m r 1 ^ UCSB LIBRARY MH, D.JJ, HUSH or OF B^ITH & WELLS. ^r. /// , ; v/,.,. *#,/,. /;*/,- THE LIFE OF THOMAS KEN, D.D. DEPRIVED BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS. VIEWED IN T CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC EVENTS, AND THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS, IN WHICH HE LIVED. INCLUDING SOME ACCOUNT OF THE FORTUNES OF MORLEY, BISHOP OF WINCHESTER, HIS FIRST PATRON, AND THE FRIEND OF ISAAK WALTON, BROTHER-IN-LAW OF BISHOP KEN. "Persecuted, -but not forsaken; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and jet possessing all things." ST. PAUL. BY THE R E V. W. L. BOWLES, M.A. M.R.S.L. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1830. LONDON : J. 1). NICHOLS AND SON, PARLIAMENT STREET, TO THE MOST REVEREND WILLIAM, LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, AND PRIMATE OF ALL ENGLAND. MY DEAR LORD, I KNOW not to whom this Life of Bishop Ken could with more propriety be dedicated than to Him, who learned the same lessons, at the same distinguished school, where Bishop Ken was edu- cated, to Him, who was Fellow of the same College in Oxford elected Fellow of the same College of Winchester from thence advanced to the Episcopal Bench, like Bishop Ken and Bishop Lowth and who from thence has been advanced to the highest station in the Episcopal Church of Christ, like Chicheley and Warham, educated in the same illustrious Seminary. But, independently of these circumstances, I am persuaded this offer- ing will not be unacceptable, as coming from one IV DEDICATION. of your Grace's oldest friends and schoolfellows, equally attached with yourself to that school where our studies began, and the Communion of that Church over which you so auspiciously preside. Without presuming to think your Grace will agree with me in all the opinions, political or reli- gious, expressed in this work, I am sure, at least, of your candid construction of them. I have only to pray that your valuable life may be long continued, to exhibit that exemplary piety and virtue, those qualities of heart and understand- ing, which distinguished the character I have en- deavoured to describe ; and I remain, as from our early days, till called away for ever, Your Grace's Most sincere and affectionate Friend, W. L. BOWLES. Canonry Home, Salisbury* January 1, 1830. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction .. .. .. .. .. ix Errata, and Preliminary Explanations , . . . xxxviii CHAPTER I. Birth Family Connections . . . . . . . . 1 Pedigree .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,114- CHAPTER II. Ken a College -boy, at Winchester School Catherine Hill Election-Chamber Reflections on Public Schools 15 Note on Thomas Russell . . . . . . . . 21 CHAPTER III. Ken at Oxford Antony Wood's Musical Club (see also p. 229) First acquaintance with Thynne of Christ-Church, afterwards Viscount W T eymouth Connection of the Family of Thynne and Packington Morley, afterwards Bishop of Winchester, the means of Ken's acquaintance with Thynne . . . . . . . . . . 30 Observations on the authorship of the Eucwv RatriXiKT) 45,122,217 CHAPTER IV. Retrospective View of Religious Parties in the Seven- teenth Century, from the opening of the Long Parlia- ment, 164-0, to the Death of Cromwell, 1658 Presby- terian Domination Episcopal Clergy oppressed Prayer-book proscribed Prayer-book of Isaak Walton, Ken's Brother-in-law Independents Milton Crom- well's Death 51 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Page. Oxford, after the Restoration Ejected Ministers restored Morley, ejected Canon, made Dean of Christ-Church Connection with Isaak Walton, Ken's Brother-in-La\v Ken's Patron His rise in the Church Fellow of Winchester Party at the Episcopal Palace . . . . -88 Dramatic Scene at the Cottage of Isaak Walton . . . . 99 Morley 's Farewell to the Cottage of Isaak Walton .. Ill Pedigree of Floud 114- CHAPTER VI. Life, Fortunes, Character, and Times of Bishop Morley, Ken's First Patron Parentage Early society Chap- lain to Charles the First Last interview Expelled from his Canonry of Christ-Church by the Parliamen- tary Visitors His wanderings, after leaving Walton's Cottage Character Reflection Domestic groupe in the Palace Household when he was Bishop of Win- chester . . . . . . . . . . . . ..115 Lines on the Funeral of Charles the First . . . . 129 Pedigree of Morley . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Persecuted Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Lilly and Hugh Peters Predestinarianism and Astrology ibid. Joice, Executioner of Charles the First . . . . . . 155 Milton the suggester to Cromwell of the King's Trial, as a grand national spectacle of justice . . . . . . 156 Cheynell over Chillingworth's Grave . . . . . . 158 CHAPTER VII. Piety of the Episcopal Church of England contrasted with the spirit of Puritanism Presbyterian and Papal perse- cution Historians Concluding Reflections . . . . 165 CONTENTS. Vll HISTORICAL AND MISCELANEOUS DOCUMENTS AND REFLECTIONS. Page. Concluding observations on the EIKWV Ba- -^5 8 O : S 9 a m _ ^3 r K fl fc. ol T3 ^| <""S If| J "^ 1 sfj; * 2 01 ^ '? >- c -S .2 "5 * . = -S *i S.^ "S ? " w o rt O "G ** ^J ** gl o X ^ < c* S S _-'p ^ -* ^"^ ili S 3 00 si I c5^ 1 3 c C^^ a . J a) * t. j? ^^ a c c i_ ,0 ,0 _ V c * - "S a c _, w W : 3 .9 t fe i . i-. 2 i^ . 1 *s tJ -c 5 w CO F S *a S>M CO t- n fco : p ftl Wj J^2 J 1 2-1 a = "3 12 -7: s ^ PH O ffi i^i ~i HP r "^ > "^ Igl* iJfa o ^ o -a ^-^ t ~ "S i 3 1 eg 'S i* s ^ V! S 'o "- "" m 00 C S 8 *"* = -^ J E~ ~ "c .. - *"" -a C ^ 3 "1 tf B ? s " Ihil ? 0) I .s IB ^ ^ u . ^ S u- c * O 1) l_ J n W g-3 a . L g 5 o ^ a ^^ j= ~ "w **^ Cj * J^ o ~ .i tv S o co S s .5 * .E %> cT^ Lg ji I-H ~ ^? >- S ^ _o 3 tfi o ^ _r j^ < S Q "a ! S^. X | >,- | .32 * 05 w PC c " "- ca &. s " S S *o PH 8> 1= '5 "i -o = "j ^15 * Q J *ls S^ 5 ^ ^ "S ^3 -c '- S 5 ^ ^ ^ J j- 3 m B J -S"S^ 8"g*al |B ^ri | * "= H "3 * ^ * *" 4, JS CO - (3 S'S-sJs i 1 g 88 3 "o a 1 w ^ r 2 '* . * .S o a J k*5 2J tj o "* "3 tn Q ^-15 r a) pis B| | -illl "fs'lll- I eT 1 fe E:-^ V a C ^ b E . O i ^ "T D "3 ^ "l~ " -u -c _^ .3 > g < T 3 jT C~-r! ^ & 5 tT o ^s s T3 c -a J4 tf-^^ g to| 3 * " 2 S-S'g g-S^^ & a p i^'jW g *5 -** Co c O -5 ^ )S w CJ C -"a to 01 O LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. As I am indebted to the information of the near- est living descendant of the family, for the tradi- tional information of some of the most novel, pro- bably the most interesting, circumstances of this work, Dr. Herbert Hawes, Prebendary of Salisbury, my friend and schoolfellow, who inherits his re- lation's active benevolence and warm attachment to the Church it will be here proper to shew Dr. Hawcs's immediate descent from Anne, the sister of Bishop Ken. She was married, as we have shewn, to the celebrated Isaak Walton. He had by her an only son, Isaac, Canon Residentiary of Salisbury, and a daughter, Anne, married to Wil- liam Hawkins, D. D. Prebendary of Winchester. Isaac Walton, the son, died unmarried, at Salis- bury, in the canonical residence. William Hawkins, D. D. had by Anne, daughter of Isaak Walton senior, and sister to Isaac Walton junior, two children, William Hawkins, the bio- grapher of his great uncle, the Bishop ; and Jane, who died unmarried at Salisbury, living till his death with her uncle. William Hawkins, the biographer, married the daughter of Dr. Merewether, of Devizes, from whom is descended the present learned and excellent Henry Al worth Merewether, serjeant at law. this desuetude of the visitations has occasioned ; especially as the registries of descents now made are not of themselves legal evidence, although they may point out records and documents to substantiate them, and may afford information upon isolated statements, which the Courts of Westminster will not reject." Gent. Mag. xcix. ii. 99. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 7 William Hawkins, by his wife, Jane Merewether, had issue a daughter, married to the Rev. John Hawes, Rector of Bemerton. This daughter of William Hawkins was the mother of the present Dr. Hawes, of Salisbury. To him descended, through her, the identical PRAYER-BOOK of old Isaak Walton (of which more will be said), splen- didly bound, adorned with the arms of Charles the First, printed 1637, and containing, in Walton's hand- writing, the dates of the birth of his children, and the first transcript of the epitaph on his wife Anne, buried in Worcester cathedral two years after the Restoration. These family memorials are written in the blank leaf before the title-page of this ho- noured relic. Dr. Hawes has also in his possession an original drawing in crayons by Isaac Walton, junior, of his father, which is the most interesting and characteristic portrait I have ever seen, said to have been drawn from recollection after death. With these records and relics, to my friend de- scended also the remains of Ken's worldly splen- dour, a small silver coffee-pot* the companion of all his vicissitudes ; and the manuscript of his epic poem, " Edmund," most carefully written with his own hand, and in places elaborately corrected, which shews the limoe laborem he bestowed on it. These particulars I have thought it right to pre- * Together with his silver-watch, made by Tompion. These may be compared with Wesley's two silver spoons, one in London, and one in Bristol ! 8 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. mise in this place, as, but for the interesting in- formation connected with these circumstances, and, above all, Ken's relationship with Isaak Walton, I should probably never have appeared as an episcopal biographer. Before I leave this part of the subject, I would not omit some curious coincidences. The daughter of Christopher Ken,* of Ken, near Cleveden, on the banks of the Severn, married, we have seen, John, son of Sir Anthony Paulet. Be- ing ardently attached to the fortunes, and in the confidence of Charles the First, his name appeared among the names of those who subscribed the de- claration disavowing the intention, on the King's part, of making war on the Parliament. He appeared in arms on the side of the King, and, as a soldier, nobly and gallantly supported the side he had taken ; so that Ken was remotely and immediately a loyalist. I may here add, that the second son of the Jirst Lord Paulet married the daughter of a predecessor of Ken's in the See of Bath and Wells, Creighton, who partook all the deprivations of exile with Charles the Second, and who, living to a great age, left, with an inscription commemorative of his fortunes, the brazen eagle, long used as a reading- * Portraits of Christopher Ken and his wife, by Vandyke are in the possession of Mr. Piggot, of Brockley-Hall. The Ken estate has been lately parcelled out in lots. Ruttcr's Somersetshire. LIFE OF BISHOP KN. desk in the Choir. His nephew was Canon Resi- dentiary, and a scientific musical composer, whose services are still performed in most cathedrals. He was Canon when Ken was Bishop, whom he revered as much as he and the Chapter opposed Kidder.* Thus Bishop Ken, son of a London attorney, was douhly connected with the county of Somerset, first l)y birth, and, incident ally, with the Chapter of Wells, previously to his becoming connected with that Diocese. From this remark, I now proceed. Thomas Ken, youngest son, by the first wife, of Thomas Ken, of Furnival's Inn, was born, as we have before said, at Little Berkharnstead. Wood, from mistake, gives the date of his birth 1635. He was born July 1637. The future Bishop of Bath and Wells entered into life at that eventful period when the murmurs of the storm began to increase, which, soon after- wards, shook to their foundations the battlements of the Church of England. At this inauspicious era to the Church, this most exemplary, virtuous, and Christian ornament to that Church, was born. Where he received the first rudiments of his * It was usual at that time, throughout England, for the members of the Chapter to be present when the candidates for holy orders were ordained. The Chapter often refused attending the ordinations of Kidder. Kidder's MS. Life. 10 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. early education is not known ; nor by whose recom- mendation he became a scholar on William of Wyke- ham's munificent foundation ; but the sons of many distinguished families in the western counties had usually been sent to that seminary of public education, to receive the advantages of the system, if not to be placed as scholars on the foundation. That Thomas Ken was considered a proficient in early scholarship ; that he was remarkable, in child- hood, for docility as well as sweetness of disposition, it is surely not unreasonable to infer. It may be presumed that the interest of the more prosperous part of the family, in Somersetshire, was solicited, and that therefore it was thought ad- visable that this interesting and promising youth should be bred up to " learning " in Winchester school. It must not be forgotten, at the same time, that Ken had a musical voice, which had been no small recommendation for admission to all antient ecclesi- astical establishments, from their foundation ; for, in after life, it is known that no day passed without his singing his evening and morning hymn to his lute,* the origin of those beautiful morning and evening hymns sung at this day by the children of every parish. Harris, under whose wardenship Ken was en- tered at Winchester, having taken the " Covenant," probably little regarded such a qualification ; but * Hawkins. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 11 it was required by the Statutes, and might have been an inducement for his parents to endeavour to procure a nomination on an ancient ecclesiastical foundation, where, by long custom, and by the Sta- tutes, music was essentially associated with educa- tion.* To show of what importance, before the Refor- mation, this qualification was considered, we need only remark that, in most of our cathedrals, the chief chanter, or Precentor, ranks next in dignity to the Dean ; and though, through England, the ca- thedral choirs were silent when Ken was entered at Winchester, yet, in many places of ecclesiastical education, those who were not of the Puritanic class would be more observant of ancient forms. According to the creed of Puritanism, the sub- lime and affecting services of the Choir are a rem- nant of Popery, as is Episcopacy itself, and our im- pressive and beautiful Liturgy ! It would, indeed, have been a relick of Popery, if the BISHOP were obliged to lead the chant, as enjoined by the Popish Ritual, secundum usum Sarum. Thus, however, with the rudiments of the Latin language, and with the musical qualifications for a future Bishop, had he lived in times more propi- tious to choir-service, Ken, junior, became a candi- date for admission into the College of St. Mary * The first question asked of every candidate is, whether he can sing? See ' History of Bremhill." 12 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. Wintcn in the year 1(550-1. The entry of admis- sion in the College book is as follows : Thomas Ken, dc Berkhamstead, in com. Hert- ford, annoruin 13 ad Michaclis, 1650, admissus est Jan. 30, 1650-1. Ken was admitted under the wardenship of Har- ris, who was considered a perfect Grecian, and an eloquent preacher. According to Wood, he sided, in the contest between the Presbyterians and the Church of England, with the Presbyterians ; was elected of the Assembly of Divines, took the Cove- nant, and so kept his wardenship till his death, two years before the Restoration, 1658.* He was elected one of the Elders of the Assem- bly of Divines, through William Twiss, also edu- cated at Winchester, who was reckoned in his day the most powerful of all arguers against Arminius, for the supralccpsarum Decrees! A learned discus- sion was maintained between him and Warden Har- ris, probably about some shade of the same dark doctrines. I mention these circumstances to shew how ad- verse the spirit of the times was to the Episcopal Church, for here was a Warden, eating the bread of the munificent founder, and superintending an establishment founded by Episcopal bounty, who * The Warden of New College, nominated by the Parlia- mentary Visitors in 1648, died the same year. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 13 had taken the " Covenant"" to destroy Episcopacy root and branch ! Papal and Protestant ! As to the creed of Harris, he published two Epistles to Twiss ; the first, on the question, whether Predestination were definite or indefinite ' and the other, on the object of Predestination! Such useless contention is the effect of pressing views in religion beyond the sober veracity of the Gospel, Atheism or Infidelity, in consequence, al- ways succeeding. So, when the Platonic, or abstracted views of religion, led, in their excess, to the contemplative Pillar-Saint., who lived forty years on a pillar,* this kind of enthusiasm having attained its ne phis ultra of absurdity turned round, and the Dancing Saints had their reign. These, in their turn, were succeeded by the Flagellants; and then came in the Jumpers ! In the mean time, amidst all this coil, " wisdom is justified of her children." The "wisdom that is from above" is the same, and the Church of Eng:- o land, holding nothing infallible but the Word of God, in its sobriety and purity, regards these aber- rations of humanity with a sigh, still preserving the purity and dignified medium of truth. The Calvinistic creed succeeded abstracted feel- ings with this difference : Plato, by abstraction, sought to EXALT the SOUL Manes, and the Ka- - earliest Puritans, enjoined their disciples, * See Mosheim. 14 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. by unnatural austerities, &c. to mortify the body, that is, matter which they conceived to be derived from the Evil Principle, and therefore totally and essentially corrupt. Christianity, mingled with Platonism, on one hand, carried to excess, seraphic abstraction ; and the severer scholastic creed, mingling pure CHRIS- TIANITY with Manecheism, afterwards with Aristo- telism, produced Calvinism, of which there are two distinct shades. About these two shades abso- lute and conditional Twiss and Harris differed. The Cock in Dryden's Fable says I cannot bolt this matter to the bran, As Bradwardine and LEARNED Austin can ! In the language of Chaucer " In school is great altercation, In this mater, and great disputacion, And hath been of a hundred thousand men ! Quoth Chanticlere ! (Cock and the Fox.) It is a pity that such disputations, which have been the bane of piety, should not have been confined to such disputants ; for neither Twiss nor Warden Harris made the world wiser or better, and " CHA- RITY," which is " greater " than Faith, has always suffered in such interminable contests ! We are commanded to " love one another ;" but we are no where commanded to believe in Predestination absolute or conditional! LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 15 CHAPTER II. KEN A COLLEGE-BOY, AT WINCHESTER SCHOOL CATHE- RINE HILL ELECTION-CHAMBER REFLECTIONS ON PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Gay hope is theirs, by fancy fed, Less pleasing when possess'd ; The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast. GRAY. WE have now placed our young scholar, " pauper scholaris" on that ancient foundation which has sent so many illustrious scholars into society, and so many who, like Warham, Chicheley, Ken, and Lowth, have adorned the highest stations in the Church, and, by their learning, virtue, and piety, given the noblest lustre often from the humblest origin to the mitre. The more interesting career of life is now begun, every stage of which, in its first progress, is watched by affectionate parents with intense anx- iety, lest " peradventure evil should befall a beloved child." The parents, however, have chosen that mode of education in which it is least likely that " evil will befall him" At the age of thirteen, the scholastic noviciate at Winchester is probably placed in the form called * See observations in " Vindiciae Wycchamicae," on this word in the Statutes, in answer to Mr. Brougham by the Author. 1C LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. Junior part of Fifth ; and is become, with a band, and black dangling gown, a Junior of Fifth or Sixth Chamber. As junior, he is up before the other boys of the same chamber. In the glimmering and cold wintry mornings, he could not turn, at this time, to " Ken's Manual ;" but he would perhaps repeat to himself watching the slow morning through the grated window one of the beautiful ancient hymns composed for the scholars on the foundation. Jam lucis orto sydere Deum precemur supplices, Ut in diurnis actibus, Nos servet a nocentibus. Now the star of morning-light Rises on the rear of night ; Suppliant to our God we pray, From ills to guard us through this day. I have little doubt but such repetitions, in after life, led Ken to the composition of those hymns which form the greatest portion of his poems, and particularly his well-known Morning and Evening Hymns, of which I have spoken. Rising before the others, he had little to do ex- cept to apply a candle to a large faggot, in winter, which had been already laid. Nothing servile did I ever see or experience, though it has been as falsely as basely alleged that the juniors of a public school clean shoes, &c. Such degrading offices, or tiny thing degrading, I do not believe is, or LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 17 ever permitted ; and as to lighting a faggot, or obeying the seniors, Ken, in a prison, or in his highest elevation, might have found the advantage. What he had to undergo would not have prevented him from sending a favourite son to learn the same virtues at the same expense. On the fifth or sixth day, our junior, " the tear forgot as soon as shed," if it has ever for a moment been on his youthful cheek, is at ease among his companions of the same age ; he is found, for the first time, attempting to wield a cricket bat ; and, when his hour of play is over, he plies, at his SCOB,* the labours of his silent lesson, or sits scanning his "nonsense" verses, which, nonsense as they have been called, have led the way to form the most accurate and elegant scholars, however such rudiments may be derided. These cares are soon at an end. The holidays are approaching ; and who more blithely than Ken, with his musical voice, can sing that pleasing verse of the old Wykehamical canticle Ridet annus, prata rident, Xosque rideamus, Jam repetit Donium * An oaken box, which contains his few books. On each side are places for pens and ink. The outer cover is placed open. The depository of books has another cover, on which tbe young scholar writes his task, or reads his lesson. VOL. I. C 18 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN, Daulias advena, Nosque doraum repetamus, Domum, &c.* Now every boy pants for Whitsuntide, when is sung, in choral glee Musa, libros mitte, fessa, Mitte pensa dura. Till that day arrives, after the "pensa dura" of four days, the whole train of youthful scholars is seen streaming, twice a week, by the side of the Itchin, towards Catharine Hill, a large, round, conical hill, fronting the Downs ; a scene, since the foundation of the school, dedicated to youthful recreation and short oblivion of school cares. This holiday scene, alive and fervent with strip- ling animation from age to age, Tom Warton has beautifully described, with the airy occupants at their pastimes. Aerio Catharina jugo, qua vertice summo, Danorum veteres fossas, immania castra, Et circumducti servat vestigia valli, Wykehamicae mos est pubi celebrare palestras Multiplices, passimque levi contendere lusu, Festa dies quoties rediit. He then describes the juniors., as seen in knots and groups upon the turf : Quin lusu incerto cernas gestire MINORES, Se saltu exercent vario, et luctantur in herba, * Dulce Domum. the old Wykehamical song, from its style, may be judged to have been written before the Reformation. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 19 Innocuasque edunt pugnas, aut gramine molli OXIA AGUNT FUSI, CLIVISQUE SUB OMNIBUS H.3EREXT. Among these juniors, on the different knolls, throw back the years that have passed away since, we think we see young Ken, familiar and playful. That an anxious mother, instead of listening to the hobgoblin stories of public-school tyranny, might think she saw, on a summer's holiday, the child of her affections thus seated, I shall endea- vour to translate for her : Where on its airy summit, CATHARINE HILL * Still shews its Danish dike, and the vast camp, And vestiges of ramparts, that surround Its brow oft as the festive day returns, Wykeham, thy sons their pastimes celebrate, Or in light play contend : the younger tribe Appear, all play uncertain what they leap, In harmless strife they wrestle, or in groups, Spread leisurely, on every hillock hang. Many years have passed since I played among them ; in the language of the classical writer, " Where first my Muse to lisp her notes began ! While pensive Memory traces back the man, Which fills the varied interval between, Much pleasure, more of sorrow, mark the scene." WARTON. * It is well known, that Pope Gregory gave directions to his Missionaries not to change the places of assembly where Pagan rites were celebrated, but to dedicate them afresh to Christian saints, and turn the Pagan into Christian rites. (See Bede.) C 2 Hence 20 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. But I will venture to say the last natural and beau- tiful image, to which no translation can do justice, has been witnessed from the days of Ken, I might say from the days of the founder, to the present, and will be witnessed as long as the neighbouring ancient towers, dedicated for so many years to learning and piety, shall " crown the watery glade." I trust to the reader's pardon for this incidental interruption, and proceed to the classical studies there of him whose life suggested the imagery and excited the remembrances of the moment. A Winchester scholar, advancing through the different classes of the school, acquires different habits of thinking, accompanied with a diffident consciousness of progressive acquirements. He now begins to feel the beauties of those works whose grammatical difficulties he had pensively pored over. The descriptions of Virgil and Homer have a charm for his imagination ; and his ear is insensibly turned to the music of the versifi- cation. His awakened feelings are in unison with his studies, now no longer confined to the trammels of unintelligible grammar. Hence, as I have observed elsewhere, the hill of Tanarus be- came that of St. Anne, and Cad-a-Pync, the fortification above the water, St. Catherine ; of which St. Catharine's hill, near Winchester, is a striking specimen. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 21 Such a youth, when his companions are at play, often wanders " off-hill," (as the term is,) " Step following step, and thought succeeding thought." LOWTH. Such a character I remember poor Russell,* a * Thomas Russell, of New College, my school-fellow at Win- chester, had great poetical genius, and exquisitely cultivated attainments. A small volume of translated and original poems was pub- lished soon after his immature death, by our common revered friend, now elevated to the metropolitan seat of this kingdom. This volume, though now scarce, is rich in strains of most harmonious sweetness and beauty, as every heart attached to poetry will acknowledge wherever it has been met. Mr. Southey has done justice to it; and it were to be wished that a new edition were published, together with the poems of Crowe and Bampfielde. At Oxford, Russell's society was sought by most of the young men of birth and talent in the University. He retired from such society, where he was admired and loved, to a provincial curacy ; and soon after, with the most engaging manners, the most benevolent heart, and the highest endowments, died, in early youth, of a consumption, the Curate of a village near Dorchester, of which county his father and brother were eminent solicitors. Some of the boys were in the habit of writing local epigrams. A most elegant tribute, of the kind, was paid to the eloquence of Balguy, a prebendary, who had refused a bishopric, well known for his Sermons on Christian Benevolence. He had preached on the text, " in wisdom there is sorrow." IMPROMPTU. If what you have told us, dear Doctor, be true, " In wisdom is sorrow," how wretched are you ! This 22 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. young man of extraordinary genius. Such, we may conceive, before he was cast upon the world, was Otway ; such the sublime Young ; such the tender Collins ; such Lowth, who, with kindred feeling, awoke the sacred harp of Israel,* all educated in the same school and such, to judge from his character through life, was the studious and the ingenuous Ken. But adieu to desultory ramblings " off -hills" when the young votary of the Muses " snatches a fearful joy." The day of ELECTION draws near " the great, the important day, big with the fate " of super- This was written by Russell when a boy at school. His early fate reminds me of some lines written by himself, upon a schoolfellow, dying, with a similar fate, and, in some respects, resembling him in character : To a friend so sincere, to a comrade so gay, Who brought cares on himself, to drive our cares away, Who lov'd still to laugh, yet ne'er wish'd to offend, And, a friend to mankind, found mankind not a friend; To a spirit so rare let us ever be just, Nor forget him, poor fellow ! though laid in the dust, f Then haste with your myrtles to hang on his shrine, With odours enrich it, bedew it with wine ; Ne'er cease on his turf early roses to bloom, And green be the laurel that waves o'er his tomb. * Lowth's " Praelectiones de Sacra Poesi Hebracorum, " rich with classical translations of Isaiah. f Russell wrote the Letters in the Gentleman's Magazine, with the signature A.S. (Amator Solitudinis,) iu defence of VVarton, when he was attacked by Ritson. See his death recorded iu the Magazine for 1788, p. 752. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 23 animates, panting to be placed high on the roll of succession to the great object of Wykehamical hopes, NEW COLLEGE. A severer course of studies is now absolutely requisite, for nothing can be conceived more por- tentous than, at this time, to the ambitious student, the Election-chamber ! The Warden and Electors from New College have been received yesterday evening by a Latin oration at the inner gate of the college, spoken by one of the senior boys, with classical compliments to the learning and critical judgment of the illustrious visitors and examiners ! The next morning, the scholars to be examined are all in a fervour of anxiety and emulation. At length, they are ushered into the Election-chamber before the TWO WARDENS of either College, the Posers, as they may well be called, two Fellows of New College, the Sub- Warden, and Head-Master of Winchester. The scholars of the first and second classes are examined in sets, called Fardels, the form of the examination being doubtless nearly the same now, and the appellations the same, as they were at the time when Ken stood to be examined among them. To the Founder's kin, descendants from the Founder, according to the Statutes, the two first places are conceded. The place on the roll next to them is the great object of emulation among the others ; and this is the time of the greatest solid- 24 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. tutle to a parent. He has spared no expense, lie has watched every improvement, he anticipates certain success. The examination itself, during three successive days, is indeed formidable to the tyro of classical studies. The books are opened, Homer, Sophocles, &c. but the exaininant knows nothing of the passages which he will have to render into English, at sight, before his new hearers. The last day of examina- tion is more formidable still ; for, ranged round the room, without pen or ink, and not having the most remote idea of the subject that will be proposed, those who form the first class are required to com- pose, and repeat, as soon as composed, Latin verses, on any subject given by the different electors ; and this is absolutely necessary to gain or retain a place which will ensure any chance of succeeding to New College. With respect to such examination, and critical exercises, I shall only observe, that, if classical scho- larship be considered as necessary towards the libe- ral part of the education of a highly-cultivated English gentleman, whether destined to be a cler- gyman or not, it were best that he should be a scholar, not crudely, or by halves, but have a relish for the beauties, an ear to distinguish the harmo- nies, of the ancient Poets, to have those harmonies familiar to him, to imbibe from them a perfect feeling of the charms of classical prosody, not LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 25 pedantically, but intimately, to be nursed in severe and discriminating feelings of taste, to be familiar with the most correct models of composition. The scholar may thus lay up oblectamma for the even- ing of age, and, through all changes of life, derive enjoyment from refined literature, which interests in solitude, and which gives the most cultivated charm to conversation and character. But is this all ? Let the name of Lowth, and of him whose life I am recording, and of a thousand others whom I could mention, be THE ANSWER ! I do not say the system must invariably succeed, but the " BREAD is CAST ON THE WATERS." Ken, after the requisite examination, must have been so placed on the roll, as would justify a parent's hope that, a vacancy occurring in the course of the year, he would be admitted to a Fellowship in the kindred munificent foundation of William of Wyke- ham in Oxford. But, before we attend his progress to the next scene of life, after the durance and exercises of a cloistered school, we shall take this opportunity of adding some reflections on a very important sub- ject, the system of public-school education in England, so much, in the present day, discussed. The interval between school and the new scenes of life, which an University presents, is generally passed by the young student among his friends at home. 26 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. The advantages of the English mode of public education are not perceived by an anxious parent till a son, sent a boy to Westminster, Eton, or Win- chester, returns a manly and high-minded youth to his parents when this part of his education has been completed. He has now, by collision with others, been taught to estimate himself justly. If his parents move in the highest stations of so- ciety, the edge of domineering vanity has been worn down ; and nothing, in after life, appears of that conceit, which is invariably found when there is no collision of equal minds and equal station. All petty arrogance in a public school finds its level ; qualities are estimated, not station ; though, afterwards, a due respect to station, when not arrogantly assumed on one side, will be always liberally and cheerfully granted on the other. The fondest mother, remarking the pleasing man- ners, the generous and frank mind, the scholar- like but unpedantic acquirements, the demeanour without conceit or awkwardness, of " a favourite " son, will feel a tear of joy start to her eye, that his father was not deterred by the chimeras of tyranny, cruelty, &c. from giving his child that education which has produced a Walpole, a Chat- ham, a Liverpool, Ministers of State; a Pulte- ney, Chesterfield, Bolingbroke, Fox, Sheridan, Canning, Lansdowme, Wellesley (Marquis), Hol- land, Grey, &c. Parliamentary orators ; Onslow, LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 27 Cornewall, Addington, Abbott, Button, Speakers ; among poets and scholars, a Milton, a Cowley, an Addison, a Gray, and a Collins ; Wellington, a sol- dier and statesman; among Bishops, a Sherlock, a Lowth, and a Ken. It will not be imagined, from what is here said, that any one could be so absurd as to sup- pose all virtue and talent are monopolized by public schools.* No ! but the chance, in my opi- nion, is nearly two to one in favour of wisdom and virtue ; and, if I have adverted to some conspicu- ous examples of public eminent characters, I believe in no instance will it be found, while we lament talents and station disgraced, that such characters as a Wharton or a Rochester, would have been, or could have been, so infamously distinguished, had their system of education been public ; a mode of * There are no such establishments, I believe, in France, or on the Continent : is there, then, no virtue or wisdom in France, as well as England ? Who would ever think of affirming this ? but I believe every one will say, that there is no comparison between the general ignorance and frivolousness of the classes of the educated or noble young men of one nation, and the mo- ral and intellectual eminence of the same rank in the other; or that England, in moral dignity, yields to any nation. A great deal is owing to the moral effect of our institutions of edu- cation ; and I contend, the public and academic institutions of this country are one of the most effective means of furnishing those distinguished characters in the first ranks of English so- ciety the scholar, the gentleman, the Christian. v i 28 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. education which was expressly interdicted by their parents, for fear of injuring their MORALS,* the morah of a Rochester or Wharton ! How often has it been my lot to have heard arguers possessed of intelligence and talents, descant on the evils of public schools ; when the intrusive thought could not be repressed, that if those very men, so energetic on the cruelties and folly of the system, had experienced in their youth the advan- tages of such an education themselves, it would have subdued that opinionated fervour, the existence of which was owing to the want of the discipline they decried ! But the cloistered gates are thrown wide: the young disciple, starting into life, looks for a mo- ment back upon the dark walls of discipline with many reminiscences of school-day hours, and com- panions from whom he is to be parted for ever; and lingeringly he bids adieu to the shades of his mo- nastic incarceration, rising over the watery pastures * Certain good ladies' fears as to morals, I have even heard from some academical tutors! There is infinitely more op- pression, and more immorality, in private schools. The dif- ference is this. At private schools, I speak of course gene- rally, the quiet boy, who comes the youngest and weakest, is " put upon," as the phrase is. In larger schools, he is pro- tected. One act of cruelty, in three hundred years, in a school where there is a succession of five hundred boys, is held up as a necessary consequence of such a mode of education ! ! LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 29 of Itchin, with emotions so exquisitely described by Sophocles, and in language so familiar to him : Xatp', d> neXadpov, ^v/ji^povpov epot, T evuSpoi Xe/iwvtoes. FAREWELL, thou sojourn of my youthful years, Nymphs of the meadows of the watery vale, FAREWELL. The author's feelings on leaving the same scene of early study, many, many years ago, were thus expressed at the time : I go, not unrejoicing, but who knows Returning, I may drop some natural tears When these same scenes I look around, And hear from yonder Fane the slow bell sound, And think upon the joys that crown'd my stripling years.* * Poems, vol. ii. 30 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. CHAPTER III. KEN AT OXFORD ANTONY WOOD*S MUSICAL CLUB FIRST ACQUAINTANCE WITH THYNNE OF CHRIST CHURCH, AF- TERWARDS VISCOUNT WEYMOUTH CONNECTION OF THE FAMILY OF THYNNE AND PACKINGTON MORLEY, AF- WARDS BISHOP OF WINCHESTER, THE MEANS OF KEN*S ACQUAINTANCE WITH THYNNE. 2Cnb in tfce pear eiofet fmnbreb fiftp t&rce anb ttoeltoe, .Martin 'SSiji&op of Rome sranteb to ttin0 3llureb,* (3To founb anb mafte a stubji t&cn again, Stnb an unitoeritp of clmfttf to reab, OT&e tofcicfoe fce mabe at <4EjfJ/F<0n3D inbceb, (3To ttat intent tfee clercft# lip Sapience ctoainst fjcrctics sfjould maftc resistance. Sofia $?artiin0. KEN left Winchester college a super-annuate be- tween eighteen and nineteen years of age, 1655-6. As there was no vacancy at New college, he was entered at Hart hall, afterwards Hertford college ; }- and they only who have been in the same situation know with what intense anxiety the young Oxford student and his parents look forward, day by day, perhaps through the long year in vain, for a va- cancy, which may bring the super-annuatc of Win- chester again among his old schoolfellows, and place him in the foundation to which his early studies were preparatory which had been the goal of his * Alfred. f Where Magdalen hall now is. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 31 youthful ambition and hopes, and to which his eyes were almost from infancy directed, as the first home of independence in life. But, lo ! from death or marriage, unexpectedly a vacancy occurs just before the year has expired, and now, when all hopes of succession had nearly vanished, Ken, with the ar- dour and delight which a Wykehamist only feels, becomes possessor of rooms in New college. Ken was admitted Probationer Fellow of New college in 1657, George Marshall being then War- den ; a Warden who was not a Wykehamist, or elected, according to the Statutes, by the Fellows, but obtruded on the College by the Parliamentary Visitors, and appointed, reclamante collegio, in 1649. The intrepid stand which the true sons of Wyke- ham made on this occasion has been little noticed, though their conduct was as noble as that of the President and Fellows of Magdalen, in the face of arbitrary power ; but the Parliamentary Visitors knew better how to do their work, and they did it more effectually than James the Second. Dr. Pink, the Warden, died soon after this " dire- ful visitation," as Ayliffe calls it, began. An in- junction issued to the Fellows of New college that they should not proceed to elect a Warden, but wait the recommendation of the Visitors. The Fellows took no notice, but proceeded, according to the Statutes, to elect one of their own body, and elected Dr. Henry Stringer, almost unanimously, in defiance 32 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN*. of the imperative Puritans, and in disdain of the strongest solicitations of Lord Say,* who had been educated himself a Wykehamist. Walker says, a Major Jordan was thrust in ! Of him I find no account, and therefore imagine this to be a mistake. Wood says nothing of this Jor- dan ; but the " Saints," in the plenitude of their dispensing and dictatorial power, far greater than that of James the Second, nominated as Warden, White distinguished by the title of the " Patriarch of Dorchester," in Dorsetshire, and Rector of Tri- nity Church there ! The obstinate sons of Wyke- ham, however, rejected the " Patriarch of Dor- chester," though educated at Winchester, and for- merly Fellow of New college, and elected one whose character, learning, and piety was of a different complexion. The Visitors, however, knew their strength, they ejected, by virtue of the Parliamentary lexfor- tioriSy Dr. Stringer, the legitimate Warden, vi et armis ! He retired to London ; and, like many other estimable characters, died obscurely there, probably in poverty, a few years afterwards. It is said, the "Patriarch of Dorchester,"-)- having * Colonel Nathaniel Fiennes, his son, it is said, saved the college of Winchester from destruction, remembering his oath, when commissioned by Cromwell to destroy it. \ He was a pious but injudicious man, and certainly one of the most amiable of his class. lie is buried in the church- yard of Trinity church, Dorchester. Wood. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 33 been a Fellow, from high principles, refused the honour, and the Visitors nominated, as in insult, a novum monstrum of a Warden, George Marshall, who was neither Wykehamist nor fellow, but who had been chaplain to the godly garrison of the Par- liament. Under his alien wardenship Ken became Probationer Fellow, not long before this anomalous Warden's death. Harris, the Presbyterian Warden of Winchester, and this obtruded Warden of New college, died the same year, 1658. The Fellows afterwards proceeded in their regular mode of elec- tion, which every true Wykehamist will pray may have no other interruption as long as these ancient and hallowed seats of learning shall flourish, to pro- duce future Lowths and future Kens. Ken had been entered at Oxford when the cele brated Dr. Owen was Vice-Chancellor under the Chancellorship of Cromwell. This learned man, of the class of the Puritanic Independents, it is known, was author of a scholastic treatise on the " Divine Justice" Learning and liberality, indeed, were now surviving the degraded reign of fanatic ignorance at Oxford. The great Sir William Petty was Fellow of Bra- sen-nose. Ward, * the mathematician, was soon afterwards, though educated at Cambridge, elected President of Trinity, from whence, at the Restora- tion, he was ejected in favour of the expelled Pre- sident, Dr. Hannibal Potter. * Afterwards the beneficent Bishop of Salisbury. VOL. I. D 34 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. And let it be mentioned, that at Oxford, by Wilkins and Dr. Petty, afterwards Sir William, the first project was entertained that led to the establishment of the Royal Society. It will serve to shew how much the dismal rule of Calvinistic Puritanism had relaxed in its morose and unsocial discipline, when, towards the close of Cromwell's life, " the unprofitable organ " was again heard " piping" at St. Mary's ; and when a musical society was established in the town, where even ungodly Jlddles were once more heard. As " Ken, junior," of New college, belonged to this society, we shall copy Anthony a Wood's mi- nute but delightful account of the members.* Be- fore they " tap their bows on the candlestick," let us reconnoitre the whole set. First there is " Charles Perot, M. A. of Oriel coll. a well-bred gentleman? (no starch and sour predestinarian,) " and a person of a sweet nature? Next behold, 2. " Christopher Harrison, M. A. Fellow of Queen's college, a maggot-headed person, and 7m- mourous /" Methinks we hear the ghost of Praise-God- barebone, sighing, " O tempora et mores ! " " He was afterwards Parson of Burgh- under-Staynsmore, in Cumberland." By your leave, * The society was first established in 1656; and Wood gives a list under that date, but I have only quoted the second list in 1658, among whose names Ken first appears. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. .'i5 Antony, " Parson " of Burgh in Westmoreland. So, in Wales, The Bowens and Ap-Rices Keepfatdles with their benefices *' where he died in the winter-time, an. 1694." Wood. Whom have we next ? 3. No less a personage than "Kenelm Digby, FELLOW OF ALL SOULS," who ought to have been " MEDIOCRITER DOCTUS," according to the Sta- tutes, " in piano Cantu" " He was afterwards," proceeds Antony, " LL. D. and dying in the said college, Nov. 5, 1688, was buried in the chapel there. He was a violinist, and the two former, violists." Wood. We may imagine tenor-violins. The Fel- lows of ALL SOULS, as if resolved to be no longer " Mediocriter Docti in arte Musica," are here again! 4. " Will. Bull, M. A. Batchelor of Physick, and Fellow of ALL SOULS, for the violin and viol." Wood. Hear, oh Chicheley ! thy degenerate sons ! " He died the 15th July, 1661, aged 28, and was bu- ried in the chapel there." Wood. Another Fellow of the same college ! 5. " John Vincent, M. A. Fellow of the said college ! a VIOLIST. He went afterwards to the Inns of Court, and was a barrister." Wood. 6. " Sylvanus Taylor, sometime Commoner of Wadham college ; afterwards Fellow of All Souls! violist and songster* /" Wood. Another Fellow of that college wherein the bene nati were required to be only mediocriter docti in music, a singer into the. D 2 36 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. bargain ! " He went afterwards to Ireland, and died at Dublin in the beginning of November 1672." Wood. " Lugete, venercs, cupidinesque," we might say, if he were eomposer of the "Irish Melodies"* of the day, which we have no means of ascertaining. " His elder brother, Captain Silas Taylor, was a com- poser of music, playd and sung his parts, and, when his occasions brought him to Oxon, he would play and sing his part there." 7. " Henry Langley, M.A. and Gentleman Com- moner of Wadham college, a violist and songster. He was afterwards a worthy knight, lived at Abbey Foriat, near Shrewsbury, where he died in 1680." 8. " Samuel Woodford, a Commoner of the said college, a violist. He was afterwards a celebrated poet,-^ beneficed in Hampshire, and Prebendary of Winchester." Wood. I here pause, and request indulgence, having mentioned these musical gentlemen of Wadham, to relate a circumstance in my own musical career in the same University. I was then scholar of Trinity, every resident in the inner quadrangle of which college practised on some instrument. Four-and-twenty fiddles, nine- teen clarionets, and flutes out of number, rung * Let it not be thought that I undervalue, by this remark, those affecting and beautiful strains by my friend Thomas Moore. f This " celebrated poet " was, like Churchill's bard, " Of special merit but of little note." LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 37 through the quadrangle from morning till night, after lectures, chapel, &c. were over. " Playing my part," (as Antony says,) I was seated, humbly attempting a quartett of Haydn, on a beautiful morning in summer. The leader was the celebrated Mahon, the second my poor friend, now no more, Dr. Lee, afterwards head of the college, and Vice-Chancellor, when, suddenly, the leader started from his chair, dropped the bow, placed his hands on both ears, and exclaimed, " Merciful Heaven ! I thought I had heard every hideous sound upon earth but ivhat is that 9" A window opposite was thrown open the neck of an instrument protruded a distorted visage seen, and we heard, in dismay, that this was a young gentleman, named Boulter, first attempting " Shepherds, I have lost my Love," on the BASSOON ! I know not whether he is alive or dead, but if alive, and should he ever read this, he may smile. I hope he still plays the bassoon, as one of the oblectamuia of the evening of life, when he made so promising a beginning ! We had no hope of stopping this interesting solo, so all instruments were laid down ; but the circumstance caused a grand revolution, for orders were given out by the President, Dr. Chapman, that no person should touch anyinstrument tilloweo'clock. This injunction only served, exactly as the clock struck one, to increase the noise : Let those PLAY now, who never play'd before, Let those who always play'd, now play the more. 38 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. The quadrangle, from its braying, at a particular hour, "with all sorts of instruments," was fami- liarly called Nebuchadnezzar's Quadrangle. The garden of Trinity fronts Wadham, the col- lege of Antony Wood's two last musicians. In consequence of the fervent harmonies at one o'clock, the Warden of Wadham earnestly requested the President of Trinity to put a stop to the music entirely, as the students of his college, not having such good ears as the young gentlemen of Trinity, could not proceed with their studies in consequence of the noise of their collegiate neighbours ! I could hardly refrain giving this narrative of Oxford music, being on the subject of Antony Wood's academical harmonists, and we now pro- ceed with his illustrious list. 9. " Francis Parry, M. A. Fellow of Corpus Christi college, a violist and songster. He was afterwards a traveller" (in what line we are not informed,) but " he belonged to the Excise Of- JlceT 10. " Christopher Coward, M. A. Fellow of Corpus Christi college, was afterwards Rector of Dicheat, in his native county of Somersetshire, proceeded D. D. at Oxon 1694." "Violist and division-violist," in the margin. What is meant by division-violist I know not. 11." Charles Bridgeman, M.A. of Queen's college, of kin to SIR ORLANDO BRIDGEMAN. He was after- wards Archdeacon of Richmond. He died Nov. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 39 26, 1 678, and was buried in the chapel belonging to that college." 12. " Nathaniel Crewe, M. A. Fellow of Lincoln college, a violinist and violist, but always played out of tune, as having no good ear. He was after- wards, through several preferments, Bishop of Durham." Salve Crewe, ornatissime ! Though your " eare is bad" your munificent charity at Bamborough Castle, which first excited the youthful Oxonian to "sing" ,D CEREMONIES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. London : Printed by Robert Barker, Printer to the King's most excellent Majesty; and by the Assignees of John Bill. 1639. Cum privilegio. In the first white leaf appear the following entries : "My father, Isaak Walton, died December 16, 1683. I. W."* In the same hand, " THOMAS KEN, Bishop of Bath and Wells, deprived dyed March 19, 1710." Next appears, in another hand, the entry "Dr. William Hawkins, my father, dyed July 17, 1691. W. H." This, no doubt, is the hand of W. Haw- kins, the biographer of Ken. In the same hand : " My sister, Anne Hawkins, dyed August 18, 1715 ; and my uncle, Mr. Isaac Wal- ton, junior, dyed December 29, 1719." This is the hand also of W. Hawkins ; and another entry, " My sister, Anne Hawkins, died Nov. 1723. W. H." In two blank pages, in the hand-writing of old Isaac himself, are these entries : " My doghter Anne borne the eleventh of March, 1647." * Entry by the Canon, Isaac Walton, junior. - H-i..*-., C" * xp x?/' 7 n 01 TVot^aru c7/v ix^^ av>^^. C- ^^, .9- -^tiAj-^/vcc- , ., m JEIPITCAFIBE TronrtheMS Draft ialiis Prayer Booli // ofjj-p.fon ie>7 1.p - . 1850 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 73 " My last son, Isaac, borne the 7th of September, 1651, at half an hour after two o'clock in the after- noon, being; Sunday, and so was baptized in the evening by Mr. Thornton, in my house in Clerken- well. Mr. Henry Davison, and brother Beauchamp, were his godfathers, and Mrs. Row his godmother." " Rachel died 1640." " Our doghter Anne, born the 10th of July 1640, died the eleventh of May, 1642." "Anne Walton dyed the 17th of April, about one o'clock in that night, and was buried in the Virgin Mary's chapel, in the cathedral in Worces- ter, the 20th day." This was Ann, his> second wife, the sister of Ken. The epitaph in Walton's hand-writing, appears, with a few interlineations, as evidently composed by himself: " Alas ! alas ! that she died" died crossed out " alas ! that she is dead " inserted. The epitaph in Worcester cathedral, on his wife, is as follows : Ex terris D. M. S Here lyeth buried so much as could die of Anne Walton, the wife of Isaac Walton ; who was a woman of remarkable pru- dence, and of the PRIMITIVE PIETY, her great and general knowledge being adorned with such true humility, and blest with so much Christian meekness, as made her worthy of a more memorable monument," &c. The epitaph, as first written, appears with the words 74 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. " of primitive piety," instead of " the primitive piety;" the words "the primitive" appear as cor- rections ; it seems to me, designedly to imply that her piety was that primitive piety which the Reformed Church of England professed, and there- fore the correction was important. The reader will see the reason of my mentioning the proscribed Prayer-book of that singular and good man, preserved for so many generations, not only from the connection it shews with Ken, but some very interesting circumstances in his future life; and, as such an outcry was made against our devotional and affecting form of Prayer, I shall now proceed to make some general remarks on this sub- ject, referring to the Remonstrance before spoken of. " First, it symboliseth (says Smectymnuus) much with the Popish Masse." Hall. " Surely neither as Masse nor as Popish. If an holy prayer be found in a Roman portico, shall I hate it for the place ? If I find gold in the channel, shall I throw it away because it was ill- laid. " Our Lyturgy symboliseth not with Popish Masse, neither as Masse nor as Popish." Milton. "A pretty slip-skin conveyance to sift Masse into no Masse, and Popish into not Popish ; yet, saving this passing fine sophistical boulting hatch, so long as she symbolises in form, and pranks herself in the weeds of Popish Mass, it may LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 75 be justly feared she PROVOKES THE JEALOUSY OF GOD, no otherwise than a wife affecting a whorlsh outline kindles a disturbance in the eye of a dis- cerning husband." Hall. " If I find gold in the channel, shall I throw it away because it was ill laid ? " Milton. " You forget that gold hath been ana- thematized for the idolatrous use, &c. and thus you throttle yourself with your own similes." The author of this sophistry is the author of Paradise Lost ! On that account I forbear to quote more ; but I may add a few plain observations, as our excellent Liturgy was the beginning and end of this strife of unholy tongues for it was first de- nounced, and its use forbidden, under penalties of the severest kind, by the Parliament its use again was insisted on at the Restoration and it was chiefly on account of this formulary that many pious and conscientious men, resigned their livings on Bartholomew's day, rather than comply with the Act of Uniformity. We might look with astonishment at the charge, that the PRAYER-BOOK is only the book of the Popish mass, when more thau one- third is the Word of God, not of man ! For instance, the introductory sentences the Psalms the LORD'S PRAYER the nunc dimittis the ten commandments portions of Gospel and Epistles, &c. As to the other parts, they chiefly consist of prayers which were used in the Church before the 76 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. introduction of the Mass as the fine hymn of St Ambrose, "We praise thee, oh God!" the col- lects the affecting and sublime Litany, &c. Let us ask, can we symbolise with the Popish Mass, and not with every feeling of Christian love,* when we pray " From envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncha- ritableness, Good Lord deliver us. " That it may please thee to forgive our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers, and to turn their hearts, We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord!" The words in the Latin, are more impressive : From envy, &c. Omnes. Libera nos, Domine. That it may please, &c. Omnes. Te precamur, audi nos. If Popery, not the primitive Church, had in- deed furnished such a ritual, ought such simple, affecting, and beautiful compositions be be rejected, because in other respects we dissent from the com- munion that used them ? We can hardly conceive * Let us see some of the fruits of John iinox's school ! " Ask of our old dying wife, if she has any evidence of salva- tion ; she will say, ' I hope so ; for I believe the Apostles' Creed ; I am taken with the LORD'S PRAYER ; and I know my duty to be the Ten Commandments ! ' but T tell you, these are but old rotten wheelbarrows to carry souls to HELL ! These are idols which the false prelates have set up to obstruct the Covenant, and the work of God in the land !" Sermon by John Dickson. This was preached at the time we are speaking of. Cannot some exclusively nominal Christians see their faces in this glass? LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 77 the existence of such besotted malignancy ! and in this cry joined the author of Paradise Lost ! The Reformation need not have taken place at all, if the only thing obnoxious in the Ro- man communion had been such Prayers! Eter- nal credit does it reflect on the compilers of our admirable Liturgy, that their anxiety was, not to depart from the Church of Rome further than the Church of Rome departed from the Scriptures; and these ancient and affecting compositions, be they composed by whom they may, were admitted into the Church of England, not because they were in ancient rituals, but because they breathed the spirit of Scriptural faith, hope, and charity. As to toleration, every one knows the bitter and ruthless intolerance of the Presbyterians, from the press and the pulpit. These were the only persons who not only denied all toleration, but gloried in denying it, as " establishing Iniquity by law !" The Independants could only stand by tolerating what Walker calls " all accursed sects." But " all accursed sects the Independants did not tolerate; witness the cold cruelties exercised on the poor fanatic Naylor witness the " tryers " of Cromwell witness their equal hostility to Presbyterians and Churchmen. The Church of England might have been well satisfied if half the toleration she granted, even when so goaded by atrocious calumnies, had been granted to her ; but, let us turn to him who wrote the eloquent Areopagetica, in favour of unlicensed 78 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. Printing ! Let us see what rights of conscience this assertor of those rights grants to the Church of England ! Johnson might well say, " hell grew darker at his frown" as the reader will feel, when I transcribe this passage, the more harrowing be- cause it immediately succeeds a lofty, and almost divine passage, relating to the first conception of the immortal Paradise Lost. Let us hear the author of Areopagetica, on re- ligious toleration. " But they contrary, that by the impairing and diminution of the TRUE FAITH, the distress and servitude of their country, aspire to high dignity rule, and promotion here, after a shameful end in this life, (WHICH GOD GRANT THEM !) they shall be thrown down eternally into the DARKEST and DEEPEST GULPH OF HELL, where, under the DESPITEFUL CONTROUL, the TRAMPLE and SPURN, of all the other DAMNED, that, in the ANGUISH OF THEIR TORTURE, shall have NO OTHER EASE than to EXERCISE A RAVING AND BESTIAL TYRANNY OVER THEM, AS THEIR SLAVES AND NE- GROS, they shall remain IN THAT PLIGHT for ever, the basest, the undermost, the most dejected, most underfoot, and DOWNTRODDEN VASSALS OF PERDITION !"* Milton here evidently alludes to Laud. His prayer was soon after granted, when this unfortu- * Milton, vol. i. p. 174-. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 79 nate " impairer of the true faith " (Calvinistic Pu- ritanism !) was condemned, indeed, to " a shameful end in this life" condemned to be " HANGED, DRAWN, AND QUARTERED !" But this was not enough for the lofty mind of Milton. " The impairer of true faith " was to be afterwards con- signed "eternally to the darkest and deepest GULPH OF HELL!" This is not enough! he is to be "the trample and spurn " of all the other damned! But even here the infernal curse does not conclude ; for the "other damned shall have no other ease than in exercising their tyranny on this most down- trodden slave, for ever and ever!" The curse fell on his own head when he left the New Presbyter for the Independents. Such was Milton, before his high, and pure, and ingenuous mind was smitten with the " deplorable polemics of Puritanism" Let it not be thought I wish to detract from so great a mind. There seem to have been three marked stages in Milton's disposition : first, when beautiful, amiable, and ingenuous in youth, he wrote Allegro and Penseroso poems having the light and pensive shades of his poetical mind ; second, when stern and intolerant by political and religious warfare, with his eyes still intensely turned to a time when he should have calm and delightful communion with the Muses ; thirdly, when in old age all the lofty visions of earthly perfection ended in disappointment when his great mind 80 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. was again thrown on itself in solitude when the lofty idealities of his vision, faded, and left him alone, with his thoughts elevated, indeed, " Above the visible diurnal sphere," but " With solitude and darkness compassed round," yet still mentally gazing, with glowing inspira- tion, on the great vision of Paradise Lost. We have seen the spirit which the great Milton imbibed from his friends the Presbyterians ; but the time is come for him to turn as sternly upon them as he did on the church and schools that nursed his youth. His book, published 1644, called " Tetrachor- don," on the four passages relating to Divorce in the Scriptures, was received with the most violent clamour by the Presbyterians. Hence he found out what he might have done sooner, that " NEW PRESBYTER is but OLD PUIEST wrote large;" and he thus speaks in another place of this new order of " old priests :" " I did but prompt the age to quit tLeir clogs, By the linown rules of ancient liberty, When straight a barbarous noise environs me, Of oivls and cuccoos, asses, apes, and dogs." SONNET XII. These "old priests written large," because they were loud and violent in their censure of a book which they thought so profane, were now " asses, owls, and apes!" and from this time his "two- LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 81 handed engine " was turned against these " FORCERS of CONSCIENCE"* in the Long Parliament. " Because you have thrown off your Prelate Lord, And with stiff vows renounced his Liturgy, To seize the widowed whore, Plurality, From those whose sin ye envied, not abhorred, Dare ye for this adjure the civil sword To FORCE our CONSCIENCES that Christ set free ? But we do hope to find out all your tricks ; That so the PARLIAMENT May with their wholesome and preventive shears CLIP your PHYLACTERIES, though Icndk your ears, And succour our just fears, When they shall read this clearly in your charge, NEW PRESBYTER is but OLD PRIEST -wrote largo !" Reader, let us pause a moment, to observe how exquisitely, after these uncouth strains, succeeds, in the same volume, like " a stream of rich distill'd per- fume," the following " most musical," most exquisite melody TO THE NIGHTINGALE " Oh ! Nightingale, that on yon bloomy spray Warblest at eve, when all the woods are still, Thou with fresh hope," &c. The effect is like that of passing through the * Usher was employed by the clergy to intercede with Cromwell for liberty of conscience, but it was not granted to them any more than Roman Catholics ; indeed, prelacy and popery were considered the same. This was the cause of the Solemn-Leagtie-and-Covenant-inen joining to bring back the King. VOL. I. G 82 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. tumult and din of the crowd at Hyde Park Corner to Holland House, the seat of poetry and kindred taste, where, opening the garden- door, in contrast to the noise through which you have passed, you hear only, with more intense delight, the ancient pines murmuring in the repose of a still sum- mer evening, and the nightingales contending in their solitary harmony ! How often may such a contrast have vibrated on the heart of the historian of James the Second,* when retiring, fevered from parliamentary strife, he must have felt this charm of contrast, which soothed, in the age before, the intellectual and cultivated Addison. Reader, pardon this involuntary digression. Milton now entirely left the " old priests wrote large " to support, with ardour, the Independents, rising into strength under Cromwell. Gaining the ascendancy, the Lord Protector levelled these conscience forcers, and effectually in deed " clipp'd their philacteries ! " but from policy he suffered the rhapsodical soldiers, contemners of " vile human learning," to " fret their hour," as without such aid the trained Presbyterian clergy, in learning and talents, would have been too powerful for his control ; but he knew at all times how and when to control the various winds of fana- tical inspiration, blowing now from all quarters. * Life of James II. by Charles James Fox. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 83 " REX /EOLUS altij Luctantes ventos tempestatesque sonoras IMPEEIO premit. Illi indignantes magno cum murmure mentis Circum claustra fremunt. Cels&. sedet TEoLus arce, SCEPTRA TENENS." The various murmurs subsided where he looked, and yet he was strenuous for the Presbyterian creed, while he trod under his foot the intolerant Presbyters. His object was afterwards to fill the various parishes with those whom his " tryers " should pronounce to be accomplished in the know- ledge of God's ELECTION, let the wilder fanatic rave as he list : but he gathered round him all the learn- ing and talents in the age, Milton, Marvel, Thur- loe, Whitelock, Owen, &c. Even Blake was an Oxonian. In this sketch I have confined myself to the great dominant religious parties, omitting the count- less " maggots of corrupted texts." * Thus, as we have seen, the " Covenant,** and " Smectymnuus," having, like battering rams, first beat down the walls of our ancient and hallowed Sion, a motley army of discordant saints, decrying synods as well as surplices, insulted and spurned the astonished Presbyter ! These were followed by more crazy enthusiasts, led on by Fane, to the shouts of " King Jesus ;" while the whole host trod in the dust, with the same evangelical disdain, * Butlrr. G 2 84 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. the Episcopalian PRAYER-BOOK and the Presbyterian DIRECTORY. The dark, supercilious, and unmoved countenance of Cromwell, unmoved, save at times smiling with some grim pleasantry, was occasionally seen in front of this multifarious host, which seemed to cower only beneath his keen glance and stern eye- brows. He stood as the master-spirit, controlling and directing the whole army of various enthusiasm. Much must be attributed to the powers of an in- dividual who could make this tumultuous mass roll in subjection ; who could work its heterogeneous compound to his purposes, and who, when the pur- pose was attained, could raise or hush its murmur with a glance of his eye. This was when the MASTER-SPIRIT was in its vigour, and could control "dracones reluctantes," on every side. Before his last illness, whether he was sincere, or the most consummate dissembler, a sane judgment seemed to infuse itself, and the Pro- tector was disposed to establish, not only a House of Lords, but something like Episcopacy. Hitherto he had the heavenly "a.sxitrdHce" that all he had done was by the direction of the Al- mighty. Whenever he felt, or pretended to feel, any natural compunctions, he had nothing to do but to "seek the Lord!" So he expressed, with tears, his reluctance to expel the Parliament; but, "after seeking the Lord," he must do as the Lord com- LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 85 manded ! and so with the blood of the King he bathed the scaffold, whilst he piously recommended the dupe Fairfax to " seek the Lord " also ! His own end now drew nigh, yet the same awful delusion was kept up. " His spiritual doctors as- sured him, being once in a state of grace, he could not finally fail," so he need not be alarmed for his soul : and when his physicians saw the symptoms of death, " he assured them they were mistaken ;"* for those who had even greater influence with the Al- mighty (Owen, &c.) had " been seeking Him toge- ther," and the answer was, " he should not die .' " Can any thing be conceived so blasphemous? Even thanksgivings for his life were offered up to God, when the arrow of death was in his heart ! But, Lord of life and death ! how awful, how ter- rible, must have been that agony, if, in a moment of sound mind, with eternity before him, he felt for the first time that all had been delusion ! As his mind was sinking, new terrors were excited by the voice of his beloved daughter,-)- departing before his eyes, and faintly murmuring " murder!"^ He might now have seen, in sick and shadowy imaginings, the forms of those cut off by him, and heard the voice of the brave, the virtuous Capel " Let me sit heavy on thy thoughts to-night ! " or of the shade of the intrepid Lord Derby * Sec the account of his death. f Mrs. Claypole. J Of Dr. Hewson. 86 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. " Let me sit heavy on thy thoughts to-night ! " or the " crowned Majesty of England," pale, and with look majestic, yet more in sorrow than in anger, pronouncing " Let me sit heavy on thy thoughts to-night ! " What must have heen the agonies of death to such a man ! Without venturing to say such were his feelings, some feelings of the kind he must have had ; and if ever there was a man whose life and death might seem to fulfil the idea of a compact with the powers of darkness, it was "THE LORD PROTECTOR OF ENGLAND." A spectre, it is recorded, appeared before him in youth. He plunged into dissipation he left the sober and scriptural communion in which he had been bred. He became an enthusiast whether from constitution or hypocrisy. He rose from the station of a private life to be the dictator of the fortunes of England, and, still " seeking the Lord 1 " he rose to more than royal power and dominion. Look on him now, enfeebled, and consulting in vain the phantasma of fanatical delusion which at- tended him through life. It forsakes him in his utmost need ; or turns, to shew him, as in a glass, the spectre of Predestination, pointing to the pit, " where the worm dyeth not." He dies his pro- phets are found liars ; and the instant his last breath has left his frame, the whole isle is shaken by a hurricane, such as no man ever before remembered ! LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 87 "Oh!" might the humble Christian exclaim " Thou, who has given us the Bible, save me from fanatic enthusiasm ! keep me, through life, in the path of sober and scriptural piety and, when my last hour approaches, " let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his ! " It seems extraordinary that Cromwell should not at this time have consulted his " Astrologer" Lilly, as well as his " Soothsayers," who, in articulo mortis, "prophesied smooth things /" as Astrology is part of Predestinarianism ; and indeed derived from it in Chaldaea. I have been the more particular, respecting the part which the author of " Paradise Lost" bore in this drama, as the importance of that part has been less noticed by historians for, I believe, the great talents, the learning, the blameless lives, the pow- erful arguments, of Usher and Hall, would have preserved the Church, if Milton had not descended, with all his overwhelming might, of learning, elo- quence, and scorn, into the contest ; as I also believe, from passages in his "Defensio Populi Anglicani," that, when the chiefs of the army were vacillating about the King's death, the " Grande Spectaculum" of national justcie was suggested by Milton. He was soon afterwards made Latin Secretarv. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. CHAPTER V. > OXFORD, AFTER THE RESTORATION EJECTED MINISTERS RESTORED MORLEY, EJECTED CANON, MADE DEAN OF CHRIST-CHURCH CONNECTION WITH ISAAK. WALTON, KICK'S BROTHER-IN-LAW KEN*S PATRON HIS RISE IN THE CHURCH FELLOW OF WINCHESTER PARTY AT THE EPISCOPAL PALACE. Hark ! the merry Christ-Church bells ! ALDRICH, Dean of Christ-Church. IN the foregoing chapter, we have given a rapid, but, I trust, not unfaithful sketch of the most pro- minent features of the dominant religious parties of the time, chiefly as they affected the Church of England, through that long period of fanaticism triumphant, in the midst of which Ken was entered a " poor scholar" on the ancient ecclesiastical foun- dation of William of Wykeham, and, when its spirit was more subdued, became a member of the Uni- versity of Oxford, and fellow of New college. The obtruded Warden of this College having died, as well as the Puritanical Warden of Winchester, in the year of Cromwell's death, the Fellows regularly elected Michael Woodward in 1658, who continued till his death. During this period of Ken's academical residence, while the Puritans bore swav, his conduct was LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 89 peaceable, though his disposition was far from being accordant with the system and discipline of the University at that time. From early connections and associations, his heart was with the loyal, and learned, and virtuous ejected Clergy, which subsequent circumstances will tend to confirm, and which it appears to me is evi- dent, from his not taking any degree till after the Restoration. He might have taken his degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1659 ; but most probably he disliked the examinations, and continued, giving no offence, as under-graduate of his College, till the reign of the Cheynels,* &c. was over. Every thing in the University wore, to the eyes of Ken, a new appearance, when the restored members of the halls and colleges, yet surviving, appeared again in their square caps! Morley wore his square cap-f~ till he died as in lofty contempt of the captious frivolousness of the Puritans. Again, at St. Mary's " The pealing anthem swell'd the note of praise." Again the chant, as Prynne called it, "icas tossed from side to side" in reality, heard responsive, and how impressively to those who, from their earliest days, had associated such music with their first devo- tional feelings, and now sat, with tears in their eyes, recalling many friends, some dead, few surviving to * Francis Cheynel, of Merton, of whom more hereafter, f The object of more aversion, as the Theologians at Dort all appeared " Consilium horrendum," in Geneva skull-caps. 90 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. hear, in their old age, the same affecting strains, in the same sacred place. These higher feelings were experienced, indeed, by few, as few of the old Clergy remained. On the severe puritanical discipline being cast off at Oxford, no doubt some loose was given, even un- der academical regulations, to the unbridled feel- ings of exultation. Antony Wood might have drunk the Kings health, and made an oration in his musical club. Crewe, afterwards Bishop of Durham, might have re-strung, and played in live- lier key and better tune, the old loyal Northern ballad if it were, indeed, so old Peggy, now the KING 's come, Peggy, now the KING *s come, We shall play, and we shall sing, Peggy, now the KING *s come. Old Wolsey's quadrangle soon afterwards re- sounded to the merry peal. Dr. Fell presented his college with " Great Tom," whose far-heard and mighty tongue might have seemed to express the national feelings, in unison from the lowest to the mightiest in the land. Then might the Vicars have joined in such a measure as that which a succeed- ing Dean* of the same college, not long afterwards, so sweetly harmonized : Hark ! the merry Christchurch bells, One, two, three, four, five, six ! They sound so sweet, so wondrous sweet, And they troll so merrily! merrily ! * The accomplished Dean Aldrich. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 91 Hark ! thcjirst and second bell, On ev'ry day, at four and ten, Cries " Come, come, come, come, come to prayers ;" And the VEUGER walks before the DEAN. "The merry Christ-Church bells," so long deemed idolatrous, had not been heard, nor " the VERGER walked before the DEAN," for nearly seventeen years ; and we may conceive the pensive pleasure Ken must have felt, when, " meditating on this world's muta- tions," he strolled alone on the banks of Isis, listen- ing to the revived music of the belfry, while " Wyke- harn's peal was up." * Pious, not ostentatious a scholar, and friend of the Muses he continued, it appears, a resident member of his college, beloved and respected, for six years, pursuing the same regular course of aca- demical life and studies. He took his first degree of Bachelor of Arts 1661. It is not improbable that soon after this he went into Orders ; and, at the proper age com- mencing Master of Arts, may have employed his time as tutor of the younger members of the college. Revered and respected he must have been, equally for learning, character, and manners, as he was elected, with one voice, by the Fellows of Winches- ter, to fill the first vacancy of a fellowship, by the death of Stephen Cook, in 1666. He now * Hurdis. 92 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. returned to Winchester, as resident Fellow of that So- ciety, which he left, an interesting youth, in 1655-6. The interest he manifested in, and the attachment he felt for, the school in which he had received his early education, was evinced by the publication of that " Manual," which was formerly placed in the hands of every boy, containing the rudiments of religious knowledge, adapted to those in early life, in the form of a dialogue between a Wyke- hamical tutor and his pupil. His subscribing 100/. to the new buildings of New college fronting the garden, was the first proof of his gratitude. Ken left New college for his Wykehamical resi- dence at Winchester, as Fellow of the college, in 1666; and inquiring for some information of my friend Henry Huntingford, nephew of the present excellent Bishop of Hereford, the inheritor of Ken's Wykehamical piety and learning, and, like him, rising from a Fellowship to the episcopal Bench, (his nephew being a Fellow of the same college) I was gratified when, to the information he gave me, he added, " I am writing this in the very room which Ken inhabited when he was Fellow." In this room he read and wrote, and accompanied his morning and evening hymn with his lute. In- terested in the morals, religion, and welfare of the younger tribe, of which he was lately one, he might have passed his quiet days, and closed his private and peaceful career, in this social and lettered seclu- sion, among his books and friends of youth, had LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 93 not some peculiar circumstances, which I am now ahout to relate, called him from this umbratUi vitd, to the elevated station in the Church which he afterwards filled, with so high and eminently a Christian character. Morley, translated from Worcester, was Bishop of Winchester, when Ken came to reside, and he found domesticated at the new palace, his own brother-in-law, Isaak Walton, the author of the " Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation." But whence arose the extraordinary interest and attachment which Morley shewed to Ken, during the time of his residence at Winchester, and through life; till he died ? I now speak from living traditional information, that of Dr. Hawes, the nearest relation of Ken ex- isting, having already mentioned Isaak Walton's PRAYER-BOOK, in his possession. I shall therefore proceed to narrate some singular and interesting circumstances, which procured for Ken the especial patronage and friendship of Morley, and which eventually led to the connection with Charles the Second, and to the high episcopal station which he subsequently filled, and relinquished. When the Episcopal Clergy were persecuted, as we have seen in the last chapter, how many exam- ples of piety and learning were left desolate on the world, for refusing to take the Covenant ! Morley partook of the same bread of adversity. 94 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. Though the PRAYER-BOOK was suppressed, many pious and good men were still found, in various parts of the country many warm though secret friends attached to the same holy formulary, and devoted to the same altars. We have stated that Jeremy Taylor found an asylum at Golden Grove, a seat belonging to Lord Carhery, near Carmarthen, where some of his beautiful and eloquent discourses were preached. Hammond lived till he died at Sir John Packington's seat, in Worcestershire. We cannot tell where many of these exemplary men " scattered wide by many fates " found shelter, but, from undoubted authority, I am enabled to state, for the first time, the origin of the singular friendship which lasted uninterrupted till death, between Morley, Bishop of Winchester, Ken's first and most ardent patron, and the compa- ratively poor, but honest and virtuous, Isaak Wal- ton, Ken's brother-in-law. Morley, having been ejected from his Canonry of Christchurch by Parliamentary precept, March 1648 being denounced, with Hammond,also Canon of Christchurch, as " malignant and contumacious" by the Visitors, and being at the same time de- prived of his living of Mildenhall, near Marlbo- rough and, in short, of every thing but 7i/,v con- science had the world before him, utterly desti- tute, nor knowing where to lay his head. When, in his happier days, he associated with LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 95 Lord Falkland and Cotton, and when Isaak Wal- ton was a hearer of Dr. Donne at St. Dunstan's, it is probable, from circumstances, that his acquaint- ance with that singular and good man, Isaak Wal- ton, commenced, as his father lived in London. In the desolation to which, for conscience sake, he was now exposed, where did he find refuge ? Not in the halls of the great, but at the humble cottage of poor Walton. Here they read their Prayer-book together; that very Prayer-book of which I have spoken, the sad memorial of those days of trial, but of affectionate intercourse. The honest Angler, who had left London in 1643, when the storm fell on the communion to which he was so ardently attached, and when, as Wood says, he " found it dangerous for honest men to be there," in those days of Presbyterian perse- cution, he retired from his shop at the corner of Chancery-lane, and having a cottage near the place where he was born, he removed his humble Lares his affectionate and pious wife, the sister of Ken, and retired with his angle to his obscure and humble habitation, his own small property, near Stafford. Here, after a placid day spent on the margin of the solitary Trent, or Dove, musing on the olden times, he returned at evening to the humble home of love to the evening hymn of his wife, to his infant daughter, afterwards wife of Dr. Hawkins to his Bible and to the consolation of his pro- scribed Pravcr-book. 96 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. This humble and affectionate party was joined by Morley, after he had been expelled from Christ- Church, March 1647-8. In his Lives of Herbert and Hooker, written under Morley's splendid roof, and published 1670, Walton speaks of the know- ledge derived from his friend, with whom he had been acquainted " forty years." And now, with congenial feelings, in his day of adversity Morley passed the year before he left England in the cottage of his humble, pious, honest friend Isaak. Here was the proscribed service of the Church of England performed daily in secrecy, by the faithful minister of Christ and his Church, "now fallen on evil days ;" and we can hardly conceive a more affecting group the simple, placid, apos- tolic Piscator Kenna, his dutiful, pious, prudent, and beloved w r ife, the sister of Ken the infant child and the faithful Minister of the Church, dis- possessed of all worldly wealth, and here finding shelter, and peace, and prayer. As we have had, of late, some interesting " Ima- ginary Conversations and Colloquies," I trust, on a circumstance so remarkable as the origin of the friendship between Morley, " my Lord of Win- ton," and the poor, honest fisherman, the bro- ther-in-law of Ken, and founder of his future for- tunes, I may be allowed to sketch a little scene, and introduce an imaginary colloquy between Isaak, Isaak WaLton/Koma (Ms Wife) arui Morley, afterwards Bishop of Winchester, riiton's Cottage in Staffordshire . X*. 3 ,Muari^nntrc el 1jn*t* LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 97 and Kenna,* and Morley, which, at least, I hope may be found consonant to their character, and the peculiar circumstances of the times ; and which will be strictly appropriate, as Walton's " Contempla- tive Man's Recreation" is written in dialogue. Above all, I make this attempt, as my friend Mr. Calcott, so eminent in his silent and beautiful art, has favoured me with a design on purpose for this work, representing the cottage of Isaak Walton, as it appeared at the time, taken from the last edition of Walton together with an original portrait of Morley, from a drawing by the younger Walton from life. A few explanatory words may be premised. The Oxford visitation took place in December 1647; Morley was expelled, by Parliamentary Pre- cept, in the March following, it is said, not without personal violence. He had lived a confidential and domestic friend, as chaplain, in the household of Lord Robert Carnarvon.-^ By this nobleman he was recommended to the King, 1640. Notwithstanding his speculative religious creed was the very reverse of Laud's, his affectionate heart took the warmest interest in the fortunes of his Sovereign from the commencement of his troubles. The King appointed him Canon of Christchurch in 1641 ; and he resided, beloved and respected by * His wife was called "Kenna" from her name Ken. See his own beautiful ballad " And hear my Kenna sing a song." Complete Angler. f William Browne, author of Britannia's Pastorals, had been Lord Carnarvon's Tutor. VOL. I. H 98 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. all parties, till his ejection, both from that Canonry and from his Living of Mildenhall, near Marl- borough. He was now without house and home in the world, but he remembered the delightful days when in youth he had been the associate of Lord Falkland of Hyde, afterwards Lord Clarendon of Ben Jon- son of Chillingworth,now left also bereaved by the storm which scattered the best and wisest of their day of Charles Cotton, the adopted son of Isaak Walton, as he himself had been, in younger days, the adopted son of Ben Jonson. He remembered those times and those men, and having no refuge as some were killed, the brave and accomplished Falk- land and some struggling themselves, or pursuing, like Hyde, a studious and laborious profession he thought of the quiet and contented heart of Cotton's adopted father, Walton of their early acquaintance, when both were hearers of Donne of Walton's piety and apostolical simplicity of his warm but unostentatious attachment to the Church, of his cheerful but humble situation, remote from the storms of public life, when he lived retired, with his beloved Kenna and only one infant, in Staffordshire. Perhaps he had been in- vited to partake there, when the world frowned, his lonely but pious meal, he knew he should find welcome, and therefore hastened, in the day of adversity, to find peace and protection in the cot- tage of honest Isaac Walton. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 99 As this circumstance only accounts for the long and unvarying friendship of the Bishop, whose pa- lace, in grateful remembrance of protection received in Piscator's cottage, was open, till death, to his long-tried friend imagination can hardly con- ceive a more affecting groupe than Walton's cottage exhibited at the time when Morley, an outcast in the world, was here welcomed. Having stated thus much, I shall now endeavour to dramatize the parting scene. Isaac has returned, on a beautiful evening in spring from his solitary amusement to the small garden-plat before his door where appears Morley, musing of the future and his beloved Kenna, lately become a mother. SCENE, Cottage of Isaak Walton, near Stafford; Morley, and Kenna, with her Infant, Piscator returned from Jishing. Piscator. I am glad to come back to my best friends upon earth, this fine, beautiful evening of the young May, when the cuckoo has been singing all day, putting us in mind of that verse in the Canticles, " The winter is past, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land" and trust me, I am no less glad to see my Kenna sitting with you, my friend, to enjoy the fragrant air, and look at the swallows skimming the green, as rejoicing to find themselves at home, after their long peregrination in unknown lands. K en na. And I indeed have had my eyes fixed 100 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. on them, and my heart also ; for, alas ! our friend, to whom I shall ever be grateful for so much divine instruction in these troubled times, has spoken to me to-day of leaving us, and going beyond seas, on his distant peregrination, to-morrow morning. Piscator. I shall be sorry to hear of such a re- solve, fearing that our hospitality may be thought too humble, albeit it is not a wit the less hearty ; but tell me, good and virtuous Master Morley, are you tired of me and "my Kenna," and this our poor cottage ; and the birds that sing us to rest at night, and wake us in the morning ; and this small garden, and this neat honeysuckle arbour, where we " study to be quiet." Are you tired of me, and of these, or poor Kenna, so soon ? Morley. Honest Master Walton, my kind and affectionate friend, I have lived here upwards of twelve months, far from noise and sorrow, and the troubles of life, and the painted mask of hypocrisy. I may say, I have lived here with more true joy and content than I have hitherto experienced in my journey to another country, a better country, my Christian friend, where there " is neither storm or troubles, nor broken friendships," and " where the sleep 'of the weary is sweet," and all tears arc wiped from all eyes for ever ! and, trust me, wherever I shall be, whilst this life of trial abides, I shall remember, as among the happiest, and peradvcnture the most profitable, seasons of my life, the time I have passed here in quietn96, I hope, improvement of temper and heart. LIFE OE BISHOP KEN. 101 Piscator. Say not so, good Master Morley ; for much beholden to you as I and poor Kenna here have been, for your company, I beseech you, stretch not your kindness so far as to speak of us otherwise than we are. Yet I thank the Giver of all good, that, in our lonely nook, we have been able to cheer, though but for a season, in his way, one whom we love whom I have loved and respected so long, and with whom, with the Word of God and our Prayer-book, we have taken sweet council so long together ! Morley, Yes, in this retirement of love and content, and quiet fellowship, we have indeed " taken SWEET COUNCIL together ; " and we shall neither of us have occasion, if I may judge from my own heart, to say, with the sacred Singer, in his troubles, " It was not my own enemy, that has done me such dishonour ; for then I could have borne it : but it was even thou, my companion and my own familar friend ! " No ! no ! this we shall never say : what- ever may be the changes and chances of our lot, we shall never say it was " thou, my companion and familiar friend" who has done "dishonour" to us, or the humblest that live. Kenna. But you have left out one word in what you have repeated from the best of counsellors GOD'S HOLY WORD ! and let me be bold to say, ho- noured Master Morley the words are, as I remem- ber them, in our " Prayer-book," at the 55th Psalm, " It was even thou, my companion, MY GUIDE !" 102 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. as you have ever been to me, I am sure, the most kind. Piscator. And yet, Master Morley, God knows what changes we may yet meet with upon earth. Morley. Like my Royal master and benefactor, I have ever found in trouble blessed comfort in the words of the Book of Psalms, when my " heart is disquieted within me." "When the enemy cried so and the ungodly came in so fast, and they were minded to do mischief, so maliciously were they set against him, and when the fear of death had fallen upon him" he found his best lesson of hope, or resignation, in this divine book ; and am not I ready to cry out, " Oh ! that I had wings like a dove, for then I would flee away, and be at rest ; lo! then I will get me away afar off;" " I would haste to escape because of the stormy wind and tempest." Piscator. But if our Kenna corrected the passage in which our kind instructor left out one word ; let me remind " my familiar companion " of a verse we have often repeated. " We took sweet council to- gether," and, not only that, " but have we not walked in the HOUSE OF GOD as friends ? " Morley. True ! we " have walked in the house of God as friends," and we have worshipped toge- ther in the "beauty of holiness ;" but the house of God is now no more esteemed than the house of Thieves, and they who bear rule have taken care to make our venerable Cathedrals not of more esteem, LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 103 as " the houses of the living God," than a stall for oxen, while " they hreak down the carved work thereof with axes and hammers."* Kenna. But they may be restored ; and the af- fecting chant, to which I have listened in my younger days, when we went to Paul's, with our father and our little brother Thomas,f may be heard again in some stiller time, though I shall perhaps be buried and in peace who knows but in some of those beautiful cathedral houses of God, which are the pride of our land. Morley. Come, for I feel the tears, which I have not shed before, stealing into my eyes ! To-morrow, before the lark sings above the thatch, I shall bid you a long adieu, to seek the King, to wander, I know not where, or where I may rest my head to- morrow night. I go, perhaps, to die, unremem- bered, in a distant land, faithful till death to the altars I revere, on which I have sworn no servile, but generous allegiance as to the throne ! I could well be content to share the humble meal of piety and content, and domestic affection, in this nook ; but I have pondered on every thing. Your circum- stances, my kind and excellent friend, are not af- fluent, though such an humble and quiet heart is the best wealth. I might live to be a burden to both. I am advancing in life, but still unshrinking to meet whatever may be my fortune. My Royal and kind Master has perished I have taken leave, * Psalm Ixxiv. 6. t Keu. 104 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. at the foot of the scaffold, of my last brave friend, Lord Capel : least we grow melancholy dear daughter, I would pray you, before we part be- fore we part, perhaps for ever to favour me, for the last time, with one of those ditties which I have so often loved to hear in this solitude. Kenna. What shall it be? my husband's own ballad, which I once used to sing on the pleasant banks of Lea, in our golden days of life, I in the pleasant meads would be ; These crystal streams shall solace me ! when he used to love to hear " his Kenna sing a song?" Alas! those pleasant days will never return; and this song now little suits us, with our altered age and fortunes. Piscator. No, indeed ; not more than the old smooth song of honest Kit Marlowe's " Come, live with me, and be my love." My beloved Kenna, sing to us that song which re- minds us of the content edness of a country life. (Kenna sings :) Let me live harmlessly, and by the brink . Of Trent or Avon have a dwelling-place, And on the 'world and my Creator think} While some men strive ill-gotten good t' embrace, And others spend their time in base excess Of mine, or worse, in war and wantonness. Piscator. Ah ! this song remembers me of those times gone by, "when we sat down n summers past, LIFE OF BISHOP KEK. 105 under the broad beech-tree, and the birds seemed to have a friendly contention with an echo, whose dead voice seemed to live in a hollow tree near to the brow of the primrose hill, where we sat viewing the silver streams glide silently towards their centre, the tempestuous sea. When the milk-maid, that had not yet attained so much age and wisdom as to load her mind with any fears of many things that will never be, sang, like a nightingale, a smooth song which was made by Kit Marlowe now at least fifty years ago, and the milk-maid's mother sang an answer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Ra- leigh in his younger days ! " But we must think no more of these toys. I shall be right content to hear a more serious song of Master Herbert's that which I did always love. (Kenna sings :) Sweet day, so calm, so clear, so bright, The bridal of the earth and sky! Sweet dews shall weep thy foil to-night For thou must die. Sweet Spring ! full of sweet days and roses ! My music shews you havt your closes, And all must die. Only a sweet and virtuous soul Then chiefly lives. Morley. And, trust me, this song was as well sung as it is melodious, and sacred, and full of golden thoughts. I shall remember the time I have passed here, when I lie down to rest, I know not 106 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. where, among strangers, and I shall dream in a distant land of Kenna's songs ! Piscator. Yes ; and if the dream should make you resolve to return, still, my good Master Morley, you would find the same warm but humble welcome the same PRAYER-BOOK the same evening and morning hymns and the same songs of Kenna, who will ever gratefully remember her " guide and familiar friend." Kenna. Oh! ever indeed gratefully and, when Sunday night comes, how sadly remember him ! Morley. Then let us now take leave. I wish to retire to solitary communion with God, for the sun is sinking beyond the mountains of Derbyshire. My generous friend, I have seen much of high sta- tions and much, I need not say, of sorrow but, for yourself, you will remember, with thankfulness to the giver, the prayer of Agar " Give me nei- ther poverty nor riches ; feed me with food con- venient." Piscator. I thank God that I have always had a thankful and quiet heart ; and, though these rooms are poorly furnished, and our thatched roof be low, in the w r ords of the old song, made forty years ago, My mind to me a kingdom is. I am as happy and contented, with my dutiful Kenna, in this remote corner (for the tenement and small territory is my own) as contented and happy as in the most prosperous state of life ; for, in that fine strain set by Orlando Gibbons, LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 107 The glories of our birth and state Are shadows, not substantial things. I am sufficiently blessed in my earthly condition, having a wife as dutiful as Kenna, and a place of humble independence in a world of sorrow. Kenna. Oh ! and how far more delightful than when we lived in the smoke and the noise of Fleet- street, and were witnesses of the madness of the frantic multitude where the sullen Presbytery looked so sternly upon us. Morley. May those who despoiled us, still pre- serve to you, and your wife and your child, this retirement of virtuous independence ; for happi- ness may dwell here as well as in those halls where I had formerly my academical education ; and (now I am so soon to leave this abode of piety and peace) I may say, in the language of the sweetest of poets, then familiar to me Fortunate senex, ergo TUA RURA manebunt, Et tibi magna satis At nos Your early studies, my friend, though not as classi- cal as my own, might enable you to answer, from the same affecting eclogue Sed tamen hac mecum poteris requiescere node, To-morrow Nos PATRICE fines et DULCIA LINQUIMUS ARVA ; NOS PATRIAM FUGIMUS. These lines you might know are from that greal 108 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. poet Dan Virgilius; I shall endeavour to show Kenna the sense in English : Oh ! fortunate old man ! here shalt thou be, Amid these pleasant fields, enough for thee. I must apply the other lines, not less affecting, to my own lot : But we from hence, far hence, alas ! shall roam O'er the wide world, to find no social home. We from the fields of our lov'd Country fly, To meet, perhaps, severer destiny. I will give you, warm-hearted friend, credit for wishing far greater kindness than was expressed by the Mantuan Shepherd : Yet here, at least, contented thou shalt stay THIS NIGHT till Morning cornea, with sandals grey, And beckons thee far o'er the seas away. So we might beguile our sad thoughts with kin- dred images of the classical Muses, long since my delightful companions ; but, at this hour, it will be mine rather to call your attention to an English writer a most holy man of our proscribed Sion, who has suffered with me the same deprivations for con- science sake, and who was my University friend. Some of his divine thoughts, perused in his hand- writing, now come into my mind. From him we may learn these lessons on contentedness, whatever be our lot here, or in the wide world ; and these lessons, from a wiser and more eloquent man, I shall leave as the legacy of a Christian monitor at parting, my last legacy to you, good friend, and your beloved and affectionate Kenna : LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 109 " ON CONTENTEDNESS. By Jeremiah Taylor. " Virtues and discourses are like friends, neces- sary in all fortunes; but those are the best which are friends in our sadnesses, and support us in our sorrows and sad accidents; and, in this sense, no man that is virtuous can be friendless, since God has appointed one remedy for all the evils of the world, and that is, a contented spirit. "Now suppose thyself in as great sadness as ever did load thy spirit, wouldst thou not bear it nobly and cheerfully, if thou wast sure some excel- lent fortune would welcome thee, and enrich thee, and recompense thee, so as to overflow all thy hopes, and desires, and capacities ? Now, then, when a sadness lies heavy upon thee, REMEMBER THAT THOU ART A CHRISTIAN, designed to the inheritance of JESUS. " Or art thou fallen into the hands of publicans and sequestrators and they have taken ALL from me! What now? let me look about me: they have left me the SUN and the MOON, fire and water, a LOVING WIFE, and MANY FRIENDS, to pity me, and some to RELIEVE me; and I can still discourse; and, unless I list, they have not taken away my CHEERFUL SPIRIT, and a GOOD CONSCIENCE ; they have still left me the PROVIDENCE OF GOD, and all the PROMISES OF THE GOSPEL, and my religion, 110 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. and my hopes of Heaven, and my charity to THEM too: I read and meditate: I can walk in my neighbours' pleasant fields, and see the varieties of nature's beauties, and delight in all that in which God delights, that is, virtue and wisdom in his whole creation, and in GOD HIMSELF." Taylor's " Holy Living and Dying." Well, time is stealing. The young King is at present at the Hague! I hasten to join him, and partake his fortunes. Your hand, dutiful and good Kenna : continue to love your husband breed up your daughter in attachment to the form of religion in which you have found so much comfort. And my voice begins to falter your hand, my worthy, my benevolent, my generous friend. I pray Almighty God to bless you both. I shall think of you in the distant land; I shall pray but the tear is on my lid farewell farewell ! Piscator. Good Master Morley, if we must part this night, hear me now, and Kenna will join with me in this mine entreaty. I have this morning, in the river Trent, where I pursued my contemplative recreation, hooked a fine trout. As it is the first, so it may be the best I shall meet with this season ; for you must note that a trout is very poor till it gets into the clear, sharp streams, in spring but let me ask, trusting to forgiveness, whether you have power of bearing your charges, in your changed fortunes, to the distant countries you think of visiting ? I can yet spare LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. Ill Morley. Say no more,, good and kind friend, if you love me. The desolate widow of the brave Lord Capel has taken care I shall not be destitute. Piscator. Then but one wish remains, in which, for our friendship of old, you will gratify me. Kenna shall put her babe to rest, and dress this last meal of contentedness, the TROUT, with such directions as I have given then you shall read our prayers, for the last time, it may be and then, Almighty God be with you wheresoever your journey lies in this wide world, and grant that we may yet, in some still time, come together again, where peace and happiness shall be with us to our life's end, and till we lay our burthens down in peace ! They part. MORLEY'S FAREWELL TO THE COTTAGE OF ISAAK WALTON, 1649. TO KENNA. England, a long farewell ! a long farewell, My Country, to thy woods, and streams, and hills, Where I have heard in youth the Sabbath-bell, For many a year now mute : affection fills Mine eyes with tears ; yet resolute to wait Whatever ills betide, whatever fate, Far from my native land, from sights of woe, From scaffolds, drench'd in gen'rous blood,* I go: * He returned to Walton's cottage from the scene of execu- tion of his brave friend Lord Capel. 112 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. Sad, in a land of strangers, when I bend With grief of heart, without a home or friend, And chiefly when, with weary thoughts oppress'd, I see the sun sink slowly in the west, Then doubly feeling my forsaken lot, I shall remember, far away, this cot Of humble piety, and prayer, and peace, And thee, dear friend ! till my heart's beatings cease. Warm from that heart I breathe one parting pray'r My good old friend, may God Almighty spare Spare, for the sake of that poor child,* thy life Long spare it, for thy meek and duteous wife. Perhaps o'er them when the hard storm blows loud, We both may be at rest, and in our shroud ; Or, we may live to talk of these sad times, When virtue was revil'd, and direst crimes Faith's awful name usurp'd ! We may again Hear heavenly truths in the time-hallow'd Fane And the full chant ! Oh ! if that day arrive, And we, old friend! though bow'd with age, sur- vive How happy, whilst our days on earth shall last, To pray, and think of seasons that are pass'd, Till on our various way the night shall close, And in one-f~ hallowed pile, at last, our bones repose. * Anne, born 1677, and mother of William Hawkins, f Walton died 1683, aged ninety; Morley the year after, 1684, aged 87. They are buried in the same cathedral. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. Let the curtain now draw up, and behold the same characters, unchanged, in an illustrious sphere, and with splendid associations. Behold Morley " my Lord of Winton," in his Episcopal palace Isaak Walton's daughter Anne, an infant in the Staffordshire cottage, a young woman of nineteen * the son, Isaac Walton, junior, returned from Oxford. -f- Poor Kenna is buried in peace, in Worcester Cathedral her brother, the son of the attorney of Furnival's Inn, late the "poor scholar" of Wykeham's college, has been just elected Fellow old Isaak himself, seeing his children, like Job, after his trials, in prosperity and happiness around him, tranquilly through the summer morning is seen angling in the Itchin ! His room is furnished with his own books, in the palace. There he lived a be- loved and honoured guest, with mild and lighted countenance, snow-white locks, a thankful, but humble heart with piety as sincere as unostenta- tious till he closed his eyes on all the " changes and chances " of his mortal life, at ninety years of age. * Afterwards married to William Hawkins, Prebendary, father of Hawkins, Ken's biographer, t Afterwards Canon of Salisbury. VOL. I. 114 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. *** In the Angler we find two poems addressed to Isaak Wal- ton, by John Floud, M A. and Robert Floud, both of whom style 1. W. their dear brother. It is not generally known who was the first wife of Isaac Walton, but her name was Rachel. I have been favoured with the present pedigree. Archbishop Edmund Cranmer, Archdeaconry. . . . Cranmer. of Canterbury. Thomas Cranmer, Gent, of St. Mildred's, Canterbury.^. . . . Susanna.=^:. . . . Floud. John Floud, M.A. Robert Floud. . . . Floud. Isaak Walton. Since the three first sheets were printed off, I have received from C. G. Young, Esq. York He- rald, a full account of all Thomas Ken's children, which entirely agrees with what I suggested, that the Bishop of Bath and Wells was youngest son of the Jirst wife. All, except Thomas, the youngest, were baptized at St. Giles, Cripplegate. Christened. 1626, Jan. 1. John, son of Thomas Kenn, Gent. 1628, June 28. Martha, daughter of Mr. Thomas Kenne, Gent. 1629, February 23. Mary, daughter of Thomas Kenne, Gent. 1631, March 26. Margaret, daughter of Thomas Kenne, Gent. 1632, July 10. Hyon, son of Thomas Kenne, Gent. 1635, April 14. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Ken'e, Gent. 1638, Aug. 17. Mary, daughter of Thomas Ken, Gent. 164-0, March 16. Martin, son of Thomas Ken, Gent. [Anne, Mrs. Walton, not baptized at Cripplegate ] Buried. 1639, Dec. 7. Mary, daughter of Thomas Ken, Gent. 164-0, March 19. Martha, wife of Thomas Ken, Gent. fiisnor OF .#,., ./../>*... though such an example of gratitude and friendship deserves a far more lasting memorial and monument than I am conscious I could raise to ISAAK WALTON and BISHOP MORLEY, the patron and the brother- in-law of the apostolic Ken.* * Morley and Ken, with Hammond Sherlock Lowth, and ten thousand more were examples of public school piety, though Sherlock has been noted in the Edinburgh Review as having been privately educated ! With the same accuracy Ben Jonson, educated at Westminster under Camden, is said to have been privately educated. 152 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. PEDIGREE OF MORLEY, Showing the connection of the present Marquess of Win- chester, more honourable than the " pride of heraldry," with Morley. VISITATION 1686. ARMS : Argent, a lion rampant Sable, ducally crowned Or. Robert Morley, descended from=pAnne, dau. of Richard Tan- Thomas, son ot'Wm.Lord Morley. | cred, of Pannel, co. Ebor. I ' Francis Morley ,=pSarah, dau. of William Denham, and sister of of London. | Sir J. Denham, Baron of the Exchequer. 1. George Morley, Bp. Winton, ob. 2. Thomas=pJane, dau. of 1684-, s. p. of Droxford, Hants. Morley. | . . . . Collins. r J Captain T. Morley .=^=Penelope, daughter of Denham Hancock. I ' Sir Charles Morley, Master of=f=Magdalene, daughter of Sir Requests to Chas. II. of Drox- I William Herbert, brother to ford, Hants. j Lord Herbert of Cherbury. ill . - r _ . I Elizabeth Jane, co-=pNorton Paulet, 2d son of Lord Henry Morley. heir. | Paulet, 2d son of Wm. 4-th M. of Winton. I ' George Paulett, eighth son, who, surviving all his brothers, be- came Marquess of Winchester on the death of Harry 6th Duke of Bolton,in 1794-. He was the father of the present Marquess. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 153 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. PERSECUTED CLERGY. During the period intervening from the commencement of the Long Parliament to the Restoration, the Clergy had to undergo three distinct persecutions. First, when they were expelled from their livings for not taking the Presbyterian Covenant ; secondly, when they were arbitrarily dismissed from their colleges at the visitation which was to purify Oxford ; and thirdly, when the inquisitorial "Tryers" of Oliver Crom- well were sent into every county, with full powers to question and examine the Parochial Clergy, chiefly regarding their views of Calvinism. LILLY AND HUGH PETERS. PR^DESTINARIANISM AND ASTROLOGY. Most memorable is the Judicium Merlini Anglici on the aris- tocracy of the Presbytery, and spoken from his heart : " These men, to be serious, preach well, but they were more LORDLY than BISHOPS, and USUALLY, in THEIR PARISHES, more TYRANNICAL than the GREAT TURK !" Lilly had prophesied against them, and his delight seems to be beyond bounds when Oliver dispersed the Presbyterian Par- liament, for he singeth : " Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut, &c. " For these enemies of mine, viz. PARLIAMENT-MEN, were turned out of doors by Oliver Cromwell. 16 Feb. 1653-4." * Of all who suffered after the Restoration, for being con- cerned in the murder of the King, that poor pulpit pantaloon, Hugh Peters, seems to have suffered most undeservedly ; for he was tried and condemned, and executed, under circum- stances of peculiar cruelty not for what he did, but only for what, it was reported, he said! * Lilly's Life. 154 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. An anecdote respecting him, in Lilly the astrologer's Life, will elucidate his self-importance in a tragedy, where he was not allowed to act any part beyond that of a horn-blower. "Just before the King's Tryal," Lilly says, "in Christmas holy-day, the Lord Grey 'of Groby and HUGH PETERS sent for me to Somerset-house, with directions to bring them two of my Almanacks. I did so. Peters and he read January's observations. " If we are not fools and knaves, said he, we shall DO JUS- TICE ! Then they whispered : I understood not their meaning till his Majesty WAS BEHEADED ! * " They applied what I wrote of JUSTICE to be understood of his Majesty, which was contrary to my wishes ; for JUPITER, the first day of January, became direct, and LIBRA is a sign signifying justice ! " I had not then heard the least intimation of bringing the King unto his tryal, and yet the first day thereof I was casually there, it being upon a Saturday ; for, going to Westminster every Saturday upon the afternoon, in these times, I CASUALLY met Peters. ' Come, LILLY ; wilt thou go hear the King try'd? ' ' When ? ' said I. ' iVotc, just now ; go with me ! ' "f Lilly must have been intent indeed upon the stars, all the week, never to have heard a word about this trial, with which " All England rung from side to side," till, "casually," (for the stars unaccountably gave him no no- tice,) on the very day, and at the very hour, he met Peters ! I have observed elsewhere, that ASTROLOGY seems a natural part of Predestinarianism being both derived from Chaldea, and part of the Oriental system, oi' two principles, of GOOD and EVIL, contending like the good and evil genii of Oriental tales. Cicero exactly describes the astrology of the times of Lilly, in * This whispering of the two conspirators is marvellously like the whispers of the t\vo conspirators in the Rehearsal, t Lilly's Life. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 155 his book De Divinatione, chap. i. And Horace, speakiu^ of l he same astrology applied to DESTINY, say?, Nee BABYLONIOS Tentaris numeros, meaning, by " nameros," not numbers, butjigures of astrology. The battle ofDunbar was determined by Lilly's prophecies; for, at the onset, when each party had "sought the Lord," and the Lord had answered each, that he would surely deliver their enemies into their hand! a soldier was posted, with Lilly's Almanack in his hand, as the troops marched on, and cried, " Hear what Lilly says ! hear what Lilly says ! " JOICE, EXECUTIONER OF CHARLES THE FIRST. There is a very curious account respecting the Executioner of the King, on the 30th of January, in Lilly's Life. Lilly could have had no motive for saying what he did, but he seems to have related faithfully what he heard and believed; and Cornet JOICE, among those great actors of the bloody drama, receiving his MASTER OF ARTS DEGREE AT OXFORD, under the Saints, seems to me an extraordinary corroboration of the truth of Lilly's account, which is as follows : " In June of that year (1660) a new Parliament was called, whereunto I was unwillingly invited by two messengers of the Serjeant at Arms. The matter whereupon I was taken into custody was, to examine me concerning the person who cut off the King's head, viz. the late King's, &c. At last, I desired to be fully heard, &c. and liberty being given me to speak, I re- lated what follows : " That, the next Sunday but one after Charles the First was beheaded, Robert Spavin, Secretary to Lieutenant-Colonel Cromwell at the time, invited himself to dine with me, and brought Antony Peirson, and several others, along with him to dinner : That their principal discourse all dinner-time was only who it was that beheaded the King ; one said it was the com- mon hangman, another HUOH PETERS, &c. Robert Spavin, as 156 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. soon as dinner was done, took me by the hand, and carried me to the South window ' These are all mistaken ; they have not named the man that did the fact it was Lieutenant -Colonel JOICE ! I was in the room when \\ejitted himself for the work ; STOOD BEHIND him when he did it ; when done, went in again with him. There 's no man knows this hut my master, Crom- well, Commissioner Ireton, and myself.' ' Doth not Mr. Rush- worth know it?' said I. ' No, he doth not know it,' said Spa- vin. The same thing Spavin since hath often related to me, when alone."* It is a curious circumstance that high words passed between Joice and Cromwell, LORD PROTECTOR ! Joice spoke of his " services," when Cromwell bid him *' BE GOXE! " MILTON THE SUGGESTER TO CROMWELL OF THE KING'S TRIAL, AS A GRAND NATIONAL SPECTACLE OF JUSTICE. I have thrown out an idea that Milton was the first to sug- gest the trial of the King. The idea of an august national ex- hibition, in which a King should hold up his hand and plead guilty or not guilty, to his subjects whom he had sworn to govern according to Law, I cannot conceive at first entered into the ideas of those who, in possessing the person of the King, sought only to gain additional strength against the Parliament. The bloody Harrison offered to assassinate him, after he had sought the Lord ! From the time when his chap- lains and children were permitted to see him, there seems to have arisen an after-thought in the Leaders of the army. Their language, on a sudden, was changed ; some awful event seemed to take possession of their minds ; and from this time no con- cession had any weight with them. Such an idea as a public trial for offences against the Laws of a King, responsible to that great Nation, never could have occurred, except to the * Lilly's Life, page 90; London, printed for J. Roberts, Warwick-lane, 1715. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 157 thought of him who could thus powerfully, in his own words, describe the spectacle. I adjoin the translation from " Defen- sio Populi Anglicani : " " I am about to discourse of matters neither inconsiderable nor common, but how a MOST POTENT KING, after he had TRAMPLED UPOX THE LAWS OF THE NATION, AND GIVEN A SHOCK TO ITS RELIGION, AND BEGUN TO RULE AT HIS OWN WILL AND PLEASURE, was at last subdued in the field by his own subjects, who had undergone a long slavery under him] how afterwards he was cast into prison, and when he gave no ground, either by words or actions, to hope better things of him, he was finally by the SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE KINGDOM CONDEMNED TO DIE, AND BEHEADED BEFORE THE VERY GATES OF THE ROYAL PALACE! I shall like- wise relate (which will much conduce to the easing men's minds of a great superstition) by WHAT RIGHT, especially according to OUR LAW, this JUDGMENT WAS SIVEN, and all these matters transacted ; and shall easily defend my valiant and worthy countrymen, (who have extremely well deserved of all subjects and nations in the world,) from the most wicked calum- nies both of domestic and foreign railers, and especially from the reproaches of this most vain and empty sophister,* who sets up for a caplain and ringleader to all the rest. For what king's majesty, sitting upon an exalted throne, ever shone so brightly as that of the people of England then did, when, shaking cff that old superstition, which had prevailed a long time, they gave judgment upon the king himself, or rather upon an enemy who had been their king, caught as it were in a net by his own laws, (who alone of all mortals challenged to himself impunity by a divine right,) and scrupled not to inflict the same punish- ment upon him, being guilty, which he would have inflicted upon any other? But why do I mention these things as per- formed by the people, which almost open their voice them- selves, and testify the presence of God throughout? who, as often as it seems good to his infinite wisdom, uses to throw * Salmasius. 158 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. down proud and unruly kings, exalting themselves above the condition of human nature, and utterly to extirpate them and all their family. By his manifest impulse being set on work to recover our almost lost liberty, following him as our guide, and adoring the impresses of his divine power manifested upon all occasions, we went on in no obscure but an illustrious passage, pointed out and made plain to us by God himself. Which things, if I should so much as hope, by any diligence or ability of mine, such as it is, to discourse of as I ought to do, and to commit them so to writing as that perhaps all nations and all ages may read them, it would be a very vain thing in me. For what style can be august and magnificent enough, what man has parts sufficient TO UNDERTAKE so GREAT A TASK?"* Be it always remembered that Milton was appointed Latin Secretary before, not after he wrote the " Defensio," with the salary of /iro hundred pounds a-year. At the close of the war, Milton, who had lent his money, according to Dr. Johnson, to the triumphant party, was utterly neglected by Presbyterians and Independants ; but we know he was suddenly called into a high official station by Cromwell. It is extraordinary that Johnson, in Milton's Life, should have passed over the circumstance that his Tutor was one of the writers of " Smectymnuus." CHEYNELL OVER CHILLI NGWORTH'S GRAVE. The account of Cheynell insulting the remains of the great Chillingworth, would not be believed had not that account been written and published by himself. From the Life in Wood I shall extract this description : " It must be now known, that, in the beginning of the civil dissensions, our author CHILLINGWORTH suffered much for the KING'S CAUSE, and being forced to go from place to place for succour, as opportunity served, went at length to * Defensio. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 159 Arundell Castle, in Sussex, where he was in quality of an engi- neer in that garrison. At length, the castle coming into the hands of the Parliamentarian forces, on the 6th day of January, 1643, he was, by the endeavours of Mr. Franc. Cheynell (about that time Rector of Petworth), made to Sir Will. Waller, the prime governor of those forces, conveyed to Chichester, and there lodged in the bishop's house, because that he, being very sick, could not go to London with the prisoners taken in the said castle. In the said house he remained to his dying day, and, tho' civilly used, yet he was much troubled with the im- pertinent discourses and disputes of the said Cheynell, which the loyal party of that city looked upon as a shortening of our author's days. He gave way to fate on the 24th of January (or thereabouts), in sixteen hundred forty and three, and the next day his body being brought into the cath. church, accom- panied by the said loyal party, was certain service said, but not common prayer, according to the defunct's desire. Afterwards, his body being carried into the cloyster adjoyning, Cheynell stood at the grave ready to receive it, with the author's book of Tfic Religion of Protestants, &c. in his hand : and when the company were all settled, he spoke before them a ridiculous speech concerning the author Chillingworth and that book; and in the conclusion, throwing the book insultingly on the corpse in the grave, said thus : ' Get thee gone, then, thou cursed book, which hast seduced so many precious souls; get thee gone, thou corrupt, rotten book, earth to earth, and dust to dust ; get thee gone into the place of rottenness, that thou may'st rot with thy author, and see corruption.' After the con- clusion, Cheynell went to the pulpit in the cath. church, and preached a sermon on Luke ix. 60. 'Let the dead bury the dead,' &c. while the MALIGNANTS (as he called them) made a shift to perform some parts of the English liturgy at his grave.' " * * But it seems to appear, from Cheynell's own words, that this was not permitted. 160 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. FUNERAL OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST, IN ST GEORGE'S CHAPEL, WINDSOR. " A guard was made all along the galleries, and the Banquet- ting-house : but, behind the soldiers, abundance of men and women crowded in, though with some peril to their persons, to behold the saddest sight that England ever saw. And as his Majesty passed by with a chearful look he heard them pray for him. The soldiers did not rebuke any of them, for, by their silence and dejected faces, they seemed rather afflicted than insulting. There was a passage broke through the wall of the Banquetting-house, by which the King passed unto the scaffold ; where, after his Majesty had spoken and declared publicly that he died a Christian according to the profession of the Church of England (the contents of which have been several times printed), the fatal stroke was given by a disguised person. Mr. Herbert during this time was at the door leading to the scaffold, much lamenting, and the Bishop coming from the scaffold with the royal corps, which was immediately coffin'd and covered with a velvet pall, he and Mr. Herbert went with it to the back stairs to have it embalmed ; and Mr. Herbert, after the body had been deposited, meeting with the Lord Fairfax, the general, that person asked him, How the King did? whereupon Herbert, being something astonished at that ques- tion, told him that the King was beheaded, at which he seemed much surpriz'd. " The royal corps being embalmed and well coffin'd, and all afterwards wrapt up in lead and covered with a new velvet pall, it was removed to St. James's, where was great pressing by all sorts of people to see the King, a doleful spectacle, but few had leave to enter or behold it. Where to bury the King was the last duty remaining. By some historians 'tis said the King spoke something to the Bishop concerning his burial. Mr. Herbert, both before and after the King's death, was frequently in the company with the Bishop, and affirmed that he never mentioned any thing to him of the King's naming any place where he would be buried : nor did Mr. Herbert (who con- LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 161 stantly attended his Majesty, and after his coming to Ilurst- castle was the only person in his Bed-chamber) hear him at any time declare his mind concerning it. Nor was it in his life- time a proper question for either of them to ask, notwithstand- ing they had oftentimes the opportunity, especially when his Majesty was bequeathing to his royal children and friends, what is formerly related. Nor did the Bishop declare any thing concerning the place to Mr. Herbert, which doubtless he would upon Mr. Herbert's pious care about it ; which being" duly considered, they thought no place more fit to interr ihr. corps than in the chappel of King Hen. VII. at the end of the church of Westminster-abbey, out of whose loyns King Charles I. was lineally extracted, &c. Whereupon Mr. Her- bert made his application to such as were then in power for leave to bury the King's body in the said chappel among his ancestors ; but his request was denied, for this reason, that his burying there would attract infinite numbers of all sorts thither, to see where the King was buried ; which, as the times then were, was judged unsafe and inconvenient. Mr. Herbert ac- quainting the Bishop with this, they then resolved to bury the King's body in the royal chappel of St. George within the castle of Windsor, both in regard that his Majesty was sove- reign of the most noble Order of the Garter, and that several Kings had been there interr'd, namely, King Henry VI. King Edward IV. and King Henry VIII. &c. Upon which consi- deration Mr. Herbert made his second address to the Commit- tee of Parliament, who, after some deliberation, gave him an order bearing date the 6th of February, 1618, authorizing him and Mr. Anthony Mildmay to bury the King's body there, which the Governor was to observe. " Accordingly the body was carried thither from St.' James's Feb. 7, in a hearse covered with black velvet, drawn by six horses covered with black cloth, in which were about a dozen gentlemen, most of them being such that had waited upon his Majesty at Carisbrook-castle and other places since his Ma- jesty's going from Newcastle. Mr. Herbert shew'd the Gover- VOL. I. M 162 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. nor, Colonel Witchcot, the Committee's order for permitting Mr. Herbert and Mr. Mildmay to bury him, the late King, in any place within Windsor-castle that they should think fit and meet. In the first place, in order thereunto, they carried the King's body into the Dean's house, which was hung with black, and after to his usual bed-chamber within the palace. After which, they went to St. George's chappcl to take a view thereof, and of the most fit and honourable place for the royal corps to rest in. Having taken a view, they at first thought that the tomb-house built by Cardinal Wolsey would be a fit place for his interment; but that place, tho' adjoyning, yet being not within the royal chappel, they waved it : for, if King Henry VIII. was buried there (albeit to that day the particular place of his burial was unknown to any), yet in regard his Majesty King Charles I. (who was a real Defender of the Faith, and as far from censuring any as might be,) would, upon occasional dis- course, express some dislike in King Henry's proceedings, in misemploying the vast revenues the suppressed abbeys, mo- nasteries, and other religious houses, were endowed with, and by demolishing those many beautiful and stately structures, which both express'd the greatness of their founders and pre- served the splendour of the kingdom, which might at the Re- formation have in some measure been kept up and converted to sundry pious uses. " Upon consideration thereof, those gentlemen declined it, and, pitched upon the vault where King Edward IV. had been interr'd, being on the North side of the choir, near the altar, that King being one his late Majesty would oftentimes make honourable mention of, and from whom his Majesty was lineally propagated. That therefore induced Mr. Herbert to give order to Mr. Harrison and Hen. Jackson to have that vault opened, partly covered with a fair large stone of touch, raised within the arch adjoyning, having a range of iron bars gilt, curiously cut according to church-work, &c. But, as they were about this work, some noblemen came thither, namely, the Duke of Richmond, the Marquis of Hertford, the Earl of LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 163 Lindsey, and with them Dr. Juxon, Bishop of London, who had license from the Parliament to attend the King's body to his grave. Those gentlemen, therefore, Herbert and Mild- may, thinking fit to submit and leave the choice of the place of burial to those great persons, they in like manner viewed the tomb-house and the choir, and one of the Lords beating gently upon the pavement with his staff, perceived a hollow sound, and thereupon ordering the stones and earth to be re- moved, they discovered a descent into a vault where two cof- fins were laid near one another, the one very large, of an an- tique form, and the other little. These they supposed to be the bodies of King Henry VIII. and Queen Jane Seymour, his third wife, as indeed they were. The velvet palls that covered their coffins seemed fresh, tho' they had lain there above 100 years. " The Lords agreeing that the King's body should be in the said vault interr'd, being about the middle of the choir, over against the eleventh stall upon the Sovereign's side, they gave order to have the King's name, and year he died, cut in lead ; which whilst the workmen were about, the Lords went out and gave Puddifant, the sexton, order to lock the chappel door, and not suffer any to stay therein till farther notice. The sex- ton did his best to clear the chappel, nevertheless Isaac, the sexton's man, said that a foot-soldier had hid himself, so as he was not discerned, and being greedy of prey, crept into the vault, and cut so much of the velvet pall that covered the great body as he judged would hardly be missed, and wimbled also a hole thro' the said coffin that was largest, probably fancying that there was something well worth his adventure. The sex- ton at his opening the door espied the sacrilegious person, who being searched, a bone was found about him, with which he said he would haft a knife. The Governour being therefore in- formed of, he gave him his reward ; and the Lords and others present were convinced that a reall body was in the said great coffin, which some before had scrupled. The girdle or circum- scription of capital letters of lead put about the King's coffin had only these words : ' King Charles, 164-8.' M 2 164 LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. "The King's body was then brought from his bed-chamber down into St. George's hall ; whence, after a little stay, it was with a slow and solemn pace (much sorrow in most faces being then discernible), carried by gentlemen of quality in mourning. The noblemen, in mourning also, held up the pall, and the Governor with several gentlemen, officers and attendants, came after. It was then observed that, at such time as the King's body was brought out from St. George's hall, the sky was se- rene and clear, but presently it began to snow, and the snow fell so fast, that by that time the corps came to the west end of the royal chappel, the black velvet pall was all white (the colour of innocency) being thick covered over with snow. The body being by the bearers set down near the place of burial, the Bishop of London stood ready with the service-book in his hands to have performed his last duty to the King his master, according to the order and form of burial of the dead set forth in the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, which the Lords likewise desired ; but it would not be suffered by Col. Whitchcot, the governor of the castle, by reason of the Directory, to which (said he) he and others were to be conformable. Thus went the White King to his grave, in the 48th year of his age, and 22d year and 10th month of his reign. To let pass Merlin's prophecy, which some allude to the white sattin his Majesty wore when he was crowned in Westminster-abbey, former kings having on purple robes at their coronation, I shall con- clude this narrative with the King's own excellent expression, running thus: 'Crowns and kingdoms are not as valuable as rny honour and reputation. Those must have a period with my life, but these survive to a glorious kind of immortality, when I am dead and gone ; a good name being the embalming of princes, and a sweet consecrating of them to an eternity of love and gratitude amongst posterity!' " * * Sir Thomas Herbert's Memoirs. LIFE OF BISHOP KEN. 165 CHAPTER VII. PIETY OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF ENGLAND CON- TRASTED WITH THE SPIRIT OF PURITANISM - PRESBY- TERIAN AND PAPAL PERSECUTION HISTORIANS CON- CLUDING REFLECTIONS. 'Olying glass" To which most just observation I would add that he who reads the Bible by the aid of a doctrinal commentator, becomes so used to the ob- scure glass of the mind of another, the greater part of what is natural, and beautiful, and affecting in the original Gospel, escapes him, till by degrees he has not a thought out of the hacknied track of his com- mentator. In writing the Life of an English Bishop, I have thought it my duty to speak freely respecting the spirit of CALVINISTIC PURITANISM, the fruits of which, in a former age, were so immoral, and bane- ful, and which seems evidently gaining ground in the present age. I cannot conclude my remarks on this subject without adverting to what has been said by a learned Bishop, Dr. Horsley, in an Episcopal Charge. We are told that many talk of CALVINISM, without knowing what Calvinism is ; and that there are sun- dry good Christian lessons to be learnt from Calvin's 262 CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. Institutes ! I forget the words, nor are they mate- rial, but this is the sentiment delivered in an Epis- copal Charge, and now constantly referred to by semi-demi-Cal\mists, too commonly the most bitter and unchristian in spirit and certainly the most appalling in physiognomy, of all modern nominal Christians ! * I answer there are also fine moral passages, and sublime conceptions, in a work called the Ko- ran, or the " Institutions " of Mahomet ! together with something of the same predestination, and the " black drop " of the human heart ; but, when I speak of Calvinism, I speak only of its peculiar and distinguishing dogmas. As to what this rigid Reformer teaches in other re- spects, and with whatever eloquence and learning he may enforce them, who, among Christians, need care a rush, when the sentiments are those of a man who, in his distinguishing creed, seems to speak from the Gehenna of his own heart, if we may judge of that heart by his conduct r If it be said his persecuting cruelty was the conse- quence of the times, this might be pleaded for Cran- mer or even for Bonner. If it be said the other Reformers of Switzerland, and Melancthon himself, thought the publication of some opinions ought to be punished by death did they lie in wait for * Compare the interesting countenance of Ken with those riiagcs which appall us in every bookseller's window, of the Rev. Tliouiu* Scott and John Newton ! ! CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. 263 blood, like a crouching tiger? when the unfortu- nate Servetus passed in his journey through Geneva, did they exclaim, " We will take care he shall not escape alive ! " and, when he was condemned to the horrible torture, did they write in cold blood, yet with sanctimonious rapture, "Servetus," after his condemnation, " only roared, with the stupidity of a beast MERCY ! MERCY !"* Let us hear no more of an English Bishop talk- ing of the holiness or morals in this man's wri- tings ; rather, he ought to have said (as it is written, " What concord has Christ with Belial ?") "What concord has CHRIST with MOLOCH?" As I have given the reader a specimen of the " real piety" of that Prince of Puritans, who com- plained that the great Chillingworth was so " O/M//"- nate" he could not " convince film," and who after his death insulted his remains so inhumanly, I shall conclude with a passage from that great and in- sulted writer : "The BIBLE the BIBLE the BIBLE IS THE RELIGION OF PROTESTANTS." And we may repeat, "The BIBLE the BIBLE the BIBLE IS THE RELIGION OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF CHRIST IN ENG- LAND." * " Tantiim reboaret belluina stupiditate, MISERICORDIA ! MISERICORDIA ! " Calvin's Letter to Farell. See " Banwell- hill." 264 CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. AFTER so much has been said of the lives and characters of the Protestant Episcopal Clergy, of the Church of England, particularly after the Resto- ration, the Christian reader I hope will forgive my concluding the whole in the following lines, sug- gested on seeing a few plants in the windows of Seth Ward's College, endowed for widows of clergy- men at Salisbury. THERE is but one stage more, in Life's long way ! Oh ! widow'd Women, sadly on your path Hath Evening bringing change of scenes and friends Descended, since the morn of Hope shone fair; And lonely age is yours, whose tears have fall'n Upon a husband's grave, with whom long since, Amid the quietude of village scenes, Ye walk'd, and saw your little children grow Like lovely plants beside you, or adorn'd Your lowly garden-plat with summer flowers ; And heard the bells, upon the Sabbath-morn, Chime to the village Church when he you lov'd Walk'd by your side to prayer. These images Of days long pass'd of love, and village-life, You never can forget ; and many a plant, Green growing, at the windows of your Home, And one pale primrose, in small earthen vase, And bird cage, in the shunshine, at the door, Remember you, though in a city pent, Of Morning walks, along the village-lane, Of the lark singing, through the vernal hail, Of swallows skimming o'er the garden-pond, CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS. 265 Remember you of children and of friends Parted, and pleasant summers gone. Tis meet To nurse such recollections not with pain, But in submission to the will of Heaven Thankful, that here, as the calm eve of life In pious privacy steals on, one hearth Of Charity is yours; and cold must be That heart, which, of the changes of the world Unmindful, could receive you but as guests*, Who had seen happier days! Yet one stage more, And your long rest will be with Him you lov'd. Oh ! pray to GOD, that each may " rest in Hope ! " March 18, 1830. * SETH WARD, Bishop of Salisbury, built and endowed at Salisbury, Collegium Matronarum the College of Matrons, Widows of Clergymen. They are entertained by each Canon during his residence. This was written when they were the guests of the Author. VOL. I. 26(5 IN the course of this work, we have shewn the effects of all HUMAN INFALLIBILITY, whether Papal, Presbyterian, or Independent, that of the Pope, the Synod, or the private Spirit, and we have adduced these examples to shew, from proof the most incontrovertible, that there is no other basis of Christian charity than that on which the Church of England rests the INFALLIBILITY OF THE WORD OF GOD. As one poor victim to this terrific HUMAN INFAL- LIBILITY was of the sect of Quakers, before the tribunal of the tolerant Cromwellian Puritans, I shall refer, not, as I might do, to the acknowledged works of the most eloquent writers of the commu- nion which reposes "INFALLIBILITY" on its only sure and safe ground, but adduce the testimony of one of those benevolent brethren in Christ, who, having once suffered so much, now dwell in love and peace with a Church which, whilst it reads the TEXTS of the Scripture in a different sense, re- nounces all infallibility, save in the WORD to which both appeal, " holding firmly" that which they are "persuaded in their own mind" is the Truth, walk- ing in Charity, and leaving the result, in humble Hope, to that period when we " shall no longer see through a glass darkly." Now the testimony I adduce is that of Penn, the POSTSCRIPT. Quaker, before the House of Commons. lie said : How easily might all these confusions (the distracted state of religion) have been avoided, if men's FAITH about CHRIST had been delivered' in the words of Scripture, since all sides pretend to be- lieve the TEXT: will nothing do but MAN'S COM- MENT* on God's text?" In doing "justice to the principles of the Church of England," he further argues " But why go so far back ? Is it not recent in memory, that Bishop Usher was employed in a mission to Oliver Crom- well, by some of the Church of England, for LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE ?" Penn then appeals to the writings of Hammond, Saunderson, &c. 11 The Word of God (says Saunderson, of whose learning and piety we have so often spoken) does expressly forbid us to subject our CONSCIENCE to the will of any one, or to usurp a dominion over the consciences of any one." Penn then cited eight passages from Taylor, ejected, as we have seen, from Oxford as " scan- dalous and malignant;" "scandalous" because he was not a Calvinistic Puritan, and "malignant" be- cause he was not a traitor to his King." * What would Penn have said if he had lived to see evtry chapter, every text, almost every word in " the HOLY BIBLE," subjected to the process of Jesuitical sophistry, and elaborate COMMENTS read by thousands and thousands as God's " HOLY BIBLE," the texts being never read without the systematical comments of Thomas Scott ! 268 POSTSCRIPT. One of the passages quoted by Penn from Taylor was this : " If I should tie another man to believe my opinion, because I think I have a place in Scrip- ture which seems to warrant it to my under- standing, why may he not exact the same thing of me ? If a man never changes his opinion but when he cannot do otherwise, then to use force may make him a hypocrite, but never a right believer."* And with this passage, from a most eloquent, most learned, most truly Christian, and pwsecuted Son of our Zion, as quoted by a Quake) 1 lay down, for the present, my biographical and histori- cal pen, fervently praying, in the beautiful language of our once-reviled Liturgy " THAT ALL WHO PRO- FESS AND CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS MAY BE LED INTO THE WAY OF TRUTH, AND HOLD THE FAITH IN UNITY OF SPIRIT, IN THE BOND OF PEACE, AND IN RIGHTEOUSNESS OF LIFE." Amen! * Jeremy Taylor. END OF VOL. I. J. B. .Nichols ud Son, 25, Parliament-street. U Q*('l'u:;. ** m 457 488 \frfA A r r-