's ruler, wooden Battery commander's telescope and mount, model of 1904 or 1905. Battery commander's telescope case: Accessories carried in case — 1 camel's-hair brush 1 pin wrench 1 screw driver 1 teat wrench Battery commander's telescope tripod . . Battery commander's telescope-tripod Board, map and plottmg. 2 ' Chains for time-interval recorder 5 Flashlights with hoods 16 Flashlights without hoods 1 2 Prismatic compass 1 2 Prismatic-compass tripod , 1 2 Prismatic-compass case — 1 2 Prismatic-compass tripod case I 6 Protractors, xylonite, rectangular , I I 1 Ruler for solution of triangles 11 \ Observation tower 1 1 1 Adjustment bar 1 1 Range finder, 1-meter base, model of 1916 . 1 1 Range-finder case , 1 1 Range-finder tripod 1 1 Range-finder tripod case 11 I Reel for caisson 1 I Tape, steel, 100-feet 2 I Time-interval recorder , (Furnished by Signal Corps.)* 637 U9 56 « 1 1 Harness. I^ad, sets Wheel, sets Sacks Reel, 2-horse Pack harness, set Stirrup, hooded, with guidon socket. Special pack equipment. "Where carried. In spare-sights chest, in battery wagon On pack horse., In store limber. In store limber. To be carried on 2-horse reel, when available. In store limber. To be carried on 2-horse reel, when available. On fifth section caisson. On pack horse On caisson •In store limber. On horses Not carried in field. On instrument horse . On saddle On pack horse. Property classifica- tion. IV > V IV IX IV tion. I 1 ! Pack frame, model of 1911 1 \ Hanger, 1 meter base range finder and I B.C. telescope tripad. 1 t Case rest 1 Hanger, aiming circle and tripod and I range finder, 1 meter base and tripod. . 1 Will be issued when available. « Metal battery commander's rulers with cases are no longer part of the equipment. Those on hand may be retained. » One on pack horse. * For list of these parts see Unit Accountability Equipment Manual. ' One set is spare. • Consists of 1 apareja. 1 aparejo cincha, 1 blmder, 1 corona, 1 crupper, 1 halter l)ridle, 1 lead rein, leather. 43 statement of total eqtupment of one S.8-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- Article. Spare parts of harness. Breast straps Bridle, Artillery, off Bridle, Artillery, near Cinchas, lead Cinchas, wheel Collar pads, canvas Collar straps , Curb bits , Curb chain, with hooks , Feed bags Grain bags Halter headstalls , Halter tie ropes , Martingales, with cincha straps Mogul springs, 320 povmds Side straps for breeching Steel collars, with 2 hame tugs each. Stirrup straps Traces, lead, with chain Traces, wheel Whips, Artillery Where carried. In battery wagon. Spare parts of collars. Bolts for bottom of collar Bolts for extension Bolts for top connection Bolts for trace plate Buckle latches Buckle springs Draft springs ; Pad bolts Pad hooks, with collar back-strap con- nection. Nuts for bottom bolt Nuts for extension bolt Nuts for top connection bolt Nuts for pad bolt Nuts for trace-plate bolt Trace plate and loop Washers for trace-plate bolt Instruction equipment. Sectionalized shell Sectionalized shrapnel Miscellaneous equipment. Reloading and cleaning outfit, consist- of— 1 bushing 1 cleaning brush (16.75 inches long")'.'. 1 case holder 1 case-holder stand \. 1 decapping tool (17.9 inches long).. 1 hammer 1 primer-inserting press, small 1 saluting-powder measure 1 storage chest Subcaliber and drill cartridge kit, con- sisting of— 3 drill cartridges, 1 extra base 1 subcaliber cartridge 1 bristle cleaning brush 1 cleaning rod 2 closing cap set screws 1 extension piece 2 extractor springs 2 extractor-spring screws 1 eyepiece 1 graduated ring, with felt washer. . . 4 ring screws 6 rotating pins 6 stop pins 1 storage chest 1 wrench pin Not part of harness. '.^o'.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.V. -do In battery wagon. In miscellaneous spare-parts chest, store wagon. Carried loose In miscellaneous spare-parts chest Carried loose -In miscellaneous spare-parts chest ^Notjcarried in field. Property classifica- tion. Class. tion. IV IX r IV IV In chest for reloading and cleaning outfit, in store wagon. Not carried in field. 44 Statement of total equipment of one S.S-inch gun battery — Continued. War footing (4 guns, Article. Where carried. Property classifica- tion. 12 cais- sons). Class. X X VI IX VIII vn IX VII IX ^IX Sec- tion. Mucdlaneom equipment— Contiraied. Pistol-cleaning kit Where convenient... 9 ^ 2 Ann racks for automatic pistols 1 696 (For targets, see 0. 0. Pamphlet No. 1994.) Ammunition.^ Shrapnel, H. E., rounds, or 464 Shrapnel, rounds, and 3 232 Shell, rounds Carried by man 1 Personal equipment. The equipment of the enlisted men of Field Artillery is as follows: (0) For each enlisted man- Can, bacon 1 Canteen, model of 1910 do 1 1 Canteen cover, dismounted ... do 21 1 Cartridges, ball, pistol, or 20 cartridges, ball, revolver. Cup, model of 1910 do do 2 1 Knife do 1 1 Fork . . .do 2 Magazines, pistol, extra, if pistol is used. Meat can do 2 1 do 1 1 Pistol or revolver do 2 1 Pistol belt or revolver cartridge belt without saber ring. Pistol holster or revolver holster . Spoon do I do 3 1 do 1 I^uch for first-aid packet do 1 1 Packet, first-aid (Medical De- partment). Furnished by Quartermaster Corps- Identification tag do 1 Shelter-tent half do 1 Shelter-tent pole do 5 Shelter-tent pegs do 1 (6) For each enlistea man individu- ally mounted, in addition to (o)— Currycomb Carried on horse IX IS IX 1 Horse brush do 5 1 Link do «1 Saddle, McClellan, Field Artil- lery. Saddlebag, pair do.. .. 1 do 1 Spurs, pau" On man 3 1 Spur straps, set do 1 Bridle, Field Artillery Carried on horse 5 1 (c) For each driver, in addition to (0)- Currycomb . do . 1 Horse brush do 5 1 Spurs, pair Carried by man 2 1 Spiu" straps, set do 1 (d) Dismounted men (including caimoneers when not mounted) in addition to (o)— Can, condiment do »1 Haversack, model of 1910 do 1 41 Horse equipment for each horse. Halter tie rope Carried on horse *2 Halter headstall do 6 1 Feed bag do 1 Grain bag .'.... do 1 No ammunition is carried in gun limbers. * Saddles to be equipped with 1 stirrup guidon socket per battery. * Until the model of 1910 haversack is supplied, the haversack (old model) and 2 canteen-haversack straps may be used. « Part of harness for all draft horses. 45 Statement of total equipTnent of one S.8-inch gun 6a«€ri/— Continued. War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- sons). Article. Where carried. Property classifica- tion. Class. Sec- tion. 1 1 Horse equipment for each ftorsc— Contd. Saddle blanket Carried on horse IX X X Rnrpinp'le . do . Not carried in field For spare horse; Feed bag Carried on horse 5 Grain bag do Halter headstall do Saddle blanket , do Surcingle. . do 12 1 Saddler's tools. Awl blades, harness, assorted Nos. 43 to 48, inclusive In saddler's chest in battery wagon do 1 Awl, seat, handled do... 1 Carriage, pricking, 3 wheels do 1 Compass, 6 inches do \ Creaser, double, lignum- vitse do 1 Claw tool do 1 Edge tool. No. 1 .do 1 Edge tool, No. 2 do 2 Extra blades with foUowers for draw ...do 1 do ..-. 1 Hammer, riveting. No. 3 ..do 1 Handle, peg, awl, with wrench ...:.do 1 Knife, round ..do 1 Knife splitting 6-inch .. .. do 1 do 1 Needle, glovers' No. 3, paper .do 2 do 9 2 Needles, harness. No. 5, papers ..do 2 Needles, harness. No. 6, papers. . . , do 12 Needles, sacking, assorted do 1 Nipper, cutting, 10-inch .do 1 Oibtone, unmounted do 1 Pliers, 6-inch do 4 Punches, hand, round, assorted. do 1 Punch, revolving do 1 Rivet set . ..do 1 Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold do 1 Screw driver, 3-iach blade do 1 Sewing palm, leather do . 1 Shears, 10-inch bent trimmers do 1 Shoe knife, square point .do 1 Shoe knife, broad point do 1 Slicker, steel do 2 Thimbles .do. 1 Stitching clamp do 1 Tool kit, sheepskin , ..do 1 Supply chest, tools .....do 1 Carpenter's tools. Bench ax In carpenter's chest , in battery wagon . . 2 Bags, canvas, for small stores 1 Bevel, 8-inch'. 6 Bits, auger 1 1 Bit, expansive, two cutters ■'. 3 1 Brace, ratchet, 10-inch sweep 3 Chisels, socket, framing 9 1 Dividers, wing, lO-inch 4 DriUs, twist 1 File, 10-inch, flat, bastard 6 1 2 Files, saw, 4 and 6 inch (3 of each) Gage, marking, brass, thumbscrew shoe and face. Gouges, socket firmer 1 Hammer, claw, adze eye . ■. .. 1 Handle, tool., containing 10 tools 1 Part of harness for all draft horses. 46 Statement of total equipment of one ■'^.8-inch gun battery — Continued, War footing (4 guns, 12 cais- sons). Article. "Where carried. Property classifica- tion. Sec- tion. Carpenter's fooZs— Continued. Handles, file, aluminum alloy Knife, drawing, 9-inch blade Mallet, 2| by 5 inches, maple, hickory handled. Nail set Oiler Oilstone, immoimted Pincer, small, 8-inch Plane, jack, wood Plane, smoothing, wood Plate, auger handle Rasp, wood, 10-inch " Reamer, half roimd, for wood or soft metal. Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold Saw, crosscut, 24-inch Saw, rip, 24-inch Saw set Screw driver, 5-inch blade, 10-inch Spokeshave, adjustable Square, steel, 12-inch body, 8-inch tongue. Tape line, linen Vise, table, 2i-inch Wrench, screw, 12-inch Blacksmith's tools. Anvil, 100-pound Aprons, blacksmith Bags, canvas, for nails Box, shoeing, leather Chisel, cold, 8-inch Chisel, handled, for cold iron, 2 poimds . . Chisel, handled, for hot iron, 1.5 pounds . Clinching iron DriUs. flat File, 12-inch, flat, bastard Fire rake Fire shovel Flatter, handled, 1.5 inch, square face. . . Fore punch and creaser Forge, Empire, portable , Hammer, hand, 2 pounds , Hammer, riveting, 1 pound, 2 ounces. . . Hammer, shoeing, 10 ounces Handle, file, aluminum Hardie, 0.75 square shank, 1.25 bit , Cutting nippers, 14-inch , Oiler Pritchel, 0.75 flats, 9-inch , Punch, round, 0.375-inch , Punch, round, 0.312 (■iV)-inch Punch, nail Punch, square Ratchet arill for square shank drill Rivet sets, 5 sizes Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold Screw plates, taps and dies, with tap wrench, including chest. Shoeing knives Shoeing pincers Shoeing rasp, 16-inch Sledge, 11-pound Square Toe knife Tongs, horseshoer's, 1.5-pound, 12-inch. Tongs, for 0.25 iron Tongs, for 0.5 iron Whetstone, farrier's, 10-inch Wrench, forge Wrench, screw, 12-inch , In carpenter's chest, in battery wagon. 'In forge limber chest . 47 Statement of total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery — Continued. Light bat- tery/ 6 1 15 20 5 5 2 75 75 5 5i 7 6 75 1 1 1 1 52 4 80 65 10 8 40 5 1 Article. Where carried. Materials for cleaning and preservation. \ {6 months' supply, all expendable.) Borax, pounds, lump. . . Brush, camel's hair, No. 1, round Brushes, sash, No. 3 do. Brushes, sash, No. 5 do. Brush, varnish, No. 4-0 do. Brushes, varnish. No. 5-0 do. Brushes, varnish, No. 6-0 do . Burners, lantern, Dietz, Vesta do . Cloth, crocus quires do. Cloth, emery. No. i quire do. Cloth, emery. No. do do . Cloth, emery, No. 00 do do . Cosmic, No! 80, soft, quarts (1-quart do. cans). Chamois skins I do . Dressing, russet leather boxes do In store wagon. — do Property classifica- tion. Sec- tion. Eveready timgsten battery No. 793. Eveready 2.7V. Mazda bulb No. 1197. Globes, lantern La valine, 16-ounce cans Lye, powdered, cans, 1-pound Naphthaline pounds. . Oil, clock, ovmce, 1-ounce bottles Oil, hydroline, gallons, 5-gallon cans. . Oil, linseed, boiled gallons. . Oil, linseed, raw pints. . Oil, lubricating Oil. neat's-foot do. Oil, slushing, light. -do. Oil, coal do O il , sperm do Paint, olive-drab, second coat, pounds , Paint, olive-drab, third coat do Paint, rubberine, gallons, 1-gallon cans. Petrolattun (vaseline), ounces (in tin box). Po'ish, Gibson's soap, 16-ounce cans. . Primer, brown enamel quarts. . Sal soda, pounds, bulk : . . . Sandpaper, No. 2^. .do. -do. .do. .do. quires.. Sandpaper, No. li do Sandpaper, No. i do Sandpaper, No. 00 do Soap, Castile pounds . . Soap, H & H, cakes or"Paco"... Soap, saddle, Frank Miller's, pounds, 1-pound tins. Sponges, 5-inch Sponges, large size, 5^ or 6 inch Turpentine gallons. . Waste, cotton, pounds, white Wicks, lantern, size Tape, black adhesive, ?-inch wide, i-pound roll. » Only one of these items will be issued to an organization. 5 pounds in store wagon; rest to be retained at post. Not carried in field In cleaning material and small- stores chest. In oil cans vmder battery and store wagons. In store wagon In cleaning material and small- stores chest. In oil cans on battery and store wagons. 4 gallons in store wagon; rest to be retained at post. 2 gallons in store wagon; rest to be retained at post. In oil cans under battery and store wagons. 1 gallon in store wagon; rest to be retained at post. 5 pounds in store wagon; rest to be retained at post. do Not carried in field In cleaning material and small- stores chest. In store wagon In store at post 20 pounds in cleaning-material chest. In cleaning material and small- stores chest. ...do ....do ...-do In store wagon — do ....do 35 in store wagon; rest to be re- tained at post. In store wagon In store at post 10 pounds in store wagon; rest to be retained at post. In cleaning-material chest In store wagon .,-. 48 Statement of total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery — Continued. Light bat- tery. Article. Where carried. Property classifica- tion. tlon. 3 1 24 3 3 11 20 12 22 12 21 9 18 9 4 2 4 10 10 2 2 4 5 150 1 8 1 1 1 8 8 18 Saddler's material. {6 months' supply, all expendable.) Awl blades, harness, assorted. . Awl haft, patent, No. 146, wrench. Buckles, bar, 1-inch, Saalbach, bronze. with Buckles, bar, tongueless, f-inch, brass Buckles, bar, tongueless, 1-inch, brass. Buckles, bar, tongueless, l*-inch brass. Buckles, center bar, |-inch, bronze Buckles, center bar, 5-inch, bronze. Buckles, center bar, |-inch, bronze Buckles, center bar, 1-inch, bronze Buckles, center bar, IJ-inch, M. I Buckles, center bar, l|-inch, M. I Buckles, roller, |-inch, M. I Buckles, roller, f-inch, M. I Buckles, roller, |-inch, M.I Buckles, roller, 1-inch, M. I Buckles, roller, IJ-inch, M.I Buckles, roller, IJ-inch, M. I Buckles, satchel, i-inch, M. I Buckles, wire, 4-inch, bronze Buckles, wire, 1-inch Buckles, wire, |-inch. brass Buckles, roller. Royal, li-inch, M. I Cheek "D," bronze Conway loop, |-inch, bronze Duck, cotton, olive-drab. 22-inch, No. 1, yards. End buckle, 1-inch, bronze, with clip. End clip, f-inch, brass End clip, 1-incli, brass End clip, l^inch, brass Foot staple, high, bronze Foot staple, low, bronze Foot staple, semicircular, bronze Hook, back strap, steel Hook, breast strap, steel. Hook, collar strap, steel . Hook, double, brass wire. Hook, end, brass wire. Hook, side strap, steel . Hook, wire (for link), brass Leather, bridle, backs Leather, collar, backs Leather, harness, backs, pounds Leather, latigo, sides Nails, saddle, J-inch head, !{ inches lone. Needles, glovers, No. 3 papers.. do Needles, harness. No. 4 do do Needles, harness. No. 5 do do Needles, harness. No. 6 do....i do Ornaments, brow band, copper I do Ovals, saddle j do Ovals, saddle bag do Pins, screw, brass, |-inch. No. 2, 1- j do gross pac'.fages. Ring, I inch diameter (saddle bag), | do bronze. Ring (rifle scabbard), 1 inch diameter, 1 do M. I. Ring, IJ inches diameter (saddle), j do bronze. Ring, If inches diameter (back strap), j do Ring, If inches diameter (throat do strap), M. I. i Ring, IJ inches diameter (breeching), | do In saddler's chest. ...-do }^ In canvas bag for small stores, bat- tery wagon, do ,do do 49 statement of total equipment of one 3.8-inch gun battery — Continued. Horse bat- Light bat- tery. Article. Where carried. Property classifica- tion. tery. Class. Sec- tion. 12 12 8 10 6 8 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1,260 1 Saddler's material. (6 months supply, all expendable)— Continued. Ring, 2 inches diameter (halter), M. I. Ring, 4 inches diameter (quarter strap) Ring D, 1 inch diameter (feed bag), Ring D, IJ inches diameter, with clasp, steel. Ring D, If inches diameter, steel ISmall stores bag, battery wagon... In saddler's chest X IV X IX X IX IX X 6 do.... 3 ..do 3 Ring D, 2 inches diameter (special), steel. Rivets and biu-rs, brass, §-inch. No. 12. pounds, belt. Rivets and burrs, brass, ^inch. No. 10, pounds, belt. Rivets and burrs, brass, f-inch, No. 10, pounds, belt. Ri\ets and burrs, brass, 1-inch, No. S. oval heads, pounds. Rollers, lead rein, steel Rope, ^-inch (halter), feet, mamla hemp. Screws, brass, 1-inch, No. 6, wood. do 1 do .do 1 1 do 1 3 do do 1,600 8 1 In saddler's chest 15 10 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 5 gross. Sheepskins with wool on. In battery wagon 10 2 ShieMs, saddle, 11-inch, brass 2 4 Shields, saddle, U^inch, brass Shields, saddle, 12-inch, brass do do 5 2 2 3 3 Snap hook, canteen. Cavalry, bronze. Snap hook, coverts, -|-inch, M.I Snap, covert, 1-inch, M. I Snap, German, |-inch, M. I., bronzed. Snan hoo/c. haversack. 1-inon do do do do .do 5 10 6 5 Snau. swivel. 1-inch. No. 16. M. I do 8 36 8 28 Snap, German, 1-inch, M. I., bronzed. Souare, haltw, M. I do 1 In canvas bag for small stores, bat- tery wagon. ^^ do ! do . i in 10 2 8 3 2 8 3 5 Strap loop, coupling, f-inch (for bri- dle), brass. Strap loop, feed bags, 1 by J inch, brass wire. Stud hoo.«". bronze 5 6 Studs, saddle bag, bronze 1 1 Tacks, copper, No. 12, J-pound paper do . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 16 28 11 14 2 Tacks, copper, No. 20, |-pound paper. . do 1 1 2 Thimble, aluminum lined, steel, si^e f-inch. Thread, carpet, No. 18, olive-drab, pounds. Thread, shoe, No. 3, brown, .pounds. . do :....do 2 Thread, shoe. No. 10, brown. . . do do. . i 2 Wax, stitching, brown do Webbing, olive-drab, cotton, heavy, I- inch yards . . Webbing, olive-drab, cotton, heavy, 1-inch yards . . Webbing, olive-drab, halter, lynches, yards. . Webbing, jute, 3|-inch yards in battery wagon j 20 35 15 20 do ] do 1 do i do 10 2 For polo equipment. Buckles, wire, i-inch, bronze In saddler's chest • do .. 2 2 Buckles, wire, |-inch bronze 12 Buckles, wire, f-inch, bron/e do 1 4 Buckles, wire, ^-inch, bronze . do . ! 2 6 4 2 6 4 5 7 Buckle, nickel-plated, stirrup sltrap, l|-inch, bron„e. Buckle, nickel-plated, girth, 1-inch, bron e. Ring, §-inch, bron.:e do 1 do i 1 do 5 Web, linen straining , .3^-1 nch ... yards . . Web, linen straining, c-inch do In battery wagon 7 do i 50 Statevient of total equipment of one S. 8-inch gun battery — Continued. No. .\rticle. • Where carried. Property classifica- tion. Class. Sec- tion. 3 Reserve supplies for war service.^ Buckles, bar, tongueless, |-inch, brass Buckles, bar, tongueless, I-inch, brass Buckles, center bar, |-inch, bronze In store 5 10 do do 1 3 3 2 Buckles, center bar, f-inch, bronze do Buckles center bar |-inch bronze do Buckles, center bar, l^nch, M. I do Buckles, center bar, l|-inch, M. I .. do.... Buckles, roller, g-inch, M. I do Buckles, roller, |-inch, M. I I do 1 '■ 1? Buckles', roller, IJ-inch, M. I do TX lU in Buckles, wire, f-inch, M.I do ? Burners, lantern do 1 Cheek " D " do 1 Chamois sVin .. do 4 Conway loops |-inch do . 3 do ! 3 3 2 ? End buCi«'les do do ... do HooIvS collar strap do * .... do I Hooks end brass wire do IX X IX X 5 Leather, bridle, bac" s . do Leather collar backs do . 30 do 10 1 Leather, latigo side do ... 3 Nails saddle do 5 1 do 4 Oil coal gallons do A Oil, hvdroline . . . .do ... do Oil lubricating do do ... 10 16 .. . do - ? Oil, slushing light do do 1 1 Oil snerm cftllnn do 1 3 Ornaments, brow band Rings S-inch diameter saddle bag do IX 5 2 do 8 I|-inch diameter saddle . . do 4 Rings 2-inch diameter halter do IV 1 8 3 . . do 3 Rings 4-inch diameter Quarter strap do . . 3 Rings " D," 1-inch diameter, feed bag . . . ... do 1 Rivets and burrs, J-inch, brass, No. 10, poimd. Rivets and burrs, f-inch, brass, No. 10, pound. do IS do do X . 2 Snap hoo'c haversack 1-inch do IX IV IX 1 3 do 8 12 . . do 5 40 Snan nast.ilp rtounds do 3 Soap H and H, ca' es or Paco .... do 60 Soap saddle Frank Miller's pounds do 95 do 1 2 Strap loops feed bag do ! ? do |ix 9 . . do 5 do Thr*H4fl parnpt Vn 18 nlivp-Hrab noiind do do Thrpad shop ^o 10 brown do do X 10 ?5 . do W^a\ stitching brown do do 2 do AmmunUion. See general orders pertaining to annual allowance of ammvmition. I No material will Ije drawn from this supply for making repairs and replacements except in sudden calls for field service if necessary to replace missing items of the regular supplies. To avoid deterioration, all perishable articles should be replaced by similar ones received with the regular 6 months' allowance. INDEX. A. Page. Accessories (for battery wagon), list of 40 Accessories (for caisson), list of ._ 39 Accessories (for forge limber), list of - 40 Accessories (for gun and carriage), list of 36 Accessories (for limber), list of '. 38 Accessories (for store limber), list of 41 Accessories (for store wagon), list of .<% 40 Allowance of supplies 47 Ammunition, allowance of 13 Ammunition, blank 14 ( harge for 14 Preparation 14 Ammunition, fixed 12 Ammunition, list of 44 Ammunition carriers .-. . . 25 Apron (for carriage), description 25 B. Batter^-- wagon, model of 1902 33 Blacksmith's tools, list of 46 Brake rod spring cover 25 Brake segment rack 25 Breech mechanism 9 C. Caisson 30 Caisson, nomenclature 30 Caisson, weights, dimensions, etc 30 Carpenter's tools, list of 45 Carriage 17 Carriage, nomenclature 17 Carriage, weights, dimensions, etc /. 17 Cartridge case, description 12 Chest body (for limber) 29 Chest body (for caisson) 33 Chest front (limber) 29 Chest front (caisson) 33 Chest front tees 33 Collars, spare parts for, list of . 43 Cradle 24 < ylinder, to fill 25 D. Diaphragm (for caisson) 33 Diaphragm brace 33 Door tees (limber) 29 Door tees (caisson) 33 Drill cartridge 14 (51) 52 E. Page. Elevating gear 24 Equipment, list of 36 Equipment, horse, list of 44 Equipment, instruction, list of , 43 Equipment, miscellaneous, list of 43 Equijmient, personal, list of 44 Equipment, range finding and fire control, list of 42 Equipment for one 3.8-inch battery, statement of total 36 Equipment, target, list of 44 F. Forge limber 33 Fuzes, F. A., combination 13 Parts of 13 Action of 13 Fuze setter, hand, model of 1913, description 14 Operation 15 Fuze setter, hand, old model, description 15 Adjustment 16 Adaptability to other guns 16 Fuze setter (caisson) ^ 33 G. Gun, model of 1907 9 H. Harness, list of 42 Harness, spare, list of 43 Hatchet blade bracket 30 Hood 25 Hub cap 25 L. Limber 26 Lim])er, nomenclature 27 Limber, weights, dimensions, etc 26 Lock bar 29 Lock washer 25 M. Main shield 25 Material, cleaning and preservation, allowances of for six months 47 Material, saddler's, allowance of for six months 48 N. National Guard, repairs for , 34 O. Oils for Artillery materiel 34 Oil can holder (limber) 30 P. Plates, list of 6 Primer, 110 grain percussion 12 Projectiles 12 Propelling charge 12 R. Range table for 3.8 inch gun 10 Repairs for Field Artillery materiel 34 Rocker 24 s. Page. Saddler's tools, list of 45 Shell, common steel 12 Shield 25 Shield brace , 25 Shrapnel, common 13 Sights, list of 41 Spare parts (for caisson), list of 39 Spare parts (for carriage), list of 37 Spare parts (for gun), list of 37 Spare parts (for limber), list of 39 Spare parts, miscellaneous, list of 43 Spare parts of accessories, list of 41 Spare sights, list of 42 Store limber 33 Store wagon 33 Supplies kept in reserve, list of 50 T. Tools (for ])attery wagon), list of 40 Tools (for caisson), list of 39 Tools (for forge limber) , list of 40 Tools (for gun and carriage), list of 36 Tools (for limber), list of. 38 Tools (for store limber), list of 41 Tools (for store wagon), list of 40 Transportation by rail, method of loading a battery 34 Traversing mechanism, description 24 Traversing mechanism, to dismount 25 Traversing clip 24 Traversing plate 24 Traversing worm shaft 25 W. Wheels 24 Wheel, to remove 25 Wheel fastening 24 Wheel fastening, to remove 26 Wheeled materiel, list of 36 War Department, Office of the Chpef of Ordnance, Washington, January 29, 1917 » Form No. 1773. EJ. Jan. 19-17-300. :>/«>' V UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. u UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY